Sutton. Cat. of Books on Shakespeare and the Drama ······· 597 •17 ㅂ ​، 1837 e ARTES LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VERITAS ·PLURIBUS UNUM TUFBOR - SCIENTIA OF THE SI QUAERIS PENINSULAM AMOENAM CIRCUMSPICE PADROATKOZORO.OKLON COLORADO ACU.CZ.UIM THE GIFT OF Дети ş A Į Bibliotheca Dramatica: A Catalogue of Books ΟΝ Shakespeare and the Drama..D7 Dramatic__ Biographies, BoITIONS OF Shakespeare, Theatrical Histories, etc. M MRS. SIDDONS. Operatic_Memoirs, etc. 1900. Z 2014 391 Old Plays, Shakespeareanā, OFFERED FOR SALE BY ALBERT SUTTON, 8, Deansgate, MANCHESTER. 2 SPECIAL NOTICE. Gentlemen receiving this Catalogue for the first time, are invited to apply for the Monthly Lists of Miscellaneous Second-hand Books, post free to any address. Libraries and smaller collections of Books purchased for prompt cash, may now be sent by post to all parts of the World at the rate of 4d. per lb., and in Great Britain 11 lbs. for 1s. The net price is printed against each item, and accounts are due upon receipt of goods. Books 1 ABINGTON (Mrs.) Life of this Celebrated Comic Actress, with Accounts of her Various Performances and a History of the Irish Stage; portrait on steel after Cosway, post 8vo. parchment (pub. 7s. 6d.), 3s. 6d. 1888. Inserted are nine extra theatrical scenes and portraits illustrating the text. 2 ALLEYN (Edward, founder of Dulwich College). Memoir, with particulars respect- ing Shakespeare, Jonson, Massinger, etc., by J. Payne Collier; 8vo., cloth, 48. Shakespeare Society, 1841. 3 ANDERSON (Mary). A Few Memories; 8vo., designed cloth gilt, top edges gilt, binding somewhat soiled, (pub. 10s 6d.), 4s. 6d. Contains six fine portraits, three of which are in character. 1896 4 ANECDOTES DRAMATIQUES: contenant Toutes les Pieces de Theatre, Tragedies, Comedies, Pastorales, Drames, Opera, etc.; 3 vols., small 8vo., half morocco, marble leaves, 8s. 6d. Paris, 1775. › 5 ANGELO (Henry). Reminiscences, with Memoirs of his Father and Friends; por- trait, 8vo., boards, 5s. Colburn, 1828 Colburn, 1830. 6 Another Edition; 2 vols, Evo., boards, 8s. Contains numerous original anecdotes and curious traits of the most celebrated characters of the period. 7 ANNUALS.-The Theatre Annual, edited by Clement Scott, 1884, 1886, to 1889, 5 vols. The Stage Door, 1879.-The Green Room, 1880.-Behind the Scenes, 1891.- On and Off, 1894; together 9 vols., humorous illustrations, wrappers, 5s. 1879-94 8 ARCHER (Frank). How to Write a Good Play; crown 8vo., cloth, gilt top edges (pub. 6s.), 2s. 1892. 9 ARCHER (William). Masks or Faces: a Study in the Psychology of Acting; post 8vo., cloth (pub. 6s. 6d.), 2s. 1888. 10 AYSCOUGH (Rev. Samuel). An Index to the Remarkable Passages and Words made use of by Shakspeare; thick 8vo., cloth, title in manuscript, 3s. Another Edition; 8vo., boards, 3s. 6d. 1790. 1827. 11 12 AXON (W. E. A.) Stray Chapters in Literature, Folk Lore, and Archæology; crown 8vo., cloth (pub. 5s.), 2s. 1888. Contains articles on the Cost of Theatrical Amusements, Byron's Influence on European Literature, etc. 13 BAILEY (Sir William H) Shakespeare and Montaigne; 8vo., cloth, 1s. 6d. Privately printed, 1895. 14 [BAILLIE (Joanna)] A Series of Plays in which it is attempted to Delineate the Stronger Passions of the Mind; 4 vols., 8vc., half bound, 4s. 1799. 15 BAILLIE (Joanna). Dramas; 3 thick vols., 8vo., half calf, with autograph of Richard Porin, of Drury Lane, 6s. 1836. 16 BAKER (David Erskine.) Biographia Dramatica: or, a Companion to the Play House, containing Historical and Critical Memoirs and Original Anecdotes of British and Irish Dramatic Writers and Actors, with an Introductory View of the British Stage; 2 vols., 8vo., 5s. Another Edition; 2 vols., 8vo., calf, 5s. London, 1782 Dublin, 1782. Another Edition; continued by Isaac Reed and Stephen Jones; 3 vols., 8vo.,. scored calf, binding broken, 8s. 6d. London, 1812. There was an edition of this work published as early as 1764, but the edition of 1812 is considered the best 19 BAKER (Henry Barton). Our Old Actors; portrait of Peg Woffington, thick post 8vo., cloth (pub. 6s.), 2s. 6d. 1881. Reminiscences and anecdotes of Betterton, Cibber, Garrick, Macklin, Foote, Kemble, Philip. Cooke Kean, Young, Elliston. Mathews, and others. 2 vols., 2 plates, crown 8vo., half vellum (pub. 21s.), 7s. 6d. 20 BAKER (H Barton). The London Stage: its History and Traditions from 1576 to 1888; 1889. Only an opitome of such an extensive subject is possible within the limits of these two volumes, yet not a theatre of which any certain information can be obtained has been omitted 17 18 21 [BAKER (Thomas)]. The Humour of the Age: a Comedy as it is acted at the Theatre Royal, in Drury Lane; small 4to., sewed, 3s. 1701. 22 BALFE (Michael William). Memoir, by Charles Lamb Kenney; portrait, thick royal 8vo., cloth (pub. 15s.), 4s. 1875. # 1'3 1918.E.4. Rockessed //-96 -34 23 Jan 8, DEANSGATE, MANCHESTER. 3 23 BANKS (John). The Unhappy Favourite, or, the Earl of Essex: a Tragedy, acted at the Theatre Royal; small 4to., sewed, 5s. [about 1680.] 24 BANNISTER (John, comedian) Memoirs of, by John Adolphus; 2 vols., portraits, 8vo., cloth, scarce, 12s. 1839. 25 BARNUM (P. T.) The Life of, by himself; illustrated, thick post 8vo., cloth gilt, 3s. 6d. New York, 1855. 26 BARNUM (P. T.) Life of, written by himself; author's edition, illustrated with wood- cuts, thick foolscap 8vo., half calf, 3s. 1855. 27 BARNUM (P. T.) The Humbugs of the World; post 8vo., cloth gilt, a scarce edition, J. C. Hotten, 1866. I once knew a man who made nerve and bone all-healing salve; he was an enterprising kind of fellow, so he thought he would experiment a little with it. He first cut off his dog's tail and applied some to the stump--a new tail grew immediately. He then applied some to the piece of tail which he cut off, and a new dog grew out. He did not know which dog was which.-Old Traveller's Story. 5s. 28 BARNUM (P. T.) Struggles and Triumphs: or, Forty Years' Recollections; numerous illustrations, post 8vo., cloth, 3s. 6d. 1870. A record of trials and triumphs, struggles and successes of a remarkably chequered life. 29 BARNUM (P. T.) Life, as Clerk, Merchant, and Editor, and his Later Career as a Showman; illustrated, post 8vo., cloth, 3s. 6d. Willoughby, n d. 30 BARNUM (Sarah). Life and Memoirs, by Marie Colombier, with a Preface by Paul Bonnetain; crown 8vo., half calf, 2s. 6d. N D. 31 BARRET (J. V.) Shakspere Fresh Chiselled; 14 humorous coloured plates, square post 8vo., boards, 4s. 6d. ND 32 BARRETT (Wilson). Shakespeare's Hamlet, arranged for the stage; 8vo, wrappers, 1s. 1884. 33 BARRYMORE (Earl of) Life of, with a History of the Wargrave Theatricals and Origi- nal Anecdotes, by Anthony Pasquin; 8vo., calf, title page damaged, 5s 1793. Anthony Pasquin, i.e., John Williams, one of the dirtiest and most disreputable fellows that ever disgraced the literary profession." 44 34 BARRYMORE.-Robinson (John Robert). The Last Earls of Barrymore, 1769-1824; 4 plates and character portraits, 8vo., fancy cloth binding, gilt top edges (pub. 12s. 6d.), 5s. 6d. 1894. "Mr. Robinson has collected much information and used it effectively. He tells many a story of the fantastic wagers, and the yet more fantastic matches Lord Barrymore made, and of the appalling practical jokes he delighted in, and of his prodigal entertainments at War- grave, where he played in his own theatre almost as many parts as he played in the world at large."" Saturday Review." 35 BEAUMARCHAIS (M. de) La Folle Journee, ou, le Mariage de Figaro; first edition, 8vo., half calf, 2s. 6d. 1785 36 BEAUMONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John). I. Philaster, 1717 -II. Wit at Several Weapons, 1718.-III.. The Bloody Brother, 1718.-IV. A Wife for a Month, 1717 - V. Bonduca, 1718.-VI. The Pilgrim, 1718; 6 vols. in 1, small 4to., sewed 6s 1717-18. 37 BEAUMONT and FLETCHER (The Beauties of), by Horace Guilford; foolscap 8vo, 1837. cloth, gilt leaves, 1s. 38 BEAUMONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John). Works, collated with all the Former Editions and Corrected with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by Mr. Theobald, Mr. Seward, and Mr. Sympson; 10 vols, fine portraits by Vertue, 8vo, calf, large type edition, £1. Tonson, 1750 Bears the fine armorial book-plate of Sir Denzil Cope, baronet. 39 BEAUMONT and FLETCHER (Works of), with an Introduction by George Darley; 2 thick vols., with portraits and engraved title pages, royal 8vo., cloth, 13s Moxon, 1840. 40 BEAZLEY (Sam). The Boarding House: or, Five Hours at Brighton; 8vo., half bound, ls. 6d. 1811 41 BECKET (Andrew). Shakspeare's Himself Again; or, the Language of the Poet Asserted, a Dispassionate Examen of the Readings and Interpretations of the Sev- eral Editors; 2 vols., 8vo., boards, 4s. 1815. 42 BECKET (Andrew). Dramatic and Prose Miscellanies, edited by William Beattie; 2 vols. in 1, 8vo., cloth, 2s 6d. 1838. 43 BEDFORD (Paul). Recollections and Wanderings: Facts, not Fancies; portrait, crown 8vo., cloth, 3s. 1964. 44 BEDFORD (Paul) Drawing Room Dramas, with Hints to Amateurs; crown 8vo, wrappers, 1s. N D. 45 BELL (Charles). Essays on the Anatomy and Philosophy of Expression; fine illus- trations, 4to.. half calf, 7s 6d. 1824. 46 BELL (John). Collection of Plays: Tragedies, 6 vols. Comedies, 7 vols; together 13 vols., illustrated with numerous character portraits, 12mo., old calf, 17s 6d. 1791. 47 BELL'S British Theatre: Comedies, 6 vols.: Tragedies, 6 vols. ; together 12 vols, with numerous engravings comprising portraits of celebrated actors in their favourite scenes, 12mo., old calf, 12s. 1796. 48 BELLAMY (George-Anne, late of Covent Garden Theatre). Apology for the Life of, written by herself; 3 vols. in 1, thick crown 8vo., half calf, binding rubbed, 7s 6d. Dublin, 1785. A noted actress whose private history is of a rather sensational nature. Annexed to the second volume is the letter to Sir John Calcraft, which was advertised to ho published in 1767 which was then violently suppressed. but 182908 4 ALBERT SUTTON, BOOKSELLER, 49 BENAS (Baron L.) The Study of Shakespeare: a Lecture; 8vo., wrappers, 1s. 1875. 50 [BENGOUGH ( New Exegesis of Shakespeare: Interpretation of his Principal 1859. Characters and Plays on the Principle of Races; thick post 8vo., cloth, 3s. 51 BERNARD (John, manager of the American Theatres, and formerly Secretary to the Beef-Steak Club). Retrospections of the Stage; 2 vols., portrait, small 8vo., boards, fine copy, 10s. 6d. Colburn, 1830. 52 BETTERTON (Thomas). Life and Times of that Excellent and Renowned Actor, during the Latter Half of the Seventeenth Century; portrait, post 8vo., parchment (pub. 7s. 6d.), 2s. 6d. 1888. 53 BETTERTON (Thomas) [a Biography], by Robert W. Lowe; crown 8vo., cloth, (pub. 2s. 6d.), 1s. 3d. 1891. 54 BIBLIOTHECA DRAMATICA: a Catalogue of the Dramatic Library of W. B. Rhodes, sold by Auction by Mr. Sotheby; 8vo., half calf, 5s. 1825. Comprises nearly three thousand lots, with names of purchasers and the prices realised. The entire library fetched over seventeen hundred pounds. 55 BIBLIOTHECA HISTRIONICA: a Catalogue of the Theatrical Library of Mr. John Field; 8vo., half calf, 4s. 1827. Nearly two thousand lots, with names of purchasers and the prices realised affixed. 56 BIRCH (W. J.) An Inquiry into the Philosophy and Religion of Shakspere; thick crown 8vo., cloth, 5s. 1848. "Doubts have been entertained as to Shakspere's religious belief, because few or no notices of it occur in his works. This ought to be attributed to a tender and delicate reserve about holy things, rather than to inattention or neglect."-Charles Knight. 57 BLONDIN: his Life and Performances, edited by G. Linnæus Banks; illustrated, 1862. crown 8vo., half calf, 2s. 6d. 58 BLOUNT (Sir Thomas Pope). De re Poetica: or, Remarks upon Poetry, with Char- acters and Censures of the most Considerable Poets; small 4to., unbound, 5s. 1694. 1798. and 59 BOADEN (James). Cambro-Britons: an Historical Play; 8vo., sewed, 1s. 60 BOOTH (Edwin). Recollections, by his Daughter, Edwina Booth Grossmann, Letters to her and to his Friends; 8vo., cloth, gilt top edges (pub. 12s. 6d.), a bar- gain, 4s. 6d. 1894. Contains fourteen plates and portraits, many of the latter in character. 61 BOOTH.-Winter (William). Life and Art of Edwin Booth; 16 illustrations, many in character, post 8vo., cloth (pub. 10s. 6d.), 4s. 1893. The chief public work of Booth's life was his effort to establish a great threatre to be con- ducted in a high and liberal spirit, and to be devoted to all that is grand and fine in dramatic literature and art. This volume contains the narrative of the adverse ending of this noble endeavour. 1841. 62 BOURCICAULT (Dion L.) London Assurance: a Comedy; 8vo., sewed, 1s. 63 BRITISH DRAMA (The): a Collection of the most Esteemed Tragedies, Comedies, Operas, and Farces in the English Language; 2 vols., fine portraits of Mrs. Sid- dons, and Miss O'Neill; 8vo., cloth, 7s. 6d. 1828. 1828. 64 Another Copy; 2 vols., 8vo., half calf, 6s. 65 BRITISH DRAMA (The): comprehending the Best Plays in the English Language [edited by Sir Walter Scott]; 5 vols., first edition, royal 8vo., calf (pub. £5 15s. 6d.), 1804. 12s. 6d. 66 BRITISH MAGAZINE and REVIEW: or, Universal Miscellany of Arts, Entertain- ments, Manners, Amusements, etc.; vols. 1 and 3, plates by Stothard and Metz, 1782-83. 8vo., calf, 7s. 6d. Contains a fine portrait of Mrs. Siddons in the character of "Isabella," by Thomas Stothard. 67 BRITISH THEATRE (The): containing the Lives of the English Dramatic Poets, with an Account of their Plays, together with Lives of most of the Principal Actors; Dublin, 1750. newly bound in half calf antique, yellow leaves, 7s. 6d. 1790. With autograph of Dugald Stewart on title-page. 68 BROOKE (Mrs.) Rosina: a Comic Opera, in Two Acts; 8vo., sewed, Is. 69 BROWN, (James). Bible Truths, with Shakspearian Parallels; crown 8vo., cloth gilt, 2s. 6d. 1864. 70 BUCKHAM (P. W.) The Theatre of the Greeks; or, the History, Literature and 1827. Criticism of the Greek Drama; 8vo., boards, name cut off title, 3s. 71 BUCKINGHAM (Duke of) Works; 2 vols., fine portrait by Vertue, 8vo., calf, large type edition, 5s. 1729. 72 BUCKINGHAM (Duke of). Plays [Julius Cæsar and Marcus Brutus]; 12mo., calf, Glasgow, 1751. 1s. 6d. 73 BURNEY (Doctor). Memoirs, from Manuscripts, Family Papers, and Personal Re- Philadelphia, 1833. collections, by Madame d'Arblay; 8vo., cloth, 2s. 6d. 74 CALVERT'S REVIVALS.