N 1035 A513 Suppl C 476,406 Sm Concha. asa 7.1.2 Buche 1280. Books related to the War 1282. 1283. Ameritas Lazis 1284. SUPPLEMENT TO SELECTED LIST OF BOOKS IN ENGLISH BY U. S. AUTHORS 1281T. Carroll, Wallace. We're in this with Russia. 1942. 264p. Houghton Mifflin. $2.00 A United Press correspondent answers the question: What policy should America and Britain pursue toward Russia, now and after the war? arch 1287. DECEMBER 31, 1942 Brown, Cecil. Suez to Singapore. 1942. 556p. Random House. $3.50 This war correspondent for the Columbia Broadcasting System who was aboard the Repulse when she was sunk, describes his experiences while attached to the British forces in the Middle and Far East, from April 1941 to the spring of 1942. Chase, Stuart. Goals for America; a budget of our needs and resources; guide lines to America's future. 1942. 142p. Twentieth Century fund. $1.00 The author believes we can exceed our budget of needs and resources in providing the 5 goals for Americans in the postwar world, which he defines as decent minimum standards of food, clothing, housing, education, and health care. Grew, Joseph C. Report from Tokyo: a message to the American people. 1942. 115p. Simon & Schuster. $1.50 (paper $1) A frank warning on the nature of our Japanese enemy and the challenge of Japan, by the former U. S. ambassador to that country. Huie, Wm. B. The fight for air power. 1942. 310p. L. B. Fischer. $2.50 This account censures U. S. military leaders who have obstructed the development of our air strength, examines air performance since Pearl Harbor, and proposes a strategy for winning the war. $3.00 1285. Johnston, Stanley. Queen of the flat-tops. 1942. 280p. Story of the Battle of the Coral Sea. 1286M. MacLeish, Archibald. American opinion & the war. 1942. 32p. Macmillan. cents Describes the revolutionary change that has taken place in our attitude towards the war and towards the purpose for which we are fighting. Oechsner, Frederick C., and others. This is the enemy. Brown. $3.00 Dutton. 1 1942. 364p. Little, Five American correspondents, members of the United Press staff in Berlin, discuss political background, occupation of invaded countries, morale of the people, propaganda and censorship, and personalities of the Nazi leaders. Each covers the subject he knows best. 1288T. Slosson, Preston. Why we are at war. 1942. 90p. Houghton Mifflin. 56 cents 75 1289. Steinbeck, John. Bombs away: the story of a bomber team. 1942. 200p. Viking press. $2.50 The stories of 6 typical men of the air force, from home town to actual combat. Written at the request of the Army Air Force to show how airmen are trained, by an outstanding novelist and writer. Fully illustrated. Z A 513 sej supfl. Political Science 1290. Bingham, Alfred M. The techniques of democracy. Pearce. $3.00 1942. 314p. Duell, Sloan & The ballot, representative assembly, federalism, and party politics are the traditional devices of democracy; the author, who is editor of the liberal magazine Common Sense, asserts that these tech- niques have not been used successfully. He advocates democratic management in industry, responsi- ble public administration, and economic democracy as essentials in a new society. History and Biography 1291M. Beard, Charles A., and Mary R. The American spirit. $5.00 1292H. Childs, Marquis. I write from Washington. 1942. 340p. Harper. $3.00 A well-known newspaper correspondent analyzes and interprets the history of the National Capi- tal since 1932, bringing to life its leading personalities and discussing the main trends of the Roosevelt administration. 1293. 1294. 1942. 703p. Macmillan. Expounding the world-idea of civilization, as it has developed in the U. S., its origins and its interpretations by leaders since 1776. Complete in itself; also volume 4 of their Rise of American civilization. 332p. Dabney, Virginius. Below the Potomac, a book about the new South. Appleton-Century. $3.00 This objective, scholarly account explodes many of the popular myths about the South; analyzes the political, social and economic conditions and charts in broad outline the directions for future growth. 7 1299. 1295. Nevins, Allan, and Commager, H. S. America; the story of a free people. 1942. 