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C . ch VE . i' .. 9. -.- o n i...-. .. ........ - - - .-.- . . --- . . .- À - - is * . . -- * . LY UN 2 CIT 2 WA . . . LIBRARY U. S. PATENT OFFICE. NO. Class. Case Shelf This Book cannot be taken from the Library, . . * * . . FX AL 3 ST Tito I. .:* ' '. Visi , 4 TV W . . . .... . . .: . . .. ... Bry . . . . 1. 2. it . . .. . , 1 . * ... * ' * ::: . . II. * . . . - . . * * . . . E u r. . . - - ; . : . . . . . :: S :: : . aji - . 1. . . . . ! .. . i ? . . . * . . * ili . ' * Wat KA N . . . 17. .. CATALOGUE OF THE EDUCATIONAL DIVISION OF THE SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. oudou, IS SIXTH EDITION. LONDON: PRINTED BY GEORGE E. EYRE AND WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE, PRINTERS TO THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT BLAJESTY. FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. CORRECTED TO DECEMBER 1860. Price ls. in Paper Covers, and 1s. 6d. in Cloth. sy transiør ixum hot Once Lib. AW 1014. gen . 3 - 31-30 SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT OF THE COM- MITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION. THE OFFICES of the SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT are situate in the Cromwell Road, South Kensington, and are open for the transaction of business from 10 to 4 daily, except on the usual holidays at Government Offices. Lord President of the Council, The Right Hon, the Earl GRANVILLE, K.G. Vice-President of the Committee of Council on Education, The Right Hon. ROBERT LOWE, M.P. Secretary.-Henry Cole, C.B. Assistant Secretary.-Norman MacLeod. Chief Clerk.-Edward Stanley Poole. First-class Clerks.- Wykeham T. Deverell, George Francis Duncombe. Second-class Clerks.--William Henry F. Stratton, Percival B. B. Peile, A. Henry Gasparini. Assistant Clerks.-C. Comyns, C. G. Quinton. Accountant.-A. L. Simkins. Book-keeper.-H. W. Williams. Storekeeper. -William George Groser. Deputy Storekeeper.-H. Lloyd. Referee for Art and Inspector-General of Art Schools.—Richard Redgrave, R.A. Inspector for Science.-J. F. D. Donnelly, Captain R.E. Occasional Inspector for Navigation.--A. P. Ryder, Captain R.N. Examiners for Science. Professor A. W. Hofmann, LL:D., F.R.S.; T, H. Huxley, F.R.S.; J. Tyndall, F.R.S.; A. C. Ramsay, F.R. S W . W. Smyth, M.A., F.R.S. ; Rev. B. M. Cowie, M.A. ; E. Lankester, M.D., F.R.S. ; John Riddle; T. Bradley. Examiners for Navigation.—Dr. Kinkel, Ph. D. ; John Riddle, Esq., F.R.A.S. Inspectors for Art.-H. A. Bowler ; R. G. Wylde. Occasional Inspector for Art.-Eyre Crowe. Examiners for Art.-Sir Charles L. Eastlake, P.R.A., F.R.S. ; Daniel N. Maclise, R.A. ; Richard Redgrave, R.A. General Superintendent at South Kensington.-Henry Cole, C.B. Engineer and Architect.- Francis f'owke, Captain R.E. Deputy General Siperintendent at South Kensington.-Philip Cunliffe Owen. Keeper of the Art Collections and of the Art Library.-J. C. Robinson, F.S.A. Assistant Keeper of the Art Collections and of the Art Library.-Robert H. S. Smith, M.A. Clerk of the Art Library.-R. Laskey. Clerk of the Travelling Museum.-C. B. Worsnop.. Agent for the Sale of Photographs.-George Wallis. Ķceper of the Educational, Animal Products', and Food Collections.— Richard A. Thompson. Superintendent of the Animal Products' and Food Collections.—Edwin Lankester, M.D., F.R.S. Assistant Keeper of the Educational, Animal Products', and Food Collections.- William Match wick. C'lerk of the Educational Collection.-David Craven. Superintendent of the Construction and Building Collection.-Francis Fowke, Captain R.E. Assistant Keeper of the Construction and Building Collection.—Henry Sandham. Honorary Surgeon.-F. Seymour Haden, F.R.C.S. a 2 SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. EDUCATIONAL DIVISION. The object of this Division of the Museum is to aid all classes of the Public, and especially those engaged in teaching, by bringing together all that is new and worthy of attention in apparatus relating to Educa- tion, both in its primary and secondary branches, whether of home or foreign production. In order to economize as much as possible the time of those seeking information, and to facilitate the means of reference, a system of classi- fication and arrangement of the contents has been adopted, so as to bring together, as far as practicable, all objects of a similar nature, and enable those studying any particular subject to compare one example with another. The rapid formation of the Educational Museum has been greatly aided by the liberal and ready assistance given by the producers of Educational Works and Apparatus ; at least three-fourths of the already extensive Collection being the voluntary contributions of Authors and Publishers. Each object is distinctly labelled with its name and uses, the retail price, the name of the donor or exhibitor, and the publisher's address. where it may be obtained. The distinctive colours attached to the labels are chiefly intended to help the Attendants in keeping the objects in their proper groups. The Museum is open free on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Saturdays. The Students' days are Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, when the public are admitted on the payment of sixpence each person. The hours on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, are from 10 A.M. till 10 p.m., on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, from 10 a.m. till 4, 5, or 6 p.m., according to the season. ( vi ) Tickets of admission to the Museum, including the Art Library and Educational Reading-room, are issued at the following rates ;-weekly, 6d. ; monthly, 1s. 6d. ; quarterly, 3s. ; half-yearly, 5s. ; yearly, 10s. ; Yearly tickets are also issued to any school at il., which will admit all the pupils of such school on all Students' days ; to be obtained at the Catalogue Sale Stall of the Museum. It is requested that students consulting the Collection will take every care of the valuable publications passing through their hands. Persons seeking further information should apply to the Keeper of the Edu- cational Division of the Museum. By order of the Committee of Council on Education. South Kensington Museum, London, S.W. 18th July 1857. UI. REGULATIONS FOR THE GUIDANCE OF CONTRIBUTORS TO THE EDUCATIONAL MUSEUM. Keeper, Mr. RICHARD A. THOMPSON. Assistant-Keeper, Mr. WILLIAM MATCHWICK. 1. The Museum will be open free to the Public on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Saturdays, and on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, to Students and the Public generally, on payment of 6d. each, or a subscription of Ten Shillings a year or Five Shillings a quarter, payable in advance. 2. Contributions forwarded for exhibition will be classified and arranged by the Officers of the Museum. 3. Exhibitors are requested to furnish a written description of their contributions, giving the names, uses, &c.; from these descriptions labels will be prepared and attached to the specimens. 4. It is desirable that the usual retail price should be distinctly marked on all articles sent for Exhibition. 5. As it is the wish of the Committee on Education, and the evident interest of Exhibitors, that the Museum should at all times represent the then existing state of Educational appliances, every facility will be given for the introduction of new Inventions, Books, Diagrams, &c. relative to Education. 6. Books and other Educational appliances out of date, or the utility of which may have been superseded, or Articles that may have become injured, may be removed or replaced at the option of the Exhibitor. 7. To prevent confusion, and the possibility of Articles being removed by persons not properly authorized by the Exhibitor, due notice in writing of the intention to remove articles must be given, and no Book or object is to be removed until it has been exhibited at least twelve months. 8. In order to protect the property of Exhibitors, no article will be allowed to be removed without a written authority from the Super- intendent. 9. On Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, the Books and other objects in the Museum will be open to Students and to the Public for inspection and study, under such regulations as are usually found convenient in a Public Library. ( viii ) 10. A catalogue will from time to time be published, so as to keep withdrawals from it. 11. Exhibitors desirous of advertising in the Catalogue may send their Prospectuses, Illustrations, Price Lists, &c., 1,000 copies at a time, and printed in demy 8vo., so that they may be bound up in the Catalogue. The binding will be free of cost to the Exhibitor, but Exhibitors will bear any depreciation in the value of their contribu- tions that may arise either by accident or from their use by visitors. 12. All contributions forwarded to the Museum to be addressed to the Secretary of the Department of Science and Art, Cromwell Gardens, South Kensington, care of RICHARD A. THOMPSON, Esq., Keeper of the Museum. South Kensington, December 1860. CONTENTS. Page 57 161 Page Appendix, containing Anierican Chemical Apparatus and Preparations 244 Books . . . 287 Chemical Diagrams 250 Classification of Objects . XXXº Thermometers . 250 Contributors, Regulations for . vii Chessmen 194 Donors, Exhibitors, and Publishers xiii | Chromolithography 175 Exhibitors' Catalogues, List of .xxiii Chronology . 64 Classical Dictionaries Clocks, Apparatus showing the action of . . 271 Abacus . 75 Clocks, School Accordions 187 Colonies, British . Agriculture 232 Colour, Works on 173 Algebra . 79 Colour: Boxes, &c. Alphabets 11 Comunittee of Council on Educa- Anatomy 240 I tion; List of Books . 295 Ancient History . | Common Things, Works on 35 Animal Substances used in Manu- Compasses 162 factures, Diagrams of . 238 Concertinas 187 Aquariums 239 Copperplate 174 Arabic . 124 Copybooks and Slips 66 Architectural Drawings 173 ruled and plain 67 Architecture and Engineering 275 Cotton Plant 231 Arithmetical Tables Crayons . 160 Arithmetic 283 Artists Cabinets. 165 Crochet Needles, &c. 194 Astronomy . Crystals, Models of 228 Atlases. 203 Ciphering Books Attendance Registers, &c. 7. | Cricketers' Outfit 285 62 68 69 216 67 119 283 45 75 IA AT 261 146 30 146 Botany in Backgammon Boards 194 Danish Works . Barometers . . 261 Deaf and Dumb . Biography Decimal System. Birds . 235 Desks, School . Black-boards - - Portable . Blind, Books, &c., for the 281 Dews - Articles made by the 282 Dexter's Cabinet of Objects Book-keeping . . 78 Dictionaries and Works of Reference 228 Dissected Maps. Botanical Diagrams, &c. . 231 Drawing and Fine Arts, Examples Brushes, Artists' . 165 approved by the Science and British Colonies Art Department . British Museum, Catalogues. .. 32 Drawing Books and Copies Busts . . 175 Boards. - Implements Calcuļus, Differential and Integral. 84 Materials (Paper) Casts of Ornament, &c. . . 155 Models. Casts, Brucciani (Department List) 155 Pencils, Crayons, &c. 171 - Pens . Catalogues and Works of Reference 30 - Pins Chap Books . Dutch and Flemish Works Chemistry . . . . 243 | Dynamical Apparatus . • 57 151 165 164 161 159 171 160 163 160 119 272 37 CONTENTS. Page 149 Page 215 94 95 96 6 127 140 262 97 Globes. Greek Grammars - Exercises - Delectus. Classics. - Composition and Versifi- cation - Lexicons. Grecian History. Gymnastics . 262 27 275 55 96 100 60 285 .. 57 Earthenware, Process of Manufac- ture of Easels . Education, Works on - Reports on Electricity Electrical Apparatus Elocution Engineering . England, History of Questions on English Composition Exercises Grammar General Reading. Language and Literature . Spelling Books. History, Prints Illustrating - Questions on Engraving Ethnography Etymology Europe, History of Examination Papers Exchequer Tally. Exhibition, 1851, Catalogue of, &c. 26 26 21. ... 29 146 261 75 78 57 • • 235 • 6 69 • Fishes . Food, Works on . . Frames for Sheet Lessons France, History of French Conversations - Dictionaries Exercises Tables , Grammars General Reading . Readers. Spelling Books: Word and Phrase Books . . 106 Harmonicon, Sol Fa 187 Harmonium 187 Heat 259 40 Hebrew. 121 Hindustani 120 12 Holland, History of 58 Household Economy 191 57 Hydrostatics and Hydraulics 276 174 Hygiene . . . 285 240 Hygrometers . 26 59 Idiots . 283 137 Illustrations of Natural Philosophy 265 Index, the Patent Ready. 192 India, British . Indian Rubber . Inkstands and Inkwells 191 Insects . . . 234 Interest and Discount Tables 58 Ireland, History of 105 Ireland, Works published by direc- 109 tion of Commissioners of National 103 Education in . 42 105 Irish Grammar . 25 100 Italian . 117 Italy, History of 104 103 Johnston's Illustrarions of Natural 103 Philosophy 274 Juvenile Books . . . 36 31 264 Kaleidescope 256 145 Kinder Garten Guide, by Ronge. 135 203 - Reading and Spelling Book, 197 by Ronge : 146 Kinder Garten Toys 148 221 Kinematical Apparatus, 272 227 Knives, Desk, &c. 227 80 Latin Classics 171 -- Composition and Versifica- tion .. — Delectus 88 - - Dictionaries 94 111 Exercises 116 - Grammars 85 111 Lay Figures . 172 110 Leather Modelling 172 115 | Letter Writing . 27 | Lesson and Reading Stands 113 | Levels . . . 220 58 - 20 Galick and English Vocabulary Galvanism Games, Dissected Gazetteers Geography Geographical Cubes Geology and Mineralogy . - Elementary Collections Geological Models Geometry • Geometrical Drawing Models . General Reading Books, English. General History . Germany, History of . German Conversations . Dictionaries Exercises Grammars General Reading Readers. Spelling and Reading . 40 62 58 87 Ą CONTENTS. Page 145 160 172 6 273 256 19 255 251 285 240 Maps 188 278 43 121 191 175 175 58 117 27 147 162 147 274 83 261 75 196 31 1 . - 19 12 Page Lithographic Stoue 174 Parliamentary Papers Logarithms 83 Pencils, &c. Logic . Perspective Pens, Quill and Steel Machines, Models of Phensitrope Magic Lanterns. 256 Phonetic Books . Slides for 257 Photography Magnetism 264 Physics: Mammals 235 Physical Training 207 Physiology -- Relief . 2141 Pianofortes - - Dissected 146 Pneumatics Mariner's Compass 264 Poetry and Poetical Reading Books Marshall's Physiological Diagrams 241 Polish, &c. Mathematics . 84 Political Economy Measuring Tapes. 220 Portraits, in Oil : Mechanics . 267 - - Engraved Mechanical Powers, &c. 270 Portugal, History of - Models. 273 Portuguese . - Diagrams Précis Writing . - Drawing : 173 Prints, Scriptural, Moral, &c. Mediæval History 60 Protractors Mensuration Puzzles Dissected Meteorology 260 Metford's Ivory Scales 220 Rain Gauges Metre Measures . Railway and Post Regulation Michelsen's Merchant's Polyglott (Foreign) Manual Reading Reform. .. Microscopes 258 Reading Boxes Microscopic Preparations 258 Reading and Bible Stand Mineralogy 221 - Lessons. Modern History 59 - Pointers . Molluscs. 234 Reformatories Multiplying Glass Registers for Attendance, &c. Music . 177 Report Books, &c. Mythology 85 Reptiles. Reward Tickets and Prints Natural History . 221 Rhetoric. Diagrams of Riggs' Mechanical Apparatus General Works on 236 Roman History -- Philosophy 251 Rulers . - Philosophy Diagrams of . 265 Russian . Navigation 220 Naval Mechanism : 276 Scales, Ivory, &c. i Needlemaking, Illustrations of . 273 Scales, Weights, and Measures Newspapers, Old . 193 School-buildings, Models of Newspaper Press . 194 Plans of . - Fittings, &c. Object Lessons, &c. 145 - Registers. 254 Sclavonic, &c. . 258 Scotland, History of . Organ, The Village 188 Scripture Reading Books . Oriental Languages, Works in . 124 | Scripture Prints Orreries Sextants. Orthography Pocket. Oxford University Statutes, &c.; 133 Shells . . Ship Building Paintings, Imitation Oil . . 175 Shorthand Writing Pallettes. 165 Singhalese, Works in Paper, Specimens of . 67 Signals for Schools (French) - Guide to Varieties of . 30 | Sketching Sabretash 250 235 238 29 272 61 5 121 162 146 Optics ringrams on 121 219 12 57 46 147 220 220 234 276 65 127 9 220 xii CONTENTS. Page 191 220 Page 147 148 148 148 273 Tools, Miniature Models of Toys, Building, &c. . Kinder Garten . Dissected Scientific Trigonometry . Turkish . . . 58 . • 83 .. 121 116 12 261 272 273 174 Slates and Slate. Pencil Social Economy. Sopwith's Diagrams Spain, History of Spanish Spelling Books . Spirit Levels. . Statical Apparatus Steam Engines, Models of Steel Plate Stephen's Papier Mâché Tablets . Stereoscopes . Stereometry .. Surveying . . Surveyors' Chains Swedish . Syriac . Tariffs, Recueil de Teaching, Works on Telescopes ; Astronomical Tellurians Theodolites Theology Thermometers Thunderstorms. Tides . . United States, History of . 59 Vegetable Substances used for Food, Diagrams of . . . 238 Vegetable Parchment . 160 View of Nature in all Climates .'207 255 172 220 220 119 121 79. 76 Water-Glass, Application of . 276 Webster's Patent Binder. Weights and Measures (French). Workboxes . . 195 Works of Reference Writing . - Materials . . 6 196 127 258 219 219 220 46 261 262 234 234 Zoology. Zoophytes Zones of the Earth Zoological Collection, British Mu- seum, Catalogues of . . 202 217 LIST OF DONORS, EXHIBITORS, AND PUBLISHERS. H.R.H. THE PRINCE CONSORT. Acland, H. W., Esq., M.D., Oxford. Acland, T. D. Adams, Mrs. A., 19, Langham street (late Edward street), Langham place. Adams, Edwin, Chelmsford. Addison, Hollier, and Lucas (Music Publishers), 210, Regent street, W. Albites, A., Edgbaston, Birmingham. Allan, Wm., 13, Paternoster row. Allman & Son, 42, Holborn hill. Allnutt, H., Esq., 2, Holland road, Kensington. Audrews, Miss, The Grange, Bromptoin. Ansted, Professor. Atkins, Richard, 27, Bethel street, St. Giles', Norwich. Austin, W. (Drain Pipes, &c.), Holywell street, Westminster. Austrian Government, The (per M. Nobach). Aylott & Co., 8, Paternoster row. Baines & Duffill (School Furniture), Fetter lane, York. Baines, Mrs. M. A. Baker, Mr. C., Deaf and Dumb Institution, Doncaster. Balliere, H., 219, Regent street. Bannister, Rev. Saxe. Barnes & Co., New York. Barrett, Rev. Alfred. Basset, M., Paris. Bateman, J. B., 1, Ivy lane, Paterposter row. Baylis, T. Henry, Esq. Bazley, Thomas, Esq., Hayes Leigh, Manchester. Beale, D. Beal, S. B., 4, Grove terrace, West Ham, Essex. Beasley, R. D., M. A., Grantham. Beeton, S. O., 18, Bouverie street, Fleet street. Bell, A. M., 13, South Charlotte street, Edinburgh. Bell, Dr. W., 31, Burton street, Burton crescent. Bell & Daldy, 186, Fleet street. Benham, Edward, 15, High Street, Colchester. Bennett, J. (School Clocks, &c.), 65, Cheapside. Bentley, Joseph, Aldine Chambers, 13, Paternoster row. Berger-Walter (Maps, &c.), 7, Rue d'Enghein, Paris. Bestall, Wm., 1, Victoria Cottages, Royal Road, Kennington Park, S. Betts, John (School Maps, &c.), 115, Strand. Binns, William, Esq., Claremont Villa, Victoria Grove, Brompton. Birch, Rev. G. R., 7, Adam street, Adelphi. Black, A. & C., Edinburgh. Blackie & Son, 11, Warwick square, Newgate street; and Glasgow. Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh ; and 37, Paternoster row, London. Blanchard, Rer. H. D., Lockington, Beverley. Bland & Long, 153, Fleet street. Blind, Association for Promoting the Welfare of the, 127, Euston road, N.W. Blind, London and Blackheath Society for embossing the Scriptures, and teaching. the Blind to read on the Phonetic System; Office, 27, Red Lion square. Blind, Society for Teaching the, Avenue road, St. John's Wood. Bolus, F. xiv LIST OF DONORS, EXHIBITORS, AND PUBLISHERS. Bonomi, Josh., Esq., Lindsey House, Chelsea. Booth, J. P., Esq., Cork. Bosworth & Harrison, 215, Regent street. Bouffier, F. Bowden, G., & Co. (Drawing Materials), 314, Oxford street. Bradbury, Henry, Esq. Bradford & Garnet (School Desks, &c.), 9, Whitmore place, St. John's road, Hoxton, London. Bradshaw, Mr., Manchester. Bray, Charles, Esq. Brettell, T., 25, Rupert street, Haymarket. Brion, J., & Sons (Relief Maps), 7, Devonshire street, Hammersmith gate, London. British and Foreign School Society, Borough road. British Museum, Trustees of. Brough, Miss Jane, 10, Maida hill, N.W. Brough, W., Cheltenham. Brown, Edward (School Fittings, &c.), 25, Hardington street, Portman Market. Brookman & Langdon (Drawing Pencils, &c.), 28, Great Russell street, W.C. Brucciani, D., 5, Little Russell strcet, Covent garden. Buckmaster, J. C., St. John's hill, Wandsworth. Bulkeley, Capt. James, R.N. Bulley, Miss, Hampton Court. Butter, Henry, Minerva place, Barnsbury park. Calder, Rev. F., Chesterfield. Campbell, J., & Co., Music-Sellers, 53, New Bond street. Carles, M., Paris. Cash, W. & F. G., Bishopsgate street Without. Cassell, John, Esq., 35, Acacia Road, St. John's Wood. Cassell, Peiter, & Galpin, Belle Sauvage Yard, E.C. Catholic Publishing and Bookselling Company (C. Dolman, Manager), 61, New Bond street. Ceylon, the Committee of the Government Schools. Chambers, W. & R., Edinburgh ; and 47, Paternoster row, London. Chance, Messrs., Birmingham. Chapman & Hall, 193, Piccadilly. Chappell & Co., Music Publishers, 49, New Bond street. Chatelain, Chevalier De. Chester, Harry, Esq., Rutland gate. Chidley, Rock, 135, High Holborn. Churchill, Mr. J., 11, New Burlington street. Church of England Education Society, 1l, Adam street, Adelphi. Church of England Sunday School Institute, 41, Ludgate hill. Clapham, J., 101, Seymour street, Euston square. Clarke, C. H., & Co. Clarke, G., 3, Queen place, Commercial road, Peckham. Clarke, Joseph, Norwich. Cleaver, Mrs., 10, Vere street, Oxford street. Cocks, Robert, & Co., Music Publishers, 6, New Burlington street. Cole, Henry, Esq., C.B. Colles, Rev. W. M., Melton Mowbray. Collingridge, W. H., 1, Long lane, Smithfield. Collinson & Bailey, Bailey's Boys' School, Lambeth green. Congregational Board of Education, the College, Homerton. Constable, T., & Co., Edinburgh.. Cooper, G. B. (Standards for School Desks), 121, Drury lane. Cornish, James, 297, High Holborn. Cornwell, Dr. J., Loughborough Park Villa, Brixton. Cotton Supply Association, Manchester. Court, H. (Inkwell Covers), 30, Brompton Row. LIST OF DONORS, EXHIBITORS, AND PUBLISHERS. XV Cowie, Jolland, & Co. Cowper, Professor, (the late). Cradock & Co., 48, Paternoster row. Crampton, T., The Butts, Brentford. Craven, D. Creugh, Capt., Army and Navy Club. Crichton, John (Maihematical Instruments), 112, Leadenhall Street. Croger, Thomas, 4, Hertford cottages, Hertford road, Kingsland. Crompton, Miss, Edgebaston, Birmingham. Cromwell, Rev. J. E., Dudley Training College, Durham. Cronmire, J. M. & H. (Mathematical Instrument Makers), 10, Cottage lane. Commercial road, East. Cross & Son, 18, Holborn. Crossley, J. T., Esq., Belle Vue Lodge, Beaufort street, Chelsea. Cruchley, G. F., Mapseller, 81, Fleet street. Curtis, J. C., Normal Training College, Borough road. Curwen, John, Plaistow, Essex. Cust, Major-General the Hon. Sir Edward, 30, Hill street, Berkeley square. D'Almaine & Co., 104, New Bond street. Damon, Robert, Conchologist, Weymouth, Dorset. Darling, James, 81, Great Queen street. Darton & Co., 58, Holborn hill. Darton, T. G. Dashwood, J. B., Foundation School, Whitechapel. Davis, A., & Co., 58, Houndsditch. Davison, Duncan, Music seller, 244, Regent street. Day & Co., Lithographers, Gate street, Lincoln's inn fields. Dean & Sons, 11, Ludgate hill. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Messrs., Cambridge. De la Rue, Warren, Esq., 110, Bunhill row, Finsbury. De la Rue & Co., 110, Bunhill row, Finsbury. De la Rue, Thomas. Denman, Rev. W. J., Stoke, Halsted. De Porquet, L. P. R. F. De Sola, J., & Son (Clock makers), 34, Southampton terrace, Waterloo road. Détallante, M., Paris. Deverell, W. T. Dexter, T. E., Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea. Dezobry, Magdeleine, & Co., Paris. Dickens, Capt., R.N. Dickes, Wm., 5, Old Fish street, Doctor's commons. Dicksee, J. R., Normal Training School, Borough road. Dingle, Rev. Edv., Tavistock, Devon. Dixon, T., Cambridge. Dobbs, Kidd, & Co. (Drawing Boards, &c.), Fleet street. Dolman, C., 61, New Bond street. Donnelly, Capt. J. F. D., R. E. D’Orsey, Rev. A. J. D., Cambridge. Douglass, Rev. C. E., 9, Powis grove, Brighton. Dresser, Dr. Chrs., Science and Art Department. Driver, R. C., Leeds. Drukker, Meyer (Clock maker), 47, London Wall. Duff & Hodgson, 65, Oxford street. Dunn, Rev. C. B. Durack, Mr., Ennisville, Jersey. Edmonston and Douglas, Princes street, Edinburgh. Education, Committee of Council on. Edwards, W. (Maker of School Desks), High street, Camden town. Eloffe & Co., 10, Rue de l'Ecole de Médecine, Paris. Elliott, Brothers, Opticians, 30, Strand. Ellis, Henry, 40, Bernard street, Russell square. xvi LIST OF DONORS, EXHIBITORS, AND PUBLISHERS. Enfield, E. Esq., 5, Oxford square, Hyde park. Entomological Society, 12, Bedford row. Evans, H. Smith, 10, Stonefield terrace, Barnsbury park. Exhibition of 1851, Her Majesty's Commissioners of. Fairbairn, W., Esq., Manchester. Field & Son, 113, New street, Birmingham. Fitch, J. G., Esq., Principal of the British and Foreign Normal School, Borough road. Floyd, Mr. Robt. Ford, R. D. (School Desk Manufacturer), 32, Carter lane, Doctors' Commons. Fowler, Rev. Robt., Tonbridge Wells. Frere, J. H., Esq. (Books for the Blind), 30, Cambridge terrace, Hyde park. French, G. J., Bolton, Lancashire. Friends' Educational Society, Ackworth, Yorkshire. Fry, Mrs., The Boltons. Gailey, Mr., Schools of Compassion, Charles street, Drury lane. Galbraith & Haughton, The Rer. Messrs. Gall & Inglis, Edinburgh. Gaskill, Mrs., Bentinck Cottage, Ventnor, Isle of Wight. Gilbert, James, 49, Paternoster row. Gill, John, Normal College, Cheltenham. Glasgow, The Normal Seminary. Glover, Miss S., Malvern, Worcestershire. Goldsmid, Baroness, St. John's Lodge, Regent's park. Gompertz, Lewis. Gordon, James, 81, Hanover street, Edinburgh. Gover, Edward, 9, Princes street, Bedford row. Goodman & Co., 50, Moorgate street. Grant, Horace, Esq. (the late). . Grant, R., & Son, Princes street, Edinburgh. Granville, The Right Hon. the Earl. Green & Fahey, 41, Fitzroy square. Grew, T., Mathematical Instrument Maker, 28, Bethnal Green road ; Agent, Mr, J. Buck, 124, Newgate street. Griffin, J. J., Philosophical Instrument Maker, 119, Bunhill row. Griffith & Farran, St. Paul's Churchyard. Groombridge & Sons, 5, Paternoster row. Hachette, L., & Co., 14, Rue Pierre-Sarrazin, Paris, and 18, King William street, West Strand, London. Hall, A., Virtue, & Co., 25, Paternoster row. Hall, Thomas, B. A., 5, Oakley square, Chelsea. Hamilton, W., Music Publisher, 159, Renfield street, Glasgow. Hamilton, Adams, & Co., 33, Paternoster row. Hammer, G. M. (School Desks), 9, Harrington street North, Hampstead road.. Hance, G. C. Hancock, E., St. Pancras Central School, Southampton street, Euston square. Harding, Lucy, Southern hill, Reading. Hardwicke, R., 192, Piccadilly. Haskins, J. F., 14, Victoria street, E.C. Hatch, W., 28, Swan street, Old Kent road, S.W. Hatchard & Co., 187, Piccadilly. Haughton, Mr. T., Manor School, York. Haughton, Rev. Samuel, Trinity College, Dublin. Hawes, Mr. John, 7, Adelphi terrace. Hay, Mr. J. H,, Kennington Oval. Hedlund, Dr. S. A., Stockholm. Hesketh, R., Esq., 95, Wimpole street. Hewett, Mrs., 33, Hereford square, Old Brompton. Heyl & Co., Artists' Colourmen, Berlin. LIST OF DONORS, EXHIBITORS, AND PUBLISHERS. xvii Heylin, Alex., 28, Paternoster row. Heywood, J., 170, Deansgate, Manchester. Hickson, W. E., Fairseat, Wrotham, Kent. Hill, Authur, Bruce Castle School, Tottenham. Hillier, J. (Pianoforte Manufacturer), 18. Oxford terrace, King's road, Camden town, N.W. Hinrichs, J. C., Leipsic. Hodson, J. S., & Son, 22, Portugal street, Lincoln's inn fields. Hogg, James, & Sons, 9, St. Bride's Avenue, London; and Edinburgh. Holdsworth, Josh., Esq., 32. Oxford terrace, Hyde park. Home and Colunial School Society, Committee of, St. Chad's row, Gray's inn road. Hopkins, Thos., Esq. Hopkinson, J. & J. (Pianoforte Manufacturers), 235, Regent street. Hopper, A., Deaf and Dumb Institution, Edgebaston, Birmingham. Horne & Thornthwaite, Opticians, &c., 121, Newgate street. Houghton, P., & Co., 25, Stamford place, Fulham. Houlston & Wright, 65, Paternoster row. Hughes, G. A. (Books, &c. for the Blind), 476, New Oxford street. Hughes, W., 13, Paternoster row. Hughes & Kimber (Manufacturers of Copper-plates, &c.), Red Lion passage, Fleet street. Hullah, John, St. Martin's Hall, Long Acre. t Iliff, Rev. G., Grange school, Bishopwearmouth. Ingram, Cooke, & Co. International Association for obtaining a Uniform System of Weights, Measures, and. Coins, 11, Buckingham street, Strand. Ipstones Schools, near Cheadle, Staffordshire (designed by J. Stollard). Ireland, Commissioners of National Education. James, Lieut.-Colonel H. Jarrold & Sons, 47, St. Paul's Churchyard; and Norwich. Jeffreys, Chas., 21, Soho square, W. Johnston, W. & A. K., Edinburgh. Jones, Rev. C. W., Pakenham Vicarage, Bury St. Edmund's. Joseph, Myers, & Co., 144, Leadenhall street. Jukes & Du Noyer, Professors. Kennedy, R., Bedford Conservatory, Covent Garden. Kent, W., & Co., 51, Paternoster row. Kinghan, Rev. John, Belfast. Kingston, Chas., Brunswick street, Bath. Knight. George, & Co. (Philosophical Apparatus), 2, Foster lane, Cheapside. Krantz, A., Berlin. Ladd, Wm. (Philosophical Apparatus), 11, Beak street, Regent street. Lake, W. J. (Attendance Card), City Schools, Shoe lane, Holborn, E.C. Langton, J. (School Registers). Larkin, J. R., Elm Cottage, Old Brompton Road. Law, Edward, late R. Baldwin, 16, Essex street, Strand. Lay, W., 13, King William street. Lee, John, 448, West Strand. Leféver. C., (Mathematical Instruments, &c.,) 14, Duncan place, London Fields, Hackney, N.E. Leiber & Commelin, 13, Rue de Seine et Germain, Paris. Leitch, Neil, Paisley. Lewis, T. C. (Organ Builder), 4, Cannon row, Westminster. Le Maignent, Mons., 60, Brompton square. Longman & Co., 39, Paternoster row. Lonsdale, C., Music Publisher, 26, Old Bond street. Low (Sampson), Son, & Co., 47, Ludgate hill. Lund, W., 24, Fleet street. xviii LIST OF DONORS, EXHIBITORS, AND PUBLISHERS. Mabley, John, 143, Strand. M'Carthy, D. C., 16, Great Peter street, Westminster. Macaulay, Z., 101, Seymour street, Euston square. Macfarlane & Co., Saracen Foundry, Glasgow, and 37, Southampton street, Strand, London. MT:Glashan & Gill, 50, Upper Sackville street, Dublin. Maclure & Co., Walbrook. Mackie, S. J., Geologist Office, 154, Strand. Maclachlan & Co., Edinburgh. Maclean, T., 26, Haymarket. McLeod, Walter, Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea. Macmillan & Co., Cambridge; and 23, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London. Masters, J., & Co., Aldersgate street. Mettam & Co., Glass Warehouse, 30, Princes street, Soho. Meteorological Department, Board of Trade. Miller & Co., Artists' Colourmen, 56, Long Acre. Mills, R., 140, New Bond street. Milward, H. & Co., Redditch. Mimpriss, R., & Co., Aldine Chambers, Paternoster row. Molteni, J., & Co., 62, Rue du Chateau d'Eau, Paris. Monrocq, Frères, 3, Rue Suger, Paris. Moon, W. (Books for Blind), 104, Queen's road, Brighton ; and Aylott & Co., 8, Paternoster row, London, Mcore, G. B., 2, Lansdowne terrace, Gloucester road North, Regent's Park. Moore, O.P., Hamilton, Canada. Morris, D., Manchester. Morris, W. H. Mozley, J. & C., 6, Paternoster row, London ; and Derby. Murray, J., 50, Albemarle street. Murray & Heath (Philosophical Apparatus), 43, Piccadilly. Museum of Practical Geology, Jermyn street. Musical Bouquet Office, 192, High Holborn. National Society, Sanctuary, Westminster. Nattali & Bond, 23, Bedford street, Covent garden. Nevill, Lady Dorothy, Dangstein House, Petersfield, Hants. Newcombe. S. Prout, Lower Clapton. Newman, T., Esq. New York, the Committee of the Board of Education. Newton & Co., Opticians, &c., 3, Fleet street. Newton, Wm., Esq., Chancery lane. Nimmo, W. P., 2, St. David street, Edinburgh. Nolet, P., 35, Rue de la Lune, Paris. Norris, W. S., 22, Orchard street, Portman square. Norton, C. B., New York, U.S. Norwich Training Institution (Rev. A. B. Power, Principal). Novello, J. A., Music Publisher, 69, Dean street, Soho. Nutt, David, 270, Strand. Nutt, J. W., Esq., 3, Crown Court, Threadneedle Street. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh. Osborn, Rev. W.C., Bath. Page, David, Esq., Gilmore place, Edinburgh. Pardoe, Mr. J., St. Margaret's National Schools, Ipswich. Parker, J. H. & James, 377, Strand; and Oxford. Parker, J. W., & Son, 445, West Strand. Parkes, James, & Son, 28, Paternoster row, and 5, St. Mary's Row, Biriningham, Parkes, Miss, 14A, Princes street, Cavendish square. Pasley, General. Pastorelli & Co. (Mathematical Apparatus), 208, Piccadilly. Paterson, Rev. St. George, The Close, Lichfield. Patterson, Robert, Esq., Belfast. LIST OF DONORS, EXHIBITORS, AND PUBLISHERS xix Paton & Ritchie, 3, South Hanover street, Edinburgh. Pemberton, R., Esq., 33, Euston square. Philip & Son, 32, Fleet street ; and Liverpool. Pinches, C. H., Ph.D., Kennington road. Pinckard, Henry, Esq., 2, Hatton court, Threadneedle street. Place, W. H., 13, Gloucester Villas, Warwick road, Maida hill. Plate, H., Bremen. Playfair, Dr. Lyon, C.B., Cleveland square, Hyde Park. Potts, Robert, Esq., M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge. Pratt, Woodford, & Co., New York. Preston, S., 15, Lower Phillimore place, Kensington. Prothero, Mr. John, see Hammer. Pullicino, A., Malta. Pumphrey, T., Friends' Educational Society, Ackworth, Yorkshire. Purday, T. E, 50, St. Paul's Churchyard. Purday, 2. T. Ranyard, Mrs., 13, Hunter Street, Brunswick Square. Raven & Co., Stationers, &c., 46, Fish-street hill. Reading Reform Association, 9, King's road, Bedford row. Read & Co., 10, Johnson's court, Fleet street. Readwin, T. A., F.G.S. Reeve, Lovell, 5, Henrietta street, Covent garden. Reeves & Sons (Artists' Colours, &c.), 113, Cheapside. Reborst, Dr. R. P. Ter., 24, Old Broad street, City. Relfe, Brothers, 150, Aldersgate street. Religious Tract Society, Committee of the, 56, Paternoster row. Renshaw, H., 356, Strand. Reynolds, John, 23, Chadwell street, Myddelton square, London. Reynolds, James (School Diagrams, &c.), 174, Strand. Reynolds & Co., 15, Old Broad street, London. Rigg, J. & A., George street, Chester. Rimbault, Edward F., Esq., LL.D). Rivington, F. & J., Waterloo place. Robins, E. C., Esq., 19, Arundel street, Strand. Robinson, Noel Hooke. Rogers, Joshua (Artists' Colourman), 133, Buphill row. Ronge, Joh. and Bertha, 32, Tavistock place, Tavistock square. Rooker, W. S., Bideford, Devonshire. Ross, R., Normal College, Cheltenham. Routledge & Co., 2, Farringdon street. Rowney, George, & Co., 10, Percy street, Rathbone place. Royal Life Boat Institution, 14, John street, Adelphi. Royle, J. F., Esq., M.D. (the late.) Rudall, Rose, Carte, & Co. (Musical Instruments, &c.), 20, Charing cross. Russell & Bugler (Standard for School Desks), Ashford, Kent. Ryerson, Rev. Egerton, D.D., Chief Superintendent of Schools, Upper Canada. Ryffel, J. E., Esq., Wimbledon. Salmon, R., Colebrook House, Islington. Salleron, J., 1, Rue du Pont de Lodi, Paris. Sasse, F. R.. Foreign Office, Downing street. Saxton, R. (Maker of Desks, &c.), York. Science and Art, Department of. Schreber, Dr. D. G. M., Leipzic. Scott, Rev. J., M.A., St. Paul's, Cambridge. Scott, Dr. W.R., Deaf and Dumb Institution, Exeter. Scott, R. J. (Wood Engravers' Block Manufacturer), 8, Whitefriars street, E.C. Seaton, John Louis (Desk manufacturer), 3, Frederick place, Hampstead road. Seeley, Jackson, & Co., 54, Fleet street. Seton, R., Edinburgh.. Shaw, J. F., 27, Southampton row, Russell square. b 2 XX LIST OF DONORS, EXHIBITORS, AND PUBLISHERS. Sheppard, E., Training College, Winchester. Sheriff, D., Esq., Larne, Ireland. Shirreff, Miss É., 25, Chester street, Grosvenor place. Shortt, —, M.D., Indian Army. Shuttleworth, Dr., Berne. Simmonds, P. L. Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., 4, Stationers' hall court. Smith, J. B., M.A., St. John's College, Cambridge. Smith, John, National Schools, Bentley, Warwickshire. Smith, Rev. Hely, Wambrook, near Chard, Somerset. Smith, T. P., Stanmore. Smith, W. (Mapseller), 172, Strand. Smith, Walter. Smith, Elder, & Co., 65, Cornhill. Smithsonian Institute, Washington, U.S. Snelus, Mr. G., Christ Church Schools, Macclesfield. Snow, J., 35, Paternoster row. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 77, Great Queen street, Lincoln's inn fields. Society of Arts, John street, Adelphi. Soper, F. L., Margate. Sowerby, John E., 3, Mead place, Lambeth, S. Spencer, W., Wesleyan School, Beverley. Stainton, H, T., Esq., Mountsfield, Lewisham. Stanford, Edward (Mapseller, &c.). 6, Charing cross. Stathers, Mr. James, Pill, Bristol. Steele, J., 7, Adam street, Adelphi. Stephens, H., 54, Stamford street, Blackfriars road. Stephenson, Rev. Nash, Shirley. Stevenson, G. J., 54, Paternoster row. Stock, Mrs. Edward, Plaistow, Essex. Sunday School Union, Committee of, 56, Old Bailey. Susse Frères, 31, Place de la Bourse, Paris. Taylor, J. E., 10, Little Queen street, Lincoln's Inn fields. "Temple, The Chief Justice. Tennant, James, Professor of Mineralogy, 149, Strand. Thelwall, Miss F. M., 9, Great Stanhope street, Bath. Thimm, F., 3, Lower Brook street, Bond street. Thompson, General, M.P. Tilleard, J., F.R.G.S., 1, Woodland cottages, Brentford road, Turnham green, Todhunter, I., Esq., M.A., St. John's College, Cambridge. Traer, J. R., Esq. Tritschler & Co. (School Clocks, &c.), 402, Oxford street. Trübner & Co. (American Booksellers), 60, Paternoster row. Tupper, Martin F., Esq., Albury, Guildford. Turner, Miss, Queen square, Westminster. Turner, T. (School Registers), Red Cross Schools, Bristol. Twining, H. R., Esq., Grove Lodge, Clapham. Twining, T., Esq., Twickenham. Unwin, Rev. W. J., M.A., Principal of Homerton Training College. Van Noorden, P. E., 115, Great Russell street, W.C. Varty, Mrs., 3, Adelaide street, West Strand. Vincent, J., Oxford. Wallis, George, 16, Victoria Grove, Fulbam Road. Walton & Maberly, 28, Upper Gower street; and 27, Ivy lane, Paternoster row. Ward & Co., 27, Paternoster row. Ward & Lock, 158, Fleet street. Warner, S. (School Furniture), Hockerhill, Bishop's Stortford. Wawn, Rev. E. B., Cheltenham. LIST OF DONORS, EXHIBITORS, AND PUBLISHERS. xxi Watkins, James, Dulwich College. Weale, J., 59, High Holborn. Wesleyan Education Committee, Horseferry road, Westminster. Wesley, W. (Mainser's Music), 2, Queen's Head passage, Paternoster row. Wertheim, Macintosh, & Hunt, 24, Paternoster row; and 28, Holles street, Cavendish square. Wharton, J., Esq., 42, Queen's square, Bloomsbury. Wheeler, J. J. (Chemical Apparatus), 1, Henry place, Charles street, Fulham road. White, George, Abbey street Schools, Bethnal Green. Whittemore, Rev. W.M., Rectory, St. James' Within, Aldgate. Wilkiuson, T., National School, Harrow-on-the-Hill. Williams, Mrs. M. J., Sumner place, Onslow square. Williams & Norgate, 14, Henrietta street, Covent garden. Willis, J., 119, New Bond street. Willis, Professor, Cambridge. Wilson, J. A., 92, Broad street, Aberdeen. Wilson, Matthew, Normal Seminary, Glasgow. Wilson, Matt., & Co., School Book Repository, 232, George street, Glasgow. Wilson, T., Southgate road School, De Beauvoir town. Wisden, 2, New Coventry street, Leicester square. Wolff, E., & Son, Artists' Colourmen, 22, Church street, Spitalfields. Woodward, B. B., B.A., F.S.A. Working Men's Educational Union, Committee of, King William street, West Strand. Wright, Bryce M., Mineralogist, 36, Great Russell street, W.C. Würtemburgh Education Society. Wyld, James, Charing Cross East, Strand. Yates, James, Esq., Lauderdale House, Highgate. Yonge, C. D., Esq., Eton College. LIST OF EXHIBITORS' CATALOGUES. xxii List of EXHIBITORS' CATALOGUES, placed in the following order at the end of the General Catalogue. Atkins, R. (School Apparatus), 27, Bethel street, St. Giles' Norwich, Baker, Charles, Educational Works of, Doncaster. Bell & Daldy, 186, Fleet street. Betts, John (Maps, &c.), 115, Strand. Black, A. & C., Edinburgh. Blackie & Sons, Glasgow; and 11, Warwick square, London. · Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh; and 37, Paternoster row, London. Bradford & Garnet (School Fittings), 9, Whitmore place, Hoxton, N. British and Foreign School Society, Borough road, London. Burns & Lambert, 17, Portman street, Portman square. Butter, H. (School Books), 4, Minerva place, Barnsbury, N. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin, Belle Sauvage yard, E.C. Chambers, W. & R., Edinburgh ; and 47, Paternoster row, London. Chapman & Hall, 193, Piccadilly. Church of England Education Society, 11, Adam street, Adelphi, W.C. Cornish, Jas., 297, High Holborn. Cornwell, James, Ph.D., Educational Works of. Crampton & Turner, Educational Works of. Crichton, John (Mathematical Instruments), 112, Leadenhall street. Crossley, John T. (Daily Lesson Books, &c.) Cruchley, G. F., Map Publisher, 81, Fleet street. Curtis, J. C. (History of England). Damon, R., Conchologist, Weymouth, Dorsetshire. Darton & Co., 58, Holborn hill. Davis & Allen (Tabular Geography), 33, Dowgaie hill, City. Dean & Sons, 11, Ludgate hill. Deighton, Bell, & Co., Cambridge. Dexter, T. E. (Cabinet of Objects), Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea. Dicksee, J. R. (School Perspective). Dolman, C., 61, New Bond street. Grew, T. (Mathematical Instruments), Plaistow Park, Essex. Gordon, J. (Constable's Educational Series, &c.), 51, Hanover street, Edinburgh. Griffin, J. J. (Scientific Apparatus), 119 & 120, Bunhill row. Griffith & Farran, 2, St. Paul's Churchyard. Groombridge & Sons, 5, Paternoster row. Hall, A., Virtue, & Co., 25, Paternoster row. Hamilton, W. (Educational Works), Glasgow. Hogg, Jas., & Sons. Home & Colonial Training Institution, Chads place, Gray's inn road. xxiv LIST OF EXHIBITORS' CATALOGUES. Jarrold & Sons, 47, St. Paul's Churchyard; and Norwich. Johnston, W. & A. K., 4, St. Andrew square, Edinburgh. Law, Edward, Educational Works, 16, Essex street, Strand. Lefever, C. (Mathematical Instruments), 14, Duncan place, London Fields, Hackney, N.E. Longman & Co., 39, Paternoster row. McGlashan & Gill (Jackson's Book-keeping), Dublin. Maclachlan & Stewart, Edinburgh. Macmillan & Co., Cambridge; and 23, Henrietta street, Covent garden, W.C: Milward, H., & Son, Needlemakers, Redditch. Michelsen's Merchants' Polyglot Manual. Mozley, J. & C., 6, Paternoster row, and Derby. Newton & Co. (Mathematical Apparatus), 3, Fleet street. Niblett, Dr., Educational Works. Nutt, D., 270, Strand. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh. Parker, J. H. & James, Oxford ; and 377, Strand, London. Parker, J. W., Son, & Bourn, 445, West Strand, W.C. . Philip, G., & Sons, 32, Fleet street ; and Liverpool. Potts, Robert, M. A., Mathematical Works of. Relfe, Brothers, 150, Aldersgate street. Reynolds, James (Educational Diagrams), 174, Strand. Rowney, G., & Co., 51, Rathbone place. Seeley & Co., 54, Fleet street. Smith & Son (Maps, &c.), 172, Strand. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 77, Great Queen street, W.C. Sowerby, J. E. (British Wild Flowers), 3, Mead place, Lambeth, S. Stephenson, G. J. (Educational Periodicals), 54, Paternoster row, E.C. Sunday School Union, 56, Old Bailey, E.C. Unwin, Rev. W. J. (Educational Works), The College, Homerto N.E. Varty, Mrs. (Educational Works), 3, Adelaide street, West Strand. Wallis, G. (Drawing Books). Walton & Maberly, 28, Upper Gower street ; and 27, Ivy lane, Paternoster row. Weale, J., 59, High Holborn. White, G. (Educational Works). Wisden & Co. (Cricketers' Outfits), 2, New Coventry street, Leicester square, W. Wyld, James, Charing cross East. CLASSIFICATION OF THE OBJECTS WHICH MAY BE EXHIBITED IN THE EDUCATIONAL DIVISION OF THE MT TM SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. T Class 1. SCHOOL-BUILDINGS AND FITTINGS. § I. School BUILDINGS. a. Elevations, Sections, Ground Plans, and Models. 6. Structural Sanitary arrangements connected with sewerage, heating and ventilation, playgrounds, &c. c. Arrangements for Personal Cleanliness, such as lavatories, baths and bath-rooms, &c. d. Arrangements for Industrial Education. Workshop, field and garden, plans, &c. § II. SCHOOL FITTINGS AND FURNITURE. a. Utensils for the Pupil, such as desks, reading stands, forms, &c. b. Fittings for the Teacher, such as black-boards, easels, teachers' desks and tables, &c. c. Utensils for Cleanliness, such as ink-well fillers and holders, sponge boxes, pen-cleaners, pencil cutters, &c. Class 2. GENERAL EDUCATION. § I. READING. a. Alphabet, books, sheets, diagrams, and inventions for teaching the alphabet and simple words. 6. Progressive exercises from simple words to general reading. C. Elocutional exercises. d. Systems of teaching reading, and advanced reading books. § II. WRITING. a. Works on the art of teaching writing. b. Copybooks for the several classes of progress. C. Copy slips, in the several classes. d. Diagrams, &c. for collective teaching, e. Improved pens, penholders, &c. f. Models of hand with pen, &c. ( xxvi ) § III. GRAMMAR. a. Orthography, books, diagrams, and inventions for teaching the spelling of words. b. Parsing, books, diagrains, &c. for teaching children to parse. c. Treatises on grammar, English. d. Exercises for dictation. e. Exercises in composition. $ IV. ARITHMETIC. ą. Diagrams, mechanical arrangements, and apparatus for teaching ele- mentary arithmetic, such as the abacus-board, &c. b. Elementary works on number. c. Treatises and exercises on arithmetic, exchanges, &c. d. Systeins of teaching arithmetic. e. Systems of book-keeping § V. MATHEMATICS. a. Pure (elementary). Works on algebra, geometry, and trigonometry, and facilities for teaching these subjects. b. Pure (advanced). Works on calculi, Newton's Principia, conic sec- tions, &c. C. Applied. Works on mechanics, dynamics, optics, astronomy, &c. § VI. FOREIGN LANGUAGES. a. Ancient. Latin or Greek grammars; exercises in grammar, works for reading, exercises in composition, &c. b. Modern. French, German, &c. grammars; exercises in grammar, speaking and writing, works for reading, &c. § VII. HISTORIES. a. Diagrams, plates, &c. for teaching. b. Chronological Tables, and systems of historical mnemonics. C. Elementary Histories of Separate Nations, such as English and Roman Histories. d. General Historical Class Books, combining histories of several nations. e. School works on biography. f. Systems and facilities for teaching history. Ś VIII. SCIENCE OF TEACHING. a. Methods and systems of teaching. . b. Object lessons, &c. C. Aids to memory, &c. Class 3. DRAWING AND FINE ART. § I. MATERIALS. a. For Drawing, such as papers, pencils, chalks, pins, and fasteners, &c. b. For Painting, such as canvass, millboards, pigments, &c. c. For Modelling and Carving, such as clay, wax, stone, wood, &c. d. For Engraving, steel and copper plates, blocks, lithographic stone, &c. § II. IMPLEMENTS. a. For Drawing, such as mathematical instruments, &c. 6. For Painting, such as brushes, easels, &c. c. For Modelling, modelling tools. d. For Engraving, gravers, &c. ( xxvii) § III. EXAMPLES for STUDY IN DRAWING. a. By Instruments, such as examples in practical geometry, mechanical and perspective drawing. b. From the Flat, outline and shaded examples, both elementary and advanced. c. From the Round, such as geometrical solids, casts, &c. d. From Nature, such as fruits, flowers, &c. § IV. EXAMPLES FOR PAINTING. a. From the Flat, in monochrome and colour. b. From Nature, landscapes, flowers, fruits, &c. § V. EXAMPLES FOR MODELLING. a. From the Round. b. From Nature. Class 4. MUSIC. § I. PRACTICAL. (A.) Vocal. a. Solfeggi. b. Complete vocal schools. . c. Chants, songs, duets, &c. d. Sacred and secular compositions of every form. (B.) Instrumental. a. Instruction books for each instrument. b. Scales, exercises, and studies. c. Complete schools. d. Various forms of composition, viz., sonatas, rondas, &c. § II. THEORETICAL. a. Elementary works on the formation of chords, modulation, &c. b. Works on fugue and counterpoint. § III. INSTRUMENTS, DIAGRAMS, &c. a. Instruments used in teaching, viz., the tuning-fork, pitch-pipe, and metronome. b. Diagrams, music boards, &c. for collective teaching. c. Plates, &c. illustrating the vocal organs, &c. d. Plates and models of musical instruments. e. Musical instruments adapted to schools. Class 5. HOUSEHOLD ECONOMY. $ I. VENTILATION AND WARMING, a. Modes of ventilating and warming the houses of the poor. § II. Cookery. a. Modes of improving the cookery and alimentation of the poor. ( xxviii ) $ III. DOMESTIC Work. a. Needlework, Lace-making, Embroidery, and similar household occupa- tions. § IV. ORNAMENTATION. d. Modes of improving the State of Ornament as displayed in houses for the poor. Class 6. GEOGRAPHY AND ASTRONOMY. § I. TOPOGRAPHICAL ILLUSTRATIONS a. Globes. b. Maps and Charts. C. Diagrams. § II. ASTRONOMICAL ILLUSTRATIONS. a. Celestial Globes. b. Orreries and Planetariums. 6. Maps, Charts, and Diagrams. § III. NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY (for Navigation Schools). a. Sextants and Quadrants, Reflecting and Repeating Circles, Dip Sec- tors, &c. § IV. SURVEY AIDS. a. Topographical Instruments, such as theodolites, levelling apparatus, : pocket-sextants, compasses, illustrations, diagrams, &c. 6. Hydrographical Instruments, such as sounding-machines, patent logs, &c. S V. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. A. The Distribution of Land and Water. Illustrations of mountains, oceans, lakes, and rivers. 6. Illustrations of Volcanic Phenomena. C. Illustrations of Meteorological Phenomena and Climate. d. Geographical distribution of Minerals, Plants, and Animals. e. Productive Industry of different portions of the Globe, special objects. Class 7. NATURAL HISTORY. § I. GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. a. Illustrations of Fossils, and Minerals, by Typical Collections. b. Illustrations of Geological Formations, by maps, sections, models, and diagrams. c. Illustrations of Crystalline Forms, by models, and diagrams of crystals. § II. BOTANY. a. Typical Collections, as models of plants, or collections of dried plants, showing their classification or structure. b. Diagrams, Plates, 8c., to illustrate classification or structure. C. Collections showing the use to which plants are applied, as food, medicine, or for industrial purposes. ( xxix ) § III. Zoology. a. Typical Collections of Animals, illustrative of classification and struc- ture. b. Diagrams and Plates, illustrating classification and structure. C. Applied Collections, on a small scale, showing the uses to which animal matter is applied in industry. IV. ETHNOGRAPHY. a. Models, Diagrams, or Illustrations, showing different varieties of the human race. Class 8. CHEMISTRY. a. Pneumatic Chemistry, apparatus such as pneumatic troughs, gas jars, gasometers, &c. b. Chemistry of Inorganic Bodies. Elementary bodies and their com- pounds, and apparatus for illustrating their properties by experiment. c. Chemistry of Organic Bodies. d. Apparatus for Qualitative and quantitative Analysis, such as balances, graduated instruments, &c. Class 9. PHYSICS. § I. Sound. a. Apparatus for teaching the Principles of Acoustics. The general nature of sound; the laws of vibration of strings, rods, pipes, plates, and bells; the transmission of sounds by various substances ; composition of vibrations, &c. b. Models and Diagrams, to explain the construction and principles of musical instruments. c. Diagrams and Models of the organs of voice and hearing. § II. Light. a. Simple Apparatus for showing the Reflection, Refraction, and Polarisa- tion of Light, such as plane and curved mirrors, prisms, lenses, polariscopes, &c. b. Optical Instruments, such as telescopes, microscopes, cameras, &c. C. Instruments for showing the chemical effects of light, such as cheap forms of photographic apparatus. d. Diagrams and Models of the organs of vision, and other matters con- nected with optics. $ III. HEAT. a. Conduction. Apparatus for showing the conducting powers of different substances, b. Dilatation. Expansion of solids, liquids, and gases; apparatus illus- trating the principles of compensation in chronometers, pendulums, C. Evaporation. Apparatus to illustrate the principles of evaporation, of • latent and specific heat, boiling points under different pressures, spheroidal state, model steam engines, cyrophorus, water hammers, hygrometers, &c. d. Reflection, Radiation, and Absorption. Mirrors, radiating canisters, &c. e. Measurement of Heat. Thermometers, pyrometers, &c. &c. ( XXX xxx ) § IV. ELECTRICITY. A.— Frictional Electricity. a. Apparatus to show the fundamental phenomena of Frictional Electricity, such as glass and wax rods with their rubbers, electroscopes, and electrometers. C. Apparatus, illustrating the induction of electricity, including condensers, Franklin's plates, Leyden jars, &c. d. Pieces of Apparatus used with electric machines, illustrating electric attractions and repulsions, electric light in rarefied air, &c. c. Atmospheric Electricity, showing the application of the laws of electri- city to natural phenomena. B.-Voltaic and Thermo-Electricity. a. Various forms of Batteries. Apparatus for showing the heating, luminous, chemical, and magnetical effects of the electric current, applications to the telegraph, bars of antimony and bismuth, thermo- C.- Magnetism. a. Various forms of Niagnets, natural magnets, communication of mag- netism to iron and steel, inductive action of the earth, mariner's coinpass, dipping needle, influence of heat on magnets, &c. D.-Electro-Magnetism and Magneto-Electricity. a. Apparatus showing the mutual action of currents and magnets, the action of two currents upon each other, of a current upon itself, the pheno- mena of induced currents. Class 10. MECHANICAL SCIENCE. § I. MECHANICS AND MECHANISM. a. Kinematics. Models to illustrate the communication and modification of motion in machinery, as toothed wheels, cams, cranks, eccentrics, belts, linkwork, ratchets, &c., with methods of changing and adjusting velocities. 5. Curves. Contrivances for drawing mechanical curves, as ellipses, epicy- cloids, conchoids, parallel motion curves, &c., with models of parallel motions, oval chucks, geometrical chucks, geometrical pens, and the like. C. Statics. Apparatus and diagrams for showing the parallelogram of forces, the properties of the mechanical powers (i.e. lever, wheel and axle, inclined plane, wedge, s.rew, and pullies), the centre of gravity, &c. Apparatus for teaching the general principles of statical equilibrium, the laws of friction and elasticity, strength of materials, &c. &c. d. Dynamics. Apparatus for measuring the work of mechanical agents and machines, such as steam indicators, dinamometers, and appara- tus showing the effect of gravity on falling bodies, as Atwood's machine, and to illustrate pendulums, revolving pendulums, bodies rolling down curves, projectiles, collision, rotation, centrifugal force, &c.; also the principles of escapements in clock-work. ( xxxi ) C. Models of Simple Machines or parts of machines as best exhibit the application of the mechanical powers, or other general principles. f. Actual Construction of Machines. Parts of real machines or models of them to show the forms and arrangements actually employed in the construction of machinery, as specimens of wheels, shafts, plummer blocks, modes of attaching wheels to their axes, bolts and screws of approved shapes, &c. g. Models of Complete Machines, or of their working parts, for lecturing on processes and manufactures, with sets of specimens of manufac- turing processes in their different stages. n. Prime Milovers. Models of windmills, waterwheels of different kinds, turbines, and steam engines. į. Architectural and Engineering Structures. Apparatus to illustrate the strength and economy of materials used in construction; models to show the principles of framing, of the arch and vault, and other parts of fixed structures, and also to exhibit the disposition and arrange- ment of buildings. k. Naval Mechanism. Models showing the principles of naval architec- ture and mechanism, for the use of Navigation Schools. § II. HYDROSTATICS. a. Apparatus showing the transmission of pressure in liquids, such as the hydrostatic paradox, hydrostatic press, bellows, application of pressure to telegraphic purposes, &c. b. Apparatus showing that liquids maintain their level. c. Solids immersed in Liquids. Simple instruments for illustrating specific gravity, and for experimentally showing that the volume of the solid is measured by immersion. § III. HYDRAULICS. a. Simple Apparatus showing the efflux of liquids by currents and jets. 6. Applications of Water in Motion. Overshot, undershot, and other wheels, Archimedes screw, &c. C. Machines for raising Water. Various forms of pumps, fire engines, hydraulic rams, siphons, &c. § IV. PNEUMATICS. a. Apparutus showing the compressibility and elasticity of air, such as the flaccid bladder, condensing syringe, cartesian divers, &c. b. Weight of Air. Barometer tubes, Magdeburg hemispheres, &c. c. Rurefaction and Condensation of Air. Exhausting and condensing syringes, air pumps, with their usual apparatus, air guns, air balloons, diving bells, bellows and blowing machines, revolving fans, ventilating pumps, &c. Class 11. APPARATUS FOR TEACHING PERSONS OF DEFICIENT FACULTIES. § I. Persons PHYSICALLY DEFICIENT. A. Appliances for teaching the deaf and dumb. B. Appliances for teaching the blind. a. Different systems for teaching the blind to read, illustrated by tangible typography. b. Contrivances for teaching the blind to write. C. Contrivances and tools for teaching various trades, such as brush-making, &c. ( xxxii) § II. APPLIANCES FOR TEACHING PERSONS MENTALLY DEFICIENT. a. Object-teaching for idiots, imbeciles, &c. b. Progressive lessons for idiots, &c. *Class 12. HYGIENE AND MEANS OF PHYSICAL TRAINING. a. Models of Gymnasia, or small gymnasia for rooms. b. Various Instruments for Physical Training, such as chest expanders, dumh-bells, jumpers, leaping-poles, &c. C. Systems for Calisthenic Exercises. d. Physiological Models, diagrams, &c., for showing the structure of the human body, and the conditions for its health. CATALOGUE. CLASS 1. SCHOOL BUILDINGS AND FITTINGS. SCHOOL BUILDINGS. | Models-continued. Burn, Robt. Scott. On the Arrangement, Con- The rooms are ventilated by air-flues built in the walls, directly communicating with the struction, and Fittings of School-houses. royal 4to. sewed. 35. Blackwood & Son, 1856. atmosphere, and by windows which open at the top, so arranged that no draughts are felt, Chester, Harry. Hints on the Building and and they are warmed by hot water, Management of Schools, &c.. A Lecture de- A, Entrance passage; B, Stairs to the upper livered in the Theatre of the South Kensington stories, with cupboards for hats and bonnets; Museum, December 12th, 1859. 8vo. sewed. 1s. C, Principal room, divided when necessary by Chapman & Hall, 1860. sliding doors; D, Groups of moveable desks Design for School Buildings, Bromley, Kent. on castors, on a new plan, having a seat to sit J. P. St. Aubyn, John Street, Bedford Row. on and platform for the feet annexed to each. Model of the Central School for Boys at the They are easily moved when required for Institution of the British and Foreign School writing, gallery teaching, or the convenience Society, Borough Road, Southwark, scale. of light, &c. &c.; E, Class-room for the third Coloured Print of the Institution, in frame. section; F, Babies' school-room ; G, Gallery for babies; H, Sliding doors; 1, Cupboards Exhibited by the Society. for books; K, Cupboards for caps and bonnets; Model of Messrs. Chance's School, Glassworks, L, Playground for juveniles, part is covered Biriningham. Scale 1-inch to the foot. Show- for wet or hot weather; NI, Playground for ing the arrangement and application of the babies; N, Small room for school furniture furniture and fittings. Also a portion of the and keeping needlework; 0, Closet for girls; roof, showing the method of preventing echo. P, Lavatory for ditto; Q, Closet for boys; Exhibited by Messrs. Chance. R, Lavatory for ditto; s, Closet for infants ; Model of a group of School Buildings suitable T, Gymnastic apparatus. For description see for a large rural parish, providing separate “ Hints on the Establishment of Schools," accommodation in three school-rooms for 96 published by the Society. U, Climbing-tree. boys and 96 girls, four classes in each, and 152 for boys, &c. infants. Scale-inch to the foot. Note.—When gallery lessons are given the The Right Honourable Earl Granville. main school-room is supposed to be occu- Model of the Mixed Model School and Play- pied by the mistress and one pupil-teacher, ground, Home and Colonial School Society, and each side room by a pupil-teacher. Gray's Inn Road. Scale half an inch to a foot. When in classes the older children are in The school occupies the basement of a block the principal school-room, under the eye of buildings, the upper part of which is used of the mistress. The infants are always for the training department; it consists of three separate, and educated in a manner suit- rooms, 14 fect high : the large room, 35 feet in able to their age. The objects kept in length and 24 in breadth, is divided when view are that the galleries should be as necessary by sliding doors, so as to form two far from each other and as isolated as distinct sections for collective teaching. The practicable, and the infants quite distinct; class-room, 18 feet by 10 feet, forms a third, hence the necessity of three rooms, one and the babies' room, 18 feet by 17, forms divided, for so limited a number of chil- the fourth. The school is intended for a mis- dren. Contributed by the Sociсty. tress and three pupil-teachers, and the rooms Model of the Homerton College Training are considered to supply the space, internal Schools. Scale -inch to a foot. Made by Mr. fittings, general arrangement of desks, &c., J. Callow, South Place, Finsbury. required to secure the means of good teaching, Congregational Board of Education. general quietness, and easy superintendence Model of Ipstones Schools, Cheadle, Stafford- for 120 children of all ages and both sexes. shire. James Stollard, Designer. A SCHOOL BUILDINGS AND FITTINGS. Model of Norwich Diocesan Boys' Model School, | Schulhaus, &c. Plans for School-houses, showing the interior arrangements, constructed with Elevations, &c. 14 plates, broad folio, by the master (Mr. W. Bellamy). Scales-inch cloth. (Swiss.) to the foot. School-Plans for Real Schools at Frankfort Model of the Norfoik and Norwich Model Na- | and Darmstadt, &c. (4 sheets.) tional School for Girls. — and Elevations, Sleswick. Prof. Bahnsen. Rev. A. Bath Power, Principal. ! (4 sheets.) Model of St. Stephen's National School, Cam- den Town. Exhibited by Mr. G. Snelus. Model of a School-house for 120 children (mixed). Wesleyan Education Committee. SCHOOL FITTINGS, &c. Model of a Country School-house, Nova Scotia. Exhibited by Arnott's, Dr., Patent Ventilator. Perspective View of Colliery School at Book Guard for Prisons, a Box with a Elsecar, Yorkshire.' The Earl Fitzwilliam. Glass Cover and other contrivances, in which Plans of existing School Buildings, selected books may be placed secure from the touch and other injuries, and yet are capable of being for exhibition by Her Majesty's Inspectors of easily read, the invention of the Rev. W. C. Schools (in a portfolio). Osborn, Chaplain of the Bath Gaol. Size, Committee of Council on Education. 13 in. by 10 in. Price, singly, 10s., or 1 dozen Plans of School-houses and Furniture in a different sizes for 51. portfolio). Wesleyan Education Committee. Exhibited by the Rev. W. C. Osborn, Bath. Plans of School Buildings, by Harry Chester, Calendar for the Nineteenth Century, on a Esq., 3 large diagrams mounted on canvass. card, 6 in. by 4} in., with Brass rotatory Table, (Presented by Mr. Chester.) Is. 6d. James Hogg & Son. Clocks, School Dials and Clocks, in Mahogany or Oak, from 3 guineas. Bennett, 65, Cheapside. Clocks, 8-day Dial, 21. - 30-hour ditto, Il. 5s. Album de la Colonie Agricole de Mettray. 'A 30-hour chain and frame Dial, 18s. Series of View's, &c. of the Agricultural Col- 30-hour chain, without frame, 14s. lege at Mettray. oblong folio. bound. 30-hour (small) with frame, 13s. Burgerschule zu Eisenach. Plans of the — without frame, 10s. Middle School at Eisenach. (2 sheets.) Plain German S-day School Dial. 15s. Weimar. Plans of the First Middle- - with glass frame. ll. School at Weimar. (4 sheets.) J. Tritschler & Co., 402, Oxford-street. Ecole Normale Primaire de Chartres. Clock (Swiss), with Time Indicator and Alarum Primary School of Chartres. General Plan of complete, with brass face. 5s. the Building, Gardens, and Oflices. Atlas -- with china face. 6s. folio. (Sheets.) 1853. *** This is an arrangenient for showing the - de l'Ariège (Foix). hour at night, by means of a shadow thrown on to a scale, from an index attached to de Bordeaux. Cher (Bourges). the weight of the clock. Côte d'Or (Dijón). Meyer Drukker, 47, London Wall. de la Creuse. Clock, with an Alarum, gilt brass face. 5s. Seine et Oise (Versailles). china face. 6s. Loir ét Cher (Blois). J. De Sola & Son. Meuse (Bar-le-Duc). Clock, Infant School, with two sets of figures d'Orleans. on the face, and a set of clock wheels, which Ecoles du Canton de Vaud. Instruction turn the hands correctly either backward or respecting the establishment of the Schools of forward. Canton Vaud, Desks, &c., with Plans. 2 Sets W. Hatch, Designer and Manufacturer. loose. Desks for Boys, Section of, of American Lateinische Schule in Rendsburg. Plans for birch, in groups of three desks and seats, Grammar School in Rendsburg. (Holstein secured on sleepers. Price per group, 9 feet School System.) fcp. broad folio. long, to seat 18 children, 51. 1os. ; if with closet : Maisons d'Ecoles, &c. Government In- for books in front desk, ll. extra. R. Atkins, Norwich. structions respecting the Construction of Desks for Girls, Section of, same as above, School Buildings. 29 plates, with text. imp. excepting that the desks are made to fall in 4to. J. Heger, Brussels, 1852. front. Price, 61. 10s.; if with closet in front Plans for Two Schools and Masters' Houses. desk, ll. extra. -R. Atkins, Norwich, 3 sheets. (Dutch) MSS. Desk, and Seat with a back, for Infants, of Polytechnic School, Dresden. Plan, Eleva American birch, secured on sleepers. Price, lion, &c. of. (4 sheets.) 5s. 4d. per foot run. R. Atkins, Norwich. SCHOOL FITTINGS. Desks for Scholars: 1. With slate-rack, desk, and form. Wood- work of stained deal, per foot run, 3s. 9d. 2. With shelf under top, ditto, ditto, 3s. 9d. 3. With fall lid tops, ditto, ditto,.5s. - *** Iron Standards. A large variety of patterns (or to order), from 4s. each for the desk and form, together or separate. Bradford & Garnet. Desk and Seat for Girls, comprising two separate cupboards for books, enclosed box for needlework, inkstands concealed in a slide, so arranged, as to be withdrawn when not required for writing lessons. Price per foot, desk and scat, under 5 feet, 58.; above that length, 4s. 6d. E. Brown. Desk, as used at the Homerton College Train- ing Schools. (Congregational Board of Educa- tion.) James Callow, South Place, Finsbury. > Desk of Slate, in a Birch frame, and a Scat, for Infant Schools. (Exhibited by J. W. Nutt, Esq.) Chapman, Fetter-lane, York. Desk, School, with Box for Books, and Seat, in stained deal, 3 ft. 7in, long, supported by Cooper's iron standards. G. B. Cooper. Desk, School, with Shelf beneath, and Seat, in stained dval, 3 ft. 7 in. long, supported by Cooper's iron standards. G. B. Cooper. Desk and Seat, supported by Coopers iron standard. Price of the Standard for Desk and Seat, 9s, per pair; iron bar, 5d. per foot; the wood-work plain, 1s. 8d. per foot run, for desk and seat. G. B. Cooper, 121, Drury-lane. Desk-form, A Folding, so contrived as to form a seat with a back, and a flat Desk, with Lockers underneath for Books, &c. Price, in Stained Deal, about 21. for 7 feet. (Patented by thc Rev. G. R. Birch.) · W. Edwards, High Street, Camden Town. Desk, School, No. 1, of stained deal, ink- wells with brass sliding covers, on cast-iron standards and couplings, 2s. Od. per foot; with a seat attached by iron dovetailed couplings, 1s. 10d., or with shell'underneath, 2s. 4d. extra, or if with a frame for drawing purposes, 2s.6d. extra. R. D. Ford. Desk, School, No. 2. of stained deal, ink- wells with brass sliding covers, fly bracket, and falling top, at 4s. Id. per foot; with the additions for drawing, and the seat, same as No. l. R. D. Ford. Desk, School(Registered), including Inkwells, Lock, &c. Price per foot in deal, 2s.6d.; in birch, 3s. Ed.; in oak, 4s. Deal Forms Id. per foot. Iron Standards for desk and form 5s. per pair. Exhibited by Mr. Gailey, Schools of Compassion, Charles Street, Drury Lane. Desk, School, and Seat, of stained deal, sup- ported on iron standards. Woodwork Desk, is. 5d., aitd Seat, 10d. per foot run ; Standards for Desk, 25. 6d., and Seat, ls, 3d. cach. Ink- well with Cover, Is. G. M. Hammer. Desk, School, made to fall in front, more especially adapted for Girls, and Seat, of stained deal. Woodwork Desk, ls. 6d., and Seat, 8d. per food run; Standard for Desk, 2s. Od., and Seat, ls. 3d. each. Inkwell and Cover, Sd. G. M. Hammer. Desk, School, on new plan, which renders a platform unnecessary, with seat annexed, and capable of being moved and used as a gallery. Price, in plain deal, 3s. 30. per foot, complete. Castors, which are recommended for ordinary schools, 2s. per set; staining, about 4d. per foot. Flome and Colonial School Society: Desk and Seat (The Rusthall), in stained dcal, fitted complete with iron standards and improved ink-well. Price, 6 feet, with 2 pair of standards, ll. 10s.; 9 feet, 3 pair of stan- dards, 21. 4s. 9d.; 10 feet, 3 pair of standards, 27. 75. 6d.; 11 feet, 3 pair of standards, 21. 10s. 6d.; 12 feet, 3 pair of standards, 21. 138. 6d. The Rusthall iron standards, 5s. 6d. per pair, for the desk and seat. Russell & Bugler, Ashford. Desk Table and Seat, Seaton's Improved, with reversible Back, specially adapted for In- fant Schools or Nurseries, and the “ Kinder Garten” system of teaching. Price, in stained deal, varnished, in 6 feet lengths, 45, 6d. per foot: 10 feet lengths, 4s. 3d. per foct. John Louis Seaton. Desk, Model of, made for the Blind Institution in Nottingham. Ít answersa threefold purpose, viz., an ordinary seat with a back, a bookstand, or desk, or a table with a seat on each side, by' placing two together. The alterations are made by fixing the supports into different holes. Price, stained and varnished, 21. 2s. (Pre- sented by E. Enfield, Esg.) Messrs. Dennett, Makers, Nottingham. Desk and Form; with shelf for slates, and drawers for copybooks, sponges, pens and pencils. Price, 6s. 3d. per foot run, Desk and Form on iron standards. Made of various heighits. S. Warner, Hockerill. Desks and Seats, Specimens of, marked A, B, C. A. Iron Standards for Desk, 25. 6d.; and Scat, ls. 6d. cach. Wood-work for Desk, 2s. 6d. ; and Seat, 10d. per foot. B. Iron Standards for Desk, 28. Odl.; and Seat, Is. 6d. cach. Wood-work for Desk, ls. 9d.; and Seat, 10d. per foot. c. Tron Standards for Desk, 2s. 6d.; and Seat, 1s. 31. each. Wood-work for Desk, Is. 5d.; and Seat, 10d. per foot. n. Iron Standards for Desk, 2s. Od. ; and Seat, ls, 3c. each. Wood-work, including Desk and Seat, 2s. 8d. per foot. Wooden blocks, 10d. each. E. Iron Standards for Desk, 2s. 6d.; and Seat, | 1s. 3cl. each. Wood-work for Desk, 1s. 6d. ; and Seat, 8d. per foot. r. Iron Standards for Desk, 25. 6d.; and Seat, ls. 3il. cach. Wood-work for Desk, ls. Id.; and Seat, sd. per foot. National Society. A 2 SCHOOL BUILDINGS AND FITTINGS. Desk for Masters, size 2 feet by 1 foot 9. | Macfarlane, W., & Co.: inches, with falling Shelf on each side 9 inches Patent Wash-hand Stand, for one person, wide, falling Frame át back to support a book complete, ready for fitting up. ll. 195. 6d. or drawing, and a lock-up Box for papers, &c., --Wash-hand Range, for three persons, with a Stool, all of stained deal. ll. 16s. complete, ready for fitting up. 42. Ils. . National Society. *** The Patent Wash-hand Range Appa- ratus (composed entirely of cast iron) Desk, Improved, for Juvenile Schools. consists of a series of basins, each having - - Infant Schools.' an overflow waste pipe, and in the bottom , Wesleyan Education Committee. of each basin is a moveable stopper, which on being acted on by a lever, allows the Desks in Mahogany, 10% inches, 2s. 71d. each, water to pass into the discharge pipe; a 16 inches. 75. : in Rosewood, 16 inches. 12s.. self-closing bib-cock is attached to each basin; and to the range a drinking-cup, Ne Plus, 10 , 3s. 9d. the whole is supported by standards, in Cedar, ls. 10d. fastened to the floor by screw-nails. (Wholesale price.) Walter Macfarlane & Co., A. Davis & Co. Saracen Foundry, Glasgow. Diagram of Iron Standards for Desks and Model Bell Trap, Patent Rain-Pipe Box, Forms, as supplied by the National Society. Earthenware Pipe,' and Patent Tubes for Drains. Diagram Stand. This Apparatus is designed W. Austin, Holywell Street, Westminster. for the purpose of preserving Diagrams. Model of Self-acting Trough for flushing Maps, &c., from dirt and injury, and for readily closets, as used at the old National Schools, displaying them when required for use. Cambridge. Rev. G. Maddison. Robert Hesketh, Architect. Pulpit, or Reading Desk, a portable folding, of Form and Desk, Model of. stained deal, when closed measuring 5 feet (Her Majesty's Commissioners for the Exhibi- high, 2 feet broad, and 64 inches deep. Price, tion of 1851.) 31. G. Clarke, 3, Queen's Place, Com- Form or Bench for National Schools, Model of, . mercial Road, Peckham. with a flap which when open, serves for the Reading and Bible. Stand, of American Children to kneel on during Prayers, and, Birch. 165. R. Atkins, Norwich. when closed, will hold caps, books, slates, &c. Reading Desk and Stool. Deal, stained and Price per foot, 3s. varnished, 11. ss., suited for the Library and J. H. Smith, Master of the National Schools, Study of Authors, Ministers, Missionaries, and St. Peter's, Pimlico. College Students. Bradford & Garnet. Galleries, Section of, for Infants and Ordinary Seat. A folding Seat, of deal. Price, 3s. per Teaching, to seat 70 children. Price, about 11l. foot, run. G. M. Hammer. R. Atkins, Norwich. Seat, with Back, of American birch. Price, Gallery, Model of a new form of, for Collective 25. per foot run. R. Atkins, Norwich. Instruction. By Walter MʻLeod. Table for Schoolmasters, 3 ft. 8 in. by 2 ft. Sin., 1. The width of each platform is 21 inches, with 8 Drawers, of American Birch. 31. 15s. except the last, which is 22 inches. R. Atkins, Norwich. 2. The rise of platforms 1, 2, and 3, is Writing Table, for Teacher or Student: 1. Size of top 3 ft. Sin. by 1 ft. 9 in., with Desk 6 inches cach; the others are each 7 inches; the height of the last platforin 1 ft. 8 in. by 1 ft. 8 in., and two Drawers. above the floor line is 3 feet 10 inches. On strong turned legs, deal, stained (either to resemble mahogany, satin-woud, oak, 3. The width of each seat is 7 inches, or walnut), and varnished, 1l. 15s. except the last, which is 8 inches. . 2. Size of top 3 ft. Sin. by 1 ft. 9 in., with Desk 4. The heights of the seats are as follow:- i ft. 8 in. by 1 ft. 8 in., on pedestal, with 1st and 2nd seats, 14 inches cach; 3d and nine drawers, stained as above and var- 4th seats, 15 inches each; the 5th and nished, 21. 18s. Bradford & Garnet. 6th seats, 16 inches and the 7th and Sth Work-Table for Schoolmistresses, 3 feet 11 seats, 17 inches each. inches by 2 feet 4 inchies, with double top, the N.B.--These heights given above are for upper one made to fold so that papers may boys from 10 to 14 years of age. be locked up without removal, and formed For children from 5 to 10 years of age, into a table for cutting out; 3 drawers under- the seats should begin at 10 inches and neath. Price, in stained deal, 41. rise to 14 inches. National Society. For still younger children a further reduc- tion will be necessary. The rise of the platforms, too, should be to the fol- Black-Board, size 4 ft. 2 in. by 2 ſt. 5 in. In a following scale:-1st and 2nd, 5 inches; frame, 10s. 6d. S. Warner, Hockerill. 3d, 4th, and 5th, 6 inches; the others, ñ Black-Board, 30 inches by 36, plain. 5s.6d. inches each in height. 36 inches by 48, ruled for writing Presented by Mr. Walter M Leod. 11s. 6d. National Society. SCHOOL FITTINGS, ETC. 58. Black-Board, Groombridge's Substitute for. | Reading Pointers, as uscd at the Bishopsgate 24 inches by 36, 5s. ; 30 inches by 36, 6s.; Street Schools, York, 28., 4s. 6d., and 7s. per 30 inches by 42, 6s. 6d. Groombridge & Sons. dozen. Exhibited by J. W. Nutt, Esq. Black-Board, in Papier-Maché, 4 ft. 5 in. by Messrs. Baines &Duffill, Fetter-lane, York. 2 ft. 5 in., with zinc frame, 21s. Rulers, round, 12 inches long, 5d.—15 inches, - 3 ft. by 2 ft. with zinc frame, 10s. 7d.--18 inches, 9d. Henry Stephens. - flat, 12 in., 5d.--18 in., 9d.--24 in., 1s. 1d. Black Canvass, prepared, 24 inches by 30. British and Foreign School Society.. 3s. 7d. National Society. Rulers, round, 12 inches, 38.—15 inches, 75.- 18 inches, Is. per dozen. A. Davis & Co. Easel, 6 feet high, single back leg, hardwood. National Society. Rulers, round, 12 inches, 5d.-15 inches, 7d. — 6 feet high, double back leg, and sliding 18 inches, 9d. bar for Maps and Sheets, plain. i flat, 12 inches, 41d.—15 inches, 61d. National Society. 18 inches, 8d. National Society. Easel of American birch, 6 feet, with pointer Rulers. Specimens of Rulers as used in the Public Schools of New York and black-board, 38 in. by 26 in. 175. °R. Atkins, Norwich. Presented by Board of Education, New York. Slate (Geographical). Europe and Asia, with Easel 6 feet high, single back leg, with map. a Key. Mounted on board.“ 2s. rail; pointer, rings, and chalk box. 13s. England, and the World, with a Key. S. Warner, Hockerill. Mounted on board. 28. Eásel, Model of, for Maps, &c., as used at the John Betts. St. Pancras Central School; scale, i in. to Slates. A Swing Slate, 36 in. by 24 in., 1l. 2s.6d. .. Se inches. (Presented by Mr. E. Hancock.) British and Foreign School Society. Frames (Iron) for Sheet Lessons, 20 in. by Slates, Toy. d. and id. each. 13} in., each is. 6d. Welsh, in frame. 1 d. 25 in. by 194 in., each 2s. English. izd. National Society. German, polished frame. 5 d. Frame for Reading Sheets, 4s. (Wesleyan Edu- in metal frame, at 8s., per doz. Transparent, 9s. per doz. cation Committee.) A. Heylin. Book, 2 sorts, at 10s. 6d. per doz. Frame, in deal, 24 in. by 17 in., for holding A. Davis & Co. Reading Sheets, as used at the St. Paul's Slates, ruled. 4d. Joseph, Myers, & Co. National School, Cambridge. Slates, Specimens of, as used in the Public Presented by the Rev. John Scott. Schools of New York. Frame for Reading Lessons, by Crompton and Presented by the Board of Education, New York. Turner. Size, 20 inches by 15 inches. Price, S. d. 3s. • Groombridge & Sons. Slates (Unframed), 6 in. by 4 in. per doz. O S 1 0 Indian Rubber, at 3s. 3d. per lb. o Bottles, at 3s. Id. per lb. A. Davis & Co. Lesson Stand for Classes, height, 5 ft. Gin. Slates (Framed), 5s. 6d. British und Foreign School Society. 7 · 5 · 1 Lesson Stand for Classes, height, 4 ft. 5 in., hard wood. 5s. National Society. : 12 . S Lesson or Reading Stand, height, 3 ft. 6 in., .92 13 9 stained deal, price, 75. Slates (Metal), 7 in. by 5 in. per doz. S Designed by G. Perkins, Kingsbridge, Devon. 96 Letter Clips, at 6s, and 10s. per dozen. 9} , 11 0 A. Davis & Co. 12 8 15 0 Slates (Alphabetical) - - cach i 6 Metallic Books, 25. 4d. and 2s. 6d. per doz. Slate (Geographical), England and the A. Davis & Co. World, with Key - - - each 2 0 Money Box, for School Pence. 2s. (Wesleyan - Europe and Asia - - „ 20 Education Committee.) A. Heylin. Slate (Hemisphere) - - 1 6 Paper Knives, at from 2s.6d. to 21s: perdozen. Slate (Music) - (Samples on a Card.) A. Davis & Co. Slate (Register) - „ 10 Paper Weights of Glass. 1s. 9d. each. Slate (Framed), 36 in. by 24 in. - „ 90 A. Davis & Co. Slate Ruler - - - Picture Stand, 5 feet 2 inches high. Price, 1 National Society. 6s. 6d. S. Warner, Hockerill. Slates, Artificial. No. 1. 2 d. ; 2. 3d.; 3. 4c.; Reading Pointers for Classes, 4s. per dozen; 4. 5d.'; 5. 6d. . Hachette & Co. and for Teachers, 9d. each. Slates, Alphabet. Capitals, 7d.; Small Letters, British and Foreign School Society. 6d. each. Hachette & Co. 92 » ? S 12 13 SCHOOL BUILDINGS AND FITTINGS. رر Slate Pencils, 100, round, in boxes. 4.d.each. Inkstand, Portion of a Writing Desk, show- – 50, round, in papers. ld. each. ing an Earthenware Inkstand, with sliding — 100, thick painted, in boxes. 6d. each. cover in inetal. 100, thin ditto. 4d. each. Presented by Harry Chester, Esq. A. Davis & Co. Inkstands in cedar, at 1s. 4d. each. Slate Pencil and Holders, 11 sorts, at black wood, at 4s. 6d. each. various prices. National Society. black wood, round. 38. 6d. cach. Slate Sponge, half dozen, 4;d. Mediaval. 5s. 6d. each. British and Foreign School Society. Britannia metal. 9d., 25. 4d., and 2s. Sd. each. Sponge, Dish, and Cup of Zinc. ls. 6d. - Walnut wood. 16s. 6d. cach. (Exhibited by the Rev. C. E. Douglass, Brighton.) – plated top, 1 d. to 9d. each. Cheesman, Kennington Street, Brighton. - Excise bottle. ld. each. Stephens' Papier Mâché Tablets, – with spring. 4d. and 6d. each. manufactured into the form of Slates, Slaté A. Davis & Co. Books, Drawing and Diagram Boards, Diary, Inkstands, Glass, at 3d., 60., 1s., and 2s.6d. Tablets, and Pocket Memorandum Books:- H. Stephens, 54, Stamford Street. Eyelet Slates, No. 1, 8 by 6 in., each, 3d. Inkstands, earthenware, per doz. 38. No. 2, 9. by 7 in., each, 4d. National Society. No. 3, 11} by 9 in., each, 6d. Slate Books, No. 1, 9 by 7 in., cach, 10d. Inkwells, White Earthenware, at 1s., 1s. 3d., No. 2, 10 by 8 in., each, ls. 3d. Is. 6d., and 3s. per dozen. No. 3, 11: by 9 in., 1s. 6d. Church of England Education Society. Tablet Pocket Books, with Propelling Pencils:- s. d. No. 1, 31 by 21 in., cach, 1s. 3d. Inkwells (Earthenware) - per doz. O 6 No. 2, 41 by 21 in., cach, Is. 6d. Inkwells (Porcelain), with brass No. 3, 41 by 3 in., each, ls. 9d. cover - - - - - 9 0 Wallet Pocket Books, with Propelling Pencils:- Inkwells (Glass), round and flat No. 1, 4 by 2in. cach, 1s. 9ă. bottomed - - - - 1 1 0 No. 2, 41 by 21 in. each, 2s. — with brass top - - 6 6 No. 3, 5 by 3 in. 2s, 6d. Inkwells (Lead), round bottomed per doz, 1 0 bound in real morocco or best Russia, - flat ditto - - - - » 4 in., each, 3s. 6d. - with lift-up lid - - » 3 5 in., cach, 4s. Inkwells (Pewter), lined with glass , 4 - screw top, No. 1. - 6 in., each, 5s. - , 4 - No. 2. . - Loop-hole Almanack Books, with common Cedar » 6 Pencil, 7 by 3. in. ls. 6d. Inkwells (Gutta Percha), round School Copy Books, marble covers, 9 by 7in. ls. or flat bottomed Drawing Books, marble covers, 9 by 6-in. 9d. - with cover - - - . 3 6 Boxes of Chalk Pencils for Steel "Holders, 6d. Inkwells (Glass), with sliding iron top ? 6 and ls. National Society. - for Propelling Cases, 6d. and 1s. Inkwells of Earthenware, per dozen. . Drawing Board, in tubular zinc frame, 36 in. by - Covers for (hinged), per dozen. 24 in. 10s. (to slide), per dozen. - 54 in. by 30 in. 215. (Iesleyan Education Committee.) A. Heylin. (These boards are made to any size.) Inkwell Covers of brass. 6s. 6d. per dozen. Cartoon Boards, according to size, &c. 7s.6d.to 30s. H. Court, 30, Brompton Row. Rubbers, No. 1, 2d. No. 2, 3d. No. 3, 6d. Inkwell Cups, for receiving the Inkwell, of Steel Holders with Chalk Pencils, lll. wood stained black. 8d. each. Propelling Pencils and Chalks, 6d. T. Holmes, 43, King Street, Brighton. Henry Stephens, 54, Stamford Street. - brass cover for. 2s. 6d. each. (Exhibited by the Rev. C. E. Douglass, Brighton.) Cheesinan, kennington Street, Brighton. Pencil Cases, Silver. 18s. and 30.s. per dozen. Writing Materials, &c. Pen and Pencil Cases, 1s. 4d. tu 7s. 6d. per dozen. A. Davis & Co. Copy Box. 45. (Wesleyan Education Com Pen Holders, from 1s. 3d. per gross.. mittee. A. Heylin. * National Society. Desk Seals, at3s., 3s. 6d., and 4s.6d. per dozen. Pen Holders, from 10d. to 14s.per gross. A. Davis & Co. A. Davis & Co. Desk Knives, at 5s. 6d. per dozen. Pen Holders, Silver, from 10$. to 18s. A. Davis & Co. A. Davis & Co. Pen Tray. 2s. (Wesleyan Education Committee.) Erasers, at 7s. per dozen. A. Davis & Co. A. Heylin. Ink Bottles of, various colours. Pen Wipers, at from 2s. 9d. to 9s. 6d.. Henry Stephens, 54, Stamford Street. A. Davis & Co. Ink Filler and Carrier, Specimen of, as Pocket Books, at from 3s. 6d. to Ss. per dozen. used in the Public Schools of New York. A. Davis & Co. Presented by the Board of Education, New York. I Quill Pens, from 1s. per 100. National Society. SCHOOL FITTINGS, ETC. Smith, T. P. Patent Pen Director. Speci- | Class Register, 8vo. cloth, 8s. per dozen; mens in a box and on card. ld. cach, or 8s. sewed, 58. 4d. per dozen. per gross. Perry & Co., Red Lion Square. - - 16mo. cloth, 6s., or sewed, 4s. per dozen. Stationery Cabinet, in mahogany. 368. each. Church of England Sunday School Institute. A. Davis & Co. Class Register, St. Paul's National School, Steel Pens, from 51d. to 5s. 6d. per gross. A. Davis & Co. Cambridge. imp. 4to. limp cover. Presented by the Rev. J. Scott. Steel Pens, from 4d. per gross. National Society. Class Roll Book, folio, half bound. (H.M. Commissioners of Exhibition, 1851.) Steel Pens, a gross box of, fine point, 5s.; W. Shean, 14, Halsey Terrace, Chelsea. medium point, 5s.; broad point, 2s. 6d. Relle, Brothers. Class Lists, on a fcp. sheet, 9d. per doz. Steel Pens, as used in the Public Schools of British and Foreign School Society. New York. Colles, Rev. W. M. The School Broad Sheet, Presented by Board of Education, New York. comprising a scale of proficiency for each class, a scheme of religious instruction, time-' table, &c. crown broad folio. 4d. W. Darley, Melton Mowbray. School Registers. Constable's School Registers :- Admission Book for Boys, fep. folio, half 1. Register of Admission, Progress, and bound, 3s. 6d. Withdrawal, with space for 1,260 names for Girls. fcp. folio. half bound. 35. Gd. and Alphabetical Index. oblong post British and Foreign School Society. 4to. stiffened boards. 3s. Admission Book. 4to. half-bound. 4s. 2. Class Register of Attendance, Fees, School Church of England Sunday School Institute. work, and Merit. Space for 12 weeks, and Summaries for 4 quarters and i Admission Book, with Index for Names of year. oblong post 4to., sewed. 6d. Children on entering School, with Age, &c. crown folio. cloth. 58. 6d. National Society. 3. Summary of Attendance and Fees ; Alphabetical Register, .fcp. folio, half. Weekly, Quarterly, and Yearly Sum- maries for whole school for 5 years. bound, 4s. British and Foreion School Society. oblong post 4to., stiffened boards. is. 60. T. Constable & Co., 1859. Attendance and Absence Register, show- ing the Aggregate Attendance of a whole Daily Report Book, post 4to, half bound, School, without reference to Individual 3s. 6d. British and Foreign School Society. Attendance. fcp. folio. cloth. 58. 6d. Drawing Class Register for Schools. cr. 8vo., National Society. black roan, limp. Attendance, Register of Daily, showing at- Presented by Mr. IPulter Smith. tendance of each Child. With Monthly Report Ferguson, James. Universal Scholastic Re- and Remarks. Each page ruled for 4 weeks. gister, arranged for 6 months, 12.., 4d. fcp. folio. cloth. 4s. National Society. Cradock & Co. Attendance and Pence Register, ruled Hay, J.H. Class Registers :- for 3 months. crown folic. cloth, limp. 4s. 6d. National Society. 1. Class sheet, ruled for 45 ríames for one Attendance and Conduct Card, forming a quarter, printed on one side, 3s. 6d. per simple Register for the Government Capitation dozen. Grant, ruled for a year, and headed with the 2. Abstract sheet for one year, printed on name of the school. 4s. 6d. per 100, or lined both sides, 10d. each. with linen, 7s.6d. Cloth cases to hold the un.. 3. Portfolios to hold the sheets, with printed lined cards, 7s. 6d. per 100 (specimen framed). instructions, ls. 6d. each. W. J. Laké. 4. Class sheets for two quarters, printed on Canada (Upper). Grammar School Register, both sides, 5s, per dozen. for recording Attendance, &c. royal folio. 5. Abstract for one year, printed on one side, sewed. 1s. per two sheets. School Register, for recording Atten 6. Register books with printed instructions, dance, &c. royal folio. Prepared under the complete for 24 quarters, of 45 names authority of the Chief Superintendent of each class, 7s. each. Education for Upper Canada. (Presented by 7. Abstract of attendance, age, payments, &c., Rev. Dr. Ryerson.). in books, 5s. each. Lovell & Gibson, Toronto, 1857. G. J. Stephenson. Cards for Attendance, &c., and various Tickets. Specimens, in a Portfolio. 8vo. black roan. REGISTERS FOR MIXED SCHOOLS. National Society. 8. Class sheet, ruled for 50 children), in two Class Absence Book. 5s. per 100. sections of 25 names each, 3s. 6d. per National Society. dozen. SCHOOL BUILDINGS AND FITTINGS. Is. Hay, J. H. Registers for Mixed Schools—cont. | Register Books for Homes of Refuge for Sa. Class sheet, ruled for 50 children, printed Infants, viz.: on both sides, 5s. per dozen. Register for the Doctor. folio. half bound. 6s.3d. 9. Ditto ditto, in books, for 24 quarters, Visitors and Inspectors. folio. half bound. 6s. 3d. 78. each. - Admissions. folio. half bound. 6s. 3d. 10. Abstract for six years, 6s. each. of Visitors. 4to. half bound. 35. 4d. 11. Printed instructions for finding the - of Receipts and Expenditure. 4to. averages, &c., 2d. each. half bound. 35. 4d. (Specimen sheets of the above, in four : Hachette & Co. portfolios, lettered A, B, C, E.) G. J. Stephenson. Report Book. Boys' Schools. Svo. half bound, limp. ls. Langton, J. Public School Registers, adopted - Girls' Schools. 12mo. half bound, limp. in the Schools of the British and Foreign Relfe, Brothers. School Society. fscp. folio. viz. :- No. 1. Admission Book. half bound, 5s. Rewards (Prints for), with a Hymn and a Coloured Engraving: Nos. 1 to 16. post folio. 2. Register of Attendance, per set, for each 4d. (Specimens framed.). a quarter, 4d., or for a year, 1s. 4d. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. *** Portfolio to hold the above, half bound, 1s. 2d. Reward Cards for Children leaving School, 3. Cash Book, 10d. printed in Colours. per dozen 2s. Sd. 1. Book of Summaries, Averages, and Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Results. half bound, 5s. (Pre Reward Tickets (Picture), with Hymns sented by the Author.) and coloured Plates ; 16 in a Packet. 10d. per British and Foreign School Society. packet (framed). with Parables of Our Saviour, Lesson and Conduct Register. oblong coloured Plates ; 16 in a Packet. 10d, per post 16mo. cloth, limp. packet (framed). Church of England Sunday School Institute. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Library Register, 4to., half bound. 45. Reward Tickets, per set of 448, printed on Church of England Sunday School Institute. card, ls. 3d. Monthly Report Book, ex. post 4to., half British and Foreign School Society. bound, 3s. 6d. Roll Book and Journal, 4to., half-bound. 5s. British and Foreign School Society. Church of England Sunday School Institute. Paton and Ritchie's School Registers. No. 1. General Register, to contain 1,312 Rooker, W. S. Registers adapted for National, British, Wesleyan, Infant, and all other Public names. Fcp. folio. half bound. 4s. Schools:- 2. Daily Class Register, to contain 132 1. Admission, Withdrawal, and Progress Re- names. Fcp. 4to. 6d. gister, showing, besides the usual records, 3. Register of Fees, to contain 1,092 names. at one view, the stay of a child in the Fcp. folio. half bound. 4s. school, and his progress from class to class, 4. Progressive Sewing Register, to con- and from section to section. With index. fcp. folio, 54 leaves, half bound, 5s. 6d. tain 1,488 names. Fcp. folio., 25. 6d. 2. Fee Book, each page ruled for one quarter, 5. Sabbath School Register for 18 months, with columns for monthly payments for to contain 12 names. Oblong fcp. the use of the school materials. fcp. folio, Svo. sewed, ld. 48 leaves, half bound, 5s. 6. School Account Books, for 4 quarters, 3. Attendance Register, being sheets contain- to contain 330 names. Oblong 4to. ing spaces for 70 Dames, for one quarter half bound 4s. 6d. · for a section, with columns for appropriate Paton & Ritchie. entries, and a time table. post long folio. Programmes, Is. per dozen. Frame for ditto, price 3s. 6d. per doz., or ls. 6d. per set of 3s. Od. Home and Colonial School Society. four. Portfolios to preserve the above, 1s. 9d. Quarterly Report Book, oblong 4to., half each. bound, 3s. 6d. British and Foreign School Society. 4. A Book of Summaries for a Year :- Weekly, Quarterly, and Annual; showing Register of Admission, Progress, and With- at one view the Statistics of the whole drawal. fcp. folio. 35. school. Svo. half bound. ls. 6d. - Attendance, Absence, and Payments. *** These Registers, prepared by Mr. W. S. royal 4to. 45. Rooker, Secretary of the British School, Bideford, Devon, will enable managers and - Conduct and Progress. royal 4to. 2s. teachers to obtain a comprehensive and use- - Card of Conduct and Progress.' 48. per ful body of statistics in as simple a form as hundred. possible. They are specially adapted for the - Card of Weekly Attendance, Conduct, returns required by the Cominittee of Coun- and Progress. 2s. 6d. per hundred. cil on Education, and for the claiming of *Presented by the Rev. F. D. Blanchard, Lock the capitation grant. ington, Beverley. W. Kent & Co., 1858. SCHOOL FITTINGS, ETC.-FOREIGN CONTRIBUTIONS. sewed. 1 School Certificate of Merit, Design for. 1 School Register and Frames (Rev. (In frame.) J. E. Cromwell, Dudley Training College, Exhibited by Mr. T. Wilson, Southgate Durham.) Road School, De Beauvoir Town. School Labels and Placards, demy folio, Stathers, J. Class Register of School Atten- half a sheet, id., whole sheet, 2d. dance for 44 Names, with a Summary for One Year's Return. folio, sewed. ls. (Pre- British and Foreign School Society. sented by the Author.) Groombridge & Sons. School Registers :- No. 1. Register of Admission, Progress, and Sunday School Admission Card. 6s. per Withdrawal. 18 leaves. fcp. folio, 100. sewed. Is. 3d. Church of England Sunday School Institute. 2. Class Register, ruled for 3 months, 4 openings, each for 25 names. fcp.. Sunday School Teachers' Memorandum folio. sewed. 9d. Book, 16mo. cloth. Ss. per dozen. . 3. Summary for 2 quarters. fcp. folio, Church of England Sunday School Institute. (Exhibited by the National Society.) Sunday Report Book, post 4to., half-bound. Eyre & Spottiswoode. 3s. 6d. British and Foreign School Society. School Registers, a Series of Books printed, &c., with blank spaces for registering atten Time-Tables for the Use of National and other dance, &c., as used in the Public Schools of ! Schools. fcp. 4to. sewed. 1s. National Society. New York. No. 1. School Records, Turner, T. Class Register of Attendance, Con- 2. Ditto. duct, and Progress. fscp. folio. sewed. Is., or 3. Library Registe. interleaved with blotting, ls. 3d. 4. Weekly Attendance Book. *** Portfolio to hold ditto, ls. 5. Ditto. 6. Minute Book. Admission Register. fscp. folio. half 7. Teacher's Time Book, roan. 4s. 8. Annual Statistics. 9. Ditto. - Absence Check Book. oblong ismo. 10. Class Book. sewed. 4d. (Presented by Mr. Turner.) ll. Ditto. "Groombridge & Son. 12. Ditto. Visitor's Book, post 4to, half bound, 3s. 6d. 13. Admission Book. British and Foreign School Society. 14. Ditto. 15. Discharge Book. . White, G. School Register of Attendance, 16. Ditto. Reputation, and Payments of Scholars: to- 17. Memoranda, fcp. Svo. gether with Causes of Absence, Quarterly 18. Roll Book. Summaries, and Age Tables. oblong crown 19. Ditto. 4to. in printed wrapper stiffened. Price for 16 20. Diary, fcp. Svo. pages, 6d. ; 28 pages, 9d.; or on sheets of 8 21. List of Pupils, and the number of pages, 2d. each. (Presented by the Author.) months they have been taught. Houlston & Wright. 22. List of Pupils, &c. (an alphabeted book.) Wilkinson, T. Register of Progress. fscp. 23. Minutes. School Officers' Ward. folio. half bound. 6s. (Presented by Mr. Wil- 24. Memoranda, fcp. 8vo. kinson.) J. Martin, 9, Lisson Grove. Presented by the Board of Education, New York. Yearly Register. fcp. folio, cloth. 1s. 8d. School Register Book, containing a Record (Wesleyan Education Committee.) A. Heylin. of the Admission, Progress, and Withdrawals : on the Plan recommended by the Rev. Canon Young Ladies' School Record; a Register Moseley. oblong post folio. red roan. 5s. of Studies and Conduct. By a Governess. Wesleyan Education Committee. | 12mo. sewed. 6d. Bell & Daldy. FOREIGN CONTRIBTUIONS. School Fittings, Registers, &c. | Ardoises, &c. Slates for music and other writing. 6 sizes, with specimens of pencils. Models of School-fittings from Holstein. 11 (French). objects in one box. 24 in. by 11 in. Signal, Ordinary, for Schools. 10d. Ardoises factices en carton-pierre. Imitation slate, or black-board. - Book-shaped. ls. 3d. - Oval. 1s. 8d. Hachette & Co. Ink Pot, Metal and Porcelain. (French.) 10 SCHOOL FITTINGS.- FOREIGN CONTRIBUTIONS. Canton Aargau. Zeugnisse und Jahresberichte | Eintritts-Zettel, Monat Zeugniss, &c. En- der Lehrer. Printed forms for certificates and trance-ticket, monthly certificate, and time- yearly reports of teachers. Four parts, in table of the Real schools in Bern. (Three folio cover. . papers, folded.) Bern, 1854. Canton, Schaffhausen. Forms of School Cer Lehr-Anstalt, von Hoffman. Educational tificates and Registry Book. folio, cloth. Establishment of J. F. Hoffmann. Monthly Schaffhausen, 1854 Certificate, or Report Book. 16 pp. Svo. Ecole Elémentaire d’Enseignement Mutuel. boards. Hamburg. Elementary school of mutual instruction. Orde der Werkzaamheden, &c. Time-Table, or Book for tabulating the results of the roll-calls. Regulation of Employment in the Upper and 4to. half bound. Colas, Paris. Lower Schools (Dutch) for each Day. On a - Registre d'Inscription des Elèves. Ele sheet, size, 21 in. by 173 in. (mounted on mill- mentary school of inutual instruction. Re- board.) gistry of entry of pupils' names, &c. folio. Schools: Register of the Supervisions of the half bound. Colas, Paris. National Schools. 2 sheets, sh. mai. (ProCom Ecoles Elémentaires. Lists, tickets, &c., re- sented by the Austrian Government.) Vienna. specting elementary schools. (sheets.) Stunden Plan. Time-Table and School Regu- Ecoles Elémentaires. Elementary schools. lations of Dr. Schirm's School at Wiesbaden. Table of the classification of the pupils during Also Plans. (2 sheets.) study, for use in cach school. fcp. broad Summarische (B) Uebersicht über den folio. sewed. Zustand der Volksschulen. Table for Sum- Formulaires, &c. Educational School Forms maries, &c. On 2 sheets, royal folio. (Pre- for Canton Vaud. printed papers in folio en- sented by the Lustrian Government.) Vienna. velopes. Tabelle (A) über den Zustand der Volks- schulen. School Registers for the German Tableau des Abserts, on a board, jointed. &c. National Schools. 3 sheets, folio. (Presented Hachette & Co. 5$. 10d. by the Austrian Government.) Vienna. Versäumniss-tabellen und Schulchronik. Absence Tables and School Register. Canton Aargau. 4to. sewed. ALPHABETS. 11 CLASS II. 8d. GENERAL EDUCATION. ALPHABETS, &c. Goldsmith, Rev. J. The First Step to Know- Alphabet, The Picture, of. Common Objects. ledge. 18ino. cloth. 6d. Darton & Co. On a Sheet, 22 x 16 inches, mounted on canvas Green's Alphabetical Panorama. oblong imp. and roller, varnished. ls. 9d. 16mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. National Society. me Panoramic Alphabet of Peace. imp. Alphabet, in large Type, mounted on a Board. 16mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Darton & Co. 4to. - Panoramic Alphabet of Trades. imp. (Presented by Board of Education New York.) 16mo. cloth. 2s. Od. S. Raynor, New York. - Universal Primer. small 12mo. cloth. Is. Alphabet, Capital and sinall letters; on sheet. Darton & Co. id.; or mounted on millboard, 6d. each. Guy, Jos. British Primer. 18mo. 6d. (Congregational Board of Education.) Cradock & Co., 1856. Depository, The College, Homerton. Alphabets, large type, on a sheet broad folio. Indestructible Alphabet, illustrated with 26 per doz. sá. Pictures. imp. 16mo. plain ls. Sociсty for Promoting Christian Knowledge. - Lesson Book. Illustrated with 100 Pic- Alphabets, mounted on Deal Boards. ls. tures. imp. 16u1o. 5s. Addey & Co. Home and Colonial School Society. - Books. Large type. Printed on Calico. Alphabets, printed in red and black, 2 sheets royal 16mo. 6d. each, viz. :- broad folio. ls. per dozen. National Society. ABC Book. Alphabets. Capital and Small Letters, 2 sheets, Easy Words. . Addey & Co. demy broadside. Price 6d. Indestructible Books. Large type. Printed - printed in red and black, 2 sheets, demy on Calico. royal 16mo. 6d. cach, viz. - broadside, 1s. ABC Book. - 2 sheets, fcp. broadside, 4d. Easy Words. - printed in red and black. fup. broadside. Easy Spelling. Easy Reading - arranged, Roman small, red and black. Ward & Lock. 1 sheet. 4d. Infant's Pretty Primer. Illustrated. 12mo. - Vowels, Consonants, and Stops, red and 60. Religious Tract Society. black. I sheet. 4d. (See bound volume.) Lennie, W. Child's A B C. Part 1, 18mo. Varty, 3, Adelaide Street. sewed. lid. Butter, H. The Gradual Primer. 18mo. bound - Part 2. 1 Smo. sewed. 3d. 6d. (Presented by the Author.) - Child's Ladder. 18mo. half bound, 10d. Simpkin & Co., 1956. - Sequel to. 18mo. half bound. Chambers, W. & R. Lessons, on sheets, 1s. Oliver & Boyd, 1851. broad folio :-No. 1. The Alphabet. No. 2 Maja's Alphabet, Primer, Spelling, and Read- and 3. Exercises on Vowels. No. 4. Names . ing Books. 4 parts. 6d. each plain, or ls. of Things. No. 5. Qualities. No. 6. Things coloured. royal 16mo. Addey & Co. and Qualities. 2d. per sheet. - Lesson Book, containing the above. 4 W. & R. Chambers. parts in a vol. plain, 2s: 6d. Addey & Co., 1853. Child's (The) First Picture Book. 32mo. B. Steil, 1846. Martin, W. The Intellectual Primer. 12mo. ls. Jarrold & Sons. Child's (The) Own Battledoor, printed on card- board. 12mo. coloured. Picture Alphabet, being a complete set of Harvey & Darton, 1798. large and small letters, embellished with Child's First Lesson, or Royal British Battledore, Twenty-six Cuts, one adajted to each letter, printed on cardboard. ismo. (Presented bij and a poetical description of each cut, 32mo. C. Baker, Esq.) Sheardown, Louth, n. d. sewed. Cleghorn, W. A Series of Progressive Les- G. Thompson & J. Evans, Long Lane, n. d. sons, on 10 sheets, fcap. broad folio, 2d. each Pretty Primer. 1$mo. 3d. Dean & Son. Gall & Inglis. Price, D. The School Primer. 12mo. half Darton's Scripture Alphabet. oblong 16mo. bound. (Presented by Board of Education, cloth. 2s. 6d. Darton & Co. New York). Clark & Co., New York, 1853. Entertaining Fables for the Instruction of Prince of Wales' Primer, with 300 Illus- Children. Embellished with Cuts. 32mo. half trations by J. Gilbert. royal 18mo. 6d. sewed. morocco. Printed by P. Norbury, Brentford. . Griffith & Farran. First (The) Book for Children: being an Puzzle-Trap (The), being a Collection of Attempt to make the Art of Reading English Riddles for the Instruction and Amusement of both easy and pleasant. 18mo. bound. 8th Children, adorned with a Cut to every Riddle. edition. Jer. Roe, in Derby, 1754. ! 32mo. London, n. d. 12 GENERAL EDUCATION. Royal (The) Primer, or an Easy and Pleasant | Birkin, W. The Rational English Expositor. Guide to the Art of Reading. Adorn'd with 12mo. bound. Is. 6d. J. & C. Mozley. Cuts. square 32mo. half morocco. Bithell, R. Spelling Taught by Transcribing Printed by P. Norbury, Brentford. and Dictation. 18mo. 4d. Royal Picture Alphabet. Illustrated by Luke Groombridge & Sons. Limner. imp. 16mo. ls. Ward & Lock. Butter, H. The Etymological Spelling Book. Sanders, C, W. The Primary School Primer. 12mo.' bound. Is. 6d. °(Presented by the 12mo. half bound. Author.) Simpkin & Co., 1959. - C. W. & J. C. The Pictorial Primer. Carpenter, T. The New Orthographical 12100. half bound. (Presented by Board of Assistant.' 3rd edition. 12mo. bound. Education, New York.) Longman & Co., 1829. Ivison' & Phinney, New York. Carpenter, T. Spelling Assistant. New Teaching Myself. The Cottager's Reading edition. 12mo. Is. 6d. Longman & Co., 1857. without Tears. By the Author of “ Peep of - Edited by W. McLeod. 12mo. Day.” 16mo. 6d. T. Hatchard, 1857. Is. 6d. 'Longman & Co., 1853. Universal Primer (The New), or an Easy | Cassell's Illustrated London Spelling Book. Book suited to the tender Capacities of Chil crown Svo. cloth. ls. N. Cooke, 1854. dren. Adorned with Cuts. small 16ino. stiff Christie, J. A. Constructive Etymological cover. J. Drewry, Derby. Spelling Book. 12mo. bound. Is. 6d. White and Crampton, The English School A. Hall & Co., 1857. Primer, or First Steps in Reading, Spelling, Cobb, L. Spelling Lessons mounted on Boards. and Thinking. Parts 1 & 2, 18mo, sewed, Nos. 1,2,3. folio. (Presented by Board of Educa- 2d. each; the 2 parts in cloth, 6d. tion, New York.) H. & S. Raynor, New York. - Card Book Series. The set of 16, The New Spelling Book. 12mo. half 4d. Houlston & Wright. bound. (Presented by the Board of Education New York.) J. C. Ricker, New York. Cobbin, Rev. I. The Grammatical Spelling Reading Box, containing Moveable Letters Book. '12mo. 1s. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1853. for teaching Children to read. 15s. -- English Vocabulary. 12mo. bound. 35. -- on Stand, with Blackboard at- Simpkin & Co., 1853. tached. 385. Connon, C. W. First Spelling Book. 18mo. Home and Colonial School Society. cloth, limp. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1851. Reading Box, containing Moveable Letters, Critical (The) Spelling Book, an Introduction &c., for teaching children to read, 700 separate to Reading and Writing readily and correctly. pieces. 21. 10s. Sunday School Union. 12mo Reading Box. Malta. Printed for D. H. & R. Cave, St. John's Gate, 1755. Reading Bos, with Easel. Malta. Dean's Illustrated Modern Spelling Book, combining the information of Carpenter with the usefulness of Butter and the simplicity of Mavor. 12mo. cloth. ls. 6d. SPELLING BOOKS. Dean & Son. Denham, Rev. J. F. Spelling and Reading Abbott, Rev. G. D. New English Spelling Book. Parts 1, 2, and 3. ls. 5d. each. Book. “12mo. 6d. Walton & Maberly, 1854. Simpkin & Co., 1849. Ackworth Vocabulary English Vocabu- Dictating Lessons. per set of 24, Svo. Is. lary or Spelling Book, compiled for the Use (in a folio frame.) of Ackworth School. 18mo. bound. 1s. 6d. British and Foreign School Society. A. Hall & Co., 1857. Dilworth, T. A New Guide to the English Alderson, J. Orthographical Exercises, in a Tongue. 12mo. bound. ls. J. & C. Mozley. Series of Moral Letters, &c. 18th edition, Dixon, H. The English Instructor; or the revised by the Rev. T. Smith. 18mo. bound.” Art of Spelling improved. 12mo. bound. G. B. Whittaker, 1824. J. Hazard, London, 1728. Alderson, J. Orthographical Exercises; in a Dyche, T. A Guide to the English Tongue. Series of Moral Letters. 18mo. bound. 1s. 12mo. bound. 1s. J. & C. Mozley. J. & C. Mozley. Elementary Spelling Book. 12mo. half bound Beasley, M. Dictation Exercises, with Ortho (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) graphical Instructions, &c. 6th edition. 18mo. Cooledge & Co., New York. bound. Whittaker & Co., 1835. Ellis, Tobias. The Poor's English Spelling - Dictation Exercises. 18mo. 2s. (Govern Book, for His Majesties Three Kingdoms; ment School, Ceylon.) Whittaker & Co. being a Catalogue of all the Words in the Bentley, R. The Pictorial Spelling Book. Bible, &c. post 4to. calf. 12mo. half bound. (Presented by the Board of L. Lichfield, Oxford, 1684. Education New York. Elphinston, J. Inglish Orthography Epitto- Pratt & Co., New York, 1852. mized, and Propriety's Pocket-Diccionary, Bigland, J. The New Pronouncing Spelling containing the Inglish Roots, arrainged and Book. 12mo. bound. ls. 3d. explained, &c. Svo. half calf. (Presented by J. & C. Mozley. | C. Baker, Esq.) W. Richardsor SPELLING BOOKS. 13 English Spelling-Book, containing nume- | Illustrated Webster Spelling Book, with 250 rous Tables of Words for Spelling, &c. 12mo. Engravings. 8vo. ls. Ward & Lock. canvas. ls. Introduction to Spelling. 12mo. half bound. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. (Presented by Board of Éducation, New York.) Exercises in False English. 12mo. bound. Egbert, New York, 1853. (Presented by C. Baker, Esq.) Jones, J., M.D. The New Art of Spelling, de- T. Binns, Leeds, 1803. signed chiefly for Persons of Maturity. post Fenning, D. The Universal Spelling Book. 4to. calf. London, 1704. 12mo. 1s. cloth. Routledge & Co. Kenny, W. D. The Grammatical Spelling The Universal Spelling Book. 12mo. Assistant. 12mo. Is. 6d. London. Allman & Son, 1857. The Universal Spelling Book. Dublin. Knowles, J. New Expositor, containing --- The Universal Spelling Book. 12mo. Tables of Words from one to seven Syllables, . bound. 1s. J. & C. Mozley. inclusive. 12mo. 28. Cowie & Co., 1854. Fisher, A. The New English Tutor, or Modern Leitch, N. The Young Scholar's Spelling Preceptor; consisting of Orthography, &c. Book.' 18mo. 2d. J. Burnet. Beautified with elegant Cuts. 6th edition. Lowres, J. T. Slack, Newcastle, 1784. 12mo. canvass. Spelling and Dictation Lesson Book. 12mo. ls. Longman & Co., 1853. Guy, Joseph. British Spelling Book. 12mo. Lovechild, Mrs. Infantine Knowledge; a ls. 6d. * Cradock & Co., 1857. Spelling and Reading Book. 16mo. 2s. 6d. - New British Expositor, a Sequel to the Griffith & Farran. above. 12mo. ls. 6d. Cradock & Co. - Exercises in Orthography. By Jos. Lye, T. Spelling True English made Easie. Wherein all the words of our English Bible are Guy, jun. 18mo. bound. 1s. * Cradock & Co. set down in alphabetical order, and divided into their distinct syllables. 6th edition. 12mo. Guy, J. The New British Spelling Book. 12mo. bound. I. Parkhurst, London, 1708. 1s. 6d. Allman & Co. McElligott, J. N. Manual, Analytical and Guy, Joseph, Junr. Royal Victoria Spelling Synthetical, of Orthography and Definition. Book. 12mo. ls. Cradock & Co. Crown 8vo. half bound. (Presented by Board Guy, John. Etymological and Analytical Spell.. of Education, New York.). ing Book. 12mo. Is. 6d. Allman & Son. Newman & Ivison, New York. - The New Universal Spelling Book. By McGuffey. The Eclectic Spelling Book. W. S. Kenny. 12mo. ls. 6d. Allman & Son. 18mo. half bound. (Presented by Board of Edu- Guy, Rev. T. H. Mother's Spelling Assistant. cation, New York.) Clark & Co., New York. 18mo. 6d. - Allman & Son. Markham, Rev. Dr. An Introduction to Gummere, S. R. The Progressive Spelling Spelling and Reading English. 12mo. bound. Book. 12mo. half bound. (Presented by IS. J. & C. Mozley. Board of Education, New York.) - 12mo. cloth. ís. Routledge & Co. Hunt & Son, Philadelphia, 1852. Martin, W. Intellectual Expositor and Vo- Hazen, E. The Symbolical Spelling Book. cabulary of the English Language. 12mo. Parts 1 and 2. Sino. lialf bound. ls. 60. Jarrold & Sons. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) The Intellectual Spelling Book. 12mo. Cornish & Co., New York. ls. Jarrold & Sons. - The Speller and Definer : or Class Book Mavor, Dr. W. The English Spelling Book. No. 2. i$mo. half bound. 12mo. ls. 6d. Longman & Co., 1856. Lamport & Co., New York. 12mo. bound. Is. -- The New Speller and Definer; with the J. & C. Mozley, 1859. Structures of the English Language, Systema- tically arranged. 12mo. half bound." (Pre- Mavor, Dr. W. The Englisli Spelling Book. 12mo. bound. Parry & Co., 1851. sented by Board of Education, New York.) Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia, 1851. - Revised by Cecil Hartley, A.M. 12mo. bound. 1s. Routledge & Co. Helps to the Orthography of the English Lan- guage. 18mo. 4d. (Sessional School.) -- 12mo. bound. London, 1851. Oliver & Boyd. - (Mackenzie's Series.) 2 parts. 18mo. 2d. each. R. Hardwicke. Hopkins, Rev. H. Exercises in Orthography. Murray, A. Spelling Book on an entirely new 18mo. ls. 6d. Key to Exercises in Orthography and plan. 12mo. bound. W. Phorson, Berwick, 1790. Composition. 18mo. Is. 6d. Pelfe, Brothers. Murray, L. An English Spelling Book. hornsey, J. Spelling Book. 12mo. 2s. ISmo. 1s. 6d. Allman & Son. Longman & Co., 1854. Picket, A. The Juvenile Spelling Book. Howard. Spelling and Reading Book. 12mo. 18mo.' half bound. (Board of Education, New Dean & Son. 1 York.) S. Raynor, New York, 1852. Is. 14 GENERAL EDUCATION. Pike, Rev. J. B. The New English Spelling Vaughan, Mrs. S. A. The Speller, Definer, Book. 12mo. Is. 6d. Simpkin & Co. and Reader, for Beginners. Books & 2. Pinnock's Exercises in False Spelling. 9th 12mo, half bound. (Presented by Board of edition. 18mo. bound. Educalion, New York.) Whittaker & Co., 1836. Burgess & Co., New York, 1853. Price, D. The English Speller. 12mo. half Vyse, C. The New London Spelling Book. bound. (Presen: cd by Board of Education, New 12mo. cloth. London, 1851. York.) Barnes & Co., New York, 1854. - 12no. bound. ls. Rowbotham, J. The Derivative Spelling J. & C. Mozley. Book, giving' ti e Origin of every Word from - 12mo. cloth, 1s. the Greck, Lati.i, &c. 12mo. bound. ls. 6d. Routledge & Co. Hall, Virtue, & Co., 1858. Warden, John. A Spelling Book, wherein Sanders, W. Spelling Book. 12mo. half the Pronunciation and Spelling of the English bound. (Presented by Board of Education, Tongue are reduced to a very few Principles, New York.) Newman & Ivison, New York. or general Heads. Cuts by Bewick. 12mo. Scholar's Companion; containing Exercises in half bound. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1812. the Orthography, Derivation, and Classification Wiggins, R. New York Expositor; with a of English words. 12mo. half bound. (Pre Vocabulary of Scientific Terms by J. Griscom. sented by Board of Education, New York.) ismo. half bound. (Presented by the Board of H. Perkins, Philadelphia, 1852. Education, New York.) Smith, T. An Easy Spelling Book for Children. S. S. & W. Wood, New York, 1853. with several Scripture Histories and Select Young, J. B. The London Spelling Book. Fables. With Cuts. 16th edition. 12mo. half Darton & Co. bound, stiff cover. J. Drewry, Derby. Smith, W. W. The Spellers' Manual.· 12mo. half bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Embree, New York. Spelling and Reading Book, Illustrated, Svo. is. Kent & Co., 1857. READING LESSONS. - Lessons. folio. per set of 60, 5s. Abbott, Jacob and John. First Reader, a British and Foreign School Society. Course of Lessons. 18mo. bound, ls. 1854. - for Schools, in large Type, Nos. 1 -- Second Reader, a Sequel to the above. to 35. royal folio. ls. 6d. per set. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 18mo. bound, Is. 6d. Allman & Son, 1854. Stretton, Rev. H. Short Spelling Course for Abbott, Rev. G.D. First English Reader. 12mo. the Lowest Classes. 18mo. ls. 4d. per doz. cloth limp, 1s. 1856. Spelling Exercises, being an Expansion Second English Reader. 12mo. cloth limp, * of the Short Spelling Course. iSmo. cloth Is. 6d. Walton & Malerly, 1856. ' limp. 6. National Society. Baker, C. (Head Master of the Yorkshire In- Sullivan, R. Exercises in Orthography, Ety stitute for the Deaf and Dumb, Doncaster). inology, and Verbal Distinctions. 2nd edition. | Educational Works :- 18mo. bound. S. Holdsworth, London, 1838. 1. Lessons for Deaf and Dumb. 16mo. 6d. Sullivan, R. Spelling Book Superseded. 32nd 2. Reading without Spelling. 16mo. 6d. edition. iSmo. bound. Is. 4d. 3. Circle of Knowledge, Gradation I. 16mo. Longman & Co., 1854. Id. Swan, W. D. The Primary School Spelling 4. Manual for Gradation I. (for Pupil- Book, 18mo. half bound. Teachers, &c.) 16mo. 1s. 6d. - The Spelling Book. 12mo. half bound. 5. Circle of Knowledge, Gradation II. (Presented by Bourd of Education, New York.) 16mo. 9d. Thomas & Co., Philadelphia, 1853. 6. Manual for Gradation II. (for Pupil- Tower, D. B. The Gradual Speller. 12mo. Teachers, &c.) 16mo. Is. Od. half bound. (Presented by Board of Education, 7. Circle of Knowledge, Gradation III. 16mo. 15, 6d. New York.) Cady & Co., New York, 1848. 8. Manual for Gradation III. (for Pupil- Town, S. The Speller and Definer. 12mo. Teachers, &c.) 16mo. 35. Gd. half bound. (Presented by Board of Education, 9. The Teacher's Hand-book, with Foot New York.) Phinney & Co., Buffalo, 1853. Notes. Gradation III. 12mo. 4s. 10. Tablet Lessons, Circle of Knowledge, Varty's Progressive Spelling Lessons, combined Gradation ). 4to. in frame. 7s.6d. with Reading Exercises. Part 1, 14 sheets, 11. 4to. bound. 10s. 6d. fcp. broad folio. per set, 2s. 6d. 12. Manual for Collective Teaching. No. 1. Form Part 2, containing two and more syl- Objects. 16mo. 6d. lables, inethodically arranged. 10 sheets, fcp. broad folio. per set, 25. 6d. (See bound 16io. 1s. volume.) 14. The Book of Bible History, Gradation I. Varty, 3, Adelaide Street. | .16mo. 6d. SPELLING BOOKS. ---READING LESSONS. 15 ea; beng very easy and entertainin Baker's Educational Works-cont. | Chambers, W. & R. First Book of Reading, 15. Manual for Gradation 1. (for Pupil I 12mo. 1 d. Teachers, &c.) 16mo. Is. 6d. - Second Book of Reading. 12mo. 3d. 16. The Book of Bible History, Gradation II. | - Simple Lessons in Reading. 12mo. 10d. New edition. 12mo. cloth, limp. 9d. - Introduction to Reading 18ino. 2d.. 1860. (Minor Educational Course.) 17. Manual for Gradation II. (for Pupil - Reading Lessons. 18mo. 2d. (Minor Teachers, &c.) 12mo. 2s. Educational Course.) 18. The Book of Bible History, Gradation III. -- Rudiments of Knowledge. 12mo. 10d. New edition. 12mo. Is. 6d.. - - Moral Class Book. 12mo. ls. 6d. 1856. 19. Manual for Gradation III. (for Pupil- W. & R. Chambers. Teachers, &c.) 12mo. 38. Chick-Seed without Chick-Weed; being very Tablet Lessons, Bible History, Grada- nd entertaining Lessons for Little Chil- tion I. 4to. in frame. 4s. 60. dren. 12mo. cloth. 1s. Darton & Co. 21. Catechetical Exercises for Bible Classes. Cleghorn, W. Edinburgh Child's Guide. 12mo. 1s. 6d. Partl, ld. ; 2, 1?d.;3, 3d. 18mo. Oliver & Boyd. 22. Tabular View of the Old Testament, Cobb, Rev. Lyman. New Juvenile Reader, mounted on rollers, 3ſt. 2 in. by 2 ft. 2 in. Nos. 1, 2, and 3; or First, Second, and Third 3s. Reading Books. each ismo. half bound. 23. — in large type for schools, inounted - Sequel to the above, or Fourth Reading on rollers, 5 ft. 2 in. by 4 ft. 5 in. 15s. Book. 12mo. half bound. 24.* Tabular View of the New Testament, in The New North American, or Fifth large type for schools, mounted on Reading Book. 12mo. half bound. 1850. rollers, 5 ft. 10 in. by 4 ft. 5 in. 15s. . The New -North American, or Fifth 25. The Bible Class Book, with Notes and Poems. 12mo. As. 2nd edition. 1860. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) T. Varty, and Wertheim & Macintosh. J. C: Riker, New York. Cobbin, Rev. I. The Instructive Reader. 12mo. Barwell, Mrs. Little Lessons for Little bound. 2s.6d. Simpkin & Co., 1852. Learners, in Words of One Syllable. 16mo. Cobwebs to catch Flies; or Dialogues in Short cloth. 2s. 6d. Griffith & Farran. Sentences, adapted for Children from the age Beard, Dr. J. R. The Rational Primer, or First of three to eight years. 1st and 2nd Series. Reader. crown 8vo. cloth. 2s. 12mo. cloth. Is. each. Darton & Co., 1858. Simpkin & Co., 1860. Constable's Reading Series: Bell, A. M. Letters and Sounds; an Intro First English Reading Book. 18mo. Part I. duction to English Reading, on an entirely sewed. 2d. Part Il. sewed. 4d. Part III. new plan. 18mo. cloth. ls. (Presented by cloth, limp. 6d. the Author.) Hamilton, Adams, & Co. Second, 18mo. cloth. Id. Third, fcp. 8vo. cloth. ls. 3d. Bentley, Rensselaer. Pictoria! Reader. 12mo. Fourth, fcp. Svo. cloth. 1s. 8d. half bound. Fifth, fcp. 8vo. cloth. 28. 6d. - Introduction to. 12mo. half bound. Sixth, post Svo. cloth. 35. (Presented by Board of Education New York.) Advanced Reading Book, Literary and Scien- Cooledge & Co., New York, 1849. tific. post 8vo. cloth. 48. Blake, Rev. J. L. The Scholar's Companion, Lesson Sheets, from the carly portion of the and Fireside Reader; consisting of Historical, First Reading Book. Nos. I to 10; size, 20 in. by 15 in. Biographical, and Poetical Selections. (Re- ** A Frame for the above. pririted froni the American edition.) 12mo. bound, Is. 6d. J. Hogg & Sons. Object Lesson Cards. (Sce Object Lessons.) J. Gordon, 1860. Bohny, N." New Picture Book; being Pic Copley, Mrs. Mother's First Lesson Book. torial Lessons on Form, Comparison, and 1 Smo. ls. Religious Tract Society. Number, for Children under Seven Years of Crabbe, G. The most familiar Synonymes of Age. (See Object Lessons.) the English Languag mo- Buchan, A. W. The Advanced Reader, in logically illustrated in a Dialogue between a Prose and Poetry. 12mo. 38. Preceptor and his Pupils. A Reading Book W. Hamilton, 1854. for the higher classes. *12mo, bound. T. Boosey, London, 1817. Butter, H. Reading and Spelling in Easy Crampton and Turner. The First English Gradations. 12mv. bound. Is. 6d. (Presented Reading Book; being a Series of Lessons on by the Author.) Simpkin & Co., 1859. Home, School, and Things out of Doors. Campbell, J. Child's Economic Instructor, 18mo. cloth, Sd., or in 3 parts, 3d. each. Part 1. 18mo. ld. — The Second English Reading Book ; Part 2. 18mo. 3d. being Progressive Lessons on Common Things. -1$mo. cloth, 3d., or in 3 Parts, 3d. each. 1859. - Part 3. 18mo. 10d. --- Tablet Reading Lessons (30), on 15 - Lessons for Junior Classes. 12mo. 28. shect crown broadside. 3s. Oliver & Boyd, 1853. *** Frame for the above, of deal. . 3s. Lessons for Senior Classes. 12mo. 38. (Presented by the Authors.) Oliver & Boyd, 1846. Groombridge & Sons. 16 GENERAL EDUCATION. Daily Lesson Book No. 1., on folio sheets. | Goodrich, S. G The First School Reader. 18mo. per set of 30, 3s. cloth. 6d. Darton & Co. *** Lesson Boards, framed to hold the above, Graduated Series of Reading Lesson Books for 1s, 6d, each, British and Foreign School Society. all Classes of English Readers. fcp. 8vo. cloth:- Daily Lesson Book, No. 1. sq. 24mo. 3d. Book the First. Is. 1860. - No. 2. 18mo. Is. Book the Second. Is. 6d. 1860. - No. 2. Sequel. “ Home and Common Book the Third. 2s. 1860. Things.” 18mo. 8d. Book the Fourth. 2s.6d. 1860. -- No. 3. 12mo. Is. 6d. Longman & Co. - No.3. Supplement. “Poetry and Prose.” 1 Gray, Gilbert. Multum in Parvo, or Much in 12mo. 2s. Little. Being a Collection of Maxims, and may be called the Rule of Life. small 16mo. - No. 4. 12mo. 2s.6d. half calf. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1784. - No. 4. Questions adapted to. By the Rev. J. M. Wakefield, M.A. 12mo. Is. 6d. Grey, Gilbert. The Complete Fabulist; or a Choice Collection of Moral and Entertaining - Miscellaneous, (Pupils' Home Books.) Fables, in prose and verse. 2nd edition. 12mo. · 4d. 12mo. T. Slack, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1732. No. 2 and Sequel, 3 and Supplement, and 4. (Presented by Mr. Crossley.) Green's Useful Knowledge for Little Children. (British and Foreign School Society.) 12mo. cloth. ls. Darton & Co. Hamilton & Co. Guy, Jos. New British Reader. 12mo. 38. 6d. Darnell, G. Short and Certain Way to Reading. Cradock & Co., 1849. Ismo. ' 6d. cloth, and in 4 parts sewed. Harry Hawkins's H. Book; showing how - Reading Lessons. Printed in large Type, he learned to aspirate his H's. royal 16mo. 6d. on 6 sheets. 6d. (Mounted on boards.) Griffith & Farran, 1857. Griffith & Farran Hill, W. Memory of Language and Rhyming Deraaus, R. Class Book of English Prose, Mnemonical Expositor. 12mo. Is. 6d. containing Specimens from the most distin- Whittaker & Co. guished Writers from Chaucer to the present time, &c. crown 8vo. cloth. 4s. 6d. Hughes, E. Reading Lessons; First Book. A. & C. Black, 1859. 12mo. 3s. 60. 1855. - Second Book. 12mo. 38. 6d. 1855. Easy Lessons in Reading and Spelling, for - Third Book. 12mo. 3s. 6d. 1856. · the use of the Younger Classes in Primary Select Specimens of English Prose. Schools. 18mo. half bound. (Presented by 12mo. cloth. 45. Od. 1853. Board of Education, New York.) Longman & Co. Egbert, New York, 1853. Illustrated London Instructor. Svo. cloth. 28. Easy Reading and Pretty Pictures, by Nurse Allman & Son. Rockbaby. 12mo. 24. 6d. Dean & Son. - 8vo. cloth. 2s. N. Cooke, 1850. Elementary Class Book. Parts 1 & 2. 18mo. per hundred, 10s. Illustrated London Reading Book. Svo. cloth. 2s. N. Cooke, 1854. - Key to. sq. 16mo. ls. Church of England Sunday School Institute. Webster Reader. Svo. cloth. ls. 6d. Ward & Lock. Ewing, T. English Learner, or a Selection of Instructive Picture Book; or a few at- Lessons in Prose and Verse. 12mo. bound. tractive Lessons from the Natural History of Oliver & Boyd, 1856. 2s. Animals. By A. White. (See Object Lessons.) Expeditious (The) Instructor; or Reading, - or Lessons from the Vegetable Writing, and Arithmetick made plain and easy, World. By the Author of 6 The Heir of &c. post 4to. half bound. W. Reeve, London, 1756. Redcliffe.” (See Object Lessons.) Fanny and her Mamma; or Easy Reading Ireland, Rev. J. Beauties in Prose and Verse, - Lessons for Little Children, 16mo. cloth. selected from the most eminent English 2s. 6d. Griffith & Farran, 1854. Authors. To which is added a Practical English Grammar. 12mo. bound. First Lesson Book. post 8vo. 4d. T. Constable & Co., 1855. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1784. Flower, Rev. W. B. Reading Lessons, for the Irish National School Books; a Series of Works published by Direction of the Commis- .. higher Classes in Schools. 12mo. 3s. Masters, 1849. sioners for National Education in Ireland : First Book of Lessons. 12mo. sewed. Floyd, R. The Crumbs for Chickens Reading Second Book of Lessons. 12mo. cloth. Book 16mo. sewed. 2d. - Sequel to Nos. 1 and 2. 12mo. cloth. J. C. Tacey, 35, City Road, 1859. Third Book of Lessons. 12o. cloth. Goodrich, S. G. The First, Second, and Third Fourth Book of Lessons. 12mo. cloth. School Reader. each, 18mo. half bound. - Supplement to. 12mo, cloth. - The Fourth School Reader. Fifth Book of Lessons. 12mo. cloth. 12mo. half bound. (Presented by Board of Reading Book for the Use of Female Schools. Education, New York.) 12mo, cloth. Morton & Griswold, Louisville. W. P. Nimmo, Edinburgh. READING LESSONS. 17 - sd. Irish National School Books, published | Leitch, N. First Monitorial Class Book. 18mo. by direction of the Commissioners for National 1. ld. Education, Ireland :- Second Monitorial Class Book. Ismo. 3d. First Book of Lessons, for the Use of Schools. Third Monitorial Class Book. Smo. 6d. On 33 sheets. oblong folio. - Juvenile Reader. 12mo. bound. 1s. 6d. - iSmo. sewed. id. 1859. Instructive Reader. 12mo, bound. Is. 8d. Second Book of Lessons. 18mo. cloth. 3d. J. Burnet. 1859. Lessons in Reading for Children, with Ques- -- Sequel to Nos. 1 and 2. 18mo. tions on the Principal Subjects. 18mo. Is. cloth. 3d, each. 1859. Religious Tract Society. Third 12mo. cloth. 6d. 1859. Lessons for Collective Teaching Infant Classes, Fourth 12ino. cloth, 7d. 1859. large type, to correspond with the “ First Class - Supplement to. 12mo. cloth. Book.” 4to. ls. per set, or pasted on 16. 1859. 12mo. cloth. 7d. Fifth - toards, 5s. per set. 1859. -- in larger type, 34 sheets, demy Reading Book for the use of Female Schools. folio, 1s. 6d., on boards, 12s. P r set. 12mo. cloth. 7d. Sunday School Union. Groombridge & Sons. Jones, Rev. C. W. Secular Early Lesson Lesson Sheets. (By Miss Glover.) ist Book, for Adult and other Schools. Third Series, 15 pages, fop. folio. 1s. 9d. edition. 18mo. stiffened cover. Od. 1859. - 2nd Series, 18 pages, fcp. folio. - Part 2. “ Proverbs.” 18mo. sewed. 2s. Jarrold & Sons. 4d. 1860. - Advanced Reading Book for Adult Lovell, J. E. Young Pupil's First Book. 12mo. and other Schools. Lessons in English half bound. (Presented by Board of Education, History. royal 18mo. cloth. ls. (Presented New York.) Babcock, New Haven, 1856. by the Author.). Longman & Co., 1859. Ludlow, G. The Class Reading Book, de- Johnson, C. W. The Rural Reader; intended signed to furnish Youth with practical Infor- to convey useful Facts in early Themes for mation on a Variety of interesting Subjects. Children. 12mo. cloth. ls, 6d. 12mo. bound. 2s.6d. J. Ridgway, Piccadilly, 1948. J. W. Parker & Son, 1854. Johnson, Dr. Samuel. Rasselas. With Intro MʻCulloch, J. M. First Reading Book. 18mo. ductory Remarks, &c., adapted as a Reading 1d. 1956. Book for Schools and Young Persons qualify - Second Reading Book. 18mo. 3d. 1856. ing for the Middle-Class Examinations. By - Third Reading Book. 18mo. 10d. 1856. the Rev. John Hunter, M.A. 12mo. cloth. 4s. --- Fourth Reading Book, with a Synopsis of Longman & Co., 1860. Kay, J. Infant and Primary School Reader English Spelling. 12mo. bound. ls. 6d. 1858. and Deliner; Nos. 1, 2, 3. 12mo. half bound. - Course of Elementary Reading. 12mo. bound, 3s. 1956. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) - A Series of Lessons in Prose and Verse. Hayes & Co., Philadelphia, 1952-4. 12mo. 2s. Oliver & Boyd, 1856. Kenny, W. D. A Progressive Reading Book. 12mo.'ls. Od. Allınan & Son. N'Guffey, W. H. The Eclectic First Reader. Kinder-Garten Reading and Spelling Book. 18mo. half bound. (See Ronge.) Second Reader. Ismo. half bound. Ladder to Learning ; a Collection of Fables Third Reader. 12mo. liall bound. arranged progressively in Words of one, two, Fourth Reader. 12mo. hall bound. and three Syllables, with original Morals. - Fifth Reader. 12mo. half bound. Edited by Mrs. Trimmer. 16mo. cloth. 3s. 6d. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Griffith & Farran, 1856. Smith & Co., Cincinnati, Lake, W. J. Book of Object Lessons: A MʻLeod, W. First Reading Book. ismo. 3d. Teacher's Manual. iSmo. cloth, limp. Is. 6cd. 1856. (Presented by the Author.) – Reading Lessons, on sheets, foolscap. Longman & Co., 1957. broadside, Nos. 1 to 30. 3s. the set. (On mill- Langler, J. R. Reading Sheets for Training boards.) Schoois. The set of 30, in large type, crown - My First School Book, to teach Reading broad folio. 6s. (mounted on millboards.) and Writing.. 1$mo. 6d. 1856. - First Reading Book for Training Schools. - Second School Book, to teach Reading and Part I. 12mo. sewed. 8s. per hundred. - Part II. 12mo. sewed. 12s. per Spelling. 18mo. Id. (Presented by the Author.) hundred. A. Heylin. Longman & Co., 1956. Leavitt, J. Reading Lessons ; Part 1. The Mann, R. J. Lessons in General Knowledge; Primer. 1$mo. half bound. An Elementary Reading Book. Parts 1, 2, 3, - Part 2. Easy Lessons. 18mo. 12mo. Is. each. half bound. in 1 vol. 12mo. cloth. 3s. 6d. -- Part 3. Reading Lessons for Longman & Co., 1856. Middle Classes. 12mo. half bound. (Presented | Marrison and Wash, Memory Lessons for by Board of Education, New York.) Home Work. 18mo, 4d. Jewett & Co., Boston. I Groombridge & Sons, 1858. B 18 GENERAL EDUCATION. Martin, W. Instructive Lessons in Reading 1 Object Lesson Cards on the Vegetable . and Thinking. 12mo. ls. 6d. Kingdom. (Constable's Educational Series.) - The Intellectual Reading Book. 12mo. See Object Lessons, p. 149. 2s.6d. Jarrold & Sons. | Open and See; or, First Reading Lessons. Maunder, S. Universal Class-book: A New 16mo, cloth, gilt leaves. 28. A. Hall & Co. Series of Reading Lessons. 12mo. bound. 5s. Parker, R. G., The First Reader. 18mo. Longman & Co., 1851. half bound. Mayo, Miss. Model Lessons for Infant School - Second Reader, ismo. half bound. Teachers and Nursery Governesses. Part 1,2,3. Third Reader. 12mo, half bound. 12mo. each 2s. 6d. Groombridge & Son. - Fourth Reader. 12mo. half bound. - 3 Parts. 12mo. 2s. 6d. each. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Home and Colonial School Society. A. S. Barnes & Co., New York. Mimpriss, R. Educational Works, viz. : Papa and Mamma's Easy Lessons for their One Hundred Easy Lessons on the Life Little Ones. 12mo. Is. Dean & Sons. of Christ. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade, each Perry, J. The Elementary Stage of the Scrip- 32mo. 20s. per hundred, sorted. tures (in Words of the Bible), adapted for - 2nd and 3rd grade, each 1Smo. cloth. Reading, &c. 12mo. cloth. Teacher's Manual, 1st and 2nd grades, 1 vol. James Perry, London, 1829. 12mo. cloth. Is. Gd. -- 3rd grade. 12mo: cloth. ls. Ed. Phonetic Books. Sce Reading Reform, p. 19. Teacher's Manual. 2nd and 3rd grade, each Pinnec, T. S. The Hemans Reader, for royal 16mo. cloth. Female Schools: containing Extracts in Prose - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade, in 1 vol. and Poetry. 12mo. (Presented by Board of Edu- royal 16mo. cloth. cation, New York.) Clark & Co., New York. Steps of Jesus. 48mo. cloth, lettered. Is. - iSmo. cloth, lettered. ls. 6d. Pleasing (The) Instructor or Entertaining Class Papers for Home Study; or, Bible Ex- Moralist, consisting of Select Essays, &c., amination Questions for Scholars. fscp. Svo. collected from the most eminent English cloth. 2s.6d. Authors. To which are prefixed New Harmony of the Four Evangelists. fscp. Svo.3s. Thoughts on Education. By A. Fisher. new One Hundred Lessons The Gospel History of edition. 12mo. bound. our Lord's Life and Ministry, in large tablet G. Robinson, London, 1777. type with metal frame—1st grade, royal 4to. 5s. Poor Letter H; its Use and Abuse. royal - 2nd grade, royal folio. 10s. 18mo. sewed. 4d. E. Wilson, 1859. - 3rd grade, royal sheet. 16s. Putnam, S. A Sequel to the Analytical The Teacher's Class Chart of our Lord's Life Reader, embracing Explanation of Phrases and and Ministry Exhibiting every Event Figurative Language.“ 12mo. bound. Chronologically Localised, and adapted to .(Presented by Board of Education, New York.) the above, on rollers, varnished. 1s. Ād. S. S. & W. Wood, New York, 1852. The School Room Chart ditto, ditto. size. Reader, The Verbal. By a Literary Associa- 5 ft. Gin. by 4 ft., on rollers, unvarnished. 12s. tion. crown 8vo. half bound. Combined Manual for Superintendents. 4s. 6d. - The Sentential. ditto. Amalgamated ditto, ditto. Svo. half bound 5s. - The Lingual. ditto. Wertheim & Co. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Murray, Lindley. Introduction to the English Montgomery, New York, 1553. .Reader; or a Selection of Pieces in Prose Reading Analysed; being a Series of Lessons and Poetry. 12mo. bound. 2s. 6d. for Teaching Reading. 12mo., in wrapper. ls. J. & C. Mozley. M. Snell, 1857. - Introduction to the English Reader. Reading Book for the Use of Female Schools. 12mo. bound. 2s. Allman & Son. (Published by direction of the Commissioners of - The English Reader. 12mo. bound. National Education, Ireland.) 12mo. cloth. 78. 3s. 6d. J. & C. Mozley. - The English Reader. 12mo.bound. 3s. 6. Groombridge & Sons, 1858. Allman & Son, 1853. Reading for National Schools. Parts I. - The English Reader. 12mo. bound and II., 18mo, sewed. 1s. per doz. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) - Two Parts together. cloth, limp. 2s. Sd. J. S. Taylor & Co., New York, 1846. per doz. National Society. Nelson, Rev. W. L. First Reading Book Reading Books, Society for Promoting Chris- (Scripture Educational Course). 12mo. 2d. tian Knowledge:- - Second ditto. 12mo. Sd. 1853. First Book for the Use of Schools. 18mo. Third ditto. 12mo. ls. 4d. sewed. 2d. Paton & Ritchie. Second Book for Use of Schools. Normal Chart of the Elementary Sounds of ismo. cloth. 8d. the English Language, printed in large type, -- Third Book. 12mo. cloth. ls. 4d. red and black. Mounted on canvas and roller. Fourth Book; a Selection of Pieces Size 4 ft. 2 in. by 2 ft. 10 in. 75. 6d. (Congre- in Prose and Poetry. 12mo. cloth. Is. 8d. gational Board of Education.) Ward & Co. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. READING LESSONS. 19 Keading Books, New Series. Society for Pro- | Reading Reforra is a System of Teaching to inoting Christian Knowledge:- Read in the ordinary Print by a previous Course First Reading Book. In Easy and Familiar of Phonetic Reading:-- Words. The 2 Parts in l. . 18mo. canvas, The Reading Reform, explained and advocated. limp. 38. per dozen. Svo. stitched. ls. Lessons from the 4 Parts, in large type, on Primary Schools and the Reading Reform. Svo. 22 sheets. royal folio. ls. 4d. per set. d. — from the 1st and 2nd Parts, in large Reading Reform Circular. Svo. d. type, on 21 sheets. royal broad folio. Reading Reform Experiments. 8vo. 2d. Second Reading Book, Scriptural and Miscel Reading Reform at Edinburgh. Svo. id. laneous Lessons, with Exercises in Spelling. Aberdeen Trials of the Reading Reform. Svo. Id. 18mo. canvas. 7d. Reading Reform Leaves. per sheet of 16 pages, --- First Sequel to Second Book. Smo. 32mo, id. canvas. 70. The Reading Reformer, the Organ of the - Second Sequel to ditto. iSmo. can Reading Reform Association. Published quar- vass. 1d. terly. Nos. 1 to 12. Svo. 2d. each. Third Reading Book. Scriptural and Miscel Teachers' Guide to the Reading Reform. 3rd edi- lancous Lessons. 12mo. canvas. ls. 2d. tion, re-written and adapted to the fifth edition - Supplement to. 12o. canvas. ls. 2d. of the Primer, by Alex. J. Ellis, B.A. Svo. Id. Fourth Reading Book. Scriptural and Miscel English Phonetics, a Sequel to the Teachers' laneous Lessons. 12mo. canvas. ls. 40. Guide, by Alex. J. Ellis, B. A. Svo. 2d. 1857. Reading Reform Primer. 5th edition, re-written, Reading Book for Adults. The 4 parts in 1 and much improved. 12mno. 2d. vol. 12mo. canvas. 10d. Reading Sheets, per set of 24. folio. 2s. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. the Set. folio. half bound. Reading Lessons, “Natural History.” 1 to Seconder, a Sequel to the Primer. 12mo. 3d. 18. Large type, with cuts. Per set, coloured, 3s. Reading Reform Pass-Book, forming a sys- tematic transition from Phonetic to Romanic " Places inentioned in the Holy Scrip- tures.” 1 to 12. Large type. Per set, print. 12mo. 2d. coloured, 2s. Sd. Moveable Letters, in sets of 50 pieces, on wood, "Scripture History." 1 to 22. Large type. containing both the Phonetic and Romanic Per dozen, coloured, 2s. Sd. Alpliabets. 6d. --- "Scripture Natural History.” I to 24. on card, 3d. Large type. Per dozen, coloured, 2s. Sd. Chart of the Phonetic Alphabet, on a sheet. 3d. - Scripture Manners and Customs." I to To be hung in Scliool-rooms for daily exer- 30. Large type. Per dozen, coloured, 2s. Sd. cise, as explained in the Teachers' Guide. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. - mounted on roller. ls. Forwarder; or, Second Reading Book, consisting Reading Lessons, Part I. 18mo. 2s. Sd. per of Short Reading Lessons, in Prose and Verse. doz. 12mo. Od. -- Part II. 18mo. 2s. 6d. per doz. Bible Histories, from the Books of Moses, in the - Two Parts together. 1$mo. 4s. 8d. per doz. words of the authorized version. 12mo. ls. - Eighteen Reading Lessons, introductory to Parts I. and II. lSmo. Is. 6d. per doz. Gospels of St. Matthew and St. John, bold type. National Society. Svo. 4d. each. Sermon on the Mount, Thirteen Parables, St. Reading Lessons on Sheets, &c. Paul's Advice to Christians, and Church Cate- Set of graduated lessons. 12, various. Per chism. 12mo. ld. each. set, ls. Watts's Divine and Moral Songs. 12mo. 2d. Set of lessons on Home Productions, mounted Charley's House, a Tale for Children, by Alex. on brown paper, suitable to iron frame. Per J. Ellis. 12ino. Is. set, 2s. 6d. Set of lessons on Foreign Productions, 12, Phonetic Reader. By R. Bond. 12mo, cloth. 3s. various. Per set, 1s. 4d. Book of Common Prayer. Royal 32mno. roan, Set of lessons on Forest Trees, 12, various. gilt edges. 38. Per set, ls. 4d. The Holy Bible arranged in Paragraphs and Set of lessons on Clothing, 12, various. Per Parallelisms, on the Phonetic System. Svo. set, ls. Morocco, gilt leaves. (Presented in 1851). Set of lessons on Domestic Economy, mounted Svo. cloth. 1850. on brown paper, suitable to iron frame. Phonetic New Testament. Svo roan, gilt leaves. Per set, 2s. National Society. - New Testament. royal 32mo.roan, gilt edges. 35. Reading Sheets for Training Schools, by Lord's Prayer printed, in colours, in gilt Langler. No. I to 30. crown broad folio. The frame, glazed. Set, 7s.6d. (Bound in a volume.) Nursery Rliymes. 16mo. 3d. - In a frame. 145. 6d. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. 12mo. 1s. 6d. - Cards, corresponding with the above sewed ; 2s. cloth. (No. 3 to 10). Single, per 100, 2s. 6d., or Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield and Poems.. double, 5s.' (Wesleyan Education Committee.) 12mo. cloth. 26. 6d. A. Heylin. | Johnson's Rasselas and Poems. 12mo. 25. B2 20 GENERAL EDUCATION. Reacing Reform-cont. Sullivan's Literary Class Book. (See Elocution.) Gay's Fables. 24mo. 8d. Swan, W. D. The Primary Scliool Rcader. Shakspere's Macbeth. 24mo. 5d. Part 1. 18mo. half bound. - Tempest. 24mo. 4d. F. Pitman. - Part 2. iSmo. half bound. Phonotypic Alphabet, on 2 large sheets. - Part 3. 12mo. half bound. Phonography, Complete System of, on a sheet. - The Grammar School Reader. 12mo. (Presented by Mrs. M. J. Williams.) half bound. Pitman & Prosser, Cincinnati, U.S. - The District School Reader. 12mo. bound. Reading without Tears; or a Pleasant Mode (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) of Learning to Read. By the Author of "Peep Thomas & Co., Philadelphia. of Day," &c. 16mo. 35. T. Hatchard, 1857. Tapner, J. The Schoolmaster's Repository, or Ronge, J. Kinder Garten Reading and Spell Youth's Moral Preceptor ; containing a Select ing Book. Svo, cloth, with coloured plates, 3s. Store of curious Sentences and Maxiis, in lain, 2s) J. & B. Ronge, 32, Tavistoc Prose and Verse, &c. 12mo. half bound, un- Sanders, Ć. W. The School Reader. First Book. cut. J. Scott, London, n.d. 18mo. half bound. Thelwall, S. M. The Syllabic Primer and Second Book. 18mo. half bound. Reading Book, based on the Principle that the Third Book. 12mo. half bound. Sound of Letters is determined by theirPosition - Fourth Book. 12ino, bound. in a Syllable or Word. With an Explanation - Fifth Book, by C. W. & J.C. San- of the Method of Teaching. 12ino. cloth, ders. 12mo. bound. 2s, 6d. ; sewed, 2s. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) The Syllabic Primer. On 3 Sheets, post Ivison & Phinney, New York. folio, ld. each, or mounted on millboard, 4d. - The School Reader. New Series. First each. Book. 18mo. half bound. Wertheim & Co. 1859. - New Series. Second Book. 18mo. Thomson, Rev. A. Lessons for Schools. half bound. Part 1, 18mo. sewed, 3d. Part 2, 10d.; Part 3, - New Series. Third Book. 12mo. 10d.; Part 4, 1s. 3d. 18mo, cloth. half bound. Paton & Ritchie. New Series. Fourth Book. 12mo. Town, Dr. Salem. The Child's First Reader. half bound. royal' 1mo. half bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) - - Second Reader, roy. I Smo. hf. ba. Ivison & Phinney, New York. - Third Reader. 12mo. hf. bound. Sargeant, Miss. Easy Reading and Story Book, - Fourth Reader. 12mo. hf. bound. with coloured Pictures. 12mo. boards. 2s. 6d. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Dean & Son. Sandborn & Co., Portland, 1853–4. Schoolmasters of Scotland, Books compiled under the Direction of a Committee of Esta- Tower, Rev. D. B. The Gradual Primer, blished, viz. :- Part 1. ismo. half bound. 1. Young Child's Instructor (No. 1). 1.d. - Reader, Part 2. 1$mo. hf. bound. 18mo. sewed. - Reader, Part 3. 12mo. half bound. 2. (No. 2). 3d. 18mno. sewed. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) 3. - (No. 3). Gd. 18ino. sewed. Burgess & Co., New York, 1854. 4. First Collection in Prose and Verse. Unwin, Rev. W. J., Training School Reader, 12mo. bound. Is. Gu. First Book, complete. crown. Svo. ls. Od.. 5. Second Collection, or a System of Elocu- -- Division 1. crown Svo. Od. tion. 12mo. 2s. 6d. Division 2. crown Svo. 1s. M. Nacphail, Edinburgh. - First Book, Division 1 in two Scott, Sir W. A Collection for the Use of parts:- Schools, compiled from his Writings. crown. Part 1, crown Svo. 4d. Svo. bound. 35. 6d. A. & C. Black, 1857. Part 2. No. 2. crown Svo, 6d. Scottish School-Book Association. Se- - Second Book, complete, crown cond Collection of Instructive Extracts. 12mo. Svo. 2s. bourd, 2s. W. Collins, Glasgow. -- Division 1. crown 8vo. Is. -- Division 2. crown Svo. Is. Sessional School First Book. 18ino. sewed, 2d. --- Second Book. 18mo. half bound, (Congregational Board of Education.) 1s. Ward & Co. Collection; consisting of Reli- Varty's Reading Disentagled, a Series of Les- gious and Moral Instruction and other Infor- sons, on 37 sheets, fcp.broad folio, with woodcut mation for Early Youth. 12mo. bound, 2s. 6d. illustrations. per set, plain, 6s. - Instructive Extracts. 12mo. bound, - First Steps in Reading, a series of 14 3s. Oliver & Boyd. sheets, fcp. broad folio. 2s. 6d. Short, Rev. Dr. Hints for Teaching Little Infants' Help to Reading; 18 Lessons, on Children to Read. Ismo. 6d. 9 sheets fcp. broad folio. 35. (See bound volume.) Varty, 3, Adelaide Street. Lessons from ditto, on cards. Per 100, 8d. Warden, John. A Collection from the Spec- - Ten First Lessons. Large type, on cards. tator, Tatler, &c. &c., for the Benefit of English Per set, 8d. Schools. !2mo. calf, gilt. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. | Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1752. = n READING LESSONS-ENGLISH GRAMMAR. 21. ld. Webb, J. R. The Normal Reader, in Progres- | Ash, J., LL.D. Grammatical Institutes, or an sive Lessons, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4. cach 12mo. Easy Introduction to Dr. Lowth's English half bound. Grainmar. New edition. royal 32mo. bound. Primary Reading Lessons, as used in H. Smeaton, London, 1794. the Public Schools of New York. Printed Bayly, Anselm, LL.D. Plain and Complete in red and black, Nos. 1 to 6; broad folio, Grammar of the English Language. Svo. half mounted on 3 mill-boards. (Presented by. Board of Education, New York.) bound. (Presented by C. Baker, Esq.) J. Ridley, London, 1772. G. Savage, New York, 1953-4. - 8vo. 1772. (See Sharp.) White, J. First and Second Books for Children. Best, Hon. & Rev. S. Elementary Grammar 18mo. 4. for the Use of Village Schools. 18mo. 6d. Third Book for Children. ismo. 10d. J. Darling, 1857. Fourth Book for Children. 12mo. Is. 6d. Blair, Rev. D. Practical Grammar of the W. Whyte & Co. English Language, with numerous Exercises. Wilson, A. The Beginner; a First Book. 32mo. 12th edition. ismo. bound. G. & W. B. Whittaker, 1824. - Child's First Step. royal 32mo. lld. - The Primer. Ismo. 20. Brightland,J. Grammar of the English Tongue, Sequel to the Primer. 18mo, 3d. with Notes giving the Grounds and Reason of - Easy Lessons in Prose and Versc. iSmo. Grammar in general, &c., and Plate of Speci- bound. sid. mens of Early Alphabets. lst edition. 12mo. - Elementary Reader in Prose and Verse. calf. Printed for J. Brightland, London, 1711. 1$mo. cloth. ls. With the Arts of Logick, Rheto- – Youth's Instructor; a Class Book of En rick, Poetry, &c. 3rd edition. 12mo. bound. tertaining and Instructive Reading 12mo. London, 1714. 1s. Sd. 4th edition. 12mo. calf. -- Selections for Reading and Recitation. J. Roberts, London, 1721. 12010. cloth. 25. Oct. — Sth edition. 12mo, calf. (Presente MI. Wilson & Co., 232, George Strcct, Glasgow. by C. Baker, Esq.) Wilson's Series of Reading Lessons; 12 Rivington & Fletcher, 1759. tablets inounted on boards. folio. Griffin & Co. - Imperial 4to. James M'Kic. Bromby, Rev. C. H. The History and Gram- mar of the English Language. 12mo. 2s.6d. Young, Maria. The Little Child's Reader, Simpkin & Co., 1853. containing Original Stories adapted to the Understandings of Young Children. 12th Brown, G. The First Lines of English Gram- edition. 18mo. cloth. 9d. J. & C. Mozley. mar. 12mo. half bound. Youth's (The) Best Friend, or Reading no The Institutes of English Gra'nmar. longer a Task. 2nd edition. 12mo. half 12mo. half bound. (Presented by Bourd of Education, New York.) bound. Hayward, Deal, 1$25. S. S. & W.'Wood, New York, 1954. - The Grammar of English Grammars, with an Introduction, historical and critical &c. royal 8vo. bound. ENGLISH GRAMMAR. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) S.S. Wood, New York, 1851. Adams, E. The Elements of the English - Grammar of English Grammars, &c. Language. post Svo. cloth. 4s. Bell & Daldy, 1858. Royal 8vo. cloth. ll. 5s. (Presented by ~ ) Trübner & Co., 1851. Allen, Rev. W. Elements of English Gram- mar, with Esercises, Questions for Examina- Bucke, C. Classical Grammar of the English tion and Notes, for the advanced Student. Language. 12mo, half bound. (Presented by 2nd edition. 12mo. bound. C. Baher, Esq.) Baldwin & Cradock, 1829. G. & W. B. Whittaker, 1824. Burn, J. Practical Grammar of the E:nglish Allen and Cornwell's English School Gram- | Language. 12mo. bound. (Presented by mar. 18mo. ls. 9d. cloth, 2s. roan. C. Baker, Esq.) McLean, Glasgow, 1766. (British and Foreign School Society.) Butler, C. The English Grammar, or the - One Copy of each of the above. Institution of Letters, Syllables, and Words in (Presented by Dr. Cornwell.) 1858. the English Tongue. Whereunto is annexel - Grammar for Beginners; an Introduction an Index of Words like and unlike. small 4to. to the above. Smo. 9d. sewed, ls. cloth. (Presented by Dr. Cornwell.) 1858. Oxford, 1633. Simpkin & Co. Campbell, J. Principles and Practice of Allison, M. A. First Lessons in English English Grammar, according to the Lesson Grammar. 18mo. 9d. Longman & Co., 1853. System. 18mo. ls. Gall & Inglis. Arnold, Rev. T. K. English Grammar for Cassell's Lessons in English, containing a Classical Schools; being a Practical Intro practical Grammar for the use of the Self- duction to English Prose Composition. 12mno. educating Student. By Rev. J. R. Bearil. bound. 4s. 6d. F. & J. Rivington, 1852. 1 12mo. cloth. 36. 6d. Cassell, 1854. calf. 22 GENERAL EDUCATION. Catechism of English Grammar. 18mo. 4d. ; Doherty, H. Introduction to English Gram- . Groombridge & Sons. mar, on Universal Principles. Svo. cloth. 6s. Chambers's Introduction to English Gram (Presented by C. Bahcr, Esq.) mar. 1210. cloth, limp. 10d. 1856. Simpkin & Co., 1841. English Grammar and Composition. Donatti, L. A. English Grammar and Reading 12mo. cloth. 2s. W. & R. Chambers, 1855. Book. i2mo, sewed. (Presented by H. Grant, - Grammatical Primer. 18mo, 2d. (Minor Esq.) J. Mallett, 1839. Educational Course.) W. & R. Chambers. Douglas, J. The Principles of English Gram- Chamberlain, Rev. T. English Grammar. mar. 18mo. bound. ls. 6d. 18mo. 3d. J. Masters, 1856. A. & C. Black, 1853. Christian Brothers, (The). School Gram- Ellison, S. Grammar of the English Language. mar of the English Language. royal 18mo. crown Svo. ls. N. Cook, 1854. cloth. 9d. Burns & Co., 1855. Churchill, T. O. A New Grammar of the English Grammar for the Use of Schools. 12mo. cloth. English Language. 12mo. bound. 5s. -- (Presented by C. Baker, Esq.) Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. Simpkin & Co., 1923. W. P. Nimmo, Edinburgh, 1859. Clarke, Hyde. A Grammar of the English - for Use of Schools. 18mo, cloth. 3d. Tongue. 12mo. ls. J. Weale, 1853. - Key to Exercisesin. 18mo. sewed. Clark, S. W. A Practical English Grammar, Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. illustrated by Diagram's. (Presented by the . Groombridge & Sons, 1858. Board of Education, New York.) English Grammar for Schools. 18mo. 4d. Barnes & Co., New York, 1854. - Outlines of. 18mo. 2d. J. A. Wilson. Coote, C. Elements of the Grammar of the English School Grammar, with Explanatory English Language. Svo. bound. (Presented Questions. 12mo. 2d. by C. Baker, Esq.) C. Dilly, London, 1788. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Coote, Edw. The English Schoolmaster teach- Errors in Speaking and Writing corrected. ing his Scholars. small 4to. half bound. 18mo. 6d. London, printed by A. Maxwell, 1670. J. Cornish. Farnell, W. K. A Practical English Grammar. Collier, H. An Epitome of English Grammar. 1 Smo. 3d. 12mo. bound. J. Richardson, London, 1820. - on Card. 1d. Jarrold & Sons. Connon, C. W. A System of English Gram- mar, founded on the Philosophy of Language, First Elements of English Grainmar. 18mo. &c. Ist edition. 12mo. cloth. 1845. 2d. Oliver & Boyd, 1842. - A System of English Grammar. 5th Fisher, A. A Practical New Grammar, with edition. 12mo. bound. 28. 6d. Exercises of Bad English, &c, 11th edition. Oliver & Boyd, 1855. T. Slack, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1768. Corner, Miss. The Play Grammar, in which Forbes, J. The Principles of Gaelic Grammar the Elements of Grammar are explained in 12mo. 3s. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1848. easy Games for Children. 18mo. Is. Fowler, W. C. English Language, in its Ele- Dean & Son. ments and Forms; with a history of its origin Covell, L. T. A Digest of English Grammar. and development. Royal 8vo. bound. . 12mo. half bound. (Presented by Board of (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Education, New York.) Harper & Co., New York, 1950. Appleton & Co., New York, 1853. Geddes, A. The New English Grammar, con- Currey, Rev. G. English Grammar for Be taining Everything necessary to the Knowledge ginners. 18mo. sewed. 3d. of the English Language, &c. crown Svo. English Grammar for Schools. i$mo. half calf. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1783. canvas. 6d. 1856. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. General Principles of English Grammar. 12mo. (Presented by Board of Educrtion, New York.) Darnell, G. English Grammar made intelli- Lea & Blanchard, Philadelphia, 1847. gible to Children. 12mo. cloth. ls. Gilchrist, James. Philosophic Etymology, or . Introduction to (being the first Rational Grammar. Svo. half cali. portion of the above). 12mo. sewed. 3d. Griffith & Farran. R. Hunter, London, 1816. Demaus, R. The Analysis of Sentences, with Giles, Rev. Dr. First Lessons in English Gram- applications to Parsing, Punctuatioir, and Con- mar. 18mo. Id. Cornish. position. 12mo, sewed. 6d. Gill, J. W. First Steps in English Grammar, Oliver & Boyd, 1858. 18mo. sewed. 4s. per dozen. T. Varty. De Sacy, Baron A. J. S. Principles of Gene Graham, G. F. Helps to English Grammar. ral Granimar. Translated by D. Fosdick, jun., 12mo. 3s. Longman & Co., 1851. from the 5th French edition. 12mo. half Grammar Explained in Verse, on 4 sheets fcp. cloth. Andover, U.S., Flagg & Co., 1834. broadside, printed in red and black. ls, 4d. Devis, Ellin. The Accidence; or, First Rudi (See bound volume.) ments of English Grammar. Designed for Varty, 3, Adelaide Street. Young Ladies. 9th edition. 18mo, canvas. Grant, J. Grammar of the English Language. E. Law, London, 1797.1 12mo. bound. Sherwood & Co., London, 1813. ENGLISH GRAMMAR. 23 Green, H. Qucstions on the History and | Irving, C. Catechism of English Grammar. Grammar of the English Language, with an By E. Wickes. 18mo. Id. Aylott & Co. Index of Reference, adapted to Latham's Ele- James, J. H. The Elements of Grammar mentary English Grammar. 12mo. cloth, limp. according to Dr. Becker's System. 12mo. cloth. Taylor & Walton, 1846. 38. 6d. Longman & Co., 1847. Guy, Joseph. Preparatory English. Grammar: Kavanagh, M. D. A New English Grammar, Ismo. 6d. calculated to perfect Students in the Know- - English School Grammar. 18mo. bound. ledge of Grammar, Parsing, Derivation, and Is. 6d. the Principles of Composition. 12mo. bound. = Key to. By Jos. Guy, jun. 18mo. 1s. C. Dolman, 1859. bound. 35. radock & Co. Latham, Dr. R. G. Grammar of the English Guy, John. Stepping Stone to English Gram Language, for the Use of Commercial Schools. mar. 18mo. 6d. 1st edition. 12mo. cloth, limp. 1850. Mother's own Catechism of English - An Elementary English Gram- Grammar. 18mo. Id. Allman & Son. mar, for the Use of Schools. Revised and Gwynne, P. A Word to the Wise; or Hints enlarged. post 8vo. cloth. 48. 6d. 1860. on the Current Improprieties of Expression - Elements of English Grammar for the in Writing and Speaking. 18mo. sewed. 6d. use of Ladies' Schools. 12mo. cloth, limp. Griffith & Farran, 1855. Is. 6d. .. Walton & Maberly, 1854. Hall, H. Evening Amusements in Grammar, Lennie, W. Principles of English. Grammar. and the Key. 3 vols. ismo. roan, and two 18mo. bound. ls, 6d. 1961. packs of cards; in a case. J. Souter, 1838. -- Key to. 18mo. bound. Ss. 6d. Harrison, Elizabeth. Child's First Catechism . Oliver & Boyd, 1857. of English Grammar. iSmo. Sd. Relfe, Brothers. Leitch, N. An Outline of English Grammar. 18mo. 3d. J. Burnet. Hazen, Rev. E. Analytic and Synthetic Eng- lish Grammar. 12mo. half bound.. Lessons in English Grammar for a Child. Svo. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) 4d. J. Masters. Redfield, New York, 1954. | Live and Learn; a Guide for all who wish to Hazliti, W. A new and improved Grammar Speak and Write correctly. 12mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. of the English Tongue. With a new Guide to J. F. Shaw, 1858. the English Tongue, by Edward Baldwin. Louth's Grammar. (See Introduction to Gran- 18mo. bound. J. Godwin, London, 1810. mar.) Henry's English Grammar; a Manual for Mason, C. P. English Grammar; including Beginners. By the late Rev. T. K. Arnold, M.A. the Principles of Grammatical Analysis. fscp. 12mo. bound. 35. 6d. F. & J. Rivington, 1853. Svo. cloth. 3s. 6d. Walton & Maberly, 1858. Hiley, R. The Child's First English Grammar. McCulloch, Rev. J. M. Manual of English 18mo. ls. Grammar, Philosophical and Practical, with Exercises. 3rd edition. 18mo. bound. 1836. - and Style. 12mo. 3s. 6d. 1855. l6th edition. ISmo. bound. Is. 6d. abridged. 18mo. ls. 9d. Oliver & Boyd, 1856. Longman & Co., 1956. M'Elligott, J. N. Hill, W. Fifteen Lessons on the Analogy and The Young Analyser ; being an easy outline of the course of instruc- Syntax of the English Language. 12mo. cloth. tion in the English Language. (Presented by C. Baker, Esq.) 12mo. half bound. (Presented by Board of Education, Simpkin & Co., 1833. · New York.) Newman & Ivison, New York. Hunter, Rev. J. Manual of English Grammar. M'Leod, W. Explanatory English Grammar for 12mo. 7 d. - Abstract of, by the Rev. A. Wilson. Beginners. 18mo. Id. Longman & Co: 18mo. ls. 4d. per doz. Marcet, Mrs. The Game of English Grammar; National Society, London. 12mo. ls. . 1842. me Text Book of English Grammar. 12mo. - Mary's Grammar, for the use of Chil- bound. 2s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1855. dren. 18mo. 35. 6d. Inductive Grammar; a simple Introduction to - Willy's Grammar, for the use of Chil- a Grammatical Knowledge of the English Lan- guage. 18mo. d. J. S. Hodson, 1848. dren. 18mo. 2s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1853. Martin, W. The Intellectual English Gram- Introduction (A Short) to English Grammar; with Critical Notes. [By Bishop Louth.] Svo. mar. 12mo. ls. Jarrold and Sons. call. (Presented by C Baker, Esq.). Maitaire, M. The English Grammar; or, an A. Millar, London, 1762. Essay on the Art of Grammar, applied to and Introduction (A Short) to English Grammar, exemplified in the English Tongue. Svo. with Critical Notes. [By Bishop Louth.] 12mo. bound. H. Clements, London, 1712. bound. A. Millar, London, 1764. Mercy, Blanch. ' A Short Introduction to - 12mo. bound. English Grammar, designed for the Use of W. Osborne, 1791. Young Ladies. Vol. 1. Scholar's Book 2nd Ireland, Rer. J. Practical English Grammar. edition. 12mo. bound. See Ireland's Beauties, &c.—Reading Lessons. J. Jollie, Carlisle, 1800. 1853. 24 GENERAL EDUCATION. Tablammativ 3 ftinlysis, eachia Millen, J. Initiatory English Grammar. 18mo. | Oswald, John. Outlines of English Language. bound. ls. Oliver & Boyd, 1857. ismo. sewed. 6d. A. & C. Black, 1850. Mistakes of Daily Occurrence in Speak Outlines of English Grammar. On the basis ing, Writing, and Pronunciation corrected. of the Anglo-Saxon. By a Literary Associa- 18mo. 6d. J. F. Shaw; 1857. tion. crown Svo. half bound. (Presented by Morell, J. D. Essentials of English Grammar Board of Education, New York.) and Analysis. 12mo. cloth, limp. Sd. 1856. Montgomery, New York, 1853. - The Analysis of Sentences explained and Pape, D. A Compendious English Grammar, systematized. 12mo. cloth. 2s. with a Key. 12mo. bound. (Presented by Longman & Co., 1956. C. Baher, Esg.) T. Ostell, London, 1806. Morell, J. D. Essentials of English Grammar Parker, R. G. Progressive Exercises in and Analysis. 12mo. paper cover. Sd. English Grammar. 18mo. bound. - A Grammar of the English Language, J. R. Priestley, London, 1835. together with an Exposition of the Analysis of Parminter, Rev. Geo. Henry. Materials for Sentences. post Svo. cloth. 25. 1857. a Grammar of the modern English Language. T. Constable & Co. 12mno. 3s. 6d. NIMillan & Co., 1856. Morell, J. D. Table of Parts of Speech, ex- Pemberton, R. The Natural Method of tracted froin the Grammar and Analysis. In large type; size, 4ft. 3 in. by 3 ft. 9 in. Teaching the Elements of Grammar. fcp. 8vo. Table of Parsing and Analysis. Ditto, 2s. 6d. mounted on cloth, with eyelet holes, 5s. each, - on Cards, in a box, with the. or on rollers and varnished, 8s. each. Bcok. 20s. (Presented by the Author.) J. Gordon, 1859. Euphonic Institution, 33, Euston Square. Mulligan, J. Exposition of the Grammatical Pinneo, Rev. T. S. Primary Grammar of the Structure of the English Language. 12mo. English Language, for beginners. 18mo. .. bound. 38. Simpkin & Co., 1854. halt bound. Murray, Rev. J. Rudiments of the English - Analytical Grammar of the English Lan- Tongue, &c. 2nd edition, 12mo. bound. guage, for Schools. 12mo. half bound. (Pre- Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1771. sented by Board of Education, New York.) Murray, Lindley. English Grammar adapted Clark & Co., New York. to the different Classes of Learners, with Rules, Pinnock, Rev. G. First Steps to English &c. i1th edition. 12mo. bound. Grammar. i$mo. 6d. Allman & Son. Longman & Co., 1905. w, Comprehensive Grammar of the 12ino. bound. 35. 6d. English Language. 12mo. bound. 4s. 6d. Allman & Son. Simpkin & Co., 1856. - 12mo. bound. 3s. J. & C. Mozley. Price, David. An Elementary English Gram- - English Grammar abridged. Revised by mar. 18mo. half bound. (Presented by Board E. Walford. 18mo, sewed. 2d. R. Hardwicke. of Education, New York.) 18mo. bound. 1s. Huntington, New York, 1952. Allman & Son, 1857. Priestley, Jos., LL.D. Rudiments of English 18mo. bound. Grammar. 2nd edition. 12mo. bound. Routledge & Co., 1852. Becket & Hardy, London, 1769. 18mo. bound. (Government -- 3rd edition. 12mo. bound. Schools, Ceylon.) Tegg & Co. (Presented by C. Baker, Esq.) - for Junior Classes. Simplified by J. & F. Rivington, 1772. John Guy. 18mo. bound. 1s. Raine, Rev. Matt. English Rudiments, or an Allman & Son, 1856. Easy Introduction to English Grammar, for the - 18mo. bound. ls. 1857. Use of Schools. 2nd edition. 12mo. bound. by G. Warmington. 18mo. M. Vesey, Darlington, 1776. bound. ls. Reid, Alex. Rudiments of English Grammar, with Notes, Questions, and 18mo. bound. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1855. additional Exercises ; by the Rev. E. D. Robertson, Rev. Jos. An Essay on Punctua- Jackson. 18mo. bound. 1s. 1950. tion. 5th edition. 12o. calf. J. & C. Mozley. Whitmore & Fenn, London, 1808. Nelson, Rev. W. L. Rudiments of English Rousseau, S. Punctuation; or an Attempt Grammar. 12mo. 6d. to facilitate the Art of Pointing, on the Prin- Paton & Ritchie, 1940. ciples of Grammar and Reason. 12mo. half Niblett, A. N., M.A. English Class Handy- calf. Longman & Co., 1913. Book. Comprising Outlines of English Gram Sadler, Percy. Stepping Stone to English mar, &c. 12mo. cloth, limp. (Presented by the Grammar. 18mo. is. Longman & Co., 1856. Author.) Simpkin & Co., 1861. Scott, Rev. Walter. The Parts of Speech; an Odell, J. An Essay on the Elements, Accents, Introduction to Grammar, in Verse. iSmo. and Prosody of the English Language. 12mo. 9d. Jarrold & Sons. half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Scotticisms corrected. 18mo. 6d. J. Budd, 1805. J. F. Shaw, 1855. - 12no bound 2 a ENGLISH GRAMMAR. 25 Sharp, Granville. An English Alphabet, for 1 Ward, W. A Practical Grammar of the Eng- Use of Foreigners, and an additional Appen lish Language, containing accurate Definitions dix. W. Calvert, London, 1812.--Bayly, of the several Parts of Speech, &c. 12mo. half Anselm, A Plain and Complete Grammar of calf. Ward & Etherington, York, n.d. the English Language, &c. J. Ridley, London, - A Grammar of the English Language, in 1772. in 1 vol. 8vo. half calf. Two Treatises. 12mo. bound. Smart, B. H. The Accidence and Principles Ward & Etherington, 1767. of English Grammar. 2 vols. 12mo. bound. Wells, Rev. W. H. Elements of English 8s. Longman & Co., 1847. Grammar. 18mo. half bound. Smith, R. C. English Grammar on the Pro- Phinney & Co., Buffalo, 1853. ductive System. 12mo. half bound. (Pre- English Grammar for the use of Schools. sented by Board of Education, New York.) 12mo. half bound. (Presented by Board of W. T. Truman, Cincinnati, 1850. Education, New York.) Jewitt & Co., Boston, 1852. Smith, T. P. Catechism of English Grammar. 12mo, sewed. 6d. (Presented by the Author.) White, J. A System of English Grammar. Ward & Lock. 12mo. bound. W. Whyte & Co. Stirling, Rev. J. A Short View of English Williams, Mrs. Conversations on English Grammar. In a Method intirely new. 2nd Grammar, in a Series of Dialogues between a edition. crown Svo. bound. Mother and her Daughter. 1st edition. 12mo. T. Astley, London, 1740. half bound, Lackington & Co., London, 1821. Story, Joshua. An Introduction to English 4th edition. 12mo. half bound. Grammar; to which is added a Treatise on Whittaker & Co., 1830. Rhetorick. 3rd edition. 12mo. half calf. Wilson, A. Outlines of English Grammar. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1783. ismo. 1s. 4d. per doz. - 4th edition. 12mo. half calf. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. T. Longman, 1787. Wilson, M. First Step to English Grammar. St. Quintin, D. First Rudiments of General 18mo. sewed. 4d. Grammar, applicable to all Languages. 12mo. - The Grammatical Primer. 18mo. bound. bound. Longman & Co., 1812. ls. Sullivan, Robert. An Attempt to Simplify --- Key to. 18mo. bound. 2s.6d. English Grammar. 18mo. cloth. (Presented - Complete English Grammar for advanced by the Irish Board.) Curry & Co. 1853. Classes and Pupil-'Í'eachers. 12mo. bound. 2s. Sutcliffe, Rev. J. Grammar of the English M. Wilson & Co. Language. To which is added, a Series of Wilson, Rev. T. First Catechism of English Classical Examples of the Structure of Sen- Grammar. 18mo. 9d. Darton & Co. tences, and Three important Systems of the Time of Verbs. 12mo. bound. Wyand, B. B. Elements of English Grammar. Cadell & Davies, London, 1915. 12mo. cloth. London, printed for the Author. Taylor, J. A System of English Grammar, upon a Plan entirely new. 12mo. bound. (Presented by C. Baker, Esq.) T. Hurst, London, 1904. Thring, Rev. E. The Elements of Grammar. taught in English, with Questions. 2nd Irish made Easy, or a Practical Irish edition. 18mo. bound. 2s. 1854. Grammar. 12mo. bound. 2s. - 3rd edition. 1$mo, bound. 2s. 1860. C. Dolman, 1859. - The Child's Gramınar, being the sub- stance of the above. 18mo. cloth limp. ls. Wright, C. H. H. A Grammar of the Modern M'Millan & Co., 1959. Irish Language, designed chicfly for the Use of the Classes in the University. 12mo. cloth. Tower and Tweed. Elements of English Williams & Norgate, 1855. Grammar. 18mo. half bound. . Tower, D. B. Gradual Lessons in English Grammar By D. Tower. 12mo. half bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Burgess & Co., New York, 1853. Turner, Rev. Brandon. A New English Grammar, with a series of Exercises and Questions for Examination. 12mo. bound. Fleming, C. Grammaire Anglaise. Treatise on English Grammar. 12mo. sewed. Is. 6d. E. Law, 1859. 1853. Part 2. Exercises. 12mo. sewed. Ward, J. Four Essays upon the English Lan- Hachette, Paris, 1852. guage. 8vo. calf. (Presented by C. Baker, · J. Ward, Cornhill, 1758. Ward, W. An Essay on Grammar, as it may be applied to the English Language. 4to. calf. (Presented by C. Baker, Esq.) R. Horsfield, London, 1765. 2s. Esq.) 26 GENERAL EDUCATION. ENGLISHI EXERCISES. Carey, John. Practical English Prosody and Versification. New edition. 12mo. bound. Baldwin & Co., 1816. Fisher, A. A New English Exercise Book; adapted to the Rules of Fisher's Grammar. 12mo. half bound. T. Slack, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1770. Giles, J. English Parsing, comprising the Lessons, under each Rule, &c.' 4th edition. 12mo. bound. Darton & Co., 1817. Giles, J. English Parsing. 12mo. bound. Is. 6d. Allman & Son, 1854. Giles, J. English Parsing. Improved edition, remodelled by Margaret E. Darton. 12mo. bound. 2s. A. Hall & Co., 1859. Guy, Joseph. Exercises in Syntax. 18mo. bound. ls. 6d. Cradock & Co. Hiley, R. "English Exercises. 12mo. bound. 2s. 6d. 1855. - Key to. 12mo. bound. 35. 1846. Longman & Co. Hunter, Rev. J. Exercises in English Parsing. 12mo. 6d. Longman & Co., 1853. Lowres, J. English Parsing and Derivation. $mo. ls. Longman & Co., 1856. Morell, J. D. A Series of Graduated Exercises adapted to the Grammar and Analysis. post Svo. sewed, Sd. T. Constable & Co. Murray, Lindley. English Exercises. adapted to his English Grammar. 9th edition, 12mo. bound. Longman & Co., 1805. 18th edition. 12mo. bound. Graham, W. Exercises in Etymology. 12mo. 2s. W. & R. Chambers, 1854. Hunter, Rev. J. Manual of Derivation. 12mo. Id. Abstract of, by the Rev. A. Wil- son. ls. 4d. per dozen. National Society. Oswald, Rev. J. Etymological Manual of the English Language. 18mo. Is. = Etymological Primer of the English Language. Part 2. 18mo. 6d. . A. & C. Black, 1850. Pinnock, Rev. G. New London Expositor; a Collection of the most useful derivative Words in the English Language. 12mo. ls. 6d. Allman & Son, 1857. Prefixes and Axxes of the English Lan- guage. 18mo. 2d. Oliver & Boyd. Ross, W. Etymological Manual of the English Language. 18mo. 6d. Longman & Co., 1854. Smeaton, W. Etymological Manual of the English and French Languages. royal 18mo. cloth. (Presented by Board of Educution, New York.). J. P. Hart, New Haven, 1843. Sulivan, R. Dictionary of Derivations. 18mo. 38. 6d. • Longman & Co., 1851. Thomas, Joseph. The First Book of Etymo- logy. crown Svo. half bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) E. C. & J. Biddle, Philadelphia, 1853. Town, Salem. An Analysis of Derivative Words of the English Language. 12mo. half bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Phinney.& Co., Buffalo, 1853. Wilson, A. Outlines of Etymology. 18mo. sewed. 1s, 4d. per doz.. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Wilson, M. ADíanual of English Etymologies: arranged alphabetically on a new plan. royal ismo. sewed. 3d. . M. Wilson & Co. - 29th edition and Key, in 1 vol. 12mo. bound. Longman & Co., 1822. Murray, L. English Exercises. 12mo. bound. 2s. Allman & Son, 1856. - 12mo. bound. 2s. - Key to. 12mo. bound. 2s. J. & C. Mozley. Nixon, H. The English Parser; with Exam- ples and Models. 12mo. bound. Longman & Co., 1826. Weld, Rev. A. H., Parsing Book, containing Rules of Syntax, and Models for Analyzing and Transposing 18mo. half bound. (Pre- sented by Board of Education, New York.) ENGLISH COMPOSITION. Booth, D. Principles of English Composition. New edition, 12mo. boards. J. H. Starie, London, 1840. Brewer, Rev. Dr. A Guide to English Com- position. 13mo. cloth. 5s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1853. Chambers's Introduction to English Composi- tion. 12mo. 6d. W. & R. Chambers, 1855. Cornwell, Dr. J. Young Composer. 12mo. ls. 6d. - Key to ditto. 12mo. 35. (British and Foreign School Society.) - One Copy each of the above. (Presented by Dr. Cornwell.) Simpkin & Co., 1857-58. Edwards, Rev. J. A Practical Introduction to English Composition. 2nd edition. 12mo. bound. J. W. Parker, 1837. - Practical Introduction to English Composition. fcp. Svo. cloth. 2s. J. W. Parker & Son, 1855. 1857. ETYMOLOGY, &c. Crombie, Rev. A., LL.D. The Etymology and Syntax of the English Language, explained and illustrated. 1st edit. Svo. bound. J. Johnson, London, 1802. - Sth edit. Svo. cloth. 7s. 6d. .. Simpkin & Co., 1856. Etymological Guide to the English Lan- guage. 18mo. bound. 2s. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1850. ENGLISH EXERCISES, ETYMOLOGY, COMPOSITION.-LETTER WRITING. 27 18:57. Grahain, G. F. The Art of English Composi- Rippingham, J. Rules for English Compo- tion, explained in a series of Instructions and sition, and particularly for Themes. 5th edition. Examples. 12mo. 6s. 1855. 12mo. bound. Longman & Co., 1825. -- English Style; or a Course of Instruction Roget, Dr. P. M. Thesaurus of English for the attainment of a good Style in Writing. Words and Phrases. 2nd edition. Svo. cloth. With an Historical Sketch of the English Lan- 1853. guage. 12mo. bound. 75. 5th edition. post Svo. cloth. Longman & Co. 10s. 6d. 1857 Hiley, R. English Composition: Part 1, or Longman & Co. Junior Series. 18mo. ls.6d. 1856. | Schaible, C., Ph. D. Practical and Elemen- tary Exercises on the Art of Thinking; being - Part 2. 1Smo. 3s. 1855. -- Key to. Part 1. 18mo. 2s.6d. Analysis. 12mo, bound. 35. 6d. Longman & Co., 1855. Aylott & Son, 1860. Hopkins, H. Exercises in Composition. Walker, J. English Themes and Essays, or 18mo. ls. 6d. Relfe, Brothers. the Teacher's Assistant in Composition. Sth Hunter, Rev. J. An Introduction to the edition. 12mo. bound. T. Cadell, 1832. Writing of Précis or Digests, with numerous Examples and Exercises. 12ino. cloth. 2s. Longman & Co., 1860. - Key to Art of Précis Writing. 12mo. LETTER WRITING. cloth, limp. 1s. Longman & Co. 1860. Beard, J. R. An Easy Introduction to the Art Irving, D., LL.D. The Elements of English of Letter Writing, comprising together with a Composition, post Svo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Series of original Models, Instructions in Eng- Constable & Co., 1858. lish Grammar and Composition. crown Svo. cloth. 2s. Simpkin & Co. Parker, R. G. Progressive Exercises in Eng- Blair, Rev. D. Models of Familiar Letters, in lish Composition. Ist edition. 12mo. bound. English, French and Italian, &c. New edition. (Presented by C. Baher, Esq.) 1$34. 12mo. bound. R. Phillips, London, 1818. - 3rd edition. 12mo. bound. 1834. Hunter, Rev. J. A School Manual of Letter- 6th edition. 12mo. bound. 1836. Writing; containing numerous Models of Let- J. R. Priestley. ters on Commercial and other Subjects. 12mo. - - 19th edition. 12mo, bound. 1s. 6d. cloth. Is. 60. 1860. Longman & Co., 1853. Ladies' (The) New. Letter Writer. 18mo. sewed. 6d. Dean & Son. - 12mo. bound. Is. 6d. Allman & Son, 1857. By the Rev. Brandon Turner. (Scott's Series.) 12mo. stiffened paper cover. ELOCUTION. is. E. Law, 1859. Art (The) of Speaking, containing an Essay, — 12mo. half bound. (Presented by in which are given Rules for expressing Board of Education, New York.) properly the principal Passions, &c. &c. Svo. Davis & Co., Boston, 1853. calf. T. Longman, 1775. Quackenbos, Rev. G. P. First Lessons in Bautain, M. The Art of Extempore Speaking, English Composition. 12mo. half bound. Hints for the Pulpit, the Senate, and the Bar. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Translated from the French. fscp. Svo, cloth. Appleton & Co., New York, 1853. · 4s. 6d. Bosworth & Harrison, 1858. Reid, A. Rudiments of English Composition, Bell, Alex. M. The Elocutionary Manual; the Principles of Articulation and Orthography: 12mo. bound. 2s. 1856. the Art of Reading and Gesture, &c. 12mo. - Key to. 12mo. bound. 38. 6d. cloth. 4s. (Presented by the Author.) Oliver & Boyd, 1854. Hamilton, Adams, & Co. Rhyming Dictionary, for the use of Young | Bell, D. C. The Theory of Elocution, including Poets; with an Essay on English Versifica a Detail of the Phenomena of Respiration, tion, and Explanatory Observations on the Voice, and Speech, &c. 12mo. cloth. 38. 6d. Selection and Use of the Rhymes. post Svo. — The Modern Reader and Speaker; a · cloth, gilt edges. 4s. 6d. J. Hogg & Sons. Selection of Poetry and Prose from the Rice, M. An Initiatory Step to English Com- Writings of Eminent Authors, with.copious Extracts for Recitation; preceded by the position. 12mo. bd. N. Hailes, London, 1835. Principles of Elocution, &c. 12mo. cloth. Riley, Anna T. The Poetical Clavis, in which 3s. 6d. (Presented by the Author.) 1859. are defined and illustrated the principal Tropes, McGlashan and Gill. Figures and Terms that occur in Literary Côm Bentley, Rev. H. British Class Book, or Ex- position. 12mo. bound. .. ercises in Reading and Elocution. 12mo, bound. R. Wilks, London, 1915. 4s. 6d. Cradock & Co., 1844. 28 GENERAL EDUCATION. Sullivan, R. The Literary Class Book. 12mo. 2s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1853. - l2mo. half calf. (Presented by the Irish Board.) Cury & Co., 1851. Thelwall, J. The Vestibule of Eloquence. Svo. half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esg.) J. & A. Arch, 1810. Vandenhoff, G. The Art of Elocution. royal 12mo. cloth. 5s. S. Low & Sön. Wood, Rev. S. A Grammar of Elocution. 2nd edition, 12mo. bound. John Taylor, London, 1833. Brewer, Rev. E.C. School Recitations, selected from various Authors. 12mo. bound. 3s. 6d. Allian & Son. Chambers, W. & R. Principles of Elocution, by W. Graham. 12mo. 2s. 6d. W. & R. Chambers, 1855. Elocution : its Principles reduced to Practice. 18mo, 6d. J. F. Shaw, 1857. Enfield, W. The Speaker; or Miscellaneous Pieces selected from the best English Writers. 12mo. 3s. 6d. Allian & Son, 1856. - 12mo. bound. 35. 6d. J. & C. Mozley. Ewing, T. The Principles of Elocution; im- proved by T. B. Calvert. 12mo. bound. 3s. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1856. Hartley's Oratorical Class-Book: with the Principles of Elocution Simplified and Illus- trated by suitable Examples. 15th edition, improved. fcp. 8vo. bound. 2s. 6d. Blackie & Son, 1858. Hartley, A. M. The Academic Speaker, a System of Elocution. 12mo. bound. 2s. W. Hamilton, 1853. Hewlett, Esther. The Modern Speaker; or Selections from the most esteemed Authors. 18mo. 3s. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1853. Hows, J. W. S. Practical Elocutionist. cr. Svo. half bound. (Presented by Bodrd of Education, New York.) G. P. Putnam, New York, 1852. Introduction to the Art of Reading, 12mo. cloth. 5d. Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. Groombridge & Sons, 1857. Linnington, R. T. The Scientific Reader and Practical Elocutionist, containing Original Readings in the Sciences, &c. 12.no. bound. J. Souter, London, 1837. Lovell, J. E. United States' Speaker; a Se- lection of Exercises in Elocution. 12mo. bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Babcock, New Haven, 1852. Marshall, Edward C. The First Book of Oratory ; a new Collection of Extracts from distinguished Orators, &c. 12mo. 1851. The Book of Oratory. 12mo. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Appleton & Co., New York, 1852. Newman's Poetry for Elocution. See Poetry. Palliser, Mrs. Modern Poetical Speaker. 12mo. 6s. Longman & Co., 1854. Pinches, Dr. C. H. The Practical Elocutionist. 12mo. 45. (Presented by the Author.) Piper, Stephenson, & Spence, 1856. Rowton, F. The Debater: A New Theory on the Art of Speaking. 12mo. bound. Gs. Longman & Co., 1955. Scott, W. Lessons in Reading and Speaking. 12mo. bound. 38. Oliver & Boyd, 1954. Smart, B. H. The Practice of Elocution; a Series of Exercises for acquiring the several Requisites of a good Delivery. 12mo. bound. 5s. Longman & Co., 1859. Smith, C. W. The Book of Recitations. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 38. 6d. Bosworth & Harrison, 1857. LOGIC. Easy Lessons on Reasoning. (Reprinted from the Saturday Magazine.) 12mo. half calf (Presented by the Irish Board.) J. W. Parker & Son, 1853. Gilbart, J. W. Logic for the Million ; a familiar Exposition of the Art of Reasoning, with an Appendix on the Philosophy of Lan- guage. 6th edition. 12mo. cloth. 35. 6d. Longman & Co., 1860. Giles, Rev. Dr. First Lessons in Logic. 18mno. Id. J. Cornish. Latham, Dr. R. G. Logic in its application to Language. 12mo. 6s. Walton & Maberly, 1856. Mill, J. S. System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive, &c. 4th edition. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. Il. 58. J. W. Parker & Son, 1856. Moberly, Rev. G. Introduction to Logic. 12mo. sewed. 2s. 6d. J. H. & J. Parker, 1835. Morell, J. D. Handbook of Logic, adapted especially for Schools and Teachers. 12mo. cloth. 23. Longman & Co., 1959. Neil, S. The Art of Reasoning: A Popular Exposition of the Principles of Logic. post Svo. 4s. 6d. Walton & Maberly, 1853. Pinnock's Catechism of Logic. 18:no. 9d. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Whictaker & Co. Smart, B. H. A Letter to Dr. Whately on the Effect of his work on Logic. Svo. Longinan & Co., 1952. Vale, Rev. Dr. Logic in Miniature. Smo (Presented by H. Grint, Esq.) J. Odell, 1838 Whately, Archbishop. Elements of Logic. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) crown Svo. Munroe & Co., Boston, 1852. - crown Svo. cloth. 48. Ed. J. W. Parker & Son, 1959. Artis Logicæ Compendium. 18mo. bound. Oxford, 1704. De Crousaz, J. P. La Logique. 4 tom. 12mo. velluin. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Amsterdam, 1725. Du Trieu. Manuductio ad Logicam. 18mo. half caif. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) M Millan, London, 1826. Hill, J. Artis Logicæ Rudimenta, with Illus- trative. Observations on cach Section. 12mo. J. H. & J. Parker, 1850. Korte Schets van het Redekundig Ontleder. Short Sketch of Logical Analysis for Schools. On a sheet; size, 171 in. by 104 in. (mounted on millboard. Groningen, 1841. unenta, rith'u1026. cloth. Csuservations on ELOCUTION.— LOGIC.—RHETORIC.-ENGLISH LANGUAGE, ETC. 29 RHETORIC. Campbeil, Rev. G. Philosophy of Rhetoric. cr. Svo, bd. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Harper & Co., New York. Day, H. N. Elements of the Art of Rhetoric. crown Svo. (Presented by Board of Education, Now Park). Barnes & Co., New York, 1853. Fosbrooké, Rev. T. D. Grammar of Rhetoric. ismo. bound. Pinnock & Maunder, 1918. Innes, H, Rhetorical Class Book. 12mo. bound. 38. Ord. J. S. Hodson, 1851. Neil, S. The Elements of Rhetoric. post Svo. cloth. 1s. 6d. Walton & Mabcrly, 1954. Newman, S. P. Practical System of Rhetoric. 12mo, bd. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Newman & Co., New York. Parker, Piev. R. G. Progressive Exercises in Rhetorical Reading. 12mo. cloth. 2s. Allman & Son. Porter, Rev. E. Rhetorical Reader. 12mo. bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Ivison & Co., New York, 1854. Smart, B. H. A Manual of Rhetoric and. Logic. 12mo. 4s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1850. Stirling, Rev. J. A System of Rhetoric, in a Method entirely New. 12mo. sewed. 6d. Relfe, Brothers. Walker, J. Rhetorical Grammar, or Course of Lessons in Elocution. 2nd edition. 12.no. bound. G. G. J. & J. Robinson, London. Whately, Abp. Elements of Rhetoric, crown Svo. cloth. 45. od. J. W. Parker & Son, 1860. Whittaker, Rev. G. Grammatical Figures, and a System of Rhetoric, illustrated by Ex- amples of Classical Authority. 2nd edition. 18mo. bound. G. & W. B. Whittaker, 1849. Craik, G. L. Outlines of the History of the English Language. 12mo. cloth. 38. 6d. Chapinan & Hall, 1855. - The English of Shakespeare, illustrated in a Philological Commentary on his Julius Cæsar. 12mo. cloth. 75. 6d." Chapman & Hall, 1857. Demaus, R. Introduction to the History of English Literature. fcp. 8vo. cloth, limp. 2s. A & C. Black, 1860. Essay (An) towards an English Grammar. [By the Rev. John Fell?] 12mo. bound. (Presented by C. Baker, Esg.) C. Dilly, London, 1784. Essay (An) upon the Harmony of Language, intended principally to illustrate that of the English Language. [By – Mitford ?] Svo. bound. J. Robson, London, 1774. Enclytica. Being the Outlines of a Course of Instruction on the Principles of Universal Grammar, as deduced in an Analysis of the Vernacular Tongue. 8vo. sewed. J. Booth, London, 1814. Fearn, J. Anti-Tooke; or an Analysis of the Principles and Structure of Language, exem.. plified in the English Tongue. 2 vols. Svo. half bound. (Presented by C. Baker, Esq.) Longman & Co., 1824–27. Guide to English Literature, in the form of Question and Answer. 1Smo. half bound. 2s.6d. (Presented by the Author.) Simpkin & Co., 1860. Latham, Dr. R. G. History and Etymology of the English Language, for Classical Schools. 12mo. cloth, limp. 1s. 6d. 1854. - Handbook of the English Language. post Svo. cloth. 7s. 6d. The English Language. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. il. Ss. 1855. Walton & Maberly. Marcel, C. Language as a means of Mental Culture and International Communication ; or Manual of the Teacher and Learner of Languages. 2 vols. post. Svo. cloth. 16s. Chapman & Hall, 1853. for Children. 12mo. cloth. 4s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1844. Origin and Progress of Language. 18mo. cloth. 10d. Religious Tract Society. Outline (An) of Sematology; or an Essay towards establishing a new Theory of Gram- mar, Logic, and Rhetoric. Svo, boards. (Presented by C. Baker, Esq.) John Richardson, London, 1831. Philological Miscellany, The; consisting of Select Essays, &c. (Vol. 1.) Svo. half calf. (Presented by C. Baker, Esg.). Beckett & Dehondt, Strand, 1761. Pickbourn, J. A Dissertation on the English Verb, &c. Svo. calf. (Presented by C. Baker, Esq.) J. Davis, London, 1789. Pycroft, Rev. J. A Course of English Read- ing. 12mo, cloth. 5s. Longman & Co., 1854. Reason the true Arbiter of Language; Custom a Tyrant; or Intellect. set free from Arbitrary Authority, &c. Svo. half calf. (Presented by C. Baker, Esq.) Johnson & Co., London, 1814. Reed, Henry. Introduction to English Litera- ture from Chaucer to Tennyson. Svo. cloth. 35. J. F. Shaw, 1853. ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Adams, Rev. J. The Pronunciation of the English Language Vindicated, &c. Svo. half cali. (Presented by C. Baker, Esq.) Manners & Millar, Edinburgh, 1799. Alibone, S. A. A Critical Dictionary of English Literature, and British and American Authors, living and deceased, from the car- liest accounts to the middle of the Nineteenth Century. Vol. I. A- J. imp. Svo. cloth. 11. 18. Trübner & Co., 1859. Alphabetic Writing, Conjectural Obser- vations on the Origin and Progress of Alpha- betic Writing. Svo. half calf. T. Wright, 1772. Balfour, Clara Lucas. Sketches of English Literature, from the Fourteenth to the present Century. 12mo. 75. 6d. Longman & Co., 1852. Brodie, Rev. J. The Alphabet explained; or. the Science of Articulate Sounds described, &c. 12mo. cloth. (Presented by C. Baker, Esq.) J. Johnstone, Edinburgh, 1840. Chambers, W. & R. Cyclopædia of English Literature; a History of British Authors, from the earliest to the present times. 