PFESENTED TO TELE I_IBER ALERY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAI . . " 2. - r - : & ...” - º; 2. ,’ % - - - $– 4- - - - - *- : - - - - -% , Seš * → … -- ŅĀTSTĀSTSTĀSTSTSTOESTSTØTSTSTSTOESTSTOSTSTÒTÒTÒTÒTÒT,Ş Ç Ç Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ ſae)©$,?,?,?\ſ? §$%$&#%$§$%$§$%$§$%$&#%$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ķģ¿ # © ſae §§ Zºo © © © © © Q © Q © @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @• &&&&&¿ģĞğ §ŘŠŤŽ¿- & & & & & & & & & © © © © © Ç) Ç) Ç?(№. ●§§§§§§§。§§§§ſae§§§§§§Řſae; ºšķ}}Ě& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &&\º_º_º_º_º_º_º_º_º_2_º_º_º_2_º_º3 & & � � � � � � � � � � � � 9.{º}<3 ¿§ (, º.ſ-T)§§ §§[+]*} ſº, º€-§§ §|\(|\ ))· św.ſ.È– ſū§: $(S)} šķčšč|| ()CD?? º ¿ſá| 4È (, , !¿ ().O SE „º»– –] ©。 < —?-> ºâ ſ-lj. Gº 0。 \§- Qae^►C)ſrl●·ķāſ ... 306 FINANCE, CURRENCY, BANKING, OLD NEWSPAPERS, AND PERI- AND SOCIAL SCIENCE 126, 430 ODICALS © e e ... 313 CoNTENTS. PAGE PAGE OLD OPERAS 90, 291, 315| SHROPSHIRE 0 0 tº ... 424 OXFORDSHIRE tº 0 & ... 319 | SOCIAL SCIENCE © e e 126, 430 PEDIGREES tº C & 166, 326 | SOMERSETSHIRE & W ºn ... 435 PERCY SOCIETY PUBLICATIONs... 327 | SPAIN © e e tº G & ... 440 PHILOLOGY, INCLUDING OLD DIC- SPORTING ... ... 5 ,443 TIONARIES, ANGLO SAXON, STAFFORDSHIRE ... ... 447 AND ENGLISH DIALECTs ... 330 | STAGE AND DRAMA ... 90, 315, 448 PLAGUE º º tº tº e e ... 342 | SUFFOLK ... tº º ºr ... 454 POPULAR ANTIQUITIES, SUPER- SURREY ... tº e > ... 458 STITIONS, FOLK. LORE AND SUSSEx e is e tº a º ... 462 WITCHCRAFT ... " ... 347 | SWIFT & C & tº e Q ... 467 PREHISTORIC ANTIQUITIES, AND WOLTAIRE ... e - tº ... 493 ARCHAEOLOGY ... ... 352 || WALES tº º º tº tº tº ... 494 PRETENDER © º º ... 481 | WARWICKSHIRE e - e ... 501 QUAKERS © tº º ... 359 || WESTMORELAND es e e ... 505 RECORDS tº e e ... 365 | WILTSHIRE ... & © º ... 510 REYNARD THE FOX ... ... 368 WORCESTERSHIRE ... ... 516 SCOTLAND ... © tº e ... 386 || YORKSHIRE ... © tº a ... 520 SHAKESPEARIANA ... ... 392 C AT A L () (; U E. #BODE of LOVE.—Prince's (Brother) Journal, or an Account of the Destruction of the Works of the Devil in the Human Soul by the Lord Jesus Christ, through the Gospel. Thick cr. 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d 1859 2 A CHOICE DROP of Honey from the Rock Christ, or a short word of Advice to all Saints and Sinners, by Thos. Wilcocks. 12mo, 1s 1739 ACTON (Wm.) New Journal of Italy, containing what is most Remarkable of the Antiquities of Rome, Savoy, and Naples. 18mo, half morocco. 5s 1691 4 ADAM OUT OF EDEN, or an Abstract of divers excellent Experiments touching the Advancement of Husbandry, by AD. SPEED. 18mo, half calf. 12s 6d 1659 The author endeavours (amongst other things) to prove how to increase the value of Land, from £200 to £2000, by help of Rabbits. The book is full of original ideas, perhaps worth carrying out by our agriculturists. ADDISON (C. C.) History of the Temple Church. 12mo, plates, cloth. 2s 6d 1843 ADDISON (Joseph) Some portion of Essays contributed to the Spectator by. Only 250 copies PRIVATELY PRINTED. Sm. 4to. 2s 6d Glasgow, 1864 Printed for the first time from Addison’s MSS. 7 ADDISON (Joseph) The Free-holder Political Essays, 8vo, calf. 4s 6d 1758 8 ADVICE to the Officers and Soldiers of the British Army (Satirical), 12mo, frontispiece, boards. 2s 1801 3 5 (5 2 Alfred Russell Smith, 9 AEROSTATION.—ASTRA CASTRA, Experiments and Ad- ventures in the Atmosphere, by Hatton Turnor. Thick 4to, mu- merous plates of the different attempts at flying by artificial aid, ballooning, etc., very interesting, new cloth. 13s 6d 1865 10 AFSOP's FABLES, with his Life, in English, French, and Latin, by FRANCIS BARLow. Folio, 112 sculptures, with 31 new jigures illustrating his Life (one wanting as usual), half calf. §1. 5s 1687 1] 3 grippa (H. C.) Of the Vanitie and Uncertaintie of Artes and Sciences, Englished by Ja. San. Gent, 4to, black letter, fine copy, calf meat. :#1 15s H. Bynneman, 1575 12 AIKIN (John) Essay on SONG WRITING, with a Collec- tion of the best English Songs. Best Edition, with Supplement by Evans. Post 8vo, calf, full gilt back. 6s 1810 13 ALBION's ENGLAND, a continued. Historie of the Same Kingdome from the Originals of the first inhabitants thereof. And most the Chiefe Alterations and Accidents there hapning in the present Raigne of Queen Elizabeth, by WILLIAM WARNER. 4to, calf. :82. 15s 1597 14 ALFIERI’s TRAGEDIES.—Tragedie di ALFIERI D’ASTI. 7 vols, royal 8vo, portrait and fine plates, half calf. £1.4s Firenze, 1820 15 ALFIERI and GOLDONI, their Lives and Adventures, by Edw. Copping, 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d 1857 16 ALFRED THE GREAT, Life by A. Bicknell. 8vo, portrait calf meat. 2s 1777 17 ALABAMA CLAIMS.—The Case of the United States, to be laid before the Tribunal of Geneva. Roy. 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d 1872 18 ALLOYS OF GOLD.—Hatchett (Chas.) Report on the various Alloys, specific gravity and wear and tear of Gold. 4to, plate, half bound. 3s 6d 1803 19 ALEYN (Chas.) Historie of that Wise and Fortunate, Prince, Henrie the Seventh, with that famed battaile fought be- tween the said King Henry and Richard the Third, named Crookbacke at Bosworth, in a Poem. 12mo, calf extra by Bedford. :#1, 15s 1638 20 ALPHABETS OF THE WORLD.—Pantographia, containing Accurate Copies of all the Known Alphabets of the World, with an English Explanation of the force or power of each letter, with Specimens of all well Authenticated Oral Languages, forming a Comprehensive digest of Phonology, by EDMUND FRY. Royal 8vo, half calf meat. 8s 6d 1799 36, Soho Square, London. 3 21 AMERICA.—Stamford Soldiers’ Memorial, by Rev. E. B. Huntington. 8vo, cloth, PRIVATELY PRINTED. 3s 6d Stamford, Conn., 1869 Contains a complete List of all those connected with the Town who served and died both in the Military and Naval services. 22 AMHURST (N.) Terrae-Filius, or the Secret History of the University of Oxford in several Essays. 12mo, neat. 3s 1754 23 AMORY's Life of JoHN BUNCLE, containing various Ob- servations and Reflections, made in several parts of the World, and many Extraordinary Relations. 4 vols, post 8vo, new calf gilt. £1. Is 1770 24 ANA.— Collection of Interesting Anecdotes, Memoirs, Allegories, Essays and Poetical Fragments, collected by Mr. Addison (a Pseudonym). 4to, boards. 4s 6d 1793 25 ANA.—The Book of Authors; a Collection of Criticisms, Ana, Mots, Personal Descriptions, &c., by W. Clark Russell. Thick post 8vo, cloth. Żs 26 ANA.—The Book of Aphorisms, by a Modern Pythago- rean. 12mo, cloth. 2s Glasgow, 1834 27 ANA. — Arvines' Cyclopædia of Moral and Religious Anecdotes ; a Collection of nearly 3,000 Facts, Incidents, Narra- tives, Examples, and Testimonies, edited by Rev. Jno. Flesher. Thick post 8vo, new half morocco, scarce. 8s 6d 1850 28 ANA.—Buck's (Chas.) "Anecdotes, Religious, Moral and Entertaining, Alphabetically arranged, with useful observations. 2 vols, lzmo, half calf gilt. 7s 6d 1815 29 ANA–Encyclopædiana, ou Dictionnaire Encyclopédique des Ana, contenant, ce qu'on a pu recueiller de moins connu Ou de plus curieux parmiles Sallies de l’Esprit, les attentats du Vice, le delire des Passions, les Anecdotes, Epigrammes, et Bons Mots, et l'autres choses plus remarquables. Thick 4to, boards. 9s 6d Paris, 1791 30 ANACHARSIS’ Travels in Greece during the Fourth Century of the Christian Era, by the Abbé Barthelemi, trans- lated from the French. 5 vols, 8vo, including atlas of the Geo- graphy and Antiquities of Ancient Greece, calf gilt. 9s 1796 31 AN ANSWERE to Certaine Scandalous Papers, scattered abroad under Colour of CATHOLICKE ADMONITION. 4to. 12s 1606 32 ANCIENT ARMOUR.—Engraved Illustrations of Antient Armour and Arms in the Collection of H. Meyrick at Goodrich Court, with descriptions, 2 vols, folio, over 100 fine plates by Skelton, half morocco, É3. 15s Original edition, 1830 4. Alfred Russell Smith, 33 ANCIENT BALLAD of the FAIR WIDOW of WATLING STREET, and her Three Daughters, from the earliest known edi- tion of 1600, edited by J. O. Halliwell. 12mo, only 30 copLES PRIVATELY PRINTED, half morocco. 15s 1860 34 ANCIENT CHRISTMAS CAROLS, with the Tunes to which they were sung in the WEST OF ENGLAND, collected by DAVIES GILBERT. 8vo, numerous plates of Music, boards, very scarce. 16s 1823 35 ANCIENT CHRONOLOGY..—Sharpe (Samuel) Alexandrian Chronology, from the Building of the City till its Conquest by the Arabs in 640. 4to, boards. 5s 1857 36 ANCIENT IRISH HISTORIES.—The Works of Spencer, Campion, Hanmer, and Marleburrough, 2 vols, 4to, green mo- rocco, gilt edges. £2 10s Dublin, 1809 37 ANCIENT POEMs, Ballads, and Songs of the PEASANTRY of England, taken down from oral recitation, and transcribed from private manuscripts, rare broadsides, and scarce publications, col- lected and edited by J. H. Dixon. Post 8vo, very scarce. £1. Is Percy Soc., 1846 38 ANCIENT Critical Essays upon English Poets and Poesy, edited by Joseph Haslewood. 2 vols, 4to, boards, only 200 copies printed, very scarce. £3, 15s Triphook, 1811–15 Contents Puttenham's Arte of Poesie, 1589, ten other pieces on the Arte of Poesie by Gascoigne, Harvey, Spenser, James I., Webb, Harring- ton, Meres, Campion, Law, Daniel, and Bolton. 39 ANCIENT HISTORICAL TAPESTRIES.—Art of Needlework from the Earliest Ages, with Notices of Ancient Historical Tapes- tries, by the Countess of Wilton. Post Svo, cloth. 4s 6d #1840 40 ANCIENTILLUMINATIONS –Les Evangiles des Dimanches et Fêtes de l’Année. 2 thick vols, 4to, nearly 500 illuminations, etc., half morocco. £15. 15s Paris, L. Curmer, 1864 This is one of the MOST SUMPTUOUS WORKS of ART that has appeared for many years, EACH PAGE in the first Volume is an actual FACSIMILE REPRODUCTION in all the GORGEOUS COLORS of actual PICTURES in Missals, Breviaries, and MSS. from the EARLIEST TIME, and many of them of priceless value, preserved in the Public Libraries and Museums on the Continent and elsewhere. The Second Volume consists of Lives of the Saints, an Account of the different MSS. from which the pictures have been taken, and is beautifully illustrated with Photographs and elegantly executed woodcuts, illustrating the Dance of Death, Emblems, &c. The work was originally published at about £80, and the publisher was ruined in consequence of the enormous expense. It would prove invaluable to the Artist or the Designer, while to the Collector of MSS. it would be a source of inconceivable pleasure as he would by the aid of this work have the gratification in knowing that although it is impossible to possess the originals, he has here the most perfect facsimiles that it is possible for Science, Art, or Money to produce. This copy unfortunately wants the first 10 pages of the list of Sub- scribers and sheet 11 (2 leaves) in the second vol, otherwise it is in perfect and clean condition. Complete copies sell for £50. * -- * 36, Soho Square, London. 5 41 ANCIENT MARBLES.—Description of the Ancient Mar- bles in the British Museum, by Taylor Combe. 2 vols, 4to, 61 fine plates, boards. £1.5s (pub £4. 18s 6d) 1812 42 ANCIENT SEPULCHRES.—Gli ANTICHI SEPOLCHRI ovvero Mausolei Romani ed Etrusci trovata in Roma, da Piet. Santi Bartoli. Folio, 110 fine plates, calf gilt. £1.1s Roma, 1768 A most useful book to anyone interested in ancient Funeral Cere- IY1OIn 16S. 43 ANCIENT SEALS.–Engravings from Ancient Seals at- tached to Deeds and Charters in the Muniment Room of Sir Thos. Hare of Stowe Bardolph. Part II. Folio, finely engraved plates, Privately Printed, cloth. 7s 6d Stowe Bardolph, 1862 44 ANCIENT TERRACOTTAS.—Description of the Ancient Terracottas in the British Museum, by Taylor Combe. 4to, 40 plates, boards. 12s (pub £2. 12s 6d) 1810 45 ANCIENT STONE CROSSES of ENGLAND, by Alfred Rimmer. 8vo, cloth. 6s (pub 9s) 1875 With seventy-two charming woodcuts, illustrating every Market Cross in England. An entertaining volume to the antiqnary. ANGLING. 46 NOBBES (Robert) The Compleat Troller, or the Art of Trolling, with an Account of most of the principal rivers in England, by a Lover of the Sport. FIRST EDITION, 12mo, new morocco extra, gilt edges. £2 2s 1682 47 WALTON (Izaack) Completé Angler, or the Contemplative Man's Recreation, Facsimile reprint of the First Edition, 1653. 12mo, cloth. 5s (pub 7s 6d) E. Stock, 1876 48 WORLIDGE (J.) Systema Agricultura, the Mystery of Husbandry discovered, treating of the most Advantageous Ways of Tilling, Planting, Sowing Lands, Orchards, &c. Folio, frontispiece and opposite verses, calf gilt. 8s 6d I 675 A work still in great repute. It contains a Kalendarium Rusticum, and the prognostics of Scarcity, Plenty, Cold, Frost, Snow, and Sick- ness, also a Dictionary of Rustic and Intricate Terms dispersed in our Rural Authors ; and chapters on Bees, Fowling and Fishing. 49 BROOKES (R.) Art of Angling, Rock and Sea-Fishing, with the Natural History of River, Pond, and Sea Fish. FIRST EDITION, 12mo, 133 woodcuts, calf meat. 9s 1740 50 BEST’s ART of ANGLING, with several New and Recent Discove- ries. FIFTH EDITION, 12mo, frontispiece, half morocco. 7s 6d. 1802—LATER EDITION, boards. 4s 6d. 1822 51 ANGLING ExCURSIONS of GREGORY GREENDRAKE in Ireland (Counties Wicklow and Westmeath). 2 parts in I vol, boards, scarce. 7s 6d Dublin, 1826 52 DAVY (H.) Salmonia, or Days of Fly-Fishing, a series of Con- versations, with some account of the Habits of the Genus Salmo, 12mo, plates and cuts, calf meat, marble edges, 4s 6d 1832 6 Alfred Russell Smith, 53 ANGLING.-Fish in Rivers and Streams : a Treatise on the Pro- duction and Management of Fish in Fresh Waters by Artificial Spawning, Breeding, and Rearing, showing the Uause of the Depletion of Rivers, etc., by Gottlieb Boccius. 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d. Van Voorst, 1848 54 OLIVER (Stephen) Scenes and Recollections of FLY-FISHING in Northumberland, Cumberland and Westmoreland. 12mo, pretty vignettes, cloth. 3s 6d 1834 55 COMPLETE ANGLER's Wade Mecum, being a Perfect Code of In- struction on that Science, with a great variety of Original Prac- tices and Inventions, by Capt. T. WILLIAMSON, post 8vo, sewed (no plates). 2s 6d 1808 56 ANGLING in CANADA.—Adventures of an Angler in Canada, Nova Scotia, and the United States by Chas. Lanman. Cr. 8vo, por- trait and woodcuts, cloth. 5s 1848 57 ANGLING in AMERICA.—The Fishing Tourist, Angler's Guide and Reference Book, by Charles Hallock. Cr. 8vo, frontispiece, new cloth. 5s New York, 1873 58 ANGLING-Akerman's (J. Y.) Spring Tide ; or, the Angler and his Friends. Plates, cloth (original price, 6s) 2s 6d 1852 58%.AN ANGLER's RAMBLEs and Angling Songs, by Thos. Tod Stod- dart. Thick cr. 8vo, mew cloth. 5s 1866 59 O’GORMAN.—The Practice of Angling, particularly as regards Ireland. 2 vols, cr. 8vo, portrait, cloth, scarce. 8s 6d Dublin, 1845 60 ANGLER's Garland and Fisher's Delight. Sm. 4to, CUTS BY BE- WICK, Sewed. 2s l87I 61 ANGLICAN SCHISM.–The Rise and Growth of the Anglican Schism, by Nicholas Sander. Published in 1585, with a Continuation by Rev. Edw. Rushton. Translated, with Intro- duction and Notes, by David Lewis. Thick 8vo, cloth. 5s 1877 A review of this remarkable book and a refutation will be found in Burnett's History of the Reformation, it contains a great quantity of information about the Reformation, Divorces of Henry VIII., Dissolu- tion of the Monasteries, and the Machinations and Intrigues during Elizabeth's reign. ANGLO-SAXON. 62 ANCIENT LAws and INSTITUTEs of England, comprising those of the A.-S. Rings, Edward the Confessor's, William the Con- queror's, Henry I., also Munimenta Eccles. Anglicana, from the 7th to the 10th Century, edited with Translations, Glossary, etc., by Benj. Thorpe, 2 thick, roy. 8vo vols, cloth. £1. 15s 1840 63. QUATUOR Evangeliorum Versiones perantiquae duae Gothica, et Anglo-Saxonicum collatio emendatius F.JUNIUS et T.Marshall ac- cessit Glossarium et Alphabetum. 2 vols in 1, calf gilt, very 'meat. 15s Dordrech, 1665 This is one of the Best Editions of the Anglo-Saxon Gospels. The Gothic and Anglo-Saxon being in their original characters. The types for which were cast in Holland at the expense of Junius himself. 36, Soho Square, London. 7 64 GRAMMATICA Anglo-Saxonica ex Hickesiano Linguarum Septen- trionalium Thesauro excerpta. 8vo, half calf. 3s Oxford, 1711 Elstobb ascribes this to Mr. Thwaites. 65 ANGLO-SAXON Vocabularium Lexico Gul. Somneri auctis, opera Thomae Benson. 8vo. calf meat. 4s 6d Oocom., 1701 66 ANGLO-SAXON and GOTHIC. Four Versions of the Holy Gospels, viz., in Gothic, A.D. 360 ; Anglo-Saxon, 995; Wycliffe, 1389; and Tyndale, 1526, in parallel columns, with Preface and Notes by the Rev. Dr. Bosworth, Professor of Anglo-Saxon in the Uni- versity of Oxford, assisted by George Waring, M.A., of Cambridge and Oxford. Above 600 pages, 8vo. 12s 1874 67 A COMPENDIOUS Anglo-Saxon and English Dictionary, by the Rev. J. Bosworth, D.D., F.R.S., etc., Anglo-Saacon Professor in the University of Oxford, closely printed in treble columns. 8vo. 12s 1876 68 THE Anglo-Saxon Poems of Beowulf, the Scop or Gleeman's Tale, and the Fight at Finnesburg, with a literal Translation, notes, and copious glossary by Benjamin Thorpe, post 8vo, cloth. 7s 6d º 1875 70 SELECT Monuments of the Doctrine and Worship of the Catholic Church of England before the Norman Conquest, in Anglo-Saxon, with translations, etc., by Eben. Thomson. Second edition, 12mo, cloth, 5s A 1875 Comprising Ælfric's Paschal Homily, and Extracts from his Epistles, the Offices of the Canonical Hours and Metrical Prayers. 71 SISSON's Anglo-Saxon Grammar, with Praxis and Vocabulary. 12mo, boards. 2s Leeds, 1819 72 ANGLO-SAXON Grammar by Rusk, with Praxis enlarged and improved, translated by B. Thorpe. 8vo, cloth. 6s 6d 1830 73 ELEMENTS of Anglo-Saxon Grammar, and Grammatical Praxis, with Literal English Version, etc., by Bosworth. 8vo, frontis- piece, boards. 6s 1823 74 ALFRED (King) Memorials of King Alfred, being Essays on the History and Antiquities of England during the Ninth Century— the age of King Alfred, by various authors, edited and in part written by the Rev. Dr. Giles. Roy. 8vo, pp. 400, coloured plate of King Alfred's Jewel, seven plates of Anglo-Saxon Coins, and views of Grimbald's Crypt, cloth. 7s 6d 1863 75 INGRAM’s Lectures on the Utility of Anglo-Saxon Literature, with the Geography of Europe by King Alfred and the Discovery of the North Cape in the 9th Century. 4to, map, boards. 5s Oxford, 1807 76 ANALECTA Anglo-Saxonica : a Selection in Prose and Verse from Anglo-Saxon Authors of various Ages, with a Glossary, designed chiefly as a first book for students, by Benjamin Thorpe, F.S.A., a new edition, with corrections and improvements. Post 8vo, cloth. 7s 6d 1868 77 NARRATIUNCULAE Anglice Conscriptae, de pergamis exscribebat motis illustrabat eruditus copiam T. Oswald Cockayne, 8vo, Sewed. 3s 1861 8 *. Alfred Russell Smith, 78 GODES WYRHTAN, or the Labourers in the Vineyard : Anglo- Saxon Homily by Abp. AElfric, with translation by W. M. Ramsay. 8vo, Sewed. 2s I878 79 BOSWORTH (Rev. J.) Scandinavian Literature, with short chrono- logical specimens of the Old Danish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Dale- - carlian, and Ferroe Dialects. Roy. 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1839. 80 RECHERCHES sur la Fusion du Franco-Normand et de l’Anglo- Saxon, par J. P. Thommerd. 8vo, sewed. 2s 1840 81 ANGLO-SAXON and English Languages reciprocally illustrative of each other, the errors of Hicks, Wilkins, Gibson, and others pointed out, and a new mode suggested of radically studying both languages, by Saml. Henshall. 4to, Sewed. 3s l'798 82 ORIGINAL LIVEs of Anglo-Saxons, and others who lived before the Conquest, edited by Dr. Giles (in Latin). 8vo. 6s Caacton Society, 1854 83 BOSWORTH's Origin of the Dutch, Tracing the progress of their Tongue and Its Dialects. Roy. 8vo, map of the European lan- guages, boards. 6s 1846 84 BRITANNIA SAxonſcA.—Map of Britain during the Octarchy, with tables shewing the Contemporary Sovereigns of each State, the Mutations and Genealogies of the Saxon Kings, by G. W. Cullen. 4to, coloured map, boards. 5s 1833 85 MACPHERSON (James) Introduction to the History of Great Britain and Ireland, containing an account of the Origin, Govern- ment, Language, Customs, and Religions of the Ancient Scots. and Anglo-Saxons. 4to, half calf. 5s 1777 86 ANNE.—The Other Side of the Question, or an Attempt to rescue the Characters of Q. Mary and Q. Anne out of the hands of the D r D Of , by a Woman of Quality. 8vo, calf. 3s 1742 87 ANQUETIL, Histoire depuis la Gaulois jusqu'a la mort de Louis XVI. et continuee jusqu'a nos jour par M. H. L. F. Pelletier. 6 vols, 8vo (wants vol 2) portrait, new half calf. 2s 6d 1835 88 ANSON (Admiral Lord) Life, by Sir John Barrow, 8vo, portrait, cloth. 3s 6d 1839 89 ANSTEY’s NEW BATH GUIDE, or Memoir of the B-n-r-d Family, in a series of Poetical Epistles. Post 8vo, frontispiece, 726&t. 2S Dodsley, 1791 90 ANSTEY (Chr., Author of the Bath Guide) The Priest Dissected, a Poem. 4to, sewed. 5s 1774 Very scarce. The author suppressed it soon after its publication, 91 ANSTEY (Christopher, author of the ‘New Bath Guide’) Poetical Works, with some account of the Life and Writings of the author, by his Son, 4to, portraits and plates, calf gilt. £1. 10s 1808 36, Soho Square, London. 9 92 ANTHOLOGIA HIBERNICA; or, Monthly Collections of Science, Belles Lettres, and History. Vol 1, 8vo, views, ports., and other engravings, calf meat. 2s JDublin, 1792 93 ANTI-PAPAL–Hull (John) The Unmasking of the Politike Atheist, Second Edition, corrected and amended. 12mo, new calf gilt. #2, 2s I602 94 ANTIQUARIAN REPERTORY, a Miscellany intended to preserve and illustrate several valuable REMAINs of OLD TIMEs, by Grose and Astle. Vol 1, 4to, plates, boards. 5s I775 95 ANTIQUARIAN GLEANINGS in the North of England, being examples of Autique Furniture, Plate, Church Decorations, and objects of Historical Interest, drawn and etched by W. B. Scott. Roy, 4to, 38 fine plates, new half morocco. 14s about 1850 96 ANTIQUE GEMS.—Explanatory Catalogue of the Proof Impressions of the Antique Gems of the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the Possession of J. Tyrrell, with an Essay on Ancient Gems and Gem-Engraving by James Prendeville. 4to, cloth. 7s 6d 1841 | 97 ANTIQUE WORKS OF ART-Collection Sauvageot dans le Louvre, dessinée et gravée a l’eau-forte par Edouard Lievre, accompagnée d'un TEXTE: HISTORIQUE et descriptif par A. Sauzay. 2 vols, folio, 120 charming plates on india paper, representing old Carvings, Iron work, Enamels, Gold and Silver work, Glass, and other objects of the most exquisite mediaeval work- Ananship, new half crimson morocco, full gilt backs, gilt edges. & 4, 15s Paris, 1863 98 ANTIQUITIES of KERTCH, and Researches in the Cimme- tan Bosphorus, with Remarks on the Ethnological and Physical Iſistory of the Crimea, by Duncan MCPHERSON. Roy. 4to, nume- Tows finely coloured and other plates, half calf. 16s 1857 99 ANTIQUITATES CELTO-SCANDICAE sive Series Rerum Gestarum Inter Natione Brittannicarum Insularum et Gentes Septentriomales ex Snorrone ; Land-nama-boc ; Egilla Scalla- grini-Saga ; Niala-Saga ; Orkneyenga-saga ; Hriggiar-stikki ; Knytlinga-saga ; Speculo regali, etc., compilavit J. Johnstone. 4to, calf, very meat. 12s 1786 100 ANTIQUITIES of LONDON and WESTMINSTER, being an account of whatsoever is Ancient, Curious, or Remarkable, by N. B. 12mo, frontispiece, containing curious views of Old St. Paul's, London Bridge, and Westminster Abbey, half bound. 3s 6d Printed for H. Tracy at the Three Bibles on London Bridge, 1722 *... IO Alfred Russell Smith, 101 ANTROBUS (Benjamin) Buds and Blossoms of Piety, with some Fruit of the Spirit of Love, and Directions to the Divine Wisdom. 8vo, calf meat, scarce. 5s 6d 1766 102 APOLOGY for the PROTESTANTS of FRANCE in reference to the Persecutions they are under at this day. Sm. 4to, half morocco. 3s 6d 1683 103 A PLEASANT BATTLE between Two Lap Dogs of the Utopian Court, or a Dialogue between Sleep and Awake, Jest and Earnest, Reality and Fancy, being fought upon the new erected Dog-Pit. 2 leaves, folio. 7s 6d 1681 Refers to the Duchess of Portsmouth and the dissolute women then about the court. 104 ARABIA PETRAEA.—Journey through Arabia Petraea to Mount Sinai and the excavated City of Petra, the Edom of the Prophecies, by M. Leon de Laborde, 8vo, folding map and mu- merous engravings, calf gilt, very meat. 6s 6d 1838 105 ARABIAN NIGHTS, a New Translation from the Arabic, with Notes, by LANE, and further annotations by Poole. 3 vols, 8vo, MANY. HUNDRED CHARMING WOODCUTs by Harvey, tree marbled calf extra. £2. 15s 1859 106 ARCHAEOIOGICAL JOURNAL of the ROYAL ARCHAEO- IOGICAL INSTITUTE for the prosecution of researches into the Arts and Monuments of the Early and Middle Ages. 31 vols, 8vo, many plates and woodcuts, uniformly bowmd in half calf. #13. 10s 1845—1874 107 ARCHAEOLOGIST (The) and London Journal of Anti- quarian Science, edited by J. O. Halliwell. Vol 1, ALL PUBLISHED, half calf. 5s 1842 108 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INDEX to Remains of Antiquity of the Celtic, Roman-British, and Anglo-Saxon Periods, by J. Y. Akerman. A most useful book. 8vo, plates, cloth. 8s 6d (pub. 15s) 1843 109 ARCHAEOLOGY and Prehistoric Annals of Scotland, by Daniel Wilson. Royal 8vo, plates and woodcuts, cloth, Scarce. 18S Edinb., 1851 110 ARCHAEOLOGY—Introductory Lecture on Archaeology, delivered before the University at Cambridge, by C. Babington. 8vo, cloth. 2s 1865 111 ARCHERY.—A Treatise on Archery, or the Art of Shooting with the Long Bow, by Thos. Waring, 12mo, plates, bds. Is l828 Contains a list of the then existing societies. 36, Soho Square, London. II 112 113 114 118 119 120 121 122 123 ARCHITECTURE-Dictionary of the Architecture and Archaeology of the Middle Ages, including Words used by An- cient and Modern Authors, and Biographical Notices of Ancient Architects, by JoHN BRITTON. Thick royal 8vo, hundreds of Ez- amples engraved by Le Keux, half morocco meat. £1.4s 1838. ARCHITECTURE-Chronological History and Graphic Illustrations of Christian Architecture in England, being a critical enquiry of its Rise and Progress by JoHN BRITTON. Thick 4to, 86 fine plates of Plans, Sections, Elevations and Views, half russia. £1.4s 1826 ARCHITECTURE.—Rickman's Attempt to Discrimi- nate the styles of Architecture in England from the Conquest to the Reformation. Third Edition, 8vo, plates, half morocco. 9s 1825 Contains notices of more than Three Thousand edifices in Britain. ARCHITECTURE.—Church and Chapel Architecture from the Earliest Period to the Present Time, with an ACCOUNT of the HEBREW CHURCH, by ANDREW TRIMEN. Thick post 8vo, ºllustrated with 1000 Autherºicated Mouldings, cloth. 3s 1849 ARCHITECTURE.-Pugin’s Present State of Ecclesi- astical Architecture in England. 8vo, 32 plates, new calf extra. l2S 1843 ARCHITECTURE. – Brandon's Analysis of Gothic Architecture, and remarks on the several details of an Ecclesias- tical Edifice. 2 vols, 4to, plates, containing more than 700 eac- amples of doorways, windows, dºc., cloth. 422. 15s 1874 ARCHITECTURE.—Brandon's Open Timber Roofs of the Middle Ages. 4to, many plates, cloth. 18S 1873 ARCHITECTURE.- The Heraldic Origin of Gothic Architecture, in answer to all foregoing systems on this subject, by Rowley Lascelles. Roy. 8vo, boards. 2s 1820, ARCHITECTURE (ANCIENT) Rudiments of, with a Dic- tionary of Terms. Royal 8vo, fine plates, calf gilt. 2s 6d 1789 ARCHITECTURE (Ecclesiastical) as Applicable to Mo- dern Churches, by J. Shaw. Royal 8vo, plates, cloth. 2s 1839 ARCTIC DISCOVERY.—Narrative of Arctic Discovery from the Earliest period to the Present time, with the measures adapted for the relief of Sir John Franklin, by J. J. Shillinglaw. 8vo, portrait of Franklin and map (wants one), cloth. 2s 6d 1850 ARCTIC EXPEDITION.—Papers and Despatches relating to the Searching Expedition of 1850-1-2, with Remarks on the probable course pursued by Sir John Franklin, collected by J. Mangles. 8vo, maps, cloth. 3s 6d 1852 I 2 Alfred Russell Smith, 124 ARCTIC EXPEDITION.—Further Papers relative to the recent Search for John Franklin and the Crews of the ‘Erebus' and “Terror.’ (Blue Book.) Thick folio, of nearly 1000 pages, maps. 15s 1855 125 ARETINA, or the Serious Romance, by SIR GEORGE MACKENZIE, the King’s Advocate. 12mo, new morocco, gilt eactra, gilt edges. 15s Edinburgh, 1660 126 ARGUMENTUM Anti-Normannicum, an Argument proving that William Duke of Normandy made no Absolute Conquest of England by the Sword in the sense of our Modern Writers. Svo, from tispiece, scarce, meat. 3s 6d 1762 127 ARIOSTO.— ORLANDO FURIOso, in English Heroical Verse by SIR JOHN HARINGTON, Engraved title, including por- travt and plates, 1634.—The most Elegant and WITTIE EPIGRAMs of Sir John Harrington, 1633. In a volume, folio, an old possessor has wºnderscored some limes in ink, otherwise fine large and clean Copy, half morocco, gilt edges. £2 2s 128 Alt1STOPHANIS Facetissimi Comoediae undecim, (in Greek). Thick 12mo, fine copy in crimson morocco, full gult back, by Bogerian, 0.1. 15s Venet, Dart. Zanetti Caster Zagensis, 1538 129 AIRISTOTLE's Treatise on Poetry, translated with notes and dissertations by Thos. Twining. Second edition by Daniel Twining. 2 vols, 8vo, calf extra. 6s 1812 130 AIRISTOTLE's Ethics and Politics, comprising his Prac- tical Philosophy, translated with Introduction and Notes, and New Analysis of his Speculative works, by John Gillies. 2 vols, 4to, Calf meat. 4s 6d 1797 131 ARNOLD (Professor) Manual of English Literature, Historical and Critical, with an Appendix on English Metre. 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d (pub 10s 6d) 1862 132 ART OF DIRESS.–Whole Art of Dress; or the IRoad to Elegance and Fashion at Enormous Saving of 30 per cent, with Hints for the Toilette, by a Cavalry Officer. 12mo, coloured from- tispiece and mumerous plates. 2s 1830 133 AIT OF TEARING CIIILDREN.—Poedotrophia, or the Art of Nursing and Rearing Children; a Poem, translated from the latin of SCEVOLE DE ST, MARTHE, with MEDICAL and HISTO- RICAL NOTES by Dr. H. W. Tytler. 8vo, half calf meat. 4s 6d 1797 134 ART OF WIIEEDLING.—Proteus Redivivus; or, the Art of Wheedling, or Insinuations obtained by general Conversation, and extracted from the several Humours, Inclimations, and Pas- sions of both Sexes by R. HEAD. 8vo, calf meat, SCARCE. ; 16 36, Soho Square, London. I 3 135 ASCHAM (Roger, Schoolmaster to Queen Elizabeth) Whole Works, now first collected and revised with Life, by Dr. Giles. 4 vols, post 8vo, new tree marbled calf extra, gilt edges :#1. 18s 1865 136 ASCHAM (Roger, Schoolmaster to Q. Elizabeth) Apologia pro coena Dominica contra Missam. 12mo, fine copy, new calf extra, gilt edges. £1. 1s Henry Middleton, 1577 137 glºspºt of 33rfalſe, what it ought to Weye, after the Pryce of a quarter of Wheete, and also the Assyse of Ale, with all manner of Wood and Cole, Lath Bourde and Tymbre, and the Weyght of Butter and Chese. Small 4to, only 100 Copies Prin- ted, 35lack ſetter, facsimile reprint of the 1st Edition, with the curious woodcuts, half morocco. 6s 6d 1540, reprinted 1869 138 ASTLE (Thos.) Origin and Progress of Writing, Hiero- glyphic and Elementary, with some account of the Origin and Progress of Printing, 4to, numerous fine large folding plates, fac- similes from early Manuscript, calf meat. 18s 1784. 139 ASTLE on the Origin and Progress of Writing; also the Origin and Progress of Printing. BEST EDITION, roy. 4to, many plates, half morocco, gilt top. £1.5s 1876 140 ASTLEY’s General Collection of Voyages and Travels, consisting of the most esteemed relations published, in every Language. 4 vols, 4to, plates, fine copy in russia, gilt backs and dentelle borders in gold on Sides. £3. 1745 141 ASTROLOGY..—New and Complete Illustration of the Occult Sciences, or the Art of Foretelling future Events and Con- tigencies by the Aspects, Positions, and Influences of the Heavenly Bodies, founded on Natural Philosophy, Scripture, Reason, and the Mathematics, by EBENEZER SIBLY. Thick 4to, numerous plates of Nativities, etc., with many additional drawings and MS Notes inserted at the end, half calf, very meat. £1.4s 1790 142 ASTROLOGY..—Heyden (Sir Christopher) Astrological Discourse, proving the powerful influeuce of Planets and Fixed Stars upon elementary bodies, in justification of Astrology, with an Astrological Judgment upon the great conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in 1603. 12mo, meat. 9s 6d 1650 “This exquisite treatise having been 40 years detained in private hands, is now by the good hands of God made public ; it being the one, and only copy of this subject extant in the world; Pen’d it was by the incomparably learned Sir Christopher Heydon, Knight, whose able pen hath so strenuously vindicated judicial Astrologie, as to this day not any antagonist durst encounter with his unanswerable arguments.” 143 ASTROLOGY.—Albohali Arabis Astrologi Antiquissimi acclarissimi de Judiciis, Nativitatum, liber unus, antehac non editus. 4to, calf. 6s 6d Noriberg, 1549 I4. Alfred Russell Smith, 144 ASTROLOGY..—The Star-Prophet Anatomiz'd and Dis- sected, or Judicial Astrologiae and the Astro Mongers, with their Mago-Romantical and Diabolical Divinations exploded, also the superstitious prophaneness and abomination of the Wizzards, by J.S., a lover of all laudable Arts and Sciences. 4to, woodcuts on title, half morocco. 8s 6d 1673 145 ASTROLOGY..—Introduction to the Astrological Judg- ment of the Starres, whereby can be given a certaine true and determinate Judgment to any question, written by Claudius Dariot, and translated by Fabian Withers, with a treatise of Mathematical Physicke by G. C. FIRST EDITION, 4to, new calf eſctra. 35s 1598 146 ASTRONOMY.—Wright (Thos., of Durham) Original Theory or New Hypothesis of the Universe, founded on the Laws of Nature and solved by Mathematical Principals, particularly the Milky Way. 4to, plates, calf meat. 4s 6d 1750 147 ASYLUM for Fugitive Pieces in Prose and Verse, not in any collection, with some pieces never before published. 2 vols, 12mo (first two vols) half calf. 2s 1785 148 A. TALE of Tories by Ben Butler. 18mo, humorous plates by Seymour, Sewed. 2s 6d I832 149 AUDUBON (J. J., Naturalist) Life and Adventures, edited from materials supplied by his Widow, by Robt. Buchanan. 8vo, cloth. 5s (pub 15s) I869 150 AUGUSTIN (St.) Divi Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi, MEDITATIONES, SOLILIQUIA, et MANUALE. Thick 12mo, fine clean Original copy, calf very meat, preserved in a wellum case. Él. 5s Dilingae (about 1500) This edition is not described by any Bibliographer. 151 AULUS GELLIUS Attic Nights, translated by Beloe. 3 vols, 8vo, calf meat. 15s 1792 152 AUTOGRAPHS.—Signatures of Eminent Fellows of the Royal Society, facsimiled from the Charter-Book, consistin of 300 Autograph Signatures, 4to, privately printed, cloth. 3s 6 1851 153 AUTOGRAPHS.–Guide to the Historian, Biographer, Antiquary, and Collector towards the Verification of Manuscripts, by Dawson Turner. Roy. 8vo, cloth. 5s - Yarmouth, privately printed, 1848 Contains over five thousand references to where engravédspecimensiof the autographs of the same number of eminent persons are to be found. 154 AYRES (Philip) Lyric Poems, in imitation of the Italians. 8vo, frontispiece, half russia. 7s 6d 1687 36, Soho Square, London. I5 155 35abington (Gerhage, Bp. of Ezeter) Briefe Con- ference betwixt mans Frailtie and Faith, wherein is declared the true use and comfort of those blessings pronounced by Christ in the fifth of Matthew, laide downe in form of Dialogue. 12mo, black ſetter, half calf meat. 8s 6d 1584 156 BACON's Advancement and Proficiencie of Learning, translated by Gilbert Wats. BEST EDITION, folio, fine portrait and frontispiece by Marshall, calf extra. £1. 1640 157 BACON (Lord) Sylva Sylvarum, or a Natural History in Ten Centuries, with Articles of Enquiry touching Metals and Minerals, also the New Atlantis and Novum Organon, edited by Rawley. Folio, calf meat. 4s 6d I677 158 BACON.—Resuscitatio, or bringing into Public Light several Pieces of the Works, hitherto sleeping, of Lord Bacon, edited by W. Rawley. Folio, half calf. 3s 6d I671 159 BACON (Nath.) Historical and Political Discourse of the Laws and Government of England down to the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, with, a vindication of the Antient way of Parliaments, 4to, calf meat. 4s 6d 1760 Highly praised by Lord Chatham in his Letters to his Nephew, there were several earlier editions secretly printed for which the publishers were prosecuted and fined. 160 BAGSHAW (Edward) Letter to a Person of Quality the day before his commitment, Close Prisoner to the Gatehouse. Sm. 4to, half morocco. 6s 6d 1663 161 BAIRD (Sir David, General) Life. 2 vols in 1, 8vo, portrait, new half morocco. 6s I832 162 BAKER (Sir Richard) Chronicle of the Kings of Eng- land from the time of the Romans, continued to the Restoration of Charles II. Thick folio, frontispiece of Charles II. and the author, also Views of Verulam, York, Lincoln, and London, calf meat. 9s 6d I665 One of the most important historical works we have, especially regard- ing the events of the Civil War and the Restoration. The continuation is by Edw. Phillips, nephew of Milton. The Index is unusually ample and arranged on a plan that could be followed with advantage in these days. 163 $ale’s APOLOGY agaynstearanke Papyst answering both hym and hys doctours. 12mo, blacá Íetter, wants last leaf (of faults escaped) half morocco extra, gilt edges. £1. 18s 1550 164 35alt.—Apology of Johan Bale against a ranke Papyst. 12mo, 33|act ſtetter, wants title, part of preface and 2 or 3 leaves, calf meat. 5s I 550 I6 Alfred Russell Smith, º 165 35aſt—The Actes of the English Votaries, Comprehen- dynge their unchast practices and examples by all ages, collected from their own legendes and Chronicles, Both PARTs. Thick 12mo, 33|act; 3.etter, calf meat. £3.15s John Tisdale, 1560 166 3Salt.—The Image of both Churches after the most wonderful and heavenly Revelation of St. John, containing a very fruitful exposition or paraphrase upon the same. All three parts, thick 12mo, blará letter, curious woodcuts in the text, new russia, gilt edges. £7.7s ~. Day and Serres, about 1570. 167 3Sale’s Pageant of Popes, contayninge the lyues of all the Bishops of Rome, to the yeare 1555, shewing manye straunge notorious, outrageous, and tragicall partes played by them. En- glyshed with Sondrye additions by J. S. (John Studley). 4to, 33|act; 3/2tter, good sound copy, in calf meat. £4.15s 1574. 168 BALLOT (The), and Corruption and Expenditure at Elections, Essays and Addresses by W. D. Christie. Cr. 8vo, boards. 2s 1872 169 BALZAC-Aristippe, ou de la Cour. 12mo, meat. 3s 6d Amst., chez Daniel Elzévir, 1664 170 BANCROFT (Richard, Abp of Canterbury) Dangerous Positions and Proceedings, published and practised within this Iland of Brytaine, under pretence of Reformation and for the Presbíteriall Discipline, John Wolfe, 1593.−SURVAY of the Pre- tended Holy Discipline contaying the beginninges, successe, parts, proceedings, authority, and doctrine of it, John Wolfe, 1593– CoSIN (Dr.) Conspiracie for Pretended Reformation, discovering the late designments of WM. HACKETT, EDM. COPPINGER, and HENRY ARTHINGTON, with the life, inditements, arraignment, anºl execution of HACKET, 1592—Seduction of ARTHINGTON by HACKET, with some tokens of his unfaigned repentance and submission, written by Henrie Arthington, the third person in that wofull Tragedie, 1592. The latter wants four leaves at end. In a volume, 4to, fine copies, in vellum. 34.4s Much information will be found in these works relating to the Early Puritans. 171 BARNES (Joshua) Gerania, a New Discovery of a Little Sort of People called Pygmies, with a Lively Description of their Stature, Habit, Manners and Customs. 12mo, front., new calf eſcira. 15s * 1675 172 BARNES (Joshua) History, Life, and Death of Ed- ward III. and of Edward the Black Prince. Thick folio, bril- liant and fine portraits of Edward the III. and the Black Prince, calf, Scărce. 18s Camb., 1688 An elaborate collection of facts, and a vast deal of information for the historian of these times. 36, Soho Square, London. 17 173 BARCLAY (J.) Argenis. 2 vols, 8vo, engraved titles, wellum meat. 4s 6d Lugd. Bat., 1664 174 BASKERVILLE-Addison's Works, Baskerville's charmingly printed Edition. 4 vols, 4to, portrait, calf meat, #92. 10s Birm., 1761 175 BASKERVILLE-The Book of Common Prayer. To- gether with the Psalter. Roy, 8vo, Baskerville's Elegantly Printed LARGE TYPE EDITION, old blue morocco, gold tooling on sides. 15s Camb., Baskerville, 1761 176 BASKERVILLE (Jno.) Vocabulary, or Pocket Dictio- nary, to which is prefixed a compendious Grammar of the Eng- lish Language. 12mo, elegantly printed by Baskerville, calf meat. 6s 6d Birmingham, 1763 177 BATHS.—Ciacconius (Petrus Toletanus) de Triclinio sive de Modo convivandi apud priscos Romanos, et de convivio- rum apparatus accedit Talvi Wesini Appendix et Hier. Mercuria- lis. In bis Scriptores veteres quamplurimi explicantur et emen- danter. 18mo, numerous curious plates, old red morocco, in the style of Roger Payne. 8s 6dy Amst., 1664 178 batman (Śtepben) . The Golden Booke of the Leaden Goddes, wherein is described the vague imaginations of Heathen Pagans and Counterfaict Christians. 4to, black ſetter, calf meat. £2. 15s Thomas Marshe, 1577 The first body of mythology, and particularly valuable to the student of our Old English Poets and Dramatists, explaining their treatment of classical stories and knowledge of the heathen deities. 17935aultituin (ſim.) Treatise of Moral Philosophy, wherein is contayned the worthy sayings of Philosophers, Em- perors, Kings and Orators, their Lives, worthy sentences, notable precepts, &c., enlarged by Thos. Palfreyman. Thick 12mo, 33iacá Íletter, calf meat. 9s About 1640 180 BAXTER (G. R. W.) Humour and Pathos, or Essays, Sketches, and Tales. Cr. 8vo, illustrations by Frank Howard, cloth. 2s 1838 181 BAXTER (Richard, the Nonconformist) Works, with Life, aud critical examination of his writings by Rev. Wm. Orme. 23 vols, 8vo, portrait, new half morocco, gilt tops. £5. 15s 1830 182 BEALE (Thos.) Natural History of the Sperm Whale, description of the Fishery, and the favourite Places of Resort, also a South Sea Whaling Voyage and Personal Adventures. Post 8vo, plates, new half calf. 6s 1839 183 BEAUMONT (Sir John) Bosworth-Field, with a taste of the variety of other Poems, 12mo, meat. 15s I629 ¥8 Alfred Russell Smith, 184 BEAUMONT (Robt.) Love's Missives to Virtue, with Essaies. 12mo, calf meat. 12s 6d I660 Amatory Epistles, full of the inflated style of the period, his Essays are full of trope and figure, but with Inuch force and application though quaint and sententious. “We are all from our birth either mer- chants or seamen. God send us a good Voyage.” 185 BEATTIE's MINSTREL. 12mo, pretty plates by Wes- tall, calf gilt. 2s H660 186 BEATTIE (Jas.) Poetical Works, Aldine edition. 12mo, portrait, new tree calf extra. 6s 6s Pickering, 1852 187 BEATTIE (Wm.) The DANUBE, its History Scenery and Topography, 4to, Splendid plates from views taken on the spot by W. H. Bartlett, half calf. 12s 6d about 1840 188 BEAUTY.—A Discourse of Artificial Beauty in point of Conscience, between two Ladies, by C. G. 12mo, calf. 4s6d I692 “A very curious little book, ascribed to Dr. Gauden by Ant. a Wood; but it seems rather to have been the work of Odadiah Walker.”—DR, BLISS. 189 BECKMANN’s History of Inventions and Discoveries. 4 vols, 8vo, newly half baund. 13s 6d.—boards. 7s 6d 1797 The only book which gives a detailed account of each invention, of frequent use for reference. - 190 35tton (III)03.) The Reliques of Rome, contayning all such matters of Religion as had in times past bene brought into the Church by the Pope and his adherents. Thick 12mo, 35lack #Letter, title with portrait of Becon at back in excellent facsimile, new half calf. 18s John Day, 1563 BEDFORDSHIRE. 191 HISTORY of the County, from Cox's Magna Britannia. Sm. 4to, map. 2s 1729 192 ECCLESIASTICAL and Architectural Topography of Bedford- shire, 8vo, map, sewed. 2s 6d 1848 Describes 130 Churches in the County. 193 O'BYRNE’s Representative History of Bedfordshire, comprising Biographical and Genealogical Notices of Members of Parliament from 1547 to 1847. 8vo. 2s 6d 1848 194 AMPTHILL PARK, Lines written at, in the Autumn of 1818. Sm. 4to, halfcalf. 2s 1817 Some notes of Local History at end. 195 DUNSTABLE, a Poem, and Graves of the Poor, with a History of Dunstable, and account of Dun the Robber, by Geo. DERBYSEIIRE, “Parish Clerk.” 12IIIo. 2s 6d Dunstable, about 1823 A96 DAVIS (Frederick) History of Luton, with its Hamlets. 8vo, nu- merous plates, cloth, Scarce. 7s 6d Luton, 1855 36, Soho Square, London. I9 197 PARRY's History and Description of Woburn and its Abbey. 8vo, no plates, new half calf. 4s 6d 1831 198 LAWFORD (E., M.D.) The Antiquities of Leighton Buzzard. 8vo, plates. Is 1875 199 BEL (William, Catholic Gentleman of Temple Brough- ton, Worcestershire) The Testament of, left written in his owne hand sett out above 33 yeares after his death, with annotations by Francis Bel his sonne. 12mo, pp. 51 to 54 in MS., half calf. #31. 5s Doway, 1632 This scarce and curious little volume is not mentioned by Dodd in his Church History. 200 BELLENDEN (Gul) De Statu prisci Orbis in Reli- gione, re Politica, et Literis. 8vo, morocco. £1. 5s 1615 ORIGINAL EDITION, dedicated to Prince Charles, afterwards Charles I., then 15 years of age. On the title is the autograph of Lord Dunfermline. 201 BEN JONSON JUNIOR's Poems, being a Miscellanie of Seriousness, Wit, Mirth, and Mysterie, composed by W. S., Gent. 12mo, half calf (wants 1 Qr 2 leaves at end). 6s 6d - Thos. Passenger, at the #. Bibles about the middle of London Bridge, 1672 202 BERANGER.—CEuvres Anciennes, 1813—1833, nou- velle edition revue par l'auteur avec les dix Chansons publiées en 1847. Avec la MUSIQUE des Chansons, Airs notés Anciens et Modernes, et trois airs avec accompagnement par Halévy et Mdme. Mainvielle-Fodor. 4 vols, roy. 8vo, half calf gilt, by Hol- loway, gilt tops. #3. 3s Paris, 1858 203 BECKINGTON (Thos.) Journal of one of the Suite of, during an Embassy to Negociate a Marriage between Henry VI. and a Daughter of the Count of Armagnac, in 1442, with Notes, etc., by N. H. Nicolas. 8vo, bds. 2s Pickering, 1828 204 BEDELL (Bp.) The Life of, with copies of certain Letters which have passed between Spain and England on Matters of Religion between him and Mr. James Waddesworth, a late Pen- sioner of the Holy Inquisition. Thick 8vo, calf. 3s 1785 205 BEDELL (Dr. Wm., Bishop of Kilmore) Memoir of the Life and Episcopate, by his Son-in-Law, Rev. A. Clogy. Cr. 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d I862 206 BEDELL-Life of Bp. Bedell, by H. J. Monck Mason. 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1843 207 35te jºibe (The) of the ROMISHE CHURCHE, wherein both the Catholike Religion is substantially confirmed and the Hereticks finely fetched over the coales. Translated from the Dutch by GEORGE GILPIN. Thick 12mo, biath Íetter, calf. £1. 10s 1580 2O Alfred Russell Smith, 208 BERINGTON's Literary History of the Middle Ages, comprising an Account of the State of Learning, etc. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d 1846 209 BERCHTOLD (Count Leopold) Essay to direct and ex- tend the Enquiries of the Patriotic Traveller, with observations on preserving Life, Health and Property; a Series of Questions interesting to Society; a list of English and Foreign Works for the Instruction, etc. of Travellers, and a Catalogue of European Travels in all Languages from the Earliest Time down to 1787. 2 vols in 1, frontispiece, half morocco gºlt. 8s 6d 1789 IBERKSHIRE. 210 LYSON’s History and Antiquities of the Counties of BEDs, BERKs, and BUCKS. In l vol, thick 4to, maps and many plates, half 'morocco. 491. 15S 1806 211 BRITTON and Brayley's Beauties of England and Wales, being Topographical, Historical, and Descriptive Delineations of each County. Wols 1 and 2, containing Beds., Berks., Bucks., Cam- bridgeshire, Cheshire, and Cornwall. 8vo, many plates, half calf. l l2S 801 212 CHURCHES.–Ecclesiastical and Architectural Topography. 8vo, sewed. 2s 6d Parker, 1849 Minutely describes 190 Churches in the County. 213 BENEFACTIONS of Abp. Laud. Original Letters and other Documents relating to, Edited by John Bruce. Sm, 4to, frontis- piece. 3s 6d Berks. Ashmolean Soc., 1841 214 O'BYRNE’s Representative History, comprising Biographical and Genealogical Notices of the Members of Parliament from 1547 to 1847. 8vo. 3s 6d 1848 215 POLL BOOK for the County, Fane, Stonehouse, and Packer. 8vo, half morocco. 7s 6d 1727 216 KERRY (Rev. Chas.) History and Antiquities of the Hundred of Bray in Berkshire. 8vo, cloth. 7s 6d 1861 217 The same, with 10 folding pedigrees, cloth. 10s 6d &b. 218 READING.-Coates’ History and Antiquities of Reading, with the Supplement containing corrections and additions. 2 vols, 4to, map and plates (the former wants a plate of miscellanies), boards. 18s. –ANOTHER COPY, WITH THE SUPPLEMENT, and perfect, half calf, uncut. £1. Is 1802—1() 219 READING Past and Present, by Wm. Fletcher. 18mo, prettily illustrated, cloth. 2s Reading, 1839 220 WHITE HORSE.-Wise's Letter to Dr. Mead on some Antiquities in Berks, particularly the White Horse. Oxford, 1738—Further Observations on the White Horse, also on Whiteleaf Cross, in Bucks, the Red Horse in Warwickshire, and similar Monuments, 03:ford, 1742. In a volume, 4to, plates, cloth. 6s 221 WINDSOR in the Olden Time, by John Stoughton. 8vo, frontis. piece, cloth. 3s 6d 1844 &. ...?..." “. .2. . . . . ... *s. 2. 36, Soho Square, London. 2I 222 WINDSOR.—Pote's History and Antiquities of Windsor Castle, the College, Chapel, and Institution, Laws and Ceremonies of the Order of the Garter, including several foundations in the Castle. 4to, plates, meat. 6s 6d Eton, 1749 223 WINDSOR.—Annals of Windsor, being a History of the Castle and Town, with some account of Eton and places adjacent, by Tighe and Davis. Two very thick roy. 8vo volumes, large folding maps and woodcuts, cloth. ::1. 5s 1858 224 WINDSOR.—HAKEWILL's History of WINDSOR and its Neighbour- hood. Roy. 4to, fine plates, half calf. 15s 1813 225 EXCEEDING True and Happy Newes from the Castle of WIND- SOR. 10s 6d 1642 Several Troops of Dragoons take possession of the Castle, also how the Mayor of Worcester was brought to towne laden with plate and money. 226 WINDSOR-Willement's Account of the Restoration of St. George's Chapel, with particulars of the Heraldic Ornaments. 4to, plates, cloth. 4s 6d \ 1844 227 WINDSOR.—Letter to the Society of the Dilettanti on the Works in Progress at, by Mela Britannicus. 12mo, folding plans and elevations, boards. 2s 1827 228 SHOTTESBROKE.—Elevations, Sections and Details of St. John Baptist Church, at Shottesbroke, by Wm. Butterfield. Folio, plates, with Some MS. Notes and additional matter inserted, Sewed. 6s 6d Oaford, 1844 Shottesbroke was the birthplace of Hearne the Antiquary, whose father was the parish Clerk. 229 BERKELEY-Trial of Ford Lord Grey, for Debauching his own Wife's Sister, Lucy Henrietta Berkeley. 12mo, half calf néat, very scarce. 15s Bath, 1749 This trial took place in 1682; and it is one of the most extraordinary ever recorded. At the last moment Lady Berkeley declared she was married to a Mr. Turner, who asserted his rights as a husband against those of the Earl of Berkeley, and there was a fight in open court for the possession of the lady, and swords were drawn on both sides. 230 BERNARD (Nicholas, D.D., of Drogheda) The Penitent Death of a Woeful Sinner; or, the Penitent Death of Jo. Ather- ton, late Bishop of Waterford, in Ireland, who was executed at Dublin, with some Annotations, as also the Sermon preached at his Burial, &c. 8vo, sheep, fine copy. £1, 1s l65I . Very scarce. Atherton was executed for the most unnatural offence in the penal code—the only Irish prelate who ever suffered for it. This copy contains Bernard's Farewell Sermons at Drogheda. 231 35trnārūi (S) Speculum de Honestate Vite, 8vo, Gothic g/ctter, bds. 15s N.D. A beautiful copy of a very early edition of 8 leaves, with 27 lines in a page, without sign, number, catch, place, name or date, but evidently about 1480. \ 22 Alfred Russz// Smath, 232 BEROALDE DE VERVILLE (Francois) Le Moyen de Parvenir. 2 vols, 18mo, frontispiece, new morocco extra, gilt edges. £1. 15s Paris, Grange, 1727 BEST EDITION, augmentee d’une dissertation sur ce livre par Bern. de la Monnoye, et des imitations du Moyen de parvenir qui ont ete faites en vers, Latins ou Francois, par differents auteurs. 233 BERRY (Wm.) Genealogia Antiqua; or Mythological and Classical Tables, compiled from the best authors on Fabulous and on Ancient History. Folio, lalf calf. 3s 1816 234 BEWICK (Thomas) General History of Quadrupeds. 4to, many woodcuts, calf gilt. £4.15s Newcastle, 1820 f The imperial and largest size, but very few copies were printed in this Ol'Ill. 235 Beşā.--A Booke of Christian Questions and Answers, a worke right necessarie for al such as shal have to deale with the captious quarelinges of the wrangling adversaries of God’s Truth. Translated by Arthur Golding. Thick 12mo, 35lack £etter, half calf. :#1. 5s 1578 and 1580 Contains the ‘other parte” concerning the Sacraments, translated by John Field. 236 BEZA (Th.) De Repudiis et Divortiis, Genevae, 1587– BEZA de Polygamia, in qua et Ochini, Montamistarum ac aliorum refatuntur, Genev, lö87. In a volume, post 8vo, fine copies, new calf eactra. 6s 6d 237 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL MISCELLANIES, being a Selec- tion of Curious Pieces in Verse and Prose, edited by Dr. Bliss, only 100 copies printed, Oaford, 1813—The Sight of Britayne, a Recorde of the Honourable Originall and Antiquitie of Britaine, Lond, 1588, reprinted by R. and A. Taylor, 1814–James I. Con- cerning Lawful Sports to be used, 1668, reprinted by Smeeton, 1817 —The Notorious Life of John Lambe, together with his Ignomi- nious Death, woodcut, Amst., 1682, reprinted, N.D.—The Old, Old, Very Old Man, or the Life of Thomas Parr, written by John Taylor, 1635, reprinted, N.D.—Relation of the Hogfaced Gentle- woman, curious woodcut, 1640, reprinted, N.D.—The Downfall of Temporizing Poets, woodcut—The Generous Usurer, Mr. Nevell in Thames Street, 1641, reprinted, N.D.—Reader here you’ll plainly see, a Priest, a Judge, a Patentee, written by Thomas Heywood, woodcut, 1641, reprinted—Letter from the Roaring Boys of Elezium, woodcuts, 1641, reprinted by J. Sturt–Life and Death of Bishop Atherton—Court and Character of James I.-- Memoirs of the Duke of Buckingham—Account of the Spanish Armada—Fatal Vespers—No Jest like a True Jest—Life of Cap- tain John Simpson, the Highwayman—The Mowing Devil, or Strange News out of Hertfordshire—Life of Mr. Blood—Account of Hugh Peters,and other curious pieces, reprinted by G. Smeeton. Bound in 4 vols, 4to, calf extra, gilt edges, bound by W. Pratt. f6. 15s W.Y. 36, Soho Square, London. 23 238 BIBLE –Septuaginta Interpretum ex antiquissimo MS. Codice Alexandrino accurate descriptum, emendatum atque sup- plementum Joannes Ernest. Grabe. In GREEK. 2 vols, folio, calf. 3s 6d, 1707 239 3Sible.—The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testament, with a Concordance and the Psalmes in English Meeter with the Music by Sternhold and Hopkins, 4to, calf, 33latſ; £etter, engraved title, but wants some leaves. 5s Barker and Bell, 1634 240 BIBLICAL ERRORS.—Errata to the Protestant Bible, or the Truth of their English Translations Examined, showing the Errors found in the Protestant Translations against such Points as are in debate between them and the Church of Rome, by Thos. Ward, author of “England’s Reformation.” 4to, boards, scarce. 9S Dublin, 1807 BIBLIOGRAPHY and PRINTING. 241 DIBDIN's BIBLIOTHECA SPENCERIANA.—The Supplement to the same.—The Cassano Catalogue, forming a further Supple- ment and Index.-The AEdes Althorpiamae. Together 7 vols, roy. 8vo, plates and facsimiles, a choice copy in crimson morocco eſctra, gilt edges, from the Benzon collection. 4930. 1814–22 242 DIBDIN's Library Companion, or the Young Man's Guide and Old Man's Comfort in the Choice of a Library. Thick 8vo, new half morocco, whewt. 16s 1845 FIRST EDITION, containing the Cracherode Breeches story, suppressed in the second. 243 DIBDIN.—ANOTHER COPY of the First Edition, bound in 2 vols, with some plates inserted, half calf, wmcwt. £1. &b. 244 RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW, consisting of Criticisms upon, Ana- lysis of and Extracts from Curious, Useful, and Valuable Old Books. 18 vols, 8vo, half russia, gilt backs, from the late Miss Martíneaw's library. £9, 15s 1820–54 The three series complete. 245 TIMPERLEY (C.H.) Encyclopædia of Literary and Typographical Amecdote. 2 vols, royal 8vo, numerous plates and woodcuts, half calf. 16s 1842 A chronological history of Printing and Printers, list of their works, biographies of their authors, extracts from the Stationers' Registers, &c., compiled from all the works on Typography and Nichols' Literary Anec- dotes. To those who do not possess Ames, this work will be found the best substitute. 246 RARE Books,—Historia Literaria, an exact and Early Account of the most Valuable Books published in Europe. A SET, 4 vols, 8vo, calf meat. 12s 1730-32 An excellent compendium of the books published during those years. 247 BIADES (Wm.) Enemies of Books. 8vo, plates, vellum. 5s 1881 Fire, water, gas and heat, dust and neglect, ignorance, the book- worm, vermin, binders, collectors, charwomen, and servants. 24 Alfred Russell Smith, 248 ALLIBONE's Dictionary of British and American Authors, Living and Deceased, from the earliest accounts to the middle of the 19th century, CONTAINING THIRTY THOUSAND BIOGRAPHIES AND LITE- RARY NOTICES, with 40 Indexes of Subjects. Three thick royal 8vo volumes, cloth. 363. 10s 1859–71 249 SOTHEBY (S. Leigh) Principia Typographica, the Block Books issued in Holland, Flanders and Germany in the 15th century, exemplified and explained, with an elucidation of the Paper marks of that period. 3 vols, folio, hundreds of illustrations, half morocco. £8. 8s 1858 250 SOTHEBY’s PRINCIPIA, Specimen notice for the sale of copies, consisting of the Indexes to the three vols, and 8 plates of facsi- miles of Block-books. Folio. 5s 1858 251 SOTHEBY (S. Leigh) Memoranda on the Block-Books preserved in the Bibliotheque Imperiale, Paris. Royal 4to, woodcuts, sewed. 12S 1859 PRIVATELY PRINTED, and is not included in his “Principia Typo- graphica.” 252 BRYDGES (Sir Egerton) RESTITUTA ; or, Titles, Extracts, and Characters of OLD BOOKS in English Literature revived. 4 vols, 8vo, fine large copy, in sprinkled calf extra, full gilt backs, and gyellow edges, by Bedford. £4.4s 1814 253 BRYDGES (Sir Egerton) Res Literariae Bibliographical and Cri- tical. (Being Criticisms on and Descriptions of Rare and Early Printed Italian Books, and Accounts of their Authors). A set in 3 vols, 8vo, half morocco, uncut. £2.6s Naples, Rome, Geneva, 1821—2 In consequence of there being only 75 copies printed, and only 50 sets made up, this will always be a rare book. The present copy wants four leaves in the contents of Vol III., and 16 leaves are made up in manu- script in Vol I. Hibbert's copy sold for five guineas, and Hanrott's, £8. 254 PRFEACES to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures, collected and arranged by BERIAH BOTFIELD. Thick 4to, half morocco. £1.4s 1861 255 LUCKOMBE (P.) History and Art of Printing, containing a concise history of the Art from its Invention, with complete PRACTICAL account not to be found in any previous work. 8vo, frontispiece, half calf, scarce. 12s 1771 256 ON THE Origin of Printing.—The Substance of Dr. Middleton's Dissertation on the Origin of Printing in England, and Meerman's Invention of the Art at Haarlem and Mentz. 8vo, calf meat, 6s 6d 1776 257 DE L'INVENTION de L’IMPRIMERIE, ou analysise des deux ouv- rages publies sur cette matiere par MEERMAN, suivi d'une notice des livres avec et sans date imprime's avant 1500, dans les Pays Has: par Henri James. 8vo, half calf, Scarce. 12s Paris, 1809 258 ARGUMENTS des Allemands en faveur de leur pretention a l’In- vention de l’Imprimerie, ou examen critique de l'ouvrage de M. Umbreit, par A. De Vries. Roy. 8vo, half morocco. 5s La Haye, 1845 36, Soho Square, London. 25 259 LAMBINET (P.) Recherches sur l'Origine de l’Imprimerie, parti- culierement sur ses premiers Etablissemens au 15e Siecle dans Flandres. 8vo, plates, meat. 7s 6d Brucelles (1800) 260 HET derde Jubeljaar der uitgevondene Boekdrukkonst, door Joh. Chr. Seiz. 8vo, plates, Sewed. 5s Haerlem, 1740 261 BIBLIA PAUPERUM.—One of the earliest and most curious Block Books, reproduced in facsimile from a copy in the British Museum, by J. Ph. Berjeau (only 250 copies printed) roy. 4to, hf. bowmd. 292. 2s 1859 262 GEOFFROY TORy, peintre et graveur Premier Imprimeur Royal, reformateur de l'orthographie et de la Typographie sous Francois ler, par Aug. Bernard. 8vo, sewed. 6s Paris, 1857 263 ANNALES de la Typographie Néerlandaise, au 15c siècle, par F. A. G. Campbell. Thick 8vo, boards. 18s La Haye, 1874 Contains a bibliography of no less than fifteen hundred books printed in Holland before 1500. 264 ELZEVIR.—Les Elzevier, Histoire et Annales Typographiques, par Alphonse Willems. Thick 8vo, of more than 600 pages, with plates, boards. #1. 10s Brucelles, 1880 * history of the Elzevir Press, and bibliography of all the books prin- ted at it. 265 CLAUDIN (A.) Origines de l’Imprimerie a Albi en Languedoc, 1480–1484, avec les Peregrinations de J. Neumeister,Compagnon de Gutenberg en Allemague, en Italie, et en France, 1463–1484, et son etablissement a Lyon en 1485–1507. Roy. 8vo, many facsimile plates, but a small number of copies printed, new half mo- rocco, gilt top. :Él. 5s Paris, 1880 266 Caxton-Facsimiles of Examples from the Press of William Caxton, at Westminster, by F. C. Price, with descriptive letter- press. Sm, folio, new half morocco. £2 2s 1877 Each leaf is mounted, and the plates are printed on old paper of the last century. Only six copies were done in this way; the British Museum has one, I have sold one and have the other four. 267 CAXTON.—Life and Typography of William Caxton, England's First Printer, with evidence of his Typographical Connection with Collard Mansion. Compiled from originalsources by William Blades. 2 vols, 4to, many plates of facsimiles, half morocco. #5. I861 268 CAXTON MEMORIAL, Extracts from the Churchwardens' Accounts of the Parish of S. Margaret, Westminster, illustrating Life and Times of W. Caxton, 1478–1492. 12mo, sewed, privately printed. 1S I880 269 WILLIAM CAXTON, the first English Printer, a Biography, by Charles Knight (a most entertaining little volume). Post 8vo, 160 pages, woodcuts. 1s 1877 CATALOGUES. 270 LIBRARY of the Athenæum Club, with the SUPPLEMENT, and Classified Index of Subjects. 2 vols, roy. 8vo, half morocco. 8s 6d Printed only for Members, 1845–51 26 Alfred Russell Smith, 271 ASHMOLEAN MANUSCRIPTS.—Descriptive, Analytical, and Criti- cal Catalogue of the Ashmolean Manuscripts at Oxford, edited by W. H. Black. Wery thick 4to, cloth. 14s I845 ºn: also those contributed by Kingsley, Lloyd, Borlase, and others. 272 BRITISH MUSEUM CATALOGUE. —Librorum Impressorum qui in Museo Britannico asservantur Catalogus. 8 vols, 8vo, boards, 'uncut. 391. 10s 1831 The last edition of this Catalogue, and there is not likely to be another for the next 20 years. It is particularly valuable to all public libraries. 273 BODLEIAN LIBRARY. —Catalogus Librorum Impressonum quibus Bibliotheca Bodleiana, from 1826 to 1836 inclusive (wanting 1835) 9 parts, folio, sewed. 12s 1826–36 Contains many thousands of Titles of Rare and Curious Books of great use to the Bibliographical Student. 274 CLARKE's (Dr. Adam) Historical and Descriptive Catalogue of his European and Asiatic Manuscripts. Roy, 8vo, facsimile, cloth. 7s 6d 1835 275 BIBL1OTHECA CHETHAMENSIs sive Bibliotheca Publicae Mancu- mensis ab Humfredo Chetham Armigero Fundate Catalogi, edidit Thomas Jones. Thick 8vo, half morocco. 12s 6d Manchester, 1862 276 COTTONIAN MANUSCRIPTS.–Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Cottonian Library of the British Museum. Thick folio, boards. £1. Is 1802 277 CODICUM MSS. Catalogus, qui in Collegiis aulisque Oxoniensibus Hodiae Adservantur confecit H. Cox. 2 thick vols, 4to, cloth. :Él. 1s Oxford, 1852 278 CATALOGUE of the Shakespeare Memorial Library at Birming- ham (since burnt) by J. D. Mullins, 3 parts, 8vo. 7s 6d Birmingham, 1873–6 Comprises the best list of Shakespeariana done ; separate Plays and Poems, and English editions. 279 LIST of New Publications published every month, 1802–1804. 4to, half calf. 2s 6d Woodfall and Bent 280 WRANGHAM (Archdeacon) Catalogue of the English Portion of his library, 8vo, only 70 copies privately printed, calf gilt. 18s º Malton, 1826 A. collection of exceedingly rare and unique books, with valuable Bibliographical Notes. 281 BOHN (Henry) Guinea Catalogue of Books on sale by him. Very thick 8vo, half morocco. 13s 6d 1841 Most necessary to collectors and public librarians, containing over twenty three thousand of the most important and best books in every department of literature. 282 TOPOGRAPHY-Catalogue of the Books relating to BRITISH ToPQGRAPHY and Saxon and Northern Literature bequeathed to the Bodleian Library by Richard Gough. 4to, calf gili. 10s 6d Oxford, 1814 Most useful to the Topographical Collector. 36, Soho Square, London. 27 283 CATALOGUE de mes Livres, par M. Yemeniz. 3 vols, 4to, new half red morocco. £2. 15s Lyon, 1865–6. _PRIVATELY PRINTED. Consists of early printed and rare books on Theology, Jurisprudence, Painting, Engraving, and Fine Arts, Medicine, History, Early Voyages, Mythology, Typography, and Bibliography, and other subjects. Very useful to collectors of rare books. 284 LIBRARY of the British and Foreign Bible Society, compiled by George Bullen. Roy. 8vo, calf meat. 5s 1857 Valuable to the linguist, shewing Bibles in every language, also old English Bibles, Testaments, and books on Theology. 284* LIST of Printed Books in the Society of Antiquaries, with the Supplement. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 6s 6d 1861—8. Useful to the collector of Archaeological Books. 285 PRINTED BooRs in Lincoln's Inn Library. Roy, 8vo, cloth. 3s. PRIVATELY PRINTED, 1835. SALE CATALOGUES. 286 BRAND (John, the Antiquary) Unique, Scarce, and Curious Books on English Antiquities, 37 days’ sale. 8vo, boards. 3s 1807 287 DRAMATIC LIBRARY of W. E. Burton, Comedian. Over Sia, thou- sand lots. 2s 6d New York, 1860 288 AUTOGRAPH LETTERs and Manuscripts of Robert Cole, F.S.A. Part I., 5 days' sale, royal 8vo, cloth. 1s 1861 289 HiRBERT (Geo.) Library, the three parts, complete, realised 421,507. Bound in 2 vols, 8vo, and interleaved with NAMES and PRICES, very meatly written, half russia. £2. 15s I829 A most valuable and interesting catalogue—George Smith's copy. He has added a beautifully-executed portrait of Mr. Hibbert, drawn by Harding, authenticated by Geo. Hibbert's own autograph, obtained for Geo. Smith by Upcott. 290 LIBRI.-Choicer Portion of the Magnificent Library, 13 days' sale by Messrs. Sotheby, 1859; PRICEs and NAMES. Royal 8vo, sewed. 5s 1859 Extremely rich in Unique Black letter Books, Early Typography, Books on Vellum, Poems and Romances of Chivalry, Ancient ltalian Litera- ture, Elzevirs, MSS. and Books with Autograph notes, Historical Bind- ings and other Bibliographical Gems. 291 LIBRI Collection of Ancient MSS. and Printed Books, Ancient Drawings of the Great Masters, etc. 4 days' sale, by Messrs. So- theby, July, 1862. Royal 8vo, sewed. 2s 1862 292 LIBRI Collection of Precious MSS. and objects of Art and Vertu, Sold by Auction, June, 1864, by Messrs. Sotheby, 4to, facsimile plates, sewed. 2s 6d l864 293 SMITH (George) Very Valuable Library in all Languages, large papers, and splendid bindings, Bibles, Liturgies, Splendid Works of Engravings, Early Quarto Plays, Ballads, Chap Books and T}rolleries. 22 days' sale, PRICED. Royal 8vo, new half morocco, gilt tops. 16s 1867 293% SMITH (George) Catalogue. Another copy, not priced. Roy. 8vo, new half calf. 7s 6d lb. , 28 Alfred Russell Smith, 294 MUSIC.—Universal Circulating MUSICAL LIBRARY of Graue and Scheurmann of Newgate Street. (Comprises over FoRTY THOU- SAND entries). 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 3s 1853 295 PERKINS (Henry) Library, excessively rich in Earl Bibles. MSS. on vellum ; County Histories; 4 days Sale. Roy. 8vo. 2s 6d 1873 296 STRAWBERRY HILL.-Collection made by Horace Walpole, 24 days’ sale by Geo. Robins, with the printed list of prices and names, of which only 25 copies were printed. 2 vols, 4to, portrait and cuts, Sewed. 8s 6d 1842 296a STRAWBERRY HILL Catalogue, another copy, no Prices. Half bound. 4s 297 STOWE House.—Catalogue of the Contents. 35 days' sale, Aug. 1848, by Messrs. Christie. Sm. 4to, plates, Sewed. 3s 1848 A most recherchè collection of Articles of Vertu, Pictures, Furniture, Plate, Tapestry, &c. 298 BIBLIOTHECA SUSSEXIANA.—The Extensive and Valuable Library of H. R. H. the Duke of Sussex. The six parts complete, printed on thick paper, with NAMES and PRICES, 61 days' sale. 6 vols, Sm. 4to, cloth, £3. 1844–5 299 SYKES (Sir M. M.) Splendid and Curious Library, Manuscripts on Vellum, Large Paper Books, Tracts, Early Poetry and Printing, of the most excessive rarity. Three Parts, complete set, 25 days' sale, PRICES aud NAMES. Toy. 8vo, calf meat. 361. ls 1824 300 AUTOGRAPH LETTERs and MSS.–Catalogue of Wm. Upcott's Collection, partly priced, with names. 8vo, Sewed. 2s 6d 1846 Extremely rich in early state papers, which have never been printed. 301 VALLIERE (M. le Duc de la) Catalogue des Livres de la Biblio- theque par G. De Bure. 6 vols, LARGE PAPER, half morocco. #81. 10s Paris, 1783 A most Valuable Catalogue, edited with much care, and containing valuable bibliographies. The Prices are printed, and the Collection sold for no less than 464,677 francs. 302 HEATH (Dr.) Library, Early Classics, Fathers, and general Litera- ture. 13 days, partly priced. 8vo, boards. 3s 6d 1810 303 BLISS (Phillip) First Portion of Library, chiefly old English Li- terature. 16 days, £3883. 8vo, PRICES, boards. 3s 6d 1858 304 LANSDOWNE (Marquis of) Library, also Curious Political and Historical Tracts, Maps, &c. 42 days, PRICES. 8vo, half calf. 6s 1805 A most important catalogue. 305 BRIDGES (John, of Lincoln's Inn). Four thousand Books and Ma- nuscripts on British History and Antiquities. 25 days, PRICED. 3s 6d 1725 306 LIBRARIES of Francis Bernard, William Patoun, Thos. Jackson, Dissenting Minister of Coventry, Henry Payne, Bookseller, a Dankrupt. All sold by Christie, 1783, PRICES and NAMES. In a volume, 8vo, half bound. 4s 6d 36, Soho Square, Zondon. 29 307 BIBLIOTHECA PARISIANA ; a Collection of Books formed by a Gentleman in France, comprising First Editions of the Clas- sics, books magnificently printed on vellum, splendid coloured Books of Natural History, etc. Six days’ sale by Edwards, with NAMES and PRICES. 8vo, calf, gilt edges. 9s 1791 308 BELTZ (Saml.) Library, including many interesting volumes of Garrick’s. 2 days, PRICES. 8vo, cloth. 2s 1863 309 DENT's Library, Manuscripts, Fine and Rare Books. 9 days, PRICEs and NAMES. Roy. 8vo, half morocco. 5s 1827 310 KETT (Rev. Henry) Library. PRICEs. 8vo, half calf. 2s 1824 311 FARMER (Dr.) Early Poetry, Drama, and Shakespeariana, all now of the greatest rarity. 40 days. 8vo, half calf. 3s 6d 1728 312 STEEVENS (George, the editor of Shakespeare, Friend of Dr. John- som) Library, Old English Literature, Books of great rarity now, Old Poetry, Drama, rare tracts, etc. 11 days. PRICED. 8vo, half morocco. 7s 6d 1800 313 H. H. Cotton, Ordinary of Newgate. Part 3. 1s 1839 314 CROFT (F. R. S.) Catalogue of the Library of Books, Instruments, Prints and Drawings, etc. Interleaved, 8vo, half calf. 2s 6d I778 315 MERLY LIBRARY (Ralph W.) Early Printers, Block Books, Chronicles, vellum books, all finest state, botanical drawings. 16 days, PRICED, half vellum. 7s 6d 1813 316 KLOSS (Dr., of Frankfort) Library, Printed Books, with MS. An- notations by MELANGTHON, and Unpublished Manuscripts. 8vo, facsimiles, boards. 3s 6d 1835 317 MADDISON (John) Old Books, many now seldom met with. 21 days, PRICED. 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d I800 318 ROGERS (Samuel) Library. 7 days. 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d 1856 319 BIBLIOTHECA CoRDESIANA Catalogus cum Indice Titulorum. Thick 8vo, portrait and curious woodcut on Title, calf meat, marble edges. 3s 6d Paris, 1643 320 SOUBISE (Le Prince de) Catalogue des Livres Imprimés, et MSS. de la Bibliothéque de feu. Priced. 91 DAYS SALE. Thick 8vo, half vellum, scarce. 15s Paris, 1788 A most extraordinary collection of Early Bibles in all Languages, Missals, etc. Mystical Works, Historical Books relating to all Coun- tries, French Typography, etc. 321 PRINCE TALLEYRAND’s Splendid Library, Earliest Typography, Classics, Manuscripts. 18 days. PRICED. Half morocco. 12s 1816 322 GARDNER (John Dunn) Sale Catalogue of the Principal Portion of His Library. 8vo, interleaved with writing paper, half *::::: 6S I85 Exceedingly rich in Caxtons, Early Drolleries, First Editions of the Dramatists and Old Novelists, etc. 323 GOSSETT (Rev. Is.) Valuable and Curious, 21 days. 8vo. Cari- cature portrait added, half calf. 5s 18] 3 3O Alfréd Russell Smith, 324 AUTOGRAPH Letters, Historical MSS. of the late Francis Moore, Catalogue of the Interesting and Valuable Collection,dispersed by Auction in 1858. 8vo, numerous facsimile plates, cloth. 3s 6d 1858 Exceedingly rich in Royal and Noble autographs, both English and Foreign, and forms a capital Guide for the Collector, on account of the many facsimiles. 325 AUTOGRAPH LETTERs from Henry the 7th, to George the Fourth, and Caley's collection of drawings of and impressions from An- cient Seals, on sale by Thorpe. In a volume, 8vo, half bound. 3s 326 COCHRAN (J.) Collection of scarce MSS., many from the 12th to 18th Century, on vellum. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1829–1837 327 PORTRAITS.–Catalogue of a Most Singular, Rare, and Valuable Collection of Portraits by the Passes, jelaram, etc., 8vo, half bownd, prices and names. 6s 1811 These portraits formed the contents of the Celebrated Book “ cited by Granger,” and had been in the Delabere Family for 150 years. Many of them are unique. 328 WILLIAMS (Rev. T. T.) Splendid and Valuable Library of Early Biblical and Theological MSS. Books on vellumi. 6 days sale. PRICED. 8vo, half morocco. 5s 1827 One of the most recherchè collections ever dispersed by the Auc- tioneer. 329 THEODORE WILLIAMs' (Rev.) Library, Classics, early Biblical and Theological Manuscripts, Books on vellum, Aldine editions, &c. 9 days, partly priced, roy. 8vo, boards. 2s 6d I827 330 LIBRARY of a Distinguished Collector, 32 days' Sale by Mr. Jeffrey, with the Prices and Names. 3s 6d 1810 Early Italian Books, Aldimes’, Stephens', and early printers. 331 LAWRENCE (Sir Thos.) Catalogue of the Valuable and extensive collection of engravings in the Portfolio of Sir Thos. Lawrence, Sold by Christie. 4to, sewed. 2s 6d I830 332 PAINTINGS by British Artists in the possession of Sir John Fleming Leicester (Lord de Tabley). By W. Carey and Sir Richard Colt Hoare. Roy. 8vo, frontispiece, also a portrait inser- ted, boards. 4s 1819 333 PRINTS of Sir M. Masterman Sykes, a series of British Portraits, from the Heptarchy to the end of William III., Delarams, El- strackes, Pass, and a matchless display of Faithorne. The five parts complete, the greater part PRICED. 4to, portrait, with auto- graph letter added, half calf. 16s I824 334 SYKES, First part only, PRICED throughout. 4to, portrait, cloth. 3S I824 335 PORTLAND MUSEUM, formed by the Duchess of Portland. 38 days, NAMES and PRICES. 4to, half calf. 9s 6d I786 336 THE BINDLEY GRANGER.—British Portraits, from Egbert to 1819, also Topographical Prints collected by Jas. Bindley, Extra- ordinary, Rare, Curious and Unique Prints, sold by Sothebys. Three parts, NAMES and PRICES, and portrait added. 4to, cloth. 15S I 819 337 STOWE GRANGER.—-First portion, nine days. 2s 1849 36, Soho Square, London. 3 I 338 CATALOGUE of a Choice Assemblage of English Portraits, and of Foreigners who have Visited England, illustrating Granger, Dela- ram's, Elstracke's, Faithorne's, Pass. 12 days, NAMEs and PRICEs. 4to, LARGE PAPER, Upcott's copy. 6s 1810 339 MORSE's Collection of Prints, Rarest and Finest German Artists, Etchings, Proofs by J. C. Wille, British Portraits. 28 days, some PRICES and NAMES. Roy. 8vo, half russia. 3s 1816 340 PORTRAITS.–Second. and Third, special exhibition of National Portraits commencing with the Reign of William and Mary and ending with 1867. On loan to the S. K. Museum. 2 vols, 4to, large paper, half russia. 18s 1867–8 341 PORTRAITS by Pass, Delaram, and others, many unique, the Celebrated Delabere Collection, cited by Granger. 152 lots sold for £601. PRICES and NAMES, 8vo, half russia. 6s 1811 342 CHRONOLOGICAL Description of Original Drawings by the most celebrated Masters of the different Schools from the 13th to the 18th century, formed by W. Mayor, the result of 40 years' research. Roy. 8vo, cloth. 6s PRIVATELY PRINTED, 1871 343 WEST (Benj.) Catalogue Raisonné of the Unequalled Collection of Historical Pictures, and other admired Compositions of, Sold by Auction by Mr. Geo. Robins, May 1829. 4to, Sewed. 2s 6d 1829 344 SHANDON Co.LECTION.—Catalogue of the Works of Art, forming the collection of Robert Napier of West Shandon, compiled by H. Robinson. Roy. 8vo, cloth. 7s 6d Privately printed, 1865 Not the sale catalogue, but that compiled under the direction of the owner of the collection, for his friends ; nearly 5,000 articles are des- cribed. 345 SHANDON Collection of Works of Art and Vertue. First part, 9 days' sale by Christie. Roy, 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d 1877 346 CATALOGUE of Printed Books in the Library of the New York Historical Society. Thick roy, 8vo, cloth. 6s New York, 1859 347 ROSE (Jas. Anderson) Etched and Engraved Works by the Best Masters, illustrating the Progress of Etching and Engraving, Rare Historical Portraits from 1500 to 1875. 11 days. Roy. 8vo, portrait, cloth, scarce. 5s 1876 348 CATALOGUE of the Works of Art, from the Byzantine Period to that of Louis XVI., collected by Ralph Bernal. Twenty-nine days’ sale by Christie. 8vo, numerous plates, cloth. 4s 1855 349 SOULAGE's CoILECTION of Decorative Art, exhibited at Marlbo- rough House. Compiled by J. C. Robinson. Roy. Svo, cloth. 5s 1856 Ten fine photographs and other facsimiles. 350 BRITISH PoRTRAITs, &c.—Catalogue of the First Portion of the Collection of Rev. Jas. Granger, of Stowe House, 9 days' sale 8vo, Sewed. 2s 6d 1849 Of great interest to the historical student, as it constitutes a kind of ºphical Lictionary of the period of William I. to James II. in- 4CIUlSIWe, 32 Alfred Russell Smith, 351 BERNAL Collection.—Catalegue of the celebrated Collection of Works of Art, from the Byzantine Period, to that of Louis Seize. Thick 8vo, numerous plates, cloth. 3s 6d 1855 352 LIRRI.—Réponse de M. Libri au Rapport de M. Baucly, publie dans Le Moniteur Universal de 19 Mars, 1848. 8vo, sewed. 2S 1848 353 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL and Descriptive Tour from Scarborough to the Library of a Philobiblist in its Neighbourhood (Archdeacon Wrangham) by John Cole, of Scarborough. 8vo, but few copies printed, half morocco. 15s Scarboro, 1824 354 ALTHORP.-Lord Spencer's Library, a Sketch of a visit to Al- thorp, also the Entertainment of the Queen at Althorp, 1603. 8vo, Sewed. Is 1870 355 MERRYWEATHER (T. S.) Glimmerings in the Dark, or Lights and Shadows of the Olden Time. Cr. 8vo, cloth, scarce. 8s 6d 1850 356 BIBLICAL MONUMENTS, by W. H. Rule and J. Corbet Anderson. A handsome imperial 8vo volume, with 51 facsimiles of Bas-reliefs, Babylonian Inscriptions, Versions and Translations of the Bible, Sculptures, and everything that can illustrate the History of the Bible, not to be found in any other work, cloth (pub £3.) £1. 1s l873 357 BIBLIOLATRY. —Bernard (H. H.) Cambridge Free Thoughts and Letters on BIBLIOLATRY, translated from the Ger- man of Lessing, edited by Isaac Bernard. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1862 358 BILLIARDS.—Practical Treatise on the Game of Bil- liards, exhibiting the Rules and Practice, Collecting of Cases, Calculating for Betting, Tables of Odds, etc., by E. White. 8vo, plates, half morocco. 5s 1807 359 BIOGRAPHIA BRITANNICA. — The Lives of the most Eminent Persons of Great Britain and Ireland, from the Earliest Time to the Present, digested in the manner of Bayle. 7 vols, folio, calf meat. £2, 15s 1747 360 BINDING, OLD ENGLISH.–Gerard (John) Meditations and Prayers, written Originally in Latin, Translated and Revised by RALPH WINTERTON. 18mo, old red morocco, elaborately tooled 'm gold on Sides. 12s 6d Cambr., 1683 361 BINDING—A Second Five Years' Struggle against Popery and Tyranny, written during his Imprisonment of Five Years and Ten Days, by Samuel Johnson. 8vo, old blue morocco, the Sides covered with gold tooling, a fine specimen. 12s 6d, 1689 362 BINDING.—Numa Pompilius, par M. de FLORIAN. 8vo, frontispiece, fine copy in old crimson morocco extra, gilt back. 12S Paris, 1786 36, Soho Square, London. 33 363 BINGLEY's Animal Biography, or Popular Zoology, comprising authentic Anecdotes of habits, instincts, and sagacity of the Animal Creation. 3 vols, 8vo, nice copy in russia extra, gilt backs. 9s 6d - 1813 364 BISSETT's (Andrew) OMITTED CHAPTERs of the History of England, from the death of Charles I. to the expulsion of the Ilong Parliament. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 9s 6d 1864–7 365 BLACK BOOK; an Exposition of the Abuses in Church and State, Municipal Corporations, with a Précis of the House of Commons, past, present, and to come. Thick 8vo, frontispiece, cloth. 6s 6d 1835 Contains a list of all those who are in receipt of pensions, etc., from the country. 366 BLACKLOCK (Thos.) Poems, with Life, Character, and Writings of the Author, by Rev. Mr. Spence. 8vo, half calf. 2s 6d 1754 367 BLACKSTONE (Sir W.) Commentaries on the Laws of England, edited by E. Christian. 4 vols, 8vo, portrait, calf meat. 4s 6d 1809 368 BLAIR (Dr. H.) Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, with Life. 3 vols, 8vo, half calf meat. 4s 6d 1813 369 BLAIR (Hugh) Sermons, with Life by Finlayson. 5 vols, 8vo, half calf. 3s 6d 1815 370 BLAIR (Rev, J.) Chronology and History of the World from the Creation to the Year 1814, illustrated in Tables. Folio, elegantly engraved throughout, half morocco meat. 3s 6d 1814 371 BLAKE's PLATES.—Hayley, the Triumphs of Temper. 12mo, 6 plates by Blake and Flaſciman, new morocco extra, gilt edges. £1.5s 1803 372 BLAKE..—THE GRAVE, a Poem, by Blair, with Life of the Author. Roy, 4to, 12 fine plates by Wm. Blake, charming copy in cloth, mearly as fresh as when issued. #3. 15s 1813 373 BLAKEY (Robert) Old Faces in New Masks. Thick cr. 8vo, 2 plates by George Cruikshank, cloth. 3s 1859 374 BLAND (J., Physician) Essay in Praise of Women, a Looking-glass for Ladies to see their Perfections in, our Modern Ladies proved Virtuous, their Dress Commended, the Tea-Table Vindicated, Remarks on Dancing, etc. 12mo, calf meat. 4s 6d Edinburgh, 1767 375 BLAXTON (John, of Osmington, Dorset) The English Usurer, or Usury Condemned. 4to, with the rare curious woodcut frontispiece and opposite verses, half calf, Bliss's copy. 15s 1634 Yerses appended by Joshua Sylvester, Francis Quarles, and George Withers. 34 Alfréd Russell Smith, 376 BLESSINGTON (Countess of) Confessions of an ELDERLY GENTLEMAN. First Edition, 8vo, Sia: female portraits, new half calf gilt. 8s 6d 1836 377 BLOCKPRINTING-Biographical Memoirs of William Ged, including a particular Account of his Progress in the ART of BLOCK PRINTING. 8vo, half calf. 2s 1781 377* BLOODY ASSIZES.—Western Martyrology, containing the Lives, Trials, and Dying Speeches of all those protestants that suffered in the West of England, from 1678, with the Life and Death of JUDGE JEFFREYS. 8vo, frontispiece of portraits, calf meat. 9s 6d I 705 Also account of the Barbarous Whippings in the West, the Trial of Tutchin, the cruel sentence on him, and his petition to King James to be hanged. 378 BLOOMFIELD (Robt.) The Farmer's Boy, 4to, fine cuts attributed to Bewick, boards. 9s 6d Vernor and Hood, 1800 379 BLOUNT (Leonard) Asse upon Asse, a Collection of Pamphlets, written for and against “The Asse's Complaint against Balaam,” or the Cry of the Country against Ignorant and Scanda- lous Ministers (by Lewis Griffin) with Choice Observations on them All (in verse). 12mo, Sewed, scarce. 10s I66] 380 BLOUNT (Sir Thomas Pope) Remarks on Poetry, with Characters and Censures of the most Considerable Poets, whether Ancient or Modern. 4to, calf gilt. 8s 6d 1694 381 BLOUNT (Thos.) Tenures of Land and Customs of Manors, a New Edition re-arranged, carefully collated, and con- siderably enlarged by W. C. Hazlitt. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. £2.2s (pub 3 guineas) 1874 LARGE PAPER, only 25 copies printed on this size. 382 BLOUNT's Fragmenta Antiquitatis; or, Antient Tenures of Land and Jocular Customs of some Manors, with Explanatory Notes and Index by Jos. Beckwith. 8vo, half russia, whout, J. Trotter Boockett's copy, who has added a few MS. notes. 18s York, 1784 383 BLOUNT (Thomas) Academy of Eloquence, shewing how to Speak and Write Fluently, with Letters, Amorous and Moral, Formulas, Common Places, &c. 12mo, meat, wants 2 leaves. 3s 6d 1683 384 350ttättig.—A Treatise, excellent and compendious, showing and declaring in manner of Tragedye the Falls of Sondry and most notable Princes and Princesses, and other Nobles through the mutabilitie and changes of unstedfast Fortune, translated from Boccace by Dan Jonn Lidgate, Monke of Burye, In verse, folio, black letter, two large woodcuts, wants the “Dawnce of Machabre,” sia, leaves, otherwise sound copy, in russia. 34.15s Richard Tottel, 1554 36, Soho Square, London. 35 385 BODENHAM's Politeuphnia, Wit's Commonwealth newly corrected and amended. Thick 12mo, calf meat. 7s 6d 1641 A collection of Proverbs and Short Sentences, very popular in its day and frequently printed. 386 BOISGELIN’s History of Ancient and Modern MALTA, with the History of the KNIGHTs of ST. JoHN of Jerusalem. 2 vols in 1, 4to, map and plates, calf meat. 12s 6d 1805 387 BOLINGBROKE–Memoirs of Lord Bolingbroke, by G. W. Cooke. 2 vols, 8vo, portraits, half calf gilt. 8s 6d 1835 388 BOLTON (Robt., of Broughton, Northamptonshire) Some General Directions for a Comfortable Walking with God, dolivered at Kettering, in Northamptonshire. 4to, old calf. 3s 6d 1625 389 BOLTON (Robt," Minister at Broughton, Northampton- shire) Some general Directions for a comfortable walking with God, 1634–Bolton’s Foure last things, with his Assize Sermon, and Notes on Justice Nicholls, his Funerall—Life of Bolton, and Sermon at his Funeral, by Nic. Eastwick, 1635. In a volume, 4to, fine portrait of Bolton by Payne, calf gilt, 9s 390 BONAPARTE–Souvenirs de l'Empereur Napoleon I, extraits du Memorial de Sainte Helene du Comte de las Cases. 8vo, Sewed. 2s Paris, 1854 391 BONAPARTE.-Original Letters from the Army of Bonaparte in Egypt, intercepted by Lord Nelson, with an English Translation. 8vo, Sewed. Is about 1798 392 BONAPARTE–Life of Louis Napoleon, Ex-Emperor of the French, from Authentic Sources. 12mo, sewed. 2s 393 BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER, with the Psalms.—The Holy Bible, consisting of the OLD and NEW TESTAMENTs—The Whole Book of PSALMs in English Metre, by STERNHoLD and HoPKINS, with apt Notes (MUSIC) to sing them withal. In a volume, folio, ruled throughout with red lines to each page, bound in contemporary red morocco, full gilt back, quite Sound, a fine specimen of Old English binding, frontispiece by Marshall. #5. 15s Cambridge, T. Buck and R. Daniel, 1638 This beautifully-printed edition is said to have been revised by the Ring's command, by several learned men of Cambridge, Dr. Ward, Dr. Goad, Boyse, Mead, etc, Probably this was the Bible in which Buck and Daniel challenged the whole of Cambridge, by a bill fixed over the door of St. Mary's Church, that if any scholar could find any literal fault in it, he should have a Bible for his pains. This edition is also remarkable as being the first in which the text, Acts vi. 3, “whom we may appoint,” is rendered, “whom ye may appoint.” This erratum has been attributed without foundation to the ſndepen- dents and Presbyterians. There are other examples in this edition, which remained the standard Bible until 1769. A long account is given in Loftie's Century of Bibles, 1611 to 1711. 36 Alfred Russell Smith, 394 BONNELL (James) Exemplary Life and Character and Character of, late Accomptant-General of Ireland, by W. Hamilton. 8vo, portrait, calf. 3s 6d 1707 395 BOOK of JASHER, with Testimonies and Notes, various readings and dissertation proving its authenticity, translated by Alcuin, Abbot of Canterbury, who discovered it in the Holy Land. 4to, calf meat. 10s 6d Bristol, 1829 A reprint of the famous hoax done by a Mr. Ilive at Bristol and pub- lished in 1751, he wrote it in his closet and it was composed and worked of in the night time in a private press-room. 395* BOOK of JASHER. Another version faithfully translated from the original Hebrew (!) 8vo, cloth. 6s New York, 1840 396 3500ke of $attaileg.—The Second part of the Booke of Battailes fought in our age. Taken out of the Best Authors and Writers in Sundrie Languages. 35lack 3Letter, 4to. £1.5s London, for Gabl. Cawood, 1587 Description of the Battailes of Dreux, Saint Geaune, Cheuraine, Ba- row (Naval), Mockerheid, Giblou, Conwenstein dike, Pescheiras, Alcazar, Lisbon, Saint Michaell (Naval) and that of Langside in Scotland, between the Earls of Murray and Argyle. 397 330ite of $t, 3.Ibang, by Dame Juliana Berners, con- taining Treatises on Hawking, Hunting, and Cote Armour, re- printed in facsimile of the original edition, printed at St. Albans in 1486, with Introduction by Wm. Blades. 4to, wellum. 491. 15s 1881 398 3500ke of Bregüentº Exactly written in manner of a Register, newelye corrected, with additions, mete for all such as desire to learne the forme and manner of Evidences, 4to, black Ietter, fine large copy, morocco antique, by Hayday. £2. 15s Imprinted at London, in Fleete-streete, at the sign of the Hand and Starre, by Richard Tottel, 1584 399 BORROW (George) The Bible in Spain, Journeys, Adventures, and Imprisonments–Lavengro, the Scholar, Gypsey and Priest—The Romany Rye, a sequel to Lavengro. Together 8 vols, post 8vo, wriformly bound in new half morocco extra, É3. 3s 1843—57 400 BORUWLASKI (Count, the Polish Dwarf) Memoirs with his travels and reception at the different Courts of Europe, written by himself. , 8vo, portrait, new half morocco, gilt top, 8s 6d ; half calf, 4s 6d JDurham, 1820 401 BOSWELL's LIFE OF JOHNSON, including his Tour to the Hebrides, and Anecdotes of Hawkins, Piozzi, Murphy, Tyers Reynolds, Steevens, and others, with Notes by various hands. 10 vols, 12mo, portraits and frontispieces, new half calf, scarce. #23. 3s Murray, 835 36, Soho Square, London. 37 402 BOTFIELD (Beriah) Journal of a Tour in the Highlands of Scotland during the Summer of 1829. Post 8vo, map and frontispiece, but few copies privately printed for the author's friends, boards. #1. 5s Norton Hall, 1830 403 BOTTLE TRICK.—Modest Apology for the Man in the Bottle, being a full Answer to all that ever was or ever will be said upon that important Occasion. 8vo, half morocco. 4s 6d (about 1730) Contains some extraordinary satires on fast men of the time. 404 BOULLAYE LE GOUZ's Tour in Ireland in 1644, with Notes and Illustrations by Jas. Roche, (Rev. Francis Mahony), Thos. Wright and Crofton Croker. 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d 1837 * 405 BOULOGNE. — Histoire de Boulogne sur Mer, par D'Hauttefeuile et Bernard. 2 vols, post 8vo, Sewed. 4s 6d Boulogne, 1860 406 BOURNE (Vincent) Poetical Works. Post 8vo, LARGE PAPER, cloth. 7s 6d Oxford, 1826 407 BOURRIENNE’s Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, with Notes from Napoleon's dictation while at St. Helena, from the Memoirs of the Duke of Rovigo and other authentic sources. 3 vols, 12mo, portraits, maps, and plates, new half morocco, gilt tops. 16s 1831 408 BOWER (Archd.) History of the Popes from the foun- dation of the See of Rome to 1749. 7 vols, 4to, new calf extra, by Hayday. £3.15s 1749 The author was educated at the Scotch College at Douay, and after- wards removed to Rome and became a Councellor of the Inquisition, at an advanced age he for the second time renounced the Roman Catholic Faith, became Protestant and wrote this work, the cause of much con- troversy, in violent opposition to Popery. 409 350lues (šir gjerome) Apology or Defence for the Christians of FRANCE which are of the REFORMED RELIGION, for the satisfying of such as wil not live in peace and concord with them. Written to the King of Navarre and translated out of French by SIR JEHEROM BowF.S. 12mo, 36|actº ſetter, calf. :{2. 2s John Day, 1579 A very important volume, written only seven years after the Massacre of St. Bartholomew. A murder was committed in the house of Sir Je- rome Bowes in 1606. 410 BOWMAN (Hildebrand) Travels into Carnovirria, Tau- piniera, Olfactaria, and Auditante, in New-Zealand ; in the IS- land of Bonhommica, and in the Powerful Kingdom of Luxo- Volupta. 8vo, half calf. 5s 1778 Written in the style of Gulliver's Travels, dedicated to Sir Jas. Banks and Dr. Solander. The author, under the guise of satire, most merci- lessly lashes the vices of the English aristocracy of that time. 38 - Alfred Russell S mitſ, 411 BOWRING (Sir John) Specimens of the Polish Poets, with Notes and Observations on the Literature of Poland. 12mo, boards, SCARCE. 4s 6d 1827 412 BOYER (A.) History of the Life and Reign of Queen Anne. Thick folio, maps of Marlborough's Battles and plates of Medals, calf meat. 14s 1722 413 BRANCH (Thos.) Thoughts on Dreaming, wherein the - Notion of the Sensory, and that the Spirits supply us with our Dreams are Examined, in reply to an Essay on Dreaming in “An Enquiry into the Nature of the Soul.” 8vo, half morocco. 4s 6d 1738 414 BRAND (John) Observations on Popular Antiquities, including the whole of Bourne's Antiquitates Vulgares, and Ap- pendix of Articles omitted by that “Author.” 8vo, calf meat. 7s 6d Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1737 415 BRASBRIDGE (Joseph, Silversmith of London) Fruits of Experience, or Memoirs of him written in his 80th year (an Entertaining Piece of Autobiography). 8vo, portrait, boards. 4s 1824 416 BRATHWAIT's Four Journeys of Drunken Barnaby to the North of England. 12mo, copper plates in the text of Harding, calf meat, scarce. 12s 1805 417 BRATHWAIT (Richard) Barnabee's Journal, or Drunken Barnaby's Journey to the North of England, with Life, a Biblio- graphical Introduction and Catalogue of his works, edited by Haslewood, revised by W. C. Hazlitt. Post 8vo, portrait and plates, boards. 5s (pub 12s) 1876 418 BRAITHWAITE (Rd.) A Strappado for the Diuell, edited with an Introduction by Rev. J. W. Ebsworth. 8vo, LARGE PAPER, only 50 copies printed in this form, cloth. £1. 1s Boston, 1878 419 BRAITHWAITE (R) Nature's Embassie, Divine and Morall Satyres; Shepheard's Tales, both parts; Omphale ; Odes or Philomel’s Tears, &c., edited by Rev. J. W. Ebsworth. 8vo, cloth. £1. 1s Bostom, 1877 Large paper, only 50 copies printed. 420 BRAITHWAITE (Richard). The Arcadian Princess, or the Triumph of Justice, prescribing Excellent Rules of Physick for a Sick Justice, digested into Foure Bookes. Thick 12mo, half calf meat. £1.4s 1635 421 BRAY (Charles) The Philosophy of Necessity of Natural Law as applicable to Moral, Mental, and Social Science. 8vo, cloth. 8s 6d 1863 422 BREBNER (Henry) Hauberk Hall, a series of Facts, a Novel. 2 vols, cr. 8vo, half calf. 2s 1823 36, Soho Square, London. 39 423 BREWINT (Dan., D.D.) Missale Romanum, or the Depth and Mystery of the Roman. Mass laid Open and Explained, for the Use of both Reformed and Unreformed Christians. 8vo, calf, scarce. 15s Oxford, 1672 424 BREWINT (Daniel, D.D.) Saul and Samuel at Endor, or the Newe Waies of Salvation and Service, which usually tempt men to Rome and detain them there, truly represented and re- futed, with an account of R. F.'s Missale Vindicatum, by the Author. 8vo, calf meat, scarce, not mentioned by Lowndes. 9s Oxford, 1674 BREWING AND DISTILLING. 425 WORTH (W. P.) Cerevisiario Comes, or the New and True Art of BREWING, illustrated by various Examples in Making Beer, Ale, and other Liquors, 1692—SMIf H (James) Experiments, being a true Direction how to prepare several Medecines that have been daily Experienced, and frequently sold, 1679–BoyLE (Hon. R.) Medicinal Experiments, or a collection of Choice Remedies for the most part Simple and Easily prepared, 1692. 3 vols in 1, half calf. 9s W.Y. Three very scarce and singular Treatises,containing some extraordinary receipts. The author of the first in his Preface asserts that Good Brew- ing is all for the glory of God. 426 COOPER (A.) Complete Distiller, with accurate Descriptions of the Drugs, Plants, Flowers, Fruits, etc., used therein. 12mo, folding plates, boards. 2s 1803 427 SMITH (G., of Kendal) Compleat Body of Distilling, explaining the Mysteries of that Science, and Directions for Learning the Art. 8vo, meat. 4s 1725 428 BREWING.—London and Country Brewer, containing the whole Art of Brewing all sorts of Malt Liquors, Directions for Bottling, Cellarage, &c. Thick 8vo, calf. 4s 6d 1742 429 COMBRUNE (Michael) Theory and Practice of Brewing. 4to, calf. 4s 6d 1762 430 MORRICE (Alex.) On Brewing, wherein is exhibited the whole Process and Mystery of that Art, how to Brew every kind of Ale, Porter, etc., and to make Malt. 8vo, boards. 3s 1810 432 CARNELL (P. P.) On Family Wine Making, for making Excellent Wines from the Fruits of this Country. 8vo, bds. 2s 1814 433 YOUNG Brewer's Monitor, comprising a Luminous and Scientific Summary of the Art, by a Brewer of Thirty years' experience. 8vo, bds. 2s 1824 434 WINE MERCHANT’s Companion and Butler's Manual, containing . the best Information for Selection and Management of French Wines. Post 8vo, cloth. 1s 6d l825 435 BLACK's Practical Treatise on Brewing, and on Storing of Beer, deduced from forty years' experience. 8vo, boards. 2s 1835 4O Alfred Russell Smith, 436 BREWSTER (David) Life of Sir Isaac Newton. 12mo, portrait and vignette, half morocco, marb. edges. 2s; 1831 437 BRIEF DISCOURSE of the Troubles begun at Frankfort in 1554, about the Book of CoMMON PRAYER, and Ceremonies, reprinted from the Black Letter Edition of 1575, with an Intro- duction. 8vo, LARGE PAPER, cloth, 5s—Small paper, cloth, 3s 6d I846 438 BRITISH ALMANACK and COMPANION, from their Com- mencement in 1828 to 1864 (inclusive), with the Index Vol from 1828–1843, generally wanting. 38 vols, 12mo, cloth. £1. 10s - 1828–64 The value of the “Companion ” in a library can be scarcely estimated, as the History of Great Britain during the last 48 years is given in a handy form. The articles on Finance, Political Economy, and Social Science are written by the most eminent men. 439 BRITISH AUTOGRAPHY, a Collection of Facsimiles of the Hand-writing of Royal and Illustrious Persons, with their Authentic Portraits and Lives. 4 vols, 4to, half red morocco. 394. 15s 1819 Two hundred and seventy-five portraits and facsimiles, taken from rare originals, engravings, or scarce prints, from authentic sources, and collections of eminent antiquaries. 440 BRITISH Channel Coast Scenery, illustrated in a series of 40 FINELY ENGRAVED PLATES by CLARKSON STANFIELD, fine *mpressions, 8vo, morocco eſctra, gilt edges. 7s 6d 1838 441 BRITISH LIGHTNING, or Suddaine Tumults in England, Scotland, and Ireland, to warn the United Provinces to under- stand the Dangers and the Causes thereof, to defend those amongst us from being Partakers of their Plagues, Translated from the Dutch, by G. L. W. 4to, boards. 4s 6d Printed abroad, 1643 442 BRITISH MUSEUM ANTIQUITIES.–Handbook to the Greek, Assyrian, Egyptian and Etruscam Antiquities, by W. S. W. Vaux. Post 8vo, many woodcuts, cloth. 2s 6d Murray, 1851 443 BRITISH MUSEUM.—Elgin and Phigaleian Marbles. 2 vols, 12mo, numerous woodcuts, cloth. 3s 1838 444 BRITISH MUSEUM Handy Book for Every Day Readers, by T. Nichols. 8vo, Tºwmerous engravings, new calf an- tique. 8s 6d 1870 445 BRITISH Wond ERs, a POETICAL description of the several Prodigies and most Remarkable Accidents that have hap- pen'd in Britain since the Death of Queen Anne, 8vo, new half morocco. 3s 6d 1797 446 BRITTANY-A Ramble into Brittany by Rev. Geo. Musgrave. 2 vols, 8vo, frontispieces and vignettes, new half calf gilt, marble edges. 12s 6d 1870 A most entertaining book of Travels. 36, Soho Square, London. 4 I 447 BRITTON and Brayley's Beauties of England and Wales, being Topographical, Historical, and Descriptive Deli- neations of each County. Vols 1 and 2, containing Beds, Berks, Bucks., Cambridgeshire, Cheshire, and Cornwall. 8vo, many plates, halfcalf. 9s 6d 1801 448 BROADSIDES.–Catalogue of a Collection of Printed Broadsides in the possession of the Society of Antiquaries, com- piled by ROBERT LEMON. Roy. 8vo, facsimiles, cloth. 8s 6d 1866 449 BROADSIDE.-A Dialogue between the Ghosts of the Two Last Parliaments, at their late Interview, a folio Broad- side, printed in 3 Columns, 4to, half calf. 5s 1681 450 BRODERIP (W. J.) Zoological Recreations. 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d 1847 451 BROME (Jas., Rector of Cheriton in Kent) Travels over England, Scotland and Wales; giving a true and exact Descrip- tion of the Chiefest Cities, Towns and Corporations. 8vo, calf meat. 4s 6d 1707 Contains much interesting Iſlatter relating to Caves and Wells, and other places o! Interest. 452 BROUGHAM (Lord) Political Philosophy. 3 vols, 8vo, cloth. 18s 1849 Principles of Government—Monarchial, Aristocracy, and Aristocratic Government—Democracy and Mixed Monarchy–An Account of the Rise of all the Monarchies of Europe—The Feudal System, &c. 453 BROUGHAM (Lord) The British Constitution; its His- tory, Structure, and Working. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d 1861 454 BROUGHAM (Lord) Historical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in the Time of George III. To which is added Remarks on Party. 8vo, half calf meat. 2s 6d 1839 455 33roughton (#2ugi) Textes of Scripture chayning the Holy Chronicle untill the Sumne iost his light and the Sonne brake the Serpentes head. 4to, black letter, unbound. 4s6d about 1600 456 BROUGHTON (Richard) True Memorial of the Ancient, most Holy, and Religious State of Great Britain flourishing with Apostles, Monasteries, Religious Rules and Orders in the Time of the Britons and Saxons, no Order from Egypt, of St. Benedict, or of St. Equitius being found therein. 8vo, calf meat. 15s Permissu Superiorum, 1650 An uncommon volume of Early Church. History and Lives and Le- gends of Saints. 457 BROWN (Andrew) Philosophy of Physics, or Process of Critical Development, by which Physics are Proved, and their Effect in the Formation of all things made Comprehensible. Thick 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d New York, 1854 42 Alfred Russell Smith, 458 BROWN (E) Discourse of the Original, Countrey, Manners, Government and Religion of the Cossacks, with Ano- ther of the Precopian Tartars, with History of the Wars of the Cossacks against Poland. 12mo, calf. 3s 6d I672 The author of this Work was a Soldier of Fortune, and he lived for some titue in Poland, and gives some very interesting information. 459 BROWN (R., F.S.A.) The Religion of Zoroaster consi- dered in connection with Archaic Monotheism. 