STA kinderen . . . . . . . . 8. . 1 . .. : . . 1 . Duben . . 5;:; ./ Oil DC63 .Z 9 2171 , 2 *.1 .... ... Clement - Selected List of French Books? for Libraries of High Schools ů and Normal Schools ..... ... - JI . .- . . St. . .. . . ... :. . ::::. :. .: .: .. :: * ,005,798 ..1:::.. 5:33. : " in . . """ '". . . . .., :. ii :::. .. . Time: : . . .. f 9 t . . P . . .. . LAS DE COEUR SILUX...LAL- L PH Y 18370 VULPULLE JIH SCIENTIA 1 hlumMINIMISELENEIDHINI LIBRARY VERITAS OF THE TINIVERSITY OF MIO LuaTout • TUEROR • MICHEZO WA ISLAM CONTINI HIMMATTIANO MILITANTUMPTA MENURU r. EE d . SI. QUERIS.PLHI . SULAMAMONA CUMSPICE OYINO.:r?NO: DAYTOYOTTITOROVA AND ::::::::::::::: .:: 4*,!:: :: .. ::::::::: . Lau!IMINNALIITAMINE WONINIUMMUTITTIINAHUL dl.00000OOOOOOOOOOOO ! - -- - L mer LHIபயபபாபபாபபாயாபயாக OOOOO ilu H + UU 1 S SOS t MIT LAT S More UN NA TA TA 77.28 2177 A Selected List of French Books for Libraries of High Schools and Normal Schools Compiled by MARGUERITE CLÉMENT Agrégée de l'Université de Paris تری ) RAS ce W IU The following list is meant to help in the forma liioir and choice of a school collection of French Hooks.: # It has been thought wise just now, when the teach. ng of French is becoming of considerable import. lince in America, to publish a list of French books, ifrawn up by a member of the French University, and Lpproved of by that body, the author being chosen for Hier knowledge of America and close connection with finany of its public schools. The list is thus the out. Come of some collaboration between the Universities ef both countries; the High Commission of the French Republic, at Washington, has also given it its Epecial patronage. It is divided into a certain number of sections, he headings of which are a sufficient guide to their kontents. The books are intended for the use of both teachers and pupils and, therefore, the selec- Glion has been made as wide as possible so as to suit all tastes and capacities. It includes for instance some manuals of Physics and Chemistry which show liliow these subjects are taught to French boys and birls. There are books and reviews on Art, the illus- rations of which-if the text is found too difficult will be of the greatest use to students of Decorative Art. Very many illustrated books have been in. Herluded so that the pictures may appeal to beginners alfind rouse their interest in the text. We have sug. Hisested, as well as story-books and novels, which all wboys and girls love, the names of several memoirs sind biographies, hoping in this way to develop a taste kor History in general. In short we have tried to recommend the books llwhich will teach students as much as possible about France and things French, but which will at the ame time open their minds in many directions. The expense of the list has been shouldered by a large Society of French Publishers, including not all the big French firms but the greater number of them. In a few years it is hoped that all will have joined the Society. We may add that the books recommended are not published by the members of the So- ciety, the Société d'Exportation des Editions Fran- çaises being anxious that this list should be a na. tional one and serve the general interests of France. All the books may be procured from American booksellers; some of the larger importers carry most of them in stock for immediate shipment; others can be imported from France. Any bookseller can secure the books very easily by applying to the Société d'Exportation des Editions Françaises, 13 due de Tournon, Paris. Schools may also apply to the Society which will be pleased to send them catalogues and give them any information they may require, the only object of the Society being to form a closer connection be- tween the American public and France by every means at its disposal. The Society is not a Commercial Agency in any sense of the term; it draws no profits on its busi- ness transactions; it is