2 vols. imp. Svo. cloth. 14s. . 1856. - History of the English Language and Literature. 12mo, cloth. Zs. 6d. W. & R. Chambers, 1855. 1 30 GENERAL EDUCATION. , . . Richardson, Dr. Charles. On the Study of | Clarke, H. Dictionary of the English Lan- Language; an Exposition of the Diversions of guage. 12mo. 2s. 6d. J. Weale, 1856. . Purley, by John Horne Tooke. 12mo. cloth. Coleridge, Herbert. A Glossarial Index to 4s. 6d. Bell & Daldy, 1854. the Printed English Literature of the XIII. Rogers, H. General Introduction to a Course Century. Svo. cloth. 5s. Trübner & Co., 1859. of Lectures on English Grammar and Compo- Cooley, A. J. A Cyclopædia of Practical sition. 1Smo. boards. (Presented by C. Baker, Receipts, and collateral İnformation in the Esq.). W. Ball, London, 1838. Arts, Manufactures, Professions, Trades, &c. Russel. W. P. Verbotomy: or, the Anatomy Svo. cloth. ll. 6s. J. Churchill, 1856. of Words; shewing their Component Parts, Crabb, Rev. G. English Synonymes Explained. &c. 8vo. boards. London, 1805. 9th edit. Svo. cloth. 15s. Simpkin & Co., 1850. Shaw, Rev. T. B. Outlines of English Litera- Cruden's Concordance. (Sce Theology.) ture. With a Sketch of American Literature, Darling, J. Cyclopædia Bibliographica: a by H. F. Tuckerman. crown Svo. cloth. (Pre- Library Manual of Theological and General sented by Board of Education, New York.) Blanchard & Lea, Philadelphia, 1853. Literature. « Authors." super-royal Svo. cloth lettered. 21. 12s.6d. Spalding, W. History of English Literature. 1854. "Subjects, · 12mo. cloth. 38. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1856. Holy Scriptures." Thomson, J. Observations introductory to a super royal Svo, cloth lettered. il. 10s. (Pre- sented by the Author.) Work on English Etymology. Svo. half calf. J. Darling, 1859. Dictionary (A New) of Quotations from the (Presented by C. Baker, Esq.) J. Murray, 1818. Greek, Latin, and Modern Languages. post Thorpe, F. Outlines of European Literature, from the Earliest Times. 12mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Svo. cloth. 75. 6d. J. F. Shaw, 1858. Groombridge & Sons, 1856. Encyclopædia Britannica. 9th edition. Trench, R.C., D.D. English, Past and Present. 21 vols. 4to. cloth. 24s. each volume. Five Lectures. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 4s. A. & C. Black, 1860. J. W. Parker & Son, 1859. English Expositor, or Compleat Dictionary; Werenfelsius, S. A Discourse of Logo teaching the Interpretation of the hardest machys, or Controversys about Words; with a Words and most useful Terms of Art used in Dissertation concerning Meteors of Stile, or our Language. First set forth by Jno. B- , False Sublimity. Translated from the Latin. Dr. of Physick. 18ino, bound. (Presented by Svo. calf. W. Taylor, London, 1711. C. Buker, Esq.) J. Field, London, 1663. White, J. The English Verb ; a Grammatical Entick's New Spelling Dictionary of the Eng- Essay in the Didactic Form. Syo. cloth let- lish Language. Improved by J. Robinson. tered. A Millar, London, 1761. ob. 16mo. bound. 2s. 6d. Dean & Sons. - - oblong 16mo. bound. 2s. J. & C. Mozley. Du Marsais. Euvres de Du Marsais. 7 tom. Figgins, V. & J. Specimens of Plain and Svo. half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Ornamental Printing Type. royal 4to. Paris, 1797. (Presented by Commissioners, Exhibition of 1951.) Fisher, A. A New Spelling Dictionary and Expositor of the English Language. 9th edit. 16ino. G. & E. J. Robinson, London, 1804. Graham, G. F. English Synonymes. 12mo. DICTIONARIES AND WORKS · cloth, 7s. Longman & Co., 1953. OF REFERENCE. - Classified and Explained. Edited Bartlett, J. R. Dictionary of Americanisms. by H. Reed, LL.D. 12mo. half bound. (Pre- sented by Board of Education, New York.) A Glossary of Words and Phrases usually Appleton & Co., New York, 1852. regarded as peculiar to the United States. Henry, Alex., M.D. A Glossary of Scientific royal 8vo. cloth. 16s. Trübner & Co., 1859. Terms for general use. post Svo. cloth. 35. 6d. Beeton's Dictionary of Universal Information. Walton & Maberly, 1861. Parts 1 to 26. 8vo. 3d. cach (to be completed in 36 monthly parts). S. O. Beeton. Herring, R. Practical Guide to the Varieties Black, R. H. Student's Manual; an Etymo- and relative Values of Paper, illustrated with logical and Explanatory Vocabulary of Words Samples of nearly every description: to which derived from the Greek. 1Sino. cloth. 2s. 6d. is added a History of the Art of Paper-making. 1855. royal 4to. cloth. ll. 1s. . Longman & Co. - Words derived from the Latin. Imperial (The) Dictionary, English, Technolo- 18mo. cloth. 5s.6d. Longman & Co., 1856. gical, and Scientiſic; adapted to the present Bookseller (The). A Handbook of British and State of Literature, Science, and Art, on the Foreign Literature. Jan. 26th, 1860, No. 25, to basis of Webster's English Dictionary, with the Office, 5, Warwick Square, E.C. addition of many Thousand Words and Phrases. Booth, D. An Analytical Dictionary of the Comprising all Words purely English, and the English Language, in which the Words are principal and most generally used Technical explained in the order of their natural affinity, and Scientific Terms, together with their Ety- &c. 4to. cloth. (Presented by C. Bahcr, Esg.) mologies and their Pronunciations. Edited Simpkin & Co.,1836. by J. Ogilvie, LL.D. Illustrated by upwards of Brande, W.T. A Dictionary of Science, Litera 2,000 Engravings on Wood. 2 large volumes, ture, and Art. 8vo. 31. Longman & Co., 1853. 2,356 pages. imp. 8vo. cloth. 41. 1859. DICTIONARIES AND WORKS OF REFERENCE, Imperial (The) Dictionary, Supplement to ; , Mylius, W. F. School Dictionary of the Eng- containing an extensive Collection of Words, lish Language. 18mo. 1s. 6d. Routledge & Co. Terins, and Phrases, in the various Depart Newspaper, The, and General Reader's ments of Literature, Science, and Art; with Pocket Companion. 18mo. 2s. 6d. numerous Obsolete, Obsolescent, and Scottish J. F. Shaw, 1856. Words, foundin Chaucer, Spenser, Shakspeare, and Scott not included in previous English Norton, C. B. Literary Letter, comprising Dictionaries. By John Ogilvie, LL.D. Ilus- American Papers of Interest upon Numis- trated by 350 Engravings on Wood. imp. Svo. matics, and Catalogues of Books relating to cloth. 20s. Blackie & Son, 1856. America, &c. Nos. 3 and 4. fscp. 4to. sewed. C. B. Norton, New York, 1859. Jauneson, Mrs. The First or Mother's Dic- tionary. '18mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Darton & Co. Oswald, Rev. J. Etymological Dictionary of Johnson, Dr. Pocket Dictionary of the Eng- the English Language. 7th edit. royal 1Smo. bound. 5s. lish Language. 32mo. Routledge & Co. 1847. - Dictionary of the English Language in - 9th edit. royal 18mo. cloth. 5s. miniature. Improved by G. Fultoni. 18mo. A. & C. Black, 1859. 2s. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1853. Phillips, Sir R. A Million of Facts, of Cór- With a variety of Useful Infor- rect Data, and Elementary Constants, in the mation added. royal 18mo. bound. 28. 6d. Entire Circle of the Sciences, and on all sub- - (Pickering's Stereotype Edition.) jects of speculation and practice. crown Svo. cloth. 12s. royal 32ino, cloth. ls. J. & C. Mozley, 1856. Darton & Co., 1857. Poynder, Rev. F. Dictionary of the English Johnson and Walker's English Dictionary. Language. sq. 16mo. canvass. 2s. Edited by R. S. Jameson. Svo. (Government Schools, Ceylon.) Tegg & Co., 1852. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Reid, A. English Dictionary, containing the Lexicon of the Thoughts in the English Lan- Pronunciation, Etymology, &c. 12mo. 6s. 6d. guage. Partl. 4to. 38. 6d. Kent & Co., 1854. Oliver & Boyd, 1856. Literary (The) and Educational Year-Book Dictionary of the English Language, with an Introduction, &c., by Henry Reed. for 1859 and 1560. Svo. sewed. 2s. 6d. each. crown 8vo. bound. (Presented by Board of Kent & Co. Education, New York.) London Catalogue of Books. 1831 to 1855. Appleton & Co., New York, 1853. Svo. cloth. ll. 85. T. Hodgson, 1855. Richardson, Dr. C. A New Dictionary of the Low, S. British Catalogue of Books published English Language, containing Explanations from October 1837 to December 1852. vol. 1, with Etymology. Svo. cloth. • °155. “General Alphabet.” royal 8vo. half morocco. Bell & Daldy, 1856. 1853. Right Word (The) in the Right Place, form. - Index to, published during the ing a new and improved Dictionary of English Years 1837 to 1857, inclusive. royal 8vo. half Synonyms. 18mo. 6d. J. F. Shaw, 1857. morocco. ll. 6s. 1858. Robbins, Eliza. Primary Dictionary of the British Catalogue of Books published English Language; or, Rational Vocabulary, during the Year 1858, 5s., and 1859, 6s, 6d. adapted for Children. 18mo. half bound. royal Svo. sewed. S. Low & Son. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) M'Culloch, J. R. A Dictionary, Practical, Lockwood & Co., New York. Theoretical, and Historical, of Commerce and Sheridan, T. A Pronouncing and Explana- Commercial Navigation, illustrated with Maps tory Dictionary of the English Language. Im- and Plans. Svo. cloth. 21. 10s. proved by S. Jones and w. Birkin. square . Longman & Co., 1859. 16mo. 35. 6d. Cowie & Co., 1852. M'Donald, Alex. A Galick and English Vo - A Pronouncing and Explanatory Dic- cabulary, with an Appendix of the Terms of tionary of the English Language. Improved Divinity in the said Language. Svo. calf. by S. Jones and the Rev. J. Davis. oblong R. Fleming, Edinburgh, 1741. 16mo. bound. 2s. 6d. J. & C. Mozley, 1854. Mackenzie, D. L. A Practical Dictionary of Simmonds, P. L. Dictionary of Trade Pro- English Synonymes, alphabetically arranged. ducts, Commercial, Manufacturing and Tech- royal 16mo. cloth. 2s. Ward & Lock, 1857. nical Terms; with a Definition of the Moneys, Maunder, Ş. Treasury of Knowledge. 12mo. Weights, and Measures of all Countries, re- cloth, 10s. Longman & Co., 1853. duced to the British Standard. 12mo. half Maunder, S. Scientific and Literary Treasury. bound. 6s. (Presented by the Author.) G. Routledge & Co., 1858. 12mo. cloth 10s. Longman & Co., 1853. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Michelsen, E. H. The Merchant's Polyglott composed of Original Memoirs on different Manual, in Nine Languages. (See Book Branches of Knowledge, published at the Ex- keeping.) pense and under the Direction of the Smith- Murdoch, J. The Dictionary of Distinctions, sonian Institution. Vol. 10. royal 4to. sewed. in Three Alphabets, &c. Svo. boards. (Presented by the Smithsonian Institution.) C. Law, London, 1811. | Washington, U.S., 1858. 32 GENERAL EDUCATION. Worcester, Dr. J. E. A Dictionary of the English Language. royal 4to. cloth. ll. 113. 6d. Boston, U.S., Hickling & Co.; London, S. Low & Co., 1860. BRITISH MUSEUM PUBLICA- TIONS. Catalogue of the printed Books in the British Museum. vol. 1. A.-Azzurinius. fcp. folio. cloth. 1841. List of Additions made to the Collections, in the Years 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855. 5 vols. royal Svo, boards. List of Additions to the Manuscripts in the Years 1836–40, 1841-45. 2 vols. royal 8vo. boards. Catalogue of the Manuscript Music. royal 8vo. boards. 1842. Catalogue of tbe Manuscript Maps, Charts, and Plans, and of the Topographical Draw- ings. 2 vols. royal Svo. boards. 1844. Catalogue of Maps, Prints, Drawings, &c. Collection attached to the Library of his late Majesty King George III. 2 vols. 8vo. boards. 1829. List of the Books of Reference in the Reading Room. Svo. cloth. 1959. Annual List of Donations and Bequests to the British Museuin in 1828, 1829, and 1330. 3 vols. 4to. boards. Sullivan, Dr. R. A Dictionary of the English Language. 12mo. half calf. (Presented by the Irish Board.) A. Thom, 1853. Technologist (The), a Monthly Record of Science applied to Art and Manufacture. Edited by P. L. Simmonds. August, 1860. No. 1 to — Svo. sewed. 6d. Kent & Co. Todd's Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language, by Thomas Rees, LL.D. 16mo. half bound. (Presented by Board of Educa- tion, New Yorh.) Leavitt & Co., New York, 1853. Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. New edition, edited by Robert Hunt, F.R.S. Complete in 15 parts. 5s. cach, or 3 vols. Svo. cloth, lettered. 41. Longman & Co., 1859–61. Vines, C. The Dictionary Appendix and Orthographer. 12mo. 45. 'J. F. Shaw, 1956. Walker's Pronouncing Dictionary of the Eng. lish Language. Edited by W. Enfield, M.Ă. 18mo. Weale, J. Rudimentary Dictionary of Terms of Art. 12mo. 45. J. Weale, 1850. Webster, Dr. N. An American Dictionary of the English Language. Revised by Č. A. Goodrich. 4to. bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) G. & C. Merriam, Springfield, 1854. - A Dictionary of the English Language. Revised by C. A. Goodrich. imperial 8vo. clotłı. 16s. . N. Cooke, 1854. - Universal Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the English Language, with numerous Synonyms, carefully discriminated, by C. A. Goodrich, D..D. Svo. cloth. 10.s. Ward & Lock, 1857. - A High School Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language. Revised by W. G. Webster. 12mo. half bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) • Huntington & Co., New York, 1853. - A Primary School Pronouncing Dic- tionary of the English Language. Revised by W. G. Webster. Tomo. half bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Huntington & Co., New York, 1853. - Pocket Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language. Revised by W. G. Webster. 16mo. 2s. 6d. on thinner paper. Is. 6d. and 1s. each. Ward & Lock, 1856. Worcester, Dr. J. E. Universal and Cri- tical Dictionary of the English Language. royal Svo. bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) A Pronouncing and Explanatory Dic- tionary of the English Language. Svo. bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) - A Primary Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language. 18ino. bound. (Pre- lucation, New York.) Jenks & Co., Boston, 1853. Catalogues of the Zoological Collection :- J. VERTEBRATA. List of Mammalia. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. 12mo. sewed. 28. 6d. 1843. Catalogue of the Mammalia. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., &c.— . Part 1. Cetacea. 12mo. sewed. 4s., with Plates. 1850. Part 2. Seals. 12mo. sewed. Is. 6d., with Woodcuts. 1850. Part 3. Hoofed Quadrupeds. Section 1. (Ungulata furcipeda.) 12mo. sewed. with Plates of Genera. 12s. 1852. This work contains the description of the ge- nera and species, and figures of the chief characters of the genera. Catalogue of Mammalia and Birds of New Guinea. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., and G. R. Gray, F.L.S. Svo. cloth back, limp. with Figures. Is. 6d. 1858. Catalogue of the Birds of the Tropical Islands of the Pacific Ocean. By G. R. Gray. 8vo. cloth back, limp. 1859. List of Genera and Subgenera of Birds. By G. R. Gray, F.L.S. 12mo. sewed. 4s. 1855. List of Birds. By G. R. Gray, F.L.S., F.Z.S., &c.— Part 3, Section 1. Ramphastidæ. 6d. 1855. Section 2. Psittacidæ. 12mo. sewed. 1859. Part. 4. Columbæ. ls. 9d. 1856. Romance emo bound. (Pre- center BRITISH MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS. 33 3s. 45. British Museum-cont. Catalogue of Shield Reptiles. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., &c. Part 1. Testudinata (Tortoises). royal 4to. . half cloth, limp. il. 10s., with Figures of all the new species, and of the skulls of the different genera. 1855. Catalogue of Reptiles. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., V.P.Z.S., &c. Part 1. Tortoises, Crocodiles, and Amphis- bænians. ]s. 1814. Part 2. Lizards. 3s. 6d. 1945. Part 3. Snakes (Crotalidæ, Viperidæ, Hy- dridæ, and Boidæ). 12mo. 2s.6d. 1849. Catalogue of Colubrine Snakes, and Appendix to Part 1. By Dr. Albert Günther. ]2mo. sewed. 4:. 1848. Catalogue of Amphibia. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.Š., V.P.Z.S. Part 2. Batrachia gradientia. 12mo. sewed. 2s.6d., with Plates of the Skulls and Teeth. 1850. Catalogue of the Batrachia Salientia. By Dr. A. Günther. With plates. Svo. cloth. 1858. Catalogue of the Acanthopterygian Fishes. By Dr. A. Günther. Vol. 1. Gasterosteidæ, Berycidæ, Percidæ, Aphredoderidæ, Pristi- pomatidæ, Mullida, Sparidæ. Svo. cloth. 1859. Catalogue of Fish. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., F.L.S., V.P.Z.S. Part 1. Cartilaginous Fish. 12mo. sewed. These Catalogues of Reptiles, Amphibia, and Fish contain the characters of all the genera and species at present known; the latter are illustrated with figures of the genera. Catalogue of Fish, collected and described by L. T. Grownow. 12mo. sewed. 38. 6d. 1854. Catalogue of Lophobranchiate Fish. By Dr. J. J. Kaup. 12mo. sewed. 2s., with Plates. 1856. Catalogue of Fish. By Dr. J. J. Kaup. Part 1. Apodes, &c. Svo. cloth. 10s., with many Plates. 1856. List of British Fish; with Synonyma. By A. White, F.L.S., &c. 12mo. 3s. 1851. List of Osteological Specimens. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., &c., and G. R. Gray, F.L.S. 12mo. sewed. 2s. 1847. II. ANNULOSA. Catalogue of Lepidoptera. By G. R. Gray, F.L.S., F.Z.S. Part 1. Papilionidæ, with coloured figures of the new species. royal 4to. half cloth, limp. ll. 5s. 1852. List of Lepidopterous Insects,- Part 1. Papilionidæ, &c. By G. R. Gray, F.L.S. 12mo. sewed. 2nd edit. 1856. Part 2. Erycinidæ, &c. By E. Doubleday, F.L.S. 12mo. sewed. 9d. 1847. Part 3. Appendix to Papilionidæ, Eryci- nidae, &c. 12mo. sewed. 9d. 1848. Part 1. cage with Two Plateshibia, and es. 1851. British Museum-cont. List of Lepidopterous Insects, with Descriptions of new Species. By Francis Walker, F.L.S. 12mo, sewed :- Part 1. Lepidoptera heterocera. 45. 1854 Part 2. 13. 6d. 1854. Part 3. 3s. 1855. Part 4. 1855. Part 5 45. 1855. Part 6. - 3s. 6d. 1855. Part 7. 45, 6d. 1856. Part 8. 35. od. 1856. Part 9. 1856. Part 10. 3s. 60. 1856. Part 11. 38. 60. 1857. Part 12 3s. 6d. 1857. Part 13. 38. 6d. 1857. Part 14. - 1858. Part 15. - 48, 6d. 1858. Part 16. 1858. Part 17. 1859. Part 1S. 1859. Part 19. 1859. List of Hymenopterous Insects. By F. Walker, F.L.S. Part 1. Chalcididæ. 12mo. sewed. Is. 6d. 1846. Part. 2. Additions to Chalcididæ, 12mo. sewed. 25. 1848. Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects. By F. Smith, M.E.S. Part 1. Andrenidæ, &c. 12mo. 6s., with Plates. 1853. Part 2. Apidæ. 6s., with Plates. 1854. Part 3. Mutillidæ and Pompilidæ. 6s., with Plates. 1855. Part 4. Crabronidæ, &c. 68., with Plates. 1856. Part 5. Vespidæ. 6s., with Plates. 1857. Part 6. Formicidæ. os., with Plates. 1858. Part 7. Dorylidæ, &c., with Plates. 1859. Catalogue of British Hyınenoptera, By F. Smith, M.E.S. Part 1. Apiræ. 12mo. 6s. 1855. Catalogue of British Fossorial Hymenoptera, Formicidæ, and Vespidæ. By F. Sinith, V.P.E.S. 12mo. sewed. 1858. Catalogue of British Formicidæ, Sphegida, and Vespidæ. By F. Smith, V.P.E.S. Catalogue of British Ichneumonidæ. By Thomas Desvignes, M.E.S. 12mo. Is. 9d. 1856. Catalogue of Dipterous Insects. By F. Walker, F.L.Š. Part. 1. 12mo. 38. 6d.. 1848. Part 2. 3s. 6d. 1849. Part 3. 35. 1849. Part 4. 6s. 1849. Part 5. Supplement I. 4s. 6d. 1854. Part 6. Supplement II. 35. 1854. Part 7. Supplement III. 35. 6d. 1855. Catalogue of Homopterous Insects. By F. Walker, F.L.S., with Plates. Part I. 12mo. 3s. 60. 1850. Part 2, 5s. 1851. Part 3. 38. 6d. 1851. Part 4. 48. 1852. Supplement, with Plates. 45. 1858. 34 GENERAL EDUCATION. 40. British Museum-cont. | British Museum-cont. Catalogue of Neuropterous Insects. By F. Catalogue of Bivalve Mollusca. By Dr. J. E. Walker, F.L.S. Gray, F.R.S., &c. Part 1. 12mo. 2s. 60. 1852. Part 1, Placuniadæ and Anomiadæ. 12mo. Part 2. 38. 6d. 1853. 1950. Part 3. ls. 6d. 1853. Part 2. Brachiopoda Ancylopoda. Figures Part 4. ls. 1853. of genera. 35. 1853. Catalogue of Neuropterous Insects. By Dr. Containing the characters of the recent and Hagen. fossil genera, and the descriptions of all the Part 1. Termitina. 12mo. 6d. 1858. recent species at present known. Catalogue of Hispidæ. By J. S. Baly, M.E.S. Catalogue of Phaneroppeumona or Opercu- Part 1. Svo, cloth. 6s., with Plates. 1858. lated Terrestrial Mollusca. By Dr. Louis Catalogue of Hemipterous Insects. By W. S. Pfeiffer and Dr. J. E. Gray. 12mo. 58. 1852. Dallas, F.L.S., &c. Catalogue of Conchifera. By M. Deshayes. Part 1. 12mo. 7s., with Plates. 1851. Part 1. Veneridæ, &c. 12mo. 35. 1853. Part 2. 45. 1852. Part 2. Petricolidæ. Corbiculadæ. 6d. The Catalogues of Hymenopterous, Dipterous, 1854. Homopterous, and Hemipterous Insects con- List of British Diatomaccæ. By Rev. W. tain the description of the species in the Smith, F.L.S., &c. 12mo. sewed. 1859. Museum which appeared to be undescribed. Catalogue of Pulmonata. By Dr. Louts Catalogue of British Bruchidæ, Curculionidæ, Pfeiffer and Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S. Part 1. &c. By John Walton, F.L.S. 12mo. 1856. 12mo. 2s. 6d. 1855. Catalogue of Orthopterous Insects. By J. O. Catalogue of Auriculidæ, &c. By Dr. J. E. Westwood, F.L.S., &c. Gray, F.R.S. 12mo. Is. d. 1857. Part 1. Phasmidæ. royal 4to. cloth, with List of the Shells of the Canaries, described by numerous Plates. 1859. M. D’Orbigny. 12mo. Is. 1854. Catalogue of Coleopterous Insects of Madeira. List of the Shells of Cuba, described by M. · By T. V. Wollaston, F.L.S. Svo. cloth. 38. D'Orbigny. 12mo. Is. . 1854. 1857. Nomenclature of Coleopterous Insects (with List of the Shells of South America, described by M. D’Orbigny. 12mo. 2s. 1854. characters of new species). List of the Mollusca and Shells collected and Part 3. Buprestidæ. By A. White, F.L.S. described by MM. Eydoux and Souleyet. ls. 1848. Part 4. Cleridæ. By A. White, F.L.S. 1855. 12mo. Sr. Catalogue of the Collection of Mazatlan Shells. 1s. 8d. 1849. By P. P. Carpenter. 12mo. Ss. 1857. Part 5. Cucujidæ. By F. Smith, M.E.S. List of Mollusca. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S. 6d. 1851. Part 1. Volutidæ. 12mo. 6d. 1859. Part 6. Passalidæ. By F. Smith, M.E.S. Nomenclature of Mollusca. By Dr. W. Baird, Sch. 1852. F.L.S., &c. Part 1. Cyclophoridæ. 12mo. Part 7. Longicornia. By A. White, F.L.S. is. 6d. 1850. Part 1. With Plates. 2s. 6d. 1853. Part 2. Ditto. 35. 6d. 1855. IV. RADIATA. Part S. Cassididæ. By A. White. 3s. 1856. Catalogue of Marine Polyzoa. By G. Busk, Part 9. Cassididæ. By C. H. Boheman. F.R.S. 1956. Part 1. Chilostoma. 12mo. 175., with Catalogue of Myriapoda. By G. Newport, Plates. 1852. F.R.S., &c. Part 2. Chilostoma 12mo. 158., with Part 1. Chilopoda 12mo. 1s. 9d. 1856. Plates. 1854. Catalogue of the Recent Echinida. By Dr. J. By John Walton, F.L.S., &c. 12mo. sewed. E. Gray, F.R.S. Part 1. Echinida irregularia. 1856. 12mo. 35.6d., with Plates. Catalogue of Crustacea. By T. Bell, V.P.R.S., Pres.L.S., &c. V. BRITIS. ZOOLOGY. Part 1. Leucosiadæ. 12mo. sewed. 1855. List of the British Animals, with Synonyina List of Crustacea, with Synonyma. By A. White. 2s. and references to figures. 12mo, sewed :- 1847. · List of British Crustacea, with Synonyma. By Part 1. Radiata. By Dr. J. E. Gray. 4s. A. White, F.L.S. 12mo.. 2s. Od. 1848, 1950. Catalogue of Entozoa, with Plates. By W. Part 2. Sponges. By Dr. J. E. Gray. 10d. Baird, MI.D., F.L.S. 12mo. 2s. 1848. 1853. Part 3. Birds. By G. R. Gray. 4s. 1850. III. MOLLUSCA. Part 4. Crustacea. By A. White. 2s. 6d. Guide to the Systematic Distribution of the 1850. Collection of Mollusca. By Dr. J. E. Gray, Part 5. Lepidoptera. By J. F. Stephens. F.R.S., &c. Part 1. 8vo. cloth, 5s. 1856. Ed. 2. ls. Id. 1856. Catalogue of the Mollusca. By Dr. J. E. Part 6. Hymenoptera. By F. Smith. 2s.. Gray, F.R.S., &c. 1851. Part 1. Cephalopoda Antepedia. 12mo. Part 7. Mollusca Acephala and Brachio- poda. By Dr. J. E. Gray. 3s. 6d. Part 2. Pteropoda. ls. 1850. 1849. 1851. 48. BRITISH MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS.-ON: COMMON THINGS. 185. S British Museumcont. | Child's (The) Guide to Knowledge. 18mo. List of the British Animals_cont. half bd. 35. Simpkin & Co. Part 8. Fish. By A. White. 3s. 1851. Book of Facts. 18mo. cloth. 25. 6d. Darton & Co. Part 9. Eggs of British Birds. By G. R. Gray. 2s. 6d. 1852. Comenius, J. A. Visible World; or, a Nomen- Part 10. Lepidoptera (continued). By. J. clature and Pictures of all the chief Things that 'F. Stephens. 2s. 1852. are in the World, &c., with above 150 cuts. Part 11. Anoplura or Parasitic Insects. Translated into English by Charles Hoole, M.A. By H. Denny. ls. 12th edition, 12mo. bound. Part 12. Lepidoptera (continued). By J. S. Leacroft, London, 1777. É. Stephens. 9d. 1852. Conversations on Common Things. By a Part 13. Nomenclature of Hyinenoptera. Teacher. 18mo. half bound. By F. Smith. ls. 4d. 1853. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Part 14. Nomenclature of Neuroptera. By Munro & Francis, Boston, 1851. A. White. 6d. 1853. Davenport, Emma. Jamie's Questions. fcp. Part 15. Nomenclature of Diptera. By Svo. cloth. 2s. 6d. (Presented by Mrs. Hewett.) A. White. ls. Dean & Son. Part 16. Lepidoptera (completed). By H. Erredge's Student's Hand-Book of General T. Stainton, M.E.S. 3s. 1854. Information. Second edition. By John Part 17. Nomenclator of Anoplura, Eu- Quested. 12mo. bound. 38. Relfe, Brothers. plexoptera and Orthoptera. 1855. Every-Day Things; or, Useful Knowledge N.B.-These Catalogues can be obtained at the Secretary's Office in the British Museum, or respecting Animal, vegetable, and Mineral Substances in Common Use. 18mo. 2s. through any bookseller. Griffith & Farran, 1850. Exercises for the Improvement of the Senses of Young Children. 18mo. cloth limp. Is. 6d. 18mo. cloth limp. Is. 6d. (Pre- ON COMMON THINGS. sented by Horace Grant, Esq.) Darton & Co. Aikin, Dr. The Arts of Life. 1. Of Providing Giles, Rev. Dr. First Lessons on General Food. 2. Of Providing Clothing. 3. Of Pro- Information. 18mo. 9d. J. Cornish. viding Shelter. In a series of Letters. A new - First Lessons in Moral Philosophy. 1 Smo. Id. edition, by Lucy Aikin. 18mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. J. Cornish. Longman & Co., 1858. - First Lessons on Common Subjects. Blair, Rev. D. Universal Preceptor, a General 1Smo. 9d. J. Cornish. Grammar of Arts, Sciences, and Useful Know- - Every-Day Book of Knowledge. 18mo. ledge. 18mo. bound. 4s. 6d. bound. 2s. 6d. Allman & Son, 1857. Allman & Son, 1855. Guy, Joseph. Catechism of Useful knowledge. Blair, Rev.D. The First, or Mother's Catechism; post 16mo. cloth. Is. Cradock & Co. containing Common Things necessary to be Ince, Henry. Outlines of General Knowledge. known at an early age. 18mo. 9d." 18mo. sewed, 1s.; cloth, 1s. 6d. --- The Second and Third Catechism. 1mo. "James Gilbert, 1857. d. each. - Why and Because; or, the Curious Child Information on Common Objects for the Use answered. 18mo. 9d. of Schools. 12mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. 1851. - The Mother's Question Book, containing (Home & Colonial School Society.) things necessary to be known at an early age. - 12mo, cloth. 2s. 6d. 1858. 1st and 2nd series. 16mo. cloth. ls. 6d. each. Groombridge & Sons. Darton & Co. Instructor (The). Vol. 1. Exercises on Fa- Bond, Thos. W. The Child's Question Book miliar Subjects: Tales to illustrate Moral of Useful Knowledge. 18mo. ls. cloth, 9d. Principles, &c. 1$mo. cloth. 2s. sewed. Jarrold & Sons. - Vol. 2. Lessons on Houses, Furniture, Bourne, Mrs. Steps to Knowledge, or Cyclo- Food, Clothing, &c. 18mo. cloth. 2s.. pædia for Youth. A new Edition, by Mrs. --- Vol. 3. Lessons on the Universe; the Bogg. 1$mo. cloth. 3s. 6d. Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral Kingdoms;. J. S. Hodson & Son, 1859. and the Human Form. 18mo. cloth. Žs. Brewer, Rev. Dr. A Guide to the Scientific - Vol. 4. The Book of the Calendar, the Knowledge of Familiar Things. Revised edi Months, and the Seasons. 18mo. cloth. 2s. tion. ismo. half bd. (Presented by Board of J. W. Parker & Son. Education, New York.) Key to Knowledge; or, Things in Common Use Frances & Co., New York, 1852. simply and shortly explained. By a Mother. Brewer, Rev. Dr. A Guide to the Scientific 16mo. cloth. 38. 6d. "Griffith & Farran, 1858. Knowledge of Familiar Things. 18mo. s. 6d. Lessons on Objects, as given to Children An Appendix to. 18mo. cloth between the Ages of Six and Eight in a Pesta- stiffened. ls. Jarrold & Sons. lozzian School, at Cheam, Surrey. By Miss Butler, Charles. Guide to Useful Knowledge. Mayo. 16th edition. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 3s. 6d. 18mo. cloth. ls. 6d. Dean & Sons. Seeley & Co., 1859. C2 36 GENERAL EDUCATION. JUVENILE BOOKS. Martin, W. The Early Educator; or the Young Enquirer answered. 18mo. half bound. 2s.6d. Darton & Co. Menzies, James. Common Things made Plain. A Lesson Book on Subjects familiar to Every- Day Life, 18mo. Is. 4d. Groombridge & Sons, 1957. Museum (A) for Young Gentlemen and Ladies, or a Private Tutor for little Masters and Misses. small 16mo. With Cuts. J. Hodges, London. Newtonian (The) System of Philosophy, &c. Seventh Edition, with Plates. royal 32mo. bound. S. Carnan, London, 1787. Noyce, E. The Boy's Book of Industrial In- formation. Illustrated with 365 wood en- gravings. post Svo. cloth. 5s. Ward & Lock, 1858. Paull, Susanna M. Questions and Answers on Useful and Interesting Subjects. 18mo. 9d. - First Principles of General Knowledge, third edition, revised by John Davenport. 18mo. cloth. 28. Relfe, Brothers, 1860. Philosophy of Common Things. 18mo. 2s.. Religious Tract Society. Questions on Generalities. By a Lady. 18mo. sewed. - Answers to. fcp. Svo. sewed. (Presented by the Author.) A. Hall & Co. Recreative Science: A Monthly Record and Remembrancer of Intellectual Observation, Vol. 1, post 4to. cloth. 7s.6d.; and No. 11 to sewed. Sd. cach. Groombridge & Sons, 1859-60. Stepping Stone to General Knowledge. By a Mother. 18mo. ls. Longman & Co. Trimmer, Mrs. An Easy Introduction to the Knowledge of Nature. 18mo. half roan. 28. F. & J. Rivington. Whiting, T. Select Exercises, containing a great variety of Questions on the different Parts of Science. 12.no, bound. T. Longman, 1794. Willement, Emily E. Catechism of Familiar Things; their History, and the Events which led to their Discovery. 12mo. cloth. 2s. Od. A. Hall & Co., 1854. Williams, Rev. David. Parent's Catechism; an Easy Introduction to General Knowledge. 18mo. 2s. Sherwood & Co., 1847. Adams, W. H. D. Neptunes Heroes; or, the Sea Kings of England. fcp. Svo. cloth. 5s. Griffith & Farran, 1861. Always Happy; or, Anecdotes of Felix and his Sister Serena. Smo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Griffith & Farran, 1858. American Popular Lessons, chiefly se- lected from Mrs. Barbauld and other approved writers. 18mo. half bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Lockwood & Sons, New York. Amyott's Home, The; or, Lifein Childhood. 12mo. cloth. 3s. Grooinbridge & Sons, 1850. Anna; or, Passages from the Life of a Daughter at Home. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 35. 6d. Seeley & Co., 1859. Ayton, Emily. Words by the Wayside; or the Children and the Flowers. royal 16mo. cloth. 38. 6. Griffith & Farran, 1855. Barbauld, Mrs. Lessons for Children. Ismo. cloth. 28. Simpkin & Co., 1856. Bell, Leonora G. Sunday Evenings with Sophia; or Little Talks on Great Subjects. A Book for Girls. fscp. Svo. cloth. 28. d. * Griffith & Farran, 1859. Belzoni. Fruits of Enterprise, exhibited in the Travels of Belzoni in Egypt and Nubia. 18mo. cloth. 35. Griflith & Tarran, 1855. Blind Man's Holiday; or, Short Tales for the Nursery. royal 16mo. cloth, plates plain, 38. 6d. Griffith & Farran, 1860. Book for the Cottage; or, the History of Mary and her Family. 18mo. cloth. 1s. 6d. Seeley & Co., 1857. Books for Young Readers. Imperial 12mo. Viz.:- Amusing Tales. ls. The Richmond's Tour through Europe. Is. Tales and Sketches. ls. Historical Talcs. ls. Addey & Co. Bourne, Rev. W. Oland. Gems from Fable Land; 'a Collection of l'ables illustrated by Facts. crown Svo. half bourd. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Leavitt & Co., New York, 1953. Boys' Own Magazine, Vol. 1. 12mo. half calf, 1860, and No. 12 to — 2d. each. S. O. Beeton. Bread of Deceit. royal 32mo. cloth. ls. 6d. Secley & Co., 1858. Brock, Mrs. C. Children at Home; á Tale from Real Life. fcp. Svo. cloth. 5s. Seeley & Co., 1859. Brough, J. C. The Fairy Tales of Science. A Book for Youth. fiscp. Svo. cloth lettered. Griffith & Farran, 1859. Buds and Blossoms; a Series of Stories. Groombridge & Sons. Bunnett, Fanny E. The Hidden Power : a Tale illustrative of Youthful Influence. fcp. Svo. cloth. 5s. Seeley & Co., 1858. Celestial Empire, The; or Points and Pickings of Information about China and the Chinese. fscp. Syo. cloth. 35. 6d. Griffith & Farran, 5s. Questions on General History, Literature, and Science. 12mo. bound. 5s. Simpkin & Co., 1851. - 12mo. half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Sherwood & Co. Wilson, Rev. T. Child's First Catechism of Things necessary to be known at an early age. ismo. 9d. First, Second, and Third Catechism of Common Things. 18mo. 9d. each. Darton & Co. ON COMMON THINGS. --JUVENILE BOOKS. 37 Chambers's Library for Young People. 18mo. | Daily Occupation Papers for Summer and Win- cloth. ls. cach. Viz.:- ter. ls. Home and Colonial School Society. Alfred in India. Dalton, W. The War Tiger; or Adventures and Clever Boys. Wonderful Fortunes of a Young Sea Chief Duty and Affection. and his Lad Chow; a Tale of the Conquest Fireside Amusements. of China. fscp. 8vo. cloth. 5s. 1859. Grandmamma's Pockets, by Mrs. S. C. Hall. - The White Elephant ; or, the Hunters Little Robinson. of Ava and the King of the Golden Foot. Moral Courage. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 5s. 1860. Old England, by T. Miller. - Lost in Ceylon; the Story of a Boy and Orlandino, by Maria Edgworth. Girl's Adventures in the Woods and the Wilds Self-Denial and other Tales. of the Lion King of Kandy. fop. Svo. cloth. Steadlast Gabriel, by Mary Howitt. Griffith & Farran, 1861. The Swan's Egg, by Mrs. S. C. Hall. Davenport, Emma. Weak and Wilful, a Tale. True Heroism. ismo. Is. (Presented by Mrs. Hewitt.) Truth and Trust. Dean & Son. Uncle Sam's Money-box, by Mrs. S. C. Hall. Days of Old. Three Stories from Old The Whisperer, by Mrs. S. C. Hall. English History. For the Young. imp. W. & R. Chambers. 16mo. cloth. 55. Macmillan & Co., 1859. Chap Books: Duties of Children. ]0d. Budget of Wit. A Collection of Chap Books. Home and Colonial School Society. Containing the Famous History of the Early Dawn, The; or Stories to think Valiant London Prentice.—The Pleasant about. By a Country Clergyman, royal 16mo. and Delightful History of Jack and the cloth. 25. 6d. Griffith & Farran, 1857. . Giants, &c. &c. in 1 vol. small 12mo, half Edwards, M. B. Holidays among the Moun- morocco, uncut. Printed at Newcastle, &c. tains; or, Scenes and Stories of Wales. royal Chaw-Bacon's Hand-book. A Collection of 16mo, cloth. 38. 6d. Griffith & Farran, 1861. Chap Books. Containing the Famous His- Elwes, A. Paul Blake; or, the Story of a tory of Tom Thumb.-Conversion of Joshua Boy's' Perils in the Islands of Corsica and Tuckfield, &c. in 1 vol. small 12mo. half Monte Cristo. fscp. Svo. cloth. 5s. 1859. morocco. London, &c. History (The) of Fair Rosamond. 12mo. --- Ocean and Her Rulers. fcap. Svo. cloth. 5s. 1854, sewed. J. Lewis, London, 1776. -- Frank and Andrea; or Forest Life Charlesworth, Maria L. The Ministry of in the Island of Sardinia. With Illustrations. Life. fop. Svo. cloth. 58. 1859. fcp. Svo. cloth, 5s. 1860. --- Suriday Afternoons in the Nursery ; or, Familiar Narratives from the Book of Genesis. Ralph Seabrooke; or, the Adventures of a Young Artist in Piedmont and Tuscany. imp. 16mo. cloth. 5s. Seeley & Co., 1859. Charm, The, a Book for Boys and Girls, with fcp. 8vo. cloth. 58. Griffith & Farran, 1861. inany engravings. 1st and 2nd series. sq. Every Child's Coloured Picture Story Book. 1210. 5s. each. Addey & Co. By Grandmamma Easy. royal Svo. 35. Dean & Son. Children's Books. New Royal A B C and Every-day Life. Chapters for the People. Spelling Book, and various others. royal Svo. Gd, cach, coloured. ls. Contributed by the Rev. C. B. Tayler, M.A., - Nursery Picture Books. Various. royal and others. fep. Svo. cloth. 58. Gd. - Seeley, Jackson, & Halliday, 1858. 16mo, sewed. 6d. each ; .coloured, 1s. :- Farmer Goodall and his friend. By the Beauty and the Beast. royal 16mo. ls. Author of " The Week.” royal 32mo. cloth. Whittington and his Cat. Is. Is. 6d. Seeley & Co., 1857. Cinderella and the Glass Slipper. ls. Dean & Son. Favourite Library, The. 12 vols. 16mo. boards. ls. each, viz. : Children (The) of Scripture. 1$mo. cloth. 28. Od. 1. The Eskdale Herd Boy. By Lady Stod- Darton & Co. dart. Christmas Berries. royal 16mo. 2s. 6d. Dean & Son. 2. Mrs. Leicester's School. By Charles and Mary Lamb. Commandment with Promise. royal 32mo. 3. The History of the Robins. By Mrs. cloth. 18. 6c. Seeley & Co., 1857. Trimmer. Corner, Julia. The Children's Own Sunday 4. Memoir of Bob, the Spotted Terrier. Book. 'sq. 12mo. 58. Longman & Co., 1850. 5. Keeper's Travels in Search of his Niaster. Crompton, Sarah. The Scholar's Book. 16mo. 6. The Scottish Orphans. By Lady Stoddart. cloth, gilt edges. 2s. 6d. 1855. 7. Never Wrong; or, the Young Disputant. - = of Birds, Fishes, Insects, &c., in 8. The Life and Perambulations of a Alouse. short words. 16io. cloth, gilt edges. 28. 6d. 9. Trimmer's Introduction to the Knowledge 1858. of Nature. - of Beasts, in short words. 16mo. 10. Right and Wrong. cloth. 2s. Od. 1859. 11. Harry's Holiday. - Tales that are True, in short words. 12. Short Poems and Hymns. royal 16mo. cloth. 2s.6d. Darton & Co. Grillith & Farran. Curwen, John. History of Nelly Vanner. Favourite Picture Book. (See Class Object 18mo. Ward & Co. Legeons.) 38 GENERAL EDUCATION. First Footsteps in the Way of Knowledge. | Indestructible Picture Library. Printed 16mo. cloth. ls. 6d. Religious Tract Society. on linen. royal 16mo. 6d. each plain, (1s. coloured, viz.):- Hymns, Songs, and Fables. royal 16mo. cloth. Rhymes and Pictures. 2s.6d. Addey and Co., 1854. Book of Fables. Little Fanny's Visit to her Grandmamma. Fox, Bitha. Studies of Christian Character. Poetical Robinson Crusoe. Ward & Lock. post 8vo. cloth, gilt edges. 6s. J. Hogg & Sons. Introduction to Popular Lessons. lSmo. half Flowers from the Garden of Knowledge. small | bound. (Presented by Board of Education, 4to. ornamental cloth, stiffened cover. ls. New York.) Lockwood & Son, New York. each:- Johns, Rev. C. A. Picture Books for Children. Prince Arthur's Alphabet. “Animals.” 18mo. cloth. ls. Child's Book of Objects. N. Cooke. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Friendly Hands and Kindly Words. Stories Kingsley, Rev. C. The Heroes; or, Greek Illustrative of the Law of Kindness, &c. post Fairy Tales for my Children. imp. 16mo. Svo. cloth. 3s. 6d. J. Hogg & Sons. cloth, gilt leaves. 55. Macmillan & Co., 1859. Gatty, Mrs. Alfred. Proverbs Illustrated. post Kingston's Magazine for Boys. An Enter- 16mo. cloth. 2s. 1857. taining Miscellany. Edited by W. H. G. - Parables from Nature. post 16mo. Is. 6d. Kingston. Vol. 1 and 2. imp. 16mo. cloth. Worlds not Realized. 16mo. 2s. 58. 6d. eachi. And January 1861, to --, 6d. each. Bosworth & Harrison, 1859-60. Bell & Daldy, 1856. Gleznie, Isabella E. Pictures and Stories for Kingston, W. H. G. Peter the Whaler; his Little Children. 18mo. cloth. ls. Early Life and Adventures in the Arctic Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Regions. fscp. Svo. cloth. 5s. 1853. - Blue Jackets; or Chips of the Old Block. Going to Service. A Sequel to “My Station post Svo. cloth. 7s.6d. 1854. and its Duties.” royal 32mo. cloth. ls. 60. Fred Markham in Russia; or the Boy Seeley & Co., 1857. Golden - Rule Story Books; 'a Series of Travellers in the Land of the Czar. fscp. Svo. cloth. 5s. 1858. Choice Tales for Young People, by various - Mark Seaworth, a Tale of the Indian Authors. Nos. 1 to 24, 18mo., 3d. each, with Ocean. fscp. Svo. cloth. 5s. 1856. numerous illustrations. J. Hogg & Sons. - Manco, the Peruvian Chief; or an En- Golden Year, and its Lessons of Labour. fcp. glishman's Adventures in the Country of the 8vo. cloth. 35. 6d. Seeley & Co., 1859. Incas. fscp. Svo. cloth. 5s. 1853: Good Boy Henry, The; or, Young Child's - Salt Water; or the Sea Life and Ad- · Book of Manners. Translated from the ventures of Neil D'Arcy, the Midshipman. Dutch, by John Ingram Lockhart. 16mo. ls. fscp. Svo. cloth. 5s. 1857. Groombridge & Sons, 1849. Will Weatherhelın; or, the Yarn of an Good Shepherd and his Little Lambs. A Old Sailor about his early Life and Adventures. Story for Little Children. 16mo. cloth. 3s. 6d. fcp. Svo. cloth. 5s. 1860. Seeley & Co., 1831. Griffith & Farran. Guilty Tongue. By the Author of " The — Boy's Own Book of Boats. How to Build, Last Day of the Week.” royal 32mo. cloth. Rig, Man, and Steer them. With illustrations. ls. 6d. Seeley & Co., 1857. fcp. Svo. cloth. 5s. Sampson Low, Son, & Co. Happy Sundays, by a Lady. 2nd Series. 18mo. Landells, E. The Illustrated Paper Model cloth. 3s. 6d. Dean & Son. Maker. (See Object Lessons.) Hewer, M. E. A Child's Warfare; or, the Landells, E. The Boy's Own Toy Maker ; a Practical Illustrated Guide to the useful Em- Conquest of Self. fcp. Svo. cloth. 38. 6d. Seeley, Jackson, & Co., 1858. ployment of Leisure Hours. With many En- Historical Acting Charades; or, Amusements gravings. royal 16mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. 1859. for Winter Evenings. New Edition. fcp. Svo. --- and Alice. The Girl's Own Toy Maker cloth. 3s. 6d. Griflich & Farran, 1858. and Book of Recreation. With many Engrav- History of a Quartern Loaf. Rhymes and ings. royal 16io. cloth. 28. 6d. Pictures, plain. oblong post 8vo., sewed. 6d. Griffith & Farran, 1860. - of a Cup of Tea. Ditto, coloured plates. Is. Lee, Mrs. A. The African Wanderers; or the - of a Skuttle of Coals. Ditto, coloured Adventures of Carlos and Antonio. fscp. Svo. plates. Griffith & Farran. 1854. ls. cloth. 5s. Home Book for Children of all Ages. fcp. Svo. - Adventures in Australia; or the Wan- cloth. 2s. Ward & Co. derings of Captain Spencer in the Bush and the Wilds. fscp. 8vo. cloth. 5s. 1853. Home First Book. royal 16mo. 38. 6d. - Sir Thomas; or the Adventures of a - First Number and Music Book, Cornish Baronet in North - Western Africa. royal 16mo. cloth. Dean & Son. f'scp. Svo. cloth. 35. 6d. 1856. Hood's Fairy Land; or, Recreation for the Griffith & Farran. Rising Generation. royal 16mo. cloth. 3s. 6d. Lessons from Nature : in Six Narratives. Griffith & Farran, 1861. By the Author of “The Week.” royal 32mo. House of the Thief; or the Eighth Com cloth. ls. 6d. . Seeley & Co., 1857. mandment practically illustrated. By the Letters to a Child. By the Author of Author of " The Last Day of the Week.” “Ministering Children.” royal 32mo. cloth. royal 32mo. cloth. 1s. 6d. Seeley & Co. l 1s. 6d. Seeley & Co., 1857. · JUVENILE BOOKS. Little Dove, The. A Story. 18mo. Ministering Children, a Tale, with 20 Illus- Dean & Son. trations. cr. Svo. cloth, gilt leaves. 10s. 6d. Little Stories for the Nursery, by Solomon (Presented by Mrs. Hewitt.) Seeley & Co., 1857. Lovechild. 12mo. Dean & Son. | Mottos and their Morals. fcp. 8vo. sewed. 6d. Little Ferns for Fanny's Little Friends. royal Seeley & Co., 1855. 3.6mo. 2s. 6d. N. Cooke, 1854. My Station and its Duties. A Narrative for. Loudon, Agnes. Tales of School Life. royal Girls going to Service. By the Author of 16mo, cloth. 2s. 6d. Griffith & Farran, 1851. | « The Last Day of the Week.” royal 32mo. McDougall, Mrs. Letters from Sarawak, cloth. ls. 6d. Seeley & Co., 1858. addressed to a Child. royal 16mo. cloth. New Cobwebs to Catch Little Flies. 18mo. 3s. 6d. Griffith & Farran, 1854. 1s. 6d. Religious Tract Society. Macgregor, J. Three Days in the East. Noah's Ark: the World, the Flood, and the 18mo. boards. 1s. Seeley & Co., 1853. Refuge. By an Elder Brother. imp. 16mo. - Our Brothers and Cousins ; a Summer stiff cover. 1s. Seeley & Co., 1854. Tour in Canada and the States. 16mo. cloth. Noble Traits of Kingly Men; or, Pictures and 2s. Od. Seeley & Co., 1859. Anecdotes of European History, &c. post Magnet Stories for Summer Days and Win- Evo. cloth. 38. 6d. J. Hogg & Sons. ter Nights; illustrated. 18mo. sewed. 3d. Northcote's Fables, Illustrated. Re-edited each. Published monthly :- by Miss Corner. imp. 16mo. 38. 6d. 1. When we were Young. By the Author Dean & Son. of “A Trap to Catch a Sunbeam." older and Wiser; or, Steps into Life. A 2. Lottie's Hall-Sovereign. By Mrs. R. Gray. Sequel to the “ Amyott's Home.” 12mo. 35. 3. Mamma Milly. By Mrs. S. C. Hall. Groombridge & Sons, 1852. 4. Havering Hall. By G. E. Sargent. 5. Blind Ursula. By Mrs. Webb. Oliphant, Mrs. Agnes Hopetoun's Schools 6. The Clockmaker of Lyons. By E. M. Piper. and Holidays: the Experience of a Little 7. The Mice at Play. By the Author of " The Girl. crown 8vo. cloth. 6s. · Heir of Redclyffe.” Macmillan & Co., 1859. *** The above Seven Stories form the First Oriental Text Book and Language of Flowers, Volume, in cloth gilt, price 2s. 6d. royal 16mo. Dean & Son. Groombridge & Sons, 1860. Our Eastern Empire; or Stories from the Marcet, Mrs. Stories for Young Children. History of British India. royal 16mo. cloth. Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn. 4 3s. 6d. Griffith & Farran, 1857. vols. 18mo. half bound. 28. each. Parley, Peter. Wonders of the Earth, Sea, and Stories for Young Children. House- Sky. 'Edited by the Rev. T. Wilson. royal building, &c. 18mo. half bound. 25. 1854. 16ino. cloth. 35. 6d. Darton & Co. - Conversations on Land and Water. | Picture Pleasure Book. (See Class Object 12mo. 58. Od. Lessons.) - Willy's Travels on the Railroad. 18mo. Pleasing Nursery Coloured Picture Book. half bound. 2s. 6d. 1850. By Grandpapa Easy. royal Svo. cloth, gilt - Willy's Holidays; or, Conversations on leaves. 7s. 6d. Dean & Son. different kinds of Governments. 18mo. half Pleasant Fruits : Tales and Illustrations for bound. 2s. Longman & Co., 1846. the Young. Collected by the Rev. M. H. Marryatt, Emilia. Long Evenings; or, Stories Vine. royal 18mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Seeley & Co., 1858. for my Little Friends. plain plates. 2s. 6d; or, coloured plates, 3s. 6d. royal 16mo. cloth. Pleasant Tales for Little People, royal Griffith & Farran, 1861. 16mo. 2s.6d. Martineau, Harriet. The Playfellow. A Series - Reading Book. royal 16mo. of Tales. 18mo. cloth. 2s. Gd. each, viz.,- - Verse and Prose Story Book. royal The Peasant and Prince. 16mo. Dean & Son. The Crofton Boys. Addey & Co. Prince (The) of Peace: or Truths for Young Martyr Land, The; or Tales of the Vaudois. Disciples. By a Lady; with Prefatory Re- marks by the Rev. E. Bickersteth. ismo. royal 16mo. cloth. 35. 6d. cloth. 2s. 6d. Darton & Co. Griffith & Farran, 1856. Ruth and her Friends. A Story for Girls. Memory's Records; being Short Narratives fcp. Svo. cloth. 5s. Macmillan & Co., 1858. from Real Life. By the Author of "The Last Day of the Week,” royal 32mo. cloth. Sargent, G. E. Moralities for Home. 1$mo. ls. Od. Seeley & Co., 1857. Groombridge & Sons. Schmid. A Series of Tales for Children, Might, not Right; or Stories of the Dis- translated from the German of Christoph von covery and Conquest of America. royal 16mo. Schmid, by R. Cox Hales, M.A. 12mo, cloth. cloth. 35. 6d. Griffith & Farran, 1858. 2s. Simpkin & Co., 1859. Milner, Eliz. Clara Hope; or the Blade and Sedgwick, Miss. Morals of Manners. 16mo. the Ear. fscp. 8vo. cloth. 3s. 6d. cloth. (Presented by Board of Education, New Griffith & Farran, 1858. York.) °G. P. Putnam, New York. 40 GENERAL EDUCATION. 2s. Ship, The. A Description of Different kinds 1 Walks and Talks; or, Aunt Ida's Tales for of Vessels, &c. Revised and corrected by Young Persons. royal 16mo. cloth. 5s. M. H. Barker, Esq. 16mo. cloth. 38. 6d. J. Murray, 1850. Griffith & Farran. Wars (The) of the Jews, as related by Jose- Short Stories from the History of Switzer- plus; with additional Facts from Jewish land. From the French of George Farey. History. 12mo. cloth. 4s. 6d. 16mo. cloth. 2s. Griffith & Farran. Christian Knowledge Society. Silver Blossoms. royal 16mo. 2s. 6d. Week (The), in Three Parts: The Last Day Dean & Son. of the Week; The First Day of the Week; The Week Completed. royal 32mo. cloth. Sketches of Little Girls and Boys. royal Is. 6d. Seeley & Co., 1858. 16mo. 2s. 6d. Sketches of the African Kingdoms and Peoples Which is Best? royal 16mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. fcp. Svo. cloth. 4s. Dean & Son. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Wilberforce, Bishop. Agathos, and other Smyth, Mrs. G. Fit to be a Duchess; with Sunday Stories. 18mo. cloth. 2s. 61. other Stories of Courage and Principle. post Seeley & Co., 1859. 8vo. cloth, gilt edges. 58. J. Hogg & Sons. Wilson, Mrs. Carus. A Mother's Stories for Something New from the Story Garden. her Children. royal 32mo. cloth. 1s. 6d. 16mo. 28. 6d. Groombridge & Sons, 1851. Seeley & Co., 1857. Spring Flowers and Summer Blossoms. Wilson, Rev. T. The Boy's Book of his own royal 16mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Dcan & Son. Country. 12mo. cloth. 2s.6d. Darton & Co. Star (The) of Hope, and the Staff of Duty. Wonders (The) of Home, in Eleven Stories. Tales of Womanly Trials and Victories. post By Grandfather Grey. royal 16mo. cloth. Svo. cloth. 3s. 6d. J. Hogg & Sons. 38. 6d. Griffith & Farran, 1852. Stories for Summer Days and Winter Nights. 32mo. Various. 2d. each. World's Fair, The royal 16mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Second Series. 18mo. various. 3d. each. Dean & Son. - 18mo. in S vols. 1s. each. sons on Gospel Truths. royal ismo. cloth. bound in 4 vols. 2s. cach. Seeley & Co., 1858. Groombridge & Sons. Strickland, Miss S. Happy because Good, &c. 18mo. Ornamental cover. 1s. Dean & Son. Strickland, Agnes. The Rival Crusoes; or the Shipwreck, &c. 18mo. cloth. 28. 6d. Griffith & Farran. Sunday Book for Young Children, Coloured GENERAL READING. Pictures. royal 16mo. 2s. 6d. Dean & Son. Abercrombie, J. Philosophy of the Moral Sunlight through the Mist. A Sunday Book Feelings. 12mío. cloth. 4s. for Children. royal 16mo. cloth, limp. 33. 6d. (Government Schools, Ceylon.) 1849. J. Murray, 1856. 12mo. cloth. 4s. 1853. Sunshine and Showers, royal 16mo. 2s. (d. Dean & Son. Inquiries concerning the Intellectual Powers. 12mo. cloth. 6s. Od. J. Murray, 1853. Syrian (The) Noble; or, Believe and be Healed. 18mo. cloth. 35. Aguilar, Grace. The Mother's Recompence. Seeley, Jackson, & Co., 1949. 12mo. cloth. 75. 1856. Treasury of Tales for Young Peopie. - The The Vale of Cedars. 12mo. 6s. 1852. Old Favourites.” Edited and written by Mary - The Women of Israel. 2 vols. 12mo. 12s. Howitt. fcp. 8vo. cloth, gilt edges. 55. The Days of Bruce. 12mo. 7s. 6d. 1854. "The New Favourites." Ditto, Home Scenes and Heart Studies. 12mo. ditto. 58. J. Hogg & Sons. 6s. 6d. Groombridge & Sons, 1853. Triumphs of Perseverance and Enterprise, Athenæum, The. Journal of English and recorded as Examples for the Young. post Foreign Literature, Science, and the Fine 8vo. cloth, gilt leaves. 3s. 6d. Dartoni & Co. Arts. 1858, 1859, and 1860, 6 vols. 4to., half Triumphs (The) of Steam; or, Stories from calf; and 1861, January to - the Lives of Watt, Arkwright, and Stephenson. J. Francis, 14, Wellington Street North. royal 16mo. cloth lettered. 38. 6d. Australia ; its Scenery, Natural History, &c. Griffith and Farran, 1859. 18mo. cloth. ls. 6d. Religious Tract Society. True Courtesy: a Chapter for All. 32mo. Bacon, Lord. The Essays, or Counsels Civil sewed. 2d. Seeley & Co., 1850. and Moral, with a Table of the Colours of Village Adult Evening School. A True Story Good and Evil. Revised by the Rev. T. of Robert and William Lane. 18mo. 2d. Markby. fcp. 8vo. cloth. ls. 6d. Jarrold & Sons. J. W. Parker & Son, 1859. JUVENILE BOOKS.-GENERAL READING. 41 Barlace, J. G. An Historical Sketch of the | Craik, G. L. Pursuit of Knowledge under Progress of Knowledge in England, from the Difficulties. New edition, revised and Conversion of the Anglo-Saxons to the end enlarged. 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth. 12s. of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 4to. boards. J. Murray, 1858. J. & A. Arch, 1819. Dumas, A. Pictures of Travel in the South Bertha's Journal during a Visit to her Uncle of France crown 8vo. cloth. 2s.6d. N. Cooke. in England. 12mo. 7s. 6d. J. Murray, 1851. Evening Recreations; or, Samples from Bishop, D. An Introduction to the Study of the Lecture Room. Edited by the Rev. J. H. the Mind. Designed especially for the Senior Gurney. post 8vo. cloth. 5s. Classes in Schools. post Svo. cloth. 38. 6d. Longman, & Co., 1856. Longman & Co., 1857. Far Off; or Asia described. With Anecdotes Book (The) of Vagabonds and Beggars; with and numerous Illustrations. By the Author a Vocabulary of their Language. Edited by of "Peep of Day.' Part 1. 12mo. cloth. 4s, hd. Martin Luther in the year 1528. Now first Editions 1856 & 1859. translated into English, with Introduction and Notes by John Camden Hotten. imp. 16mo. - or Australia, Africa, and America de- half morocco, tip gilt. 5s. scribed. Part 2. 12mo. cloth. 45. 6d. *J. C. Hotten, Piccadilly, 1860. Editions 1856 & 1860. Hatchard & Co. Bonomi, J. Nineveh and its Palaces. The Footprints of Travellers in Europe, Asia, Discoveries of Botta and Layard, applied to Africa, America. 2 vols. in l. 12mo. Is. 6d. the Elucidation of Holy Writ. Svo. cloth. 6s. Ingram & Co., 1853. J. Cassell, 1850. Forty Moral Lectures for the Young; in Boswell, J. Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides Two Parts, the first adapted more especially with Samuel Johnson, LL.D. With Introduc- for the Youth of the Industrious Classes. By a tion and Notes, by Robert Carruthers, Esq. Christian Minister. 12ino. 4s. crown 8vo. cloth. 28. 6d. N. Cooke. J. S. Hodson, 1856. Bowdler, T. The Family Shakespeare. 6 vols. Gautier, T. Wanderings in Spain. crown 8vo. 12mo. cloth. ll. 16s. Longman & Co., 1853. cloth. 28. 6d. N. Cooke, 1853. British Nation, its Arts and Manufactures. Goldsmith, Dr. O. Vicar of Wakefield. fcp. 1Sino. cloth. 10d. Religious Tract Society. Svo. cloth. 2s. Groombridge & Sons, 1857. Bunyan, J. The Pilgriin's Progress. With a Memoir by J. M. Hare. crown 8vo. cloth. Gompertz, L. Moral Inquiries, on the Situa- 2s.6d. N. Cooke, 1853. tion of Man and of Brutes. 12mo. cloth. 1824. - Fragments in Defence of Animals, &c. edilion.) crown Svo. cloth. 35. Gd. 12mo. 45. 6d. Horsell, 1852. Simpkin & Co., 1856. Gosse, P. H. Assyria, her Manners and Cus- Cassell's Library complete. 10 vols. 12mo. toms, Acts and Arms; restored from her Arranged in a Library Box, with lock and key. Monuments. post Svo, cloth. Ss. 25s. containing- - The Monuments of Ancient Egypt, and History of England. their Relation to the Word of God. 12mo. cloth. 2s. Scotland. 1855. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Ireland. Gurney, Rev. J. H. St. Louis and Henry IV.; France. being a Second Series of Historical Sketches. Greatness of the British Empire. fep. Svo. 6s. Longman & Co., 1855. Sailings over the Globe. Hanger, C. H. . Proverbial and Moral Footprints of Travellers. Thoughts; in a Series of Essays. fcp. Svo. Wonders of the Heavens, and 2 cloth. 38. 6d. J. Cornish, 1858. History of the Steam Engines Heiress, The, in her Minority; or the Progress Natural History of Man. of Character. 2 vols. post Svo. cloth. 18s. Biographical Dictionary. J. Murray, 1850. Kent & Co. Heraldry, An Essay on. Svo. cloth, limp. 2s. Chambers's Information for the People. R. Hardwicke, 1858. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. cloth. 16s. 1848. - - Manual of, with 400 Wood Cuts. 12mo, Papers for the People. 12 vols. in 6. cloth. 35. A. Hall & Co. crown Svo. cloth. 1$s. 1856. Historical Educator, comprising Ancient Voyages and Travels, &c. 2 vols. crown 4to. -- Repository of Instructive and Amusing Tracts. 6 vols. post Svo. cloth. 12s. cloth. 12s. J. Cassell, 1954. – Miscellany of Useful and Entertaining Hogg's Instructor. A Magazine of General Tracts. 10 vols. post Svo. 20s. Literature. Vols. 1 and 2. 8vo. cloth. W. & R. Chambers. Groombridge & Sons, 1853-1954. Cottin, Mad. Elizabeth, or the Exiles of | Huc, M. Travels in Tartary, Thibet, and China, Siberia. fcp. 8vo. cloth. ls. 6d. during 1854-5-6. Translated by W. Hazlitt. Groombridge & Sons, 1857. 2 vols. crown Syo. cloth. 58. N. Cooke. * I vol. 42 GENERAL EDUCATION. Ireland. Works published by Direction of the ! Jerrold, W. B. How to see the British Museum. Commissioners of National Education in 1 lsmo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Ireland. half bound in calf. Groombridge & Sons, 1857. Agricultural Class Book. 12mo. Johnson, Dr. $. Tour to the Hebrides. (See Arithmetic, Treatise on. 12mo. Boswell.) Keyto. By Rev. J.W. M'Gauley. 12mo. - Rasselas, by Rev. J. Hunter. (See Read- Book-keeping, Elements of. 12mo. - Key to. 12mo. ing Lessons.) British Poets, Selections from. 2 vols. 12mo. Kitto, Dr. The Court and People of Persia. - Biographical Sketches of. 12mo. 18mo. cloth. ls. 6d. Religious Tract Society. Lamb, Charles. The Adventures of Ulysses. - Key to Exercises in. Smo. Geography, Epitome of Ancient and Modern. fcp. Svo. Is. 6d. Groombridge & Sons, 1857. 12mo. Leisure Hour, The, 1859, (Vol. 8). royal Compendium of. Smo. Svo. cloth. 6s. Religious Tract Society. Geometry, Elements of. ]2mo. Lewis, M. G. Romantic Tales. fcp. Svo. Introduction to the Art of Reading. 12mo. cloth. 2s. Groombridge & Sons, 1857. Lessons, First Book. 18mo. - Second Ditto. iSmo. Lovett, W. Social and Political Morality. Sequels, No. 1 and 2. 18mo. post Svo. cloth. 4s. (Presented by H. Grant, - Third Ditto. 12mo. Esq.) Simpkin & Co., 1855. Fourth Ditto. 12mo. Macintosh, C. A. Popular Outlines of the - Supplement. 12mo. Press, Ancient and Modern: or a Brief Sketch - Fifth Ditto. 12mo. of the Origin and Progress of Printing, &c. - Reading Book for Female Schools. fcp. Svo. cloth. 35. Wertheim & Co., 1859. 12mo. - Scripture. Old Testament No. 1 | Manual of Morals for Common Schools. and 2. 12mo. 18mo. half bound. (Presented by Board of New Testament. No. 1 and 2. Education, New York.) 12mo. J. P. Jewett & Co., Boston, 1850. on the Truth of Christianity. 18mo. | Materials for Thinking, extracted from the Mensuration, Treatise on. 12mo. Works of the Learned of all Ages. sm. 12mo. - Appendix to. 12mo. Sacred Poetry. 18mo. cloth, gilt leaves. 35. 6d. Darton & Co. Ireland. Works sanctioned by the Commis- Monte Rosa. A Lady's Tour round Monte sioners of National Education in Ireland. Rosa; with Visits to the Italian Valleys of half bound in calf. Angasca, Mastalone, &c., in 1850, 1856-58. Arithmetic, First Book of. 18mo. crown Svo. cloth. 14s. Longman & Co., 1859. - Key to. 18mo. Moore, Dr. George. Power of the Soul over the Dawes's Hints on Secular Instruction. 12mo. Body, considered in relation to Health and Easy Lessons on Reasoning. 12mo. Morals. 12mo. 6s. Longman & Co., 1852. Easy Lessons on Money Matters. 18mo. Hodges' Lessons in Chemistry. 12mo. Murray, Rev. T. B. Pitcairn : the Island, the Household Work, or the Duties of Female People, and the Pastor, &c., &c. 12th edition. Servants. ] Smo. fcp. Svo. cloth. 2s. 1860. M'Gauley's Lectures on Natural Philosophy. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Svo. Napier, Lieut.-General Sir W. English Battles Patterson's Introduction to Zoology. Parts and Sieges in the Peninsula. post Svo. cloth. land 2. 121o. 10s. 6d. J. Murray, 1855. -- First Steps to Zoology. Parts 1 and 2. Near Home; or the Countries of Europe 16mo. Sullivan's Literary Class Book. 12mo. described. With Anecdotes and numerous Illustrations. By the Author of “ Peep of - Spelling Book superscded. 18mo. - Dictionary of the English Language. Day,” &c. 12mo. cloth. 58. T. Hatchard, 1857. 12mo. Newnham, W. Man, in his Physical, Intel- Geography Generalized. 12mo. lectual, Social, and Moral Relations. 18mo. Introduction to Geography. 18mo. 10d. Religious Tract Society. - English Grammar. 18ino. Thomson's Treatise on Arithmetic. 12mo. | Notes and Sketches of Lessons, on Subjects - Key to. 12mo. connected with the Great Exhibition. 12mo. ls. 4d. Euclid's Elements. The First Six Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. and Eleventh and Twelfth Books. Parts I and 2. 12mo. Peaks, Passes, and Glaciers. A Series of - Elementary Treatise on Algebra. Excursions by Members of the Alpine Club. 12mo. Edited by John Ball, President of the Club. Young's Teacher's Nanual for Infant Schools. 8vo. cloth. ll. ls. Longman & Co., 1959. 12mo. Pemberton, R. The Happy Colony. Svo. cloth. (Presented by the Commissioners of National 75. 6d. (Presented by the Author.) Education in Ireland.) Saunders & Otley, 1854. GENERAL READING.-POETRY. 43. P. 41. Pfeiffer, Mad. Ida. Visit to the Holy Land, World (The) at Home; a Miscellany of En- Egypt, and Italy. Translated from the German tertaining Reading, containing a Selection of by H. W. Dulcken. crown 8vo. 2s. 6d. 1853. Tales, Sketches, Table Talk, Travellers' Notes, - A Woman's Journey round the World. Anecdotes, &c. 8vo. cloth. 25. Translated from the German. crown 8vo. J. Hogg & Sons, 1858. cloth. 2s. Od. 1854. - A Visit to Iceland. Translated from the German. crown Svo. 2s.6d. N. Cooke, 1853. Popular Educator. 6 vols. crown 4to. cloth. POETRY AND POETICAL 4s. 6d. each. J. Cassell, 1852–4. READING BOOKS. Quarterly Review, July 1859, October 1860. 8vo. sewed. J. Murray. Aikin, Dr. Select Works of the British Poets, Reed, Henry. English History and Tragic with a Supplement by Lucy Aikin. royal 8vo. Poetry, as illustrated by Shakspeare. post 8vo. cloth. 18s. Longman & Co., 1852. cloth. 38., J. F. Shaw. Allen, Dr. Select English Poetry. 12mo. -- Lecti res on the British Poets. post Svo. cloth. 4s. (British and Foreign School Society.) cloth. 45. J. F. Shaw. - another Copy. (Presented by Sailings over the Globe; or the Progress of Dr. Cornwell.) Jackson & Walford, 1858. British Poets. Selection from the British Maritime Discovery. 2 vols in l. 12mo. ls. 6d. J. Cassell, 1850. Poets, chronologically arranged from Chaucer Scoresby, Capt. The Arctic Regions and the to the present time. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. 9d. each, 1858. Northern Whale Fishery. Ismo. Is. 6d. Religious Tract Society. - Biographical Sketches of the British Poets, chronologically arranged from Chaucer Senses, The, and the Mind. 18mo. 10d. to Burns, 12mo. cloth. 1858. Religious Tract Society. Commissioner's of National Education, Ireland. Shakespeare. By Bowdler. See Bowdler, Groombridge & Sons. Byron. Selection from the Writings of Lord Shakespeare's Henry the Eighth; adapted Byron. 12mo. 35. 6d. J. Murray, 1857. for the Oxford Examination Scheme, by the Child's (The), Book of Poetry. Original and Rev. John Hunter, M.A. 12mo, cloth. 2s. Od. Selected. 18mo. Is. 6d. Longman & Co., 1860. Religious Tract Society. Child's (The) Own Verse Book, Original and Smiles, S. Self-Help; with Illustrations of Selected. 13mo. cloth. 6d. Darton & Co. Character and Conduct. post Svo. cloth. 6s. J. Murray, 1860. Class Book of Poetry. 12mo. Is. National Society. St. Pierre, B. Paul and Virginia, and the Cook, Rev. F. C. First Book of Poetry. Indian Cottage. fcp. Svo. Is. 6d. 18mo. 9d. Groombridge & Sons, 1857. Poetry for Schools. 12mo. 2s. Stuart, D. Outlines of Mental and Moral Longman & Co., 1855. Science, &c., &c. 12mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Cowper, W. Poetical Works for Schools. McGlashan & Co., 1853. 12mo. bound. 2s. 6d. Gall & Inglis. Sunday (The) at Home: a Family Magazine Poetical Works. Edited by H. F. Carv. for Sabbath Reading, (Vol. 6), 1859. royal 2 vols. fcp. Svo. 6s. Groombridge & Sons, 1957. Svo. cloth. 6s. Religious Tract Society. The Task, in Six Books. fscp. 8vo. sewed. Tupper, M. F. Proverbial Philosophy. crown 1s.; or the Books separately, 2d. each. . 8vo. Ss. Presented by the Author.) Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. T. Hatchard, 1857. Cyclopædia of Poetical Quotations, consisting Universal Library. “Voyages and Travels.” of Choice Passages from the Poets of every Vol. 1, containing Anson's Voyage round Age and Country. Edited by H. G. Adams. the World ; Koipfer's Account of Japan; fcp. Svo. 6s. 6d. Groombridge & Sons, 1853. Stephens' Travels in Egypt, Arabia, &c.; and of Sacred Poetical Quotations; consist- ing of choice Passages from the Sacred Poetry The Mutiny of the Bounty. royal 8vo. cloth. 6s. N. Cooke, 1853. of all Ages and Countries. Edited by H. G. Weale, J. New Series of Educational Works. Adams. fcp. 8vo. 6s. 6d. Groombridge & Sons, 1854. Bound in cloth in 22 vols, and fitted into a neat Darton, Margaret A. Words in Season for the wooden box, forming a most useful and port- Weary. 18mno. 2s. (Presented by the Author.) · able Reference Library. Price, complete, 41. C. Gilpin, 1956. J. Weale. Easy Poetry for Children. 18mo. cloth, limp. Whish, Rev. J. C. The Great Exhibition Prize J. W. Parker & Son, 1850. Essay, “ On the Moral and Religious Ten Florilegium Poeticum Anglicanum, or dency of the Union of all Nations at the Great Selections from English Poetry, for the Use of Exhibition.” fine paper. post Svo. cloth. 28. 6d. Classical Schools. 12mo. cloth. 3s. 6d. Longman & Co. 1852. Bell & Daldy, 1852. Wilkinson, Sir J. G. A Popular Account of Garland, The, or Poetry for Childhood and the Ancient Egyptians. Revised and abridged Youth. 18mo. 9d. Groombridge & Sons, 1850. from his larger work. 2 vols. crown 8vo. 12s. Goldsmith, Dr. O. Poems and Essays. fcp. (Presenteil by Mrs. Hewett.) J. Murray, 1854. 1 Svo. cloth. 2s. Groombridge & Sons, 1857. 1853 Is. 44 GENERAL EDUCATION. Goldsmith, Dr. O. Deserted Village, with | Original Poems for Infant Minds. 2 vols. Remarks on the Analysis of Sentences, &c. 18mo, cloth. Is. 6d. each. A. Hall & Co., 1$59. For Oxford Middle Class Examinations. By Payne, J. Studies in English Poetry; intended Walter M‘Leod. 12mo. cloth. ls. Od. as a Text-book for the higher Classes. 12mo. Longman & Co., 1858. bound. 5s. 1856. - The Traveller, and the Deserted Village. - Select Poetry for Children. 18mo. fcp. 8vo. sewed. 2d. cloth. 28. 6d. 1856. * Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. - 18mo. cloth. gilt edges. 3s. 1858. Graham, G. F. Studies from the English A. Hall & Co. Poets. “12mo. 7s.6d. Longman & Co., 1852. Poems for Young People. Smo. ls. (Li- Guy, Joseph. Learner's Poetic Task Book. brary for Young People.) Cradock & Co. 1 Smo. ls. W. & R. Chambers. Herrick, R. Selections from Herrick, for Poems on the Old Testament. 18mo. cloth, limp. ls. J. Nlasters, 1854. Translation into Latin Verse, by Rev. A. J. Poetry Book for Children. Illustrated. Macleane. 12mo. 2s.6d. Bell & Daldy, 1848. royal 16io. cloth. 2s. 6d. 1856. Hughes, E. Select Specimens of English - common paper, for National Schools. Poetry. '12mo. 3s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1857. demy 16mo. canvas. ls. Bell & Daldy. Johas, Rev. B. G. The First Book of Poetry. 18mo. cloth. ls. Darton & Co. Pope, Alex. Poetical Works. Edited by McLeod, Walter. First Poetical Reading R. Carruthers. 4 vols. crown Svo. clo:h. 10s. Book, with Introductory Descriptions, &c. N. Cooke, 1853. 12mo. 9d. (Presented by the Author.) Potts, Anna H. Sketches of Character, and J. W. Parker & Son, 1856. Other Pieces, in verse. fcp. Svo. 4s. (Exhi- - Second Poetical Reading Book. 12mo. bited by the National Society.) 1s. Sd. Longman & Co., 1856. J. W. Parker & Son, 1849. Milton, J. Poetical Works. Edited by H. F. - Simple Poems for National and Sunday Cary. 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 5s. Schools. 18mo. 2d. (Presented by R. Potts, Groombridge & Sons, 1857. Esq.) T. Dixon, Cambridge, 1852. - Poetical Works, for Schools. 12mo. Prince (The) of Peace ; or, Lays of Beth- bound. 2s. 6d. Gall & Inglis. lehem. Selected from the British Poets. sq. - Poetical Works, with Life and Notes by crown Svo. cloth, gilt leaves. 75. 6d. the Rev. T. Thomson. (Scott's Series.) 24mo. Seeley, Jackson, & Halliday, 185S. cloth. 3s. 1953. Rhymes for the Nursery. iSmo. cloth. Is. 6d. - Paradise Lost. (Ditto.) 24mo. cloth. 2s. - Illustrated. 16mo. cloth, cilt E. Law, 1853. leaves. 28. 60. A. Hall & Co., 1857. - Paradise Lost, with a Life by Rev. H. Robertson, John. David and Samuel; with Stebbing. 32mno. (Presented by Board of other Poems, original and translated. fcp. Education, New York.) Svo. cloth. 25. 6d. Seeley & Co., 1859. Leavitt & Co., New York, 1851. Sacred Poetry for Children. 18mo. swd. ]d. - Paradise Lost. Selections from Para- (Commissioners of National Education, Ireland.) dise Lost, with Notes, especially adapted for Groombridge & Sons, 1858. Elementary Schools, by Robert Demaus, A.M. School Poetry. 12mo. 6d. Nutionul Society. ismo. cloth. Is. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1857. - Paradise Lost, Book 1. By the Rev. John School Songs and Poetry. 48mo. 20. Hunter, M.A. 12mo. cloth. Is. 6d. Longman & Co. Longman & Co., 1861. Scott, Sir W. The Lady of the Lake. fcp. Svo. - Paradise Lost, Books 1, 2, & 7. fscp. 8vo. cloth. Is. 60. sewed. 2d, each. - The Lay of the Last Minstrel. fop. Svo. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, cloth. 1$. Od. - Paradise Lost, Book 1 to 4, with Notes, - Rokeby. fcp. Svo cloth. ls. Od. &c. &c.; by W. C. Connon, M.A. 12mo. - Marmion: à Tale of Flodden Field. 35. 6d. Longman & Co., 1856. fcp. Svo. Is. 6d. Montgomery, Rev. R. Christian Poetry; Groombridge & Sons, 1857. being a Selection from his Poems. By E. Farr. Scrymgeour, D. A Class-book of English 12mo. 2s.6d. Dean & Sons. Poetry. 12o. bound. 45. Orl.; in 2 Parts. Morell and Ihne. Poetical Reading Book, 2s. 6d. each. A. & C. Black, 1553. with Aids for Grammatical Analysis, &c. Sewell, Mrs. The Children of Summerbrook: (Constable's Educational Series.) post 8vo. Scenes of Village Life described in simple cloth. 2s. 6d. J. Gordon, 1860. verse. Post Svo. cloth limp. Is. Mylius, W. F. The First Book of Poetry; Jarrold & Sons. revised by Rev. W. Routledge, M. A. 12mo. Select Pieces of Poetry for Young People bound. 2s.6d. Routledge & Co., 1847. Collected by Rachel Barclay. 12mo. calf. -- Poetical Class Book; revised by Rev. J. Phillips, London, 1795. W. Routledge, M. A. 12mo. bound. 35. Shakespeare and Milton. Passages from, Routledge & Co., 1847. for Schools. 12mo. cloth. 2s. Relfe, Brothers. Newman, F. W. A Collection of Poetry, for Southey, Robt. Select Works of the British the Practice of Elocution. fcp. 8vo. cloth. Poets. Svo. ll. 10s. Longman & Co., 1851. 28. 6d. Walton & Maberly, 1850. Thomson, J. The Seasons; and Castle of In- Original and Select Poems, for Young People. dolence. 'fcp. 8vo. cloth. 2s. 18mo. cloth. 6d. Darton & Co. Groombridge & Sons, 1857. Ook of English 2s.6d. eachino. bound. POETRY.--BIOGRAPHY. 45 Universal Library. “ Poetry." Vol. l. 1 Cyclopædia of Female Biography; a complete Containing Scott's Lady of the Lake,and Lay | Record of Womanly Excellence or Ability. of Last Minstrel; La Fontaine's Fables; Edited by H. G. Adams. fcp. 8vo. 6s. 6d. Goethe's Faust; Schiller's Piccolomini, and Groombridge & Sons, 1857. Wallenstein's Death ; Milton's Poems. royal Dictionary (The Comprehensive) of Biogra- Svo, cloth. 6s. Ingram, Cooke, & Co., 1953. phy. royal 8vo. half bound. 215. Watts. Rev. Dr. Divine and Moral Songs for R. Griffin & Co., 1860. Children. 12ino. 6d. Ward & Lock, 1857. of British Biography. crown 8vo. cloth. Wilson, M. The Poetical Reader, being a 3s. 6d. R. Griffin & Co., 1860. Selection of Simple and Instructive Readings --- of Contemporary Biography. crown 8vo. in Poetry. 18ino. bound. ls. M. Wilson & Co. cloth. 8s. 6d. R. Griffin & Co. Wordsworth, W. The Excursion. Book I. Dover, Lord. Lives of Eminent Sovereigns The Wanderer. fcp. Svo. sewed. 2d. of Modern Europe. fcp. 8vo. 38. Ward & Co. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledye. French, G. R. The Royal Descent of Nelson and Wellington from Edward the First, King of England, with Tables of Pedigree and BIOGRAPHY. Genealogical Memoirs. post Svo. cloth, gilt leaves. 7s. W. Pickering, 1853 Abbott, J. Scries of Histories. 24mo. cloth, French, G. J. The Life and Times of Samuel gilt edges. Each 1s., viz.- Crompton, Inventor of the Spinning Machine Mary Queen of Scots. called “the Mule," with an Appendix of Queen Elizabeth. Original Documents. crown Svo. cloth. 5s. Charles the First. (Presented by the Author.) Charles the Second. Simpkin & Co., 1860. Hannibal. Gleig, Rev. G. R. Book of Biography (Gleig's Marie Antoinette. School Series). 18mo. stiffened wrapper. 9d. Madame Roland. Longman & Co. Alexander the Great. Hardwicke's Annual Biography for 1856, Julius Cæsar. 1857. 2 vols. fscp. Svo. cloth. 2s. 6d. each. Alfred the Great. R. Hardwicke. William the Conqueror. Hazlitt, W. The Life of Napoleon Buona- Darius. parte. 4 vols. crown 8vo. cloth. 145. Cleopatra. N. Cooke. 1852. Cyrus the Great. Humboldt. Lives of the Brothers Humboldt, Xerxes the Great. Alexander and William. Translated from the Josephine. German, by Juliette Bauer. crown Svo. cloth. Romulus. 3s. 6d. Ingram & Co., 1852. Nero. Life and Times of Alfred the Great, 18mo. Pyrrhus. Allman & Son. 10d. Religious Tract Society. Abbott, J. Life of Alfred the Great. 12mo. Lives of Illustrious Greeks. 18mo. 3s. N. Cooke, 1855. Religious Tract Society. Allen, J. Life of Lord Viscount Nelson. 12mo. Macfarlane, C. Memoir of the Duke of Wel- 25. 6d. Routledge & Co., 1854. lington. 12mo. 2s.6d. Routledge & Co., 1853. Bannister, S. The Worthies of the Working Martin Luther. The Life of Martin Luther, Classes and their Friends. 12mo. (Presented in Fifty Pictures from Designs, by Gustay by the Author.) T. C. Newby, 1854. König. imp. 8vo. 12s. Beard, Rev. J. R. Biographical Dictionary. N. Cooke, 1853. 4 vols. in l. 12ino. 35. J. Cassell, 1851. Maunder, S. The Biographical Treasury. Boswell, J. Life of Dr. Samuel Johnson. 12mo. cloth. 10s. Longman & Co., 1854. 4 vols. crown Svo. 10s. N. Cooke. Men who were in Earnest; a Series of Bio- Burke, P. Life of the Right Hon. Edmund graphical Stories. post Svo. cloth, gilt edges. Burké. crown Svo. 2s. 6d. N. Cooke, 1853. J. Hogg & Sons, Caldwell, H. The Art of doing One's Best, as Niblett, A. N., M.A. Schiller ; Dramatist, His- seen in the Lives of thorough Workers. fcp. torian, and Poet. crown Svo. cloth. Williams & Norgate, 1860. Plutarch's Lives. By A. H. Clough. (See Caxton and the Art of Printing. lSmo. 10d. Religious Tract Society. Classical Dictionaries.) Chambers's Exemplary and Instructive Bio- Smiles, S. The Story of the Life of George Stephenson, Railway Engineer; abridged from graphy. 12mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. W. & R. Chambers, 1855. the larger Work. post 8vo. cloth. 6s. Curiosities of Biography; or Memoirs of J. Murray, 1860. Southey, R. Lives of British Admirals, with Wonderful and Extraordinary Characters. Edited by R. Malcolm. fcp. Svo. cloth. 2s.6d. an Introductory View of the Naval History of R. Griffin & Co., 1855. England. 5 vols. 12mo. 7s.6d. Cyclopædia of Biography. Edited by Eliuh Longman & Co., 1835. Stepping Stone to Biography. By a Mother. Rich. crown Svo. cloth. 38. 6d. R. Griffin & Co., 1861. 1$mo. 1s. Longman & Co., 1856. - of Religious Biography. By the Rev. 1 Stocqueler, J. H. The Life of Field Marshal Robert Jamieson, D.D. crown 8vo. cloth. the Duke of Wellington. 2 vols. 8vo. 128. 3s. 6d. R. Griffin & Co., 1855. | Ingram & Co., 1853. GS. 55. J. Hogg & Sor ovo. cloth.gauges Printing 102, 46 GENERAL EDUCATION. Taylor, Dr. W. C. Modern British Plutarch; or, Lives of Men distinguished in the Recent History of our Country. 12mo. 4s. 6d. Griffith & Farran, 1849. Upham, C. W. The Life of General Washing- ton, 2 vols. crown Svo. 7s. N. Cooke, 1852. Watt. James Watt and the Steam-engine. · 1$mo. 10d. Religious Tract Society. Whatton, Rev. A. B. Memoir of the Life and Labors of the Rev. Jeremiah Horrox, &c. post Svo. cloth. 3s. 6d. Wertheim & Co., 1859. Whitehead, c. Life and Times of Sir Walter Raleigh. crown Svo. 2s. 6d. N. Cooke, 1854. Wilson, J. (a Blind Man). Biography of the Blind; or, the Lives of such as have distin- guished theinselves as Poets, &c. &c. 12mo. J. W. Showell, Birmingham, 1838. Wilson, Rev. T. First and Second Catechism of Biography. 18mo. 9d. each. Darton & Co. THEOLOGY. Abbé (The) Laborde in Rome; his Protest and Persecution, &c. From the French, with Introductory Essay by the Rev. R. Maguire, M.A. 12mo. sewed. 1s. 6d. Seeley & Co., 1855. Abraham, Rey.C.J. Lessons on the Church Ca.- techism. 12ino. cloth, limp. Is. 6d. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) E. P. Williams, 1852. Adult Learner's First Book; or, an Easy Introduction to the Reading of the Holy Scriptures. 12mo. Sd. Groombridge & Sons, 1852. Angel's Message; or the Saviour made known to the Cottager. By the Author of “ Peep of Day,” &c. 16mo. 6d. Barr, Rev. J. The Scripture Student's Assist- ant; a complete Index and concise Dictionary to the Bible. New edition, enlarged, with Pronunciation of Proper Names, Chronological Arrangement of the Scriptures, &c. post Svo. cloth. 3s. Blackie & Son, 1858. --- Young Communicants' Catechism, de- signed to assist thein in forming Scriptural Views of the Lord's Supper. With an Address to Young Persons not yet Communicants. 1$mo. sewed. 4d. Blackie & Son, 1859. - Catechism on Infant Baptism, designed to assist Young Persons in forming Scriptural Views of this Ordinance. 18mo. sewed. 4d. Blackie & Son, 1859. Barwell, Mrs. Sunday Lessons for Little Children. 16mo. cloth. 2s. Od. Griffith & Farran, 1852. Beal, Dr. W. An Analysis of Palmer's Origines Liturgicæ; or, Antiquities of the English Ritual, and of his Dissertation on Primitive Liturgies; for the use of Students at the Uni- versities and Candidates for Holy Orders, who have read the Original Work. 12mo. 38. 6d. Deighton, Bell, & Co., 1850. Bellairs, Rey. H. W. A Sermon preached on the Opening of the National and Industrial Schools, Highgate. 8vo. . Groombridge & Sons, 1852. Best, Hon. and Rev. S. Discourses on the Services appointed by the Liturgy for Sundays and Holidays throughout the Year. post Svo. cloth. 2s.6d. 1858. - A Catechism on the Collects, Epistles, and Gospels of the Church. post Svo. cloth limp. Is. 1850. - On Catechising. post Svo. cloth limp. ls. 1850. J. Darling Beveridge, Dr. Church Catechism explained. 12mo. Is. 6d. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Good- ford.) Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Bible. The Holy Bible; containing the old and New Testaments, according to the Autho- rized Version, with the References and Mar- ginal Readings of the Polyglott Bible, with Additions from Bagster's Comprehensive Bible. Svo. bound. (Presented by Board of Educa- tion, New York.) 'Pratt & Co., New York, 1852. - The Holy Bible, with the Psalms in Metre, and Translations and Paraphrases in Verse, as used by the Church of Scotland. 24mo, morocco. (Presented by H.M. Commis- missioners of the Exhibition, 1951.) Blair & Bruce, 1842. - The Annotated Paragraph Bible; con- taining the Old and New Testament, arranged in Paragraphs and Parallelisms, with Explana- tory Notes, &c. &c. royal Svo. 14s. * 1856. Religious Tract Society. The Thumb Bible. 64mo. bound and clasped. Is. 6d. Longman & Co., 1851. -- An Explanation of the Old and New Testaments." By John Gill, D.D. Edited by the Rev. W. A. Doudney. 6 vols. royal Svo. calf. Collingridge, 1852-3. T. Hatchard 357. Apostles' Creed, The, in large Type, per doz. 8d. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Articles of the Church of England. 16mo. 2d. Church of England Sunday School Institute. Articles agreed upon by the Archbishops and · Bishops of both Provinces, and the whole Clergy, in the Convocation holden at London in the year 1562. 18mo. sewed. 6d. Seeley & Co., 1857. Baker, C. Book of Bible History. Gradations 1, 2, 3. - Catechetical Exercises for Bible Classes. -- Bible Class Book for Schools, Teachers, and Families, with Explanatory Notes on Places, Customs, Arts, Antiquities, and Natu- ral History; and Poems on the Subjects of the History. 2nd edition. fcr. 8vo. cloth. 4s. - Tabular View of Old and New Testament. (See Reading Lessons, page 14.) Barnes, Rev. A. Notes on the Gospels; Prin- cipally designed for the use of Sunday School Teachers and Bible Classes 2 vols. 12mo. With Map. 4s. Religious Tract Society. --- Questions on the New Testament. De signed for Bible Classes and Sunday Schools. Matthew to First of Corinthians, and Hebrews. post 8vo. cloth. 35. 6d. Blackie & Son. THEOLOGY. 47 Bible. The Holy Bible, illustrated, with Notes, | Book (The) and its Missions Past and by John Kitto. 4 vols. imperial Svo. 21. Ss. Present. vol. 1. 1856. Svo. 2s. 6d. (Published W. & Ř. Chambers, 1855. Monthly in Parts at 2d.) W. Kent & Co. - The Bible Hand Book; an Introduction | Bowes, Rev. G. S. Illustrative Gatherings, or to the Study of the Scriptures. By Joseph Preachers and Teachers, a Manual of Anec- Angus, D.D. 12mo. 55. dotes, Facts, Figures, Proverbs, Quotations, Religious Tract Society, 1856. | &c., adapted for Christian Teaching. fcp. Svo. - Companion to the Bible, for Bible Classes cloth. 5s. Wertheim & Co., 1860. and Young Persons, with Maps. 18mo. half Brewer, Rev. Dr. A Guide to Scripture His- bound. 28. Religious Tract Society. tory. Old Testament. 18mo. cloth. 35. 6d. A Popular Harmony of the Bible. By - New Testament. 18mo. cloth. H. M. Wheeler. 12mo. 58. 38. 6d. Jarrold & Sons. Longman & Co., 1855. Bridges, Rev. C. A Manual for the Young; - Our English Bible. 2 vols. in 1. iSmo. being an Exposition of Proverbs i.-ix. royal Is. 6d. Religious Tract Society. 18mo. cloth. 2s.6d. Seeley & Co., 1849. Brough, Jane. New Biblical Chart, or a Testament; coloured plates. imp. 16mo., History of the Hebrews. Size, 4 ft. by 3 ft., on cloth, limp. 35. each, or in 12 numbers., in canvas and, roller, varnished, 15s., with an Explanation, fcp. Svo., sewed. (Presented by ornamental cover, 6d. each:- Miss Brough.) Low, Son, & Co. OLD TESTAMENT. Burton, Rev. Dr. History of the Christian 1. The Creation and the Fall of Man. Church. 12mo. 6s. 6d. (Presented by Rev. 2. Noah and the Flood. Dr. Goodford.) J. W. Parker & Son, 1850. 3. The Story of Abraham. Bullar, J. Questions on the Holy Scriptures, NEW TESTAMENT. to be answered in Writing. i$ino. 25. 6d. 1. The Infancy of Christ. Simpkin & Co., 1850. 2. The Childhood of Christ. Burbidge, Rev. T. Sermons, “School Life," 3. John the Baptist. preached in the Chapel of Leamington Col- Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. lege. 12mo. cloth. 5s. J. H. Parker, 1854. Biblical Educator, devoted to the Literature, Butler, Bishop. The Analogy of Religion, and Fifteen Sermons, chiefly Ethical; with a Life, &c. of the Holy Scriptures. 2 vols. crown 4t0. 11s. J. Cassell, 1854. &c. by Rev. Joseph Angus. 12mo. 35. 6d. Religious Tract Society. Bickersteth, Rev. E. Family Prayers; being - With a Preface by Bishop Halifax; a complete course for six weeks, &c. fcp. 8vo. and Questions for Exainination by Rev. cloth. 35. 6d. 1858. J. M*Kee. 12mo. (Presented by Board of A Manual of Prayers for the Young. Education, New York.) 18mo. bound. 35. 6d. 1858. Newinan & Co., New York, 1853. - The Child's Book of Prayers. 18mo. Catechetical Lessons on the Order for Morn- cloth limp. 1s. 1855. ing and Evening Prayer, and the Litany. fcp. - A Companion to the Holy Communion. Svo. ls. 6d. 1856. 18mo. bound. 2s.6d. 1848. - on the Sacraments, Apostles' Creed, Ten Commandments, and Lord's Prayer. – Scripture Help. Treatise on Prayer. fcp. Svo. 2s. 6d. 1853. Lord's Supper. Christian Hearer. 18mo. on the Thirty-nine Articles. fcp. sewed. 6d. each. Svo. 2s. 1856. - on the Parables. fcp. 8vo. 2s.6d. - The Four Treatises, as above, in 1 vol. on the Miracles. fcp. Svo. 2s. 6d. 1 Smo. cloth. 2s.6d. J. H. & J. Parker, 1857. - Come to the Supper. royal 18mo. sewed. Catechetical Series, containing Eight Treatises on the Church Catechism. 12mo. - Cottage Prayers for Two Weeks. 18mo. 1s. 6d. 1855. cloth limp. 6d. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. - The Cottager's Guide to the Chief Truths Catechism of the Church of England. 32mo. of the Gospel. °18mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. 1855. 5s. 4d. per 100. Seeley & Co. Church of England Sunday School Institute. Bigland, J. A Compendious History of the - 18mo. sewed. ld. or 6s. per 100.. Jews, for Schools and Young Persons. 12mo. — With Scripture Questions. 32mo. bound. 4s. J. & C. Mozley. sewed. id., or 6s. per 100. Blunt, Rev. I. J. Sketch of the Reformation - broken into Short Questions. in England. 18mo. 38. 6d. (Presented by 18mo. sewed. 3d. J. & C. Mozley. Rev. Dr. Goodford.) J. Murray, 1852. - Printed on cardboard. 4to. 2s, Book (The) and its Story; a Narrative for per dozen. National Society. the Young on occasion of the Jubilee of the - for Children of the Scotch Episcopal *British and Foreign Bible Society. post Svo. 2s. Church. 12mo. sewed. (Presented by H. Cole, S. Bagster & Sons, 1856. Esq.) Chalmers & Co., Aberdeen, 1837. Od. 48 GENERAL EDUCATION. Catechism, The Church; with Morning and / Creed and Cominandments, mounted on a deal Evening Prayers, &c., with ornamental Title, board. ls. Home and Coloniul School Society. and Woodcut. royal 24mo. sewed. Crossman, Rev. H. An Introduction to the G. Angus, Newcastle-on-Tyne, n. d. Knowledge of the Christian Religion. 18mo. Catechism. The A. B. C., with the Shorter bound. 1s. J. & C. Mozley. Catechism, appointed by the General Assembly Cruden, A. Concordance to the Sacred Scrip- to be a Directory for Catechising such as are tures, slightly condensed, but containing all of a Weaker Capacity. With Woodcut. royal that is really valuable. Memoir and Portrait. 24mo. sewed. post Svo. cloth. 6s. 6d. Blackie & Son. G. Angus, Newcastle-on-Tyne, n. d. Dale, J. M. The Clergyman's Legal Hand-Book; Champneys, Rev. W. W. Images : Scripture or, Compendium of Clerical and Parochial Allegories. 18mo. 10 Nos, in a packet, or Law, &c. fcp. Svo. cloth. 6s. Seeley & Co. cloth. 25. 6d. Seeley & Co., 1859. Dale, Rey. T. Domestic Liturgy and Family Children's (The) Bible Picture Book. Illus Chaplain. post 4to. cloth. ll. 1s. trated with SO Engravings. royal 16mo, cloth, Domestic Liturgy. post 4to. 10s. 6d. gilt leaves. 5s. Bell & Daldy, 1858. - Family Chaplain. post 4to. 12s. Chosen (The) People : a Compendium of Longman & Co., 1850. Sacred and Church History for School Chil Dingle, E. Hints from the Dawning, or the dren. By the Author of the “Heir of Red Creation Story, &c. Parts 1 and 2. 12mo. clyffe.” ísmo. cloth, limp. Is. sewed. Judd & Glass, London, 1860. J. & C. Mozley, 1859. Dixon, Joshua. The Church Catechism illus- Christ an Example for the Young, as ex trated, in a Series of Scriptural Examinations hibited in the Histories of the Four Evange on its various Doctrines. ismo. bound. 2s.6d. lists. Illustrated by 55 engravings; with Pic- Seeley & Co., 1854. ture Deſinitions and Exercises. Imperial 16mo. Dobney, J. T. A Formulary of Devotion for cloth. 6s. Schools. 12mo. ls. 6d. Relfe, Brothers. the 55 engravings separately. Imperial Doctrines of the Gospel, in Question and 16mo. 45. (in a tin frame). T. Varty. Answer. 18mo. 9d. Relfe, Brothers. Clark, Rev. T. Catechism of Sacred History. Draper, Rev. B. H. Stories from the Old and 18mo. Od. Aylott & Co. New Testaments, on an Improved Plan, with Collects of the Church of England. 32mo. a Brief Sketch of the Evidences of Divine 6s. 8d. per 100. Sunday School Institute. Revelation. 12mo. cloth. 5s. With Forms of Prayer. 32mo. Griffith & Farran, 1858. sewed. ld., or 6s. per 100. J. & C. Mozley. Eadie, Rev. Dr. Biblical Cyclopædia; or, Dictionary of Eastern Antiquities, &c., illus- Commandments, Lord's Prayer, and Apostles trative of the Old and New Testament. Creed. printed on cardboard. 4to. 2s. per crown 8vo. 78. 6d. Religious Tract Society. dozen. National Society. Eastern Arts and Antiquities mentioned in Commandments, The Ten, in the Form of Scripture. 16mo. 35. Od. Tables. Tract Society. 1 sheet, royal broad folio 4d. (See bound volume.) Varty, 3, Adelaide Street. Ecclesiastical History, A Summary of, from the Beginning of the Christian Era to Commandments, The Ten, in large Type. the Year 1852. royal 8vo. sewed. 1s. 6d. per dom. 10d. Christian Knowledge Society. J. A. Wilson, 1852. Confession of Faith ; the Larger and Shorter Elliott, Rev. E. B. The Destinies and Perils Catechisms, with the Scripture Proofs at large. of the Church, as predicted in Scripture; 12mo. bound. (Presented by H. Cole, Esq.) being the Warburtonian Lectures from 1849 Blair & Bruce, Edinburgh, 1827. to 1853. Svo. cloth. 75.6d. Seeley & Co., 1859. Connexion of the Old and New Testament; or Epochs of Bible History. On a sheet, the History of the Jews from the Close of the size 4 ft. 4 in. by 2 ft. 6in. Old Testament to the Beginning of the New Printed for the Cheltenham College, under the direction of Testament. 18mo. 2s. Religious Tract Society. the Rev. E. B. Wawn, M.A. Conybeare and Howson. The Life and H. Davies, Printer, Cheltenham. Epistles of St. Paul. 2 vols. 4to. cloth. 21. Ss. Farr, E. Every Child's Scripture History. Longman & Co., 1854. 18mo. ls. sewed; Is. 6d. cloth. Dean & Son. Cotton, G. E. L. Instruction in the Doctrineand Feigned Excuses. crown 8vo. sewed. 1s. Practice of Christianity. 18mo. cloth, 28. 6d. Seeley & Co., 1857. — Short Prayers for Public Schools. iSmo. Fisk, Rev. G. Lessons on Christian Evidences. cloth limp. Is. 6d. Longman & Co., 1854. 16mo. cloth. ls. Sunday School Institute. Corner, Miss. Scriptural History Simplified. Fletcher, W. E. The Child's Guide through Revised by Rev. Dr. Kitto. 12mó. 38. 6d. the Bible. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Dean & Son. Hatchard & Co., 1843. - Children's Own Sunday Buok. royal Gall, James. A Help to the Gospels. 18mo. 2s. 16mo. 5s. Longman & Co., 1850. Gall & Inglis. Crabbe, Rev. G. An Outline of a System of Garbett, Rev. E. Prayers for Families, for Natural Theology. Svo. cloth. 10s. 6d. Four Weeks; selected from Scott and others. W. Pickering, 1840, 12mo, cloth. 2s.6d. Seeley & Co., 1856. THEOLOGY. Gaussen, Rev. Dr. L. Lessons for the Young | Leitch, N. Analysis of Assembly's Shorter on the Six Days of Creation, with Introduc 1 Catechism. 18mo. 20. tory Notice, by John Robson, D.D. fcp. Svo. ismo. halfbound. 6d. J. Burnet. cloth, 2s. Ed. Constable & Co., 1860. - in Gaelic. iSmo. 3d. Gibbon, Birs. Simple Catechism of Bible and G. Thomson & Co. Gospel History. - Bible History." ismo. Is. Lessons on the Collects. 16o. cloth. ls. Relfe, Brothers. Giles, lev. Dr. First Lessons in Bible and - Epistles. 16mo. cloth. ls. Gospel History. iSmo. 9d. J. Cornish. – Gospels. 16mo. cloth. Is. Historical Questions. Old and New Church of England Sunday School Institute. Testament, 18mo. Gd. J. Cornish. - on the Truth of Christianity (an Ap- Gilfillan, G. The Bards of the Bible. 5th pendix to the Fourth Book of Lessons). 18mo. edition, sq. cr. Svo. cloth, 5s. Hogs & Sons. half calf. Commissioners of Education, Ireland. Gleig, Rev. G. R. Sacred History. (School - on the Travels and Voyages of St. Paul. Series.) 18ıno. 2s. Longman & Co., 1855. 1$mo. 4d. Groombridge & Sons. Gosse, Ph. Henry. History of the Jews, from - on the Miracles of our Blessed Lord. By Miss Mayo. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 35. 6d. mation. 12mo. 2s. 1855. Seeley & Co., 1845. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Life of Abraham; a Reading Book for Schools. Harding, Lucy. On the Authenticity and ismo. 40. Groombridge & Sons. Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. 1$mo. Line upon Line. By the Author of “ Peep sewed. 4cl. (Presented by ihe Author.) of Day," Part 1 and 2. 18mo. 2s. Od. each." Nisbet & Co., 1859. Harris, M. M. Questions on the Gospels and T. Hatchard, 1857. Acts. '18io. Id. Rolfe, Brothers. Liturgy for Church Sunday Schools. Svo. Sd. Elints on the Culture of Character, by the and Hyınns for Church Sunday Schools. Rev. G. Croly and others, with a Variety of 321o. Id., 48mno. 5d. Sunday School Institułc. Passages selected from the Writings of Emi- Lora's Prayer, The, in large Type. On a neut Divines, chiefly those of the Present sheet. per doz. sc. Day. Fine paper, post Svo., cloth, red edges, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 10s. (ordinary paper, 3s. Gd.) J. Hogs & Sons, 1856. Lord's Prayer, The, « Apostles' Creed," Historical companiment to the Scrip. and “Commandments," in red and black. tures, in the form of Stories related to Young Per dozen sheets, sorted, ls. National Society. Persons. 12mo. Is. 6d. 1854. Lord's Prayer and Apostles' Creed. 2 sheets, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. fcp. broad folio. 2d. each. (Sec bound volume.) Holy (Tlie) Child: The Life and Work of Varty, 3, Adelaide Street. our Lord Jesus. icp. Svo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Lynch, Mrs. H. The Exodus of the Children Seeley & Co., 1857. of Israel, and their Wanderings in the Desert. H100k, Rev. Dr. The Christian Taught by the fcp. Svo. cloth. 4s. 6d. Seeley & Co., 1857. Church Services. 32ino. 2s. 60. Bell & Daldy. Horne, Rev. T. H. Introduction to the Study | lackenzie, Rev. W. B. Bible Characters. 1856. fcp. Svo. cloth. 55. of the Biblc. 1210. 9s. - 12mo. Os. (Presented by Rev. Dr. --- Twelve Tracts for Parochial Distribution. Goodford.) Longman & Co., 1852. 1st series. 12mo. Iš. Hymns (12) for Infants. By the Author of - 2nd series. 12mo. 1s. • Hymns for Infant Minds." On 12 sheets, - The Lainp to the Path; a Help to Search fcp. bread folio. 1s. (Ses bound volume.) the Scriptures. With a Calendar for Reading Varty, 3, Adelaide Street. the Bible through in the course of a year. 13ino. cloth. 1s. Seeley & Co., 1858. Fasts. Smo, 6d. Groombridge & Sons. Iacleane, Rev. A.J. Prayers for Schools and Jones, J. Liturgical Class Book. 12mo. Is. 6c. Families. Svo. 2s. Bell & Daldy, 1849. Longman & Co., 1855. McLeod, W. The Life and Travels of St. Jowett, Rev. W. Family Prayers for Five Paul. For use of Training Colleges, &c. Weeks. 18mo. cloth. Iš. Ed. 12mo. cloth. 25. Longman & Co., 1861. Seeley & Co., 1855. Magnificat, The. On a sheet. Per dozen, King, E. NI. Questions on Church History. from the earliest Period to the present Century, Is. 20 National Society. I Sino. cloth. 2s. Wertheim & Co., 1858. Marma's Bible Stories for her Little Boys Kitto and Reia. The History of Palestine, and Girls. 16no. cloth. 2s.6d. 12mo. bound. 43. A. & C. Black, 1854. Griffith & Farran, 1857. Kitto, Rev. Dr. The History of Palestine, from Haskew, Piev. T. R. Annotations on the Acts the Patriarchal Age to the present Time; with of the Apostles. Designed principally for the 200 illustrations. crown 8vo. cloth. Os. use of Candidates for the Ordinary B.A. De- A. & C. Black, 1853. gree, Students for Holy Orders, &c. 12mo. 5s. A Cyclopædia of Biblical Literature. Deighton, Bell, & Co., 1847. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. 31. 1856. Merivale, L. A. Christian Records: a short abridged. Svo. cloth. 10s. 6d. History of the Apostolic Age. post 8vo. 75. 6d. A. & C. Black, 1852. Longman & Co., 1857. • D 50 GENERAL EDUCATION. Montgomery, Rev. R. Church Catechism | Perceptive Illustrations, &c.-cont. Explained, with Scripture Proofs. 18mo. 3d. ; or, with Supplement on the Articles, Is. LIST or THE SUBJECTS. Dean & Son. 1. Adam and Eve driven out of Paradise. Moore, Rev. D. Family Duties. A Course of 2. The Sacrifice of Cain and Abel. Lectures delivered on the successive Sunday 3. The Murder of Abel. Evenings in Lent, 1856. fcp. Svo. cloth. 4. The Flood. 25. 6d. Seeley & Co., 1856. 5. The Tower of Babel. Morning and Evening Prayers for Schools. 6. Abraham Offering up his Son Isaac. 2 sheets, fcp. broad folio. '6d. (See bound 7. Jacob's Reconciliation with his Brother Esau. volume.) Varty, 3, Adelaide Street. S. Joseph cast into the Pit by his Brethren. Morning and Evening Prayers, mounted on a 9. Joseph receiving the Homage of his deal board. ls. Brethren. Home and Colonial School Society. 10. Joseph's Forgiveness of his Brethren. 11. Moses saved by Pharaoh's Daughter. 2s. per dozen. National Society. 12. The Passage of the Red Sea. 13. Moses Praying against the Amalekites. Nicholls, Rev. E. Help to the Reading of the 14. The Brazen Serpent. Bible. 12mo. 2s. 8d. *(Presented by Rev. Dr. 15. Ruth in the Field of Boaz. Goodford.) 16. David and Goliath. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 17. The Death of Absalom. Olding, W. The Youth's Biblical Calendar 18. Little Children mocking Elisha. · and Sabbath Companion, royal 16mo. ls. 6d. 19. The Maid that waited on Naaman's Wife. J. F. Shaw, 1855. 20. Daniel in the Lions' Den. - A Bible Calendar for Young People. 21. The Birth of Christ. 16mo. 3d. J. F. Shaw, 1857. 22. Christ announced to the Jewish Shep- herds. Osburn, W. Israel in Egypt, or the Book of 23. The Worship and Offerings of the Wise Genesis and Exodus. Illustrated by existing Men. Monuments. fcp. Svo. cloth. 5s. 1856. 24. Christ with the Doctors in the Temple. The Religions of the World, being His 25. Jesus Returning with his parents to torical Sketches of Ancient and Modern Nazareth. Heathenism, Romanism, Mohammedism, and 26. John Preaching in the Wilderness. Christianity. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 5s. 1857. 27. The Sick of the Palsy brought to Christ. Seeley & Co. 28. Christ Feedeth the Multitude. 29. Christ Healing the Multitude. Overton, Rev. C. Cottage Lectures; or, the Religious Progress practically explained. ist 30. Jesus gives Sight to one born Blind. 31. Christ's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. and 2nd series. fcp. Svo. cloth. 38. 6d. each. 32. Christ Cleanses the Temple. Seeley & Co., 1855. Paley, Rev. Dr. A. View of the Evidences of 34. The Widow's Mite. Christianity, and the Horæ Paulinæ. By 35. Judas Betrays his Master. Robt. Potts, M. A. Svo. cloth. 10s. 6d. (Pre 36. The Roman Soldiers mocking Christ as sented by the Editor.) a King. - Svo. cloth. (Exhibited by the Na 37. The Crucifixion. tional Society.) J. W. Parker & Son, 1849. 38. Peter and John at the Sepulchre. – Hora Paulinæ. With Notes and a Supple- 39. The Death of Ananias. mentary Treatise, entitled “Horæ Apostolica," 40. Timothy being taught the Scriptures. 41. Noah's Sacrifice. by the Rev. T. Birks. 12mo. cloth. 35. 42. Samuel and Eli. - A View of the Evidences of Christianity. 43. Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath. · With an Introduction, &c., by the Rev. T. 44. Elisha and Gehazi. Birks. 12mo, cloth. 3s. Religious Tract Society. 45. Christ and the Woman of Samaria. Peep of Day; or, a Series of the Earliest 46. Christ and the Widow of Nain. Religious Instruction the Infant Mind is capa 47. The Compassionate Samaritan. ble of receiving. 18mo. 2s. T. Hatchard, 1957. 48. The Prodigal Son. Pepys, Lady C. M. Quiet Moments: a Four 49. The Pharisee and Publicani. Week's' Course of Meditations. 12mo. 38. Gd. 50. Christ Blessing Little Children. (Presented by Mrs. Hewett.) 51. Journey to Emmaus. Wertheim & Macintosh, 1852. 52. Tabitha's Good Works and Alms Deeds. Perceptive Illustrations of the Bible, a series *** Varty's New Educational Frame, with a of fifty-two new Prints to aid Scriptural In- Glass, 16 in. by 21 in., and 13 in. deep, to ·struction, the Subjects selected in part by the contain the whole series of 52 Prints. · Author of " Lessons on Objects,' and designed Varty, 3, Adelaide Street. by S. Bendixen, Artist. Carefully coloured. Pinnock, Rev. W. H. Analysis of Scripture : Size, 171 by 13 in. Is. 6d. each ; or, the set of History, with Examination Questions, intended 52 Prints, in paper wrapper, 528. half bd. for readers of Old Testament History. 1$mo. morocco, 60s. cloth. 35. 6d. Bell & Daldy, 1855. THEOLOGY Pinnock, Rev. W. H. Analysis of Scripture | Sandby, W. Outlines of the History of the History, with Examination Questions, intended Church of Christ. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 3s. 6d. for readers of New Testament History. 18mo. Wertheim & Co., 1855. cloth. 4s. 1856. Schnorr's Bible Pictures. Scripture His- -- Analysis of Ecclesiastical History. 18mo. tory illustrated, in 180 Woodcuts from Original cloth. 38. 6d. Bell & Daldy, 1955. Designs by Julius Schnorr. 1st and 2nd series, - Analysis of the History of the Reforma- each containing 60 plates. Imperial 4to. cloth. tion. 18mó. cloth. 45. 6d. Bell & Daldy, 1857. 15s. each. (Parts, each containing 6 plates, Plain Sermons on various Subjects, by is. each.) Williams & Norgate, 1856–7. Clergymen of the Church of England. voi. Schoolmaster's (The) Manual of Oral In- 1 & 2. 18mo. cloth, red edges. 35. 6d. each structions upon the Bible; to which is added Cleaver, 10, Vere Street, 1851-58. Porteus, Bishop. Summary of Christian Evi- a Glossary of Doctrinal Terms. 18mo. cloth dence. Edited by James Boyd, LL.D. limp.. ls. J. & C. Mozley. ismo, bound. ls. A. & C. Black, 1952, Scriptural Instruction for the Least and Pratt, Rev. J. H. Scripture and Science not the Lowest ; or the Bible History in its Sim- at Variance, with Remarks on the Historical plest Form. 3 vols, 18mo. cloth. 7s.6d. Character, Plenary Inspiration, and Surpassing Seeley & Co., 1856. Importance of the Earlier Chapters of Genesis. Scripture Histories for Little Children. Svo. cloth, limp. 3s. 6d. Hatchard & Co., 1859. royal 16mo. cloth. 3s. Griffith & Farralı, 1857. Prayer and Hymn Book for Sunday School Teachers' Meetings. 24mo, sd. Scripture Lessons. Old Testament. Nos. Church of England Sunday School Institute. 1 and 2. 12mo. cloth. Questions on the Gospels and Acts. 12mo. - New Testament. Nos. 1 and 2: 12mo. half bound. 2s. 6d. Cowie & Co., 1846. • Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. - on Patriarchal History, illustrating W. P. Nimmo, Edinburgh. the Book of Genesis. 12mo. cloth, limp. 4d. Scripture Lessons. Old Testament, Nos. 1 National Society. and 2. 12mo. cloth. 4d. each. - and Answers on the Prophecies, for the - New Testament, Nos. 1 and 2. 12mo. cloth. use of Children. 18mo. 2d. Jarrold & Sons. 4d. each. Ramsay, Rev. A. The Catechiser's Manual ; Commissioners of National Education, Irelund. or, the Church Catechism illustrated and ex- Groombridge & Sons. plained. 18mo, cloth. 35. 6d. Scripture Lessons for Schools on the British Macmillan & Co., 1854. System of Mutual Instruction. 12n1o. ls. 4d. Randall, Rev. J. Scripture Outlines; or a British and Foreign School Society, 1856. Course of Religious Instruction for the Sun- Scripture Reading Lessons. folio: per set day School or the Family. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Seeley & Co., 1856. of 100. 7s. Ransom, S. Biblical Topography: Lectures - Easy Reading Lessons. folio. per set of 60. 5s. on the Position and Character of the Places - Lessons (Select). folio. per set of 14. 1s.3d. mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. With s Plates and 6 Maps. post Svo. 5s. 6d. Ward & Co. *** Lesson Boards framed to hold the above, ls. 3d. Raven, Rev. T. Family Prayers for every Morning and Evening in the Month. fcp. Svo. British and Foreign School Society. cloth. 35. 6d. Seeley & Co., 1954. Scripture Names, Guide to the Pronuncia- Hedgrave, Eliz. The Word and the Work; or, tion of. By Miss Glover. 12mo. sewed. 3d. the Harmony of Scripture with Geological Dis- Jarrold & Sons. coveries. 18mo, cloth. 2s. J. & C.Mozley, 1859. Scripture Notes on the New Testament. 16mo. Keligious Instruction, in a Graduated Series cloth. 2s, 6d. of Lessons for Young Children. Part 1, 3s. 6d. - Notes on Jewish Commonwealth. 16mo. and 2, 3s. 12ino. cloth. ls. 4d. -- Two Parts. 12mo. 6s. 6d. (Home Notes on the Partriarchal Age. 16mo. and Colonial School Society.) cloth. ls. 4d. Groombridge & Sons, 1852. Church of England Sunday School Institute. Riddle, Rev. J. E. A Manual of the whole Scripture Questions for Sunday Schools, Parts Scripture History, with Questions for Exami- 1 and 2. 24mo. Packets 2d. each. nation. 12mo. 45. Longman & Co., 1857. - Key to Parts 1 and 2, 3d. each. -- Household Prayers for Four Weeks; Church of England Sunday School Institute. with additional Prayers for Special Occasions, &c. post Svo. bound. 38. 6d. Scripture Readings. Two Calendars of Longman & Co., 1857. Scripture Readings, arranged in Months or Robertson, J. A History of the Jews, from the Weeks, for the Use of Families and Schools. Babylonish Captivity to the Destruction of 12mo. 4d. J. Darling Jerusalem. fup. Svo. cloth. Is. 6d. Scripture Manners and Customs; being an Blackie & Son. Account of the Domestic Habits, Arts, &c., Robertson, Rev. C. H. Gathered Lights; of Eastern Nations, mentioned in Holy Scrip- illustrating the Meaning and Structure of the ture, given principally in Extracts from the Lord's Prayer: selected from Theological Works of Travellers. 9th edition. fcp. Svo. Writers. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 4s. 6d. cloth. 4s. R. Grant & Son, Edinburgh. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. - D 2 52 GENERAL EDUCATION. Scripture Topography; being some Account | Synchronistical Annals of the Kings and of Places mentioned in Loly Scripture, given Prophets of Israel and Judah, &c., mentioned principally in Extracts from the Works of Tra in Scripture. royal 4to. sewed. 7s. Ed. vellers. “Palestine." fcp. Svo. cloth. 6s. J. H. Parker, 1843. -- "The Gentile World." fcp. Svo. Taylor, G. H. Bible Lessons. 12mo. 3s. Cd. 1851. cloth, 6s. Word-Pictures from the Bible. 12mo. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. cloth. 45. Gd. Longinan & Co., 1954. Scripture Text-Book. 12mo. ls. 6d. Taylor, J. The Family Bible Newly Opened, Groombridge & Sons, 1957. with Uncle Goodwin's Account of it. 12mo. Secker, Archbishop. Lectures on the Church 3s. 6d. Griffith & Farran, 1353. Catechism, with a Discourse on Confirination. Testament, The Old, One Thousand Questions 6th edition. 12mo. bound. Rivington, 1786. on. Smo. Id.; and the Key, ismo, Id. - Lectures on the Church Catechism. - The New, One Thousand Questions on. 12mo. 45. Gd. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Good 13mo. Id.; and the Key, 18mo. 9c?. ford.) Longman & Co., 1849. Jarroid & Sons. Seeds in Sorrow for Fruits of Jor. 18mo. Testament, The Old and New, Biography, in cloth. 1s. Seeley & Co., 1855. the form of Questions. 2 parts. 18mo. Er. Sermon in the Mount. 64mo. bound and each. Oliver & Bozdi. clasped. Is. 6d. Longman & Co., 1954. Testament, The New, with 120 illustrations. Short and Simple Prayers, with Hymns for sto. cloth. 5s. Ingram & Co., 1850. the Use of Children. 16mo. cloth. 1s. 6d. Texts from Scripture (12) for Christian Griffith & Farran, 1856. Seasons. Printed in ornamental type, red and Simple Truths from Scripture. (Gleig's School black. royal broad folio. The set on paper, 6s., Series.) 18mo. 6d. Longman & Co., 1956. or mounted on canvas and varnished, 13s. Sinclair, Venerable Archdeacon. Questions on - (12), printed in Old English Type, illu- the Orders for Morning and Evening Prayer. minated, on paper; 6d. each, or mounted on 12mo. 4 . National Society. canvas for walls, ls, each. National Society. Smyth, Mrs. G. Mornings with Mama. for Schoolroom Walls, in large type. Dialogues on Scripture for Young Persons Nos. 1 to 4, on slicets, id. each; or mounted from 10 to 15 years of age. Old Testament on millboard, 6d. each. (Congregational Board Series. 2 parts. fcp. Svo. cloth, gilt leaves. of Education.) Ward & Co. 5s. each. James Hogg & Sons. --- (80) on Cardboard, adapted to the Lesso.15 Sound Vords. A Collection of Tracts on on Religious Instruction, iOs. several Subjects. 18ino. cloth, Is. Sd. Home and Colonial School Society. Cleaver, 10, Vere Street. Arrangement of, for the Use of Schools Stephen, T. A Gospel History of Jesus Christ. and Families, 12mo. sewed. 2d. sınall 8vo. cloth. 6s. 6d. Dean & Sons. Home and Colonial School Society. Stephenson, Rev. N. The Unity and Complete Discomb, I. H., M.A. Bible Studies, con- ness of the Church Catechism.' On three broari ducted on the Principle of a Progressive sheets. (Presented by the Author.) Development in Divina Teaching. post Svo. Stepping Stone to Bible Knowledge, by a 8s. 6d. (Presented by Robt. Potts, Esg. M.A.) Mother. 18mo. ls. Longman & Co. 1855. J. W. Parker & Son, 1857. Strauss, Dr. G. L. Mahometism: an Historical Tomline, Bishop. Introduction to the Study Sketch of its Origin and Progress, &c. of the Bible. 12mo. cloth. 5s. 6d. 12mo. ls. J. Weale, 1858. Longian & Co., 1851. Sizzmary of the Historical Books of the New - Introduction to the Study of the Bible. Testament. 18mo. 1s. 4d. per doz. 12mo. 38. 6d. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Good- of the Old Testament. 18mo. ford.) H. G. Bohn, 1852. ls. 4d. per doz. National Society. Trimmer, Mrs. Scripture Lessons, Old and Sunday, History of. By the Author of " Time New Testament, with the Priuts. 4 vols. and Faith." Svo. sewed. 6d. square 24mo. (Presented by II. Cole, Esq.) Groombridge & Sons. Baldwin & Co., 1925. Sunday Picture Book, No. 1. Scripturo - Scripture Catechism. Part I. Old Testa- History. coloured plates. oblong 4to. cloth ment. 12o. bound. 35. 6d. 1851. stiffened. 45. - Part II. New Testament. 12mo. - - No. 2. Scripture Manners and bound. 3s. 6d. F. & J. Rivington, 1950. Customs. oblong 4to. cloth stiffened. 5s. 6d. - An Abridgment of Scripture His- - No.3. Scripture Natural History. tory; consisting of Lessons selected from oblong 4to. cloth stiffened. 4s. the Old Testament. 12mo. bound. 2s. The above 3 in 1 vol. Plain - New Testament. 12mo. bound. plates. oblong 4to. cloth, limp. 35. Is. 60. F. & J. Rivington. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Trollope's, Rev. W. Questions and Answer Sunday-School Teacher's Prayer and Hymn I on the XXXIX. Articles. 1Smo. 2s. 6d. 1854. Book. 18mo, cloth. 8d. on the Liturgy. Smo. 2s. Church of England Sunday School Institute. | Bell & Daldy, 1856. THEOLOGY, ...53 Tupper, M.F. A Hymn for All Nations. 1851. | Wilson, Mrs. Carus. Scripture Questioning, Translated into Thirty Languages. Svo. sewed. 3 sets of Cards, with the Keys, in a Box. 38. 3s. Hatchard & Co. J. F. Shaw, Turner, S. Sacred History of the World. Wilson, Rev. T. Catechism of Bible History, 3 rols. post 8vo. cloth. 11. 11s: 6d. 18mo. Id. Darton & Co. Longman & Co., 1843. Woodward, B. B. First Lessons on the Varty's Infant’s Help to Reading. A series of English Reformation. For Schools. 18mo. 18 Scripture Lessons, on nine sheets, fcp. sewed. 1s. Ward & Co. broad folio. 38., or, in japanned frame, 6s. Youth's Bible Cyclopædia; with 120 En- -- History of Joseph and his Brethren, a gravings. 16mo. 2s. 6d. Ward & Co. series of Easy Lessons on sixteen sheets, fcp. broad folio. 2s. 6d.; mounted on millboard, Os. Cd.; in japanned frame, 5s. 6d. Ansart, Felix. Petite Histoire Sainte. Little - Texts of Scripture for the Walls of Sacred History. 18110. Is. Schools, &c., on twenty-four sheets 222 by 18 Paris, Fouraut, 1854. in. 58., or mounted on millboard, 15s. Bossuet, Oraisons Funèbres. Funeral Ora- Varty, 3, Adelaide Street. tions. Edited by A. Didier. 12mo. half calf. Vaughan, Rev. C. J. Notes' for Lectures on Paris, Dezobry. Contirination, with suitable Prayers. fcp. 8vo. Chevreau-Lemercier, Madame. Premières cloth limp, red edges. ls. 6d. Leçons sur l'Histoire Sainte. First Lessons on Macmillan & Co., 1859. Sacred History. Part 1. 12m). Watts, Rev. Dr. A Short View of Scripture Paris, Hachette, 1853. History, &c. 12mo. bound. 35. 6d. Courte Déscription Historique et Géogra- - Divine Songs. $mo. half-bound. 60. phique du Pays des Juifs du Temps de Jésus- -- - 32mo. sewed. id. J. & C. Mozley. Christ. Historical and Geographical Descrip- - First Catechism. 32ino. 58. 4d. per 100. tion of Judea. From the German. post Svo. Church of England Sunday School Institute. sewed. C. A. Jenni. Bernie, 1834. Wawa's Epoch's of Bible History. (See Curo, Mlle. M. Etudes Morales et Réligieuses. Epochs.) Moral and Religious Studies; Reading Book for Wesleyan Catechism. No. 1. per 100, 5s. Girls, 3rd edition. 12ino. Paris, Fouraut, 1854. - No. 2. per 100, 17s. Devoirs du Chrétien. New Treatise concerning - No. 3. per 100, 11. Ss. the Duties of Christian. 20th edition. 12mo. - Three bound in cloth, royal 32mo. 10d. Tours, Mame, 1852. (Wesleyan Education Committee.) A. Heylin. Duruy, Victor. Histoire Sainte. Sacred His - Fheeler, J.T. Analysis and Summary of Old tory, according to the Bible. 12mo. half calf. Testament History. post Svo. 5s. 6d. 1857. Paris, Hachette, 1946. Edon, M. 1854. Histoire Sainte abrégée. - abridged. 18mo. 2s. 6d. Sacred -- of New Testament History. History abridged. 1$mo. Is. Paris, Dezobry. post Svo. cloth. 5s. 6d. 1856. Fléchier. Oraisons Funèbres. Funeral Orations. - abridged. 18mo. 2s. 6d. 1854. Edited by Didier. 12ino. Paris, Dezobry, 1852. Analysis and Summary of the Historical Fleury. Meurs des Israëlites et des Chrétiens.. Geography of the Old and New Testaments. Manners of Israelites and Christians. 12no. 4to. 7s. cd. A. Hall & Co., 1853. Paris, Dezobry, 1853. Histoire de la Création, &c. History of the Whiće, Henry. Sacred History. 12mo. bound. Creation and the First Ages, By Père Lami. Is. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1852. (Series of snzall books.) 18mo. Paris, Colas. Whziehead, Rer. Robert. A Key to the Histoire Sainte. Series of 23 coloured litho- Prayer Book, or an Account of the principal Fcrmularies of the Church of England; de- graphic folio plates, illustrating Bible History. Hachette. signed to illustrate their Meaning, Use, and HIistoire Sainte en Tableaux Images. Series of Scriptural Character. fcp. Svo. cloth. 58. 96 lithographic plates illustrative of Bible Seeley & Co., 1956. History, by A. Leloir et Llanta. On 16 sheets, Wiltus Henry. Reference Testament. 24 in. by 19 in. Paris, Bineteau. Printed from the Sixth American Edition. 12.o. bound. 45. Gd. Lhomond. Histoire abrégée de la Religion. J. S. Hodson, 1849. Abridged History of Religion before the Com- Wilkinson, Rev. W. F. A Catechism of ing of Christ. 12mo. Tours, Mamc, 1853. Church History. 12mo. cloth. 6s. - 12mo. Paris, Dezobry, 1848. Longman & Co., 1852. - Doctrine Chrétienne. Christian Doc- Wilson, Bisliop. A Short and Plain Instruc trine in the Form of Religious Readings. 12mno. tion for the better Understanding of the Lord's Paris, Dezobry, 1848. Supper, with Notes. loval 32mo. cloth. 3s. 6d. - 12mo. Tours, Mame, 1853. Cleaver, 10, Vere Street, 1851. - Histoire abrégée de l'Eglise. Abridged - The Collects arranged according to their Church History. 12mo. sewed. Tendency. sinall 12mo. cloth. red edges. Paris, Dezobry, 1849. Is. 6d. J. Hogg & Sons, 1858. Massillon's Petit Carême. Lent Discourses Wilson, Bishop Daniel. The Evidences of and others, by Massillon. Edited by M. E. Christianity stated in a Popular and Practical Deschanel. 12mo. Paris, Dezobry. Manner, in a Course of Lectures delivered at Morceaux Choisis. Selections from Mas. St. Mary's, Islington. 2 vols. fcp. Svo. cloth. sillon. With Notes by M. H. Hignard. 12mo. Seeley & Co., 1841. Paris, Dezobry, 1852. Ss. GENERAL EDUCATION. Piat, L. Ch. Histoire abrégée de l'Ancien et | Catechismus Kleiner. Luther's Short Cate- du Nouveau Testament. History of Old and chism. Edited by M. D. H. Köhnicke. 2nd New Testament abridged. 18mo.' Paris, 1853. edition. 16mo. half bound, stiff cover. . Evangelien, Lekzionen und Episteln. The Catechismo della Religione Christiana Cat Epistles and Gospels for the Sundays and tolica Elementari. Compendium of the Cate Festivals of the Catholic Church. 12mo. chism for the Use of the Second Class in sewed. 2 copies. (Presented by the Austrian Eleinentary Schools. 12mo. (Presented by the Government.) Vien, 1853, 1854. Austrian Government.) Vien, 1853. Fresenius, J. F. T. Leitfaden für den ersten Compendio del Catechismo Maggiore. Com unterricht in der Bibelkenntuisz, Guide to the pendium of the large Catechism. 12mo. (Pre First Instruction in Bible Knowledge. post sented by the Austrian Government.) Svo. boards. Sauerländer, Frankfort, 1841. Vien, 1854. - zur Biblischen Alterthumskunde. On Il Catechismo Maggiore. The large Cate- Biblical Archæology. Svo. sewed. chism, in Italian, for the Use of the Third Auffarth, Frankfort, 1853. Class in Elementary Schools. 12mo. (Pre- sented by the Austrian Government.) Fröbel, F. Sonntagsblatt, &c. Sunday Book Vien, 1853 for Children (a Serial from 1838 to 1840.) 1 vol. 4to. bound. Leipzig Lezioni, Epistole, e Vangeli. The Epistles and Gospels for the Sundays and Festivals of Geschichten und Lehren der Heiligen Schrift. all the Year, in Italian. izmo. (Presented Bible History and Lessons for Reformed by the Austrian Government.) Vien, 1853. Schools. 3rd edition. post 8vo. bound. Storia Sacra. Aargau, 1849. Compendium of the Old and New Testament History, in Italian, for the Handbuch für Katecheten, Schullehrer, &c. Use of the Third Class in Large Elementary Manual for the Catechists, Schoolmasters, and Schools. Parts I. and II. 12mo. (Presented Scholars. 12mo. (Presented by the Austrian by the Austrian Government.) Vien, 1853–4. Government.) Vien, 1845. Hansen, H. A. Worte an die Confirmanden. Address to the Confirmed. Svo. sewed. Auszug des groszen Katechismus. Epitome Altona, 1836. of the Great Catechism. 12mo. (Presented by Katechismus Lutheri. Kurzer Unterricht the Austrian Government.) Vien, 1853. &c., des Kleinen. Brief Instructions to Bibel. Oder die ganze Heiliage Schrift des understand the Catechism of Luther. 96th edi- Alten und Neuen Testaments. The Bible, tion. By authority. 1$mo. bound. Kiel, 1853. Luther's Translation, Holstein Primary School System, No. 1. Svo. bound. 1853. Katechismus Kleiner nebit Spruchbuck, Dr. Biblische Geschichte. Martin Luther's. Luther's Short Catechism Biblical Instruction from the Old and New Testaments, for the and Extract Book. By Schmarje. 3rd edition. 16mo. Use of Catholic Schools in the Austrian Em- Moorrege, 1854. pire. 12mo. (Presented by the Austrian Go- Katechismus, Catechism for the Evangelical vernment.) Vien, 1853. Parishes of Canton St. Gall. 12mo. Biblische Historien nach Hübner. Bible St. Gallen, 1853. Histories by Hübner for the Evangelical Katholischer Religions-Unterricht. Catholic Primary Schools of Canton St. Gall. Svo. Catechism of Religious Instruction. Svo. half bound. St. Gallen. (Presented by the Austrian Government.) - Geschichte, Kanton St. Gallen. Bible- Vien, 1854. History for Catholic Schools in St. Gallen. Keller, A. Anleitung zum Katechetischen 2 vols., and Catechism. 1 vol. 12mo. cloth. Unterrichte. Introduction to Catechetical In- (in case.) St. Gall, 1851-4. struction for the various Grades in National - Geschichte für Gemeindeschulen. Bible Schools. 2 vols. in l. Svo. bound. Aarau, 1850. Histories for Parochial Schools. New Testa- Kleiner Katechismus. Small German Cate- ment. 12mo. Luzern, 1850. chism for Young Children. 30 pp. 12mo. Bible Histories for Parochial stitched. (Presented by the Austrian Governz.. Schools. Old Testament. 12mo. Luzern, 1852. ment.) Vien, 1853. - Bible History for the Young. 3rd edition. Svo. (two copies.) Basel, 1847. Lesebuch, Religionslehre. Large Reading Bible History for lower classes Book for the Use of Normal Schools and in Schools. By Rickli. post 8vo. Bern, 1854. Colleges. 12mo. (Presented by the Austrian - according to C. Schmid. For Government.) Vien, 1853. middle classes in Parish Schools. 5th edition. Lesebuch, Religionslehre. Small Religious post Svo. bound. Baden, 1852. Reading Book for the Elementary Schools in Boll F. Handbuch zu Rickli's Grosser Kinder the German States. 12mo. (Presented by the bibel. Handbook, for the Use of Teachers, to Austrian Government.) Vien, 1853. Rickli's Children's Bible. Svo, half bound. Nissen, J. Unterredungen über die Biblischen Bern, 1847. Geschichten. Discourses on Biblical History - Geschichte der Christlichen Kirch. for Teachers. Ist. vol. Old Testament. 5th Church History. 8vo. bound. Bern, 1839. edition. 8vo. half bound. Schwer, Kiel, 1853. THEOLOGY.-HISTORY OF ENGLAND. 55 Nissen, J. Unterredungen über den Kleinen Katechismus Luther's. Discourses on Luther's Short Catechism (for Teachers). 3rd edition. 8vo. half bound. Schwer, Kiel, 1854. Prätorius, Ludwig. Biblische Geschichten und Lehren. Bible Histories and Lessons for the lower classes of the Elementary Schools. 2 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. bound. Usingen, 1842. Religionslehre, Kurze, für Kinder. Short Re- ligious Instruction for Children (Catholic). 12mo. Luzern, 1853. Rikli, Karl. Geschichte und Lehren der Heili.. gen Schrift. Sacred History, for Youth. post Svo. half bound. Bern, 1847. Spruch-buch oder Sammlung. Sentence or Text Book, a Collection of Bible Passages, &c., for Reformed Schools, Bern. 12mo. Stämpfli, Bern, 1849. HISTORY OF ENGLAND. Allison's Guide to English History and Bio- graphy. Revised by the Rev. Dr. Brewer. 18mo. cloth. 3s. Jarrold & Sons. Annals of England. An Epitome of English History, from Contemporary Writers, the Rolls of Parliament, and other Public Records. 3 vols, fcp. 8vo. 15s. J. H. & J. Parker, 1855-7. Baldwin, E. Outlines of English History. 18mo. Iś. Simpkin & Co., 1856. - The History of England for the Use of Schools. 12mo. 3s. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1854. Revised by W. S. Kenny. 18mo. 2s. Allman & Son. Beale, D. The Student's Text-Book of English and General History, from B.C. 100 to the Present Time, with Genealogical Tables, and a Sketch of the English Constitution. post Svo. sewed. 2s. Bell & Daldy, 1858. Bithell, R. A Half-yearly Course of Reading Lessons in English History. 18mo. cloth. ls. Groombridge & Sons. Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England. Abridged by Sir J. E. Eardley Wil- mot. 12mo. 6s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1853. Blewett, S. History of England in Verse. · 12mo. 2s.6d. Griffith & Farran, 1849. Bowes, A. A Practical Synopsis of English History. Svo. 2s. W. Pickering, 1845. Brisson's Pictorial Chart of English History. Size, 2 ft. 9 in. by 3 ft. 4 in., on canvas and roller, varnished (with the Guide, 12mo. sewed). 16s. Darton & Co. British History briefly told, and a Description of the Ancient Customs, Sports, and Pastimes of the English. 16mo. cloth. 38. 6d. Griffith & Farran. Britons and Saxons, The; or a History of England from the earliest Times to the Nor- man Invasion, A.D. 1066. 18mo. Is. 6d. Religious Tract Society. Calcott, Lady. Little Arthur's History of England. 12mo. 2s. 6d. J. Murray, 1856. Catechism of the British Empire. 18mo. 4d. Groombridge & Sons. Chambers, W. & R. History of the British Empire, 26. 6d. W. & R. Chambers, 1856. Children's (The) Picture Book of English History. royal 16mo. cloth, gilt edges. 5s. Bell & Daldy, 1859. Child's (A) Pathway through the History of England, by a Lady. 18mo. 6d. Jarrold & Sons. Child's (The) Guide to a Knowledge of the English Constitution; by a Gentleman. 18mo. half bound. ls. 4d. Simpkin & Co., 1859. Corkran, J.F. A Concise History of England, in Epochs, with Two Maps and Chronological and Genealogical Tables. post 8vo. cloth. 3s. T. Constable & Co. Corner, Miss. History of England and Wales. 18mo. cloth. 3s. 6d. - With the Questions. 18mo. cloth. 4s. Dean & Son. -- The History of the United Kingdom. 8vo. cloth. 10s. Őd. Dean & Son. -- First History of England that should be placed in the hands of a child. imp. 16mo. 35. Od. 8 parts. royal 16mo. sewed. 6d. each. Dean & Son. Curtis, J. C., B.A. School and College History: of England. crown 8vo. cloth. 2nd edit. en- larged. 5s. 6d. (Presented by the Author.) Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., 1860. Cust, The Hon. Sir E. Annals of the Wars of the Eighteenth Century, compiled from the most authentic Histories of the Period. 3 vols, fscp. 8vo. cloth. 158. (Presented by the Com- piler.) Mitchell, Military Library, Charing Cross: De Porquet, F. History of England, for translating English into French at Sight, 12mo. 3s. 6d. Simpkin & Co. Edwards, J. A Concise History of England. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 3s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1860. England before the Norman Čonquest. 18mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. J. Van Voorst, 1851. England in the XVIth Century; or a History of the House of Tudor. iSmo: 3s. XVIIth Century; or a History of the House of Stuart. 18mo. 38. XVIIIth Century; or a History of the House of Hanover, from the Accession of George the First to the Peace of Amiens. 18mo, 3s. Religious Tract Society. English History (New Reading Series.) 12mo. canvas. ls. 6d. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Every Child's History of England. ismo. Is. or cloth, 1s. 6d. Dean & Sons. Farr, E. History of England. 12mo. 5s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1856. Farnham, J. J. Elementary School History of England. Part I. and II. British Period to James the Second. 12mo. 8d. each. . Groombridge & Sons, 1856. Ferguson, R. History of England for Schools. 4 vols. in l. 12mo. cloth. 3s. J. Cassell, 1850. First Lessons in the History of England, in Question and Answer. 18mo. ls. Ward & Co. Forster, J. Arrest of the Five Members by Charles the First, a Chapter of English History Re-written. crown 8vo. cloth. 12s. J. Murray, 1860. French, G. R. Genealogical History of Eng- land; or the Ancestry of Her Majesty Queen Victoria and His Royal Highness Prince Albert. post Svo. cloth. 30s. 6d. W. Pickering, 1841. 56 GENERAL EDUCATION. vie & Co., 1849. Gibbon, Mrs. A Simple Catechism of the 1 Ince, H. Outlines of English History, with History of England. 18mo. 9d. Chart. i$mo, Is. sewed. 1s. 6d, cloth. Relre, Brothers. J. Gilbert, 1857. Giles, Rev. Dr. First Lessons in English His Irving, C. Catechism of the History of Eng- tory. '18mo. Od. J. Cornish. land.ismo. Id. Aylott & Co., 1857. - Story Book of English History. 18mo. Johns, Rev. B. G. A Short and Simple History 2s. 6d. Allinan & Son. of England. 18mo. cloth. ls. Darton & Co. Gleig, Rev. G. R. History of England for Kinghan, Rev. J. Questions on English Schools. 18mo. cloth. 2s. 1957. History. 12mo. cloth, limp. ls. 1859. Parts 1 & 2. (School Series.) iSmo. - Second Edition, with large Ap. 9d, each. Longman & Co. pendix, containing Abstract, Tabular View, A School History of England. 12mo. &c. 12mo. cloth, limp. Is. 1860. (Presented by Rer, Dr. Goodford.) (Presented by the Author.) J. W. Parker & Son, 1853. Varty, 3, Adelaide Strect. Goldsmith, Dr. History of England abridged. Kings of England: A History for the Young. Revised by J. Dymock. 12mo. Ss. 6d. By the Author of the “Heir of Redcliffe," &c. fcp. Svo. cloth. 3s. 1857. -- Revised by W. S. Kenny and – A History for Young Children. 1$mo. G. Eaton. 12mo. bound. 35. 6d. cloth limp. ls. ; with Questions, ls. 2d.. Allman & Son. J. & C. Mozley. - By Pinnock, 12mo. 6s. Lingard, Dr. History of England, abridged, (Presented by Government Schools, Ceylon.) continued to the Reign of Queen Victoria, and Whittaker & Co., 1853. adapted for the Use of Schools, by Jas. Burke, - By Pinnock and Dr.W.C.Taylor. Esq., A.B. 12mo. half-bd. 55. C. Dolman. 12mo. 6s. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) Longman, W. Lectures on the History of Whittaker & Co., 1856. -Edited by Rob. Simpson. 12mo. England, delivered at Chorleywood. No. 1, 15.; bound. 35.6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1856. 2, 2s. ; 3, 2s. 6d. Svo. sewed. - History of England abridged, continued Longman & Co., 1959–60. Mc Culloc:2, J. R. A Descriptive and Statisti- to 1842. 12mo. bound. 35. 6d. . & C. Mozley. - History of England abridged, revised, cal Account of the British Empire. 2 vols. and continued to 1843 by Edward Coxe Svo, 21. 28. Longman & Co., 1954. 12mo. bound. 45. 6d. J. & C. Nlozley. Mackintosh, Sir J. History of England, Guy, Joseph. Elements of British History. continued by W. Wallace and R. Pell. 10 vols. 12mo. 35s. Longman & Co. 12mo. bound. 35. Gd. Craclock & Co., 1812. - History of England from the Earliest John. A Catechism of the History of Times to the final Establishment of the Re- England. Id. Allman & Son. formation. Reviscil by R. J. Mackintosh, Esq. Hamilton, W. D. Outlines of the History of 2 vols. 8vo. Il. ls. Longman & Co. 1853. England, from the Earliest Period to Queen Harcet, Nrs. Conversations on the History of Victoria, 1855. 4 vols. in l. 12mo. 45. J. Weale, 1555. England. Sıno. 55. Longman & Co., 1951. Hardcastle, W. The Genealogical Text Book Markham, Irs. A History of England. 12mo. of British History. iSmo. 2s. 6d. cloth. 6s. J. Nurray, 1853. - Key to. Smo. 2s. 6.. Havor, W., LL.D. The British Nepcs, consist- Relfe, Brothers. ing of thc Lives of Illustrious Britons. 12th Hicks, Mary W. B. General Genealogical and edition. 12mo. bound. Longman & Co., 1916. Chronological Chart of England and Scotland, Menzies, J. M. Analysis of the History and coloured, and mounted on canvas and roller, Constitution of England. Smo. cloth limp. varnislied. size 4 ft. 7in. by 2 it. 6 in. (Pre- Longman & Co., 1856. sented by MIrs. Hicks.) Middle Ages of England ; or Englia! His- Pessou & Simon, New Orlcans. tory from the Norman Conquest, 1066, to the History of England (Historical Series, Dcail of Richard III. 18ino. Is. Od. No. 1.), with Maps.: 16th edit. 12mo. ls. 44. Religious Tract Sociсty. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Milner, Rev. T. History of England, from the — (Pupil's Home Books.) 12mo. 4d. Invasion of Julius Cæsar to the year A.D. 1852. (British and Foreign School Society.) 12mo. 5s. Rcligious Tract Society. Hamilton & Co. Horgan, J. F. England under the Norman History oí England, in a Series of Portraits Occupation. post Svo. cloth. 4s. from the Time of the Druids to Queen Vic- Williams & Norgats, 1858. toria. Mounted on canvass, size, 7ft. 6 in. by Morgan, Rer. R. W. The British Kyinry, or 6 ft. (Royal Commissioners, Exhibition, 1851.) Britons of Cambria; Outlines of their History Hume, D. “The Student's Hume." A His- and Institutions from the Earliest to the tory of England from the Earliest Times to the Present Times. fscp. Svo. cloth. 2s.6d. Revolution in 1688, based on the History of R. Hardwicke, 1857. D. Hume; incorporating the Corrections and My Country. The History of the British Isles, Researches of recent Historians, and con By E. S. A. Edited by Rev. J. H. Broome. tinued to 1858. post Svo. cloth, red edges. Párt 1. “Early History.” 18mo. cloth limp. 78. 6d. J. Murray, 1860. | 1s. Wertheim, Mackintosh, & Hunt, 1359. is. HISTORY OF ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND. 57 Neale, Rev. J. M. History of England. 18mo. , Wauthier, Mr. Battle Fields of England, on 2s. 6á. Masters & Co. a large Sheet. 3s. 6d. Griffith & Farran. Our Native Land, or Scenes and Sketches Wilson, Rev. T. Catechism of the History of from British History, for Young People. England. 18mo. 9d. Darton & Co. 2 vols. 18mo, cloth. 6s. Seeley & Co., 1855. Yonge, C. D. History of England, from the Parsons, B. The Greatness of the British Earliest Times to the Peace of Paris, 1856. Empire, traced to its sources. 2 vols. in l. post 8vo. 12s. (Presented by the Author.) 12mo. Is. 6d. J. Cassell, 1851. Rivingtons, 1857. Pinnock, Rev. G. First Steps to the History of England. Smo. 6d. Allman & Son. Anthony, Louisa. Footsteps to History. An Poetical (A) History of England. Written Epitome of the Histories of England and more especially to assist the Memory in the France. 12mo. 5s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1853. Dates and Length of Reigns of our Sovereignis since the Conquest. 18.no. cloth limp. Is. Putler, W. Miscellaneous Questions, relating Dean & Son. principally to English History and Biography, Poole, Rev. G. A. History of England. post designed for the Use of Young Ladies. 2nd Svo. 7s. 6d. J. Masters & Co., 1955. edition. 12mo. bound. Pratt, J. Tidd. Catechism of the British Consti- Harris & Son, London, 1822. tution. 18mo. Id. Aylott & Co. Corner, Julia. Questions on the Histories of Preliminary Lessons on the History of Eng England, Ireland, Scotland, Trance, Spain, land. 11th edition, 12mo. half roan. and Portugal. 12mo. sewed. cach, 6d. F. May, 'Taunton, 1841. Dean & Sons. Reynolds' Chart of the Sovereigns of England. Eladwen, E. C. Promiscuous Questions on Sixty Portraits from Julius Caesar to Queen Mrs. Markham's History of England. 18mo. Victoria, chronologically arranged, with Dates 1s. Relfc, Brothers. and Notes of the Principal Events of each Harris, Mary M. Questions on Markham's Reign. Size, 3 ft. by 2 ft., on roller, varnished. England and France. 18mo. 1s. 3s. Od. (Exhibited in frame.) - Key to. 18mo. 1s. 6d. - Magna Charta. On a sheet, surrounded Relle, Brothers. by an emblamatical border, richly coloured ; History of the British Settlements in India to 30 in. by 22 in. 35. 6d. (Exhibited in frame.) the Close of the Sepoy Rebellion. fcp. 8vo. James Reynolds. cloth. 4s. Fodwell's Child's First Step to the History of Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. England. 16mo. 2s. Á. Hall & Co., 1953. History of the British Colonies. 18mo. 9d. Ross, R. An Analysis of the Stuart Period of (Gleig's School Series.) Longman & Co. English History: constructed from the best - of British India. 18mo. 9d. (Gleig's Authorities for Students preparing for Public School Series.) Longman & Co. Examination. 12mo, cloth.. 6s. 1860. Historical Questions on England, British - Outlines of English History for Junior Colonies, British India, and Sacred History. Classes in Schools; or a First Book for Pupils 18mo. 9d. (Gleig's School Series.) preparing for Public Examinations. 12ino. Longman & Co. cloth. 28. 6d. 1860. Ludlow, J. M. British India, its Races and its Simpkin & Co. History, considered with reference to the Powan, Frederica. History of England. 18mo. Mutinies of 1857. 2 vols. fcp. Svo. cloth. Is. (Library for Young People.) Is. Macmillan & Co., 1858. W. & R. Chambers. I7acfarlane, C. A History of British India. Stepping Stone to English History. By a 12mo. cloch. 58. Routledge & Co., 1854. Mother. 18mo. ls. Longman & Co., 1856. Stories for Children, selected from the History Walker, J. Questions to Dr. Mavor's Histo- ries of England, Rome, and Greece. iSmo. of England. royal 16mo. 2s.6d. J. Murray, 1954. bound, Sherwood & Co., London, 1813. Summary of the History of England. 18mo. per dozen, ls, 4d. National Society. Fleury, J. A. Histoire d'Angleterre. History Taylor, Emily. England and its People. of England. 2 vol. 12mo. Salt calf. ismo. bound. 35. Gd. Paris, Hachette, 1852. Houlston & Stoneman, 1854. Trimmer, Mrs. History of England. Revised HISTORY OF SCOTLAND. by Mrs. Milner. 12mo. 5s. Grillith & Farran, 1849. Gorner, Julia. History of Scotland, with the True Stories from English History, chrono Questions. 12mo. 3s. Dear & Son. logically arranged. 12010. 5s. Ferguson, R. History of Scotland. 2 vols. Griffith & Farran, 1852. in l. 12no. ls. 6c. J. Cassell, 1851. Wade, J. England's Greatness; its Rise and Flower, Rev. W. B. History of Scotland. Progress in Government, Laws, &c., from the ismo. 2s. 6d. J. Masters & Co., 1854. Earliest Period to the Peace of Paris. post Giles, Rev. Dr. First Lessons in Scottish His- 8vo. 10s. 6d. Longman & Co. 1856. tory: 18mo. 9cl. J. Cornish. White, H. History of Great Britain and Ire Irving, C. Catechism of the History of Scot- land: 12mo. bound. 35. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1860. land. 18mo. Id. Aylott & Co. History of England for Junior Classes. Eeitch, N. A History of Scotland. 12mo. 12mo. cloth. ls. 6c Oliver & Boyd, 1856. bound. 28. 6d. G. Thomson & Co., 1845. 58 GENERAL EDUCATION. Old and Modern Edinburgh: a Historical | History of France. (Gleig's School Series.) Sketch of the Metropolis of Scotland. Smo. ismo. 9d. Longman & Co. cloth. ls. 6d. Religious Tract Society. - 2 vols. 18mo. cloth. 5s. Rowan, F. History of Scotland. Smo. Is. Religious Tract Society. (Library for Young People.) 3 vols. in l. 12mo. cloth. 2s. 3d. * W. & R. Chambers. J. Cassell, 1852. Ince, H. Outlines of French History. 18mo. Scott, Sir W. The History of Scotland, from ls. sewed. 1s. 6d. cloth. J. Gilbert, 1856. the Earliest Period to the Close of the Rebel- lion, 1745-6, contained in the Tales of a Markham, Mrs. A History of France. 12mo. Grandfather, 2 vols. post Svo. bound. 10s. cloth. 6s. J. Murray, 1853. A. & C. Black, 1856. - - Miscellaneous Questions on. By M. L. Bennett. iSmo. ls. Reife, Brothers. - History of Scotland. 2 vols. 12mo. Pinnock, Rev. G. First Steps to the History cloth. 7s. Longman & Co. of France. 18mo. 6d. Allman & Son. Simpson, R. History of Scotland. 12mo. Ritchie, L. History of France. 18mo. ls. bound. 35. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1856. (Library for Young People.). Stewart, Rev. A. Stories from the History of V. & R. Chambers. Scotland. 18ino. 25. Oliver & Boyd. Scott, Sir W. History of France. (Tales of a Tytler, P. F. History of Scotland. Continued Grandfather). fcp. 8vo. cloth. 4s. by Rev. Jas. Taylor and Alex. Reid, LL.D. A. & C. Black, 1854. 12mo. 35. 6d. A. & C. Black, 1853. Stephen, Sir J. Lectures on the History of White, H. History of Scotland for Junior. France. 3rd edition, with large additions. Classes. 12mo. Is. 6d. 1856. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. ll. 45. Longman & Co., 1857. - History of Scotland. 12mo. 3s. 6d. Stepping Stone to French History. By a Oliver & Boyd, 1854. Teacher. 18mo. ls. Longman & Co., 1856. White, H. History of France. 12mo. 38.6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1855. HISTORY OF IRELAND. White, Rev. J. History of France from the Earliest Times to 1848. post Svo. cloth. Is. Arnold, Rev T. K. History of Ireland. 1$mo. Blackwood & Sons, 1859. cloth. '2s. J. Masters & Co. Cockayne, Rev. 0. Outlines of the History .of Ireland. 18mo. sewed. 1s. Ansart, F. Petite Histoire de France. Little J. W. Parker & Son, 1851. History of France, for Primary Schools. 18mo. Corner, Julia. History of Ireland, with the Paris, Fouraut, 1853. Questions. 12mo. 38. Dean & Sons. Colbrant, Caroline. Précis d'Histoire de Giles, Rev. Dr. First Lessons in Irish History. France. First Lessons in the History of 18mo. 9d. J. Cornish. France. 16mo. 2s. Ward & Co. History of Ireland, 3 vols. in l. 12mo. cloth. Histoire de France. History of France. (One 2s. 3d. J. Cassell, 1851. of a series for the Lyceums.) 12mo. half calf. Irving, C. A Geographical Catechism of Ire- Paris, Dezobry, 1854. land. 18mo. 9d. Aylott & Co. Hubault et Marguerin, Histoire de France. History of France. 12mo. half calf. Paris, Dezobry. HISTORY OF FRANCE. Magin, M. A. Histoire de France abrégée. History of France abridged. 18mo. (2 copies.) Corner, Miss. History of France. Smo. Paris, Dezobry, 1854. 2s.6d.; or, with the Questions, 3s. Ozaneaux, M. G. Abrégé d'Histoire de Dean & Sons. France. Abridgement of History of France. De Bonnechose, E. History of France, from 1 Smo. Paris, Dezobry, 1851. the Invasion of the Franks, under Clovis, to the Accession of Louis Philippe. Translated by W. Robson. Post Svo. cloth. 5s. Routledge & Co., 1853. HISTORY OF SPAIN, &c. Gibbon, Mrs. History of France, abridged, in Corner, Julia. Histories of Spain and Portu- the forın of a Catechisn. 18mo. 1s. gal. 12mo. bound. 2s. 6d.; or, with the Relfe, Brothers. Į Questions, 3s. 6d. Dean & Son. Giles, Dr. First Lessons in French History. Germany and the Austrian Empire, with 18mo. 9d. J. Cornish. the Questions12mo. bound. 35. 6d. Gorton, J. G. Catechism of the History of Dean & Son. France. 18mo. 9d. Aylott & Co. — History of Italy and Switzerland. 12mo. bound. 38. 6d. Dean & Son. Guy, John. Catechism of the History of France. History of Holland and Belgium. 12mo. 18mo. 9d. Allman & Son. bound. 2s.6d. Dean & Son. Haskoll, Rev. J. History of France. 18mo. -- History of Denmark, Sweden, and Nor- cloth. 25. 6d. : J. Masters & Co., 1855. I way. iSmo. 2s. 6d. Dean & Son. HISTORY OF IRELAND, FRANCE, SPAIN, LUROPE, UNITED STATES, ETC. 59. History of Portugal. 18mo. cloth. 2s.6d. J. Masters & Co. Johns, Rev. B. G. History of Spain. 18mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. J. Masters & Co., 1849. Markham, Mrs. A History of Germany. 12mo. cloth. 68. J. Murray, 1853. HISTORY OF UNITED STATES. Bancroft, G. History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Continent to 1777. 5 vols. fscp. 8vo. cloth. 38. 6d. each. Routledge & Co., 1854-5. Davenport, Bishop. History of the United States for the Use of Schools. Revised by John J. Anderson. 18mo. lialf bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.). Hunt & Son, Philadelphia, 1854. Frost, J. A History of the United States for Schools. crown Svo. half bound. (Presented Bouchot, Auguste. Histoire du Portugal. History of Portugal and its Colonies. 12mo. Paris, Hachette, 1854. Geffroy, A. Histoire des Etats Scandinaves. History of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. 12mo, Paris, Hachette, 1851. Histoire Suisse. History of Switzerland for the Young. 4th edition. small 12mo. boards. (2 copies.) Lausanne, 1854. - Abrégé de l'. Abridgment of the History of Switzerland. Translated from Zimmerman, by Ch. Richon. 2nd edition. Svo. (2 copies.) Lausanne, 1850. Propst, J. Schweizer-Geschichte. Swiss His- tory. crown Svo. bound. Baden, 1852. Sedillot, L. A. Histoire des Arabes. History of the Arabs. 12mo. Paris, Hachette, 1854. Zeller, Jules. Histoire d'Italie. History of Italy. 12mo. Paris, Hachette, 1853. - Cowperthwait & Co., Philadelphia, 1850. Giles, Rev. Dr. First Lessons in American History. 18mo. 9d. Goodrich, C. A. A History of the United States for Schools. crown 8vo. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Jenks & Co., Boston, 1853. Guernsey, Rev, E. A History of the United States. crown 8vo. half bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Burgess & Co., New York, 1954. Hart, Dr. J. S. Brief Exposition of the Con- stitution of the United States for the Use of Common Schools. 1200. half bound. (Pre- sented by Board of Education, New York.) Butler & Co., Philadelphia, 1852 . Scott, Rev. D. B. Manual of the History of the United States for Schools. 18mo. half bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Sheppard & Co., New York, 1854. Shurtleff, J. R. Brief and Comprehensive View of the Government of the United States. royal 12mo. half bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Collins & Co., New York, 1945. Willson, M. A History of the United States. crown Svo. half bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Newman & Co., New York, 1553. Willard, Emma. A History of the United States, abridged. 12mo. half bound. (Pre- sented by Board of Education, New York.) Barnes & Co., New York, 1854. . HISTORY OF EUROPE. Alison, Sir A. Epitome of the History of Europe. post Svo. bound. 7s. 6d. 1855. - Atlas to. oblong post 4to. limp 'cloth. 78. Blackwood & Sons, 1850. History of Europe. (Pupils' Home Books.) 12mo. 6d. (British and Foreign School So- ciety.) Hamilton & Co. Lord, John. School History of Modern Europe, from the Reformation to the Fall of Napoleon. crown Svo. cloth. 53. (British and Foreign School Society.) Simpkin & Co., 1855. - Modern History, from the time of Luther to the fall of Napoleon. Crown Svo. half bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Thomas & Co., Philadelphia, U.S. Sydow's Sketch of Europe. crown 8vo. 3d. (Congregational Board of Education.) Ward & Co. Wakefield, Priscilla. The Juvenile Travellers, containing the Remarks of a Family during a Tour through the Principal States and Kingdoms of Europe. 10th edition. 12mo. bound. Darton, Harvey, & Darton, 1814. MODERN HISTORY. Chambers's Modern History. 12mo. cloth. 45. 6d. W. & R. Chambers, 1856. Davenport, J. Historical Class Book; or, Readings in Modern History, 1517 to 1848. 12no. cloth. 5s. Relfe, Brothers, 1848. Elements of Modern History (Instructor, vol. 7). 18mo. cloth. (Government Schools, Ceylon). J. W. Parker & Son, 1851. Guy, J. Elements of Modern History. 12mo. Cradock & Co., 1841. Landmarks of History. Modern History, from the Reformation to the Fall of Napoleon. fcp. Svo. cloth. 5s. 6d. J. & C. Mozley, 1857. 60 GENERAL EDUCATION. Cole, Esq.) Linton, Rev. H. Chart of Modern History, 1 Carr, T. S., M.A. A History of Greece, includ- characteristically coloured, in which the Prin ing its Geography, Literature, and Political cipal Events of the Chief Kingdoms of the Institutions. 12mo. cloth. 7s.6d. World, Eastern and Western, from the Times Simpkin & Co., 1856. of Christ, are shown in parallel columns. On Chambers's History of Ancient Greece. 12mo. a sheet, 3 ft. 5 in. by 2 ft. 2 in. Mounted on 3s. W. & R. Chambers, 1855. linen and folded in Svo, case, cloth lettered, (with descriptive key, fcp. Svo. sewed,) Os.; Corner, Julia. History of Greece. 12.o. 38. Dean & Son. on canvas and roller, varnished, 10s. 6d. G. Philip & Son. First History of Greece. By the Author of "Amy Herbert.” '12mo. 3s. 6d. Longman & Co. Pütz, W. Handbook of Modern Geography Giles, Rev. Dr. First Lessons in Grecian His- and History. Translated from the German by the Rev. Ř. B. Paul, M.A. 12mo. bound. tory. ismo. Id. J. Cornish. 5s. 6d. T. & J. Rivington, 1850. Goldsmith, Dr. History of Greece, abridged for the Use of Schools. Sth edition. 12.10. True Stories from Modern History, chronologi bound. Rivington & Co., 1816. cally arranged. 12mo. cloth. 5s. 12mo. bound. (Presented liy H. Griffith & Farran, 1855. Rivingtons, i$23. Tytler, A. F. Elements of Modern History. - Edited by John Dymock. 12.no. 12mo., 3s. A. & C. Black, 1856. bound. 35. Od. Allman & Son. - By Edward Coxe. 121.0. bound. Wilson, Rev. T. Catechism of Modern History. 38. 6d. J. & C. Mozley. ismo. 9d. Darton & Co. - Revised by Pinnock. 12.no. 5s.6d. (Presented by the Government Schools, Ceylon.) Whittaker & Co., 1853. Edited by R. Simpson. 2nd edition. 12mno. bound. (Presented by H. MEDIÆVAL HISTORY. Cole, Esq.) Oliver & Boyd, 1823. Chambers's Mediæyal History. 12mo. 3s. 6d. - 11th editi. 12mo. bound. W. & R. Chambers, 1955. cloth. 3s. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1855. Landmarks of History. Middle Ages, from Guy, John. Catechism of History of Greece. the Reign of Charlemagne to that of Charles V. 1Sino. Id. Allma! & Son. fcp. Svo. cloth. 38. J. & C. Mozley, 1855. Hamilton and Levien. Outlines of the His- Manning, G. T. Outlines of the History of tory of Greece. 12mo. 2s. Gd. J. Wealc, 1555. the Middle Ages. 12mo. 45. Hendry's History of Greece. Revised by: Julia Longman & Co. 1555. Corner. Smo. 2s. . Hall & Co. Pütz, W. Handbook of Mediæval Geograplıy History of Greece from the Earliest Times to and History. Translated from the German by A.D. 1833. 12mo. 2s. 6d. the Rey, . B. Paul, M.A. 12mo. bound. from Rollin, &c. Royal Svo. 6s. Gila 4s, hd, F. & J. Rivington, 1949. Religious Tract Society, 1848. Ence and Gilbert. Outlines of Grecian His- tory. By E. Walford, Esq., MA. Two inaps. 18nio. ls. sewed, 1s. Gd. cloth. Dantier, Alp. Histoire du Moyen Age, His- J. Gilbert, 1857. tory of the Middle Ages. 12mo. Living, C. Catechism of Grecian History. Paris, Dezobry. Smo. Od. Ayloti & Co. - Grecian Antiquities. *15ıno. 9d. Aylott & Co. Neale, Rev. J. M. History of Greece. ismo. cloth. 3s. J. Masters & Co. GRECIAN HISTORY. Faull, Susanna M. Questions and Answers on Ballantyne, Mary H. Stories about Greece. the History of Greece. 2nd edit. rezised. 18mo. cloth. 3s. Seeley & Co., 1849. 1&mo. Id. Relle, Lrotliers. Bojesen, Dr. E. F. Handbook of Grecian Finnock, Rev. G. First Steps to History of Antiquities. Translated from the German Greece.' 18mo. 6d. Allman & Son. Version of Dr. Hoffa, by R. B. Paul, and edited Schmitz, Dr. L. History of Greece, based on with Notes by the late Rev T. K. Arnold. 12mo. that of Bp. Thirlwall. 12mo. cloth. 7s. 6d. bound. 35. 6d. F. & J. Rivington, 1855. Longinan & Co., 1853. Brewer, Rev. Dr. A Guide to Grecian History. Smith, W., LL.D. A History of Greece for 18mo. cloth. 4s. Jarrold & Sons. Schools. 12mo. 7s.6d. (Presontell by Teer. Dr. Goodford.) 1854. Browne, R. W., Ph. D. History of Greece, - Questions on, by the Rev. C. from the earliest Times to the Roman Con Bickmore. 12mo. cloth limp. 28. quest. post Svo. cloth. 5s. J. Murray, 1856. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. - Smaller History of Greece. fép. 8vo. Browne, R. W. History of Greece. (Gleig's cloth, red edges. 35.6d. School Series.) 18mo. 9d. Longinan & Co. I Walton & Maberly, 1860. MODERN, MEDIÆVAL, GRECIAN, AND ROMAN HISTORY. 61 Id. Smith, W., LL.D. The Student's History of 1 Goldsmith, Dr. History of Rome. Edited Greece. From the Earliest Times to the by John Dymock. 12mo. bound. 3s. 6d. Roman Conquest, with Chapters on the History Allman & Son, 1857. of Literature and Art. post 8vo. cloth, red - By Edward Coxe. 12mo. bound. edges. 75. 6d. J. Murray, 1857. 3s. 60. J. & C. Mozley. Thirlwall, Rev. C. A History of Greece. -- Revised by Pinnock and W. C. 8 vols, 12mc. ll. Ss. Longman & Co. Taylor, LL.D. 12mo. bound. 5s. 6d. Toogood, NÍrs. History of Greece, taken from - 12mo. bound. (Presented by Rev. Greek Historians. 12ino. 5... Dr. Goodford.) Whittaker & Co. 1853. J. Masters, 1851. Edited by R. Simpson. 12mo. bound. 35. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1854. Gray, Mrs. H. History of Rome, “The Repub- Duruy, Victor. Histoire Grecquc. 12mo. lic,” for Young Persons. 12mo. cloth. T8s. Hachette, Paris, 1851. 1858. Pierron, A. Histoire de la Littérature Grecque. - Emperors of Rome, from Augustus to History of Greck Literaturc. 12mo. Constantine; being a Continuation of the Paris, Hachette, 1550. History of Rome. 12mo. 8. 1850. Hatchard & Co. Guy, John. Catechism of History of Rome. 1$mo. 9d. Allman & Son. Hendry's History of Rome. Revised by Julia BOMAN HISTORY. Corner. 18mo. 2s. A. Hall & Co. Bojescu, Dr. E. T. Handbook of Roman History of Rome, from various Sources, both Antiquities. Translated from the German Ancient and Modern, with a Map. royal 8vo. Version of Dr. Hoſſa, by R. B. Paul, and cloth. tis. 6d. Religious Tract Society, 1846. editc:l witi Notes by the late Rev. T. K. Ar- from the Earliest Times to the Fall of nold, N.A. 12mo, bound. 38. 6d. the Empire. 12mo. cloth. 35. F. & J. Rivington, 1852. Religious Tract Society. Brewer, Rev. Dr. A Guide to Roman His- Erving, C. Catechisın of Roman History. 18mo. tory. 18mo. cloth. 3s. 6d. Jarrold & Sons. Aylott & Co. Browne, R. W., Ph. D. A History of Rome, from Roman Antiquities. 18mo. 9d. Aylott & Co. the Earliest Times to A.D. 96. crown 8vo. Isevian, Rev. E. Outlines of the History of clolli. 5e. Rome. Two vols. in one. 12mo. 2s. 6d.. - from A.D. 96 to the Fall of the J. Weale, 1856. Western Empire. crown Svo. cloth. 5s. Liadell, Rev. H. G. A History of Rome for Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. from the Earliest Times to the Schools. 12mo, cloth, red edges, 75. 6d. Death of Domitian. 12mo. 2s. 1853. J. Murray, 1857. VacDermot, W. C. History of Rome, from Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. its Earliest Period to the Death of Vespasian. – History of Rome. (Gleig's School Series.) 12mo. cloth. A. Thom & Sons, 1855. 18mo. ed. Longman & Co. Teerivale, Rev. C. The Fall of the Roman Butler, J. Olding. Questions in Roman His- Republic: a short History of the last Century tory, with Geographical Illustrations and Maps. of the Commonwealth. post Svo. 7s. 6d. 12mo Lound. 58. 6. Simpkin & Co., 1827. Longman & Co., 1856. Chamesri's History of Rome. 12mo. .cloth. Parkhurst, F. Stepping Stone to Roman 2s. Ed. "V. & R. Chambers, 1855. History. 18mo. ls. Longman & Co., 1853. Corner, Miss. History of Rome. lsmo. Paull, S. M. Questions and Answers on is. Ed. Dean & Son. Roman History. Parts 1 & 2. 18mo. 9d. each. Davy, Bishop. Letters between a Father and Pelfe, Brothers. his Son, on the Roman History, and other Fianock, Rev. G. First Steps to History of Subjects. 18mo. half roan. 2s. Rome. 18mo. 6d. Allman & Son. F. & J. Rivington, 1848. Schmitz, Dr. L. A History of Rome. 12mo. Farr, E. Every Child's History of Rome. cloth. 75. 6d. 1856. 1 Smo. cloth. ls. Od. Deau & Son. Questions on, by J. Robson, B.A. First History of Rome. By the Author of 12mo. cloth, limp. 2s. - Amy Herbert.” 12mo. cloth. 25. 6d. Walton & Maberly, 1852. Longman & Co., 1854. Sanith, Dr. W. A Smaller History of Rome, Foz, Rev. S. History of Rome. 18mo. 38. from the Earliest Times to the Establishment J. Masters & Co. of the Empire. fcp. 8vo. cloth, red edges. Gibbon, E. « The Student's Gibbon." Being 3s, 6d. Walton & Maberly, 1860. the History of the Decline and Fall of the Trimmer, Mrs. Lessons in Roman History, Roman Empire abridged, incorporating the 18mo, hálf roan. 2s. 6d. Researches of recent Commentators, by W. F. & J. Rivington, 1943. Smith, LL.D. 12mo. cloth, red edges. 7s. 6d. White, H. Outlines of the History of Rome. J. Murray, 1858. 12mo. 13, 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1857. Giles, Rev. Dr. First Lessons in Roman His- tory. 18mo. Od. J. Cornish. 62 GENERAL EDUCATION. calf. S Cours d'Histoire Romaine. Course of | Menzies, H. Early Ancient History, or the Roman History. 15th edition. 12mo. Ante-Greek Period, as it appears to us since Tours, Mame, 1853. the most recent Discoveries in Egypt and Duruy, Victor. Histoire Romaine. Roman Assyria, &c. post Svo. cloth. 18. 6d. History. 2nd edition. 12mo. half calf. Champan & Hall, 1858. Paris, Hachette, 1850. | Pütz, W. Handbook of Ancient Geography Meindre, A. J. Histoire Romaine. Roman and History. Translated from the German History, 12mo, half calf. Paris, Dezobry, 1848. by the Rev. R. B. Paul, M.A., and edited by Montesquieu. Grandeur et Decadence des the Rev. T. K. Arnold, M.A. 12mo. bound. Romains. Romans, their Greatness and De- 6s. 6d. F. & J. Rivington, 1853. cline. Edited by Ch. Dezobry. 12mo. half Schmitz, L. A Manual of Ancient History. Paris, Dezobry. Vol. 1 and 2. crown 8vo. cloth. 48. each. Pierron, A. Histoire de la Littérature Romaine. - Complete. crown Svo. cloth. History of Roman Literature. 12mo, half calf. 78. 6d. A. & C. Black, 1855. Paris, Hachette, 1852. Smith, Rev. Hely. Map of Ancient History; a Synoptical Harmony of the History of the World, from the Deluge to the Christian Era. Size, 4 ft. 9 in. by 2 ft. 10 in. Mounted on can- vas and roller varnished, 18s. (Presented by ANCIENT HISTORY. the Author.) J. H. & Jas. Parker. Abraham, Rev. C. J. Outlines of Lectures Taylor, Dr. W. C. A Manual of Ancient .. on Ancient History. 8vo. 5s. half bound. History. Revised by C. S. Henry, D.D. royal (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) Svo. (Presented by Board of Education, New E. P. Williams, 1850. York.) Appleton & Co., New York, 1852. Adams, Rev. J. The Flowers of Ancient | Trimmer, Mrs. A General Outline of Ancient History. 4th. edition. 12mo. bound. History. 18mo, half roan. 2s. 6d. G. Kearsley, London, 1802. F. & J. Rivington, 1851. Ancient History; containing the History of the - Series of Prints of Antient History. 2nd Egyptians, Assyrians, &c., from Rollin and edition, 16mo. bound. other sources, both ancient and modern, with J. Harris, London, 1811. six maps. In one vol. royal Svo. Is. True Stories from Ancient History, chronologi- Religious Tract Society, 1842. cally arranged. 12mo. 5s. Ancient History of the Minor Kingdoms; con- Griffith & Farran, 1853. taining the Ethiopians, &c. &c. from Rollin, Tytler, A. F. Elements of Ancient History : &c. royal 8vo. 2s.6d. Religious Tract Society, 1845. 12mo. bound 3s. A. & C. Black, 1851. Browne, Rev. H. Handbook of Hebrew Anti- quities.' Edited by the late Rev. T. K. Arnold. Guillemin, J. J. Histoire Ancienne. Ancient 12mo. bound. 45. F. & J. Rivington, 1852. History. 12mo. Paris, Hachette, 1852. Chambers's Ancient History. 12mo. 38. W. & R. Chambers, 1856. Meindre, A. J. Histoire Ancienne. Ancient Elements of Ancient History (Instructor, History. 2nd edition, 12mo. Paris, Dezobry, vol. 6). 18mo. (Government Schools, Ceylon.) J. W. Parker & Son, 1847. Forbes, Rev. J. A Chronological Chart of Ancient History (with a Hand-book), mounted GENERAL HISTORY. on Canvas and Roller. 58.; or varnished, 6s. Attwell, Professor H. Manual of General Size, 33 by 37 inches. W. & A. K. Johnston. Guy, Josepb. Elements of Ancient History History, for the Use of Schools. Translated 12mo. 35. 6d. Cradock & Co., 1849. from the Noorthey Course. square fcp. Svo. Landmarks of History, Ancient History, cloth. 2s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1859. from the Earliest Times to the Mahometan Barber, J. W. Elements of General History. 12mo. half bound. Conquest. fcp. Svo. cloth. 2s. 6d. (Presented by Board of J. & C. Mozley, 1859. Education, New York.) Lessons in Ancient History, in Question and Durrie & Co., New Haven, 1854. Answer. With a General Chronological and Barth, Rev. Dr. General History, briefly Scriptural IndexRevised by the Rev. B. W. sketched upon Scriptural Principles. Trans- Beatson. 18mo. sewed. 1s. lated from the German by the Rev. R. F. Wertheim & Co., 1853. Walker, A.M. 18mo. 3s. Od. Religious Tract Society. Linton, Rev. H. Chart of Ancient History, characteristically coloured, in which the Prin Beale, D. Student's Text-Book of English cipal Events of the Chief Kingdoms of the and General History, from B.C. 100 to the World are shown in parallel columns. On a present time; with Genealogical Tables and sheet, 3 ft. 5 in. by 2 ft. 2 in., mounted on â Sketch of the English Constitution. crown canvas, and folded into Svo. case, (with a Svo. cloth. 2s. 6d. 1859. descriptive key, fcp. Svo. Sewed,) 9s.; on - 5th edition. crown Svo. cloth. canvas roller, varnished, 10s. 6d. | 28. 6d. (Presented by the Author.) 1860. G. Philip & Son. ! Bell & Daldy. ANCIENT AND GENERAL HISTORY. 63 Bell, Major J. Tables of General History; | Robertson, J. B. Public Lectures delivered from the German of Bredow, &c. Mounted before the Catholic University of Ireland, on -on 7 sheets of canvas. (In 1 vol., royal folio, some Subjects of Ancient and Modern History, half bound, as sold, 21. 10s.) (Presented by the in the Years 1856, 1857, 1858. fcp. 8vo. cloth. Commissioners of the Great Exhibition, 1851.) 4s. Od. C. Dolman, 1859. R. Baldwin. Robinson, Rev. Dr. A Grammar of Ancient Brown, Miss. Historical Recreations; or His- and Modern History. Continued by John torical and Biographical Anecdotes in the Tillotson. 18mo. bound. 35. 6d. Form of Enigmas. 16mo. 2s.6d., or wit! Allman & Son. the Key, 38°Presented by the Author.) Salmon, R. The Progressive Historian, an Longman & Co., 1849. Introduction to the Systematic Study of Darton, T. G. The Dawn of History. post History, from the earliest period to the present 8vo. cloth, limp. (Presented by the Author.) time, arranged Chronologically, Biographi- Longinan & Co., 1855. cally, and Descriptively. post 8vo. bound. 35. Goodluck, W. K. A View of the World, from - A Chart to accompany the above. On a the Creation to the present Time; with an sheet, double crown folio, Is. 6d. ; or inounted Art of Memory, &c. ismo. boards. on canvas and roller, varnished. Relfe, Brothers. 'W. K. Goodluck, London, 1826. Sinnett, Mrs. Percy. A Child's History of the Guy, Joseph. General School Question Book World. 18mo. 35. 6d. Longman & Co., 1852. in Ancient and Modern History, &c. 12mo. Smyth, Mrs. A. The Panorama of History; bound. 43. 6d. Cradock & Co., 1953. presenting in bold relief the leading facts of Chart of General History, folded in Universal History. royal 8vo. cloth. 75. 6d. case, 12mo. 8s. Cradock & Co. Darton & Co. Historical Register (The) for Schools and Stafford, C. T. A Compendium of Universal Colleges, chiefly designed to aid Students History. 12mo. 2s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1851. preparing for Examination in Ancient and Stoll, Prof. H. W. Handbook of the Religion Modern History, oblong 4to, half cloth. 58. and Mythology of the Greeks, with a short Simpkin & Co. account of the Religious System of the Romans. History of Asia, Africa, and America. (Pupils' Translated from the German by R. B. Paul, Home Books.) 12mo. 3d. Hamilton & Co. and edited by the late Rev. T. K. Arnold, M.A. Irving, C. Catechism of Universal History; 12mo. bound. 58. F. & J. Rivington, 1852. revised by J. G. Gorton. 18mo. 9d. Stream of History, showing at one View, Aylott & Co. the Rise, Progress, and Fall of Empires, Na- Keightley, T. Outlines of History. 12mo. tions, and Statés. On a sheet. Is. J. Reynolds. 3s. 6d. Longman & Co. Stream of Time, or Figurative and Graphic Kingsley, Rev. C. The Limits of Exact Synchronology of Universal Biography and Science as applied to History. crown Svo. History to the Year 1856. Mounted on can · boards. 2s. Macmillan & Co., 1860. vass and roller. 11. 5s. Izenny, Rev. C. Exercises in Ancient and Contributed by Wm. Bell, Phil. Dr. - Modern History. Syo. half bound. 35. 6d. Stretch, Rev. L. M. The Beauties of History. Relfe, Brothers. 13th edition. 12mo. bound. McCullagh, W. T. The Use and Study of Cadell & Davies, London, 1815. History; being the Substance of a Course of Lectures delivered in Dublin in March 1841. Tytler, A. F. Elements of General History, 8vo. cloth. 10s. 6d. Chapman & Hall, 1845. Ancient and Modern, with considerable Addi- tions to the Author's Text, numerous Notes, Mangnall, R. Historical and Miscellaneous and a Continuation to the Reign of Queen Questions. 12mo. 45. 6d. Victoria. Edited by the Rev. Brandon Turner, A Sequel to, containing Questions M.A. Sixth Edition. fcp. Svo. cloth. 5s. 6d. on the History of Europe. By Julia Corner. Part. 1. Ancient History. fcp. 8vo. 12mo. 5s. Longman & Co., 1855. cloth. 2s. 6d. - By E. Mackenzie. 2 parts. 18mno. -- Part. 2. Modern History. fcp. Svo. 2d. each.; complete, bound, ls. R. Hardwicke. cloth. 38. 6d. Ivaunder, S. The Treasury of History. 12mo. Blackie & Son. cloth. 10s. Longman & Co., 1856. Tytler, The Hon. A. F. Elements of General Parker, R. G. Outlines of General History. History. 18mo. 3s. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1857. crown 8vo. bound. (Presented by Board of - Edited by the Rev. B. Turner, Education, New York.) Harper & Co., 1951. M.A. 12mo. 6s. 6d. (Government Schools, Parley, Peter. Common School History. crown Ceylon.) Adam Scott, 1850. Svo. half bound. (Presented by Board of Wakefield, Eliza. Mental Exercises in His- Education, New York.) Philadelphia, 1853. tory, Geography, &c. 18mo. 2s. - First Book of History and Geography. - Key to. 1Smo. Od. Revised and improved. Imperial 16mo. Five Hundred Charades from. half bound. (Presented by the Board of Educa- ismo. ls. 6d. J. Masters. tion, New York.) Jenks & Co., Boston, 1853. Watton, T. Outline Charts (10) of General - Universal History, on the Basis History, in large Type, adapted for Class of Geography. royal 16mo. half bound. Teaching, &c. Size, 24in. by 20 in., in a (Presented by the Board of Educution, New volume. folio. hall bound. (Presented by York.) Ivison & Co., New York, 1954. | Rev. Dr. Goodford.) Whittaker & Co. 64 GENERAL EDUCATION. Weber, Dr. G. Outlines of Universal History. | Bredow, G. G. Begebenheiten aus der allge- Translated from the German by Dr. M. Behr, meimen Weltgeschichte. Remarkable Events and revised by F. Bowen, A.M. Svo. half from Universal History. post 8vo. half bound. (Presented by the Board of Education, bound. Altona, 1851. New Yorh.) Jenks & Co., Boston, 1853. Hugendubel, C. Erster unterricht in der White, Henry. Outlines of Universal History. Weltgeschichte. First Instruction in Universal 12.no.' cloth. 2s. 1956. History. post Svo. sewed. Stuttgard, 1844. - Elements of Universal History. 12mo. bound. 75. Oliver & Boyd, 1857. White, Rev. J. The Eighteen Christian Cen- CHRONOLOGY. turies. crown Svo. cloth. 7s.6d. Blackwood & Sons, 1858. Blair, Dr. Chronological and Historical Tables. Worcester, Dr. J. E. Elements of Ancient loyal Svo. half bound. 11. 113. 6d. and Modern History. crown Svo. bound, Longman & Co., 1851. Brewer, Rev. E. C. Poetical Chronology of Reynolds & Co., Boston, 1954. Inventions. 12mo. bound. 35. 6d. World (The) in which I Live, and my Place Longman & Co., 1853. in it; being a Universal History for Young Chronological Tables from the Creation to Persons, from the Creation to the present the Birth of Our Saviour. On a large sheet, 3d. time. By E. S. A. Edited by the Rev. J. H. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Broome. crown Svo. cloth. 7s. 6d. Chronological and Genealogical Chart Wertheim, Macintosh, & Co., 1957. of the Sovereigns of Britain, commencing with Alfred the Great of England and Constantine II. of Scotland to Victoria. Compiled by J. R. Campbell, F.E.I.S., Teacher, Wemyss. Co. Ansart et Rendu. Cours d'Histoire et de loured, size 42 by 25 inches, price 7s. 6d., Géographie. Coursc of History and Geography, mounted on roller and varnished. arranged for the Use of the Normal Primary Gall & Inglis. and Upper Primary Schools. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, Fouraut, 1853. Chronology of English History, with Genea- logy of the Sovereigns to Queen Victoria. Bossuet. Discours sur l'Histoire Universelle. 12mo. half bound. 3s. Cowie & Co., 1847. Discourse on Universal History. Edited by Delachapelle. 12mo. half calf. Paris, Dezobry. Chronology of Civil and Ecclesiastical His- tory, Art, Literature, and Civilization, from the Bouillet, M. N. Dictionnaire Universel d'His earliest Period to 1856. 2 vols. in l. 12mo. toire et de Géographie. Historical and Geogra 2s.6d. J. Weale, 1957. phical Dictionary. imp. Svo. half calf. Comparative Chronology of Ancient History. Hachette, Paris. On a sheet. pot broad folio. Sd. per dozen. Cours d'Histoire contenant l'Histoire Sainte, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. divisée en huit époques, l'Histoire de France, Fitch, J. G. Chronological Tablets repre- et quelques Notions sur les Anciens et les senting the principal Epochs in English His- Nouveaux Peuples. Course of History &c. tory. 3 sheets in a packet, Is. per set, or 15th edition. 1200. boards. mounted on canvass and rollers, 4s. 6d. per set. Marne et Cie., Tours, 1953. (British and Foreign School Society.) * Herbet, Geruzez, &c. Leçons d'Histoire. Groombridge & Sons. tom. 1. l'Histoire Sainte, la Mythologie, Giles, Rev. Dr. First Lessons in Chronology. l'Histoire Ancienne, et l’Histoire Romaine. 18mo. Id. J. Cornish. imp. Svo. Handbook of Chronology and Ancient -- tom. 2. Moyen Age, ct Histoire History. 12mo. 6d. W. & A. K. Johnston. de France. imp. Svo. Hachette & Co., Paris, 1846. Haydn, Joseph. A Dictionary of Dates re- Précis d'Histoire Universelle. Epitome of Uni- lating to all Ages and Nations, &c. 9th edition, revised and greatly enlarged by B. versal History. 12o. half calf. Vincent. Svo. cloth. 18s. Paris, Dezobry, 1853. Moxon & Co., 1860. Prevost-Paradol. Revue de l'Histoire Uni- Hort, J. Introduction to the Study of Chrono- verselle. Review of Universal History. imp. logy and Ancient History. 18mo. 45., Svo. Paris, Hachette, 1554. Longman & Co., 1853. Rendu, A., jun. Petit Cours d'Histoire. Iliff, Rev. G. Chronology in Verse without Short Course of History, for Elementary Numbers. fcp. Svo. sewed. 6d. (Presented Schools. Containing Ancient, Roman, Middle by the Author.) R. Theobald, 1855. Age, Modern, and Ecclesiastical History, and Mytliology. 6 vols. 18mo. Jaquenet, F. H. Chronology for Schools; Paris, Fouraut, 1852. being a revised Abridgment of the Compens dium of Chronology, from the Creation of the World to the End of 1857. Edited by the Rey. John Alcorn, M.A. 12mo. cloth. 35. 6d. Longman & Co., 1858. CHRONOLOGY.WRITING. 65 Nicolas, Sir H. Chronology of History. 12mo. / Foster, B. F. Penmanship, Theoretical and cloth. 3s. 6d. Longman & Co. Practical, illustrated and explained. 12mo. Robertson, J. A Chart of Scripture Chrono- 2s. 6d. * Bell & Daldy. logy, from the Creation to the Destruction of Grant, H. A Lecture on Penmanship. 12mo. Jerusalem. post 8vo. stiff cover. 4d. (Presented by Author.) Blackie & Son. Gurney, T. Brachygraphy; or, an Easy and Slater, Mrs. Sententiæ Chronologicæ. 12mo. Compendious System of Shorthand. By J. Gurney. 12mo. calf. J. Butterworth, 1803. 3s. Od. Longman & Co., 1855. - Chronological Chart. Mounted on roller. Hondius, J. Theatrum Artis Scribendi. (See Is. 6d. Longman & Co. Jurman.) School Chronology for the Use of the Collegiate Humphreys, H. N. The Origin and Progress of the Art of Writing. Imperial 8vo. cloth. Schools, Liverpool. imp. 16mo. ls. gilt edges. 11. 1s. Ingram & Co., 1853. Longman & Co., 1857. Tabular Abstract from Archbishop Usher's Jarman, John. A Systein of Court Hand; and Chronology, arranged for the use of families Hondius, J. Theatrum Artis Scribendi, and schools. By Captain the Hon. Francis Together in 1 vol. oblong post 4to. calf. Maude, R.N. 3rd edition. On a sheet, folio, London. 6d., on cardboard, Id. (Presented by Captain Lyle, D. The Art of Shorthand improved. Maude.) Nisbet & Co. Svo. boards. A. Nillar, 1762. Valpy, Rev. R. Poetical Chronology of Mackenzie, E. Shorthand made Easy. 18mo. 2d. R. Hardwicke. Ancient and English History: 12mo. 2s. 6d. Odell. A System of Shorthand. 167o. 8d. Longman & Co. Groombridge & Sons. Wheeler, H. M. Outlines of Chronology. Perry, T. An Easy Grammar of Writing; or 12mo. ls. : Simpkin & Co., 1850. Penmanship analyzed. 5th edition. 18mo. bound. G. B. Whittaker. Pitman, J. A Manual of Phonography, or Dreyss, Ch. Chronologie Universelle. Uni- Writing by Sound. royal 8vo. cloth. versal Chronology. 12mo. half calf. S. Bagster & Sons, 1842. Paris, Hachette, 1853. Plowman's Copyist or Portable Coyying Letter Case. 4to. Complete for copying 100 Letters. 5s. The Copying Book or Ink may · be purchased separately. Specimens, in a glazed Case. (Pre- sented by H.M. Commissioners of Exhibition, WRITING 1851.) Sold by J. Plowman, Oxford. Reeves & Son, Cheapside, London. Astle, T. The Origin and Progress of Writ- Powell. A Manuscript Book principally of ing, as well Hieroglyphic as Elementary, Titles to the various Rules of Arithmetic, in illustrated by Engravings taken from Marbles, Ornamental Hands, 'by — Powell. post 4to. Manuscripts, and Charters, Ancient and parchment. 1733. Modern ; also, some Account of the Origin and Progress of Printing royal 4to. calf Richardson, S. A New System of Short- gilt. T. Payne & Son, London, 1784. hand. Svo. boards. B. Crosby & Co., 1810. Bell, A. M. Shorthand Master - Book: an Richards, W. The Compleat Penman; or Introduction to Bell's Prize System of Pho- Young Clerk's Companion ; exemplified in netic Shorthand Writing. Adapted for Self- all the various Hands and Forms of Business, extracted from the best Performances of the instruction. 12mo. sewed. 6d. - The Reporter's Manual and Vocabulary most eminent Masters. Together with several original pieces, by William Richards. of Locograms; a complete System of Pho- 4to. hall call. netic Shorthand Writing. 16mo. stiff wrapper. J. Wilcox, London. 23. 6d. (Presented by the Author.) Selwyn, W. Phonography; a New System Hamilton & Co. of Shorthand. post Švo. sewed. 1s. J. Robinson, 1847. Bickham, G. The Universal Penman; or the Art of Writing made useful to the Gentleman Stratton; W. F. Penman's Paradise, both pleasant and profitable. oblong royal 4to. and Scholar, as well as to the Man of Busi- sewed. J. B. Dow, Boston, U.S. ness. Exemplified in all the Useful and Tapner, J. Schoolmaster's Repository; con- Ornamental Branches of Modern Penmanship, &c. &c. Written with the friendly assistance taining a Variety of Writing Copies in Single and Double Line Pieces. (See Reading of several of the most eminent Masters, and Lessons.) engraved by George Bickham. post folio, rough calf.. R. Sayer, London, 1733. Taylor's System of Stenography. Revised by John Henry Cooke. 12mo. bound. 35. 6d. Byrom, Dr. J. A Catechism of Shorthand. Simpkin & Co., 1848. By R. Roffe, sen. 12mo. sewed. Weston, J. Stenography compleated; or, J. Limbird, 1834. the Art of Shorthand brought to perfection. Errington, Prideaux. New Copies in Verse, 8vo. calf. London, 1743. for the Use of Writing Schools, consisting of Williamson, W. Stenography; or, a Concise Fifty-three Alphabets, an Essay on the Virtues, and Practical System of Shorthand Writing. &c.' 12mo. sewed. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1734. / 12mo. calf. London, 1775. 60 GENERAL EDUCATION. "Vriting. Fac-simile Specimens (46) of va- , Edwards' Mercantile Penman. extra post 4to. rious Styles of Early Writing. (Presented by cloth. 4s. the Master of the Roils.) - Blank Book to accompany, with Young (The) Clerk's Tutor Enlarged; with Ornamental Title, containing 22 leaves. 10s. several of the best Copies both of Court and per dozen. Chancery Hand. By T. Ollyff. 12mo. bound. - Le Correspondant Calligraphe. The London, 1717. French Mercantile Correspondent. cloth. 6s. - Blank Book to accompany, with Ornamental Title, containing 22 leaves. 10s. per dozen. COPY LINES AND COPYBOOKS. - Scholar's Help to Classical Letter Writing. cloth. 15. Bean, C. Biographical Copy Slips, various - Blank Book to accompany, with Hands. half bound limp. iš. 4d. Charles Bean. Ornamental Title, containing 22 leaves. 10s. per dozen. Bradshaw. Copy Slips. 22 sorts. Bradshaw. - Penmanship for Ladies, English, French, Butler's Geographical Copy Slips, large Text. Italian. cloth. 5s. sewed. W. Butler, 1772. Blank Book to accompany, with Biographical Copy Slips, various hands. Ornamental Title, containing 32 leaves. 12s. half bound. Simpkin & Co. per dozen. Carstairs, J. National System of Penman *** The above bound in 1 vol. half red morocco. ship. 4to. Carstairs. Relfe, Brothers. Clarke, J. Analytic System of Penmanship. Expeditious (The) Instructor. (See Reading oblong post folio. half bound. Webster. Lessons.) Copy Lines on 3 Sheets; large, round, and Farnell,'W. K. Rapid Writer: a System of small-hand. Running Hand. Svo. 1s. Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. - Compendious Arithmetical, Geographi- cal, and Grammatical Three Hand Copybook. Copy Lines, large and small-hand, on boards. Ist and 2nd series, oblong small post 4to. Presented by Board of Education, New York. 3d. each; or on superfine paper, oblong post Chambers's Plain, Current Hand, and Orna- 4to., 6d. each. (bound in a volume.) mental Writing. Nos. 1 to 15. post 4to. Mercantile and Epistolary Running Hand 6d. each. Copybook. oblong post 4to. Drawing paper -- Nos. 1 to 10. fcp. 4to. 3d. each. edition, 9d. (ordinary paper, Od.) W. & R. Chambers. Mercantile Exemplars. post 4to. fine Champion, J. Grammar Copies, Text. small paper, 6d., or on drawing paper, extra post oblong. sewed. 4to., 1s. "Lawrie & Whittle, 53, in Fleet Street. - New Series of Copybooks: Initiating, Collinson and Bailey. The Gradatory Series Repeating, Rhyming, Commercial, with Lady's of Copybooks, No. 1. to 7. post 4to. 6d. each. Running-Hand System, &c. Nos. I to ii, Groombridge & Sons. small post 4to., and No. 13 oblong. Price 3d. Craig's Small Hand Copy Slip. small oblong, each; or, on fine paper, 6d. cach. (Bound sewed. - in a volume.) Crompton, Miss. Writing Lessons (34 pieces) *** Portfolio adapted for the above, 1 d. and in a portfolio. post 4to. cloth. (Presented 3d. each. Jarroll & Sons. by Miss Crompton.) E.T.Whitfield, 178, Strand. Foster, B. F. A Series of Pencilled Copybooks. Dagobert, c. Polyglot Copy and Exercise Nos. I to 12. post 4to. 6d. cach. Books for teaching Languages. post 4to. 6d. - A Series for National Schools. each :- Nos. 1 to 16. oblong post 4to. 2d. each. No. 1. 2. French-English. Parts 1 & 2. - A Series of Elementary Copybooks. Nos. I . 3. 4. 5. German-English. Parts 1, 2, & 3. to 18. fcp. 4to. 4d. each.' 6. 7. Anglais Français. Parts 1 & 2. - National Copybooks, 16 Nos. oblong 8. 9. 10. Allemand-Français. Parts 1, 2, 3. J. F. Shaw, 1858. fcp. 4to. 2d. cach. (Bound in a volume.) Darnell, G. A Series of Copy Books; being a (Contributed by the National Society.) Aylott & Son; and Bell & Daldv. Short and certain Road to good Hand Writing. Flourished Sheets for the Insertion of Speci- Nos. 1 to 16. post 4to. 6d. each (bound in a mens of Ornamental Writing and Printing. volume). - another Series. Nos. 1 to 24 6d. per sheet. (Bound in a volume, post folio, half-limp, clotlı.) Relfe, Brothers. (excepting 21). oblong fcp. 4to. 3d. each Genery, H. Copy Slips. 6 sorts. Half bound. (bound in a volume). - Copybooks. No.21. Ornamental Hands. Whittaker & Co. oblong fcp. 4to. 3d., or on fine paper in marble Geographical Copy Slips, No. 1 to 4. paper cover, 4d. each. Mounted on Millboard. 5s. - Copybooks, Specimens of (bound in 2 Mounted on Deal Prisms, in a Box. volumes). (Contributed by the National So 6s. Id. National Society. ciety.) Griffith & Farran. German Copies. By L. Julius. oblong 8vo. Dashwood's Small Hand Writing Card. ob- | sewed. 2s. 6d. F. Thimm, 1851. !ong 12mo. ld. each, or 8s. per hundred. German Head-line Copybook. post 4to. Is. J. R. Dashwood, 45, Eastcheap.' | E. Benham, Colchester; W. Allan, London. 4s. COPY LINES 67 T25 AND COPYBOOKS. Goldsmith, J. Copybooks; 5 sorts. post 4to. | Smith, H. D. Progressive Printing Slip, en- On fine paper. 6s. per dozen. Bell & Daldy. graved for the Government Ordnance School Heywood, J. Copybooks, No. 1 to 13. at Carshalton. ls. fcp. 4to. 2s. per dozen. - ruled book for copying into. 30. . Another Series, No. 1 to 11. Řelfe, Brothers. post 4to. 3s. per dozen. - School Copies, various Hards. halt - Ornamental Copybook Covers, various. bound. 28. 6d. C. Chabot. J. Heywood. Swan's Universal Copybooks, 14 Nos., fcp. Jordan, F. The Art of German Writing. ob 4to., 1s. 6d. per doz. (bound in a vol.) long 8vo. Is. 6d. - Elementary Copybooks, 14 Nos., fcp. Knapp and Rightmyer's German Text. 4to., 2s. per doz. (ditto.) Off-hand Capitals. - Copybooks, '14 Nos., large post 4to., - Off-hand Flourishing. 38. 3d. per doz. (ditto.) Commercial Writing. oblong . (Contributed by the National Society.) imperial 8vo. J. Swan, Glasgow. - Copybooks, Nos. 1 to 12, oblong Watling, E. Greek Copies for the Use of 4to., and 13 and 14, 4to. (Presented by Board of Junior Classes. obl. is. Williams & Norgate.. Education, New York.) Wilson, M. A new Series of Writing Books, · Leavitt & Allen, New York. Plain and Ornamental, in 24 Books, adapted to Langford, R. Copy Slips. Various Hands. the Analytical Mode of Teaching. fcp. 4to. half bd. 28. 6d. J. Chappell, 146, Minories. 3d. each. Post 4to. 4d. : MacLaurin's System of Writing. Nos. 1 to - Writing Models, 11 Sorts. 6d. each. 12. oblong 4to. G. & J. Cameron. Series of Fine-hand Copybooks, Nos. 1 to 4. System of Writing, in 12 Books of ob. sinall 4to. (Presented by Board of Educa Writing Models, at 6d. each, (mounted on tion, New York.) C. B. Norton, New York. broad folio boards.) Mathew Wilson.. MʻLeod, W. A Series of Copybooks. Nos. 1 Writing Tablet, Capital and Small Letters, to 9. Oblong fcp. 4to. 2s. 3d. per doz. Gleig's each 2d., or mounted on millboard, 7d. (Con- School Series." (Presented by the Author.) gregational Board of Education.) - Copybooks, 9 Nos., oblong fcp. 4to. Depository, The College, Homerton, N.E. (bound in a vol.) Writing-Reading Method, No. 1., Capital (Contributed by the National Society.) and Small Letters in written and printed cha- Longman & Co. racters, 3d. each, or mounted on millboard, 8d, Model Copybooks, in eight books. No. 1. each. (Congregational Board of Education.) oblong fcp. 4to. 3d. Ward & Lock. Depository, The College, Homerton, N.E. Mulhauser's Copy Books, Nos. 1, 2, 3, oblong fcp. 4to., 2s. per doz. (bound in a vol.) (Contributed by the National Society.) Copybooks, fcp. 4to., ruled or plain, at O'Donnell, J. A Practical System of Penman Is. d., Is. 70., 1s. 8d., 1s. 9d., is. Ild., 2s.,, ship. Parts 1, 2, 2*, and 3. Small 4to. (Pre 2s. 7d., and 2s. Sd. per doz. (bound in a vol.) sented by Board of Education, New York). post 4to., ruled or plain, at 2s. 10d., 38., Redfield, New York, 1852. 3s. 7c., and 3s. 9d. per doz. (bound in a vol.) Paton's Copy Slips, various Hands. half (Contributed by the National Society.). bd. 2s. 6d. J. Phelps, 44, Paternoster Row. Cover for Copybooks, Half roan. 6d. Penmanship for Young Ladies. (See Edwards' Congregational Board. Penmanship, bound in a volume.) Copybook Portfolio, adapted for Farnell's Philip's Progressive Series of' Copybooks. Copybooks. post 4to. ornamental cover, 1.d.; Arranged and written by A. Stewart. Nos. 1 to or superior edition, 3d. Jarrold & Sons, 12, large post 4to. 6d. cach. (bound in a vol.) Ciphering Books. Specimens of Ciphering - to 12, post 4to. 411.cach. (ditto.) Books, fcp. 4to., at 55. 3d., 5s.6d., Ss. Sd., - 1 to 15, fcp. 4to. 2 d. each. 8s. lld., lis., lls. 6d.; and post 4to. at 6s. 6d., common. (ditto.) 6s. Od., 18s., and 18s. 6d. per doz. - i to 15, fcp. 4to. 3d. each. fine. (Contributed by the National Society.) (ditto.) G. Philip & Son. Papers, various; a large Collection of Sam- Reife's Copybooks for Boys, with printed ples. Presented by Messrs. De la Rue & Co. Head Line. 7 sorts. 4to. 6d. each. - Chinese; a large Collection of Samples. -- for Young Ladies, with printed (Collected by direction of Sir John Bowring.) Head Line. 5 sorts. 4to. .6d. each. - Specimen sheets of writing, blotting, Relfe, Brothers. and drawing papers, in portfolio Scott, R. Copy Lines in various Styles. Nos. Contributed by the National Society. 1 to 35. 4d. each. (In a volume. royal 4to. half green roan.) Oliver & Boyd. - Copy Books, with engraved Headings, Album d'Ecriture. Album of every Description in a progressive Series. Nos. 1 to 20. 4d. each. of Writing. Lithographed by Carles. imp. 4to. (In à volume. extra post 4to. half green roan.) half bound. Carles, Paris, 1854. - the same medium size. 4d. each. Cahir, Writing Book, with Ornamental Borders, . Oliver & Boyd. for Composition. oblong post 4to. No. 1, 11d. Smith, H. D. Beauties of Penmanship. oblong No. 2, 2 d. each. royal 4to. half bound. Is. large 4to. sewed. 2 d. and 3d. each. – Greek Copy Slip. Id. Relfe, Brothers. Hachette & Co. E 2 68 GENERAL EDUCATION. | each. Cahir, Copybooks, ruled, No. 1, 2, and 3. pot 4to. | Krauss, F. Vorlegeblätter von Englischen lid. each. Schriftzügen und Fractur. Engraved Examples - ruled, Nos. 1, 2, and 3. post 4to. 2 d. of English Writing and Printing. (Text and Hachette & Co. plain letters.) oblong folio. Stuttgard. - Writing Copybooks. 4 parts. fcp. 4to. Kurze Anleitung zum Schönschreiben. German - Writing Copybooks. Set of Four, blank. Writing Copies, engraved on 26 copperplates by _oblong fcp. 4to. Wiedermann, with an Introduction. Oblong Ecriture. Writing, Printed Copies, Elementary. post 4to, sewed in printed wrapper. (Presented 2 parts. fcp. folio. by the Austrian Government.) Wien, 1954, Regnier. Méthode Générale d'Ecriture. Sixty - Duplicate Set. 25 plates. Copies for Writing, with Preliminary Explana Pokorny, J. Schreib-büchern. Writing Copy- tionis. oblong royal Sro. Colas, Paris, 1846. books. 2 parts. oblong fcp. 4to. Brünn, 1853. - Modèles. Writing Copies. 102 Pieces, --Schon und Schnellschreiben. Ornamental 1st series. 2nd do., 100 pieces. oblong royal and Running Hand : Elementary Instruction. Svo. on cardboard. parts 6 & 7. oblong fcp. 4to. Brünn. Seghers, L. Manuscrit destiné à la Gravure. Probearbeiten aus der Stadt Schule. Examples Engraving. Examples of engraved Writing of Writing produced in the Town School of Copies. oblong, scwed. Brussels. 1 H. Löch in Altona various in portfolio. Modèles d'Ecriture. Writing Copies. imp. 4to. (Holstein School System.) 4 parts. oblong, sewed. Brussels. Schreib-Lese-Büchlein, Writing and Read- Writing Copybooks. post 4to. 3 parts. Blank. ing Book, for Parochial Schools in Canton Writing Copies. 14 parts. oblong post Svo. Lucerne. 12mo. sewed. Antwerp. Schreib-Vorschriften Deutsche. German Preliminary Writing Lessons for Canton Solothurn. oblong royal Svo, cloth. 1844. Schreibvorlagen. Writing Copies (engraved) Esemplari di Calligrafia. Examples of Italian for Primary Schools in St. Gall. oblong 8vo. Writing, engraved by Wiedermann, with an J. Tribelhorn, St. Gall. Introduction on forming Letters, for Use of - Writing Copies. 24 slips, on cardboard, Schools in the Austrian States. Oblong post in oblong 8vo. case. 4to. 13.plates. sewed, in printed wrapper. (Pre- - Writing Copies for Schools, oblong 8vo. sented by the Austrian Government.) Luzern. - Duplicate Set. 12 plates. loose in Tonner, M. Deutsche und Latinische Schulvor- wrapper. Vienna, 1844. schriften. Writing Copies for Schools; Ger- Gisine, C. Esemplari di Calligrafia. Examples man and Latin Texts. 2 parts. 4to. loose of Penmanship. (Writing Copies.) oblong in cover. (Holstein School System.). . 12mo. In Leather Case. Vorschriften zum Gebrauche der Deutschen Veladini, A. Esemplari di Calligrafia. Models Schulen. Writing Models for Gerinan Schools of Penmanship for Schools. 2 copies. ob- in the Austrian States. Small oblong, half- long royal Svo. sewed. Lugano. bound in paper case. (Presented by the Austrian Government.). Wien. Zasady i wzory pisemne, &c. Examples of Writing, engraved on 12 copper-plates by Wiedermann, with an Introduction, for the Use of Polish Schools. Oblong post 4to. sewed in printed wrapper. (Presented by the Austrian Government.) Wiédniu, 1853. Donauer, F. J. Schonschreiben, &c. Writing Examples for National Schools. Nos. 1, 2, 3. oblong 8vo. In case. Heckmann, G. Uebungsblatter zur Schreib- methode, &c. Writing Copies and introduc- tions to their use. 4 parts. oblong post 4to. - Mannheim, 1847. Heinrigs, J. Alphabete Europäischer Schrif- tarten. Alphabets of European Writing and Printing, Ancient and Modern. oblong royal 4to. (in case). Cologne, 1848. - Schreibschrift, &c. Alphabets of English and German Large and Small Hand, for Schools. 3 parts. imp. 410. sewed. Cologne. – Schulvorschriften, &c. Examples of Eng- lish, German, and Ornamental Writing. 6 parts. oblong 4to. Cologne. Heinrigs, J. Allgemeine Deutsche, Exam- ples of German, English, French, and Dutch Writing. A Series of 19 engraved Copies for Ordinary and Ornamental Penmanship. oblong royal 8vo. Cologne. Kardel, J. H. Uebungsblatter, &c. Practice in Reading MSS. and in Letter Writing. Litho- graphic Examples. 4to. sewed. (Holstein School System.) Altona, 1838.1 ARITHMETICAL TABLES. Arithmetical Books and Authors, from the Invention of Printing to the present time. By A. De Morgan. post Svo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Walton & Maberly, 1847. Arithmetical Tables. $mo. sewed. per 100, 10s. National Society. - on 4 Cards. 3d. - on 7 Sheets. broad folio. 7d. per Set. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. for Schools. 32mo. "Groombridge & Sons. 1), Addition, Subtraction, Multipli- cation, and Division ; with an enlarged Multi- plication Table. On 5 sheets fcp. broadside. is. 6d. Mounted on millboard, 35.; or in ja- panned ſramne, 4s. 6d. Varty, 3, Adelaide Street. Ona card. 16mo. Is. 6d.perdozen. T. Varty. — On card. 2 sorts, ld. each, or 5s. per 100. J. & C. Mozley. COPY LINES, ETC.- ARITHMETICAL TABLES.- ARITHMETIC. Bell's Improved Arithmetical Tables. 32n1o. | Training School Table Book. per gross, 5s. sewed. id. or 5s. 6d. per 100. J. & C. Mozley. (Wesleyan Education Committee.) A. Heylin. Birkin, W. Improved Arithmetical and Com Varty's Progressive Lessons in Numbers, mercial Tables. 