8vo, pp. 68, sewed. 2s 1879 460 BROWN (Thos., the Younger) Intercepted Letters, or the Twopenny Post Bag, to which are added Trifles, reprinted. 12mo, half calf. 2s 1813 461 BROWNE (Alexander, Practitioner in the Art of Lim- ning) Ars Pictoria, or an Academy of Drawing, Painting, Lim- ning and Etching, with Plates expressing the choicest and most exact grounds of Symmetry. Folio, 31 copper plates, new calf eſctra. £2.15s 1675 Drawing-master to Mrs. Pepys; Pepy's mentions his visits to him in his diary. 462 BROWNE (Thos., of Norwich) Enquiries into Vulgar Errors. Folio, half welllum. 6s 6d 1646 463 BROWNE (Sir Thomas, of Norwich) Enquiries into very many received VULGAR ERRORs. Thick 4to, calf meat. 9s 1672 This edition contains the Religio-Medici, and annotations on it. 464 BROWNE (William of Tavistock, author of Britannia's Pastorals) His whole works, now first collected and edited, with Life of the Poet, by W. C. Hazlitt. 2 vols, sm. 4to, only 200 co- pies printed, half morocco. 15s I868 465 351-0tunigſg.—A Plaine Declaration that our Brown- ists be full Donatists, also a full Reply to Master Greenwood touching Read Prayer, by Geo. Gyffard, Minister in Maldon. 4to, black letter, calf. 16s I590 466 BRUCE (J.) Reports of the Events and Circumstances which produced the Union of Kingdoms of England and Scot- land,the Effects of this Event,and the Reciprocal Interests of both Kingdoms; the Political and Commercial influence of Great Bri- tain in the Balance of Power in Europe, Appendix to the above Reports, giving a Collection of Border Laws and all the Acts and Commissions for and after the Union, Collected from Documents in the State Paper Office. 2 vols, 8vo, PRIVATELY PRINTED, in boards. 12s 1729 467 BRYANT (Jacob) New System, or Analysis of Ancient Mythology, wherein the TRUTH is reduced to the QRIGINAL PüRITY, showing the History of the Babylonians, Chaldeans, Egyptians, Canaanites, Ionians, Pelasgi, Scythians, Phoenicians, &c. 3 vols, 4to, numerous plates, half calf 18S 1775 36, Soho Square, London. 43 468 BRYDGES (Sir Egerton) Memoirs of the Peers of Eng- gland during the reign of James I. 8vo, no plates, of which there should be three, half calf. 3s 1802 469 BRYDGES (Sir Egerton) Poems. 12mo, meat. 2s 1807 470 35tiſer.-The Gratulation of M. Marten Bucer unto the churche of Englande for the restitution of Christes religion, and hys answere unto the two raylinge epistles of Stene(Gardiner) Bishoppe of Winchester, concerning the unmarried state of preestes and cloysterars, Translated out of Latin (by Sir Thomas |Hoby.) 12mo, blacá letter, morocco extra. É4.4s Richard Jugge (about 1550) 471 BUCKHAM (P. W.) The Theatre of the Greeks, or the History, Literature and Criticism of the Greek Drama, with a Treatise on the Principal Tragic and Comic Metres. 8vo, half calf. 4s 6d Camb., 1827 472 BUCKINGHAM (Geo. Williers, temp. James I.) Histo- rical and Biographical Memoirs. 4to, half morocco. 3s 6d Smeeton, 1819 473 BUCKINGHAM (John Sheffield, Duke of) Works. 2 vols, 4to, plate and vignettes by Fourdrinier, and portrait by Vertue, calf meat. 12s 1723 474 BUCKINGHAM (John Sheffield, Duke of) Poetical and Prose Works. 2 vols, 8vo, calf meat. 2s 1740 475 BUCKINGHAM and CHANDOs (Richard, Duke of) Private Diary, 1827 to 1829. 3 vols, 8vo, portrait, cloth. 7s 6d 1862 BUCKINGHAMISEIIRE. 476 LIPSCOMBE’s History and Antiquities of the County of Bucking- ham. The first part, consisting of the HUNDRED of ASHENDEN, pp. 304, comprising nearly the whole of the first volume. Inter- leaved. 4to, plates, calf meat. 15s 1831 477 BURNHAM (East) Some Account of the Hamlet of, with other Collected Papers (Original and Reprinted), in Prose and Verse, 1842—1862, by Mrs. Grote, 8vo, front., cloth. 3s 6d 1862 478 STOKE-POGES, History of the Manor and Parish of 18mo, cloth. 3S 1851 479 STOWE.—Description of the Magnificent House and Gardens of Earl Temple, 8vo, illustrated with numerous finely engraved plates of the different Buildings, Statues, etc., and Plans, half mo- rocco. 4s 6d 1769 480 WYCOMBE. – Report of the Case of the King v. Westwood, respecting the Priviledges of Chipping Wycombe, with a Digest of the authorities on Corporatton Law, by John Rumsey. Roy. 8vo, boards. 5s 1830 44 Alfred Russell Smith, 48I LANGLEY (Thos.) History and Antiquities of the HUNDRED of DESBOROUGH, 4to, map and pedigree, but wants the four plates, otherwise perfect, half morocco, scarce. 18s 1797 482 COWPER, illustrated by a series of Views in and near Weston Underwood, Bucks. 4to, LARGE PAPER, 13 fine plates, bds. 3s 6d (pub l guinea) 1803 483 BUFFON's NATURAL HISTORY, abridged by Rev. W. Hutton. 2 vols, 8vo, 100 fine plates, half calf 'meat. 4s 6d I82I 484 BULWER LYTTON (Sir E.) King Arthur. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. 6s 6d 1849 485 BULWER LYTTON.— Falkland, by the Author of Pelham, Devereux, &c., FIRST EDITION. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 1834 486 BUNYAN's Pilgrim Progress, from this World to that which is to Come. 8vo, port, inserted (but no plates), calf meat, old and uncommon edition. 4s 6d 1758 487 BUNYAN (John) Pilgrim's Progress, from this World to that which is to Come. 8vo, curious plates, boards. 2s 1792 488 BUNYAN's HOLY WAR. 12mo, rough woodcuts, new half morocco. 6s 6d W. Jackson, in Ludgate Street. 1796 489 BUNYAN (John) Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ, a Plain and Profitable Discourse. 18mo, curious woodcut frontis- piece, half morocco, red edges. THE ELEVENTH EDITION, SCARCE. 6s 6d 1715 490 BUNYAN (John) Doctrine of the Law and Grace Un- folded, or a Discourse touching their Natures, shewing what their conditions are, that be under either of these two Covenants. 12mo, very clean copy in original binding. 3s 6d I 802 491 BURDER (Rev. Samuel) Oriental Literature applied to the illustration of the Sacred Scriptures, especially with reference to Antiquities, Traditions and Manners. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 8s 1822 492 BURGOYNE (Rt. Hon. John, General, Statesman, and JDramatist), Political and Military Episodes in the latter half of the 18th century, derived from his Life and Correspondence,by E. B. de Fomblanque. Thick 8vo, plates and maps, cloth. 5s 1876 An entertaining piece of Biography, gives a full account, with the correspondence, &c., of his unsuccessful campaign in America, in 1777. 493 BURGOYNE (The late General Sir John Fox) Military Opinions on National Defence, War in the Baltic, Defence of Se- bastopol, Ships v. Batteries, Defects of Organization, Military Maxims, etc., edited by Capt. the Hon. Gen. Wrottesley. Thick 8vo, cloth. 3s (pub 14s) 1859 36, Soho Square, London. 45 494 BURKE (Edmund) Life and Character, by James Prior. Thick 8vo, portrait, calf gilt. 5s 1839 495 BURKE (Edmund) Life and Character, with Specimens of his Poetry and Letters,and estimate of his Genius and Talents, by James Prior. Thick 8vo, portrait, half bound. 4s 6d 1824 496 BURKE (Edmund) History of his Life and Times, by Thomas Macknight. Wols l and 2, vol 3 wanting. 8vo, cloth, 5s 1858 497 BURKE's (Edm.) Maxims and Opinions, with Characters from his Works. 2 vols in 1, 12mo, portrait and facsimile, calf meat. 4s 6d 1804 498 BURKE (Edmund) Maxims, Opinions, and Characters. 2 vols, 12mo, portrait, half calf gilt. 3s 6d 1811 499 BURNET (Bp.) Memoirs of James and William, Dukes of Hamilton and Castle Herald. Thick 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d Oxford, 1852 500 BURNS (Robt.) Poems chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. 2 vols, post 8vo, SECOND EDITION, Portrait by Beugo, fine impres- sion, calf meat. 18S Edinb., 1793 501 BURNS.—Life of, with Criticism on his writings, by Jas. Currie. Roy. 8vo, cloth. 5s Edinb., 1838 This edition contains many additional particulars never before made public. 502 BURNS (Robt.) Storer and Greg's Views in North Bri- tain, illustrative of his Works, with a Sketch of his Life. 4to, fine plates, boards. 5s 181 l 503 BURTON (Edw.) The Father's Legacy: or, Burton's Collections, containing many excellent instructions for Age and Youth, showing them how to live Godly in this life, and to attain everlasting happiness. , 12mo, calf gilt. 1649 An interesting and hitherto undescribed little volume. Nothing seems to be known about the Author, but the commendation is signed Arthur Richards, his very affectionate neighbour. 504 BURTON (Richard) Miracles of Art and Nature, a brief description of the several varieties of Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Plants and Fruits, of other countreys, with several other remarkable things in the world., 12mo, calf meat. , 15s 1678 This is an original edition of Robert Burton's, and not one of the spurious books with his name. Several chapters are devoted to America. 505 BURTON (Richard). History of the House of Orange, with the History of William and Mary, and the most remarkable transactions, from their accession. 4to, from tispiece, boards. 5s 1814 46 Alfred Russell Smith, 506 BURTON (Richard) Admirable Curiosities in England Scotland, and Ireland, remarkable persons, Places, Battles, Earth- uakes, Inundations, Thunders, Lightnings, Fires, and Murders or several Hundred Years, also Natural and Artificial Rarities in every County. 4to, frontispiece and portraits, new half morocco. 12S Westminster, 1811 507 BURTON's Anatomy of Melancholy, what it is, with the Symptoms, Causes, and Cures, Philosophically, Medicinally, Historically, opened and cut up by Democritus Junior, with a Satyrical Preface. Folio, curious engraved title and opposite verses, new calf gilt. £1. 10s 1638 508 BURTON (Capt. R. F.) Exploration of the Highlands of Brazil, with a full account of the Gold and Diamond Mines and Canoeing down 1500 miles of the Great River Sao Francisco. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 9s 1869 509 BURT (Viscount) Exodus of the Western Nations, being a History of the Settlements in America by the different Euro- pean Nations. 2 thick vols, 8vo, cloth. 8s 6d 1865 510 BUTLER (S.) HUDIBRAS. 18mo, plates, calf. 7s 6d 1710 This is a very uncommon edition, the plates are cleverly drawn anterior to Hogarth, who evidently copied them. 511 BUTLER (Sam) Hudibras, with Dr. Gray's Annotations, best of the modern editions, corrected and enlarged, with CoPIOUS INDEX. 3 vols, 8vo, plates and vignettes, calf meat. £1. 8s 1819 512 BUTLER.—The Penitent Murderer, being an Exact Narrative of the Life and Death of Nathaniel Butler, of Alton, who murdered John Knight in Milk Street, with an Account of his Execution in Cheapside, and Funeral Sermon on him by Randolph Yeawood, the Lord Mayor's Chaplin. 12mo, curious frontispiece in compartments and opposite verses, Sir Francis Free- ling's copy, who has written that it “has a fine impression of the particularly rare frontispiece,” calf meat. 18s 1659 BYRON. * 513 BYRON'S WORKS. 4 vols, 8vo, portrait, calf gilt. 8s 6d Murray, 1823 514 BYRON (Lord) Poetical Works, with Notes and Illustrations. Thick roy. 8vo, portrait and vignette. 5s 6d Murray, 1855 515 BYRON's English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, a Satire. Svo, half calf. 2s 6d—bds., 1s I81() 516 BYRON.—Sardamapalus, FIRST EDITION.—The Two Foscari, and Cain, a Mystery, FIRST EDITION, 1821. 8vo, Uds, 5s 6d 517 MAZEPPA, 1812—Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice, and the Pro. phecy of Dante, 1821—The Deformed Transformed, a Drama, i824. In a volume, 8vo, calf. 6s 6d 36, Soho Square, London. 47 518 CHILDE Harold's Pilgrimage, a Romaunt ; the Four Cantos, 1812 —Sardanapalus, the Two Foscari, and Cain, a Mystery, 1821– The Island, or Christian and his Comrades, 1823–The Corsair, a Tale, 1814—The Giaour, a Turkish Tale, 1813—Prisoner of Chillon, and other Poems, 1816. In 3 vols, 8vo, many of them FIRST EDITIONS, calf meat. 9s 6d 519 MARINO Faliero, Doge of Venice, with Notes—The Prophecy of Dante, a poem. 8vo, cloth. 5s—half bound. 5s 1821 520 WERNER, a Tragedy, by Lord Byron. 8vo, half bound. 2s 1821 521 SARDANAPALUS, a Tragedy; The Two Foscari, a Tragedy; and Cain, a Mystery. 8vo, cloth. 5s 6d 1821 522 HOURS of Idleness, a series of Poems. 8vo, front., boards. 4s; calf neat, marbled edges. 5s 1820 523 FINDEN's Illustrations of the Life and Works of Lord Byron, with original and selected information on the subjects of the engravings, by W. Brockedon. 3 vols, 4to, LARGE PAPER, fine $mpressions of the plates, green morocco eactra, gilt edges. £4. 15s 1833 8vo, portrait of 524 THE DUKE of Mantua, a Tragedy by Lord Byron hiding behind a masque, sewed. 2s 6d I823 525 GUICCIOLI (Countess) My Recollections of Lord Byron. 2 vols, 8vo, portrait, new half calf gilt. 14s 1869 526 BYRON.—Review of the Character and Writings of Lord Byron. 12mo, portrait, bds. 2s 1826 527 C– and Country.—A Play of Seven Acts, in which will be revived the entertaining Scene of the Blundering Bro- thers, the Comical Humours of Punch, the whole concluding with the Grand Masque, call'd the Downfall of Sejanus, written by a Masquerader, and dedicated to those who were present at the last Ball, Jan. 16. Folio, engraving on title of a Masquerade Ball, and woodcut of a Hangman and Gallows, a very curious tract and perhaps wrique, half morocco. £1. 10s 1735 528 CABALA sive Scrinia Sacra : Mysteries of State and Government in Letters of Eminent Persons and Politicians in the Reigns of Henry 8th, Queen Elizabeth, King James, and Charles 1st, in which the Secrets of Empire, and Publique Manage of Affairs are contained, with many Remarkable Passages no where else Published. 4to, calf meat. 6s 6d.—ANOTHER COPY, wanting Second part, calf. 3s & 1654 529 CABINET MAKING-Rudiments of Drawing Cabinet and Upholstery Furniture, by Richard Brown. 4to, coloured plates, bds. 6s 6d 1835 Capital book for those engaged in house furnishing, the object is to show the proportions and relations that every article of furniture in a room should bear to each other. 48 Alfred Russell Smith, 530 533 534 C. (N.) Modest and True Account of the Chief Points in Controversie between the Roman Catholics and the Protestants. 8vo, calf. 5s Antwerp, 1696 (Latgår.—The Eyght Bookes of Julius Cæsar, conteyn- ing his Martiall Exploytes in the Realme of Gallia and the Coun- tries bordering on the same, translated from the Latin by ARTHUR GOLDING, 4to, blacá letter, large copy, in calf. £3.10s Thomas Este, 1590 CAESAR (Julius) History of, by the Emperor Napoleon III. 2 vols, 8vo, and 4to volume of maps, new half calf gilt. :Él. 5s . 1862 CAESAR's Commentaries, translated by WM. DUNCAN. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 6s 1819 (Calendar of SCRIPTURE, whearin the Hebru, Challdian, Arabian, Phenician, Syrian, Persian, Greek, and Latin names of Nations, Countrys, men, weemen, Idols, &c., in the Holly Byble mentioned, turned into our English tongue, 4to, russia meat. Haslewood's copy. 18s 1575 Considering the purport of this work, it contains an extraordinary dissertation on the character of Queen Elizabeth when she had reigned only seventeen years. This copy has a few MS. notes by an early pos- sessor, evidently of competent knowledge and research : and an attempt has been made to render some of them into English. CALICO PRINTING —The British Manufacturer's Com- panion and Calico Printer's Assistant, being a Treatise on Calico 9rinting in all its Branches, Theoretical and Practical, by Charles O’Brien, Calico Printer. Thick 12mo, front., bds. 4s 6d 1795 This appears to have been the first work published on the above sub- ject, and the author seems to have thoroughly exhausted the then avail- able knowledge upon it. The author states that, for reasons which will afterwards appear, this work is not paged. CALVERLEY (C. S.) Verses and Translations. 12mo, cloth. 2s I862 CALVIN's Institutes of the Christian Religion, trans- lated from the Latin according to the Author's Last Edition by Thos. Norton. Very thick 4to, of a Thousand Pages, morocco an- tique, by J. Clarke. £1. 10s 1582 Calbin.-A Commentarie of M. John Calvin upon the Epistle to the Colossians, and translated into English by R. W. 4to, black ſetter, half calf. 5s Thomas Purfoote, 1582 CALVIN.—Life and Death of M. JoHN CALVIN, with the Testament and his LAST WILL, and the Catalogue of his BookEs that he hath made. Turned out of Frenche by J. S. 12mo, calf meat, fl. 18S No place nor printer, probably Geneva, 1564 36, Soho Square, London. 49 CAMIBIRIDGESHIRE. 540 HISTORY of the County, from Cox's Magna Britannia. Sm. 4to, map. 2S 1720 541 LYSONS' History and Antiquities, of Cambridgeshire. 4to, map and plates, bds. 12s 1800 542 BLOMEFIELD (Francis) Collectanea Cantabrigiensia, or Collections relating to the University, Town and County. 4to, half calf, scarce. 15S Norwich, 1751 Contains all the Monumental Inscriptions in the Colleges and Churches in Cambridge, and in several others in the county, List of Mayors, and Historical Memoirs of the Colleges. CAMIBFIDGE. 543 ACCOUNT of Pythagoras's School, Merton College, the Founder's, Rindred, on Colleges and on the Two Universities. Follo, plates, half calf. 8s 6d 1783 544 CAMBRIDGE, The History and Antiquities of the University of by Nicholas Cantalupe and Richard Parker. 8vo, calf. 4s 6d London, at Indian Queen, N.D. 545 CAIUS (Jno.) Historiae Cantabrigiensis Academiae ab urbe Condita, lö74—ASSERTIO Antiquitatis Oxon.IENSIS Academiae, incerto Authore ejusdem Gymnasii, 1574–CAIUS De Pronunciatione Grecae et Latinae linguæ, 1574. In 1 vol, 4to, calf meat. 9s 6d John Day, 1574 546 DESCRIPTION of the Illustrations of MSS. in the Library of Gonville and Caius College, edited by Rev. J. Smith. 8vo, sewed. 2S Cambridge, 1853 547 HISTORIA Collegii Jesu A. J. Shermanno, edidit et Notis In- struxit J. O. Halliwell. 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d Camb. Antiq. Soc., 1840 548 HISTORY of the University and of Waltham Abbey, with the Appeal of Injured Innocence, by Thomas Fuller, a New edition. with Notes by James Nichols. 8vo, folding plan, portraits and vignette views, half calf. 9s 6d 1840 549 MEMORABILIA Cantabrigiae, or an Account of the different Col- leges in Cambridge, Biographical Sketches of the Founders and Eminent Men, with many Original Anecdotes, by Jos. Wilson. Thick 8vo, Views of the Colleges and portraits of the Founders, bds. 3s 1803 550 LIBER CANTABRIGIENSIs, an Account of the Aids afforded to Poor Students, Rewards, &c., in the University of Cambridge, to which is prefixed a Collection of Maxims, Aphorisms, &c., Designed for the use of Learners, by Robt. Potts. Thick 12mo, bds. 2s 6d 1855 551 OBSERVATIONS on the Statutes of the University of, by George Peacock, Dean of Ely. 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1841 552 QUEEN’s CoILEGE.—Statuta Coll. Reginalis a regiis Commissariis Reformata quibus accedunt Interpretationes Statutorum, with Lists of Founders of Fellowships. 4to, half calf meat. 6s Camb., 1822 50 Alfred Russell Smith, 553 REMARKS upon a Letter Entituled the Present State of Trinity College, written by Rich. Bentley, D.D., with some Remarks also upon the Preface pretended to be Written and Published, together with the Letter by a Gentleman of the Temple, by Mr. Miller. 8vo, calf. 3s 1710 554 THE Ceremonies Observed in the Senate House of the University, with the Forms of Proceeding to all Degrees, the Manner of Electing Officers, Tables of Fees, and other Articles relating to the University, by Adam Wall, a New Edition by Henry Gun- ning. Thick 8vo, boards. 3s 6d Cambridge, 1828 555 THE PRIVILEGES of the University of, together with Additional Observations on its History, Antiquities, Literature and Biography, by George Dyer. 2 thick vols, 8vo, bds. 5s 1824 556 CAMBRIDGE ODEs by Peter Persius. 18mo, half morocco. 4s 6d Cambridge, about 1830 An exceedingly clever, satirical little book. 557 CATLAGE, or Kirtling Hall, Description of, from the Topogra- phical Miscellanies, 4to, plate. 2s 1791 558 ELY.-Miller's Description of Ely Cathedral with some Account of the Conventual Buildings. Roy. 8vo, many plates, boards. 2s 6d I808 559 ELY. —History and Antiquities of the Conventual and Cathedral Church of Ely, from the Foundation, A.D. 673 to 1771, by James Bentham. Thick 4to, numerous fine folding copper plates, calf meat. 18s—ANOTHER FINE OLD COPY in russia, full gilt back. $1.4s Cambridge, 1771 560 LIBER ELIENSIS ad Fidem Codicum Variorum, edited by D. J. Stewart (ALL PUBLISHED). 8vo, cloth. 5s 1848 561 WATERBEACH-A short account of the Parish of, by a late Vicar. 8vo, PRIVATELY PRINTED, frontispiece. 15s 1795 Written by the Rev. Robt. Masters. Only twenty copies were printed. Hibbert's sold for £2 1s. 562 WATERBEACH.-A History of the Parish of, by W. K. Clay. 8vo, frontispiece and woodcuts, sewed. 2s 6d Camb., Antiq. Soc., 1859 563 CAMDEN (W.) Annales Rerum Anglicarum et Hiber- nicarum Regnante Elizabethae Codice praeclaro Smithiano edito Multisque magni momenti Additionibus locupletato Eruit edi- ditGue THO. HEARNE. 3 vols, 8vo, portrait, fine copy in old russia, gilt, gilt edges. £1. 15s 1717 564 CAMDEN's BRITANNIA ABRIDGED, with Improvements and Continuations to the Present Time, Lists of the Nobility, Valuations of all Ecclesiastical Preferments, &c. 2 vols, 8vo, portrait and maps, calf meat. 8s 6d 1701 Most useful compendium, contains all the marrow of the Britannia. 565 CAMDEN.—Brooke (Ralph) Discoverie of Errors in Camden's Britannia, prejudicial to the Descentes and Successions of the Ancient Nobilitie of this Realme, with Camden’s Answer and Brooke's Reply, 4to, portrait, new calf extra. 16s 1724 36, Soho Square, London. 5 I 566 CAMPBELL (Thos., the Poet) Life and Letters of, edited by Dr. Wm. Beattie, one of his Executors. 3 vols, 8vo, portrait, cloth. 5s 1849 567 CAMPBELL's Pleasures of Hope, and other Poems. 12mo, plates, half morocco. 2s Edinb., 1812 568 CAMPBELL (G.) Dissertations on Miracles, containing an Examination of the Principles advanced by David Hume, in an Essay on Miracles, with some Additional Sermons and Tracts. 2 vols, 8vo, portrait, calf meat. 7s 6d Edinb., 1797 569 CAMPION (Edmund, the Jesuit) Vita et Martyrium auctore R. P. Paulo Bombino. 18mo, calf meat. 9s 6d Amtv., 1618 570 CAMUS (J. P., Bp. of Belley) Admirable Events selected out of Foure Bookes written by Camus, Englished by S. Du Verger. 4to, new half morocco. 61. 10s 1630 Contains the story of the Induction to the Taming of the Shrew. 571 CAMUS (J.P., Bp. of Belley) Admirable Events, together with Morall Relations, translated from the French by S. Du Werger, 4to, calf, arms on sides. 15s 1639 572 CAMUS (J. P., Bp. of Belley) Nature's Paradox, or the Inuocent Impostor, a Pleasant Polonian History, originally inti- tuled Iphigenes, translated from the French, with Notes by Major Wright. 4to, fine frontispiece by Vaughan, original calf. 491. 15s I652 573 CAMUS (J. P.) The Loving Enemie, or a Famous true History, written originally in French, made English by Major Wright during his Imprisonment in Newgate. 12mo, meat. 6s 6d I650 Prefixed are congratulatory verses by Jas. Howell, Thos. May, Aug. Rivers, J. Chappelline, John Lillie, Geo. Wharton, and J. Sherley. 574 CANONS.—Synopsis Canonum Eccles. Latinae, qua Canones Spurii, Epist. Adulterinae, et Decreta Suppositia Comci- liorum in lucem proferunter, a Laurent. Howel. Folio, calf meat, Scarce, fl. 4s 1710 575 CANOVA (Antonia) Memoirs, with a Critical Analysis of his Works, and an Historical View of Modern Sculpture, by J. S. MEMES. Thick 8vo, portrait, calf gilt, marbled edges. 8s 6d Edin., 1825 576 CAPEL's PROLUSIONs, or Select Pieces of Ancient Poetry, containing the Nutbrowne Maid, Sackville's Induction, Overbury's Wife, Edward III., attributed to Shakespeare, and Nosce Teipsum, by Sir John Davies, with a Preface. 8vo, calf, Scarce. 12s 1760 52 Alfred Russell Smith, 577 CAPGRAVE (John) Book of the Illustrious Henries, translated from the Latin, by F. C. Hingeston. Roy. 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d s 1858 A most entertaining book, being lives of all the famous men whose christian names were Henry, Emperors of Germany, Kings of England, France, Noblemen, &c., down to Henry the Sixth of England. 578 CAREW (Sir Peter, of Antony Cornwall, temp. Henry 8th) Life and Times, with historical Introduction and Notes by Sir John Maclean. 8vo, plates, cloth. 5s 1857 579 (Carliſt (Christopijer). Two Divine Positions, the first that the soules of the faithfull Fathers deceased before Christ went immediately to heaven, the second touching the decension of Christ into Hell, publiquely disputed at Cambridge in 1552, being a confutation of RICHARD SMITH printed in 1562. 12mo, 33latit 3/cfter, morocco. £1. 10s Roger Ward dwelling by Holborne Conduit, 1582 A singular volume in which the author attempts to prove that Christ did not go into Hell, either in soul or body. There is a quaint versifi- cation of the Creed at the end. 580 CARLISLE's (Nicholas) Description and History of the Endowed Grammar Schools of England and Wales. 2 vols, 8vo, woodcuts, half calf. 12s 6d 1818 581 CARLYLE (Thos.) Past and Present. FIRST EDITION, 8vo, cloth, scarce. 7s 1843 The Manchester Insurrection, Morrison's Pill, Hero Worship, Aristo- cracy of Talent, Mediaeval Monks, their true history, the Modern Worker, Aristocracy, Democracy, &c. 582 CARLYLE (Thomas) Tatter Day Pamphlets. Post 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d 1850 583 CARTER (John) The Ancient Architecture of England, British, Saxon, and Norman eras, Henry the Third down to Henry the Eighth. Folio, many fine plates, containing thousands of the most important buildings, ruins and details, half calf. §2. 10s 1795 584 (Cartijettàp’3Voyage of the Wandering Knight, shewing the whole course of Man's Life, how apt he is to follow Vanitie, and how hard it is to attaine to Vertue, 4to, 33lack letter, calf meaf, scarce. 493. 15S William Stamsby, circa 1635 Translated by William Goodyeare, Merchant, of Southampton, and dedicated to Sir Francis Drake. 585 CARTWRIGHT (Major) Life and Correspondence, edited by his Niece. 2 vols, 8vo, portraits and map, cloth. 2s 6d 1826 586 CARVE (Thomas, Tipperariensis) Itinerarium Anglorum, Scotorum et Hiberniorum, cum historia facti Butleri, Gordon, Lesly et aliorum, accedunt vita auctoris, index, et bibliographia. Reprinted from the exceedingly rare original edition of 1639, only 102 copies printed 8vo, portrait, half morocco. 18s 1859 36, Soho Square, London. 53 587 CARY (Robert, Earl of Monmouth) Memoirs, written by himself, and Fragmenta Regalia, being a History of Queen Eliza- beth’s Favourites, by Sir Robert Naunton, with Explanatory Annotations. 8vo, new half morocco, gilt top. 7s 6d Edinb., 1808 588 CASE (J.) Compendium Anatomicum, Novo Methodo institutum. 18mo, engraved title and curious plates, new mor.éºtra, gilt edges. 12s 6d I695 A very curious work, in which the author defends that quadrupeds and all other animals, as well as birds, proceed ab ovo. 589 CASKET (The) A Miscellany of Unpublished Poems. 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d I829 Nearly 200 Poems contributed by the most eminent poets of the day, among them are verses by Montgomery, Praed. Rogers, Moore, Byron, Heber, Crabbe, Hogg, Theo. Hook, L. E. L., Wordsworth, and Crowe. 590 CATAPLUS, or AEneas his Descent to Hell, a Mock Poem, in imitation of the Sixth Book of Virgil's AEmeis, in Eng- lish Burlesque Verse. 12mo, calf extra, by Chas. Lewis, scarce. 15S I672 591 Cateti)igm.—A Catechisme, or first Instruction and Learning of Christian Religion, Translated out of Latine into Englishe. 4to, tilaté letter, FINE COPY, in new morocco extra. £7. 15s John Daye, 1570 This is the FIRST EDITION of the Translation of Alex. Nowell's Larger Catechism, hitherto published in Greek and Latin. The Translator was Thos. Norton. It is believed that not more than 2 other copies exist. 592 (Laterbišm.—The Catechisme, or maner to teache Children the Christian Religion, with the Sacraments and Con- fession, by Jhon Calvin. 12mo, black letter, good clean copy in mew calf eſcira. £3. 3s Imprinted at London by the JWiddow Orwin, 1594 593 CAULFIELD's PORTRAITS.–Memoirs and Characters of Remarkable Persons from the Reign of Edward the Third to the end of George the Second. Both series complete, 6 vols bound in 5, roy. 8vo, many plates, half morocco gilt. £5. 5s 1794–1820 594 CAUSES CELEBRES—Abrege des Causes Celebres et Intéressantes, avec les Jugemens qui les ont decidées. Vol I., half calf. 4s 6d Bath, 1793 Contains : Le Faux Martin-Guerre–Magdalene Jollivet—La Belle Epiciere—Madam Tiquet—Marie Cognot.—Abbé de Mauroy—and many other interesting cases. 595 (Capton.-Statutes of Henry the Seventh, in exact fac- simile from the rare original printed by Caxton in 1489, with notes and introduction by John Rae, 4to, half morocco. 12s I869 54 Alfred Russell Smith, 596 CAYLEY (Cornelius) Seraphic Young Shepherd, being a very Remarkable Account of a Young Shepherd in France, 18 years of Age, who attained to a very uncommon Knowledge of the True God, with a small Bunch of Violets by him, Letters, Poems, and Mediatations, 12mo, calf meat. 8s 6d 597 CERVANTES.—Vida de Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, natural de Madrid, autor Gregorio Mayansi Sicar. 12mo, vellum. * 5S Madrid, 1760 598 CHALCOGRAPHIMANIA, or the Portrait Collector and Printseller's Chronicle, with Infatuations of every description, a humorous Poem, with copious Notes explanatory by Satiricus Sculptor. 8vo, frontispiece, boards, 7s 6d 1814 599 CHAMBERLAYNE’s Present State of Great Britain, with Remarks on its Ancient State. Thick 8vo, calf. 4s 6d 1726. 600 CHAMBERLAYNE-The Present State of Great Britain and Ireland. Thick 8vo, portrait, calf very meat. 5s 1737 Contaming accounts of the Ancient Britons, their Language, Morals, etc. Lists of the Officers of Church and State with their salaries, both Houses of Parliament, etc. Of great use to the historical student. 601 CHANDLER.—Remarkable Trial of Thomas Chandler, of Clifford's Inn, convicted at Reading of Perjury. 8vo, new half 'morocco. 5s 6d 1751 Swears he is robbed between Hare Hatch and Twyford, his affair in Wiltshire, sues the Hundred of Somming for £975, absconds to Colchester, extraordinary and exciting pursuit through Suffolk and his Capture at Coventry—a very curious case. 602 CHANNEL ISLANDS.—Berry's History of Guernsey. with particulars of Alderney, Serk, and Jersey. 4to, map and plates, half bound. 8s 6d 1815. CHAP BOOKS. 603 39tatory of the Golūcm Gagle, being both Delightful and Profitable, written by Philaquilla. 4to, BLACK LETTER, Bliss's copy, new half morocco, gilt top. 30s l 604 HISTOIRE des Livres Populaires, ou de la litterature du Colpor- tage depuis le 15e siecle jusqu'a 1852, par Chas. Nisard. 2 thick 8vo vols, plates and many facsimile woodcuts, new half morocco, gilt tops, £1. 1s Paris, 1854 With the exception of the two parts in the Percy Society, by Mr. J. O. Halliwell, this is tho only work written on Chap-book literature. 605 REYNOLDS (John, author of “God’s Revenge against Murder”) The Garden of Love, and Royal Flower of Fidelity, a Pleasant History. 12mo, half calf. 4s 6d about 1790 606 IIANOVER (William) Abstract of the Holy Bible, with remarkable Proofs from Genesis to Revelation. CHAP BOOK, 12mo, woodcuts, new half morocco. 5s Aldermary Church-Lane (about 1700) 36, Soho Square, London. 55 607 HISTORY of Valentine and Orson. 12mo, woodcut on title. 2s Printed for the Company of Walking Stationers (about 1800) 608 MERRY FROLICs, or the Comical Cheats of Swalpo, a Notorious Pickpocket, and the Merry Pranks of Roger the Clown. 8vo, curious woodcuts. 1s about 1800 609 WALLACE (Sir Wm.) and King Robert Bruce : Heroic Exploits, with an account of Sir John Graham and Lord John Steward, of Bute. 12mo. 2s Falkirk, 1815 610 BUCHANAN (George, commonly called the King's Fool) Witty and Entertaining Exploits. 12mo, seved. Is Otley, about 1810 611 SINNERS’ Redemption, or the Conversion of Joshua Tuckfield who to all appearance was dead for 2 hours 15 min., and then revived, and describes heaven and hell, and other persons whom he knew when they were alive. 12mo, whewt, very singular. 2s Nottingham, about 1800 612 LIFE of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner. 12mo, 1s about 1810 613 TWENTY-FOUR Garlands of New Songs, all Printed at NEw- CASTLE-ON-TYNE, with rough woodcuts on titles, containing about 130 Songs, each Garland is different. 3s 6d about 1800 614 CHARLEMONT (Earl of) Memoirs, by Francis Hardy. 4to, portrait, bds. 2s 1810 CHARLES THE FIRST. 615 KING CHARLES his Birthright, by P. M. (Peter Mackenzie, hitherto undescribed), 4to, half morocco. £1. 10s Iºdinb., John Wreittiwn, 1633 616 WINDICATION of, or a Loyal Subject's Duty in vindicating his sovereign from a scandalous Libel entituled “The King's Cabinet Opened,” by Edw. Symmons. Thick 4to, calf meat. 3s 6d 1648 617 HISTOIRE entiere et veritable du Procez de Charles Stuart, Roy d’Angleterre, contenant tout ce qui passe dans le Parliament et em. Haute Cour de Justice et la facon en la quelleil a este mis a mort. 12mo, calf. 3s Lomdres, 1650 618 PROCEEDINGS of the Court of Justice with Charles Stuart, late King of England, with his Speech on the Scaffold, Execution, also his Prayers and Speeches to his Children. 12mo, calf. 3s 6d 1655 619 MEMOIRS of the Reign of Charles I., by Herbert, Huntingdon, Coke, and Firebrace, with his Character, by Diodati, Henderson, and the author of “The Princely Pelican,” also the Death-bed Repentance of Lenthal, Speaker of the House of Commons. 8vo, Scarce. 6S 1702 620 MEMOIRS, containing the most Remarkable Occurrences, and setting many Secret Passages in a clear Light, with Continuation to the Happy Restauration of Charles II., by Sir P. Warwick. 8vo, FINE PORTRAIT, calf meat. 4s 6d 1703 56 Alfred Russell Smith, 621 INQUIRY into the share which Charles I. had in the Transactions of the Earl of Glamorgan, afterwards Marquis of Worcester for bringing over a body of IRISH REBELs to assist the King in 1645-6, Second edition, containing several letters. Thick 8vo, boards, 4s 6d 1756 622 NARRATIVE of John Ashburnham, of his attendance on King Charles I., and Windication of his Character and Conduct from Lord Clarendon's Misrepresentations. 2 vols in 1, 8vo, portrait, half calf. 5s 6d 1soc 623 MEMOIRS of the Two Last Years of the . . . . . . . . . Sir THOS, HERBERT, Groom of the Cha " . . . . . * * * * , or the King. 8vo, portrait of Herbert, half . . . . 1839 624 NARRATIVE of the Attempted Escape of .s I. from Caris- brook Castle, and his Detention in the Isle of Wight from 1647 to 1648, by Geo. Hillier. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1852 625 CHARLES II.-The Glories and Magnificent Triumphs of the Blessed Restitution of His Sacred Majesty K. Charles II., from his Arrival in Holland till this Present, by James Heath. 12mo, original calf. 9s 6d 1662 626 CHARLES II.—A Letter from him to Mr. Cawton, late Minister of the English Church at Roterdam, in Defence of Him- selfe in Matters of Religion. Sm. 4to, half morocco, RARE. 6s 1660 627 CHARLES II.-Character of King Charles the Second, and Political, Moral, and Miscellaneous Thoughts and Reflections, by Geo. Saville, Marquis of Halifax. 8vo, meat. 3s 1750 628 CHARLES II.-Letter to a Person of Honour concerning the King's Disavowing the having been Married to the Duke of Monmouth's Mother. 4to. 10s 6d 1610 (1680) An exceedingly interesting Tract, as it contains a great deal of information with reference to the King's presumed marriage with Lucy Waters, and is written by some one who was well versed in all the matter connected therewith ; it is quoted as an authority by Lord Macaulay. - 629 (Cl)attrer.—Amorum Troilli et Cresidae libri duo priores Anglo-Latine, per Francis Kinaston. The Latin and English on opposite pages, 4to, blacá Ictict, modern calf meat. £1.15s 0.00m, 1635 Chaucer’s “Troilus and Creseide” was the first example of a regular marrative poem, on a large scale, in the English language, and may be regarded as our oldest epic. It was reverenced as the earliest work in which the powers of English as a cultivated language were developed. This translation is deemed a literary curiosity, and one of the most successful specimens of a rare species of composition. 630 CHAUCER.—Contes de Canterbury, traduits en vers Francais par le Chevalier de Chatelain. 3 vols, thick 12mo, por- traits and plates, cloth. 9s London, Pickering, 1857 36, Soho Square, London. 57 631 CHARRON (Peter) Of Wisdome, translated by Samson Leonard. 4to, engraved title, with opposite verses, calf gilt. 6s I670 632 CHATEAUBRIAND (F. A.) Itineraire de Paris a Jeru- Sulamen, et de Jerusalem a Paris. 2 vols, 8vo, maps, half calf. 4s 6d Paris, 1812 633 CHEAPSIDE CROSS.–The Dolefull Lamentations of Cheapside Cross; or Old England sick of the Staggers, woodcut of the Cross, and cur’ows cut on p. 4, with a plan of Cheapside added, N.D.—Answer taſte Lamentation and Downfall of Antichrist, by SAMUEL LOVERSA) (in Verse), woodcut of the Cross, with engraving of Taking dowr, we Cross and Burning of the Book of Sports added, N.D. 4to, ru, vå, from Sir F. Freeling's Collection. É5. 5s (1641) The first tract is a powerful satire against the hypocrisy of “sanctified shuttle-headed weavers, long-winded box-makers, and rounded-headed button-makers” overcome with new wine, lately come from New England, who afterward destroyed this grand ornament of the city. It is written in a style far superior to the productions of the day. The answer is very inferior, and in the true Puritanical style of the time. See note by Sir Francis Freeling, who adds that all tracts on this subject are scarce. 634 CHEAPSIDE CROSSE censured and condemned by a Letter from the Vice-Chancellor of Oxford in answer to a question propounded by the Citizens of London concerning the said Crosse in 1600, in which year it was beautified. Also other arguments by JoHN ARCHER, Preacher of Allhallows, Lombard Street. 4to, half morocco. £1. 15s 1641 635 (Lijtekt (šir joint) The Hurt of Sedition, how Grievous it is to a Commonwealth. 12mo, black lettet, calf ſilt. :É5. 5s 1569 636 Cheekt (šir goint) The Hurt of Sedition. Later Edition, 12mo, black letter, very fine copy, with wncut edges, from the Gordonstown Library, calf extra, £4.4s 1576 CHESHIRE. 637 KING (Daniel) The Vale Royall of England, or a Description His- ticall and Geographicall of the Countie Palatine of CHESTER. Folio, maps and plates, fine old copy in russia. Élá. 1656 638 LYSON’s History and Antiquities of the County. Thick 4to, map and many plates, boards. 391. 10s 1810 Large and quaint book-plate of William Twemlow, of Hatherton, near Nantwich, ob. 1807. 639 LEYCESTER (Sir Peter) Historical Antiquities, in Two Books, the first of Great Britain and Ireland in general: the second, par- ticular remarks concerning CHESTER, with a transcript of lºomes- day Book. Folio, with the rare map w8wally wanting, calf gilt, Scarce. £2. 2s l673 640 CHESHIRE and Lancashire Historical Collector, edited by T. W. Barlow. Vol 2, post 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d Manchester, 1855 58 Alfred Russell Smith, 641 ORMEROD's Miscellanea Palatina, consisting of Genealogical Essays illustrative of Cheshire and Lancashire Families, and Memoir of the Cheshire Domesday Roll. The three parts complete, with the Additions and Index. 8vo, plates and pedigrees, cloth, but few copies privately printed. 362. 10s 1851 642 CHESTER DOMESDAY ROLL; a Memoir on, formerly preserved in the Exchequer of that Palatinate, to which are appended a Calen- dar of Fragments of this lost Record and Notices of the Justici- aries of Chester in the 13th Cenlury, by George Ormerod. 8vo, sewed, BUT FEW COPIES PRIVATELY PRINTED. 5s 1851 643 PALATINE ANTHOLOGY, a Collection of Ancient PoEMs and BALLADS relating to Lancashire and Cheshire, edited by J. O. HALLIWELL, 4to, only 110 copies privately printed, cloth. 281. 15s I850 644 CAPESTHORNE PARK, a Whitsuntide Ramble to. 12mo, from- tispiece. 2s Macclesfield, n.d. 645 COMBERBACH.-Collections for a Genealogical Account of the Family, by George W. Marshall. 8vo, PRIVATELY PRINTED, cloth. 5s 1866 646 HALTON CASTLE and the Priory or Abbey of Norton, History of, with Accounts of the Barons of Hilton, the Priors, &c., of Norton, and Robt. Savage and Daresbury Church, and Notices of Historic Events of the Neighbourhood, by Wm. BEAUMONT. In Two Parts, in 1 vol, 4to, numerous fine plates, cloth. £1.4s Warrington, 1873 647 STRANGER's Companion to Chester, with a Walk round the Walls, and Visit to Eaton Hall. 12mo, plates and cuts, boards. Is Chester, 1828 648 CHESS BIBLIOGRAPHY-Catalogue of Books on the Origin, History, and Practice of the Game of Chesse, comprising most of the Celebrated Works of Ancient and Modern Chess- Writers. 12mo. 2s 1863 649 CHESTER (Robt.) Love's Martyr, 1601, with its Supple- ment, “Diverse Poetical Essaies” on the Turtle and Phoenix, by Shakspere, Ben Jonson, Chapman, Marston, and others. Edited by the Rev. Dr. Grosart. Sm. 4to, sewed. 5s New Shaks. Soc., 1878 650 CHESTERFIELD's LETTERS.—Letters of Philip, Earl - of Chesterfield, to several Celebrated Individuals of the time of Charles II., James II., William III, and Queen Anne, with some of their replies, with LIFE. Enhanced with 45 EXTRA PORTRAITs and VIEWS, some of them rare, the whole neatly mounted in a large folio volume and Sumptuously bound in green morocco extra full gilt back and sides, and gilt edges by Zaehnsdorf, A MAGNIFICENT VOLUME. 510. 1829 36, Soho Square, London. 59 651 CHEVALIER (G. de) Le DECEZ ou FIN DU MondE, Poeme, divisé en trois visions. 4to, fine copy in morocco extra, gilt edges. £1.15s Paris, a la Bible d'or, 1583 652 CHEVALIER BAYARD.—History of, by the Rev. Jos. Sterling, with a Dissertation on CHIVALRY. Cr. 8vo, boards, 2s Dublin, 1781 653 CHEVREAU (Mom.) The Mirror of Fortune, or the True Characters of Fate and Destiny, wherein is treated the Growth and Fall of Empires, the Destruction of Famous Cities, the Mis- fortunes of Kings and Great Men, and the ill fate of Virtuous and Handsome Ladies. 8vo, calf eſctra. 12S In the Savoy, 1675 654 CHEVREUL on the Principles of Harmony and Con- trast of Colours, aud their Application to the Arts of Painting, Decorating, Tapestry, Carpets, Glazing, Calico-Painting, and Gardening, translated by Chas. Martel. Post 8vo, plates, cloth. 6S 1854. 655 CHILDREN’s BOOKS.—The Infant’s Path strewed with Flowers, being three little books for the Mother to teach Children at Home, also 34 pictorial cards, containing 204 different objects, a set in the original box, all quite clean and fresh. £1.5s (@, great curiosity) (about 1800) 656 CHINA.—La Chine et les Chinois dessins apres nature par Auguste Borget. Large folio volume, 32 charming lithograph plates by Eugene Cicéri, and letterpress descriptions of every phase of Chinese life, half morocco. 18s Paris, 1840 657 CHRISTIANUS ORBIs, sive EUROPAE MARINA, accommo- data jam ad usum Atlantis. Small folio, finely engraved large folding charts, vellum. 4s 6d Amst., 1658 658 CHRONICLES of the PICTs, Chronicles of the SCOTS, and other Early Memorials of Scottish History, edited by W. F. Skene. Thick roy. 8vo, facsimiles, half morocco. 16s 1867 659 CHUDLEIGH (Lady) Poems on Several Occasions. 12mo, panelled calf, 5s 1722 660 (Cl)urti) (; othernment.—A Booke of certaine CANONs concernyng some parte of the discipline of the Church of England. 4to, black Icter. half calf. §2. 2s John Daye, 1571 661 CHURCH GOVERNMENT—Apologie for Sundry Proceedings by Jurisdiction Ecclesiastical, of late Times by some Challenged, and by them. Inpugned ; with the Determination concerning Oaths made by Lancelot Andrews (said to be written by Dr. Cosins of the Court of Arches). The three parts complete, 4to, calf extra, fl. 10s 1593 6O Alfred Russell Smith, 662 CHURCH GOVERNMENT.—Answer to a certaine factious libell put foorth latelie without name of author or prin- ter, and without approbation, under the title of an Abstract of cer- taine Actes of Parliament, etc. (the foregoing). 4to, new calf extra. 292. 2s 1584 663 Churti) &nbernment.-Abstract of Certaine Acts of Parliament, of certaine her Maiestie's Iniunctions, of Certaine Canons, Constitutions, and Synodals Prouincial, for the Peaceable Government of the Church within her Maiesty's Dominions. Sm. 4to, biacá Íetter, morocco extra. £1. 10s Neither Place, Printer's Name, nor Date (1584) The object of this work, which was answered by Dr. Cosin, of the Arches Court, was, says STRYPE, “to prove the deviations of the present Bishops in their exercise and government,” and according to Weale, “ that the Bishops had, in their Ecclesiastical Court exceeded their power, and broke through the Laws and Statutes of the Realm, which was so motorious, that the answerer, instead of confuting the Abstracter, blames him for exposing their fathers' nakedness to the thrusting through of Religion by the sides of the Bishops.” 664 Clytirri) Gutiernment.—Summe of the Conference betweene John Rainoldes and John Hart touching the Head and Faith of the Church, wherein are handled the Masse, Christes Soueraintie, Peter's pretended, the Pope's usurped, and the Prince's lawful Supremacie ; with a Treatise by John Rainoldes, and a Defence of such things as Thos. Stapleton, and Gregorie Martin have carped at therein. Thick 4to, fine copy in meat calf. §1. 4s 1598 665 CHURCH HISTORY..—A Trial of the ROMISH CLERGIES title to the CHURCH, by way of answer to a Popish Pamphlet written by one A.D. entituled “A Treatise of Faith shewing a direct way to resolve and settle his mind in all doubts concerning matters of Faith.” By ANTONIE WOTTON. 4to, the Gordonstown copy; vellum. 15S Ilizabeth Burby, at the Swam in Paw’ls Churchyard, 1608 666 CHURCH HISTORY.-Chronicles of the Ancient British Church previous to the Arrival of St. Augustin. By Yeowell. 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d 1851 667 CHURCH MUSIC.—Singing of Psalmes a Gospel Ordinance, by JoHN COTTON, Teacher of the Church at Boston, New England, 1647—Reading's Sermons at Canterbury Cathedral on Church Music, 1663—Battell's Lawfulness and Expediency of Church Music asserted, a Sermon at St. Bride's on St. Cecilia's Day, by S. Estwick, 1696–Sermon at St. Bride's on St. Cecilia's Day, by Chas. Hickman, 1696–Sermon at St. Andrew Undershaft, concerning Vocal and Instrumental Music in the Church, by G. Towerson, 1696–Brady's Church Music Vindicated, in a Sermon at St. Bride's on St. Cecilia's Day, 1697. A very interesting volume, 4to, new half calf. £3. 36, Soho Square, London. 6I 668 CHURCH ORNAMENT without Idolatry, in a Sermon on occasion of an Altar Piece lately erected in St. Mary’s, White- chapel, by R. Welton, Rector. 8vo, half morocco. 5s 1714 669 CHURCHILL (Chas.) Poems. 2 vols, 8vo, nice old copy in calf gilt. 4s 6d 1769 670 CHURCHILL.-Collection of Voy AGES and Travels, some Now FIRST PRINTED from Original Manuscripts, others first printed in English. 8 vols, folio, many plates, fine set in calf gilt. #23. 15s 1725 671 CHURCHILL's ANNALS, a compleat view of the Glorious Actions of the Duke of Marlborough in the Field and Cabinet. 8vo, half morocco. 2s 1722 672 (Cl)urti)partſ (Li)05.) The Miserie of Flaunders, Calamitie of Fraunce, Misfortune of Portugall, Unquietness of Ireland, Troubles of Scotland, and the Blessed State of Englande. Sm. 4to, blacá Íetter, facsimile half morocco, only 75 copies printed. 7s 6d London, 1579, Shrewsbury reprint, 1876 673 CHURCHYARD SQUABBLES.—Birnie (Wm.,Minister of Lamark) The Blame of Kirk Buriall, tending to persuade Cemeteriall Civilitie, edited and reprinted from the exceedingly rare original of 1606, by W. B. D. D. Turnbull, 4to, only 100 copies printed, half morocco. 9s 6d 1833 674 CHURTON's Lives of William Smyth, Bp. of Lincoln, and Sir Richard Sutton, Founders of Brazen Nose College,Oxford. 8vo, portraits, plates, and pedigrees, meat. 6s 6d Oxford, 1800 675 CINTHIO (Battista Giraldi) Hecatommithi overo CENTO NovDLLE. 2 vols in 1, 4to, calf meat. 18S Venet., 1608 Contains some of the Plots of Shakespeare's Plays. CIVIL WAR TRACTS. 676 STRAFFORD's TRIAL-Depositions and Articles against Tho- mas, Earle of Strafford. 2s 1640 677 STRAFFORD,--The Bill of Attainder passed against him. 2s 1641 678 PYM’s SPEECH after the summing up of the Charge of High Trea- son against the EARL of STRAFFORD. 2s 6d 1641 679 EARL of STRAFFORD.—The two last Speeches of Thos. Went- worth, Earle of Strafford, the one in the Tower, the other on the Scaffold at Tower Hill, May 12, 1641, with his private Prayer or Ejaculation. A very rare tract. Woodcut portrait on title, border of skulls and cross-bones, also two very curious woodcuts of him going to the Scaffold and his beheading, calf. 12s 1641 680 LORD Low DEN, his Speech in the Parliament of Scotland declar- ing the cause which moved them to take up Arms against Eng- land. 3s 6d 1641 162 Alfred Russell Smith, 681 SPEECHES of Sir Benj. Rudyer, Sir Thos. Wentworth, Densell Hollis, Esq., Mr. Grimston in the Parliament—Capt. Audley Mervin to the Upper House in Ireland—Humble and Just Re- monstrances of the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses in Parlia- ment assembled in Ireland—Sixteene Queries Propounded by the Parliament of Ireland to the Judges of the said Kingdome— Speech of Hon. Natl. Fiennes in Answer to Lord George Digby— Second Speech touching the Subject's Liberty—Speeches of Lord Digby concerning Grievances and Triennial] Parliaments, the At- tainder of Earl Strafford, concerning Bishops—Speeches and Declaration of Lord Falkland upon the Delivery of Articles against Lord Finch. , Concerning Episcopacy—Mr. Bagshaw's Speech concerning Episcopacy—Mr. Rouse's Speeh at the Trans- mission of Dr. Cossens—Speech of Mr. Plyden concerning the Church—Of Sir Ed. Deering concerning the Archbishop—Of John Pynn upon Impeachment—Of Abp. Laud and Earl of Staf- ford–Of Mr. Maynard in reply to Earl Strafford—Replication of Mr. Glynn in Answer to Earl of Strafford—Speech of Mr. St. John, the Solicitor-General concerning Ship-money—Argument at Law on Bill of Attainder of Earl Strafford, by Mr. St. John, with Bill. Neatly half bound in I vol, 4to. £1.5s I641 A highly interesting and valuable collection of Speeches mostly of great rarity and of the utmost importance to the historical student. 682 MR. SPEAKER’s Speech, concerning the Passing of three Bills, viz., Poll Money, Star Chamber and High Commission. Boards. 3S 164I. 683 MASTER PIMMEs Speech to the Lords in Parliament sitting in Westminster Hall, Apl. 12, 1641 (Very strong against the King). 2s 6d 1641 684 SPEECHES and Passages of this Great and Happy Parliament, from Nov. 3, 1640, to June, 1641. Thick 4to, Calf meat. 6s 1641 685 TRUE Proceedings of the severall Counties of YoFKE, CovKNTRY, PORTSMOUTH, CORNEWALL. 4to. 7s 6d 1642 Prince Rupert lands at Hartlepool, Siege of Portsmouth, Affairs at Bodmin, Coventry beleaguered by Sir Thos. Lee ; also News from Dover. 686 TWO ORDINANCEs of Parliament for assessing all men of ability in NoTTINGHAM, LEICESTER, DERBY, RUTLAND, HUNTINGDON, BEDFORD, and Buckingham, with the names of the Committees. 5S 1642 687 JOYFULL Newes from the KING, or true proceedings of his Armie at NoTTINGHAM, LICHFIELD, TAMWORTH, WARWICK, CovKNTRY, and MEDINGHAM. 7s 6d 1642 Satirical : details a number of disasters to the Royal Forces. 688 A MIRACLE.—An Honest Broker, or reasons urging a more libe- ral Loane towards the maintenance of Religion and Law, taken from the maine quarrel, by engagements, bare-pretences, and true designs of this Army against the Parliament. 2s 1642 36, Soho Square, London. 63 § 689 DECLARATION of the Parliament concerning the miserable dis- tractions and grievances in this Kingdom by means of Jesuitical and wicked Councellors now about his Majestie. 5s 1642 Describes what the Parliament has done in the several counties. 690 DECLARATION and Protest of the Parliament wherein is disco- vered how severall Commissions have been granted to Papists, how Sir John Hinderson and Col. Cockram went to Hamburg and Denmark to raise forces, and the names of those who have been proclaimed Rebels in Ireland. 2s 6d I642 691 DECLARATION of the House of Commons appointed to sit in Guildhall to consider the safety of the Kingdom and the CITY OF LONDON. Folio BROADSIDE. 2s 6d 1642 692 SPEECH by Alderman GARROWAY on a Speech by Pym, at the reading of His Majesties Answer to the late Petition. 4to. 3s 6d 1643 Also a relation of the great victory of Sir Ralph Hopton at Bodmin, Jan. 19, 1642. 693 CLERGYES BILL of Complaint exhibited to Parliament against Brownists, Anabaptists and the Schismatics. 2s 6d Oa ford, 1643 694 DECLARATION of the Kingdomes of England and Scotland joymed in Armes against the Popish, Prelatical and Malignant Party. 2s 6d 1643 695 ENGLAND's Out-Cry for the sad distractions now lying upon the Church and State, laying downe both the primary and secondary causes of her fresh bleeding calamnities, by J. Harris, 4to, half moroCC0. 5S 1644 So that judicious, simple, all may see, The first promoter of this miserie. 696 LAUD.—Full and Satisfactorie Answere to the Abp. of Canterbu- ries Speech, or Funeral Sermon preached by himselfe on Tower Hill, at which time he was beheaded. 2s I645 697 EARL of Glamorgan's Negotiations in Ireland demonstrated, or the Irish Plot for bringing Ten Thousand Men and Arms into Eng- land, discovered in several letters taken in a Packet Boat at Pad- stow, and others taken near Milford-Haven. 5s 1645 698 A. LITTLE Eye-Salve for the Kingdome and Armie that they may See. 1s 1647 699 DECLARATION of the Commons, expressing their reasons of the late resolutions touching no farther address or application to be made to the King. 2s 1647 700 DECLARATION of Lord Fairfax and the Council of Warre against a printed Pamphlet to dispossess such Ministers as were put into sequestered livings. Folio, Broadside. 3s 6d 1647 701 J.ENKINS’ REMONSTRANCE to the Parliament, by David Jenkins, Prisoner in Newgate, 1647—Answer of Judge Jenkins to the Im- putation put upon his Plea in Chancerie, 1648, 3s 6d 64 Alfred Russell Smith, 702 WONDER of a Kingdome Dedicated to the Junto at Westminster. 4to, curious and scarce. 7s 6d 1648 Pascall Reformers, Snowie Devills Behold the period of your evils Drawes nigh, ere yet the dogged starre Cease to inflame the Hemisphere. 703 REMONSTRANCE of Lord Fairfax and General Councell of Offi- cers at St. Albans, tendered to the consideration of the whole Ringdom. 2s 1648 704 KING Charles Windicated and the People and Armie admonished, matter of Law delivered by the Judges at the Arraignement of the Earle of Essex. 2s 1648 705 HUMBLE ANSWER of the General Council of Officers under Sir Thos. Fairfax to the Demands of the Commons, concerning the secluding some Members thereof. 3s 6d 1648 706 PLAIN ENGLISH to the Parliament, Army, and People, by John Redingstone. 3s 1649 707 LETTER to Lord Lambert, being Advice how to chuse the safest way to the happy ending of all our distractions, also a Declara- tion from the KING OF SCOTs how the Army shall be fully satis. fied. Half calf, Duke of Sussea's copy. 5s I659 708 CROMWELL (Oliver) The World in a Maize, or Oliver's Ghost. 4to, quaint woodcut of the Ghost on Title page, half calf, scarce. #81. 10s 1659 This curious tract is written in the form of a Dialogue between the Ghost and Richard Cromwell, in which the Ghost urges the latter not to Abdicate but keep himself in power by the aid of the sword with which his father won his position. 709 BANNER of LovE under which the Royal Army is preserved and safely conducted, being a clear and perfect way out of Wars and Contentions, by Wm. Smith. 2s 166] 710 THE LONG PARLIAMENT Twice Defunct, an answer to a seditious pamphlet intituled the Long Parliament Revived. 2s 6d 1660 711 ANSWER to the Solemne League and Covenant. 2s 6d 1660 712 LONG PARLIAMENT Revived, or an act for continuation, proving that the Parliament is not yet dissolved, also Mr. Prynne's five Arguments fully answered whereby he proves it to be dissolved by the King's Death, by Thos. Phillips (nephew of Milton). 3s I66] 713 WALKER's HISTORICAL, CoLLECTIONs of Important Transactions relating to the late Rebellion and Civil Wars, not published by Clarendon. Folio, fine impression of the portrait of Charles I. by Hollar, and the exceedingly rare folding plate of Charles I. giving his orders to Sir Edward Walker, who is writing them on a drum, head, fine copy in calf meat. £1, 15s 1707 Successes and reverses of Charles I., written by his own hand - Journal of Scotland—Life of Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel—and reviews of books on Charlcs I.—also all that passed during the Treaty beld at New- port, Isle of Wight. 36, Soho Square, London. 65 714 CARTER’s True Relation of that Unfortunate Expedition of Kent, Essex, and Colchester. 8vo, bds. 4s 6d Colchester, 1789 715 DUGDALE.—Short View of the late Troubles in England, to which is added a Perfect Narrative of the Treaty at Uxbridge in 1644. Folio, fine portrait of CHARLES I., meat. 14s 1681 Gives a complete view of all the transactions during this eventful period. 716 MASERES (Baron) Select Tracts relating to the Civil Wars in England in the Reign or Charles I, by Writers who lived in the time of those wars. 2 vols, royal 8vo, half roºchurghe, uncut. 18s 1815 This collection consists of reprints of Civil War Tracts of the greatest interest, and many of them unique and are not reprinted in any other collection. 717 COMPENDIOUS Narrative of the late Troubles in England, or Elenchus Englished. 12mo, calf meat. 3s 1652 718 GUTHRY (Henry, Bp. of Dunkeld) Memoirs, wherein the Conspi- racies and Rebellion against Charles I. to the time of his Murder are briefly and faithfully related. Old Manuscript Index added. 8vo, calf. 3s 1702 719 HISTORIC REPRINTs of our Old English Newspapers, being ver. batim reprints of the various Newspapers published during the CIVIL WAR, 4to. ls about 1880 Attack on Westminster Abbey by the Apprentices, Execution of Straf- ford, Battles of Edge-Hill, Naseby, Newbury, Marston Moor, Rathmines and Dunbar ; Capture of Charles I., his Trial and Execution ; Execution of Laud, Parliament of Ladies, etc. 720 MANLEY (R.) Commentariorum de Rebellione Anglicana ad 1640 usque 1686. 8vo, portrait of Charles I., by White, calf meat. 4s 1686 721 THE DEATH Warrant of Charles the First, another historic doubt, by W. J. THOMs. 12mo. 2s 1872 722 WALLER (Sir William, Parliamentary General) Windication of his Character and Conduct in taking up Arms against Charles, edited from the original manuscript. 8vo, portraits of Waller and Lent- hall, half calf. 5s 1792 723 CLARE (John, the Worthamptonshire Peasant Poet) Life by Frederick Martin. Cr. 8vo, vignette portrait, cloth, presentation copy from the awthor. 2s 6d 1865 724 CLARENDON's History of the Rebellion. APPENDIX, consisting of some valuable pieces written by the Earl of Claren- don illustrating several passages therein, 8vo, portrait, calf meat. 3s 1724 725 CLARENDON.—Proceedings in the House of Commons touching the Impeachment of the Earl of Clarendon, with the debates, speeches, and his Reply. 12mo, old calf. 2s 66 Alfred Russell Smith, 726 CLARK (Sa.,Late Pastor of Bennet Fink) Mirrour, or Look- ing-Glasse, both Saints and Sinners, held forth in some thousands of examples, collected out of Ancient and Modern Authors, and some late examples observed by himself and others. (Contains some very curious historical matter). 2 vols, folio, engraved title and two portraits of the author, calf meat. £1. 12s 1657—71 727 CLARKE (J.) Critical Reviews of the Life, Character, Miracles, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, in a series of Letters to Dr. Adam Clarke. 12mo, cloth. 3s 6d Leeds, 1839 A very curious work, being a minute analysis of the New Testa- ment. 728 CLARKE (S. R.) Westigia Anglicana, or illustrations of the more interesting and debatable points in the History and Antiquities of England, from the earliest time to the House of Tudor. 2 vols, 8vo, portraits, bds. 6s 1826 729 CLERY (M.) Journal of Occurrences at the Temple during the Confinement of Louis XVI., translated by R. C. Dallas. 8vo, plates, calf meat. 3S 1798 M. Clery was the king's valet de chambre. 730 CLEVELAND (John) Poems, Orations, Epistles, and other of his Genuine Incomparable Pieces, never before Published with other exquisite Remains of the most Eminent Wits of both Universities. 12mo, calf. 5s 1650) 731 CLOCK-MAKING-Elements of Clock and Watch- Work adapted to Practice, by Alex. Cumming. 4to, numerous folding plates, bds. 4S 6d 1766 732 CLOCK-MAKING-Principles of Mr. Harrison's Time- IKeeper, in French and English. Sm. 4to, folding plates, calf meat. 4s 6d 1767 733 CLOCK-MAIKING.— Introduction to the Mechanical part of Clock and Watch Work, containing all the Arithmetic and Geometry necessary, with their peculiar application, by THos. HATTON. Thick 8vo, 18 plates, half calf. 6s 1773 734 CLOCK-MAKING—Reply in Answer to Dr. Maskelyne (Astronomer Royal) to a Narrative of Facts relating to some Time-Keepers constructed by Mr. Thos. Mudge for the Discovery of the Longitude at Sea, etc., by Thos. Mudge, Junr., with the proper Method of Calculating a Mean Daily Rate, by Count DE BRUHL. 8vo, bds. 2s 6d 1792 735 CLOCKS.—Considerations on Public Clocks particularly CHURCH CLOCKS, with Hints for their Improvement by B. L. Wulliamy. 4to, privately printed, half calf. 2s 6d l828, 736 COBHAM.—Life and Times of the Good Lord Cobham, by Thos. Gaspey. 2 vols in 1, 8vo, new half calf. 6s 6d 1844 36, Soho Square, London. 67 727 738 739 740 74.1 744 745 746 748 COAD (John) Memorandum of Wonderful Providences to a poor unworthy creature during the time of the Duke of Monmouth's Rebellion and to the Revolution of 1688. Printed from an Authentic Manuscript. 12mo, cloth. 3s 1842 COBBETT (Wm.) Twopenny Trash; or Politics for the Poor, from July, 1830, to June, 1831. 12mo, bds. 2s 6d, 1831 COBBETT (Wm.) Treatise on Cobbett's Corn. 12mo, calf meat. 2s 6d 1828 COIN CLIPPING-Sermon against Clipping, before the Lord Mayor, etc., at Guildhall Chapel, by W. Fleetwood, Dec. 16, 1694. Sm. 4to, half bound. 3s 6d 1694 COKE (Roger) Detection of the Court and State of Eng- land during James I., Charles I., the Interregnum, Charles II, and Janies II, consisting of Private Memoirs, wherein are many secrets never before made public, and a more inapartial account of the Civil War than has yet been given. 8vo, meat. 4s 6d 1697 COLERIDGE (Samuel Taylor) Poetical and Dramatic Works, founded on his latest edition of 1834, with many addi- tional pieces Now FIRST INCLUDED, and a collation of various readings, long Memoir and BIBLIOGRAPHY. 4 vols, 12mo, cloth. £1.5s 1877 COLERIDGE (S. T.) Aids to Reflection in the Forma- tion of a Manly Character. 8vo, new half morocco, gilt top. 10s 6d Pickering, 1836 Full of passages of the most powerful eloquence.—-Quarterly Review. COLERIDGE's (S. T.) Sibylline Leaves, a Collection of Poems. FIRST EDITION, 8vo, half calf. 12s 1817 COLET-Knight's Life of Dr. John Colet, Dean of St. Paul's, containing an Account of the Masters and Eminent. Scholars of St. Paul’s School. 8vo, no plates, calf meat. 4s 6d I724 COLLECTION of the Moral and Instructive Sentiments, Maxims, Cautions, and Reflections, contained in the Histories of PAMELA, CLARISSA, and SIR CHARLES GRANDISON. 8vo, half bound. 3s 1755 COLLET (Stephen) Relics of Literature, 8vo, folding plate of autographs, boards. 5s 1823 An amusing collection of interesting literary scraps and sketches. COLLETTA’s History of Naples, translated from the Italian by S. Horner, bringing it down to 1858. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth 4s 6d 1858 68 - Alfred Russell Smith, 749 COLLIER (Jeremy) Ecclesiastical History of Great J3ritain to the end of the Reign of King Charles the Second, with l3rief Account of the Affairs in Ireland. 2 vols, folio, frontispiece, calf meat. 16s 1708 As a vast treasury of interesting information respecting the rise and progress of our British Church, it stands unrivalled. It has been extolled by divines of all orders for its immense compass of investigation and its nice minuteness of detail. “There are only two writers of the Genuine History of our Church who deserve the name of Historians—Collier the Nonjuror, and Fuller the Jester.”—Bp. Warburton’s Directions to a Student in Theology. 750 COLLIER (J. Payne) Criticisms on the Bar, including Strictures on the Principal Counsel now practising, by Amicus Curiae. 12mo, cloth. 3s 6d 1819 751 COLLINS (Chas. of St. John's Coll., Cambridge) Juve- mile Blossoms, Poems. 12mo, blue morocco eatra, gilt back and sides. 4s 6d 1823 752 COLLINS (Wilkie) Rambles beyond Itailways, or Notes in CORNWALL taken a-foot. 8vo, plates, new half morocco, scarce. 6s 6d 1852 753 COLLINS (William) Poetical Works. Aldine edition, 12mo, tree marbled calf eſctra. 63 6d Pickering, 1853 754 COLMAN (George, the Younger) Random Records. 2 vols, 8vo, portrait, half morocco. 5s ; boards. 4s 1830 755 COLMAN (George, the Younger) Poetical Vagaries, containing an Ode to We, a Hackneyed Critic, the Lady of the Wreck, or Castle Blarneygig, the Tale of the Shirt, and other Pieces. 4to, boards. 4s 6d 1812 756 COLOMBIA.—Voyage dans la Tepublique de Colombia, en 1823, par G. Mollien. 2 vols, 8vo, folding map and plates, calf gilt eactra, marble edges. 7s 6d Paris, 1824 757 COLOUHOUN (P.) On the Police of the Metropolis, containing a detail of the various Crimes and Misdemeanours by which Private and Public Property are Injured and Endangered. Thick 8vo, meat. 3s 6d 1806 An interesting volume on the dangerous classes, giving particulars on Thieves, Coiners, Ballad Singers, Gaming, Fortune Telling, Burglaries, Mudlarks, Tea Gardens, etc. 758 COLTON's LACON, or many things in few words to those who think, new edition, with the subjects alphabetically arranged. Thick post 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d \ 1867 759 COMMON PRAYER.—Brief Discourse of the Troubles begun at Frankfort in 1554, about the Book of Common Prayer, and Ceremonies, reprinted from the black letter edition of 1575, with an Introduction. 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d 1846 36, Soho Square, London. 69 760 COMMON SENSE or the Englishman's Journal, being a collection of Letters Political, Humorous, and Moral. 2 vols, 12mo, calf meat. 3s 6d 1738–9. 761 COMPLEAT GAMESTER.—Instructions for Playing Om- bre, Quadrille, Quintille, Picquet, Basset, Faro and Chess, Whist, Put, Lue, Drag, and diverting tricks with Cards, also English and French BILLIARDS, and the rules of each game, by Richard Seymour. Written for the use of the young PRINCESSEs. 12mo, frontispiece, meat. 8s 6d - 1734 762 COMYN (Sir Robt.) History of the Western Empire, from its Restoration by Charlemagne, to the Accession of Charles W. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 12s 1842. 763 Contoruantiae 33rtbioreg Omnium ferme Materi- arum ex Sacris Bibliorum libris per V. P. Anthonium a Konyg- steyn. 12mo, fine clean copy, calf very meat. 5s Colon, 1542 764 (CCP323B(5.—The Translation of a Letter written by a Frenche Gentilwoman to another Gentilwoman straunger, her frind, upon the death of the most excellent and vertuous Ladye Elenor, of Roye, Princes of Comde, contayning her last Wyll and Testament. Done by HENRY MYDDLEMORE, Gentleman, at the request of the Ladye ANNE THROKMORTON. 12mo, blacá Íetter, fine clean copy in morocco £4. John Daye, 1564 765 CONFESSIONS of FAITH.—Concordia Pia Confessio Fidei et Doctrinae Electorum, Principum et ordinum Imperii, qui post MARTINI LUTHERI declaratio. Thick 8vo, of 1200 pages, curious plate of the ceremony of the Confession of the JEmperor Charles the Fifth, vellum, bookplate of By. Spencer. 4s 6d Lipsiae, 1719 766 CONOLLY (T. W. J.) History of the Corps of Royal Sappers and Miners, 2 vols, 8vo, coloured plates, cloth, 12s 1855. 767 CONVENTICLES.—Six Tracts on Toleration, and the Proclamations and Acts against Conventicles, and Nonconfor- mists. Each bound in half morocco, 4to. I6s 1664–1670 768 COOKERY (Ancient English) Closet for Ladies and Gentlewomen, or the Art of Preserving, Conserving and Candy- ing, with the maner how to make divers kindes of Sirups, and all kinde of Banqueting stuffes, &c. 12mo, nicely printed little volume, with border round each page, vellum, scarce. 15s l632 769 COOKERY, CONFECTIONARY.-Mrs. Mary Eales' (Con- jectioner to Queen Anne) Receipts. 12mo, calf. 2s 6d 1718 . A very curious collection and contains many useful hints to the House- Wives of the present day. 7O Alfred Russell Smith, 770 COOKERY (Ancient English) Antiquitates CULINARIAE, or Curious Tracts relating to the CULINARY affairs of the OLD ENGLISH, with a preliminary discourse, notes and illustrations by Rev. Richard Warner. 4to, plates, half morocco, scarce. 16s 179] Most important to the student of Early English Manners and Customs, the Dinner bills of many notables are given. 771 COOKERY (Ancient) Tabella Cibaria, the Bill of Fare, a Latin Poem, translated with copious and interesting Notes, relating to the Pleasures of Gastronomy and Mysteries of Cookery. 4to, boards, scarce. 3s 6d I82() A most entertaining book, the notes are full of quaint gossip on gastro- nomic customs, and good things. 772 COOPER (J. Fenimore, American Novelist) A Memorial of. Sm. 4to, portrait, cloth. 4s 6d New York, 1852 773 COOPER (J. Fenimore) America and the Americans, Notions Picked up by a Travelling Bachelor. 2 vols, 8vo, new half calf gilt, 9s 6d I836 774 CORNEY (Bolton) Curiosities of Literature, by D'IsrAELI Illustrated, SECOND EDITION, with Ideas on Controversy, deduced from the Practice of a Veteran, and adapted to the meanest capacity. Post 8vo, THICK PAPER, but few copies privately printed, cloth. 12s 6d 1838 775 CORNEY (Bolton) Bibliographic Projects, Specimen of a proposed Catalogue of the British Museum. 8vo, privately printed, Sewed. 2s Showing how the catalogue might be condensed into three 8wo volumes CORNWALL. 776 GILBERT (Davies) Parochial History of Cornwall, founded on the manuscript Histories of Hals, and Tonkin, with many additions. 4 vols, 8vo, half calf meat. £3. 3s 1838 777 SMITH (Peter Baker) Trip to the Far West (Through Cornwall). 12mo, cloth. 2s 1840 778 POLWHELE's History of CORNWALL. Some odd vols, to complete SetS. 779 DOMESDAY Book for Cornwall, in facsimile of the original, with Introduction. Folio, cloth. 5s 1861 780 ILLUSTRATED ITINERARY of the County, by Cyrus Redding. (A capital compendium of a county history). Roy. 8vo, fine plates, and hundreds of interesting woodcuts, half morocco. 12s 1842 78I STOCKDALE’s Excursions in Cornwall, comprising an historical and topographical delineation of the principal Towns, Villages, Gentlemen’s Seats, and Antiquities. Roy. 8vo, LARGEST PAPER, fifty fine plates, map, and portrait, calf gilt. 15S 1824 782 STOCKDALE’s Excursions. 8vo, FIFTY fine plates and map, calf meat. 8s 6d Ib. 36, Soho Square, London. 71 783 CORNISH CROSSES.—A Collection of 20 Water Colour Sketches of the most notable Crosses. Beautifully executed on 4to, Draw. ing Paper in the form of a book. 21s 784 CORNWALL.—A Collection of 39 Water Colour Shetches of Inter- esting places and Crosses in Cornwall. Chiefly in oblong 4to size, with some cuttings of Old Magazines relating thereto. 7s 6d 785 CORNWALL.—Down Along in Cornwall ; a collection of 63 Water Colour Sketches of Views, Antiquities, Crosses, Cromlechs, with some letterpress descriptions. Neatly mounted in square 12mo form on Drawing Paper. 21s All the above Water Colour Sketches are well executed as regards detail and effect, and most interesting to anyone desirous of retaining pleasant memories of what they have seen. The 3 lots represent the same subjects in different sizes. 786 STANNARIES, The Laws of the, with Marginal Notes and Refe- rences to Authorities, and the several Acts of Parliament, Fees, Resolution of the Judges Referred to in the several Constitutions, and a Copious Index. 8vo, boards. 2s 6d Truro, 1808 787 STANNARIES.—Substance of a Report of the Laws and Jurisdic- tion of the Stannaries, by SIR GEORGE HARRISON. 8vo, boards. 2s 6d 1835 788 TRIGG.—MACLEAN (Sir John) Parochial and Family History of the Deanery of TRIGG MINOR. 3 thick vols, 4to, many pedigrees and plates, mew half morocco eſctra, gilt tops, £6.6s (cost a SUB- sCRIBER £5. 15s in parts) 1870–79 789 WEST-PEN witH, The Wizard of, a Tale of the Land's End, by W. B. Forfar. Cr. 8vo, cloth (contains a good deal of DIALECT). 2S Penzance, 1871 790 WHITAKER (Rev. John) The Ancient Cathedral of Cornwall his- torically surveyed. 2 vols, 4to, half calf. 15s 18U4 791 LOOE (East and West) Topographical and Historical Sketches of the Boroughs of, with an Account of the Natural and Artificial Curiosities, etc. 8vo, plates, bds. (wants last leaf of Index). 3s, 1823—Another, complete, boards, Scarce. 8s 6d 792 PENZANCE, Guide to, and its Neighbourhood, including Scilly, with Appendix, containing the Natural History of Western Corn- wall, etc., by J. S. Courtney. 12mo, folding map and plates, cloth. 3S Penzance, 1845 793 PERRAN-ZABULO, with an Account of the Past and Present State of the Oratory of St. Piran in the Sands, and Remarks on its Antiquity by the Rev. W. Haslam. 12mo, front, and woodcuts, cloth, 2s 6d 1844 794 POLWHELE (R.) Traditions and Recollections, Domestic, Clerical, and Literary, in which are included Letters of Charles II., Crom- well, Fairfax, and other Distinguished Characters. 2 thick vols, 8vo, port. and fine folding plates, boards. 5s I826 795 SCILLY ISLEs, Sketches in. 18 Lithographic Views of, with map, 12mo, sewed. 1s about 1850 72 Alfred Russell Smith, 796 REPORT on the Geology of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset, by Hen. de la Beche. Thick 8vo, map and numerous folding plates, cloth. 14s 1839 797 CORNWALL and its Coasts, by Alphonse Esquiros. Cr. 8vo, cloth. 3s I865 798 CALLINGTON.—Monograph of the History and Restoration of Callington Church, by A. B. Hutchinson. 4to, plates. 2s 1861 799 COLLINS (W. Wilkie) Rambles beyond Railways, or Notes in Cornwall, taken a Foot. 8vo, illustrated by H. C. Brandling, new half morocco. 7s 6d I852 800 CORNISH and Devon Mining Enterprise, 1850 to 1856 inclusive, a Review of, by R. Tredinnick, 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d 1857 801 CORNWALL-Ancient and Modern History of Mount's Bay and the Land's End District. 12mo, frontispiece of St. Michael's Mount, boards. 2s Penzance, 1831 802 HACKY and MARKEY, being the adventures of two Cornish Miners, in DIALECT, by Tregallas, 12mo. 2s Ib., 1855 803 PEEPS iuto the Haunts and Homes of the Rural Population of Cornwall, illustrative of the Character, Dialect, and Peculiarities of the People of West and North Cornwall, by Tregellas. Post 8vo, a great number of woodcuts, cloth. 4s6d Truro, 1879 804 PEDLER (E. H.) Anglo-Saxon Episcopate of Cornwall, with some account of the Bishops of Crediton. 8vo, half calf. 6s 1856 805 BOWDLER (Mrs.) Pen Tamar, or the history of an Old Maid, de- scriptive of the Borders of Devon and Cornwall. 8vo, half calf. 3S I831 806 ADVENTURES of Rozzy Paul and Zacky Martin, the St. Agnes Bear Hunt, and the Perran Cherrybeam, three ComicPoems,in the Dialect, by Tregellas, 12mo. 2s Penzance, 1854 807 CORNWALL (Barry) Poetical Works. 3 vols, 12mo, boards. 8s 6d 1822 808 CORNWALL (Barry) Mirandola, a Tragedy. FIRST EDITION, sewed. 2s 1821 809 CORNWALL (Barry) The Flood of Thessaly, the Girl of Provence, and other Poems. 8vo, boards. 2s 1823 810 CORNWALLIS (Sir Charles) Discourse of the most Illustrious Prince Henry, late Prince of Wales. 4to, calf (no por- trait) scarce. 5s 1641 811 CORONATIONS.—A Complete Account of the Ceremo- nies observed in the Coronations of the Kings and Queens of Eng- land. Sm. 4to, folding plate, half mor. 5s 1727 812 CORONATIONS.–Collections relative to Claims at the Coronations of several of the Kings of England, beginning with Richard II. 8vo, bds. 4s 1838 36, Soho Square, London. 73. 813 CORONATION Anecdotes, or Fragments of English Coronation Ceremonies, by Giles Gossip. Post 8vo, boards. 2s 1823 814 CORPULENCY.—Handbook of Tining, or Corpulency and Leanness scientifically considered, translated from the French of Brillat-Savarin by L. F. Simpson. 12mo, cloth. 2s 1864 815 COSSACKS.—The Origin, Country, Manners, Govern- ment, and Religion of the Cossacks, also the Tartars, and history of the Wars of the Cossacks against Poland, by Edw. Brown. 8vo, calf. 3s 6d 1672 816 COSTUMES FRANCAIs de 1200 à 1715. Sq. 12mo, 100 plates, drawn by Geo. Sharf, half vellum. 4s 6d about 1820 817 COVENTRY (Sir Wm.) Letter to Dr. Burnet, giving an Account of Cardinal Pool’s Secret Powers in regard to Abbey- Lands, with Two Breves that Card. Pool brought over, and others of his Letters never before printed. Small 4to, half morocco. 6s 6d 1685 818 COTTON (Sir Robert) Answer made by him at the com- mand of Prince Henry, to certaine propositions of Peace and War; with the French Charity written on occasion of Prince Harcourt’s coming into England. 12mo, meat. 4s 6d 1655 819 COTTON (Sir Richard) Abridgement of the RECORDs in the Tower, from the reign of Edward II. to Richard III., of all the Parliaments, the several Acts in each, the names and titles of all Nobles summoned to each of these Parliaments, also lists of Officers, Speakers, etc., revised by WM. PRYNNE. Folio, calf. 12S 1689 820 COTTON's Typographical Gazetteer, an account of all the Cities in Europe where printing was introduced and the early books printed therein. 8vo, bds. 4s 6d Oxford, 1825 821 COUCH (Jonathan) History of the FISHEs of the British Islands. (Vol 4 wanting). 3 vols, roy. 8vo, nearly 200 finely coloured plates, calf extra. Él. 10s 1862 822 COUNCIL of TRENT.—Histoire de Conceile de Trente, par Fra. Paolo Sarpi, traduite de l'Italien, avec des Notes Cri- tiques, Historiques, et Theologiques, par Franc le Courayer. 3 vols, 4to, portrant, half morocco. 6s 6d Amst, 1751 823 COUNT CONNIGSMARK.—Account of the Cruel and Bloody Murther of Thomas Thin, Esq., by three Uutlandish Vil- lians in the pay of Count Connigsmarke, a Discovery of his plan to marry Lady Ogle, and what a Minister of Council heard at Mr. French's house in Panton Street. 4to, new half morocco. 7s 6d 1682 74. Alfred Russell Smith, 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 833 834. 836 COUNTESS of WARWICK–The Virtuous Woman Found, her Loss Bewayl'd, and Character Exemplified in a Sermon at Felstead, Essex, on the Death of Mary Countess of Warwick, by Ant. Walker, Rector of Fyfield, with her Ladyship's Meditations and Pious Reflections. 12mo, calf meat. 6s 6d 1680 COSIN (Victor) History of Modern Philosophy, trans- lated by O. W. Wight. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 8s 6d Edinb., 1852 COWLEY (Abraham) Prose Works, including his Essays in Prose and Verse, 8vo, new half morocco, gilt top. 6s 6d Pickering, 1826 COWPER's WORKs, comprising his Poems, Correspon- dence and Translations, with Life, by Robert Southey. 15 vols, post 8vo, frontispieces, new half morocco, gilt tops. 493. 15s 1836 COWPER (Wm.) Works, comprising his Poems, Corres- pondence and Translations, Edited with a life of the Author by Robert Southey. 8 vols, 12mo, 50 fine plates, new half calf gilt, marbled edges. 28s 1853 COWPER (Wm.) Memoirs of his Early Life, with Ap- pendix of Interesting Letters. 12mo, boards. 2s 6d I816 COWPER's Private Correspondence with his most intimate friends, edited by Rev. J. Johnson. 2 vols, 8vo, portraits, calf gilt. 4s 6d 1824 COX (Rev. Thos.) Magna Britannia, containing Cam- den's Description of each County, brought down to 1720, describ- ing all the Hundreds, Parishes, Cities, Towns, Antiquities, &c. 6 vols, 4to, old calf. :E2. 10s 1720–40 COXE's Social Day, a Poem. Thick roy 8vo, 32 fine plates by Stothard, Pyne, and others, including the Brokém Jar, by Wilkie, morocco extra, gilt edges. 18s 1823 CRABB's English Synonymes explaimed, in alphabetical order, with copious illustrations and Examples from the best writers. Thick 8vo, new calf eſctra, full gilt back. 16s 1864 CRAIK (G. L.) Compendious History of English Litera- ture and of the English Language, from the Norman Conquest, with numerous Specimens. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 18s 6d 1869 CRAIK (G. L.) The Pursuit of Knowledge under diffi- culties. 2 vols, post 8vo, fine portraits, Best Edvtion, cloth. 12s I858 CRAMER (Rev. J. A.) Geographical and Historical Descriptiou of Ancient Italy. 2 vols, 8vo, 2 very large maps, and plan of Rome, calf, marbled leaves. 12s Oaford, 1826 36, Soho Square, London. 75 837 CRANCOCK (Vortigern, A. B. C. D. and E. F. G. H. and K. L. M. N., etc.) Trifles. Dean Swift Detected. Observa- tions on Edinburgh. Plan for the Improvement of English Orthography, and Comic Poems, 12mo, half morocco. 4s 6d 1773 838 CREASY (E. S.) Memoirs of Eminent Etonians, with Notices of the Early History of the College. Thick 8vo, cloth. 6S I850 839 CRIMEAN WAR.—The past Campaign, a sketch of the War in the East, from the departure of Lord Raglan to the Capture of Sebastopol, by N. A. Wood, “Morning Herald. 2 vols, 8vo, half vellum, 5s 1855 840 CRIMES.—Inquiry whether Crime and Misery are produced or prevented by our system of Prison Discipline, illus- trated by Tothill Fields, Jails at St. Albans, Guildford, Ghent, Philadelphia, &c., by T. F. Buxton. 8vo, half calf. 2s 6d 1818 841 CRIMINAL TRIALS.—Throckmorton, D. of Norfolk, Dr. Parry, E. of Essex, Raleigh, and Gunpowder Plot, with Memoirs. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth. 3s 6d Knight, 1835 842 CRISPIN the COBBLER's Confutation of Ben Hoadley, in an Epistle to him. 8vo, half morocco. 5s 1711 On Byp. Hoadley’s system of passive obedience, full of freedom of speech and quaint allusions. 843 CROFT (John, of York) Excerpta Antiqua, a collection of ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS, on Antiquarian Subjects. 8vo, Sewed, scarce, 6s 6d York, 1797 y..." important to the Antiquary, some of the pieces relate to Oł K. 844 CROKER's (Crofton) Landscape Illustrations of “Moore's Irish Melodies.” With Comments for the Curious. 8vo, Part l, (all published), 4 plates, sewed, 1s 6d 1835 845 CROMWELL-Flagellum, or Life and Death, Birth and Burial of O. Cromwell, the late Usurper, faithfully described. 8vo, calf. 4s 6d 1669 846 CROMWELL-Guizot's Life of Cromwell. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d ; Calf extra. 5s 6d 1860 847 Crotulep (R) Confutation of the 13 Articles whereunto NICOLAS CLAYTON, Bp. of Salisburye, subscribed and printed 1546, which he recanted in Smithffelde at the burninge of mes- tres ANNE ASKUE. 12mo, black letter, calf meat, Duke of Sussex's copy. £2.5s John Daye, 1548 A volume of excessive rarity, the folding plate of the Burning of Anne Askew is in excellent facsimile. 76 Alfred Russell Smith, 848 (Crotulep (Robt.) Apologie, or Defence of those English Writers and Preachers which Ceberus the Three headed Dog of Hell, chargeth wyth false Doctrine under the Name of Predestination. 4to, black iètter, half bound. £1. 4s Henry Binneman, 1566 The tract to which this is an answer is printed verbatim, and answered paragraph by paragraph. 849 CROWNE (Wm.) Relation of all the Remarkable Places and passages observed in the Travels of Thos, Lord Howard, Earl of Arundel, Ambassadour to Ferdinando i the Second, Emperour of Germanie. 1636, 4to, calf meat. 2s 1637 850 CRUIKSHANK.—Philosophy in Sport, made Science in earnest (by Parr). First edition, 3 vols, post 8vo, new half morocco, gilt tops. £1.5s 1827 851 CRUIKSHANK.—A Pop-Gun fired off in defence of the Volunteers of 1803, against the uncivil attack of Gen. W. Napier, 8vo, numerous cuts by George Cruikshank, 2s about 1860 852 CRUIKSHANK.—Adventures of Joseph Andrews, by Henry Fielding. 12mo, plates by George Cruikshank, new half morocco, gilt top. 7s 6d 1832 853 CIRUIKSHANK. — Rejected Addresses, or the New Theatrum Poetarum, by Horace and James Smith. 12mo, woodcuts by George Cruikshank, and portraits, half morocco. 7s 6d 1833 854 CRUIKSHANK (Geo) Peter Parley's Magazine for Young People. Sq. 12mo, 3 cuts by George Cruikshank, half calf meat. 4s 6d 1842 855 CRUSADES-History of the Crusades,or the Expeditions of the Christian Princes for the Conquest of the Holy Land, by MAIMBERG, translated from the french, by J. NALSON. Folio, calf meat. 5s 1685 856 CULPEPPER (N.) The English Physician Enlarged. being an Astrologo-Physical Discourse of the Vulgar Herbs of this Nation. 12mo, calf. 4s 6d 1784 CTUIMIBERLAND. 857 CARLISLE.—A Narrative of the Siege of Carlisle in 1644–5, by Isaac Tullie, now first Printed from a MS. in the British Museum with account of Carlisle, during the Civil War, and Notes by Saml. Jefferson. 8vo, PRINTED ON WRITING PAPER, sewed. 2s 1840 858 WEST's Guide to the Lakes, and Tour to the Caves. 8vo, frontis- piece, boards. 3s Kendal, 1821 36, Soho Square, London. 77 859 JEFFERSON (Samuel) History and Antiquities of CARLISLE, with an account of the Castles, Gentlemen's Seats, and Antiqui. ties in the vicinity, and Biographies of Eminent Men. Imp. 8vo, LARGE PAPER, plates on india paper, new half morocco, gilt top. 18S Carlisle, 1838 860 HERALDS’ VISITATIONS. — St. George's Visitation of the County of CUMBERLAND in 1615, Edited by J. Fetherstone. Royal 8vo, cloth. $2. 1872 861 LAKE SCENERY of England, by J. B. PYNE. Roy. 8vo, 25 CHAR- MINg TINTED LITHOGRAPHS, cloth gilt, gilt edges (suitable for a present). 9s 6d About 1850 862 WEST's Guide to the Lakes. 8vo, map and frontispiece, boards. 3s 6d 1784 Containing a Tour to the Caves, Specimens of the Cumberland Dia- lect, and Remarks on the Provincial Words of the North. 863 HOUSMAN’s Topographical Description of Cumberland, West- moreland, Lancashire, and part of the West Riding of Yorkshire. 8vo, maps and plates, half calf. 5s 6d Carlisle, 1800 864 HOUSMAN (John) Descriptive Tour to the Caves, Lakes, and Mountains. 8vo, maps and plates, boards. 5s. Carlisle, 1802— Later edition, 12mo, maps and plates, boards. 3s Ib., 1821 865 MINES and Mining in the Lake District, by J. Postlethwaithe, with a synopsis of State Papers, by Robert Lemon. 8vo, maps, ls Leeds, 1877 866 CUMBERLAND WoRTHIES.—The Howards, Rev. R. Matthews, John Rooke, Capt. Jos. Huddart, by Hen. Lonsdale. Cr. 8vo, portraits, cloth. 3s 6d 1872 867 CUMBERLAND (Richard) Calvary, "or the Death of Christ, a Poem. 2 vols, 12mo, charming plates by Neagle, in the style of Blake, calf meat. 4s 1803 868 CUNINGHAME. –Warnings of the Eternal Spirit, pronounced by the Mouth of James Cuninghame during his in- prisonment in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh, with Prayers and Hymns. 8vo, calf meat. 4s 6d I712 869 CUPID and HYMEN, or a Voyage to the Isle of Love and Matrimony, containing a diverting Account of their Inhabi- tants, with the Batchelor's Estimate of Expenses, and the Married Man's Answer to it, by John Single of Gray's Inn. 12mo, half morocoo. 6s 6d 1742 The estimate of expenses in those days is amusing. 870 CURLING (J. B.) Some Account of the Ancient Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arius. 8vo, portrait, cloth. 5s 1850 871 CURRAN, - Recollections of Curran and some of his Contemporaries, by Chas. Phillips. 8vo, port., half calf. 3s 6d 1S18 6 78 Alfred Russell Smith, 872 CUTTS (Rev. E. L.) Manual for the Study of the SEPUL- CHRAL SLABs and CROSSEs of the Middle Ages. 8vo, 84 plates, containing many hundred examples, cloth. 12s 1849 873 CUVIER (Baron) Memoirs by Mrs. R. Lee, (formerly Mrs. T. Ed. Bowdich). 8vo, portrait, half calf. 6s 1833 874 CUVIER, recueil des Eloges Historiques lus dans les seances publiques de l’Institut Royal de France. 3 vols, 8vo, calf eactra, gilt edges. 6s 6d Paris, 1810 875 CYPRESS TREE, or Muzal Reflections in a Country Churchyard, 4to, frontispiece, Sewed. 2s 1775 876 CYRUS.–Travels of Cyrus, with a Discourse on the Theology and Mythology of the Pagans. 2 vols, 8vo, frontispiece, meat. 4s 6d 1730 877 DALRYMPLE (Sir John) Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, from the Dissolution of the last Parliament of Charles II. until the Sea Battle off La Hogue. 2 thick vols, 4to, fine old calf gilt. 6s 6d 1771–3 878 DALRYMPLE's Memoirs. Vol 1, colſ. 2s 6d 1771 879 DALRYMPLE (D.) Memorials and Letters, relating to the History of Britain in the Reigns of James I. and Charles T., published from the Originals, 2 vols, 12mo, calf gilt neat. 12s 1766 Contains many important Documents not printed elsewhere. 880 DANBY-Letters written to and from the Earl of Danby, now Duke of Leeds, 1676 to 1678. 8vo, meat. 3s 1710 881 DANCING-Notes upon Dancing, Historical and Prac- tical, by C. Blasis, Ballet Master, Covent Garden, with Passages on the Theatrical Art. 8vo, plates, sewed. 2s 6d I847 882 DANIEL (Samuel) The First Foure Bookes of the Civil] Wars between the Two Houses of Lancaster and Yorke, 4to, boards, 18S 1595 883 DANIEL (Samuel) Collections of the History of Eng- land, from the Britons to the End of Edward. Third. Folio, calf meat. 5S 1626 884. DANIEL (Rev. W. B.) Rural Sports. Vol 1, thick 4to, numerous plates, boards. 5s (published at £4. 14s6d) 1813 885 Bag #rrig 3rbäfe, Der hellisch Lew, Christliche Rungin, der Dreyeckechte, der Eschegudel, des Clappermaul, der Trotspiegel durch Joh. GEILLER VON KAISERPERG. Folio, Gothic £ctter, Singular woodcuts, new green morocco extra, gilt edges. £3. 15S Strasb., 1514 36, Soho Square, London. 79 885* DARWIN.—Exposition of Fallacies in the Hypothesis of Mr. Darwin, by C. R. BREE. Thick post 8vo, folding plate, frontispiece and illustrations, cloth. 7s 6d 1872 886 D'AUBIGNE’s History of the Reformation, translated by H. White. 5 vols, post 8vo, crimson morocco ectra, gold tooled on sides. £1.5s I853 887 DAVENANT (Sir William) Poem on His Sacred Ma- jesty's Happy Return to his Dominions. 4to, half calf. 4s 6d 1660 888 DAVIES (Edw.) The Mythology and Rites of the Bri- tish Druids, with Ancient Poems, Extracts and remarks on Ancient British Coins. Thick roy. 8vo, cloth. 491. 4s 1809 889 DAVIES (Fanny) Remarkable Adventures and Curious Intrigues of Fanny Davies, sentenced to death at Chelmsford, for highway robbery, with an account of her many Amorous Parleys with her Keepers in High Life. 8vo, boards. 5s 1787 890 DAVIES (John, of Kidwelly) History of the Caribby Islands, Natural History, Manners and Customs of the Indians, and a CARIBBIAN WOCABULARY. Folio, curious plates, calf meat. :Él. 1s 1666 891. DAVIES (John, of Kidwelly) Observations on the Poems of Homer and Virgil, with a Judgment on Alexander the Great, Seneca, Plutarch, and Petronius. 12mo, half calf meat, scarce, 5s 6d 1672 892 DAVIES (Sir John, temp. Q. Elizabeth) The Nature and Immortality of the Soul, a Poem. 8vo, calf meat. 4s 6d 1697 893 DAVIES (Rev. Sneyd, Archdeacon of Derby) Biogra- phical Memoirs, by Geo. Hardinge. 8vo, portrait, on LY 50 COPIES PRIVATELY PRINTED, boards. 3s 6d 1817 894. DAVISON's Poetical Rhapsody, with a Preface by Sir Egerton Brydges, 3 vols, 8vo, light brown mor. antique, gilt top, choice copy. £2. 10s Lee Priory, 1814—17 The contributors to the “Rhapsody,” which has been pronounced to be the most valuable miscellany of the day, were Sir Philip Sydney, Edmund Spenser, Raleigh, Sir John Davies, Mary Commtess of Pembroke, Wotton, Constable, Donne, Greene, Sylvester. This edition has been reprinted from that of 1611, and contains memoirs of each author. But few copies were privately printed. 895 DAVISON (Wim, Poet and Secretary of State to Queen. IElizabeth) Life, by Sir N. Harris Nicolas. 8vo, facsimiles, boards. 3s 6d—half calf. 5s 6d 1823 896 DAVY (Sir Humphrey) Consolations in Travel, or the Last Days of a Philosopher. 12mo, boards. 2s 1830 8O Alfred Russell Smith, 897 DE COURCY OF SHREWSBURY.—Collection of Psalms and Hymns extracted from different Authors, with a Pre- face by the Rev. Rich. de Courcy, of Shrewsbury. Thick 12mo, meat. 6s 6d Shrewsbury, 1775 898 DEFOE (Danl.) The History of Addresses, by one very near akin to the author of “The Tale of a Tub.” 8vo, half calf queat. 5S 1709 899 DEFOE's RELIGIOUS COURTSHIP, being historical Dis- courses on the necessity of Marrying Religious Husbands and Wives only, and a proposal fo, the BETTER MANAGING of SER- VANTs. 8vo, new half morocco. 6s 6d 1729 900 DEFOE.—Minutes of the Negociations of Mons. Mes- nager at the Court of England during the Four Last Years of the Reign of Queen Anne, containing many Curious Particulars of those Times, attributed to Defoe. 8vo, calf. 4s 6d I736 901 DEFOE's TOUR through the whole Island of Great Britain, continued by Richardson, giving an account of whatever is curious. 4 vols, 12mo, calf meat. 12s 1778 Brought down to date by Samuel Richardson, the Novelist, and another “Gentleman.” 902 DEFOE.-Memoirs of CAPT. GEO. CARLETON, an English Officer, including Anecdotes of the War in Spain under the Earl of Peterborough, and interesting particulars of the Manners of the Spaniards at the beginning of the last century, EDITED BY SIR. W. SCOTT. 8vo, half calf gilt. 7s 6d 1808 903 DEFOE (Daniel) His Life and Recently Discovered Writings, extended from 1716–1729, giving a Bibliographical Account of all his Works, by Wm. Lee. 3 vols, 8vo, plates, fac- similes of Titles, déc., cloth. 15s (pub £1. Als 6d); half morocco, gilt tops, £1 10s 1869 904 IOEFOF.—New Robinson Crusoe, an Instructive and Entertaining History for the use of Children of both Sexes, trans- lated from the French. 12mo, meat. 2s 6d Cork, 1809 Highly amusing and interesting, as the author has taken Defoe's im- mortal tale as the Superstructure, and worked up a most extraordinary account of (he calls him) Robinson and Friday. 905 DEFOE.-Account of the Unveiling of the Monument in Bunhill-Fields, raised by contributions of Children, Sept. 16, 1870. 8vo, cloth. 2s Southampton, 1871 906 DE GENLIS (Mdme.) Jeanne de France, nouvelle his- torique. 2 vols, 12mo, half calf, 2s Paris, 1816 907 HBe la Blatt (Peter) Of the Excellencie of a Christian Man, and how he may be knowen, with the Life and Death of the said author, translated into English by Lawrence Tomson. 12mo, blacá Íetter, new morocco extra. £1.8s Chr. Barker, 1576 36, Soho Square, London. 8 I 908 DELIGHTS of the Bottle, or the Complete Vintner, a Merry Poem, with a SouTH SEA SoNG upon the late BUBBLEs, by the author of the Cavalcade. 8vo, half morocco. 5s 1721 With the humours of Bubble Upstarts, Stingy Wranglers, Dinner Spungers, Jill Tipplers, Beef Beggars, Cook Teasers, Pan Soppers, Plate Twirlers, Table Whitlers, Drawer Biters, Spoon Pinchers, and other Tavern Tormentors, written by Ned Ward. 909 DE LOISNE (Ch. Menche) France et Angleterre, etude Sociale et Politique. 8vo, new half calf gilt. 3s 6d Paris, 1859 910 DELPIT (Jules) Collection Generale des Documents François qui Se Trouvent en Angleterre. Vol 1, 4to, sewed. 3s 6d 1847 Contenant Archives de la Maire de Londres, du Duche de Lancastre, de la Bibliothèque des Avocats et Première Partie de L’Echequier. 911 DE LOURDOUEIX. —Charenton, or the Follies of the Age, a Philosophical Romance, by M. de Lourdoueix, translated from the French. 8vo, curious plates, boards. 3s 6d I818 A singular book, relating to the French Revolution, its principles and effects. 912 Demogtheneg.—QQAplgon (Thomas) The Three Orations of DEMOSTHENEs in favour of the Olynthians, 4to, black letter, quaint woodcut view of Athens, large copy in calf meat. £1.8s Henrie Denham, 1570 Translated under the direction of Queen Elizabeth in order to rouse her subjects against their mortal foes the Spaniards; and it is not unreasonable to suppose that this book induced many of those gallant actions for which her reign was so famous. 913 DEMONOLOGY..—DE LOIER (Peter) A Treatise of Specters, or Straunge Sights, Visions, and Apparitions appearing Sensibly unto Men, wherein is delivered the Nature of Spirites, Angels, and Divels ; their Power and Properties, as also of Witches, Sorcerers, Enchanters, and such like, newly done out of the French of Peter de Loier. 4to, half calf gilt. 491. 15s 1605 914 DEMONOLOGY..—LANCASHIRE WITCHES.— Detection of that Sinnful, Shamful, Lying and Ridiculous Discourse of Samuel Harshmet, entitled a Discoverie of the Fraudulent Prac- tices of JOHN DARRELL. Small 4to, 21.1 pp., half bound. É4. 10s (evidently surreptitiously printed) Imprinted 1600 “The presumed WITCHES are WILLIAM SoMERs, KATH. WRIGHT and MARY COUPER, and the supposed teaching them in their fearsome work, by John Darrell. In this Treatise, full of Sound and Fury, Darrell has contrived to render it somewhat doubtful whether he was a dupe or an Imposter.”— GIFFORD. This is undoubtedly a VERY CURIOUs and EXCEEDINGLY RARE book rela- tive to the Lancashire Witches, it is also of singular interest to the Collector of Shakspeariana as it is from this work that Shakspeare took the fantastical names of his Spirits in King Lear; it is also the Work on which Harrison Ainsworth founded his charming romance of the Lancashire Witches. 82 Alfred Russell Smith, 915 DEMONOLOGY..—GILPIN (Richard, Vicar of Newcastle) Demonologia Sacra, or a Treatise on Satan's Temptations, edited, with Memoir by the Rev. A. B. Grosart. Thick 4to, portrait, half bound, only 100 copies printed. 7s 6d Edin., 1867 916 DEMONOLOGY..—The Poetry of Witchcraft, Illustrated by Copies of the Plays on the LANCASHIRE WITCHES, by Heywood and Shadwell, Reprinted by J. O. Halliwell. Thick 4to, ONLY 80, COPIEs PRIVATELY PRINTED, cloth. £2 10s 1853 917 DENHAM (Sir Jno.) Cooper's Hill, a Poem. FIRST EDITION, 4to, half morocco. 7s 6d 1642 918 DENNIS (Geo.) The Cities and Cemeteries of ETRURIA. 2 thick vols, 8vo, many woodcuts and plates, cloth. £2.2s 1848 919 DENNISTOUN (Jas.) Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino, Illustrating the Arms, Arts, and Literature of Italy, from 1440 to 1630. 3 vols, 8vo, many portraits and plates, cloth, fl. 15s 1851 920 DENON (V.) Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte, pendant les Campagnes du General Bonaparte. 3 vols, 12mo, with the LARGE FOLIO ATLAS of PLATES of Antiquities, views, etc., new half morocco, cloth sides, wrviform. £1.8s Paris, 1803 921 DERBY (Edward, Earl of) Iliad of Homer, rendered into English Blank verse. 2 vols, 8vo, clean in cloth, VERY SCARCE. 291. 4s 1864 IDEREY SHIRE. 922 HISTORY of the County, from actual observation and the best Authorities, containing Geological, Mineralogical, Commercial, and Statistical Information collected by Stephen Glover, and edi- ted by Thomas Noble, 2 thick vols, 8vo, folding Map and Genea- logical Tables, numerous finely engraved copper plates and woodcuts, cloth. 12s Derby, 1829 923 BRAY's Tour through Derbyshire and Yorkshire. 8vo, many plates of antiquities, calf meat. 4s 6d 1783, 924 FARCY (John) General View of the AGRICULTURE and MINERALs of Derbyshire, Vol 1, consisting of the MINERALOGY, complete in itself. Thick 8vo, fine coloured maps and Sections of Strata, calf. 4s 6d 1815, 925 WHITEHURST (John) Inquiry into the original state and forma- tion of the Earth, with an Appendix on the Strata in Derbyshire. 4to, calf gilt. 3s 6d I778, 926 BUXTON.—Jewitt (A.) History of Buxton. Roy, 8vo, plates, bds., scarce. 8s 6d 1811 927 MATLOCK BATH, Picturesque Excursions from Derby to, and its Vicinity, being a Guide to the Scenery and Curiosities of the District, with Observations thereon, by Henry Moore. 12mo, 12 jine etchings, half calf. 2s 6d Derby, 1818. 36, Soho Square, London. 83. 928 PEAK SCENERY, or Derbyshire Tourist, by E. Rhodes. 8vo, map, boards. 5s 1824 929 PEAK GUIDE, by the Rev. R. Ward. 8vo, maps, boards. 2s . - Birmingham, 1827 930 GEM of the PEAK (The), or Matlock Bath and its Vicinity, Notices, Historical and Geological, Catalogue of Minerals and Rocks and of the Flora of the District, by W. Adam. 12mo, map and plates, 3s e 1838 931 PEAK GUIDE, containing the Topography, Statistics and General History of the Peak District, by Stephen Glover, edited by Thos. Noble. 8vo, maps, pedigrees, and plates, cloth. 3s 6d .* Derby, 1845 932 MARSHALL (Rev. J.) The Druid's Talisman, a Legend of the Peak, with other Poems. 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d 1845 933 IN THE DERBYSHIRE HIGHLANDS, Highways, Byeways, and My Ways in the Peake Countrie, by ED. BRADBURY. 12mo, cloth. 3s Buſcton, 1881 Round by the Roaches—Valley of the Goyt—Climbing Coombs Moss— Bxcursion to Errwood—At Chantrey's Grave—Over the High Peak Rail- way—In the Kinderscout County—Round about Buxton—Chatsworth— Haddon Hall–Hunting in the High Peak—Cruise round Castleton. 934 REPTON.—Historical and Topographical Description, comprising an Incidental View of Objects of Note in its Vicinity, by RoBT. BMGSBY, 4to, 70 FINE ILLUSTRATIONs, cloth. 18s (pub 3 guineas) 1854 *º 936 DERMODY (Thos) Life of, with pieces of his Poetry and Correspondence, by J. G. Raymond. 2 vols, post 8vo, portrait, new half morocco, gilt tops. 12s 1806 937 DESCARTES.—Voyage to the World of Cartesius, trans- lated from the French by L. Taylor. 8vo, calf meat. 4s 6d 1692 Has been attributed to Defoe. Contains a number of Astronomical Diagrams. IDEVONSHIRE. 938 MAP of the County, with the City and County of Exeter, delineated from an Actual Survey by Benj. Domm. Engraved on 12 folio COLORED sheets by Thos. Jeffries, scarce. 15s London, 1765 Has Indexes containing hundreds of References to the Parishes, Gentle- men's Seats, etc., in the County (slightly in perfect in the Top Corner of one of the leaves of Index). 939 POLWHELE's History of Devonshire. Vol II. (contains the Arch- deaconry of Exeter). Folio, has only 7 plates of the 15, letterpress perfect, half calf, fl. 10s Exeter, 1793 940 DEVONSHIRE and CORNWALL Illustrated, with Historical and Topographical Descriptions by BRITTON and BRAYLEY. 4to, map and 96 charming plates by Allom, Bartlett, and others, meat. . - 1832 84 Alfred Russell Smith, 941 CHARITIES.—The Report of the Commissioners concerning the Charities of the County. 2 vols, 8vo, boards. 6s Exeter, 1826 942 Vol 1, half calf. 3s Ib. 943 COLLECTIONS Illustrating the History of the Catholic Religon in the Counties of Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Wilts, and Gloucester, by Rev. George Oliver. Thick 8vo, cloth, SCARCE. 2s 1857 944 DUNSFORD (Martin, of Tiverton) Miscellaneous Observations in the course of two Tours through several parts of the West of Eng- land, 12mo, portrait, boards, scarce. 3s Tiverton, 1800 945 HALLE (Fraser) Letters, Historical and Botanical, relating chiefly to Places in the Vale of Teign and particularly to Chudleigh, Lustleigh, Canonteign, ar.d Bovey-Tracy. Wants Dr. Croker's Geologic Notices. 12mo, cloth. 2s (Valuable to Botanists) 1851 946 SHAPTER (Thos.) The Climate of the South of Devon and its Influence on Health, with Accounts of Exeter, Torquay, Teign- mouth, Dawlish, Exmouth, Sidmouth, &c. 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1862 947 A MOST TRUE Relation of divers notable Passages of Divine Providence in the Great Deliverance and Wonderful Victory obtained by the Parliament's Forces under the Earl of Stamford, in the County of Devon, against the Army of Sir Robt. Hopton and his Adherents, Rebels, Traitours, Cornish Men,and others, on the 25th April, 1643, 4to, sewed. 10s 1643 948 AXMINSTER, the British and Roman Remains in the Vicinity, by James Davidson. Cr. 8vo, plates, boards. 2s 6d 1833 949 CIVIL WAR.—Narration of the Taking of DARTMOUTH, by Sir Thos. Fairfax. 15s 1646 . Gives a list of names of Prisoners, and Munitions captured. A most important and interesting tract. 950 EXETER.—Life and Death of Mr. IGNATIUs JURDAIN, one of the Aldermen of the City of Exeter, who died in 1640, by Ferdinand Nicolls, Minister at Mary Arches, Exon, 12mo, meat. 9s 1655 Amongst other quaint Anecdotes related in his honor, the author states that there were more people committed to the Bridewell, Stocks, and Whipping Post by him than any other Magistrate of the time. 951 EXETER.—Izack's Remarkable Antiquities of the City of Exeter, with Lists of Bishops, Mayors, Sheriffs, etc., from 1049 to 1677. FIRST EDITION, 8vo, map and plates, newly bound in calf antique, gilt edges. 15s 1682 952 EXETER.—Izacke's Exeter. SECOND EDITION, continued to 1723. 