entirely supported by its mem- bers who are convinced that their own personal in. terests can only gain by the wider knowledge and better distribution of French books abroad. All French books except school books are pub- lished in paper only; a charge is added for binding varying from 600 to $1.00 per volume according to quality and style. Prices given in the catalog are approximate in many cases, as many increases have taken place and prices may be increased further without notice by the publishers. z N SO 9 N DY 1 tot For the Study of the French Language HAlbalat. L'Art d’écrire enseigné en vingt leçons. Colin 5 fr 40 Albalat. Travail du style enseigné par les corrections manuscrites des grands écri- vains. 5 fr 40 Augé. Grammaire. Larousse, cours moyen 2 fr 10; cours supérieur 2 fr 60 Very popular, especially for primary teaching Camerlingue. Méthode. Didier 5 fr Written by the author of the famous method which is now adopted by all the French girls' high schools for the teaching of English. It is supposed to be the best book of its kind. There is likely to be an American edition. Delayed in publication but will be advertised as soon as ready. Crouzet. Grammaire simple et complète. Didier 5 fr The shortest, latest, and possibly the simplest of all grammars used in the French public schools. Tho it does not answer all the needs of foreign pupils, it is an excellent reference book Lanson. Conseils sur l'art d'écrire. Hachette N 4 fr 75 Barthou. L'explication française. Nathan 14 fr 25 Tableaux Delmas. Delmas These pictures are used everywhere in connec- tion with the so-called direct method; they are essential to the modern concrete teaching of any modern language. Every particular of the big picture used in the class room is reproduced in the small picture that the boy uses at home, so that he is able to prepare the lesson or to revise it himself; all the words being connected with a concrete image, are easily learnt and remembered. A specimen of one of these pictures with the book- lets which go with them would be sent free of charge to any teacher of French, Spanish, Italian, etc., if they apply to the publisher, Charles Delmas, Bordeaux, France. All these books are essential to those who want to know how we teach our children their native tongue; how we give them that taste for an ar. tistic style which is said to be characteristic of the French people Dauzat. La langue française d'aujourd'hui. Colin 5 fr 50 Excellent to enlarge the student's vocabulary Elwall. Dictionnaire, anglais-français et français-anglais. 2V Delagrave 27 fr 50 Used by all pupils in our public schools Martinon. Comment on prononce le fran- çais. Larousse 5 fr Gramont. Traité pratique de prononcia- tion française. Delagrave 5 fr 10 Two useful handbooks for the study of French pronunciation Le Larousse pour tous. 2v Larousse 75 fr In spite of its price, this book ought to be in all school libraries. Its 17,325 illustrations, its innumerable maps, its information concerning French things, French people and French places make it a most remarkable reference book Pessonneaux. Lexicologie. Nathan 5 fr Petit Larousse illustré. Larousse 9 fr 60 Already very popular in America To Make France Known Anthologies illustrées des provinces fran- çaises: J. Calmette. La Bourgogne; G. Gazier. La Franche-Comté; H. Guerlin, La Touraine; H. Prentout. La Norman. : die. Laurens ea 7 fr 40 Every one of these books gives at the same ti a description of the place, of its historical inte of its industry and of its natural resources long extracts from the writers who have inost vivid impressions of the country To * torei 11 2011 1 ROOL DEL sit the words, Dearnt and men the book: C . . ... 12 TUOTI Bruno Le tour de France par deux en fants. Belin 2 fr 40 All French students," already familiar with the extracts published in the American edition will like to know the whole of this famous little book Dubois et Guy. Album géographique: v4, La France. Colin 30 fr Very little text but more than 500 illustrations Hallays. En flânant à travers la France. 