523p. Little, Brown. $3.00 A short narrative history of the U. S. Inter-American affairs, 1941; an annual survey, no. 1. Edited by Arthur P. Whitaker. 1942. 240p. Columbia univ. press. $3.00 Planned as the first of a series of annual surveys to cover cultural relations, social welfare, pub- lic health and labor, as well as politics, diplomacy, economics and finance in Canada, the U. S., and the 20 Latin American republics. "The chief purpose of this series is to promote mutual understanding among American nations, and it has been planned on the assumption that that can be best accom- plished by an entirely frank discussion of inter-American relations." 1296D. Rukeyser, Muriel. Willard Gibbs, American genius. $3.50 1942. 1942. 476p. Doubleday. Biography of a 19th century professor whose work in mathematical physics has had an important influence on modern science and industry that is gradually and belatedly being recognized in his own country. Į 1297. Wade, Mason. Francis Parkman, heroic historian. 1942. 479p. Viking press. $4.50 An interpretative study of the life, work and personality of Francis Parkman whom the author considers perhaps the greatest writer of the 19th century historians. Science and Technology 1298. Bernheim, Bertram M. Adventure in blood transfusion. Durrell. $2.50 • 1942. 182p. Smith & The history and importance of blood transfusion, which is a surgical achievement of the 20th century, described for the layman by an associate professor at Johns Hopkins Medical School. Frier, Wm. T. Elementary metallurgy. 1942. 207p. McGraw-Hill. $1.75 An elementary text for students in technical institutes, war production courses, vocational high schools and the like. 1300. 1301. Sasso, John. Plastics for industrial use; an engineering handbook of materials and methods. 1942. 229p. McGraw-Hill. $2.50 Literature and Art 1302. 1303. 1304. 1306. 1307. 1308. Fiction ¿ 1305. Painters & sculptors of modern America; introd. by Monroe Wheeler. $5.00 Platt, Rutherford H. This green world. 1942. 222p. Dodd, Mead. $3.75 The miracles of nature in trees and flowers, explained by a scientist, and their beauties pictured in his photographs and line drawings. 1309. 1310. Burnett, Whit, comp. This is my best. 1942. 1180p. Dial Press. $3.50 A new kind of anthology, the contributors selected by ballot, each one presenting what he con- siders his best piece of writing. Contains biographical sketches and bibliographies. Carmer, Carl, comp. America sings; stories and songs of our country's growing. 1942. 243p. Knopf. $3.00 Folk-songs told, arranged and edited for young Americans to sing. Kazin, Alfred. On native grounds; an interpretation of modern American prose litera- ture. 1942. 518p. Reynal & Hitchcock. $3.75 An original and arresting study covering the period from William Dean Howells to the present. 1942. Crowell. Eighteen leading painters and 10 leading sculptors tell the story of their lives, works and aims. Includes 120 reproductions in half-tone and color. Shoolman, Regina, and Slatkin, Charles. The enjoyment of art in America. 1942. 792p. Lippincott. $10.00 "A survey of the permanent collections of painting, sculpture, ceramic and decorative arts in American and Canadian museums: being an introduction to the masterpieces of art from prehistoric to modern times." Stern, Philip Van Doren, ed. The pocket book of America. 1942. 434p. Pocket Books. 25 cents. Cannon, LeGrand, jr. Look to the mountain. 1942. 565p. Holt. $2.75 Realistic historical fiction-the story of a young couple pioneering in New Hampshire in the days of the Revolutionary War. Original in view and refreshing in its writing. Older books Our American heritage—what we are fighting to preserve presented through 5 stories, a radio play, articles, famous documents and words, patriotic songs, a history quiz, and reference statistics. Villa, José García. Have come, am here; poems. 1942. 152p. Viking press. $2.00 First book in English by a poet from the Philippines, challenging in theme and experimental in form. Holt, L. Emmett, and McIntosh, Rustin. Diseases of infancy and childhood. 11th ed. 1940. 1445p. Appleton-Century. $10.00 A standard medical textbook in the field of pediatrics. American Library Association Books for Latin America Project Z 1035- A513. Suppl UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN mg Tag 3 9015 03364 0148