8vo, map and plates, fine copy in old crimson morocco, gilt edges. 6s 1741 953 EXETER.—Izacke's Exeter. Title says THIRD EDITION, but is dated 1731, previous to the Second but is the same book. 8vo, Tmap and plates, half calf. 9s I731 954 EXETER.—History of Exeter, by Rev. George Oliver. 8vo, boards. 7s 6d Eaceter, 1821 36, Soho Square, London. 85 955 EXETER.—Ancient History and Description of Exeter, with Cata- logue of Bishops of Tawton, Crediton, and Exeter, compiled from the works of Hooker, Izacke, and others. 8vo, half calf. 5s Exeter, 1765 956 EXETER.—History and Description of Exeter and its Environs, Ancient and Modern, Survey of all the Churches, Public Build- ings, and Antiquities, and List of Mayors and Bailiffs to the close of the 18th century, by Alex. Jenkins. Thick 8vo, map and plates, newly bound in half morocco. 8s 6d Exeter, 1806 A closely printed volume, containing a vast quantity of information. 957 EXETER.—A Concise Account of the City of, its Neighbourhood and adjacent Watering Places, by S. Woolmer. 12mo, plates, boards. 2s Faceter, 1811 958 EXETER.—Sylva Antiqua Iscana, Numismata, quinetiam Figulina, or Roman and other Antiquities of Exeter, being a Description and Elucidation of the numerous Ancient Coins, Samian Ware, and other Relics lately discovered in that City, by W. T. P. SHORTT. 8vo, numerous plates of coins and curious antiquities. 5s Eaceter, 1840 959 EXETER.—Reminiscences of Exeter Fifty Years since, by James Cossins. 12mo, cloth (an entertaining little book). 2s 6d Eaceter, 1877 960 EXETER.—An Epistle to Mr. Dryden (in Verse). Folio BROAD- SIDE, dated Exeter, Nov. 5, 1688. 5s 961 EXETER.—Modest Windication of the Petition of the Lords Spiri- tual and Temporal for the Calling of a Free Parliament. Folio BROADSIDE, dated Nov. 21. 5s 1688 962 EXMOUTH and its Neighbourhood, ancient and modern, being notices historical, biographical, and descriptive of a corner of S. Devon. Thick post 8vo, maps and pedigrees of Courtney and Raleigh, cloth. 3s 6d Exmouth, 1868 933 HONITON.—History of Honiton, by A. Farquharson. Sm. 4to, cloth. 6s - Eaceter, 1868 964 KINGSBRIDGE and SALCOMBE, with the intermediate Estuary historically and topographically depicted, (by Abr. Hawkins, of Alston, near Kingsbridge). 12mo, plates, half morocco,scarce. 6s 6d Kingsbridge, 1819 965 NEWTON ABBOT.—History, Antiquities, Topography, and Scenery of Newton Abbot, and Newton Bushel, by Rev. D. M. Stirling. 12mo, half morocco. 4s 6d Newton Abbot, 1830 966 PLYMOUTH.—The Panorama of, or Tourist's Guide to the Prin- cipal Objects of Interest in Plymouth and Wicinity, by Samuel Rowe, 18mo, folding map. 2s l821 967 PLYMOUTH and DEvoNPORT Guide, with Sketches of the sur- Founding Scenery by Henry Carrington. 12mo, map and plates, half bound. 2s 6d Devonport, 1829 968 PLYMOUTH.—Account of the Lime Rocks of Plymouth, by Rev. R. Hennah. Roy, 8vo, plates of Fossils, boards. 4s 6d Plymouth, about 1830 86 Alfred Russell Smith, 969 TIVERTON.—Ordnance Map of the Vicinity, &c. Neatly mounted on linen, folded in a neat 8vo morocco flap case lettered. 3s 6d 1809 970 TIVERTON.—On the Charters Granted to the Inhabitants of Tiverton. 8vo, half calf. 3s 6d Tiverton, 1823 971 TIVERTON, The Lawfulness and Use of Organs in the Christian Church, asserted in a Sermon preached at, 13th Sept., 1696, on the Occasion of an Organ's being Erected in that Parish Church, by John Newte. Sm. 4to, very quaint and curious. 5s 1701 972 TORQUAY.—Cockrem's Tourist's Guide to Torquay and its Neigh- bourhood, capital guide, contains Geology, Botany, and Climate of the District. 12mo, plates, half morocco. 4s 6d about 1860 973 HENRY, the Recluse of Devon, or his First Visit, a Tale from Life, by Greg Pullin. Thick 8vo, many plates illustrative of Devonshire Scenery, calf meat. 4s 6d 1835 974 PEN TAMAR ; or, The History of an Old Maid, by Mrs. H. M. Bowdler. 8vo, fine plates, half calf meat. 3s 6d 1830 975 POEMS chiefly by Gentlemen of Devonshire and Cornwall. 2 vols in 1, calf meat, Scarce. 5s Bath, 1792 A most interesting collection, as it contains among other local pieces the Addresses spoken by Mrs. Siddons on her first and last nights of Acting at Exeter; also a Preface containing the Key to most of the Sig- matures. 976 DIBDIN (Thos. Frognall, D.D.) Reminiscences of a Literary Life. 2 vols, 8vo, portrait and plates, new half morocco, full gilt backs, gilt tops. 282. 15s 1836 This copy has the Index, subsequently issued and nearly always wanting. 977 DIBDIN (T.F.) Sunday Library, or Protestants' Manual for the Sabbath, being the best Sermons of English livines, with biographical sketches. 6 vols, 12mo, portraits, cloth. 10s 1835 978 DICKENS.—Master Humphrey's Clock. FIRST EDITION, 3 vols, roy. 8vo, plates and many woodcuts by Cattermole dº Hablot K. Browne, half calf meat. £1.5s 1840 979 DICKENS (Charles) AMERICAN NOTEs for general circu- lation. FIRST EDITION, 2 vols, post 8vo, new calf extra, gilt edges by BEDFORD. #23. 10s 1842 980 DICTIONNAIRE de la FABLE, pour l’intelligence des Poetes, des Tableaux, Statues, Pierres Gravees, medailles, et autre monumens relatifs a la Mythologie, par Chompré et Millin. (A most useful book). 2 vols, 12mo, half calf. 3s 6d Paris, 1801 981 DIGGES.—Foure Paradoxes or Politique Discourses, 2 concerning Military Discipline, by Thos. Digges—2 of the Worthinesse of Warre and Warriors, by DUDLEY DIGGES, his Sonne. 4to, half morocco. 8s 6d 1604 36, Soho Square, London. 87, 982 DIGGS (Dudley) The Unlawfulness of Subjects Taking, up Armes against their Soveraigne in what case soever. 8vo, fine engraved title, calf meat. 3s 1662 983 DIGBY (Sir Kenelm) Observations upon RELIGIO MEDICI. The latter written by Sir Thos. Browne, of Norwich. 12mo, half morocco. 5s 1643 984 DISCOURSE very proper to be read at S. J s's. 8vo, new half morocco. 3s 6d about 1750 An exposure of the vices and follies of the time, imported from every nation in Europe, in consequence, says the author, of the newly developed taste for travelling. 985 DISRAELI.-ANTI-Con INGSBY, or the new generation grown Old, by an Embryo M.P. 2 vols in 1, post 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d 1847 An amusing satire on Lord Beaconsfield and his novel of Coningsby. 986 DIVINE and Moral Songs for Children, by Dr. Watts. Sq. 8vo, prettily illustrated, cloth, gilt edges. 2s 6d 1866 987 DIXON (Wm. Hepworth) Her Majesty's Tower. 4 vols, 8vo, folding frontispiece, new half calf gilt. £1.4s 1869 988 DOCTRINE of the Bible, or Rules of Discipline briefly gathered through the whole course of the Scripture by way of Question and Answer. 18mo, meat. 2s 1623 989 DR. BLENKINSOP's Memoirs, written by himself, in- cluding his Campaigns, Travels, aud Adventures, with Anecdotes of Graphiology, and some of the letters of his Correspondents, edited by the author of “Paddiana.” 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1852 A most entertaining and racy piece of biography. 990 DODD (W) Beauties of History, or Pictures of Virtue and Vice, drawn from Examples of Eminent Men. 12mo, upwards of 30 woodcuts by Bewick, etc., half morocco, 4s 6d 1800 991 DODDRIDGE (Philip) Hymns founded on Various Texts in the Holy Scriptures, published from the Author's Manu- script, by John Orton. FIRST EDITION, 12mo, neat. £1.4s Salop, 1795 992 DODONA’s GROVE, or the Vocall Forrest with Eng- land’s Tears for the Present Wars, and the Pre-Eminence of Par- lenents, by JAMES HowL.L.L. 18mo, frontispiece and foldwmg plate, half morocco (wants l leaf). 3s 6d Camb., 1645 Sir M. M. Sykes's copy. 993 DODSLEY's Collection of Poems, by several hands, 1766 –Pearch's Collection of Poems by several hands, Supplementary to Dodsley's, 1775. Together 10 vols, post 8vo, calf meat. 9s Next to the two Foundling. Hospitals for Wit, this is one of the best Collections of the Poetry of the last Century. 88 - Alfred Russell Smith, 994 DODSLEY's FUGITIVE PIECES on Various Subjects. 2 vols, 12mo, half calf. 4s 6d 1761 Contains among other pieces Lucina sive concubitu addressed to the Royal Society, defence of Gaming, ancient villa found at Wheatfield in Suffolk, Hentzner's journey through England in 1598, &c. Portraits of Sir F. Burdett and Earl Grey inserted. 995 DOMESDAY STUDIES, an analysis and digest of the Somerset Survey, and of the Somerset Gheld Inquest of 1084, by the Rev. R. W. Eyton. 2 vols, 4to, cloth. £1. 10s 1880 Serves as a key to the whole of the Domesday Book, see also under Dorset. 996 DOHERTY.—Discovery, or Mysterious Separation of Hugh Doherty, Esq., and Anne his Wife, written by H. D. him- self. 12mo, bds. 3s 1807 997 DONALDSON (J.W.) Theatre of the Greeks, the History and Criticism of the Greek Drama. 8vo, plate, new half morocco, gilt top. 12s Camb, 1836 998 HBOnaftig.—Incipit Donatus Ven. Magistri Johannis Berson, Cancellarii Parisiensis. Notabilia expositi super Cano- nem Misse. In a volume, folio, ©otbit Lettet, capital letters ru- bricated, old stamped calf. £1.5s Nuremberg, about 1500 999 DONN (James) Hortus Cantabrigtensis, or an accented Catalogue of Indigenous and Exotic Plants cultivated in the Cam: bridge Botanic Garden, with the Additions and Improvements of the successive Editors, F. Pursh, J. Lindley, and G. Sinclair, FURTHER ENLARGED Down TO THE PRESENT TIME by P. N. DON. 8vo, new calf gilt, marbled edges. 7s 6d 1845 1000 DONNE–Life of John Donne, late Dean of St. Paul's, by Isaac Walton. 12mo, meat. 55 1658 1001 DONNE (John) Juvenilia, or Certaine Paradoxes and Problemes. 4to, half morocco. £1.5s 1638 A defence of women's inconstancy, that women ought to paiut, that all things kill themselves, that old men are more fantastike than young, that nature is our worst guide, that only cowards dare dye, that a wise man is known by much laughing, and others, together eleven paradoxes. 1002 DONNE (John) Poems by J. D., with Elegies on the Author's Death. FIRST EDITION, 4to, new calf extra, gilt edges. £2. 2s 1633 1003 DONNE (John) Poems, with Elegies on the Author's Death. FIRST EDITION, another copy, in calf meat. 15s 1633 1004 DONNE (John, Dean of St. Paul's) Poems, with Elegies on his Death,and divers copies under his own hand never before printed. 8vo, half calf. 8s 6d In the Savoy, 1669 1005 DONNE (John, Dean of St. Paul's) Letters to Severall Persons of Honour, 4to, no port, calf meat. 7s 6d 1651 36, Soho Square, London. 89 1006 DONNE (John, Dean of St. Paul's) Devotions, with two Sermons, one on Lady Danvers, Mother of George Herbert, and Death's Duel, his own Funeral Sermon, also his Life by Izaack Walton. 12mo, facsimile of the curious frontispiece to the original edition, new half morocco, gilt top. 5s Pickering, 1840 1007 DON QUIXOTE–Viday hechos del Ingenioso Caval- lero Don Quixote de la Mancha, Parte Primera. 4to, copper plate on title and 15 other curious plates in the tect, rare edition, half ovellum. 15s Madrid, 1714 1008 L)ON QUIXOTE, translated by Chas. Jarvis, 2 vols, 12mo, plates by Robert Cruikshank, cloth. 9s 1831 1009 DON QUIXOTE.- Continuation of the Comical His- tory of Don Quixote, by Alonzo Fernandez de Avellaneda, trans- lated by Capt. J. Stevens. Thick 8vo, numerous amusing plates, with autograph of E. Malone, calf meat, VERY SCARCE. 8s 6d 1705 1010 DOUGLAS (James) Travelling Anecdotes through various parts of Europe. 8vo, amºusing plates by the Author in the style of Rowlandson, calf gilt. 4s 6d 1708 IDORSETSIHIRE. 1011 ANCIENT DoRSET, the Celtic, Roman, Saxon, and Danish Anti- quities of the County, Early Coinage and ETHNOLOGY by Warne and Smart. A handsome large folio volume, many plates. $22. 12s 6d, issued to Subscribers only 1872 1012 BOSWELL’s Civil Division of the County of Dorset, comprising Lists of the Civil, Ministerial Officers, Magistrates and Subordi: mate Officers, with a complete Nomina Villarum, a List of the County and other Bridges, &e, with Returns of Charitable Dona- tions. 8vo, boards. 5s Dorchester, 1833 1013 BLANDFORD, A Brief Account of the Dreadful Fire at, June 4, 1731, together with a Sermon preached at Blandford on June 4, 1735, being the Day of Humiliation, &c., set apart by Protestant Dissenters there, by Malachi Blake. 18mo, folding plan of the Town, calf very meat, SCARCE. 5s 1735 1014 HISTORY of the Blandford Division of the County of Dorset, reprinted from Hutchins' History of the County. Folio, cloth. 9S 1830 1015 TOPOGRAPHICAL and Statistical Description of the County, by G. A. Cooke. 12mo, map and plates, calf. ls 1820 1016 DOMESDAY. —Key to Domesday, showing the Method and Exactitude of its Mesuration and the precise meaning of its more usual Formulæ, with an Analysis and Digest of the Dorset Sur- vey, by Rev. R. W. Eyton. Sm. 4to, cloth. 15s 1878 1017 CORFE CASTLE, an Historical and Architectural Description of, by a near Resident, 8vo, plates, half calf. 4s 6d Poole, 1826 '90 Alfred Russell Smith, 1018 WEST (Wm.) History of Cranborne Chace, 8vo, boards, scarce. - 4s 6d Gillingham, 1816 1019 WEYMOUTH and Melcombe Regis, History and Antiquities of, by G. A. Ellis. 8vo, half calf, scarce. 10s 6d Weymouth, 1829 1020 BUCK's Views of DORSET. 2s 6d each Abbotesbury Abbey. Bindon Abbey. Chidiock Castle. Corfe Castle. Lulworth Castle. Middleton Abbey. Sandfoot Castle. These Views are of great importance to the collector, shewing the state of the places at the beginning of the last century. 1021 ROBERTS’ (George, of Lyme-Regis) Life, Progresses, and Rebellion - of James Duke of Monmouth, etc., to his Capture and Execution, with a full account of the ‘Bloody Assize, under Judge Jeffries, and Copious Biographical Notices. 2 vols, post 8vo, plates and cuts, cloth. 7s 6d (original price £1.4s) 1844 Two very interesting volumes, particularly so to those connected with the West of England. Quoted for facts by Lord Macaulay. 1022 ROBERTS’ (George) The Social History of the People of the Southern Counties of England in Past Centuries, illustrated in regard to their Habits, Municipal Bye-Laws, Civil Progress, &c. Thick 8vo, cloth. 7s 6d (orginal price 16s) 1856 An interesting volume on old English manners and customs, mode of travelling, punishments, witchcraft, gipsies, pirates, stage-players, pil- grimages, prices of labour and provisions, the clothing trade of the West of England, etc., compiled chiefly from original materials, as the archives of Lyme-Regis and Weymouth, family papers, church registers, etc. Dedicated to Lord Macaulay. 1023 DRAKE (Nathan) Essays illustrative of the Rambler, Adventurer, and Idler, and the various Periodical Papers pub- lished in imitation of Steele and Addison, between the eighth volume of the Spectator and 1809. 2 vols, thick 12mo, half calf. 3S 1810 1024 DRAKE (Nathan) Literary Hours, or Sketches, Critical and Narrative, on Old Literature. 3 vols, 8vo, catf gilt. 5s 6d DRAMATIC HISTORY, LIVES OF ACTORS, AND OLD PLAYS. I) RAMATIC BIOGRAPHY : — 1025 BALFE (Michael William) Memoir, by C. L. Kenney. Roy, 8vo, portrait, cloth. 5s - 1875 1026 BEAU NASH.--Life of Richard Nash of Bath, extracted principally from his Original Papers, by Oliver Goldsmith. 8vo, fine por- tratii, calf newl, scarce. 8s 6d I762 36, Soho Jquare, London. 9I 1027 ANECDOTAL and Biographical Chit-chat of Actors, from the earliest down to those of the present time. By Charles Perkins. An UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPT, clearly written on nearly 600 Pº £5. The author was much connected in various ways with the London Theatres for nearly 50 years, and eventually became a pensioner on the Covent Garden Dramatic Fund. The later anecdotes are very interest- ing, being his own recollections of actors, most of whom are now living. The Index contains no less than 300 names. Suitable for making a number of articles for a magazine or newspaper. 1028 BELLAMY (George Anne) Apology for the Life of, written by Herself, with her Original Letter to J. Calcraft. 6 vols, l?mo, calf gilt, Scarce. £1. 10s 1785 1029 BEN JONSON.—Memoirs of the Life and Writings, with an abstract of the Lives of the Favorites Somerset and Buckingham, by W. R. CHETwooD. 12mo, calf meat. 3s 6d Dublin, 1756 1030 CLAIRON (Hyppolite, Celebrated French Actress) Memoirs, with Reflections upon the Dramatic Art, written by herself. 2 vols in 1, 12mo, half calf meat. 6s 6d 1800 1031 COLMAN FAMILY (The) Memoirs of, including their Correspon- dence with the most Distinguished Personages of their time, by R. B. Peake. 2 vols in 1, 8vo, portraits, half bound. 8s 6d 1841 1032 CUMBERLAND' (Rd.) Memoirs, written by himself, containing an account of his Life and Writings, with Anecdotes and Charac. ters of several of the most Distinguished Persons of his Time. 2 vols, 8vo, fine portrait, calf meat. 6s 6d 1807 1033 DECASTRO (John, Comedian) Memoirs, containing Anecdotes of Johnson, Garrick, Foote, Bamnister, Dibdin, Kemble, and others, with an Analysis of the Life of Philip Astley, and History of his Amphitheatre, edited by R. Humphreys. 12mo, portrait and plate, half calf, Scarce. 10s 1824 lo34 DIBDIN (Thos., of Covent Garden, Drury Lane, Haymarket, dºc.) Reminiscences. 2 vols, 8vo, portrait, new half morocco. 16s 1827 1035 DUMAS (Alexander) Life and Adventures, by Percy Fitzgerald. 2 vols, 8vo, portrait, cloth. 6s 6d 1873 1036 DONALDSON (Walter) Recollections of an Actor, from 1809 to 1865. 12mo, cloth. 3s 1865 1037 FITZGERALD (P.) Romance of the English Stage. 2 vols, 8vo cloth, 7s 6d ; mew half calf gilt. 14s is 74 Stroller's Life—George Anne Bellamy-Tate Wilkinson--Garrick, Sid- doms, and Kean—Ireland Forgeries—Mrs. Robinson (Perdita)—G. F. Cooke—Elliston—Young Roscius, and other interesting Anecdotes, etc. 1038 HENDERSON (John) Letters and Poems, with Anecdotes of his - Life by John Ireland., 8vo, portrait, new half anorocco, gilt top. - 12s ;-mo portrait, calf meat. 4s 6d London, 1786 lC39 HENDERSON's LETTERS, 12mo, calf. 2s 6d Dublin, 1786 92 Alfred Russell Smith, 1040 HOGARTH (Geo.) Memoirs of the Musical Drama. 2 vols, 8vo, portraits, cloth, scarce. 18s 1838 1041 INFANT ROSCIUS.—Biographical Account of Master Herbert, the Infant Roscius, with a Brief Delineation of his Talents and Cri- tiques of his Performances. 8vo, Sewed, only 30 copies privately printed. 2s 6d Scarborough, 1830 1042 JORDAN (Mrs.) Life, including her private correspondence and Anecdotes of her contemporaries, by Jas. Boaden. 2 vols, 8vo, portrait, half morocco. 12s 1851 1043 KELLY (Michael, of the King's Theatre, Drury Lane) Reminis- cences of a period of nearly half a century, with original Anec- dotes of many distinguished contemporaries. 2 vols, 8vo, port., mew half calf. 14s 1826 1044 KEMBLE (John Philip) Memoirs, including a History of the Stage from Garrick to 1825, by Jas. Boaden. 2 vols in 1, 8vo, calf gilt eactra, gilt edges. 15S 1825 1045 LEWES (Chas. Lee) Memoirs, containing Anecdotes, historical and biographical of the English and Scottish Stages during forty years, written by himself. 4 vols, 12mo, calf meat. £1. 1805 1046 MACKLIN (Chas.) Memoirs, including his Criticisms on Betterton, Booth, Wilkes, Cibber, Garrick, Mossop, Sheridan, Foote, and uin, his observations on the science of acting, &c., by J. T. irkman. 2 vols, 8vo, half bound. 9s.-ANOTHER, in boards, wncut, 12S 1799 1047 MACKLIN (Chas.) Memoirs, with Characters, Manners, and Anec- dotes of the Age, and a Chronological List of all the parts played by him, by Wm. Cooke, 8vo, portrait, calf meat. 8s 6d 1806 1048 MUNDEN (J. S., Comedian) Memoirs, by his Son. 8vo, portrait, new half morocco, gilt top, Scarce, 15s 1844 1049 O'KEEFE (John) Recollections of his Life, written by himself. 2 vols, 8vo, portrait, half calf gilt. 12s.-Boards, whewt. 12s 1826 1050 PARKE (W. T.) Musical Memoirs, an Account of the general state of Music in England from 1784 to 1830, with Anecdotes, musical and histrionic. 2 vols, 8vo, boards. 9s 6d 1830 1051 REYNOLDS (G. F.) Life and Times. 2 vols, 8vo, portrait, new half morocco gilt. 12s 6d. —Boards. º 6d 1826 1052 SHERIDAN (Mrs. Francis, Mother of Rich. Brinsley Sheridan) Me- moirs of her Life and Writings, by Alice Lefanu. 8vo, portrait, half calf. 58 1824 1053 SIDDONS (Mrs.) Memoirs, with Anecdotes of Authors and Actors by Jas. Boaden. 2 vols, 8vo, portrait, new half morocco, gilt tops. #1. 5S 1827 1054 SKELTON (John, Poet Laureat to Henry VIII.) Poetical Works, with Notes, and some account of the Author and his Writings. By the Rev. Alex. Dyce. 2 vols, new half morocco, gilt tops. £1. 10 1843 36, Soho Square, London. 93 e *§ 1055 SIDDONS (Mrs.) Life, by Thos. Campbell. 2 vols, 8vo, (noport.) scrubby copy in boards. 2s 6d 1834 1056 MEMOIRS of the Life of Mrs. SUMBEL, late WELLs, of Drury Lane, Covent Garden, and the Haymarket, written by herself. 3 vols in 1, 12mo, half calf, 15s 1811 Includes her correspondence with Major Topham, Reynolds the Dra- matist, and other celebrated characters. 1057 TOBIN (John, author of the “Honeymoon”) Memoirs, with selec- tions from his unpublished writings, by Miss Benger. 8vo, half calf gilt. 4s.6d 1820 1058 THEATRICAL RECORDS, An Account of English Dramatic Au- thors and their Works, 12mo, whewt. 3s 1756 IDRAMIATIC HISTORY :— 1059 PRYNNE (Wim.) Histrio-Mastix ; the Player's Scourge or Actor's Tragoedie in Two Parts, wherein it is largely evidenced by divers Arguments in Scripture and of Eminent Divines of all sects as well as Heathen Philosophers, that Popular Stage Plays are Sin- ful, Heathenishe, Lewd, ungodly Spectacles, and most permicious Corruptions, etc., with Sundry particulars concerning Dancing, Dicing, Healthdrinking, etc. Thick 4to, half calf, very scarce, one leaf wanting and another defective. £1.5s 1633 The author, for writing the above, was prosecuted by the Star Chamber and fined £500, to lose his ears, and stand twice in the Pillory ; the chief accusation being his calling “Women Actors notorious Whores,” which was said to apply to the Queen, who had taken part in a Pastoral some little while before the publication of this work; but the most curious thing regarding it is that it was formally licensed by Archbishop Abbot's Chaplain.—RUSHWORTH's Historical Collections. 1060 DRYDEN (John) Of Dramatick Poesie, an Essay. FIRST EDITION, 4to, half morocco. 10s 6d 1668 1061 GILDON (C.) Miscellaneous Letters and Essays on several subjects Dramatic, Philosophical, Historical, Critical, Amorous, etc., in Prose and Verse. 12mo, calf meat. 3S 1694 1062 COLLIER (Jeremy) Short View of the Immorality and Profane- ness of the English Stage, 1698–Defence of the Short View, being a Reply to Congreve's Amendments, 1699—Answer to the Ancient and Modern Stages Surveyed, no title (by Dr. Drake). 1699. In a volume, calf meat. 7s 6d 1063 COLLIER's Farther Windication of the Short View. 8vo. 2s 6d 1708 1064 COLLIER’s Defence of the Short View. 8vo. 3s 1699 1065 WINDICATION of the Stage, with the usefulness and advan- tages of Dramatic Representations, in answer to Collier. 4to. 2s 6d 1698 1066 REPRESENTATION of the Impiety and Immorality of the Stage, with reasons for putting a stop thereto. 4to. 2s 17()4 1067 STATE of the Case between the Lord-Chamberlain and the Gov. of the Royal Company of Comedians, with the Opinions of Pem- berton, Northey and Parker, concerning the Theatre. By Sir Richard Steele, 8vo, half morocco. 6s 1720 7 94 Alfred Russell Smith, 1068 STATE of the Case between the Lord Chamberlain and Sir Richard Steele restated. 8vo, half morocco. 6s I720 Contains Charles the Second's Patent to Davenant, for erecting a Play- House. 1069 THE CENSOR CENSURED, or the Conscious Lovers examined, in a Dialogue between Sir Dicky Marplot and Jack Freeman, into which Mr. Dennis is introduced by way of Postcript, with some observations on his late Remarks. 8vo, boards. 3s 6d 1723 1070 EPISTLE to John James H–dd—g—r, Esq., on the Report of Signior F-r—n—lli's being with child. (IN VERSE). Folio. 3S - 1735 1071 REHEARSAL (The) of a New Ballet-Opera Burlesqued, called the Mad House, after the manner of Pasquin. By a Gentleman of the Inner Temple (R. Baker). 8vo, half morocco. 6s 1736 Satirical on Farimelli, interspersed with songs. 1072 TYRANNY TRIUMPHANT and Liberty Lost—the Muses run Mad–Apollo struck dumb, and all Covent Garden Confounded, or Remarks on the Famous Cartel lately agreed on by the Masters of the Two Theatres. By Patrick Fitz-Crambo. 8vo, half morocco. 5s 1743 1073 GARRICK's Conduct as Manager of Drury Lane considered. 8vo. 4S 1747 1074 GARRICK.—Reasons why Garrick should not appear on the Stage, in a Letter to John Rich. 8vo. 3s 1759 1075 GARRICK.—Letter, occasioned by the intended representation of the Minor at Drury Lane, 8vo. 2s 1760 1076 GARRICK.—Letter to him, on his having purchased a Patent for l)rury Lane Play-House. 8vo. 2s 1770 1077 GARRICK.—Love in the SUDS, a Town Eclogue, being the Lamen- tation of Roscius for the LOSS of his Nyky, 4to, new half morocco. 8s 6d 1772 By Dr. Kenrick; the piece is a severe satire on David Garrick; in it the author alludes in no IIleasured terms to Garrick's alteration of Ken- rick's Falstaff's Wedding and his Widow’d Wife. Contemporary authors and poets get a flip now and then from this clever satirist. 1078 GARRICK.—Letter on his Conduct as principal manager and Actor at Drury Lane. 8vo. 2S 1772 1079 GARRICK in the Shades, or a Peep into Elysium, a Farce never offered to the managers of the Theatres-Royal, 8vo. 2s 1779 1080,CHETWOOD (W. R.) General History of the Stage, from its ori- gim in Greece to the present time, with Memoirs and Anecdotes of the principal English and Irish Performers. 12mo, calf meat, Scarce. 7s 6d 1749 1081 SPOUTER’s CoMPANION, containing the most celebrated Prologues and Epilogues, curious Originals written for this work, with a Prologue on Epilogues, and Epilogue on Prologues,the Spouter's Medley, with the Spouter's Club in an Uproar. 12mo, wants a leaf, portrait of Reddish as Edgar, half morocco. 4s 6d 1750 36, Soho Square, Londoſt. 95 1082 GUIDE to the Stage, or Instructions and Precedents from the best authorities towards forming a Polite Audience, with some account of the Players. 8vo, half morocco. 5s 1751 1083 PRESENT State of the Stage in Gt. Britain and Ireland, and the Theatrical Characters of the Principal Performers in both King- doms impartially considered. 8vo, half morocco. 4s 6d 1753 1084 THE RAGGED UPROAR, or the Oxford Roratory, a new Dra- matic Satire in many Scenes and one very long Act, the A-la- mode System of Fortune Telling planned by Joan Plotwell, con- cluding with an important Scene of Witches, Gipsies, Fortune- tellers, and a long jumbling dance of Politicians, also an Epilogue by Mary Squires flying on Broom sticks. 4to, half morocco. 6s 1754 I085 LETTER from Mr. Foote to the Rev. Author of Remarks Critical and Christian on the Minor. 8vo, sewed. 2s 6d 1760 1086 BAKER (D. E.) Companion to the Playhouse, or an Historical Account of all the Dramatic Writers and their Works, of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vols, 12mo, calf meat. 5s 1764 The First Edition of Baker's Biographia Dramatica. 1087 BIOGRAPHA DRAMATICA, being Lives of British and Irish Dra- matic Writers from the earliest time, with lists and bibliographies of all their works, both arranged alphabetically, by Baker, Reed, and Jones. 4 vols in 2, 8vo, best edition, half calf. 16s IS12 Indispensible to every dramatic collector. 1088 BIOGRAPHIA Dramatica. Another edition, 2 vols, 8vo, calf meat. 9s 6d 1782 1089 THESPIS, or a Critical Examinations into the Merits of all the Principal Performers belonging to Drury Lane Theatre. 4to, sewed. 2s I766 1090 DRAMATIC TIME-PIECE, or Perpetual Monitor; being a Calcu- lation of the Length of Time every Act takes in the Performing in all the Acting Plays at Drury Lane, Covent Garden, and the Haymarket, by J. Brownsmith, Prompter at the Haymarket. 12mo, half calf. 2s 6d 1767 1091 COURT of THESPIS, being a Collection of the Most Admired PRO- LOGUES and EPILOGUES, written by Garrick, Colman, Foote, Murphy, Lloyd, and others. 12mo, sewed. 2s 6d 1769 1092 COURT of Thespis ; another copy, 1769–Introduction to Shakes- peare's Plays, containing an Essay on Oratory, port., 1773. 2 vols in 1, 12mo, calf meat. 3s 6d 1769-73 1093 DRAMATIC CENSOR, or Critical Companion. 2 vols, 8vo, calf 7veat. 5s 1770 Contains Criticisms on Richard III. by Cibber, Hamlet, Macbeth, Beggar's. Opera, Romeo and Juliet, Merchant of Venice, Othello, Cym. beline, King John, King Lear, and thirty-nine other celebrated dramas. 1094 THE THEATRES, a Poetical Dissection by Sir Nicholas Nipclose, Baronet. 4to, curious vignette on title, sewed. 3s 1772 An exceedingly sharp satirical attack on Garrick. 96 Alfred Russell Smith, 1095 FOOTE’s Letter to J. Baine on his Sermon, The Theatre Licen- tious and Perverted, or Strictures upon the Doctrine insisted on against S. Foote on account of a Representation of the Minor at Edinburgh. 8vo, half calf. 2s 6d Iºdinb., 1771 1096 CIBBER's LETTER to PopL, Inquiring into the Motives that might induce him in his Satyrical Works to be so frequently fond of Mr. Cibber's Name. 8vo, PRIVATELY PRINTED, sewed. 2s 6d 1777 1097 SIDDONS (Mrs.) Verses on her being engaged at Drury Lane in 1782, by the Rev. Mr. Whalley. 4to, sewed. 2s 6d 1782 1098 DAVIES (T.) Dramatic Miscellanies. 3 vols, 8vo, portrait, new half morocco, gilt tops. £1 1784 1099 DAVIES (Thos.) Dramatic Miscellanies, being Critical Observa- tions on several Plays of Shakespeare, with a View of bis Prin- cipal Characters as represented by Garrick and other Celebrated Comedians, with Anecdotes of Dramatists, Actors, etc., and Memoirs of Garrick. 3 vols, 8vo, half calf meat. 12s Londom., 1785 1100 NEVE (Philip) Cursory Remarks on some of the Ancient English Poets, particularly Milton, 8vo, PRIVATELY PRINTED, half mo- rocco, whewt. 5S 1789 1101 CHILDREN of Thespis, a Poem, by Athony Pasquin. 12mo, half calf. 3s 1792 Poetical criticisms on the Actors and Actresses of the last century. 1102 SCOTTISH STAGE History from its First Establishment, with a distinct Narrative of some Recent Theatrical Transactions and Memoirs of his own Life, by Jno. Jackson, Manager of the Royal Theatre, Edinb. Thick 8vo, half calf meat. 6s Edinb., 1793 1103 BRITISH THEATRE and the Church of England Contrasted, an attempt to shew the Inconsistency of Stage Entertainments with the Profession of Christianity. 12mo, sewed. 2s Sheffield, about 1794 1104 REPLY to Strictures of the Monthly Reviewers in Feb. 1797, on the Tragedy of the Battle of Eddington, by J. Penn, including an Abstract and Supplement of his Critical Works on the Drama. 8vo, sewed. 2s 1797 1105 RATIONAL Enquiry into the operation of the Stage on the Morals of Society, by David McNicoll. 8vo. 2s - Newcastle, 1823 1106 McDERMOT (M.) Philosophical Inquiry into the Source of the Pleasures derived from Tragic Representations from which is Deduced the Secret of Giving Dramatic Interest to Tragedies intended for the Stage. 8vo, boards. 3s 6d I824 1107 HILTON (Miss) Critique on her Performance of Juliana in the Honey Moon. 12mo, only 30 copies privately printed. 2s 6d Scarborough, 1831 1108 GENESTE’s History of the English Stage from the Restoration to 1830. 10 vols, 8vo, half morocco gilt. £3, 12s Bath, 1832 36, Soho Square, London. 97 1109 GAUTIER (Theophile) Histoire de l'Art Dramatique en France depuis Vingt-Cinq Ans. 12mo, new half calf. 4s 6d Paris, 1838 1110 TOMLINS (F. G.) Brief View of the English Drama, from the Earliest Time, with Suggestions for Elevating the Present Con- dition of the Art and its Professors. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d 1847 1111 SPANISH Drama.-Lope de Vega and Calderon, by G. H. Lewes 12mo, cloth. 3s 1846 1112 ROYAL ENTERTAINMENTS.–A Complete History of Theatrical Entertainments, Dramas, Masques and Triumphs, from Henry VIII. to the Present Time, including the Series of Plays per- formed before her Majesty at Windsor Castle, Christmas, 1848-9, containing many curious particulars of our Early Dramatic Lite- rature and Art, edited by J. K. Chapman. 4to, fine plates by Findem, cloth gilt. 12s . 1850 1113 L’OPERA-ITALIEN de 1548 a 1856, par Castil-Blaze. 8vo, new half calf. 5s Paris, 1856 1114 DONNE (W. B., Ealaminer of Stage Plays) Essays on the Drama. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s 1858 Athenian Comedy—Beaumont and Fletcher—Songs from the Drama- tists—Charles Kemble—Drama, Past and Present—Popular Amusements, etc., etc. Illā THEATRE PLATs of Three Old English Dramas, EXECUTED IN FACSIMILE from the Originals which were suspended near the Prompter's Station in the Fortune Theatre, in the latter part of the 16th Century, edited by J. O. HALLIWELL. Folio, PRIVATELY PRINTED, half morocco. £1.5s 1860 1116 NOTICES Illustrative of the Drama and other Popular Amuse- ments, chiefly in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, inci- dentally illustrating Shakespeare and his Contemporaries, ex- tracted from the Chamberlain's Accounts, and other MSS. of the Borough of Leicester, with an Introduction and Notes by William Kelly. Post 8vo, plates, cloth. 4s 6d. (pub 9s) 1865 #117 NOTICES of the Drama. Another copy on LARGE PAPER, 4to, only 25 printed, half morocco. £1.4s 1118 HAZLITT (W. C.) English Drama and Stage under the Tudor and Stuart Princes, 1543—1664, illustrated by a Series of Reprints of Documents, Treatises and Poems, with a Preface and Index. Sm. 4to, half morocco. £1. 10s 1869 ll 19 IRWING in Louis XI.-Notes on Louis XI. with some short Ex- tracts from Commines' Memoirs, by A. E. Small 4to, half mo- rocco. 3s 6d Privately printed, 1878 1120 COLLIER (J.P.) History of English Dramatic Poetry to the time of Shakespeare, and Annals of the Stage to the Restoration. 3 thick vols, Sm. 4to, half morocco, edges uncut. £3. 3s 1879 ll 21 OLYMPIC Theatre, 13 Orders to Admit to Boxes and Pit, “signed J. WINSTON.” Curious. 2s 1816 98 Alfred Russell Smith, I 121* O.P. RIOTS.--The Covent Garden Journal. Thick 8vo, four views of Covent Garden. Theatre, bds. 8s 6d 1810 SCARCE. The only complete history of the O.P. Riots. It gives a detailed account of the events which led up to the riots, and a daily journal of police cases, correspondence, squibs, poems, list of subscrip- tions and everything connected with this extraordinary affair. 1122 DRURY LANE Theatre, 12 Orders to Admit to Boxes, “signed WM. G. ELLISTON,” and others. 3s 6d 1826 1123 COVENT GARDEN Theatre, 5 Signed Receipts of Actors, for Salary. 2s 6d 1827–9 and 1831 1124 DRAMATIC PORTRAITs, a Collection of ll finely engraved Cos- tume Portraits of Celebrated Actors, chiefly of “Les Comedies Francaise et Italienne,” by De Fesch. 12mo. 5s 1773 1125 DRAMATIC PortRAITS.-Mrs. Young, Nathaniel Lee, Mr. Quick, Mr. Johnston, Capel Iloft, Charles Kemble, 8vo. 3s 1802 1126 ERA ALMANAC from 1868 to 1880 inclusive. 13 vols, clean in the original paper wrappers. #1. 5s 1868–80 Consecutive series of this Almanac are very seldom met with. This has the scarce number for 1871, which contains an account of the Escape of the Vokes Family and the Corps de Ballet from besieged Paris. COLLECTED PLAYS :— 1127 BAILLIE (Joanna) Miscellaneous Plays. 8vo, calf meat. 2s 6d 1805 1128 CARTWRIGHT (William) Comedies, Tragi-Comedies, with Poems. Thick 8vo, portrait by Lombart, calf meat. £2.8s 1651 1129 CIBBER's Dramatic Works. 4 vols, 12mo, portrait, calf meat. 8s 6d 1760 1130 CIBBER's Dramatic Works. 5 vols, 12mo, portrait, calf gilt. 21s 1777 1131 COLMAN (Geo.) Dramatick Works. 4 vols, post 8vo, calf meat. 14s 1777 1132 CUMBERLAND (Richard) Posthumous Dramatic Works. 2 vols, 4to, half morocco. 9s 1813 1133 DAVENANT (William) Dramatic Works, with Memoir and Notes by Maidment and Logan. 5 vols, roy. 8vo, LARGE PAPER, only 140 copies printed on this size for subscribers, a handsome set of books, cloth. £3, 16s (issued to subscribers at 5 guineas) 1878 1134 DODSLEY’s Collection of Old Plays, with Additional Notes and Corrections by Isaac Reed, Oct. Gilchrist, and J. Payne Collier. 12 vols, 8vo, new half morocco, gilt tops. E6. 15s—Another copy, wncut, in cloth, as published. £5. 1825 1135 DODSLEY.—A Select Collection of Old English Plays, originally ublished by R. Dodsley in 1744, Fourth Edition now first ºil; Arranged, Revised and Enlarged, with the Notes of all the Commentators, and new Notes by W. C. HAZLITT. 15 vols, 8vo, new half crimson morocco eatra, gilt tops, contents lettered. £6, 15s (pub. at 7 guineas unbound) 1875–6 Contains nearly all the Plays in Dodsley, besides a large number edited for the first time, being found only in the original quartos. 3×2. Qº 36, Soho Square, London. §º 1136 DONALDSON (J. W.) Theatre of the Greeks, a Series of Papers relating to the History and Criticism of the Greek Drama. Thick 8vo, front., cloth. 4s 6d—half morocco. 7s 6d 1849 1137 DUTCH PLAYS.—Const thoonende Juweel by de loftsijcke stadt Haerlem, ten versoecke van Trou moet blijcken, in't licht ge- bracht Waer inne duydelick verclaert ende verthoont worde alles wat den Mensche mach wecken om den Armen de hoosten ende zijnen Naeston, luj testaen. Thick 4to, vellum. £2 2s Tot Zwol, 1607 An important volume, containing a great number of Dutch Popular Songs, and Two Miracle Plays. There are sixteen copper plates in the Text, and six long folding plates of the different characters presented in the festivities at Haarlem. 1138 ENGLISH DRAMA Purified, being Select Plays in which all Objectionable Passages in Point of Morality are Omitted or Al- tered, with Prefaces and Notes by James Plumptre. 3 vols, cr. 8vo, boards, 4s 6d 1812 1139 FOOTE (Samuel) Dramatic Works. 3 vols, 8vo, calf meat. 15s 1765–78 1140 FORD’s Dramatic Works, with Introduction and Notes by Weber. 2 vols, 8vo, 8vo, recently bound in calf gilt. 16s Edinb., 1811 1141 GARRICK's Poetical Works, with Explanatory Notes by Geo. Kearsley. 2 vols, 12mo, calf meat. 4s 6d 1785 1142 GLAPTHORNE (Henry) Plays and Poems, now first collected, with illustrative Notes and Memoir of the Author. 2 vols, post 8vo, bds. 7s 6d (pub l guinea) 1874 1143 GLAPTHORNE’s Lady's Priviledge, 1640–The Ball, by Chap- man and Shirley, 1639.-How a Man may choose a Good Wife from a Bad, a Pleasant Conceited Comedy, 1602.-Dido, Queen of Carthage, by Marlowe and Nash, 1594. In a volume, post 8vo, new half russia. 9s 6d reprinted 1825 1144 JERROLD (Douglas) Comedies. 12mo, cloth. 3s 6d 1853 1145 KNOWLES (James Sheridan) Dramatic Works. Vols l and 3, post 8vo, portrait, 2 vols, cloth. 2s 1841 1146 LILLO's Dramatic Works, with Memoir by Thos. Davies. 2 vols, 12mo, boards. 7s 6d JV. Lowndes, 1810 1147 MACAULEY (Miss) Tales of the Drama, Founded on the Trage- dies of Shakespeare, Massinger, Shirley, Rowe, Lillo, Moore, and on Comedies of Steele, Farquhar, Mrs. Cowley, and others. 12mo, woodcuts, half calf. 3s 6d Chiswick, 1822 1148 MARSTON (Westland) Dramatic and Poetical Works, 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth, 6s 6d 1876 1149. MASSINGER (P.) Plays with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by W. Gifford. 4 vols, 8vo, portrait, new half morocco, marble edges. £2.2s 1805 1150 MASSINGER (Philip) Plays, with Notes, Critical and Explana- tory, by William Gifford. Thick royal 8vo, portrait and vig- nettes, cloth. 7s 6d 2. 1840 IOO Alfred Russell Smith, 1151 MASSINGER and Ford's Dramatic Works, with an Introduction by Hartley Coleridge. Thick roy. 8vo, portrait and vignette, cloth. 12s 6d 1869 1152 MURPHY (Arthur) Dramatic Works, 7 vols, 8vo, old calf. 5s 1786 1153 MOLIERE CEuvres avec un Commentaire Historique et Litté- raire, Précédé du Tableau des Moeurs du Dix Septième Siècle et de la Vie de Molière par M. Petitot. 6 vols, 8vo, portrait, calf very meat. §2. 15s Paris, 1821 1154 NEW BRITISH THEATRE, a Selection of Original Dramas not yet acted, some of which have been offered for Representation, but not accepted, with Critical Remarks by the Editor. 4 vols, 8vo, clean copy in bas., scarce. £1.5s 1814–15 1155 O’KEEFE (John) Dramatic Works, prepared for the Press by the Author. 4 vols, 8vo, author's signature on title of vol 1, halfcalf. 14s 1798 1156 OLD ENGLISH PLAYs, being a Selection from the Early Dramatic Writers. 6 vols, 8vo, morocco eatra, gilt edges, FINE COPY. 42.2s 1814 Doctor Faustus, Lust's Dominion, Mother Bombie, Midas, Endymion, or the Man in the Moon, Wonder of a Kingdom, Old Fortunatus, Bussy d'Ainbois, Monsieur d’Olive, May Day, Spanish Gipsy, Changeling, More Dissemblers Besides Women, Women beware Women, Trick to Catch the Old One, A New Wonder, A Woman never Vext, A Challenge for Beauty, etc. 1157 OTWAY.--ALCIBIADES, a Tragedy, 1687.-Friendship in Fashion, 1678—The Orpham, 1691—The Souldier's Fortune, 1687–The Atheist, 1684—Titus and Berenice, 1677—Venice Preserved, 1682–Don Carlos, 1686–Caius Marius, 1692. In a volume, 4to, russia gilt, a desirable volume. 491. 15s 1158 RACINE (J.) Theatre Complet de, Précédé d'une Notice par M. Auger, 12mo, portrait, half morocco gilt. 4s 6d Paris, 1853 1159 TALFOURD (Sir Thos. Noon) Tragedies to which are added a few Sonnets and Verses. 12mo, new calfeactra, gilt back. 5s Moſcom, 1850 1160 WEBSTER (John) Dramatic Works, Edited by Wm. Hazlitt. 4 vols, 12mo, new cloth, fl. ; mew calf gilt, marble edges. £1. 12s 1857 OLID PLAYS. 1161 HALLIWELL's (J. O.) A Dictionary of Old English Plays, exist- ing either in print or in manuscript, from the earliest times to the close of the 17th century, including also notices of Latin Plays written by English Authors during the same period, with particulars of their Authors, Plots, Characters, etc. 8vo, cloth. 12S 1860 1162 JACKE JUGLER. — A new ENTERLUED for Chyldren to playe, namely Jacke Jugler, both wytte and very pleasant. Reprinted in facsimile of the unique copy printed by Wm. Copland, in the Duke of Devonshire's Library. 4to, only 100 copies printed for Subscribers by E. W. Ashbee, 15s 36, Soho Square, London. IOI 1163 THERSYTES.—The Interlude of THESYTEs. Reprinted in fac- simile from the unique original in the possession of the Duke of Devonshire, by E. W. Ashbee. Only 100 copies printed, 4to. 15s 1875 1164 INTERLUDE of the Four Elements, an early Moral Play, 1510, edited by J. O. Halliwell. 8vo. 3s 6d Percy Society, 1848 1165 INTERLUDE of the Disobedient Child, by Thos. Ingeland, 1560, edited by J. O. Halliwell. 8vo. 3s Percy Society, 1848 1166 CINTHIO (Giraldi) ARRENOPIA, Tragedia—SELENE, Tragedia— EUPHINIA, Tragedia. In a volume, 12mo, portrail of Cinthio at the back of each title, half morocco. 15s Venetia, 1583 Interesting to the Shakespeare Student from the the fact of his having founded some of his Plays on the Novels of Cinthio. The scene of Arre- nopia is laid in Limerick, Astatio being King of Ireland, Alcimo his General, and Hegemone General to Orgito, King of Scotland. 1167 PLEASANT Historie of the Two Angrie Women of Abington, by Henry Porter, 1599, edited by Rev. Alex. Dyce. 8vo. 3s 6d - Percy Society, 1841 1168 CYTEZEN and UPLONDYSHMAN, an Eclogue by Alex. Barclay, printed from the original edition by Wynkyn de Worde, edited with introductory notice of Barclay and his other Eclogues, by F. W. Fairholt. 8vo. 4s 6d Percy Society, 1847 1169 TRAGEDIE of Solomon and Perseda. 4to, facsimile reprint of the rare original, without date. 5s 1599 1170 NASH. (Thomas) Pleasant Comedie, called Summer's last will and Testament. 4to, three last leaves in manuscript, calf extra by Pratt. 15s 1600 1171 GWINNE (M.) Nero Tragoedia Nova. 4to, half calf, meat. 5s 1603 1172 DECKER and WEBSTER’s North-ward Hoe. A Comedy, sundry times Acted by the Children of Paules, a Comedy. FIRST EDI- TION, 4to, a few leaves cropped in head line, calf meat. 491. 5s 1607 1173 TOMKIS's Albumazar, a Comedy presented before James I. at Cambridge, the 9th of March, 1614, by the Gentlemen of Trinitie Colledge, 4to, half morocco. 12s 1615 1174 DANIEL (Samuel) The Queenes Arcadia, a Pastoral Trage-Come- die, presented to her Majesty and her Ladies by the University of Oxford, in Christ's Church, in August, 1605. 4to, new half mo- rocco. 9s 6d 1623 1175 A GAME at Chess as it was acted nine days together at the Globe on the banks side. By Thomas Middleton, 1625. The curious engraved title and opposite verses are wanting, but have been supplied by a facsimile drawing by John Henderson, the Actor, and it has also Kemble's autograph. There are 7 other Old Plays in the volume. 4to, meat. £1. 15s This play is a sort of religious controversy: owing to the King of Spain being one of the characters, and thus a supposed ridicule cast upon a reigning sovereign, the players were summoned before the Privy Council and the further performance of the comedy forbidden. IO2 Alfred Russell Smith, 1176 "TIS MERRY When Gossips Meet, by Saml. Rowlands. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. 2s 6d 1609, Whittingham's reprint, 1818 1177 BEAUMONT and FLETCHER's Cupid's Revenge, often acted with great applause by the Children of the Reuells. Second Edition, 4to, half morocco. 12s I630 1178 BEAUMONT and FLETCHER's The Scornefull Ladie, a Comedie. 4to, new half morocco. 9s 163() 1179 BEAUMONT and FLETCHER's Maides Tragedie. 4to, woodcut on title, the latter mounted, half calf. 12s 1638 1180 BEAUMONT and FLETCHER's Elder Brother, a Comedie, acted at the Private House at Blacke Fryers, 4to, half morocco. 8s 6d 1651 1181 BEAUMONT and FLETCHER's King and No King, a Comedy. 4to, Sewed. 2S 1676 1182 BEAUMONT and FLETCHER's Beggar's Bush, a Comedy. 4to, wnbound. 2s 6d 1717 1183 RUGGLE, IGNORAMUs Comoediae coram Regiae Majestate. 18mo, frontispiece, meat. 2s 1630 1184 RUGGluR's IGNORAMUs. 18mo, another edition, meat. 2s 1668 ll35 RUGGLE's IGNORAMUs, a Comedy, edited with Historical and Critical Notes, Life of the Author and Glossary, by John Sidney Hawkins. BESTEDITION, thick 8vo, frontispiece by Stothard, new half morocco, gilt top, Scarce. 14s 1787 1186 RUGGLE's IGNORAMUs.—English Prologue and Epilogue to the Latin Comedy of Ignoramus, with Preface and Notes, by Geo. Dyer. 8vo, Sewed. 2s 1797 1187 HOLIDAY (Barten) Texnogamia, or the Marriages of the Arts, a Comedy, translated from Juvenal. 4to, half bound, Autograph note by C. J. Motley, Charles Mathews' copy. 9s 1630 1188 MERRY DEUILL of EDMONTON, as it hath been sundry times Acted at the GLOBE on the Bancke-side, a Comedy. 4to, half ſmorocco. £2. 2s 1631 1189 Deciter (Q.50g.) The Shoo-maker's Holyday, or the Gentle Craft, with the Humorous Life of Simon Eyre, Shoo-maker and lord Mayor of London. 4to, black letter, a few pages slightly cut into at bottom, otherwise a good copy, half morocco. £1. 10s 1631 1190 GOFFE (Thos.) The Couragious Turke, or Amurath the First, a Tragedie. FIRST EDITION, 4to, half morocco. 9s 6d 1632 Compared with the ranting absurdity of this piece, the Tragedies of Lee are sober declarations.—Halliwell. 1191 MASSINGER's Emperour of the East, a Tragae Comoedie. First edition, 4to, half morocco. £1. 10s 1632 1192 MASSINGER (Philip) A New Way to Pay Old Debts, a Comcedie. First Edition, 4to, some bottom lines cut into, half bound. 9s 1633 1193 MASSINGER (P.) The Unnatural Combat, a Tragedie. First Edition, 4to, new half morocco. £1.5s 1639 36, Soho Square, London. IO3 1194 MASSINGER (P.) The Roman Actor. 8vo, woodcut on title, half bowmd. 4s 1722 1195 MARCIANO, or the Discovery, a Tragi-Comedy, acted with great applause before His Majesties High Commissioners, and others of the Nobility at the Abbey of Holy-rud-house on St. John's Night, by a Company of Gentlemen. 4to, three leaves at the end dilapidated and wants last leaf, otherwise a large copy, half morocco. 15S Edinburgh, 1633 The rarity of this play, apart from its merits, which are by no means of a common order, caused a limited reprint in Edinburgh in 1871. A copy of the original was sold in 1797 for £1., and Thorpe gave £4. 14s6d for one in 1827. The reprint of which only 75 copies were done, contains a most interesting chapter on the Early Scottish Drama, by W. H. Logan. 1196 MARCIANO. —The Reprint. Only 75 copies printed, 4to, half mo- Tocco. 5s - Edin., 1871 1197 HAUSTED (P.) Senile Odium Comodia, Cantab. publice Acad. recitata in Coll. Reginali ab ejusdem Collegii Juventute. 12mo, half morocco. 7s 6d Cantab., 1633 1198 FORD (John) The Chronicle Historie of Perkin Warbeck, a Strange Truth. First edition, 4to, half morocco. 16s 1634 1199 RANDOLPH (Thomas) The Jealous Lovers, a Comedy, presented to their gracious Majesties at Cambridge by the Students at Trinitie College. 4to, half morocco. 7s 6d Cambridge, 1634 1200 DAVENANT's (Wm.) The Triumphs of the Prince d’Amour, a Masque. 4to, half morocco. 9s 6d 1635, Written in three days at the request of the benchers of the Inner Temple, by whom it was presented for the entertainment of the Prince lèlector Palatine, at his Highness's Palace in the Middle Temple, 24th Feb., 1635. The masquers' names are annexed. 1201 DAVENANT's Unfortunate Lovers, a Tragedy. FIRST EDITION, 4to, half morocco, cut close. 4s 1643 1202 DAVENANT (Sir William) Two Excellent Plays : the Wits, a Comedie, and Platomick Lovers. 8vo, very clean copies in the Original binding. 15s 1665 1203 DAVENANT's Circe, a Tragedy. 4to, new half morocco. 6s 1677 1204 DAVENANT’s Circe, a Tragedy. 4to, sewed. 2s 1685 1205 RANDOLPH (T.) Aristippus, or the Joviall Philosopher Presented in a Private Shew, to which is added the Conceited Pedlar. 4to, interleaved with writing paper containing a few MS. Notes by F. A. MARSHALL, half morocco meat. £1.4s 1635. Presentation copy from F. Locker to Alfred Tennyson. 1206 SHIRLEY’s CHANGES, or Love in a Maze, a Comedie. First edition, 4to, new half morocco. £1.5s 1632 1207 SHIRLEY (James) The Gratefull Servant. 4to, large copy, half 7m.0rocco. 9s 1637 1208 SHIRLEY (James) The Schoole of Complement (Shirley's first Play), 4to, half morocco, large copy. 9s 1637 1209 CHAPMAN and SHIRLEY’s Ball, a Comedy. FIRST EDITION, 4to, half calf. £1. 10s & 1639 IO4 Alfred Russell Smith, 1210 CHAPMAN and SHIRLEY, the Ball, a Comedy. 8vo. 2s 1824 1211 MARLOW and CHAPMAN, Hero and Leander. 4to, morocco extra, elegantly tooled on sides. 42. 2s 1637 1212 NABBES (Thos.) Microcosmus, a Morall Masque, presented with generall liking at the private house in Salisbury Court. 4to, half calf. 2s 1637 1213 GLAPTHORNE's (Henry) Argalus and Parthenia. First edition, 4to, cloth. 12s 6d 1639 1214 GLAPTHORNE (Henry) Argalus and Parthenia. First edition, 4to, half calf. 9s 6d 1639 1215 WEBSTER’s Dutchesse of Malfy, a Tragedy, 4to, half morocco, the Roaſburghe copy. 8s 6d. 1640 The Plot of this play was very popular, and used by Lope de Vega, Goulart, Bandello, and it is found in an English dress in Painters Palace of Pleasure. Burbage, Taylor, and Lowim took part in Webster’s Tragedy. 1216 WEBSTER (John) The Duchesse of Malfy, a Tragedy, 4to, fore edge of title cut into, half bound. 5s 1670 1217 SHARPE (L.) The Noble Stranger, Comedy. 4to, half morocco. 8s 6d 164() 1218 BROME (Richard) The Antipodes, a Comedie. 4to, portrait added, half calf. 9s 1640 1219 CHAPMAN’s Bussy d'Ambois, 4to. 5s 1646 1220 CHAPMAN (George) Bussy d'Ambois, a Tragedie, ANOTHER EDITION, wanting title. 2s 6d 1641 1221 TATHAM (John) The Distracted State, a Tragedy, written in 1641. 4to, cut close, cloth. 5s 1651 1222 MIDDLETON and Rowley.—The Spanish Gipsie, acted with great applause at the Private House in Drury Lane and Salis- bury Court. 4to, half morocco. 12s 1653 1223 MIDDLETON (Thomas) No Wit like a Womans, No Help like a Womans, a Comedy. 12mo, headlines cut off (always the case with this edition) calf. 9s I657 1224 BROME (Richard) Five New Plays: viz., the English Moore, or the Mock Marriage ; Love Sick Court ; Covent Garden Weeded ; New Academy ; and the Queen and Concubine. 8vo, calf meat. 18s 1659 1225 FLETCHER (John) The Elder Brother, a Comedy. 4to, fine copy half morocco. 15s 1661 1226 MARLOW (Christopher) The Tragicall History of the Life and Death of DOCTOR FAUSTUS. 4to, large woodcut on title, fine copy *n mew calf eſctra, by Pratt. 493. 3s 1663 This edition contains “New Additions as it is now acted. With several New Scenes, together with the Actors Names.” Edward Alleyn used to act the principal character in this play. 1227 ENGLISH ROGUE (The), a New Comedy, by T. T. (Thos. Thompson), 4to, half morocco. 16s 1668 36, Soho Square, London. IO5 1228 FORD (John) Love's Sacrifice, a Tragedy, with Verses Commen- datory by James Shirley, 4to, wants title, clean copy. 6s 1663 1229 CORNEILLE's Heraclius, Emperour of the East, a Tragedy, trans- lated from the French by Lodowick Carlell. 4to, frontispiece of arms of Walter Chetwynd, of Ingestre, Co. Stafford. 6s 1664 1230 DRYDEN.—Secret Love, or the Maiden Queen. 4to, sewed. 3s 1669 1231 DRYDEN.—Indian Emperor, or the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. 4to, Sewed. 3s 1670 1232 DRYDEN (J.) Conquest of Granada by the Spaniards, a Tragedy. 4to, sewed. 2s 6d ió78 1233 DRYDEN and Lee.—CEdipus, a Tragedy. 4to, sewed. 2s 1682 1234 DRYDEN and Nat. Lee.—The Duke of Guise, a Tragedy. 4to, half calf. 5s 16S3 1235 DRYDEN and Lee.—The Duke of Guise, a Tragedy, with the SoNGS set to MUSIC, 1683—Another Edition without the Music, with a Vindication of the Play by Dryden, 1699–Reflections upon the Pretended Parallel in the Play called the Duke of Guise, in a letter to a Friend, 1683. In 1 vol, 4to, half calf meat. #1. 10s 1683 1236 DRYDEN.—AURUNG-ZEBE, a Tragedy. FIRST EDITION, 4to, half calf. 4s 6d 1685 1237 DRYDEN.—Assignation (The) or Love in a Nunnery. 4to, sewed. 2s 6d 1692 1238 DRYDEN (John) Marriage A-la-Mode, a Comedy. FIRST EDITION, 4to, Sewed. 5s 1684 1239 DRYDEN's SECRET LOVE, or the Maiden Queen. 4to, sewed. 2s 1691 1240 NICOMEDE, a Tragedy, translated from Corneille by Dancer, acted at Dublin. 4to, sewed. 4s 6d Francis Kirkman, 1671 1241 PROLOGUE to Calistho, with the Chorusses between the Acts. 4to, fine old red m0rocco. 9s 1675 1242 OTWAY's ALCIBIADES, a Tragedy, 1675–Otway's Orphan or the Unhappy Marriage, a Tragedy, 1691. Together, 4to, Sewed. 4s 6d 1243 TOM ESSENCE, or the Modish Wife, a Comedy by Mr. Rawlins. 4to, half morocco. 7s 6d 1677 Founded on Moliere's Cocu Imagionaire and Corneille's Caesar d’ Alvaron. 1244 JOHNS (William) The Traitor to Himself, or Man's Self his Worst Enemy, a Morall Interlude in Heroic Verse, with Inter- masks at the close of each Act. 4to, half morocco. £1.5s Oxford, 1678 “Acted by the Boys at a Publick School at a Breaking-up.” The au- thor, a native of Monmouthshire became master of the Public School at Evesham in Worcestershire, and it was for that school the piece was written. It is remarkable as being composed without women’s parts, the author not thinking female characters fit to put on boys. The prologue is in parts, spoken by four boys. - IO6 Alfred Russell Smith, 1245 COUNTERFEITS, a Comedy? by J. Leonard, 4to, half morocco. 5s 1679 Cibber has made great use of this in his Comedy of She Would and She Would Not. 1246 SENECA's TROADEs, or the Royal Captives, a Tragedy, Englished by Edw. Sherburne, with Annotations. 8vo, calf meat. 4s 6d g 1679 1247 YOUTH's (The) Comedy, or the Soul’s Trials and Triumph ; a Dramatick Poem, with divers Meditations upon several subjects, set forth to help and encourage those that are seeking a Heavenly Country, by the author of the “Youth's Tragedy.” 12mo, new calf eatra, Scarce. £1.5s 1680 1248 REVENGE, or a Match in Newgate, Comedy. 4to, half morocco. 7s 6d I680 Attributed to Betterton, but is in reality Marston's Dutch Courtesan, with some very trifling alterations. 1249 LEE (Nat.) Lucius Junius Brutus, Father of his Country, a Tra- gedy. FIRST EDITION, 4to, boards. 6s l681 1250 HOWARD (Edw.) The Usurper, a Tragedy. 4to, half morocco. 5S - 1688 1251 DAY (John) Humour out of Breath, now first Reprinted from the Original Edition of 1688, edited by J. O. Halliwell. 12mo, only 50 copies printed, sewed. 9s. Another copy, half morocco. 12s 6d 1860 1252 DURFEY (Tom) A Fool's Preferment, or the Three Dukes of Dunstable, with the SONGS and NOTES to 'em by HENRYPURCELL. 4to, half calf meat. 15s 1688 1253 INJURED LOVE, or the Lady's Satisfaction, a Comedy. 4to, sewed. 2s about 1690 1254 BEHN (Mrs.) The Widdow Ranter, or the History of Bacon in Vir- ginia, a Tragi-Comedy. FIRST EDITION, 4to, whbound. 12s 6d 1690 1255 SOUTHERN LOVE, or the Rambling Lady, a Comedy. FIRST EDITION, 4to, sewed. 3s 6d 169] 1256 WYCHERLEY’s Plain-Dealer, a Comedy. 4to, new half morocco gilt. 5s 6d 1691 1257 OTWAY (T.) History and Fall of Caius Marius, a Tragedy. 4to, half morocco. 5s 6d 1692 1258 MOTTEUX’s Love's a Jest, a Comedy. 4to, half morocco. 5s 1696 1259 CONGREVE's Old Batchelor, a Comedy. 4to, sewed. 2s; another edition. 2s 1694 1260 CONGREVE's Love for Love, a Comedy. 4to, sewed. 2s 1695 1261 CONGREWE's Mourning Bride (The) a Tragedy. 4to, sewed. 2s 1697 1262 CONGREVE's Old Batchelor (The) 1694, 4to, half morocco. 2s 6d - 1707 36, Soho Square, London. IO7 1263 REFORMED WIFE, a Comedy by Mr. Burnaby. 4to, half morocco. 3s 6d 1700 Cibber is said to have borrowed the greater part of this play for his Double Gallant. 1264 SMITH (Edm.) Phaedrus and Hippolitus, a Tragedy. 4to, half calf. 5s N.D. (about 1700) 1265 LEE (Nat.) Mithridates, King of Pontus, a Tragedy. 4to, sewed. 2s 6d 1702 1266 ROWE (N.) The Biter, a Comedy. FIRST EDITION, 4to, half mo- ºrocco. 6s I705 1267 ROWE (N.) JANE SHORE, a Tragedy. 4to, sewed. 3s Date cut off title, 1713 An excellent play, and still popular. 1268 ROWE (N) JANE SHORE. 12mo, boards. 2s 1748 1269 ROWE (Nicholas) Works, consisting of his PLAYs and POEMs. 2 vols, 12mo, portrait, calf meat. 6s 6d 1756 1270 CARES OF LOVE, or a Night's Adventure, a Comedy, by A. Chaves. - 4to, half morocco. 3s 6d 1705 1271 CIBBER's Double Gallant, or the Sick Lady's Cure, a Comedy. SECOND EDITION, 4to, Sewed. about 1707 1272 CIBBER's Rival Fools, a Comedy. 4to. 3s 1709 1273 CIBBER's Lady's Last Stake, or a Wife's Presentment, a Comedy. 3S 1730 1274 FARQHUAR’s Beaux Stratagem, 4to, sewed, much wormed. Is 1707 1275 PHILIPS Distrest Mother, a Tragedy. 4to, sewed. 2s 1712 1276 KNIPE (Chas.) A City Ramble, or the Humours of the Compter, a Farce. FIRST EDITION, 12mo, new half morocco. 6s 1715 Acted at Lincoln's Inn Fields with much applause. Descriptive of London Life at that time. 1277 PERFIDIOUS BROTHER (The) a Tragedy, by Theobald. FIRST EDITION, 4to, Sewed. 4s 1715 1278 PERSIAN PRINCESS, or the Royal Villain, a Tragedy, by Theobald. FIRST EDITION, 4to, Sewed. 3s 1717 1279 CIRCE, a MASQUE, in Manuscript, delineating the respective claims of Virtue and Pleasure, believed to be an original unpublished drama. I2mo, half calf. 6s about 1720 1280 MARIAMNE, a Tragedy by Fenton, 1723–The History of Herod and Mariamne, collected from the best Historians, and illustrat- ing Fenton's Play, 1723. In a volume, 8vo, new half morocco, gilt top, scarce. 12s This play is interesting as having been written at the house of Southern and the author received hints from him. When shown to Cibber the latter petulantly advised the author to engage in some honest labour; the public, however, held a contrary opinion, as the play became very popular, and the author realised no less than a thousand pounds by this his first attempt. IO8 Alfred Russc// Smith, 1281 JACK SHEPPARD.—The Prison Breaker, or Adventures of John Sheppard, a Farce, as intended to be acted at the Theatre Royal, Lincoln's Inn Fields (Founded on the exploits of this celebrated House-breaker). 8vo, half morocco. 5s 1725 1282 WANBRUGH and CIBBER.—The Provok'd Husband, or a Journey to London, a Comedy. FIRST EDITION, 8vo, half morocco. 6s 1728 For an amusing account of the mistakes of the critics of this play, see Baker's Biog. Dramat. 1283 OXFORD.—The Humours of Oxford, a Comedy, by a Gentleman of Wadham College, 8vo, half morocco. 5s 1730 1284 HIGHLAND FAIR (The), or Union of the Clans, an Opera, by Mitchell. 8vo, cut close, new half morocco. 5s 6d 1731 The Music consisting of Scots Tunes prefixed to each Song. 1285 HUMOURS (The) of the CourT, or Modern Gallantry, a new Ballad Opera, 8vo, new half morocco. 5s 1732 1286 WHINCOP's (T,) Scanderbeg, or Love and Liberty, with nume- rous curious plates (one early portrait inserted) also a Complete List of all the Dramatic Authors, with their Lives, and of all Plays to the Year 1747, with engraved medallion portraits of the principal Dramatists. 8vo, calf, scarce. 10s 6d 1747 The List of Dramatic Authors is attributed to John Mottley, the author of Joe Miller's Jests. Bindley's copy sold for 18s. 1287 JOHNSON (Dr. Samuel) Irene, a Tragedy. FIRST EDITION, 8vo, frontispiece, half morocco. 5s 1749 1288 FAIR CIRCASSIAN, a Dramatic Performance by a Gentleman- Commoner of Oxford, with Poems by the same hand. 12mo, new half morocco. 2s 6d I750 1289 GREEN (G. S.) OLIVER CROMWELL, an Historical Play, with an Extract or Journal of his Rise and Progress. 8vo, fine portrait by Vander Gucht, half morocco. 5s 1752 1290 DIBDIN (C.) The Padlock, a Comic Opera, with the Music. Ob- long folio, half bownd. 6s 6d about 1760 1291 CHAPLET (The), a Musical Entertainment, Music composed by DR. BoxCE, (words only). 8vo, charming frontispiece, half morocco. 4s 6d 1767 Dy Moses Mendez, the poetry is very pleasing and the musical accom- paniment said to be exquisite. 1292 GRIFFITHS (Mrs.) The School for Rakes, a Comedy. 8vo, half - Öownd. 2s 1769 1293 MACKLIN (C.) Man of the World and Love a-la-Mode, Comedies. 4to, fine portrait of Macklin in his 93rd year, half morocco, edges wºmcwt. 9s 1793 With List of Subscribers, by which he appears to have realised £1582. 1294 COLMAN.—Remarks on Colman’s Preface to the Iron Chest. 8vo, sewed. 2s 6d 1796 1295 EDGEWORTH (Miss) Comic Dramas, in three Acts each. Post 8vo, boards. 3s 6d 1817 36, Soho Square, London. IO9 1296 MONK LEWIS.—The Castle Spectre, a Drama. FIRST EDITION, 8vo, half morocco, VERY SCARCE. 7s 6d 1798 Barrymore, Wroughton, Kemble, Bannister, and Mrs. Jordan, acted in the first representation of this play. 1297 CROLY (Rev. Geo.) Catiline, a Tragedy, with other Poems. 8vo, boards. 3s I822 1298 FLETCHER's Demetrius and Euanthe, being the Humorous Lieutenant, a Play, published from a Manuscript dated 1625, and containing Passages never before printed, edited by Dyce. 8vo, half morocco. 4s 6d 1830 1299 KNOWLES (Sheridan) Love, a Play, 1832—Knowles' Love Chase, a Comedy, 1838. 8vo. 1s each 1300 CHETTLE (Henry) Hoffman, or Revenge for a Father, a Tragedy, acted in 1602, edited with Introduction from the edition of 1631 by H. B. L. 8vo. 2s 6d 1852 1301 GOETHE's Faust, a Dramatic Poem, translated into English Prose with Notes by A. Hayward. 12mo, calf extra, full gilt back. 5s I855 1302 DRAYTON (Michael) Poems, viz., the Barons' Warres, England's Heroical Epistles, Idea, Odes, the Legends of Robert, Duke of Normandie, Matilda, Pierce Gaveston, and Great Crom- well, the Owle, Eologues, with the Man in the Moone, also the Battle of Agincourt, Nimphidia the Court of Faerie, the Moone Calfe, &c. Sm. folio, charming engraved title, calf meat. £4.4s 1619 and 1627 An unusually fine copy, with general printed title, having on the back a fine large portrait, engraved by Hole. 1303 DRAYTON (Michael) England's Heroical Epistles, with Annotations, 12mo, frontispiece by Fourdrinier, calf. 3s 1737 1304 DREXELIUS's Considerations upon Eternity, trans- lated by Ralph Winterton. 18mo, frontispiece and plates, new calf antique. 7s 6d 1703 1305 DROLLS. — The Bouncing Knight, or the Robbers Robbed, with the Droll of the GRAVEMAKERs, both constructed out of Shakespeare's Plays, 1647, and acted at Bartholomew and other Fairs. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 12mo, only 30 COPIES PRIVATELY PRINTED, half morocco. 15s 186() 1306 DROLLERIES.—CHOYCE DROLLERY, Songs and Son- nets, being a Collection of Divers Excellent Pieces of Poetry of several eminent Authors, to which are added the Extra Songs of Merry JDrollery, and an Antidote against Melancholy, edited with Introduction, Notes, Illustrations and Emendations, etc., by Rev. J. W. Ebsworth. 8vo, frontispiece, LARGE PAPER, (only 50 copies printed) cloth. 491.-SMALL PAPER, 12mo, cloth. 10s 6d I876 8 I IO Alfred Russell Smith, 1307 DROLLERIES.–MERRY DROLLERY compleat, being Jovial Poems, Merry Songs collected by W. N., C. B., R. S., and J. G., Lovers of Wit. Both parts reprinted from the Edition of 1691, edited with a Special Introduction, Notes, Illustrations, etc., by Rev. J. W. Ebsworth. 8vo, frontispiece, Large Paper, (only 50 copies printed) cloth. 491. 1875 1308 DRUDGE (The) or the Jealous Extravagant, a piece of Gallantry, by J. B., intersperscd with Original Poetry. 8vo, fare, half calf. 18s l673 1309 DRUMMOND (Sir William) Origines, or Remarks on the Origin of several Empires, States, and Cities. 4 vols in 2, maps, new half morocco. £2 2s 1824 The subjects of investigation in these erudite volumes are the Early State and History of the Babylonian and Assyrian Empires, Persia, Phoenicia, Arabia, and Asia Minor. The author has put forth his whole strength. His conjectures on the Stadium of Herodotus and others who have written on the extent of Babylon are very valuable. His disquisi- tions on Hieroglyphics are particularly interesting, and he has brought much learning to bear in his attempt to disclose the sealed Books of the Egyptians. 1310 DRUNKENNESS.—Essay, Medical, Philosophical, and Chemical on Trunkenness and its effects on the human body, by Thos. Trotter. 8vo, meat. 2s 1804 1311 DRYDEN’s Poetical Works, with Life by Mitford. Aldine Edition, 5 vols, post 8vo, portrait, half morocco, gilt top. #91. 15s I852 1312 DRYDEN.—Azaria and Hushai, a Poem. First Edi- tion, 4to. 5s 1682 Political satire, query by Dryden. 1313 DRYDEN's Eleonora, a Panegyrical Poem dedicated to the Memory of the late Countess of Abingdon, 4to, half calf. 4s 6d I692 1314 DRYDEN.—FACTION DISPLAY'D, a Poem. 4to. 5s I704 Supposed to be by Dryden, the real names are filled in by a contem- porary hand. No jests nor puns deform the studied page, But all is manly thought and noble rage. 1315 DRYDEN.—Dufresnoy's Art of Painting, translated with an original Preface by Dryden; also an account of the most eminent Painters by Richard Graham, 8vo, frontispiece. 4s 6d 1750 Dryden was conscious of the imperfection of his work, begun and ended in twelve inornings. Perhaps, says he, the judges of Painting and Poetry may make me the same remark which my late Lord Rochester made to one, who, to commend a tragedy said it was written in three weeks. “How the devil could he be so long about it, for that Poem was Infamously Bad.” 36, Soho Square, London. I I I 1317 DU BARTAS, his Divine Weekes and Workes, with a compleate collection of all his other works, translated and writ- ten by Josh UA SYLVESTER. Folio, engraved title by Elstracke & portrait, also the large folding leaf, fine copy in new crimson mo- rocco eſctra. £3, 15s 1633 1318 DUCHESS of MARLBOROUGH.—Secret History of Queen Zarah and the Zarazians, being a Looking-glass for , in the Kingdom of Albigion. Both parts, 12mo, calf gilt. £1.5s Albigion, 1705 Very curious volume relating to the Court Intrigues of that time ; the names are fictitious, but the persons can be recognised. 1319 DUDLEY (Earl of) Letters to the Bishop of Llandaff. 8vo, portrait, half calf, full gilt back by Rivière. 5s 1841 1320 DUFF (James Grant) History of the MAHRATTAs. 3 vols, 8vo, frontispieces, half calf neat, VERY SCARCE. f*. 4s 1826 1321 DU HALDE (J. B.) Description of the Empire of China and Chinese Tartary, with the Kingdoms of Korea and Tibet, with Notes Geographical and Historical. 2 vols, folio, numerous fine folding maps and plates, calf meat. £1.8s 1738 1322 DUMAS (Alexandre) Marguerite de Valois, an Histori- cal Romance. Post 8vo, portrait of Dumas, cloth. 2s 6d 1846 1323 DUNCAN (Jonathan) The Religious Wars of France from the accession of Henry II. to the Peace of Vervins. 12mo, frontispiece. 2s 1840 1324 DUNLOP (J.) History of Fiction, being a critical Ac- count of the most Celebrated Prose Works of Fiction, from the Earliest Greek Romances, to the Novels of the Present Age. Roy. 8vo. 7s 6d 1876 Treats of all the most celebrated novels, ancient and modern, Latin Romances, Petronius Arbiter, Apuleius, Romantic Fiction in Europe, Romances of Chivalry, King Arthur and similar Romances, French, Italian, and English Schools of Novelists, down to the present time. 1325 DUNSTAR's Anglia Rediviva, a Description of all the Shires, Cities, Principal Towns and Rivers in England. 12mo, meat calf. 3s 6d 1699 1326 DUNTON (John) The Preaching Weathercock, a Para- dox, proving that R–son (Richardson) lately a Dissenting Minis- ter, and now a Presbiter of the Church of England, will Cant, Recant, and Re-recant till he has set his Religion and Conscience to all points of the Compass, fully argued from the Secret of his Life, etc., 1771—High Church, or a Vindication of the Rev. William Richardson from near an hundred Aspersions cast on him by John Dunton in his “ Preaching Weathercock,” in a Letter to Dr. Calamy, 1712. Two extraordinary Tracts in a volume, 8vo, half calf. 15s II 2 Alfred Russell Smith, 1326* DUNTON (John) Athenian Sport, or two thousand Paradoxes merrily argued. 8vo, calf meat. 9s 1707 Every man corporally born twice, no mans sees but he that is stark blind, the restored maidenhead, or a marryed woman may be twice a virgin, recreation of pre-existant spirits, what we call life is natural death, the kindest women the most cruel, and many other similar paradoxes. A most entertaining old book, full of singular tales and quaint jokes. 1327 DUNTON (John) The Athenian Oracle, being an entire collection of all the valuable questions and answers in the Old Athenian Mercuries, with many cases in Divinity, Mathematics, Love and Poetry. 4 vols, 8vo, meat. 12s 6d 1727 This set comprises the supplemental volume published in 1710, contain- ing a History of the Society, and an Essay on all sorts of Learning. 1328 DUNTON.—Neck or Nothing, or a Satyr upon two Great Little Men now in the Ministry, who have been the cause why the Author of Neck or Nothing has gone five years unre- warded, with Mordecai's Dying Groans from the Fleet Prison, or Mr. John Dunton's Appeal to His Majesty for a Royal Bounty to pay his debts, or else be starved in Jail for having satirized the Court Whigs in “The State Weathercocks,” &c., 8vo, new half morocco, curious. 9s 6d 1719 1329 DURER (Albert) The Little Passion, reproduced in Facsimile, with Introduction by W. C. Prime. Roy. 4to, a hand- some volume, 36 plates, half wellum. 18S 187() DUIREHAIMI. 1330 LISTS of Knights and Burgesses who have represented the County and City of Durham in Parliament, with Biographies, edited by Sir Cuthbert Sharp. 4to, cloth. 5s Sunderlaad, 1831 1331 RAINE’s History and Antiquities of North Durham. Part 2, folio, fine plates, boards. 391. 4s 1852 1332 GAINFORD.—Walbran's Antiquities of GAINFORD, comprising its Baronial and Ecclesiastical History, also of Barnard Castle. Part I., all published. 8vo, plates and pedigrees. 6s; half calf. 7s 6d Ripon, 1846 1333 SHOTLEY-SPA and Vicinity of Shotley Bridge, the History of, by Rev. J. Ryan. 12mo, front, and vignette, cloth. 2s 6d Sunderland, 184} 1334 STOCKTON.—Brewster's History of Stockton-on-Tees, 4to, plates, boards. 7s 6d Stockton, 1796 1335 SYMEON of DURHAM.—Libellus de exordio atque procursu DUN- HELMENSIs Ecclesiae, cui praemittitur Thomae Rud, e codice des- cripsit Thomas Bedford. 8vo, half calf. 4s 6d 1732, 1336 DU WAIX.—The Morall Philosophy of the STOICKs, translated from the French by Chas. Cotton. 12mo, frontispiece. new calf extra. 9s 1667 36, Soho Square, London. II3 1337 DU VERDIER (Antoine) Les OMONIMEs, Satire des Moeurs corrompues de ce siècle. 4to, VERY FINE COPY, in new morocco eactra, gilt edges. 362. 2s d Lyon, par Antoine Gryphius, 1572 First edition of this exceedingly rare satirical poems, it is remarkable on account of the rhymes whlch consist of a constant series of puns, or play on words opposed to their natural sense. 1338 DYING SPEECHES and Behaviour of the State Prisoners executed during the last 300 years, being a Supplement to the State Trials. 8vo, calf meat. 4s 6d 1720 1339 EARLE (John, Bp. of Salisbury) Microcosmography, a Piece of the World Discovered in Essays and Characters (descrip- tive of the 17th century), with Notes and Appendix by Dr. Bliss. 12mo, half calf. 4s 6d—Calf eactra. 6s 1811 1340 EARLS of DERBY and the Verse Writers and Poets of the 16th and 17th Centuries, by Thomas Heywood. 4to, Sewed, privately printed. 6s Manchester, 1825 1341 EARLY DRAWINGS.—Birch (Walter de Gray) and Henry Jenner, Early Drawings and Illuminations; an Intro- duction to the study of Illustrated MSS., with a dictionary of subjects in the BRITISH MUSEUM. 8vo, with 12 photographic facsimiles from pictures, in old Greek, English, French, German, dé Flemish, MSS., cloth. 7s 6d (pub 16s) 1879 An Index to the Iconography of the MSS. in the British Museum ; extremely useful for students and artists. Any one who desires to know how any given subject or conception was treated in the Middle Ages (A.D. 400 - 1500), or where the portrait of any historical or cele- brated personage of those times may be found; or what was the authen- tic form of any utensil, article of costnme, weapon or piece of armour in any of the centuries comprised therein, -has only to look into this DICTIONARY for an INSTANT REFERENCE to what he wants. EARLY ENGLISH CHRONICLES AND HISTORIANS. 1342 HISTORIA Brittomum, commonly attributed to Nennius, from a MS. discovered in the Vatican, edited in the l6th Century by Mark the Hermit, with an English Version, Notes, and Illustra- tions by Rev. W. Gunn. 8vo, facsimile, boards. 3s 1819 1343 FLORENCE of WORCESTER.—Chronicon ex Chronicis ab adventu Hengesti et Horsi usque ad annum 1117, altera ad annum 1295, perducta, ad fidem codicum manuscriptici edidit Benj. Thorpe. 2 vols, 8vo, bds. 12s 1848 1344 NICH. TRIVET, Annales sex regum Anglae 1136 to 1307, codicum MS. recensuit Thos. Hog. 8vo, boards. 4s 6d 1845 1345 ADAMI Murimuthensis Chronica (1303–1346) cum continuatione 1380, edidit Thos. Hog. Roy. 8vo, boards. 6s 1846 1346 HENRICI, Quinti, Gesta 1414 ad 1422, notis illustravit Benj. •, Williams. 8vo, boards. 3s 1850 II.4. Alfred Russell Smuttſ, 1347 HENRY QUINTI Regis Angliae Gesta, cum Chronica Neustriae ab 1414 ad 1422, ad fidem codicum traduxit, notisque illustravit Benj. Williams. Roy. 8vo, boards. 6s 1850 1348 CHRONICON sive brevis enumeratio regum et principum in quos variante fortuna BRITANNIAE Imperum diversus translatus est, auct. GEORGIO LILIO, Brit. 4to, half bound, scarce, 9s 6d Francof, 1565 1349 CHRONIQUE de la Traison et Mort de Richart deux, Roi d'Angle- terre, with the English Version and Glossary, by Benj. Williams. Roy. 8vo, boards. 6s 1846 1350 BEDE.—Miscellaneous Works of the Venerable Bede in the Ori- ginal LATIN, with Life, by Dr. Giles. 6 vols, 8vo, 12s 1843 1351 JOANNIS SARESBURIENSIS, Opera Omnia, nunc primum collegit J. A. Giles. 5 vols, 8vo, boards. 10s 1848 1352 HISTORIAE Anglicanae Scriptores varii e Codicibus Manuscriptis nunc primum, editi Josephus Sparke. Folio, calf meat. £1. 10s 1723 Chronicles of John of Peterborough, Robert of Boston, Life of Thomas à Beckett, Hugo Candidus's Peterborough History and con- tinuation. 1353 GESTA Stephani, regis Anglorum, incerto auctore, denuo recensuit notisque illustravit, R. C. Sewell. 8vo, boards. 3s 1846 1354 NICHOLSON (Bp.) English, Scotch, and Irish Historical Libra- ries, giving a short view and character of our Historians, either in Print or Manuscript, with an account of our Records, Law Books, Coins, etc. (A most useful book of reference, best edition). 4to, half calf meat. 12s 1776 1355 EARLY ITALIAN POET.-Giovanni della Cosa Rime et Prose Riscontrate con i Migliori originali et ricorrette con Grandissima diligentia. 18mo, frontispiece and vignette on title, calf very meat, gilt edges. 6s 6d Venice, 1565 1356 EARLY MANUSCRIPT on Paper of over 200 leaves, neatly written in German, rubricated throughout, with an extra- ordinary undescribable Book Plate inside the cover. £2. 15s A VI. Cent. A collection of Prayers, Psalms, and Hymns for private use, and is bound with a hanging veil to attach it to the owner's girdle. Books in this binding, though often represented in ancient pictures, are of very rare occurrence. 1357 EARLY MINIATURES.—Die Miniaturen und Manu- scripte der Roniglich Baversischen Hofbliothek in Uschaffen- berg, von Joseph Merkel, 4to, numerous plates, boards. 4s 6d Uschaffenburg, 1836 . 1358 EARLY POETICAL ROMANCES.–CEuvres Completes de RUTEBEUF trouvère du 13e siecle, recueillies et mises aujour pour la première fois par Achille Jubinal. 2 vols, 8vo, new calf extra, gilt edges. 281. 10s Paris, 1839 36, Soho Square, London. II5 1359 EARLY NEWS-SHEET.-The Russian Invasion of Poland in 1563, an exact FACSIMILE of a CONTEMPORARY Account in Latin, published at Douay, with an Introduction, Historical Notes and English Translation. 8vo, half morocco, ONLY 250 COPIES PRINTED. 2s 6d 1593, reprinted 1874 EARLY PRINTING. 1360 $acre &ſjeologic magistri RoPERTI Episcopi AQUIN, ordinis mino- rum professoris opus quadrigessimale, 4to, gothic letter, printed in double colums, rubricated throughout, with the first letter in gold and colowrs, mew half morocco. 15s (about 1480) 1361 Constitutioneş Sinodales Episcopatus Lunesis, cura Thomas de Bennettis, 4to, gotbic letter, wants last leaf of table, half bound. 9s 6d 1474 1362 Guillo de Monte Rochen Incipit Manipulus curatorum compositus. 18mo, no title, gotbit letter, vellum. Él. 5s 1500 1363 jobaniš $atesheriengig (John of Salisbury) Policratus de nugis curialum et Vestigiis Philosophorum libros octo. 8vo, calf very meat, red edges. 12s Lyon Constantin Fradin, 1513 The author was one of the most learned men of the 12th Century, became one of the household of Thomas à Beckett and was the first who was exiled on his master's behalf. The Polecratus is next to his Epistles, the most important of his writings, a poetical prologue is affixed dedicating the work to Becket then Chancellor of Canter- bury, and remarking that nearly all mankind were engaged in pursuit of those trifles against which this work was aimed. The Book was written or completed in 1156. 1364 #Libeş of $atmtg.—£ſtola Šanttorum. 4to, gotbic ictter, calf meat. Auguste, impressum per Joh. Froschauer, 1496 Lives of Saints, throughout every month in the year. 1365 Haggio 3Domini, literaliter et moraliter ab Henrico de Fruiaria explanata. 4to, 16 leaves, 20 curious and finely executed woodcuts, the large One on the title is surrounded by an exquisitely floreated border, fine copy, half bound. £1. 15s Impressus Oppenheim (not later than 1500) 1366 $ermome ºurca de sanctis fratris Leonardi de Utino. Thick 4to, black ſetter, first leaves injured by damp, calf, 12S Lugd., J. Treschel, 1495 1367 Štrpeng Antiquis de Septe peccatis Criminalibus, 12mo, gotbit Ietter, calf antique. 6s Johan Frellon a Lyon (about 1550) 1368 EARLY VOYAGES.—Relacion del Viage de Garcia de Nodal al descubrimiento del Estrecho Nuevo de San Vicente y del de Magallanes, 1618–19, map—Instruccion exacta de la Derrotas y Navegaciones quc se executan en todos tiempos enla America Septentrional, sacala a luz Manuel de Echevelar. In a volume, sm. 4to, fine clean copies in crimson morocco. £1.4s Cadiz, 1766 I 16 Alfred Russell Smith, 1369 EARLY RISING-On the importance of Early Rising, addressed to Heads of Families, Men of Buiness, Lovers of Nature, and Students. 12mo, boards. 2s 1822 1370 (5arlp Öſſaugurutº, Tes vyants net. der hoofer wercken, raet, visioenen, en hedriechlücker Soeckelucheyt, &c., door Jan. Van Brugghe, tot Mechlen. 12mo, 33lack #Letter, singular woodcuts,80mewhat in the style of the PILGRIM's PROGRESS, 7tew morocco eactra. 291. 5s No place, nor printer (but printed in Germany, 1582) 1371 EARLY WOODCUT-Ex Terentii Comoedis Latinissimae, Colloquiorum formulae. 12mo, elegant woodcut on title, con- taining eight human figures, sewed. 5s Argent., 1530 1372 EARTHQUAKES and Storms. – Nine Tracts and Sermons on the Earthquakes and Storms which took place 1750 to 1757, 8vo. 5S 1373 EASTLAKE (Sir Chas.) History of the Gothic Revival in Architecture. 8vo, many plates, new half calf gilt. 12s 1872 1374 EATON (D. C., Prof, of Botany at Yale) The FERNs of North America, coloured Figures and Descriptions with Synony- my and Geographical Distribution of the Ferns of the United States, and British North America. 2 large 4to volumes, 81 fine coloured plates, cloth, but few copies printed, and now out of print. £3, 15s Salem, 1817 1375 ECHLINII (D.) Ova Paschalia, Paris, 1602–In Obitu Clementis VIII Lacrymae Joannis Colvili Scoti (Colville's printed name struck out, and lyavid's Echlin; inserted in his own hand- writing). Ejusdem in Assumptione Leonis XI Gaudia, ib., 1605 —Perjurium Officiosum, with 23 verses in the author's autograph as insertions, 1626, the Poet's own copies, with his autograph addi- tions ank corrections. In a volume, 4to, blue morocco extra, gilt edges. £2, 15s 1376 EDGEWORTH (Miss) Castle Rackrent, an Hibernian Tale, taken from Facts and from Manners of the Irish Squires before 1782. 12mo, calf. 2s 1815 1377 EDGEWORTH (R. Lovell) Memoirs begun by himself and concluded by his daughter Maria Edgeworth, 8vo, portrait, cloth. 3s 1844 1378 EDWARD IV.—Plantaganet's Tragicall Story, or the Death of King Edward the Fourth, with the Unnatural Voyage of Richard the Third through the Red Sea of his Nephew's Innocent Blood to his Usurped Crowne. IN VERSE, meta- phrased by T. W., 8vo, in original calf, rare. 12s 6d 1649 36, Soho Square, London. II7 1379 EDWARD II.-History of the Reigne of Edward and Richard II., with Reflections on their chief Ministers and Favourites, by the Hon. Sir Edward Howard. 8vo, calf. 2s 1609 1380 EDWARDS (Jonathan, of America) Selections from the Unpublished writings of, Edited from Original MSS., with an Introduction by Rev. A. B. GROSART. Royal 8vo, facsimiles, cloth, only 300 copies printed for Private circulation. 5s 6d 1865 1881 EGYPTIAN-TRIPLE MUMMy Case of Aroeri-ao, an Egyptian Priest, at Hartwell House, described by Samuel Sharpe. 4to, plates by Bomomi, boards. 5s 1858 1382 EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPHICS.–Lectures on the ele- ments of Hieroglyphics, and Egyptian Antiquities, by the Marquis Spineto. 8vo, numerous plates, vellum, gilt. 9s 1829 1383 EIKON BASILIKH.—Vindication of King Charles the Martyr, proving that he was the author of Eikon Basilikh, against the exceptions of the E. of Anglesey, Dr. Walker, aud others, and an examinatiou of the bold and insolent assertions of Bayle, also Letters of Charles I., never before published, by Thos, Wagstaff, 4to, meat. 5s 171 I QUEEN ELIZABETH. 1384 % #articular Declaration, or Testimony of the Undutiful and Traiterous Affection borne against her Maiestie by EDMOND CAMPION, Jesuite, and other Condemned Priestes, witnessed by their owne Confessions; in Reproofe of those Slaunderous Bookes and Libels delivered out to the contrary by such as are maliciously affected towards the State. 4to, 33lack letter, half morocco. £3. 3s I582 Notes out of Saunders and Bristow, the six articles of loyalty re- quired to be answered by the Jesuits, in consequence of the Pope's Bull of Supremacy, with the answers of Sir Ralph Sherwin, Luke * Kirby, Thos. Cotton, Laurence Richardson, Thos. Forde, John Shert, - Robt. Johnson, Wm. Filbee, Jas. Bosgrave, and Henry Orton. T385 ENGLANDES Mourning Garment, worne by plaine Shepheardes * in memoie of their sacred Mistresse ELIZABETH, Queene of Vertue, while she liued and Theame of Sorrow being dead, with - the true manner of her Imperiall Funerall, by HENRY CHETTLE. V FIRST EDITION, 4to, half morocco. 92.15s l603 A most interesting volume, containing allusions to the poets of the time, this copy in common with most others wants the Shepheard's Spring Song at the end (2 leaves), otherwise it is an unusually good copy. It is extremely rare in any state. 1386 NAUNTON (Sir Robert) Fragmenta Regalia (the Court of Queen Elizabeth). FIRST EDITION, 4to, fine contemporary portrait of Elizabeth added, new morocco extra. £1.5s 1641 1386%NAUNTON.—ANOTHER COPY of the FIRST EDITION, 4to. 10s - 1642 II8 Alfred Russell Smith, 1387 CAMDEN (Gul.) Rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum, Annales Regnante Elizabetha. Thick 8vo, calf meat. 4s Lug. Bat, 1639 1388 CAMDEN (W.) History of the most Renowned and Victorious Princess Elizabeth. Folio (no portrait) vellum. 8s 6d 1675 1389 COMPLEA'1' AMBAssADOR, or Two Treatises of the INTENDED MARRIAGE of Elizabeth in Letters of Negotiation of Sir Francis Walsingham, together with the Answers collected by Sir DUD- LEY DIGGES. Folio, finely engraved frontispiece by Faith.ormé, containing portraits of the Queen, Lord Walsingham, and Lord Burleigh, calf meat. 12s 1655 Details some of the most important and dark transaetions in Q. Elizabeth's reign. 1390 CHARACTER of Queen Elizabeth, her virtues and defects, with the Characters of her Ministers of State, by EDM. BoHUN. 8vo, frontispiece, calf meat. 6s 6d ; calf gilt. 9s 1693 1391 DOCUMENTS from Simancas relating to the Reign of Elizabeth, 1558–1568, translated from the Spanish and edited by Spencer Hall. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1865 1392 ELIOT (Sir John) A Biography, 1590 to 1632, by John Forster. 2 vols, 8vo, portrait, cloth. 12s 1865 1393 ELLESMERE (Earl of) Essays on History, Biography, Geography, Engineering, &c. Thick 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d 1858 1394 ELLIOTT (Ebenezer, the Corn Law Rhymer) Life, Poe- try and Letters, with an Abstract of his Politics, by J. Watkins. 12mo, facsimile, cloth. 3s 1850 1395 ELLIOT (Grace Dalrymple) Journal of my Life during the French Revolution. 8vo, handsomely printed, portraits, cloth. 4s 6d 1859 1396 ELLIS (Hon. Agar) Historical Enquiries respecting the Character of Edw. Hyde, Earl of Clarendon. Post 8vo, calf meat. 3S 1827 1397 ELLIS CORRESPONDENCE, Letters written during 1687 —1688, to John Ellis, Secretary of the Commissioners of Re- venue in Ireland, comprising many particulars of the REVOLU- TION and Anecdotes of the Times, edited by Hon. Agar Ellis. 2 vols, 8vo, portrait, boards. 5s 1829 1398 ELLIS's SPECIMENs of the EARLY ENGLISH POETs, with historical sketch of the Rise and Progress of English Poetry. 3 vols, post 8vo, half calf meat. 9s 6d 1811 1399 ELLIS's SPECIMENS. Later Edition, 3 vols, post 8vo, new half calf gilt. 12s 1845 1399% @Ipote (şir (Ibomag) A Preservative agaynste Death. 12mo, black letter, last leaf mended, new morocco. 2.Él. 15s 1545 36, Soho Square, London. II9 1400 (Eſpot (Sir Thos) Isocrates to Nycoles. 18mo, 33ſatà £ctter, no title, first two leaves slightly imperfect and the marginal notes cut into, new morocco (one of the scarcest of Sir Thos. Elyot's works.) 15s Thomas Berthelet, about 1540 1401 (Elpote (Éir (Lijomag) The Image of Covernance, compiled out of the Actes and Sentences memorable of the most noble Emperor Alexander Seuerus, late translated out of the Greke into Englysshe 12mo, blacá Ictfcr, morocco €2tra, gilt edges. #4. 4s William Seres, 1556 EMIBILEMIS. 1402 ANDREA ALCIATI and his Books of Emblems, a Biographical and Bibliographical Study, by Henry Green. 8vo, numerous facsimile woodcuts, cloth. 7s 6d 1872 Contains a life of Alciat, and complete bibliography of his books of Emblems. 1403 CATS (Jacob) Alle de Wercken soo Oude als Nieuwe Nevens Nijn gausche Twee en Tachteg-Jarig Leven. Thick folio, NEARLY 500 PORTRAITS AND FINE PLATES, vellum meat. 262. 15s Amst., 1700. The plates are very curious and interesting, one on page 480 represents the beheading of a man with an instrument almost similar to the Guillo- time, and at p. 527 is a double-page engraving of the Death-bed of Henry Prince of Orange, in 1647, containing fine portraits of all the most cele- brated persons of his court. 1404 DE GODDELYCKE Woorsienigheydt uyt geheelat in JoséPH onder konink van Egypten, verciert met Sinneheelden ende sede leringen door FR. NERINCQ. 4to, many finé plates of emblems, mew morocco extra, gilt edges. 292. 2s Ant., 1710 1405 EMBLEMATA SACRA dat is eenighe Geestelicke Sinnebeelden door B.H. 4to, emblematic title and 40 copper plates of Emblems, half morocco, old Dutch gilt End Papers. 15s no place, 1631 1406 JAN VANDER WEENs Zinme-Beelden oft ADAMs APPEL (in Verse). Thick 12mo, many plates, vellum. 7s 6d Amst., 1662 1407 MAJERI (Michaelis) Secretioris Natura Secretorum Scrutinium Chymicum, per Oculis et Intellectui accurate accommodata, figuris Emblemata. 4to, fifty fine plates, designed to shºw the meaning of many mythological stories, including the Seven Ages, some of them of the most singular character, new morocco extra. £2. 15s Francof, 1687 1408 MUSART (Carolo, Belga, Soc. Jesu) Adolescens Academicus sub Institutione Salomis. Thick Small 8vo, elegantly engraved title, and 21 charming full-page Emblematical plates, new polished mo- rocco extra, gilt edges. £2.2s Duaci, 1633 1409 PAMPIERE Wereld oste Wereldsche Oeffeninge begrypende in vier deelen alle de Rymen van J. H. Krul. Thick 8vo, new mo- rocco eſctra, gilt edges. £1.4s Amst., 1644 Many pretty copper-plates of Emblems; there are thirty-six pages of music to the songs at the end. I2O Alfred Russell Smith, 1410 QUARLES’ EMBLEMS and HIEROGLYPHICKs of the life of Man. 12mo, numerous curious plates, new crimson morocco eactra, gilt edges. £1.5s I663 1411 SCHOONHOWI Emblemata partim Moralia, partim etiam Civilia accedunt et alia quaedam Poemata in aliis Poemata suorum libris non contenta. 4to, 74 emblems, vellum. 15s Amst., 1648 1412 SHAKESPEARE and the Emblem Writers, shewing their Simi- larities of Thought and Expression, preceded by a View of EMBLEM LITERATURE down to 1616, by Henry Green. A hand- Some royal 8vo volume, many illustrations, cloth. 12s 1870 1413 STAAT en Zedekundige Zunil-prenten of leerzame FABELEN. ; die van den heere LA CouTT, speelswyze gevolgt door J. Van Hoog- straten. 4to, one hundred pretty plates in the text, new crimson morocco eactra, gilt edges. £1.15s Rotterdam, 1731 1414 ENCAUSTIC TILES.—Encaustic Tiles manufactured by St. John Barr and Co., Worcester. 4to, plates, printed on buff- coloured paper. 2s 1844 1415 ENGLAND’s Present Interest Considered with Honour to the Prince and Safety to the People, in answer to this one Question “What is most Fit, Easie, and Safe in this Juncture of Affairs to be done l’ 18mo, calf meat. 2s 6d 1698 1416 ENGLISH GILDS.—History of English Gilds, with the Ordinances of more than one hundred in England, also the Old Usages of Winchester, Worcester, Mayor of Bristol, and Manor of Tettenhall, with Notes, Glossary, &c., by Toulmin Smith. Thick 8vo, half calf meat. 16s 187() 1417 ENGLISH MARTYROLOGIE, containing a Summary of the glorious and renowned Saints of the three Kingdoms, Collected and Distributed into Moneths after the form of a Ca- lendar, with a Catalogue of those who have suffered Death in England for the Catholic Cause since King Henry VIII., by a Catholicke Priest (I.W.) 8vo, russia. £2 2s Permissu Superiorwm, 1608 1418 ENGLISH MINSTERS. — Church Work and Life in English Minsters, by Mackenzie E. C. Walcott. 2 vols, 8vo, many plans and plates, cloth. 14s I879 A capital compendium of Dugdale's Monasticon, it fully describes and gives the history of every Cathedral in England and Wales, with ground plans. 1419 ENGLISH ROGUE, or the Life of Jeremy Sharp, to which is added a Narrative of Mary Toft of an extraordinary delivery of eighteen Rabbits at Godalming, with the affirmations of the Surgeons, and an exact Diary by Sir Rich. Manningham, Fellow of the Royal Society. 3 vols, 12mo, very clean copy in calf meat, rare, fl. 18s 17 36, Soho Square, London. I2 I 1420 ENGRAVERS.—History of the German, French, Ita- lian, and Low Country Schools, also a general history of Engra- ving, Etching, and Printing, being a portion of the Ency. Brit. 4to. 2s 6d about 1825 1421 ENGRAVED GEMS.—King (C. W.) Handbook of En- graved Gems. Thick 8vo, numerous finely engraved plates, ele- gantly printed, cloth. 15s 1866 1422 ENGRAVED GEMS.—Billing (A.) Science of Gems, Jewels, Coins, and Medals, Ancient and Modern. 8vo, illustrated with nearly 200 fine photographs of rare gems, cloth, gilt edges, (pub. at 21s) 12s 6d 1875 1423 ENGRAVINGS.—Several Hundreds of Miscellaneous Engravings, Woodcuts, etc., many Topographical. 15s Capital amusement for the winter evenings. 1424 ENGRAVINGS, A Set of 7 finely engraved Plates (9% by 73 in.) by GALLAYS after DE Wos, Illustrative of the Chris- tian Virtues, brilliant impressions. 9s 6d 1425 ENTRETIENS des Ombres aux Champs Elisees sur divers sujets d’Histoire de Politique et de Morale, traduit de l’Allemand, par Jungerman. Thick 12mo, frontispiece, calf meat. 9S Amst., 1723 Opens with a discussion between Cartouche the celebrated house- breaker and M. d’Argenson, followed by Molière and Sixtus V., Queen Hlizabeth and Cromwell, Rabelais and Mdme. du Noier, Machiavel and Confucius. 1426 EPICTETUS.—The Porch and Academy opened, or Epictetus's Manual newly turned into English Verse, with Notes by J. W. of Exeter College, Oxford, also CEBE's TABLE, never before translated into English Verse by a Lady. 8vo, calf. 5s 1707 1427 EPITAPHS.—Tissington (S.) Collection of Epitaphs and Monumental Inscriptions on the most illustrious persons of all ages and countries. 8vo, cloth. 5s 1857 1428 ERASMUS's Playne and Godly Exposityon, or Decla- ration of the Commune Crede (which in the Latin Tongue is called Symbolum Apostolorum), and the X Commandments of Goddes Law. 8vo, calf meat. 5s 6d Reprint of edition of 1533 1429 ERASMUS—Life of Erasmus, more particularly that part which he spent in England, wherein is given an account of his Learned Friends, and the state of Religion and Learning in both our Universities, by S. Knight. Thick 8vo, portrait and plates, UNCUT COPY in new half morocco eatra, gilt top. 42.2s Camb., 1726 A scarce book in any condition, but of great rarity in an uncut state. But few copies were published. I22 Alfred Russell Smith, 1430 (ºragmug.—Enchiridion Militis Christiani, which may be called in English, the handsome weapon of a Christian Knight, replenished with many goodly Precepts. 33lach Letter, calf eactra. £2. 15s 1576 Said to be translated by Tyndale. 1431 ERASMUS's CoILOQUIES, translated by N. Bailey, edited with Notes by Rev. E. Johnson. 2 thick vols, 8vo, cloth. 9S 1878 This version is a reprint of the translation by Bailey the compiler of the Dictionary of the last century: irrespective of the well known inte- rest and value of the Colloquies, the translator has so aptly rendered the idiomatic and proverbial Latinisms, making his version one of the most racy and piquant books in the language. 1432 ERSKINE (Lord) Armata, a Fragment, both Parts. 2 vols, 8vo, Scarce. 5s. 1817.—Another copy. 2 vols in 1, calf weat. 5s I818 1433 ESSEX’s TREASONS.–Declaration of the Practises and Treasons attempted and committed by Robert, late Earle of Essex, and his Complices against her Maiestie (Elizabeth) and her Kingdome. 4to, green morocco. #2. 10s I60 | This copy has Ireland's forgery of “Wm. Shakespeare’’ on the title, beyond this it is a particularly interesting tract historically ; it contains the whole of the proceedings and convictions of those engaged in the rebellion, and the confessions of many of the Earl's accomplices. 1434 ESSEX (Earl of) Declaration of the Practises and Trea- sons Attempted and Committed by Robert, late Earl of Essex and his Complices. Together with the very Confessions, etc. 4to, fine woodcut of the Royal Coat of Arms on back of Title, 15s I60] 1435 ESSEX. —Life and Death of the Illustrious Robert, Earle of Essex, containing at large the Wars he managed in Holland and the Palatinate, with Some wonderful observations of KHimselfe and his predecessors. By Robt. Codrington. , 4to, half morocco. 12s 6d 1646 1436 ESSEX (Earl of) CAPEL.—Letters written by Arthur Capel, Earl of Essex, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland in 1675, with an historical account of his Life. Thick 4to, meat, 2s 6d 1770 1437 ETCHING, full-length figure of a Man, by CHARLES BRETHERTON. 5s 1438 ETCHING...—Head of a Man by G. ExSHAw, very expressive. 7s 6d I758 1439 ETHNOLOGY..—Description of a singular Aboriginal Race inhabiting the Neilgherry Hills in India, by Capt. H. Harkness. Roy. 8vo, plates, boards. 4s 6d 1832 36, Soho Square, London. ESSEX. HISTORY of the County, from Cox's Magna Britannia. Sm. 4to, map, 2S about 1720 NORDEN’s Historical and Chronographical Description of County, 1594, Edited from Original Manuscript, by Sir Henry Pllis. Sm. 4to, cloth. 3s 6d Camden Soc., 1840 OGBORNE (E.) History of Essex, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time, with Biographical Notices of the most distinguished and Remarkable Natives. Vol I., 4to, all published plates, cloth. 12s 6d 1814 SUCKLING's Memorials of the Antiquities and Architecture, FAMILY HISTORY and HERALDRY of the County. 4to, 34 fine plates, some of the Arms finely coloured, and 71 woodcuts, hf. mor. $1.4s 1845 TWENTY-Two of the Churches of Essex, Architecturally described and illustrated by Geo. Buckler. Roy. 8vo, plate. 9s (pub one guinea) 1856 PICTURESQUE BEAUTIES of Essex, with historical and biographical notices by Thos. Wright. 4to, map and 70 charming. engravings, cloth. 8s 6d 1834 POST OFFICE DIRECTORY for the County. Roy. 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d 1859 ESSEX. — Declaration of the Parliament concerning the Declaration of the County of Essex to the Earl of Warwick, and Approbation. 7s 6d 1642 ESSEX.-Declaration of Parliament for appeasingand Quieting unlawful Tumults in the several counties of England and Wales. 7s 6d - I642 Relates principally to Essex. Also an Ordinance for the SUPPRESSION OF STAGE-PLAYES. TAYLOR (A) Papers relating to the Antient Topography of the Eastern Counties of Britain and on the Right Means of Interpreting the ROMAN ITINERARY. 4to, cloth. 3s 1869 Alfred Russell Smith, ELECTION.—Report of the Proceedings, Speeches, Addresses Squibs, etc., during the Election for the County, Western, Tyrell, and Wellesley Candidates. 4to, cloth. 5s Chelmsford, 1830 A COLLECTION of 120 Old Views of GENTLEMEN's SEATs, CHURCHES & ANTIQUITIES in the County, fº. 3S A Similar Lot of 83. 391. Ditto do. of 57. 14s Ditto do. of 42. 8s 6d Ditto do. of 33. 6s 6d T)itto do. of 25. 5s Ditto do. of 16. 3s 6d Ditto do. of 10. 2s 6d Ditto do. of 9. 2s Ditto do. of 8. 1s 6d Ditto do. of 6. 1s 3d Ditto do. of 5. 1s The above lots are most useful to the Topographer, as they contain many scarce and uncommon Prints. Each lot is a replica of the other, yet there are no duplicates in either lot. VIEWS in ESSEX.—A Collection of 40 Views of Churches, Gentlemen's Seats, etc., in the County, all of the last Century. 8vo and 4to, no duplicates. Different to the above. 16s CHELMSFORD FIRE-Narrative of the late Deplorable Fire, Three Females Burnt, list of houses damaged, donations, etc., Second Edition, with particulars not before recorded. 8vo, ground plan showing the ravages of the Fire, half morocco. 5s Chelmsford, 1808 COGGESHALL.—Annals of Coggeshall, by Bryan Dale. Post 8vo, plates, cloth. 7s 6d 1863 CROMWELL (Thos.) History and Description of the Ancient Town and Borough of Colchester. 2 vols in 1, royal 8vo, EARGE PAPER, wanting portrait of Fairfaa. 9s 1825 CROMWELL’s Colchester—Complete copy. 2 vols in 1, roy. 8vo, large paper, cloth. 18s Tb. 36, Soho Square, London. COLCHESTER.—History and Antiquities of the Town and Borough of, with Original Records and Papers, by P. MoRANT. Folio, folding map and plates, half calf. §1. 1s 1768 COLCHESTER.—Morant's History, another copy. Folio, has the plan of Colchester, but wants 2 or 3 plates, new half calf. 13s 6d 1768 COLCHESTER.—History and Antiquities of the Borough. 12mo, bds. 3s 6d Colchester, 1810 COLCHESTER CASTLE proved to have been the Temple built by the Romans to the Deified Claudius, by Rev. H. Jen- kins. 8vo, plates, only 200 copies privately printed, cloth. 4s 6d 1869 DAGENHAM BREACH.-Impartial Account of the Frauds and Abuses at Dagenham Breach and of the Hardships sustained by Mr. Wm. Boswell, late Undertaker of the Works there. 8vo, neat. 15s 1717 DAGGENHAM BREACH.-Account of the Stopping of, with the Accidents that have attended the same from the first TJndertaking, by Capt. John Parry, 8vo, with folding plan of Levels, calf meat. 7s 6d 1721 EAST ANGLICAN, or Notes and Queries on Subjects con- nected with Suffolk, Cambridge, Essex and Norfolk, edited by Tymms. Complete set containing all that was published of vol 4, 1864–70. Eastern Counties Collectanea, all published. Together 5 vols, bound in 4, cloth. AE3. 15s Full of the most important Genealogical and topographical matter not to be found eisewhere, Ecclesiology, Popular Superstitions, Trades- men's Tokens, and everything that can interest the East Anglian Anti- quary. HARWICH. —Dale's History and Antiquities of Harwich and Dovercourt, 4to, portrait and numerous plates, clean copy in calf gilt edges. £1.5s 1730 Fine portrait of the author by Vertue added. HARWICH.-Dale's History and Antiquities of Harwich and Dovercourt ; with the Natural History of the Sea Coast. Thick 4to, no plates, half bound. 6s 1732 Alfred Russell Smith, HARWICH.-A Season at, with excursions by Land and Water, to which is added Researches, Historical, Natural and Miscellaneous, by W. H. Lindsey. Thick 8vo, folding map and numerous tinted plates and woodcuts, cloth. 4s 6d 1851 HARWICH GUIDE, with Biographical Notices of Extraordi- nary Characters. 8vo, plate added (the first Harwich Guide), cloth. 3s 6d Ipswich, 1808 LITTLE MAPLESTEAD, History and Antiquities of the Round Church at, by Wm. Wallen. 8vo, plates, cloth. 4s 6d 1836 SUIRVEY of the Manor of Nicholls in Shalforde in 1650, Being a History of the Manor down to that date, with an elabo- rate List of all the Tenants, the Quantity of Land each held, and its Rental, Compiled by Riffitz Symonds, the Steward, in 1650. A very neatly written Contemporary Manuscript, in the original wellum wrapper. £3, 15s GLASS (Jos.) Reminiscences of MANNINGTREE and its Wi- cinity, with some reference to the Past and Present History of the Town and Neighbourhood. 12mo, pretty vignettes, cloth. 3s 6d 1855 A strange doggerel poem, containing much Topographical information. ESSEX-Stifford and its Neighbourhood, past and present, by Rev. W. Palin. Both volumes, 2 vols, 8vo, many plates, cloth. fl. 10s Privately printed, 1871—2 WALTHAM.–Ecclesiastical Works of the Middle Ages, or Historical Notices of Early Manuscripts belonging to the Mo- mastic Library of Waltham Cross, by W. Winters, 8vo, 66 pages. 2S 1877 WALTHAMSTOW.—History of Walthamstow, by Shilling- law. 8vo, plate, cloth. 3s Walthamstow, 1861 ESSEX DIALECT. — John Noakes and Mary Styles, an Essex Calf's Visit to Tiptree Races, with a Glossary by Chas. Clark. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d 1839 36, Soho Square, London. I23 1440 ETHNOLOGY..—Latham (R. G.) The Germania of Tacitus, with Ethnological Dissertations and Notes. 8vo, folding maps, cloth. 3s 6d. (pub 12s 6d) 1851 1441 ETHNOLOGY..—Man of the NORTH and Man of the SouTH, or the Influence of Climate, translated from the French of Ch. Victor de Bonstetten. 12mo, cloth. 2s New York, 1864 The author, familiar through travel with the men and the society of many climes, attaches much importance to the modifications which climate superinduces upon our inborn faculties, and opens up a new sub- ject to the philologist and physiologist. 1442 ETONIAN (The) A Series of Essays and Delineations of Life and Manners, 2 vols, 8vo, half calf. 9s 1822 By Coleridge, Hon. T. Curzon, Southey, Stirling, Lamb, Moultrie, Talfourd, and Merivale, then at Eton. 1443 ETTY (Wm., the Painter) Life, by Alex. Gilchrist. 2 vols, 8vo, portrait, cloth, scarce. 16s 1855 1444 EUGENE.—Memoirs of Prince Eugene of Savoy, writ- ten by himself, translated from the French, and supplying many Omissions. 8vo, half calf. 2s I8II 1445 EUSTACE (J. C.) Classical Tour through Italy in 1802. 4 vols, 8vo, plates (no map) half calf meat. 5s 1815 1446 EVANS (G. W.) Classic and Connoisseur in Italy and Sicily, with a Translation of Lanzi's Storia Pittorica. 3 vols, 8vo, nice copy in calf, full gilt back, and marbled edges. 16s 1835 1447 EVANS (John) Flint Implements in the Drift, being an account of further discoveries on the Continent and in Eng- land. 4to, plates. 