6 v Perrin ea 6 fr 20 VI, A travers l'Alsace; v2, A travers la Pro- vence; v3, Touraine, Anjou et Maine; v4 and 5, Paris et autour de Paris; v6, De Bretagne en Saintonge A charming set of books full of information concerning the history of the old houses. They excel in bringing forth the queer and vivid interest of ancient places Jousset, P. La France, géographie illustrée 2 v Larousse 75 fr The two large volumes contain nearly 2000 illustrations and fifty maps Reclus, Onésime. Le plus beau royaume sous le ciel. Hachette 18 fr Vidal-Lablache et Camena d'Almeida. La France. Colin 6 fr Villes d'art célèbres: L. Dimier. Fontaine- bleau; Hardy. Bourges; Kleinclausz Dijon; Pératé. Versailles; Peyre. Nîmes; Vitry. Tours. Laurens ea 6 fr 20 Every one of these books, full of beautiful illus- trations, is written by some prominent man, the best authority concerning the historical or artistic questions connected with these old towns Boutet de Monvel. Jeanne d'Arc. Plon 12 Boutet de Monvel Chansons de France; Vieilles chansons et rondes Plon ea 12 fr Already very popular in America; the charm-, ing illustrations are typically French. Brissaud, P. Vieilles chansons pour les coeurs sensibles. Plon 6 fr 50 A very good choice of fine French songs of the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries. Quite suitable for girls Libonis. Les styles enseignés par l'exem- ple, (Styles français) Laurens 26 fr 80 Magne, L. Le décor de la terre; Le décor du fer. Laurens ea 7 fr 50 Migeon, G. Les arts du tissu. Laurens 15 fr 60 Muntz, E. Le musée d'art. 2v Larousse 85 fr Nearly 1,000 illustrations. May be used by teachers as well as pupils as a reference book con. cerning not only French art, but also art in all times and all countries Petite bibliothèque pour mieux connaitre la France. 12 booklets. Didier ea 750 These deal with French industry, inventions, public institutions, and give in a condensed form a great many useful particulars Rosenthal. Notre art national. Delagrave 5 fr 80 All these books are especially suited for classes. of decorative art; they are so abundantly illus- trated that they may be used with great pront, even by those who do not understand French fr Clerc et Sevestre. Quand nos grands rois étaient petits. Delagrave 9 fr Geoffroy et Lumet. La France héroïque et ses alliés. 2v Larousse 85 fr This book is going oing to be a complete history of the war; it will include the finest selection of "photographs, sketches, and all possible documents relative to all nations at war. It is published un. der the auspices of the Ministère de l'instruction publique Hinzelin. Notre Joffre. Delagrave 12 fr Histoire de France illustrée. Larousse 75 fr Histoire de France contemporaine: supple- ment. Larousse 50 fr Like the book's already mentioned helps the child to understand thru the pictures all that he he is not yet able to understand thru the text and, therefore serves as a great stimulant for the be- ginner Lavisse. Histoire de France: cours élé- mentaire. Colin I fr 80 This little book written by one of the greatest · French historians is probably the masterpiece among our French textbooks. Heath is going to publish an American edition Lavisse. Histoire de France: cours moyen, cours supérieur (not yet issued). Colin I fr 80 . Toudouze et Leloir. Le Roi Soleil. Boivin 21 fr 60 The finest illustrated book for young people, dealing with the whole of the seventeenth century. All illustrations are colored ones Combet's monographes illustrés sur l'his- toire de France. Le Roi Soleil; Bonaparte; France: son histoire, 3v; Jeanne d'Arc; Henri quatre; Louis XI; Richelieu. Boi- vin ea 23 fr Tho this collection is expensive and of a large size, it is with the Boutet de Monvel, what France has to offer, in the way of illustrated books for oung people. The educational value of these al- ms