7z a. .. B1,012,675 *IEG YOF MI.~A 8061t t zV"vr ij 'A 'N 'snor-iAS *SOJB P-jolAe(O 1 I f I; fT 1 T{ , . Ir t-" i.ill IIr[;+ TT r I;,jll lilt, }' ! tl l /'il ' Tel l i i f IglCI y'" " 1 Ili'' _ 1 1 i- i h Erg 1 rltr ;T7,,i1 L { f !!llt} 21 }I t ' 1 t° it I S IT! =Ili 77RI l # 1 j} L + rf ,I }E+lr , ! M 1T711 f {{ll1t x ! 1 li f f y ,1 1, 1Y+ txrr Tt}jti }1jli }f rh'il }I,, lr llll;lr { f . k 1 }! 1 lT {Tj jl'11}I }l . yyit lit¢YlTli 1. I 'i. Illll 1 I'1'Ii l} t 1 Iii lIl(i,1 1 11lilV II LIltl1 !' ira7i 1 111 1!!}Illy i l ' 1,1}S }1i Il¢[ililli Rif fiat{i xj! '{j l i { I jlp 'tljl{! 1 " -4 k ' it+ L 11 fie.. I f the Seconb 3nternational ibrarM Conference (1897), TO BE HELD, BY THE KIND PERMISSION OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF LONDON, IN THE GUI LDIHIALL, -GO JTULY 13th, 14th, 15th; and. 16th, 1897. PRESIDENT: The Rt. Hon. Sir JOHN LUBBOCK, Bart., M.P., F:R.S. VICE-PRESIDENTS: r --__._._ ,._. .. _ , . - .l.-,- H.R.H. THE DUC D'AUMALE. THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD HIGH CHAN- CELLOR. THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD CHIEF JUSTICE OF ENGLAND, G.C.M.G. HIS EXCELLENCY THE AMERICAN. AMBAS- SADOR, THE HON. JOHN HAY. HER GRACE THE DUCHESS OF RUTLAND. THE MOST HON. THE MARQUESS OF DUFFERIN AND AVA, K.P. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF CRAWFORD,K.T. THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD WINDSOR. THE RIGHT HON. SIR GEORGE GREY, K.C.B. .THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD MAYOR. ALDERMAN SIR REGINALD HANSON, Bart., M.P., LL.D. ALDERMAN SIR STUART KNILL, Bart., LL.D. PROF. SIR HENRY W. ACLAND, F.R.S., Libn., Radcliffe Lib. SIR FREDERICK A. ABEL, Bart., K.C.B. THE HON. SIR DONALD SMITH, G.C.M.G., High Commissioner for Canada. SIR EDWARD MAUNDE THOMPSON, K..C.B., Principal Libn., British Museum. SIR ALBERT ROLLIT, M.P. SIR WILLIAM H. BAILEY, Salford P. Lib. Committee. SIR WALTER BESANT. SIR HENRY IRVING, D.C.L. *RICHARD GARNETT, C.B., LL.D., Keeper of the Printed Books, British Museum (Chairman of Committee on Papers and Discussions). W. E. H. LECKY, M.P. T. K. ABBOTT, Libn., Trinity College Lib., Dublin. PERCY ALDEN, Chairman. of the West Ham P. Lib. E. L. T. ARMSTRONG, Libn., P. Lib., Melbourne. WILLIAM E. A. Axok, Moss-Side P. Lib: Committee. JAMES BAIN, Libn., P. Lib., Toronto. JOHN BALLINGER, Libn., Cardiff P. Lib. PROF. COMM. GUIDO BIAGI, Biblioteca Maru- celliana, Florence. REV. CANON WILLIAM BARKER. FRANCIS T. BARRETT, Libn., Glasgow P. Lib. PROFESSOR ALEXANDRE BELJAME, Universit6 de France. JOHN S. BILLINGS, D..C.L.Oxon., Libn., New York P. Lib. CHARLES K. BOLTON, Treasurer of American Lib. Assoc. E. A. BOND, C.B., LL.D., late Principal Libn., British Museum. R. R. BOWKER, Editor of the 'Library Journal.' E. W. BRABROOK, Treasurer of the Royal Society of Literature. WILLIAM H. BRETT, President of American Lib. Assoc. J. P. BRISCOE, Libn., Nottingham P. Lib. ALDERMAN W. H. BRITTAIN, Chairman of the Sheffield P. Lib. Committee. C. W. BRU0N, Royal Lib., Copenhagen. ANDREW CARNEGIE, Pittsburg, U.S.A. J. T. CLARK, Keeper of the Advocates' Lib., Edinburgh. RICHARD COPLEY CHRISTIE, LL.D. DAVID CORSAR, J.P., Donor of the Arbroath P. Lib. PETER COWELL, Libn., Liverpool