5S I862 1448 EVELYN.—Parallel of Ancient and Modern Architec- ture in a collection of ten principal authors who have written upon the Five Orders, translated from the French of Roland Freart, made English for the Benefit of Builders, with an account of Architects and Architecture, and Alberti's Treatise of Statues, by JoHN EVELYN. Folio, fine plates, half calf. §1. 5s 1664 1449 EVENINGS at Haddon Hall, edited by the Baroness de Calabrella, a Series of Tales and Romances. Roy. Svo, ORI- GINAL EDITION, 24 charming plates engraved from designs by George Cattermole, half morocco, full gilt back and gilt edges. £1.5s 1846 1450 EXACT POLITICIAN, or Compleat Statesman, resolved into such principles whereby Gentlemen may be qualified for the management of any Publick Trust. By Leonard Willan. Folio, Tweat. 5S 167() 1451 EXPEDITION against Rochefort, fully stated and con- sidered, 8vo, half morocco, 2s 1758 I24. Alfred Russell Smith, 1452 jabian’s Chronicle.—The Chronicle of Fabian whiche he Nameth the Concordance of Histories from the Begin- nyng of King Henry the Seventh to the Ende of Queen Mary. 2 vols in l, folio, BEST EDITION, black letter, large copy in new morocco eſctra, gilt edges. £8.8s John Kyngston, 1559 1453 FABLES.—AEsop Naturaliz'd, in a Collection of Fables and Stories from AEsop, Locman, Pilpay, and others (in Verse). 8vo, calf. 4s 6d 1711 1454 FABLIAUX. — Nouveau receuil de Contes, Dits, Fabliaux et autres pieces inedites des 13, 14, et 15 siecles pour faire suite aux collections Legrand, Barbazan, et Meon, par Ach. Jubimall. 8vo, new calf extra, gilt edges, scarce. £1.15s Paris, 1839—42 1455 FACETIE motte e burle di diversi Signori et personi private raccolti par Lodovico Domenichi. Venetia, 1581—Detti et Fatti piacevoli et gravi di diversi Principi filosofi et Cortigiani raccolti del Guicciardini. Venetia, 1581. In 1 vol, thick 12mo, clean good copy, old calf gilt. 15s 1456 FACETIA—Life and Amours of CHARLES LEWIS, Elec- tor Palatine. 12mo, half calf. 3s J 692 1457 FACETIA—The Micthodion, or a Poetical Olio, by a Young Gentleman. 12no, new half morocco. 4s 6d 1788 1458 FACETIOUS.—Panegyrick on the Fair Sex (in Verse). 12mo, half morocco. 3s 6d Dublin, 1747 1459 FACETIOUS.—Letters from the Inspector to a Lady, with the Genuine Answers, both printed from the Originals. 8vo, half morocco. 4s 6d 1752 1460 FALLE (Philip) History of JERSEY, Second edition by Morant. 8vo, map and plate, calf meat. 12s 1734 1461 family of $10bt.-Confutation of Monstrous and Horrible Heresies taught by H. N., and embraced of a number, who call them selves the FAMILIE of LOVE, by J. KNEWSTUB. 4to, hiact; letter, five clean copy ^n wellum. 293. 3s 1579 Refutation of the doctrines of Henry Nichols of Tleyden, followed by a confutation of David George by Martin Micromius,and Nich. Charinaeus, of the Dutch Church in Tondon, and a Sermon preached at Paules Crosse by John Knewstub. 1462 FANSHAW (Sir R.) Original Letters during his Em- bassics in Spain and Portugal, with Letters and Answers from the Chief Ministers of State of England, Spain, and Portugal, on the Negotiations of Treaty of Peace between the Three Crowns. Thick 8vo, calf meat. 58 1702 36, Soho Square, London. I25 1463 FANSHAWE (Lady) Wife of Sir Richard Fanshawe, Ambassador from Charles II. to the Court of Madrid in 1665, MEMOIRs, by herself. 8vo, portrait, new half morocco, gilt top. 7s 6d I829 1464 FASHIONABLE BIOGRAPHY, or Specimens of Public Characters, by a Connoisseur, with Preface and Notes, Pantalo- gical and Pantogelastical. 12mo, half morocco. 3s 6d 1808 1465 FEATLEY (Daniel) The Dippers Dipt, or the ANABAP- TISTS ducked and plung’d over head and Eares at a disputation in Southwark, 4to, curious frontispiece engraved by W. Marshall, brilliant impression, half bound. 15s 1645 A very singular and curious volume, it contains a complete exposé of all the different sects of Anabaptists. 1466 FELTHAM (Owen) Resolves, Divine, Morall and Poli- ticall. 4to, engraved title, and opposite verses, new calf extra, gilt edges. 15S 1628 1467 FELTHAM (Owen) Resolves. 4to, finely engraved title, calf meat. 5s 1634 1468 FELTHAM's Resolves, Divine, Moral, and Political, 10th edition, with additions in Prose and Verse, not in former impressions. Folio, engraved title, very clean copy, calf meat. 10s 6d I677 1469 FELTHAM (Owen) Resolves, Divine, Moral, and Poli- tical, edited with an Account of the Author and his Writings by Jas. Cumming. 8vo, boards, 4s 6d 1820 Companion to the “Anatomy of Melancholy.” Abounds with valuable lessons on the most important and interesting subjects of life, applicable to all ages, conveyed with great force and beauty of expression. 1470 FEMALE POETs of Great Britain, containing the Choicest Poems of our Female Poets from the time of Lady Juliana Berners, with Memoirs by F. Rowton. 8vo, cloth. 9s 1848 1471 FERRIAR (John) Essay towards a Theory of Appari- tions. 8vo, boards. 3s 1813 1472 FIELD (Geo., author of “Chromatology’). Outlines of Analogical Philosophy, being a Primary View of the Principles, Relations and Purposes of Nature, Science and Art. 2 vols, 8vo, portraits and woodcuts, cloth, Scarce. 6s 6d I839 1473 FIELDING (Henry) Works, with Memoir by Roscoe. Very thick royal 8vo, Twº NTY-Two plates by GEORGE CRUIK- SHANK, calf extra, full gilt back. £1. 10s I851 1474 FIELDING (Sir John) The Universal Mentor, contain- ing Essays on the most important Subjects in Life. 12mo, calf meat. 2s 6d 1763 9 I26 Alfred Russell Smith, 1475 FIELDING (Sir John, the Magistrate) Plan for prevent- ing ROBBERIEs within Twenty Miles of London. 8vo. 2s 1755 FINANCE, CURRENCY, BANKING AND SOCIAL SCIENCE. 1476 ADAM (W. P.) Policy of Retaliation and its probable effect on the Consumer, Producer, and Shipowner. 12mo, boards. 2s 1852 1477 AMERICAN Municipal Bonds and Investments, edited by J. H. Rudall and Sons. 8vo, cloth. 2s 1874 1478 ATKINSON (W.) Principles of Political Economy or the Laws of the Formation of National Wealth. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1840 1479 AYRES (H.) Financial Register of British and Foreign Funds, Banks, etc., with a sketch of Revenues, Commerce, etc., of Foreign Nations. Thick 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1857 1480 BABBAGE (Prof.) Comparative View of the various Institutions for the Assurance of Lives. 8vo, meat. 2s 6d I826 1481 BANKING ALMANAC, Directory, Year Book, and Diary for 1849. 8vo, cloth. 2s 1849 1482 BANKER's MAGAZINE and Journal of the Money Market and Railway Digest. Vols 1 to 8 inclusive, 8 vols, 8vo, cloth, scarce. :Él. 4s 1844–48 Contains articles on legal matters connected with banking by eminent men, weekly returns of banks of issue, balance sheets of bankrupt firms, statistics of railway expenditure, and other useful information to the . financier. 1483 BANKER's MAGAZINE, Journal of the Money Markets and Com- mercial Digest. Very thick 8vo, containing nearly 1500 pages, half calf. 9s I866 Volume 26, containing, details of the great panic of that year, the winding up of numerous banks including that of Overend, Gurney and Co 1484 BANK NOTES Improvement Report, with a Plan for Facilitating their Production and Economising their Expense, by Thos. Old- ham. 8vo, PRIVATELY PRINTED. 2s 1850 1485 BANK NOTE FORGERY.—Report of the Committee of the Society of Arts, with the Approved Communications and Evidence on the Mode of Preventing the Forgery of Bank Notes. 8vo, fold- $ng plates, and some additional Ones inserted. 3s 6d l819 1486 BOWRING (Sir J.) Decimal System in Numbers, Coins, and Ac- counts especially to decimalise the Colmage of the United King- dom. Cr. 8vo, portraits and 120 cuts of Coins, cloth, 3s; half calf. 4s 1854 1487 BRYDGES (Sir Egerton) Population and Riches of Nations con- sidered, together not only with regard to their Positive and Relative Increase but with regard to their tendency to Morals, Prosperity and Happiness. Post 8vo, boards. 3s 6d 1819 1488 BREAD.—A Collection of Eleven Interesting Tracts relating to the Making of different kinds of Bread both Medicinal and Economic. 4to and 8vo. 5s 1766 to 1851 36, Soho Square, London. 127 1489 CAUSES and Effects of the Rise and Fall of Property and Com- modities from 1790 to 1835, with Tables of Taxation, Loans, Bills, Bank Issues, Bullion, &c. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1835 1490 CLIFFORD (Geo.) Life Assurer's Handbook and Key to Life As- Surance. 8vo, cloth. 2s 1876 1491 COMMERCIAL STATISTICs, a Digest of the Productive Resources, Commercial Legislation, Customs, Tariffs, Shipping, Imports and Exports of all Nations, including all the CoMMERCIAL TREATIES with FOREIGN STATEs. By JoHN MACREGOR. 5 vols, royal 8vo, cloth. £1. 15s 1847–50 Complete set including the rare fifth volume. 1492 CRUMP (Arthur) Key to the London Money Market. 4to, with numerous additional leaves ruled for the purpose of continuing it, cloth. 4s 6d 1872 1493 CUNNINGHAM (T.) History of our Customs, Aids, Subsides, National Debts, and Taxes, from William the Conqueror. 8vo, half calf. 3s 1773 1494 DUNCAN (J. J.) Annuity Tables of Males and Females in Glas- gow. 8vo, boards. 2s Glasgow, 1829 1495 ENGLAND's INTEREST, or the great benefit to Trade by BANKS and OFFICES of CREDIT in London, considered upon by a Com- mittee of Aldermen. 4to. 2s 6d º 1682 1496 FOREIGN ExCHANGES, being a Complete Set of Tables calculated from the lowest Exchange to the highest usual rates, and from one Penny to £1000 sterling, with a Table of the Real and Imagi- nary Monies of the World reduced to their Value in British Sterling, revised by Mr. W. Tate. Thick 8vo (1179 pp.) calf. 4s 6d I819 1497 FREEDLDY (E.T.) Practical Treatise on Business, or How to get MONEY, with an Enquiry into the Chances of Success and Causes of Failure in Business. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1853 1498 FRANCIS's History of the Bank of England, its Times and Tra- ditions. 2 vols, 8vo, new half morocco, gilt tops, scarce. 18s 1847 1499 FRANCIS (John) Chronicles and Characters of the STOCK EXCHANGE. Thick 8vo, cloth, scarce. 12s 1851 1500 GOLD.—Legal Regulations for the Standard of Gold and Silver Wares in different Countries, translated from the German of Studnitz, with additions by E. W. Streeter. Post 8vo, plates, cloth. 2s 1877 1501 GRAY (John) The Social System, a Treatise on the Principle of Exchange. 8vo, sewed. 3s Iºdinb., 1831 1502 GOSCHEN (G. J.) Theory of the Foreign Exchanges. 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1861 1503 GRAY (Peter) Tables and Formulae for the Computation of Life Contingencies, with copious examples of Annnity Assurance and Friendly Society Calculations. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1849 128 Alfred Russell Smith, 1504 GREG (W.R.) Essays on Political and Social Science, contributed chiefly to the Edinburgh Review. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 12s 1853 1505 HAMILTON (Robt.) Inquiry into the Rise, Progress, Redemption, Present State, and Management of the National Debt. 8vo, calf meat. 3S 1818 1506 HANDY-BOOK for Investors, comprising a Sketch of the Rise, Progress, and Present Character of every Species of Investment, JBritish, Colonial, and Foreign, with an Estimate of their Com- parative Safety and Profit, by Bartlett and Chapman. Thick post 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d 1869 1507 HULLEY (Ed.) Tables shewing the Values of Annuities and Assu- rances on Lives of Equal Ages, in Single and Annnal Payments. 8vo, boards. 3s 6d 1828 1508 INGESTRE (Viscount) Meliora, or Better Times to Come, being the Contributions of many men, touching the present state and prospects of Society. BOTH SERIES, 2 vols, 12mo, cloth, scarce. l2S 1852–3 Beer Shop evil, Rich and Poor, Sailors' Homes, Adulteration of Food, Education, Popular Investments, Improved Dwellings, Prison Revelations, Truths from a Pawnbroker, Immortal Sewerage, the Social Evil, Sunday in London, Truth from a Tap-Room, and other articles contributed by Viscount Ingestre, the Earl of Carlisle, Hon. Sidney Godolphin Osborn (S. G. O.), Rev. T. F. Stooks, Dr. Guy, Canon Girdlestone, Henry Mayhew, and Clergymen in large towns. 1508% SOCIAL NOTES concerning Social Reforms, Social Requirements and Social Progress, edited by S. C. Hall. Vol 1, roy. 8vo, cloth, very scarce. £1. 1s I878 Contains capital articles on every Social question by all the most eminent writers of the day. The first volume has been long out of print, and is exceedingly scarce. 1509 INSURANCE AGENT and REVIEW (The), Designed to assist the Representatives of Offices in EXTENDING amongst all classes the practice of Assurance, 1866 to end of 1871 inclusive (begins with No. 2, otherwise complete). 6 vols, 4to, cloth. 12s Contains many important and interesting accounts of attempted Frauds on Insurance Companies. 1510 MILL (James) Elements of Political Economy. 8vo, boards. 3s 6d 1826 1511 MILLAR (Thos. H.) Practical Introduction to Life and Fire Assu- rance, with useful Tables and description of Fire Risks. 8vo, cloth. 3S Edinb., 1841 1512 MONEY and MoRALS, a Book for the Times, by J. Lalor. 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d I852 1513 MORTIMER (Thos.) Elements of Commercé, Politics, and Finance, in Three Treatises. Thick 4to, half calf. 6s 1780 1514 NEISON (F. F. P.) Contributions to Vital Statistics, being a devolopement of the Rate of Mortality and Laws of Sickness, shewing the INSTABILITY of Friendly Soieties, “Odd Fellows,” “Rechabites,” and others, Influence of Locality on Health, etc. 4to, cloth, 5s 1845 36, Soho Jquare, London. I29 1515 NORWICH UNION SocIETY-Several Tracts relating to this Fatuous Insurance Society, Investigations into it, etc., 1817–18 —Rouse's Investigation into the ERRORs of all Writers on Annuities, including those of Sir Isaac Newton, Demoivre, Price, Morgan, Hutton, and others, with a set of Tables on a NEw PRINCIPLE, 1816. In a volume, 8vo, boards. 6s 6d 1516 ODDY (J. Jepson) European Commerce, shewing New and Secure Channels of Trade with the Continent of Europe, with a General View of the Trade, Navigation and Manufactures of the United Kingdom of Gt. Britain and Ireland. Thick 4to, folding map shewing the Canals and Rivers of Europe, calf meat. 5s 1805 1517 PARNELL (Sir Hen.) On Financial Reform. Post 8vo, boards. 3s 1830 1518 PASLEY (Col. C. W.) On the Expediency and Practicability of Sim- plifying and Improving the Measures, Weights, and Moneys, without altering the Present Standards. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1834 1519 PRATT (John Field) Summary of the Savings Banks in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, according to the latest Official Returns. 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d 1846 d520 SCRATCHLEY (Arthur) Observations on Life Assurance Societies and Savings Banks, with a Mathematical Appendix and Tables. 8vo, cloth. 2s I85] 1521 SMART (John, of Guildhall) Tables of Compound Interest. 8vo, cloth. 2s 1736 1522 THEORY and Practice of the International Trade of the United States and England, also of Canada, by P. Barry. 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d Chicago, 1858 1523 TOOKE (Thos.) Considerations on the State of the Currency. 8vo, borrds. 4s 6d 1826 1524 WAKEFIELD (Danl.) Remarks on the Inadequate and Excessive Pay of Public Servants. 8vo, half calf. 2s (id 1834 1525 WARD (R. A.) Investments, a popular Exposition of the Advan- tages and Disadvantages of each kind of Investment. 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d 1852 1526 WILSON (Rt. Hon. Jas.) Capital, Currency and Banking, with a Plan for a Secure and Economical Currency, and Appendix of the Weekly and Monthly Accounts of the Bank of England since 1845. Cr. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1859 1527 FINCH (John, Lord, Baron of Fordwich, Kent) Accu- sation and Impeachment by the House of Commons, 4to, new half morocco. 5s 1640 FINE ARTS. 1528 AYLOFFE's Description of an Ancient Picture in Windsor Castle, * representing an Interview between Henry VIII. and Francis I., between Guines and Ardres in 1520. 4to, boards. 2s 1771 I 3O Alfred Russell Smith, 1529 BARRI (Giac.) The Painter's Voyage of Italy, in which all the famous Paintings of the most eminent Masters are particularized as they are preserved in the several cities in Italy, Englished by W. LODGE. 12mo, etchings of portraits, new calf extra. 4:1. 5s 1679 A most important little volume when it is considered that the majority of the Altar Pieces, Church Paintings, and Choice Pictures kept as Jewels in the Palaces of the Nobles, mentioned in this work have exchanged hands, during the vicissitudes of the last hundred years. There is appen- ded a list of the famous collection of Sig. Manfredo Septale, including specimens of Titian, Raphael, Crispi, Juliano, Leonardo da Vinci, Tin- toret, and all the famous old painters, many of them portraits, perhaps, only to be indentified by means of this work. 1530 BELLORI (Gio. Pietro) Le Vite de Pittori, Scultori et Architetti Moderni. 4to, plates, but wants the portraits, old Smooth morocco, gilt edges. 3s 6d Roma, 1672 1531 BUTLER (Geo.) Principles of Imitative Art. Post 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d 1852 1532 CAREY (W.) Memoirs of the Patronage and Progress of the Fine Arts in England and Ireland, during the Reigns of George II. and IIl., with Anecdotes of Lord De Tabley and other Patrons and eminent Artists. Roy. 8vo, portrait and plates, boards. 6s 1826 1533 CARTOONS, FRESCOs, Sculpture, and Decorative Art, as applied to the New Houses of Parliament, and to Buildings in general, with an Historical Notice of the Exhibitions in Westminster Hall, and Directions for Painting in Fresco, by F. Knight Hunt. 4to, many woodcuts, cloth, 6s 1846 1534 CATALOGUES of Exhibitions. 7 vols, neatly bound in cloth. 5s 1833 J.535 CATALOGUE of the Art Treasures of the United Kingdom at MANCEESTER, 1857. 2s 1536 CHEFS D'OEUVRE of the Industrial Arts, by Phillipe Burty. Pottery, Porcelain, Glass, Enamel, Metal, Jewellery,and Tapestry, edited by W. Chaffers. 8vo, full of plates and woodcuts, cloth. 8s 6d 1869 1537 CHINA PAINTING.—Practical Treatise of China Painting in America, with suggestions as to Decorative Arts by Camille Piton. 12mo, wants folio atlas, cloth. 2s New York, 1878 1538 CHOICE ExAMPLEs of Art Workmanship, selected from the Exhi- bition of Ancient and Mediaeval Art at the Society of Arts, 4to, 61 fine plates, boards. 5s 1851 1539 CHRISTIE (Jas.) Inquiry into the Early History of Greek Sculp- ture, 4to, portrait, boards. 3s PRIVATELY PRINTED, 1833 1540 DARIUS.—The Tent of Darius explained, or the Queens of Persia at the feet of Alexander, translated from the French of Felibien by Col. Parsons. Folio, calf. 7s 6d 1703 Descriptive of a splendid picture by Le Brun, a charming plate of it, with 6 others by the same artist, illustrative of the Life of Alexander are added, engraved by Gribelin. As 36, Soho Square, London. I3 I 1541 DAGLEY (R., Author of Gems from the Antique) Compendium of the Theory and Practice of Drawing and Painting, 4to, plates, half morocco. 5s 1819 1542 DAVENPORT (Rich.) The Amateur's Perspective, presenting the Theory in the Simplest Form, so as to render the practice fami- liar in a few hours, 4to, plates, half morocco, gilt edges. 4s 6d 1828 1543 DE BURTIN (Francois-Xavier) Traité Theorique et Pratique des Connoissances Qui Sont nécessaires a tout Amateur de Tableaux et a tout ceux qui Veulent Apprendre à juger, apprécier et con- server les productions de la Peinture. 2 vols, 8vo, portrait, calf Theat. 9s Bruxelles, 1808 1544 DICTIONARIUM Polygraphicum, or the Whole Body of the Arts regularly digested (by Salmon). 2 vols, 8vo, numerous plates, calf gilt. 8s 6d 1735 Most useful book; it treats of washing prints, dialling, engraving, etch- ing, production of minerals for painting, stained glass, marble, enamel, dyeing, tapestry weaving, ink making, and a thousand useful recipes for artists and others engaged in fine art manufactures. 1545 ELLET (E. F.) Women Artists in all Ages and Countries. Post 8vo, portrait, cloth. 4s 1827 1546 EXCELLENCY (The) of the Pen and Pencil, exemplifying the uses of them in the most exquisite and mysterious arts of draw- ing, etching, engraving, painting in oil, washing of maps and pictures, also the way to cleanse any old Painting and preserve the Colours, collected from Albert Durer, Lomartius and other masters. 8vo, curious plates, new calf extra. 491. 4s 1688 1547 EXHIBITION CATALOGUES.—Official Illustrated Catalogue of the International Exhibition of 1862, with the Reports of the Juries. 5 very thick royal 8vo volumes, thousands of woodcuts, cloth. 10s 1862 1548 FACSIMILES of the Miniatures and Ornatuents of ANGLO-SAXON and IRISH Manuscripts executed by J. O. WESTWOOD. A large and sumptuous volume. Fifty-four superb plates, elaborately eacecuted in gold and colours in eacact facsimile of the originals, with DESCRIPTIVE LETTERPRESS, new half morocco, gilt edges. #99. 15s 1868 Only 200 copies were printed for subscribers at £21. 1549 FIELD (Geo.) Chromatography, or a Treatise of Colours and Pig- ments, and of their powers in Painting. Royal 4to, coloured frontispiece, cloth, VERY SCARCE. 12s 6d 1823 1550 GROSVENOR GALLERY.—Catalogue of the Pictures at Gros- venor House, with Etchings and Historical Notices of the whole collection, edited by John Young, 4to, many plates, half mo- Tocco. 12s 182 1551 HAYTER (Charles) Introduction to Perspective, Practical Ge- ometry, Drawing and Painting, Explanation of the Mixture of Colours, and Practical Directions for Miniature, Crayon, and Oil Paintings. 8vo, many plates, cloth. 5s 1845 I32 Alfred Russell Smith, 1552 JACQUEMART's History of Ceramic Art, a descriptive and phi- losophical study of the Pottery of all Ages and Nations, trans- lated by Mrs. Bury Palliser. A magnificent royal 8vo volume, containing 200 woodcuts, 12 etchings and 1000 marks and mono- grams, cloth. 16s 1877 1553 JAMES (Rev. J. T.) Italian Schools of Painting, with Observa- tions on the Present State of the Art. 8vo, half calf meat. 2s 1820 1554 JAMES (Rev. J. T.) The Flemish, Dutch and German Schools of Painting. 8vo, half calf gilt. 6s 1822 1555 JEWITT (Llewellyn) The Ceramic Art of Great Britain from Pre- historic times down to the present day, being a History of the Ancient and Modern Pottery and Porcelain Works of the King- dom, and of their productions. 2 handsome royal 8vo volumes, nearly two thousand plates and woodcuts, half morocco. £1. 18S (pub. 3 guineas) 1878 1556 MORLEY (Henry) PALIssy the Potter's LIFE. 8vo, cloth. 6s - 1855 1557 NICHOLS (J. G.) Remarks on some Pictures of Quintin Matsy's and Holbein in the collection of the Earl of Radnor at Longford Castle, 4to. 2s Archæologia, 1876 1558 NOU WEAU LIVRE pour Apprendre a Dessigner la Figure et le Paysage. Oblong 8vo, 25 pretty etchings, half morocco. 12s Paris, chez Chiquet, rue S. Jacques, about 1700 1559 PYE (John) Patronage of British Art, an Historical Sketch, com- prising the Rise and Progress of Art and Artists in London, from the beginning of George II. 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1845 1560 RAPHAEL.—His Life and Works, by Baron Von Wolzogen. Post 8vo, portrait, cloth. 2s 6d 1866 1561 REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua) Notes and Observations on Pictures chiefly of the Venetian School, being Extracts from his Italian Sketch Books; also the Rev. W. Mason's Observations on Sir Joshua's Method of Colouring, with some unpublished Letters of Dr. Johnson, Malone, and others; with an Appendix contain- ing a Transcript of Sir Joshua's Account-Book, showing the Paintings he executed, and the Prices he was paid for them, edited by William Cotton, Esq., 8vo, cloth. 5s 1859 “The scraps of the Critical Journal, kept by Reynolds at Rome, Flo- rence, and Venice, will be esteemed by high-class virtuosi.”—Leader. 1562 RUSKIN’s Notes on Turner's Drawings exhibited in 1878, also Notes on the Drawings by the Rev. W. Kingsley. 8vo. 2s I878 1563 SAINT-GERMAIN (Gault de) Guide des Amateurs de Tableaux pour les ecoles Allemande, Flamande et Hollandoise. 2 vols, Sm. 8vo, calf gilt. 4s 6d Paris, 1818 1564 STAFFORD GALLERY.—Catalogue Raisonné of the Pictures in the Marquis of Stafford's Gallery at Cleveland House, by John Britton. 8vo, calf eactra. 5s 1808 36, Soho Square, London. I 33 1565 TAYLOR (W. B.) Origin, Progress and present Condition of the Fine Arts in Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth, scarce. 12s 1841 1566 THE PICTURE, a N Osegay for Amateurs, Painters, Dealers, Cleaners and all the Craft ; being the Autobiography of a Holy Family, by Raphael. 8vo, bds. 2s 6d 1837 1567 WALPOLE's ANECDOTEs of Painting in England, with some Ac- count of the principal Artists, 5 vols, post 8vo, calf meat. 12s Dodsley, 1786 1568 WINKELMANN (Giov.) Storia delle Arti del Disegno presso gli Antichi. 3 vols, 4to, many fine plates, vellum. 12s 6d Roma, 1783 1569 WORNUM's Catalogue of the Pictures in the National Gallery and Biographical Notices of Deceased Painters, British and Foreign Schools. 2 vols in 1, 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d 1871 1570 JONES (Owen) Grammar of Ornament, illustrated by examples from various styles of Ornament. Roy. 4to, calf extra, full gilt back and gilt edges. 294. 10s 1856 One hundred and twelve plates, containing thousands of illustrations of the most sumptuous ornaments of the Egyptians, Assyrians, Per- sians, Greeks, Pompei, Roman, Byzantine, Arabian, Turkish, Mooresque, Indian, Chinese, Mediaeval, Elizabethan and Italian. All printed in gold and colours. An indispensable volume to anyone engaged in de- corative art. 1571 FINLAY (Geo.) History of the Byzantine Empire from 717 to 1057. 8vo, cloth, 14s 1853 1572 FIRE OF LONDON.—London's Lamentations, a serious Discourse concerning that late fiery Dispensation that turned our City into a ruinous heap, by Thos. Brooks, Preacher at St. Margaret's, New Fish Street. 4to, new calf extra. 12s 6d 1670 1573 FIREWORKS.—Bate (John) Mysteries of Nature and Art. The Second Booke Treating of Fireworks, 4to, many woodcuts including that of a wild man on the title, frequently re- produced. 4s 6d 1635 1574 FIREWORKS.–Essaisur les Compositions quidonment les plus belles Couleurs dans les Feux d'Artifice, par F. M. Cher- tier. 8vo, half bound. 2s Paris, 1836 1575 FISHER (J., Bp. of Rochester) Assertionum Regis Ang- lia de Fide Catholica adversus LüTHERI Babylonicam Capitivi- tatem defensio, 12mo, morocco, gilt edges. 15s Paris, 1562 1576 FISHER (Samuel) The Rustick's Alarm to the Rabbies, or the Country correcting the University and Clergy, wherein is contained a general account of the Quakers and their Doctrine. Thick 4to, new half morocco, 10s 6d ; calf meat, 6s 1660 I 34 Alfred Russell Smith, 1577 FISTON (W.) The State of the Germaine Empire, with the Description of Germanie. 4to, half russia. 15s 1595 1578 fitsberbert (šir 3nt.) Exposicion of the Kinges Prerogative, collected out of Fitzherbert and other Old Writers on the Lawes of Englande, by Sir William Staunford, 4to, black letter, half morocco. 12s Rychard Tottel, 1568 1579 FITZOSBORNE’s Letters, by Wm. Melmoth, with a Dialogue on Oratory. 12mo, frontispiece, calf gilt. 3s 1865 1580 FLANDERS.—Histoire de La Flandre et de ses Insti- tutions Civiles et Politiques, jusqu'a 1305, par L. A. Warnhoeing, traduite avec additions par A. E. Gheldorf. 2 vols in 1, 8vo, maps. new half morocco. 6s 6d I835 1581 FLATMAN (Thos.) POEMs and SONGS. 8vo, portrait, calf gilt, scarce. 8s 6d I686 1582 FLECKNOE (Richard) AEnigmatical Characters. 12mo, neat. 15s 1665 Nothwithstanding the author, according to Dryden,_ “In prose and verse was own'd, without dispute, Through all the realms of nonsense, absolute,” his character evinces a deal of fancy and ingenuity, and he was particu- larly successful in the portraiture of female character. See Retrospective Review, Vol 5. 1583 FLETCHER (Phineam) Locustae vel Pietas Jesuitica. Cantab., 1627—The Locusts, or Appolyonists, by Phineas Fletcher, Camb., 1627. In a volume, 4to, calf meat. £3. 3s This caustic satire was first written in Latin, and printed in the same year; it is sometimes found prefixed. Philips in his Theatrum Poetarum remarks that the English edition was enlarged. The B. A. P. copy of the English edition alone is marked 9 guineas. 1584 FOLK LORE-Traditionary TALEs of the English and Scottish Peasantry, by Allan Cunningham. Post 8vo, boards. 5S 1874 1585 FONBLANQUE (Albany) Life and Labours, edited by his Nephew, Edward Barrington de Fonblanque. Thick 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d 1847 1586 FONTAINE –Fables de La Fontaine, avec une nou- veau Commentaire, par Ch. NODIER. 2 vols, 8vo, 12 plates, calf. 18S Paris, 1818 This edition has a Bibliographical List of all those anterior to this at end. 1587 FORTESCUE (Sir John) De Laudibus Legum Anglia; with Hengham on the Sum of the English Law, commonly called Hengham Magna Parva. With Notes on Fortescue and Heng- ham by JoHN SELDEN. Latin and English. Thick 12mo, meat. 4s 6d - 1660 36, Soho Square, London. I35 1588 FORTESQUE de Laudibus Legum Angliae, the English Translation of 1775, and the original Latin text, on opposite pages, with Notes by A. Amos. 8vo, boards, scarce. 5s 1825 1589 FOSBROKE (Rev. T. D.) Foreign Topography, or Encyclopedic Account Alphabetically arranged, of the Ancient Remains in Africa, Asia, and Europe, 4to, plates, boards. 5s (original price £2.10s) 1828 Forming a sequel to the “Encyclopædia of Antiquities. 1590 — with 21 additional plates, boards. 8s 6d 1828 1591 FOSBROKE's Tourist's Grammar, or Rules relating to Scenery and Antiquities, with an Epitome of Gilpin's Principles of the Picturesque. 12mo, boards. 2s 1826 1592 FOUCHE (Jos. Duc D'Otrante) Ministre de la Police Générale, Mémoires. Thick post 8vo, portrait, new half calf gilt. 6S Paris, 1824 1593 FOUNTAINS of PARIS.—Les Fontaines de Paris anciennes et nouvelles, avec une dissertation, et descriptions historiques, par Moisy et Duval. Folio, 66 plates, half calf. 6s 6d Paris, 1813 1594. FOXE's ACTs and Monuments of the Martyrs, edited by Townsend and Cattley. 8 thick vols, 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt tops. 363. 3s. - 1841 1595 FOWLER (Frank) Last Gleanings, contains Lectures on Coleridge and Douglas Jerrold. 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d 1864 1596 FRAMPTON (Robert, Bishop of Gloucester, Deprived as a Nonjuror, 1689) Life, edited by T. S. Evans. 8vo, portrait, cloth. 4s 6d 1876 IFRANCE. 1597 ADVERTISEMENT to a French Gentleman, touching the inten- tion and meaning which those of the Hous E of GUISE have in their late LEVYING of ForcEs and Armes in the Realme of France, written in an answere to a certaine Declaration published in the name of Cardinal Bourbon. 12mo, new half morocco. sfö. 3S No place nor printer, 1585 1598 DECREE of the Court of Parliament given against Mons, Duke de Biron, Peere and Marshall of Fraunce, Gouernour of Burgoigne, with an account of his Execution. 4to, blatíº Icter, wants title and preface. 9s about 1603 1599 NEWES from France, or a relation of a marvellous and Fearful Accident of a Disaster which happened at Paris, March 7th, 1618, where by means of a Fire all the Palace was Burnt and Consumed, with a Narrative of the Losse and Ruine of many Tradesmen thereby, 4to, woodcuts, half russia, the Towneley Copy. £1. ls 1618 I36 Alfred Russell Smith, 1600 A SURVEY of Fraunce, being a continuation of the Historie of Fraunce from the Death of Charles the Eighth, where Comines endeth, till the Death of Henry the Second in 1550, by T. D. 4to, half morocco. 6s 6d I618 1601 THE PROCEEDINGS in the GRISONs in 1618, wherein are truly and clecrly laid open the lawful and urgent causes of calling an Assembly of the Commons, and of their prosecution of Justice against Some false patriots, in a full congregation, with absolute power to meet at Tosana. 4to, morocco. £1.5s anno 1619 1602 THE FAVOURITES Chronicle, printed according to the French Copie. 4to, hf. morocco, fine copy. 12s 6d No place nor printer, 1621 Translation of the satire on the Constable des Luynes, supposed by Oldys to have been privately printed. The only copy quoted by Lowndes is that of Brand's, sold many years ago for 15s. 1603 A lookING Glass for Princes, or King Francis, his Admonition to his Somne Henry II. Also the bloudy end of King Henry and all his posterity for neglecting his Father's Will in not doing justice upon all those that had their hand in Massacreing the Protestants in Merindol, 4to, 4 leaves, a very rare tract, half Tmorocco. £1.. is 1642 1604 THE FORTUNE of France, from the Prophetical Prediction of Mr. Truswell, the Recorder of Lincoln, and Michael Nostro- damus. 4to, half morocco. 6s 1678 1605 ABREGE Methodique de l’histoire de France pour Mons. le Dau- phin, par M. de Brianville. Thick 12mo, many copper plate portraits in the teact, calf meat. 2s Paris, 1698 1606 FRANCO-GALLIA, or an Account of the Ancient Free State of France and other Parts of Europe, written in Latim by Francis Hotoman, translated with Additions. 8vo, calf meat. 2s 1721 1607 GIROUETTES.—Dictionnaire des Girouettes ou nos contempo- rains Peints d'apres eux-memes. 8vo, coloured frontispiece, half calf. 3s 6d Paris, 1815 1608 FRANCIS I. (King of France) His Life and Times, 2 vols, 8vo, portrait, new half morocco. 16s 1829 1609 LES Folies du Siecle, Roman Philosophique, par M. de Lour- doueix. 8vo, Satirical plates, half calf. 2s Paris, 1815 1610 MURRAY's Handbook for France. Thick 8vo, maps, dºc., cloth. 2s 6d (pub 10s) 1858 1611 GUIDE Book to Auvergne, Morvan, Velay, and Cevennes. Thick. post 8vo, maps, cloth. 2s Joanne, 1874 1612 FRANCE,-Guide Book to Brittany. Thick post 8vo, maps, cloth. 2s 6d Ib., 1877 1613 FRANCE.-Guide to La Loire et le Centre. Post 8vo, maps, morocco. 2s 6d Ib., 1868 1614 MURRAY'S Handbook to Central, Southern, and Eastern France Post 8vo, maps, cloth. 2s 6d (pub 7s 6d) I875 36, Soho Square, London. I37 1615 FRASER (Capt. Hastings) Our Faithful Ally, The Nizam, being an Historical Sketch of Events, shewing the Value of the Nizam's Alliance to the British Government, and his Services during the Mutinies. 8vo, half calf. 6s 6d 1865 FREEMASONIRY. 1616 FREE MASON SONGS.—Lieder fur Bruder Freymaurer. 8vo, half calf. 5s Hammover, 5789—i.e., 1789 1617 HALLIWELL’s Early History of Freemasonry in England, being a reprint with Introduction and GLOSSARY of an Early Poem on Freemasonry in the British Museum. 8vo, printed on India paper, Only two copies dome in this way, cloth. 10s 6d 1844 1618 LAWS and Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons of * SCOTLAND. Svo, plates, cloth. 5s Edinb., 1848 1619 CONSTITUTIONS of the Freemasons, containing the Charges, Regulations, &c., by W. H. White, 1853–The Same, by W. G. Clarke, 1858. 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d each; Ditto for 1867, 12mo, cloth. 1s 1620 MANUAL of Freemasonry, with an Explanatory Introduction and / Free Translation of Scripture Names, by Richard Carlile, 12mo, cloth. 2s 1853 1621 CONSTITUTIONS of the Ancient Fraternity of Free and Accep- ted Masons, containing the Charges, Regulations, etc. 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d 1861 1622 STATUTES for the Government of the MASONIC KNIGHTS TEM- PLARS in England and Wales. 8vo, coloured plates of Devices, cloth, 7s 6d Privately printed, 1864 1623 LITURGY of the Scottish Rite, for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, by Pike, Part II. 8vo, many plates and MU- SIC to the SONGS, cloth. 9s Charleston, 1867 1624 THE Old Charges of the British Freemasons, by W. J. Hughan. 4to, facsimile of the Antiquity MS., and the York MSS., 1693 and 1704, cloth. 5s 1872 1625 FREEMASONRY.—Text Book of Freemasonry, a complete Hand book to all the MYSTERIES and CEREMONIES, by a Member of the Craft. 12mo, plates, cloth, 3s 1874 1626 FREEMASONRY.—A Study of Freemasonry, by Monseigneur Dupanloup, Bp. of Orleans, 8vo. 2s 1876 1627 FREEMASONRY aad OBELISks,—The Obelisk and Freemasonry according to the Discoveries , of Belzoni and Commander Getringe, also Egyptian Symbols compared with those found in American Mounds. By J. A. Weisse, with Translations by Dr. Birch of the Brit. Mus. 8vo, plates, cloth. 9s New York, 1880 1628 FRENCH COOK (The), a System of Fashionable and Economical Cookery for English Families, by L. E. Ude. 8vo, portrait, boards. 2s 6d 1827 138 Alfred Russell Smith, 1629 FREETHOUGHT-The Oracle of Reason, or Philo- sophy Windicated, edited by Chas. Southwell, with the Trial of G. J. Holyoake, for Blasphemy, before Lord Erskine at Glouces- cester, in 1842. A set, 2 vols, 8vo, half calf meat, Scarce. 15s 1842–3 1630 FRENCH AUTHORS.—Bibliotheque Portative des Ecri- vans François, ou choix des meilleurs morceaux extraits de leurs onvrages en Prose, par Moysant et De Levizac. 6 vols, roy. 8vo, calf, full gilt backs, 4s 6d Lond, 1803 1631 FRENCH FUNERAL MONUMENTS.–Monumens Fune- raires dans les Cemeteries de Paris et des principales villes des France, dessines par NoFMAND Ainé. Folio, 80 plates, half morocco. 12s Liege, (1840) 1632 FRENCH MEMOIRS.—La Duchesse de la Valliere, et Mdme. de Maintenon pour servir de Suite, par Mdme. de Genlis. 4 vols, 12mo, calf gilt. 5s Paris, 1813—18 1633 FRIAR GERUND.—History of the famous Preacher FRIAR GERUND, translated from the Spanish. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf meat. 12s 1772 A most entertaining book, written to ridicule the absurdities of the itinerant Spanish Preachers, the translator imitated the style of Roderick Random which first appeared in the same year. 1634 FROISSART.—An Epitome of Froissard, or a summarie collection of the most memorable Histories contained in his Chronicle, wherein the famous Warres and Conquests of Edward III. and the Black Prince are described, by Percival Golding. 4to, meat. 9S 1611 1635 FROUDE (J. A.) History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada, 8 vols, post 8vo, cloth. £1.3s l880 1636 jfruti) (3,00am). A boke made by Johan Fryth, pry- soner in the Tower of London, answering unto M. Moore's letter which he wrote agaynst Fryth's Treatise on the Sacrament ; with the Artycles of his Examination before the Bishoppes of London, Winchester and Lincoln, for which he was brent in Smythfielde, July 4, 1533. 12mo, black letter, calf meat. £8. 8s Anthony Scolaker, 1584 This copy has at the end the exceedingly rare and elegant device of the printer. 1637 FRY (Elizabeth) Autograph.-On theVisiting, Superin- tendence and Government of Female Prisoners, 1827–Another copy.—Death and other Poems, by Caroline Fry, 1823. 3 vols, post 8vo, each with Inscriptions of Elizabeth Fry, boards. 2s 36, Soho Square, London. I39 FUGITIVE POETRY, TRACTS AND * BROADSIDES, Published between 1658 and 1760 inclusive. Chronologically arranged. 1638 A PERFECT List of the Lords of the other House, and of the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, and Barons of the Cinque Ports, of the Present Parliament for the Commonwealth. Large folio BROADSIDE. 5s 1658 1639 ACCOMPT of the Receipts and Disbursements expended by the COMMITTEE of SAFETY upon the Emergent Occasions of the Nations, 6 leaves, folio, very satirical and amusing. 5s 1660 1640 RUMP PARLIAMENT Proceedings, Votes, Resolves, and Acts of the late Half-Quarter Parliament called the Rump, taken out of their own Journal Books. 6 leaves, folio. 5s 1660 1641 UNJUST JUDGES.—The Triumphs of Justice over Unjust Judges, the Names and Crimes of 44 Judges in one year in England, &c., dedicated to Lord Chief Justice SCROGGS, 1681–Lord Chief Justice Scroggs Speech in Answer to the Libellous Pamphlets, &c. 2 folio Tracts. 4s 6d 1675 1642 POPISH PLOT.-Collection of 21 Interesting BROADSIDEs, PRO- CLAMATIONS, &c., relating thereto. All folio. 5s 1679–88 1643 DEBATES in the House of Commons at Oxford, March 21, 1680. Folio. 2s 1680 1644 SOBER and Reasonable Queries Humbly offered to all Good Protestants to a choice of the New Parliament. 2 leaves, folio. 2S about 1680 1645 DURFEY (Tom) The Progress of Honesty, or a View of a CourT and CITY, a Pindarique Poem. Folio. 5s 1681 1646 PLEASANT Battle between Two Lap Dogs of the Utopian Court, fought upon the New Erected Dog-Pit in the Ante-Chamber of the said Court. 2 leaves, folio. 5s 1681 A severe satirical attack on the Duchess of Portsmouth and Nell Gwynne. 1647 HIS MAJESTIES Declaration of the causes and reasons that moved him to dissolve the two last Parliaments. Folio. 2s 1681 1648 HIS MAJESTIES Letters to the Bishop of London and the Lord Mayor, for the relief of the Protestant Refugees from France. BROADSIDE. 2s 1681 1649 HORRIBLE PERSECUTIONS of the Protestants in the Province of Poitou, described by an Eye Witness. BROADSIDE. 2s 1681 1650 FRENCH KING's Declaration that the Children of the pretended Reformed Religion may change their Religion at the age of Seven Years, and prohibiting the expatriation of Protestants. BROADSIDE (in English). 3s 6d Westminster, 1681 1651 COPY of J. Ashton's Paper, delivered to the Sheriff at his Execu- tion, Jam, 28, 1691. Folio, BROADSIDE. 2s 1681 I4O Alfred Russell Smith, 1652 PLUNKET (Oliver, Titular Primate of Ireland) Speech before his Execution at Tyburn, July. 2 leaves, folio. 2s 1681 1653 WHISTON (James) Serious Advice Presented to the Common Council of the City of London. 6 leaves, folio. 2s 6d 1681 1654 HUNGARIAN WAR.—Declaration of the HUNGARIAN WAR, lately set out by Michael Aspasio, Prince of Transylvania, against the Emperor, Latin and English. Folio. 2s 1682 1655 FLATMAN (T.) Pindarique Ode on the Death of Prince Rupert. 4 leaves, folio. 2s 6d - 1683 1656 LAST SPEECH and Behaviour of WILLIAM LORD RUSSELL upon the Scaffold in Lincoln's Inn Fields, also Capt. Thos. Walcot, John Rouse, and William Home at Tybnrn. Folio. 3s 1683 1657 VERSES delivered to a Minister of the Church whilst he was officiating on Thanksgiving Day, Sept. 9, 1683. BROADSIDE. 2s 6d I683 1658 WALCOTT (Capt. Tho.) Copy of a Paper written in Newgate, just before his execution. Folio broadside. 2s 1683 1659 CONFESSION and Narrative of Jas. Holloway, executed for High Treason at Tyburn, 1684. Folio. 3s 6d 1684 1660 TRIAL of Algernon Sidney for High Treason before Judge Jeff- reys. Folio. 2s 1684 1661 IRELAND’s TEARs, a Pindarique Poem on the Death of Charles II., and succession of James II., by Michael Huetson, Trin. Coll., Dublin. Five leaves, folio. 5s 1685 1662 THE QUAKER's ELEGY on the Death of Charles II., late King of England, by W. P. 2 leaves. 2s 6d 1685 1663 BEHN (Mrs. Aphra) Pindarick on the Death of Charles II., with an Ancient Prophecy on his present Majesty. Folio. 5s 1685 1664 ARWAKER (Edm.) The Vision, a Pindarick Ode on the Death of Charles II, Folio. 3s 1685 1665 FLATMAN (Thos.) Ode on the death of Charles II. 4 leaves, folio. 5s 1685 1666 PINDARIQUE ODE on the Death of Charles II., by J. H. *; 2S 168 1667 WILSON (John) Pindarique to James II. and Queen Mary on their Joint Coronation. Folio. 2s 6d 1685 1668 DEFENCE of the Duke of Buckingham against the Answer to his Book, and the Reply to his letter. 4to. 2s I685 1669 CEREMONIES, Form of Prayer, and Services at the Coronation of James I. and Queen Anne, with the Procession and Coronation of CHARLES I. in SCOTLAND, never before published. Folio, ten leaves. 3s 6d I685 1670 D. OF BUCKINGHAM’s Letter to the Unknown Author of an Answer to his paper on Toleration. 2 leaves, folio. 2s 1685 1671 POEM on the Present Assembly of Parliament, Nov. 9, 1685. Folio. 2s 1686 36, Soho Square, London. I4I 1672 LETTER by Mijn Heer Fagel, to James Stewart, giving an account of the Prince and Princess of Orange's opinions on the Repeal of the Test and the Penal Laws, 4to. 2s Amst., 1688 1673 WILLIAM, Prince of Orange, a Satirical Poem of 63 lines, entitled “The Orange.” Folio broadside. 3s 6d about 1688 1674 JESUITS IN THE SAvoy.—Letter to the Jesuits at St. Omer on the Affairs of England, taken from the Priests in the Dover Coach, together with 2000 guineas. Folio broadside. 2s 6d - 1688 1675 EXETER.—An Epistle “in Verse,” to Mr. Dryden. Folio broad- side, very scathing. 5s Eaceter, 1688 When Law and bald Divinity begins, Why then, the marvel that a poet sins? 1676 EXETER.—A Modest Vindication of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal for the Calling of a Free Parliament. Folio broadside. 2S Eaceter, 1688 1677 LAMPOONS.—‘Over the Lord D—rs door,’ ‘Over the Lord S——ry's door, and others on James II., &c. Folio broadside. 2s 6d abowt 1689 1678 A BUNDLE of Tracts and Broadsides on the Toleration, Liberty of Conscience Question. All folio (some rare). 4s 6d 1689 1679 THE SOWEREIGN Right and Power of the People over Tyrants clearly stated and proved, with reflections on the late posture of affairs, 4to. ls 6d 1689 1680 THE LOYAL LETANY From a new model’d Jesuit in a Scotch Bonnet, With a Mass under sleeve and a Covenant on it, From Irish Sedition blone out of French Sonnet, Libera mos dom. 19 verses, BROADSIDE. 5s about 1690 1681 MR. ASHTON's Paper delivered to the Sheriff at the place of Execution. Folio broadside. 2s 1691 1682 STEPNEY (George) Epistles to Charles Montague, Esq., on His Majesty's Voyage to Holland. In verse, folio. 3s 1691 1683 PAPER delivered by Brigadier Rookwood to the Sheriff at Ty- burn, the place of his Execution, Apl. 29, 1696. Folio broadside. 2s l696 1684 PAPERS delivered by Chernocke, King, and Key, at their execu- tion at Tyburn, March 18, 1695. One leaf, folio. 3s 1696 1685 PAPERS delivered by Brigadier Rookwood and Major Lowick, at Tyburn, April 29, 1696. Broadside. 2s 1696 1686 TRIAL of Sir John Friend for High Treason, in endeavouring to raise forces in France to depose William III. Folio. 2s 6d 1696 1687 PAPER delivered by Sir John Fenwicke to the Sheriffs on Tower Hill, at his execution. Folio broadside. 2s 6d 1697 10 ; I42 Alfred Russell Smith, 1688 ARTICLES of the Peace concluded at Ryswicke, Sept. 1679, Latin and English text. Folio. 2s 1697 1689 THE Embarrass'd Knight, a Satire, in Verse, occasioned by seeing an Ode inscribed to L–d C–d. Folio. 2s about 1698 1690 NASSAU, a Poem, occassioned by the Peace, by Thos. Barker. Folio. 2s I698 1691 LETTER from the Grecian Coffee-House in Answer to the Taun- ton Dean Letter, to which is added a Paper of Queries sent from Worcester. 7 leaves, folio. 3s 1701 1692 WOODSTOCK PARK, a Poem, by Wm. Harrison (NewColl.0xon.) 6 leaves, folio. 2s 6d 1706 1693 MR. HIGGINS's Case. Folio, BROADSIDE. 2s 6d Dublin, 1711 1694 CROXALL (S.) Ode to the King (George I), on his Succession and Arrival. Folio, 11 leaves. 2s 6d 1714 1695 HUDDESFORD (W.) Congratulatory Letter from Oxford to Joseph Addison, on his being appointed one of the principal Secretaries of State. In Verse. Folio. 3s Oxford, 1717 1696 PHILIPS' Epistle to Jas. Craggs, Esq., Secretary at War, at Hampton Court. In verse, 6 leaves, folio. 2s 1717 1697 HUGHES (John) The Ecstasy, an Ode, in imitation of Cowley's Poem. Folio. 2s I720 1698 COLIN’s Mistakes. Four leaves, folio. 2s 6d - I721 1699 BLENHEIM, a Poem, by Lord Littleton. Folio. 2s 1728 1700 POPE.—On False Taste, an Epistle to the Earl of Burlington on his publishing Palladio's Designs. In verse. Folio, seven leaves. 2s 6d 1721 1701 TASTE and Beauty, an Epistle to Lord Chesterfield. Folio. 2s I732 1702 BRITANNIA EXCISA, a New Ballad to be sung in time and to some tune. Folio, large woodcut of Walpole in a carriage drawn by a voracious Sia, headed dragon. 5s 1733 1703 POPE.—First Epistle of the First Book of Horace Imitated, Sixth Epistle of the First Book of Horace Imitated, First Satire of the Second Book Imitated in a Dialogue, Alex. Pope and his Learned Council, First Epistle of the Second Book imitated, Second Epistle of the Second Book imitated, all by ALEX. PoPE. Five Tracts, ALL FIRST EDITIONS, folio. 10s 1733–37 1704 POPE.—Epistle from Mr. Pope to Dr. Arbuthnot. FIRST EDITION, folio. 5s 1734 He calls it a Bill of Complaint, “many will know their own pictures in it, but their names are spared that they may escape being laughed at if they please.” 1705 POPE—On the Characters of WOMEN, an Epistle to a Lady. In Verse. FIRST EDITION, folio. 3s 6d 1735 1706 SCARBOROUGH MISCELLANY (The) for 1733, a Collection of Original Poems, Tales, Songs, Epigrams, &c, 8vo, new half morocco. 5s * 1734 36, Soho Square, London. I43 1707 DUCK (Stephen) Truth and Falshood, a Fable in Verse. FIRST - EDITION, folio. 5s 1734 1708 S--s and J–—l, a New Ballad (Sandys and Jekyll, a Satire on the Pulteney Adminstration, by Sir Chas. Hanbury Williams). Eolio. 2s 6d 1743 1709 PUT Money in your Purse, or the Golden Rule, a Satire (in Verse) with Notes. Folio. 2s 6d 1754 1710 CONGRATULATORY and Admonitory Poem, addressed to George III., by H. Howard. Folio. 2s 176() 1711 FUGITIVE TRACTs written in Verse, which illustrate the condi- tion of Religious and Political Feeling in England, and the State of Society there from 1493 to 1700. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, £12 1875 Edited by Mr. W. C. Hazlitt for the late Mr. Huth. Only 50 copies were privately printed. Of the sixty-one Tracts and Broadsides here reprinted no less than forty-one are unique. The work is handsomely got up, the tracts being printed in facsimile with woodcuts, and as near as type will permit. It is believed that not more than two other copies have yet been offered for sale. - 1712 FULLER (Thos.) Church History of Britain. Thick folio, plates by Holla R, fine copy in calf gilt. 424. 4s 1655 This copy has the History of the University of Cambridge, with the curious map of Cambridge in 1634. 1713 FULLER's Pisgah-sight of Palestine and the confines thereof, with the History of the Old and New Testament. Folio, engraved title and curious maps by Vaughan, calf meat. £1. 4s 1650 1714 FULLER's Historie of the Holy Warre. Folio, singw- lar engraved title and map by Marshall, charming copy in new sprinkled calf extra, gilt edges. £1. 10s Camb., 1640 Inscription on fly leaf of “ Hatton Berners, e Coll. Reg. Cant., 1660.” He lived at Weggenhall St. Marys, Norfolk, 1715 FULLER (Thos.) The Holy and the Profane State. Thick 12mo, cloth. 4s 6d Pickering, 1840 1716 FUNERAL Sermon on Margaret, Countess of Rich- mond and Derby, Mother to Henry VII., containing an Account of her Charities and Foundations, and Catalogue of her Profes- sors at Oxford and Cambridge. 8vo, meat. 3s 1708 1717 GOEDE (C. A. G.) Memorials of Nature and Art, col- lected on a Journey in Great Britain in 1802—3, translated from the German by Thos. Horne. 2 vols, post 8vo, half calf gilt. 3s 6d 1800 An amusing description of English Life as seen by a foreigner. 1718 GALLENGA (Ant.) History of PIEDMONT. 3 vols, 8vo, cloth. 12s 1855 I44 Alfred Russell Smith, 1719 GAGES OF BATTLE.—Cérémonies des Gages de Bat- taile selon les. Constitutions du Bon Roi Philippe de France, Publiées d'après le Manuscrit de la Bibliotheque du Roi. Roy. 8vo, illustrated with beautiful facsimile plate of Ancient MSS. of the 14th Century, mew half morocco, gilt top. 15s Paris, 1830 1720 GAMBLING.—The Academicians of 1823, or the Greeks of the Palais Royal and the Clubs of St. James's giving an account of the various games, and a long essay on the DOC- TRINE OF CHANCEs, by Charles Persius. Post 8vo, coloured from- tispiece, boards, 3S 1822 1721 GAMBLING.—Academy of Play, containing a full Description of, and the Laws of Play in the Academies of Paris, translated from the French of Abbe Bellecour. 12mo, meat. 3s 6d about 1780 Contains 39 games at cards, as then played at the gaming houses and clubs. 1722 GAMING.—The Ill-Effects of the Game of Rowlet, or Rowley-Powley, and the Fatal Consequences attending it, par- ticularly in and about Covent Garden, by Amos Docultree. 8vo, half morocco. 5s 1744 A diatribe against the gaming houses that at one time infested the neighbourhood oi Covent Garden. Rowlet was played with a ball on a table, but I do not find the game described in any of the dictiona- ries. The gamesters, of course, dropped a great deal of money for the “good of the house.” 1723 GANDY (Joseph, Architect) Designs for Cottages, Cot- tage Farm, and other Rural Buildings, including Entrance Gates and Lodges, 4to, more than 40 plates, boards. 4s 6d 1805 GARDENING. 1724 FELTON (S.) On the Portraits of English Authors on Gardening, with Biographical Notices. 8vo, boards. 4s 6d 1830 Contains notices of about 300 Authors who have written on husban- dry and gardening. 1725 GLENNY (Geo.) Handbook to the Flower Garden and Green- house. 8vo, coloured frontispiece, cloth. 4s l, 862 1726 MASON (W.) The English Garden, a Poem, with a Commentary and Notes by W. Burgh. 12mo, calf gilt. 2s York, 1783 1727 NEW IMPROVEMENTS of Planting and Gardening, both Phi- losophical and Practical, explaining the Motion of the Sapp and Generation of Plants, likewise several rare secrets for the Im- provement of Pruit Trees, Kitchen Garden and Greenhouse Plants, by Richard Bradley, F.R.S. Thick 8vo, curious plates, calf meat. 7s 6d 1719 1728 OBSERVATIONS on Modern Gardening, illustrated by descrip- tions. 8vo, meat. 3S - 1770) 36, Soho Square, London. I45 1729 PIIYTOLOGIA, or the Philosophy of Agriculture and Gardening, with the theory of DRAINING: MoRASSEs, by Erasmus Darwin. Thick 4to, plates, boards. 6s 6d 1800 A very useful book to all those engaged in agriculture. 1730 PLANTING, Useful and Ornamental, with an Index. 8vo, cloth, woodcuts. 1s 6d 1832 1731 PRACTICAL HINTS on Landscape Gardening and Domestic Ar- chitecture as connected with Scenery, by W. S. Gilpin. 8vo, plate, cloth. 4s 6d 1835 1732 RAPIN on Gardens, a Poem, translated from the Latin by Jas. Gardiner. 8vo, portrait by Vertue and charming plates by Kirk- all, calf meat. 4s 6d about 1700 1733 GARDINER (Rich., Herefordensis) Specimen Orato- rum Recusum et Declamationibus eorundam ibidem. 12mo, mO- rocco eactra, gilt edges. 9s 6d Ozon, 1662 1734 GARDNER (Rev. Jas.) FAITHs of the WORLD, a Dic- tionary of All Religions and Religious Sects, their Doctrines, Rites, Ceremonies and Customs. 3 vols, roy. 8vo, numerous portraits and plates, cloth. 18S about 1860 1735 GARNETT (T., M.D.) On the Preservation of Health. 12mo, portrait and vignette by Stothard, calf. 2s 1800 1736 GARTH's DISPENSARY, a Poem. 12mo, calf meat. 15s 1714 Inserted are portraits of the author and Will Atkins, the Gout Doc- tor, two views of the College of Physicians, folding plate of a Battle between the Fellows and Licentiates, and other curious plates, also the Rey to the Names. 1737 GASCOIGNE's Princelye Pleasures at Kenilworth in 1575, being the Verses and other devices of Pleasure Presented before Queen Elizabeth. 8vo. 2s 1576, reprinted 1821 1738 GAY's BEGGAR's OPERA, with Polly, an Opera, being the continuation. 12mo, half calf. 2s 6d Glasgow, 1750 1739 GENEVA—Spon (Isaac) History of the City and State of Geneva. Folio, plates, calf meat. 3s 1687 1740 GEORGE I.—Memoires du regne de George I. 5 vols, 12mo, portrait, vellum, with Lord Stuart de Rothesay's Arms in gold on the sides. 6s 6d La Haye, 1729 1741 GEORGE III-Aitkin's Annals of George the Third, from the Commencement of his Reign in 1760 to 1815. 2 vols, 8vo, calf meat. 4s 6d 1816 I46 Alfred Russell Smith, 1742 GEORGE IV.-Farmer George to Peter Pindar, an expostulatory epistle on a late Crim. Con. Trial, containing hints to venal critics, book makers, modern dramatists, Mr. J. K—ble, Actresses, &c. 8vo, folding plates, half morocco. 3s 6d 1807 1743 GEORGE IV.-Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Wardle, including Thoughts on the Present State of the Nation, by W. Hamilton Reid. 12mo, portrait, boards. 2s 6d 1809 1744 GERMAN SONGS, from the Sixteenth to the Nine- teenth Century, translated (with the original German Versions) and edited with Introduction by W. H. Dulcken. Post 8vo, many woodcuts, cloth. 4s 6d 1826 1745 GERVINUS (G. G.) Geschichte der Deutschen Dichtung. 5 vols in 3, 8vo, half calf. 15s Liepºig, 1863 1746 GERBIER (Balthazar) The Interpreter of the Academie for Forrain Languages, and all noble Sciences and Exercises to all Fathers of Families and Lovers of Virtue, containing a Con- ference between two Curious Travellers who returne from France to England. Second Part, consisting of Fortification. Portrait and plates. The first Lecture of Geographie read publickly at Sr. Balthazar Gerbier, his Academy at Bednall Greene. Rare, 1649. In a volume, 4to, calf gilt. 18S 1747 &tsrier (@01trău, the German Pliny) The Practice of the new and olde PHYSICKE, wherein is contained the most excel- lent Secrets of Physicke and Philosophie, remedies of diseases, distillations, artificial Saltes, preparation of antinomy, and potable Gold. Also the picture and manner to make the Wessels, Fur- naces, and other Instruments. Englished by GEORGE BAKER. 4to, öſack Icter, many curious woodcuts, fine and clean, new crim- son muorocco eatra, bound from a copy in the original vellum. 4.2. 10s 1599 Contains valuable information to metallurgists, chomists, and those engaged in distilling. The author was one of the chief surgeons to Queen Elizabeth. 1748 GESSNER.—The Death of Abel, and other Stories, Royal 8vo, LARGE PAPER, fine plates by Stothard, handsomely bound in old red morocco, gilt edges, fine copy. £1.8s 1797 1749 GESSNER (Solomon) Works, with Critical and Expla- matory Notes, and a Copious Memoir of the Author. 2 vols, 12mo, portraits and plates, calf gilt. 4s 6d I805 1750 (5egtā 330mlān Drum, cum Applicationibus Morali- zatis ac Mysticis. Folio, Gothic letter, printed in double columns, calf meat. 493. 15S FIagenau, 1508 36, Soho Square, London. I47 GETHIN (Grace, Lady) Reliquiæ Gethinianae, Remains of Lady Grace Gethin, being a Collection of Choice Discourses, Pleasant Apothegmes, and Witty Sentences written by her at spare Hours, with a Funeral Sermon at Westminster by Dr. Birch. FIRST EDITION, 4to, old red morocco. £1. 10s 1699 Daughter of Sir Geo. Norton of Abbott's Leigh, Somerset, and Wife of Sir Richard Gethin of Grott, Co. Cork, buried at Hollingbourne, Kent. But few copies of this edition were privately printed. The present is enhanced by a curious plate of Lady Getbin’s Theath-bed, also another large folding mezzotint of her Monument in Westminster Abbey, the latter evidently a private plate, and no doubt very rare. GIBBON (E.) History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 12 vols, 8vo, boards. 7s 6d 1817 GIBRAITAR.—Historia de Gibraltar por Ignacio Lopez de Ayala. 4to, wormed in back margins, large folding plate and description, vellum. 6s Madrid, 1782 GIFFORD (J.) History of the Political Life of Rt. Hon. Wm. Pitt, including some Account of the Time in which he lived. 6 vols, 8vo, portrait, calf, full gilt backs. 16s 1809 GIFFORD (Wm.) The Baviad and Maeviad. Post 8vo, boards. 2s 1811 GILFILLAN’s Edition of the British Poets, each edited with Lives, Critical Dissertations, and Explanatory Notes, printed in large type, wrviform in cloth, 8vo. 2s per vol Bdinburgh, 1854, &c. Beattie, Blair, Falconer. Milton, 2 vols. Bowles, 2 vols. Pope, 2 vols. Butler (Sam, author of “ Hudi- Shakespeare and Surrey. bras”), 2 vols. | Shenstone. Churchill. | Thomson. Goldsmith, Collins, Warton. ; Kirke White and Graham. Johnson, Parnell, Gray, Smollett Young's Night Thoughts. GILLRAY.-The Installation Supper as given at the Pantheon, by the KNIGHTS of the BATH, on the 26th of May, l'788. £2. 2s 1788 An extraordinary production by this celebrated caricaturist, measuring no less than 5 feet and a half long, containing seventy portraits of the Prince Regent, Burke, Pitt, Fox, and all the notable men and women of the time, eating and drinking in grotesque attitudes. A great curiosity. GILLY (P. S.) Excursions in the Mountains of Pie- mont, and Researches among the Vaudois or WALDENSEs, with an Appendix containing copies of Ancient MSS. and other Docu- ments concerning them, 8vo, maps and facsimiles, half morocco. 3s 6d 1825 GILMOUR (Robt.) Tales in Verse, with a version of Morduth, a Poem by Douthal, an Ancient Highland Bard. 8vo, calf meat. 2s 1815 148 Alfred Russell Smith, 1760 GILPIN (Wm.) Lives of Wickliff, Lord Cobham, John Huss, Jerome of Prague, and Zisca. 8vo, calf meat. 4s 1766 1761 GILPIN's Lives of Hugh Latimer and of Bernard Gilpin. 8vo, meat. 3s 1786 1762 GIPHANTIA, a view of what passed, what is now passing, and during the present century what will pass in the world. (A very curious little volume). 12mo, meat. 3s 1761 1763 GIPSIES.—Historical Survey of the Customs, Habits, and Present State of the Gipsies, designed to develope the Origin of this Singular People, and to promote the Amelioration of their Condition, by JoHN Hoy LAND. 8vo, new half calf. 6s 6d York, 1816 1764 GLADSTONE (Rt. Hon. W. E.) Life, by Geo. Bennett Smith. 2 thick vols, 8vo, portraits, cloth. 12s 6d 1879 1765 GLADSTONE (Rt. Hon. W. E.) Translations by Lord Lyttleton and the Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Sq. 8vo, LARGE and THICK PAPER, only 25 copies printed, a charming volume in olive morocco eatra, gilt edges. £2 2s 1861 1766 GLASSE (Rev. G. H.) Louisa, a Narrative of Facts, supposed to throw a light on the Mysterious History of “The Lady of the Hay-Stack.” 12mo, calf meat. 2s 1801 GLOTUCESTERSHIRE. 1767 RUDGE (Rev. Thos) HISTORY of the County of GLOUCESTER, Compressed and Brought down to the Present Time. 2 vols, 8vo, large map and plates, with a SCARCE VIEW of FAIRFORD CHURCH INSERTED, new half calf gilt. £1.5s Gloucester, 1803 With the SCARCE 4 PAGES of APPENDIX to each volume, published sub- sequently, aud rarely found with the book. 1768 GLOUCESTERSHIRE ARMS.—Collection of Coats of Arms borne by the Nobility and Gentry of the County of Gloucester. 4to, plates, consisting of 372 coats of Arms, some coloured, half calf gilt, scarce. £1.4s 1792 1769 CHELTENHAM, a Fragment, with Explanatory Notes by X. Y. 4to, view of Cheltenham Wells inserted as a frontispiece and 2 facetious plates, viz., “The Rapid Effect of the Cheltenham Waters,” and the “Doctor Outwitted,” half morocco. £1. Is London, 1780 1770 CHELTENHAM.—Ruff's History of Cheltenham, with a concise view of the County of Gloucester. 8vo, plates, calf meat. 6s 6d Cheltenham, 1803 1771 CHELTENHAM.— Fosbroke's Account of CBELTENHAM and its Vicinity. 12mo, map, bds. 2s 6d I 826 1772 BUCKMAN (Prof.) and C. H. NEWMARCH, Illustrations of the Remains of ROMAN ART in CIRENCESTER, the Site of Antient Corinium. 4to, many plates, some coloured, cloth. £1.4s 1850 36, Soho Square, London. I49 1773 COTSWOLD GAMES.—Annalia Dubrensia ; upon the yeerly Celebration of Mr. Robert Dover's Olimpick Games upon Cotswold-Hills, 4to, curious re-engraved frontispiece representing the various games, and a portrait of Captain Dover on horseback, gaily apparelled in the very fine clothes formerly worn by James I., brown calf, very fine large copy, from Mitford's library. £3. 3s 1636 This is a collection of poems by various Authors whose names are printed on the title, namely: M. Drayton, Ben Jonson, O. Feltham, W. . S. Marmyon, T. Heywood, W. Denny, T. Sandford, and various OUIlerS. Mr. Beloe says—“This is one of the most rare of our English poetical tracts. The writers were all persons of greater or less consideration in their day.” Priced in the Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, £7. 7s; Bindley, £12. 12s; Midgeley, £13. 2s 6d. 1774 CORBET (John, Preacher of God's Word) An Historical Relation of the Military Government of GLOUCESTER from the Beginning of the Civill Warre until the Removal of Colonel Massie to the Command of the Westerne Forces. 4to, RARE port. of Col. Massie inserted, calf very meat, perhaps a unique tract. 43. 3s 1645 1775 GLOUCESTER.—Life and Death of Ralph Wallis the Cobler of Glocester, together with some inquiring into the Mystery of Conventicleism. 4to, half morocco. 42.2s 1670 1776 ROOM for the Cobler of Gloucester, with several Cartloads of abominable, irregular, pitiful stinking priests, as also a Demon- stration of their Calling after the manner of the Church of Rome, but not according to Magna Charta, and a Parallel between a Lord Bishop and a Cobler, the Cobler being proved the more Honourable Person, by Ralph Wallis. Sm. 4to, half 7morocco. 281. 15S w 1661 1777 THE Bloody Murther in Gloucestershire, or Grand Piece of Inhu- mane Cruelty, being a Full and True Relation how Elizabeth Skidmore of the Town of Monmouth was barbarously Murthered by a Glover in Hereford not far from Gloucester by Breaking her Neck and other abuses; Likewise how her Spirit doth appear to him every Night in the Prison in a most dreadful manner, disturbing all the Prisoners with her hideous Shrieks. 4to, new calf gilt. £2.2s 1668 1778 TRUE and Perfect Account of the Examination, Confession, Tryal, Condemnation, and Execution of Joan Perry and her Two Sons for the supposed Murder of William Harrison, Gent., in a Letter by Sir Thos. Overbury of Burton to T. S., Doctor of Physick, in London. 4to, new calf gilt. £2. 2s 1676 Has also Mr. Harrison's own account how he was kidnapped into Turkey and there made a slave for two years, how he made his escape and returned into England. One of the most remarkable marratives ever written, and appeals to all students of criminal trials, inasmuch as three innocent persons were hanged on what appears the clearest evidence. I 50 Alfred Russell Smith, 1779 DISCOURSE of OFFENCEs, in Two Sermons in the Cathedral of Gloucester, by reason of the hainous Offence taken at the former of these Sermons by some of that City, by Edw. Fowler, JD. D. 4to. 2s 1683 1780 WOOLLEN TRADE in Gloucester.—The Letters of Cincinnatus to the Woollen Mannfacturers of the County of Gloucester, and the resolutions at Rodborough on the Corm Bill. 8vo, boards. 2s 6d Gloucester, 1815 1781 RATIOCINIUM Vernaculum, a Reply to Ataxial Obstacutum, being a Pretended Answer to Certain Queries dispersed in some parts of Gloucestershire. 8vo, calf meat. 12s 1768 Written by Sir Thomas Overbury, nephew of the famous Sir Thomas Overbury. 1782 PYLDAES and Corinna ; or Memoirs of the Lives, Amours, and Writings of Richard Guinnett, Esq., of Gt. Shurdington, Glou- cestershire, and Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas, of Gt. Russell Street, Bloomsbury, edited by Sir Ed. Worthey. 8vo, fine portrait of Mrs. Thomas, calf meat. 12s 1731 1783 TEWKESBURY.—Dyde's History and Antiquities of TEwkES- BURY. Post 8vo, boards. 3s 6d Tewkesbury, 1790. 1784 WINCHCOMBE and Sudeley; Annals of, by Emma Dent. 4to, nearly 130 fine plates and cuts, Some colored, cloth, a handsome volume. £1.8s 1877 1785 LYSONS (Rev. D.) History of the Origin and Progress of the Meeting of the Three Choirs of Gloucester, Worcester, and Hereford. 8vo, bds., scarce. 3s 6d Gloucester, 1812 1786 GLOUCESTERSHIRE NOTEs and QUERIES, edited by Rev. B. H. Blacker. Vol I (all out). Thick 8vo, plates, cloth. 12s 6d I881 Contains a vast quantity of Genealogical information relating to fami- lies in the County. 1787 GLOUCESTER JOURNAL Newspaper, FROM JAN. 1775 To THE END OF 1816 (inclusive). Complete and clean series, bound in 7 vols, folio, half calf meat. £15. This is one of the rarest of Provincial Newspapers, smallest fragments being of the most uncommon occurrence, and it is doubtful if a series like the above will be found in any of our public libraries. 1788 GLOWER (S.) History of the Borough of Derby, 8vo, coloured plan of the town inserted, and numerous woodcuts, cloth. 3s 6d Derby, 1843 1789 GLYPTIC, or Musee Phusee Glyptic, a Scrap Book of Jottings from Stratford-on-Avon and Elsewhere, with an attempt at Description of Henry Jones's Museum, by J. W. Jarvis. , 4to, LARGE PAPER, cuts by Bewick and others, only 25 copies printed, cloth. 4s 6d 1875. 1790 GODLY SAYINGs of the Ancient Fathers upon the Holy Sacrament, edited by the Rev. C. J. Daniel. 12mo, hand- somely printed, cloth. 2S 1846, 36, Soho Square, London. I5 I 1791 GODMOND (Chr.) Memoirs of Therouanne, the the Ancient Capital of the Morini, and on the Portius Itius of Caesar, with Historical and Explanatory Notes. 12mo, plates, cloth. 2s 6d 1836 1792 GODWIN (Francisci, Episcopi Herefordiensis) De Præsulibus Angliae, Commentarius, omninm Episcopiorum, necnon et Cardinalium ejusden, gentis, nomina, tempora, seriem atque actiones, maxime memorabiles ab ultima Antiquitate repetita complexus, continuavit Gul. Richardson. Royal folio, LARGE PAPER, portrait, Sumptuous copy, bound in mew calf extra, Tichly gilt back, and yellow edges by Riviere, in his best style. 32. 15s Cantab., 1743. 1793 GODWIN (William) History of the ENGLISH COMMON- WEALTH, from its commencement to the Restoration of Charles II. 4 vols, 8vo, new half calf gilt. £1.15s 1824 1794 GODWIN (Wim.) Fleetwood, or the Man of Feeling. FIRST EDITION, 3 vols, 12mo, half calf. 9s 1805 1795 GOTOWIN (Saint) a Tale of the Sixteenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth century, by Count Reginald de St. Leon. Post 8vo, boards. 7s 6d I800, A most amusing satire on Godwin’s St. Leon ; dedicated to Mrs. Sheridan. 1796 GODWIN (Geo., F.R.S.) Facts and Fancies, a Collec- tion of Tales and Sketches. Cr. 8vo, froxtispiece. 1s 6d, 1844 1797 GOETHE's AUTOBIOGRAPHY, translated from the Ger– man by John Oxenford. 2 vols, post 8vo, portrait, new half calf gilt. 7s 6d (pub 10s in cloth) 1848 1798 GOLD and Silver Mines. Royal Institutions, Being Proposals for Articles to Establish and Confirm Laws, Liberties and Customs of Silver and Gold Mines in Africa and America, by THos. HouGHTON. PRIVATELY PRINTED. 18mo, old calf. 16s 1694. Scarce and curious work with Rules, Laws, and Methods of Mining and Getting Precious Stones, Making of Saltpetre, &c. 1799 GOLDEN (The) Cabinet of True Treasure containing the Summe of Morall Philosophie, translated out of French and enlarged by W. Jewell, of Exeter College, Oxford, dedicated to Alice, Countess of lyerby. 12mo, good sound copy, RARE, half calf. 15s (JVoodhouse's copy sold for £3. 7s) 1612 1800 GOLDEN MIRROUR, conteyning certaine pithy and figurative Visions prognosticating good fortune to England and all the English Subjects, with pithie poems written on the names of Sundrie both noble and worshipfull, by R. Robinson, edited from the unique copy of 1589, by Rev. Thos. Corser. Sm, 4to, cloth. 9s 6d Chetham Soc., 1851 I52 Alfred Russell Smith, 1801 GOODWIN (Francis) Domestic Architecture, a Series of Desigus for Mansions, Villas, Rectories, Lodges, Park Gate Lodges, etc., in every style of Architecture, with the choice of Site, and Practical Directions, 2 vols, 4to, plates, cloth. 12s 1850 1802 GORDON RIOTS.—Third Book of the CHRONICLES, containing the History of the Riots of London in 1780.-New Book of Chronicles, delineating in Eccentrical Sketches of the times, a variety of Modern Characters of the GREAT and SMALL Vulgar, 1780.-Both Parodies on the Bible, on the Gordon Riots, in a volume, 8vo, calf eactra, by Zaemsdorff. 8s 6d 1803 GORDON.—Life and Letters of Elizabeth, late Duchess of Gordon, by Rev. A. M. Stuart. 8vo, portrait, cloth. 5s I865 1804 GORTON'sGeneral Biographical Dictionary of all nations previous to the present generation. 2 thick 8vo vols, half morocco. 8s 6d • 1830 1805 GORTON (John) General Biographical Dictionary, new edition, continued down to 1833. 3 thick vols, 8vo, calf, full gilt backs. 18s 1833 A most useful and indispensable Biographical Dictionary. 1806 GOSSON (Stephen) Pleasant Quippes for Upstart Newfangled Gentlewomen—Bansley (Chas.) On the Pride and Abuse of Women, edited from an unique copy. In l vol, post 8vo, half morocco. 16s; wºnbound copy. 13s 6d 1841 Two poetical tracts of the greatest rarity, on Women's Dress of the Elizabethan period, they were reprinted by the Percy Society, and suppressed owing to the freedom of the language. 1807 GOULART's Admirable and Memorable Histories, containing the wonders of our time, translated from the French, by Ed. Grimeston. Vol I., all published. 4to, half russia, Geo. Steevens's copy. £1. 10s George Eld, 1607 Our early dramatists were much indebted to this author for their plots. 1808 GRAFFIGNY (Mdme. de) Letters of a Peruvian Prin- cess, translated from the French with Sequel. 2 vols in 1, 8vo, portrait, and plates, new half morocco, gilt top. 7s 6d Paris, 1802 1809 Grafton’s Chronicle.—A Chronicle at Large, and History of the Affayres of lºnglande and Kinges of the same, unto the first yere of reigne of our most deere and Sovereigne Lady Queen Elizabeth, by Richard Grafton. Thick folio, black letter, title, in facsimile and one leaf in Epistle to the Reader wanting, otherwise fine copy, in crimson morocco eſctra. #4. 15s Henry Denham, 1509 36, Soho Square, London. I53 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 181S 1819 GRAHAM (John, of Wadham College). A Vision of of Fair Spirits, and other Poems. 8vo, Sewed. 2s 1834 GRANADA's DEVOTIONS.—Fourteene Meditations for the Seaven dayes of weeke for Mornings and Evenings, written by Lewes de Granada. Thick 12mo, wants a leaf, calf. 3s 6d 16]] GRANGER's Biographical History of England, from Egbert, with NOPLE'S CONTINUATION to end of Reign of George I., adapted to a Methodical Catalogue of Engraved British Heads, containing a vast number of Memoirs not to be found in any other work. BEST EDITION, 9 vols, 8vo, bds. £1. 1s 1806–1824 GRANT (Charles) Observations on the State of Society among the Asiatic Subjects of Great Britain, particularly with respect to the Morals, and on the Means of Improving it. 4to, sewed, privately printed. 2s 1797 GRANT (Jas) Random Tecollections of the House of Commons, 1830—35, including Personal Sketches of the Lead- ing Members. Cr. 8vo, bds. 1s 6d 1837 GRANT, Travels in Town. 2 vols, 12mo, boards. 4s 6d 1839 Contents :—The Streets—The Park—Tattersalls, Downing Street— British Museum—The Newsman—Post Office, Paternoster Row. GIRANT (A.) The Nestorians, or the Lost Tribes, con- taining an Account of their Manners, Customs, and Ceremonies. 8vo, map, boards. 4s 6d 184]. GRAY (Andrew, Minister of Glasgow) Mystery of Faith —Great and Precious Promises—Spiritual Warfare—Directions and Instigations to Prayer—Four Sermons in a volume. 12mo, calf. 2s 6d Glasgow, 1740 GRAY (Thos.) Poems, with Critical Notes and Life by Mitford. 8vo, portraits, half bound. 2s 1814 GRAY (Thos.) Poetical and Prose Works, collated from the various editions, with Memoir of his Life and Writings by MASON. 8vo, portrait, new calf catra. 8s 6d 1827 GRAY (Thomas) Poetical Works; also his Prose and Correspondence, with Life, edited by Mitford. 5 vols, post 8vo, nice copy in half blue morocco, gilt tops. 18s 1853 GRAY. —Correspondence of Thos. Gray and William Mason, with some Letters addressed by Gray to Rev. Dr. James Brown, Master of Pembroke College, Cambridge, with Notes and Illustrations, by the Rev. John Mitford. 8vo, cloth. 4s 1853 I54. Alfred Russell Smith, 1822 GREAT PYRAMID of Egypt, a Digest of Great Pyramid Teaching, adapted to the comprehension and of the Unscientific, by Philo-Israel, with Original Papers, by Professor Smith, Rev. C. W. Hickson, Major Tracey and C. Horner, Esq., 12mo, diagrams, Sewed. 6d about 1865 1823 GREAT ASSIZES (The) holden in Parnassus, by APOLLO and his Assessors, at which sessions are arraigned, Mer- curius Brittannicus, the Scout, writer of Diurnals, the Intelli- gencer, the Post, Spye, writer of weekly accounts, the Scottish Dove. (IN VERSE, said to be written by Geo. Wither). 4to, half calf. Jolley's and afterwards Lyte's copy. £1.8s 1645 1824 GREAVES (Rev. Rich.) The SPIRITUAL QUIxoTE, or the Summer's Ramble of Mr. Geoffry Wildgoose, a Comic Ro- mance. 3 vols, 12mo, a little worſtved, charming frontispieces by Grignion, calf meat. 3s 1774 1825 GREEN (J. R.) History of the English People, 4 vols, 8vo, cloth. £2 15s 1878 1826 GREG (W, R.) The Creed of Christendom, its Founda- tions contrasted with its Superstructure. Fourth Edition, with a New Introduction. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. 15s 1875 1827 GRENVILLE (Lord John Nugent) Nugae Metricae. Roy. 4to, boards. 12s 1824 Only 250 copies printed for private distribution amongst the Noble Author's Friends. It contains one of two poems by Lord Wellesley, and a piece of very good Greek humour by Lord Holland. A notice of it will be found in the Quarterly Review, Vol 59. Hanrott's Copy sold for £4—Heber's £3–Bliss, £2. 7s 6d—Eyton, £2. I0s. 1828 GRESHAM.—Burgon's Life and Times of Sir Thomas Gresham. 2 vols, 8vo, portrait and plates, new half morocco. 18s 6d 1839 1829 GRIFFIN (Lewis) The Doctrine of the Asse, an Ac- count of their Principles and Practice in whose behalf the Com- plaint was written, that it may serve for Advice to others, whereunto is added to the Asse's Complaint, Balaam’s Reply, and the Author's Reply. 4to, curious frontispiece, calf meat. £1.4s 1661 A very rare piece relating to Church Government during the Civil War. The Asse's Complaint consists of a long poem, or the Cry of the Country against Ignorant and Scandalous Ministers, with the Clergy's Answer, and the apology of the Author of the Asse's Complaint against Balaam, also in verse. 1830 GRIFFIN (B) Fidessa, a Collection of Sonnets re- printed from the edition of 1596, by Singer. 8vo, only one hun- dred copies printed, half mor., whout. 4s 6d Chiswick, 1815 1831 GRONOVIUS (J. F.) De Pecuniae Veteris Graece et Romanæ. Thick 4to, fine frontispiece, old calf. 4s 6d Lug, Bat., 169 36, Soho Square, London. I55 1832 GROWOWIUS (J.) Gemmarum quibus antiquitas in Signando uti Solita Sculptura, cum Explicatione..., 2 vols, 4to, about 200 plates, containing several hundreds of illustrations of Gems, calf, scarce. 18s Lug. Bat., 1691 1833 GROTIUS (Hugo) His Sophompaneas, or Joseph, a Tra- gedy, with Annotations by Francis Goldsmith. 12mo, portrai of Grotius by Cross, calf meat. 18s 1652 1834 GROTIUS (Hugo) Two Discourses on God's Providence and Christ's Miracles and Doctrines, with Annotations and Life by C. Barksdale. 18mo, portrait, calf meat. 3s 6d 1652 1835 GROTIUS (Hugo) Life, by Chas. Butler. 8vo, boards. 2s 6d 1826 1836 GUARINI’s Il Pastor Fido, the Faithful Shepherd, translated into English by Sir Richard Fanshawe. FIRST EDI- TION of Fanshawe's Translation, 4to, portrait of Guarini by Cross, half morocco. 15s I647 1837 GUARINI.-Later edition of Fanshawe's translation, with additions of divers other Poems, and a Discourse of the Civil Wars of Rome. 8vo, old smooth morocco. 8s 6d I676 1838 Gutbārā’ā (Chronicle, containing the Lives of the tenne Emperours of Rome, sentences of singular shortnesse and Sweetnesse, Orations and Letters, translated by Edw. Hellows. 4to, black letter, calf. 18s 1577 1839 GUIZOT (M.) Histoire de la Civilisation en France et - en Europe depuis la Chute de l'Empire Romain jusqu’a la Re- volution Française. 5 vols, 12mo, calf gilt very meat. 12s Paris, 1853 1840 GUIZOT (F.) Memoirs of a Minister of State, from 1840. 8vo, new half morocco, gilt top. 8s 6d 1864 1841 GUIZOT (M.) Melange Biographiques et Litteraires. 8vo, sewed. 2s Paris, 1868 Gibbon, the Countess of Romford, Mdme. Recamier, Comtesse de Boigne, M. de Barante, and others. 1842 GUNPOWDER PLOT-His Maiesties Speech in this last Session of Parliament. Together with a Discourse of the manner of the discovery of this late intended Treason, joyned with the Examination of some of the Prisoners, 4to, half morocco, Dr. Bliss's Copy. 9s 6d 1605 1843 GUNPOWDER TREASON, with the Manner of its T)iscovery, Proceedings against the Conspirators. Their Trials and Confessions, etc., also the King's Speech and other Papers, 12mo, cloth. 2s 6d 1850 156 Alfred Russell Smith, 1844 GUNPOWDER PLOT-Coombe Abbey, an Historical Tale of the Reign of James the First, by Selina Bunbury. Thick 8vo, frontispiece and numerous illustrations, new half morocco, marbled edges. 12s About 1846 1845 GUSTAVE DORE.—Jaufry the Knight and the Fair Bunissende, a Tale of the times of King Arthur, translated from the French of Lafon, by A. Elwes, Roy, 8vo, 20 plates by Gustave Lore, cloth. 8s 6d 1856 1846 GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS. The New Starr of the North shining upon the Victorious King of Sweden. 4to, half morocco. 5s l632 1847 GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS.—Historis oft Waerachtich Verhael Van den Gustavus Adolphus Coninck der Sweden, etc., Waer in der overwiuninge der Steden en Sterckten in Duytschlandt, Belegeringen, Veldtslagen nieuwe gemackte Stercktem en Fortressen en met Kopere Platen door Cornelis Danckaertz, Folio, numerous fine portraits after WAN Dyck, MOST BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS and many Maps and finely ex- graved plates of Battles, Sieges, Views of Towns, mew red morocco cotra, gilt edges. £2. 15S AmSt., 1642 This would be a most desirable acquisition to the Collector of Histori- cal Portraits, as Inany of the portraits in this work are of Persons not obtainable in other forms and are very early impressions. 1848 GUSTAVUS WASA and other Poems by W. SIDNEY WALKER, 8vo, crimson morocco extra, gilt edges. 5s I813 1849 GUTHRY (Henry, Bp. of Dunkeld) Memoirs of, where- in the Conspiracies and Rebellion against Charles I. to the Time of his Murther are briefly and Faithfully related. 12mo, calf very meat, marbled edges, Scarce. 4s 6d 1702 1850 GUY (Thomas, Bookseller of London) Last Will and Tes- tament, containing all his Benfactions to London and elsewhere, with the Act of Parliament for the Distribution of his Gifts. In I vol, 8vo. 3s l'724 1851 HABINGTON's CASTARA, reprinted from the edition of 1640, with Preface and Notes, by C. A. Elton. , 12mo, calf extra, full gilt back by CHARLES LEWIS. 7s 6d; boards, 3s 6d Bristol, 1812 1852 HAIR.—Art of Preserving the Hair on Philosophical Principles. Post 8vo, boards. 2s 6d 1825 1853 HALE (Sir Matt.) Additional Notes on his Life &Death, written by RICHARD BAXTER. 18mo, half morocco. 4s 6d 1682 1854 HALE (Sir M.) Metaphysical and Divine Contempla- tions on the Magnet or Load Stone, 8vo, meat. 3s 1695 36, Soho Square, London. I57. 1855 HALF-HOURS with the Best Authors, with Biogra- phical and Critical Notices by CHARLEs KNIGHT. 4 vols in 2, post 8vo, half calf, woodcuts. 9s about 1850 1856 HALL’s CHRONICLE of England during the Reign of Henry the Fourth to the end of Henry, the Eighth, edited by SIR HENRY, ELLIS. Thick 4to, wants first leaf of text, otherwise perfect, half bound. 8s 6d 1809 1857 £all’s Chronicle.—The Union of the two Noble and Illustrious Families of Lancastre and Yorke, beeyng long in continnal discension for the Crowne of this Noble Realme, with all the Actes done in Bothe the Tymes of the Princes from Kyng Henry the Fourthe to the reign of King Henry the Eighth, the indubitable Flower of both Linages. FIRST EDITION, thick 4to, black letter, part of the title and the colophon whder the printer's device (the latter is genuine) in facsi- Tmile, otherwise a fine, Sound, and genuine copy, russia. É7. 7s Richard Grafton, 1548 1858 HALL (Joseph, Bishop of Norwich) Virgidemiarum; Satires. 8vo, on LY 100 COPIEs PRINTED, half morocco. 9s Edin., 1824 1859 HALL (Bp.) Satan's Fiery Darts Quenched, or Temp- tations repelled. 12mo, calf. 2s 1647 1860 HALL (Joseph, Bishop of Norwich) Works. 3 vols, folio, calf meat. 18s 1625–62 1861. HALL (Joseph, Bishop of Exeter and Worwich) Mun- dus alter et idem, sive Terra Australias ante hoc semper incog- * nita longis itineribus et peregrini, authoris mercurio Britannico. 12mo, maps, fine clean copy in vellum. £1. 10s Hannov., 1607 A pleasant invective against the characteristic vices of various nations, including that of Sir Thos. More's Utopia. It is said that Swift bor- rowed his idea of Gulliver's Travels from this work. The present copy has five maps, there being usually not more than four. 1862 HALL (Mrs. Matthew) Queens before the Conquest. 2 vols, post 8vo, portraits, cloth. 6s 6d I854 1863 HALL (S. C.) An Old Story, a Temperance Tale in Verse. 12mo, numerous plates, one by George Cruikshank, cloth. 2S about 1860 1864 HALLEY (Edmund, Astronomer Royal) Astronomical Tables, with Precepts for computing the Places of the Sun, Moon, Planets and Comets, 4to, portrait, calf. 4s 6d 1752 1865 HALLIWELL's Account of the Manuscript Rarities of / the University of Cambridge. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1841 1866 HAMILTON (Mrs. Elizabeth) Memoirs, with Selec- tions from her Correspondence, by Miss Benger. 2 vols, 8vo, portrait, half calf. 4s 6d 1818 11 158 Alfred Russell. Smith, 1867 HAMMOND (Wm.) Occasional Poems, “First Printed 1655.” Edited with a Preface by Sir Egerton Brydges. Sm. 4to, half calf. 12s 6d Reprinted, 1816 William Hammond was the collateral ancestor of James Hammond the Elegiac Poet, and resided at St. Albans Court in East Kent.—This re- print was limited to 61 copies. IHAMPSHIRE. 1867* MUDIE's History of Hampshire, its past and present condition and futnre prospects. 3 vols, roy. 8vo, LARGE PAPER, map and many fine plates on India Paper, cloth. 33. 13s 6d I838 1868 GENERAL HISTORy of HAMPSHIRE, including the Isle of Wight. by B. B. Woodward, Librarian at Windsor Castle, Rev. Theod. C. Wilkes and Charles Lockhart. 3 vols, 4to, many plates, new half morocco, full gilt backs, and gilt edges. £4 4s about 1875 1869 DOMESDAY Book ; Extension of the Latin Text and English Translation as relating to Hampshire, with Notes by H. Moody. Roy. 4to, cloth. 4s 6d Winchester, 1862 1870 POST OFFICE DIRECTORY for HANTS, WILTS, and DoRSET. Thick roy. 8vo, maps, cloth. 4s 6d. (pub £1.5s) 1859 1871 POST OFFICE DIRECTORY for Hampshire alone. Roy. 8vo, map, cloth. 2s 6d 1859 1872 WARNER's Topographical Remarks on the South-Western Parts of Hampshire. 2 vols in 1, 8vo, new half morocco. 8s 6d 1793 1873 GUIDE to Aldershot and its Neighbourhood, by W. Sheldrake (Col. Serj. Coldstreams). 12mo, map and plates, cloth. .2s Aldershot, 1859 1874 BOSMERE.—Longcroft's Topographical Account of the Hundred of Bosmere, including the Parishes of Havant, Warblington, and Hayling, Hants. Roy. 8vo, plates, half morocco. 15s 1857 1875 HASSELL's Tour of the Isle of Wight. 2 vols in 1, 8vo, many aquatint plates, calf meat. 6s 1790 1876 PICTURE of the Isle of Wight delineated on the spot by H. P. WYNDHAM. 8vo, half morocco. 4s 6d 1794 1877 WARNER (Rev. R.) History of the Isle of Wight, Military, Eccle- siastical, Civil, and Natural, with the View of its Agriculture. 8vo, folding map, frontispiece, and plates of coins, cloth. 5s Southampton, 1795 1878 WARNER's History of the Isle of Wight, 8vo, map, calf meat. 5S Southampton, 1795 1879 NEW PICTURE of the Isle of Wight, with an Account of the s Island. 8vo, plates by Wm. Cook, bds. 3s 6d Southampton, 1813 1880 ENGLEFIELD (Sir H. C.) Description of the Principal Pictu- resque Beauties, Antiquities, and Geological Phenomena of the Isle of Wight, with Additional Observations on the Strata and their Continuation into Dorsetshire, by Thomas Webster. Large paper, folio, with proof impressions of the fine plates, half morocco, wncut, top edges gilt. £2. 15s 1816 36, Soho Square, London. I59 1881 ISLE OF WIGHT-Barber's Picturesque Guide to the Isle of Wight, last edition, completed to the end of 1850; with the Geology and a Map by Dr. Mantell. 8vo, 55 plates and maps, cloth. 5s 185() 1882 BOTANIC TopogFAPHICAL Map of the Isle of Wight. Large size, mounted on linen in case. 2s 1850 1883 QUARR, ABBEY (I. of Wight) or the Mistaken Calling, a Tale of the Isle of Wight in the 13th Century, by F. A. Trevelyan. 8vo, view of the Abbey, cloth. 2s 6d 1862 1884 DESCRIPTIVE Account of the Roman Villa near Brading, reprinted from the “Antiquary,” by Cornelius Nicholson. 4to, plates. Is I88() 1885 LYMINGTON.—Warner (Rich., Junr.) Companion to a Tour round. 12mo, calf. 2s 6d Southampton, 1790 1886 NETLEY ABBEY, an Elegy, by Geo. Keate. 4to, sewed. 2s 176() 1887 NEW FOREST.-Map of the New Forest, shewing the districts adapted to the GROWTH of OAK. by J. Trimmer. Large folio, mountéd on linen and folding into 800 case, 4s 6d 1849 1888 PETERSFIELD.—Report of the Case of the Borough of Peters- field before the House of Columons in 1820–21, edited by R. S. Atcheson. Roy. 8vo, plates of Charters, cloth. 7s 6d Privately printed, 1831 1889 RELATION from PortsMoUTH, wherein is declared the manner how the Castle was taken on Saturday night last, likewise Six- teen Propositions presented to the CITY of GLOUCESTER. 4to. IOS 1642 1890 LETTER presented by a Member of Commons concerning divers Passages at PortsMoUTH, 4to. 10s 1542 1891 PORTSMOUTH.—Letter to the Hon. Major Slingsby, Lt. Gen. of Portsmouth, and a Speech of Lt. Col. Beaumont to the Duke of Berwick. Folio BROADSIDE. 7s 6d about 1690 A blunt and outspoken refusal of the garrison to have foreigners im- posed upon them, if the king wants more troops let them be recruited from “our nation, as we may judge most suitable for the King's Service, or we will at once lay down our Conumissions.” 1892 PORTSMOUTH.—Slight's Metrical History of Portsmouth, with delineations of the Port and Arsenal. 8vo, boards. 3s Portsmouth, 1820 1893 PORTSMOUTH GUIDE, by Hollingsworth. 12mo, frontispiece of &nterior of Royal Clarence Rooms, Southsea. Boards. 2s 6d Southsea, 1828 (1894 PORTSMOUTH.—Story of the ‘Domus Dei,' commonly called the Royal Garrison Church, by H. P. WRIGHT, Chaplain. Post 8vo, plates, cloth. 3s 6d 1873 Gives an account of all the inscriptions to famous officers in the Chapel. I6O Alfred Russell Smith, 1895 THE CRYPT, or Receptacle for Things Past, an Antiquarian, Lite- rary, and Miscellaneous Journal. 3 vols, 12mo, Ringwood, and vol 1, 8vo (in 2 parts) of the new series, all published, 5 vols, half calf gilt, whiform, scarce. £2.10s 1827–29 A very interesting journal, conducted by the Rev. Peter Hall, the Architectural Essays are evidently the work of an able hand. 1896 SELBORNE, Natural History of, with the Naturalist's Calendar, Miscellaneous Observations and Poems by Rev. Gilbert White. 2 vols, 8vo, numerous plates, half russia. 6s 1813 1897 SOUTHAMPTON, Companion in a Tour round, containing Parti- culars of the New Forest, Lymington, Christchurch, Romsey, Waltham, Titchfield, etc. Post 8vo, boards. 3s Southampton, 1801 1898 SOUTHAMPTON, Englefield's Walk through, with Account of the Roman Station of Clausentum. Second edition, 8vo, plates, boards, 3s Southampton, 1805 1899 WINCHESTER.—Historical Account of Winchester, with Descrip- tive Walks. By CHAs. BALL. Roy. 8vo, frontispiece and pretty little views in the teat, boards, scarce. 9s 6d Winchester, 1818 1900 MILNER's History and Survey of the Antiquities of WINCHESTER, third edition, with supplementary Notes and Memoir by Rev. F. C. HUSENBETH. 2 vols, roy. 8vo, plates, cloth. 16s Winchester, 1835 1901 WINCHESTER, and a few other Compositions in Prose and Verse. 4to, cloth. 2s Winchester, 1835 1002 WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL.—Series of the Painted Glass in Winchester Cathedral, traced from the Windows and Drawn by Owen Carter. 4to, 28 COLOURED plates and Key plate, half mo- l Tocco. 15s 845 1903 WINCHESTER.—Archaeological Association, Second Congress at Winchester in 1845, 8vo, plates, cloth. 8s 1846 1904 WINCHESTER, ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Proceedings at. 8vo, plates, cloth. 8s 6d 1846 1905 WINCHESTER.—The College of St. Mary, Winton, near Win- chester. (Descriptive Poems), 4to, many woodcuts of Winton Antiquities, boards. 6s 1848 1906 CONSPECTUS of the Diocese of Winchester, by the Bp. of Win- chester. 8vo, privately printed, cloth. 4s 6d 1854 Shows when the Churches, Parsonages, and Schools were built ; cost, accommodation, and population. 1907 WYKE.—Baigent's History and Antiquities of the Parish Church of Wyke, near Winchester, 8vo, sewed. 2s 1865, 1908 BUCK's Views in the County. 2s 6d each Calshot Castle, Netley Abbey, Cowes Castle, Romsey Abbey. Hurst Castle, 36, Soho Square, London. I6 I W909 1910 1911 i912 1913 1914. 1915 1916 1917 1918 £ammer (ſğüereñíti)) The Jesuites Banner, with a Confutation of “a brief Censure upon two books written in answer to M. Campion's offer of Disputacion.” 4to, black letter, wants title, half calf. 15s 1581 HANNAH LIGHTFOOT — Queen Charlotte and the Chev. D'Eon, Dr. Wilmot's Polish Princess, by W. J. Thoms. 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d 1867 HANNAY (Patrick) Poetical Works of, with a Memoir of the author. Sm. 4to, portrait, sewed. Él. Is 1622, reprinted for the Hunterian Club, 1875 HARFORD (F. K.) The Martyrs of Lyons and Vienne a poem, 4to, elegantly printed. 2s 6d 1859 HARINGTON (Sir John) Nugae Antiquae, a Miscella- neons Collection of Original Papers in Prose and Verse, written in the Reigns of Henry VIII, Queen Mary, Elizabeth, James I., &c. 3 vols, small 8vo, calf gilt. 8s 6d 1799 Contains some valuable historical particulars, and original letters from the author to eminent persons of those times. HARMAN (Thos.) Caveat, or Warning for Common Cursitors vulgarly called Vagabonds, with the tale of the second taking of the Counterfeit Crank. Reprinted from the black letter edition of 1673. ONLY 100 COPIEs PRINTED, 4to, woodcuts, half morocco, gilt top. 15s 1814 A singular book of the canting terms, devices and haunts of the rogues and vagabonds of that day, of the greatest interest to the student of old English manners and customs HARRIS (James, the Philologist) Works, with his Life, edited by his Son the Earl of Malmesbury. 2 large 4to volumes, portraits and plates, half russia, meat. 6s 6d 1810 Treatises on Art, Music, Painting and Poetry, Hermes or Philosophical Inquiry into Universal Grammar, Philosophical Arrangements, and Phi- lological Inquiries. HART (Rev. R.) Ecclesiastical Records of England, Ireland, and Scotland, from the fifth century to the Reformation, being an Epitome of Councils, Constitutions and other Memo- rials of the Olden Time. Svo, boards. 4s 6d 1836 HARTSHORNE (Rev. C. H.) The Book Rarities of the University of Cambridge, illustrated by original letters, notes, biographical, literary and antiquarian. 8vo, frontispiece, new half crimson morocco eactra. 18s 1829 HARTSHORNE (Miss) Enshrined Hearts of Warriors and Illustrious People, being an Account of all the Enshrined Hearts in England and France. A charmingly got up volume. (with plates and woodcuts, ONLY 250 COPIEs PRINTED, 8vo, morocco eſctra, gºlt edges. £1. 18s 1861 I62 Alfred Russell Smith, 1919 HARVEY (Gabriel) A New Letter of Notable con- tents, with a Strange Sonnet intituled “Gorgon” or the Wonderfnl Yeare. 4to, fine copy in half calf, Sir Francis Free- ling's copy. £5. 15s. Jolley's copy sold for £8, 15s J. Woolfe, 1593 1920 HASTINGS (Lady Flora) Poems, edited by her Sister (afterwards the Marchioness of Bute). 8vo, cloth. 6s 1841 1921 HATTON (Sir Christopher) Memoirs of his Life and Times, Vice Chamberlain and Lord Chancellor to Queen Eliza- beth, including his Correspondence, by SIR HARRIS NICOLAS. Thick 8vo, portrait, cloth. 7s 6d 1847 It has been said that he was perhaps the only man that owed more to his legs than to his head, for he actually danced himself into favour; but notwithstanding his grace as a dancer, he had according to Naunton, “the adjectuments of a strong and subtle Capacity, one that could soon learn the discipline and garb both of the times and the Court.” 1922 #atueg (śtepbert). The Conversion of Swerers: A Joyfull Médytacyon to all Englonde of the Coronacyn of Kynge Henry the Eyght. Small 4to, 33lack letter. £1.5s Abbotsford Club, 1865 Facsimile reprints of these exceemingly rare tracts printed by Wynkyn de Worde, with preface by Dr. Laing. 1923 HAWKINS (Letitia Matilda) Rosanne, or a Father's Labour Lost, a Novel. 3 vols, 8vo, half morocco. 5s 1814 1924 HAWTREY (Rev. Stephen) Reminiscences of the French Eton. 8vo, privately printed, author's inscription, cloth. 2S 1867 1925 HAY. The Marchant Royall, a Sermon at White-Hall before the King, of the Nuptials of the Right Honourable the Lord Hay and his Lady, upon the twelfth day last, being January 6, 1607, by Robert Wilkinson. 4to, woodcut of ship on title, bds. 15s 1607 1926 HAYDON (Benj. Robt., Painter) Correspondence and Table Talk, with Memoir by his Son F. W. Haydon. 2 thick vols, 8vo, numerous plates, half calf gilt. 18S 1876 & 1927 HAYLEY (William) The Triumphs of Temper: a Poem. Royal 8vo, LARGE PAPER, charming plates designed by MARIA FLAXMAN, engraved by BLAKE, new morocco extra, gilt edges. £2 2s - Chichester, 1803 A charming volume, would form a very appropriate wedding present. 1928 HAYWARD (John) Lives of the Three Norman Kings of England, viz.:-William the Conqueror, William the Second, and Henrie the First, 4to, calf meat. 5s l,613 36, Soho Square, London. I63 1929 HAYWARD (Sir John) The Sanctuarie of a Troubled Soule. 2 vols in 1, 12mo, frontispiece, containing portrait, half calf. 6s 6d X- 1650 1930 HAYWARD (Sir John) Life and Raigne of King Edward the Sixth, and the beginning of Queen Elizabeth. Engraved title by Marshall, 1636–SECRET HISTORY of the reigns of James 1., Charles I., Charles II., and James II., 1690. In tw vols, 12mo, calf meat. 8s 6d - 1931 HAYWARD (Sir John, and Sir Robt. Cotton) Histories of the Lives and Raignes of Henry the Third and Henry the Fourth. 12mo, calf. 3s 6d 1642 1932 HAZLITT (William) Lectures on the English Poets. SECOND EDITION, 8vo, whewt, in boards. 5s 6d 1819 1933 HAZLITT (William) Political Essays, with Sketches of Public Charaeters. FIRST EDITION, 8vo, newly bound in tree marbled calf gilt. 9s 6d 1819 1934 HAZLITT (William) Notes of a Journey through France and Italy. FIRST EDITION, 8vo, newly bound in tree mar- bled calf gilt. 8s 6d 1826 1935 HAZLITT's France and Italy. FIRST EDITION, another copy in half morocco gilt. 6s 6d Ib. 1936 HAVELOK THE DANE.-Singer (S. W.) Remarks on the Glossary to the Ancient Metrical Romance of Havelok the Dane. Thin 4to, privately printed, Sewed. 9s N.D. 1937 HEADLEY (Henry). Select Beauties of Ancient Eng- lish Poetry, with Remarks. 2 vols, 12mo, half calf meat. 4s 6d 1787 1938 HEALTH DRINKING-Of Drinking in REMEMBRANCE of the DEAD, by the Bishop of Cork, 1713—Examination of the foregoing, by a Country Curate of Ireland, 1714. In a volume, 8vo, new half morocco. 7s 6d 1939 HEALTH, a Poem, showing how to Keep and Preserve it in a Sane and Sound State, and how to Restore it when Low, also the Doctor's Decade, by Dabry Dawne, M.D. 8vo, half norocco. 4s 6d about 1750 1940 HEARNE (T.) Ductor Historicus, or a Short System of Universal History, and Introduction to the Study of it. 2 vols, 8vo, calf meat. 6s 6d 1704–14 1941 HEARNE–Camdeni Annales rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum regnante Elizabetha, edidit THos. HEARNE. 3 vols, 8vo, portrait, russia, gilt edges. 15s 1717 164 Alfred Russell Smith, 1942 HEARNE (Thos) Collection of Curious Discourses Written by Eminent Antiquaries upon several Heads in Our English Antiquities. 8vo, 1st edition, folding plate, calf meat, 6s 6d 1720 Pox on’t, quoth Time, to Thomas Hearne, Whatever I forgot you learn; Damn it, says Hearne, in furious fret, Whate'er I learn you soon forget. 1943 HEARNE.—Companion to the Guide and a Guide to the Companion, being a Complete Supplement to all the Accounts of OXFORD hitherto published. 12mo, calf meat, VERY SCARCE. :Él. Is about 1740 A satirical work, said to be by Warton, the author of History of Eng- lish Poetry; it has also some very curious woodcuts of the Pillory, Stocks, Two-faced Pump, and HEARNE (the Antiquary) BEING LED HOME DRUNK BY TWO PRINTERS. 1944 HEARNE (Thos.) Collection of Curious Discourses written by Eminent Antiquaries upon several Heads in Our English Antiquities, from the Original MS., with an Account of the Lives and Writings of the Original Society of Antiquarians. 2 vols, 8vo, whout, half russia. 12s 6d 1773 1945 HELPS (A.) Companions of my Solitude. 12mo, cloth. 3s 6d e Pickering, 1851 1946 HELIODORUS.—The famous Historie of Heliodorus, amplified, augmented, and delivered paraphrastically iu VERSE, by WILLIAM LISLE, with a summary of the whole History. 4to, calf meat. 491. 15s - I638 1947 HELL BROKE LOOSE: or the Notorious Design of the wicked Ranters discouered on Sunday last at Black-Fryers, being a true Relation of the Strange Proceedings of Mr. Vaughan and his Wicked Proselytes, 4to, very scarce, two very curious and singular woodcuts, half calf meat. £2 2s I651 Of their entering Black-Fryer's Church at Sermon Time like so many spirits from Hell. The manner how this insolent Ranter traced the streets to Saint Paul's Churchyard in his Holland Shirt, without Doublet or Breeches, a Treple Cap, like the Pope's Miter, with Silk Fringe, and White Shooes and White Stockings, and other eccentricities. 1948 HEMANS (Mrs.) Memorials, with Illustrations of her literary Character from her Private Correspondence, by Henry F. Chorley. 2 vols in 1, post 8vo, portrait, new half calf gilt. 7s 6d - 1836 1949 HENDERSON (R.) The Arraignment of the whole Creature at the Barre of Religion, Reason, and Experience, ex- plained, applyed, and tryed, from whence is drawne this Doome Orthodoxall and Judgment Divine ; serving in some sort as a Common Place, for almost all manner of Readings. 4to, fine frontispiece by 1)roeshout, containing full-length portrait of the awthor, fine copy in original vellum. 16s 1632 36, Soho Square, London. I65 1950 HENRY II.-Court, Household, and Itinerary of King Henry II., instancing also the Chief Agents and Adversaries in his Governmcnt, Diplomacy, and Strategy, by Rev. R. W. Eyton. Small 4to, cloth. 14s 1778 Contains an immense amount of Information respecting families and localities extracted from the various Rolls, of incalculable use both to the Genealogist and the Topographer. 1951 HENRY V.—History of the Reign of, by Thos. Godwin. Folio, fine port., calf meat. 5s 6d 1704 1952 HENRY W. of England.—Henry of Monmouth, or Memoirs of the Life and Character of Henry V., by J. Endell Tyler, Rector of St. Giles in the Fields. 2 vols in 1, 18mo, ports., half calf gilt. 7s 6d 1838 1953 HENRY VII.--Will of King Henry the Seventh, edited with Preface by Thos. Astle. 4to, half calf. 5s 1775 Directions for founding Hospitals at London, York and Coventry, Duchy of Lancaster, reprint of the Harleian mauuscripts relating to the finishing and founding of Henry 7th Chapel, and much more curious anti- quarian information. 1954 £ertrp £3:##,-Weskuniglicher Majestet des Reichs Stende und der Landschafft Engellande will und euclichmey, nung ist des Concilius halbs so Bapst. Paulus, 4to, Gothic #Letter, half morocco. £1.4s Augspurg, 1537 1955 £enrp £3:##, A Necessary Doctrine and Erudition for any Christen Man, set furthe by the Kynges maiestie of Englande, etc. 4to, blatt; letter, good sound copy, calf meat. 36. 6s Thomas Berthelet, 1543 1956 #enrp £433,-Act of Parliament, the Acte con- cernyng the Subsidie granted of the Temporaltee. Folio, 16 leaves, 36|act getter, Él. 10s Thomas Berthelet, 1547 Said to be the last Act made in Henry the Eighth's reign, he died in January of the same year. It is important as being the first example of a graduated Income Tax. 1957 HENRY VIII.-Divorce of Catherine of Arragon, L’Histoire du Divorce de Henri VIII. et de Catherime d'Arragon, par l’Abbé Raynal. 12mo, new half calf. 4s 6d 1763 1958 HENRY VIII.—Lettres de Henry VIII, a ANNE BoIEYN, avec la traduction, précèdes d’une Notice Historique sur Anne Boleyn, par G. A. Crapelet. Roy. 8vo, portraits, half morocco. 7s 6d Paris, about 1830 1959 HENRY VIII–The Triumph of Henry the 8th over the usurpations of the Church, and the consequences of the Royal Supremacy. 12mo, but few copies printed (a very interest- &ng little book), cloth. 2s 6d 1846 !-- I66 Alfred Russell Smith, 1960 HENRY VIII-Life of Henry the Eighth, and HIS- ToRy of the SCHISM in England, translated from the French by E. G. Kerwan Browne. 