-I. Midsummer Night's Dream.-II. Antony and Cleopatra. JII. Sardanapalus.-IV. Richard V.-Merchant of Venice.-VI. Henry V. VII. Henry IV-VIII. Henry VIII-IX. Winter's Tale.-X. Manfred.-XI. Twelfth 1865-77. Night: 11 vols., 5s. 75 [CARD (H.)] The Brother-in-Law: sewed. 3s. a Comedy; woodcut illustrations, small 8vo., Lee Priory Press, 1817. 76 CAREY (Henry.) The Dramatic Works; small 4to., contemporary calf binding, sound 1743. copy, 10s. 6d. Contents:-Amelia. Teraminta. The Dragon, The Dragoness, Chrononhotonthologos, Tho Contrivances, The Honest Yorkshireman and Nancy. 77 C[ARYL] (J.) Andromache: a Tragedy, as it is Acted at the Duke's Theatre; small 4to., edges frayed, 4s 6d. 1675. # M21b1 در 23 Jana d 8, DEANSGATE, MANCHESTER. 5 78 CATALOGUE.-Old Plays: Catalogue of a Collection of the Rarest Old Plays, sold by Mr. Sotheby; 8vo., half calf, 3s. 1826. Comprises nearly one hundred and fifty lots, with prices and purchasers' names affixed. 79 CATTELL (Charles C.) Great Men's Views on Shakespeare, with an Essay by Dr. Ingleby; crown 8vo.. cloth, 2s. Birmingham, 1879. 80 CENTLIVRE (Mrs.) Dramatic Works Complete, with a New Account of her Life; 3 vols., portrait, crown 8vo., boards, 7s 6d. Pearson, 1872. 81 CHAPMAN (George.) Comedies and Tragedies, now first collected, with Illustrative Notes, and a Meinoir of the Author; 3 vols., crown 8vo., boards, (pub. 15s.), 5s. Pearson, 1873. :82 CHAPMAN (George.) Works, edited by R H. Shepherd, with Introduction by A. C. Swinburne; 3 vols., thick post 8vo., half morocco, binding chafed, 6s. 1874-75. 83 CHESNEY (Maj. Gen. F. R.) Stories of the Operas; crown 8vo., cloth, 2s. N.D. .84 CHURCHILL (Charles). The Rosciad and the Apology, edited by W. Lowe; 8 splen- did portraits including Garrick, Quin, Barry, Mrs. Clive and others; 4to., half morocco, top edges gilt (pub. 31s. 6d.), 10s. 6d. 1891. This well-known satire on the actors was originally published in 1761. Its keen and mer- ciless criticisms caused a great sensation among the criticised. It praised Garrick, and most unfairly depreciated Barry, Quin, and Mossop. In the "Apology, Smollett, Murphy, and others are viciously handled. 86 CIBBER, Colley, comedian). An Apology for the Life of Colley Cibber, written by himself; portrait, 12mo., half morceco, 3s 1826. 85 CIBBER (Colley, comedian). An Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Cibber, late Patentee of the Theatre Royal; 8vo., calf, 5s. 1740. One of the most amusing specimens of biography in the language and the best history of the English stage during the time Cibber was connected with it. 87 CIBBER (Susannah Maria.) An Account of the Life of that Celebrated Actress, with Interesting and Amusing Anecdotes; tinted portrait, 8vo., cloth (pab. 75. 6d.), 2s. 6d. 1887. 88 CIBBER (Theophilus). An Epistle to David Garrick, with Occasional Verses and Petitions; thin 8vo., half calf, 3s. 1755. 90 CLOSE (Dean). The Stage: its Tendencies on Morals and Religion; 24mo., cloth, 1s. 1877. 91 COLEMAN (John.) Players and Playwrights I have Known; 2 vols., thick Svo., cloth (pub. 24s.), 10s. 6d. 1888. Contains reminiscences of Macready, the Keans, Phelps. Charles Mathews, Madame Vestris, and the famous_actors, actresses, and playwrights up to the present time. 92 COLERIDGE (S. 1.) Seven Lectures on Shakespeare and Milton, with Introductory Preface by J. Payne Collier; 8vo., cloth, 5s. 1856. 93 COLERIDGE (Samuel Taylor). Osorio, a Tragedy, as Originally Written in 1797; large paper copy, 8vo., boards, 5s. Pearson, 1873. Another Copy; small paper, crown 8vo., boards, 3s. 1873. '95 COLLIER (Jeremy). A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage; first edition, 8vo., old calf, 3s. 6d. 94 1698. This celebrated work, which effected a reformation in the theatre, was answered by Con- greve, Vanbrugh, Dennis, Drake, and Filmer. 96 COLLIER (Jeremy). A Further Vindication of the Profaneness and Immorality of the English Stage: thin 8vo., half calf, neat, 3s. 6d. 97 COLLIER (J. Payne.) Reasons for a New Edition of Shakespeare's Works, contain- 1842 ing Notices of the Defects of Former Impressions; Svo., wrappers, 1s. 6d. 98 COLLIER (J. Payne). Memoirs of the Principal Actors in the Plays of Shakespeare; 8vo., cloth, 5s. 1846. Contains memoirs of Burbadge, Heminge, Phillips, Kemp, Pope, Bryan, and others. 99 COLLIER (J. Payne). Extracts from the Registers of the Stationers' Company be- tween 1570 and 1587; vol. II. only, 8vo., cloth 2s. Shakespeare Society, 1849. 100 COLLIER (J. Payne Notes and Finendations to the Text of Shakespeare's Plays from Early Manuscript Corrections in a Copy of the Folio 1632; thick 8vo., cloth, 1853. Another Edition; thick post 8vo.. cloth, 3s. 6d New York, 1853. This work forms a supplementary volume to Payne Collier's edition of Shakespeare. 102 COLLIER (J. Payne.) Reply to Mr. Hamilton's Inquiry into the Inputed 6s. 101 Shakespeare Forgeries; 8vo., wrappers, 1s. 6d. 1860. 103 COLLIER (Martha.) Lines to Mademoiselle Lind; 8vQ., fancy wrappers, 1s N. D. of the 1844. 33 104 COLLOQUIES, Chiefly upor Poetry and Pcets, by an Elder and an Apostle Law; post 8vo., cloth, 3s. 6d. Contains 50 pages of "A Few Words on Shakespeare. 105 [COLMAN (G.)] Polly Honeycombe, as it is now acted at the Theatre Royal, in Drury Lane; 8vo., sowed. Is 1760. 106 COLMAN (George). The Jealous Wife: a Comedy, as it is acted at Drury Lane; 1761 8vo., sewed, 1s. 107 COLMAN (George.) Prose on Several Occasions, accompanied with some Pieces in Verse; 3 vols., portrait after Gainsborough, small 8vo., tree calf, yellow edges, fine copy, 10s. 6d. 1787. 108 COLMAN (George.) John Bull: or, an Englishman's Fireside, a Comedy; crown 8vo., half bound, 1s. Gd. 109 COLMAN (George, the younger.) New Hay at the Old Market: an occasional Dublin, 1803 Drama; 8vo., sewed, 1s 110 COLMAN (George, the younger.) The Mountaineers: a Play; 8vo., sewed, 1s. 1805. 1795, 6 ALBERT SUTTON, BOOKSELLER, 111 COLMAN (George, the younger) Poetical Vagaries and Vagaries Vindicated: a Poem address'd to the Reviewers; crown 8vo., half cloth, 2s. 1814. 112 COLMAN (George, the younger.) Eccentricities for Edinburgh; crown 8vo., boards, uncut, 2s. N.D. 113 COLMAN FAMILY.-Memoirs of the Colman Family, including their Correspond- ence with the most Distinguished Personages of their Time, by Richard Brinsley Peake; 2 vols. in 1, 2 portraits, thick 8vo., cloth, 68. [1841.] 114 COMIC OPERA.-A Collection of Forty Pieces: Gilbert and Sullivan, Carl Rosa, etc.; 8vo., wrappers (cost £2), 7s 6d V.D. 115 COMIC THEATRE (The): being a Free Translation of all the Best French Comedies, by Samuel Foote and others; 5 vols., new half crimson calf, gold tooled, gilt top edges, £1. 1762. 116 CONGREVE (Mr.) The Old Batchelour: a Comedy, as it is acted at the Theatre Royal; small 4to., sewed, Is. 6d. 1693 117 COOK (Dutton). Hours with the Players; frontispiece, thick post 8vo., cloth (pub. 6s.), 3s. 1883. A book that can be taken up for the purpose of amusement, but deserves a permanent place in every theatrical library. 118 COOK (Dutton). Nights at the Play: a View of the English Stage; thick post 8vo., cloth (pub. 6s.), 3s. 1883 A volume which will be as much appreciated by the theatrical student as by the casualreader. 119 COOKE (A. M. E.) The Hermit Converted: or, the Maid of Bath Married; 8vo., sewed, Is. 1771. 120 COOKE (George Fred., late of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden). Life, with Origi- nal Anecdotes of his Theatrical Contemporaries and his Opinions on Various Dram- atic Writings by William Dunlap; 2 vols., with portrait, 8vo., newly bound in half brown morocco, raised bands, marble leaves, 10s. 6d. 1815. 1815. Another Copy; 2 vols., portrait, 8vo., boards, uncut, 10s. 6d. Another Copy; 2 vols., portrait, 8vo., calf, with armorial book-plate, 6s. 6d. 121 122 Ga 1815. 123 CORNEILLE (P.) Theatre de, avec les Commentaires de Voltaire; 12 vols., 26 fine plates, 8vo., contemporary mottled calf binding, gold tooled on backs and gold borders on sides, marble leaves, a fine set, £1 1s. Paris, 1797. On title page is the initial "S," surmounted by a coronet. 124 CORYE (John). The Generous Enemies: or, the Ridiculous Lovers, a Comedy; 8vo., half calf, 4s. 1672. A compilation or rather plagiarism from other authors. 125 COVENT GARDEN JOURNAL; 2 vols., large paper copy, embellished with four views of the Covent Garden Theatre, 9s. 6d. 1810.. These two volumes contain a full and authentic account of the celebrated O.P. row which occurred at the opening of the theatre. They are now now very scarce, and both curious and valuable on this very singular incident in theatrical history. 126 COVENT GARDEN THEATRE.-A Statement of the Differences subsisting between the Proprietors and Performers of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden; 8vo., half calf, 5s. 1800. This dispute arose from the dislike of the actors to new restrictions on their power of giving orders for admission. 127 COWDEN-CLARKE (Charles). Moliere-Characters; post 8vo., cloth, uncut, 3s. 1865. 128 COWDEN-CLARKE (Mary). The Girlhood of Shakespeare's Heroines; 10 odd parts, each containing a complete tale, square crown 8vo., sewed, 4s. 1850-52. 129 COWDEN-CLARKE (Mary). My Long Life: an Autobiographic Sketch; 7 portraits, foolscap 8vo., buckram, top edges gilt (pub. 5s.), 2s. 6d. 1896. 130 COWLEY (Abraham). Cutter of Coleman Street: a Comedy; 12mo., wrappers, 1s. Dublin, 1749. 131 COWLEY (Mrs.) Which is the Man: a Comedy, as acted at Covent Garden; 8vo., sewed, 1s. 1785. 132 COWLEY (Mrs.) Who's the Dupe: a Farce, as it is acted at Drury Lane; 8vo. sewed, 1s. 1790. 133 COYNE (Stirling). Sam Spangles: or, the History of a Harlequin; frontispiece by Phiz, foolscap 8vo., half calf, 3s. 1866. 134 CRAIK (George L.) The English of Shakespeare Illustrated in a Philological Com- mentary on his Julius Cæsar; crown 8vo., cloth (pub. 6s.), 2s. 6d. 1857. 136 CROWNE (Mr.) The Ambitious Statesman; or, the Loyal Favourite: as it was acted at the Theatre Royal; first edition, small 4to., wrappers, 6s. 6d. 1679. 137 CROWN (Mr.) The Misery of Civil War: a Tragedy, as it is acted at the Duke's Theatre; first edition, small 4to., sewed, small piece torn from corner of title, 7s. 6d. 1680. 138 CROWNE (Mr.) The Married Beau, or, the Curious Impertinent: a Comedy, acted at the Theatre Royal; small 4to., sewed, 5s. 1694. 139 CUMBERLAND (Richard). Memoirs, written by himself, containing an Account of his Life and Writings, interspersed with Anecdotes and Characters; 2 vols., 8vo., calf, 7s. 6d. 1807. 140 CUMBERLAND (Richard). Posthumous Dramatick Works; 2 vols., large paper copy, small 4to., boards, uncut, 8s. 1813. 1813. 141 Another Copy; small paper, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo., half calf, 4s. 6d. 142 CUMMINS.-Remarks on the Theatre, occasioned by the Awful Death of Mr. Cum- mins; 12mo., sewed, 1s. Leeds, 1817. 8, DEANSGATE, MANCHESTER. 7 143 D'AVENANT (Sir William). Dramatic Works, with Prefatory Memoir and Notes; 5 vols., 8vo., cloth (pub. 30s.), 8s. 6d. 1872. Of this edition only five hundred sets were printed. 144 DAVIES (Thomas). Dramatic Miscellanies: consisting of Critical Obervations on several Plays of Shakspeare, with a Review of his Principal Characters as Repre- sented by Mr. Garrick and other celebrated Comedians; portrait of Betterton, 3 vols., small 8vo., half calf, 7s. 6d. 1784. 145 DE CASTO (J., comedian). Memoirs, with Anecdotes of Distinguished Characters, including Johnson, Garrick, Foote, Bannister, Palmer, Dibdin, etc., likewise scarce Theatrical Advertisements from Garrick's First Attempt in Goodman's Fields, Grimaldi's Dream, etc., edited by R. Humphreys; portrait, half blue mor- occo, marble leaves, portrait and title somewhat dust-stained, 18s. 145a [DENHAM (Sir John)]. The Sophy, as it was acted at the Private House in Black- Friars by His Majesties Servants; first edition, folio, sewed, title page dust-stained and last two leaves neatly facsimiled by hand, £l Is. 1824. 1642. 146 DEKKER (Thomas) [Dramatic Works], with an Introduction and Notes by Ernest Rhys; frontispiece on Japanese vellum, thick post 8vo., cloth, gilt top edges (pub. 10s. 6d. net), 4s. N.D., recent. Hand-made paper edition, of which only two hundred and fifty copies were printed. THOMAS KING and Mrs. BADDELEY, in the Characters of Lord Ogleby and Miss Fanny Sterling, "Clandestine Marriage.'-After J. ZOFFANY, R.A. 147 DELAP (J.) The Royal Suppliants: a Tragedy, as it is performed at Drury Lane; 8vo., sewed, 1s. 1781. 148 [DENNIS (John)]. The Characters and Conduct of Sir John Edgar called by him- self the Monarch of the Stage in Drury Lane; thin 8vo., half calf, 3s. 1720. 149 DIBDIN (C.) Young Arthur; or, the Child of Mystery; 8vo., boards, 2s. 1819. 150 DIBDIN (James C). The Annals of the Edinburgh Stage, with an Account of the Rise and Progress of Dramatic Writing in Scotland; portraits in character and otherwise, 4to., half leather (pub. 21s.), 6s. 6d. Edinburgh, 1888. Contains particulars concerning the members of the Stock Companies, the first local pro- ductions of important plays, the first appearances of noted actors, etc. 151 DIBDIN (Mr.) A Complete History of the English Stage; 4 vols., Svo., poor copy, library stamp on titles, 5s. N.D. 152 DIBDIŇ (Thomas, of the Theatre Royal). Reminiscences; 2 vols., portrait, 8vo., boards, 9s. Colburn, 1827. Another Copy; 2 vols., new half brown morocco, raised bands, marble leaves, 10s. 6d. Colburn, 1837. 152a 8 ALBERT SUTTON, BOOKSELLER, 153 DICKENS.-Dolby (George). Charles Dickens as I knew him: the Story of the Reading Tours in England and America; first edition, thick post 8vo., cloth, 4s. 1885. 154 DICKENS.-Kent (Charles). Charles Dickens as a Reader; first edition, post 8vo., cloth, 6s. 1872. 155 DICKENS.-Pemberton (T. Edgar). Charles Dickens and the Stage: a Record of his Connection with the Drama as Playwright and Critic; with new portraits in charac- ter of Miss Jennie Lee, Irving and Toole, post 8vo., cloth, 4s. 1888. 155a DICKENS (Charles). Poems and Plays, now first collected, edited, and prefaced by Richard Herne Shepherd; 2 thick vols., 8vo., cloth, 8s. 6d. 1885. 156 DIPROSE (John). Book of the Stage and the Players; illustrated, crown 8vo., cloth, 3s. N.D. 157 DODSLEY (Robert). Dramatic Works, with Curious and Instructive Poems; crown 8vo., boards, 1s. 6d. Glasgow, 1769. 