32mo. ld. or 6s. per 100. forming a complete Introduction to the -"- enlarged. 24mo. sewed. 2d. Knowledge of Figures and the Signs of Arith- J. & C. Mozley. metic. fcp. broad folio. 4 sheets.' 8d. Brewer, Rev. Dr. Arithmetical and Commer - Progressive Figures. fcp. broad folio. cial Tables. 12mo. 6d. Jarrold & Sons. 2 sheets. 4d. Card (The) Ready-Reckoner, which shows the - The Hive Tables: Notation, Addition, most important calculations at onc glance. Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division; long 8vo. 1s. with an enlarged Multiplication Table, from J. Hogg & Sons. 1 to 400. fcp. broad folio. 6 sheets. ls. 6d. Clapham, J. The Carriers' Improved Ready (See bound vol.) Varty, 3, Adelaide Street. Reckoner for cwts., grs., lbs., from 2s. 6d. to Underhill, D. C. Tables of Arithmetic made 140s. per ton. oblong post Svo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Easier. 18mo. sewed. (Presented by Board of or, by post, 24. 8d. 1859. Education, New York.) R. Marsh, New York. Sold at 36, Rochester Road, Camden Villas. White's, G., Little Table Book. Parts 1 and 2. Commercial Tables, consisting of Reckoning, sm. 641o. 2s. per 100. Houlston & Wright. Interest, Annuity, &c. 12mo. half bound. 35. Williams, G. A complete Collection of W. & R. Chambers, 1855. Arithmetical Tables. cr. 8vo. 1s. 6cl. Figures, Roman and Arabic, mounted on a deal Relfe, Brothers. board. ls. Home and Colonial School Society. Wilkinson, R. The Imperial Table Book. Goodwin, S. A complete Set of Arithmetical 18mo. 601. Allman & Son. Tables. 18mo. Od. Relfe, Brothers. Wood's Discount Tables, calculated from Guy, John. The New Universal Table Book. Id. to 2001. at from 1 to 90 per cent. 24mo. 32mo. 1d. Allman & Son. Whittaker & Co., 1851. Hook, C. Arithmetical Tables. 32mo. 2d. Woolhouse, W. S. B. Measures, Weights, Groombridge & Sons. and Monies of all Nations, &c. 12mo. 18. Od. Kavanagh, M. D. The Universal Table Book. J. Weale, 1856. 18mo. cloth. ls. J. Cornish, 1860. Leybourne, W. The Ready-Reckoner, or Trader's Sure Guide. 12mo. bound 2s. Darton & Co. ARITHMETIC. Mackenzie, E. New and Correct Commer Anderson, J. J. Exercises in the Fundamental cial, Arithmetical, and Miscellaneous Tables. Rules of Arithmetic. 12.no. half bound. 18mo. 2d. R. Hardwicke. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) McLeod, W. Extended Multiplication and L. H. Embree, New York, 1854. Pence Tables, &c. 12mo. 2s. per doz. (Pre Arithmetic for Schools and Families, [by H. sented by the Author.) Longman & Co., 1856. Grant, Esq.] 18mo. cloth. 3s. lication made Easy. On C. Knight & Co., 1841. two cards. 12mo. Gd. J. Hogg & Sons. Arithmetic for Young Children ; being a Multiplication Tables, in large Type. 12 Series of Exercises exemplifying the manner sheets. ls. National Society. in which Arithmetic should be taught to Multiplication Table, in Roman Type. Siže Young Children. [By H. Grant, Esq.] 18mo. 3ft. 4in. by 2ft. Gin. price . · cloth. C. Knight, 1835. Congregational Board of Education. | Arithmetic, for the Use of Junior.Pupils. By Myers, 1. H. Fractional Multiplication Tables. Scholasticus. Part 1. royal 32mo. sewed. 12.no. 6d. Relſe, Brothers. 3d. Piper, Stephenson, & Spence, Nicoll, G. Combination Tables, to facilitate Arithmetical Cards for Common Schools. Mental Arithmctic. 18.no, sewed. 4d. Nos. 1. to 8. Mounted on boards. Royal 4to. Simpkin & Co., 1860. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Numeral Letters, in Roman type, on 2 Sheets, C. Shepard, New York. folio. ls. 40. per doz. Arithmetical Cards for Home Exercises and Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Class Teaching. The Simple Rules on 60 Partridge, J. H. The Common School Table- cards, containing upwards of 2,000 questions, Book. iSmo. half bound. (Presented by with the solutions in an accompanying Book. Board of Education, New York.) Royal 32mo. per set, 3s. (in a case). (Con- C. Shepard & Co., New York, 1853. gregational Board of Education.) Ward & Co. Ryffel, J. E. Calculating Cubes, illustrating Arithmetical Lessons. folio. Set of 48. 7s. the Rudiments of Arithmetic, in a Box (with a British and Foreign School Society. description, 12mo.) 10s. 6d. Darton & Co. Arnold, Rev. Charles. The Boy's Arithmetic. - Multiplication, Table as illustrated by Part I. 12mo. bound. 3s. 6d. his Calculating Cubes. On a large sheet F. & J. Rivington, 1850. coloured (with a description, 8 pp. 12mo.), Atkinson, T. Elementary Treatise on Arith- 7s.6d.; mounted on canvas and roller, var- metic, fcp. Svo. bound. Is. 6d. E. Law, 1859. nished, 10s. Darton & Co. Ayres, J. Arithinetick made Easie, with a Tegetmeier, W. B. Arithmetical Tables, in Treatise on Book-keeping by C. Snell. Re- cluding those of the Decimal Coinage. 18mo. vised by E. Hatton. 17th edition, 18mo. 6d. Darton & Co. | bound. T. Norris, London, 1726. L ongman & Co., 1856. Winto, L. M 70 GENERAL EDUCATION. . i Os. Baldwin, A. Table Book and Primary Arith- 1 Colenso, Rev. J. W. Arithmetic designed metic. 18mo. half · bound. (Presented by for the Use of Schools, with a Chapter on Deci- Board of Education, New York.) mal Coinage. 12mo. 4s. 6d. 1856. Lockwood & Son, New York. -- Key to, by S. Maynard. 12mo. Banson, W. An Arithmetical Exercise, being 6s. 1856. designed for the more speedy Improvement of - A Text Book of Elementary Arithmetic. the Youth at the Free Writing School in 18mo. cloth limp. ls. 9d. 1855. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. small 12mo. calf. — with Answers. 18mo. cloth limp. J. Button, Newcastle, 1709. 2s. 3d. 1855. - The Schoolmaster and Scholars' Mutual in 5 Parts, 18mo. sewed, viz. : Assistant, or a Compendious System of Prac- 1. Text Book. 60. tical Arithmetic made perfectly casy. post 2. Progressive Examples in Arithmetic. Svo. half bound. C. 'Hitch, London, 1760. Part I.-Simple Arithmetic. 4d. 3. — Part 11.—Compound Arithmetic. Bellamy, W. Arithmetic. 12mo. 38. 6d. 4d. - 12mo. 9d. 4. — Part III.-Fractions, Decimals, - Key to Ditto. 12mo. 9d. Jarrold & Sons. &c. 4d. : Eland, w. Hints on Teaching Notation to 5. Answers to the Examples, &c. ls. Little Children. 12mo. Is. Longman & Co. Longman & Co., 1853. Boardman, J. H. Arithmetic; Rules and Combination Tables in Addition, Subtraction, Reasons. 12mo. cloth. Multiplication, and Division. Set of 20. ls. Macmillan & Co., 1850. *** Lesson Boards, framed for the above, ls. 3d. 302nycastle's Scholar's Guide to Arithmetic, British and Foreign School Society. improved by J. Rowbotham and S. Maynard. Concise (The) Arithmetician, or Accountant's 12mo. 3s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1851. Manual. [By Joseph Thornthwaite.] 18mo. Bowring, Sir J., LL.D. The Decimal Sys- bound. 25. 6d. W. Pickering, 1829. tem in Numbers, Coins, and Accounts. crown Copland, J. Exercises in Mental and Slate Svo. cloth. 45. N. Cooke, 1854. Arithmetic for Beginners. 18mo. cloth, limp. Butler, W. Arithmetical Questions, edited by 4d. W. P. Nimmo, 1860. Thomas Bourn and George Frost. 12mo. bd. Cornwell and Fitch's Science of Arithmetic. Longman & Co., 1853. 12mo. 45. 6d. (British and T'oreign School 3*tex's Tangible Arithmetic and Geometry Sociely.) 1856. for Children; Illustrated by Engravings, and - 4th edition. 12mo. cloth, 4s. 6d. a Box of 144 Cubes. Small size, 3s. Large, (Presented by Dr. Cornwell.) 1858. 4s. 6d. Joseph, Myers, & Co. --- Arithinetic for Beginners; being an In- Calder, Rev. F. A Familiar Explanation of troduction to the above. 12mo. cloth, ls. 6d., Arithmetic. Parts 1 and 2, with the Answers, or in 2 Parts, sewed, 9d. each. (Presented by in 1 vol. 12mo. boards. 58. 6d. (Presented Dr. Cornwell.) Simpkin & Co, 1858. by the Author.) Whittaker & Co. Crossley and Martin. The Intellectual Cal- Carver, J. First Steps in Arithmetic. 12mo. culator. 18mo. bound. 28th edit. 1s. Jarrold & Sons. — 67th edit. 18mo. bound. ls. 8d. Cassell's Elements of Arithmetic, by Rev. R. (Presented by Mr. Crossley.) Wallace. crown 8vo. cloth. ls. 6d. 1854. 18mo. bound. 1s. Sd. (British Key to. 32mo. 3d. Cassell, 1853. and Foreign School Society.) - Key to. 18mo. bd. 38. 6d. (British Chambers, W. & R. Arithmetical Primer, 2d., and Key, id. 18mo. sewed. (Minor Edu- and Foreign School Society.) Hamilton & Co. cational Course.) Cruttendeo, D. H. Table Book and Mental - Introduction to Arithmetic.12mo. ls. 1856. Arithmetic for Beginners (No. 1). 12mo. half bound. - Theoretical and Practical Arithmetic. - Mental and Primary Arithmetic (No. 2). 12mo. cloth. 2s. 1859. 12mo. lialf bound. - Key to Arithmetic, by W. Marr. 12mo. - Theoretical and Practical Arithmetic cloth. 2s. W. & R. Chambers, 1853. (No. 3). 12mo. half bound. (Presented by Christian Brothers. A Commercial Arith- Board of Education, New York.) metic, in which the Rules are deduced from Cruttenden, New York. Scientific Principles, and the Exercises are Darnell, G. Arithmetic made Intelligible to adapted to Modern Mercantile Business. royal Children. Part 1, 6d. Part 2, 9d. Part 3, 6d., 18mo, cloth. 1s. 4d. Burns & Co., 1855. or in 1 vol. 12mo. 1s. 6d. Cocker, E. Arithmetic. By J. Hawkins, and Key to, Parts 2 and 3, 1s. George Fisher. 49th edition. 12mo. bound. Griffith & Farran. : Bettesworth & Hitch, London, 1738. Davidson, J. The Young Arithmetician's Colburn, W. Intellectual Arithmetic, upon Guide. 18mo. bound. 1s. the Inductive Method. 18mo. half bound. Bell & Bradfute, 1856. Reynolds & Co., Boston. Davies, Dr. C. The Table Book of Arith- -L a Sequel to the above. 12mo. metic. 18mo. half bound. bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New - First Lessons in Arithmetic. 18mo, York.) Mussey & Co., Boston, 1853. / half bound. ARITHMETIC. 71 Davies, Dr. C. Arithmetic for Academies and 1 Goodacre, R. Arithmetic. Corrected by S. Schools. 12mo. half bound. Maynard. 12mo. bound. 45. Longman & Co. - Arithmetic for Universities. 12mo. Grant, H. Arithmetic for Young Children. bound. 18mo. Is. 6d. (Presented by the Author). (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Griffith & Farran, 1853. Barnes & Co., New York - A Box of Cubes, Counters, &c., to illus- trate the Arithmetic for Young Children. De Morgan, A. Elements of Arithmetic. post (Presented by H. Grant, Esq. Not.Published.) 8vo. cloth, 5s. Walton & Maberly, 1857. - Arithmetic for Schools and Families. Dilworth, T. The Schoolmaster's Assistant; 18mo. 38. (Presented by the Author). being a Compendium of Arithmetic, both C. Knight, 1841. practical and theoretical. 14th edition. 12mo. Gray, J. An Introduction to Arithmetic. 18mo. bound. H. Kent, London, 1767. bound. 10d. . - 22nd edition. 12mo. bound. -- - Key to, by J. Wallace; revised by R. & H. Causton, London, 1784. James Trotter. 18mo. bound. 2s. Driver, R. C. Exercises in Arithmetic, on a Oliver & Boyd, 1853. large card. Id. or 6s. 6d. per 100 to Teachers. Greenleaf, B. Introduction to the National Arithinetic. 12mo. half bound... 1844. — The Preceptor's Manual of Questions and Exercises in Arithmetic, for Collective - with Additions. 12mo. half bound. Teaching, or for the Examination of Classes; 1845. with the Answers arranged in columns; · National Arithmetic, forming a complete forming a complete Key to upwards of Thirty Mercantile Arithmetic. 12mo. half bound. thousand Questions contained in the Pupils' (Prescnted by the Board of Education, New York.) Card. fcp. 8vo. bound. 38. 6d. (Presented Davis & Co. Boston, 1853. by the Author.) Groombridge & Sons, 1858. Greig, J. Young Ladies' Guide to Arithmetic. Revised by S. Maynard. 12mo. 2s. Ellenberger, J. L. The Course of Arithmetic Simpkin & Co. 1852. as taught in the Pestalozzian School, Worksop. 12mo. 58. Walton & Maberly, 1854, Grey's Arithmetical Excellencies. 2nd edition. 12mo, half bound. Farnell, W. K. Arithmetic on a Card. Id. T. Courtenay, Dublin, 1823. The Rapid Arithmetic. 18ino. Is. Id. Griffin, Rev. W. N. Examples in Arithmetic. Jarrold & Sons. Parts l. and 2. 18mo. sewed. ls. 4d. per do%. Felton, J. An improved Method of Perform each. National Society. ing Commercial Calculations, representing Guy, Joseph. School Arithmetic. 12mo. bound. the Science of Arithmetic in a new light. 12mo. cloth. 2s. 1839. - 12mo. (Government Schools, - The Teacher's Manual of Mental Arith Ceylon.) 1850. metic; displaying aSimple Method of success- - Key to. 12mo. bound. 4s. 6d. fully communicating Instruction in that most - First Arithmetic. Royal 12mo. 1s. 3d. useful Science adapted to the “ Commercial - Key to. 4 pp. 3d. Cradock & Co. Calculations,” together with a Key to that Guy, Joseph, jun. Arithmetical Plan, or Im- Work. 12o. cloth. 2s. · proved Method of the First Four Rules. A. Hall & Co., 1840. ismo. ls. Cradock and Co., 1856. First Book of Arithmetic (Irish Society). Guy, John. Arithmetic for Children. 18mo. 12mo. cloth. W. P. Nimmo, Edinburgh, 1860. ls. Allman & Son, 1857. First Book of Arithmetic (Irish Society). ismo. Hall, Rev. T. G. Arithmetic for Schools. (Government Schools, Ceylon.) 1853. Parts 1 and 2 and the Keys in 1 vol. 12mo. 28. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. -- 18mo. cloth. 3d. 1859. - Kev to. 182o. cloth. '3d. 1858. Hardcastle, W. First Lessons in Rational (Commissioner's National Education, Ireland. Arithmetic. 18mo. sewed. 9d. Groombridge & Sons. - Teacher's Copy, a Key to the above. 18mo. cloth. 2s. Relfe, Brothers, 1852. Foster, Rev. W. Elements of Arithmetic. Harding, P. H. Tabular Exercises in Ele- 12mo. cloth. Is. 6d. mentary Arithmetic. 12mo. Mounted on Tin. -- Examples in Arithmetic. 12mo. cloth. - Tabular Exercises in Elementary Arith- 1s. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1842. metic, in script figures. Size, 44 in. X 28 in., Galbraith and Haughton. Manual of Arith con paper, Is.; mounted on cloth and rollers, inetic. 12mo. sewed. 2s. 2s. 6d. G. J. Stevenson. cloth, 28. 6d. (Presented by the -- Tabular Exercises on the four Compound Authors.) Longman & Co., 1855. Rules. Reduction, Proportion, Practice, &c., in large figures. Size, 38 in. x 24 in., on paper, Gawthrop, W. The Young Scholar's Intro- ls. Od.; mounted on cloth and rollers, 3s. duction to Arithmetic. 4th edition. 12mo. Tabular Exercises in Arithmetic. 8vo. 2d. bound. . Hayward & Moore, London. - Key to the Exercises. 8vo. 2d. Giles, Rev. Dr. First Lessons in Arithmetic. - Register to Tabular Exercises. On paper, 18mo. sewed. 9d.. J. Cornish. 1 2s. per 100. 2s. 72 GENERAL EDUCATION. Harding, P. H. Tabular Exercises and Register. | Hutton, George. The Theory and Practice of On card, Ss. per 100. Arithmetic. 12mo. bound. - Answers to Simple Rules ; size, 29 in. x 16 Poole & Edwards, London, 1831. inches. On a sheet, 6d. (on cloth and rollers.) - toCompound Rules; size, 21 in, by Ingram, A. Principles of Arithmetic. 18mo. 15 in. On a sheet, Sd. (on cloth and rollers.) bound. 1s. 1856. to Money Tables, on cloth and - Key to, by Jas. Trotter. 18mo. rollers; size 21 inches x 15 inches. bound. 2s. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1854. (Contributed by Mr. Harding.) National Society. Introduction to Arithmetic. ismo. sewed. Hardy, P. A New and General Notation for 3d. J: A. Wilson. Life Contingencies. Svo. cloth. 5s. (Presented - to Arithmetic for the Use of Irish Na- by H. Grant, Esg.) Taylor & Walton, 1840. tional Schools, on Sheets. folio. Harrison, D. A New System of Mental * Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. Arithmetic. 2nd edition. 12mo. bound Intellectual Arithmetic, upon the Inductive J. Souter, London, 1837. Method of Instruction. 18mo. 2s. J. S. Hodson. Haughton, T. Arithmetical Exercises forJunior Johnston, R. School of Arithmetic, including Classes. Printed in large type, and mounted on a Comprehensive Course of Mental Arith- canvas and roller. 7s. 6d. on 4 sheets, 3s. metic, with Hints on the improved Method of - on a card. 7s. 6d. per 100, Teaching it. 12mo. cloth. *25. Key to. 8vo. sewed. Is. 3d. Simpkin & Co., 1860. ( Contributed by the Author, Manor School, York.) Joyce, Rev. J. A System of Practical Arith- Hiley, R. Arithmetical Companion. 18mo. 2s. metic. A new edition. 12mo. bound. 1835. - Key to. Smo. ls. Gd. — Last edition. Longman & Co., 1856. Corrected by S. Maynard. 12mo. bound. 38. Hind, Rev. John, M.A. The Principles and Practice of Arithmetic, comprising the Nature - Key to, by S. Maynard. i$mo. bound. 3s. Longman & Co., 1854. and Use of Logarithms, with the Computations employed by Artificers, Gaugers, and Land A System of Practical Arithmetic. Surveyors, with a New Appendix of Miscel 12mo. bound. 2s. 6d. Allman & Son, 1856. laneous Questions. 12mo. boards. 4s. 6d. Kavanah, J. W. Arithmetic, its Principles and - Key to; with an Appendix, con- Practice. 5th Edition, with an Appendix on sisting of Questions for Examination in all Coins and Coinage, Decimal Money, &c. the Rules of Arithmetic. 12mo. boards. 5s. 12no. cloth, 2s. C. Dolman. Deighton, Bell, & Co., 1856. | Keith, T. Complete Practical Arithmetic. Hipsley, W. Equational Arithmetic applied 5th edition. 12mo. bound. to Questions of Interest, Life Assurance, &c. J. Walker, London, 1811. 12mo. ls. J. Weale, 1854. Lardner, Dr. A Treatise on Arithmetic. 12mo. Hodder, J. Arithmetick ; or, that necessary | 3s. 6d. Longman & Co. Art made most easie. 20th cdition, revised by Lawrie, G. Mercantile Arithmetic; with the H. Mose. 18mo. bd. Chiswell, London, 1697. Nature, Use, and Negotiation of Bills of Ex- Hopkins, Rev. H. The Pupil's Manual of change. 7th edition. In 2 Parts. 12ino. Exercises in Mental Arithmetic. 12mo. 25. bound in roan, with key, 3s.; or Parts I. and A Key to. 12o. 38. 6d. II., in cloth, ls, each; the Key separately, ls. Relfe, Brothers. Blackie & Son, 1858. Hughes, E. Explanatory Arithmetic. Part 1, Leach and Swan, An Elementary Intellec- 12mo. Is. 6d. 1855. tual Arithmetic. 12mo. half bound. 1853. - Part I. (Teacher's Copy), with The Primary School Arithmetic. a Key. 12mo. 3s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1855. 12mo. half bound. 1850. - Theoretical and Practical Arith- Hunter, Rev. J. Manual of Arithmetic for metic. post Svo. half bound. (Presented by National Schools. 12mo. 7d. 1853. Board of Education, New York,) 1853. - Key to. 12mo. ls. 1854. Jenks & Co., Boston. Text Book of Arithmetic. 12mo. cloth. - An Elementary Intellectual Arithmetic. National Society. 1855. Exercises on the First Four Rules of 12mo. half bound, 2s. - The Primary School Arithmetic. post Arithmetic. 12mo. sewed. 6d. 8vo. half bound, Is. 6d. 1855. Longman & Co., 1851. — Theoretical and Practical Arithmetic Hutton, C. The Schoolmaster's Guide, or a post 8vo. half bound, 4s. 1855. Complete System of Practical Arithmetic and ---- Key to. post Svo. cloth, 4s. 1855. Book-keeping. 3rd edition. 12mo. . Hickling & Co., Boston, U. S. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1771. Trübner & Co., London. - A Complete Treatise on Practical Lessons on Number as given in a Pestalozzian Arithmetic and Book-keeping. 6th edition. School, Cheam, Surrey. By C. Mayo. 12mo. 12mo. bound. G. Robinson, London, 1781. cloth. J. Taylor, London, 1831. Arithmetic and Book-keeping. Edited - 3rd edition, corrected. The Master's by Ingram and Trotter. New edition. 12mo. Manual. By C. Reiner. 12mo. cloth. 5s. bound. 2s. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1857. Taylor, Walton, & Maberly, 1851. 2s. S ARITHMETIC. 73 Maclaren, James. Arithmetic for Junior | Pix, Rev. H. Miscellaneous Examples in Classes. Ismo. sewed. 6d. Oliver & Boyd. Arithmetic. l2mo. stiffened cover. 2s.6d. Macleod, W. A Manual of Arithmetic. 18mo. Longman & Co., 1858. 9d. (Gleig's School Series.) 1856. Forter, NIrs. G. R. Rational Arithmetic. 12mo. - Arithmetical Questions, comprising a 35. 6d. Systematic Course of Mental Arithmetic. Murray, 1852. Part I. Whole Numbers. 12mo. sewed. Is. Presentation (The) Voster; a Complete Treatise on Arithmetic. By a Member of the 1856. - Part. II. Fractional Arithmetic. Presentation Monastery, Cork. 12mo. bound. 12mo. sewed. ls. (Presented by the Author.) W. R. Dillon, Cork, 1922. - The 2 Parts in 1 vol. 12mo. half Bedknap, W. Arithmetic on Improved Prin- bound. Longman & Co., 1853. ciples. Crown 8vo. 4s. 6d. Rivingtons, 1854. Manson, J. Progressive Exercises in Arith- metic fór Junior Classes. 18mo. cloth limp. Reid, Hugo. First Lessons in Arithmetic 6d. crown Svo. 2s. N. Cooke, 1853. — for Senior Classes. 18mo. cloth Keiner, C. Lessons on Number. (See Lessons.) limp. Sd. Simpkin & Co., 1859. Richards, W. F. Mental Arithmetic. 18mo. Mayo's Lessons on Numbers. (See Lessons.) sewed. ls. 4d. per Dozen. National Society. Melrose, A. Practical Arithmetic. Revised by Sang, E. Elementary Arithmetic. post 8vo. A. Ingram and J. Trotter. 1$mo. bound. cloth. 5s. 1856. 1s. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1856. -- Auswers to the Exercises in -- Key to, by James Trotter. 18mo. bound. 35. 6d. 1856. Oliver & Boyd, 1853. post Svo, sewed. ls. - Higher Arithmetic. post 8vo. cloth. 5s. Molyneux, T. Introduction to Practical Arithmetic. Parts I. and II. Edited by Blackwood & Sons, 1857. S. Maynard. 12mo. 28. d. cach. Scott, R. First Lessons in Arithmetic for Key to. Parts I. and II. Junior Classes. 18mo. 6d.. Post 8vo. 6d. each. Longman & Co. - Key to. 13mo. Od. Morell, T. Easy Lessons in Arithmetic. 12mo. - Progressive Lessons in Mental Calcula- is. Dean & Son. tion. 18mo. 6d. 1855. Morrison, G. Young Ladies' Guide to Arith- Teacher's Copy. 18mo, 6d. metic and Book-keeping. 12mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1852. in & Co. 1853. Scott, W. Elements of Arithmetic, for Schools, Nesbit, A. A Practical Treatise on Arithmetic. 12ino. bound. 4s. 1854. Part I. 12mo. bound. 5s. 1850. - Elements of Arithmetic and Algebra, for ---- Key to. 12no. bound. 5s. the Use of the Royal Military College, Sand- -- Part II. 12ino. bound. 73. 60. hurst. Svo. bound. '16s. 1851. Longman & Co. - Key to. 12mo. bound. 7s. Longman & Co., 1846. Shakerley, J. "A Progressive and Complete North American School Arithmetic, revised by System of Arithmetic, containing the inost David Price. 12mo. half bound. (Presented generally practical and mental parts. 12mo. by Board of Education, New York.) bound. G. Wightman, London, 1839. Huntington, New York, 1853. Short, Rev. Dr. Hints on Teaching Vulgar Ottley, H. First Principles of Arithmetic, and Decimal Fractions. 12mo. Sd. chiefly from the French of Condorcet. 12mo. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. boards. Cowie & Strange, London, 1828. Smith, Barnard, M.A. Arithmetic for Schools. Parke, U. Lectures on the Philosophy of post Svo. bound. 45. 6d. 1859. Arithmetic. crown Svo. bound. (Presented by - Key to Arithmetic for Schools. 2nd Board of Education, New York.) edition. crown Svo. cloth. $s. 6d. 1860. Moss, Philadelphia, 1850. Partridge, J. H. Elementary Arithmetic, with - Arithmetic and Algebra in their Prin- the Tables and Exercises systematically ar ciples and Application. post Svo. 10s. 6d. ranged for Schools. crown Svo. half bound. 1859. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) - Exercises in Arithmetic crown 8vo. Shepard & Co., New York, 1854. cloth, limp. 25. Macmillan & Co., 1860. Perkios, G. R." Primary Arithmetic, com Smith, J. Brook. Arithmetic in Theory and bining Mental with Written Exercises. 18mo. Practice for advanced Pupils. Part I. post. half bound. 1852. Svo. · cloth. 35. 6d. (Presented by the Author.) - An Elementary Arithmetic. 18mo. half Macmillan & Co., 1860. bound. 1853. - H. G. C. Practical Arithmetic for The Practical Arithmetic. 12mo. half Senior Classes. 12mo. bound. 2s. 1858. bound. 1852. - The Higher Arithmetic. 12mo. bound. – Arithmetic for Junior Classes. 12mo. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) stiff cover, 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1860. Appleton & Co., New York, 1850. Spencer, W. Exercises in Arithmetic; 302 Perry, J. The Middle Stage of Arithmetic, Questions, selected entirely from the Govern- according to the Perryan Principia. 12mo. ment Examination Papers, 1848 to 1856. On cloth. 42 cards, 32mo. size. is. - Key to. 12mo, cloth. - Solutions of the above. 12mo. 10d. J. Perry, 1829. • Published by the Author, Beverley. 74 GENERAL EDUCATION. 1856. Stewart, R. First Lessons in Arithmetic, i Trotter, A. Arithmetic for Advanced Classes. for Junior Classes. 18mo. 6d. 1855. 18mo. 6d. Oliver & Boyd; 1857. - Key to First Lesssons in Arithmetic. Vanderbilt, J. Table Book and Elementary 18mo. 6d. 1854. - Practical Treatise on Arithmetic. ismo. Arithmetic. Edited by D. Price. 18mo. hall bound. (Presented by Board of Education, bound. Is. Od. 1856. - Key to, by A. Trotter. 18mo. New York.) Clark & Co., New York, 1853. bound. 35. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1854. Verney, Lady. Hints on Arithmetic, addressed Stoddard, J. F. American Intellectual Arith to a Young Governess. 18mo. 6d. metic. ismo. half bound. Groombridge & Sons, 1852. Practical Arithmetic. 12mo. half bound. Vyse, C. The Tutor's Guide, being a Com - (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) plete System of Arithmetic. 17th edition. Lamport & Co., New York, 1853. 12mo. bound. Tate, T. First Principles of Arithmetic after G. G. J. & J. Robinson, London, 1790. the Method of Pestalozzi. 12mo. ls. 6d. — The Ladies'. Accomptant, and the Scho- Longman & Co., 1855. lar's best Accomplisher. 2nd edition. 12mo. System of Mental Arithmetic after the bound. Method of Pestalozzi, for the Use of Teachers. G. G. J. & J. Robinson, London, 1789. Svo. sewed. 2s. 1857. - Arithmetic and Algebra (Mathematics for Walkingame, F. The Tutor's Assistant, Working Men. Part I.) Svo. sewed. 2s. 1856. being a Compendium of Arithmetic, and a - The New Coinage considered in rela- Complete Question Book 21st edition. ] 2mo. tion to our School Arithmetics. 12mo. 9d. bound. Scatcherd & Whittaker, London, 1785. Longman & Co. Walkingame, F. Compendium of Arithmetic, Tate, W. A System of Commercial Arith improved by Crosby and Maynard. A new edi- metic. 12mo. bound. C. Law, London, 1810. tion. 12mo. bound. 28. Taylor, H. Decimal System as applied to the — Key to, by S. Maynard. 12.no. Coinage and Weights and Measures of Great bound. 35. 6d. Longman & Co., 1854. Britain 12mo. 1s. 6d. Groombridge & Sons. - Tutor's Assistant, improved by Rev. T. Thomson, J. B. Arithmetical Tables and Exer- Smith. 12mo. bound. 2s. Allman & Son, 1856. cises for Primary Schools. 18mo. half bound. - Revised by W. Birkin. 12mo. 1854. - Mental Arithmetic, or First Lessons in bound. 2s. Numbers. 18mo. half bound. : 1853. -- Key to. By W. Birkin. 12mo. - Rudiments of Arithmetic. 18mo. Half bound. 3s. J. & C. Mozley. bound. 1853. - To which is added a Course of - Practical Arithmetic. 12mo, half bound. Mental Arithmetic By E. Mackenzie. 18mo. . 1854. complete, cloth 1s., sewed 4d., or in 2 parts, -- Higher Arithmetic for advanced Classes. sewed, 2d, each. R. Hardwicke. 12mo. bound. (Presented by Board of Educa- Watson, Rev. J. A Progressive Course of tion, New York.) Ivison & Phinney, New York. Examples in Arithmetic. Post Svo. 2s. 6d. Thomson, Dr. J. A Treatise on Arithmetic, .. Bell & Daldy, 1855. with an Introduction to Mersuration. 12mo. Wharton, J. Logical Arithmetic; being a half calf. 1853. Textbook for Class Teaching, 12mo. stiffened - Key to. 12mo. half calf. (Pre- sented by the Irish Board.) cover. ls. 6d. Simms & McIntyre, 1853. - Answers to the Questions in. Thrower, W. Questions in Arithmetic, for the 12mo. sewed. 6d. (Presented by the Author.) use of King Edward the Sixth's School, Bir- C. F. Hodgson, 1859. mingham. 12mo. bound. 2s. White, Rev. J. A Practical System of Mental Simpkin & Co., 1853. Arithmetic. 12mo. bound. 3s. 6d. 1841. Titlow, Rev. S. Vulgar and Decimal Fractions, - Expeditious Assistant, founded on a New with their Application to several Rules in Discovery. 12mo. bound. 28. Arithmetic. post Svo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1841. - Key to. post Svo. cloth. 5s. Jarrold & Sons. White, G. Arithmetical Exercises, adapted to Treatise on Arithmetic in Theory and Prac- collective teaching, on cards. No. 1, 5 cards, Svo, size; Nos. 2 to ll, on 56 cards, 32mo. tice. 12mo. cloth. Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. size. ls. each set (in a case), viz. :- W. P. Nimmo, Edinburgh, 1859. No. - 12mo. cloth. 7d. 1859. 1. Numeration. 7. Compound Addi- - Key to Ditto. 12o. cloth. 9d. 1859. 2. Simple Addition. tion. Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. 3. -- Subtraction. 8. - Subtraction. Groombridge & Sons. 4. Multiplica- 9. - Multiplica- Trotter, J. Complete System of Arithmetic. tion. tion. 12mo. bound. 35. 1853. -- Division. 10. Division. - Lessons in Arithinetic for Junior Classes. Reduction. 11. Proportion. 18mo. stiffened cover. 6d. 1861. *** A separate and corresponding Table of - Key to Lessons in Arithmetic for Junior Answers to each set. Classes. 18mo. cloth, stiff. 6d. Houlston & Wright. No. wo 1853. ARITHMETIC: 75 Vieran, Rev. J. C. Elementary Arithmetic | Metre (The) and its Subdivisions : for Masters and Mistresses of National Schools. 1. Metre divided into Decimetres and Centi- 12mo. Is. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) metres. Rivingtons, 1832. 2. Metre divided into Decimetres, Centimetres, Williams, Dr. Mental Arithmetic. 121no. and Millimetres ; made to fold into, bali 6d. T. Allman & Son. and quarter metres. Wilson, Rev. A. Rules of Elementary Arith- 3. Half Metre, divided into Decimetres, Centi- metic. Parts I and II. 18mo. ls. 4d. each per dozen. (National Society. ) quarter Metres, and eighths of the metre. Wilson, M. Arithmetical Primer. 18mo. 4. Scale of 4 Decimetres, divided into Centi- bound. 8d. metres and Millimetres, folding with - Complete System of Mental Arithmetic. hinges twice. (Pupil's Copy.) 18mo. bound. ls. 5. Scale of 3 Decimetres, divided into Centime- __*New System of Mental Arithmetic. tres and Millimetres, fulding with hinges. (Pupil's Copy.) Parts 1, 2, 3.. 18mo. sewed. N.B. The scale of 3 Decimetres is the 3d. each. foot, adopted in Switzerland, and - (Teacher's Copy.) Parts 1, 2, 3. 18mo. sewed. 4d. each. the South of Germany. Text-Book of Arithmetic, including some 6. Scale of 2 Decimetres, divided into Centime- Exercises on the Decimal Coinage, and an tres and Millimetres, folding with a hinge. Appendix of Mental Arithmetic. 18mo. bound. 7. Scale of 2 Decimetres, divided into Centi- ls. 3d. M. Wilson & Co. metres; no hinges. Young, J. R. Rudimentary Treatise on Arith 8. Scale of 21 Decimetres (the foot of Hesse metic. 12mo. ls. 6d. 1856. Darmstadt), divided into Centimetres Key to. 12mo. 1s. 6d. and Millimetres; including a slide of J. Weale, 1853. of the same length. Young, S. A System of Practical Arithmetic, . 9. Metre divided into Decimetres, C nti- adapted to the Use of Schools; containing metres and Millimetres, folding with the Fundamental Rules, and their Application six hinges. From Brussels. to Mercantile, Cotton Spinning, Manufactur 10. Metre of Red Tape, divided into Centi- ing, and Mechanical Calculations. 12mo. metres; used by carpenters, masons, bound. 35. 6d. 1859. bricklayers, and other workmen. Retail Key to. 12mo. bound. 45. 1858. price in Paris, įd. J. & C. Mozley. 11. Green Tape, l} metres long, divided into Centimetres, on a roulette, for semps- tresses and other workwomen. 12. Measuring Tape of 20 metres, Chester- International Association for obtaining a man's patent, on a roulette; divided into Uniform System of Measures, Weights, and Metres, Decimetres, and Centimetres, Coins (British Branch): with English feet and inches on the Report of the Unit of Length, presented by other side of the tape. Retail price in . the Council to the Second Annual General London, 12s. Meeting, held Feb. 28th, 1858. 8vo. stitched. N.B. This length, 2 Decimetres, is the Double Land-Chain of the Second Report, adopted at the above Meeting, Metrical System. Feb. 25th, 1858. Svo. stitched. 30. 13. Table explanatory of the Metrical System, Third ditto, ditto, held March 30th, 1859. Svo. engraved and coloured for the use of stitched. 3d. the Schools in Belgium. French and Fourth ditto, ditto, held April 26th, 1860. Svo. Flemish. (On a sheet.) stitched. Sd. (Presented by the International Association for obtaining a uniform Decimal System of Report of the Fourth General Meeting, held Measures, Weights, and Coins.) at Bradford, Yorkshire, on the 10th, 11th, and 12th October 1859. Svo. stitched. 6d. Address at ditto, ditto, by Michel Chevallier, Abacus, or Arithmetical Frame, 17 inches Vice-President. Evo. stitched. by 16.5s. National Society. Memorial on Decimal Weights, presented to 20 inches by 7, of rosewood. the Right Hon. B. Disraeli, M.P., Chancellor Presented by Harry Chester, Esq. of the Exchequer, March 19th, 1859. 8vo. 8 inches square. 10s. per dozen. stitched. 3d.“ 13 inches by 11 inches. 24s. per dozen. Jones, W. A. The Decimal System of Mea- A. Davis & Co. - 21 in. by 16 in., coloured balls. sures, Weights, and Money. 2nd edition. 22 in. by 19 in., plain balls. 8vo. stitched. 6d. . 1857. Foreign Contributions. Yates, J., and Barrett, Rev. A. Improve Exchequer Tally, 1822. ments in Arithmetic, with a Vindication of (Presented by Miss Bulley.) the Decimal Principle. Bell & Daldy. 76 GENERAL EDUCATION. Arithmétique. Les Quatre Règles de l'Arith- | Michel, J. Guide pour l'Etude du Calcul. métique. 4 ft. by 3 ft. Mounted on canvas | Guide to Arithmetic, for the Children of and roller, varnished. (and a Book 18mo.) 58. Primary Schools. 12mo. Porrentruy, 1849. Hachette & Co. Numération Décimale. Elementary Decimal - Décimale, Nouveau Traité d'. 42nd edi Counting. Revised by M. Marre. oblong 16mo. tion, 12mo. Tours, Mame & Cic., 1853 scwed. Paris, Dezobry. Ccadillac. La Langue des Calculs. Syo. Perrot, A. M. Tableaux des Mesures et Poids half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Français, on a Sheet as Specimen. (The Set of S. S. Tourneisen, Basle. 8, 10s.) Delaunoy, Paris. Poids et Mesures, Loi Fédérale sur les Swiss Daléchamps, L. Tableau Synoptique et Dé- Federal Law respecting Weights and Measures. monstratif des Poids et Mésures du Système (Dec. 1851.) crown 8vo. sewed. 1851. Legal. Size, 5 ft. 7 in. by 4 ft. 5 in., on rollers. Ritt, G. Nouvelle Arithmétique des Ecoles (Prescrled by H. M. Commissioners of the Ex Primaires. Réponses et Solutions Raisonnées. hibition, 1851.) L. Colas, Paris. Arithmetic for Primary Schools, with the De Salve, M. Arithmétique. Arithmetic. One Solutions, in 1 vol. 12mo. half' calf. of a Series for the Lyceums. 12mo. sewed. Paris, Hachette Paris, Dezobry, 1853. Saigey, N. Problèmes d'Arithmétique. Arith- Détallante, D. Comptabilité Mécanique. metical Problems. Sth edition. iSmo. half Tables for calculating Interest, on a circular calf. Paris, Hachette, 1854. board. 6s. 8d. Détallante, Paris. · Solutions Raisonnées. Solutions of Arithmetical Problems. By M. Sonnet. Dumouchel. Arithmétique Elémentaire. Ele- 18mo. half calf. Paris, Hachette, 1852. mentary Arithmetic. 18mo. (2 copies.) -- Poids et Mesures. Weights and Measures Arithmétique Elémentaire. Key to the of the Metrical System. 12mo. 1852. Questions in the Elementary Arithmetic of 1 - La Pratique de Poids et Mesures. Weights Dumouchel. 1$mo. 1845. and Measures, Guide for Teachers. Smo. -- Petite Arithmétique pratique. Practical 1841. Arithmetic. 18mo. 1854. Key to. 1$mo. 1849. size 3 ft. 4in. by 2 ft. 4 in. Mounted on canvas - Problèmes et Exercices de Calcul. Ex.. and roller, varnished, 5s. 5d. amples of Arithmetic. 18mo, sewed. (2 copies.) Paris, Hachette & Co. Sardou, M. Poids et Mesures Métrique. - Solutions Raisonnées des Problèmes ct | Exercices de Calcul. Solutions of Arithmetic. Lessons and Exercises on Weights and Measures. 18mo. sewed. Paris, Dezobry. 18mo. sewed. (2 copies.) Paris, Dezobry,1845. Dumouchel et Dupuis. Traité Complet Sonnet, M. Leçons d'Arithmétique. Lessons in Arithmetic. imp. Svo. half calf. d'Arithmétique. Complete Treatise on Aritli- Paris, Hachette, 1846. metic. 2 parts; the 2nd a Key to the Examples. 12mo. Paris, Dezobry, 1849-52. Table de Multiplication, printed in large figures, Durand, J. Cahiers d'Arithmétique. Rules size 4 ft. by 3 ft. Mounted on canvas and roller. 3s. Id. for Study of Arithmetic, Theoretical and Prac- Hachette & Co., Paris. tica). Ist part. 8vo. sewed. Porrentruy, 1843. Tableau Synoptique du Système Métrique Faucherres, H. Problèmes d'Arithmétique. Décimal. Synoptical Table of Deciinal System of Weights and Measures. Arithmetical Questions. 2nd edition, 12mo. Voruz. A. Arithmétique. Arithmetic: ist sewed. (2 copies.) Lausanne, 1851. Part of the Mathematical Course for Colleges Jomard, M. Arithmétique Elémentaire. Ele- and Schools in Canton Vaud. 3rd edition. 8vo. mentary Arithmetic for Schools. On sheets, sewed. (2 copies.) Lausanne, 1848. No. 1 to 51. royal folio (loose). - - Tableaux Complémentaires. Se- cond part, Key to the above. 21 sheets. post broad folio. Paris, Colas. Decalitre, &c. Set of 7 French wooden Lalanne, L. Instruction sur les Règles à Circular Measures, from the Décalitre to the Calculs. Instructions respecting Calculating Instruments. 2nd cdition. 12mo. sewed. Gramme, &c. Set of 13 Brass Weights, froin Paris, Hachette, 1854. the Grainine to the. Kilogramme (in wooden - Abaque, ou Compteur Universel. Box.) Abacus, or Universal Reckoner. Sheet imp. Kilogramme, Iron with Ring. 4to. mounted on board. - Demi. Iron with Ring. -- Abacus, or Universal Reckoner. Litre, &c. Set of 7 Liquid Measures, from 12mo. cloth. Paris, Hachette, 1851. the Litre to the Centilitre. Lois Fédérales, sur les Monnaies. Federal Set of 51 wooden Models of Mathematical Laws respecting Coinage, Canton de Vaud. Figures (French.) 12mo. sewed. (2 copies.) Lausanne. Vernier Scale, for Specific Gravities, Weights, Magin, A. Tableau des Poids et Mesures. Measures; &c. on one side, Cosines, Sines, Tables of Weights and Measures, prepared Tangents, Cotangents, Square Roots on the under Direction of A. Magin. 9 sheets. broad other. (in case.) Paris, Hachette. folio. Paris, Dezobry. | Voruz, Décilitre ARITHMETIC. 77 Beskiba, Trattato d'Aritinetica per uso delle | Klindt, J. Rechenbuch für Volksschulen. Scuolo Reali. Svo. sewed. Vienna, 1849.1 Arithmetic Book for Primary Schools. Parts Aritmetica Mercantile per uso delle 1 and 2. 2nd edition. 12mó. half bound. Scuolo Commerciali. 8vo. sewed. (Presented Oldenburg, Holland, 1852–4. by the Austrian Government.) Vienna, 1850. Moćnik, Dr. F. Anleitung zum Rechnen. Corridi, F. Trattato di Aritmetica. post 8vo. Introduction to Arithmetic for the Use of half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) the First Class in the Lower Art Schools. Firenze, 1839. 8vo. (Presented by the dustrian Government.) Moćnik, Dr. F. L'Aritmetica applicata Vien, 1852. insieme, con una Exposizione Prospettica della Mozhnik, Dr. Fr. Anleitung zum Kopfrech- tenuta particolare dei Libri Commerciali. nen. Introduction to Mental Reckoning, for Practical Arithmetic and Book-keeping, for the Use of the First Class in National Schools. the Use of the Second Class in Elementary 12mo. (Presented by the Austrian Govern- Schools of Art. In 2 parts, crown 8vo. (Pre ment.) Vien, 1847. sented by the Austrian Government.) Vien, 1854. - Die Angewandte Arithmetik. Practical Moćnik, Dr. F. Guida al Conteggiare. Guide Arithmetic, with an Explanation of Commer- to Arithinetic for the Elementary Schools of cial and Professional Book-keeping, for the Art. 8vo. (Presented by the Austrian Governa Use of the Second Class in the Lower Art mont.) Vien, 1853. Schools. crown 8vo. (Presented by the Aus- Mozhnik, Dr. F. Guida all' Aritmetica. Guide trian Government.) Vien, 1852. to Arithmetic for the Second and Third Classes Prætorius, Ludwig. Kurze Anleitung zum of the Gymnasian Italian Schools. 12mo. (Pre Messen und Berechnen der Flächen und sented by the Austrian Government.) Vien, 1850. Körper. Short Introduction to Mensuration Mozhnik, Dr. F. Guida al Conteggiare a and Calculation of Surfaces and Solids. 3rd Mentc. Guide to Mental Arithmetic for the edition. 12mo. Use of the Elementary Italian Schools. 12mo. Höchst, A.M., Published for the Author, 1852. (Presented by the Austrian Government.) Rechenbuck Gemeinnutzliches. General Vien, 1850. Arithmetic. By J. Alpen after J. Kroymann. Principii di Aritmetica, ad uso delli Scuole 14th edition. post 8vo. cloth. Altona, 1854. Popolari. 8vo. sewed. (Presented by H. Grant, Rechnen für Anfänger. Arithmetic for Begin- Esq.) F. Baracchi, Firenze, 1849. mers. J. Alpen after J. Kroymann. post 8vo. Strehl, Manuale d'Instruzione Aritmetica. post half bound. Hammerich, Altona, 1854. 8vo. sewed. (Presented by the Austrian Go Sasz, J. B. Rechnen Schriftliche. . Written vernment.) Vienna, 1851. Arithmetic. First Practice Book. 11th edition. 12.r.o. half bound. Altona, Schlüter, 1853. - für 2. Uebungsbuch. Second Arendt, H. H.W. Anleitung zum Kopfrechnen, Practice Books for Arithmetic. 7th edition. Introduction to Mental Arithmetic, for Teach 12mo. half bound. Altona, 1852. ers. 12ino. half bound. Altona, 1819. - 9th edition. 12mo. half bound. - Uebungen im Kopfrechnen. Exercises Altona, 1854. in Mental Arithmetic for Children. (First Richenbuch für Mädchen. Arithmetic collection.) 12mo, half bound. Altona, 1831. Book for Girls. 12mo. half bound. - Methodische Entwickelung, &c. Key to Altona, 1852. tbe above. 12mo. half bound. Altona, 1830. Ubungsbuch beim Rechnungsunterricht. Boltshauser, Heinrich. Arithmetik, 4,000 Arithmetical Exercises for the 2nd and 3rd Uebungsbeispiele. 4,000 Examples for Practice Class in National Schools in the Austrian in Arithmetic. post Svo. Bern, Blom, 1852. Empire. 12mo. (Presented by the Austrian Brenner, J. J. Der Unterricht im Kopfrech Government.) Vien, 1854. nen. Instruction in Mental Arithmetic. 12mno. Unger, Dr. C. S. Leitfaden für den Unterricht sewed. Tuttlingen, 1851. im Kopfrechnen. Guide to Instruction in - Der Schriftliche Rechnungs-unterricht. Mental Calculation. Svo. half bound. Written Arithmetical Instruction, according Avenarius & Mendelssohn, Leipzig, 1851. to Schluss, with Examples. 12mo, sewed. Zahringer, H. Aufgaben zum Practischen Tuttlingen, Kling, 1853. Rechnen. Examples for Practical Arith- Fäsch, Fr. Schlüssel für die Aufgaben zum melic, for Swiss National Schools. 10 parts, Zifferrechnen. Key to the Arithmetical Ex 12mo, and Solutions to the Examples in Ten ercises. Svo. Scwed. (Presented by the Aus Parts. post Svo. sewed. (Solutions 1, 2, trian Government.) Basel: 1854. wanting.) Aarau. Frey, A. Rechenbuch. Arithmetic Complete - Aufgaben zum Practischen Rechnen. and Simplified. With tables. 12mc. Bern, 1851. Questions in Practical Arithmetic, for Swiss Hug, J. C. Rechnungs Aufgabensammlung. National Schools. 10 parts, 12mo., in a case. Examples of Arithmetic for National Schools. - Leitfaden für den Unterricht im Prac- 2nd edition. 12mo. Zurich, 1852. tischen Rechnen an Schweizerischen Bolt- Keller, K. Aufgabensammlung für das Kopf schulen. Practical Guide to Arithmetic. Svo. und Tafelrechnen. Mental and written Ex bound. Franenfeld, 1854. amples for Arithmetic. 2 Parts and Key. post Svo. Schaffhausen, 1851. Tabelle für das Zifferrechnen. Calculation Klindt, J. Uebungen im Tafelrechnen. Tables, 25 inches by 8 inches. In pasteboard Practice in Arithmetical Tables. 12mo. half frame. (2 copies.) bound. Oldenburg, 1854. 78 GENERAL EDUCATION. aks, BOOK-KEEPING. Guy, Joseph. Book-keeping by Single Entry. Brewer, Rev. Dr. Book-keeping by Single 18mo. bound. Is. Cradock & Co. Entry. 12mo. cloth. 2s. Hadoon, J. Rudimentary Book-keeping and -- Key to 12mo. half bound. 2s. Commercial Phraseology. 12mo. Is. a complete set of five ruled books for. J. Weale, 1854. fcp. folio. 5s. (bound in a volume). Hutton, C. Practical Book-keeping. Edited - Book-keeping by Double Entry. 12mo. 2s. by Ingram & Trotter. 12ino. half bound. 2s. Key to. 12.no. half bound. 2s. Oliver & Boyd, 1856. - à Complete Set of Six Ruled Books for. - A set of ruled paper books adapted fcp. folio. 5s. (bound in a volume). to Book-keeping by Single Entry. Two boo Jarrold & Sons. . post folio. 2s. the set. Carpenter, T. The Youth's Guide to Busi- Double Entry. Two books, post ness; an Introduction to Book-keeping by folio. 2s, the set. Oliver & Boyd. Single Entry. 12mo. bound. Index. The Patent Ready Index, for Ledgers, Longman & Co., 1810. Account and Memorandum Books, &c. Chambers, W. & R., Book-keeping by Single (Ledger containing it.) Raven & Co. and Double Entry, by W. Inglis. 12mo. 2s. Isbister, A. K. Elements of Book-keeping, by By Single Entry 12mo. ls. Single and Double Entry. 18mo. Od. 1856. I'wo ruled paper books for ~ A set of eight books adapted to the Single Entry. fcap. folio. ls. 3d. Elements of Book-keeping by Single and - Two ruled paper books for Double Entry. Oblong fcp. 4to. (Gleig's Double Entry. fcp. folio. ` is. 3d. School Series.) 6d. each. Longman & Co. W. & R. Chainbers. Jackson's Complete System of Book-keeping. Dilworth, J. Book-keeper's Assistant. 12mo. By Marcus Trotter. Svo. cloth lettered. 3s. 6d. bound. 28. 6d. Allman & Son, 1956. M'Glashan & Gill, 1860. Edwards, J. Book-keeping by Single Entry, Jones, S. M. The Practical Accountant. Svo. contained in a set of five engraved books (with cloth. 5s. Relfe, Brothers, 1947. a Familiar Treatise on Rook-keeping. 12mo.) Kely, P., LL.D. The Elements of Book- 12s. keeping, with an Appendix an Exchanges, a set ruled. 5s. Banking, &c. Svo. bound. 7s. - Key to Ditto. post Svo. cloth. 4s. Simpkin & Co., 1847. Book-keeping by Double Entry, in a set Mackenzie, E. Book-keeping for the Whole- of six engraved books. 10s. sale and Retail Shopkeeper. ismo. sewed. 2d. - a set ruled. 5s. R. Hardwicke. Book-keeping for Farmers. A set of Viaciaren, J. Practical Book-keeping. 12mo. three engraved books. 8s. half bound. ls. Od. 1853. - a set ruled. 43. Relfe, Brothers. - A set of books adapted to. fcp. Edwards' Invoices, Introductory Series, extra folio. ls. 6d. Oliver & Boyd. post 4to. cloih. 5s. Maclean, J. Book-keeping for the Class-room - Key to. imp. 16mo. ls. and Counting-house, by Double and Single - Blank Book to accompany, with Entry; with an Appendix on Commercial Ornamental Title, containing 22 leaves. 12s. Forms. (Constable's Educational Series.) per dozen. crown 8vo. cloth. 2s. 6d. - Advanced Series. 5s. Key to. crown Svo. cloth. 4s. Key to. imp. 16mo. ls. Constable & Co., 1859. Blank Book to accompany, with Mazhew, Ira. A Practical System of Book- Ornamental Title, containing 22 leaves. 125. keeping by Single and Double Entry. post per dozen. Svo. half bound. *** The above bound in 1 vol. half red morocco. --- A set of six books adapted to. Relfe, Brothers. Fcp. 4to. (Presented by Board of Education, Elements of Book-keeping; in a Series of New York.) Burgess & Co., New York, 1853. Short Examples. 12mo. cloth. Taanval of Book-keeping, by an Experienced Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. Clerk. 12mo. bound. 45. Bell & Daldy, 1856. W. P. Nimmo, Edinburgh, 1859. Michelsen, E. H. The Merchant's Polyglot . 12mo. cloth. 4d. 1858. Manual in Nine Languages, chiefly extracted -- Key to. 12mo. cloth. 3d. 1857. from the Tariffs of all Nations. Svo. cloth. Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. 17. 58. (Presented by F. R. Sasse, Esq.) Groombridge & Sons. Longman & Co., 1860. Foster, B. F. Book-keeping by Double Entry Morrison, C. Complete System of Practical Elucidated. Post 4to. 8s. 6d. Bell & Daldy,1855. Book-keeping, &c. Svo. half calf. Ss. - The Counting-house Assistant; com- W. Tegg & Co., 1849. prising a Series of Tables, &c. respecting Bills Morrison, J. Elements of Book-keeping. Svo. of Exchange; a Synopsis of Book-keeping, half bound. Ss. (Government Schools, Ceylon.) and an Explanation of Commercial Terins. Longman & Co. post 8vo. 58. Aylott & Co., 1857. Palmer, J. H. First Lessons in Book-keep- Fülton and Eastman. A Practical System of ing. post 8vo. half bound. Book-keeping. crown 8vo. half bound. Appleton & Co. New York, 1853. -- A set of three books adapted to | Palmer, J. H. Practical Book-keeping. post (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Svo. half bound. (Presented by Board of Educa- Barnes & Co., New York, 1854. ' tion, New York.) Pratt & Co., New York, 1854. BOOK-KEEPING.-GEOMETRY. 2s Sheriff, D. The Whole Science of Double- | Day, Dr. J. Introduction to Algebra. 8vo. Entry Book-keeping simplified. crown 8vo. bound... 1848. cloth. 4s. (Presented by the Author.) - Abridged by J. B. Thomson, A.M. Simpkin & Co., 1852 12mo. bound. (Presented by Board of Edu- Webster's Patent Simplified Mechanical cation, New York.) Birider. 4to. With index, half bound. Durrié & Peck, New Haven, 1853. Made to any size. Goodman & Co. | Davies, Dr. C. Elementary Algebra. 12mo. bound. 1854. Book-Keeping. A Set of 3 Books, ruled, Elements of Algebra, on the Basis of oblong post 4to., viz. Rough Book, 3d., Journal, M. Bourdon, embracing Sturm and Horner's 3d., Ledger, 4d. each Hachette & Co. Theorems. 8vo. bound. (Presented by Board Chevallier, L. Tenue des Livres. Treatise on of Education, New York.) Elementary Book-keeping. 18mo. Barnes & Co., New York, 1854: Dezobry, Paris. Docharty, Dr. G. B. Institutes of Algebra. L'Hermite and Langhenie. Manual of 12mo. bound. (Presented by Board of Edu- Commercial Correspondence; German, En cation, New York.) glish, French, and Spanish. 8vo. sewed. 5s. Harper & Co., New York, 1854. F. Schubuth, Hamburgh ; Euler, L. Elements of Algebra, translated Williams & Norgate, London, 1857. from the French. Svo. half calf. (Presented by H. Grunt, Esq.) Longman & Co., 1922. First Principles of Algebra. For the use of the Beskiba, J. Lehrbuch des Kaufinännischen · Boys of the Royal Hospital School, Green- Rechnens. Treatise on Book-keeping, for the wich. 18mo. 3s. J. Murray, 1850. Use of Commercial Schools. 8vo. sewed. Foster, Rev. W. Elements of Algebra. 12mo. (Presented by the Austrian Government.) bound. 2s. 1844. Vien, 1847. - Examples in Algebra. 12mo. bound. 3s. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1845. Fowler, Rev. Robert. Elements of Algebra. ALGEBRA. 12mo. cloth. 6s. Simpkin & Co., 1861. Bland, M. Algebraical Problems. Svo. hf. cf. Haddon, J. Elements of Algebra. 12mo. (Presented by 81. Grant, Esq.) Rivingtons, 1816. 1855. Bonnycastle, J. Introduction to Algebra. - A Key and Companion to, by Revised by Ś. Maynard. 12mo. bound. 48. J. R. Young. 12mo. Is. 6d. ). Weale, 1856. Simpkin & Co., 1849. Hall, Rev. T. G. The Elements of Algebra. - Adapted to the System pursued 12mo. cloth. 5s. J. W. Parker & Son, 1857. in the Universities and Military Colleges, by Hind, John, M. A. The Principles and Prac- W. Galbraith, M.A., and W. Rutherford, LL.D. tice of Arithmetical Algebra ; established upon 12mo. bound. 4s. 6d. 1853. strict methods of Mathematical Reasoning, and - Key to. 12mo. bound. 5s. illustrated by Examples. 12mo. boards. 5s. Maclachlan & Co., 1859. - The Elements of Algebra. Svo. boards. - Revised by J. Ryan and J. F. 10s. 6d. Deighton, Bell, & Co., 1855. Jenkins. royal 12mo. bound.' (Presented by Ingram and Trotter. Elements of Algebra. Board of Education, New York.) 12mo. bound. 35. Oliver & Boyd, 1851. W. E. Dean, New York, 1846. Kelland, Rev. P. The Elements of Algebra. Bridge, Rev. B. Elementary Treatise on Svo. cloth. Is. A. & C. Black, 1839. Algebra; improved by T. Atkinson, M.A. Lacroix's Elements of Algebra. Translated (Scott's Series.) 12mo. stiff paper cover. 1s. by W. H. Spiller. 12mo. cloth. Is. 6d. - Key to 12mo. cloth. 35. C. H. Law. E. Law, 1859. Lund, Rev. T. Easy Course of Algebra, Cassell's Elements of Algebra, edited by Prof. 12mó. 28. 6d. Longman & Co., 1856. Wallace. Svo, bound. ls. 6d. J. Cassell, 1853. Maclaurin, C. Treatise on Algebra. Svo. Chambers, W. & R. Theoretical and Prac bound. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) tical Algebra. 12mo. 35. 6d. 1856. J. Nourse, 1779. - Key to Algebra. 12mo. 28. 6d. 1954. Murphy, Rev. R. Treatise on the Theory of - Exercises and Problems, in Algebra, Algebraical Equations. (Library of Useful with the Answers. 12mo. 2s.6d. 1855. Knowledge.) Svo. cloth. 45. — without Answers. 12mo. ls. E. Law, late R. Baldwin. W. & R. Cliambers, 1855. Nicholson and Rowbotham. A Practical Colenso, Rev. J. W. Elements of Algebra. System of Algebra. 12mo. bound. 5s. Adapted for Teachers and Students in the Uni Simpkin & Co., 1855. versity. 8vo.cloth. 12s.6d. Longman & Co., 1855. Ottley, H. A Popular Introduction to Algebra. - Elements of Algebra, for use of National Designed chicfly for the Use of Mechanics. and Adult Schools. 18mo. Is. 6d. 1955. 12mo. sewed. 1s. (Presented by H. Grant, Key to. 18mo. 2s.6d. 1855. Esq.) B. Steil, 1827. -- Miscellaneous Examples in Algebra. Perkins, G. R. A Treatise on Algebra, em- 12mo. 2s. 6d. 1851. bracing, besides the elementary principles, all - Elements of Algebra, for Schools. Part the higher parts usually taught in Colleges. I. 4s. 6d, and II. 6s. 12mo. 1854. Svo. bound. (Presented by Board of Educa- -- Key to. Part I. and II. 58. each. tion, New York.) · 12mo, sewed. Longman & Co., 1850. Appleton & Co., New York, 1950. With the Alls vithout R. Clian Algebra 80 GENERAL EDUCATION. - 2s. Ray, J., M.D. On the Analytic and In- I Sonnet, H. Algèbre Elémentaire. Elementary · structive Method of Instruction in Algebra. Algebra for the Use of Candidates for B.A. of Part 1. 12mo. bound. (Presented by Board of 1 Science. 2nd edition. Svo. half calf. Education, New York.) Smith & Co., Cincinnati. Hachette, Paris, 1854. Reynolds, J. W. Eleinents of Algebra. ismo. | Toffoli, Dr. F. Elementi di Algebra. Parts 1 9d. (Gleig's School Series.) 1956. and 2. 8vo. sewed. (Presented by the Austrian - Key to. 18mo. 31. Government.) Vienna, 1853. Longman & Co., 1956. Reynolds, J. The Beginner's Algebra ; con- taining nearly Twelve Hundred Examples. Jaegermann, C. F. Die Algebra. Algebra 12mo. cloth. 2s. (Presented by the Author.) (more advanced). Ist course. Svo. half bound. Groombridge & Sons, 1859. Fränckel, Oldenburg in Holstein, 1840. Ryan, J., A.M. Elementary Treatise on Al- Boltshauser, H. Die Grundlehren der Algebra gebra, with Additions, by R. Adrain LL.D. Elements of Algebra royal Svo, Biel, 1845. 12mo, bound. Presented by Board of Educa- Sasz, J. B. Buchstaben-Rechnung und Algebra. tion, New York.) W. E. Dean, New York, 1851. Algebra and Calculation by Letters. Svo. half Smith, Rev. T. Algebra made Easy. 12mo. bound. Altona, 1850. bound. ls. 6d. Allman & Son, 1842. Tate, T. Algebra made Easy. 12mo. bound. Longman & Co., 1856. GEOMETRY. Thomson, J. Elementary Algebra. 12mo. Bradley, T. Practical Geometry, Linear Per- bound, 5s. 1854. spective, and Projection, &c., for use of Artists, - Key to. 12mo, bound. 45. 60. Meachnics, &c. 8vo. cloth. 7s. 6d. (Library of Longman & Co., 1551. Useful Knowledge.) R. Baldwin. Todhunter, I. Algebra for the Use of Colleges Burchett, R. Practical Geometry. The Course and Schools. crown 8vo. cloth. 7s. Od. of Corstruction of Plane Geometrical Figures, Nacinillan & Co., 1959. used as part of the Course of Instruction in Wharton, J. Examples in Algebra for Junior the Schools of the Department of Science Classes. 12mo. sewed. ls. and Art. post Svo. cloth, 5s. 1855. - for Senior Classes, 12mo.cloth. 3s. An Introduction to the Construction of 1959. Plane Geometrical Figures. 18mo. 5d. - The Key ; or Complete Solutions to the Chapman & Hall, 1853. Examples in Algebra for Senior Classes. Parts Burn, R. S. The Illustrated London Practical 1 to 5. 12mo, sewed. 1s. each. (Presented by Geometry, and its application to Architectural the Author.) C. F. Hodgson, 1860. Drawing. 8vo. 25. N. Cooke, 1855. Wood, Rev. J. The Elements of Algebra, re- 8vo. cloth. 2s. Ward & Lock. vised by T. Lund. 8vo. cloth. 12s. 6d. 1852. Cassell's Elements of Geometry; or the First - Companion to, by T. Lund. crown Six Books, with the Eleventh and Twelfth. Svo. cloth. 6s. Longman & Co., 1852. Edited by Professor Wallace. crown 8vo. Wright, Rev. G. F. A graduated Series of cloth. Is. Od W. Kent & Co., 1855. Exercises in Elementary Algebra. Post Svo. The Self and Class Examiner in 3s. 6d. Bell & Daldy, 1857. Euclid, containing the Enunciations of all the Young, J. R. Course of Mathematics; Algebra Propositions in Cassell's Edition. 32mo. 4d. and Plane Trigonometry. 12mo. cloth, limp. Kent & Co., 1856. 2s. 6d. Routledge & Co., 1855. Chambers's Plane Geometry. 12mo. 28. 6d. -- Elementary Treatise on Algebra. Re- - Key to. 12mo. 25. 18.53. vised and Corrected by an American Mathe- - Solid and Spherical Geometry. 12n1o. matician. Svo. bound. (Presented by Board 2s. W. & R. Chambers, 1845. of Education, New York.) Colenso, Rev. J. W. Geometrical Problems Hogan & Co., Philadelphia, 1845. of Euclid. Smo. 1S. 1846. - Introduction to Algebra and to the — With Key. 18mo. 38. 6d. Solution of Numeral Equations. 12mo. bound. Longman & Co., 1846. 3s. 1855. Elements of Euclid. išmo. 45. 6d. 1856. Key to. 12mo. bound. 45. 1854. with Key. Sino. 6s.6d. 1859. J. & C. Mozley. Cooley, W. D. Elements of Geometry simpli- Elements of Algebra. [Orr's Circle of fied and explained, with Practical Geometry the Sciences.] crown 8vo. cloth. ls. and Supplement. fep. 8vo. cloth limp. 2s. - Solutions to the Exercises. crown Williams and Norgate, 1860. 8vo. cloth. ls. Dallas, E. W. Plane Practical Geometry. Svo. (Presented by Dr Lyon Playfair.) 78. 6d. (See Class.Drawing, Department List.) Houlston & Co., 1855–6. Davies, Dr. C. Elements of Analytical Young, J. R. Catechism of Algebra, parts 1 Geometry. 8vo. bound. (Presented by Board and 2. 18.no. 9d. each. Aylott & Co. of Education, New York.) 1853. - Elements of Descriptive Geometry. Svo. Bezout. Cours de Mathématiques. Part 3, bound. (Presented by Board of Education, Algebra. 8vo. half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, New York.) Barnes & Co., New York, 1853. Esg.) Courcier, Paris, 1812. Drew, Rev. W. H. A Geometrical Treatise on Clairaut. Elémens d'Algèbre. 2 vols. Svo. Conic Sections, with a copious Collection of half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Examples. crown 8vo. cloth. 4s. 6d. Courcier, Paris, 1801. ! Macmillan & Co., 1857. ALGEBRA...GEOMETRY. 81 1855. Dodgson, C. L., M.A. A Syllabus of Plane , Jardine, A. Practical Geometry; being a Algebraical Geometry, systematically arranged, Solution of the Problems most useful to the with formal Definitions, Postulates, and Practical Draughtsman and Surveyor. [Orr's Axioms. Part I., containing Points, Right Circle of the Sciences.] crown 8vo. cloth. 1s. Lines, Rectilinear Figures, Pencils, and Circles. (Presented by Dr. Lyon Playfair.) Svo. cloth. 5s. J. H. & J. Parker, 1860. Houlston & Co., 1855. Elements of Euclid. The First Six Books. Kirkman, Rev. T. First Mnemonical Les- crown 8vo. cloth. 28. N. Cookc, 1853. sons in Geometry, Algebra, and Trigonometry. - The First Six and the Eleventh and 12mo. 1s. Gd. J. Weale, 1852. Twelfth Books. Parts I. and II. 12mo, half Law, H. The Elements of Euclid, with an calf. (Presented by the Irish Board.) Introductory Essay on Logic. · Part I., .con- Simms & McIntyre, 1853. taining the first six, eleventh, and twelfth Elements of Geometry for the Use of Schools. Books. 12mo. 2s. J. Weale, 1855. 12mo. cloth. Lowres, J. Euclid for Beginners. 12mo. Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. cloth. 9d. Longman & Co., 1852. W. P. Nimmo, Edinburgh, 1859. | Lund, Rev. T. Geometry and Mensuration. - 12mo. cloth. 3d. Part I. « Geometry as a Science." 1217o. Commissioners of Nritional Education, Ireland. sewed. Is. 6d. 1854. Groombridge & Sons, 1857. - Part II. 6 Geometry as an Art.” - for the Use of Boys of the Royal 12mo. sewed. 2s. Hospital Schools, Greenwich. - 18mo. - Part III. “Geometry combined J. Murray, 1852. with Arithmetic" (Mensuration). 12mo. cloth. stiffened. Galbraith and Haughton. Manual of Euclid. 1859. 35. 6d. Books I. and II. 12mo. sewed. ls. 1856. - Parts 1 and 2, in one vol. 3s. 61. - Geometrical Easy Exercises, with their - Books 1, 2, and 3. 12mo, sewed. 2s. Solutions, forming a Key to all the Exer- Longman & Co., 1857. cises in Parts 1 and 2 of the Elements of Garde, R. The First Book of Euclid's Ele- Geometry. 12mo. cloth, limp. 35. 6d. ments of Geometry. 18mo. sewed. (Presented Longman & Co., 1859. by H. Grant, Esq.) S. Palmer, 1824. Mason, Rev. C. P. The First Book of Euclid Geometry, Plane, Solid, and Spherical. By Explained to Beginners. 12mo. ls. 9d. Morton. (Library of Useful Knowledge.) Walton & Maberly, 1854. Svo. cloth. 45. E. Law, late R. Baldwin. Newman, F. W. The Difficulties of Ele- Geometry, Plane, Solid, and Spherical, &c. mentary Geometry. Svo. boards. 58. Svo. cloth. 4s. (Library of Useful Knowledge.) Walton & Maberly, 1841. R. Baldwin. Pasley, C. W. A Complete Course of Prac- Geometrical Terms and Definitions, with l'ic. tical Geometry. Svo. 75. 6d. (Presented by torial Illustrations. 1810. 1d. Col. Pasley.) T. Egerton, 1822. on 2 Sheets. broad folio. 60. Course of Instruction (vol. 1.) Practical Geometry. Svo. half calf. '(Presented by II. Society for Promoting Christian Knowlelye. Grant, Esq.) 1. Egerton, 1813. Good, S.A. Euclid's Elements of Geometry, Payne, w. An Introduction to Geometry. the First Four Books. 12mo. 2s. 6d. (Presentech 2nd edit. iamo. T. Payne, London, 1768. by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) Simpkin & Co., 1854. Pease, W. A Course of Practical Geometry. Grant, H. Elements of Practical Geometry Revised by J. A. Pease. 12mo. cloth, 2s. 6d. for Schools and Workmen. 12mo. sewed, ls. ; Relfe Brothers. cloth, ls. 6d. Groombridge & Sons, 1852. Potts, Robert, M.A. Euclid's Elements of Gregory and Walton. A Treatise on the Geometry, with Notes; and a Selection of Application of Analysis to Solid Geometry. Geometrical Exercises from the Senate House Svo, boards. 12s. Deighton, Bell, & Co., 1852. and College Examination Papers, &c. (Uni- Hall, Rev. T. G. Elements, of Descriptive versity Edit.) Svo. cloth. 10s. (Presented by Geometry; chiefly intended for Students in the Author). Engineering. post Svo. cloth. 6s. 6d. -- Svo. cloth. 10s. (Exhibited by the J. W. Parker & Son, 1841. National Society.) 1845. Hann, J. Analytical Geometry and Conic Sec- - The Exercises from, in Gerinan. tions. 12mo. 1s. J. Weale, 1850. (See German. p. 82.) Heather, J. F. An Elementary Treatise on - The First Six Books. (5th School Edition.) 12mo. cloth. 48. 6d. 1859. Descriptive Geometry, &c. 12mo. Is. (Presented by the Author.) - Atlas of Plates I. to XIV., com- - 12mo. 45. 6d. (Presented by plete. post 4to. scwed. 15. J. Weale, 1851. Rev. Dr. Goodford.) 1853. Holbrook, J. First Lessons in Geometry, - Supplement to the School Edition, 18mo. sewed. (Presented by Board of Education, 12mo. ls. (Presented by the Author.) 1848. New York.) New York, 1850. - Brief Hints for the Solution of the - Easy Lessons in Geometry. 18mo. sewed. Problems, &c., appended to the School Edition (Presented by H. Grant, Esg.) of the First Six Books. 12mo. sewed. 1s. Jenks & Palmer, Boston, U.S., 1840. (Presented by the Author.) 1847. Ingram and Trotter. Euclid's Plane Geo- Brief Hints, &c. 12mo. ls. · metry and Trigonometry. 12mo. bound. (Exhibited by National Society.) 1s. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1857. J. W. Parker & Son. 82 GENERAL EDUCATION. . Potts, Robert, M.A. Euclid's Elements of Geo- | Zanpieri, Dr. Trattato di Geometria Intui- metry. The First Three Books. 12mno. cloth. tiva per uso del Ginnasi Austro-Italiani. Part 38. (Presented by the Author.) 1. royal 3vo. sewed. (Presented by the Aus- - 12mo, cloth. 38. (Exhibited by trian Government.) Vienna, 1853. the National Society.) 1851. - The First Two Books. 12no. Babinet, J. Elémens de Géométrie Descriptive. cloth limp. Is. 6d. (Presented by the Author.) Elements of Geometry. Text and plates, 2 - 12mo. cloth limp. Is. 6d. parts. Svo. in 1 vol. half calf. (Exhibited by the National Society.) 1953. - Euclid's Elements of Geometry. Paris, Hachette, 1850. Biot, J. B. Traité Analytique des Courbes et Book I. (Exhibited by the National Society.) des Surfaces du Second Degré. post Svo. - Book I., 12mo. cloth limp. 1s. half bound. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) (Presented by the Author.) 1853. Duprat, Paris, iso2. The Definitions, Postulates, Dechalles. Les Elémens d'Euclide. 12mo. Axioms, and Enunciations of the First Six, half bound. (Presented by H. Grant, Esg.) and the XIth and XIIth Books. 12mo, sewed. Michallet, Paris, 1690. 9d. (Presented by the Author.) J. W. Parker & Son, 1948. De Fourcy, Lefebure. Traité de Géométrie Puckle, G. H. An Elementary Treatise on Decriptive. 2 vols. 8vo. sewed. 12s. Conic Sections and Algebraic Geometry. Bachelier, Paris, 1842. crown Svo. cloth. 75.6d. Durand, J. Cahiers de Géométrie Élémentaire. Macmillan & Co., 1856. Lithographed Papers on Elementary Geometry. Ritchie, Rev. W. Principles of Geometry, For college at Porrentruy. 4to. sewed. 1849. familiarly illustrated, and applied to a variety Géométrie Pratique Abrégé. Abridgment of of useful purposes. 12mo. cloth. (Presented Practical Geometry. 12mo. Tours, Mame, 1852. by H. Cole, Esg.) John Taylor, 1833. Lacroix, S. F. Élémens de Géométrie De- Simpson, R. Euclid's Elements. Corrected scriptive. Svo. sewed. 35. Bachelier, Paris, 1840. by Rev. F. P. Pocock. 18mo. bound. 4s. Mallett, A. M. La Géométrie Pratique. 4 vols. Allman & Son, Tate, T. Principles of Geometry. 12mo. Svo. calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) bound. 38. 6d. Longman & Co., 1855. Anisson, Paris, 1702. - Practical Geometry. (Gleig's School Pardies, 1. G. Elémens de Géométrie. 12mo. Series.) 18mo. stiff wrapper. ls. 1860. calf. (Presented by H. Grant.) Paris, 1671. - Euclid, Books I., II., III. 12mo. bound. Sonnet, H. Géométrie Théorique et Pratique. ls. 6d. 1856. Theoretical and Practical Geometry, with Ap- (Gleig's School Series.) 18mo. 9d. plications to Linear Drawing, Architecture, Longman & Co., 1856. Surveying, &c. 2 parts, text and plates. 4th Todhunter, I. A Treatise on Plane Co-ordi edition. Svo. in 1 vol, half calf (and 1 copy nate Geometry, as applied to the Straight Line in parts, sewed). Hachette, Paris, 1853. - Premiers Eléments de Géométric, &c. 10s. 6d. 1853. ,2 parts, text and plates. 4th edition. 12mo. - Examples of Analytical Geometry of in 1 vol. half calf. Hachette, Paris, 1853. Three Dimensions. crown Svo. cloth. 4s. Voruz, A. Géométrie Plane. Second Part Macmillan & Co., 1858. of Mathematical Course for Colleges and Walton, Rev. W. Problems in Illustration Schools in Canton Vaud. 2nd edition. Svo. of the Principles of Plane Co-ordinate Geo- half calf (and 1 copy sewed). Lausanne, 1854. metry. Svo. cloth. 16s. Deighton, & Co., 1851. Waud, Rey. S. W. A Treatise on Algebraical Geometry. (Library of Useful Knowledge.) Beck, Moriz. Die Ebene Geometrie, nach Le- 8vo. cloth. 43. E. Law, late R. Baldwin, 1858. gendre. Plane Geometry according to Le- gendre. 2nd edition, crown 8vo. Bern, 1835. Young, J. R. Plane Geometry. [Orr's Circle of the Sciences.] crown Svo. cloth. Is. 6d. Gaffer, A. Leitfaden für den Practischen Un- (Presented by Dr. Lyon Playfair.). terricht in der Raumlehre. Guide to Practical Houlston & Co., 1856. Instruction in Geometry. Svo. half-bound. Ritter, Wiesbaden, 1852. Hug, J. C. Geometrischen Aufgabensamm- lung. Geometrical Examples. First Part. Barrow, Is. Euclidis Elementorum libri XV., 12ino. breviter demonstrati. small 12mo. bound. Lehrbuch der Geometrie Theoretical and J. Redmayne, London, 1678. Practical Geometry, for the Use of Lower Art Schools. (Presented by the Austrian Govern- ment. Vien, 1854. Potts, Robert, M.A. Geometrische Aufgaben, Geometria Pratica, Spiegazione delle Tabelle &c. 'The Exercises from the University Edi- per l'Insegnamento della. Explanation of tion of Euclid's Elements of Geometry. Trans- lated by Hans H. v. Aller. Svo. sewed. 3s. (2 copies.) Bellinzona, 1853, Hanover, 1860. Soave, F. Elementi di Geometria. 12mo. Schnedar. R. Grundzüge der darstellenden half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Geometrie, &c. Geometry and Perspective Venezia, 1803.1 for Schools. post 8vo. sewed. Brünn, 1854. GEOMETRY.--MENSURATION.--TRIGONOMETRY._LOGARITHMS. 83 8. S Straub, J. W. Geometrie für Höhere Volt- , Galbraith and Haughton. Manual of Plane schulen und Schullehrer-Seminarien. Geo Trigonometry. 12mo. sewed. 2s. metry for Upper National Schools. 2nd edition. cloth, 2s. 6d. (Presented by the ? Svo. bound. Zurich, 1845. Author's.) Longman & Co., 1857. Unger, Dr. E. S. Praktische Anleitung zur Hall, Rev. T. G. Elements of Plane and Auflösung Geometrischer Aufgaben. Guide Spherical Trigonometry. 12mo. cloth. Is. 6d. to the Solution of Geometrical Problems. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 8vo. half bound. Erfurt, 1843. Hann, J. Elements of Plane Trigonometry. 12ino, 2s. J. Weaie, 1854. Hind, Rev. J. The Elements of Plane and MENSURATION. Spherical Trigonometry, with the Nature and Baker, T. Rudimentary Treatise on Mensu- Properties of Logarithms, and the Construc- tion and Use of Mathematical Tables. 12mo. ration. 12mo. ls. J. Weale, 1857. boards. 6s. Deighton, Bell, & Co., 1855. Bonnycastle, J. Introduction to Mensuration Hopkins, W. Elements of Trigonometry. and Practical Geometry. Revised by S. May- (Library of Useful Knowledge.) Svo. sewed. nard. 12ino. bd. 4s. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1856. Christian Brothers, The. Practical Mca- E. Law, late R. Baldwin, 1858. Jeans, H. W. Plane and Spherical Trigono- surer, or a Treatise on Mensuration, with Key. metry, Parts 1 & 2 in vol. 1 post Svo. cloth. royal 18mo, cloth. 2s. 8d. Burns & Co., 1852. 7s. 6c. Longman & Co., 1858. Emerson's Doctrine of Combinations, Permu- Snowball, J. C. The Elements of Plane and tations, and Composition of Quantities clearly Spherical Trigonometry; with the Construc- demonstrated. Svo. calf. (Presented by HÍ. tion and Use of Tables of Logarithms. crown Grant, Esq.) J. Nourse, 1770. Svo. cloth. 75. 6d. Macmillan & Co., 1857. Grifin, Rev. W. N. Elements of Mensura- Todhunter, I., M.A. Plane Trigonometry for tion. 12mo. Sd. the Use of Colleges and Schools; with nume- - Examples in Mensuration. 18mo. Is. 4d. rous examples. crown 8vo. cloth. 58. (Pre- per dozeni. National Sociсty. Hunter, Rev. John. Elements of Mensură- sented by the Author.) Macmillan & Co., 1859. - Spherical Trigonometry. crown 8vo. tion. (Gleig's School Series.) 18mo. stiffened cloth. 4s. 6d. Macmillan & Co., 1959. wrapper. 9d. Longman & Co., 1859. Twisden, Rev. J. F. Plane Trigonometry, Ingram, A. Mensuration. Revised by J. Mensuration, and Spherical Trigonometry: Trotter. 12mo. bound. 2s. [Orr's Circle of the Sciences. 7 crown 8vo. Oliver & Boyd, 1857. Lund's Mensuration. See Geometry. cloth. ls. 6d. (Presented by Dr. Lyon Play- fair.) cloth. Houlston & Co., 1855. Nesbit, A. A Treatise on Practical Mensura- tion. 12mo. bound. 6s. 1855. - Key to. 12mo. bound. 5s. LOGARITHMS. Longman & Co., 1853. Barlow's Tables of Squares, Cubes, Square Treatise on Mensuration. 12mo. cloth, 5d. | Roots, &c. crown Svo. cloth. Ss. - Appendix to; for the Use of Teachers. Walton & Maberly, 1856. Elliot, J. Elementary Course of Mathematics. 12mo. cloth. 4d. 1857. Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. Part 3. Logarithms and Plane Trigonometry. Groombridge & Sons. 12mo. cloth. 2s.6d. Sutherland & Knox, 1856. Treatise on Mensuration. 12mo. cloth. Filipowski, H. E. A Table of Anti-Loga- rithms. Svo. 15s. Bell & Daldy, 1851. - Appendix to. 12mo. cloth. Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. Johnstone, Rev. W. H. An Elementary Trea- W. P. Nimmo, 1859. tise on Logarithms, illustrated by carefully Young, J. R. An Introductory Treatise on selected Examples. 12mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Mensuration, in Theory and Practice. 12mo. Longman & Co., 1859. Law, H. J. & C. Mozley, 1853. bound. 3s. A Rudimentary Treatise on Loga- rithms. 12mo. 2s. J. Weale, 1856. Riddle, J. Tables of Logarithms of Numbers, TRIGONOMETRY. and of Sines, Tangents, and Secants, to Six Places of Decimals. Svo. cloth limp. 2s. 6d. Beasley, R. D. An Elementary Treatise on E. Law, late R. Baldwin, 1857. Plane Trigonometry; with a numerous Col- Tables of Logarithms, Common and Trigo- lection of Examples. crown Svo. cloth limp. noinetrical to Five Plans. 12mo. Is. 6d. 3s. 6d. (Presented by the Author.). . Walton & Maberly, 1854. Macmillan & Co., 1858. Todd, C. A Series of Tables of Circles, Colenso, Rev. J. W. Plane Trigonometry. Part I. 38. 6d. and II. 2s. 6d. 12mo. 1856. Sphéres, Squares, &c. post Svo. cloth, 6s. Longman & Co., 1853. - Plane Trigonometry; the 2 Parts in one Trotter, J. Logarithms and Practical Mathe- vol. 12mo. 1851. Key to. Part I. 38. 6d. and II. matics. 12mo. 3s. Oliver & Boyd, 1856. 5s. 12.no. sewed. 1854. Vega, Baron von. Logarithmic Tables of - 2 parts in 1 vol. cloth. Ss. 6d. Numbers and Trigonometrical Functions; Longman & Co. translated from the fortieth, or Dr. Bremiker's De Morgan, A. Elements of Spherical Tri revised edition. By W. L. F. Fischer, M.A. gonometry.' (Library of Useful Knowledge.) Svo. 7s. Williams & Norgate, 1857. švo. sewed. 4d. E. Law. EN F 2 84 GENERAL EDUCATION. MATHEMATICS. Kimber, T., M.A. Mathematical Course for the Airy, G. B. Mathematical Tracts on the Lunar University of London. Svo. cloth. Is. and Planetary Theories, Figure of the Earth, Walton & Maberly, 1855. &c. 8vo. cloth. 15s. Macmillan & Co., 1858. Morgan, H. A. A Collection of Problems and Examples in Mathematics, selected from Jesus Cambridge Senate House Problems, Solutions College Examination Papers, with Answers. of the:- cr. 8vo. cloth. 6s. 6d. Mâcinillan & Co., 1858. By Ferrers and Jackson, 1848–51. Svo. cloth. Newth, S. Mathematical Examples: a Gra- 15s.6d. 1851. duated Series of Elementary Examples in By F. J. Jameson (Riders), 1948-51. Svo. Arithmetic, Algebra, Logarithms, Trigono- cloth. 7s.6d. 1851. metry, and Mechanics, complete, with Answers. By Walton and Mackenzie, 1854. Svo. cloth. crown Svo, cloth. Ss. 6d. 10s. 6d. 1854. Walton & Maberly, 1959. By Campion and Walton, 1857. Svo. cloth. Powell, Rev. Baden. Lecture Synopses of $s. 60. Macmillan & Co. 1857. Elementary Mathematics. Svo. sewed. Chambers's. Practical Mathematics, in 2 J. H. Parker, 1851. Parts. 12mo. cloth. 1842. in i Vol. 12mo. cloth. 6s. 6d. Quested, J. The Mechanics and School-boy's 1856. Steps to Mathematics. 12mo. 2s. 6d. --- Key to. 12o. cloth 4s. 6d. 1855. Relfe, Brothers. Mathematical Tables. 12mo. cloth. 3s. Routh, E. J., M.A. An Elementary Treatise W. & R. Chambers, 1856. on the Dynamics of a System of Rigid Bodies. With numerous Examples. crown Svo. cloth. Christison, J. Mathematical Tables. Svo. 10s. Och Macmillan & Co., 1860. cloth. 4s. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1848. Useful Formulæ, chiefly in the Pure Mathe- Commentaries on the Principia of Sir Isaac matics. For the Use of Students preparing for Newton. royal Svo. cloth. (Presented by H. Addiscombe, &c. (To be committed to me- Grant, Esq.) Whittaker & Co., 1846. mory). post Svo. sewed. 2s. Davies, Dr. C. The Logic and Utility of Mathe- Judd & Glass, 1859. matics, with the Best Method of Instruction, Young's Course of Mathematics. (Sec Al- Explained and Illustrated. crown 8vo. cloth. gebra.) Presented by the Publishers, Barnes & Co., New York. DIFFERENTIAL AND INTE- - Practical Mathematics, with Drawing and Mensuration, applied to the Mechanic Arts. GRAL CALCULUS. 12mo. bound.*(Presented by Board of Edu Boole, G. A Treatise on Differential Equa- cution, New York.) Barnes, New York, 1853. tions. crown Svo. cloth. 14s. Evans, Rev. J. H. Newton's Principia, the Macmillan & Co., 1859. First Three Sections, with an Appendix; and Con, H. A Rudimentary Treatise on Integral the Ninth and Eleventh Sections. Svo. cloth. Calculus. 12mo. ls. J. Weale, 1852. 6s. . Deighton, Bell, & Co., 1855. Davies, Dr. C. Elements of the Differential and Goodwin, Rev. H. An Elementary Course of Integral Calculus. Svo. bound. (Presented by Mathematics, designed principally for Students Board of Education, New York.) of the University of Cambridge. Svo. cloth. Barnes & Co., New York. 15s. "Deighton, Bell, & Co., 1853. Gregory and Walton. Examples of the - A Collection of Problems and Examples, Processes of the Differential and Integral Cal-, adapted to the "Elementary Course of Mathe culus. Svo. cloth. 18s. matics.” With an Appendix, containing the Deighton, Bell, & Co., 1946. Questions proposed during the first Three Haddon, J. Examples and Solutions in the Days of the Senate-House Examinatiov in Differential Calculus. 12mo. ls. J. Weale, 1851. 1848, 1949, 1950, and 1851. Svo. boards. Gs. Hann, J. Examples in the Integral Calculus. Deighton, Bell, & Co., 1851. 12mo. Is. J. Weale, 1850. Heather, Rev. J. F. A Treatise on Mathe Willer, Rev. T. A Treatise on the Dillerential matical Instruments. 12mo. 1s. Calculus. Svo. cloth. Ss. 6d. J. Weale, 1851. Maclachlan & Co., 1954. Hutton and Ozanam. Recreations in Mathe- matics and Natural Philosophy. 4 vols. Svo. Tate, T. Principles of the Differential and half calf. (Presenied by H. Grant, Esq.) Integral Calculus Simplified. 12.o. bound. G. Kearsley, 1803. 45. 6d. Longman & Co., 1849. Ingram, A. Mathematics. Revised by James Todhunter, I. A Treatise on the Differential Trotter. 12mo. bound. 7s. 6d. 1855. Calculus and the Elements of the Integral - A Key to, by James Trotter. Calculus. Witli numerous Examples. cr. 8vo. 12mo. bound. 7s. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1850. cloth. 10s. 6d. 1855. Jolly, J. B. F. An Elementary Course of the -- A Treatise on the Integral Calculus and Sciences and Philosophy. Mathematics. its Applications, with numerous Examples. 2 vols. Svo. half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, cr. Svo. cloth. 10s. 6d. 1857. Esq.) J. Stockdale, 1806. Macmillan & Co. Kentish, T. A Treatise on a Box of Instru Woolhouse, W. S. B. Elements of Differen. ments, and the Side Rule. 12mo. 45. 6d. tial Calculus. 12o. 1s. J. Weale, 1852. Relfe, Brothers, 1847. | MATHEMATICS.-CLASSICAL DICTIONARIES. ---LATIN GRAMMARS. 85 Id. CLASSICAL DICTIONARIES Stoll, H. W. Handbook of the Religion and AND MYTHOLOGY. Mythology of the Greeks, with a Short AC- count of the Religious System of the Romans. Adam's Roman Antiquities; or, an Account of Translated from the German by the Rev. the Manners and Customs of the Romans. R. B. Paul, and edited by the Rev. T. K. Edited by James Boyd, LL.D. 100 Illustrations. Arnold. 12mo. cloth. 5s. royal 18mo. cloth. 5s. 6d. ; or with Questions F. & J. Rivington, 1852. for Schools, 7s. ; the Questions separate, 1s. 6d. Blackic & Son, 1857. Anthon, Dr. C. A Manual of Roman Anti- Edom, M. Mythologie Elémentaire. Elemen- quities. crown Svo. bound. (Presented by tary Nythology. 18mo. Paris, Dezobry, 1852. Bourd of Education, New York. :) Harper & Co., New York, 1851. -- A Manual of Greek Antiquities. crown Svo. bound. (Presented by Board of Education, LATIN GRAMMARS. New York.) Harper & Co., New York, 1852. | Adam, A., LL.D. Principles of Latin and Carr, T. S., M.A. A Manual of Classical My English Grammar. Sth edition. 12mo. bound. thology, or a. Companion to the Greek and Bell & Bradfute, Edinburgh, 1813. Latin Poets, &c. l2mo. cloth. 4s. 6d. 1852. Ahn, F. A new Practical and Easy Method of - A New Classical Lexicon of Biography, Learning the Latin Language. By J. H. P. Mythology, and Geography, &c. crown Svo. Seidenstücker. post Svo. 35. F. Thimm, 1856. cloth. 10s. 6d. 1858 --- A new Practical Method of Learning Simpkin & Co. the Latin Language. First courte, Edited by Giles, Rev. Dr. First Lessons in Classical Dr. J. H. P. Seidensticker. 12mo. ls. 6d. Mythology. 18mo. Od.. J. Cornish. Allman & Sons. Hort, J. The New Pantheon; or an Introduc- Andrews and Stoddard. A Grammar of the tion to the Mythology of the Ancients. 18mo. Latin Language. crown Svo. half bound. 4s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1851. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Irving, C. Catechism of Mythology. 18mo. Crocker & Brewster, Boston, 1852. Aylott & Co. Arnold, Rev. T. K. Second Latin Book, and - Catechism of Classical Biography. 18mo. Practical Grammar. Intended as a Sequel to 9d. Aylött & Co. Henry's First Latin Book. 12mo. bound. 4s. Lanktree's Synopsis of Roman Antiquities. F. & J. Rivington, 1857. 12mo. cloth. 2s. Ward & Lock. - Lätin Word Building, with an Etymolo- Lempriere's Classical Dictionary, corrected gical Vocabulary, designed for the Third Latiu by Anthon, Barker, and Rev. Dr. Giles. Svo. Bock. 12mo. bound. 45. 6d. cálf. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) F. & J. Rivington, 1855. Whittaker & Co. - Revised by J. Cauvin. crown] Svo. - Latin viâ English ; being the Second Part of Spelling termed Etymology. 12.no. bound. Is. Longman & Co., 1855. bound. 48. 6d. Plutarch's Lives. The Translation called F. & J. Rivington, 1852. Dryden's, corrected from the Greek and re- Barrett, Rev. A. Little Arthur's Latin vised by A. H. Clough. 5 vols. Svo. cloth. Primer; or Latin Etymology and Syntax for 21. 10s. S. Low, Son, & Co., 1859. Little Boys. 12mo. Is. Longman & Co., 1956. Kich, A., Jur., B.A. Illustrated Companion Bird, J. Crounds of Grammar penned- and to the Latin Dictionary and Greek Lexicon. published. 18mo. bound. Oxford, 1639. post Svo. bound. 21s. Longman & Co., 1849. Smith, Dr. W. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Cassell's Grammar of the Latin Language. By Professors E. A. Andrews and S. Stod- Antiquities. Svo. cloth. 21. 2s. Walton & Maberly, 1856. dard. crown 8vo. 38. 6d. J. Cassell. --- Abridged. 12mo. 7s. 6d. 1856. - First Lessons in Latin ; or a Short and --- 12mo. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Easy Introduction to the Latin Language. Goodford.) J. Murray, 1853. 12mo. ls. Od. J. Cassell, 1853. - Dictionary of Greek and Roman Bio - Lessons in Latin; being an Elementary graphy and Mythology. 3 vols. Svo. 5l. 15s.6d. Granımar of the Latin Language. By the Walton & Maberly. Rev. J. R. Beard. 12mo. 3s. J. Cassell, 1853. - Classical Dictionary of Biography, My- - Key to the Exercises. 12mo. thology and Geography. Svo. 15s. 1853. 1s. 6d. J. Cassell, 1853. Abridged. 12mo. 7s. 6d. - Chambers's Elementary Latin Grammar. By J. Murray, 1856. Dr. L. Schmitz. 12mo. cloth. 25. - Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geo- 1852. - Advanced Grammar of Latin Language. graphy. Svo. vol. 1. 11. 16s. vol. 2. 21. 44. Walton & Maberly. Ditto. 12o. cloth. 35, 6d. Smith, Agnes. Olympus and its Inhabitants; a W. & R. Chambers. Narrative Sketch of the Classical Mythology, | Clarke, J. Dux Grammaticus Tyronem Scho. edited by John Carmichael. 12mo. cloth. lasticum, &c. 24mo. calf. 5$. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1851. | A. Kembe, London, 1664. GOOD Dictionary plogy. 3 Volgalton & Mabevi atina 1856. 86 GENERAL EDUCATION. Comenii, J. A. Vestibuli Linguarum Auc- tarium, London, 1664. (See Nomenclatura Brevis, fc.) Cooley, A. J. The Pharmaceutical Latin Grammar. 12mo. cloth. 58. Groombridge & Sons, 1845. Dawson, J. W. A Manual of Latin Grammar for Beginners, on the Root System. 12mo. 2s. Jarrold & Sons. Donaldson, Dr. J. W. Latinæ Grammatica Rudimenta; extracted from the complete Latin Grammar, with additional Elucidations for the Use of Young Beginners. 12mo. cloth. 1s, 6d. J. W. Parker & Son, 1853. Durack's Latin Lesson Book, consisting of elementary Instructions, Examples, and Exer- cises, with explanatory Prolusions. 12mo. 25. 6d. (Presented by the Author.) Houlston & Wright, 1857. Edwards, T. W. C. Eton Latin Accidence, with the Stress and Quantities, correctly marked. 12mo. cloth stiffened. ls. 1858. - Eton Latin Grammar, with Notes, the Accents and Quantity, &c. 12mo. bound. 2s. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1858. Frost, Rev. P. Tables of Latin Accidence. Svo. ls. Bell & Daldy. Goodwin, Rev. T. A Practical Grammar of the Latin Tongue. 12mo. ls. J. Weale, 1854. Gordon, Alex. Tyrocinium Linguæ Latina, or the Latine Apprentice made Free-Man, &c. 18mo. bound. M. Walker, London, 1664. Grammatical Miscellanies, wherein the Truth of many Rules, both in the English Rudiments and Latine Grammar is examined, &c. By T. M. fcp. 8vo. half calf. Oxford, 1660. Gunn, W. M. Rudiments of the Latin Lan- guage. 12mo. bound. 2s. A. & C. Black, 1853. Haines, Rev. H. Rules for the Gender of Latin Nouns, &c. 12mo. Is. 6d. Bell & Daldy, 1855. Hall, H. The Principal Roots of the Latin Language. 12mo. Is. 6d. Walton & Maberly, 1856. Henley's Latin Grammar, 1719. (See Class Spanish.) Henry's First Latin Book. By the late Rev. T. K. Arnold, M.A, 12mo, bound. 38. Simpkin & Co. Hiley, R. Elements of Latin Grammar. 12mo. 3s. Longman & Co., 1849. Introduction (Short) of Grammar generally to be used.Brevissima Institutio, seu Ratio Grammatices cognoscendæ, ac omnem Puc- rorum utilitatem prescripta. In 1 vol. inter- leaved. post Svo. calf. Oxford, 1659. In 1 vol. Syo. calf. Oxford, at thé Theater, 1714. - In 1 vol. 18mo. canvas. Buckley & Longman, 1771. 1 Introduction (Short) to- Grammar. 18mo. canvas. Buckley & Longman, London, 1770. Johnson, R. M. A. Noctes Nottinghamica; or, Cursory Objections against the Syntax of the Common Grammar, in order to obtain a better, 1814.-2. The Way to Things by Words, and to Words by Things. TBy J. Cleland ?1 1766. -3. Elegia ad M. Valer. Corvinum Messalam. Edidit G. P. E. Wagner, 1816.-4. De Arte Medendi apud Priscos Musices Ope atque Carminum Epistola ad Ant. Relhan, M.D. 1783., in 1 vol. Svo. calt lettered. Johnson, R. Grammatical Commentaries ; being an Apparatus to a New National Gram- mar, by way of Animadversion upon the Falsi- ties, Obscurities, Redundancies, and Defects of Lilly's System, now in use. Svo. calf. (Pre- sented by C. Baker, Esq.) Ś. Keble, Fleet Street, 1706. Kavanagh, M. D. A new Latin Grammar, calculated to perfect Students in Etymology, Syntax (including Subjunctive Mood), the Principles of Prose Composition, and Prosody. 12mo. bound. Is. 6d. C. Dolman, 1859. Kennedy, Rev. Dr. B. H. An Elementary Grammar of the Latin Language. 12mo. bound. 38. 6d. 1959. - The Child's Latin Primer; or, First Latin Lessons, extracted (with Model Questions and Exercises) from the above. 12mo. bound. 2s. Longman & Co., 1858. Key, Rev. T. H. A Short Latin Grammar on the System of Crude Forms. post Svo. 38. 6d. Bell & Daldy, 1852. King Edward the Sixth's Latin Accidence. 12mo. bound. 2s. 1854. com - Latin Grammar, 12mo. bound. 35. 6d. J Murray, 1856. King, A.J. How to Learn Latin; or, Artificial Memory applied to Latin Words. 12mo. 4s. Jarrold & Sons. Latin Accidence (A New); or, an Intro- duction to the several Parts of Latin Grammar in English Prose, &c. 12mo. canvas. T. Lowndes, London, 1774. Latin Accidence; intended to prepare Boys for Key's Short Latin Grammar. post Svo. 2s. Bell & Daldy, 1854. Lilly, W. Grammar. (See Introduction.) London Latin Grammar, including the Eton Syntax and Prosody in English, accompanied with Notes. 12mo. Is. 6d. Walton & Maberly, 1856. Macgowan, J. First Latin Lessons, with Vocabulary. 18mo. bound. 28. 1861. -- Second Latin Lessons, with Vocabulary. 1Sino. bound. 35. Oliver & Boyd, 1856. Mair, J. Introduction to Latin Syntax. 12mo. bound. Bell & Bradfute, Edinburgh, 1825. - Introduction to Latin Syitax, with a Vocabulary, &c., by the Rev. A. Stewart. 18mo, bound. 28. Oliver & Boyd, 1857. LATIN GRAMMAR AND EXERCISES. 87 Monteith, A. H. An Easy and Practical In- | Wanostrocht, N. Elementary Introduction troduction to the Latin Language. 18mo. to the Latin Graminar. 2nd edition. 12mo. Is. 6d. cloth. 1854. bound. J. Johnson, London, 1797. - Key to the Exercises in. (Darton's White, Rev. J. T. Eton Latin Grammar, re- School Library.) 18mo. cloth. ]s. Od. 1955. vised and corrected. 12no. bound. ls. 9d. Darton & Co. Longman & Co., 1853. Moody, Rev. C. New Eton Latin Grammar, Whittaker, Rev. G. A Concise Introduction with the Marks of Quantity, and the Rules of to the Latin Language. 3rd edition. 12mo. Accent, &c. 12mo. bound. 28..6d. bound. Law & Whittaker, 1816. Longman & Co., 1859. Nomenclatura Brevis Anglo-Latino-Giacca, Wright, Josiah. A Hely to Latin Grammar, In Usum Scholia Westmonasteriensis. By or the l'orm and Use of Words in Latin ;. with F. G. [Francis Gregory?] London, 1665.--- Progressive Exercises. crown Svo. cl. 45. 6d. Comenii (J. A.), Vestibuli Linguarum Auc- Macmillan & Co., 1855. tarium, &c. Anglice redditum per Jo. Osborn, Yonge, C. D. An Introduction to the Latin London, 1664. The Schollars Gold Ring; Tongue. 12mo. bound. 28. (Presented by Rev. consisting of the two chief Parts of Speech, &c., Dr. Goodford.) R. P. Williams, 1854. London, 1664, in 1 vol. post. Svo. calf lettered. Zumpt, C. G., Ph.D. · Grainmar of the Latin Nomenclatura ; or, Nouns and Verbs in Language. By Dr. Schmitz. Svo. 14s. English and Latin, for Use of Eton School. Longman & Co., 1855. 18mo. bound. J. Pote, Eton, 1766. Nomenclatura ; or, Nouns and Verbs in Englisi and Latin, for Declining and Conju- Eléments de la Langue Latine. Elements of gating. 18mo. bound. ls. 6d. (Presented by Latin, for Colleges in Canton Vaud. royal Rev. Dr. Goodford.) E. P. Williams, 1852. Svo. half calf. (and 1 copy sewed). Lausanne, 1936. Principles of Latin Syntax; or, the Construc- tion of Words in Sentences. Svo. cloth, limp. Meylan, G. Eléments de la Syntaxe Latine. Elements of Latin Syntax, for Lower Classes 1s. Bell & Daldy. in Schools Canton of Vaud. royal Svo. half Priscianus Nascens, or a Key to the calf. (one copy, sewed.) Lausanne, 1845. Grammar School, &c. iSmo, bound. (Pre- - Syntaxe Latine. Latin Syntax for Upper sented by C. Buker, Esq.) Classes in Schools of Canton Vaud. royal Svo. London: Printed for W. Garret, 1663. half calf. (one copy, sewed.) Lausanne, 1846. Robson, John. Constructive Exercises for Teaching the Elements of the Latin Language. 12ino. 45. 6d. Walton & Maberly, 1856. LATIN EXERCISES. Ruddiman's Rudiments of the Latin Tongue. Edited by W. & R. Chambers. 12mo. 10d. Adams, Rev. H. C. Latin Exercises. 12mo. W. & R. Chambers, 1856. 2s. 6d.' D. Nutt, 1858. - Rudiments of the Latin Tongue. Revised Arnold, Rev. T. K. Longer Latin Exercises. by J. Hunter. 12mo. bound. 1s. 6d. Part I. Svo. bound. 4s. 1859. Oliver & Boyd, 1852. - Part II. Svo. bound. 4s. Rudiments of the Latin Language (Edin- F. & J. Rivington, 1850. burgh Academy). 12mo 28. Bradley, W. W. Latin Prose Exercises. Oliver & Boyd, 1856. 12ino. 38. 6d. bound. Longman & Co., 1857. Schollar's (The) Gold Ring, &c. London, 1664. (See Nomenclatura Brevis, fc.) Chambers, W. & R. Elementary Latin Exercises. 12mo. ls. 3d. 1855. Smith, Rev. T. Eton Latin Accidence. 12mo. Advanced Latin Exercises. 12mo. 2s. bound. 1s. 1853. 1855. Eton Latin Grammar. 12mo. bound. Key to Advanced Latin Exercises. 12mo. Allman & Son, 1855. 2s. W. & R. Chambers, 1854. Smith, W., LL.D. Principia Latina. A First Clarke, J. An Introduction to the Making of Latin Course, comprehending Graminar, De Latin. 36th edition. 12mo. bound. lectus, and Exercise Book, with Vocabularies. Longinan, 1831. For the Use of the Lower Forms in Schools. - Corderii Colloquiorum Centuria Selecta, post Svo. cloth, red edges. 3s. 6d. with an English Translation. 11th edition. J. Murray, 1860. 18mo. bound. J. Clarke, London, 1743. Smith, W. B. Inductive Latin Course for Donaldson, Dr. J. W. Exercises adapted to Beginners. 12mo. 2s. 607. J. B. Bateman. the complete Latin Grammar. 12mo. cloth. Thompson, D'Arcy W. Latin Grammar for 2s. 6d. J. W. Parker & Son, 1852. Elementary Classes. (Constable's Educational Ellis, W., M.A. A Collection of English Series.) post 8vo. cloth. 2s. Constable & Co. Exercises, translated from Cicero, for School Walford, E. Latin Accidence. Svo. ls. Boys to re-translate into Latin. Revised by Latin Syntax. 8vo. Is. the Rev. T. K. Arnold, M.A. 12mo. bound. Latin Prosody. 8vo. 1s. 35. od. Simpkin & Co., 1855. Latin Prepositions. 8vo. Is. English Exercises, translated from Cicero, Longman & Co., 1857. | to re-translate into Latin. Revised' by Rev. --- The Shilling Latin Grammar. 12mo. W. H, Pinnock. 12mo. bound. 35. 6d. Longman & Co. 1856. Allman & Son, 1956. 2s. PS S 88 GENERAL EDUCATION. Ferguson, G. Grammatical Exercises on the | Bosworth, Rev. J. An Introduction to Latin Latin Language. 18mo. bound. 28. 1855. Construing. 12mo. bound, 2s. 6d. 1946, M Key to. ismo. bound. 1s. Od. Latiñ Construing, or Rules for Transla- Oliver & Boyd. ting Latin into English. 12mo. bound. 2s. 6d. Highgate. Preparatory School Latin De- Simpkin & Co., 1950. clensions. 31 pp. 12mo. Edwards, T. W. C. Latin Delectus; or, First - Exercises to be turned into Latin. 16 pp. Lessons in Construing. 12mo. 2s. 6d. 12mo, Simpkin & Co., 1855. (Privately printed by the Rev. Alfred Barrett.) Ferguson, G. Introductory Latin Delectus; Hiley, R. Latin Exercises. 12mo. 2s. 1854. with a Vocabulary. 12mo. bound. 2s. Oliver & Boyd, 1856. - Key to 2mo. 3s. Longman & Co., 1846. Jacobs and Classen. The Latin Rcader. Historia Antiqua, or Ancient History to be Edited with Notes and a Vocabulary by James rendered into Latin. Sth edition. 12mo. bound. Donaldson, M.A. Part 1, Course 1, Is. Id. ; T. Pote, Eton, 1791. Part 2, Course 2, 2s, post Svo. cloth. Initia Virgiliana, or a Familiar Explanation - the 2 Parts in 1 vol. post Svo. of the more important parts of Latin Syntax; cloth. 3s. 6d. A. & C. Black, 1859. combined with Plain Directions for rendering Jacobs and Döring, Latin Reader, Part 1.; Latin into English. For the Use of Lewisham adapted to Andrews and Stoddard's Grammar. School. 12mo. cloth. B. Fellowes, 1834. By E. A. Andrews, LL.D. crown Svo. half Latin Exercises, adapted to Andrew's and bound. (Presented by Board of Education, Stoddard's Latin Grammar. 12mo. 1s. 6d. New York.) Crocker & Brewster, Boston, 1852. Kent & Co., 1853. Jacobs, F. Latin Reader, Part I. Selections Selections from English Authors for Trans from Phædrus, &c. 12mo. 2s. 6d. 1857. lation into Latin. fcp. 8vo. cloth. Part II. Selections from Cicero, D. Ā. Talboys, Oxford, 1835. &c. for advanced Classes. 12mo. 38. Shorter Examples, or Second Book of English Simpkin & Co., 1858. Examples to be rendered into Latin. 18mo, Kennedy, Rev. Dr. B. H. A Latin Vocabulary, bound. Pote & Williams, Eton, 1801. arranged on Etymological Principles as an Smith, Rev. T. Exempla Minora; or, New Exercise Book and First Latin Dictionary. English Examples to be translated into Latin. 12mo. bound, 3s. 1856. ismo. bound. 2s. Allman & Son, 1850. Tirocinium ; or an Elementary Latin Thornborrow, M. Latin Exercises. 12ino. Reading Book, adapted to the “Child's Latin bound. Is. 6d. Groombridge & Sons, 1851. Primer." 12mo. bound. 2s. 1858. Turner, W. Exercises to the Accidence and Palastra Latina; or a Second Latin Read- Grammar; or an Exemplification of the seve- ing Book, adapted to the Elementary Latin ral Moods and Tenses, and of the Principal Grammar. 12mno. 5s. 1855. Rules of Construction, &c. 13th edition. 12mo. Longman & C:). canvas. E. Ballard, London, 1779. Walford, E. Progressive Exercises in Latin Listin Delectus, with Vocabulary. (Edin- Prose. 12mo. bound. 2s 6d. burgh Academy.) 12mo. bound. 35. Oliver & Boyd, 1856. Longman & Co., 1857. Walker, W. Treatise of English Particles; Latin. Reader. Adapted to Andrews and with a Praxis upon the same. post Svo. calf. Stoddard's Latin Grammar; with a Dictionary. (Presented by C. Baker, Esq.) (Cassell's Classical Library, vol. 1.) 12mo. G. Pawlett, London, 1691. Is. Od. Kent & Co., 1953. Willymott, W. English Particles exemplified Latin Reading Book, with a Dictionary. in Sentences designed for Latin Exercises; 12mo. 2s.6d. Walton & Maberly, 1855. with the proper Rendering of each Particle Lindsay, Rev. S. Latin and English Vocabu- inserted in the Sentence. post Svo. calf. lary, for the High School, Edinburgh. Smo. (Presented by C. Baker, Esg.) bound. ls. A. & C. Black, 1836. C. Bathurst, London, 1771. Yonge, C. D. Exempla Minora Latina. 12mo. Delville, C. Lectiones Selectæ; or Select 2s. Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodjord.) Latin Lessons in Morality, &c., with a Vo- E. P. Williams, 1851. cabulary. ismo. bound. Is. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1860. Robson, J. First Latin Reading Lessons, with complete Vocabularies. 12mo. 2s. Od. LATIN DELECTUS. Walton & Maberly, 1950. Adams, Rey. H. C. Latin Delectus. 4th cdi- Smith, Rev. T. Latin Delectus. 12mo. tion. 12mo. bound. 25. 6d. 1857. 2s.6d. Allman & Sons, 1852. - - 12mo. bound. (Presented by Rev. Thring, Rev. E. A Construing Book. fep. Dr. Goodford.) D. Mutt, 1952. Svo. cloth. 2s. 60. Macmillan & Co., 1855. Allen, Dr. A. Latin Delectus. 12mo. '45. Valpy, Rev. R. Latin Delectus. Revised by Walton & Maberly, 1855. Rev. J. T. White. 12mo. bound. 2s. Od. 1857. Arnold, Rev. T. K. Historiæ Antiquiæ Epi - - Key to, literally translated from tome. . 12mo. bound. 4s. the Rev. J. T. White's Edition. 12mo. 35. 60. F. & J. Rivington, 1855. Longman & Co., 1855. LATIN EXERCISES, DELECTUS, COMPOSITION, AND CLASSICS. 89 Willymot's Corderii Colloquiorum with Vo- | Frost, Rev. P. Materials for Latin Prose. cabulary, By George Milligan. 18mo. bound. 12inó. 2s.6d. Bell & Daldy, 1852. 2s. Oliver & Boyd, 1855. - A Key to. 12mo. 4s. Wright, Josiah. The Seven Kings of Rome. Bell & Daldy, 1852. fop. 8vo. cloth. 3s. 1857. Gretton, Rev. F. E. Reddenda; or Passages A Vocabulary and Exercises on the 6 Seven Kings of Rome." fcp. 8vo. cloth. with Parallel Hints for Translation into Latin Prose and Verse. post Svo. 48. 6d. Macmillan & Co., 1857. 2s. 6d. Bell & Daldy, 1853. Hodgson, Rev. F. Mythology for Versifica- tion. 5th edition. 12no. cloth. 3s. Walton & Maberly, 1851 LATIN COMPOSITION AND - Select Portions of Sacred History, con- VERSIFICATION. veyed in Sense for Latin Verses. 12mo. cloth. 3s. 6d. Taylor & Walton, 1839. Alford, Rev. H. Passages in Prose and Verse Kennedy, Rev. Dr. B. H. Curriculum Stili from English Authors for Translation into Latini; or a Systematic Course of Examples Greek and Latin ; together with selected pas for Practice, in the Style of the best Latin sages from Greek and Latin Authors for Trans Prose Authors. 12mo. bound. 4s. 6d. 1858. lation into English; forming a regular course - Palæstra Stili Latini; or Materials for of exercises in Classical Composition. 8vo. 6s. Translation into Latin Prose. 12mo. bound. Deighton, Bell & Co., 1845. 6s. Longman & Co., 1856. Anthon, Dr. C. An Introduction to Latin Master's, The, Latin Verse Book; being a Prose Composition. crown Svo. bound. Collection of Latin Prose Tables turned into (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Verse, with an English Translation. 12mo. Harper & Co., New York, 1851. cloth. 45. Bell & Daldy, 1852. Arnold, Rev. T. K. A Practical Introduction Oxenham, Rev. W. English Notes for Latin to Latin Prose Composition. Part I. Ninth Elegiacs. 12mo. bound. 45. J. Murray, 1849. edition. Svo. 6s. 6d. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Rapier, C. Introduction to the Coinposition Goodford.) Rivingtons, 1852. of Latin Verse. Revised by Rev. T. K. Arnold, - Eleventh Edition. Svo. bound. M.A. 12mo. bound. 35. 6d. 6s. 6d. Rivingtons, 1859. Longman & Co., 1859. -- Key to. By a Cambridge M.A. Tate, Rev. J. Richinond Rules to form the 18mno. cloth, limp. ls. 6d. - J. Cornish. Ovidian Distich, &c. Svo. Is. 6d. Bell & Daldy. -- The First Verse Book. 12mo. bound. F. & J. Rivington, 1859. Walford, E. Hints on Latin Writing. royal Svo. Is. 6d. Longman & Co., 1856. Practical Introduction to Latin Verse onge, C. D. Gradus ad Parnassum. crown 8vo. Composition. 8vo. bound. 5s.6d. F. & J. Rivington, 1851. bound. Os. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) Longman & Co., 1851. - Gradus ad Parnassum Novus Anticlep- Yonge, C. D. A Dictionary of Epithets, ticus, founded on "Quicherat's Thesaurus classified according to their English Meaning; Poeticus." Svo, half roan. 10s. 6d. F. & J. Rivington, 1852. being an Appendix to the “ Latin Gradus." crown Svo. bound. 35. 6d. Beatson, Rev. B. W. Exercises on Latin Prose Longman & Co., 1858. Composition, with Hints for, and Examples of Wilkins, Rev. H. M. A Manual of Latin Themes. 2nd edition. post Svo. cloth. Prose Composition. crown Svo. cloth. 5s. W. P. Grant, Cambridge, 1850. J. W. Parker & Son, 1859. Bland, Rev. R. Elements of Latin Hexameters and Pentameters. Corrected by the Rey. G. C. Bowden, D.C.L. 12mo. 38. Simpkin & Co., 1856. Carey, Dr. J. Latin Versification Simplificri. Quicherat, L. Thesaurus Poeticus Lingua Latinæ. Dictionnaire l'rosodique et Poétique 12.no. 2s. Simpkin & Co., 1855. de la Langue Latine. Latin Dictionary. Crombie, Rev. A. Gymnasium, sive Sym imp. Svo. calf. Paris, Hachette. bola Critica, abridged. 12mo. 6s. Simpkin & Co., 1854. Dumesnil, J. B. G. Latin Synonyms, with their différent Significations and Examples, taken from the best Latin Authors. Trans- lated by the Rev. J. M. Gosset. 3rd edition. LATIN CLASSICS. Svo. calf. G. B. Whittaker, 1825. First Steps to Latin Versification. Scansion | Æsop's Fables. Latin and English. (See and Structure of the Ovidian Verse. 8vo. Is. Locke.) Bell & Dalsly. Catechismus; sive Prima Institutio Disci- Florilegium Poeticum Anglicanum. (See plinaque Pietatis Christianæ. By A. Nowell. Poetry.) Simpkin & Co., 1851. ismo. 38. 2s. OS 90 GENERAL EDUCATION. Cæsar's Commentaries, translated into | Ciceronis Scripta quæ manserunt omnia. English by W. Duncan. 12mo. cloth. 75. Recognovit R. Klotz. (Teubner's Classics.) Simpkin & Co., 1847. 11 vols. 12mo. ll. 5s. Od. Book I. Construed with the Text Partis I. vol. 1, 2, Opera Rhetorica, Partis into English, Literally, and Word for Word. II. vol. 1, 3 Orationes. Partis III. vol. 1, By the Rev. Dr. Giles. 18mo. cloth, limp. 2 Epistolae. Partis IV. vol. 1, 3 Opera 1s. 6d. J. Cornish. Philosophica; and Index (Vol. 11.) Sepa- - Books I., II., III., and IV. Ditto, rately, each volume 2s. 6d. 1851-6. - Oraciones Selectæ XIX. Recognovit R. ditto. 18mo. cloth limp. 2s. 6d. J. Cornish. Klotz. 28. Williams & Norgate, 1857. -- An Epitome of Part of. By E. Ciceronis Orationes Selectæ, ex recensione Woodford, LL.D. *18mo. bound. 2s. 6d. J. A. Ernesti. With an English Commentary, Maclachlan & Co., 1852. and Historical, Geographical, and Legal In- - First Six Books, with Analytical dexes. By C. Anthon, LL.D. 12mo, cloth. 6s. Interlinear Translation. (Hamiltonian Sys- Longman & Co., 1859. tem.) 12mo. 75. 6d. Aylott & Co. - Orationes Selectæ. Edited by J. Richter. Cæsaris, C. Julii, Commentarii. Cum Supple 12mo. cloth. 3s. 6d. W. &R. Chambers, 1849. mentis A. Hirtii et aliorum. Accedunt -- Orationes Selecta, by George Ferguson. Cæsaris Hirtiique Fragmenta. Recognovit 18mo. bound. ls. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1854. Fr. Oehler. (Teubner's Classics.) 12mo. Is. Od. Orationes; with a Commentary by George Williams & Norgate, 1857. Long, M.A. 3 vols. Svo. cloth. l. 6s. (Oxford Pocket Classics.) 18mo. Bell & Daldy, 1851. bound. 25. 6d. J. H. & J. Parker, 1855. - Opera Selecta. (Edinburgh Academy.) 18mo. bound. 35. Oliver & Boyd, 1855. - De Bello Civili. Edidit J. Chris- Cicero's Select Orations, with Notes; by tison. For the Use of Candidates for the E. A. Johnson. crown Svo. half bound. Cambridge School Examination. 12mo. sewed. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Simpkin & Co., 1860. Cicero's Select Orations, with the Treatises on Cæsar de Bello Gallico, with Explanatory Old Age and Friendship. Literally translated Notes, and Historical, Geographical and Ar by the Rev. Dr. M‘Kay. 12mo. sewed. 2s. 6d. chæological Indexes. By Charles Anthon, McGlashan & Gill, 1857. LL.D. Revised by the Rev. C. Hawkins. 12.no. Cicero's Select Orations. Ditto, ditto. 18mo. cloth. 4s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1955. cloth, limp. 25. 60. J. Cornishi. - de Bello Gallico. Libri VI. 12mo. Appleton & Co., New York, 1850. bound, 2s. 6d. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Good Cicero on Old Age and Friendship. Construed ford.) E. P. Williams, 1852. with the Text into English literally and Word . (Chambers' Classical Series.) 12mo. for Word. By the Rev. Dr. Giles. 18mo. cloth, limp. 2s. J. Cornish. bound. 2s. 6d. W. & R. Chambers, 1855. Cicero's Orations against Catiline, with Ana- - Edited by J. Dymnock, LL.D. 12ino. lytical Interlinear Translation. (Hamiltonian bound. 4s. Oliver & Boyd, 1854. System.) 12mo. 45. Ayiott & Co. - With English Notes. By the Rev. J. A. Cicero's Cato Major, Lælius, &c., by George Spencer, A.M. cr. 8vo. half bound. (Pre Ferguson, 18mo. bound. Is. 6d. sented by Board of Education, New York.) Oliver & Boyd, 1855. Appleton & Co., New York, 1852. Cicero's Cato Major, Lælius, &c.; principally Catulli Valerii Veronensis Liber. Recognovit from the Text of Gerhard. With English Augustus Rossbach. (Teubner's Classics.) Notes by the Rev. J. T. White. 12mo. bound. 12mo. 6d. Williams & Norgate, 1854. 3s. 6d." Longman & Co., 1857. Ciceronis Tuscularum Disputationum libri V. Catullo, Selecta e, in usum Juventutis. By Rev. (Oxford Pocket Classics.) W. G. Cookesley, M.A. 12mo. bound Zs. 6d. 1$mo. bound. 2s. J. H. & J. Parker, 1856. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) Cicero de Ofliciis, de Senectute, et de Amicitiâ. E. P. Williams, 1816. (Oxford Pocket Classics.) ismo. bound. 2s. Cicero. An Account of the Life and Letters J. H. & J. Parker, 1856. of Cicero: translated from the German of - by George Ferguson. Smo. Abeken. Edited by Rev. C. Merivale. post bound. ls. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1855. Svo. Is. 6d. Longinan & Co., 1854. de Naturâ Deorum, Libri Tres. 18mo. Cicero, Selections from, with English Notes. bound. Is. 6d. Maclachlan & Co., 1840. Part í. “ Orations." Edited by Řev, T. K. Conciones et Orationes ex Historicis Latinis Arnold. 12mo. bound. 4.s. 1856. Excerptæ. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) - Part. 2. “Epistles.” 12mo. bound. 12mo. cloth. Clarendon Press, 1920. Cornelii Nepotis de Excellentibus Ducibus 1849. 5s. Exterarum Gentium Liber. Accedent vita - Part 3. “Tusculan Disputations." Catonis et Attici atque excerpta ex ejusdein 12mo. bound. 58. 6d. 1951. reliquis libris. Curavit H. R. Dietsch. - Part 4. “De Finibus, &c." 12mo. (Teubner's Classics.) 12mo. 6d. bound. 5s.6d. 1853. Williams & Norgate, 1856. - Part 5. “De Senectute.” 12mo. -- Vita; edidit G. A. Koch. crown 8vo. 4d. bound. 2s.6d. 1853. Leipsic, Tauchnitz. F. & J. Rivington. !. Wiļliams & Norgate, London, 1855. LATIN CLASSICS. 91 Cornelii Nepotis Vitæ. Textu J. F. Fischer, 1 Horace. The Works of Horace, literally trans- 12mo. half call. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Good lated, by H. Waring, A.M., in strict accord- ford.) E. P. Williams, 1852. ance with the Text of the Rev. G. B. Wheeler. Cornelius Nepos, with English Notes and 12mo. sewed. 2s. Od. Questions. By the Rev. C. Bradley; cor- McGlashan & Gill, 1857. rected by Rev. J. T. White. 12mo. bound. Fioratii Eclogæ; edited by A. W. Zumpt. 3s. Od. Longman & Co., 1858. 12mo. cloth. 3s. 6d. W. & R. Chambers, 1851. - (Oxford Pocket Classics.) 18mo. Opera, by John Hunter. 13mo. bound. bound. 1s. 4d. 1856. 3s. Oliver & Boyd, 1856. With short Notes. 18mo. sewed. Is. 6d. - Opera Omnia, with a Commentary by J. H. & J. Parker, 1855. the Rev. A. J. Macleane; A.M. 8vo. cloth. - (Chambers' Classical Series.) 12mo. 18s. . G. Bell, 1853. cloth. 2s. 6d. W. & R. Chambers, 1852. - Opera Omnia, ex recensione A. J. Mac- by Alexander Stewart. 18mo. bound. leane. (Cambridge Classics.) small 12mo. 38. Oliver & Boyd, 1856. cloth limp. 28. 6d. - Part 1, with answered Questions and Deighton, Bell, & Co., 1858. Imitative Exercises. By Rev. T. K. Arnold. - Opera, Orellius. 2 vols in i Svo. calf. 12mo. bound. 18. F. & J. Rivington, 1851. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) Turici, 1851. Erasmi Colloquiorum, recensuit S. Patrick, - Opera, the Commentary for the Odes A.M. post Svo. bound. on the basis of Anthon, and the Satires and J. Bonwicke, London, 1760. Epistles on that of M'Caul, with copious - Colloquia Selecta, with English Trans- annotations, partly original, and partly selected lation. 16th edition. By J. Clarke, from Bentley and others, by the Rev. G. B. small 12mo. bound. L. Hawes, London, 1764. Whecler, A.M. Vol. 1, “Odes and Epodes." 12mo. bound. 4s. Eutropii Historiæ Romanæ Libri Septem. - Vol. 2, “Satires and Epistles.” With English Notes by Rev. C. Bradley ; re- 12mo, bound. 4s. 6d. vised by Rev.J. T. White. 12mo. bound. 28. 6d. McGlashan & Gill, 1856. Longman & Co., 1856. - Opera Omnia. Ex recensione J. C. Eutropii Breviarium Historiæ Romanæ. Curavit Jahn. *Curavit T. Schmid. (Teubner's R. Dietsch. (Teubner's Classics.) 12mo. 6d. Classics.) 12mo. Is. Williams & Norgate, 1853. Williams & Norgate, 1857. Eutropii Breviarium Historiæ Romanæ, with - Edidit G. Stallbaum. Cr. 8vo. Is. a Summary, Dictionary, &c.; edited by Dr. (Tauchnitz’s Classics.) Allen. 12ino. 38. (British and Foreign School Williams & Norgate, 1854. Society.) 1849. (Oxford Pocket Classics.) 18mo. - 12ino. 38. (Presented by Dr. bound. 28. 1856. Simpkin & Co., 1858. - Short Notes to. 18mo. bound. 2s. Eutropius and Aurelius Victor, with Vocabu- 1856. lary, by R. J. Neilson. 18mo. 2s. - Odesand Epodes 2s. ; Satires 1s. ; Epistles Oliver & Boyd, 1855. and Ars Poetica ls. each, with the Notes. 18mo. Gospel of St. John, with Analytical Interlinear sewed. J. H. & J. Parker. Translation. (Hamiltonian System.) 12mo. Opera (Valpy.) iSmo. bourd. 38. 6d. 4s. Aylott & Co. Longman & Co., 1855. Horace, with English Notes ; by Charles Horatius. Quintus Horatius Flaccus; tủe Anthon, LL.D. crown Svo. bound. (Pre Text, with 50 Illustrations from the Antique, sented by Board of Education, New York.) drawn by T. D. Scott, and engraved on wood. Harper & Co., New York, 1853. 12mo. cloth. 5s. Beil & Daldy, 1855. Horace, with English Notes. Part 1, The - Eclogæ Horatianæ, by E. Woodford, LL.D. Odes and Epodes, by the Rev. J. E. Young, 18mo. bound. 35. Maclachlan & Co., 1849. 12mo. bound. 38. 1857. Juvenalis et Persii Satyræ, juxta editionis -~- Part 2, The Satires and Epistles. Heinrich. (Oxford Pocket Classics.) 18mo. by the Rev. J. E. Young. 12mo. bound. 38. 6d. bound. 1s. Od. J. H. & J. Parker, 1954. Longman & Co., 1858. — Satirarum libri V. Accedit Sulpiciæ the Odes of. Translated into Unrhymed Satira. Ex rec. C. F. Hermanni. (Teubner's English Metres; by F. W. Newman. post Classics.) 12mo. 9d. Svo. 5s. Walton & Maberly, 1953. : Williams & Norgate, 1856. - Odes and Epodes. Construed, with the Text, into English literally, and Word for Juvenalis Satiræ XIII. The Latin Text of Word. By the Rev. Dr. Giles. 18mo. 2s. 6d. Otto Jahn, edited with English Notes, and an J. Cornish. Index, by J. E. B. Mayor, M.A. crown Svo. -- The Satyres, Epistles, &c. Ditto, ditto. cloth. 10s. 6d. Macmillan & Co., 1853. 18mo. cloth, limp. 2s. 6d. J. Cornish. Livii Opera. (Oxford Pocket Classics.) 4 vols, ~ The Works of Horace, followed by 18mo. bound. 6s. English Introductions and Notes ; abridged J. H. & J. Parker, 1857. and adapted for School Use from the Edition Livii Historiarum ab Urbe condita libri quinque of Fr. Dübner: By the Rev. T. K, Arnold. priores, Edited by G. M. Gunn, LL.D. i2mo. 12mo. bound. 75. F. & J. Rivington, 1834. / 45. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1853. Coy・ co 92 GENERAL EDUCATION. ls. Livi, T. Ab Urbe Condita. Recognovit G. Weis- | Ovidii Epistolæ Selecta. Svo. 45. (Presented senborri. (Teubner's Classics.) 6 vols. 12mo. by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) E. P. Williams, 1945. 6s., or separately, Is. 6d. cach. Excerpta ex Oyiclii Carminibus. Editor Williams & Norgate, 1855. by M. Isler. 12mo. cloth. 35. Gd. - Ab Urbe Condita. Edidit M. Hertz. W. & R. Chambers, 1851. (Tauchnitz's Classics.) Vol. 1. Parts 1 & 2, Metamorphoscon, Electa ex, cum Notis. is. cach. crown 8vo. 12mo. bound. 45. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Williams & Norgate, 1957. Goodford.) E. P. Williams, 1853. Livy. The Five latter Books of the First - By George Ferguson. 18mo. Decade of Livy, edited by W. Weissenborn. bound. 2s.6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1851. With Englisi Preface and Notes, by James By Rev. C. Bradley; revised by Pillans, F.R.S.E. 12mo. cloth. 25. Gd. Rev. J. T. White. 12mo. bound.' 4s. 6d. Williams & Norgate, 1857. Longman & Co., 1856. Ovidio et Tibullo, Electa ex, cum Notis. The Five Latter Books of the Decade of 12mo. bound. 35. 6d. (Presented by Rev. Livy. By Professor Pillans. 1$mo. 35. Dr. Goodford.) E. P. Williams, 1852. Maclachlan & Co., 1849. Ovid. Selections from Ovid: Amores, Tristia, -- Titus Livius Patavinus. Edited by Heroides, Metamorphoses. With English C. G. Zumpt. 12mo. cloth. 4s. Notes by the Rev. A. J. Macleane, M.A. W. & R. Chambers, 1856. | 12mo. 3$ 6d. Bell & Daldy, 1956. - Roman History, Book xxi., construed, -- Selections from the Fasti and Tristia of with the Text, into English, literally and Word Ovid. By Professor Pillans. 18mo, bound. for Word. By the Rev. Dr. Giles. 18mo. 2s. Maclachlan & Co., 1851. J. Cornish. - Ecloga Ovidiana, with English Notes. - Books xxi. to xxv. By J. Hunter. 12mo. Part 1 (from ile Elegiac Poems). Edited by the Rev. T. K. Arnold. 12mo. bound. 2s. 6d. bound. s. Oliver & Boyd, 1856. F. & J. Rivington, 1856. -- Selections from the First Five Books, Ovid's Metamorphoses. Book I. Construed, and the Twenty-first and Twenty-second En- with the Text, into English, literally and Word tire. With English Notes. By J. L. Lincoln. for Word. By the Rev. Dr. Giles. 18mo. ls. crown Svo. half-bound. (Prescnted by Board J. Cornislı. of Education, New York.) Persii, A. F. Satirarum liber. Ex recensione Appleton & Co., New York, 1953. ' C. F. Hermanni. (Teubner's Classics.) 12ino. Locke's System of Classical Instruction. In Oct. Williams & Norcate, 1851. terlinear Translations. 1210. ls. 6d. each: Persius. The Satires of Persius, construed 1. Phædrus's Fables of Æsop. literally and word for word. By the Rev. 2. Ovid's Metamorphoses. Book I. Dr. Giles. 18mo. ls. J. Cornish, 3. Virgil's Æneid." Book I. Phædri Fabula Æsopiæ. Edidit C. Th. Dress- 4. Parsing Lessons to Virgil. ler. (Teubner's Classics.) 12mo. 6d. 5. Cæsar's Invasion of Britain. Williains & Norgate, 1856. Walton & Maberly. - (Oxford Pocket Classics.) 18mo. bour d. 1s. 4d. 1918. Locke, J. Æsop's Fables in English and Latin — with short notes. iSmo. sewed. Is. interlinearly, for the Benefit of those who not J. H. & J. Parker, 1850. having a Nlaster would learn either of these Edited by A. P. Carson, LL.D. 18mo. Tongues. 2nd edition, with Sculptures. Syo. 2s. A. & C. Black, 1851. calf. A. Bettesworth, London, 1723. - Fabulæ Selectæ. (Chambers' Classical Lucani Opera. (Oxford Pocket Classics.) Series.) 12mo. cloth. is. 6d. 1Smo. bcund. 2s.6d. W. & R. Chambers, 1955. S. H. & J. Parker, 1850. — By Rev. C. Bradley; revised by Lucretii de Rerum Naturâ libri sex, ad fidem Rev. J. T. White. 12mo. bound. 2s. 6d. Codicis Canoniciani nunc primum emendati. Longman & Co., 1356. (Oxford Pocket Classics.) iSmo. bound. 2s. Plauti Comodiæ. Ex recognitione Alfredi J. H. & J. Parker, 1855. Fleckeiseni. (Teubner's Classics.) Vols. 1 & 2. -- Recognovit J. Bernays. (Teub- 3s. cach. 12mo. Williams & Norgate, 1856. ner's Classics.) ižmo. Is. 6d. Propertii Elegia. Recognovit H. Keil. (Teub- Williams & Norgate, 1557. ner's Classics.) 12mo. Is. Williams & Norgate, 1850. Lucreti de Rerum Natura libri sex, â For- Propertii Elogia Selecta. With English Notes. biger. 12mo. cloth. (Presented by Rev. Dr. By W. G. Cookesley, M.A. 12mo. cloth. Goodford.) Teubner, Leipsic, 1828. 28. 6d. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) Ovidius. Ex recognitione R. Merkelii. (Teub- E. P. Williams, 1651. ner's Classics). 3 vols. 12mo. 3s. 6d. Quintus Curtius. Ecloga Curtianae, being Or, separately, the First Three Books Extant of the Life of Tom. I. Amores,' Epistolæ, de Medicamine Alexander the Great, by Quintus Curtius. By Faciei. Ars Remedia. Is. 6d. James Pillans, F.R.S.E. 18mo. 38. 6d. Tom. II. Metamorplioses. ls. Maclachlan & Co., 1950. Tom. III. Tristia. Ibis. Ex Ponto libri. Fasti. Quintus Curtius Rufus. Edited by C. G. Halicutica. Is. 6d. Zumpt. 12mo. cloth. 38. 6d. Williams & Norgale, 1855. | W. & R. Chambers, 1819. Locke, Jod for the Benefit of either of these LATIN CLASSICS. 93 Ouinti Curtii Rufi, de Gestis Alexandri Magui | Tacitus. The Geznania of Tacitus, with Regis Macedonum Libri qui supersunt Octo. Ethnological Dissertations and Noies. By Recognovit H. E. Foss. (Teubner's Classics.) R. G. Latham, M.D. Svo. cloth. 12s. 6d. 12mo. Is. Gd. Williains & Norgate, 1855. Walton & Maberly, 1851. Quintiliani, M. F., Institutionis Oratoriæ libri Germania, Agricola, and First Book of XII. Recensuit E. Bonnell. (Teubner's the Annals. Edited by Wm. Smith, LL.D. Classics.) 2 vols. 12mo. 28. 12mo, cloth. 58. Walton & Maberly, 1855. Williams & Norgate, 1954. - The Germany and Agricola, with Sabrina Corolla in Hortulis Regia Schola English Notes, by the Rev. J. T. White. 12mo. bound. 43. 6d. Longman & Co., 1855. Salopiensis contextuerunt Tres Viri Floribus -- Part 1. The First Six Books of the Legendis. Svo. cloth. 15s. Bell & Daldy, 1850. Annales of Tacitus, with English Notes trans- Sallust. With a Dictionary and Notes. lated from the German of Dr. Karl Nipperdey E. A. Andrews, LL.D. crown Svo, half bound. by the Rev. H. Browne, and edited by the (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Rev. T. K. Arnold. 12mo. bound. 6s. Crocker & Brewster, Boston, 1954. F. & J. Rivington, 1852. - The History of the Jugurthine War, --- Part II. Books 11 to 16. Ditto. 12o. explained by Rudolf Jacobs. Translated from bound. 5s. F. & J. Rivington, 1853. the German by the Rev. H. Browne, and - The Germany and Agricola of Ta- edited by the Rev. T. K. ArnolJ. 12mo. bound. citus, construed, with the Text, into English, 3s. 6d. F. & J. Rivington, 1853. literally and Woril for Word. By the Rev. Sallustii Opera. With an English Commentary Dr. Giles. 18ino. cloth, limp. 1š. 6d. and Geographical and Historical Indexes. J. Cornish. By Charles Anthon, LL.D. 12mo. cloth. 58. Terence. The Andria of Terence, construed Longman & Co., 1858. literally and word for word. By the Rev. - Catilina et Jugurtha. Edited by C. G. Dr. Giles. 18mo. Is. 6d. J. Cornish. Zumpt. 12mo. cloth. 28. - The Adelphi of Terence. Ditto, ditto. W. & R. Chambers, 1852. 18mo. cloth, limp. Is. 6d. J. Cornish. - For Use in Schools. By Charles Testament, The New, construed, with the Merivale, B.D. fup. Svo. cloth. 45. 6d. Text, into English, literally and Word for Macmillan & Co., 1858. Word. By the Rev. Dr. Giles. Vol. 2, Part 1, - Bellum Catilinarium et Jugurthinum. Acts of the Apostles; Part 2, Epistles of St. By John Hunter. 18mo. 2s. Paul; Part 3, Epistles and Revelations, limp Oliver & Boyd, 1855. cloth. 2s. Cd. cach. J. Cornish. - Opera. By John Dymock. işmó. bound. Testamentum Novum. Beza. 12mo. bound. 28. Gd. Oliver & Boyd, 1853. 3s. Od. Oliver & Boyd. - Opera Omnia. (Oxford Pocket Tibulli, Albii, Libri Quatuor. Recognovit Au- Classics.) 18mo. bound. 2s. gustus Rossbach. (Teubner's Classics.) 12mo. — Jugurtha, Is. 6d. ; Catiline, 1s. cach, with Williams & Norgate, 1855. short notes. 18mo. sewed J. H. & J. Parker, 1854. | Tursellini Historiæ Epitomæ. Libri IV. 12mo. bound. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Good.ford.) Salusti Operum Reliquiæ. Edidit F. D. E. P. Williains, 1851. Gerlach. (Tauchnitz's Classics.) crown Svo. Vellei Paterculi ex Historiæ Romanæ ad M. ls. Williams & Norgate, 1856. Vinicium Cos. libris duobus quæ supersunt. --- Catilina et Jugurtha. Recognovit H. R. Recensuit F. Haase. (Teubner's Classics.) Dietsch. (Teubner's Classics.) 12mo. 6d. Williams & Norgate, 1850. 12mo. 6d. Williams & Norgate, 1851. Selecta e Poetis Latinis. (Edinburgh Aca- Virgilii Opera omnia. Ex recensione J. C. Jahı. ('Teubner's Classics.) 12mo. Is. 6d. demy.) 1200. 38. Oliver & Boyd, 1847. Williams & Norgate, 1857. Selectæ e Profanis Scriptoribus Historiæ. - Edidit II. Paldainus, (Tauchnitz's 12.no. bound. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Good- Classics.) crown Svo. ls. 6d. ford.) E. P. Williams. Williams & Norgate, 1854. Suetoni(C. Tranquilli), quæ supersunt omnia. - (Oxford Pocket Classics.) 18mo, Recensint C. L. Roth. (Teubner's Classics.) bound. 2s. Od. J. H. & J. Parker, 1856. 12mo. 2s. Williams & Norgate, 1858. - Opera. The Bucolics, ls.; the Geor- Taciti Opera. Edidit Fred. Haase. (Tauch gics. 25.; Æneid, books 1-3, 1s. each, with nitz's Classics.) 2 vols. crown Svo. 2s. short notes. 18mo. sewed. Williams & Norgate, 1855. J. H. & J. Parker. quæ supersunt. Ex recognitione - Carmina, Bucolica, et Æneidos libri I. C. Halmii. Teubner's Classics.) 2 vols. to VI. (Chambers' Classical Series.) 12mo. 12mo. 2s. 6d. Or, separately, tom. Í. Annales, cloth. 38. 6d. W. & R. Chambers, 1954. tom. II. Historiæ et Libri Minores, 1s.6d. each. Æneidos libri VII, to XII. et Georgica. Williams & Norgate, 1851. (Chambers' Classical Series.) 12mo. cloth. - Omnia, ad fidem editionis Orel 3s. 6d. W. & R. Chambers, 1855. liana. (Oxford Pocket Classics.) 2 vols. 18mo. - The Bucolics, Georgics, and Æneid, bound. 5s. H. & J. Parker, 1854. complete, with English Notes, explanatory - Opera. Vol. 5. (Valpy's Classics.) Svo. and critical; also, a Metrical Analysis of the boards." (Presented by H. Cole, Esq.) Æneid. By Roscoe Mongan, A.B. fcp. 8vo. Valpy, 1812. cloth, red edges. 35. Simpkin & Co., 1860. Sa. .94 GENERAL EDUCATION. Virgilii Opera. Delphin. Revised by W. Dun- | Leverett, P. F. A Lexicon of the Latin can. Svo. bound. Ss. Oliver & Boyd, 1853. Language. Coinpiled from Tacciolati and - m By John Hunter. Smo. bound. Forcellini, &c. royal Svo. bound. (Presented 3s. Od. Oliver & Boyd, 1855. by Board of Education, New York.) Svo. calf. (Presented by Rev. Rice & Kendall, Boston, 1853. Dr. Goodford.) (University Press, 1854. Mair's Tyro's Dictionary of the Latin Lan- - (Pickering's Aldine edition). guage. Revised by G. Ferguson, A.M. 12mo. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Ward & Lock. bound. 7s. Oliver & Boyd, 1846. - (Valpy.) 18mo. bound. 3s 6d. Riddle, Rev. J. E. English-Latin and Latin- Longman & Co., 1855. English Dictionary. 8vo. cloth. 215. - Edited by Drs. Schmitz & Zumpt. 12mo, half bound. (Presented by Board of - English-Latin. Svo. cloth. 15s. Education, New York). Latin-English. Svo. cloth. 7s. Blanchard & Lea, Philadelphia, 1852. Longman & Co., 1854. Virgil's Æneid, Books I., II., III.; construed - The Young Scholar's English-Latin and with the Text into English, literally, and word Latin-English Dictionary, abridged. square, for word. By the Rev. Dr. Giles. 18mo. 2s. bound. iOs. 6d. Longman & Co., 1855. J. Cornish. - Diamond Latin-English Dictionary. - Books I. to IV. Ditto, ditto. royal 32mo. bound. 19. Longman & Co., 1854. 18mo, cloth, limp. 2s. 6d. J. Cornish. Riddle and Arnold. A Copious English- Æneid, with Short Notes by W. Fr. Latin Lexicon ; founded on the German- Dübner. Edited by Rev, T. K. Arnold. 12mo. Latin Dictionary of Dr. C. E. Georges. Svo. bound. 6s. F. & J. Rivington, 1852. 11. 5s. Longman & Co., 1854. -- Bucolics and Georgics, construed, Smith, Dr. W. Latin-English Dictionary, based with the Text, into English, literally and upon the Works of Forcellini and Freund. Word for Word. By the Rev. Dr. Giles. i$mo. royal Svo. cloth. 21s. 1855. cloth, limp. 28. 60. J. Cornish. Abridged. imp. 16mo. cloth. Virgil. The Works of Virgil closely rendered 75. 60. *J. Murray, 1855. into English Rhythm. By the Rev. R, C. Single- ton, M... Vol. 1. crown 8vo. cloth. Is. Bell & Daldy, 1855. LATIN DICTIONARIES. Ainsworth's Latin and English Dictionary, Abridged. Revised by W. Duncan. Svo. bound. 9s. Oliver & Boyd, 1851. - Revised by Thomas Morell, D.D., and James Ross, LL.D. 8vo. 9s. bound. Cowie & Co., 1846. Improved by Dr. Morell and John Carey, LL.D. Svo. bound. 12s. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) Longman & Co., 1852. Andrews, Dr. E. A. A Copious and Critical Latin-English Lexicon, founded on the Larger Lexicon of Dr. W. Freund. royal Svo. cloth. 11. 1s. S. Low & Son, 1854. Cassell's Latin-English Dictionary, by J. R. Beard, D.D., and C. Beard, B.A. Svo. cloth. 9s. 6d. Kent & Co., 1854. Chambers' Latin-English Dictionary. 12mo. cloth. 5s. 1855. English-Latin Dictionary. 12mo. cloth. 4s. 6d. W. & R. Chambers, 1851. Döderlein's Handbook of Latin Synonymes. Translated from the German by the Rev. H. H. Arnold, B.A. 12mo. bound. 45. F. & J. Rivington, 1852. Goodwin, Rev. T. Latin-English and English- Latin Dictionary. 2 vols, 35. 6d. J. Weale, 1856. GREEK GRAMMARS. Ahn, F. A New Practical Method of Learning the Greek Language. 1st Course. Edited by A. H. Monteith. 12mno. bound. Is. 6d. Allman & Son, 1856. Arnold, Rev. T. K. Practical Introduction to Greek Accidence. Svo. bound. 5s.6d. 1857. - An Elementary Greek Grammar. 12mo. bound. 5s. 1848. Some Account of the Greek Dialects, for the Use of Beginners, being an Appendix to the above. 12mo. bound limp. Is. 6d. 1849. F. & J. Rivington. - The First Greek Book, on the Plan of Henry's First Latin Book. 12mo. bound. 5s. 1859. -- Second Greek Book (on the same plan), containing, an Elementary Treatise on the Greek Particles and the Formation of Greek Derivatives. 12mo. bound. 5s. 6d. 1852. - Third Greek Book, containing Selections from Xenophon's Cyropædia, with English Notes and a Vocabulary. 12mo. bound. 38. 6d. 1853. - Fourth Greek Book, containing Xeno- phon's Anabasis, Books IV. to VII., with English Notes. i2mo. bound. 4s. 1853. F. & J. Rivington. Baird, J. S. A Catalogue of Greek Verbs, Irregular and Defective, &c. royal Svo. cloth, limp. 35.6d, Bell & Daldy, 1855. LATIN CLASSICS AND. DICTIONARIES.GREEK GRAMMARS. 95 Bosworth, Rev. J. Rudiments of Greek | London Greek Grammar. Edited by a Grammar, as used at Eton College, with Graduate of the University of Oxford. 12mo. English Notes, &c. 12mo. 45. Is, 6d. Walton & Maberly, 1856. Simpkin & Co., 1955. Matthiæ's Greek Grammar. Abridged by Cassell's Lessons in Greek. By the Rev. J. R. Bishop Bloomfield, and Revised by Rev. J. Beard, D.D. 12mo, cloth. 4s. Kent & Co. Edwards, M.A. 12mo. 35. J. Murray, 1855. Corpe, H. An Introduction to Modern Greek. Milligan, G. Catechism of Greek Grammar. royal 12mo. 58. Groombridge & Sons, 1851. 181o. sewed, 9d. Oliver & Boyd. Donaldson, Rev. J. Modern Greek Gram Moody, Rev. C. The New Eton Greek Gran- mar. 12mo. 2s. A. & C. Black, 1853. mar, with the Marks of Accent and the Eton Greek Grammar, with Bishop Words Quantity of the Penult. 12mo. cloth. 4s. worth's Syntax, literally translated by the Longman & Co., 1860. Rev. W. Routledge, D.D. Part 1, 2s. 6d., and Morris, W. H. Greek Lessons, showing how part 2, 28. 12mo. cloth. useful and how easy it is for any one to learn - 2 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. cloth. 4s. Greek. 16mo, cloth. 2s. J. B. Bateman, 1859. Routledge & Co., 1854. Principal, The, Tenses of Irregular Greek Fowler, Rey. H. Auxilia Græca: containing Verbs of frequent occurrence. 8vo. ls. Bell & Daldy. Forms of Parsing and Greek Trees, the Greek Prepositions, &c. post 8vo. 38. 6d. Rudiments of Greek Language (Edinburgh Bell & Daldy, 1856. Academy). 12mo, bound. 38. 6d. Olivei & Boyd, 1857. Frost, Rev. P. Tables of Greek Accidence. 8vo. 1s. Bell & Daldy. Schmitz, Dr. L. Elementary Grammar of the Greek Language. 12mo. 35. Od. Græcæ Grammaticæ Rudimenta Minora. A. & C. Black, 1853. 12mo. bound. 48. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Smith, Rev. T. Eton Greek Grammar. 12mo. Goodford.) E. P. Williains, 1853. bound. 38. Allman & Son. Griffith, Rev. J. Laws of the Greek Accents. Sophocles, E. A. Greek Grammar for Schools 18mo. 6d. J. H. & J. Parker, 1856. and Colleges. crown Svo. bound. Hamilton H. C. A Grammar of the Greek (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Language. 12mo. ls. Weale, 1851. Hammersley, Hartford, 1852. Henley's Greek Grammar, 1719. (See Class Tayler, Rev. H. J. The Rudiments of Greek Spanish.) Grammar, as used at Eton College, literally translated into English. 12mo. 4:. Hodgkin, J. A Sketch of the Greek Ac- Simpkin & Co., 1853. cidence. Svo. 2s. 6d. Simpkin & Co. Veitch, Rev. W. Trregular and Defective Greek Huntingford, G. I. Introduction to the Verbs. post Svo. cloth. 6s. A. & C. Black, 1852. Writing of Greek. Svo. bound. (Presented Walford, E. Rules of Greek Accents. Onu by H. Grant, Esq.) a Card. imp. 16mo. 6d. J. Burdon, Winchester, 1793. - Greek Accidence. Svo. ls. 1857. Hutton, H. E. Principia Græca. An Intro- - Greek Prosody. Syo. ls. 1857. duction to the Study of Greek, comprehending - Greek Prepositions. Svo. 13. 1857. Grammar, Delectus, and Exercise-Book, with Longman & Co. Vocabularies. For the Use of the Lower White, C. First Instructions in Greek. 12mo. Forms in Schools. 12ino. cloth, red edges. cloth. 2s. Relfe, Brothers. 2s. 6d. J. Murray, 1860. Jelf, Rev. W. E. Appendix to Greek Gram- mar, abridged from his larger Grammar. 12mo. bound. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) E. P. Williams, 1849. Kendrick, A. C. Greek Ollendorff; being a GREEK EXERCISES. Progressive exhibition of the Principles of the Adams, Rev. H. C. Greek Exercises. 12mo. Greek Grammar. post Svo. half bound, 6s. cloth. 2s.6d. D. Nutt, 1858. Appleton & Co., New York ; Trübner & Co., London, 1857. Beatson, Rev. B. W. Progressive Exercises in the Composition of Greek Iambic Verse Kennedy, Rev. Dr. B. H. Græcæ Grammatica 12mo. 3s. Simpkin & Co., 1856. Institutio Prima. 12mo. bound. 45. Longman & Co., 1859. Carson, Dr. A. R. Greek Exercises. 12mo. 4s. A. & C. Black, 1853. Kühner, Dr. R. Elementary Grammar of the Greek Language ; containing a Series of Dunbar, Rev. G. Introductory Exercises on Greek and English Exercises for Translation, the Greek Language. 12mo. cloth. 28. with the requisite Vocabularies. From the Maclachlan & Co., 1849. German, by S. H. Taylor. Svo. half bound. Ferguson, J. Grammatical Exercises on the 9s. Ivison & Phinney, New York; Moods, Tenses, and Syntax of Attic Greek. Trübner & Co., London, 1858. 12mo. bound. 38. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1860. 96 GENERAL EDUCATION. S Edwards, T. W. C. Exempla Græca | Sophocles, E. A. Greek Lessons adapted to Minora; a series of Examples to be turned the Grammar. 18mo. bound. (Presented by from English into Greck, with a Vocabulary. Board of Education, New York.) 12mo. 2s. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1848. Huntington, Hartford, 1843. Yonge, C. D. Exempla Minora Græca. 12mo. Valpy, Rev. R. Greek Delectus. Edited by bound. 2s.6d. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) the Rev. J. T. White. 12ino. bound. 43. E.P. Williams, 1851. Longman & Co., 1854. -- Rey. F. E. J. Second Greek Delectus; or New Analecta Minora. With English Notes, &c. 8vo. bound. Is. 6d. Longman & Co. Wilkins, Rev. H. M. A Progressive Greek Delectus, for the Use of Schools. 12mo. cloth. 4s. Longman & Co., 1859. GREEK DELECTUS. Wright, J. Hellenica: a First Greek Read- ing Book. Being a History of Greece, taken Adams, Rev. H. C. Greek Delectus. 12mo. from Diodorus and Thucydides. fcp. Svo. cloth. '3s. 6d. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Good cloth. 3s. 60. Macmillan & Co., 1957. ford.) 1853. - 12mo, cloth. 38. 6d. New edition, D. Nutt. Æsopi Fabulæ, Græco-Latinæ. For Use of Eton School. New edition. 12mo. bound. Pote & Williams, Eton, 1907. 12mo. bound. 35. (Presented by GREEK COMPOSITION AND Rev. Dr. Goodford.) E. P. Williams, 1846. VERSIFICATION. Ahrens, Dr. H. L. Elementary Greek Reader, from Homer, with Grammatical Introduction, Anthon, Dr. C. An Introduction to Greek Notes, and Glossary. First Course. Edited Prose Composition. crown Svo. bound. (Pre- by the Rev. T. K. Arnold. 12mo. bound. 3s, sented by Board of Education, New York.) F. & J. Rivington, 1852. Harper & Co., New York, 1846. Allen, Dr. A. Greek Delectus. Translated Arnold, Rev. T. K. A Practical Introduction) from the German of Kuhner. 12mo. 4s. to Greek Prose Composition. Part 1. Sth Walton & Maberly, 1855. Edition. Svo. bound. 5s. 6d. (Presented by Arnold, Rev. T. K. Practical Introduction to Rev. Dr. Goodford.) . 1853. Greck Construing. 8vo. bound. 6s. 6d. - 9th Edition. Svo. bourd. 5s. 6d.. F. & J. Rivington, 1847. Rivington, 1859. Collis, Rev. J. D. A Stepping Stone from the Humphreys, E. H. Manual of Greck and Beginning of Greek Grammar to Xenophon. Latin Prose Composition, especially designed (Pontes Classici, No. 2.) 12mo. cloth. 3s. 6d. to illustrate the differences of Idiom between Longman & Co., 1860. those Languages and the English. crown 8vo. Edwards, Rey. Josh. A First Greek Reader, cloth, limp. J. H. & J. Parker, 1855. from the German of Jacobs, with English Humphreys, E. R., LL.D. Exercitationes Notes, fcp. Svo. cloth. 4s. Iambicæ; or Progressive Extracts in Greek J. W. Parker & Son, 1858. Jambic Verse. 2nd Edition, enlarged, by Edwards, Rev. T. W.C. Greek Delectus; or, FI. M. Jeffery, M.A. fcp. Svo. cloth. 58. 6d. l'irst Lessons in Construing. 12mo. 3s. 6d. Macmillan & Co., 1954. Simpkin & Co., 1848. Johnson, T. Epigrammatum et Poëmatum Epigrammatum Græcorum Delectus; for Use Delectus, cum Versione et Notis. 12mo. 3s. 6d. of Westminster School. Post Svo. rough calf. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) W. Ginger, Westminster, 1825. E. P. Williams, 1850. Kennedy, Rev. Dr. B. H. Palæstra Musarum; Examination Papers, consisting of Passages or Materials for Translation into Greek Verse. selected from Greek and Latin Authors, Prose 12mo. bound. 5s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1856. and Verse; with Questions on the Subject- matter, History, Grammar, &c. Edited by Major, Rev. Dr. An Elementary Praxis of J. R. Major, D.D. Parts 1, 2, 3, Svo. Is. each. Greek Composition. 12mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. J. H. & J. Parker, 1856. Longman & Co., 1860. Greek Extracts, chiefly from the Attic Wilkins, Rev. H. M. A Manual of Greek Writers. (Edinburgh Academy.) 12mo. 3s. Od. Prose Composition. crown Svo. cloth. 48. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1855. J. W. Parker & Son, 1858. Owen, Rev. J. J. Greek reader, adapted to Sophocles' and Kuhner's Grammars, with Notes and a Lexicon. crown Syo. half bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Leaviti & Co., New York, 1852. | GREEK DELECTUS, COMPOSITION, AND CLASSICS. 97 GREEK CLASSICS. Eschinis Orationes. Curavit Fr. Franke. (Teubner's Classics.) 12mo. ls. Williams & Norgate, 1851. Æschines in Ctesiphontem, et Demosthenes de Coronâ. (Oxford Pocket Classics.) 18mo. bound. 2s. J. H. & J. Parker, 1852. in Ctesiphontem, with English notes. (Oxford Pocket Classics.) ismo. sewed. 2s. J. H. & J. Parker, 1855. Æschines. Oration against Ctesiphon, with English Notes by J. 1. Chauplin. Edited, with additional Notes, including those of Pre- sident Woolsey, by the Rev. 1. K. Arnold. 12mo. bound. 43. F. & J. Rivington, 1851. Æschyli Tragoedie. Re-edited with an Eng- lish Commentary. By F. A. Paley, M.A. 8vo. cloth. 18s Bell & Daldy, 1855. Æschyli Tragoediæ. Recognovit Guil. Dindor- fius. (Tuubner's Classics.) 12mo. Is. 6d. Williams & Norgate, 1857. - Textu Guil. Dindorf. (Oxford Pocket Classics.) 18mo. bound. 3s. 1854. - Short Notes to. 1$mo. bound. 3s. 60. 1855. - Prometheus Vinctus, Septem con- tra Thebas, Persæ, Agamemnon, Choephoræ. Eumenides, Supplices, with notes, ls. each 18mo. sewed. J. H. & J. Parker. Æschyli Eumenides, with English Notes and Translation, by Bernard Drake, M.A. Svo. cloth. 78. 6d. Macmillan & Co., 1853. Æschylus, ex novissima recensione Fred. A. Paley. (Cambridge Classics.) small 12mo. cloth limp. 38. Deighton, Bell, & Co., 1858. Æschylus. The Prometheus and Suppliants of Æschylus, construed, with the Text, into English, literally and Word for Word. By Rey. Dr. Giles. 18mo. cloth, limp. 28. J. Cornish. Æschylus, A Lexicon to. By the Rev. W. Linwood, M.A. Svo. cloth. 12s. Walton & Maberly, 1847. Adams, Rev. H.C. Greek Text of the Gospels, with Prolegomena, Notes, &c. crown Svo. cloth. 9s. D. Nutt, 1856. Aristophanis Comædiæ. Textu Guil. Dindorf. (Oxford Pocket Classics.) 2 vols. 1-Smo. bound. 6s. J. H. & J. Parker, 1851. - Comediæ. Edidit Th. Bergk. (Teub- ner's Classics.) 2 vols. 12mo. 38. 6d. Sepa- rately, each volume, 25. Williams & Norgate, 1852. Aristotelis Ethica Nicomachea. (Oxford Pocket Classics.) 18mo. bound. 2s. J. H. & J. Parker, 1853. Arnold, T. K. The Athenian Stage; a Hand- book for Students, by A. Witzschel. Trans- lated from the German by Rev. R. B. Paul. 12mo. bound. 45. F. & J. Rivington, 1850. Arriani de Expeditione Alexandri lib. VII. Recognovit R. Geier. (Teubner's Classics.) 12mo. ls. 3d. Williams & Norgate, 1851. Bloomfield, Rev. S. T. Greek Testament, with English Notes, &c. post Svo. bound. 7s.6d. Longman & Co., 1854. 1 Burton, Rev. E. Greek Testament, with English Notes. 8vo. calf. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) J. H. Parker 1852. Coleridge, H. N. Introductions to the Study of Greek Classic Poets. 12o. cloth. 5s. Od. J. Murray, 1846. Demosthenis Orationes. Edidit Immanuel Bekker. (Tauchnitz's Classics.) Vols. 1, 2, and 3, cach in 2 parts. crown Svo. ls. 6d. per volume. Williams & Norgate, 1855. - Ex recensione G. Dindorfii. (Teubner's Classics). 3 vols. 12mo. Is. 6d. each. Williams & Norgate, 1855. Demosthenes de Corona. The Greek Text of the Zurich Edition, with English Notes, by Bernard Drake, B.A. crown svo, cloth. 5s. Macmillan & Co., 1851. - Second Edition. To which is pre- fixed Æschines against Ctesiphon, with English Notes. fup. Svo. cloth. 5s. Macmillan & Co., 1860. The Oration on the Crown. Translated into English, by the Rev. J. P. Norris, M.A. crown 8vo. cloth limp. 38. Macmillan & Co., 1851. - super Corona Oratio, with English notes. (Oxford Pocket Classics.) 18mo. sewed, 2s. J. H. & J. Parker, 1854. The Oration on the Crown. Edited from the text of Baiter and Sauppe, with English Notes and Grammatical References by the Rev. T. K. Arnold. 12mo. bound. 4s. 60. F. & J. Rivington, 1851. The Olynthiac Orations; with Notes and Grammatical References. Edited by the Rev. T. K. Arnold. 12mo. bound. 3s. F. & J. Rivington, 1856. de Falsâ Legatione. By R. Shilleto, M.A. Svo. cloth. Ss. 6d. " Deighton, Bell, & Co., 1853. Euripides, ex recensione Fred. A. Paley. Accessit Verborum et Nominum Index. (Cambridge Classics.) Vol. 1. small 12mo. cloth limp. 3s.6d. Deighton, Bell, & Co., 1858. Euripides. The Phænissæ, construed, with the Text, into English, literally and Word for Word. By the Rev. Dr. Giles. 18mo. cloth, limp. ls. 6d. J. Cornish. Euripidis Tragoediæ. Edidit Augustus Witz- schel. (Tauchnitz's Classics.) 3 vols. crown Svo. 35. Williams & Norgate, 1855-6. Tragoediae et Fragmenta. Ex recensione Aug. Nauck. (Teubner's Classics.) 2 vols. 12mo. Is. 6d. each. Williams & Norgate, 1957. - Opera omnia. (Oxford Pocket Classics.) 3 vols. *18mo. bound. 6s. 6d. 1852. Tragoediæ Sex. 18mo. bound. 3s.6d. 1856. -- Short Notes to. 18mo. bound. 1855. - - - Hecuba, Medea, Orestes, Hippo- lytus, Phænissæ, Alcestes, 1s. each, with notes. 18mo. sewed. J. H. & J. Parker. 3s. GENERAL EDUCATION. Euripides, with English Notes from Hartung | Homeri Ilias. Books 1, 6, 20, and 24. From Dübner, &c. Edited by Rev. T. K. Arnold. Bekker's Text as revised by Rev. W. Veitch ; 12mo. bound. 3s. each, viz.:- with a Vocabulary by J. Fergusson, M. D. The Hecuba. 12mo. bound. 3s. 6d. 1851. The Bacchæ. Oliver & Boyd. The Iphigenia in Tauris. - Ilias et Odyssea. Edidit G. Dindorf. The Hippolytus (Teubner's Classics.) 2 vols. 12mo. 1s. Od. The Medea. each. Williams & Norgate, 1856. F. & J. Rivington. Ilias, with English Notes. By the Rev. Four Gospels, in Greek, for the use of Schools. W. Trollope, M.A. Svo, calf. (Presented by Griesbach's Téxt, with the various readings of Rev. Dr. Goodford.). Rivington, 1853. Mill and others. 12mo. Is. 6d. | Homer's Iliad, from the Text of Wolf, with Walton & Maberly, 1853. Notes. By J. J. Owen, D.D. crown Svo., Gillespie, G. K. The Greek Testament Roots, half-bound, 1854. in a Selection of Texts, giving the power of - Odyssey, ditto. By J. J. Owen, 1853. reading the whole Greek Testament without (Presented by Board of Education New York.) difficulty. post Svo, cloth. 75. 6d. Leavitt & Co., New York. . Walton & Maberly, 1858. -- Iliad. Books I., II., III. ; with concise Gospel of St. Matthew, construed literally and Notes, grammatical and exegetical, and a word for word. By the Rev. Dr. Giles. ismo. Synopsis of Buttmann's Lexilogus, by the 2s.6d. J. Cornish. Rev. G. B. Wheeler, A.M. 12mo. sewed. -- St. Mark, construed literally and word 1s. 6d, 1859. for word. By the Rev. Dr. Giles. 18mo. - Books IX. and XVIII. ditto ditto. 12mo. 2s.6d. J. Cornish. sewed. 2s. 1856. - of St. John, with Analytical Interlinear McGlashan & Gill. Translation. (Hamiltonian System). 12ino. Homer for Beginners. The Iliad, Books 1 to 3, cloth. 6s. Aylott & Co. with English Notes by the Rev. T. K. Arnold. Herodoti Historia, cum Vita Homeri. (Oxford 12mo. bound. 35. 6d. F. & J. Rivington, 1857. Pocket Classics). 2 vols. 18mo. bound. 6s. - The Iliad, complete, with English Notes J. H. & J. Parker, 1856. and Grammatical References. Edited by the Historiarum libri IX. Curavit H. R. Rev. T. K. Arnold. 12mo. half bound. 12s. Dietsch. (Teubner's Classics.) 2 vols. 12mo. F. & J. Rivington, 1859. 1s. 6d. each. Williams & Norgate, 1857. - Odyssey, Books I. and II., construed Herodotus. With a Commentary by Joseph literally and word for word. By the Rev. Dr. Giles. 13mo. ls. 6d. J. Cornish. William Blakesley, B.D. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Bell & Daldy, 1854. - 1l. 12s. Iliad. Translated by Alexander Pope. 18mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. -- Eclogæ Herodoteæ, Part 1, from the Odyssey. Translated by Alexander Pope. text of Schweighæuser, with English 18mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Routledge & Co. Notes by C. S. Wheeler. Édited by the Rev. - Pope's Iliad of Homer, Edited by the T. K. Arnold. 12mo. bound. 38. 6d. Rev. T. A. Buckley, M.A. 2 vols. crown Svo. F. & J. Rivington, 1852. cloth. 5s. N. Cooke, 1853. Historia Græca. Svo. calf. (Presented by — The Iliad of, faithfully Translated into Rev. Dr. Goodford.) Unrhymed English Metre, by F. W. Newman. University Press, Oxford, 1835. post Svo. 6s. 6d. Walton & Maberly, 1856. Hook, C. A Key to the Greek Testament, Homer. Fragments of the Iliad of Homer being a Selection of Chapters philologically from a Syriac Palimpsest. Edited by Rev. W. explained. 12mo. 3s. 6d. Simpkin & Co. Cureton, D.D. imp. 4to. cloth. Homeric Dialect, its leading Forms and Trustees of the British Muscum. Peculiarities. By J. S. Baird. Svo. ls. 6d. Homer. A Complete Greek and English Bell & Daldy, 1853. Lexicon for the Poems of Homer and the Homeri Opera. Edidit Gulielmus Baeum- Homeiadæ. Translated from the German of lein. (Tauchnitz's Classics.) Pars 1., Ilias; Crusius by Prof. Henry Smith, and revised Pars 2., Odyssea. crown Svo. sewed. Is. 6d. and edited by the Rev. T. K. Arnold. 12mo. Williams & Norgate, 1854. half bound. 9s. each. F. & J. Rivington, 1852. - llias. Textu Bekker (Oxford Pocket Isocratis Orationes. Recognovit C. E. Ben- Classics.) iSmo, bound. 3s. 6d. 1856. seler. (Teubner's Classics.) 2 vols. 12mo. 38. Williams & Norgate, 1857. - Odyssea. Textu Bekker. (Oxford Pocket Classics.) 18mo. bound. 35. 1854. Jamieson, J. Herines Scythicus; or, the Radical Affinities of the Greek and Latin - 1$mo. bound. (Presented by Languages to the Gothic: illustrated from the Rev. Dr. Goodford.) 1851. J. H. & J. Parker. Moeso-Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, Francic, Ale. mannic, Suio-Gothic, Islandic, &c.; to which - Ilias. From the Text of Bekker, col. is prefixed a Dissertation on the Historical lated with other editions. Edited by the Rey. Proofs of the Scythian Origin of the Greeks. W. Veitch. 12mo, bound. 5s. Svo. cloth. (Presented by C. Baker, Esq.) Oliver & Boyd, 1852. 1 Longman & Co., 1814. 1 GREEK CLASSICS. 99 Locke's System of Classical Instruction. In- | Plutarchi Vitæ Parallelæ. Recognovit Carolus terlinear Translations. 12mo. Is. 6d. each. Sintenis. (Teubner's Classics.) 5 vols. 12mo. 1. Luciau's Dialogues. Selections. Ss. 6d., or, separately, 2s. each. 2. Odes on Anacreon. Williams & Norgate, 1852–54. 3. Homer's Iliad. Book I. Poetæ Scenici Græci. Ex recognitione 4. Parsing Lessons to Homer. Guil. Dindorf. imp. Svo. cloth. 218. 5. Xenophon's Memorabilia. Book I. J. H. & J. Parker, 1851. 6. Herodotus' Histories. Selections. Walton & Maberly. Poetæ Græci, Selecta ex. Parts 1 & 2. 8vo. 12s. half-bound. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Lucian. Selections from Lucian; with a Latin Goodford.) E. P. Williams, 1.848–9. Translation and English Notes, to which are subjoined a Mythological Index and a Lex- Scriptores Græci, Selecta ex. 8vo. 9s. icon adapted to the work. Compiled for half bound. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) schools, by J. Walker, and corrected and E. P. Williams, 1848. augmented by the Rev. G. B. Wheeler, A.M. Sophocles, with English Notes. Translated 12mo. bound. 45. McGlashan & Gill, 1858. from the Gerinan of Schneidewin, by the Luciani Opera. Ex recognitione C. Jacobitz. Rev. R. B. Paul, M.A., and H. Browne, M.A., (Teubner's Classics.) 3 vols. 12mo. 6s. 6d., Edited by the Rev. T. K. Arnold, M.A. 12mo. or, separately 2s. 6d. each. bound, viz. :-- Williams & Norgate, 1852. Part 1. The Ajax. 38. 2. The Philoctetes. 3s. Leysiæ Orationes. Edidit An. Westermann. 3. The Edipus Tyrannus. 45. (Tauchnitz's Classics.) crown 8vo. ls. 4. The (Edipus Coloneus. 48. Williams & Norgate, 1854. 5. The Antigone. 45. Orationes et Fragmenta. Edidit C. F. & J. Rivington, Scheibe. (Teubner's Classics.) 12mo. Is. 6d. Sophocles, with Annotations, Introduction, Williams & Norgate, 1855. &c. By Edward Wunder. With the notes Owen, Rev. J. J. Acts of the Apostles, ac literally translated into English, and a Colla- cording to the Text of Augustus Hahn; with tion of Dindorf's Text. Parts I. to VII. Svo. Notes and a Lexicon. crown, Svo., half 3s. each. Williams & Norgate. bound. (Presented by Board of Education Sophocles. The Edipus Tyrannus, with New York.) Leavitt & Co., New York, 1852. English Notes. By Howard Crosby, M.A... — (Cassell's Classical Library, post Svo. half-bound. Vol. 3.) 12mo. Is. 6d. Kent & Co. 1854 (Presented by Board of Education, New York: Pindari Carmina, ad fidem Textus Bockhiani. Appleton & Co., New York, 1852- With English Notes by W. G. Cookesley. 2 Sophoclis Tragoediæ. Ex recensione G. Din- vols. Svo. ll. Ss. (Presented by Rev. Dr. dorfii. (Teubner's Classics.) 12mo. 2s. Goodford.) E. P. Williams, 1851. Williams & Norgate, 1856. - Carmina cum Fragmentis Selectis. Relegit Sophoclis Tragoediæ. Ed. Theod. Bergk. F. G. Schneidewin. (Teubner's Classics.) (Tauchnitz Classics.) crown 8vo. 1s. 6d. 12mo. Is. 6d. Williams & Norgate, 1855. Williams & Norgate, 1858. Pindar. The Odes of Pindar; Part 1, The Sophoclis Tragediæ. (Oxford Pocket Clas- sics.) ismo. bound. 38. Olympics and Pythians. Constri 1856. Text, into English, literally and Word for – Short notes to. 18mo. bound. Word. By the Rev. Dr. Giles. 18mo. cloth, 3s. 6d. 1856. limp. 28. J. Cornish. - Ajax, Electra, Edipus Rex, Platonis Dialogi secundum Thrasylli Tetra dipus Coloneus, Antigone, Philoctetes, logias Dispositi. Ex recognitione Caroli Fri Trachiniæ, 1s. cach, with notes.'ismo. sewed. derici Hermanni. (Teubner's Classics.) 6 vols. J. H. & J. Parker. 12mo. 10s. 6d., or, separately, 2s. each. Testamentum Novum Græce. Ed. Ph. Williams & Norgate, 1856. Buttmann. 12mo. 2s. 6d. (Teubner's Clas- Plato's Dialogues; Vol. 1, The Apology of sics.) Williams & Norgate, 1856. Socrates, and the Crito. Construed, with the Testamentum Græcum. Edited by Wm.. Text, into English, literally and Word for Duncan. 12mo. bound. 45. 6d. Word. By the Rev. Dr. Giles. 18mo. cloth, Oliver & Boyd, 1854.. limp. 2s. J. Cornish. Thucydidis Historia. Textu F. Goeller. (Ox- Plato. The Apology of Socrates, the Crito, ford Pocket Classics.) 2 vols. 18mo. bound. and part of the Phædo. Edited by W. Smith, 58. J. H. & J. Parker, 1856. LL.D. 12mo. 4s. 6d. Walton & Maberly, 1951. de Bello Peloponnesiaco libri VIII. The Protagoras of Plato. The Greek Recognovit G. Boehine. (Teubner's Classics.). Text Edited, with English Notes, by W. 2 vols. 12mo. 2s.6d. Wayte, B. A. crown 8vo.° 5s.6d. Williams & Norgate, 1855. Deighton, Bell, & Co., 1854. | Thucydides, according to the Text of. L. Plutarchi Vitæ inter se Comparatæ. Edidit Dindorf; with Notes by J. J. Owen, DiD: Immanuel Bekker. (Tauchnitz's Classics.) crown, Svo., half-bound. (Presented by Bochico 5 vols, crown Svo. 7s.6d. of Education, New York.) Williams & Norgate, 1855-7. Leavitt & Co., New York, 1858. G 2 100 GENERAL EDUCATION. Thucydides, Book VI., from the Text of 1 GREEK LEXICONS. Bekker, with Notes, chiefly grammatical and explanatory, by the Rev. Ď. Frost, jun. M.A. Arnold, Rev. T. K. Handbook of Greek Svo. cloth. 7s. 6d. Macmillan & Co., 1954. Synonymes, from the French of M. Alex. Thucydides, with English Notes, especially Pillon. 12mo. bound. 6s. 6d. from Poppo and Krüger, and Grammatical F. & J. Rivington, 1950. References. Edited by the Rev. T. K. Arnold, Bloomfield, Rev. S. T. Greek and English M.A. Book the First, 5s. 6d. Book the Lexicon of the New Testament. post Svo. Second, 4s. 6d. 12mo. bound. cloth. 10s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1845. F. & J. Rivington, 1851-54. Dawson, J. Greek-English Lexicon of the Xenophontis Memorabilia Socratis. (Oxford New Testament. Erlited by W. C. Taylor, LL.D. Pocket Classics.) 18mo. bound. ls. 4d. Svo. bound. Is. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Good- J. H. & J. Parker, 1857. ford.) Longman & Co., 1853. - de Cyri Minoris Expeditione libri septem. Dunbar, G. Greek-English Lexicon. crown (Oxford Pocket Classics.) Smo, hound. 2s. J. H. & J. Parker, 1857. 4to. cloth. 21s. — Expeditio Cyri (Anabasis). Recognovit - English-Greek Lexicon. crown 4to. L. Dindorfius. (Teubner's Classics.) 12mo. cloth. 10s. 6d. Maclachlan & Co., 1850. Id. 1857. Groves, Rev. J. Greek and English Dictionary. - Historia Græca. Rec. L. Dindorfius. Svo. bourd. 128. Cowie & Co., 1853. (Teubner's Classics.) 12mo. ls. 1857. Hamilton, H. R. Greek and English and -- Institutio Cyri (Cyropædia). Rec. L. Din- English-Greek Lexicon. 4 vols. in 2. 12mo. dorſius. (Teubner's Classics.) 12mo. ls. 1856. 4s. J. Wcale, 1952. - Commentarii (memorabilia). Rec. L. Liddell and Scott. Greek-English Lexicon, Dindorfius. (Teubner's Classics.) 12mo. 6d. 1856. based on the German Work of Passow. With - Scripta minora. Rec. L. Dindorfius, additions by H. Drisler, M.A. imperial Svo. bound. (Presented by Board of Education, (Teubner's Classics.) 12mo. ls. 1850. Williams & Norgate. New York.) Harper & Co., New York, 1953. Xenopaon's Memorabilia of Socrates. First Liddell and Scott. Greek-English Lexicon, two books. With analytical interlinear abridged. imperial 16mo, calf. (Presented by translation. (Hamiltonian System). 12mo. Gs. Rev. Dr. Goodford.) University Press, 1852. Aylott & Co. Pickering, Dr. J. A Lexicon of the Greek Anabasis, principally from the Text of Language. royal Svo. bound. (Presented by Schneider. With English Notes by the Rev. Board of Education, New York.) J. T. White. 12mo. bound. 7s.6d. Rice & Kendall, Boston, 1553. Longman & Co., 1856. Robinson, Dr. Greek Lexicon to the New - Books I. and II. By J. Ferguson. Testament. Condensed for Schools and Stu- 12mo. bound. 25. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1854. 75. 6d. - dents. 12mo. Bell & Daldy, 1857. For Schools. By J. T. V. Hardy, B.A., and Ernest Adams. 12mo. 4s. 6d. Schrevelius' Lexicon in Greck and English Walton & Maberly, 1853. (Valpy's.) Edited by Rev. J. R. Major, B.D. in English. Translated by E. Svo. 10s. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1853. Spelman. 12mo. 4s. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1849. Yonge, C. D. English-Greek Lexicon. -- Book I. Construed with the crown 4to. cloth. ll. 1s. Longman & Co., 1856. Text into English, literally and word for word. By Rev. Dr. Giles. ismo. ls. 6d. J. Cornish. - Books I. and II. Ditto, ditto. 1Smo. cloth, limp. 2s.6d. J. Cornish, Anabasis. According to the Text of FRENCH GRAMMARS. L. Dindorf; with Notes by J.J. Owen, D.D. crown Svo. half-bound. 1854. Ahn, Dr. F. A Practical and Easy Method of - Cyropædia. Ditto, ditto. 1854. Learning the French Language. post Syo. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) bound. 3s. 6d. 185€. Leavitt & Co., New York. Walford, E. A Hand Book of the Greek -- Key to the Exercises in. post Svo. sewed. Is. F. Thimm, 1855. Drama. fcp. Svo. 6s. Longman & Co., 1856. - French Class Book for Beginners, being the First Course of the French Method Demosthenis Orationes Philippicæ Novem. post Svo cloth, ls. 6d. F. Thiim, 1858. Notes, various Readings, Chronological Table, -- The Child's French Book. square 12mo and Indices. By F. Frank. Svo. half calf. bound. 35. F. Thimm, 1853 Brandstetter, Leipzig, 1850. Ahn's Complete Theoretical and Practica Demosthene, s tepl tils mapampeoßeias nóyos. French School Grammar, with Exercises; im Demosthenes' Oration about the Misconduct proved and adapted for the use of English of the Embassy. Literally translated into Schools, with original Notes, by Dr. A. Buch. . French by M. Stiévenart. 12mo. half calf. heim. 12mo. cloth. 5s. Paris, Hachette, 1848. - in 2 parts, cloth. Part 1, Gram mar, 3s. Part 2, Exercises, 2s. 6d. Williams & Norgate, 1859 GREEK CLASSICS AND LEXICONS.--FRENCH GRAMMARS. 101 1856. 1858. Ahn's New Practical and Easy Method of Caron, J. French Grammar, with Exercises. Learning the French Language. Ist Course. 12mo. 2s. Revised by Dr. A. Buchheim. 12.no. cloth - Key to. 12mo. 2s. stiffened. 1s. 6d. 1858. Oliver & Boyd, 1853. - Key to Exercises in, by Dr. A. Buchheim. 12mo. sewed. 8d. Cassell's Manual of the French Language, by Williams & Norgate. Professor De Lolme. post Svo. cloth. 38. J. Cassell, 1853. - French Method. Second Course; Exer- cises, Conversations, Letters, Tales, a Play, Chambaud, J. B. Guide to the French Tongue. and Vocabularies, by Dr. A. Buchheiin. 12mo. 12mo. ls. 6d. Groombridge & Sons, 1852. cloth stiff, Is. 6d. Williains & Norgatc, 1958. Chambaud, L. Grammar of the French - French Method. Third Course; a French Tongue. Revised by Des Carrieres. crown Reader; selections in Prose and Poetry, edited Svo. bound. (Presented by H. Cole, Esq.) by Dr. A. Buchheim. 12mo. cloth stiff, 1s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1814. Williams & Norgate, 1859. Chapman, W. French Grammar, with Exer- - New Practical Method of Learning the cises. 12mo. bound. 2s. 6d. French Language. Ist Course. Revised by J. B. Bateman, 1859. Didier. 12mo. bound. Is. 6d. 1857. Dagobert, C. A safe and sure Method of ac- -- 2nd Course by Ditto. 12mo. quiring a Practical Knowledge of French. bound. Is. 6d. Allman & Son, 1856. post 8vo. 75. 6d. J. F. Shaw, 1857. Albitès, Achille. How to Speak French; or -- The Right Way of Learning, Pro- French and France. Facts, Reasons, and Prac noucing, Speaking, Translating, and Wri- tice. 12mo. cloth. 5s.6d. ting French. 18mo. ls. J. F. Shaw, 1856. - A Start in French and First Steps. 12mo. De Charante, Auguste Argie. A New and cloth, limp. 1s. Complete Course of Graduated Studies of the - French Genders Conquered. 12mo. French Language. 12mo. cloth. 10s. 6d. cloth. ls. 6d. Longman & Co. - in 4 parts. Part 1, 38.; part 2, - Blunders in French Avoided; followed 3s.; part 3, 3s. 6d. ; part 4, 3s. 12mo. bound. by “Une Soirée de Jeunes Personnes," par Longman & Co., 1857. Mme. A. Delaye Ablitès. 12mo. cloth. Is. 6d. De Fivas, V. Grammaire des Grammaires. (Presented by the Author.) 12mo. bound. 3s. 6d. 1854. Longman & Co. - Key to. 12mo. bound. 35. 6d. Allison, M. A. Child's French Friend. 18mo. Simpkin & Co., 1854. cloth. 2s. Simpkin & Co., 1852. De La Voye, Marin. The Pictorial French Angoville, 0. C. A Complete Treatise on Grammar, for the Use of Children. royal French Grammar. 12mo. bound. 6s. 6d. 16mo. 2s. Griffith & Farran, 1848. D. Nutt, 1849. De Lavizac. Grammar of the French Tongue Arnold, Rev. T. K. The First French Book ; 12.no. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) on the plan of “Henry's First Latin Book." Dulan & Co., 1802. 12mo. bound. 58. 6d. Delille, C. J. Introductory Lessons in thie F. & J. Rivington, 1856. French Language. 12mo. bound. Is. 6d. Beljame, A. Grammar of the French Lan- Groombridge & Sons, 1851.. guage. (Constable's Educational Series.) post De Porquet, F. New Parisian Grammar. Svo. cloth, 25. Constable & Co 12mo. 35. 66. 1853. Boyer, A. The Compleat French Master for – Le Premier Pas in the French Language. Ladies and Gentlemen. 16th edition, 12mo. 12mo. 2s. 6d. bound. S. & S. Ballard, London, 1750. – The Fenwickian System of Teaching the French Language. crown 8vo. 3s. 6d. 1833. Brasseur, J. A Grammar of the French Lan- - Petit Vocabulaire Français-Anglais, and guage. 12mo. bound. 5s. French Genders. 12mo. 2s. 6d. 1838. Key to Exercises in.. 12ino. - French Grammatical Annotations. 12mo. bound. 35. Relfe, Brothers, 1856. bound. 1s. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1852. Brookes, S. A Grammar of the French Lan De Rouillon, M. Grammatical Institutes of guage, with Analytical English Exercises, and the French Language; revised by Professor a French Text-book for Translation. (Hamil Havet. 12mo, half roan, 5s. W. Allan, 1859. tonian System.) 12mo. bound. 2s. .d. Aylott & Co. Deslyons' French Tutor ; or Practical Expo- sition of the best French Grammarians. 12mo. Campbell, D. H. Synopsis of French Gram- A. Hall & Co. mar; or Suggestive Hints to Teachers and Learners. 12mo. cloth limp. ls. 6d. cloth. 4s. Dubuc, Dr. A New Grammar of the French E. Law, late R. Baldwin, 1851.1 Language. 12mo, 4s. R. Seton, 1852. 1850. 102 GENERAL EDUCATION. Gombert, A. Catechism of French Grammar. Roche, A. Grammaire Française. 12mo. cloth. · Revised by J. C. Tarver. 18mo. Id. 3s. 6d. Williams & Norgate, 1858. Aylott, & Co. Rowbotham, J. A New and Easy Method of Haas, J. An Easy and Practical Introduction learning the French Genders in å few Hours. to the French Language. 1st and 2nd Course. 12mo. 6d. Griffith & Farran. 18mo. Is. 6d. each. (Darton's School Library.) Sadler, R. P. French Conjugations on a new Darton & Co., 1858. Principle. Svo. Gd. Allman & Son, 1.855. Scott, G. B. Diagram of the French Verbs. Hallard, M. French Grammar. 12mo. bound. 12mó. cloth, limp. Is. Simpkin & Co., 1860. 4s. 1856. Siméon, Saint Ange. The Lexicon French - Key to. 12mo. bound. 48. 1825. Grammar, for the Use of English Students. Oliver & Boyd. 12mo. bound. 58. D. Nutt, 1855. Hamel, N. French Grammar. Corrected by Strauss, G. L., Ph. D. A Grammar of the W. S. Kenny. 12mo. 45. Allman & Son. French Language. 12mo. ls. J. Weale, 1853. Henley's French Grammar, 1719. (See Class Surenne, G. A New Pronouncing French Spanish.) Primer. 12mo. ls. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1856. Lambert, F. An Easy Introduction to the Synoptical Tables of the Parts of Speech and French Language. 18mo. ls. Jarrold & Sons. Leading Principles of the French Language. royal 4to. sewed. 1s. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1860. Le Brethon, J. J. P. Guide to the French Farver, J. C. Eton French Grammar. 12mo. Language, with Exercises. Revised by L. San- bound. 38. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) dier. Svo. 10s. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1855. Longman & Co., 1853. Le Breton, Philip. French Scholar's First Vlieland, J. N. An Easy and Systematic Me- Book. 12mo. 38. Simpkin & Co., 1851. thod of acquiring the French Language. 12mo. half bound. 6s. Le Maignent's Mechanical French Conju- - Key to the Exercises in. 12mo. gator. 4to. in red morocco case. ll. ls. [cloth, cloth. bound. 38. iOs.] (Presented by the author.) - French Genders. 18mo. 60. Piper, Stephenson, & Sperice. Jarrold & Sons. Longmoor, J. Catechism of French Grammar. Wanostrocht, N. Grammar of the French 18mo. 9d. Oliver & Boyd. Language. Revised by J. C. Tarver. 12mo. Lorin, F. French Reading and Pronuncia- bound. 43. Simpkin & Co., 1855. Wolski, F. A. French Grammar. 12mo. tion, with and without a Master. Svo. ls. Williams and Norgate. bound.' 3s. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1856. Merlet, P. F. French Grammar. 12mo. bound. 5s.6d. Walton & Maberly, 1856. Michaud, Louise. Examination Lessons in Boniface. Abrégé de la Grammaire Française. the French Grammar. 18mo. 9d. Abridgment of French Grammar. 12mo. Relfe, Brothers. (2 copies.) Lausanne, 1852. Murgeaud, F. L. A Short and Easy Access De Wailly, Principes Généraux et Particuliers to the French Language. Revised by S. A. de la Langue Française. 12mo. half calf. Mayeur, royal 12mo. 45. F. R. Daldy, 1855. (Presented by H. Grant.) Barbou, Paris, 1799. Noel et Chapsal. Grammaire Française, sur Desmarais. Traité de la Grammaire Fran- un plan très méthodique. 12mo. half bound. çoise. 12mo.bound. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) E. H. Fricx, Bruxelles, 1705. Lockwood & Son, New York, 1853. Dumas, D. Eléments et Exercices de Lecture, Ollendorff, H. G., Ph. D. New Method of d'Orthographie, et d'Ecriture. Elements of Learning the French Language. Sth edition. and Exercises in Reading, Orthography, and Svo. cloth. 12s. Whittaker & Co., 1859. Writing. Arranged for the Use of Schools. - By G. W. Greene. 18mo. half and Families by D. Dumas, Teacher at Nyon. bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New MS. post 4to. in a wrapper. York.) 1852. | Faivre, A., and Seuret, L. Nouveaux Exer- - With additions by J. L. Jewett. cices Français. French Exercises on all the crown Svo. half bound. (Presented by Board Rules of Grammar for Primary Schools. 12mo. of Education, New York.). 1854, Porrentruy, 1847. Girard, G. Cours Educatif de Langue Mater- bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New nelle. Educational Course for Schools and York.) Appleton & Co., New York, 1950. Paull, Susanna M. An Introduction to French Families in their Mother Tongue. 6 parts in 2 vols. 12mo. half calf. Grammar. 18mo. Id. Relfe, Brothers, 1950. Penon, J. Grammaire Française, with a Trans- Dezobry & Cie., Paris, 1845-46. lation in English. 12mo. (Presented by H. Grammaire Française Elémentaire. Elemen- Cole, Esg.) Boulogne, Rigaux, 1856. tary French Grammar. 12mo. half bound. Pinney, Norman. A New Method of Learn- Tours, 1853. ing the French Language. crown 8vo. half – Française, Exercices Orthographiques. bound. (Presented by Board of Education, French Grammar, Exercises in Orthography New York.) in connexion with the above, 12mo, half F. J. Huntington, New York, 1853. 1 bound. Tours, 1852. 1954. FRENCH GRAMMARS. -FRENCH WORD AND PHRASE BOOKS. 103 Grammaticale, Principes Généraux d'Analysc. | De Porquet, F. Introduction to Parisian General Principles of Grammatical Analysis. Phraseology. 12mo. ls. 6d. 1846. 8vo. sewed. (3 copies.) Lausanne, 1850. - Modern Parisian Phraseology. 12mo. Guérard. Cours Complet de Langue Française, bound. 2s. 60. 1853. viz. :- - French and English, and English and Grammaire Elementaire (Livre du Maitre). French Versions; a Compendium of Phrases, 12mo. 1852. &c. 12mo. 38. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1837. - (Livre de l'Elève). 12mo. 1853. French and English Phrase Book. 12mo. ls. Èxercices (Livre'de l'Elève). 12mo. J. Weale, 1856. 1853. Kenny, W. S. French Phrase Book. Revised - (Livre du Maitre). by J. D. Mérigon. 18mo. Id. Allman & Son. - Corrigés des Exercices (Livre du - French Word Book. Revised by J. D. Maitre). 12mo. sewed. 1852. Mérigon. 18mo. Id. Allman & Son. Grammaire et Compléments (Livre du Manier, A. French Phrase Book. 18mo. ls. Maitre). 12mo. 1852. - French Word Book. 18mo. ls. - Exercices (Livre de l'Elève). l2mo. D. Nutt, 1854, 1853. Roemer, J. A Dictionary of French and Eng- - Corrigés (Livre du Maitre). lish Idioms. crown 8vo. half bound. (Pre- 1953. sented by Board of Education, New York.) Analyse Grammaticale (Livre de l’Elève). . F. J. Huntington, New York, 1953. 12mo. 1.854. Exercices sur l'Orthographique des Verbes Turrell, H. S. Oral Exercises in French (Livre de l'Elève). 12mo. Phraseology. 12mo. 48. Relfe, Brothers. Corrigé (Livre du Maitre). 12mo. Paris, Dezobry. Jost, S. Grammaire Polyglotte. Grammar of French, Gerinan, English, Italian, Spanish, FRENCH SPELLING AND and Hebrew. Svo. sewed. Paris, 1852. EXERCISES. -- 2nd part, German Exercises. Svo. sewed. Paris, 1841. Arnold, Rev. T. K. Handbook of French Jullien, B. Cours, supérieur de Grammaire. Vocabulary, from the German of Dr. Carl Advanced Course of Grammar. 2 parts. imp. Plötz. 12mo, bound. 45. 6d. Svo, half calf. Paris, Hachette, 1849. F. & J. Rivington, 1850. Lhomond. Grammaire Française. Elements Bossut, The Abbé. French and English of French Graminar. 12mo. Primer; or, an Easy Vocabulary of Fifteen - Graminaire Française. Elements of Hundred Common Words. 16mo. 9d. French Grammar. Revue par M. Guérard. Darton & Co. 4th edition. 12mo. Paris, Dezobry, 1854. Caron, J. First French Class Book, or a practical and easy Method of learning the Michel and Rapet. Cours Elémentaire de French Language, consisting in a series of Langue Française, viz.,- French and English Exercises, progressively Principes de Grammaire Française. 12mo. and grammatically arranged. 12ino. cloth 1853. stiff. 1s. Oliver & Boyd, 1859. Syntaxe et Conjugaison. Parts 1 and 2. (Livre de l'Elève. 12mo. De Charente, A. A. Exercises adapted to - Parts 1 and 2. (Livre du Maitre). the New and Complete Course of Studies of 12mo. the French Language; Elementary Course. Paris, Dezobry, 1852. Part 1. Pronunciation-Accidence. 12mo. cloth. Noel and Chapsal. Grammaire Française. 3s. 1858. I'rench Grammar. 37th edition. 12mo. - Part II. French and English Delémont, V. Michel, 1845. Syntax compared. 12.no. cloth. 35. 1859. Sardou, M. Leçons de Grammaire Française. - complete, the 4 parts in 1 vol. Lessons in French Grammar, imp. Svo. half 12mo. cloth. 10s. 6d. 1860. calf. Paris, Hachette. Longman & Co. De Porquet, F. French Spelling Book. 12mo. 2s. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1852. Hall, J. P. & T. First French Course, and France and the French. 12mo. Is. 6d. 1859. -- Second Course. Fifth Edition. FRENCH WORD AND PHRASE 12ino. ls. 6d. 1959. BOOKS. - First French Examiner. A Series of Questions on the Exercises, Reading Lessons, Bellenger, W. A. French Word and Phrase and Grammar in Hall's First French Course. Book. 32mo. ls. Griffith & Farran. 12mo. cloth limp. 8d. 1858. Des Carrieres, M. French Idiomatical J. B. Bateman. Phrases, &c. royal 16mo. 3s. 6d. Hamel, N. French Exercises. Corrected by Longman & Co., 1851. W. S. Kenny. 12mo. 45. Allman & Son., 1857. De la Voye. The Modern French Word Book; Heckethorn, C. W. Exercises in French or, First Phrascological Steps plainly Taught. Orthography. 18mo. Is. 6d. 18mo. cloth. ls. Darton & Co., 1852. Relfe Brothers, 1850. 104 GENERAL EDUCATION. Lenoir, M. Logographic- Emblematical | De la Voye, Marin. Les Jeunes Narrateurs; French Spelling Book. Svo. bound. (Presented ou Petit Contes Moraux, à l'usage et à la portée by H. Colc, Esq.) Dulau & Co., 1826. des Enfants. 18mo. cloth. 2s. Perrin, J. French Spellingand Pronunciation. Griffith & Farran, 1856. Revised by W. S. Kenny. 12mo. 28. Extraits Choisis, or Selections from Modern Allman & Son, 1856. French Writers. By the Author of " Amy Porny, M. Grammatical Exercises, English Herbert.” post Svo. cloth. 38. and French. Sth edition. 12mo. bound. Longman & Co., 1859. G. G. & J. Robinson, London, 1796. Hall, J. P. & T. First French Progressive Tarver, J.C. French Exercises. 12mo., bound, Reader. 12mo. Is. 6d. J. Bateman, 1859. 3s. 6d. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) La Bagatelle. Intended to introduce Young Longman & Co., 1653. Children to some Knowledge of the French Roche, A. Exercices sur la Grammaire Fran Language. Revised by Mad. N. L. 18mo. 3s. çaise. 12mo, cloth limp. 3s. Simpkin & Co., 1856. Williams & Norgate, 1859. Le Babillard; an Amusing Introduction to Vannier, H. French Pronunciation and Spell the French Language. By a French Lady. ing Simplified. royal 16mo. half bound. 16mo. cloth. 2s Griffith & Farran. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Le Nouveau Trésor; or French Student's Lockwood & Son, New York, 1853. Companion. 12mo. bound. 35. 6d. Bell & Daldy, 1854. Lessons in French, a Series of, on a new Méthode Chéron et Fallempin. Apparatus for Plan, crown. Svo sewed. 6d. Kent & Co., 1856. a peculiar Method of Instruction in Spelling Louis, F. Poésies de l'Enfance. French and Reading. In card-board case, 9 in. sq. Poetry for Children. Selected by F. Louis. Syllabaire des Ecoles Chrétiennes. Spelling 18mo. boards. 2s. F. Thinm, 1859. Book for Christian Schools, and Regulations Manier, A. French Reading Book. 18mo. for Children. 18mo. Tours, Mame, 1853. ls. 6d. D. Nutt, 1854. Syllabaire des Salles d'Asile. (See page 195.) Roemer, J. An Elementary French Reader. crown Svo. half bouud. 1853. A Second French Reader. crown Svo. half bound. (Presented by Board of Educa. FRENCH READERS. tion, New York.) Appleton & Co., New York, 1852. Ahn, Dr. F. The First French Reader, with Surenne, G. French Reading Instructor, English Notes. post 8vo. cloth. ls. 6d. F. Thimm, 1858. 12mo. 4s. bound. Oliver & Boyd, 1855. Ahn, F. First French Reading Book. Revised Tarver, H. Le Conteur; or, the Story-Teller. by L. Jacob. 12mo. Is. 6d. A Selection of Tales and Plays, interspersed Allman & Son, 1857. with a few pages of Correspondence; for the use of Learners. Collected from the works Allison, M. A. La Petite Française. 18mo. of contemporary French authors. post 8vo. bound. 2s. Simpkin & Co., 1853. bound. 55. 6d. Longman & Co., 1858. Barbauld's Leçons pour des Enfants. Trans- Le Début dans l'Etude de la Langue lated into French hy M. Pasquier. iSmo. 2s. Française ; or First Steps in Learning French. A. Hall & Co., 1857. post Svo. bound. 38. 6d. Brasseur, 1. Manuel des Ecoliers. 12mo. 3s. Longman & Co., 1860. - Premières Lectures : an Easy Reading Tarver, J. C. Choix en Prose et en Vers. for Children. 18mo. 1s. 6d. Part i, Prose, 3s. Od. Part 2, Vers, 3s. Od. Relfe, Brothers, 1955. 12.no. bound. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Good- Cassell's Colloquial French Reader. By L. ford.) Longman & Co., 1851. Fasquelle, LL.D. 12mo. 28. 6d. Turrell, H.S. Leçons Françaises, en Prose et Kent & Co., 1956. - Lessons in the French Language, by en Vers. 3rd edition. 12.o. bound. 5s. Relfe, Brothers, 1860. L. Fasquelle. 2 Parts in l. 12mo. 45. 6d. 1856. Vlieland, J. N. The First French Reader. Key to Ditto. 12mo. Is. 6d. Kent & Co., 1956. 12mo. bound. 35. Jarrold & Sons. De Fivas, V. Introduction to the French wanostrocht, N. Recueil Choisi. Revue Language. 12mo. 2s.6d. par W. S. Kenny. 12mo. bound. 35. Simpkin and Co., 1854. Allman & Son, 1855. De Porquet, F. First French Reading-Book. Wolski, F. A. French Extracts for Beginners, 12mo. 2s. 6d. 1853. with a Vocabulary. 12mo. bound. 28. 6d. — Le Trésor de l'Ecolier Français. 12mo. Oliver & Boyd, 1854. 38. 6d. 1854. - A Sequel to. 12.no. 3s. 6d. 1853. French Companion and Interlocutor to Alvares, F, L. Petit Manuel de l'Enfance. Le Trésor de l'Ecolier Français. 12mo. 35.6d. Little Manual for Childhood. 18mo. Simpkin & Co. Dezobry, Paris: FRENCH READERS, FABLES, AND CONVERSATIONS. 105 Carraud, Madame Z. Livre de Lecture. Read- | Théry and Dezobry. Exercices de Mémoire ing Book, entitled “ Petite Jeanne,” for Pri et de Lecture. Exercises in Memory and mary Girls' Schools. 2nd edition. 12mo. Reading. imp. Svo. half calf. Paris, Hachette, 1853. Hachette, Paris, 1854. Maurice, ou Le Travail. Maurice, or | Trémadeure, Mademoiselle. Livre de Lec- Labour. Reading Book for Primary Schools. ture. Reading Book, entitled « Le Petit 2d edition. 12mo. Hachette, Paris, 1854. Bossu." 12mo. Paris, Colas, 1851. Girard. De l'Enscignement régulier de la Langue Maternelle. Teaching of the Mocher Tongue in Schools and Families. 3rd edition. FRENCH FABLES. 12mo. : Paris, Dezobry, 1853. Henry, H. Premières Leçons de Lecture. | Bellenger's French Fables. Revised by C. J. First Lessons in Reading. 18mo. sewed. Delille, 12mo, bound. 25. A. Hall & Co., 1852. Porrentruy, 1847. Chambaud's Fables Choisies; with a Voca- Jomard, M. Nouveaux Tableaux de Lecture. bulary. Corrected by Scot & Wells. 1$mo. New Tables for reading. 6th edition. 85 sheets, 2s. Oliver & Boyd, 1954. crown broad folio, with title and explanation. - - By Wells. 13mo, bound. 2s. Oliver & Boyd, 1833. Paris, Colas, 1849. Fénélon, Fables de. Fables of Fénélon. Lamotte, &c. Tablcaux de Lecture. Reading Edited by M. L. C. Michel. 18mo, sewed. Lessons for Primary Schools (elementary), Paris, Dezobry. &c. 12mo. Paris, Hachette, 1854. Gasc, F. E. A. French Fables for Beginners. Tableaux de Lecture. A Series of 50 L 12mo. cloth. 2s. Bell & Daldy, 1861. Reading Lessons, with or without Spelling. Gay. Fables de Gay; traduites en Vers crown broad folio. Paris, Hachette. Français, par Le Chevalier de Chatelain. Lebrun, T. Livre de Lecture Courante. Read fcp. Svo. cloth. 5s. Whittaker & Co., 1855. ing Book for Primary Schools. 4 parts. 18mo. Gibson, G. M. French Fables; with Notes Paris, Hachette, 1854. and a Vocabulary. 18mo. bound. Is. 6d. - Part 1. 18ino. sewed. Oliver & Boyd, 1856. Paris, Hachette, 1854. La Fontaine. Fables de La Fontaine. La Lectures Instructives et Amusantes. Reading, Fontaine's Fables. (Tauchnitz's Classics.) Instructive and Amusing. 12mo. 18mo. sewed. ls. Williams & Norgate, 1845. Tours, Mame, 1853. Fables de La Fontaine. Par Lévizac. Revue par P. Marie Chauvet. 12mo. bound. Lecture, Premier Livre de. First Reading 4s. 6d. "(Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) Book. 18mo. (Schools of Jura.) Longman & Co., 1852. Porrentruy, 1848. - Fables de La Fontaine. 18mo, sewed. Lecture. Reading for Schools. 17 sheets. Paris, Dezobry. crown broad folio. Paris, Chamerot. - With Notes, by M. L. C. Michel. Lecture sans Epellation. Reading without 1 Smo. Paris, Dezobry. Spelling, for Primary Schools. 16mo. Perrin, J. Fables Amusantes. Revised by Porrentruy, 1852. W.S. Kenny. 12no.bound. 2s. Allman & Son. Lecture sans Epellation, Méthode de. Manual - 12.no. bound. (Presented by H. of the Method of Reading without Spelling. Cole, Esq.) Longman & Co., 1812. 8vo. 3rd edition. Paris, Hachette, 1836. - French Fables: A Selection from. With Lecture, Livre de, l'Ami des Ecoliers. Reading a Key. By A. Bolmar. 12mo. half bound. Book, for Primary Schools of Jura. 12mo. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) half bound. Porrentruy, 1844. Blanchard & Lea, Philadelphia, 1852. Livres du Père Lami. Little Reading Books of Porchat, M. Fablier des Ecoles. Fables for Père Lami. 4 parts. 1smo. Colas, Paris. Schools, a Selection of. 2 parts. 18mo, half cloth. Mæder, A. L'Ami des Ecoliers. The Pupils' Paris, Dezobry. Friend for Primary Schools. 12mo. Strasbourg, 1851. Michel, L. C. Cours méthodiques de Lecture. FRENCH CONVERSATIONS. Systematic Course of Reading, with pronun- ciation and orthography. 6 parts. 12mo. Ahn, F. Hand Book of French Conversation. Paris, Dezobry, 1848. With Additions, by C. Dagobert. 12mo. Récompenses Hebdomadaires et Mensuelles, 1s. Od. Allman & Son, 1857. Weekly and Monthly Prizes. A Set of 9 vols. Bahin, C. P. The Model Speaker; a Guide of Reading Books in Case. 18mo, bound. to French Conversation. post Svo. cloth. 38. Versailles. D. Nutt, 1858. Rendu, A., jun. Récits Moraux et Instructifs, Bartels, A. French and English Conversa- Livre de Lecture. Reading Book. Moral and tions. 1$mo. 2s. D. Nutt, 1857. Instructive Recitations. 12mo. - Modern Linguist; or, Conversations in Paris, Fourant, 1854. English, French, and German. royal 16mo. - Lecture Courante des Manuscrits. Gra 3s. 6d. D. Nutt, 1857. duated Exercises in the ready Reading of Bellenger, W. A. Modern French Conversa- Manuscripts, for Normal and Primary Schools. tion ; easy Dialogues, in French and English. 8vo. Paris, Fourant. 1 12mo. 25. Od. Simpkin & Co., 1855. 106 GENERAL EDUCATION. Chapman, V. French Conversation; or " Surenne, G. French Dialogues; with Intro- Every-Day French Talk. 12mo. 2s. duction to French Pronunciation. 12mo. J. B. Bateman, 1956. bound. 2s. 1856. Chouquet, G. French Conversations. 18mo. - French Manual and Traveller's Com- half bound. (Presented by Board of Educa- panion. 12mo. bound. 35. 6d. tion, New York.) Oliver & Boyd, 1857. Appleton & Co., New York, 1952. Tarver, J. C. French Dialogues. 12mo. bound. De Fivas, A. New Guide to French Conver: 3s. Gd.' (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) E. P. Williams, 1855. Simpkin & Co., 1853. Vlieland, J. N. French Speaking Teacher; or, De la Fruston, F. Echo Français. A Prac Viva Voce Practice in French Conversation. tical Guide to French Conversation ; with a 12mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. complete Vocabulary. post Svo. bound. 3s. - French Chit-Chat; or, Recreations in Giegler & Violet, Leipsic; French Conversation. 12mo. cloth. 25. 6d. Trübner & Co., London. — Le Petit Manuel Français. 16mo. half De Porquet, F. French Conversational bound. 3s. Jarrold & Sons. Exercises. 12no. 38. 6d. 1847. - Key to. 12mo. ls. 1848. - French and English Versions. 12mo. 1937. - Nouvelles Conversations Parisiennes. FRENCH GENERAL READING. 12mo. 38. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1852. De Rouillon, M. The Tourists French Com- Ahn, F. A Choice Collection of French Poetry. panion; consisting of Familiar Conversations, Edited by Th. Didier. 12mo. ls. 6d. &c. Revised and corrected by Professor Ha- Allman & Son, 1856. vet. 18mno, half-roan. 4s. 6d. Anacharsis. Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis en W. Allan, 1959. Grèce, dans le Milieu du Quatrième Siècle Deslyons' Practical and Familiar French Con- avant l'Ere Chrétienne. Abrégé de l'Ouvrage versations, &c. 12mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Original de l'Abbé Barthélemy. Corrigée par A. Hall & Co., 1849. N. Wanostrocht. 12mo. bound. 6s. Dudevant, A. French and English Idiomatic Simpkin & Co., 1853. · Dialogues. 18mo. 2s. 6d. F. Thimm, 1856. Auteurs Anglais ; Shakspeare, Coriolan. Gibson, T. A. French, English, and Latin English Authors, Shakspeare's Coriolanus. Vocabulary. 12mo. 2s. Oliver & Boyd, 1832. Translated by Fleming. 12mo. Grandineau, F. Conversations Familières ; Paris, Hachette. or Conversational Lessons for the use of Barrau, T. H. Des Devoirs des Enfants Young Ladies; in French and English. 12mo. envers leurs Parents. Duties of Children to 3s Simpkin & Co., 1856. their Parents. 5th edition. 18mo. - Le Petit Précepteur; or, First Steps · Paris, Hachette to French Conversation. 50 woodcuts. 16mo. Livre de Morale Pratique. Book of 3s. Ward & Co., 1857. Selections for Practical Moral Instruction. 12mo. Hebert and Pearce. Bavardages de Pension; Paris, Hachette, 1854. or, an Introduction to French Conversation Boileau. Euvres Poétiques de Boileau Des- in Schools. 12mo, bound. 28. 6d. préaux. Boileau's Poetical Works. Edited, Relfe, Brothers, 1851. with Notes, &c., by M. J. Travers. 12mo. Macleod, J. G. E. An Easy Guide to Paris, Dezobry. - French Conversation; for the use of the Brasseur, J. A Selection from Chesterfield's Edinburgh Academy. 18mo. 2s. 6d. Letters, &c. 12mo. 35. 6d. 1851. R. Seton, 1952. Key to. 12mo. 38. 6d. Pearce, J. D. M. Bavardages de Pension. Relfe, Brothers, 1856. French Conversations for Schools. 12mo. Buquet, C. P. Nouveau Cours de Littérature. bound. 35. Relfe, Brothers. 12mo. bound. 6s. Oliver & Boyd. Perrin, J. Elements of French Conversation. Carraud, Madame Z. Historiettes à l'Usage Revised by W. S. Kenny. 12mo. Is. 6d. des Jeunes Enfants. Stories for Children. Allman & Son, 1857. 12mo. Paris, Hachette, 1853. Ragonot, L. C. A Symbolic French and En- Civilité Chrétienne. Good Breeding, Elements of Christian, or Rules of Behaviour and in all classes; in which the most useful and Politeness for Schools. 18mo. common Words are taught by Illustration. Paris, Dezobry, 1850. crown 4to. cloth. 5s. Simpkin & Co., 1858. Compositions Littéraires, Françaises et Roy, Jules D. A New System of French Con Latines. Literary Essays on Subjects given versation, adapted for Schools and Self at Examination for B.A. Degrees. Edited by instruction. Revised by F. Lorin. 12mo. 3s. Ch. Aubertin, 8vo. Paris, Dezobry, 1854. Williams & Norgate, 1855. Corneille, P. Chefs-d'ouvre de P. Corneille, Sadler, P. Stepping Stone to French Pro précédés de sa Vie, par Fontenelle. (Tan- nunciation and Conversation. 18mo. ls. chnitz's Classics.) 2 vols. 18mo. Is. 6d. Longman & Co., 1856. | Williams & Norgate, 1852. FRENCH CONVERSATIONS AND GENERAL READING. 107 Corneille, Théâtre choisi de. Corneille, se- 1 Fenelon's Dialogues sur l'Eloquence. Féné- lections from his Dramatic Works. By M. lon's Dialogues on Eloquence, with some · Geruzez. 12mo. Paris, Hachette, 1848. otiier of his writings. Edited by M. E. Des- Cottin, Mad. Elizabeth et Claire d’Albe. pois. 12mo. Paris, Dezobry. (Tauchnitz's Classics.) 18mo. 1s. - Edited by C. O. Delzons. 12mo. Williams & Norgate, 1850. Paris, Hachette, 1850. De Fivas, A. Beautés des Ecrivains Français. Gillet-Dammitte. Bibliothèque usuelle de izmo. 3s. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1855. l’Instruction Primaire. Library of Primary Demogeot, J. Histoire de la Littérature. Instruction. 4 parts. 12mo. sewed. Française. History of French Literature. Paris, Delalain. 12mo. Hachette, Paris, 1852. Gil Blas. Abrégé de l'Histoire de Gil Blas de De Porquet, F. Premier Cours de Littéra- Santillane de M. Le Sage, avec la Significa- ture; or, French Poetical Gift. 12mo. 3s. 6d. tion des Mots en Anglais au bas de chaque 1838. page. Par N. Wanostrocht. Corrigée par J. C. - Théâtre des Jeunes Gens, 12mo. 38. 6d. Tarver, M.A. 12mo. bound. 5s. 1839. Simpkin & Co., 1856. Théâtre des Jeunes Demoiselles. 12mo. 3s. 6d. 1839. Gombert, A. The French Drama, illustrated Histoire de Napoléon le Grand 12mo. by Arguments in English at the head of each 35. Od. 1847. Scene; with Notes, Critical and Explanatory. Histoire d'Angleterre. 12mo. 38. 6d. . Comedies, by Molière. 1853. – Voyage de Six Semaines en France. 1. Le Misanthrope. 12mo. 3s. 6d. 2. L'Avare. --- France, Description Historique et Géo- 3. Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme. graphique de ce Pays. 12mo. 38. 6d. 1850. 4. Le Tartuffe. — Histoire de France, abrégée. 12mo. 5. Le Malade Imaginaire. 38. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1853. 6. Les Femmes Savantes. - Le Traducteur Historique. 12mo. 38. 6d. 7. Les Fourberies de Scapin. 1854. 8. Les Précieuses Ridicules. - Le Petit Secrétaire Parisien. 12mo. 9. L'Ecole des Femmes. 3s. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1853. 10. L'Ecole des Maris. 11. Le Médecin malgré Lui. De Lamartine, M. A. Souvenirs, Impressions, 12. M. de Pourceaugnac. et Pensées, pendant un voyage en Orient. Abrégé par J. Davenport. 12mo. half calf. 13. Amphitryon. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) Pulau & Co., 1850. Tragedies, fc. by Racine. De Vigny, Le Comte. Cinq-Mars, ou une 1. La Thébaïde, ou les Frères Ennemis. Conjuration sous Louis XIII. 12mo. calf. 2. Alexandre le Grand. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) 3. Andromaque. Charpentier, Paris, 1846. 4. Les Plaideurs (Com.) Dezobry, C. La Mauvaisé Récolte. The Bad 5. Britannicus. Harvest; or, the Consequences of Ignorance. 6. Bérénice. 18mo. 'Paris, Dezobry, 1847. 7. Bajazet. Duthar, E. Lectures Choisies. Select Readings, 8. Mithridate. with a Collection of Passages from French 9. Iphigénie. Prose Authors and Poets. Svo. 10. Phèdre. Paris, Dezobry, 1849. 12. Athalie. Eichhoff, F. G. Morceaux choisis, en Prose et Vers, des Classiques Anglais. English Selec- Tragedies, &c. by P. Corneille. tions in Prose and Verse. Ist, 2nd, and 3rd 1. Le Cid. series. 3 parts. 12mo. Paris, Hachette, 1852-53. 2. Horace. Fénélon. Aventures de Télémaque. (Tau- 3. Cinna. chnitz's Classics.) 18mo. l.s. 4. Polyeucte. Williams & Norgate, 1845. 6. Pompée. - Aventures de Télémaque. Adventures By T. Corneille. of Telemachus. By Fénélon. Edited by Colincamp. 12mo. Paris, Dezobry, 1853. Ariane. - Aventures de Télémaque. (Didot's Voltaire. Classics). 12mo. sewed. 4s. 6d. 1. Brutus. Williams & Norgate, 1859. 2. Zaïre. - Aventures de Télémaque. With English 3. Alzire. Notes by C. J. Delille. 12mo. 45. &d. 4. Oreste. G. Bell, 1854. 5. Le Fanatisme. - Revised by G. Surenne. 6. Mérope. 2 vols. 18mo. 2s. sewed, or in 1 vol. cloth, 7. La Mort de César. 2s. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1855. 8. Semiramis. - Revue par N. Wano Sold separately at ls. each, and 1s. 6d. strocht, 12mo. bound. 45. Allman & Son. 1 half bound. Bell & Daldy. 108 GENERAL EDUCATION. Gospel of St. John, with Analytical Inter- | Praslin, Lettres de Madame La Duchesse de lincar Translation. (Hainiltonian System.) | Praslin. By F. De Porquet. 12mo. 35. 6d. 12mo. 4s. Aylott & Co. *Simpkin & Co., 1848. Hymnes, en Prose, pour les Enfans. 18mo. | Racine. Euvres Choisies de Jean Racine. half bound. (Presented by H. Colc, Esq.) 18mo. half bound. (Presented by Board of 1815. Education, New York.) Jeannel, MI C. Petit Jean; a Story. 2nd Lockwood & Son, New York. 1853. edition. 12mo. Paris, Dezobry. - Théâtre Complet de J. Racine. 12mo. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) Jussieu, L. de. Simon de Nantua, ou le Mar- Didot, Paris, 1952. chaud Forain. Simou de Nantua, or the Tra- - Théâtre Choisi de. Racine, Selections. velling Merchant. 12ino. Paris, Colas, 1854. from his Dramatic Works. By M. Geruzez. La Bruyère; Les Caractères. La Bruyère's 12mo. Paris, Hachette, 1847. Characters; also Theophrastus. Edited by - Euvres Dramatiques de J. Racine. M. Hémardinquer. 12mo. Paris, Dezobry, 1849. (Tauchnitz's Classics.) 2 vols. ismo. 2s. 6d. Les Deux Perroquets. 12mo. bound. Williams & Norgate, 1845. D. Nutt. Recueil Choisi, with Analytical Interlinear Le Petit Rimeur; being French and Eng Translation. (Hamiltonian System.) 12mo. lish Words, and Sentences in Rhyme. 16mo. 58. 6d. Aylott & Co. ls. 6d. Groombridge & Sons, 1851. Rendu, V. Nouvelles Leçons de Littérature Longfellow's Evangéline; suivie des Voix de Anglaise. Lessons in English Literature. 3d edition. 12mo. Hachette, Paris, 1853. la Nuit. Translated from the English by the Chevalier de Chatelain. fcp. Svo. cloth, red Richon, Ch. Chrestomathie Française. French edges. Rolandi, 20, Berners Street, 1856. Chrestomathy. Selection in Prosc and Verse. 12mo. (2 copies.) Lausanne, 1850. Merlet, P. F. Le Traducteur; Selections Roche, A. Histoire des Principaux Ecrivains from the best French Writers. 12mo. bound. 5s. 6d. Walton & Maberly, 1956. Français, depuis l'origine de la Littérature - Stories from French Writers, in French jusqu'à nos jours. toine l. 12mo. cloth. 45. 1858. and English, interlinear. (From the Traduc- teur). 1 2mo. 28. Walton & Maberly, 1856. - Les Poëtes Français, Recueil de Morceaux Choisis dans les meilleurs Poëtes. 12mo. Molière. Euvres Choisies de Molière. 18mo. cloth. 