is great. They form the taste and make students familiar with old times Very Easy Texts for Beginners Bouchor, M. Contes d'après la tradition française. Colin 2 fr Bouchor, M. Contes d'après la tradition européenne. Colin 3 fr Bouchor, M. Contes d'après la tradition orientale. Colin 3 fr 25 These three little books of old tales are written by a very well known French writer, in an excel. lent, tho very simple style; the moral comments are excellent and the choice includes the best stories of all countries Boutet de Monvel. La civilité puérile et honnête. Plon 12 fr Fabre. Les petites filles. Delagrave 2 fr 45 Foncin. Le pays de France. Colin 2 fr 50 La Fontaine. Fables; il. par Boutet de Monvel. Plon 12 fr La Fontaine. Fables; il. par Morin. Laur- ens 10 fr It is very good for boys and girls to get first acquainted with that great classic author thru amusing or lovely illustrations Girardin. Les braves gens; Nous autres; Grand-père; Les épreuves d'Étienne. Hachette 5 fr ea : Easy texts for beginners or books profusely illustrated that can be immediately enjoyed, even by very young students Marois. Premier livre; Second livre. Colin ea 6 fr Perrin, H. Mon livre d'histoires. Larousse I fr 50 Ségur, Mme de. Les malheurs de Sophie; Les mémoires d'un âne. Hachette 5 fr ea Already so widely known that they hardly need any comment Gai-gai-marions nous. Sonnez les matines. Voyez comme on danse. Sporck ea 7 fr 50 Three amusing collections of French children's songs with music - -- - ------ - - - - -- - -.. - ... - - . .- - —..--.. On-12-1 TEM War Collection of Illustrated Books for Beginners Hansi. Histoire d'Alsace. Floury 15 fr Hansi. Mon village. Floury 12 fr The most popular and also the most artistic of the books about Alsace Lisbeth. Au beau pays d'Alsace. Berger Leyrault 6 fr Redon. Aux enfants de la France qui vient. Société d'études économiques et sociales 5 fr A fine book in which the illustrations are of great moral value Schaller. En guerre. Berger Levrault 3 fr Books with illustrations in remarkably bright colors tho at the same time well drawn and in very good taste Toinette et la guerre. Berger Levrault 5 fr General Literature: Novels The following choice includes a great many works of great writers, yet they are carefully chosen for young people. Our literature offers many more of those than it is usually believed. Also quite a number exist in a special edition, with few alterations P. Acker. Les exilés. Plon 5 fr Balzac. Eugénie Grandet. Nelson 2 fr Barrès, M. Colette Baudoche. Paul 4 fr 50 The war has given a new interest to this love story of an Alsatian girl Bazin, R. Les Oberlé; Une tâche d'encre. Lévy ea 4 fr 75 Bordeaux, H. La petite Mademoiselle. Plon 4 fr 75 Bordeaux, H. La nouvelle croisade des en- fants. Flammarion 4 fr 75 Boussenard. Le tour du monde d'un gamin de Paris. Tallandier 4 fr 75 Boylesve, L'enfant à la balustrade. 4 fr 75 Chantepleure. La passagère. Ma con- science en robe rose. Fiancée d'avril. ea 4 fr 75 Coppée, F. Contes. Lemerre 4 fr 75 Coulevain. Sur la branche. 4 fr 75 n probably the “Chef d'oeuvre" of our literature for children Gréville, H. Dosia. Plon 4 fr 75 One of the most celebrated books for girls; it tells the story of a wilful girl who is conquered by love Gyp. Napoleonette. 4 fr 75 Halévy, E. L'Abbé Constantin. Lévy 4 fr 75 Hamp. Le rail. 4 fr 75 Hugo. Notre Dame de Paris, 2v; Les tra- vailleurs de la mer. ea 4 fr 75 Lafon, A. L'élève Gilles. : 4 fr 75 This story of a schoolboy received the first great prize of the French Academy for fiction Le Braz, A. Contes du soleil et de la brume. 