158 DOLBY (Thomas). The Shakspearian Dictionary: a General Index of all the Popu- lar Expressions, etc.; portrait, crown 8vo., cloth, 2s. 1832. 159 DONALDSON (Walter, comedian). Recollections of an Actor; crown 8vo., cloth, 4s. 1865. Contains a short list of subscribers. Only a small number of copies were printed. 160 DORAN (Dr.) "Their Majesties' Servants": or, Annals of the English Stage from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean, Actors-Authors-Audiences; portrait and 80 wood-engravings, Svo., cloth (pub. 7s. 6d.), 3s. 6d. 1897. With its admirable text and its delightful reproductions of old illustrations, it is the most attractive volume upon things histrionic that has yet appeared in England. 161 DOUBLE MISTAKE (The): a Comedy, as it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden; Svo., half green calf, ls. 6d. 1766. 162 DRAKE (Nathan). Nocntide Leisure, or, Sketches in Summer: including a Tale of the Days of Shakspeare; 2 vols., post 8vo., cloth, 3s. 6d. 1824. 163 DRAMATIC ART.-The Past and Present State of Dramatic Art and Literature; thin 8vo., cloth, 2s. 1839. 164 DRAMATIC CENSOR. or, Critical Companion [by. Francis Gentleman]; 2 thick vols., fine frontispieces by Isaac Taylor, 8vo., old calf, 4s. 6d. 1770. 165 DRAMATIC NOTES: an Illustrated Handbook of the London Theatres; a set from 1879 to 1882 in 1 vol., numerous illustrations, 8vo., cloth, 2s. 6d. 1879-82 166 DRAMATIC REFORM ASSOCIATION, Monthly Circular; from 1878 to 1883, in 1 vol., small 4to., half leather, 10s. 6d. Manchester, 1878-83. The Dramatic Reform Association was formed "to promote a more general elevation of public taste in relation to the drama.' >> 167 DRAYTON.-Elton (Oliver). An Introduction to Michael Drayton; portrait and fac simile signature, small 4to., boards, 5s. 1895. Contains a bibliography of Drayton and a pedigree of the Drayton family. Only a limiteď number of copies were printed. 168 DRURY LANE.-The Genuine Rejected Addresses, presented to the Committee of Management for Drury Lane Theatre, preceded by that written by Lord Byron, and adopted by the Committee; post 8vo., boards, uncut, fine copy, 10s. 6d. 1812. 169 Another Copy post 8vo., cloth, 7s. 6d. 1812. 170 DRYDEN (John). An Evening's Love, or, the Mock Astrologer, acted at the Theatre Royal, by His Majesty's Servants; first edition, small 4to., wrappers, 5s. 1671. 171 DRYDEN (John). The State of Innocence and Fall of Man: an Opera, written in Heroique Verse; first edition, small 4to., sewed, 5s. 1677. 172 DRYDEN (John). Tyrannick Love, or, the Royal Martyr: a Tragedy; small 4to., sewed, Is. 6d. 1686. 173 DRYDEN (Mr.) The Spanish Fryar: or, the Double Discovery; small 4to., sewed, 1s. 6d. 1690. 174 DRYDEN (Mr.) King Arthur, or, the British Worthy: a Dramatic Opera; first edi- tion, small 4to., sewed, 5s. 1691. 175 DRYDEN (John). Aurenge-zebe, or, the Great Mogul: a Tragedy; small 4to., sewed, 1s. 6d. 1699. 176 DRYDEN (John). Select Dramatic Works, edited by J. L. Seton; post 8vo., cloth, 28. 1877. Oedipus: a Tragedy; small 4to., boards, piece torn 1692. 178 DRYDEN (Mr.) and LEE (Mr.) The Duke of Guise: a Tragedy, acted by Their Majesties' Servants; small 4to., sewed, 1s. 6d. 1699. 177 DRYDEN (Mr.) and LEE (Mr.) from title-page; 1s. 6d. 179 DUBLIN THEATRE.--The History of the Theatre Royal, Dublin, from its Founda- tion, reprinted with additions from "Saunders' News-letter"; foolscap 8vo., cloth, 2s. 6d. 1870. 8, DEANSGATE, MANCHESTER. 180 [DUDLEY (Lady)]. Passages on the Great Literary Trial of Vortigern and Rowena: Whether it be or be not from the Immortal Pen of Shakspeare; 3 vols. in 1, 12mo., half calf, 3s 6d. N.D. KŮ 9 181 [DUNHAM (Dr.) and BELL (R.)] Lives of the most Eminent Literary and Scientific 1836-38. Men of Great Britain; 3 vols, crown 8vo., cloth (pub. 18s.), 8s. Contains lives of Chaucer, Spenser, Shakespear, Jonson, Massinger, Ford, Shirley, Davenant, Shadwell, Wycherley, Vanbrugh, Congreve, Centlivre, Cumberland, and many others. 182 DUNLAP (William). History of the American Theatre, with Anecdotes of the Prin- cipal Actors; 2 vols. in 1, 8vo., cloth, binding a little damaged, and title-page foxed, 6s. N.D 183 EATON (T. R.) Shakespeare and the Bible: showing how much the Great Dramatist was Indebted to Holy Writ; portrait, crown 8vo., cloth, 2s. 6d. N.D. 184 EDWARDS (Sutherland). History of the Opera, from its Origin in Italy, to the Present Time, with Anecdotes of the most Celebrated Composers and Vocalists of Europe; 2 vols., crown 3vo., cloth (pub. 21s), 6s. 6d. 1862. 185 EDWARDS (H. Sutherland). Idols of the French Stage; 2 vols., 3vo., cloth (pub 24s.), 4s. 1889. Adrienne Lecouvreur, Madame Favart, Sophie Arnould, Mdlle. de Camargo. Madeline Gui- mard, Madame Dugazon, Mdlle. Clairon, Mdlle. Contat, Mdlle. Raucourt's Rachel, Sarah Bern- hardt, etc. 186 EDWARDS (Thomas). The Canons of Criticism and Glossary: a Supplement to Mr Warburton's Edition of Shakespear; 8vo., calf broken, 2s 1765. 187 EDWIN (John, comedian). Eccentricities, collected from his manuscripts, and en- riched with Several Hundred Original Anecdotes; 2 vols., crown 8vo., half calf, 5s. Dublin, 1791. 188 EGAN (Pierce). The Life of an Actor; embellished with 27 coloured plates etched by Theodore Lane, royai 8vo.. half leather, gilt top edges, 10s. 6d. Pickering, 1892. 189 ELLACOMBE (Rev. H. N.) Shakespeare as an Angler; curious frontispiece, crown 1883. 8vo., vellum, scarce, 6s. 190 ELLISTON (R. W.. comedian). Life and Enterprises, by George Raymond; portrait and plates by George Cruikshank and "Phiz," crown 8vo., original picture boards, 5s. 1857. 1857. 191 Another Copy: illustrated, half morocco, sprinkled leaves, 5s. 192 ELVEY (Lady). Life and Reminiscences of George J. Elvey, late Organist to the Queen; illustrated, post 8vo., cloth (pub. 7s. 6d.), 2s. 9d. 1894. 193 ENGEL (J. J.) Ideen zu einer Mimik; 2 vols., full of fine plates of dramatic ges- tures, small 8vo., calf, sound copy, 7s. 6d. Berlin, 1785. 194 ERA ALMANAC (The), Dramatic and Musical, conducted by Edward Ledger; 1871, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1879, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1887, 1888, 8vo., wrappers, 1s. each. 195 ESSAY on the Present State of the Theatre in France, England, and Italy: a Work absolutely necessary for every Lover of Theatrical Exhibitions; 12mno., old calf, 3s. 1760. 196 ESSAY on the Writings and Genius of Shakespeare, with Remarks on the Misrepre- sentations of Voltaire; 12mo., old calf, 3s. 1788. 197 ETHERIDGE (Sir George.) Plays and Poems, edited with Critical Notes and In- troduction by A. Wilson Verity; 8vo., cloth (pub. 16s.), 9s. 1888. Of this work only five hundred copies were printed, each numbered. 2s. 198 EVANS (John.) Shakespeare's Seven Ages of Man, Illustrated by Prose and Verse; crown &vo, cloth, 2s 1831. 199 FAIRHOLT (F. W.) The Home of Shakespeare Illustrated and Described; 23 wood- cuts, 12mo., wrappers, 2s. 6d 1847. 200 FALSE AND TRUE: a Play now performing at the Theatre Royal, Hay Market; 8vo., sewed, 1s. 1798. 201 FANE (Violet). Anthony Babington: a Drama; first edition, crown 8vo., cloth, 2s. 1877. 202 FARCES-A Collection.of the Most Esteemed Farces and Entertainments performed on the British Stage; vols 1, 2, and 4, engraved title-pages, small Svo., calf, 3s. 6d. 203 FARCES.-A Collection of the most Esteemed Farces and Entertainments performed Edinburgh, 1786. on the British Stage; 2 vols., crown Svo., old calf, 3s. 1792 204 FARQUHAR (George). Works, containing all his Poems, Letters, Essays, and Comedies; 2 vols., crown 8vo., calf, binding broken, 6s. 6d. 1721. 205 206 Another Edition, with Memoirs of the Author, never before published; 2 vols., crown 8vo., calf, sound copy, 7s. 6d. 1760. Another Edition; the Comedies Illustrated with cuts representing the principal scenes in each play, thick 3vo., calf, 6s. 6d. 207 FITZGERALD (Percy.) The World behind the Scenes; post 8vo., cloth pub. 3s. 6d.), Lintott, .D. 1881. Contents:-Stage Illusions, Mechanism, Spectacles, the Actors: their Lives, Tastes, and Ac- complishments. 208 FITZGERALD (Percy). A New History of the English Stage from the Restoration to the Liberty of the Theatres, in connection with the Patent Houses; 2 thick vols., 8vo., cloth, leaves unopened (pub 30s.), 12s. 6d. 1882. 10 ALBERT SUTTON, BOOKSELLER, 209 FITZGERALD (Percy.) The Art of the Stage, as set out in Lamb's Dramatic Essays, with a Commentary; portrait, post 8vo., cloth (pub. 7s. 6d.), 3s. 6d. 1885. 210 FITZGERALD (Percy). The Savoy Opera and the Savoyards; 60 illustrations, post 8vo., cloth (pub. 3s. 6d.), ls. 6d. 1894. 211 FITZGERALD (Percy). The Kembles: an Account of the Kemble Family, includ- ing the Lives of Mrs. Siddons and her brother, John Philip Kemble; 2 thick vols., portraits, 8vo., cloth, binding faded (pub. 30s.), 9s. 6d. N.D. 212 FOOTE (Mr.) The Methodist: a Comedy, as was intended to have been acted at the Theatre Royal, but for Obvious Reasons Suppressed; 8vo., sewed, 3s. 6d. N.D. CEED Hea JJ. Res SJJ S by nip Saibopuu SAMULL FOOTE, in the Character of Major Sturgeon, in "The Mayor of Garratt."-After J. ZOFFANY, R.A. 213 FOOTE (Mr.) The Minor: a Comedy; portrait of Foote, as Mrs. Cole, 8vo., sewed, 2s. 1761. 214 FORD (John). Dramatic Works, with an Introduction and Notes, Critical and Ex- planatory; 2 vols., crown 8vo., cloth (pub. 15s.), 3s. 1831. 215 FRENCH PLAYS.-A Collection of One Hundred and Thirty-nine Old French Plays; bound in 20 vols., 8vo., half calf, binding of a few vols. is broken, £3 3s 1785-1800. A manuscript list of this remarkable collection will be forwarded to any intending pur- chaser on application. Each volume contains a fine armorial book-plate. 216 FRERE (B.) Adventures of a Dramatist on a Journey to the London Managers; 2 vols., crown 8vo., boards, 6s. 6d. 1813. An amusing medley somewhat after the style of Ryley's "Itinerant." 217 FROST (Thomas). The Lives of the Conjurors; post 8vo., cloth, leaves unopened (pub. 3s. 6d.), 2s. 1881. 218 FROST (Thomas). The Old Showmen and the Old London Fairs; thick post 8vo., cloth (pub. 6s.), 3s. 6d. 1875. 219 Another Edition; post 8vo., cloth, leaves unopened (pub. 3s. 6d.), 2s. 1881. Contains the personal history of Gyngell, Scowton, Richardson, Wombwell, and other repre- sentatives of an almost extinct class of entertainers of the people. 220. FROST (Thomas). Circus Life and Circus Celebrities; first edition, post 8vo., cloth (pub. 6s.), 3s. 6d. 1876. 221 Another Edition; post 8vo., cloth, leaves unopened (pub. 3s. 6d.), 2s. 1881. 222 FULLOM (S. W.) History of William Shakespeare, player and poet, with New Facts and Traditions; 8vo., whole yellow calf, gold tooled, marble leaves, 8s. 1864. • t 8, DEANSGATE, MANCHESTER. 11 223 FURNIVALL (F. G.) The Succession of Shakspeare's Works; 8vo., sewed, 1s. 1874. 224 GALLOWAY (G.) The Battle of Luncarty, or, the Valiant Hays: a Drama; portrait, 12mo., sewed, 2s. 1804. 225 GALT (John). The Lives of the Players; thick post 8vo., cloth, leaves unopened 1886. (pub. 5s.), 2s. 6d. Betterton, Gwynn, Quin, Foote, King, Kemble, Wilkes, Cibber, Garrick, Macklin, Cooke, Sid- dons, etc. 226 [GARRICK (David).] Miss in her Teens: or, the Medley of Lovers; 8vo., sewed, 1s. 1747. 227 GARRICK (David). Cymon: a Dramatic Romance, first presented as an Opera; 1793. 8vo., sewed, 18. 228 GARRICK (David). Life, by Arthur Murphy; 2 vols., fine portrait after Sir Joshua Reynolds, 8vo., boards, uncut, 8s. 1801. 229 Another Copy; 2 vols., whole tree calf, red labels, sprinkled leaves, 8s. 1801. 230 GARRICK (David). Memoirs, interspersed with Characters and Anecdotes of his Theatrical Contemporaries, the whoſe forming a History of the Stage for Thirty-six Years; 2 vols., portrait, crown 8vo., half calf, gold bands, sprinkled leaves, 6s. 6d. Another Copy; 2 vols., portrait, half russia, binding slightly rubbed, 5s. 1808. 1808. 231 1 4 The . KUNNAN MELALETT SAMUEL {FOOTE£and THOMAS WESTON, in the Characters of The President and Dr. Last, "The Devil on Two Sticks."-After J. ZoFFANY, R.A. "/ i 232 GARRICK.-Anderson (J. W.) The Manner Pointed Out in which the Common Prayer was Read by Mr. Garrick; 8vo., sewed, 1s. 1797. 233 GARRICK.-Knight (Joseph). David Garrick [a Biography]; fine etched portrait by W. Boucher, from a painting by Gainsborough, imperial 8vo., buckram (pub. 21s.), 7s. 6d. 1894. Inserted in an auto- Large paper copy, of which only one hundred copies were printed. graph letter of the author's. 234 GARRICK.-Sheridan (Richard Brinsley). Verses to the Memory of David Garrick, spoken as a Monody, at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane; fine frontispiece by Loutherbourg, 4to., half calf, 15s. 1779. 235 GAY (Mr.) The Beggar's Opera, as it is acted at the Theatre Royal, in Lincolns-Inn- Fields; second edition, 8vo., sewed, 2s. 6d. 236 Another Edition; beautifully printed, 12mo., half light calf, 3s. 1728. Glasgow, 1750. 12 ALBERT SUTTON, BOOKSELLER, 237 GILCHRIST (Octavius). An Examination of the Charges Maintained by Malone, Chalmers, and others, of Ben Jonson's Enmity towards Shakspeare; 8vo., wrap- pers, 2s. 6d. 1808. 238 GILDON (Charles). Love's Victim: or, the Queen of Wales: a Tragedy; small 4to., sewed, poor copy, 2s. 1701. 239 GLAPTHORNE (Henry). Plays and Poems [1639-1643], now first collected, with Illustrative Notes and a Memoir of the Author; 2 vols., crown 8vo., boards (pub. 2is.), 5s. Pearson, 1874. 240 GLENCOE: or, the Fate of the MacDonalds, a Tragedy; 8vo., sewed, 1s. Moxon, 1840. 24! GLOVER (Mr.) Boadicia: a Tragedy, as it is acted at the Theatre Royal, in Drury Lane: 8vo., sewed, ls. 1753. 242 [COLDSMITH (Oliver)]. The Companion to the Play-House: or, an Historical Account of all the Dramatic Writers and their Works; 2 vols., small 8vo., caif, 6s 6d. 1764. This edition is rarely met with. The work was subsequently greatly enlarged and contained from 1764 to 1782 by D. E. Baker, who published is as his own production, not mentioning Goldsmith, and omitting the dedication to Garrick. 243 GOLDSMITH (Oliver). Poems and Plays; portrait and engraved title-page, crown 8v., half calf, 2s. 6d. 1780. 244 GOODMAN (Walter). The Kelleys on the Stage and at Home; 2 photo-engravings and other illustrations, thick 8vo., cloth (pub. 18s.), 6s. 6d. 1895. 245 GOODSON (H. F.) Shakespeare: his Religious and Moral Sentiments; foolscap 8vo., cloth, 1s. 6d. 1874. 