6s. 1858. half bound. (Presented by Board of Educa- - Les Prosateurs Français, Recueil de Mor- tion, New York.) ceaux Choisis dans les Meilleurs Prosateurs, &c. Lockwood & Son, New York, 1853. 12mo. cloth. 6s. 1859. - Quvres de Molière. 2 tom. 12mo. - Du Style et de la Composition Littéraire. cloth. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) 1859. 12mo. sewed. 3s. 6d. Didot, Paris, 1852. Williams & Norgate. -- L'Avare; Comédie, 1667. Revised by G. · Rousseau, J. B. Euvres Lyriques. Rous. Surenne. 1$mo. 1s. Oliver & Boyd. seau's Lyrical Poems, with Selections from Montarcis et Mayeur. Histoire de France 1.hose of other French Poets. Edited, with depuis les Gaules jusqu'au Janvier 1850. Notes, &c., by M. E. Manuel. 12mo. 12mo. cloth. 3s. 6d. Bell & Daldy. Paris, Dezobry, 1852. Numa Pompilius, par Florian. (Tauchnitz's Rousseau, J. J. Les Confessions de J. J. Classics.) 18mo. is. Rousseau. (Tauchnitz's Classics.) 2 vols. Williams & Norgate, 1849. 18mo. Es. Od. Williams & Norgate, 1915. Numa Pompilius, par Florian. Avec la Rowan, F. M. Morceaux Choises des Auteurs Signification Anglaise des Idiomes, et des Modernes. 12mo. bound. 6s. Mots les plus difficiles, au bas de chaque page. Longman & Co., 1847. Corrigé par N. Wanostroclit. Revue par M. Saint Pierre, B. Paul et Virginie, et la Chau- A. Thibaudin. 12mo. 45. mière Indienne. (Tauchnitz's Classics.) ismo. Simpkin & Co., 1855, Is. Williams & Norgate, 1845. Porchat, M. J. J. Les Colons du Rivage. The Saintine, X. B. Picciola. A New Edition, Dwellers on the Waterside. 18mo. with English Notes by Dr. Dubuc. 12mo. Paris, Dezobry. cloth. 3s. 6d. Bell & Daldy, 1858. - La Sagesse du Hameau. Village Wis- Saucie et Guillemot. Compositions Fran- dom. 18mo. Paris, Dezobry, 1849. çaises. Collection of French Essays, with - Trois Mois sous la Neige. Three Months advice on Composition. 12mo. half calf. beneath the Snow; Journal of a Young In- Dezobry, Paris, 1850. habitant of Jura. 18mo. Paris, Dezobry. Schiller. Drame de Guillaume Tell. William Potts, Anna H. Simples Poèmes, à l'Usage des Tell of Schiller. Translated by J. Nulhauser. Ecoles Nationales du Dimanche. Translated post Svo. Genève, 1852. from the English by the Chevalier de Chate- Marie Stuart. Schiller's Maria Stuart. lain. fcp. Svo. cloth, red edges. ls. 6d. Literally translated into French. 12mo. Rolandi, 20, Berners Street, 1857. | Paris, Hachette, 1853. FRENCH GENERAL READING AND DICTIONARIES. 109 Ségur, Le Comte de. Histoire de Napoléon. | Voltaire. La Henriade. Revised by G.Surenne. 2 tom. 18mo. half call. (Presented by Rev. 18mo. ls. Oliver & Boyd. Dr. Goudford.) Bruxelles, 1837. - Histoire de Russie sous Pierre le Grand. Revised by G. Surenne. 2 vols. 18mo. 2s. Sismondi, The Battles of Cressy and Poic- Oliver & Boyd, 1856. tiers. (Interlinear Translation on Locke's - Histoire de Russie sous Pierre le Grand. System.) 12mo. ls. Gd. Walton & Maberly. (Tauchnitz's Classics.) 18mno. Tacite, The Annals of Tacitus, with literal Williams & Norgate, 1845. French Translation and Notes by M. Materne. - With an English Vocabulary, for 12mo. Paris, Hachette, 1854. the use of Schools. By M. Bertrand ismo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Williams & Norgate, 1859. Testament, Nouveau. 24mo. Roan, gilt leaves, Is. 6d. Oliver & Boyd. - 12mo. bound. 4s. Simpkin & Co., 1854. Théâtre Classique. Classic (French) Theatre, FRENCH DICTIONARIES. containing Select Works of Corneille, Molière, and Racine, with Notes. 18mo. half calf. Alexandre, C. Dictionnaire Grec-Français. Paris, Dezobry. Dictionary, Greek and French. 11th edition. Théry, A. Morceaux Choisis des meilleurs imp. 8vo. calf. Paris, Hachette, 1852. Prosateurs Français. Selections from the best Cassell's French and English Dictionary. By French Prose Writers. 2 vols. 12mo. sewed. Professors De Lolme and Wallace, and H. Paris, Dezobry, 1851. Bridgeman, Esg. 8vo. 9s. 60: J. Cassell, 1854. Théry, JI. A. Cours de Littérature Générale. Contanseau, L. French and English Course of Literary History. 2 vols. in l. imp. Dictionary. post Svo. bound. 10s. 6d. Svo. half calf. Hachette, Paris, 1947. Longman & Co., 1857. Vinet, A. Chrestomathie Française, ou Choix Dagobert, C. Which is Which? This or That? de Morceaux tirés des meilleurs Ecrivains A compendious Dictionary of French and Français. "Littérature de l'Enfance."' crown English Words, which appear identical, though 8vo. 5s. 1855. they essentially differ. 16mo. 6d. J. F. Shaw, 1857. - "Littérature de la Jeunesse, et De Levizac, M. Dictionary of the French de l'Age Mur.” crown 8vo. 45. 1856. and English Languages. “Revised by N. - "Littérature de l'Adolescence." Lambert. 12mo. 6s. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1854. crown Svo. 45. 1955. De Porquet, F. French and English Dic. Bruxelles, Meline & Co.: Williams & Norgate. tionary. 18mo. bound. 5s. Vinet eć Chaumont. Chrestomathie Fran- Simpkin & Co., 1853. çaise, ou Choix de Morceaux tirés des meil Elwes, A. French-English and English- leurs Ecrivains Français. 12mo. 35. 6d. French Dictionary. 2 Parts. 2s.6d. . R. Seton, 1952. J. Weale, 1856. Vlieland, J. N. Le Glancur Français ; or, George, J. Dictionnaire Français. French Elegant Varieties in French Literature. Dictionary. 3rd edition. 18mo. cloth. 12mo, cloth. 35. Jarrold & Sons. Paris, Fouraut, 1853. Voltaire's Charles XII. Books 1, 2, 3, and 4. Giles, Rev. Dr. Foreign Phases familiarised; Construed, with the Text, into English, literally arranged in the form of a Dictionary for easy and Word for Word. By C. Messiter. 18mo. reference. 18mo. ls. J. Cornish, 1856. cloth, limp. 28. 6d. J. Cornish. James and Mole. Dictionary of the French and Voltaire. Histoire de Charles XII. History English Languages. square 12mo. bound. 6s. of Charles XII. Edited by M. A. Gieffroy. Tauchnitz, Leipsic: Williams & Norgate, 1857. 12mo. Paris, Dezobry, 1853. Nugent, T. French and English Dictionary. Revised W. S. Kenny. Smo. - 3s. Gid. Histoire de Charles XII. With an Allman & Son. English Vocabulary for the Use of Schools. By - Revised by J. C. Tarver. royal M. Bertrand. iSmo. 2s. 6d. 16mo. 58. 6d. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Good- Williams & Norgate, 1855. ford.) Longman & Co., 1847. - (Tauchnitz's Classics.) 18mo. 1s. Nugent's French and English Dictionary. Im- Williams & Norgate, 1845. proved by Brown and Martin. 18mo. bound. - Histoire de Charles XII. Revue et 3s. 6d. Williams & Norgate, 1858. corrigée sur les meilleures Editions, par M. Sardou. Dictionnaire abrégé de la Langue Catty. 12mo. 48. Simpkin & Co., 1855. Française. French Dictionary abridged. 18mo. Histoire de Charles XII. With English Paris, Dezobry. Notes, by Louis Direy. 12mo. 35. 60. Spiers and Surenne. French and English Bell & Daldy, 1856. Pronouncing Dictionary. Revised by Ĝ. P. - Histoire de Charles XII. Revised by Quackenbos, A.M. royal Svo. bound. (Pre- G. Surenne. 18mo. ls. sewed, 1s. 6d. cloth. sented by Board of Education, New York.) Oliver & Boyd, 1856. Appletou & Co., New York, 1953. 110 GENERAL EDUCATION. 1856. Surenne, G. French and English Dictionary. | Chambers's Elementary German Grammar. 13mo. bound. 5s. 1851. By C. E. Aue. 12mo. 2s. - French and English Pronouncing - Advanced German Grammar. By C. E. Dictionary. post 8vo. bound. 10s. 6d. Aue. 12mo. 3s.6d. W. & R. Chambers, 1856. Oliver & Boyd, 1856. De Porquet, F. German Trésor. 12mo. - The Standard Pronouncing Dictionary of 3s. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1851. the French and English Languages. 12mo. Donatti, L. A. A Grammar of the German bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New Language. 12mo. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) York.) Appleton & Co., New York, 1850. G. & S. Noden, 1837. Universal Dictionary of the English, - - 12mo. bound. 35. D. Nutt, 1846. French, Italian, and German Languages. Eulenstein, C. An easy Grammar to the Gerinan Language. 12mo. 4s. D. Nutt, 1851. 75. 60. Trübner & Co. Feiling, C. A. Grammar of the German Lan- guage. 12mo. bound. 5s. 1853. Key to Exercises in. 12mo. 45. D. Nutt, 1852. GERMAN GRAMMARS. Flohr, Mad. A. Course of Instruction in the Ahn, F. Remodelled German Grammar. German Language. Svo. D. Nutt, 1847. By M. Meissner. post Svo. 3s. 6d. Førster, F. F. M. German for Children. The F. Thimm, 1857. Primer.' 12mo, cloth. 28. Williams & Norgate, 1858. - Key to Exercises in. By M. Meiss- Heilner, G. M. The Gramınar of the German ner. post Svo. Is. F. Thimm, 1857. Language. crown 8vo. 7s.6d. D. Nutt, 1851. A practical and easy Method of Learn- - The Grammar of the German Language, ing the German Language. post Svo. 3s. 6d. Philosophically developed. crown Svo. cloth. 1856. 7s. Od. Williams & Norgate, 1851. - The Child's German Book. square Heimann, A. Fifty Lessons on the Elements 12mo. cloth. 38. F. Thimm, 1854. of the German Language. 12mo. bound. 5s. New practical Method of Learning the D. Nutt, 1851. German Language. Ist Course. Enlarged Lebahn, F. Grammar of the German Lan- by J. Pfeiffer. 12mo. Is. 6d. 1856. guage. post Svo. cloth. Ss. - 2nd Course. Revised by A. H. - Key to Exercises in. post Svo. Monteith. 12mo. ls. 6d. cloth limp. 2s.6d. Simpkin & Co. Allman & Son, 1857. Lessons in German. Grammatical and Prac- Apel, H. A School Grammar of the German tical. royal Svo. half bound. (Presented by Language, according to Dr. Becker's views. Rev. Dr. Goodford). 12mo. cloth. 6s. Williams & Norgate, 1857. Nagel, G. Treatise on the Proriunciation of A Short and Practical German Gram- the German Language. post Svo. 4s. D. Nutt, 1841. mar for Beginners. 12.no. cloth stiff. 28. 6d. Williams & Norgate, 1859. Noehden, G. H. Elements of the German Grammar. 12mo. cloth. 5s. Becker, K. F. Grammar of the German Lan- Simpkin & Co., 1842. guage. Revised by J. W. Fraedersdorf, Ph. D. Ollendorff, H. G., Ph. D. A New Method of 12mo. 55. Williams & Norgate, 1855. Learning to Read, Write, and Speak a Lan- - A Granımar of the German Language guage in Six Months, adapted to the German. Edited by B. Becker. 12mo. 5s. (Presented Parts 1 and 2. 8vo. cloth. 12s. each. by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) Whittaker & Co., 1855-1857. Williams & Norgate, 1851. Translated (unabridged) from the Bernays, A. German Grammar, with a Copious original French edition. By H. W. Dulcken. : Appendix, including a Dictionary of Prefixes 12mo. cloth. 5s. and Affixes. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 38. 6d. - Key to. 12mo. cloth. 35. 6d. J. W. Parker & Son, 1859. Williams & Norgate, 1858. Boileau, D. The Nature and Genius of the - New and Easy Method of Learning the German Language displayed. 12mo. bound. German Langnage. Translated unabridged D. Nutt, 1843. from the original French edition, by H. W. - The Linguist. A Complete Course of Dulcken. 12mo. bound. 5s. 6d. 1858. Instruction in the German Language. 12mo. - Key to. 12mo. bound. 35. 6d. cloth. 75. D. Nutt, 1854. D. Nutt, 1858. Bouffier, F. Tables of the Declensions, Con Plate, H. German Studies. A Complete Course jugations, and the most necessary Etymological of Instruction in the German Language. Part and Syntactical Rules of the German Language. 1. post svo cloth. (Presented by the Author.) oblong 4to. sewed. (Presented by the author.) L. Ehlermann, Hanover, 1856. C. Ritter, Wiesbaden. Schade, C. B. Grammar of the German Lan- Cassell's Lessons in German. By W. H. Wood guage. 12mo. Hinrichs, Leipsig, 1853. bury, Esq. 2 parts in l vol. 12mo. 4s. 6d. Selig, M. German made Easy; a New Practi- Kent & Co., 1856. cal, and Speedy Method for Self-Instruction - Key to the Exercises in. 12mo.' ls. 6d. in the German Language. imp. 16mo. cloth. Kent & Co., 1854. 1 6s. D. Nutt, 1857. ; 5s. GERMAN GRAMMARS, EXERCISES, AND CONVERSATIONS. 111 Steinmetz, Dr. H. The Accidence of German | Schirm, Dr. J. W. Gerinan Speaking Method, Grammar, showing in a simple Tabular Form Key lo. 2nd edition. 12mo.cloth. the Inflections of the various Parts of Speech. Beyerle, Darmstadt, 1851. 12mo. cloth limp. 1s. 6d. D. Nutt, 1857. - Elementarbuch der Englischen Sprache. Strauss, G.L. A Grammar of the German Elementary book of English Language. 8vo. Language. 121o. ls. J. Weale, 1856. Bielefeld, 1851. Thurgar, A. H. Concise and Easy Grammar - Praktische Grammatik der Englischen and Systein for learning the German Language, Sprache. Grammar of the English Language. adapted for Schools and English Students. Svo. half bound. Darmstadt, 1853. crown 8vo. cloth. 4s. 6d. W. Allan, 1858. – der Französischen Sprache, &c. Guide Tiarks, Rev. J. G. Introductory Grammar of to French Language. Together with H. Henry the German Language. 12mo. 35. 6d. and E. Vicarmo. Svo. sewed. Wiesbaden. Practical Grainmar of the German Lan. Seffer, Dr. G. H. Elementarbuch der Hebräi - schen Sprache. Elementary Book of Hebrew guage. 12mo. 6s. D. Nutt, 1852. Language. 2nd edition. 8vo. sewed. Vlieland, J. N. A Progressive, Clear, and Leipzig, Brandstetter, 1854. Practical Course of the German Language. Wickerhauser, Moritz. Wegweiser zum Ver- 12mo. cloth. 58. Simpkin & Co., 1851. ständniss der Türkischen Sprache. A Guide Weisse, T. H. Grammar of the German Lan to the Understanding of the Turkish Lan- guage. fcp. 8vo. 3s. T. Constable & Co., 1855. guage. A German-Turkish Chrestomathy. Svo. sewed. Wien, 1853. 2s. Burgwardt, H. Deutsche Sprachschule. Ger- man Grammar, in instances and examples. GERMAN EXERCISES. 8vo. half bound. Altona, Schlüter, 1852. Bernays, A. Familiar German Exercises. fcp. Braubach, Dr. Grammatik des Styls. Gram Svo. cloth. 35. Gd. 1858. mar of Style, or Speech. 8vo. sewed. - German Examples, forming a Key to the Gieszen, 1854. above. fep. 8vo. sewed. 38. 1855. -- und Organismus der Sprache. J. W. Parker & Son. Grainiar of Style and Organization of Lan Eulenstein, C. Exercises for Speaking the guage. 8vo. sewed. . Gieszen, 1853. German Language. 12mo. cloth. 2s.6d. Capellmann, Dr. Aloys. Griechisches Elemen- D. Nutt, 1846. tarbuch. Greek Elementary Book. Ist course, Lebahn, Dr. F. A Course of Exercises in Svo. sewed. Wien, 1853. German; with complete Vocabularies Ger- man-English and English-German. post 8vo. Georg, Dr. L. Grammaire de la Langue Alle- cloth. 38. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1858. mande. German Grammar. post Svo. sewed. Kessmann, Genève, 1853. Meissner, M. German Exercise Book, being a Collection of Exercises, intended as a Sup- Götzinger, M. W. Deutsche Sprachlehre. pleinent to every German Grammar. post Instruction in German Language. 7th edition, Svo. cloth. 25. 6d. Svo. sewed. Aarau, 1850. - Key to ditto. post Svo. sewed. Gutbier, Dr. A. Vergleichende Französisch- 'F. Thimm, 1858. Deutsche Sprachschule. French-German Com- Steinmetz, Dr. H. German Exercises for the parative Grammar. Svo. sewed. Use of Beginners; with a Key. 12mo, bound. Fleischer, Leipzig, 1955. 2s. 6d. D. Nutt, 1858. Tiarks, Rev. J. G. Exercises in the German Kolster, W. H. Uebungsstücke über die ersten Language. 12mo, 3s. first instructions in Grammar, for the use - Key to. 12mo. 2s. 6d. D. Nutt, 1852. of the lower classes in a Gymnasium. (Hol- stein.) crown 8vo. half bound. Meldorf, 1852. Propst, J. Die Deutsche Sprachlchre. Ger- man Language and Grammar for National Schools. 2nd edition. Svo. bouud. Basle, 1846.1 GERMAN CONVERSATIONS. Sprachlehre für Volksschuler. Instruction in Bartels, A. German and English Conversa- Language, for Primary Schools. 12mo. half | tions. 18m.n. 28. 6ch. D. Nutt, 1854. bound. 1846. Bernard, Mme. German Equivalents for Sprachlehre Deutschen Leitfaden, &c. in der. English Thoughts. 12.no. bound. 5s. Guide to the First Knowledge of the German D. Nutt, 1959. Language. For Schools in Canton Solothurn. Bernays, A. German Word Book. royal 16mo. 2nd ed. 12mo. cloth. Solothurn, 1837. cloth. 2s. J. W. Parker & Son, 1852. 112 GENERAL EDUCATION. Bernays, A. German Phrase Book; a Guide | Bernstein, Dr. Ludwig. A German Reader; to the formation of Sentences for Conversation containing Selections from the best German and Coinposition. royal 16mo. cloth. 38. Authors, in Prose and Poetry. 12mo. 3s. 6d. J. W. Parker & Son, 1852. Williams & Norgate, 1856. - German Conversation Book; being a Selection from German Prose Dramatists, with Cassell's Pronouncing German Reader. 12mo. a free Translation and Notes. royal 16mo. Is. Gd. Kent & Co., 1855. cloth. 38. J. W. Parker & Soi), 1853. - The Eclectic German Reader, by W. H. Bünger, W. German Travelling Conversation, Woodbury. 12mo. 28. 6d. J. Cassell, 1853. adapted for the Use of Schools and Tourists. Chambers's First German Reading Book. 16mo. bound. 2s. 6d. D. Nutt, 1857. With Notes in English, by C. E. Aue. 12mo. Chambers's English-German Phrase Book. cloth. 25. 1855. By C. E. Auc. 12mo. 25. - Second German Reading Book. Ditto, W. & R. Chambers, 1856. ditto. 12mo. 38. W. & R. Chambers, 1851. De Porquet, F. German Phraseology. 12mo. De Porquet, F. First German Reading Book. 3s. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1849. 12mo. 3s. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1847. Flaxman, R. A Handbook of German and Ezmeler's German Class Book. Enlarged English Conversation. 18mo. bound. by A. Heimann. 12mo. 58. D. Nutt, 1853. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Feiling, C. A. A Course of German Literature Paul Neff, Stuttgart. for Beginners. 12mo. bound. 5s. Lebahn, F. The Self-Instructor in German. D. Nutt, 1853. post Sró. cloth. 6s. 61. Simpkin & Co., 1850. Fischel, Dr. M. M. German Reading Book, Meissner, M. German and English Dialogues. on an entirely new Principle. A Story by 18mo. 2s.6d. F. Thimm, 1853. Franz Holfinann, literally translated, with Moore, J. C. German Interpreter; or, Origi- nal Conversations in English and German. bound. 5s. D. Nutt, 1856. oblong 24mo. 5s. John Lee, 1845. Plate, H. Guide to English and German Conver- Franck, F. Deutscher Briefsteller. The Ger- sation; being a necessary Companion to every man Letter Writer. post Svo. cloth. 2s. 6d. F. Thimm, 1956. Grammar. post Svo. bound. 35. (Presented by the Author.) J. G. Heyse, Bremen, 1857. Geisler, F. Deutsche Gedichte, &c. First Book of German Poetry. 16mo, cloth. 2s. 6d. Veith, Henrietta. German and English Con- F. Thimm, 1857. versations. 12ino. D. Nutt, 1850. Williams, T. S. Modern German and English Hahn's Interlinear German Reading Book for Dialogues and Elementary Phrases. Revised Self-Study. post Svo. cloth. 2s. 6d. 1857. by C. Criiger. 12mo. 3s. 6d. - German Tales and Stories, with English Williams & Norgate, 1856. Notes. post Svo. cloth. 3s. 6d. Wolfram, L. The German Echo, a faithful F. Thimm, 1857. Mirror of Every-Day Conversation; with a Heimann's, First Reading Book in German Vocabulary, by Henry Skelton. post Svo. Language. ' 12mo. bound. 3s. 6d. 1948. borind. 35. F. A. Brockhaus, Leipsic. - Materials for Translating English into Trübner & Co., London, 1856. German. 12mo. 5s.6d. D. Nutt, 1851. Lebahn, F. German Reading Book; with an Introductory Grammar and Vocabulary. post Svo. cloth. 3s. 6d. Clarke & Co. Lessing's Fabeln. German Fables in Prose GERMAN READERS. and Verse, with English Notes by G. E. Hill. post 8vo. boards. 1s. F. Thimm, 1859. Apel, H. Selection of German Prose Stories Marcus, L. A Comparative Vocabulary of the for Beginners, with an Interlincar Translation German and English Languages. royal 16mo. in the Natural Order of Construction. 12ino. cloth. 38. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1852. cloth limp. 2s. Od. Williams & Norgate, 1959. Miehnaur, M. German First Book. 12mo. Is. 6d. Arnold, Rev. T. K. Handbook of German Groombridge & Sons, 1845. Vocabulary. From the German of Dr. Carl Otté's German for Children. Die Waise. The Plötz. 12ino. bound. 45. Orphan. A German Story, by G. Nieritz. F. & J. Rivington, 1350. With Explanatory Notes and a Complete Vo- Arnold, Rev. T. K., and Frädersdorff, Dr. cabulary, by E. C. Otté. 12mo. cloth limp. The First German Reading Book. On the 2s. 6d. Williams & Norgate, 1859. plan of “Henry's First Latin Bcok.” 12mo. Ragonot, L. C. Symbolisches Englisch- bound. 5s. 6d. 1859. Deutsches Wörterbuch. The Symbolic Anglo- - The Reading Companion to the First German Vocabulary. Edited and revised by German Book. 12mo. bound. 43. 1855. Falck Lebahn, Ph. D. Svo. cloth. 6s. - The Second German Book: a Syntax, Simpkin & Co., 1859. and Etymological Vocabulary, with copious Schiller's Wilhelm Tell. A Drama. With Reading Lessons and Exercises. 12mo. bound. | English Notes by M. Meissner. post Svo. 4s. 6d. F. & J. Rivington, 1854. boards. 2s. F. Thimm, 1859. GERMAN READERS AND SPELLING BOOKS. 113 Schmidt, J. A. F. German Reading Book for Busch, F. F. Der Lesestoff in der Elemen- Beginners. 12mo, cloth limp. 18. 6d. 1859. tarschule. Subject Matter for Reading; with the Writing Characters, and an Appendix - Der Knabe mit der Bibel. The Boy with the Bible. A Tale, by Ludwig Storch. The about the Four Seasons of the Year. 12mo. German Text, with an Interlinear Translation Gluckstadt, 1851. for the use of English Scholars, by J. A. F. Detlefs, H. Neues Lesebuch. A new Reading Schmidt. 12mo. cloth limp. 28. 6d. 1859. Book. post Svo. half bound. Williams & Norgate. Oldenburg in Holstein, 1842. Solling, G. A German Reading Book; with Drieselmann, Joseph, Lesebuch für Schule und Haus. Reading Book for Home and Questions bearing on the Subject. 12mo. 6s. School, especially for Religious and Moral Williams & Norgate, 1856. Instruction in Catholic Schools. 4th edition. Sonnenschein and Stallybrass. First Ger crown 8vo. half bound. Erfurt, 1848. man Reading Book. 12mo. bound. 4s. 6d. Fibel für die Katholischen Volksschulen. Spell- D. Nutt, 1857. ing and First Reading Book for the Use of Steinmetz, Dr. H. First German Reading Catholic National Schools in the Austrian Book; being a Selection from Grimm's Tales Empire. 12mo. (Presented by the Austrian and Poetry. With Notes and a Dictionary. Government.) Vien, 1854. 12mo. bound. 28. D. Nutt, 1858. Fibel für die Katholischen Volksschulen. Spell- Strauss, G. L., Ph. D. German Reader. A ing and First Reading Book for the Use of Selection from the Best Authors. 12mo. ls. Catholic National Schools in the Austrian J. Weale, 1852. Empire. post 8vo. (Presented by the Austrian Government.) Vien, 1851. Tiarks, Rev. J. G. Progressive Reader in the German Language. 12mo. cloth. 35. 6d. Fibel zum ersten Leseunterricht. Primer for D. Nutt, 1852. First Instruction in Reading. post 8vo. Basel, 1852. Götzinger, Max. W. Deutsches Lesebuch. German Reading Book for Gymnasia and Commercial Schools. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, gilt. Schaffhausen, 1852. GERMAN SPELLING AND Götzinger, Max. W. Licdergarten. Gedicht- READING BOOKS. sammlung für Niedere Schulen. Collection of Poetry for Lower Schools. 3 parts in 1 vol. A.B.C. Buchleins Tabelle. Reading Tables Svo. boards. Schaffhausen, 1842. Schat for Schools, Canton Schaffhausen. Nos. 1 to - Die Anfangsgründe der deutschen Recht- 9. Size, 2 ft. 7 in. by i ft. 11 in. (mounted on schreibung, &c. Elements of German Ortho- millboard and varnished.) graphy. 12mo. sewed. Leipzig, 1850. Anleitung zu Schriſtlichen Aufsätzen. Guide Gudenrath and Reimers. Real-Buch fur to Composition, for the Use of Teachers in Volksschulen Ein Lehr-und Lesebuch. Lesson and Reading Book, a practical Book for primary Town and Country Schools. 12mo. (Presented Schools. 5th edition. 12mo. half bound. by the Austrian Government.) Vien, 1854. Altona, 1847. Braubaca, Dr. Neues A.B.C. als erstes Lese Farms, Dr. Claus. Lesebuch Schleswig- Lehr-und Lernbuch. New A.B.C. First Word Holsteinischer Gnomon. A General Reading and Reading Book. Two Parts. post 8vo. Book. The Schleswig Holstein Gnomon. (2 copies.) Gieszen, 1845. Kiel. post Svo. half bound. Schwers, 1843. - Stylistisches Lern-Lehr-und Lesebuch. 1 Heckmann, G. Deutsches Sprach und Lese. Reading Book for Formation of Style. Svo. buch.. Reading and Word Book, German. Gieszen, 1853. 2 pts. Svo. half bd. Alannheim, Löffler, 1852-3. Burgwardi, Heinrich. Der Bildungs-freund Hugendubel, C. H. Deutsches Lesebuch. ein Volksthümliches Schul-Lesebuch. A Na- German Reading Book, Poetry and Prose, for tional School Reading Book. The Education the lower forins of Grammar Schools. 2 parts, Friend. For Schleswig and Holstein. Part 1. in 1 vol. post Svo. 3rd edition. 3rd edition. Svo. halt bound. (2 copies.) J. Dalp, Bern & Leipzig, 1852. Altona, Schlüter, 1852. em Lesebuch. Reading Book for Elder Pupils in Canton Bern. 2nd edition. post 8vo. For Mechlenburg. Part 1. 3rd Bern, 1837. edition. Svo. half bound. Altona, Schlüter, 1852. Illustrirte Monathefte. Illustrated Monthly Periodical for Families, &c., May 1354. 4to. - Erstes Schul-und Bildungsbuch. The Dresden, Klemm, 1854. First School and Training Book. Ist part. Keller, Dr. A.B.C. Büchlein. Alphabet Book 12th edition, and 2nd part. l1th edition. 12mo. half bound. (2 copies.) for Parochial Schools, Aargau. post Svo. Baden, 1853. Altona, Schlüter, 1853. -- Erstes Lehr-und Lesebuch fur Aargau, - Lesetabellen. Twelve Reading Tables for First Lesson and Reading Book for the Parish First Practice in Print reading. (Holstein Schools of Canton Aargau. (Published by School System.) folio. (loose). 1842.) Authority.) post 8vo. Baden, 1853. ET 114 GENERAL EDUCATION. Lüben unterricht. Exam Collected by Burger Klindt, J. Materialien für den Sprachunter- | Lesebuch für die Dritte Klasse. Reading richt. Materials for Instruction in Language. Book for the Use of Third Class in Normal Parts 1 and 2. 12mo. Schools and Colleges in Germany. 12mo. Oldenburgh, in Holstein, 1850–51. (Presented by the Austrian Government.) Knees, F. Fibel, &c. Primer, or Instruction Vien, 1854. in Orthography, &c. 3rd edition, 12mo. Lesebuch, Zweites Sprachund. Second Read- Naeck, Keil and Lei , 1850. ing Book for Use of the Second Class in Catho- Knausz, L. T. Das erste Schuljahr. The First lic Gymnasian Schools in the Austrian Em- School Year without Instruction in Reading pire. 12mo. (Presented by the Austrian Govern- and Writing. 2nd edition. Svo. half bound. ment.) Vien, 1952. Reutlingen, Enszlin and Laiblin, 1852. Lüben und Nacke. Muster stücke für den Lehr-und Lesebüchlein, Erstes. First Little Sprachunterricht. Examples for Instruction in Reading and Lesson Book for Common Schools, the German Language. Collected by August Canton Lucerne. 2 parts. 12mo. Lüben, Rector of the Ist and 2nd Burger Luzern, 1853–49. Schools in Merseburg, and by Carl Nacke, Lehr- und Lesebuch Zweites. Second Teacher of the 1st ditto. Also a Comnentary Reading and Lesson Book for Common Schools, on the Reading Book of the Bürger Schools, Canton Lucerne. post Svo, half bound. by the same Authors. 1st part. 8vo. Luzerne, 1851. Leipzig, Brandstetter, 1852. Lehr-und Lesebuch fur die reifere Jugend. - Lesebuch, für Bürgerschulen. Reading Reading and Lesson Book for elder Pupils. Book for the Middle Schools. Edited by August royal 850. Luzern, 1852. Lüben and Carl Nacke. 6 parts, in 2 vols. Svo. half calf. . Leipzig, Brandstetter, 1852-4. Lehr-und Lesebuch. Reading and Lesson Book for the Parish School of Canton Aargau. Némecky, Slabikár. German Spelling Book 7th edition. post 8vo. (2 copies, I bound, for the Use of the Bohemian Town Schools. 1 half bound.) Aarau, 1851. 12mo. (Presented by the Austrian Govern- Lesebuch Erstes. First Reading Book for Vien, 1854. ment.) Schaffhausen Elementary Schools. 4th edi- Propst, J. Die Neudorfer. The Neudorfer; tion. 18mo. Darmstadt; 1853. an Instructive Story for the Peasantry. Svo. · Lesebuch in Lebensbildern. Reading Lucerne, 1829. Book in Pictures of Daily Life. 2nd Part Ramsler, G. Lesebuch, erstes. First Reading post 8vo. half bound. Book. parts 1 & 2. 2nd edition. 12mo. - 3rd Part. Svo. half bound. sewed. Bern, 1852. Darmstadt, 1853. Real-Lesebuch. Practical Reading Book for Lesebüchlein, Sprachlehrliches für die An the Schools in Canton Solothurn. post Svo. fangsschulen. Instructive Reading Book for Solothurn, 1843. the Use of Infant Schools in the Canton of Reimers, P. H. Gedächtniszübungen. Aid Solothurn. 12mo. (Presented by the Austrian for Memory. First Book. small 16mo. Government.) Solothurn, 1854. stiffened cover. Altona, 1847. : Lesebüchlein. Elementary Reading Book. - Second Book. 2nd edition. Detloff, Basel, 1851. 18mo. stiffeued cover. Altona, 1847. .- erstes. First Little Reading Book for Scherr, Dr. T. Fibel zum Schreib-Lese-Un- Bern. 5th edition. post 8vo. Berne, 1850. terricht, &c. Writing-Reading-Instructor. A : Lesebuch, zweites. Second Reading Book Primer. 12mo. cloth. 1853. for Schools in Bern. 3rd edition. post Svo. Lesebuch, &c. Reading Book for Swiss Berne, 1851. National Schools. Parts 1, 2, 3. post Svo. .. Lesebuch in Lebensbildern. Reading Book cloth. Zurich, 1853. of Extracts relating to the Duties of Life, its - Schulbüchlein Erstes. First School Book Occupations, and Studies, for Upper School for Zurich National Schools. 3rd edition. Classes. Svo. bound. Darmstadt, 1953. post 8vo. cloth. Zurich, 1849. "Lesebuch, Erstes Sprach und. First Reading - Zweites. Second ditto. 2nd edi- Book for the Use of Catholic National Schools tion. post Svo. cloth. Zurich, 1850. in the Austrian Empire. 12mo. (Presented -- Schulbuch Schweizerisches. School Book, by the Austrian Government.) Vien, 1854. Swiss, for the 4th, 5th, and 6th Annual Courses Lesebuch, Erstes Sprach und. First Reading of Primary Instruction. Parts 1, 2, 3. post Book for the Use of the National Schools. Svo. cloth. Zurich, 1853. 12mo. sewed. (Presented by the Austrian - Der Bildungs-freund. The Instructor, a Government.) Vien, 1851. Reading Book, Prose division. 3rd edition. Lesebuch für Wiederhohlungsschulen. Instruc- 8vo. cloth. Zurich, 1845. tive Reading Book for the Use of Lancasterian Schulstatistik für das Herzogthum Holstein. Schools. 12mo. (Presented by the Austrian School Statistics for Holstein. Ist Part. post Government.) Vien, 1845. Svo. Kiel, 1854. Lesebuch für die Zweite Klasse der Land- Schulbuch, Erstes, für die Primarschulen. Schulen. Second Rearling Book for the Use of First School Book for Primary Schools in German Country Schools. 12mo. (Presented Canton St. Gall. 3 parts, in 1 vol. 12mo. by the Austrian Government.) Vien, 1853.1 half calf. St. Gall, 1842. Svo. GERMAN SPELLING, ETC. BOOKS AND GENERAL READING. 115 ont. A Trageus. sc. Clarke Schulbuch, Zweites, für die Primarschulen. | Deutsches Theater. Modern German Plays, Second School Book for St. Gall Primary 1 arranged for Schools. Part I., containing Schools. Parts 1, 2, & 3, in 2 vols. 12mo. Eigensinn (Obstinacy) and Dichter und Page half calf. St. Gallen, 1843–6. (Poet and Page). Edited, with Notes and a - Kanton St. Gallen. School Reading Vocabulary, by Dr. A. Buchheim. post 8vo. (Catholic) Books for St. Gall. 5 parts. post cloth limp. 2s. 6d. Williams and Norgate. 8vo. (in case.) Goethe's Faust. The First Part, with an Ana- lytical Translation, and Etymological and Schlegel, J. J. Das Schulbuch für Schweiz- Grammatical Notes. By L. E. Peithmann, erische Volksschulen. School Book for Swiss National Schools. 12mo. St. Gallen, 1853. LL.D. 12mo. .34. Williams & Norgate, 1856. Goethe's Iphigenia in Tauris. Arranged with Schreib - Lese - Buchlein. Writing and Notes, &c. by M. Behr. 12mo. 2s. 6d. Reading Book for Lucerne. 16 pp. 12mo. D. Nutt, 1850. boards. . A Tragedy. With Vocabulary, Straub, J. W. Deutsches Lese-und-Sprachbuch. &c. by F. Lebahn. 12mo. Žs. 6d. Clarke & Co. German Reading Book for the Lower and 'Goetz von Berlichingen, with the Iron Upper Classes in Schools. Vols. 1 & 2, First Hand. A Drama. With Vocabulary, &c. by Division, and vol. 1, Second Division. royal F. Lebahn. 12mo. 58. 6d. Clarke & Co. 8vo. bound. Aarau & Tun, 1848–53. Goldsmith, 0. The Vicar of Wakefield; with a Tschudi, J. H. Lesebuch. Reading Book for German Translation on the same page by Ernst the Middle Classes in Swiss National Schools Susemihl. square crown 8vo. cloth. 4s. 6d. crown 8vo. Glarus, 1854. Williams & Norgate, 1857. Gospel of St. John, With Analytical Inter- – Lesebuch, Reading Book for the Higher linear Translation. (Hamiltonian System.) Classes in Swiss National Schools. 4th edition. 12mo. 4s. Aylott & Co. crown 8vo. Glarus, 1854. Grimm, A. L. Fünf Mährchen aus der Vernalcken, Th. Hilfsbuch zu dem ersten Tansend und Einen Nacht. A Translation of Sprach und Lesebuche. A Guide to correct Five Tales from the “ Arabian Nights' Enter- Reading and Speaking, for the Use of Teachers tainments." 12mo. cloth. 38.6d. D. Nutt, 1851. in the Catholic National Schools in the Aus Hauff, W. Das Kalte Hertz. With a word- trian Empire. 12mo. (Presented by the Austrian for-word Translation of the first 12 pages, Government.) Vien, 1852. translation of difficult passages, and Gram- Wilmsen, F. P. Der Deutsche Kinderfreund matical Notes, by H. Apèl. 12mo. cloth. 3s. ein Lesebuch fur Volksschulen. Reading Book D. Nutt, 1856. for Popular Schools. German Children's Friend. Kohlrausch's Abridgment of German His- Revised by F. A. Pischon. 204th edition, post tory, with Explanatory Notes, and a Sketch of 8vo. half bound. Berlin, Reimer, 1853. German Literature. Compiled for the use of the Scholars at Winchester College. - Buchstabir-und-Lesebuch. Alphabet and 8vo. cloth. 45. 6d. D. Nutt, 1847. Reading Book for the People's Schools. 19th edition. post 8vo. Berlin, 1852. Kotzebue's Pagenstreiche. A Comedy. With Vocabulary, &c. by F. Lebahn. 12mo. 38. 6d. Wragge, C. Kindlicher Gedächtnisz-Schatz. Clarke & Co. Poetry. Child's Treasury of Memory. 12mo. Lessing's Emillia Galotti. A Tragedy. With half bound. Altona, 1850. • Vocabulary, &c. by F. Lebahn. 12mo. 3s. 6d. Clarke & Co. Max Muller, Prof. Early German Classics from the Fourth to the Fifteenth Century. A German Reading Book, containing Extracts arranged chronologically. With Biographical GERMAN GENERAL READING. Notices, Translations, and Notes. `post 8vo. cloth. 7s. 1858. Apel, H. A Selection of the best Specimens - Modern German Classics from the Six. of German Poetry. 12mo. cloth. 5s. teenth to the Nineteenth Century. post Svo. Williams & Norgate, 1856. cloth. 6s. 1858. Longman & Co. Benedix, R., Dramatic Works of. 12mo. Metcalfe, Rev. F. History of German Litera- bound. (Presented by Board of Education, ture, based on the German Work of Vilmar. New York.) Leipsic, 1846. post 8vo. cloth. 7s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1858. Bünger, W. German Tales and Poetry by the Niblett, A. N., M.A. Schiller; a Lecture, &c. best Authors; with a Vocabulary. 12mo. 5s. (See Biography.) D. Nutt, 1858 Niebuhr's Griechische Heroen-Geschichten. Comenius. Neuer Orbis Pictus für die Jugend, Tales of Greek Heroes. The German Text, &c. New Description of the World for Youth with Notes, &c., by Dr. A. Buckheim. . (Easy with 322 lithographic illustrations from nature, German Readings, No. 1.) 12mo. cloth stiffd. the Arts and Sciences, and descriptive Text in 2s. 6d. Williams & Norgate, 1858. English, German, French, and Latin. Revised Peter Schlemihl. By A. Von Chamisso. by J. E. Gailer. Svo. half calf. (Presented by With Vocabulary and Notes by F. Lebahn. Č. Baker, Esq.) Reutlingen, 1835. 12mo. 35. 60. Simpkin & Co. H 2 116 GENERAL EDUCATION. Return of Ulysses. With a short Gram- | Thieme, F. W. A New and Complete Gram- mar and a Vocabulary. By Paul Hirsch.) inatical German and English Dictionary. 12ino, bound. 6s. square 12mo. bound. 75. Walton & Maberly, 1851. Williams & Norgate, 1857. Schiller's Neffe als Onkel. The Nephew as Uncle. A Comedy. The German text, with explanatory notes and a Vocabulary for trans- lation, by Dr. Adolph Buckheim. 12o. cloth stifra. Is. 6d. SPANISH * Williams & Norgate, 1858. Schiller's Song of the Bell; with a Translation Ahn, Dr. F. A Practical and Easy Method of by the late J. H. Merivale, Esq. 12mo. Is. Learning the Spanish Language. ' 12mo. 45. Williams & Norgate, 1856. 1853. Schiller's Wilhelm Tell. A Drama. With Key to the Exercises in. post 8vo. Is. Vocabulary, &c., by F. Lebahn.' 12mo. cloth. F. Thimm, 1854. 35.6d. De Belem, E. M. Spanish Word Book. 18mo. Is. Clarke & Co. - Maria Stuart. 12mo, bound. - Spanish Phrase Book 18mo. Is. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) John Lee. Stuttgart, 1851. Del Mar, E. Modelos de Litteratura Española ; Schiller's Revolt of the Netherlands. Books or, Choice Selections in Prose, Poetry, and I., II., III., and IV. Construed, with the Text, the Drama, from the most celebrated Spanish into English, literally and word for word. By Writers. 12mo. bound. 7. D. Nutt, 1854. H. Apel. 18mo. cloth, limp. 2s. 6d. --- Grammar of the Spanish Language. J. Cornish, 1860. 12mo. bound. Ss. Schmid, Christoph. Henry von Eichenfels. -- Key to. 12mo. bound. 38. 6d. D. Nutt, 1853. A Tale. With Vocabulary, &c., by F. Lebahn. Elwes, A. A Grammar of the Spanish Lan- 12mo. 35. 6d. Clarke & Co. guage. 12mo.' ls. J. Weale, 1852. Stories from Gerinan Writers. With Inter- Hartzenbusch, and Lemming. The Echo linear Translation, on Locke's Plan. 12mo. of Madrid; a Practical Guide to Spanish Con- Is. 6d. Walton & Maberly, 1845. versation. With a Vocabulary by Henry Lemming. post Svo. Giegler, Leipsic. Trübner & Co., London, 1858. Henley, John. The Compleat Linguist; or, an Universal Grammar of all the considerable Tongues in being, viz., Spanish, Italian, French, GERMAN DICTIONARIES. Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Chaldec. Published in Numbers, commencing August 1st, 1719. Cassell's German and English Pronouncing In 1 vol. 8vo, half red roan. Dictionary. 8vo. cloth. Is. J. Cassell, 1855. J. Roberts, London, 1719-20. Chambers's German-English Dictionary. By McHenry, L.J.A. Newand Improved Spanish Dr. J. H. Kaltschmidt. 12.no. bound.' 58. Granımar. 12mo, bound. 8s. 1852. A. Hall & Co., 1858. - English-German Dictionary. 1200. Ollendorf, H. G., Ph.D. A New Method of bound. 6s. W. & R. Chambers, 1855. Learning to Read, Write, and Speak a Lan- Dictionary of German Synonyms. 12mo. guage in Six Months, adapted to the Spanish. 2s.6d. W. & R. Chambers, 1851. 8vo. cloth. 128. Whittaker & Co., 1858. Elwell, W.0. A new and complete American Ollendori's New Method of learning to Read, Dictionary of the German and English Lan- Write, and Speak the Spanish Language. By guages. sq. 12ino. M. Velazquez and T. Simonné. crown 8vo. Presented by Board of Education, New York.): cloth. Ss. 6d. 1856. Westermann, New York, 1852. Key to Exercises in. By M. Gerlach, J. J., LL.D. Coinprehensive German Velazquez and T. Simonné. crown 8vo. half Dictionary, German and English, and English bound. 5s. Appleton & Co., New York ; and German, with Lists of Irregular Verbs Tribner & Co., London, 1858. and their Inflections, and of Geographical and Cllendorff's New Method of learning to Christian Names. 12mo. bound. 7s. Od. Read, Write, and Speak the Spanish Language. Blackie & Son, 1855. By M. Velasquez and T. Simonnć. 12mo. Hamilton, N. E. S. A. A Dictionary of the cloth. 5s.6d. 1858. German, English, and French Languages. 3 - 12mo. cloth. 5s.6d. 1859. parts, 1s. each. Key to Exercises in. 121:0. cloth. 3s. 6d. 1858. Oehlschläger, J. C. Pronouncing German- C. Jugel, Frankfort; Williams & Norgate. English and English-German Pocket Diction- ary. 18mo. bound. 4s. J. Weir, Philadelphia. Pizarro, Rev. J. A. . Spanish Phrase Book. Trübner & Co., London, i856. 18mo. half bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Schneider, F. W. C. A Complete Dictionary Lucas, Baltimore. of the German and English Language. square | Rowbotham, J. Spanish and English Conver- 12mo. bound. 6s. Williams & Norgate, 1850. 1 sation. 16mo. 35. 60. D. Nutt, 1847. J. Weale, 1853. GERMAN DICTIONARIES. --SPANISH.--PORTUGUESE.—ITALIAN. 117 Velasquez, M. An Easy Introduction to | Ahn, F. A Practical and Easy Method of Spanish Conversation. 18mo. half bound. Learning the Italian Language. post 8vo. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) cloth. 4s. 1857. Appleton & Co., New York, 1851. - Key to the Exercises in. post 8vo. - N. New Spanish Reader; consisting of ls. F. Thimm, 1853. Passages from the most approved Authors, in - Revised by A. H. Montieth. 12mo. Prose and Verse; with a Vocabulary.' crown ls. 60. Allman & Son, 1855. 8vo. 6s. 6d. Appleton & Co., New York; Cassell's Lessons in Italian. By C. Tausenau, Trübner & Co., London, 1857. M.D. 12mo. 3s. 6d. Kent & Co. Elwes, A. A Grammar of the Italian Lan- Ascargorta. Historia de Espana. 8vo. bound. guage. 12mo. ls. J. Wcale, 1854. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Fontana, Ant. Gramatichetta Italiana. Little Baudry, Paris, 1838. Elementary Italian Grammar. With Extracts. Choice Selections froin the Best Writers in fcp. 8vo. Locarno, 1850. the Spanish Language. 12mo. 75. Franscini, Stefano. Grammatica Elementare D. Nutt, 1853. della Lingua Italiana. Elementary Italian Gospel of St. John. With Analytical Inter Grammar. 2 parts. 2d edition. post 8vo. linear Translation. (Hamiltonian System.) anlo, 1846. 12mo. 45. Aylott & Co. Gombert, A. Catechism of Italian Grammar. Quintana, Don M. J. Vidas de Espanoles 18mo. 9d. Aylott & Co. Célébres. 8vo. half calf. Guichet, J. Italian and English Grammar. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) 12mo. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) Baudry, Paris, 1845. C. H. Law, 1852. Sales, F. Colmena Espanola; or, Select Pieces Henley's Italian Grammar, 1719. (See Class from Spanish Authors. 18mo. bound. Spunish.) (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Lemmi, Dr. E. A Theoretical and Practical Munroe & Co., Boston, 1850. Italian Grammar. 12mo. cloth. 5s. - Literary Fables of Don Thomas De T. Constable & Co., 1857. Iriarte. 18mo. half bound. Theoretical and Practical Italian Gram- (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Bartlett, Cambridge, U. S., 1852. mar. 12mo. 5s. R. Seton, 1853. Salvo's Spanish and English Dramatic Dia- Mariotti's Grammar of the Italian Language. logues. 1smo. 2s. 6. F. Thimm, 1857. Revised by A. Gallenga. 12mo. cloth. 3s. Williams & Norgate, 1858. Ollendorff, H. G., Ph. D. A New Method of Elwes. A Dictionary of Spanish-English and Learning to Read, Write, and Speak a Lan- English-Spanish Languages. 2 vols. in l. guage in Six Months, adapted to the Italian. 12mo. 45. J. Weale, 1854. švo. cloth. 128. Whittaker & Co., 1859. Neuman and Baretti. Spanish and Eng- Rampini, J. Grammar of the Italian Language. lish Dictionary, carefully Revised. 2 vols. 12n1o. 3s. 6d. Svo. bound. – Key to. 18mo. 2s. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Oliver & Boyd. Wilkins & Co., Boston, U. S., 1850. Smith, W. B. Inductive Italian Course for Beginners. 12mo. 35. 6d. Walton & Maberly, 1859. Vlieland, J. N. Italian Grammar. 12mo. PORTUGUESE. cloth. 45. 6d. Jarrold & Sons. Wilcke, J. Easiest Method of acquiring French Ahn, F. A New Practical and Easy Method of and Italian Pronunciation. 12mo, bound. 2s. Learning the Portuguese Language. post Svo. Simpkin & Co. cloth. 45. F. Thimm, 1857. D'Orsey, Rev. A. J. D. A Practical Grammar of Portuguese and English, adapted to Ollen- dorff's System. post Svo. cloth. 7s. Codemo, Dr. Johr.. Frime Lezioni practico- Trübner & Co., 1860. teoriche di Lingua Tedesca. First Lessons on - Colloquial Portuguese; or Words and the Practical Theory of the German Language Phrases of Every day Life. post Svo. cloth, for the Use of Italian Schools. 3rd edit. Svo. 38. 6d. Trübner & Co., 1860. (Presented by the Austrian Government.) Monteiro's Portugiese and English Idiomatic Vien, 1853. Phrases and Dialogues. 18mo. cloth. 2s.6d. Elementi della Lingua Italiana. Elements of F. Thimm, 1959. the Italian Language for the Use of the Third Class in large Elementary Schools. 12mo. (Presented by the Austrian Government.) ITALIAN Vien, 1854. Gramatica Italiano Tedesca. German Gram- Ahn, Dr. F. A New, Practical, and Easy Method mar for the Use of the First and Second Classes of Learning the Italian Ladguage. First and in Head and Common Schools in the Aus- Second Course, with a Key to the Exercises. trian States. 12mo. (Presented by the Austrian 12mo, cloth. 38. 6d. Trübner & Co., 1860. Government.) Vien, 1844. 1852, 00. GENERAL EDUCATION. Gramatica Ragionata della Lingua Italiana. | Libretto di Lettura. Reading Book for the Use Analytical Grammar of the Italian Language. of Third Classes in large Elementary Schools. 12mo. (Presented by the Austrian Govern 12mo. (Presented by the Austrian Govern- ment.) Vien, 1854. ment.) Vien, 1854. Introduzione alla Gramatica Italiana. In Sillabe Esercizi; or Spelling Exercises for troduction to the Italian Grammar by way of Schools in Italian Switzerland. On 9 sheets. Questions for the Use of First Class. 1210. broad folio. (2 copies.) (Presented by the Austriun Government.) Vien, 1854. Introduzione alla Gramatica Italiana. First Ariosto. Orlando Furioso. Edited, for the Use Elements of Italian Grammar by way of of Youth, with Notes and an Index, by Dr. Questions for the Use of the Second Class G. B. Bolza. royal 8vo. sewed. (Presented 12mo. (Presented by the Austrian Govern- by the Austrian Government.) Vienna, 1855. ment.) Vien, 1853. Bezzi, G. A. Readings in Italian Prose Litera- Istradamento al leggere il Latino. Intro. ture. With Biographical Sketches. fcp. Svo. duction to Latin Reading for the Use of cloth. 7s. J. W. Parker & Son, 1852. the Third Class in large Italian Schools 12mo. Carrara, F. Antologia Italiana. Vol. 1. royal . (Presented by the Austrian Government.) Svo. sewed. (Presented by the Austrian Vien, 1846 Government.) Vienna, 1853. Soave, Francis. Elementi della Pronunzia. Fantana, A. Lettura di Trattenimento. Read- Elements of the Pronunciation and Ortho- ing-recreation for country children. 12mo. graphy of the Italian Language for Use of (2 copies.) Lugano, 1850. Normal Schools. 12ino. sewed. (Presented by Gospel of St. John. With Analytical Inter- the Austrian Government.) Vien, 1854. linear Translation. (Hamiltonian System.) 12.no. cloth. 4s. Aylott & Co. Camerini, E. L'Eco Italiano. A Practica] Lettura Italiana, primo Libro di ; First Italian Guide to Italian Conversation. post Svo. Reading Book for Maltese Schools. 12mo. bound. 45. 6d. Giegler & Violet, Leipsic; Malta, 1852. Trübner & Co., London, 1857. Lettura, Primo Libro di. First Reading Book Grandineau, F. Il Piccolo Precettore; or for Elementary Schools in Ticino. 12o. First Steps to Italian Conversation. 16mo. 3s. Lugano, 1850. Letture Prime. First Readings for Young Kenny, W.S. Italian Word Book. 18mo. 9d. People. For the elementary Ticinese Schools. Italian Phrase Book. 18mo. 9d. 18mo. cloth. Lugano, 1847. Allman & Son. Istruttive e Piacevoli. Instructive and Marchetti, G. Italian and English Idiomatic Pleasing Readings for schools in Ticino. Dialogues. 18mo. 2s. 6d. F. Thimm, 1856. Bellinzona, 1850. -- Popolari. Popular Readin; for the Ahn, F. Italian Reading Book. Revised, with Upper Elementary Schools. 121.0. a Vocabulary, by A. H. Montieth. 12mu. Is. 6d. Lugano, 1853. Allman & Son, 1957. Letture Italiane proposte da F. Ambrosoli, Vlieland, J. N. Italian Reader. 12mo. 2s.6d. agli Scolari. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Classe dei Jarrold & Sons. Ginnasi. 4 parts. Svo. sewed. (Presented by the Austrian Government.) Vienna, 1853–. Lingua Materna. Dell' Insegnamento Rogolare Abecedario e Sillabario. Alphabet and Spell della. Methodical Instruction in the Mother ing Book for the Use of Elementary Italian . Tongue. Translated from the French of Schools. 12mo. sewed. (Presented by the Girard (with Notice of his Life and Writings). Austrian Government.) Vien, 1853. 12mo. Lugano, 1852. Libretto dei Nomi. Spelling and First Read Manzoni, A. I Promessi Sposi. Caps. I. to ing Book for the Use of Elementary City IV. Construed, with the Text, into English, Schools. 12mo. (Presented by the Austrian literally and word for word. By Mrs. Apel. Governinent..) Vienna, 1854. 18mo. cloth, limp. ls. 6d. J. Cornish. Libretto di Nomi. Spelling and First Reading Panizzi, A. Extracts from Italian Prose Writers. Book for the Use of City Schools. 12mo. 12mo. boards. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Good- (Presented by the Austrian Government.) Vien, 1845. ford.) J. Taylor, 1828. Kampini, J. Classici Italiani, viz. :- Libro di Lettura. Second Reading Book for Le Mie Prigioni. Di Silvio Pellico. 12mo. 2s. the Use of Second Classes in City Elementary La Gerusalemme Liberata. Di Torquato Schools. 12mo. (Presented by the Austrian Tasso. 12mo. cloth. 4s. Od. Government. Vien, 1854. La Divina Commedia. Di Dante Alighieri. Libro di Lettura. Second Reading Book for 18mo, cloth. 4s. 6d. the Use of Second Classes in Italian Elemen Tragedie di Alfieri. 18mo. bound. 4s. 6d. tary Schools in the Austrian States. 12mo. Commedie Scelte. 18mo. bound. 43. 6d. (Presented by the custrian Government.) Prose Scelte, 18mo, bound. 45. 6d. Vien, 1853. Oliver & Boyd. 12mo. Presented womentary card Librettchent..) ITALIAN.—DANISH:-SWEDISH.-DUTCH AND FLEMISH. 119. Sandrini, G. Saggio di Letture Giovanili. | DUTCH and FLEMISH. Example of Juvenile Reading Lessons. 2 parts. Ahn, F. A Practical Grammar of the Dutch 12mo. Bellinzona, 1850-1. Language. post 8vo. cloth. 48. Soave, Francesco. Doveri dell'Uomo. Ele- F. Thimm, 1854. mentary Treatise on the Duties of Man. 12mo. Brugsma, B. Nederduitsche Taalkunde. sewed."(2 copies.) Bellinzona, 1849. Dutch Grammar. 2nd, edition. 12mo. Storia dei Tempi Antichi. Part 1. 8vo. sewed. Groningen, 1848. (Presented by the Austrian Government.). Harlen's Dutch and English Idiomatic Phrases Vienna. and Dialogues, 18mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered; First Four F. Thimm, 1858. Cantos. With Analytical Interlinear Trans Williams, T. S., and Bomhoff, Dr. D. Dutch lation. By E. De Rouillon. (Hamiltonian and English Dialogues and Elementary System.) 18mo. cloth. 5s. 6d. Aylott & Co. Phrases. royal 12mo. cloth. 35. Williams & Norgate, 1851. Poesie Maltesi. Maltese Poetry for Use in Primary Schools 12mo. canvas. Malta, 1853. Bastiaens, M. Erste Leestafel. First Read- Taghlim il Kari Malti michtùb ghal is-scheijel ing Table, with coloured Picture Cuts, for Tat-tfal. Instruction in Maltese Reading, Primary Schools in Belgium size 3 ft. 6 in. adapted for the Schools of younger Children. by 2 ft. 2 in. On rollers. 12mo. Malta, 1852. - Eerste Leesboek, voor Lagere Scholen. Corresponding with the above. 8 pp. 12mo. stitched. Ververs, Antwerp, 1852. Elwes, H. A Dictionary of the Italian-English Boekje voor de Kleinen. Reading Book for and English-Italian Languages. 3 parts. 12mo. Children. 12mo. Groningen, 1825. 2s. each. J. Weale, 1855. Brugsma, B. Aanschouwelijk Onderwijs. Graglia, C. Italian and English Dictionary. (Object Lessons.) A short explanation of 20 Revised by W. S. Kenny. 18mo. 45. 6d. plates for Children's Schools. 2nd edition. Allman & Son, 1853. 8vo. sewed. Groningen, 1846. James and Grassi. Dictionary of the English - Leesboek voor Kinderen. Reading Book and Italian Languages. square 12mo. bound. of the Most Remarkable Events in Universal 6s. Williams & Norgate. History. 3rd edition, 2 parts. 12mo, sewed. Martinelli's Italian-French Dictionary. Re- * Groningen, 185). vised by M. Santagnello. royal 16mo. 'bound. Geschiedenis. Portfolio of 36 folio lithograph Is. Simpkin & Co., 1853. plates, illustrative of Dutch History. Hillhouse, J. English and Italian Pro Gleuns, Dr. W. Dichtbundel verzameld uit nouncing and Explanatory Dictionary. 2 vols. de Werken van Oud-Vaderlandsche Dichters. crown Svo. bound. 14s. Millhouse, Milan. Collection of Poems from the Works of the Trübner & Co., London, 1857. Older Netherland Writers. 12mo. J. Gleuns, Groningen, 1847. Gouka, M. Handleiding bij het Onderwijs in de Schrijfkunst. Guide to Instruction in DANISH Orthography. Svo, boards. Rotterdam, 1840.. Ahn, F. A New Practical and Easy Method Grein, T. Zinnelyken Zedelyk Aenschouwings- of Learning the Danish Language. post Svo. Onderwys. Natural and Moral Lessons in Ob. cloth. 45. T. Thimm, 1857. servation. Reading Book for Common Schools, Lund, H. Danish and English Idiomatic Translated from the German. 3 parts. 12mo. Dialogues. 18mo. cloth. 2s.6d. sewed. Antwerp, 1853–5. F. Thimm, 1857. - Handleiding, &c. Key and Guide Rask's, Dr. E. Danish Grammar for English- to be used with the foregoing vols. 2 parts. men. With Extracts in Prose and Yerse. 12mo, stitched. Edited by T. G. Repp. Svo. sewed. 5s. Antwerp, 1854. Williams & Norgate, 1847. Handleiding tot de Schrijfkunst. Guide to Orthography. 8vo. sewed. "Leyden, &c., 1830. Harder, Fr. Blumenlese Poetische. Flowers of Poetry, for Object Lessons. 12mo. boards. SWEDISH. Altona, Hammerich, 1853. Ahn, F. A New Practical and Easy Method Herhalingstafel. Repetition and Reading of Learning the Swedish Language. post Svo. Tables. 7 sheets. (Belgium.) With Three cloth. 4s. F. Thimm, 1858. Reading Books. 12mo, and Two Explanatory Lenstrom, C. Swedish and English Idio Papers. matic Phrases. 1smo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Knuivers, T. Geschiedenis des Vaderlands. F. Thimm, 1857. History of the Netherlands. 7th edition. Saga of Lasse Stolts. Edited by S. A. Hedlund. 12mo, sewed. Amsterdam, 1852. 12mo. sewed. (Presented by the Editor.) Kuijpers, J. Leesboekje voor Kinderen. Stockholm, 1851. Reading "Book for Children. 11th edition. 2 parts. 12mo. Groningen, 1850–3. noun by 120 GENERAL EDUCATION. Van Heyningen Bosch. Vader Jakob en zijne Kindertjes. School Reading Book, enti- tled Father Jacob and his Children. 31st edition. Amsterdam, 1821. Moeder Anna, &c. Reading Book for Schools, entitled, Mother Anna and Her Chil- dren. 2 parts. 12mo. Groningen, 1950. - De Kleine Kindervriend. School Book for Young Children. 39th edition, 12mo. Groningen, 1852. Wagner, K. A. Bybelsche Verhalen. Bible Histories. Translated from the German. 2 parts. 6th edition. 12mo. Groningen, 1952. Apparatus for instruction in Spelling and Reading. In Wooden Case, 26 in. by 20 in. 2nd edition. (2 Sets.) Object Lessons. 75 Pictures of Trades, &c. size, 94 by 72 inches. Coloured, mnounted on mill-board, in a box. (Dutch.) Wooden Frame to hold 26 small blocks, with letters printed on their 4 sides. (Dutch.) Nassau, Dr. H.J. Erste Onderrigt, verdenbon met het Lezen Leeren. Elementary Reading Lessons. 2 Parts. 12mo. sewed. Groningen, 1847-49. Nieuwold, J. H. Wereld-kennis, eene kleine wereldkunde. General Instruction about the World, for Children. 12mo. sewed Smit, Groningen, 1851. Prinsen, P. J. Leestafels. Reading Tables, Nos. 1 to 9. Size, 2 ft. by 1 ft. 7} in. (mounted on inillboard). Haarlem, 1852. Eerste Oefeningen in het Lezen. First Practice in Reading. Sth edition. 12mo. Haarlem, 1852. Prenten-Magazijn voor de Jeugd. Maga- zine of Pictures for the Young, entitled “ Groot en Goed." Parts 1 to 10. Pcp. broad folio. Purmerende, 1853. Rijkens, R. G. Praktische Handleiding voor de beoefening der Vormleer. Practical Guide for the Employment of Object-Teaching for the use of Teachers of Common Schools. Small quarto. Groningen, 1830. - Aanschouwelijk Onderwijs. Illustrative or Object Instruction. 6 prints, mounted on millboard, to accompany his handbook. size, 17 by 13 inches. Leeuwarden. -- Leesboekje en eerste. Reading Book, A, B, C, for Children. 2 parts. 16mo. Groningen, 1848-50. - Boekje voor Aankomende Lezers. Read- ing Book for Beginners. 2nd edition. 12mo. Groningen, 1834. - Leesboekje. Reading Book for Children. 2nd edition. 12mc. Groningen, 1834. - Leerschooltje voor Kleinen. Instructor for Children. Reading Book. J2mo. Groningen, 1828. - Het erste Boekje voor de Kleinen. The First Book of Children's Reading Series of Six Rcading Books. 12mo. Groningen, 1844-53. - Leerboek voor Meerbejaarden. Reading Book for Adult Beginners. Reading Books, including Spelling and Elementary Sacred History. Nos. I to 5. 12mo. · Oomkens, Groningen, 1849. - Levensgeschiedenis van Eduard van Ro- zenbeek. Biography of Edward van Rozenbeek. 2 parts. 12mo. Groningen, 1825. Geschiedenis de van Vaderland. History of the Netherlands. 5th edition. 12mo. Groningen, 1846. - Geschiedenissen van ons Vaderland. History of the Netherlands for the Upper Classes of Common Schools. 2 vols. 12mo. Domkens, Groningen, 1840–8. Schlez, J. F. Leesboek, &c. Reading Book for practising a Natural Tone and Emphasis. From the German of Schlez. 5th edition. By B. Brugsma. 12mo. Groningen, 1852. Schmid, C. Leerzame Verhalen voor Kin- Gouka, M. Schrijf-voorbeelden. Writing Copies. 3 parts; Large, Middle, and Small Writing. 4to. (loose sheets in Covers.) Utrecht, 1852. Rijkens, R.: G. Schrijfkunst. Guide for the Use of Teachers of Writing. Svo. boards. Groningen, 1827. Schrijf-voorbeelden. Printed Writing Copies, 7 parts. Containing 168 Lessons. post 4to. (loose in covers). Deventer, 1843–47. - Honderd en Vijftig. 150 Writing Copies for Schools, with Explanations. fcp. folio. Maastricht, 1947. voor Gevorderde Leerlingen, Writing Copies for advanced Pupils, 2 parts. post 4to. Maastricht, 1847. Enter, J. H. Aanschouwelijk Onderwijs en het Allereerste Rekenonderrigt. (Arithmetic.) Short Explanation of a new Picture-Book for First Lessons in Calculation. post Svo. sewed. Groningen, 1848. Rijkens, R. G. Praktisch Rekenboekje. Practical Arithmetic Book. Parts 1 and 2. 12mo. sewed. Groningen, 1839-50. Tafel van het Nederlandsche Stelsel van Maten, deren. Instructive Stories for Children. 1st and 2nd hundred. Two parts. 12th edition. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1853. &c. Table of the Dutch System of Measures, Money and Weights, for the use of Schools in the provinces in Groningen. On a sheet; size, 21 in. by 17} in. (mounted on millboard). HEBREW. . Arnold, Rev. T. K. The First Hebrew Book ; on the plan of " Henry's First Latin Book.” 12mo. cloth. 7s. 6d. F. & J. Rivington, 1858. DUTCH, ETC.-HEBREW, HINDUSTANI, SYRIAC, POLISH, ETC. 121 SYRIAC. Cowper, B. H. The Principles of Syriac Grammar; translated from the Work of Dr. Hoffman. 8vo. boards. 75. 6d. Williams & Norgate, 1858. Is. TURKISH, &c. Barker, W. B. A Practical Grammar of the Turkish Language, with Dialogues and a Vo- cabulary. fcp. 8vo. cloth. B. Quaritch, London, 1854. Russian, Turkish, French, and English Voca- bulary, and Dialogues for Travellers in the East. 18mo. cloth. 25. 6d. F. Thimm, 1857. Biblia Hebraica, Edidit E. Van Der Hooght, Curavit C. G. G. Theile. 8vo. 7s. 1849. Separately from the above :- Geneseos Liber. Edidit C. G. G. Theile. 8vo. 1851. Jobi Liber. Edidit C. G. G. Theile. Svo. Is. 1851. Psalmorum Liber. Edidit C. G. G. Theile. Svo. ls. 1851. Jesaiae Vaticinia. Edidit C. G. G. Theile. Svo. ls. 1851. Prophetæ Minores Duodecim. Edidit C. G. G. Theile. Svo. ls. 1851. B. Tauchnitz, Leipsic; Williams & Norgate. Bresslau, M. H. Hebrew-English and Eng- lish-Hebrew Dictionary and Grammar. 3 vols. 12mo. 10s. (The Grammar separately, 1s.). J. Weale, 1855. Browne, Rev. H. A Handbook of Hebrew Antiquities. Edited by Rev. T. K. Arnold. 12mo. bound. 48. F. & J. Rivington, 1952. De Burgh, Rev. W. A Compendium of He- brew Grammar, designed to facilitate the study of the language, and simplify the System of the Vowel Points. With the first eight Psalms in Hebrew, with a Grainmatical Analysis, Pronunciation, and a Latin and English Version. royal Svo. cloth. 73. McGlashan & Co., 1950. Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar. Translated, without abridgment, by T. J. Conant. With a course of exercises, and a Hebrew Chres- tomathy, by the translator. royal Svo. 6s. 6d. (Containing the whole of the edition at 21s.) Ward & Co. Henley's Hebrew Grammar, 1719. (See Class Spanish.) Hurwitz, H. Elements of the Hebrew Lan- guage. Svo. 135. Walton & Maberly, 1848. McCaul, Rev. A. A Hebrew Primer, intended as an introduction to the Spelling and Reading of Hebrew with the Points. Svo. ls. 6d. Aylott & Co., 1857. Manual of Hebrew Verbs, for the Use of Be- ginners. Svo. 35. G. Bell, 1851. Wheeler, H. M. Hebrew for Self-Instruction. Svo. 3s. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1850. Wolfe, J. F. A Manual of Hebrew Grammar, with Points. Svo. ls. 6d. J. Cornish. Yeates, T. A Concise Hebrew Grammar. Re- vised by Rev. F. Bialloblotzky, royal Svo. 5s. Simpkin & Co., 1946. hversion. POS McGlashan ruslated, POLISH, RUTHENIAN, SLAVO- NIAN, and HUNGARIAN. (As used in the State Schools of Austria.) Spelling and Reading Books. Alphabets, Spelling Lessons, and Multiplica- tion Tables, for the Use of German, Italian, Servian, Ruthenian, and Slavonian Children. The set of 12 mounted on millboard, post Svo. size. Vienna. Reading and Spelling Lessons for Use of the Slavonian Schools. On 12 sheets, 34 inches by 23 inches. Vienna. Reading and Spelling Lessons for the Use of the Bohemian Schools. On 12 sheets, 34 in- ches by 23 inches. Vienna. Reading and Spelling Lessons, printed in red and black for the Use of the Polish Schools. On 4 sheets, size 29 inches by 21 inches. Vienna. Tabelle. Reading and Spelling Tables for the Use of Croatian Schools. Ön 10 sheets, 33 inches by 23 inches. Vienna. Reading and Spelling Tables in German Writing and Printing Letters. On 14 sheets, 34 inches by 23 inches. Vienna. Tabella di Compitari in Stampa e in Iscritto Carrateri. Alphabets, Roman and Italic, with the Vowels printed in red, for Use of the Italian Elementary Schools. On 2 sheets, 23 inches by 16 inches. Vienna. Tablica Zlogovanja, &c. Alphabets, Roman and Italic, with the Vowels printed in red, for Use of Slavonian Schools. On 2 sheets, 36 inches by 14 inches. Vienna. Kapre qe teripe ceað leyendapiš pom- DHCCK. Reading Book for the Rouman Schools. By Samuel Andrevitch. 12mo. Vien, 1852. Pripovidçice. Slavonian Story Book, with an Italian Translation, for the Use of Elementary Schools. 12mo. Vien, 1849. Citanka, Second Reading Book for the Slavo- nian Gymnasian Schools. 1210. Vien, 1852. Elementarz i krótki Katechizm. Spelling Book and Catechism for the Use of the Ca- tholic Polish Schools in the Austrian Empire. 12ino. Vien, 1853. HINDUSTANI. Williams, The Hindústání Primer, containing a First Grammar suited to Beginners and a Vocabulary, &c. 12mo, cloth. Is. 8d. Longman & Co. 1860. Forbes, D. Hindustani and English Dictionary. royal Svo. 21. 12s. 6d. Allen & Co., 1848. Henley's Chaldea Grammar, 1779. (See Class Spanish.) 122 GENERAL EDUCATION. Némecký slabikár. German Spelling Book for the Use of Bohemian Schools. 12mo. Vien, 1854. Čítanka, Second Reading Book for the Use of Ruthenian Schools. ižmo. Vien, 1853. Cítanka a Počátky Mluvnice i Pravopisu. Reading Book and Elements of Grammar and Orthography, for Catholic Schools. 12mo. Vien, 1853. P&cka nepra. First Russian Reading Book. 12mo. Vien, 1853. Kaikka 10 Turahm. Second Russian Reading Book for the use of Country Schools. 12mo. Vien, 1952. Knjixica Imenah. Illyrian Spelling and First Reading Book, with Italian Translation, for the Use of City Schools. 12mo. Vien, 1849. Ksiazka do czytania. Second Reading Book for'Use of Country Polish Schools. lžmo. Vien, 1853. Ksiażka do czytania. Second Reading Book for'the Use of the National Schools in Poland. 12mo. Vien, 1853. Elementarz. Spelling and First Reading Book for the Catholic Polish Schools in the Austrian Empire. 12mo. Vien, 1853. Książka do czytania. Reading Book for the Use of the Third Class in the Polish Colleges. 12mo. Vien, 1853. Pierwsza Ksiażka do czytania. Reading Book and Elements' of Polish Grammar for the Use of the Catholic Polish Schools in the Austrian Empire. 12mo. Vien, 1853. ' 68kBapb. Ruthenian and Slavonian Spelling Book for National Schools. 12mo. Vien, 1853. Abecednik. Spelling and First Reading Book for the Use of Slavonian and German Schools. 12mo. (2 copies.) Vien, 1853–4. Abecednik. Spelling and First Reading Book for the Slavonian Schools. 12mo. sewed. On the Danube, 1854. Abecednik. Spelling and Elementary Reading Book for the Slavonian Schools. 12mo. 2 copies. On the Danube, 1853–4. Berilo. Elementary Reading Book for the Use of Slavonian Country Schools. 12mo. On the Danube, 1853. Slabikár. Spelling and First Reading Book for the Use of Catholic Slavonian Schools. 12mo. Vien, 1853. Pocetnica. Spelling and First Reading Book for the Catholic Slavonian Schools. 12mo. Beću, 1853. Бүкваръ. Spelling and First Reading Book for the Use of Servian Schools. 12mo. Beću, 1853. Abeqefapi8. Alphabet and First Spelling Book in the Ancient Slavonic (tchirèlitche) . and Roman Letters. 12mo. Vien, 1853. Exementapið. Ruthenian Spelling and First Reading Book. 12mo. Vien, 1853. Читанка. Second Reading Book for Use of the Ruthenian Schools. 12mo. Beću, 1954. Malo Berilo. Small Selection for use of Ele- mentary Slavonian Schools. 12ino. On the Danube, 1853. Slabikar a první Čítanka. Spelling and First Reading Book for the Use of Bohemian. Catholic Schools. 12mo. sewed. Vien, 1852. Knjixica imenah. - Slavonian and Italian Ele- inentary Book for the Use of Country Schools. 12mo. Vien, 1849. Slovnićka Čítanka. First Reading Book for the Use of Slavonian Schools. 12mo. Beću, 1853. Slabikár. Spelling and First Reading Book, with small Catechism for the Ruthenian ..Catholic Schools. 12mo. Vien, 1854 Grammars. Janović, Basil. Graináteka limbe Roman- esci. Grammar of the Roumanian Language, for the Use of the Third Class in Gymnasia. 12mo. Vien, 1851. -- T'pamateka. Grammar of the Moldo- walachian Language for the Use of the Second Class of the Gymnasia. 12mo. Vien, 1851. Levicki, Joseph, Tpamnáruka. Gram- matika Nemeckogo Yazyka. Gerinan Gram- mar for the Use of Students in the Second Class in the Ruthenian Schools in Galicia. 12mo. Vien, 1845. Macun, John. Slovnica jezika gèrćkoga. Grammar of the Greek Language. Two Parts. 8vo. sewed. Bec, 1853. Nemska Slovniga. German Grammar for the Use of Slavonian Schools. 12mo. On the Danube, 1853. Poczatki grammatyki Jezyka Polskiego. Ele- ments of Polish Grammar. sewed. Vien, 1848. Praktyczna Grammatyka. Practical German Grammar for the Use of the Second and Third Classes in National Schools in the Austrian Empire. 12mo. Vien, 1854. Weber, Adolphus Latinska Slovnica. Latin Grammar for Use of the Slavonian Elementary Schools. Svo. Beć, 1853. Exercises. Andrievich, Samuel, Mike Komenie. The Little Comenius, in Moldo-Walachian, with a German Translation, for the Use of the First Class in Schools. 12mo. Vien, 1851. Dünnebier, J. A. . Latinski i hèrvatski Prı- meri za prevodjenje. Latin Exercise Book, with a small Grammar and Vocabulary for the Use of the Croatian Schools. Svo. sewed.. Beć, 1853. POLISH, RUTHENIAN, SLAVONIAN, HUNGARIAN. 123 Weber, Adolphus, Latinska Citanka. Latin Krótki Katechizm przez pytania i odpowiedzi. Exercise Book, containing Extracts from Cor- Short Catechism for the Children of the Polish nelius Nepos, &c., for the Use of the Slavonian National Schools. 12mo. sewed. Vien, 1853. Colleges. Two Parts. 8vo. sewed. Listy i Ewanjelie. Polish Epistles and Gos- Beć, 1854. pels for the Sundays and Festivals. 12mo. Vien, 1851. Mali Katekizem. Small Catechism for the Elocution, Composition, Prose, and Elementary Slavonian Schools. 12mo. Poetry. Bec, 1852. Malý Katechismus. Small Catechism, for the Kovalsky, Basil. Pocka Tutanka. Use of Slavonian Children. 32 pp. 12mo. Russian Prose and Poetry Book for the Use of stitched. Vien, 1851. the Ruthenian Gymnasian Schools. 8vo. Manja Kniga Čténja. Religious Reading Vien, 1852. Book. 12mo. Beću, 1851. Malo, Berilo. Small Slavonian and German Reći, Epistoly a Evangelia. The Epistles and Book for the Use of the Slavonian-German Gospels for the Sundays and Festivals of the Schools. 12mo. Vien, 1853. Catholic Church in Bohemia. 8vo. sewed. Miklosić, Dr. Fr. Slovensko Berilo. Slavonian Vien, 1853. Prose and Poetry Book for the Use of Slavonian -- Another Copy. 12mo. Vien, 1853. Gymnasia. Svo. On the Danube, 1853. Ponovilo potrebnih naukov. Instructive Reading Book for the Use of the Country Sunday Schools. 12mo. Beć, 1854. Mathematics. Subbotitch, J. Cpicka Yutanka. Servian Andrievitsch, s, A pitmetiku KOJ8tepe. Prose and Poetry Book, for the Use of Gym Guide to Arithmetic for the Use of the Elemen- nasia. Svo. Beć (no year). tary National Schools in Bukovina. 12mo. - BETHUKI. Servian Anthology, in Vien, 1850.. Prose and Poetry. 2 vols. 8vo. Beć, 1853. Andrievitsch, S. ApiTMeTiki CHTp8. Weber, Adolphus. Čitanka za porabu dolnje Arithmetic for the Use of the Third Class in gimnazije. Prose and Poetry Book for the the Colleges in Bukovina. 12mo. Vien, 1850.. Use of Slavonian Schools. Svo. Beć, 1852. Moznik, Dr. F. Hacraßichie Km Yacienilo. Zabawa stiniczka za seosku dieicu. Amusing Elements of Arithmetic for the Use of the and instructive Reading Book in Dalmatian, Gymnasian Ruthenian Schools, 12mo. with an Italian Translation, for the Use of Vien, 1850. the Second Class in the Minor Elementary — Наставленіс Book of Arithmetical Schools of Dalmatia. 12mo. Beću, 1849. Exercises for the Use of Schools of Art. 8vo. Vien, 1854. Mocnika, Dr. F. Kniha Poćetni. Book of Religious Books. Arithmetical Exercises for the Use of Bohe- Bejuküf KATIXUCM'b. Larger Catechism mian Schools of Art. 8vo. Vien, 1852. Moćnika, Dr. F. Pouka u Raćunici. Edited for the Use of the Ruthenian Colleges. 12mo. by M. Ġolub. Book of Arithmetic for the Vien, 1854. Use of the Slavonian Gymnasian Schools. Svo. Berila ali Listi in Evangelii. The Epistles and (2 copies.) Beć (Vien), 1853. Gospels for the Sundays and Festivals, in Moćnika, Dr. F. Upuība u Računanju. Edited Slavonian. 12mo. Beć, 1851. by M. Gólub. Book of Arithmetical Exercises Dzieje Starego i Nowego Testamentu. Com for the Use of the Elementary Slavonian pendium of old and New Testament History Schools of Art. 8vo. Beć (Vien), 1853. for the Use of Elementary Polish Schools. Mecznika, Dr. F. Nauka Rachunków. Arith- 12mo. Vien, 1853. metic for the Instruction of the Polish Ele- Katechizmus. Bohemian Catechism for the mentary Schools of Art. 8vo. Vien, 1852. Use of Schools. 12mo. Vien, 1853. | Mozhnila, Dr. F. Nauka Rachunków na I Katekizam mali s' Upitovanjim i s' Odgovo i trzecia klasse. Arithmetic for the Use of the rim. Small Slavonian Catechism, with Italian Third Class in Elementary and Gymnasian Translation, for the Use of Young Children. Schools in the Polish States. 12mo. Vien, 1850. 12mo. Vien, 1849. Moćnika, Dr. F. Pouka u Algebri. Edited Kersćanski katoślki nauk okrajsan. Slavonian by M. Ġolub. Algebra for the Use of the Catholic Catechism. 12mo. Beć, 1852. Slavonian Colleges. 2 parts. Svo. sewed. Vien, 1854. Kreisingra, J. Biblická déjeprava. Com- pendium of the Old and New Testaments, for HacTabigDIE KL OYMOTOCICHIO. Book of The Use of the Slavonian Schools. 12no. Elementary Arithmetic for the Use of the Vien, 1854. Ruthenian Schools. 12mo. Vien, 1849. 124 GENERAL EDUCATION. Nauka Počítání z Hlavy. Book of Mental Arithmetic for the Use of the Bohemian Elementary Schools. 12mo. Vien, 1851. Nauka Poćetní. Book of Elementary Arith- metic for the Use of the Slavonian Gymnasian Schools. 12mo. Vien, 1851. Nauka Rachowania z Pamieci. Book of Mental Arithmetic for the Use of the Polish Country Schools. 12mo. Vien, 1850. Szaboky, Dr. Adolf. Bevezetés a Számolá- stanba. Hungarian Arithmetic for the Use of Gymnasia and Schools of Art. crown Svo. Beé (Vien), 1853. Mértan a Sikban. Geometry for the Use of Hungarian Schools. 8vo. sewed. n.d. Háromszögmertan a Sikban. Trigonometry for the Use of Hungarian Schools. Svo. sewed. n.d. Sciences. Atalános Földraiz Alapvonalai. Outlines of Statistical Universal Geography. Svo. sewed. Bécsben, 1853. Ausztriai Honismeret. Geography of the Austrian Empire for the Use of the Hungarian Schools. crown 8vo. Beć (Vien), 1854. Baumgartner, Dr. Siloslovje za visé Gim- nasije. Natural Philosophy for Colleges in the Slavonian States. Svo. sewed. Termeszettan Alapvonalai. Outlines of Natural Philosophy for the Hungarian Schools. 8vo. sewed. Lányi, Dr. Karel. Déjiny Starovékého Lidstava. Universal History for the Use of the Slavonian Colleges. 2 parts. 8vo. sewed. Vien, 1852. Obris Zemljopisa i Povéstnice. Ancient His- torical and Political Geography for the Slavo- nian Gymnasian Schools. Svo. sewed. Beć (Vien), 1853. Pecirka, Dr. Jos. Rudoslovje. Geology for the Use of the Gymnasian and Art Schools. Crown 8vo. Bes (Vien), 1854. Smetane, Dr. F. J. Pocela Siloslovja ili Fizike. Mechanics, Natural Philosophy, and Astrono- mical Geography, for the Use of the Slavonian Gyınnasian Schools. Svo. sewed. Bec (Vien), 1954. Subbotiću, Dr. J. Spomenici stare Jugoslavenske Knjizevnosti. Monuments of Old Slavonic Literature. 8vo. sewed. Beé (Vien), 1853. Volian, B. A. 3Bkpocaobis laid.1106 OCHOBanie. Zoology for the Use of Gymnasian and Collegiate Ruthenian Schools. crown 8vo. Vien, 1852. Zemljopis Austrijanske Carevine. Geography of the Austrian Empire for the Use of the Slavonian Schools. crown 8vo. Beć (Vien), 1854. Zemljopisna Pocetnica. Universal Geography for Elementary and Art Schools in the Slaa vonjan States. Svo. sewed. Beć (Vien), 1854. (Presented by the Austrian Government.) ORIENTAL Shudhoor edh-Dhahab. Syntax, Arabic. By Ibn-Hisham. royal 8vo. Cairo, 1837-8. Sharh Ibn-Akeel. Syntax, Arabic. By Ibn- 'Akeel. Keshf en-Nikáb fee 'Ilm el-Hisáb. royal 8vo. Cairo, 1848. Subhat es-Subyán. Vocabulary, in Verse; Arabic, Turkish, and Persian. 8vo. Cairo, 1833. Tuhfet Wahabee. Vocabulary, in Verse; Persian and Turkish. 8vo. Cairo, 1830. Tuhfet Heyret. Dictionary, in Verse; Turkish, Persian, and Arabic. Svo. Cairo, 1839-40. Miftah ed-Dirreeyeh fee Ithbát el-Kawaneen ed-Dirreeyeh. Grammar, Persian, in Arabic. fcp. Svo. Cairo, 1939–40. Ifadet el-Adh-hán fee Reyádet es-Subyán. Primary Instructor; translated from the French by Mohammad Efendee Esh-Sheemee. fcp. Svo. Cairo, 1844. Akhlak ’Aláee. Moral Precepts of ’Aláee. imper. Svo. Cairo, 1833. Takhteet el-Arádee. Geodesy; translated from the French by Ibraheem Efendee Rama- dán and Ibraheem Ed-Dasookee. royal 8vo. Cairo, 1944. Táreekh es-Sultán Suleymán. Turkish His- tory during the Reign of the Sultan Suleymán (Soliman the Magnificent). imp. Svo. Cairo, 1832. France, Voyage to. By Rifá’ah Bey. royal Svo. Cairo, 1839-40. History of Peter the Great and the Empress Catlıerine. royal Svo. Cairo, 1830. Italy, History of, translated from the by royal Svo. Alexandria, 1833. Napoleon, History of, at St. Helena. Svo. Cairo, 1831. · Bonaparte, History of. royal Svo. Alexandria, 1838. Arithmetic, Treatise on, by Renaud ; trans- lated into Arabic by Mohammad Efendee Esh- Sheemee. royal 8vo. Cairo, 1849-50. Themret et-Iktisáb fee 'Ilm el-Hisáb. Arith- metic, common. Translated by Mohammad Efendee el-Beiyoomee and Ibraheem Ed- Dasookee. royal 8vo. Cairo, 1846. Kitáb 'Ilm el-Gebr wa-l-Mukábileh. Algebra ; translated from the French by Mohammad Efendee El-Beiyoonie. royal 8vo. Cairo, 1840-1. Euclid, in Arabic. Svo. Cairo? El-La-álee el-Baheeyeh fi-1-Hendeseh el- Waseeyeh. Geometry, Descriptive. Trans- lated from the French by Ibraheem Efend c Ramadán and Hasan Efendee. royal 8vo. Cairo, 1845. El-Hendeseh el-Waseeyeh. Geometry, De- scriptive, Manual of. “By Mohammad El- Beiyoomee. Svo. Cairo? Mejmooa el-Hendeseh. Geometry, Practical. imp. 8vo. Cairo, 1831. . vai POLISH, RUTHENIAN, SLAVONIAN, HUNGARIAN.-ORIENTAL. 125 Ovo. Mabádee el-Hendeseh. Geometry, Elements Kitab Mishkát el-Lá-dheen fee'Ilm el-Akrába- of. By Ritá'ah Bedawee Rafi'. royal 8vo. zeen. Veterinary Materia Medica, abridged. Cairo, 1843. Translated from the French by Mohammad Usool el-Hendeseh. Geometry, Elements of; Efendee Abd-El-Fettáh and Mustafà Hasan from the French of Legendre.' royal 8vo. Kisáb. 12mo. . Cairo, 1843. Cairo, 1836. Hisáb el-Muthellithát. Trigonometry; trans- Anatomy and Physiology, Manual of. By lated from the French by Ahmad Efendee Clot Bey. Translated by Ibraheem Efendee Dakleh, Ibraheem Ed-Dasookec, and Abu-s- En-Nebaráwee. royal 8vo. Cairo? 1838. So'ood Efendee. royal 8vo. Bahjet er-Ru-useh fce Amrád en-Nisa. Women, Logarithms. post 8vo. Cairo, 1834-5. on the Diseases of. By the Hakeem Ahmad Hasan Er-Rasheedee. royal Svo. Mejmoo’at’Uloom er-Reyádiyeh. Mathematics, Cairo, 1844. Course of. By Is-hák Efendee. 4 vols. royal Nuchet el-Ikbál fee Medáwát el - Atfál. Svo. Cairo, 1840-2. Children, on the Medical Treatment of. By Geography, by Rifa'ah Bedawee Ráfi'. royal the Hakeem Ahmad Hasan Er-Rasheedee. Svo. 2nd edition. Cairo, 1838. royal 8vo. Cairo, 1845. - Maltebrun's, translated into Arabic by Rifá’ah Bey. vols. 1 & 3. folio. Cairo. Deiyá en-Neereen fee Medáwát cl-'Eyneyn. Physical. Translated from the French Eye, the Diseases of the, Treatment of. Translated from the English by Ahinad Ibn- of Félix l'Amoureau, by Ahmad Hasan Er- Hasan Er-Rasheedee. royal Svo. Cairo, 1840. Rasheedee. 8vo. Cairo, 1838-9. Kaláïd el-Mefákhir. General Geography, His- Er-Ródah el-Baliecyeh fee Medáwát el-Amrád el-Jildecyeh. Diseases, Cutaneous, Treatise tory, Manners, and Customs, &c., by Rifa'ah Rái El-Tahtawee. royal evo. Cairo, 1833–4. | on. By Ahmad Hasan Er-Rasheedee. 2 vols. royal Svo. Cairo, 1846. Kitab Tahdheeb el-'Ibárát fee Fenn Ukhz el- El-Kól es-Sareeh fee 'Ilm et-Teshreeh. Mesáhát. Surveying, Manual of. Translated Anatomy, General Translated from the from the French by 'Imáreh Efendee. post French by Yoohannà 'Anhooree, Mohammad 8vo. Cairo, 1844. El-Harawee and Ahmad Er-Raslicedec. royal Kitáb Garr el-Athkál. Mechanics, Treatise on. 8vo. Cairo ? 1832. Translated from the French. royal 8vo. Et-Teshreeh el-Kháss. Anatomy, Special. Cairo, 1834. Translated from the Frencli, by Mahommad Tahreek es-Sawáil. Hydraulics. Translated Efendee Esh-Shebasee. 2 vols. royal Svo.. from the French by Alinad Fážd. royal 8vo. Cairo, 1849. - Cairo, 1847. Kitab Kunoo7 es-Sihhah. Health, Popular El-Akwál el-Mardeeyeh fee 'Ilm benyet el Instruction in the Laws of. Translated Kurah el-Ardceyeh. Geology, Treatise on. Sva. Cairo, 1845. 'Translated by Ahmad Efendee Fáid. post 8vo. Cairo, 1841. Kánocn cs-Sihhah. Health, Treatise on Public. By Niohaminad El-Haráwee. royal 8vo. Useful Metals Treatise on. Translated Cairo, 1833-4. from the French by Bedawee Ráfi'Et-Tahtáwee. Kitáb cl-Wiládeh. Midwifery, Treatise on. post 4to. Cairo, 1833. By Ahmad Hasan Er-Rashecdce. royal Svo. Physiology, Human. Manual of. Translated ---- Midwifery. Plates. royal Svo. from the French by 'Alee Efendee Heybe!.. Cairo, 1843. Cairo, 1836. royal Svo. --Gharar en-Nijáh fee Tamál el-Jiráh. Chemistry, Barron's. Translated by Mohammad Surgery, Operative. By Mohammad 'Alee Et-Toonisee. 3 vols. royal 8vo. Cairo, 1843. en-Nukalee. 2 vols. royal Svo. Cairo, 1846–7. Kánoon es-Sibágheh. Dyeing, Silk, the Art - et-Teshreeh el 'Am. Anatomy, Kilárºs. of. Translated from the French. royal Svo. Translated into Arabic by Eesawee Efendee Cairo, 1823. En-Nahráwee. royal 8vo. Cairo, 1845. El-Azhár el-Badee'ah fee 'Ilm et-Tabee'ah. Medicine, History of the Practice of. Trans- Physics, Manual of. Compiled from the lated from the Italian. 2 vols, Evo. French by Mohammad El-Hará wee. royal Svo. Cairo, 1826. Cairo, 1838–9 Kitáb el-Tashkhees. Medical Diagnosis. By Kitáb el-Akrábázeen. Pharmacy, Treatise on. Mohammad Shafi'ee Efendee and Mohammad By Hoseyn Er-Rasheedee. royal Svo. El-Toonisee. 2 vols. in 1. royal Svo. Cairo, 1842–3. Cairo, 1844. Destoor el-Jemál el-Akrábázceneeyeh. Materia Miblagh et-Biráh fee Fenn el-Jiráh. Surgery. Medica. Translated by the Khawájà Yaakoob General. Translated by Yoohannà 'Anhooree and Mohammad El-Haráwee. royal 8vo. and Mohammad El-Haranee. royal Svo Cairo, 1837. Cairo, 1836. El-Máddeh el-Tibbeeyeh el-Beytareeyeh. Muntaha - 1- Aghrád fee 'Ilm el-Amrád. Veterinary Materia Medica. Translated from Pathology, Internal. Translated from the the French by Yoosuf Far-'oon and Mustafà French through the Italian by Yoohannà El- Hasan Kisáb. royal 8vo. Cairo ? 1839-40.1 'Anhooree, &c. royal Svo. Cairo, 1534. 126 GENERAL EDUCATION. Ródat en-Nijáh el-Kubrà fi-l-'Alameeyát el- | Teshreeh Kháss Beytaree. Veterinary Ana- Jiráheeyeh es-Sughrà. Surgery, special. By tomy. Special. Translated from the French by Mohammad ’Alee el-Bakalee. royal Svo. Yoosuf Fara'oon and Mustafà Hasan Kisáb. Cairo, 1844. royal 8vo. Cairo, 1813. Kitáb el-Arbitah el-Jiráheeyeh. Surgical El-Teshreeh el-'Am el-Beytáreeyeh. Veter- Dressings, on. Translated from the French by inary Anatomy, Abridged Manual of. Trans- Ibraheem Efendee en Nebaráwee. royal 8vo. lated from the French by Yoosuf Fara’oon and Cairo, 1839. Mustafà Hasan Kisáh. post 8vo. Et-Tibb el 'Alamee l Beytaree. Surgery, Cairo, 1839–40. Operative Veterinary. Translated by Mustafa Kánoon Tarteeb el-Khidmeh ed-Dakhileeyeh Ibn-Hasan Kisáb and Mohammad Efendee Army Regulations. 8vo. Cairo (?). 'Abd-El-Fettáh. Svo. Cairo, 1844. Taaleem el-Aslihah. Arms, Use and Repair Surgery, Treatise on. By Shánee Zádeh. of royal 8vo. Cairo, n.d. 4th boo book. imp. 8vo. Cairo, 1828. Kánoon-námeh Topchee Ameeraláy. Artil- Tahdeer et-Teshreeh. Anatomical Preparation, lery, Service Regulations. royal 8vo. Instruction in. By Mohammad Efendee Esh- Cairo, 1849. Kánoon Topchee Arbejee. Artillery, Horse, Shebasee. royal 8vo. Cairo, 1848. Regulations. royal 8vo. Cairo, 1848. El-Menbahli-Tálib Kánoon es-Sihhah. Cattle, Health and Management of. Translated from Artillery, Theory and Practice of. royal 8vo. Cairo, 1831. the French, by Mustafà Hasan Kisáb, and – Theoretic. Plates. obl. post 4to. n.d. Mohammad Efendee 'Abd-El-Fettáh. royal 8vo. Cairo, 1845-6. Taaleemnámeh Topchee. Artillery Practice. Svo. El-Bahjeh es-Seneeyeh fee Aamár el-Héywa- Cairo, 1846. nát el-Ahleeyeh. Animals Domestic, Ages of. Topchikhaneh wa Jebkháneh. Artillery and Translated from the French by Mohammad Ammunition Instruction. post Svo. Efendee 'Abd-El-Fettáh, and Mustafà Hasan Cairo, 1835. Kisáb. post 8vo. Cairo, 1844. Battery Practice. Svo. Cairo, 1845. :El-Hei- eh edh-Dhabireh el - Beytareeyeh El-Harbeh wa-l-Mirzák. Bayonet Drill. Farriery, Treatise on. Translated from the post 8vo. Cairo, 1832. French" by Yoosuf Fara'oon and Mustafà Kánoon Dákhileeyeh Säwáree. Cavalry, Service Hasan Kisáb. post Svo. Regulations. royal 8vo. Cairo (?), 1832. Horses, Common Diseases of, Manual of. Taaleemnámeh Asákir Sawaree. Cavalry Translated from the French by Yoosuf Regulations. Svo. Cairo, 1830. Fara'oon and Mustafà Hasan Kisáb.' post 8vo. Cairo. - Cavalry Regulations. 1st and 2d. Risáleh fee Mefásil el-Faras. Horse, Osteology in 1 vol. post folio. Cairo, 1834. of the. Translated from the French, by -- Cavalry Regulations. 3rd and 4th. Mohammad Efendee Abd-El-Fettáh, and Mus- 2 vols. royal 8vo. Cairo, 1836–7. tafà Hasan Kisáb. post 8vo. Cairo, 1841–2. Taaleem Säwaree. Cavalry, Theoretic Treatise Cairo, 1831. 'Ikd el-Jimán fee Adwiyet el-Heywán. Veteri on. royal Svo. nary Medicine, Manual of. Translated from Cavalry, Theoretic. Plates. post Svɔ. the French by Yoosuf Fara'oon and Mustafa Risalet Nefeesh. Manual for Light Hasan Kisáb. post 8vo. Cairo, 1834–5. Cavalry. 8vo. Cairo, 1331. Kenz el-Berá’ah fee Mabádee Fenn ez-Zirá’ah. Taaleem Aláy Säwáree. Cavalry Evolutions. Agriculture, Treatise on. Abridged Transla- royal Svo. Cairo, 1836. tion. By Khaleel Mahmood. post Svo. Tarteeb el-Ordu. Castrametation, Instruc- tion in the Science of. post 8vo. limp cover. Muntahee el-Biráh fee 'Ilm el-Girák. Veteri- Cairo, 1835. nary Pathology, External. Translated from Military Drill. royal Svo. Cairo, 1840. the French by Yoosuf Fara'oon and Mustafà Field Manoeuvres. post Svo. Cairo, 1840. Hasan Kisáb. royal 8vo. Cairo, 1841. Taaleem et-Täwábee. Artillery Manauvres. Nuzhet ez-Riyád fee 'Ilm el-Amrád. Veterinary royal Svo. Cairo, 1848. Pathology, Internal. Translated from the Garrison and Barrack Regulations. royal 8vo. French by Yoosuf Fara'oon and Mustafà Ibn- Cairo, 1842. Hasan Kisáb. royal 8vo. Cairo, 1843. Kánoon el-Bárood. Gunpowder, Instruction for. post Svo. Cairo, 1835. Tuhfet el-Kalam fee Amrád el-Kadam. Feet Hospital Regulations. Svo. Cairo, 1835. Kánoon-nameh ’Asákir Piyadeh Jihádeeyeh. Treatise on. Translated from the French by Infantry Regulations. 2nd edition. post Svo. Mohammad Efendee Abd-El-Fettáh and Rifá- 'ah Efendee Ráfi'. 12mo. Cairo, 1830. Kánoon-nameh Asákir Piyadeh Jihádeeyeh. Veterinary Art, Treatise on. post 8vo. limp. Infantry, Regimental Regulations. royal Svo. Cairo ? 1834. Cairo, 1849. - Physiology. Translated from the French Kitab et-Käwaneen ed-Dákhileeyeh. Infantry, by Yoosuf Fara'oon and Mustafà Hasan Kisáb. royal Svo. Cairo, 1840–1. Turkish. post 8vo. Cairo, 1835. · ORIENTAL.-SINGHALESE.ON TEACHING, ETC. 127 Risalet Khafeefeh Askareeyeh. Infantry, | History of the British Empire, Singhalese. Light, Manual for. post 4to. Cairo, 1831. 12mo. Colombo, 1852. Taaleem-námeh Piyadeh. Infantry Man Introduction to Modern Geography, Singha- cuvres. vol. 3. post 8vo. Cairo (?). lese. 12mo. Colombo, 1852. Kánoon-nameh Safareeyeh. Marching Re- Pereira, J. History of Ceylon, Singhalese. gulations. royal 8vo. half bound. Cairo, 1849. 12mo. Colombo, 1853. Usool wa-Käwáid Harbeeyeh. Military Tactics, Polyglot Vocabulary, in the English, Tee- Treatise on. Svo. Cairo, 1836. loogoo, and Tamil Languages. 8vo. half Risalet Laghmajee. Mining, Manual of. bound. . Madras, 1851. 8vo. Cairo, 1823. Reading-Book. Part 1, Singhalese. 12mo. Kitab Tuhfet Zabtán. Officer's Manual. fcp. °Colombo, 1847. Svo. Cairo, 1836. Kánoon-námeh Bahreeyeh Jihádecyeh. Navy Part 1, Singhalese and English. 12mo. Cairo, 1826. Colombo, 1847. Regulations. post 8vo. Spelling-Book. Singhalese. 12mo. Usool el-Ma árif. Naval Tactics. royal 8vo. Colombo, 1846. Cairo, 1826. (Government School, Ceylon.) Taaleem-námeh Topcheeyeh Bahreeyeh. Naval Gunnery. Svo. Cairo (?) Projectiles, Tables of. 8vo. Cairo, 1855. Adams' Report on the State of Education in Bengal. royal 8vo. half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) G. H. Huttman, Calcutta, 1855. Bryce, James. A Sketch of Native Education in India, under the Superintendence of the Church of Scotland. Svo. cloth. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) W. H. Allen & Co., 1839. Lushington, Chas. History of the Institutions founded by the British in Calcutta. royal 8vo. half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Calcutta, 1824. Martin, J. R. Notes on the Medical Topo- graphy of Calcutta. royal 8vo. half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) G. H. Huttmann, Calcutta, 1857. Rules and Regulations for the Performance of Quarantine at Calcutta. royal Svo. sewed. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) G. H. Huttmann, Calcutta, 1832. Journal of a Native of Bombay in MS. vol. 1. 12mo. vol. 2. post Svo. half bound. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Goojrattee and English History of England. royal Svo. half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Bombay, 1839. Pleasant Stories of Gladwin's Persian Moon- shee. Translated from the original Persian and English Version into the Bengali Lan- guage. By G. Galloway. post Svo. half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) D'Rozario & Co., Calcutta, 1840. ON TEACHING, &c. Account of the Sessional School, Edinburgh. 12mo. cloth. 5s. Oliver & Boyd, 1954. -- By J. Wood, Esq. 12mo. 5s. (Presented by C. Baker, Esq.) J. Wardlaw, Edinburgh, 1833. Acland, H. W. Note on teaching Physiology in the Higher Schools, in a Letter to Ĝ. Grif- fith, Esq., Magdalen College School. 8 pp. post 8vo. J. H. & J. Parker, Oxford, 1858. Acland, T. D. Some Account of the Origin and Objects of the New Oxford Examinations for the Title of Associate in Arts and Certifi- cates for the Year 1858. Also, Letters from Messrs. J. Hullah, W. Dyce, J. Ruskin, G. Richmond, and Rev. W. Temple; and Selected Papers relating to the West of England Ex- amination. Second edition, to which are appended the Regulations adopted by the Uni- versities of Cambridge and Durham. Svo. cloth. 5s. J. Ridgway, 169, Piccadilly, 1858. Advice (The) of W. P. (afterwards Sir William Petty) to Mr. Samuel Hartlib for the Advance- ment of some particular Parts of Learning. 34 pp. 4to., London, 1648. A MS. Copy, 42 pp. fcp. folio, extracted from the “Harleian Mis- cellany,” Edition, London, 1745. Advocate (The) of National Instruction, for Promoting the Establishment of a General System of Schools for Secular Instruction, supported by Local Rates and under Local Management. Edited by Samuel Lucas. 4to. Cash, 1854. American Annals of Education and Instruc- tion, 1831 to 1836. 6 vols. 8vo. half calf. (Presented by C. Baker, Esq.) Boston, U.S., 1831-6. Aphorisms on Education. 12mo. half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Longman & Co., 1800. Appleton, Elizabeth, on Private Education. 12mo. half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) H. Colburn, 1816. SINGHALESE. Arithmetic for the use of the Native Schools, Singhalese. . 12mo. Colombo, 1851. Bridgnell, Rev. W. School Dictionary, Sin- ghalese and English. 18mo. Colombo, 1847. Elements of Ancient and Modern History, Singhalese. 2 vols. 12mo. Colombo, 1851. 128 GENERAL EDUCATION. Appleton, E. Early Education; or, the Ma- | Beard, J. C. Self-Culture: a Practical Answer nagement of Children considered with a View to the Questions “ What to Learn?” “How to to their Future Character. Svo. half calf. (Pre Learn?" " When to Learn?” crown 8vo. cloth. sented by C. Baker, Esq.) 4s. Simpkin & Co. Whittaker & Co., 1820. Beggs, T. An Inquiry into the Extent and Ascham, Roger. The Scholemaster: shewing Causes of Juvenile Depravity. Svo. (Pre- a Plain' and Perfect Way of Teaching the sented by H. Cole, Esq.) C. Gilpin, 1849. Learned Languages. Now revised a second time, and much improved, by Rev. Jas. Upton, Bennett, Rev. W.J. E. Crime and Education: A.M. 8vo. calf. W. Innys, London 1743. the Duty of the State therein. 8vo. sewed. W. J. Cleaver, London, 1846. Ashburton Prizes for the Teaching of Com. Benson, Maria. Thoughts on Education. 12mno. mon Things. An account of the proceedings boards. R. Boothroyd, Pontefract, 1806. at a Meeting between Lord Ashburton and the Elementary Schoolmasters at Winchester, 16th Bernard, Sir 7. The Barrington School; being December 1853. 12mo. 3d. an Illustration of the Principles, Practice, and Effects of the new System of Instruction, Groombridge & Sons, 1854. in facilitating the Religious and Moral In- Bacon, Lord. The Two Books of the Proficience struction of the Poor. crown 8vo. half calf. and Advancement of Learning, Divine and (Presented by H. Grant, Esg.) Human. Revised by Rev. T. Markby. fcp. Svo. W. Bulmer & Co., 1812. cloth. 2s. J. W. Parker & Son, 1856. Biber, E., Ph. D. Christian Education; in a Baines, E., jun. The Social, Educational, and Course of Lectures delivered in London, in Religious State of the Manufacturing Dis- Spring, 1829. 8vo. half calf. (Presented by tricts, &c., &c. 8vo. cloth. 1843. C. Bahcr, Esq.) E. Wilson, 1830. -- Letters to Lord John Russell on State - Henry Pestallozzi and his Plan of Edu- Education, &c., &c. Svo. cloth. 1846. cation ; being an Account of his Life and Simpkin & Co. Writings; with copious Extracts from his Works, &c. Svo." boards. (Presented by Baines, Mrs. M. A. A Comprehensive View of C. Baker, Esg.) J. Souter, 1831. National Education Schemes. 8vo. sewed. 6d. Bray, C. The Education of the Feelings. (Presented by the Author.) Wertheim & Co., 1956. Ist edition. fcp. Svo. cloth. (Presented by C. Baker, Esq.) Taylor & Walton, 1838. Baker, C. Contributions to Publications of -- 2nd ed. post Svo. 2s.6d. (Pre- the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Know- sented by the Author.) Longman & Co., 1849. ledge, and the Central Society of Education, Brayley, E. W. The Utility of the Knowledge principally on the Deaf and Dumb. Svo. half of Nature considered with reference to the calf. *(Presented by the Author.) Education of Youth. Svo. half calf. (Presented Privately Reprinted, Doncaster, 1842. by H. Grant, Esq.) Baldwin & Cradock, 1831. " Common Things.” A Letter to the Brinsly, J. Ludus Literarius, or the Grammar Right Hon. Lord Ashburton. 12mo. 2.. Schoole, shewing how to proceede from the Varty & Co., 1854. First Entrance into Learning, to the Ilighest À Teacher's Lessons for the Young. Perfection required in the Grammar Schooles, 18mo. (Presented by H. Grant, Esg.) &c. small 4tô. calf. T. Mann, London, 1612. Simpkin & Co., 1841. Brougla, Jane. Common Things regarding Barnard, Dr. H. The American Journal of the bringing of our Girls. fcp. Svo. scwed. Education, 1855 to 1958. 5 vols. royal 8vo. ls. 1859. half morocco. And Nos. 16 and 17, March and How to make the Sabbath a Delight. June 1859. F. B. Perkins, Hartford, U.S. fep. Svo. sewed. Is. Werthein & Co., 1858. Trübner & Co., London. Calling and Responsibilities of a Gover- Normal Schools and other Institu ness. 12mo. 4s. 6d.. Longman & Co., 1852. tions, Agencies, and Nicans designed for the Cambridge University Calendar for 1860 Professional Education of Teachers. Part I., 12mo. cloth. 6s. 6d. Deighton, Bell, & Co United States and British Provinces; Part II., Canada (Upper). The Journal of Education Europe. Svo. bound. (Presented by C. Baker, for Upper Canada. Edited by the Rev. Egerton Esq.) Case & Co., Hartford, U.S., 1851. Ryerson, D.D., and Mr. J. G. Hodgins. 1848, Barrow, Rev. W. An Essay on Education, in vol. 1. Svo.; 1849 to 1857, vols. 2 to 10, bound which are particularly considered the Merits in 3 vols. 4to. halt calf. and the Defects of the Discipline and Instruc- (Presented by Rev. Dr. Ryerson.) tion in the Academies. 2nd edition. 2 vols. - 1858 and 1859, in numbers. (Pre- 12mo. calf. Rivingtons, 1804. scrited by Mr. O. P. Noore.) Toronto. Baumgarten, Counsellor. A New Theory of Carpenter, Mary. Reformatory Schools for Human Nature, with a Correspondent System the Children of the Perishing and Dangerous of Education. Translated from the German. Classes, and for Juvenile Offenders. post Svo. 12mo. calf. A. Linde, London, 1754. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) C. Gilpin, 1851. Beard and Long on Public Schools. 18mo. Carpenter, Rev. Lant. Principles of Educa- (Presented by H. Grant, Esg.) tion, Intellectual, Moral, and Physical. Svo. C. Knight & Co., 1842. / boards. Longman & Co., 1820. ON TEACHING, ETC. 129 Channing, Dr., On Self-Culture, with Life, &c. | Craig, A. R. The Philosophy of Training, with of the Author. (Economic Library, No. 3.) Suggestions on the Necessity of Normal Schools 18mo. cloth. 1s. Groombridge & Sons. for Teachers to the Wealthier Classes, and Chesterfield, Lord. Advice to his Son on Strictures on the prevailing Mode of Teaching Men and Manners. 18mo. (Presented by H. Languages. Ist edition. fcp. 8vo. cloth. . Grant, Esq.) J. Bumpus, 1822. D. & A. Macmillan, London, 1843. Craig, A. R. The Philosophy of Training; or, Chirol, Rev. J. L. An Inquiry into the best the Principles and Art of a Normal Education, System of Female Education; or Boarding &c. 2nd edition. post 8vo. cloth. (Presented School and Home Education attentively con- sidered. Svo, half calf. by C. Baker, Esq.) Simpkin & Co., 1847. Cadell & Davies, London, 1809. Crosby Hall Lectures on Education, iv connexion with the Congregational Board of Church of England Sunday School Quarterly Education. 8vo. 28. 6d. (Congregational Magazine, 1857, (vol. 10.) Svo. half calf. Board of Education.) J. Snow. Published quarterly, price 1s. -- Sunday Scholars' Magazine, 1850 to 1858. Currie, J. The Principles and Practice of Early 9 vols. 18mo. cloth. ls. 6d. cach. and Infant School Education, with an Appen- (Presented by the Rev. W. M. Whittemore.) dix of Infant School Hymns and Songs, with Wertheim & Co. appropriate Melodies. post 8vo. cloth. 4s. - Monthly Magazine for Teachers, 1857. T. Constable & Co. vol. 1, New Series, post 8vo. cloth. 25, $d. Darwin, Dr. E. A Plan for the Conduct of Published monthly, price 2d. Female Education in Boarding Schools. 4to. Church of England Sunday School Institute. half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Í. Drewry, Derby, 1797. Chambers's Infant Treatment under two years Dawes, Rev. R. Remarks occasioned by the 2. 12mo. ls. 3d. 1856. present Crusade against the Educational Plans Infant Education from two to six years of the Committee of Council on Education. of age. 12mo. 2s. W. & R. Chambers, 1852. 8vo. sewed. 1s. Groombridge & Sons, 1850. Collier, C., M.D. An Essay on the Principles — Suggestive Hints towards improved of Education, physiologically considered. Secular Instruction, 12mo. cloth. 2s. 3d. 1857. crown Svo. cloth. 35. 6d. D. Nutt, 1856. - 12mo. half calf. (Presented by: Combe, G., on Education.—Lectures, April the Irish Board.) Groombridge & Sons. and November 1833.--Remarks on National Denham, Rev. J. F. A Series of Letters to a Education.-What should Secular Education Mother upon Education). 12mo. boards. embrace?—Reasons for declining to subscribe C. Wood & Son, London, 1834.. the Resolutions in favour of National Educa Dialogues concerning Education. (By David tion in Scotland.-Lecture on Secular Educa- Fordyce ?) 2 vols. 12mo. calf. tion, November 1851.--Letter to the Duke of H. & R. Joy, Belfast, 1753. Argyll, January 1852.-On Teaching Physio Donaldson, Rev. J. W. Classical Scholarship logy, and its application to Common Schools. and Classical Learning considered with especial. I vol. 8vo. hall calf. reference to Competitive Tests and University Come to the Sunday School. 32mo. Teaching. A Practical Essay on Liberal Church of England Sunday School Institute. Education. crown 8vo. cloth. '5$. Deighton, Bell & Co., 1856.. Cornelius, B. On Jacotot's Method of Unia Dublin University Calendar for 1960 and 1861. versal Instruction. 12mo. (Presented by H. 12mo. cloth. 35. 6d. each. Grant, Esq.) 'J. Taylor, 1830. Hodges, Smith, & Co., Dublin, 1860. Cottage (The) and its Visitor, being a revised Dunn, H. Popular Education, or the Normal Edition of " The Feinale Visitor to the Poor." School Manual, containing Practical Sugges- By the author of " Ministering Children." tions for Daily and Sunday School Teachers. fcp. Svo, cloth. 3s. 6d. Seeley & Co., 1858. Ist edition. fcp. 8vo, cloth. 1837. Cousin, V. On the State of Education in The Principles of Teaching: or the Holland, as regards Schools for the Working Norníal School Manual. 18th edition. 12mo. Classes and for the Poor. Translated, with cloth. 35, 6d. (British and Foreign School Preliminary Observations, by L. Horner, Esq., Society.) Sunday School Union. F.R.S. post Svo. half calf. (Presented by Dwight, T. The Father's Book; or, Sugges- C. Baker, Esq.) J. Murray, 1838. tions for the Government and Instruction of - Report on the State of Public Instruction Young Children. 18mo. (Presented by H. in Prussia; with Plans of School-houses. Trans Grant, Esq.) E. Fry, 1834. lated by Saml. Austin. 12mo. half calf. (Pre- Eton School, Controversy on:--1. Some Re- sented by C. Baker, Esq.) E. Wilson, 1834. marks on the present Studies and Management. Coutts, Miss Burdett. A Summary Account By a Parent. 4th edition.—2. A Few Words of Prizes for Common Things, offered and in reply to the former. By Etoniensis.--3. The awarded by Miss Burdett Coutts, at the White Eton Abuses considered. In a Letter addressed lands Training Institution. Svo. cloth. ls. 607. to the Author of “Some Remarks,” &c.-4. The T. Hatchard, 1857. Eton Systein of Education Vindicated, and its Cowan, Audrew, M.D. Anthropaideia, or a Capabilities of Improvement considered, in Tractate on General Education. 2 vols. 12mo. reply to some recent Publications.-5. The Eton cloth lettered. Question Re-considered. By an Etonian. In Wynne & Scholey, London, 1803. I vol. Svo. half calf. London, 1834. 130 GENERAL EDUCATION. Eigetvorth, R. L. Essays on Professional | Education, Tracts on-cont. Education. 4to. half calf. (Presented by Children. TheTeacher's Guide on the Madras H. Cole, Esq.) J. Johnson, 1805. System.-Schools for the Industrious Classes Edgeworth, Maria & R. L. Practical Education. (1837).- Wood's Letter to Musgrave on Edin- 3 vols. Svo. half calf. (Presented by C. Baker, burgh Sessional School Books (1838).—Finch's Esq.) J. Johnson, 1801. Letter to Sir H. Inglis on Grammar Schools (1840). -Scrutator on Weymouth House Edinburgh United Industrial School; a Schools (1840).--Brodrick on Ditto (1840). Sketch of its Origin, Progress, and Practical Sharpe's (J. B.) Gregorian Oration (181).- Influence. Svo. bound. A. & C. Black, 1851. Dr. Hook's Letter to Bishop of St. David's, on Education, System of, for the Infant King of Education (1846).-Craik's Not Schools, but Rome, &c. Svo. half calf. (Presented by Horace Education (1847).-Elkington on Education Grant, Esq.) Lackington & Co., 1820. in Ireland (1847).—Rev. F. D. Maurice on Education, Tracts on. Hints to Parents on Education Question (1947).-Few Questions the Cultivation of Children, in the spirit of on Secular Education (1848). – Views and Pestalozzi's Method, No. I to 5.--L'Enseigne- Principles of Working Men's Association for ment Universel, par un Disciple de Jacotot, proinoting Secular Education. Svo. half calf. Parts 1 to 3.—Payne on Jacotot's System. Svo. - Vol. V. :-Fletcher's Education, half calf. (Presented by Horace Grant, Esq.) National, Voluntary, and Free.Dr. Harris' 1825–30. Inaugural Discourse at Homerton College.- Sketch of System of Education, Bruce Castle - Miscellanies, Vol. I.; ~-Brougham on School (1852).-Williams' Letter to Rey. W. Education of the People.--De Prati's System H. Gray, “ Who should teach Christianity to of Teaching.-Infant Play School; from the Children, the Schoolmasters or the Clergy?”_ German.—The Schoolmaster; various Nos.- Baker (C.) “ On Teaching Reading.”—Steven-- Account of Pestalozzian Academy, S. Lam- son's Lecture, " The Origin of Alphabetical beth.—Strictures on the Hackney Grammar Characters.”-Fitch's Relative Importance of School.-Plan of Education, Bristol College. --Report of Philological School, Gloucester Subjects taught in Elementary Schools.- Fröbel's Playthings and Occupations for Early Place.-Defence of the Hackney Grammar Childhood. — The Religious Working of Com- School. Svo. half calf. (Presented by Horace mon Schools in Massachusetts, with preface Grant, Esq.) 1825-30. by Hon. E. Twisleton.-Hill (A.) on the Dis- Vol. II.-Le Vert on Teaching cipline appropriate to Schools.—Rev. W. J. Languages.—Elliott's Lectures on Physical Unwin's Education the Work of the People. Education.—Downing's Letter on Education Rev. F. Close's Spirit of the Debate on Edu- of the Working Classes.-Junius on Education cation, April 1856. —Close's Few More Words of the People of India.-Pillan's Lectures on on Education Bills.-Bromby's Lecture on Objects and Methods of Education.--Observa Moral and Religious Training --Report of tions and Experiments in Education.-Bligh Proceedings on laying the Foundation Stone on Analytic Teaching.--Siebenpfeiffer's Ideen of the St. Thomas' Charterhouse Schools.-- zu einer Grundreform, Parts 1 and 2.-Two Rev. W. Rogers on Educational Prospects of Letters to L. Horner on the Factory System. St. Thomas Charterhouse Schools. Svo. half --Hints to Employers.—Goodrich on Fireside calf. 1851-1856. Education. Svo. half calf. (Presented by - Vol. VI. :-Rev. J. P. Norris Horace Grant, Esq.) 1826–1841. and Jos. Vaughan on Education in Stafford- ---- Vol. III. :-Brougham's Speech shire.- Wrigley's Plan for Education of the People.-Prussian Primary Education ; its on Education of the People.—Roebuck on Organization and Results.—The Educational National Education.—Carlisle on Irish Edu- Conference; its probable Results, &c.--Rev. cation. -Thoughts on the New System of C. G. Davies on Educational Difficulties.- Education in Ireland.—Bryce on National Mrs. Austi: on Girls' Schools.Dartin's Ad- Education for Ireland.-A New and Practical dress on Teaching Physiology and the Laws System of Instruction.-System of Educa- of Health in Schools.--Rev. J. L. Brereton on tion at Bruce Castle School. — Hickson's Principles and Plan of a Farm and County Education in Dutch and German Schools.- School.-Glennie's Hints on School Needle- Hickson's Use of Singing as a Branch of work and School Reading.-Feilde on Free National Education.-Wyse's Speech on Edu- Public News Rooms and Lending Libraries. cation, Ireland.— Sir R. Phillips on New Theories of Education.- Wyse on Schools 8vo. half calf. °1857-1858. attached to Liverpool Mechanics’ Institution. Education. Miscellanies, Vol. I. :-Frend's -Rev. D. Coleridge's Letter on the National Plan of Universal Education.-Working Men's Society's Training College for Schoolmasters. Association on National Educatton.- Lovett -Fox (W. J.) on the Clauses in the Bill for · and Collins' Chartist Plan of Education of the better Education of Factory Children. 8vo. People.- Schools for the Industrious Classes. half calf. (Presented by Horace Grant, Esq.) -Channing on the Sunday School.—County 1828–1842. Colleges of Agriculture.--Forss on the Edu- cation of the Working Classes.—Rev. Dr. — Vol. IV.:-Vincent's Defence of Andrew Bell's Instructions for conducting Public Education (1802).-Dr. A. Bell on Schools, with an Essay on the Madras System. Education at Miladras (1805).--Dr. A. Bell on 12mo. half calf. (Presented by Horace Grant, a National Institution for Training Poor 1 Esq.) 1823–1840. :ON TEACHING, ETC. 131 Education, Miscellanies. Vol. II. : - Rev. | Ellis, Mrs. The Education of Character, with T. V. Short on National Education (1835). Hints on Moral Training. Crown Svo. cloth. Felton on Commerce and Education (1841). 75. 6d. J. Murray, 1856. - Curwen's Sunday School Papers. — On Ellis, W. Education as a Means of preventing establishing Local Associations of School.. Destitution. post Svo. cloth. 4s.. masters. — Account of King's Somborne Smith, Elder, & Co., 1851. School (1849).–The Dean Dawes' Hints on National Education.—Holyoake on Literary End and Essence of Sabbath School Teach- Institutions (1849).--Swaine's Secular Free ing. 12mo. 25. Gall & Inglis. Schools a Nation's Policy (1851).-Report English Journal of Education, 1854, 1855, 1856, of Meeting of the Working Classes of 1557, 1858, 1859, 1860. Svo. half morocco, and Edinburgh on National Education (1851).-- January 1861 to —, in numbers, 6d. each. Ditto at Aberdeen' (1851).-Bromby's Lecture Groombridge & Sons. on Education (1853). Ashburton Prizes for Sanglishwoman's Journal. Vols 1 and 2. Svo. the teaching of " Common Things" (1853). cloth. 6s. 6d. each. (Presented by Miss Parkes.) Baker's. (C) Letter to Lord Ashburton on Piper & Co., 1858-9. “Common Things” (1854).—Best's Lecture Essay on a System of Classical Instruction, on Village Libraries and Reading Rooms containing the Methods of Locke, Milton, &c. (1854).—Colvile's Observations on Education. 12mo. Is. 6d. Walton & Maberly. Norris's Teacher's Dificulties (1855). -- Flint's Hints on a Church School (1856).- Extracts on Education, selected and ar- Keenan on Model Schools (1857), 12no, half ranged from the most popular writers. 2 vols. calf. 18mo. half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Vol. I.:—Mrs. Napier's Nursery Governess. -- Table of Employment of a Feilde, M. H. How to reduce Poor Rates; or, Boys' School, with Explanation. - Mrs. Free Public Rate-supported News Rooms and Barwell's Nursery Government. -- Practical Lending Libraries versus Mechanics Institutes, Hints on Training System, Glasgow Normal &c. 2nd edit. Svo. sewed. 1s. C. J. Skeet. Seminary. — Infant Training, Glasgow. - Fénélon's Treatise on the Education of Daugh- Duppa on Education of the Peasantry:-MIrs. ters. Translated from the French, and adapted Tuckfield's Letter to a Clergyman on Educa- to English Readers, with an Original Chapter tion. 18mo. half calf. (Presented by Florace “On Religious Studies." By the Rev. T. F. Grant, Esq.) 1834-1840. Dibdin. Svo. boards. - Reformatory Schools :-Suggestions to H. Ruff, Cheltenham, 1805. Founders of Schools (1855).-Murray on Fitch, J. G. The Relative Importance of Sub- Schools of France and England (1854). --AC jects Taught in Elementary Schools. A Lec- count of the Reformatory Institution at Met ture addressed to a Society of Schoolmasters tray, from the pamphlet of M. A. Cochin; post 8vo. sewed. 6d. Partridge & Oakey, 1854. with a Preface by Rev. G. H. Hamilton (1853). — The Art of Questioning. A Lecture --Mettray and M. Demetz in England (1853). delivered to the Members of the Sunday School -Mettray. A Letter to C. B. Adderley, by M. Training Class. 18mo. sewed. 2d. D. Hill (1855).-Hill's Charge to Grand Jury - The Art of securing Attention in a Sun- at Birmingham (1850). Ditto (1855). Svo. day School Class. Smo. sewed. 2d. half calf. - The Art of Questioning and the Art of Educational Sxpositor. Edited by T. Tate securing Attention, with an Introductory Ad- dress on teaching Classes. Ismo. cloth limp. and J. Tilleard. Vols. 1 and 3. Svo. cloth. 6d. Sunday School Union. Longman & Co., 1853–5. Fordyce, David. Dialogues concerning Edu- Educational Guardian ; a Journal devoted to the Interests of Teachers and Education cation. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Svo. calf. E. Dilly, London, 1757. generally. Edited and conducted by School- masters. Vol. I. Syo. half calf, and No. 13 Forster, Dr. T. Letters on Early Education, to — 3d. each. Simpkin & Co., 1859-60. and its Influence on the Prevention of Crime. Educational IVIagazine and Record of the Svo. Sherwood & Bowyer, 1844. Home and Colonial School Society. 2 vols. Fröbel's System of Infant Gardens. (See Svo. half calf. Woman's Educational Mission.) - 2 vols. Svo, cloth lettered. 12s. - System of Infant Training. (See Ronge's (Home and Colonial School Society.) Guide to the English Kinder Garden.) S. Low & Son, 1848–9. Gasc, F. Education in England, &c. post Svo. Educational Times, 1854, 1855, 1956, 1857, sewed. ls. T. Saunders, Charing Cross. 1858, 1959,1860. 4to. half morocco, and January Genlis' Lessons of a Governess to her Pupils, 1861 to —, in numbers, 6d. each. &c. 3 vols. 12mo. calf. C. F. Hodgson, 1, Gough Square. G. G. J. & J. Robinson, 1792. Educational (The) Uses of Toys. 12mo. cloth. | Gilderdale, Rev. J. S. Disciplina Rediviva ; Joseph, Myers, & Co., 1854. or Hints and Helps for Youths leaving Schoo]. Educator, The; or Home, the School, and the 12mo. 5s. Bell & Daldy, 1856. Teacher. Vols. 1, 2, & 3, new series. Crown | Gill, J. Introductory Text-Book to Method and 8vo. 2s. 6d. each. (Congregational Board of 1 School Management. 12mo. 2s. Education.) Ward & Co. ! Longman & Co., 1858. ls. . I 2 132 GENERAL EDUCATION. Girard, The Père. The Mother Tongue, or | Hints for the Improvement of Early Education Methodical Instruction in the Mother Tongue and Nursery Discipline. Sth edition. 12mo. in Schools and Families. Translated and boards. Hatchard & Son, 1824. adapted from the French. Edited by Viscount - 15th edition. fcp. 8vo, cloth. Ebrington, M.P. 12mo. cloth. Hatchård & Son, 1846. J. W. Parker, London, 1947. Hints on the Art of Teaching, especially as Glasgow Infant School Magazine. By D. applied to Modern Languages, Music, and Caughie. 1st and 2nd Series. 18mo. cloth. History. fcp. Svo. cloth. Rivingtons, 1841. 3s, each. Darton & Co. Graduated Course rf Instruction for Infant Hodgson, W. B., LL.D. Two Lectures on the Conditions of Health and Wealth education- Schools and Nurseries, 12mo. cloth. ls. 6d. Home anil Colonial School Society. ally considered. post Svo. sewed. ls. Graham, Catherine lacaulay. Letters on J. Gordon, 1860, Hole, James. Society of Arts Prize Essay on Education, with Observations on Religious the History and Management of Literary, and Metaphysical Subjects. Svo. hall calf. Scientific, and Mechanics Institutions. Svo. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) C. Dilly, 1790. cloth. 5s. Grey, Maria G., and Shirren, Emily. Thoughts Longman & Co., 1853. on Self Culture : addressed to Women. crown Home and Colonial School Society's Manual, Svo. 7s. 6d. (Presented by Miss Shirreff.) for Infant Schools and Nurseries. 12no. cloth. J. W. Parker & Son, 1856. 25. 6d. Groombridge & Sons. Gunn, Rev. W. M. Religion in connexion Hope, Mrs., on Self Education and the For- with a National System of Instruction; their ination of Character: addressed to the Young, Union advocated, the Arguments of Non 18mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Hatchard & Son, 1849. religionists considered, and a System proposed. Hoppus, J. The Crisis of Popular Education, 12mo. boards. Oliver & Boyd, 1840. &c. Svo. half calf. (Presented by H, Grant, Hall, J.P. Guide to the Three Services: Civil, Esq.) j. Snow, 1847. Naval, and Military, with General Remarks on How to Read. By A Wrangler. Svo. sewed. the Examinations. fcp. Svo. cloth, gilt leaves. Is. Saunders, Ottley, & Co., 1860. 3s. 6d. (Presented by the Editor.) Huartes, Dr. J. Treatise on Education. 12mo. Longman & Co., 1860. calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Lsg.) Hamilton, Elizabeth. Letters on the Elemen- C. Rivington, 1734. tary Principles of Education. 2 vols. Svo. Hurst, J. C. A Complete Guide to Govern- half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esg.) | Wilkie. & Robinson, 1810. ment Appointments, and to the Civil Service Examinations. 12mo, sewed. 2s. Od. - Hints addressed to the Patrons and Di- Relfe, Brothers, 1856. rectors of Schools. 12mo. half calf. (Presented Iliff, Rev. G. An English Education; what it by H. Grant, Esq.) Longman & Co., 1815. means, and how it may be carried out. Hand Book to the Borough Road Schools, fscp). Svo: sewed 6d. (Presented by the explanatory of the Methods of Instruction Author.) Bell & Daldy, 1859. adopted by the British and Foreign School Infant schools and Nurseries. Graduated Society. crown Svo. 2s. 6d. Course of Instruction for. 18mo. lx. 60. British and Foreign School Society, 1856. Groombridge and Sons, 1853. Harrow Calendar ; the School Lists from Inglis, J. Sabbath School and Bible Teaching. January 1845 to September 1849, with a 12mo. 2s. 6d. Gall & Inglis, 1857. History of Harrow School, &c. fcp. 8vo. Institutional (The) Gazette. Literary and cloth. Bell & Daldy, 1860. Mechanics Institutions of Lancashire and Haworth, T. J. Leaves from a Teacher's Cheshire (Nos. I to 10), January 1855 to Note-Book, or Notes of Lessons practically May 1859. 4to. (Presented by considered. Parts 1 and 2. post 8vo. sewed. Manchester, 1855–. 6d. each. R. Matthison, Birmingham, 1857-8. Heinroth, Dr. J. C. A. On Education and I James, G. P. R. On the Educational Institu- Self-Formation, based upon Physical, Intellec- tions in Germany. crown Svo. half calf. (Pre- tual, Moral, and Religious Principles. Trans- sented by H. Grant, Esq.) lated from the German. post Svo.cloth. (Pre- Saunders & Otley, 1855. sented. by C. Baker, Esq.) A. Schloss, 1858. Jenour, Rev. A. A Treatise on Languages, Hennessy, H. On Freedom of Education; an and the best Method of Learning and Teaching Essay read at the Meeting of the National them; with an Account of the most useful Association for the Promotion of Social Elementary Books, &c. 12mo, boards. Science at Liverpool, October 1858. Svo. Seeley & Co., 1832. sewed. 6d. 1859. Johnston, Dr. D. A General View of Public - A Discourse on the Study of Science Education in France, &c. Svo. half calf. (Pre- in its relation to Individuals and to Society. sented by H. Grant, Esq.) Oliver & Boyd, 1827. 8vo. sewed. ls. W.B. Kelly, Dublin, 1859. Jones, A. The Philosophy of Corporal Punish- Hill, F. National Education; its Present State ment: an Investigation into the Policy and and Prospects. 2 vols. 12mo. (Presented by Morality of School Coercion. A Lecture deli- H. Grant, Esg.) C. Knight, 1836. vered before the Elementary Teachers Asso- Hints on the Establishment of Schools for ciation, London. fcp. Svo. sewed. ls.. Early Education, and on their Superintendence T. Constable & Co. 1857. by Committees, Patrons, and Visitors. 12mo. Jones, J. The Theory and Practice of Notes of за, Home and Colonial School Society. | Lessons. 12mo. 2s. Simpkin & Co., 1856. ON TEACHING, ETC. 133 Kaimes, Lord. Loose Hints on Education. | Newton, Rev. Dr. R. University Education; Svo. calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) or, an Explication and Amendment of the J. Bell, Edinburgh, 1781. Statute, &c. 2nd edition. Svo. calf. Keenan, P. J. Model Schools. An Inaugural G. Strahan, London, 1733. Address delivered on the occasion of the New Year's Address from a Teacher to Public Opening of the Belfast Model Schools, his Class. 32mo. 19th May 1857. 12mo. ls. Groombridge & Sons. Church of England Sunday School Institute. Kirkpatrick, E. The Historically received Normal School, The, by Algernon Wells; Conception of the University considered, with the Model School, by the Rev. W. J. Unwin, especial reference to Oxford. post Svo. cloth. M.A. 12mo. ls. 6d. (Congregational Board 5s. Williams & Norgate, 1857. | of Education.) Ward & Co., 1849. Knox, Rev. V. Liberal Education. post Svo. Occasional Papers on University and School calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Matters. Nos. 1, 2, 3. Svo. sewed. ls, each. c. Billy, 1782. Macmillan & Co., Cambridge, 1858–9. Lancaster, J. Improvements in Educa Origin, Nature, and Object of the New tion as it respects the Industrious Classes of System of Education. 12mo. half calf. (Pre- the Community, containing an Account of the sented by H. Grant, Esq.) J. Murray, 1912. Institution, Borough Road, Southwark, and of Outline of a System of National Education. the New System on which it is conducted. fcp. Svo. boards. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) 3rd edition. 8vo. boards. Cochrane & MCrone, 1834. Darton & Harvey, London, 1905. Oxford University :- Lectures in connexion with the Educational Statutes of the Colleges of Oxford ; with Royal Exhibition, delivered at St. Martin's Hall. Patents of Foundation, Injunctions of 12mo. Is. 6d. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Visitors, and Catalogues of Documents re- Routledge & Co., 1855. lating to the University preserved in the Literary and Educational Year Book. (Sce Public Record Office. Printed by desire of Dictionaries.) H.M. Commissioners for Inquiring into the State of the University of Oxford. Locke, Jobn. Some Thoughts concerning 3 vols. Education. 5th edition. 8vo. calf. · Evo. cloth. J. H. Parker & Son, Oxford, 1853. A. & J. Churchill, London, 1705. Statuta Universitatis Oxoniensis. Svo.cloth. London University Calendar, 1859 and 1961, University Press, Oxford, 1858. with Examination Papers, 1858. royal 12mo. Papers published by the Tutors' Association, cloth. Taylor & Francis. Oxford, 1853–54. Svo. cloth. McLeod, W. Hints on Teaching. Part I. J. H. Parker & Son, 1854. Bible Lessons and Dictation Exercises. 12mo. Pamphlets in Defence of the Oxford Usage of (Presented by the Author.) T. Wilsher. Subscription to the XXXIX. Articles at Macnab, H. G. Analysis and Analogy recom- Matriculation :-1. Self-Protection. The mended as the Means of rendering Experience Case of the Articles. By Clericus.-2. Sub- and Observation useful in Education. post 4to. scription no Bondage. By Rusticus.-3. half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Thoughts on Subscription. By the Rev. M. Nouzou, Paris, 1918. W. Sewell.–4. A Religious Reason, &c.- Manual of Practical Observations on our Pub- 5 & 6. Questions. By the Rev. E. B. Pusey, · lic Schools. 3rd edition. fcp. Svo. cloth. B.D.-7. A Few Plain Reasons.-8. Mean- Seeley & Co., 1847. ing of Subscription.-9. Views of our Re- Mayo, Rev. Dr. Lecture on the Life of Pes- formers.-10. Letter to Lord North, 1772, talozzi, with other papers collected, as some with a Preface.-11. Extracts from Papers Explanation of Pestalozzi's System of Teaching. published in 1772, with a Preface.-12. 1835 12mo. sewed. 6d. and 1772 compared.—13. Letter to the Duke (Home and Colonial School Society.) of Wellington. By the Rev. F. Oakley, M.A. - Rev. Dr. and Miss. Practical Remarks on In 1 vol. Svo. cloth. 1834–5. Infant Education. 12mo. ls. 6d. (Home and Report and Evidence upon the Recomien- Colonial School Society.) Groombridge & Sons. dations of H. M. Commissioners for In- More, Hannah. Strictures on Female Educa- quiring into the State of the University of Oxford, presented to the Board of Heads of tion. 2 vols. in l. post Svo. hall calf. (Pre- Houses and Proctors, December 1, 1853. sented by H. Grant, Esq.) Svo. cloth. University Press, Oxford. Cadell & Davies, 1799. Hints to Students in Reading for Classical - Hints towards forming the Character of Honours in the University of Oxford. By a Young Princess. 2 vols. post Svo. half calf. the Rev. A. S. Farrar, M.A. 12mo. sewed, (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Is. 6d. J. Vincent, Oxford, 1956. Cadell & Davies, 1805. Ordinances, various. 1 vol. 8vo. half calf, Morrice, D. The Art of Teaching, Examined, - I vol. fcp. folio, half calf. Methodized, and Facilitated, &c. 8vo. calf. Is Educational Reform required in Oxford, Lackington & Co., London, 1801. and What? 8vo.sewed. J. H. & J. Parker,1859. National Society's Journal, 1854, 1855, 1956, The Least Change which suffices best. Two 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860. Svo. half morocco, and Letters on the Examinations to the Rev. January 1861 to -, in numbers, 2d. each. the Vice-Chancellor By J. P. Tweed, M.A. Nutional Society. 8vo. sewed. ls. J. H. & J. Parker, 1859. poung Prince 134 GENERAL EDUCATION. Oxford University Calendar, 1860. 12mo. cloth. 6s. J. H. & J. Parker, 1860. Playfair, Dr. Lyon. On the National Impor- tance of studying Abstract Science with a Pardoe, J. The Pupil Teacher's Manual ; View to the Healthy Progress of Industry, &c. containing Government Examination Ques- royal Svo. sewed. 1951. tions for directing the Studies of Pupil Teachers. 12mo. Sd. Simpkin & Co., 1857. Pleasant Pages. A Journal of Instruction Parent's Friend; or Extracts from the Prin- for the Family and the School. Edited by S. cipal Works on Education. 2 vols. in l. Svo. Prout Newcombe. 6 vols 12mo. 38. Gd. each. (Presented by the Author.) half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Houlston & Wright, 1850–3. 2 vols. Svo. half calf. (Pre- sented by C. Baker, Esq.) J. Johnson, 1802. Potter, Rev. J. P. The Moralist, or Essays on Pemberton, R. The Science of Mind-Forma- the Means of Moral Education. 12mo. boards. tion, and the Process of the Reproduction of F. C. & J. Rivington, 1821. Genius elaborated : involving the Remedy for Potts, Robt., M.A. Liber Cantabrigiensis. An all our Social Evils. 12mo. Is. (Presented by Account of the Aids afforded to Poor Stu- the Author.) Houlston & Wright, 1858. dents, the Encouragements offered to diligent The Attributes of the Soul from the Students, &c. &c. fcp. 8vo. 5s. 6d. (Pre- Cradle, and the Philosophy of the Divine Mother, detecting the False Basis or (Exhibited by the National Society.) Fundamental Error of the Schools, and de- J. W. Parker & Son, 1853. veloping the Perfect Education of Man. post 8vo. Los. 6d. (Presented by the Author.) | Preceptor, The; containing a General Course Saunders & Ottley, 1849. of Education. 2 vols. Svo. calf. (Presented - The Infant Drama; a Model of the Me- by H. Grant, Esq.) R. Dodsley, 1748. thod of Teaching all Languages. fcp. Svo. Preston, S. School Education for the 19th 2s. 6d. (Presented by the Author.) 1857. Century. crown Svo. sewed. 2s. (Presented Euphonic Institution, 33, Euston Square. by the Author.) Simpkin & Co., 1846. An Address to the Bishops and Clergy Prize Essays (Two) on the Characteristics of all Denominations. Svo. 6d. (Presented by the Author.) Saunders & Ottley, 1855. and Advantages of Literary and Scientific Institutions, their Claims to the Support of — Report of the Proceedings at the Inaugu Society, and the Best Means of extending their ration of Mr. Pemberton's New Philosophical Usefulness. fcp. Svo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Model Infant School, 22nd August 1857. Svo. A. Hall & Co., 1850. 6d. (Presented by the Author.) Euphonic Institution, 33, Euston Square. - (Six) on the Best Mode of establishing Pendered, Anne E. Remarks on Female and conducting Industrial Schools adapted to Education, with an Application of its Prin- the Wants and Circumstances of an Agricul- tural Population; written for a prize of 1007. ciples to the Regulation of Schools. 12mo. boards. B. J. Holdsworth, London, 1827. offered through the Royal Agricultural Society of Jamaica by the Earl of Elgin, Governor, in Pennington, Lady. A Mother's Advice to her November 1843. Svo. cloth. 75. 6d. (Pre- absent Daughters, with an additional Letter on sented by H. Pinckard, Esq.) Cowie & Co., 1845. the Management and Education of Infant Children. 12mo. boards. Prussian Primary Education, its Organi. Taylor & Hessey, London, 1817. zation and Results. Edited by the Rev. W. Perry, W. C., Ph. D. German University J. Unwin, M.A. 8vo. 1s. (See Education, Education, or the Professors and Students of Miscellanies. Vol. 6.) Germany, &c. 12mo. cloth. 4s. 6d. (Congregational Board of Education.) Ward & Co. Longman & Co., 1846. Pestalozzi's Letters on Education, addressed Public Education; consisting of Three Tracts to J. P. Greaves, Esq. Translated from the reprinted from the Edinburgh Review, the German Manuscripts. With a Memoir of Classical Journal, and the Pamphleteer. 12mo. Pestalozzi. Svo. boards. half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Sherwood & Co., 1827. A. J. Valpy, 1817. Pestalozzi's Mother's Book. By P. H. Pullen. — Plans for the Government and Liberal In- 12mo. boards. (Presented by C. Baker, Esq.) struction of Boys in large numbers; drawn from Alex. Black, London, 1820. experience. Ist edit. Svo. half calf. (Presented Pestalozzian Primer; or, the First Number by H. Cole, Esq.) G. & W. B. Whittaker, 1822. of the Pestalozzian Parents' Assistant, &c. By Plans for the Government and Liberal Dr. Chas. Orpen. 12mo. half calf. (Presented Instruction of Boys in large numbers, as by C. Baker, Esq.) R. M. Tims, Dublin, 1829. practised at Hazlewood School. 2nd edit. Svo. Pillans, J. Principles of Elementary Teaching, half calf. (Presented by C. Baker, Esq.) chiefly inreference to the Parochial Schools of C. Knight, 1825. Scotland. Ist edition. post Svo. boards. 1828. Pupil-Teacher, The. (The earlier Nos. edited - 2nd Edition, with Additions and presented by Walter Macleod, F.R.G.S.) · 12mo. boards. 1829. Vols. 1 to 3. Svo. half calf, and January 1861 A. Back: Edinburgh. I to 2d. each. G. J. Stevenson, 1857-60. ON TEACHING, ETC. 135 35. Quarterly Journal of Education, The Schoolmasters of Great Britain-cont. Under the superintendence of the Society for Richson, The Rev. Canon. The Dilliculties of the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. January the Education Question. A Paper read 1831 to October 1835. 10 vols. 8vo. cloth, 27th of December 1858. fcp. 8vo. sewed lettered. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) 8d. C. Knight, 1831-5. Jones, A. The Principles of the Privy Council Legislation. A Lecture delivered Queen's (The) University Calendar, 1859, with 25th of February 1859. fcp. Svo. sewed. Sd. Examination Papers, 1858. post 8vo. cloth. T. Constable & Co. Thom & Sons, Dublin, 1859. School, The, in its Relations to the State, the Reehorst, Dr. K. P. Ter. Language a Heaven Church, and the Congregation; being an born Gift. Svo. sewed. 1s. Explanation of the Minutes of the Committee Sold by the Author, 44, Colman Street, City. of Council on Education, in August and De- Reid, Hugo. The Principles of Education. cember 1846. Svo. 2s. 6d. J. Murray, 1847. 12mo. cloth. 58. 1854. School, The, and The Teacher; a Monthly Journal of National Education, 1854, 1555, - 12mo. 58. (Presented by H. 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860. 8vo, half morocco Cole, Esq.) Longman & Co., 1854. and January 1861 tom, in numbers, 3d. each. Remarks on Female Education, adapted par- G. J. Stevenson. ticularly for the Regulation of Schools. 12mo. Science and Art Departmenú, Six Intro- half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) ductory Addresses on the; delivered in the B.'J. Holdsworth, 1833. Theatre of the Museum, South Kensington, Richards, W. F. Manual of Method, for the in November and December 1857. 1 vol. post use of 'Teachers in Elementary Schools. Svo. sewed. 6d. Chapman & Hall, 1957. 12mo. 38. (National School Society.) Scott, A. J. Suggestions on Female Educa- Rogers, J. E. T. Education in Oxford, it's tion; Two Introductory Lectures on English Method, its Aids, and its Rewards. crown Svo. Literature and Moral Philosophy; delivered cloth. 6s. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1861. in the Ladies College, Bedford Square. fcp. Ronge, J. & B. Practical Guide to the English Svo. cloth, limp. ls. 6d. Kinder Garten (Children's Garden); being an Walton & Maberly, 1849.. Exposition of Froebel's System of Infant Train Sedgwick, Adam. A Discourse on the Studies. ing, and a great variety of instructive and of the Cambridge University. crown Svo... amusing Games. crown 4to. cloth. 7s.6d. cloth. 125. J. W. Parker, 1835. J. S. Hodson, 1855. Self Improvement; chiefly addressed to the Ross, Rev. W. The Teacher's Manual of Me- | Young. Abridged from the Rev. Dr. Todd's thod; or, the General Principles of Teaching Student's Guide. 1$mo. cloth. 10d. and School-keeping. With Illustrative Exam- (Religious Tract Society.) ples. 12mo. bound. 38. 6d. 1858. Shepherd, Joyce, &z Carpenter. Systematic · — Papers on Teaching and on Kindred Education. 2 vols. Svo. boards. 1817. Subjects." fep. Svo. cloth.3s. 6d. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Longman & Co., 1859. - 2 vols. 8vo. boards. (Presented Bousseau, J. J. Emilius; or an Essay on by C. Baher, Esq.) Longman & Co., 1817. Education. Translated from the French by Sheridan, T. British Education, or the Mr. Nugent. 2 vols. Svo. calf. (Presented by Source of the Disorders of Great Britain, &c. C. Baker, Esq.) Svo. calf.. R. & J. Dodsley, 1756. Nourse & Vaillant, London, 1763. Sheridan, T. Lectures on the Art of Read-.. St. John, J. A. The Education of the People. ing; Part 1. “Prose.” 12mo. bound. post 8vo. cloth. Ss. 6d. Chapman & Hall, 1858. S. White, Dublin, 1775.. Shirref, Emily. Intellectual Education, and Schoolmaster's Difficulties Abroad and its Influence on the Character and Happiness at Home. 12mo. 45. 6d. Longman & Co., 1853. of Women. crown Svo. cloth. 10s.6d. (Pre- Schoolmasters of Great Britain, United sented by Miss Shirrejt:) Association of. Papers and Essays delivered J. W. Parker & Son, 1858. before:- -- Why should We learn? Short Lectures addressed to Schools. fcp. Svo. cloth. 2s, Tainsh, E. C. Prize Essay. On the best Means (Presented by Miss Shirreff:) of making the Schoolinaster's Function more J. W. Parker & Son, 1859. efficient than it has hitherto been in pre- Short, Rev. Dr. Hints for School Keeping. venting Misery and Crime. With Report 32mo. Sd. of a Discussion on the Essay at the Fourth Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Annual Meeting, held 28th and 29th of December 1857. fcp. Svo. cloth, limp. 1s. Simpson, J. Necessity of Popular Education, as a National Object; with Hints on the Treat- Jones, A. The Unison of Religion and Social ment of Criminals, and Observations on Homi- Science. A Lecture delivered February 27th, cidal Insanity. crown Svo. half call. (Pre- 1858. fcp. Svo. sewed. Sd. sented by H. Grant, Esg.) 1834. Morell, J. D. On the Progress of Society in - crown Svo. half calf. (Presented England as affected by the Advancement by C. Baker, Esq.) 1934. of National Education. A Paper read 2nd edition. 12mo. boards. 1836. December 27th, 1858. fcp. 8vo. sewed. 8d. A. & C. Black, 136 GENERAL EDUCATION. Smith, J. A Key to Reading, designed to 1 Tracts on Popular Education, in connexion assist Parents and Teachers to superintend with the Congregational Board of Education. Lessons for Youth, &c. 2nd edition. post Svo. crown Svo. cloth. 2s. (Congregational Board half roan, limp. Simpkin & Co., 1830. of Education.) Ward & Co. Society of Arts. Prize Essay on Literary, Traice, W. H. J. Hand-Book of Mechanics: Scientific, and Mechanics’ Institutions. By Institutions, with priced Catalogue of Books James Hóle. Svo. 5s. Longman & Co., 1853. suitable for Libraries. 8vo. cloth limp. 2s. Sparrow, W. C. What shall I teach next? Newsome & Lennox, Leeds, 1856. A Series of Subjects for Lessons. Post Svo. Trevelyan, C. E. On the Education of the ls. 6d. Philip & Son. People of India. post Svo. cloth. 6s. (Pre- Spurzheim, J. G. View of the Elementary sented by H. Cole, Esg.) Principles of Education, founded on the Study Longman & Co., 1838. of the Nature of Nlan. 12mo. half calf. Village (The) Adult Evening School; á True (Presented by H. Grant, Esg.) Story of Robert and William Lane. 1śmo. 2d. Constable & Co., 1821. Jarrold & Son. - 8vo. boards. (Presented by C. Walker, D. National Education and its Baker, Esq.) Treuttel & Co., 1828. Present Tendency. 12mo. Stantial, Rev. Thos. A Test-Book for Stu- Groombridge & Sons, 1853. dents, comprising Sets of Examination Papers What is Pestalozzianism ? Extracted from upon Language and Literature, &c. post Svo. the Quarterly Educational Magazine. 6d. cloth. 75. 6d. Bell & Daldy, 1859. Homeand Colonial School Society. Stevenson, G. J. The Origin of Alphabetical Whewell, Rev. Dr. On the Principles of En. Characters, and some of the Methods of glish University Education. post Svo. cloth. Teaching them: A Lecture delivered to the J. W. Parker, 1837. Members of the Church Schoolmasters Asso Whitaker's Educational Register, 1854. post ciation. 8vo. Gd. J. Wesley & Co. Svo, seived. 2s. J. H. Parker. Stow, David. The Training System, Moral Wilderspin, S. Infant System for Develop- Training School, and Norinal Seminary for ing the Intellectual and Moral Powers of all Preparing School Teachers and Governesses. Children from one to seven years. 12mo. 53. Svo. 6s. Longman & Co., 1854. J. S. Hodson, 1852. Extracts from Training System of Educa Wilson, Rev. W. The System of Infant tion. Svo. stitched. Schools. 8vo. half calf. (Presented by H. Cole, Bible Emblems, for the use of Parents Esq.) George Wilson, 1825. and Teachers; with Practical Hints on Con- Woman's Educational Mission; being an ducting Training Lessons. 12mo. ls. Explanation of Frederick Fröbel's System of Griffith & Farran, 1857. -- Bible Training : a Manual for Sabbath Infant Gardens. Svo. cloth. 35. 6d. School Teachers and Parents. f'cp. 8vo. cloth Darton & Co., 1855. limp. 2s. Constable & Co. 1859. Wordsworth, Rev. Dr. C. Diary in France ; St. Thomas' Charterhouse Church and mainly on Topics concerning Education and School Calendar, 1859. 12mo. sewed. 6d. the Church. post Svo. cloth. 2nd edition. F. & J. Rivington, 1846. Sunday School Teacher's Treasury. Wratislaw, A. H. Middle Class and Non- Edited by Rev. W. M. Whittemore. Vol. 1, 5s., Gremial Examinations. Cui Bono? Svo. and vol. 2, 4s. crown 8vo. cloth. (Presented stitched. Wertheim & Co., 1956–7. Macmillan & Co., 1860. by the Editor.) Wynne, Rev. R. Essays on Education, by Sunday School Teacher's Magazine, and Milton, Locke, &c. Svo. calf. (Presented by Journal of Education, 1857. 8vo. half calf. Houlston & Wright. H. Grant, Esq.) J. & R. Tonson, 1761. Yeld, R. Practical Hints to Sunday School Sydenham, G. Notes of Lessons in their Teachers. 18mo. cloth, limp. Principles and Application. For the Use of Groombridge & Sons. Teachers and Pupil-teachers in Elementary Young, T. U. The Teacher's Manual for In- Schools. 12mo. cloth. 3s. Longman & Co., 1857. fant Schools. 12mo. 38. Groombridge & Sons, 1852. Sweet, Rev. J. B. How to Train your Infants. 12mo. half calf. (Presented by the Irish 16mo. 6d. Cleaver, 10, Vere Street, 1857. Board.) M'Glashan, 1852. Tate, T. The Philosophy of Education; or Principles and Practice of Teaching. Svo. boards. 6s. 6d. 1854. - - 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. 12mo. cloth. 6s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1557. Examination Papers. Thoughts on the Education of those who imitate the Great, as affecting the Female Addiscombe. Report on the Examination Character. 12mo. calf. J. Hatchard, 1809. for Admission to the Royal Indian Military Tilleard, J. On Elementary School Books. College, Addiscombe, January 16th, 1860, with (Reprinted from the Transactions of the Na Copies of the Examination Papers. Svo.sewed. tional Association for the Promotion of Social Taylor & Francis, 1860. Science, 1859.) Svo. sewed. 6d. - May 16th, 1860. Ditto. 8vo. Longman & Co., 1860. sewed. Printed at the War Office, 1860. 137 Cambridge University :- amination Papers, Royal Military Asylum, Examination of Students who are not Mem. Normal School, First Class, December 1859. 8vo. sewed. Harrison, 59, Pall Mall, 1860. Class-Lists, &c. for the Examination held in - Papers. Royal Naval School, Green- December 1858. To which are added the wich Hospital, Midsummer 1856. regulations for the Examination in 1859. | Oxford University :- Svo. sewed. 2s. 60. Examination Papers, various. Svo. half calf. - Examination, December 1959. Examination of Candidates not members of 8vo. sewed. the University. Examination Papers and -- Class Lists for Ditto. Svo. Division Lists, &c., for the Examination sewed. 6d. held in June 1858. Svo. sewed. 2s. 6d. ---- --- -- Examination, 1860. 8vo. sewed. June 1859, and June 1860. Svo. - - First Annual Report of the sewed. 35. 6d. each. Syndicate, presented to the Senate, May 31, - First Annual Report of the 1859. 8vo. sewed. ls. Delegacy rendered to Convocation, Decem- - Second Ditto, May 28, 1860. ber 1858, 1s. 6d., and December 1859, 1s. Svo. sewed. 1s. University Press, Oxford. -- - Examination Papers, being a Sandhurst:- Supplement to the Cambridge University Examinations of Candidates for Admission to Calendar, containing the Senate-house Ex- the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, De- amination Papers, &c., 1856, 2s. 6d. ; 1857, cember 1859, June and Dec. 1360. 8vo. sewed. 38. 6d.; 1858, 3s. 6d.; 1859, 5s. 12mo. cloth. of the Class for Commissions, Royal Deighton, Bell & Co., Cambridge. Military College, Sandhurst, December 1859. Civil Service Examination Papers. See Svo. sewed. 1860. Parliumentary Papers. Examination Papers used at the Examination Commissariat :- for Admission to the Staff College, and the Examination Papers used at the Examination Royal Military College, and for Direct Com- of Candidates for Appointments to the Com- missions, in January and February 1858. missariat, held in December 1860. 8vo. 8vo. sewed. sewed. Harrison, Pall Mall. - used at the Examination for Admission Committee of Council on Education: to the Staff College, in August 1859, July Examinations, Christinas, 1858. 1. Questions 1860. Svo. S proposed to Candidates for Qucen's Scholar- - Staff College. Final Examination of the ships, with List of Successful Candidates. Senior Division, December 1859 and 1860. II. Questions proposed to Students in And Probationary Examination of the Junior Training Colleges, and Teachers in charge Division. Svo. sewed. of Scliools, with Lists of Successful Candi- - used at the Examinations for Direct Commissions in dates. Svo, sewed. 6d. June, September, and - 1859, ditto, ditto. 8vo. sewed. Ed. November 1859. 8vo. sewed. Is. each. H. M. Stationery Office, and Longman & Co., Harrison, 59, Pall Mall. 1859. University of London :- Examination Papers, Science and Art Depart- Regulations for Examination Bachelor of ment. Committee of Lectures. ~ Dublin Science (from pp. 67 to $9). post Svo. Castle, 1858–9. Svo. sewed. sewed. - Science and Art Department. Com- - for Matriculation (from pp. 37 to 44.) mittee of Lectures. — Dublin Castle, 1856, post Svo. sewed. 1857, 1858. fep. folio; 1859, 8vo. Report of the Committee appointed to consider A. Thom & Son, Dublin. the Propriety of establishing a Degree or - Engineering. University of Dublin. Degrecs in Science, and the Conditions on Trinity College, Michaelmas 1859. (6 pa- which such Degrees should be conferred. pers.) 8vo. sewed. With the Evidence taken before the Com- for Science Certificates, held at South mittee. Svo. sewed. 1858. Kensington, Novenber 1959 and November Woolwich :- 1860. Svo. sewed. Od. Report on the Examination for Appointinents H.M. Stationery Office, and Chapman & Hall. to the Royal Artillery and Practical Class of Dublin University :- the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich, Examination Papers for 1860, 1861. 12mo. held at Burlington House, London, January 21st. 1856. with Copies of the Examination Hodges, Smith, & Co., Dublin, 1860. Papers. Svo. sewed. Harrison, 59, Pall Malla Report of the Examination for Admission to Examination. Report of the Examination, the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich, Cowley School (Oxford Diocesan Central), near held at Burlington House, London, on the Oxford, Dec. 1859, with the Examination Papers, 20th of June 1857. With a Syllabus of &c. 8vo. sewed. J. Vincent, Oxford, 1860. Mathematical Studies and Copies of the Ex- Examinations of the Society of Arts for 1858. amination Papers. 8vo. sewed. ls. 6d. 1857. Svo. sewed. (Published for the Society.) - on 3rd of January 1859. Ditto. - Papers, set at the Society of Arts' Ex Svo. sewed. ls. 6d. 1859. aminations held in 1856, 1857, 1858, on various on 4th January 1860. 8vo.sewed. Sheets, and May 1859 and 1860. royal Svo. - on 30th June 1860. 8vo. sewed. sewed. 6d, each. Bell & Daldy. Harrison, 59, Pall Mall. 138 GENERAL EDUCATION. Woolwich---cont. Part III.--Education Supéricure de 16 Ans à Examination Papers, Royal Military Academy. 20 Ans:- Theoretical and Practical Classes. June 1859. Conseils aux Jeunes Personnes sur les moyens royal Svo. cloth stiffened. Woolwich, 1859. de compléter leur Education, par M. Théry. Cours de Littérature Générale, par M. Théry. 2 vols. in l. Notions de Philosophie, de Droit, et d'Hygiène Barrau, T. H. Direction Morale pour les pratique, par MM. Théry, Grün, et Isidore Instituteurs. Moral Guidance for Teachers. Bourdon. 4th edition. 18mo. sewed. (2 copies.) Revue de l'Histoire Universelle. Hachette, Paris, 1851. Cours Supérieur de Grammaire, par M. Bernard Bulletin de la Societé pour l'Instruction Elé- Jullien. 2 vols. in l. Hachette & Co. mentaire. Journal of Elementary Instruction. Fourneron, J. B. Guide des Instituteurs, &c. 1829 to 1859 inclusive. 31 vols. Svo, in num- Teachers' Guide in the Principles of Instruc-- bers. Paris, printed for the Society. tion. 12mo. — de l'Instruction Primaire. Journal of Dezobry, Paris, 1852. Primary Instruction, published bi-monthly. Gauthey, L. F. F. De l'Ecole Normale du 9 parts royal Svo. Dupont, Paris. Canton de Vaude. royal Svo. (Presented by Campan, Mad. De l'Education, suivi des Con H. Grant, Esq.) Ducloux, Lausanne, 1839. seils aux Jeunes Filles. Par M. F. Barriere. Girard, G. Discours, &c. Education of 3 tom. 12mo. half call. (Presented by H. Grant, Children. Address spoken at the Prize Dis- Esq.) A. Wahlen & Co., Bruxelles, 1$24. tribution of the French School, Strasbourg. Collard, L'Abbé. Le bon Instituteur. The good 32 pp. 12mo. Dezobry, Paris, 1848. teacher, moral essays on his duties and his Gindroz, André. Histoire de l'Instruction services, 12mo. Paris, Dezobry, 1847. Publique dans le Pays de Vaud. Svo. sewed. Degerando, M. Du Perfectionnement Moral, G. Bridel, Lausanne, 1855. ou de l'Education de Soi-même. 2 vols. 12mo. half calf. (Presented by C. Baker, Esq.) Hofwyl. Des Instituts d'Hofwyl, considérés, Bruxelles, 1$28. plus particulièrement, sous les Rapports qui doivent occuper la pensée des Hommes d'Etat. De la Salle, M. Conduite des Écoles Chré- Par le Comte L. de V. 8vo. half calf. (Pre- tiennes. Management of Christian Schools. 12mo. half calf. Moronval, Paris, 1853. sented by C. Baker, Esq.) Genève, 1821. Dentand, Julien. De l’Education Publique Instruction Primaire. (See Bulletin.) ou Nationale, &c. 3 pamphlets in 1 vol. Svo. Jallien, B. Manuel des Examens dans les half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Ecoles Primaires. Manual of Examinations in Genève, 1792-96. Primary Schools. 2nd edition, 12mo. Dumouchel, J. F. A. Leçons de Pédagogie. (2 copies.) Hachette, Paris, 1851. Advice relating to the Teaching, &c. of Lamotte and Lorain, Manuel complet de Children in Primary Schools. 2nd edition. l'Enseignement Mutuel. Manual of Mutual 12mo. sewed. Paris, Dezobry, 1853. Instruction. 2nd edition. 12 mo. Dumont, M. P. Education Populaire. Popular Hachette, Paris, 1842. Education, and Modern Primary Schools in Matter, M. L'Instituteur primaire. Advice their relation to Philosophy and Christianity. and Directions for the primary Teacher. 2nd Svo. sewed. Dezobry, Paris, 1841. edition. Svo. Hachette, Paris, 1843. Education pour les Filles. Complete Course - Le Visiteur des Ecoles. School Visitor. of Education for Girls. 16 vols. in 14. imp. Svo., 2nd edition. 8vo. Hachette, Paris, 1838. and Atlas, oblong imp. 4to. half calf. Pestalozzi. Esprit de la Méthode d'Education de Pestalozzi, suivie et pratiquée dans l'Insti- Part I.:- tut d'Education d'Yverdun, en Suisse. Par Education Elémentaire de 4 Ans à 10 Ans. In M. Marc Antoine Jullien. tome 1. roval Svo. I vol. half calf. (Presented by C. Baker, Esq.) PART II.- Education Moyenne de 10 Ans à Milan, 1812. Raymond, M. L'Abbé. Dictionnaire d'Edu- 16 Ans : — cation Publique et Privée, tant en France qu'à Conseils aux Mères, par M. Théry. Exercices de Mémoire et de Lecture, par MIM. l'Etranger. imp. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1853. Théry et Dezobry. Rendu, M. Amb. Cours de Pédagogie. Prin- Leçons de Grammaire et Exercices de Style, par | ciples of Public Education, for the Use of the Pupils of the Normal Schools and the Primary M. Sardou. Leçons d'Arithmétique et de Tenue des Ecri- Teachers. 12mo. sewed. Leclerq, Paris. tures, par M. Sonnet. Leçons de Géographie, par M. Cortambert; avec un Atlas de 40 Cartes coloriées, (oblong imp. La Scuola Materna. 2 vols. in l. Svo. half · 4to.) calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Leçons d'Histoire, par MM. Herbet, Bouchitté et F. Baracchi, Firenze, 1849. Barberet. 2 vols., avec 31 cartes ou planches. Parravicini, L. A. Manuale di Pedagogia e Notions de Physique et de Chimie ; Leçons Metodica. Handbook of Systematic Teaching. d'Histoire Naturelle; Principes raisonnés de 2nd vol. Svo. half calf. la Musique; par MM. Sonnet, Delafosse, et Lugano, 1845. Quicherat. Avec 12 planches. ON TEACHING, ETC. 139 Aufforderung an die Franen zur Gründung | Wrage and Denzel. Entwurf des Ans- von Erziehungs-vereinen. Appeal to women chauungsunterrichts. Sketch of Catechetical respecting the founding of Educational Asso Object Lessons. 1st course. 7th edition. Svo. ciations. crown 4to, sewed. (6 copies) half bound. 1853. Dresden, 1854. 2nd course. 4th edition. 8vo. Braubach, Dr. W. Schule in der Wichtigsten. half bound. Altona, Hammerich, 1850. Reform, &c. The Reform of Schools con. sidered. 8vo. sewed. Altona, 1833. Berkhout, A. J. Proeve eener Beknopte Fundamentallehre der Padagogik. Prin Geschiedenis van het Lager Onderwijs in ons ciples of Pedagogical or Instructional Science. Vaderland. Attempt towards a Concise His- 8vo. Giessen, 1841. tory of the Common School Education in the Fröbel, F. W. A. Die Menschenerziehung. Netherlands. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1$24. Moral and Mental Education. vol. 1. Svo. Brugsma, B. Onderwijs en Tucht. Observa- Keilhan, 1826. tions and Suggestions respecting Education. Haas, Dr. Robert. Der Elementarlehrer in Svc. * Groningen, 1847. seinem Berufe. The Elementary Teacher in - Overzigt van de Opvoeding door het his profession, Two Dialogues. 13 pp. 12mo. Onderwijs in de Lagere Scholen. A Short sewed. Johnghans, Darmstadt, 1847 Review of the Training resulting from the Hansen, H. A. Rede bei der Säcular-Geburts System of Instruction in the common Schools. Feier Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi's, 12 Jan. 1846. 8vo. Scholtens, Groningen, 1850. Discourse on the Anniversary of Pestalozzi's De Groot, P. H. Wenken over de eigene studie birthday. royal 8vo. sewed. Altona, 1846. voor Jeugdige Onderwijzers. Hints for Private Harder, Fr. Handbuch für den Anschauung Studies of Young Teachers. Svo, sewed. sunterricht. Handbook for Instruction by Groningen, 1845. Object Lessons. Svo. half-bound. Gouka, M. De Kweeckschool. The Training Altona, Hammerich, 1853. School, Handbook for Mothers and future Jacotot, J. Der Universal-Unterricht. Jacotot's Teachers. Svo. Rotterdam, 1852. Universal Instruction. By Dr. W. Braubach. Handboek voor Ouders-Een. Handbook for Svo. sewed. 2nd edition. Giessen, 1840. Parents. Svo. Leyden, &c., 1833. Otto, Dr. W. Die Lehre von den Volks Schulen. Handleiding voor Schoolleeraars ten Platten Information concerning the People's Schools. Lande. Guide for School Teachers of the post 8vo. half bound. Netherlands. Svo. Leyden, &c., 1808. Pagenstecher, Dillenburg, 1845. Handleiding voor Houderessen van kleine Pestalozzi's Sammtliche Schriften. Col Kinderscholen. Guide for Schoolmistresses lected Works of Pestalozzi. 15 vols. post Svo. of Children's Schools. 8vo. Leyden, &c., 1823. half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Hemkes, H. · Handleiding voor Kweekelingen Stuttgart, 1819. Onderwijzers, &c. Guide for Teachers while Propst, J. Die wichtigeren pädagogischen Training, &c. 2nd edition. 8vo. Grundsätze von Pestalozzi. Educational Prin- Groningen, 1947. ciples of Pestalozzi. 12mo. Liestal, 1846. Opvoeding, Wenken voor. Suggestions for - Winke für eine bessere Volkserziehung. Training (in form of a Tale). Svo. Hints for a better Education of the People. Amsterdam, 1837. 12mo, cloth. Basel, 1548. Opwekking van het echt Godsdienstig Gevoel Scherr, Dr. T. Handbuch der Padagogik. Ma- bij de Jeugd, de Pligt van Ouders en Opvoe- nual of Teaching for Upper Division of Primary ders. The Awaking a Devotional Temper in Schools. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. Zurich, 1846-51. Youth, the Duty of Parents and Teachers. Scherr, Dr. T. Organisation der Volksschule. Illustrated by a Tale entitled “ Hendrik and Organization of National Schools. 8vo. cloth. Anna." Svo. Amsterdam, 1831. Leipsic, 1847. Onderwijs, Geschiedkundig overzigt van het lager. Historical oversight of the ordinary Unterrichts-plan, &c. Educational System System of Education in Netherlands. Svo. for the reformed Primary Schools in Bern. Leyderi, 1849. 62 pp. 12mo, sewed. Bern, 1845. Onderzoek, &c. Inquiry concerning Educa- - Educational System in Canton Berne. tion. With Observations and Suggestions crown 4to. 32 pp. sewed. Bern, 1845. respecting the Duties of Parents and Teachers. - Illustrations of Educational System in Svo. Amsterdam, 1922, Canton St. Gall, with Writing Models. In Rijkens, R. G. De Bewaarschool. Practical portfolio. Guide for instruction respecting Bewaar School. Svo. Leeuwarden, 1847. Wechselseitige Schuleinrichtung. Illustra- - Aanschouwelijk Onderwijs. Handbook tion of the System of Mutual School Instruction of Public Education, on the Pestalozzi System, in Sleswick and Holstein ; consisting of for Select and Common Schools. Svo." Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic Tables on Leeuwarden, 1947. Sheets, and Books explanatory of the Method Van Dapperen and Prinsen. Handleiding pursued in the Schools of the Grand Duchies. voor Onderwijzers, &c. Teacher's Guide; å In Portfolio. Altona, 1854. System of Instruction for Children, on the Wilmsen, F. P. Der Deutsche Kinderfreund, Pestalozzi Method; together with a Collection ein Lessebuch für Boltschulen. 2 vols. 12mo. of simple Geometrical Examples. Parts 1 and half calf. (Presented by H.. Grant, Esq.) 2, in 1 vol. Svo. half calf. G. Reimer, Berlin, 1835. Amsterdam, 1824; Zalt-Bommel, 1852, of Public Edmuwelijk Onderzeeuwarden, isang 140 GENERAL EDUCATION. Van Delden. Handleiding voor Onderwijzers. | Canada (Upper). Copies of Correspondence Handbook for Teachers in Schools for Young between the Members of Government and the Children. 2nd edition. 12mo. Chief Superintendent of Schools on the Sub- Deventer, 1848. ject of the School Law for Upper Canada Van den Ende, A. Geschiedkundige Schets and Education generally, with Appendices, van Neêrlands Schoolwetgeving. Historical including Correspondence on the Subject Sketch of the Netherlands Educational System, from March 3rd,' 1846, to April 25th, 1850, and an Account of the Life of the Author, by post folio, sewed. J. Clarisse and J. Teissedre L'Ange. Svo. Lovell & Gibson, Toronto, 1850. Deventer, J. De L'Ange, 1846. Census of Great Britain, 1851. Educa- Verhandeling over de Volstrekt Noodzakelijke tion, England and Wales, Report and Tables ; Kundigheden in de Openbare en Armenscholen, and Religious Worship and Education, Scot- &c. 'Treatise on the Educational System of land, Report and Tables. in 1 vol. royal Svo. the Public and Poor Schools in the Nether- half calf. H.M. Stationery Office. lands, with a Notice of the Bell and Lancaster Ceylon. Eleventh Report of the Central School Method. 8vo, sewed. Leyden, &c., 1820. Commission for the Instruction of the Popula- tion of Ceylon, 1852. Svo. sewed. (Government Schools, Ceylon.) W. Skeen, Ceylon, 1853. Civil Service Commissioners, Reports of. (See Parliamentary Papers.) Committee of Council on Education. Minutes, 1839 to 1856, in 19 vols. Svo, REPORTS, &c. ON EDUCATION. half calf. - 1856–7. 2 vols. Svo, sewed. Ashwell, Rev. A. B. Report on the Diocesan Inspection of Schools in the Diocese of Oxford, 1858–9. Svo. sewed. 1959-60. Svo. sewed. 1S. Correspondence, 1848–9, 1 vol. 8vo. half J. H. & J. Parker, 1860. calf. Canada Educational Directory and Calendar Tabulated Reports of Her Majesty's for 1857-8. Edited by Thos. Hodgins. Svo. Inspectors of Schools for 1853–5, 2 vols. Svo. sewed. (Presented by Mr. O.P. Moore.) half calf. Maclean & Co., Torontó, 1957. - Reports on Schools of Parochial Unions, Canada (Upper). Report ofthe Normal, Model, England and Wales, 1817 to 1856, 6 vols. Svo. and Common Schools in Upper Canada, 1949, half calf. H.M. Stationery Office. post folio ; 1850, 1 vol. imperial Svo.; and Education Act, 1856. Folio. 1851-56, in 2 vols. royal Svo. half calf. lettered. Educational Record, with the Proceedings (Presented by Rev. Dr. Ryerson.) at large of the British and Foreign School So- Special Report of the separate School ciety, October 1848 to May 1857, 3 vols. Svo. Provisions of the School Law of Upper Canada, cloth; and October 1857 to October 1860 (Nos. and the Measures which have been adopted to 37-49.) Svo. 2d, each. (Published quar- supply the School Sections and Municipalities terly.) British and Foreign School Society. with School Text-Books, Apparatus, and Libra- Home and Colonial School Society's Educa- ries. By Rev. Dr. Ryerson. royal Svo. (Pre- tional Paper. Nos. 1 to 8, 1859 and 1860. sented by the Author.) Lovell, Toronto. 8vo. sewed. 2d. (Published quarterly.). -- Report on a System of Public Elemen- Wertheim & Co. tary Instruction for Upper Canada. By Inspectors of Schools, Extracts from the Re- Rev. Dr. Ryerson. Svo. half calf. (Presented ports of. 12mo. cloth. Longman & Co., 1852. by the Author.) 1947. Laurie, S. S. Classified Abridgment of the - The School-house ; its architecture, Minutes of the Council of Education for the external and internal arrangements, with Use of School Managers and Teachers. fcp. additional Papers on Gymnastics, the use of Svo. ls. T. Constable & Co. Apparatus, School Discipline, Methods of Teaching, &c. Edited by J. G. Hodgins, M.A. Mann, H. Official Report on Education in Great Britain, made to the Registrar General. royal Svo. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Rycrson.) 1857. royal 8vo. half calf. 2s. Routledge & Co., 1854. - The Educational Museum and School of - Report of an Educational Tour; with Art and Design for Upper Canada; with a preface, &c., by W. B. Hodgson, LL.D. 12mo. Plan of the English Educational Museum, &c. 2s. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1853. From the Chief Superintendent's Report for Minutes of Conference of the Friends of 1856. royal Svo. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Voluntary and Religious Education, at Ryerson.) Homerton College, December 10, 1856. - General Provisions of the Law and Rules Edited by W. J. Unwin, M.A. Svo. 6d. and Regulations for the Establishment and (Congregational Board of Education.) Maintenance of Public School Libraries in Ward & Co. Upper Canada, &c. 12mo. (Presented by Rev. / Minutes of the Committee of Council on Edu- Dr. Ryerson.) 1854. cation, 1841-2. Syo. (Presented by H. Grant, Lovell & Gibson, Toronto. 1 Esq.) W. Clowes & Son, 1842 1858. 1 ON TEACHING, ETC.-REPORTS, ETC. 141 Reports and Essays, published by the Friends' Educational Society, from 1837 to 1856. 2 vols. Svo., calf, gilt leaves. (Presented by the Friends' Educational Society.) J. L. Linney, York. Society of Arts. Report of the Committee on Industrial Instruction. Svo. cloth. Longman & Co., 1853. United States of America:- Connecticut, Legislative Documents respect- ing Education in, 1853. Svo, sewed. Pre- sented by C.Baker, Esq.) Hartford, U.S., 1853. Statutes of the State of Ohio, of a Genera} Nature, in force August 1854; with Refe- rences to prior Repealed Laws. Collated and compiled by Joseph R. Swan, royal 8vo. bound. Derby & Co., Cincinnati, 1854. Ohio School Laws, accompanied by Blank Forms and Opinions of Commissioners; prepared by the State School Commissioner for the Use of and Government of School Officers. royal Svo, cloth. 1858. New Brunswick, First and Second Reports of the Parish Schools of, 1852–3. Svo. sewed. J. Simpson, Fredericton, 1853. New York. Documents and Reports of the Board of Education, City of New York, 1853. 8vo. half calf. - Notice of the Plan of Instruction adopted in 1846 by the Board of Trustees of the Public School Society of the City of New York. 16 pp. 8vo. sewed. - Constitution and Byelaws of the Beriah Sacred Lyceum or Branch of Sunday School No. 23, of the N. Y. S. S. Union. crown Svo. - Examination Papers of the Free Academy, July 1853. 8vo. sewed. Catalogue (List of Students) of the Free Academy, 1853. Svo. sewed. - Twelfth Annual Report of the Board of Education of the City and County of New York, January 1854. 8vo. cloth, limp. - A Manual of the System of Discipline and Instruction for the Schools of the Public School Society of New York, instituted 1805. Svo. half bound. Egbert & King, New York, 1850. - Directory of the Board of Education, City of New York, May 1854. 32mo. cloth limp. Bryant & Co., New York, 1854. Nova Scotia. An Act for the Encouragement of Education, March 28, 1850. 12 pp. Svo. - Reports on the Schools of, for 1850-51– 52. 3 parts. 8vo. R. Nugent, Halifax, N.S. Queen's College, Belfast. Report of 1857-8. fcp. folio. 6d. - Galway. Report of 1857–8. fcp. folio. id. A. Thom & Sons, Dublin, 1859. Queen's College, Cork. Report of the Presi- dent for the Year 1858–9. fcp. folio, sewed. 70. A. Thom & Son, Dublin, 1860. Queen's University in Ireland; Report of the Condition and Progress, from September 1, 1854, to September 1, 1855. By the Right Hon. Mazierc Brady. fcp. folio, sewed. A. Thom & Son, Dublin, 1855. Reformatory Schools :- First Report of the Inspector appointed to visit the different; Reformatory Schools of Great Britain. Svo. sewed. 1858. Second ditto ditto. Svo. sewed. 1859. Eyre & Spottiswoode. Report of Poor Law Commissioners to the Home Secretary, on the Training of Pauper Children, 1841. Svo. cloth. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) W. Clowes & Son. - from Select Committee of the House of Commons, on the Education of the Metropolis, June 1816. Svo. half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Gale & Fenner, 1816. Reports of the Proceedings of the Educational Institute of Scotland, 1847 to 1953. Svo. half calf. (Presented by Messrs. Blackwood and Sons.) Edinburgh. tistics to the General Assembly of Ohio for 1857, 1958. 2 vols. royal Svo. cloth. Fifth Annual Report of the State Commis- sioner of Common Schools to the General Assembly of Ohio, 1858. royal Svo. cloth. Thirteenth Annual Report of the Commis- sioners of the Ohio State Library, for 1858; with an Historical Sketch. By the Librarian. Svo. cloth (and I copy Svo. sewed). R. Nevins, Columbus. Report of the Corporation of Brown Univer- sity, on Changes in the system of Collegiate Education, read March 28, 1850. 8vo. sewed. G. H. Whitney, Providence, 1850. Annual Report of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction for the State of Wisconsin, 1853. Svo. sewed. D. Atwood, Madison, 1854. First Annual Report of the Wisconsin Teachers' Association, August, 1854. 8vo. sewed. Tenth Annual Report on the Connexion and Improvement of the Common Schools and Educational Interests of the State of Wis- consin for 1858. By L. C. Draper. Svo. sewed. 1858. Atwood & Rublee, Madison. Report of the Board of Regents of the Smith- sonian Institution, showing its Operations, &c., for 1857, 1858. Svo. cloth. (Presented by the Smithsonian Institution.) Washington, U.S., 1857. Report of the Board of Education, Public Schools, City of Cleveland, U.S. 8vo. sewed. E. Cowles & Co., Cleveland. Williams' Secular School, Edinburgh. First (1d.), Second (1d.), Third (6d.), and Fourth (6d.) Annual Reports of the. Svo. sewed. Maclachlan & Co., Edinburgh, 1850–53. S 142 GENERAL EDUCATION. 8 Barrau, Th. H. Instructions sur la Loi d'En- | Genève. République et Canton de Genève. seignement. Instructions relative to the Law Loi Générale sur l'Instruccion Publique, &c. of Primary Education. 12mo. Various Papers on the Laws and Regulations Hachette, Paris, 1851. | for Public Instruction, issued by the Depart- Nouvelle Loi sur l'Enseignment. New ment of State. In 1 vol. Svo. red morocco. Law relating to Education. With Commen (Presented by M. Moïse Piguet.) tary. 18mo. sewed. Hachette, Paris, 1854. Genève, 1848-59. - Législation de l'Instruction Publique. Inspecteur de l'Enseignement primaire. Qua- Measures relating to Public Instruction, Laws, lifications requisite for the office of Inspector Decrees, &c. Collected and arranged by Th. of primary Education. 12mo. H. Barrau. Svo. 1 copy half calf, and I copy Delalain, Paris. sewed. Hachette, Paris, 1853. Caisse de l'Association des Instituteurs du Instruction Elémentaire. (See Bulletin,) p.138. Canton de Fribourg. Fund and Regulations Instruction Publique en France :- of the Association of Teachers for Fribourg, Instruction publique. Public Education. Re- founded in 1835. post 8vo. sewed. 1851. quirements for B.A. in Classics and in Compte-Rendu par le Conseil d'Etat du Science. 2 parts. 12mo. Canton de Vaud. Reports of the Council of Hachette, Paris, 1852. State for the Canton-Vaud for the Years 1951- -- publique. Loi sur l'Enseignement. :52. Svo. 2 Parts in 1 vol. half calf. Law of March 1850, respecting Public Edu- - 2 Parts. Svo. sewed. cation. With notes, by J. Delalain. 12mo. sewed. Delalain, Paris, 1854. Cousin, M. V. Rapport sur l'Etat de l'Iu- struction Publique dans quelques Pays de - publique. Journal général de. Journal l'Allemagne. Svo. half calf." (Presented by H. of Public Instruction, for 1851–53. 3 vols. Grant, Esq.) F. G. Levrault, Paris, 1833. royal 4to. half bound. (2 copies.) Dupont, Paris. Ecole de Saint Cyr. Programme of Require- Règlements, Programmes, et Comptes Rendu. 'ments for admission to. 12mo. sewed. Public Instruction in France, Official Regula- Hachette, Paris, 1854. tions, Subjects of Examination, and Reports, -- Centrale des Arts et Manufactures. 1852-4. in 1 vol. 4to. half calf. Paris. Programme of Central School of Arts and Manufactures. Svo. sewed. 1853–54. Instruction Publique en Belgique :- Ecoles Primaires Communales, Programme Instruction Primaire. Rapports et Arrêtes Royaux. Reports and Official Regulations des. The Programme of Primary Schools of Communes for Belgium. Printed on loose respecting Primary Instruction in Belgium, 1542-52, in 1 vol. Svo. half call. sheet. Namur. Bruxelles. Ecoles Primaires du Canton de Fribourg. - Moyenne. Rapports et Arrêtés Royaux. Primary Regulations respecting the School Reports and Official Regulations respecting in Fribourg. Svo. (2 copies.) Fribourg, 1850. Middle Class Examination in Belgiuin. 1840- 52, in 1 vol. 8vo. half calf. Bruxelles. Ecole Secondaire des Filles. Regulations for a Secondary Girls' School. Pamphlet. post Svo. - Supérieure. Rapports et Programmes Fribourg, 1849. des Questions. Reports and Examination Questions, 1st Class Public Instruction in Ecole Cantonale de Fribourg. Programmes of Belgium, 1844-52, in 1 vol. 8vo., half calf. Schools in Fribourg, for 1848–53; List of Bruxelles. Books used, and Course of Reading. 4to. (5 - Moyenne. Programmes des Athenées papers.) Royaux et des Ecoles Moyennes de l'Etat, Ecoles Cantonale Secondaire des Filles. Report 1952-54, in 1 vol. imp. 4to. half roan, limp. and Papers concerning the Secondary Cantonal Bruxelles. School for Girls in Fribourg; also Agricul- – primaire. Catalogue of Books examined tural Schools. MS. unbound. 3 parts. by the Central Commission on primary edu- - Normales Primaries, Aperçu de quelques cation in Belgium, in accordance with the Réformes, &c. Glance at some Reforms ap- Law of September, 1842. royal Svo. sewed. plicable to Normal Schools. Svo. sewed. Seghers, Brussels, 1854. Dezobry, Paris, 1851. Discussions de la Loi sur l'Enseigneinent Moyen, Ecole Polytechnique. Loi Fédéral sur la Créa- Reports to, and Discussions in the Legisla- tive Assembly, respecting the Middle or tion d'une. Swiss Federal Law for the Esta- School Education in Belgium, June 1830. blishment of a Polytechnic School. 12 pp. 2 vols. Svo. sewed. 8vo. sewed. 1854. Deltombe, Brussels, 1830. - Primaires. Primary Schools and their Etat de l'Instruction Supérieure. Report of the Inspection. Pamphlets in Envelope. 2 parts. State of Higher or University Education, - Polytechnique. Programme of Re Presented to the Legislative Assembly by quirements for admission to. 12mo. M. Northomb, April 1943. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Hachette, Paris, 1854. | half calf. Devroye & Co., Brussels, 1844. REPORTS, ETC. ON EDUCATION. 143 Leggi Scolastics for the Italiano Austrian Go- vernments Wed. (Prese Italian Normnali. Book Instruction Publique en Belgique-cont. | Programma dei Corsi del Liceo Cantonale in Papport Triennal sur l'Instruction Primaire Lugano. Programme of the System of the en Belgique 1843-5. Triennial Report of Cantonal Lyceum, Lugano. 8vo. sewed. Primary System of Instruction, by M. Bellinzona, 1853. Le Comte De Theux. Presented to the Regolamento Politico per le Scuole Elemen- Legislature, November 1846. Parts 1 and 2. tari. Political Regulations for the Elementary imp. Svo.; and Appendix, by M. Ch. Rogier. Schools in the Austrian Provinces of Hun- Presented to the Legislature, November 27, gary, the Lombardo. Venetian Kingdoin, and 1847. in 2 vols. imp. 8vo. half calf. Dalmatia. First Italian edition. (Presented by Devroye & Co., Brussels, 1847. the Austrian Government.) Vien, 1847. -- Second Period, 1846-8. By M. Ch. Rogier. Presented to the Legislature, June Leggi Scolastiche per le Scuole Normali. Book 20, 1849. fcp. folio. hali calf. of Regulations for the Italian Normal Schools. Devroye & Co., Brussels, 1849. 12mo. sewed. (Presented by the Austrian Go- Also, Government Instructions respecting Vien, 1853. the construction of School buildings, with Leggi Scolastiche; Skolni Pravidla; Schul- plates. . gesetze. School Regulations for Use of the Instruction Publique en la Suisse: Italian, Slavonian, and German Schools. On Règlements et Programmes. Regulations for 3 sep. sheets, size 20 by 16 in. post broad Public Instruction in Switzerland, 1832-51, folio. (Presented by the Austrian Govern- 46 pamphlets in 1 vol. crown 8vo. half calf. ment.) Berne, &c. Nachrichten über die gewerblichen Lehran- Manuel des Aspirantes au Brevet de Capacité. stalten in Preussen. Account of the Industrial Hand-book for Candidates for Certificate of Institutions in Prussia, 24 pp., lithograph. fcp. Competency as Teachers in Primary Schools, folio. (Presented by the Austrian Government.) containing Answers of Examination Ques Plan zur Organisation der Provinzial Gewerbe- tions. 3rd edition. 12mo. half calf. 1849. Schulen, &c. Registers, Organization, State, - 6th edition. 12mo. half calf. and Regulation of the Industrial Schools in Paris, Hachette, 1852. Prussian States. A., 8 pages ; B., 8 pages; C., Peclet, M. E. Instruction sur l'Assainissement 8 pages. fcp. folio, with 4 sheets of Tables, des Écoles primaires. Instructions relative &c., lithographed. (Presented by the Austrian to Sanitary Measures for Primary Schools, Government.) · and Homes of Refuge, Svo. sewed. Duxnosti Podloxnikah. Catechism on the Hachette, Paris, 1846. Duties of Subjects to the Sovereign and Autho- Plan d'Etudes et Programmes d'Enseignement rities, with an Italian Translation. For Illyrian Elementary Schools. 12mo. (Presented by the des Lycées. Education in the Lyceums. 12mo. sewed. (2 copies.) Paris, Hachette. Austrian Government.) Vien, 1849. Règlement de la Bibliothèque Cantonale. Re- Ustawy dla Szkól Narodowych. Book of Regu- lations for the Polish National Schools.. 12mo. gulations respecting the Cantonal Library for · Fribourg. Svo. sewed. (2 copies.) 1852. sewed. (Presented by the Austrian Govern- 92ent. — Uber Die Kantonsbibliothek. Regula- Vien, 1835. tions respecting the Cantonal Library for Skolní Pravidla pro obecné skoly. Book of Lucerne. 7 pp. 8vo. Regulations for the Slavonian Schools. 12mo. Répertoire des Instituteurs primaires. Reper sewed. (Presented by the Austrian Government.) tory for primary Teachers, containing classifi- Vien, 1852. cation of contents of official documents rela- tive to Education in Belgium, and especially · Allgemeiner Unterrichts und Lektionsplaı?. Namur. 12mo. sewed Namur, 1954. Report on the Instruction given in the Infant Salmon, C. A. Conférences sur les Devoirs and Advanced Schools in the Canton of Solo- des Instituteurs Primaires. Addresses respect- thurn. Published at the expense of the Educa- ing the Duties of Teachers. 3rd edition. 12mo. tion Commission of the Cantons. 12mo.. Solothurn, 1841. sewed. (2 copies.) Paris, Hachette, 1844. Bericht, &c. Reports of the Practical Schools, in Bern, 1841-48. 3 parts, post Svo. Berne, 1842–48. Franscini, Stefano. Discorso letto alla Prima Darstellung des gesammten Schulwesens, adunanza del Consiglio Cantonale di Educa- &c. Statement of the general School System zione Pubblica. Address at the First Meeting in Aargau. royal 410, sewed. Aarau, 1834. of the Cantonal Council of Public Instruction, Delabar, G. Schweiz Gewerbschulen. Swiss. October 15th, 1844. Svo. cloth. Report cerncerning Industrial Schools. post Locarno, 1844. Svo. bound. St. Gall. - Della Pubblica Educazione nella Sviz Eberhard, Dr. E. Programm der Realschule zera. Public Education in Switzerland. Ex- zu Coburg. Programme of the Real School at tracts from a Statistical Work. royal 8vo. Coburg. By the Director of City Schools, cloth. Lugano, 1847. Dr. Ernest Eberhard. Easter, 1860.' Contain- Programma delle Materie d'Insegnamento, ing, 1. School News. 2. Account of the Di- Programme of Objects of Instruction in the rectors: Health of the School. post 4to. Cantonal Gymnasia. Svo. sewed. cloth. (Presented by H.R. H. The Prince Bellinzona, 1853. 1 Consort.) C. F. Deitz, Coburg. 144 GENERAL EDUCATION. Einlandungsschrift des Gyınnasium Casimi- | Pädagogischer Jahresbericht für Deutsch- rianum zu der öffentlichen Prüfung. Intro lands Volksschullehrer. Yearly Report for duction of the Casimirian College to the Public German National School Teachers, edited by Examination on the 2nd and 3rd April 1860. Karl Nacke and others. 1846 to 1853. Vols. Contents: 1. Explanation of Thucydides, 4th 1. to VII., 9 parts, in 3 vols. Svo. half calf. Book, by the Director, Principal of Forberg. Lcipzig, Brandstetter, 1846–53. 2. School News, by the same. post 4to. boards. Primarschulen, Gesetz über die. Regula- (Presented by H.R.H. The Prince Consort.) tions for the Primary Schools in the Canton C. F. Dietz, Coburg, 1860. Solothurm, Sept. 18th, 1852. croy! Svo. cloth. Gesetze und Verordnungen uber das schulwe- Solothun. sen im Kn. Aargau. General Laws and Regu Prussia. Statuten der Universitäten zu Preus- lations respecting the School System in Canton sen. Statutes of the Universities of Berlin, Aargau, Switzerland. 5 parts. post Svo. in Breslau, and Königsberg; Indexes of Lec- case. tures; Half-yearly Řeports, &c. 36 pamphlets Gesetzen, &c. Laws and regulations for the in 1 vol. 4to. half call. : 1853-54. Education Systein in Canton 'Thurgau, Switzer - Reports, &C., &c., of Schools. Vol. 1. con- land. post Švo, cloth. taining 24 pamphlets. 4to. half calf. - Vol. 2, containing 29 pamphlets. Guthier, Dr. A. Privat-Lehranstalt. 7th 4to. half call. Berlin, &c. v.d. annual Report of a private School, embracing the mercantile and practical school system. Rechenschafts-Bericht. Official Report of the lesser Council of the Canton Aargau, for Svo. sewed. Munich, 1854. the years 1840 to 1852, including financial Gymnasium zu Merseburg. Yearly Report of statements, educational reports, &c. 12 parts, School (Gymnasium) at Dierseburg, con post 4to. in case. Aarau. taining also “ Iwein," a contribution to com- | Reglement über Abhaltung der Militärischen parative mythology, by K. W. Osterwald. Svo. Vebungen an der Kantonsschule, also, für die sewed. Halle, 1853. Bezirksschulen. Regulations respecting the Holstein Gelehrtenschulwesen. Offentichen hindrances to Military Exercises in the Kanton Prüfung aller Klassen des Christianeums. Schools of Aargau; also Rules for the District Reports concerning the Public Examination Schools. 2 parts in Svo. case, of the Christianeum in Altona; also various Schoedler, Dr. F. Die höheren technischen reports, &c., from Kiel, Meldorf, Ikehoe, Schulen. The Upper Technical Schools. Svo. Glückstadt, Ploen, &c. (Part of the statements sewed. (2 copies.) Braunschweig, 1847. regarding the school system in Holstein.) 1 Schulen in Basel. Gesetz über die. Regula- in 1 vol. 4to. boards. 1852-4. tions for the Male Schools in Basle. post Svo. Holstein-Gelehrtenschulwesen. Gym- cloth. Switzerland, 1852. nasienordnung für das Christianeum. College Schul-gesetze des Kantons Schafthausen, regulations for Christianeum, an advanced School Regulations of Schafîhausen. 1851-4. school in Altona, &c. post 4to. cloth. in 1 vol. post Svo. cloth. Altona, 1844. Schul-gesetze, Entwurf zu einem revidirten, Holstein Volksschulwesen. Skoleforordning Sketch of a revised System of School Regula- tions for the Canton Aargau. 4to. sewed. fur Hertugdommerne Sleswig og Holsten. Kanton St. Gallen. General School regulations for Sleswick and School Laws and Holstein. 1814-44. Danish and German. fcp. Ordinance for St. Gall. 2 vols. post Svo. bound, in case. 4to. cloth. Schultz, Kopenhagen, Schulordnung für den Evangelischen Theil Kanton-Basel-Landshaft. Oeffentlicher des Kantons St. Gallen. School Regulations Unterricht, Gesetze, Verordnungen, &c. Public for the Evangelical Section of Canton St. Gall. education in the Canton Basle. The law's, post Svo. sewed. 1835. ordinances, regulations, plan of education, &c. Schullehrer Seininar in Wettingen. Laws, &c., a series of the Government and other publica regarding School Teachers? Institution (Semi- tions respecting schools and their manage : nary) in Wettingen, 6 parts in a post 4to. cover. ment, bound in a case, crown folio, green Schulmann, der Practische. The Practical morocco. 1853. Schoolman. Repository of Materials for School Konferenzblätter. Reports of School- Justruction. By F. Körner. 2nd Annual Issue. teachers' conferences, a periodical containing 1st part. Svo. sewed. addresses delivered, papers read, and other Brandstetter, Leipzig, 1853. matters connected with the periodical con- Statuten des Aargauischen Lehrer Pensions- ferences of the National School Teachers of vereines. Statutes of the Teachers Associations Lucerne, in 1851, 2, 3.7 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. in Aargau. post Svo. sewed. Aargau, 1843. half calf. Luzern, Müller, 1851–53. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft über Erzie- hungswesen, &c. Transactions of the Swiss Königlichen Polytechnishchen Schule. Pro- General Association for Education, Industry, gramme mit den Schülern der. Programme. &c, post Svo. sewed. St. Gallen, 1847. &c. of Polytechnic School at Dresden, 2 parts. Voranschlag der wahrscheinlichen Einnah- 4to. 1853–54. men und Ausgaben, &c. Estimates for the Lehrplan für die Aarg-Gemeindesechulen. year 1954 of the Canton Aargau (including Education plan for Aargau Parish Schools. post the Expenses of the Cantonal Education sys- 8vo. tem). 4to. sewed. REPORTS, ETC. ON EDUCATION.CABINETS AND APPARATUS, ETC. 145 Zurcherische Volksshulwesen, Sammlung der Gesetze, &c. uber das. Regulations concern- ing School System at Zurich, with Educational and Statistical Appendix. post Svo. cloth. Zurich, 1839. Behrns, J. H. Schoolverordeningen voor Vriesland. School Regulations for Friesland, collected and explained. 12ino. Suringar, Leeuwarden, 1847. Beretning om det Kjobenhavnske Eorger-og Allmueskolevæsens Tilstand. Report on the state of the Middle and Lower Copenhagen Schools for the years 1844 to 1852. In 1 vol. crown 4to. cloth. Copenhagen. Kweekschool voor Onderwijzerste Groningen. 50th yearly Report of the Training School for Teachers at Groningen, royal 8vo. sewed. Groningen, 1847. Michelsen, Dr. Conrad. Die Arbeitschulen der Landgemeinden. The Industrial Schools of the country Parishes. 8vo. half bound. Volders, Gutin, 1851. Onderwijs, Verordeningen omtrent het Midi- delbaar en Lager. Educational Ordinances re- specting the Middle and Common Schools in the Province Groningen. 4 parts. 8vo. Groningen, 1846–54. Onderwijs. Welten, &c. op het Lager. Col- lection of the Laws, &c. relating to the Common School Education since 1795. 2 parts. Svo. Groningen, 1844-17. Swensk Författnings-Samling. Resolutions respecting educational matters in the Swedish Constitutional Assembly, containing school ordinances from 1841 to 1844. fcp. 4to. cloth. Van Swinderen. Schoolverbetering, &c. Sketch of a History of School Reform in the Province of Groningen, Svo. Groningen, 1821. - Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis der School- verbetering. Contributions to the History of School Improveinent, especially in Groningen. Svo. Groningen, 1847. Redevoering over de Schoolwet van den 3 April 1806. Discourse respecting Ordinance of 3 April 1806. Svo. Groningen, 1848. Parliamentary Papers-cont. Miscellaneous Statistics of the United King- doin. Part II. folio, sewed. 1859. Minutes of Committee of Council on Educa- tion, 1839–40 to 1859–60. See p. 140. First Report of Her Majesty's Civil Service Commissioners; with Appendices. folio, sewed. 1856. Second ditto, ditto. folio, sewed. 1557. Third ditto, ditto. royal 8vo. sewed. 1858. Fourth ditto, ditto. royal 8vo, sewed. 1859. Fifth ditto, ditto. royal 8vo. sewed. 1860. Report of the Progress of the Ordnance Survey and Topographical Depôt to December 31st, 1859; with Key Maps, &c. 22 pp. folio, sewed. 1860. Report from the Select Committee on Public Institutions; together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, &c. folio. 1860. Report from the Select Committee on Civil Service Appointments; with the Proceedings of the Committee. folio, stitched. 1860. Report from the Select Committee on the South Kensington Museum; together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix. folio, sewed. 1860. - with Proceedings of the Com- mittee. 20 pp. folio, stitched. 1960. Report of the Council of Military Education. royal Svo. sewed. 1860, Instructions to Assistant Commissioners, by the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the State of Popular Education in England. 16 pp. royal Svo. stitched. 1858. Her Majesty's Stationery Office. CABINETS AND APPARATUS for OBJECT LESSONS, &c. Educational Uses of Toys. 12mo. cloth. ls. Joseph, Myers, & Co., 1854. Practical Guide to the English Kinder Garten, (Children's Garden,) containing an Exposition of Froebel's System of Infant Training, and a great variety of Instructive and Amusing Games. By Joh, and Bertha Ronge. crown 4to. cloth. 75. 6d. J. S. Hodson, 1855. Parliamentary Papers : Second Report of the Postmaster-General on the Post Office. royal Svo. sewed. 1856. Report of the Commissioners appointed to con- sider the best Mode of re-organizing the System for Training Officers for the Scien- tific Corps; together with an Account of Foreign and other Military Education. folio. 1857. ~Appendix to. folio. 1857. Report of the Progress and Condition of the Royal Gardens of Kew, from 1853 to 1859. folio. 16 pp. 1859. Returns, East India Examinations. 12 pp. folio. 1859. Judicial Statistics, 1859. imp. 4to. sewed. See page : Amusing Pictures for Children, a series of 24 plates, in printed wrapper. post folio. 4s. 6d. : (in a portfolio.) Joseph, Myers, & Co. Bohny, N. The New Picture Book, being Pictorial Lessons on Form, Comparison, and Number, for Children under: Seven Years of age. oblong royal 4to.. anamental cover. 10s. 6d. Edmonsioi & Youglas, 1858. • K 146 GENERAL EDUCATION. As speci- mens. Case of Objects for Lesson-book, No.l. and 2. -- for Home and Common Things - Case of Furs - - - *** Cases of the above for sale are in pre- paration. British and Foreign School Society: Colour, Amusements in. A Box of Coloured Cards, to illustrate colour and form patterns. Presented by H. Grant, Esq. Colour. Lessons on Form and Colour, with 3. accompanying Sheets, in a Box. 12 in. by 81 in. 13s. 6d. British and Foreign School Society. 12s. 6d. - The 3 Sheets mounted on deal Home and Colonial School Society. Colour, Lessons on, in a Box. 2s. Joseph, Myers, & Co. Dexter's Portable Cabinet of Objects from the Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal Kingdoms, containing nearly 300 objects, eminently cal- culated to assist in impressing a knowledge of the properties of articles, both rare and common, on the youthful mind. Price, with the two explanatory volumes, in a handsome mahogany open case, or a portable mahogany cabinet, with 6 drawers, each 41. 4s., with 5 drawers, 31. 10s., or with 5 drawers in stained deal case, 31. 3s. T. E. Dexter, Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea. English History. A Series of Prints, illus- trating the most interesting events in English History. By Frank Howard. 6d. each; the Home and Colonial School Society's Ob- ject Lessons:- Cabinet, containing Objects from the Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal King- dom, 475. Manufacture of Cotton, to show the various processes from the raw material to the manufactured article. 15s. The same of Silk. 11. 5s. Manufacture of Boots and Shoes. 21. Kitchen Furniture, Model Toys of, in a case. Common Metals, arranged to illustrate their Manufacture. In case, complete, 1l. 18. Copper Scales on a box, with drawer and weights, i oz. to 1 lb. 16s. 6d. Pewter Quart, Pint, and Half Pint Measures. 6s. 6d. Peck, Half Peck, and Quarter Peck. 5s. 6d. A 2-foot Rule, folding up to 6 inches. Is. 6d. ** It is very desirable that children should early know, not only the Tables of Weights and Measures, but become practically acquainted with the things themselves; for this purpose scales and weights, quarts, pints, and other measures are found exceedingly useful. Home and Colonial School Society. Instructive Picture Book, or a few attrac- tive Lessons from the Natural History of Animals. By Adam White. fcp. folio. orna- mental cover. 78. 6d. 1859. - or Lessons from the Vegetable World. By the Author of the “ Heir of Red- cliffe," &c. fcp. folio, ornamental cover. 10s. 6d. Edmonston & Douglas, 1858. Life in Venice, a Model, in Cardboard. Large size, No. 1, 21. 5s. Joseph, Nijers, & Co. Maps Dissected:- England and Wales, on Cardboard, with Key Map, in Cardboard Box. 2s. 6d. on Wood, with Key Map, in Mahogany Box. 3s6d. . Europe, ditto ditto, in Mahogany Box. 35. Od. Joseph, Myers, & Co. Europe, in box. 1s. 2d. England and Wales, in box. 28. 4d. A. Davis & Co. Mosaic Amusements, with plans and descrip- tions in a box. 2s. -- Polychrome, with descriptions and co- loured plans in a box. 35. 6d. Mosaic Recreations. In a Box. 28. Joseph, Myers, & Co. Natural History dissected, combined with Mosaic Amusement; a series of instructive puzzles, with plans and letter-press description. 1 plate in a box 4s. 6d., or 2 plates in a box 6s. 6d. Joseph, Myers, & Co. Perceptive Illustrations of the Bible, a series of fifty-two new Prints to aid Scriptural In- struction the Subjects selected in part by the Author of " Lessons on Objects," and designed by S. Bendixen, Artist. Carefully coloured. Size, 17} by 13 in. ls. 6d. each; or, the set of 52 Prints, in paper wrapper, 52s. half bound morocco, 60s. For List of the Subjects, see Class Theology. Varty, 3, Adelaide Street 1. Alfred and the Beggar. 2. Canute reproving his Courtiers. 3. Henry II., Becket, and the Beggar. 4. King John signing Magna Charta. 5. Queen Eleanor preserving the Life of Edward the First. 6. Qucen Philippa begging the Lives of the Burgesses of Calais. 7. Edward the Black Prince waiting on his Prisoners. 5. Richard II. calming the populace on the death of Wat Tyler. 9. Queen Margaret and the Robbers. 10. Edward VI, founding Christ's Hospital. 11. Charles I. taking leave of his Children. 12. Cromwell dissolving the Long Parlia- ment. ** A frame to hold the set, 3s. 6d. (Mounted on canvas and roller.) Darton & Co. Favourite Picture book. (See Picture.) Geographical Cubes, consisting of Six of Nelson's Maps, viz.. - The World, Europe, England, Ireland, Scotland, France, mounted on cubes, with Key Maps, in oak box. 6s. 6d. - consisting of Six of Johnston's Maps, as abovc, in polished oak box, with impressed gole tętlc. large, 15s. Joseph, Myers, & Co. CABINETS AND APPARATUS FOR OBJECT LESSONS. 147 Picture Book, The Favourite. A Gallery of | Scripture Prints-cont. Delights, designed for the Instruction of the The Brazen Serpent. Young, with several Hundred Illustrations Flight into Egypt. from Drawings by J. Absolon, &c., plain. The Crucifixion. royal 4to. half bound, ornamental cover. 3s. 6d. Timothy taught the Scriptures. new edition. 35. 6d. 1860. Joseph and his Brethren. Griffith & Farran. E. Gover. Picture Book, The, containing 64 coloured | Scripture Prints. Size, 2 ft. 5 in. by 1 ft. pictures of objects, with their names in 10 in., printed in colours. Mounted on linen English, French, and German. imp. 16mo. Price Is. 6d., in ornamental cover. and varnished, 2s. each; on roller, 2s. 4d.; viz.,-- The Prodigal Son. Joseph, Myers, & Co. The Talents. Picture Pleasure Book, illustrated with The Lost Sheep Found (on roller). upwards of 500 Engravings, from Drawings by The Good Samaritan (on roller). Eminent Artists. 1st and 2nd series. imp. 4to. Gs. each part. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. - the Leaves mounted on calico. 12s. each Scripture Prints (7), from the Cartoons of part. Addey & Co. Raphael. each, plain 4d, or coloured 1s. 2d. Prints, Moral. (12), size 14 in. by 11į in. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. mounted on 6 millboards. 8s. Home and Colonial School Society. Scripture Prints, A Series of, 14 inches by - (12), size 14 in. by 111 in. Mounted on 10 inches, coloured. price 6d. each; or either a large sheet, size 3 ft. 6 in. by 3 ft. 6 in., can series mounted on canvas and roller, varnished, vas and roller, varnished. Price 10s. 6d., on a sheet, size 3 ft. 7in., by 3ft. 7 in., 15s. separately, 6d. each. Darton & Co. Prints. 