P. Lib. F. BLAKE CROFTON, Libn., Legislative Lib., Nova Scotia. F. M. CRUNDEN, Libn., St. Louis P. Lib. CHARLES AMMI CUTTER, Libn., Forbes Lib., Northampton, Mass. FRANK DEBENHAM, Marylebone P. Lib. Com- mittee. LEOPOLD DELISLE, Administrator of the Bibio- theque Nationale, Paris. MELVIL DEWEY, Director of the New York State Lib. School. - W. R. DOUTHWAITE, Libn. Gray's Inn. PROF. EDWARD DOWDEN, D.C.L., Trustee of the National Lib. of Ireland. TH. DUFOUR, Bibliotheque de la Ville, Geneva. PROFESSOR C. DZIATZKO (Gdttingen). J. PASSMORE EDWARDS. M. E. FtTIS, Bibliotheque Royale, Brussels. W. E. FOSTER, Libn., P. Lib. Providence, R.I. H. W. FOVARGUE, Hon. Solicitor of the Lib. Assoc. DOMENICO GNOLT, Biblioteca Nazionale Cen- trale Vittorio Emanuale, Rome. CARs -H: GULD; Libn. McGill Univer- Sity, Montreal. SAMUEL S. GREEN, Libn., P. [ib., Worcester, Mass. THOMAS GREENWOOD, Editor of 'Public Li- braries.' RUTHERFORD P. HAYES, Secretary of American Lib. Assoc. RICHARD R. HOLMES, Libn., Queen's Lib., Windsor Castle. PROFESSOR J. K. INGRAM, LL.D., late Libn., Trinity College, Dublin. FRANCIS JENKINSON, Libn., University Lib., Cambridge. ALDERMAN G. J. JOHNSON, Birmingham P. Lib. Committee. P.T.O. GARDNER M. JONES, Recorder of American Lib. Assoc. ERARD A. JOSEPH, Libn., Government. Lib., Colobiibo. H. LA FONTAINE, Director of the International Institute of Bibliography, Brussels., W. COOLIDaE LANE, Libn., Athenaeum, Boston, Mass. H. H. LANGTON, Libn., University of Toronto. CHARLES LATTER, Chelsea P. Lib. Committee. T. G. LAW, Libn, Signet Library, Edinburgh. HON P. M. LAWRENCE, Judge President, High Court of Griqualand, President, Kimberley P. Lib. EDWARD ZEE, Chaianof t4_Guihal aib. Com ittee. SIDNEY LEE, Editor of 'Dictionary of National Biography.' T. W. LYSTER, Libn., National Lib., Ireland. REV. W. H. MILMAN, Libn., Sion College. HEW MORRISON, Libn., Edinburgh P. Lib. J. D. MULLINs, Libn., Birmingham P. Lib.. E. W.- B. NICHOLSON, Bodley's Libn., Oxford. PAUL OTLET, Secretary General of the In- ternational Institute of Bibliography, Brussels. G. N. MONTI PERIRA, Biblioteca Nacional, Lisbon. HERBERT PUTNAM, Libn., P. Lib., Boston, Mass, ALDERMAN HARRY RAWsON, Chairman of the Manchester P. Lib. Committee and President of the Lfb. Assoc. HIs HONOUR 'JUDGE RUSSELL, Q.C., Master of Gray's Inn Lib. MRS. JOHN RYLANDS, Founder of the John Rylands Lib. ALDERMAN J. W. SOUTHERN, Chairman of the Manchester P. Lib. Committee. AND. S. STEENBERG, Horsens, Denmark. LESLIE STEPHEN, President-of London Lib. B. F. STEVENS, Fditor of 'European Archives relating to America.' C. W. SUTTON, Libn., Manchester P. Lib. N. uTAMAYo;Y.BAUs,,.:ibioteca, Naional,. Madrid. HENRY TATE, J.P., Chairman of the Tate P. Lib., Streatham. *HENRY R. TEDDER, Libn., Athenaeum (Chair- man of the Finance Committee). SAM. TIMMINS, Birmingham P. Lib. Com- mittee. *CHARLES WELCH, Libn., Guildhall Lib. (Chairman of the Reception Committee). PRoF: AUGUST WILMANS, K.