246 GRAY (Mr.) Poems, with Memoirs of his Life and Writings, by W. Mason; 4 vols., 8vo., half green calf, marble leaves, 16s. 6d. York, 1778. John Philip Kemble's copy, with his name and arms stamped on leather on each cover of the volumes. 247 GREENBANK (Professor). The British Orator: Observations on Vocal Gymnastics, etc.; crown 8vo., cloth, 2s. 1864. 248 GREEN (Henry). Shakespeare and the Emblem Writers: an Exposition of their Similarities of Thought and Expression, preceded by a View of Emblem-Literature down to 1616; illustrated, thick royal 8vo., cloth gilt, gilt leaves (pub. 31s. 6d.), 78. 6d. 1870. 249 GREY (Zachary). Critical, Historical, and Explanatory Notes on Shakespeare, with Emendation of the Text and Metre; 2 thick vols., 8vo., old calf, 3s. 6d. 1754. 250 [GRIFFITH (E.)]. The Double Mistake: a Comedy, as it is performed at the Thea- tre Royal; 8vo., half calf neat, 1s. 6d. 1766. 251 GRIMALDI (Joseph). Memoirs, edited by "Boz" [Charles Dickens]; with 10 plates by George Cruikshank, ,post 8vo., cloth, 2s. 6d. 1869. 252 GUARDIAN (The): a Comedy, as it is perform'd at the Theatre Royal, in Drury Lane; 8vo., sewed, 1s. 1759. 253 HALLIWELL [PHILLIPPS] (J. O.) On the Character of Sir John Falstaff, as Origi- nally Exhibited by Shakespeare; foolscap 8vo., cloth, 2s. 6d. Pickering, 1841. 254 HALLIWELL [PHILLIPPS] (J. O.) The First Sketch of Shakespeare's Merry Wives of Windsor; 8vo., cloth, 3s. Shakespeare Society, 1842. Memoranda on the Tragedy of Hamlet; 8vo., 255 HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS (J. O.) cloth, 3s. 6d. 1879. 256 HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS (J. O.) Which Shall it be? New Lamps for Old? Shax- pere or Shakespeare? thin 8vo., cloth, 2s. 1879. 257 [HAMILTON (Sarah)]. Alfred the Great: a Drama in Five Acts; 8vo., half calf gilt, 2s. 1829. 258 HAMLEY (Sir Edward). Shakespeare's Funeral and other Papers; post 8vo., cloth 1889. (pub. 7s. 6d.), 3s. 6d. 259 HÄRE (John, comedian): a Biography, 1865-1895, by T. Edgar Pemberton; portraits, crown 8vo., cloth (pub. 3s. 6d.), 1s. 6d. 260 HARLEY (G. D., of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden). Poems; small 8vo., half bound, one back off, 2s. 1796. 1895. 261 [HARLOW (Elizabeth)]. The English Tavern at Berlin: a Comedy; 8vo., half calf neat, 2s. 1789. 262 [HASLEWOOD (J.)] The Secret History of the Green Room: containing Authentic and Entertaining Memoirs of the three Theatres Royal; 2 vols., 12mo., new half brown morocco, raised bands, sprinkled leaves, 9s. 1792. 263 HATTON (Joseph). With a Show in the North: Reminiscences of Mark Lemon, together with Mark Lemon's Revised Text of Falstaff; frontispiece, crown 8vo., cloth (pub. 7s. 6d.), 3s. 6d. 1871. 1744. 264 HAVARD (Mr.) Regulu: a Tragedy, acted at Drury Lane; 8vo., sewed, poor copy, 1s. 265 HAZLITT (William). A View of the English Stage: or, a Series of Dramatic Criti- cisms; first edition, 8vo., half bound, 7s. 6d. 1818. 266 HAZLITT (William). Criticisms and Dramatic Essays of the English Stage; crown 1851. 8vo., cloth. 38. 267 HAZLITT (William). Elizabethan Literature, and Characters of Shakespear's Plavs; 1870. thick crown 8vo., cloth, 2s. 268 HAZLITT (W. Carew). Fairy Tales, Legends, and Romances illustrating Shake- speare and other Early English Writers, with Preliminary Dissertations on Pig- mies and Fairies, by Joseph Ritson; crown 8vo., half cloth (pub. 12s.), 6s. 6d. 1875. L 8, DEANSGATE, MANCHESTER. 13 Ireland; crown 8vo., calf, 7s. 6d. 269 HENDERSON (John). Letters and Poems, with Anecdotes of his Life, by John Dublin, 1786. Henderson appears to have been an actor of versatile talent. 270 HERAUD (John A.) Shakspere: his Inner Life as Intimated in his Works; portrait, thick 8vo., cloth, 8s. 6d. 1865. 271 [HEYWOOD (Thomas)]. The King in the Country: a Dramatic Piece, acted at Richmond and Windsor, 1788; 8vo., sewed, 1s. 6d. 1789. 1842. 272 HEYWOOD (Thomas). A Marriage Triumph, reprinted from the edition of 1613; post 8vo., wrappers, 1s. 6d. 273 HEYWOOD (Thomas). The First and Second Parts of King Edward IV., 1600, with Introduction and Notes by Barron Field; 8vo., cloth, 3s. 6d. Shakespeare Society, 1842. 274 HIGGINS (Charles H.) Who Wrote the Plays ascribed to Shakspere; 8vo., wrappers, 1886. 275 HIGGONS (Bevill) The Generous Conquerour, or, the Timely Discovery: a Tragedy as it is acted at the Theatre Royal; small 4to., sewed, 2s. 1s. 1702 276 HIGH LIFE Below Stairs, a Farce, as it is performed at the Theatre Royal, in Drury Lane; 8vo., sewed, 1s. 1759. 277 HILL (Aaron) Works. consisting of Letters on Various Subjects, and of Original Poems, Moral and Facetious, with an Essay on the Art of Acting; 4 vols., 8vo., calf, sound copy, 10s 6d. 1753. 278 HILL (Aaron) Dramatic Works, with Life of the Author; 2 vols., 8vo., calf, fine 1760. copy,. 9s. 6d. Contents:-Elfred, or, the Fair Inconstant; The Walking Statue; Rinaldo; Fatal Vision, or, the Fall of Siam; Zara; The Snake in the Grass; Love Letters; etc. 279 HOGARTH (George). Memoirs of the Opera in Italy, France, Germany, and Eng- land; 2 vols., fine portrait of Mrs. Crouch, crown 8vo., cloth (pub. 16s.), 7s. 6d. 1851. 280 HOLBROOK (Ann Catharine, of the New Theatre Royal, Manchester). The Dramat- ist: or, Memoirs of the Stage, with a Life of the Authoress and a Variety of Anec- dotes; 8vo., half calf, 7s. 6d. Birmingham, 1809. 281 HOLCROFT (Thomas). Knave or Not? a Comedy, as performed at Drury Lane; 8vo., sewed, 1s. 1798. 282 HOLCROFT (Thomas). Memoirs, written by himself; crown 8vo., cloth (pub. 2s. 6d.), 1852. 1s. 283 HOLFORD (Mrs.) Neither's the Man: a Comedy, as performed at the Theatre Royal, Chester; 8vo., sewed, 2s. Chester, N.D. 284 HOLLINGSHEAD (John) Rubbing the Gilt Off; woodcut frontispiece, foolscap 8vo., cloth, 1s. 6d. J. C. Hotten, 1860. Footlights; post 8vo., cloth, leaves unopened (pub. 6s.), 1883. 285 HOLLINGSHEAD (John) 2s. 6d. 286 HOLLINGSHEAD (John). Gaiety Chronicles; 22 portraits, thick 8vo., cloth gilt (pub. 21s.), 6s. 6d. 1898. 287 [HOME (John)]. The Siege of Aquileia, as acted at the Theatre Royal, in Drury Lane; 8vo., sewed, ls. 1760. 288 HOUSSAYE (A.) Behind the Scenes of the Comedie Francaise, translated and edited by Albert D. Vandam; thick 8vo., cloth (pub. 14s.), 4s. 1889. 289 HOUSSAYE (Absene). Philosophers and Actresses: Scenes, Vivid and Picturesque; 35 excellent wood engravings, crown 8vo., fancy boards, 2s. 6d. Viztelly, N.D. 290 H[OWARD] (E). The Women's Conquest: a Tragi-Comedy, as it was acted by the Duke of York's Servants; small 4to., sewed, 6s. 1671. 291 IBSEN (Henrik). The Emperor and the Galilean: a Drama; post 8vo., cloth, 2s. 6d. 1876. Prose Dramas, edited by William Archer; portrait, post 8vo., 1890. 1798. Lovers' Vows: a Play, in five acts; 8vo., sewed, 1s. British Plays; 3 vols., illustrated with plates, crown 8vo., half 1807. 292 IBSEN (Henrik). cloth, 2s. 293 INCHBALD (Mrs.) 294 INCHBALD (Mrs.) bound, 3s. 6d. 295 INCHBALD (Mrs.) Memoirs, including her Familiar Correspondence with the most Distinguished Persons of her Time, edited by James Boaden; 2 vols, portrait mounted, 8vo., cloth, uncut, 10s. Another Copy; 2 vols., 8vo., half bound, portrait missing, 4s. 1833. 1833. 296 297 INGLEBY (C. Mansfield). The Shakespeare Fabrications: or. the MS. Notes of the Perkins folio shown to be of Recent Origin; facsimile, foolscap 8vo., cloth, 1859. 3s. 298 INQUISITOR (The): a Play, as performed at the Theatre Royal, in the Hay Market; 8vo., sewed, 2s. 1798. The author states in his preface that this play was listened to with laughter and contempt, and he publishes it in order that posterity may do him justice. 299 IRELAND (William Henry) Confessions, containing the Particulars of his Fabri- cation of the Shakespeare Manuscripts, with Anecdotes and Opinions; facsimiles, crown 8vo., boards. 5s. 1805 [reprint]. "The whole truth, and nothing but the truth." 300 IRELAND FORGERIES.-[Chalmers (George)]. An Apology for the Believers in the Shakespeare-Papers which were Exhibited in Norfolk Street; thick 8vo., boards, uncut, fine copy, 68. 1797. 14 ALBERT SUTTON, BOOKSELLER, 301 IRELAND FORGERIES.-Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instruments under the Hand and Seal of William Shakespeare, including the Tragedy of King Lear, etc., in the possession of Samuel Ireland; 8vo., boards, 6s. 1796. The premature exposure of this literary forgery stopped the publication of this second edi- tion, and it was not until September, 1814, that a few copies were disposed of by Messrs. Lack- ington and Co. At that time every remaining leaf of the folio was exterminated. Altogether about two hundred and thirty copies of the first folio edition were destroyed. 302 IRVING.-A Collection of Lyceum Plays, Programmes, Souvenirs of Irving, etc., 11 pieces, various sizes, 5s. 1873-90. 303 IRVING.-Daly (Frederic). Henry Irving in England and America, 1838 to 1884; fine vignette portrait etched by Lalauze, crown 8vo., cloth (pub. 6s.), 2s. 6d. 304 IRVING-Hatton (Joseph). Henry Irving's Impressions of America: a Series of Sketches, Chronicles, and Conversations; post 8vo., cloth (pub. 6s.), 2s. 6d. 1884. 305 IRVING.-Henry Irving, Actor and Manager: a Criticism of a Critic's Criticism, by an Irvingite; foolscap 8vo., cloth, 1s. 1883. 1884. 306 JACKSON (John). The History of the Scottish Stage, with a Distinct Narrative of some Recent Theatrical Transactions, with whole interspersed with Memoirs of the Author's Life; thick 8vo., boards, fine copy, 9s. 307 JACKSON (J.) Dramatic Strictures upon the Merits of Young Roscius; 8vo., sewed, 1s. 6d. 1793. 1804. "Still have I borne it with a patient shrug, For suff'rance is the badge of all our tribe." 308 JACKSON (Z.) Shakespeare's Genius Justified: being Restorations and Illustra- tions of Seven Hundred Passages in Shakespeare's Plays; 8vo., boards, 2s. 6d. 1819. 309 JACOX (Francis). Shakespeare Diversions: a Medley of Motley Wear; 2 thick vols., 8vo., cloth (pub. 28s.), 10s. 1875-77. 310 JAPANESE PLAYS VERSIFIED, by the late Thomas R. H. McClatchie; with numerous illustrations drawn and engraved by Japanese artists, 8vo., yellow cloth, gilt top edges (pub. 5s.), 1s. 6d. 1890. 311 JARVIS (John W.) The Glyptic: a Scrap Book of Jottings from Stratford-on-Avon and elsewhere; post 8vo., cloth, 2s. 1875. 312 JEFFERSON (Joseph). Autobiography; numerous portraits, thick 8vo., cloth, bevelled boards, gilt top edges (pub. 21s.), 8s. 6d. 1890. 313 JERDAN (William). Autobiography, with Literary and Social Reminiscences; 4 vols., portraits, crown 8vo., cloth, 8s. 1852. An entertaining work, full of amusing anecdotes and containing an unpublished drama by Tom Hood.. 314 JEREMIAH (John). Notes on Shakespeare and Memoirs of the Urban Club: a Succinct Account of the Life and Times of the Great Dramatist; illustrated, 8vo., cloth, 6s. 1876. 315 JEREMIAH (John). An Aid to Shakespearean Study; portrait, Svo., boards, 2s. 1880 316 JERRARD (Paul). Flowers from Stratford-on-Avon: a Selection from the Flowers mentioned in the Plays and Poems of Shakespeare; 13 plates beautifully printerl in colours, with ornamental text printed in gold, imperial 8vo., glazed boards, with rich design in gold on back, gilt leaves, the whole enclosed in cardboard case lined with cotton wool, 12s. [1840.] 317 JERROLD (Douglas). I Time Works Wonders-II. The Catspaw.-III. Bubbles of the Day.-IV. St Cupid; 4 vols., sewed, 2s. 1845-53. 318 JONES'S BRITISH THEATRE; 10 vols. complete, crown 8vo., boards, uncut, 6s. 6d. Dublin, 1795. 319 JONSON.--Notes of Ben Jonson's Conversations with William Drummond, January 1619; 8vo., cloth, 1s. 6d Shakespeare Society, 1842. 320 JORDAN (Mrs.) Life, including Original Private Correspondence and Anecdotes" of her Contemporaries, by James Boaden; 2 vols., portrait, and facsimile, 8vo., newly bound in half brown morocco, raised bands, inarble leaves, 12s. 6d. 1831. 321 JUSSERAND (J. J.) The English Novel in the Time of Shakespeare, translated from the French by Elizabeth Lee, illustrated, 8vo., cloth gilt, top edges gilt, 9s. 1890. 322 KEAN (Charles). Shakespeare's Play of King Richard II., arranged for representa- tion at the Princess's Theatre, with Notes; 8vo., wrappers, 1s 1857. 323 KEAN (Charles). Life and Theatrical Times, including a Summary of the English Stage for the last Fifty Years, and a detailed Account of the Management of the Princess's Theatre, by John William Cole; 2 vols., pos; 8vo., cloth, fine copy, 1859. 9s. 324 KEAN (Edmund) Life of, from l'ublished and Original Sources, by F. W. Hawkins; 2 vols., 8vo., cloth (pub. 25s.), 93. 6d 1869. 325 KEEFFE (J.) Tony Lumpkin in Town: a Farce, as performed at the Theatre Royal; 8vo., sewed, 1s. 1780. 326 KEITH (Charlie, the roving English clown). Circus Life and Amusements, Eques- trian, Dramatic, and Musical: in all Nations; 8vo., half calf, 3s. Derby, 1879. 327 KELLY (Michael). Reminiscences of Michael Kelly of the King's Theatre and Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, with Original Anecdotes of many Distinguished Per- sons; 2 vols., portrait, 8vo., new half morocco, raised bands, marble leaves, 8s. 6d. Colburn, 1826. 328 KEMBLE (Frances Anne). Frances the First: an Historical Drama; first edition, 1832. frontispiece, 8vo., whole black morocco, gilt leaves, 3s. • 8, DEANSGATE, MANCHESTER. 329 1832. Another Edition; 8vo., wrappers, 1s. 330 KEMBLE (Frances Anne). 31s. 6d.), 7s. 6d. 331 KEMBLE (Frances Anne). Records of Later Life; 3 vols., crown 8vo., cloth (pub. Further Records, 1848-1883: a Series of Letters; 2 vols., 2 portraits engraved by J. G. Stodart, crown 8vo., cloth (pub. 21s.), 5s, 332 KEMBLE (J. P.) Macbeth and King Richard the Third; small 8vo., half bound, 1882. 1890. scarce, 5s. 1817. This is an answer to Whately's "Remarks on the Characters of Shakespeare," published in 1785. 333 KEMBLE (John Philip). Memoirs, including a History of the Stage from the Time of Garrick, by James Boaden; 2 vols., 8vo., half calf, 9s. Another Copy; 2 vols., 8vo., boards, uncut, 7s. 6d. 1825. 1825. 334 335 KEMBLE.—Monody on the Death of John Philip Kemble; small 8vo., sewed, 1s. Manchester, 1823. 336 KINNEAR (B. G.) Cruces Shakespeariana: Difficult Passages collated with the Lec- tions of Recent Editions and the Old Commentators; thick post 8vo., cloth, 4s. 1883. 