2 of Kitchen Utensils, 5 of Vegetable OLD TESTAMENT SERIES. Kingdom, 3 of Agriculture, .l of Sources of 1. The Deluge. Food, 1 of Sources of Manufactures. Mounted 2. Abraham offering up Isaac. 2 on board, 35. 6d., or 1s. 6d. each. Prints for Infant Schools. 3. Joseph sold by his Brethren. 4. Meeting of Joseph and Jacob. Comparative sizes of Animals, two, various, 5. The finding of Moses. mounted on millboard, 2s. 6d, each. 6. Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh. Sources of Food, mounted. Is. 9d. each. 7. The Passage of the Red Sea. National Society. 8. Moses receiving the Law. Puzzles Dissected :- 9. Ruth and Naomi. Pizarro and the Conquest of Peru. In a box. 10. Samuel and Eli. 38. 6d. 11. David and Goliath. Columbus, or the Discovery of America. In box, 3s. 6d. Cortez, and the Conquest of Mexico. In box, NEW TESTAMENT SERIES. 39. 60. Penn and Pennsylvania. In box, 3s. 6d. 1. Simeon taking Christ in his Arms. Ninety New Puzzles (with a Book, imp. 16mo. 2. The Wise Men from the East. cloth limp), in a Box. 2s. 6d. 3. Christ with the Doctors. Alphabet, the new Picture, in mahogany 4. Christ preaching Sermon on the Mount. box. 5s. Joseph, Myers, & Co. 5. St. John preaching in the Wilderness. Schnorr's Bible Pictures, Scripture His- 6. The Raising of Lazarus. tory illustrated, in 180 Woodcuts from original 7. The Return of the Prodigal Son. Designs by Julius Schnorr. 1st and 2nd series, 8. Little Children brought to Christ. each containing 60 plates. Imperial 4to. cloth. 9. Christ riding into Jerusalem on an Ass. 15s. each. (Parts, each containing 6 plates, 10. The Last is. each.) Williams & Norgate, 1856-7. 11. The Unbelief of Thomas. Scripturé Lessons. Illustrated by 7 Prints 12. The Angel appearing to the Shepherds. from the Cartoons. On Sheets. ls. per dozen. Darton & Co. National Society. Scripture Prints (55), exhibiting the most Scripture Prints. Six Compositions from the remarkable Events in the Life of our Lord as Life of Christ, drawn by Pickersgill, and en related in the Histories of the Four Evange- graved by Dalziel. oblong imperial 4to. lists; with Definitions and Exercises on each sewed. 2s. National Society. Print. Size, 7 in, by 6.1 in. Price, in a tin Scripture Prints, (52), mounted on 26 mill frame, 4s. T. Varty. boards. 31. 5s. (in a glazed case). Home and Colonial School Society. Tools, Miniature Models of, on 4 cards: viz. Scripture Prints, (Gover's,) for School. bricklayers,' plasterers, carpenters, joiners, rooms, on sheets, 2 ft. 11 in. by 2 ft. 2 in., cabinet-makers, field, and gardening imple- coloured. 4s. each, viz. :- ments, with descriptions, in a Cedar Box. 7s. Jesus blessing Children. Joseph, Myers, & Co. John the Baptist preaching. - Miniature Models of, viz.: Locksmiths', God's Preservation of Moses. Plumbers', Farriers', Bookbinders', Paviours', Jesus and the Woman of Samaria, Shoemakers', on Cards. ls. 4d. each. Philip and the Eunuch. Joseph, Myers, & Co. K 2 148 GENERAL EDUCATION. Toys, Building :- The Practical Building Toy; a box of bricks, with directions and working drawings for the erection of permanent structures. Large size. 20s. Building Materials for Juvenile Architects; being a box of bricks of three sizes. 33. Large size, 3s. 60. Boxes of Building Bricks. per box, including working drawings, No. 10, 38., No. 7, 78. No. 5, s. The Construction of Bridges; an instructive building toy, illustrating the theory and prac- tice of forming arches. Small size (one arch), 75.6d. · Box of 100 Real Model Bricks for Juvenile Builders. Red, 2s. Od. - 200 dittoditto. Redand buff, 5s. The Little Gothic Builder, with Key Plates (and a Book, 18mo.), in a box. 4s. Joseph, Myers, & Co. Bricks. Fountain, &c., in box, ls. 100. - German, in box, 28. 2d. - Improved Swiss, in box, 2s. 2d. *** The above prices are wholesale. A. Davis & Co. Toys, Drawing-room. Each toy consists of a large number of cardboard figures, all coloured, together with a tinted landscape scene to form the background. The Vineyard; illustrating the cultivation of the vine; with letter-press description. 6s The Vintage; illustrating the gathering of the grapes and making of wine; withi letter-press description. 6s. The Caravan to Mecca (The Halt in the Desert); with description. 6s. La Fontaine's Fables; first series, with text. Ss. - second series, with text. Ss. The Dairy and Poultry-yard ; with descrip- tion. 6s. The Tea Plantation. Gs. The Little Model Maker. Models illustra- tive of real life, in cardboard, for cutting out, grouping, and arranging; an in- genious exercise for the young. 12 sheets coloured, on cardboard, in a wrapper, 7s.6d. Picturesque Views, for the amusement of vouth, which can be arranged in various ways to form pleasing scenes. In orna- incntal paper box, 4s. 6d. The Stroboscope, or Magic Disc. In paper box, 6s. Joseph, Myers, & Co. Toys, Dissected, &c., various :- Spelling Letters, in a box, 7d. - The New Parlour, in box, 2s. Sd. l'irst Step to Knowledge, or Child's Pictorial Alphabet, in box, 2s. 4d. A. B. C. on picture bricks, in box, 1s. 2d. --- Big and Little, on picture bricks, in box, 2s. - My own Alphabet, coloured, in box, ls. Sd. Alphabet, the Game of the, on cubes, in a box, ls. 9d. Multiplication Table, in box, Is. 6d. Toys, Dissected.-cont. Familiar Fables illustrated, in box, 2s. 4d. British Sovereigns, in box, 4s. 9d. Travellers, England and Wales, in cloth case. post 4to. 35. 40. La Belle France, ditto, 3s. Paul Herbert's Visit to London, ditto, 3s. 3d. Overland Route to India, ditto, 3s. 4d. Historical Dominoes, British History, in box, 28. 4d. Architectural Dominoes, in box, 2s. 4d. Costumes of all Nations, in box, 2s. 4d. Columbia, or the Land of the West, in box, 4s. Id. Playing at Soldiers, in box, sid. Puzzle Oak of Old England, in paper box, 1s. 2d. Game, Magnetic Spider, in box, 2s. 9d. Stereometry, in a box, 3s. 6d. Beasts of Prey and Monkeys, in box, 5s. Gd. Stencil Plate, in paper box, 28. Punch and Judy (sand toy), in glazed paper box, ls. 6d. German Ball Game, in box, 3s. 6d. Metamorphoses, in paper case, 9d. Stair Tumbler, in paper box, 4s. 6d. Clockwork Gig, in paper box, 2s. 4d. Squirrel, in glazed paper box, 2s. 2d. *** The above prices are wholesale. A. Davis & Co. Toys, Kinder Garten:- First Gift (box containing 6 coloured worsted balls, &c.) 25. Second Gift (box containing 2 cubes, a cylinder, and a ball, in wood). Is. Third Gift (box containing a cube in wood, divided once in every direction). 4d. Fourth Gift (box containing a 'cube in wood, divided into 8 planes, cut lengthways). 4d. Fifth Gift (an extension of the Third Gift) con- taining a cube in wood, divided into 21 cubes, 6 half-cubes, and 12 quarter-cubes. 1s. Sixth Gift (a similar extension of the Fourth Gift). Is. Pasteboard Plaiting Box (containing pieces of pasteboard cut into triangles and quadrangles). Sd. Ditto (large size). ls. 2d. Stickwork (box containing sticks). 3d. Plaiting Sticks (9 inches long). 3d. per doz. Peas Work (box containing peas, sticks, and models). ls. Paper Plaiting (box containing paper, needle, &c. for plaiting). ls. Drawing Slates, ruled, fcap. 4to size. 4d. Drawing Books. fcap. 4to. 3d. . J. S. Hodson. Toys, Kinder-Garten; adapted for Froebel's Improved Method of Instruction. In polished boxes, at the following prices :- Gift I., 2s. 6d.; Gift II., 1s. 6d.; Gift III., 9d. ; Gift IV., 9d.; Gift V., 1s. 3d.; Gift VI., 1s. 3d. Pasteboard Plaiting Box, containing pieces of pasteboard cut into triangles and quad- rangles. Price 8d. Stickwork Box. Price 3d. One Dozen Plaiting Sticks, 9 inches long. 3d. Pea Box, complete. 3s. Joseph, Myers, & Co. CABINETS AND APPARATUS FOR OBJECT LESSONS. 149 Toys, Kinder-Garten, &c. 2 Diagrams illustrating the system. Boxes for Modelling, Paper Plaiting Boxes. The Gifts, I. to VI. Spelling Box. Plaiting Sticks. Laying Stick Boxes, Stick for Pea Work, Needles. Paper Casquet. Specimens of Modelling. The Practical Guide to the English Kinder- Garten. crown 4to, cloth. 75. Gd. J. & B. Ronge. Toys, Kinder-Garten. Illustration of the method of instructing Children in the Institutions called Kinder-Garten (Children's Garden) in the construction of patterns from rectangular and other pieces of wood, with tables of Ex- ainples to accompany it. Carc-board box. Set of Examples of their work in paper and card-board, with explanatory labels. Exhibited by -- Vegetable Kingdom, &c.-cont. PLANTS CULTIVATED FOR THEIR TIMBER 4. SCOTCH FIR AND LARCH.--Specimen of leaves of each, and cones. 5. THE WILLOW TREE.-Osier Twigs— Wil- low-plaits for Bonnets — Material for Bonnet Frames. 6. OAK.-Leaf - Oak bark — Acorn-Un- tanned leather-Tanned leather. 7. THE BEECH TREE.-Leaf-Beech-nut. 8. THE ASH TREE.-Leaf and Seed. 9. THE CHESTNUT.--Leaf and Nut. 10. THE BIRCH.-Leaf-Bark. 11. THE WALNUT TREE.—Leaf and Nut. 12. THE CYPRESS AND CEDAR OF LEBANON.- Leaves of each. 13. THE SYCAMORE OR PLANE TRIE-Lcaf. PLANTS CULTIVATED FOR THEIR FIBRE. 14. Flax.--Specimen of Plant before it is · sent to the Mill-Fibre of the Stalks, ThreadLinen. 15. Hemp-Fibre of the Stalks—Sail Cloth- Cord. PLANTS CULTIVATED FOR THEIR Bark. 16. The Cork Tree.--Bark-Bark prepared. 17. THE PAPYRUS OR BULRUSH or THE NILE. -Specimen of the Reed, and Filaments of the Crown. PLANTS CULTIVATED FOR THEIR LEAVES. 18. THE MULBERRY.-Silkworm's Cocoon- Silk-Satin-Velvet. 19. The Rose TREE.-Specimen of Leaf and Flower. PLANT USEFUL FOR ITS SALINE PROPERTIES. 20. SEA-WEED.-Specimen of Sea-weed- Soap-Bottle Glass. James Gordon, Edinburgh. Toys, Conjuriag:- Box of Mechanical Conjuring Apparatus, 12s. Magic Wine Funnel. 3s. - Inexhaustible Bottle, small size. Es. 6d. - Canister. 45. 6d. - Bell and Box for Seed Trick. 2s.6d. Plate and Box for Money Trick. 4.s. 6d. W.S. Norris, 22, Orchard Street, Portman Sq. Trades, 8 Prints of. Size, 20 x 15 inches coloured and mounted on 4 millboards. 6s. the sct. Home and Colonial School Society. - - Size 20 x 15 inches, coloured, and mounted on canvas and roller, varnished, size, 4ft. Iin. by 3ft. 3 in. l0s. 6d., or separately, 6. each. Dartoil & Co. Illustrations of the Processes of the Manu- facture of Earthenware, and Samples of the Materials employed. (In a case.) Presented by Messrs. Minton fo Co. Vegetable Kingdora. Object Lesson Cards; on the Vegetable Kingdom. Set of Twenty, size 205 by 13 inches, in a Box, price il. Is. The Objects themselves are affixed to the Cards, on which the Lessons . re printed, show- ing the uses of the Objects:- Musée Populaire de Belgique; a Series of Ida- structive Pictures for Villagers and Infant Schools, produceci under the Direction of the Belgian Government. size 24 in. by 18 in. 7 Parts. Sheets loose in covers. Brussels, Stapleaux. Scripture Prints. Series of 5 in lithography, size 20 by 16 inches. (French.) Object Lessons.-Dutch. See p. 120. Spiel und Beschäftigungskästen, &c. Amuse- ment and Occupation for Children and Young People. Ist part, Ball Playing. 8vo. Seven boxes of wooden objects, geometrical forms, &c. accompany this pamphlet. Blankenburg en wölf Bilder aus dem Leben bayerischer Fürsten. Historical Pictures (12) of Events in the Lives of Bavarian Princes. By M. Echter, &c. fcp. broad folio, in wrapper, 2s, 6d. Joseph, Myers, & Co. PLANTS CULTIVATED FOR THEIR SEED. 1. WHEAT.- Wheat-Straw-plait-Biscuit- Paper made of Wheat Straw—Macaroni. 2. Correr-Lcaf-Secd. PLANT CULTIVATED FOR ITS Root. 3. GINGER. -- The Root — Leaf of Ginger Plant-Specimen of a Cruciferous Flower and Seed-pod. DRAWING AND FINE ARTS. CLASS III. DRAWING AND FINE ARTS. LIST OF EXAMPLES, &c., approved by the SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT, and supplied to National and other Public Schools Institutions, &c. ܝܙ ܗ ܟ G O ONO ܚ Ooco ooo oooo ܫܢ ܝܝ ܟܬ ܗ ܟ ܘ ܟܬ_ ܗ ܟܬ Oo A Collection recommended by the Departa | Collections recommended, &c.-cont. ment for beginning in Parochial Schools. A set of two sheets of outline, suggested £ s. d. £ s. d. by the Bishop of St. Asaph, in cover, Large Compasses - - - 0 4 3 12 in. by 9 in. - - - 0 0 6 White chalk (one gross) - - - 0 Ditto, cut up and mounted back and Slip, two set squares, and T square - 0 front, on boards, various - - 0 2 3 Letters AOS - - - - - - 0 3 0 Outlines of familiar objects, two sheets, One set of twelve outlines, on black 11{in. by 8.in. - - - 0 0 3 and white grounds - - - - Ditto, cut up and mounted on two Simpson's twelve plates of outlines, on boards, 9 in. by 6 in. - 009 canvas - - - - - - 0 7 0 One set of 21 plates of Elementary The same reduced for pencil drawing - 0 Practical Geometry, mounted back Richson's elementary free-hand copies, and front, various - - - O 15 0 five parts. post 4to. - - - Dyce's Elementary Outlines of Orna- De la Rue's free-hand outlines of com- ment, 50 selected plates, one set, mon things, 48 subjects, 9fin. by 6in. mounted back and front, various - 0 16 0 Bishop of St. Asaph's outlines. royal 4to. O The same, unmounted, sewed - 0 5 0 Familiar objects A selection from the same, 15 plates, Box of models - one set, back and front mounted - 0 5 0 One set of a selection from Dyce's Weitbricht's Outlines of Ornament, Drawing-book, 15 plates, mounted reproduced by Herman, one set, 12 back and front . - - 0 5 0 plates, mounted back and front, Diagram of colour (No. 285) - - 0 0 9 various - - - 0 5 6 Specimens of the drawing-board, T The same, unmounted square, compasses, books on geome- Morghen's Outlines of the Human try and colour, case of pencils and Figure, reproduced by Herman, one colour-box awarded to students in set, 20 plates, mounted back and parish schools - 0 13 6 front, various - - - 0 10 0 The same, unmounted 0 3 4 Total - - 3 17 0 One set of four plates, outlines of Tarsia, from Gruner, mounted, 177 in. The following Collections have been for the by 22 in. and 8in. by 18} in. - 0 3 6 most part prepared under the Authority of The same, unmounted - 007 the Department, and are recommended Albertolli's Foliage, one set of four for more extended Instruction. plates, mounteci, 20 in by 8 in. - 0 3 6 The same, unmounted. - - 0 0 5 Class I.- Copies for Outline Drawing. Outline of Trajan Frieze, mounted - 010 One set of the letters, A OS, mounted, Wallis's Drawing-book, mounted - 07 14 in. by 21 in., .. The same, unmounted' ob. post folio 0 3 6 - 0 3 0 The same, unmounted - Cotman's pencil Landscapes - - 0 15 09 0 One set of 12 outlines on black and Outline drawing of flowers, eight sheets, mounted white grounds, mounted on mill- board, back and front, 10 in. by 16 in. The same, unmounted, eight sheets - 0 0 8 and 8 in. by 10/in. - - - 0 3 0 The same, unmounted - - - 0 1 3 Class II.-Copies for Shaded Drawing.. Simpson's set of 12 plates of outlines for the black-board, with preface, Three plates of ornament shaded, mounted on canvas, 20 in. by 25 in. - 070 &c. : - The same unmounted - - - 0 3 6 Gothic Finial, monted, 12} in. by The same, cut up and mounted back 19 in. - - - 0 0 10 and front - - - - 0 7 0 The same, unmounted - - 0 0 4 The same, reduced for pencil drawing 0 i 6 Husk, mounted, 13. in. by 11 in. 0 0 10 De la Rue's free-hand outline of com- The same, unmounted - - 006 mon things, 48 subjects - - 0 5 0 Ornament from a Greek Frieze, Single packets, eight subjects, each - 0 1 0 mounted. De la Rue's Outlines of Animals - 0 1 0 The same, unmounted - - 0 0 3 - 0 3 6 c 152 DRAWING AND FINE ARTS. 0 Collections recommended, &c.--cont. Collections recommended, &c.--cont. Four plates of flowers, shaded :- £ s. Plates extracted, &c.—cont. £ s. d. Virginian Creeper, mounted Head and Shoe for conveying rain The same, unmounted - 009 from roofs, mounted, 20 in. by White Grapes, mounted - 14 in. - - 0 2 6 009 The same, unmounted The same, unmounted - - 0 0 9 Burdock, mounted The same, unmounted - 0 0 4 Poppy, inounted - NAVAL ARCHITECTURE. The same, unmounted - -oot Gruner's shaded cxamples of Biga, or Five plates extracted from Knowles' Ancient Car, inounted, &c., 17 in.by Work on Naval Architecture, being 221 in. - the sheer draught, lialf-breadth, and - The same, unmounted body plans :- McCallum's Studies of Trees, Ash, Of a merchant ship 1,257 tons bur ? mounted, 24 in. by 18} in. - -028 then, 46 in. by 15 in. .. The same, unmounted - - - 0 1 6 Of a collier brig, 31 in. by 13 in. - McCallum's Studies of Trees, Horse Of a Virginia built privateer, 31 in. Chestnut, mounted, 24 in. by 18. in. 02 S by 11 in. The same, unmounted- - 0 1 6 Of a Berinudian schooner, 23 in. , oo Cotman's Landscapes (6), tinted in by 10 in. Sepia, &c. - - 100 Of a man-of-war's launch, pin- nace, cutter, and yawl, mounted Class III.- Architectural and DIechanical on millboard and canvas, 22 in. Drawing, 8c. by 12 in. and 21 in. by 11 in. the set - MACHINE DRAWING. The same, unmounted, the set - 0 14 0 Engineer and Machinist's Drawing.. Knowles' Work complete, the letter book, 71 plates published, mounted press, 4to., and an Atlas of 39 plates, back and fronton millboard, 15 in. by folio, half bound - - 600 12 in. • 3 0 0 The same, 16 parts. imp. 4to. sewed. 2s. each - - 1 12 0 Class IV.-Elementary Torks for tcaching Colour. Tripon – "Etudes Elémentaires de A small diagram of colour, mounted, Lavis," being 50 shaded copies of 14 in. by 21 in. - - - 0 1 6 Machine Drawing, mounted on mill The same, unmounted board, 20 in. by 14in. - - 3 15 0 A large diagram of colour, mounted, The same, folio, unmounted - - 2 10 0 18 in. by 48 in. - PRACTICAL ARCHITECTURE. Redgrave's Manual and Catechism on Colour, 2nd edition, 18mo. - - 0 0 9 Plates extracted from the Course adopted at the Royal Eng. Establish- ment at Chatham, by perinission of CLASS V.- Coloured Examples. the Master-General of the Ord- nance, in sheets, viz. :— Eight coloured cxamples of Flowers, Brickwork, three plates, mounted, mounted, enamelled, - 28 in. by 20} in. - - 09 o Pelargonium, mounted, 12 in. by The same, unmounted - 046 16 in. - - Mason's Work,two plates, mounted, The same, unmounted - - 20 in. by 14 in., and 28 in.. by Petunia, mounted, 12 in. by 16 in. 201 in. - - - The same, unmountech The same, unmounted - - 0 2 Nasturtium, mounted, 12. in. by Carpenters' Work, one plate, 16 in. - mounted, 28 in. by 20} in. - The same, unmounted The same, unmounted - 01 S Camellia, mounted, 12} in. by Joiners' Work, one plate, mounted, 16 in. - 28 in. by 204 in. - - The same, uninounted The same, unmounted - - 0 Wallflower, mounted, 12} in. by Staircases, mounted, 28 in. by 16 in. - 20in. - - The same, unmounted 1 6 The same, uimounted - - 0 1 6 Althea Frutex, mounted, 121 in. by Boarded Floors, mounted, 20 in. 16 in. - by 14in. - - The same, unmounted The same, unmounted - Torrenia Asiatica, mounted, 12 in. Common and Trussed Partitions, by 16 in. - mounted, 28 in. by 20. in. - 0 The same, unmounted - - 0 ? 9 The same, unmounted - - 0 1 6 Oleander, mounted, 12 in. by 16 in. 0 3 Roofs, mounted, 28 in. by 203 in. The same, unmounted - and 20 in. by 14 in. : - 0 13 0 | King's flowers in flat tints, six sheets, The same, unmounted - - 0 6 3 1 unmounted, 175 in. by 13) in. - 1 1 0 - .00 9 - 0 0 0 - - 0 3 co na oooo oo oo o 7 CV og ay may 09 07 - 1 00 OP co oo oo - co - 2 co - 0 2 - 0 1 co ON Day May - EXAMPLES, ETC. APPROVED BY DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND ART. 153 car O o oo oo no er Collections recommended, &c.--cont. Collections recommended, &c.—cont. Robinson's Collection of Examples of £ s. d. Human Skeleton, with stand, curtain £ s. d. coloured Ornament of various styles rods, and curtain - - - ll ll 0 to serve as first exercises in flat tint. ing, 12 plates, mounted, 12 in. by Class VIII.-Books, fc. 10 in. 0 13 6 Almanack of Science and Art, 1856. post Svo. The same, unmounted - - 0 8 0 2s. 6. Chapman & Hall. Group of Camellias, after Robinson - 0 12 0 Alphabet of Colour, reduced from the Two plates of Elementary Design - 0 1 0 works of Field, Hay, Chevreuil, and others. Two plates of Ornament, from Persian By W. H., F.R.S. 4to. sewed. 35. MSS. - Bell, John. Elementary Art-Instruction. Free- Three plates of Indian arms - - 0 hand Outline, Part 1, Outline from Outline, A design for an Axminster carpet, or from the Flat. oblong 4to. sewed. 35. 1852. printed in colours by V. Brooke : 0 2 - Part 2, Outline from Objects, or Pyne and Simpson's coloured Land- from the Round. oblong 4to. sewed.°45.' scapes (6),printed by Vincent Brooks 2 5 0 . Bell & Daldy, 1854. Class VI.-Solid Models. | Binns, W. An Elementary Treatise on Ortho- A box of models for Parochial Schools i 2 0 graphic Projection, being a New Method of A stand with a universal joint, to show . Teaching the Science of Mechanical and the solid models, &c. - - 1 S 6 Engineering Drawing. Svo. cloth. 9s. One wire quadrangle, with a circle and E. & F. N. Spon, 1857. cross within it, and one straight wire. Bonomi, J. The Proportions of the Human One solid cube. One skeleton wire Figure. 8vo. 1s. H. Renshaw, 1836. cube. One sphere. One cone. One Barchett, R. Practical Geometry. post Svo. cylinder. One hexagonal prism - 2 2 0 cloth. 55. Chapman & Hall, 1855. Skeleton cube in wood - - 0 3 6 --- Practical Perspective. post Svo. 75. Mr. Binns' models for illustrating the Chapman & Hall, 1856. elementary principles of Orthogra- --- An Introduction to the Construction of phic projection as applied to mec- Plane Geometrical figures. 18mo. 5d. hanical drawing, in box - - 1 100 Chapman & Hall, 1855. Mr. Binns' models for illustrating Byrne, 0. Elements of Euclid, the first Six the principles of the penetration of Books, in which coloured Diagrams and solids :- Symbols are used instead of Letters, for the The penetration of a cylinder by a greater ease of learners. post 4to. published cylinder. - 0 2 0 at 17. ls. W. Pickering, 1847. The penetration of a cylinder by a Cassell's Euclid's Elements of Geometry. cone - - 0 2 0 Books I. to VI., XI., and XII. post Svo. The penetration of a cone by a cloth, ls. Cd., seved, ls. Kent & Co. cylinder - 0 2 0 Clerget, Ch. E. Collection Portative d'Orne- Thé penetration of a cone by a ments de la Renaissance. 36 plates. imp. 8vo., cone - - 0 26 in wrapper. lls. Paris, 1851. Rowney's perspective models, a set of Cole & Heagrave. Addresses on the Facilitics 5, invented by E. L. Paraire afforded by the Department of Science and (with a Book entitled “Perspec- Art for acquiring Art Education. post Svc. tive Explained.” royal 12mo. Is. 6d. Chapman & Hall. cloth) - - - - 2 12 61 Balias, E. H. Elements of Plane Practical CLASS VII.-Miscellaneous Solid Forms. Geometry, with Illustrative Applications. Svo, Three objects of forn in Pottery cloth. 75. Gd. J. W. Parker & Son, 1855. (Minton's),- Davidson's Elementary Drawing. 8vo. 38. Indian Jar - 0 4 9 Celadon Jar - 0 3 6 Dawes, Rev. R. (Dean of Hereford). Hints Bottle - - 0 4 9 on an Improved and Self-paying System of Five selected vases in Majolica Ware National Education. 12mo. Sd. (Minton's), cach - - - 0 8 0 -- Schools and other similar Institutions for Three selected vases in Earthenware the Industrial Classes. 12mo. 4d. (Wedgwood's), 2 at 45. 6d., 1 at 5s. 9d. Grooml;ridge & Sons. De la Xus's Elementary Drawing. oblong. Three large Shells, such as Crown Mellon - -:0 3 6 1s. 40. Bull Mouth Helmet - 0 1 6 Dicksce, J. R. Familiar Freehand. oblong Green Snail - - 0 1 3 folio. 28. Gd. Three other selected Shells, such as,- --- School Perspective. 8vo. cloth. 58. Haliotis Virginea - Simpkin & Co., 1859. Zebra Snail - o Directions for introducing Elementary Draw- Lightning Voluta ing in Schools and among Workmen. Pub- Three selected stuffed Birds, as example lished at the request of the Society of Arts. of colour, such as,- fcp. 4to. 45. Od. Chapnian & Hall. Crimson Tanager Drawing for Young Children; containing 150 Orange Oriole 1 0 6 6 1 Drawing Copies and numerous Exercises. Paradise Finch - 0 6 6 16mo. 38. 6d. Houlston & Co. - O on ooo 154 · DRAWING AND FINE ARTS. Dyce, W. Introduction to the Drawing Book Manual of Gothic Mouldings. 16mo. · Is. 6d. of the School of Design. Published in 1842-3. - Gothic Stone Carving 16mo. Is. 6d. 12mo. 6d. Chapman & Hall, 1854. - Surface Ornament. 16mo. ls. 6d. Easy Drawing Copies for Elementary In- J. H. Parker & Son. struction. Simple Outline without Perspective Minifie, W. Text Book of Geometrical Draw- (67 subjects). 4to. Mounted on pasteboard, ing. imp. Svo. cloth. 16s. in a Portfolio. 6s. 6d. Walton & Maberly. Minifie & Co., Baltimore, 1851. Examples of Ornament, selected from Ornamental Coloured Designs, for the Works of Art in British Museum, &c. &c. Use of Students, House Decorators, &c. ob. Edited by J. Cundall. royal 4to. half bound. long imp. 8vo. Parts 1 to 10. 21. 2s. Bell & Daldy. Joseph, Myers, & Co. Exercises in the Art of Drawing and Colouring Outlines of Familiar Objects; prepared, at the Flowers. oblong 8vo. Joseph, Myers, & Co. request of the Bishop of St. Asaph, for the Use Five Placards of the Principles of Decorative of Parochial Schools. royal 4to. sewed. Art. 10d. Vincent Brooks. Fau, Dr. J. Anatomy of the External Form of Pease, W. Course of Practical Geometry; Man, intended for the use of Artists, &c. being an Introduction to every Branch of Edited by R. Knox, M.D. Text, 8vo., and Atlas, Mechanical Drawing. 12mo. 25. containing 28 Plates, plain, imp. 4to., in port- Simpkin & Co. folio, cloth. ll. 45. Principles of Decorative Art. imp. 8vo. - Text, 8vo., and Plates, coloured, 1s. Chapman & Hall, 1853. 21. 2s. H. Balliere, 1849. Green & Fahey. Grammar of Form. 6 Parts. Redgrave, R. On the Necessity of Principles oblong imperial 4to., sewed, 2s. 6d. each. in Teaching Design. post Svo. 6d. Dobbs & Co. Chapman & Hall, 1853. Grant, H. Elements of Practical Geometry for - Report on Design;" prepared as a Sup- plement to the Report of the Jury of Class Schools and Workmen 12mo. sewed, ls., cloth, 1s. 6d. Groombridge & Sons, 1851. XXX. of the Exhibition of 1851. imp. 8vo. 2$. 8d. Clowes & Son, 1852. Gruner, L. Specimens of Ornamental Art. Richson, Rev. C. Elementary Free-hand folio. 121. 125. T. M'Lean. 1 Drawing Copies. Parts 1 to 5. oblong post - Specimens of Ornamental Art, Explana 4to. 6d. each. tory Text and Additional Plates to. By Emil. - Diagrams and Instructions to be used in Braun. royal 4to. 75. 6d. T. M'Lean. - Fresco Decorations and Stuccoes of Chapman & Hall. Churches and Palaces in Italy during the Fif - Geometrical Curves and Familiar Objects. teenth and Sixteenth Centuries. large folio. Part 3. imp. 16mo. 6d. National Society. cloth. 51. 5s. T. MÅLean, 1854. Robinson, J. C. Introductory Lecture on the Harding, J. D. Lessons on Art. imp. Svo. Art Museum. crown Svo. 6d. cloth. 15s. Day & Son. Chapman & Hall, 1854. - Guide and Companion to the « Lessons - Manual of Elementary Outline Drawing. on Art.” imp. 8vo. 12s. 6d. Day & Son. 18mo. Sd. Chapinan & Hall, 1853. Hyett, W. H. Letter to the Dean of Hereford; - Catalogue of the Museum of Ornamental Mechanical Drawing and the Education of the Art. Part 1., with an Appendix, containing a Hand in Schools for the People. 12mo. 6d. 1. Prospectus of the Department. royal 8vo. Gd. Groombridge & Sons, 1856. Chapman & Hall, 1855. Jewitt, A. Hand Book of Perspective. 18mo. Wallis, G. Biriningham School of Art Draw- cloth. Is. 6d. J. Cornish. ing Book. oblong post folio. 3s. 6d. Jones, 0. Lectures on the Articles in the De- Chapman & Hall. partment of Practical Art. “Propositions to Introductory Instructions to the Birming- be discussed." Svo. 2d. ham School of Art Drawing Book. royal 8vo. - Grammar of Ornament. imp. folio. 177. Chapman & Hall. Lindley, J. School Botany and Vegetable Williams, Butler. Manual for Teaching Physiology; or, the Rudiments of Botanical Model Drawing from Solid Forms, with a Science. Svo. 56. 6d. Bradbury & Evans, 1856. Popular view of Perspective. 8vo. 175. - Symmetry of Vegetation; an Outline of J. W. Parker & Son, 1852. the Principles to be observed in the Delinea- - Instruction in Drawing, for Elementary tion of Plants. post 8vo. sewed. ls. Schools; abridged from the above. Svo. Chapman & Hall, 1854. 3s. 3d. J. W. Parker & Son, 1856. Linear Drawing Copies for the earliest In- struction, comprising upwards of 200 subjects, Wernum, R. N. Catalogue of Ornamental on 24 sheets, mounted on thick pasteboard, in Casts. royal Svo. ls. sewed, Is. 6d. cloth. Longman & Co., 1854. a portfolio. 5s. 6d. Analysis of Ornament. royal 8vo. Ss. Esund, Rev. T. Geometry and Mensuration. Chapman and Hall, 1856. Part 1, Geometry as a Science. 12mo. Is. 6d. ---- Part 2, Geometry as an Art. 12mo. 2s. Longman & Co., 1854–5. EXAMPLES, ETC. APPROVED BY DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND ART. 155 60 1 0 19 e Oo Oooo CO- o oco ing) The following Materials, Examples, &c. | Materials, &c. for use in Schools-cont. have not been prepared at the suggestion Drawing-board, imperial size, T square, £ s. d. of the Department, but will be found useful 2 set squares, and i dozen drawing in Schools. pins (prize set) Muterials. Drawing-board, 12 in. by 16 in. - 0 2 square for same - - - - 0 1 Black canvas, strained on frame, 22 in. £ s. d. Case of implements and materials for by 17 in. - - - 0 1 8 chalk drawing - - 0 14 0 One dozen holders for chalk, 6 in. - 0 2 4 Stephens' papier maché drawing book 0 0 9. Rigg's large compasses, with chalk . Chalk pencils for ditto, per dozen - 0 1 0 holder, for black-board use, 14 in. - 0 3 6 Boxes of chalk for ditto - 0 1 0 White chalk, gross boxes - - 0 1 6 Slip, 3 ft. : Examples. Two set squares, 18 in. and 12 in. - Yo 5 0 Landscape, Birdsnest (after Hunt), T square, 2 ft. 6 in. - 254 in. by 18in. - 0 10 6 Miller's colour-box, containing Ditto, Village Fisherman, 29 in. by lours and 3 brushes - - - 0 1 2 21} in. - - 1 1 0 Miller's ditto ditto, polished box, con- Landscape, Como, 29 in. by 214 in. - 0 15 taining 8 colours, a tube of white, Ditto, Frankfort (after W. Callow), and 3 brushes, 8 in. by 2} in. - 0 2 8 29 in. by 211 in. - 0 15 Reeves's ditto ditto, superior ditto, Ditto, Downe Castle (after J. D. Hard- containing 8 colours, a tube of 0 7 6 white, and 3 brushes, 64 in. by 2 in. 0 2 8 Group of Roses (after Hunt - 0 10 6 Roberson's ditto ditto, containing 10 Landscape, Isola Lecchi, Lago di colours, stick of Indian ink, slab, Guarda, by Leitch - - and 7 brushes (prize box - - 0 13 6 Landscapé, á Street in Verona (Bent- Newman's ditto ditto (prize box) - 0 13 6 ley), 12 in. by 15 in. 0 15 Newman's ditto ditto, containing 3 co- Drawing models for beginners, with a lours, Indian ink, slab, and 3 brushes Treatise on Drawing - 1 16 (prize box) - The Bones, indicated within the out- - - - 0 3 4 Reeve’s ditto ditto (prize box) line of the Discobolus of Naucydes - 0 - 0 3 4 Bougerie's Anatomical Subjects, 6 Elliott's case of superior instruments, plates - - - - 3 12 0 containing one pair of 6-in. com- Ornamental coloured Designs, in 10 passes, with pen and pencil legs, parts (Joseph, Myers, & Co.), each - 0 i 6 6. in. by 2 in. - - 0 4 8 Cochem, on the Moselle (Richard- Elliott's ditto, larger box, containing son) - - - 1 1 0 one pair 6-in. compasses, pencil leg, Davidson's painted models in wood, in bow pen, and scale, 62 in. by 24 in. 0 6 91 a box, viz. :- Elliott's prize case of instruments - 1 7 0 Common ladder, garden gate, field Elliott's prize case of instruments, gate, church, cottage, step lad- smaller size . - - - 0 14 0 der, bridge, garden roller, door Eliott's drawing instruments for and steps. These are models schools 04 0 constructed in the same manner and painted the same colours as Elementary series (first course of the 6 Folding Drawing Models," by Ben- the real objects - jamin R. Green and James Fahey, consisting of four models, viz., — : Casts of Ornament and the Figure, recom- 1. Cube and Lodge—2. Cottage- mended for the Use of a Parochial School. 3. Steps-4. Bridge-in box com- plete - - - - 0 15 0 ORNAMENT. Solomon's small case, containing com- Section of Frieze from the Erectheum, pass, with pen and pencil leg, 3} in. Athens.-Greek - by liin. - - 0 3 11 Small Acanthus scroll.–Roman - 06 6 Ditto ditto, and ruling pen, 5in. by Rosette, from the Capitol, Rome.- 2. in. - - - 0 2 Roman Ditto ditto, bow compass, pen, with Another, ditto.—Roman , moveable pen and pencil leg, 5 in. Rosette from the cloisters of Santa by 23 in. Maria del Popolo, Rome.--Roman - 0 3 - O 3 Parke's small compasses Pomegranate portion of the frieze of 0 1 0 the Ghiberti Gates, Florence, 1424 Houghton's stumps for chalk drawing. 52.—Renaissance - - 0 6 6 White paper, in sets of four - 0 1 0 Ditto ditto. Blotting paper - - 0 1 4 THE FIGURE. Ditto ditto. Leather - Bois Bust Oi Diana robing - - - 0 10 6 Box of 3 pencils, Indian rubber, and Bust of the Young Augustus - - 0 6 0 4 drawing pins Box of 7 pencils and Indian rubber - 0 201 | Including those for a parochial school 2 6 6 o o o o o o o o - 2 13 6 ·OOO - 0 4 - 0 4 0 avro 156 DRAWING AND FINE ARTS. Casts of Ornament and the Figure-cont. ܘ ܘ ܘ ܝܕ ORNAMENT. Stele top, from the British Museum. £ s. d. Greek - - - 0 4 0 Florentine panel, with swan.-Roman 150 Nest of scroll of pilaster, from Villa Medici.-Roman - Large scroll, from Trajan Forum.- Roman - - 4 0 Small acanthus leaf, Temple of Jupiter Stator.-Roman - - - - 0 6 Small rosette from the tomb of the Scipios. -Roman - - - 0 Another, ditto.-Roman Pilaster, from tomb of Louis XII.- Renaissance - Another, ditto. Renaissance - - 0 5 0 Another, ditto » - - 0 5 0 Another, ditto 05 0 Egg-plant and pomegranate, Ghiberti Gates.-Renaissance - - - Pilaster, from Florence(Cinque-cento), formerly called from “Santa Maria del Popolo."-Renaissance - - 1 1 0 Acanthus leaf, from St. Eustache, Paris.-Renaissance - - - 0 4 0 Pilaster, from the Madeleine, Paris (from the bronze of Trequetti, c. 1840.)– Modern Renaissance - 0 12 A section of the above.- Modern Re- naissance - - - - - 0 S 0 Finial, from Lincoln.-Gothic - 0 3 6 Capital, from Temple Church.-Gothic 0 7 0 Capital, from Stone Church, Kent.- Gothic - - - - - 0 7 6 ono o oo oooooooooooo Aars 0 A ő 0 0 How cover #ö er en ő ooo oo ooo ooooo oo ooo oo oo OOR OOO cowo on o ය ܗ Collection of Casts, &c.-cont. ORNAMENT. Enriched moulding (Echinus, from the £ s. Erectheum).--Greek - - - 0 5 0 Lysicrates scroll (Athens),--Greek - 0 4 0 Stele top, from British Museum.- Greck - - - - - 0 4 Large frieze, Trajan Forum.-Roman 4 0 0 Nest of the Florentine scroll, with the swan.-Roman - - - - 0 10 Pilaster, from the Villa Medici, Rome - Roman - - 3 10 Centre rosette, from Trajan Scroll.- Roman - - A griflin.-Roman - - 0 5 0 Leaf moulding, Temple of Mars Ultor -Roman - - - - 0 Piece of architrave, from St. Denis, Paris.-Byzantine - - Panel, froin Bonn.-Byzantine - - Iron Scroll-work, hinge, Notre Dame, Paris.--Byzantine - - - 0 12 0 Another portion.—Byzantine .. An Alhambra panel.—Saracenic -03 Another.—Saracenic - - Moulding boss, from St. Stephen's, Westininster.—Gothic -' 1 - 0 4 Spandrel, from Stone Church, Kent. Gothic - -1 0 0 Small carved panel, traccry.-Gothic - 0 3 O Another.— Gothic - - 0 3 A portion of the architrave of the Ghiberti Gates, with eagle.---Renais- sance - - 0 15 Another, with squirrel.-Renaissance - 0 15 0 Pilaster, from Louis XII.'s tomb.- Renaissance - 0 5 0 Another.-Renaissance - - - 5 0 Diamond rosette, Brescia.--Renaissance 0 3 0 Panel, from the Martinengo tomb, Brescia, with Cinque-cento Arabesque and figures.-Renaissance - - 1 10 0 Panel, from Chateau d'Anet, with cartouche.-Renaissance - - 0 4 0 Pilaster, from Notre Dame, Louis XV. -Renaissance - Portions of pilaster, from the Madeleinc. - Modern Renaissance Another.-Modern Renaissance - 0 3 0 Another.-Modern Renaissance - 0 3 0 Another.—Modern Renaissance 1 - 0 3 O ܝܙ ܟܙ ܗ OOO 67er 0 THE FIGURE. Anatomical figure, by Houdon - Discobolus of Naucydes, Naples - 5 Torso of Venus, British Museum - 0 Bronze Hercules - - 0 Bust of Diomede - - - - 0 Bust of Clytie, British Museum - 0 10 Dancing Girl, with wreath - O 14 Portion of Panathenaic frieze, from the Parthenon - - Hand, with scroll (antique) - with stick , . - - 0 , female, from nature - 0 » anatomical - Foot of the Laocoon (right) - „ of the Venus de Médici (right Foot from the antique (male) - 0 1 0 , anatomical - - - 0 1 6 Mask, child of Niobe Another, ditto - - - - 0 3 0 28 15 6 loongo DOOMOO 0000000 CO CO WCS 0 0 0 Tue FIGURE.. Discobulus of Myron, British Museuin - 5 0 Fighting Gladiator, Louvre - - 5 0 Venus de Medici, Florence - - 0 Bust of Apollo - - - 0) 15 , Venus of Milo, Louvre - 0 15 Mask of Moses, by Michael Angelo - 5 Foot of Farnese Hercules - - O 5 Three anatoinical figures of animals - 1 1 Portion of Panathenaic frieze, from the Parthenon - - 0 18 Panel from Ghiberti Gates - 2 2 Hand of St. Peter Mask of a child (Nature) Another 0 0 0 0 0 Collection of Casts of Ornament and the Figure, for a Central School of Art. £ s. d. Including the two former collections 28 15 6 1 Oooo ତ ମ ଯ ୟ EXAMPLES, ETC. APPROVED BY DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND ART. 157 £ s. d. No cowo CROHOHOOO HM Pine O MOLO - (2171) W fond O Collection of Casts, &c. -cont. £ s. d. | Additional Casts, &c.--cont. Horse's leg, from Nature -. - 046 Melon - - (2124) 0 1 Another - 0 4 6 Pomegranate - (2125) 0 0 9 Head of a lion, from Nature - - 0 10 0 Pomegranate (2126) o 1 Lioness -0. 0 7 0 Pomegranate (2127) o » Goat - Bottle gourd - (2128) 0 Greyhound's les, from Nature 0 2 6 Apple - - (2129) 0 0 Another -026 Apple - - (2130) 0 0 Apple - - (2131) o 68 19 6 Pear - - (2132) o Pear (different) - (2133) 0 Additional Casts, not included in the above - (2134) 0 1 Citron Lists, but useful for Instruction. - - (2135) 0 1 Giant gourd - - (2161) 0 2 ORNAMENT. A group of plums - (2162) 0 7 6 Lemon - - (2163) 0 0 6 Enriched noulding, from the upper £ s. d. Rock gourd - (2164) 0 1 0 cornice of pedestal of Trajan's Pillar Lily . - (2165) 0 7 6 -Roman - - - - 0 5 0 Funeral fern of New Zealand - (2166) 0 12 0 A rosette, froin the Capitol.-Roman - 4 0 Vine branch - (2167) O 5 A rosette, from the antique.-Roman -0 4 0 Dock leaf - (2168) o 2 A moulding boss, from St. Stephen's, Dock - - (2169) Westminster.-Gothic - -04 Bean and leaf - - (2170) Piece of architrave of Ghiberti Gates, Study of a stork, from wood (the pomegranate portion).-Renais- Study of a stork, from wood - (2172) sance - - 0 5 0 Hand (with compass) - . (2176) 0 2 6 » the egg-plant portion. Hand resting - (2177) 0 - 1 -- Renaissance 1 - 0 5 0 Hand drawing - - (2178) „ „ the bird portion.- Open hand - Renaissanc - (2179) issance - - 050 Open hand (inale) - (2180) o Lower portion of Florentine pilaster.- Open hand (male) - (2181) o 2 Renaissance - -0.70 - Group of female hands - (2182) Middle portion of Florentine pilaster. Group of female hands Renaissance - - (2183) 07 - - - 0 7 0 - (2184) 0 Female hand on cushion 2 0 Upper.-Renaissance · - -0 7 0 Female hand - - (2185) O Panel, with Cinque-cento Arabesque, Female hand with bracelet - (2186) o i from the Martinengo Tomb at Brescia. Male hand :- (2187) o -Renaissance - 100 Male hand Pilaster, from the Madeleine Gates.- - 12188) o Male hand throwing - (2189) o Renaissance - - - 0 12 O Male hand, on stone - (2190) o Male hand with stick - (2191) o THE FIGURE. Clenched male hand - (2192) 0 Statue of Dancing Faun, from Florence Hand with scroll, on stand - (2193) o (451) 3 100 Child's hanc - (2194) 0 Statuette of A pollo, British Museum Child's hand - 2195) o 1 (460) 0 12 0 Child's hand - (2196) O 1 A horse - - (1618) O 5 0 Child's hand with stick - (2197) o 1 A coir - - (1619) 0 5 0 Group of four hands - (2198) 0 5 A dog - - (1620) 0 3 6 Pair of feet - - (2199) O 3 A stag - - (1621) o 5 Pair of large ears - (2220) o 2 A lion - (1622) o 3 Pair of small ears . (2201) 0 1 A goat - - (1623) o 5 Anatomical foot (2202) o An anatomical arm - - (1626) O 3 6 Mask of Juno - (2203) 0 3 6 - (1627) o 36 Mask of Madonna, by Michael Cast of leg, from Nature - (1628) o Angelo - - (2204) O 36 „ of an arm, from Nature - (1629) 0 4 0 Nose and mouth of Æsculapius (2205) 0 1 0 Nose and mouth of Caracalla - (2206) 0 1 0 Casts or Fruit, &c. from Nature. Nose and mouth of Adonis - (2207) 0 1 0 Nose and mouth of Antinous - (2208) 0 0 9 Group of blackberries - - (2111) 0 15 0 Nose and mouth of Venus d'Arles Group of apples - (2112) o 7 6 (2209) 0 0 Group of apples (different) - (2113) o 7 6 Nose and mouth of Lucius Verus (2210) 0 0 Group of pears - - (2114) 0 7 6 Nose and mouth of Hadrian - (2211) 0 1 Group of plums - (2115) 0 7 6 Nose and mouth of Juno Group of vine and leaf - - (2116) 0 7 6 Eye and nose of Laocoon - (2213) 0 0 9 Group of vine and leaves (large) (2117) 1 1 0 Eye and nose of Laocoon - (2214) o Bunch of grapes - (2118) o 7 6 Eye and nose of Bacchante - (2215) 0 0 Shaddock - (2121) 0 1 0 Eye and nose of Bacchante - (2916) 0 1 0 Orange - - (2122) 0 0 6 Eye and nose of Jupiter - (2217) 0 1 Orange - - (2123) 0 0 6 | Eye and nose of Jupiter - (2218) o io ooooooooooooooooooooooooo 0000000000000000000000000000000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COLO ponad pod O good fondo grande formed a ponto co Oooooo 2212 OOOOO OOOOOOOOO 158 DRAWING AND FINE ARTS. (176), 4 2 6 C Additional Casts, &c.--cont. £ s. d. | List, &c.--cont. £ s. d. Eye and nose of Hadrian - (2219) 0 1 0 Shield by Vechte, in the Museum of Rosette - - (2220) 0 1 6 the Department.—Repoussé work, A piece of foliage, Sansovino - (2221) 0 1 6 oxydized. Elkington - - 6 6 0 A piece of foliage, Sansovino - (2222) 0 3 6 Liège tazza, the original in iron, inlaid Byzantine Capital (2223) 0 26 with silver.-Modern. Elkington A portion of scroll, from Trajan 3 12 0 forum (2224) 0 7 6 Perfume burner.-Same work. (Oxy- A shell - (2236) 0 1 6 dized.) Elkington. (175) - - 4 7 6 A shell - - (2237) o 1 6 Saracenic damascened bowls. Elkington A shell - - (2238) 0 1 0 from 1 1 0 A shell - - (2239) 0 1 0 Tankard, the original in silver, parcel A shell - - (2240) 0 1 0 (317) - - - - - 414 6 Tazza.— Italian work, - 16th cent. (Gilded.) Elkington. (393) - 4 2 6 List of the Principal objects which may be Tankard.—German, 17th cent. (Gilded.) selected by the Local Schools of Art to Elkington. (397) - - - accompany the National Prizes awarded Beaker and Cover.—German, circa 1700. to their Students. (Gilded.) Elkington. (292) - Every National Prize gives the privilege of Tankards. — 17th cent. Oxydized.) selecting objects of art of the value of 101. to the Elkington. (220) - - 3 18 0 school where the student obtaining such prize Ditto. (Gilded.) ditto. (287) 3 6 0 has been instructed. Saracenic box.—(Damascened.) El- Specimens of all the objects are exhibited in kington - - 21. and i 15 0 the Court of Reproductions of the Museum of Salver.—17th cent. (Gilded.) El- the Department, with the prices attached to each kington. (1153) - 1 - 250 of them. The objects may be purchased by the Saracenic Plateau.—(Damascened.) public at the prices named, upon application to Elkington. (420) - - - 10 10 the Storekeeper's office. Iron Helmet.--Italian, circa 1540. El- The present collection, which is to be regarded kington - - - 3 100 only as a beginning, has been formed to a great Three Cinque-cento plates.—(Gilt and extent by means of the liberality of the French oxydized.) Elkington - each i 4 Government, which has permitted copies to be Salt-Cellar. — 16th cent. (Gilded.) taken of many of the finest objects in the Louvre, Elkington. (61) - the Musée d'Artillerie, and Hôtel de Cluny, at Italian Lamp Stand.—16th cent. Paris. (Gilded.) Elkington - Cup on Ball Feet --German, 17th cent. (Oxydized.) Elkington. (12) - 0 18 O : I.-- Reproductions by Means of Electrotyping. Algiers shield, from the Louvre, Paris, £ s. d. II.- Copies. in electro-deposit and oxydized silver. Franchi. Of five studies of the male figure from River Cod dish, from the Louvre. nature, by W. Mulready, R. A. each 6 6 0 Franchi - each 4 0 0 Of three studies of the female figure Cellini and other Tazzas, from the from nature, by W. Mulready, R. A. Louvre. Franchi - - each 2 0 0 each 6 6 0 Coloured photographs of the crystals in collection. Franchi - - - 5 0 the Louvre - - each 10s. to 30 Helmets, from Count de Nieuwerkerke's Coloured photographs of the enamels collection. Franchi - - each 3 10 0 in the Louvre - each 10s. to 3 0 0 Breastplates, from Count de Nieuwer- Coloured copies from Italian orna- kerke's collection. Franchi . each 5 0 0 ment - - - - from 2 0 0 An entire suit of armour, of renaissance Indian ornament from woven fabrics, ornament, from the Musée d'Artillerie, Paris. Frarichi - - 25 0 0 jewellery, arms, &c. Shields from the Musée d'Artillerie, Paris. Franchi - - each 5 0 0 III.— Photographs taken by C. Thurston Helmets and portions of armour, do. Thompson. Franchi. Fifteen examples of the crystal cups in Knives and forks and spoons. Franchi the Louvre, Paris - - 2 10 0 from 1 5 0 | Fifteen examples of the enamels in the Casts of ivories. from the Louvre, Hotel Louvre, Paris - - - 2 10 0 de Cluny, &c. of caskets, statuettes, Fifteen examples of the decorative horns, plaques, &c. Franchi. arms in the possession of Her Majesty Casts of ancient ivories, published by the Queen - - - - 2 10 0 the Arundel Society. Fifteen examples of Buhl work, taken Cellini shield, in the Royal collection. from the furniture lent to the De- Elkington - - 6 6 0 1 partment - - 2 100 0 15 0 6 17 o DRAWING MATERIALS. 159 List, &c.-cont. £ s. d. | Bowden & Co.--cont. Fifteen examples of carved furniture Sketch Book, Solid; 9 in. by 5} in. Whatman's lent to the Department - - - 2 10 0 best. 2s. Fifteen yiews in the Paris Exhibition - 2 10 0 — 9} in. by 61 in. Ditto. 2s. 6d. These series are placed in portfolios. 10 in. by 7 in. Whatman's extrå rough. Fac-similes of Raffaelle's Original 38. Drawings in the Louvre - - 7 0 0 1 10 in. by 7 in. Whatman's tinted paper. Photographs of any objects in the Mu- 3s. seum of Ornamental Art may be 111 in. by 9 in. Ditto. 45. ordered at the tariff prices of 10s., 12 in. by 8 in. Whatman's best. 4s. 208., and 30s. each, for negatives, and 13 in. by 9} in. Ditto. 5s. of 1s., 38., and 5s. each, for positives. 14 in. by 10 in. Imitation Creswick. 6s. IV. - Publications. - 14 in. by 10 in. Harding's paper. 6s. 19 in. by 13 in. Imitation Creswick. 12s. Owen Jones's Grammar of Ornament - 17 10 0 Sketch Block, Solid, in case ; 34 in. by 5 in. : Griner's Specimens of Ornamental Art 12.12 0 made of Whatman's best drawing paper. 2s. And any works above the value of 51. - 61 in. by 4in. Ditto. 2s. 6d. which are in the Library of the De- - 7 in. by' 5 in. Imitation Creswick. 38. partment of Art. 9} in. by 6 in. Whatman's best. 38. 6d. -- 10 in. by 7 in. Whatman's extra rough. 4s. 6d. DRAWING MATERIALS. 12 in. by 8 in. Whatman's best. 5s.6d. - 14 in. by 10 in. Imitation Creswick. 9s. PAPER. Tracing Paper, French and English: Sample Bowden & Co. : Book of. Bowden's Pocket Sketch Book, containing 32 Tracing Cloth, Patent; Sample of. leaves of good pencil drawing paper, lettered Wet Sketch Protector, Double Framed, and Table in gold on side * Sketch Book.' 6d. Drawing Pins (Specimens on a Card). Easel combined. Ss. Drawing Paper, French and English: Pattern - Single Framed. 45. G. Bowden & Co. Book of. Portfolio, A School. 16 in. by 11 in. 10d. British and Foreign School Society : for Drawings or Music. 16 in. by llin., Improved Drawing Pad, White or Tinted, with flaps. half dark green leather, cloth sides, ls. 3d. each. silk strings. 38. Drawing Portfolios, folio size, half roan, 28., for Drawings, &c., 15 inches by 12 half cloth, ls. inches. half blue morocco, with jointed mill- board flap. 10s. 6d. Drawing Portfolios, broad folio, half cloth, 2s. - half imperial. 22 in. by 16 in., with flaps, British and Foreign School Society. half dark green leather, cloth sides, silk strings. De la Rue & Co.: 58. - - whole imperial. 32 in. by 22 in. half lea- Drawing Papers, different sizes. ther, jointed millboard flaps, &c. 16s. Drawing Boards, cut into various sizes, in Scrap Book. 10 in. by 6 in., for Photographs, packets. Sec. White paper. 2s. Drawing Books. - 12in, by I} in. 45. 6d. Solid Sketch Books. - 15% in. by 11 in. Assorted tints. half Solid Sketch Blocks. morocco, cloth sides. 12s. De la Rue & Co. Sketch Book. 9 in. by 5 in. With paper limp covers, for school use. 4d. De la Rue de Coi's Vegetable Parch- - 10 in. by 7 in. Ditto. 6d. ment : lliin. by 9 in. Ditto. Sd. Vegetable Parchment is made from waterleaf - 77in. by 4. in 24 leaves, with cloth or unsized paper, of which ordinary blotting limp covers, lettered in gold on sides “Sketch paper is a common example. Waterleaf may be Book.” 6d. regarded as an interlacement of vegetable fibres - 8 in. by 54 in. Ditto. Sd. in every direction, simply held together by con- - 9 in. by 71 in. Ditto. 10d. tact. · Ditto. ls. All paper in the first stage of its manufacture - 5 in. by 3} in. half leather, cloth sides, is, in one sense, blotting paper, and is converted pencil case, and elastic band. ls. 3d. into writing or printing paper, by the addition Is. 6d. of sizing materials, and the effect of sizing is to - 7in. by 5in. 25. barden the paper, to fasten the primary fibres - 9 in. by 54 in. 2s. 6d. together, and cause them to resist capillary action, 10 in. by 7 in. 38. 6d. to enable them to be written upon by inks. Sketch Block, Solid; 3 in. by 5 in.; made of To make Vegetable Parchment, the waterleaf Whatman's best drawing paper. 10d. or blotting paper is simply dipped in diluted - 6} in, by 41 in. Ditto. ls. sulphuric acid when the change takes place, and 7in. by 5 in, Imitation Creswick. ls. 6d. though nothing appears to be added or sub- 7 in. by 5 in. Whatman's hotpressed. tracted, the waterleaf loses all its previous pro- 1s. 6d. perties, and becomes Vegetable Parchment." 160 DRAWING AND FINE ARTS. De la Rue & Co.'s Vegetable Parchment | Hachette & Co.: -cont. Conté Crayons, in square boxes. Nos. 1, 2, 3. Various purposes to which it may be applied:- Per gross, 28. 8d. · Hachette & Co. Vegetable Parchment glazed. Houghton, P., & Co.: dyed. Box of Academy Chalks, assorted, Black, Plans drawn on Vegetable Parchment. White, and Red. Od. Oil and Water Colour Paintings on ditto. Card of Instruments, 1s. 6d, and 2s. each. Deeds, &c., written on Vegetable Parchment, Case of Materials for Chalk Drawing, con- Cheques, Bills of Lading, &c., printed on Vege taining i dozen Academy Chalk, Port table Parchment. Crayon, Dividers, Charcoal and Stumps, 3s. Books, Card Cases, &c., bound in Vegetable 1 Stumps for Chalk Drawing. White Paper in Parchment. Sets of Four. Direction Labels made from Vegetable Parch- Blotting Paper. ment. Leather. Artificial Flowers made from Vegetable Parch- P. Houghton & Co. ment (dyed). De la Rue and Co. Joseph, Myers, & Co. : Rowney & Co: Drawing Materials for Juvenile Artists; com- Blank Drawing Book. imp. 4to., sewed in prising three pencils, india-rubber, set- paper cover. 2s. 3d. square, flat ruler, six sheets of drawing copies, -- oblong 4to. half roan, cloth sides, and six sheets of drawing paper; complete stiffened. 35. in a neat cardboard box. -- oblong imp. Svo., half roan. 45. 6d. Joseph, Myers, & Co. Blank Sketch Book. oblong imp. 8vo., cloth | Lund, W. Specimen Card of Patent Spring stiffened. ls. 3d. G. Rowney & Co. Slide Pencils. Price 2d. each. Portfolio for Drawings, half roan, paper sides, W. Lund, 26, Fleet Street. each 22 in. by 15 in., and 15 in. by li in. Miller & Co.: - half roan, cloth sides, with canvas Case of Best Lead Pencils, pure Cumberland wrapper to cover the cages of the prints, Lead. 6d. 24 in, by 19 in. - of Practical Art Pencils. 2d. each. G. Rowney & Co. Chalks for black-boards, &c. In boxes, 3d. each. - large box, 2s. 6d. Miller & Co., 56, Long Acre. National Society : PENCILS, CRAYONS, &c. Specimen sheets of crayon and drawing papers, Bowden & Co.: in portfolio. Box of coloured crayons. ls. each. Pastels (Specimens on a Card). Box of Academy crayons. 4d. cach. Swiss Crayons (200 in a Case). 2s. 6d. per Leather stumps, 3 sizes. 4d. each. dozen. G. Bowden & Co. Paper stumps, 4 sizes. 2d. each. Specimens of colour boxes. 6d., ls., and 2s.6d. British and Foreign School Society : Specimens of lead pencils, chalks, and chalk- Rowney's Drawing Pencils. 6 doz., various. holders. 16 on card. Various prices. 1s. 4d. per doz. National Society. French Conté Crayons, 4d. per doz. Reeves de Sons: Box of Coloured Crayons, is. A Glass Case illustrative of Pencil-making, White Drawing Chalk, 3d. per doz. and containing Cumberland Lead in its Charcoal, 8d. per packet. crude and manufactured state, and speci- Crayon Holders, ls. 6d. per doz. mens of Drawing Pencils in every stage of Drawing Pins, 28. the half gross. manufacture. Reeves & Sons. Stumps, Leathern, 2s., and 2s. 9d. per doz. Wolf, E., & Sons : Stumps, Paper, 10d. and 1s. 2d. per doz. A Box of Drawing Materials, Is. 6d. Athenian Crayons, Creta Lævis, and other. Drawings of Screws from Models, in Glazed Pencils, and Specimens of Lead, showing Frames; by Boys in the Schools. the Progress of Manufacture, &c. &c. (Her Drawings of Stag Hunt, Bird, &c., and Rustic Majesty's Commissioners of Exhibition, 1851.) Scenery; by Boys in the Schools, in glazed E. Wolff & Sons. frames. British and Foreign School Society. Brookman & Langdon: Miocre, G. B. Specimen Permanent Crayon Fine Art Drawing Pencil, in six degrees. In Drawing. boxes containing one dozen, sorted. 1s. 6d. Exhibited by Mr. G. B. Moore, 2, Lansdowne Brookman & Langdon. Terrace, Gloucester Road North, Regent's De la Rue Co.: Park. Fine Art Drawing Pencils, made by a new process from compressed Cumberland Lead Powder. De la Rue & Co. PENCILS, CRAYONS, ETC. —COLOURS.- IMPLEMENTS. 161 Aower COLOURS. | Reeves & Sons-cont. Bowden & Co.: Double Octagon Shaped Cakes are made for the same purposes as the Octagon, but con- French Spirit Varnish, for Oil Painting; by tain double the quantity of colour. Ordinary Soelmee, Frères. A bottle, 1s. 6d. colours 2s. each. . for Water-Colour Painting ; by Ditto. A Quadruple Cakes are made chiefly for export, bottle, ls. 6d. and contain a quantity equal to four cakes. French Liquid Glue. Large bottle, 9d. ; small Moist Colours in Pans and Tubes are now in do., 6d. general use for outdoor sketching. Ordinary Siccaty de Harlem, a Bottle of. ls. 4d. colours, ls. each. G. Bowden & Co. Moist Colours in Sancers are used by Engineers Davis, A., & Co. : Colour Boxes, in Whitewood, at one farthing and Surveyors, the centre containing the colour to be used in a body and the outer to 3d. each. (Samples on a Card.) rim the light washes. Ordinary colours, ls. - Cedar, at is. 4d. and 2s. 6d. each. each. Artists' Companion, in Cedar. 9d. Also, Drawings executed in the Colours by A. Davis & Co. Henry Warren, Esq., President; and C. H. Hachette & Co.: Weigall, Esq. and Mrs. Margetts, members Colour Boxes, with Saucers, &c. 9d., 1s. Ofd., of the New Society of Painters in Water and 1s. Sd. each. Hachette & Co. Colours. Reeves & Sons. Heyl & Co.: Rowney & Co.: Two Boxes of Colours. (H.M. Commissioners Water Colours, superfine in Whole, Half, and of Exhibition, 1851.) Heyl & Co., Berlin. Quarter Cakes. Joseph, Myers, & Co.: - Moist, in Tubes, Pans, and Half Pans. The Floral Colour Box; containing twelve Colour Box, complete, 12 Cakes. superfine colours, india-rubber, pencil, - with lock, 12 Half Cakes. brushes, and pallets; together with six - slide, 6 Quarter Cakes. coloured and six uncoloured groups of - 8 Cakes, moist. 12 Half Cakes, moist. The Little Artist's Companion; containing - 10 Tubes, moist. nine colours (fitted in saucers), Indian ink, Bottle of Chinese White pencils, indià-rubber, brushes, with six Indelible Ink. coloured and six uncoloured designs; com- Gum Water. plete in mahogany box. 45. 6d. - of Oxgall. Rowney & Co Colour Box, with Cornelian Glass Slab. 85. Susse, Freres. Water Colour Drawing Joseph, Myers, & Co. Box, containing 18 Colours, Brushes, Pencil, Miller & Co.: Sketch-book, &c. Price 1l. 9s. 2d. Miller's Shilling Colour Box, approved by the - Packet of Charcoal. 7d. Society of Arts. Susse, Freres, Paris. Practical Art Colour Box as prepared for the use of Students in the Government Schools of Art, &c. 28. 6d. IMPLEMENTS. Moist Colours. 22 whole cakes in japanned Bowden & Co.: tin case. 21. 10s. - 14 half cakes, ditto. 12s. Architectural Curves (Hudelo make). A Set Water Colours, 12 tubes, in ditto. 11. 78. of 12. Is. 6d. each. Mahogany Drawing Box, containing 24 cake Brushes imported by Bowden & Co. (Speci. colours. 31. 38. mens on â Card.) Case containing Six Bottles : Miller's Glass Drawing Board, French Poplar Wood, 15 in. Medium, Nos. 1 & 2, for Water-colour Paint- by 11 in. 2s.6d. ing. Liquid Green and Carmine, and Indian Long Set Square, 51, in. Hudelo make. 5d. Ink. 61 in. ditto. 6d. - of Best Water Colours, in Cakes, at 8. in. ditto. Sd. various prices, from 1s. Miller & Co. 10. in. ditto. 9d. 121 in. ditto. Is. Reeves & Sons' Water Colours: 15 in. ditto. ls. 2d. A Glass Case containing the following - 17 in. ditto. Is. 4d. samples, viz.- Rule, brass edged (Hudelo make). 16 in. Half Cakes are intended for the use of Schools 2s. 6d. and beginners. Ordinary colours 6d. each. . 19% in 38. Whole Cakes are the usual shape used by - 32 in. 45. 6d. artists and amateurs, being the original - superior Flat, of pear tree (Huelo shape in which Water Colours were invented make). 12 in. 4d. by Mr. Thomas Reeves in 1780. Ordinary - 16 in. 6d. colours 1s. each. 12 in. 9d. Octagon Shaped Cakes are mostly used by 214 in. 10d. Engineers and Architects, there being no 251 in. ls. 3d. sliarp corners to the cake, the colour rubs 311 in. ls. 9d. off more freely in the round saucers generally 39 in. 2s. 6d. used by them. Ordinary colours, Ts. each. - 43 in. 2s. 9d. 162 DRAWING AND FINE ARTS. Bowden & Co.--cont. Cronmire, J. M. & H.-cont. Set Square, 45 deg. 34 in. Hudelo make. 5d. Cronmires' Full Set College Instruments, - 41 in. ditto. 6d. with Marquois Scale. 21. 10s. 5} in, ditto. 7d. --- Full Set German Silver Instruments, - 64 in. ditto. 9d. with Ivory Sector Scale. 10s. 74 in. ditto. Is. Rule, 12-inch Scales. 31. per dozen. Ss in. ditto. Is. 3d. Ivory Sectors. ll. 10s. per dozen. Set Square, 60 degrees, 6. in. Hudelo make. 7d. - Protractors. 11. 2s. per dozen. 74 in. ditto. 8d. - Parallel Rulers. 245. per dozen. 8} in. ditto. 9d. Compasses.—Pillar Compasses, in brass. 10s. - 9 in. ditto. 10d. per doz. - 101 in. ditto. Is. - German silver. 12s.6d. per doz. - 114 in. ditto. ls. 1d. - Proportionable, in brass without bar. 13 in. ditto. ls. 2d. 16s. 6d. per dozen. - German silver Sheath Compasses, for Set Square, 674 degrees, 6} in. Hudelo make. 6d. pocket use. 4s. each. -81 in. ditto. 8d. -- Brass Compass, with Ink and Pencil - 104 in. ditto. 10d. Points, on a Beam for extending Drawings. 12. in. ditto. ls. 10s. each. T Square, head to turn, superior brass edge Drawing Pen, Ivory handle, Turn-up Nib. (Hudelo make). 43 in. 12s. 16s. per dozen. - head to turn (Hudelo make), 28} in. 7s. - best steel ditto. 11. per dozen. - - brass edge, 43 in. 9s. J. M. & H. Croninire. of pear tree (Hudelo make). 14. in. 1 Congregational Board : 28. 3d. · Proportional Scale. 1 foot. 4d. Ward & Co. - 19 in. 2s. 9d. Davis, A., & Co. : - 231 in. 35. 6d. Sets of Mathematical Instruments in fish-skin - 284 in. 4s. - 37 in. 45. 6d. case. No. 141, 1s. 2d. ; 15, 2s. 9d.; 16, 4s. 6d. 43 in. 58. 6d. - in mahogany case. No. 17, 2s. 3d.; 18, 38.; 18 D, 75. A. Davis & Co. common, for School use. 15 in. Is. 6d. 18 in. ls. 9d. Dean & Son: 21 in. 2$. Pencil Cutter. The New American Patent · 24 in. 2s. 6d. Pencil Cutter, by which any lead pencil can - 30 in. 35. be pointed instantaneously. ls. Dean & Son. 36 in. 35. 6d. Elliott, Brothers : G. Bowden & Co. Set of Instruments as supplied to the R.M. British and Foreign School Society: Academy, Woolwich, in mahogany case. 21. 12s.6d. Colour Box, Society of Arts, 1s. Set of Instruments as supplied to the R.M. Geometrical Rule, 6d. Acadeniy,Sandhurst,in mahogany case. 31. 3s. » » Triangle, ls. Set of Marquois Fortification Scales, as sup- Bow Compass (of Birch) 20 inches long. 3s. 6d. plied to the R. M. Academy, Sandhurst, T Square, 20 inches long, 1s. 6d. mahogany box. 12s. British and Foreign School Society. Set of Instruments, as supplied to King's Col- Cronmire, J. M. & H.: lege, in mahogany case. 21. 15s. Mahogany Case, containing a large pair Com- Prize Set of Instruments, as supplied to Science passes, Shifting Leg, Ink and Pencil Point, and Art Department, in mahogany case. Box Scale. 25. 11. 5s. Set of Instruments, ditto, ditto, in mahogany - Dotting Pen, Hand Pen, Box Scale. case. 155. 3s. 6d. Set of Engineers' Instruments, in a rosewood full set, with Bow, Tray to Case, Ivory case. £25. Scale, Ebony Parallel Rule, and Brass Pro - Ditto. 107. 10s. tractor. 7s. Set of Architects' Instruments, maroon case. - single jointed, slip-up shank, superior 41. 14s. 6d. finished, with superior hardened Points, Set of Drawing Instruments in a small box, Ivory Scale, Ivory Parallel Rule, and Brass and consisting of, 1, a 4-inch pair of com- Protractor. 128. passes or divider; 2, a diagonal scale and with Sector, Joints, and Cronmires' ruler of boxwood; 3, a brass half-circle pro- improved Telescope Bar to Compass, and tractor; 4, a small triangular square. 5s. 6d. Needle Point, Ivory Sector, Ivory Parallel Set of Drawing Instruments placed in a small Rule, and Ivory Protractor. 11. 45. 60. box, and consisting of, 1, à 6-inch pair of — with the addition of Pencil Bow, Ivory compasses with a shifting leg, ink, and Sector, Ivory Parallel Rule, and Ivory Pro pencil point; the ink leg answering the tractor, 11. 6s. 6d. purpose of an ordinary drawing pen; 2, a in German Silver, 1l. 13s. boxwood diagonal scale and protractor; 3, a - with additional Joint to Compass, Bow parallel ruler; 4,a smalltriangular square. Is. Pen and Bow Pencil, Ivory Sector, Ivory Parallel Rule. 6s. Parallel Rule, and Ivory Protractor. 11. 108. 1 Protractor. 6s. 6d. 12 IMPLEMENTS. 163 Elliott, Brothers-cont. School Set of Instruments, fish-skin case. 21s. Amsler's Planimeter, in mahogany case. 31. 3s. Napier Compass. 21. 2s. each. Pocket Coinpass. 21. 2s. Divider, in sheath, German silver. 10s. Architect's Scale, ivory. 10s. Surveyor's Scale, ivory. 13s. Circular Protractor, in leather case. 51. 15s. 6d. Metal Triangles. 213. the set of three. Tube Compass. 21. 5s. Boxwood Scales. 4s. each. Parallel Rules, metal. 18s, and 30s. cach. Map Measurers. 3s. each. Patent Drawing Board. 7s. Three-foot Standard Measure, of Aletal, in mahogany case. 51. 5s. A Drawing-board, 16 in. by 12 in., 2s. 6d. AT square to correspond, 2s. A dozen drawing pins, ls, A large pair of wooden compasses, with a chalk holder for the black-board, 3s. 6d. Models for drawing, &c. Elliott, Brothers. Grew, T.: Set of Drawing Instruments, as supplied to the Science and Art Department. In mahogany hook-case, 12s. Universal Compass, 12-inch, of brass. Ditto, 8s. 6d. 1. Universal Compass. In mahogany case. 45. 2. Set of Drawing Instruments. In mahogany hook-case, 4s. 3. Ditto, ditto, 5s. 4. Ditto, ditto, 6s. 5. Ditto, ditto, 8s. 6. Ditto, ditto, 135. 7. Ditto, ditto, 13s. 8. Ditto, ditto, 14s. 9. Ditto, containing 6 in. steel joint compass, with round fittings and bar, 5 in. divider, ink and pencil point, ink and pencil bow, ivory handled pen, and set of rules, with tray, in mahogany case, with lock, ll. 8s. 10. Ditto, in German silver, containing 6 in. sector jointed compass, with round fittings and bar, 5 in. hair divider, ink and pencil point, ink and pencil bow, two ivory handled pens, two steel spring bows, set of ivory rules, in rosewood case, with lock, 31. (Exhibited by T. Grew.) Agents, F. Clarke, 13, Park Side, Knights- bridge, and J. Buck, 124, Newgate Street. Hachette & Co.: Compass in Wood, with Port Crayon. ls. 13d. A Second, smaller. Protractor in Wood, 40 centimètres (15} inch) long. Is. 4d. Horn Protractor, of 16 centimètres. Smaller, 10 centimètres. Graduated Set Square, divided into 60 centi- | mètres. Is. 51d. Wooden Rule of 50 centimètres. 5d. 100 ditto. 10d. Brass Compass for Pencil. Slate for use in Elementary Drawing School, Mason's Level. Is. 5 d. T square (of wood), with Divisions. ls. 3d. Hachette & Co., London and Paris. I Lefever, Charles. Mathematical Drawing Instruments 1. Containing compass, ink and pencil points, feeder, and boxwood scale, in case. 2s. 9d. 2. Containing the same, in mahogany case. 38. 611. 3. Containing compass, ink and pencil points, ivory handle drawing pen, feeder, and box- wood scale, in mahogany case. 45. 6d. 4. Containing compass, ink and pencil points, drawing pen, divider, ivory scale, ebony parallel rule, brass protractor, in mahogany case. 7s. 5. Containing compass, ink and pencil points, divider, bow pen, drawing pen, box scale, ebony parallel rule, brass protractor, in fish-skin case. 6s. 6d. 6. Containing the same, with ivory scale, in mahogany case, with tray. 10s. 7. Containing sector joint compasses, ink and pencil points, lengthening bar, divider, pen, ink and pencil bows, feeder and key, with ivory scale, sector, and parallel rule, in mahogany case, with lock and key. 11.8s. 8. Electrum or German silver instruments, sector joints, containing compass, ink and pencil points, lengthening bar, hair divider, bow pen and pencil, two drawing pens, ivory protractor, sector, and parallel rule, in mahogany case. 21. 25. 9. The same, with single knee joint to compass, and bows,set of three spring bows, and trac- ing point, in superior mahogany case. 31. 3s. 10. Electrum or German silver instruments. sector joints, containing compass, ink and pencil points, lengthening bar, hair divider, ink and pencil bows, two drawing pens, tracing point, set of three spring bows, instruments to hold needles, two joints to compasses and bows, ivory pro- tractor, sector, and parallel rule, in ma- hogany case, and place for colours. £4. 11. Architect's pocket case, containing electrum compass with two joints, 4} in. in length, ink and pencil points, lengthening bar, drawing pen, set of three spring bows, and ivory protractor, walnut wood, lined with silk velvet, size 6 in. by 4in. 11. 16s. Bcam Compass, with compass ink and pencil points. 11. 15s. Ink and pencil bow of brass. 4s. 6d. M, German silver. 5s. 6d. -, ditto, with one joint. 75. 6d. - ditto,with twojoints, to hold needles.14s. Brass pen; with ivory handle. 2s. 6d. Steel ditto, ditto. is. 6d. Best steel pen, ditto. 25. Brass divider. ls. 4d. Large brass bow pen. 3s. (Exhibited by Charles Lefever.) Sold by E. Stanford, 6, Charing Cross. Horne & Thornthwaite : Set of Drawing Instruments, Drawing Board, and T Square. 12s. Horne & Thornthwaite. Molteni & Co. : Cases of Drawing Instruments. Is. 8}d., 2s.6d., 38. 9d., 6s. 8d., and il. 35. 4d. each. *** Molteni's Illustrated Catalogue of Mathe- matical Instruments. imp. folio, sewed. Molteni & Co., Paris. 1 2 164 DRAWING AND FINE ARTS, National Society: Set of Drawing Instruments, each 2s. 2d., 2s.6d., and 4s. 6d. National Society. Newton & Co.:-School Sets of Mathe- matical Instruments : A Set of Drawing Instruments, consisting of compass with shifting pen and pencil leg, in mahogany box. 2s. Ditto ditto, with boxwood scale, in polished box. 2s. 6d. Ditto ditto with 12in. scale, angle piece, and ebony parallel rule, in long box. 38. 6d. A Set of Drawing Instruments, consisting of compass with pen and pencil legs, lengthen- ing bar, a pair of dividers, drawing pen, and scale of equal parts, chords and diagonals, in polished mahogany box. 5s. A Set, consisting of large and small com- passes with shifting pen and pencil legs, drawing pen, and scale of equal parts, &c., in polished mahogany box. 6s. 6d. A Set of Drawing Instruments, with large and small compasses, shifting pen and pencil legs, lengthening bar, pair of dividers, and drawing pen, scale of equal parts, &c., protractor and parallel rule, in polished mahogany box. 10s. 6d. Superior finished full Set of Instruments, with hair points, large and small compasses, with shifting pen and pencil legs, lengthening bar, dividers, ivory-handle drawing pen, fitted in tray, with boxwood protractor, scale, and parallel rule, in polished mahogany case, with lock and key. ll. 5s. A Set consisting of same Instruments as the preceding, with ivory scales and rules, in polished rosewood case. ll. 12s. 6d. Addiscombe College Case of Instruments, with set of Marquois Scales. 31. 3s. Pocket Case of German Silver Instruments, containing large and small compasses, with needle points and jointed legs, lengthening bar, spring bow-pen, drawing pen, and pair of dividers. 21. 2s. A Set of German Silver Instruments, consisting of large and small compasses, with jointed and shifting legs and needle points, a pair of dividers, spring bow-pen, lengthening bar, and drawing pen with ivory scale, in hand- some rosewood case. 31. A Complete Set of German Silver Instruments, double jointed, large compasses with pen and pencil leg, hair dividers, double-jointed bow-pen and pencil, jointed lengthening bar, spring dividers, spring bow-pen and pencil, two drawing pens, penknife, and best ivory scales, in rosewood case. 57. 5s. Marquois' Scales. The set in box with book, 10s. 6d. Engineers' Pocket or Pillar Compass, Ger- man Silver, in case. 11. ls. to Il. 10s. Chain Scales of ivory, 12 in. long. 9s. Two-inch offsets för ditto. 2s. Chain Scales of boxwool, 12 in. long. 3s. Two-inch offsets for diti.o. is Parallel Rules in ebony, ordinary construction, 3d. perinch. Rolling ditto, ditto 9d. per inch.. Horn Protractors. Newton & Co. ! Nolet, P.: Universal Rule, in Pear Wood, &c., 151in.35.4d. P. Nolet, Paris. Parkes, J., & Son: Cases of Drawing Instruments. 2s.6d., 4s. 9d., 3s. 6d., 5s. 3d., Ss. 3d., 10s. 6d., 13s. 6d., 20s. each. Compasses. 6 various. Divider (Improved Large Wood) for black- board chalk drawing, with brass tightening screw. 45. 6d. Dividers and Pens. 19 sorts, various prices (on a card). Ivory Scale, 6 in. Plotting. 14s. 6d. per dozen. - 12 in. Chain scale. 5s. 6d." - 12 in. Architects' scale. 5s. 6d. each. T Squares, each 18 in. 12s. per dozen. - 36 in. 42s. per dozen. Angle, various sizes, 1s. 9d., 2s. 6d., and 3s. 6d. per dozen. Curve, various sizes. 5s. 6d. and 78. 6d. per dozen. Rule, 2 foot. 2-fold, with beviled edge. Is. 6d. Drawing Pins, in Boxes, each, No. 1, 4s.; 2, 2s.6d. ; 3, 6s. 6d.; and 4, 9s. per gross. J. Parkes & Son. Pastorelli & Co.: Case of Drawing Instruments. 41. 14s. 6d. Rolling Parallel Rules. ls. per in. - with ivory divided edges. Is. 6d. per in. - all brass, plain, from 12 in. 2s. 6d. per in.; best, with standard scales, and divided roller, 5s. 6d. per in. Napier's Compass in case. 21s. to 30s. Pillar Compass in Case. 25s, to 21. 10s. Proportional Compasses, fully divided. 35s. Tube Beam Compass. 23s. to 31. 38. Ivory Plotting Scales, 12 in., from 10s. -- Scales for Architects, 12 in., from 12s. - Protractors. 48, 6d. to ll. ls. Metford's Scales. (See Surveying.) Pastorelli & Co. Rigg, A. & J.: Drawing Boards.—These boards are made of prepared timber, upon an entirely novel plan, and, from experiments, it is expected that the warping or casting frequent in new drawing boards is thus overcome. They are", very light, and the edges are formed of a hard wood. The T squares which accompany them are so constructed as to allow the set squares and other instruments used on the boards to pass over the stock of the square. The stock is made to bear upon the middle, and not upon the corner of the edge; thus, not only are the edges more durable, but accidental injuries to the corners of them do not affect the truth of the T square when in use. Board, measuring 2 ft. 6 in. x 1 ft. 9 in. 7s. 1 ft. 4in. x 11 in. 28. T square, adapted for the first board. 1s. 3d. T square adapted for the second board. Sd. Instruments for Black Board use. Drawinged timber, upoiments, it is in new Small » Large triangle. 15. 6d. T square, 3 ft. long. ls. 9d. Iron Stand for holding Drawing Models. A. & J. Rigg, Chester. BRUSHES, ETC.--EXAMPLES FOR STUDY IN DRAWING, ETC. 165 Rowney, G., & Co.: | EXAMPLES FOR STUDY IN T Square, 24 in. 3s. Id. DRAWING, &c. Drawing Board, of Deal, 28 in. by 19 in., 4s. 6d., and 22 in. by 17 in., 45. Drawing Books and Copies. --- Mahogany, 22 in. by 17 in., 75. G. Rowney & Co. Abbott. Drawing Cards for Schools and Fami- Stephens, H.: lies. 5 parts. In cases. 16mo. Parallel Rule. 4s. H. Stephens. 1. Elementary. 4. Foliage. 2. The Figure. 5. Birds. 3. Cottages. 6. Flowers. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Clark & Austin, New York. BRUSHES, &c. Allgemeine Zeichnenschule in Umrissen. Davis, A. & Co.: General Drawing Book in Outline. 12 parts. Camel Hair Pencils, at 3s. Id. per gross. (Sam- imp. 4to. In wrapper, each containing 12 ples on a card.) * A. Davis & Co. leaves. 35. each part. Hammer's Artist's Cabinet; size, 2 ft. 9 in. Division I. Form and Ornament. 3 parts. high, 1 ft. 10 in. wide, 1 ft. 6 in. deep; com- „ II. The Head. 3 parts. prising a tray fitted with tin for holding » III. Figures after the Antique. brushes, &c., and five drawers underneath, Part 1. with a falling top, lock and key. Price, in „ G. M. Hammer. „ stained deal, 31. 35. Figures after the Life. Part 2. » IV. Flowers and Fruit. Parts 1 & 2. Lartisian: An Artist's Cabinet, in Oak, 2 ft. S in. high, „ „ Landscapes. Parts 3 & 4. i ft. 10 in. wide, and 16 in. deep, on castors, Joseph, Myers, & Co., 1857. with lock and key and two drop brass handles, and comprising a tray fitted with Animals, from the Sketch Book of Harrison tin for colours, brushes, &c., and five drawers Weir. 24 Engravings, with Description, and underneath; the top moves on a quadrant Anecdotes. plain, 4to. cloth. 10s. 6d. hinge, and may be closed and locked in an - coloured, 4to. cloth. 25s. instant so as to leave everything in security Parts 1 to 6, plain, Is. each. and free from dust. 21. 10s. - Parts 1 to 6, coloured, 4s. each. Lartisian, 5, Rue des Beaux Arts, Paris. Addey & Co. A Portfolio Stand, in beech. 2 ft. 10 in. by 2 ft. 58. ].0d. Art (The) of Drawing. A Collection of Elementary Manuals, by and from Ingres, Miller & Co. Horace Vernet, &c.:- Sable and other Brushes. Samples on a large Landscapes, by A. Calame. 6 Parts. oblong Card, from ld. to 4s. each (in a frame, royal Svo. sewed. 8d. each. glazed). Miller & Co. — by Hubert. 6 parts. oblong royal Rowney & Co.: 8vo. sewed. 8d. each. Brushes for Water Colour Painting. Figures, by Julien. 6 parts. oblong royal Palette, Earthen, 6 inch oval. Svo. sewed. 8d. each. - 8 inch oblong Fancy Subjects, by F. Grenier. 6 Parts. Rimmed Tile, 6 inch. oblong royal 8vo., sewed, 8d. each. G. Bowden & Co. Tile, 6 divisions, slant. Barnard, G. Elementary Studies of Trees. Tile, 4 divisions. Ist and 2nd Series, 9 Numbers. Oblong imp. in Papier Maché, oval, 14 inches, 28. 11d. 4to. 2s. each. (No. 6, Ist, and No. 2, 2nd - square, 12 inches, 2s. 6d. Series). G. Rowney & Co. Camel Hair and other Brushes. Samples on Handbook of Foliage and Foreground. 2 large cards. (In frames, glazed.) Drawing. 12mo. 6s. N. Cooke, 1853. G. Rowney & Co. Small Table Easel and Board, strong and Barfoot, J. New Drawing Book of Animals. cheap. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) 7 parts, oblong royal Svo., 3d. each. Dean & Son. Susse, Frères: Instruments for teaching Drawing on Mad. Baumhauer's Free-Hand Drawing. Parts 1 Cavé's system; with a Pamphlet entitled to 6. oblong post 4to. 6d. each. " Le Dessin sans Maître,” royal 8vo., sewed, Joseph, Myers, & Co." in a box. 15s. Susse, Frères, Paris. Bolton, Hannah. First Drawing Book. oblong imp. 4to. cloth. 7s. 6d. — Drawing from Objects, being an Abstract of Lessons on Linear Drawing. Svo. cloth. 7s. Groombridge & Sons, 1850. 166 DRAWING AND FINE ARTS. Bonomi, J. The Proportions of the Human Figure, according to the Ancient Greek Canon of Vitruvius. 2nd edition. Svo. Is. (Presented Broad Line Drawing Book for Young Chil- dren. plain oblong Svo. cloth. 4s. coloured. oblong 8vo. cloth. 7s.6d. coloured. Parts 1 to 6, 1s. each. plain. Parts 1 to 4, 6d. cach. Addey & Co. Browne, H. Geometrical Diagrams, as used in the Public Schools, Upper Canada. On can- vas and roller, varnished, size 4 ft. 1 in. by 3 ft. 8in. (Presented by DIr. Browne.) Fuller & Bencke, Toronto. Brown, J. A Course of Diawing for Primary Schools. On sheets, 29 inches by 20 inches, viz. :- Elementary Free-Hand. Part 1, 8 plates, (with instructions. 12mo.) 6s. 6d. - Part 2, s plates, (with instruc- tions. i2mo.) Ss. 6d. — Parts 1 and 2. Mounted on 9 rollers. 11. 8s. - The Instructions separately. 12mo. 6d. (Congregational Board of Education.) Ward & Co. Burn, R. S. The Illustrated London Drawing Book, with 300 Illustrative Drawings and Diagrains. 2nd edition). crown Svo. cloth. 2s. N. Cooke, 1853. - 3rd edition. crown Svo. cloth. 2s. Ward & Lock, 1856. - Ornamental Drawing, and Architectural Design, with Notes, Historical and Practical, and upwards of 200 illustrations. crown Svo. cloth. 2s. Ward & Lock, 1857. The Illustrated Architectural, Engineer- ing, and Mechanical Drawing Book. See p. 173. Carpenter, G. First Lessons in Drawing and Design; or, Pencilled Copics and Easy Ex- amples. For the Use of Schools and Families. In 12 Numbers, large post 4to. Is. each:- No. 1. Straight Lines and Combinations. » 2. Rectilincal Figures. » 3. Curves. „ 4. Outlines of Familiar Objects. » 5. Shaded Figures. , 6. Introduction to Perspective. 7. Trees. 8. The Human Figure. „ 9. Animals and Rustic Figures. „ 10. Ornament. » 11. Flowers. „ 12. Maps. Aylott & Co., 1857. - Nos. 1 to 6, 1s. each. C. H. Law. Chambers's First Book of Drawing. 12mo. cloth. ls. 1856. - Second Book of Drawing. By J. Clark. 12mo. cloth. ls. W. & R. Chambers, 1857. Chambers's Drawing and Perspective ; a Series of Progressive Lessors, with General Instructions. Nos, 1 to 18. oblong folio. each 1s. 6d. (In a volume, half bound.) No. CONTENTS: 1. Elementary Lessons. 2. Design. 3. Flowers. 4. Heads, in outline. 5. Heads, shaded. 6. Hands and Feet. 7. Limbs and parts of Figures. 8. Full Figures. 9. Animals. 10. 11. Principles of Perspective. 12. Simple Lessons in Perspective, Build- ings, &c. 13. Buildings, &c., with Vegetation. 14. Trees. 15. Landscape Scenery. 16. Landscapes, with Figures, &c. 17. Shipping; Marine Views. 18. Landscapes, tinted. - Mechanical Drawing Books, 1, 2, 3. ob- long folio. ls. 6d. each. (half bound.) W. & R. Chambers, 1853. Chapman, J. G. The American Drawing Book. 4to. half bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Redfield, New York, 1847. Coe. New Drawing Cards for Schools. Nos. 1 to 10. In cases. 16mo. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) De La Rue & Co.: Flat Examples for Object Drawing, - Com- mon Things." Published under the direction of the Science and Art Department of the Committee of Council on Education. Printed on 48 cards, royal 8vo. 55. --- “ Animals.” On 12 cards, royal Svo. ls. De La Rue & Co. Dibdin, T. C. Drawing made Easy, being a Series of Elementary Studies of Local Interest. Parts I. to VI. oblong royal Svo. sewed. 6d. each. G. Bowden. Dickes, W. Studies from the Great Masters. Engraved and printed in colours, with prose illustratious. Nos. 1 to 7. imperial 4to. 2s. each, (Presented by Mr. Dickes.) Hamilton & Co. Dicksee, J. R. Familiar Free-Hand Drawing of Familiar Objects. oblong folio. 2s. 6d. (British and Foreign School Society.) Sixth Edition. folic. sewed. 2s. 6d. (Presented by the Author.) Extended Series. 6 Parts. oblong imp. 8vo. sewed. 9d. each. (Presented by the Author.) -- Printed on 24 Drawing Boards. Size 10in. by 7 inches, in an envelope. 58. (Pre- sented by the Author.) Rowney & Co. Directions for introducing the First Steps of Elementary Drawing in Schools, and among Workmen; with Lists of Materials, Objects, and Models. fcp. 4to. 45. 6d. Chapman & Hall, 1852, EXAMPLES FOR STUDY IN DRAWING, ETC. 167 Drawing Book of the Government School of | Hermes, W. First Book of Drawing Lessons. Design. large folio. 58. Chapman & Hall. oblong 8vo. cloth. 4s. - Introduction to. By W. Dyce, Esq. - Introduction to Sketching from Nature. 12mo. 6d. Chapman & Hall, 1854. oblong 8vo. cloth. 4s. Copy Book, as used at the Highgate - Easy Lessons in Cottage and Landscape Preparatory School. Nos. 1 & 2. 4to. Scenery. oblong 8vo. cloth. 45. Drawing Book for Young Children. 16mo. Studies of Trees. ob. 8vo. cloth. 45. 3s. 6d. (Presented by Horace Grant, Esg.) Houlston & Stoneman. Studies of Flowers. ob. 8vo. cloth. 4s. Drawing Class Register for Schools. (See Studies of Animals. ob. 8vo. cloth. 4s. School Registers, p. 7.) Studies in Still Life. ob. 8vo. cloth. 4s. Drawing Copies, and Illustrations of the Studies of the Human Form. 1st series. Leading Principles of Natural Philosophy. oblong 8vo. cloth. 48. No. 1, “ Parts of a Steam Engine.” 4to. - 2nd series. oblong 8vo. coloured. 28. (British and Foreign School cloth. 4s. Society.) Houlston & Co. *** Either of the above may be purchased in Easy Drawing Copies for Elementary Instruc- five parts, at 8d. cach. tion. Simple Outlines, without Perspective, Joseph, Myers, & Co. 67 subjects on pasteboard, in a portfolio. 4to. 6s. 6d. Walton & Maberly. Hermes, w. Drawing Instructor. A Collec- Eldridge, W. School Drawing Book of Land- tion of Examples for advanced Students. scapes. 1st and 2nd series. oblong 8vo. each oblong 4to. price, ls. 3d. each part. Con- 2s.6d. Allman & Son. tents:- Exercises (First) for Children, in Light, Parts Shade, and Colour, with numerous Illustra- Ist Division. 1-24. Landscapes. tions. Being a Supplement to “ Drawing for 2nd 25-36. Flowers. Young Children." sq.18mo. cloth. (Presented 3rd 37-45. Heads. by H. Cole, Esq.) . C. Knight & Co., 1840. 4th 49-60. Arabesques. Flaxman, J. Anatomical Studies of the Bones 5th , 61-64. Horses. and Muscles for the Use of Artists; from Draw- Joseph, Myers, & Co. ings by the late J. Flaxman, Esq., R.A. En- Hicks, G. E. Rustic Figures. oblong imp. 4to. graved by Henry Laudseer. Portrait and 21 3 Parts, 6s. each. (Part 2.) G. Rowney & Co. Plates. folio, cloth. ll. 4s. Nattali & Bond. Gauci, P. Elementary Drawing Book of Holbrook, J. Child's First Book. Drawing Trees. No. 1 to 12. oblong imp. Svo. Series. royal 16mo. (Presented by Board of sewed. 1s. each. Rowney & Co. Education, New York.) George's Model Object Drawing Book and Case & Co., Hartford, U. S.. and Book to Draw in. No. 1 to 7. oblong Jackson, F. G. The Art Instructor, contain- post 4to. Is. each ; viz.- ing Suggestions for the Development of a New. System of Teaching. oblong imp. 4to. 6s. 1. Straight Lines. 5. Rustic Figures. G. Rowney & Co. 2. Rectilinear Figures. 6. Landscape. 3. Curves. 7. Architecture. Kopper, C. Drawing Book of Flowers. Parts. 1 to 4. oblong post 4to. 6. éach. 4. Animals. Darton & Co. Joseph, Myers, & Co. Grant, H. Directions forintroducing the First Krusi & Whittaker. Progressive Course Steps of Elementary Instruction in Schools of Inventive Drawing, on the Principles of and among Workmen; with Lists of Materials, Pestalozzi. Part 1. royal Svo. (Presented by Objects, and Models. 4to. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.). W. F. Ramsay, 1851. the Author.) Chapman & Hall. Lindley, J. Symmetry of Vegetation. An Green, N. First Studies of Landscape Drawing. Outline of the Principles to be observed in the 6 Nos., 6d. each. Oblong royal Svo. (No. 4.) Delineation of Plants; being the substance of G. Rowney & Co. Three Lectures delivered to the Students at Green, N. E. Second Drawing Book of Land- Marlborough House, in November 1852. Svo. scape, adapted for the pencilling and granulated Chapman & Hall, 1854. tint papers. loyal 4to. 6 Parts, 2s. 6d. each. Lineal Drawing Copies for the earliest Instruc- (No. 6.) G. Rowney. & Co. tion; comprising upwards of 200 Subjects, on - Illustrations of the Five Orders of 24 sheets, mounted on thick pasteboard, in a Architecture. 6 Plates. royal folio, 2s. 6d. portfolio. 4to. 5s. 6d. each. G. Rowney & Co., 1856. - (Presented by H. Cole, Esq.) 1840. Harding, J. D. The Principles and Practice Walton & Maberly. of Art, with Illustrations. imp. 4to. cloth. 21. 2s. Chapman & Hall, 1855. Malan, Rev. S. C. Aphorisms on Drawing. Hawkins, B. W. A Comparative View of the post Svo. 38. 6d. Longman & Co., 1856. Human and Animal Frame. crown folio, cloth. Marshall's Description of the Human Body, 12s. Chapman & Hall, 1860. (See Physiology.) No. . No. 1s. 168 DRAWING AND FINE ARTS. Mutzels, H. Drawing Book of Landscapes. | Rohde, G. G. A. Drawing Book of Figures. Parts 1 to 8. oblong post 4to. 6d. cach. Parts 1 to 4. oblong post 4to. 6d. each. - Studies of Forest Trees. Parts 1 and 2. Joseph, Myers, & Co. post 4to. Is. 6d. each. Joseph, Myers, & Co. – Drawing Book of Animals. Parts 1 to 4. National Society's Drawing Copies : oblong post 4to. ls. 6d. each. Joseph, Myers, & Co. Architectural Drawing Copies. each, 2s. Ruskin, J. The Elements of Drawing. In Dicksee's Familiar Free-Hand Drawing Three Letters to Beginners. post Svo. cloth. Copies. each, 2s. 6d. 78. Od. 1859. Elementary Studies, Heads. each, 6d. - The Two Paths: being Lectures on Advanced ditto, ditto. each, 1s. Art and its Application to Decoration and Forest Trees, coloured. each, 3s. 6d. Manufacture, delivered in 1858–9. post 8vo. Grammar of Form, 2 Nos. each, 2s.6d. cloth. 78. 6d. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1859. Landscape, Subjects by Hulme. Parts 1, 2, Stark, A. J. Elementary Drawing Book of and 3, each, is. Part 4, 1s. 4d. Richson's Diagrams and Instructions in Animals. oblong imp. Svo. 6 Nos., 1s, each. (No. 6.) Elementary Drawing. ls. 3d. G. Rowney & Co. Richson's Free-Hand Drawing Copies. 5 Studies for Drawing by various Artists :- parts. each, 6d. Cours de Dessin, par Julien et Cogniet. An Syer's Rustic Scenes. each, 1s. Elementary Course of 120 plates. Royal Weir's Animals. each, Is. folio. Is. each. (3 as specimens.) National Society. Cours progressif d'Ornement, par J. Carot. New Slate Drawing Copies. oblong 4to. 9d. An Elementary Course of 24 plates, tinted Joseph, Myers, & Co. paper. folio. 8d. each. (No. 11 as specimen.) Nutting, B. F. Progressive Drawing Cards, - 24 plates, on white paper. folio. 6d. 3 parts. Part 1, Shades and Shadows. Part 2, each. (No. 18 as specimen.) Surfaces. Part 3, Space. In cases. Small 4to. Cours d’Ornemens, par Bilordeaux. A Course — Initiatory Drawing Cards. 3 parts. of 90 plates, on white paper. folio. Is. each. 16mo. In cases. (Presented by Board of Edu- (No. 38 as specimen.) cation, New York.) Jewett & Co., Boston. Cours Préparatoire, par Julien. A Course of 48 plates. folio. ls. each. (Nos. 2 and 12 as Otis, F. N. Easy Lessons in Landscape. specimens.) Nos. 1. to 6. oblong 4to. (Presented by Board Cours Elémentaire, par Julien. An Elemen- of Education, New York.) tary Course on the Human Figure, of 161 Appleton & Co., New York, 1853. plates. imperial 4to. 6d. each. (Nos. 4, - Studies of Animals. Nos. 1 to 5. oblong 6, 14, 66, 115, 128 as specimens.) 4to. (Presented by Board of Education, New Cours de Paysage, par J. Jacottet. A Course York.) Appleton & Co., New York, 1851. of 96 plates. folio. 6d. each. (Nos. 10, 17, Pheeny, R. Easy Landscape Studies. Nos. 1 33, as specimens.) to 6. oblong royal Svo. sewed. 6d. each. Etudes aux Deux Crayons, par Julien. An Ele- -- Odds and Ends of Progressive Drawing mentary Course of 173 plates. tinted. folio. Studies. No. 1 to 6. oblong royal 8vo. 1s. each. (Nos. 151, 152, 162, 166, as speci- sewed. 1s. each. mens.) Rowney & Co. Etudes d'Ornements aux Deux Crayons, par Bilordeaux. A Course of 76 plates. tinted. Pickton, H. Introduction to Lineal Drawing folio. ls. each. (Nos. 30, 48, 49, 71, as speci- and Mensuration, with Hints on the Manage- inent of Drawing Classes. 12mo. 2s. 6d. mens.) (British and Foreign School Society.) Imitation Pencil Drawings. A Course of 48 plates. imperial 4to. Od. each. (2 as speci- - Copies for Lineal Drawing. 12mo. Is. inens.) (British and Foreign School Society.) 1847. Landscapes, by Hubert. An Elementary Simpkin & Co. Course of 96 plates. imperial 4to. 6d. each. Practice in Pencilling: A Sixpenny Draw- (Nos. 22, 62, 70, 77, 84, 91, as specimens.) ing Book of Progressive Useful Lessons. 6 La Campagne: Etude aux Deux Crayons. By parts. oblong royal 8vo. sewed. 6d. each. various Artists. 108 plates on tinted paper. G. Bowden & Co. folio. Is. each. (Nos. 28, 41, 42, 62, 105, Razé, L. L. Sketches by the Wayside. small 108, as specimens.) folio, sewed. 2s. G. Bowden. Leçons de Paysage, par A. Calame. A Course Reiner, C. Lessons on Form, or an Introduc- of 96 plates. folio. ls. each. (Nos. 29, 33, 55, 75, 78, 85, as specimens.) tion to Geometry, as given in a Pestalozzian Les Elémens du Genre. A Course of 60 plates, School, Cheam, Surrey. 12mo. 38. 6d. imperial 4to. 6d. each. (Nos. 2, 4, 5, 39. Walton & Maberly, 1857. 40, and 50 as specimens.) Richson, Rev. Canon. A Series of Free Nouvelles Etudes d'Animaux aux Deux Hand Drawing Exercises, mounted on 96 Mill Crayons, par Bracquemond. A Course of 12 - boards, size fcp. 4to., &c. Five Books contain plates. folio. ls. each. (No.2 as specimen.) ing the 101 Examples on separate Sheets, fcp. Studies of Heads, by Julien. Coloured, good 4t0., 2s. 6d. * National Society. copies for Swiss crayon drawing. Complete, Robinson's Little Artist's Drawing Book. 173 plates. 2s 6d. each. (2 as specimens.) oblong 8vo. 13 Nos. 6d. each. Dean & Sons. Exhibited by G. Bowden & Co. EXAMPLES FOR STUDY IN DRAWING, ETC. 169 Syer, J. A Selection of Studies from the Port- | Bouillon, A. Exercices de Dessin Linéaire. folios of various Artists. Part 3, containing Exercises in Linear Drawing, with a selection 6 Plates, each plate 1s. 6d. royal folio. 1854. of practical examples in architecture, carpen- Marine and River Views. royal 4to. try, ironwork, &c. text 8vo. plates, oblong 6 Nos., 2s. each. (No. 6.) royal folio, hálf calf. - Progressive Drawing Book. oblong 8vo. Paris, Hachette, 1847. 6 Nos., 6d. each. (No. 6.) G. Rowney & Co. - Principes de Dessin Linéaire. Principles -- Elementary Drawing Book. oblong imp. of Linear Drawing, with plates. 3rd edition. 8vo. 6 Nos., 1s. each. No. 6.) oblong 4to. half calf. Paris, Hachette, 1851. Early Landscape Drawing Book. oblong imp. Svo.6 Nos., 1s. each. (No. 4.) Cavé, Marie Elizabeth. La Couleur. 8vo. - Rustic Scenes. oblong imp. 8vo. 6 Nos. Philipon, Paris, 1856. 1s. cach plain, or is. 6d. with tint. (No. 6, Carot. Cours Elémentaire et Progressif d'Orne- 1s.) G. Rowney & Co. ment. 4 Plates in wrapper, folio, ls. 4d. Tate, T. Drawing for Schools. fcp. 4to. 5s.6d. (Complete, 80 plates). Monrocq, Paris. Longman & Co., 1854. — Drawing Book for Little Boys and Girls. Cours de Dessin sans Maître, d'après la Méthode de Mad. Cavé. 1st and 2nd series. fcp. 4to. Is. 6d. Longman & Co., 1855. royal folio, in wrapper. Susse, Paris. Templeton, J. S. Elementary Book of the Human Figure. oblong imp. 8vo. 12 Nos. De Rudder. Portefeuille de l'Ecole de Dessin. Nouveaux Cours Complet d'Etudes pour la 1s. each. (No. 10.) G. Rowney & Co. Figure. 5 Plates in wrapper, folio, 25. 1d. Tiffin, W. E. Memory-Aids for Drawing (Complete, 60 plates). from Solids in Outline. 32mo. sewed. 3d. — with the 2 Crayons. 2 Plates in Rowney & Co., 1859. Wallis, G. Schools of Art: their Constitu- wrapper, folio, 9d. (Complete, 100 Plates). Monroca, Paris. tion and Management. Comprising a State- ment of the Progress, present Position, and Dupuis, A. De l'Enseignement du Dessin. Working of the Birmingham. Central and royal 8vo. half calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Branch Schools. 8vo. sewed. 6d. Esq.) Giroux, Paris, 1936. Simpkin & Co., 1857. Eléments de Dessin Linéaire. Elements -- Drawing Book. Elementary Series; for of Linear Drawing. Illustrations on 2 large the Use of Artizans and others learning Draw sheets. (2 copies.) Carles, Paris. ing for useful and practical Purposes. oblong Eléments de la Peinture du Paysage à post folio, sewed, with Introductory Instruc- l'Aquarelle, on a sheet as specimen. (The set · tions, royal Svo. sewed. 35. 6d. Chapman & Hall, 1859. of 8, 10s.) Basset, Paris. Weir's Sketches of Aninals. See Animals. Exercices de Dessin Linéaire. Exercises in Linear Drawing. Lithographed by Carles. White, G. A Few Hints intended to help royal 4to. half morocco. Carles, Paris, 1854. Teachers in adopting a Collective Method of Exercise in Teaching Drawing. fscp. 16mo. 3d. Francour, L. B. Dessin Linéaire et Arpentage. Linear Drawing and Suryeving. for Primary -- Drawing Exercises. No. 1 (40 figures in outline), on cards. 9d. the set. Schools. With 2 plates. 5th edition. Svo. No. 2 (20 figures in outline, partly sewed. Paris, Colas, 1841. shaded), on cards. Is. the set. Henry, J. B. Cours Elémentaire de Dessin - Nos. 1 & 2, on cards. (Exhibited Linéaire. Lessons in Linear Drawing, Sur- by National Society.) veying, and Architecture. Revised by Thénot. Houlston & Wright. Svo. boards. Paris, Fouraut, 1853. Willis, H. B. Studies of Cattle and Rustic Hubert. Souvenirs Recueil de Nouveaux Des- Figures. imp. 4to. 6 Parts, 2s. 6d. each. sins sur Papier Spectre. 4 Plates, in wrapper, (Part 5.) G. Rowney & Co. 2s.6d. Also 4. Plates of the Paper prepared, Winter, S. H. Elementary Geometrical Draw 1s. 1d. (Complete, in 72 Plates, with a ing. Part I., including Practical Plane Geo similar number of Spectre Plates). metry, the Construction of Scales, &c., in- Monrocq, Paris. tended for the Use of Students preparing for - Portefeuille de l'Ecole de Dessin, ou the Military Examinations. post 8vo. cloth, Recueil complet d'Etudes de Paysage. 4 Plates limp. 38. 6. Longman & Co., 1959. in wrapper, folio, ls. 8d. (Complete, 100 Wornum, R. N. The Characteristics of Styles: plates). Monrocq, Paris. an Introduction to the Study of Ornamental Jobard, M. La Mémoire des Yeux appliquée Art, &c. royal Svo. Ss. Chapman & Hall, 1856. à l'Enseignement du Dessin. Eye-memory applied to Instruction in Design. royal 8vo. sewed. (2 copies.) 848. | Jullien. Le Maître de Dessin. “Flowers,” 2 FOREIGN CONTRIBUTIONS. Plates in wrapper, royal 4to. ls. Sd. (Com- Arcadius and Carles, Cours de Dessin plete, 72 plates). Linéaire Industriel. Course of Linear Indus- -- "Flowers," with the 2 Crayons, trial Drawing. (plates.) folio. half morocco. i Plate, folio, 11d. (Complete, 30 plates). Paris, Carles, 1853. Monrocq, Paris. ssels 70 DRAWING AND FINE ARTS. Parts 1 to 10, each.com Presented Lamotte, L. Tableaux de Dessin Linéaire à | Specimen Studies, Horses, 2 plates, folio; l'usage de l'enseignement primaire. Tables the pair 10d. (The series, 12 plates.) for Instruction in Linear Drawing. 10 plates, Coloured ; 2 plates, folio : the with explanatory text. royal folio, in wrap- pair ls. 3d. (The series, 12 plates.) per. Hachette & Co. * Monroca, Paris. Cours Méthodique de Dessin Linéaire. Tableaux, &c. Elementary Geometrical and Systematic Course of Linear Drawing De- sign, and Common Geometry. Figure Drawing, with Part I., Linear Perspective. “ Elementary," text Svo., plates imp. 4to. (2 (16 plates to illustrate lessons in.) obl. post broad folio. in wrapper. copies.) man Part II., “ Advanced,” text Svo., | Thénot, J. D. Dessin Linéaire. Linear Draw- plates imp. 4to. (2 copies.). ing, by Rule and Compass, for Industrial Pur- Paris, Hachette, 1853. poses. Svo. hall cloth. Paris, Pesron. -- Dessin Linéaire des Demoiselles. Linear Drawing for Females, containing Appli- cations to Ornament Composition, Embroi- Ebersold, G. Das Linear und Geometrisch dery, &c. 3rd edition. text 8vo. plates imp. Technische Zeichnen. Drawing, Linear and 4to. Paris, Hachette, 1849. Geoinetrical. Svo. sewed. L'Ecole de Dessin. Journal des Jeunes XXVI. Tafeln zum, &c. 26 plates to Artistes et des Amateurs, 1856 and 1857. RI. 4to., in portfolio. above. oblong royal 4to. in wrapper. Monrocq, Paris. Bern, 1850. Cours Elémentaire Universel. 3 Plates Gunther, G. W. Vorlagen zum Zeichnen. in wrapper. royal 4to. 7.d. (Complete, Preparation for Learning Drawing. Four 24 plates). Monrocq, Paris. Parts. 8vo. in wrapper. Erfurt. Manuel de la Peinture à l'Huile. Svo. Herdtle, E. Fifty Wandtaflen Umrisse von sewed. Susse, Paris, 1856. Ornamenten. Fifty Sketches of Ornament Manuel de l'Aquarelle. Svo. sewed. for Instruction in Frechand Drawing for Real Susse, Paris. and Trade Schools. royal broad folio, in Modèles de Dessin et de Lavis. Examples for wrapper. (Presented by the Education Society *Drawing and Tinting. W. Nitzschke. of Wurtemberg.) 1st and 2nd series. 2 parts. oblong folio, in cover. Hutter, A. Der Zeichnenunterricht für Volks. Paris, Hachette, 1853. schulen. The Drawing Instructor for People's Schools. Parts 1 to 10. each containing 20 Normand, Douilot, and Krafft. Cours de plates. oblong 4to. in wrappers. (Presented Dessin Industriel. Course of Industrial Draw. by Dr. Shuttleworth.) Bern, 1859. ing, for Primary Schools. text Svo., plates Knorre, Prof. Systematische Zeichenschule. folio, half calf. (1 copy sewed.). * Paris, Hachette, 1941. Parts 1 to 5, 12mo, and Part 6. small 4to. in case. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Nouveau Petit Manuel de Peinture à la Lehmann, F. Zeichnungs-Vorlagen. Intro- Miniature, &c. 8vo. sewed. Susse, Paris. ductory Examples of Drawing for Primary Ornamental Letters, on 8 Plates, 2 Letters Schools. oblong 4to. in case. on each, post folio. (The 8, 10s.) Lehmann, F. Zeichnungs-Vorlagen. Intro- Bassett, Paris. ductory Examples of Drawing for Primary Persin, P. Dessin Linéaire à Vue. Linear Schools. Three Parts. oblong post 4to. in case. Drawing at Sight, with plates. imp. 8vo. C. Studer, Winterthur. Paris, Dezobry, 1853. Lehmann, Zeichnungs Tabellen. Diagrams Petit Manuel de Dessin. Svo. sewed. for Elementary Drawing, to hang in Schools. Susse, Paris. 16 tables on card-board. 28 inches by 22. Petit, M. S. Le Practicien Industriel. Recueil C. Studer, Winterthur. de Nouveaux Modèles Elémentaires de Dessin Mauch, J. M. Classische Verzierungen als au Lavis à plusieurs Couleurs, appliqués à la Vorlegeblätter, &c. Classical Decorations for Mécanique et à la Construction, 2 plates in Architects, &c. Parts 1, 2, 3. Imp. folio in wrapper, folio. ls. 3d. (Complete, 20 plates.) wrapper. (Presented by the Education Society Monrocg, Paris. of Wurtemburg.) Berlin, 1837. Roulliet, A. Principes de Dessin. Divisions Messen und Zeichnen, &c. Copies for Instruc- de la Tête, &c. royal 8vo. sewed. tion in Drawing and Measuring. 14 plates Susse, Paris, 1857. oblong 4to. loose in cover. Luzern. Sardan. Dessin Linéaire Géometrique. Geo Runge, Dr. Paintings produced by Cheinical metrical Linear Drawing, for Primary Schools. Action, for the Use of Natural Philosophers, 12mo. sewed. Paris, Colas, 1854. Painters, Designers, and Printers, invented by Specimen Studies. St. Joseph ; Ecce Homo; Dr. Runge, at Oranienburg, near Berlin. 25 La Vierge à la Chaise; each 19 in, by 15 in.; the specimens on sheets 20 by 15 inches. In a port- three, 25. 6d. (The series, 24 plates.) folio. (Presented by Her Majesty's Commis- Bust in Armour ; Jesus Christ, after sioners of Exhibition, 1851.) Da Vinci ; the Transfiguration, after Raphael; Saxesen, W. Erste Grundlage fur den Unter- 25 in. by 20; the three, 4s. 6d. (The series, 100 richt im Freien Handzeichnen. 410. sewed. plates.) Nonrocq, Paris. 1. Clausthal, 1839. name sewed EXAMPLES FOR STUDY IN DRAWING, ETC.--DRAWING MODELS. 171 Vase oooooooo ܝܝ ܟ ܠܝ ܟ ܗ ܟ ܘܬ ܝܕ ܝܕ OOOOOOOOOOOO Ditto gresa! Häften.sorin Ritbok ; pockholm, 1866 Schiefertafel. Bilder zur Nützlichen Selbst- | Brucciani, D.:-Casts from Nature-cont. beschäftigung der Kinder. Slate Pictures for the Use of Children. Parts 1 and 2. 12.no. £ s. d. Study of a hare (from wood) sewed. (Presented by H. Cole, Esq.) Jos. Scholz, Mainz, Ditto Vorbilder fur Fabrikanten und Hande- Ditto verker. Patterns for Manufacturers and Ditto Artisans. (The Prussian Drawing Book.) 2 Ditto vols. imp. folio, and Description, Parts 1 and Ditto 2, in 1 vol. 4to. half morocco. (Presented by Ditto the Prussian Government.) Berlin, 1821-1837. - 0 1 6 Weitbrecht, B. C. Ornamenten-Zeichnung- Ditto -026 Schule. Ornamental Drawing School for Ditto - 0 2 6 Artists, Manufacturers, and Tradesmen. 73 Ditto - 0 1 6 plates.' post broad folio, in wrapper. (Pre- D. Brucciani. sented by the Education Society of Wurlem Geometrical Drawing Models, in wood, berg.) Stuttgart. with adjusting support, 78. 6d. Horne & Thornthwaite. Grant, H.: Hetsch, G. F. Vägledning till Linearper- A Box of Geometrical Solids, Planes, &c., to spektivens Studium och Användande. Guide illustrate Geometry for Children. (Presented to the Study and Practice of Linear Perspective. by H Grant, Esq.) Prepared for Swedish Industrial Schools. Svo. Green and Fahey. Folding Drawing Models; half bound. Stockholm, 1852. designed to enable the Pupil to Sketch at once Hetsch, Professor. Ritbok i Progressivt Sys from Nature. The forms of buildingsare sub- tem (6 Häften.) Drawing Book on the pro- stituted for geometrical solids, showing in out- gressive System. Six Parts. post 4to. line and in colour the objects on their several Meijboom, C. Beginselen der Teekenkunde. surfaces; and by the principle of folding, now Elements of Design,50 folio lithographic plates, applied for the first time to Drawing Models, folio, with Explanation. (In a portfolio.) the entire set occupy little more space than an Stockholm, ordinary model of wood or plaster. Prices :- In box complete, Elementary Series, First Rijkens, R. G. Teekenkunde. Guide to First Course (Plain), 4 Models, 15s., 6 Models, Beginnings in Sketching. Parts 1, 2, and 3. 11. 1s. ; Second Course, 21. 26. ; containing Six fep. 4to. sewed. Domkens, Groningen. Models, viz. :-1. Lodge, 2. Cottage, 3. Steps, Teekenschool. Sketching Lessons, elemen- 4. Bridge, 5. Gateway, 6. Round Tower. tary. oblong fcp. 4to. Groningen. Advanced Series, 31. 38.; containing 4 Models, viz.: 1. Church, 2. Farmhouse, 3. Summer House, 4. Bridge. *** Tripod Stands, from 38. Gd. to 5s. 6d. Rowney & Co. Green, B. A. Rustic Drawing Models, Elemen- Drawing Models. tary Series: viz., l. Roller, 2s. 6d. ; 2. Stile, Binns, W. Models (4) for illustrating the 28. Gd.; 3. Pump, 3s. 6d. ; 4. Hencoop and Principles of the Penetration of Solids: Pigeon House, 45.; 5. Cottage Door, 45. 6d.; Penetration of Cylinder by a Cylinder. 2s. or the Set for 15s. -- by a Cone. 2s. - Advanced Series: viz., 1. Well, - Cone by a Cylinder. 2s. 88. 6d. ; 2. Bridge, with a Figure, Ss. 6d.; 3. by a Cone. 2s. Waterwheel, 10s. 6d.; or the Set, 25s. If in Presented by MIr. Binns. a Box, forming a Stand for the Models when British and Foreign School Society: in use, 2s. extra. (Exhibited by Mr. Green.) Drawing Models. A Box containing 14. 12s. - Third Series: An Old Timber - A larger Set, with 2 model stands. 1l. 3s. Porch and a Summer House, with appropriate An extra large Set, with 2 model stands. Figures. ll. ls. Size of Model, 13 in. by 12 in. 21.5s. British and Foreign School Society. A Box, forming a Stand, Is. 6d. Brucciani, D.: Rowney & Co. The Head of " David," a Cast from the cele Hachette & Co.: brated Statue by Michael Angelo in the Piazza Decimètre Cube, Solid, 1s. 3d. of the Grand Duke of Tuscany at Florence. - Hollow, 1s. 3d. 51. 5s. Stereometry, 36 Figures in Cardboard, illus- Casts from Nature:- £ s. d. trative of; in a Box, 5s. 10d. · Bunch of grapes - 0 7 6 - Pomegranate 0 1 - 41 Ditto, 12s. 6d. 0 Hachette & Co. Ditto. - - 0 1 6 Hammer, G. M.: Study of a fish (from wood) - 0 1 6 A Set of Geometrical Solids, including the Study of a group of game (from Conic Sections. 6s. wood) - - 0 2 6 G. M. Hammer, late J.Prothero. 172 DRAWING AND FINE ARTS. Rigg, A. & T.: Box, containing wooden cube, square prism, hexagonal prism, square-base pyramid, hex- agonal Pyramid, cone, cylinder, sphere, triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, circle, Gothic arch and cross, with common spring holder and stand for teaching simple, me- chanical, or perspective drawing, 16s. 6d. Å. & T. Rigg. Susse, Freres: Drawing Frame with strained Gauze, for teaching Mad. Cavé's system. 5s. 5d. Modelling Implements; with a Manual of Modelling and Sculpture, 8vo. sewed. In a box, 16s. Šd. Susse, Paris. Tritschler & Co.: Lay Figure, life size, 51. 3 feet, ll. 10s. 30 inches, il. 24 inches, 10s. 16 inches, 5s. 14 inches, 4s. 12 inches, 3s. - 10 inches, hard wood, 4s. - 8 inches, ditto, 3s. - 6 inches, ditto, 2s. 6d. J. Tritschler & Co. - Joseph, Myers, & Co. : Butter's Dissected Trinomial Cube, an elegant Mathematical Illustration. In a box, with Description. Small size, price 35., large size, 5s. Drawing Models for Beginners, with Descrip- tive Text. 12s. - accurately executed in white wood, with Diagrams and Directions for Use. 6s. Enamelled Plaster Busts suitable for Drawing Models, comprising the following:- Mendelssohn. Goethe. Beethoven. Mozart. Shakespeare. Arago. Linnæus. Haydn. Meyerbeer. Franklin. Hannemann. Schiller. 2s. each, and with pedestal 3s. each. Prince of Prussia. Princess Royal of England. 3s. 6d. each, with pedestal complete. Geometrical Drawing Models, for teaching Descriptive Geometry. 6s. Models, designed for the Use of Parochial Schools. 11. ls. Models for Drawing, accurately executed in white wood; with Diagrams and Directions for Use. 6s. Stereometry Made Easy, consisting of a Box of 44 Geometrical Solids. (With a Descriptive and Illustrated Text.) 4s. - with Six Plates of Diagrams. 6s. - Laryer Size. 10s. - Largest Size. 14s. ** These Models, with the accompanying brochure are intended as an introduction to the systematic study of Geometry, and will be found particularly useful to the more advanced pupil in acquiring a know- ledge of the two last books of Euclid's Elements. Independently of their uses in the study of Mathematics, the solids form very excellent drawing models. The Conic Sections, consisting of Five Dis- sected Cones in a box; with Letter-press Description. 6s. Terra Cotta Vases, Tazzas, &c., designed for Drawing Models, of various prices. Joseph, Myers, & Co. Lieber & Commelin : Folding Cardboard Figures, a Collection of, for teaching Geometry. In a box, with 4 sliding shelves, 12s. 6d. — In a cuver. fcp. 4to. 6s. 3d. Lieber & Commelin, Paris. Miller & Co.: Dead Dove, modelled in Leather Price 201. Specimen of a Leather Frame. **** Materials for this work to be had of *Miller & Co., Long Acre. Miller & Co. Moltini & Co.: Stereometry, 18 Figures in Cardboard, illus- trative of, in a box, 3s. 4d. - 36 ditto, 4s. 7d. - 24 ditto, 6s. Sd. 41 ditto, 10s. Moltini & Co. PERSPECTIVE. Brough, W. Perspective Terms and Explana- tions for the use of the Drawing Classes, Cheltenham Grammar School. On a card. 3d. (Presented by the Author.) Burchett, R. A Course of Lectures on Linear Perspective delivered at the Schools in con- , nexion with the Department of Science and Art. post Svo. 75. Chapman & Hall, 1856. Deacon, A. Elements of Perspective Drawing. Svo. 2s. Dean & Son. - Elements of Perspective Drawing, in a Box, with Text. 1l. 16s. - small size. 12s. Joseph, Myers, & Co. Dicksee, J. R. 'The School Perspective : being a Progressive Course of Instruction in Linear Perspective, both Theoretical and Practical. Svo. cloth. 58. (Presented by the Author.) Simpkin & Co., 1859. Drawing Lessons in Perspective. oblong 4to. 9d. Joseph, Myers, & Co. Fowle, W. B. Linear Drawing and Perspective. 12mo. bound. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq. Hilliard & Co., Boston, U.S., 1828. Howard, F. Imitative Art; or, the Means of representing the Pictorial Appearances of Ob- jects, as governed by Aërial and Linear Per- spective. 12mo. cloth. 7s. 6d. Darton & Co. Jewitt, A. Hand Book of Perspective. 18mo. Is. 6d. J. Cornish, 1845 Moore, B. Perspective, its Principles and Practice. Plates and Text. 2 parts. 8vo. cloth. Ss. 6d. Walton & Maberly, 1850. DRAWING MODELS.--PERSPECTIVE.-COLOUR.-ARCHITECTURAL, ETC. 173 Paraire, E. L. Perspective practically ex- plained (being an Explanation of his Models). post 8vo. cloth. Rowney & Co. Pyne, G. A Treatise on Perspective, for Beginners. 12mo. 2s. J. Weale, 1857. Ruskin, J. The Elements of Perspective arranged for the Use of Schools, and intended to be read in connexion with the first Three Books of Euclid. post 8vo. cloth. 38. 6d. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1859. Symns, W. Elements of Perspective Drawing. oblong royal 8vo. half bound. 3s. Dean & Son. Whittock, N. New Manual of Perspective. 12mo. printed wrapper, stiffened. 3s. A. Hall & Co., 1849. Gessert, Dr. M. A. Rudimentary Treatise on the Art of Glass Painting. 12mo. ls. J. Weale, 1857. Hassell, J. The Camera; or Art of Drawing in Water Colours. 8vo. 5s. Simpkin & Co. Prout, S. Hints on Light and Shadow, Com- position, &c., as applicable to Landscape Painting. Illustrated by Examples; 22 Plates. imp. 4to. cloth. ll. ls. Nattali & Bond, 1848. Redgrave, R. An Elementary Manual of Colour, with a Catechism. i$mo. 9d. Chapman & Hall, 1855. OV Rowney & Co.: Five Models illustrative of Perspective. In- vented by E. L. Paraire. The Set of Five, (with a volume entitled “ Perspective Prac- tically Explained.” royal 12mo. cloth.) 21. 10s. Rowney & Co. Twining, H. R. A Set of 3 Models, to teach Perspective. - The Goniometer, an Instrument made of brass, &c. for drawing perspective, &c. Exhibited by H. R. Twining, Esg. 2s. Linéaire. Principles of Linear Perspective, with plates. oblong royal 4to. half calf. Paris, Hachette, 1841. Callet, P. M. Leçons de Perspective Linéaire. Lessons on Linear Perspective. Svo. sewed. (2 copies.) Lausanne, 1852. Salme, L. Traité de Perspective. Theoretical and Practical Treatise on Perspective. 3rd edition, 12mo, sewed. Paris, Hachette, 1846. ARCHITECTURAL, ENGINEER- ING, AND MECHANICAL DRAWING. Barnard, H. Practical Illustrations of the Principles of School Architecture. 8vo. sewed. C. B. Norton, New York. Trübner & Co., London, 1854. Barrington, Dr. A. Pocket Manual of Foreign Architecture. 12mo. 6d. Bell & Daldy, 1844. Burn, R. S. Architectural, Engineering, and Mechanical Drawing Book. crown 8vo. cloth. 2s. N. Cooke, 1853. – 2nd edition. crown Svo. cloth. Ward & Lock, 1856. Bury, T. T. Architecture, for the Use of Beginners; the Orders. 12mo. Is. 6d. J. Weale, 1856. Chambers, W. & R. Architectural Drawing Books, 1, 2, 3. oblong folio. 2s. each. (half bound.). W. & R. Chambers, 1854. - Isometrical Drawing Book, 1 & 2. oblong folio. 2s. each. (half bound.) W. & R. Chambers, 1855. Clutton, H. Illustrations of Mediæval Archi- tecture in France, from the Accession of Charles VI. to the Demise of Louis XII; with Historical and Professional Remarks. 16 coloured Engravings, and 28 Woodcuts. folio. half bound. il. lls. 6d. Nattali & Boyd, 1856. Dolby, E. Architectural Drawing Book. Nos. 1 to 6. oblong imp. 8vo. sewed. 1s. each. Rowney & Co. Domschkes, C. Drawing Book of Architec- tural Ornaments. Second Series Parts 1 to 6. oblong post folio. Is. 6d. each. -- Third Series, tinted. oblong imp. 4to. 2 parts, 3s. each. Joseph, Myers, & Co. Engineer and Machinist's Drawing Book. A complete Course of Instruction for the Prac- tical Engineer ; comprising Linear Drawing, Projections, Eccentric Curves, the various Forms of Gearing, Reciprocating Machinery, Sketching and Drawing from the Machine, Projection of Shadows, Tinting and Coloring, and Perspective, on the basis of the Works of M. Le Blanc and MM. Armengaud. Illustrated by numerous Engravings on Steel and Wood, I vol. crown folio. half morocco, 21. 2s. Blackie & Son, 1858. COLOUR. An Alphabet of Colour, reduced from the Works of Field, Hay, Chevreuil, &c. By W. H. (For private circulation.) 4to. 38. Chapman & Hall. A Table of the Laws and Harmonious Arrange- ments of Colour, on a large Sheet. (Not pub- lished.) (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Field, G. Rudiments of the Painter's Art, or the Ġrammar of Colouring. 12mo. 2s. J. Weale, 1850. - Chromatics; or the Analogy, Harmony, and Philosophy of Colours. Svo. cloth. il 1s. D. Bogue, 1845. Fromberg, Emanuel Otto. An Essay on the Art of Glass Painting, from the German. 12mo. Is. J. Weale, 1851. 174 DRAWING AND FINE ARTS. Garbett, E. L. On the Principles of Design | Portugal, Lithographic Views in. (11 plates, in Architecture. 12mo. 2s. J. Weale, 1850. including duplicates), in covers. folio. Leeds, W. H. Rudimentary Architecture, Tableau d'Archéologie. Table of Styles of “ The Orders and their Æsthetic Principles.” Architecture, on a Sheet as specimen. (The 12mo. ls. J. Weale. set of 8, 10s.) Basset, Paris. Richardson, T. A. The Art of Architectural Modelling in Paper, with Illustrations. ]2mo. cloth limp. Is.6d. J. Weale, 1859. Engerth, W. Bildliche Darstellungen von Maschinenbestandtheilen in Isometrischer. Projection, &c. Figurative Illustration of the constituent Parts of Machinery in Isometrical Shroeder's Elements of Construction, adapted Projection. 12 plates, printed in colours. Size as a Drawing Model and Building Toy, with 19 by 16 inches, in wrapper. Vienna. Diagrams and Description. In polished nut- wood box. No. 1, 2s. 6d. Larger size, No. 2, 45. Largest ditto, No. 3, 6s. Joseph, Myers, & Co. Table of Architecture, with Illustrations of ENGRAVING. the Various Styles, on a large Sheet. Not Ashley, A. The Art of Etching on Copper. published. (Presented by Horace Grant, Esq.) oblong 4to. Illuminated binding. 10s. 6d. The Five Orders of Architecture, consisting of Addey & Co. Five Columns and Entablatures, with Descrip Engravings from Pictures in the National tive Text. il. 135. Joseph, Myers, & Co. Gallery. 6 parts. imp. folio. The Little Architect, a Series of Plain and Published for the Associated Engravers, 1836. Coloured Lithographs, illustrative of the Art Fielding, T. H. The Art of Engraving, with of Building. broad folio, in wrapper: the various Modes of Operation. 10 Plates and Part 1. Elevations in 6 sheets, plain 28., 8 Woodcuts. royal 8vo. 9s. coloured 4s. 60. Nattali & Bond, 1844. Part 2. Masonry and Brickwork, in 9 sheets, plain Is. 6d., coloured 3s. Moses, H. Select Greek and Roman Antiqui- Part 3. Roofs, in 6 sheets, plain 1s., coloured ties from Vases, Gems, and other Subjects of 2s. the choicest Workmanship. 36 plates. 4to. *** The above in a portfolio. 10s. 6d. Nattali & Bond. Models in Cardboard (14), illustrative of the i Schoolmaster's Portfolio, containing 34 Art of Building, formed of the above Miscellaneous Engravings. royal 4to. named lithographed plates, contained in - 43 ditto, Illustrations of Scriptural Scenes three boxes. and Events. 4to. Joseph, Myers, & Co. - 37 Engravings, Illustrations of Geo- graphy and History. 4to. --- Illustrations of English History. 4to. (Contributed by Carles. Album de Filets Grecs. Greek Mould- .) ings, for 56 frames. royal 4to, sewed. Paris, Carles, 1852. Fructule, F. Traité des Cinq Orders d'Archi- Wood Engraving: tecture. Treatise on the Five Orders of A Series of Wood Blocks prepared for En- Architecture, with 134 plates by Carles. folio. graving. Nos. 1 to 10 (6, 7, 8, 9, with half morocco. Paris, Carles, 1855. Drawings). Jullien. Portfeuille de l'Ecole de Dessin. A Specimen of English-grown Boxwood for Nouveau Recueil d’Ornements d'Architec- Ditto, from Box Hill, Surrey. ture. 3 plates, in wrapper, folio, ls. (com- Exhibited by R. J. Scott, 8, Whitefriars plete, 50 plates.) Monrocq, Paris. Street, E.C. - Portfeuille de l'Ecolo de Dessin. Nou- veau Recueil d'Ornements d'Architecture. With the 2 Crayons, 2 plates in wrapper, folio. Copper Plate, prepared for Line Engraving 1s. 3d. (Complete, 50 plates.).. Monrocq, Paris. and Etching. Steel Plate, prepared for Mezzotinto and Moniteur des Architectes, No. 3, May 1857. Etching. Hughes & Kimber. royal 4to. Caudrillier, Paris. Petit, Victor. Modèles d'Architecture, 4 plates in wrapper, folio, 8d. (Complete, 50 plates.) | Lithographic Stone from Portugal, with a Architecture Nouvelle, 4 plates in Drawing of a Window of Christ's Convent at wrapper, folio, Is. 4d. (Complete, 50 plates.) Thomar. Department of Science and Art. - coloured, 2 plates in wrapper, folio, 1s. 3d. (Complete, 50 plates.) Mourocq, Paris. ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING.-ENGRAVING, ETC.--BUSTS. 175 CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHY. Figure of a Girl,in Chromo-Lithography, after Sant. Price, first proofs, 51.5s., second proofs, 31. 3s. (in gilt frame). Maclure, Macdonald, & Macgregor. IMITATION OIL PAINTINGS. Mabley's Imitation Oil Paintings- Dignity and Impudence, after Landseer. 10s., frame, 20s. Immaculate Conception, after Murillo. 21. 58., frame, 21. 5s. Croinwell and Milton, after Newenham. 1l. 75. Od. Combat of Stags, after Ansdell. 30s. John Mabley, 143, Strand. ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. Arnold, Rev. T., D.D. Barrow, Sir John, Bell, Rev. Andrew, D.D. Buckland, Rev. William, D.D. Boyce, William, Mus. D. Calcott, Mus. D. Goldsmith, Dr. Oliver. Handel, George Frederic, Mus. D. Haydn, Joseph, Mus. D. Johnson, Samuel, LL.D. Locke, John. More, Mrs. Hannah. Newton, Sir Isaac. Paley, William, D.D. Parr, Rev. Samuel, LL.D. Porson, Professor Richard. Stevenson, Robert, C. E. PORTRAITS IN OIL, Arkwright, Sir Richard, Inventor of the At- tenuation of Cotton by Rollers, and of the Spinning Throstle. Copied from the original by Wright, of Derby, the property of the Proprietors of the Manchester Royal Exchange. (Presented by Thomas Bazeley, Esq., Hayes Leigh, Manchester.) Crompton, Samuel, Inventor of the Spinning Mule. Copied from the original by Allingham, in the possession of J. Kennedy, Esq., of Man- chester. (Presented by Thomas Bazeley, Esq., Hayes Leigli, Nanchester.) BUSTS. Angelo, Michael. Beethoven. Buffon, Count de. Cuvier, Baron. Flaxman, John. Handel, George Frederic. Hunter, John. Johnson, Samuel, LL.D. Jones, Inigo. Locke, John. Milton, John. Newton, Sir Isaac. Raphael. Shakespeare, William. Smith, Dr. Southwood. Stevenson, Robert, C.E. Watt, James. Wren, Sir Christopher. MUSIC 17 CLASS IV. MUSIC. Adam, A. Introduction to the Art of Playing | Benjamin and Woodbury. New York the Pianoforte, &c. folio. sewed. 45. Normal School Song Book. oblong 8vo. half T. E. Purday. bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New Addison & Co.'s New Series of Instruction York.) Cornish & Co., New York. Books for Orchestral Instruments. Compiled Bennett, T. Introduction to the Art of Sing- and edited by E. Bergmann. imp. Svo. sewed. ing. folio, sewed. 5s. T. E. Purday. 2s. each; viz. - Berlioz, H. Treatise on Modern Instrumen- Clarionet Tutor. Valve Horn Tutor. tation and Orchestration. Translated from the Cornet Tutor. Violin Tutor. French by Mrs. Cowden Clarke. super royal Flute Tutor. Svo. cloth, 12s. (Novello's Theoretical Library, Addison, Hollier, & Lucas. No. 7.) J. A. Novello, 1858. Albrechtsberger, J. G. Thorough-Bass, Har Bernard, F. Première Etudes, pour les Jeunes inony, and Coinposition, for Self-Instruction. Pianistes. folio, sewed. 2s.6d. Edited by Ignas Chevalier von Seyfried. 3 vols. Duff & Hodgson. in 1. super royal Svo. cloth. 10s. 6d. (Novello's - La Jeune Pianiste. A Selection of Airs. Theoretical Library, No. 1.) folio. 4s. Duff & Hodgson. J. A. Novello, 1855. - Instructions for the Concertina. folio, Balfe's Indispensable Studies. Book 1 for a sewed. 6s. Duff & Hodgson. Soprano Voice, and Book 2 for a Bass Voice. Bickersteth, Rev. E. Christian School folio, sewed. 6s. each. Campbell & Co. Psalmody. 32mo. cloth. Longman & Co. Bartholomew & Mounsey. Sacred Harmony, -- Christian Psalmody, a Collection of 900 Psalms and Hymns. 12mo. calf, roan, and for Organ or Pianoforte. The Words selected cloth. by Rev. W. J. Hall. imp. 8vo. cloth. 10s. 6d. T. E. Purday. - 24mo. calf, roan, and cloth. Dean & Sons. Baxter's Harmonia Sacra, arranged for Four Bird's Collection of 100 Single and Double Voices and Pianoforte or Organ. Revised by Chants, for 4 Vioces. Edited by G. Bird. royal Vincent Novello. imp. 8vo. cloth. 138. 1 Sino. sewed. ls. J. A. Novello. -- Vocal Score. royal 18mo. sewed. Bona, P. The Practical Singing Method, in 5s. 3 parts complete. folio. stiffened cover, 18s. - Vocal Score, in four parts. royal C. Jefferys. 18mo. sewed. Is. 6d. each. J. A. Novello. Borschitzky, J. F. Twenty-two Two-part School Songs, with Pianoforte or Bass AC- Bayley, W. Psalm and Hymn Tunes, with companiments ad lib., Alto, and Soprano, Chants, arranged for One or Four Voices. cach Part with Glossary and Concise Rules royal Svo. half bound. 6s. 6d. Allman & Son. for the Pronunciation of Italian. imp. Svo. sewed. Is. 6d. each. Beethoven's Fifty celebrated Waltzes, for the - Pianoforte. Arranged by W. H. Callcott. Pianoforte Score, with the Au- folio. thor's Method of Teaching in Classes by his C. Lonsdale. 75. 6d. New System. folio, sewed. 5s. Beethoven's Mass in C. in Vocal Score, with - Kinder Garten Music. See Kinder Accompaniment for the Organ or Pianoforte. Garten. By V. Novello. super royal 8vo. cloth. 5s.6d. J. F. Borschitzky, 32, Tavistock Place, London. - Engedi, ditto, ditto. super royal Svo. Bradbury, W. B. The Young Melodist, a cloth. 35. J. A. Novello. Collection of Songs. oblong 12mo. half bound. Belgioioso, Count A. Brief Observations on 1852. the Art of Singing. Translated from the Flora's Festival; a Musical Recreation, Italian by Arthur Matthison. post Svo. sewed. for Schools, &c. oblong 12mo. half bound. 1s. Addison, Hollier, & Lucas. Musical Gems for Schools and Home. oblong 8vo. half bound. (Presented by Board Bellini, A. Progressive Solfeggi (Book 1), for of Education, New York.) the Cultivation of the Voice. folio, sewed. 6s. Newman & Co., New York. . Duff & Hodgson. Bremner, L. A New Tutor for the German Benedict, J. Major and Minor Scales for Concertina. super royal 8vo. sewed. 2s. Pianoforte. folio. 2s. Addison & Co. ! Campbell & Co. M 178 - MUSIC. 1854. Burns' Scotch Songs (90), with Symphonies | Christy's Minstrels' Ninety-seven New Songs, and Pianoforte Accompaniments. By W. H. with Choruses in Vocal Score, Symphonies, Montgomery. crown 4to. cloth, gilt edges. and Pianoforte Accompaniments. Edited by Musical Bouquet Office. J. Wade. 2 vols. in l. crown 4to., cloth, gilt Busby, T. Catechism of Music. iSmo. 9d. edges. 7. 6d. Musical Bouquet Office. Aylott & Co. Chromatic Scales, Major and Minor. By Mrs. Callcott, Dr. Pianoforte Grammar; being an Mounsey Bartholomew. folio. 28. Abridgment of the First Part of his celebrated T. E. Purday. "Musical Grammar, arranged in Question Church Psalter ; a Collection of Psalms and Answer by W. H. Callcott. 12mo. cloth. and Hymns, selected by the Rev. E. H. Nel- 4s. C. Lonsdale. soli, M.A., and arranged for 4 voices by Callcott, W. H. Ancient and Modern Psalm T. & F. R. Crampton, 12mo. cloth, gilt edges. and Hymn Tunes, adapted to the Rev. E. 2s. 6d. (Presented by Mr. T. Crampton.) Bickersteth's Christian Psalmody. royal 16mo. J. G. & F. Rivington, 1857. half bound. C. Lonsdale. Church Service in A. Set to Music by Boyce and Arnold. super royal 8vo. sewed. 9d. Callcott, W. H. Handel Album, &c. (See Handel.) in F. Set to Music by W. Jackson. super royal 8vo. sewed. 8d. Carols for Christmas-tide. The Condensed J. A. Novello. Vocal Parts, set to Ancient Melodies by the Rev. T. Helmore, M.A.; the Words, prin- Clark, S. The Monotonic School Song Book, cipally in imitation of the original, by the No. 1. oblong 8vo. (Presented by Board of Rev. J. M. Neale, M.A. fcp. 8vo. sewed. ls. Education, New York.) New York, 1854. Clarke, J. The Child's Alphabet of Music and - for Eastertide. Ditto, ditto. fcp. sewed. the Pianoforte. post Svo. sewed. 1s. 1s. J. A. Novello, 1855. - Catechism of the Rudiments of Music. Carte's Flute Tutor, designed for Flutes with ismo. 1s. 1, 4, 6, or 8 holes. oblong royal Svo. sewed. Catechism of Wind Instruments. 18mo. 2s. Addison, Hollier, & Lucas. ls. 6d. - New School of Music, designed to pro Catrufo, J. Vocalizzi Nuovi, &c. folio, sewed. R. Mills, late Birchall. 7s, 6d. mote a more perfect Cultivation of the Ear, by combining the Practice of Singing with Cazalet, Rev. W. W. History of the Royal that of the Pianoforte. Nos. 1 to 6. 4to. Academy of Music. 8vo. cloth, 10s. 6d. 2s. each. R. Cocks & Co. T. Bosworth, 1854. Clarke, Dr. J. Selection of Single and Double Chambers's Manual of Music. (See Gostick.) Chants, &c. 2 vols. oblong imp. Svo, sewed. Chants, Services, Anthems; their Words, 7s. 6d. each. R. Mills, late Birchall. Description, and Choice. Some few details Cocks' Handbook of Instructions for the among so many of interest to those who do or German Concertina, arranged by Josh. Warren. do not frequent Cathedrals. medium 8vo. roan, red edges. (Presented by the Rev. St. royal Svo. sewed. 2s. George Paterson.) Masters & Co., 1858. — New Flute Tutor. oblong royal Svo. 2s. Handbook of Glees, Catches, Canons, Chappell's Harmonium Journal (No. 13.) .&c. Edited by Josh. Warren, 2 vols. 4to. Edited by E. F. Rimbault. folio. 2s. Chappell & Co. cloth. Ss. each. (122 Nos., 2d. each.) Cherubini, L. Treatise on Counterpoint and Chorister's Handbook; a Collection of Fugue. Translated from the French by Mrs. Easy and Select Anthems, Hymns, Sentences, Cowden Clarke, super royal 8vo. cloth. 6s. 6d. &c. Edited by Josh. Warren. (52 Nos., 2d. (Novello's Theoretical Library, No. 1.) each.) 4to. cloth. J. A. Novello, 1854. - New Series. (52 Nos., 2d. each.) Chidley's Instructions for the Concertina. 4to. cloth. R. Cocks & Co. folio, sewed. 5s. Cocks' Handbook for the Oratorios. Ar- - for the German Fingering ranged by John Bishop. imp. 8vn. 28. each Concertina. imp. 8vo. sewed. 1s. part. Rock Chidley. No. 1. Messiah. Children's Hosannah, a Sunday School Hymn 2. The Creation. Book. 32mo. id. Jarrold & Sons. 3. Acis and Galatea. 4. Israel in Egypt. Choral Wreath (The), or Vocal Harmony 5. The Occasional Oratorio. for School and Home." A Selection of easy 6. Samson. (Arranged by Dr. J. Clarke.) pieces of Music with appropriate Words, 7. Judas Maccabeus. arranged for Three and Four Voices. Svo. S. Dettingen Te Deum, &c. · cloth. 38. 6d. W. Hamilton, 1858. 9. Alexander's Feast. Chord Exercises for the Pianoforte. (By the 10. Mozart's Requiem. late Mr. Thomas Adams.] folio. 2s. ll. Haydn's First Service. T. E. Purday. 12. Mozart's First Service. MUSIC. 179 Cocks' Handbook for the Oratorios—cont. No. 13. Mozart's Twelfth Service. 14. Beethoven's First Service. 15. Rossini's Stabat Mater. 16. The Seasons. 17. Jephthal, 18. Haydn's Third Service. R. Cocks & Co. Collection of Amusing Rounds and Catches. oblong 8vo. sewed. 1s. Longman & Co., 1855. Concertina. Instructions for Playing the German Concertina, with a Selection of Popu- lar Airs. oblong royal 8vo. 2s. (Contributed by Messrs. A. Davis & Co.) London. Cooper, G. Introduction to the Organ, for the Use of Students. folio. 78. 6d. Addison & Co. ·Cornopeon. New and Comprehensive Tutor for the Cornopeon or Cornet-à-Piston. folio. 6s. C. Jefferys. Costa, M. Eli, an Oratorio. The Hand-book Edition. imp. 8vo. cloth. Ss. Addison & Co. Crampton, T. School Pieces, composed and arranged in three-part Harmony. royal 8vo. Parts 1, 2, & 3, 1s. each. 1855-7. - School Singing Book. Parts 1 & 2. oblong 16mo. 3d. each. Piper & Co., 1855. Sabbath School Anthems. royal 8vo. 6d. (Contributed by the Author.) 1858. - School Glees for advanced Pupils and Choral Societies. Svo. sewed. 6d. Hamilton, Glasgow, 1859. Craven, J. T. Le Bouquet. Twelve Popular Airs, arranged for Two Performers on the Pianoforte. folio. 35. T. E. Purday. - Child's First Singing Book; or, In- troduction to the Art of Singing. imp. Svo. sewed. 5s. - Child's First Music Book; or, Intro- duction to the Art of Playing the Pianoforte. imp. Svo. sewed. 2s. Addison, Hollier, & Co. Croger, T. Instructions and Scales for his New Patent Transposing Metallic Harmoni- cons. folio. Is. T. Croger. Crotch, Dr. W. A Collection of Single and Double Chants. oblong imp. sewed. 6s. R. Mills. - Psalm Tunes, selected for the Use of Cathedrals and Parish Churches. oblong crown Svo. half cloth. 5s. 6d. R. Mills, 1836. Cursie, J. The Elements of Musical Analysis. (Constable's Educational Series.) crown Svo. cloth. 4s. 6d. Constable & Co. Curwen, J. Child's Own Hymn Book. 32mo. 2d. sewed, id. Ward & Co. School Music. oblong. 24mo. ls. – Children's School Music. oblong 24mo. 4d. Child's Own Tune Book. oblong 24mo. 6d. Grammar of Vocal Music. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Curwen, J. The People's Service of Song, Pianoforte and Full Score; a Tune Book for the Pew. oblong fcp. 8vo. cloth, 5s., or fcp. 4to., 7s. 6d. - The People's Service of Song. A Tune Book for the Pew; Men's Part. oblong 12mo. Is. Women's Part. ls. The 2 Parts in 1 vol. 38. Sol-Fa Edition. 16mo. ls. 6d. Women's Part. 16mo. 6d. Pupil's Manual and Sol-Fa School Music. 16mo. Is. School Course of Exercises in the Tonic Sol-Fa Method of Teaching to Sing. 16mo. 4d. School Songs. 32mo. 6d. 48mo. 3d. – Tonic Sol-Fa Reporter, vol. 1 & 2. imp. 16mo. ls. 6d, each. Ward & Co., 1853. Czerny, Chas. Letters to a Young Lady on the Art of Playing the Pianoforte. Translated by J. A. Hamilton. 8vo. boards. 4s. - Letters on Thorough-Bass. Translated by J. A. Hamilton. Svo. boards. 4s. - New Exercises on Figured Basses. Svo. boards. 45. R. Cocks & Co. Czerny's 101 Elementary Exercises. Edited by Lindsay Sloper. Parts 1 and 2. folio. 4s, each. -- Etude de la Velocité. Edited by Lind-- say Sloper. Parts 1 and 2. folio. 6s. each. R. Mills. Dearle, Dr. E. Preliminary Exercises for the Pianoforte. folio. 25. 2. T. Purday. Devaux, A. Preparatory Exercises, Diatonic and Chromatic Scales, &c. folio. 45. C. Jefferys. Dibdin, Mr. A Letter on Musical Education. 8vo. sewed. Sold by the Author, 411, Strand. Done, J. The Tuner's Companion. 18mo, limp cloth. 2s. Z. T. Purday. Engel's Concise Treatise on the Harmonium, with Special Directions for performing on the · Piano-Harmonium, &c. (English and French). folio. Ss. - Popular Selections for the Harmonium, No. 1. folio. 2s. - Sacred Selections for the Harmonium, No. 1. folio. 2s. Chappell & Co. Evening Hymn. fcp. 4to. 6d. J. Masters & Co. Exercises in Solfeggio. square royal 16mo. sewed. 4d. Constable & Co. Flight's Practical Theory for Tuning the Organ or Pianoforte. folio. 6d. J. Willis, Forde's Essay on the Discrimination of the Key in Music. Svo. 2s. R. Cocks & Co. Garcia, M. Exercises and Method for Singe ing, with an Accompaniment for the Piano- forte. Books 1 and 2. folio. los. Od. each.. Addison & Co. Gaskin's Early History, Theory, and Practice of Vocal Music, Sight and Part Singing, made interesting. imp. Svo. cloth, limp. 38. 60. Simpkin & Co. Gauntlett, H. J. Choral Use of the Book of Common Prayer. royal 8vo. 3s. 6d. J. Masters & Co., 1855. M 2 180 MUSIC. Glover, s. New and Complete Instruction | Handel's Messiah (Centenary Edition),in Vocal Book for the Pianoforte. folio, stiff cover. 4s. Score, with separate Accompaniment for the C. Jefferys. Organ or Pianoforte. Arranged by V. Novello. Glück's Opera of Orfeo, Favourite Airs from; super-royal 8vo. cloth, red edges. 48. arranged for the Pianoforte (Solos and - Judas Maccabæus. Ditto, ditto. 45. Duetts), with ad libitum Accompaniments for Israel in Egypt. Ditto, ditto. 4s. the Flute, Violin, and Violincello. By W. Samson. Ditto, ditto. 45. Hutchins Callcott. No. 1, Solo. folio. 5s. - Solomon. Ditto, ditto. 4s. C. Lonsdale. Gostick, J. Manual of Music. 2nd edition. Jephtha. Ditto, ditto. 45. 12.o. cloth. 38. W. & R. Chambers, 1852. Joshua. Ditto, ditto. 45. Deborah. Ditto, ditto. 4s. Graille, J. J. Exercises for the Pianoforte. Saul. Ditto, ditto. 4s. folio. 5s. Duff & Hodgson. – Dettingen Te Deum and Zadoc the Priest. Hamilton's Modern Instructions for the · Ditto, ditto. 35. Pianoforte, revised by C. Czerny. folio. 4s. - Coronation and Funeral Anthem. Ditto, - Modern Instructions for Singing. folio. 5s. ditto. 3s. - Dictionary of 3,500 Musical Terms. By - Alexander's Feast. Ditto, ditto. 45. John Bishop. 18mo. Is. - Acis and Galatea. Ditto, ditto. 35. - Rudiments of Music. 18mo. Is. 6d. - Ode on St. Cecilia's Day. Ditto, ditto. 3s. Art of Tuning the Pianoforte, edited by J. A. Novello. Josh. Warren. 18mo. ls. Harmonium. Illustrations of the Harmo- - Catechism of the Organ, edited by Josh. nium and its Action, in a series of 9 Figures ; Warrei). 182o. 45. with a few Words on its Construction. By - Complete Course of Harmony. oblong E. F. Allen. crown Svo. Chappell & Co. royal 16mo. 2s. R. Cocks & Co. Hancock, C. Improved Accordion Preceptor, Harris, J. J. The Psalms and Canticles, with a Selection of Favourite Airs, arranged marked and pointed as they are Sung or and figured for both French and German In- Chanted at the Cathedral of Manchester. post struments, &c. super royal Svo, sewed. 2s. Svo. cloth. 2s. 6d. Addison, Hollier, & Co., 1856. Improved Flute Preceptor, on a new and simple principle. super royal Svo. sewed. 2s. Harvey, Rev. R. Hymns for Schools. 24ino. - Improved Violin Preceptor, on a new and 6d. Groombridge & Sons, 1848. simple principle. super royal 8vo. sewed. 28. Hawkins, Sir J. A General History of the W. Tegg & Co., 85, Queen Street, E.C. Science and Practice of Music. 3 vols. (vol. 3 Handel (The) Album, for the Pianoforte, con- Portraits). super-royal Svo. cloth. 21. lls. J. A. Novello, 1853. taining above 100 favourite Oratorio and Opera Airs. Arranged by W. Hutchins Call-1 Haydn, Jos. The Seasons; the Words chiefly cott. Books 1 & 2. folio. 6s. each. adapted from Thoinson's Seasons. By E. Taylor, -- with Illustrations. In 1 vol. cloth, Esc. Revised, with an Accompaniment for the limp, gilt edges. 10s. 6d. Pianoforte, by W. H. Kearns. folio, cloth. 11. ls. C. Lonsdale. --- Favourite Marches, Minuets, and Move- ments. Arranged for the Pianoforte, by Haydn's Oratorio The Seasons. In Vocal W. H. Callcott. folio. 6s. Scorc, with a separate Accompanimont for the - Suites de Pièces pour le Clavecin. Organ or Pianoforte, by V. Novello. super- Edited by S. J. Noble. folio cloth limp. royal 8vo. cloth, red edges. .5s. 10s. od. - Oratorio The Creation. Ditto, ditto. 3s. C. Lonsdale. Third (or Imperial) Mass. Ditto, ditto. Handel's Songs (Sacred and Secular), Forty 38. 6d. J. A. Novello. 'eight of the inosi admired, with Symphonies Helmore, Rev. T. Manual of Plain Song; and Accompaniments for the Pianoforte. containing a brief Directory of Plain Song Edited by J. Wade. crown 4to. cloth, gilt used in the Morning and Evening Prayer, edges. 45. Musical Bouquet Oflice. Litany, and Holy Communion, together with Handel Commemoration Festival. The whole the Canticles and Psalter noted. fcp. Svo. of the Music performed at the Festival, Crystal cloth, red edges. Cs. 6d. Palace, June 1859, in Vocal Score, with sepa- - Accompanying Harmonies to the rate Accompaniment for Pianoforte. By V. above. super-royal 8vo. sewed. Is. 6d. Novello. super-royal 8vo. cloth. Ss. 6d. J. A. Novello, 1850. J. A. Novello. Hemy, H. F. The Royal Modern Tutor for the Handel's Messiah (Pocket Edition). In Vocal Pianoforte. folio. 58. D’Almaine & Co. Score, with separate Accompaniment for the Organ or Pianoforte. Arranged by V. Novello. Hertz's Exercises and Scales for the Piano- 8r0. sewed, 1s. 4d; cloth, 2s.6d. forte. Edited by Lindsay Sloper. folio. 4s. J. A. Novello. Campbell & Co. MUSIC. 181 Hickson, W. E. A Musical Gift from an Old | Hullah, J.-cont. Friend; containing 24 New Songs for the God, Save the Queen, on a Card. post Svo. Young. 8vo. cloth limp gilt leaves. 2s. 6d. - 1d. - Svo. 28. 6d. (Presented by the Author.) The Psalter, or Psalms of David in Metre; from Walton & Maberly, 1859. the authorized Version, with approp·iate Tunes, set in Four Parts. “Soprano Part." Höchst, C. Tutor for the Cornet-à-Piston, &c. 18mo. bound in sheep. 28. J.W. Parker & Son. royal Svo, sewed. 28. Campbell & Co. Hook, Rev. Dr. W. F. A Church School Hymn Hullah, J. The Singers' Library of Concerted Book. 32ino. cloth limp. Bell & Daldy, 1856. Music.' Edited by J. Hullah. Sacred. Parts 1 to 7. 4to. sewed. ls, each. - Playing the Pianoforte. folio. 78. _ Secular. Parts 1 to 7. *4to. 2. T. Purday. sewed, ls, eaclı. Addison, Hollier, & Lucas, 210, Regent Street. — Exercises and Scales for the Pianoforte. folio. 2s. Campbell & Co. HIume, A. Anthems and Sacred Songs, ar- Horncastle, F. W. Treatise on the Art of ranged for Four Voices. oblong 16mo. 25. Gall & Inglis. Singing. folio. 15s. R. Mills. - British Psalmody for Congregational Hullah, J.:- Worship, both in England and Scotland. Har- Wilhem's Method of Singing, adapted to Eng monized in Four Parts, &c. Svo. lish use:- - Psalın Tune Book, arranged for Four Exercises and Figures contained in - The Manual," part i. On large Sheets, Nos. I Voices. oblong 16mo. 2s. to 40, in 5 parcels. 6s. per parcel. - English Hymn Tune Book, arranged for in "The Manual,” Part 2. Nos. 41 Four Voices. oblong 16mno. 2s. Gall & Inglis. to 52, in a parcel. 9s. Hummell, F. L. Art of Singing exemplified. The Manual. Parts 1 and 2 in one volume. folio. 75. 2. T. Purday. royal Svo. cloth. 58. Hunter, T. M. School Songs for Junior The Exercises and Figures contained in Parts 1 Classes, with Preface by James Currie, M. A.. and 2 of “The Manual." Books 1 and 2. crown Svo. sewed. 4d. royal Svo. sewed. Sd. each. J. Gordon, Edinburgh, 1860. Large Sheets containing the Figures in Part 1 of the Manual. Nos. 1 to 8, in a parcel. 6s. Hymns. A Book of Metrical Hymns, arra ged containing the Exercises in Part 1 of the according to the Services of the Church of Manual. Nos. 9 to 40, in four parcels of England, by a Clergyman. 18mo. 1s. Bell & Daldy. eight Numbers each. 6s. per parcel. -- for Church Sunday Schools. - containing the Figures in Part 2 of the 32mo. bound. 8d. Manual. Nos. 41 to 52, in a parcel. Is. Rudiments of Musical Grammar. -- and Liturgy. 32mo.roan and 43:10. royal Svo. cloth. scwed. 3s. Church of England Sunday School Institute. Grammar of Musical Harmony royal svo. sewed. 35. – for Schools. 18mo. Is. 4d.. per dozen. National Society. Course of Exercises to accompany Grammar of Musical Harmony. royal Svo. sewed. 1s. - for Little Children. i$mo. Is. Masters & Co., 1856. Infant School Songs. royal Svo. sewed. 6d. School Songs for Two and Three Voices. Book Masters & Co., 1851. 1st and 2nd. royal Svo. sewed. 6d. each. . - and Poetry for the Use of Infant and Exercises for the Cultivation of the Voicc. Juvenile Schools and Families. 12ino. 3s. royal Svo. scwed. 28. 6d. Groombridge & Sons, 1853. J. W. Parker & Son. Part Music for Alto, Tenor, and Bass Voices Hymnal Noted. Parts I. and II. fcp. Svo. (Sacred), for Voices of Men. royal Svo. cloth, red edges. 55. sewed. 1s. - Accompanying Harmonies to. - for Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass Edited by the Rev. Î. Helmore. super-royal Voices. (Sacred, vol. 1.) Soprano Voice (1). 8vo. cloth, red edges. 10s. 6d. royal Svo. sewed. ls. J. A. Novello. for Voices of Women and Children. royal | Ingham, J. The Psalter pointed for Chanting. super-royal 16mo. cloth. 35. J. A. Novello. Svo. sewed. ls. - for Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass – The Usual and Occasional Morning Voices. (Secular, vol. 1.) Bass Voice (2). and Evening Services, pointed for Chanting. royal Svo. sewed. 1s. Separately froin the above.' super-royal 16mo. Chants, chiefly by English Masters. post Svo. sewed. 30. sewed. 6d. - - Accompanying Harmonies to. Tunes for Psalms and Hymns. post 8vo. cloth, Edited by the Rev. T. Heliore. super-royal limp. 25. 8vo. sewed. ls. 6d. J. A. Novello. 182 MUSIC. Ingram, T. Select Chants, arranged for Four | Linley's, G. Metrical Annals of the Kings and Voices, with Accompaniment. 12mo. 6d. Queens of England, from the Time of the Choral Class Book, or Singer's Manual. Conquest to the Reign of Queen Victoria. post 8vo. cloth. 35. 6d. Bell & Daldy. royal 4to. half red roan. 10s. 6d. - Select Psalm Tunes, Ancient and Addison, Hollier, & Lucas, 1860. Modern, arranged for Four Voices, with Ac Loder, G. The Middle Voice, Twelve Solfeggi, companiment for the Organ or Pianoforte. adapted to the Use of Professors and Amateurs royal 8vo. 2s.6d. Bell & Daldy, 1848. for the Conservation of the Middle or Medium Jackson, W. Singing Class Manual. super- Voice. folio. 7s. Od. royal Svo. sewed. ls. J. A. Novello. J. A. Turner, 19, Cornhill, E.C. London Psalmist. Psalms and Hymns Jousses' Catechism of Music. 18mo. sewed. Is. adapted to the Services of the Church, by - Catechism of Thorough-Bass. 18mo. the Rev. W. J. Hall. Harmonized for Four sewed. ls. Voices by A. J. S. Moxley, and edited by - Pocket Dictionary of Musical Terms. Joseph Surman. imp. Svo. 16s. in cloth. 18mo. seved. ls. roan, gilt edges. Longman & Co. - Handbook for the Pianoforte, &c. Lott, E. M. Scales for the Pianoforte. No. 1, Edited by W. Forde. royal 4to. sewed. ls. D’Almaine & Co. Minor Scales. folio. Is 6d. John Campbell. - Fashionable Preceptor for the Piano- Lunn, H. C. Elements of Music, system- forte: folio. 75. atically explained. 8vo. cloth 2s. 6d. oblong imp. 8vo. sewed. 2s. C. Jefferys. Z. T. Purday. Lynch, J. P. Pianoforte Tutor. folio. 6s. J. Willis. Kalkbrenmer, F. Method of Learning the Macbeth. The Music in Shakspeare's Tragedy Pianoforte. fólio. 10s. 6d. J. A. Novello. of Macbeth, in complete Score, with an AC- Kent's Morning and Evening Service, with 20 companiment for the Pianoforte, by E.J. Loder. Anthems, in Vocal Score, with a separate royal 4to. sewed. 1s. D’Almaine & Co. Accompaniment for the Organ or Pianoforte, McMurdie, J. Handbook for Vocal Classes, 2 vols. royal Svo. cloth. Ss. each. Part Songs (Sacred and Secular), for Two or J. A. Novello. Three equal Voices, or Two Trebles and Bass, Kidd, W. J. P. The Chorister's Text-Book; adapted for Juvenile Classes. Nos. 1 to 4. ob. containing nearly 200 Psalm and Hymn Tunes, imp. 8vo. stitched. ls. each. Addison & Co. Chants, Anthems, &c., arranged for from Two Mainser, Dr. J. A Sketch of the Life and to Five Voices, with Organ or Pianoforte Ac- Labours of. Translated from the French of companirnents, &c. super-royal Svo, stiffened Aristide Guilbert. Svo. sewed. 1844. printed cover. 5s. Blackie & Son, 1856. Singing for the Million, a Practical Kinder-Garten Music, arranged by J. F. Course of Musical Instruction. Parts 1 & 2. Borschitzky:- Svo, sewed. ls. each. Kindergarten-Lieder. Children's Garden Songs - A Treatise on Musical Grammar and for Pianoforte. folio. 35. the Principles of Harmony. 8vo. sewed. New Kinder-Garten Songs. Folio. ls. - Choruses; a Collection of Songs for March for the Gymnastic Exercises without One, Two, Three, or Four Voices. royal 8vo. Apparatus. folio. 6d. 2s. Greeting, for Four Voices. folio. 24. - Guide to Beginners in Piano-forte Play- Vocal Quadrille. folio. 3s. ing. oblong imp. 8vo. sewed. 25. 6d. Presented and published by J. F. Borschitzky, Britain's Hymn, a National Song or 32, Tavistock Place, Tavistock Square. Chorus; the Words by J. T. Haines. folio Kirkman, Mrs. Josh. Pianoforte Instructor edition. Is. 6d. for the Million. In a case. 4to. 2s. 6d. - Twenty-four Songs and Musical Pieces. Boosey & Sons. In 8vo. portfolio. 25. (Presented by the Baroness Goldsmid.) Klitz, P. Principles and Precepts; or, the W. Wesley, 2, Queen's Head Passage. Tutor's Assistant in Teaching the Pianoforte. folio. 45. T. E. Purday. Major, J. S. Eighteen Preludes for the Piano- forte.' folio. 38. R. Mills. Les Fleurs. Twelve Popular Airs, ar- Marras' Elements of Singing. folio. 15s. ranged as Duets for Juvenile Performers. R. Mills. folio. 35. T. E. Purday. Martin, G. W. Handbook of One Hundred Knyvett, C. Selection of Psalm Tunes, &c., Chants, in Score; with an Accompaniment for adapted to the Services of the Church, and also the Organ or Pianoforte. fcp. 16mo. cloth, for Private Families. 8vo. cloth. 12s. limp. 2s. Novello. C. Lonsdale. - School and Family Book of Part Music. Lee, B. New Flute Tutor. Bernard Lee's imp. 8vo. cloth. 38. Edition of Wragg Improved.' folio, stiffened - Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4. imp. 8vo. wrapper. 88. C. Jefferys. sewed. 6d. each. Longman & Co. Light's, R. Fifteen Preludes in the Major and Marx's, Dr. A. B. General Musical Instruc- Minor Keys for the Pianoforte. folio. 38. tion. (Novello's Theoretical Library, No. 2.) Z. T. Purday. super royal 8vo. 6s. 6d. J. A. Novello, 1854. Linley's, G. First Singing Book. Imp. Svo. Mason, L. The Juvenile Songster, 35 Songs sewed. 3s. J. Campbell & Co. 1 set to Music. royal 16mo. 25. J. A. Novello. MUSIC. 183 Mason, L. The People's Tune Book; a Class | Mozart, W. A. Il Don Giovanni : an Opera. Book of Church Music for Choirs, &c. oblong folio. half-bound. 215. royal Svo. cloth. 6s. - Le Nozze di Figaro : an Opera. imp. - Little Songs for Little Singers. 16mo. stiffened wrapper. ls. 9d. 4to. half-bound. 15s. and G. J. Webb. Primary School Song - Cosi fan Tutté : an Opera. imp. 4to. Book. oblong 16mo, half bound. ls. 9d. cloth. 15s. C. Lonsdale, - and G. J. Webb. Song Book of the Schooi Musical Class-Book, on the Interrogative Room. oblong crown 8vo. half bound. 2s. 6d. System, intended for the Use of Schools, &c. Mason, Brothers, New York; S. Low, Son, small 12mo. half-bound. 2s. and Co., London. Z. T. Purday. Master and Scholar, or the Spanish Guitar simplified, '&c., compiled from F. Carulli. Musical Directory, Register, and Almanac, folio. 5s. 2. T. Purday. 1860. 12mo, sewed. Is. 6d. Matthison's Art of Singing. See Belgioioso. Rudall, Rose, Carte, & Co., 60, Charing Cross, May's Instructions for the Spanish Guitar, I'Iusical Times, and Singing Class Circular. folio. 5s. J. Willis. 8 vols. in 4. imp. 8vo. cloth. 7s. each. Mendelssohn's Four Psalms, in Vocal Score, J. A. Novello. with a separate Accompaniment for the Organ Narrative Hymns for Village Schools ; for or Pianoforte. Super-royal Svo. cloth, red One or Two Yoices. fcp. 4to. 2s. 6d. edges, 5s. J. Masters & Co., 1855. - Oratorio, St. Paul. Ditto, ditto. 4s. Nelson's New Vocal School. A Series of - Hymn of Praise (Lobgesang.) Ditto. 45. | Scales, Exercises, and Solfeggios, composed – Open Air Music for Voices alone. First and partly selected from the Italian of Boi- Set, 1s. 4d. Second, 1s. 2d. Third, ls. 6d., and dogni, arranged with Accompaſiment for Fourth, ls. 4d. super-royal. Svo. sewed. Pianoforte by S. Nelson. folio. 75. J. A. Novello. Addison & Co. Mendelssohn's Four-Part Songs (28), with Nielson, E. J. Instruction for the Harp. English and German Words and Pianoforte folio. 7s. 2. T. Purday. Accompaniments. 4to. cloth, gilt edges. 5s. Norwich Sol-Fa System, Seven Illustra- Musical Bouquet Office. tions of :-viz., l, Christmas Salutation; 2, Mills, R. Selection of Secular Canons.- Nos. Bees ; 3, Guardian Angels; 4, Highly we 1, 2, and 3. folio. Is. each. ought; 5, Be, Heavenly Father; 6, Chants; Selection of Popular Catches, Rounds, &c. 7, National Anthem. Nos. 1 to 8. folio. ls. each. R. Mills. Norwich Sol-Fa System, a Manual Ex- Minasi, A. “Per Scalas Ascendimus," written planatory of, in MS. post Svo. blue morocco. expressly to elucidate the Fingering of Carte's (Exhibited by Miss Glover.) Prize Medal Flute. folio. 78. 6d. D. Davidson & Co. | Novello's Glee Hive;. a Collection of Glees Minasi, C. Complete Instruction for the Har- and Madrigals, in Vocal Score, with ad libitum monium. folio. 58. Rock Chidley. Accompaniment for the Pianoforte. 3 vols. super royal. 8vo. cloth. Ss. each. Moore's Irish Melodies (72 Songs), with Symphonies and Accompaniments for the - Part Song Book; a Collection of Pianoforte, crown 4to. cloth, gilt edges. 45. Choruses and other Pieces in Harmony, for Musical Bouquet Office. Three, Four, and Five Voices. The Vocal Score Moore's Irish Melodies, with new Symphonies edited by E. G. Monk. 4to. cloth, 8s. and Accompaniments for the Pianoforte, by – Separate Vocal Parts, viz., Treble, M. W. Balfe. folio: cloth, gilt leaves. 25s. Tenor, Alto, Bass. Svo. sewed. Is. each. - A Selection of Fifty, harmonized — 169 Psalm and Hymn Tunes by eminent for Four Voices, by M. W. Baife. imp. 8vo. Composers, with an Accompaniment for the · cloth. 6s. 6d. J. A. Novello. Organ or Pianoforte, by V. Novello. Organ Moral Songs. 18mo. Is. Masters & Co. Score G., imp. Svo. sewed. 5s. Morning Hymn. fcp. 4to. 6d. - The Vocal Score. Four Voices Masters & Co. H. fcp. 8vo. sewed. 45. Morris, J. School Harmonies, composed and The Vocal Score. I. Treble, K. arranged for Two Trebles and a Bass. Nos. 1, Alto, L. Tenor, M. Bass. 4 Parts. fcp. Svo. 2, 3, on single leaves. royal Svo. id. cach. sewed. Is. each. Piper, Stephenson, & Spence. Mother's Own Assistant at the Pianoforte. - - - The Vocal Score for 3 Trebles imp. 8vo. sewed. 2s. J. A. Novello. N. fcp. 8vo. sewed. 4s. J. Campbell & Co. Mozart's Twelfth Mass, in Vocal Score, with Novello's School Round Book. Parts 1 and 2. an Accompaniment for the Organ or Piano 1 vol. Svo. cloth, liinp. 2s. 6d. forte, by Ỹ. Novello. super-royal. Svo. cloth, - Analysis of Vocal Rudiments, by Question red edges. 3s. 6d. and Answer. Treble, Tenor, Alto, Bass. 4 Parts - Requiem. Ditto. 3s. 6d. J. A. Novello. fcp. Svo. sewed. 6d. each. J. A. Novello. 18+ MUSIC. 2s. Novello's Library for the Diffusion of Musical Knowledge; Theoretical Serics. supier I royal Svo. :- No. 1. Cherubini's Treatise on Counterpoint and Fugue. cloth. 6s. 6d. 2. Marx's, Dr. General Musical Instruc- tion, &c. cloth. 6s. 6d. 3. Fetis' Treatise on Choir and Chorus Singing. sewed. ls. 6d. 4. Mozart's Succinct Thorough Bass School sewed. 10d. 5. Catel's Treatise on Harmony: sewed. 2s. 6d. 6. Albrechtsberger's collected Writings on Thorough Bass, Harinony, and Com- position, for Self-Instruction. cloth. 10s. 6d. 7. Berlioz' Treatise on Modern Instrument- ation and Orchestration. cloth. 12s. S. Crotch's, Dr., Elements of Musical Coni- position. sewed. 48. 6d. 9. Sabilla Novello's Voice and Vocal Art. sewed. Is. 10. Silcher's Succinct Snstructions for the Guidance of Singing Schools and Choral Societies. sewed. is. J. A. Novello. 11. Nägeli & Pfeiffer's si Part Songs and Choruses, in progressive Order for the Cultivation of Part Singing. Translated from the German, by Sabilla Novello. cloth. 6s. J. A. Novello. Novello's Library. Praciical Series. folio. No. 51. Rink's Practical Organ School, complete. sewed, 15s. 52. On Paganini's Art of Playing the Violin, &c., by Carl Guhr. folio. 6s. J. A. Novello. Novello, Sabilla. Vocal School. oblong folio. 3s. sewed. J. A. Novello. Nursery and School Hymns. Selected by C. E. P. 18mo. cloth limp. ls. *Seeley & Co., 1856. Opera (The) Chorus Book; a Collection of the best Choruses from the best Operas, with the English Words and Pianoforte Accom- paniments. 4to. cloth, gilt edges. 18. Musical Bouquet Office. Pacini's Complete Instruction Book for the Violin. Revised by J. A. Hamilton. oblong royal 8vo. 2s. R. Cocks & Co. Panopka, H. Twelve Two-Part Studies for Soprano and Contralto. folio. 68. C. Jefferys. Parkhurst, Miss. Stepping Stone to Music. 1 Smo. ls. Longman & Co., 1853. Parry's, J. Handbook for the Voice, a Vocal Tutor, &c. royal 4to. sewed. Is. D’Almaine & Co. Pearce, S. A. Harinonium Tutor. imp. Svo. sewed. 35. Pearson, J. Familiar Guide to the Piano. folio. 45. Z. T. Purday. Philipps, T. Elementary Principles of Sing- ing, in accordance with the Italian School. Part 1. folio. 2s. 6d. - Exercises for Singing on the Diatonic Scale, with Solſegi. folio. 2s. J. Willis. Phipps, T. B. Instructions for the Pianoforte, containing Scales, Chords, and Lessons pro- gressively arranged on Popular Melodies by Nlozart, &c. folio. 6s. C. Jefferys. - Guida di Chitarra ; or Complete Book of Instructions for the Spanish Guitar. folio. 75. 2. T. Purday: Place, Gertrude. A Catechism of Music, for the Use of Young Children. fscp. Svo. ls. Bosworth & Harrison, 1858. Popular Songs and Ballads of all Nations, by the best Composers; with Symphonies and Piano Accompaniments. Book 1. Crown 4to. sewed. ls. Musical Bouquet Office. Fratten, R. S. Complete Instruction Book for Concertina. Part i. imp. Svo. sewed. 2s. -- Tutor for the Flute. royal Svo. sewed. J. Čampbell & C. Precentor, The, containing 105 Tunes. oblong 12mo. Is. Church of England Sunday School Institute. Principles and Practice of Just Intonation : with a View to embodying the Results of the Sol-Fa Associations. crown Svo. sewed. ls. (Presented by General Thompson, M.P.) E. Wilson, Royal Exchangé, 1859. Psalms of David (Select Portions of), with a Collection of Hymns, adapted to the Ser- vices and Sacred Seasons. 24mo. cloth. Is. 6d. Seeley & Co., 1855. Psalms and Hymns for Public Worship. Selected and arranged by the Rev. R. Burgess and Rev. C. F. S. Money. 24mo. cloth. limp. 1s. Seeley & Co., 1859. Psalms and Hymns set to appropriate Tuncs. Svo. cloth. J. W. Parker & Son, 1846. used at St. John's Chapel, St. John's Wood. iSmo. J. Mallett, 1849. Psalms, Paraphrases, and Hymns for Schools. 18mo. 2d. J. A. Wilson. Purday, C. H. One Hundred Tunes adapted to Selection of Hymns and Poetry. Prepared at the request of the Home and Colonial School Society. Svo. 35. Z. T. Purday. Allman & Son, 1855. Purday, C. H. One Hundred Rounds, for Two, Three, Four, Five, and Six Voices. oblong. crown Svo. sewed. 28. Z. T. Purday. Purday's, Z. T. Superior Instruction Books. oblong royal 8vo. sewed. 2s. each :- No. 1. Basson, by Mackintosh. 2. The Bugle. 3. Clarinet. 4. Cornopean. 5. The Fife. 7. The Flute, by F. Rüfner. S. The Violin, by F. C. Millani. Zenas T. Purday C MUSIC. 185 Redhead, R. Music for the Holy Commu- | Rossini, G. The Modern School of Singing. nion. post 4to. Ss. folio. 45. Duff & Hodgson. - Church Hymn Tunes for the several - Stabat Mater, for Four Voices, with Seasons of the Christian Year. post 4to. 7s.6d. Accompaniments for Organ or Pianoforte. J. Masters & Co., 1856. super-royal 8vo. cloth, red edges. 35. Reinagle's Pupil's First Book, with Scales, J. A. Novello. Preludes, &c., for the Pianoforte, revised by Rudd, H. The Art of Singing. 8vo. 1s. 6d. E. J. Westrop. folio: 3s. 6d. Z. T. Purday. Jarrold & Sons, - Easy Pianoforte Lessons for Beginners. Ruttinger, J. F. Complete Course of Instruc- Books 1 and 2. folio. 3s. each. tion for Concertina. imp. Svo. sewed. 38. J. A. Novello. Addison & Co. Richards, Brinley. Complete Tutor for the Sacred Songs for Young Singers, being the Pianoforte. folio. 4s. Words contained in the Sacred Division of the - Preludes for the Pianoforte. folio. 3s. Training School Song Book. 32mo. 2d. Octave Studies for the Pianoforte. folio. W. Hamilton. 4s. Chappell & Co. Sacred Wreath (The): or, Vocal Harmony Rimbault, E. F. Guide to the Six Guinea for School and Home. A Selection of easy Alexandre Harmonium. No. 1. with Secular Pieces of Sacred Music with suitable Words, Music; No. 2. with Sacred Music. imp. 8vo. chiefly arranged for Four Voices. Svo. cloth. 25. 6d. each. Chappell & Co. 38. 6d. W. Hamilton, 1858. - The Harmonium ; its uses and capabilities Scale (The) for Beginners. Part I., “Forma- for the Drawing Room as well as the Church. tion of Scales." oblong imp. 16mo. 2s. Svo. cloth, limp. ls. 1857. D. Davidson, 244, Regent Street. -Harmonium Tutor. folio. 5s. (Pre Schmidt, A. Five-finger Exercises for the sented by Dr. Rimbault.) Pianoforte. folio. 38. 2. 1. Purday. - Instructions for the Drawing - Room Schneider's, F. Complete Theoretical and Model Harmonium. folio. 45. (Presented Practical Organ School. By J. G. Emett. by Dr. Rimbault. folio. 10s. J. A. Novello. Handbook for the Pianoforte, and Ap - -- Forty-eight Organ Trios, for two Claviers pendix. 2 Parts, imp. Svo. 2s. each. and the Pedals. folio. 45. 3d. - for Singing, and Appendix. 2 J. A. Novello. Parts, imp. Svo. 2s. each. Scholefeld, The Rev. Prof. A Selection of for Harmony, and Appendix. 2 Psalms and Hymns for Public Worship. Parts, imp. Svo. 2s. each. 32mo. cloth. ls. Seeley & Co., 1855. -- New Instructions on the Art of Singing, 1 School Hymn Book, with Tunes for the Use adapted from the celebrated Work of Lablache. of Schools. 12mo. cloth, 10d. folio. 58. Chappell & Co. - without Tunes. 4$mo. 4d. Rimbault, E. F. First Rudiments to the Art J. F. Shaw. of Playing the Pianoforte. folio. 6s. School Pieces; with References to Music. 2. T. Purday. To be said and sung in Schools. (Selected by Rimbault, E. F. The First Book of the Piano- the Rev. W. J. Denman.) 32mo. cloth limp. forte. 12o. cloth, limp. Is. 6d. Per copy, 3d. ; per dozen, 2s.6d.; per hundred, Bell & Daldy, 1848. 17s. 6d. Wertheim & Co. Rink's Practical Organ School. (See Novello's School Songs and Poetry. (Juvenile Library, Practical Series.) Series.) 48mo. 2d. Longman & Co. Robinson, Noel H. The Music Card. A Selection of Sacred Songs. 4to. 3s. 6d. simple and concise Method of Teaching the Longman & Co., 1853. Rudiments of Music. on a sheet, 4to., 6d. - of Hymns and Poetry for Infant and (mounted on millboard.) Juvenile Schools and Families. In 5 parts. P. S. King, 12, Bridge Street, Westminster. Home and Colonial School Society. Roche, A. D. Vocal Exercises, &c. with an Seligmann, J. The Young Scholar's Music Accompaniment for the Pianoforte. folio. Book. royal 16mo. sewed. 2d. 1854. 7s.6d. Duff & Hodgson. - - Sequel to. By C. F. Bird. royal 16mo. sewed. 2d. W. Hamilton, 1852. Romberg, A. Schilier's Lay of the Bell, in Vocal Score, with an Accompaniment for Singing Tablets for Eleinentary Schools. the Organ or Pianoforte. super-royal Svo. Published by the Authority of the Committee of Privy Council on Education. Mounted on cloth. 35. J. A. Novello. broad folio boards. II. M. Stationery Office. Root, G. F. The Academy Vocalist. oblong 8vo. half bound. (Presented by Board of Edu- Sixty Amusing Songs for the Use of Little cation, New York.) Mason, New York. Singers. fcp. 4to. 2s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1853. Rossini's Exercises for the Voice. folio. Sloper's, L. Two Studies for the Pianoforte. 3s. 60. Supplementary to Czerny's Etude de la a Solfeggi for the Voice. folio. 38. 6d. 1 Velocité; No. 1. in thirds, No. 2. in octaves. Addison & Co. folio. 2s. 6d. J. Campbell & Co. 3s. 186 MUSIC. Songs : Standard Tune Book, and Metrical Com- Angry Words; Ballad written by J. Middleton panion to all Hymn Books; with an Ac- arranged for Pianoforte by P. Klitz. folio. companiment for the Organ and Pianoforte. 2s. T. E. Purday. By the Authors of “ Studies in Congregational Day is departing; the Words by W. Ball, the Singing." Oblong 8vo. cloth, 6s. 6d. Melody on Three Notes by J. Willis. folio. - Vocal Score. 16mo. cloth, 2s. 2s. J. Willis. Experience is a Fragrant Flower; a Song Tenor and Bass. 16mo. cloth, 1s. composed by J. W. Cherry. folio. 2s. 6d. Treble and Alto. 16mo. cloth, 1s. T. E. Purday. Treble and Bass. 16mo. cloth, ls. Evening Chimes; a Song. folio. 25. Treble. Oblong 24mo. cloth, sd. J. Willis. J. F. Shaw. Gentle Words; a Ballad, written by C. D. Stewart, the Music composed by Stirling, E. Nine Choral Songs, with ad J. P. Knight. folio. 28. T. E. Purday. libitum Accompaniment for the Pianoforte. I'll wander when the Twilight breaks; Ballad, super-royal 8vo, sewed. ls. J. A. Novello. the Poetry by Thos. Newman, Esq. Com Strathfield-Saye Psalmody. A Selection of posed by M.' w. Balfe. folio. 25. (Pre Psalms, Hymns, &c. as set on an Organ, sented by Mr. Newman.) J. Campbell & Co. arranged for One or Four Voices, with an The Tomb of the Islander's Daughter; Song, Accompaniment for Pianoforte or Organ. the Poetry by Thos. Newman, Esq., the post 8vo. cloth. 5s. J. Willis. Music composed by M. W. Balfe. folio. 2s. (Presented by Mr. Newman.) Studies Steibelt, edited by Jules Benedict, J. Campbell & Co. Nos. 1 to 8. folio. 2s. 6d. each. Duff & Hodgson. Songs and Hymns, selected from the Train. ing School Song Book. 32mo. 2d. W. Hamilton. Symmers, James. The Sol-Fa' Method of Songs for Schools. . 18mo. Is. 4d. per dozen. Singing at Sight from the common Musical Notation, &c. Svo. stiff cover. 2s. 6d. National Society. W. Hamilton, 1858. Songs for the Merry and Wise; arranged with Tamplini, G. The Bandsman; a Course of an easy Accompaniment for the Pianoforte, Edited and selected by Maria and Wm. H. Instructions for Military Musical Instruments. Callcott. royal Svo. sewed. 2s. oblong small folio. half calf. 21. 2s. Addison & Co. Rudall, Rose, Carte, & Co. Songs for the School-room and Family Circle, Tegg's Modern Cornopean Preceptor; with 24 with an Accompaniment for the Pianoforte. Airs, &c. By James F. Haskins. oblong royal 8vo. stiffened wrapper. 2s. small 4to. sewed. 2s. 6d. W. Hamilton. — Improved Pianoforte Preceptor, with Songs for Young Singers, being the Words of Preludes and Lessons, &c. By James F. the Training School Song Book. 32mo. 40. Haskins. oblong small 4to. sewed. 2s. 6d. (Wesleyan Education Committee.) A. Heylin. - Improved Singing Preceptor, with Exer- Songs of Truth ; adapted to favourite Melo cises, &c. small 4to. sewed. 2s. 6d. dies by J. Willis. Books 1 and 2. super-royal Concertina Preceptor, with Exercises, 8vo, sewed 2s. 6d. each. J. Willis. &c. super royal 8vo. sewed. 2s. Soper, F. L. Forty-eight Melodies for Youth, W. Tegg & Co., 85, Queen Street, E. C. for Two, Three, and Four Voices. Composed by Thomson and Sugden. Music for Sabbath Silcher. Adapted to English Words for the Use Schools. oblong royal 16mo. ls. 1852. of the Pestalozzian Schools, Worksop. Svo. Is. 6d. sewed. J. A. Novello. - The Training School Song Book, with Music arranged for two Trebles and Bass. Spark, W. Lecture on Church Music, more oblong royal 16mo. cloth, 2s. 6d. particularly the Choral Service of the Church of England, as applied to Parochial Worhip. - oblong royal 16mo. 2s.6d. (Wes- 8vo. sewed. 1s. 1851. leyan Education Committee.) 1859. Choirs and Organs; their proper Posi- W. Hamilton. tion in Churches. Svo, sewed. ls. Tilleard, J. A Collection of Secular Music, J. A. Novello. for the Use of Schools. imp. 8vo. Is. 6d. Spencer, C. C. Elements of Practical Music. Novello, London. Svo. Is. 6d. - Elements of Musical Composition. Svo. Tourrier, Mad. Twenty Exercises in Vocali- zation, with an Accompaniment for Piano- Is. 6d. Ř. Cocks & Co. forte. folio. 5s. R. Mills. – A Rudimentary and Practical Treatise on Music. 12mo. 2s. 1854. Training School Singing Method; from - The Rudiments of the Art of Playing the the German of J. R. Weber. Edited by the Pianoforte. 12mo. ls. J. Weale, 1853. Rev. W. J. Unwin. « Theoretical and Prac- Spohr's Oratorio, The Last Judgment, in Vocal | tical Course.” crown 8vo. cloth. 8s. Score, with a separate Accompaniment for the - « The Practical Course” for the Organ or Pianoforte, arranged by V. Novello. Initiatory School. crown 8vo. cloth. 75. super-royal Svo. cloth. 45. J. A. Novello. Ward & Co. MUSIC. 187 Training School. Part Songs, from the School Song Book of J. R. Weber; an AC- companiment of the Training School Singing Method. Edited by the Rev. W.J. Unwin, M. A. crown 8vo. cloth. 2s. 6d. (Congregational Board of Education.) -- Parts 1, 2, 3, 4. post 8vo. sewed. 3d. each. Ward & Co. Turle and Taylor. Singing at Sight, taught by Progressive Exercises. sq. 12mo. cloth. 5s. Longman & Co. Turle, Jas. Chants as used in Westminster Abbey. fcp. Svo. cloth. 25. 6d. J. A. Novello. Turnbull, J. Easy and Progressive Exercises in Singing and in Reading Music. No. 1. Svo. sewed. 3d. W. Hamilton, 1859. Turner, J. A. Organ Accordeon, or Harmoni- flute Preceptor. By James F. Haskins. folio. 45. J. A. Turner, 19, Cornhill, E. C. Turner, J. Class Singing Book. Svo. Part 1, sewed, 28., and 2, cloth, 4s. J. W. Parker & Son, 1851-54. Twelve Christmas Carols. fcp. 4to. 2s. 6d. J. Masters. Van Hillman, E. The A B C of the Piano- forte. imp. Svo. As. R. Cocks & Co. Vocal Class Music, in Two, Three, and Four Parts. Books 2 and 4. oblong imp. 8vo. Is. 6d. each. Addison & Co. Wade, J. A.. The Hand Book to the Piano- forte. Revised by J. Barnett. 4to. cloth. 6s. Ingram & Co., 1850. Wade, J. Sacred Melodies for the Pianoforte, arranged expressly for Juvenile Pupils who cannot reach an Octave. Nos. 1 and 2. folio. 2s. T. E. Purday. Wade's Selected Anthems (26), full Vocal Score, with Piano or Organ Accompaniment. crown 4to. cloth, gilt edges. 45. - One Hundred Psalms and Hymns, ar- ranged for One or Three Voices (Words and Music), with Piano or Organ Accompani- ments. oblong imp. 8vo. sewed. ls. Musical Bouquet Office. Wall, S. M. Forty-eight Piano-forte Exercises, from various Authors. folio. 4s. J. Willis. Warren, J. A Few Hints to Young Com- posers. 18mo. cloth. 3s. -- Catechism of Class-singing for the Many. 18mo. sewed. 1s. 6d. - A Few Hints to Young Organists. 18mo. 3s. - A Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes. oblong 8vo. cloth. Ss. - Instruction Book for the Organ. oblony royal 4to. 4s. - The Canticles, pointed for Chanting. 4to. 2d. - The Order for Morning and Evening Prayer, arranged for one or four voices. 4to. Is. 6d. Chanters' Hand-Guide. 4to. cloth. 5s. R. Cocks & Co. Webbe's L'Amico del Principiante, or Sol- faing Exercises for a Single Voice, &c., with an Accompaniment for the Pianoforte. By J. B. Sale. “folio. 75. 6d. R. Mills. Forty-two Vocal Exercises, a Sequel to the above. folio. 6s. R. Mills — Short Exercises, designed to assist in the Learning to Sing at Sight ; revised, with Ad- ditions to suit all Voices, by C. H. Purday. 16mo. sewed. 1s. Z. T. Purday. Wehrhan, A. H. The Young Pianist's First Book. imp. 8vo. sewed. 3s. 6d. J. A. Novello. Wesleyan Hymn Tune Book. 18mo. limp) cloth, red edges. 3s. 6d. (Wesleyan Educa- tion Committee.) A. Heylin. West, W. The Happy Family Quadrille and Waltz. folio. 35. T. E. Purday. Westrop, E. J. Tutor for the Violin. imp. Svo. sewed. 2s. Campbell & Co. Westrop's Sabbath School Choir ; 100 Psalms and Sacred Songs, with Piano or Organ Ac- • companiments, especially adapted for Sunday Schools and Classes. oblong royal 8vo. sewed. 1s. Musical Bouquet Office. Wilson, Rev. T. Catechism of Music. By W. A. Wordsworth. 18mo. 9d. Darton & Co. Young Ladies' Instructor for the Pianoforte, &c. folio. 58. R. Mills. Young Men's Hymn Book, for Use in Bible Classes and Devotional Meetings. Selected by H. F. Bowker. 18mo. cloth. Is. 6d. Seeley & Co., 1857. Young Musician's Pocket Guide. 18mo. V. Hamilton. Young Singer's Book of Songs. post 4to. 3s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1853. 6d. Accordion, French. 6-key. 35. (Wholesale.) A. Davis & Co. A Drum. 51. 5s. A Metronome. 61. 6s. Rudall, Rose, Carte, & Co. Bugle Horn. ls. Sd. A. Davis & Co. Concertina, 24-key, in mahogany case. 48-key, in rosewood case. C. Wheatstone & Co. 10-key. 2s. 8d. 22-key. 6s. 9d. Tutor. 75. 6d. per dozen. Cornopean, in case. 24s. A. Davis & Co. Harmonic Compass, for the Exposition of the Key in Musical Composition, constructed by James Clarke. In a circular mahogany frame, S inches in diameter, to hang on the wall or lie on the pianoforte. 10s. 6d. R. Cocks & Co. Harmonium. The Alexandre Harmonium, of small size, in an Oak Case, adapted for School- rooms. 61. 6s. Alexandre & Son, Paris. Chappell & Co., London. 188 MUSIC. Ingram's Music Frame, for Teaching Singing | Sol-Fa. Various MS. Examples of Modulation in Schools, Classes, &c. W. Ingram. on the Norwich Sol-Fa System. (In a music Kinetotonic (Patent); or, Moveable Note portfolio, half roan.) Music Board. Size, 27 in. by 33 in., with Box Contributed by Miss Glover. of Notes. 11. Ss. Combining, with the music Table of Keys. The Letters in this Table board, an ordinary black-board, so as to adapt correspond with those on the Rotary Index it for general educational purposes. Also, contained in the Sol-Fa Harmonicon invented made light and portable to fold to 20 in. by by the Author of the Norwich Sol-Fa System. 15 in. 258. Size, 4 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. 4 in. Mounted on canvas *** Boxes of Notes without the Board, 15s, and roller, varnished. Groombridge & Sons, 1858. Contributed by Miss Glover. Lindsay, Miss. Diagram of the Diatonic Major Scales, and their relative Minors. In The Village Organ, No. 2. Compass C C to cardboard, ls. R. Cocks & Co. F, 53 notes. Open diapason throughout, & ft.; Metronome. Cocks' Improved Maelzel's stopped diapason, 8 ft.; octave, 4 ft.; super oc- Metronome, for Measuring Time, with a tave, 2 ft. "Enclosed in a stained deal case, bell to mark the first beat in each bar. with 29 notes of pedals and best spotted metal In handsome rosewood case, price 21. 2s. pipes, 75 guineas. 'R. Cocks & Co. *** In oak case, 10 guineas extra. Pianoforte for the School-room, in Mahogany Also, the size No. l. Compass as above. In Case, 6 octaves, 171. 175. J. Hillier. stained deal case. 50 guineas. No. 3, ditto; Pianoforte, The Universal. 6;} octaves. 120 guineas. In rosewood or walnut case, £25. (Exhibited by and constructed under the super- R. Cocks & Co. intendence of Mr. Thomas C. Lewis, Archi- Pianoforte, in Rosewood, strongly con tect, 4, Cannon Row, Westminster.) structed, and suitable for Schools, &c., 6.1 octaves. Price to Schools and Teachers, 26 Tonic Sol-Fa Modulator Scale. On canvas guineas. J. & J. Hopkinson. and roller, size, 6 ft. by 2 ft., 5s. ; on paper, Piano Insulator. 6s 6d. A. Davis & Co. Is. 4d. (Presented by H. M. Commissioners of Scale (The) with Moveable Notes (patented), Exhibition, 1851.) Ward & Co. for Composition of Music; in a mahogany Van Noorden. Musical Loto. In paper box, case. Size, 19 in. by 9lin. 12s. D. Davidson, 244, Regent Street. 54 in. by 4 in. Sol-Fa Table of Time. Size, 28 in. by 20 in.; In a paper covered box, 8. in. by on canvas and roller, varnished. 5} in. Sol-Fa Table of Degrees. Size, 28 in. by 20 in.; *** The object of this game is for the acquire- on canvas and roller, varnished. ·ment of the first rudiments of music. Sol-Fa Ladder for the Piarioforte Player, on - Royal Musical Game, the Poly- paper. Harmonicon, producing upwards of 2,000 Sol-Fa Ladder for the Teacher of Singing, Polkas. ln mahogany boxes, 3 sizes; viz., mounted on a board. 12 in. by 4in., 8s.; 10.1 in. by S} in., 5s.; Contributed by Miss Glover. and 10. in. by 41 in., 5s. Sol-Fa Harmonicon, with two rotary in | ** This game has the same end in view as the dexes, and 4 hammers, in an imitation' ma- smaller Musical Loto, but is intended for hogany case, manufactured by T. Groger, the Student further advanced than the Hertford Road, Kingsland Road . 3s. mere alphabet. ** A Manual of the Norwich Sol-Fa System, P. E. Van Noorden, 115, Grcat Russell Street. Explanatory of the above, in a MS. volume. post Svo. blue morocco, liinp. Violin and Bow. 2s. 3.. and 5s. Id. each. Exhibited by Miss Glover. 1 (Wholesale prices.) A. Davis & Co. IN FOREIGN CONTRIBUTIONS. Albrechtsberger et Choron. Méthodes | Chants Populaires. Popular Songs of Belgium, d'Harmonie et de Composition. 2 vols. 8vo. I folio. 6 sheets, loose in cover, half calf. (Presented by H. Grant Esq.) Brussels, Stapleaux, 1852. Bachelier, Paris, 1850. Chants et Chours, Recueil de. A Collection Cantilene a 2 e 3 Voci. Eight Songs for Two of Songs and Choruses, for two or three voices. and Three Voices for Elementary Schools. ob Edited by F. Cousin. oblong, crown 410. (2 long post 4to. sewed. (2 copies.) Lugno, 1843. ' copies.) Lausanne, 1853. FOREIGN CONTRIBUTIONS. 189 Ecole du Pianiste. Book in the embossed Type of M. Braille for the use of the Blind, with his Key and Specimens at the end. folio. Immler, J. W. L'Ami du Chant. Practical Part Songs for One or Two Voices, imp. 16mo. hall bound. Haller, Berne, 1849. Les Orgues-Mélodium. Illustration of the Peculiarities and Manufacture of the various Instruments produced by Alexandre, Père et Fils, Paris. folio. half bound. 1855. Quicherat, L. Traité Elémentaire de Musique. Elementary 'Treatise on Music. 12mo. sewed. Paris, Hachette, 1853. - Tableaux de Musique. Introduction to the Musical Tables, Scales, &c. 2nd edition. folio. (loose sheets.) Paris, Perrotin, 1846. - Manuel des Tableaux de Musique. Manual of Notation of Music. 12mo sewe. Paris, Perrotin, 1846. Quicherat and Sonnet. Polymnie Recueil Classique de Morceaux de Chant. A Selection of Songs, with Accompaniments. 4to. sewed. Paris, Hachette, 1840. Salles d'Asile, Chants pour les. Songs for Hoines of Refuge, with Notation. 8vo. sewed. Paris, Hachette, 1953. Gesangbuch Berner. Hyinn Book for Bern (with Musical Notation). iamo. Bern, 1853. Klindt, J. Choral Melodien. Select Choral Melodies, for Schleswick Holstein, with Direc- tions for Vocal Accompaniments. 12mo. sewed. Schul-Lieder. School Songs, Parts 1, 2, 3. 12ino, sewed. (Holstein System.) Lieder, Sammlung, &c. Collection of Songs, for 4 parts; by L. Erk and Wilh. Greef. Nos. 1, 2, and 3.' 1210. sewed. Holstein. Lieder Schul. Collection of 2 and 3 Part Songs; especially for Catholic Schools in St. Gall. royal 16mo. sewed. St. Gallen, 1849. Müller, C. «Blüthen," Zwei-und Mehrstim- migen Gesanges. Blossoms, a Collection of Part Songs. 1st part, oblong post Svo. Schaffhausen, 1854. Roos, Ch. Ph. Lieder und Choräle. 125 Songs and Choral Parts. Svo. sewed. Wiesbaden. Second Part. 50 ditto. Svo. Kreidel, Wiesbaden, 1852. Schmarje, C. Gebetbuch für Schule und Haus. Prayer Book (in Verse) for School and Home. 2d edition. lomo, cloth. . Moorrege, 1854. Schulgesangbuch St. Gallisches.--Song Book for SĘ. Gall Schools. Parts 1 and 2. post 8vo. St. Gall, 1849-50. Schulgesangbuch Kanton St. Gallen, Singing Books for Catholic Schools in St. Gall. 3 parts. post 8vo. cloth (in case). St. Gallen, 1849. Schulgesangbuch, St. Gallisches. Singing School Book, for Canton St. Gall; 2, 3, and 4 Voices. 2 parts. St. Gallen, 1850. Singschule. No. 1, Real Note; No. 2, Acci- dental Note. 16mo. sewed. Spruch und Lieder buch. Text and Hymn Book for Protestant Schools, St. Gall. 12mo. St. Gallen, 1849. Weber, J. R. Gesanglehre. Theoretical and Practical Instruction in Singing, for the National Schools of Bern. Ist part, theoretical. Svo. half cloth. Bern & Zurich, 1849. Apel, G Chr. Choral-Melodienbuch. Complete Book of Choral Melodies. post Svo. Kiel. - Vollstandiges Choral-Melodienbuch. Complete Book of Choral Melodies, with Notation. 4th edition. 12mo. sewed. Kiel, 1851. Choralbuch oder Gesangbuch Berner. Psalm and Hyınn Book for Bern, with Music Nota- tion in Parts, oblong 4to. half bound. Bern, 1854. Elster, D. Schweizerische Volks-Gesangschule. The Swiss People's Singing School; with 400 Examples. Svo.bound. Baden, Zehnder, 1854. Gellert, C. F. Geistliche Oden und Lieder. Spiritual Poems and Hymns. 12mio. Basel, 180s. Gersbach, J. Anleitung zum Gebrauche der Singschule. post 4to. sewed. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Karlsruhe, 1833. Gesangbüchlein für Volkschulen. Songs for National Schools. 3 parts in l. post Svo. half bound. Schalch Schaffhausen, 1851. Gesangbüchlein für die Gemeindeschulen. Simple Songs for the Parochial Schools in Lucerne. Parts 1 and 2. 12mo. sewed. Luzern, 1851-2. Gesänge für den Katholischen Gottesdienst, Hyinns for Catholic Worship. 8 parts, oblong 8vo. in case. St. Gallen, 1842-47. Gesangbuch Allgemeines. Universal Psalm Book, published by Authority. 12mo. bound, Stereotype Edition. (Holstein School System.) 1928.1 Brugsma, B. Handleiding bij het Zangonder- wijs. Guide to Instruction in Music. post Svo. sewed. Schierbeek, Groningen, 1854. Heije, J. P. Kinderliederen. Songs for Chil- dren; Words. 2nd edition. post Svo. Van Kampen, Amsterdam, 1852. Oudshoff, W. De Muzikale vriend der Jeugd. Music Book for the Young. 3 parts. 25th edition, 12mo. Rotterdam. Rijkens and Gleuns. School Liederen. Songs for Schools, for 2 and 3 Voices. 2 parts. ob- · long post 4to. Oomkens, Groningen, 1839. Smits, W. Volks-Zangonderwijs. Popular Guide and Hand Book for Musical Instruction, 3 parts in 1 vol. post Svo. half calf. Amsterdam, 1849-53. HOUSEHOLD AND SOCIAL ECONOMY. 191 CLASS V. HOUSEHOLD, SOCIAL, AND POLITICAL ECONOMY, &c. Acton, Eliza. Modern Cookery for Private | Bernays, A. J., Ph. D. Household Chemistry; Families. post 8vo. cloth. 78. 6d. or Rudiments of the Science applied to Every- Longman & Co., 1860. 1 day Life. 12mo. 45. 6d. S Low & Son, 1854. - The English Bread-book for Domestic Use, with Notices of the present System of Bird Keeper's Guide. 18mo. Is. Dean & Sons. Adulteration, &c. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 4s. 6d. Booth, J. P. Ship Ventilation; or Sea Sick- Longman & Co., 1857. ness Mitigated, by supplying Pure Air in Ships. Adams, Emma. How to make a Dress; or a On Ventilation and Sanitary Condition of Cork Help to those who wish to help themselves. Workhouse, &c. 8vo. sewed. 18mo. cloth. ls. Cross & Son. A. D. Roche, Cork, 1859. - How to make a Bonnet and a Cap; or Brewster, Margaret M. Household Economy; Hints for those who think they have no taste a Manual' intended for Female Training Col- for Millinery. 18mo. ls. Cross & Son. leges and the Senior Classes of Girls' Schools. - Hints on Dress for Ladies. 18mo. ls. (Constable's Educational Series.) post Svo. Groombridge & Sons, 1856. cloth. Constable & Co., 1858. Allen, B. A Rudimentary Treatise on Cottage Campbell, A. Fariners' and Cottagers' Guide. Building. 12mo. ls. J.Wcale, 1854. 12mo. 6d. Groombridge & Sons, 1852. Art of Ornamental Hair Work. By F. L. S. Capper, H. The Australian Colonies; where 16mo, cloth limp, gilt leaves. 2s. 6d. they are, and how to get to them. (Advice to Bosworth & Harrison, 1856. Emigrants.) 12mo. 6d. Atkinson, Miss M. A. Crochet Relévé en Groombridge & Sons, 1855. Bosse. oblong post 8vo. ls. 6d. Darton & Co., 1857. Chambers, W. Dwelling-houses for the Humbler and other Classes in Cities, with Baines, M. A. Domestic Servants, as they Plans. imp. Svo. sewed. 1s. 6d. 1855. are,-as they ought to be, &c. 8vo. sewed. d. W. Tweedie, 337, Strand. - W. & R. Political Economy. 12mo. - A Few Words on Woman's Work ; cloth. 2s. 1852. showing the paramount Importance of Home - Lesson Book of Common Things and Duties, &c. post Svo. sewed 2d. (Pre Ordinary Conduct. 12mo. 10d. sented by the Author.) W. Tweedie, 1859. W. & R. Chambers. - The Practice of Hiring Wet Nurses, &c. Copley, E. Family Experiences and Home 8vo. sewed. 1s. J. Churchill. Secrets. 18mo. Is. 6d. Bardwell, W. Healthy Homes, and how to Make – Catechism of Domestic Economy. 18mo. them. royal 8vo. 2s., boards, or cloth, 2s. 6d. Sd. Dean & Son. — Cottage Cookery. 18mo. ls. Baylis, Henry T. The Rights, Duties, and Groombridge & Sons. Relations of Domestic Servants, their Masters - Domestic Life; or Hints for Daily Use. and Mistresses. With a short account of 18mo. cloth. Is. 6d. Servants' Institutions, and their advantages. 12mo. Is. (Presented by the Author.) -- The Young Servant. 18mo. ls. 6d. S. Low & Co., 1857. - The Careful Nursemaid; with Hints on Beeton's Book of Household Management. the Management of Children. 18mo. ls. Edited by Mrs. Isabella Beeton. Parts 1 to 15. Religious Tract Society. 12mo. sewed. 3d. each. S. O. Beeton. Cookery and Domestic Economy. 1.2mo. ls.6d. Bentley, J. Health made Easy for the People. W. & R. Chambers, 1856. 18mo.'ls. J. Bentley. - made Easy. By a Lady. 12mo. Is. 6d. - Wealth; how to Get, Preserve, and Dean & Son. Enjoy it. 18ino. 25. Simpkin & Co., 1852. for the Working Classes. 18mo. 3d. – Politics made easy for Young Men. Groombridge & Sons. 18mo. 6d. J. Bentley, 1853. Cottage Economy, by a Cottager, in three - for Englishmen. 18mo. ls. 6d. Lectures. By Anne Pitney. Smo, 4d. W. C. Stevenson. J. Masters & Co., 1855. 192 HOUSEHOLD, SOCIAL, AND POLITICAL ECONOMY, ETC. Darton, T. G. British Statistics for the Half 1 Exhibition, 1851-cont. Century 1801 to 1851, compiled from Parlia- Catalogue of a Collection of Samples of Raw mentary Papers, &c. On a sheet, mounted and and partly Manufactured Produce shown in folded, in Svo. case, 3s. 6d. (Presented by the the Exhibition of 1851. Printed by order Author.) of H.M. Commissioners for transmission to A. Darton, 63, Bishopsgate Street Within. Foreign Countries. royal 8vo. sewed. - Statistical Tables of Population, Mor- (Printed for the Royal Commissioners.) tality, Food, &c. &c., 1801 to 1851, compiled Collection of the Prospectuses of Exhibitors, from Parliamentary and other Authentic classified and arranged alphabetically. Documents. Svo. 2s. 6d. (Presented by the bound in 16 vols. Svo. half Russia, top gilt. Author.) Longman & Co., 1854. (H.M. Commissioners, Exhibition, 1851.) Dawes, The Dean. Lessons on the Phenomena Exhibition, New York, 1853: of Industrial Life. 12mo, 2s. Special Report of Sir Chas. Lyell. Svo. 1854. Groombridge & Sons, 1854. - Mr. G. Wallis. Svo. 1854. - Mr. Josh. Whi'worth. Svo. 1854. Directions for Cutting Out and Making Arti- -- Professor Wilson. Svo. 1854. cles of Clothing. 2mo. 6d. General Report of the British Commissioners, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Svo. 1854. Domestic Economy. (Gleig's School Series.) (Presented to Parliament.) 18mo. 9d. Longman & Co. T. Harrison, 59, Pall Mall. Duties of the Maid-of-All-Work. Ismo. 6d. Exhibition of Art Treasures of the United Kingdoin, held at Manchester in 1857. Report Housemaid. Smo. 6d. Cookmaid. Smo, 6d. Dean & Son. of the Executive Committee. imp. 8vo. sewed. G. Simms, Manchester, 1859. Ellis, W. Outlines of Social Economy. fup. Exposition Universelle de 1855 : Svo. half bound limp. Is. 6d. 1846. - Progressive Lessons in Social Science, Catalogue Officiel, publié par Ordre de la intended for the assistance of Teachers, &c. Coinmission Impériale- Industrial Pro- fcp. Svo. half bound limp. 1s. 6d. 1850. ducts.” Syo. calf. - Introduction to the Study of the Social - " Fine Arts." 12mo. calf. Sciences. fep. Svo. half bound limp. 2s. 1949. Rapport présenté à l'Empereur. imp. 8vo. --- Outlines of the History and Forination sewed. 1857. of the Understanding. fcp. Svo. half bound, Rapports de Jury Mixte International, in 2 vols. limp. 25. 1947. imp. Svo. calf. - What am I? Where am I? What ought Catalogue of the Works exhibited in the Bri- I to do? How am I to become qualified to do tish Section (with Photograph Illustrations). what I ought? 18mo. sewed. ls. 1852. imp. Svo. call. Chapman & Hall, 1855. Smith, Elder, & Co. Official Reports on the Exhibition. Parts 1, - A Layman's Contribution to the know- 2, & 3. Svo. calf. H.M. Stationery Office. ledge and Practice of Religion in Common Faithful Servant, The, adorning the Chris- Life; being the Substance of a Course of Con- tian Character. Smo. cloth. 28. versational Lessons introductory to the Study Rciigious Tract Society. of Moral Philosophy. post Svo. cloth. 7s.6d. Family Economist, a Penny Monthly Magă- Smith, Elier, & Co., 1857. zine, devoted to the Moral, Physical, and Embroidery and Alphabet Sampler Book. Domestic Improvement of the Industrious 64ino. 6d. Groombridge & Sons. Classes. Vols. 1 to 6. 12mo. Is. 6d. each. Emigration Pamphlets. Advice to Emi- Groombridge & Sons, 1848-1853. Few Words to a Servant. 32mo. id. grants, 1834.-Method of the Petworth Com- mittee in sending out Emigrants to Upper Church of England Sunday School Institute Canada, 1832–3. - Brydone's Narrative of a Friendly Letters on Strikes. 12mo. 3d. Voyage with Emigrants, 1834.–Foster's Work Groombridge & Sons, 1954. and Wages; or the Penny Emigrant's Guide Finchley Manuals of Industry. ismo., viz.: to the United States and Canada.-Fisher's No. 1. Cooking. 10d. Sketch of Three Colonial Acts for South 2. Gardening. 10d. Australia, 1956. 8vo. half calf. (Presented by 3. Household Work. 10d. H. Cole, Esq.) 4. Plain Needle-work. 8d. 5. Domestic Fowls and Animals. 10d. English Charity. (Reprinted from the Quar. J. Masters & Co. terly Review.) 18mo. sewed. J. Murray, 1855. Gilbart, J. W. Lectures on the History and Englishwoman's (The) Domestic Magazine. Principles of Ancient Commerce. 12mo. cloth, vol. 1. Svo. half calf.' And No. 7 to stiffened. 2s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1853. 6d. each, published monthly. Godwin, G. Town Swamps and Social Bridges. S. O. Beeton, 1860. The Sequel of " A Glance at the Homes of the Exhibition, 1851: Thousands.” 8vo. stiffened cover. ls. 6d. Official Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue. Routledge & Co., 1859. 4 vols. imp. Svo. cloth, gilt leaves. Hassall, A. H. Food and its Adulterations, Reports of the Juries on the Subjects of the comprising the Reports of the Analytical Thirty Classes into which the Exhibition Sanitary Commission of the Lancet, &c. &c. was divided. imp. 8vo. cloth, gilt leaves. 1 8vo. cloth. ll. 8s. Longman & Co., 1855. HOUSEHOLD AND SOCIAL ECONOMY. 193 Hawes, W. On the Cape Colony; its Products | Lankester, E., M.D. Lectures on Food.. First and Resources. A Paper read before the Course.-. On Water. -2. On Salt.-3. On Society of Arts, March 9, 1859. From the Hicat-forining Foods. 4. On Oil, Butter, and Journal of the Society of Arts, March 11, 1859. Fat.-5. On Flesh-forming Foods.-6. On royal Svo, sewed. Presented by the 12thor. Animal Food. crown Svo. cloth, limp. 1s. Tints to improve the Kitchen Comfortz and R. Hardwicke, 1860. Homes of the Working Classes. 12mo. 2d. lessons on Political Economy. 12mo. 3d. W. & R. Chambers, 1856. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1853. How to Furnish a House and make it a Home. Hlackenzie, Rev. W. B. Married Life; its 18ino. 2s. : Groombridge & Sons. Duties, Trials, Joys. The Dwellings of the Household Work, or the Duties of Female Righteous. Pastoral Advice on Home Duties. Servants. (No. 3 of Finchley Manuals of In I vol. 18mo. cloth. 3s. Seeley & Co., 1857-9. Industry.) 18mo. half call. (Presented by the Dianual of Domestic Economy, for the Use of Irish Board.) Masters & Co. Teachers, Schools, and Families. 1s. 6d. Household Year Book, 1837. 12mo. ls. 6d. Home and Colonial School Society. (Presented by H. Cole, Esq.) C. Knight. Harcat, Mrs. Conversations on Political Hunphreys, E. R., LL.D. Manual of Civil Econoiny, in which the Elements of that Law. fcp. Svo. 38. 60. 1856. Science are familiarly explained. fup. Svo. - Manual of Political Science. fcp. Svo. cloth. 7s. 60. Longman & Co., 1839. 38. od. 1.855. --- Rich and Poor, containing First Prin- - Manual of Moral Philosophy for the Use ciples of Political Economy. 1$mo. ls. of Schools. With a Preliminary Essay on the Longman & Co., 1851. Relations of Natural and Revealed Religion. DIason, Rev. W. The Parents' Friend; or, By the Rev. J. E. Riddle, N.A. fcp. Svo. cloth Essays on Domestic Education. 12mo. 25. limp, 2s. 6d. Longman & Co. J. S. Hodson, 1851. Industrial and Social Position of Women in Dietropclitan Board of Works. Report of the the Middle and Lower Ranks. post 8vo. Deodorization of Sewage. By Dr. Hoffinann, cloth. 10s. 6d. Chapman & Hall, 1857. F.R.S., and Dr. Frankland, F.R.S. August Industrial Handbook. Needlework and 1859. Svo. sewed. Knitting.” 12mo. Sd. Reed & Pardon, Printers, Paternoster Row. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Mill, J. S. Principles of Political Economy, Instructions in Needlework and Knitting. with some of their applications to Social Svo. Is. 4d. National Society. Philosophy. 4th edition. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. Judicial Statistics, 1858. England and Wales. 30s. J. W. Parker & Son, 1857. Part I. Police-Criminal Procedings-Prisons. - Dissertations and Discussions, Political, Part II. Common Law-Equity--Civil and Philosophical, and Historical. Reprinted Canon Law. royal 4to. sewed. 28. Ed. chiefly from the Edinburgh and Westminster Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1959. Reviews. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. 245. Judicial Statistics, 1859, England and Wales. J. W. Parker & Son, 1859. Part 1.-Police, Criminal Proceedings, Pri-. on Liberty. crown 8vo. cloth. 75. 6d. sons. Part 2.—Common Law, Equity, Civil J. W. Parker & Son, 1859. and Canon Law. imp. 4to. sewed. 28. money, its Nature, History, Uses, and Respon- Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1860. sibilities. 