8vo, new half morocco, gilt. 8s 6d 1852 1961 HERACLITUS RIDENs ; or a Discourse between Jest and Ernest, where many a true word is spoken in opposition to all Libellers against the Government. Folio, old calf. £1.15s 1681–2 A complete set of this most rare periodical, consisting of 82 numbers, Written against the Whig writers, who at that time were assailing Lord Rochester's administration. It abounds with wit and satire, singular language, and old proverbs, so far above the newspaper writers of that time as to lead to the conclusion that is was compiled by one of the most celebrated wits who had succeeded to the wit and malice of the notorious Earl. HERALDRY and FAMILY HISTORIES, ROLLS OF ARMS, VISITATIONS, PEDIGREES, and PEERAGE CASES. EIFRALDRY :— 1962 ANTIQUITY and Honour of the Royal Arms of England, des- cribing the History and Genealogy of the Arms borne by the Sovereigns, beginning with William the Conqueror (qy. by Sir C. G. Young), 4to, privately printed, 47 pp. 5s 1963 ARMS of the Nobility of England, Scotland and Ireland, brought down to 1778, by Clark and Wormull, with TRANSLATION of the MOTTOES. 12mo, plates, calf. 2s 6d 1778 1964 COLLINS’ PROCEEDINGS, Precedents and Arguments on Claims and Controversies concerning BARONIES by Writ and other Honours, published from the manuscript Collections of Glover, Dugdale, King, Le Neve and others. Folio, calf meat. 15s 1734 Baronies of Willoughby, Dacres, Bergavenny, Cornwall, Roos, Oxford, . of Ruthin, Fitzwalter, Purbeck, Clifford, Berners, Lumley, and others. 1965 MADOX’s BARONIA, a History of Land Honours and Baronies and of Tenure in Capite, verified by Records. Folio, calf gilt. 15s. tº I736 1966 STEMMATA BARONIALIA.—Prospectus and Specimen of a Pro- posed Work on the Present State of Baronies by Writ, by Francis Townsend, Rouge Dragon. Folio, Sewed. 3S about 1830 1967 BERRY's INTRODUCTION to Heraldry, containing the Rudiments of the Science, and other Necessary Particulars. 8vo, plates, bds. 3s 6d 1810 1968 36033efocſl (John) Workes of Armorie devyded into Three Books, entituled the Concordes of Armorie, The Armorie of Honor, and of Coats and Crestes. 4to, black letter, calf meat. £3, 15s 1572. This book came from the Black Ladies of Brewood (corruptly called Brywerne) formerly a Benedictine Monastery, it is a fine, clean and desir- able copy of this very rare book, especially in this state. 36, Soho Square, London. 167 1969 BRUNET (Alex.) Regal Armorie of Great Britain, from the Time. of the Ancient Britons to the Reign of Queen Victoria, and the Institution of Chivalry, and the Origin of Emblematic Insignia in Ancient Nations. 12mo, woodcuts, cloth. 3s 6d 1832. 1970 BRYDSON (Thos.) Summary View of Heraldry in reference to the Usages of Chivalry and the Feudal System. 8vo, *::: 1795, 1971 CARLISLE (Nicholas) Account of the several Foreign Orders of Knighthood, especially such as have been conferred on British subjects. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. 7s 6d l839. 1972 CARTER (Matt.) Honor Redivivus, or an Analysis of Honour and Armory. 12mo, cuts of arms and plates by Gaywood, calf. 4s 6d, —Another, in new calf eactra, gilt edges. 9s 6d 1660. 1973 CARTER’s Analysis of Honour, later edition. 8vo, cuts, calf. 6s. 1673 1974 CARTER.—Later edition. Sm. 8vo, woodcuts, meat. 4s 6d 1692 1975 CAUSTON (H. Kent) The Rights of Heirship, or doctrine of Des- cents and Consanguinity, as applied by the Laws of England to the succession of Real Property, including the Descent of Titular Honours and Coat Armour. Post 8vo, plates, cloth. 4s 6d 1849 1976 COATS (Jas.) Dictionary of Heraldry, explaining the Terms, Rules of Blazon, Bearings, and Account of the most noted Orders of Knighthood. Svo, plates of Arms, meat. 5s 1747 1977 CRUISE (W.) Essay on the Law of Dignities or Titles of Honour. 8vo, half calf. 4s 6d 1804 1978 DALLAWAY (H.) Manual of Heraldry for Amateurs. 12mo, cuts, boards. 2s 6d 1828 1979 DODARIDG (Judge) His Law of Nobility and Peerage, wherein the Antiquities, Titles, degrees and distinctions are excellently set fortb. 12mo, calf meat. 5s l658 1980 DUGDALE (Sir William) BARONAGE, an historical account of the Lives and most Memorable Actions of our English Nobility, from the Conquest. 3 vols in 2, folio, pedigrees, calf meat. £8. 8s. l675 1981 ELLIS's (W. Smith) Antiquities of Heraldry, collected from Lite- rature, Coins, Gems, Wases, and other Monuments of Pre-Chris- tian and Mediaeval Times ; with a Catalogue of EARLY ARMo- RIAL SEALS ; tending to show that Modern Heraldry embodies or is derived from the Religious Symbols, the Military Devices, and the Emblems of the Heathen Deities of Antiquity. A hand- Some volume, 8vo, pp. 300, with 20 plates, cloth. 7s 6d (original price 15s) 1982 FERNE’s Blazon of Gentrie, in two parts, viz., The Glorie of Generositie, and Lacye's Nobilitie, comprehending discourses of Armes and Gentry, wherein is treated of bearing, blazon, Coate- armour, Lawes of Armes and of Combats. 4to, calf. £1. 15s John Windet, 1586. I68 Alfred Russell Smith, 1983 FINLASON (W. F.) Dissertation on the History of Hereditary Dignities, with special reference to the Case of the Earldom of Wiltes. 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d 1869 1984 FRENCH ARMoRIAL.-Armorial General de l’Empire Francaise, Dignitaires, Princes, Ducs, Comtes, Barons, Chevaliers, &c., (with an explanation of their Blasons), par Henry Simon. Tome I. (all published) large folio, 70 plates containing 840 coats of arms. 5s Paris, 1712 1985 GIBBON (John) Essay to a more correct Blason in Latine than hath formerly been used. 8vo, woodcuts, calf meat. 5s 1682 1986 HEREDITARY Right of the Crown of England asserted ; The History of the Succession since the Conquest cleared, and the True English Constitution Windicated from the Misrepresenta- tions of Dr. Higden's View and Defence and Several Particulars relating to the succession and to the Title of the House of Suf- folk, with an Authentick Copy of Henry VIII's Will. Folio, calf meat. 5s - 1713 1987 INQUIRY into the Manner of Creating Peers, 1719–Curia Mili- taris, a Treatise of the Court of Chivalry, by John Anstis, 1702 —Letters to a Peer concerning the Honour of Earl Marshall, 1706. In a volume, 8vo, half calf. 4s 6d 1988 LE FERON (Jehan) De la Primitive Institution des Roys, Herauldry et Poursuivans d’Armes—Le Simbol Armorial des Armories de France, d’Escoce, et de Lorraine, par Maistre Jehan le Feron. In a volume, 4to, woodcuts on titles and printer’s devices at end, calf meat. £3. 3s Paris, Maurice Menier, 1555 A989 LOWER's (M.A.) Curiosities of Heraldry, with Illustrations from Old English Writers. With illuminated title-page, and numerous engravings from designs by the Author, 8vo, cloth. 14s 1990 MARKHAM (Francis) The Booke of Honour, or Five Decads of of Epistles of Honour. Folio, calf meat. 10s 6d I625 1991 MONTAGU (J. A.) Guide to the Study of Heraldry. A hand- somely got up volume, with many woodcuts, which the last owner has coloured, 4to, cloth. 6s Pickering, 1840 â992 NICOLAS (Sir Harris) Observations on Grants of Precedency. PRIVATELY PRINTED. Letter to the Duke of Wellington on Creating Peers for Life, 1830. In I vol., 8vo, half morocco 4s 6d 1830 l993 NOTITIA ANGLICANA, Shewing the Atchievements of all the English Nobility compleat, with a Concise Essay upon the Nature, Rise, and Intent of Arms and Armory. 2 vols, 8vo, plates of Arms (wants plates 88 and all after 108), calf, very meat. 5s 1724 1994 PLANCHE (J. R.) The Pursuivant of Arms, or Heraldry founded On Facts. Post 8vo, many plates and woodcuts, cloth. 6s 6d - 1873 36, Soho Square, London. I69 1995 PRESTWICH's RESPUBLICA, or a Display of the Honours, Ceremonies, Ensigns of the Commonwealth, with the Names Ar- morial Bearings, Flags, Pennons of the Commanders of the Eng- lish, Scotch, Irish, American, and French, 4to, boards, scarce, 15S I787 A very curious and valuable work to those interested in the Civil War, or Family History. It contains a “Loyalists’ Bloody Roll, or a List of the Lords, Baronets, Knights, Commanders, and Gentlemen that were slain in the late wars,” Names and Armorial Bearings of sundry noble and worthy personages in the Commonwealth, etc. For a further account see “Moule's Bib. Heraldica.” 1996 PRIVY Councillors and their Precedence. Roy. 8vo, privately printed, cloth. 5s 1860 1997 SELDEN's (John) Titles of Honour. Second edition. Thick folio, portrait by White, calf meat. 18s I631 1998 SLOANE-EVANS (W. S.) Grammar of British Heraldry, consis- ting of Blazon and Marshalling, with an Introduction on the Rise and Progress of Symbols and Ensigns. 8vo, SECOND EDI- TION, many plates, cloth. 5s (original price 15s) 1999 THOROLD (J., Arms Painter of Yarmouth) On the Origin and Use of Coat Armour. 12mo, boards. 3s 6d Yarmouth (about 1820) 2000 TITLES of HONOUR.—Barons by Tenure—Barons by Writ. Extracted from a Manuscript by Sir Thos. St. George, Garter, 1686, edited by Sir C. G. Young, 8vo, half bound. 5s Privately printed, 1864 2001 TREATISE of the Nobility of the Realme, collected out of the Common Law, with such Statutes as are incident upon a Debate of the Barony of Abergavenny. 12mo, half morocco. 4s 6d 1642 2002 WOODHAM (H. A.) Application of Heraldry to the Illustration of various University and Collegiate Antiquities. 2 parts, 4to, coloured frontispieces, and cuts of Arms, Sewed. 4s 6d Cambridge, 1841 2003 WORCESTERSHIRE-The Heraldry of Worcestershire, being a Roll of the Arms (and in many cases the Genealogies) borne by the Knightly and Gentle Families, who have had Property, or Residence, in the County, at various Periods down to the Present Time. Collected from the Heralds’ Visitations, Ancient Manu- scripts, Church Monuments, Personal Seals, and other authentic sources, by H. SYDNEY GRAZEBROOK, Esq., of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law, Author of the “Heraldry of Smith,” etc. 3 vols, fcap. 4to, 800 pp. 15S 2004 MARSHALL (G. W.) The Genealogist's Guide to Printed Pedi- grees, being a general search through Genealogical, Topographi- cal, and Biographical Works relating to the United Kingdom, thgether with references to Family Histories, Peerage Claims, &c. 8vo, cloth. £1.8s 1879 17o Alfred Russell Smith, 2005 BANKS' (Sir T. C.) Baronia Anglia Concentrata, or a Concentration of the Baronies in Fee, deriving their Origin from Writ of Summons, and not from any specific Limited Creation, showing the Descent and Line of Heirship, as well of those Families mentioned by Sir William Dugdale, as well of those whom that celebrated Author has entitled to notice ; interspersed with interesting Notices and Explanatory Remarks, Whereunto is added, the Proofs of Parliamentary Sitting from the Reign of Edward I. to Queen Anne; also a Glossary of Dormant English, Scotch, and Irish Peerage Titles with references to presumed existing Heirs. 2 vols, 4to, cloth. 15s (original price £3. 3s) 1844 2005% LARGE PAPER COPY (very few printed). 2 vols. £1. Is 2006 NOBLE's History of the College of Arms, and Lives of all the Kings, Heralds, and Pursuivants from the reign of Richard III. 4to, portraits, half morocco, £l. 1s 1805 2007 SIMS (Richard, of the Dept. of MSS. in the British Museum) A Manual for the Genealogist, Topographer, Antiquary, and Legal Professor, consisting of Descriptions of Public Records, Paro- chial and other Registers, Wills, County and Family Histories, Heraldic Collections in Public Libraries, etc. 8vo, SECOND EDITION, pp. 540, cloth. 15s 2008 BLACKSTONE (Sir W.) Treatise on the Law of Descents in Fee- Simple, 8vo, sewed. 2s Qaford, 1759 2009 COLLECTANEA TOPOGRAPHICA et Genealogica, edited by J. B. NICHOLS. 8 vols, roy. 8vo, cloth. 497. 1834–43 A mass of original information by the best genealogists and anti- quaries of the time. 2010 GRIMALDI (Stacey) Origines Genealogicae, or the Sources whence English Genealogies may be traced from the Conquest to the Present Time, accompanied by Specimens of Ancient Records, Rolls, and MSS., with Proofs of their Genealogical Utility. 4to, boards. £2 2s 1828 Very scarce, presentation copy from the author, with the rare slip at page 26 generally missing. 2011 CAUSTON (H. S.) Rights of Heirship, or the Doctrine of Descents and Consanguinity. Post 8vo, boards. 4s 6d 1842 2012 BARRINGTON (Archd.), Plain Hints for Understanding the Genealogy and Armorial Bearings of the Sovereigns of England, and the styles of British Architecture by which their Dates may be ascertained (a useful little book). 12mo, coloured frontispiece and plates, cloth. 2s 6d 1843 PEERAGES, ETC. 2013 A LIST of the Lords, Spiritual and Temporal, also a True Alpha- betical Double List of the Counties, Cities, Boroughs, with their Representatives. 12mo, Sewed. 2s 6d 1730 Curious, containing the town addresses of the members many of whom resided in neighbourhoods now very much declined. 36, Soho Square, London. 171 2014 BARONETAGE for 1844, by Sir Richard Broun. 12mo, cloth. 2S 2015 BRITISH CoMPENDIUM.–Nichols (Francis) Of the Kingdom of Scotland, its several Kings and the Present Nobility, Lists of Second Titles of Lords, Baronets, those of Nova Scotia, &c. Wol III. (Scotland). Thick 12mo, many plates of arms, calf. 2s 6d 174] 2016 BURKE's Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Extinct and Dormant BARONETCIES of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo, cloth, scarce. £1. 1s 1844 2017 BURKE's Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the IANDED GENTRY of Great Britain and Ireland, with the INDEX of UPWARDS OF ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND Names. 3 vols, roy. 8vo, meat. £2.2s 1850–53 2018 BURKE's Landed Gentry, with the Supplemental and Index Vol. 3 Thick Wols, 8vo, half morocco, marbled edges. 42. 5s 1846–49 2019 BURKE's Landed Gentry. Vol 2 only, cloth. 10s 1850 2020 BURKE’s Landed Gentry. Parts 1, 2, and 3, sewed. 5s 1844 2021 BURKE's Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire. Thick, roy. 8vo, cuts of Arms, cloth. 1846. 5s—1859. 5s—1862. 7s 6d 2022 CALENDAR of KNIGHTS from 1760 to the Present Time, by Francis Townsend. Post 8vo, half calf. 8s 6d 1828 2023 COLLINS's PEERAGE, Genealogical and Historical, greatly aug- mented and continued to the present time, by SIR EGERTON BRYDGES. Last and Best Edition, 9 vols, calf gilt. 45. 5s 1812 2024 COLLINS's PEERAGE. 8 vols, 8vo, plates of arms, calf meat. 31. 10s 1779 2025 COLLINS (Arthur) Peerage of England. 5 vols, 8vo, numerous cuts of arms, half calf. 18s I756 The last edition, published under the superintendence of the author. 2026 COLLINS's PEERAGE.-A Collection of Plates of Coats of Arms to illustrate that work. In an 8vo vol, clean in boards. 5s about 1780 2027 DEBRETT's PEERAGE, edited by Courthope, for 1834. 3s 6d— Ditto, for 1865. 2s 6d 2028 DEBREIT's BARONETAGE, 1828. 2 vols. 4s 6d—Ditto for 1865. 2s 6d 2029 KNIGHTAGE of Great Britain and Ireland. 12mo, cloth. 2s Churton, 1841 2030 LODGE's PEERAGE and Baronetage of the British Empire. Thiek 8vo, cuts of the Coats of Arms, cloth. 6s 1847 2031.NEW PEERAGE, or the Ancient and Present State of the No. bility ; Vol 2, containing the Peerage of Scotland, with the Ex- tinct Peerage. Post 8vo, calf. 2s 6d 1785 172 Alfred Russell Smith, 2032 LODGE.-Genealogy of the British Peerage, 8vo, cuts of the Coats of Arms, cloth. 1842. 3s 6d—1847. 3s 6d 2033 NICOLAS (Sir Harris) Historic Peerage of England, exhibiting the origin, descent, and present state of every title, since the Conquest, continued by Courthope. Thick 8vo, cloth. 18s 1857 2034 PLAYFAIR (Wm.) British Family Antiquity illustrative of the Origin and Progress of the Rank, Honours and Personal Merit of the Nobility of the United Kingdom ; Vols 6 to 9. Large Paper (Vol 6 slightly imperfect at end). 15s 1811 2035 STOCKDALE’s Baronetage of the United Kingdom. 12mo, wpwards of 400 cuts of Arms, boards. 2s 1831 2036 WALFORD (E.) County Families of the United Kingdom. Thick 8vo, cloth. 6s 6d 1868 2037 PEERAGE CHART for 1825, containing the complete Peerages alphabetically arranged, with every information. Large sheet, on canvas, folding into 8vo case. 2s * 1825 ORDERS :— 2038 ANSTIS's Register of the Order of the Garter, with Notes and an Introduction. 2 vols, folio, plates, fine old copy in russia. 493. 3s 1724 2039 BELTZ (G. F., Lancaster) Memorials of the Order of the Garter from its foundation, with Biographical Notices of the Knights in the reigns of Edward III. and Richard II. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. 10s - 1841 . 2040 GARTER.—Memoirs of St. George the English Patron of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, by Thos. Dawson. 8vo, fine portrait and medallion plate, calf meat. 4s 6d 1714 . 2041 NICOLAS (Sir Harris) On the Institution of the Order of the Garter, illustrated by the Wardrobe accounts of Edward the Third, 1344–1349, 4to, cloth. 6s 1845 2042 SALMON (Thos.) Historical Account of St. George for England and the Order of the Garter, 12mo, plates, calf gilt. 6s 6d 1704. 2043 ANSTIS's Historical Essay on the Knighthood of the Bath. 4to, fine copy in old crimson morocco, gilt edges. 12s 1725 2044 ANSTIS's Historical Essay on the Knighthood of the Bath. 4to, half morocco. 6s 6d 1725, 2045 STATUTES of the Order of SAINT MICHAEL and Saint GEORGE. Sm, 4to, Colored Plates, cloth. 6s Privately printed, 1832 2046 ST. ESPRIT-Les Statutes de l'Ordre du St. Esprit estably par Henry III.e. 4to, calf extra, by Pratt, 16s Paris, 1724. 2047 TOULGOET (F. de) Noblesse Blason Ordres de Chevalerie, Ma- nuel Heraldique. 8vo, woodcuts, half morocco extra. 9s 6d Paris, 1859 36, Soho Square, London. I73 2048 ARCHER (Capt. Laurence) The Orders of Chivalry. Roy. 8vo, but few copies printed, morocco. 5s 1871 2049 NICOLAS (Sir Harris) History of the Orders of Knighthood of the British Empire, and Medals, Clasps, and Crosses conferred for Naval and Military Services. 4 vols, imp. 4to, many elabo- rately coloured plates, half morocco. £3. 3s 1842 One of the most elaborate and splendid books ever issued from the press. 2050 HANSON (Sir Levett) Historical Account of all the Orders of Knighthood at present existing in Europe, their ancient and pre- sent state, and the origin of £nighthood. 2 vols, 8vo. half calf. 7s 6d Hamburgh, 1802 IROLLS AND VISITATIONS:— 2051 CHARLES' Roll, of the Reigns of Henry III. and Edward I., Edited by G. J. Armytage. Small 4to, Sewed. 5s 1869 2052 ROLL of ARMs of Peers and Knights in the Reign of Edward II., by N. H. Nicolas, 8vo, coloured frontispiece, cloth. 15s 1828 2053 ROLLS of ARMs of the Reigns of Henry III. and Edward III., edited by N. H. Nicolas. 8vo, but few copies printed, cloth. 15s Pickering, 1829 2054 ROLL of the HIGH SHERIFFs of England and Wales for the Year 1877, by J. Bertrand Payen-Payne, 4to, finely engraved plates of the Coats of Arms, cloth. 381. ls Privately printed, 1878 2055 VISITATIONS.–Catalogue of Heralds' Visitations, with re- ferences to many other valuable Genealogical and Topographical Manuscripts in the British Museum. 8vo, boards. 5s 1825 2056 VISITATIONS of CORNWALL, comprising the Heralds’ Visitations of 1530–1573 and 1620; Edited with Additions by Lieut. Col. J. L. Vivian. Part 1, ALL PUBLISHED (A to Bog) sewed. 2s 6d 1878 2057 WISITATION of the County of Lincoln in 1562–4, edited by W. C. Metcalf. 8vo, sewed. 15s 1881 2058 WISITATION of Northumberland in 1615, edited by G. W. Marshall. Royal 8vo, cloth. 12s 6d 1878 2059 HERALDS’ VISITATIONS.–Index to the Pedigrees and Arms contained in the Heralds’ Visitations and other Genealogical Manuscripts in the British Museum, by R. SIMs. 8vo, half mor., very scarce. £1. 10s - 1849 FAMIILY HISTORIES. 2060 DRUMMOND (H.) NoHLE BRITISH FAMILIES, with their Genea- logies and Biographical Notices. 2 vols, imp, folio, views and beautifully coloured portraits, arms, seals, monuments, etc. (many like miniatures) half morocco, whewt, top edges gilt. £16 1846 This is perhaps one of the most magnificeut works ever published, there are thousands of views of historical houses, coats of arms, every one of the latter elaborately coloured, also portraits taken from the originals, and produced here for the first time, most of which are coloured by hand in imitation of the originals. 12 I74 Alfred Russell Smith, 2061. ARGYLL FAMILY.—The Mac Cullum More, a History of the Argyll Family from the Earliest Times, by Rev. Hely Smith. 12mo, cloth. 3s 1871 2062 AUSTRIAN FAMILIES.—Arbor Aniciana seu Genealogia serenis- simorum Augustissinae Austriae Domus Principum ab Anicia auctore F. J. Siefridi. Folio, finely engraved title, old crimson velvet. 6s 6d Vienna, 1613 2063 AUTHENTIC Historical Memoirs of Louis Charles, Dauphin of France, second son of Louis 16th and Marie Antoinette, who up to Oct., 1793, personated Augustus Meves—The Dauphin, Louis 17th, his deliverance from the tower of the Temple of Paris, his adoption and Career in England, by Aug. Meves. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 7s 6d 1868–76 2064 BAIRD.—Genealogical Collections containing the Sir Name of Baird and the Families of Auchmedden, Newbyth, and Sauchton Hall, also that of Ordinhmivas, by Wm. Baird of Auchmedden. Royal 4to, LARGE PAPER, only 50 copies printed on this size, cloth. l8S I870 2065 BERKELY MSS.—Abstracts and Extracts of Smyth's Lives o the Berkeleys, Illustrative of Ancient Manners and the Constitu- tion, including all the Pedigrees in that Ancient MS., with a Copious History of the Castle and Parish of Berkeley, and Bio- graphical Anecdotes of Dr. Jenner, by Thos. D. Fosbroke, 4to, frontispiece ond pedigrees, boards, 12S I821 2066 BURNES.–Genealogical Memoirs of the Family of Robert Burns, and of the Scottish House of Burnes, by Rev. Chas. Rogers. 8vo, cloth. 8s 6d Edinb., 1877 2067 BERTIE.—Five Generations of a Loyal House, containing the Lives of Richard Bertie and his son Penegrinne, Lord Willoughby of Eresby, by Lady Georgina Bertie. Thick 4to, woodcuts, half morocco. 14s—bds. 9s I840 2068 BOND.—Pedigree of the Family of Bond of the Isle of Purbeck, Dorset. Folio, only 25 copies PRIVATELY PRINTED, sewed. 21s 1858 2069 BOTFIELD (B.) STEMMATA BoTEVILLIANA, Memorials of the Families of De Boteville, Thynne, and Botfield, in the Counties of Salop and Wilts, with an Appendix of Illustrative Documents. Thick 4to, portrait, plates, and pedigrees, half morocco, but few copies privately printed. #6. 6s 1858 2070 BRAY of BARRINGTON, Co. Gloucester and Berks, Genealogical Memoranda. Two leaves, 4to. 2s 2071 BRUNSWICK.—Antiquities of the House of Brunswick, by Edw. Gibbon. 4to, dedication copy from Lord Sheffield to the Duke of Sussex, crimson morocco. 491. 15s Privately printed, 1814 2072 COMBERBACH FAMILY.—Collection for a Genealogical Account of the Family of Comberbach (of Cheshire, &c.), by G. W. MAR- SHALL. 8vo, plate of Arms, etc., cloth. 5s - 36, Soho Square, London. I75 2073 COURTNEY FAMILY.—Genealogical History of the Noble and Illustrious Family of Courtenay (Earls of Devon, &c.), by E. Cleaveland. Folio, pedigrees, half morocco, scarce. É3. I5s Eaceter, 1735 2074 CRADOCK.—Historical Notices of Sir Mathew Cradock, of Swan- sea, temp. Henry VII. and Henry VIII., by the Rev. J. M. Traherne. Roy, 8vo, plates and pedigree, but few copies printed. 6s 6d Llandovery, 1840 2075 CROKE-Genealogical History of the Croke Family, originally called Le Blount, by Sir Alex. Croke. Two very thick 4to vols, plates and many pedigrees, 4 of the latter wanting, otherwise perfect, half calf meat. 493. Oxford, 1823 2076 CROMWELL.—Noble (Rev. Mark) Memoirs of the Protectorate House of Cromwell, from an early period to the present time. 2 vols, 8vo, portraits and pedigree, calf meat. 15s Birm., 1784 2077 CULCHETH.-Genealogies of the Families of Culcheth, and Risley, of Lancashire, by J. Paul Rylands. 4to. 3s 1867 2078 D'EST.E.-Papers elucidating the claims of Sir Aug. d’Este. Roy. 8vo, privately printed, cloth. 4s 6d 1832 2079 DOMINICK.—Grant of Arms to Andrew Domimick of Great Marlow, son of Andrew Dominick, Rector of Stratfieldsay, and Grandson of Randolph Dominick, Merchant of Bristol. On Parchment, 22 inches by 16, the Four COATS OF ARMS BEAUTI- FULLY EMBLAZONED, and margins floreated. 2080 D'OYLY.—History of the Whole of the Bend-Bearing D'Oylys, by William D'Oyley Bayley. 8vo, sewed. 3s 6d 1845 2081 DRUCE.—Genealogical Account of the Family of Druce of Goring, Co. Oxon, with the different Families of Kin, their Marriages and Issues, Reprinted from the edition of 1735. 4to, only 50 copies printed, bds. 10s 6d 1735 2082 DUCKETT (Sir G. F.) Duchetiana, or Historical and Genealogical Memoirs of the Family of Duket, from the Norman Conquest to Present Time, comprising the Houses of Grayrigg, Hartham, Steeple-Morden, Aylesbury, and Wycombe, with the several Ancient Families from whom they Descend. Thick 4to, cuts of Arms, pedigrees, etc., cloth. :#1. 8s 1874 2083 DUDLEY.-Adlard (George) The Sutton-Dudleys of England, and the Dudleys of Massachusetts, in New England, 8vo, pedigrees, &c., cloth. 15s 1862 2084 EDGAR.—An Account of the Sirname Edgar, and particularly of the Family of Wedderlie in Berwickshire by Capt. J. H. Lau- rence-Archer., 4to, plates and pedigrees, cloth. 16s 1873 2085 EDGAR.—Genealogical Collections concerning the Scottish House of Edgar, with Memoir of Jas. Edgar, private secretary to the Chev. St. George, 4to, portrait, cloth. 15s Grampian Club, 1873 176 Alfred Russell Smith, 2085& ELLIS FAMILIES.—Notices of the Ellises of England, Scotland, and Ireland, including the Families of Alis, Fitz-Elys, Helles, &c. By W. SMITH ELLIS, of the Middle Temple, 8vo, arms and plates (very few printed), cloth, fl. 1s 2086 FITZGERALD.—The First Marriage of Katherine Fitzgerald (now Lady Decies) contracted in Facie Ecclesiae, with John Power, now Lord Decies asserted, by Dudley Loftus, 4to, new half morocco. 6s 6d 1677 2087 FRANCE.-Ashburton (Lord) Genealogical Memoirs of the Royal House of France. Imp. 4to, large folding pedigree mounted on linen, cloth. 491. 15s 1825 2088 FRENCH (Geo. Russell) The Royal Descent of Nelson and Wel- lington, from Edward the First, with tables of pedigrees and genea- logical memoirs. Post 8vo, cloth. 5s 1853. 2089 GRACE.-Memoir of the Family of Grace, by Sheffield Grace. Royal 8vo, 61 charming plates and portraits, but few copies pri- vately printed, new half calf gilt. £1. 11s 6d 1823: 2090 GREVILLE-An Historical and Genealogical Account of the Noble Family of Greville, including the History of the several Barls of Warwick from the Norman Conquest and some Account of Warwick Castle, by James Edmondson. 8vo, folding frontis- piece and genealogical tables, cuts of arms, half calf. 9s 1766 2091 GRIMALDI (S.) Rotuli De Dominabus et Pueris et Puellis de Donatione Regis in XII Comitatibus. 4to, boards. 15s 1830 Inquisitions in 1185 to ascertain the wardships, reliefs, and other pro- fits due to the King, from Widows and Orphaus, minutely describing the ages and heirship of the children. The record has much claim on the historical antiquary as matters of very great interest receive ellucidation, from it. The twelve counties are Beds, Bucks, Cambridge, Essex, Herts, gººgºon, Lincoln, Middlesex, Norfolk, Northampton, Rutland, and UlfTOIR. 2092 GORE (Thomas) Catalogus plero-rumque omnium authorum qui de re Heraldicae Latine, Gallice, Italice, Hispanice, Germanice et Anglice, scripserunt, 4to, new half morocco. 6s 0.00m, 1668 2093 GWYDIR.—History of the Gwydir Family by Sir John Wynne. SECOND EDITION, with Notes and Additions, 4to, plates and pedigrees, boards. 491. 5s Oswestry, 1878. 2094 HAWLEY (F.) Genealogy of the Royal Family, with Sketches of the Principal Characters, and Remarks on tho Principle of the Royal Succession. 12mo, cloth. 2s 1851 2095 HOVENDEN–Genealogical Memoranda relating to the Hovenden Family. Part I. 4to, privately printed. 5s 1872 2096 HOWARD PAPERS, with a Biographical Pedigree and Criticism, by H. K. S. Causton. Thick 8vo, cloth, 6s—half calf gilt, 9s 1862 Gives a full analysis of the history of this noble house, written in a popular and entertaining form. 36, Soho Square, London. 177 ; 2097 IRISH FAMILIES.—D'Alton's (John, Barrister-at-law, of Dublin) Illustrations, Historical and Genealogical, of the most Ancient FAMILIES of IRELAND (500) Members of which held Commis- sions in King James's Service in the War of the Revolution, wherein their respective Origin, Achievement, Forfeitures, and ultimate Destinies are set forth. 2 thick vols, 8vo. SECOND EDITION, pp. 1400, cloth. #1. Is 2098 KIP FAMILY.—Historical Notes of the Family of Kip of Kipsburg and Kip's Bay, New York. 8vo, privately printed, sewed. 4s 6d 1871 2099 LE NEWE's FASTI, being a regular Succession of all the Principal Dignitaries of every Cathedral, Collegiate Church or Chapel in England and Wales, the Prebendaries, Heads of each College or Hall. Folio, calf. £1.4s 1716 Interleaved and annotated with a mass of valuable additions ànd cor- rections. 2100 MARMYUN.—History of the Ancient Noble Family of Marmyun, and their singular office of King's Champion, by tenure of the Manor of Serivelsby, in Lincolnshire ; also their other tenures, by T. C. Banks, 4to, plates and pedigrees, boards. £1.4s 1810 2101 NICOLAS (N.H.) Memoir of Augustine Vincent, Windsor He- rald. 8vo, cloth. 3s I827 2102 O'GILWY (Gabriel) Nobiliaire de Normandie, procès vebaux du- rant les Grandes recherches de la noblesse en 1463, 1470, 1598, 1634, 1666, 1682, 1696, 1727, maintenus, condammations, et armoires, origines et genealogies, des familles eteintes et exis- tantes jusqu'a 1789. Vol I., all published, roy. 8vo. 5s 1864 2103 PAYNE and GORE.-Genealogy of the Payne and Gore Families, by W. H. Whitmore. 4to, portrait. 15s Boston, (U.S.) 1875 2104 PEMBROKE FAMILY—Creation and Successions of all such Earles of Pembroke as have been sithence the Conquest. Transcript about the middle of the last century from that compiled by Richard Tomlins of Denbighe in 1588, and brought down to 1621, 26 ieaves clearly written, and arms on each leaf, well co- lowred. Folio, old smooth red morocco. £10. 2105 RHODOCANAKI's (Prince) The Imperial Constantine Order of St. George, a Review of Modern Impostures and a Sketch of its True History, with Reply to a Criticism in the ‘Saturday Re- view’ on the Imperial House of Rhodocanakis, 2 vols, 4to, sewed. 5s 1870 2106 SCOTT FAMILY of Stokoe.—Pedigree, repaired from the original edition of 1783, with Introduction and Continuation by W. Rob- Son Scott. 8vo, half morocco. 6s 1852 2107 STIRLING.—Exposé des Poursuites Wexatoires et autres persecu- tions exercées par le Gouvernement Britannique et par nombre d'individus dans le but de perdre le Comte de Stirling, et de le dépouiller de ses droits legitimes, écrit par lui meme, suivi de la Genealogie des Comtes de Stirling, par Eph. Lockhart, 4to, large pedigree, boards. 8s 6d Lond, 1836 178 Alfred Russell Smith, 2108 STIRLING.—Narrative of the Oppressive Law Proceedings and other Measures Resorted to by the British Government and numerous private Individuals to overpower the EARL OF STIR- LING and Subvert his Lawful Rights, written by Himself, also a Genealogical Account of the Family of Alexander, Earls of Stir- ling, and View of their Hereditary Possessions in Nov A SCOTIA, CANADA, etc., by E. Lockhart. 4to, boards. 12s Privately printed, 1836 2109 HERALDRY of SMITH, being a Collection of the Arms borne by, or attributed to most Families of that Surname in Great I3ritain, Ireland, and Germany, compiled from the Harleian MSS. and other Authentic Sources, by H. SIDNEY GRAZEBROOK. Small 4to, elegantly printed in antique type by Whittingham. 15S 2110 HERALDRY of SMITH of Scotland, with Genealogical Annota- tions, by F. M. SMITH, Capt. R.N. 4to. 3s 6d Forming a supplement to H. S. Grazebrooks's Heraldry of Smith (the previous article). 2111 SPANISH FAMILIES.—Tabla de Blasones e gran parte de Las Ar- mas de Los Nobles e Hidalgos de Los Reynos de Castilla e de Los Reyes e Principes que ay Pord munds. A neatly written folio MS. in an old handwriting, calf meat. 9s ABOUT 1650 2112 SWORDFEAGER.— Case of the unfortunate Martha Sophia Swordfeager (natural daughter of Charles, Earl of Orrery) 4to, sewed. 5s. But few copies privately printed and never pub- lished - 1771 2113 TRESHAM.—Ruins of Liveden with Historical Notices of the FAMILY of TRESHAM and its connection with the Gunpowder Plot, with a Legendary Poem, by T. Bell, 4to, plates, Sewed, scarce. 9S 1847 2114 UMPREVILLE FAMILY, their Ancestors and Descendants. 4to, many cuts of arms, privately printed, morocco. 15s about 1853 2115 WILAS.–Genealogical History of the Descendants of Peter Vilas, compiled and edited by (467) C. H. Vilas. 8vo, portraits, pri- vately printed, cloth. 10s 6d Madison (Wis.) 1875 2116 WALDO and CHASE Families from the Registers of All Hallows, Bread Street. 4to, 2s 2117 WALES.—Annals and Antiquities of the Counties and County Families of Wales, by Thos. Nicholas. 2 vols, royal 8vo, mu- 'merous woodcuts, elegantly printed, cloth. £1.8s 1872 Contains many Amcient Pedigrees and Memorials of Old and extinct Families, brief notices of the Antiquities, Chief Estates, Rolls of High Sheriffs. 2118 WILTES.—On the History of Hereditary Dignities, particularly their Course of Descent and Forfeiture by Attainder, with spe- cial Reference to the Earldom of Wiltes, by W. F. Finlayson. 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d 1869 36, Soho Square, London. I79 IPEDIGIREES : 2118 BERRY's (W.) Pedigrees and Arms of the Nobility and Gentry of Hertfordshire. Folio (only 125 printed), boards. £1.15s (original price £3.10s). 2119 PEDIGREE.-The Sieze Quatiers Pedigree of Geo Wm. Frederick Howard, Seventh Earl of Carlisle, and of his Brothers and Sis- ters, a folio sheet, with 16 shields of arms, unpublished. 1s 6d The same of Sir Henry Maxwell, 7th Lord of Farnham. A folio sheet, with 16 shields of arms, unpublished. 1s 6d 2120 21.21 The same of Sir Hery Richard Paston Bedingfield, Bp. of - Oxburgh. A folio sheet, with 16 shields of arms, wripublished. ls 6d 2122 The same of Granville Geo. Levison Gower, 2nd Earl of Granville. A folio sheet, with 16 shields of arms, wrpublished. ls 6d 2123 TASWELL PEDIGREE, from the Visitation of London, 1664. 4to, 2 leaves. 1s 6d 2124 THOMSON PEDIGREE from the Records of the College of Arms. 2s 6d 2125 WARBURTON of Suffolk-Pedigree, from the Visitation of Suf- folk, edited by J. J. Howard. 2s Lowestoft, 1866 2126 BURKE's Roy AL DESCENTS. Roy. 8vo, 96 pedigrees of Families descended from the Kings and Queens of England. Half mor. gilt, 15s 1847 2127 COLLIER.—PEDIGREE of the Family of Collier, by R. S. Bod- dington. 4 leaves, 4to. PRIVATELY PRINTED. 2s 6d 1878 2128 DEVONSHIRE PEDIGREES, Recorded in the Heralds' Visita- tions of 1620, with Additions from the Harleian MSS., and the Printed Collections of Westcote and Pole, by John Tuckett. Twelve parts, all published. 4to. 491. 10s 1860 2129 DEVONSHIRE FAMILIES.—Westcote's View of Devonshire in 1630, with a Pedigree of most of its Gentry, edited by Rev. Geo. Oliver and Pitman Jones. Thick 4to, half morocco, gilt top, Scarce. £3. 3s - Exeter, 1845 2130 PEDIGREES of the County Families of Lancashire, compiled by Josh PH FosTER and authenticated by the members of Each Family. 4to, mumerous cuts of arms, cloth. £2. 15s Privately printed, 1873 2131 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES by Everard Green. 8vo, sewed. 4s 6d 1879 2132 LE NEWE's Pedigrees of the Knights made by Charles II., James II., William III., and Queen Mary, and William, and Queen Anne, Edited by G. W. Marshall. Thick roy. 8vo, cloth. 291. 15S Harleian Soc., 1873 2133 BRIDGER's (Charles) Index to the Printed Pedigrees of English Families contained in County and Local Histories, the Heralds’ Visitations,’ and in the more Important Geneological Collec- tions. Thick 8vo, cloth. 10s 6d I8O Alfred Russell Smith, 2134 PEDIGREES.—A Catalogue of Pedigrees hitherto Unindexed by G. W. MARSHALL. 8vo. 3s 6d 2135 INDEX to the Pedigrees contained in the Printed Heralds' Visi- tations, by G. W. Marshall. 8vo, privately printed, half bound. 4s 6d 1866 MISCELLANEOUS : 2136 ACCOUNT of the Controversy between Reginald Lord Grey of Ruthyn and Sir Edward Hastings, in the Court of Chivalry in the Reign of Henry III. Roy, 8vo, cloth, privately printed. 6s 6d 1841 2137 ACKWORTH SCHOOL (Quaker) List of the Boys and Girls ad- mitted into Ackworth School during 100 years from 1779 to 1879, containing thousands of names. Narrative of the Cente- nary, with History of the School and Life of Fothergill. 2 vols, 8vo, plates, cloth. 7s 6d I879 2138 BRIDGEMAN (Hon. and Rev. T. O.) History of the Princes of South Wales. Roy. 8vo, cloth. 21s Privately printed, 1876 2139 BROOKE's DISCOVERIE of certaine Errours in Camden's Britannia, 1594, very prejudicial to the Descentes and Successions of the aunciente Nobilitie of this Realme, with Camden’s Answer and Brooke's Reply, edited by John Anstis, Garter. In a volume, 4to, portrait of Brooke, half morocco. 12s 1723 2140 BRYDGES (Sir Egerton) Memoirs of the Peers of England during the Reign of James Ist. Vol 1, 8vo, all published, portraits and plates, boards. 8s 6d I802 2141 BURN (J. S.) FLEET REGISTERs, comprising the History of Fleet Marriages, and some account of the Parsons and Marriage- House Keepers, with Extracts from the Registers and Notices of the May Fair, Mint and Savoy Chapels, and an appendix rela- ting to Parochial Registration. 8vo, cloth. 8s 6d 1833 2142 BURN’s (J. S.) History of Parish Registers in England, and Re- gisters of Scotland, Ireland, the Colonies, Episcopal Chapels in and about London, the Geneva Register of the Protestant Refu- gees, with Biographical Notes, &c. Second Edition greatly enlarged. 8vo, cloth, 10s 6d 2143 CAPELL (Lady Eliz.) Funeral Serulon, with some brief Memo- rialls of her most Holy Life and Death, by E. BARKER, late her Chaplain, now Rector of Buriton in Hampshire. 4to, half mor. 5s I661 2144 CARLISLE's Enquiry into the Place and Quality of the Gentle- men of the Privy Chamber. Roy. 8vo, boards. 6s I829 2145 CATALOGUE of the Works on the Peerage and Baronetage of England, Scotland, and Ireland, in the Library of Sir Chas. Young. 8vo, PRIVATELY PRINTED, cloth. 15s 1827 2146 CHASSANT (Alp.) Les Nobles et les Vilains au temps passé, ou recherches critique sur la Noblesse et les Usurpations Nobiliaires —Nobiliana, Curiosités Nobiliaries et Héraldiques, 2 vols, 12mo, cloth, 98 1837–58 36, Soho Square, London. I8I 2147 CHARLES II.—Circumstancial Account of the Coronation of Charles II., including the Installation of Knights, Creation of Peers, from an original manuscript, by Sir Edward Walker, 1660. Roy. 8vo, plates, half calf. 5s I820 2148 EGLINTOUN (Alex., Earl of) Trial of Mungo Campbell for the Murder of the Earl of Eglintoun, with the Information. 8vo, map of the locality where the affair took place, sewed. 2s 6d 1770 2149 EXCHEQUER.--Ancient Kalendars and Inventories of the Exchequer Treasury, with other Documents illustrating the his- tory of that depository, by Sir Francis Palgrave. 3 vols, royal 8vo, facsimiles, cloth. £1.5s 1836 2150 FIFE.-Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Men of Fife of Past and Present Times, Natives"of the County or connected with it, by M. F. CoNoLLY. Thick 8vo, cloth. 6s 6d 1866 2151 FENTON's Tour in quest of Genealogy through Wales, Somerset, and Wilts, with curious fragments from a manuscript collection ascribed to Shakespeare. 8vo, plates, boards. 6s 1811 2152 HAMPSON (R.T.) Origines Patricia, a Deduction of European Titles of Nobility and Dignities from their Primitive Sources. 8vo, boards. 5s 1846 2153 HANDBOOK to the Topography and Family History of England and Wales, being a descriptive catalogue of twenty thousand books, tracts, Ancient Manuscripts, and privately printed Family Papers, by J. C. Hotten. 8vo, new half morocco. 6s 1860 2154 HER MAJESTY's Reasons for creating the Electoral Prince of Hanover, Duke of Cambridge, 1712–Reasons for creating Robert Harley a Peer, 1711–Preambles to the Patents for creat- ing the Peerages of Lewisham, Wentworth, Tamworth, Massam, and Halifax. In a volume, 4to, half morocco. 5s 2155 KALENDARS of Gwyn EDD, Chronological Lists of Lords-Lieu- tenant, Custodes Rotulorum, Sheriffs, and Knights for the Shire for Anglesey, Caernarvon and Meriometh, Conway and Harlech, by Edw. Breese, with Notes, by W. Watkin Wynne. 4to, cloth. 31. 10s 1873 2156 LAURENCE (Sir James) On the Nobility of the British Gentry, or the Political Ranks and Dignities of the British Empire com- pared with those on the Continent. 12mo, cloth. 3s 1840 2157 MISCELLANEA GENEALOGICA. Some odd parts of Wol I. ls each 215.8 MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS of the British West Indies from the earliest date, with genealogical and historical annotations on the genealogies of the Seventeenth Century, Peerages, Baronet- ages, &c., by Capt. J. H. Laurence Archer. Thick 4to, many cuts of arms, cloth, fl. 1s (pub £2, 2s) 1875 2159 NAMES of all the Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials, which have been solemnized in the Private Chapel, Somerset House, 1714 to 1776, with Index and Genealogical Notes. 8vo. 3s 6d 1862 I 82 Alfred Russell Smith, 2160 OLDEN TIME IN NEw York, by H. J. Kip.–1. New York Society in Olden Time—2. Traces of American Lineage in Eng- land. Small 4to, ONLY 200 COPIES PRINTED, plates, cloth. 12s New York, 1872 2161 PICKEN (A.) Traditionary Stories of Old Families and Legendary Illustrations of Family History, with Notes, Historical, and Biographical. 2 vols, post 8vo, half morocco. 9s 6d 1833 2162 PRIWY Councillors and their Precedence (query by Sir C. J. Young.) 8vo, privately printed. 3s 1860 2163 REGISTERS of ECCLESFIELD PARISH CHURCH, Yorkshire, from 1558 to 1619, also the Churchwardens’ Accounts from 1520 to 1546, annotated by Alfred Scott Gatty. 4to, frontispiece. 12s. 1878 2164 REGISTER of Marriages, Christenings, and Burials of St. Dionis Backchurch, London, 1538 to 1754, edited by J. L. Chester. Roy. 8vo, cloth. 491. 5s Harleian Soc., 1878 2165 REPERTOR1E of Records remaining in the Treasuries at West- minster, the Exchequer, Index to those in Chancery and the Tower, and a Calendar of those in the Tower, comprising what- ever may give satisfaction to the Searcher for Tenure or Title. 4to, half morocco. 6s 6d 1631 2166 ROMANCE of the Peerage, or Curiosities of Family History, by G. L. Craik. 4 vols, post 8vo, portraits, cloth. 42. 2s 1848 Earl of Essex—Sir Robt. Dudley–Bess of Hardwick and the Talbots — Queen Ann Boleyn—Lady Devereaux—the Old Percies—Last of the JRuthvens—Earl of Cork—The Bouveries—The Ducal Osbornes—Anne Clifford—Amr, of Buccleugh, and other celebrated Families. 2167 SHERIFFS of CARDIGANSHIRE (The) from 1539 to 1868, with Genealogical and Historical Notes, by J. Roland Philips. 8vo, cloth. 9s 6d Carmarthen, 1868 2168 SURNAMES.—Bardsley (C.W.) English Surnames, their Sources and Significations. Thick post 8vo, BEST EDITION, cloth. 5s 1875 2169 SURNAMES.—Bowditch (N.J.) Suffolk (New England) Surnames Thick 8vo, Third and best edition, cloth. 12s 186], 2170 LOWER's (M. A.) English Surnames; an Essay on Family Nomenclature, Historical, Etymological, and Humorous, with several Illustrative Appendices. THE FOURTH EDITION ENLAR- GED, 2 vols, cr. 8vo, cloth. 12S 1875 2171 THE PARLIAMENTS and Councils of England, chronologically arranged, from the reign of William I. to the Revolution in 1688, by C. H. Parry. Thick 8vo, cloth. 12s 1839 2172 WAUGHAN (Robert) The Soveraignty of three Princes of Wales in Ancient Times, with the Pedigree of the Earl of Carbery, and an account of the Five Royal Tribes, 4to, cloth. 7s 6d Bala, 1834 36, Soho Square, London. 183 2.173 WJESTMINSTER SCHOLARS.—List of the Scholars of Westmin- ster elected to Ch. Ch. College, Oxford, and Trinity College, Cambridge, from the Foundation by Queen Elizabeth, 1561, to the present Time, with a list of the Deans of Westminster, Christ Church College, Oxford, Masters of Trinity College, Cambridge, and of Westminster School, collected by Jos. Welch. 4to, inter- leaved with numerous additions in M.S., boards. 9s 1788. 2174 WATSON's Gentleman's and Citizen's Aimanack, for Ireland Dublin, 1791—Exshaw's English Registry for 1791, Dublin. In a volume, 12mo, calf. 2s IPEERAGE CASES. Their value to the Genealogist can hardly be over estimated, as they contain proved evidence and pedigrees of the utmost importance to be fownd only in these Cases. 2175 AIRTH.-Evidence of Robert Barclay Allardice, claiming to be Earl of Airth. Folio, pedigree. 9s 6d 1839, 2176 ANNANDALE.-The whole of the Cases, Appendices, and Evi- dences down to 1879, on this long and important case, compris- ing a mass of papers of nearly 1200 pages. £2.2s 2177. ANNESLEY. —Evidence on the petition of the Earl of Annesley to vote at the election of Peers. First part, folio. 2s 6d 1855. 2178 ASHBY DIvoRCE CASE.-Evidence on the Second Reading of the Bill. Folio, sewed. 9s 1850. 2179 AYLMER.—Case of Lord Aylmer, Baron de Balrath, Co. Meath, on his claim to vote at the election of Peers. Folio, pedigree. 5s 1859 2180 BALFOUR.—Evidence of Robert Bruce of Kennet, Co. Clack- mammon, claiming to be Lord Balfour. Thick folio, pedigrees, déc. 10s 1861. 2181 BERKELEY.-Evidence on the petition of W. Fitzhardinge |Berkeley, to the Barony of Berkeley, Gloucr., also Authorities and Precedents, COMPLETE. In four parts, comprising 800 pages, pedigrees, folio. £1. 10s 1829–1862. 2182 BERKELEY CASE.—Minutes of Evidence on the Claim. Fac- simile, 8vo. 6s 18ll, 2183 BRAYE.—Case of Sarah Otway Cave, of Leicester, and Sir Perci- val. Hart Dyke, of Lullingstone, Kent, claiming the Barony of Braye, with Minutes of Evidence. Folio, with MS. motes by a Member of the College of Arms, in 1 vol, boards. 18s 1835–6 2184 BUCHAN.—Case of Sir Colin Mackenzie of Kilcoy, on his claim. to the title of Earl of Bucham and Lord Auchterhouse. Folio, pedigree. 5s about 1840. 2185 CRAWFURD Case, and Evidence. Folio, pedigree. 5s about 1860. 2186 DE SCALE'S EVUDENCE on the Petition of Sir Chas. Robert Tempest claiming the Barony. Thick folio, half calf. 12s. 1857. I84 Alfred Russell Smith, 2187 D'ESTE-Case of Aug. F. D. Este, claiming the Dukedom of - Sussex. Folio. 3s 6d 1843 2188 DEVON PEERAGE.-Report of Proceedings on the Claim to the Earldom of Devon, with Notes and Appendix by Sir Harris Nicolas. 8vo, pedigree, cloth. 12s I832 2189 DOUGLAS CASE.-The Case of Archibald Douglas against the Duke of Hamilton, Lord Douglas Hamilton, Sir Hew Dalrymple, and others in the House of Lords, 1769. 4to, pedigrees and fac- similes, calf meat. 10s 6d 1769 2190 DOWNE.—Evidence on the petition of Wiscount Downe to vote at the elections of Peers. Folio. 3s 1871 2191 DUNBOYNE.—Case of Theobald F. Butler. 14th Baron of Dunboyne on his claim to the title of Baron of Dunboyne. Folio, pedigree. 5s I858 2.192 DUNDONALD.—Case of Lord Dundonald, and Evidence of Wm. Jackson. Two parts, folio, pedigree. 4s 6d I862 2193 DYCE-SOMBRE CASE.-Dyce-Sombre against Troup, Solaroli, and Prinsep, and the Hon. East India Company in the goods of David Ochterlony Dyce-Sombre, deceased.—A compIETE SET, of all the Pleadings, Answers, Minutes, Depositions, &c., in this extraordinary will case. Comprised in two large folio volumes, collected by J. H. Pitcher, Proctor for Mrs. Troupe, and Baroness Solaroli, half calf. :#1. 4s 1851 to — 2194 FERMOY.—Evidence of Baron Fermoy claiming to vote at the election of Peers. Folio. 3s 1865 2195 GORDON.—CASE and Evidence of John Campbell, Earl of Aber- deen. Folio, half calf. 12s 6d 1872 2.196 GRANDISON. — Case and EVIDENCE on Behalf of Sir H. P. Bedingfield claiming to be a Co-Heir of the Barony. Thick folio, folding pedigrees, half calf. 16s 1854 2197 GRIMSTON.—Evidence of Wiscount Grimston claiming to vote at the election of Peers. Folio. 3s 6d ~~ 1860 2198 HUNTINGDON PEERAGE, comprising a Detailed account of the |Evidence and Proceedings connected with the Recent Restora- tion of the Earldom, with a Genealogical and Biographical History of the Illustrious House of Hastings, including a Memoir of the Present Earl and his Family, by H. N. Bell. 4to, portrait, half morocco. 8s 6d I821 2199 HUNTLY.—Evidence of the Earl of Aboyne, stating his claim to be Marquis of Huntly. Three parts, folio. 5s 1838 2200 L’ISLE BARONY.—Report of Proceedings on the claim to the Barony of L'Isle, with Notes and Appendix, containing the cases of Abergavenny, Botetourt, and Berkeley, and observations on Baronies by Tenure, by Sir Harris Nicolas. 8vo, pedigree, boards. 12s 1829 36, Soho Square, London. I85 2202 LINDSAY.—Evidence of Sir John Trotter Bethune, claiming the Earldom of Lindsay. Six parts, complete, including the Wer- dict. Folio, 254 pages. 10s 1877 2203 DE L'ISLE.—Evidence of Sir J. S. Sidney, claiming the Barony of De L'Isle. Folio (wants verdict). 5s 1824 2204 MAR.—Case of the Earl of Mar claiming the title of Earl of Kellie. Folio. 2s 6d 1828 2205 MARCHMONT—Case of Hugh Hume Campbell only. Folio, large pedigree, mounted on limen, half morocco. 10s 1843 2206 MARCHMONT.—Four separate cases of Alex. Home, Additional Case, and Case of Sir H. H. Campbell, claiming the Marchmont Peerage. Folio, very large pedigrees, half morocco. £1.4s 1820–43 2207 MONTROSE,--Case of the Duke of the Duke of Montrose against that of the Earl of Crawford.—Supplemental Case of the Earl of Crawford.—Supplemental Case of the Duke of Montrose.— Abstracts of Cases and Analysis of Evidence. 3 vols, folio, and 3 vols, 8vo. 18s 6d 1847, &c. 2208 MONTROSE,--Abstract of the Supplemental Case of Earl of Crawford and Balcarres. 8vo, pedigree, Sewed. 3s 6d I852 2209 MOWBRAY-Evidence on the petition of Lord Stourton, Wilts, to the Barony of Mowbray. Thick folio. 15s 1876 2210 MOWBRAY-Another petition of Lord Stourton's to the Baronies of Mowbray and Seagrave. Folio. 5s 1877 2211 NEWBURGH.—Case of Thomas Eyre.—Case of Cecilia Princess Giustiani.-Supplemental Case.—Evidence. Pedigrees. 12s. 1857 2212 POLWARTH.—Case of Hugh Scott, Dame Anne Anstruther, and Evidence, claiming the Barony of Polwarth. Folio, pedigree. 10s 6d 1818–31 2213 RADNOR.—Case of John Wanden Bemde, Esq., and Sir J. Rotheram v. The Countess of Radnor. Folio, 2 leaves. 2s 6d 1697 2214 ROXBURGHE.-Case of Sir James Innes Ker.—Additional Case —Supplementary Case. Folio, pedigrees. 15s 1808 2215 RUTLAND.—Case of the Applelants and Respondents, Guardians of the Duke of Rutland, against Wm. Wakeman and Vincent Eyre, respecting the Manor of Eastwell, Co. Leiscester. Folio, pedigree of Rowland Eyre. 5s 1798 2216 SOUTHESK. —Claim of Sir Jas. Carnegie claiming the title of Earl of Southesk-Supplementary Case.—Evidence, 1848–Act of Restitution.—Evidence, 1861. In a volume, folio, pedigrees, half calf. £1. 1s 2217 TAAFFE-CASE of C. R. J. F. Clement, on his claim to the titles of Wiscount Taaffe of Torren and Ballymote; and EVIDENCE. Folio, pedigrees. 7s 6d 1856–7 I86 Alfred Russell Smith, 2218 TRACY. —Case of Lieut. Tracy claiming the Barony of Rath- coole, Ireland. Folio, large pedigree, boards. 5s - 1853 2219 WAUX.—Evidence on the claim of Geo. Mostyn and E. B. Har- topp, as co-heirs to the Barony of Vaux, of Harrowden. Folio. 9s 6d 1836 2220 WENTWORTH. – Evidence on the petition of Ralph G. N. Milbanke, claiming the Barony of Wentworth. Folio. 5s 1863 2221 WICKLOW (Earl of) Claim to Vote at the Elections of Represen- tative Peers for Ireland. EvLDENCE. Thick folio, half calf. I5s 1869–70 2222 WICKLOW.—Case of the Earl of Wicklow, claiming to vote as the Earl of Wicklow at the election of Peers, 4to, pedigree. 5s 1869 2223 ZOUCHE.-Evidence on the claim of Sir Cecil Bishopp of Par- ham, Sussex, to the Barony of Zouche of Haryngworth. Folio (wants the verdict). 6s 6d 1804 2224 HERBERT (Hon. Algernon) Britannia after the Romans, an Attempt to illustrate the Religious and Political Revolutions of Britain in the Fifth and succeeding Centuries. 3 vols in 1, 4to, only 250 copies printed, half morocco. £1. 10s 1841 Illustrates one of the most obscure portions of human history, and endeavours to reduce the various myths of King Arthur, Merlin, Ambro- sius, and other Bardic Heroes to historic facts. 2225 HERBERT (George) The Temple, Sacred Poems, and Drivate Ejaculations. Third edition (early aud rare). 12mo, meat. 12S 1634 2226 HERBERT (George) Remains. Thick 12mo, cloth. 3s Pickering, 1848 2227 HERCULANEUM.—The Antiquities of Herculaneum, by Thos. Martin and John Lettice. Roy. 4to, 50 fine plates, calf mewly gilt, Scarce. 15S 1773 2228 HERE AND THERE IN LONDON, by J. E. Ritchie, 12mo, cloth. 2s 6d 1859 House of Commons—Exeter Hall—Vauxhall Gardens—Penny Gaff— Rag Fair—Stock Exchange—London Hospital—An Omnibus Yard— Paternoster Row—and other interesting places. - HEREFORDSHIRE. 2229 COLLECTIONS towards the History and Antiquities of the County of Hereford, by JoHN DUNCUMB, 2 vols, 4to, map and plates, boards. £3. 3s Hereford, 1804 Never completed, this copy ends on page 318. 2230 CARD's (Rev. Dr.) Dissertations on the Herefordshire Beacon. 12mo, folding plates, boards. 2s - 1822 36, Soho Square, London. 187 2231 DEW LIN (J. Dacres) Helps to Hereford History, Civil and Legend- ary, in an Ancient Account of the Cordwainers' Com- pany of the City, the Mordiford Dragon, and other Subjects. 12mo (a curious vol) cloth. 3s 6d 2232 FOSBROKE's Wye Tour, or Gilpin on the Wye, with picturesque additions and archaeological illustrations, with an account of Ross, tour of a German Prince, and Goodrich Court. 12mo, plates. 2s Ross, 1837 2233 LEOMINSTER and its Vicinity, Historical and Topographical Account, with an Appendix, by John Price. 8vo, frontispiece, cloth. 9s 6d Ludlow, 1795 2234 IRELAND’s Picturesque Views on the Wye, from its source on Plinlimmon to its junction with the Severn at Chepstow. 8vo, many fine aquatint plates, calf gilt. 12s 1797 2235 THE GLEANER, or the Hereford Album. (All local pieces.) 12mo, boards, scarce. 2s 6d 1826 2236 £erttiſg, Catalogus Hereticorum olim pene, qui ad hoc usque tempora passim litteratum monumentis, pedili sunt, illorum nova errores, estempora quibus vixerunt oftedesque Bernard Lutzenburg. 12mo, woodcut border to title and whole page woodcut, 36|actº ſetter, new vellum. 9s 6d 1526 2237 HERMANN (Prof. Chas. Fred.) Manual of the Political Antiquities of Greece historically considered, translated from the German. 8vo, bds. 4s 0…ford, 1836 2238 HERO of ALEXANDRIA, his Pneumatics, translated from the Original Greek by Bennet Woodcroft. 4to, many dia- grams, cloth. 4s 6d 1851 2239 HERRING's TALE (A), containing a Poetical Fiction of divers matters worthie the reading, 4to, 2 last leaves supplied by a more modern reprint, morocco. #2. 10s Matthew Lownes, 1598 A volume of extraordinary rarity. It appears to allude to some dispute between the eminent characters of Elizabeth's reign, and allusions are made to the writings of Spenser and Sydney. This copy sold for £5 at Caldicott's sale, Bright's for £7.7s, and Sir Francis Freeling's, £7. 10s. 2240 #trol,0tug.—The Famous History of Herodotus, conteyning the Discourse of Dyuers Countreys, the succession of theyr Kyngs, the Actes and Exploytes atcheiued by them, the Lawes and Customes of every Nation, with the true Description and Antiquitie of the same. 4to, 33iacá ÍLetter, engraved title, wellum. £1.5s I584 2241 HERODOTI Historiarum libri 9, Gr. et Lat., interpre- tatione Laurent. Wallae, industria Jacob. Gronovius. Thick folio, jrontispiece and folding plate, fine old copy in vellum, with arms in gold on sides. 4s 6d Iºwa. Bat, 1715 I88 Alfred Russell Smith, 2242 HERODOTUS, translated by Beloe, with Notes. 2 vols, roy. 8vo, boards. 4s 6d 1819 IIIBRTFORDSHIRE. 2243 BERRY's Pedigrees and Arms of the Nobility and Gentry of Hertfordshire. Folio (only 126 printed), bds. £1.15s (original price £3, 10s) O 1844 2244 POST OFFICE DIRECTORY for the Six Home Counties, Essex, Herts, Middlesex, Kent, Surrey, and Sussex. Very thick roy. 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d. 1867—LATER EDITION, 1870. 7s 6d 22.45 REGISTER of Persons entitled to vote for Members of Parliament for the County of Hertford. Thick 4to, 10s 6d I878 Not a Poll Book, but list of persons who have the right of voting, their residences, qualifications, where their property is situate, and its value. 2246 HITCHIN.—Handbook to Hitchin and Neighbourhood, by C. Bishop. 12mo, 6d Hitchin, 1875 2247 ST. ALBANS.—History of Verulam and St. Albans, also the pre- * sent state of the Town and Abbey, Churches, Buildings, and Ruins. 12mo, plates, boards. 3s St. Albans, 1815 Describes many Monuments and singular antiquities. 2248 ST. ALBANS ABBEY, some extracts from its early history, and Description of the Conventual Church. (A capital handbook.) 8vo, plates. 2s 1856 2249 HIGHWAY ROBBERY.—A True Relation of the Unjust Accusa- tion of Certain French Gentlemen (charged with a Robbery, near Hatfield, of which they were most Innocent), by DENzii, LORD HOLLES. 4to, curious and Scarce, half morocco. 7s 6d 1671 2250 HERVEY (Rev. Jas.) Theron and Aspasio, a Series of Dialogues and Letters on the most Interesting Subjects, 3 vols, royal 8vo, LARGE PAPER, calf meat. 7s 6d 1754 2251 HERVEY (Mrs.) Amabel, or Memoirs of a Woman of Fashion. 4 vols, post 8vo, half calf meat. 3s 6d 1814 2252 HEYLIN (Peter) Cosmographie, containing the Choro- graphie and History of the whole World, and all the principal Kingdoms, Provinces, Seas, and Isles thereof. Thick folio, fine engraved frontispiece and folding map, including that of America, calf meat. 12s 1669. 2253 HEYLIN (Peter) Cosmographie, contayning the Choro- graphie and Historie of the whole World, including AMERICA. Thick folio, no map of Europe, but has those of Asia, Africa, and America, calf meat. 7s 6d 1666 2254 HEYWOOD (Thos.) Life of MERLIN, his Prophecies and Predictions Interpreted and their Truth made good by our English Annals, being a History of all the Kings from Brute to º I. 4to, no frontispiece, and wants last leaf of contents. 3s 6 1641 36, Soho Square, London. I89 2255 HIGGINS (Godfrey) The Celtic Druids, or an Attempt to Shew that the Druids were the Priests of Oriental Colonies, who Emigrated from India, and were the Introducers of the First or Cadmean System of Letters, and the Builders of Stone- henge and of other Cyclopaean Works in Asia and Europe, 4to, numerous fine folding plates, cloth. £4.4s 1829 2256 HIGH GERMAN DOCTOR (The), with many Additions and Alterations and an Explanatory Index. 2 vols, 12mo, meat. 6s—new calf extra, yellow edges. 9s 6d 1722 Written by Philip Horneck, who is very deservedly stigmatized by Pope in the Dunciad. 2257 HIGHMORE’s History of the Design and Present State of the PUBLIC CHARITIES in and near London, 1814.—View of the Charitable Institutions of London during the last twelve years, 1822. 2 thick vols, post 8vo, half calf. 6s 6d 2258 HILL (Aaron) Works, consisting of his Letters to Wilks, Cibber, Pope, and others, Original Poems, and Essay on the ART of ACTING. 4 vols, 8vo, calf meat. 4s 6d 1754 2259 HINDOO ARCHITECTURE.-Essay on the Architecture of the Hindus, by Ram Raz, 4to, 48 fine plates, half calf meat. 14s 1834 2260 HINDOO LITERATURE, Specimens of, consisting of Translations, with Explanatory Notes by N. E. Kindersley. 8vo, meat. 2s 6d 1794 2261 HINDOOS.— Essay on the Habits, Character and Moral Improvement of the Hindoos. 8vo, calf meat. 3s 1823 2262 HISTORIA ANGLICANAE, circa tempus Conquesta An- gliae a Gulielmo Normannorum Duce, SELECTA MONUMENTA, excerpta ex magno volumine “Hist. Normanmorum Scriptores Antiqui,” cum notis, plurimis Anglice sermone, a FRANCISCO MASERES, 4to, boards. 14s 1807 Contains valuable information relative to the state of England, before and after the Conquest, also long lists of Norman Knights flourishing in England, the Counts and their tenures, with pedigrees. Dugdale was greatly indebted to the “Hist. Normanorum ” when compiling his Baronage. 2263 HISTORIAN's GUIDE.-I. The Recovery of Lost Time, being a Chronology of the World—II. England's Remembrancer, and Account of Battles, Sieges, Exploits, etc., in Great Britain, 1669 to 1675, 12mo, calf, curious. 2s 6d 1676 2264 HISTORICAL and Literary Curiosities, by C. J. Smith. Thick 4to, half morocco. £1, 18s 1840 Consists of facsimiles cf Original Documents, scenes of remarkable events and localities, birth, places, residences, portraits and monuments, reliques and antiquities of eminent British Literary Characters. This book contains hours of entertainment. 13 I90 A/fred Russell Smith, 2265 HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS.—Third Report of the Royal Commission. Folio, sewed. 6s 1872 2266 HISTORY of VALENTINE and ORSON, the Two Sons of the Emperour of Greece, newly Corrected and Amended, with New Pictures, lively expressing the History. 4to, corner gone from one leaf, otherwise perfect, curious woodcuts, half calf. 18s B. Tracey, at the Three Bibles, on London Bridge, 1712 2267 HISTORY of the Union of the Four Famous Kingdoms of England, Wales, Scotland. and Ireland, by a Lover of Truth and his Country (M. H.) 12mo, Jolley's copy, calf meat, a scarce little volume. 8s 6d 1660 2268 HOBBES (Thomas, of Malmesbury) Letter about Liberty and Necessity, written to the Duke of Newcastle, with Observa- tions on it by Benjamin Laney, Bp. of Ely. 12mo, meat. 4s 1677 2269 HOG (Thomas) Laudate Pueri Dominum, Hymns for my Children, (Roman Catholic), 12mo, woodcuts, cloth. 3s 6d I842 2270 HOGARTH.-Biographical Anecdotes of him and a Catalogue of his Works, with Occasional Remarks. 8vo, new half morocco. 4s 6d 1781 2271 HOGARTH.-Clavis Hogarthiana, or Illustrations of Hogarth, from Passages in Authors he Never Read and could not Understand, by the Rev. F. Ferriar. 2nd edition. 2s 1817 2272 HOGENBERG.—The Procession of POPE CLEMENT WII. and the EMPEROR CHARLES V., after the Coronation at Bologna, Feb. 24, 1530, designed and engraved by NICHOLAs Hog ENBERG. Now reproduced in facsimile, with an Historical Introduction by Sir William Stirling Maxwell. Large folio, half morocco. £6. I875 One of the most sumptuous works of the time; there are 40 splendid plates, and the letterpress is done in the most charming way in red and black, interspersed with woodcuts, But 230 copies were printed and the whole of the impression was rapidly exhausted. 2273 HOG-FACED LADY-A certain Relation of a Hog- faced Gentlewoman called Mistris Tanakin Skinker, who was born at Whirkham, on the Rhyne, who was bewitched in her Mother's Womb in the year 1618,and hath lived since unknown, and can never recover her true shape till she be married. The exceedingly rare ORIGINAL EDITION, unfortunately the top line is cut from title and the head lines cut away. 4to, singular woodcut on title, half morocco. 291.8s 1680 2274 HOGG (James, the Ettrick Shepherd) Pilgrims of the Sun, a Poem. FIRST EDITION, 8vo, calf meat. 6s 6d 1815 36, Soho Square, London. I9 I HOGG (James, the Ettrick Shepherd) The Pilgrims of the Sun, a Poem. FIRST EDITION, 8vo, half morocco. 9s 1815 HOGG (James, the Ettrick Shepherd) Mador of the Moor, a Poem. FIRST EDITION, 8vo, boards. 5s Edinb., 1816 HOGG (James, the Ettrick Shepherd) Queen Hynde, a Poem. Thick 8vo, FIRST EDITION, boards, uncut. 5s London, 1825 HOGG (James, the Ettrick Shepherd) The Queen's Wake, a Legendary Poem. 8vo, calf gilt. 3s 6d Bdimb., 1819 HOLBEIN's DANCE OF DEATH, with descriptions to each plate in French and English. Small 4to, plates etched hiſ Deuchar, new half morocco, gilt edges. 16s 1803 HOLBEIN.—The Fall of Man, by Albrecht Altdorfer, edited by Alfred Aspland, with an Introduction by Wm. Bell Scott. Small 4to, 40 fine facsimile plates of Holbein’s cuts, cloth. 7s 6d 1876 HOLLAR.—The Kingdome of England and Principality of Wales exactly Described, with every Sheere and the small Towns in every one of them. In 6 mappes, portable for every aman's pocket, 8vo, meat. £4 4s - Printed and sold by John Garrett at the South Enfrance of the Royal Exchange in London, N.D. Of the greatest rarity, especially with the title page. The maps are angraved by the famous W. Hollar, and are of folio size. In this copy they are folded into oblong 8vo. This curious set of maps is known as the “Quartermaster's maps,” having been originally engraved for use in the Parliamentary Army in the Civil War. HOLLAND-Barneval's Apology, or Holland Mystery, with Marginal Castigations, 4to, half calf, scarce. 7s 6d 1618 HOLLAND.—The Deputies of the Republick of Am- sterdam to the States of Holland convicted of High Treason. 4to, new half morocco. 4s 1684 HOLLANI).—Den Hollantschen Apocalypsin Vrijmoe- delijek vytgheleet ende veermeerdert door Pambonen Vreim- undima. 4to, woodcut on title, half calf, Duke of Sussex's copy. 5s Nieustadt, lé26 HOLT (Mrs.) A Fairy Table, inscribed to the Hon. W.—, and other Poems. 8vo, old crimson morocco ectra. 5s 1717 HOLTANS (P. D.) Wanderings of a Journeyman Tailor through Europe and the East during the Years 1824 to Isº translated from the German by W.M. HowITT, 12mo, portrail, ovew half morocco. 7s 6d - 1843 I92 A/fred Russell Smith, 2287 £nlp 35ull (The) and Crusado of Rome for all those which desire full Pardon and Indulgence of their Sinnes, and that for a little Money, to weete, for two Spanish lüealls, viz. Thirteene pence. 4to, black letter, calf gilt. £4. 4s John Wolfe, 1588 With a declaration founde in the Armado of Spaine, of the prowde presumption of the Spaniard, which through the instigation of the afore- said Bulle hath taken in hand the setting forth of the invincible Army out of Portingale, which Armado is come to confusion through the hand of the Almighty. 2288 HOJ_Y ROMAN EMPIRE-Account of the Establishment of the Roman Empire in Germany, Gregory the Vth's Constitu- tion, the Disputed Elections for Emperor, the Intrigues, Popes deposed by Emperors, and the Famous Golden Bull of the Em- peror Charles 1 V., with Notes never before published in English. 8vo, half morocco. 4s 1745, 2289 HOME (John) History of the Rebellion in 1745. 4to, map and plants of battles, calf meat. 12s 1802 2290 HOMES of ENGLAND.—Hall (S. C.) The Baronial Halls and Picturesque Edifices of England, from 191awings by Catter- Imole, Prout, Harding, and other eminent Artists. Second edi- tion. 2 vols, royal 4to, many fine plates and cuts, hulf morocco. £2. 15S 2291 HOMER, a Burlesque translation in Verse, by Thomas Bridges. 2 vols, HUMOROUS PLATEs, calf very neut, scarce. £1. 4s 17 (), Best edition of this highly entertaining and humorous book. 2292 #0 milieg.—The Second Tome of Homelyes of such Matters as were promised and Intituled in the former part of Homeleyes, Set out by the Authoritie of the Queens' Majestie and to be read in every Parishe Churche Agreablye. 4to, FIRST EDITION, black letter, (wants 2 leaves and Table at end), VERY SCARCE, meat. 491. 1563 2293 #0milies.—The SECOND TOME of HOMILIES, set out by the Queenes Maiestie and to be read in every Paryshe Churche agreablie. 4to, black letter, large and clean copy in new calf eactra. 294. 4s Jugge and Cawood, 1567 2294 #30 milies.-Postill or exposition of the Gospels that are usually read in the Churches upon Sundayes and Saints dayes, by Nich. Heminge, translated by ARTHUR GOLDING. 4to, black letter, new morocco, gilt edges. £1.4s 1569 2295 #30 milieg, A Postill of certeyne Epistles usually read in Churches, translated from the Latin of DAVID CHYTRAEUS by ARTHUR GOLDYNG, 4to, calf meat. 491. 15s 1577 36, Soho Square, London. I93 2296 #30milieg, A Postil or orderly disposing of certeine 2301 Epistles usually read in the Churches, Translated from the Latin of David Chytraeus by ARTHUR GoLDING, 4to, black letter, A MAGNIFICENT copy as clean and large as when it came from the press, blue morocco extra. £5.5s 1570 #0milies. – Certaine Sermons appointed by the Queenes Maiestie to be declared and read, by all Parsons, Vicars and Curates, every Sunday and Holy-day in their Churches. (First Book). 4to, blacſ: Ictice, one leaf cut close, contem- porary crimson morocco, with arms and coronet in gold on both sides, and monogram on back. £1. 10s 1587 390 milies. – Certaine Sermons appointed by the Queen's Majestie to be declared and read by all Parsons, Vicars and Curates every Sunday and Holy-day in their Churches. Thick 4to, filacſ: letter, fine copy in the original stamped leather and oak binding. £5. 5s Edward Allde, 1595 This edition contains the whole of both ‘tomes of Homilies, at the end is a Thanksgiving for the suppression of the last rebellion. #0 milies.—Three Sermons or Homelies to moove Compassion towards the Poore and needie in these times, set foorth by Authoritie. 4to, blact: Ictfcº. 15s J. Windet, 1596 #20 milieg.——33rron (Ibomag) A New Postil, conteyning most Godly and Learned Sermons upon all Sunday Gospels that be Redde to the Church throughout the year. Very thick 4to of 400 pp., black Letter, half calf. 421. 10s Thomas Marsh, 1566 HOOK (W. F., Dean of Chichester) Lives of the Arch- bishop of Canterbury. Wols 1 to 8, 8 vols, 8vo, calf extra, full gilt backs. £5. 1861 The other vols conla be bound to match. 2302 HOOKER's Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity, with several 2303 2304 other treatises of the same author and Life by Isaac Walton. Folio, portrait by Faithorne, half calf. 5s 1705 HOPE (Beresford) The English Cathedral of the Nine- teenth Century. 8vo, plates and woodcuts, cloth. 6s (pub 12s) I861 HOPTON (Arthur) A Concordancy of Years, contain- ing a new Easie and most Exact computation of Time according to the English Account, also the use of the English and Roman Kalendar, with briefe Notes, Rules, and Tables, as well Mathe- matical and Legal, as Vulgar for each Private Man's Occasion- 8vo, panelled calf extra. 15s 1615 A very curious book, contains much topographical matter relating to England. I94. Alfred Russell Smith, 2305 HORNE's Biblical Bibliography, a methodical Cata- logue of the principal editions and versions of the Scriptures, with notices of the Philologers, Critics and Interpreters. 8vo, mew half calf, scarce. 12s 1839 Forms a Supplement to his Introduction to the Scriptures. 2306 HORTUS Graminaeus Woburmensis, the result of experiments on the produce and nutritive qualities of food used for the more valuable domestic animals, instituted by the Duke of Bedford. Roy. 8vo, many coloured plates, half calf. 5s 1824 2307 HOW to make MONEY.—Practical Treatise on Business, or how to get money, with the chances of success and causes of failure, by E. T. Freedley, 8vo, cloth. 3s 1843 2308 HOWARD (Hon. Edward) The British Princes, an Heroick Poem. 12mo, fine copy in calf gilt. 16s 1669 2309 HOWE. —- Barrow (Sir John) Life of Lord Howe, Admiral of the Fleet, &c. 8vo, portrait, cloth. 4s 1838 2310 HOWELL (Jas) Epistolæ Ho-Eliance, Familiar Letters, Domestic and Foreign, divided into Sections, partly Historical, Political and Phylosophical. FIRST EDITION, 4to, fine from tis- piece by Marshall, containing portrait of the Author, calf. £1.15s 1645. 2311 HOWELL (Jas) Epistolæ Ho-Elianae, Familiar Letters, Domestic and Foreign, upon Emergent Occasions. 8vo, frontis- piece, calf meat. 4s 6d - 1672 2312 HOWELL (Laurentii) Synopsis Canonum, Ecclesiae Latinae qua Canonese spurii Epistolae Adulterinae et Decreta, Suppositio istius Ecclesiae Concilorum in lucem proferumter et a veris genuinis dignoScuntur. Folio, calf. 6s 171() 2313 HOWELL (Laurence) Compleat History of the Holy Bible, in which are inserted the Occurences of 400 Years, from Malachi to the Birth of our Saviour, omitted in all former works of this nature. 3 vols, 8vo, more than 150 plates by W. Sturt, calf, gilt backs, Scarce. £1.5s 1718 2314 HOWITT (Wm.) Student Life in Germany. Thick 8vo, plates, cloth. 18s 1841 2315 HOWITT (Wm.) The Mad War-Planet, and other Poems. 12mo, cloth. 2s 6d 1871 2316 HUC (M.) Chinese Empire, a Sequel to Recollections of a Journey through Tartary and Thibet. 2 vols, 8vo, folding nap, cloth. 12S 1855 36, Soho Square, London. I95 2317 HUDDESFORD's Salmagundi, being Illusions of Fancy, Amatory, Elegiac, Epigrammatical and other palatable ingre- dients in verse. 8vo, boards. 3s 1793 2318 HUGHES (T. M.) Biliad, how to Criticise, a Satire, the Dirge of Repeal, and other Jeux d'Esprit. 12mo, man woodcuts in the style of Urowquill, cloth. 2s 184 2319 HULL (C) Collection of Spiritual and Divine Hymns, taken from various Authors. Thick 12mo, meat. 3s Bristol, 1776 2320 HUMAN FOOT and its Covering, comprising a full Translation of Dr. Camper's Work, the Best Form of Shoe, by James Dowie. 12mo, cloth. 2s 6d 1861 A capital little book to those fond of much walking. 2321 HUMIE (Rev. A.) The Learned Societies, and Printing Clubs of the United Kingdom, being an account of their origins, history, objects and constitution, with full details of their published works. Post 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d 1853. 2322 #umſrep (§latireille, Presidente of Magdaleine College, 0.jorde) The Nobles, or of Nop ILITIE, the original, nature, dutyes, right and Christian Institution thereof. With the treatyse on the same subject by Philo, a Jewe, 12mo, black letter, calf meat. £2. 15s Thos. Marshe, 1563 2323 HUMOROUS TRICKS and Conceits of Prince Roberts (i.e. Rupert) MALIGNANT SHE-MONKEY. discovered to the World before her Marriage, also the Manner of her marriage to a Cava- leer, and how within three dayes space, she called him Cuckold to his Face, 4to, quaint woodcut on title, half morocco. £2 2s about 1643 This is a most scurrilous attack on the Duchess of Portsmouth, and consists of more outrageous language than that used in any of the Civil War tracts. 2324 HUMPHREYS (Noel) Stories by an Archaeologist and his friends, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 5s 1856 2325 HUNT (Leigh) The INDICATOR (one hundred Nos. complete), 1819–21.-The Literary Examiner (Twenty-six Nos. complete), 1823. FIRST EDITIONS unusually clean and quite complete. 3 vols, 8vo, half calf. 91 10s - 2326 HUNT (Leigh) Indicator and Companion. 8vo, cloth, 2s 6d Moſcom, 1840 2327 HUNT (Rebert, F.R.S.) Handbook to the Industrial Department of the International Exhibition, 1862. 2 vols, post 8vo, new half morocco. 2s 1862 196 Alfred Russell Smith, 2328 HUNT (Thos.) Treatise on the Cure of Stammering, - with Memoir of the Author by James Hunt. 8vo, portrait, cloth. 2S 1854 HUNTINGDONSHIRE. 2329 POST OFFICE DIRECTORY for Northamptonshire, Hunts, Beds, Bucks, Berks and Oxfordshire. Thick roy. 8vo, maps, cloth. 4s 6d 1869 2330 GORFIAM (G. C.) History and Antiquities of EyNESBURY and St. NEOTs in Huntingdonshire and of St. NEOTs in Cornwall, with some Critical Remarks respecting the Two Saxon Saints from which these Places derived their Names, with the SUPPLE- MENT. 2 vols, 8vo, numerous plates, brilliant impressions, calf ºvery meat. §2. 2s - 1820–24 Fine paper edition, the supplemental volume is exceeding scarce and the two are seldom met with together; this copy has also a rare portrait of the author by Alfred Crowquill inserted. 2331 GODMANCHESTER,-Fox (Robt.) History of Godmanchester. LARGE PAPER, roy. 8vo, boards. 15s—Half calf. 18s 1831 2332 STRANGE and True Relation of one Mr. JoHN LEECH, who lived in HUNTINGDON-SHIRE at a Place called RAVELY, not far dis- tant from Huntingdon Town, who was (about Ten Dayes agoe) CARRIED TWELVE, MILES IN THE AIR BY Two FINNES (i.e. Griffins), and also of his Sad and Lamentable Death, attested by Persons of Unquestionable Credit, who have hereunto set their Hands, 4to, the Nassaw copy, half calf meat, unique. £2 2s 1662 2333 HUNTINGDON.—History of Huntingdon, from the earliest to the present time, with the Charter of Charles I. Thick 12mo, boards. 3s Huntingdon, 1824 2334 HUNTINGDON.—Collection of Ancient Records relating to the Borough of Huntingdon, by Edw. Griffith. 8vo, half calf. 5S 1827 2335 LETTER to Justice Grose on two Verdicts given at the Lent Assizes at Huntingdon, 1800 and 1801. 8vo, sewed. 2s., Huntingdon, 1801 Trial albout a boundary between Emanuel College, Cambridge, and James Rust of Gransden. 2336 HUTTON's History of the ROMAN WALL. 8vo, plates, new half calf. 10s 6d 1802 2337 HYDROPATHY.—Johnson (Edw.) Domestic Practice of Hydropathy. Thick 8vo, cloth. 2s 1851 2338 ICELAND.—Letters on Iceland, containing an Account of its Natural History, Antiquities, Volcanoes, Hot Springs, Customs, Dress, Manners of the Inhabitants, &c., by Sir Joseph Banks, Drs. Solander, Lind, Won Troil, and others. 8vo, no map nor plate, calf. 2s 6d l 1780 36, Soho Square, London. I97 2339 ICELAND.—Jonas (Arngrim) Specimen Islandiae His- toricum et Magnum ex parte Chorographicorum. Sm. 4to, boards, UNCUT, SCARCE. 5s Amst., 1643 2340 ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT-Volume of Prayers, and Homilies written in FLEMISH, and dated 1432, on 116 leaves of vellum. There are 9 whole page paintings surrounded by most elegant borders in gold and colours, the whole is also prettily rubricated throughout. Sm. 4to, morocco. 436 Some iconoclast has slightly smeared the miniatures (the borders are intact) otherwise the volume would be worth £25. 2341 ILLUSTRATIONS TO ByRON.—Thirty Illustrations to Childe Harold, produced by the Art Union of London. 4to, boards. 4s 6d 1855 EDITIONS OF THE IMITATIONE CHRISTI. 2342 CŞergon (3)0amig) Libri quatuor de Imitatione Christi exarati per Franciscum Montfordie de Weert ad Usum quoque honorandi patris domini Nicolai Bruynix Presbyteri Decani Christianitatis Concilii Tongrensis Anno Domini XVc XXXI (1531) die vero maii XXV Deo gracias. S. Bonaventurae Liber aureus de Vita Christi, Scriptus autem per F. M. de Weert ad Usum N. Bruy- nieks Lovanii Anno Domini MCCCCCXXo XII Decmbris. Libellus de Vita et Beneficiis Salvatoris Jesu Christi cum Medi- tationibus, &c. Completus ipso Die Nativitatis ejusden, Salva- toris per me F. de Weert Anno MDV. De Modo preliandi con- tra octo vicia principalia, s.a. Tractatulus de Arte moriendi Anno 1505. CARMEN in Laudem gloriosae Virginis Mariae et Carmine de venerablili Sacramento, s.a. A Manuscript of 245 leaves very clearly and distinctly written with coloured capitals throughout, on paper, a charming specimen. 4to, calf extra, tooled on sides and gilt edges by Hayday. £5. 15s 2343 Gergom (3),) De Imitatione Christi cum Tractatu de Meditatione cordis. Venetiis arte et impensis, Benardini de Bemales, 1488. Diui Bernardi abbatis ad sororem Modus benevivendi in Chris- tianum religionem, same place and printer, 1492. 2 vols in 1, Gotijit £etter, old stamped leather and oak boards, SCARCE, fine clean copy. £1.5s 1488–92 2344 DE CHRISTO IMITANDo, interprete Sebast. Castellione, cum De Coena Dominica auct. R. Widdrington. 12mo, calf. 3s Cantab., 1688 2345 KEMPIS COMMUN, ou les 4 libres de l’Imitation de Jesus Christ. Thick 12mo, plates, calf. 2s Leipzig, 1724 2346 IMITATIONE CHRISTI.-French Version, traduite d'apres un Manuscript de 1440, par l’Abbe Delaunay. 8vo, very pretty edi- tion, with woodcuts borders round each page, including the Dance of Death, new half mor, gilt edges. 15s (pub 25fr. unbound) Paris, Tross, 1869 198 Alfred Russell Smith, 2347 IMITATION E CHRISTI-Latin Version. Charmingly got up, with elegant woodcut borders round euch page, in the style of Hol- bein, 8vo, new half mor, gilt edges. 12s 6d (pub at 25fr. unbound) Paris, Tross, 1868 2348 IMITATIONS of POETS.—Archery and Archness, by lłobin Hood. 12mo, curious vignette on title, half morocco, SCARCE. 6s 6d 1834 Contain some Capital Poems written in the style of Leigh Hunt, Shelley, Byron, S. Rogers, Tom Hood, Campbell, and other celebrated Men of that time. 2349 IMPOSTEURS FAMEAUX,ou Histoire Extraordinaires et Singulieres des Hommes de Néant de toutes les Nations qui ont usurpe la qualité d’Empereur, de Roi, et de Prince. 12mo, bds. 2S 1818 2350 IMPROVISATORE, or Life in Italy from the Danish of Hans Christian ANDERSEN, translated by MARY HOWITT. 2 vols, cr. 8vo, boards, 5s 1845 2351 INDAGINE (Joanne) Introductiones Apotoles maticae elegantes in CHYROMANTIAM, PHYSIOGNOMIAM, ASTROLOGIAM naturalem, Complexiones hominum naturas Planetarum. Folio, namy curious woodcuts, including a large portrait of the author on the title, mew half morocco. £1. 15s Steynheim, 1522 2352 INDIA.—LePriemier Livre de l’Histoire de l’Inde con- tenant comme l’Inde a esté decouverte, et la guerre contre Samorin Roy de Calecut; fait par Lopes de Castagneda, et tra- duit par Nicolas de Grouchy. Sm. folio, new crimson morocco extra, gilt edgeS. f6. 6s Paris, Michel de Vascosam, 1553 2353 INEBRIATING LIQUORS.–History of the Inventions and Customs of Ancient and Modern Nations in the Manufacture and use of Inebriating Liquors, with the present Practice of Dis- tillation, the Effects of Opium and other Stimulants used in the East, by S. Morewood. Thick 8vo, woodcuts, cloth. 5s 6d Dublin, 1838 2354 INKERSLEY (Thomas) Inquiry into the Chrono- logal Succession of the Styles of the Romanesque and Pointed Architecture in France, with Notices of some of the Principal Buildings on which its was founded. 8vo, cloth. 6s 6d (pub º 185 2355 INMAN (Thos., M.D.) Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism exposed and explained. 8vo, many wood- cuts and plates, bds. 5s Privately printed, 1869 2356 INTERNATIONAL NEUTRALITY..—Historical Account of the Neutrality of Great Britain during the American Civil War, by Montague Bernard. Thick roy. 8vo, cloth. 5s 1870 36, Soho Square, London. I99 2357 3:33.5@#QLø10:3:09:3, of a Gentleman, reprinted in blacá Icter from the almost Unique Edition of 1658, and partly printed by G. Soaper, Esq., of Stoke, Guildford, dedication copy, with the Author's Letter to Dr. Southey. 12mo, morocco eſctra. § 1. 18s 1832. 2358 INTERMARRIAGE, or the Natural Laws by which Beauty, Health, and ſntellect result from certain Unions, 1)eſortility, Disease, and Insanity from others, by ALEX. WALKER. Thick post 8vo, plates, new half morocco, VERY SCARCE- £1.15s 1841 IRELAND. 2359 IRELAND in 1598.—Description of Ireland and the state thereof as it is at this present 1598, now for the first time published from a Manuscript in Clongowes-Wood College, with copious Notes and Illustrations by Edm. Hogan, Soc. Jes. Thick 4to, cloth. 7s 6d 1878. Contains much valuable matter, Parliamentary lists of 1560, 1589 and lº, lists of Round Towers, and genealogies of all the old Irish Fami- 16S. 2360 Bl:THAM (Sir Wm.) Etruria-Celtica-—Etruscan Literature and Antiquities Investigated, or the Language of that Ancient and Illustrious l'eople Compared and Identified, with the Iberno- Celtic, and both shown to be Phoenician. 2 vols, 8vo, folding plate and port, inserted, half calf gilt, marbled edges. £1. 10s Dublin, 1842. 2361 BETHAM (Sir H.) Irish Antiquarian Researches, the Two Parts in 1 vol. 8vo, numerous folding plates, PRESENTATION COPY to the DUKE of BUCKINGHAM. AUTOGRAPH LETTER of the AUTHOR anserted, new calf eſctra, marbled edges. £1.5s Dublin, 1826 2362 BETIIAM’s (Sir W.) Irish Antiquarian Researches. Part 2, 8vo, boards. 7s 6d 1827 2363 PETRIE’s Ecclesiastical Architecture of Ireland anterior to the Norman Invasion, with an Essay on the Round Towers. Imp. 8vo, many woodcuts, cloth, Scarce. £1. 18s Dublin, 1845. 2364 CROIKER (T. Crofton) Researches in the South of Ireland, illus- trative of Scenery, Architecture, MANNERs and SUPERSTITIONS of the Peasantry, with a private narrative of the Rebellion of 1798. 4to, numerous plates, boards. 15s 1824. 2365 TOPOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY of Ireland, comprising all the Counties, Towns, Borroughs, and Villages, &c., by Saml. Lewis. (The best Topgraphical Dictionary of Ireland). 2 thick vols, 4to, cloth. 12s 6d 1837 2366 TOUR through Ireland, describing the most noted Cities, Towns Duildings, manners, customs, antiquities, and curiosities, hum- bly inscribed to the PhysicO-Historical Society. 8vo, half calf. 3S Dublin, 1746 2OO Alfred Russell Smith, 2367 HOLMES (G.) Sketches in some of the Southern Counties of Ire- land during a 'Tour in 1797. 8vo, map and aquatint plates by Alkem, half bound. 5s 1801 2368 CONTRIBUTIONS towards a Fauna and Flora of the County of Cork, read at the Meeting of the British Association held in Cork in 1843, 8vo, half calf. 3s 6d 1845 2369 LETTERS from the Irish Highlands. Post 8vo, bds. 2s I 825 2370 HIBERNIA CURIOSA.—A Letter from a Gentleman in Lublin to his Friend at Dover, giving a General View of the Manners, Customs, Dispositions of the INHABITANTs of IRELAND, 8vo, fold- $ng plans, half calf. 7s 6d 1769 Contains some interesting folding plans of the principal towns, lakes, &c.; it has also, at page 25, a singular woodcut and curious description of a chaise-marine, or car. 2371 IRISH ROADs in 1777–Taylor and Skinner's MAPs of the ROADS of Ireland surveyed, 1777. Roy. 8vo, 288 maps, calf. 6s 6d 1778 2372 ARSDEKIN (R. P. Richardi, Haberni Kilkeniensis, Soc. Jes.) Theo- logi Tripartiti universa complectens nunc Bibliotheca perfectum Visi Ecclesiastici. Accedit Brevis Orbis Notitla, Jºxemplar Dedicationem priorum Editionum cum Persecutione Elogii spe- cialis de gloriosa Morte illorum qui recentius in Germania, Anglia, et Hibernia, pro Deo et Proximo Vitam et Sanguienem profunderunt, ut plunquet, primas Hiberniae Talbot Archiepis- copus Dubliniensis, &c. 3 vols in 1, folio, very fine copy, stamped pigskin, clasps. #1. 15s Dillingſe, 1687 Another Edition. 3 vols, 4to, bound in vellum. 41. 4s Amtv., 1626 Much curious information respecting Ireland, and notice of the Catho- lics who suffered death there, as well as in Germany, will be found in this work, which is also a complete storehouse of authorities of the various points of Roman Catholic Theology, and contains Bibliographical accounts of the latter Heresies, and of the authors in the several depart- ments of Theology, etc. 2374 LELAND (Tho.) History of Ireland, from the Invasion of Henry II., with a Discourse on the Antient State of that Kingdom. 3 vols, 4to, calf meat. 12s 6d 1773 2375 ANCIENT IRISH HISTORIEs: being Spencer's View of the State of Ireland in 1596–Champion's Historie of Ireland, 1571— Hanmer's Chronicle, 1571—and the latter continued by Henry Marleburrough, 1571. 2 vols, 4to, green morocco eſctra, qilt edges. £2. 15s Dublin, 1809 2376 DALTON's (John) History and Antiquities of the Town of Drog- heda and its Environs, 2 vols, Svo, many plates, cloth. 14s (pub £1.4s) 1844 2377 CARIR (John) The Stranger in Ireland, or a Tour in the Southern and Western Parts in 1805 (Very amusingly written). 4to, many aquatint plates, half calf. Gs 1806 2373 36, Soho Square, London. 2O I 2378 MY POCKET BOOK, or Hints for a Ryghte Merrie and Con- ceitede Tour in Quarto, to be called “The Stranger in Ireland,” in 1805, by a Knight Errant. 12mo, humorous plates, half calf. 7s 6d 1808 By Edw. Dubois, author of “The Wreath.” Written in ridicule of Sir John Carr's Tour in Ireland, who brought an action for libel against the publishers. The trial is appended to this copy. 2379 JOURNAL of a Tour in Ireland during the Months of October and November, by G, F. G. M. 8vo, boards, printed for private circulation only. 5s e 1836 23SO FORBES's (Dr. John) Memorandum made in Ireland in the Au- tumn of 1852. 2 vols, post 8vo, map and plates, cloth. 5s 1853 2381 BURDY (Rev. S.) History of Ireland from the Earliest Ages to the Union. 8vo, boards. 4s 23S2 GAMBLE (John) View of the Society and Manners in the North of Ireland, in a series of Letters written in 1818, 8vo, uncut, in half calf. 5s 1819. 23S3 D’ALTON's Illustrations, Historical and Genealogical, of the most Ancient Families of Ireland, 500 Members of which held Com- missions in King James's Service in the War of the Revolution, wherein their respective origins, achievements, forfeitures, and ultimate destinies are set forth. 2 thick vols, 8vo, pp. 1400, SECOND AND ENLARGED EDITION, cloth. E1. Is 1860 2384 NOEL (Baptist Wriothesley). Notes of a Tour through the Mid- land Counties of lreland. Post 8vo, map, cloth. 2s 1837 2385 IRELAND.—Sketches in Ireland, descriptive of interesting and hitherto unnoticed districts in the North and South. Post 8vo, half calf gilt. 3s 6d Dublin, 1827 Contains some very almusing legends and stories. 2386 IRELAND.— Proclamation concerning a Cessation of Arms, agreed and concluded at SIGGINGS TOWN in Kildare, Sep. 15, between the Marquis of Ormonde and the Roman Catholic Party. 10s 6d 1643 Agreement at end for the payment by the Roman Catholics of thirty thousand, eight hundred pounds, and the conditions. 2387 IRELAND.—Declaration and Ordinance for New Loans and Con- tributions for the relief of the Protestants whose lives are dayly sacrificed by the Popish Rebels, and by Starving, Cold, and Hunger. 8s 6d 1042 2388 IRISH REBELLION.—Narrative of the most Important Engage- ments which took place between His Majesty's Forces and the Itebels during the Irish Rebellion, 1798, including information inot before made public. 12mo, Sewed. 2s Dublin, 1799 2389 CANDID ENQUIRY in the Causes and Motives of the late Riots in the PROVINCE of MUNSTER by the WHITE Boys, or Levellers, with an Appendix containing other Papers on the same Subject. 8vo, half morocco. 4s 6d 1767 2O2 Alfred Russell Smith, 2390 HISTORY of the King's Inns, or an account of the Legal Body in Ireland, from its first Connection with England, by Barth. Thos. Duhigg. 8vo, boards, scarce. 7s 6d Dublin, 1806 2391 CHARTER of the Royal Hospital of Charles II, near Dublin, for the maintenance of Officers and Soldiers of the Army of Ireland. 12mo, meat. 4s 6d Dublin, 1760 2392 HISTORY of the University of Dublin; its Origin, progress, and present condition, with Biographical Notices of Eminent Men educated there, by W. B. S. Taylor. Thick 8vo, plates, those of costume coloured, cloth. 7s 6d 1845 2393 RUTTY (John) Natural History of the County of Dublin. 2 vols, 8vo, map and plates, calf gilt. 7s 6d Dublin, 1772 2394 BOOK of OBITs and MARTYROLOGY of Dublin Cathedral, edited from the original manuscript by J. C. Crossthwaite, and J. H. Todd. 4to, cloth. 12s 6d Dublin, 1844 2395 REGISTRUM PRIORATUS Omnium Sanctorum justa Dublin, edited from a Manuscript in the library of Trin. Col., Dublin, by Rev. Richard Butler, 4to, facsimile, cloth. 8s 6d Dublin, 1845 2396 GENEALOGIES, TRIBES, and CUSTOMs of Hy-Fiachrach, com- monly called O’DOWDAS COUNTRY, now first published from the Book of Lecan in the Royal Irish Academy, &c., with a TRANs- LATION and Notes by J. O'Donovan, 4to, map and pedigree, cloth. 15s th., 1844 2397 RYLAND (R. H.) History, Topography and Antiquities of the County and City of Waterford, and account of the present state of the Peasantry, 8vo, map and plates, half calf gilt, scarce. 12S 6d t 1824 2398 LOUGH CORRIB, its shores and islands, with notices of Lough Mask, by Sir Wm. R. Wilde. 8vo, many woodcuts, cloth. 4s6d Dublin, 1867 2399 LINES written at Jerpoint Abbey, by Sheffield Grace. Royal 8vo, portrait and plates relating to the family, privately printed, boards. 3s 6d 1820 2400 IRELAND.—List of the Absentees, the Yearly Value of their Estates and Incomes spent abroad. 8vo, calf. 4s 6d 1783 2401 HISTORICAL Sketch of Newry, by Newriensis. Post Svo, his. 3S Newry, 1876 2402 RECORD REVELATIONS of the Public Records of Ireland and the Calendars and Close Rolls of Chancery recently published; by an Irish Archivist. 8vo. 2s 1863 2403 RECORDS.—On the History, Position and Treatment of the Pub- lic Records of Ireland, by an Irish Archivist. Roy. Svo, cloth. 2s 6d 1864 2404 THE ‘Monster Misery,’ a practical treatise on the relation of Land- lord and Tenant, by John Wiggins. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d 1814 36, Soho Square, London. 2O3 2405 HISTORICAL Account of the Plantation in Ulster, 1608–1620, by Rev. Geo. Hill. Thick 4to, cloth. 16s 1877 2406 SMITH (Aquilla) Annales de Monte Fernandi (Multifernan). 4to, cloth. 8s 6d Dublin, 1842 2407 A GLOSSARY, with some Pieces of Verse of the Old Dialect of the English Colony in the Baronies of Forth and Bargy. Co. Wexford, Ireland. Formerly collected by JACOB Pooie, of Growton, now edited with Notes and Introduction by the Rev. W. BARNEs. Feap. 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d 2408 WRIGHT's (Thomas) Saint Patrick's Purgatory, an Essay on the Legends of Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise, current during the Māāle Ages. Post 8vo, cloth. 6s 1844 2409 IRELAND.—List of the Absentees, the Yearly Value of their Es- tates and Incomes spent abroad. 8vo, calf. 4s 6d 1783 2410 IMPARTIAL NARRATIVE of the most Important Engagements between H. M. Forces and the Rebels, during 1798. 12mo. 2s Dublin, 1799 24ll A. KERRY Pastoral, in imitation of the First Eclogues of Virgil, edited, with Introduction by T. C. Croker. 3s 6d ; cut edges. 2S Percy Society 2412 NARRARIVE of the Contests in Ireland in 1641 and 1693, edited by Croker, 4s 6d Ib. 2413 THE KEEN (Funeral Lamentations) of the South of Ireland, illustrative of Irish Political, and Domestic History, Manners, Music, and Superstitions, edited by T. C. Croker. 4s 6d Ib. 2414 HISTORICAL Songs of Ireland, illustrative of the Revolutionary Struggle between James II. and William III., edited by Croker. £1. ls Ib. *= Gºº 2415 IRVING (Washington) Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada. 2 vols, 8vo, boards (a book club copy). 5s 1822 2416 IRWING (Washington) Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada, 2 vols, 8vo, morocco, or calf meat. 8s 6d 1829 ISLE OF MAN. 2417 THE ANCIENT Ordinances and Statute Laws of the Isle of Man, with Extracts from the British Statutes having reference thereto, by M. A. Mills. Thick royal 8vo, bas., scarce. 12s * Douglas, 1821 2418 WARD (Rev. W. P.) Records and Documents relating to the Isle of Man. 12mo, cloth. 2s 1837 2419 WOOD's (Geo.) Account of the Past and Present State of the Isle of Man, Topographical Description, its Mineralogy and Laws, with Privileges enjoyed by Strangers. 8vo, map, boards. 4s 18 l 1 2420 FELTHAM’s Tour through the Isle of Man in 1797–8. 8vo, maps, bds. 2s Bath, 1798 2O4. Alfred Russell Smith, 2421 JEFFERY's (Nath.) Descriptive and Historical Account of the Isle of Man, with a View of its Society, Manners and Customs. 12mo, map, boards. 2s Newcastle, about 1800 2422 HALLIWELL's Roundabout Notes, chiefly upon the Ancient Circles of Stone in the Isle of Man. Feap. 4to, only 100 printed 2S 1863 2423 JEFFERY's (Nath.) Descriptive and Historical Account of the Isle of Man. 12mo, map, boards. 2s Newcastle, 1880 2424 ANCIENT and Authentic Records and Documents relating to the Civil and Ecclesiastical History and Constitution of that Island, by Rev. W. P. Ward. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s 1857 2425 ACCOUNT of the CHARITIES of the Isle of Man. 8vo, boards. 4s 6d Liverpool, 1831 2426 FELTHAM’s Tour through the Isle of Man, describing whatever is remarkable in each parish, its Inscriptions, Registers, &c., map and cuts, boards. 3s 6d Bath, 1798 Describes all the Runic Inscriptions and other Antiquitics. 2427 ITER AUSTRALE, attempting something upon the Happy Return of our most Gracious Sovereign Lord Charles II. from Banishment to his Throne, by a Loyal Pen. 4to, Sewed. 2S 1660 2428 IVES (John) Select Papers, chiefly relating to English Antiquities. 4to, plates, portrait added, new half morocco, gilt back. £1.5s :1773 On English Coins from the Conquest to Queen Elizabeth ; Dugdale's Discourse on the Antiquities of Staffordshire; Blomefield's Annals of Caius College, accounts of the Coromations of Henry the Seventh, and Queen Elizabeth, and other papers not in Peck’s Desiderata Curiosa. 2429 JACK CADE's REBELLION. — Illustrations of Jack Cade's Rebellion from researches in the Guildhall Records, by B. Orridge, with Contributions by W. D. Cooper on the Rising of Cade and his followerers in Kent and Sussex, 4to, cloth. 8s 6d (pub. to subscribers at 1 guinea), new half morocco. 12s 6d 1869 2430 JACOB's ROD, a translation from the French of a Rare Work, 1693, on the Art of Finding Springs, Mines, and Minerals by means of the Hazel Rod, 8vo, frontispiece, wrapper. 2s about 1865 An entertaining little volume on the moot question of the Divining Rod. The translator Thos. Walton appends some researches, with clear and ample instructions for using the rod. 2431 JACOI}'s Poetical Register, or the Lives and Characters of the English Dramatic Poets, with an Account of their Writ- ings. 8vo, portraits, calf meat. 8s 6d 1719 2432 JACOBITE BALLADS.—English Jacobite Ballads, Songs and Satires, edited from the Manuscripts at Towneley Hall, Lan- cashire, with Introduction and Notes by Rev. A. B. Grosart. Sm. 4to, only 125 copies privately printed, cloth. £1. 1s 1877 36, Soho Square, London. 2O5. 2433 JACOBITE RELICs of Scotland, being the Songs, Airs, and Legends of the Adherents to the House of Stuart, collected and illustrated by JAMES HoGG, Music to the Songs, 2 vols, 8vo; cloth. 31.4s 1819 2434 JACOBINS.--History of Jacobinism, by Abbe Barruel, translated from the French by the Hon. Robert Clifford. 4 vols, 8vo, old calf gilt. 9s 1798 2435 JACOBINISM.– History of Jacobinism, its Crimes, Cruelties, and Perfidies, by Wm. Playfair. Very thick 8vo, bds. 3s 6d 1795 2436 JACQUEMART (Albert) History of the Ceramic Art, a descriptive aud philosophical Study of the POTTERY of all ages and Nations, translated by Mrs. Bury Palliser. Thick roy. 8vo, illustrated with 200 woodcuts, 12 etchings, and 1000 marks and monograms, cloth, a charming volume. 15S 1877 2437 JAMES (Thos, New College, Oxford) Bellum Papale, sive Concordia Discors SIXTI QUINTI, et CLEMENTIS ocTAVI circa Hieronymiam editionem, 4to, vellum. 6s 6d 1600 2438 JAMES (Rev. J. T.) The Italian Schools of Painting, with Observations on the Present State of the Art. 8vo, half calf, scarce. 6s 1820 2438 JAMES (G. P. R.) History of Chivalry. 12mo, frontis- piece, cloth. 2s 6d 1830 2439 JAMES Ist.—Aulicus Coquinariae, or a Vindication in Answer to a Pamphlet Entituled the Court and Character of King James, Pretended to be Pemned, by Sir A. W(eldon). 18mo, calf meat. 7s 6d 1650 Treats of the Gowrie Conspiracy, Earl of Essex, the Cecils, Sir W. Raleigh, Sir Thos. Overbury's Murder, Williers Duke of Buckingham, Spanish Match, and other matters of great interest to the Historian. 2440 JAMES I.—The Court and Character of King James, written and taken by Sir A. W. (Anthony Weldon), being an eye and eare witness. 12mo, half calf meat, scarce. 6s 6d 1650 2441 JAMES I.-History of Great Britain, during the Life and Reign of King James I, by Arthur Wilson. Folio, portrait, , fine copy in calf gilt. 6s 6d 1653 2442 JAMES I-Ross (Thomas) Idea, sive de Jacobi, Magnæ Dritanniae virtutibus et ornamentis, dilucida Enneratio, ejusque cum laudatissimi veterum Regibus, Monarchis et Imperatoribus comparatio exacta et enucleata, 12mo, wrapper, scarce. 10s 6d Lond., Joh. Norton, 1608 2443 JAMES I.-Memoirs of the Court of James I. by Lucy Aikin. 2 vols, 8vo, portraits, half calf. 4s 6d 1822 14 * 266 $ A /fred Russell S mith, ". - - 2444 JAMES I— Inquiry into the Literary and Political Character of James I. by J. D'IsrAELI. 12mo, boards. 6s 6d 1816 2445 JAMES I.-Court and Times of James I., illustrated by Authentic and Confidential Letters from Public and Private Collections, edited by the Author of “Memoirs of Sophia Doro- thea.” 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 12s 1848 2446 JAMES II.-The Royal Sufferer, a Manual of Medita- tions and Devotions, written for the Use of a Royal tho’Afflicted Family by F- K—, D.D. 8vo, half morocco. £1. 1s - No place nor printer, 1699 Evidently a very scarce book, it is not unlikely that it was written by . , , Bishop Ken, but I am unable to find an account of it in any bibliogra- \. phical work. 2447 JAMES II.-History of the Early Part of the Reign of t i James II., by Rt. Hon. C. J. Fox. 4to, portrait, half calf. 4s 6d - 1802 2448 JAMES II.-On Fox's History of the reign of James II., by Rt. Hon. George Rose, with a narrative of the events of the Earl of Argyle's Enterprise in 1685, by Sir Patrick Hume. 4to, calf gilt. 4s 6d º 18()9 2449 JAMESON (Mrs.) Memoirs of the Early Italian Pain- k t ters. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth. 4s 6d * Rnight, 1845 2450 JARDINE (D.) Narrative of the Gunpowder Plot. Post 8vo, cloth, scarce. 4s IS57 2451 JARVES (James Jackson) Art Hints, Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting. Thick post 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1855 2452 JEAFFRESON (J. C.) Annals of Oxford. 2 vols, 8vo, new half morocco, gilt tops. 16s 1871 2453 JE NE SCAI QUOI, a Collection of Letters, Odes, &c., never before published, by a Lady. 8vo, half calf gilt. 5s Privately printed, 1769 Said to be by Ann B. Poyntz. There is a long list of aristocratic sub- scribers ; the letters are unusually witty. 2454 JENKINS (Capt. Chas, “of the Ears”) England's Tri- umph, or Spanish Cowardice Exposed, a Complete History of the many Signal Victories gained by the Royal Mercantile Navies for 400 years past, with Account of the Various Expedi- tions, etc. 8vo, plates of battles, meat, curious. 8s 6d 1739 He once fell into the hands of the Spaniards who nailed him by the ears to a mast. 2455 JENKINS (R. C.) The Last Crusader, or the Life and - Times of Cardinal Julian, of the House of Cesarini. Thick 8vo, cloth. : 3s 1861 36. Soho Square, London. 2O7 2456 JENNINGS (Hargrave) Live Lights or Dead Lights; (Altar or Table 7). Post 8vo, frontispiece, cloth. 3s 6d (pub. 7s 6d) 1S73 A mystical book, on the symbolic meaning of a Church, mysteries of the Cross form, Theurgic Mysteries in Cross forms, rationale for the Eucharist, an Altar for a Victim or a Table for Company, etc. JEST EOOKS. “Care to our coffin adds a nail no doubt, But every laugh so merry draws one out.” 2457 DELONEY (T.) Thomas of Reading, or the Sixe Worthie Yeomen of the West. 4to, half calf meat. 6s 6d 1632 (reprinted) 2458 NUGAE VENALEs sive Thesaurus Ridendi et Jocandi ad Gravissi- mus Severissumosque Viros Patres Melancolicorum Conscriptis. 18mo, frontispiece and vignette, vellum. 9s mo place nor printer, 1663 At the end is “Studente sive Comcedia de Vita studiosorum auctore Ignoto Peer-de-Klontio Aleutopholi, 1647.’ 2459 ELITE des Bons Mots et des Pensées Choises, receuillies avec soin des plus celebres auteus et principalement des Livres en ANA. Thick 12mo, new half morocco. 6s Amst., 1704 2460 LONDON JESTs, or a Collection of the Choicest JoquEs and REPERTEEs out of the most celebrated authors, Ancient and Modern, with ABOVE ONE HUNDRED NEVER BEFORE PRINTED. 12mo, from tispiece of the Old Royal Exchange, mew calf cºtra, gilf edges. £2 2s Thos. Norris at the Looking Glass on London Bridge, 1720 2461 COFFEE-HOUSE JESTs, being a Merry Companion, containing Witty Jests, Wise Sayings, Smart Repartees, Jokes, Pleasant Tales, and Notable Bulls, with several shortDelightful Histories, Novels and other Curious Fancies. 12mo, woodcut frontispiece, russia eºctra. É2. 10s Crowder and Comp., at the Looking Glass on London Bridge, 176() This is one of the rarest of the last century Jest Books, and par- ticularly interesting on account of some old stories, current hundreds of years before, and embodied in the early Dramas. 2462 THE CELEBRATED MRs. PILRINGTON's Jests, or the Cabinet of Wit and Humour, with a great variety of Bon Mots, Witticisms, and Anecdotes of the iminlitable DR. Swift, forming the most brilliant collection of quaint Jokes, facetious Puns, smart Repartees, entertaining Tales, Epitaphs, Conundrums, &c., now extant. 12mo, half calf meat. £1.4s I 764 Added is a plate of Swift and Mrs. Pilkington, in which the former is laughing at her Jests in Manuscript, one of the only three times that he was known to laugh, also another facetions plate is added. There are a good many of Swift's Jokes in the volume. 2463 WIT's MUSEUM (the) or New London Jester. Post 8vo, wants title, but has a plate added of Charles Foºc and his merry compan- zons, half morocco. 8s 6d about 1780 2O8 Alfred Russell Smith, 2464 BEN Jonsox's JESTs, or the Wit's Pocket Companion, being a new collection of the most ingenious Jests, diverting Stories, pleasant Jokes, smart Repartees, Puns, Quibbles, Bulls, Conun- drums, Riddles, Epigrams, &c. 12mo, frontispiece, calf meat. £l. 1s about 1770 Great care has been taken in this Collection to omit all these that are in Joe Miller. 2465 SIR John FIELDING's JESTs, or new Fun for the Parlour and Kitchen. 12mo, half morocco. 18s 17, O With the scarce frontispiece of Sir John Fielding, the Bow Street Magistrate, and his companions in high mirth and jollity over a flow- ing bowl. The volume contains all the Jokes of Sir John Fielding, at examinations of Prisoners, which have occasioned oven Justice itself to relax and give countenance to a smile. 