4 fr 75 La Brète, j. de. Mon oncle et mon curé. Plon 4 fr 75 Undoubtedly the most popular novel amongst French girls; it is a simple and charming story full of gaiety and humour Lamartine. Graziella. I fr 75 Laurie, A. La vie de collège dans tous les pays. jov Hetzel ea 4 fr 75 Le Goffic, Ch. Morgane. Plon 4 fr 75 Lichtenberger, A. Mon petit Trott. La petite soeur de Trott. Plon ea 4 fr 75 Loti, P. Pêcheurs d'Islande; Le roman d'un enfant Lévy ea 4 fr 75 The style of this great writer, tho most pictur- esque, is very easy to understand Very clever analyses of children's minds; often ainusing and deep at the same time Maeterlinck. L'intelligence des fleurs. L'oiseau bleu. La vie des abeilles. Fas- quelle ea 4 fr 75 One of the most prominent Belgian writers .whose books are full of philosophical and poetical beauty Malot, H. Sans famille, 2V; En famille. 2v. Flammarion ea 9 fr 50 These are also among the novels which have been most widely read, especially by young people Marguerite, P. Ma grande. Fayard I fr 75 Maupassant. Contes choisis pour la jeu- nesse 4 fr 75 Mérimée, P. Colomba. Lévy 4 fr 75 Musset. La confession d'un enfant du siè- cle 4 fr 75 Péguy. Notre jeunesse. Notre patrie. ea 4 fr 75 Prévost, M. Lettres à Françoise Fayard 4 fr 75 Rolland, R. Jean-Christophe. (L'aube) Ollendorff 4 fr 75 Only the first of that long series of books is suitable for young people; but that one will be sufficient to make them realize the strong and pathetic beauty of the whole Saintine. Picciola. Hachette 4 fr 50 St. Pierre, B. de. Paul et Virginie. Garnier 4 fr Tho a classic, is always read by young people with the same pleasure Sand, George. François le Champi; La petite Fadette; La mare au diable. Lévy 4 fr 75 5. The' everlasting masterpiece of the French rus- tic novel Sandeau, J. Mademoiselle de la Seiglière. Fasquelle 4 fr 75 Schultz, J. La neuvaine de Colette. Lévy 4 fr 75 Tinayre. Hellé. La veillée des armes. ea 4 fr 75 A marion 4 fr 75 Daudet, A. Contes du lundi; Lettres de mon moulin. Nelson ea 2 fr Daudet, A. Tartarin de Tarascon. Flam- marion 4 fr 75 Tho the vocabulary is a little difficult for be- ginners all Daudet's works are invaluable to the student because of their beautiful style and the number of words used Dumas, A. Les trois mousquetaires. 2v Nelson 4 fr Erkmann-Chatrian. Histoire d'un conscrit de 1813. Hetzel 4 fr 75 Erkmann-Chatrian. Madame Thérèse. Waterloo 4 fr Franay. Mon chevalier. Colin 4 fr 75 Tho of no great literary value, extremely pop- ular among French girls Feuillet. Le roman d'un jeune homme pauvre. 950 France, Anatole. Le crime de Sylvestre Bonnard; Le livre de mon ami. Lévy ea 4 fr 75 Gautier. Le capitaine Fracasse. 2V ea 4 fr 75 Gebhart, E. Autour d'une tiare. Hachette 4 fr 75 Girardin. Les braves gens. Nous autres. Grandpère. Les épreuves d'Étienne. Hachette ea 4 fr 75 These books, already mentioned among the very easy texts for beginners, have been pronounced by Mr. Lanson, one of our leading critics, to be Verne, Jules. Les aventures d'Hector Ser- vadac, 2v; Les enfants du capitaine Grant, 3v; Vingt mille lieues sous les mers, 2v; Michel Strogoff, 2v; Le tour du monde en quatre-vingt jours. Hachette ea 4 fr 75 Have been read by all French boys and girls Vigny. Cinq-Mars. 2v ea 4 fr 775 L LAD ( ur IR - 2. Historical Reading Barine, A. Bourgeois et gens de peu. Prin- cesses et grandes dames. Louis XIV et la Grande Mademoiselle. Hachette ea 4. fr 75 Barine, A. La jeunesse de la Grande Made- moiselle. Hachette 4 fr 75 Accounts of the lives and doings of some of the most influential women of France La Tour du Pin, marquise de. Journal d'une femme de cinquante ans. 2y Chape- lot 15 fr Reviews conditions in France and in the United States at the end of the eighteenth and the be. ginning of the nineteenth century Coignet, J. Cahiers. Hachette i fr 75 Sketch of Napoleon's grenadier guard's life Daudet, Léon. L'avant guerre. Lib.. nation- ale 4 fr 75 Studies on the German spy system in France Guérin, Eugénie de. Lettres 1805-48. Per- rin 4 fr 70 Charming collection of letters Lenotre, G. Vieilles maisons, vieux pa- piers. 