18mo. 10d. Religious Tract Society., Knell, H. Chips from the Block; an Essay on HIoney Watters. Easy Lessons on, for the Social Science. fcp. Svo. cloth, limp. ls. Od. Use of Young People. 18mo, half calf. (Pre- Job Caudwell, 335, Strand, 1860. senitd by the Irish Board.). Labouriag Classes. Prospects and Present J. W. Parker & Son, 1850. Condition.-Hale's Address to Manufacturers, Heedlework and Cutting-out. Simple 1926.-Owen's, R., Plan for Relieving Public Distress, 1932.-Stone's, Rev. W., Evidence on Directions in. 4to. half bound. ls. 7d. Corimissioner's of National Educution, Ireland. Voluntary Charities, 1833.-Minutes of licet- Groombridge & Sons, 1857. ings respecting, 1835.—Essay on Insurance, 1836.--Instructions for Establishinent of Loan Weison, F. G. P. Contributions to Vital Sta- Societies, 1836.--Plan, Rules, and Regulations tistics; being a development of the rate of of the National Association, &c.--First Address Mortality and the Laws of Sickness, &c. &c. from the Committee of Metropolitan Working 3rd edition. 4to. 21. 2s. (Presented by Classes Association, 1945.-Rules and Orders Mr. I. Brettell.) Simpkin & Co., 1857. of the Mechanics' Institution for the Promo Newspapers, Facsimile Reprints of Seven tion of Useful Knowledge among the Working curious old Newspapers published between Classes, 1823.-Freehold Property for Me the Years 1640 and 1680, viz., The Publick chanics : Notes of Lectures by T. E. Bowkett, Newes, 1641; The Kingdomes Intelligencer, 1843.-Peace, Rev. P., Address on Cottage January 1648; The Man in the Moon, No- Economy.-Magazine of Domestic Economy, vember 1649; The Commonwealth Mercury, March, 1838, on Knitting, &c. In 1 vol. Svo. September 1658; Mercurius Publicus, August half calf. . 1660; The Fire of London, 1666; Mercurius Labour Stands on Golden Feet; or the Life of Domesticus, December 1679, relating the a Foreign Workman. A Holiday Story for Trial and Execution of Charles I., the Death Sensible Apprentices, Journeymen, and Mas and Funeral of Oliver Cromwell, the Great ters. By Heinrich Zschokke. 18mo. cloth. Fire of London, &c. fcp. 4to. stitched. 1s. 6d. Groombridge & Sons. J. H. Fennell, 8, Trigon Road, Kennington. A 194 HOUSEHOLD AND SOCIAL ECONOMY. Newspaper Press (The) of the Present Day; its Birth and Growth throughout the United Kingdom and British Islands, from 1665; including the young Cheap Press, and the Metropolitan and Suburban District Papers, 1860. 8vo, sewed. Saunders, Ottley, & Co., 1860. Pereira, J., M.D. Treatise on Food and Diet, &c. 8vo. cloth. 16s. Longman & Co., 1843. Poor Laws, Pamphlets on : Speech of Lord Chancellor, July 21, 1834.-Leslie on Principles of Poor Law Act, 1835.-Earl of Liverpool on Operation of the Poor Law, 1836.-Fallacies on Poor Laws, 1837.-Report of the Guardians, Strand Union, 1837.—Letter to the Earl of Cawdor, 1837.-Voice from the North of Eng- land on Poor Laws, 1837.-Nicholl's 1st and 2nd Report on Poor Laws, Ireland, 1837-8. In 1 vol. 8vo. half calf. Porter, G. R. The Progress of the Nation, in its various Social and Economical Relations, from the beginning of the Nineteenth Cen- tury. Svo. cloth. ll. 45. J. Murray, 1851. Prideaux, T. Symes. On the Economy of Fuel. 1200. Is. . J. Weale, 1853. Rehorst, Dr. K. P. ter. Comparative Table, No. 1, of the Exports, Imports, and Revenues of all the Countries of the Globe, with a Sketch of their respective Productions, Agri- cultural, Mineral, and Manufactures, com-, prising also a Summary Account of their Commerce, Coins, and Moneys, of their Rulers and predominant Religion. On a Sheet, coloured, size 3 ft. 4 in. by 2 ft. 3in. 10s. 6d. - Comparative Table, No. 2, of the Returns of Population, Territorial Extents or Area, the Armies and Navies of all the Countries of the Globe, with their different National Colours, Flags, Standards, and Cockades. Uniform with No. 1. 10s. 6d. (Presented by the Author.) H. H. Collins, 11, Great Winchester Street, Social Science: Transactions of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science, 1857. 8vo. cloth. 15s. 1858. - 1858 and 1859. Edited by G. W. Hastings, LL.D. Svo, cloth. 16s. each. Trades' Societies and Strikes. Report of the Committee on Trades' Societies, appointed by the National Association for the Promo- tion of Social Science, presented at the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Association at Glasgow, September 1860. Svo. cloth. 10s. J. W. Parker & Son. Statistical Congress. Papers on Statistical Methods, &c., read in the Sixth Section. By Dr. Guy, Messrs. R. Valpy, S. Brown, and J. Winter Jones. imp. 4to. 1860. Taxation Considered. Parts 1 and 2. 12mo. E. Wilson, 1849. Tegetmeier, W. B. A Manual of Domestic Economy. 12mo. ls. 6d. Groombridge & Sons, 1853. Thrift; or, Hints for Cottage Housekeeping. ismo. 2.1. J. Masters & Co., 1855. Tomlinson, C. A Rudimentary Treaiise on Warming and Ventilation. 12mo. 2s. J. Weale, 1850. Village Clubs. A Lecture in continuation of Anne Pitney's Three Lectures. By Rev. H. Newland. 18mo. 4d. J. Masters & Co., 1855. Wayland, Rev. Dr. F. Elements of Political Economy, abridged. 18ino. cloth. 2s. J. W. Parker & Son, 1858. Elements of Moral Science. 12mo. bound. 1849. - abridged. 18ino. half bound. 1853. (Presented by the Board of Education, New York.) Gould & Co., Boston, U.S. White & Coates. A Catechism of Moral Duties. 18mo. 9d. Relle, Brothers. White, J. Lessons on Housewifery; for the Use of Industrial and other Schools, and Cot- tagers' Families. 18mo. cloth, limp. 9d. • Groombridge & Sons, 1857. Wilkinson, G. B. The Working Man's Handbook for South Australia. 12mo, sewed. 1s. 60. J. Murray, 1849. Working-Man's Fireside; or Evenings in a Cottager's Home. 18mo. cloth. Is. Seeley & Co., 1859. City. Report of the General Board of Health on the Administration of the Public Health Act and the Nuisances Removal and Diseases Preven- tion Acts, from 1848 to 1854. royal 8vo. half calf. H.M. Stationery Office, 1854. Family Double-Check Washing Book. oblong 8vo. 1s. Dean & Son. Gentleman's Washing Book. 12mo. 6d. Dean & Son. Housekeeping Book for 52 Weeks. oblong Svo. 13. Groombridge & Sons. - The Working Man's. 12mo. 6d. Groombridge & Sons. Lady's Washing Book, for 26 Weeks. 12mo. 6d. Dean & Son. Report (The Fourth Annual) of the Directors of the Association for promoting Improvement in the Dwellings and Domestic Condition of Agricultural Labourers in Scotland; with Hints on Cottage Building. By J. C. Walker. Svo. sewed. ls. Blackwood & Sons, 1858. Rogers, J. The Poultry-Keeper's Guide. 12mo. 2s. 6d. Dean & Son. Savings Bank and the Fireside, with Hints about Homes, Independence, &c. 12.o. 30. Groombridge & Sons. Smoking and Smokers, The Habit and its Slaves. royal 32mo. sewed. 2d. Seeley & Co., 1855. Backgammon Boards, at 3s. 9d. a nest. Chessmen, wood. 28. per set. bone 4s. 6d. and Is. 6d. per set. A. Davis & Co. Crochet Cases, at from 1s. 2d. to 7s. 6d. each Crochet Holders, from 1s. 6d. per doz. Needles, 3s. per gross. A. Davis & Co. FOREIGN CONTRIBUTIONS. 195 - ... Darning, Case of Specimens of. British and Foreign School Society. Embroidery, Specimen of, "from Bonmaloni School of Industry. 21. 2s. . Reformatory and Refuge Union. Kronheim's Chess and Draught Board and Men. In paper box, 6d. ; by post, 7d. S. B. Beal, 4, Grove Terrace, West Ham, Essex. Lacemaking. Illustrations of Thread Lace- making. H.M. Commissioners of Exhibition, 1851. Needle-making Illustrated. See Mechanics p. 273. Needlework. A Portfolio of Needlework. 38. 6d. British and Foreign School Society. Bone Needle and Mesh, Is. 6d. per dozeu pair. Wood Bone Pins, 1s. Ed. per dozen pair. · Wood , 9d. A. Davis & Co. Workboxes, Rosewood. 10-in. ls. 8d, each. 12-in. 4s. 3d. (Wholesale prices.)” A. Davis & Co. Edwards & Son. Gas Apparatus for boiling water. 58. Dr. Arnott's Ventilating Valve. 6s. 6d. Edwards & Son, Poland Street. Kent's Patent Steam Washing Apparatus. (2 specimens.) (Exhibited by T. Twining, Esq.) Lettam & Co.:- Milk Pan, of Glass. Pastry Pan, do. Fern Shade and Stand, do. Mettam & Co., 50, Princes Street, Soho. 97 در FOREIGN CONTRIBUTIONS. REFORMATORIES, HOMES OF | Marschner, A. Der Verein zum Frauenschutz. Female Refuge, its Establishment, &c., at REFUGE, &c. Dresden. 8vo. Leipzig, 1852. Barrau, Th. H. Conseils aux Ouvriers. Ad- | Mettray, Colonie Agricole et Pénitentiaire vice to Workmen. 12mo. sewed. de. Agricultural and Penitentiary Establish- Hachette, Paris, 1850. ment at Mettray (Reformatory Institution). Boucard, M. Notions Industrielles à l'Usage Fourteenth Annual Report of M. Demetz. des Salles d'Asile. Industrial Hints for Homes royal Svo. (6 copies.) Ladevéze, Tours, 1853.. of Refuge. 12mo. Hachette, Paris, 1848. -- Notions sur les Arts et Métiers des Salles Application du Système de Mettray. Ap- d'Asile. Ideas of Arts and Trades for the use plication of its System to Colonies of Or- of Homes of Refuge. 12mo. phans and Foundlings. Svo. sewed. Hachette, Paris, 1848. Claye, Paris, 1850. Carpantier. Mlle. Marie. Conseils sur la - Notice sur l'Ecole Preparatoire de. AC- Direction des Salles d'Asile. Advice respecting count of the Preparatory School near Mettray. the Direction of Homes of Refuge. 12mo. royal 8vo. (6 copies.) Claye, Paris, 1846-54. Hachette, Paris, 1847. Pape-Carpantier, Mme. M. Enseignement Cochin, J. D. M., Founder of the Model Home Pratique dans les Salles d'Asile. Practical at Paris. Manuel des Salles d'Asile. Manual Teaching in Homes of Refuge. First Lessons of Homes of Refuge. 4th edition. 8vo. for Little Children, with Songs and Games. Hachette, Paris, 1853. 2d edition. Svo. sewed. Hachette, Paris, 1854. Cochin, A. Notice sur Mettray. An Account - Manuel du Nouveau Syllabaire des Salles. of the Reformatory Institution at Mettray. d'Asile. Manual of New Syllabic Instruction royal Svo. sewed. (3 copies.). Ladevéze, Tours. for Homes of Refuge. 12mo. sewed. - Translated, and with an Intro- Hachette, Paris, 1852. duction by the Rev. G. H. Hamilton. Svo. - Nouveau Syllabaire des Salles d'Asile. sewed. - (4 copies.) Whittaker & Co., 1853. New Primer for Homes of Refuge. 2 parts. Corne, M. Rapport et Projet de Loi sur les folio. in wrapper. Hachette, Paris, 1852. Jeunes Detenus. Report and Enactment re Théry, Grün, and I. Bourdon. Notions de ating to Young Prisoners. 8vo. sewed. (3 Philosophie de Droit et d'Hygiène Pratique. copies. Ladevéze, Tours, 1850. Ideas respecting Philosophy of Right, and Chevreau-Lemercier, Mme. Petites His- Practical Sanitary Rules. imp. 8vo. half calf. toires pour les Enfans des Salles d'Asile. Little Paris, Hachette, 1844. Histories for the Children of Homes of Refuge. 2nd edition. 12mo. Hachette, Paris, 1851. Jeunes Détenus et des Jeunes Libérés, So- ciété pour le Patronage des. Patronage Society for Young Prisoners and liberated Convicts. Des Jardins, Ct. Tableau Figuré des Rap- Reports for 1844 to 1852. 6 parts. Svo. ports de Population, Grandeur et Force Armée Henry, Paris, 1844-53. des Etats du Globe, &c. On a sheet, 28 in. by Jubé de la Perrelle, C. Guide des Salles 21 in. (framed.) (Presented by H. Cole, Esq.) d'Asile. Guide to Homes of Refuge, con- Paris, 1858. taining their Laws and Management. 2nd edi- tion. 8vo. Hachette, Paris, 1853. | N 2 196 HOUSEHOLD AND SOCIAL ECONOMY.--FOREIGN CONTRIBUTIONS. RAILWAY AND POST LEGIS ( Recueil des Tarifs des Douanes des Pays du LATION, &c. Nord de l'Europe, d'après les Lois et Règle- ments en vigueur mis au courant jusqu'au ler Janvier 1859. Collection of Custom House Chemin de Fer, &c. Decree of the Canton of Duties of the Northern Countries of Europe, Argovia in favour of Swiss Central Railway Company. November 1853. Svo, sewed. in force January 1859. imp. Svo. sewed. 10s. 1853. Didot, Paris, 1859. Constitution du Canton de Vaud. May 25th 1831, post Svo. (2 copies.) Lausanne, 1831. Bunfesverfassung der Schweizerischen -- July 1945. post 8vo. (2 copies.) Eidgenossenschaft. Form of Constitution of the 1845. Swiss Confederation, post Svo. sewed. 1848. Constitution Fédérale du 12 Sept. 1848. Swiss Österreichische Vaterlandskunde. Statistical Federal Constitution of Sept. 12, 1848. (2 Book of the Austrian Empire. 8vo. sewed. copies, loose sheets.) Lausanne. (Presented by the Austrian Government.) Miéville, A. Manuel du Citoyen Vaudois. . Vien, 1854. Manual for the Inhabitants of the Canton Eisenbahn. Decree respecting alteration of Vaud, with Statistics. 12mo, sewed. Act concerning Railway in Canton Thurgau. 4 pp. Svo. Lausanne, 1846. 1854. (2 copies.).. - Act in favour of N.E. Swiss Railway Magnenat, A. Confederation Suisse. Statis- Company. From Government of Aargau. Svo, tical Table of the Swiss Confederation, giving sewed. (2 copies.) on one sheet the size, population, language, Verhandlungen der St. Gallisch-Appen- religion, &c., of the 22 cantons. Lausanne. zellischen Gemeiniitzigen Gesellschaft. Trans- Post-Convention, &c. . Postal Convention actions of the St. Gall and Appenzell Mutual between Sweden and Russia. post 4to. sewed. Benefit Association at the general meeting in Christiana, 1846.1 Teufen, 1946. 12mo. St. Gallen and Berne. 1854. GEOGRAPHY. 197 CLASS VI. GEOGRAPHY AND ASTRONOMY. bou GEOGRAPHY. Bruce, E. & 3. An Introduction to Geography and Astronomy, with the Use of the Globes. Adams, E. The Geographical Word Expo- Twelfth Edition, with an Epitome of Ancient sitor. 12o. 2s.6d. Longman & Co., 1856. Llais, W. Geography made Easy. 18mo. Geography by the Rev. J. C. Bruce. 12mo. Simpkin & Co., 1859, Id. Jarrold & Sons. Allison, A. First Lessons in Geography. Im- | Butler, Bishop S. Sketch of Ancient and Modern Geograplıy. Svo. cloth. 9s. 1853. proved by the Rev. A. B. Power. 18mo. 9d. Jarrold & Sons. – A Sketch of Ancient Geography. Re- vised by the Rev. T. Butler. post 8vo. 45. 1856. Alphabet of Physical Geography, for the Use of - Orr & Smith, 1836. Beginners. 18mo. cloth. Modern Geography. Revised by Rev. T. Butler. post Svo. 45. Longman & Co., 1856. Anderson, J. J. Practical System of Moderni - Modern and Ancient Geography abridged, Geography. 18mo. half bound. (Presented and arranged in the form of Question anal by Board of Education, New York.) Answer. By Mary Cunningham. 18mo. cloth Redfield, New York, 1851. limp. 2s. Longman & Co., 1856. Anthon, Dr. C. Ancient and Mediæval Geo- Butler, C. Easy Guide to Geography. 18mo. graphy for Schools and Colleges. royal Svo. 1s. 60.; or, with 7 Maps, 2s. Dean & Sons. bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Harper & Co., New York, 1850. - J. 0. Geography of the Globe, with Additions by J. Rowbotham. 12mo. bound. Arrowsmith, Rev. A. Geographical Dic 4s. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1852. tionary of the Holy Scriptures. Svo. 155. - A New Introduction to Geography. Longman & Co., 1855. 12mo. half bound. 2s. 6d. W. Walker, 1854. — Aaron. A Compendium of Ancient and Butler, J. O. Geography of the Globe, with a Modern Geography. (Presented by Rcu. Dr. Series of Questions for Examination. 12mo. Goodford.) Svo.bound. 12s. E. P. Williams, 1839. bound. Harvey & Darton, 1824. Bentley, J. Modern Geography for all Classes; Butler, W. Geographical and Biographical also, a Treatise on the Plano Globe. Svo. 5s. Exercises. 12mo., and the maps coloured, J. Wright & Co. oblong 4to. sewed. 45. Griffith & Farran, 1855. Bevan, Rev. W. L. A Manual of Ancient Catechism of Geography. 18ino. 4d. Geography, for the Use of Schools. fcp. 8vo. - On the Map of the Holy Land. Sino. cloth. J. W. Parker & Son, 1852. 401. Groombridge & Sons. Bidlake, J. P. Physical Geography for Chil- Chambers, Rd. Geographical Questions and dren, with 6 coloured Maps. 18mo. bound. Exercises.' 7th edition. iSmo. bound. ls. 6.1. Allman & Son, 1856. Sherwood & Co., 1843. Bigland, J. A System of Geography, revised Chambers, R. Ancient Sea-Margins, as Me- by W. Birkin. 12mo. bound. 2s.6d. morials of Changes in the Relative Level in J. & C. Mozley, 1855. Sea and Land. Svo. cloth. 9s. Bliss, S. Analysis of Geography. 4to. half W. & R. Chambers, 1848. bound. (Presented by Board of Education, Chambers's General Treatise on Gcography. New York.) J. P. Jewett, Boston, 1856. 12ino. cloth. 3s. 6d. 1855. ohn, H. G. Pictorial Hand-Book of Modern - Geographical Primer. 12mo. Sd. 1856. Geography, on a Popular Plan, compiled from - Geographical Text Book for the School- the best Authorities. With Maps, and Engrav loom Map of England. 12mo. 10d. 1856. ings on Wood. post Svo. cloth. 7s. 6d. - Geographical Text-Book of Scotland. H. G. Bohn, 1861. 12mo. 10d. 1854. Bolus, F. A New System of Tabular Geo- - Outlines of Geography. (Alinor Educa- graphy. Part 1, Europe. oblong 8vo. cloth, tional Course.) 18mo. sewed. 2d. limp. 1s. Id. Davis & Allen, 33, Dowgate Hill. - Text - Book of Scripture Geography. Bond, Rev. W. H. A Concise View of Ancient 12mo. 10d. W. & Ř. Chambers, 1956. Geography. 12mo. and 7 Maps. oblong Challener, T. Catechism of the Descriptive Sto. 45. (d. sewed. Simpkin & Co. Geography of England. 18mo. ls. 9d. Boardman, A. Historical Geography, for the Longman & Co., 1856. Use of Pupil-Teachers, &c. 12mo. Is. 6d. Christian Erothers (The). Second Book Philip & Son. of Modern Geography, with an Outline of Bruce, E. & J. An Introduction to Geography Astronomy. royal 18mo. cloth. 9d. 1857. and Astronomy, by the Use of Globes and - A Treatise on Modern Geography, with Maps, &c. 4th edition. 12mo. bound. Maps. royal 18mo. bound. 38. 6d. 1854. Cradock & Co., 1812. 1 Burns & Co. 198 GEOGRAPHY AND ASTRONOMY. - Elementary, Geography, Gordon, 1860. Clyde, J., LL.D. School Geography. (Con- | Ewing, T. A System of Geography, including stable's Educational Series.) 3rd cdition. post the Elements of Astronomy and Physical Geo- Svo. cloth. 45. 1860. graphiy. 12mo. bound, 4s. 6d. 1859. - Elementary Geography. (Ditto.) fcp. with Maps. 12mo. bound. 6s. Svo. cloth. Is. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1854. Cobbin, J. Elements of Geography for Young Falmouth, Viscountess. Conversations on Children. 2nd edition. 18mo. half bound. Geography. 12mo. cloth. 75. 6d. Westley & Davis, 1830. Longman & Co., 1954. Cornwell, Dr. J. School Geography.12m0. 35.6d. Faraell, W. K. Geography on a Card. id. or with Maps, 5s. 6d. (Presented by Dr. Corn- Jarrold & Sons. well.) First Lessons in Geography, in Question and one each. (British and Foreign Answer. By a Lady. ismo. ls. Ward & Co. School Society.) Fitch, G. W. Introductory Lessons in Geo- - Geography for Beginners. 12mo. Is. graphy. 4to. half bound. (Presented by Board . (Presented by the Author.) of Education, New York.) Simpkin & Co. G. Savage, New York, 1853. Foster, A. J. A Manual of Geographical Cornell, S. S. Primary Geography. post 4to. Pronunciation, furnishing a List of upwards half bound. 35. Gd. of Ten Thousand Geographical Names, with S. C. Griggs & Co., Chicago. the Vowels carefully figured, and otherwise Trübner & Co., London. marked to indicate the Pronunciation. 24mo. - Intermediate Geography. 4to. half bound. cloth limp. 28. E. Stanford, 1858. 5s. 1856. Gaultier, The Abbé. Familiar Geography. - High School Geography. crown Svo. half bound, with a Companion Atlas. imp. 4to. 16mo. 3s. Griffith & Farran, 1854. half bound. 10s. 1857. Geography and History, selected by a Lady Appleton & Co., New York. for the Use of her own Children. 10th edition. Trübner & Co., London. 12mo. bound. Law & Whittaker, 1915. - 15th edition. 12mo. bound. Crampton and Turner. The Geographical Rivingtons, 1828. Reading Book; being a Series of Inductive Lessons in Geography. 16mo. 8d., or fine Geography of the British Empire, for the Use paper, cloth, gilt edges, 1s. 1857. of Beginners. Smo. ls. Longman & Co., 1855. - Part II. The British Empire. 16mo. cloth. gilt edges. ls. (Presented by the - Progressive, for Children. 18mo. cloth J. Murray, 1847. Authors.) 1859. Groombridge & Sons. for Young Children. 18mo. cloth. 2s. Darton & Co., 1849. "Darton, Margaret E. The Earth and its In- - of the Bible; or, some Account of the habitants. crown Svo. 5s. Hall & Co., 1953. Places mentioned in the Scriptures. 18mo. Davis, H. H. Brief Outlines of Descriptive Is. 6d. Religious Tract Society. Geography, with a Table of Latitudes and Geography for Children, divided into Lessons Longitudes. 12mo. cloth. John Taylor, 1830. in the form of Question and Answer. 5th Elements of Geography, for Young Children. edition. 12mo. J. Hodges, London, 1750. By the Author of Stories from the History of a Sth edition, 12mo. bound. England. Ist edition. 12mo. half bound. 1829. G. Keith, London, 1768. - 3rd edition. 12mo. half bound. - 15th edition. 12mo. bound. J. Murray, 1835. J. Johnson, London, 1787. - on a New Plan. Corrected to 17th edition. 12mo. bound. 1858. 1$mo. cloth. ls. (Darton's School J. Johnson, London, 1793. Library.) Darton & Co., 1858. - 28th edition. 12mo. bound. (Geographical Series, No. 1.) Wilson & Sons, York, 1817. 12mo. 24s. per 100. --> 29th edition. 12mo. bound. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1857. Rivingtons, 1823. - -34th edition. 12mo. bound. 2s. Epitome of Ancient Geography; with His- Longman & Co., 1851. torical Notices and Questions for Examination. 18mo. calf. W. Pinnock, Newbury. Geographical Text-Book; a Practical Geo- graphy. By M. E. S. Part 1. 12mo. 2s. Epitome of Geographical Knowledge, Ancient - A Companion to the, containing 7 out- and Modern. 12mo. cloth. line Maps, coloured. post 4to. 2s. 6d. W. P. Nimmo, Edinburgh. Bell & Daldy. 12mo, cloth. ild. 1859. Geographical Terms, Illustrations of, mounted. Compendium of Geography (an Abridg. is. Id. each. National Society. ment of the above). 18mo. cloth. 3d. 185. Gibbon, Mrs. A Simple Catechism of Geo- Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. graphy. 18mo. Id. Relfe, Brothers. Groombridge & Sons. | Gilbert. Geography for Families and Schools. Ewing, T. A System of Geography, with the 12mo. cloth. 35. Gd. Groombridge & Son. Elements of Astronomy. 3rd edition. 12mo. | Giles, Rev. Dr. First Lessons in Geography. beund. Oliver & Boyd, 1819.1 18mo. 9d. J. Cornish. limp. GEOGRAPHY. 199 Goldsmith, Rev. J. Grammar of British | Heeren. A Manual of Ancient Geography, Geography. 4th edition. 18mo. bound. compiled from the Works of Professor A. H. L. R. Phillips, London, 1816. Heeren. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 2s. 6d. - 9th edition. 18mo. bound. -- fep. 8vo. cloth. (Presented by H. Sir R. Phillips & Co., London, 1820. Grant, Esq.) -- Geography on a Popular Plan. 6th D. A. Talboys, Oxford, 1835. edition. 12mo. bound. R. Phillips, 1811. Hiley, R. Child's First Geography for the - Grammar of General Geography, revised Use of Elementary Classes. 18mo. Od. 1854. and corrected by Hugh Murray. 18mo. bound. Progressive Geography, adapted to the Longman & Co. Junior Classes. 18mo. 2s. Goldsmith's Grammar of Geography. Revised Longman & Co., 1856. by Edward Hughes. 12mo. bound. 3s. 6d. Hopwood, Rev. H. The Child's Geography. - Key to. 12mo. ls. 1854. 18mo. ls. 1847. Introduction to. By J. Dowling. - For Schools. iSmo. bound. 2s.6d. 18mo. Od. • Longman & Co., 1856. J. Masters, 1856. Goldsmith's Grammar of Geography. Five Hughes, E. Geography for Elementary Hundred Questions on the Twelve Maps. By Schools. First Course. Smo. Is. 1857. J. Dowling. 18mo. 9d. 1854. Outlines of Physical Geography. 12mo. - Key to. By J. Dowling. 12mo. Is. bound. 35. 6d. 1856. Longman & Co., 1856. — Examination Questions on the Third - Grammar of Geography, with Eight Edition of Hughes's Physical Geography. Maps. Corrected by W. S. Benny. Smo. bound. 12mo. sewed. 6d. 1852. 2s. 6d. Allman & Son, 1857. - Outlines of Scripture Geography and His- 1856. Goodrich, S. G. A Primer of Geography. tory. 12mo. bound. 4s. 6d. Longman & Co. imp. 16mo.. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) G. Savage, New York. Hughes, W. A Class Book of Modern Geo- graphy, with Examination Questions. fcp. 8vo. Grant, H. Geography for Young Children. cloth. 35. 6d. G. Philip & Son. 18mo: (Presented by Author.) C. Knight, 1844. Companion to the Map of Europe, Guthrie's Geographical Grammar in Minia with Examination Questions, fcp. 8vo. cloth. ture, containing the present State of the Is. G. Philip & Son, 1859. several Kingdoms of the World. 2nd edition. Hughes, W. Child's First Book of Geography, 18mo. bound. London, 1808. arranged in a Series of Easy Reading Lessons. Guy, Josh. School Geography. 18mo. bound. 3s. 18mo. 9d. (Gleig's School Series.) 1956. - Geography for the Use of Beginners. - First Geography. 18mo. bound. ls. 1856. 18mo. 9d. (Gleig's School Series.) - Preparatory Geography for Young Geography of the British Empire, for the Children. By Joseph Guy, jun. 18mo. 9d. Use of Beginners. 18mo. 9d. (Gleig's School Cradock & Co. Series.) 1855. - Ancient Geography. By Joseph Guy, - A Manual of British Geography. 12mo. jun. 12mo. bound. 35. E. Law, 1859. bound. 2s. 1854. Guy, Josh., jun. The Illustrated London Geo- — A Manual of Mathematical Geography. graphy. crown 8vo. cloth, 2s. N. Cooke, 1853. 12mo. cloth. 4s. 6d. 1852. - A Manual of Geography, Physical, Indus- Guy, John. A Catechism of Geography. trial, and Political. 12mo. cloth. 7s.6d. 1856. 18mo. Id. in Two Parts, viz. :- Geography for Children. 18mo. bound. Part 1. Europe. cloth. 3s. 6d. Is. 6d. Allman & Son. „ 2. Asia, Africa, America, Australia, Hamel, N. The World in Miniature. 3rd and Polynesia. cloth. 4s. Longman & Co. edition. 12mo. bound. Longman & Co., 1814. Ince and Gilbert. Qutlines of Descriptive Handbook to Johnston's School Physical Map Geography: Mathematical, Physico-Political, of Europe, with a coloured Map. crown Svo. and Statistical. By Professor Wallace, M. A., cloth limp. ls. W. & A. K. Johnston, 1857. with maps. 18mo. Is. sewed; Is. 6d. cloth. Hart, J. C. Popular System of Practical James Gilbert, 1857. Geography. 12mo. half bound. Irving, C. Catechism of General Geography. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) 18mo. 9d. Aylott & Co. Burgess & Co., New York, 1854. Jackson, J. R. Glossary to accompany John- Hartley, Rev. J. Geography for Youth. ston's Map of Geographical Terms.' 12mo. 12mo. bound. 1820. cloth limp. 6d. 'W. & A. K. Johnston. Geography for Youth. 12mo. bound. Keith, T A System of Geography, for the Use 1854. of Schools, on an entirely new Plan. Ist Outlines of Geography; the First Course edition. 12mo. bound. Longman & Co., 1826. Hren. 18mo. 9d." 1854. 3rd edition. 12mo. bound. Longman & Co., 1836. Longman & Co. Kenny, W. S. Geography for Schools, with a W. Four Hundred Questions on Treatise on Astronomy. 12mo. bound. 2s.6d. d. Relfe, Brothers. I Allman & Son. 6d. 200 LU GEOGRAPHY AND ASTRONOMY. Leitch, N. Exercises on the Map of Scotland. | Murray, Hugh. An Encyclopædia of Geo- 18mo. 3d. G. Thomson & Co. graplıy. Svo. 31. Longman & Co., 1844. Lessons about the World we Live in. 12.o. | National Society's Geographical Works. Id. Society for Promoting Christian Knouledge. Elements of Geography. By the Ven. Arch- Livingston, P. The Poetry of Geography. deacon Sinclair. 12mo. 6d. 12mo. 2s. Gd. Groombridge & Sons, 1853. - Abridged. 12.o. 3d. Iaccarthy, 1). C. The Physical and Historical The World, or General Geography, with a Geography of the British Empire. fcp. Svo. Dlap. 18mo. ls. 4d. per dozen. cloth. 2s. 6d. (Presented by the Author.) Geography of Europe, ditto. 18mo. 1s. 4d. C. Dolman, 1959. Macdougal, T. St. Clair. Descriptive Outlines per dozen. -- Asia, ditto. Ismo. ls. 10. per dozen. of Modern Geography. 12mo. 25. Gd. - Africa and South America, with 2 Maps. Bell & Daldy, 1856. 1Smo. ls. 4d. per dozen. Mackay, Rev. A. Manual of Modern Geo- - North America and the West Indies, graphy, Mathematical, Physical, and Political, ditto. 18mo. Is. 40. per dozen. on a New Plan, embracing the River Systems — England, with a Map. 1$mo. 1s. 1d. of the Globe. fcp. Svo. cloth. 7s. per dozen. Blackwood & Sons, 1861. - Scotland and Ireland, with Maps. 18mo. McLeod, W. Geography of Palestine. 1970. Is. 4d. per dozen. ls. 6d. "(Presented by the Author.) 1856. - Colonies of Great Britain, Paris I. II. - Life and Travels of St. Paul. See Thcology. III., ditto. ismo. ls. 4d. per dozen. - Examination Questions in Physical and 3 Parts together, in cloth, ditto., Political Geography. 12mo. 1s. (Presented 18mo. 6d. each. by the Author.) . Longman & Co., 1858. Palestine and other Scripture Geography, with Mainwaring, T. Elements of Universa a Map. iSmo. ls. 4d. per dozen. Geography, with Probleins on the Globes. Counties of England:- 2nd edit. “12mo. bd. Gale & Curtis, 1810. No. 1. Middlesex, with a Map. 18mo. Mangnall, R. A Compendium of Geography. is, 4d. per dozen. 12mo. bound. 7s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1952. No. 2. Lancashire, ditto. 18mo. 1s. 4d. Manual of Geography, Physical and Po- per dozen. litical. 12mo. 38. A. Hall & Co., 1850. No. 3. Yorkshire, the West Riding, ditto. 18mo. Is. 4d. per dozen. Manual of Geographical Science, Mathematical, Geography of Productions and Manufactures. Physical, Historical, and Descriptive. Svo. ls. 4d. per dozen. National Society. cloth. 10s. 6d. J. W. Parker & Son, 1852. Nicolay, Rev. C. G. Principles of Physical Vanual of Physical Geography. 18.00. Sd. Geography. royal 12mo. cloth. Is. Groombridge & Sons. E. Stanford, 1858. Marcet, Mrs. Conversations on Land and Quiseau, J. A Practical Geography. 12mo. Water. 12o. 5s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1852. bound. (Presented by H. Cole, Esg.) Maunder and Hughes. Treasury of Geo- Longman & Co., 1822. graphy. 12mo. 105. Longman & Co., 1955. Qutlines of Geography, for the Use of the Edin- Tather, J. H. Jun. Manual of Geography; burgh Academy. Part 1. Modern Geography. embracing the Key to Mitchell's Scrics of 12mo. bound. (Presenied by H. Grant, Esq.) Outline Maps. 12010. half bound. (Pre- Adam Black, 1854. sented by Board of Education, New York.) - Geography for the use of the Edinburgh Case & Co., Hartford, 1859. Acaderny. Part 1, Modern Geograplıy. 12mo. 1860. Maury, N. F. The Physical Geography of the boun:. 2s.60. Sea. An entirely new edition, with Addicala. Part 2, Ancient Geograpliv. 12mo. post Svo. cloth. 58. G. Philip & Sun, 1859. bound. 35. Oliver & Boyd, 1852. Milner, Rev. T. A Universal Geography- - Geography. 18mo. 2:1. I. A Wilson. Historical, Mathematical, Physical, and Poli- Parley, Peter. Geography for Beginners. tical. 12mo. cloth. 56. Rcligious Tract Society. With Maps and Engravings. roval 16mc. half bound. (Presented by Board of Education, Mitchell, S. A. System of Modern Geography. Now York.) Lainport & Co., New York, 1954. 12mo. half bound. 185-4. -- The Home and School Geography anci — Easy introduction to the study of Geo Atlas. Svo. 2s. Ed. Kent & Co., 1855. graphy. royal 16mo. half bound. ]$53. - Geography of the Bible. Edited by the - Geographical Question Book. 12mo. Rev. S. Blair. square. 2s. 6d. J. S. lioilson. half bound. (Presented by Board of Educa Payne, J. Introduction to Geography. 19mo, tion, New York.) bet!!. Phillips & l'ardon, London, 1806. Cowperthwait & Co., Philadelphia, 1853. Pesti lozzi's System of Practical Geography. IvIonteith, J. Youth's Manual of Geography, By P. H. Pullen. 12mo. half calf. (Prescatec combined with History and Astronomy. Svo. by Il. Grant, Esq.) half bound. (Presented by Board of Educa- Black, Young, & Young, Y. twn, New York.) Barnes & Co., N. York, 1854. Picquet, A. Elements of Universal Go Morse, Rev. Sidney E. A System of Geo Ancient and Modern. 3rd editio graphy. royal 410. half bound. (Presented bound. Lackington & Co., L . by Bourd of Education, New York.) 4th edition. 1200 - Harper, New York, 1954. | Harding GEOGRAPHY. · 201 Pierson, David H. A System of Questions | Smith, Roswell C. An Introductory Geo- in Geography, adapted to any Modern Atlas. graphy for Children.: royal 16mo, half bound. 12mo. half bound. (Presented by Board of . 1853. Education, New York.) - A Concise and Practical System of Geo- Kiggins & Kellogg, New York, 1854. graphy. royal 4to. half bound. (Presented Pillans, J. First Steps in Geography of the by Board of Education, New York.) Ancient World. 12mo. Is. 6d. Burgess & Co., New York, 1854. A. & C. Black, 1857. Somerville, Mary. Physical Geography. - Elenients of Physical and Classical Geo 2 vols. 12o. 125. J. Murray, 1851. graphy. post 8vo. 4s. 'Blackwood & Sons, 1854. Stepping Stone to Geography. By a Mother. Pinnock, Rev. G. First Steps to Geography. 18mo. ls. Longman & Co., 1856. ismo. 6d. Allman & Son. | Sterne, G. M. A Physical and Political School Pinnock, W. Comprehensive Grammar of Geography. ' fcp. Svo. cloth. Modern Geography and History. 18mo. Longman & Co., 1850. bound. 5s. 6d. Stewart, Rev. A. A Compendium of Modern - Comprehensive Grammar of Ancient Geography. Smo. bound. 35. Gd. Geography and History. i$ino. bound. 45. 6d. Oliver & Boyd, 1854. - Comprehensive Grammar of Sacred Geo Sullivan, R. Introduction to Geography and graphy and History. 18mo. bound. 45. 6d. History. ismo. Is. Longman & Co., 1854. Simpkin & Co. - An Introduction to Ancient, Modern, Pullen, P. H. Pestalozzi's System of Practical and Sacred Geography. iSmo. half calf. (Pre- Geography, Sacred, Ancient, and Modern. sented by the Irish Board.) Curry & Co., 1853. 12mo. bound. Geography Generalized. 12mo. half Black, Young & Young, London, 1822. calf. (Presented by the Irish Board.) Putz, W. Survey of the Geography and Curry & Co., 1853. History of the Middle Ages, A.D. 476-1492. Sydow, E. Von. Handbook to the Series of Translated by Professor Stigell. 12mo, 3s. 6d. large Physical Maps for School Instruction. Groombridge & Sons. Edited by J. Tilleäril, F.R.G.S. Svo. sewed. Reid, A. A First Book of Geography. 18mo. 1s. 6d. Williams & Norgate, 1857. cloth stiffened. 6d. 1861. Tables of the Geography of Great Britain and Outline of Sacred Geography. iSmo. 6d. Ircland. 12mo. Ed. Rudiments of Modern Geography. With : Home and Colonial School Society, 1857. maps. 18mo, bound. ls. Gd. Oliver & Boyd, 1860. Taylor, Emily. The Ball I live on, or Sketches - The First Book of Geography. Sino. of the Earth. 18.no. cloth. Houlston & Co. ls. Griffith & Farran. Taylor, G. H. Notes and Lessons on Geo- graphy and History of Palestine. 12mo. bound. Keid, Hugo. A System of Modern Geography, 2s. Od. with Maps. 12mo. bound. 2s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1851. Oliver & Boyd, 1854. Thomson, Professor. Introduction to Modern Elements of Physical Geography. 18mo. Geographiy. 1200. bound. (Government Is. Oliver & Boyd, 1856. Schools, Ceylon.) Simms & MʻIntyre. Rhind, W. First Class - Book of Physical Trimixer, Mrs. A Geographical Companion Geography: Inorganic Nature ; being a De- to Mrs. Trinner's Scripture, Ancient and scription of the Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean, · English Abridged Histories, with Prints. &c. 12mo. cloth limp. Is. 1857. 12mo. bound. J. Harris, London, 1811. - Second ditto, embracing Organic Life, Fan de Velde, C. W. M. Memoir to ac- and the Geographical Distribution of Plants, company the Map of the Holy Land. Svo, Animals, and Man. 12mo. cloth limp. ls. 3d. cloth. Ss. 6d. Williams & Noryate, 1859. Sutherland & Knox, 1857. Varty's Early Lessons in Geography, giving Sargeant, Anna Maria. Papa and Mamma's the Extent, Population, Productions, Exports, Easy Lessons in Geography.' ismo. Is., or, &c. of Great Britain and her Possessions, with cloth, 1s. 6d. Dean & Son. Questions for Examination. 14 sheets, fcp. Scottish School. Book Association : broad folio, 2s. Gd. (See bound volume.) Varty, 3, Adelaide Street. Young Child's Geography. 18mo. stiff wrap- per, 3d. Valker, A. An Easy Introduction to Geo- graphy and the Use of the Globes. 4th edition. Outlines of Modern Geography. 12mo. half bound, 1s. ismo. half bound. C. Buckston, London, 1804. Complete System of Geography. 12mo. Ward's Illustrated Geography, in Question and bound, 3s. 6d. Answer. A Sequel to ' First Lessons in Geo- W. Collins, late Whyte & Co. graphy," by a Lady. 1870. ls. Ward & Co. Sheppard, E. A Description of Coast Lines. White, A. T. Tabular views of the Geo- 12mo. sewed. Part 1, 6d. ; 2 and 3, sd. each. graphy and Sacred History of Palestine, and (Presented by the author.) of the Travels of St. Paul. oblong 8vo. sewed. Jacob & Johnson, Winchester. Griſüith & Farran, 1858. . ls. nchester. 202 GEOGRAPHY AND ASTRONOMY. White, G. Constructive Geography; being a | Sardou, M. Géographie. Geography. 12mo. Series of Examples by which a Child may effectually learn Geography, and to draw Maps hráció de Géographie. Paris, Dezobry, 1853. Abridgment of all Countries. Part 1, "England.” Part 2, of Commercial and Industrial Geography. “ Scotland." fscp. 4to. sewed. 6d. cach. 8vo. 2nd edition. Paris, Hachette, 1848. " Houlston & Wright, 1859. White, J. An Abstract of General Geography. 12mo. cloth stiffened. 1s., or with 4 Maps, Bellinger. W. Whyte & Co. ls. 3d. Primi Elementi di Geografia. - 173rd edition, revised. 12mo. Elements of Geography for Lower Schools. cloth stiffened. ls. Oliver & Boyd, 1861. 8vo. sewed. (Presented by the Austrian Govern- - A System of Modern Geography. 12mo. ment.) Vienna, 1854. bound. Zs. 6d., or, with 4 Maps, 2s. 9d. Geografica, Breve Descrizione della Svizzera. W. Whyte & Co. Geography of Switzerland for the Secondary Wigram, Venerable Archdeacon. The Geo Schools of Italian Switzerland. 12mo. (2 graphy of the Holy Land; with an Account copies.) Veladini, Lugano, 1852. of its Ancient People and Kingdoms, &c. — Breve Descrizione, della Palestina. Geo- 12mo. cloth limp. Is. 6d. ° T. Varty. graphy of Palestine. 16mo. Wilson, Rev. T. The First Catechism of Geo- Veladini, Lugano, 1852. graphy. 18mo. 9d. Darton & Co. Giovinetti, A. La Geografia Descrittiva. World, The, we Live in. Geographical 18mo. sewed. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Lessons. Part III. France, Switzerland, Italy, "Nistri, Pisa, 1842. Germany, Holland, Belgium. 12mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. .. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Bormann, K. Grundzuge der Erdbeschrei- bung. 12mo. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Berlin, 1833. Handbuch der Geographie und Statistik. Abrégé de Géographie Commerciale et His- Handbook of Geography and Statistics, torique. Abridgment of Geography. 28th founded on Drs. Stein and Horschelmann. edition. Tours and Paris, Mame, 1953. Revised by Dr. J. E. Wappäus. 7th edition, — Abridgment of Geography for vol. 1, 5 parts, and vol. 2, 2 parts. royal Svo. the Cantonal College, Laussane. 12mo. (2 - Leipzig, 1849-54. copies.) Lausanne, 1854. Jungclaussen, W. Th. Geographie. Guide to Cortambert, M. E. Leçons de Géographie. Geography 8vo. half cloth. Kiel, 1853. Lessons on Ġeography. imp. 8vo. half calf. Paris, Hachette, 1846. Lüben, August. Leitfaden zu einem Method- Cortambert, E. Cours de Géographie. Course ischen Unterricht in der Geographie. Guide of Geography. 12mo. Paris, Hachette, 1852. to Geography. 3rd edition. 12mo. Leipzig, 1850. Duplain, F. Géographie de la Suisse. Geo- Pfister, J. Kurze Beschreibung der Schweiz. graphy of Switzerland. 12mo. Porrentruy, 1853. Short Description of Switzerland. post Svo. Gaultier. Elémens de Geographie. Elements Schaffhausen, 1845. of Geography. 7th edition. 18mo. Schacht, Theodor. Lehrbuch der Geographie. Paris, Renouard, 1852. Manual of Ancient and Modern Geography, -- Géographie. 19th edition. 18mo. 5th edition. royal 8vo. Paris, Renouard, 1854. Mainz (Mayence), Kunze, 1851. Lami, Père. Eléments de Geographie. (No.3 Selten, F. C. Grundlage beym Unterricht in of a series of small books.) 18mo. Paris, Colas. der Erdbeschreibung. 12mo. half calf. (Pre- sented by H. Grant, Esq.) Halle, 1835. taire des Ecoles. Elementary Geography. Stein, Professor. Kleine Geographie. Small 5th edition. royal 8vo. half cloth. (2 copies.) Geography. Edited by Dr. K. Th. Wagner. 23rd edition. Svo. boards. Leipzig, 1849. - des Colléges et des Pensions Studer, B. Geographie Mathematischen. enseignée sur les Cartes et sans Livre. Principles of Mathematical Geography for Elementary Geography taught by Maps. Higher Schools. 2nd edition. Svo. Royal 4to. half cloth. (2 copies.) Bern & Leipzig, 1842. Paris, Delalain, 1853. Vogel, Dr. Carl. Handbuch zur Belebung Magin and Barberet. Cours de Géographie Geographischer Wissenschaft. Hand-book for Physique et Politique. Course of Physical the Furtherance of Geographical Science. 3 and Political Geography. 3 parts, in 1 vol. parts. 8vo. sewed. 1845-52. 12mo. half calf. Dezobry & Cie, Paris. - Allgemeine Geschichtstabelle auf Geo- Pagnard, Ed. Petite Géographie du Canton graphischem Grunde. Historical Tables on de Berné. Geography of Canton Bern and the a Geographical Basis. 6 sheets, 20 inches by Bernese Jura. 12mo. Porrentruy, 184). 29, in wrapper. Périgot, M. Cours de Géographie de la - Mounted on canvass. Size, 4 ft. France. Course of Geography of France. 6 in. by 5 ft. 6 in., folded in a case. fcp. broad 2nd part. 12mo. Paris, Dezobry. I folio. Hinrichs, Leipzig, 1844. -- - GEOGRAPHY.-GAZETTEERS.- ATLASES. 203 Zacharia, A. Lehrbuch der Erdbeschreibung. ATLASES. * Compendium of Description of the Eartší. | 7th edition. Ist part. 8vo. half bound. Adlard's Vignette Modern School Atlas of the World. 18 maps, 4to. bound in royal Svo. Fleischer, Leipzig, 1854. cloth lettered. Ss. 6d. Wertheim & Co. Ziemann, C. Der Geographische Unterricht Ancient Atlas, coloured in Outline. post Svo. in Burgerschulen. 12no. sewed. (Presented 8s. (Society for Promoting Christian Know- by H. Grant, Esq.) Halle, 1833. ledge.) 1847. Arnold, Rev. J. Universal Atlas of Modern Geography. impl. 4to. half bound. 14s. " Allman & Son, 1856. Arnold, Rev. T. K. A First Classical Atlas. Aardrijks-en-Geschiedkunde, Onderrigt Intended as a Companion to the “Historiæ der. Instruction in Geography and History, Antiquæ Epitome.” 8vo. bound. 75. 6d. for Common Schools. Svo. Leyden, 1824. F. & J. Rivington. Brugsma, B. Onderwijs in de Aardijkskunde Arrowsmith, A. The Eton Comparative Atlas Geographical Instruction; a Reading-book for of Ancient and Modern Geography. imp. 4to. the Upper Classes in Common Schools. 12mo. half bound. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) stiffened cover. Groningen, 1854. - Index to. royal 8vo. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) Rijkens, R. G. Aardrijkskundige Beschrijving E. P. Williams, 1839. Atlas of Physical and Historical Geography, to van het Koningrijk du Nederlanden. "Geo- accompany the “Manual of Geographical graplıical Description of the Netherlands. 3rd Science." ' imp. 4to. in printed wrapper, 5s. edition. 12mo. Groningen, 1848. J. W. Parker & Son. Ritter. Handboekje der Aardrijkskunde. Hand Atlas. The New Biblical Atlas and Scripture book of Geography. royal 8vo. sewed. Gazetteer, with Descriptive Notes of the Ta- Rotterdam, 1853. bernacle and the Temple. imp. Svo. 6s. 6d. Religious Tract Society. Steinmetz, L. A. S. Algemeene Grondbegin- Blair, D. Juvenile Atlas, io coloured Maps. selen der Aardrijkskunde. General Elements med. 4to. 2s. of Geography. 4th edition. 8vo. sewed. - School Atlas of Modern Geography. med. Groningen, 1851. 4to. half bound. 5s.6d. Teekenkunstige Voorstelling, &c. Graphic — Classical Atlas on an entirely new plan. Illustration of the Variation of the True and med. 4to. half bound. 5s. 6d. Mean Tide. 4to. On card-board. Allman & Son. Groningen, 1847. Black's General Atlas of the World, 70 Maps coloured, with Index. folio. half morocco. 21. 16s. 1856. GAZETTEERS. - Atlas of Modern Geography for Schools. 36 Maps printed in colours, with Index. 4to. Baldwin and Thomas. Gazetteer of the 10s.6d. 1857. United States. Svo. bound. (Presented by in 8vo. 10s. 6d. 1857. the Board of Education, New York.) -- School Atlas for Beginners. oblong 12mo. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia, U.S., 1854. 2s. 6d. - Atlas of North America. 20 Maps Baldwin, T. A Universal Pronouncing printed in colours, with an Index. folio. 168. Gazetteer. Revised, with the Population 1856. inserted according to the Census of 1850. - Atlas of Australia. imp. 4to. 5s. crown 8vo. half bound. (Presented by Board A. & C. Black. of Education, New York.) Bradshaw's Grammar School Atlas. By the Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia, U.S., 1854. Rev. E. D. Jackson, B.C.L. 33 Maps. oblong Cabinet Gazetteer. 12mo. cloth. 10s. 6d. post 4to. half bound. 6s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1853. Bradshaw & Co., Manchester. Brewer, Rev. J. S. Elementary Atlas of His- Imperial (The) Gazetteer ; a General Dictionary of Geography, Physical, Political, Statistical, tory and Geography. royal Svo. half bound. and Descriptive. Edited by W. G. Blackie, 12s. 6d. Longman & Co. Ph. D., F.R.G.S. Illustrated by nearly 750 Brooks, Dr. The Smaller School Atlas, com- Engravings. 2 vols., 2,670 pages. imp. 8vo. prising all the Maps usually required in a cloth. 41. 6s. Blackie & Son, 1856. Course of Elementary Instruction; with an accurate Index. Svo. half bound.' 38. 6d. Johnston, A. K. Dictionary of Geography, Darton & Co. Descriptive, Physical, Statistical, and Histori- Butler, Bishop. Atlas of Ancient and Modern cal, forming a complete General Gazetteer of Geography. 4to. half bound. ll. 45. 1855. the World. Svo. cloth. 11. 165. Outline Maps adapted to the Longman & Co., 1853. General Atlas intended to be filled up and Sharp, J. A. British Gazetteer. 2 vols. 8vo. coloured by the Pupils. oblong 4to. 7s.6d. 1851. cloth. 21. 16s. Longman & Co., 1852. of Ancient Geography. Svo. half bound. 12s. 1856. for Junior Classes. 8vo. half bound. 4s. 6d. 1856. Out 204 GEOGRAPHY AND ASTRONOMY. Butler, Bishop. Geographical Copy Book Groombridge's Shilling Atlas of the World. adapted to the Ancient Atlas, intended to 12mo. Groombridge & Sons. filled up and coloured by the Pupils. oblong Hall, Ş. A New General Ailas, with the Divi : 4to. 45. 1853. sions and Boundaries carefully coloured. 53 Atlas of Modern Geography. Svo. half llaps, with an Alphabetical Index of Names. bound. 12s. 1856. ful. half Russia. Sl. 18s. Od. Longman & Co. am for Junior Classes. Svo. half - First or Elementary Atlas. coloured. bound. 4s. 60. 1856. oblong post 4to. ls. Od. - Geographical Copy Book to Modern Atlas. - Introductory Geographical Copybook, oblong 4to. 45. Longman & Co., 1856. adapted to Hall's Atlas. Oblong post 4to. Is. Chambers's Primer Atlas. 9 Maps. royal -- Map Projections, adapted to lallis Atlas. oblong post 1to. ls. 1850. 4to. cloth limp. 2s. 6d. 1854. - Questions adapted to Hall's Elementary Atlas of Ancient and Modern Geography. Atlas. By T. Bowman. 12n1o. 2s. 6d. 34 Maps. royal 4to. cloth. 10s. 6d. 1856. Longman & Co., 1954. W. & R. Chambers. Farrow School Atlas of Modern Geography, Collins's Railway and Pedestrian Atlas of Eng with Index. Selected froin Maps published land. Svo. cloth limp. 2s.6d. Darton & Co. under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 29 Maps. Cornwell, J. A School Atlas. 12mo. Plain, post folio. cloth. 12s. 6d. 1857. 2s.6d.; or coloured, 4s. (British und Foreign - Junior Atlas of Modern Geography. School Society.) 14 Mlaps, with Index. post folio. cloth. 78. - one each. (Presented by Dr. Corn- E. Stanford, 1855. well.) - Junior Atlas of Classical Geography. Simpkin & Co. 11 Maps, with Index. post folio. cloth. 75. Cruchley's General Atlas, for the use of E. Stanford, 1857. schools and private tuition, containing 31 Homerton College Atlases, edited by the Maps. crown folio, cloth, 16s. Rev. W. J. Unwin, Ni. A., Principal of Homer- G. F. Cruchley, 1858. ton College. Size, 17% by 13} in. half mo- Cyclopædian, The; or Atlas of General Maps rocco:- Published under the Superintendence of the 1. Hydrographical, Physical, and Political. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 28 Maps. los. Od. Thirty-nine Maps, with an Index. post folio. 2. Physical and Political. Is Maps. 7s. 6d. half bound. il. 10s. E. Stanford. 1857. 3. Physical. 9 Maps. 45. 6d. 4. Political. 9 Maps. 4.s. 6d. Dean's School and Family Elementary Atlas and Geography. imp. Svo. sewed. Plain, 1s. ; (Congregational Board of Education.) Ward & Co., 27, Paternoster Row, 1861. Dean & Son. coloured, 28. Dower, J. School Atlas of Modern Geography. Hughes, E. Introductory Atlas of Klodern Geography, oblong 18mo. 2s. 6d. 1853. 40 maps. Svo. half bound. 12s. Atlas of Modern Geography for Ele- Ward & Lock. mentary Schools. 18mo. plain. ls. 1852. Edinburgh Imperial Atlas, Ancient and Mo- u ismo. coloured. Is. Gd. 1855. dern. folio. halfmorocco. Gall & Inglis. - School Atlas, of Physical, Political, and - School Atlas. 4to. cloth. 58. Commercial Geography, with descriptive Gall & Inglis. Letter-press. Svo. hali bound. 10s. Gd. 1853. Ewing, T. New General Atlas, the Maps - Allas of Piiysical Geography. 12mo. coloured, with Preliminary Illustrations. By · cloth, liinp. ls. Od. Longman & Co. - The Hand Atlas for Bible Readers, Hugh Murray. 4to. half bound. 10s. Cd. Oliver & Boyd. oblong small 4to. cloth limp. 2s. 6d. Findlay, A. G. A Classical Atlas. l'oyal Svo. T. Varty. Hughes, V. Atlas of Classical Geography. 24 half bound. (Presented by Board of Education, Maps. Edited by G. Long. imp. Svo. lialf New York.) Harper, New York. bound. 12s. Gd. Gall's Blank Map Atlas of Nodern Geography. -- for Grammar Schools. 10 Maps 4to. 1s. selected from the above. imp. Svo, half bound. - Outline Viap Atlas of Modern Geography, Bell & Daldy, 1854. 4to. Is. - The Training School Atlas; a Series of Student's Two Shilling Atlas. 4to. Maps illustrating the Physical Geography oť One Shilling Atlas of Modern Geography. the Great Divisions of the Globe, with the British Islands and Palestine, on a larger scale. 4to. folio. cloth. 128. 6d. -- Scripture Atlas. Six coloured Maps. Philip & Son, 1859. Inperial (The) Atlas of Modern Geography, a small 4to. 4d. Series of 100 carefully coloured Maps, em- -- with Bible Gazetteer. small 4to. bracing the most recent Discoveries, and the 64. Gall & Inglis. latest Political Divisions of Territory in all Gover, E. Atlas of Universal Historical Geo Parts of the World; compiled from the most graphy, with a Memoir to each Map. imp. reliable sources, Home and Foreign, under the Svo. 12s. 6d. E. Gover. Supervision of W. G. Blackie, Ph. D., F.R.G.S., Physical Atlas, comprising Eight Maps. with an Index of nearly 120,000 Names. half with descriptive letter-press. Svo. 28. E. Gover. 1. norocco, gilt edges, 51. 5s.Blackie & Son. 5s. ATLASES. 205 1555. Jackson, Rev. E. D. Grammar School Atlas. | National Society's Atlases-cont. (See Bradshaw.) General Atlas, containing 29 Maps, coloured. Johnston, A. K. Royal Atlas of Modern with Index. oblong fscp. 4to. cloth. 6s. Geographiy; a Series of entirely original and Class Atlas, containing 16 Maps, coloured. authentic Maps, with a Special Index to eachi oblong. fscp. 4to. sewed. 2s. Map. Size, folded, 20 by 13 inches. Part I., Scholar's Atlas, containing 14 Maps, eachi, 10s. 60.; to be completed in 10 parts, early plain. 18mo. 2d., or coloured, 8d. in 1861. Blackwood & Sons, 1856-50. National Society. - School Atlas of General Geography. Ostell's New General Atlas, 30 Maps, with imp. Svo. half bound. 128. 6d. 1857. Index. royal 4to. half bound. 11. ls. - Elementary School Atlas of General Cradock & Co. and Descriptive Geography. 410. nall bound. Parley, P. Atlas of Modern Maps, and Geo- 7s.6d. 1853. graphical Tables. 4to. cloth. 5s. - Svo. half bound. 5s. 1858. Darton & Co. A School Atlas of Classical Geography. imp. Svo. half bound. 12s.6d. Philip & Son's Atlases :- - A School Atlas of Physical Geography. - New General Atlas of the World, com- iirp. Svo. half bound. 12s. Gd. 1853. prehending Seventy-four Maps and Charts, delineating the Natural and Political Divisions --- Geographical Projections to accompany of the Empires, Kingdoms, and States of the A. K. Johnson's Atlases of Physical and World; constructed from the best Authorities, with a copious Consulting Index. By in a paper case. Blackwood & Sons. J. H. Johnson, F.R.G.S. imp. folio. half Juvenile Atlas, containing 20 Maps, coloured. bound, morocco, gilt edges. 31. 3s. 1856. post 4to. cloth, 2s. J. Heywood, Manchester. *** The maps on a full sheet, 22 by 27 inches, London (The) Modern Atlas, crown folio, may be purchased separately, 6d. each. half cloth, 10s. 6d. J. Betts. - Classical, Historical, and Scriptural Atlas, Lowry, J. W. Table Atlas, with an Index. iliustrating the Ancient Classics, Historians, 4to. 12s. Chapman & Hall. and Poets. A series of 49 Maps, engraved McLeod, 17. A Class Atlas of Physical Geo in the best style. imp. folio, half bound graphy.18mo. half bound. 35. Or, sewed. 2s.6d. morocco, gilt leaves. 31.35. 1855. A Hand Atlas for Class Teaching. 18mo. *** The maps on a full sheet, 29 by 23 inches, half bound. 35., or sewed 2s. 6d. 1856. may be purchased separately, Is. 6d., or - Atlas of Scripture Geography. 8vo. half mounted on black rollers and varnished, bound. 7s. 1853. 5s. each. - Class edition. royal Evo. 4s. 1856. - Popular Atlas of the World, in a Series - Illustrative Letter-press. royal of Forty-two Maps, with Consulting Index. Edited by Wm. Hughes, F.R.G.S. coloured. Svo. 35. (Presented by the Author.) 1856. Middle-Class Atlas, comprising Eight imp. quarto. 12s.6d. 1860. Coloured Maps, for Use of Junior Candidaies - Family Atlas of Physical, General, and for the Oxforil Local Examinations. small 4to. Classical Geography: a Series of 56 Maps, stiff wrapper. 2s. with illustrative Letter-press, and a copious 1861 Consulting Index. Edited by Wm. Hughes, Longmau & Co. Mitchell, S. A. Allas for Schools. royal 4to. F.R.G.S. imp. 4to. cloth, gilt edges, 17.115. 6d. half bound. - Comprehensive School Atlas, comprising 1854. - Ancient, Classical, and Sacred Atlas. Thirty-five Modern and Five Ancient Maps, with Consulting Index. Edited by W. Hughes, royal 4to. lialf bound. 1851. F.R.G.S. imp. Svo. 10s. 6d. 1859. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Introductory School Atlas, comprising Thomas & Co., Philadelphia. Eighteen Maps of the Principal Countries of Murphy, W. The Bible Atlas. 16mo. cloth. the World, with Consulting Index. By Is. Od. 1855. W. Hughes, F.R.G.S. imp. Svo. 58. 1859. – The Classical Atlas. 16mo. half bound. - School Classical Atlas, a Series of 3s. 6d. Oliver & Boyd. Twenty-one Maps. medium quarto. cloth. National Society's Atlases :- 5s. Od. 1857. - Student's Atlas. comprising Eighteen The School Atlas of Physical Geography, with Maps of Modern Geography, constructed from Explanatory Matter. In à vol. oblong 8vo. the most recent Authorities, and carefully cloth. Ss., or the Parts sold separately, as coloured. imp. 4to. cloth limp. 38. 6d. follows:-- - Young Scholar's Atlas, containing Twelve Part 1. Showing the Natural Features of the Maps of Modern Geography, full coloured, most important Countries. ls. intended as a First Class Book for Young » 2. Distribution of Atmospheric Tem Learners. imp. 4to. cloth limp. 2s. 60. perature. ls. — Shilling Atlas, containing Nine Maps of , 3. Botanical Geography. 1s. Modern Geography. imp. quarto. sewed. » 4. Meteorology and Terrestrial Mag - Library Atlas of Ancient and Modern netism. ls. Geography, a Series of 47 Maps, with copious 5. Varieties of the Human Race, Dis consulting Index. Edited by W. Hughes, tribution of Animals, Minerals, &c. F.R.G.S. imp. 4to. cloth, 15s. 1859 206 GEOGRAPHY AND ASTRONOMY, Philip & Son's Atlases-cont. | Cartes. Maps. 46 sheets (loose). Prepared - Cabinet Atlas of Modern Geography; a under the direction of A. Magin. Series of 34 Maps, with copious consulting Dezobry, Paris. Index, edited by W. Hughes. imp. 4to. cloth, Cortambert, E. Nouvel Atlas de Geographie. 10s. 6d. 1859. New Atlas of Modern Geography 40 Maps. -- Select Atlas of Modern Geography; a oblong imp. 4to. sewed. Hachette, Paris. Series of 24 Maps, with copious consulting Index, edited by W. Hughes. imp. 4to. cloth, 78. 6d. : 1859. Delitsch's, O., Elementaratlas der allgemeinen - Atlas for Beginners, comprising 24 Maps, Geographie. Delitsch's Elementary Atlas, constructed by J. Bartholomew, F.R.G.S. post without the marginal Illustrations. Svo. ls. 3d. 4to. cloth, 2s. 60. 1859. Leipsic, J. C. Hinrichs; Williams & Norgate. -- National School Atlas, 10 Maps, coloured. Hoffman, Orbis Terrarum Antiquus. School post 4to. sewed, ls. 2d. Atlas of the Ancient World. 12 Maps. 2nd - plain, post 4to. sewed, 8d. edition. obl. imp. 4to. sewed. Leipzig, 1953. Philip & Son. Kiepert, Dr. H. `Atlas Antiquus. Eight Map of the Ancient World, for Śchools and Col- Reid, A. Introductory Atlas of Modern Geo- leges. post folio, half bound. 6s. graphy. Maps coloured. 4to. 2s. 6d. 1855. Williams & Norgate, 1859. A School Atlas of Modern Geography. Menke, Th., LL.D. Orbis Antiqui Descrip- Maps coloured. 4to. 5s. Oliver & Boyd, 1855. tio, for the Use of Schools. royal Svo. half Russell, J. C. Atlas of Ancient Geography, bound. 5s. 1855. with an Index. Svo, half bound. 12s. J. Perthes, Gotha; Trübner & Co., London. Atlas of Modern Geography, with an Stein, Dr. C. E. D. Nuer Atlas der ganzen Erde Index. Svo. half bound. 12s. Cradock & Co. Atlas of the whole Earth. 25 Maps. 27th School Atlas of Classical and Modern Geo edition. fol, cloth. Hinrichs, Leipzig, 1854. graphy. Published under the Superintendence Vogel, Dr. C. Hülfsbuch zum Neuen Schul- of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful atlas. Help to a new School Atlas. 2nd edition. Knowledge. 25 Maps, with Index, post post Svo. boards. Hinrichs, Leipzig, 1843. folio. cloth. 12s. 6d. E. Stanford, 1857. - Kleiner Schul-Atlas der reinen Elemen- Scottish School-Book Association: targeographie. Elementary School Atlas. New General Atlas, containing 21 Maps. 6 Maps with illustrated borders. obl. imp. 4to. sewed. Henrichs, Leipzig, 1851. royal 4to. half bound, iOs. 6d. Selected Atlas, containing 11 Maps. royal - Kleiner Schulatlas der reinen Ele- 4to. half bound, 3s. 6d. mentargeographie, mit Randzeichnungen. Elementary School Atlas, with marginal W. Collins, late W. Whyte & Co., Edinburgh. Illustrations. 6 Maps drawn by Delitsch. imp. Sharpe, J. Corresponding Atlas, comprising Svo. sewed. 1s. 8d. 1855. Fifty-four Maps, with a copious Index." large Leipsic, J. C. Hinrichs; Williams & Norgate. . folio, half bound. 21. 2s, - Schulatlas der Neueren Erdkunde mit — Student's Atlas, comprising Twenty-six Randzeichnungen. New School Atlas of Geo- Maps, with a copious Index. small folio. half graphy, with Marginal Illustrations. 16 Maps, bound. il. ls. Chapman & Hall. obl, imp. 4to. sewed. Henrichs, Leipsic, 1851. Smith, Roswell C. Atlas of Ancient and - Schulatlas der neueren Erdkunde, mit • Modern Geography. royal 4to. half bound. Randzeichnungen. School Atlas of Modern (Presented by Board of Education New York.) Geography, with marginal Illustrations, for Burgess & Co., New York, 1854. advancing a scientific method of geographical Tate, Rev. J. First Classical Maps, with Chro- instruction. Sth edition. 16 plates. imp. Svo. nológical Tables of Grecian and Roman His sewed. 35. 6d. 1855. tory, &c. imp. Svo. 75. 6d. Bell & Daldy, 1856. Leipsic, J. C. Hinrichs; Williams & Norgate. -Netz-Atlas auf Wachspapier zum Kar- Unwin, Rev. W. J. Atlases. See Homerton tenzeichnen. Skeleton or Net Atlas on Oil College Atlases. Paper for Map Drawing. 7 plates, in paper Voight, F. An Atlas of Ancient Geography. case, imp. 4to. 2nd edition. royal 8vo. 45. 6d. Williams & Norgate, 1857. Leipsic, J. Henrichs. · White, J. An Elementary Atlas of Modern — 4th edition. ditto. 1s. 5d. 1856. · Geography. 4to. 28. 6d. Leipsic, J. C. Hinrichs; Williams & Norgate. for Schools. post 4to, half bound. 75. 6d. W. Whyte & Co. Atlas der Geheele Aarde. Atlas of the whole World. 24 Maps, with Geographical Observa- tions. obl. royal 4to. cloth. Ansart, F. Atlas Historique, Ancien et Modern. Scholtens, Groningen, 1852. folio. cloth. Hachette, Paris, 1847. Atlas, &c. especially adapted to the use - Atlas, Historique et Géographique. Atlas of the Dutch. 34 Maps. fol. half cloth. of Ancient and Modern History and Geography, * Oomkens, Groningen. 4to. half bound. Hachette & Co., Paris. Frijlink, H. Kleine School Atlas. Small Petit Atlas Historique et Géographique. School Atlas. 3rd edition. small 8vo. sewed. Small Ancient and Modern Geographical Atlas. Amsterdam, 1850. 8vo. half cloth. . Tetu & Co., Paris, 1849. ATLASES. ---MAPS, 207 - aj oj ti wonoio Comparative View of Principal Rivers in the | The Zones of the Earth, being a Series of World. On roller. 5s. 4d. Ten Sheets of Coloured Engravings, mounted Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. on cardboard, imp. 4to., and each accompanied with explanatory descriptions. 12mo. Com- plete in a portfolio, 16s. 6d. ; viz. :- and Views. In a Box. To accompany Geo- No. 1. Productions of the North Frigid Zone. graphy for Young Children. (Presented by , North Temperate Zone Part 1. 7. Grant, Esq.) Part 2. Kershaw & Son, 17, Wilderness Row. Part 3. Prints illustrative of the Phenomena of Part 4. Nature, with Descriptions. Nos. 1 to 30. Part 5. Torrid Zone. Part 1. each, plain, id., or coloured, 2d. (framed.) .." . Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Part 2 Part 3. - of Prophetic Sites. Nos. 1 to 30. each, South 'Temperate Zone. plain, id., or, coloured, 2d. (framed.) Each plate may be had separately, with De- Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. scription, price 1s. 6d. *** The beauties of Creation are graphically Range of Vegetation and the Snow Line, in all described in this work, and the coloured Latitudes, from 56° South to 71° North. In engravings are executed in so truthful and this picturesque diagram is presented a View effective a manner, as to convey a most of the Principal Mountains and High Lands of accurate idea of the objects intended to be the Globe, placed in order of Latitude, showing represented. Joseph, Myers, & Co. the Elevation of the Snow Line, and the beau- View of Nature in all Climates, from the tiful Arrangement of the Vegetable Creation, Equator to the Arctic Circle, illustrating the from the Sea Level upwards, in all Latitudes. astronomical and physical phenomena of the Compiled and drawn by E. Ravenstein, Geo- various regions of the globe, with the distribu- grapher. On a sheet, coloured, in wrapper, tion of animal and vegetable life in a horizontal is. 6d. on roller, varnished, 3s. J. Reynolds. direction. Showing also the cause of the dif- Reynolds' Diagrams of Physical Geography, ferent climates, the angle of the sun's rays in illustrating the Principal Phenomena of the all latitudes, the sun's declination throughout Earth, Air, and Waters. Six sheets, coloured; the year, temperature, length of day, &c. Six each 30 by 20 inches, in wrapper. 9s. feet in length, full coloured, with triangle and description. In wrapper, 4s. 6d.; on roller, var- - on roller, varnished. Size, 5 feet nished, 7s.6d. (Exhibited on canvas and frame.) by 5 feet. 16s. J. Reynolds. w in Ascending Regions. A comparative - Diagrams of Popular Geography. Exe and picturesque view of the mountains and cuted on royal 4to. Drawing Boards, full bigh lands of the earth, showing the distribu- coloured, with Descriptions. ls. each :-- tion of organic life in a vertical direction; 1. Geographical Diagram, moveable; show- together with all places remarkable for their elevation above the level of the sea. On a ing the Rotation of the Earth, &c. sheet, 3 feet by 2 feet full coloured, with 2. Physical Map of the World; showing the description, 4s. 6d. ; on roller, varnished, 6s. great Physical Features of the Globe. (exhibited on canvas and frame). J. Reynolds. 3. Mountains and Volcanoes ; a Picturesque View of their comparative Heights, &c. 4. Rivers and Lakes; a Panoramic Represen- MAPS. tation of their Extents. Ancient Jerusalem, and Sacred Places 5. Waterfalls; a Picturesque View of the coloured, size, 8 ft. 4 in. by 5 ft. 4 in., mounted Principal Waterfalls in the World. on canvas and roller, varnished; with a key on 6. Wind and Rain Maps; displaying the a sheet, 31. 38. Meteorological System of the Globe. Sampson Low, Son, & Co., 1859. Sa 7. Tidal Chart of the World, and Botanical Betts, J. Interrogatory Map of Europe, size, Map of the Distribution of Plants. 2 ft. 2 in. by 1 ft. 11 in., on roller and var- 8. Distribution of Animals, Birds, and Rep- nished, with a Book of Exercises on the Map. 18mo. 3s. 6d. tiles over the Globe. - Interrogatory Map of England and Wales, 9. Distribution of the Human Race; the ditto, 3s. 6d. John Betts. Density of Population, Religions, &c. Bidwell, O. B. Missionary Map of China. 10. Varieties of Mankind; showing their Cha Size, 7 ft. by 5 ft. Mounted on canvas and racteristic Features, &c. rollers, coloured and varnished. 11. 6s. 6d. 11. Physical Map of the British Isles, and the Missionary Map of India. Size, 6 ft. by surrounding Seas. .61 ft. Mounted on canvas and roller, co- loured and varnished. 1l. 35. 6d. 12. The Principal Buildings in the World, :W. H. Bidwell, New York; J. Steele, London. their heights and styles of Architecture. Black's Map of Europe, 3 ft. by 4 ft. 4in. .*** The Series of Twelve enclosed in an mounted on roller and varnished. 11. 5$. elegant Portfolio, 12s. - mounted on linen, in a case. 4to. J. Reynolds. 1 18s. A. & C. Black, 208 GEOGRAPHY AND ASTRONOMY. Brion's Relief Map of Brighton and its En- virons, based on the Ordnance Survey, and modelled from nature. Size, 23 in. by 19 in., in frame. 12s, 6d. E. Stanford, 1958. Relief Map of Jerusalem, modelled and drawn from the Works of Robinson, Bonomi, Keipert, &c. Size, 22 in. by 18 in., in rosewood frane. 12s.6d. E. Stanford. Chambers's Map of the World; varnished and mounted on roller. 5 ft. 2 in. by 4 ff. 6 in. ll. 3s. 6d. Map of Europe; varnished and mounted on roller. 5 ft. 2 in. by 4 ft. 6 in. 16s. 6d. Map of Palestine, varnished and mounted on roller. 5 ft. 2 in. by 4 ft. 6 in. 16s. 6d. Schoolroom Naps; size, 5 ft. 2 in. by 4 ft. 6in., mounted on spring rollers, in an oak case, price sl. 178., viz. :---World, Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Pales- tine, England, Scotland, Ireland. W.& R. Chainbers. Collins, H. G. Constructive Maps; being Outlines of the most important Maps in the College Atlas. 1st and 2nd Series. royal Svo. sewed. ls. 6d. each. - Railway and Pedestrian Atlas of Eng- land, folded to Svo. size. cloth limp. 2s. 60. Darton & Co. Colton's Wall Maps, coloured, mounted on canvas and roller, varnished :- - World, on Mercator's Projection. Drawn by D. G. Johnson. 6 ft. Sin. by 4 ft. 6 in. - United States of America and the British Provinces. 5 ft. by 4 ft. 5 in. - United States, including Canada and a large portion of Texas. Compiled. by J. C. Smith. 5 ft. 6 in. by 6 ft. 10 in. (Presented by the Board of Education, New York.) J. H. Colton, New York. Cookesley, Rev. W. G. Nap of Ancient Athens, with an Explanatory Index. post Svo. 5s. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) 1852. - Map of Ancient Rome, with an Explana- tory Index. post Svo. 5s. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford.) E. P. Williams, 1851. Cruchley's Map of the World (Globular Pro.. jection,) size, S ft. 6 in. by 4 ft. Gin. on canvas and rollers. 25s. Map of Europe, size, 7 ft. 1 in. by 5 ft. 6 in. on canvas and rollers. 25s. NIap of England and Wales, Historical and Geographical. size, 7 ft. 1 in. by 5 ft. on canvas and rollers. 215. G. F. Cruchley. Darton's Outline School Maps. Size, 20. in. by 16) in. 6d. cach map, viz. :-Eastern Hemi- sphere, Western Hemisphere, Europe, Asia, Āfrica, America, England, Scotland, Ireland. Or the set, mounted on canvas and roller, size, 4 ft. 4in. by 4 ft. 1 in. 10s. 6d. - Key Maps to the above. Od. each map, or the set mounted, 10s. 6d. Darton & Co. Dickie, G. A Series of Ten Diagrams of Maps of Physical Geography, designed by G. Dickie, Esq., and drawn by Mr. Tuffen West. Size, 2 ft. 5 in., by 3 ft. 5 in. :- 1. River Basins, &c. of North America. » » South America. Europe and Asia. 4. Map of Ocean Currents. » Currents of Air. Dickie, G. Diagrams of Maps-continued. 6. Rain Map of the World. 7. Temperature and Distribution of Plants, Latitude, &c. S. Snow Line and Zones of Vegetation on Mountains. 9. Temperature and Distribution of Ani- mals in Latitudes, &c. 10. Ethnological Map of the World. Science and Art Department (unpublished). Dissected Maps. (See Object Lessons, p. 146.) Ellis, H. Plan of the Mountains and Lakes of Switzerland and the neighbouring part of Italy; size, 2 ft. 11 in. by 2 ft. 3 in., in a mahogany frame. Contributed by Henry Ellis, Esq. - A Physical Map of the Righi Moun- tains, and neighbouring part of Switzerland, 3 ft. by 2 ft. 4 in., in a frame. With a Key Map to ditto, and a MS. Description. Contributed by Henry Ellis, Esq. Fraser's Map of Dublin and Suburbs, with Strect References; folded in wrapper, 12mo. 1s. (Presented by H. Cole, Esq.). McGlashan & Gill, 1859. Gover, E. Physical Map of the World, showing its various Features and Phenomena with the Regions of its most useful productions. Com- piled by E. Gover. Mounted on roller and varnished, size 6 ft. 2 in. by 4 ft. E. Gover. - Niap of Europe in the Sixth Century. By Ed. Gover. Mounted on roller and varnished, size 2 ſt. 8 in. by 2 ft. 6s. -- from the Seventh to the Ninth Century, and Saxon-England, Seventh Century. By Ed. Gover. Mounted on roller and varnished, size 2 ft. 8 in. by 2 ft. 6s. E. Gover. -Maps of Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia; showing the distribution of Animals. 4to. Mounted on boards. Is. 6d, each. E. Gover. - Map of Mountain Scenery of the Earth. Mounted on roller and varnished, size 3 ft. by 2 ft. 2 in. 58. 6d. E. Gover. Hughes, W. Educational Maps. Size, 21 in. by 17 in. This Series comprises Physical Map of E. Hemisphere. - W. Hemisphere. - Europe, coloured according to its Drainage." Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia and New Zealand, coloured according to Political Divisions. Physical Map of British Isles. England and Wales, with the Railways. Physical Map of Palestine, with Sections. Each 1s. on sheet, or 2s.6d. on roller and varnished. (Mounted on millboard.) Geological Map of the British Isles. On sheet 3s. 6d., or on roller, varnished, 4s. 6d. The World,stereographically projected on the Plane of the Horizon of London. On sheet, : 1s. 6d., or on roller, and varnished, 3s. 6d. - Outline Maps. Size 21 in. by 17 in. Exhibiting the Physical Features, but without Names, embracing E. Hemisphere, W. Hemis- phere, Europe, Asia, Africa, N. America, S. America, Australia, British Isles, England and Wales, and Palestine. On Drawing Paper, 6d, each, or 5s. per dozen. G. Philip & Son. aj cj ima MAPS. 209 Hughes, W. Blank Projections, containing | Macaulay, Z. Station Map of Railways of only the Parallels and Meridians, corre- Great Britain. Coloured. Size, 4 ft. 7 in. by sponding with the Series of Outline Maps. 6d. 3 ft., on canvas and black roller, varnished. each, or 5s. per dozen. the map edged with silk 34s. ; in sheets, W. Hughes, 13, Paternoster Row. coloured, 22s. ; plain, 185. James, Lieut.-Col. H. Geometrical Projection Groombridge & Sons. of Two-thirds of the Sphere, on 3 Sheets, Macaulay, Z. Metropolitan Railway Map. 3 ft. 4 in. by 2 ft. 3 in. 2s. each. (Presented by the Size, 22 in.by 16 in.; stretched on canvas and Author.) Ordnance Survey. frame, varnished, 6s. 6d. Johnston's Physical Map of the World. Siže 4 ft. 2 in. by 3ft. 6 in. (With Text Book.) Z. Macaulay, 101, Seymour Street, Euston Road. Mounted on canvass and roller, 10s., or Maclure & Co.'s Map of the Seat of War. varnished, 12s. Sheet No. 1, 1s. G. Stanford, 1859. Physical Map of Europe. Ditto. Maps, Dissected. See Object Lessons, page - Skeleton Map of the World, in 4 sheets. 146. Size 6 ft. by 4 ft. 4 in., with the Principal Rivers, Maps of the Society for Promoting Mountain Ranges, and Cities. Sheets, plain Christian Knowledge :- 12s., or mounted on canvass and roller, World in Hemispheres. Size, 6 ft. 6 in. by 3 ft. 1l. 2s.6d. 4in. On canvass and roller, varnished. 12s. - Chart of the World, on Mercator's Pro Eastern and Western Hemispheres. On a sheet. jection, containing the Name of every import 3d. ant Place on the Globe, Steam Packet Routes Europe. 5 ft. 3 in. by 4 ft. 4 in. On canvass and and Distances, Currents of the Ocean, Sound roller. 12s. ings, &c.; with an enlarged Map of Europe, Asia. 5 ft. 3 in. by 4. ft. 4in. On canvass and showing the Railways; separate Maps of the roller. 12s. Colonies of Britain, and Plans of Sea-Ports. Africa. 5 ft. 3 in. by 4 ft. 4 in. On canvass and Size 6 ft. by 4 ft. Sin. coloured and varnished, roller. 12s. on mahogany roller, or in a 4to. morocco case. America, North. 3 ft. 10 in. by 3 ft. 1 in. On. 31. 35. 1857. canvass and roller. 85. Johnston's Classical Maps. Size 4 ft. 2 in. by America, South. 3 ft. 10 in. by 3 ft. 1 in. On 3 ft. 6 in. Each, mounted on canvass and roller, canvass and roller. 88. coloured, 10s. or, varnished, 12s. Comprising, Australia. 5 ft. 3 in. by 4 ft. 4in. On canvass Orbis Veteribus Notus, Graccia Antiqua, Italia and roller. 12s. Antiqua, Asia Minor, and Orbis Romanus. England and Wales. 6 ft. 3 in. by 5 ft. 3 in. On canvass and roller. 14s. - School Maps. Size 4 ft. 2 in. by 3 ft. 6 in. England and Wales. 3 ft. 10 in. by 2 ft. 9 in. On Each, mounted on canvass and roller, coloured, canvass and roller. 6s. 10s., or varnished, 12s. First Set: E. Hemisphere, W. Hemisphere, Scotland. 3 ft. 10 in. by 2 ft. 9 in. On canvass and roller. 6s. Europe, Asia, Africa, America, England, Ireland. 3 ft. 10 in. by 2 ft. 9 in. On canvass Scotland, Ireland, Palestine. and roller. Os. Second Set : France, Spain, and Portugal, British Islands. 2 ft. 3 in. by 2 ft. 9 in. Coloured, Central Europe, Italy, India, World on on canvass and roller. 2s. Sd. Mercator's Projection, and Canada. - Outline. On sheet. 3d. - School and Family Maps. Size 33 in. by -- Physical Map. On sheet. 15. 37 in. On canvass and roller, 5s., or varnished - General Map. On sheet. ls. 6s. each. Comprising E. Hemisphere, W. - Blank. On sheet. 8d. Hemisphere, Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Countries mentioned in the Old Testament. On England, Scotland, Ireland, and Palestine. canvass and roller, varnished. Ss. - Map of the World, on Mercator's Projec- Countries mentioned in the New Testament. On tion. Size, 33 in. by 37 in. On canvass and canvass and roller, varnished. Ss. roller, 5s., or varnished, 6s. Journey of the Israelites from Egypt to Canaan, — Map of the United States of America and On canvass and roller. 35. Canada. Size, 33 in. by 37 in. On canvass and St. Paul's Travels. On canvass and roller. 5s. 4d. roller, 5s., or varnished, 6s. Jerusalem and the adjacent Country. On a sheet. - Map, Illustrative of Geographical Terms. ls. By J. R. Jackson, Esq. (with a Handbook). On Holy Land, No. 1, before the Conquest. 2 ft. canvas and roller, 5s., or varnished, 6s. Size, 4in. by i ft. 10 in. On canvass and roller. 33 in. by 37in. W. & A. K. Johnston. 2s. 8d. Kentish, T. Emblematical and Statistical - No. 2, divided amongthe Tribes. Ditto. Map of England and Wales. Coloured and On canvass and roller. 25. 8d. mounted. On canvass, with roller; and a - No. 3, for the New Testament. Ditto. Companion to ditto. 12mo. Ss. 6d. On canvass and roller. 25. 3d. Relfe, Brothers. | Land of the Gentiles, Holy Land, and Plan of Kiepert, Dr. H. School Wall Map of Palestine. Jerusalem. Coloured. 12mo., in cloth case. 6d. 6 ft. by 4 ft. 2 in. On 8 sheets, coloured. Ss.; Holy Land (Outline). On a sheet. 3d. mounted on canvass and roller, 18s. Holy Land and Plan of Jerusalem. On card. id. Williams & Norgate. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 210 GEOGRAPHY AND ASTRONOMY. Maps of thc Society for Promoting | National Society's Maps-cont. Christian Knowledge-cont. The British Dominions on a Uniforın Scale. Maps (Educational) for Use of Schoolmasters, 8d. comprising 17 Maps illustrative of Mathe Geographical Illustrations of British History, matical and Physical, and Historical Geo- No. 1., in Thirteen small Maps, showing the graphy. In 1 vol. imp. 4to. half bound, cut Political Divisions of the British Islands at Aush. Ss. successive Periods, and of France as con- Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. nected with British History. Sd. Maps of Ancient Geography. Palestine in the Geographical Illustrations of British History. time of Our Saviour, Land of Canaan as No. II., in Two Maps: 1. Roman Britain. divided among the Tribes of Israel, Journey- 2. Saxon England in the Seventh Century. Sd. ings and Encampments of the Israelites from Illustrations of the Ecclesiastical Geography of Egypt to Canaan, Voyages and Travels of the British Empire. 8d. National Society. St. Paul, Jerusalem with its Environs. On Pelton's Wall Maps, coloured, mounted on separate sheets. Imperial size, plain, ls.; canvas and roller, varnished:- coloured, ls. 4d.; or, on canvass and roller, Eastern Hemisphere, Political and Physical. varnished, 5s. Sunday School Union. 6 ft. 6 in. by 6 ft. 9 in. Illustrative of Scripture History. Svo. Western Hemisphere. ditto. 1855. 3s. (Presented by Rev. Dr. Goodford. - Outline Maps :- E. P. Williams. Europe. 5 ft. 6 in, by 6 ft. 9 in. 1852. Map of London, Westminster, and Southwark Asia, with Palestine. 5 ft. 6 in. by 6 ft. 7 in. (about 1500), printed on a large Sheet, and 1852. folded to form a Volume, folio size; with an South America, with Africa. 5 ft. 6 in. by Historical and Topographical Description. By 6 ft. 9 in. . 1852. W. Newton, Esq. 11. 11s. 6d. (in a frame). United States, British Provinces, &c. 6 ft. Bell & Daldy, 1855. 6 in. by 6 ft. 9 in. 1853. Map of the Ancient Cities of London and West- (Presented by the Board of Education, New York.) ninster in the early part of the reign of Queen Sower & Barnes, Philadelphia. Elizabeth. Size, 6 ft. 5 in. by 3 ft. 3 in. Philip's Series of Large School-room Maps. mounted on canvas and varnished, edged Size, 5 ft. S in. by 4 ft. Gin., with the Physical with silk. Features boldly and distinctly delineated, and Taperell and Innes, 2, Winchester Buildings, the Political Boundaries carefully coloured. Old Broad Street, 1879. Constructed by William Hughes, F.R.G.S. Mitchell's Series. Outline Maps, for the Price of each Map, mounted on rollers and Use of Academies and Schools, iñounted on varnished, 16s. :- canvas. atlas folio. The World, in Hemispheres. Presented by the Board of Education, New York. Europe. Murphy, W. Maps of the Holy Land, with Asia. Historical Description. 8vo. 6d. Oliver & Boyd. Africa. Murphy, W. Map of the Journeys of Our Lord N. Ainerica. Jesus Christ. 16mo. 2d. Oliver & Boyd. S. America. National Society's Maps: Australia. British Isles. ll. ls. Map of the British Isles, with the Names of England and Wales. Towns and Political Divisions, tinted in Scotland. Green; coloured according to Counties; Ireland. 5 feet by 4 feet; mounted on canvass and Philip & Son. roller, varnished, 18s. Philip's Series of Maps. Size, 13 in. by 11 in. Maps illustrating British Geography. Size, Price, ld. each plain, or 2d. coloured. Engraved 18 in. by 13 in. ; with Preface, &c., forming in the best Style, and with all the recent a volume, price 7s.; or, the Maps separately, Discoveries. as follows: Modern SERIES. Physical Map of the British Isles and surround 1. Western Hemisphere. ing Seas. “8d. 2. Eastern Hemisphere. Physical Map of England and Wales. Sd. 3. World on Mercator's Projection,-double Map showing the Distribution of the Chief Map. Mineral Productions of England, Wales, and 4. Arctic Regions-double Map. Scotland. Sd. 5. Europe. Illustrations of the Meteorology of the British 6. British Isles. Islands, in Two Maps ; 1. Map showing the 7. England and Wales. Distribution of Temperature in the British 8. Scotland. Isles and the Neighbouring Countries: 2. 9. Ireland. Hyetographic (or Rain) Map of the British 10. France, in Provinces. Isles and the Neighbouring Countries. Sd. 11. France, in Departments. Political Map of England Wales. 8d. 12. Belgium. Illustrations of the Statistics of the British 13. Holland. Islands, in Two Maps : 1. Map showing the 14. Prussia. Distribution of the Population of the British 15. Poland. Isles: 2. Map Showing the Distribution of 16. Sweden, Denmark & Norway. the Chief Occupations of the People of the 17. Denmark. British Isles. $d. 18. Russia in Europe. MAPS. Philip's Series of Maps-cont. 1.9. Germany. 20. Austria. 21. Switzerland. 22. Spain and Portugal. 23. Italy. 24. Turkey in Europe, and Greece. 25. Asia. 26. Turkey in Asia. 27. Russia in Asia. 28. Persia and Cabool. 29. Hindostan. 30. China. 31. East India Isles and Australasia. 32. New South Wales. 33. Tasmania, or Van Diemen's Land. 34. New Zealand. 35. Africa. 36. Egypt and Arabia Petræa. 37. America. 38. North America. 39. United States. · 40. Canada. 41. Central America. 42. West Indies. 43. South America. ANCIENT SERIES. 44. Palestine. 45. Orbis Veteribus Notus. 46. Orbis Romani pars Occidentalis. 47. Orbis Romani pars Orientalis. 48. Græcia Antiqua. 49. Table of the comparative Heights of Moun- tains. 50. Ditto Lengths of Rivers. *** Forming 1 Vol. imp. 4to. cloth limp, the Maps plain, price 5s., or coloured, 9s. 6d. Philip & Son. Philip's New Series of 26 Outline Maps; size, 161 in. by 13 in., 3d. each; or in 2 Parts in wrapper, 3s. each. New Series of 26 Blank Projections; size, 164 in. by 13 in., 3d. each, or in ž Parts in wrapper, 3s. each. - National Series of Outline Maps. 1st Series, containing 12 Maps. post 4to. sewed, Is. G. Philip & Son. Relfe's Outline Maps, in which the Moun- tains and Rivers are clearly laid down. Size, 2 ft. 2 in. by 2 ft. 10 in., comprising Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Eastern Hemisphere, Western Hemisphere, England, Ireland, Scot- land. Price Is. 3d. plain, or is. 6d. coloured. In a volume, half bound. - Size, 21 in. by 15 in. Price, 1s. each plain, or 1s. 3d. coloured. In a volume, half bound. *** Projections, in which only the Parallels of Latitude and Longitude are given, and Reynolds' School-room Maps---cont. Volcanoes, Earthquake Regions, and Coral Reefs. (on canvas framed.) River Systems, Marine Currents, and Co- Tidal Lines. (on canvas framed). Map of Climates. (on canvas framed.) Astronomical Geography, on roller. Botanical Map, showing the Geographical Distribution of Plants; on roller. Zoological Map, showing the Geographical Distribution of the most important Ani- mals; on roller. -- Outline Chart of the World, on Merca- tor's Projection; size, 54 in. by 36 in. Price 3s. 6d., or mounted on roller, 6s. 6d. James Reynolds. Saunders, T. Maps, stretched on canvas and frame, and varnished, viz. :- Africa, West Coast of; comprising Guinea, &c. By J. Arrowsmith. 3ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. 6 in. America, Central, &c. By J. Baily, Esq., R.MI. 3 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. 6 in. Australia, by J. Arrowsmith. 1850. size, 3 ft. 2 in. by 2 ft. 6 in. - South; showing the Division into Counties. 2 ft. 4 in. by 2 ft. - Western. 2 ft. 2 in. by 2 ft. Bermuda, or Somers Islands. 3ft. by 2 ft. 6 in. (Laurie.) Gibraltar. By Capt. W. H. Smyth, R.N. 2 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. Ionian Isles and Malta. 2 ft. 3 in. by 2 ft. Isle of France, or Mauritius. 2ft. 4 in. by 22 in.. Island of Trinidad. By Capt. E. H. Columbine, R.N. 1803. 2 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. Maltese Islands. By Capt. W. H. Smyth, R.N. 2 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. Melbourne and Geelong. By Thos. Ham, 1849. 3 ft. 7 in. by 2 ft. 6 in. New South Wales, and Australia Felix. By A. K. Johnston. 2 ft. 3 in. by 2 ft. New Zealand. 2 ft. 4 in. by 2 ft. St. Helena. By J. Barnes, Esq. 1816. 2 ft. 6 in.. by 2 ft. Sychelle Islands. By Capt. W. F. W. Owen.. 1923. 2 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. South-east Peninsula and Malaysia. 2 ft. 3 in... by 2 ft. Upper and Lower Canada. 3 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft.. 6 in. Van Diemen's Land. By G. Frankland. 4 ft. 6 in. by 3 ft. West Indies and Gulf of Mexico, &c. 6 ft. 6 in. by 4 ft. 6 in. E. Stanford, late Trelawney Saunders. Scott, W. R. School Map of the Physical Geu- graphy of the World. Size, 5 ft. 6 in. by 3 ft. sin. Coloured, on canvass and roller, 11.5s. ; in sheets, 12s. 6d. ; or, in sheets, plain, Longman & Co., 1849 Smith & Son's School Maps, published under the direction of the Irish Commissioners on Education, viz.:- The World on the Globular Projection. 6 ft. 8 in. by 3 ft. 6 in. In Sheets, 14s.; on rollers, 21s. The World on Mercator's Projection. 8 ft. 6 in. by 5 ft. 8 in. In sheets, 208.; on rollers, 30s. UN Ss. - Size, 15 in. by 12 in. 6d. plain, or Sd. coloured ; and the Professions corresponding, price 6d. each, In a volume, half bound, limp. Relle, Brothers. Reynolds' School-room Maps of Physical Geography, prepared by Mr. E. G. Ravenstein, F.R.G.S. Size, 4 ft. 6 in. by 3 ft. coloured, and mounted on canvas and roller, 8s. each :- Mountain Chains, Table Lands, Low Lands, &c. (on canvas framed). O2 212. GEOGRAPHY AND ASTRONOMY. Smith & Son's School Maps-cont. Europe. 5 ft. 8 in. by 4 ft. 4 in. In sheets, 10s. 60.; on rollers, 16s. Asia. 5 ft. 8 in. by 4 ft. 4 in. In sheets, 10s. 6d. ; on rollers, 16s. Africa. 4 ft. 4 in. by 5 ft. 8 in. In sheets, 10s. 6d.; on rollers, 165. America. 4 ft. 4 in. by 5 ft. Sin. In sheets, 10s. 6d.; on rollers, 16s. England. '4 ft. 4 in. by 5 ft. 8 in. In sheets, 10s. 6d.; on rollers, ios. Scotland. 4 ft. 4 in. by 5 ft. 8 in. In sheets, 10s. 6d.; on rollers, 16s. Ireland. 4 ft. 4 in. by 5 ft. S in. In sheets, · Jos. Od.; on rollers, 16s. Ancient or Scripture World. 5 ft. 8 in. by 4 ft. 4 in. In sheets, 10s. 6d.; on rollers, 16s. Palestine. 4 ft. 4 in. by 5 ft. S in. In sheets, 10s. 6d.; on rollers, ios. India. 4 ft. 4 in. by 5 ft. 8 in. In sheets, 10s. 6d.; on rollers, 16s. Australia. 5 ft. 8 in. by 4 ft. 4 in. In sheets, 10s. 6d.; on rollers, 16s. Pacific Ocean. 5 ft. Sin. by 4 ft. 4 in. In sheets, Os. 60.; on rollers, 16s. United States. 5 ft. 8 in. by 4 ft. 4 in. In sheets, 10s. 6d.; on rollers, 16s. Canada. 5 ft. 8 in. by 4 ft. 4 in. In sheets, 10s. 60.; on rollers, 16s.. British Isles. 7ft. by 8 ft. In sheets, 20s.; on rollers, 30s. British Isles. 4 ft. 4in. by 5 ft. 8 in. In sheets, 10s. 6d.; on rollers, 16s. Geological British Isles. 4 ft. 4 in. by 5 ft. 8 in. In sheets, 15s.; on rollers, 21s. Outline World, on Mercator's Projection. 8 ft. 6 in. by 5 ft. 8 in. In sheets, 18s.; on rollers, 25s. Smith & Son, 172, Strand. Smith & Son's Ancient Maps, in continua- tion of the preceding series. Orbis Veteribus Notus. 5 ft. 8 in. by 4ſt. 4in. In sheets, 10s. 6d.; on rollers, 16s. Italia Antiqua, with Plan of Rome. 5 ft. Sin. by 4 ft. 4 in. In sheets, 10s. 6d.; on rollers, 16s. Græcia Antiqua, with Plan of Athens. 5 ft. 8 in. by 4 ft. 4 in. In sheets, 10s. 6d.; on rollers, 16s. Asia Minor, or Antiqua. 4 ft. 4 in. by 2 ft. 10 in. In sheets, 6s.; on rollers, 10s. Terra Sancta, combining the Old and New · Testaments. 2 ft. 10 in. by 4 ft. 4 in. In sheets, 6s. ; on rollers, 10s. Land of Canaan prior to its Conquest by the Israelites. 2 ft. 2 in. by 2 ft. 10 in. In sheets, 3s. : on rollers, 6s. Land of Promise after its Conquest by the Israelites. 2 ft. 2 in. by 2 ft. 10 in. In sheets, 3s.; on rollers, 6s. Palestine, or the Holy Land, in the Time of the New Testament. 2 ft. 2 in. by 2 ft. 10 in. In sheets, 3s. ; on rollers, 6s. Plan of Jerusalem. 2 ft. 2 in. by 2 ft. 10 in. In sheets, 3s.; on rollers, 6s. Smith & Son, 172, Strand. Stanford's Library Map of Europe. Size, 65 in. by 58; scale, 50 miles to an inch. Full coloured, and mounted to fold in cloth case, 31.; in morocco case, 31. 13s. 6d.; on rollers, varnished, 31.; on spring roller, 61. - Map of India, based on the Surveys executed by Order of the East India Company, Special Maps of the Surveyor-General, and other Authorities, showing the latest territorial acquisitions of the British Empire, and the Independent and Protected States, Railways, Canals, &c. Size, 5 ft. 2 in. by 4 ft. 2 in. Mounted on canvass and roller, varnished. 17. lls. 6d., in a Case, 1l. 55. E. Stanford, 1857. - Relief Map of the Isle of Wight. Co- loured geologically, in frame, 15s. - Map of North Italy. On a sheet, 2 ft. by 2 ft. 4 in. 4s. 6d. E. Stanford, 1859. Stanford's Outline Maps, with the Coasts, Rivers, and Boundaries, leaving the Names to be filled in by the Pupil. Size, 17 in. by 14 in. 6d. cach. (In a volume, cloth limp) as fol- lows:-- World in Heinispheres, West. in Hemispheres, East. - Mercator's Projection, West. - - Mercator's Projection, East. on the Cubical Projection, on 6 sheets:- 1. Africa and South Europe. II. Middle America. III. Polynesia. IV. South Asia. V. North Pole. VI. South Pole. Europe. British Isles. England. Scotland. Ireland. France. Netherlands. Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. Switzerland. Germany, South, and Switzerland. Italy, North. Italy Central. Italy, South, and Sicily. Spain and Portugal. Russia. Turkey, North. Turkish Enipire. Greece, North. Greece, South. Asia. Asia Minor. Persia. India. China. Palestine. Africa. Egypt. America, North. Canada and the United States. America, South. West India Islands. Australia. New Zealand. E. Stanford. MAPS. 213 Stanford's Map of Delhi and its Environs, from , Training School Hand Maps-cont. accurate Surveys, on a sheet, coloured. Size, Asia. 20 in. by 15 in.' is. E. Stanford, 1857. 1. Blank Projection, for Map Drawing. 3d. Specimens of Map Drawing. In a portfolio. II. Hydrographical and Topographical Map, (Wesleyan Education Committec.) representing the river system, with the Sydow's Wall Maps of Physical Geography. names of the rivers and of important The originals with English names, viz. :- places. 4d. - Europe. 5 ft. by 4 ft. 2 in., on 9 sheets, 111. Physical Map, exbibiting, by appropriate Ss., or mounted on Carīvass and roller, 13s. 6d. colouring and suitable designations, the Williams & Norgate. physical features of the country in minute - Asia. 5 ft. by 4 ft. 2 in.; on 9 sheets, detail, with names of places. Coloured, 75. 6d., or mounted on convass and roller, 13s. 6d. Williams & Norgate. IV. Political Map, containing the river systein, - Africa. 3 ft. 8 in. by 4 ft. 2 in.; on 6 mountains, political divisions, and names. Sheets, 6s., or mounted on canvass and roller, of principal places. coloured, 6d. 10s. 6d. Williams & Norgate. (Congregational Board of Education.) Ward & Co. - North America. 3 ft. 8 in. by 3 ft. 4 in. - South America. 3 ft. 5 in. by 2 ft. 7 in. Van de Velde, C. W. M. Map of the Holy The 2 Maps on 10 Sheets, 7s. 6d., or mounted Land. 4 ft. 4in. by 2 ft. 11 in. On canvas and on canvass and rollers, 14:. roller, varnished. il. 6s. - Australia and Polynesia, 4 ft. 4 in. by - Memoir to accompany the above. See 3ft. 7 in. On sheets, Ss.; mounted on canvas Geography, page 201. Williams & Norgate. and roller, 13s. 6d. Varty's Large Physical Map of the World, - The World in Planispheres, with the Stereographic Projection, with the Currents Ocean Currents. Size 5 ft. 4 in. by 4 ft. 6 in., of the Atlantic, Indian, and Great or Pacific mounted on canvass and roller, 138. 6d. Oceans, &c. &c. Size, 5 ft. 6 in. by 5 ft. -- Handbook to the Maps. See Geography, Mounted on cloth and roller, coloured, 215.; page 201. Williams & Norgate. varnished, 28s. Training School Hand Maps, 174 in. by Large Physical Map of Europe, 4 sheets, 13 in. This Series of Maps is projected on a atlas, coloured. Size 5 ft. by 4ſt. 2 in., exhibiting scale sufficiently large to admit of detail, its physical features, comprehending its Moun- without overcrowding. The important fea tain Ranges, Table Lands, Plains, Steppes and tures of each country are exhibited separately, Valleys, Seas, Rivers, &c.; also Lines denoting and the greatest care has been taken to ensure the polar limit of the growth of the principal accuracy and clearness of delineation. (In a Vegetable Productons, &c. Mounted on cloth portfolio):-- and rollers, 188. ; varnished, 24s. The World. Varty, 3, Adelaide Street. 1. Blank Projection, for Map Drawing. 3d. - Educational Map of Europe. Size 2 ft. 10 in. by 2 ft. 2 in. In sheets, 3s. ; or, II. Physical Map, with names and diagrams, mounted on canvass and roller, 6s. illustrative of the Map of the World. Varty, 3, Adelaide Street. Plain, 4d.; coloured, 6d. - Outline Map of Europe. Size 2 ft. 10 in. III. Political Map. by 2 ft. 2 in. In sheets, 2s.; mounted on can- EUROPE. vass and roller, 5s. Varty, 3, Adelaide Street. I. Blank Projection, for Map Drawing. 3d. - Map of St. Paul's Voyages and Travels. Size 2 ſt. 10 in. by 2 ſt. 2 in. In sheets, 3s. ; or, II. Hydrographical Map, exhibiting the rivers, with indications of the principal places. mounted on canvass and roller, 6s. 3d. This map will serve for historical Varty, 3, Adelaide Street. maps, as they may be coloured to repre- - Map of Palestine, in Three Periods, sent the principal epochs of European Heathen, Jewish, Roman. Size 2 ft. 10 in. history, and the names of places current by 2 ft. 2 in. Sheets, coloured, separately, 3s. at the period inserted. each; mounted together on canvass and roller, III. Hydrographical and Topographical Map, re- 15s., or, varnished, 18s. presenting the river system, with the Varty, 3, Adelaide Street. names of the rivers and of important Wyld's Maps:- places. 4d. Wall Map of the World. For the Use of Schools IV. Physical Map, exhibiting, by appropriate and Nurseries, with Statistical Tables. In a colouring and suitable designations, the bold style. In 6 sheets, 3 ft. 8 in. 6 ft. 6 in. physical features of the country in minute Mounted on roller, and varnished. 16s. detail, with names of places. Coloured, 6d. World on Mercator's Projection. Very beau- V. Political Map, containing the river system, tifully engraved, and neatly coloured. This mountains, political divisions, and names Map has been compiled with great care, and of principal places. Coloured, 6d. it contains every discovery to this time. On Sketch of Europe. By E. Von Sydow. 3d. a large sheet, 3 ft. 2 in. by 2 ft. 2 in. ll. 1s. 214 GEOGRAPHY AND ASTRONOMY. Wyld's Maps-cont. Selle. Europa, &c. School Map of Europe and Europe. A new Map, drawn from the latest South Eastern Asia. On a sheet, 4ft. by 4 ft. 6 in. Documents, describing its Political Divisions, - Schulkarte von Palästina. School Map Cities, and principal Towns. In 4 sheets, of Palestine. On a sheet, 3 ft. 2 in, by 2 ſt. 6 in. 4 ft. 7 in. by 3 ft. 6 in. In sheets, 6s.; on rollers, - Westliche u. Oestliche Halbkugel. Map 10s.; varnished, 14s. of E. & W. Hemispheres. On a sheet, 3 ft. 6in. Asia. A new Map, exhibiting its Political by 5 ft. 9 in. Divisions, carefully drawn from the best Vogel, Dr. Mural Map of Europe. 55 in. by Authorities. In 4 sheets, 4 ft. 7 in. by 3 ft. 6 in. 61 in. On black oil-cloth, on roller, 19s.; on In sheets, 6s.; on rollers, 10s.; varnished, 14s. blue oil-cloth, on roller, 21s. Africa. A new Map, constructed from the Leipsic, J. C. Hinrichs; Williams & Norgate. most recent Travels, and other authentic Vogel & Delitsch. Mural-Net of Europe. sources. In 4 sheets, 4ft. 7 in. by 3 ft. 6 in. In 56 in. by 53. On roller. 10s. sheets, 6s.; on rollers, 10s.; varnished, 14s. Leipsic, J. C. Hinrichs; Williams & Norgate. America. A new Map, describing its Political Mural-Net of Central Europe (Germany, Divisions, and containing all the recent Dis Prussia, Poland, Switzerland, and Austrian coveries in the Arctic Regions. In 4 sheets, Empire). 57 in. by 56 in. On roller. 11s. 6d. 4 ft. 7 in. by 3 ft. 6in. In sheets, 6s.; on rollers, Leipsic, J. C. Hinrichs; Williams & Norgate. 10s.; varnished, 14s. Ziegler, J. M. Wandkarte der Schweitz. Wall England & Wales. A new Map, drawn from Map of Switzerland. Size, 6 ft. 2 in. by 4 ft. 2 in. the Triangulation of the Ordnance Survey, and on canvas and roller, varnished. 15s. other sources of information, describing its Williams & Norgate, 1859. Physical Features, Cities, and Market Towns. In 4 sheets, 4 ft. 7 in. by 3 ft. 6 in. In sheets, 6s.; on rollers, 10s. ; varoished, 14s. Best. Kaart van Europa. Ten gebruike bij het Scotland. A new Map, drawn from Topogra onderwijs in de Aardijks kunde. Map of phical Surveys, describing its Physical Fea Europe for use in Instruction in the Physical tures, Cities, and Market Towns. In 4 sheets, Character of its Surface, especially for Schools 4 ft. 7 in. by 3 ft. 6 in. In sheets, 6s.; on rollers, and Gymnasia. 5 ft. 6 in. by 6 ft. 3 in. On 10s.; varnished, 14s. roller. Noothoven van Goor, Leyden. Ireland. A new Map, reduced from the Ord Daenemark und die Herzogthümer. Map of nance Surveys, describing its Cities, Market Denmark and the Duchies. 4 sheets in 1; Towns, &c. In 4 sheets, 4 ft. 7 in. by 3 ft. 6in. size, 5 ft. 5 in. by 2 ft. 11 in. Selle & Pauly. In sheets, 6s.; on rollers, 10s.; varnished, 14s. Jaeger, J. Kaart van Europa ingerigt voor James Wyld. den Handel en het Onderwijs, &c. Map of Europe, adapted for the purpose of Education. Aargau, Wandkarte des Cantonis. Map of Drawn and engraved according to the latest Aargau, for Schools. 1857. Political Divisions. Dedicated to the Dutch Berger-Walter's Relief Maps, in Frames Educational Association. Size, 5 ft. 8 in. by 6 ft. 1 in. On roller. Oomkens, Groningen. and varnished, viz. :--- Europe, 2 ft. 2in. by 1 ft. 9 in. 12s. Maps as used in the Austrian State Schools. France and Belgium, 2 ft. 2 in. by 2 ft. 12s. On sheets; size, 24 in. by 19 in. Germany and Holland, ditto. 12s. World in Hemispheres. Great Britain and Ireland, ditto. 12s. Austrian Empire. Italy, ditto. 12s. German Union States. Ottoman Empire, ditto. lls. (Presented by the Austrian Government.) Russia and Europe, ditto. 12s. Puls, H. E. Kaart van het Koningrijk der Spain and Portugal, 2 ft. 2 in. by 1 ft. 7 in. 11s. Nederlanden en het Groot Hertogdom Luxem- Switzerland, ditto. 185. burg. Map of the Kingdom of the Nether- United States of North America, 2 ft. 2 in. lands and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. by 1 ft. 8 in. 12s. Approved by the Dutch Educational Associa- Exhibited by Berger-Walter, Paris. tion. 6 ft. 2 in, by 5 ft. 10 in. On roller. Bauerkeller. Hemisphere de l'Est, on Circular! Oomkens, Groningen. Board, in Relief. 10s. Berger-Walter. - Wereld Halfrond vervaardigd door Oss- Europe dressée sous le direction de MM. telijk. Eastern Hemisphere, designed by Achille Meissas et Michelot, par P. Bineteau, · H. E. Puls. Approved by the Dutch Educa- Size, 5 ft. 7 in. by 7 ft. 1 in., on canvas and tional Association. 4 ft. 10 in. by 4 ft. 1 in. roller. (Presented by H. M. Commissioners of On roller. Oomkens, Groningen. Exhibition, 1851.) Hachette & Co. - Wereld Halfrond vervaardigd door Europe, in Relief. 2 ft. 2 in. by 1 ft. 9 in., in Westelijk. Western Hemisphere, designed by frame.' 12s. Berger-Walter. H, E. Puls. Approved by the Dutch Educa- Keller. Europa, &c. Map of Europe. For tional Association. 4 ft. 10 in. by 4 ft. 1 in. hanging in Schools. On canvass, folded, 4 ft. On roller. Oomkens, Groningen. by 4 ft. 8 in. Zürich, 1848. Zuidema, E. R. School-Kaart van de Pro- Wandkarte der Schweiz. Map of Swit- vincie Groningen Geteekend. School Map zerland for hanging in Schools. 5th edition. of the Province of Groningen. Drawn by E. On canvass, folded, 4 ft. by 6 ft. Zurich, 1850. R. Zuidema, and approved by the Educational Schneiter, J. D. Relief Karte der Schweiz. Commission in the Province. 5 ft. 1. in. by Relief Map of Switzerland. 25 in. by 18 in. 5 ft. 4 in. On roller. Oomkens, Groningen. in black frame. Bern, 1851. GLOBES. 215 THE GLOBES. Butler, W. Exercises on the Globes, inter- spersed with some Historical, Biographical, Chronological, Mythological, and Miscella- neous Information, &c. 5th edition. 12mo. bound. J. Mawman, London, 1811. Fenning, D. New and Easy Guide to the Use of the Globes, and the Elements of Geography. 9th edition. 12mo. bound. J. Johnson, London, 1809. Field, Rev. W. An Introduction to the Use of the Globes, with Questions for Examination. 5th edition. 12mo. bound. J. Johnson, London, 1815. - A new edition, revised by G. Eaton. 18mo. bound. 25. 6d. Allman & Son, 1851. Greig, J. Introduction to the Use of the Globes. 3rd edition. small 12mo. bound. Baldwin, Cradock, & Joy, 1816. Hardcastle, W. Eleven Hundred Questions on the Use of the Globes. 12mo. 35. 6d. -- Key to. 12mo. 75 Relfe, Brothers. Keith, T. A New Treatise on the Use of the Globes. 4th edition. 12mo. bound. Longman & Co., 1815. -- 12mo. bound. 6s. 6d. 1855. a Key to. By J. Middleton. 12mo. 2s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1854. - a Key to. By C. Vines. 12mo. 4.s. Simpkin & Co. - By T. Atkinson, M.A. (Scott's Series.) 12mo. stiffened paper cover. Is. : E. Law, 1858. Linnington, R. T. A Companion to the Globes, comprising an Astronomical Intro- duction, &c. 3rd edition. 12mo. bound. Whittaker & Co., 1829. Molineux, T. A Concise Introduction to the Knowledge of the Globes. 5th edition. 12mo. bound. | W. Loundes, London, 1809. 7th edition. 12.10. bound. G. & W. B. Whittaker, 1821. Newton, W. The Use of the Globes, with a Familiar Introduction to the Science of Astro- nomy, illustrated by numerous Diagrams, 12mo. cloth. Is. 6d. : Newton & Co. Pinnock, W. H. A Familiar and Practical Treatise on the Use of the Globes, &c. 12mo. cloth. 38. James Wyld. Thackwray, W. A Practical Treatise on the Use of the Globes. 12mo. bound. T. Boosey, London, 1810. | Betts, J. Patent Portable Globe. This Globe consists of a framework of steel wire, covered with cloth made expressly for the purpose, on which is printed a Map of the World, and can be expanded or collapsed immediately, in a similar manner to an umbrella. Price, with a box in which it may be deposited when not in use, 12s. 6d.; or on patent leather cloth, which may be washed when dirty, 15s. Cast Iron Stand for above, 4s. 6d. John Betts. Globes. A Small Wooden Blank Globe, with Geographical Lines to be drawn on. (Pre- sented by H. Grant, Esq.) (Not published.) Globes, at 4d., 71d., 1s., and is. 9d. each. Earth and Inhabitants. 4 d. each. (Wholesale price.) A. Davis & Co. Globes, 16 inches diameter, on polished blackwood frames, celestial £ s. d. and terrestrial, each - - 1 17 6 Horne & Thornthwaite. Globes, Pair of 25-inch, in carved £ s. d. mahogany Queen's pattern frames, all the recent discoveries on the terrestrial, and the stars and nebulæ on the celestial, calulated for 1860 - 36 150 Globe, Terrestrial, 25-inch School, chair-high - - - - 10 10 0 Pair of 20-inch Globes, in Spanish mahogany carved tripod frames - 18 18 0 Pair of 20-inch School Globes, in black stained wood frames for the table - 8 10 0 Pair of 15-inch Globes, best, carved walnut pillar and claw frames - 10 10 0 Terrestrial 15-inch School Globe, in chair high pillar and claw frame - 3 50 Pair of 15-inch Reference Globes, mounted on mahogany pedestals, with the degrees of latitude marked on meridians - - - 3 10 0 Pair 12-inch Globes, black frames - 3 3 0 Pair 12-in. in mahogany frames, for table 4 10 0 Pair 12-inch ditto - 2 2 Pair 9-inch ditto - 1 12 Pair 6-inch ditto Pair 41-inch ditto - - 0 Pair 3-inch ditto - O Pair 3-inch, in mahogany box - 0 One 2-inch, mahogany pedestal - O One 2.inch, mahogany box - - O Two 13-inch, ditto - o One l-inch, ditto - 0 1 0 One 20-inch Slate Globe, mounted on mahogany pedestal, and having the lines of latitude and longitude marked thereon - - - - 3 0 0 The surface of these globes is so prepared that the student may with an ordinary slate pencil draw on the surface the outline of the map of the earth or any part thereof, and any marks sº made may with equal facility be removed by , means of a damp sponge. One 15-inch Slate Globe - 1 100 One 12-inch Slate Globe - 1 1 0 Newton & Co. N - 0 13 O 216 : GEOGRAPHY AND ASTRONOMY. 5 in., 3 in., - 49. Globe, Terrestrial, 36 in. in diameter; in stained i Comstock and Hoblyn's Astronomy; with black frame and brass meridian. 171. 10s. Questions on each page, and a Dictionary of 18 in. ditto ditto ditto. 37. 13s. 6d. Terms. (Scott's Series.) 12mo. stiffened paper 18 in., in stained black frame and iron cover. ls. E. Law, 1851. meridian. 21. 10s. --- 18 in. high mahogany stand, brass meri- Dick, Dr. T. Celestial Scenery; or, the Pla- dian. 61. 6s. netary System displayed ; illustrating the Per- 12 in., stained black frame, brass meri- fections of Deity and a Plurality of Worlds. dian, 1l. 18s. Tenth thousand. fup. Svo. 5s.6d. Ward & Co. 12 in. ditto, iron meridian, 1l. 75. Od. - The Sidereal Heavens; and other Sub- 9 in., mahogany pedestal, 16s. 6d. jects connected with Astronomy, as illustrative 6 in., ditto Is. of the Character of the Deity and of an Infinity ditto 78. 6. of Worlds. Fourth thousand. fcp. Svo. 5s.6d. ditto Ward & Co. E. Stanford. Dick, Dr. T. The Solar System. 18mo. Is. 6d. Religious Tract Society. Globe, in Relief, by Thury, Dijon. (Presented Drew, J. Manual of Astronomy. A Popular Treatise on Descriptive, Physical, and Prac- by Hurry Chester, Esq.) tical Astronomy. 12mo. 5s. Guillemin & Delmont, Paris. Bell & Daldy, 1853. Globe, 3 inches (Dutch), in a box. H. M. Commissioners, Exhibition 1851. Elements of Astronomy, by Guy, and an Abridgment of Keith on the Globes. 18mo. half bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Thomas & Co., Philadelphia, 1953. ASTRONOMY. First Lessons in Astronomy, in Question and Abbott, J. S. C. The Young Astronomer ; or, Answer. 18mo. ls. Ward & Co. the Facts developed by Modern Astronomy ismo. bound. is. 6d. Allman & Son. Fletcher, Rev. W. The Young Astronomer; Admiralty (The) Manual of Scientific In- a Series of Lectures. 12mo. 3s. quiry (Astronomy, &c.), prepared for the use James Wyld, 1837. of Oficers in H.M. Navy and Travellers in Galbraith and Haughton. Manual of As- general. Originally edited by Sir John F. W. tronomy. 12mo. sewed. 2s. Herschel, Bart. Third Edition, superintended -- cloth. 25. 6d. (Presented by the by the Rev. Robt. Main, M.A. post Svo. cloth. Authors.) Longman & Co., 1856. J. Murray, 1859. Airy, Professor. Description of the Transit Gall, J., jun. An Easy Guide to the Constel- Circle of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, lations, with an Atlas of the Stars. 16mo. Is. forming the First Appendix to the Green- - The People's Atlas of the Stars: a Com- wich Observations, 1852. royal 4to. sewed. panion to the above. royal 4to. Is. Arago. Popular Lectures on Astronomy. Gall & Inglis. Translated, with Notes, by W. R. Kelly, Esq., Giles, Rev. Dr. First Lessons in Astronomy. and revised by the Rev. L. Tomlinson M.A. 18mo. 9d. J. Cornish. 12mo. bound. ls. Routledge & Co., 1854. Goodwin, Rev. H. Elementary Chapters in -- Popular Astronomy. Translated and Astronomy, from the “ Astronomie Physique" edited by Admiral Smyth' and R. Grant, Esq. of Biot. Svo. 38. 6d. vol, 1. Svo. ll. ls. Longman & Co., 1855. Deighton, Bell, & Co., 1550. Astronomical Figures. Nos. 1 to 12. coloured, Guy, Joseph. Elements of Astronomy. 12mo. imp. 4to. cloth limp. 6s. 8d. bound, 5s. Cradock & Co., 1855. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Guy, John. Familiar Lessons; or, Simple Barlow, Rev. T. Astronomy Simplified. 18mo. Catechism of Astronomy. Second edition, 9d. Jarrold & Sons. revised and improved by W. Hardcastle. Breen, H. Practical Astronomy; being a 18mo. Is. Relfe, Brothers. Guide to the Scenery of the Heavens, the Hailes, J. D. Astronomy established on a Planetary Movements, and the Practical Use Principle practically proving the Words of of Instruments. [Orr's Circle of the Sciences. 7 Joshua, chapter 10, verse 12. ſep. Svo. cloth. crown 8vo. cloth. 2s. 6d. (Presented by Dr. Lyon Longman & Co., 1843. Playfair.) Houlston & Co., 1856. Hardcastle, W. Catechism of Astronomy. Breen, J. The Planetary Worlds; the Topo 18mo. 2s. Relfe, Brothers, 1848. graphy and Telescope Appearances of the Sun, Herschel, Sir J. F. W. Outlines of As- Planets, Moon, and Comets. 12mo, cloth. 5s. tronomy. 8vo. cloth. 18s. R. Hardwicke, 1854. 1858. Clark, Alva. A New System of Astronomy. -- Treatise on Astronomy. 12mo. clotb. crown 8vo. half bound. (Presented by Board 3s. 6d. Longman & Co. of Education, New York.) Hind, J. R. The Illustrated London As- Lockwood & Son, New York. 1 tronomy. crown 8vo. 2s. N. Cooke, 1853. 9s.. ASTRONOMY, 217 Horrox, Rev. J. The Transit of Venus over 1 Pictures of the Heavens. By the Author of the Sun: or, an Astronomical Treatise on the « Sunshine in Sickness," &c. fcp. Svo. cloth, celebrated Conjunction of Venus and the Sun, 38. J. & C. Mozley, 1859. on the 24th of November 1639. post 8vo. Pinnock, Rev. G. First Steps to Astronomy. cloth. (See Whatton's Memoir of Horrox.) 1811:0. 6d. Allman & Son. Wertheim & Co., 1859. Reid, Hugo. Elements of Astronomy. 12mo. Johnston, A. K. A School Atlas of Astronomy. bound. 35. Oliver & Boyd, 1856. Edited by J. R. Hind. imp. Svo. half bound. - The Solar System, an Educational Tablet. 12s. Oct. Blackwood & Sons, 1856. Longman & Co. Keill, J. Examination of Dr. Burnet's Theory Ryan, Rev. J. Grammar of the Elements of of the Earth. 8vo. bound. (Presented by H. Astronomy. 1$mo. bound. Grant, Esq.) S. Harding, 1734. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Kiddle, Henry. A Manual of Astronomy and W. C. Dean, New York, 1839. the Use of the Globes. crown Svo. half bound. Simms, F. W. Catechism of Astronomy. 18mo. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) 9d. Aylott & Co. Ivison & Phinney, New York. Slugs, J. T. The Stars and the Telescope; Kingston, C. Diagrams, representing the being a concise description of the Starry Year, the Four Seasons or Quarters, and the Heavens and the various Celestial Phenomena Months, with Observations thereon. post 4to. revealed by the Telescope. 12mo. stiffened sewed. ls. 6d. *** The Diagrams separately, size 26 in. by cover. Is. Simpkin & Co. 22 in. in a gilt frame glazed. Slugg, J. T. The Telescope, its Construction (Presented by the Author.) and Uses explained, &c. &c., forming a Sup- Holloway & Šon, Milsom Street, Bath. plement to “ The Stars and the Telescope.” Lardner, Dr. Handbook of Astronomy. Se- 12mo. stiffened cover. Is. Simpkin & Co. cond edition, revised and edited by Edward Smith, Asa. Astronomy, illustrated with nume- Dunkin, F.R.A.S. post Svo. cloth. 7s. 6d. rous Diagrams. 4to. half bound. 1853. *Walton & Maberly, 1860. Illustrated Astronomy, abridged for - Popular Astronomy. 1st series, 2s. Od., 2nd, 2s." 12mo. Walton & Maberly, 1856–7. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Lewis, W. G. Catechism of Astronomy. 18mo. Burgess & Co., New York, 1853. 6d. Aylott & Co., 1957. Stars (The), in Six Maps on the Gnomonic Projection, originally designed and arranged, Main, Rev. R. Rudimentary Astronomy. 12mó. ls. J. Weale, 1852. by Sir John Lubbock, Bart., and published under the Superintendence of the Society for Mann, Dr. R. J. A Guide to Astronomical the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Mounted Science. 18mo. 38. 6d. Jarrold & Sons. on canvas, and roller varnished. size, 6 feet Mattison, Hiram. Primary Astronomy for 9 inches by 4 feet 5 inches. 11. 10s. (On Schools and Families. crown 8vo. half bound. sheets, 10s. 6d. plain, or 15s. coloured.) (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) Dean & Son. 1853. Stepping Stone to Astronomy. By a Lady. A High School Astronomy. crown Svo. 1$ino. 1S. Longman & Co., 1858. half bound. (Presented by Board of Education, Tate, T. Astronomy and Use of the Globes. New York.) F. J. Huntington, New York, 1854. 18mo. 9d. (Gleig's School Series.) Middleton, J. Astronomy and the Use of Longman & Co. the Globes. 12mo. 38. 6d. Taylor, J. A Glance at the Globe and the - A Key to. 12mo. 2s. 6d. World around us. fcp. Svo. cloth. Ss. 6d. A Celestial Atlas, coloured. oblong Houlston & Wright. folio. half bound. 16s. Tides, The. fcp. Svo. cloth. 2s.6d. - A Companion to. 12mo. 35. 60. Jarrold & Sons. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Mitchell, O. M. The Orbs of Heaven, or the Twelve Planispheres ; forming a Guide to Planetary and Stellar Worlds. crown Svo. the Stars for every Night in the Year. Svo. Walton & Maberly, 1846. 2s. 6d. N. Cooke, 1853. 6s. 6d. Ward, Hon. Mrs. Telescope Teachings; a Moon, The. fcp. Svo. cloth. 2s. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Familiar Sketch of Astronomical Discovery. &c. imp. 16mo, cloth. 7s. 6d. Moseley, Rev. H. Astro-Theology. crown Groombridge & Sons, 1859. Svo. cloth 3s. A. Varnham, 1851. Williams, F. S. Wonders of the Heavens, Norton, W. A. An Elementary Treatise on and a History of the Steam Engine. 2 vols. in 1. Astronomy, designed as a Text Book in Col- 12mo. Is. 6d. J. Cassell, 1852. leges. royal 8vo. bound. (Presented by Board Wilson, Rev. T. Catechism of Education, New York.) of Astronomy. 18mo. 9d. J. Wiley, New York, 1852. Darton & Co. Olmsted, D. An Introduction to Astronomy, for the use of Yale College. royal 8vo. bound. Biot, J. B. Traité Elémentaire d'Astronomie R. B. Collins, New York, 1852. Physique. By M. de Rossel. 3 vols. Svo. Parker, R. G. Astronomy. (Educational lialf calf. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) Course.) 12mo. bound. Is. Allman & Son. Klostermann, Paris, 1810. 218 GEOGRAPHY AND ASTRONOMY. * Dumouchel, J. F. A. Cours Elémentaire de , Astronomy, Popular Diagrams of-cont. Cosmographie. Elementary Course of Astro- nomy. 1$mo. 4. View of the Moon, as seen by Lord Paris, Dezobry. Rosse's great telescope ; transparent. Focillon, M. A. Cosmographie. Astronomy. 5. The Phases of the Moon; an instruc- One of a series for Lyceums. 12ino. Dezobry, Paris, 1854. tive transparent Diagram. Francøur, L. B. Uranographie, ou Traité 6. The Earth and its Atmosphere; showing Eléinentaire d'Astronomie. Svo. half calf. the Rotundity of the Globe, &c. (Presented by H. Grant, Esq.) 7. The Sun and Solar Phenomena; the Béchet, Paris, 1812. Sun's disk, spots, altitudes, transits, &c. Garcet, M. H. Leçons nouvelles de Cosmo- 8. The Earth's Annual Revolution, and its graphie. New Lessons in Astronomy. Svo. Diurnal Rotation, displayed. half calf. Dezobry, Paris, 1853. Hassenfratz, J. H. Cours de Physique 9. Transparent Chart of the Heavens; Céleste. Svo. half calf. (Presented by H. showing the Constellations, Nebulæ, Grant, Esq.) Paris, 1803. &c. Haan, F. G. Die Gestirne, The Stars, niorthern 10. Comparative Magnitudes of the Planets: and southern hemispheres, represented on two Phases of Saturn, Venus, &c. sbeets. Leipzig, 1853. 11. Comets and Aerolites; illustrations of Hemel-plein. Chart of the Heavens. By F. the most remarkable. Kaiser. On cardboard, with moveable centre 12. Diagram of Meteorology; showing the piece, and explanation, Svo. sewed. various Phenomena of tlie Atmosphere. Amsterdam, 1853. *** The Series of Twelve enclosed in an elegant Schoedler, Dr. F. Das Buch der Natur. The Book of Nature. Lessons in Astronomy, &c. portfolio, 12s. &c. 8vo. (See Physics.) J. Reynolds. Sterrekaart. Map of the Stars. On card- | Astronomical Diagrams. 5 ft. S in. by 4 ft. board, with moveable centre piece. 4 in. In sheets, Tos. 6d.; on rollers, 16s. Groningen. Smith & Son, 172, Strand. Zonnenstelsel, Het. The Solar System (plate 8), giving the apparent magnitude of the Sun Astronomy, Diagrams of:- as seen from the Planets, the relative magni- tude of the Planets, &c. On cardboard. 1.-—THE SOLAR SYSTEM. 11, 2. The Solar System, Section of, to the Orbit Airy, Professor. Full-sized Model of the of Neptune inclusive (double size, 8 ft. by Transit Instrument at Greenwich, constructed 3 ft.) showing Sun, Planets, Asteroids, and under his Superintendence for the Govern- Moons; also the Orbits of all the known ment, and exhibited at the Paris Exhibition in Planets; also mean position of Orbits of the 1855. Asteroids (dotted line), and illustrations of *** The Transit Circle is one of those in- Orbits of Comets. struments which is intended, not for gazing at the heavenly bodies, , but for 3. The Sun, 3 ft. diameter, and comparative determining the apparent places of the sizes of the Planets. sun, the moon, planets, comets, and 4. Comparative size of the Sun as seen from each moveable bodies generally, as well as the of the Planets. places of stars hitherto unregistered among the principal fixed stars. 5. The Moon, telescopic appearance, 3 feet dia- Exhibited by Science and Art Department. meter. Astronomical Geography, Map of. (See Rey 6. Venus, views of, as seen by Cassini; Phases nolds' Physical Maps.) of; also Diagram explanatory of Phases of Astronomical Diagrams, on a large Scale, Mercury and Venus.- The Planet Mars. adapted for Lectures, Schools, &c., compris- 7. Jupiter and Moons. ing Illustrations of the principal Astronomical Phenomena: full coloured, on six sheets, each 8. Saturn, with the other Planets, showing their 25 by 20 inches, in wrapper 9s., including comparative sizes. Description; on roller, varnished, size 5 feet 9. Diagram-the Tides. by 4 feet, 15s. J. Reynolds. 10. Diagram, the Seasons. Astronomy, Popular Diagrams of, executed 11. Ditto, Eclipses of Sun and Moon ; Law of . on 4to. drawing boards, full coloured, with Shadows. Descriptions. 1s. each. 1. The Solar System; an interesting Trans- 12. Comets.—1. Comet of 1680; 2. Comėt of parency, showing the Planets and 1811; 3. Halley's; 4. Comet of 1744; 5. their Orbits. Encke's; 6. Comet of 1853. 2. The Seasons; a beautiful illustration of The Set. Single. the cause of Summer and Winter, &c. · To Subscribers - 1l. 2s. - ls. 10d. 3. Eclipses and Tides; their causes clearly To Non-Subscribers 11. 10s. - 28. 6d. illustrated. Working Men's Educational Union ASTRONOMY. 219 Mars. I Astronomy, Diagrams of-cont. | Bulkeley, Capt. J. An Instrument for ob- 11.—THE CLUSTERS AND NEBULÆ. taining the Correction of Lunar Distances from the Sun, as observed by a sextant in- 1. Various forms of Nebulæ.—The centre figure vented by Capt. Bulkeley.. (Exhibited by the represents a starry cluster situate near the Inventor.) J. Sax, Maker, 63, Gray's Inn Lane. back of Asterion (the Northern Greyhound) about 5 deg. south by west of the last star in Drew, J., Ph. D., F.R.A.S. A Series of the tail of the Great Bear. Right Ascension 12 Diagrams illustrative of Astronomical Sub- 13 h. 22 m.; N. Declination 48 deg. 24 m. jects, on sheets, size 3 feet 4 inches by 2 It has been celebrated as being believed to feet 5 inches, viz. :- bear a more striking resemblance to our own 1. The Surface of the Moon when Full. system of stars than any other object as yet 2. Two Telescopic Views of Lunar Craters discovered in the heavens; it is called by under a high magnifying power. Sir John Herschel " a brother system.” This 3. The Surface of the Sun, with the Spots resemblance is not so closely preserved and Faculæ. upon further resolution (vide Diagram, No. 4. Three Telescopic Views of the Planet 5, 6). Upper left-hand ligure is a supposed Venus, and the two Hemispheres of sectional view of this cluster. Upper right- hand figure represents a spindle-shaped 5. Jupiter and Saturn. Nebula (visible on clear nights to the un- 6. Comets. assisted eye), situate in the Girdle of Andro- 7. Double, Multiple, and Coloured Stars. meda, within a degree or two of v in that 8. Stellar Clusters and Nebulæ. constellation. Right Ascension Oh. 33 m.; 9--12. Mathematical Diagrams expository North Declination, 40 deg, 20 m. Lower of the relative Sizes of the Planets and left-hand figure, a hollow elliptical Nebula, their Orbits, Eclipses, the Seasons, and evidently a ring lying obliquely to our line the Phases of the Moon. of vision; situate near y in Andromeda. Price of the set of 12, 31. 6s. Right Ascension, 2 h. 12 m.; North Declina- Day & Son. tion, 41'deg. 35m. Lower right-hand figure, Lunar Globe, modelled by the late John the Ring Nebula in the Lyre, as resolved by Russell, R.A., in mahogany frame. (Presented Lord Rosse's great telescope: it is situate by the Widow of the late Edward Stock, Esq., of exactly midway between B and y in that Poplar.) constellation. Right Ascension 18 h. 47 m.; Lunar Crater, Model of, in plaster, in a North Declination, 32 deg. 49 m. . mahogany case. Size, 5 in. by 61 in. (Presented 2. The Nebula in Hercules, as it appears in tele- by Commissioners of Exhibition, 1851.) scopes of considerable power (the effect is H. Blunt, Shrewsbury, 1851. intended for distant inspection). Also the same Nebula, as resolved by Lord Rosse's Orrery, complete, mounted on 174 in. £ s. d. great reflector. Dr. Nichol, in his “ Archi- board, showing all the planets and tecture of the Heavens,"remarks, “ No plate their satellites, diurnal and annual can give a fitting representation of this mag motions of the earth,monthly motion nificent cluster: perhaps no one ever saw it of the moon, revolutions of Mercury, for the first time through a telescope without Venus, and all the planets, to work uttering a shout of wonder.” Right Ascen by winch, in case, complete - - 10 10 0 sion 16 h. 351 m.; North Declination, 36 deg. - having all the planets to move 45 m. by hand, in case - - - 3 13 6 Newton & Co. 3. The Dumb-Bell Nebula, as resolved by Lord Rosse's telescope. This wonderful cluster Saturn. As seen with a Newtonian Equatorial of stars is situate in Right Ascension 19 h. of 13 inches aperture, March 27th and 28th, 52 m.; North Declination, 22 h. 16 m.; in 1856. On a sheet, 17 in. by 111 in. the breast of Anser et Vulpecula. (Presented by Warren De La Rue, Esq.) 4. The Crab Nebula, as resolved by Lord Rosse's Tellurian, showing the movements great telescope. It is in Right Ascension, of the earth and moon round the 5 h. 24 m., and North Declination 21 deg. sun, intended to explain the pheno- 54 in. ; near the star in the southern Horn inena of day and night, seasons, tides, of Taurus. &c. - 1 11 6 5,6. The Whirlpool, or Spiral Nebula (double Newton & Co. size diagram, 6 ft. by 4 ft ). This is the same Telescope, Astronomical, made by T. Cooke, cluster as given in the centre of Diagram York. On stand. No. 1, but further resolved by the Parsons- (Presented by Harry Chester, Esq.) town telescope. As seen in that instrument - 24 in. object-glass, with one ter- it has been compared to a vast scroll unfold restial and one celestial eye-piece. On stand. ing, or the evolution of a gigantic shell, and 41. Horne & Thornthwaite. it has been furnished with a name to cor- - 2 in, achromatic object-glass. On respond with its appearance accordingly. improved bronzed equipoise stand. 41. 10s. The Set. Single. 3 in. achromatic object-glass. On To Subscribers - 11s. - ls. 10d. improved equipoise garden stand, 5 ft. 4 in. To Non-Subscribers 15s. - 2s. 6d. high. 151. 10s. Working Men's Educational Union. | J. Parkes and Son, Birmingham. 220 GEOGRAPHY AND ASTRONOMY. Illid Telescope, The Admiralty Naval, in leather | Sopwith, T., F.R.S. Diagrams on Surveying, „case. 31. 35. Nos. 1 to 10. Size, 2 ft. 2 in. by 1 ft. Sin. Price - A powerful, to accompany the Armstrong 4.5. 6d. the set. (Printed and Published for the Batteries, in leather case." Price, with stand, Department of Science and Art.) V. Brooks. - The Royal Engineer's, in leather case. 31. Ss. Elliott, Brothers. Lamotte, M. Tableaux d'Arperitage. Manual to accompany the Tables for Land Surveying, for the Use of Masters and Monitors, 12mo., NAVIGATION. the Tables folio, in wrapper. "Hachette, Paris, 1837. Greenwood, J., Esq., B.A. Rudimentary Neutze, C. Ph. Theoretisch - Practische Treatise on Navigation, with Directions for Schule des Situations-zeichnens, &c. Theo- Great Circle Sailing, &c. 12mo. 2s. retical Practical Situation Drawing, with par- J. Weale, 1956. ticular reference to the delineation of Ground Haughton, Rev. S. On the Tides and Tidal from Models. Price of 4 models in plaster, Currents of the Irish Sea and English Channei. 10 plans in portfolio, and descriptive pamphlet Being the Substance of a Lecture delivered at Svo., 21. 2s. Williams & Norgate, London, 1857. the Sailors' Home, Liverpool, June 13th, 1857. Syo. sewed. 4s. University Press, Dublin, 1858. Esevcl (in Brass), for obtaining the Horizon- Jeans, H. W. Navigation and Nautical Astro tal and Vertical Plane. 175. 6d. nomy. 12mo. 2s. J. Weale, 1853. Suisse, Paris. Nautical Almanack and Astronomical Measuring Tapes. 9s. Elliott, Brothers. Ephemeris for the Year 1855, &c. royal Svo. Measuring Tapes, various, at 19s. 6d., 22s., sewed. 28. 6d. , J. Murray, 1952. and 30s. per dozen. Riddle, J. Treatise on Navigation and — Tape, in improved polished leather case, Nautical Astronomy. Svo. cloth. 7s.6d. folding handles, 4s. J. Parkes & Son. Tables to. Svo. cloth. 5s. Metford's Double Set of Ivory Pocket Scales E. Law, 1859. suitable for Civil Engineers, Architects, and Land Surveyors. Young, J. R. The Theory and Practce of The length of each of these Scales is six in.; Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. [Orr's the section of a single Scale is a right- Circle of the Sciences.] cr. 8vo. cloth. 2s. 6d. angle-triangle, and two makes a square (Presented by Dr. Lyon Playfair.) and set. The tenth Scale forming one Houlstoú & Co., 1556. set, and the twelfth Scale the other. A number of constants, most carefully worked out, fill up the other surfaces on Pocket Sextant. 51. Elliott, Brothers. each Scale, which will be found generally useful. The Scales are 17 in number, all Frismatic Compass. 31. 138. 6d. fully divided, and reading off the edges, Elliott, Brothers. viz.--2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 10 chains to the Sextant, as supplied to Naval Cadets on board inch, 66 feet and 6 in. to a mile. The the “Britannia” Training Ship. In mahogany Mechanical Scales are the zo š, o, , , case. 101. 10s. Elliott, Brothers. in., and the French metre. Price of the Sextant. In mahogany case. 91. 10s. set, 21. 168., or the half, 1l. Ss. J. Crichton. Pastorelli & Co. Pocket Level, in leather case. 128. 6d. SURVEYING. Elliott, Brothers. Baker, T. Elementary Treatise on Land and Sketching Sabretash. 21. 128. 6.. Engineering Surveying. 12mo. 2s. Elliott, Brothers. J. Weale, 1957. Surveyor's Chain, scale, arrows, and cross- staff. 16s. 6d. Castle, H. J. Elementary Text-Book for Young Elliott, Brothers. Surveyors and Levellers, with Copious Field Surveyor's Chain, arrows, and cross-staff Notes, Plans, and Diagrams. crown Svo. scale. 17. 7s. 6d. Horne & Thornthwaite. bound. 6s. 6d. Simpkin & Co, 1856. Theodolite, Ordnance. 5 inch. 23 guineas. Elliott, Brothers. Nisbet, A. A Treatise on Land Surveying - (Col. James'). 4 inclı, in maliogany (with the Field Book, 16 pp.) Revised by case. 201.., Elliott, Brothers. Ì. Baker. Svo. cloth. 12s. Theodolite, 5 inch, divided on brass, with Longman & Co., 1855. achromatic telescope, levelling plates, tripod Quested, J. Art of Land Surveying. 12mo. stand, &c. 51, 15s. 6d. cloths. 3s. 6d. Relfe, Brothers. Horne & Thorntliwaite. NATURAL HISTORY. 221 CLASS VII. NATURAL HISTORY. GEOLOGY and MINERALOGY. | Dexter, T. E. Minerals and Metals used in Adams, E. Notes on the Geology, Mineralogy, the Arts and Manufactures, illustrative of the Imports, Exports, and Productions of Great and Springs of England and Wales, to which Britain and her Colonies, and explanatory of are added a Glossarial Appendix of Names and Terms used in the Work, Questions for Exa- “Dexter's Cabinet of Natural History." fscp. Svo. cloth. 2s. (Presented by the Author.) mination, and a few Remarks on Local Etymo- logy. royal 18mo. sewed. Is. (Presented by Groombridge & Sons, 1858. Evans, H. S., LL.D. Geology made Easy; the Author.) Longman & Co. or, the Old and New World. imp. 16mo. Adams, W. First Lessons on Geology; with 1s. 6d. a special Article on the Toadstones of Derby- - illustrated by a Section of the shire, &c. iSmo. sewed. Is. 6d. Artesian Well at the Model Prison, Penton- J. & C. Mozley, 1857. ville, showing the various strata upon which Admiralty (The) Manual of Scientific In London is built, commonly known as the quiry (Geology, &c.) (See Astrono.ny.) London Basin. On a sheet, demy broad folio. Ansied, Professor D. T. Elementary Course 1s. plain. (Presented by the Author.) of Geology, Mineralogy, and Physical Geo- Read & Co. graphy. post Svo. cloth. 125. (Presented Geologist, The; a Popular Monthly Magazine by the Author.) 1850. of Geology, edited by S. J. Mackie, F.G.S. - second edit. post 8vo. cloth. 128. Vol. 1, 1858. Svo. cloth, 14s. 6d., and published (Presented by the Author.) "J. Van Voorst, 1856. in parts, 1s. each, monthly. (Presented by T. Bakewell, F. C. Geology for Schools and A. Readwin, Esq.) Simpkin & Co., 1858. Students. Svo. 2s. Jarrold & Sons. Henwood, W. J. The Metalliferous De- posits of' Cornwall and Devon; (forming Barrett, Rev. W. G. Geological Facts; or, vol. 5 of the Transactions of the Royal the Crust of the Earth, What it is, and What Geological Society of Cornwall.) Svo. boards. are its Uses. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 35. 6d. 11. 8s. A. Hall & Co., 1955. Longman & Co., 1843. Berzelius, J. J. An Attempt to establish a Hitchcock, Rev. E. Elementary Geology. pure Scientific System of Mineralogy, by the With an Introductory Notice, by J. Pye Application of the Electro-Chemical Theory Smith, D.D. 12mo. "bound. (Presented by and the Chemical Proportions. Translated from Board of Education, New York.) the Swedish by J. Black. post Svo. (Presented Newinan & Ivison, New York, 1853. Holdsworth. J. Geology. Minerals, Mines. by H. Grant, Esg.) R. Baldwiri, 1814. and Soils of Ireland, in reference to the Chambers's Geology. Sec Page, D., p. 222. Amelioration and Industrial Prosperity of the Comstock, J. L., M.D. An Introduction to Country. crown Svo. cloth, 5s. 1857. Mineralogy. cr. Svo. bound. (Presented by Battle with the Basalts: being an Board of Education, New York.) Attempt to deliver the Chief or Primary Pratt & Co., New York, 1851. Crystalline Masses from Plutonic Dominion. Damon, R. Handbook to the Geology of Wey post Svo, sewed. ls. (Presented by the Author.) mouth and the Isle of Portland. With Notes Houlston & Wright, 1855. of the Natural History of the Coast and Humboldt, A. A Geognostical Essay on the Neighbourhood. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 5s. Superposition of Rocks, in both Hemispheres; - Supplement to. Consisting of 9 translated from the French. Svo. (Presented Lithographic Plates of Fossils. Drawn by C. by H. Grant, Esq.) Longman & Co., 1823. R. Bone. Svo. cloth, limp. 2s. 6d. (Presented Ibbetson, Capt. L. L. B. Notes on the Geo- by the Author.) E. Stanford, 1860. logy, &c., of the Isle of Wight. 8vo. 75. 6d. Dana, J. A Rudimentary Treatise on Minc- J. Van Voorst, 1849. ralogy. With a Treatise on Rocks.. 12mo. Jukes, J. Beete. Popular Physical Geology. 25. j. Weale, 1856. 20 tinted Geological Landscapes. royal 16mo. Dana, J. D. Manual of Mineralogy, including cloth. 10s. 6d. Lovell Reeve, 1853. Observations on Mines, Rocks, Reduction of Lardner, Dr. Popular Geology. 12mo. cloth. Ores, and the Application of Science to the 2s.6d. Walton & Maberly, 1856. Arts. crown 8vo. cloth. 75. 6d. - A System of Mineralogy, comprising the Macgillivray, W. A Manual of Geology. most recent Discoveries, &c. 4th edition. 2 vols. in l. royal 8vo. cloth. ls. 4d. Mines and Mining. 18mo. 10d. Trübner & Co., 1855. Religious Tract Society. | Morris, J. A List of British Fossils, strati- gical Survey of the State of Wisconsin, U. S. graphically arranged, with a reference to a 8vo. sewed. (Presented by C. B. Norton, Esg.) Figure of each Species. Svo. sewed. is. D. Atwood, Madison, 1854. '. Simpkin & Co., 1855. 222 NATURAL HISTORY. Ramsay, A. C. The Geological Structure of Merionethshire and Caernarvonshire. With a coloured diagram. 8vo. cloth. Is. 6d. Simpkin & Co., 1858. Readwin, T. A. Outlines of Geology; con- taining an Outline of the Science, a revised Table of the Order of the Superposition of British Rocks, and their characteristic Minerals and Fossils, in accordance with the arrange- ment at the Museum of Practical Geology. Svo. sewed. ls. Reynolds & Co., 15, Old Broad Street. Sowerby, H. Popular Mineralogy; com- prising á Familiar Account of Minerals and their Uses. 20 coloured Plates. royal 16mo. 10s. 6d. Lovell Reeve, 1850. Taylor, Rev. I. The Mine, or Subterranean Wonders. With corrections and additions by Mrs. Loudon. 16mo. cloth. 3s. 6d. Griffith & Farran. Tennant, J. Catalogue of Fossils found in the British Isles; to which is appended a List of the Principal Geological Books, Maps, &c. 12mo. cloth, limp. 2s. j. Tennant, 149, Strand, 1859. Volcanoes, their History, Phenomena, and Causes. 18mo. 10d. Religious Tract Society. Wright, Mrs. Our World : its Rocks and Fossils. A Simple Introduction to Geology. fcp. 8vo. cloth, 2s. Jarrold & Sons. 55. Museum of Practical Geology : Arrangement of the British Marbles, Ala- basters, &c. in the Vestibule and Hall of the Museum of Practical Geology. royal 4to. half calf. - Fossils and Rock Specimens in the Galleries of the Museum of Practical Geology. royal 4to. half calf. 1853. · Hunt, R. Descriptive Guide to the Museum. crown Svo, sewed. 1859. — and Meade, R. Catalogue of the Con- tents of the Mining Record Office of the Museum. crown 8vo. sewed. 1858. Explanatory Catalogue of the Palæontological Collection in the Museum. crown Svo. sewed. Ramsay, A. C., &c. Descriptive Catalogue of the Rock Specimens in the Museum. crown 8vo. sewed. 1859. Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Nichol, J., F.R.S.E. A Manual of Mineralogy. cr. Svo. cloth. 6s. A. & C. Black, 1849. - Elements of Mineralogy, containing a General Introduction to the Science, with Descriptions of the Species. crown 8vo. cloth. A. & C. Black, 1858. Ogilvie, G., M. D. The Master-Builder's Plan; or the Principles of Organic Archi- tecture, as indicated in the Typical Forms of Animals. crown 8vo. cloth. 6s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1853. Owen, Prof. Palæontology, or a Systematic Summary of Extinct Animals, and their Geo- logical Relations. 8vo. cloth. 165. A. & C. Black, 1860. - Geology and Inhabitants of the Ancient World. fcp. 8vo. sewed. 3d. (Contributed by Messrs. Newton & Co.) Bradbury & Evans, 1854. Page, D. Rudiments of Geology. 12mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. W. & R. Chambers, 1854. - Introductory Text Book of Geology. post 8vo. cloth limp. 1s. 6d. 1857. -- Advanced Text Book of Geology, Des- criptive and Industrial. post 8vo. cloth. 6s. Blackwood & Sons, 1859. - Handbook of Geological Terms and Geology. post Svo. cloth, 6s. Blackwood & Sons, 1859. Page, D. The Geological Examinator, containing Progressive Series of Questions adapted to the Introductory and Advanced Text-Books of Geology. post Svo. sewed. 6d. Blackwood & Sons, 1860. Pattison, S. R. The Earth and the Word, or Geology for Bible Students. fcp. Svo. cloth. 3s. 6d. Longman & Co., 1858. Phillips, J. Treatise on Geology. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. 75. Longman & Co., 1852. - Guide to Geology. fcp. 8vo. 5s. Longman & Co., 1854. Phillips, W. An Elementary Introduction to Mineralogy. New edition, with alterations and additions by H. J. Brooke and W. H. Miller. crown 8vo. cloth. 189. Longman & Co., 1852. Portlock, Lieut.-Col. A Rudimentary Treatise on Geology, for Beginners. 12mo. 1s. 6d. J. Weale, 1854. Pratt, Rev. J. H. Scripture and Science not at Variance. (See Theology.) Delafosse, M. Notions Elémentaires d'His- toire Naturelle. “Minéralogie.” Elementary Ideas of Mineralogy. 18mo. Hachette, Paris, 1846. Rocce, &c., Istruzione Popolare sulle Prin- cipali. Popular Information respecting the Rocks, Earths, &c. of the Canton Ticino. 12mo. Lugano, 1849. Schoedler, Dr. F. Das Buch der Natur. The Book of Nature: Lessons in Geology, &c. (See Physics.) Diagrams, &c. Copper Mine; a Section showing the various Processes of Working a Mine. Size, 2 ft. 6 in. by 1 ft. 9 in. Price, on sheet, 1s. 6d. plain, 2s. coloured. (Plain on roller.) Darton & Co. Flint Implements. Diagram representing Flint Implements from Gravel Drifts, Tur- Laries, &c. On a sheet. Size, 2 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. 3 in. S. J. Mackie, Geologist Office. Forest of Dean Chart of the North and South Section of the Mineral Basin in Her Majesty's Forest of Dean, in the County of Gloucester. By John Atkinson. Size, 5 ft. by i ft. 8 in., mounted on canvas and oak rollers. - East and West Section of ditto. Size, 4 ft. by 1 ft. 6 in. (Presented by H.M. Commissioners of Exhi- bition, 1851.) Geological Chart, showing at one view the Order of Superposition, Mineral Characters, Principal Fossils, Localities, Thickness, and Uses of the various Stratified Rocks; with illustrative Diagrams. By J. Morris, F.G.S. On a sheet 3 feet by 2 feet, coloured, in wrapper, 3s.; on roller, varnished, 4s. 6d. J. Reynolds. GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. 223 Geological Diagrams. Large Series. Pre- 1 Geology, Physical. A Series of Twelve pared under the superintendence of John Drawings, illustrating Physical Geology. Morris, F.G.S., to illustrate the principles of By J. Beete Jukes, Esq., F.R.S., and G. V. Du this important science. The series includes Noyer. Size, 3 ft. 4 in. by 2 ft. 4 in.; viz. :- a large Section of the Earth's Crust, exhi- Columnar Structure. biting the Arrangement of the various Rocks, Igneous Vales and Dykes. and some of the principal geological pheno- Slaty Cleavage. mena; Table of the Order of Succession of Joints in Sandstone, &c. the Strata ; Forms of Stratification; Section Concretions. of the Carboniferous Group (the source of Lamination and Stratification. Coal and Iron); Section of the London Basin, Elevation and Contortion. illustrating the principles of Water Supply, Denudation and Unconformity. Springs, Artesian and Common Wells; In- Faults or Dislocations. terior of a Coal Mine; Section of a Copper Vein Mining. Mine, &c. At the foot of each diagram is Coal Mining. given a succinct explanation, printed in large Volcanoes. Unpublished. type. On 9 sheets, coloured, each 25 inches by 20 inches, los. 6d. the series, stitched in a Geology, Diagrams on :- printed wrapper, royal folio (or on one large 1, 2, 3. Sections of the Earth's Crust. Granite, sheet mounted on canvas and roller, var- intersected by veins of igneous rock, is re- nished, 18s.) J. Reynolds, 174, Strand. presented as underlying the various meta- morphic and fossiliferous strata. The Geological Map of England and Wales, systems are indicated by colours, and the (with all the Railways,) according to the most strata by numbers; as follow:- recent researches by Sir R. 1. Murchison. Sheet, 5s., case, 75. E. Stanford. Pink. 1, Gneiss; 2, Mica schist; 3, Primary limestone ; 4, Quartz rock; 5, Schistose rock. Geological Map of the British Isles and adja Slate colour. 6, Cumbrian slates; 7, Cam- cent Coast of France. By J. Phillips. Size, brian slate; 8, Festiniog and Bangor slate; 2 ft. 10 in. by 2 ft. 2 in. Coloured, mounted on 9, Bala limestone; 10, Coniston limestone; roller, and varnished. 12s. 11, Llandeilo flags; 12, Caradoc limestone; Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 13, Ludlow rocks. Geological Map of London and its Environs, Dark Red. 14, Devonian, or old red sand- extending over an area of 159 square miles. stone. Size, 26 in. by 16 in.; scale, 1:43 in. to a mile. Blue. 15, Mountain limestone ; 16, Millstone By R. W. Mylne, C. E., &c. 8s. 6d. in sheet, grit; 17, Coal formation; 18, Magnesian los. 6d. in case. E. Stanford. limestone. Geology, Popular Diagrams of. Executed on Pale Red. 19, New Red sandstone. 4to. drawing boards, full coloured, with Yellow. 20, Lias; 21, (in some copies mis- descriptions. ls. each :- printed 12), Inferior volite; 22, Stonefield slate; 23, Great oolite; 24, Coral rag and 1. Popular Geology; a complete summary Oxford clay; 25, Portland stone. of the science, with many illustrations. White. 26, Wealden and Purbeck beds; 27, 2. The Antediluvian World; illustrating the Chalk, green-sand, etc. various organic remains. 3. Geological Map of the World ; according Orange. 28, London clay : 29, Bagshot sand; to eminent authorities. 30, Freshwater sand; 31, Craig, 32, Dilu- 4. Geological Map of England: with sec- vium; 33, Alluvium. tions and views. 4. The Order of the various Systems and Strata. 5. Geological Map of Scotland; with views A, Gneiss; B, Mica and talc schists ; c, Clay- of great geological interest. slates; n, Grauwacké and sandy slates ; E, 6. Geological Map of Ireland; with views of Silurian limestone; F, Old red sandstone; Giant's Causeway, &c. G, Mountain limestone; H, Coal formation; 7. Geological Eminences of the British 1, Magnesian limestone; K, New red sand- Islands. stone; L, Saliferous marls and shell lime- 8. Natural Phenomena; showing the prin- stone; M, Lias limestone and shells; N, cipal causes of geological changes. Oolite limestone; o, Chalk beds and green- 9. Volcanoes and Earthquakes ; illustrations sand; P, Blue and plastic clay; Q, Estuary of their phenomena. marls; R, Sandstone and calcareous grits; s, Diluvial clay and boulders; T, Alluvial Section of the Earth’s Crust; on a large clay, sand, and gravel; v, Superficial soil. bold scale, showing correctly and 5. Section of the London Basin; with Artesian clearly the arrangement of the strata, well. with the different igneous, trappean 12. and volcapic rocks, and metallic veins, ORGANIC REMAINS OF THE FossiliFEROUS as they occur in nature. Size, 6 feet STRATA. long by 1 foot broad. 6. Fossils of the Clayslate, Grauwacké and ** The Series of Twelve enclosed in an Silurian Systems. A, Cyathophyliuin Cya- elegant Portfolio, 12s. thus; B, Heliopora porosa; C, Terebratula; J. Reynolds. D, Euomphalus rugosus. Trilobites; E, Caly- 10. 11. 224 NATURAL HISTORY. Hawkins, B. Waterhouse, F.G.S. Extinct Animals of the Ancient World-cont. No. 4.—The pachedermata of the Tertiary period. No. 5.—The edentata or megatheroid. Mammalia of the tertiary period. No. 6.-The great elephants and carnivora of the Post-Tertiary period. Price of the Set of Six, il. 138., or 5s. 6d. each. Day & Son. Mackie, T. J., F.G.S. Original Geological Diagrams for Lectures. Edited by S. J. Mackie, F.G.S., These diagrams are on cloth (or on paper, at the option of purchasers) and of the average size of three feet by two feet. Price 2s.6d. each ; or to subscribers paying in advance, 25s. per dozen. No. 11.-Forms of flints derived from ventri- culites; cretaceous fossils. Size three feet by two feet. Price 2s. 6d. This diagram explains the nature and structure of many of the fungi. form flints found in the chalk, and in the gravels derived therefrom. It also illustrates some points in the culture of the Ventri- culite. Fig. Geology, Diagrams on-cont. mene Blumenbachii, side view, while rolled up; 1, The same, unrolled : H, Asaphus tu- berculatus. 7. Fossils of the Devonian, or Old Red Sandstone, A, Cephalaspis; B, Ptericthys; C, Ostéolepis D, Dipterus. 8. Fossils of the Carboniferous System A, Encrinites moniliformis, or Necklace lily coral; B, Encrinital limestone. Ferns: C, Asterophyllites Parkinsoni; D, Pecopteris Mantelli; E, Sphenopteris linearis ; G, Sphe- nopteris affinis. 9. Fossils of the New Red (Triassic) System. The Labyrinthodon Salamandroides; , Sec- tion of tooth of ditto, the peculiar structure of which has conferred the name Labyrin- thodon upon this fossil Batrachian. Ichno- lites-footprints of the animal-are repre- sented on the sandstone. 10. Fossil Flora of the Colite and immediately Antecedent Systems. — (Vide Chambers' Gcology, p. 140.) 11. Fossil Shells and Fruit from the Lias, Oolite, and Wealden. A, Ammonites obtusus; B, Section of ditto, showing interior chambers and siphuncles; C, Ammonites nodosus; 1), Cidaris intermedia; 1, Cidaris, with its spines, complete; E, Trigonia costata, Fruit from the Wealden; I, Sced-vessel or nut; K, Cone from the Isle of Purbeck; L, Cone from Kent; M, Cone from Pippingford, Sussex. 12. Fossil Saurians from the Oolite. A, Restored skeleton and outline of Plesiosaurus; 1, Fossil skeleton of Icthyosaurus; C, Restored head of ditto. 13. Fossils of the Chalk Formation. A, Restored form of Pterodactyle; B, Skeleton of ditto; C, Fossil fish, Beryx Lewesiensis, natural size. Shells: 1), Belemnitella mucronata ; E, Plagiostoma spinosum; H, Hamites intermedius. 14. Fossils of the Tertiary Series, Restored forms of the Palæotherium and Deinotherum- the former standing, the latter recumbent. Fossil insects from Aix, in Provence: A, Tettigonia spumaria; B, Mycetophila; C, Penthetria holoserica. 15. Fossils of the Superficial Strata. The Mega- therium, restored skeleton of; A, Tooth of Megatherium, natural size. The Set. Single. To Subscribers - 11. 75. 6d. - ls. 10d. To Non-Subscribers - 11.17s.6d. - 25. 6d. Working Men's Educational Union. Hawkins, B. Waterhouse, F.G.S. Extinct Animals of the Ancient World, in a series of six diagrams. Prepared for the Department of Science and Art.Executed in double tinted lithography, size of each 40 by 291 inches, com- prising:- No. 1.--The great marine lizards of the Lias. No. 2.-The gigantic terrestial lizard of the Oolite. No. 3.—Ditto of the Wealden. All belonging to the secondary epoch of the 1. Ventricules radiatus. 2. Fungiform flint nodule formed on the roots, stems, and base of Ventriculites radiatus. 3. A similar flint-nodule formed on Ventri- culites flexuosus. (Mantell.) 4. Another somewhat less regularly formed nodule, with Ventriculites radiatus. (Mantell.) 5. Bulbous flint, enveloping the root-portion of a Ventriculite. (Mantell.) 6. Cyathiform fint-nodule formed on Ventri- culites Towensendi. (Mantell.) 7. Flint investing the roots, stem, and basal portion of the cup-shaped body of Ventriculites radiatus. 8. Section of a filint-nodule, showing the position of the roots, stem, and body of a Ventriculite. 9. Flint-nodule formed on a portion of Brachiolites labyrinthicus. (Mantell.) 10. Section of a fragment of flint, showing the meshed structure and foldings of the membranous tissue of a Ventri- culite. (Toulmin Smith.) 11. An ideal diagram to show how great an extent of surface can be preserved in a limited space by the intricacy of the foldings of a membrane. (Toulmin Smith.) 12. Enlarged portion of Ventriculite struc- ture shown in fig. 10. (Toulmin Smith.) 13. Still more enlarged view of the geo- earth's history. metrical octohedral arrangement of the bracing fibres at the junction of the meshes. (Toulmin Smith.) GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. 225 Fig. Tig. Mackie, T. J., F.G.S. Original Geological | Mackie, T. J., F.G.S. Original Geological Diagrams-cont. Diagrams—cont. 14. An impression on chalk, showing the 5. Nodosaria (Dentalina) elegans, D'Orb. small quincuncially arranged tubular | One of the tapering oblique forms of Nodo- holes left by the decomposition of the saria. Common, from the carboniferous period fibres forming the octohedral outline to the present day. shown in figs. 12 and 13. (Toulmin Smith. See « Ann. Nat. Hist.," 1848.) 6. Nodosaria (Frondicularia) planata, Defrance. A Nodosarian Rhizopod, with wide and No. III.--Fusus contrarius; Murex alveolatus; laterally overlapping chambers. Frondiculariæ Crag shells. Size three feet by two feet. Price are found in the lias and other clays of the 2s. 6d. secondary period; but the finest are in the chalk and some miocene clays. 1. Trophon antiquum, Müller, Var. con- trarium, Gmelin. This is usually known 7. Cristellaria (Flabellina) rugosa, D'Orb. as Fusus contrarius, and is very com- A chalk forin, combining the curved and mon in the Red Crag of Suffolk. straight form of growth. Many other Forami- 2. Purpura tetragona, J. Sowerby. This nifera show the same dimorphine character. common elongated variety of this pur- 8a. Cristellaria calcar, Linn, Var. cultrata, pura is also known as Murex alveolatus Montfort. of Sowerby. It is common in the Red Crag of Sutton, and Walton-on-the Sb. edge view, showing Naze. See Wood's Monograph. aperture. No. IV.-In six parts. Generic forins of Fora- a world-spread rhizopod. This has the keel minifera. Size three feet by two feet. Price broad and entire, and is the variety known as 25. Gd. cach part. The names used in the C. cultrata. The finest are found fossil in Italy. references to these diagrams of the Fora- Cristellariæ occur fossil in the trias and in minifera are mostly those given in D'Orbigny's many later deposits. (C. calcar is the type of "Foraminifères de Vienne.” But in the the Cristellaria.) explanations the terms adopted are not 9. Cristellaria calcar, Var. simplex. . altogether those in general use for Fora- 10. minifers, but are based on the observations of - Another variety. Messrs. Rupert Jones and Parker, as published Figs. 9 and 10 (marked 10 and 10 by mistake) in their papers in the “Annals and Magazine are varieties of Cristellaria, growing straight. of Natural History." They have been called Marginulinæ, but there is no decided differences between their endless modifications. GENERIC FORMS or FORAMINIFERA, AS ILLUS- TRATED BY THE DIAGRAMS. 11a. Polymorphina lactea, Walker, Var. gibba, D'Orb. Part I. 11b. - end.view. 1. Orbulina universa, D'Orbigny. 12 - - Var. horrida, A very simple form, consisting of a single D'Orb. chamber. Fossil in the tertiary beds; common in some deep seas. 13a. - Var. complanata, D'Orb. 2. Lagena sulcata, Walker, Var. clavata, - end view. D’Orb. 14a. - Var, acuta, D'Orb. The typical Lagena is L. sulcata ; and all 14 b. - end view. known Lagenæ belong probably to this one species. They occur in many seas, and lossil Polymorphina aſfords only one real species. It occurs in the lias, and in many clay beds of in some tertiary beds. later age. It is very common in the present seas, and scarcely two individuals occur alike. 3. Nodosaria (Glandulina) ovula, D'Orb. In P. horrida the pseudopodia have been to A small variety of Nodosaria. Lives in the some extent permanently calcified. Mediterranean; fossil in the lias, oolites, chalk, and tertiary beds. 15. Uvigerina pygmaa, D’Orb. Occurs in the tertiary beds, and in the present 4. Nodosaria Rhaphanistrum, Linn. seas. The finest form of Nodosaria. The best spe 16 a. Bulimina pyrula, D'Orb. cimens are found in the tertiary clays and sands - - end view. of Tuscany and Turin. The more common N. Rhaphanus is a better type of the species; The varieties of Bulimina are endless; they and varieties occur in very many deposits from occur fossil in many of the jurassic and creta- the carboniferous to the tertiary and recent. ceous clays, and abundantly in the chalk; also (The specific type of all the Nodosaria is N. in many tertiary beds. There are numerous Raphanus.---Linn.) 16b. - recent varieties. 13b. 226 NATURAL HISTORY. 36. Mackie, T. J., F.G.S. Original Geological | Mackie, T. J., F.G.S. Original Geological Diagrams-cont. Diagrains-cont. Part II. 31. Gromia oviformis, Dujardin. 17 a, b, c. Rotalia repanda, Fichtel and Moll., A simple rhizopod, having a membranous Var. Boueand, D'Orb. coat. A pretty variety of Rotalia repanda. It occurs 32. Rotalia Beccarii, Linn. (Young.) in several tertiary deposits and in existing seas; The young form of a common rotalia, closely related varieties in the chalk, lias, &c. 33 a, b. Alucolina Boscii, Defrance. 18 a, b, c. Globigerina bulloides, D'Orb. Found abundantly fossil in Persia and India in World-wide; common in deep sea zones; I what is termed the “rice-stone;' fossil also at fossil in the chalk and other secondary deposits; I Bracklesham and Paris; recent in the Indian in several tertiary beds. sea. 19 a, b, c. Planorbulina (Thuncatulina) farcta, Ficht. and Moll, Var. lobatula, Walker. 34 a, b, c. Fusulina cylindrica, D'Orb. . One of the most common rhizopods on all Known only in the fossil state; in the car. boniferous limestone of Russia and America. coasts, and fossil in the tertiary and chalk. It is related to Nonionina. Truncatulina is a section of Planorbulina, which latter is a sub-genus of Rotalia. 35. Textularia sagittula, Defrance. 20 a, b, c. Rotalia simplex, D'Orb. , Var. Mariæ, D'Orb. A variety of the same typical species (Planon A very common rhizopod. One species, with innumerable varieties. bulina farcta) to which Truncatulina lobatula belongs. Tertiary and recent. Part V. 21 a, b. Rotalia (Asterigerina) trochidiformis 37. Peneroplis planata, Ficht. and Moll. Lamarck, Var. planorbis, D'Orb. A very elegant rhizopod, presenting many Asterigerina planorbis, D'Orbigny, is an ele varieties in the Mediterranean and the Tropics. gant, star-ornamented variety of Rotalia trochi Fossil near Paris and Vienna. diformis. Tertiary and recent. 38. Orbiculina adunca, Var, numismalis, Ficht. 22 a, b. Nonionina asterisans, Ficht. and Moll., and Moll. Var. Soldanii, D'Orb. 39. - - Var. orbicularis, Ficht. Recent, tertiary, and cretaceous. • and Moll. 40. - Ficht. and Moll. 23. Amphistegina Hauerina, D’Orb. Orbiculina acunca presents manifold differ- Varieties of Amphistegina occur in the chalk ences of shape according to its age and mode of of Maestricht, in many tertiary beds, and in the growth. It is common in the Tropics. present seas of warm climates. Amphistegina 41. Orbitolites complanata, Lamarck. is an asymmetrical Nummulite. a, Outside. Part III. b. Horizontal section. 24 a, b, c, Heterostegina depressa, D'Orb. c. Vertical section. A rhizopod nearly allied to Nummulites; A flat, many-chambered rhizopod, of low recent and tertiary. organization, frequent in the French tertiaries, and rare in the Bracklesham clays. Very abun- 25 a, b. Polystomella crispa, Linn. dant in the Mediterranean, West Indian, and A common and world-wide rhizopod; fossil other seas, in the tertiaries. It is closely allied to Part VI. Nonionina. . 42. Biloculina bulloides, D'Orb. 26. Polystomella crispa, Var. strigilata, Ficht. 43. Spiroloculina depressa, D’Orb. and Moll, 44. Triloculina cor-anguinum, Lamarck. 45. Quinqueloculina secans, D'Orb. A thin prickled variety of P. crispa. 46. - - Seminulum, Linn. 27. Númmulima radiata, Ficht. and Moll. 47. Adelosina pulchella, D'Orb. A simple form of Nummulite; recent and 48. Quinqueloculina Dutemplii, D'Orb. tertiary. 49. Miliola (living). 28. Nummulina complanata, Lamarck. The genus Miliola comprehends in its great A fossil form of Nummulite; found in the typical species, M. Seminulun, all the forms known as Uniloculina, Biloculin.cc, Triloculince, Crimea and Egypt. 29. a. Horizontal section of a Nummulite. Quinqucloculine, Spiroloculinæ, &c. Adelosince are young forms. Miliolæ are found in all seas, 29 b. Vertical section of a Nummulite. chiefly in shallow waters. They occur fossil in Part IV. the Upper Trias clays, the Lias, and other Jurassic clays, in the Gault, Chalk, and abun- 30. Ancba diffucns, Müller. dantly in many Tertiary beds. [Miliola ( Quin- The living typical form of rhizopod. Fresh queloculina) Seminulum is the type of the species. 1 water. Geologist Office, 154, Strand. GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. 227 Mills, Dr. Synopsis of Geology. On a sheet, | Minerals and their Uses ; being a Collection coloured; mounted on canvas and roller. of 20 Specimens, with descriptive Text, in a Size, 2 ft. 5. in. by 1 ft. 10. in. 45. Gd. strong Card-board Box. 2s. 6d. Darton & Co. Joseph, Myers, & Co. Readwin, T. A. A Tabular View of the Ar- Minerals. 100 Specimens, in a Box containing rangement of British Rocks, showing the 2 Trays, (with a Classified Table in MS. by Order of Superposition, and the characteristic N. Boubée, 4to.) 21.12s. 6d. Rocks, Minerals, and Fossils; with references Eloffe & Co., Paris. to the Fossil Cases of the Museum of Practical Geology. On a sheet, 25 in. by 21 in.; mounted Minerals, Collection of, in a Mahogany Box, on canvas and roller, varnished. 3s. 6d. glazed, with Description. 8s. Reynolds & Co., 15, Old Broad Street. Joseph, Myers, & Co. Section of the Earth's Crust, on a large Mineral Illustrations of Physical Geo- scale, showing the general Arrangement of graphy: a selection of 100 of the most im- the Strata, and the relations of the various portant rocks, fossils, minerals, and metallic Rocks to each other; also the Position of the Deposits of Coal, and other Minerals, Gold, ores. size 4 to 6 square inches. 11. 11s. 60. Silver, and other metallic veins; Phenomena The specimens are arranged in 15 groups :- of active, extinct, and sub-marine Volcanoes ; 1. Tertiary group. Elevations of Land, &c. On a sheet 6 feet by i ft. 9 in., coloured, with Description, by J. 2. Cretaceous group. Morris, F.G.S. In wrapper, 38.; on roller, 3. Oolitic group. varnished, 7s.6d. J. Reynolds. 4. Lias group. Sectional Diagram of the Earth's Crust, with 5. Trias group. the Characteristic Fossils of the various Strata, 6. Permian group. 9 ft. 6 in. by 14 in. 75. 6d. Eloffe & Co., Paris. Table of British Strata, showing the Order 7. Coal formation. of Superposition and comparative Thickness of S. Silurian group. the Stratified Rocks of the British Islands. 9. Metamorphic rocks. On a large sheet 5 feet in length, coloured, 10. Plutonic rocks. and folded, in 4to. wrapper, 28.; on roller, varnished, 3s. 6d. J. Reynolds. 11. Basaltic rocks. Tabular View of Britsh Fossils, mounted 12. Volcanic rocks. on Canvas, and folded in a Book. small 4to. 6s. 13. Minerals, the components of rocks. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 14. Minerals, found with metallic ores. 15. Metallic ores. Larger collections of rocks, fossils, minerals, ores, &c. to any required extent. Elementary Collections. Glass-case to contain the 100 specimens and Dester's Collection of upwards of 100 Spe- | show them at one view. ll. lls. 6d. cimens of Minerals and Metals. In mahogany Blowpipe apparatus. glazed case ; size, 18 by 13 inches. With Explanatory Text-Book. 17. 10s. T. E. Dexter. Model of Great Cold Nugget, found in Samp- Geological Specimens, 200 in a Box containing son's Creek, California. 4 Trays, (with a Classified Table in MS. by Presented by W. T. Deverell, Esq. N. Boubée, 4to.) 41. 45. Eloffe & Co., Paris. Geological Specimens (40), with a Book Reynolds e Co.'s Collections of Rocks and (entitled Outlines of Geology, 12mo. sewed.) Minerals for Schools and Students:- in cardboard box. 75. 6d. No. 1. Characteristic Specimens of British Joseph, Myers, & Co. Rocks, systematically arranged. In a Geology and Mineralogy, Elementary Collec- book-box. Svo. cloth lettered. 35. 6d. tions of. Geology, 2l.; Mineralogy, il. 10s. No. 2. Characteristic Specimens of British (together in a mahogany tray, glazed). Minerals, Metallic Ores, and Metals. In British and Foreign School Society. a book-box.. 8vo. cloth lettered. 38. 6d. No. 5. Containing Characteristic Specimens Hawkins, Waterhouse, F.G.S. Geological of British Rocks, systematically arranged. Restorations, a Set of 7 Figures made to a Scale of one inch to a foot, illustrating the In a book - box. 4to. cloth lettered. 10s. 6d. Inhabitants of the Secondary or Reptilian Reynolds & Co., 15, Old Broad Street. Epoch, including the New Red Sandstone, the Lias, Oolite, Wealden, and Chalk. Price of | Sopwith, T., F.R.S. A Set of Geological the Set, 51.5s., or single Figures at proportionate Models, constructed of various kinds of wood Prices. J. Tennant, 149, Strand. fitted together from actual measurement of Krantz, A. Elementary Collection of Rocks, the strata in the Coal and Mining Districts of Minerals, and Fossils. 5 trays, in a stained the North of England. Price of the Set of 12 deal box. 51. Models, four inches square, with a Book of nimamo wao. A larger, in 6 trays, ditto. 101. Descriptions, 51.; the Book only, 1s. 6d. A. Krantz, Berlin. | J. Tennant, 149, Strand. P 2 228 NATURAL HISTORY. Tennant, Professor. Elementary Collection | Crystals, A set of 34 Models of, in Horn. of Minerals, Rocks, and Fossils, each Mineral Presented by the Society of Arts. labelled with its name and synonymes, chc- Crystals, Models of, comprising 15 crystal- mical composition in symbols, crystalline line forms, with description. 7s. system; hardness and specific gravity indi- Josephi, MIyers, & Co. cated by the letters H and G, also refers to the case in the British Museum: fracture, Crystals, Models of, in Glass and Wire: transparency, or opacity; lustre-colour streak; A set of six glass models (uniform in size with brittleness, or other remarkable property, fusi the 2-inch cube), to illustrate the six systenis bility, or infusibility before the blow-pipe; the of crystallography. 31. 3s., and mahogany inanner in which it is affected by acids, its box, 7s. principle, localities, and any observations that A set of four glass models, showing the prin- inay be necessary as to its uses and properties. cipal crystalline forms contained in the Professor Tennant. cube (as arranged by Dr. Leeson) 3-inch, - An Elementary Collection of Minerals, 21. 15s., and mahogany box, Ss. Rocks, and Fossils, illustrative of the recent A 2-inch glass cube, with shade. 12s. Works on Geology by Lyell, Mantell, Ansted, Hexagonal prism, with shade. 125. Page, and others, comprising 200 Specimens, J. R. Larkin. in a Mahogany Cabinet with Five Trays. 51.5s. Crystals, Models of, in Wood: J. Tennant, 143, Strand. A set of thirty models to illustrate the section Wright, B. M.:- on Crystallography in " Orr's Circle of the A Collection of Minerals. Sciences.” l-inch. 10s. 6d. - of Fossils. A set of thirty-two figures to illustrate Larkin's - of the principal Metals and their Com- "Introduction to Solid Geometry." linch. pounds. In mahogany case. 1 Os. 6d. in a box. Bryce M. Wright, 36, Great Russell Street, W.C. A set of forty-five, z-inch. 10s. 6d., in box. A set of twenty-five, ?-inch, to illustrate “ Towne's Elementary Chemistry.” Gsi, in a box. A set of fifty-ſive, to illustrate “ Pereira's Illustrations of Crystalline Forms. Materia Medica." 15s., in box. Crystalline Forms. A Collection of 26, in a A set of forty, f-inch, to illustrate “Ansted's glazed case. 6s. Sd. Hachette & Co. Elementary Course of Mineralogy." 10s. Gcl., in box. Crystals.-Collection of 12 models of crystals, Cone (a dissected), showing the Ellipse, to show what is meant by the six systems of Parabola, Hyperbola, Triangle, and Circle. crystallisation. In biscuit pottery. 45. 3-inch base. In pine, 3s. 1. Octahedral System. in boxwood, 6s. J. R. 1. Cube. Transparent Carbonate of Lime, showing 2. Octahedron. double refraction, from Iceland. 3. Dodecahedron. J. Tennant, 149, Strand. 4. Cube and octahedron. II. Pyramidal System. 5. Pyramid with square base. BOTANY. III. Rhombic System. Archer, T. C. First Steps to Economic Botany; 6. Rhombic prism. a description of the botanical and commercial 7. Rhombic octahedron. characters of the chief articles of vegetable IV. Hexagonal System. origin used for food, clothing, &c. 20 plates. 8. Hexagonal prism. royal 16mo. cloth. 2s.6d. 1854. 9. Ditto, with pyramid. = Popular Economic Botany. 20 coloured 10. Rhombohedron. plates. royal 16mo. cloth. 10s. 6d. V. Oblique Prismatic System. Lovell Reerc, 1853. 11. Oblique prism. Babington, C. C. Manual of British Botany, VI. Doubly Oblique Prismatic System. containing Flowering Plants and Ferns, are ranged according to the Natural Order. All 12. Doubly oblique prism. edition. 12mo. cloth. 10s. 6d. N.B.--A series of 120 models of crystals can J. Van Voorst, 1856. be supplied at the same rate, namely, at | Balfour, J. H. Outlines of Botany. 40s. the set. 12mo. cloth. 75. Gd. 1854, A complete description of the mudels is given -- A Class Book of Botany. Parts 1 and 2. in Griffin's System o Crystallography. Svo. Svo. cloth. ll. ils. 6d. J.J. Griffin. 6s. A. & C. Black, 1852. - Manual of Botany: being an Introduc. Crystals, Models of,' in Glass. A Set of tion to the Study of the Structure, Physiology, Six, to illustrate the Section on Crystallography and Classification of Plants. Revised and and Mineralogy in “ Orr's Circle of the enlarged by Joseph Williams, M.D. post Svo. Sciences;" by the Rev. Walter Mitchell, M.A., cloth. 10s. 6d. R. Griffin & Co., 1855. and Professor Tennant. 31. 3s. - new edition, revised by the J. Tennant, 149, Strand. / Author. post 8vo, cloth. A. & C. Black, 180 inn GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY.BOTANY. 229 859 Bentham, G. Handbook of the British Flora ; | Geography of Plants. 18mo. 10d. a Description of the Flowering Plants and Rcligious Tract Society. Ferns indigenous to or naturalized in the British Isles. crown Svo. cloth. Henslow, The Rev. Prof. Illustrations to be 12s. Lovell Reeve, 1858. employed in Practical Lessons on Botany, adapted to Beginners of all Classes. Pre- Bosanquet, Rev. E. A Plain and Easy Account pared for the South Kensington Museum. of British Ferns, with a Glossary. fscp. Svo. post 8vo. sewed. 6d. Chapman & Hall, 1858. plates plain, 2s.6d., or coloured plates, 4s. cloth, gilt leaves. R. Hardwicke, 1855. Henslow, The Rev. Prof. A Dictionary of Bo- tanical Terms. post Svo. cloth. 4s. Botanical Ladder for the Young. 18mo. ls. 6d. Groombridge & Sons, Religious Tract Society. Henslow and Skepper, E. Flora of Suffolk; British Wild Flowers, Carices, Grasses, and Seaweeds. Prepared and mounted by W. Gar ralized) found in a Wild State in the County diner, Dundee.folio. half bound. 1848. of Suffolk. 12mo, cloth. 5s. Cassell's Outlines of Botany; including a Simpkin & Co, 1860. Description of Mosses, Lichens, Fungi, Ferns, Hoblyn, R. D. A Treatise on Botany (Scott's and Seaweeds. By Dr. J. Scoffern, M.B. Svo. Series). 12mo. stiff paper cover. ls. 1859. cloth. 28. 6d. Cassell, Petter, & Galpin. - British Plants (Scott's Series). 12mo. stiff paper cover. Catlow, Agnes. Popular Field Botany; con- E. La Is. taining a familiar description of the British Hoge, R. British Pomology; or the History, wild plants. 20 coloured plates. royal 16mo. Description, Classification, and Synonymes of cloth. 10s. 6d. 1852. the Fruits and Fruit Trees of Great Britain. - Popular Garden Botany; a familiar Svo. 10s. 6d. Groombridge & Sons, 1851. description of plants suitable for cultivation in Hooker & Arnott. The British Flora; com- gardens. 20 coloured plates. royal 16mo. cloth. l0s. Od. Lovell Reeve, 1855. prising the Phænogamous or Flowering Plants, and the Ferns. 12mo. 14s. Chambers's Rudiments of Vegetable Physio- Longman & Co., 1855. logy. 12mo. ls. 6d. W. & R. Chambers, 1856. Irving, C. Catechism of Botany. 18mo. 9d. Comstock, J. L., M.D. An Introduction to the Aylott & Co. Study of Botany, including a treatise on veget- Johns, Rev. C. A. The Forest Trees of Britain. able physiology. crown Svo. bound. (Presented by Board of Education, New York.) 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 7s. 6d. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Pratt & Co., New York, 1950. - Flowers of the Field. 4th editiou. fcp. Dickson, J. II. A Series of Letters on the Svo. cloth. 7s. Cultivation and Management of Flax. 12mo. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 4s. Groombridge & Sons, 1846. Johnson, C. British Poisonous Plants. Il- Donaldson, J. Cultivated Plants of the Farm. lustrated with 28 Coloured Plates. crown Svo. 12mo. 35. Od. Groombridge & Sons, 1847. cloth. 7s. J. E. Sowerby, 1856. Dresser, C. The Rudiments of Botany, Kirby, Mary and Elizabeth. Plants of the Structural and Physiological; being an 11- Land and Water. 1$mo. 3s. Jarrold & Sons troduction to the Study of the Vegetable Kingdom, and comprising the advantages of Landsborough, Rev. Dr., A.L.S. Popular a full Glossary of Technical Terms. Svo. British Seaweeds. 20 coloured plates. royal cloth. 15s. (Presented by the Author.) 1859. 16mo. 10s. 6d. Lovell Reeve, 1851. - Unity in Variety, as deduced from the Life (The) of a Tree: being a History of the Vegetable Kingdom: being an Attempt at Phenomena of Vegetation from the Seed to, Developing that Oneness which is discoverable the Death of the Plant. 167o. cloth. 2s. 6d. in the Habits, Mode of Growth, and Principle Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. of Construction of all Plants. Svo. cloth. 1os. Lindley, J., Ph. D. The Vegetable Kingdom ; (Presented by the suthor.) J. S. Virtuc, 1959. or the Structure, Classification, and Uses of Elementary Catechism of Gardening. 18mo. Plants, illustrated upon the Natural System. 1d. Grooinbridge & Sons. Svo. cloth. ll. 16s. Bradbury & Evans, 1853. Ferns. A Plain and Easy Account of British ---- Medical and Economical Botany. Svo. Ferns. fcp). Svo. cloth. plain, 2s. 6d., coloured cloth. 1:18. Bradbury & Evans, 1856. R. Hardwickc. Lindiey, J., Ph. D. Botany ; Structural, Phy-- Ferns, British, and their Allies. Prepared and siological, Systematic, and Descriptive. Svo. mounted by W. Gardiner, Dundee. folio. half cloth. 35. E. Law, 1858. bound. 1848. Lindsay, W.L., M.D. Popular British Lichens; First Steps to Botany. ismo. 1s. 4d. per doz. thcir structure, reproduction, uses, distribution, National Society. and classification. 22 coloured plates. 392 Fruit and Flower Garden. 18mo. 6d. figures. royal 16mo. 10s. 6.l. Lovell Reeve, 1856. Dean & Son. | Loudon's Encyclopædia of Plants. Edited by Garden (The) that Paid the Rent. post Svo. | Mrs. Loudon. Svo, cloth. 31. 13s. 6d... boards. 25, Chapman & Hall, 1960. Longman & Co., 1855. As. 230 NATURAL HISTORY. 5s. Loudon, Mrs. Modern Botany; or a Popular | Seemann, Dr. B., F.L.S. Popular History of Introduction to the Natural System of Plants, Palms and their Allies. 20 tinted chromo- according to the Classification of De Candolle. landscapes. royal 16mo. 10s. 6d. fcp. Svo. cloth. 6s. J. Murray, 1851. Lovell Reeve, 1856. Loudon, Mrs. The First Book of Botany. 18mo. Sowerby, J. E. The Ferns of Great Britain ls. Bell & Daldy, 1841. | Illustrated. ,The Descriptions, Synonyms, &c., Lowe, E. J. A Natural History of Ferns, by C. Johnson, Esq. Coloured. royal 8vo. British and Exotic, vol. 1. royal Svo., cloth, cloth. 11. 7s. J. E. Sowerby, 1855. 145. (Complete in 8 vols., 61. 6s.) - British Wild Flowers. Illustrated. De- - A Natural History of New and Rarc scribed, with an Introduction and a Key to the Ferns. Part. 1. royal Svo. Is. (To be com Natural Orders, by C. P. Johnson. Parts 1 to pleted in about 16 Parts.) I, each containing 4 coloured plates. royal Groombridge & Sons. 8vo, sewed. 35. cach (to be completed in Macgillivray, P. H. Flora of Aberdeen. about 20 Parts). J. E. Sowerby, 1858–9. 12mo. Is. Od. J. A. Wilson, 1853. Stark, R. M. Popular British Mosses; their W. Manual of Botany, fcp. 8vo. cloth. structure, fructification, &c. 20 coloured plates. 45. 6d. E. Law, 1853. royal 16mo. 10s. 6d. Lovell Reeve, 1854. Moore, T. Handbook of British Ferns. 12mo. Steele, W.E. A Handbook of Field Botany : Groombridge & Sons, 1853. comprising the Flowering Plants and Ferns Moore, T. Popular British Ferns. 22 coloured indigenous to the British Isles, arranged ac- plates by Fitch. royal 16mo. 10s. 6d. cording to the Natural Species, &c. post Svo. Lovell Reeve, 1855. cloth. 7s. 6d. McGlashan & Co., 1851. Moore, T. The Ferns of Great Britain and Tabular View of the Vegetable Kingdom, Ireland. Edited by Dr. Lindley, and nature arranged according to the natural orders; printed by Henry Bradbury. imp. folio, half mounted on canvass and folded in a book. bound, 61. 6s. (Morocco extra, gilt leaves, small 4to. 6s. presented by H. Bradbury, Esq.) Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Bradbury & Evans, 1855. Thomson, Dr. S. Wanderings among Wild Manual of School Gardening. 12mo. 6d. Flowers. 12mo. 5s. Groombridge & Sons, 1854. National Society. Twining, Eliz. Short Lectures on Plants, for Marcet, Mrs. Conversations on Vegetable Schools and Adult Classes. post Svo. cloth. Physiology; comprehending the Elements of Os. D. Nutt, 1858. Botany, with their Application to Agriculture. fcp. Svo. cloth. Is. Longman & Co., 1839. Wilson, Rey. T. Catechism of Botany:- No. 1. Structure of Plants. 18mo. Id. Notes of Lectures on Elementary Botany. (Illus No. 2. Tribes of Plants. lSmo. 9d. trative of the Botanical Diagram.) 18mo. 6d. Darton & Co. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Withering's British Plants, by W. Macgil- Plants and Trees of Scripture. 18mo, 10d. liveray, LL.D. royal 12mo. cloth. 10s. 6d. Religious Tract Society. E. Law, 1858. Popular Geography of Plants; or, a Botanical Woodland Gleanings, being an Account of Excursion round the World. By E. C. Edited British Forest Trees. 12mo. cloth. 38. 6d. by Professor Daubeny. 20 tinted chromo- E. Law, 1853. landscapes. royal 16mo. 10s. 6d. Lovell Reeve, 1855. Pratt, Anne. The Poisonous, Noxious, and Suspected Plants of our Fields and Woods. royal 16mo. cloth. 6s. - Wild Flowers. With many coloured Delafosse, M. Notions Elémentaires d'His- Plates. 2 vols. 16mo, cloth. 8s. each. toire Naturelle. “Botanique." Elementary Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Ideas of Botany. 18ino. Hachette, Paris, 1853. Royle, J. F. The Fibrous Plants of India fitted Kasthofer, Ch. Le Guide dans les Forêts. for Čordage, Clothing, and Paper; with an Guide in the Forests. 2 vols. Svo. half- account of the cultivation and preparation of bound. Porrentruy, 1838. fax. hemp, and their substitutes. Svo. 12s. (Presented by the Author.) - Abrégé de Sylviculture. Arboriculture, Smith, Elder, & Co., 1855. Translated from the German by F. Briatte. post Svo. A. Michod, Lausanne, 1848. Schleiden, Dr. J. M. Principles of Scientific Botany; or, Botany as an Inductive Science. Rendu, V. Botanique, ou Histoire Naturelle Translated by Edwin Lankester, M.D., &c. &c. des Plantes. Botany, or Natural History of Plants, for the use of Normal Primary Schools. Svo. cloth. ll. ls. Longman & Co., 1849. 12mo. Angé, Paris, 1838. Schleiden, Dr. M. J. The Plant; a Biography. In a Series of Lectures. Translated by Ain thur Henfrey. Syo. cloth, 15s. . H. Baillière, 1853. BOTANY.-DIAGRAMS, ETC. 231 Bernasconi, G. Lezioni d' Orticultura. Les- I Cotton--cont. sons in Horticulture, for Ticinese Schools. accomplished by a process of abstracting 2nd edition. 16mo. Lugano, 1851. the dirt from the cotton by a machine Kasthofer. Compendio di Selvicoltura. Com- called a “scutcher;" of withdrawing the pendium of Arboriculture. Translated by shorter fibres by a “carding machine;' G. Sandrini. 12mo. Bellinzona, 1850. of elongating the fibres by a process called “drawing," which consists in pass- ing a "sliver," or untwisted coil of coiton- Bischoff, Dr. Carl. Grundrisz der Naturges- fibres through a series of four pair of rollers, each succeeding pair revolving chichte. Elementary Sketch of Natural History. quicker than the previous pair, and thus 1st part, Botany. Svo. Reimer, Berlin, 1852. stretching out the fibres which are par. Jacob, R. Pflanzenkunde. Botany in connexion tially retained by the preceding pair of with theElements of Agriculture, Horticulture, rollers. It then passes through a series &c. Svo. half-bound. Bern, 1849. of machines called "slubbing" and Lüben, August. Die Hauptformen der äus- s roving" frames, which are merely a repetition of the first process in a finer zern Pflanzenorgane. Plants, the Leading Forms of their External Organs. Svo. sewed, degree ; they adapt the fibres for the accompanied by Illustrations, consisting of "mule” to spin into weft, and the 78 Figures, on 14 Sheets, broad folio. throstle, into twist, by putting in a given Barth, Leipzig, 1846. number of turns of twist per inch, as the thread is being wound from a series of Pflanzenkunde. Instruction for the Sys- rollers on to spindles and bobbins, which tematic Study of Botany. 3rd edition. post 8vo. E. Anton, Halle, 1851. revolve more than 5,000 times per minute. Pokorny, Alois. Naturgeschichte des Pflan The art of spinning consists in the careful zenreiches. Botany, for Use of the Gymna- management of the foregoing processes, sian and Art Schools in Austria. Svo. sewed, and the relative value of the articles pro- (Presented by the Austrian Government.) duced depends on the thickness or fine- Vien, 1853. ness of the thread No. 6, of which 5,040 yards weighing 1 lb., is about the coarsest in use: No. 1,000 or 840,000 yards, or 477 miles weighing i lb., is said to have Diagrams, &c. been the finest ever spun. The latter Botanical Diagrams, on 26 large sheets, each No.(1,000) is almost too fine for commer- 2d. plain, or 3 d. coloured. (A frame of spe- cial purposes; but No. 500 has been made cimens coloured.) into cloth, and cloth made from No. 220 Society for Promoting Chrisliun Knowledge. may be seen in this case. The materials twist and weft are converted into articles Botanical Diagram representing five different for domestic use called, according to varieties of plants. Prepared as an example their weight and comparative fineness of colouring by steam power; mounted on of twist and weft, fustians, domestics' cloth, 9d. shirtings, printing cloths, muslins, mulls, - representing the eight different kinds &c., &c. of root; wood engraving, coloured by hand. Size 33 by 21 inches. Mounted on cloth, Cotton Plant, South Carolina, a Coloured 1s. 6d. J. J. Grillin. Print of. Botanical Map, showing the Geographical Exhibited by the Cotton Supply Association, Distribution of Plants. (See Reynolds' Play- Manchester. sical Maps.) Cotton. Specimen of Clustered Seed Cotton Cotton. A Collection of Specimens illustrating of Honduras. (Presented by the Chief Justice the Geographical Distribution of the Cotton Temple.) Plant throughout the Globe. Note.-Cotton is a fibrous substance which Cotton, Statistics of, on 2 sheets; size 25 in. by 20 in. envelopes the ripe seed of the gosypium (cotton-tree, or shrub), and is prepared Plate 1. Cotton grown in India, compara- for manufacturing purposes by picking it tive Lengths of Staple. from the plant as it ripens, and separating Plate 2. Cotton grown in the United States it from the outer shell and seeds by a and other Parts of the World. machine called a "gin." An acre of (Presented by IV. Lascelles Scott, Esq.) land will produce about 1,200 lbs. of seeds Day & Son. and cotton, of which one-third, or 400 lbs., Cotton Tree. Two Pods of the Silk Cotton will be clean cotton. The seeds are used Tree (Bombax Malabaricum). for feeding cattle, and will yield an oil *** The woolly substance contained in these by pressing. Spinning is the process of pods is used in India to stuff pillows converting the longest libres of the cotton and beds. into thread called twist for the warp or Presented by Dr. Shortt, Indian Army. lengthway of the cloth, and weft which goes across the cloth fabric. Spinning is | Darton's Educational Diagrams. See p. 238. 232 NATURAL HISTORY. Ficus Religiosa, Anatomized Leaf of the ; | Plants. Pictures for Elementary Instruction, grown, prepared, and painted at Dangstein, consisting of 12 Plates of beautifully coloured Hants, by Lady Dorothy Nevill. Diagrams of Useful Plants. broad folio (life Presented by Lady Dorothy Nevill. size), representing the following subjects: -- 1. Rye. 17. Capsicum. Ficus Religiosa, Two anatomized Leaves of 2. Wheat. 18. The Saffron Crocus. the, with Chinese Drawings thereon. 3. Barley. 19. The Onion. Presented by Mr. G. C. Hance. 4. Oats. 20. Garlic. 5. Buckwheat. 21. Aniseed. Forest Trees, Prints of. Nos. 1 to 12, with 6. The Pea. 22. Carraway. short descriptions, post folio, each, plain, 7. The Lentil. 23. Hemp. 1s. 1d.; or, coloured, 28. sd. (Framed.) S. The Kidney Bcan. 24. The Flax. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 9. The Vine. 25. The Tobacco Plant. 10. The Hop. 26. The Opium Poppy.' Forest Trees, Fifteen Prints of, coloured. 11. Spelt Wheat. 27. Fennel. Size, 17 in. bý' 13 in. Mounted on a large 12. The Potato. 28. Coriander. sheet, canvas and roller, varnished, ll. is. 13. Common Mustard. 29. Horse-raddish. (or separately, 1s. cach.) Darton & Co. 14. The Cucuinber. 30. Horse-raddish Root. (15), mounted on 8 millboards. 15. Millet. 31. Tuberous Pca. 14s. Home and Colonial School Society. 16. Maize. Complete (with descriptive text, 12mo.), 7s. 6d.; Fruits of Germany; consisting of Porcelain mounted on boards for the use of schools, Models of 6 different Sorts with descriptive 10s. 6d. Joseph, Myers, & Co. Text, in a mahogany box. Ist Series. 125. Seed Vessel of the Lecythis Ollaria. (See - in a deal box stained. 2nd Series. Is. 6d. No. 55, Prof. Henslow's Case.) Joseph, Myers, & Co. Presented by Mrs. Fry. Hawes, J. A Group of Leaves, Seed Vessels, Turner, Miss A. Group of Plants anatomized and Ferns anatomized (under a glass shade). (under a glass shade): Exhibited by Mr. John Hawes. Presented by Miss Turner. Henslow, Professor. A Series of 9 coloured Wild Flowers, Prints of. Nos. 1 to 96, imp. Botanical Diagrams, with the Nomenclature 4to., caclı, plain, id.; or coloured, 2d. (Specimen framed.) in English and Latin, and a key to the whole in the margin, by Professor Henslow; drawn Society for Promotiny Christian Knowledge. by M. W. Fitch, Esq., for the Department of | Woods of Germany; comprising 100 Speci- Science and Art. Size, 40% by 29 inches. price mens, in a Box. 11. 4s. Joseph, Myers, & Co. 21. gs. 6d. the set. Day & Son. Henslow, Professor. A Series of Examples illustrative of the System of Instruction pur- - sued in the Schools at Hitcham, Suffolk, under the superintendence of Professor Henslow. AGRICULTURE, &c. Village School Botany. Specimens of || Agricultural Class Book, or how Best to Culti- British Plants growing wild, and a few Com vate a Small Farm and Garden, together with mon Trees in Plantations, in the Parish of Hints on Domestic Economy. 12mo. cloth. 6d. Hitcham, Suffolk, collected and arranged by Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. the Pupils in the Schools at Hitcham (ufter Groombridge & Sons. school-hours), under the superintendence of Professor Henslow. Agricultural Schools and Model Farms. Va- rious Forms, &c., respecting, viz.;- Contributed by the Rev. Professor Henslow. Circular of Instructions. Henslow, Prof. A Collection of Carpological Seven-Course Rotation of Crops. Specimens and Preparations for the Use of Eight ditto. Students in Vegetable Physiology. Return No. 1. Exhibited by the Science and Art Department. Monthly Report. Application for Part of Additional Salary. Marine Algæ, Select Specimens of. Neatly Report upon ditto. mounted, in books, post 4to. size, 3s. 6d. and Weekly Report of Model Farm. 1s. each. (Exhibited by and may be purchasca Form for Account of Expenses, ditto. of MIrs. Gaskill, Bentinck Cottage, Ventnor, Isle Report of the Agricultural School. of Wight.) Form for Returns, Statistics, and Cropping of the Agricultural Schools. Sold by R. Hardwick, 192, Piccadilly, London. Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. Plants, Prints of, from which Poisonous Sub- Agriculturist's (The) Calculator ; a Series stances are derived; the plate coloured, with of Tables for the Use of all engaged in Agri- description underneath. crown 4to. 44 sorts. culture or the Management of Landed Pro- 1s. 1d. per dozen. (1 specimens framed.) perty. 12mo. bound. 9s. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Blackie & Son, 1860. BOTANICAL DIAGRAMS, ETC.--AGRICULTURE, ETC. 233 3s. Andrews, G. H. Rudimentary Treatise on | Journal of the Bath and West of England Agricultural Engineering. 12mo. 38. Society for the Encouragement of Agriculture, J. Weale, 1852. Arts, Manufacture, and Commerce. Vol. 7, Blacklock, A. A Treatise on Sheep. 18mo. 75. 6d., and Vol. 8, Part 1, 4s. Svo. sewed. Groombridge & Sons, 1853. (Presented by T. D. Acland, Esq.) Blundell, T., M.D. Inorganic Manures con- J. Ridgway, 1859–60. sidered in relation to Soils, and the better Loudon, Mrs. The Amateur Gardener's Ca- lendar. post 8vo. 75. 6d. Longman & Co., 1857. ecomizing of Farmyard Manure. 8vo. sewed. E. Johnson, Wisbech, 1845. Morton, J. C. Cyclopædia of Agriculture, Practical and Scientific. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Corrigan, A. Theory and Practice of Modern cloth. 31. 15s. Agriculture, to which is added the Breeding, Blackie & Son. Management, and Diseases of Cattle, Sheep, Murphy, E. Agricultural Instructor; or Pigs, Horses, and Poultry. 12mo. 2s. Gd. Young Farmer's Class Book. 12mo. Is. (Presented by NIr. R. A. Thompson.) McGlashan & Gill. Report of the Commissioners of Patents, — 12mo. cloth. 2s. Gd. (Presented United States, “ Agriculture," 1856, 1857, by II. Cole, Esq.) 1858, 1859. Svo. cloth. (Presented by the Purdon, Brothers, Dublin, 1858. Smithsonian Institute.) Washington, U.S. Dempsey, G. D. Rudimentary Treatise on the Rham, Rev. W. L. The Dictionary of the Drainage and Sewage of Towns and Buildings. Farm. Revised by W. and H. Raynbird. crown 12mo. Is. 6d. 1954. Svo. cloth. 5s. Routledge & Co., 1853. - Rudimentary Treatise on the Drainage Sidney, Pev. E. The Field and the Fold; or, a of Districts and Lands. 12mo ls. Popular Exposition of the Science of Agricul- J. Wcale, 1854. ture. Smo. cloth. 10d. Donaldson, Professor. A Rudimentary Trea- Blights of the Wheat, and their Remedies. tise on Clay Lands and Loamy Soils. 12mo. ismo. cloth. 10d. Religious Tract Society. 1.S. 'J. Weale, 1852. Stephens, H. Catechism of Practical Agricul- Edwards' Book-keeping for farmers. (Sce ture. post Svo. 1s. 6d. Blackwood & Sons, 1856. Book-keeping.) Tomlinson, Mrs. C. Sketches of Rural Affairs, Elementary Catechism of Cottage Farming. fcp. Svo. cloth. 3s. Gd. 1Smo. 1d. Groombridge & Sons, 1851. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Ewart, J. The Agriculturist's Assistant; a Wilson, J., F.R.S.E. Our Farm Crops; being Notebook of Principles, Rules, and Tables, a popular Scientific Description of the Culti- adapted to the Use of all engaged in Agricul vation, Chemistry, Diseases, Remedies, &c., ture or the Management of Landed Property. of the various Crops cultivated in Great fep. Svo. cloth. 3s. 6d. Blackie & Son, 1857. Britain and Ireland. Illustrated with En- gravings on wood. 2 vols. crown Svo. cloth. Farm Account Book, for the use of Agri- 13s. Blackie & Son, 1859. cultural Schools. 4to. half bound. Commissioners of National Education, Ireland. - 4to. half bound. Is. 2d. Groombridge & Sons. Barrau, T. H. Simples Notions sur l'Agricul- Farm and Garden Essays. 12mo. 4d. each, viz.: ture. Plain Thoughts respecting Agriculture; No. 1. Cultivation of Arable Land. also Gardening and Plantations. "A Reading 2. Rearing of Poultry. Book for Primary Schools. 3rd edition. 12mo. 3. Annuals for the Flower Garden. sewed. Hachette, Paris, 1852. 4. The Horse. Boubée, N. Cours de Géologie Agricole. Svo. 5. Fruit Trees, and Fruit-bearing Shrubs. half calf. 6. Cattle. - 2 Tables accompanying. 2 ſt. 4 in. 7. The Garden Frame. by 1 ft. 10 in. 2s. Id. Eloffe & Co., Paris, 1852. 8. The Greenbouse. Groombridge & Sons. Catechismo Agrario pei Fanciulli di Cam- pagna. Agricultural Catechism for Country Farm (Our) of Four Acres, and the Money we Children. 12ino. sewed. (2 copies.) made of it. post Svo. boards. 28. Bellinzona, 1854. Chapman & Hall, 1860. Galloway, R. On the Valuation of Soils and Delapalme, M. Dictionnaire d'Agriculture Nutrition of Plants. Read before the Royal Pratique. Dictionary of Practical Agriculture. Society, Dublin, June 24, 1859. Svo. sewed. Svo. half call. Hachette, Paris, 1952. Presented by H. Cole, Esq. Hofmann, F. W. Landwirtschaftlicher An- Grasses. Illustrations of a few of the Useful schauungsunterricht. Practical Instruction in Grasses; from Corrigan's Agriculture, Second Agriculture. 2 parts. 12mo, sewed. (Presented Edition. On a sheet, is in. by 7. in. (framed.) | by the Austrtan Government.) Vien, 1853. Presented by H. Cole, Esq. Karte, &c. der Europacischen Rubenzucker Hutchinson, S. Practical Instructions on the Industrie. General Nap of the Geographical Drainage of Land. Svo. 18. Distribution of the European Bectroot Sugar Groombridge & Sons. lIanufacture. In frame, glazed. 