2466 COMPLETE LONDON JESTER, or WIT's CoMPANION, containing all the Fun and Humour from the two Universities, the Two Theatres, from White's Chocolate House, Bedford's Coffee House, the Sporting Clubs, and the Choice Spirit Clubs in London and Westminster, with a collection of Toasts, Sentiments, and Hob- Nobs now in fashion. 12mo, frontispiece, half calf ſilt. 16s 1771 2467 WIT A-LA-MODE, or Lord Chesterfield's Witticisms, containing his Bon Mots, ltepartees, Remarks, Shrewd Sayings, lºacetious Allectlotes, and Lively Flights. 12mo, half culf. 8s 6d 177S 2468 TOYAL JESTER. 12mo, Sewed, no title. 2s 6d about 1780 2469 THE MERRY JESTER, or Convivial Companion, a Collection of Wit and Mirth sulted to all Companies. 12mo, calf meat. Ós 1788 2470 MERRIE CONCEITED JESTs of George Peele, Gentleman, sometime student in Oxford (native of Devonshire) l'acsimile reprint of the very rare original edition. 8vo, half morocco. 6s about 1800 2471 MERTY COMPANION, containing Theatrical Recitations, Bacchana- lian Songs, Joyous Toasts, and Pleasing Semtiments. 8vo, 4 etching of a Harlequin, half morocco. 3s 6d (about 1800) 2472 EDINBURGH MEDLEY of Entertainment, a New Selection of Historical Anecdotes, Bon Mots, and Witty Stories. 12mo, fromtispºëce, mew half calf. 5s 6d lºdin, 1800 2473 THE COMICAL Jester, or Laughable Companion, forming a Choice Collection of the most approved Jests, intended to Drive dull care away. 8vo, frontispiece, half morocco. 4s 6d Lambeth, 1808 2474 MERRIE Conceited Jests of George Peele, wherein is shewed the source of his Life a man very well knowne in the City of Lon- don, and elsewhere. Facsimile reprint of the unique edition of about 1590. 4to, boards. 4s 6d 18()9. 36, Soho Square, London. . 209 2475 ORIGINAL JESTs, selected from Shakspear, Garrick, Ben Jonson. Post 8vo, half morocco. gilt top. 491. 15s 1810 Mr. Halliwell says “ this is unnoticed in the various lists of Shak- speariana, and I do not recollect seeing another copy.” 2476 SHAKESPEARE's JEST BOOK, Tales and Quick Answers, the Hundred Mery Talys, both parts, with the SUPPLEMENT of Merry Tales and Quick Answers, edited by Singer. 8vo, calf meat, scarce. £1. 10s Chiswick, 1814 2476*COLEMAN (Geo.) Circle of Anecdote and Wit. 12mo, cloth. 3s 1821 2477 CYCLOPAEDIA of WIT. Thick 12mo, facetious title, with frontis- piece added, new half morocco, gilt top. 7s 6d 1823 Contains 1595 Jests and Epigrams. 2478 ENCYCLOPAEDIA of WIT. Thick 12mo, of nearly 600 pages, vignette on title and frontispiece added, new half morocco, gilt top. 6s 6d 1824 2479 THE CIGAR. Containing a very amusing Collection of Merry Tales, Bon Mots, Jeux d'Esprits, and other amusing vagaries, 2 vols in 1, thick 18mo, numerous illustrations by George Cruik- shank, scarce. 10s 6d 1825 2480 THE IAUGHING Philosopher, being the Works of Momus, Jester of Olympus, Democritus, The Merry Philosopher of Greece, and the Illustrious Disciples Joe Miller, Foote, Ben Jonson, Walcot, Sheridan, Colman, and others. Thick 8vo, whole bound, SCARCE. 9s 1825 2481 ANECDOTE Book, or Circle of Wit, a choice collection of Anec- dotes and Jests. 8vo, half morocco. 3s 6d Glasgow, 1844 2482 OWLGLASS.—Marvellous Adventures and Tare Conceits of Master Tyll Owlglass, translated from the German by Kenneth Mackenzie. 8vo, coloured plates and many woodcuts by Alfred Crowquill, half morocco. 18s 1860 A most entertaining collection of droll adventures and witticisms of the middle ages. 2483 NEW and MERRIE PROGNOSTICATION, being a Metrical Satire by Will Sunnmers, Jester to Henry the Eighth, and three others, now first reprinted from the very rare edition of 1623, edited by "J. O. Halliwell. 8vo, only 30 copies PRIVATELY PRINTED. 7s 6d 1860 2484 THE SACK full of Newes, an Old Jest Book, originally published in the 16th Century, Now first reprinted since 1673 from a copy supposed to be unique, edited by J. O. Halliwell. 1Smo, only 40 copies privately printed, half bound. 8s 6d 1861 2485 CRUET STAND (The) Select Pieces of Prose and Poetry, with Anecdotes, Enigmas, &c., by C. Gough. 2 vols in 1, 8vo, frontis- piece, cloth. 5s 1864 2486 HAZLITT (W. C.) The New London Jest Book. Sm. 4to, LARGE PAPER, half morocco. 5s 187]. 2 IO Alfred Russell Smith, 2487 SHAKESPEARE's JEST Book, a Hundred Mery Tales, from the only perfect copy known, edited, with Introduction and Notes, by Dr. Herman Oesterley. Fcap. 8vo, nicely printed by Whitting- ham, half morocco. 4s 6d 1866 The only perfect copy known of the “Hundred Mery Talys’ was lately discovered in the Royal Library at Gottingen. This is a verbatim reprint, supplying all the chasms and lost tales in former editions, with copious Notes by the editor, pointing out the origin of the various tales, and authors who have used them. 248S SHAKESPEARE's JEST Book, containing Tales and Quicke Answers, a Hundred Mery Talys, and Mery Tales, edited by SINGER, with Introductions and Glossaries. The three parts complete, in one vol, post 8vo, only 100 copies printed, calf meat. :Él. 4s Chiswick, 1814 2489 WIT and HUMOUR selected from the English Poets, by Leigh Hunt. 12mo, cloth. 2s 1875. 2490 TARLTON's JESTs, London, 1638. Facsimile Reproduction of the Rare Original. , 4to, only 100 copies printed for private circu- lation by E. W. Ashbee about 1875 2491 JESUITICAL BOOKS.—Letter to the Bishops and Priests which approve or Licence the Popish Books in England, particularly those of the Jesuits concerning Lewis Sabran, a Jesuit. Syo, half morocco. 6s 6d 1688 2492 JESUITS BOOKS.—Tibadeniere (P. Pietre, Soc. Jes.) Bibliotheca Scriptorum Societorum Jesu, post 1658, nunc hoc nono apparatu laborum ad annum repartae salutus, 1642, a Phil. Aleganıbre. Folio, meat, scarce. 5s 41ntv. 1643. 2493 JESUITS.—Notes on the History of the Jesuits between 1540 to 1773, by G. H. Tragett. 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1865 2494 JESUIT MARTYRS.—Storia dei ventitre Martiri Giap- ponesi dell’ ordine S. Francesco, scritta per della Canonizzazione, dal P. Agostino da Osimo, 4to, frontispiece, calf. 3s 6d Roma, 1862 2495 JESUITS.–Mornings with the Jesuits at IRome, by Rev. W. H. Seymour. 8vo, calf gilt. 4s 6d 1849. 2496 JEWEL (John, Bishop of Salisburie) Defence of the Apologie of the Churche of England, containing an Answere to a certaine Book lately set forthe by Mr. Hardinge and entitled a Confutation of Jewel's Apologie, &c. Folio, wants 2 leaves at the end, calf meat. 12s Henry Wykes, 1567 2497 JEWEL HousB of Art and Nature, containing divers Rare and Profitable lnventions, together with sundry New Experiments in the Art of Husbandry, by SIR HUGH PLAT. 4to, woodcuts, calf. 9s 6d 1653 * 36, Soho Square, London. 2 II ' '. '.' . • 1 & 2498 JEWS’ HARP.—Sketch of the Life of C. Eulenstein, the Celebrated, Performer on the Jews' Harp. 12mo, portrait, cloth. 2s 1840 2499 JILTED BRIDEGROOM (The), or London Coquet, treating of a True Intrigue betwixt a Gentleman and a Gentle- woman of this City within these Twelve Months, with several Letters that passed between them. 8vo, half morocco. 3s 6d 17()6 2500 JOANNA of SICILY.—Historical Life of her, with correlative details of the Literature and Manners of Italy and Provence in the 13th and 14th centuries. 2 vols, 8vo, portrait and plate, bowmd. 6s 1824 2501 JOCKEY CLUB, or a Sketch of the Manners of the Age, 2 parts. A scurriious publication, attributed to Charles Pigot. 8vo, meat. 6s 1792 2502 JOEL COLLIER Redivivus. a New Edition of that Celebrated Author's Musical Travels, containing a Faithful Account of his Jngenious Experiments, Valuable Discoveries, and Inestimable Inventions. 12mo, boards. 2s 1848 2503 JONSON (Ben) The Sad Shepherd, a Tale of Robin Hood, a fragment with a Continuation, Notes, and Appendix. (By F. G. Waldron, a bold and successful effort). 8vo, half calf gilt. 4s 6d 1783 2504 JOHNSON (J.) Typographia, or Printer's Instructor, including an Account of the Origin and History of Printing, Biographies from Caxton to the end of the 16th century, and elucidation of every subject connected with the Art. 2 thick vols, 12mo, many woodcuts, cloth. 6s 6d 1824 2505 JOHNSON (Samuel) Argument proving that the Abrogation of King James II. and the Promotion of the Prince of Orange was according to the Constitution, 4to, new half ºmorocco. 5s 1692 2506 JOHNSON (Dr. Saml.) Diary of a Journey into North Wales in 1774, edited with Notes by R. Duppa. 8vo, facsimile, boards. 3s 1716 2507 JOHNSON.—Anningait and Ajutt, a Greenland Tale, inscribed to Dr. Johnson, taken from the 4th vol of the Rambler, Versified by a Lady. 4to, cloth. 3s 6d 1761. 2508 JOHNSON (Dr. Samuel) Letters to and from, with some Poems by him never before printed, published from the original MSS. by MRS. ProzzI. 2 vols, 8vo, calf meat. 6s 6d i 1788, y 2 I2 Alfred Russell Smith, 2509 JOHNSON (Saml) The Rambler. 4 vols, post 8vo, readable type, calf meat. 4s 6d 1793 2510 JOHNSON (Dr. Samuel) Prayers and Mediations com- posed by him, and edited from his Manuscripts by Geo. Strahan. Post 8vo, sewed. 2s 6d 1806 2511 JOHNSON (Dr. Samuel) Diary of a Journey into North Wales in 1774, edited with Illustrative Notes by R. Duppa. Post 8vo, facsimile, half calf. 4s 6d 1816 2512 JOHNSON (Dr. S.) Lives of the English Poets, with Critical Observations on their Works. 3 vols, 12mo, half calf meat. 4s 6d 1866 2513 JOHNSON's Lives of the most eminent English Poets; with Critical Observations on their Works. 3 vols, 8vo, calf gilt. 18S 1816 2514 JOHNSON (Samuel) Life, with Temarks on his Writ- ings, an authentic Copy of his Will, and a Catalogue of his Works, with some Papers written by him in behalf of a late unfortunate character (Dr. Dodd). 8vo, portrait, half calf. 5s I785 2515 JOHNSON (Dr. S.) Life, with an Account of his Studies and numerous Works, a Series of his Epistolary Corres- pondence and Conversations with many Eminent Persons, by James Boswell. 4 vols, 8vo, portrait and facsimiles, blue mor., gilt edges. 16s * 1840 2516 JOHNSON.—Poetical IReview of the Literary and Moral Character of Dr. Samuel Johnson, with Notes by Courtenay. 4to, cloth. 5s 1786 2517 JOHNSON.—Letter to Dr. Johnson on a Future State, by John Taylor. 4to, cloth. 2s 6d 1787 2518 JONES (Owen) Grammar of Ornament, illustrated by examples from various styles of Ornament. Roy. 8vo, calf ectra, full gilt back and gilt edges. £4. 10s 1856 One hundred and twelve plates, containing thousands of illustrations of the most sumptuous ornaments of the Egytians, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Pompei, Roman, Byzantine, Arabian, Turkish, Mooresque, Indian, Chinese, Mediaeval, Elizabetham, and Italian. All printed in gold and colours. An indispensable volume to anyone engaged in decorative art. 2519 JONES (Owen) Designs for MOSAIC and TESSALATED PAVEMENTS, with an Essay on their Materials and Structure, by F. O. Ward. Imp. 4to, finely coloured plates, half bound. 9s 6d * 1842 2520 JOSEPHUS’ History and Antiquities of the Jews translated by Thos. Lodge. Folio, calf meat. 6s 6d 1655 36, Soho Square, London. 213 2521 JOURNAL by one of the Suite of Bishop Beckington during an Embassy to Negociate a Marriage between Henry VI. and a Daughter of Count Armagnac, in 1442, with Notes by N. H. Nicholas. 8vo, cloth. 3s Pickering, 1828 2522 jope (George) The Exposicion of Daniel the Pro- phete, gathered out of Philip Melancthon, Johan OEcampadius, Chonrade Pellicane, and out of Johan Draconite. Thick 12mo, 36|act; 3Letter, title in facsimile, new calf extra. £2 2s Geneva, 1545 2523 jope (George) The Refutation of the BYSHOP of WINCHESTERs derke Declaration of his false articles once before confuted by George Joyce. 12mo, 35|acă ſctfer, fine copy in Tnorocco extra, gilt edges. £5.5s No place nor printer, 1546 2524 JUBINAL (A.) Une Lettre Inedite de Montaigne, accompagne de quelques Recherches à son sujet, précédée d'un Advertissement, suivie de plusieurs facsimiles. 8vo. 2s Paris, 1850 JUNIUS. 2525 JUNIUS’ Letters, with a copious Index. 12mo, calf. 2s London, no publisher's name, 1788 2526 JUNIUS LETTERs. 8vo, portraits of all the celebrated men of the time, meat. 5s Edinb., 1807 2527 MEMOIRS of a Celebrated Literary and Political Character, from the Resignation of Walpole in 1742, to Chatham's Second Admi- nistration in 1757, containing Strictures on the Distinguished Men of that Time. 8vo, boards. 3s 1814 2528 GLOVER (Author of Leonidas) Menoirs of a Celebrated Literary and Political Character, from 1742–57, containing Strictures of some of the Most Distinguished Men of that Time. 8vo, boards. 4s 6d 1814 2529 IDENTITY of JUNIUs with a Distinguished Living Character Established, with a Supplement. 8vo, portrait and facsimile of handwriting, half calf meat. 5s 1816 2530 COVENTRY's Critical Inquiry into the Author of Junius, prov- ing him to have been Lord Sackville, 8vo, portrait and plates, boards. 5s 1825 2531 THE CLAIMS of Sir P. Francis to the Authorship of Junius dis- proved in a letter to Uvedale Price, by E. H. Barker. 8vo, sewed. 2s Privately printed, Thetford, 1827 2532 BARKER (E. H., of Thetford) Letters on the Authorship of Junius' Letters, with an appendix. Thick 12mo, half calf meat. 6s 1828 2533 THE AUTHORSHIP of the Letters of Junius elucidated, includ- ing a Memoir of Lt. Col. Isaac Barré, by John Britton. Royal 8vo, fine portraits, cloth. 2s 1848 2 I4. Alfred Russell Smith, 2534 WILLIAM BURKE the Author of J unius, an Essay on his Era, by J. C. Symons. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1859 2535 gſtrötille.—Abridgment of the Histories of Trogus Pompeius, written in Laten by Justine, translated by ARTHUR GoLDYNG, 4to, black letter, new morocco extra. £3. 3s Thomas Marshe, 1564 2536 JUVENAL's Sixteen Satyrs, or a Survey of the Man- ners and Actions of Mankind, with Arguments, Marginal Notes, aud Annotations by Sir Robt. Stapylton. 8vo, portrait of Sta- pylton and frontispiece, half bound. 5s 1673 2537 JUVENAL and PERSIUS's Satires, translated by Dry- den, Tate, and others, with Notes. 8vo, plates, meat. 3s 6d 1702 2538 JUVENAL's SATIRES, Translated into English Verse by W. Gifford, with Notes and Illustrations. 8vo, portrait, calf meat. 6s 6d 1806 2539 KAY (John, M.D.) De ANTIQUITATE CANTABRIGIENSIS, Academiae in quorum Secundo de Oxoniensis quoque Antiqui- tate disseritur, et Cantab. longe eo Antiquius esse definitur. Assertio antiquitatis OXONIENSIS ACADEMIME. BOTH FIRST EDI- TIONS, in 1 vol., 12mo, fine copies in mew morocco extra, gilt edges. #21. 15s Henricum Dynneman, 1568 “Grievous and terrible has been the squabble amongst our chronolo- gers and genealogists concerning the precedence of Oxford and Cam- bridge. What deluges of Christian ink have been shed on both sides t There are old Nick Cantalupe and Caius on one side, and Bryan Twync and Tony Wood on the other, who have traced their Ages back good- ness knows how far. One was born just after the siege of Troy ; and the other several huudred years before Christ.”—Amhurst's TERRAE FI- LIUS. Beloe says this is the scarcest book that we have. 2540 KEMBLE (J. M.) Saxons in England, a History of the English Commonwealth till the Period of the Norman Conquest, revised by W. Degray Birch. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. £1.4s 1876 2541 KEMBLE (J. M.) State Papers and Correspondence illustrative of the Social and Political State of Europe from the Revolution to the Accession to the Accession to the House of Hanover, edited with Historical Introduction, Biographies, and Notes. Thick 8vo, cloth. 6s (pub 16s) 1857 2542 KEMBLE (John Phillip) Fugitive Pieces (in Verse) IPost 8vo, new half morocco. 15s York, 1780 Very rare, having been carefully suppressed. Perry gave £15 for a copy against Mr. Kemble, who assured Mr. Jolley that he had succeeded in buying up and suppressing all the copies that had been sold excepting four, and at the same time offered Mr. Jolley ton guineas for his copy, which liberal offer was refused. \ 36, Soho Square, London. 2 I 5 2543 KEMP's NINE DAIES WoxDER, performed in a daunce from London to Norwich, containing his pleasure, paines & kinde Entertainment betwene London and that City in his late Mor- lice. Reprinted in facsimile of the exceedingly rare edition of 1600, by E. W. Ashbee, 4to, only 100 copies printed for Sub- scribers. 15s 2544 KENEALY (Dr.) The Book of God, the Apocalypse of Adam-Oannes. Thick post 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d about 1870 2545 KENNEDY (Jas) Essays, Ethnological and Linguistic, on the Ancient Lauguage of France and Spain, the Ancient Bri- tons, Etruscans, Origin of the American Indians, the Lost Tribes. of Israel, &c. 8vo, sewed. 3s 1867 2546 KENRICK (John) History of Phoenicia. 8vo, cloth. 7s 6d. (pub 16s) IS55. |KENT. 2547 LAMBARDE (W m.) Perambulation of Kent, containing the De- scription, Hystorie and Customes of that Shyre. 4to, black letter, with the 2 SCARGE MAPs and a SCARCE PORTRAIT of Lam- barde INSERTED. Fine old original calf. #3. 3s lă96 2548 HARRIS's History of Kent. Folio, wap, portrait, and many fine plates, calf meat, scarce. £3. 15s 1719. 2549 PIIILIPOTT's History of Kent. Folio, large map, with view of Itye and Dover by Hollar, half morocco gilt. £1.15s 1659, 2550 PHILIPOTT, Another Copy without the map. Calf meat. 18s 1659. 2551 PHILIPOTT (Thos.) Willare Cantianum, or Kent Surveyed and Illustrated. Folio, clean copy, whout, cloth. 7s 6d Lynwn, 1776 Wants the map and two leaves. 2552 EXCERPTA CANTIANA, being a prospectus of a History of Kent. Large folio, fine portraits, pedigrees, and many woodcuts, the for- ºmer are fo.ced, half calf. 12s Privately printed, 1836. 2553 GREEN WOOD (C.) History of the County. Thick 4to, numerous plates and map, cloth. El. 15s 183S 2554 POLL BOOK for the Knights of the Shire, Vane and Dering Re- turned. The FIRST Poll Book of the County. 8vo, meat. £1. Is 1734 2555 POLL BOOK.—Portion of the Original Manuscripts of the very rare first Kentish Poll Book, ending with Oxney Isle Parish. Neatly written and bound in 2 folio volumes. 12s 1734. 2556 POLI, Book for West Kent, 1847. 3s 2557 POLL I3ook for East Kent, 1865, cloth. 3s; 1868. 4s 6d 2558 MAP of KENT.—Divided into Lathes, by E. Bowen, 29 in. by 20 im., coloured, meatly mounted on canvas and folding in a 12mo case. 2s 6d 1736 2559 BOYS (John, of Belshanger) General View of the Agriculture of Kent. 8vo, map. 2s 1796, 2 I6 Alfred Russell Smith, 2560 KENTISH INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER, published at GRAVESEND. Commencing No. 57, vol 2, Feb. 3, 1844, and ending with No. 836, vol 15. March 5, 1859. Bound in 15 vols, folio, meat half calf. :{2. 2561 BLACK's Guide to the County. Thick 12mo, map and numerous illustrations. 2s 2562 HENSHALL's Specimens and Parts, containing a History of Kent, Dissertation on the Early Laws, and a History of South Britain. 4to, boards. 4s 6d 1798 2563 FURLEY (Robt., F.S.A.) History of the Weald of Kent, with an Outline of the Early History of the County ; also a Sketch of the Physical Features of the District, by Iſenry B. Mackeson, F.G.S. 3 thick 8vo vols, many maps and plates, cloth. fl. 4s 1871 2564 ASHFORD, History of, by Rev. A. J. Pearman (Vicar of Rainham) 12mo, plates, cloth. 3s 6d Ashford, 1868 2565 BIRCIIINGTON and its BUNGALows, by A. Mayhew, with an historical Sketch of THANET and Notes on the Island by S. W. Kershaw. Post 8vo, plates, cloth. 2s 1881 2566 CANTERBURY in the Olden Time, by John Brent. 1860–Fe- lix Summerley's Handbook for Canterbury, new edition, edited by John Brent. 1855. In a volume, many woodcuts of old houses and antiquities in Canterbury. Post 8vo, cloth, an enter- taining volume. 2s 6d N. 2568 DUCAREL's REPERTORY of the Endowments of Vicarages in the Dioceses of Canterbury and Rochester. 8vo, whout. 4s 6d 1782 2569 GOSTLING's Walk in and about Canterbury. Second edition, portrait and many plates, boards. 5s Canterbury, 1777 2570 GOSTLING's Walk round Canterbury. Map, Canterbury, 1774.— Duncomb's Historical Description of Canterbury Cathedral, with a Translation of the Epitaphs. Front., Canterbury, 1783–Bridg- man's Historical and Topographical Sketch of Knole. Plate, 1817 Letter to the Freemen of Sandwich on an intended Reduction of Tolls of the Bridge, by Pettman. 1807.---Erginfield (Archinfield, Herefordshire) an Antiquarian Fragment, by David Pugh. In a volume, 8vo, half calf. 9s 6d 2571 PARKER (Matthew) De Antiquitate Britannicæ Ecclesiae et No- minatium de Privilegiis Ecclesia Cantuariensis atque de Archie- piscopis ejusdem 70 Historia. Folio, old calf. T9s Hanoviae, 1605 2572 SANDYS’ (Charles) Critical Dissertation on Professor Willis's “Architectural History of Canterbury Cathedral.” 8vo. 2s 6d 1846 2573 SOMNER's Antiquities of Canterbury, with the Cathedral by Battely. SECOND EDITION, folio, many plates, meat. £1. 8s 1703 36, Soho Square, London. 217 2574 SOMNER's Antiquities of Canterbury, or a Survey of that An- cient Citie, with the Suburbs and Cathedral. Thick 4to, plates, meat. 8s 6d 1640 2575 WOOLNOTH's Graphic Illustrations of Canterbury Cathedral, with a History and Description of that Fabric, its Monuments, Chapels, Shrines, Chantries, etc., and the Convent of Christ- church. 4to, many fine plates, boards. 12s 1816 2576 BATCHELLER's History of Dover and the Castle, also the Cinque Ports. 12mo, plutes, cloth. 2s 6d Pover, 1845 2577 LYON’s History of the Town and Port of Dover, Dover Castle, and the Cinque Ports. 2 vols in 1, 4to, maps, meat. 15s Dover, 1813 2578 TIIE Church and Fortress of Dover Castle, by Rev. John Puckle. 8vo, plates, cloth. 5s 1864 2579 DOVER HARBOUR.—Proposed Plan for Improving Dover Har- bour by an Extension of the South Pier Head, &c., by Lieut. B. Worthington. Roy. 8vo, curious facsimile plate of Dover, and plate, sewed. 3s Dover, 1838 2580 FAVERSHAM.—Jacob's History of the Town and Port of Faver- sham. 8vo, plates, with the eactra ones, meat. 9s 1774 2581 JACOB's FAVERSHAM. Another copy, without the extra plates, meat. 6s 6d 1774 2582 FAWERSHAM.—Map of the Town, with Cuts of Seals and View of the Abbey in the margin, by EDW. JACOB. Three feet by two, amounted on canvas and roller3. 7s 6d about 1780, 2583 GRAVESEND.—Cruden’s History of Gravesend and of the Port of London. Roy. 8vo, plates, cloth. 8s 6d—half morocco. 9s 6d —calf gilt. 10s 6d 1843 2584 GREENWICH.-Am Historical Account of the Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich, by COOKE and MAULE, 4to, FINE PLATES, BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS, SCARCE, calf meat. 9s 6d 1789 This copy has the finely engraved folding frontispiece so frequently wanting, it has also inserted, a CARICATURE PORTRAIT IN ROWLANDSON's BEST STYLE of John Rosedale, Mariner, Exhibitor of the Hall. 2585 GREENWICH, a Poem, Descriptive and Historical, by Jas. San- som. 8vo, boards. 2s 1808. 2586 GREENWICH.-Summer's Day at Greenwich, the Hospital, Park, with History of the Ancient Palace, by Wm. Shoberl. 12mo, cwts, cloth. 1s 6d 1846. $587 GREEN WICH.--Pictorial Guide to Greenwich, a Handbook des- criptive of its Hospital and Chapel, Naval Gallery, Palace, the Park, Blackheath. Sm. 8vo, woodcuts, cloth. 2s Orr, 1844 2588 DEFOE (D.) Some Account of the Two Nights Court at Green- wich, wherein may be seen the Reason, Rise and Progress of the late ummatural Rebellion against King George and his Govern- ment. 8vo, SCARCE and curious, calf meat. 12s 6d 1716. 2 I 8 Alfred Russell Smith, 2589 KNOLE.-Bridgman's Historical and Topographical Sketch of Knole, with a Genealogy of the Sackville Family. 8vo, plates, boards. 5s—new calf eactra. 7s 6d 1821 2590 KNOLE.-Brady's Guide to Knole, with a Catalogue of the Pic- tures and Biographical Notices. 12mo, pedigree, woodcuts and plates, cloth. 3s Sevenoaks, 1839 2591 LYMNE.-Report of ExCAVATIONs at the Roman Castrum of --- LYMNE, by C. Roach Smith, 4to, plates, half calf, plates foxed. 9S Printed for subscribers owly, 1852 2592 CHARTERS and other Documents relating to the Town and Parish of Maidstone, with Notes and Annotations by W. R. James. 8vo. 3s 1825 2593 MAIDSTONE.-History and Antiquities of the Collegiate Church of All Saints, Maidstone, with Illustrations of its Architecture and Observations on Polychromatic Decoration of the Middle Ages, by John Whichcord. 4to, plates, some ILLUMINATED, FAC- SIMILEs, hiſ bound. 8s 6d I845 2594 POSTE (Beale) History of the College of All Saints', Maidstone. Roy. 8vo, plates and woodcuts, cloth. 6s 1847 2595 GILBERT (W. C.) Memorials of the Collegiate and Parish Church, All Saints, Maidstone, with Lists of Incumbents and Church- wardens, from the Earliest Times. 12mo, cloth. 2s 6d Maidstone, 1866 2596 MARGATE.—Oulton's Picture of Margate and its Vicinity. 8vo, map and 20 plates by Shury, calf. 4s 6d I820 2597 ORPINGTON.—Strange News from ARPINGTON, near Bexley, in Rent, being a true narrative of a young maid who was possest with several Devils or Evil Spirits, one of which by the Prayers of a religious doctor, was fetcht out of her body, and appeared in the likeness of a large Snake, and twisted itself about the doc- tor's neck; with an Account of several other devils, etc. This narrative is attested by Mrs. Hopper, whom you may speak with at the Bell and Dragon, in White's Alley, Chancery Lane, 4to, calf meat. £2. 2s 1679 2598 RICHBOROUGH. —Battely's Antiquitates Rutupinae (Richbo- rough and Reculver) and Antiquitates S. Edmundi Burgi (Bury St. Edmunds). In a volume, 4to, plates, calf meat. 6s Oxon., 1745 2599 RICHBOROUGH.—Battely's Antiquitates Rutupinae, 8vo, plates, calf meat. 5s, 1711 2600 AUTHENTIC COPY of the Charter and Bye-Laws of the City of Rochester. Folio, half bound. 3s 1749 2601 POLL-BOOK of the City of Rochester, Calcraft, Barnett, and Sir W. Sidney Smith, Candidates. 8vo, interleaved, half morocco, 4S - 1806 2602 HISTORY and Antiquities of RocBESTER. 12mo, woodcuts. 2s Itochester, about 1850 36, Soho Square, London. 2 IQ **s. 2603 ROCHESTER.—Fisher's History of Rochester. 12mo, map and plate, meat. 2s 6d Rochester, 1772 2604 ROCHESTER.—History and Antiquities of Rochester and its environs. 8vo, map, a little stained, boards. 3s 6d Wildash, 1817 2605 DESCRIPTIVE Sketches of Rochester, Chatham and their Vicinities, including the Watling Street, Pilgrim's Road, Chapel, and Ancient City Walls, by Jas. Phippen. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d Rochester, 1862 2606 SERMON at St. Martin's in the Fields, at the Funeral of Dr. Hardy, Dean of Rochester, June 9th, 1670, by Richard Meggott. 4to, sewed. 2s 6d 167() 2607 POLL BOOK of the Electors of the City of Rochester, May, 1807; Candidates—Thompson, Calcraft, and Trigge. 8vo, half morocco. 2s 6d Rochester, 1807 2608 PALMER's Narrative of the Distressing Accident at Rochester Bridge, Sept. 13, 1816. 12mo, boards. 2s 1817 2609 NEW ROMNEY.—Copy of Several Briefs concerning the Several Rights of Officers and Freemen in the Town and Port of New Romney, and also a Feigned Issue which was tried in the Court of King's Bench, concerning the Rights of Freemen's Daughters marrying, in 1735, and 1736. Folio, very clearly written manuscript of 73 pages, vellum. £1. 1s about 1736 2610 ROMNEY MARSH.-Charter of Romney Marsh in Latin and English. 12mo, calf meat. 9s 1647 Old signature on title of W. Godolphin, who gave £1. 10s for this Copy. 2611 SANDWICH-Boys' History of Sandwich. Begins on page 279. Thick 4to, plates, sewed. 12s Canterbury, 1792 2612 SANDWICH-Boys (Wm.) Testacea Minuta Rariores, a Collec- tion of the Minute and Rare Shells lately discovered on the Sea Shore at Sandwich. 4to, plates by George Walker of Faversham, boards. 15s about 1780 2613 SANDWICH, a Lecture by the Rev. R. C. Jenkins (from Arch. Cant.) 8vo. 2s 1864 2614 SEVENOAKS.—The Will of Sir William Sevenocke, also letters, patents, wills, grants, proceedings in Chancery, decrees, &c., relating to the Free School and Almshouses in Sevenoaks. 8vo, scarce. 3s 6d Sevenoaks, 1802 2615 STROUD.—ACT for Providing a Workhouse and rebuilding the Church of Stroud. Folio, neatly half bound and interleaved with writing paper. 2s 6d 1812 2616 TUNBRIDGE WELLS.—Britton's Descriptive Sketches of Tun- bridge Wells, with Notices of the Scenery, Seats and Antiqui- ties of the Vicinity. Post 8vo, plates, cloth. 5s 1832 This copy contains the uncancelled paragraph. 22O Alfred Russell Smith, 2617 TUNBRIDGE WELLS. — Descriptive Sketches of Tunbridge Wells and the Calverley Estate, with Brief Notices of the Scenery, Seats, and Antiquities of the Vicinity, by John Britton. LARGE PAPER, roy. 8vo, folding map and plates, new half calf, eactra, gilt top. 15s 1832 This edition contains the uncancelled paragraph in which the Author makes Judge Jeffreys preside at the Trial of Charles Ist. 2618 CLIFFORD’s Guide to Tunbridge, and Circuit of 12 miles. 12mo, map and cuts, boards. 2s Tunb. Wells, 1823 2619 TUNBRIDGE WELLS.—Colbran's New Guide to Tunbridge Wells, by Phippen. Post 8vo, cloth 2s 6d 1840 2620 TUNBRIDGE WALKS, or the Yeoman of Kent, a Comedy by Mr. Baker. 8vo, fromthspiece inserted, half morocco. 2s 6d 1764 2621 EXCURSIONS in Kent, comprising Brief Historical and Topo- graphical Delineations, Remains of Antiquity and other Interes- ting Objects. 8vo, map and 50 CHARMING PLATES by GREIG, l’RouT, and other eminent Artists of that time, half calf. 6s 6d l822 2622 HOP Planter's Assistant, containing an Accurate and Exact Collection of Useful Tables for those Dealing in Hops and Clover Seed. 8vo, calf meat. 3s Maidstone, about 1800 2623 JULIUS CAESAR ; Did he cross the Channel? Reviewed (a Reply to the Rev. Scott F. Surtees' Publications), by JoHN WAINWRIGHT, Member of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Post 8vo. 4s 1869. 2624 JULIUS CAESAR ; showing beyond reasonable doubt that he never crossed the Channel, but sailed from Zeeland, and landed in Norfolk, by the Rev. SCOTT F. SURTEES. Post 8vo, sewed. RS 2625 KENTISH PoETs, a Series of Writers in English Poetry, Natives or Residents in the County of Kent, with specimens of their Compositions and some Account of their Lives and Writings by lt. Freeman, 2 vols, boards, uncut, scarce, 16s Canterbwry, 1821 2626 KIENTISH Tokens of the 17th Century, described by H. W. Rolf F. 8vo, plutes, half morocco, 10s 6d Not printed for sale, 1862 Describes for the first time the tokens issued in Canterbury, Chilham, Godmersham, Wye, Dover, Folkestone, Polton, Elham, Deal, Ramsgate, Sandwich, Minster, Roniney, Lydd, Faversham, Cranbrook, Tenterden, Dimchurch, Hythe, Ashlord, Pluckley, and Brookland. 2627 KENTISH TrAvei,LER's Companion in a descriptive view of the Towns, Villages, and Antiquities on or near the road to Margate, 1)over, and Canterbury. 2nd Edition. 8vo, neat. 3s Canterbury, 1779 Another copy. 4th edition. Map. 4s 6d 627% 36, Soho Square, London. 22 I 2628 KNOCKER (E) Account of the Grand Court of Shepway, Holden * on the Bredenstone Hill for the Installation of Lord Palmerston. as warden of the Cinque Ports. Small 4to, frontispiece and plates, elegantly printed, cloth. 6s 6d 1862 2629 LIFE and Death of John Carpenter, alias HELL FIRE JACK, the Noted Horse Stealer, Executed April 4th, 1805.-Particulars of Eliz. Barber,alias Mrs. Daley, hanged for Murder.—I. Dransfield, a Soldier, Hanged for Rape, and Trial of Foot Guards for Highway Robbery. 12mo, frontispiece, sewed. 3s 1805 2630 PENNANT's Journey from London to the Isle of Wight, through Rent to Dover, and thence along the coast, 2 vols, 4to, many fine plates and portaits, calf meat. 18S 1801 2631 SAXON KINGs.-Pedigree of the Kentish Kings, by the Rev. R. C. Jenkins. 8vo, cloth. 5s JFolkestone, 1867 2632 SMITH (John Russell) Bibliotheca Cantiana.-A Bibliographical Account of what has been published on the History, Topo- graphy, Antiquities, Customs, and Family Genealogy of the County of Kent, with Biographical Notes. 8vo, (pp. 370), with 2 facsimile plates of autographs of 33 Eminent Kentish Writers. 5s (original price 14s) 2633 LARGE PAPER. Royal 8vo, only 50 copies printed, cloth. 12S 2634 SOMNER's Treatise on the Roman Ports and Forts in Kent, edited by Jas. Browne, Rector of Cheriton. 8vo, portrait, calf gilt. 7s 6d—Boards. 5s Oxford, 1693 2635 SONDS.–Mirrour of Mercy and Judgement, a Narrative of the Life and Death of Freeman Sonds, Esq., of Lees Court, in Sheld- wich, executed at Maidstone, Aug. 21st, 1655, for the Murther of his elder Brother. By R. Boreman, of Teston. The rare original edition. 4to, Sewed. 491. Is 1652 2636 STEAMBOAT COMPANION down the River to the Nore, and * a Trip up the Medway, with a complete Milton and Gravesend Guide. 8vo, plates and woodcuts, boards. 2s About 1830 2637 SWING.—Life and History of Swing, The Kent Rick Burner, by himself. 12mo, woodcut on title. 2s 1830 2638 THANET-Beauties of the Isle of Thanet, and the Cinque Ports. 2 vols, 12mo, one hundred and six plates by Storer, Greig, and other eminent artists (3 or 4 plates wanting), boards. 12s 1830 2639 KEATE (George) Sketches from Nature in a Journey to Mar- gate. 12mo, frontispiece, many cuts by Austin and Bewick, meat. 4s 6d 1802 2640 BOY’s Collections for a History of SANDWICII. Thick 4to, maps * and plates, calf gilt. £5. Canterbury, 1792 15 222 Alfred Russell Smith, 2641 KETT's REBELLION in Norfolk, a History of that Great Civil Commotion, founded on the Privy Council Register, State Papers, and Corporation, Town and Church Records, by Rev. F. W. Russell, 4to, plates, cloth. 9s 6d 1859 2642 KING (Daniel) The Vale Royall of England; or, a De- scription. Historicall and Geographicall of the Countie Palatine of Chester. Folio, map and plates, fine old copy in russia. £15. 1656 2643 KING (C. W.) Handbook of ENGRAVED GEMS. 8vo many plates, cloth. 12s 1866 2644 KING (Ed.) Hymns to the Supreme Being, in imita- tion of the Eastern Songs. Post 8vo, fine copy, calf. 3s 6d 1798 2645 KING (Sir John, born at St. Albans) Memoir written by his Father in 1677, edited with Illustrative Notes, by G. H. Sawtell. Post 8vo, portrait, sewed. 2s 6d 1855 2646 KING (Dr. Wm.) Original Works, with Historical Notes and Memoir. 3 vols, 12mo, vignette portraits, calf meat. 12S 1776 Edited by Nichols—Account of Denmark—Dialogues of the Dead— Journey to London—Adversaria—Art of Cookery—Art of Love—and Miscellany Poems, and other pieces written in a facetious strain. 264.7 KING (Henry, Bp. of Chichester) Poems, Elegies, Para- doxes, and Sonnets. 12mo, morocco, gilt edges. £1. 15s 1657 2648 KING ARTHUR.—The Byrth, Lyf, and Actes of KYNG ARTHUR, of his noble Knyghtesof the Rounde Table, theyr Mer- vellous Enquestes and Adventures, and in the End le Morte d'Arthur, with the Dolorous Deth and Departying out of thys Worlde of them al. Edited from Caxton's Edition of 1485, with Introduction and Notes by RoberT SouTHEY. 2 vols, 4to, half morocco. £3. 1817 2649 KINGSLEY (Chas.) The Saint's Tragedy, or the True Story of Elizabeth of Hungary, Saint of the Romish Calendar, with a Preface by PROF. MAURICE. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth. 6s 6d 1848 2650 KIPPINGE (Henry) Antiquitates Romanæ quibus continentur res Sacra Civiles Militaires, Domesticae, qui accesserunt Vita Kippingi. Thick 8vo, curious plates, red mo- Yocco extra, gilt edges, Syston Park. 4s 6d Lug. Bat., 1713 2651 KIRBY (Major Charles) Adventures of an Arcot Ru- pee. 3 vols, cr. 8vo, cloth meat. 5s 1867 2652 KITCHINER (Dr.) The Art of Prolonging Life, or Invalid's Oracle, with the pleasure of making a Will. 12mo cloth, 2s 1828 36, Soho Square, London. 223 2653 KNIGHT's (Chas.) Tourist's Companion to the Land we we Live in. 8vo, plates, cloth. 5s 1853 2654 KNIGHT (Chas.) The Old Printer and the Modern Press. 12mo, cloth, scarce. 5s 1854 2655 KNIGHT (Charles) History of London. 6 vols in 3, many hundreds of woodcuts, cloth. 12s 1851 2656 KNIGHT (Miss Cornelia) Dinarbas, a tale, being a Continuation of Rasselas, 12mo, calf meat, autograph of the Au- thoress. 4s 6d 1790 2657 LA BRUJA : the Witch, or a Picture of the Court of Rome, found among the MSS. of a Respectable Theologian, a great Friend of that Court; translated from the Spanish by Markophrates. 12mo, frontispiece and vignettes, half morocco. 4s 6d 1840 2658 LACROIX (Paul) Sciences et Lettres au Moyen Age. Thick imp. 8vo, 13 charming plates from old manuscripts, in gold and colours, and a large number of woodcuts, half morocco, gilt top. 31.8s Paris, 1877 2659 LACY (John) Wyl Bucke his Testament, the Legacies palatably prepared for the Legatees. Copeland, about 1560, 12mo, ONLY 40 COPIES privately reprinted by Joseph Hazelwood, calf meat. 15s 1827 2660 LAFAYETTE (General) Souvenirs sur sa Wie Privee, par Jules Cloquet. 8vo, half morocco. 4s 6d Paris, 1836 2661 LAKE (Arthur, Bp. of Bath and Wells) Ten Sermons preached at St. Pauls Cross, and elsewhere. 4to, fine impression, of the rare portrait by Hollar, crimson morocco extra, fl. 10s 1641 2662 L’ALCORAN des CORDELIERS tant enlatine qu'en Fran- goise c'est a dire, Recueil des plus Notables Bourdes et Blas- phemes de ceux qui ontosé comparer Sainct Frangoise à Jesus Christ; tiré du grand Livre de Conformitez de frere Barthéleme de Pise (par Erasme Alber et Traduit en Françoise par Cour. Baduis). 2 vols, plates by Picart—Légende Dorée ou Sommaire de l’Histoire des Frères Mendicans de l'ordre de S. Dominique et de St. Frangoise (par Nic. Wignier le Fils). 3 vols in 2. 12mo, calf meat. £1.15s Amsf., 1734 These works were written to expose the vices of the members of these orders, which they lash most mercilessly, and show them up in all their hideous colours. • 2663 LAMB (Charles) Essays of ELIA. Post 8vo, FIRST EDITION, half calf meat. & 1. Is 1823 2664 £ambātū (ſºft., Historian of Kent) Eirenatcha, or the Office of Justices of Peace. Thick 4to, 33latt; 3Letter, origi- mal calf binding. 6s 6d 1610 224 Alfred Russell Smith, 2665 LAMBERT (Miss) Church Needlework, with Practical Remarks on its Arrangement and Preparation. 8vo, many plates, cloth, 4s 6d l844. 2666 LAMY's Apparatus Biblicus, or Introduction to the Holy Scriptures. 4to, plates, meat and clean. 2s 6d 1729. LAN CASHIRE. 2667 HISTORY of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster, by ED. BAINES, the Biographical Department by W.R. Wharton. 4 thick vols, 4to, portrait, plates and pedigrees, calf gilt, marbled edges. £6. 15s 1836 2668 BAINES's History of the County of Lancaster, a New, Revised and Improved Edition, edited by J. Harland, F.S.A. 2 vols, 4to, cloth. £2.5s (pub £3.13s 6d) 1867 2669 BAINES, another copy in new half morocco, gilt tops. £2. 10s 1867 2670 BAINES, LARGE PAPER. 2 vols, roy. 4to, cloth. 33 3s (pub £5.) Tö 2671 PICTORIAL History of the County of Lancaster, by Cyrus Red- ding. Royal 8vo, map and 170 illustrations, half bound. 12s 6d 1844 2672 ILLUSTRATED Itinerary of the County. Royal 8vo, 122 steel and woodcut illustrations, half bound Crimson morocco, top edges gilt. 18S * 1842 2673 LEIGH (Chas.) Natural History of Lancashire, Cheshire, and the * Peak in Derbyshire, with an Account of the British, Phoenician, Greek and Roman Antiquities in those parts. Folio, port, and plates, calf meat. £1.4s Oxford, 1700 2674 EXPENDITURE of the County of Lancaster from 1819 to 1842, t with Remarks by Robert Hindle. 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1853. 2675 TRANSACTIONS of the HISTORIC SOCIETY of LANCASHIRE, and Cheshire. The First Two SERIES complete, with INDEx. 24 vols, 8vo, NUMEROUS PIATES of ANTIQUITIES, COINs, Facsimiles, Portraits, HISTORICAL PLACES, etc., SOME COLOURED, new half calf gilt, marbled edges. £6.6s 1849–72 A very desirable Set of Books to the Antiquary, as it contains in- formation relating to these Two Highly Interesting Counties not to be obtained elsewhere. 2676 TRANSACTIONS of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. 1st Series complete, 10 vols, maps, engravings, new, wh- cut. £3. 2677 Do. Wols. 4, 8, 9, also vols 2 and 12, New Series. 5s each 2678 GREGSON's (Matth.) Portfolio of Fragments relative to the His- tory and Antiquities,Topography and Genealogies of the County of Lancaster, j edition, with Additions, Improvements, In- dexes, &c., by J. Harland, F.R.S. Folio, many hundred engrav- ings, cloth. £2 2s 1869 36, Soho Square, London. 225 2679 FOSTER (J.) Pedigrees of the County Families of LANCASHIRE, the Heraldic Illustrations by J. Forbes-Nacon, 4to, cloth. 433. 3s 1873 2680 OBMEROD (George) Miscellanea Palatina, consisting of Genealo- gical Essays, Illustrative of Cheshire and LANCASHIRE FAMI- LIES, and of a Memoir on the Cheshire Domesday Roll. 8vo, plates, pedigrees and arms, privately printed, presentation copy, cloth, £3. 3s 1851 º \; the very rare privately printed Additions and Index, printed II]. * 2681 ROBY's Traditions of Lancashire. Both Series, 4 vols, 8vo, nice & clean copy, wrºcwt, many plates, new half morocco ectra, gilt tops. #96. 15s 1830—31 2682 ROBY (John, Author of Traditions of Lancashire) Legendary and Poetical Remains, with a Sketch of his Life and Character, by his Widow. 8vo, portrait, cloth. 3s 6d 1854 2683 BALLADS and SONGS of LANCASHIRE, chiefly older than the 19th Century, Collected, Compiled and Edited, with Notes by John Harland. 12mo, vignettes, cloth. 4s 6d 1865 2684 BRITTON's BEAUTIES of England and Wales. Wol 9, consisting of Lancashire, Leicestershire, and Lincolnshire. Thick 8vo, no plates, half calf meat. 4s 6d 1837 2685 FURNESS.—West's Antiquities of Furness, Second Edition, with Additions by Wm. Close. 8vo, frontispiece, new half calf, gilt top. 12s Ulverston, 1813 2686 FISHWICK (Lieut.-Col. Henry) LANCASHIRE LIBRARY ; a Biblio- graphical Account of Books of Topography, Biography, History, Science, and Miscellaneous Literature, relating to the County Palatine, including an Account of Lancashire Tracts, Pamphlets, and Sermons, printed before the year 1720 ; with Collations, and Bibliographical, Critical, and Biographical Notes on the Books and Authors, 4to, LARGE PAPER, cloth. £1.5s 1875 The Literature of Lancashire is so extensive and varied, that the ne- cessity for such a work as the above has long been felt. 2687 LAKES.—A Fine Collection of 22 Large and Charming Views of the Lakes, &c., Painted by BELLARs and Engraved by CHATE- LAIN. Most brilliant impressions, in fine state. £6.6s 1774 Contains many that are exceedingly rare which I have never seen be- fore. 2688 LAKE DISTRICT-A Guide to the Lakes of Cumberland, West- moreland and Lancashire, by West, 8vo, frontispiece, boards. 3s 6d 1784 2689 HISTORY and Description of Lancaster. 8vo, maps and plates, boards. 3s 6d Lancaster, 1811 2690 SIMPSON’s History and Antiquities of the Town of LANGASTER. 8vo, frontispiece, cloth. 6s 6d Lancaster, 1852 2691 Another copy (wants title, rather grubby). 2s 226 Alfred Russell Smith, 2692 LIVERPOOL.—Picture of Liverpool, or Stranger's Guide. 12mo, folding map and plates. 2s 6d Liverpool, 1808 2693 BROOKE (R.) A Descriptive account of Liverpool, as it was dur- ing the last Quarter of the Eighteenth Century. 1775–1800, a handsome vol, roy. 8vo, with illustrations, cloth. 12s 6d (origi- nal price £1.5s) 1853 2694 LIVERPOOL.—History of the Commerce and Town of Liverpool, and of the Rise of Manufacturing Industry in the adjoining Counties, by Thomas Baines. Thick 8vo, folding maps and frontispiece, new half morocco, gilt top. 16s Liverpool, 1852 2695 LIVERPOOL.—Avother copy in parts (wanting part 7). 5s Ib. 2696 WHITAKER (J.) History of Manchester. 2 vols, 4to, numerous fine folding plans and plates, calf extra, marbled edges. £5.5s Blackburn, 1771 2697 MANCHESTER and the Country for 40 miles described by J. Aikin. Thick 4to, with 73 fine large folding maps, plates, and portraits by Stothard and others, whewt, in new half morocco, gilt top. 362. 15s 1795 2698 Another copy in russia, marbled edges. £2 2s 1795 2699 Another copy in calf meat (wanting the Maps). £1. 10s 1795 2700 MANCHESTER.—Wheeler's History of Manchester, Political, y Social and Commercial, Ancient and Modern. Thick post 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d 1836 2701 MANCHESTER.—The Charities of the Collegiate Church, The Free Grammar School, The Blue Coat Hospital, and the last Will and Testament of the late Catherine Richards, with other ANCIENT CURIOSITIES, 8vo, half calf. 4s 6d Manchester, 1791 2702 MANCHESTER WORTHIES and their Foundations, six Chap- ters of Local History, with an Epilogue by way of Moral, by Edw. Edwards. 8vo. 2s 6d Manchester, 1855 2703 MANCHESTER.—History of the Foundation of Christ's College, Chetham's Hospital, and the Free Grammar School, by S. Hib- bert Ware. 4 vols, 4to, numerous plates, cloth. £3.15s 1834 2704 MANCHESTER WINDICATED, being a Compleat Collection of the Papers lately published in Defence of that Town, in the Chester Courant), together with those on the other side of the Question, Printed in the Manchester Magazine or elsewhere, which are answered in the said Chester Courant. 12mo, clean copy in calf meat, Small coats of arms on Sides, very scarce. 18S 1749 A curious work relating to the Behaviour of the Manchester people before and after the Rebellion of 1745. 2705 MANCHESTER.—Memorials of Manchester Streets, by Richard W. Proctor. Thick 8vo, numerous plates, cloth, scarce. 9s Manchester, 1874 2706 MANCHESTER.—Gimcrackiana, or Fugitive Pieces on Manches- ter Men and Manners Ten Years ago. 12mo, 8 curious vignettes on india paper, new half calf gilt. 12s Manchester, 1833 A very uncommon and amusing description of people 60 years ago. 36, Soho Square, London. 227 2707 RIVINGTON.—Statutes and Charter of Rivington School, and memoir of its founder, Jas. Pilkington, Bp. of Dnrham, by Rev. J. Whitaker. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1837 2708 SAMLESBURY HALL.—CROSTON (JAMEs) HISTORY OF THE ANCIENT HALL OF SAMLESBURY, IN LANCASHIRE (the seat of William Harrison, Esq.) with an Account of its earlier Possessors and Particulars relating to the more recent Descent of the Manor. Folio, pedigrees and illustrations, morocco ectra, gilt edges. £5. 1871 One of those superbly Printed Books for which the Chiswick Press is famous. Only 200 copies were printed entirely at Mr. Harrison's Expense for Presents. Col. Fishwick in his “Lancashire Library,” tells us it “Will always be a valuable Lancashire book.” Copies have sold for :98. 8s.” 2709 SHUTTLE WORTH ACCOUNTS. — The House and Farm Accounts of the Shuttleworths of Gawthorpe Hall, from Sept. 1582 to Oct. 1621, edited by John Harland. Wols 1, 2, 3, 4to, cloth. £1.5s Chetham Soc., 1856–7 27.10 PRESTON.—Topographical, Statistical, and Historical Account of the Borough of Preston, its Antiquities, and Modern Improve- ments, a copy of the Charter, Description of its Environs; the origin of the GUILD MERCHANTs’ Fête, a List of the Mayors, Dailiffs, Recorders and Members of Parliament, and a Directory for 1821, by Marmaduke Tulket. 12mo, plates, boards. 7s 6d Preston, 1821 Interesting to Campaniologists, it contains several accounts of changes rung in the town. 2711 WHALLEY.—History of the Original Parish of, and Honor of CLITHEROE, by T. D. Whitaker. 4to, large folding map, Tables of Pedigrees, and fine plates, VERY BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS, bound in calf gilt. £4. 1803 This copy is of considerable Historical interest as it is a present from Lady Hamilton to Lord Nelson, and has the following Inscription on the Fly-leaf in her own handwriting. “Given to Lady Hamilton at Merton by Sir Wm. March, and as she knew it would please dear Sir Wm., she begs their dear friend Lord Nelson to accept it for his library.” 2712 DIALECT of South Lancashire, or Tim Bobbin's Tummas and Meary, revised and corrected with his Rhymes, and an enlarged Glossary of Words and Phrases chiefly used by the Rural Popu- lation of the Manufacturing Districts of South Lancashire, by Samuel Bamford. 12mo, second edition, cloth. 3s 6d 1854 2713 BRAITHWAITE (R.) The Two Lancashire Lovers, or the excell- ent History of Philocles and Doriclea, stored with no less variety of discourse to delight the generous, than of serious advice to instruct the amorous. Sm. 8vo, with the fine engraved from tispiece and the rare plate at page 246, calf extra. 63. 3s 1640 This is one of the earliest works of fiction not taken from a foreign source, in the English language. Mr. Collier says, “How much of the story of this novel is founded upon facts it is impossible now to sº but many of the incidents read as if they had actually oc- CUll-l'EC1. 228. Alfred Russell Smith, 2714 HARRISON (Wm., of Samlesbury Hall, Lancashire) Fragments and Scraps of History, 2 vols, 4to, LARGE PAPER, but very few copies privately printed, new half calf gilt. £1 8s 1834 ſºle of the second volume is taken up with Caesar's Invasious O I'll alll. 2715 JULIA, or the Adventures of the Daughter of the Curate of Elm- wood, on her journey to London, to obtain the living for her Rather, the l’erilous Events attending her arrival, and their Happy Conclusion. 8vo, sewed. 2s 6d Manchester, about 1790 2716 LANCASHIRE WITCHES.—Detection of that Sinnful, Shamful, Lying and Ridiculous Discourse of Samuel Harshnet, entitled a Discoverie of the Fraudulent Practices of JoBN DARRELL. Sm. 4to, 211 pp., half bound. £4. 10s (evidently surreptitiously prin- ted) Imprinted 1600 “The presumed witchEs are WILLIAM SoMERs, Kath. WRIGHT and MARY COUPER, and the supposed teaching them in their fearsome work, by John Darrell. In this Treatise full of Sound and Fury, Darrell has contrived to render it somewhat doubtful whether he was a dupe or an Imposter.”—GIFFORD. This is undoubtedly a VERY CURIOUs and EXCEEDINGLY RARE book rela- ting to the Lancashire Witches, it is also of singular interest to the Collector of Shakspeariana, as it is from this work that Shakspeare took the fantastical names of his Spirits in King Lear; it is also the work on which Harrison Ainsworth founded his charming romance of the Lancashire Witches. 2717 PALATINE ANTHOLOGY. — Collection of ANCIENT POEMs and BALLADs relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 4to, ONLY 110 COPIFs PRIVATELY PRINTED, scARGE. cloth, £2, 2s 1850 2718 LANCASHIRE LYRICS.–Modern Songs and Ballads of the County Palatine. Editcd by J. HARLAND, LARGE PAPER, Small 4to, cloth. 12S 1866 2719 LANCELOT's TOUR to Alef, and Grand Chartreuse, with account of La Trappe, and celebrated institution of Port Royal, edited by M. Schimmelpenninck. 2 vols, 8vo, half calſ gilt. 5s * 1816 2720 LANGDALE (Lord, Judge, obit. 1851) Memoirs by Thomas Duffus Hardy. 2 vols, 8vo, portrait and face.imile, cloth. 6s (pub 30s) 1852 2721 LANDSEER (John) Descriptive, Explanatory, and Critical Catalogue of Fifty of the Earliest Pictures in the Nation- al Gallery. 8vo, bds. 3s 6d 1834 2722 LANDSEER.—Catalogue of the Works of Sir Edwin Landseer, by Alg. Graves, 4to, cloth. 6s 6d 1878 36, Soho Square, London. 229 2723 LANDOR (Walter Savage) Andrea of Hungary, and Giovanna of Naples. Poems, FIRST EDITION, 8vo. boards. 10s Bentley, 1839 2724 LAND OWNERS.—Return of the Owners of Lands and Heritages in SCOTLAND. Folio, sewed. 2s 6d 1874. 2725 LAND TENURES in IRELAND.—The Case of TENURES upon the Commission of Defective Titles, argued by all the Judges of IRELAND, with their Resolution and reasons. 4to, half calf. 15s Dublin, 1682 A most important volume at the present time. 2726 LA SAINTE BIBLE, contenant l’Ancien et le Nouveau Testament Traduite en Francois sur la Vulgate, par le Maistre de Saci. 12 vols, roy. 8vo, illustrated with 300 FINE PLATES, BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS by MARILLIER, fine clcum copy in boards, wncut. 496. 6s 1789 A fine set of books to the collector of Bible Prints, as clean as when issued, and uncut in the original boards; copies not unusually fetch as much as £15. 2727 LASH FOR A LYAR, or the Stayner Stayned, being an answer to a False and Scandalous Pamphlet Entituled, The Triumph Stayned, by GEO. MASTERson (pretended Preacher of the Gospell at Shoreditch), by Jas. Norris, 4to, Sewed, scarce. 9s 1647 2728 LASSELS (Richd.) Compleat Journey through Italy, with theCharacters of the People,description of the chief Towns, Churches, Monasteries, Libraries, Pictures, Statues and Antiqui- ties, with instructions concerning Travel. Thick 12mo, engraved title, calf meat. 3s 6d Paris, 1670 John Wilkes affirmed that this is one of the best accounts of the i. things of Italy ever delivered to the world in any book of I’3,VGAIS. 2729 £30ſ}: jù(533.-Fruitful Sermons preached by that Constant Martyr, M. Hugh Latimer. 4to, 35lack ſetter, dark blue mor, eactra, by Bedford. $6. 15s John Daye, 1584 This edition contains his celebrated Sermon on the Plough. 2730 LA TRAPE—Description de l'Abbaye de La Trape, avec les Constitutions. 12mo, plan of the Abbey, and plate, calf neat. 9s . Paris, 1689 Contains the History of this celebrated establishment, and the manner of living of the famous Order of Trappists. 2731 LAUD.—Epistle Congratulatorie of Lysimachus Nica- nor (Bp. Laud) of the Society of Jesu to the Covenanters of Scotland, wherein is paralleld our Sweet Harmony in Divers Materiai Points of Doctrine and Practice (by Lesley). 4to, new half morocco. 5s . - 1640 230 Alfred Russell Smith, 2732 LAUD.—England's Glory in her Royal King and Par- liament, with a discourse betwixt Master John Calvin and a Prelatical Bishop, and the Bp. of Canterburies Dream. 4to. 5s - Printed in the year, 1641. 2733 LAVENDER (Theophilus) Travels of Foure English - Men and a Preacher in Africa, Asia, Troy, Thracia, and to the, Black Sea, also Syria, Palestine, Jerusalem, Jericho, and to the Red Sea, begun in 1600, some finished in 1611, and others not yet returned. 4to, russia, É3. 3s Felia, Kyngston, 1612 This uncommon volume was of some celebrity in olden time, and was quoted as “The Preacher's Travels.” The Travellers were William Biddulph, Jeffrey Kirbie, Edward Abbott, John Ilkin. and Jasper Tyon. In consequence of a poem in the book reflecting on the Jesuits, many. copies were bought up and destroyed by them. The Gordonstoun copy sold for £4. 5s. - 2734 LAW (W. J.) The Alps of Hannibal, a Review of the Controversy, and a History of the March of Hannibal. 2 vols - in 1, 8vo, maps, cloth. 6s 6d (pub l guinea) 1866 2735 ſalmg, TWO DIALOGUES in English, between a Doc- tour of Divinity and a Student in the Law of England of the Grounds of the said Laws and of Conscience. 18mo, 33lack 3Letter, 6s 6d 1668 2736 LAWRENCE (W., Surgeon of St. Bartholomew's Hospi- tal) Lectures on Physiology, Zoology, and the Natural History, of Man. Post 8vo, plates, half calf. 4s 6d 1834 The sale of this very interesting work, which first appearcd in 1819, was stopped by the author, and every copy that could be recovered was destroyed ; it has several times been reprinted. - 2737 LAYARD (A. H.) Popular Account of Discoveries at Nineveh, arranged from his larger Work. Thick post 8vo, nume- rous woodcuts. 55 1854 2738 LAYS of the DEER FOREST. By JoHN SOBIESKI and CHARLEs EDWARD STUART. 2 vols, 8vo, frontispiece, cloth, new half morocco eactra. 18s 1848 Contains sketches of old and modern deer hunting, traits of natural history in the forest, traditions of the clans, &c. - 2739 LEADBETTER (Chas.) Uranascopia, or the Contem- plation of the Heavens, being a demonstration of the Equation of Time, shewing the Solar Ingresses, the Aphelions and Eccen- tricities of the Planets, the Determination of the Greatest Elon- gation of Venus and Mercury from the Sun, &c. Thick 8vo, old calf. 5s º 1735 2740 LEADBEATER PAPERS.—The Annals of Ballitore, by Mary Leadbeater, with a Memoir, Letters from Edm. Burke, hitherto unpublished, and the Correspondence of Mrs. Treneh with the Rev. George Crabbe. 2' vols, 12mo, cloth. 4s 6d 1862 36, Soho Square, London. 23 I 2741 LEAGUE and COVENANT-THE GLOUCESTER-SHIRE MINISTER’s Testimony to the Truth of Jesus Christ and to the Solemn League and Covenant; as also against the Errors, Here- sies and Blasphemies of these Times, 4to, sewed. 10s 1648, 2742 LECTURES to LADIES on Practical Subjects (some new theories are broached in this volume, and facts are curiously twisted to suit them). Post 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d Camb., 1857 2743 LEE (Harriet) The Canterbury Tales, 3 vols, 8vo, half morocco. 8s 6d 1797 “When I was young (about fourteen, I think) I first read these Tales, which made a very deep impression upon me, and may, indeed be said to contain the germ of much that I have since written.”—LORD BYRON, Preface to ‘Werner.” 2744 LEGENI) of Captain Jones, relating to Adventures at Sea, his Battel with his Six and Thirty against an Army and Eleven Kings, Relieving of Kemper Castle, Sea Fight with Six huge Gallies of Spain, his Desperate Duels, Combat with the Giant, his deep Employments and happy Successes in Businesse of State. Both Parts (IN VERSE). 12mo, with the rare frontis- piece by Marshall, meat. 18s 1659, A very good burlesque poem by the Rev. David Lloyd, Dean of St. Asaph. The said Captain Jones lived in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and the events are supposed to take place during the martial times of Sir John Morris and Sir Walter Raleigh. 2745 LEGEND.—La Legende Latine de S. Brandaines, avec * traduction, par Jubinal, publiee d'apres les Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque du Roi remontant aux 11, 12, et 13 siecles. 8vo, new calf eſctra, gilt edges. £1 5s Paris, 1836 2746 LEGENDS, ETC.—La Légende Latine de S. Brandaines, 1836; Mystères inedits du Quinzieme Siècle, 2 vols, 1837; Nouveau Recueil de Contes, Dits, Fabliaux, et Autres Pièces Inedites des 13e, 14e, et 15e Siècles, pour faire suite aux Collec- tion Legrand D'Aussy, Barbazon et Meon, 2 vols, 1839; CEuvres Completes de Rutebeuf trouvere du 13 Siècle, 2 vols, 1839; Mis au jour pour la Première fois, par Achille Jubinal ; a set. 7 vols, 8vo, new calf extra, gilt edges. £5.5s 2747 LEGENDS of ST. AUGUSTINE, St. Anthony, and St. CUTHBERT, Painted on the back of the Stalls in Carlisle Cathe- dral, with Explanatory Notices by C. G. W. Harcourt. 8vo, mu- merous facsimiles, cloth. 8s 6d Carlisle, 1868 2748 LEGENDS.—Sagas, Legendes des Bords du Rhin, edi- ted by different Authors. 8vo, plates, cloth. 4s - Aia, la Chapelle (about 1838) 232 Alfred Russell Smith, 2749 LEGENDS.—The Vale of Strathmore (Dumbarton- shire) its Scenes and Legends, by J. C. Guthrie. Thick post 8vo, of more than 500 pages, boards. 5s Edinb., 1875 2750 LEGEND (The) by the River Dee. By F. S. MALGA- RINI. 12mo, 2s Privately printed, 1880 An extraordinary farrago, the author put up for Chester at the last general election, and got less than a dozen votes. 2751 LE GOBIEN (Charles) Histoire de l’Empereur de la Chine en faveur de la Religion Chretienne, avec un Enclaircisse- ment sur les Chinois rendent à Confucius et aux morts. 12mo, calf. 3s 1698 2752 LE GRAND.—Partenopex de Blois, a Romance, freely Translated from the French, with Notes by W. S. Rose, 4to, exquisite plates by Smirke, russia eactra, gilt edges. 15s 1807 2753 LEICESTER.—Life of Robert, Earl of Leicester, the favourite of Queen Elizabeth, drawn from original writers and Records. 8vo, calf gilt. 7s 6d 1727 LEICESTERSHIRE. 2754 CURTIS (R. J.) Topographical History of the County of Leicester. - 8vo, map, cloth. 4s Ashby de-la-Zouch, 1831 A model of a compendious County History. 2755 CHARITIES of the County of Leicester, selected from the Volu- - minous Reports of the Commissioners. Thick folio, half mor. l2S 1839 2756 TRAN ACTIONS of the Leicestershire Architectural and Archæo- logical Society. Vol 4, Part 2, plates, Sewed. 2s 6d t Leicester, 1876 2757 CHARNWOOD FoREST, History and Antiquities of, by T. R. POTTER, with an Appendix on the Geology, Botany and Orni- thology of the District by J. B. Jukes, Rev. A. Bloxam, and C. Babington. 4to, numerous illustrations, cloth. 18s 1842 2758 MACAULAY (Rev. A.) History and Antiquities of CLAYBROOK, including the Hamlets of Bittersby, Allesthorpe, Wibtoft and Little Wigston. 8vo, frontispiece, half calf. 15s 1791 2759 HISTORY of the Parish of LANGTON, with part of the Hundred of Gartree, with Account of the Lords of the Manors, their Pedigrees, Description of the Churches, Monuments, etc., by J. H. Hill. Handsome folio volume, many plates, half bound. 2.92. 15s Printed for Subscribers only, 1867 2760 LEICESTER.—Throsby (John) History and Antiquities of the Ancient Town of the Leicester. 4to (wants the plates) uncut in bds. 6s 6d. (not a first rate copy) Leicester, 1791 2761 LEICESTER.—Thompson's History of Leicester. Roy. 8vo, plates, cloth. 12s 6d - Leicester, 1849 36, Soho Square, London. 233 2762 WALK Through LEICESTER, containing a description of the Town and its Environs, with Remarks on its History and Antiquities. 12mo, folding plan, boards. 2s Leicester, 1804 2763 WALK through LEICESTER, containing a description of the Town and Environs, its History and Antiquities. 12mo, map, boards. 2S Leicester, 1820 2764 ROMAN LEICESTER, by J. F. Hollings, Leicester, 1855—Kelly's Notices of the Drama and Popular Amusements in Leicester during the 16th and 17th Centuries; plates, 1865. In a volume, post 8vo, half calf. 6s 6d 2765 LEICESTER CASTLE (Account of) by James Thompson. 8vo, plates, cloth. 2s Leicester, 1859 2766 CHRONICLE of the Church of St. Martin, in Leicester, during Henry VIII's, Edward VI's, Mary and Elizabeth's Reigns, with an Account of its Minor Altars and Ancient Guilds, by Thos. North. Sm. 4to, plates, cloth. 9s 1866 2767 NOTICES illustrative of the Drama and other Popular Amuse- ments chiefly in the 16th and 17th Centuries, incidentally illus- trating Shakspere and his contemporaries, extracted from the Chamberlains' accounts and other MSS. of the Borough of Leices- ter, with an Introduction and Notes by W. KELLY. 4to, LARGE PAPER, only 25 copies printed, half morocco. #1. 5s 1865 2768 HILL's History of MARKET HARBOROUGH and Portion of Gartree Hundred...Companion volume to No. 2759. Folio, many plates, half bound. £2. 15s Ibid, 1875 2769 STOKE GOLDING.—Walker (Thos. Larkins) Historical Account of the Church of St. Margaret. 4to, plates, bds. 4s 6d 1844. 2770 LEIGH (Lord) Poems. FIRST EDITION, thick 12mo, cloth. 3s 1839 2771 LEMERY (L.) On all sorts of FooDs, Animal and We- getable, also of DRINKABLEs, giving an Account How to Chuse the Best Sorts, of their Good and Bad Effects, and what Consti- tutions they are adapted to. (An interesting little book, trans- lated by D. Hay, M.D.) Thick 12mo, calf. 4s 6d 1745 2772 LE MOYNE– Art of Writing and Judging of History, with Reflections upon Ancient and Modern Historians. 12mo, old calf, 2s 1859 2773 LE NEWE's Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicana, a regular succes- sion of all the principal Dignitaries in each Cathedral, Collegiate Church or Chapel in England and Wales. Folio, thousands of Manuscript additions, meat. 491. 4s 1716 2774 LE NEWE's Pedigrees of the KNIGHTs made by Charles II., James II., William III., and Mary, King William Alone, and Queen Anne, edited by George W. Marshall. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. £1. 10s Harleian Soc., 1873 234 Alfred Russell Smith, 2775 LENNOX (Lord Wm. Pitt) Fifty Years’ Biographical Reminiscences. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 8s 6d 1863 One of the most amusing and chatty books ever written. 2776 LENNOX (Lord William Pitt) My Recollections from 1806 to 1873. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, scarce. 12s 6d 1874 A most amusing Book, containing anecdotes of all the celebrated per- sons of that period. 2777 LENNOX (Lord William Pitt) Celebrities I have Rnown, with Episodes, Political, Social, Sporting, and Theatri- cal. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 9s 1876 2778 LENOIR (Alex.) Nouvelle Explication des Hiero- glyphes, ou des Anciennes Allegories Sacrées des Egyptiems, utile a l'Intelligence des Monumens Mythologiques des autres Peuples. 3 vols, 8vo, plates, some of them folding, new half mo- rocco, gilt tops, fl. 15s Paris, 1809 2779 LE SAGE.--—Histoire de l'Admirable Don GUZMAN D’ALFARACHE. 3 thick vols, 12mo, plates, brilliant impressions, fine clean copy in original calf gilt. £1.4s Paris, 1695 2780 LE SAGE.--Tife and Adventures of Guzman d’Alfa- rache, or the Spanish Rogue. Translated from the French by J. H. Brady. 3 vols, 12mo, with Autograph of Tom Taylor on fly leaves, new half morocco, gilt tops, Scarce. 16s 1823 2781 LE SAGE.-Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane, avec Notice par Ch. Nodier. Very thick roy. 8vo, full of woodcuts by Gigoua, calfeºtra. 12s 6d Paris, 1835 2782 LE SAGE-Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane. Translated by T. Smollett. 4 vols in 2, 12mo, frontispieces, new half morocco eſctra, gilt tops. 15s 1826 2783 LESLIE (C.) The Rehearsals; a View of the Times, their Principles and Practice, by Philalethes. Folio, 4 vols in l, old calf. 12s 6d 704–8 A complete set of this periodical, with the general titles to each volume. Written by Charles Leslie, who, according to Dr. Johnson, was a reasoner, and a reasoner who was not to be reasoned against : the articles are chiefly against the dissenters, and the author is said to have brought more persons from other persuasions into the Church of England than any man ever did. 2784 LES Metamorphoses on l'ane d'or d’Apulée enfrancaise et Latine. 2 vols, fine portrait and curious plates, calf gilt, very scarce. £3. 15s Paris, 1787 2785 LETTERS of Father Paul, Counsellor of State to the Republic of Venice, and Author of the ‘History of the Council of Trent,’ translated by Edward Brown. 8vo, portrait by Sturt calf. 2s & 1693 36, Soho Square, London. 235 2786 L'ESTRANGE (Rev. A. G.) Yachting round the West of England, Cornwall, Devonshire, &c. 8vo, new half calf. 8s 6d I865 2787 LESTRANGE (Sir Geo. B.). Recollections of the 31st Regiment and of the Scots Fusileers. 8vo, numerous plates by officers of the Royal Artillery, cloth. 6s about 1870 2788 LETTERS.—Original Letters to the Earl of Arlington \ by Sir Richard Bulstrode, Envoy at the Court of Brussels from Charles II., with an account of the Author's Life and Family. 8vo, calf meat. 3s 1712 2789 LETTERS.—A Collection of Letters, Extracted from the most Celebrated French Authors, made English by T. Reresby. 8vo, calf meat. 2s 6d 1715 Letters from Chev. de Mère, Boursault, Fontenelle, Balzac, Voiture, Costar, Bodeau, and others. 2790 LETTER from a Facetious Gentleman at Soissons, con- taining the business and intrigues there amongst a promiscuous medley of P——s, Partizans, Čoxcombs, Men of Wit, Women of Pleasure, Gamesters, and the whole tribe of Bublers, and a Dia- logue between Mist the Printer and the Duke of Wha——n. 8vo, half morocco. 5s 1728 2791 LETTERS.—Collection of Original Royal Letters writ- ten by Charles lst and 2nd, James 2nd, and the King and Queen of Bohemia and other celebrated Persons of that Period, edited by Sir G. Bromley. 8vo, facsimile, half calf meat. 6s 6d 1787 2792 LETTER from a Country Gentleman to a M.P. on Public Affairs, containing the Characters of the Chief Politi- cians, MRs. FITZHERBERT, and the PRINCE OF WALEs. 8vo, half morocco. 3s 6d 1789 2793 LETTERS from Italy to Lord Halifax, by Jos. Addison, with the Mourning Muse of Alexis, a Pastoral, lamenting the 1)eath of the late Queen Mary, by Congreve, to which is added the Despairing Lover. 8vo, half calf. 3s 1790 2794 LETTERS.—Elegant Epistles, a collection of Familiar and Amusing Letters from Cicero down to Lady Montague, Chesterfield, and Dr. Johnson. Thick royal 8vo, of 800 pages, calf gilt. 4s 6d 1795 2795 LETTERS between Mrs. Elizabeth Carter and Miss Catherine Talbot, from 1741 to 1770, also Letters from Mrs. Carter to Mrs. Vesey, 1763 to 1787, from Original Manuscripts in the Possession of the Rev. Montague Pennington. 4 vols, 8vo, portrait added, calf gilt. 12s 1809 236 Alfred Russell Smith, 2796 LETTERS by Eminent Men of the 17th and 18th Cen- turies, from the Originals in the Bodleian Library and Ashmo- lean Museum, with Biographical and Literary Illustrations, 3 vols, 8vo, calf meat. 14s - 1813 Includes Hearne's. Journey to Reading and to Whaddon Hall, the seat of Browne Willis, and Lives of Eminent Men by Aubrey. 2797 LETTERS written by an Englishman resident at Paris during the last Reign of the Emperor Napoleon, with Appendix of Official Documents. 2 vols, 8vo, calf meat. 6s 1816. 2798 LETTERS.—Original Letters from Baxter, Prior, Bo- lingbroke, Pope, Johnson, Gilpin, and other Eminent Men, with Biographical lllustrations by Rebecca Warner. 8vo, meat. 3s 6d 1817 2799 LETTRES INEDITEs de Henry II, Diane de Poitiers, - Marie Stuart, Francois, Roi Dauphine, etc., addresses au Conne. table Anne de Montmorency, ou Correspondence Secrete de la Cour sous Henry II, par J.B. Gail. 8vo, facsimile, half morocco. 5S * Paris, 1818. 2800 LETTERS.– Original Letters, illustrative of English History, including Royal Letters from the British Museum, with Notes and Illustrations by Sir Henry Ellis. Three series, com- plete, and choice set in new half red morocco, gilt tops, 11 vols, 8vo. £4. 10s - 1824–46 2801 LETTER WRITING from the earliest Period to the Fifth Century by W. Roberts. Thick 8vo, cloth, scARCE. 12s º . Pickering, 1843. 2802 LEWIS (M. G., “Monk”) Life and Correspondence, with Pieces in Prose and Verse, never before published. 2 vols, 8vo, portrait and facsimile, half calf gilt, 16s 1839 2803 LEWIS (William, Botanist, Member of Linnean Society, &c.) Biographical Sketch, 8vo, PRIVATELY PRINTED, portrait, half morocco. 2s 6d 1823 2804 LEWIS (T) The Scourge, in Vindication of the Church of England, shewing the Danger of the Establishment from the Insolence of the Dissenters, and the Anatomy of the Heretical Synod of Dissenters at Salter's Hall, 12mo, front, of portraits, calf meat. 5s 1720, 2805 LEWIS (John, of Margate) History of the several trans- lations of the Bible and New Testament into English, both in Manuscript and in Print, and the most remarkable editions. 8vo, large folding plate, half calf. 8s 6d 1739 2806 LIFE and Reign of King Henry VIII., written by Lord Herbert of Cherbury. Follo, portrait, calf meat. 6s 1683. 36, Soho Square, London. 237 2807 LIFE IN THE HAREM.–Six Years in Europe, sequel to 30 Years in the Harem, the Autobiographical Notes of Melek- Hanum, wife of H. H. Kibuzli-Mehemet Pasha, edited by L. A. Chameroozow. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1873 2808 LIBRO del PEREGRINO, de GIACOPO CAVICEO da Parma. 12mo, fine copy in new morocco extra, gilt edges. £1. 10s Vinegia, 1538 One of the most popular Romances of the early part of the 16th century. 2809 LILLO, The London Merchant, or the History of GEORGE BARNWELL, a Tragedy. 12mo, frontispiece by Vander Gucht, fine old blue morocco, richly tooled on the sides. 5s 1731 2810 LILLY (Wm., the Astrologer) Life and Times from 1602 to 1681, written by himself in his 66th year, to Elias Ashmole. 8vo, portraits, half morocco. 12s 1822 2811 LILY and the Bee, an Apologue of the Crystal Palace, by Saml. Warren (author of '4210,000 a Year.’) 12mo, cloth. 5s I851 LIN COLNSHIRE. 2812 THE TERRA Incognita, with Observations, Moral, Descriptive, and Historical, by Miss Hatfield. 12mo, frontispiece of the Julian Bower, Aldborough Hill, boards, whewt. £1.5s 1816 One of the rarest books relating to any county. 2813 HISTORY and Antiquities of the County, from the Beauties of England and Wales. 8vo, plates, boards. 4s 6d 1817 2814 POLL Book for the Southern Division of Lincolnshire, Candidates Trollope, Turnor, and Handley. 12mo, cloth. 2s 6d Sleaford, 1841, 2815 POLL Book for the Southern Division of the County of Lincoln. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1857 2816 SIMPSON (Justin) List of Lincolnshire Tradesmen's Tokens and Town Pieces of the 17th Century, with Biographical and Genea- logical Notes. 8vo, plates, cloth. 7s 6d 1872 2817 MOORE (John) Collections for a Topographical, Historical and Descriptive Account of the Hundred of AvRLAND (Lincoln), Part I., ALL PUBLISHED. Sm. 4to, from tispiece, half morocco, wh- cwt. 15S Lincoln, 1809 2818 THOMPSON (Pishey) History and Antiquities of BosTON and the HUNDRED of SKIRBECK, in the County of Lincoln, including also History of the Fens, History of River Witham, Biography of Celebrated Persons, Social, Dialect, etc. Thick royal 8vo, numerous illustrations, half mor, gilt top. 491. 5s Boston, 1856 2819 SCAMPTON.—History of the Parish of Scampton, account of the Roman Antiquities, and anecdotes of the FAMILY OF BOLLE. 4to, map and plates, boards, scarce, 291. 4s 1810 16 238 Alfred Russell Smith, 2820 SLEAFOR.D.—Sketches illustrative of the Topography and His- tory of New and Old Sleaford, and of several places in the Neighbourhood, by James Creasey. Royal 8vo, Large Paper, plates on India paper, new half morocco. 14s Sleaford, 1825 2821 STAMFORD.—The Antiquities of Stamford St. Martin, compiled chiefly from the Annals of the Rev. F. Peck, with Notes by W. Harrod (Vol 1. the Ancient History.) 12mo, boards. 2s 6d Stamford, 1785 2822 STARK (Adam) History and Antiquities of Gainsburgh, (Lincoln- shire). Roy, 8vo, LARGE PAPER, plates, half calf gilt. I6s 1817 2823 TATTERSHALL (Lincolnshire) — Topographical Account of. 12mo, plates, new half calf. 5s 6d Horncastle, 1813 2824 THORNTON ABBEY (Lincolnshire) in the Reign of Richard II., a Poem, by Jas. Giffard. 8vo, frontispiece, half mor. 6s 6d 1838 2825 OLIVER (Rev. Geo.) Account of the Religious Houses formerly situated on the Eastern side of the River Witham, with nume- rous illustrative Notes. 12mo, cloth. 4s 6d 1846 2826 CIVIL WAR.—Declaration of the Parliament for the association of well-affected persons in LINCOLNSHIRE; also an Order for removing Prisoners out of Lincoln Castle and for fortifying the same. 4to. 6s 6d 1642 2827 CIVIL WAR.—Windication of the Commons against a false and scandalous pamphlet intituled the Humble Petition of Capt. Wm. Booth of Killingholm, with an affidavit delivered to his Majestie at York, 4to. 7s 6d 1642 2828 CIVIL WAR.—True Relation of the Great Victory at LINGOLN by Lord Willoughby against the Duke of Newcastle, 4to. 10s 6d 1643 2829 LINDISFARNE Chase, a Novel, by T. A. Trollope. Thick post 8vo, cloth. 2s 1865 2830 LINEALJ. (John) ITUR MEDITERANIUM, a True Account given of the Proceedings of Lord Glin, Lord Chief Justice, and Baron Hill, in their Summer Circuit in the Counties of Berks, Oxford, Gloucester, Monmouth, Hereford, Worcester, Salop, and Stafford. 4to, morocco eactra. £3. 3s Sold by John Felton, in Stafford, 1658 An entertaining piece of drollery in verse, reflecting on Lord Glynne, who tried in vain to catch the author. The Gloucester Scuffle between the Ordinary and the Jayler, a Salopian assault case, and the false alarm of a beam falling at the Shire Hall, Stafford, the rapid exit of the judges and subsequent panic, are very amusing. 2831 LINTON (C.) The Healing of the Nations, with an In- w troduction and Appendix by N. P. Tallmadge. Thick 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d New York, 1858 This very singular production is supposed to have been dictated through Spiritual Influence, is one of the earliest books written on the since exploded spiritualistic nonsense. 36, Soho Square, London. 239 2832 #lippomantić.--Copye of a verye fyne and wytty letter sent from the Rt. Rev. de LEWEs LIPPoMANUS, byshop of Verona, and Legate in Pologne from the most holy and blessed POPE PAUL the FourTH, translated out of Italyan by MICHAEL THROCKMoRTON (contains a LETTER to CARDINAL POLE). 12mo, black letter, morocco extra, excessively rare. £5. 5s No place nor printer, 1556 2833 LITERARY WORLD, a Journal of Popular Information and Entertainment, by JoHN TIMBs. Thick 8vo, many plates, new half calf gilt. 8s 6d 1839–40 & 2834, LITURGY..—Libertas Ecclesiasticae, a discourse vindi- cating the Lawfulness of those things which are chiefly excepted against in the Church of England, especially in its Liturgie and Worship, by Wm. Falkener, of Lynn. 8vo, meat. 5s 1677 2835 LIVERPOOL (Earl of) Memoirs of the Public Life and Administration. Thick 8vo, portrait, half calf. 3S 1827 2836 LIVES.—Observations on the Lives of Alexander, Caesar, and Scipio, by J. B. B. 18mo, new morocco extra. £1.. Is A. Islip, 1602 The anthor's name is unknown, the book is dedicated to Nicholas Strangways, Esquire. There is a contemporary signature on title of Gulielm Oglethorpe. 2837 LIVES of ASHMOLE, and Lilly the Astrologer, by them- selves, containing Lilly's Life and Times, with Notes by Ash- mole ; Lilly's Life and Death of Charles I., and Ashmole's Life by way of Diary, edited with occasional Letters by Chas. Burman. 8vo, meat. 6s 6d * 1774 2838 LIVES of the BISHOPS.—Cassan’s Lives of the Bishops of Winchester, Bath and Wells, Sherborne and Salisbury. Com- plete set, 4 vols, 8vo, calf gilt. £1. 10s 1824–30 2839 LIVES, English and Foreign, containing the History of the most Illustrious Persons of our own and other Nations, from 1550 to 1690, by several hands, 2 vols, 8vo, meat. 5s 1704 2840 LIVES and Characters of the most Illustrious Persons, British and Foreign, who died in 1712. 8vo, meat. 5s 1714 Dukes of Hamilton and Leeds, Earls of Godolphin, Renelaugh, and Rivers, Lord Mohun, Richard Cromwell, The Dauphin, and others. 2841 LIVES of SAINTs. Wondels (J. W.) Brieven der HEILIGE MAEGDEN, Martelaressen. In verse, 4to, 12 portraits of “ Holy Maidens,’ half calf. 9s Amst., 1721 2842 LIVES.–Essays on the Lives and Writings of Fletcher of Saltoun and the Poet Thompson, by the Earl of Buchan. 8vo, portrait, half calf. 3s * 1792 24Os Alfred Russell Smith, 284.3 £ibp.–Titus Livius dat ist de Roemsche historie, in onser Nederlantscher spraken ghedruckt. Very thick folio of nearly 700 pages, printed in black letter, with a great number of fine woodcuts said to be by Albert Durer, new crimson morocco extra, gilt edges. #6. 6s tº Antwerpen, 1541 2844 £ibp.–The Historie of two the moste noble Capitaines of the Worlde, Anniball and Scipio, and of their diuers battailes and victories, gathered into English by ANTONIE COPE, esquier. 4to, black letter, large copy, calf meat. 284. 4s Thomas Berthelet, 1548 2845 # Iott (#10 botnítke) The Pilgrimage of Princes. 4to, black letter, calf. 15s John Wolfe, 1586 2846 LLOYD (Lodowicke) The Practice of Policy, 1604– Lloyd (Lodowicke) Linceus Spectacles, Nicholas Oakes, 1607. In a volume, 4to, stiff cover. 12s 2847 LOCKE (Joseph, Civil Engineer, &c.) Life of, by Devey. 8vo, portrait, cloth. 6s 6d (pub 14s) 1826 2848 LOCKE (John) Life, with extracts from his Journals, Correspondence, and Common-Place Books, by Lord King. 4to, portrait, boards. 3s 1829 2849 LOCKMAN (John) Narrative of the late Pretended Gunpowder Plot, 8vo, half morocco. 3s I755 A travestie of the Guy Fawkes kind, in an attempt to blow up the Ring's Theatre, in the Haymarket. An amusing theatrical squib. 2850 LOGAN (James) Scottish Gael or Celtic Manners as preserved among the Highlanders, being an historical and des– criptive account of the Inhabitants, Antiquities, and National Peculiarities of Scotland, more especially the Northern, edited with Memoir and Notes by the Rev. Alex. Stewart. 2 vols, 8vo, coloured plates and woodcuts, cloth. 18S Inverness, 1876 2851 LOG Books of H.M. Ship Kent, from 1800 to the end of 1803, kept by John Jordan Arrow, Midshipman. Thick folio, half calf. £1.15s In the Mediterranean, Malta, and Coast of Italy, there are some draw- ings, being surveys of the Harbour of Valetta, and other parts of the coast in the vicinity, with some other drawings. 2852 LOG BOOK of H.M.S. Romney, from Nov. 29 to June 1, 1803, chiefly kept by D. E. Bartholomew. Thick folio, very neatly and plainly written, half morocco. 12s 6d Has the antograph of Admiral Sir John Ross. 2853 LONG (Henry I.) On the March of Hannibal from the { Rhone to the Alps. 8vo, map. 2s 6d 1831 36, Soho Square, London. ‘241 2854 LONDON CourtsHIP, or a New Road to Matrimony, consisting of Original Letters which passed between a Young Lady of the City of London and several of her Suitors. 8vo, new half morocco. 4s 6d 1759 Said to be written by J. Almon, author of Biographycal and Political Anecdotes, and editor of the Remembrancer. The letters are replies to an advertisement for a husband, and a note of the publisher's implies that the originals could be seen at his office. 2855 LONGEVITY-Annals of Health and Long Life, how to attain a great age, with biographical anecdotes of persons who have attained over 100, by Jos. Taylor. Post 8vo, half calf. 2s 1818 2856 LONGFELLOW (H. W.) The GOLDEN LEGEND. 12mo, calf eſctra, full gilt back. 7s 6d 1852 2857 LONGI, Sophistae Pastoralia Lesbiaca, sive de Amoribus Daphnidis et Chloes, Poema EROTICO-PoſMENICON, e textu Graeco in Latinum deductum P. Petit Radel. 8vo, half calf. 6s 6d Paris, 1809 With long introduction and a Metaphrase of this celebrated Poem. 2858 LOSELEY MSS.–Manuscripts and other Rare Docu- ments Illustrative of English History, Biography, and Manners, from the Reign of Henry 8th to that of James lst, preserved at Losely House, edited by A. J. Kempe. 8vo, fine folding frontis- piece and facsimile, half morocco, SCARCE. 16s 1836 2859 LOUIS XI.-Notes on Louis XI., with some short extracts from Comines’ Memoirs, by A. E. Sm. 4to, PRIVATELY PRINTED, half morocco. 4s 6d 1878 2860 LOVE LETTERS of Eminent Persons, edited by Chas. Martel. 12mo, new half morocco. 3s 6d about 1860 2861 LOVE LETTERS of Caroline von Linsingen and King William the Fourth, hitherto unpublished, discovered among Baron Reichenbach's Papers, translated by T. G. Arundel. Post 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d I880 2862 LOVER's LOGICK, or Logical Love, translated from the French by Mons. de Callieres, junr. 12mo, calf meat, curious. 5S 1670 '2863 LOVE OF FAME the Universal Passion, in Seven Characteristical Satires, in Verse. 8vo, calf meat. 3s 6d 1730 2864 LOVEDAY. (R.) Letters, Domestick and Forreign, on Subjects Philosophical, Historical, and Moral. 8vo, port, calf (Bliss's copy). 4s 1659 Formerly held in much esteem as being patterms of epistolary writing. 242 Alfred Russell Smith, 2865 LOVE POEMs, and HUMOROUS ones written at the end of a volume of small printed books, 1614–19, in the British Museum, edited by F. J. Furnivall. 8vo. 2s 6d Ballad Society, 1874 2866 LOWMAN (Moses) Rational of the Ritual of the Hebrew Worship, in which the Wise Designs and Usefulness of that Ritual are explained and vindicated from Objections. Thick 8vo, calf meat, Scarce. 9s 1748 Contains the most complete and minute account of the manners and customs of the Hebrew Ritual. 2867 LOYAL and Impartial Satyrist, containing Eight Mis- cellany Poems, 4to, new half morocco. 6s 6d 1694 Ghost of an English Jesuit, on Father Peter's Picture, Ecebolius Bri- tannicus, a Memento to the Jacobites, the Comical Cabal or Humours of the Mobile, &c. 2868 LUBKE (Dr. Wilhelm) Ecclesiastical Art in Germany during the Middle Ages, translated from the fifth German edi- tion, with Appendix by L. A. Wheatly. A handsome 8vo vol, f full of fine woodcuts of ancient architecture, fine engravings, furni- ture, glass, Screens, déc., cloth. 6s (pub 15s) 1876 2869 LUCAN’s PHARSALIA; or the Civill Warres of Rome, between Pompey the Great and Julius Cæsar, the whole ten books Englished by Thos. May. 12mo, frontispiece by Hulsius and opposite verses, new calf eactra, gilt edges. 12s 6d 1625 2870 LUCAN’s PHARSALIA; the whole Ten Books Englished by THos. MAY, with the continuation till the death of Julius Caesar. 12mo, frontispiece by Hulsius, half calf. 6s 6d 1627–1657 2871 LUCAN’s PHARSALIA, translated into English Verse by Sir Arthur Gorges, with a Life of the Author. Folio, crimson morocco extra, gilt edges. £3.15s 1641 2872 LUCAS (Saml.) Secularia, or Surveys on the Main Stream of History. (Contains interesting Historical Papers). Thick 8vo, cloth. 5s 1862 2873 LUCRETIUS, a Poen against the Fear of Death, with an Ode to the Memory of the Accomplished Young Lady, Mrs. Ann Killigrew, exeellent in the Sister Arts of Poetry and Paint- ing. 8vo, half morocco. 2s 6d 1709 2874 LUDICROUS.—Balthasar Boniface, LUDICRA HISTORIA, opus ex omnidisciplinarum genere selecta, ac iucunda eruditione resertum. Thick 4to, engraved title, calf meat. 6s 6d Venice, 1652 Collection of amusing stories, marvellous narrations, marriage and funeral customs, laughable anecdotes, and racy jokes. 2875 LUDLOW (John Malcolm) Woman's Work in the Church, historical notes on DEACONESSES and SISTERHOODS. 12mo, cloth, scarce. 4s 6d & 1865. 36, Soho Square, London. 243 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 LUNARDI (Vincent) Account of the First Aerial Voy- age in England, 8vo, portrait by BARTOLOZZI, and folding plates, half calf. 4s 6d 1784 # upton (Ibog.) Squila. Too good to be true: O men : Though so at a vewe Yet all that I tolde you, Is true, I upholde you. Now cease to aske why : For I can not lye. - THE SECOND part and Knitting up of the Boke entituled To good to be True, wherein is continued the discourse of the won- derfull Lawes, commendable custones, and strange manners of the people of MAUQSUN. 2 vols, 4to, blact: Icter, russia. 48.8s Henrie Bynneman, 1580–1581 One of the rarest of Lupton's entertaining books; it contains a plea- Sant satire on the manners and customs of the time, somewhat in the style of Sir Thos. More's ‘Utopia,’ but in dialogue. LUSIAD (The) of Camoens, closely translated, with Life, Index, and Notes by Lt. Col. Sir T. Livingston Mitchell. 8vo, plates, cloth. 4s 6d 1854 # utber (#|artin) Von der Conciliis und Kirchen. Wittemberg, 1539; with Six Sermons also by LUTHER, each printed at Wittemberg between 1530 and 1534. With charming woodcut borders, bound in 1 volume, 4to, stamped pigskin, with Indexes in a contemporary hand. 495. 5s A most desirable volume to the collector of original editions of the Early Reformers. LYELL (Sir Charles) Principles of Geology. Thick 8vo, maps, plates and woodcuts, cloth. 9s 1853 #plit (John) Euphues, The Anatomie of Wit, very pleasing for all Gentlemen to Read, and most necessary to Remember, Corrected and Augmented ; Euphues and his Eng- land, containiug his Voyage and Adventures, with Sundry pretty discourses of Honest Love. 2 vols in 1, 4to, black letter, calf meat. £3. 3s 1636 LYSONS' History of the County of Chester, no plates, wncut, meat. 12S 1810 LYSONS' History of the County of CORNWALL. 4to, $25 1824 Illustrated with extra plates and maps, fourteen of the latter, some co- loured, one hundred and eighty-four original water-colour drawings, delineating nearly every Cross, Pre-historic Antiquity, Old Church, and Ancient Sculpture in the County, also minety-one engravings carefully chosen and inlaid. Bound in 3 voks, with title, new crimson morocco extra, gilt edges. To anyone interested in the county this forms a unique and most interesting collection. * (244 Alfred Russell Smith, 2884 LYSONS’ Magna Britannia, a Concise History and Topography of Beds., Berks., Bucks., Cambridgeshire, Cheshire, Cornwall, Cumberland, Derbyshire and Devonshire. 6 Vols bound in 7, 4to, many fine plates and maps, calf gilt. 48.8s 1806–22 2885 £ptplton's (Lemureş, newly revised, with a Table. 12mo, black letter, calf meat. 12s Wyllyam, Myddylton, 1545 2886 MABINOGION (The) From the Llfyr Coch o Hergest, f and other Ancient Welsh Manuscripts, with an English Transla- tion, and Notes by Lady Charlotte Guest. 3 vols, royal 8vo, facsimiles, cloth. £3.15s 1838–49 The most important collection of Legendary Narratives that we haye, being the forerunners of the Early Metrical Romances, the Life of King Arthur, and others of a similar kind, and blending the fables of pre-his- toric times with the actual occurrences that attended the invasion of Wales by the Anglo-Saxons. These Legends may be said to be the be- ginning of modern literature. 2887 MACARONIC.—Magistri Stopini, poetae Ponzanensis capriccia Macaronica, additione Jocunda Macaronica Elegia. 8vo, half morocco. 5s Venet., 1788 2888 MACARONIC.—Specimens of Macaronic Poetry. g 8vo, bds. 5s 1831 Contains a long Introduction, the Pugna Porcorum, de Laudibus Cal- vitii, Ignoramus, and other pieces. 2889 MACARONIC.—Macaronéana ou Mélanges de littéra- ture Macaronique des différents Peuples de l’Europe par Octave Delepierre. 8vo, sewed. 5s 6d Paris, 1852 2890 MACARONIC.—Macarončana Andra overum Nou- veaux Mélanges de littérature Macaronique par Octave Delé- pierre. Sm. 4to, half morocco (but a small number printed). 7s 6d 1862 2891 MACDIARMID's Lives of British Statesmen. 4to, portraits, calf. 2s tº 1807 2892 MACERONI (Francis) Interesting Facts relating to t the Fall and Death of Murat, King of Naples, the Capitulation of Paris, and the Second Restoration of the Bourbons. 8vo, boards. 4s 6d 1817 2893 MACERONI (Col., Aide-de-Camp to Joachim Murat, etc.) Memoirs of his Life and Adventures (a most entertaining biography). 2 vols, 8vo, portrait, cloth. 3s 6d 1838 2894. MACHIAVEL's Discourses on the First Decade of Livy, translated with Animadversions on his Errors, by Edw. Dacres. Thick 12mo, calf meat. 4s 6d 1636 36, Soho Square, London. 245 2895 MACHIAVEL's GHOST, as he lately appeared to his Deare Sons, the Modern Projectors. 4to, half morocco. 7s 6d 1641 Partly in Verse, satirical on the farmers of Wine, Tobacco, Salt, Rags, Cards, Butter, Soap, and Coal, complaints are made as to the Tobacco being rotten, and suggests that the projectors should be beaten to sneez- ing powder and transported to Ireland. 2896 MACHIAVEL–Anti Machiavel, or an Examination of Machiavel’s Prince, with Historical and Political Notes by t Woltaire. 8vo, calf meat. 3s 6d 1741 2897 McNICOLL (Thos.) Essays on English Literature. Post 8vo, half calf. 3s Pickering, 1861 2898 MADOX’s History and Antiquities of the ExCHEQUER z from the Conquest to the end of Edward II., with a Dissertation on the Great Roll of Stephen, and a Copious Index. Folio, calf meat. £1. 10s 1711 2899 MADOX (Thos.) Firma Burgi, an Historical Essay on the Cities, Towns and Boroughs of England, taken from Re- cords. Folio, curious old view of Gwildhall, meat. 12s 1726 2900 MADDEN (R. R.) Phantasmata; or Illusions and Fa- naticisms of Protean Forms productive of Great Evils. 2 vols, 8vo, frontispiece, cloth. 12s 1857 2901 MAECENA’S Life, with Critical, Historical and Geo- graphical Notes by Ralph SCHOMBERG. 12mo, portrait, calf. 2S 1766 2902 MAGIC.—Life of Henry Cornelius Agrippa, commonly known as a Magician, by Henry Morley. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth, scarce. 12S 1856 2903 MAGIC LANTERN (The) or Sketches of SCENEs in the METROPOLIS. 12mo, calf extra. 9s 1823 By the Countess of Blessington. A coloured frontispiece of Rotten Row, by Alken, is added. - 2904 iſºlagna Cărtă, with divers other Statutes. Very Early Edition, 12mo, black letter, calf meat. 12s Robert Redman, 1539 2905 MAHOMETANS.—Four Treatises concerning the DOC- TRINE, Discipline, and WoRSHIP of the MAHOMETANs, by H. Rebaud and Bobovius, with a Life of Mahomet. 8vo, calf. 2s 6d 1712 2906 MAHOMETANS in SPAIN.--MURPHY (J. C.) History of the MAHOMETAN EMPIRE IN SPAIN, to the Expulsion of the Moors, 4to, map, half bound. 12s 1816 2907 MAIMBOURG's History of the League, translated in- to English by Dryden. Thick 8vo, frontispiece, meat. 5s 1684 246 Alfred Russell Smith, 2908 MAJERI (Michaelis) Secretioris Natura Secretorum Scrutinium Chymicum, per Oculis et Intellectui accurate accom- modata, Figuris Emblemata. 4to, 50 fine plates designed to shew the meaning of many mythological stories, including the Seven Ages, some of them of the most singular character, new crimson mo- rocco eactra. É3. 3s Francof, 1687 2909 MALCOLM. (J. P.) Excursions in Kent, Gloucester, Hereford, Monmouth and Somerset, with descriptive sketches of the most Interesting Places and Buildings. Roy. 8vo, plates, boards. 4s 6d 1814 29.10 MANBY (C. W.) Tom Racquet and his Three Maiden Aunts, with a word of two about the Whittleburys. A novel. Post 8vo, plates by Robert Cruikshank, new half morocco. 5s About 1850 2911 MANDEY (V.) Mellificium Mensionis, or the Mar- row of Measuring, a New and Ready Way how to Measure Glazing, Painting, Plastering, Masonry, Joyners, Carpenters, and Bricklayers, Works, with some Choice Principles and Pro- blems of Geometry conducing thereto. 8vo, portrait and nu- merous folding plates, calf meat. 5s 1717 BOOKS OF MANNERS, 2912 ART of BEING EASY at all Times and in all Places, written chiefly for the use of a Lady of Quality, translated from the French of Des Landes, by Edw. Combe. 12mo, half calf gilt. 5s 1724 2913 PRIMAUDAYE (Peter de la) The French Academie, wherein is Discoursed the Institution of MANNERS, and whatsoever else concerneth the Good and Happie Life of all Estates and Callings by precept of Doctrine and Examples of the lines of Ancient Sages and Famous Men, translated from the French by Thos. Beard. FIRST EDITION, 4to, half calf. £1.5s 1586 2914 BELLEGARDE (L’Abbe) L'Education Parfaite, contenant les maniers bienseantzaux jeunes Gens des Qualite, et des Maximes et des Reflections propres a avancer leur Fortune—Modeles de Conversations pour les Personnes Polies, par l’Abbe Bellegarde, 2 vols, 12mo, frontispiece, calf antique red edges, from Sir John Simeon’s library. 15s 1709–10 2915 BOYER (A.) Characters of the Virtues and Vices of the Age, or Moral Reflections,Maxims and Thoughts uponMen and Manners, 12mo, calf meat. 2s 1695 2916 BROWN (Thos.) Legacy for Ladies, or Characters of the Women of the Age, with a comical View of London, or the Merry Quack wherein Physick is rectified for the Beaus and Ladies, by Tho. Brown and Ned Ward, also the character of Tho. Brown by Dr. Drake. 8vo, calf gilt, 6s 1705 36, Soho Square, London. 247 2917 CALIOPE's CABINET,0pened and Reviewed wherein all Gentlemen. of what Rank or Quality soever may be informed how to adorn. themselves for Funerals, Feastings, and other Heroick Meetings, The Titles due to all Qualitys, with Explication of Heraldry, etc., by JAMES SALTER. 18mo, calf meat, imperfect. 2s 1674 2918 CHARACTER of a Generous Prince drawn from the great Lines of Heroick Fortitude, from which may be delineated the effigies of a Prodigious Tyrant. By a hearty well-wisher of Her Majes- ties Government. 8vo, old red morocco, gilt edges. 6s 1703. 2919 COUNSELLOR MANNERS, His last Legacy to his Son, enriched and Embellished with Grave Advisos, Pat Histories and Ingenious Proverbs, Apologues, and Apophthegms, by Josiah Dare. 12mo, calf. 4s 6d 1676 2920 COURTIER's CALLING (The) shewing the way of making a FoR- TUNE and the art of Thriving at Court, according to the maxims of Policy and Morality. By a person of Honour. 12mo, half calf. 12s 1675 2921 COURTIERS (The) Manual Oracle, or the Art of Prudence, trans- lated from the Spanish of Balthazar Gracian. 8vo, calf. 3s 1685 2922 ESSAY on the Education of a Young British Nobleman, with some observations on the office of an Ambassador. 8vo, Sewed. 2s 1730. 2923 GENTLEMAN's CoMPANION, or a Character of True Nobility and Gentility. By a Person of Quality (said to be Wm. Ramsay, M.D., and Astrologer). 12mo, half calf 8s 6d 1672. 2924 GENTLEMAN's (The) Calling, written by the Anthor of the Whole Duty of Man. 8vo, frontispiece, half calf. 3s 1676, 2925 GENTLEMAN's LIBRARY, containing Rules for Conduct in All Parts of Life, written by a Gentleman. 12mo, frontispiece, calf 7teat. 3S 1715 2926 GENTILE SINNER (The) or England's Brave Gentleman Charac- tered, in a Letter to a Friend, both as he is, and as he should be. 12mo, meat. 5s 1664 An entertaining little book, written in the style of Brathwait, with amusing jokes after the manner of Fuller. 2927 HAMILTON (Elizabeth) Iletters on Education. 8vo, half calf. 2s Bath, 1801 2928 HICKES (George) The Gentlemen instructed in the conduct of a Virtuous and Happy Life, written for the Instruction of a Young Nobleman, with a word for the Ladies. 8vo, meat. 4s 1732 2929 INSTRUCTIONS for a Young Lady, containing a Mother's Advice to her Daughter, Letters on Religion, Marriage, Cultiva- tion of Taste, and Fables for the Female Sex. 12mo, calf meat. 2S 1773. 248 Alfred Russell Smith, 2930 LADIES MISCELLANY, or Essays, Poems, Stories and Examples for the Female Sex in General, by Geo. Wright. 12mo, calf weat. 2s 1795 2931 LADY's ToILETTE, a critical Examination of the Nature of Beauty the causes by which it is impaired and instructions for preserving it, with Receipts for Cosmetics, proper for a Lady's Use, and how to dress with Taste and Elegance. 12mo, half morocco. 4s 6d 1808 2932 MANNERS and ExPENSES.—Illustrations of the Manners and Expenses of Ancient Times in England, in the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries, deduced from Churchwardens Accounts, and other authentic documents, collected from various parts of the Kingdom, by John Nichols, 4to, calf meat. £4.4s John Nichols, 1797 Exceedingly rare, nearly all the copies were destroyed in the great fire at the printers. © 2933 MANNERS. — Translated from the French. 12mo, calf meat. 2s 6d I752 Treats of Corporeal Appetites, of Avarice, of Gallantry, of Love, etc. 2934 MARCHANT (John) Puerilla, or Amusements for the Young, Consisting of a Collection of Songs Adapted to the Fancies and Capacities of those of Tender Years. 12mo, folding frontispiece, 751 new panelled calf eactra, gilt edges. £1.5s I 2935 OF EDUCATION, especially of Young Gentlemen. I2mo, half calf gilt. 9s 6d Oaford, 1673 2936 POLITE GENTLEMAN (The), or Reflections upon the several kinds of WIT, viz., in Conversations, Books and Affairs of the World, done out of the French. 12mo, half calf gilt. 7s 6d 1700 2937 RALEIGH (Sir Walter) The Prince, or Maxims of State, presented to Prince Henry. 4to, half morocco. 5s 1642 2938 REFLECTIONS upon Ridicule, or what it is that makes a Man Ridiculous, and the means to avoid it. 2 vols, 12mo, calf meat. 4s 6d 1789 2939 RELIGIO JURISPRUDENTIs, or the Lawyer's Advice to his Son, calculated to prevent the miscarriage of Youth, by Philanthro- pum. 12mo, meat. 5s I685 2940 RULES of Civility, or the Maxims of General Behaviour, with a Treatise of the PoſNT of Honour. 12mo, calf meat. 3s 1703 2941 RULE of Life, in Select Sentences, collected from the Greatest Authors, Ancient and Modern. 12mo, calf meat. 2s 6d 1750 2942 SPECULUM JuvBNTUTIs, a true Mirror where Errors in Breeding Noble and Generous Youth, with the Miseries that usually attend it, are clearly made manifest, with the remedies, portray'd to the Life in the Legend of Lisaris and Wallinda. By Capt. Edw. Panton. Sm. 8vo, half calf gilt. 491 4s 1671 An interessing and rare volume. Bliss's copy sold for £2. 36, Soho Square, London. 249. 2943 SCUDERY (Mlle.) Conversations upon several Subjects, translated from the French by FERRAND SPENCE. 2 vols in 1, 12mo, fron- tispiece by Faithorne, half calf gilt. 4s 6d 1683 2944 THE CONVERSATION of Gentlemen considered in most of the ways that make their mutual company agreeable or disagreeable. In six Dialogues. 12mo, frontispiece, meat. 4s 1738 2945 THE LADY’s Preceptor, a Letter on Politeness, from the French of D'Ancourt, adapted to the English Nation by a Gentleman of Cambridge. 8vo, half morocco. 4s 6d 1743 2946 NEW ACADEMY OF COMPLEMENTs, erected for Ladies, Gentlemen Courtiers, Souldiers, Citizens, Contrey-men and all Persons of what degree soever of Both Sexes, stored with Variety of Courtly and Civil Complements, Eloquentletters of Love and Friendship, with an Exact Collection of the newest and choicest Songs-a-la- Mode. Both AMOROUS and Jovial. 12mo, finely engraved fron— tispiece, morocco gilt. £1. 12s 1670 A most amusing and instructive picture of the state of Polite Society of that period. There is more wit and fun in one of these Old Songs than in 20 modern ones. 2947 TRUSLER (Rev. Dr. J.) System of Etiquette. 12mo, calf. 5s Bath, 1819 With four leaves of advertisements, in which are two charming cuts by Bewick, perhaps hitherto overlooked. 2948 YOUNG GENTLEMAN and LADY's Christmas Box and New Year's Gift,containing elegant Histories, and Hymns and Poems. 12mo, 2S about 1780 2949 YOUNG LADIEs’ CoNDUCT, or Rules for Education, Instructions upon Dress and Advice to YoUNG WIVES. 8vo, calf meat. 3s 1722 2950 WAGSTAFF (C.) Complete Collection of Genteel and Ingenious Conversation according to the most Polite Mode and Method at Court, etc., in 3 dialogues. 8vo, calf meat. 2s 1738 2951 MANNIKIN STATUE AT BRUSSELS. Histoire et Origine de Manneken-pis suivie de l’Historique de la Place des Martyrs et de l'Eglise de Ste-Gudule. 18mo, frontispiece of the Statue in his different gala costumes, Sewed. 3s 6d about 1860 2952 MANNINGHAM (John, of Bradbourne, Kent, and the Middle Temple) Diary, 1602 to 1603, edited from the Original Manuscript by John Bruce. 4to, facsimile, half morocco. 7s 6d l828 2953 MANUSCRIPT.—Caggiani (5, 50annig) Colla- tiones cum Patribus AEgyptis habitae. Manuscript, double columns, on vellum, 239 leaves, elegantly rubricated capitals in red and blue, wants the first two leaves, small 4to, calf meat. #1. 15s 15TH CENTURY 25O Alfred Russell Smith, 2954 MANUSCRIPT-šānttä 3Sarıtartí opera. Closely and neatly written in red and black, with red capital letters, on 116 leaves of vellum, 4to, russia meat. £3.15s 15TH CENTURY 2955 MANUSCRIPT on PAPER.—A Pocket Book of Extracts made by a French Monk at Peronne, from Gratian, Gregory the Great, Æneas Sylvias, and from the French Chronicle of Gagui- nus. 12mo, calf. :81. l8s about 1480 2956 MANUSCRIPT RECEIPTs.—A volume of 52 leaves of clearly written Receipts in Cookery and Medicine, in a hand of the middle of the last Century, 4to, calf meat. 5s 6d 2957 MANSTEIN (General) Memoirs of Russia, Historical, Political and Military, from the year 1727 to 1744, edited by David Hume, 4to, maps, GooD COPY, calf meat. 3s 6d 1770 2958 MAN-TRANSFORMED.—BULWER (John) ANTHROPOMETA- MORPHOSIs: Man Transform’d, or the artificiall Changling his- torically presented in the mad and cruell Gallantry, foolish Bra- very, ridiculous Beauty, filthy Finenesse, and loathsome Loveli- ness of most nations, fashioning and altering their bodies from the mould intended by nature. Sm. 4to, beautiful impressions of the portrait by Faithorne and the engraved title representing the phases of Fashion, with numerous curious woodcuts throughout the book, fine copy in calf meat. £6.6s 1653 A volume of extraordinary character. It is not only rare and curious but it is the only work worth reading on the history of Fashion's vagaries throughout the world. It matters little that some of the author's state- ments are derived from untrustworthy sources; on the whole his learning is correct and extensive, his judgment sound, and his remarks entertain- ing. It is a perfect encyclopaedia of the strange customs of all times and countries, and will always remain one of the most curious and interesting books in English literature. 2959 MANZINIE, His most Exquisite Academicall Dis- courses upon severall choice Subjects, Turned into French by Mons. SCUDERY, and Englished by an Honorable Lady. 4to, calf, scarce. 10s 6d 1655 The subjects treated of are Horatio opposed, Coriolanus appeased, Cleopatra Humble, Paris in Love, Sports of the Carnivall, Apologie for Marriage, Philosophy of Love, Funeralls of Beauty, etc. 2960 MARCH of the Lion, or the Conclusion of the War between Dunce and the Dunces, written with all that Black- guardism of Justice Bobbadill, Politeness of the Inspector, all the Wit of the Fool, and all the Smartness of Mary Midnight, and containing the Progress of the Golden Savage from the Bed- ford Coffee House, in search of new quarters (Satirical on the times). 8vo, half morocco. 6s 6d 1752 2961 MARKLAND (J. H.) On English Churches, and on rendering them subservient to Pious and Christian Uses, 12mo, 'many woodcuts of monwments in various churches in England, cloth. 3s 6d Oxford, 1843 36, Soho Square, London. 25 I 2962 MARKHAM (Gervase) The English Husbandman, eon- taining the Nature of Soiles, Tillage, Ploughes and other Instru- ments, Art of Planting, Grafting, and Gardening the Vine, Hop. Garden, Mazes, &c., 1635, 4to, woodcuts, half calf. £1. 10s 1635 Bound up in the volume is a separate Tract by Markham, the Pleasures of Princes, or Good Mens Recreation, Fishing, Angling, and Breeding of Fighting Cocks, never handled by any former Author, 1635. 2963 MARKHAM (Gervas) MASTER-PIECE, containing all Rnowledge belonging to the Smith, Farrier, or Horse Leech, touching the curing of all Diseases in Horses. 4to, frontispiece, and folding plate, calf, very meat. £1. 