-Bibliothek, Berlin. JUSTIN WINSOR, Libn., Harvard University. W. H. K. WRIGHT, Borough Libn., Ply- mouth. HON. TREASURER. *HENRY R. TEDDER, Atheneum, Pall Mall, S.W. HON. SECRETARY. GENERAL. J. Y. W. MACALISTER, 20, Hanover Square, W. AT the Buxton meeting of the Library Association a communication was received from the American Library. Association, stating that about 300 members of that body proposed to visit this country during 1897 in order to become personally acquainted with the libraries and other institutions -of the United Kingdom. It was thereupon resolved that the Library Association should avail itself of the occasion to organise a second International Library Conference, to be held in London during the visit of the American Library Asso- ciation. The Lord Mayor and Corporation of the City of London have generously placed their Council Chamber at the disposal of the Organizing Committee for the meetings of the Conference, which will be held there on July 13th, 14th, 15th, and 16th. The great success and widespread influence of the First Conference (1877) encourages the Committee to hope that the Second, inasmuch as it will focus the work of the last twenty years, and enable workers to discuss the 'results of methods, most of which date from the first Conference, will prove to be a still greater success. - It is anticipated that the leading spirits in libraiy work throughout the world will attend the Conference, and there can be no doubt that the result of the papers and disctissions will do much to encourage the progress of the movement, and place at the disposal of the managers of libraries much information which cannot fail to be of value to those desirous of improving the methods used in the libraries they are connected with. An Exhibition of Library Appliances, and of everything likely to be of use to librarians and library managers, will be an important feature of the Conference, and contributions towards it are invited. Plans of libraries, blank forms, official books, and everything illustrative of library work will be welcome. Visits to all the more important libraries of the metropolis and vicinity will be arranged, and a unique opportunity provided of examining their contents anid systems of working. The Rt. Honorable the Lord Mayor has invited the Conference to a Conversazione in the Mansion House on the evening of July 13th, and Sir Henry Irving has generously arranged to give a special performance of " The Merchant of Venice " on the evening of 1897. To the Hon. Secretary of the SECOND INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY CONFERENCE (1897). DEAR SIR, I desire to become a member of the Second International Library Conference and shall be obliged by your sending me a ticket at your early convenience I enclose remittance of , : being ONE GUINEA for Member's Subscription, together with £ : as a Donation to the Reception Fund. Faithfully yours, Signature Name (clearly written) as it should be printed in list Address Description Cheques should be made payable to Henry R., Tedder, Hon. Treasurer, and crossed.  