234 NATURAL HISTORY, Loi révisée, sur l'Ecole d'Agriculture. Revised | Woodward, S. P. A Manual of the Mollusca; Law concerning the School of Agriculture, in or, a Rudimentary Treatise of Recent and Canton Fribourg, May 1852. on a sheet, broad Fossil Shells. Illustrated by A. N. Water- folio. (2 copies.) Fribourg, 1852. house and J. W. Lowry. 12mo. 45. 1851. Neveu-Derotrie, E. J. A. Veillées Vil- - Supplement to. 12mo. 1s. 6d. lageoises, ou Entretiens sur l'Agriculture J. Weale, 1856. Moderne. Conversations on Agriculture, en- titled “ Village Evenings.” 9th edition. 12mo. Hachette, Paris, 1853. Payen et Richard. Précis d'Agriculture. Damon, R. Elementary and other Collections Summary of Agriculture, Theoretical and of Shells:-- Practical. 2 vols. 8vo. Hachette, Paris, 1851. 1. Shells of Great Britain named in accord- Rendu, Victor. Principes d'Agriculture. Prin- ance with the British Mollusca of Profs. ciples of Agriculture for Agricultural Schools. Forbes and Huxley, and Sowerby's Index 12mo. Hachette, Paris, 1853. of British Shells. 100 Species (200 shells), with a Catalogue. 21s. Tableau de la Situation Agricole et Industrielle, &c. 2. Ditto, «litto. 200 Species, with a Catalogue. View of the Agricultural and Industrial 61. Os. position of 19 districts of Canton de Vaud. 3. Collection of 100 Genera of Shells, British 8vo. (2 copies.) A. Michod, Lausanne, 1852. and Exotic, exhibiting the Typical Forms of Shells, and illustrative of Woodward's Manual of the Mollusca. With a Cata- logue. 30s. ZOOLOGY. 4. Ditto, ditto, consisting of Specimens more Zoophytes. carefully selected. With a Catalogue. 31. Landsborough, Rev. Dr., A.L.S. Popular *** The above prices are exclusive of the British Zoophytes. 20 coloured plates. royal glass-topped boxes, which can be supplied at from 1s. 6d. to 2s. 6d. per dozen. 16mo. 10s. 6d. Lovell Reeve, 1852. Exhibited by Robert Damon, Weymouth, Observing Eye, The; or Lessons to Children Wright, B. M.:- on the Three Lowest Divisions of Animal Life, Radiated, Articulated, and Molluscous. 1$mo. A Case of Shells. 5s. cloth. Ditto, ditto. 10s. Jarrold & Sons. 35. Glazed Boxes for Specimens. Bryce M. Wright, 36, Great Russell Street, W.C. Molluscs. Catlow, Agnes. Popular Conchology, or the Shell Cabinet arranged according to the Insects. Modern System. post Svo. 145. Longman & Co., 1854. History of Insects. 16mo. 38. Religious Tract Society. Forbes & Hanley. History of British Mol- lusca and their Shells. 4 vols. Svo. cloth. Humphreys, H. Noel. The Butterfly Vi- 61. 10s. Van Voorst, 1853. varium, or Insect Home. royal 16mo. cloth, Huxley, Professor. Internal Structure of the gilt leaves. 7s. 6d. W. Lay, 1858. Oyster. Ona shect. Kirby & Spence. Introduction to Ento- Lessons on Shells, as given to Children mology. post Svo. cloth. 58. between the Ages of Eight and Ten in a Longman & Co., 1857. Pestalozzian School, at Cheam, Surrey. By Lardner, Dr. The Bee and White Ants. 12mo. Miss Mayo. fcp. Svo. cloth. 3s. 6d. 2s. Walton & Maberly, 1856. Secley & Co., 1846. Roberts, Mary. Popular History of Mollusca; Life (The) of an Insect. Part I. A History of the Changes of Insects from the Egg to the or, Shells and their Animals. 18 coloured perfect Being 16mo. cloth. 3s. 6d. Plates. royal 16mo. l0s. 6d. Lovell Reeve, 1851. - Part II. An Account of Insect Habits and Manners. 16mo. cloth. 35, 6d. Shells and their Inmates. 16mo. 35. Religious Tract Society. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Sowerby, G. B., F.L.S. Popular British Con Morris, Rev. F. O. A History of British Butter- chology; the Molluscs and Shells inhabiting flies; with coloured plates. royal 8vo. cloth. the British Isles. 20 coloured plates. royal 20s. Groombridge & Sons, 1853. 16mo. 10s. 6d. Lovell Reeve, 1854. Rennie, J. Insect Architecture; to which are Swainson, W. Treatise on Malacology; or added, Miscellanies on the Ravages, the Pre- Natural Classification of Shells and Shell servation for Purposes of Study, and the Fish. fcp. 8vo. 35. 6d. Longman & Co. Classification of Insects. post Svo. cloth. 5s. Tabular View of the Orders and Families of J. Murray, 1857. Mollusca. Mounted on canvas and roller, Stainton, H. T. The Educational Sheet of varnished. Size 2 ft. 9 in. by 2 ft. 3. price 6s. Butterflies, adapted for schools. 2d. each, or Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 14s. per 100, E. Newinan, ZOOLOGY. 235 Wonderful Insects. Scoloured plates in a Life (The) of a Bird. An Account of the portfolio. 4to. Is. 6d. Groombridge & Sons. Progress of Birds, from the Nest to their per- fect Condition. 16mo. cloth. 3s. 6d. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Collectanea Entomologica. An Introduce | Martin, W. C. L. An Introduction to the tory Course of Study of Insects, arranged in Study of Birds; with a particular Notice of systematic order; in a book-shaped glazed those mentioned in Scripture; illustrated. case. (Presented by the Entomological Society.) 12mo, cloth. 6s. Religious Tract Society. Morris, Rev. F. 0. A History of British Birds; with many coloured plates. 6 vols. royal 8vo. cloth. 178. each. 1851-7. Fiskes. A Natural History of the Nests and Eggs British Fish and Fisheries. 18mo. cloth. 10d. of British Birds; with coloured plates. vol. 1, Religious Tract Socicly. royal 8vo. cloth. (Complete in 3 vols., 21s. Couch, J., F.L.S. History of the Fishes of the each.) Groombridge & Sons, 1853–1856. British Islands, with coloured Illustrations. Pratt, Anne. Our Native Songsters. With Part 1. royal 8vo. sewed. 1s. Published many coloured Plates. 16mo. cloth. Ss. monthly (to form about 60 parts.) Groombridge and Sons, 1860. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. History (A Familiar) of the British Fishes. Scripture Birds; containing a Description of fcp. 8vo. cloth. 4:. the Birds mentioned in the Bible. With co- Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. loured Illustrations. imp. 16mo. cloth, gilt leaves. 35. 6d. Swainson, W. Natural History of Fishes, Groombridge & Sons. Amphibians, and Reptiles. 2 vols. fcp. Svo. cloth. 75. Longman & Co. cation of Birds. 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 75. Tabular View of the Orders and Families of Longinan & Co. Fishes. Mounted to fold in a book. post 4to. White, A. Popular History of Birds; their Clas- 6s.. sification and Habits. 20 coloured Plates. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledgc. royal 16mo. 10s. 6d. Lovell Reeve, 1855. Yarrell, W. A History of British Fishes. 3rd edition. Edited by Sir John Richardson, C. B. Yarrell, W. History of British Birds, illus- 2 vols. Svo. cloth. 31. J. Van Voorst, 1859. trated by 550 Wood Engravings. 3 vols. Svo. cloth. 41. 148. 6d. Van Voorst, 1856. Rijkens R, G. Natuurlijke Historie. Natural History. Birds. 2 parts. 1$mo. Oomkens, Groningen, Reptiles. Bell, T. History of British Reptiles. Illus- trated by 50 Wood Engravings. Svo, cloth. 12s. Van Voorst, 1849. Martin, W. C. L. Popular History of Reptiles; illustrated. 12mo. cloth. 6s. Religious Tract Society, Mammals. Bell, T. History of British Quadrupeds, in- cluding the Cetacea. Svo. half calf. (11. 8s. in cloth). Van Voorst, 1857. Cassell's Popular Natural History. Mam- malia. Part I. crown 4to. cloth. Ss. 6d. Cassell & Co. Birds. Adams, H. G. Nests and Eggs of British Birds, with coloured plates. royal 16mo. ls. Groombridge & Sons, 1854. Beautiful Birds. 8 coloured plates in a port- folio. 4to. Is. 6d. Groombridge & Sons. Birds, Comparative Sizes of. 8 coloured plates in a portfolio. 4to. ls. 6d. Groombridge & Sons. Birds of the Sea Shore, printed in colours on cardboard, with a description at the back of cach. 161o. 1s. for a packet containing 12. Society for Promolini Christian Knowledge. Gosse, P. H. Popular British Ornithology. A Familiar Description of British Birds. 20 coloured plates. royal 16mo. 10s. 6d. Lovell Reeve, 1853. Hartin, W. C. L. Popular Introduction to the Study of Quadrupeds, or of the Class Mam- malia; illustrated. 12mo. cloth. 6s. Religious Tract Society. White, A. Popular Mammalia; comprising a Familiar Account of their Classification and Habits. 16 coloured Plates. royal 16mo. 10s, 6d. Lovell Reeve, 1850. 236 NATURAL HISTORY. General Natural History. Adams, II. G. Sca-side Lesson Book. 18mio. Is. 6d. Groombridge & Sons, 1856. Animals, their Food and Instincts, with En- gravings. 16mo. 2s. 6d. Ward & Co. Atlas (Uncle Adam's) of Natural History. imp. Svo. 2s.6d. E. Gover, 1855. Bible Natural History, with coloured plates. imp. 16ıno. 128. 6d. Groombridge & Sons, 1853. Book of Animals. A Picture Book for a Noah's Ark, with Descriptions of 200 Animals. 1$mo. boards. 1s. 6d. Chapman & Hall, 1952. Cassell's Popular Natural History. See Mam- mals. p. 235. Catlow, M. E. Popular Scripture Zoology; containing a Familiar History of the Animals mentioned in the Bible. 16 coloured plates. royal 16mo. 10s. 6d. Lovell Reeve, 1852. Chambers' Rudiments of Zoology. 12mo. cloth. 3s. 6d. W. & R. Chambers, 1855. Curiosities of Animal Life, with the Recent Discoveries of the Microscope. 12mo. 2s. Religious Tract Society. Dallas, W. S. Natural History of the Animal Kingdom, arranged according to their Or- ganization. crown Svo. cloth. Ss. 6d. R. Griffin & Co., 1860. Dexter, T.E. Animaland Vegetable Substances used in the Arts and Manufactures, illustrative of the Imports and Exports of Great Britain and her Colonies, and explanatory of " Dexter's Cabinet of Objects.” 2d Edition. fcap. Svo. cloth. 2s. 1861. - Minerals and Metals (forining 2nd part of the above). fcp. 8vo. cloth. 2s. (Presented by the Author.) Groombridge & Sons, 1858. English Cyclopædia, Natural History. Con- ducted by Charles Knight. 4 vols. 4to. cloth. Bradbury & Evans, 1854. Gosse, P. H. Manual of Marine Zoology for the British Isles. 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 128. Van Voorst, 1855-6. Gosse, P. H. Text Book of Zoology, for Schools. 12mo. cloth. 35. 4d. Jesse, E. Gleanings in Natural History. 12mo. cloth. 68. 6d. 1854. - Scenes and Occupations of Country Life; with Recollections of Natural History. 12mo. clotb. 6s. J. Murray, 1853. Lankester, E., M.D. The Aquavivarium, Fresh and Marine ; being an Account of the Principles and Objects involved in the Do- mestic Culture of Water Plants and Animals. fscp 8vo. cloth, gilt leaves. Plates plain, 25. 6d., or coloured, 4s. R. Hardwicke, 1856. Lankester, Edwin, M.D. Lectures on the Uses of Animals in relation to the Industry of Man. First Course :-). On Silk. 2. Wool. 3. Leather. 4. Bone. 5. Soap. 6. On Waste. crown 8vo. 2d. cach ; or complete, cloth, limp, 1s. R. Hardwicke, 1860 Lawson & Son. Synopsis of the Vegetable Products of Scotland. Vol. 1. fcp. 4to. sewed. 4s. - Vol. 1, Division 1. fcp. 4to. sewed. ls. (Presented by H. Cole, Esq.) Lee, Mrs. R. Elements of Natural History. post Svo. cloth. 78. Longman & Co., 1556. - Familiar Natural History. royal 16mo. cloth. 38. 6d. Griffith & Farran, 1853. - Anecdotes of the Habits and Instincts of Animals. 12mo. 5s. 1854. of Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes. 12ino, 5s. Griflith & Farran, 1855. Lewis, W. G. Catechism of the Natural His- tory of Man. 18mo. 6d. - Catechism of the Natural History of Beasts. Parts 1 and 2. 18mo. 6d. Catechism of the Natural History of Amphibious Animals. 18mo. 6d. - Catechism of the Natural History of Birds. Parts 1 and 2. 18mo. 6d. each. - Catechism of Natural History of Insects. 18mo. Cd. Aylott & Co., 1857. Lloyd, W. A. A List, with Descriptions, Illus- trations, and Prices, of whatever belongs to Aquaria. post Svo. sewed. ls. W. A. Lloyd, 19, Portland Road, W. Loudon, Mrs. Facts from the World of Na- ture, Animate and Inanimate. fcp. Svo. cloth gilt leaves. 5s. 1851. - Glimpses of Nature, and Objects of In- terest described, during a Visit to the Isle of Wight. 16mo. cloth. 38. 6d. 1918. Griſlith & Farran. Mann, R. J., M.D. A Guide to the Knowledge of Lilc, Vegetable and Animal. 18mo. clothi. Jarrold & Sons. Marcet, Mrs. Lessons on Animals, Vege- tables, and Minerals. 18mo. cloth. 2s. Longman & Co., 1846. Maunder, S. Treasury of Natural History: 12mo. cloth. 10s. Longinan & Co., 1854. Murray, Rev. T. B. Zoological Sketches; consisting of Descriptions and Engravings of 186 Animals. 12ino. cloth. 38. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 1859. 21. 1851. 45. crown Svo. cloth. 45. 6d. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Greene, Prof. J. R. Manual of the Animal Kingdom. Part 1, Protozoa; with a General Introduction to the Principles of Zoology. (Galbraith & Haughton's Scientific Manuals.) fop. Svo. sewed. 2s. Longman & Co., 1859. Hibberd, S. The Book of the Aquarium; the .Freshwater and Marine. New edition, revised and enlarged, in 1 vol. fcp. Svo. cloth, 3s. 6d., or separately, 2s. cach. Groombridge & Sons, 1860. Hibberd, S. The Water Cabinet. 12mo. ls. - Fresh-Water Aquarium. 12mo. ls. - Marine Aquarium. 12mo. 1s. Groombridge & Sons. GENERAL NATURAL HISTORY. 237 Natural History in Stories for Little Children. I Swainson, W. Natural History, and Classifi- royal 16mo. plates coloured, cloth gilt leaves. cation of Quadrupeds. fcp. Svo. 38. 6d. 3s. 6d. Addey & Co., 1954. Longman & Co. Natural History. (Pupils' Home Books.) 12mo. --- Taxidermy; with the Biography of Zoolo- stiffened wrapper. 3d. (British and Foreign gists, and Notices of their Works. fcp. 8vo. School Society.) Hamilton 38. Od. Longman & Co. - Treatise on the Geography and Classili- O'Brien, Charlotte. Simple Catechism of the cation of Animals. fcp. Svo. 38. 6d. Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral Kingdoms. Longman & Co. 18mo. 9d. Relfe, Brothers. - On the Habits and Instincts of Animals. Ocean, The; a Description of Wonders and fcp. Svo. 35. 6d. Longman & Co. Important Products of the Sea. 16mo. cloth. - Animals in Menageries. fcp. Svo. 3s. 6. 38. Od. Longinan & Co. Griffith and Farran. Discourse on the Study of Natural His- Owen, J. Stepping Stone to Natural History. tory. fcp. 8vo. 35. Gd. Longman & Co. Parts 1 and 2, is, each, or the 2 parts in 1 vol. 18mo. 2s.6d. Longman & Co., 1856. Tate, T. The Little Philosopher. Part 4, “Animal Kingdom.” 18mo. Is. Natural History for Beginners. Parts Longman & Co., 1858. 1 and 2. 18mo. sewed. 9d. each. (Gleig's School White, Rev. G. The Natural History and Series.) Longman & Co., 1859. Antiquities of Selborne. Edited by Sir W. Patterson, R. First Steps to Zoology. Parts Jardine, Bart. crown 8vo. cloth. 28. 6d. 1 and 2. 16mo. half calf. (Presented by the N. Cooke, 1853. Irish Board.) Simms & M'Intyre, 1850. Arranged for Young Persons. A Introduction to Zoology, for the Use of new edition, with Notes and many Woodcuts. Schools. Parts 1 and 2. 12mo. half calf. crown 8vo. cloth. 6s. (Presented by the Irish Board.) Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Simms & M'Intyre, 1950. Wonders of Organic Life. 18mo. 100. Patterson, R. First Steps to Zoology. With Religious Tract Society. 244 Illustrations. royal lomo. cloth. 5s. Wood, Rev. J. G. The Illustrated Natural Simnis & M'Intyre, 1919. | History. 12mo. 8s. 6d. Routledge & Co., 1853. 3rd edition. fup. Svo. cloth. 38. Woodward, B. B. The Natural History of the (Presented by the Author.) Year, for Children. 18mo. Is. 6d. gilt. Longman & Co., 1860. Ward & Co. Pinnock, Rev. G. First Steps to Knowledge. Young, Rev. J. Scripture Natural History. Natural History. 18mo. 6d. royal 16mo. 2s. 6d. . T. Allman & Son. - New edition. Sino. cloth. gilt leaves. 2s. Od. Dean & Son. Pratt, Anne. Chapters on the Common Things of the Sea Coast. With numerous Woodcuts. fcp. Svo, cloth. 45. Alphabet du Petit Naturaliste, ou Notions Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Elémentaires sur l'Histoire Naturelle. Alpha- Becreative Science published Monthly. (Sce bet of the Little Naturalist, &c.; with 26 Sub- Common Things.) jects engraved in Copperplate. 18mo. half bound. Scripture Natural History; being an A. Eymery, Paris, 18is. Account of Animals, Trees, Plants, and Pre- Battelle, M. Premiers Leçons sur les Animaux cious Stones mentioned in Scripture, given Domestiques. First Lessons on Domestic principally from the Works of Travellers, with Animals, (being the description of 10 Prints). some Remarks on Agriculture, Climate, &c. 18mo. sewed. 1855. fcp. Svo, cloth. 45. Battel, M. Premiers Leçons sur les Animaux Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Sauvages. First Lessons on Wild Animals, Scripture Natural History; containing a (being a description of 10 Prints). 18mo. Description of the Quadrupeds, Birds, &c. &c., sewed. Hachette & Co., 1857. mentioned in Scripture. Illustrated. 12mo. Buffon, Morceaux Choisis de. Selections from cloth. 2s. 6d. Religious Tract Society. Buffon, and from Montbéliard. Edited by M. Scripture Quadrupeds; being a Description Hemardinquer. 12mno. half calf. of the Animals mentioned in the Bible. With Dezobry, Paris, 1852. coloured Illustrations. imp. 16mo. cloth. Delafosse, M. Notions Elémentaires d'His- 35. 60. Groombridge & Sons. toire Naturelle. Elementary Ideas of Natural Shield, Mary. Stepping Stone to Animal and History. " Zoology.” 18mo. sewed. Hachette, Paris, 1951. Vegetable Physiology. 18mo. ls. Longman & Co., 1854. Nourrigat, Emile. Vers-à-Soie. History of the Silkworm, on a Sheet, as Specimen. The Sidney, Rev. E. Philosophy of Food and Set of s, 10s.) Delaunoy, Paris, Nutrition in Plants and Animals. 12mo. 2s. Religious Tract Society. I 238 NATURAL HISTORY. Curti, G. Storia Naturale. Natural History | ILLUSTRATIONS & DIAGRAMS for the Use of Schools. Svo. half bound. OF NATURAL HISTORY. (2 copies.) Meyer, Lucerna, 1846. Fischer, Dr. Sig. Gasp. Compendio di Storia Animals, a Small Collection of, to illustrate Naturale. Compendium of Natural History the Common Order. In a case, 41. for the Use of the Fourth Class in large Home and Colonial School Society. Elementary Schools 12mo. (Presented by the Austrian Government.) Vien, 1848. Animals, Prints of, (8). Mounted on 4 mill- boards. 48. Home and Colonial School Society. Animals, with their Comparative Size. Mounted on canvas and roller, 4ft. 6 in. by Abbildungen zum Lehrbuche der Naturge. 3 ft. Sin. coloured 10s. schichte für die Unter-Realschulen. A Set of Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 12 coloured Engravings of Objects in Natural History, for Use of Elementary Real Schools. Animal Kingdom. Illustrations (Ten) of the crown Svo. stitched in printed wrapper. Animal Kingdom, according to their com- (Presented by the Austrian Government.) parative sizes; coloured. Size, 2 ft. by 19 in. is. 6d. cach. The last 6 published, mounted Abbildungen zum Lehrbuche der Naturge- on canvas and roller, 17s. Darton & Co. schichte für Realschulen. A Set of 18 Plates --- Illustrations of, according to their com- of Objects in Natural History, with a Table of parative sizes. 2 sheets, mounted on mill- Contents, for Use of Real Schools. coloured. board, 2s. 6d. cach. National Society. royal folio. stitched in printed wrapper. - - - Plain plates. royal folio. stitched Animal Kingdom, The, at One View, clearly in printed wrapper. exhibiting, on four beautifully coloured plates, (Presented by the Austrian Government.) containing 184 illustrations, the relative sizes Dietmann, H. Die Naturlehre. The Cate of animals to man, and their comparative chetical Instructor concerning Nature. 5th sizes with each other, as arranged in divisions, edition. Svo, half-hound. orders, &c., according to the method of Baron Fleischer, Leipzig, 1852. Cuvier. Luben, August. Naturgeschichte für Kinder . Plate 1.-24 Illustrations. in Volksschulen. Natural History for the Mammalia, in their orders. Each animal is Children in the National Schools. Part 1, drawn to the scale of man, as shown on the Animals. Part 2, Plants. Part 3, Minerals. print, and their locality indicated, of an inch 12mo. Anton, Halle, 1846-53. to a foot. Luben, August. Leitfaden zu einen Methodis- Plate 2.—58 Illustrations. chen Unterricht in der Naturgeschichte. Guide Aves—Birds. With a type of each order and to Natural History. 4 parts. 12mo. species, drawn to the scale of man, exhibited Schultze, Leipzig, 1852–4. on the print, with the several localities indi- Pokorny, Alois. Naturgeschichte des Thier cated, 1.inch to a foot. reiches. Zoology, for the Use of Austrian Gymnasian Schools. 8vo. sewed. (Presented Plate 3.--38 Illustrations. by the Austrian Government.) Vien, 1854. Reptiles and Fishes. The locality indicated, Sandmeier, M. Zehrbuch der Naturkunde. and drawn on a scale of 11 inch to a foot. Natural History, &c., &c. 2 vols. royal 8vo. Plate 4.–64 Illustrations. (See Physics.) Insects. Soft-bodied Animals. Radiated and Plant-like Animals.-The natural size. Complete set, animals coloured, on four sheets, each 30 in. by 22 in., price 15s., or, Natuur, Leesboek voor Kinderen over de. Na- mounted on cloth and rollers, size 5 ft. by S ft. tural History Reading-book for Children. 2nd 5 in., 27. edition. l2mo. Varty, 3, Adelaide Street. Groningen, 1852. Natuurleven, Schetsen uit het. Selections Darton's Series of Educational Diagrams of Animal and Vegetable Substances, and their from Natural History, for Schools. From the Uses. Printed on Drawing Paper. Size 221 German. By B. Brugsma. 2nd edition. 12mo. sewed. Groningen, 1850. by 18 inches. Is. 6d. each, viz. Kijkens, R. G. De kleine Buffon. Natural Silk and its Application. Wool and its Application. History for Children. 3rd edition. 12mo. Leather and its Application. Doesburg, Groningen, 1846. Horn, Ivory, Bone, and Tortoise Shell, and Rijkens, R. G. Natuurlijke Historie, &c. their Application. Natural History for Second Classes in Schools. Value of a Dead Horse, a Table showing the 6th edition. 12mo. Application of the various Portions. Oomkens, Groningen, 1849. Vegetable Productions used for Food-Tea, Paraguay Tea, Coffee, Chicory, Cocoa, - Almond, Bread Fruit, Fig, Tomato, Pomegranate, Cocoa Nut. Sugar. ET ILLUSTRATIONS AND DIAGRAMS: 239 Darton's Series of Educational Diagrams- | Diagrams, &c.-MAMMALIA.-cont. cont. . 11, Order VII. Pachy-dermata (thick-skinned]. Vegetable Productions used in the Manufac-' 1, Elephant · (elephas indicus); 2, Rhi- ture of Fermented Liquors-Grape, Sugar noceros (7. unicornis); 3, Cape Hyrax Cane, Barley, Hop, Juniper, Scotch Fir, (hyrax capensis). Apple, Pine. | 12. Order VII. Pachy-dermata. Sub-order So- Examples of the most useful Spice Plants Nutmeg, Cloves, Ginger, Cinamon, Cara- lidungula (single-hoofed). 1, Zebra (equus way Seed, Black Pepper, Caper Plant, Burchellië); 2, Quagga (asinus quagga); Mustard, Cayenne Pepper. 3, Ass (equus asinus); 4, Horse (equus ca- Examples of Plants from which Medicines ballus). areobtained-Sarsaparilla, Jalap, Gentian, 13. Order VIII. Ruminantia [cud-chewers). 1, Peruvian Bark, Ipecacuanha, Senna, Rhu- Springbok, female (antelope cuchore) ; Red barb, Opium Poppy, Castor Oil. Deer, malé (cervus elaphus); 3, Bison (bos Examples of the most useful Palms—Cab- americanus), 4, Buffalo (bos bubalus); 5, bage Palm, Mauritia ditto, Date ditto, Bull (bos taurus). Cocoa Nut ditto, Sago ditto, Oil ditto, 14. Order VIII. Ruminantia. Giraffe (cameleo- Wax ditto, European or Dwarf Fan ditto.' pardalis giraffe). . Examples of Plants used for Clothing and 15. Order IX. Cetacea [whale-like). 1, Whale CordagemPiassaba, or Para Grass Palm, (balana mysticetus); 2, Sperm Whale (cæto- Coquilla Nut, Fruit of ditto, Comuti don macrocephalus); 3, African Manatus, Palm, flax, Cotton, Hemp, Sun Hemp, or Sea-cow (manatus senegalensis); 4, Dol- Jute, New Zealand Flax. phin (delphinus delphis). Darton & Co., 1860. Price of the set of 15, to Subscribers, 11. 7s. 6d. Diagrams of Natural History: to Non-Subscribers, il. 17. 6d. Single Dia- Class I.-MAMMALLI. grams in proportion. 1. Order I. Bimana (two-handed). Man. Working Men's Educational Union. 2. Skeletons of Bimana and Quadrumana. Kennedy, R.: 1, Man; 2, Chimpanzee; 3, Orang-outan. A Wardian Case with Ferns. 21. 10s. 3. Order II. Quadrumana [four-handed). 1, Aquarium (Freshwater), entirely of Glass, Chimpanzee (troglodytes niger); 2, Man- sexagon shape. 91. 10s. drill, or Variegated Baboon (cynocephalus Aquarium (Saltwater). maimon); 3, Howler (mycetes ursinus); R. Kennedy, Bedford Conservatory, 4, Silky Monkey (colobus guereza). Covent Garden. 4. Order III. Carnaria. Sub-order I. Cheiro- ptera [hand-winged]. 1, Fox-bat (pteropus Natural History, Prints illustrative of. ruficollis); 2, 3, Leaf-nosed Bat (vespertillo Nos. 1 to 102. Each plain 4d., or coloured 2d. (framed.) phyllos). Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 5. Sub-order II. Insectivora [insect-eaters l. 1, Bornean Pen-tail (tupaia ptilocercus); Varty's Select Series of Domestic and Wild 2, Tanrec (centetes ecaudatus); 3, Water Animals, drawn from Nature and from the shrew (sorex fodiens); 4, Mole (talpa works of eminent artists, in 36 carefully europæa); 5, Hedgehog (erinaceus euro- coloured plates, exhibiting 130 figures. Size, paus). 12 in. by 9 in. Price of the set of 36 prints, 6. Sub-order III. Carnivora [flesh-eaters]. 1, coloured, 18s.; in frame and glass, 24s. Single Lion (felis leo); 2, Tiger (felis tigris); 3, prints 6d. each (inounted on canvas to fold in Jaguar (leopardus onca); 4, Wah (dilurus 4to. cover). Varty, 3, Adelaide Street. fulgens). Varty's Graphic Illustrations of Animals, show- 7. Sub-order III. Carnivora. 1, Polar Bear ing their utility to man, in their services during (thalass-arctos maritimus); 2, Wolf (canis life and uses after death. Beautifully coloured. lupus); 3, Fox (canis vulpes); 4, Alpine Size, 15 in. by 12 in. Price, the set, 31s. 6d.; Mastiff. in frame with glass, lock, and key, 39s. 6d." 8. Order IV. Marsupialia (pouched]. 1, Me- Varty, 3, Adelaide Street. rian's Opossum (didelphis dorsigera); 2, Zoological Diagrams (10), A Series of, by Virginian Opossum (didelphis virginiana); R. Patterson, M.R.I.A., for the Department of 3, Kangaroo (macropus). Science and Art. The drawings have been 9. Order V. Rodentia [gnawers]. 1, Flying executed under Mr. Patterson's direction by Squirrel (pteromys volucella); 2, African Messrs. Wolf, Bailey, Ford, and Tuffen West, Jumping-hare (helamys caffer) ; 3, Porcu and transferred to the stone by Messrs. Day & pine (hystrix cristata); !, Beaver (castor Son. Size of each diagram, 403 by 29 inches, fiber); 5, Hare (Lepus timidus); 6, Rabbit as follow:- (lepus cuniculus). Sheet A. Mammalia, I. - - 5 figures. 10. Order VI. Edentata (toothless]. 1, Duck- B. Mammalia, II. - billed Platypus (ornithorhynchus paradoxus); C. Ayes - - 2, Sloth (bradypus torquatus); 3, Ant-eater , D. Reptilia - (myrmecophaga jubata); 4, Armadillo (dasy- . E. Pisces i pus sexcinctus). . Mollusca arger 240 NATURAL HISTORY. Zoological Diagrams-cont. Human Species, Diagrams of the. Fifty Sheet G. Arachnida and Insecta - 12 figures. full-length Figures, carefully drawn in a bold , H. Insecta - - - 16 , style, and derived from the best authorities, » 1. Crustacea, Cirripeda, l a showing the characteristic Features, Colour, and Annellata Height, and National Costume of the prin- , K. Radiata - - - 22 , cipal varieties of the Human Race. Four sheets, 30 in, by 20 in., appropriately coloured, The set of ten, fully coloured, 21. 15s. on with descriptive letter-press, 7s. 6d. ; on roller, canvas, 31. 5s. Mounted on canvas and varnished, 13s. 6d. J. Reynolds. roller, 41. Ss. 6d. Day & Son. Zoological Map, showing the Geographical Distribution of the most important Animals. ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY. (See Reynolds' Physical Maps.) Acland, H. W., M.D. Note on Teaching Phy- siology in the Higher Schools. S pp. post Svo. (Presented by the Author.) Animaux Domestiques. A Set of 10 Prints J. H. & J. Parker, 1858. illustrative of Domestic Animals, for Homes of | Baines, M. A. The Comparative Properties of Refuge, &c. Mounted on boards, and varnished | Human and Amimal Milks. A new Theory as to “Essences, and a new Interpretation of (with a Description by M. Battelle, ismo. some Physiological Facts. sewed). 5s. 10d. Hachette & Co., 1955. Svo. sewed. ls. (Presenteil by the Author.) J. Churchill. Animaux Sauvages. A Set of 10 Prints illus Bell, Sir Charles. Animal Mechanics. [Library trative of Wild Animals, for Homes of Refuge, of Useful Knowledge.] Svo. sewed. "Is. &c. Mounted on boards and varnished (with °É. Law, late R. Baldwin. a Description by M. Battel, 18mo. sewed). Bennett, J. H., M.D. Outlines of Physiology. 5s, 10d. Hachette & Co., 1851. post Svo. cloth. 6s. A. & C. Black, 1859. Bray, Mrs. C. Physiology for Common Schools, in Twenty-seven casy Lessons. post Svo. hall bound, limp cover. ls. (Presented by the Authoress.) - Illustrations to, coloured, size 22 ETHNOGRAPHY. by 17 in. Plate 1, 5s. Ed.; Plate 2, 4s. 6d. Mounted on millboard. Longman & Co., 1860. Kennedy, J. Thc Natural History of Man; I Bushnan. J. S., M.D. The Physioloov of or, Popular Chapters on Ethnography. 2 vols. Animal and Vegetable Life, including an In- in l. 12mo. cloth. Is. 6d. J. Cassell, 1851. vestigation of the Science, and Application of Knox, R. Man, his Structure and Physiology, the Principles of Physiology. [Orr's Circle of popularly explained and demonstrated. post the Sciences.] crown Svo. cloth. Is. 6d. Zvo. 10s. 6d. H. Ballière, 1957. (Presented by Dr. Lyon Playfair.) Houlston & Co., 1855. Massy, R. T. Analytical Ethnology; the Carpenter, W. B. Principles of Human Phy- Mixed Tribes in Great Britain and Ireland siology, with their chief Applications to Psy- examined. fscp. Svo. cloth. 5s. chology, Pathology, Therapeutics, Hygiène, R. Hardwicke, 1858. and Forensic Medicine. Svo. cloth. 17. 88. J. Churchill, 1853. Newnham, W. Man in his Physical, Intellec- Carpenter, W. B., M.D. Animal Physiology. tual, Social, and Moral Relations. iSmo. cloth. post Svo. cloth. 6s. H. G. Bohn, 18.59. 10d. Religious Tract Society. Chambers's Rudiments of Animal Physiology, Ward, S. H., M. D. The Natural History of by Dr. G. Hamilton. 12mo. cloth ls. őd. Mankind. With Map illustrating the distri- W. & R. Chambers, 1955. bution of the Races, and Woodcuis. fcp. Svo. Combe. G. The Constitution of Man, consi- cloth. 5s. dered in relation to External Objects. 9th Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. edition, crown Svo. sewed. 2s. Simpkin & Co., 1860. Combe. Dr. A. The Principles of Physiology applied to the Preservation of Health, and to the Improvement of Physical and Mental Ethnographical Map of the World. A Education. Edited by James Coxe, M.D. post large Diagram showing the Geographical Svo. cloth. 38. 6d. Machlachlan & Co., 1852. Distribution of the varieties of the Human Comings, Dr. B. N. Class Book of Physiology. Species, embracing the results of the greatly crown 8vo. hall bound. (Presented by Bourd entended knowledge of this subject at the of Education, New York.) present day; with Diagrams showing the Appleton & Co., New York, 1853. Occupations of all Nations, and the Distri Cutter, Dr. C. First Book of Anatomy, Phy- bution of Man according to Religious Belief. siology, and Hygiene, for Schools and Families. By E. Ravenstein, Geographer. On a sheet crown Svo. half bound. 1853. 3 feet by 2 feet, coloured, 35. 6d.; on roller, - A Treatise on Anatomy, &c. &c. crown varnished, 5s. (Exhibited on canvas frame.) Svo. bound. (Presented by Board of Education, J. Reynolds. 1 New York.) Mussey & Co., Boston, 1853. ETHNOGRAPHY.- ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. 241 Griscom, Dr. H. First Lessons on Human | Hawkins, B. Waterhouse. Popular Illustra- Physiology. royal 16mo. half bound. (Pre tions of Comparative Anatomy, showing the sented by Board of Education, New York.) relation of the Bones to the External Form of Lockwood & Son, New York, 1851. the Animal. 13 plates, mounted on a sheet. Hawkins, B. W. Comparative View of the Size, 6 ft. by 5 ft., on canvas and roller, var- Human and Animal Frame. crown folio, cloth. nished. 15s. Darton & Co. (See Class Drawing.) Johnston's Physiological Diagrams, forming Jarvis, E., M.D. Practical Physiology; or. Plates 5 and 6 of Johnston's Illustrations Anatomy and Physiology applied to Health. of Natural Philosophy, with Hand Books. crown Svo. bound. (Presented by Board of 12s. cach. See page 274. Education, New York.) Cowperthwait & Co., Philadelphia, 1852. Physiological Diagram showing the chief chemical ingredients in twenty-three of the Kirkes, W. S., M.D. Hand Book of Physiology. most important articles of food. Size 35 by post Svo. 125. 6d. Walton & Maberly, 1856. 78 inches. Coloured to show per-centages. Lardner, Dr. Animal Physics; or the Body Mounted on cloth, 4s. 6d. and its Functions familiarly explained. post - Diagram of National Dietaries. Coloured 8vo. cloth. 12s. 6c. 1357. to show the chief chemical ingredients of the - Animal Physiology for Schools, with 190 food in ounces per week; eleven examples. Illustrations. post Svo. 38. Od. 1858. Size 35 by 26 inches. Mounted on cloth, 1s. 6d. Walton & Maberly. J.J. Griffin. Mackenzie, E. Phrenology Explained and Physiological Diagrams (9), A Series of, Exemplified. 1Smo. sewed. 2d. R. Hardewicke. prepared under the direction of J. Marshall, Marshall, J., F.R.S. A Description of the Esq., F.R.C.S., for the Department of Science Human Body, it's Structure and Functions. and Art. Executed in Zincography, life size, Illustrated by 9 Physiological Diagrams. Vol. cach printed in one piece without a join, on 1. text, 4to. cloth. Vol. 2, 9 plates, 15 by S in., paper 7 feet by 3 feet 9 inches, coloured in fac- in a Portfolio, price 21s. Day & Son, 1860. simile of original drawings, as follow :- Pemberton, R. The Natural Method of No. 1.-The skeleton and ligaments. Teaching the Technical Language of Anatomy. No.2.-The muscles and joints, with animal fcp. 8vo. cloth. 38. 6d. mechanics. on Cards, in a Box, with the No.3.—The viscera in position. The struc- ture of the lungs. Euphonic Institution, 33, Euston Square. No. 4.-The heart and principal blood- Smith, Dr. Southwood. Treatise on Animal vessels. Physiology. (Library of Useful Knowledge.] No. 5.--The lymphatics or absorbents. 8vo. sewed. 15. Sd. E. Law, late R. Baldwin. No. 6.- The digestive organs. No. 7.—The brain and nerves. Turner, W. Handbook of Natural Philo- No. S.--The organs of sense and voice. sophy.—Human Anatomy. Parts 1 and 2, No. 9.-The textures,—inicroscopic struc- descriptive of the Diagrams. 12mo. Is. each. ture. W. & A. K. Johnston, 1856. Professional men or proprietors of schools ordering the series direct from Messrs. Day & Son, will be supplied with the diagrams at 12s. 6d. each; or mounted on canvas, 165.; Braubach, Dr. Psychologie des Gefuhls. or with roller and varnished, 21s. Psychological Phænomena of Sensation. Svo. Day & Son. sewed. Rathgeber, Wetzlar, 1847. De la Perelle, C. J. Notions Elémentaires Physiology in Relation to Health. A d'Anatomie et de Physiologie Humaines, Series of Diagrams:- Elementary Ideas of Human Anatomy and | 1.2. Human Skeleton; with two views of skulls, Physiology. 3rd edition. 12mo. sewed. hip-joint, knee-joint, and two cervical ver- Hachette, Paris, 1950. tebræ (double size, 6 ft. lay 4ft.) 3. Organs of Mastication, Deglutition, &c.--- Side and back views.--Side view, a, Arch of palate (bony); 6, Tongue and its muscles; Anatomy. Popular Illustrations of Compa- U, Uvula and soft palate ; a, Cavity of rative Anatomy; showing the relation of the pharynx ; G, Passage from mouth into bones to the external form of the Animal. pharynx (isthmus of fauces); 1, Epiglottis, The set of 13 Plates, mounted on canvas and or coverlet of the larynx; v, Glottis and roller, varnished. Size, 6 ft. by 4 ft. 6 in. 15s. vocal cords ; X, Trachea or windpipe; (The 13 plates in a wrapper, 6s. Gd.) F, Esophagus, or gullet; e e, Upper and Darton & Co. lower jaws; dd, Lips; M, Mouth. Back Anatomy. A Series of 10 Anatomical Plates, view, à a, Nostrils; 1, Mouth; c, Tongue; used at Cutter's District School. Size 2 ft. 4 in. d, Curtain of soft palate; e, Glottis opening by i ft. 7 in., mounted on roller and varnished. into the windpipe; y, Epiglottis; i, Ġullet; h, Windpipe (Chambers's Animal Physiology, Thayer & Co., Boston. p. 18). 242 NATURAL HISTORY. Physiology in Relation to Health-cont. Physiology in Relation to Health-cont. 4. Organs of Digestion, &c.--A, Gullet; B, Left, 7. Organs of Sensation. The Brain, side view of. or cardiac extremity of the stomach; c, Py- aaa, Longitudinal section of cerebrum; loric extremity of the stomach; D D, Small b, cerebellum; C, Medulla oblongata; d, intestines; IE E, Large intestines; G, Duo- Spinal marrow ; f, Lateral ventricle. Nerves denum, or commencement of small intes- of Sensation :-1, Olfactory; 2, Optic; 5 5, tines; L, Liver ; H, Duct from the liver ; Branches of the fifth nerve; 7, Auditory M, Gall-bladder; 1, The common duct; nerve. Nerves of Motion', 3, 4, 6, the 3rd, ...N, The pancreas, or sweetbread; 0, The 4th, and 6th nerves go to the muscles of the ; spleen (Vide Chambers's Animal Physiology, eye; 7a, Portio dura, to the sides of the head p. 23). and face ; 86, The spinal accessory nerve, goes to the muscles of the shoulder ; 9, The 5. Organs of Circulation.-Internal view of the hypoglossal, goes to the muscles of the Heart, showing the Valves and their action; tongue. Nerves both of Sensation and Mo- . A A, Vena cava ascendens and descendens; tion:--5a, Lowest branch of the fifth nerve; - B, Right auricle; C, Auriculo-ventricular 10, The suboccipital nerve; 11 and 12, Spinal opening, protected by the tricuspid valve; nerves. Doubtful nerves:-S, The glosso- D, Right ventricle; E, Pulmonary artery and pharyngeal; Sa, The par vagum. semilunar valves; ee, Its right and left | 8. The Skin, its Structure and Appendages, highly branches; GG, Right and left pulmonary magnified :--a, The cuticle; b, Papillæ of veins; H, Left auricle; I, Left auriculo the Skin; c, Cutis, or true skin; d, A sweat- ventricular opening, protected by mitral gland, with duct passing the cutis and cuticle valve; K, Left ventricle ; L L L, Aorta and to the surface; b, Magoified view of papillæ semilunar valves; s s, Subclavian arteries; of the skin, showing the minute capillaries MM, Carotid arteries. or blood-vessels; B and c, Sebaceous glands, surrounding, and their ducts opening into, 6. Organs of Circulation and Respiration.--The the hair-follicles. Heart, Lungs, and Bronchi, Left-hand figure. 1 9. Effects of Tight Lacing: Half figure of the -The Heart, exterior view, with the vessels Venus de Medici, showing nature's outline and lungs ; A, Venac na cava ascender of female figure, with the bones in their un- cava descendens; c, Right auricle ; 1), Right compressed state. Half figure of female ventricle; E, Pulmonary artery; r fyr, Pul- na deformed by tight lacing, showing. effects monary veins; G, Left auricle, H, Left ven- upon the interior structure. tricle; I, Aorta ascendens and branches ; 10. Effects of Intemperate use of Alcoholic Li- K, Coronary arteries; L M, Carotid arteries; quors :-A, The Stomach, showing interior No, Vertebral arteries ; P R, Subclavian coats in healthy state; B, The Stomach in- arteries; R, Aorta descendens; ssss, Out- flamed by intemperance; C, Liver in healthy line of Lungs. Right-hand figure.--A, The state; D, Cirrhosed, or gin-drinker's liver. windpipe; B, One branch of the bronchus The Set. Single. divested by dissection of the surrounding To Subscribers - - 185. 4d. - Is. 10d. lung, showing its cartilages; c, An entire To Non-Subscribers - il. 5s. - 2s.6d. lung. Working Men's Educational Union. DO Y HEMISTRY. CLASS VIII. CHEMISTRY Graham, T. Elements of Chemistry, in- Abel, F. A., and Bloxam, C. L. Handbook cluding the Applications of the Science in the Arts. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. 21. of Chemistry, Theoretical, Practical, and H. Baillière, 1850. Technical. Svo. cloth. 15s. Gregory, W., M.D. Elementary Treatise on J. Churchill, 1858. Chemistry. 12mo. 5s. A. & C. Black, 1855. Bernays, A. J. First Lines in Chemistry: a - Handbook of Organic Chemistry. post Manual for Students. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 7s. Svo. cloth. 12s. 1856. J. W. Parker & So!, 1855. - Handbook of Inorganic Chemistry. 4th Brande, W.T. The Subject Matter of a Course edition. post 8vo. cloth. 6s. 6d. 1857. of Ten Lectures on some of the Arts connected - Inorganic and Organic, in 1 vol. post. Svo. with Organic Chemistry Abridged by J. cloth. 1&s. Walton & Maberly. Scoffern, M.B. fcp. Svo. cloth. 75. 6d. Grifan, J. J. Chemical Recreations. First Longman & Co., 1854. Division, Elementary Experiments. crown Bronner and Scoffern. The Chemistry of 8vo. cloth. 2s. J. J. Griffin, 1854. Food and Diet: with a Chapter on Food Adul- - Divisions I. and II. in 1 vol. terations. [Orr's Circle of the Sciences. ] crown 8vo. cloth. 13s. 6d. J. J. Griffin, 1860. cr. 8vo. cioth. Is. 6d. (Presented by Dr. Lyon Hassall, A. H. Food and its Adulterations. Playfair.) Houlston & Co., 1856. Svo. cloth. (See Household Economy.). Buckmaster, J. C. Elements of Organic Che Hoblyn, R. D. Treatise on Chemistry. [Scott's mistry. 18mo. cloth. 2s. Longman & Co., 1858. Series.] 12mo. stiffened paper cover. ls. E. Law, 1860. Chambers's Chemistry. (See Wilson.) Hodges, Dr. J. F. The First Book of Lessons Chemical News, with which is incorporated in Chemistry, in its Relation to Agriculture. the Chemical Gazette: a Journal of Practical 12mo. half calf. (Presented by the Irish Chemistry in all its Applications to Pharmacy, Board.) Simms & M'Intyre, 1850. Arts, and Manufactures. Edited by W.Crookes. Hughes, S. A Treatise on Gasworks, and erown 4to. Vol. I. half calf, and Nos. 26 to the Practice of manufacturing and distributing Mitchell & Co., 1860. Coal Gas. 12mo. 38. J. Weale, 1853. Chemistry and Physiology. (Pupils' Home Introduction to Practical Organic Chemistry. Books.) 12mo. 3d. (British and Foreign With References to the Works of Davy, Brande, School Society.) Hamilton & Co. Liebig, &c. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 35. 6d.” Chemistry of Artificial Light. Orr's Circle W. Pickering, 1843.. of the Sciences.] crown 8vo. cloth. Is. 6d. Johnston, J. F.W. Chemistry of Cominon Life. (Presented by Dr. Lyon Playfair.). 2 vols. post Svo. 11s. 6d. Houlston & Co., 1856. Blackwood & Sons, 1856. Chemistry (The) of Creation; being a Sketch - Catechism of Agricultural Chemistry and of the chief Chemical and Physical Phenomena Geology. post Svo. Is. Blackwood & Sons, 1856. of the Earth, the Air, the Ocean. New edition. - Elements of Agricultural Chemistry and fcp. Svo. cloth. 5s. Geology. post 8vo. 6s. 6d. Blackwood & Sons, 1852. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Lardner, Dr. Chemistry for Schools; with Donovan, M. A Treatise on Chemistry. 12mo. 170 illustrations. 12mo. cloth. 35. 6d. 3s. 6d. Longman Co., 1854. Walton & Maberly, 1959. Fownes, G. Rudimentary Chemistry for the Liebig, J. Hand Book of Organic Analysis. Use of Beginners. 12mo. ls. J. Weale, 1854. Edited by A. W. Hofmann. post 8vo. 5s. - Elementary Chemistry. Edited by Robt. Walton & Maberly, 1853. Bridges, M.D. 8vo. (Presented by Board of - Principles of Agricultural Chemistry. Education, New York.) post Svo. 35. 6d. Walton & Maberly, 1855. Lea & Blanchard, Philadelphia, 1850. - Chemistry in its Application to Agricul- Galloway, R. A Manual of Qualitative Ana- ture and Physiology. Edited by Dr. Lyon Playfair and Dr. Gregory. Svo. 6s. 6d. lysis. post Svo. cloth. 4s. 6d. Walton & Maberly, 1847. J. Churchill, 1858. - Familiar Letters on Chemistry in its Re- Galloway, R. The First Step in Chemistry. A lations to Physiology, Dietetics, Agriculture, New Method for teaching the Elements of : | Commerce, and Political Economy. Edited Science. fcp. 8vo. cloth. 58. by John Blyth, M.D. crown 8vo, cloth. 7s. 6d. · J. Churchill, 1856. ! Walton & Maberly, 1859. Q 2 244 CHEMISTRY. Mann, R. J. Air, the Food as well as the | Focillon, M. A. Chimie. Chemistry. One Breath of Life. Svo. cloth limp. of a series for the Lyceums. 12mo.. Jarrold & Son. Dezobry, Paris, 1854. Marcet, Mrs. Conversations on Chemistry. Lalanne, Leon. Abaque des Equivalents 2 vols.'12mo. 145. Longman & Co., 1853. Chimiques. Abacus or Table of Chemical Maugham, W. Catechism of Chemistry. Equivalents. 12mo. cloth. With Table to 18mo. 9d. Aylott & Co. accompany it, mounted on a 4to. board. (2 Miller, W. A., M.D. Elements of Chemistry: copies.) Hachette, Paris, 1851. Theoretical and Practical 3 Parts. Svo. cloth. Malaguti, M. J. Leçons de Chimie. Lessons 21. 6s. 6d., viz. :- of Elementary Chemistry. 2 parts, 12mo. Part I. Chemical Physics. Dezobry, Paris, 1853. II. Inorganic Chemistry. Payen, A. Précis de Chimie Judustrielle. 111. Organic Chemistry. Précis of Industrial Chemistry. 2nd edition, J. W. Parker & Son, 1856–60. text and plates, 2 parts, Svo. sewed. Nesbit, J.C. On Agricultural Chemistry, and Hachette, Paris, 1851. the Nature and Properties of Peruvian Guano. Svo. cloth. (Presented by Dr. Lyon Playfair.) Longman & Co. Parkes, S. Catechism of Chemistry. Revised and enlarged by W. Barker, M.D. fcp. Svo. Fresenius, Dr. C. R. Lehrbuch der Chemie. cloths. 2s. 6d. Edward Law, 1858. Compendium of Chemistry for Agriculturists. Pereira, J. A Treatise on Food and Diet, &c. &c. Svo. half morocco. Svo. cloth. (See page 194.) Vieweg, Brunswick, 1847. Renwick, J., LL.D. First Principles of - Anleitung zur Qualitativen Chemischen Chemistry. (Presented by Bourd of Education, Analyse. Introduction to Qualitative Chemical New York.) '18mo. half bound. Analysis, for beginners. Preface by J. Liebig. Harper, New York, 1852. Sth edition, Svo. half morocco. Salt. The Natural History of Common Salt, Vieweg, Brunswick, 1953. its Manufacture, Appearance, Uses, and Dan- - - Ist part. 3rd edition. Svo, sewed. gers in various parts of the World. 16mo. Vieweg, Brunswick 1853. cloth. 35. 6d. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledye. Scheerer, Dr. T. An Introduction to the Use of the Mouth Blowpipe. With a Description of the Blowpipe Characters of ihe more iin CHEMICAL APPARATUS. portart Minerals. Translated and compiled by H.J. Blandford. 12mo. 38. 6d. List I.-(J. J. Griffin.) Williams & Norgate, 1856. 1 1. Wide-mouthed bottle, six pints, with glass Scoffern, Dr. J. Chemistry no Mystery. fcp. stopper, 38. Svo. cloth. 3s. 6d. A. Hall & Co. 2. Evaporating basin, Berlin semi-porcelain, Scoffern, Dr. J. Chemistry of the Inorganic 6 in. diameter, 7d. 3. Six conical test glasses on foot, with spout, Bodies; their Compounds and Equivalents. Orr's Circle of the Sciences.] crown 8vo. cloth. 1s. 6d. (Four hands)... *Crystal Palace ....... .... Carl Höchst.... Princesse .......... ....C. Coote ...... Regatta .....J. G. Callcott .... Rivales ...... .......Haupt ...... , (Four hands) ..... ....... . ........... POLKAS. Brunow, The ..........(duett)..........F. G. Tinney ...... *Crystal Palace........................J. T. Trekell ...... Dusseldorf. ....... .......John Weippert...... Eugenia .......... ....J. G. Callcott ...... Etoile du Soir ..... ..H. D. Hall ........ Giant's Causeway ......W. H. Acraman... Juno ........... .... Val. Morris....... Marriage Bells ..... ....John Weippert..... Palace ......... *Princess Mary ... ..J. T. Trekell ..... Zephyr .......G. A. Durlacher.... Krolowa, The..... ......C. Albrecht........ GALOPS. *Crystal Palace....................... Carl Höchst: ....... 3 0 ..... . ........ 3 0 Those marked thus * are splendidly illustrated in Colours. A O O O O ...................... . . . . . . . . . . O Qa ........................ .................. .. ....................... ra of ............................ CATALOGUE OF MUSIC. " AS NEXO Kort ELEMENTARY WORKS. s. 0 6 ........ . VOICE. BALTE'S (M. W.) INDISPENSABLE STUDIES for a Soprano Voice ,............... ............... .. BALFE'S (M. W.) INDISPENSABLE STUDIES for a Bass Voice.. 60 Both these works were composed expressly for the Students of M. Balfe's Vocal Academy. GEORGE LINLEY'S FIRST SINGING BOOK, containing an easy and progressive Series of Studies for the Voice, with Selections from Rossini's Exercises, and an easy Song composed expressly for this work. 3 0 HOPKINS (JOHN L.). NEW VOCAL TUTOR, comprising a series of Scales, Exercises, Solfeggios, and Recitatives, expressly composed and selected for this Tutor...... "oser........... 6 0 PIANOFORTE. T'S NEW AND COMPLETE INSTRUCTION BOOK FOR PIANOFORTE, in which the author has endeavoured to make vor MUSIC SIMPLE, and at the same time interesting to the acity, with rules for fingering, illustrated by lessons in every om the works of the most eminent composers, the wliole psed by T. H. Cooke ........... ........... ♡ 0 STANT AT THE PIANOFORTE, containing music, a series of most popular Airs (fingered), with vues in each Key, a Dictionary of Musical Terms, and a of the Key Board of the Pianoforte ..., ........ 20 UN'S (J. J.) EXERCISES AND SCALES, calculated to then the fingers, equalise the touch, and to ensure brilliancy of - ation ......... 20 GUITAR. GI'S NEW INSTRUCTION BOOK FOR THE GUITAR, being the only work in which the author has given his method for tuning the instrument without the aid of a musical ear; to which are added Scales, Chords, and original Melodies, selected from various nations, the whole composed, adapted, and dedicated to GIULIO REGONDI (by whom it is approved and adopted), by his friend, G. Luigi. ... ...rcc.... ...... 9 0 CORNET. TUTOR FOR CORNET À PISTONS, with a Selection of the most popular Melodies, and large Gamut, arranged by Carl Höchst........ 2 () VIOLIN. TUTOR FOR THE VIOLIN, with a Selection of the most popular Airs, and large engraved Finger-board, by E. J. Westrop ...in B. 2 • ....., C. R. and Co. have endeavoured, in this Catalogue, to obviáte the well-known difficulty of selecting Vocal Music from a printed list, by giving the Range or Compass of each Song, &c. the Key in which it is published, and the Voice it is most suitable for. It must be understood, however, that many of the Songs marked B. (Bass or Baritone) will often suit the Contralto; and even Mezzo Soprano, and vice versà ; but in all cases, the compass of the Song, and the character, as indicated in the name, will be a sufficient guide. ENGLISH SONGS. S. Soprano ; M.S. DIezzo Soprano ; C. Contralto; T. Tenor ; B. Bass or Baritone. Those marked thus it have Lithographic Titles. RA a moonlit Oo oo 10NNO B A E. Ra Compass. Voice suitable for. S. d. Key D to F. Angels of the house......T........E. L. Hime ...... 2 0 G D-G. Ask me no more........T.... ....J. F. Duggan.... 20 G E. At night upon the moonlit tide................B........J. F. Duggan .... C. A Lament ............ ........ D- E. An honest heart to guide us. B........S. Lover. ....... 2 F. Away, ye gay Landscapes. M. S. , ... G. Linley....... Ĝ — E. A Welcome to the Home- ward-bound ........T........E. L. Hime/ - E. A Remembrance of Venice. C........ Eliz. Mo. E. Away! away! ye notes .. of woe .............C........ Eliz. Nassur: G - F. Ab, would that I could love thee less.. ......S........M. W. Balfe..., -F. Alone I've wandered. .....M.S...... Stephen Glover .. 2 - F. Angel of Peace (Angiol di Pace),..............M. S. .. .. Bellini .......... 2 0 E. A mother's welcome smile (L’amo, l'amo).... ..M.S...... Bellini ... ...... 20 À D-F. A bumper again ........ B........E. Ransford .... 2 0 G -F. Away, away, my angel love T.... ....T. H. Severn.... 2 0 G F. A butterfly sought a lady's bower ..............M. S......E. J. Westrop.... 2 0 Bb D- E. A spell is hanging o'er me. M. S......C.W. Glover...2 0 G B -- F A Gipsy's life for me. ....B.... .... Stephen Glover .. 2 0 Bb - E. Almighty Father........M. S......J. K. Pyne....... 2 0 G E-E. A Forester's life for me..B.... ....Louis Emmanuel. 20 - F. All around the ancient tree.B.... ....A. Lee.......... 2 0 D o o o RAE ARRETA C PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSTORD, AND CO. Compass. Voices suitable for s. d. Key. C# to E. *Britannia the pride of the ocean..............B........Ę. J. Westrop.... 2 0 D-F. Brighter than the stars .. B. or M.S.Verdi .......... 2 0 Bb - F. Brooklet, The ..........M.S......L. H. Lavenu. ... 2 0 G E- E. Barney, the tight lad of Derry.............,M. S......S. Nelson........ 2 0 A Bridal Morn, The........M. S..... Jal. Morris ...... 2 E. Bride's only Sister, The..M.S......C. Osborne ....... G. Broken Tryste, The ......M. S... ... Scotch Melody.... 2 0 D - D. Basque Muleteer, The.... B........Luigi Morini .... 2 0 C E. *Buy my oranges ........ M. S..... Auber.......... 2 0 D Boat Song ........ ....B .......Grattan Cooke.... 2 0 C E- F. Beautiful sea............S........E. Ransford..... 2 0 Eb 2 Beautiful valley ........M. S. or B.J. L. Hopkins .... 2 G 20 G DABのSSDDCBSBのの ​soos <0 RORONOA CAURUS ♡ avaa E - E. Beautiful Banks of the Tweed, The...........T........T. Young........ C. *Ben Bolt. .............B. or M.S..Kneass.......... - F. Blest island of beauty.... B.... ....E. J. Westrop.... E. Blushing Flower, The....M. S......P. R. Nicholls.... British Grenadiers ...... B........E. J. Westrop.... 2 0 G ... Barney O'Toole..........M. S...... Alec. Lee........ 2 0 F ming flowers, The....M. S...... Stephen Glover... 2 O Ab - built Seventy- The ..........B.. ......J. M. Edney.... 2 6 Bb Nee ...... ..C........Sung by Miss Dolby 2 6 Eb et............B........ Willie Evans .... 2 0 Bb &..............T.... .....E. Holmes. ...... 2 0 C nd the Breeze......M. S.....G. E. Biletta, ... 2 0 F Calabrian Brigand, The..B... .... George Linley.... 2 6 Eb *Child of Air, The...... C.... .... Meyerbeer ....... 2 0 F E. Country Girl's Petition to see the Exhibition....M.S..... George Linley.... 2 6 C -D. Country Girl's Accoụnt of the Exhibition ....M. S...... George Linley.... 2 6 G F. Calm Brow, The.... ....M.S...... Scotch Melody.... 2 0 A E. Charlie, ye are welcome. .M. S...... Mrs. Sinclair .... 2 0 C Chamois Hunter's Love..S..... ....J. P. Barratt.... 2 0 Eb E. Christ stilling the Tempest.C. or B.... Stephen Glover... 2 6 Ab E. Come live with me,.....S. or T.... George Barker... 2 0 F INGLISH SONGS. Counpass. Voice suitable for. s. (. Key. D to G. Come gang awa'wi' me..S........E. Ransford..... 20 C - E. Come sing me the ballad..S.... ....E. Ransford .... 2 0 A Can she be happy now..B. or C....J.P. Knight.... 2 0 1 Come wreath my brow....M. S......J.P. Knight..., 2 0 Eb F. Cambrian Maid, The.....B..., ....Louis Emmanuel. 20 Bb F. Come weave the laurel wreath ............T.... ....Louis Emmanuel. 2 6 A D- E. Child and the dew-drops..M.S......J. L. Hopkins ... 20 E 2 C-F. Cottager's Child, The. , .,.M. S. or T..E. J. Loder...... 2 +Captain of the Age ......B ........J. Blewilt......... Come to the south ........S.. ...... James Perring. .. D- E. Come down in the deep ...M. S. or T..H. Russell ...... 2 Come, come, lovely fairy ..M. S......T. Wass........ 20 Come when the morn. ....M. S. .....G. Linley. ...... 2 0 0 E. Charlie's comin'........ M. S.. ....C. Johnson ...... 2 0 Bb E. Charlie yet .................... Miss Dolby....... 2 6 E D-F. Christmas Song ........M. S. or T..R. S. Pratten.... 2 0 Eb ........B ........S. Foster ........ 20 D E- E Christmas Rose..........M. S......E. Thomas...... 2 0 Eh E. Camp Song............B........E. Ransford...... 2 0 . S . À SAORoPay Per RODA ROAADO TARRO O IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II III II II ES Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi po RO waaaaaa Cr.. : F. Dearest, wake ..........T.... .... H. R. Allen ..... D. Drink, sing, laugh, be merry. ............B........F. Romero F. Departed worth .......... ........J. L. Hopki: E. Days that are near............... . Clementi D-F. Dear scenes of my home ........... T. H. Sever C-E. Do not chide me for my sorrow ....................C. W. Glover'.. . E. Dark-eyed Gipsy Maid....M.S. or T..C. W. Glover .. - D. Doom'd an Exile (Va pensiero) ..........C.. ... ... Verdi .......... D. Deeds, but not Words ....B........C. W. Glover'.... 2 - F. Dream, dream in thy early days ..............M. S......Orsini .......... 2 6 A. E. Dance upon the lawn, The..B........ Louis Emmanuel.. 2 O A - E. Down among the dead men..............B........................ 2 0 Eb D. Down the rugged moun- tain's..............B ........, Altwood ........ 20 D G - E. Dirge, and world's wan- derers .............,B,.......W. E. Grattann.. 2 0 G&E 0 a 5 PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND CO. .5 Compass. Voico suitable for. S. d. Key. Oto A. Dear Venice........... S.... ....J. F. Duggan.... 2. 0 Ab C-E. Dream is o'er ...... ....C........F. Romer ...... 2 ( AD D-7. Dear mother, smile again..M. S...... E. Perry ........ 2 0 Ab F. Dargle, The............B ........S. Glover........ 2 6 Eb INN F. England, the home of the free...... free................B ........G. Linley ........ 20 Ab D-F. Englishman's Home, The.. B........C. F. Desanges.. 2 6 C F. England, theland of the oak. B........E. J. Loder...... 2 0 F Ere around the huge oak..B ........Shield.......... 2 0 Eb Exile's Home, The.... ..B. or C. ...Rossini ........ 2 6 Eb Edeline................T.. ...... Col. Bruce....... 2 0 E E. England's mighty Dead. ..B.. ......F. Romer. ....... 20 F III Qovo E. Fisher Boy, The ........M.S. ....J. F. Duggan.... 2 0 G C-F. Fair land of Greece.....,T.... ....Baylis Burton ... 2 0 A D- F. Floriska ..............C or B ....Baylis Burton .., 2 0 B G. For better, for worse .... M. S...... Scotch Melody.... 2 0 G Far away..............B........ Scotch Melody.... 2 0 I Fugitive, The ..........M. S. or B.Scotch Melody.... 2 0 Eb .I the wine-cup high.... B........ Scotch Melody.... 20 D . Yell, we have parted.,M. S...... Scotch Melody.... 2 0 C actions .... ....B...... .. Stephen Glover'. .. 2 0 A :. ot..........C. or B... .E. Ransford .... 2 0 Eb uvuntry Squire..B........E. Ransford .... 2 0 D D u s we esteem, The..B ........ Louis Emmanuel. now me..............M. S. ....C. E. Horn ...... Farewell to Thee.. ......M.S. or B..J. R. Ling...... Fire and Water (Comic)..B..., ....J. Cole.......... For love of thee ........T.. ...... George Linley.... F. Fairy dreams of childhood..S.. ......James Perring... 2 G. Tairy Bride, The ........T.... v... James Perring... 2 F. Ditto..................M. S......James Perring... 2 O F E. Flow thou regal purple stream ...... .....B.... ....Dr. Arnold ...... E. Friar of orders grey......B.... ....Reeve .......... 2 0 D E. Fair Linder.................... Stephen Glover... 2 0 G Fox and the Crow-Comic.B........George Linley. ... 20 A E. Fortune-teller ..........M.S....... Stephen Glover... 2 0 F E. Faith I must be in love....B. or M. S..F. N. Crouch.... 2 0 Eb . . QONAQ A NNN to ENGLISH SONGS. Compass. Voice suitable for. s. d. Key . E to F. Flowers may fade away, love ..............M. S......D. Lee.......... 2 0 Ab - E. Fear not, I'll ne'er for- sake thee ..........B...... ..H. W. Du Lang.. 2 D- E. Friendly wishes ........C. or B....R.S.S.......... 1 6 G G. *Flaxen-headed Plough- boy, The .... ......T........Shield .......... 2 0 Bb E. Fair summer eve .......... ...... Walter Maynard. 2 O E E. Farewell, The..........M.S. or B.. Eliz. Masson. ... I OG -E. †Fair Agnes ..............M.S. or T.. Ferdi........... 2 0 F C- F. Farewell, if ever ........M.S......G. Linley ........ 2 0 D F- F. Forest is dark and drear ..M.S......S. Pratten ...... 2 0 Ab F. +Fair was the flower ......M. Ş......H. Binfield...... 20 Ab O-F. Farewell to Balmoral....M.S...... Gerhard ........ 2 o Bb E. Flow down, cold rivulet ..M. S......W. C. Macfarren. 20 E Forget me not..........C.........Minima........ 2 0 D E. fFair Empress ..........M.S. or T..F. Romer ........ 2 0 Bb B-E. Fay of the Forest. ......C....... Tal. Morris ..... 2 6 Eb Fragile Flower..........B......... F. Duggan .... 20 F Fervent Prayer ..........T.. ......J. F. Duggan .... Fair Life's Morning ......T........ Verdi .......... 2 0 A A A A ROOF OOR EL AO FI FOARDOADA OOOOROM mai bine IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII tele TB RETE E E. Gipsy, The ............M. S......J. F. Duggan ... F. Grasp of a friend, The....B........ Donizetti..... Gipsy Flower Girl, The ..M.S..... C. W. Glove Go forward ............B... ...... W. Love . Gipsy's Tent, The ......B.... .... Steprén Gipsy Monarch, The .... B........ Stephen Gloven Gipsy's Blessing, The .... .M.S.or B..E. Ransford ... Gipsy Boy, The .........B.. ...... Stephen Glover .. Gipsy's Dirge, The ......B.......Stephen Glover .. Gipsy's Lullaby, The....M. S...... Stephen Glover. .. 2 Gipsy's Bride, The.....,M.S. or T..Stephen Glover. .. C-E. Gipsy's Wedding, The....B.... .... Stephen Glover... 26 Gipsy's Laughing Song..B.... ....Stephen Glover. .. 2 6 A Gipsy's Lament, The ....B .......Stephen Glover. ... 20 Ab Gipsy Poacher, The......B........Stephen Glover. 2 0 Eb Gipsy Miller, The ........B.. ...... Alex. Lee........ 2 0 D C- F. Gaily o'er the mountain ..M.S......G. Liigi........ 2 0 F 2 0 Eb C - E. Good time is here! The ..B .. .. Stephen Glover... 2 0 E E. Grasp of friendship’s band. B.... ....E. Ransford .... 2 0 Eb * PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELİ, RANSFORD, AND CO. Compass. Voice suitable for. D to E. +God bless the gallant soldier ............M. S. or T..E. L. Hime...... B-D. Gazing o'er the ocean ....C......... Mozart .......... - G. *God save the Queen, Solo and Chorus.. Costa. .......... 2 6 D 2 0 Eb 1 6 Bb Bedlam............M.S. or B..G. Florncastle.... 2 0 Eb - F. Good night, beloved......T.... .... E. Holmes. ...... 2 0 D - F. Gipsy King............B........ West ............ 2 OC BBB BD BDBCCCCD4。 Team o E. *Haste, Mina-Barcarolle..B.... .... Meyerbeer. ....... 2 0 Eb E. Home, love, and thee ....B.... ... Val. Morris ....... 2 0 G E- E. Hear'st thou thy náme....T.... ....C. F. Desanges... 2 0 Eb C- E. Happy, beauteous rose.. ..M. S......F. Romer ....... 2 0 F C— E. Home of my young days. .M.S. or B... E. Ransford. .... 20 A Hang up his harp..... ...M. S...... E. Ransford. .... 2 0 F C – E. Head and the heart, The.. B.... .... Stephen Glover... 2 0 Eb D-E. Here's to woman ........ B........W. F. Herbert. .. 2 0 D. Ho! merry England ....B.. ......J. H. Tully ...... 2 6 A - E. *Hurrah! for the Red, Wbite, and Blue!....B.... 9 and Blue.. ...B................ ...... 2 0 G ::: Handsome Nigger Gal (Song & Chorus) ....B........ Tallfellow. ....... 2 0 Eb ho, Janet!..........C.... ... Scotch Song ...... 2 6 D he gay ..........M. S......W. G. Macfarren. 20 A 11. ...........M.S......J. F. Duggan.... 2 0 G . childhood. ...C.... ....J. F. Driggan .... 2 0 Eb isk and have.... M.S.or B..S. Lover........ 20 Ab :: gs me costly.co. M. S...... E. Perry....... 20 G 2 : ill me a tankard.... B...... ..J. L. Hatton. .... 2 0 Eb F. thy heart still mine?..T........W.E. Ransford.. 2 O A I weep that I am all alone. . T. or S. ... Adolphe Schimon. 2 Ò Bb I'm very lonely ..........M.S...... George Barker ... 2 0 F F. I've wandered from my orphan home ........M.S......C. W. Glover .... 2 0 Ab 10 - Eb.fI lingered by the cottage gate..............M. S......Cleveland Wigan . 2 0 F C-E. love the merry sunshine. .M. S......Stephen Glover... 2 0 C D-E. I love the gentle moonlight.M. S...... Stephen Glover... 2 ( A. C-G. I love the dewy twilight..M.S...... Stephen Glover... 2 0 0 E - E. +I touch my harp........M. S......J. L. Hopkins. ... 2 0 Eb Bb - F. In the eye we see the mind.C. or B..., Luigi .......... 2 0 F ENGLISH SONGS. ONN NN NN WAAROO Farge for ARE BOT TATA AERONA TIL II II i III Compass. Voice suitable for. S. d. Key E to E. I long to change my maiden name........M.S......E. J. Westrop.... 2 0 G D - F. I'd be a Gipsy ..........S. or T.... James Perring ... 2 0 E D- E. I've watched thee........M.S...... Verdi .......... 2 0 G E. I will return the gift......C. .......Verdi .......... C-F. In the low winding vale.,B........ Thomas Attwood.. 2 0 F D. In the downhill of life. ...B... .... Collins .......... G. I love, I love the night....B ........E. Ransford. .... 2 E. I had a dream (from the German)....... ....C. or B....G. Luigi. ... .... E. In the calm moonlight. ...B.... ....P. Jewell........ - F. In the light of thy smile... ......P. Jewell....... E - E. I wish I'd a thousand a year ..............B.... ....A. Morland....... 2 0 A E. I'll dream of thee........T.... ....E. L. Hime...... 20 G F. I will never chide thee....B.... ....C. A. Bannister .. 2 OF F. It'll never do to give up so..B.... ....J. Bruton . ...... 2 0 Bb E - E. I'm quite my mother's pet..M. S.... .E. J. Westrop... 2 0 G I have not the slightest idea. M. S. .....Val. Morris ...... F. I'm the little flower girl..M.S......G. Linley . ...... E. I dreamt that he lov'd me..M. S......E. L. Hime...... F. I dreamt an old man ....M. S......J. F. Duggan .... E-F. I could weep............T.... ....J. Schmidt D-G. In infancy ..............S........Dr. Arne.... C#-T. I cannot leave Old England.T..., ....E. L. Hima ... A — F. I can but weep..........M. S......J.F. Datuk D-G. Ivy, The..............M. S......C. Ehittende, wao wa are they II G. Joy...... ..........M. S......C. Chittenden.... E. Joy of tears ............M. S. or T..M. W. Balfe..... ! E. Jenny Lind's Song of Home............. M.S,,.... Verdi, .......... 2 0 F. +Jaunting Car ...... ....B........S. Lover ........ 2 6 E. †Jeannie................M. S......G. Linley ........ 2 0 G good F. Knight's Return, The....T........ Val. Morris...., 2 0 Bb E- F. Kindly voices ..........M.S. or T. Stephen Glover... 2 O D A - E. †King of the Sea ..........B........ E. Ransford .... 2 6 G E. †King Harold............B..... ..W. H. Montgomery 2 0 Eb -D. †King of the Holly, The....B.... ....W.Lovell Phillips. 2 4 D. - F: Know ye of that fair land..M. S. or B.. Voigt. ........ 2 0 Eb PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND C Compass. Voice suitable for S. d. Key. C to E. †King of the Beggars, The.. B........Stephen Glover .. 2 0 C G -- F. †Knights of yore .... ....B.. ......J. L. Hopkins.... 3 0 Eb C - E. King Arthur's Maxim....B........J. Parry........ 2 0 C E. Keemo Kimo ..................Negro Melody. ... 2 0 F to tota IIIIIIIIIIII: Fai Da Bora B ora rootty one ... :: 0 G. Lowland Lassie ........M.S. or B.. Scotch Ballad.... 2 0 D D-F. Little Gipsy Jane........M.S......C. W. Glover .... 2 0 F B - E, Levantine Boatmen, The..B........ George Linley.... 2 6 G Lay of the Troubadour....B.. ...... Miss Masson .... 16 Bb Lord Ronald ............M. S...... Scotch Melody. ... 2 0 Ab - E. Loving hearts. .........M. S.....Stephen Glover, .. 2 0 Eb Look aloft ..............B.... ....F. Romer........ 2 0 D Life's young dawn (Meco tu)M.S...... Bellini ........... 2 0 Ab Lov'd One, The ........M.S......E. Ransford .... 20 Ab Lilian .............. ......W. H. Montgomery 20 Ab G-D. Live and be jolly .......B.. ... ...Reeves .......... 2 0 D Laurel Tree, The.. .... ... E. Ransford .... 2 0 Bb F. Land of my birth ........T........T. Young........ 2 0 A Love Gift, The .........T.... ....J. Howe ........ 2 0 F and of my sire ....... .Mehul .......... 2 6 A and Gold ..........M. S......N. J. Sporle..... 2 O'D Trish Girl........M. S......J. G. Callcott.... 2 0 Eb sat Locksmiths. .M.S......J. F. Duggan.... 2 6 G .........M. S......E. H. Birt 20 Ab aughter. ...B....... J. F. Duggan.... 2 0 F ..........M. S......W. Spark ....... 2 0 G ile.............-M.S ..... Thomson.... .... 2 0 F . Ay summer flowers....M.SH.....E. Land ........ 2 0 A Lock of Hair............M.S......J. P. Knight .... 2 0 Bb Love is like a summer flower. .............M.S...... Stephen Glover .. 2 0 Eb — B. Listen to the nightingale (Scena)............S........A. Lee.......... 3 0 Eb - E. Light of thy smile........T.... ....P. Jewell........ 2 0 D i . .:: Caughter. . • D- E. Moonlight meeting, The. .M. S..... Stephen Glover. .. 2 0 D-Ê. Minstrel girl, The........M.S....... Laveru. ...... 2 0 D-E. †Marion ................T........G. Linley ........ 2 0 D-F. My dreams are now no more of thee .......T........ L. Lavenu. ...... 2 0 D Eb G . N G 10 VU ENGLISH SONGS. D C moov 000 2 : Compass. . Voice suitable for, s. d. Key. E to F. My pretty cot.... .....M. S......C.W. Glover .... 2 (Bb D-F. "Maiden and the page, The..M.S...... Meyerbeer ....... 2 6 F C-F. *Moss rose, The..........M. S......Meyerbeer. ...... 2 0 F F. Mary Lee ..............M.S...... Eliz. Masson ... 1 0 Bb E. My heart returns to thee..C.. ......M. W. Balfe..... 2 O Eb - F. +Merry Woodland maid....T. The ...............M. S......George Linley ... 2 6 D C - E. Monks of old, The.....,B.... .... Stephen Glover... 2 0 C E - F. #Merry Christmas bells...,M.S......Stephen Glover ... 2 0 A D-G. Mountain flower, The....S........ George Barker ... 2 0 G -- F. †Moresco maid, The......T.......C. E. Horn ...... - F. Merry guitar, The.. .. ..M. S......C. E. Horn ...... 2 0 D-F. +Moonlight is beaming....T.... ....Clement White... 2 0 F - D. My home on the deep blue sea ............B.... ....J. R. Ling........ 2 0 D F-E. Mamma won't let me marry yet...... ....M. S......E. J. IV estrop.... 2 0 Bb. - E. My native streams......C........ Alexander Lee.... 2 O EL F. Merry dance I dearly love, The..............M. S...... Gretry ......... Men of merry England, The............. B...... ..S. Nelson.. ..., F. Merry Gipsy Band, The ..B.......,A. Fry..... E. My grandfather's glass.... B.... ....F. Romer Merry Bells of England, The..............B..--.,. ..I.M.E. E. Meet me at morn ........M.S. or B. ij. Old.... F. Mariner's Bride ..., .... B...... Val. Morris. My island home is free ..S.... ....W. H. Herbert. My Jamie, thou wert kind to me..............M.S.... . E. Ransford .... Mr. Jerry Jingle..... .B.... ....J. Blewitt ....... 2 --E. My mother bids me bind., M. S...... Haydn...... 20 A F. Mountain Lasses........T.... ....F. Romer........ 2 0 D My bonny Jane ........T........J. P. Barratt.... 2 0 F F. My hunter love..........M.S......G. Linley ........ 2 0 F D-F. My own dear happy home. .M. S......H. Croft........ 20 Bb B-E. My old Spinette........B.... ....J. F. Duggari ... 2 0 Eb F. Merry first of May......M. S......J. F. Duggan.... 2 0 C E. Mary's last dream........C.... ....Donizetti........ 2 0 Eb to F. Minstrel to his lady love. .M. S...... S. Lover ..... 2 6 Eb G-G. My lady sleeps..........T........J. F. Duggan,... 2 0 G II I II II II III IIIIIIIII PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND CO. SAQQOUA ORO Coinpass. Voice suitable for. S. d. Key. D-F. Missionary Hymn. ......M. S......W. Norman. .... 2 0 A B-Ė. My hopes are fixed upon..C.... ....J. Blewitt. ...... 2 0 F F. Maid of Athens ... ....B.. ......G. Linley. ....... 2 0 C F. Mother, The ............M. S......W. T. Wrighton.. 2 0 E - F. Mary Asthore ...... ....B.... ....E. Masson ...... F F. Mary, Adieu ............M. S......E. Masson ...... 20 F D E. Merry dance beneath the oak................B.... ....J. L. Hatton .... 2 0 D C-F. My Village Home......M. S.or B..A. Lee...... .... 2 0 F - E. My Old Kentucky Home..B.... ....Negro Melody .... 2 0 G C-E. †Minnie Moore. ..........M.S......J. L. Hatton. .... 2 0 C E-G. + ............S........ - ...... 2 0 Eb U NNNN fety AE 00 00 - G. Norah Bray (Irish ballad).T........ George Barker... 2 0 C - F. Night and Morning ......M.S......J. H. Tully ....... 2 0 C - E. Nancy Bell...... ......B........Louis Emmanuel.. 2 0 Eb - E. Norah Malone......... B........ Alexander Lee.... 2 0 G E. *Nelly Bly ..............M.S. or B..C. Foster ........ 2 0 C : No, 'twas neither shape..T.... ....H. R. Allen ..... . .. inette ................M. S...... Val. Morris...... 2 0 Bb more can love........0........ Val. Morris...... 2 0 Eb in the shade of the Elm.C.... ....F. Romer...... 2 0 .....B.... ....Negro Melody. ... 20 F . . . . . . . .::. Lors.B........C. W. Glover.... 2 6 F A M. S......J. F. Duggan.... 3 0 Eb Stephen Glover. .. 20 G . . W. E. Ransford.. 20 Ab F. Mcycrbeer .... 2 0 C · Meyerbeer .. .. 20 Ab ..M. W. Balfe .... 20 F .. Scotch Melody.... 20 Ab S.. George Linley.... 20 F ...Stephen Glover .. 2 6 ] ... Stephen Glover .. 2 6 A Or B. . Bellini .......... 2. () G 12 ENGLISH SONGS. I 1 1 1 1 O Compass. Voice suitable for s. d. Key. D to G. On the cold shores (Se Romeo) ........S. or T.... Bellini .......... 2 0 G C - F. Oh! when should men drink..............B........E. Ransford .... 2 0 F D. Oh! 'tis not a forgotten name.............. # Bansford .... 2 0 F E. Our native home ........B........W. E. Ransford.. 2 0 Ab Old Mariner, Tbe........B.. ......J. P. Knight..... 2 0 Eb D-F. Ol! the merry starlight ..M.S......J. P. Knight .... 2 0 Eb E-F. Old Farm House ........B.or M. S.. Louis Emmanuel . 2 0 Eb E - F. Oh! speak not of her ....B........E, J. Loder...... 2 0 Ab B-F. Oh! weep not, maiden....C. or B.... Clement White .. 2 0 G Oh! yes, I love thee......M.S. or B..J. R. Ling....... 2 0 Ab C-F. Over the waves we're bounding ...... ....B.... ....J. R. Ling ...... 2 0 0 F. O'er the hills, Jessie. ....T.. ..... N. J. Sporle .... 2 0 Eb E. O'er the distant mountain height. ..........., B. or M.S.,Mercadante...... 2 0 C E. Oh! could I view my home again ........M.S. or B..Mercadante...... G. Oh! would the night my blushes hide ........M.S...... Gretry....... D-G. Oh! Richard, oh! my King.T........ Gretry ..... E. Old English Hospitality ..B.... ....S. Nelson F. On by the spur of valour goaded............B........Shi D. Old Baron's Daughter, The. B....., E. Oak and the Ivy, The ....B E. Oh! I should like to marry -F. Oh! come, oh ! come with me........ F. 0, Rory, remember .... Oh! the joys of the dan Oak and the Rose, The.. B - E. Old Customs.......... Olden Time, The ....... Oh! who will fly with me. Over hill, over dale..... F. Oh never ask me why ... B - E. Oh, had my fate ..... D- E. *Old folks at home. ....... C— E. One morn, as o'er the hills... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . .' .. . PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND CO. 13 Compass. Voice suitable for Si d. Key, C# to E. Olivette................C.... ....Howard Paul.... 2 0: A C#-E. Oh, let me gaze..........B.... ....J. F. Duggan .... 20 G D-G. *Oh, weel may the keel row.,for 1, 2, or 3. voices ..arr. by Dewar.......... 20 G E. Oh, lovely eyes !.... ....T.... ....S. Lover ....... 2 0 A F-F. Oh, why be sad ?... ....B.or M.S..E. Perry.... 20 Bb F. Oh, must I leave thee ....B..., ....J.R. Ling ....... 2 0 F E. Other side of Jordan, The .B........Negro Melody .... 2 D G. N 1 B-D. Parting Look, The ..............F. Lablache...... 2 0 Bb D-E. Pleasantly, pleasantly....S.... ....W.A. Grattann .. 2 6 'Eb E. Polka in disgrace........M.S...... Charles Hall ... 2 6 Bb B - E. Pale, trembling stars ....C.... ....Baylis Burton.... 2 0 G F. Pretty, pretty orange blossom (Cavatina). ...M.S...... Stephen Glover. ... 2 O D E. Parting Tear, The (Vaga luna) ........M.S. or B..Bellini.......... 2 0 Ab D-F. Poor Marine Boy........T........E. Ransford .... 2 0 Bb Poor man to his child, The..M.S. or T..C. E. Horn.... 0 Abe F Pretty Patty Palmer......M.S. or B..J. Blewitt ........ E. Place where I was born, The...........N. J. Sporle .... -F. Post-born’s note, The ....B........N. J. Sporle .... 2 0 Eb E. *Primroses deck..........C.... ....T. Linley ...... 2 0 A - F. Poor Effie ..............M. S...... Val. Morris...... 2 0 F QONAQ O A GD BRBD BDRBwo D ERREGER BCEFc B.FEFC F. Queen of the Night.....T........J. Cohan........ 2 0 F *Return, The ..........C........Meyerbeer ....... 2 0 C - F. *Roland's Lament ......M. S...... Meyerbeer ....... 2 0 Ab - G. Roses I've gathered ......M. S......Louis Emmanuel.. 2 0 Eb F. Rose that blooms in yonder vale, The... ......M. S......T. H. Severn..... 2 0. Bb. - E. Rose of Spring, The . (Cavatina)..........M. S......S. Nelson........ 2 0 D' E-F. * Romance of Dunois, Song and Chorus ......... .......... La Reine Hortense 2 O D F -F. *Ring de Banjo ..........T.... ....S. C. Foster ..... 2 0 F E-F. Remember I have only..T.........E. L. Hime ...... 2 0 Eb - G. Sing at thy wheel, Lizette .B. or M.s.. Charles Churchill. 2 C-F. Soldier's Grave, The..... .M. S...... Eliz. Masson .... 1 0 0 F F INGLISI SONGS. Compass. Voice suitable for. S. d. Key. E to E. Sleigh Bell, The.... ....B.... .... Eliz. Masson .... 1 0 G E-F. Sweet Nightingale........S or T ....Baylis Burton. .. .2 0 F E-F. *Spirit of slumber (Ave . Maria). ............B.... ....Franz Schubert .: 2.0 Bb B- E. *Swallows, The (Agathe to Irene).... ......T.... .... Franz Abt....... 2 A D- G. *- - ......M.S...... Franz Abt....... 2 0 C E. Smuggler King, The...,B.... .... Stephen Glover. .. 2 0 0 D-E. Sea is England's glory, The,B.... .... Stephen Glover .. 2 0 G D-G. Smiling Faces, .........M.S...... Stephen Glover .. 2 0 Eb Sing on, sweet-bird of beauty............M.S...... Stephen Glover i. 2 0 D- E. Sweet Mary of the Vale. .T.... ....W.E. Ransford.. 2 0 D E. Song of the Sexton. ... ..B........Louis Enmanuel. 30 * D.-F. Sweet is the morn of early life.... ......M. S. ...., Rossini ........ 2 0 0 F. St. Agnes' Eve.........T.......T. Young ........ 2 0 Ab E. Sweet Spring is coming..B. or M.S..T. Young ........ 2 0 Bb QAT mBRE BDDDDDDRD EBECCCCCDBBBCDDCDBCDDEBCc. Qoca a a E. Sister's Recall, The......C .......S. Nelson ....... 20 F E. Song of the Haymakers..B.... ....W. H. Montgomery 2 о с E. Stolen Child, The.... ..B. or M. S.. Stephen Glover 2 0 F F. Star of Dunkeld, The....T.... ....G. H. Rodwell.. 2 0 Bb E. Sweetest rose is love, The..M.S. or B.. H. Laurent., ... D-E. Some fairy spell........M. S......W.A. Wciss.... 2 0 G Standard of England, The .B... .....J. M. Edney.... F. Sapling Oak, The ........B.... .... Storace .......... 2 0 Eb F. Song of the Blind, The..T........J. P. Knight.... 2 0 Ab F. Sylph's Invitation, The .M. S......J. P. Barratt. ... A. Summer hours..........S.... ... D. N. Fisher.... A. Sweet love, good night....T.... ....J. L. Hatton .... D . - F. Song of the Gossamer «co T. or S....J. Schmidt ...... D-E. Soldier's Watchword .... B on... Stephen Glover .. 2 0 0 E-F. Spanish Gipsies. ... ....M. S......H. C. Griffiths .. 2 0 A Sweet sleep............ S........J. F. Duggan.... 2 6 F E. Sea-dreamings ..........M.S. or T..F. Romer ........ 2 0 D D-E. Slave Mother's Lament .,M. S......J. T. Treakcll... 2 0 Eb E- E. Sweet and gentle Memories.M.S...... E. Perry........ 2 0 Eb E-F. Swifter far than summer..S ........G. Irinley........ 2 0 Ab C - G. Sprites of the Wind...... S.... ....S. Lover........ 2 6 F F. Ship is parting.........M. S..... S. Lover ........ 2 0 A IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII cu acar PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSTORD AND CO. Compass. OO E on OA B B B E DO II III IIIIII AO Voice suitable for. s. d. Key. C to E. †Thérèse.............C.... .... George Linley.... 2 0 0 A - E. Torreador, The..........B..arr. by George Linley.... 2 6 F C - E. There is a spirit in the woods......................F. Romer........ 2 0 Ab E--E. 'Tis I that love her best..T........M. W. Balfe.... 2 0 0 --E. Thou shalt have none other Gods but me (Sacred) B.... ....C. Hargreaves.... 2 0 Eb -- F. Two Sages............M. S...... Scotch Melody.... 2 O F D- E. Trust not the breeze......C. or B.... Charles Hastings. 2 0 Eb E. Take this rose of fairy . sweetness ..........T........W. E. Ransford.. 2 0 Ab F. There's none I love like theeT.... ....W. E. Ransford.. 2 0 Eb F. Tear in thine eye love, The.T.... ....Louis Emmanuel.. 2 0 Ab G. - 'Tis sad to part..........M. S. or B. .J. R. Ling...... 2 0 F G. Thou hast deck'd thy hair with flowers.... ....S. or T....J. Blewitt. ....... 20 D D. Thirsty earth, The......B........T. H. Severn.... 20 D E. There's true joy in drinking B........ Gretry. ......... 2.0 0 B - E. They say I'm always laughing............ B........W. R. Baldwin.. 2 0 B E. There's beauty in creation .M.S......E. Perry........ 2 0 G. E. Twilight hour. ... ... ..M.S. or B..J. R. Ling...... 2 0 A F. There's sunsbine in the dlouds ..............T........ E. L. Hime...... 20 C F. Thy will be done (Sacred song).......... ...M. S......W.T. Wrighton.. 2 F. Tho' the day of my destiny.T... ...G. Linley ........ 2 0 Ab F. To horse, to horse ........B........G. Linley ........ 2 0 0 There is a bonny blushing.B.......,A. Park. ....... 2 0 . D C- E. There's visdom in the summer flower ......M. Sc.....J. L. Hopkins, ... 2 0 G. E AOAO B-E. Up, Guards, and at 'em. ..B.... ....J. F. Duggan.... 26 Bb C - F. Village Patriarch...... ..B.... ....J. L. Hopkins.... 2 0 D E. *Vilikens and his Dinah. .. Comic ....J. Barnard...... 2 0 Eb - F. Voice from the deep, The..T.... .... J. F. Duggan, ... 2 0 E B - E. *When the swallows home- ward fly (Wenn die Schwalben) ........M. S..... Franz Abt ...... 2 0 D-G. * - ....S.... ....Franz Abt ....... 2 ( A C 16 ENGLISH SONGS. . IIIIIII EREBERB Conipass. Voice suitable for. S. d. Key. C- E. Welcome my bonnie lad ..M. S...... George Linley.... 2 0 C D-E. *Wandering Arab, The.... B........Meyerbeer. ...., 2 0 Bb E-F. When round my heart. ...B........H. T. Tillyard ... 2 .0 Aby F. Widowed Bride, The ....M. S......Scotch Melody: .20 c . D. Whispering Waves, The ..C. or B. ...F. Romer....... 2 0 Eb O-E. Wilt thou forget me? ....T.... ....George. Barker... 2 0 F F - E. fWhen first I went to sea..T.. ..... E. Ransford .... 2 0 F D-F. When summer comes ....M. S. or B. E. Ransford ... 20 Bb C - F Where are pleasures......S........E. Ransford ... 2 0 F E - E With the fairies I would roam .....M. S......W.E. Ransford...2 0 B-E. Wassail Bowl, The ......B.... ....J. L. Hopkins.... 2 0 G White cliffs of England, The. B.... ....J. Blewitt ....... 2 6 D D - F. White Rose, The........M. S......N. J. Sporle. .... 2.0 G E. Welcome, lovely May ....M. S......N. J.Sporle ...... 2 0 C C - EWilt thou then remember me? .. ............M.S......Mercadante ...... 20 C F. Wake, sweetest melody (Il soave immagine) ..M. S...... Mercadante. , .... 20 Ab - E. +Who loves thee not, Agnes ? B... .... George Linley. ... 20 - E. Who to.thee in love is nearest ............M.S. or B.. Alex. Lee........ 20 Ab F-E. Wolf, The. ............B.... ....Shield ic....... 2 0 Eb C - E. Wandering Sailor, The....B.... ....Reeves ......... 2 0 G - F. Woods, the woods for me, The ............B.... .... Stephen Glover .. 20 D E. What on earth, my dear Susan ...............birki ...... ....B..., ....Louis Leo. .... 2 0 F E-G. Wandering laddie........S..... Shield ........ 2 0 Eb Withered Rose, The ......M. S ..... W. H. Weiss .... 2 0 C Widow's Prayer, The ....M. S......T. Blanchard ..., 2 0 Ab Where should the fairies' dwelling be? ........M.S......J. M. Jolly ..... 2 0 D E-F. Wearily! oh, wearily!. ...M. S...... W. H. Grattann. . 2 0 Ab E. Where graze the lowing kine ......................W. H. Grattann.. 2 0 D E. We see ber no more..... S........G. E. Biletta..... 2 O G F. Warrior sleeps, The ......B........G. Linley........ 2 O E F. +Who'll fight for the Queen ? B........G. Linley........ 2 6 A Wilt thou leave the valley?.C.......Rossini ..... 2 0 Eb E-G. When we two parted ......T........G. Linley ......: 2 0 C C – E. Wait for the Waggon....B... 2 0 C 1 III II II Bi Bio PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND Co. 17 - s. d. Key. Compass. Voico suitable for. E to F. Why looks the bride so. pale?..............M. S......J. F. Duygan.... 2 0 Eb DeNmd BDD.SED E. Young Zellica ...... ....M. S...... Charles Churchill. 2.0 Eb E - F. Ye warriors of England .. B........C. W. Glover .... 2 0 C D-F. Yes, thou art gone ....... B. or M.S..Baylis Burton ... 2 0 G F-F. Yes,'tis street to remember..T........ E. Ransford .... 2 O F E. You welcomed me a stranger ............B.or M.S..Verdi.......... 2 0 D E-F. Years have fleeted past....M. S...... Val. Morris 2 0 Ab E. Youth's First Lesson ..., M. S......W. L. Phillips. .. 2 0 D D-F. Yes, Hope, thou art the beacon ....... .....T.... ....J. F. Duggan.... 3 O G F. Yes, 'tis a spell .... ....T.... ....J. F. Duggan.... 2 0 D E-G. ........T.... ....J. F. Duggan.... 2 0 E E. Young Stephen the Squire...B. or M. S...E. J. Loder ....... 2 6 E ENGLISH VOCAL DUETS. . G to E.) A sound comes on the C. s rising breeze.......,M.S. & M.S. Stephen Glover. .. 2 0 Eb. B G Army and Navy, The....T. & B....T. Cooke ........ 30 Bb EFT Ő Autumn Song ...... ....S. & C....:Mendelssohn . .... 20 A Come to the forest........ S. & C.... Stephen Glover. .. 3 0 G Come, oh, come to me!....S. & C.. .. Frank Mori ..... 3 0 D A. Elfin Call, The.... ......S. & C.. .. Stephen-Glover... 30D Be Fairies’ Call, The........ S. & C... Alexander Lee. ... 30 Bb Friendship, sweet friend- ship ..............S. & C...,Mercadantë. ..... 2: 6 F D-G.) A D Flower Queen, The ......S. & M.S..C. W. Glover .... 30 G # Fairy Dance, The........S. & C.... Stephen Glover. .. 30. E From our merry Swiss home ..............S. & C.... C. W. Glover .... 3 0) F HÖSio een B A E ETADE OO ATAT E 91: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII si so mennene si ca se po D . ENGLISH VOCAL DUETS. 18 E-G. l *Greeting Compass. Voices suitable for. s. d. Key. Flower after flower departs..S. & M. S. Louis Lavenu.... 2 0 D Fairy. Gondola, The .....S. & M. S..Mercadante...... 20 G B-6: Forget me not ........... S. & B....J. F. Duggan .... 20 G O Fisherman's Daughters. .. S. & C.... Val. Morris ..... 30 B F God of Love, The ........S. & T.... Gretry.......... 20. Eb. ............ S. & C.. ..Mendelssohn .... 1 6 Eb 1 Hour that we must part, s. The...... .........S. & C.... Baylis Burton.... 3 0 Eb E - E.) How sad it is to say fare- E-F} well ..............S. & T..... Bellini.......... 20 G Home of my youth, The ..S. & T....J. Perring ...... 20 Ĝ Homeward returning. ....S. & M. S..C. W. Glover .... 3 0 F | In the merry moonlight (Gipsy Duet) ......S. & B.....W.E. Montgomery. 3 0 Eb C-C. $*1 **I would that my love.... S. & C.., Mendelssohn .... 2 0 E Knight and the Fairy, The. S. & B..... Louis Emmanuel 3 0 Eb ŠOT |||||IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!! ESSSSSSSSES RESSESSSSSSSSSSSSSS RES mer narraren Long life to the grape .... T. & B..... Wilson ...... 3 0 A . À D: *Merry flowers, The......S. & C... Meyerbeer....... 30 *Music breathes her softest Ś spell..............S. & C.. ...Meyerbeer . ...... 3 0 F Matin Bell, The.... .... S. & M. S..Donizetti ....... 2 0 G - D-G.lus . *May bells and the flowers..S. & C.....Mendelssohn ... 20 G A-?;} *No! granny dear ......S. & C.... . Meyerbeer ...... 26 F Oh, for a fairy boat ...... S. & M. S.. Pal. Morris ..... 3 O G . One night in sickness ....T. & T.... Gretry .......... 2 B- old and Young (Comic) ..S. & B....J. Parry ........ 3 O-Fle Over the waves........., S. & M.S. . Terdi ,......... 2 ( F . PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSTORD AND CO. . Compass. Voices suitable for. S. d. Key. to A. } Once more now, my love ..S. or T....J. F. Duggan .... 26 F - A. Once D-F., *0 wert thou in the cauld ſ blast..............S. &C.... Mendelssohn .... 16 Bb C- G. 1 Orpheus with his lute. ....S. & C....J. L. Hatton .... 3 0 Eb Palmer's Return, The ....S. & B....T. . Severn .... 20. Eb **Passage Bird ..........S. & C.. ..Mendelssohn .... Rose Gatherers, The .....S. & M.S. L. Lavenu ...... 2 O F 3 0 Eb Remember me...... ....S. & M.S..Miss Masson .... 1 6 Ab naman E ARO OF Do Bay ART, O ARQ RO AT ARBOR maha SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 可可RSS WEBSARS SSRS SSRSS心的向母SHE日日 ​en fremme A DORORÝ ROH mennene - Spirits' Home, The ......S. & C.. ...Lovell Phillips... 3 C - Filmen Sisters' Meeting, The ....S. & M.S. .F. Romer........ 3 OF D- E. Sister's Parting, The B-C.} (Remember me) ....S. & M. S. Stephen Glover. .. 20 G Smile on ..............S & T. ....C. E. Horn...... 20 GEE. Swallow's Flight ......S. & C... ..F. Kucken ...... 20 Soft music is stealing ....S. & T...J. L. Hatton .. .. 30 G 3 0 C E-F} Sailors Sailor's Farewell , .......S. & B....G. A. Macfarren.. Seaman and his Boy.......S. & B....7. H. Severn .... 3 0 G Speed on, my gallant bark..S. & T....J. Blewitt ........ 3 O F -Go Syren and Friar, The ....S. & B....Louis Emmanuel . 3 0 Eb D-E. 'Tis sweet to hear........ S. & M. S. .Miss Masson..... 16 G D - G.) We come from fairy bowers. S. & C.... Stephen Glover. .. 3 0 D C-E.Sweco We come to thee, Savoy... S. & C.....C. W. Glover..., 3 0 Eb A - ES Who is Sylvia ? ........S. & B. ...J. F. Duggan.... 2 6. G | When streams in moon- S light glisten .. ......S. & C..... Alexander Lee ... 3 0 Eb When shall we meet? .... S. & C.. ... Stephen Glover... 30 D GLEES. GLEES AND TRIOS. Compass. Voices suiatble for s. d. Key. to : Awake, awake, sweet B-| Awake, awake, sweet B-C.) maiden..........S. C. & B.... A. Whitcombe..., 2 0 Eb D - G.) A sweet good night ....S. M.S. & C.. Mercadante...... 2 0 G B - E. D. — F.) f Annie Laurie ........S. T. & B.. arr. by E. J. Westrop. 2 0 D. Arrest of Time........S. T. & B....G. A. Macfarren. 20 Bb G-D.) A-C.) (Bid the festive glass go round .........A. 2 T. & B..H. Giffin........, O G: Come, ye maidens. .....A. 2 T. & B..J. L. Hopkins.... 20D comandante i DO GAB ES FA Tinos Soco Di Goof manador TÖÖST PORRO E DA | Circled round with rosy G - CS garlands.........S. T. & B.. F. Romer. ..... 3 0 Ab Church, State, & Queen..A.T. & B....J. L. Hopkins ... 3 0 G Daylight fades around ........S. T. & B...J. F. Duggan.... G - 3 0 1 thee ......... Ever will I dwell with , A. 2 T. & B..J. P. Knight .... 20 D -7. Fairest of the virgin F- B. train............S. A. T. & B..J. L. Hopkins.... G-C. $ 0 D-E.) G-D. Friendly Wishes ...... 2 S. & B.. ..E. J. Westrop.... 2 0 G G : PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND CO. 121 : Compass. Voices suitable for. S. d. Key, `- Fairies' Glee, The ....2 S. & B.. .. Stephen Glover. .. 3 0 D ci co Gipsies' Laughing Trio.. 2 S. & B.. .. Stephen Glover. .. 0 D er o Gipsies' Home. .......S. T. & B....Chas. Wyatt .... 2 6 G سیستم سامد Hail! Royal Heir of ſ England. ........A. 2 T. & B..J. L. Hopkins .... 3 0 D G-D | Have. ye met my B-F. Ī wand'ring fair ....2 S. & B..... Stephen Glover... 3 0 Ab A - B. Hail! Royal Prince.... A. T. & 2 B..J. P. Barratt.... 3 0 Eb F-E. G-G. * In pensive sadness. .... A. 2 T. & B..J. L. Hopkins.... 26 Ab Assos i sisi 3111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!! A ROBOREC AS Oro por cada SADERBOARD mirrrr D-G F -F. Làss o' Gowrie, The.... Treb.A.T.&B. arr. by E. Ransford A ~ B.) G - C.) G-D.S 2 6 Bb . My bonnie cuckoo... ..S. C. & B....F. Smith. ....... 3 0 Bb B- B. ( *O’er valley and moun- : tain ............S. M.S. & C..Meyerbeer. ...... 3 0 C. E-B) Our country's fame..... A. T. & B.... Shieldi... ...... 3 0 A G - Eu O'er the mighty waters blue ............2 S. & B.....J. P. Barratt .... 3 0 F Praise God on high ....S. A. T. & B.. Malthew Locke... 6 0 F. Pilgrims' Evening Chant. ..........2 S. & B.....J. L. Hatton ..... 3 A -- B. 0 Eb. GLEES. Voices suitable for. s. d. Key. Compass. G to B.) Sleep on ..... .....,A. T. & 2 B... W. Hermann .... 2 6 Eb Sunset .............S.T. & B. ...C. W. Glover .... 3 0 Ab . Sister dear, the morn is breaking. ......S. T. & B....J. L. Hatton. .... 3 0 Bb Three Dreams ........S.T. & B.... G. A. Macfarren.. 3 O Ab 'Tis midnight .......A. 2 T. & B..J. L. Hopkins.... 2 0 D E-F. Wapping Old Stairs.... A. T. & B... arr. by F. Cuissét. 20 Ab SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII . BOARDSB ofis kidoo O FOGOTIF DESA fi ca II | Welcome, welcome do I sing ..........S.A. 2 T. & B.J. L. Hopkins.... 20 F ( When Spring in her glory appears......A. T. & B... .J. L. Hopkins'.... 30 G B-D. | When fays and fairies ľ sportive play .....2 S. & B....A. Whitcombe.... 3 0 A ... G – C.) When generous wine. ..A.T. & B....T. T. Magrath... 20 G F-DJ (Ye pretty birds (Ma- drigal) ........5 voices......J.L. Hopkins ... 2 0 Eb F-A.' G.) GRAND CANTATA, “The Festival of Spring!” written B-D. L and adapted to Matthew Locke's celebrated Music in D-G. - Macbeth," by Harcourt Russell......2 Trebles, Tenor, G-D.) and Bass...... ..., 6. OG D-- D. HYMNS. G-F. : Christmas (for Children).S. A. T. & B..W. H. Grattann. . 1 G. II!! 6 C I’UBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND 28 23. VOCAL WORKS. UNDER THE COMPOSERS' NAMES. . S. a. FRANZ ABT. *When the swallows homeward fly ....... Dr. ARNE. In infancy our hopes........ ........ 10 M. W. BALFE. an Ah! would that I could love thee less-Sung by Mrs. Sims Reeves. Old Friends-Sung by Madlle. Angri ......... .... con 2 0 Lis I that love her best-Sung by Mr. Sims Reeves ............ 2 0 . My heart returns to thee-Sung by Miss Ransford.............. 20. The Joy of Tears-Sung by Miss Catherine Hayes and Miss Poole. 2 0 GEORGE BARKER. I'm very lonely..... Norah Bray ......... Come live with me.... .... The Mountain Flower... Wilt thou forget me ?......... BELLINI. Angel of Peace (Angiol di Pace)........ ·A Mother's welcome smile (L'amo, l'amo)..... Oh! native scenes (Oh! divina Agnese) .... On the cold shores of the stranger (Se Romeo)... The parting tear (Vaga luna). Life's young dawn of love (Meco tu vieni)........ I'll sing of happy days............ How sad it is to say farewell—Duet .... VOCAL WORKS. v awn rs........... . BLEWITT. Pretty Patty Palmer........ Captain of the Age......... Thou hast deck'd thy hair with flowers White cliffs of England. .... Fire and Water............ Mr. Jerry Jingle........ Speed on, my gallant bark-Duet. ......... 2 BAYLIS BURTON. Pale, trembling stars....... Sweet Nightingale.......... Yes, thou art gone..... Hour that we must part-Duet.. CV AV GV Go ....................................... Ue .... .. .... .... . . . ....... ...... J. P. BARRATT. Sylph's Invitation ...... Hail! Royal Prince-4 Voices .... ......... 20 1 W. R. BALDWIN. They say I'm always laughing................... ...... .... • 2 J. BARNARD. Vilikens and bis Dinah—(Robson's edition)........ ....... 20 T. BLANCHARD. - . .. Widow's Prayer........ ... 20 G. E. BILÉTTA. We see her no more...... Bird and the breeze ....... uud 410 VIE.. ........... .... ...... ....... 20 .... .......... .......... ...... 2 0 N Col. BRUCE. Edeline. ................. ...... 20 H. BINFIELD. Fair was the flower ....... ..... 20 I. COOKE. The Army and Navy-Duet...... C6.............. . . ........ ..... Áo PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND CO. VOCAL WORKS UNDER THE COMPOSERS NAMES, FRANZ ABT. *When the swallows homeward fly......... H. R. ALLEN. Dearest, wake...... No, 'twas neither shape nor feature............... .............. ............. 2 ........... 2 6 0 ............ 1 0. ......... 20 Dr. ARNE. In infancy our hopes........ LAUBER. *Buy my oranges......... Dr. ARNOLD. Flow, thou regal purple stream.......... ATTWOOD. In the low winding vale........... .......... Down the rugged mountain steep........... 2 0 ...... 2 0 T. BAKER. Oh! Rory, remember........... ......... 2 0 M. W. BALFE. Ah! would that I could love thee less-Sung by Mrs. Sims Reeves. 2 0 Old Friends-Sung by Madlle. Angri..................... ............ 2 0 'Tis I that love her best-Sung by Mr. Sims Reeves... ... ... ... ...... My heart returns to tbee-Sung by Miss Ransford...................... 2 O · The Joy of Tears-Sung by Miss Catherine Hayés and Miss Poole. 20 naa W. R. BALDWIN. They say I'm always laughing .......... .......... 2 0 AT C. A. BANNISTER. I will never chide thee........... ........... 20 24 .. VOCAL MUSIC. GEORGE BARKER. fI'm very lonely. Norah Bray.................... Come live with me............. The Mountain Flower. ........... Wilt thou forget me ?......... i wa aa a ............................. J. P. BARRATT. Sylph's Invitation...... Hail! Royal Prince-4 voices... Chamois Hunter's Love................ My bonnie Jane.................. ......................................... Over the mighty waters blue–Trio. .......... J. BARNARD. + Villikens and his Dinah—(Robson's edition).......... ........ ....... 2 0 .......... e. BELLINI. Angel of Peace (Angiol di Pace)................... A Mother's welcome smile (L'amo, l'amo)........... Oh! native scenes (Oh! divina Agnese). On the cold shores of the stranger (Se Romeo).... The parting tear. (Vaga luna)............. Life's young dawn of love (Meco tu vieni).. I'll sing of happy days....... How sad it is to say farewell—Duet................6 an op aaaa ............... ......... G. E. BILETTA. We see her no more........... Bird and the breeze........... ......... ............. H. BINFIELD. † Fair was the flower.... ............ 2 0 T. BLANCHARD. Widow's Prayer.... .......... 2 0 J. BLEWITT Pretty Patty. Palmer........ +Captain of the Age........... Thou hast deck'd thy hair with flowers........ White cliffs of England ....... .aaaa ... ......... PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND 00. J. BLEWITT—continued. Fire and Water—Comic...... .......... ....... .................... Mr. Jerry Jingle--Comic...... .................... Speed on, my gallant bark-Duet.......... .................. My hopes are fixed upon thee... . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ........................ is a cat .......... BAYLIS BURTON. Pale, trembling stars ................. Sweet Nightingale... Yes, thou art gone.......... Hour that we must part-Duet. Floriska......... ................... Fair land of Greece... waai aa. J. BRUTON. It 'll never do to give it up so—Comic.......... V COL. BRUCE. Edeline. ........ ......... 20 ....... ....... ............................ ......... ~ .-.J. G. CALLCOTT. Loving Irish girl.... É. P. CHRISTY. *Old folks at home. ........ a CHARLES CHURCHILL. . Sing at thy wheel, Lisette......... Young Zellica.... ....... e................................................ ............ 2 0 ........... 20 0 0 J. COHAN. Queen of the Night......... .......... 20 COLLINS. . In the downhill of life.......... .......... a ...... 30 T. COOKE. The Army and Navy-Duet.. J. T. CRAVEN: Oh! I should like to marry. ..... ....... 2 0 F. N. CROUCH. Faith; I must be in love......... ........ 20 VOCAL WORKS. s. d. H. CROFT. My own dear, happy home ...... ....... 20 F. CUISSET. Wapping Old Stairs-3 voicesus..... ...................... ........ ..... 2 O · C. DESANGES. Hear'st thou thy name ?-Sung by Mr. Sims Reeves, ........... 2 0 The Englishman's Home...... DEWAR, arranged by. *Oh! weel may the keel row, for 1, 2 or 3 voices. ....... ...... 20 ....... us...... .......... .... ... ..................... .................. ............ J. F. DUGGAN. Lord Ullin's daughter. ...... My old spinette................ ......... Pierre.... Merry first of May....... ....... Pierre.... My lady sleeps......... Over hill, over dale....... One morn as o'er the hills... ..... Pierra.... Oh! let me gaze ...... .... Léonie.... Sweet sleep....... ..Léonie... Old Memories ..... Wild Bells. Oriana-Scena ........... The Fisher-boy (A legendary Song). The Gipsy...... Ask me no more..... At night upon the moon-lit tide.. .....Léonie.... Fragile Flower...... . Pierre.... Tervent Prayer... .....Léonie.... Heather Bell....... ......Pierre.... How oft in childhood... ..... Léonie.... I dreamt an old man... .... Léonie.... I can but weep ........ Up, guards, and at 'em.... A voice from the deep... Why looks the bride so pale...... Yes, hope, thou art the beacon light...... .... ...... Léonie.... Yes, 'tis a spell-in İ. ............. .....Léonie..., Yes, 'tis a spell—in D.... ........ Léonie..... . Dear Venice. . ............ ........ Léonie.... waaaaaaaaa CO GOGOGO.aarco .......... ....;..... .. 1.......... ................ ... ...................... ...... .... ....................... ........................ PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND CO. . ................ no. J. F. DUGGAN-continued. Love laughs at locksmiths...... Forget me not-Duet.. Once more now, my love-Duet, Rondo Finale-Duet.... Who is Sylvia ?-Duet... Daylight fades around us–Trio..... „............... ........ Pierre.... ........Léonie..., ........ Pierre.... ...... av CO CO CO C. H. DOLBY, arranged by. Charlie yet.............. ......... ......... 2 6 DONIZETTI. The Matin Bell—Duet........ My home is in another clime... The Grasp of a Friend........ Mary's last dream. .......... .......... ....... va Qa; a H. W. DU LANG. ' Fear not, I'll ne'er forsake thee ...... ..... 20 ...... .. ...... .. ... .. .... L'QUIS EMANUEL. Dance upon the lawn..... Old Baron's Daughter .. The Cambrian Maid....... tCome weave the laurel... A forester's life for me.. The friends we esteem. ... Old Farm House.. irc... +Roses I've gather'd.. Song of the Sexton The tear in thine eye, love...... Nancy Bell......... The Knight and the Fairy--Duet. Syren and Friar-Duet.... aa aa aa co a aco ................. ...... .............. ........ .... J. M. EDNEY. Standard of England....... The British-built 74. ...... Merry Bells of England... : aaaa D. N. FISHER. Summer Hours ...... ....... 20 28 VOCAL WORKS. S. d. . STEPHEN FOSTER. *Ring de Banjo. . i ..... *Camptown Races .. *Nelly Bly... 20 2 0 20 ... ...no...... A. FRY. The merry Gipsy Band ..... ....... 2 6 ............ . .................. Crow............................. CHARLES W. GLOVER. four Soldiers and our Sailors.. Ye warriors of England ... Little Gipsy Jane...... My pretty Cot.......... I wandered from my orphan home.... A spell is hanging o'er me. ... Do not chide me for my sorrow... The dark-eyed Gipsy Maid. ... Deeds but not words. .... The Gipsy Flower Girl... The Flower Queen-Duet. From our merry Swiss home-Duet. Homeward returning—Duet......... Sunset-Trio............ We come to thee, Savoy-Duet. ....... CO CO CO ? CONNNNNNNNNN r ...... e........................................ STEPHEN GLOVER. The Moonlight Meeting...... +The one sweet face at home... A Gipsy's life for me....... Fair Linder..... Fortune-teller ....... Soldier's Watchword. Gipsy's Tent. Gipsy Monarch. Gipsy Boy........... Gipsy's Dirge Gipsy's Lullaby....... Gipsy Bride..... Gipsy's Wedding.... Gipsy's Laughing Song .. Gipsy's Lament .......... waaaaaaaaaaa ... vi.. .. ....... ............................ PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL RANSFORD AND CO. ............. ......................... ....... m ........... . .........!! ...... .............. ...... ......................... ... .................................. .......... STEPHEN GLOVER—continued. Gipsy Poacher ..... The head and the heart.. Alone I've wandered by the stream. The Monks of old...... + Merry Christmas Bells. The Outlaw's Bride........ +The old Elm Tree. ...... The Smuggler King ....... The sea is England's glory Christ stilling the Tempest. I love the merry sunshine ..... I love the gentle moonlight... I love the dewy twilight... Smiling faces ...... Kindly voices...... Loving hearts.. Friendly actions. . .......... f The King of the Beggars.... Oh! love is like a summer flower The good time is here!......... Pretty, pretty orange blossom (Cavatina). T'he blooming flowers have faded. Sing on, sweet bird of beauty.... Stolen Child ........ ••••:...... The woods for me........ The Dargle....so A sound comes on the rising breeze-Duet. Come to the forest-Duet....... Elfin Call-Duet ............ The Fairy Dance-Duet. ...... The Sisters' Parting-Duet.... We come from fairy bowers—Duet TUS ...... .......... ......... ......... ...... ... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa com coa CO CO COCO ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo S............ .... ! .... .... .... -- ... ............. ...... ...... .... .... .......... ...... t........ .. ...................... . . . Fairies' Glee-Trio........ Gipsies' Laughing Trio....... Have ye met my wand’ring fair—Trio. GRETRY. Oh! would the night my blushes hide....... Oh! Richard, oh! my king. ... ..... The merry dance I dearly love. 2 0 20 .... 20 30 VOCAL WORKS. GRETRY-continued. There's true joy in drinking..... The God of Love-Duet. . One night in sickness-Duet.... H. GIFTIN. Bid the festive glass go round--Glee, 4. voices...... ....... 20 W. F. GRATTANN. Christmas Hymn (for children)-4 voices. ..... Wearily, oh wearily ........ Where graze the lowing kine.... Pleasantly, pleasantly.......... Who will fly with me, ......... The Dirge, or World's Wanderers. CIS................ ......... H. C. GRIFFITAS. Spanish Gipsies....... ........ 20 MRS. GROOM. Fleigh ho! Janet. ........ U... .. ................................ 2 6 ...... .............. L. L. HIME. Remember, I have only thee..... + God bless the gallant soldier, . I dreamt that he loved me., I cannot leave old England A welcome to the homeward bound.... Angels of the house....... There's sunshine in the clouds....... I'll dream of thee... aaaaaaaa occooooo E. HOLMES. Boyhood, .. Good night, beloved ................ ........ 20 ...... 20 W. HERMANN. Sleep on-1 voices ........ ...... 3 0 C. HARGREAVES. Thou shalt have none other Gods but me... ...... 2 () PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSTORD AND CO. J. L. HATTON. * Minnie Moore-in C and Eb ..... Ho! fill me a tankard.... Sweet love, good night. ...... Merry Dance beneath the oak.... Orpheus with his lute-Duet. Soft music is stealing---Duet...... *Pilgrims' Evening Chaunt-Trio.... Sister dear, the morn is breaking-Trio.... ...... Co @ CONNN ..... CHARLES HASTINGS. Trust not the breeze... ........ 20 HAYDN. My mother bids me bind. ....... ........ 2 () ni W. M. HERBERT. Here's to woman. .... My Island home is free. ....... n........................................ . ........ 2 0 W. ........ ........................ J. L. HOPKINS, M. B. There's wisdom in the summer flower.... - Beautiful Valley..... Kniglits of yore-Scena. Be merry to-night........ Child and the Dew-drops ....... Departed worth....... Village Patriarch ........ I touch my harp and dream again The Olden Time ............... -The Wassail Bowl. .. Come, ye maidens-4, voices... .... Church, State, and Queen-3 voices ..... Fairest of the virgin train-4, voices. Hail! Royal Hcir of England voices.. In pensive sadness—4 voices......... The Monks of Old-3 voices...... "Tis Midnight-e voices.............. Welcome, welcome do I sing 5 voices. When Spring in her glory—3 voices ........ Ye pretty Birds (Madrigal)—5 voices ..... QQQQQQQQQ ooooooooooooooooooooo COCO VOCAL WORKS. C. E. HORN. Follow me.... *The Moresco Maid ....... The merry guitar....... The poor man to his child.. Smile on-Duet ........ .... ................... ...LOS G. HORNCASTLE. *Gramachree; or, The Maid in Bedlam.. ..... ........ 20 J. HOWE. The Love Gift....... ...... O P. JEWELL. In the calm moonlight. .... In the light of thy -smile. -. ..... 20 ........ 2 0 J. M. JOLLY. Where should the fairies' dwelling be?.... IN na a aa a aa aa aa aa a a KNEASS. *Ben Bolt........ ca. 20 J. P. KNIGHT. Can she be happy now?..... Come wreathe my brow with flowers .. The old Mariner ....... Oh! the merry starlight. ... The Song of the Blind . The lock of hair............ Ever will I dwell with thee-4 voices. .. .. 12u. ..... ... ..................... F. KÜCKEN. *Swallows' Flight-Duet .... ........ 20 F. LABLACHE. The parting look....... .................. ....... 20 E. LAND. The lovely summer flowers-Cavatina ...... ....... O PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND co. HENRI LAURENT. Sweetest rose is love ........ Old Customs.... S........... ........... ....... ............ LOUIS LAVENU. My dreams are now no more of thee-Sung by Mr. Aug. Braham.. The Brooklet.. ... The Minstrel Girl... ............ Flower after flower departs—Duet ... The Rose Gatherers-Duet........... N NNN. NO .............. . e........ ........... ... ..... ........ ... ALEXANDER LEE. I dearly love my village home... Norah Malone....... Who to thee in love is nearest? Barney O'Toole. My native streams, All around the ancient tree ....... Gipsy Miller ................... Listen, 'tis the nightingale-Scena ... Fairies' Call —Duet ................. n When streams in moonlight glisten—Duet. ....... og CO CONNNNNNN D. LEE. Flowers may fade away, love...... ..... 20 LOUIS LEO. What on earth, my dear Susan.... GEORGE LINLEY. Welcome, my bonnie lad....... +Therèse. ..... Why do I love thee yet?....... fThe merry woodland Maid-Sung by Miss Poole Farewell, if ever fondest prayer. .... I'm the little flower girl...... +Marion. ...... England ! the home of the free-Sung by Mr. Machin & Mr. Ransford Oh! why should we think of the future. ....... For love of thee-Sung by Miss Birch ... Under the sea-Sung by Miss Ransford... The Calabrian Brigand...... waaaaaaaaaaa ........... 34 VOCAL WORKS. S. d. GEORGE LINLEY-continued. The Torreador............ The Levantine Boatman.... * Who loves thee not, Agnes ?......... Thou com'st in the visions of night.. Though the day of my destiny's over. To horse! to horse!...... The warrior sleeps.............. Who'll fight for the Queen ?........ When we two parted............ Come when the morn is breaking ..., Away, ye gay landscapes. ... Oh! had my fate been joined with thine. .. Maid of Athens............. FA Country Girl's Petition to see the Exhibition.. 4A Country Girl's Account of the Exhibition. ., The Fox and the Crow. .................. fJeannie....... Swifter far than summer's flight ....... My hunter love. ........ NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ... 2 T. LINLEY. *Primroses deck the banks' green side...... J. R. LING. Farewell to thee ...... My. home on the deep blue sea..., Oh! yes, I love thee..... Over the waves we're bounding ..... Sweet twilight hour ....... 'Tis sad to part. ............ Oh! must I leave thee ....... GGV GOV GOVO ............ ..... ...... ....... E. J. LODER. : The Cottager's Child.... England, the land of the oak. ...... Oh! speak not of her. ... ... Young Stephen the Squire........ SAMUEL LOVER. An honest heart to guide us.. ...... How to ask and have...... Oh! lovely eyes................ ............. 2 2 0 0 PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND CO. .........can..... H........... SAMUEL LOVER-continued. Oh, never ask me why .... The minstrel to his lady.-love... †The Jaunting Car. ....... The ship is parting .......... Sprites of the Wind-Cavatina ....... MATTHEW LOCKE. Praise God on high-Sacred Cantata ...... Festival of Spring-Grand Cantata, adapted by Harcourt Russell .. 6 0 G. LUIGI. I had a dream (German Song)...... Ob! the joys of the dance ...... In the eye we see the mind ..... Gaily o’er the mountain ...... NNNN . .................... H. C. LUNN. Oh! come, oh! come with me ........ N ...... ...... . . ... ...... ... G. A. MACFARREN. The Sailor's Farewell—Duet .... Arrest of Time--3 voices....... Three Dreams-Trio..... 0 0 .. Co Co Co 0 W. C. MACFARREN. Flow down, cold rivulet ..... Heart, heart, be gay......... ....... 2 0 ......... 20. ... ....... ...... .............. ... T. T. MAGRATH. When gen'rous wine–3 voices....... ...... 20 1 0 - MISS MASSON. The Farewell....... The Lay of the Troubadour..... A Remembrance of Venice ..... The Sleigh Bell.... Away, away, ye notes of woe Soldier's Grave.... Mary Lee. Mary Asthore....... Mary, adieu ........ 1 1 1 1 6 6 0 6 ...... ... .. .:•!•. ........ .............v ...... ........... ..... ...... ................ .................. 36 VOCAL WORKS. s. d. MISS MASSON-continued. Remember me-Duet..... 'Tis sweet to hear-Duet ....... 1.6 WALTER MAYNARD. Fair summer eve.... ....... 20 a MEHUL. Land of my sire....... ....... 26 .................................. - MENDELSSOHN. Autumn Song-Duet ...... Greeting, The-Duet. ....... I would that my lovem Duet ............ May bells and flowers—Duet............ O wert thou in the cauld blast-Duet ...... The Passage Bird—Duet .... N9 2 0 8 .............. ...... N MERCADANTE. O'er the distant mountain height........ Oh! could I view my home again Wilt thou then remember me? .. Wake, sweetest melody ....... Friendship, sweet friendship-Duet ... The Fairy Gondola-Duet..... A sweet good night-Trio... waaaaaa MEYERBEER. O'er valley and mountain-Trio...... Merry Flowers-Duet ......... Music breathes her softest spell-Duet No, Granny dear-Duet.. The wandering Arab...... The Return ............ Roland's Lament........ The Child of Air. The Maiden and the Page.. The Moss Rose. ... Our Fatherland... O lovely Fisher Maiden ..... Haste, Mina, haste. ........ 1 0 ...... ...... ...... ............ ... ... aaaAAAAAAAA PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELLRANSFORD AND CO. 37 vi MINIMA. Forget me not. W. H. MONTGOMERY. * King Harold . Lillian. ... The Song of the Haymakers .... In the merry moonlight-(Gipsy Duet)....... waardo FRANK MORI. Come, oh, come to me--Duet....... ....... 30 LUIGI MORINI. : Basque Muleteer....... ......... 20 A. MORLAND. I wish I'd a thousand a year ... AT .. .. .. .. ... ... . .. .... .. ...... 20 .... . ............................. .... ................... ....... VAL. MORRIS. The Bridal Morn ....., Home, love, and thee... The Knight's Return.... The Mariner's Bride....... Yeat's have fleeted past ........ Fay of the Forest ......... I have not the slightest idea .... Ninette. ..... No more can love. ..... Poor Effie. ............... Oh! for a fairy boat-Duet .. aa aa aa aa a A .. ...... ........ ...... ........ a MOZART. Gazing o'er the ocean..... cean.............. ........................ ........ 2 0 Ta S. NELSON. Barney, the tight lad of Derry ...... The Sister's Recall.... The Rose of Spring (Cavatina).. Old English Hospitality The men of merry England......... ......................... aa a aan ....... .... .... VOCAL WORRS. P. R. NICHOLLS. The morn of meeting .... The eve of parting.... The Blushing Flower......... Happier years ... .......... ............ .............. ....... ....................ooooooooo. A. PARK. There is a bonny blushing flower...... er ....... ............... do .... ... .. . .. . 2 0 i · JOHN PARRY. Old and Young-Duet ....... D uet .... ........ .. ............... ...... .... 30 ....... .................... ......... JAMES PERRING. Come to the south....... I'd be a Gipsy........ The fairy dreams of childhood..... The Fairy Bride-in F and Ab...... Home of my youth—Duet.. ....... Qanaa ...... E. PERRY. Dear mother, smile again....... There's beauty in creation .... He brings me costly treasures.... Sweet and gentle memories ...... ........ GAR .. ............... ... W. L. PHILLIPS. Youth's First Lesson... Spirit's Home-Duet........ .......... .... 20 ...... 30 . 0 0 0 . R. S. PRATTEN. Christmas Song. ....i n i....... ............. .......... W. S. PRATTEN. Forest is dark and drear..... T..... ... ........................ ...... 20 - E. RANSFORD. Beautiful sea,.. t Come, gang awa' wi' me ..., The lov'd one ................ Forsake me not Home of my young days ....... Lass o' Gowrie—4 voices. ...... GT OG .................................... ....... .......... GVO PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND CO. ........ m e . ..... .. ........... .... .... lame . ..... ....oco.... ......, v aa aa aa aa aa a OV O QUANTO COV res........................ ....... E. RANSFORD-continued. The Gipsy's Blessing.. The Oak and Ivy .... The Laurel Tree.uci.. I love the night ........ Hang up his harp. ... *The King of the Sea. .......... My Jamie, thou wert kind to me. .. Oh! when should man drink ?.... Oh! 'tis not a forgotten name. ... † Poor Marine Boy....... fWhen first I went to sea. ....... When summer comes. . ...... Where are pleasures.... Yes, 'tis sweet to remember .... Come, sing me the ballad....... A bumper again ...... The Fine Old Country Squire. ... The Camp Song ....... The grasp of friendship's hand........ W E. RANSFORD. Is thy heart still mine. ......... Our native home .......... Take this rose of fairy sweetness. Sweet Mary of the vale......... With the fairies I wonld roam. ...... There's none I love like thee. ....... One sweet unbroken dream of thee. ..... 0 : NNNNNN REEVE. The Wandering Sailor .......... Live and be jolly ............. ........ 2 ...................... 2 ".......... 0 0 G. H. RODWELL. The Star of Dunkeld........ ........... 20 FRANK ROMER. Sea Dreamings. ...... There is a spirit in the woods .... Happy, beauteous rose . ... Look aloft. ................ The wbispering waves . ..... da G7 VOCAL WORKS. ....... FRANK ROMER-continued. Drink, sing, laugh, be merry ......... The Dream is o'er. ........ England's mighty dead. ......... Fair Empress of my soul. ............. My Grandfather's Glass... ... The Mountain Lasses . 'Neath the shade of the elm ....................., The Sisters' Meeting-Duet. .............. Circled round with rosy garlands-3 voices .......... ............ ............... H. RUSSELL. Come down in the deep ....... ........ 2 0 .............. ............................... ROSSINI. The Exile's Home............ Aurora in splendour beaming (Aurora che sorgerai) ..... Sweet is the morn of early life. Wilt thou leave the valley ? ........... 2 6 20 2 0 ......... JOHANN SCHMIDT. I could weep to hear thee sing The Song of the gossamer ..... ...... 20 ...... ...... ADOLPHE SCHIMON. I weep that I am all alone ..... ..... 20 FRANZ SCHUBERT. *Spirit of Slumber (Ave Maria). 2 0 AT T. H. SEVERN. Away, away, my angel love. ..................... Dear scenes of my home . ..... The rose that blooms in yonder vale .............. The Thirsty Earth .................................... Palmer's Return-Duet................................ Seaman and his Boy-Duet. ........ .......... SHIELD. *The flaxen-headed Ploughboy..... The wand'ring Laddie ......... The Wolf ..... ........... ................ aaa PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSTORD AND CO. .. o SHIELD-continued. Ere around the huge oak. ......... On by the spur of valour goaded. Our country's fame-3 voices.............. A : F. SMITH. My bonnie cuckoo-3 voices..... 3 0 W. SPARK. Lady Moon ...... 20 N. J. SPORLE. O’er the hills, Jessie. ......... The Summer morn...... The place where I was born The Post-horn's Note... The White Rose . ....... Welcome, lovely May.. Love and Gold.. ............. G. F. STANSBURY. The Oak and the Rose .. STORACE. The Sapling Oak....... E. THOMAS. The Christmas Rose. ...... ....... 20 THOMSON. Lilly Dale. 2 0 H. T. TILLYARD. When round my heart......... ..... 20 J. T. TREAKELL. The Slave Mother's Lament. ......... 2 0 J. H. TULLY. Ho! merry England. ......... Night and Morning.......... ......... 2 6 2 0 42. VOCAL WORKS. • N N N N VERDI. Fair life's morning dawn'd........ Doom d an exile ................. Jenny Lind's Song of Home............ I've watched thee from thy childhood ............. You welcomed me a stranger ...................... I will return the gift. .............. † Fair Agnes ............................................. Brighter than the stars of summer ....... Over the waves—Duet ......... N N .............. N N ........ N. VOIGT. Know ye of that fair land ?. ..... ....... 2 0 W. H. WEISS. Some fairy spell. ................ The Wither'd Rose........... ..... 2 0 20 ........ W. WEST. *The Gipsy King .......... 2 " ............. .......................................... E. J. WESTROP. +Blest island of beauty, Britannia the free .... ...... A butterfly sought a lady's bower.......... Mammå won't let me marry yet ............ . ....................... My Mother's Pet....... I long to change my maiden name. Britannia the pride of the ocean....... British Grenadiers ............ Annie Laurie-Trio. Friendly Wishes—Trio........................ ........ ......... A. WHITCOMBE. When fays and fairies_3 voices. ....... Awake, awake, sweet maiden—3 voices........ · CLEMENT WHITE. The Days that are near † Moonlight is beaming. Ob! weep not, maiden ............ CLEVELAND WIGAN. fi lingered by the cottage gate..... IIed ................................................... ....... ........ .......... 20 PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND CO, W. WILSON. Go, charming rose. ......... Long life to the grape—Duet, T. & B. .......... W. T. WRIGHTON. Thy will be done. The Mother..................................... i O CO wa Wone....... ......... 26 CHARLES WYATT. The Gipsies' Home-Solo and Chorus. ....... T. YOUNG. The Beautiful banks of the Tweed.. Land of my birth. St. Agnes' Eve................... Sweet spring is coming......................... veel.......... aaaa ................... ........ BASS OR BARYTONE SONGS. ......... No. 1. The Sapling Oak................................. 2. Flow, thou regal purple stream. ............... Dr. Arnold .............. 3. The friar of orders grey. ....... .............Reeve ............. 4. The Wolf ......... ..............Shield ............ 5. In the low winding vale. ....... ............ - Attwood. 5. The Wandering Sailor.......... Dr. Arnold ........ 7. Live and be jolly ...................................Reeve. ............... 8. Ere around the huge oak................... Shield 9. In the down-hill of life. ....................... ........... Collins ............. 10. On, by the spur of valour goaded ............ Shield 11. Down among the dead men.............. 12. Down the rugged mountain's steep............ Attwood. .............. (To be continued.) The above are edited by J. L. HOPKINS and E. J. WESTROP. The Basque Muleteer--sung by Mr. Whitworth and Mr. Machin ......... .............. Luigi Morini ......... The Calabrian Brigand. ..................... arranged by George Linley......... 2 England, the home of the free ........... ............. George Linley.... The Levantine Boatman .................................... George Linley ........ The Torreador ........ ............. George Linley.. Ye warriors of England-written by W. H. Bellamy...C. W. Glover ......... tOur soldiers and our sailors-ditto......................C. W. Glover ......... The monks of old. ........... .............. Stephen Glover. ....... QQQQQQQQQQ waaaaaaa omogo ao 44 BASS OR BARYTONE SONGS. .......... ...... The Smuggler King ...... ......... .Stephen Glover. ...... 2 0 The sea is England's glory.... . Stephen Glover. ...... 2 0 Friendly Actions.................. .............. Stephen Glover. ..... *The King of the Beggars...... .............. Stephen Glover. .... The good time is here. ............ .Stephen Glover. +The King of the Sea... E. Ransford. ........ Be merry to night. ......... J. L. Hopkins......... The Olden Time ..... J. L. Hopkins. The Wassáil Bowl. ................... ..............J. L. Hopkins......... The white cliffs of England. ..............................J. Blewitt. The Camp Song. ...............................................E. Ransford. ....... Brighter than the stars of summer .. .Verdi. ............ The Soldier's Watchword. .............................. .............. S. Glover.......... † Who'll fight for the Queen ?............. .............. G. Linley.......... +The Gipsy King ...... .............. W. West The night watch had set............... .............. A. Lee.. Young Stephen the Squire ........... ..............E. J. Loder ......... An honest heart to guide us. ......... .............. S. Lover............. At night upon the moonlit tide. .. ...J. F. Duggan ......... 2 Britannia, the pride of the ocean. ............E. J. Westrop......... British Grenadiers—as sung by Mr. Ransford ............ ....................... The Fragile flower. ........... ..............J. F. Duggan ........, Fill the wine cup high ........... Scotch Melody...... 20 Ho, fill me a tankard ..... ..J. L. Hatton. ......... 2 0 +Hurrah for our Tars ..., ............... Val. Morris............ My old Spinette ................ J. F. Duggan ......... +Napier ................. ..C. W. Glover ......... One morn as o'er the hills I stray'd. ..J. F. Duggan......... Up, guards, and at ’em. .... J. F. Duggan ......... The thirsty earth.............. .T. H. Severn. ......... There's true joy in drinking ........ ... Gretry .................. Old English Hospitality .... .............. S. Nelson............ The Men of merry England. ............ .S. Nelson............. The Song of the Haymakers ....... ............ .W. H. Montgomery... 2 f The King of the Holly.... W. Lovell Phillips ... 2 Go forward ........................... ..............W. Lovell Phillips ... The Gipsy's Tent.................... Stephen Glover. ...... 2 The Gipsy Monarch................. ................ Stephen Glover. ...... The Gipsy's Wedding... .. Stephen Glover. ...... 2 6 The Gipsy's Laughing Song. Stephen Glover. ...... 2 6 A Gipsy's life for me. ................................... Stephen Glover. ...... ? 0 The Merry Gipsy Band ............ .............. A. Fry.................. I love, I love the night........... ................. Ransford. ......... a caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa vitaill. ......... * 5 wong........... PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSTORD AND 00. | N N N N N 0 scugnily. ......... N The head and the heart. . . . . . . . . . ....... ............. Stephen Glover. .... The merry bells of England. .......... ..............J. M. Edney.......... Deeds, but not words ............... ..................C.W. Glover ......... The Oak and the Ivy ............ ...E. Ransford. .......... They say i'm always laughing. ..W. R. Baldwin ...... 2 The Oak and the Rose ... ...............G. F. Stansbury...... Ho! merry England. ....... ..............J. H. Tully............. The Standard of England .... .J. M. Edncy............. 2 The British-built Seventy-four ......... .......... .J. M. Edney........... Drink, sing, laugh, be merry ...... .............F. Romer ............. The grasp of friendship's hand. ........ ............. E. Ransford. ......... N N 0 N N N GIPSY SONGS, AS SUNG IN MR. RANSFORD'S POPULAR ENTERTAINMENTS ов 66 GIPSY LIFE AND CHARACTER” 66 THE VANDERING TRIBE." AND No. 1.- The Gipsy's Tent .................................... Stephen Glover. ...... 2 2. The Gipsy Monarch ................................ Stephen Glover. ...... 2 3. The Gipsy's Blessing ... ............ .E. Ransford .......... 4. The Gipsy Boy....... .. Stephen Glover. ...... 2 5. Fair Linder. ................... ... Stephen Glover. ...... 2 6. The Gipsy's Dirge ........... ... Stephen Glover. ...... 2 7. The Stolen Child..... . Stephen Glover. ...... 2 8. The Merry Gipsy Band. ........... ..A. Fry .............. 9. The Gipsy's Lullaby ........ ............ .. Stephen Glover. ...... 2 10. The Gipsy Bride .............. ............. .. Stephen Glover. ...... 2 11. The Gipsy's Wedding ......... ............ .Stephen Glover. 12. The Gipsy's Laughing Song . . . . . . . ......... . Stephen Glover. ...... 2 13. The Gipsy's Lament. . Stephen Glover. ...... 2 14. The Gipsy Poacher. .. Stephen Glover. ...... 2 15. The Fortune-teller ...... .Stephen Glover. ...... 2 16. The Dark-eyed Gipsy Maid ....................C. W. Glover ......... 2 17. The Gipsy Miller ............ ... Alexander Lee ....... 2 18. A Gipsy's life for me.. ..................... Stephen Glover. ...... Z 19. The Gipsy Flower Girl. ........................C. W. Glover ......... 2 20. I'd be a Gipsy ..., ............J. Perring ............ NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN oooooooooooooooooo S O 46 SONGS ARRANGED FOR THE GUITAR, ETC. MEYERBEER. EDITED BY FRANK ROMER. s. d. va a *Roland's Lament *The Moss Rose............ *Our Fatherland .................. *The Return. ............................... .................... *The Child of Air. ................. *Oh! lovely Fishermaiden........... *The Maiden and the Page............., *The wandering Arab.............................. *Haste, Mina, haste. .......... *The merry Flowers—Duet for S. and C.... *Music breathes her softest spell—Duet for S. and C .......... *O'er valley and mountain-Trio for S. M. S. and C ........... aa CV COCO .........., MELODIES FOUNDED ON RUSSIAN AIRS, WRITTEN AND ARRANGED BY BAYLIS BURTON. Yes! thou art gone............. ............ ... 20 Floriska.................. Pale, trembling stars...................... .... 20 Fair land of Greece................... Sweet Nightingale........ The hour that we must part-Duet for S. and C........................ CV CVCI TWELVE SONGS, AS SUNG IN MR. RANSFORD'S POPULAR ENTERTAINMENT 66 RANDOM RECOLLECTIONS." OF 0 No. 1, I love, I love the night............................ E. Ransford... ... ... 2 2. The dance upon the lawn........ ............... Emmanuel... ...... 3. The Song of the Blind.......... ..............J. P. Knight... ... ... 4. The Head and the Heart......................... S. Glover ................ 5. My Grandfather's Glass......... ..F. Romer ............... 6. The woods, the woods for me !.................. S. Glover............ . The merry Bells of England...... ...............J. M. Edney ... ... ... 8. The Laurel Tree...... ..E. Ransford ... ... ... 9. Deeds, but not words...........................C. W. Glover ......... 10. Oh! native scenes.................. ................ Bellini............... 11. The old Baron's Daughter............... .L. Emmanuel......... 12. The Oak and the Ivy.... ..... .. .............. E. Ransford... ... ... QQQQQQQQQQara PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSTORD AND CO, SONGS ARRANGED FOR THE GUITAR, BY G. LUIGI. oooo 1 0 Moonlight is beaming........... .... Clement White... ... 1. Oh! native scenes............. ............. Bellini.................. The beautiful banks of the Tweed......................... 7. Young... ... ... ... ... 10 OL! I should like to marry..............................J. T. Craven... ... ... 1 0 The Cambrian Maid............... .Emmanuel... ......... 10 I love the merry sunshine.. .............S. Glover............... I love the gentle moonlight....... ............. S. Glover ............... 10 Oh! the merry starlight...................................J. P. Knight... ... ... Beautiful valley..... .J. L. Hopkins......... The Gipsy's Tènt.... ............ ............... S. Glover ............... Welcome, lovely May.................................... .N. J. Sporle............ 1 Beautiful Sea....... .............. ...... E. Ransford... ... ... Song of the Haymakers.................................... Montgomery .......... The Parting Tear............... ......... ......... ......... Bellini................... (To be continued.) .... ...... A SELECTION FROM THE MELODIES OF SCOTLAND, WITH CHARACTERISTIC ENGLISH WORDS, BY W. H. BELLAMY. Complete in One Volime, cloth, 158. Farewell, we have parted.................. (Logie o' Buchan)... ...... Lord Ronald...... ...... .................. (O whistle and I'll come to you). ... Two sages once lived ............... ...... (The Lothian Lassie).... Oh! hadst thou known...... ............ (Thou art gane awa')............. Fill the wine-cup high...... ... ... ... ... (O mount and go)... ............ The Fugitive...... ... ... ... ... ... (O speed, Lord Nithsdale)............ The broken Tryste...... ... ... ... ... ... ... (Dinna think, bonnie lassie)...... The calm Brow............................(Bonnie Briar Bush)...... ...... Far away, far away........................(Wandering Willie)...... For better, for worse...... ... ... ... ... ... (The Laird o' Cockpen). ........ The widow'd Bride............ ............(O! waly, waly).................. Say, Maiden....... ........................ (Ettrick Banks)..................... NNNNNNNNNNNN..! ...... 48 SCOTCH SONGS. SCOTCH SONGS.. MAOF ADORADO BAADOOOM IIIIIIIIIIIIII Compass. Voice suitable for. s. d. Key. C to E.*+Annie Laurie... ... ... ... ... M. S. or T...John Dewar ....... 2 0 C. B- E. *Bonnie Dundee...............C...... ... ... W. Herbert......... 2 6 Eb D-G. *Bonnie Prince Charlie... ...................John Dewar ....... I OD --G. *Come o'er the stream, Charlie... ... ... ...Ditto... ... ......... ! 0 F - G. *Comin' thro' the rye..........................Ditto... ............ 10 Bb D-F. *Charlie is my darling... ..................Ditto............... 1 0 F F. *Flowers of the Forest............... ......Ditto............ 10 A F. *Jock o’Hazledean............................Ditto............. 1 F: *John Anderson, my Jo... ... .. ... .....Ditto......... 1 0 B G. *Lass o'Gowrie......... ... ...M. S. or T...Ditto... ...... 1 0 Bb F. *Logie o’Buchan.................. ...... ...Ditto......... 1 0 Bb G. *Lowland Lassie.......................... ..Ditto........ 2 0 D F . *My ain fireside... ... .. овь E. *My heart is sair (Somebody)... ... ... ... Ditto ............ 10 G E. *My ain countrie.......... ...... ......Ditto............ OC: D- G. *0 weel may the keel row, 1, 2, or 3 voices.James Dewar ...... 2 0 G G. *0, Nanny, wilt thou ........................John Dewar ....... 10 D F. *Wae's me for Prince Charlie...... ... ...Ditto... ... ... ... ... 1 (Ab C- F. *Wha'll buy Caller herring... ...... ......Ditto... ... ... ... ... L O F E. *When the kye comes bame.M.S. or T... Ditto..............'l 0 G B- G. *Within a mile of Edinboro' town... ...Ditto ................. 1 0 G E-F. *Ye banks and braes .........................Ditto ................ 1 0 A E Awa', Whigs, awa'.......... ............Jacobite... ............ 1 0 Auld Langsyne........ ................................... 1 0 And ye shall walk in silk attire.. Aye wauken, 0.......... Auld Rob Gray..... ........... 1 0 As I cam' doun by yon castle wa' ............ ........... 1 0 Annie Laurie (Maxwelton braes)...... ............... Auld Rob Morris............. Afton Water............................... 1 0 An thou wert my ain thing.............. A man's a nan for a' that......... ........... A Highland lad my love was born................ ............... Arouse, arouse, each kilted clan (Royal Charlie)......Jacobite............... 1: 6 Auld House, The............. 2 0 Auld Schule, The...... ........................ 1 0 ............. ] 0 PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSTORD AND CO. ... ............... 0 hitly........ pod ni wa Habari ............. a hood hindi pande w o COM D Are ye come through Glenislas' wilds...... ... ... ... ...Jacobite...... ... ... ... A Highland lad............. 1 6 Boatie rows, The............. .............................. 1 0 Birks of Aberfeldy, The.............. ........................ 10 Bide ye yet................................. 1 0 Bonnie.wee thing.................... 1 ...................................... 0 Bonnie house o' Airly. ............Jacobite... ... ... ....... Bonnie Prince Charlie (Cam' ye by Athol ?)............Jacobite...... ... ... ... 1 0 Busk ye, busk ye........... Braw, braw lads (Gala Water).......... Braes aboon Bonaw... ............. Braes O' Balquither....................... Bonnie laddie, Highland laddie............... ...........Jacobite............ Broom of Cowdenknowes..... Blythe, blythe 'and merry was she........... Blue Bell of Scotland............... Blatherie o't, The........ Bruce's Address (Scots wha bae)....... Bonnie May............ ................................... 0 Bush aboon Traquair....................... Border Widow's Lament...................... 0 Beacon Light, The................. ................................................... 1 0 Bonny Dorm (Ye banks and braes)............ ..................... 1 0 Bonnie Lady Ann...... ............ 10 Blink o'er the burn, :sweet Betty...... ..... ............ Bonnie ran the burnie down... 1 0 Boatman, haste...... ............ 1 0 Bonnie blink o' Mary's e'e................. Birks of Invermay........................................... Boat Song o' Clyde (Row, row, ye sailors brave)............ Bonnie Charlie's now awa' (Will ye no come back).............. Charlie, ye are welcome......... ............Jacobite. ............. Charlie is my darling............. .................Jacobite... ... ...... Ca' the ewes to the knowes............... ........................... Chieftain's Lullaby.................... Come under my plaidie. ........................... ...................................... Cauld kail in Aberdeen ........................................ ............. Come o'er the stream, Charlie.............................Jacobite............ Caller herring (Wha'll buy Caller herring).... Cam'ye by Athol ? (Bonnie Prince Charlie)............ Jacobite... ... ... ... Can ye lo'e me weel, lassie.......... OO bond HHH food ...... ...... H bond N H .............. ad famed H od poned .......... No . 1 50 SCOTCH SONGS. s. d. 10 2 0 Comin' thro' the rye............ Come sit thee down.............. ................................ Claverhouse. (To the Lords of Convention)..... Cock of the North, The (I sing of a hero).............. ..................... 10 1.0 10 1 0 ....... Duncan Gray..... Deil's awa' wi? the exciseman..... Dinna ask me gin I lo'e thee.......... Dinna think, bonnie lassie........... Dinna forget........ Doun whar the burnie rins (Laddie, oh leave me)........... 1 0 1 0 1'0 Ewe buchts, Thę........... Ewie wi' the crooked horn... I 6 1. O Flora Mc Donald's Farewell to Scotland............... Flora Mc Donald's Lament.. ............. ...Jacobite... ............. Farewell to Locbaber....... Flowers of the forest...... .................................... Fye, buckle your belt.... ......... .. Fair Helen of Kirkconnel...... For a' that and a' that.. Farewell, our father's land....... ..... .. .. From thee, Eliza......... .......... 1 ] 0 0 0 1 1 •..•.:·':: .:.* ......... Gloomy night is gathering fast, The........ Gloomy winter's now awa'........................ Green grow the rashes 0....................... Get up and bar the door........... Go fetch to me a pint o' wine (Bonnie Mary)...... Gala Water (Braw, braw lads)... ... ... ... . Grizell Cochrane............. Gaberlunzie King, The........... Gin ye will come, Dawty, and sit on my plaid ............ 6. 1 6 1 0 Huntingtower (When ye gang awa', Jamie)....... He's o'er the hills that I lo'e weel.. ...........Jacobite... ... ... ... Happy friendship.. ....................... ....................... Highland Mary............ ........................................................ Hame cam' our gudeman at e’en... .....................Jacobite............ Here's a health to them that's awa'.......................Jacobite............ Here awa', there awa' (Wandering Willie)............. 1 I 1 0 0 0 10 1 0 PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND CO. - S. d. e ri................ ......... .. Hame, hame, hame.... ii.. 10 How sweet this lone vale... ...................... 1 0 Here's to the year that's awa'..... Highland Laddie (Whar ha'e ye been a’ the day).... Jacobite He's comin' again... ......... Jacobite. How blythely the pipe..... ..................... Highland Widow's Lament. Heard ye the bagpipe ! heard ye the drum!......Jacobite...... Hill of Lochiel. ......... Jacobite. ...... Here's a health to those far away... Hundred Pipers, The .......... NEW .... S.... ...... ... HEH I lo’e nae a laddie but ane ....... I'll never leave thee...... I wish I were where Gowdie rins.. Jacobite. I wonder when I'll be married.... In the garb of old Gaul.... Ilka blade o' grass..... I sing of a hero (Cock of the North)..... I hae laid a herring in saut (Lass, gin ye lo'e me).... I'm wearin awa', Jean (Land o' the leal). ....... I'm o'er young to marry yet ....0... 10 ..... . ...... ........nie 1 . ....... ........... ....... ...... ... .......... ........ ....... . ............ John Anderson my jo.......... Jock o' Hazledean. John of Baderiyon ......... Jumping John......... Jeanie Morison... .... Johnnie Cope. ......... ...... Jessie, the flower o' Dumblane Jeanie and me..... Jeanie Deans ......... 10 10 ..... 10 ..:10 1 0 ...... Jacobite....... 10 1 0 Kenmure's on and awa'.... ... .. Jacobite, ...., .::! 10 Kind Robin lo'es me ...... .................. 1 0 Logan Water........ Lord Ronald, my son......... 1:0 Lass of Humberside, 1 0 Logie o' Buchan... 1 0 Lewie Gordon....... ....Jacobite... 1 0 Land o' the leal (I'm wearin awa’ Jean)... ....... ............ i 0 Lass o' Patie's Mill... ........ .... ........ ................... ................. .......................... 1 1 0 52 SOOTOH SONGS. s. d. ..... vooer.................................. - Lizzie Lindsay (Will ye gang wi' me)..... Loch-na-Garr..... Lassie wi' the lint-white locks. Last time I came o'er the muir .. Laird o' Cockpen........ Loch Erroch side. .......... Lowland Lassie.. Last May, a braw wooer..... Lass o' Gowrie............ Lord Reoch's Daughter.... Lowlands of Scotland....... Lass, gin' ye lo'e me, tell me now (I hae laid a herring Lammie, The........ Let us haste to Kelvin Grove.. Laddie, ob leave me (Doun where the burnie rins)........ Loudon's bonnie woods and braes.... Lee rig (My ain kind dearie, 0)...... Logan Braes. ..................... Lord Gregory .................. ..... ......... 1 1 1 6 0 0 e. ........ H......... 0 0 0 ...... ............ ...... .. .. 1 0 1 0 10 o 10 .....10 10 1 0 IÓ 10 1: 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1:0 1 0 1 0 ...... . . ... ..... .. . Mary Jamieson..............., Mary's Dream... My heart is sair for somebody.. My ain fireside... My only Joe and dearie 0.. My love she's but a lassie yet.. My boy Tammy...... My ain kind dearie...... Muirland Willie... My Nannie, 0....... My luve's in Germany....... My dear Highland Laddie, 0..... Maggie Lauder ...... Moss Trooper's Lament.... My bonnie Mary ........ My dear and only love.... Mourn for the brave........ My tocher's the jewel........ Macgregor's Wail.......... My love is like a red, red rose...... March of the Cameron men.. Mary Morison......... ......... .............................. .............. 10 1 0 ...... ........ .... .. .. ... .... 2 0 ...... 10 PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND CO. Maxwelton Braes (Annie Laurie)................ My Nannie's awa'..... Mary (Hast thou forgot the birk tree's shade ?).............. My ain kind dearie, oh! (The Lee Rig) Man in the Moon, The.................... ....Jacobite..... ...... 10 Nelly Brown............................. ........... Night her silent sable wore, The, ... Nae gentle dames ..... ............ .. 10 [ 10 10 1 0 10 1 0 .......... .......... . ...... Oh, come, come along.............. .....Jacobite. ......... Of a' the airts the wind can blàw............ ................. O poortith cauld....................... O whistle and I'll come to you, my lad...... O waly, waly. ......... o this is no my ain house. ..., O'er the water to Charlie.. .Jacobite.. O dinna ask me gin I lo'e ye.. O this is no my ain lassie..... O Both well bank.....res Old Scotland's Lament............ O'er the muir amang the heather..... Ob, Nannie, wilt thou gang wi' me... O come when the moonlight..... Our ain country ...... O tell me how to woo thee, love.. O wilt thou think on me, Willie. O bold and true in bonnet blue.... Old Scotland, a farewell to thee.... Our chief cam here to woo yestreen.. Oh! hey Johnny, lad......... O how can ye gang sae to grieve me.. On wi' the Tartan ..... 0, Jeanie, there's naething to fear ye... Oh! was I to blame to love him..... O saw ye my father............... Our blue bonnets over the border... Oh! Mary, while that soft blue eye.. O bonny was yon rosy brier ........ Oh! thou art the lad of my heart, Willie ... O let me in this ae night..... 0, love will venture in. ....... ............ ....... eel. ................. . . .... ... .. .................................. .. 10 10 1.6 16 16 16 1 6 10 .. Lu... ..... ... 10 10. 1° 0 54 SCOTCH SONGS. . . s. d. ..... . .... On Ettrick's bank....... Our ain cosie fireside.... ......................... 10 'ecce.......... 10 Prince Charlie's Lament ......... ........Jacobite........... Prince Charlie's Last View of Scotland .... .......Jacobite. ........ 10 Pibroch of Donnuil Dhuib ................... Parting, The....................... ............ O 10 0 0 0 Queen Marie ........ Quaker's Wife, The......................... i ...... 10 0 0 0 .............. ...... Roy's Wife of Aldivalloch........ ..... . Rowan Tree, The................ 1 0 Roslin Castle....... ..... ...................... 1 0 Robin's awa'..... 10 Robin Adair.............. ....... 10 Royal Charlie (Arouse, arouse, each kilted clan)... Jacobite. ... .... 10 Row, row, ye sailors brave (Boat Song o' Clyde). 10 A ....................... .. Scots wha ha’e wi' Wallace bled (Bruce's Address)........ Sun rises bright in France, The.. ......... .Jacobite......... Stuarts of. Appin, The........ Saw ye my.wee thing? (Mary of Castlecary)... Soldier's Return (When wild wars)... Saw ye Johnny comin'?.. Saw ye my father?...... She's fair and fause....... She rose and let me in,... Spinning Wheel, The... Scotland and Charlie...... Scottish blue bells.... Scotland yet...... Somebody (My heart is sair)... se...... .............. . . .... .... .... .... .... ...iri..................... ...... .... .. ............ ........................... ......................... ...... ........ ............ ................ ..... To the Lords of Convention (Claverhouse). . ..... Touch not the nettle........... Tak your old cloak aboot ye........ Tam Glen......................... Thou hast left me ever, Jamie.......... There was a lass and she was fair........ There's nae luck aboot the house... There are twa bonnie maidens.......... ....... Jacobite.......... .. .... ...... ................ PUBLISHED BY CAMPBILL, RANSFORD AND CO. : s. d. 10 10 o Tullochgorum ....... Thou art gane awa' frae me, Mary...... Tell me how to woo thee... Tweed side.............. Thou'lt aye be my dearie......... Thou lingering star.... There grows a bonnie brier bush, ............... Jacobite ..... There's cauld kail in Aberdeen .... ...... pored t porno 1 0 Up in the morning early....... made 0 a H ................ A we W has and found Within a mile of Edinburgh...... 1 0 Welcome, Royal Charlie.... ........ Jacobite........ 1 0 Wha’ll be king but Charlie .... .......Jacobite..... 10 Wae's me for Prince Charlie ... ...... Jacobite..... Woo'd an' married an' a' Waefu' heart, The............ Wilt thou be my dearie ? ..... Wha wadna fecht for Charlie ?....... ......Jacobite..... Where hae ye been sae braw, lad ?... ........... When the king comes o'er the water ... .. Jacobite ........ What ails this heart o' mine...... We're a' noddin'..... Winter it is past, The..... We've a bonny wee flower ........ Weary pund o tow..... Wha’ll buy Caller herring ? ................ Wandering Willie (Here awa', there awa')......... When France had her assistance sent ......... Where ha'e ye been a' the day (Highland Laddie)......... Will ye no come back again......... ........... Jacobite .......... 1 0 and hand to formen med ............ ........... was food w pond od Ye banks and braes (Bonny Doun)... Yellow-haired Laddie, The........ Young Maxwell, The........... ........ 10 ........ 10 ........ 10 VOCAL MELODIES or SCOTLAND. THE VOCAL MELODIES OF SCOTLAND, EDITED BY ... FINLAY DUN, AND THE LATE JOHN THOMSON, ESQ. The Work consists of Four. Polumes, at 158. each, bound in cloth and gilt, each con-. taining 36 Songs, or Twelve Books of 12 Songs, at 6s. each Book. : Also, all the Songs of the Pork may he had separately, price 1s. each, VOLUME I. BOOK I. 1. The Flowers of the Forest. 7. The boatie rows. 2. The winter it is past. 8. John Anderson, my jo'. 3. O dinna ask me gin I lo'e thee. 9. Busk ye, busk ye, 4. Farewell to Lochaber. 10. Braw, braw lads. 5. The Soldier's Return. 11. Saw ye Johnny comin'? 6. . Ca' the ewes to the knowes. 12. Ye banks and braes. BOOK II. 13. Logan Water. 19. We've a bonny wee flower. 14. The birks of Aberfeldy. 20. Duncan Gray. 15. Highland Mary. 21. Bonnie wee thing. 16. Tak’ yer auld cloak aboot ye. 22. Mary's Dream. 17. The Braes aboon Bonaw. 23. Awa, Whigs, awa. 18. Jock o' Hazeldean. 24. My heart is sair. BOOK III. 25. Roy's wife. 31. Auld Lang Syne. 26. Waly, waly. 32. Tweed Side. 27. O poortith cauld. 33. Thou art gane awa’ frae me, Mary. 28. Saw ye my wee thing? 34. Of a' the airts the wind can blaw. 29. The Yellow-hair'd Laddie. 35. My ain Fireside. 30. Lord Ronald, my Son. 36. And ye shall walk in silk attire. PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSTORD AND CO. I VOLUME II. BOOK IV. 1. The Lass of Humber side. 7. Here's a health to them that's awa'. 2. The Braes o' Balquhither. . 8. Logie o' Buchan. 3. Bonnie laddie, Highland laddie.. 9. Lewie Gordon. 4. . My only Joe and dearie 0 10. Charlie is my darling. 5. My love she's but a lassie yet. 11. The ewe bughts. 6. The bonny house o' Airly. 12. My boy Tammy. BOOK V. 13. From thee, Eliza. 19. We're a'noddin'. 14. The broom of Cowdenknowes. 20. Gloomy winter's now awa'. 15. Saw ye my Fatler ? 21. Here awa', there awa'. 16. Thou hast left me ever, Jamie. . 22. Queen Marie. 17. Kind Robin lo’es me. 23. My ain kind dearie. 18. Aye waukin 0 (old Set) 24. The Rowan Tree. BOOK VI. 25. A Highland lad my love was born. 31. Blythe, blythe, and merry was slie. 26. Hame, hame, hame. 32. Aye wakin', O (New Set). 27. The land o' the leal.. 33. The night her silent sable wore. 28. Auld Robin Gray. 34. Welcome, Royal Charlie. 29. Muirland Willie. 35. She's fair and fause. 30. My Nannie, 0. 36. My luve's in Germany. .. VOLUME II I. BOOK VII. 1. . The weary pund o' tow. 7. The blathrie o't. 2. My dear Highland laddie, O 8. Maggie Lauder. 3. O Both well bank. 9. He's owre the hills that I lo'e weel. 4. The Blue Bell of Scotland. 10. Tullochgorum. 5. Fye, buckle your belt. 11. Twa bonnie maidens. · 6. Thou'lt be aye my dearie. 12. The Chieftain's Lullaby. BOOK VIII. 13. The waefu' heart. 19. Up in the morning early. 14. O whistle and I'll come to you. 20. Thou ling'ring star. 15. Lord Reoch's Daughter. - 21. Bonnie May. 16. John of Badenyon. 22. The Beacon Light. 17. As I cam' doun by yon castle wa'. 23. The welcome of the lily flower. 18. Bruce's Address. 24. Tbe Lass of Patie's Mill. BOOK IX. 25. The Moss-trooper's Lament. 31. Here's to the year that's awa'.. 26. Wilt thou be my dearie? 32. Fair Helen of Kirkconnel. 27. Annie Laurie. 33. There grows a bonnie brier bush. 28. The Parting. 34. O, this is no my ain lassie. 29. Leezie Lindsay. 35. Prince Charlie's last view of Scotland 30. How sweet this lone vale. 36. Green grow the rashes. VOCAL MELODIES OF SCOTLAND, ETC. VOLUME IV. BOOK X. 1. For a' that and a' that. 7. My dear and only love. 2. Loch-na-garr. 8. The ewie wi' the crooked horn. 3. Old Scotland's Lament. 9. Touch not the nettle. 4. My bonnie Mary. 10. Nae gentle dames. 5. Come under my plaidie. 11. The bush aboon Traquair. 6. Dinna think, bonnie lassie. 12. Farewell our father's land. BOCK XI. 13. Lassie wi' the lint-white locks. 19. The last time I came o'er the muir. 14. Mourn for the brave. 20. 0, Nannie, wilt thou gang wi' me. 15. Woo'd and married and a'. 21. The Border Widow's Lament. 18. I lo'e na a laddie but ane. 22. The Spinning Wheel. 17. O'er the muir amang the heather. 23. The Laird o' Cockpen. 18. What ails this heart o'mine. 24. Dinna forget. BOOK XII. 25. Loch Erroch side. 31. There's nae luck about the house. 26. Jumpin' Jobn. 32. My tocher's the jewel. 27. Cauld kail in Aberdeen. 33. Macgregor's Wail. 28. Auld Robin Morris. 34. My love is like a red red rose. 29. I'll never leave thee. 35. Wae's me for Prince Charlie. 30. O come when the moonlight. 36. Afton Water. .................. NEW SCOTCH SONGS. Welcome, my bonnie lad........ Lowland Lassie ............ Huntingtower; or, When ye gang awa', Jamie .. I wish I were where Gowdie rins... The March of the Cameron Men..... Jeanie Morison... Prince Charlie's Lament. +The Hundred Pipes ..... Jeanie. ............ Annie's Tryste.... The Auld Schule. ... The Auld House. - ...... Our ain cosie fireside. Nelly Brown......... 1 0 Charlie's comin'...... ...... 20 A SELECTION FROM THE MELODIES OF SCOTLAND, with characteristic ENGLISH WORDS, by W. H. BELLAMY. In One Volume, cloth. ..................................... 15 0 wap. com aaaaaa aaa ....... ......... .................. o . s. d. . M GEORGE THOMPSON'S EDITION OF THE MELODIES OF SCOTLAND, with Symphonies and Accompaniments by HAYDN, BEETHOVEN, WEBER, &c. ' In Five Volumes, folio ..........., each 15 0 J. M. MULLER'S VOCAL GEMS OF SCOTLAND. In Two Volumes, 15s. each ; or in separate numbers.............. ......... each 1 0 THE SONGS OF SCOTLAND, edited by GEORGE FARQUHAR GRAHAM, in Three Volumes, 7s. each ; or in One Volume, elegantly bound.... 21 0 R. A. SMITH'S SCOTTISH MINSTREL. New Edition, in Six Volumes...... LAYS FROM STRATHEARN, by THE BARONESS NAIRNE. In One Volume.... ................... 21 0 THE SONGS OF SCOTLAND, WITHOUT WORDS, by J.P. SURENNE. In Eleven Numbers... ......... each 0 6 THE MELODIES OF SCOTLAND, arranged for the Piano by F. BEAUMONT.. In Five Books, at 4s. each; or in One Volume, cloth.. 15 0 CAPTAIN FRASER'S HIGHLAND AIRS AND MELODIES. In One Volume........ ......... 21 0 THE VOCAL MELODIES OF SCOTLAND, arranged for the Pianoforte or Harp, by NATHANIEL Gow. In Three Books. ...........each 60 BEAUTIES OF NEIL GOW. In Three Books ................ each 3 O GOW'S,COMPLETE REPOSITORY OF STRATHSPEYS, &c...... 60 MARSHALL'S SCOTTISH AIRS, MELODIES, STRATHSPEYS, REELS, &c. arranged for the Pianoforte, Harp, Violin, and Violoncello, with appropriate Basses. Volume I, 10s.; Volume II ............ 6 0 THE NATIONAL DANCE MUSIC OF SCOTLAND, arranged for the Pianoforte by J. P. SURENNE. In Four Books...... ooks ..........each 5 0 DITTO, arranged as Duetts. In Three Books .. .........each 5 0 LOWE’S COLLECTION OF.REELS, STRATHSPEYS, AND JIGS. In Six Books ........... ........ .........each 5 ( DITTO, arranged as Duets. Book I..... .................. 5 0 A COLLECTION OF ANCIENT HIGHLAND PIBROCHS ŽOR THE GRAND HIGHLAND BAGPIPE, interspersed with Anec- dotes by ANGUS MACKAY, Piper to Her Majesty. In One Volume.. 300 MACDONALD'S COMPLETE TUTOR FOR THE GREAT HIGH- LAND BAGPIPE, containing a Collection of the Ancient Martial Music of Caledonia .......................... .............. 21 0 A large Selection of Scottish Airs, Quadrilles, &c. Arranged for the Pianoforte by various Composers. LIBRARYOT CONTRALTO SONGS, ETC. S. a. THE LIBRARY OF CONTRALTO SONGS, A SERIES OF STANDARD AND POPULAR ITALIAN CONTRALTO ARIAS, CAVATINAS, ROMANZAS, &c. EDITED BY TRANK ROMER. Compass.. B to E. *'). Voi che sapete (Nozze di Figaro). ... Aria in A flat................Mozart 1 6 - D. * 2. Paga fui (Proserpina)...Cavatina in A flat... ... ... Winter 1 0 - G. * 3. Deb non voler costringere (Anna Bolena). ... ... Romanza in E flat. ...... Donizetti 1 () -F. * 4. Se m'abbandoni (Nitocri).Cavatina in F... ... ... Mercadante 2 6 G to F. * 5. Ab s'estinto ancor (Donna Caritea)...... Cavatina in E flat. ... Mercadante 2 0 B-D. * 6. Soave immagine d'amor (Andronico)............Cavatina in E flat...... Mercadante 1 0 - E. * 7. Che farò senza, Euridice ! (Orfeo).. .....Aria in C... ... ... ... ... ... ... Glück 1 6 E. * 8. In si barbara . (Semiramide)... ... ... Grand Rondo in E flat. ... Rossini 2 E. * 9. Il segreto per esser felice (Inicrezio Borgia)...Brindisi in C... ... ... ... Donizetti. - 1 6 *10. Sogno talor (Parisina)... Romanza in E flat... ...Donizetti 1 0 - F. *11. In questo semplice (Betly)............ ... ... Cavatina in C...... ... ... Donizetti 2 6 - G. *12. Non più mesta (Cenerentola)... ... ...Aria in D.............. ... Rossini 20 The Second Series is in the Press, with Italian and English Words. ITALIAN VOCAL. ARIAS, &c. Compass. Voice suitable for. s. d. Key: G-F. *Ah! s'estinto ancor (Donna Caritea). ......Cavatina, C............ Mercadante 2 0 Eb D- B. *Ab! così ne' di ridente .T........................ ... Donizetti í 6 Bb D-G. *Al dolce guidami (Anna Bolena)... ...... M. S............................Ditto . 1 0 Eb C-F. *Amor perchè m'accende. T.......... .... ... ... ...Mosca 10 Bb PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND CO. .61 . . N O O Compass. Voice suitable for. s. d. Key. C to G. *Assisa a piè d'un salice... S....... ...............Rossini 10 G mi B-G. *Ah non giunge............ S..... ...... Bellini 2 0 F C - G. *Aurora ah sorgerai. (Donna del Lago)......T.... C-G. *Batti, batti, o bel Masetto. S....... ............ Mozart 1 0 F . B~ E. *Che fard senza Euridice ! (Orfeo)................... Aria, C... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Glück 1 B C -G. *Comprate gli aranci (La Corbeille d'Oranges) Aria, M. S................Auber 2 0 D - G. *Chi dice mal d'amore. ...S................... ... ... ... ... Mayer 16 G G. *Cielo a miei lunghi spasimi...S.....................Donizetti 1 O F -- A. Com' è soave all'anima... Romanza, S... ...... Ciro Pinsuti 2 0 C mi F. Dammi o ciel! che il mio. dolore..................... Canzone, M. S... ...G. A. Biletto 2 0 F ---G. *Deh non voler costringere (Anna Bolena).........C... ... ... ... ...............Donizetti i 0 Eb D- E. *Di pescatore ignobile (Lucrezia Borgia) ....Canzone, T... ... ... ... ...Donizetti 1.0 C - F. *Deh calma, oh ciel !... ...S............. ................ Rossini 1 0 Ab - G. Fiducia..................... Aria, M. S... ......LGordigiani 1 0 F FIG. *Fra tante angoscie . ...... S............................... Rossini 2 6 Bb F. *Fra poco... ... ... ... ......T... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...Donizetti: 2 0 Bb - A. *Giovinetto Cavalier... ...S........................... Meyerbeer 10 Eb G. *Grazie agl' inganni tuoi. M. S...Madame Edmond Ouizille 1 6 C D-G. Il pescatore............... Barcarola, T... ...C. F. Desanges 2 6 G mi - E. *Il segreto per esser felice (Inicrezia Borgia)...... Brindisi, C...... ... ... ... Donizetti 1 6 C - F. *In questo semplice (Betly)..................C......... ............. ... ... Donizetti 2 6 C E - E. Il sol vederti... Aria on a theme by Himmel... Eliza Masson 1.6 Ab. - E. *In si barbara (Semiramide). .......... Grand Rondo, C............ Rossini 2 0 Eb E. *Il canto.....................M. S............ ......... Perruchini 1 0 A *Il mio ben quando verra. M. S........................Paesiello 1 6 F B-F. Io la vidi...... .............. Romanza, C... .......Ciro Pinsuti 2 0 C Il fantasma... ... ... ... ... Romanza, S.......... ...J. Pergetti 2 0 C La partenza......... ......Canzonet, M. S. ... W.L. Phillips 1.6 Eb Le cose piccoline...... ...C..... .................L. Gordigiani 1 0 G L'Auretta..................M. S............ ...... G. Torrente 2 0 E A-D. La Vedova..................C............ ............P. Pergetti 2 0 C mi - E. L'Orfanella... ... ... ... ...C............ ...................Ditto 1 0 Emi IIIIIIIII 62 ITALIAN VOCAL AIRS, ETC. Compass. Voice suitable for. s. d. Key. D to D. Non domandarmi giam- mai d'amarti...... ......Canzone, C... ... ...G. E. Biletta 2 0 G ELE. Non è ancor tempo... ... Canzone, S. ......... G. E. Biletta 2 0 E mi E - G. *Non si sa ................... Melodia, M. S........ Gordigiani 1 0 Ab F-G. *Non più mesta (Cenerentola)............C............. ................. Rossini 2 0 D Th * Alcandro lo confesso... Rec. C... L . F-Eb. * Non so donde............ Air....... *O te mio suolo ligure................................Mercadante 1 6 A-F. *Oh Rosa, delle Rose... ...C......................... Gordigiani l 0 F - E. Oh, vieni meco......... ...Barcarola..................... Roberti 2 0 G F. On care cifre...............Canzonetta, M. S.... ... T. Gabriel 2 0 C mi A. Potenza d'Amore... ...... S............... ... Virginia Gabriel 2 O C#mi D. *Paga fui (Proserpina)... Cavatina, C.................. Winter 10 Ab F. Pensa ch'io son con te... Melodia, M. S.......L. Gordigiani 10 0 F. Puro e il ciel diletta... ...M. S.....................P. Pergetti 2 0 Ab D-F. Quando verra quel di. ...M. S.................... Gordigiani 1 0 .C Ab. Quel tuo girar...... ......M. S......... ............P. Pergetti 2 0 Ab E. *Sogno talor (Parisina). Romanza, C...............Donizetti 1 0 Eb - F. *Se m'abbandoni (Nitocri) Cavatina, C......... ...Mercadante 2 6 F - D. *Soave immagine d'amor (Andronico)... ... ...... Cavatina, C.......... ...Mercadante 10 Eb -G. *Spirto gentil.................. .......................... Donizetti -1' 6 G D-E. Se la vita vuoi godere ... M. S................ ......... Tadolini 2 0 Eb E. Spunta l'alba...............M. S.....................P. Roberti 2 0 Bb C-D. Tu somiglii ......... ...... Canzone, C..........G. E. Biletta 2 0 F E - E. *Tutti i Sabati................M. S... ... ... ... ... ... Gordigiani 1 6 G D-E. Tutto ritorno............... Canzone, M. S... ...G. E. Biletta 2 0 E - Gb.*Tu che a Dio...............T...........................Donizetti 2 0 Bb - E. Un fanciullo tutto bello . Canzone, M. S... ...G. E. Biletta 2 0 A mi D-E. Va, della danza è l'ora...M. S. or T.........L. Gordigiani 1 6 Eb - F. Vola, vola, o mia bar- chetta.....................Barcarola, M. S... G. E. Biletta 2 6 Eb - E. *Voi che sapete (Nozze di Figaro)......Aria, C. ...................... Mozart 1 6 Ab D-F. Valle che di lamenti... ...M. S.... ................ Mrs. Ames 1 6 Db C-E. *Vaga Luna... ...... ... ...C............ ................. Bellini 1 0 Ab 0 - E. Vieni pensando à me... ... ... ..................L. Gordigiani 10 A 11111 PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND CO. ITALIAN DUETTOS. Compass. Voices suitable for S. d. Key. Du Di Amore................. ...S. and T............C. F. Desanges 1 6 F Chi vive amante... ... Notturno, S. & M. S. L. Gordigiani 1 6 G Chi vuol godere............S. & C... ...... ... ... ... ... Roberti 2 6 Eb {*Dunque il mio ben... ... S. and T... .............Zingarelli 10 A A *Dunque io son............S. and B..................... Rossini 2 6 G { *Eben per mia memoria.Gazza Ladra, S. & C.......Ditto 3 6 C 1 *Giovinetto che fate all' ſ amore...... ... ... ... ... Don Giovanni, S. & B.... Mozart 1 6 G {*Il tenero affetto...... Crociato in Egitto, S. & T. Meyerbeer I 6 E mene . . منم میم } II palpito d'amor... ... ...S. and C. ............ ...C. Pinsuti 3 0 G - Gi} I Fiori.....................S. and-C...................H. Smart -2 6 A-FS F *Mille sospire e lagrime...... ........... Rossini 2 6 G BSF Mira, o Norma (Norma) S. and C.................... Bellin 16C DF. Luna t'in *Non v'è maggior diletto... S. and T...... ... ... Blangini 6 Ab G. } *0 come volano... ... ...S. and S.......................Ditto 1 6 Bb *O pescator dell' onda...S. and M. S........................ 10 G *0h notte soave............S. and T.................. Cimarosa 1 6 D E -- FL Par {*Per questo amplesso. ...Gazza Lodra, M.S. & T... Rossini 1 6 F B AQRO ROAAAAAAAAAAO AT TAO AT DADE DE A DOO Fioco cö si si Toco socio o si sa o E E SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII nanna Tom Diö Orio sio si ti söötas Ab. \ *Per valli, per boschi......S. and T.................. Blangini I 6 Bb F- B.) . . } *Sull' aria...... ...... ... Nozze di Figaro, S. & M.S. Mozart 1 0 Bb D-F. Den ITALIAN TRIOS, ETC. D-F.) {*Contenti godiamo—Quartett...S. C.T. & B......... Carlini 3 0 A A - C.) E- G.) - **L'usato ardir....... ... ... Semiramide, S. C. & B... Rossini 1 6 F G-BS 64. ITALIAN TRIOS, ETC. Voices suitable for. s. d. Key. į Le tre Prigioniere. ......S. S. and C.............Baron Celli 3 0 E * *Mi lagnero tacendo...... Three equal voices.........Mozart 1 6 G ZARAUAGAAR BOOMO pa ŽSIIIIIIIIIIIIII 可可达ss JORSE - E. { *Oh! dolce è caro istante.S. C. and T...............Cimarosa 2 6 Bb Scherzo poetico... ... ...T. and B................Buron Celli 1 6 C 0 F {*Zitti, zitti.........Barbiere di Seviglia, T. T. & B. Rossini 2 B-F. ITALIAN VOCAL WORKS UNDER THE COMPOSERS' NAMES. AMES, MRS. HENRY. Valle che di lamenti ..... ..Romanza......... ' AUBER. *Comprate gli aranci (La Corbeille d'Oranges) ...... Aria ............... N 16 BELLINI. *Mira, o Norma (Norma). ....... ..........Duetto ............. *Ah non giunge (Sonnambula) ........ ............. Aria............... 3 0 *Vaga luna ............ .................... Ditto............... 10 BILETTA, G. E. Dammi o ciel! che il mio dolore ............ ............ Canzone .......... Non domandarmi giammai d'amarti ... .Canzone ......... Non e ancor tempo ..... .. . . . . . . . . . .... ..Canzone. Tu somiglii a questo fior .......... ............. .Canzone ....... Tutto ritorno ............ .............. Canzone.......... Un fanciullo tutto bello. .......... .............. Canzone .......... Vola, vola, o mia barchetta....... ............ Barcarola......... 20 2.6 BLANGINI. *Non ve maggior diletto.......... ..Duetto ............. 1 6 *O comè volano......................... Notturno......... 2 voices... ... ... 16 *Per valli per boschi............... ...Ditto...... ...... Ditto............ 16 PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSTORD AND 0) we CARLINI. *Contenti godiami ...... ... Quartett. ......... co CELLI, BARON. Le tre Prigioniere ...... Scherzo poetico ......... co Trio .............. ...Trio ............... 3 0 1.6 . CIMAROSA. *0 dolce e caro istante .......... *0 notte soave. ..... Trio ............... 2 ......Duet.................. 1 6 6 DESANGES, C. F. Il pescatore ... Amore. 6. ............... Barcarole.......... 2 ..................Duettino, S. & T... 1 6 0 ar una ........... DONIZETTI. * Di pescatore ignobile (Lucrezia Borgia) ........... ..Canzone........... · *Deb non voler costringere (Anna Bolena). ......... Romanza... ...... **Il segreto per esser felice (Lucrezia Borgia). ......Brindisi .......... *Sogno talor (Parisina) .. ............. Romanza ......... *In questo semplice (Betly)......... .............. Cavatina. ......... *Tu che a Dio (Lucia)................................... ... Romanza... ...... *Fra poco a me (Lucia). ..................... ............ Ditto............. *Ah cosi ne di ridenti (Anna Bolena).................. Aria.. 1 6 *Cielo a miei lunghi spasimi (Anna Bolena).........Ditto. 10. *Spirto gentil (La Favorita)....... ...............Ditto ............. 1 0 *Al dolce guidami (Anna Bolena)......... ......... ...Ditto ............. 10, vuviuw .......D110 ............. GLUCK. *Che farò senza, Euridice (Orfeo)...... ............... Aria................ 1 6 times good GORDIGIANI, L. *Oh rosa delle rose. ....... Non si sa ................... Va, della danza è l' ora ... Vieni pensando a me. ...... Pensa ch' io son con te.... Fiducia. ................... Quando verra quel di .......... *Tutti i Sabati ......... *Le cose piccoline .............. Chi vive amante........ Canto popolari... 10 .Canzonetta. ...... 1 0 ............. Canzonetta. ...... .Canzonetta. ...... 1 0 .Melodia .......... .............. Aria. .............. ..............Ditto ............. ... 10 .................. Canto popolari... 16 ................... Canzonetta. ...... 1 0 ..... Nocturno a due voci... 16 a 66 ITALIAN VOCAL WORKS. S. d. : GABRIEL, VIRGINIA. Oh care cifre ....... · Potenza d'amore. cic MASSON, ELIZA. Il sol vederti.. .....Aria on a Theme by Himmel. 16 MAYER. *Chi dice mal d'amore (1 Fanatico per la Musica)......... ........ 1 6 MERCADANTE. *Se m'abbandoni (Nitocri) .......... .............. Cavatina. ........ *Ah s' estinto ancor (Donna Caritea). ............... Cavatina. ........ *Soave immagine d'amor (Andronico). ...............Cavatina. ......... *0 te mio suolo ligure. .......................................................... 2 2 6 6 1 6 MEYERBEER. *Giovinetto. Cavalier (Crociato).. *Il tenero affetto (Crociato)... ............ Romanza......... 1 ...............Duetto ............ 1 0 6 . MOSCA. *Amor perchè m' accende (L'Erede de bel Prato)... Cavatina....... 10 ... 0 MOZART. *Voi che sapete (Nozze di Figaro).....................Aria... ............ *Batti, batti, o bel Masetto (Don Giovanni).........Aria ............... I *Giovinette che fate all' amore (Don Giovanni)......Duetto ............. 1 *Sull' aria (Nozze di Figaro).......... ..............Duetto ............ *Mi lagnero tacendo ........ ................. Trio ............... *Non so donde... ..Recit. & Aria. ... 2 6 6 ..QUÍZÍLLE, Madame EDMOND. Grazie agl'inganni tuoi PAESIELLO. :. *Il mio ben quando verra (Nina)........................ Cavatina... ... ... 1 6 PERGETTI, P. Quel tuo girar ........ Puro è il ciel. Il Fantasmą... La Vedova. ................ L'Orfanella ...... ............ Romanza ......... .............. Romanza ......... ............ .Romanza ......... .............. Romanza ......... .............. Romanza .......... PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND CO. S. do PERUCHINI. Il Canto. ..Arietta ............ 1 0 PHILLIPS, W. L. La Partenza.... ..........Canzonet ......... 1:6 PINSUTI, CIRO. Com'è soave all' anima ....... Io la vidi. Il palpito amor......... ... ... ... ... Romanza... ... ... 2 O ............... Ditto .... .......... 2 0 .............Notturno a due voce 3 Vaco ROBERTI, MAESTRO. Chi vuol godere. ... Ob vieni meco ..... Spunta l'alba. ............. ............Duetto ............ .............Barcarola... ...... ............. Serenade... ... ... Na c0 ට න ROSSINI. *Assisa a pie d' un salice (Otello)... ......... ......... Aria............... *In si barbara (Semiramide) ........................... Grand Rondo. ... *Fra tanti angoscie (Cenerentola).................. ... Cavatina... ... ... *Non più mesta (Cenerentola) ........................... Aria............ *Aurora che sorgerai (Donna del Lago)............... Cavatina......... *Deh calma oh ciel (Otello).............................. Cavatina... ... ... *Dunque io son (Il Barbiere)... ... .....................Duetto......... *Eben per mia memoria (Gazza Ladra)................Duetto............ *Mille sospiri (L'Areliano in Palmyra) ... ... ... ...Duetto......... *Per questo amplesso (Gazza Ladra)..................Duetto ............ *L'usato ardir (Semiramide).................. ......... Trio............ *Zitti, zitti (Il Barbiere)... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Trio............ ... haaa med raama 6. o SMART, HENRY. I Fiori . ........ ...........Duetto, S. & C... 2 6 TADOLINI. Se la vita vuoi godere... ..... .......Barcarola... ...... 2 0 TORRENTE, G. L'Auretta .. ........... Romanza......... 2 0 WINTER. : *Paga fui (Proserpina) ............ ............. Cavatina. ......... 10 ZINGARELLI. *Dunque il mio ben (Romeo e Giulietta) ...... ... ... Duetto ............. 1 0 PIANOFORTE MUSIC. PIANOFORTE MUSIC. NNNNOWN CNN *Absence ........ .Felicien David. A Night on the Ganges. ......... Notturno .............Ignace Gibsone. ...... 2 0 Annie Laurie March ....... .P. Cavallini. ......... 2 0 *Air and Variations, in F major.. ..... Mozart. ................. 2 0 *Air and Variations, in A major.. ......................... Mozart............. 3 6 *Air and Variations, in G major ......................... Beethoven ........... 2 0 * Andante in F......... .............................. ...Beethoven ........... 3 0 A Rondo on English Melodies .C. 7. Glover ......... 20 Andante and Rondo, introducing Scotch Airs.........A. Meves .............. Aurora Waltz, varied as a Rondo........................E. J. Westrop........ *Agathe. ................ ...............F. Beyer ............ 2 6 *Anna Bolena. ..................... Fantasia.............. Jules Benedict ....... Annie Laurie............... ............... Wolff. .................. Auld Lang Syne. ...............C. L. Wrenshall....... 2 Brilliant Variations on "I love the merry sunshine and “ I love the gentle moonlight”............ Carlo Minasi ......... Buy my oranges .................. Rondinetto............C. W. Glover ....... Bohemian Air, with Variations ..... ..C. W. Glover ......... 2 0 Barcarole ............. ................Louis Müller. ...... *Bolero ............................ ..Charles Mayer. ...... 30 Bagatelle .... .............. .L. Gomion ............. 2 0 +Belle Alliance March ..................................... Stephen Glover. ...... Bonnie Dundee........................ ..TV. H. Palmer......... 2 0 *Bamboula. ...................................... .............. Gottschalke............. Beauties of Scottish Melody................G. A. Osborne......in 6 Nos. each 2 0 No. 1. Scots wha bae. | No. 4. Auld Lang Syne. 2. March of the Cameron Men. 5. Comin' thro' the rye. 3. Jock o' Hazeldean 6. Roy's Wife. Ballade............ ..... Eenri Roselten....... 30 *Beatrice di Tenda--(Rep. No. 3)...................... Rep. No. 3)........................F. Beyer .............. *Barbiere di Seviglia—(Rep. No. 4) ................... F. Beyer.. ......... Brise de Mer... ..E. Chadfield. ......... 2 6 *Consolation...................................................Dussek. .............. +Camp-Descriptive Piece.................................C. W. Glover ........ *Charmes de Portici ................ ..Jules Benedict ....... 4 0 *Czar et Zimmerman............... Fantasia............... Henri Cramer ....... *Caprice Nocturne. ....... .............. A. Goria ............... 2 0 W LONN NAN QQQ COū HOGU PUBLISELD BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND CO. 69. . Qař a co Chant des Croates.......... ............. W. H. Palmer ... ... *Cloches du Monastère........ ...... ........ Wely ... ... ....... ... *Cleopatra Mazurka. .............. A. Talexy ... ... ... ... *Carnaval de Venise............. Jules Schulhoff. ...... 4 0 Deux Melodies Russes ......... ................ Ignace Gibsone. ...... t.Drum March, The... ............. Carlo Minasi ......... +Duke's Band March. The...... Ć. W. Glover ......... Day Spring .......... .............. Lindsay Sloper...... Devotional Recreations, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4............. ...E. Perry... ... ...each Espieglerie.......... ............... Virginia Gabriel .... Evangeline . ....................... .............. W. Spark... ... ... ... Early one morning ........... ...................Lindsay Sloper ...... Erminia...... ........ ......J. T. Trekell... ... ... Etude de Salon ................ ............ Cleveland Wigan. ... Fairy Queen, The.................. Valse de Salon ......J. Theodore Trekell.. 3 0 Favorite Airs from Spohr's Faust............................ Beyer. ............ Favorite Airs from Mozart's Don Giovanni, Book 1...L. Beyer ............... Favorite Airs from Mozart's Don Giovanni, Book 2...L. Beyer ............... *Fra Diavolo........................ Fantasia............... H. Cramer ............. From our merry Swiss home ............... ...... ...... Wolff... ...... ...... *Gondellied ............. ................................Mendelssohn .......... Galop di Bravura ............................................. Wilhelm Kuhe......... *Galop Russe ........... .............. Liszt ................... Gertrude.... .Jules Sprenger. ...... 2 0 God save the Queen, with easy variations...............E. J. Loder........... *Galop Militaire ........ ..................... Charles Mayer ....... +General Sale's March.... ................ Emmanuel ......... God save the Queen ... ... ... ...... .....oranged by E. J. Westrop... ... 16 *Gondellied........... Th. Oesten. ............. *Galop de Concert .... .............A. Quidant... ......... Gipsy's Tent............. .............. Wolff. ................. Gipsy's Home ............. .............. Wolff. .................. *Galop di Bravura ........................ ....................... Jules Schulhoff. ...... 4 0 +Guards' March ......... .................. arranged by C. W. Glover ......... Grand March ... ............G. J. Skelton Henry the Eighth, Music in...............................J. L. Hatton. .... No. 1. Overture................. 2. First Entr' Act ..... 3. Shakespere's favorite Tunes and Dances . ........... 4. Second Entr' Act.. 5. Third Entr’ Act .. 6. Fourth. Entr' Act............ NAHH CNH COCONUN co bude pod co co w co CNNN co ooooo @ . Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo NN CONN CO V ......... Act.......... ............................ PIANOFORTE MUSIC. *Hymn National Russe....................................F. Beyer ............... ......... 0 Il Trovatore.......... ...... .H. W: Goodban...... Il segreto per esser felice........ .................W. H. Palmer ....... *I Montecchi-(Rep. No. 5) ..............................F. Beyer ............... I love the merry sunshine. ............ Wolff .................. Il segreto per esser felice.................................. Wolff. .................. *Kriegers-lust Marsch ......... .............. .F. Beyer ............... Kimbolton March .................. ................. .C. F. Desanges. ...... *La Femme du Marin.............................. ...... Kalkbrenner .......... *Le Torrent......................... ................. Marcailhou............ *La Figlia del Reggimento.............. ............. Wolff.................. *Lucrezia Borgia. ................. .............E. Prudent............ La Corbeille de Fleurs............ Valse de Salon....... Wilhelm Kuhe .... ... La Félicità.................. ...... Rondo Giocondo. ...J. B. Cramer.... ...... La belle Capricieuse. ........... Morgeau de Salon...F. E. Bache. ... ... ... La Coquette........................ Valse Brillant. ...... Ignace Gibsone ...... L'Allegro, for the Pianoforte............................... W. H. Grattann .... L'Amo, l'amo............... .W. H. Palmer....... *L'Invitation pour la Valse............ .................... .Weber ................... *Les Hirondelles............................ .............. H. Streich ............. Lieder ohne Worte, No. 1...... ....................... .John Bishop. ......... *Lucrezia Borgia (Rep. No. 1)..... Ferd. Beyer.......... *La Figlia del Reggimento (Ditto 8)................... Ditto .......... .... *L'Elisir d'Amore (Ditto 9).................................Ditto ................... *Lucrezia Borgia .................. Fantasia ...............Th. Oesten... ......... *L'Invitation à la Polka........... . Quidant... ......... *L'Hilarité..................... .Weber................ *La Favorite. La favorite. ........... ................ Poss ................... L'Adieu Militaire........... ............ .C. L. Wrenshall...... *L'Adieu ......... E. A. L. Coop ....... *La Passione. ......... E. 4. L. Coop....... E. A. L. Coop. ...... *La Favorite ........................ Fantasia .............. Henri Cramer ......... * Les Huguenots .................. Fantasia.. ............ Henri Cramer ......... *Le Desir.. ...... .Henri Cramer ......... *Les Regrets. ............. Henri Cramer ......... L'Esperance. ................................................ E. De Barry.......... Les Regrets ................. .E. De Barry. ......... Laura................ ........................J. F. Duggan......... Lucia di Lammermoor, Airs from ..........C. W. Glover...in 2 books, each *La Chatelaine.. oooOOOOOOOO NNNNN CO W NNNN CI o coNNNNCN CON CO CO NO CONNNNHHNN CON ............... *L 30 PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSTORD AND CO. M aria. ............................ Linda di Chamouni. ............ George Mount. *Lieder ohne Worte, Book 4........... ............. Mendelssohn......... *Ditto Ditto, - 5.. ......... ...............Ditto .................. *Ditto Ditto, - 6............. ............. .Ditto.................. Le Sourd ....... ......................... . George Mount......... *Marches Florentines, Nos. 1 & 2......................... .Th. Döhler... ...each *Mazurka Brillante........................................... Liszt. ................... '- *Musidora.. ..........................Polka Mazurka... ... Talexy .................. Mazurkas, No. 1.............................................W. H. Palmer.... ... Mazurkas, No. 2........................................... W. H. Palmer.... ... .............. Melodie pour Piano. J. F. Duggan.......... Mercure ................... ......... Galop Volant......... Ignace Gibsone ... ... 2 *Moonlight Sonata, in C sharp minor....................Beethoven... ... ... Monks of old........ ............... Wolff. Marche des Croates................... ..Wolff. ................... Mazurkas, Nos. 1, 2, 3................... ...C. L. Wrenshall...... *Notturno (Raphael). ............. ...................... Oscar Commettant... Night Thoughts, Nos. 1, 2, 3. ............ ............... Stephen Heller...each Night Thoughts, No. 4............. ............... Stephen Heller ....... *Noce du Village... ... ... ... ... ... . ................... Wely... ... ... ...... *Nocturne............................... ..............H. Ravina ............. *Notre Dame de Paris......... ................Jules Benedict ....... *Nabucodonosor (Rep. No. 6)............ ............... Ferd. Beyer" . ......... *Norma (Ditto, 7)............. ............Ditto ................... .“Oh, I should like to marry," with Introduction and Variations........ ... Carlo Minasi......... Orinthia ........... ..C. Wigan .............. Oh, I should like to marry...... .............. Wolift...... ........... Opera, The, Nos. 1 and 2.... ................ Geo. Mount............ Olga Mazurka...... .A. Goria... Pensée fugitive................. .............. Lindsay Sloper... Prince Arthur's March..... ................E. J. Loder ............ *Pensez à moi... ..................Th. Oesten...... ... ... *Pluie de Perles............... ............... G. A. Osborne....... Pauline....... .... Ignace Gibsonc... ... 2 0 Partant pour la Syrie.... ..................Ditto ................... *Rêverie..... Felicien David ... ... 2 0 *Rêverie in G................................................ H. Rosellen........... Rêve d'Amour.................. ....F. E. Bache........... 2 .6 Rosalie.............................. Melodie pour Piano .J. F. Duggan......... *Russian Hymn..................... ............ Ferdinand Beyer. ... *Retraite Militaire........... .............L. Wely............... wo cocoa a aa aa a aa aa aa aa aa oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo av med ca ea COQQQQQ AVON PIANOFORTE MUSIC. 0 .1 NON CONCO NO CON NO WNW A con *Rondo Polka...................................................... H. Ravina............ 3 0 *Rose de Peronne........... .............H. Rosellen......... Rule Britannia.. ..............arranged by E. J. Westrop... *Romance sans Paroles.... ............. H. Cramer .......... Rigoletto ......... .............. Geo. Mount ......... *Sonata, Op. 49, No. 1......... Beethoven .... *Sonata, Op. 49, No. 2... .................... Beethoven . .......... *Sonata, Op. 24. Dedicated to Mrs. Chinnery.........Dussek.............. *Souvenir de Reissiger......... ..F. Beyer...... *Souvenir de Kücken... F. Beyer. *Souvenir du Simplon.................. F. Burgmüller....... *Sonnambula................................................T. H. Oesten... ... ... Standard Bearer .......... W. H. Palmer. ... Sound the loud timbrel......... ............. Ditto ................... Studies (in Octaves and Thirds)...... Lindsay Sloper...... 26 Serenade............. .... .........C. L. Wrenshall...... *Second Polonaise........ ................Weber .................. Standard Bearer ...... .................. Wolff.................. *Souvenir d'Abt.................... .............. F. Beyer.......... *Standard Bearer (Rep. No. 2)........ ............Ditto . ................. *Sonata Pathetique..... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... Beethoven .............. Sirens, The......... ...J. F. Duggan......... 3 0 Sonnambula, Airs from, in 2 books......................C. W. Glover ... each Sea Breezes. ............ ..Ignace Gibsone ..... 2 0 *Second Galop Militaire......... Chas. Mayer... ... ... 2 0 *Une Fête aux Champs .......... Pastorale ............. E. Prudent.......... Vaga luna........ ................ W. H. Palmer. ...... Vieni in Roma........................... .C. W. Glover..... .. 20 *Valse Brillante................... F. Burgmüller ....... 3 0 *Valse de Salon........... ................ A. Thomas ...... ...... Valse Guerrière............... ........... ......J. F. Duggan...... We come to thee, Savoy.......... Fantasia...... C. W. Glover ... ... ... 2 6 When the swallows................................. Wolf.................. 1 0 Welcome, my bonnie lad............ ...........Ditto.................. *Wedding March ........... ...............Mendelssohn ... ... ... 0.0...09 C N O fond Co PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND CO. 73 LINDSAY SLOPER'S EDITION OF PIANOFORTE WORKS. VON 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * GO GO OU * * * O VOCO U OVCO .......... No. * 1. L'Absence........ ..Felicien David....... * 2. Rêverie.............................................. Felicien David ....... 2 0 3. Souvenir de Reissiger............ ............ Ferdinand Beyer.... * 4. Valse Brillante......... ...Fred. Burgmüller .... 30 Valse de Salon. ............................ .Ambroise Thomas..... 3 0 6. Kreigers-lust Marsch.................. ...... Ferdinand Beyer.... 7. Le Torrent......................... ..........Marcailhou......... 8. Air and Variations in F major... ... ... ...Mozart. ........... * 9. Air and Variations in A Major............Mozart... ... ... ... ... *10. Air and Variations in G major. ..... *11. Rêverie in G .... .Henri Rosellen ....... 2 0 *12. La Figlia del Reggimento... ... ... ... ... ... Wolff...... ............ *]3. Notturno, Raphael..................... ..Commettant .......... 2 6 **14. La Femme du Marin......... Kallcbrenner ... ... ... *15. Souvenir de Kücken... .............. .Ferdinand Beyer.... 30 *16. Bolero...................... .................. : Charles Mayer'. ... ... 3 0 *17. Lucrezia Borgia ................. ..... ......... E. Prudent............ *18. Galop Militaire................................. Charles Mayer . ...... *19. Russian National Hymn................... Ferdinand Beyer, ... 26 *20. Moonlight Sonata, in C sharp minor ... ... Beethoven ............. *21. Andante in F.............. ............... Beethoven .......... *22. Sonata, Op. 49, No. 1............... ....... .Beethoven. 2 6 *23. Sonata, Op. 49, No. 2.........................Beethoven ......... 2 6 *24. L'Invitation pour la Valse............ ...... Weber ......... ..... 30 *25. Consolation........... ...............Dussel ............ 30 *26. Sonata, Op. 24 (dedicated to Mrs. Chinnery)...Dussek......... 30 *27. Le Noce du Village............................ Lefebure Wely ....... 3 0 *28. Exercises and Scales ....... ............ Henri Herz........... Scales without the Exercises... ........... .Ditto....... ... ... ... ... *29. La Favorite.... .........................Chas. Voss...... ...... 4 0 *30. Agathe von Abt, Op. 110...... ... ... ...... Ferdinand Beyer .... 2 6 *31. Etude de la Velocité............. ............... Czerny ................... 10 6 Or in Two Parts ............... ..Ditto...............each 6 0 oooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOO a cua co c c O . OPERATIC AIRS, ETC. w a .........Weber. ............ com *32. Second Galop Militaire........................ Chas. Mayer... ... ... *33. Les Cloches du Monastere............... ... Lefebure Wely ....... *34. Les Regrets............. Henri Cramer ......... 20 *35. Le Desir................................... .Ditto...... ... ... ...... *36. Lucrezia Borgia . ............... .............. Theodore Oesten...... *37. First Polonaise in Eb.......... Weber .................. *38. La Rose de Peronne.... Henri Rosellen ... ... *39. L'Adieu . ..................... .......... Coop .......... ........ *40. Romance sans Paroles ...... .Henri Cramer......... *41. Souveni d'Abt. .Ferdinand Beyer. ... *42. Second Grand Polonaise............ ... ..... Weber .................. *43. Nocturne..................... .................. Ravina ................ *44. La Bergere ..................................... Coop...... ......... *4.5. La Retraite Militaire. ... .Lefebure Wely ....... *46. Sonata Pathetique . ................... Beethoven... ... ... ... *47. Gondellied.. ............... Theodore Oesten...... *48. Pensez a moi........ .............Ditto ......... ......... *49. Les Hirondelles.. .......... .................. Henri Streich......... *50. ( Exercises, 101............, .. ... ... ...... Czerny. ........... 