18 Sold at the Three Bibles on LoNDON BRIDGE, 1668 2964. MARKHAM (Gervase) Tracts; viz. –Inrichment of the Weald of Kent—Farewel to Husbandry—Cheap and Good Husbandry—Country Contentments—English Housewife—New Orchard and Garden—Country Housewife's Garden, SET OF MARKHAM's TRACTS. In a volume, 4to, many woodcuts, new calf antique. £1.15s 1688 2965. MARLBOROUGH (Duke of) Life of, by THos. LEDIARD. 3 vols, 8vo, maps, plans of battles and sieges, and plates of medals, calf meat. 12s 1736 2966 MARLBOROUGH (Duke of) Life by Lediard, with Original Letters and Papers never before published. 2 vols, 8vo, portrait, maps, and plates of medals, calf. 4s 6d 1743 2967 MARLBOROUGH (Duke of) Memoirs of, with his Ori- ginal Correspondence at Blenheim, by W. Coxe, 3 vols, post 8vo, portraits, new calf gilt. 14s 1847 2968 MARLOW and CHAPMAN.—Hero and Leander, 4to, ºnorocco eactra, tooled on sides. £3. 3s 1637 Taylor the Water-Poet, in his Motto, 1621, speaks of his repeating verses from Hero and Leander as he plied his boat on the Thames. It doubtless enjoyed great popularity. 2969 MARLOWE and Chapman's Hero and Leander, revised and Corrected with Critical Appendix by S. W. Singer. 12mo, sewed. 2s 6d Chiswick, 182i 2970 MAR PRELATE–Hay any worke for Cooper, or a briefe Pistle directed by waye of an hublication to the Rev. Bysshops, by counselling them if they will needs be barrelled up for feare of smelling in the nostrils of her Maiestie and the state that they would use the advice of the Rev. Martin, for the providing of their Cooper, &c. 4to, 33iacá £etter, new morocco extra. £3. 3s Printed in Europe, not farre from somme of the Bounsing Priestes (1590) 252 Alfred Russell Smith, 2971 MAR PRELATE. —Admonition to the People of England wherein are answered not onely the slaunderous untruethes of MARTIN the Libeller, but also many other of his broode, pur- posely to deface and discredit the present state of the Church. 4to, calf gilt. £3. 3s I589 Perhaps the rarest of the Marprelate series. 2972 MAR PRELATE–ANTIMARTINUS, sive Monitio cujusdam Londinensis ad Adolescentes utriusque Academiae, contra perso- natum quendam rabulum, qui Se MARTIN MARPRELATE hoc est. (Signed at end A. L.) 4to, large copy, new morocco extra. £2, 18s Lond., 1589 2973 MAR PRELATE–NASH (Thos.) The Returne of the renowned Cavaliero Pasquill of England, and his meeting with Marsorius at London, upon the Royal Exchange, wherein they encounter with a little houshold talke of MARTIN and MARTIN- ISME, discovering the scabbe that is bredde in England, and con- ferring about the speedie dispersing of the Golden Legende. 4to, corner of last leaf supplied in facsimile, morocco. £3. 3s If my breath be so hote that I burne my mouth, suppose I was Printed by Pepper Allie, 1589 2974. MARSDEN (William, Orientalist and Secretary to the Admiralty) Memoir of his Life and Writings, written by Him- self, with Notes from his Correspondence, 4to, PRIVATELY PRINTED, boards. 3s 1838 2975 MARSTON (John) Miscellaneous Pieces of Antient English Poesie, viz., the Troublesome Raigne of King John, written by Shakespeare, extant in no editions of his writings, the Metamorphosis of Pygmalion's Image, and certain Satires and Scourge of Villanie, all printed in 1600, 1764—The Rhapsody, being a display of the Wit and Humour of Past Times, imperfect, about 1750. In a volume, 8vo, meat. 9s 1764 2976 MARTIAL.-Sale's Epigrammatum, being the Choicest Disticks of Martials fourteen books of Epigrams, and all the chief Latine Poets that have written in these two last centuries, with Cato's Morality; made English by James Wright. 12mo, fine copy in old calf, rare. £l. 15s 1663 2977 MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS.—Tytler's Inquiry into the Evidence against Mary Queen of Scots, and Examination of the Robertson's and Hume's Histories with respect to that Evidence. Thick 8vo, boards. 4s Edinb., 1772 2978 MARY Q. OF SCOTS.—Tytler's Inquiry into the Evi- dence against Mary Queen of Scots, and Examination of the His- tories of Robertson and Hume, Fourth Edition, with several Additional Chapters, 2 vols, 8vo, calf gilt, 6s 1790 36, Soho Square, London. 253 ** 2979 MARY QUEEN OF SCOTs-Maria Stuarta, Regina Scotiae, Dotaria Franciae, Haeres Angli et Hyberniae, Martyr Ecclesiae, Innocens a caedo Darleana ; vindice Oberto Barnestapolio—SUM- MARUM RATIONUM quibus Cancellarius PUCKERINGUs Elizabethae persuaserunt, cum Responsionibus Reginae Angliae et SENTENTIA MoRTIs, opera ROMOALDI SCOTI. In one volume, 12mo, new crimson morocco eactra. 362. 2s Colom., 1627 This interesting and eloquent defence of the unfortunate Queen of Scots is from the pen of Robert Turner, a native of Barnstable. It is dedicated to Cardinal Allen. The second piece, relating to the execu- tion of the Queen, is followed by numerous Latin verses on the same subject. 2980 MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS.—The Legend of Mary Queen of Scots and other Ancient Poems, now first published from MSS. of the 16th Century, with Introduction, Notes, and Ap- pendix (by Frye). 8vo, but few copies printed, bds. 7s 6d 1810 2981 MARY Q. OF SCOTS.—History of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, translated from the unpublished MS. of Professor Petit, by Chas, de Flandre. 2 vols, 4to, 2 portraits, cloth. Él. 4s Edinb., privately printed, 1873 2982 MARVELLOUS Adventures and Rare Conceits of Master.Tyll Owlglass, Translated from the German by Kenneth Mackenzie. 8vo, many cuts and coloured plates, half morocco, scarce. 18S 1860 The most entertaining of the old Jest Books, and highly popular during the Middle Ages. The cuts and plates are by Crowquill. 2983 MASS.——The Funeral of the MASS, or the MASS DEAD and BURIED without Hope of Resurrection, translated from the French. 12mo, meat, scarce. 5s 6d 1680 This very clever little book written by David de Rodon, professor at Nismes, was suppressed by authority under severe penalties and such copies as could be found were publicly burnt by the hangman in 1660; the author in fear of being condemned to keep company with his book fled to Geneva. It is said to be the strongest argument written against the Mass since the Reformation. • 2984 iſłlagg.—The Dysclosyng of the Canon of ye Popysh Masse, with a Sermon of the famous Clerke of worthy memorye MARTEN LUTHER. 12mo, black letter, calf meat. £1. 15s (No place nor printer), Imprynted have at al Papistes By me Hans Hitprycke (1545) 2985 MASSY (R. T.) Analytical Ethnothology, the Mixed Tribes in Great Britain and Ireland Examined, and the Political, Physical and Metaphysical Blunderings of the Celt and the -Saxon Exposed. 12mo, plates, cloth, 2s about 1856 An interesting little volume on, the ethnology of various counties and districts in England, taking an original view of many points little touched upon. 17 254 Alfred Russell Smith, 2986 MATHEMATICALL RECREATIONS, a Collection of Sundrie Problemes extracted out of the Ancient and Modern Philosophers as Secrets in Nature, not vulgarly made manifest until this Time, from the French of Hen. Von Etten. 12mo, curious folding plates, half bound meat, SCARCE. 12s 6d 1633 A very curious work on the following subjects:—Arithmetic, Cosmo- graphie, Horologographie, Astronomie, Navigation, Musicke, Staticke, Mechanicks, Chimestrie, Waterworks, Fireworks, etc. 2987 MATHIAS' Pursuits of Literature, a Satirical Poem, in Four Dialogues. Thick 8vo, half calf. 6s 1808 This edition has the citations translated. 2988 MATHIAS' Pursuits of Literature, or What You Will, a Satirical Poem in Dialogue, with Notes. The four parts com- plete. 8vo, whout 3s 6d 1796 2989 MATHIAS' Pursuits of Literature, a Satyrical Poem, with Notes, Appendix, the Citations translated, and a complete Index. Roy. 4to, half russia, whewt. 12s 6d ; boards. 9s 1812 Printed on large paper for the purpose of illustrating, and would afford endless amusement to the portrait collector. 2990 MATRIMONY.—The Present State of Matrimony; or the Real Causes of Conjugal Infidelity and Unhappy Marriages, by Philogamus. 8vo, new half calf. 9s 6d ...London, 1739 Also on the State of Matrimony among the Greeks and Romans, and their manner of educating their young ladies compared with ours. 2991.MAUNDRELL's Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem in 1697. 8vo, plates, calf. , 38 Oxford, 1740 Though a little book, it is yet worth a folio, and is so accurately and ingeniously written, that it might serve as a model to all writers of works of travel. 2992;MAURICE (Rev. Thos.) The Indian Sceptic Confuted and Brahmin Frauds, Detected (shewing the Fallacy of the parallel between Chrishna and Christ). 8vo, bds. 5s 1812 2993 MAURICE’s Indian Antiquities. Vols 1 and 2 contains the General History of Theology of Hindustan. 8vo, plates, meat. 3S 2994 MAURICE (Rev. Thos., Author of ‘Indian Antiquities’) Astronomy and Ancient History, connected with the Ruins of Babylon, as described by Rich, 1816–Appendix on the Ancient Egyptian Grandeur and Superstition, as connected with Assyria, 1818. In a volume, 4to, plates. 9s 1818 2995 MAXIMILIAN I.-Triumphs of the Emperor Maxi- milian I., by Hans Burgmaer, edited by Alfred Aspland. Part II. Oblong folio, 66 fine engravings, with the small 4to vol of description to both parts, 2 vols, cloth, 491. 15s Holbein Soc., 1875 36, Soho Square, London. 255 2996 MAXWELL (James) Carolanna, a POEM in Honour of 2997 2998 2999 3000 3003 3004 our King Charles, James, Queene Anne and Prince Charles, but principally in Honour of the Immortal memory of our late Noble and Good Queene, by James Anne-Son, Antiquarie and Maister of Arts, 4to, half calf. £4. 4s Ldw. Alle-de (1614) A singular compilation of long lined verses, or rather rhymes, as the last words of each line rhyme ; there are also lines on the Lady Honora, Radcliffe, Daughter of Robert Earl of Essex, buried at New Hall in Essex, also on Lady Penelope, wife of Sir Gervasse Clifton. MAYHEW (The Brothers) The Image of his Father, or One Boy is more trouble than a Dozen Girls, being a Tale of a “Young Monkey.” Post 8vo, plates by Phiz, new half morocco, gilt top, scarce. 7s 6d 1851 MAZARINE CASE—Some IReflections upon Marriage, occasioned by the Duke and Dutchess of Mazarine's Case, which is also considered. 12mo, fine portrait of the Duchess by Van der Gucht, calf. 2s 6d 1700 MEDIAEVAL POPES, Emperors, Kings, and Crusaders, or Germany, Italy, and Palestine from A.D. 1125 to A.D. 1268, by Mrs. Wm. Busk. 4 thick vols, post 8vo, cloth. 8s 6d 1854 iſłltilital,—Fiscine (Narsisse) De la Vie saine, traduit de Latin en Francoys par maistre Jehan Beaufilz, avocat en chastelet de Paris. Both parts. (The second vol wants folio 49). In one vol., 12mo, gotijit letter, calf meat. £1. 1s Paris, Denys Jamot, 1541 MEDICAL.—Praxis Barbettiana, cum motis et Obser- vationibus Frederic Deckers. 12mo, curious engraved title, calf. 2s 6d Amst, 1678 MEDICAL –Omanism, or a Treatise upon the disorders produced by Masturbation, by M. Tissot, Translated by A. Hume. London, 1766–De Varioles Apoplexia, et Hydrope, S. A. D. Tissot, Lousanne, 1765—DE MORBO Nigro, Scirris Wiscerum, Cephalea, Jnoculatione, Irritabilitate cum Cadaverum Sectioni- bus Tissot, Lousanne, 1765. In l vol., 12mo, half calf. 7s 6d MEDICAL MANUSCRIPT.—An Introduction to the Art of Physick. An old manuscript clearly written of 423 pages, with two tables, one “a Sphere of 16 winds.” 4to, old calf. 7s 6d about 1650 MEDICINAL WATERS.—The Yorkshire Spaw, or a Treatise of Four Famous Medicinal Wells, viz: The Spaw, or Vitrioline Well, the Stinking or Sulphur Well, the Dropping or Petrifying Well, and St. Magnus Well, near Knaresborow, York- shire, together with the Causes, Vertus, and Use thereof, by JoHN FRENCH, Dr. of Physick. 12mo, new calf extra, 15s 1652 256 Alfred Russell Smith, 3005 MEDULLA BIBLIORUM.—The Marrow of the Bible or a Logico-theological analysis of every several Book of the Holy Scripture, with PoEMs of every Chapter in every such Book, by WM. A.INSWORTH, Rector of St. Peter's, Chester. 12mo, calf. 9s 6d I652 3006 MELANCTHON and LUTHER.—Unpublished Docu- ments, Marginal Notes and Memoranda in the Autographs of Melancthon and Luther, with Observations on their varieties of style, by S. Leigh Sotheby. Royal 4to, plates, containing many hundreds of facsimiles, boards. 4s 6d 1840 3007 MELANCTHON.—Loci praecipui Theologici, cum Appendice Disputationis de CONJUGIO, definitiones Theologicae, &c. Thick 12mo, curious old armorial bookplate of Martinus Bisengrein, bound in the original stamped vellum, with clasps. 7s 6d Basil, 1555 3008 MELMOTH (Courtney) i.e. S. J. Pratt, the Pupil of Pleasure ; or the New System Illustrated. 2 vols, 12mo, calf meat. 4s 6d 1776 The work is dedicated to Mrs. Eugenia Stanhope, editor of Lord Chesterfield's Letters, and is evidently a strong attack on that work. 3009 MEMOIRS.—Ballard (Geo.) Memoirs of British Ladies who have been Celebrated for their Writings or Skill in the Learned Languages. 8vo, meat, 4s 6d 1775 Begins with Juliana Berners, and Margaret Countess of Richmond, ending with Constantia Grierson of Kilkenny, 1733. 3010 MEMOIRS of a STOMACH, by a Minister of the Interior, written that all who Eat may Read, 12mo, boards. Is (about 1850) 3011 MEMORIES of the BRITISH MUSEUM, by Robt. Cowtan. Stout 8vo, cloth. 5s 1872 3012 MEURERI (Theod.) Relationem Historicam omnium praecipuarum et memoratu maxime dignarum rerum in Europa passim, 4to, new Crimson morocco extra, gilt edges. £1.4s 1603 Gives a diary of every battle and siege in Europe during 1602 and 1603, there are six folding plates, one representing a sea-fight off Dover between the Dutch and Spaniards. 3013 MERIVALE (Chas.) History of the Romans under the Empire. 3 vols, 8vo, cloth. 12s 1850 3014 MERRY I)EVIL of Edmonton.—Tife and Death of the Merry Deuill of Edmonton, with the Pleasant Pranks of Smug the Smith, Sir John, and Mine Host of the George about the Stealing of Venison, by T(homas) B(rewer). 8vo, curious wood- cut, boards, scarce." 4s 6d 1631, reprinted 1819 36, Soho Square, London. & 257 3015 MESMERISM, its History, Phenomena, and Practice, with Reports of Cases developed in Scotland. 12mo, cloth. 3s Edinb., 1843 3016 METAPHYSICS.—A WoRLD without Souls, by Rev. J. W. Cunningham (Vicar of Harrow-on-the-Hill). 12mo, sewed. 2s 1805–13 A very curious work; the author founds his argument on a Remark of Columbus that the Americans have no Souls. 3017 METEOROLOGY..—The Climate of London, deduced from Meteorological Observations made in the Metropolis and various places round, by Luke Howard. SECOND AND LAST EDITION, continued to 1830. 3 vols, 8vo, many plates, boards. 12s (pub £1. 11s 6d) 1833 3018 MICHEL.—Epitaphs on the Untymelie Death of WILLIAM MICHEL, sonne to Mr. Thomas Michel, Parson of TUR- REFF, who died Jan. 6, 1634, in the 24th yeare of his age, with a Consolatory Epistle to his Mother, 4to, arms of Aberdeen on title, half morocco. 494. 4s Aberdoniae, 1634 It is believed that but one other copy of this excessively rare volume exists; there are a large number of poems and verses by the most cele- brated Scottish poets of the time, and a long prose epistle written to his mother by M. R. B., preacher of the Evangel. MIDDLESEX. 3019 LYSONS (Rev. Danl.) ENVIRONs of LoNDON, being an Historical Account of the Towns, Villages, and Hamlets, within Twelve Miles, with Biographical Notices. 4 vols, roy. 4to, LARGE PAPER, numerous fine plates, those of the stained glass coloured, cloth, UNCUT. £2. 10s 1811 Suitable copy for illustrating. 3020 CHATELAIN's ETCHINGs.-Fifty Original Views of the most splendid Churches, Willages, Rural Prospects, and Architecture adjacent to London, drawn by Chatelain, engraved by J. Roberts. Oblong 8vo, a complete set of these charming and very rare engrav- $ngs, half calf. 492. 2s 1750 3021 RIVER THAMES.—Description of the River Thames, &c., with the City of London's Jurisdiction and Conservancy Thereof Proved, both in Point of Right and Usage, to which is added a brief Description of those Fish, with their Seasons, Spawning Times, &c., that are caught in the Thames or sold in London, with the Rules, Orders, and Ordinances for the most Effectual Preservation, &c., of the Spawn and Fry of Fish, and for the Better Regulating the Fishery thereof, by Robt. Binmell. 8vo, fine larye folding view of London Bridge with houses wipon, and plates of the Fish inserted, half calf gilt, marbled edges. £1. 1s 1758 Very scarce, contains a vast amount of useful information in reference to the present agitation about the supply of fish. 258 Alfred Russell Smith, 3022 PICTURESQUE WIEws on the River Thames from its source to the Nore, with observations on the Public Buildings and other Works of Art in its Vicinity, by Saml. Ireland. 2 vols, royal 8vo, many fine aquatint plates, half calf. 18s 1801 3023 DOMESDAY Book of Middlesex ; a Literal Extension of the Latin Text and an English Translation. Royal 4to. 4s 6d 1862 3024 TRANSACTIONS of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, Vol I. complete 9s—parts 1 and 2, 2s 6d each.-Wol 3, part 10, 3s 6d 1856–79 3025 REPORT and Survey of a Canal from Waltham Abbey to Moor- fields, and Continued to Marylebone, by Robt. Whitworth, with Address to the Lord Mayor by Jas. Sharp. Folio, large folding 'map. 15s 1773 3026 TOUR of the Grand Junction Canal, with Historical and Topo- graphical Descriptions, of parts of Middlesex, Herts, Bucks, Beds, and Northamptonshire, by J. Hassell. 8vo, many aquatint plates, boards. 5s 1819 3027 AMBULATOR, or Pocket Companion in a Tour round London within 25 miles. 12mo, map, meat. 2s 1800 3028 AMBULATOR, later edition. Thick 12mo, map and numerous plates, calf. 3s 6d l820 Describes a great many places not mentioned elsewhere. 3029 AMBULATOR, another edition. 12mo, coloured map, calf. 1796 3030 BRENTFORD, &c.—Faulkner (Thos.) History and Antiquities of Brentford, Ealing, and Chiswick, interspersed with Biographical Notices of Illustrious and Eminent Persons who have been Born or Resided there. Royal 8vo, LARGE PAPER, plates and portraits, cloth, wºmcwt. £1.5s 1845 3031 CANONS, a Poem, inscribed to the Duke of Chandos, by Saml. Humphrey. Folio. 2s 1728 Near Edgeware, the house was sold and demolished. 3032 CLERKENWELL-Cromwell's History of Clerkenwell. 12mo, shabby copy, but the plates would do for illustrating, cloth. 3s 6d 1824 3033 CLERKENWELL.-History of, by W. J. Pinks, edited with addi- tions by E. J. Wood. Thick small 4to, illustrated with nearly 200 engravings and large folding coloured map, cloth gilt. 12s (pub- lished at 218) 1881 3034 CLERKENWELL.-Foster (B.) History of the Priory and Gate of St. John, Clerkenwell. 4to, woodcuts, cloth. 3s 1851 3035 CLERKENWELL.—Rules and Orders for the Government of Friends' School and Workhouse at Clerkenwell. 8vo, sewed. 2s 1780 3036 CHELSEA.—Faulkner (T.) IIistory and Topography of CHELSEA and its Environs, with Biographical Anecdotes of Illustrious Persons, &c., who have resided in Chelsea. 2 vols, 8vo, map and numerous plates, with a scarce folding view of Chelsea from the River inserted, calf very meat. 262. 10s 1829 36, Soho Square, London. 259 3037 CHELSEA.—Woodman (J.) The Ratcatcher at Chelsea College, a Tale, alluding to the extortion of the Out Pensioners, with a scheme to pay them out, and other matters relating to Chelsea Hospital. 8vo, half calf, curious. 3s 6d 1743 3038 EDMONTON.—Robinson's History and Antiquities of the Parish of Edmonton. 8vo, plates and maps, that of the Parish wanting, half calf. 14s e 1819 3039 ENFIELD.—Historical, Topographical and Statistical Notices of Enfield; with Brief Biographical Notices of Distinguished Per- sons who formerly resided in the Parish, compiled from the best Authorities, by J. TUFF, Chemist. 12mo, map and plates, cloth, SCARCE, 6s 6d Enfield, 1858 3040 ENFIELD CHACE.-The Case of the EARL of STAMFORD, relating to the Wood lately cut in ENFIELD CHACE. Folio, half calf. fºl. 5s Privately printed, 1701 With the rare plan which is rather important, as showing the way in which it was intended to lay out the Chace, with a deer park in the centre containing three hundred acres. 3041 FULHAMI and HAMMERSMITH.—Faulkner's Historical and Topo- graphical Account of LARGE PAPER, 4to, map and plates, half calf. :#1. 4s 1813 3042 FULHAM.–Faulkner (T.) Historical and Topographical Account of Fulham ; including the Hamlet of Ilammersmith. Roy. 8vo, map and plates, half calf. 18S 1813 3043 HACKNEY and STEPNEY.—Customs and Privileges of the Manors of Stepney and Hackney. 12mo, old calf, rare. 15s In the Savoy, 1736 3044 HACKNEY. — Fox (W.) La Bagatella or Delineations of Home Scenery, a Descriptive Poem with Notes Critical and Historical. 12mo, charming little vignettes, boards, very scarce. 3S 1801 Describes Hackney, Dalston and Shacklewell as they were 80 years ago. 3045 HAMPSTEAD. — Park's Topography and Natural History of Hampstead, with Appendix of Original Records, and Additions, and Corrections, 4to, LARGE PAPER, map, plates and pedigrees, calf gilt. 384. 4s 1818 Only 100 copies were printed on this size, this is enhanced by additional folding plates, of Highgate Archway, curious view of Highgate in 1752 by Chatelain, large coloured plate by RowLANDSON, of a Two O'clock Ordi- nary at Hornsey Wood House, view of Hampstead from Primrose Hill at the beginning of the last century, also a view of Hampstead Road near Tomkins' House about 1720. 3046 HAMPSTEAD.—PARK's History of Hampstead. Royal 8vo, map and plates, bds. 16s 1814 3047 HAMPSTEAD.—An Account of the Neutral Saline Waters Recent- ly Discovered at HAMPSTEAD, with Chemical Experiments on their Component Parts, etc. 12mo, with scarce map and frontis- piece, clean in bds, whewt, privately printed. 7s 6d 1804 26O Alfred Russell Smith, 3048 HAMPTON COURT in CIVIL WAR.—More Full Relation of the manner of his Majesties Departure from HAMPTON COURT, writ- ten by Colonel Whaley, 4to. 10s 6d 1647 3049 HARROW.—Hand-book to Harrow, with a Topographical and Historical Account of the Parish and School, by Thos. Smith, author of Hist. of Marylebone. 12mo, cuts, cloth. 2s 1850 3050 HARROW-ON-THE-HILL.—Handbook for the use of Visitors, a Topographiéal and Historical Account of the Parish of HARROW, and the Grammar School founded by JoHN LYON, with a Direc- tory, by Thos. Smith. 12mo, calf gilt. 5s 1852 3051 HOOK (Theodore) Personal Narrative of a Journey Over-Land from the Bank to Barnes, with some Account of the Inhabitants and Customs of the Regions East of Kensington, by an Inside Passenger, with a model for a Magazine. 12mo, boards. 6s 6d w 1829 3052 HOXTON.—Byfield (T.) Account of the Late-found BALSAMICK WELLs at HoxTON, aad of their excellent virtues above other Mineral Waters, which make 'em effectually cure most Diseases, both inward and outward, with directions how to use 'em. 18mo, half calf, corner of last leaf torn, very scarce. 5s 6d 1687 3053 #giełportij, $pon's peace, containing certain Articles of Agree- ment between Algernon, Earle of Northumberland, Lord of the Manor of Isleworth-Syon, Peter Dodsworth, Hugh Potter, and Robert Scarven of the one Part, and Sir Thos. Ingram, Sir Thos. Nott, Sir John Sydenham, and others, Copy-hold Tenants of the said Manor, on the other—A Bill preferred by them in the High Court of Chancery against the said Earle, etc. Decree of the Court, whereby the said articles are ratified, and an Agreement of the Tenants, where the said Articles, etc., shall remain, 4to, fine port. of the Earl inserted, black letter, half russia, very scarce. #82. 15s 1657 3054 ISLINGTON.—Lewis (J.) History and Topography of the Parish of Islington. Handsome 4to volume, many plates and woodcuts, cloth. :#1. 8s 1842 3055 ISLINGTON.—A Perambulation of Islington by T. E. Tomlins. Royal 8vo, map and cuts, cloth. 5s 1858 3056 KENTISH TOWN.—History of MoTHER DAMNABLE, the Remar- kable Shrew of KENTISH TOWN, which gave rise to the 'sign of Mother Red Cap, 1676, 8vo, portrait, sewed. 2s 1843 3057 KNIGHTSBRIDGE-Memorials of the Hamlet of Knightsbridge, with Notices of its Immediate Neighbourhood by the late H. G. Davis, edited by C. Davis. 8vo, numerous illustrations, cloth. 8s 6d 1859 3058 MIMMS.—Cass (F. C.) History and Antiquities of SouTH MIMMs, Middlesex, 4to, pedigrees and plates, privately printed. 15s Nichols, 1877 36, Soho Square, London. 26I 3059 SADLER’s WELLS.—True and Exact Account of Sadler's Well, tº. or the New Mineral Waters Lately Found out at Islington, Treating of its Nature and Virtues, Together with an Enumera- tion of the Chiefest Diseases which it is good for, and against which it may be used, and the manner and order of Taking it, it, by T. G. 4to, half morocco, curious and scARCE. 10s. 6d 1684 3060 SAINT PANCRAS, Past and Present, being Historical, Tradi- tional and General Notes of the Parish, including Biographical Notices of Inhabitants associated with its Topographical and General History, by FREDERICK MILLER. 8vo, cloth. 5s t 1874 3061 ST. PANCRAS.–Palmer (Samuel) St. Pancras, being Antiquarian. Topographical and Biographical Memoranda relating to the Parish. 8vo, cloth. 5s—LARGE PAPER, in 4to, half morocco, gilt top. 10s 6d 1870 3062 ST, PANCRAS.—Account of the Charities, Bequests, and Gifts to the parish of St. Pancras, Rent charges, List of Vicars and Churchwardens from the earliest times, by S. Wiswould. 8vo, privately printed, cloth. 5s 1863 3063 ST. PANCRAS.–Cansick's Collection of Curious and Interesting EPITAPHS in St. Pancras and Highgate Cemeteries. 2 vols, post 8vo, plates, cloth. 7s 6d. (pub 15s) 1869–72 3064 STRAWBERRY HILL Catalogue of Rare Prints. 10 days' sale, by Geo. Robins, 4to, 3s 6d 1842 3065 SHOREDITCH.-Account of the Charities of the Parish of St. Leonard by Shoreditch, and Benefactions, compiled by John Ware. 8vo, plates, cloth, scarce. 7s (id Privately printed, 1836 3066 TOTTENHAM.–History and Antiquities af Tottenham, collected from Authentic Records by Lord Colerame, edited by Oldfield and Dyson. 12mo, plates, fine wincut copy in new half morocco, gilt top. 12s 1790 3067 TOTTENHAM.—The Turnament of Tottenham; or, the Wooing, Winning, and Wedding of Tibbe, the Reeve's Daughter there ; written long since IN VERSI, by Mr. Gilbert Pilkington, at that Time, as some have thought, Parson of the Parish, taken out of an ancient Manuscript, and published for the Delight of others, by Wilhelm Bedwell, now Pastour there. 4to, half calf. £2 2s 1631 Bound up with this is :—“A briefe description of the Towne of Totten- ham's High-Crosse, in Middlesex, collected by Wilhelm Bedwell, Pastour of the Parish, 1631.” Mr Warton terms this Tournament “A burlesque on the parade and fopperies of Chivalry.” The White Knights copy of the first tract sold for £4.5s 3068 UXBRIDGE.-REDFORD and RICHEs’ History of Ancient Town and Borough of Uxbridge, 8vo, plates, boards, scarce. 12s Uwbridge, 1818 262 Alfred Russell Smith, 3069 UXBRIDGE.-REDFORD and RICHE's Uxbridge. Another copy. Plates, but wants last leaf of Index, calf meat. 7s 6d I 3070 UXBRIDGE. – REDFORD and RICHE's History of Uxbridge. Plates to the large paper edition, 4to, boards. 5s (pub 15s) lº 1818 3071 VIEW of the Agriculture of Middlesex, by Middleton. 8vo, map, half calf. 2s 1798 3072 WRAYSBURY, History of the Parish of ANKERwyKE PRIORY and MAGNA CHARTA ISLAND ; with the HISTORY OF HORTON, and the Town of COLNBROOK, by G. W. J. Gyll. 4to, folding maps, cloth, 15s 1862 LONIDON AND WESTIMINSTER. +. 3073 ACCOUNTS of the Churchwardens of the Parish of St. Michael's, Cornhill, in the City of London, with Miscellaneous Memoranda contained in the Great Book of Accounts, and Extracts from the Proceedings of the Westry, from 1563 to 1607, edited by W. H. Overall. Sm. 4to, frontispiece and facsimiles, privately printed, cloth, 15s About 1868 3074 ALDERSGATE.—The Names and Armes of the Alderman of that Ward, from 30th Yeare of the Reign of Henry 6th, to 1616, by John Withie reprinted in facsimile from the original MS., and briefly annotated by F. C. Price. 12mo, finely emblazoned coats of arms, half morocco, but few copies printed. 12s 1878 3075 ARCHER (J. W.) VESTIGES OF OLD LONDON, a Series of Etch- ings from original Drawings illustrative of the Monuments and Architecture of London in the First, Fourth, Twelfth and suc- ceeding Centuries, with Descriptions and Historical Notices. Roy. 4to, fine etchings, but few copies printed, half morocco. £2, 15s 1851 3076 BISHOPSGATE, St. HELEN's, the Annals of, Edited by the Rev. J. E. Cox. Thick royal 8vo, plates, cloth. 9s 1876 3077 BLOODY NEWS from ANGEL. ALLEY in Bishopsgate street, being a full True account of the Cruel Murdering of one Dorothy Jewers, who was barbarously robbed and killed on the 27th of September last by Two of her Lodgers, and the murderers after they had Committed this Bloody Fact made their Escape. 4to, curious and very scarce, half morocco. #1. 1s 1678 3078 BLACKFRIARS.—Hell Broke Loose ; or the Notorious Design of : the wicked Ranters discouered on Sunday last at Black-Fryers, being a true Relation of the Strange Proceedings of Mr. Vaughan and his Wicked Proselytes. 4to, very scarce, two very curious and singular woodcuts, half calf meat. £2 2s I651 Of their entering Black-Fryer's Church at Sermon Time like so many spirits from Hell. The manner how this insolent Ranter traced the streets to Saint Paul's Churchyard in his Holland shirt without Doub- let or Breeches, a Treble Cap, like the Pope's Miter, with Silk Fringe, and White Shooes and White Stockings, with other Eccentricities. 36, Soho Square, London. 263 3079 BLACKFRIARS.—THE DOLEFULL EVEN-SoNG, or a True Parti- cular, and Impartiall Narration of that Fearfull and Sudden Calamity which befell the Preacher, Mr. Drury, a Jesuite, and the greater part of his Auditory,by the Down FALL OF THE FLOORE AT AN AssBMBLY IN THE BLACK FRIERS, on Sunday, 26th Oct., 1623, with an ExACT CATALOGUE of the NAMEs of SUCH AS PERISHED–Something written by occasion of that Fatall and Memorable Accident at Black-Friors. Two Tracts in one vol., 4to, half morocco. £2 2s 1623 Two exceedingly rare and curious Tracts, giving a full account of the appalling disaster by which about 100 persons lost their lives, and gives a complete list of the names of those who were killed and missing, 3080 BOHUN's Privilegia Londoni, or the Laws, Customs, and Privi- leges of the City of London, wherein are set forth all the Charters from William I. to William III., their particular Customs, &c., necessary for Merchants, Tradesmen, and Citizens. 8vo, meat. 3s 6d 1702 3081 BURTON (Rd.) Historical Remarks on the Ancient and Present State of the Cities of London and Westminster, with an account of the Most Considerable Occurrences, Revolutions, and Trans- actions as to Wars, Fires, Plagues, &c., which have happened in and about these Cities for above 900 years past, till 1681. Sm. 4to, curious woodcuts, calf meat, marble edges. 6s 1681, reprinted 1810 3082 CATALOGUE of Engraved Portraits, Topographical Drawings and Prints, Coins, Gems, Autographs, Antiquities and Works of Art, exhibited at the Opening of the New Library and Museum, 1872, edited by W. H. Overall. Thick 8vo, sewed. 2s 6d 1872 3083 CHAMBERLAIN (Henry) History and Survey of London and Westminster, and the Borough of Southwark. Folio, numerous fine plates of interesting Buildings and Monuments long since destroyed, calf meat. 15s 1769 3084 CHARTERHOUSE (The) with the Last Will and Testament of THOMAS SUTTON. 4to, morocco extra. Él. 15s 1614 Fino portrait of Sutton, by Elstracke, added. Miss Currer's copy. It sold at her sale for £1. 18s. 3085 CHARTERHOUSE, Past and Present, a History of the Hospital founded by Sutton, and more particularly of the School, by W. H. Brown, Head Master. Post 8vo, plates, cloth, a mice volume. 5s Godalming, 1879 3086 CHRONICLE of London from 1089 to 1483, written in the 15th Century, and for the first time printed from MSS. in the British Museum, with numerous Contemporary Illustrations of Royal Letters, Poems, descriptive of Public Events and Manners and Customs of the Metropolis (Edited by SIR HARRIs NICOLAs). 4to, facsimile, boards. 15s Qnly 250 copies printed. It forms a supplement to the Chronicles of Harding, Rastall, Grafton, Hall, and others. 264 Alfred Russell Smith, 3087 CITY CHARTERS.—THE FORFEITURE of London's CHARTER, an Impartial Account of the several Seizures of the City Charter, the Deposing, Fining, and Imprisonments of the Lords since Henry III., 1682—Reflections on the City Charter and Writ of Quo Warranto, 1632—Defence of the Charter and Municipal º by Thomas Hunt, 1682. In a volume, 4to, half morocco. S 6 3088 CITY LAW, or the Course and Practice in all manner of Juridical Proceedings in the Hustings at Guildhall; also an Alphabet of all Offices disposed and given by the Lord Mayor. 4to, vellum wrapper. 4s 6d T647 3089 CITY REMEMBRANCER, being Historical Narratives of the GREAT PLAGUE of 1665, GREAT FIRE, 1666, and GREAT STORM, 1703, with historical acconnts of the most memorable Plagues, Fires, and Hurricanes. 2 vols, 8vo, calf, full gilt backs. £1.6s 1769 3090 CLEVELAND (John) Character of a LONDON DIURNALL. First Edition, 4to, half morocco. 15s 1646 3091 DECLARATION of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London, in Common Council Assembled, 4to, half morocco. 5s 1647 A general consideration of Civil War affairs. 3092 DIALOGUE between Francisco and Aurelia, Two Unfortunate Orphans of the City of London, in the Guild-Hall, Nov. 3, 1696. 4to, half calf. 4s 6d 1690 Very satirical and facetious on the Corporation. 3093 EARLY DIRECTORY.—Kent's Directory for 1807, with the Shop- keepers' and Tradesmen’s Assistant. 8vo, old calf. 3s 6d 1807 Interesting to the London Topographer, as it contains a list of the Postal Charges to all parts of the Kingdom, as well as one of the different starting points by road and water for the forwarding of goods, &c. 3094 FRANCIS (A. D.) History of the Ward of Farringdon Without. 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1870 3095 FRIVOLOUS PAPER in Forme of a Petition Framed and Com- posed by a Disaffected Party in the City of London, intended by them to be presented to the Honourable House of Commons, with Certaine Considerations propounded by way of Advertise- ment, by a Well-Willer to Peace and Truth, 4to, half morocco. 5S 1642 3096 GOUGH (Wm.) Londinum Triumphans, or an Historical Account of the Grand Influence the Actions of the City of London have had on the Affairs of the Nation for many Ages past. 8vo, plan of the City of London as fortified in 1642 inserted, calf meat. 6s 6d I682 3097 GWYN's (John, Architect) London and Westminster Improved. 4to, folding plates, meat. 10s—boards. 9s 1766 Many of the author's suggestions have been carried out in recent metropolitan improvements. 36, Soho Square, London. 265 3098 HISTORY of an OLD LADY and her Family, Political (the names: are given in pencil). 8vo. 2s 6d 1754 Most amusing descriptions of leading City men, free and satirical. 3099 HISTORY of the SHERIFFDOM of the City of London and County of Middlesex, containing the Original Method of Electing Sheriffs for the said City and County ; an account of the several Altera- tions that have happened at such Elections, with a faithful Relation of the Case of Mr. Papillon and Mr. Dubois in the Reign of Charles II, upon which followed the seizing of the City Charter into that Prince's Hands. 8vo, half morocco. 4s 6d 1723 3100 HUBBARD’s Historical Account of the Parish of All-Hallows in Dowgate, with Notices of the Charities. 8vo, privately printed, cloth. 15s 1843 3101 LETTER from Mercurius Civicus to Mercurius Rusticus, or Lon- don's Confession but not Repentance, shewing that the beginning and the obstinate pursuance of this accursed horrid Rebellion is principally to be ascribed to that Rebellious City, 4to, half morocco. 10s 1643 Gives most important particulars of the action of the City previous and during the Civil War. 3102 LIBER ALBUS, the White Book of the City of London, com- piled in 1419 by John Carpenter and Richard Whittington, trans- lated by H. T. Riley. Thick 4to, cloth. 9s 1861 Contains all the statutes and local regulations, and presents a vivid picture of Londoners, London Life, and Municipal Government at the beginning of the 15th century. 3103 LIVING Picture of London for 1828, and Strangers' Guide through the Streets of the Metropolis, shewing the FRAUDs, ARTs, SNAREs, and WILES of all DESCRIPTIONs of Rogues that EvKRY- WHERE ABOUND, Sketches of CoCKNEY MANNERs, LIFE, SoCIETY, and CUSTOMs, with Hints for the Improvement of the Police, by John Bee (i.e. Badcock). 12mo, boards. 3s I828 3104 LONDON DIRECTORY of 1677, Facsimile reprint of the First Edition. 12mo, boards. 2s 6d 1878 This is a verbatim reprint of an extremely rare book; only two copies- are known ; it has a short introduction, pointing out some of the prin- cipal persons mentioned in the list. For Historical and Genealogical purposes it is of the greatest value. 3105 LONDON's GRATITUDE, an Account of such pieces of Sculp-. ture and Painting as have been placed in Guildhall at the expense of the City, with a List of those persons presented with the Free- dom of the City since 1758. 8vo, half calf. 6s 1783 3106 LONDON, or Interesting Memorials of its Rise, Progress, and Present State, by Sholto and Reuben Percy. 3 vols, 12mo, map. and plates. 4s 6d 1824 3107 LONDON VIEWS.–Catalogue of the Prints and Portraits in Guildhall Library. 8vo, cloth. 5s Not printed for sale, 1868 Most useful guide to the London collector, describing many thou- sands of views of London, Middlesex, and Surrey. 266 Alfred Russell Smith, 3.108 LONDON in 1854, by Peter Cunningham. 12mo, half morocco. 4s 6d 1854 3109 MERCHANT TAYLORs.—Wilson (Rev. H. B.) History of the Merchant Taylors' School. 2 thick 4to vols, port, aits and plates, boards. 12s—Another, 2 vols, half calf meat. 16s 1812–14 3110 NICHOLS’ Account of Guildhall, the Monuments, &c, 8vo, plates, meat. 2s 6d l819 3111 NORTON's CoMMENTARIES on the History, Constitution, and Franchises of the City of London. Thick Svo, cloth. 4s 6d I829 3112 OLD LONDON.—Papers read at the London Congress of the Archaeological Institute, 1866. Thick 8vo, woodcuts, cloth. 6s 6d 1867 3113 PHILLIPS (Sir Richard) Letter to the Livery of London on the Office of Sheriff. 8vo, boards. 2s 6d 1808 3114 RILEY (H. T.) Memorials of London and London Life in the XIII., XIV. and XV. Centuries, being a Series of Extracts, Local, So- cial, and Political, from the Early Archives of the City of Lon- don, A.D. 1276–1419. Thick roy. 8vo, new cloth. 21s 1868 The best Account of the Manners and Customs of the Citizens of that period, it contains a List of Old English Words found in the different charters and is a most important and necessary book to the student of Ancient Corporations. See also Liber Albus. 3115 ROYAL CHARTER of Confirmation, granted by King Charles II. to the City of London, Edited by S. G. 8vo, meat. 3s 6d about 1690 3116 SHERIFFS–Letter to the Livery of London relative to the Execu- tion of the Office of Sheriff, by Sir Richd. Phillips. 12mo, calf. 3S 1808 3.117 STOW (John) Survey of London and Westminster, and the Bo- rough of Southwark, enlarged and continued by STRYPE, with a Life of Stow. 2 vols, folio, numerous plates, calf, full gilt backs. #24. 10s I720 3118 STOW’s Survey of London, New edition, edited by W. J. Thoms. Roy. 8vo, half calf. 7s 6d 1842 Contains the whole pith of Stow in a small compass. One of the most excellent compendiums we have. 3119 TEMPLE BAR Memorials, with some Account of Fleet Street and the Parishes of St. Dunstan and St. Bride, from Ancient Records and original sources, by T. C. Noble. Small 4to, sewed. 2s 6d 1869 Contains a great quantity of information and gossip. 3120 THE RENOWNED City of London surveyed and illustrated in a Latine Poem, by J. Adamus, a Transylvanian, and translated into English by W. F. of Gray's Inn. 4to, calf meat. £1. Is Not published, 1670 Latin and English on opposite pages, unknown to Gough or Lowndes. 36, Soho Square, London. . 267 3121 TIMBS.–CURIOSITIES of London, exhibiting the most rare and remarkable objects of interest, with nearly 60 years' personal recollections. Very thick royal 8vo, of nearly 900 pages, many plates, cloth, 12S - 1867 3122 TOKENS.—Akerman's (J. Y.) Tradesmen's Tokens struck in Lon- don and its Vicinity, from 1648 to 1671, described from the Originals in the British Museum, &c., 8vo, with 8 plates of numerous examples, cloth. 7s 6d (original price 15s)—LARGE PAPER in 4to, cloth. 15s This work comprises nearly 3000 Tokens, and contains occasional illus- trative, topographical, and antiquarian notes, on persons, places, streets, old tavern and coffee-house signs, etc., etc., with an introductory account of the causes which led to the adoption of such a currency. 3123 TOKENS-Descriptive Catalogue of the London Tokens, presented to the Corporation Library by Henry Benj. H. Beaufoy, by Jacob Burn, 8vo, second edition, portrait and plate, cloth. 7s 6d Printed for the Corporation, 1853 3124 TOPOGRAPHICAL MEMORANDA of the Ward of Farringdon Without, by an Antiquary, 4to, only 50 copies privately printed cloth. 15s - about 1860 3125 TRAINED BANDS.–Conspiracie of the Twelve Bishops in the Tower against Mr. Calamie, Mr. Burton, Mr. Martiall, and many other Eminent Divines, shewing likewise their Treacherie, how they would have escaped out of the Tower, with the True Cause that the City of London and Westminster are Day and Night in Arms. 4to, curious woodcut of the Presenting the Book to one of the Bishops on the back of the last page, half calf. 15s 1641 Complains how the trained bands were called to arms in the night, in Cheapside, Covent Garden, and St. George's Field in Southwark and their disgust at such untimely service. 3126 Craimcü 33amū3,-Additional Ordinance of the Lords and Com- mons to a former Ordinance of the 19 of February last past, granted to divers persons of the County of Middlesex for putting the said County into a posture of Defence by the BETTER REGU- LATING of the TRAINED BANDS, and raising other Forces of Horse and Foot for the preservation, defence and Safety of the Said Countie, 4to, black letter, half calf. 7s 6d l644 3127 TRAINED BANDS.–The Rising and Routing of the Mutiniers in the City of London on Sunday and Monday the 9th and 10th of Aprill, 1648, Their Fight at the Lord Mayor's, Breaking Open the Armory, and taking the Money and Plate, Took Two Gates and the Keyes of the City. 4to, sewed. 9s 6d 1648 Seized one Brasse Gunne. Their severall Fights with the Trained Bands and the Souldiers of the Army, and the number and names of those that are slain and wounded on both sides. 3128 TRAINED BANDS.–Ordinance of the Parliament for the Contri- bution of the value of one Meale in the weeke towards the Charge of Arming and forming into Regiments the Forces now raysing in the City of London, with the names of the Treasurers. 4to. 5s 1644 268 Alfred Russell Smith, 3129 TRAINED BANDs.-Additional Ordinance of Parliament for the better regulating the Trained Bands, and raising Horse and Foot for the Defence of the Countie of Middlesex. 4to, new half mo- rocco. 6s 6d l644 3130 TRINITY Hous E.-Memoir on the Origin and Incorporation of the Trinity House of Deptford Strond. 8vo, privately printed, morocco, gilt edges. 5s 1818 3131 WENCESLAI CLEMENTIS Trinobantiados Augusta, sive LONDINI libri 6 quibus urbis Antiquitas, Ortus, progressus, gloriae famaque luculenter exprimuntur. IN VERSE. 4to, calf meat. 12s 6d l636 A curious description of London in Latin hexameters. 3132 WATERMEN.—Laws and Constitutions of the Master, Wardens, and Commonalty of Watermen and Lightermen of the River Thames. 8vo, calf meat. 4s 6d I828 3133 LORD MAYOR's PAGEANTS, a History of these Annual Celebra- tions, with Specimens of the Descriptive Pamphlets and the Civic Garland, a Collection of Songs from the London Pageants, edited by F. W. Fairholt. The three parts complete in 1 vol, thick post 8vo, calf gilt. £1. 1S 1843 3134 LONDON'S GLORY, represented by Time, Truth, and Fame, at the Magnificent Triumphs and Entertainment of CHARLES II. and Court at Guildhall, July 5, 1660; with the order and manage- ment of the whole business, by JoHN TATHAM. 4to, www.sually fine copy in half morocco. £2. 15s 1660 3135 LONDON'S TRIUMPHS, Celebrated the 29th October, 1664, at the HABERDASHERS Pageant in Honour of SIR JOHN LAURENCE. By JoBN TATHAM, 4to, half morocco. £1.15s 1664 3136 DRAPERS PAGEANT—London's Royal Triumph for the City's Loyal Magistrate, in an exact description of the Scenes and Pageants, adorned with many magnificent representations per- formed on Wednesday, Oct. 29, 1684, at the installation of SIR JAMES SMITH, given by the DRAPERS' COMPANY. By THOMAs JoRDAN. 4to, crimson morocco. £3. 3s 1684 This is the rarest of all Jordon's Pageants, the only copy quoted by Lowndes sold for £4. 9s. 3137 FISHMONGERS PAGEANT, 1616.-Chrysanaleia, or the Golden Fishing devised by ANTHONY MUNDAY. With Historical Intro- duction and Illustrative Documents by J. G. NICHOLs. Large folio, but a very small number of copies printed for the Livery, half bound. £5. 5S 1859. One of the most sumptuous books done by either cf the City Com- panies; there are engravings of all the Arms of the Lords Mayors of this Company, from 1349 to 1826, List of Wardens, Expenses of Feasts, Extracts from the Ledger, Books, also twelve plates of the Pageant : engraved by Henry Shaw from contemporary drawings. CITY BIOGRAPHIES. 3138 BREWER's Memoir of John Carpenter, Town Clerk of London in the reigns of Henry W. and Henry VI. Post 8vo, plates, cloth. 33 1836 36, Soho Square, London. 269 3139 BREWER (Thos.) Memoir of John Carpenter, Town Clerke of -- London in the Reigns of Henry W. and Henry VI., and Founder of the City of London School. Post 8vo, plates, cloth. 4s 6d - 1856 3140 3-oubon'g 3000c, or a Memoriall of the Life and Death of Maister ROBERT DOVE, Citizen and Merchant Taylor of London, and of his Severall Almesdeeds and large Bountie to the Poor in his Lifetime, he died May, 1612. 4to, curious woodcut on title, blacá letter, old crimson morocco extra, gilt edges, part of first line of title in facsimile, extremely rare. £1.15s 1632 3141 DUNCOMB-Life and Death of Sir Charles Duncomb, formerly Lord Mayor, with the manner of his rising from a low degree and other remarkable occurrences happening through his Life, also an Elegy and Epitaph, 12mo, rough woodcut portrait on title. 7s 6d º Chap Book, 1711 Curious and interesting, as his Niece married the Duke of Argyle. 3142 FIRMIN (Thos., Citizen of London) Life, with his Funeral Sermon. - 8vo, old calf. 2s 1698 3143 OVERS.—True History of the Life and Sudden Death of John Overs, the Rich Ferry Man of London,and of his daughter Mary, who caused the Church of St. Mary Overy, to be built, also of the Building of London Bridge. 8vo, plate added, half calf. 6s 6d 1744 LIVERY COMPANIES. - 3144 ARTILLERY COMPANY.—Highmore's History of the Hon. Artil- lery Company, from its Earliest Annals to the Peace of 1802. Thick 8vo, boards, scarce. 8s 6d 1804 3145 GROCERS’ CoMPANY.—Heath (Baron) History of the Grocers' Company. Third Edition, a handsome sm. 4to volume, printed on Whatman's hand made paper, many woodcuts and plates, crim- son morocco extra. É4. 4s Privately printed, 1869 3146 GROCERS’ CoMPANY. —Heath (J. B.) History of the Grocers' Company. 8vo, frontispiece, bds. 9s Not published, 1829 3147 IRONMONGERS’ CoMPANY, Account of, compiled from their own Records, and other Authentic Sources of lnformation by John Nicholl. Thick royal 8vo, cuts of arms, déc., cloth. £1.15s 1851 But few copies of this work were PRIVATLEY PRINTED for the Members of the Company only. WESTMINSTER, 3148 WESTMINSTER ABBEY. — Ridgway (Rev. J.). Its. History, Pageants, and Royal Memorials, from its Foundation to the Funeral of Henry W. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1865 3149 WESTMINSTER ABBEY.—Historical Description of its Monu- ments and Curiosities, Cepies of the best EPITAPHS, and Trans- lations of the Hebrew, Greek, and Ethiopic Epitaphs, &c. 18mo, interleaved, half calf. 2s - - 1754 18 27o Alfred Russell Smith, 3150 ACTS relating to the Government of the City and Liberty of Westminster. 8vo, cloth. 2s 1838 315I REGES, Reginae, Nobiles et alii in ecclesia B. Petri Westmonas- terii sepultiusque ad annum reparata Salutis, edidit W. CAMDEN. 4to, vellum, scarce. 18s 1636 This work is said to have been commenced by John Skelton, Poet Laureate, when he took refuge in the Monastry to Escape the Fury of Cardinal Wolsey. Many of these Epitaphs no longer exist. 3152 WALCOTT (Mackenzie) History of the Parish Church of St. Margaret, Westminster. 8vo, cloth. 5s 1847 Copious extracts from the Registers, Churchwardens' Books, and Journals of the House of Commons. 3153 WESTMINSTER SCHOLARs.—Welch (Jos.) List of Scholars of Westminster, as they were elected to Christ's Church, Oxford, and Trinity College, Cambridge, from the foundation to the present time, with lists of the Deans and Masters. Thick 4to, interleaved with numerous additions, calf. 12s 6d 1788 3154 GWYN (J.) London and Westminster Improved, illustrated by Plans, with a Discourse on Publick Magnificence and Observa- tions on the State of the Arts and Artists in this Kingdom, 4to, folding plans, half calf very meat. 8s 6d I766 Contains the first proposal to embank the shores of the Thames; many of the designs have been since carried out. 3155 COVENT GARDEN.—Memoirs of SHAKESPEARE's HEAD in Covent Garden, in which are Introduced many Interesting Adventures and several remarkable Characters by the GHOST of SHAKESPEARE. 2 vols, 12mo, fine portrait of Sally Salisbury and 15 facetious curious and rare prints by Hogarth and others Žnserted, half calf meat, very scarce. £2, 16s 1755 Gives in plain spoken words a true picture of London Fast Life of that Time. 3156 ST. CLEMENTS DANE'S.—History of the ROBIN HooD SocIETY, in which the Origin of that illustrious body of men is traced, some Original Speeches of the Members, chiefly compiled from Original Papers, 12mo, half calf. , 16s 1764 The Robin Hood Society was composed of eminent wits who met every Monday Night at the sign of the Robin Hood, in Butcher Row, St. Cle- ment's, where they had a room to debate in, each speaker being allowed 5 mlnutes to hold argument. ... This copy has the names of some of the membels added in pencil. Curious folding plate of a meeting of the Society, in which the question is being debated,—“How far is it from the First of August to the Foot of Westminster Bridge #"— 3157 ST. GILES.—Parton (John) Account of the Hospital and Parish of ST. GILES in the Fields. Thick 4to, LARGE PAPER, only 12 copies done on this size, half calf gilt. -63. 15s 1822 Besides the plates there are five additional inserted, four large folding ones of the Church, and one of the tomb of Richard Pendrell. 3158 ST. GILES.—Dobie (R.) History of the United Parishes of St. Giles’ in the Fields and St. George, Bloomsbury. 8vo, maps, boards. 7s 6d 1822 36, Soho Square, London. 27I 3159 ST. GILES-IN-THE-FIELDs and ST.GEORGE, BLOOMSBURY.—His- tory of the United Parishes, containing information of great Local and General Interest, by R. Dobie, Esq. 8vo, fine folding map, mounted on linen, half calf meat. 14s 1834 Second and best edition. 3160 LEICESTER SQUARE, its Associations and its Worthies by ToM TAYLOR, with a Sketch of Hunter's Scientific Character and Works by Richard Owen. Thick crown 8vo, folding plates and portraits, cloth. 5s 1874 MONUMENTS, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, INNS OF COURT, &c. 3161 AUSTIN FRIARS.—Memoir of the Church and Monastery, by Rev. Thos. Hugo. 8vo. plates. 1s 6d 1861 3162 BACKCHURCH. — Register of Marraiges, Christenings, and Burials of St. Dionis, Backchurch, London, 1538 to 1754, edited by J. L. Chester. Roy, 8vo, cloth. 361 Harleian Soc., 1878 3163 BRIDGES.—Report of the Committee appointed to make Enquiry into the Public Bridges in the County of Middlesex. Large 4to, PRIVATELY PRINTED, calf gilt. 9s 1826 3164 BRITTON (J.) Union of Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting, in a series of Illustrations, with Descriptive Accounts of the House and Galleries of Sir John Soane, 4to, nwmerous plates, boards. 6s 6d 1827 3165 BUNHILL FIELDS.–Proceedings in reference to its preservation, with Inscriptions on the Tombs. 8vo, cloth. 2s 1867 3166 BUNHILL MEMORIALS.—Sacred Reminiscenses of Three Hundred Ministers and other persons of note buried there, with the In- scriptions on their Tombs, by J. A. Jones. 12mo, cloth. 3s 6d 1849 3.167 CHURCHES of LONDON.—History and Description, with Biogra- phical Anecdotes of Eminent Persons, Notices of Remarkable Monuments, by Geo. Godwin and Jno. Britton. 2 vols, 8vo, numerous plates by Le Kewa, MacKenzie, and Billing, half mo- rocco, cloth sides, gilt tops, £1.4s 1839 3168 CHEAPSIDE CRoss.—The dolefull Lamentations of Cheap-side Crosse ; or Old England sick of the Staggers, woodcut of the Cross, and curious cut on p. 4, with Plan of Cheapside added, n.d. —Answer to the Lamentation and Downfall of Antichrist, by SAMUEL LovEDAY (in Verse) woodcut of the Cross, with engraving of Taking down the Cross and Burning of the Book of Sports added, n.d. 4to, russia, from Sir F. Freeling's collection. £5.5s (1641) The first tract is a powerful satire against the hypocrisy of “sanctified shuttleheaded weavers, long winded box-makers, and round-headed button makers,” overcome with new wine lately come from New England, who afterwards destroyed this grand ornament of the city. It is written i a style far superior to the productions of the day. The answer is ver inferior and in the true Puritanical style of the time. See note by Sir Francis Freeling, who adds that al tracts on this subject are scarce. * 272 Alfred Russell Smith, 3169 CHEAP-SIDE CROSSE censured and condemned by a Letter from the Vice-Chancellor of Oxford in answer to a question pro- pounded by the Citizens of London concerning the said Crosse in 1600, in which yeer it was beautified. Also other arguments by JoHN ARCHER, Preacher of Allhallows, Lombard Street, 4to, half morocco. £1.15s 1641 3170 CHARTER-House.—Chronicles of CHARTER-House, by a Carthu- sian. A handsome 8vo volume, with many pretty plates, cloth. l 5S 3171 CHRIST's HospitaL.—Trollope's History of Christ's Hospital. Thick 4to, plates, cloth. 12s J 834 3172 COOKE (George) Views in London and its Vicinity. 8vo, finely engraved copper plates, from drawings by Callcott, Stanfield, Prout, Roberts, and other celebrated artists, 4to, half morocco, gilt top. 16S 1833 3173 CROSBY PLACE.—Architectural and Historical Account of Crosby Place, by E. L. Blackburn. 8vo, plates, boards. 2s 1734 3174 CROSBY PLACE, described in a Lecture on its Antiquities and Reminiscences, by the Rev. Chas. Mackenzie. 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d 1842 3175' DICK (W.R.) Inscriptions and Devices in the Beauchamp Tower, Tower of London, with a Short Historical Sketch of the Build- ing and Prisoners formerly confined therein, collected from State Papers and other authentic sources. 4to, numerous illustrations, half bound meat. 8s 6d Printed and Published in the Tower of London, 1850 3176 THE COFFEE HOUSE, a Dramatic Poem, by REv. JAMES MILLER. 8vo, with the rare frontispiece of the interior of DICK's CoFFEE HOUSE, mear Temple Bar, half calf. 12s I737 This piece met with no success, owing to the supposition that Mrs. Garrow and her daughter, who kept the coffee house, and at that time were celebrated Toasts, together with several eminent persons who fre- quented there, were intended to be ridiculed. The Templars united to damn the piece, and extended their resentment to everything suspected to be this Author's. See Baker's “Biographia Dramatica,” 4 vols, 8vo, 18s. 3.177 ELLIS (Henry) History and Antiquities of the Parish of ST. LEONARD, SHOREDITCH, and Liberty of Norton Folgate. 4to, numerous plates, calfgtlt. £5.5s Nichols, 1798 VERY SCARCE; inserted is a very rare privately printed portrait of the Author, and many additional portraits and illustrations, including some rare prints by Hollar. 3178 EPITAPHS.—Mausolea Regum, Reginarum, Dynastarum, Nobi- lium, Sumtuosisima, Artificissima, Magnificentissima, Londini Anglorum. In Occidentali Urbis angulo Structa H. E. cura Valentis Arithmaei. 18mo, eactremely rare, olive morocco, by Aitken. #2. 2s 1617 A very interesting volume, containing the inscriptions in Old St. Paul's before the Fire of London. 36, Soho Square, London. 273 3179 FOUNDLING HospitaL.—Brownlow (John) Memoranda or Chronicles of the Foundling Hospital, including Memoirs of Capt. Coram. Roy. 8vo, portrait and plates, cloth. 6s 1847 3180 FOUNDLING HospitaL.—History and Design of this Hospital, with Memoir of the Founder, Capt. Thos. Coram, by J. Brown- low. 8vo, portrait and plates, cloth. 48 1858 3181 GODWIN (Geo.) and JoHN BRITTON, Churches of London : A History and Description of the Ecclesiastical Edifices of the Metropolis, with Biographical Anecdotes of Eminent Persons, Notices of Remarkable Monuments, &c. 2 vols, 8vo, numerous plates by Le Kewa, and others, fine early impressions, half morocco, gilt tops, whewt. £1.4s 1839 3182 HERBERT (W.) Antiquities of the Inns of Court and Chancery, with their foundation, customs, ceremonies, buildings, govern- ment. Roy. 8vo, many plates, calf gilt. 14s 1804 3183 HISTORICAL Account of the Curiosities of London and West- minster, Tower, Westminster Abbey, Old and New St. Pauls, London Stone, City Wall, Gates, &c. 12mo, half bound. 2s 1777 3184 HYDE PARK.—Sermon before the Second Regt. of Foot Guards at the Camp in Hide-Park, Sept. 18, 1715, being the annivesary of the accession of George I., by G. Rawlins. 8vo. 2s I 715 3.185 LINCOLN's INN.—The Student's Guide to Lincoln's Inn, con- taining an account of the Society and every useful information, by Thos. Lane. Post 8vo, boards. 2s 6d 1805 3186 LINCOLN's INN.—Spilsbury (W. H.) Lincoln's Inn, its Ancient and Modern Buildings, with an account of its Library. Post 8vo, frontispiece, cloth. 3s Pickering, 1850 3.187 LONDON BRIDGE.-On the Rebuilding of London Bridge, shewing the practicability of three flat elliptical arches, with an examination of the arch equilibrium proposed by Dr. Hutton. By John Seaward. 8vo, plates, boards. 3s 6d 1824 3188 LONDON Interiors; being Views of the Interiors of every Public Building in London, WITH FULL LETTERPRESS DESCRIPTIONS. 2 vols, 4to, 76 fine plates, half calf gilt. 18s I841 3189 LONDON VIEWS.—London in the 19th Century, a series of en- gravings of the new Buildings, Improvements, &c., by the most eminent artists, engraved by Shepherd, with historical and topo- graphical descriptions by Jas. Elmes. 4to, nearly 200 fine copper plates, half morocco. 12s 1828 another copy, edges uncut. 8s 6d 3190 PUBLIC EDIFICEs of the British Metropolis, with Historical and Descriptive Accounts of the Different Buildings. Royal 4to, 21 finely engraved plates, boards, scarce. 12s (pub 2 guineas) 1825 3.191 ROMAN LONDON.—Roman Remains found at Newgate, by Thos. Morgan. 8vo, 1s 274 Alfred Russell Smith, 3.192 ROMAN LONDON, Illustrations of, by C. RoACH SMITH, 4to, a small number only printed solely for Subscribers, calf very meat, marble edges. 292. 5s 1859 Many fine plates of Roman Pavements, Vases, Glass, Ornaments, Do- mestic Utensils, Sculptures, &c. This work will always remain a neces- sity to Students of Roman London. 3193 ROMAN REMAINS.–Price (J. E.) Description of the Roman Tes. selated Pavement found in Bucklersbury, with Observations on Analogous Discoveries. 4to, plates and woodcuts, 7s 6d Privately printed, 1870 Not merely a description of this Pavement, but gives an account of many Roman remains discovered in the City during late years. 3194 ROMAN ANTIQUITIES.—Tite (Wm.) Descriptive Catalogue of the New Antiquities found in the Excavations of the New Royal Exchange, preserved in the City Museum, with suggestions relat- ing to Roman London. 8vo, plate, cloth, printed for the Corpo- vation only. 5s 1818 3.195 ROYAL ExCHANGE.-Wilson's Description of the New Royal Exchange, with a brief Memoir of Sir Thos. Gresham. 12mo, plates, cloth. 2s 6d 1844 3.196 ROYAL ExCHANGE.-Proceedings connected with the Rebuilding and Opening of, by her Majesty, 1844. Folio, several fine plates, cloth. 2s 6d 1845 3.197 ROYAL ExCHANGE.-HISTORICAL SKETCH of the Royal Exchange, chiefly compiled from Stowe and other authorities, by Saml. Angel, plates, 1838. In a vol, with tracts on the New Houses of Parliament. 8vo, half calf. 3s 3.198 ROYAL Hospitals of the City of London, Memoranda, References, and Documents relating thereto. 8vo, cloth. 3s 1836 3199 SMYTH (Geo. Lewis) Biographical Illustrations of St. Paul's Paul's Cathedral. 2S.–Westminster Abbey. 8vo, sewed. 3s 6d 1843 Contains Lives of the most eminent persons, with Lists of the Digni- taries of each Cathedral from the earliest Time. 3200 ST. MICHAEL, CoRNHILL.—Accounts of the Churchwardens of the Parish of, from 1456 to 1608, with Miscellaneous Memo- randa contained in the Great Book of Accounts, and Extracts from the Proceedings of the Vestry from 1563 to 1607, edited from the Originals by W. H. Overall. Thick small 4to, foldiny plates, cloth. . .tl. 5s 1870 Printed at the expense of Sir A. J. Waterlow, for private circula- tion only. 3201 ST ALBAN the MARTYR, Holborn ; History of the First Thir- teen Years of the Church of Cr. 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d about 1870 3202 ST. MARTIN-LE-GRAND.—Kempe (A. J.) Historical Notices of the Collegiate Church and Sanctuary of Saint Martin-le-Grand (since demolished). 8vo, plates, boards. 3s l826 36, Soho Square, London. 275 3203 ST. PAULS. — Correspondence and Evidences respecting the - Ancient School attached to St.Paul's Cathedral, by Miss Hackett, . . 4to, sewed. 3s - 1814 3024 TEMPLE CHURCH.—Essex (W. R. H.) Illustrations of the Archi- tectural Ornaments and Embellishments and Painted Glass of the Temple Church,with Account of itsRestoration by S.Smirke. Imp. 4to, LARGE PAPER, finely coloured plates, déc., half mor. 18s 1848 3205 TEMPLE.—Addison (C. G.) History of the Knights Templars, the Temple Church, and the Temple. 8vo, cloth 3s 6d 1843 3206 WILKINSON (R.) Antique Remains, from the Parish Church of ST. MARTIN, OUTWICH, London, BUT FEW COPIEs PRINTED, 1797. LONDINA ILLUSTRATA, Vol 2, Part 1, 40 FINELY ENGRAVED PLATEs, 1822. In l vol, 4to, half russia gilt. £2 2s 1707–1822 3207 WILSON (Rev. H.B.) History of the Merchant Taylors' School, from its Foundation to the Present Time. 2 parts in 1 vol, 4to, fine portraits, new half calf gilt. £1.4s 1814 3208 PUBLIC BUILDINGs. –A Critical Review of the Publick Buildings, Statues, and ornaments in and about London and Westminster, with the Dimensions of St. Peter's at Rome, and St. Paul's. 8vo, half morocco. & 1734 IMISCELLANEOUS : 3209 ACCOUNT of the GENERAL NURSERY or COLLEDG of INFANTS set up by the Justices of the Peace for the County of Middlesex, with the Constitutions and Ends thereof. 4to, curious front. by Burghers inserted, half mooocco. 16s 1686 3210 ANALYTICAL Indexes to Vols II. and VIII. of the series of Records known as the Remembrancia of the City of London, dating from 1523 to 1640. 8vo, printed for the Corporation, cloth. 2s 6d - 1872 3211 BAILEY (Thos.) Herba Parietis, or the Wall-Flower, as it grew out of the Stone Chamber belonging to the Metropolitan Prison called Newgate ; being a history which is partly true, partly romantick, whereby a marriage between reality and fancie is solemnized. Folio, with the rare frontispiece of Newgate Gate, calf - meat. £1. 15s 1650 3212 BARTHOLOMEW FAIRE, or a Variety of Fancies where you may find a Faire of Wares, and all to please your mind, with the severall Enormityes and Misdemeanors which are there scene and acted, 1641. Reprint of the Rare Original about 1620, 4to. 5s n.d. 3213 CITIZEN’s Pocket Chronicle, containing a Digest of the History, Antiquity, and Government of the City of London, with Chrono- logical Record of the most Important Occurences. Thick 12mo, boards. 2s l827 276 Alfred Russell Smith, 3214 CALF'S-HEAD-CLUB.—Secret History of, shewing the Rise and Progress of that Infamous Society, since the Grand Rebellion, containing all the Treasonable Songs and Ballads, Sung as An- thems, at their King-killing Anniversaries, with several Charac- ters, by SIR JOHN DENHAM, and Vindication of Charles I., by MR. BUTLER, author of Hudibras. 8vo, numerous plates, with with a SCARCE FOLDING PLATE INSERTED, calf eſctra. *i. 1713 3215 CITY (The) or the Physiology of London Business, with Sketches on Change and at the Coffee Houses (Amusing). 8vo, cloth. 2s 1845 3216 CITY LATIN, or Critical and Political Remarks on the Latin Inscription on the Foundation Stone of Black-Friars Bridge, by Dr. Bushby Birch (Bonnel Thornton). 12mo, sewed. 2s 1760 3217 COMMENTARIES on the History, Constitution, and Chartered Franchises of the City of London, by George Norton. Thick 8vo, cloth. 6s 1829 3218 39&@# (Thos.) Lanthorne and Candle-light, or the BELL- MAN's Second NIGHT's WALKE, in which he brings to light a |Brood of STRANGE VILLANIES. 4to, woodcut of a London Watch- man on the title, calf extra, gilt edges, by Pratt. £1. 15s 1609 A very rare and curious book on the tricks, cheats, and rogues of London. The first chapter treats “ of Canting,” and contains the Canter's Dictionary and Two Canting Songs (title and one leaf mended and the three last leaves in facsimile). 3219 DEMOCRITUS the Laughing Philosopher's Trip into England, or Seven Days' Amusements and Contemplations, with Uncommon Reflections, Both Serious and Merry on the FollIES and VICES daily committed by BOTH SEXES of all Religions and Vocations in the Cities of LONDON and WESTMINSTER. 8vo, with the scarce frontispiece, and a fine mezzotint portrait of NANCY DAWSON inserted, half calf. £1. Is 1723 3220 DENS of LoNDoN.—A Peep into the Holy Land, or Sinks of Lon- don Laid Open, forming a pocket Companion to the Uninitiated. 12mo, coloured frontispiece, half morocco, very scarce. 7s 6d about 1820 Cadging made Easy—Doings of the Modern Greeks–Snoozing Kens Depicted—Crockford's in miniature—The He She Man—The Common Lodging House—The Cadging House Gallant—The Ladies of the Pave— Saturday Night in St. Giles, etc., etc. 3221 DO NO RIGHT, TAKE No WRONG, Keep what you have, Get what you can, or the Way of the World Displayed in several profitable Essays, serious and Comical, by S. H. Misodolus. 12mo, curious frontispiece, and Interior View of Westminster Hall calf meat, very rare. Él. 1s 1711 Treachery of False Friends—Tricks and Cheats by the Town Sharpers —Deceits used in Particular Trades and Professions, giving a curious Picture of London Life and Manners. 3222 EARLY DIRECTORY. — Kent's Directory and Shopkeepers' and Tradesmen’s Assistant for 1807. 8vo, old calf. 3s 6d 1807 36, 'Soho Square, London. 277 3223 DRYDEN (John) Annus Mirabilis, the Year of Wonders, 1666, an Historical Poem. 12mo, calf eſctra. 14s 1667 Describes the Fire of London, and War in Holland under Prince Ru: pert and the Duke of Albemarle, a realistic Plate of the Burning of Old St. Paul's added, 3224 HOLLINSHEAD (John) Ragged London in 1861. Thick post 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d (pub 7s 6d) - 1861 3225 HUMOURS of LONDON, a choice Collection of SoNGS for all those who would render themselves agreeable, divert company, kill care, and be joyous, where the HIGH SEASONED WIT and HU- MoUR will be sufficient Apology for a bad voice. 12mo, front. calf, scarce. 16s 6d about 1750 3226 KING of Utopia, his Letter to the Citizens of Cosmopolis, the Metropolitan City of Utopia, together with the Citizen's answer thereunto, translated out of the Utopian Tongue into Broken Fnglish, by ‘Tis no matter who.’ 4to, sewed. 7s 6d Printed at Cosmopolis, 7461—Reprinted at London, 1647 Why Broken English? O Sir what here's spoken Imports that England is by th’ English broken. 3227 LILBURNE.—Letter sent from Capt. Lilburne to divers of his Friends, Citizens, and others of good account in London expres- sing the misery of his imprisonment, and BARBAROUS USAGE OF THE CAVALIERs, and desiring them to use some means for his releasement. 4to, half morocco. 5s 1643 3228 LONDON CRIES.–Forty-Eight Plates of London Cries and Trades, by Row1ANDSON, in his most Happy Style, all Coloured 12mo, 64.4s - about 1790 3229 LONDON CRIES.–Modern London, being the History and the Present state of the Metropolis, by Sir Richard Phillips. Thick 4to, plates, calf meat. £1. 15s 1805 This copy has thirty-one coloured plates of London Cries, Itinerant Traders in their ordinary costume, with notices of the remarkable places given in the background, generally wanting. 3230 LONDON CRIES.—Smith (John Thomas) Cries of London, ex- hibiting several of the Itinerant Traders of Ancient and Modern Times, copied from rare engravings or drawn from life, with Me- moir and portrait of the author. 4to, plates foced, boards. JOS 6d (pub £1. 11s 6d) 1839 3231 LONDON TRACTS.—Commission, with Directions to the Court of Wards, Idiots, Lunaticks, 1618–London's Blame if not its Shame, in the great neglect of the Fisheries (contains very valu- able suggestions), by Thos. Jenner, 1651.-Petition of the City of London to Parliament respecting an intention to disarm and then plunder the City, 1648.—Last Words of Thomas, Lord Pride (very curious), 1642. –Petition of the Gentlewomen and Tradesmen's Wives in the City, with their reasons why their Sex ought to Petition as well as the Men, 1642. In a volume, 4to, half calf. £1.5s 278 Alfred Russell Smith, 3232 LONDON in the Olden Time, or Tales illustrating the Manners and Superstitions of the Londoners from the 12th to the 16th century. Second Series, post 8vo, bds., scarce. 3s 1827 3233 LONDON MEDLEY, or the Humours of the Present Age. 8vo, amusing frontispiece of the GAMBOLS OF THE AMERICAN BUFFALO IN ST. JAMEs's STREET, inserted, half morocco. 5s 1732. A curious collection of satirical pieces attacking the Statesmen of that, period as well as the hack Authors of the time. At the end there is a capital Poem in Praise of Tobacco. 3234 METROPOLITAN IMPROVEMENTS, or London in the NINETEENTH - CENTURY, a Series of Views in the Metropolis and its Vicinity (MANY OF WHICH IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO OBTAIN IN ANY OTHER work) from Drawings by Thos. H. Shepherd, with HISTORICAL, TopogFAPHICAL and CRITICAL Illustrations by JAS, ELMES. 4to, NEARLY 200 FINE PLATES, calf very meat, marble edges, 12s— ANOTHER COPY, half russia, gilt back. 15s 1827 3235 NED WARD.—SECRET HISTORY OF CLUBs, particularly the Kit Cat, Beef-Steak, Wertuosos, Quacks, Knights of the Golden Fleece, Florists, Beaus, etc., with their originals and characters of the most noted Members. FIRST EDITION, 8vo, calf, VERY SCARCE, fl. 5s 1709 For an account of the author of this extraordinary publication, see the Retrospective Review, III., 318. Describes the No-Noses—-Split-Farthing—Broken Down Shopkeepers —The Man Hunters—Hussle-Farthing—The Lying, with a Poem in Praise of Lying—The Scatter Wits’, The Mollies', The Market-women's, The Small Coalmen's Clubs, The Ugly Faces', and other equally comi- cally-named Clubs. Overflowing with the coarse wit and humour fashion- able at that time. 3236 NEWS from WHETSTONES PARKE, or a relation of the late Bloody Battle there between the Bawds and Whores, and how both parties after a sharp dispute, and much loss on either side, were at last reconciled by the Mediation of the Pimps and Hectors, with the Articles of Peace Concluded between them, 4to, half russia. 42. 2s 1674, Gives an amusing account of Fast Life in London at that time. 3237 OLD LONDON.—An interesting Collection of nearly 100 Views. of Ancient Buildings, Curious Old Houses, and Places of Inte- rest that have long disappeared, all in a fine clean state, MANY By Hol.I.A.R. Neatly mounted in a well guarded folio vol, in half morocco. £4. 4s w A very desirable vol. to any one collecting on this subject, as the Prints have been most carefully selected for their good impressions. 3238 PLAGUE.—Serious Enquiry for a suitable return for continued Life in and after a Time of Great Mortality by a Wasting Plague, 1665, by THos. DooDITTEL. 8vo, meat. 7s 6d 1666 Fine plate of the author introducing Catherine of Braganza to a mirror, and portrait of the author inserted. 3239 REMARKS on the Buildings and Improvements in London and Elsewhere. 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d 1816, With a Tract at end on Buildings for the Poor. - 36, Soho Square, London. 279 3240 SEASONABLE Speech made by ALDERMAN ATKINs in the RUMP PARLIAMENT. 4to, half morocco. 7s 6d ,1660 3241 SMIRKE (Sydney) Suggestions for the Architectural Improve- ments of the Western Part of London. Royal 8vo, plan of pro- posed improvemewts, boards. 3s 1834 3242 STEVENS (G. A.) LECTURE ON HEADS, with Additions, as de- livered by Chas. Lee Lewis, to which is added An Essay on Satire. 12mo, 25 humorous characteristic prints and many addi- tional coloured ones by Rowlandson, Woodward, and others inserted, half morocco, whout. £1. 1s 1808 3243 STEVENS (G. A.) Songs, Comic and Satyrical. FIRST EDITION, 12mo, FACETIOUS PLATES, FOLDING AND COLOURED, INSERTED. £1.5s Oxford, 1772 3244 STEVENS (G. A.) DRAMATIC HISTORY of Master Edward, Miss Ann and others, the Extraordinaries of these Times, collected from Zaphaniel's Original Papers, with Memoirs of his Life. 12mo, plates, half calf. 492. 2s 1785, With ALL THE SCARCE FACETIOUS PLATES, rarely the case; also a rare. portrait of Nancy Dawson inserted and the cancelled leaf, with a vignette to Zaphaniel's Exhortation being satirical on Whitfield,Wesley, Romaine, and others, rigidly suppressed. 3245 STEVENS (G. A.) Adventures of a Speculist, or a Journey through LoNDON, with his Life and Notes by the Editor, includ- ing some Fugitive Pieces of Humour by the same Author. 2 vols, 12mo, FINE AND RARE PORTRAITS OF NANCY lyAWSON AND KITTY FISHER, and many FACETIOUS PLATEs inserted, half calf neat. £1. 10s London, 1788. The above amusing works by this observant Author give a true Picture of the Manners, Fashions, Amusements, Tricks, Cheats, and Swindlers of the Metropolis at the middle of the last century, and are indispensable to the Historical Student. 3246 STREETS of London.—Anecdotes of their more Celebrated Resi- dents, by J. T. Smith, edited by Dr. C. Mackay. Thick post 8vo, cloth. 5s 1861 3247 TAVERN ANECDOTEs and Reminiscences of the Origin of Signs, Clubs, Coffee Houses, etc., intended as a Lounge Book for Lon- doners and their Country Cousins, by one of the Old School. 12mo, half calf. 421.4s 1825. Besides the curious plates there are inserted PORTRAIT OF JOHN FAR- LEY, PRINCIPAL Cook AT THE LONDON TAVERN ; WAITER, BRING MEA COOL CHAIR, by Rowlandson; comical plates of the Free and Easy Club, and a Peep at a City Feast. 3248 THE BRUCIAN.—All published. 2 vols, 8vo, calf meat. 15s g 1850–51 A periodical written by Scholars of the celebrated Bruce Castle School at Tottenham, contains many of the early effusions of scholars - who are now eminent men. 3249 TRAGICUM Theatrum Actorum et Casuum Tragicorum Londini publice celebratorum. 12mo (no portraits), calf. 3s 1649 A curious volume on the events which took place in London during the Civil War. 28O Alfred Russell Smith, 3250 TOKENS-Examples of Coffee House, Tavern and Tradesmen's \ Tokens current in London in the 17th Century, by J. Y. Aker- man. 8vo, plates, sewed. 2s 1847 3251 UNLUCKY CITIZEN (The) Experimentally Described in the va- - rious Misfortunes of an Unlucky Londoner, calculated for the meridian of this City, but may serve by way of advice to all the Cominalty of England. 8vo, portion of title in facsimile, curious plates, calf gilt. #2. 15s Fra. Kirkman, 1673 This is perhaps one of the rarest books that we have ; in common with all Kirkman's publications, it is usually found in wretched state, and without the plates. - 3252 WHEEL of FoRTUNE, or Nothing for a Penny, being Remarks on the drawing the Penny Lottery at the THEATRE ROYAL, in DOR- SET GARDENs, with the Characters of Some of the Honourable Trustees, and all Due Acknowledgments Paid to his Honour the TJndertaker, written by a Person who was CURSED MAD HE HAD NOT THE THOUSAND POUND LOT. 4to, half calf. 432. 2s 1698 With EXCESSIVELY RARE VIEWS of the Duke's Theatre, Dorset Gardens, and iſs drop scene inserted. Why can't a drop scene like this be done In OW 3 3253 MIGNAN’s Travels in Chaldea, with Observations on Babel, Seleucia, and Ctesiphon. 8vo, plates, half calf. 4s 6d - 1829 3254 ſºlileº (Christianug, or a just Apologie of all ne- cessarie writings and writers specialie of them, which by their labored writings take paines to build up the Church in this age. 4to, 36|ack ſetter, cloth. 18s John Wolfe, 1590 A satirical conversation between the author who is unknown, and Miles Moss, author of a Catechism. It is dedicated to Edmund Scamler, Bp. of Norwich. - 3255 MILITARY.—FL. VEGETII RENATI, de re Militari, libri 4. FRONTINUs de Strategematis, CELIANI de instruendis Acie- bus, MoDESTI de Vocabulis rei Militaris, Collata sunt omnia ad antiquos codices, maxime Budaei quod testabitur CElianus. Folio, a great number of large woodcuts of Engines of Warfare, accoutre- ments, novel inventions, some of the latter are of the most eſctraor- dinary description, new crimson morocco eſctra, gilt edges. £4.4s Parisiis, 1535 3256 MILITARY MEMOIRs of George Thomas, who by his - Talents rose from an obscure situation to the Rank of General in India, by Wm. Francklin, 8vo, portrait, half calf meat. 3s 6d 1805 3257 MILITARY.-HISTORICAL RECORDS of the Forty-Third Regiment, Monmouthshire Light Infantry, with a Roll of the Officers and their Services from the Embodiement to the Close of 1867, by Sir R. G. A. Levinge. Royal 8vo, coloured frontis- piece, cloth. 14s 1868 36, Soho Square, London. 281 3258 MILITARY.-Canon (Richard) Historical Records of the Twenty-third Foot, or Royal Welsh Fusileers. 8vo, coloured plates, cloth. 5s 1850, 3259 MILLER (Geo., Bookseller of Dunbar) Latter Struggles in the Journey of Life of a Country Bookseller. 8vo, cloth. 3s Edin., 1838 3260 MILLS (Charles) Travels of Theodore Ducas in Italy, at the Revival of Letters and Art. 2 vols, 8vo, calf. 5s 1822 3261 MILLS (Chas.) History of Chivalry, or Knighthood and its Times. 2 vols, 8vo, frontispiece, half calf gilt. 14s 1826 3262 MILMAN (Dean) Belshazzar, a Dramatic Poem. FIRST EDITION, 2s 6d, 1822—Millman's Fall of Jerusalem, a Dramatic Poem. 8vo, in boards. 2s 1820 3263 MILMAN (Dean) Samor, Lord of the Bright City, an Heroic Poem. Thick 8vo, boards. 3s 1818 3264 MILTON (John) The Doctrine and Discipline of Di- vorce restored to the Good of Both Sexes from the Bondage of Canon Law. Second edition augmented, 4to, half morocco, rare. lös 1645 3265 MILTON (John) History of Britain ; that part espe- cially now called England, from the first traditional beginning, continued to the Norman Conquest. 8vo, calf meat. 7s 6d 1677 3266 MILTON (John) History of Britain, that part specially call’d England. FIRST EDITION, 4to, half calf. 9s 6d 167() 3267 MILTON.—PARADISE LOST printed from the first aud second editions, with various Readings and Notes chiefly Rhythmical, by Capel Lofft. 4to, new half morocco. 12s Bury St. Edmunds, 1792 Only the first Book was done. The Introduction is very learned and particularly valuable to students of Milton. But few copies were printed. & 3268 MILTON's Treatise on Christian Doctrine, translated by C. R. Summer, Preb, of Canterbury. Thick 4to, facsimile, boards. 5s 1825 3269 MILTON’s Poetical Works, with Notes and Life of the Author by Mitford. A nicely printed edition in large type, 2 Vols, crimson morocco extra, gilt edges. 16s Boston, U.S., 1834 Dedication copy to Harriet Martineau from a Boston friend. 3270 MILTON.—Ramblings in the Elucidation of the Auto- graph of Milton, by S. Leigh Sotheby. A handsome folio vol. full of plates of autographs, déc., half morocco. £1. 1s 1861 282 Alfred Russell Smith, 3271 MILTON.— Scriptural and Allegorical Glossary to Paradise Lost, by Christian Cann. 8vo, boards. 3s 1824 3272 MILTON's LIFE, containing the History of his Works, and Extraordinary Characters of Men, Books, Sects, and Parties, by John Toland. 8vo, meat. 3s I699 3273 MILTON.——Peck’s New Memoirs of Milton, with an Examination of his Style, Notes on divers Passages, Baptistes, translated by Milton—Legend of Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, and other Tracts, with Notes, &c., 4to, fine mezzotint portrait by Faber (often wanting) and plate, calf gilt. 16s 174() 3274 MILTON's LIFE by Charles Symmons. 8vo, fine por- trait by Cipriani, russia gilt, marble edges. 6s 6d I81() 3275 MILTON.—Keightley's life, Opinions, and Writings of John Milton, with an Introduction to Paradise Lost. 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d 1855 3276 MILTON.— Lives of Edward and John Phillips, Nephews of Milton, and particulars of the Literary and Political History of their Times, by Wm. Godwin. 4to, portraits, boards. 8s 6d I815 Includes Aubrey's Collections for the Life of Milton, from the Ashmo- lean MSS., and the Life of Milton by Edward Phillips, printed in 1694. 3277 MINES.—Opera Mineralia Explicata, or the Mineral Kingdom within the Dominions of Great Britain Displayed, being a Compleat History of the Antient Corporation of London of and for the Mines, Mineral and Battery Works, with all their Original Grants, Leases, Priviledges, and Records of these Courts from the Conquest, by MOSES STRINGER. 8vo, ExCEEDINGLy sCARCE, new calf extra. £1. 11s 6d 1713 3278 MINERAL WATERS.—A General Treatise on Various Cold Mineral Waters in England, more particularly those at Harrogate, Thorp-Arch, Dorsthill, Wigglesworth, Nevillholt, and others of the like Nature, with their Principles, Virtues, and TJses, also a Discourse on SOLVENTS of the STONE in the KID- NEYs and BLADDER. 8vo, half bound. 3s 6d 1765 3279 MINERAL WATERS.—Waring (E. J., M.D.) Bibliotheca. Therapeutica, or BIBLIOGRAPHY of Therapeutics chiefly in refe- rence to articles of Materia Medica, with critical, historical, and Therapeutical Notes, and a BIBLIOGRAPHY of British MINERAL WATERs. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, 491. 5s 1879 Titles of upwards of ten thousand works all classified, with two thou- sand critical, historical, and practical notes. 2380 MIRACLE PLAY-The Harrowing of Hell, written in the reign of Edward the Second, now first published from the original manuscript, with Introduction, Translation and Notes by J. O. Halliwell, 8vo, sewed. 5s 1840 36, Soho Square, London. 283 3281 MIRACLE DE NOSTRE DAME, DU ROBERT LE DIABLE fils du duc de Normandie, publié pour la premiere fois d'apres un MS. du 14e siecle, de la Bibliotheque du Roi, par la Societé des Antiquaries de Normandie. 8vo, facsimile frontispiece on wellum, half calf, but 300 copies printed. 18s 1836 3282 ſºlírrour of (Longtientt.—Her beghint een schoon boeck ende is gheheten, Dievertroe stinghe derghelatere mensche. En vander verclaringh der Consciencien, Inhoudende xxvii. capittelen. Thick 12mo, finely printed in a bold 36|ack getter, large woodcut on title and a whole page one at end, new morocco antique, gilt edges. £1. 1s Antwerp, 1504 3283 MIRROUR OF MINDEs, or Barclay's Icon Animorum, Englished by Thomas May. Thick 12mo, wants 12 leaves, vellum. 2s 6d 1638 3284 MIRTH and LAUGHTER.——The Vanity of Men's Laugh- ter and of their Merry Amusement in their Idle Hours, in a Sermon, by Edw. Grove, Rector of Chevington, near Bury St. Edmunds. 4to, half morocco. 5s 6d 1702 3285 MISCELLANY PoEMs and Translations by OxFORD Hands. 8vo, half morocco. 6s 1685 3286 MISS SCROPE's CASE—Miss Scrope's Answer to Mr. Creswell's Narrative. Stout 8vo, Sewed, scarce. 5s 1749 3287 MODERN Anecdotes of the Ancient Family of the Kinkvervaukotsdarsprakengotchderns, a Tale for Christmas, 1779, dedicated to Horace Walpole. 12mo, cloth. 2s 6d 1779 Said to be written by Lady Craven, afterwards Margravine of Anspach. 3288 MOFFAT (A. S.) Secrets of Angling. Post 8vo, vig- mette and cuts, cloth. 7s 6d Edinb., 1865 3289 MOLIERE, CEUVREs, avec un Commentaire Historique et Litteraire, précédé du Tableau des moeurs du 17e siècle et de la Vie de Moliere par M. PETITOT. 6 vols, 8vo, portrait and plates, nice copy in calf gilt. £2, 10s 1821 3290 MOLLER's Memorials of German Gothic Architecture, with Additional Notes and Illustrations from Steiglitz, &c., by W. H. Leeds. 8vo, frontispiece, cloth. 2s 1836 3291 MONARCHY REVIVED, being the personal history of Charles II., from his earliest years to the Restoration, by Fr. Eglesfield. Reprinted from the very rare edition of 1661. 8vo. 14 portraits, half calf, scarce. 12s 1822 3292 MONASTERIES. —Summary of all the Religious Houses in England and Wales, their Titles and Valuations, and calculation of what they MIGHT be worth at the PRESENT DAY, with appendix of the Religious Orders. 8vo, calf meat. 5s 1717 284 Alfred Russell Smith, 3293 iſłł01tārūug.—Joyfull Newes out of the newe founde world,wherein is declared the rare and singular virtues of diverse and Sundry Herbes, Trees, Oyles, Plantes, and Stones, by Doctor Monardus of Sevill, Englished by John Frampton. FIRST EDI- TION, 4to, blatā letter, calf meat. £6.6s 1557 At the end of this copy is bound up Monardus's Treatise of two Medi- cines most excellent against all venome, the Bezaar Stone and the hearbe Escuecomera, also two dialogues of Iron and Snow ; Englished by John Frampton, 1580, the folios of which are continued from the previous treatise. 3294. MONASTIC ORDERS in ENGLAND.—Collectanea Anglo Minoritica, a collection of the Antiquities of the English Fran- ciscans or Friers Minors, commonly called GRAY FRIARs, with an account of the ENGLISH NUNs of the Order of St. Clare, by A. Parkinson. BOTH PARTS, 4to, plates, calf meat, scarce. £1.8s 1726 3295 MONASTIC AND BARONIAL Remains, with other inter- ing Fragments of Antiquity in England, Wales, and Scotland, by G. J. Parkyns, 2 vols, 8vo, more than 100 fine aquatint plates, green morocco ea tra, full gilt backs and gilt edges. £1. 5s 1816 3296 MONASTIER (Antoine) History of the Vaudois Church from its Origin, and of the Vaudois of Piedmont to the Present Day. 12mo, folding map, cloth. 3s - 1848 2297 MONIK (Genl.) Modern Policy compleated, or the Pub- lic Actions and Councels both Civill and Military of Generall Monk, by David Lloyd. 12mo, calf meat. 3s 6d 1660 3298 MONIKS (Mrs.) Marinda, Poems and Translations, edited by R. Molesworth (her father). 8vo, old calf gilt, from the Stainforth library. 4s 6d 1716 3299 MONKISH CHRONICLEs. 3s 6d per Volume. Wil- lelmi de Newburgh, Historia Anglicana, 2 vols—Gesta Stephani Regis Anglorum—Florentii Wigornensis Monachi, Chronicon ex Chronicis, 2 vols—Chronique de Richard Deux de l’Angle- terre—Chronicon Ricardi Divisiensis—Adami de Murimuth. All 8vo, clean in boards 1838–56 MONIMOUTHSHIRE, 3300 EVANS and BRITTON's Topographical and Historical Description of the County, Towns, Castles, Antiquities, Churches, Monu- ments. 8vo, map and plates, boards. 3s 6d - 1807 3301 ORMEROD (Geo.) Strigulensia, Archaeological Memoirs relating to the district adjacent to the confluence of the Severn and the Wye, 8vo, but few copies privately printed, plates, cloth. £2 2s 1861 3302 PICTURE of Monmouthshire, an Abridgement of Coxe's Tour through that County, by a Lady. Post 8vo, meat. 2s 1802 36, Soho Square, London. 285 3303 MEMOIRS of MonMoUTHSHIRE, anciently called Gwent, with an Appendix of the CASE of WESTwooD, with the Severe Usage and Suffering of the Tenants in the late Reigns for defending their Rights, by N. RogFRs, 1708. An Account of some of the most Romantic Parts of North Wales, by Jos. CRADock, folding map and cut of arms, 1777. 2 vols in 1, 12mo, fine old red mo- rocco gilt, by Roger Payne, VERY SCARCE. 18s 1708–77 3304 HEATH (Chas.) Historical and Descriptive Accounts of the Ancient and Present State of the Town of Monmouth, including a variety of Particulars relating to the Borough and Neighbour- hood. 4to, calf meat. 7s 6d Monmouth, 1804 3305 CATALOGUE of the Paintings in Black-Brook House. 8vo, cloth 2S Monmouth, 1812 3306 GILPIN (Wm.) Observations on the River Wye and several parts of South Wales, &c., made in the Summer of 1770. 8vo, fine plates in aquatinta, clean and wncut copy in boards. 3s 6d 1800 3307 HEATH's Excursion down the Wye from Ross to Monmouth, including Life of Kyrle. Thick 8vo, boards. 4s 6d Monmouth, 1815 3308 RAGLAN.—Large Plan of Raglan Castle and Citadel, surveyed by H. Dircks. Three feet by two, coloured and mounted on rollers. 5S 1862 3309 TINTERN and its Vicinity, by W. H. Thomas. 12mo, maps and cuts, cloth. 1s 6d 1840 3310 TINTERN ABBEY, or the Beauties of Piercefield, a Poem, with illustrative notes, by Edw. Collins. 12mo, boards. 2s 6d Chepstow, about 1830 3311 MONSTRELET’s CHRONICLES, containing the Civil Wars between the Houses of Orleans and Burgundy, the pos- sessions of Paris and Normandy by the English, and other Memorable Events, from 1400 to 1516, translated with Notes by Thos. Johnes. 2 thick vols, roy. 8vo, many woodcuts, º: 291. Is 184 3312 MONTAGU’s (Bp.) Acts and Monuments of the Church before Christ Incarnate. Folio, fine clean copy in the original meat binding. 12s 1645 3313 MONTAGUE (G) Expiation of a Sinner, in a Com- mentary upon the Epistle to the Hebrewes. Folio, calf. 3s 6d 1646 3314 MONTAGU (Francis William) Common-place Book, in MS., containing Diary from 1732 to 1796. Post 8vo, wellum. 3s 6d 1732–96 . t ºn some very interesting personal gossip relating to the Rebellion O s 19 286 Alfred Russell Smith, 3315 MONTAIGNE, CEuvres, avec une notice biographique g par J. A. C. Buchon. Thick roy. 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d Paris, 1837 3316 MONTAIGNE’s ESSAYS, with Notes, Quotations, and . Account of the Author and Translator, Charles Cotton, by the Marquis of Halifax. 3 vols, 8vo, old calf gilt. 16s. 1743–Later edition. 3 vols, 8vo, calf gilt. 12s 6d. 1776 3317 MONTALWAN (Juan Perez) Aurora, Ismenia and the - Prince, also Oronta the Cyprian Virgin, by Girolamo Preti (the latter in verse) translated by Thomas Stanley. 8vo, calf meat. 9s 6d • I650 3318 MONTANU.S.—Humanaº Salutis Monumenta B. ARLAE MonTANI, studio Constructa et Decantata. 4to, 70 charming plates illustrating Bible History, engraved by Sadeler and Wierea, and engraved title (the plate wanting), vellum. 9s 6d Antv. Chrtstoph Plantin, 1571 3319 MONTEMAYOR.—DIANA of George of Montemayor translated into English by BARTHOLOMEW YONG. Folio, fine clean copy in half calf. 496. 6s Edm. Bollifant, 1598 Gil Polo's continuation, the “Enamoured Diana,” is attached. This translation is perhaps one of the rarest books we have, and is particularly interesting on account of its being the very book used by Shakespeare for the plot of the Two Gentlemen of Verona. - 3320 MONTGOMERY (Robt.) Poetical Works, 3 vols, 12mo, calf, very meat, marbled edges. 8s 6d 1830 3321 MONUMENTAL BRASSES.—Illustrations of Monumen- - tal Brasses, 4to, half morocco. £1. 10s - Cambridge Camden Society, 1846 Consists of fifty fine plates and vignettes of the finest brasses and sepulchral monuments, with Memoirs of the celebrated persons they commemorate. 3322 MOORE (Geo.) History of the Revolution of 1688–9, recording all the Events which occurred in Great Britain and Ireland down to the Capitulation of Limerick in 1621. Thick 8vo, cloth, 6s . 1821 3323 MOORE (Thos.) Epistles, Odes, and other Poems. 2 * vols, 12mo, frontispiece, calf meat. 4s 6d 1822 3324 MOORE (T). The Fudge Family in England. 12mo, boards. 2s 1823 3325 MOORE (Thos.) Fables for the Holy Alliance, Rhymes - on the Road, &c., by Thomas Brown the Younger. 12mo, boards. 2S - 1823 3326 MOORE (Thomas) The Epicurean, a Tale, 12mo, bds. 2S * * * 1827 36, Soho Square, London. 287 3327 MORE (Thos.) Odes upon Cash, Corn, Catholics, and other Matters. 12mo, boards. 2s 1828 3328 MOORE (Thos.) Prose and Verse, Humorous, Satirical, and Sentimental, chiefly from the Author's Manuscript, and all hitherto inedited and uncollected, with Notes and Introduc- tion by T. H. Shepherd. Thick post 8vo, portrait, cloth, 4s 6d I878 Contains the suppressed passages from Moore's Life of Byron, printed here for the first time. 3329 MOORE (Th.) Paradise and the Peri. Folio, magnift- cently illuminated after the style of an ancient Persian MS. Owen Jones. 291. 1s about 1860 3330 MOORE (Peter) The Apprentices Warning-piece, being a confession of Peter Moore, Servant to MR. BIDGooD, Apothe- cary in ExETER, executed for poysoning his said Master, wherein is observed such lamentable expressions proceeding from him as may produce a trembling to all who reade or hear thereof, and may be a warning to such leud servants, who walk the same steps 4to, sewed. 12s 6d 1641 3331 MORAVIANS.—A Candid Narrative of the Rise and Progress of the HERRNHUTERs, commonly called MoRAvLANs, or Unitas Fratrum, with a short Account of their Doctrines, Obser- vations on their Politics and Conduct in the County of Rudin- gen, by Henry Rimius. 8vo, half calf. 4s 6d 1755 The most authentic history of that period. 3332 MORE (Sir George) A Demonstration of God in his Workes, against such as eyther in word or life deny there is a God. 4to, fine copy in the original vellum. £1. 10s Thos. Charde, 1597 3333 ſºlorf (#pr (II)0mäg) A. Dyalogue, wheryn be treated dyuers maters, as of the Veneracyon and Worshyp of Ymages and relyques, praying to Sayntes, and goynge on Pyl- grymage, with many other thynges touchyng the pestylent secte of LUTHER and TYNDALE, by the tone bygone in Saxony, and by the tother laboryd to be brought into England. Folio, 33|act; #Letter, fine copy, morocco. £12. (JV. Rastell) 1530 An unusually fine sound and perfect copy of this exceedingly rare book, it has the leaf at end of ‘the fawtes escaped in the pryntynge,’ all carefully corrected by the learned Adam Clarke, This edition is not mentioned by Ames or Herbert. 3334 MORE (Sir Thos.) Historie of the Pitiful Life and Un- fortunate Death of Edward the Fifth, and the Duke of York his brother, also the troublesome and tyrannical government of usurping Richard the Third, and his miserable end. Thick 12mo, both portraits, mice copy in morocco. 12s 1641 283 Alfred Russell Smith, 3335 MORE (Sir Thos.) UTOPIA translated, from the Latin by Ralph Robynson, with copious Notes and a Biographical and Literary Introduction by Rev. T. F. Dibdin, Printed from Sir H. Ellis's copy, with Additional Notes and Corrections. Thick 8vo, portrait elegantly printed on THICK PAPER (only 100 copies issued on this paper), boards. #1. 10s Boston, 1878 3336 MORE (Hannah) Strictures on the modern system of Female Education, with view of the principles and conduct of women of rank and fashion. 2 vols, post 8vo, half calf. 3s 6d 1799 3337 MORGAN (Nicholas, of Crolane, in the County of Kent) The Perfection of Horsemanship, drawn from Nature, Arts and Practice. Thick 4to, calf meat. £1.4s 1639 Interesting to the Kentish collector, being written by a native of that county. The volume is dedicated to James I, and Prince Henry, and the Earl of Worcester; it has also commendatory verses to Robert Alexander, “the worthy and renowned rider.” 3338 MORLEY (Henry) Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair. Thk. 12mo, curious facsimile woodcuts, title soiled, cloth. 4s 6d about 1870 3339 ſºlornap (ääijilip) A Notable Treatise of the Church in which are handled ALL THE PRINCIPAL. QUESTIONS that have been mooved in our time. Translated from the French by JoHN FEILDs. 12mo, black letter, russia extra. 15s 1589 An important volume giving a resumé of all the ecclesiastical questions on Church Government, which were then agitated. 3340 ſºlornap (33billipe). A Worke concerning the Tru- nesse of the Christian Religion, translated by Sir Philip Sidney and Arthur Golding, 4to, black letter, old calf. 7s 6d 1604 3341 MORRIS (Captain) Collection of Political and other Songs. 8vo, frontispiece, perhaps wants some leaves at end, ending with page 68, new half morocco. 7s 6d 1798 Different Songs to some of his collections, chiefly political and baccha- malian, Billy Pitt and the Farmer, and Billy's too young to drive us, are among the best of the former. 3342 MORTON (Thos., Bp. of Chester) On the Three fold state of Man, his created holinesse, sinfulnesse and renewed holi- nesse. Thick 12mo, calf. Herbert's copy. 7s 6d 1596 3343 MOSELY (Sir E.) Arraignment and Acquittal Indited at the King's Bench Bar for a Rape upon the Body of Mistris Anne Swinnerton. 4to, sewed. 10s 6d 1640 Mrs. Swinnerton was the wife of a Barrister of Gray's Inn, where the alleged Rape was said to have taken place, it is a very curious case show- ing the immorality of Society at that time. 36, Soho Square, London. 289 3344 MOSES and AARON, Civil and Ecclesiastical Rites used by the ANCIENT HEBREws, by THos. GoDwyN, 1678–Seven Books of Attic Antiquities, containing a Description of the City, by Francis Rous and Zachary Bogan, 1685—An English Expo- sition of the Roman Antiquities, wherein many Roman and En- glish Offices are parallel'd and obscure Phrases explained, 1685. In a thick volume, 4to, calf gilt. 15s An important volume to the Student of Biblical "and Classical Antiqi- ties, the first book shows the interchange of Customs, between the Hea- thens and the Hebrews; the second the Marriage, Burial and Festal Customs and Divinations; the last book was compiled by Thos. Godwyn for the Abingdon School. 3345 MUGGLETONIANS.—Spiritual Epistles, being several letters by the last two Prophets and Messengers of God, John Reeve and Lodowicke Muggleton, containing spiritual Revela- tions and Deep Mysteries, collected by Alex. Delamaine. Thick 4to, calf. 6s 1820 3346 MUGGLETONIAN SONGS.—Divine Songs of the Mug- letonians in grateful praise to the only true God, the Lord esus Christ. Thick sm. 8vo, port. of Lodowicke Muggleton, new paned calf eactra. 16s 1829 An extraordinary farrago of nonsense set to popular Tunes such as De'el take the Wars, Fanny blooming fair, Young Nancy one morn, Gramachree Molly, Darby and Joan, hardly conducive to devotional exercise. 3347 MUNK (Wim.) The Roll of the Royal College of Physi- cians of London, from 1518 to 1800, compiled from the Annals of the College and from other Authentic Sources, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 12s - l861 3348 MUNRO (Sir Thos., Governor of Madras) Life of, by - the Rev. G. R. Gleig. 3 vols, 8vo, portrait and map, half calf gilt. 12s 6d 1830 3349 MURAL MONUMENTS. — Faulkner (T.) Designs for Mural Monuments, Tombs, and Tablets. 4to, 31 plates, boards. 3s 6d about 1840 3350 MURAL MONUMENTS.—Designs for Sepulchral Monu- ments, Mural Tablets, &c., by Geo. Maliphant, 4to, 31 plates, cloth. 3s 6d I852 3351 MURDER.—Most EXECRABLE and BARBAROUS MURDER done by an East-Indian Devil, or a Native of Java-Major, in the Road of Bantam aboard an English Ship called the Coster, Oct. . 22, 1641, when all the Men that were a Board except the Cooke and Three Boys were murdered, Capt. Wm. Minor being an eye- witness of this Bloudy Massacre. 4to, curious woodcut on Title, new half morocco. 91. 15s London, 1642 290 Alfred Russell S mitſ, 3352 MURDER AT PLYMOUTH–Hell Opened, or the Infernal Sin of Murther Punished, being the Relation of the Poysoning a whole Family at PLYMOUTH, for which Horrid Fact the Male- factors were Condemned at Exeter, the one to be Burnt, the other to be Hanged, by J. Quicke of Plymouth. 12mo, with frontispiece in 3 compartments, shewing the poisoning of the Vic- w tims, and the hanging and burning of the two prisoners (females) - fine impressions, sound copy, in the original binding, scarce. 18s 1676 3353 MURE-Theses Philosophicae. Being a Certificate of the Entry of ARCHIBALD MURE of Thornton, into the UNIVER- SITY of EDINBURGH,-Printed on SATIN, with broad borders and coats of Arms, coloured and illuminated with gold, size 28 inches by 21. In a new black oak frame, with gold beading and glass, ready for hanging. Perhaps a wnique specimen of old Edinburgh printing. £7. 7s Edinb., 1698 3354 MURRAY (Rev. Jas.) The Travels of the Imagination, a True Journey from Newcastle to London, with Memoir of the Author. 12mo, portrait, bds. 2s 6d 1828 Contains observations on Newcastle, Durham, the Cathedral, St. Cuth- bert, &c. Author of Sermons to Asses. 3355 MUSAF SEATONIANAE, a complete Collection of the * Cambridge Prize Poems, from their commencement in 1750 to 1806. 2 vols, 8vo, bds. 5s Cambridge, 1808 3356 MUSARUM DELICIAE, or the Muses Recreation, by Sir John Mennis and James Smith.—Wit Restored, 1658, and Wits Recreations Selected from the Finest Fancies of the Moderne Muses, with a thousand out-landish Proverbs, 1640. New Edi- tion, with Notes and Indexes, 2 vols, sm. 8vo, woodcuts, plates, &c., in facsimiles of the original editions, new half morocco extra, gilt tops, £1. º 3357 ſºluºrulug (Qſìolfgang) Common Places of Chris- tian Religion, translated out of Latine by John Man, of Merton College, Oxford, with Two other Treatises on Oathes and Usury by the same Author. Thick 4to, 33ſati; ſetter, meat. 18s Henry Bynneman, 1578 Contains a quantity of very curious matter on Angels, the old Laws for various Offences, on the Mass, and matters connected with Church Government. . 3358 MUSEUM CRITICUM, or Cambridge Classical Researches. 2 vols, 8vo, voll wants title, bds. 3s Camb., 1826 Contains many papers of value to the Classical Scholar, Notes on the Electra of Sophocles, a Bibliography of Æschylus, on Early Greek Histo- rians mentioned by Dionysus of Halicarnassus, the Rosetta Inscriptions, etc., etc. - 3359 MUSEUM (The) or the Literary and Historical Register. - 3 vols, 8vo, half calf. 6s 1746–8 A valuable collection of Essays, by Lowth, Warton, Spence, Horace Walpole, and others. 36, Soho Square, London. 291. 3359° MUSGRAVE (Sir Richard) Memoirs of the different REBELLIONS in IRELAND from the Arrival of the English, with a particular detail of that of 1798, a History of the Čonspiracy which preceded it, and the Principal Actors in it. Thick 4to, maps and plans, calf gilt. 14s Dublin, 1801 3360 MUSEO Capitolino Illustrato da M. Bottarie N. Foggini con Osservazioni Ricavate dalle Opere di Winckelmann di E. Q. Wisconti e con le Tavole Disegnale ad Muse da A. LOCATELLI. 2 thick vols, 8vo, portrait and numerous plates of antiques, calf gilt very meat, marble edges. 12s Milan, 1819 3361 MUSES MERCURY, or the Monthly Miscellany, con- sisting of Poems, Prologues, Songs, Sonnets, Translations, and other curious pieces never before printed, by the Earl of Ros- common, Dryden, Garth, Tate, Dennis, Steel, Manning, and others. 4to, half russia. 292. 15s 1707–8 A complete set of this very uncommon publication ; it contains many effusions of the most eminent persons of the time, not elsewhere printed, and among them are several poems by Mrs. Behn. MUSIC, POPULAR SONGS, AND OLD BALLADS. 3362 AIKIN (John) Essay on Sosa Writisg, with a Collection of the best English Songs. Best Edition, with Supplement by Evans. Post 8vo, calf, full gilt back. 6s 1810 3362*AMARYLLIS, a Collection of Songs with the Music regularly fitted for the Voice, Violin, Hautboy, Flute, and German Flute, with a figured Base for the Harpsicord. Sm. 4to, scrubby copy. 2S 1746 3363 ANCIENT BALLADs, from the Civil Wars of Granada and the Twelve Peers of France, by Thomas Rodd. 12mo, calf meat, scarce. 4s 6d 1803 3364 BEDFORD (A.) The Great Abuse of Music, Account of the Use and Design of Music among the Ancient Jews, Greeks, Romans, and others, with their Care to prevent the abuse thereof, also Account of the Immorality and Profaneness occasioned by the Corruption of the Present Age. 8vo, calf. 6s 1711 3365 BERANGER—CEuvres Anciennes, 1813—1833, nouvelle edition revue par l'auteur avec les dix Chansons publiées en 1847, avec la MUSIQUE de Chansons, Airs notés Anciens et Modernes, et trois airs avec accompagnement par Halévy et Mdme. Mainvielle- Fodor. 4 vols, roy. 8vo, half calf gilt, by Holloway, gilt tops. £3. 3s * Paris, 1858 3366 RIMBAULT (E. F., LL.D., F.S.A., &c.) A Little Book of Songs and Ballads, gathered from Ancient Music Books, MS. and inted Elegantly printed in post 8vo, pp. 243, half morocco. S - 1851 292 Alfred Russell Smith, 3367 RIMBAULT (Dr. E. F.) Bibliotheca Madrigaliana. A Bibliogra- phical Account of the Musical and Poetical Works published in England during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries under the Titles of Madrigals, Ballets, Ayres, Canzomets, etc., etc. 8vo, cloth. 