337 KNIGHT (Charles). Old Lamps or New? a Plea for the Original Editions of the Text of Shakspere; 12mo., wrappers, ls. 1853. p 338 KNIGHT (Charles). Studies of Shakspere; 8vo., cloth, 3s. 6d. Another Edition; thick royal 8vo., cloth, 3s. 6d. This work forms a companion volume to every edition of the text. 339 15 fis ale zulfiyy EDWARD SHUTER, JOHN BEARD, and DUNSTALL, in the Characters of Justice Woodcock, Hawthorn, and Hodge, "Love in a Village."-After J. ZOFFANY, R.A. 1849. 1868. 340 KNIGHT (Joseph). Theatrical Notes; 7 fine photogravure portraits, royal Evo., half vellum (pub. 21s.), 6s. 6d. 1893. Large paper copy; only two hundred and fifty copies printed. 341 KNIGHTS (Mark). Shakespeare's "Hamlet" Interpreted: an Exegesis of the First Edition of 1603; post 8vo., cloth, 2s. [1893]. 342 KNOWLES (James Sheridan). The Hunchback: a Play; 8vo., wrappers, 1s. 343 KNOWLES (James Sheridan). The Love-Chase: a Comedy; 8vo., wrappers, 1s. Moxon, 1832. Moxon, 1837. 344 KNOWLES (James Sheridan). Dramatic Works; 3 vols., portrait, post 8vo., cloth, Moxon, 1841-43. 345 Another Edition, complete in 1 thick vol., portrait, post 8vo., cloth, 3s. 15s. 1859. 16 ALBERT SUTTON, BOOKSELLER. 346 KOTZEBUE (Baron). The Stranger: a Comedy, freely translated; 8vo., sewed, 1s. 1798. 347 KOTZEBUE (Baron). Sighs, or, the Daughter: a Comedy, with Alterations by Prince Hoare; 8vo., sewed, Is. 1799. 348 LACY (John, comedian). Dramatic Works, with Prefatory Memoir and Notes; thick royal 8vo., cloth, 5s. 1875. Large paper copy; only one hundred and fifty copies printed. 349 LAMB (Charles). Specimens of English Dramatic Poets, who lived about the Time of Shakspeare, with Notes; 2 vols., 12mo., cloth gilt, gilt leaves, 3s. 6d. Moxon, 1849. 350 LANDOR (Walter Savage). Citation and Examination of Shakspeare before Sir Thomas Lucy, touching Deer Stealing; foolscap 8vo., half leather, 2s. 6d. 1891. 351 [LANSDOWNE (Lord)]. The British Enchanters, or, No Magic Like Love: a Tragedy; small 4to., sewed, 2s. 1706. 352 LEE (Nat). The Massacre of Paris: a Tragedy, as it was acted at the Theatre Royal; small 4to., sewed, 3s. 6d. 1690. 353 LEE (Nathanial). Works, in One Volume; complete, thick small 4to., old calf, 1694. 10s. 6d. Contains the following plays, each with its own special title-pago and separate pagination. Sophonisba, Nero, Gloriana Alexander the Great, Mithridates, Theodotius, Cæsar Borgia, Lucius Junius Brutus, Constantine, Oedipus, The Duke of Guise, The Massacre of Paris, and the Princess of Cleve. 354 LEE (Nat.) Theodosius; or, the Farce of Love: a Tragedy; small 4to., sewed, 1s. 6d. 1708. 355 LEES (Edwin). Stratford as Connected with Shakespeare, and the Bard's Rural Haunts; crown 8vo., wrappers. 1854. Contains five fine illustrations of Stratford, engraved by Flowers, and a plan containing the 'inscriptions on the gravestones of the Shakespeare family." 1812. 356 LEEDS (Josiah W.) The Theatre, 1890.-II. Dr. Thomson on the Stage.-III. Ward (V.) The Stage.-IV. Close (F.) The Stage, 1877; 4 vols., the lot 2s. 1877-90. 357 LEFANU (Mrs.) The Sons of Erin: or, Modern Sentiment, a Comedy; 8vo., half calf, 3s. 358 LENNOX (Lord William Pitt). Plays, Players, and Playhouses, with Anecdotes of the Drama and the Stage; 2 vols., post 8vo., cloth gilt (pub. 21s.), 7s. 6d. 1881. 359 LE ROUX (Hugues) and GARNIER (Jules). Acrobats and Mountebanks, translated from the French by A. P. Morton; 233 illustrations, imperial 8vo., cloth gilt (pub. 21s.), 5s. 1890. Contents:-Fairs, Shows, Theatre-booths, Trainers, Tamers, Equestrians, Equilibrists, Gym- nasts, Clowns, etc. 360 LETTERS from a Theatrical Scene-Painter, printed by desire; 12mo., half calf, 2s. 6d. 1859. 361 LEWES (Charles Lee). Memoirs, containing Anecdotes, Historical and Biographical, of the English and Scottish Stages during a period of Forty Years; 4 vols., fools- cap 8vo., boards, uncut, fine copy, 17s. 6d. 1805. 1805. 362 Another Copy; 4 vols., newly bound in half light calf, 13s. 6d. 363 LEWES (George Henry). On Actors and the Art of Acting; crown 8vo., cloth, scarce, 5s. 1875. £64 LEWIS (M. G., "Monk.") The Castle Spectre: a Drama, in five acts; 8vo., sewed, 1s. 1798. 365 LIGHTS of the English Stage [re-printed from "Temple Bar "]; 12mo., cloth, 3s. New York, 1878. 366 LILLO (George). Dramatic Works, with Memoir of the Author [by Thomas Davies]; 2 vols., 12mo., calf, 5s. 6d. 1775. 367 Another Edition; 2 vols. in 1, thick 12mo., calf joints cracked, 3s. 6d. 1810. Contents:Selvia, George Barnwell, Scanderbeg, Fatal Curiosity, Arden of Feversham, etc. 368 LILLO (Mr.) The London Merchant; or, the History of George Barnwell; frontis- piece, small 8vo., sewed, 1s. 6d. 1759. 1776. 369 LOVE in a Village: a Comic Opera, as it is performed at the Theatre Royal, in Covent Garden; frontispiece, 8vo., wrappers, 2s. LOWNDES.-Shakespeare and his Commentators, from Lowndes' Bibliographer's Manual; fine portrait, 8vo., wrappers, 5s. 370 1831. Only fifty-two copies were struck off separately. This is a presentation copy from the compiler to James Winston, Esq. 371 LUMLEY (Benjamin). Reminiscences of the Opera; portrait fox-stained, thick 8vo., cloth, 7s. 6d. 1864. " 372 LUSHINGTON (Vernon). Shakespeare: an Address to the Positivist Society; 8vo., wrappers, 1s. 1885. 373 LYRICAL POEMS, selected from Musical Publications between the years 1859 and 1600. edited by J. Payne Collier; crown 8vo., wrappers, 3s. Percy Society, 1844. 374 [LYTTON, Lord]. Richelieu: or, the Conspiracy: a Play; 8vo., wrappers, 1s. 1839. 375 [LYTTON, (Lord)]. The Sea Captain; or, the Birthright, a Drama; 8vo., wrappers, 1s. 1839. 376 [LYTTON (Lord)]. Plays:-Money, 1841.-Richelieu, 1839.-The Lady of Lyons, 1841.-The Sea Captain. 1839; 4 vols. in 1, 8vo., half calf, 3s. 1839-41. 377 [LYTTON (Lord)]. The Lady of Lyons: a Play; first edition, 8vo., leather, carmine leaves, 4s. 1849. 378 LYTTON (Sir Edward Bulwer). Not so Bad as we Seem: a Comedy; 8vo., wrappers, 1s. 1851. 17 8, DEANSGATE, MANCHESTER. 1841. 379 [LYTTON (Lord)]. Money: a Comedy in Five Acts; 8vo., wrappers, 1s. Another Edition; 8vo., leather, limp, carmine leaves, 1s. 6d. 380 1853. 381 MCDERMOT (M.) Inquiry into the Source of the Pleasures derived from Tragic Re- presentations, from which is deduced the Secret of giving Dramatic Interest to Tragedies intended for the Stage; 8vo., boards, 6s. 1824. 382 MACKLIN (Charles). Memoirs, with Characters and Anecdotes of Betterton, Booth, Wilks, Cibber, Garrick, Barry, etc., together with Observations on the Drama, the Science of Acting, etc., by J. T. Kirkman; 2 vols., portrait added, 8vo., half calf, 10s. 1799. 383 MACKLIN (Charles, Comedian). Memoirs, with Dramatic Characters, Manners, Anecdotes, etc., of the Age in which he Lived, by William Cooke; fine portrait, 8vo., boards, uncut, 10s. 384 1806. Another Copy; 8vo., portrait, half morocco, waterstained, 3s. 6d. 1806. 385 MCNICOLL (David). The Operations of the Stage on the Morals of Society; 8vo., half calf, 1s. 6d. Newcastle, 1823. 386 MACREADY'S Reminiscences and Selections from his Diaries and Letters, edited by Sir Frederick Pollock; 2 portraits, thick post 8vo., cloth (pub. 7s. 6d.), 4s. 1876. 387 MAFFEI (Scipio). A Compleat History of the Ancient Amphitheatres; plates, 8vo., 1730. History of Gladiators and Gladiatory_Shows, the Manner of Baiting Wild Beasts, etc. 388 MAGINN (William). Shakspeare Papers, Pictures Grave and Gay; crown Evo., cloth, 3s. 1859. 389 MALE-COQUETTE (The), or, Seventeen Hundred Fifty-Seven; as it is performed at Drury Lane; 8vo., sewed, 1s. 6d. calf, 5s. 6d. 1757. 1800. 390 MALONE (Edward, editor of Shakspeare). Life, with Selections from his Manu- script Anecdotes, by Sir James Prior; portrait, 8vo., cloth (pub. 16s.), 4s. 1860. 391 MALONE.-The Essence of Malone, or Beauties" of that Fascinating Writer, ex- tracted from his "Life of Dryden "; 8vo., cloth, 2s. 6d. 392 [MANUCHE (Cosmo)]. The Bastard: a Tragedy; small 4to., sewed, edges shaved, 7s. 6d. 1652. 392a MANCHESTER DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL REVIEW; a set from No. 1 to No. 43 (except Nos. 17, 40, and 41), in 1 vol., 8vo., boards (only 43 nos. were published), 10s. 6d. 1846-47. 393 MAPLESON MEMOIRS (The), 1848-1888: History of the Italian Opera; 2 vols., por- trait, 8vo., cloth (pub. 30s.), 5s. 1888. Mr. Mapleson has no hesitation in taking us behind the scenes, and many are the amusing stories he has to tell of the whims and oddities of those whose names are famous in the annals of Italian Opera. 394 MARLOWE (Christopher), Best Plays, with General Introduction on the English Drama, by J. A. Symonds; fine portrait, post 8vo., half morocco, top edges gilt, 4s. 1887. 395 MARMION (Shackerley). Dramatic Works, with Prefatory Memoir, Introductions, and Notes; small 8vo., cloth, 3s. 1875. Of this edition only four hundred and fifty copies were printed. 396 MARSHALL (Thomas). Lives of the most Celebrated Actors and Actresses; illus- trated, post 8vo., cloth gilt, 4s. 6d. [1847]. Reminiscences of Macready, Kemble, Mathews, Keeley, Hartley, Ellar, Power, and others. 397 MARSH (John B.) The Reference Shakspere: a Memorial Edition of Shakspere's Plays, containing 11,600 references, compiled by John B. Marsh; thick royal 8vo., cloth, 5s. 398 MARSH (John B.) 1864. Familiar Proverbial and Select Sayings from Shakspere; crown 8vo., cloth, 1s. N.D. 399 MARSTON (John). Miscellaneous Pieces of Antient English Poetrie, viz., The Troublesome Raigne of King John, written by Shakespeare, extant in no Edition of his Writings, Pigmalion's Image, etc., 12mo., calf, nice copy, 5s. 1764. 400 MARSTON (Westland). Our Recent Actors: Recollections, Critical and Personal, of Distinguished Performers; 2 vols., post 8vo.. cloth (pub. 21s.), 6s. 6d. 1888. Vandenhoff, Macready, Kemble, Farren, Kean, Webster, Glover, Warner, Phelps, Cushman, Buckstone. and others. 401 MARTIN (Sir Theodore). Shakespeare or Bacon? re-printed from "Blackwood's Magazine "; square 8vo., wrappers, 2s. 1888. 402 MARTYN (Benjamin). Timoleon: a Tragedy, as it is Acted at the Theatre Royal, by His Majesty's Servants; 8vo., sewed, 1s. 6d. 1730. 403 MARVELL (Ik.) The Lorgnette: or, Studies of the Town, by an Opera Goer; 2 vols., with designs by Darley, post 8vo., cloth, 5s. New York, 1851. 1773. 404 MASON (W.) Elfrida: a Dramatic Poem; 8vo., wrappers, uncut, 1s. 405 MASSINGER (Philip). Plays for Family Reading; 3 vols., portrait, crown 8vo., cloth (pub. 15s.), 3s. 1830. 406 MASSINGER (Philip). Plays, with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by William Gifford portrait and engraved title page, thick royal 8vo., cloth, 7s. 6d. 1835. 407 MASSINGER (Philip). Plays, from the Text of William Gifford, edited by F. Cun- ningham; thick post 8vo., cloth, 4s. 1868. 408 MASSINGER (Philip). Best Plays, edited, with Introduction and Notes, by Arthur Symons; fine portrait, post 8vo., half morocco, top edges gilt, 4s. 1857. 409 MASSINGER (Philip). Plays, from the Text of William Gifford, edited by Francis Cunningham; thick post 8vo., cloth, 3s. J. Camden Hotten, N.D. 18 ALBERT SUTTON, BOOKSELLER, 410 MASSINGER.-The Beauties of Massinger [with Life by Edward Foss]; crown 8vo., cloth boards, 2s. 1817. 411 MASSINGER and FORD'S Dramatic Works, with an Introduction by Hartley Coler- idge; portrait and engraved title page, thick royal 8vo., cloth, 7s. 6d. Moxon, 1839. 412 MATHEWS (Charles, comedian). Memoirs, by Mrs. Mathews; 4 vols., plates, 8vo., calf, name on titles, moderate copy, 18s. Bentley, 1839. 413 MATHEWS (Charles). Life and Correspondence, abridged and condensed, by Ed- mund Yates; illustrated, crown 8vo., cloth, 2s. 1860. 414 MATHEWS (Mrs. Charles). Poems; 12mo., boards, 2s. Doncaster: for C Mathews, 1802. 415 MATHEWS (Charles James). Life, with Selections from his Correspondence and Speeches, edited by Charles Dickens; 2 vols., portraits, 8vo., cloth (pub. 28s.), 7s. 6d. 1879. 416 MATTHEW (James E.) A Handbook of Musical History and Bibliography from St. Gregory to the Present Time; with 128 illustrations of old instruments, etc., 8vo. cloth (pub. 10s. 6d.), 6s. 1898. 417 MAYOU (Bessie). Natural History of Shakespeare: Selections of Flowers, Fruits, and Animals; foolscap 8vo., cloth gilt, gilt leaves, 2s. 6d. Manchester, N.D. 418 MELLON.-Memoirs of Miss Mellon, afterwards Duchess of St. Albans, by Mrs. Corn- well Barron-Wilson; 2 vols., 8vo., cloth (pub. 28s.), 6s. 6d. 1887. Miss Mellon became the wife of Mr. Coutts, the banker, and on his death married the Duke of St. Albans. 419 MENDEZ (Moses). The Double Disappointment: a Farce, as it is Acted at the Theatre Royal, in Covent Garden; frontispiece, 8vo., sewed, 2s. 1760. 420 [MERIMEE (M.)] The Poems and Plays of Clara Gazul, a Spanish Comedian, with Memoirs; post 8vo., half calf broken, 2s. 6d. 1825. 421 MERMAID SERIES: The Best Plays of the Old Dramatists, Literal Reproductions of the Old Texts; 22 vols., well printed on good paper, with etched portraits and frontispieces, crown 8vo., designed cloth, £2. V.D. Contains the best plays of Marlowe, Otway, Ford, Massinger, Heywood, Wycherley, Beau- mont and Fletcher, Congreve, Webster, Tourneur, Middleton, Shirley, Dekker, Jonson, Steele, Chapman, and Vanbrugh. Any of the above authors may be had separately at two shillings per volume. 422 MIDDLETON (Thomas). Best Plays, with an Introduction by Algernon Charles 1887. Swinburne; fine portrait, post 8vo., half morocco, top edges gilt, 4s. 423 MIDDLETON (Tho.) A Tragi-Coomodie called The Witch, long since acted by His N.D. Majesties Servants at the Black Friers; 8vo., wrappers, 1s. 6d. 424 MILLER (David Prince). The Life of a Showman: to which is added, Managerial Struggles; 12mo., wrappers, 2s. 6d. 425 1849. N.D. Another Edition (second); crown 8vo., cloth, 2s. Miller was manager of the Royal Adelphi Theatre, Glasgow, for some time; but appears to have been unfortunate in it, as he was in everything he undertook. 426 MILLS (↓. H., of the Theatre Royal, Manchester). Poetical Trifles; foolscap 8vo., boards, 2s. Manchester, 1806. 427 MIRACLE PLAYS.-A Collection of English Miracle Plavs or, Mysteries: contain- ing the Dramas from the Chester, Coventry, and Towneley Series, with an His- torical View of this description of Plays, by William Marriott; 8vo., boards, 10s. 6d. Basel, 1838. 428 MITCHELL (Joseph). The Fatal Extravagance: a Tragedy, as it is Acted at the Theatre Royal, Lincoln's Inn Fields: 8vo.. sewed, 1s. 6d. 1730. 429 MOLIERE (M.) Euvres, precedees d'une Notice sur sa Vie et ses Ouvrages, par M. Sainte Beuve; vignettes par Tony Johannot, 2 vols., imperial 8vo., half morocco, ton edges gilt, 12s. 6d. Paris, 1835. 