July 15th, to which he has invited all the members. After the more serious business of the Conference the members will be entertained at gatherings of a social character, including garden parties, excursions, &c. &c. A subscription of ONE GUINEA constitutes membership, and entitles the holder of a ticket to admission to all the meetings of the Conference, tickets for all social gatherings to which members are invited; and to receive gratis the 'Transactions' and other publica- tions issued in connection with the meeting. Applications for membership, accompanied in each case by a cheque (made payable to the Hon. Treasurer, International Library Conference) for the subscription, should be sent at once to the Honorary Secretary, Mr. J. Y. W. MacAlister, 20, Hanover *C- &e gpn46Ws As hSerthises-of themeetingduxof entertaining so large .a number will be very great, donations to the Reception Fund are invited. Donations of more than one guinea will be considered as including member's subscription, and will entitle the donor to all the privileges of membership. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE. Chairman: MR. ALDERMAN HARRY RAwsON.* The President and Vice-Presidents are ex-officio Members of this Committee. T. J. AGAR, C.A., Auditor, Lib. Assoc. JAMES R. Boost, Libn., Royal Colonial Inst. *E. M. BORRAJo, Guildhall Library. *J. D. BROWN, Libn., Clerkenwell P. Lib. F. J. BURGOYNE, Libn., Lambeth P. Lib. CEDRIC CHIVERs, Lib. Bureau. W. CROWTHER, Libn., Derby P. Lib. H. E. DAVIDSON, American Lib. Bureau. C. T. DAVIs, Libn., Wandsworth P. Lib. R. K. DENT, Libn., Aston P. Lib. W. E. DOUBLEDAY, Libn., Hampstead P. Lib. -G. HALL ELLIOTT, Libn., Belfast P. Lib. H. W. FINCHAM, Commissioner, Clerkenwell P.Lib. H. T. FOLKARD, Libn., Wigan P. Lib. .JOsEPH GILBURT, Day's Library.. T: W. HAND, Libn., Oldham P. Lib. REV. CANON J. CLARE HUDSON. -G. R. HUMPHERY, Hon. Libn., Deptford Lib. L. INKSTER, Libn., Battersea P. Lib. *HERBERT JONES, Libn., Kensington P. Lib. (Chairman of the Exhibition Committee). C. V. KIRKBY, Libn., Leicester P. Lib. *J. W. KNAPMAN, Libn. of the Pharmaceutical Society. C. MADELEY, Libn., Warrington P. Lib. *THos. MAsON, Libn., St. Martin's P. Lib. W. MAY, Libn., Birkenhead P. Lib. E. NORRIs MATHEWs, Libn., Bristol P. Lib. J. J. OGLE;'ibn., Bootle P. Lib. FRANK PACY, Libn., St. George's, Hanover Square, P. Lib. A. W. POLLARD, British Museum. J. H. QUINN, Libn., Chelsea P. Lib. A. W. ROBERTSON, Libn., Aberdeen P. Lib. C. E. ScARsE, Libn., Birmingham Lib. E. W. SHACKELL, Chairman, Cardiff P. Lib. SAM. SMITH, Libn., Sheffield P. Lib. BUTLER Woon, Libn., Bradford P. Lib. * The asterisks indicate Members of the Executive Committee. N.B.-It will save the time of correspondents if letters, exclusively on the business of the following Committees, are addressed to their respective Hon. Secretaries : COMMITTEE ON PAPERS AND DISCUSSIONS. Hon. Secretary: J. D. BROWN, Clerkenwell Public Library, E.C. EXHIBITION COMMITTEE. Hon. Secretary : THOMAS MASON, 115, St. Martin's Lane, W.C. RECEPTION COMMITTEE. Hon. Secretary : E. M. BORRAJO, Guildhall, E.C. FINANCE COMMITTEE. Hon. Secretary: J. W. KNAPMAN, 17, Bloomsbury Square, W.C.  /2 - 1' y  F l oe :,aaaa ice! r'Jl 2 / f' I, lG , 1 xtu~ K) /ll ,'' ~YJJ / ((6' ii i '~yiJ (ii771 (j ~-. ;?Kb~J/4h? "K u' 7 I - >( '-'-' I / _ /'Kanc,&;.i ("4  16 ~J4~t7~ )~ 2 (~ / -e ~z U? ,/ - Y 7J< C X66,?1< 7 E1111V _ I I . v % a _ . ill . il I P.. . . ... , , ,-- - -, . -t, i,- " ! 1- - 14.'O _-.6 , i, z, , -,,- .. t, _ V M :. . , - , - v , - ", , , , . I I I , )_ . .,; ,- -4, , p . N - . , ti. . .... . , I - . c . . . , 4f. ;',,' L ., 4 ,- ;. 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