5s 1847 It records a class of books left undescribed by Ames, Herbert, and Dibdin, and furnishes a most valuable Catalogue of Lyrical Poetry of the age to which it refers. 3368 BLAND (John) The LADIES COLLECTION of Catches, Glees, Ca- nons, Canzonets, Madrigals, &c., selected from the works of the most eminent composers (with the Music to each). 3 vols, royal 4to, half calf. §1. 10s about 1720 3369 BLOW (Dr. John) Amphion Anglicus, a Work of Many Composi- tions for One, Two, Three or Four Voices, with several Accom- pagnements of Instrumental Musick and a Thorow Bass to each Song figur'd for an Organ, Harpsichord or Theorboe Lute. Folio, jine portrait, calf meat. £1.4s 1700 3370 BRITISH MINSTREL, a choice Collection of Modern Songs, many not to be found in any other collection. 2 vols in 1, 18mo, from- tispieces, cloth. 4s 6d about 1850 3371 BUSBY (Thomas, Mus. Doc.) Dictionary of Music, Theoretical, and Practical. 12mo, boards. 2s 6d I817 3372 BUTLER (Charles) The Principles of Musik in Singing and Set- ting, with the twofold use thereof, Ecclesiastical and Civil. 4to, new calf eactra. £1. 10s I636 An uncommon volume, written in a phonetic style, having the charm of novelty if not that of simplicity. 3373 CATALOGUE of OLD BALLADs in the possession of F. Ouvry, Esq., compiled by T. W. Newton. 4to. 5s PRIVATELY PRINTED, 1877 Describes one hundred and ninety-four Ballads from before 1577 to 1799, with Index of first lines, authors, publishers, printers, and tunes. 3374 CHERUBINI (L.) Course of Counterpoint and Fugue, translated by J. A. Hamilton. 2 vols, portrait, cloth, 12s 1837 3375 CHERUBINI’s Treatise on º and Fugue, translated by Mrs. Cowden Clarke, the Musical portion supervised by Josh. Pittman. Roy. 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d (pub 6s 6d) 1854 3376 CHURCH MUSIC.—Singing of Psalines a Gospel Ordinance, by JoBN COTTON, Teacher of the church at Boston, New England, 1647—Reading's Sermons at Canterbury Cathedral on Church Music, 1663—Battell's Lawfulness and Expediency of Church Music asserted, a Sermon at St. Bride's on St. Cecilia's Day, by S. Estwick, 1696–Sermon at St. Bride's on St. Cecilia's Day, by Chas. Hickman, 1696–Sernion at St. Andrew Undershaft con- cerning Vocal and Instrumental Music in the Church, by G. Towerson, 1696–Brady's Church Music Vindicated in a Sermon at St. Bride's on St. Cecilia's Day, 1697. A very interesting vol., 4to, new half calf. £3, 15s 36, Soho Square, London. 293 3377 CLARK (R.) Collection of Glees, containing the most Favorite Pieces as performed at the Masonic Lodges, Glee Clubs, etc. Post 8vo, russia gilt. 5s 1824 3378 CLEMENT (Felix) Wies des MUSICIENs CELEBREs, depuis le 16e siécle jusqu'a nos jours. Thick roy. 8vo, 47 portraits and plans, a charming volume, half mor, gilt top. 491. 5s Paris, 1868 3379 COLLECTION of Songs, with the MUSICK, by Mr. Loveridge. 2 vols in 1, 8vo, frontispiece by Hogarth, crimson mor, eactra, gilt edges. :63. 3s 1727 Loveridge was supposed to have had a hand in the music to Macbeth, commonly ascribed to Lock. 3380 CONCERTS of Ancient Music at the King's Theatre, Haymarket, 1803. 12mo, frontispiece of Handel, calf. 3s 6d 1803 3381 DANNELEY’s Dictionary of Music, explaining every technical word, and every species of composition, containing three thou- sand articles more than any Dictionary. 12mo, plates, half calf. 2s 6d I825 3382 DIBDIN (Charles) MUSICAL Tour through England. 4to, music to some of the songs, half bownd. 18s Sheffield, 1788 3383 DICTIONARY of MUSICIANs, comprising the most important contents of former dictionaries, with upwards of a HUNDRED ORIGINAL MEMOIRs. 2 vols, 8vo, half morocco, scarce. 12s 1827 3384 HALE (Thos., of Darmhall, Cheshire) Social Harmony, a Collection of Songs and Catches, in two, three, four, and five parts, also several choice Songs on MASONRY, all with the Music. 4to, meat. £1.5s 1763 3385 HARMONIA PERFECTA, a compleat Collection of Psalm Tunes in four parts, taken from the most eminent masters, with an Intro- duction to Psalmody, by Nath. Gawthorn. 8vo, calf. 7s 6d 1730 3386 HARMONIA SACRA.—The First Part. Folio, sewed. 5s 1688 |Edited by Henry Playford. 3387 HERD (David).Ancient and Modern Scottish Songs, Heroic Ballads, collected by, reprinted from the Edition of 1776, with an Appen- dix containing the Pieces substituted in that of 1791 for omissions from that of 1776. 2 vols, 8vo, THICK PAPER, only 15 copies fissued in this form. 291. 15s Glasgow, 1869 3388 HOLDER (Wm.) On the Natural Grounds and Principles of HAR- MONY, with rules for playing a Throrow Bass, and directions for tuning by GoDFREY KELLER. 8vo, plates, new half morocco. 9s I694 3389 HUSK (W. H.) Account of the Musical Celebrations on St. Cecilia's Day. 8vo, cloth, 4s 6d 1857 3390 LA MUSE de CAVALIER.—An Apology for such Gentlemen as make Poetry their diversion, not their Business, in a Letter from a Scholar of Mars to one of Apollo. 4to, Haslsewood's copy, calf weat. 6s 6d 1685 294 Alfred Russell Smith, 3391 LENNOX GARLAND (A) Gleaned from divers Fields of Scottish Poesy, edited with Introduction. 12mo, only 150 copies privately - printed. 18s Dwmbarton, 1860 3392 LONDON MINSTREL, a Collection of Esteemed Irish and Scotch. Songs, Glees, and Duets, SET TO MUSIC, and adapted for the Voice, Flute, Violin, etc., with an Introduction to Singing. 12mo, frontispiece and vignette by Courbould, new half morocco. 6s 6d - about 1830 3393 MALCOLM (Alex,) Treatise on Musick, Speculative, Practical, and Historical. Thick 8vo, plates, fine copy in new calf meat, yellow edges. 12s Edinb., 1726 3394 MINSTRELSY of the Scottish BoRDER, consisting of HISTORI- CAL and ROMANTIC BALLADs, collected in the Southern Counties of Scotland, by Sir Walter Scott. 3 vols, 8vo, half calf gilt, 14s Jödinb., 1812 3395 MINUETS and Songs, composed by Thos. Earl of Kelly, now for for the First Time published, with Introduction, by C. Kirk- patrick Sharpe, 4to, portraits and frontispiece, ONLY SIXTY COPIES PRINTED, boards. £1.5s Iºdinb., 1830. 3396 MOTHERWELL (Wn.) Minstrelsy, Ancient and Modern, with an Historical Introduction and Notes. Thick Sm, 4to, vignette, half calf. 16s Glasgow, 1827 Scarce, but few copies printed. 3397 MUSIC.—A Poem in Five Cantos, translated from the Spanish of Thomas de Yriate into English Verse by John Belfour. 8vo, portrait, meat. 3s 1807 3398 MUSICAL TALEs, Phantasms, and Sketches, translated from the German of Elise Polko. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 1876 3399 MUSICAI, CoMPANION, or Lady's Magazine, being a complete col- lection of the choicest and most approved English and Scotch Songs, Airs, Catches, &c., in all the English Operas and Enter- tainments. 12mo, frontispiece, calf meat. 5s 6d 741. 3400 MUSICAL MISCELLANY, being a Collection of Choice Songs set to the Flute by the most Eminent Masters. 6 vols, sm. 8vo, from- tispieces, calf gilt. £2. 15s 1729—31 3401 MUSICAL MISCELLANY. Another copy, vol. 5 wants 16 leaves at end, otherwise fine clean copy in old half calf. £1.5s Ib. 3402 MUSINGS of a Musician, a series of Popular Sketches illustra: tive of Musical Matter and Musical People, by H. C. Lunn. - 12mo, cloth. 2s 6d 1846 3403 NEW WoCAL ENCHANTREss, an Elegant Selection of all the Newest Songs lately Sung at the Theatre Royal, Vauxhall, 12mo, frontispiece, calf meat. 2s 1788 3404 NORTH (Hon. Roger) Memoirs of Musick, now first printed from the original Manuscript and edited with copious Notes by Dr. Rimbault. 4to, portrait, half morocco. 8s 6d 1846 3405 RAMSAY (Allan) The Ever-Green, being a Collection of Scots Poetry wrote by the Ingenious before 1600. 2 vols, 12mo, wncut copy in calf, gilt tops. £2. 12s 6d Edinb., 1761 36, Soho Square, London. 295 3406 RAMSAY (Allan) Tea Table Miscellany, a collection of Choice Songs, Scotch and English. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. 12s Glasgow, 1871 3407 RAMSAY.—The same on LARGE PAPER, 2 vols, 4to, cloth. £1. #. 3408 ROXBURGHE BALLADS (The), reprinted with Introduction, from the Black Letter Ballads in the Roxburghe Collection in the British Museum. With facsimiles of all the quaint old wood- cuts, edited by Charles Hindley. 2 vols, 4to, LARGE PAPER, half bound. Él. 4s (pub £2 2s) 1873 3409 SACRED GLEANER, or Psalm and Hymn Tunes, with some favourite Pieces adapted to the Poetry and different Metres of Drs. Watts, Rippon, Collier, Wesley, Henry Kirke White, &c., with the Supplement revised, &c., for the Organ, by Thos. Clark, Canterbury. Oblong 4to, half bound. 2s 6d about 1840 3410 SONGS of England, Ireland, and Scotland, with Introduction and Notes to the Songs. An excellent collection. 2 vols, 12mo, frontispieces, new half morocco. 12s 6d 1835 34ll SONGS.–New Merry Companion, being a Collection of the most Celebrated Songs sung at the Theatres, Vauxhall and Ranelagh, few of which are elsewhere printed, witH THE MUSIC. 12mo, calf meat. 6s about 1780 3412 SANDY’s (W.) and S. A. Forster.—History of the Violin and other Instruments played on with a Bow, from the Earliest Times to the Present, also an Account of the Principal Makers, English and Foreign. Thick 8vo, pp. 408, with many engravings, cloth. 14s I864 3413 RIMBAULT's ‘Who was Jack Wilson the Singer of Shakespeare's Stage 3' 8vo. Is 1846 3414 TAN’SUR (William) New Musical Grammar and Dictionary, or a general introduction to the whole Art of Musick. 8vo, new calf extra, gilt edges. 16s 6d 1756 On tones, tunes, rules for tuning Bells, and pricking of Chimes, Theory # Sound, and Musical Dictionary of above five hundred and fifty © IſlS, 3415 TANSUR (Wm.) Psalm Singer's Jewel, or Useful Companion to the Singing Psalms, being a new exposition of all the One Hun- dred and Fifty, with Poetical Precepts to every Psalm. 8vo, with the rare portrait, new calf extra, gilt edges. 15s 1760 3416 TANSUR (William) Elements of Music display’d, or its Grammar or Groundwork made easy, rudimental, practical, philosophical, historical, and technical. 8vo, portrait, new calf extra, gilt edges. 15s—ANOTHER COPY in new half morocco, portrait. 12s 1772 3417 W1LSON (W.) A New Dictionary of Music. 12mo, cloth. 2s about 1820 3418 MYSTERES Inedits du quinzieme siecle publiees pour la premiere fois par Ach. Jubinal. 2 vols, 8vo, new calf extra, gilt edges. £1.15s Paris, 1837 296 Alfred Russell Smith, MYTHOLOGY. 3419 MYTHOLOGICAL, Etymological, and Historical Dictionary, by Wm. Holwell. 8vo, calf. 4s 6d 1793 3420 BLACKWELL (Thomas) Letters concerning Mythology. Thick 8vo, meat. 4s 6d I748 A pompous work, out of which, however, some information may be gleaned. 3421 BRYANT's New System, or Analysis of ANCIENT MYTHOLOGY, divesting Tradition of Fable and reducing Truth to its original É. in a history of the Babylonians, Chaldeans, Egyptians, anaanites, Helladians, Ionians, Pelasgi, Scythians and Phoeni- cians, 3 vols, 4to, numerous plates, half calf £1.8s 1775 3422 CORY's ANCIENT FRAGMENTs, containing the writings of Sancho- niatho, Berossus, Abydenus, and Maneiho, the Hermetic Creed, Tyrian Annals, Oracles of Zoroaster and the Periplus of Hanno, 1828–Grammaire Comparé des Langues Bibliques par l’Abbé van Drival, plates, Paris, 1853—Alphabete Orientalischer und Occidentalischer sprachen von Fr. Ballhorn, Leipsig, 1853– PALMYRENE Inscriptions taken from Wood's Palmyra and Balbec, by S. Salome, 1830—Further Notice respecting the Siniaic Inscriptions by Hogg, 1852—The Table of Abydos correctly interpreted by John Lamb, 1856. With other Tracts on Egyptian Antiquities, in a volume, thick 8vo, calfeactra. £1.15s 3423 HISTOIRE du Ciel ou l'on Recherche l’Origine de l'Idolatrie et les Méprises de la Philosophie sur la formation des Corps Celestes et de toute la Nature. 2 vols, 12mo, mumerous plates from Ancient Monumments, calf gilt very meat, gilt edges. 7s 6d Paris, 1778 3424 DRUMMOND (Sir Wm.) CEdipus Judaicus. 8vo, plates, vellum, scarce. 291. 4s 1811 3425 LA MYTHOLOGIE et les Fables expliquees par l’Histoire, par l'Abbe Banier. 3 vols, 4to, calf meat. 12s 6d Paris, 1738 3426 TAYLOR (Rev. Robt.) The Devil's Pulpit, containing 23 Astro- nomico-Theological Discourses to prove the Astronomical and Mythological Origin of Christianity. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth, scarce. £1.5s 1831 3427 GREGORII Posthuma, or Certain Learned Tracts written by John Gregorie, Chaplain of Christ Church, Oxford, with a short account of the Author's Life, and Elegies on his much lamented Death, by John Gurganie, 1650; Notes and Observations upon some Passages of Scripture by J. Gregorie, Oxford, 1646; Filmer (Sir R.) Observations upon Aristotles Politiques touching Forms of Government, together with Directions for Obedience to Govern- ours in Dangerous and Doubtfull Times, 1652. In l vol, 4to, calf extra, marbled edges, 16s W.Y. This rare volume is of great interest to the Archaeological Student as well as Topographical Collectors, it containa the original descrip- tion of the Election of the Boy Bishop at Salisbury, illustrated with curious woodcuts. 36, Soho Square, London. 297 3428 HISTOIRE du Ciel, consideré selon des Poetes, des Philosophes, et de Moise, ou l'on fait voir l'origine du Ciel Poetique, le meprisé des Philosophes sur la fabrique du Ciel et de la Terre, et de la conformite de l'experience avec la seule Physique de Moise, par l'Abbé Pluche. 2 thick vols, 12mo, plates, calf gilt. 12s a la Haye, 1740 3429 NAPOLEON MUSEUM, Catalogue of the Manuscripts, Marbles, Bronzes, Drawings, &c., exhibited at the Egyptian Hall, by John Sainsbury, 8vo, Some cuttings inserted, half calf. 2s. 1843, 3430 NASH (D. W., Author of “Taleisin.”) The Pharaoh of the Exodus, an Examination of the Modern System of Egyptian Chronology. , 8vo, cloth. 6s (pub 12s) 1863, 3431 NATIONAL IMPROVEMENT, Pointing out the means to render Great Britain independent of Supplies of Corn from Abroad, to extend the Fisheries, and augment the Military and Naval strength of the Empire; with Remarks on the several attempts that have been made to Invade the British Islands. Roy. 8vo, calf extra. 6s Brunswick, 1803, 3432 NAUNTON (Sir Robert) Fragmenta Regalia, or the Characters of Queen Elizabeth, her Court and Favourites. FIRST EDITION, 4to, half morocco. 9s—.Another, not so good a copy, half bound, 6s 1641 3433 NAUNTON (Sir Robert, temp. Elizabeth, Author of “Fragmenta Regalia”) Memoirs, with some of his Posthumous. Writings from Manuscripts in his own hand. 4to, boards. 2s; half morocco. 4s 6d 1814 3434 NAVAL BIOGRAPHY.—O'Byrne's Naval Biographical 1)ictionary, containing the Lives and Services of every living. Officer. Very thick roy. 8vo, of 1400 pp., new half calf. 15s. 1849 3435 NAVAL HISTORY of Britain, with Lives of the Admirals, and Commanders, by BARROW, 4 vols, 12mo, fine folding plates of Battles, and portraits, calf meat. 6s 6d 1761 3436 NAVAL TRACTS.—Journal of the Brest Expedition, by the Marquis of Carmarthen, 1694 (an historically valuablo tract)—England's Interest, or Discipline for Seamen, wherein is proposed a sure method for raising qualified Seamen for man- ning the Fleet, by Capt. George St. Lo, 1694—The Growth of Deism in England, 1696–Killing no Murder, reprinted 1708– and other tracts. In a 4to volume, calf meat. 5s 3437 NAVIGATION.—The First Lecture touching Naviga- tion, Read Publiquely at Sr. Balthazar Gerbier's Academy. 4to, scarce and curious, 9s 1649 298 Alfred Russell Smith, 3438 NEALE and LE KEUx's Views of the most interesting Collegiate and Parochial Churches in Great Britain, including Screens, Fonts, and Monuments, with Historical and Architec. tural Descriptions. 2 vols, roy. 8vo, 98 fine plates, boards. £1.4s I824 3439 NECROMANCY-Apologie pour tous les grands per- sommages qui out este faussement soupconnez de MAGIE. Par G. NAUDE. 8vo, calf gilt. 15s Paris, 1625 3440 NEEDLEWORK.—Church Needlework, with practical remarks on its arrangement and preparation, by Miss Lambert. 8vo, woodcuts, cloth. 3s 6d 1842 3441 NEEDLEWORK.—Handbook of Needlework, by Miss Lambert. 8vo, woodcuts, cloth. 3s 6d 1842 3442 NEELE (Henry, Author of the Romance of History) Lectures on English Poetry from Edward the 'Third to Burns and Cowper, and other Literary Remains. Thick post 8vo, of nearly 600 pages, portrait, cloth. 5s I829 Contains a Chapter on Shakespeare's Supernatural Characters, and a Night at the Mermaid. 3443 NELSON (G., Schoolmaster) The Happiness of Man in this Life, 12mo, calf. 3s 6d Durham, printed for the outhor, 1736 3444 NEVE (Philip) Cursory Remarks on some Ancient English Poets, particularly MILTON. Roy, 8vo, LARGE PAPER, half morocco. 6s 6d IZ89 Also on Chaucer, Skelton, Surrey and Wyatt, Spenser, Shakespeare, Beaumont and Fletcher, Jonson, Drummond, Denham, Waller, Hudi. bras, Wycherley, Lee, and Dryden. 3445 NEWCASTLE (William Cavendish, Duke of) General System of Horsemanship, in all its Branches. Large folio, 43 magnificent large plates, containing portraits, views, &c., and large vignettes by Diepenbecke, half calf meat. £2. 15s 1743 3446 NEWES from Parnassus, the Political Touchstone taken from Mount Parnassus, wherein the Governments of the Greatest Monarchies of the World are touched. , 4to, curious, half morocco. 9s 6d Printed at Helicon, 1622 3447 NEWMARKET PLOT-Narrative of the Discovery of a most horrid Plot to Murder the King as he came from New- market, with the Trial and Condemnation of Capt. Walcott, Lord Russell, Hone the Joiner, and John Rowse, 1683—Thanks. giving Sermon at Thomas Town, Co. Kilkenny, on the Deliver- ance of the King, Rotterdam, 1683—A New Narrative of the Old Plot, a Song to the Tune of Russell's Farewel (A BROADSIDE). In a volume, 4to, new half morocco. 8s 6d 36, Soho Square, London. 299 3448 NEWGATE Calendar, containing the Lives, Trials, &c., of the most notorious Malefactors. Wols 4 and 6, complete in themselves, 2 vols, plates, boards. 4s 6d about 1800 Rev. Thos. Hackman, Lord George Gordon, Geo. Barrington, Renwick Williams, Horne Tooke, Jerry Abershaw, Elizabeth Canning, Eugene Aram, Mrs. Brownrigg, Lord Baltimore, Baretti's Case in which Dr. Johnson, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Burke and Garrick were witnesses. 3449 NEW PRESENT STATE of ENGLAND, containing a Des- cription of all the Counties and Principal Towns, Palaces, City of London, Tables of Roads, &c., containing some very curious Information. 2 vols, 12mo, calf gilt. 8s 6d 1753 3450 NEW TESTAMENT, translated out of the Greeke by Theodore Beza, with short Expositions by P. Loseler Willerius, Englished by LAURENCE TOMSON. 8vo, A LARGE AND CLEAN COPY in the original calf binding. £18. Imprinted at London by Christopher Barker, 1576 “The first edition of this translation, or rather revision, by Lawrence Tomson : it soon became popular, and was attached to many editions of the Bible instead of the former Genevan Versions. L. Tomson, the trans- lator, was in the service of Sir Francis Walsingham. Loseler Villerius is M. L'Oyseleur, Seigneur de Villers. This first edition differs in some #. from subsequent ones professing to be Tomson's. It contains an nglish Version of Beza's dedication to Louis, Prince of Conde.”— COTTON. Mr. Wilkes's copy sold in 1847 for £30. 3451 NEW TESTAMENT, translated from the Greek by Theod. Beza, with Summaries and Expositions by Camerar and Villerius; Englished by L. Thomson ; with the Annotations of Junius on Revelations. 8vo, fine copy in calf, gilt edges. £1. 10s Robt. Barker, 1616 3452 #2th] (Testament, 4to, black letter, half calf (no title). 8s 6d Robt. Barker, 1613 3453 #20thum (Legtamentum, gotijit letter, in double columns, with copious Notes and Readings by Nicolai, a monk, “ordinis fratrum minorum,” the capital letters are rubricated throughout the volume. No place nor printer's name, but said to be printed at Strasburg, by Hen. Eggestein. Folio, fine copy in russia. £3, 15s (about 1480) 3454 NEW TESTAMENT—Cartwright (Thomas) Confuta- tion of the Rhemists translation, Glosses, and Annotations of the New Testament, so far as they contain manifest Impieties, Heresies, Idolatries, Falsehood, and other Evils. Folio, calf. 392. 2s No place nor printer, 1618 Cartwright was leader of the Puritans, and greatly distinguished him- self at Cambridge; this confutation of the English Roman Catholic ver- sion displays his extensive acquaintance with the Scriptures and the power of his controversial talents. 3OO Alfred Russell Smith, 3455 NEWTON (Saml.) An Idea of Geography and Navi- gation, with Table of Meridional Parts to Every Minute of Quadrant and Astronomical Tables of the Sun and Stars. 12mo, folding plates, old blue morocco extra, gilt edges. 4s 6d 1695 3456 NICHOLS (J.) Account of the Alien Priories and their Lands in England and Wales, with Bourget's History of the Abbey of Bec in continuation. 3 vols, 12mo, plates, half calf, scarce. £1.4s 1779 3457 NICHOLS (J.) Biographical Anecdotes of W.M.HoGARTH, with a Catalogue of his Works, chronologically arranged, and occasional Remarks. 8vo, engraved title of Hogarth's Dinner Card. 4s 6d 1785. 3458 #itijolº, -Declaration of the Recantation of John Nichols (for the space almost of Two Yeeres the Pope's Scholar in the English Seminarie at Rome) which desireth to be recon- ciled and received as a Member into the True Church of Christ in England. 12mo, black letter, half calf. 422. 15s 1581 The author was a most eccentric character. He was first a Protestant; he then went over to the Church of Rome. Returning from the Conti. ment to England, he was seized and committed to the Tower and again recanted. Going a second time abroad he was reconciled to the Romish, persuasion. He also wrote a book replete with the most virrulent abuse. of the Romish Clergy, and scandalous representations of their licentious- ness and vices. 3459 jºirbolò.—Another copy, wanting title and first leaf of dedication, otherwise complete. 18s J581 3460 NICHOLSON (Peter) On the Construction of Stair- cases and Handrails, 4to, plates, cloth. 5s 1847 3461 NICOLAS (Sir Harris) On the State of Historical Lite- rature, the Society of Antiquaries, and other Institutions, the Record Offices, etc., 1830–Refutation of Palgrave's Remarks in Reply to the foregoing, with additional facts, 1831. In a volume, half calf. 4s 6d 3462 NICOLAS (H. N.) Refutation of Palgrave's “Femarks in reply to Observations on the State of Historical Literature,” Additional Facts relative to the Record Commission and Offi- cers. 8vo, cloth. 5s Pickering, 1841 3463 NICOLAS (P. Harris) Historical Record of the Royal Marine Forces, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 8s 6d 1845 3464 NOBLE (Rev. Mark) Memoirs of the Protectorate House of Cromwell, from an early Period to the present time. 2 vols, 8vo, portraits and pedigree, calf meat. 15s Birm., 1784 3465 #20riſen (J.) A Poore Mans Rest, Expressing to the Inward Man true Consolation in all kinds of Affliction. 12mo, black letter, vellum. 6s 6d 1641 36, Soho Square, London. 3OI’ 3466 No. I. OF THE HERCULEAN LABOUR, or the Augaean Stable cleansed of its heaps of Historical, Philological, and Geographical Trumpery, being fetious and facetious Re- marks by Mr. Ozell on some thousands of Capital and Comical Mistakes and other Defects in Bundy's Translation of the Ro- man History—The First Canto of Voltaire's Henriade, translated." The money returned by Mr. Ozell on any gentleman declaring on his honour he does not think the book worth it ! 8vo, new, half morocco, a curious volume. 7s 6d 1729 3467 NOLLEKENS.—Hints to J. Nollekens, R.A., on his modelling a Bust of Lord G le (In verse). 8vo, folding. satirical frontispiece of Nollekins placing Lord Grenville's bust be- tween Pitt and Foal. 2s 6d 1808 NORFOLIK. 3468 NORFOLK Tour, being Concise Descriptions of all the Principal Towns, Noblemen's Šeats, &c., with an Index Villaris. Post 8vo, boards. 1s 6d Norwich, 1786 3469 POST OFFICE DIRECTORY for Cambridge, Norfolk, and Suffolk. Thick royal 8vo, maps, cloth. 4s 6d (pub £1.5s) 1858 . 3470 NORFOLK TOPOGRAPHER's MANUAL, Catalogue of Books and Engravings relating to the County, by S. WooDWARD, Revised and Augmented by W. C. EWING, with Catalogue of the Dawson Turner Collection. Roy. 8vo, cloth. 9s 1842 Contains a List of the Drawings, Prints and Deeds in the Celebrated Illustrated Blomefield, also Chartularies, and Manuscripts and Drawings in the British Museum. 3471 COTMAN (J. S.) ENGRAVINGS OF SEPULCHRAL BRASSEs in Nor- ToIK and SUFFOLK. 2 vols, folio, LARGE PAPER, illuminated frontispieces and plates, half morocco, uncut, top edges gilt. 438.8s I839 3472 HISTORY of the Agriculture of Norfolk, which obtained the Prize of the Royal Agricultural Society, by R. N. Bacon. 8vo, por- trait and plates, cloth. 3s 1849 3473 KENT's General View of the Agriculture of the County. 8vo, plates, meat. 2s 1796 3474 CHARITIES.–Clark (Zach.) Account of the Charities in Norfolk. 8vo, boards. 3s Bury, 1811 3475 ATTLEBOROUGH.—Barrett (J. T.) Memorials of Attleborough Church, with an account of CoNSECRATION SERVICES from the ANGLO-SAXON times, 4to, plates, three wanting, and numerous woodcuts, half calf. 7s 6d 1848 3476 BACTON.—Green's History, Antiquities and Geology of Bacton. 8vo, plates, cloth, scarce. 5s Norwich, 1842 3477 BLOOM (Rev. J. H.) Notices, Historical, and Antiquarian, of the Castle and Priory at Castleacre (Norfolk). Roy. 8vo, numerous etchings on India paper, cloth. 18s 1843 20 3O2 Alfred Russell Smith, 3478 HOLKHAM.—New Description of Holkham. 12mo, frontispiece. ls Wells, 1826 3479 KESWICK.—Eleven Deeds of temp. Henry III, and Edward I, from among the Court Rolls of the Manor of Keswick, in the possession of Hudson Gurney. 8vo, privately printed. 5s 3480 LYNN.—Taylor (Wm.) Guide to King's Lynn. 12mo, pretty copper plates, cloth. 2s Lynn, 1848 3481 LYNN.—Richards' History of Lynn, with the Ancient and Mo- dern State of Marshland, Wisbeach and the Fens. 2 vols, 8vo, map and plates, half calf, scarce. Él. 4s Lynn, 1812 3482 A MEDITERRANEAN PASSAGE by Water between the two Sea. Towns LYNN and YARMOUTH upon the two rivers the Little Owse and Waveney, with further Results Producing the Pas- sage from Yarmouth to York. 4to, half morocco. 10s 6d 1656 NORWICH. 3483 TOPOGRAPHICAL and Historical Account of the City and County of Norwich, and its Antiquities. 8vo, frontispiece, bds. 3s 6d Norwich, 1819 3484 HISTORY and Antiquities of Norwich CASTLE, by Saml. Wood- ward. 4to, sewed. 4s 6d 1847 3485 NOTES concerning Norwich Castle, from a Manuscript Volume of the Collections of Mr. John Kirkpatrick, 8vo, privately printed, cloth. 4s 6d 1847 3486 NARRATIVE of the Visit of Charles II. to Norwich in 1671, as related by Bloomfield and Echard, and detailed in a private unpublished letter, illustrated by Extracts from the Corporation Books. Roy, 8vo. 2s Yarmouth, privately printed, 1846 3487 GATES OF Norwich. —Ninham's Views of the Gates of Norwich made in 1792, with historical Introduction and Extracts from Rirkpatrick's Collections, by Robt. Fitch. 4to, fine plates, but few copies printed, cloth. 12s Norwich, 1861 3488 TAYLOR's INDEx MonASTICUs of the Diocese of NoFWICH. Folio, maps and plates, half calf, scarce. £1.4s & I821 3489 THETFORD.—History of the Town of, from the earliest Accounts to the Present Time, by THos. MARTIN. 4to, fine portrait and NUMEROUS PLATES, GOOD IMPRESSIONS, calf meat. 18s 1779 3490 ACCOUNT of the Gifts and Legacies bequeathed to the Borough of Thetford; by Geo. Burrell, Thetford, 1809—Views in Norfolk, Suffolk and Northamptonshire, illustrative of the Works of º; Bloomfield, by Brayley, J806. In a volume, half calf meat. 5S 6 3491 YARMOUTH. — History of Great Yarmouth, collected from Ancient Records and other Authentic Materials (by Parkyn). 8vo, folding plate, half calf meat, scarce. 6s Lynn, 1776 Contains a Glossary of Local Words. 36, Soho Square, London. 3O3. 3492 MANSHIP's (Henry, Town Clerk temp. Q. Elizabeth) History of Great Yarmouth, with continuation by Charles John Palmer, F.S.A. 2 vols, 4to, elegantly printed, coloured plates, half morocco, wncut, -91. 18S Gt. Yarmouth, 1854 3493 MANSHIP's HISTORY OF GREAT YARMOUTH, the ContinuA- TION separately. 4to, numerous plates, half morocco. 16s 1856 3494 DRUERY (J. H.) History of GREAT YARMOUTH, and Half Hun- dred of Lothingland in Suffolk. 8vo, plates, half calf gilt. 16s * 1826 3495 YARMOUTH.—Remarks upon the Garianonum of the Romans, the Site and Remains fixed and Described, by John Ives. 12mo, large folding plates calf gilt, scarce. 7s 6d 1774 3496 YARMOUTH (Great) History collected from Ancient Records and other Authentic Materials. 8vo, folding frontispiece, calf meat. 9s 6d Lymm, 1676 3497 GENT (T.) Poetic Sketches. 12mo, frontispiece, boards. 5s Yarmouth, 1805 The author was an auctioneer in Regent Street, Yarmouth, and notori- ous for his dining-out propensity, some wag wrote that Gent—agent in Regent Street Will dine with sny gent on any joint of meat. 3498 BENTLEY (Elizabeth) Genuine Poetical Compositions on various subjects, dedicated to Wm. Drake, jun., Esq., M.P. 8vo, portrait, calf meat. 6s 6d Norwich, 1791 The author's dedication copy to a Mrs. Lens, and in a letter begs her acceptance of the volume, and sends a tribute of 15 original MS. verses the memory of the Rev. Dr. Harrington. 3500 NOCTES ATTICAE, or Reveries in a Garret, containing short and chiefly Original Remarks on Men and Books, by Paul Ponder. 2 vols in 1, 12mo, boards. 3s Bath, 1825 3501 NORMANS in Sicily, with an Account of the Norman Architecture in that Island, by H. Gally Knight. Post 8vo, bds. 3S 1838 NORTHAMIPTONSHIRE. 3502 POLL for the County, Wiscount Althorp, and Viscount Milton elected, with the Supplement, edited by Beriah Botfield, 4to, half bownd. 9s Northampton, 1831 3503 DE WILDE (G. J.) Rambles Roundabout and Poems by, edited by Edward Dicey, post 8vo, new half calf gilt. 5s 6d Northampton, 1872 A collection of Amusing descriptions of interesting places in the Neighbourhood of Northampton, and Poems on Subjects of Local Interest. 3O4. Alfred Russell Smith, 3504 BURGHLEY. — History and Description of Burghley House. 8vo, boards. 3s Shrewsbury, 1797 3505 CASTOR.—Gibson (Rev. Kennet) Comment upon part of the fifth Journey of Antoninus through Britain, with the Parochial History of Castor, in Northamptonshire. 4to, plates, whewt. 4s 1800 3506 CATALOGUE of Pictures in the Possession of Beriah Botfield at Norton Hall. Royal 8vo, plates, privately printed, half morocco. 6s 6d & 1848 3507 FOTHERINGHAY.-Bonney's Historic Notes in reference to Fotheringhay. 8vo, plates, bds. 5S.-half calf. 6s 6d—LARGE PAPER, boards. 6s Oundle, 1821 3508 HERWEIANA, or Graphic and Literary Sketches of the Life of Rev. Jas. Hervey of Hardingstone, by John Cole. 12mo, plates. boards. 2s 6d Scarboro’, 1822 3509 PETERBOROUGH Cathedral.—Winkle's Historical and Descrip- tive Account of Roy. 8vo, seven fine plates. 2s 184 3510 ROTHWELL–History of the Hundred of Rothwell (contains a great deal of Genealogical Information). 12mo, plates, sewed, 2s 6d about 1820 3511 CIVIL WAR in Northamptonshire.— Declaration of the Parliament concerning an Insolent Letter sent to Mr. Clarke at Craughton, neere Brackley, from Sir John Biron. 4to. 8s 6d 1642 3512 #) orthbrookf (gjoijn) The Poor Man's Garden, wherein are Flowers of the Scriptures, and Doctours, very ne- cessarie and profitable for the simple and ignorant people to reade. Thick 12mo, black letter, calf gilt. £1.5s John Charlewood, n.d., 1600 NORTHUMBERLAND. 3513 GIBSON’s Notices of Northumbrian Castles, Churches and Anti- quities. First series, Finchale, Hexham, Houghton, Morpeth, Bothal, Ovingham, Ryton, Prudhoe, Newminster &c. 8vo, view of Finchale, cloth. 3s 6d 1848 3514 RAMBLES in Northumberland and the Scottish Border, by Stephen Oliver (W. A. Chatto). 12mo, new half calf gilt. Gs 1835 3515 HERALDIC Visitation of Northumberland in 1615, edited by G. W. Marshall. Royal 8vo, cloth. 12s 6d 1878 3516 RIDPATH (Rev. G.) Border History of England and Scotland from the Earliest Times to the Union of the Two Crowns. 4to, half calf gilt, 13s 6d—boards. 10s Berwick, 1848 3517 METRICAL LEGENDs of Northumberland, containing Traditions of Dunstanborough Castle, by Jas. Castle. 12mo, woodcuts by Bewick, boards, scarce. 4s 6d Alnwick, 1834 36, Soho Square, London. 3O5 3518 THE Wandering Knight of Dunstanborough Castle, a Northum- brian Legend, by Jas. Service. 12mo, boards. 2s Alnwick, 1822 3519 CIVIL WAR in NEwcASTLE-The Kings Majestie receiving of the Propositions for Peace at NEWCASTLE, with some passages between his Majesty and the Commissioners. 4to. 7s 6d 1640 3520 SOPWITH (T.) Historical Accounts of All Saints' Church, New- castle-on-Tyne. Roy. 8vo, LARGE PAPER, plates, new half calf gilt. 12s Newcastle, 1526 3521 ARMORIAL BEARINGS of the Incorporated Companies of New- castle, with an account of each company, the Miracle Plays, and Glossary, by Walker and Richardson. 8vo many plates, boards. 5S Newcastle, 1824 3522 NEWCASTLE MUSEUM.–Synopsis of the Newcastle Museum, with Memoirs of Tunstall the founder and Allan the late pro- prietor, by G. T. Fox. 8vo, woodcuts by Bewick and pedigrees of the Tunstall and Clifford Families, half morocco, gilt top, 8s 6d Newcaste, 1827 3523 RICHARDSON's TRACTs.-Poems, Scriptural, Classical and Mis- cellaneous. by Rev. R. C. Coxe. 8vo, charmingly printed in dif- ferent colours, boards. 3s 6d Newcastle, 1845 3524 GIBSON (W. Sidney) History of the Monastery founded at Tyne- mouth. by St. Oswin in the Seventh Century. Two handsome 4to volumes, fine plates and woodcuts, some of them beautifully co- loured by hand, half morocco. £2.10s Pickering, 1846 3525 TYNE.—Observations on the Tyne, with a view to Improvement of Navigation, by J. Macgregor. 8vo, boards. 2s 6d Newcastle, 1832 3526 TYNE.—History of the Trade and Manufactures of the Tyne, Wear and Tees. 8vo, cloth. 2s Brit. Assoc., 1863 3527 THE HERMIT of Warkworth, a Northumbrian Ballad. 4to, vig- nette on title. 2s 6d 1772 3528 NOTICES of ROMAN INSCRIPTIONs discovered at High Rochester, Risingham, and Rudchester, by Rev. T. Surridge. 4to, plates, cloth. 3s 6d Newcastle, 1853 3529 CUTHBERT of LINDISFARNE, his Life and Times, by A. C. Fryer. 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1880 3530 NOTES and QUERIES.—THE FIVE SERIES COMPLETE, with the INDEx Vols to each. 65 vols, sm. 4to, clean in cloth, as published (vols 1, 2, 5 and 6, in the 3rd Series, half calf.) :625 1849—79 3531 NOTES and QUERIES.—FIRST SERIES COMPLETE, with INDEX Vol. 13 vols, sm. 4to, in cloth as issued, except vols 11 and 12, which are in half morocco. £4 4s 1849–55 This well known periodical requires no recommendation. It is in fact a necessity to all men professing acquaintance with English literature. 306 Alfred Russell Smith, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, 3532 NOTTINGHAM ELECTION.—The Spirit of Election Wit and Sa- tire, shewn in the Paper War during the Nottingham Election, containing the Speeches, Songs, Squibs, &c. 12mo, calf, scarce. 3s 6d Nottingham, 1803 3533 NEWARK.—Shelton's History of Newark. 2 vols, l2mo, plates, half morocco, scarce. 12s 6d Newark, 1820 3534 WORKSOP.-History of Worksop, with Sketches of Sherwood Forest, by Edw. Eddison. 12mo, plates, cloth. 3s 6d 1854 3535 NOVA SCOTIA BARONETS and British American Asso- ciation : Report of the Action of Damages for alleged Libel, Brown (soi-disant) Sir Richard, against the Globe Newspaper, with remarks on the above schemes and the Illustrious order connected with it. 8vo, cloth, but few printed. 6s 1846 3536 NOWELL (Alexander, Dean of St. Paul's) Life of, chiefly from Registers, Letters, and other authentic evidences, by Ralph Churton. 8vo, plates, half calf. 4s 6d Oxford, 1809 INUMISMIATA. 3537 EVANS (John, F.S.A., Secretary to the Numismatic Society) Coins of the Ancient Britons, arranged and described, many plates, en- graved by F. W. Fairhºlt, F.S.A., a handsome volume, cuts, thick 8vo, cloth. £1. 1s 1864 The ‘Prix de Numismatique' has been awarded by the French Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, to the author, for this book. 3538 PROVINCIAL COINS.–Denton and Prattent's Virtuoso's Guide and Coin Collector's Guide. , 7 vols in 3, 207 fine plates, contain- ing nearly 1,700 examples of copper coins, tokens, etc., calf meat, VERY SCARCE. :63. 3s 1795–97 3539 CONDER (James) Arrangement of Provincial Coins, Tokens, and Medalets issued in Great Britain, Ireland and the Colonies with- in the last 20 year past. 8vo, plates, half calf. 4.1. 10s Ipswich, 1790 3540 GOLDING (Chas.) Coinage of Suffolk, consisting of the Regal Coins, Leaden Pieces and Tokens of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, with Notices of Mints and issuers of Tokens, 4to, printed on One side of the paper only, cloth. fl. 1s Privately printed, 1868 3541 MEMORIALS of King Alfred, being Essays on the History and Antiquities of England in the ninth Century by various authors, edited by Dr. Giles. Royal 8vo, pp. 400, with plates, cloth. 7s 6d 1863 Containing J. Y. Akerman's Sketch of the Anglo Saxon Mints, and Dr. Haigh's description of all the Coins of King Alfred now remaining, 88 figures on 7 plates. 36, Soho Square, London. 307 3542 PEGGE (Saml.) An Assemblage of Coins fabricated by the Arch- bishops of Canterbury, describing them, and Fate of their Mints, throwing Light on Coins imperfectly considered by Our English Medalists. 4to, frontispiece, half calf. 12s 1772 3543 CLARKE (Wm.) The Connection of the Roman, Saxon, and Eng- lish Coins deduced from observations on the Saxon Weights and Money. Thick 4to, calf. 6s 1767 3544 NOBLE's Two Dissertations on the Mint and Coins of the Epis- copal Palatines of Durham, with an Account of a large find of Coins at Thrapstone, Northamptonshire, in 1778. 4to, copper plates in the text, sewed, 68—Another, half russia. 7s 6d Birmingham, 1780 3545 ENGLISH COINS.—A Guide to the Study and Arrangement of English Coins, by H. W. HENFREY, Member of the Numismatic Society of London. With plates and woodcuts, post 8vo, cloth 7s 6d A very useful and compendious History of English Coins : what will interest collectors, it gives the price the rarest coins have sold for in auctions of late years. 3546 GILL (H. S.) On an Ancient British Coin found at Northern- hay, Exeter. One leaf, 8vo. 1s 1872 3547 SNELLING (Thomas) Doctrine of Gold and Silver Computations. 8vo, plates, calf. 4s 6d 1766 3548 GOUGH’s Catalogue of the Coins of Canute. 4to, plate, sewed. 4s 6d 1777 3549 SMITH (Rev. J. J.) Catalogue of the Coins in Gonville and Caius College. 4to, sewed. 5s Camb., 1846 3550 HENRY (J.) The Series of English Coins in Copper, Tin, and Bronze, sm. 4to, cloth. 2s 6d Privately printed, 1879 3551 CLARKE (C) Conjectures relative to a very Ancient piece of Money lately found at Eltham in Kent, 1751—Remarks on some Conjectures by Geo. North, 1752. 2 vols in 1, sewed. 4s 6d 3552 PEGGE (S.) Dissertations on some Elegant and very Valuable ANGLO SAxon CoINS. 4to, frontispiece, sewed. 3s 6d 1756 3553 NUMISMATA'CROMWELLIANA ; or the Medallic History of Oliver Cromwell, illustrated by his Coins, Medals, and Seals, by ; W. Henfrey, F.R. Hist. Soc., etc., author of a ‘Guide to Englis Coins.’ Fine plates, 4to, cloth. .91.5s 1877 In this work, a complete historical description of all the Coins, Medals, and Pattern Pieces of Oliver Cromwell is attempted for the first time. Vertue, Snelling, Folkes, and Ruding, have all left but very imperfect notes and sketches of Cromwellian numismatics, and Mr. Hawkins never published anything on the subject; thus many vexed questions have not yet been properly discussed. The collector and student of English Coins will find amongst the nu- mismatic information, many facts, details, and elucidations which are absolutely unpublished; and the numerous Autotype plates will furnish the first correct, and in some instances, the only illustrations yet pub- lished of many pieces. 308 Alfred Russell Smith, 3554 PLATES of CoINS.-Modern Impressions from old plates, 15 in number, consisting of Coins found in Thanet, Saxon, Black Money, and Tokens, 4to. 4s 6d 1762 3555 ANTIQUITIES.—Select Papers relating to English Antiquities, Published from the Originals in the possession of J. Ives, 4to, half morocco. 6s 6d 1773 Remarks on English Coins from the Norman Invasion to the end of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth by Abp. Sharp. Facsimile of a curious deed, described by Symonds D'Ewes. Sir W. Dugdale's Directions for the Search of Records. Facsimile of the Gold Medallion presented to Bishop Hall by the Synod of Dort, with description, curious Letter from Mr. Henshaw to Sir Robt. Pastos, Oct. 1670. 3556 AKERMAN's (J. Y.) Tradesmen's Tokens struck in London and its Vicinity, from 1648 to 1671, described from the originals in the British Museum, etc., with 8 plates of numerous examples, 8vo, cloth original price 15s) 7s 6d—LARGE PAPER, in 4to, cloth. 15s 1843 This work comprises a list of nearly 3000 Tokens, and contains occa- sional illustrative, topographical, and antiquarian notes on Persons, places, streets, old tavern and coffee-house signs, etc., etc., with an in- troductory account of the causes which led to the adoption of such a cur- rency. 3557 BURNS’ (J. H.) Descriptive Catalogue of the London Traders' Tavern, and Coffee House Tokens current in the 17th Century. presented to the City of London Library by H. B. H. Beaufoy. 8vo, 384 pp., portrait and plates, SECOND EDITION (not printed for sale) cloth. 8s 6d 1855 3558 ACCOUNT of the Trademen's TokENs of Essex (from the East Anglian). 4to. 2s 6d Lowestoft, 1867 3559 BOYNE (W.) Tokens issued in the 17th, 18th and 19th Centuries, in Yorkshire, in Gold, Silver, Brass, and Copper, also the Seals of all the Corporations in the County. Sm. 4to, plates, privately printed, cloth, scarce. £1.5s Headingley, 1858 3560 HISTOIRE NUMISMATIQUE de la Revolution Française depuis l'Ouverture des Etats Generaux, jusqua l'Etablissement du Gou- vernement Consulaire. Thick 4to, hundreds of cuts of Coins, half calf, fl. 5s Paris, 1826 3561 DE WAXELL (L.) Sur les Medailles Plaquées des Anciens. 8vo, portrait and plates, boards. 3s 6d 1809 3562 ILLUSTRATIONS of the Anglo-French Coinage by GENERAL AINSLIE, plates, with two autograph letters of the Author to Sir Henry Ellis, of the Brit. Mus, 4to, cloth. 10s 6d 1830 3563 LECOINTRE–Dupont Lettres sur l’Histoire Monétaire de la Normandie et du Perche. 8vo, plates, new half morocco. 5s Paris, 1846 3564 LASKEY’s Description of the Series of MEDALs, struck by order of Napoleon. 4to, portrait, boards. 10s 6d 1818 3565 CATALOGUE of the Greek Coins of Italy in the British Museum 8vo, numerous cuts, cloth. 18s 1873 36, Soho Square, London. 309. 3566 CATALOGUE of the Greek Coins of Sicily in the British Museum - 8vo, numerous woodcuts, cloth. 18s 1876 3567 DELLA Rarita delle Medaglie Antiche di tutte le forme e di tutti i Medalli, da V. N. Scotti. Thick post 8vo, sewed. 3s * - 1809 3568 ESSAI sur les Medailles Antiques de Isles de Cephalonie et d'Ithaque, par C. P. De Bosset. Plates, 4to. 3s 1815 3569 DUTENS (M. .L.) Explication de quelques Medailles de Peu- ples, de Villes et de Rois Grecques et Phéniciennes. 4to, plates, * calf meat. 6s 6d 1773 3570 CARDWELL (Rev. Dr., Professor of Ancient History, Oxford) - Lectures on the Coinage of the Greeks and Romans, delivered in the University of Oxford, 8vo, cloth (original price, 8s 6d) 4s - 1832 “A very interesting historical volume, and written in a pleasing and popular manner.” 3571 HEAD (B. V.) On the Chronological sequence of the Coins of Ephesus. 8vo. plates, cloth. 6s 1880 3572 HUMPHREYS (H. N.) Ancient Coins and Medals, an Historical Sketch of the origin and progress of Coining money in Greece, and her Colonies. Sm. 8vo, plates, half morocco. 12s 1851 3573 LINDSAY (John). History and Coinage of the Parthians, with descriptive Catalogues and Tables, and complete set of en- engravings of Coins. 4to, plates, half bound, scarce. 18s Cork, 1852 3574 NUMISMATIQUE d’Alexandre le Grand, suivie d'un appendice, contenant les Monnais de Philippe II. et III., par L. Muller. 8vo and 4to vol. of plates, sewed. 18s 1855 3575 DE BOSSET (C. P.) Sur les Medailles Antiques des Iles de Cephalonie et d'Ithaque. 4to, plates, boards. 7s 6d ? Lond, 1815 3576 LINDSAY (John) Notices of Remarkable Greek, Roman and Anglo-Saxon and other Medieval Coins in the Author's Cabinet. 4to, plates, sewed. 3s I860 3577 REPERTORIO Numismatico per conoscere quelcunque Moneta - Greca tanto Urbico che Dei re e la loro respectiva, da Fr. de Dominicis, 2 vols in 1, 4to, half morocco, whout. 12s . Nap., 1827 A most useful book; it is so arranged that a knowledge of Italian is not necessary to understand it. 3578 CATALOGUE of Col. Leake's Greek Coins, exhibited in the Fitzwilliam Museum, by Prof. Churchill Babington. 4to, cloth. 6S Camb., 1879 3579 RASCHE (Jo. Christ) Lexicon Universae Rei Nummmariae Veterum et praecipue Graecorum ac Romanorum cum obser- vationibus, prefatus C.G. Heyne, with the Supplements complete. 14 vols, 8vo, boards. £4. 10s Lips., 1785 3IO Alfred Russell Smith, 3580 WESTON's (S.) Historic Notices of Towns in Greece that have struck Coins. 8vo, boards. 3s 1826 3581 NUMISMATA arealmperatorum, Augusta et Caesarum in Coloniis Municipiis et Urbibus jure Latia Donatus ex omni modulo per- cussa, auct. J. F. WAILLANT. Both parts, folio, many plates, calf meat. 9s Paris, 1695 3582 SMYTH (Rear Adml. W. H.) Descriptive Catalogue of the Duke of Northumberland's Cabinet of Roman Family Coins, 4to, cloth privately printed. £2 2s 1856 3583 SMYTH (Capt., W. H.) Descriptive Catalogue of a Cabinet of Roman Imperial Large Brass Medals. 4to, privately printed, cloth. 10s 6d Bedford, 1834 3584 Another Copy, with an interesting autograph letter of the Author inserted. Cloth. 14s 1834 “No better book,” as I have heard Mr. Akerman say, ‘ calculated to promote the study of Numismatics.” 3585 BIRAGI (F. M.) Imperatorum Romanorum Numismata a Pompeo Magno ad Heraclium. Folio, finely engraved title and numerous cuts of coins, calf. 12s 1683 3586 MADDEN (Fred. W., of the Medal Room, British Museum) Hand- book to Roman Coins. Feap. 8vo, plates of rare examples, cloth. 5S 3587 AKERMAN's (J. Y.) Coins of the Romans relating to Britain described and illustrated. Second Edition, greatly enlarged with plates and woodcuts. 8vo, cloth. 10s 6d 1844 3688 VENGARA (C. A.) Monete del Regno de Napoli da Roggiero Primo Ré Sino Carlo VI. Folio, numerous cuts of Coins, calf 'meat. 8s 6d Roma, 1716 3689 AKERMAN's (J. Y.) Ancient Coins of Cities and Princes, geo- graphically arranged and described—Hispania, Gallia, Britannia, With engravings of many hundred Coins from actual examples, 8vo, cloth. (Original price 18s) 7s 6d 1846 Odd Parts, viz. Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (and last) at 1s each Many subscribers' copies are still incomplete. 3591 NUMISMATIC Journal (the precurser of the Numismatic Chroni- cle), edited by J. Y. Akerman, Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 (complete in 8 Parts). 8vo. 2s each 1836–8 3592 NUMISMATIC Chronicle and Journal of the Numismatic Society. SECOND SERIES, edited by Evans, Waux, Madden and Head, Nos. 1 to 74, published quarterly. 8vo 5s per No. This is the only repertory of Numismatic intelligence ever published in England. It contains papers on coins and medals, of all ages and countries, by the first Numismatists of the day, both English and Foreign. THE THIRD SERIES. Parts I, II, and III., at 5s each 1881 An opportunity for new subscribers to commence with this important publication. 3590 3593 36, Soho Square, London. 3II 3594 MADDEN (F. W.) History of the Jewish Coinage and Money of the Old and New Testament. 4to, LARGE PAPER, only 30 printed on this size, plate and 254 cuts by Fairholt, half morocco. £1. 15s 1864 3595 GOTHA (in Germany) Numaria Sistens Thesauri Fridericiam Numismata Antiqua aurea, argentea area ea natione descripta auctore C. S. Liebe. Thick folio, many engravings, calf. 10s 6d Amst., 1730 3596 FOLKES.–Plates to Folkes' Coins, being 67 in number, and and containing many hundreds of specimens. 4to, sewed. 10s 3597 NUMISMATIQUE da l'Ancienne Afrique, ouvrage préparé et commencé par C. T. Falbe et J. C. Lindberg, refait achevé et publié par L. Muller. Numerous engravings, 3 vols, 4to, sewed. #62. 2s Copenh, 1860 3598 LINDSAY (John) Notices of Remarkable Medieval Coins, mostly unpublished. 4to, plates, sewed. 3s Cork, 1840 3599 PERREAU (A.) Recherches sur la ville de Maestricht et ses Mon- naies. 8vo, plates, cloth. 5s Bruacelles, 1846 3600 WAILLANT (J. F.) Seleucidarum Imperium sive Historia Regum Syriae ad fidem Numismatum accomodata. 4to, numerous engra- vings, calf. 4s 1681 3601 SIMON's Essay on Irish Coins, and of the Currency of Foreign - Monies in Ireland, with a Supplement by Snelling. 4to, plates, boards. 12s - Dublin, 1810 3602 COINS, Weights and Measures, Ancient and Modern of all Nations Reduced into English on above 100 Tables, also a large collection of Specific Gravities by J. Millan. 12mo, finely engraved on cop- per plates, calf meat. 4s 4d 1747 A Baost valuable little book and full of the more important information found in Newton, Folkes, Arbuthnot and Fleetwood. 3603 PRINSEP (H. T.) Note on the Historical Results deducible from Recent Discoveries of Bactrian Coins in Afghanistan. 8vo, plates, half calf. 7s 6d 1844 3604 WALSH (Rev. L.) Essay on Ancient Coins, Medals and Gems, as Illustrating the Progress of Christianity in the Early Ages. 12mo, many plates, boards. 3s 6d 1828 3605 RECORDS of Roman History from Cnaeus Pompeius to Tiberius Constantinus, as exhibited on the Roman Coins collected by F. Hobler. Two large 4to volumes, cloth. £1.4s 1860 3606 POSTE (B.) Celtic Inscriptions on Gaulic and British Coins, with a Glossary of Archaic Celtic Words. 8vo, plates, cloth. 5s - 1861 3607 POSTE’s Windication of the ‘Celtic Inscriptions on Gaulish and British Coins.’ Plates and cuts, 8vo, cloth. 1s 3608 REGULATING the Silver Coin made Easy and Practicable, 8vo, calf. 1s 6d 1696 312 Alfred Russell Smith, 3609 BINDLEY (James) Collection of Medals, Bronzes, Seals, and other curiosities. 8 days sale, Prices and Names. 8vo, half calf. 4s 6d 1819 3610 OATHS.—A Briefe Treatise of Oathes exacted by Or- dinaries and Eeclesiastical Judges to answere generallie to all such Articles or Interrogatories, as pleaseth them to propound. And of their forced and constrained Oathes ex officio wherein is proued that the same are unlawful. 4to, fine copy, new morocco eſctra. 363. 3s No place nor printer (1590) By Morice, afterwards Secretary of State. Answered by Dean Cosins in his Apology for Ecclesiastical Proceedings. Sub Voce, Church Govern- ment. 3611 OBSCURITIES IN OLD AUTHORS.–Gervartius Electorum in quibus plurimo veterum scriptorum loca obscura et controversa explicantur, illustrantur et emendatur, 4to, vellum. Mitford's copy. 3s Paris, 1619 3612 O'CONNOR's Chronicles of Eri, being the History of the Gael Sciot Iber, or Irish People, translated from the original Manuscripts in Phoenician Dialect. 2 vols, 8vo, portrait and plates, new half morocco, scarce. £1.2s 1822 3613 OGILBY’s County MAPS.–England Exactly Described in a Compleat set of correct Mapps of Counties in England, wherein every Town, Willage, Road, &c., is particularly expressed. Complete set 43 maps of every county, 8vo, half calf. :81. 4s about 1660 These maps are very uncommon, having been intended for the pocket they were quiekly worn out, some are by Hollar. 3614 OGILBY (Wm.) New Theory of the Figure of the Earth, considered as a Solid of Revolution, founded on the direct employment of the centrifugal force instead of the common principles of attraction and variable density, 4to, sewed. 2s 1872 OLD ENGRAVINGS. 3615 ETCHING by Bretherton, of a Man, very characteristic. 2s 36.16 ETCHING of a Man's head and shoulders, by C. Exshaw, 1755, very fine, the hair executed in relief. 5s 3617 ELEVEN Dramatic Portraits, engraved by Grignion. 2s 6d 1775 3618 BIBLE Prints by Gallays, 7 fine impressions. 3s 3619 ALBERT DURER, 10 fine woodcuts illustrating the principal events in the Life of Christ. 7s 6d 3620 EARLY Woodcuts mostly Religious. 3s (7) 3621 PETRARCH, Alciati, Campan, and 11 other Early Portraits of Celebrated Men, a bargain. 7s 6d 36, Soho Square, London. 3I3 3622 OLDHAM (John) The Works of, together with His Remains. Thick 8vo, calf (wants pp. 121 to 126). 1s 6d 1684 3623 OLDHAM (John) Works, Poems, Translations, Satires, &c. 2 vols, 8vo, calf meat. 5s 1698 3624 OLD MAIDS-Philosophical, Historical and Moral Essay on OLD MAIDs, by a Friend to the Sisterhood (William Hayley). 3 vols, 12mo, half calf meat. 7s 6d 1786 3625 OLD MAIDS.—Their varieties, characters, and condi- tions. Post 8vo, cloth. 6s 6d 1835 A most entertaining book, different from Hayley's Essay on Old Maids. 3626 OLD MASTERS.–Catalogue of a Collection of Origi- mal Drawings and Sketches by the most celebrated Masters of the different Schools of Europe, from the 13th to the 18th Cen- tury, formed by W. Mayor, Esq., the result of forty years' research. 8vo, privately printed, cloth. 4s 6d 1871 3627 OLD MOTHER MONEY's Farewell, in a Country Dialogue between Dick and Tom. (A Smartly written Poem of 90 verses, lamenting the dearth of money in the country). 8vo, new half morocco. 4s 6d 1719 old NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALs. 3628 LITERARY REGISTER. Wols 2 and 3 in 1 vol (slightly imper- fect), half bound, 5s Newcastle, 1770–1 3629 EARLY DUTCH NEWSPAPER. Nouvelles Extraordinaires de Divers Endroits avec les supplements, Nos. 70 to 81 (wanting Nos. 71-2). Small 4to, in the original state and almost as fresh as when issued, VERY SCARCE. 15s Leide, 1772 3630 GLOUCESTER JOURNAL NEWSPAPER, from JAN. 1775 TO THE END OF 1816 (inclusive). Complete and clean series, bound in 7 vol, folio, half calf meat. £15. This is one of the rarest of Provincial Newspapers, smallest fragments being of the most uncommon occurrences, and it is doubtful if a series like the above will be fonnd in any of our public libraries. 3631 MONTHLY REv1Ew, or Literary Journal, from its commencement in 1790 to 1824 inclusive. 104 vols (wanting vol 90), half russia, meat and wniform. §2. 10s 1790–1824 3632 LONDON CHRONICLE, July to Dec., 1757, and July to Dec., 1759. 2 vols, 4to, half bound. 65 6d 1758–9 3633 LONDON CuPONICLE. June to Dec., 1798. 4to, half bownd. 4s 6d l'798 3634 MORNING HERALD. July 6 to Dec. 28 inclusive, 1787. Folio, half bowmd. 12s 1787 3635 IPSWICH JourtNAL, a collection of Nos. (not Consecutive) be- tween 1804 and 1807. In 1 vol, folio, half bound. 9s 1804–7 3I4. Alfred Russell Smith, 3637 A COLLECTION.—Irish Newspapers chiefly referring to the Re- bellion 1798, American, Australian, Indian and many Miscel- laneous English County papers. Mounted in an imperial folio Volume, in boards. 12s 6 1798–1839 Contains numerous numbers of the Ipswich, Yarmouth, and Lynn Herald of 1805. 3638 EDINBURGH REVIEW, from its commencement in 1802 down to April, 1876 (inclusive),with the Five Index Volumes, forming a most complete and desirable set, 134 vols (down to 1871) are meatly and uniformly half bound in russia, the remainder to April, 1876, are in parts, also Index Volumes, wrviformly bound in half russia,and the last issued is in parts, together 138 vols bound and 20 parts. £18. 1802—1876 3639 CHELMSFORD CHRONICLE from Jan. 1st to Oct. 8, 1802 inclusive. The Times from Oct. 9th, 1802, to Dec. 15th 1803. In 1 vol, folio, half bound. 15s 1802–3 3640 BRITISH REVIEW and London Critical Journal. Wols l to 21, half russia. 10s 1811—24 3641 EXAMINER.—A Sunday Paper on Politics, Domestic Economy, and Theatricals, from 1817 to 1822, 1824, and 1832 to 1834. 10 vols, sm. folio, half calf. 9s 6d 1817–34 3642 QUARTERLY REVIEW from its Commencement in 1809 to 1860. (Wanting Vol 100) 106 vols, half calf gilt, very meat and wniform. #96. 10s l809–6() 3643 QUARTERLY REVIEW. Wols 21 to 43 (wanting vol.40). 23 vols, half calf. 12s 6d 3. 1819–30 3644 NORTHAMPTON MERCURY from Jan. 3rd, 1818, to Dec. 30th 1820 inclusive. In 1 vol, folio, half calf. 14s 1818–20 3645 THE OBSERVER from Jan. 3, 1819 to Dec. 30, 1821 inclusive. In 1 vol, folio, half bound. 5s 1819–21 3646 JOHN BULL NEWSPAPER, from 1821 to 1825 inclusive. 5 vols, folio, whiformly and neatly bound in half calf. 10s 6d 1821-25 These volumes are very scarce, they comprise all the Squibs, Jeux d’Esprit, Libels, and Charges against Queen Caroline, as well as much of the wit and ability, together with qualities of a less admirable charac- ter, which gave to this newspaper its first motoriety. .3647 WEEKLY Literary Register. Vol 1, 4to, numerous woodcuts, half calf. 2s 6d 1822 3648 AMERICAN, Australian, Canadian, and English Country News- papers. Neatly mounted in an imperial Folio Volume, half wellum. 12s between 1833 and 1840 3649 COURT MAGAZINE, containing Original Papers by Distinguished Writers. Vols 2, 4, and 5, 3 vols, numerous finely engraved por- traits, views, and coloured plates of costumes, cloth. 7s 6d 1833–5 3650 KENTISH INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER, published at GRAVESEND. - Commencing No. 57, vol 2, Feb. 3, 1844, and ending with No. 836, vol 15. March 5, 1859. Bound in 15 vols, folio, meat half .calf. 42. 36, Soho Square, London. 3 I5 3651 SPECTATOR, a Weekly Journal of News, Politics, Literature, and Science, 1843 to 1846, 4 thick vols, sm. folio, cloth. 5s 1843-46 3652 CAMBRIDGE ADVERTISER, from Sep. 10, 1845 to Sept. 5, 1849 inclusive. . 2 vols, imp. folio, half wellum. 15s 1845—9 3653 SATURDAY REVIEW of Politics, Literature, Science and Art, Wols 7 to 18 inclusive, 12 thick vols, folio, clean in cloth. £1 10s. 1859–64 3654 EARLY Newspapers and Essayists Catalogue of the Hope Collec- tion in the Bodleian Library. 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1864 OLD OPERAS. 3655 A COLLECTION of 28 Librettos of Celebrated Operas. Neatly bound in 4 vols, 12mo, half calf. 6s 6d 1809–20 Contains amongst others, La Gazza Ladra, Il Tancredi, Don Giovanni, Nozze de Figaro, Il Flauto Magico, Boadicea, Solyman. 3656 PENELOPE, a Dramatic Opera, with 15 leaves of music. 8vo, sewed. 3s 6d 1728 3657 HAWKER (Mr.) The Wedding, a Tragi-Comi-Pastoral-Farcical opera, with an Hudibrastick Skimmington, and Overture by Dr. Pepusch, and MUSIC to the songs. 8vo, half morocco, scARCE. 7s 4d 1729 3658 PHEBE, or the Beggar's Wedding, an opera. 8vo. 2s 1739 3659 CIBBER, Love in a Riddle, a Pastoral, with 22 pages of Music to the Songs, by CIBBER. 5s 1729 3560 LOVE and Revenge, or the WINTER OUTWITTED, an opera. 8vo. 2s 6d about 1730 3561 WANTON JESUIT, or Innocence Seduced, a Ballad Opera. 8vo (wants the Epilogue) Refers to the Girard Case, translated from the suppressed French copy. 2s 6d I731 3662 GENUINE GRUB STREET OPERA, as it was intended to be acted at the New Theatre in the Haymarket. 8vo. 3s 1731 3663 HUMOURS of the Court, or Modern Gallantry, a Ballad Opera. 8vo. 3S 1732 3664 MAD CAPTAIN, an Opera. 8vo. 2s 6d 1733 3665 LORD BLUNDER's CoNFESSION, or Guilt makes a Coward, by the Author of Vanella. 8vo (wants 2 last leaves). 2s 1733 3666 DEPOSING and Death of QUEEN GIN, with the Ruin of the DUKE of RUM, Marquee de Nantz and the Lord Sugarcane, written by Jack Juniper, a Distiller's Apprentice just turned poet, 8vo, half morocco. #1. 5s I736 3667 MARGERY, or a Worse Plague than the Dragon, a Burlesque Opera. 2s 6d 1738 3668 OPIUM.–The Mysteries of Opium Revealed, by Dr. John Jones, giving an account of its make, and explanation of its mysterious effects, etc. Thick 8vo, calf meat. 4s 6d 1760 316 Alfred Russell Smith, 3669 3670 3671 3672 3676 OLD POEMS.—A volume of Poems, by various Au- thors.-Bound up in an 8vo volume, calf. 15s 1708–9. On translated verse, by the Earl of Roscommon, Belisarius and Zarina, Counter-Scuffle, The Servitour of Oxford, Phillip's Cyder, Poems on Oliver Cromwell by Waller, Sprat, and Dryden; Love given over, a Sa- tyr against Woman: Miseries of Matrimony and the Pleasures of a Coun- try Life: Amorous War, a Duel with the Passions; Baucis and Phile- mon ; History of Insipids, a Lampoon ; Canary Birds naturalised in Utopia; Poet's Ramble after Riches; The Tippling Philosophers, and other amusing pieces OLD ROMANCE.-Le Romant des Chevaliers de la Gloire, contenant plusiers hautes et Fameux adventures des Princes et des Chevaliers que pareurent aux Courses faites a la Place Royale pour la festes des Alliance de France et d'Espagne, avec la Description de leurs Entrees, Equipages, Habits, Ma- chines, Desvices, Armes et Blasons, par jFr. de Rosset (inter- spersed with Poetry). 4to, new calf extra. Él. 5s Paris, 1613 OLD ROMANCE.—KYNG ROBERD of Cysylle, an Early Metrical Romance of the 14th Century, Edited from a Manu- script in the Biitish Museum. 12mo, only 30 copies PRIVATELY PRINTED, half morocco. £1. 5s 1830 OLD ROMANCE-TRAGI-COMICALL History of Our Times, under the borrowed Names of Lisander and Calista. Folio, new calf eſctra. £1. 10s 1627 Purports to be the Adventures of a French Knight and his Lady, but, is not a translation. The work is dedicated to Mistress Francis For- tescu, Wife of John Fortescu, and to Mistriss Elizabeth Duncumb, Wife of William Duncomb of Badlesden, by W. D. OLD ROMANCE–MALVEZZI (Marques Virgilio) Ro- mulus and Tarquin (a Romance) translated from the Italian by Henry Lord Cary, of Lepington, with Commentary Verses by Carew, Stapylton, Davenant, and Wortley. 12mo, frontispiece by Marshall, calf meat. 6s 1638. OLD ROMANCE-Fulk Fitzwarine (an outlawed Baron of the time of King John) from an early French Manu- script. Roy. 8vo, cloth. 2s 6d about 1850, OLIVER TWIST, a serio-comic Burletta by Geo. Almar, Comedian, acted at the Surrey Theatre, printed from the Promp- ter's copy, with Remarks, Post 8vo, frontispiece by Pierce Egan the younger, from a drawing taken during the representation, half ‘morocco. 15S about 1860 ORDERS of CHIVALRY.—Histoire de tous les Ordres Militaires ou de Chevalerie, contenant leurs institutions, cere- monies, pratiques, leurs armes et leur devices. Vol 1 only, thick post 8vo, 34 plates by Schoonebeck, new green morocco extra. 12s 6d Amst., 1699 36, Soho Square, London. 317 3677 ORATORY (The) Tracts by that eccentric character JoBN HENIEY, M.A., better known as Orator Henley. In two vols, 8vo, old calf. :81. ls 1727–8 Primitive Liturgy and Eucharist for the use of the Oratory—Orator Transactions, containing Welstede's Narrative, defence of the Oratory, the Week-day Academy, explanation of the plan,—Laws—List of Sub- jects, humorous and burlesque—a Dissertation on Nonsense—on Action in the Pulpit, and others, mostly printed in black letter. An interesting collection, these tracts are now of the rarest occurrence. 3678 ORDINANCES and Regulations for the Government of the Royal Household made in divers Reigns from King Ed. ward 111. to King William and Queen Mary, also Receipts in ANCIENT COOKERY. 4to, sewed, scarce. 12s 1790 3679 ORIENTAL (The) Chronicles, or the Time, being a translation of a Chinese Manuscript, supposed to have been written in the Spirit of Prophecy, by Confucius the Sage, dedi- cated to the Duchess of Devonshire, with Notes, Historical and Critical. 8vo, satirical frontispiece, half bound, curious. 3s about 1780 3680 ORIENTAL GEOGRAPHY of Ebn. Haukal, an Arabian traveller of the tenth century, translated with notes by Sir Wm. Ouseley. 4to, map, calf meat. 6s I800 3681 ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS. Catalogus Codicum Manu- scriptorum Orientalium in Museo Britannico. Part I. contain- ing Syriac and Carshunic. Folio, facsimile, bds. 3s 6d 1838 3682 ORIENTAL POETRY.—Specimens of ARABIAN Poetry from the earliest time to the extinction of the Khaliphat, with account of the authors by J. D. Carlyle, 4to, calf. 5s Camb., 1796 3683 ORIGINAL Letters of Eminent Literary Men (Baxter, Prior, Pope, Hartley, Johnson, etc.), with Biographical Illustra- tions. Edited by Rebecca Warner. 8vo, boards. 3s 1817 3684 ORIGIN OF WRITING-Conjectural Observations on the Origin and Progress of Alphabetic Writing. 8vo, plates, boards. 4s 6d 1772 Contains a great deal of very curious information relative to the He- brews, Egyptians and Greeks. 3685 ORLANDO FURIOSO con note e delucidazioni Gram- maticali de Romualdo Zotti. 4 vols, 12mo, cloth. 2s 6d Lond., 1814 3686 ORMEROD (George) Strigulensia, Archaeological Me- { moirs relating to the District adjacent to the Confluence of the Seven and the Wye. 8vo, privately printed, frontispiece and plates, cloth. £1. 10s 1851 21 3.18 Alfred Russell Smith, 3687 ORMEROD (G.) History of the County Palatine and City of Chester. 3 vols, folio, a subscriber's copy, complete in parts, portrait, map and plates, SCARCE. £30. 1819 3688 ORMEROD (George) Miscellanea Palatina, consisting of Genealogical Essays, Illustrative of Cheshire and Lancashire Families, and of a Memoir on the Cheshire Domesday Roll. 8vo, plates, pedigrees and arms, privately printed presentation copy, cloth. .93. 3s 1851 is.” the very rare privately printed Additions and Index, printed in JO. 3689 ORTELLI Epitome Theatri Orbis. Oblong 12mo, 94 finely engraved maps (that of Russia slightly imperfect) vellum. 12S 1589 3690 OSBORN (Francis) Works, Advice to a Son, Reflec- tions on the Government of the Turks, Memoirs on Q. Elizabeth and James I., and Miscellany of Paradoxes, Characters, etc. Thick 8vo, calf meat. 2s 1682 3691 OSORIUS.—A Learned and very eloquent Treatise, written in Latin by the famouse man Hieron. Osorius, Bp. of Sylva in Portugal, wherein he confuteth a certayne Aunswere made by M. Walter Haddon against the Epistle of the said Bis- hoppe unto the Queenes Maiestie, translated by JoHN FEN. Thick 12mo, new calf extra, gilt edges. £3. 3s Lovanii, 1568 Quoted by Strype in his history of the Reformation. 3692 OSSIAN's Poems, translated by Macpherson. 2 vols. 8vo, meat. 4s 6d 1773 3693 OSSIAN's POEMs, translated by Jas. Macpherson. 2 vols, 8vo, calf meat. 5s 1784 3694 OSSIAN’s POEMs, translated by Macpherson. 8vo, half calf gilt. 3s 6d Edin., 1812 3695 OSSIAN.—Essay on the Authenticity of the Poems of Ossian, in which the Objections of Malcolm Lang are refuted by Patrick Graham ; with an Essay on Ossian's Mythology, by Prof. Richardson. Thick 8vo, boards. 4s 6d Edin., 1807 3696 OSSIAN's CLAIMS EXAMINED and Appreciated, an Es- say on their Genuineness and Historical Credit, with some Curi- ous Particulars relative to the Structure and State of Poetry in the Celtic Dialects of Scotland and Ireland, royal 8vo, boards. 4s Swansea, 1825 3697 OUSELEY (Sir William) Travels in Various Countries of the East, more particularly Persia. 3 vols, 4to, maps and plates, half calſ gilt. £1. 10s I819 Not merely a book of travels, but illustrating many subjects of Anti- quarian Research, with extracts from rare and valuable Oriental Manu- scripts. º 36, Soho Square, London. 3.I9 3698 OVERALL's (Bp.) Convocation-Book, 1696, concerning the Government of God's Catholic Church and the Kingdoms of the whole World. 4to, FINE COPY, portrait by White, calf gilt, red edges. 10s 6d I69() 3699 OVERBURY (Sir Thomas) His Wife, with additions of New Characters, and many other Wittie Conceits never be- fore printed. 12mo, vellum. 9s 1631 3700 OVERBURY (Sir Thos.) His Wife, with additions of New Characters and many other Witty Conceits never before printed. 12mo, calf. 8s 6d 1638 3701 OVERTON (R.) An Appeale from the degenerate Re- presentative Body the Commons of England assembled at West- minster to the Body Represented the Free People in Generall, and in especiall to his excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax and all the Officers and Soldiers under his Command. 4to. 7s 6d 1647 3702 OVID (Early Edition) Heroides Epistolae, summo studio recognite, cum omnibus commentariis J. B. Egnatio, et Con- stantii Fanensis—Metamorphoseon, libri XV., cum additionibus Jacobi Misylii—De Arte Amandi et de Remendio Amoris, cum Comment. In a volume, folio, half calf. 9s 6d Venetiis, 1558 3703 (Bhill,—The XW Bookes of P. Ovidius Naso, entituled Metamorphosis, translated into English Meeter by ARTHUR GoLDING, 4to, black letter, some notes in an old hand in the margins, new calf gilt. £2.10s 1603 3704 OVID's MATAMORPHOSIS, Englished by GEORGE SANDys. 12mo, new morocco eſctra, gilt edges. 16s 1638 3705 OVID's FESTIVALLS, or Romane Calendar, translated into English Verse Equinumerally, by John Gower, Master of Arts of jesus College, Cambridge. 12mo, calf. 15s Camb., 1640 3706 OVID's "Metamorphoses. Translated by Dryden, Con- greve, Pope, and other Eminent Hands, Edited by Sir S. Garth. 2 vols, 12mo, fine plates, calf very meat. 6s 6d 1751 3707 OWEN (Richard) Memoir on the Pearly Nautilus. 4to, plates, cloth. 2s 1832 3708 OWEN (Robt. Dale) Hints on Public Architecture, containing an Appendix on Building Materials, prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. , 4to, many woodcuts and plates of Churches in New York, cloth. 6s 6d New York, 1849. OXFORDSHIRE. 3709 PLOTS Natural History of Oxfordshire. Folio, large map, sur- rounded by arms of the county families, and plates, calf meat. £1. 10s—ANOTHER, WANTING 2 plates (has the map) calf. §l. 1777 32O Alfred Russell Smith, 3710 MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONs in various Churches in Oxford- shire, being the Oxfordshire Collections in Manuscript of Ant. a Wood, Dr. Hutton, and Mr. Hinton, prefaced by the Pedigrees of Cobb, Bethome, Ashcomb, Barber, Danvers, Jones, Kenion, Denton and Doyley. Folio, 100 pages, but very few copies pri- vately printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps, boards. #4. 4s Evesham, 1825 3711 ECCLESIASTICAL and Architectural Topography of England: Oxfordshire, Berks, and Bucks. In a volume, 8vo, cloth, 9s 1849 Minutely describes nearly seven hundred Churches in the Diocese of Oxford. 3712 TOPOGRAPHICAL MEMORANDUMs for the County of Oxford, by Sir G. O. P. Turner. 8vo, boards. 2s 6d 1820 3713 HISTORY, Gazetteer and Directory of the County, comprising historical descriptions of all the Towns, notices of every parish and lists of the seats of the Nobility and Gentry. Thick 8vo, half morocco. 4s 6d Peterborough, 1852 3714 KENNETT (White) Parochial History of AMBROSDEN, BURCESTER, and other adjacent parts in Oxon and Bucks. Best edition, much enlarged from the author's notes, by Dr. Bandinel. 2 vols, 4to, plates, calf, full gilt backs. £2. 15s Oa:ford 1818 3715 BAMPTON.—Giles (Rev. Dr.) History of the Parish and Town of Bampton, in Oxfordshire, with the District and Hamlets be- longing to it. 8vo, plates, second edition. 6s 6d 1848 3716 DUNKIN (John) History of BICESTER, with Appendix and whole of Kennett's Glossary. 8vo, plates, half calf, scarce. 16s 1816 3717 BLENHEIM.—Six Views of Blenheim, by J. P. Neale, with His- torical Description. 6 plates. 8vo, boards. 2s 6d 1822 3718 BLENHEIM.—Description of Blenheim, Tour of the Garden and Park, and account of the Roman Villa at Northleigh. 8vo, plates. 2s (pub 5s) - Oxford, 1836 OXFORD :— • * * e e e 3719 WOOD (Ant. A.) Historia et Antiquitates Universitates Oxoniensis 2 vols, folio, calf. 15s Oxon., 1674 3720 APPENDIX to Ant. A’Wood's History and Antiquities of the University, containing Fasti Oxoniensis, now first published in English with a Continuation to 1790, and INDEXEs, by John Gutch. 4to, boards. 6s Oaford, 1790 3721 OXFORD in 1740. —New Oxford Guide, with a tour to Blenheim. Ditchley, Heythorp, Newnham, and Stowe, by a Gentlemen of Oxford, 12mo, map, meat. 2s 6d Oxford (about 1740) 3722 ON Collateral Consanguinity, its limits, extent, and duration in reference to the Statutes of All Souls College. 8vo. 2s 1750 3723 BRASEN Noss-Lives of Wm. Smyth, Bp. of Lincoln, and Sir" Bichard Sutton, Founders of Brasen Nose College, by Ralph Churton. 8vo, plates, meat. 6s 6d Oxford, 1809 36, Soho Square, London. 32 I 3724 BBASENOSE ALE.—A collection of Poems presented annually by the Butler of Brasenose College, 12mo, privately printed, cloth. 3s 6d e Oxford, 1857 3725 PRYN's Refutation of the University of Oxford's Plea, Account of, sent to a friend in a Second Letter from Oxford. 4to, Sewed. 7s 6d 1648 3726 DEFENCE of the Rights and Privileges of the University, con- taining an answer to the Petition to the City, 1642, and the Case of the University presented to Parliament, 1690. 4to, sewed. 3s Oxford, 1690 3727 OXFORD University Poll Books for 1721–1750, and for the County in 1754. In 1 vol, 4to, half bound, Scarce. £1. 1s 1722–54 3728 JEAFFERSON (J. C.) Annals of Oxford. 2 vols, 8vo, new half morocco, gilt tops. 18s 1871 3729 HEYWOOD (James) The Recommendation of the Oxford Univer- sity Commissioners, with Selections from their Report, and History of the University Subscription Tests, and Notices of the University and Collegiate Visitations. Thick 8vo, cloth. 3s *> I853 3730 OXFORD.—A Poem, by Robert Montgomery. 8vo, pretty plates, new half morocco. 4s 6d Oxford, 1834 3731 MEMOlP on the Cholera at Oxford in 1854, with considerations suggested by the epidemic, by H. W. Acland. 4to, map, cloth, presentation copy to the late Miss Harriet Martineau. 3s 6d 1856 3732 POLL Book for the UNIVERSITY, Sir John Nicholl, and Richard Heber. 4to, sewed, scarce. 3s Oaford, 1821 3733 OXFORD.—Account of the Visit of the Prince Regent, the Emperor of Russia and King of Prussia to the University of Oxford in June 1814. Folio, elegantly printed, boards, 4s 6d 1815 3734 OXFORD Controversy in 1758.-Hill (Sir R.) Pietas Oxoniensis, an account of the Expulsion of Six Students from St. Edmunds Hall—Answer to Pietas Oxoniensis by Dr. Thomas Newell— Goliath Slain, a reply to Dr. Newall by Sir R. Hill—Windication of the Proceedings, by W. Brown. In 1 vol, 8vo, half calf. 4s 6d 1768 3735 PROCEEDINGS of the Oxford Society for promoting the study of Gothic Architecture. In a volume, 8vo, half morocco. 6s 1840–7 Describes a great number of Churches, lists of brasses, Topographical Prints, Drawings, etc. 3736 OXONIAN (The) ANTIPPoDEs, or the Oxford Anty-Parliament, setting forth who is it that calls it, to what end it is called, that the Parliament now sitting at Westminster is the absolute lawful one, &c., by I. B., Gent, 4to, half morocco. 6s 6d 1644 322 Alfred Russell Smith, 3737 MISCELLANY POEMS and Translations, by Oxford Hands. 8vo, calf. 5s Jondon, printed for Anthony Stephens in Oxford, 1685 3738 OXFORD English Prize Essays. 4 vols, 8vo, cloth. 16s Oxford, 1830 Lord Sidmouth, Lowth, Lord Tenterden, Street, Bp. Mant, Heber, Whately, Keble, Milman, Adolphus, Denison, Bp. Copleston, Churton, J. T. Coleridge, Arnold, and other eminent scholars. 3739 OXFORD PRIZE Poems, being a Collection of such English Poems as have obtained Prizes at Oxford. 12mo, calf extra. 3s 6d Oaford, 1819 3740 THE SHAVER SHAVED.—A Macaronic Dialogue between B. and S., by a Matriculated Barber. 8vo. 2s 1769 Refers to the expulsion of students and rise of Wesleyism. 3741 OXFORD NIGHT CAPs, a Collection of Receipts for making various BEVERAGES used in the University. 12mo, scarce. 2s 6d Oaford, 1860 3742 VERTUMNUS, an Epistle to Mr. JACOB BOBART, Botany Pro- fesser and Keeper of the Physick "Garden. By the author of “The Apparition,” (Abel Evans). 8vo, frontispiece of the gateway. 2s 6d Qxford, 1713 3743 REPLY to the Calumnies of the “Edinburgh Review" on the Studies at Oxford—Second Reply to the Edinburgh Review "by the Author of a Reply to the Calumnies—And a long Article from the “Edinburgh Review” on the same subject. In 1 vol., 8vo, boards. 3s 6d Oxford, 1810 By Dr. Coplestone (Bp. of Llandaff). 3744 ABIAH, the Record of a Foundling, an Oxford Legend, by Lea- pidge Smith. Square post 8vo, a pretty little volume, numerous woodcuts, cloth. 2s 1842 3745 WOODSTOCK.—Supplement to Marshall's History of Woodstock Manor, with a Notice of the Church and Parish of Wootton. Post 8vo, plates, cloth. 3s 1874 3746 WOODSTOCK.—Parsons (Robt.) Funeral Sermon on John, Earl of Rochester (the Wit and Poet) who died at Woodstock, July 26, 1680, 4to. 2s 6d Oaford, 1680 3747 ROMAN REMAINs.-Hakewill (H.) Roman Remains discovered in the Parishes of North Leigh and Stonesfield, Oxfordshire. 8vo, maps and 2 plates. 2s 6d 1826 3748 BLANDY CASE.-Miss Blandy's own account of the affair between her and Mr. Cranstoun, from the commencement of their acquain- tance to the Death of her Father, 1752—Original Letters to and from Miss Blandy and C– C , his artful evasions and the whole history of that Parricide, 1752—Capt. Cranstoun's Account of the poisoning of Francis Blandy of Henley, with particulars of. his Private Marriage, the crafty villanies of Capt. P W, &c., 1752. In a volume, 8vo, calfeactra. 362. 2s Inserted are a fine mezzotint portrait of Miss Blandy, 4 other curious ones of her, also plates of her execution, poisoning her father, and portrait of Capt. Cranstoun. 36, Soho Square, London. 323 3749 WESTCOTT BARTON.—Memorials of by the Rev. Jenner Marshall. 8vo, plate, cloth. 3s 6d 1870 3750 CIVIL WAR.—Requests of the Gentlemen of the Grand Jury of the County of Oxford. 7s 6d 1662 Respecting the billeting of troops in Villages and charges attendant thereon. 3751 CIVIL WAR.—Declaration of the Parliament concerning his Ma- iesties Proclamation for adjourning the Terme to OxFord. 6s 6d 1642 Ordaining that no Judge or other person shall repair to Oxford, in fact Oxford “sent to Coventry,” to checkmate the King's wish to remove the seat of Government. 3752 CIVIL WAR.—Desires and Propositions of Parliament, presented to the King at Oxford, with his Answer. 5s 1642 3753 OXINDEN (Henry, of Barham, Kent) Religionis Funus: et Hypocritae Finis, Carmina. 4to, with the very rare small oval portrait and the arms of the author, half morocco. £1.5s 1647 The portrait alone has sold for as much as 4 to 8 guineas. 3754 OZANAM’s Mathematical Recreations, containing many profitable and delightful Problems in Arithmetic, Opticks, Mechanicks, Cosmography, Physics and Pyrotechny. 8vo, calf. 3s 6d 1708 3755 PAINTING-Du Fresnoy's Art of Painting, translated with a preface by Dryden, and an Account of the most Eminent Painters, both Ancient and Modern, by Richard Graham. 8vo, frontispiece, meat. 3s 6d 1753 3756 PAINTING.—Manuel des jeunes Artistes et Amateurs en Peinture, par P. L. Bouvier. 8vo, plates, half calf. 4s 6d Paris, 1827 3757 PAINTING ON GLASS.—Introductory Essay on the Art of Painting on Glass. by Emanuel Otto Fromberg, translated from the German by HENRY JAS. CLARKE. 4to, sewed. 2s about 1860 3758 PALEARIO (Aonio) Life and Times, a History of the Italian Reformers in the 16th Century, illustrated by original letters and inedited documents, by M. Young, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 7s 6d 1860 3759 PALEY (Dr.) Works, 5 vols. 8vo, portrait, cloth. 12S 03:ford, 1837 3760 PALEY (Wm., D.D.) Works, edited with Notes and Illus- trations by Jas. Paxton. 5 vols, 8vo, new half calf, marbled edges :Él. 8s 1838 324 Alfred Russell Smith, 3761 PALEY's Manual of GoTHIC ARCHITECTURE. 12mo, 70 woodcuts, cloth. 1846 3762 PALMER (C) Collection of Select Aphorisms and Maxims, with several Historical Observations from the most Eminent Authors, 4to, frontispiece, calf. 4s 6d 1748 3763 PANIZZI (Sir Anthony, Librarian to the British Museum) Life, by Louis Fagan. 2 vols, 8vo, portrait and wood- cuts, cloth. 12s 6d (pub l guinea) 1880 3764 PAPAL QUARRELS.—I)eclaration of the Variance t between the PopF and the Segniory of VENICE, with the Proceedings and Present State thereof, and a Defence of the the Venetians against Paulus Quintus. 4to, half morocco. 15s 1606 3765 PARACELSUS,-Philosophy reformed and improved, discovering the great and deep Mysteries of Nature, by Osw. Crollius, also the wonderful Mysteries of Creation, by PARACEL- SUs, made English by H. Pinnell, 8vo, portrait of Paracelsus, calf meat. 6s 6d 1657 3766 PARDOE (Miss) Beauties of the Bosphorus, Illustrated in a Series of Views of Constantinople and its Environs, from Original Drawings by W.H. Bartlett, with descriptive letterpress, 4to, 88 charming plates, half calf. 10s 3767 PARDOE (Miss). A Life Struggle, a novel. 2 vols post 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d i859 3768 PARIS and VIENNA.—Vienna wherein is storied ye valorous atchievements, famous triumphs, constant love, great miseries, and finall happiness of the most valiant Knight Sir PARIs, and ye most admired Princess, the faire Vienna. 4to, fine engraved title by Gifford and opposite verses, new crimson mor. extra, gilt edges. £4. 4s 1650 3769 PARIS and its Environs Displayed in a series of Pictu- resque Views from Drawings by A. Pugin, engraved by Heath, with Topographical and Historical Descriptions. 2 vols, 4to, 200 fine views, half russia gilt. 18s 1831 3770 jarígmug.—The most Famous, Delectable and Plea- sant History of Parismus, the most renowned Prince of Bohemia, containing his most Noble Atchievements and Triumphant Bat- tles, his Strange Adventures in the Desolate Island, also the Adventures of Parismenos and the Fair Angelica, the Lady of the Golden Tower. BOTH PARTs, with the frontispiece to each part, 4to, black letter, very fine clean copy in new calf extra. :64. 15s 1689 36, Soho Square, London. 325 3771 PARIVAL (J.) History of this Iron Age, wherein is set down the true State of Europe in 1500, the Origin of all the Warres and Commotions, and Description of the most memorable Battles, Sieges, Actions and Transactions both in Court and Camp to 1656. Translated by B. Harris. Folio, portraits by Gaywood and Stent, including Charles I. and Oliver Cromwell, calf meat. :El. 15s 1656 3772 PARKINSON (A.) Collectanea Anglo-Minoritica, or a collection of the Antiquities of the English Franciscans or Friers Minors, commonly called Grey Friers, with an Appendix concerning the English Nuns of the Order of Saint Clare. 4to, plates, calf meat, SCARCE. El.. 10s 1726 3772* PARLIAMENTARY BOROUGHS.—An Historical Treatise of Cities and Boroughs shewing their original and whence, and from whom they Received their Liberties, Privi- leges and Immunities, what they were and what made and Consti- tuted a Free Burgh and Free Burgesses, and when they first sent their Representatives to Parliament, by ROBT. BRADY. Folio, calf meat. 8s 6d 1704 Scarce, this copy has the Advertisement and Supplement to the same almost invariably wanting. 3773 PARNELL's POEMS, edited by Pope, with Life of Zoilus, and his Remaaks on Homer's Battles of the Frogs and Mice. 12mo, calf. 2s 1761 3774 PARRODr.Samuel) Works, with Memoir and Correspon- dence, by J. Johnstone. 8 vols, 8vo, portrant, new half morocco, gilt tops. £2 1828 3775 PARSONS (Philip, of Wye) The Monuments and Painted Glass of upwards of ONE HUNDRED CHURCHES chiefly in EAST Kent, with Appendix of EPITAPHS, 4to, half calf gilt. £4. 4s Canterbury, 1794 3776 PARSON's (The) Hornbook, by the Comet Literary and Patriotic Club. The two parts complete in one volume, nume- vows facetious plates, cloth, scarce. 15s 1832 3777 PATTERSON's BRITISH ITINERARY, a new and accurate delineation and description of the direct and principal Cross Roads of Great Britain. 2 vols, 8vo, hundreds ºf maps, calf meat. 6s 6d 1796 or 1800 A most useful book to the Topographer. 3778 PATRICK (Symon, Bp. of Chichester and Ely) The Parable of the Pilgrim. Thick 4to, new morocco extra, gilt edges. 18s 6d 1665 3779 PEACE and Goodwill Amongst Protestants: certain considerations tending to prouve very useful for the Present Time, 4to, half morocco. 3s 6d 1674 326 Alfred Russell Smith, 3780 PASSIONATE (The) Remonstrance made by his Holi- ness in the Conclave at Rome upon the late Proceedings, and Great Covenant of Scotland, with a reply of Cardinal de ‘Barba- risma, and a letter of Intelligence from the Nuncio, now in London to Urban the 8. 4to, front., calf meat. 14s 1641 A singular tract of 41 leaves, detailing “ the fearfulest Blow our Cause ever felt,” and that the Covenant has affrighted the ashes of sleeping Popes, and has shook the very Altars and Statues in St. Peter's. There are verses interspersed, some of them signed D. Prymrose and M. D. Prymrose, J. C 3781 PEACHAM (Henry) The Valley of Varietie, a Discourse fitting for the Times, collected for the use of all Ingenious Spirits and true Lovers of Learning. 12mo, charmingly clean copy, with the frontispiece, russia. £1.4s 1638 3782 PECKE (Tho.) Parnassi Puerperium, or some Well- Wishes to Ingenuity in the translation of 600 of Owen's EPI- GRAMS, Martial de Spectaculis, and the most select in Sir Tho. More, also a Century of Heroick Epigrams. 12mo, new morocco eactra. £1.15s 1659 3783 PECK (F) Desiderata Curiosa, or a Collection of Divers Scarce and Curious pieces Relating chiefly to matters of English History, consisting of choice Tracts, Memoirs, Letters, Wills, Epigrams, etc., with Notes and Memoir of His Life and Writings. Thick 4to, portrait and plates, calf gilt. £2 10s 1779 PEDIGREES, Privately Printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps. 5s each. 3784 SYMYNS of Martell, Co. Pembroke. 3785 PAYNE of Beccles. 3786 SLOREY and Wood of Sleford and Colwicke, Notts. 3787 CARDEW of Truro. 3788 DESCENT of Cotterell, etc., from Kibblewhite, through Goddard. 3789 BUCKERIDGE of Pangborne, Bucks. 3790 BRIND of London. 3791 ADLERCRON and D'Arabin of Woodville, near Dublin. 3792 ROBERT Fairfax of Barford, Co. Warwick, on three sheets in MS. 10s. 3793 PEDLAR's PACK of Ballads and Songs with Illustrative Notes, collected by W. H. Logan. Thick post 8vo, cloth, scarce. 12S Edinb., 1869 3794 PEN and Pencil by Mrs. Balmanno. Small 4to, numerous portraits and pretty woodcuts, cloth, gilt edges. 12s 6d New York, 1858 The authoress was on intimate terms with Sir Thos. Lawrence, Stot- hard, Chas. Lamb, Henry Fuseli, and other Celebrated Literati, and gives some very interesting anecdotes of them. 36, Soho Square, London. 327 3795 PELAGIANS.--A Parallel of New-Old Pelagiarminian Error. 4to, curious, half morocco. 5s 1626 3796 PENN (William) Travailes in Holland and Germany in 1677. Second Edition, containing Answers to some of the Let- ters not before printed. 18mo, old calf. 4s 6d 1695 3797 PENN (Admiral Sir William) Memorials of his Pro- fessional Life and Times, from 1644 to 1670, by Granville Penn. 2 vols, 8vo, portraits, cloth. 6s 1833 3798 PENRI (John) Viewe of some part of such publike wants and disorder as are within her Maiesties Countrie of WALEs, with an Humble Petition unto the High Court of Parlia- ment for their speedie redresse. 12mo, good clean copy, new norocco €2tra. :#5. 15S No place, date or printer (1588) 3799 PENIRI (John) Appellation unto the Highe Court of Parliament from the bad and injurious dealings of the Archbp. of Canterbury and others his Colleagues of the High Commission —PENRI's Defence of that which hath bin written in the ques- tions of the IGNORANT MINISTRIE, and the communicating with them. 12mo, fine copies, new morocco extra. 44. 14s 6d 1859 3800 PERCIVAL (Spencer) Life and Administration, details of his Assassination, and Development of the Delicate Investiga- tion, by C. W. Williams. 12mo, portrait, half calf. 2s 6d 1812 3801 PERCY's Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, consist- of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and other Pieces of our Earlier Poets, with Notes and an Essay on Early English Minstrels. 3 vols, sm. 8vo, calf gilt. 12s 1767 PERCY SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS. Elegantly printed, post 8vo. 3802 6 Historical Songs of Ireland, Illustrative of the Revolutionary Struggle between James II. and William III. Edited by Croker. £1 1s 10 Deloney’s Strange Histories. Edited by Collier. 9s 12 Pleasant History of the Two Angry Women of Abington; a Play by Hen. Porter, 1534. Edited by the Rev. A. T)YCE. 3s 6d 13 The Boke of Curtasye ; English Poem of the 14th Century. Edited by J. O Halliwell. 5s 17 Nursery Rhymes of England, collected principally from Oral Tradition, by J. O. Halliwell. É2. 2s 18 Pleasant History of Patient Grisell. ted by Collier. Edi- 5s.—smoothed edges. 4s 20 Marriage Triumph on the Nuptials of the Prince Palatine and the Princess Eliza- beth, by Thos. HAYWOOD. Edited by COLLIER. 3s 21 A. Knight's Conjuring done in Earnest, discovered in Jest, by Thos. Dekker. Edited by Rimbault. 7s 6d 22 Paraphrase on the Seven Penitential Psalms, with Notes by Black. 6s 23 Crown Garland of Golden Roses. Edited by Chappell. 4s 6d 27 Ancient Poetical Tracts of the XVIth, Century, reprinted from unique copies. Edited by Rimbault. 4s 6d 29 Harmony of the Church, by Drayton. Edited by Dyce. 5s 0 Cock Lorell’s Bote ; a Satirical Poem. Edited by Rimbault. 5s 328 Alfred Russell Smith, Percy Society—continued. 31 Poems by Sir Henry Wotton. Edited by Dyce. 2s 32 Harmony of Birds, a Poem of the XVIth Century, printed from the only known copy, by COLLIER. 3s 33 A Kerry Pastoral, in Imitation of the First Eclogues of Virgil. Edited, with Intro- duction, by T. C. Croker. 3s 6d—cut edges. 2s 34 The Four Knaves, a Series of Satyrical Tracts, by Samuel Rowlands, 1611–12. Edited by Rimbault. Woodcuts. 4s 6d .35 A Poem to the Memory of Congreve, by Thomson. Edited by P. Cunningham. S 37 Maroccus Extaticus, or Banke's Bay Horse in a Trance. 1525. Edited by Rim- bault. 3s 38 Lord Mayor's Pageants; being Collections towards a History of those Annual Cele- brations, by Fairholt. Part I. 6s 6d 40 Thirteen Psalms, &c., by John Croke, §§ Henry VIII. Edited by Bliss. S 6d 41 John Halle’s Historical Expostulation of the Abuses of Physick. Edited by Pet- tigrew. 3s 6d 43 Lord Mayor's Pageants. Part II. 5s 44 The Honestie of this Age, by Barnaby , Rich, 1611. Edited by Cunningham, 3s 6d 47 Poems of John Audeley, a Specimen of the Shropshire Dialect in the XIVth Century. Edited by HALLIWELL. 3s 48 St. Brandran ; a Mediaeval Legend of the Sea, in English Verse and Prose. Edited by Wright. 3s 6d 49 Romance of the Emperor Octavian, now first published from MSS. at Lincoln and Cambridge. Edited by Halliwell. 3s— with smoothed edges. 2s :50 Six Ballads with Burdens, from a M.S. at Cambridge. Edited by C. W. GooDWIN. 3s—with smoothed edges. 2s 51 Lyrical Poems, selected from Musical Publications, 1589 and 1600. Edited by Collier. 4s 6d 52 Friar Bacon’s Prophecies; a Satire on the Degeneracy of the Times, 1604. Edited by HALLIWELL, 3s 55 Poetical Miscellanies, from a MS. of the Time of James I. Edited by HALLIWELL. 2s 6d 56 Crown Garland of Golden Roses, from the edition of 1657. Part II. Edited by CHAPPELL. 4s 57 The Affectionate Shepherd. By RICH. BARNFIELD. 1594. Edited by HALLI- WELL. 3s—smoothed edges. 2s 6d 58 Scottish Traditional Versions of Ancient Ballads. Edited by J. H. Dixon. 7s 6d 59 Life and Martyrdom of Thomas à Becket. Edited by W. H. 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Edited by FAIR- HOLT. 4s 72 Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Edited by Wright. Part 2. 15s 73 Songs and Carols, now first printed from a MS. of the 15th Century. Edited by Wright. 4s 6d 74 Interlude of the Four Elements. Edited by Halliwell. 5s 75 Interlude of the Disobedient Child. Edi- ted by HALLIWELL. 2s 6d 76 The Autobiography of Mary Countess of Warwick. Edited by CROKER. 3s 6d 77 Festive Songs, 16th and 17th Centuries. Edited by Sandys. 78 Westward for Smelts, an early Collection of Stories. Edited by Halliwell. 5s 81 Satirical Songs and Poems on Costume. 13th to 19th Century. Edited by FAIR- HOLT. 7s 6d 36, Soho Square, London. 329 Percy Society—continued. 83 Notices of Fugitive Tracts and Chap Books, printed at Aldermary Church- yard, &c. By Halliwell. With Wood- cuts. 5s 6d 84 The Man in the Moon, or the English Fortune Teller, 1609, printed from an unique copy in the Bodleian. By Halli- well. 2s 6d 85 The Religious Poems of William de Shore- ham, Vicar of Chart Sutton, in Kent, temp. Edward II. preserved in a Contem- porary MS. Edited by Wright. 4s 6d 86 The Interlude of the Trial of Treasure, reprinted from the Black Letter Edition, 1596. Edited by Halliwell. 2s 6d 87 A. Manifest Detection of the most Wile and Detestable Use of Dice Play, about 1530. º by Halliwell. 2s 6d—smoothed edges. S 89 Loyal Garland ; a Collection of Songs of the 17th Century. Edited by Halliwell. 4s 6d 90 Poems and Songs relating to George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, and his Assassination. Edited with Notes by F. W. Fairholt. 4s 92 The Garland of Goodwill, by Thos. De- loney, 1678. Edited by Dixon, 5s 6d 94 Interlude of John Bon and Mast Person. Edited by Black, being the last publica- tion. with Tºtte to last Volume, General Contents, Reports, dºc. , 15s 95 Gosson's Pleasant Quippes for Upstart Newfangled Gentlewomen, and Bansley's Pryde and Abuse of Women now-adays. Two pieces printed, but suppressed by the Society. 15s 3803 PERKINS (William) Exposition of the Symbole or Creede of the Apostles, according to the tenour of the Scriptures and the consent of the Orthodox Fathers of the Church. Thick 12mo, cloth. 6s 3804. John Legate, 1597 PERRON's Rise and Fall of States and Empires, or the Antiquities of Nations, more particularly the Celts or Gauls. 12mo, boards. 4s 3805 1809 PETER’s LETTERS to his Kinsfolk, a Series of Familiar Letters, written during a late Visit to Scotland, by J. C. Lock- hart. 3806 3 vols, 8vo, portraits and vignettes, half calf meat. 12s Iºdinb., 1819 PETO (Sir Morton) Taxation, its Levy and Expenditure, past and future, being an Enquiry into our Financial Policy. Thick 8vo, cloth. 3807 8vo, calf meat. 3s 6d 5s (pub 10s 6d) PETRARCH.-Essays on Petrarch, by Ugo Foscolo. 1863 1820 3808 PETRARCH and Laura, by Mdme. de Genlis, trans- lated from the French. Post 8vo, half bound. 2s 6d PETRARCH's Life, by Mrs. Dobson. 3800 frontispiece, whbound. 2s 3810 METICK. 12mo, calf meat. 1823 2 vols, 8vo, 1775 PETTY (Sir Wm.) Several Essays in PoliticAL ARITH- 5S 1699 3811 PFEIFFER (Ida) Visit to Iceland, translated with Ex- planatory Notes, Translation of the Poem of the Voluspa, and an Essay On Icelandic Poetry. 8vo, plates, cloth. 2s 1853 33O Alfred Russell Smith, 3812 PHAROS (The) A Collection of Periodical Essays, 2 vols, 12mo, half morocco gilt. 4s 6d 1787 By a Lady, the author of “Constance,” a novel. The Essays are des- criptive of the Fashionable Life of the time. 3813 PHEMOMENA and Diosemeia of ARATUS, translated into English Verse, with notes by John Lamb. 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1848 One of the earliest writers on Astronomy and said to be the originator of the names of the constellations and the stars, particularly interesting to the student of mythology. 3814 PHILIMORE (J. G.) History of England during the reign of George the Third. Vol I, all published, thick 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d 1863 3815 PHILIPS (Katherine) Poems by the Incomparable Mrs. K. P. 8vo, new calf ectra. 12s 1664 Surreptitious edition; for some account of it and the pains taken to suppress it, see the General Historical Dictionary. 38 (6 PHILLIPS (Katherine) Poems by the Matchless Orinda, to which are added Corneille's Pompey, and Horace's Tragedies, with several other Translations out of French, Folio, portrait, meat. 8s 6d I669 3817 PHILIPS (John) Splendid Shilling, Cyder, and other Poems, 12mo, meat. 2s Edin., 1778 3818 PHILIPS (John) Poems, including Cyder, and Life of the Author. 12mo, portrait, meat. 2s 1862 3819 PHILLIPS (Edw, nephew of Milton) Theatrum Poet- arum, containing the Names'and Characters of all the English Poets from Henry III. to the end of Elizabeth, 1675. New edi- tion, much enlarged by Sir Egerton Brydges. 8vo, new half mo- Tocco, gilt top, scarce. 12s Canterbury, 1800 PHILOLOGY, including OLD DICTIONARIES, GRAMMARS, ANGLO SAXON, and ENGLISH IDIALECTS. 3820 AELFRIC's HoMILIES, English and Saxon on opposite pages, Edi- ted by BENJ. THORPE. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. £1.4s AElfric Soc., 1844–46 3821 ANCIENT LAWS and Institutes of England, also Monumenta Ecclesiastica Anglicana, from the 7th to the 10th Century, and the Ancient Latin Version of the Anglo-Saxon Laws, with a Compendious GLOSSARY, by Benj. Thorpe. 2 thick roy. 8vo vols, cloth. 491. 15s 1840) Comprises the laws enacted under the A. S. Kings from Ethelbert to Canute, with an English translation, Edward the Confessor's laws, those of William the Conqueror, and those ascribed to Henry I. 36, Soho Square, London. 33 I 3822 A.S. PENTATEUCH.—Bibliothek der Angelsachsischen Prosa, in Kritisch bearbeiteten texten herausgegeben von Chr. U. M. GREIN, Erster band (containing the Pentateuch). 8vo, cloth. 5s Cassel, 1872 3823 A.S. RITUAL.-Rituale Ecclesiae Dunelmensis, nunc primum typis mandatum, (Saxon and Northumbrian Latin interlinear) Edited by J. STEVENSON. 8vo, cloth. 15s Surtees Soc., 1840 3824 DIE GESETZE der Angelsachsen, in der Ursprache mit Ueber- setzung, Erlantungen und einem antiquarischen Glossar heraus- gegeben von DR. REINBOLD SCHMID. Thick 8vo, cloth. 12s º Leipzig, 1858 Tne Laws of Ina, Alfred, Edward and Guthrum, Athelstan, Edmund, Canute, and minor laws, printed in Saxon, German and Latin parallel columns, with valuable illustrative notes in Latin. 3826 FOUR Gospels, in Anglo-Saxon and Northumbrian Versions synoptically arranged, with Collations of the best Manuscripts, by REv. W. W. SKEAT. 4 vols, 4to, cloth. Łl. 8s (pub £2.) 1858–78 3827 HISTORIA ECCLESIASTICAE Gentis Anglorum, auctore Venerabili BEDA, cum reliquis ejus operibus Historicus collectis, cura JoH. SMITH. Thick folio, plates, cloth. £1. 10s Cantab., 1722 Contains Bede's Church History of Britain, Lives of the Abbots, Life of St. Cuthbert, Bede's Catalogue of Martyrs, and the Saxon version of Bede's Church History, with illustrative notes. 3828 KING ALFRED's BoETHIUS, with English on opposite pages, Notes and Glossary by REv. S. Fox. 12mo, cloth. 3s 6d 1864 3829 LEECHDOMS, Wortcunning, and Starcraft in Early England, being documents never before printed, illustrating the history of Science in England before the Norman Conquest, by Rey. Oswald Cokayne, Saxon and English opposite, 3 vols, roy. 8vo, cloth. #1. (pub £1. 10s) 1864–5 3830 SHRINE (The) edited by Oswald CoCKAYNE. 8vo, 208 pages all published, cloth. £1.5s about 1860 On Dr. Bosworth’s A.S. Dictionary, Life of St. Neot in Modern English, Yule Week, Alfred's Book of Martyrs, Wulfgeat's Will, Blooms by King Alfred, Certificate of the Hundred of North Hants. 3831 ST. SWITHUN, Facsimile of some leaves in Saxon Handwriting on Saint Swithun, with Translation, Life and Times of St. Swi- thun, and illustrative pieces, edited by REV. JoHN EARLE. 4to, 8 facsimile plates, cloth. 15s 1861 3832 TWO of the SAxon CHRONICLEs Parallel, with extracts from the others, with Introduction and Glossarial Index by JoHN EARLE. 8vo, facsimiles, cloth. 12s 1865 3833 BUTLER (Chas.) English Grammar, or Institution of Letters, Syllables, and Words in the English Tongue, with an Index of words LIKE and UNLIKE, 4to, new morocco extra, gilt edges. £1. 15s Oxford, 1633 3834 CHAUCER.—Notes and Corrections for the Ryme lindex, with a list of the Rymes in it. 8vo, sewed. 2s 1875 332 Alfred Russell Smith, 3835 MOST easie instructions for Reading, specially penned for the good of those who are come to yeares, by S. W. A. Four pages, oblong 8vo, 33latá ſittter. 15s about 1660 A great curiosity and perhaps unique, it appears to be published as a fly-sheet, and is not part of any book. 3836 ENGLISH PLANT NAMEs from the tenth to fifteenth centuries, by John Earle, 12mo, cloth. 3s 1880 3837 FEARN (John) Anti-Tooke, or Analysis of the Principles and Structure of Language exemplified in the English Tongue. 2 * vols, 8vo, calf gilt. 6s 6d I824 3838 LANE (A., Master of the Free School, Leominster) Key to the Art of Letters, or English a Learned Language full of Art, Elegancy and Variety, with a Preface showing the necessity of a Vernacu- lar Grammar. 12mo, morocco eactra. 18s 1705 3839 LATHAM'(R. G.) The English Language. Third Edition. Thick 8vo, cloth. 6s 6d (pub 15s) 1850 3840 LATHAM (Professor) Elements of Comparative Philology. Very thick 8vo of 800 pages, cloth. 12s (pub £1. Is) 1862 3841 LATHAM (R. G.) Opuscula. Essays, chiefly Philological and Ethnographical. 8vo, boards. 4s 6d 1860 3842 LEXIPHANES, a Dialogue Imitated from Lucian, and suited to the Present Time, being an Attempt to Restore the English Lan- guage to its Ancient Purity, and to Correct and Expose the Af- fected Style and Hard Words, especially of the Rambler. 12mo, meat, scarce. 2s 6d 1767 A malicious piece of drollery against Dr. Johnson, attributed to Sir John Hawkins, or Dr. Kenrick. 3843 LOGIC.—Compendium of the Art of Logick and Rhetorick, con- taining all that Peter Ramus, Aristotle and others have writ with plaine directions for the more easie understanding and practice of the same. 18mo, calf meat. 4s 6d 165]. 3844 MURRAY (Lindley) English Grammar, comprehending the Prin- ciples and rules of the Language, illustrated by appropriate Exercises and a Key to the Exercises. 2 vols, 8vo, calf very meat. Ös 6d York, 1824 3845 BRADY (J. H.) Critical and Analytical Dissertation of the Names of Persons. Post 8vo, bds. 2s I822 3846 NAMES.—Arthur (W.) An Etymological Dictionary of FAMILY and Christlan Names, with an Essay on their Derivation and Import. Cr. 8vo, cloth. 3s 6d 1807 3847 NAMES.–English Surnames; their Sources and Significations by C. W. Bardsley. Thick cr. 8vo. 6s 6d 1875 3848 WORD GossIP.—A Series of Familiar Essays on Words and their Peculiarities, by the Rev. W. L. BLACKLEY, 12mo, cloth, 3s 6d 1869 3849 GRAHAM (G. F.) A Book about Words. Post 8vo, cloth. 3s 1869 36, Soho Square, London. 333 aso Tºgh (Rev. R. C.) on the study of word, smoºt, 2S 6 1853 3851 PHILLIPPS (J. T.) Compendious way of teaching Ancient and Modern Languages. 8vo, meat. 6s 6d 1727 Tanaquil Faber's method, Ascham's, Locke's, Milton's, and Richard Carew's systems, account of the education of the Dauphin, and the Dukes of Burgundy, the Marchioness de Lambert's Letter to her Son, and an Essay towards a rational and universal grammar. 3852 PEGGE's ANEGDOTES of the English Language chiefly regarding the local Dialect of London, second edition, with a supplement to Grose's Provincial Glossary. 8vo, half calf gilt. 7s 6d 1814 3853 CLELAND (John) Specimen of an Etymological Vocabulary, or Essay by means of the Analytic Method to Retrieve the Antient Celtic. 8vo, new calf meat, by Bedford. 12s 6d 1768 3854 WALTERS (John) Dissertation on the Welsh Language, Pointing out its Antiquity, Copiousness, Grammatical Perfection, with Remarks on its Poetry and other Articles not Foreign to the Subject. 8vo, half morocco. 5s 6d Cambridge, 1771 3855 CELTIC LANGUAGE.-Recherches sur les Langues Celtiques, par W. F. EDWARDS. 8vo. half calf. 7s 6d 1844 3856 PROVERBS.—English, French, Dutch, Italian and Spanish, all Englished and Alphabetically Digested by N. R. GENT. 18mo, half calf. 5s 1659 3857 RAY (J.) English, Scotch, Italian, French, and Spanish Proverbs, and Words not generally used in the Northern and Southern Counties. 8vo, calf meat. 7s 6d 1737 3858 PROVERBS.—Dictionnaire des Proverbes Frangois, et des Fagons de Parler, Comiques, Burlesques et Familieres, avec l’ex- plication, et les etymologies. 12mo, meat. 5s Paris, 1748 3859 GYLL (G. W. J.) Tractate on Language, with Observations on French and Eastern Tongues and Times, also on Literal Sym- bols, Time, Figures of Speech, Rhyme and Longevity. Thick 8vo, cloth. 4s 6d 1860 3860 HUGHES (Geo., M.A., Edin.) Simplified Grammar of the French Language. 8vo, cloth. 7s 6d 1869 It is stated on the authority of the printer that this and one other copy are all that exist, the entire impression being destroyed by the author directly after it was printed. 3861 KENNEDY (Jas.) Essays, Ethnological and Linguistic. 8vo, bds. 4S 1861 Ancient languages of France and Spain, ethnology and civillization of the Ancient Britons, Etruscan language, origin of the American Tn- dians, the Lost Tribes. 3862 WODROEPHE (John) The Spared Hours of a Soldier in his Tra- vel, of the True Marrow of the French Tongue, with Dialogues, the Spring Well of Honour and Vertue, GoDLY SONGS, SoNNETs, PROVERBIALE SENTENCEs, Court and Countrie, Dialogues, etc. Folio, wants title, half russia, from Miss Cuºrer's Library. 2.92. 15S Dort, 1623 (or 1625)