430 MONTAGUE (Charles W.) Recollections of an Equestrian Manager; crown 8vo. half calf neat, 2s. 6d. 1881 431 MORE (Hannah). Percy: a Tragedy, as it is Acted at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden; 8vo., mottled calf, 3s. 1788. Bears the fine armorial book-plate of William Shackeray. 432 MORLEY (Henry). The Journal of a London Playgoer, from 1851 to 1856; thick post. 8vo.. cloth (pub. 5s.), 2s. 1891. 433 MORRIS (Charles). Tales from the Dramatists. with an Introduction by Henry Irving; 3 vols., portraits, foolscap 8vo., half cloth, top edges gilt (pub. 10s. 6d. net), N.D. • 48. 434 MORRIS (Mowbray). Essays in Theatrical Criticism; post 8vo., cloth, bevelled boards (pub. 7s. 6d.), 3s. 1882. 1798. 435 MORTON (Thomas). Secrets Worth Knowing: a Comedy: 8vo., sewed, 1s. 436 MORTON (Thomas). The School of Reform; or, How to Rule a Husband; 8vo sewed, 1s. 1805. 437 MORTON (Thomas). Plays [15 separate Plays]; 2 vols., 8vo., calf, binding broken, 6s. 1795-1828. Comprises: Columbus, Children in the Wood, The Way to Get Married, A Cure for Heart- ache, The School of Reform, Town and Country, The Knight of Snowdon, Speed the Plough, and others. 438 MOTT (John). The Old Landmarks of Stratford-on-Avon: a Scrip for Pilgrims · N.D. 12mo.. parchment, 1s 439 MULLINS (J. D) Catalogue of the Shakespeare Memorial 'ibrary, Birmingham. Second part: Works on, or Illustrative of, Shakespeare and his Times; 8vo 1876. wrappers, 2s. 6d. • 1 19 8, DEANSGATE, MANCHESTER. 440 MUNDEN (John Shepherd, comedian) Memoirs by his Son; fine character portrait. 1846. new half purple calf, 7s 6d 441 MURPHY (Arthur). The Orphan of China: a Tragedy, as it is performed at the Theatre Royal; 8vo., sewed. 1s. 1759. 442 [MURPHY (Arthur)]. The Desert Island, as it is acted at Drury Lane; frontispiece, 8vo., sewed, 1s. 1760. 443 MURPHY (Arthur). The Way to Keep Him: a Comedy; frontispiece containing a portrait of Garrick, 8vo., sewed, 2s. 6d. 444 MURPHY (Arthur). Arminius: a Tragedy; first edition, 8vo., sewed, 2s. 445 MUSES' LIBRARY (The): or, a Series of English Poetry, containing the Lives and Characters of all the known Writers, the Names of their Patrons, ctc.; 8vo., 1741. old calf, 4s. Ca. 446 MUSICAL MISCELLANY (The): being a Collection of Choice Songs set to the Violin and Flute, by the most Eminent Masters; a complete set, 6 vols., frontis- piece, full hand-stained polished calf, yellow edges, antique (vol. 2 stilted in 1729-31. binding), scarce, £2 10s. 1760. 1798. 447 NEW SHAKSPERE SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS; a set from the commencement in 1874 to 1880 complete, and 2 issues for 1881; 30 parts, 8vo. and small 4to. sizes, illustrated with map, plan, woodcuts, coloured folding plates, and other plates, in wrappers as issued (cost £8 8s.), £2 10s. 1874-80. Comprises: -Life of Henry the Fifth, 1623; Henry V., Parallel Texts, 1600-1623: The Two Noble Kinsman, 1634; Romeo and Juliet, 1599; The Chronicle History of Henry the Fifth, 1600; Life of Henry the Fifth, 1623; Romeo and Juliet, 1597; Romeus and Juliet, by Arthur Brooke; Shakespeare's Centurie of Praise, 1591-1693; Shakspere Allusion Books, 1592-8; Shakspere's Eng- land; Robert Chester's Love's Martyr, 1601; A Letter on Shakspere's Authorship of the Two Noble Kinsmen; Transactions of the Society, etc. The New Shakspere Society was founded by Mr. F. J. Furnivall to further the study of Shakespeare's works chronologically and as a whole, and to print parallel and other texts of the quartos and folio of Shakespeare's plays and other works, illustrating Shakespeare's time and the history of the drama. 448 NEW SHAKSPERE SOCIETY, Transactions, 1874; thick 8vo., wrappers, as issued, 1874. 2s. 449 O'KEEFFE (John) Recollections, written by himself; 2 vols., portrait, newly bound in half brown morocco, raised bands, marble leaves, 9s. 6d. Colburn, 1826. Another Copy; 2 vols. in 1, thick 8vo., cloth gilt, 6s. Another Copy; 2 vols., Svo., poor condition, 3s. 450 1826. 1826. 451 452 OLD PLAYS.-A Select Collection of Old Plays, with Additional Notes and Cor- rections, by Isaac Reed, Octavius Gilchrist, and the Editor; 12 vols., 8vo., cloth, £1 7s. 6d S. Prowett, 1825. 453 ONDINE, ou la Nymphe des Eaux; 8vo., red morocco, gold tooled on back and sides, shields of arms in centre of backs worked in gold, 4s. 6d. Paris, 1830. 454 ORTON (Francis). Ar. Essay on the Action of an Orator: his Pronunciation and Gestures; post, 8vo., cloth, 2s. Altrincham, 1848. 454a OTHELLÓ-TRAVESTIE, in Three Acts, with Burlesque Notes in the Manner of the most Celebrated Commentators; humorous folding plate, crown Svo., boards, poor copy, 2s. 6d. 1813. 455 OTWAY (Tho.) The Orphan, or, the Unhappy Marriage: as it is Acted at His Royal Highness the Duke's Theatre; small 4to., sewed, 3s. 6d. 1680. 456 OTWAY (Tho.) I. The Orphan, 1691.-II. Don Carlos, 1695.-III. The Souldier's Fortune, 1695.--IV. Venice Preserv'd, 1696.-V. The History and Fall of Caius Marius, 1696; 5 vols in 1, small 4to., sewed, 6s. 6d. 1691-96. 457 OULTON (W. C.) The Beauties of Modern Dramatists: containing all the Interest- ing Characters, Sentiments, Speeches, etc., in the most Favourite Dramas; 2 vols., portraits, crown 8vo., newly bound in half crimson calf, gold tooled, gilt top edges, 9s. 6d. 1800. 458 OXBERRY'S Dramatic Biography and Histrionic Anecdotes; 2 vols. in 1, 32 por- traits, 12mo., half calf, 7s. 6d. 1825. N.D. CC 459 OXBERRY (W.) The Actor's Budget of Wit and Merriment: Rare and Genuine Theatrical Anecdotes and Jests; crown 8vo., cloth, 3s. 6d. 460 PALMER (Herbert). Lord Bacon not the author of The Christian Paradoxes," with Introduction by A. B. Grosart; portrait, 8vo., half bound, 3s. 6d. Privately printed, 1865. 461 PARK (Andrew). The Squire's Daughter: a Tragedy, 1846.-II. The Flower of Yarrow, 1846.-III The Robbers' Cave: a Drama after the manner of Shakspeare, 1843, and 9 other tracts in 1 thick vol.; 8vo., cloth, 5s. V.D. -462 PARKE (W. T.) Musical Memoirs: an Account of the General State of Music in England, with Anecdotes Musical and Histrionic; 2 vols., crown 8vo., boards, 4s. 1830. 463 PASCOE (C. E.) The Dramatic List: a Record of the Principal Performances of Living Actors and Actresses; 12 photographic portraits, post 8vo., leather (pub. 12s. 6d.), 3s. 61 1879. 464 PATERSON (Peter). Behind the Scenes: being the Confessions of a Strolling Player; crown 8vo, half calf, 2s. 6d. 1858. 465 PATERSON (Peter). Glimpses of Real Life as seen in the Theatrical World and in Bohemia: being the Confessions of Peter Paterson, a strolling comedian; post 8vo., cloth, 3 6d. 1864. 20 ALBERT SUTTON, BOOKSELLER, 466 WHOS | Another Copy; crown 8vo., half calf, 3s. 1864. This work is dedicated to "Charles Dickens, as the creator of Mr. Vincert Crummles and the Infant Phenomenon.' >> 467 PATON (Allan Park). The Tragedy of Cymbeline according to the First Folio, etc.; 8vo., wrappers, title soiled, 2s. 1879. 488 PATRIOT (The): or, the Italian Conspiracy: a Tragedy, as it is acted at Drury Lane; small 410., sewed, 2s. 1703. 469 PAUL (Howard, comedian). Not too Funny, Just Funny Enough; portrait, post 8vo., sewed, 1s. 1885. 470 PEMBERTON (Charle- Reece). Life and Literary Remains, edited by John Fowler; portrait, 8vo., cloth, 6s. 1843. Contains criticisms on Pemberton's acting by Sergeant Talfourd, Macready, and Kemble in Brutus, etc. 471 PEPYS.-Samuel Pepys and the World he Lived in, by Henry B. Wheatley; thick post 8vo., cloth gilt, 8s. 1880. This copy is extra-illustrated by the insertion of eight portraits illustrating the text. 472 PERCY (Sholto and Reuben). Anecdotes of the Stage; portrait of Mrs. Siddons, 1822. 12mo., sewed, 2s. 473 PERCY (Sholto and Reuben). Anecdotes of Music; portrait, 12mo., wrappers, 1s. 6d. 1822. 95 PAINUT Hel JEJAHTERAL SURREYIN 3411031 W. PARSONS and J. MOODY, in the Characters of Farland and Major O'Flaherty, in "The West Indian."- After J. H. MORTIMER, A.R A. 474 PHELPS (Samuel). Life and Life Work, by W. May Phelps and John Forbes-Rob- ertson; 3 portraits, 8vo., cloth (pub. 12s.), 6s. 1886. 475 PHILIPS (Ambr.) The Distrest Mother: a Tragedy, as it is Acted at the Theatre Royal, in Drury Lane, by His Majesty's Servants; small 4to., sewed, 3s. 6d. 1712. 476 PHILLIPS (Edward). Theatrum Poetarum Anglicanorum: Names and Characters of all the English Poets from Henry III. to Elizabeth; 8vo., half calf, 3s. 6d. Canterbury, 1800. 477 PHIPSON (Emma). The Animal Lore of Shakspeare's Time, including Quadrupids, Birds, Reptiles, Fish, and Insects; curious frontispiece, thick 8vo., cloth (pub. 9s.), 3s. 6d. 1883. 478 PICKERING (Miss Ellen). Charades for Acting; foolscap 8vo., cloth, gilt leaves, 1s. 1843. 479 PINERO (Arthur W.) The Profligate: a Play; portrait, 12mo., wrappers, 1s. 1891. 480 PISO'S CONSPIRACY: a Tragedy, acted at the Duke's Theatre; small 4to., sewed, 5s. 1676. 8, DEANSGATE, MANCHESTER. 481 PLAY-BILLS.-A Collection of over Two Hundred Old Play-bills: Liverpool, 124 items, 1830-31; Manchester, 34 items, 1821; London, 13 items, 1846-51; Boston and New York, 9 items, 1850; and Buls of the Theatres at Leeds, Sheffield, Edinburgh, Bolton, Newcastle, Kidderminster, Ipswich, Hull, Huddersfield, Gravesend, etc.; 209 play-bills in all, £1. V.D. 482 PLAYHOUSE POCKET COMPANION (The), or, Theatrical Vade Mecum; contain- ing a Catalogue of all the Dramatic Authors who have written for the English Stage, with an Enquiry into the Causes of the Decline of Dramatic Poetry; crown 8vo., newly bound in half crimson calf, gold tooled, top edges gilt, 6s. 6d. 483 [PLUMPTRE (James)]. The Coventry Act: a Comedy; 8vo., sewed, ls. 484 PLUMPTRE (James). Observations on Hamlet and of the Motives which induced. 1779. 1793. Shakspeare to fix upon the Story of Amleth; 8vo., boards, 3s. Cambridge, 1796. 485 PLUMPTRE (James). Four Discourses relating to the Amusement of the Stage; .8vo, boards, 2s. 6d. Cambridge, 1809. 486 POLLOCK (W. H.). The Modern French Theatre, with Notes on French Actors; royal 8vo., wrappers, 1s. 6d. Paris, 1878. 487 POOLE (John). Hamlet Travestie, with Burlesque Annotations; 12mo., half calf,. 1s. 6d. 488 POOLE (John). Sketches and Recollections; 2 vols., fine portrait after Pickersgill; post 8vo., half calf, (pub. 21s.), 4s. 6d. Colburn, 1835. Contains a series of papers on famous French actors. 489 POREE (Charles). Enquiry whether the Stage can be made a School for Forming the Mind to Virtue; thin 8vo., half calf neat, 3s. 1817. 1734. 490 PORTER (T.) The Villain: a Tragedy; first edition, small 4to., sewed, 5s. 1670. 491 Another Edition; small 4to., sewed, 3s. 1694. 492 PORTRAITS.-Catalogue of Engraved Portraits of Nobility. Gentry, and others con- nected with the County of Warwick, with Biographical Notices; fine portrait of Dugdale after Hallar, 4to., cloth, 10s. Coventry, 1848. Contains a long list of Shakespeare portraits, with a biographical notice. 493 PRICE (Thomas). The Wisdom and Genius of Shakspeare, with Notes and Refer- ences; thick foolscap 8vo., calf rubbed, 2s. 1838. 494 PRICE (T. R.) The Construction and Types of Shakespeare's Verse, as seen in The Othello; square crown 8vo., sewed, 2s. New York, 1888. 495 PROCTER (R. W.) Our Turf, our Stage, and our Ring; illustrated by William Morton; crown 8vo., sewed, Is. Manchester, 1862. Notices of cad men and odd things relating to reng. acting, and boxing in Manchester, during the latter portion of last century and the beginning of this. 496 PROCTER (R. W.) Manchester in Holiday Dress; crown 8vo., cloth, uncut, out of print, 4s. 1866. 511 21 497 [PURNELL (Thomas)]. Dramatists of the Present Day, by "Q.," reprinted from 'The Athenæum "; crown 8vo., cloth, 2s. 1871. 498 PURVIS (Billy). The Life and Adventures of the Far-Famed Billy Purvis, by J. P. Robson; foolscap 8vo., cloth, 3s. Newcastle, 1850. 499 QUIN (James, comedian). Life, with many Curious and Interesting Anecdotes, and his Trial for the Murder of Mr. Bowen; portrait, post 8vo. (pub. 7s. 6d.), 2s. 1887. 500 RACHEL (Madame) [a Biography], by Mrs. Arthur Kennard; crown 8vo., cloth (pub. 3s. 6d.), Is. 6d. 1885. 501 RACHEL.-Memoirs of Rachel, by Madame B—; 2 vols., portrait, crown 8vo., cloth, 6s. 6d. 1858. 502 -Another Copy; 2 vols., portrait and title page water-stained; crown 8vo., cloth, binding damaged, 4s. 1858. 503 RANDOLPH (Thomas). Poetical and Dramatic Works, now first collected and edited from Early Copies, with an Account of the Author, by W. Carew Hazlitt; 2 vols., portrait, crown 8vo., boards (pub. 15s.), 5s. 1875. 504 RANGER (Edward). I. The Romantic Widow; II. The Lover Husband; III. The Gentleman and the Upstart; IV. Seeing's Believing; 4 comedies in 1 vol., crown 8vo., whole morocco, richly gold tooled, 4s. 1845-47. 4 505 RAU (Heribert). William Shakespeare Culturgeschichtlich-biographer_Roman; vols., crown 8vo., sewed, 4s. Berlin, 1864. 506 RECREATIVE REVIEW: or, Eccentricities of Literature and Life; a complete set, 3 vols., 8vo., handsomely bound in half yellow calf, gold tooled, gil top edges, £1 12s. 1821-22. Contents:-The Stage, Fortune-Telling, Ghosts, Critics, Clubs, Ventriloquism, Bells, Music, Dancing etc. 1796. 507 REYNOLDS (Frederick). Fortune's Fool: a Comedy; 8vo., sewed, 1s. 508 REYNOLDS (Frederick). Cheap Living: a Comedy, as performed at Drury Lane; 8vo., sewed, 18. 1797. 509 REYNOLDS (Frederick). The Will: a Comedy, as it is performed at Drury Lane; 9vn.. sewed, 1s. 1797. 510 R˜YVOLDS (Frederick). Life and Times, written by himself; 2 vols., portrait, 8vo., newly bound in half brown morocco, raised bands, marble leaves, 10s. 6d. Another Copy; 2 vols., 8vo., half calf, 6s. << In this volume is comprised a history of the drama in Manchester. It contains anecdotes and reminiscences of John Edwin, Robert Bradbury, Mrs. Siddons, J. P. Kemble, Mrs. Jor- dan, G. F. Cooke, Mr. Barrymore, John Bannister, and other famous actors, together with notices of local theatres, local plays, and accounts of various entertainments and exhibitions held in Manchester. Colburn, 1826. 1826. 22 ALBERT SUTTON, BOOKSELLER. 512 REYNOLDS (Frederick). A Playwright's Adventures; illustrated with humorous woodcuts, 12mo., half morocco, gilt leaves, 5s. [1830]. 513 RICHARDSON (Mr.) Essays on Shakespeare's Dramatic Characters of Richard III, King Lear, Timon of Athens, Macbeth, Hamlet, Jaques, Imogen, and Falstaff; 3 vols., foolscap 8vo., whole crimson calf, gilt leaves, 10s. 6d. 1786-89. The fly leaves of two of the volumes are ornamented with pretty water-colour drawings of vases of plants_exquisitely executed. 