4v Perrin ea 6 fr Anecdotes and stories about the French Revolu- French Revendes tion Nolhac, P. de. Marie Antoinette, dauphine. La reine Marie Antoinette. Nelson. ea 2 fr The best description of this period Perey, Lucien. La comtesse Hélène Potocka. La princess Hélène de Ligne. Lévy ea 9 fr History of a great French lady in the eighteenth century Radot, Valley. Vie de Pasteur. Hachette Io fr One of the most interesting biographies Classics and Criticism Boileau. Oeuvres. Hatier 4 fr 50 Bossuet. Oeuvres. Hatier 5 fr Notre Chateaubriand. Didier 7 fr Corneille. Théâtre. Larousse 6 fr 50 Crouzet. Histoire illustrée de la littérature française. Didier 10 fr Has been adopted by most of our high schools. The text is very simple; it aims at giving sub stantial and picturesque information rather than ready made appreciations; and the numerous pic. tures have proved most efficient in rousing the student's interest in books and authors Dix-Neuvième siècle par les textes. Delagrave 7 fr 50 Pages choisies des grands écrivains, y compris les auteurs contemporains; col- lection complète. Colin ea 5 fr 50 It must be understood that this list is far from being complete and gives only the essential. In fact, all the important French publishers have issued a collection of classics; every one of them is excellent. The principal ones: Colin's, Dinla. grave's, Didier's, Flammarion's, Hatier's, Ha. chette's, Larousse's and Plon's have been men. tioned We do not advise a great many critics, as there is a real danger that the inexperienced student will look for ready made statements which do not correspond to any genuine literary feeling. Thd best critical studies are the biographies. The series called: Les classiques populaires, Lecène egli volume 3 fr, is distinctly the best suited for high schools Écrivains politiques du dix-huitième siècle. Colin 4 fr Écrivains politiques du dix-neuvième siècle. Colin 4 fr Hugo, Victor. Poésies; Prose. Delagrave ea 6 fr La Bruyère. Caractères. Didier 7 fr La Fontaine. Fables. Laurens 10 fr So With beautiful illustrations Molière. Théâtre. 2y Larousse 16 fr Notre Montesquieu. Didier 7 fr Notre Musset. Didier 7 fr Poètes français du dix-neuvième siècle Delagrave 6 fr Poètes français contemporains. Dela grave o fr Racine. Théâtre. 2v Larousse 12 fr Notre Rousseau. Didier 7 fr Sévigné, Mme de. Lettres. Larousse 7 fi Vigny. Servitude et grandeur militaire Nelson 2 fr Notre Vigny. Didier , fr Jaquin, J. Petites filles du temps passé fr 50, 10 fr 50 Faguet. Les héros comiques. $1.25 Technical Instruction Books Caillaut. Fascicules technologiques del l'apprenti-ajusteur et de l'ouvrier inécani! cien. 7v Delagrave ea 2 fr 75 Fabre, J. H. Souvenirs entomologique !! Iov Delagrave ea 4 fr 75 Fabre, J. H. Le ciel; L'industrie. Dela grave ea 5 fr Charming studies on natural history Figuier, L., et Nausonty, M. de. Les mer veilles de la science; électricité, moteur: Boivin ea 18 for Laubeuf. Sousmarins et submersibles Delagrave 4 fr 75 Lebois. Electricité industrielle. 2v Dela|| grave 12 fr 50 Lemoine et Vincent. Cours élémentaire di physique, Belin Šix different grades from 3 to 13 fr 40 Matignon. Nouveau cours de chimi élémentaire. Masson Four different grades ranging from 3 to 6 fr 5 French Periodicals Suitable For School Libraries Annales politiques et littéraires Weekly. 20 fr per year Arts français. Monthly 15 fr per yea A periodical devoted to the teaching of indu! trial arts La Française This weekly paper is the best one may consu! concerning the activity of French women in evert direction; it is a suffragist paper but at the sam! time it gives a regular account of all new lawi connected with women, of all new careers fc them, etc. From that point of view it might especially interesting for high school girls La Nature. Weekly. 13 fr per year Mon journal. 10 fr per year -comment. À children's periodical on the order of the chi dren's encyclopedia L'université des Annales. 18 fr per year f . . : . DX 1.2 ily . :. 1 r S .. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN . . Gaylord Bros. Makers Syracuse. N. Y. 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