514 RICHARDSON (Mr.) Essays on Shakespeare's Dramatic Characters of Macbeth, Hamlet, Jaques, and Imogen; 12 mo., boards, 2s. 6d. 1786. 515 RIDDLE (J. Esmond). Illustrations of Aristotle on Men and Manners from the Dramatic Works of Shakspeare; crown 8vo., boards, 2s. 6d. 1832. 516 RIVERS (Mr.) The Traytor: a Tragedy, with Alterations, Amendations, and Addi- tions, as it is now acted at the Theatre Royal by Their Majestie's Servants; small 4to., sewed, 5s. 1692. 517 ROBERTS (Arthur). Adventures by Rail, Road, and River, chronicled by Richard Morton; 12mo., cloth, ls. 6d. 1895. 518 ROBERTSON (T. W.) Life and Writings, by T. Edgar Pemberton; illustrated, 8vo., cloth (pub. 14s.), 4s. 6d. 1893. " This genial and appreciative volume, interesting from cover to cover, brings out a bright. attractive personality, who wins not only our admiration for his stout and brave battle with circumstances, and our esteem for his ready invention, sparkling wit, and lambent humour, but our affection for a kindly, warm, human-hearted brother man."-" Birmingham Daily Post.' "" 519 ROBINSON (Mrs. "Perdita.") Memoirs, written by herself; 1827-II. Life of Mrs. Charlotte Charke, daughter of Colley Cibber; 1827; 2 vols. in 1, 12 mo., boards, 3s. 1827. 520 ROCHESTER (Earl of). Poems on Several Occasions, with Valentinian: a Tragedy; newly bound in half calf, antique style, yellow leaves, title page dust-stained, 7s. 6d. 1705. 521 ROWE (N.) Ulysses: a Tragedy, as it is Acted at the Queen's Theatre, in the Hay- market; small 4to., sewed, 2s. 6d. 1706. 522 ROWE (N.) The Tragedy of the Lady Jane Gray, as it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane; small 4to., wrappers, 3s. 6d. 1715. 523 ROWE (Nicholas) Works, consisting of his Plays and Poems; 2 thick vols., fine portrait, crown 8vo., calf, 7s. 6d. Tonson, 1756. 524 ROWLEY (William). A Search for Money, reprinted from the edition of 1609; post 8vo., wrappers, 2s. Percy Society, 1840. 525 RUBENSTEIN (Anton): a Biographical Sketch, by Alexander M'Arthur; portrait, crown 8vo., cloth (pub. 3s. 6d.), 1s. 6d. 1889. 526 RUSHTON (William L.) Shakespeare a Lawyer; portrait added, crown 8vo., wrappers, 2s. 1858. 527 RUSHTON (William L.) Shakespeare's Legal Maxims; crown 8vo., wrappers, 1s. 6d. 1859. 1869. 1869. 528 RUSHTON (W. L.) Shakespeare Illustrated by Old Authors; 2 parts in 1 vol., crown 8vo., cloth, 4s 6d. 529 RUSHTON (William L.) Shakespeare's Testamentary Language; crown 8vo., wrappers, 2s. 530 RUSSELL (W. Clark). Representative Actors: Criticisms, Anecdotes, and Descrip- tions; crown 8vo., cloth, 2s. 531 RYLEY (S. W.) The Itinerant: or, Memoirs of an Actor; first series, 3 vols., crown 8vo., half bound, 15s. 1817. N.D. 532 Another Edition; the 3 series in 1 volume, complete, royal 8vo., cloth, 3s. Oldham, 1880. Sam Ryley was born in 1755, and died at Parkgate in 1837. The "Itinerant" contains in- formation as to the drama in Lancashire, and forms most entertaining reading. 533 SAINTSBURY (George). A History of Elizabethan Literature; post 8vo., cloth, 1887. scarce, 6s. Shakespeare, Jonson, Drayton, Middleton, Webster, Heywood, Tourneur. 534 SANTLEY-Student and Singer: the Reminiscences of Charles Santley; portraits, thick post 8vo., cloth (pub. 7s. 6d.), 3s. 1893. 535 SAVAGE (Richard). Shakespearean Extracts from "Edward Pudsey's Booke,' which include some from an Unknown Play by Shakespeare; 8vo., parchment, 2s. 6d. Swatford, 1888. 536 SCHILLER (F.) Fiesco, or, the Genoese Conspiracy, translated by G. H. Ń. and J. T.; 8vo., half calf, 2s. 1796. 1799. 537 SCHILLER (Frederick). The Robbers: a Tragedy, translated by W. Render; fine frontispiece by Thurston; 8vo., wrappers, 2s. 538 SCHILLER (Frederic). William Tell: a Drama, translated by Samuel Robinson; 12mo., wrappers, 1s 1834 539 SCHLEGEL (A. W.) A Course of Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature; por- trait, crown 8vo., clcth, 2s. 1846. 540 SCOTLAND.-A Trip to Scotland, as it is acted at the Theatre Royal, in Drury Lane; 8vo., wrappers, 1s. 1720. 541 SCOTT (Clement). Stories of the Stage; illustrated, square 8vo., cloth, 1s. 6d. N.D. 542 SEDLEY (Sir Charles). Antony and Cleopatra: a Tragedy, as it is acted at the Duke's Theatre; smal! 4to., sewed, 8s. 6d. 1677. 543 SETTLE (Elkanah). Cambyses, King of Persia, a Tragedy; small 4to., sewed, margins shaved, 2s. 1692. " 8, DEANSGATE, MANCHESTER. 23 544 SETTLE (Elkanah). The Empress of Morocco: a Tragedy, as it is acted at the King's Theatre; small 4to., wrappers, 5s. 1698. 545 SEYMOUR (E. H.) Remarks upon the Plays of Shakspeare resulting from a Col- lation of the Early Copies with that of Johnson and Steevens; 2 vols., 8vo., half calf, 4s. 6d. 1805. 546 SHADWELL (Tho.) The Scowrers: a Comedy, acted by Their Majesties' Servants; small 4to., sewed, title-page dust-stained, 7s. 6d. 1691. 547 SHAKSPERE (Will) Dramatic Writings, with the Notes of all the Various Com mentations, printed complete from the Best Editions of Sam Johnson and Geo. Steevens; 20 vols., numerous fine portraits, and upwards of 100 beautiful en- gravings, 12mo., calf, £1 10s. 1788. calf, 3s. 6d. Bell's excellent edition maintains a high position for its extensive and valuable notes and its many elegant engravings. 548 SHAKSPEARE (William) Works, with a Glossary; complete in 1 vol., crown 8vo., Chiswick, 1823. 549 SHAKESPEARE (William) Dramatic Works, from the Correct Edition of Isaac Reed, with copious annotations; 12 vols., crown 8vo., leather, gilt leaves, 15s. 1825. 550 SHAKESPEARE (William) Plays, from the text of the corrected copies, by George Steevens and Edmond Malone; Chandos portrait, thick 8vo., boards, 3s 6d. 1826. 551 SHAKESPEARE (William) Dramatic Works; Pickering's Edition, portrait, 12mo., calf, marble leaves, 5s. Pickering, 1826. 552 SHAKESPEARE (William). Works: the Text formed from an Entirely New Col- lection of the old editions, with the Various Readings, Notes, a Life of the Poet, and a History of the Early English Stage, by J. Payne Collier; the original large type edition, 9 vols. (including the supplementary vol. of notes and emendations), 8vo., original cloth, a nice copy, £2 5s. 1844-53. 553 SHAKESPEARE (William) Plays and Poems, Valpy's Elegant Edition, with Life, Glossarial Notes and Index; 15 vols., 170 illustrations from designs by English artists, foolscap 8ve., cloth gilt, uncut, £2 5s. 1853. 554 SHAKSPERE (William) Works, Knight's Cabinet Edition, with Additional Notes; 12 vols., 12mno., cloth, 12s. 1856. 555 SHAKSPÉRE (William) Works, Parchment Library Edition, 12 vols., beautifully printed on thick paper, bound in parchment, top edges gilt (pub. £3 12s. 6d.), £1 10s. Kegan Paul, 1886. 556 SHAKESPEARE (William) Plays, from the Correct Edition of Isaac Reed; 12 vols., portrait and frontispieces, crown 8vo., old boards, 6s. 6d. 1809. 557 SHAKESPEARE (William) Plays; Pickering's Diamond Edition, 9 vols., 48mo., cloth gilt, gilt leaves, 18s. 6d. 558 SHAKSPEARE (William) Plays, with a Glossary; complete in 1 vol., crown 8vo., Pickering, 1825. whole morocco, gilt leaves, 5s. 559 SHAKSPERE (W.) Werke, herausgegeben und erklart von Nicolaus Delius; 2 vols., Tegg, 1832. portrait, royal 8vo., half calf, binding broken, 5s. 560 SHAKSPEARE (W.) Seven Ages; each page engraved, with borders, 7 fine plates, Elberfeld, 1872. imperial 8vo. wrappers, a pretty edition, 2s. 1850. 561 SHAKESPEARE (W.) Seven Ages of Man; 7 plates by Church, Frost, Smedley, etc., square 8vo., cloth gilt (pub. 3s. 6d.), 1s. 1885. 562 SHAKSPEARE (William). The Most Excellent Historie of the Merchant of Venice; illustrated by Birket Foster, G. H. Thomas, and H. Brandling; square 8vo., cloth gilt, gilt leaves, 4s. 563 SHAKESPEARE (William). Loues Labour's Lost, text from the folio of 1623; small 1860. 4to., roxburghe, 2s. 564 SHAKESPEARE (W.) Macbeth, traduite en Vers Francais par le Chevalier de Chate- Booth, 1862. lain; 8vo., wrappers, 1s. 6d. 1862. 565 SHAKESPEARE (William). Much Adoe about Nothing; the text from the folio of 1623; small 4to., roxburghe, 1s. 6d. 566 SHAKESPEARE'S (William) Histories, published according to the True Originall 1862. Copies, 1623; small 4to., cloth, 3s. Booth, 1863. 567 SHAKESPEARE (W.) Hamlet, traduite en Vers Francais, par le Chevalier de Chate- lain; 8vo., wrappers, 1s. 6d. 1864. 568 SHAKESPEARE (William.) Reprint of Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, 1623; small 4to.. boards. 2s. 6d. 569 SHAKESPEARE (William). Romeo and Juliet, with an Introduction by Richard Booth, 1864. Henry Stoddard; a choice edition de luxe, most beautifully printed on hand-made paper by D. Jouast, of Paris, with an exquisite series of culs-de-lampe, vignettes, and en-tetes after designs by Jacques, Wagrez. and Louis Titz; royal 8vo., in ar- tistic paper covers, with pretty vignettes on sides (subscription price £3 3s. net), 16s. New York, 1892. Without doubt the choicest and most exquisitely produced edition of this favourite play. The illustrations are superb, and the volume has only to be seen to be purchased. No de- scription can adequately do justice to the beauty of this volume. Only three hundred and fifty conies were printed. 570 SHAKESPEARE (William). The Tempest: illustrated by Birket Foster, Gustave Dore, and others: small 4to., cloth gilt, gilt leaves, 5s. Bell, N.D. 571 SHAKESPEARE (W.) The Two Gentlemen of Verona, edited by J. Payne Collier; smell 4to.. wrappers, 2s. N.D. 572 SHAKSPERE'S Songs and Sonnets; illustrated by John Gilbert; post 8vo., cloth gilt, gilt leaves, 2s. Low, 1863. 24. 24 ALBERT SUTTON, BOOKSELLER. 573 SHAKESPEARE (William). Songs and Sonnets, edited by F. T. Palgrave; fools- 1879. cap 8vo., cloth, 2s. 574 SHAKESPEARE (William). Life, including many Particulars respecting the Poet and his Family never before published, by James Orchard Halliwell [-Phillipps]; illustrated, thick 8vo., cloth, 5s. 1848. 575 SHAKESPEARE ALTERATIONS.-I. Timon of Athens, 1789. II. History of Timon of Athens by Tho. Shadwell, 1678. III. Timon of Athens, altered from Shakes- peare and Shadwell, 1768. IV. Timon of Athens, altered, 1771. V. Timon of Athens, altered by Geo. Lamb, 1816. VI. Timon in Love [by John Kelty], 1733; 6 vols. in 1, plates, 8vo., half calf, 10s. 6d. 1678-1816. 576' SHAKESPEARE ALTERATIONS.-I. Titus Andronicus, altered by Edw. Ravens- croft, 1687; II. Titus Andronicus, printed from Steevens' Edition, 1799; 2 vols. in 1, plates, 8vo., half calf, 3s. 6d. 1687-1799. Miss YOUNGE, Mr. J. DODD, Mr. J. LOVE, and Mr. F. WALDRON, in the Characters of Viola, Sir Andrew Aguecheck, Sir Toby Belch, and Fabian, "Twelfth Night."-After FRANCIS WHEATLEY, R.A. 577 SHAKESPEARE ALTERATIONS.-I. Taming of the Shrew. Steevens' Text, 1799; II. Catharine and Petruchio, 1756; III., Katharine and Petruchio, revised by J. P. Kemble, 1810; IV. The Cobler of Preston, by Mr. Johnson, 1716; V. The Cobler of Preston, by C. Bullock, 1767; VI. The Cobler of Preston, altered from Johnson, 1817; VII. A Cure for a Scold, by J. Worsdale [1750]; VIII. Sauny the Scot; or, Taming of the Shrew, by John Lacy, 1708; 8 vols. in 1, plates, small 4to., half 1708-1817. calf, 10s. 6d. 578 SHAKESPTARE ALTERATIONS.-I. King John, Steevens' Text, 1799; II. Papal Tyranny in the Reign of King John, by Colley Cibber, 1745; III. King John, re- vised by J. P. Kemble, 1800; IV. King John as it was Acted at Reading School, 1745-1803. 1803; 4 vols. in 1, 8vo., half calf, plates, 6s. 579 SHAKESPEARE ALTERATIONS.-I. Two Gentlemen of Verona, Steevens' Text, 1799; II. Two Gentlemen of Verona with Alterations [by Victor], 1763; III. Two Gentlemen of Verona, revised by J. P. Kemble, 1808; 3 vols. in 1, 8vo., half calf, 1763-1808. plates, 5s. 580 SHAKESPEARE ALTERATIONS.-I. Hamlet, collated with Old and Modern Edi- tions, 1773; II. Hamlet, revised by J. P. Kemble, 1800; III. Hamlet, with Varia- tions in the Manager's Book at Covent Garden, 1811; IV. Hamlet-Travestie, by 1773-1817. John Poole, 1817; 4 vols. in 1, crown 8vo., half calf, 10s. The first work in this collection contains a fine frontispiece by Hayman, on which is written Alexander Pope, his book.” #4 8, DEANSGATE, MANCHESTER. 25 581 SHAKESPEARE ALTERATIONS.-I. Othello, Steevens' Text, 1798; II. Othello, re- vised by J. P. Kemble, 1804; III. Othello-Travestie, with Burlesque Notes, 1813; 3 vols. in 1, plate by Kauffmann, post 8vo., half calf, 4s. 6d. 1798-1813. 582 SHAKESPEARE'S LIBRARY: the Story of Giletta, the Tale told of the Fishwife, etc.; 8vo., cloth, 2s. 6d. N.D. 583 SHAKESPEARE.-William Shakespeare not an Impostor, by an English Critic; 12mo., boards, 1s. 1857. 584 SHAKSPEARE and his Friends; or, the Golden Age of Merry England; 8vo., half calf, 3s. Paris, 1838. 584a SHAKESPEARE.-Othello, the Moor of Venice, illustrated with 20 beautifully col- oured plates by Ludovic Marchetti; large 4to., half calf (pub. 31s. 6d.), 12s. 585 SHIEL (Richard). Evadne, or, the Statue: a Tragedy, as performed at the Theatre Royal Covent Garden; 8vo., half calf, 2s. A N.D. 1819. 586 SHERIDAN (R. B.) Dramatic Works, containing: The School for Scandal, The Rivals, The Duenna, and The Critic: crown 8vo., calf, 3s. N.D. """""" *** Mrs. SIDDONS.-After J. DOWNMAN, A.R.A. 587 SHERIDAN (Richard Brinsley). Dramatic Works, with a Memoir of his Life; por- trait, crown 8vo., cloth (pub. 5s.), 2s. 1848. 588 SHERIDAN (Richard Brinsley). Memoirs, by Thomas Moore; 2 vols., portrait after Reynolds; 8vo., half calf, 5s. 6d. 1827. 1807. 589 SIDDONS (Henry). Time's a Tell-Tale: a Comedy; 8vo., sewed, ls. 590 SIDDONS (Henry). Practical Illustrations of Rhetorical Gesture and Action adap- ted to the English Drama; embellished with 69 engravings expressive of the vari- ous passions and representing the modern costume of the London theatres, 8vo., boards, uncut, scarce, 11s. 591 SIDDONS (Mrs.) Life of, by Thomas Campbell; 2 vols., 8vo., boards, uncut, name 1822. on title, clean copy, 6s. 6d. 1834. *: 26 ALBERT SUTTON, BOOKSELLER, Another Copy; 2 vols., 4 portraits added, 8vo., rebound in cloth, 7s. 6d. 1834. 592 593 Another Edition; portrait and vignette, crown 8vo., cloth, 3s. Moxon, 1839. 594 SIDDONS.-Galindo (Mrs.) Letters to Mrs. Siddons: a Circumstantial Detail of Mrs. Siddons's Life for the last seven years; small 8vo., half calf neat, some edges shaved, 5s. 1809. This is a violent diatribe on Mrs. Siddons, in which Mrs. Galindo charges the famous actress with alienating the affections of Mr. Galindo. 595 SIMPSON (Richard). The School of Shakspere; 2 thick vols., post 8vo., cloth (puh. 16s.), 6s. 6d. 1878. 1s. N.D. Contains an account of Robert Greene, his prose works, and his quarrels with Shapespeare. 596 SINGER (S. W.) The Text of Shakespeare Vindicated from the Interpolations and Corruptions advocated by John Payne Collier; 8vo., cloth (pub. 7s. 6d.), 2s. Pickering, 1853. 597 SKRINE (John Huntley). Columba: a Drama; square 8vo., cloth, 2s. 1893. 598 SOLLY (Henry). Gonzaga di Capponi: a Dramatic Romance; crown 8vo., cloth, 1s. 6d. 1856. 599 SOMERS (Alexander). Shakespearean Ballads; 12mo., fancy parchment binding, 600 SONTAG.-Memoir of the Countess de Rossi (Madame Sontag); 12mo., cloth, 2s. 6d. 601 SOTHEBY (William) Tragedies: Darnley, The Confession, Orestes, etc.; 8vo., cloth, 2s. 1814. 602 SOTHERN (Edward Askew). Memoir, by T. Edgar Pemberton; 6 character por- traits, 8vo., cloth (pub. 12s.), 4s. 1889. 603 SOUTHERNE (Tho.) Oroonoko: a Tragedy, as it is acted at the Theatre Royal by His Majesty's Servants; small 4to., wrappers, 5s. 1696. 604 SPÅLDING (T. A.) Elizabethan Demonology, with Special Reference to Shakspere and his Works; post 8vo., cloth, 3s. 1880. N.D. 605 SPENSER SOCIETY; a complete set of the publications of this Society, from its conception in 1867 to its dissolution in 1895. 1st series, 47 vols.; 2nd series, 6 vols. Extra Publications:-I. The Shephearde's Calendar: II. Elton's Introduc- tion to Drayton; III. Taylor's Physicke has Purged the Divel; IV. An Answer to a Foolish Pamphlet; V. Daniel's Works, 5 vols.; VI. Spenser's Works, 9 vols.; together 71 vols., folio and small 4to. sizes, in wrappers as issued, £24. 1867-95. 606 SPOUTER'S COMPANION (The): with the Art of Acting and the Picture of a Spouting Club; 12mo., half bound, name cut off title, 2s. N.D. 607 STAGE.-The Conduct of the Stage Consider'd, with Arguments urged against it; thin 8vo., half calf, last leaf damaged, 2s. 6d. 1721. 608 STAUNTON (H.) Some Account of the Life of Shakespeare; portrait, royal 8vo., cloth, 1s. 6d. 1860. 609 STEELE (Mr.) The Funeral and The Tender Husband: Comedies; portrait by Vertue, 12mo., calf, 2s. 6d. 1717. 610 STEELE (Richard) Life, by George A. Aitken; 2 thick vols., with portraits, 8vo., cloth (pub. 32s.), 7s. 6d. 1889. 611 STEPHENS (George). Macbeth, Earl Siward and Dundee; illustrated, 4to., sewed, 1876. 612 STEVENS (Geo. Alex.) A Lecture on Heads; 47 illustrations of heads after Thurs- ton, 12mo., calf (one back off), 3s. 2s. 613 STOPES (C.) The Bacon Shakspere Questions; 8vo., cloth, 2s. 1802. 1888. 614 STUART (C. D.) and PARK (A. J.) The Variety Stage: a History of the Music Halls from the Earliest Period to the Present Time; crown 8vo., designed cloth (pub. 3s. 6d.), 1s. 1895. 615 STYLES (John). An Essay on the Character and Influence of the Stage; crown 8vo., boards, 1s. 1807. 616 STYLES (John). The Stage: its Character and Influence; 12mo., cloth, 1s. 1838. 617 SURTEES (Scott). Shakespeare's Epitaph Unearthed, and the Author of the Plays run to Ground; thin 8vo., cloth, 2s. 1888. 618 SULLIVAN (Barry): a Biographical Sketch, by W. J. Lawrence; post 8vo., boards, 1893. 619 TALFOURD (Thomas Noon). Ion: a Tragedy; first edition, 8vo., wrappers, 2s. Moxon, 1836. 620 TALFOURD (T. N.) The Castilian: an Historical Tragedy; first edition, foolscap 8vo., cloth, 2s. Moxon, 1853. 621 TATE (N.) The History of King Lear, acted at the Queen's Theatre, revived with alterations; small 4to., sewed, 4s. 6d. [1701.] 622 TATHAM (John) Dramatic Works, with Introductions and Notes; 8vo., cloth, 4s. 6d. 1879. 1s. Large paper copy; cnly one hundred and fifty copies were printed. 623 TAYLOR (John). Autobiography of a Lancashire Lawyer; portrait, crown 8vo., Bolton, 1883. cloth, 3s. 6d. A good deal of the book relates to the author's theatrical career, and gives particulars relative to local theatres and performers. 624 TAYLOR (Tom) and READE (Charles). Masks and Faces; or, Before and Behind 1854. the Curtain; 12mo., wrappers, 2s. 625 TEMPLETON and MALIBRAN: Reminiscences of these Renowned Singers, bv W. H. H.; 3 portraits, 8vo., cloth, 2s. 6d. [1879 7 8, DEANSGATE, MANCHESTER. 27 626- THEATRE (The): a Monthly Review and Magazine of the Drama; a set from 1878 to 1896, 24 vols., strongly and neatly bound in half calf, and 14 vols. in parts as is- sued, together 38 vols., full of fine photographs of all the celebrated dramatists, actors, and actresses of the day, 6 10s. 1878-96. This popular magazine, sets of which are now very difficult to procure, contains well- written contributions by eminent writers and critics of repute, including biographies of famous actors and actresses of past and present times, criticisms on new productions and revivals, and essays and articles on everything relating to the theatre. «627 THEATRE (The): a Monthly Review and Magazine; from August, 1878, to December, 1879; a complete series, 3 vols., illustrated with photographs, 8vo., half calf, gold bands, 8s. 1878-79. +628 Another lot; from October, 1894, to June, 1897, 33 parts, with photographs, wrappers, as issued (cost 33s.), 12s. *629 Another lot; new series, January, 1883, to July, 1886, with photographs (cost 44s.), 14s. 1883-86. 630 THEATRE (The); or, Daily Miscellany of Fashion; from Dec. 2nd, 1822, to Jan. 25th, Dublin, 1822-23. 1823; vols. 1 and 2 in 1 vol., small 4to., calf, 7s. 6d. cap 8vo., 5s. Each number contains a review and critique on the dramatic performances of the Dublin theatre, with interesting notices of the principal theatrical occurrences in other places. 631 THEATRICAL EXPRESSION.-Reflections upon Theatrical Expression in Tragedy; thin 8vo., half calf neat, 3s. 1755. 632 THEATRICAL LOOKER-ON (The): a Set from May, 1823, to Nov. 21st, 1823; fools- Birmingham, 1823. 633 THEATRICAL OLIO (The): or, Actor's Ways and Means; portrait and 3 coloured plates; crown 8vo., portrait torn, poor copy, 2s. [1810]. 634 THEATRICAL PORTRAITS.-A Collection of Forty-eight Theatrical Portraits and Scenes; sizes vary from 12mo. to 8vo., the lot 9s. 1775-1840. 635 THEATRICAL PORTRAITS.-Thornber (Harry). Catalogue of Engravings of Thea- trical Scenes and Portraits exhibited at the Arts Club, Manchester; royal 8vo., wrappers, 1s. Privately printed, 1888. Contains eighteen theatrical portraits and scenes, eminently suitable for extra-illustrating They include three portraits of Mrs Siddons, Mrs. Yates, Mrs. Clive, Miss Farren, Samuel Foote, Mrs. Abington, Mrs. Jordan, David Garrick, Mrs. Woffington, Colley Cibber, etc illustrations to this Catalogue form a portion of the "Arts' Club Catalogue," and are kindly lent by Mr. Thornher. The The advertiser has bought a few remaining copies of the Catalogue, and would advise in- tending purchasers to write at once before the stock is sold out. 636 THEATRICAL SPEAKER (The): the Whole Science of Acting, containing Rules for Exhibiting the Dramatic Passions; crown 8vo., half calf, 3s. 1807. 1807. Another Copy; boards, 3s. 637 638 THELWALL (Mr.) Discourse on the Nature and Objects of Elocutionary Science; 8vo., half calf, 2s. Pontefract, 1805. 639 THIMM (Franz). Shakspeariana from 1564 to 1864: an Account of the Shakspearian Literature of England, Germany, France, and other European Countries, with Bib- ~liographical Introductions; 8vo., cloth, 3s. 6d. 640 THOMSON (Mr. [James]). The Tragedy of Sophonisba, acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane; first edition, 8vo, sewed, 3s. 6d. 641 THYNN (Francis). The Debate between Pride and 1872. 1730. Payne Collier; 8vo., cloth, 2s. 642 TIMON: a Play, now first printed, edited by the Rev. Mod de Lowliness, with Notes by J. Shakespeare Society, 1841. Alexander Dyce; 8vo., cloth, Shakespeare Society, 1842. 643 TOBIN (John, author of "The Honey-moon"). Memoirs, with Unpublished Writ- ings, by Miss Benger; post 8vo., half calf, 3s. 2s. 1820. 644 TOOLE (J. L.) Reminiscences, related by himself and chronicled by Joseph Hat- ton; 2 vols., numerous illustrations by Alfred Bryan and W. H Margetson; 8vo., cloth (pub. 30s.), 8s. 1889. 645 Another Copy; 2 vols., strongly bound in cloth (pub. 30s), 6s. 1889. 646 TROTTER (C.) The Revolution of Sweden: a Tragedy; small 4to., sewed, poor copy, wormed, ls. 647 TUPPER (Martin F.) Alfred: a Patriotic Play, in five Acts; 8vo., wrappers, 1s. 1706. + / 1861. Othello: a Critical Study; thick 8vo., cloth, bevelled boards 1892. 1820. 648 TURNBULL (W. R.) (pub. 15s.), 2s. 6d. 649 TWEDDELL (H. Maddison). Aguilhar: a Tragedy; sewed, 1s. 651 650 UPTON (John). Critical Observations on Shakespeare; 12mo., half calf neat, 2s. 6d. Dublin, 1747. Another Copy; handsomely bound in half red morocco, gold tooled, marble leaves, 3s. 6d. 1747. 652 VANBRUGH (Sir John) and CIBBER (Mr.) The Provok'd Husband: a Comedy; small 8vo., sewed, 2s. 6d. 1728. 656 VANBRUGH (Sir John) [Dramatic Works], edited by W. C. Ward; 2 vols., hand- somely printed on superior laid paper, with fine mezzotint portrait, cloth (pub. 25s. net), 9s. 1893. Like most of his contemporaries Vanbrugh has not escaped the charge of licentiousness of language and sentiment. This edition is quite complete and unexpurgated, and as a library edition is satisfactory and attractive. .653 VANDENHOFF (George). The Art of Elocution, with Instructions in Gesture crown 8vo., cloth, 2s. 1855. · you a ser part Jad you * * → " ge f * 1 654 VANDENHOFF (George). Leaves from an Actor's Note Book Green Room and Stage; crown 8vo., hàlf morocco, 4s." Another Copy; crown 8vo., cloth, 3s. 655 659 WAGNER (Richard). Letters to his Dresden Friends, translater by J. S. Shedlock fine etched portrait by C. W. Sherborn, thick post 8vo., cloth (pub. 12s. 6d.), 4s. X 691 1 €1890 660 WALK (Carl). Boltstheater in Frankfurter Mundart; 2 plates of figures, thick 12m6. half morocco, 3s. Frankfort, 1850 3 Consists of folk-plays in the Frankfort dialect. 661 WALKER (Bettina). My Musical Experiences; thick 8vo., cloth, leaves unopened (pub. 16s.), 3s. 6d. 1890 663 WÄLKER (Francis). Letters of a Baritone; post 8vo., cloth gilt (pub. 6s.), 3s. 1895 664 WALKER (J. C.) Historical Memoir on Italian Tragedy, with Specimens and Analyses of the most Celebrated Tragedies, Observations on the Italian Theatres and Biographical Notices of the Principal Tragic Writers; portraits and illustra tions, 4to., old calf, 8s. 6d. 1799 a 665 WALLER (Mrs. Emma). A Resume of the Comprehensive Talent of Mrs. Waller à an Actres in Tragedy, Comedy, and Operatic Drama; 4 character portraits, thir 8vo., half calf, 3s. [1853 666 WALLETT (W. F., the Queen's Jester): an Autobiography, edited by John Luntlev 1870 post 8vo., half calf, 2s. 6d. 667 WALLIS (Dorothy): an Autobiography, with Introduction by Walter Besant; crown 8vo., cloth (pub. 5s.), 2s. 1892 668 WELLESLEY (Henry). Stray Notes on the Text of Shakespeare; small 4to., wrap 1865 pers, 2s. 669 WEST (Mrs.) Poems and Plays; 4 vols., foolscap 8vo., half calf neat, a sound set, 4s 1799 670 WESTMINSTER MAGAZINE: or, Pantheon of Taste for the year 1779; fine plates 1779 thick 8vo., half calf, 5s. Contains a memoir of David Garrick, with a fino portrait after Gainsborough. 671 [WHATELY ((William)]. Remarks on some of the Characters of Shakespeare where the 8vc., sewed, 2s. -1785 672 WHELER (Robert Bell). Hand-List of the Collections respecting the Life and Works of Shakespeare; square 8vo., wrappers, 2s. 1863 Only one hundred copies privately printed 673 WHITE (James). Falstaff's Letters, with Notices of the Author, collected from Charles Lamb and Leigh Hunt; crown 8vo., half blue morocco, extra gilt, to edges gilt, 5s. 6d 1877 1877 674 Another Copy; crown 8vo, cloth, uncut, 3s. 675 WHITE (Thomas W.) Our English Homer: or, Shakespeare Historically Con sidered; crown 8vo., cloth (pub. 6s.), 2s. 1892 A closely reasoned and vigorous attempt to refute the claims of Shakespeare to the author ship of the plays which bear his name. 676 WILKES (Mr.) A General View of the Stage; vignette on title-page, 8vo., boards 3s. 6d. 1759 677 WILKINSON (Tate, patentee of the Theatres Royal, York and Hull). Memoirs o his Own Life; 4 vols., 12mo., contemporary calf gilt binding, yellow leaves, York, 1790 splendid copy, £2 2s "If I had held my pen but half as well as I have held my bottle what a charming hand should have wrote by this time!"-Title page. 679 WILSON (C. H.) The Myrtle and Vine, or, Complete Vocal Library: containing Judicious Collection of the most Popular and Captivating Songs; 2 vols., 11 fine portraits, crown 8vo, boards, 10s. 6d. 1803 Notes; thick 8vo., cloth, 3s. 6d. 680 WILSON (John). Shakspeariana: Catalogue of all Books, Pamphlets, etc., relating 1827 to Shakspeare; crown. 8vo., boards, 3s. 681 WILSON (John) Dramatic Works, with Prefatory Memoir, Introductions, and 1874 Of this edition only four hundred and fifty copies were printed. 682 WILSON (J.) The Cheats: a Comedy; small 4to., wrappers, edges uncut, 2s. 6d 1693 683 WINSTANLEY (Eliza, comedian). Shifting Scenes of Theatrical Life; crown 8vo. 1859 cloth, 3s. 684 WOFFINGTON (Peg.) Life and Adventures, with Pictures of the Period in which she Lived, by J. Fitzgerald Molloy; 2 vols., portrait, post 8vo., cloth (pub. 21s.) 6s. 6d. 1885 685 WYCHERLEY (Mr.) The Plain Dealer: a Comedy, as it is acted at the Theatre 1691 Royal; small 4to., sewed, 2s. 686 WYCHERLEY (Mr.) Love in a Wood: a Comedy, as it is acted by Her Majesty 1711 Servants; small 4to., sewed, 2s. 687 WYCHERLEY (Williain) Plays, containing The Country Wife, The Plain Dealer Gentleman Dancing Master, and Love in a Wood; thick 12mo., calf, joint cracked, 3s. 1735 vt. $ n 688 WYCHERLEY, CONGREVE, VANBRUGH, and FARQUHAR.-Dramatic Works with Biographical and Critical Notices by Leigh Hunt; portrait and engraved 1860 title-page, thick royal 8vo., cloth, 10s. 6d. 690 YOUNG (Charles Mayne, tragedian). Memoir, with Extracts from his Son' Journal, by Julian Charles Young; 2 vols., with portraits and sketches, post 8vo. cloth (pub, 21s.), 7s. 6d. Macmillan, 1871 Macmillan, 1871 Another Edition; in 1 vol., post 8vo., cloth, 4s. * W ** 1860 1860 سلمو } & AM i PABERIDAN t : ! ¡ 4 or not returned with the book GRADUATE LIBRARY THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN GL AUTHOR fol TYPE] } BOOK CARD DO NOT REMOVE } A Charge will be made if this card is mutilated i I DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD 1 M-811634 1 M My St