2 Or in Two Parts............ ................................each *51. Gondellied ............ .............Mendelssohn... ... ... *52. Lieder ohne Worte, Book 4, Op. 53 ... ...Ditto .................. *53. Ditto ditto, 5, Op. 62 ... ... Ditto ...... ...... ...... 5 0 *54. Ditto - 6, Op. 67 ... ...Ditto ............ ...... 6 0 (7 be continued.) a co COCO GO Go #CO ......... may co ditto, CAMPBELL, RANSFORD, & Co.'s EDITION OF OPERATIC AIRS, 0 No. 1. Spohr's Faust .............. arranged by L. Beyer .......... 3 2.' Mozart's Don Giovanni, Book 1.. „ .,L. Beyer.......... 3. Mozart's Don Giovanni, Book 2 .. , ..L. Beyer....... 4. Donizetti's La Figlia del Reggimento , ..L. Beyer.... 5. Donizetti's Lucrezia Borgia...... ..L. Beyer.... ...... 3 6. Bellini's Norma ................ » ..L. Beyer ........... To be followed by Arrangements from all the best and popular Operas. O co co coco 0 PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND CO. 75 PIANOFORTE MUSIC UNDER THE COMPOSERS' NAMES. d. W. H. ACRAMAN. Giant's Causeway Polka.... . . . ..... ......... . . ..... ... ... .. .... o N co No T. ADAMS. +Gipsy's Laughing Quadrilles. ...... Burleigh Polka...... Cellarius Waltz. ........ 0 ................... ................ · JULES ADOLPHE. The Alpine Quadrilles ...... The Snow-Drop Waltz ....... Valse à la Polka..... Waltz, Country Dance.... Skylark Polka The Original Schottische.... ARBAN. Arban's Polka. ........... ONCO CO CO CO 2........................ ..... ... È: E. BACHE. Rêve d'Amour...... ....... 26 La Belle Capricieuse............... Morceau de salon ...... ......... Morceau de Salon ...... 30 0 E. BAETZ. *Bon Bon Polka ....... .............. . ..... ........ ... ........ 20 .... J. P. BARRATT. +The Gipsy's Tent Quadrilles .......... CO Danish Polka.........................vs................. Z O E. DE BARRY. L'Esperance... ..oncin 2 0 Le Regret............................................. 2 0 ice.. ..... . .... NO .. .. . .. .. . ... . . . . . . . . . BEETHOVEN. *Air and Variations in G major, edited by Lindsay Sloper........ * Moonlight Sonata, in C sharp minor , ...... *Andante in F................ ...... . ..... *Sonata, Op. 49, No.1. ...... *Sonata, Op. 49, No.2........ *Sonata Pathetique. ....... CONCO CON 9 .. :::: 176 PIANOFORTE MUSIC. JULES BENEDICT. *Fantasia on Anna Bolena...... *Charmes de Portici. ... *Notre Dame de Paris. ::: .. .......... . .. .... ... ...... ..... F. BEYER. *Kriegers-lust Marsch, edited by Lindsay Sloper. ....... *Souvenir de Reissiger.. ...... .. *Souvenir de Kücken .. 1 *Russian National Hymn » *Souvenir d'Abt ...... *Agathe von Abt...... » * Repertoire de Jeune Pianiste..... .......... each No. 1. Lucrezia Borgia. No. 6. Nabucodonosor. 2. Standard Bearer. 7. Norma. 3. Beatrice di Tenda 8. La Figlia del Reggimento. 4. Barbiere di Seviglia. 9. Elisir d'Amore. 5. I Montecchi. Qarco GO aan .................. 0 L. BEYER. Favorite Airs from Spohr's Faust........ Favorite Airs from Mozart's Don Giovanni, Book 1...... Favorite Airs from Mozart's Don Giovanni, Book 2 ...... .... 30. 3 0 c JOHN BISHOP. Lieder ohne Worte, No. 1....... ................. 2 c 0 J. BROWNE. Rose de France Walzes ........ Henrietta Valse... 0 ............ ............... 3 3 0 F. BURGMULLER. *Valse Brillante, edited by Lindsay Sloper .... .......... 3 *Souvenir du Simplon ... ............ Caprice Elégant........ 2 ර ස 0 0 G. A. BURFORD. Royal Military Quadrille....... Sisters' Quadrille. ........... ...... 30 ..... 3 0 BUSHEZ. +Gallant Highlander's Quadrilles........ fGuards Quadrilles.. .......... 3 0 පා PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSTORD AND CO. J. G. CALLCOTT. Gitana Quadrilles........ + Prize Medal Quadrilles ,.... Eugenia Polka............ Encore Polka... ......... coi co #noa ........ P. CAVALLINI. Annie Laurie March ........ .......... 20 E. CHADFIELD. La Brise de Mer ....... ....... 26 L. CHLEDOWSKI. The Coralli Polka....... ....... 20 COMETTANT. *Notturno, Raphael, edited by Lindsay Sloper.................. 26 ERNEST A. 1. COOP. *L'Adieu ......................... ................. ... *La Passione..., ........ ...... ..........: *La Bergere, edited by Lindsay Sloper ......... : aa aa a : : CHA. LES COOTE. La Fantarelle. ....... +Dublin Exhibition Waltzes ... +Chatsworth Quadrilles ... La Princesse Quadrilles ...... ............. . ...... ...... .... .... ........ ....... .. . .... ... .. CHARLES COOTE, Jun. Artillery Galop.... ........ 26 J. B. CRAMER. La Félicita.......... ........Rondo Giocondo........ 2 6 .......................... HENRI CRAMER. *Czar et Zimmerman.... Fantasia. *Fra Diavolo .......... Fantasia ...... *La Favorite.......... Fantasia ....... *Les Huguenots....... Fantasia. *Le Desir, edited by Lindsay. Sloper.... *Les Regrets. . ..... .... *Romance sans Paroles .. ...... 78 PIANOFORTE MUSIC. FELICIEN DAVID. *L'Absence, edited by Lindsay Sloper. ..... *Rêverie, ... . ...... ...... w ........ DAVIS. fTwelfth Night Quadrilles ..... ....... 30 JOHN DAVIS. War Polka .......................................... 20 C. F. DESANGES. Kimbolton March. n March. .......................................... 2 DÖHLER. *Marches Florentines, Nos. 1 and 2 ..... .......... each 2 0 JOSEPH F. DUGGAN. Valse Guerrière. Rosalie...... Maria........ Laura........ The Sirens ..... ............. 3 0 ........ Melodie pour Piano...... ......... Melodie pour Piano...... ........ 26 GO NONNO ID DUSSEK. *Consolation ..... .... ...edited by Lindsay Sloper 3 *Sonata, Op. 24. (Dedicated to Mrs. Chinnery)......Ditto.. .... 3 0 0 G. A. DURLACHER. Zephyr Polka. ....... 2 0 : 16 30 LOUIS EMMANUEL. +National Polka... ....... 20 Siren and Friar Waltz..... Sweet spring is coming-Waltz ....... ......... 1 6 Beauties of the Concert, Nos. 1 and 2, introducing popular Ballads, &C............. ........each Fairies' Meeting, The....... ...... 20 +General Sale's March ..... Fairy Waltz.... ....... 16 ETTLING, EMILE. Fée aux Roses Valse......... ........ 3 O ................................. co PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND CO. FESSY. Catherine de Braganza Walzes, beautifully illustrated by Brandard. 4 Enchantress Schottische....... 0 FELDT, F. VON. Opera Walzes .......... ..... GABRIEL, VIRGINIA. Les Beauharnaises Valse.... L'Espieglerie .......... .......... ....... 3 0 GIBSONE, IGNACE. Mercure......... .........Galop. Volant.......... Deux Melodies Russes....... ........................... La Coquette........ ......... Valse Brillante..... A Night on the Ganges...... .......Notturno....... .... ... Mazurka........ Partant pour la Syrie........ .................... Pauline. ........................ Mazurka...... Sea breezes—Nocturne..... tLe Collier de la Reine, Valses...... Helen.. ............ .................... . .... ..... .. GLOVER, STEPHEN. Forest Polka.. ..... La Belle Alliance March..... .......... GLOVER, C. W. +The Duke's Band March................... ......... Buy my Oranges. .................., Rondinetto......... Bohemian Air, with Variations... Vieni in Roma ... ................ Rondo from Norma..... We come to thee, Savoy .............. Fantasia .............. A Rondo on English Melodies ........ *The Camp, a descriptive Piece--beautifully illustrated by Brandard. Airs from Lucia di Lammermoor, 2 Books...... .........each Airs from Sonnambnla, 2 Books. ......... ...........each + The Guards March-beautifully illustrated by Brandard. ...arr. by CONNNNNN . NCI 3 3 2 0 0 6 GOMION, L. Bagatelle ... ........... ...... 2 0 GOTTSCHALK. Bamboula . Scrb.... 40 : 80 PIANOFORTE MUSIC.. s. d. GOODBAN, H. W: Il Trovatore, Fantasia ..... 3 0 GORIA, A. *Caprice Nocturne......... *Olga Mazurka ..... GRATTANN, W. H. L'Allegro, for the Pianoforte..... ....., 3.0 .................. ..... ...... ..... GUNGL. *Immortellen Walzes ...... *Träume auf dem Ocean Walzer.............. *Ideal-und-Leben Walzer................ Charles Stuart Waltzes, beautifully illustrated by Brandard *Philadelphia Polka..... *Benefice Polka................. *Reussen-Lieder Valse..................... WNNW COCO .......... ................ GUINESS, R. . † The Prince of Wales's Quadrilles ....... The Queen's own Scotch Quadrilles ......... Post Horn Waltz. .......... 3 0 .. 3 0 .... 16 GYE, M. †The Ramsgate Quadrilles ....... ........ 30 N HATTON, J. L. Music in Henry 8th, complete. ........ No. 1. Overture.............. 2. Ist Entr' Act .... 3. Shakspeare's Favorite Tunes and Dances.... 4. 2nd Entr' Act.... 5. 3rd Ditto ...... 6. 4th Ditto ........ N N N N L'Etoile du Soir Polka...... ..... 20 HARPER, E. B. Eglantine Valses ....... ....... 30 PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND 00. HASTINGS, C. Montpellier Polka....... HELLER, STEPHEN. Night Thoughts, Nos. 1, 2, 3.... ....... eaeb 2 0 Night Thoughts, No. 4... HERZ, HENRI. *Exercises and Scales, edited by Lindsay Sloper ....... *Scales only, from above ... ditto ........ .................. 2.0 HENRION, PAUL. *Dona Sabina Valse.......... ............. 2 6 HENRION, F. † Algiers Valse...... +Leonie Valse. 4 0 " .............. .... ... . ........... .... ... ........ .... ............ ...... . .... ..... .... ............ ... ............... ... HÖCHST, CARL. *Hyde Park. ... ...... Galop.... † Cardigan ............ Galop... New Crystal Palace.... Galop... fPostillon ............Galop.... The Courier ..........Ditto.... La Gorlitza................... *Pop goes the Weasel.............. First of May.. ...... Quadrilles .. England......... ....Ditto..... English ............Ditto ..... +Leonie .............. Ditto, ... fNew Crystal Palace....Ditto........ Scotch.............. Ditto.... † Fleur de Printemps.... Valse.... tFruits d'Automne .... Ditto ..... i Hortense ...........Ditto...... New Crystal Palace ....Ditto...... Twelfth Night .......Ditto.... +Zara ...............Ditto ..... #La Perle du Soir ......Ditto..... #Les Grecques......, Ditto..... + Estrella ............Polka, ... +Rose du Matin.. ....Ditto fPachas.............Ditto..... f True Blue ..........Ditto ..... Perea Nena .........Ditto .... . co co co co co co nad Non con co 6 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo W NON CO CO Co A Coco Coco 82 PIANOFORTE MUSIC. • $. d. . IRESON, W. Snow-drop Polka....... ISAACSON, B. fCourier of Lyons Quadrilles, illustrated by Brandard............ con JOLLY, J. M. Merry Punch Polka ... co JULLIEN Cuckoo Quadrilles... Ondine Quadrilles.. .... 30 KALKBRENNER, F. : *La Femme du Marin, edited by Lindsay Sloper....... ........ 26 KLING. Les Lionnes Quadrilles.... ..... 20 KUHE, WILHELM. Galop di Bravura... ..........., La Corbeille de Fleurs ............. Valse de Salon .......... 3 O d ..... . . ...... .... .. c LAURENT, AENRI. L'Espagnole Valse... Radnor Waltzes ..., † Victory Polka.......... ... 30 co w C · LAVIGNE, F. Y WISE....... . ...... ...... .. .. ..... ........... 30 ... . . . . LEDUC, A. *La Chatelaine..... ........ 26 LISZT. *Mazurka Brillante..... *Galop Russe..........................................ro, N co Z V LENNOX. +Brownlow Quadrilles ... ...... 3 0 LODER, E. J. God save the Queen, arranged with easy Variations .............. 2 Prince Arthur's March.. ................ 2 UN 0 6 PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND CO. CONRAD LINDENTHAL Cæsarewich Galop.......... MAANEN, J. C. von. #Juanita Polka........ ..... 20 MARCAILHOU. *Le Torrent, Valse Brillante, edited by Lindsay Sloper. ......... 26 MARCANDIER, LEON. Fleur de Lys Valses ... ......... 30 10A .... .... ... .... .. MAYER, CHARLES. *Galop Militaire, edited by Lindsay Sloper.... *Bolero. ......... *Second Galop Militaire , ...... 3 - .... MENDELSSOHN. *Gondellied, edited by Lindsay Sloper ...................... *Wedding March..... *Lieder ohne Worte, Book 4, edited by Lindsay Sloper. ...... *Ditto ditto - 5........ ditto........ ............ *Ditto ditto -6........ditto .............. MEVES, A. Andante and Rondo, introducing Scotch Airs........... .... 20 ... ......... MINASI, CARLO. Brilliant Fantasia on “ I love the merry sunshine,” and "I love the gentle moonlight ".......... +Drum March, The................... Iutroduction and brilliant Variations on the favourite Air, “Oh, I should like to marry”... † Palace Polka............. + Palace Mazurka.. ....... Fashionable Polka............... + Royal Irish Polka............ coa ............ MORRIS, VAL. Elfin Call Quadrilles...... Avenel Polka................... Juno Polka......................... +Merry sunshine Polka............ Coco o C .............. 84 PIANOFORTE ŇUSIC. MORINI, LUIGI. Les Perles d'Amour Valses. MOZART. *Air and Variations, in F major, edited by Lindsay Sloper............ *Air and Variations, in A major... „ ......... ..................... SS Q MÜLLER, LOUIS. Barcarole. 2 0 Q ...... .......... MOUNT, GEORGE. Hurrah for the Red, White, and Blue.......... Linda di Chamouni.......... Le Sourd, Fantaisie sur l'Opera d'Adam..... The Opera, in 2 Nos...... , Rigoletto, Verdi....... l............................................................... CICO OESTEN, TH. *Gondellied, edited by Lindsay Sloper... *Lucrezia Borgia...... ditto....... *Pensez à moi.........ditto....... *La Sonnambula........ NO CON OSBORNE, G. A. *La Pluie de Perles ........ .............. 30 Beauties of Scottish Melody, in 6 Nos....... ............each 2 0 1. Scots wha hae. 4. Auld Lang Syne. 2. March of the Cameron Men. 1 5. "Comin' thro' the rye. 3. Jock o' Hazledean. 6. Roy's Wife. OWEN, JOĦN. Army and Navy Band March..... a ............... PARRY, JOHN. Old General Post Office, Polka.... 2 6 . PALMER, W. H. Mazurkas, No. 1.......... Mazurkas, No. 2.... Il segreto per esser felice........... L'amo, l'amo................. Vaga luna........... Royal Cambridge Polka.......... aaaaaa ... ....... ....................................... ........... PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND CO. PALMER, W. H.-continued. Bonnie Dundee... Standard Bearer....................... Sound the loud timbrel....................................... ......... Chant des Croates..... PERRY, E. Devotional Recreation, in 4 Nos........ ..........each 2 6 PHILLIPPOFF, W. Mameluke Polka... ........... 2 0 PILLET, JULES. Introduction and Rondo, “Oh, I should like to marry”........... PRUDENT, E. *Une Fête aux Champs......... ...... ......Pastorale................. *Lucrezia Borgia, edited by Lindsay Sloper ..... ..... ......... 26 QUINTON, E. T. The Abaléne Schottische........... .......... 2 0 QUIDANT, A. *Galop de Concert...... ........ *L'Invitation à la Polka.............. ...... 30 ...... 26 RANSFORD, W. E. Dovedale Polka........... ... RAVINA, H. *Nocturne, edited by Lindsay Sloper....... *Rondo Polka... ........... ............................. 30. .. . REDLER. G *Les Rats Quadrilles. ........... 20 RITTER, FRANZ. tAntelope Polka. ......... ROBINSON, J. fAztecs Polka........... RODWELL G: H... Christmas and New Year's Polka... ....... 3 0 .. .: 86 PIANOFORTL MUSIC. i ROSELLEN. *Rose de Peronne, edited by Lindsay Sloper........... *Rêverie in G, edited by Lindsay Sloper .................. Ballade sans paroles.................................... Hov O 11 ROWLAND, A. C. Promenade Valses........... ......... 30 .................... ............ ......... ...... SEDGWICK, A. B. Serenade Polka.......... Merry Punch Quadrilles............ Richard Cour de Lion Quadrilles .......... . : +Les Singes Quadrilles...... Q CO CO CO ..... SCHULHOFF, J. *Carnaval de Venise... . *Galop di Bravura............ ........ ............. 4 * 0 SLOPER, LINDSAY. Pensée fugitive. Early one morning...... Day Spring.................... Studies in Octaves and Thirds...... Voor SPRENGER, JULES. Gertrude............. .......... 20 :: SPARK, WILLIAM. ... Evangeline.......... ......... 26 SPORLE, N. J. Sporle's First Quadrille........... +Fancy Fair Quadrilles...... ............................... ............ ............ ...... 3 0 30 STREICH, HENRI. *Les Hirondelles, edited by Lindsay Sloper........ ........ 40 TALEXY, ADRIEN. *Musidora.......... ............... Polka Mazurka....... 2 *Cleopatra ............................................. Mazurka................ 2 0 6 PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND 0). THOMAS, AMBROISE. *Valse de Salon, edited by Lindsay Sloper............... 40 TINNEY, F. G. +Belle of the Fête Waltzes...... The Carton Walzes. Goodwood Waltzes ................ .......... .......................... OU C9 TREKELL, J. THEODORE. The Fairy Queen......... Erminia. tNew Crystal Palace Polka... † Princess Mary Polka ........ ........ Valse de Salon ...... ........Romance. ......... Nog ...nic av . TULLY, J. H. The Launch Quadrilles .......... .................. 30 VALENTINE, T. † Royal English Quadrilles..... Gipsy's Tent Valse.. The Moonlight Valse ....... ............ 16 WEBER. *L'Invitation pour la Valse, edited by Lindsay Sloper ...... *Hilarité.... ....Ditto...................... coco į 0 WEIPPERT, JOHN. The Dusseldorf Polka....... The Marriage Bells Polka... The Palace Polka.. UN NO WELY, L. *Les Cloches du Monastère, edited by Lindsay Sloper.... *La Retraite Militaire........ *La Noce du Village........ i ...... ........... NON OU " •••••• 1 •••••••••••• WESTROP, E. J. God save the Queen ........................ : †Rule Britannia ........... *Aurora Waltz, The, varied as a Rondo........ ...... 1 6 .. 16 WIGAN, CLEVELAND. Etude de Salon............. Orinthia ......... NO. 6 .... 2 0 PIANOFORTE MUSIC. co WOLFF, E. : *La Figlia del Reggimento, edited by Lindsay Sloper ........... 3 0 WOLFF. Juvenile Library, in 12 Nos.. ...............each 1 0 1. I love the. merry sunshine. 7. Standard Bearer. 2. When the swallows. 8. Monks of Old. 3. Welcome, my bonnie lad. 9. Il segretto per esser. 4. Marche des Croates. 10.. Gipsy's Tent. 5. Gipsy's Home. 11. From our merry Swiss home. 6. Ob, I should like to marry. I 12. Annie Laurie. (To be continued). WRENSHALL, C. L. L'Adieu Militaire (Partant pour la Syrie)..... ... 20 Three Mazurkas....... ....... each 2 0 Serenade............. ........ 2 0 Auld Lang Syne-Reverie...... 2 ............... .... ......... PIANOFORTE DUETS. BEYER, F. La Figlia del Reggimento, arranged by H. W. Goodban ......... C CARPENTIER, AD. DE. Divertissement (L'Elisir d'Amore)......... co..... 30 CAVALLINI, P. Annie Laurie March, arranged by H. W. Goodban ............ N DOHLER, TH. Marches Florentines, Nos. 1 and 2, arranged by H. W. Goodban, ea. 2 6 o GOODBAN, HENRY W. Souvenir de Lucrezia Borgia............................ 4 0 GLOVER, CHARLES W. We come to thee, Savoy.............. .co MARCAILHOU. : *Le Torrent, arranged by H. W. Goodban... ......... co 6 PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSTORD AND CO. w 'MARQUERIE, A. Three admired Duets :- No. 1. The Rose.... 2. The Pink........... 3. The Violet..... $ 0. ......................... 3 0 ............ 30 MAYER, C. Galop Militaire, arranged by H. W. Goodban....... ...... 3 6 . MENDELSSOHN. *Wedding March.. co MOUNT, GEORGE. Quartett, (Rigoletto)... A te o cara (Puritani)........... ............... 3 .......... 2 0 0 PILLET, JULES. Le Bouquet de Fleurs............... Petits duos in Six Numbers, each 1 0 SLOPER, LINDSAY. L'Almée.......... .................... 4 ) VALENTINE, J. A Duett (dedicated to Lord and Lady Stanhope........................ 2 0 WELY, LEFEBURE, *Les Cloches du Monastère.... ...... 30. ........ $ 0 WOLFF, EDOUARD. *Maria Therèse.......... *Rondo original. ....... ........... For young pupils............ *Mazurka originale........................... ...... ............. *Valse originale...... .......... ...... ............ . 2 2 6 6 3 0. IARP. HARP s. d. ALVARS, PARISH. . La Figlia del Reggimento............. ............ ...... Tww Books, each L'Elisir d'Amore.... ............. Two Books, each 2 2 6 0 | CHATTERTON, J. B. Divertimento on Scotch Airs....... ....... 26 WRIGHT, T. H. Le gentil Soldat............ Una furtiva lagrima.. 0 1 co ...... 0 FLUTE AND PIANOFORTE. PRATTEN, R. S. Concertstück.. 60.. DANCE MUSIC. Those marked thus B, are published for Full Band. QUADRILLES. ස , ස ස 0 Alpine, The......... ........... Brownlow............ Bons-bons, The.................. f Courier of Lyons, The............... +Chatsworth.......... Cuckoo................................. Elfin Call.... ................ England.......... .............Jules Adolphe......... .... ......... ...Lennox...... ... ... ... ................. Charles Coote......... ........... ...B. Isaacson............ 3 .............. Charles Coote......... ...............Jullien .................. 3 .............. Pal. Morris ............ ..Carl Höchst. ... ... ... 3 5 දා උය .0 ය උය 0 PUBLISHED BY CAMPBELL, RANSFORD AND CO. ... O O O O English...... Fancy Fair....... First of May................ +Gitana.................................... +Gipsy's Tent, The..... + Gipsy's Laughing ......... +Gallant Highlanders, The... +Guards, The... +Léonie............. Launch, The.. Merry Punch, The............ + New Crystal Palace..... Ondine, The. Palace Polka, The.., Prince of Wales, The......... + Prize Medal, The...... ..... Princesse, La......... Queen's Own Scotch ................... *Ramsgate, The.................. Royal English, The....... Royal Military, The..... Richard Cour de Lion... *Rats, Les............... ......... Scotch......... ................ +Singes, Les......... ... ..Carl Höchst. ..N. J. Sporle.. ........... Carl Höchst. ... ... ... ..J. G. Callcott.......... ...........J. P. Barratt...... ...........T. Adams... ... ... ... ........... Bushez ............. ........... Bushez............... ............ Carl Höchst... ... ... 3 0 .J. H. Tully.. 3 0 ...A. B. Sedgwick... ... 3 0 ........... 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The lessons for practice consist of sentences of such a nature as to admit of explanation and illustration, by sketches on the BLACK BOARD, and by sensible objects. 48 Pages, price 3d. sewed. Chambers's Educational Course. 3 English–continued. Simple Lessons in Reading. Calculated to advance the learner in Reading and Spelling, and so prepare him for the more intellectual lessons of the books which that species of narrative which uniformly delights the infant mind, bearing in each case a reference to the moral perceptions or higher sensibilities of the pupil. 96 Pages, price 8d. Lesson Book of Common Things and Ordinary . Conduct. This small volume communicates ideas of practical utility, both in regard to the economy of person and of life. It treats more expressly of common and familiar things, giving the philosophy of them, or tracing their connection with principles in nature. .80 Pages, price 8d. Moral Class-Book. 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This volume presents distinct vocabularies of words from the Saxon, Latin, and Greek, with appropriate examples and exercises. 226 Pages, price 2s. Elocution, Principles of. Besides treating the important subjects of Inflection, Modulation, and the Measure of Speech, there is added a copious selection of pieces in Prose and Verse, as examples in various styles of reading. 3.76 Pages, price 2s.6d. English Language and Literature, History of the Suitable to the more advanced classes in English Academies, and serving as a text-book for those lectures on English Literature which are now given in so many institutions for mechanics and others. 300 Pages, price 2s. 6d. Chambers's Educational Course. 5 Writing. Writing-Plain, Current-hand, and Ornamental. In 15 Prepared Post Copy-books, paper covers. In the present system, which aspires to some degree of originality, care has been taken to avoid every refinement of engraving incon- sistent with practical penmanship; a simple yet graceful style of writing has been aimed at; and the Series rendered strictly progressive. Price 6d. each. Writing-Plain, Current-hand, and Ornamental. In 13 Prepared Post Copy-books (fine paper), paper covers. Price 6d. each. Writing—Plain, Current-hand, and Ornamental. In 10 Prepared Foolscap Copy-books, paper covers, each containing 24 ruled pages. Price 3d. each. Copy Lines. In 12 Books. Nos. 1 to 11, . . . . Price 4d. each. No. 12, . . Price 6d. Specimen sent free on application. L Drawing. First Drawing-Book. This Primer, which consists of forty-four different subjects, begins with simple lessons in perpendicular and horizontal lines, &c. When the pupil is-sufficiently advanced in the rudiments of the art, other easy lessons are introduced, such as the simpler objects of landscape, country-houses, cottages, &c.—Note. All the studies contained in this book are well adapted for the slate or black-board. 96 Pages, price Is. Second Drawing-Book. The pupil having acquired some knowledge and experience in handling a slate-pen, piece of chalk, or pencil, and of sketching in rude outline various objects in nature and art, is now introduced to the rules of perspective and the general principles of Drawing. 96 Pages, price 1s. 6 Chambers's Educational Course. Drawing—continued. Drawing-Books—Consisting of a Series of Progressive Lessons in Drawing and Perspective, with General Instructions. In 18 Books, paper covers. No. 1. Elementary Lessons, 2. Design. 3. Flowers. 4. Heads in Outline. 5. Heads shaded. 6. Hands and Feet. 7. Limbs and Parts of Figures, 8. Full Figures. 9. Animals. 10. Animals in Groups. 11. 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This is the most satisfactory mode of representing Machinery and Architectural Structures, shewing at one view the Elevation and Ground-plan. Price 2s. each. Practical Series of Works and Working Drawings for Schools and Students. Edited by Robert Scott Burn. Illustrations of Carpentry and Framing. Being Elucidatory Diagrams of the Principles of the Art, and Working Drawings to Scale of Floors, Partitions, Roofs, in Wood and Iron, &c. (First and Second Series.) Price 3s. each. Illustrations of Joinery (Companion Work to Carpentry and Framing.) Illustrated with numerous Wood-cuts. Price 3s. 8 Chambers's Educational Course. Drawing-continued. Glossary of Technical Terms used in the . D. Constructive Arts of Bricklaying, Masonry, Carpentry, Joinery, &c. Price 38: Working Drawings of a Horizontal High- Pressure Steam-Engine. Plates and Descriptive Letter-press. Price 1s. Illustrations of Machine and Mill Gearing. This work is designed to convey practical information to the pupil as to the methods actually in use, adopted in the construction and arrangement of practical mechanism. Price 1s. Condensing Beam Steam-Engine, in Section, End-elevation, and Plan. The dimensions of each part carefully calculated and drawn to scale. Price 1s. The Styles of Gothic Architecture. Comprising Examples of Windows, Buttresses, &c. Price 1s. The Orders of Roman Architecture. - Containing Examples of Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite Columns. - Price ls. High-Pressure Crank-over-head or Vertical Steam-Engine, of Two-horse Power ; in Elevation, with Details. Price ]s. Size of Sheet of the above four subjects, 25 by 20 inches, with descriptive reference. Examples of Ornamental Drawing. Being Suggestions for Manufacturing and Decorative Designs. Three sheets issued, price 3d. each. Cheap Edition of Model Designs for Mansions, Villas, Dwelling- houses, Cottages, Gates, Stables, and Shop Fronts. In 10 Parts, includ- ing two Supplementary Parts, entitled Cottage Accommodation for our Labourers,' and 'Conservatories; their Construction and Arrangement.' Price 2s.6d. each. Chambers's Educational Course. 9 Geography. Large School-room Maps ; boldly coloured in outline, and mounted on rollers for hanging on the walls of school-rooms. Unvarnished S. di 5 ft. 2 in. by 4 ft, 6 in, 14 0 Varnished S. do 16 6. England, Scotland, 14 0 16 6 Ireland, 14 0 16 6 Europe, 16 6 Palestine; 16 6 Asia, 14 0 16 6 Africa, 14 0 16 6 North America, 14 0 16 6 South America, 14 0 16 6 The Hemispheres-) (including Astron- } omical Diagrams), ) p 1 21 0 23 6 . £8 17 0.. These 10 Maps in Wooden Case, . Namely—10 Maps, · £7 7 0 Wooden Case, 110 0 £8 17 0 10 Chambers's Educational Course. Geography—continued. Primer Atlas. This small Atlas consists of Nine Quarto Maps, coloured in outline: the Two Hemispheres, Europe, the British Islands, Asia, Palestine, Africa, North America, and South America.. 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It contains also a supplementary chapter on the progress of Literature, Science, and Art, and a copious Index. 564 Pages, price 4s. 6d: Greece, History of Ancient. The aim of this work, which incorporates the results of the latest researches, is rather to bring out the leading features of the history in a mode to command the interest of the youthful reader, than to give a skeleton history, briefly enumerating many occurrences which would fail to impress the memory. Rome, History of. The aim of the writer of this volume bias been to imprint vividly on the juvenile imagination a few of the more stirring and picturesque incidents in Roman History; to furnish a general picture of the social and political life of the Roman people; and to indicate, as far as possible, the place which they held, and the function which they performed in the history of the world. 372 Pages, price 28. 6d. Chambers's Educational Course. 13 History—continued. British Empire, History of the. 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This portion of the preceding Treatise is issued in a separate form, for the convenience of those who may not require a knowledge of the entire system. 96 Pages, price 1s. Book-keeping — Set of Ruled Foolscap Paper Books, adapted to Single Entry, in Two Books, paper covers. Price Is. 3d. Book-keeping — Set of Ruled Foolscap Paper Books, adapted to Double Entry, in Two Books, paper covers Price ls. 3d. Chambers's Educational Course. 15 Arithmetic and Mathematics —continued. Algebra : Theoretical and Practical. Containing all the subjects in theory and practice usually compre- hended in an elementary work. The method adopted in this treatise is to state the rule concisely and clearly; to illustrate it by appro- priate gradational examples; to demonstrate the rule; and to prescribe a series of Exercises. By this means the transition is very gradual, from the more simple to the more complex parts of the subject. 432 Pages, price 3s. Key to Algebra. 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Key to Plane Geometry. Forming a Key to the Exercises in Plane Geometry, and may be used as a Sequel to the ordinary course of study contained in the Elements of Euclid. 108 Pages, price 2s. 16 Chambers's Educational Course. Arithmetic and Mathematics –continued. Explicit Euclid. In this New Edition of Euclid, the particular Enunciation of each Proposition has been changed and simplified, so as to enable the Pupil to distinguish at a glance between what is given and what has to be proved in each-thus making the Propositions much more easily understood and sooner mastered. As a further aid to the Pupil, a blank space has been left between each step or clause of the reasoning in every Proposition throughout the book. 266 Pages, price 2s. 6d. Geometrical Chart, with Coloured Diagrams, for hanging on School-room walls—measuring 40 by 28 inches. In a Sheet, . . . . 2s. 6d. Mounted, 5s. 6d. Mounted and Varnished, ..... 6s. 6d. Solid and Spherical Geometry and Conic Sections. This volume consists of Treatises on Solid Geometry, Spherical Geometry, Spherical Trigonometry (these from Playfair's Euclid), the Projections of the Sphere, Perpendicular Projection, Linear Perspective, and Conic Sections. 168 Pages, price 1s. 6d. Practical Mathematics. Containing Descriptive Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration of Heights and Distances, Mensuration of Surfaces, Land-Surveying, Mensuration of Solids, Gauging, Barometric Measurement of Heights, Levelling, Strength of Materials, Projectiles, Spherical Trigonometry, Astronomical Problems, Navigation, Geodetic Sur- veying, and other subjects. 544 Pages, price 5s. Key to Practical Mathematics. Containing Solutions of all the Exercises given in the preceding Treatise. 322 Pages, price 4s. 6d. Mathematical Tables. These comprehend the most important Tables required in Trigo- nometry, Mensuration, Land-Surveying, Navigation, Nautical Astronomy, &c., and particularly adapted to the above Treatises of Practical Mathematics. The Tables of Logarithms, Logarithmic Sines, &c., are carried to seven decimal places. 346 Pages, price 3s. - Chambers's Educational Course. 17 Science. Rudiments of Knowledge. In this work the child is introduced, in a progressive manner, to a knowledge of the external appearances in the natural and social world, and in simple language, suitable to juvenile minds. Illustrated by Wood Engravings. .88 Pages, price 8d. Sciences, Introduction to the. This Volume presents a Systematic View of Nature under the various sciences of Astronomy, Natural Philosophy, Geology, and Physical Geography, Meteorology, Electricity and Magnetism, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Human Physiology, and Mental Philosophy. Illustrated by Wood Engravings. 132 Pages, price 1s. on Human Petricity and Macology, and Physio I Natural Philosophy. Vol. I., containing Treatises on the Laws of Matter and Motion; Mechanics — Machinery ; Hydrostatics — Hydraulics — Pneumatics.; Acoustics. Price 3s. 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The Illustrations are of a popular character, so as to be intelligible to beginners; and the Sheets themselves will be found suitable both for the School-room and Nursery. Chemistry. The object of this Treatise is strictly elementary; it introduces the student to a knowledge of the more important fundamental laws of Chemistry, and makes him familiar with the properties of elementary substances and their compounds. Illustrated by Wood Engravings. 340 Pages, price 3s. Geology. This Volume exhibits the progressive conditions of the earth from the remotest periods, reveals the character of plants and animals, and determines the position of those metals and minerals upon which the arts and manufactures so intimately depend. Illustrated by Wood Engravings. .228 Pages, price 2s. Zoology. A New Edition. Presenting a complete view of the Animal Kingdom, as a portion of external nature. The classification followed is a composition of several modern systems, with certain unimportant modifications ; and the ascending order is adopted, as best fitted to introduce the subject intelligibly to young students. Illustrated by upwards of 250 Wood Engravings. 262 Pages, price 3s. f-continued. Animal Physiology. The organisation of animals, and particularly of tlie liuman being, is here described by one who has been much accustomed to explain: the subject in popular lectures. The Treatise is Illustrated by Wood Engravings.. 108 Pages, price Is. 6d. Vegetable Physiology. Designed to convey an idea of the General Structure and Functions. of Plants, and their extensive utility in the scheme of creation. Illustrated by numerous Wood Engravings. 128 Pages, price 1s. 6d: Political Economy. 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Latin-English Part, 11. English-Latin Part, ... 304 11 3s. 6d. = 296 364 320 38. 6d. 45. Od. = = = 9s. Od. 784 418 366 !! = 4.. 6d. Chambers's Educational Course. 21 German. Edited by Dr Aue, German Master in the High School, Edinburgh. First German Reading-book, . . 158 Pages, 28. Od. Second German Reading-book,. 292 " 38. Od. German Grammar, Elementary, . 144 1 28. -, Advanced, . 346 Phrase-book, English-German, , 156 l 28.6d. German Synonyms, Dictionary of, · 192 German Dictionary- German and English, bound, '954 German-English Part, itp . 448 English-German Part, . 506 :4 10.6d. 58. Od. 6s. Od. COVER, 22 Chambers's Educational Course. Minor Educational Course, for use in the Humbler Class of Schools. No. 1. Introduction to Reading, .. . · 2d 2. Reading Lessons, . . . 2d. !! 3. Arithmetical Primer, . . Key to Arithmetical Primer, !! 4. Grammatical Primer, ! 5. Outlines of Geography, . . 11 6. History, . . . . . 2d. This Series of cheap School-books has been prepared at the request of Sir James Matheson, Bart. of the Lewis, with a special view to the instruction of the children of his numerous tenantry, whose means and opportunities for education are of a very limited kind; and it is hoped they will be suitable for other children who are able to be but a short time at school in other parts of the United Kingdom. . - -.- . - - .. A Catalogue of Books, PUBLISHED BY CHAPMAN AND HALL, 193, PICCADILLY. DECEMBER, 1860. December, 1860. LIST OF NEW BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHAPMAN AND HALL. 1 vol. post Svo, THE UNCOMMERCIAL TRAVELLER. BY CHARLES DICKENS. [December 15th. 1 vol. post Svo, THE ISLAND OF THE SAINTS : A PILGRIMAGE THROUGH IRELAND. BY JULIUS RODENBERG. Translated by LASCELLES WRAXALL. LIN Deceni [In December. 1 vol. post Svo, with a Portrait, PAUL THE POPE AND PAUL THE FRIAR: A STORY OF AN INTERDICT. BY THOMAS ADOLPHUS TROLLOPE. [December Sth. 1 vol. post Svo, SOCIAL ASPECTS OF REVOLUTION; IN A SERIES OF LETTERS FROM FLORENCE. Reprinted from the Atheneum. With a Sketch of Subsequent Events up to the Present Time. BY THEODOSIA TROLLOPE. [In December. 1 vol. fcap. 8vo, SERBSKI PESME; OR, NATIONAL SONGS OF SERVIA. BY OWEN MEREDITH. [In December. Vol. IIl. demy Svo, HISTORY OF THE LIFE AND TIMES OF EDMUND BURKE. BY THOMAS MACKNIGHT. Vol. III., completing the Work. _ [Ducember 121h. 1 vol. crown 8vo, OBERON'S HORN; A BOOK OF FAIRY TALES. BY HENRY MORLEY. Illustrated by C. H. BENNETT. [December 7th. 1 vol. post 8vo, with Illustrations, OVER THE STRAITS. BY LOUISA ANNE MEREDITH, Authoress of Our Home in Tasmania.' [In December. CHAPMAN AND HALL, 193, PICCADILLY. 1 vol. demy 8vo, price 14s. THE PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF CIVI- LIZATION. BY ALEXANDER ALISON. LIZA Crown 8vo, with numerous Illustratios, A HISTORY OF ENGLAND. By A. F. FOSTER. For the use of Schools and Young Persons. 172 December, 1 vol. fcap. 8vo, THE THRESHOLD OF CHEMISTRY. By C. W. HEATON. With numerous Illustrations. In December, Post 8vo, 6s., THE PHILOSOPHY OF PROGRESS IN HUMAN AFFAIRS. BY HENRY JAMES SLACK. Crown 8vo, 16s., COSTUME IN ENGLAND. BY F. W. FAIRHOLT. A new Edition, with Additions and nearly 700 Woodcuts by the Author. Post Svo, 10s., CHAMOIS HUNTING IN THE MOUNTAINS OF BAVARIA. BY CHARLES BONER. - With Illustrations. New Edition, with Additions. Second Edition, post 8vo, price 9s., ALL ROUND THE WREKIN. BY WALTER WHITE, Author of ' A Month in Yorkshire, etc. MR. TROLLOPE'S NEW NOVEL. In 3 vols. post 8vo, cloth, CASTLE RICHMOND: A NOVEL. BY ANTHONY TROLLOPE. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, price 36s., THE HISTORY OF ITALY FROM THE ABDICA- TION OF NAPOLEON I. With Introductory References to that of Earlier Times. BY ISAAC BUTT, M.P. Post 8vo, cloth, price 12s., FILIPPO STROZZI: A BIOGRAPHY. BY THOMAS ADOLPHUS TROLLOPE. CHAPMAN AND HALL, 193, PICCADILLY. In crown 8vo, cloth, price 12s., LUCILE; A POEM. BY OWEN MEREDITH, Author of The Wanderer,' etc. In crown 8vo, cloth, price 4.s., POEMS BEFORE CONGRESS. BY ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING. In three Volumes, THE ORDEAL OF RICHARD FEVEREL. A HISTORY OF FATHER AND SON. By GEORGE MEREDITH. “Mr. Meredith is an original writer, and his book is a powerful book, penetrative in its Fourth and cheaper Edition, post 8vo, cloth, with a Map, price 9s., THE WEST INDIES AND THE SPANISH MAIN. BY ANTHONY TROLLOPE. “ Mr. Trollope manages to do pleasantly whatever he attempts, but his real object in writ- ing the present work is a serious one, and we have to thank him for a most valuable con- tribution to our books of travel. . . . 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Fourth Edition. Post 8vo, with Illustrations. 7s. BURCHETT'S DEFINITIONS OF GEOMETRY. 24mo, BURCHETT’S PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. Fourth Edition. 8vo, cloth. Price 5s. DYCE'S ELEMENTARY OUTLINES OF ORNAMENT. 50 Selected Plates, small folio, sewed. Price 5s. TEXT TO DYCE'S DRAWING-BOOK. Fcap. 8vo. Price 6d. REDGRAVE'S MANUAL AND CATECHISM ON COLOUR. Second Edition. 24mo, sewed. Price 9d. REDGRAVE ON THE NECESSITY OF PRINCIPLES IN TEACHING DESIGN. Fcap. sewed. Price 6d. A DIAGRAM TO ILLUSTRATE THE HARMONIOUS RELATIONS OF COLOUR. Small folio. Price 9d. PRINCIPLES OF DECORATIVE ART. Folio, sewed. Price 1s. LINDLEY'S SYMMETRY OF VEGETATION. 8vó, sewed. Price 18. ROBINSON'S LECTURES ON THE MUSEUM. Fcap. sewed. Price 6d. AN ALPHABET OF COLOUR. Reduced from the works of Field, Hay, Chevreuil. 4to, seved. Price 38. DIRECTIONS FOR INTRODUCING ELEMENTARY DRAWING IN SCHOOLS AND AMONG WORKMEN. Published at the request of the Society of Arts. Small 4to, cloth. Price 43. 6d. ILLUSTRATIONS TO BE EMPLOYED IN THE PRAC- TICAL LESSONS ON BOTANY. Adapted to all classes. Prepared for the South Kensington Museum. By the Rev. Prof. HINBLOW. With Illustrations. Post 8vo. Price 6d. DRAWING FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS; being a Manual of the Method of Teaching Drawing, specially adapted for the Use of Masters of National and Parochial Schools. By ELLIS A. DAVIDSON, Head Master of the Ohester School of Art, and Professor of Drawing at the Chester Diocesan Training College. Published under the sanction of the Science and Art Department of the Committee of Council of Education, Post 8vo, cloth. 38. . J. E. TAYLOR, PRINTER, LITTLB QORRN BTIBIT, LINCOLN'S INX TIBLDS, DEPOSITORY OR THE Church of England Education Society, 11, ADAM-STREET, ADELPHI, LONDON, W.C. ATLASES, DIAGRAMS, GLOBES, MAPS, COPY BOOKS, BLACK BOARDS, EASELS, SLATES, ETC. The Depository. has been established for the purpose of supplying the best SCHOOL BOOKS, MATERIALS, ETC., AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Donors of 101. 10s., and Subscribers of 16. 1s., if Clergymen, 10s. 6d., and upwards to the Society's Funds, are Members, and can purchase School Books and Materials at a roduction of 3d. in the Shilling from the Published Prices. Schoolmasters subscribing 58. per annum, and Clergymen making Congrega- tional Collections, or whose Schools are aided by the Society, are entitled to the same privileges. The reduction to the Public is at the rate of 2d, in the Shilling. SCHOOL BOOKS. The General Catalogue contains a careful selection of the most approved Educational Works arranged under the following heads :- Bibles. | Book-keeping. Hymns. Principles of Teaching. Testaments. Catechisms. Mental Philosophy. Reading and Composition. Common Prayers. Chemistry. Mechanics. Reading Lesson Books. Chronology. Mensuration. Registers. Algebra. Domestic Economy. Natural History. Text Books (Religious). Arithmetic. Drawing. Natural Philosophy. Do. (Secular). Astronomy. Geography. Poetry. Vocal Music. Atlases. Grammar. Political Economy. Biography. | History. Preservation of Health. I Any Works not included in the Catalogue can be supplied at a similar reduction from the published prices. Writing. - THE GENERAL CATALOGUE, . In which the various Publications and Materials are fully detailed, will be forwarded upon application to Mr. WILLIAM HENRY BROUGHAM, Depositary, ll, Adam-street, Adelphi, to whom all communications for the Depository should be addressed. FOR SCHOOL REQUISITES SEE OTHER SIDE. Churcly of England Education . Society. SCHOOL REQUISITES. The carriage on all orders of Members or Non-members for SCHOOL REQUISITES to the amount of 51. and upwards will be paid to the nearest railway station, but BOOKS may be included when the order exceeds 57. Two or more different Schools in the same locality may combine in an order so as to secure this advantage. NOTE.-The Prices quoted in this Catalogue are for Members only, but Non-members are supplied at an advance of about Ten per Cent. (See General Catalogue.) · 2 · 6/3 ARITHMETICAL FRAMES. CHALK. 10 x 8,2/2; 15 x 13,3/6; 17 x 15, 1/3; 20 x 17,5/8; White, in Gross Boxes .........................each 1/6 20x17 on Stand, 11/0 Do. in Boxes of 12 ............................ , Brass Holders, strong ....... ............... ) BLACK BOARDS. Chalk in Cedar for Drawing ............. per doz. 119 24 x 30, 3/0; 24 x 36, 4/0; 30% 36, 4/6; Compasses in Wood ....... ............ each 210 30 x 42, 5/6; 38 x 48, 7/6 CIPHERING BOOKS. Ruled for Music. Foolscap. 36 x 24, 5/4; 36 x 48, 9/3 32 Leave fine, ruled.... Ruled for Writing. 32 superfine, ruled . .............. 36 x 48, 913 44 , ruled, half-bound ........... 876 Papier Mache. 68 » 10/6 » 24 x 36, 7/6; 30x54, 15/0 Post. 32 Leaves fine, ruled....... 6/3 BLACK LEAD PENCILS. 32 superfine, ruled ............... 7/9 Commercial ....................... per doz. 143, 16, and /8 | 68 ruled, half-bound ............. „ 13/6 Rowney's Drawing Pencils ...............per doz. 1/4 Brookman and Langdon's .................. , 2/6 CLIPS. Ditto, best quality ......................... „ 4/6 Letter, bronze .............. ....................each /41 Pocket-book Pencils | Tubes for Letters......... 9 .............. » ...... ... ..... ... ...... 143 CLOCKS.. BLOTTING PAPER. Foolscap .......................................per ream 710 American, Thirty Hours ... ............. each 17/6 Demy..............................per ream 11/6 and 16/6 Dial, 8 days, silevt ............ » 21/0 Demy Buff thick 4to., per ream... 15/0; folio, 30/0 COPY-BOOKS. Blotting Books, 8vo. and 4to..........each /4, 16, 19 Toolscap. BROWN PAPER. 12 Leaves, common, ruled ............... per doz. /10 Bag Cap and Imperial ..........per quire 1/0 and 1/6 12 » fine 20 * , CABINET OF OBJECTS. 20 * superfine , ............... 2 /0 To illustrate Miss Mayo's Lessons .....each 30/0 20 , *ex. super. ,, Information on Common Objects ........., 40/0 * Plain, 11 per dozen less than ruled. Post. · CARPENTER'S TOOLS. 20 Leaves fine, ruled..... Models in Boxes.........................each 2/3 and 3/6 | 20 superfine, ruled ............. Do. on Cards ...... 1/2 | 20 ex. super. ............... 1/2 ............ 216 310 School Books and Materiuls. 1/0 0 XE With Engraved Head Lines. GLOBES. Bailey's, Post, Nos. 1 to 11 ............... per doz. 310 In Handsome Boxes, cach /10, 1/6, 2/6, and 8/0 Darnell's, fcap., 12 leaves .............. 210 On Pedestals, Mahogany , 1/6, 2/0, 3/6, and 16/10 Do. post, 16 „ ................... » In Low Wood Frames, each 25/0, 35/0, and 58/6 Farnell's, post, Nos. I to 11, 12 leaves , Covers .................. „ 1/9, 4/8, 5/3, and 5/9 Mulhauser's, Nos. 1, 2, and 3 Philips', fcap., 12 leaves, Nos. I to 15 HAND BELLS.. Swan's Universal, 12 leaves ............ Metal, Nos. 1 and 2 ................... each 16% and /9 Do. Elementary, 12 , ............ Do. with Done Tops ................, 2/6 Do. do. post, 12, ............ INDIA RUBBER. DEMY. Per lb.............................. Patent, 3/0; Bottle Per ream ........................... 11/3, 15/3, and 20/0 INK. DESKS AND FORMS. In Gallon Bottles, 510; Quart, 1/3; Pint, 18 Particulars sent upon application. INK WELLS. DRAWING MATERIALS. Manufactured Expressly for the Blocks................... each 1/1, 2/6, 316, and 4/4 Society. Boards, 20 x 15 ....................................each 2/9 Earthenware (white), per doz. 1/0, 1/3, and 1/6 Paper, Drawing ............................ per ream 2/6 , with Top, Strong ......... per doz. 3/0 Do., Cartridge ............................. ~ 1/6 Lead, Pewter, and Gutta Percha. Pencils ............ per doz. 1/4, 1/6, 2/6, and 4/6 Pencil Sharpeners .... ...... each 14 LETTER PAPER. Pins ....................... ................ per doz. 14 Straw........... ... ..... per ream, 1/0 and 510 Sketch Books ......... each 12, 14, 15, and /8. Cream-laid ......per ream, 5/8, 8/0, 11/0, and 12/0 Do., in embossed Cloth ... ... ..... ... ... ... each /41 MAPS. Do., do., Interleaved ........................each 1/0 Betts's, Chambers's, Cruchley's, Johnston's, Smith Stands for Copies ............ .....each 18 and Son's, Varty's, &c., &c. T Squares............................16 in. 1/4, 21 in. 210 .......... per sheet 131 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. In Polished Mahogany, each 2/2, 4/4, 8/9, and 21/0 EASELS (Improved). Plain, from 3 feet to 9 feet. MEMORANDUM BOOKS. 2/6, 3/0,4/0, 4/6,5/0, 5/6, and 9/6 Foolscap ruled, 42 leaves ...............per doz., 4/6 Post 2 96 10 ................ Polished. » 10/0 3/6, 410, 510, 6/0, 6/9, 7/6, and 13/0 MILLBOARDS. ENVELOPES. 1/10, 2/3, 3/0, and 4/8 per doz. Small Note, Note and Letter Sizes per 1,000. NOTE PAPER. Fine Yellow Wove ...................... 3/2, 3/10, 4/5 Straw .............. ..... per ream, 210, 2/6 Cream Laid .................................. 3/6, 410, 4/10 Cream-laid......... per ream, 2/10, 4/0, 5/6, and 6/0 Do. Thick ........................4/10, 5/8, 7/1 Blue Laid ............... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .....515, 610 PAPER KNIVES. Buff Wove American........................... 2/11, 3151 Bone ......... ........ ... ... each 15 Do. Laid superfine ............................. 4/8, 5/5 Ivory, 9 inches .............. » 1/2 Official, Mourning, &c. PEN CASES, EXERCISE BOOKS. Wood .... ............... per doz. 19 Foolscap, ruled ....... ................. per doz. 270 Post .... 310 PENS, FOOLSCAP PAPER. 110, 1/9, 2/3, 3/4, and 4/6 per 100. Per ream, plain ...............6/9, 7/9, 11/0, and 14/0 POCKET PENCILS. se ruled ...............7/9, 8/9, 12/0, and 15/0 Lund's ....... .................. each /13, 14, 19, and 1/11 FORM AND COLOUR. For Pocket-books, Ivory Tops .............. each 10 In Boxes... ... .... ... ... ..... ... ... each 9/6 and 11/6 Perry's Propelling Leads .. ..................... 1 /43 GEOMETRICAL SOLIDS. POINTERS. In Boxes ... ................. each 5/5, 8/9, and 15/0 | Short and Long .................. per doz. 2/0 and 410 Churcly of England Education Society. PORTFOLIOS. Post, each /10); Foolscap, 1/9; Demy, 2/2 PRINTS FOR INFANT-SCHOOLS. Agriculture, Anatomy, Clock-face, Cotton- plant, Geography, Geometry, Kitchen Uten- sils, Order of Creation, Parts of Speech, Shells and Insects, Sources of Food, Trades, &c. .... ... ... ... ...per sheet 19 Animals, comparative sizes............. y 1/2 Ditto, 21 prints (Varty)....... ..... 25/0 Domestic and Wild Animals, 36 prints ...... 14/0 Preceptive Prints, 52 sorts ........................ 39/0 Scripture Prints, 5 sorts ........................... 716 Ditto, 40 sorts .................. &c., &c., &c. SLATES. Best Welsh, Unframed. 6x4, 17; 7.x5, 110; 8x6, 1/2; 10x7, 1/6; 11 x 7, 2/0 per doz. Framed in Birch. 7 x 5, 2/0; 8 x6, 2/6; 10 x 7, 3/0; 12 x 8, 4/3; 13 x 9,5/3 per doz. For Diagrams, framed. 25 * 17, 3/6; 30 x 21, 6/; 36 x 24, 7/6 Frames and Stands. 25 x 17, 13); 30 x 21, 16/; 36 x 24, 18/6 Geographical. In Outline and Key, each 1/6 23 ... ................................ QUILLS. /11, 1/7, 2/1, 3/2, and 4/4 per 100. READING AND SPELLING. In Boxes ................. each 4/0, 7/0, 106, and 12/6 SLATE PENCIL. Best Long, per 1,000, 3/0. , 4/0. SLATE PENCIL HOLDERS. Tin, per gross, 1/4; Steel, 2/6 and 3/0. 13 per Ball. REGISTERS. Durham, Hay's, Martin's, and Varty's. RULERS. Round. 12, 123, 14, 15, 17, 110, and 1/0 each. 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, and 24 inches. Flat same price as Round. SLATE SPONGE. 5/0 per 10. STEEL PENS. Gillott's, per gross, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 14, 1/8, and 210 STEEL PEN HOLDERS. Gillott's, 1/3, 1/10, 2/0, 2/2, and 3/0 per gross. SEALING-WAX. Red or Black, best, per lb., 3/0; Common, 1/9. SERMON PAPER. 4/6 and 5/6 per Ream, SHEET LESSONS. Alphabets, Arithmetic, Bible History, Geography, Grammars, Hymns, Prayers, Scripture Lessons, Spelling and Reading, Scripture Texts, &c. THERMOMETERS. Box-tvood, each 1/ TUNING FORKS. ..... each 1/8 Standard .. Ivory, 14; Metal, 15 each, ORDERS AND PAYMENT OF GOODS. On receipt of an Order from the Catalogue an Invoice will be forwarded; but the Goods cannot be sent until a remittance for the amount has been received, in conformity with a Resolution of the Committee to that effect. Remittances for the payment of Goods to be made by Order on the Charing-cross Post- office, or by Cheque on a LONDON BANK, crossed "Union Bank of London," payable to the Depositary, Mr. WILLIAM HENRY BROUGHAM, to whom all communications for the Depository should be addressed. DEPOSITORY, 11, ADAM-STREET, ADELPHI, LONDON (W.C.). EDUCATIONAL BOOKS, PUBLISHED BY JAMES CORNISH, 297, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON. Dr. Giles's Keys to the Classics, 2 . 1 Tconstruing of the ublic Schools, and knowledge of TRANSLATED, WORD FOR WORD, WITH THE TEXT. MHESE KEYS will be of great use to beginners; they give the exact Iconstruing of the Greek and Latin Classics, as they are construed at the Universities and Public Schools, and they furnish a copia verborum on which may afterwards be based a sound knowledge of the Classics. LATIN–1. OVID'S METAMORPHOSES, Book I, 1s. 2. CÆSAR’S COMMENTARIES, Books I to IV, 2s 6d. 3, 4, & 5. VIRGIL'S BUCOLICS and GEORGICS, 2s 6d. ÆNEID, Books I to IV, 2s 60.-(V to VIII, 2s 6d.) 6. HORACE'S ODES and EPODES, 2s 6d. - SATIRES, EPISTLES, &c. 2s 6d. Or complete in One Volume, cloth, 5s. 8. LIVY'S HISTORY, Book XXI, 2s. 9. PERSIUS'S SATIRES, complete, 1s. 10 & 11. TERENCE'S ANDRIA, 1s 60.-ADELPHI, 1s 6d. 12. TACITUS'S GERMANY and AGRICOLA, 1s 6d. 13. CICERO on OLD AGE and FRIENDSHIP,'2s. 14. - SELECT ORATIONS-(The Manilian Law for Archias---for Rabirius—for Sylla), 2s 6d. GREEK-1 to 4. THE FOUR GOSPELS, 2s 6d. each, or in one volume, (on large paper) bound in cloth, 10s. 5. ACTS to REVELATIONS, Volume 2, (on large paper) bound in cloth, 10s. 6. THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, 2s 6d. 1. EPISTLES OF ST. PAUL, Parts I and II, 2s 6d. each. 8. GENERAL EPISTLES and REVELATIONS, 2s 6d. 9. XENOPHON'S ANABASIS, Books I and II, 2s 6d. 10. HOMER'S ODYSSEY, Books I and II, 1s 6d. 11. ÆSCHYLUS. PROMETHEUS and SUPPLIANTS, 25—ortogether, with the Seven against Thebes—and the Persians, 3s. 12. EURIPIDES. PHENISSA, 1s 6d. 13. PLATO'S APOLOGY of SOCRATES and CRIT 14. ODES OF PINDAR, (Olympian and Pythian), 2s. Η ΚΑΙΝΗ ΔΙΑΘΗΚΗ. THE NEW TESTAMENT, according to the received Text (Greek and English), Word for Word, by the Rev. Dr. Giles, late Fellow of C. C. College, Oxford, 2 vols, foolscap 8vo. cloth, 20s. EASY METHOD of LEARNING the MODERN LANGUAGES. On the basis of " Dr. Giles's Keys to the Classics.” . Key to German-Schiller's Revolt of the Netherlands. A Literal and— Word for Word -Translation, by H. Apel, (author of " German Grammar," &c.) with the TEXT, Chaps. I to IX., 2 s. 60. Key to French-Voltaire's Charles XII. A Literal and—Word for Word- Translation, by C. Messiter, Books I to IV, 2s.6d. Key to Italian-I Promessi Sposi. A Literal and—Word for Word-Translation, by Madame Apel, Chaps. I to IV, 1s. 6d. Essentials of French Grammar, by Madame Apel, 1s. Key to St. John's Gospel, French-English, Word for Word.—In the Press A Key to Arnold's Latin Prose Composition, Part I. (last edition) by a Cambridge M.A. 1s6d.. If sent by Post a Stamp extra. Kavanagh's Universal Table Book, FOR THE USE OF . COLLEGES-SCHOOLS (THE NATIONAL AND ALL OTHERS)— ENGINEERS/MECHANICS—THE COUNTING-HOUSE- FOR TRADESMEN-FOR EVERYBODY. Price 9d.-Bound in Cloth, 1s.-by Post a Stamp extra. A Liberal Allowance to Schools. "THE UNIVERSAL TABLE Book is a small but complete Manual or Office Companion, containing every-day information for men of business; there are Tables of Numbers, Pence, Multiplication, Measures, and ritual of Imperial System, of Measures, Land, Annuity, Cubes, Duration of Life, Composite Numbers, Weather, and Tables for reducing Foreign Monies into English, Exchanges, &c. &c.; we repeat that this will be found a useful companion.” Halifax Courier, Alay 26th, 1860. “We have not met with a book of Arithmetic more serviceable than this, whilst the cost is only ninepence, in a household or the counting house it is equally useful."- Hereford Chronicle, May 26th, 1860. Price One Shilling, in cloth, -free by Post, 13 stamps. FOREIGN PHRASES FAMILIARISED. By the Rev. Dr. GILES. Explaining several hundred sentences so often met with in reading, writing, and speaking, but not always understood. “A book for everybody. So many foreign words and phrases are now in general use that are meaningless to a reader of English only, that we hail with pleasure this useful book of Dr. Giles's. No English reader should be without it-it is the cheapest shilling's worth we have lately seen.- Birmingham Daily Press. Price Sixpence ;--free by Post 7 Stamps. THE SCHOOLMASTER AT HOME; Errors in Speaking and Writing Corrected, a few words on letters H. and R., with Familiar Synonymes and Words of Similar Sound distinguished. "A very useful Book upon every day Errors committed by the learned and . unlearned. We have profited by its pages and recommend it as a cheap Sixpenny worth."-Birm. Daily Press. Price Eighteenpence ;---free by Post. one Stamp extra. HEBREW WITHOUT A MASTER. Wolf's (J. F.) Manual of Hebrew Grammar, with Points. Being a concise introduction to the Holy TONGUE, so arranged as to facilitate the task of Learning the Language without a Master. Svo. Used by “ Order of the Council" at the South Kensington Museum- Department Science and Art—and at the National and other Public Schools. Price Eighteenpence, cloth ;-free by Post 19 Stamps. JEWITT'S HAND-BOOK OF PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE, Containing the Principles and Practice of Perspective, for the Use of Beginners and Artists in general, with Plates. . The FRONTISPIECE forms a Drawing Board, on which are marked by Italic Capitals, all the vanishing and measuring points used in the problems, with a parallelo- gram corresponding in size and situation with those on the lesser plates, and so contrived in the binding, that when unfolded, all the lesser plates will lie with their backs upon it, and every line on both coincide with each other: by this means every object is drawn as on a picture; the horizon and distance of the eye are kept the same in all the drawings, and distortion is obviated. LONDON : JAMES CORNISH, 297, HIGH HOLBORN, W. C. 37, Lord Street, Liverpool, and 18, Grafton Street, Dublin; and all Booksellers. Dr. Cornwell's Educational Works, FOR SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES. RECENT ADDITIONS TO THE SERIES (see also p. 4). Just published, all on Steel, MAP-BOOK FOR BEGINNERS, 1s. 6d. plain; 2s. 6d. coloured, Being a Companion Atlas to the “GEOGRAPHY FOR BEGINNERS ;" consisting of twelve pages of Maps, with numerous small maps of the remarkable parts of a country enlarged. Also, for MAP DRAWING, BOOK OF BLANK MAPS, Is. The above Maps, complete in all but the names, to be filled in by the learner. BOOK OF MAP PROJECTIONS, Is. Twelve plates, of the lines of Latitude and Longitude to the above Maps. 7th Edition, price 1s., GEOGRAPHY FOR BEGINNERS, BY JAMES CORNWELL, PH.D. SPECIMEN PAGE OF GEOGRAPHY FOR BEGINNERS. ENGLAND. 17 38. England is very rich in MINERALS. The chief are coal, iron, copper, lead, tin, and salt. Coal is most abundant in Northumberland, Durham, and South Wales; iron in South Wales, and the south of Staffordshire; tin is obtained only from Cornwall and Devon, whose mines have been worked for more than two thousand years; salt from the salt mines and springs of Worcestershire. It is from the North and West of England that nearly all the minerals are obtained, these being the mountainous or hilly parts, metals being found gene- rally only in mountainous districts. No country in the world supplies so much coal and tin as England does. The value of the minerals raised in England is greater than that of all the other coun- tries of Europe put together. 39. The CLIMATE of England is mild and healthy though humid, and the soil generally fertile. AGRI- OULTURE is in an advanced state. Much of the land is in pasture, particularly in the Western counties, where the atmosphere is most charged with moisture. This forms the beautiful green carpet for which the scenery of England, and indeed of the whole of the British Islands, is so noted. . 40. England is by far the most important manufac- turing country in the world. The chief MANUFAC- TURES are those of cotton, wool, iron, silk, leather, and earthenware. The cotton manufacture is carried on at Manchester, and the towns lying a few miles around it. The woollen manufacture is carried on at Leeds and other towns, in what is called the West Riding of Yorkshire, and also in the West of England, in Wilt- shire, Somersetshire, and Gloucestershire. 29th Edition, price 3s. 6d. ; 0r, with 30 Maps on Steel, 5s. 6d., A SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY. By JAMES CORNWELL, PH. D. The estimation in which this work is held is shown by the almost unprecedented sale it has obtained, which has gone on steadily increasing from the time of its publication. The later editions have been enlarged, and the statistical information corrected to a recent date. A complete index has also been added, which contains every name occurring in the book. PREFACE. The following are among the characteristic features of this work :- (1.) The distinction is everywhere broadly marked between Physical and Political Geography. The Physical condition of a country is given before the Political, because if the first is well understood, the last may be deduced as a consequence. For instance, when a child is acquainted with the position of the great coal-fields of our island, he can determine for himself the seat of its manufactures, and account for the rapid growth of Manchester and Glasgow in recent times, and the compara- tive decline of Norwich and Sudbury. In the order of the Physical Facts, too, those are placed first which stand in the relation of calises to other Pbysical Facts. Thus the mountain system always precedes the water system. (2.) The Etymology of a great number of names is given, where such names are themselves significant. Thus, when the Pupil has learnt that stan is the Persian word for lanil, he knows the meaning of Hindostan, Afghanistan, Beloochistan, &c. Afon is given as the old British word for water, and it is then at once seen why we have so many river Avons in England. When the Anglo-Saxon dun and the Danish fell are said to mean hill, the pupil not merely understands the mean- ing of the names the Downs and Cross Fell, &c., but he learns the historical fact that, as the name fell occurs only in the N. of our island, the permanent conquests of the Northmen or Danes were almost confined to that part. The Spanish word Sierra and the Portuguese Serra, applied to mountains, are significant to one who knows they are only the altered form of the Latin serra, a saw: ipasmuch as it describes the saw-like appearance of the summits of a distant range. The con- quests of the Spanish and Portuguese might be traced, too, by observing the parts of the world in which Sierra and Serra are respectively used for the mountain chains. (3) Every fact is ranged under its proper head. Definile information is fur- nished in its proper place. The large type should be committed to memory; the notes and the smaller type should be read, and the information elicited by ques- tions. A good deal of attention has been given to clearness of arrangement and definiteness of information, for a discursive school-book doubles the labour of the teacher, and retards the progress of the scholar. (4.) The Exercises are unusually long. A question is put respecting every fact staieil. A test is thus furnished lo the pupil himself, by which he can ascertain whether he has acquired his assigned task. He can neither persuade himself or his teacher that he “thought he bad mastered it," till be really has done so. These questions may or may not be used by the teacher in his examinations. (6.) The pronunciation and accentuation of difficult names are given at the time of their occurrence. The preparation of the School Geography has been to the author a long and laborious work. It might have been less so, if he could have reconciled it to his own sense of right to appropriate to himself the fruits of another's labour. But, such as it is, the plan is his own. For many of its details he is of course indebted to others; in some degree to various English and American works, but more especially to the great French geographers, Malte Brun (if we may call him Freuch), Balbi, and Huot; and io the German ones, Ritter, Stein, and Volger. This book will have failed in its purpose, if it does not call into exercise the reasoning faculties of those who use it, and thus render Geography a philosophical study, instead of a mere list of hard names and numbers. “We are qualified by ample trial of the books in our own classes to speak to their great efficiency and value. Wo have never known so much interest evinced, or so much progress made, in the study of geography, as since we have employed these as our school-books.”—Educational Times. Price 2s. Od. or 4.s., coloured, A SCHOOL ATLAS. By JAMES CORNWELL, PH.D. This Atlas consists of thirty beautifully executed maps on steel, in which is found every place mentioned in the Autbor's “School Geography.” It also con. tains a list of several hundred places, with their latitude and longitude. These names are acceptuated; and, in cases of difficulty, the pronunciation also is given. . The current edition has been revised up to the time of going to press, showing recent changes and discoveries. SPECIMEN PAGE OF THE SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY. 514. Rivers.--Po, Adigé, Arno, Tiber. Except in the N., Italy is not very well watered, nor are its rivers very serviceable for commerce. The Po rises on Mount Viso, drains the district between the Alps and Apennines, receives numerous rapid tributaries on the N., and, after a rapid current, discharges its waters, by four mouths, into the Adriatic Sea.? 515. Lakes.—Garda, 180 sq. m.; Maggiore,2 150 sq. m.; Como, Lugano, Iseo, -all on the S. slope of the Alps; Perugia, Bolseno, Celano, in the Apennines. The Italian Lakes are remarkable for their beauty : Como presents the sublimest scenery; Maggiore the prettiest. Maggiore is about 2,000 feet deep. 516. Climate.- Warm and delicious. Deep blue, cloudless skies. Some of the low lands uninhabited, owing to the pestilential vapours called Malaria.3 The Alps protect Italy from the cold northern blasts. But the mountainous districts, especially of the N.W., are of course cold above a certain elevation. S. Italy and Sicily have almost the climate of N. Africa, the date-palm, aloe, and sugar-cane succeeding there; even the papyrus is found in one part of Sicily, near Syracuse. The Malaria prevails more especially along the W. coast of Tus- cany, and the States of the Church, a distance of above 200 miles, for a breadth varying from 1 to 40 miles : and also in the N. of the States of the Church, between Ferrara and Bologna. These unhealthy districts are sometimes, but not always, marshes. They are called the Maremma,* in the N.; the Pontine Marshes, in the S.; and part of the Campagna di Roma, in the Middle. Whole districts, once populous, are now uninhabited. Many parts are, notwith- standing, very beautiful and fertile, and are either used as pasture, 1 To prevent the inundations to which it is naturally liable, it has been well banked in. But in consequence of this, the bed of the river has been so much raised by the earth, and other substauces brought dowu in great abundance by its mountain streams, that it is, in niany parts, 30 feet higher than the surrounding country. This is of service for irrigation; but should the water ever break through its buuks, the consequences would be very serious. Another effect of the quantity of the earlby matter brouglat down by ibis river is, the formation of land at its mouth. Towns that were once or the sea are now quite inland. Adria,* Ravendo, jor iustaoce. The land is gaining on the Adriatic, at present, at the rate of 230 feet annually. 2 Maggiore means greater. Garda is, however, larger. 3 From the Italian mala, bad,-aud aria, air. 1 Froin mare, the scu. Maremma means the land along the sea. " There are bright scenes beneath Italiau skies, Where glowing suns their purest light diffuse, Uncultured flowers iu wild profusion rise, ohues; weath,Mrs. Aud pature lavishes lier warmest hues; But trust thou not her smile, her balmy breath ; Away! ber charms are but the pomp of Death!"-Mrs. Hemans, * Adria was once un important port and guve name to the Adriatic Sea. 5th Edition, price 1s. 6d., ARITHMETIC FOR BEGINNERS. BY JAMES CORNWELL, PH.D., AND JOSHUA G. FITCH, M.A. 1. This work is eminently PRAOTICAL, and contains a greater number of examples, wider in their range and more varied in their character, tban are found in books of its size and price. II. The method of treatment throughout is INDUCTIVE. It is not a book of practice only. III. It is copious in its EXPLANATORY EXAMPLES, both inductive and illustrative. Thus, the working of a first example leads to the discovery of each Rule; the working of the second teaches its practical application. IV. The first group of sums under each Rule consists of very simple questions, adapted for ORAL EXERCISE. Ample and systematic provision is thus made for MENTAL CALCULATION. V. Rules are given for the reduction of our present money to the DECIMAL SYSTEM Of coinage and accounts; and exercises for practice are appended. These, indispensable in the event of a change, are also of great practical utility under the existing system. ... SPECIMEN PAGE OF ARITHMETIC FOR BEGINNERS. DIVISION. 33. EXAMPLE. A father left the sum of £2,352 to be divided equally ainong his six children. What should be the share of each? EXPLANATION.-The whole sum has to be parted into six equal shares; we have therefore to find a sixth part of it. But the sixth part of so large a sum as £2,352 cannot be found all at once, and must therefore be found in portions. Let us set down the whole sum, and place the six on the left side of it, thus:- Thousand. Hundred. Tens. Units. 3 9 The first part is 2 thousands, but we cannot find the sixth part of this in thousands, so we call it 20 hundreds, and join it to the 3 hundreds We next try to take the sixth part of 23 hundreds. But the nearest answer to this is 3 hundreds, which is the sixth part of 18 hundreds, so we set down the 3 hundreds, and carry on the 5 hundreds which have not been divided These 5 hundreds added to the 5 tens make 55 tens. But the nearest sixth part of 55 tens mentioned in the tables is 9 tens, which we therefore set down, carrying on the remain- ing 1 ten which is not yet divided. This 1 ten and the 2 units make 12 units or single pounds. But the sixth part of 12 units is 2 units, which we set down under the units. Thus:-- Because 3 hundred is the sixth part of 1800 And 9 tens is the sixth part of 540 And 2 units is the sixth part of 12 Therefore 392 is the sixth part of 2352 The answer therefore is, Three hundred and ninety-two pounds, which is the share of each (S. of A., 93). 34. This process is called DIVISION, because the number is DIVIDED, or separated into parts. The number so divided (2352) is called the DIVIDEND, the dividing number (6) is called the DIVISOR, and the answer (392) is the QUOTIENT. The character ; is the sign of Division; or sometimes the Dividend is put over the Divisor : thus- 56 • 8=7; or, 5% = 7, may be read, Fifty-six divided by eight equals seven ; or, fifty-six upon eight equals seven. 7th Edition, price 4s. 6d.g THE SCIENCE OF ARITHMETIC : A SYSTEMATIC COURSE OF NUMERICAL REASONING AND COMPUTATION, WITH VERY NUMEROUS EXERCISES. BY JAMES CORNWELL, PH. D., AND JOSHUA G. FITCI, M.A. S SPECIMEN PAGE OF THE SCIENCE OF ARITHMETIC. SECTION II.-ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION. 207. Whenever fractions have the same denominator they may be added together by adding their numerators Demonstrative Example.-4+6+1 + 15 = 4+6+1+15 – 26 The denominator is the namer of the parts into which the unit is di- vided; consequently all the fractions which have the same denominator 5 .3 + 2 refer to the same parts of unity. Hence, and I must ma just as truly as £3 and £2 make £5. General Formula.- + + = a + e + s. 208. Observation. Sometimes the numbers to be added together aro improper fractions or mixed numbers. If the former, they should be reduced to mixed numbers, and the whole numbers should then be added by themselves, and also the fractions by themselves. Example. Find the sum of 51, 84, 124, 25. By (9) these may be added in any order, thus:- 53 +8% + 12 + 2 = 5 +8 + 12 + 2 + tit t Adding together the whole numbers and bringing the fractions to a common denominator, we have- 27 + 3 + + 32 + 15 = 27.5 = 29%. RULE FOR ADDITION OF FRACTIONS. 209. Reduce the fractions to a common denominator by (203), add the numerators only, and place the common denominator under the sum. EXERCISE LXI. 1. t . 2. titir.. 3. \ + i + š. 4. 2 12 + 3 5. 17} + 6 + Mg 6. + + . 7. 41 + 61 + is 8. 41 to 9. 4 t + á 10. 10 t ot 10 %. 11. tit 12. 1 + 2 + 13. 294 + + $. 14. + 145 + s. 15. io + + 100%. 16. m + 104 + 3. 17. 212 + +16. 18. 124 + + 000 different times , s, š, and ? “ We are glad to see this revised edition of the best work on Arithmetic that has yet appeared. It is both scientific and practical in the best and fullest sense of those terms."— London Quarterly Revieu. 31st Edition, price 2s. red ; ls. 9d. cloth, AN ENGLISH SCHOOL GRAMMAR, With very copious Exercises, and a Systematic View of the Formation and Deriva- tion of Words, comprising Anglo-Saxon, Latin, avd Greek Lists, which explain the Etymology of above Seven Thousand English Words. By ALEXANDER ALLEN, Ph. D., and JAMES CORNWELL, PH.D. The Etymnology has been treated much more fully than is usual. Copious Lists of the principal Derivatives from Anglo-Saxon, Latin, and Greek have been given; and throughout the whole section on the Formation and Derivation of Words, Exercises have been added, which at once test and facilitate the pupil's comprehension of the subject. These Lists explain the Derivation of above Seven Thousand English Words. The Verbs, commonly called Irregular, are arranged in regular classes; and the Plurals, commonly called Irregular, are classified and explained. The arrangement of the Tenses of the Verb, usually very complicated and perplexing, has been much simplified The Rules of Syntax have been distributed under certain main divisions or headings (RULES 1, 2, 3, 4, &c.), and subdivisions (RULES 1. A.-1. B.---1. C.-&c.). This arrangement, it is believed, will be found very conducive to perspicuity, and a considerable aid to the memory. Almost every paragraph is numbered throughout the book, so that any remark or rule can be easily and quickly referred to. Almost every fresh Definition, Rule, Observation, Caution, &c., bas an Exercise upon it. As soon as any inforination is imparted, the pupil is called on to act upon it. The Instructions and the Exercises, so to speak, keep pace with one another. By thus limiting the object, the judgment may be exercised upon it more correctly. Many usages and phrases, purely idioinatic and sanctioned by our best writers, which, how- ever, have been condemned as bad in some School Grammars, probably from want of acquain- tance, or from a deficient acquaintance, with the older forms of the language, and with the genius of the whole family of tongues to which ours belongs, have been regarded as genuine English, and reduced to rule. All the Definitions, Rules, &c., which are to be committed to memory, bave been printed in a large type; and thus are at once distinguished from the Explanations and Observations which are to be read, and from the Exercises which are to be written. All Tables and Lists must be learnt. "Written by those wbo are profoundly acquainted with the sources of our language, and who bave brought this acquaintance to bear on its grammatical structure. This grammar will make its way in schools." Church of England Quarterly. “The most accurate, original, philosophical, and yet simple, school English Grammar we have ever examined.”— Scottish Press. SPECIMENS OF THE SCHOOL GRAMMAR. PURE ENGLISH AFFIXES.-VERBS. 185. Verbs are formed by the terminations en, le, er, y, and ish. (1.) By en, as weak-en, strength-en. EXPL.--En, added to Adjectives, has the force of' to make,' as weakcen, 'to make weak;' added to Nouns, it has the force of 'to give,' as strengthen, 'to give strength to. So ☺) Merely en added. ☺ Consonant doubled. ☺ e dropt. Dark-en Glad-d-en Whit-en (2.) By lė, as hand-le, start-le. So strag-g-le fr. stray; crumb-le fr. crumb; wrig-g-le fr. wry; wad-d-le fr. wade; skuf-f-le fi. shove; pad-d-le fr. pad; scuf-f-le fr. scuff ; nib-b-le fr. nip; drib-b-le fi. drip; wrang-le fr. wring; grap-p-le fr. gripe; ram-b-le fr. roam. EXERCISE XLI. ( Write out twenty other Verbs in en, and six in le. 347. Caution.-- Never use Adjectives as Adverbs. 349. OBS: Ferb into the te be, The fields to looks coldlyon eniy. Say, The girl speaks distinctly, not distinct. 348. Rule 9. 1.-An Adjective follows a Neuter Verb, when it qualifies the Noun which precedes the Verb, and not the Verb itself; as, The fields look green. EXPL.—Here green qualifies fields, not look. 349. OBS.-Use the Adjective and not the Adverb, when you can change the Verb into the corresponding part of the Verb to be. So, The fields look green, might be, T'he fields are green. He looks cold; He looks coldly on us. The air felt loen; 7 He lelt the insult lccenly. EXERCISE CXXXII. ) Give the more usual form of these sentences :- Why are yo come hither ? Thy servant went no whither. The king proceeded thither. Whence are ye come? He goes hence to (°) Change the double negative into affirmative sentences :- Do not be insincere. Let me wander not unseen. He was not unable to come; he was unwilling. Do not be undecided. He was © Supply the appropriate words.--Note. Sometimes Adverbs are required; sometimes Adjectives :- They would have spoken very ( ). If he do not come ( ), I shall have left. The soldiers would fight ( ). The violet smells ( ). The fire burns ( ). The stars shine ( ). The 36th Edition, price 1s. cloth; 9d. sewed., GRAMMAR FOR BEGINNERS; BEINH AN INTRODUCTION TO ALLEN AND CORNWELL'S SCHOOL GRAMMAR. EXTRACTS FROM THE PRIFACE. This little work is meant for young children, when first beginning to learn English Grammar. The things which they first and most want to know, are here taught them one by one. One thing is caught at one time. Nothing is given but what such beginners neeil. Every difficulty is explained as it arises. The Rules or Definitions are in all cases inductions from given examples. Whatever is taught, the pupil is exercised on afterwards. PART I. teaches the child to distinguish the parts of Speech accurately. PART II. teaches some of the most important particulars respecting these parts of speech severally. PART III. teaches some of the most important Rules of Construction or Syntax. Questions are added for examination on the whole. Every subject is treated on the same plan: namely; FIRST:-Clear and pointed EXAMPLES. THIRDLY:-A RULE or DEFINITION, which is an induction from the examples. FOURTHLY :-An EXERCISE on what has been thus taught. • The pupil (rst has a number of facts given him ; then he is directed to the points of resemblance in these several facts-in other words, the facts are explained ; then he is led to form or verify a Rule or Definition from these resemblances; and lastly, he is practised on what he has learnt. Thus, the whole course is, strictly, one of Induction and systematic Progression, Throughout, the object has been, not to aim at anything like completeness or minute detail; but to imprint on the child's mind a strong, clear type of the leading essentials of English Grammar. “From its remarkable simplicity and clcarness this is entitled to all praise and attention. We have never seen a more desirable elementary work."- Court Journal. Nero edition, price 3s., DR. ALLEN'S EUTROPIUS, With a Summary, a complete Dictionary, and an Index of Proper Names. Eutropius is the easiest of Latin authors, and therefore the best suited for those commencing the study of Latin. This edition is edited by Dr. Allen, author of the “ Analysis of Latin Verbs,” a “Greek Delectus,” a “ Latin Delectus," and who was also one of the wrilers in Dr. Smith's “ Dictionary of Grecian and Roman Antiquities." Eleventh Edition, price 45., SELECT ENGLISH POETRY ; For the Use of Schools and Young Persons in General. Edited by ALEXANDER ALLEN, PH. D. This work contains Extracts from the Poems of Addison, Dr. Armstrong, Bloomfield, Burns, Byron, Campbell, Coleridge, Collins, Crabbe, Croxal), Dr. E. 1). Clarke (the Traveller), Darwin, Dryden, Goldsmith, Gray, Bishop Heber, Mrs. Hemans, Hone, Dr. Johnson, Ben Jonson, Kehle, Lamb, Millon, Moore, James Montgomery, Mickle, Mrs. H. More, Mair, Pope, Shakspere, Spenser, Scott, Soutley, Thomson, Wolfe, Wordsworth, and several others. *** This book is well adapted for PRIZES or PRESENTS. “We can only say of this work that we regard it as certainly the best selection of English Poetry for the young with which we are acquainted.”-Christian Spectator. 23rd Edition, price Is. 6d., THE YOUNG COMPOSER; Oi, PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES IN ENGLISH COMPOSITION ; comprising Sen- tence-Making, Variety of Expression and Figurative Language, with Appendices on the Use of Capitals and Punctuation. By JAMES CORNWELL, PH.D. This work proſesses to be an easy introduction to English Composition. By a series of graduated exercises, commencing with those of the very simplest characier, it enables the pupil to acquire a mastery over the use of words, before he is required to engage in the composition of lengthened original essays. As the work exhibits the complete logical structure of the English language, the individual who has construcied, analyzed, altered, or re-arranged the several thousand sentences con- tained in its exercises, has been trained to the use of nearly all the usages of bis own tongue. This work has also been adopted in the higher classes of some schools as a text- book for logical parsing, in which exercise the pupil explains the parts of the sen- tence logically, in addition to the mere grammatical changes and relationships. This has been found to be an admirable discipline of the mind. SPECIMEN OF LOGICAL PARSING OR ANALYSIS. Warwick, who was then at Coventry, de- Complex subordinate sentence. (Sections clined the proffered combat . . ] 67, 76.) Warwick declined the proffered combat Principal sentence. Who was then at Coventry . . Subordinate sentence. Principal sentence. Subordinate sentence. Warwick subject who subject declined predicate was. predicate combat object then adjunct of time to the predicate proffered adjunct to object at Coventry adjunct of place to the predicate “An invaluable little work for beginners. If they go through it steadily they will not only learn how to write, but how to think.”—Literary Gazette. Price 35., A KEY TO THE YOUNG COMPOSER, WITH HINTS AS TO THE MODE OF USING THE Book. LONDON: SIMPKIN AND CO.; HAMILTON, ADAMS, AND CO. EDINBURGH: OLIVER AND BOYD. CRAMPTON AND TURNER'S EDUCATIONAL WORKS, Specimen copies of which are deposited at the Educational Museum, Kensington ; or may. be obtained from the Authors, post free, by forwarding the published price in stamps. I. . THE FIRST GEOGRAPHICAL READING BOOK ; BEING A SERIES OF INDUCTIVE LESSONS IN GEOGRAPHY, WITH QUESTIONS FOR HOME EXERCISES. BY THOMAS CRAMPTON, Master of the Public School, Brentford, W.; AND THOMAS TURNER, Master of the Redcross Street Schools, Bristol. Tenth Thousand. Demy 16mo, 128 pp: School Edition, strong cloth, 8d. Superior Edition, gilt, 1s. "A most valuable addition to our educational literature. It is a most successful attempt to teach Geography according to a rational system.”—THE CRITIC. "The information comprised in so small a book is wonderfully comprehensive, useful, and accurate.”—ENGLISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATION. “We recommend this little manual to the notice of all instructors of youth, as a work of the right educational stamp." -LITERARY GAZETTE. “ Messrs. Crampton and Turner have produced an excellent Geographical Reading Book, which is simply written and well arranged.”—THE PUPIL TEACHER. “This little work is really a READABLE as well as a READING book. The style is praiseworthy for its simplicity.”- PAPERS FOR THE SCHOOLMASTER. "The Geographical Reading Book is noticeable as one of a new order of school. books, written on a philosophical plan.”~JOHN BULL. - The style is simple and attractive, the matter correct and useful, the method rational and philosophical, the arrangement continuous and progressive.”-EDUCA- TIONAL GUARDIAN. II. THE SECOND GEOGRAPHICAL READING BOOK; THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Demy 16mo, 128 pp. School Edition, cloth, 8d, ; Superior do., gilt, 1s. “One of a series, the former issues in which have met with deserved success. The system may be safely praised for its simplicity and impressiveness.”_SUNDAY TIMES. “The style is suited to a child's capacity, and the book may be safely recommended as supplying interesting and useful reading of the right sort for the higher classes in both boys and girls' schools.”—EDUCATIONAL GUARDIAN. London: GROOMBRIDGE & SONS, Paternoster Row. Bristol : W. & F. MORGAN, Clare Street. Crampton 3 and Turner's Educational Works continued. III. TABLET READING LESSONS; . Consisting of Thirty Easy Lessons, in a good bold type, and adapted for all classes of Elementary Schools. Price 3s. per Set. A Frame for the above Lessons, on a new and simple plan.—Price 3s. IV. THE FIRST ENGLISH READING BOOK ; 2 . BEING A SERIES OF EASY LESSONS ON HOME, SCHOOL, & THINGS OUT OF DOORS, IN PROSE AND POETRY: Tending to foster Habits of Observation, and to cherish a love for the Simple, Beautiful, and True. “The subjects, matter, and style, are suited to children, and will consequently tend to promote expression in, and a love for, reading."-EDUCATIONAL GUARDIAN. Third Thousand. Demy 18mo, 144 pp. School Edition, cloth, 8d.; Superior Edition, gilt, ls. Also in Three Parts, strong cloth, 3d. each. V. THE SECOND ENGLISH READING BOOK ; A SERIES OF PROGRESSIVE LESSONS ON COMMON THINGS. With Poetical Selections from the most esteemed modern Writers of School Lyrics. "Messrs. 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THE READING BOOK OF GENERAL SCIENCE, Forming an introduction to the study of Physical Science, and suited for the advanced Classes of Elementary Schools. C SCHOOL ATTENDANCE & REGISTRATION. TURNER'S ABSENCE CHECK BOOK. The plan has been adopted at the MODEL Boys' AND GIRLS' SCHOOLS OF THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN SCHOOL SOCIETY ; and the highest testimony has been given to its efficiency by the PRINCIPALS and MASTERS of METHOD of several TRAINING COLLEGES. ADVANTAGES. 1.- Supplies a Home Register of School Attendance. 2.- Prevents truant playing, by making detection immediate and certain. 3-Supplies causes of absence with the smallest possible amount of *** labour. 4.-Supplies, in a lasting form, a copy of the rules and regulations of the School. : 5.-It throws the cost of absence upon parents, and thus relieves the funds of the School. 6.--Augments the Capitation Grants. · Price 3d. per copy, or 21s. per Hundred. A Title Page printed to order, without extra charge, when not less than 250 are required A specimen copy sent by the Compiler on receipt of Four Postage Stamps. TURNER'S SCHOOL REGISTERS; · Which provide for all that is valuable in School Registration, in such a way as to combine Economy, Simplicity, and Completeness; and supply the information required of Schools receiving aid from the Committee of Council on Education. To Schools. 1.-The ADMISSION REGISTER (for 3,300 Names), S. d. combining an Alphabetical and Chronological Ar- rangement in one entry ... 4 0 Ditto · Ditto (for 2,200 Names) 3 4 2.—The CLASS REGISTER of Attendance, Conduct, Progress, and Fees, (for 51 Names for One Year) 0 10 Ditto Interleaved with Blotting Paper 1 0 Folio for No. 2, strong cloth .. .. .. .. 0 10 Specimen sheets sent for Two Stamps. London : GROOMBRIDGE & SONS, Paternoster Row. Bristol : W. & F. MORGAN, Clare Street. Specimen Page, NORTH-EASTERN DISTRICT. 20 RIVERS. @ watershed of England, then open into valleys, and fall into the North Sea. The western part of the district consists mainly of the carboniferous limestone, and contains two important coal fields, that of Newcastle and Durham in the north, and that of Leeds and Nottingham in the south-west. Proceeding toward the south-east, we have in suc- cession the magnesian limestone, the new red sandstone, then the chalk formations, and finally, near the coast, the tertiary deposits. The nature of the country determines largely the employment of the people. Thus, the great manufac- turing centres are found on the coal fields, while the elevated mountain ranges give employment to a few shepherds, the valleys and plains support an agricul- tural population, and the commercial towns are on the mouths of the larger rivers. The district produces nearly all kinds of agricultural produce ; the land being farmed with great skill and industry. . Northumberland consists mainly of mountainous land intersected by valleys, through which its rivers flow : the principal being the Coquet and the Tyne, together with the Till, which flows into the Tweed; the Aln and the Wansbeck. In addition to the large quantity of Second Geographical Reading Book. Specimen Page, be the Rain, therefore, that fills the brooks and streams. The streams which flow into other rivers are called its tributaries. That part of a river where it flows into a sea or lake is called its mouth. Rivers seldom flow far in a straight line, but wind through sloping channels or beds. The whole country drained by a river and its tributaries, is known as the basin of that riyer. Water, from its own nature, flows downwards, or tends towards the lowest levels. Any rising ground prevents the direct passage of a stream; it therefore winds round the base of a hill or other elevation that stands in its course. Rain comes from the clouds. Clouds are nothing more than masses of watery vapour floating in the air. But where does the vapour come from that forms the clouds? If some water be placed in the open air on a hot day, it will gradually become less in quantity, some of it being changed into vapour by the heat. In the same manner, the heat of the sun causes vapour to rise from seas, lakes, rivers, and from every damp part of the earth's surface exposed to its influence. The air absorbs or takes up this vapour somewhat as a dry sponge absorbs water. The atmosphere is never “First Geographical Reading Book.”. B 5 Specimen Page, First English Reading Book.” NIGHT AND REST. When the sun sets it soon gets dull and dark. As the day ends the night comes on. The birds go to their warm and snug nests, and the beasts of the field lie down to rest.. Boys and girls begin to feel dull and tired, and soon want to sleep. s that have life need rest, and night is the best time for rest and sleep. Those who work well all day may sleep well at night. Work makes sleep sweet. At night we may see the stars shine. This is a grand sight at all times. Then there is the moon that helps to light many of our nights. There is ONE great and good, who sleeps not, but takes care of us by night as well as by day. The verts are printed in Italics, and may be used as a spelling exercise. Specimen Page, “ Second English Reading Book.” HOSIERY. Hose is an old word for a covering for the leg. Although we now call these coverings stockings, yet the words hose, hosen, and hosiery, have not gone quite out of use. Stockings are made of worsted, cotton, or silk. Silk stockings were at one time so very expensive, that Queen Elizabeth could only afford one or two pairs. At the present time silk stockings are much less used than cotton and worsted ones. Worsted is a kind of woollen yarn, which was so named from a place in Norfolk, where it was first made. Worsted stockings are now made mostly at Leicester and Derby. The worsted is woven into stockings on a small frame. At one time stockings were knitted by hand. Cotton and silk stockings are chiefly made at Nottingham and Derby by machinery. Owing to the pressure of the foot in walking, there is much more wear on the foot than on the upper part of a stocking. By neat and careful mending a pair of stockings is made to last a long time. Many little girls are able to darn stockings very neatly, and this is one of the useful things that every girl should learn. MUSIC 11 . FOR SCHOOLS.. CRAMPTON'S SCHOOL PIECES. Arranged in Three Parts, for Two Trebles and a Buss. In Three Parts, Is. each, and in separate sheets (No. 1 to 91), at 6d. per dozen. “We suppose there are few schools in the kingdom, in which Mr. Crampton's simple and beautiful compositions are not sung." --EDOCATIONAL RĘCORD. , " The melodies are simple and pleasing, in some cases beautiful. The harmony is correct and varied ; more attention has been given to the construction of the added parts as melodies than is usual in simple part-writing. The words are well adapted to produce a cheerful and healthful tone in a school.”—EDUCATIONAL EXPOSITOR. + * THE SCHOOL SINGING BOOK. In Two Parts, 3d, each. SABBATH SCHOOL ANTHEMS. Price 6. SCHOOL GLEES, FOR ADVANCED CLASSES IN SCHOOLS, AND FOR CHORAL SOCIETIES. Part I., Price 6d. London : PIPER & Co., Paternoster Row. PSALMODY. THE CHURCH PSALTER. The Tunes taken chiefly from the Old Psalters. By T. & F. R. CRAMPTON. Price 2s. 6d. :: Specimen copies, post free, from the Author (Brentford, London, W.), on receipt of the published price. London : Messrs. RIVINGTON, Pall Mall, W. READING LESSONS IN SOCIAL ECONOMY. BY BENJAMIN TEMPLAR. “A successful attempt to popularize an important subject.”-PAPERS FOR, THE SOHOOLMASTER. Price 1s., or in cloth boards 1s. 3d.; to Schools 10d. and 1s, : London : JARROLD & SONS, 47, St. Paul's Churchyard. French for Beginners. In One Volume, price 1s. 6d., cloth, Key 1s. 8d., HALL'S FIRST FRENCH COURSE AND FRANCE AND THE FRENCH, Edited by J. PAXTON HALL, F.C.P., and T. HALL, B.A. *** The contents of this little work are:-1. 182 very simple progressive Exercises in French and English alternately; II. 45 Easy French Reading Lessons, with Vocabulary to each, on the Geography of France, and the Manners, Customs, and Language of the French People, including 14 Lessons on Paris; III. Complete Elementary French Grammar; IV. French-English and English-French Vocabularies. In the Exercises, which are chiefly from the German, the natural way in which child- ren acquire a knowledge of their mother tongue is imitated as much as possible. The inethod pursued is such as to enable the pupil to combine the Reading, Writing, and Speak- ing of the Language in a simple manner, and so as to render them mutual aids to one another. Second Edition, pp. 178, price 3s. 6d. HALL'S GUIDE TO THE THREE SERVICES : CIVIL, NAVAL, AND MILITARY. I. The Home Civil Service; II. The Indian Civil, Engineer, and Military Services ; With the new Regulations as to Open Competition. III. The Army, Woolwich, Sandhurst, and Addiscombe; IV. Royal Navy and Marines. ' The Home Civil Service comprises :--The nature and extent of the Examinations, with Hints for Preparation ; Essentials for entering the Civil Service, Patronage, Standards of Qualification, Age, Salaries, and Examination Papers. These Papers are given in their most recent form, and not only has one paper in each subject been supplied, but also additional papers where the Examination in the same subject differs for various offices ; a definite idea is thus afforded of the extent of the Examinations in all the subjects prescribed in the Standards of Qualification. Third Edition, increased by one half, price 2s. cloth, EVERYDAY FRENCH TALK, By W. CHAPMAN, . First French Master at Christ's Hospital and Merchant Taylor's School, and Professor to thc City of London Colleye for Ladies, and the Clergy Orphan Corporation School. Contents :-The Conversation which may be heard daily at Home, at School, in the Playground, in Offices and Counting-houses, Shops and Warehouses, and likewise in a trip from London to Paris : followed by a choice selection of Idioms and Proverbs, and an Appendix on the French Weights and Measures. 1 Second Edition, price 2s. 6d., cloth. Kcy, 3s. INDUCTIVE LATIN COURSE. By W. BROWNRIGG SMITH, M.A., F.R.G.S. Contents :- 1. Preliminary remarks on the peculiar fcatures of the Latin Language, its pronunciation, connection with English and other modern languages, its special fitness for educational purposes, &c. II. Two hundred and eight Exercises in Latin and English alternately. III. Questions at the end of every ten exercises ou the accidence and syntacti- cal rules developed and exemplified therein. IV. Outlines of Accidence. V. Vocabularies, Latin-English and English-Latin. The above Work may also be had in Two Parts, price 1s. 6d. each. London : J. B. BATEMAN, 22, Paternoster Row, E.C.. Approved Educational Works for Schools and Families, By GEORGE WHITE, Head Master of the Abbey Street Schools, London N.E. mo CONSTRUCTIVE GEOGRAPHY, 11 Being a Series of Exercises by which a child may effectually learn Geo- graphy, and to draw maps of all countries. : Price 6d. each Part. The Series will include all the usual maps. DRAWING EXERCISES, Adapted to Collective and Individual Teaching, and suited to every kind of School Organization. SET THE FIRST, containing FORTY FIGURES, Price 9d. SET THE SECOND, containing TWENTY-EIGHT FIGURES, Price is. Also, HINTS ON TEACHING DRAWING IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS, WITH A METHOD, Price 3d. WHITE'S ARITHMETICAL EXERCISES, Adapted to collective Teaching, and suited to every kind of School Organization. In separate Sets, Price is a Set. Each Set consists of 56 cards, containing 108 Exercises, beautifully engraved, as Models for the Pupils, with a separate and corresponding TABLE OF ANSWERS, for the use of the Teacher. Sets on the following Rules are already Published 1 Numeration and 'Notation | 5 Simple Division | 8 Compound Subtraction 2 Simple Addition . 1 6 Reduction in all denomin. i 9 Compound Multiplication 3 Simple Subtraction L ations | 10 Compound Division 4 Simple Multiplication 17 Compound Addition |11 Proportion Their practical excellence is verified by THE SALE OF NEARLY 100,000 COPIES DURING THE LAST TEN YEARS. WHITE'S LITTLE TABLE BOOK.-PART I. Containing the Multiplication Tables ; also Farthings, Pence, and Shillings Tables, Price One Farthing each, or Two Shillings per Hundred. WHITE'S LITTLE TABLE BOOK.—PART II. Containing Tables of all the Weights and Measures, Practice, enlarged Multiplication Table, &c, &c. Price One Farthing each, or Two Shillings per Hundred, London: HOULSTON & WRIGAT, 65, Paternoster Row. At the Great Exhibition of 1851 the Prize Medal was awarded to Crichton's Sextants and Drawing Instruments. EXHIBITION OF 1851 "Tt6 D ALIS BEN&TUS GREA TIETOJA 1 BRIT R - AD PRINCE · PRIZE ME ORIAL 101 TIPS COT CONJWT TRUMENTS EDAL FOR VIDEO EXTANTS & DRY RAWING IN JOHN CRICHTON, Mannfarturer af Ixathematical, Hautical and Surveying Instruments To the Council of India, and the Honourable Corpora- tion of the Trinity House, 112, LEADENHALL STREET, LONDON. SEXTANTS AND QUADRANTS. £ s. d. 14 14 0 Metal Sextant divided on Silver to 10" with extra power to inverting Telescope, adjust- ments capped-8 inch ... ... Ditto, with plain adjustments .......... Ditto, 6 inch....... ...vec............ Ditto, with bridge, handle and extra power to Telescope Ditto, plate pattern, divided to 15" ..... 12 12 0 9 100 10 10 0 8 10 0 ........ £ s. d. :.: i.,,: Ditto, oval pattern, ......... 11 11 0 Ditto, bronzed limb ..... ............. 10 100 Coast Surveying Sextant, with Star Telescope, metal, divided on silver 10 10 0 Ditto, ebony, with ivory arch. ........ g 10 0 Ebony Sextant, with inverting Telescope, in 6 6 0 mahogany case ........ ......... Ditto with erect Telescope, oak case............ 5 0 0 Pillar Sextant, divided on silver to 10” ...... 16 16 0 Gold arch to any of the above .......... extra 2 2 0 Box Sextant, divided to l'.... 4 4 o Ditto, with Telescope and leather case with ) sling ............ Quadrant, with metal limb, handle and Teles- 5 15 6 copes, divided on silver to 30" Ditto, with ivory arch .... 5 5 a Ditto,ebony,with handle, Telescopes &mahogany 4 100 case ........................ Ditto, oak case, with 6 shades... 3 10 0 Ditto, ditto, „3 shades....... 2 18 0 Plain Quadrant...... 2 2 0 .......) 0 : TELESCOPES, &c. : Day or Night Telescope, with mahogany body and shade ...... Ditto, with large head and cover. ............... Ditto, brass, body covered with leather ........ Ditto, with large object:glass .............. Two-feet Navy Telescope-plain ........... Ditto, with shade ...... Ditto, with Merchants’ or Naval Signals & sling Three-feet Telescope, 4 drawer 5 23 2 10 3 0 2 2 3 10 2 15 3 13 0 0 0 0 6 # 5 6 5 o o Ditto : 9 6 £ s. d. Pocket Telescope, l-foot, 3 drawer—best ......... 1 16 0 Ditto, 18 inch 2 12 6 Ditto, 2-feet „ ......... 3 13 6 Military Telescopes, with caps and ) slings, covered with leather, in £25 0 to 4 10 0 great variety..................from ) Mast-head Telescopes from ............ £7 by 0 to 10 10 0 Binocular Glasses for sea or land) use, with shades and sling case, { £2 10. O to: 5 15 0 from ...... Opera Glasses in every variety. BAROMETERS. Marine Barometer, plain ..... ........ 2 10.0. Ditto, rosewood body with Thermometer in front 3 100 Ditto, with Sympiesometer combined ............ 6 16 6. Improved Sympiesometer, from ...... £3 3 0 to 4 4 0 Aneroid Barometer, plain ............... ............ 2 15 0 Ditto, with Thermometer and metal dial ......... 3100 Wheel Barometers of every description. DRAWING INSTRUMENTS. Pillar Compass, brass Ditto, y electrum ... Ditto, „ with bars ...... Napier Compass, electrum ....... Tube Compass Case of Instruments for school use.......... Ditto, with ivory scale and ebony parallel ruler Ditto, full set with boxwood scales .............. Ditto, » e ivory. „ ............... 1 1 0 111 6 2 20 I 11. 6 2 2 0 0 5 6 0 12 ( 0 18 0 1 3 0 ........ U Vull pass Ditto, in mahogany case, best instruments, No. 1 Ditto, No. % Ditto, No. 3 Electrum Instruments, rosewood case, No. 1 ... Ditto, No. 2 ... Ditto, double jointed instruments, extra pens, &c. Proportional Compasses, electrum ...... ......... Scales, Rules, &c., of every description. £ s. d. 1 16 0 2 10 ( 2 18 0 4 0 0 4 10 ) na 0 1 11 6 24 0 0 31 10 0 16 16 0 14 14 0 3 3 0 SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS. Theodolite, 5 inch, best, divided on silver to l' Ditto, 6 inch, t o 20”......... Level, dumpy, 14 inch, with silver ring Compass Ditto, 10 inch, Prismatic Compass ............... Ditto, with Shades and Reflector, sling case Protractors, circular, in brass or electrum, ..... Ditto brass, with index, 6 inch .............. Ditto, with 2 Verniers, divided on silver to l'... Land Chains, from 50ft. to 100ft., ) brass handles, and a set of arrows] 0 14 0 to with each ..............from ) Measuring Tapes, from 50ft. to 100ft. ....6s. to co co 2 2 5 15 0 0 1 1 0 015 0 *** Spectacles and Eye Glasses in every variety of mounting, - including gold, silver, and elastic steel. Merchants, Shippers, and Schools Supplied on the best termis. DAILY LESSON BOOKS SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES. FOR Adopted in the Schools of the British and Foreign School Society. Largely used in other Schools, both Public and Private. FOR THE REDUCED PRICES, See Catalogue of the British and Foreign School Society. Daily Lesson Book, No. I. ... 3d Daily Lesson Book, No. II. . . Is. Sequel to Daily Lesson Book, No. II. 8d. Daily Lesson Book, No. III. . . ls.6d. Poetry and Prose ........ 2s. Daily Lesson Book, No. IV. . . 2s.6d 12mo., cloth, strong, 324 pp. Thoroughly Revised, 1860. This Volume includes a Brief Outline of English History~ Course of General History, Ancient and Modern—a complete Series of Lessons on the various branches of Natural Philosophy- & Systematic Course of Natural History- Miscellaneous Lessons on Government, Architecture, Commerce, Painting and Sculpture, Music and the Arts—and an extended Series of Geographical, Chrono- logical, and Scientific Notes and Questions, with extensive Appendices, Roots, &c. Lord's Modern Europe, a School History; now brought up to the Peace of Villafranca. Tenth Thousand. 518 pp., crown 8vo., strongly bound. 58. LONDON : SIMPKIN & Co.; HAMILTON & Co. And all Booksellers and School Depôts. FOR SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES. DAILY LESSON BOOK, No. I. 2Amo, 43 pp. Lessons in Prose and Verse, intended to furnish Moral and Intellectual Instruction, in Words of One Syllable only. 3d. DAILY LESSON BOOK, No. II. 18mo, cloth, strong, 120 pp. Forty Prose Lessons, and Forty Poetical ones, and a separate and complete Course of Spelling. ls. Instead of a multitude of words, which only burden the mind, such only are given as represent families or classes;—then the names of common things; then terms which describe qualities; then a careful selection of verbs; and finally, words of irregular forma- tion. By this means a child, by committing to memory only sixteen short pages, will be able to master the orthography of any ordinary word in the language. DAILY LESSON BOOK, No. III. 192 pp., 12mo, cloth, strong. ls. 6d. In Prose and Poetry, with Analyses and Simultaneous or Gallery Lessons. Each day's Lesson includes, first, à Text of Holy Scripture, which may serve as a motto for the day; secondly, a Brief Poetical Extract, adapted to improve the taste and excite the affections; and lastly, an Exercise in General Reading. The Poetry will be found to favour loving and trustful feelings, a taste for the enjoyment of natural scenery, and the cultivation of an humble, contented, and domestic spirit. The Prose Pieces include extracts relating to Natural History, Travels, Home and Foreign Pro- ductions, the Elements of Political Economy, Slavery, War, Temperance, Economy, Clean- liness, Trustworthiness, Obedience to Laws, Sanctification of the Sabbath, Piety, &c. The Analyses are prepared on a new plan, including not merely the Roots of Words, but everything requisite to the most exact understanding of the Lesson, as well as to the practical application of it, both to the intellect and to the heart. DAILY LESSON BOOK, No. IV. 12mo, cloth, strong, 324 pp. 25. 6d. Thoroughly Revised, 1860. · This volume includes a Brief Outline of English History—a Course of General History, Ancient and Modern—a complete Series of Lessons on the various branches of Natural Philosophy—a Systematic Course of Natural History~Miscellaneous Lessons on Govern- ment, Architecture, Commerce, Painting and Sculpture, Music and the Arts and an extended Series of Geographical, Chronological, and Scientific Notes and Questions, with extensive Appendices, Roots, &c. HOME AND COMMON THINGS, BEING A SEQUEL TO DAILY LESSON BOOK, No. II. 18mo, cloth, 128 pp. Sixty-six Lessons in Easy Reading, comprising a consider- able range, and a large body of important facts. 8d. The subject is HOME, in all its material requisites and montal associations. POETRY AND PROSE. WITH A SERIES OF LESSONS ON THE ART OF READING. A Supplement to Daily Lesson Book, No. III. 256 pp., 12mo, cloth, strong. 28. This volume includes specimens of British and American Poets, from Chaucer to Longfellow, and a well selected series of Prose Lessons by eminent Writers on subjects interesting to Young Persons, adapted to inform the mind and to impress the heart. This volume include selected seried inform QUESTIONS, HISTORICAL & SCIENTIFIC, Adapted to Lesson Book, No. IV., by the Rev. J. M. WAKEFIELD, Senior Assistant Master of Shrewsbury School. 12mo, blue cloth. Is. 6d. These Questions received the advantage of Dr. KENNEDY's personal revision. PUPILS HOME BOOKS. Being Lesson Book, No. IV., in Parts. Designed to assist Teachers in securing Home Application to the Subjects of School Instruction. History of England, 4d.-Asia, Africa, and America, 4d.-Miscellaneous, 4d.--Chemistry and Physiology, 4d.-Natural History, 4d.-History of Europe, 60.--The Sciences, .60. ADOPTED IN THE SCHOOLS OF THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN SCHOOL SOCIETY, AND ALSO USED IN OTHER SCHOOLS, BOTH PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. FOR THE REDUCED PRICES, See Catalogue of the British and Foreign School Society, Borough Road, S.E. THE INTELLECTUAL CALCULATOR. A Complete Course of Common and Mental Arithmetic. 71st Edition, bound in red leather. ls. 8d. This work has been eulogized by Lord Brougham in the House of Lords, and been highly commended by the leading Reviewers, first Educational Authorities, and Eminent Teachers. ILLUSTRATED NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. By WILLIAM MARTIN. Comprising nearly 1,000 Questions, Illustrations, and Experiments; with 300 Engravings, and 53 Gallery Lessons. Sixth Edition, revised, 324 pp., royal 18mo, gilt. 2s. 6d. A SCHOOL HISTORY OF MODERN EUROPE, From the Reformation to the Peace of Villafranca, with Chronological Tables, and Questions for Examination. By JOHN LORD, A.M. Tenth Thousand, price 5s., crown 8vo, 518 pp., bound in cloth, extra. “The sketches of character are excellent portraits, and drawn with a free, bold touch. Mr. Lord treats of a portion of bistory too much neglected in schools."- Athenæum. "The divisions are broad and distinctive, and the style clear." Spectator'. « The book is well and boldly written; great thoughts worthily clothe great facts. The style is a model of historical writing."-English Journal of Education. “Such a book as this has long been wanted for schools."-Church of England Quarterly Review, LONDON: SIMPKIN AND CO.; HAMILTON AND CO.; AND ALL BOOKSELLERS, AND SCHOOL DEPÔTS. APPROVED SCHOOL BOOKS, Crossley's Comprehensive Spelling Reading Books. and PRIMER. 16mo., 48 pp. Lessons in Prose and Verse, 3d. SPELLING. 18mo., 120 pp., cloth, strong. Forty Prose and forty Poetical Lessons, with a separate and complete Course of Spelling, 1s. READER. 12mo., 192 pp., cloth, strong. Prose and Poetry, with Analyses and Simultaneous or Gallery Lessons, 1s. 6d. Class Book. 12mo., cloth, strong. Crossley's 324 pp. Thoroughly Revised, 1860. 2s. 6d. This Class Book, independently of its value as a text-book, is distinguished for the extensive and varied information it contains. It includes a Brief Outline of English Fistory—a Course of General History, Ancient and Modern — a complete Series of Lessons on the various branches of Natural Philosophy --- a Systematic Course of Natural History – Miscellaneous Lessons on Government, Architecture, Commerce, Painting and Sculpture, Music and the Arts—and an extended Series of Geographical, Chronological, and Scientific Notes and Questions, with extensive Appendices, Roots, &c. Poetry and Prose, with a Series of Lessons on the Art of Reading... 192 pp., strongly bound. 2s. This Volume includes specimens of British and American Poets, from Chaucer to Longfellow, and a Series of Prose Lessons on subjects interesting to Young People, and at the same time calculated to inform the mind and impress the heart. Questions, Historical and Scientific, adapted to Comprehensive Class Book, by the Rev. J. M. WAKEFIELD, Shrewsbury Grammar School. 12mo., blue cloth. ls. 6d. The questions involve in their answers a complete digest of each of the numerous subjects in the Class Book, and will be found extremely useful for exercises. SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, AND CO. ; AND HAMILTON, ADAMS, AND Co. G. F. CRUCHLEY, IMap Publisher & Globe PHanufacturer 81, FLEET STREET, LONDON, Most respectfully invites the attention of Principals of Colleges, Public Schools, Private Seminaries, Governesses, Teachers, &c., to an inspection of his improved large Educational School Maps, Atlases, Globes, and Series of Progressive Maps; the latter being the only Maps published on this peculiar and novel plan of Geographical instruction. The Progressive Series consist of an assortment of One Hundred and Fifty Maps, viz.: Projections, Outline, Hair-line, and General Maps; the whole of which comprise an entire new, easy, and instructive method of teaching Geography; and the extensive and unceasing demand from numerous public and private Scholastic Establishments, Private Families, and Teachers, induces the Publisher respectfully to solicit the patronage of all who are engaged in the important work of Trition, flattering himself that they will be found, on inspection, superior to any others hitherto offered to their notice, and at such a moderate price as will enable them to be extensively introduced to their Pupils. E CRUCHLEY'S ENLARGED EDUCATIONAL MAPS, The largest Maps for scholastic tuition published. Map of the World (Globular Projection). 8 sheets, size 8 feet 6 inches by 4 feet 6 inches. Price on Rollers, Twenty-five Shillings. Map of Europe. 9 sheets, size 7 feet 1 inch by 5 feet 6 inches. Price, on Rollers, Twenty-five Shillings. Historical and Geographical Map of England and Wales. 6 sheets, size 7 feet 1 inch by 5 feet. Price, on Rollers, Twenty-one Shillings A NEW SERIES OF LARGE SCHOOL MAPS, In a bold clear style. Size of each Map, 5 ft. 6 in. by 4. ft. 6 in. WILL BE READY EARLY IN JANUARY, 1861. Europe World British Isles India Asia England Germany China Africa Ireland. Spain and Portugal | Australasia America Scotland Italy | United States And other Countries on the same plan. Also a Smaller Series, 2 ft. 8 in. by 2 ft. 2 in. CRUCHLEY'S FAMILY ATLASES, and Series of Progressive School Maps. Ihese Atlases and Series of Progressive School Maps (the Sale of which has exceeded TWO MILLIONS,) were engraved expressly for Scholastic Instruction, in a clear bold style, combined with a careful selection of the various places mentioned in the different Works used in Geographical Studies, and, from their acknowledged superiority to any other Scholastic Maps or Atlases hitherto published, are honoured by being selected for the instruction of the Junior branches of the Royal Family. Cruchley's School and Family Atlas, For the use of Schools and Private Tuition, containing the following Thirty-one Maps. Western Hemisphere | Norway, Sweden, &c. | Austria China Eastern Hemisphere Russia in Europe Turkey in Europe New Zealand and Mercator's World Holland and Belgium Asia (general Map) Australia Europe (general Map) | France Canaan Africa (general Map) British Isles Spain and Portugal Palestine Egypt England and Wales Germany Syria America(general Map) Scotland Switzerland Persia, Arabia, &c. United States, &c. Ireland | Italy India | West Indies Price, full coloured, 16s., embossed cloth. Cruchley's School and Family Atlas, Containing the following Twenty-two engraved Maps. World | Russia Switzerland Persia Europe (general Map) | Holland Italy India England and Wales France Austria China Ireland Spain Turkey Africa (general Map) Scotland Germany Asia (general Map) America (generl Map) Norway United States Price, full coloured, 128., embossed cloth. Cruchley's School and Family Atlas, Containing the following fourteen engraved Maps, (selected from the Atlas of Thirty-one Maps). World. | Spain | Italy India Europe (general Map) | Germany Austria China British Isles Switzerland Asia (general Map) Africa (general Map) France | America (general Map) Price. full coloured, 88., embossed cloth. N.B.—Maps of the Family Atlases are sold separately, full coloured price 6d. each. The Series of Progressive School Maps, PC SIZE, 15 INCHES BY 19 INCHES. No. 6, or the General Maps, Represent the General Maps of the THREE-SOHOOL ATLASES, which, from their acknow- ledged superiority and clear style of engraving, combined with a careful selection of the names mentioned in the various Works used in Geographical studies, will be found of the highest importance to the Pupil, as, by referring to the Map, in preference to the frequent, but injudicious, practice of an Index, the relative situation of each place is found by their own exertions, and thus permanently impressed upon the mind. They consist of the follow- ing Thirty-one Maps :- Western Hemisphere | Russia in Europe | Asia (general Map) | Australia, New Zea- Eastern Hemisphere Holland and Belgium | Cavaan land, and E. India Mercator's World France Palestine Islands Europe (general Map) Spain and Portugal Syria Africa (general Map) British Isles Germany Persia, Affghanistan, Egypt England and Wales Switzerland America(generalMap) Scotland Italy India United States and Ireland Austria China Canada. Norway, Sweden, &c. ) Turkey in Europe. | West India Islands Price Sixpence each, full coloured. &c. No. 5, or the Hair-line Maps, Consist of a perfect copy in Hair-line of all the Maps contained in the Family or School Atlases intended to represent, as near as possible, a pencilled Map, to assist the junior pupils &c. India. China. in their first endeavours to form a Map, by tracing it over with the pen ; it was from the frequent remarks made to the Publisher, by various persons engaged in the Scholastic Profession, of the difficulty experienced by younger Students, that the idea of these Maps suggested itself, and their extensive use and general approval, both in public and private Schools, has proved their great utility. They consist of the following Thirty-one Maps :- Western Hemisphere | Russia in Europe Asia (general Map) | Australia, New Zea- Eastern Hemisphere Holland and Belgium Canaan land, and East In- Mercator's World France Palestine dia Íslands. Europe (general Map) Spain and Portugal Syria | Africa (general Map). British Isles Germany Persia, Affghanistan, Egypt. England and Wales Switzerland America(general Map) Scotland Italy | UnitedStates&Canada Ireland Austria West India Islands. Norway, Sweden, &c. | Turkey in Europe Price, bound in cloth, 108. 6d. No. 4, or the Outline Maps, Are Maps of the Outlines of the Coasts, Rivers, Boundaries of Countries, Towns, &c. The names of all the places are intended to be filled in by the Pupil from the Maps contained in the Family or School Atlases. They consist of the following Thirty-one Maps :- Westean Hemisphere | Norway, Sweden, and Austria China Eastern Hemisphere Denmark | Turkey in Europe | Australia, New Zea- Mercator's World Russia in Europe Asia (general Map) land, &c. Europe (general Map) Holland and Belgium Canaan Africa (general Map) British Isles France Palestine Egypt England and Wales Spain and Portugal Syria America (generalMap) Scotland Germany Persia, Affghanistan, United States&Canada Ireland Switzerland &c. West India Islands India Price, bound in cloth, 10s. 6d. Italy No. 3, or the Hair-line (Outline) Maps, Are copies in Hair-line of Maps, No. 4 in the Series, viz., the Outlines of Coasts, Rivers, Boundaries of Countries, Towos, &c., to be traced over with the pen on the same plan as Maps No. 5. There are only Twelve Maps engraved on this plan. No. 2, or the Outline of the Coasts Maps, Are Outlines only of the Coasts, with the lines of Latitude and Longitude; the interior to be completed from the Maps in the Family or School Atlases. There are only Twelve Maps in the Series engraved on this plan. Each series, Nos. 2 and 3, consist of the following Twelve Maps :- Western Hemisphere | Europe (general Map) Ireland | Asia (general Map) Eastern Hemisphere | England and Wales | France Africa (general Map). Mercator's World Scotland. | Holland and Belgium | America(general Map) Price, the two Series, bound in cloth, 8s. No. 1. or the Latitude and Longitude Maps, Contains the lines of Latitudes and Longitudes only, intended for the more advanced Pupils who do not require that assistance which the other Maps afford, but who are enabled to com- mence and complete the Maps from the copy in the Family or School Atlases. They consist of the following Thirty-one Maps :- Western Hemisphere Russia in Europe Turkey in Europe, and I India Eastern Hemisphere Holland and Belgium | Greece China Mercator's World France Asia (general Map) Australia, New Zea- Europe (general Map) | Spain and Portugal Canaan I land, &c. British Isles Germany Palestine Africa (general Map) England and Wales Switzerland Syria Egypt Scotland Italy Persia, Affghanistan, America(general Map) Ireland Austria &c. United States&Canada Norway, Sweden, &c. | | West India Islands Price, bound in cloth, 10s. 6d. The Progressive Series, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, Maps, are sold separately, price 6d. cach, Plain. - Islands. Maps Mounted on Millboard. Western Hemisphere | Russia in Europe | Turkey in Europe, Australia, New Zea- Eastern Hemisphere Holland and Belgium and Greece and, and East India Mercator's World France Asia (general Map) Europe (general Map) Spain and Portugal Canaan Africa (general Map) British Isles Germany Palestine Egypt England and Wales Switzerland Syria America (general Map) Scotland Italy Persia, Arabia, &c. United States and Ireland Austria India Canada. Norway and Sweden China | West India Islands Price, full coloured, Fifteenpence cach. Size, 15 in. By 19 in. CRUCHLEY'S TERRESTRIAL & CELESTIAL GLOBES. Of the following sizes : 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, and 3-in. diameter, all mounted with brass Meridians. These Globes have been most carefully revised and corrected to the present time; to com- plete which the Publisher has, at a very considerable expense, availed himself of the most recent voyages, researches, and Geographical discoveries, and has, by the means of such valuable information, been enabled to render these Globes the most accurate and authentic of any published. N.B.-Any of these Globes may be bad separately. High Stands-Mahogany. Low Stands---continued. i Table or Reading Globes PER PAIR. PER PAIR. for easy Reference. 21-in, Globes ... £14 14 0 12 do ...ditto ... 3 15 0 18 do ... ditto ... 9 do ... ditto ... 12 12 0 3 3 Pedestal Stands- 0 1 15 do ...ditto ... 9 90 6 do ... ditto ... 1 18 0 ! Mahogany. 12 do ... ditto ... 5 5 0 3 do ... ditto ... PER PAIR. 9 do ... ditto ... 4 4 0 Low Stands--Stained Wood | 21-in Globes ... £7 7 0 6 do ... ditto ... 21-in. Globes ... £10 10 0 1 18do ... ditto 5 5 0 3 do ... ditto 18 do ... ditto ... 8 0 0 ! 15 do ... ditto ... 3 10 0 15 do ... ditto ... 6 0 0 12 do ... ditto ... 2 2 0 Low Stands-Mahogany. 12 do ... ditto ... 3 10 0 ! 9 do ... ditto ... 1 100 21-in. Globes ... £11 11 0 9 do ... ditto ... 2 16 01 6 do ...ditto ... 0 16 0 18 do ... ditto ... 8 10 0 6 do... ditto ... 1 14 01 3 do ..ditto ... 0 6 0 15 do ... ditto ... 6 10 0 1 3 do ... ditto ... Terrestrial Globes in Boxes, lin., 1s. ; 1fin., 1s. 6d. ; 2in., 28.; 3in., 3s. 6d. O O O UNIDOS WWW NU111111 22 MWIM . 2x A ! : Termo out MINISTRIA ll MO NA 2- VA LA In Urur. TO Lurs N.B.-Families, Seminaries, and other Public Establishments, possessing old Globes, may have them re-covered equal to new, with all the recent discoveries, for the lowest price. Astronomical Works, &c. THE NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN CELESTIAL PLANISPHERES.- On the 1 Plane of the Equator; on which are carefully defined the Boundaries of the Con- stellations, and all the Stars to the Sixth Magnitude inclusive.-By F. WOLLASTON, F.R.S. On Two large sheets, price 3s, each sheet. Coloured, 4s. Sold separately. THE ASTRARIUM IMPROVED; or, Views of the principal Fixed Stars and Con- I stellations, represented on Twelve Plates, one for each month in the year, by referring A MOVEABLE PLANISPHERE—Exhibiting the face of the Heavens for any given A hour of the day throughout the year, as also the time of the Rising and Setting of the Stars ; designed to assist the young Student in acquiring a knowledge of the relative situations and names of the Constellations. By F. WOLLASTON, F.R.S.-Price 9s. Second Edition, revised and enlarged, price 5s. 6d., A SCHOOL AND COLLEGE HISTORY OF ENGLAND, CONTAINING CHAPTERS ON RELIGION, GOVERNMENT, LITERATURE, TRADE, MANNERS AND CUSTOMS, ETC. . By J. C. CURTIS, B.A., Vice-Principal and Lecturer on History at the Training College, Borough Road, London, OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Morning Herald. "Our thanks are due to Mr. Curtis, in behalf as well of schoolboys as of their parents aur teachers, for this most admirable history. It is arraugod on a comparatively povel plan, and contains a greater amount of information than any other history in one volume with which we are acquainted. A feature in this work deserves our warmest commen- dation: the constitutional history of the country bas unusual space devoted to it; and the research which is brought to bear on the elucidation of manners and customs, the state of commerce, of agriculture, and of religion, are highly creditable to the author. Not the least of the advantages of the book is that the narrative is brought down to the present time. Mr. Curtis's English History cannot fail speedily to supersede all others in schools and families.” Illustrated Neros of the World. “This is a very able abridgment of English history. It is judiciously arranged, and written with praiseworthy impartiality. Especial attention is paid to the dates and the sequence of events. The characters of the men who have exercised an important influ. ence upon the future of our country are justly estimated, and the growth of the consti- tution is clearly marked. We note with satisfaction, also, an unusual degree of attention paid to the mappers and customs of the people. The whole is woven into a pleasing Darrative, which charms the reader by the transparent simplicity of its style, and will be certain to impress itself upon the memories of those pupils who may be fortunate enough to study it as a text-book for the history of their country." Leader. o This is one of the best books of the lind that has como under one notice. Mr. Curtis has collated the best authorities, and arranged his matter in the best manner. He has thus economized space without abridging his information, which is everywhere copious. Ho has also gained much by conciseness of style. We can most conscientiously recom- mend this work.” British Standard. " It is a very masculine performance. We should really find difficulty in suggesting any improvement either as to matter, manner, or magnitude." Eclectic Review. “We may heartily congratulate Mr. Curtis on a success which may, perhaps, be partially attributable to his professional knowledge of what a school history ought to be. We doubt not that he will earn the gratitude of many a schoolboy for having clothed the outlines of history in so pleasant a dress; while the more advanced reader will appreciate the soundness of Judgment with which his opinion of men and things is generally characterized." Critic. « This volume is intended for a condensed manual of English history, fit for the use of the student as an elementary manual. Systematic arrangement; the development of constitutional history (so as to vivify the dry bones of history, and give to them the sig. nificance they do not usually possess); and an attempt to realize the social condition of the people at certain periods, are among the novel or exceptional features of the work. For one thing especially the volume is to be commended, and tbat is for its impartiality in dealing with religious matters." Papers for the Schoolmaster. “It is a pleasure to meet with a history of England that is correct in its facts. . . . It is greatly in advance of its predecessors, and may be recommended with confidence.' OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Civil Service Gazette. "It is based upon a plan sound in principle, and approved by experience: it is written with great care and judgment, and although extending from the earliest period to the present year, it conveys to the reader, within due compass, a clear knowledge of important events, and impresses on the mind of the student just ideas of the progress of society, the advance of manners, and the development of arts, conimerce, and civilization. Con. stitutional history, so frequently ignored altogether, or compressed into the smallest space, here assumes its natural proportions; and the Saxon institutions, and the feudal · system, and the origin of parliament, and the growth of our representative system, and limited monarchy, are described accurately in a manner to excite the interest and impress the memory of the scholar ... A most admirable general narrative is given of political events. We can most conscientiously recommend Mr. Curtis's School and Collego History of England' for general use, and we particularly commend it to candidates pre- paring for Civil Service examinations." English Journal of Education. " This history is, we think, one of the best of the lind. Its arrangement is good. The particular which distinguishes it from works similar in size and plan is the prominence given to the constitutional bistory of the country. This is an important point, and will perhaps prove the chief attraction to teachers, students, and pupils. ... The style is terse, and on the whole pleasing. As may be supposed, the enumeration of a large number of facts in brief language makes many pages read much like well- to examination papers. ... The author writes not for party or faction. His views on important questions are on the whole impartial, and such as are entertained by those who have the most candidly investigated them.” Spectator. “We can speak with some confidence in commendation of the plan of the work.” Atheneum. «The Habeas Corpus Act, the Bill of Rights, etc., are printed in detail, which is a recommendation of the book to students and teachers." Morning Post. « The young student may derive from it a clear general view of past events, so as to have their connection always in memory, and the order in which a philosophic survey of their causes and results should aftervards be taken. By tracing first the course of civil and military events, the relation between them and the collateral circupistances of the employments, manners, condition, and progress of the people are well maintained. The style of the narrative is unencumbered with parasitical superfluity, and adapted to engraft healthy ideas on immature intellect. The dates are unusually correct." Christian Witness. "We consider it a near approach to the perfect. It is every way a masterly performance. We very cordially commend Mr. Curtis's work, not merely to the school and the college, but to the individual and the family." Baptist Magazine. “The arrangement is very good : the style clear; the information is full and complete. ... It has the rare merit of being exactly adapted to its purpose." Nonconformist. "The author's plan is almost perfect, the ordinary political history being given in a lucid and condensed narrative, and the constitutional history being developed with much fulness, both as to the progressive changes of successive epochs, and as to the origin and nature of our institutions. . . . To all these merits Mr. Curtis's work adds another, not easily attained in a compilation of the kind, namely, a thoroughly readable and interesting style." British Quarterly Review. “A good book-based on much better authorities than are usually consulted in such compilations. Evangelical Magazine. “The present volume is a good addition to our already useful stock. In some respects it bears the palm. The information is large and well digested, and so arranged as to be easy of reference.” London Quarterly Review. “The history is carefully compiled, and very few points of real interest are left un. Doticed.” Pupil Teacher. “A work of peculiar interest and utility to pupil-teachers." School and Teacher. "Adapted not only as an interestivg reading-book, but also as a reliable text-book." Educator, "The volume before us will serve as a valuable introduction to a study deserving ne second place in a liberal education.". OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Educational Guardian. «The constitutional history is given with considerable minuteness; the legal enacte ments affecting the liberty of the subject, the judicial courts, modes of punishment, the origin and growth of parliamentary power, revenue arrangements, and similar matters, being fully described. The author has collected information from the best and most trustworthy sources, used good judgment in the selection of matter, written in a style at once simple and coucise, and produced a work which we can unhesitatingly recommend to all who wish to get up the chief political and social events in England's history.” Atlas. “A very useful compendium, giving not merely the history of battles, sieges, and political movements, but of the domestic life of the nation as well, after the fashion of modern historians." Daily Telegraph. “This outline of English history, for the use of schools and colleges, is neatly and judiciously written. The author has consulted many good authorities, and his avoided numerous errors into which former abridgers of our history habitually fell. Though necessarily short, bis account of the several reigns is distinct and clear, and he has done as much as his space would allow to elucidate the progress of society and manners. Tho book, in fact, belongs to that new class of productions to which the earnest study of our history has recently given birth, and muy safely be recommended as a useful introduction to thosc more elaborate works in which the whole career of our country is exhibited to the reader in its minutest details." Observer. “It cannot admit of a doubt that this compendious and excellent History of England will speedily acquire a large share of popularity." Bell's Weekly Messenger. "We can recommend this volume as belonging to & very superior class of educational books. It is clear and comprehensive in its statements, and gives the substance of English history in a small compass, without omitting anything of importance.' Sunday School Teachers' Magazine. “Will form a valuable addition to every educational Library," Tait's Magazine “A large quantity of information is clearly and intelligibly condensed. ... As a convenient work of reference it may save time in the consultation of larger histories to persons who have long left college or school." Methodist New Connection Magazine. “A very valuable compendium of English history. It is prepared with great care, well arranged, written in a clear style, and a candid spirit.” Dreeman. " Ably and conscientiously done. Altogether it is the best complete History of England in one volume ever submitted to the school and college public." Sunday Times. " This volume may be warmly praised for the clearness with which its contents have been arranged, both for perusal and reference; for the moderation and gravity of the tone which pervades it; for a very judicious statement of both sides of hotly disputed facts, and for the admirable manner in which the essences of our records are crowded into a conveniently small space." Wesleyan Tinies. « We shall be greatly surprised if this History of England does not soon become a favourite with teachers and the senior scholars in most of our schools. It appears to have been compiled with considerable care from a great number of the most reliable authorities, and furnisbes an admirable specimen of judicious condensation. By the skilful exercise of this valuable art, a compendious history of each reign is given, and abundant room is afforded for the bistory of religion, trade, &c. .. Even a slight glance at this supplementary matter will show that it is far too important to be lightly passed orer by those who wish to obtain a true insight into English history. We have ompass of about five hundred pages.” Bristol Mercury. “This is a very superior compilation of the kind, and may safely be commended to teachers and students as fulfilling the promise of its title. The supplementary informa. tion conveys a mass of interesting and instructive particulars regarding the religion, etc., of the sereral periods. Mr. Curtis has evidently founded his work on a careful acquaint- auce with Hallam, and our other standard historical authorities, and his conscientious mplete in itself, is an excellent introduction to that comprehensive course of study in English history which a perusal of those authors involves." Plymouth and Devonport Journal.. “Nr. Curtis has written his work in an agreeable style, and we have no doubt that it will become as popular as it is likely to proro useful." OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Western Times. * There is not that appearance of monotony usually found in worlrs of this kind. . The book is certainly the best of the kind, for the purpose contemplated, that we have seen." Hereford Times. "A school book of a very superior class, not only for the extent of information which it contains, but for the care and caudour with which it is imparted. By far the best school history of England among the many we have seen.” Carnarvon FIcrald. "A lucid brerity of style, and peculiar simplicity in forms of expression, at once strike the mind of every observant reader as characteristic of this useful little manual. tion, no less than in the arrangement of its material, this manual excels." Star of Gwent. "A manual eminently adapted for college classes and the higher forms in schools.” Midland Counties Herald. “A valuable outline of English history. The supplementary portion presents & mass oi facts of great usefuluess to those who may not have time or opportunity for studying more elaborate treatises." Stockport Advertiser. "Admirably adapted for schools and colleges, and likely to acquire a large share of popularity. :.: The arrangement is excellent, and the greatest credit is due to the author for the pains taken." Staffordshire Advertiser "A most excellent Tork. Its peculiar attributes are clearness and concentration. It is admirably arranged, and great care has been taken to assist the student in keeping hold of the historic thread. Dates are given in connection with every important event, often in parentheses, so as not to interfere with the easy flow of the narrative. The writer does not abstain from expressing his own opinions, and this gives to the work a inore rigorous style than is compatible with the mere statement of both views on every question which may hare occasioned dispute. At the same time the writer's spirit is essentially fair and liberal, and in any point involving serious controversy, the opposite view is fairly stated, whilst in any question really doubtful, dogmatic assumption is avoided. Brief but very interesting remarks on religion, goverome dress, manners and customs, etc., are appended to each epoch, these, like the main body of tbe narrative, being remarkable for cicarness and terseness of style, and the amount of information copreyed in a few words. . . . To the advanced student, its lucid concentration, its fulness of dates, and excellent arrangement, will recommend it." Wolverhampton Chronicle. “The style is concise, yet clear; plain, yet not inelegant. In information the volume is superabundant, and the narrative is free from political or sectarian bias.” WVulcefield Journal. “ By the contrivance of using a smaller type, Mr. C.'s book contains a vast amount of matter relating to various important subjects, regarding which he has employed far greater detail than has been used in any school histories we have seen.” Hull Advertiser. “Will be found most useful in all schools, not only for the simplicity of its arrange. ments, but for the terseness and perspicuity with which all circumstances of moment are narrated.” Sheffield and Rotherham Independent. “It will be a valuable manual for the teaching of history in schools, and will be a good ground-work for more advanced studies.” Bunbury Grardian. “An admirable educational compendium of English history, and should be in the hands of all students.” Gruernsey Comet. “Without fringing the narrated events unduly with the hues of his own thoughts, or jrupressing on them the bias of his own opinions, Mr. C. has freely cappassed and criticized, in their sources and issues, all national changes, especially the constitutional history of the country." Norfolk News “The author has disposed (lis facts) in a manner which shows that honesty of purpose, and fairness of representation, have never been sacrificed to partisan zeal or perverted judgment.” Ipswich Express. “One of the best school histories of our country that we have seen. It is well printed, and altogether worthy of extended patronage." Cambridge Independent. “A most excellent History of England?" London : SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, & Co. CONCHOLOGY & GEOLOGY. M MR. R. DAMON, OF WEYMOUTH, ENGLAND, Invites the attention of amateur and scientific Collectors, Curators of Public Museums, &c., to his stock of RECENT SHELLS and FOSSIL REMAINS, which is now one of the largest and most complete in Europe, and obtained in great part direct from the several localities to which they are assigned. RECENT SHELLS. From the numerous consignments received from correspondents and agents in various parts of the world, he is enabled to supply collections classified Zoologically or Geographically, of which the following is a selection :- 1000 species, comprising several hundred genera and sub-genera, £ s. d. (2500 shells) ....... 50 0 0 2000 ditto... .......... Land and Freshwater Shells of Europe, (500 species) ... Marine Shells of the Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas, (250 species) Ditto, Northern and Arctic Seas, (100 species) ...... Shells of the Molluccas ditto of the Phillipines—ditto of Ceylon-ditto of Mazatlan—ditto of the Sandwich Islands-ditto of Australia—ditto of North America--ditto of Cuba-ditto of Palestine-and other Geographical sets. Land Shells of the Island of Jamaica, containing the following genera: Cylindrella, Spiraxis, Geomelania, Stoastoma, Hclicin, Trochatella, Lucidella, Pro- serpina, Clausilia, Helix, &c., 100 species (250 examples), £3 3s.; 200 ditto (500 examples), £6 6s. A set of Land and Freshwater Shells from Western Africa, including the following genera :-Iridina, Galathea, Streptaxis, Amnicola, Pupa, Achatina, Me- lania, Physopis, &c., 30 species, 2 guincas. From the interior of India :-Otopoma, Leptopoma, Cryptosoma, Megalamastoma, Pomatias, Diplommatina, Alycæus, Pterocyclos, Streptaulus, Streptaxis, Nematura, Camptonyx, and other uncommon genera. A series of 120 named species of the genus Achatinella, from the Sandwich Islands. “Genera” to illustrate " Adams's Genera," “ Gray's Systematic Distribution of the Mollusca," “ Woodward's Manual of the Mollusca," and “Manuel de Conchyliologie," par le Dr. J. C. Chenu. 100 genera for £1 10s. ; ditto, select examples, £3. 100 good species of Foreign Shells for £2 10s., or 200 species for £5. The smaller kinds represented by several specimens. Well suited to beginners in Con- chology. In addition to the above a large miscellaneous stock, among which will be found many rare and beautiful examples, every effort being made to secure whatever is new and interesting to collectors. Collections of Echinodermata and Crustacea. Should this circular meet the eye of Naturalists travelling or resident in foreign stations, they are solicited to open a correspondence with R. D., either for the sale or the exchange of their duplicate specimens. Instruc- tions for collecting objects in foreign countries will be gratuitously given on application. MR. R. DANON, OF WEYMOUTH, ENGLAND. BRITISH SHELLS. R. D. has given much attention to this interesting branch of Con- .chology, and by dredging operations conducted on various parts of the English, Irish, and Scotch coasts, he is enabled to supply collections named in accordance with the British “Mollusca” of Forbes and Hanley, at the following prices, containing on an average 3 of each kind (choice specimens):- 100 species, £2 12s, 6d._-200 species, £6 6s.—300 species, £12 125.-400 species, £25. Elementary set of 100 species (2 of each), 21s. A priced Catalogue for single specimens, price 4d. FOSSILS. The extensive character of his stock of Fossils enables R. D. to furnish large and comprehensive collections, as indicated by the following selection. The names, geological position, and localities of each specimen are carefully given. Collections are prepared for those entering on the study of geology, and also to illustrate recent works on the science, at the following prices : · Fossils and their rocks. 100 different specimens, £2; 200 ditto, £5; 500 ditto, £20 ; 1000 ditto, £50. POST TERTIARY. Shells from modern deposits in the raised Sea Coast of Scandinavia. - Ditto (and other remains) Loess of the Rhine. TERTIARY. Glacial beds. English Crag-Red-Coralline—and Norwich. PLIOCENE of Piedmont Collections named at the University Museum of Turin, at the following prices :-100 species (250 examples), £3 3s. 200 species, £6 6s. 300 species. MIOCENE. 100 species (250 examples) from the Vienna Basin, and named at the Imperial Museum at Vienna, £3 3s. 200 ditto. Miocene fossils from the Rhine district, Belgium, and Bordeaux. EOCENE. Fossil shells of the Paris Basin. Collections of these beautifully preserved fossils named after Deshayes. 100 species (250 examples), £3 3s. 200 species (500 examples), £6 6s. 300 ditto. Eocene fossils also from the following localities :-Isle of Wight, Barton Cliff, Brockenhurst, Hempstead, Headon, Bracklesham, and United States. SECONDARY From the Maestricht beds, Chalk and Chalk Marl (Upper Green Sand- of Blackdown), Green Sand, and Gault of Great Britain, France, and Westphalia. OOLITE. Portland Stone, Sohlenhofen Polite, Kimeridge Clay, Coral Rag, Oxford Clay of Christian Malford, Wurtemberg, and Moscow; Cornbrash, Forest Marble, Great Oolite, Inferior Oolite and Sands, Lias of Dorset and Germany, including Saurian remains, Fishes, Pentacrinite, Sepiæ, Ammonites, Nautili, &c., &c. Trias and Muschlekalk of Germany. ABRIDGED CATALOGUE OF SHELLS AND TOSSILS. PALÆOZOIC. • Permian. Carboniferous or Mountain Limestone of Yorkshire, Ireland, and Belgium. Devonian of South Devon, Scotland, Rhine, and Eifel. Silurian of Dudley, Wales, Bohemia, Sweden, and United States. A collection of Tertiary Fossils of 1000 named species (2500 examples), repre- senting the Newer and Older Pliocene, Upper and Lower Miocene, and Upper, Middle, and Lower Eocene of Lyeil, 30 guineas. 100 species of Cretaceous fossils, 4 guineas; 200 ditto, 8 guineas. 100 species of Inferior Oolite ditto, from Dorset and Somerset, 7 guineas. . 300 ditto, representing all the beds of the Upper, Middle, and Lover Colites, 15 guineas. 100 species of Ammonites, 8 guineas. 200 species of Brachiopoda, single specimens, 5 guineas; 2 of each, 7 guineas. Sets of fossils from the Tertiary beds, 21s. Ditto, Cretaceous, Oolite, Lias, Muschlekalk, Carboniferous, Devonian, and Silurian, each 21s. the set. A collection of all the principal rocks, including Sedimentary, Plutonic, and Volcanic. 100 specimens, each from 4 to 5 inches square, £2 5s. MA CASTS OF RARE FOSSILS. To meet the requirements of the increasing number of Collectors and Public Museums spreading in this and other countries, R. D. has made arrangements with skilled artists for securing the casts of rare and re- markable fossils, only such as are of that character being added to the Catalogue. The following, taken by M. Chevalier of Paris, are now ready for sale, and others will follow as opportunity offers. The casts are bronzed or coloured to resemble the originals, of which they are the faithful representation :- No. 1. Large head of Ichthyosaurus platyodon (jaw, with skull and eye com- plete), from the Blue Lias of Lyme Regis, Dorset. The original, which is in the possession of Mr. Damon., is unique as to size and preservation. Length, 5ft. lin. Price, £3 13s. 6d.; or uncoloured, £2 125. 6d. Photographs of Nos. 1, 2, and 3, sent on application, to be returned if a cast is not purchased. No. 2.' Fore-paddle of Pliosaurus, from the Kimeridge Clay, near Wey- mouth. The original of this unique and gigantic specimen is in the Dorset County Museum, presented by J. C. Manselī, Esq., on whose estate at Kimeridge it was discovered. Only portions of an animal of this rare genus of saurians has yet been found. Length of paddle, 6ft. 9in.' Price of cast, set in case, 5 guineas. A cast of this paddle may be seen in the British Museum. No. 3. Head and body of Ichthyosaurus communis (Blue Lias, Lyme Regis, Dorset). Length of specimen, 2ft. The mould of this being taken in sulphur, all the delicate portions of the original are secured. The skeleton stands in relief on a plaster matrix of Lias colour, and presents a facsimile of the original, which is in the Jermyn Street Museum.--Prices 21s.; uncoloured, 15s. MR. R. DAMON, OF WEYMOUTI. No. 4. Tail of a Fish (Chondrosteus), from the Blue Lias of Lyme Regis, Dorset. The original was considered of so remarkable a form, as to have been described in the Transactions of the Royal Society (1858), by Sir Philip Egerton. Length, 1ft. Iin. Price, 15s. The original is in the Jermyn Street Museum. PUBLICATIONS, CATALOGUE OF BRITISH SHELLS, WITH THEIR SYNONYMS and Authorities, including the newly described Species to 1860. Svo, Is. The following Lists are printed on one side only, to allow of being used for labelling:- List of British Shells, 2s. 6d. 1 List of British Crustacea, 2s. 6d." List of British Algæ, according to Harvey, 2s. 6d. Labels for Foreign Shells, 2s. per 1000 names. Labels for Fossil Shells. Cards of Strata for a systematic arrangement of Rocks and Fossils. Cards of Genera of Recent Shells, for arranging collections. A CATALOGUE OF GENERÁ OF MOLLUSCA, RECENT AND Fossil, systematically arranged according to “ Woodward's Manual," with the additional Genera. The whole being revised by the author (1859). In large type, printed on one side, Svo, 5s., available for Generic Labels (3 inches in length). A few copies printed on cardboard. · Specimen. PANOPÆA Lain. HANDBOOK TO THE GEOLOGY OF WEYMOUTH AND THE ISLAND OF PORTLAND, containing a Map of the District, Geological Sections, Coast Views, Figures of the characteristic Fossils, and other Illustrations, with Lists of Objects, and numerous Notes on the Botany and Zoology of the Coast and Neighbourhood. By R. Damon. Price 5s. London: Stanford, Charing Cross. 1860. A SUPPLEMENT TO THE ABOVE, CONSISTING OF NINE LITHO- graphic Plates of Fossils, drawn by Bone. Price 2s. 6d. London: Stanford, Charing Cross. 1860. A Synoptical list of the British Species of Teredo, with a notice of the Exotic Species, (June, 1860). By J. Gwyn Jeffreys, Esq., F.R.S. Svo, ls. .* Sowerby's Illustrated Index of British Shells, including Coloured Figures of all the Species. 30s. A plate of figures of bi-operculated monstrosity of Buccinum undatum, (Engraved by G. F.. Sowerby), with description by J. Gwyn Jeffreys, Esq. F.R.S. Price ls. Manuel de Conchyliologie et de Paleontologie Conchyliologique. By le Dr. J. C. Chenu. Quarterly Journal de Conchyliologie, comprising figures and descriptions of new species of shells. Maps, Sections, and Decades of the Geological Survey of Great Britain. The Publications oï the British Museum as per Catalogue. Woodward's Manual of Recent and Fossil Mollusca (Weale's Series), 5s. 6d. History of British Mollusca, by Forbes and Hanley, 4 vols. Royal Svo, coloured, £13. Adams's Genera of Recent Mollusca. Morris's Catalogue of British Fossils, systematically arranged, 2nd edition, 12s. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, 4s. Reeve's Conchologia Iconica, coloured Plates of Shells (Natural Size), Month- ly Parts, 10s. each. Lyell's Elements of Geology, and other publications relating to Geology, Conchology, &c. DREDGES OF GALVANISED IRON, CONSTRUCTED WITH THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. . Small Flat Boxes with Glass Tops, in various sizes, at per dozen, adapted for the preservation of objects of natural history. PRINTED BY J. A. BUCK, BOOKSCLLER AND STATIONER, WEYMOUTA. DARTON & CO.'S Catalogue OT LV .. EDUCATIONAL HV BOOKS, MAPS, PRINTS, DIAGRAMS, AND SCHOOL REQUISITES. S YA SA TA 74- SRL hi PO.. ETA TO u . WK LONDON: DARTON AND CO., 58, HOLBORN HILL. 10 C DARTON & CO.'S Publications may safely be placed in the hands of Children, blending Amusement with Instruction. See “ Educational Review." Books Published for Authors on reasonable terms ; and Printed Ternis sent by Post on application. DARTON & CO. respectfully inform their Friends and the Public, that any of their Publications may be had at the prices advertised, Post Free, on payment by Post Office Order, or by Postage Stamps, to 58, HOLBORN HILL, LONDON. DARTON & CO.'S CHILDREN'S BOOK S. Now ready. AN ENTIRE NEW SERIES OF JUVENILE BOOKS, FROM THE UNPUBLISHED MSS. OF THE LATE MRS. SHERWOOD. EDITED BY HER DAUGHTER, MRS. KELLY. These are illustrated, and published at so low a price as, it is expected, will command an unprecedented sale of this popular writer's little books. ONE PENNY BOOKS. FAVOURITE REWARDS, by the Author of Chickseed, in packets, 1s. SABBATH SCHOOL REWARDS, in packets, Is. TWOPENNY BOOKS. By MARY ELLIOTT. With plates. In | HOWITT’S, illustrated, 13 sorts in packets. dozens, each dozen containing 8 sorts. TRUE STORIES FOR YOUNG CHILDREN, SHERWOOD'S, with cuts, in packets. with coloured plates. GREEN'S Leading Strings, Scripture Alphabet, and others, 2d, each plain, 3d. each coloured. THREEPENNY BOOKS. By MARY ELLIOTT. With Plates. In dozens, each dozen containing 9 sorts. DARTON'S SUPERIOR SIXPENNY TOY BOOKS. Imperial 8vo. coloured. 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SCRIPTURE SERIES. 1 Scripture Alphabet 4 History of Cain and Abel 2 Children of Scripture 5 History of Joseph and his Brethren 3 Life of Our Saviour SIXPENNY BOOKS. 18m0., gilt wrappers. In large clear type. 1 Papa's Stories 7 My Grandfather and other Tales Early Seeds 8 My Brother and other Tales 3 Plain Things 9 My Sister and other Tales 4 Little Lessons for Little Learners 10 Josey's First Visit to London 5 Young Neighbours 11 Life of Baby Brother 6 My Grandmother and other Tales DARTON AND CO.'S. CATALOGUE... ELEMENTARY CATECHISMS, BY REV. T. WILSON AND REV. D. BLAIR. NINEPENNY BOOKS. 1 Blair's First, Mother's Catechism, 18mo. 111 Third Catechism of Common Things 2 w Second ditto 12 Catechism of Modern History Third ditto 13 Catechism of Geography Catechisnis by the Rev. T. 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Price 1s. 1 Quadrupeds, and their Uses to Man | 8 Pleasant Stories and Pictures 2 Birds, and their Uses to Man 9 Reuben Ramble's Travels in the Eastern 3 Nursery Songs, our old Favourites Counties of England 4 The Child's Own Picture Alphabet 110 Leisure Hour 5 Wonders of Nature and Art 11 Home and its Joys 6 Moral Picture Book 12 Funny Stories of Animals 7 Fairy Tales, in verse 13 My New Story Book ONE SHILLING BOOKS. Bound in cloth. 1 Hieroglyphic Bible, 18mo. | 12 Green's Useful Knowledge 2 Cobwebs to Catch Flies, Part 1 13 Rose Stanhope 'Part 2 14 Scholar's Book of Beasts, by Miss Crompton 4 Green's Universal Primer 5 The Pink, by the Author of Original Pooms Alphabetical Panoramas. 6 Chickseed without Chickweed 15 Green's Leading Strings, the Alphabet, with 7 Great Eastern Alphabet 1 Objects 8 Matthew Merrythought's Comic Primer 16 Alphabetical Panorama of Peace 9 The Daisy 17 Ditto ditto Trades 10 The Cowslip 18 Ditto ditto Scriptures 11 Rhymes for Harry and his Nurse DARTON'S HOLIDAY LIBRARY. 20 . With gold sides and best cloth. ls, each. 1 Mary Leeson, by Mary Howitt 115 The Girl's Keepsake, by Mrs. Sherwood 2 Take Care of Number One, by S. E. 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ELEMENTARY READING BOOKS, · BY POPULAR AUTHORS. NEW SERIES OF ONE SHILLING & SIXPENNY SQUARE BOOKS. Illustrated by the first Artists, and with elegant covers in cloth and gold, 8c. 1 Bible Stories, by the Author of Chickseed 14 Favourite Story Book, 1st Series without. Chickweed, Old Testament 15 - 2nd Series 2 Bible Stories, New Testament 16 Mamma's Stories about Birds 3 Scholar's Book of Beasts 17 Ditto ditto Animals 4 Duty is Safety, and other Tales, by Mrs. 18 Crompton's Stories: Sherwood 19 Tales in Prose, by Mary Howitt 5 The Child's Own Story Book, 1st Series, with 20 Ditto, ditto, 2nd Series numerous Illustrations by Gilbert, Williams, 21 Tales in Verse, by Mary Howitt, Part 1 &c. 22. Part 2 - ~~-2ud Series 23 Crompton's Scholar's Book, Part 1 8 Parley's Wonders of the Earth 24 - Part 2 - Sea and Sky 25 Lost Trunk, and other Tales, by Mrs. Sher- 10 Parley's Book of Trades wood 11 Grandmama Parker, and other Tales, by Mrs. 28 Stories that should be Told, Part 1 Sherwood 27 Ditto ditto Part 2 12 True Stories, 1st Series, coloured plates 28 Parlour Book, Part 1 - 2nd Series | 29 Ditto Part 2 To be followed by others by Mrs. Sherwood. These little books have been acknowledged, both by the Reviewers and the Trade, as the cheapest Juvenile COPYRIGHT books ever offered. 13 - ONE SHILLING AND SIXPENNY TALE BOOKS. Bound in cloth, with gilt backs and sides. 1 The Little Girl's Keepsake, plates, 18mo. by 1 8 Robinson Crusoe Mrs. Sherwood 9 Sandford and Merton 2 Joys and Sorrows of Childhood, by Mrs. 10 Ornaments Discovered, The Sherwood 11 Tales of Truth, by Mary Elliott 3 Elliott's Tales for Boys, 18mo. 12 Caroline Mordaunt, by Mrs. Sherwood 4 Ditto ditto Girls 113 Family Tales 5 The Maid of Judah, by Mrs. Sherwood 114 Sabbath Scholar's Prize Book 6 Barbauld's Lessons, plates | 15 Adventures of a Donkey, with many cuts 7 Parley's Poetry, many cuts 116 Stories to teach me to Think 9 POPULAR BOOKS BY PETER PARLEY. Illustrated by Samuel Williams. Persevere and Prosper, or the Sable 6 Dick Boldhero in Search of his Uncle Hunters 7 Travels and Adventures of Thomas Trotter, 2 Cheerful Cherry, or make the best of it as told by himself 3 Wit Bought, or the Adventures of Robert 8 Peter Parley's Tales about Asia and Africa Merry - Tales about America & Aug. 4 What to Do, and How to Do it tralia, edited by the Rev. T. Wilson 5 Inquisitive Jack and his Aunt Mary '10 Billy Bump NEW TWO SHILLING GIFT BOOKS. Cloth, yilt edges. . 1 Roger Mowbray | 8 Snow Storm, The 2 Mabel Trevor, by Mrs. Burbury | 9 Richmond's Annals of the Poor, with Life, 3 Bertha and Lily . &c., illustrated 4 Literary Recreations, by Rev. J. Young J10 Stories for all Readers 5 Fortune and Fortitude 111 Princess, The, translated from the German, 6 Gems of Truth 1 by Mrs. Cecil Fane 7 Australia as it is The Cheapest Books by Popular Authors ever offered at 28. NEW TWO SHILLING BOOKS. Handsomely bound in Cloth, gilt sides and edges, with coloured plates, by the Author of “ Chickseed without Chickweed,” etc. 1 Bible Stories, 1st Series 4 Favourite Story Book, 2nd Series 2 --- 2nd Series 5 True Stories, 1st Series 3 Favourite Story Book, Ist Series 6 H 2nd Series § DARTON AND CO.'S CATALOGUE. NEW TWO SHILLING QUARTO BOOKS, Eight Illustrations in Oil Colours. 1 Our Children 4 Weir's Stories of Birds 2 Our Children's Scrap Book 5 Weir's Stories of Animals 3 Our Favourite Birds TWO SHILLING AND SIXPENNY GIFT BOOKS. Elegantly bound in cloth extra. 1 Natural History. 100 cuts 13 Children of Scripture 3 Events to be Remembered 14 Stories from the Reformation 4 Midsummer Flowers, by Mary Howitt 15 Boys will be Boys, by Mrs. Sherwood 5 Gift Book for the Young, ditto 16 Boy's Book of his own Country 6 Joyce's Dialogues 17 Howard Gray 8 Juvenile Forget-me-not, by Mrs. Sherwood 18 Popular Tales, illustrated 9 Howitt's Tales in Prose 19 Book of Sports 10 The Scbolar's Book, by Miss Crowpton 20 Materials for Thinking 11 Scholar's Book of Birds, by ditto 21 Historical Tales about Europe, by Rev. T. 12 Prince of Peace Wilson SUPERIOR TWO SHILLING AND SIXPENNY JUVENILE SQUARE BOOKS. Imperial and Royal 16mo. cloth, extra, gold sides. 1 My Favourite Story Book (just out) | 9 True Stories, illustrated in Oil Colours 2 The Parlour Book 10 Parley's Wonders of Earth, Sea, and Sky : j Bible Stories Il Cheerful Tales, with oil coloured prints, and 4 The Child's Own Story Book; or Tales and 200 illustrations on wood Dialogues for the Nursery, by Mrs. Jerram, 12 New Story Book, illustrated by A. Crowquill with many plates, square 16mo. cloth 13 Popular Fairy Tales, in Oil Colours 5 Green's Nursery Annual, with oil coloured | 14 Little Stories for Little Readers, in Oil prints, and 50 illustrations on wood Colours Ő Stories that should be Told | 15 Baby's First Gift, with 25 page illustrations ng Book of Quadrupeds, by T. Bilby and R. in oil colours B. Ridgway, many beautiful coloured plates 16 Truthful Stories, by the Author of “ Plain · 8 Lark and Linnet Things for Little Folk" NEW SERIES OF THREE AND SIXPENNY QUARTO BOOKS. Bound in elegant paper wrapper, by Luke Limner. 1 Child's Treasury 3 New Nursery Library 2 Stories and Pictures 4 Birds and Beasts Ditto, Ditto, Elegantly bound in cloth, whole gilt, side, back, and edges, 5s. STANDARD THREE SHILLING AND SIXPENNY SQUARE JUVENILE BOOKS. Royal 16mo. cloth extra, gilt edges, and an entirely new style of binding. 1 Favourite Story Book 17 The Book of Quadrupeds, by T. Bilby and 2 The Parlour Book R. B. Ridgway, many beautiful col. plates 3 Bible Stories 8 Marian, and other Poems, by Mary Howitt 4 The Child's Own Story Book; or Tales and ! 9 True Stories illustrated in Oil Colours Dialogues for the Nursery, by Mrs. Jer- 10 Parley's Wonders of Earth, Sea, and Sky ram, with many plates, square iomo. cloth | 11 Our Cousin in Ohio, by Mary Howitt 5 Mary Howitt's Sketches of Natural History, 12 A New Story Book, illust. by A. 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Gilt edges, in an entire New Style of Binding. 1 Gift of Friendship | 1.2 Light from the East 2 Materials for Thinking 13 Evenings at Home 3 Historical Tales | 14 Durand's Travels 4 Triumpbs of Perseverance 15 De Cliffords, by Mrs. Sherwood 5 Events to be Remembered. By Charles 16 Famous Boys, and how they became Great Selby. Illustrated Men, with 8 full page Illustrations 6 Fossil Spirit, or Boy's Dream of Geology 17 Birthday Gift, by Mary Howitt 7 Selections from the English Poets 18 Marco Grifi, by Mrs. Webbe 8 Gift Book of Poetry. Illustrated 19 Catherine De Vere 9 Wanderers, by Peter Parley 20 Boy Princes, illustrated by Thomas 10 Our Boyish Days 21 Whaleman's Adventures 11 Beauties of Modern and Sacred Poetry, by 22 Holiday Tales, by William Martin McCombie 23 Hannahs; or, Maternal Influence, &c., &c. FIVE SHILLING GIFT BOOKS. 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DARTON'S SUPERIOR INDESTRUCTIBLE TOY BOOKS.-Coloured ls, 1 Green's Nursery Leading Strings 17 Old Mother Hubbard and her Dog 2 5 First Reader 18 The Old Woman and her Silver Penny 3 , Second Reader 19 Fireman aod his Dog 4 Nuts to Crack, with Riddles 20 Death and Burial of Cock Robin 5 Papa's Picture Book of Animals 21 Alphabet of Virtues 6 Little Stories and Pictures 22 Wild and Tame Animals 7 Wonders of the Horse 23 Wonders of Kew Gardens 8 Tom Thumb's Alphabet 24 Wonders of the Dog 9 The New Nursery Alphabet and Amusing 25 My Pet Birds Guide 26 Happy Children 10 A, Apple Pie 27 Our Pets 11 My Own Picture Book of Animals 28 Alphabet, Londoner's 12 First Steps in Grammar 2910 Trades 13 My New Scrap Book 30 Peace 14 Doll's Party, and others 31 Scripture Alpliabet 15 The Pet Lamb 32 Scripture Stories and Pictures 16 Dame Trot and her Comical Cat SÍXPENNY RAILWAY & TELEGRAPI COUNTY MAPS OF ENGLAND & WALES. i Bedfordshire 11 Hampshire 21 Northampton 131 Warwickshire 2 Berkshire 12 Herefordshire 22 Northumberland 32 Worcestershire 3 Cheshire 13 Hertfordshire 23 Nottingham 33 North Wales 4 Cornwall 14 Huntingdon 24 Oxfordshire | 34 England 5 Cumberland 16 Kent 25 Rutland 35 Scotland 6 Derbysbire 16 Lancashire 26 Somersetshire 36 Ireland 7 Devonshire 17 Lincolnshire 27 Staffordshire 37 Isle of Wight, 18. 8 Durham 18 Middlesex 28 Suffollc 38 Lakes of Cumber. 9 Essex 19 Monmouthshire 29 Surrey | land & Westmoreland 10 Gloucestershire 120 Norfolk 301Sussex COLOURED AND FOLDED IN CASE FOR POCKET, 6d. 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DARTON'S CHILD'S FIRST ATLAS, with 6 Maps, printed in Oil Colours o maps, printed in Oil Colours . 0 0 3 Just Published, under the patronage of Her Most Gracious Niajesty the Queen, MADAME BRISSON'S Europe wooo TA PICTORIAL CHART OF ENGLISH HISTORY. In Sheets, with KEY, price 10s. 6d., or on Canvas, Rollers, and Varnished, 16s. BRITISH COSTUMES. A Series of 6 Prints, full coloured, 6d. each. Illustrating British History from the Ancient Britons to the Seventeenth Century. DARTON'S EDUCATIONAL PRINTS. . PRINTS, &c., USED IN INFANT AND OTHER SCHOOLS. IRI A New Series of Prints, illustrating the most Interesting Events in English History, BY FRANK HOWARD. Price 6d. each, coloured. In the Press. RAGGED SCHOOL SERIES OF SCRIPTURE PRINTS: 2d. each; coloured. DARTON AND CO.'S CATALOGUE. SERIES OF SCRIPTURE PRINTS. Beautifully Coloured, price 6d. each ; Set, 48. OLD TESTAMENT SERIES. NEW TESTAMENT SERIES. 1 The Deluge I Simeon taking Christ in his arms 2 Abraham offering up Isaac 2 The Wise Men from the East 3 Joseph sold by his Brethren 3 Christ with the Doctors 4 Meeting of Joseph and Jacob 4 Christ preaching Sermon on the Mount 5 The Finding of Moses 5 St. John preaching in the Wilderness 6 Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh 6 The Raising of Lazarus 7 The Passage of the Red Sea Ī The Return of the Prodigal Son 8 Moses Receiving the Law 8 Little Children brought to Christ 9 Ruth and Naomi 9 Christ riding into Jerusalem on an Ass 10 Samuel and Eli 10 The Last Supper 11 David and Goliath 11 The Unbelief of Thomas 12 Mordecai and Haman 12 The Angel appearing to the Shepherds Ditto, ditto, Old Testament, mounted on Canvas, roller, and varnished, on a large sheet for schools, 15s. Ditto, ditto, New Testament, 158. Just Published, POPULAR ILLUSTRATIONS OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. Showing the Relation of the Bones to the External Form of the Animal. 2 BY WATERHOUSE HAWKINS. The following is a list of the Plates, which are sold separately. 1 & 2 Illustrate the variations in the structure | 6 Bones of the Seal of Mammiferous Animals, according to l 7 the Elephant which they are classed and arranged in 8 the Horse orders, exhibiting a skeleton type of each 9 the Cow order, Man being taken as the standard of 10 the Giraffe comparison the Eagle 3 Bones of Man the Parrot 4 Bones of the Bear 1 the Swan 5 , the Lion With an Illustrative Table. Ditto, ditto, mounted on canvas, roller, and varnished, on a Large Sheet, for Schools, 158. Just Published, NEW SERIES OF PRINTS~Price Is. 6d. each. Leather and its Applications 1 Examples of the most useful Spice Plants Silk - Ditto Examples of the most useful Palms Wool Ditto Vegetable productions used for Food, Part 1 · Horn, Ivory, Tortoise-shell, and Bone, and Ditto ditto "Part 2 their Applications Examples of Plants used for Clothing and Examples of the Plants from which Media Cordage [ture of Fermented Liquors cines are obtained Vegetable Productions used in the Manufac- Others to follow, making a Series of 16, and when completed a Book will be published con- taining a description of each sheet. Value of a Dead Horse, price 18. FIFTEEN PRINTS OF TREES. Published under the Superintendence of the Home and Colonial Infant School Society. Price 123. 6d. the Set, or 1s. each separately. 1 Oak 15 Birch 9 Weeping Willow 1 13 Horse Chestnut 2 Ashi 6 Walnut 10 Lime 14 Scotch Fir 3 Elm 17 Sycamore 11 Poplar, English '15 Cedar 4 Beech 8 White Willow 1 12 Ditto, Lombardy Do., do., mounted on canvas, rollers, and varnished, on a Large Sheet, for Schools, £i Is. Coloured in the best style-or Plain, beautifully Drawn from Nature, by Blyth and Richter, on a royal sheet. WORKS BY THE AUTHOR OF GOD IS LOVE." 58. cloth, gilt sides. Comforter. Our Heavenly Home. God is Love. God's Unspeakable Gift. Various bindings at extra prices for birthday gifts, wedding presents, and Christian Rememó brancers. 10. DARTON AND CO.'S CATALOGUE. TA ONE SHILLING AND SIXPENNY PRINTS. 1 Illustrations of Animal Kingdom-Birds of 7 Ditto, The Comparative Sizes of British and Prey Domesticated Animals 2 Ditto, Reptiles 8 Ditto, The Comparative Sizes of Wild 3 Ditto, Carnivora Animals 4 Ditto, Ruminalia 9 Ditto, Pouched Animals 5 Ditto, Thick-skioned Animals 10 The Copper Mine; a section showing the 6 Ditto, Birds various processes of working a Mine Ditto, ditto, mounted on canvas, rollers, and varnished, on a Large Sheet, for Schools (the last Six New Ones), 178. 6d. ONE SHILLING PRINTS. AGRICULTURE. 13 Threshing, Winnowing, | 6 Fruits 1 Farm Yard Churning, Mills, &c. | 7 Wild and Garden Vege. 2 Ploughing, Sowing, Harrow. VEGETABLE KINGDOM. 1 8 Corn [tables ing, Reaping, Haymaking, | 4 Roots 9 Gardening Sheep-shearing 5 Flowers | 10 Trees 11 The Saddle Horse 131 The Parts of Speech illustrated by Coloured 12 Sources of Food Engravings 13 Sources of Manufacture 32 The Camel and its Uses 14 Geography for Schools and Nurseries 33 Joseph and his Brethren 15 Trades, containing representations of eight 35 The British Sovereigns from 'William the of the commonest Trades Conqueror to Victoria, with the Crowns and 16 The Dog and his Uses Coronets of England 17 The Horse and his Employments 36 Tegetmeier's Classification of Organized 18 The Cow and her Uses Bodies, after Cuvier and Decandolle, on a 19 Bookbinder's Shop large sheet, many illustrations 20 The Ship 37 The Elephant and his Uses to Man 22 Life of Joseph 38 The Whale, Black or Common 23 Carpenter's Shop 39 Chinese Manners and Costumes 24 Bakehouse 40 Cotton Plant 26 The Carriage Horse and his Employments 41 Geometry for Infant Schools and Nurseries 27 The Dray Horse and his Employments | 42 Clock Face, with moveable hands 28 Shells, their Beauties and Uses | 43 Grammar illustrated by Pictures 29 Insects, their Beauties and Uses 44 Picture Alphabet, two Sheets 30 The Order of the Creation illustrated 145 Picture Lessons, two Sheets MECHANICAL POWERS, 8 Plates, sell 6d. each. Do., do., mounted on canvas, roller, and varnished, on a Large Sheet, for Schools, 128. 6d. ILLUSTRATIVE ASTRONOMY, 4 Plates, Is. each, showing The Seasons The Planetary System The Tides and Phases of the Moon The Effect of Refraction, &c. Prints, 4d. coloured. 2d. plain. FOURPENNY PRINTS. A Series of Twenty-four Coloured Plates of The Chain or Combination Table, on two large Animals, with the Reading Lessons, mounted sheets, 3d. each. on canvas, complete, for the schoolroom, 12s. 6d. A Series of Twenty Coloured SCRIPTURL Numerical Frames, various sizes, from 2s.6d. | PRINTS from the OLD TESTAMENT, with the to 158. Reading Lessons, mounted on canvas, complete, Rudiment Box, or the Drawing Room Mine, ne; 173. 6d. containing a large collection of Infant School Pictures and Lessons, so that they may be! Ditto, ditto, from the New Testament; conveniently shown in succession, £6 68. | 17s.6d. TIT 7 77 DISSECTED EDUCATIONAL PUZZLES. SİXPENCE EACH. ONE SHILLING PUZZLES. Comprising various sorts, in neat Tunbridge boxes. LIGHTEENPENNY PUZZLES. Consisting of many sorts, in neat boxes. TWO SHILLING PUZZLES. Various kinds, in Tunbridge boxes. PETER PARLEY'S NEW AND INSTRUCTIVE GAMES. 28. 6d. cacdi. 1 British Sovereigns 3 Roman History | 5 Useful Knowledge | 7 British and Foreign 2 Grecian History & Game of Nuts 6 Birds and Beasts Animals DARTON AND CO.'S CATALOGUE. set NEW TWO SHILLING AND SIXPENNY DISSECTIONS, With a separate Coloured Print to each. '1 The Horse and his 1 4 The Elephant 17 The Beaver 110 The Bear Employments 5 The Cow 8 The Sheep 11 The Cat 2 The Camel 6 The Donkey 9 The Pig 12 The Lion 3 The Dog 1 13 The Tarın THREE SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE EACH. With a separate Coloured Print to each. 1 The Harvest-Home | 17 Life of Moses, with 24 plates and descrip- 2 The Farm Yard tions 3 Natural History of Birds 18 Life of Christ, with 24 plates and descrip- - of Quadrupeds tions ; containing 42 Animals 119 History of Joseph and his Brethren, with 6 The Cries of London 24 plates and descriptions 7 John Gilpin, with the Poem complete 20 Royal Road to Learning, with Letters and 8 Common Things necessary to be known at Pictures an early Age 21 The Four Ages of Man 9 Children's Pictures to Amuse and Instruct 22 Eighty Birds and Beasts 10 British Sovereigns, from William the 23 Cabinet of Birds Conqueror to William the Fourth 24 - British and Foreign Animals 11 European Costumes 25 Trades and Professions 12 Asiatic ditto 26 Sixteen Cuts for Children 13 African ditto 27 Old and New Testament Prints, by Frank 14 American ditto | Howard. See list in pages 8 and 9 15 Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 28 Historical Prints, by Frank Howard. 12 16 The History of Prince Lee Boo sorts FIVE SHILLINGS EACH. With separate Coloured Prints to each. 1 British Sovereigns 9 The Whale 2: Farm Yard 10 Chinese Manners and Costumes 3 The Cow and her Uses | 11 The Bookbinder's Shop 4 The Dog and his Uses 12 The Carpenter's Shop 5 The Horse and his Employments 13 The Elephant and his Uses to Mau 6 The Life of Joseph 14 Shells, their Beauties and Uses Agriculture 16 Insects, their Beauties and Uses 8 The Camel and its Uses SEVEN SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE EACH. The Comparative Sizes of Quadrupeds, Birds, &c., see page 9. GEOGRAPHICAL, HISTORICAL, AND OTHER GANES. 5s. cache. Fitted up on Cloth, and in a Case, with a Box containing the Tee-to-tum, Counters, and Pyramids, to play with, 5s. 1 A Survey of London, by a Party of Tarry- | 9 Learning in Sport . at-Home Travellers 110 Useful Knowledge 2 British and Foreign Animals 11 Birds and Beasts Birds 12 The Royal Game of the Dolphin 4 Newton's New Game of Virtue Rewarded 13 The Noble Game of the Swau and Vice Punished 14 The Majestic Game of the Asiatic Ostrich - the Mansion of Bliss 15 The Noble Game of Elephant and Castle 6 Walker's Tour through England and Wales16 The Delicious Game of the Fruit Basket en France 17 The Imperial Game of the Golden Shield round the World, in two 18 A new Game! or Puzzles versus Puzzles, Hemispheres; & very large Game at which 2s. 6d., ls. 9d. two parties can play, 10s. 6d., 7s. 19 Halliday's Numerical Game, 10s.6d., 7s.6d. EDUCATIONAL DISSECTED MAPS. 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DARTON AND CO.'S CATALOGUE. 16 come Instricture ditto SIXPENNY PRINTS. 1 European Costumes | 17 Sixteen Cuts for Children | 32 The Harvest-Home 2 Asiatic Costumes '18 The Kings of England | 33 Pictures for Young Tarry- 3 African Costumes 19 History of Joseph and his at-Home Travellers 4 American Costumes Brethren | 34 Royal Road to Learning 5 Natural History for Infant | 20 Life of Christ 35 The Art of Talking with Schools-——Beasts 21 Life of Moses the fingers, or the Dumb 6 Ditto ditto, Birds 22 Scripture prints, 9 subjects Alphabet 7 Cabinet of British and 23 Trades and Professions 36 Anatomy of the Human Foreign Animals, com 24 Twelve Prints of Trades Bones, Plates 1, 2, 3, 4,5 prising 42 representations 25 The Cries of London 37 Botany, illustrating the of Quadrupeds 26 The Blacksmith's Shop; Vegetable Kingdom 8 Cabinet of Birds representing most of the Plates 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 9 Eighty Birds and Beasts Instruments used in that 38 John Gilpin 10 Natural History, comprising Business 39 Rudiments of Geography forty-two Animals 27 Infancy, Youth, Manhood, | 40 History of Samuel, Saul, 11 Natural History of Birds and old age and David 12 — of Quadrupeds 28 The Farm-Yard 41 - Prince Lee Boo 13 — of Birds, 12 subjects 29 The Four Seasons 42 - Robinson Crusoe 14 Quadrupeds, ditto 30 The Four Quarters of the 43 Multiplication Table Made 15 Children's Pictures to Amuse World : Easy and Instruct 31 The Five Senses-Seeing, 16 Common Things necessaryto Hearing, Tasting, Smell- be known at an Early Agel ing, Feeling : A New Series of Moral Prints, set of 12, 58.; separately, 6d. 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A Table is inserted on the European Wars, from 1700 to 1860, shewing the States engaged, and reference made to the Treaty con cluded at the termination of each; also, the Opponents and Victors in all the principal Battles by sea and land. Published by DAVIS & ALLEN, 33, Dowgate Hill, City, London. ALSO TO BE HAD OF ALL BOOKSELLERS. Part II. Now Ready. [SEE OVER. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. “Mr. Bolus deserves the best thanks of the nation for this excellent attempt to teach upon a rational plan physical and political geography. The idea is excellent. At one view he gives the pupil an opportunity of Seizing the great features of each country of Europe, and fixing them in his mind. At the same time he en- cumbers his work with no unnecessary details. It is, of course, not a geographical cyclopædia, but it is one of the most simple and the most complete class books we have ever seen. Pupils generally take kindly to geogra- phy at school, but there have hitherto been many difficulties in the way of the teacher as well as the scholar. This book does away with the obstacles of both; and we rest assured that no teacher will continue to use the old books save as supplementary works, as soon as he is made acquainted with the features of Mr. Bolus's plan. We heartily recommend a consideration of its undoubted merits to all who are interested in the education of the rising generation. Its success cannot be more than a question of time."-Morning Herald. “This is part 1 (Europe) of a series of books on Geography, with the information so condensed and tabu- lated as to serve the double purpose of notes for oral lessons, full of important and well-arranged matter, and as models for written exercises on previous studies. To pupil teachers and others preparing for examinations, it will prove an invaluable aid. Should the circulation of the work be proportionate to its merits, the author will justly be encouraged to continue his useful labours." - Educational Guardian. “We hope that this truly practical effort will meet with the approval and support of all classes of Teachers land that, as a consequence, the remainder of the work conditionally promised, will soon pake its appearance. - School anil the Teacher. “This is a successful attempt to simplify and condense the study of Geography. This part, devoted only to Europe, presents at each opening a comprehensive view of the physical and political features of some State As notes of lessons they will be of great service, and save much time and labor. With such helps students now-a-days are saving themselves half the mental toil we bad in our young days, and they get their work done better."--Pupil Teacher. "There has been just published by Davis & Allen, the first part of "A New System of Tabular Geography." The objcct is to place before students the leading facts of physical and political geography, arranged in such a manner as to systematise and facilitate this branch of instruction. The tables are not intended to supersede the system of oral iustruction by the master, but to assist him and his pupils in adopting a systematic course. It appears to us that they will be useful aids to schoolmasters, pupil teachers, and persons preparing for com- petitive examinations. The part just publislied coniprises " Ewrope," and it is intimated that should it meet with a favorable reception, another part will be shor ssued. We think that the next part will be expected.” Illustrated London News. “This is the first part of a system of geography, which seems to us perfectly novel, is arranged in tabular form, and presents to the eye a clear and comprehensive view of each country, its natural features, history, boundaries, products, and peculiarities, in a way to fix the impression on the mind and memory. The most relating to each place is obtained from authentic sources and the most recent documents, and we have no Service, the Army, or the Navy."-Civil Service Gazette. “We have a new feature in educational manuals exhibited by A New System Of Tabular Geography [Davis & Allen), It contains a great amount of information which is compiled in a very ingenious manner, being presented in a synoptical form readily available either for Icarning or reference. The volume before us is the first part of the series, and contains the portion allotted to Europe. First of all we have the several coun- tries catalogued and tabulated; then their character according to physical geography; then their population, productions, and all other such information, which is arranged in a manner singularly calculated to catch the eye."-John Bull. “The distinctive feature of Mr. Bolus's “New System" lies in Tabulating the main facts.of Geography, so as to preseut them' to the eye at a single glauce. Besides mere names, there are giveu many pages of valuable Statistics."-Paper's for the Schoolmaster. for the eye at a single glauce. Besides mere names, there are given ma C . JI, Ludgate Hill. DEAN & SON'S LIST OP EDUCATIONAL AND &CEOOL BOOBS. suitable for Youths, schools, and Families. HIST, OF ENGLAND. "It is important that history meant for young English Biould be Ireetron political poison, and this book will be lound unexceptionable on this more."-Briesen Banner. HIST. 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The object of these Works pocu. liarly suited to Sobools and Families -is to furnish the reader with a faithful history of each nation, from the earlier periods to the present time, interspersed with an accurate account of the religion, customs, national characteristics, and states of civil ization, and domestio habito of the people, in various periods of their bie all tory; to attract the attention of the rising generation by purity of language and clearners of detail; and thus render easy and pleasant tho tuinmeut of a know- ledge of the leading events of History. CORNER'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND AND WALES; New Edition, brought down to present date, with Chronological Table and Indax; 38. 6d, cloth, leltered; or bound up with Questions on the History, 48. Lustrated with a Man, and five Historical Engravings, by Jones. CORNER'S HISTORY OF IRELAND; New Edition, with Chronological Table and Index; 28. 6d. clow, lettered; or bound up with Questions on the History, 38. Illustrated with a Map, and three Historical Engravings by J. Gilbert. CORNER'S HISTORY OF SCOTLAND; New Edition, with Chronological Table and Index; 28. 60. clow, lettered; or bound up with Questions on the History, 38. Wustrated with a Map, and three Historical Engravings by John Gilbert CORNER'S HISTORY OF DENMARK, SWEDEN, & NOR WAY; 28. 6d. cloth, lettered; with a Map, and two Historical En. gravings, by J. Franklin. CORNER'S HISTORY OF ITALY AND SWITZERLAND; 38. 6d. cloth, lettered; with a Map, and three olegant Historical En- gravings, by Gilbert. CORNER'S HISTORY OF HOLLAND & BELGIUM ; 28. 6d. cloth, lettered; with a Map, and two Historical Engravings, by John Gilbert. CORNER'S HISTORY OF GERMANY & THE GERMAN EMPIRE; & Now Edition, with additions, bringing the History down to tbe present time, & Chrow nological Table and Index ; 38. Od. cloth, lettered. With & Map, and three Historical Plates. CORNER'S UNITED KING- DOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND; price 108. 6d., demy 8vo, bandsomely bound, wilk gilt edges, fit for a Present; Eleven Plates of Mus. trations, and three OVE Maps. PA SS dal S 22 “This meritoriow work 1. Wittcn in a very coy ind agrecable.style, per- fectly adapted to the capacities of the young." HIST. OF IRELAND. “Miss Corner's style of writing will produco habits of thinking." Lorning Advertiser. HIST. OF HOLLAND. "The present history 16 distinguished for la conciseness, eleganco of expression, and clearners of detail." Mancha Buh «'Wrilled with great care and ability." HIST. OF ITALY. "A very userul edu- cational book." Lill- rany Gazelle. HIST. OF SCOTLAND "We sincerely recom- mend this History as peculiarly suited to the meridian of schools." Ayr Obecrore. Timel. - Mios Corner bas cho sen her epochs skiinully, and sketched them in a mannor To make an Jaquate impression." Wory Qasetta. G John . DEAN & Son, 11. Ludgate Hill, London. DBAN & Sox 11 Ludgate Hill, London. DBAN & SUN, 11, Ludgate Hill, London. HIST. OF GREECE. "Remarkably clear in ils arrangement, while the simple and easy style w which it is written, peculiarly its it for popular ase."- English woman's Magazine. CORNER'S ROME. "An excellent feature in this biscory is the continua! coort to open out to the youug reader the household liro and social customs of the Romans." -Bducational Tinio Companion Books to Miss COINBX'S EVERY CHILD'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND, sumc 8izo, 13n1o. demy, and guud bold type; with laj und Exercises at the end of cach chuapter. 12 . VURNER'S ACCURATE HIS- TORY OF GREECE ; from ac- cepted authorities, English and Foreigo; as Grote's History of Greece, Smith's Grock and Roman Antiquities, Thirlwall and Words- worth's Greece, Smitb's Mythology and Biograpby, Annals of Com- merce, &c. With Questions to each Chapter, & Chronological Table, Index, and coloured Map of the Greek States. 38. lettered. " Miss Corner's Histories require no re- commendation of ours to bring them into notice. This volume, her History of Greece, 18 written with great clearness and tuency; the fabulous Inles which distigure so many professedly authentic histories of the Greeks are discarded. We cordially recommend I this work for the school-room ar family circle.- Gospel Herald CORNER'S - HISTORY OF FRANCE, to present time; with Chronological Table and Index; 28. 6d. oloth, lettered; or bound up with Questions on the History, 3s. "Miss Corner appears to be an excellent historian for the school room. She nar- rates with duency and clearness, and in a concise and lively manner, the leading facts so as to convey the spirit of history, and indicate the characteristics of the people and the country, As well as the rulers and Lamous characters." Spectator. CORNER'S HISTORY OF ROME; from accepled English and Foreign authorities, as, Macpbor. son's Annals of Commerce, Koight ley's Roman History, Smith's aud Adan's Greek and Roman Antiqui. ties; Dr. Arnold, Niebuhr, &o. With Questions to each Chapter, a Chronological Table and Index, and a Map of the Roman Empiro; 38.0d. bound in cloth lettered. Now Edit. “ Miss Corner's Filstory of Romo will assuredly ere long supersede all the Roman histories at present used in schools; it is well wirliten, and the historical facts elicited by the learned labours of Niebuhr, Arnold, &c., are made to take the pluce of the fabulous accounts wbich have bitherto paned current as autheo dc history; at tho same time the popuksy early legends aro 1.000 oialited, but their douburul naturo polnted out.-Wolminstor Rogiero. CORNER'S HISTORIES OF SPAIN AND PORTUGAL; New Edition, 28. od cloth, lettered; or bound up with Questions on the Histories, 38. Ilustrated with a Map, and three Historical engrav. ings by J. Franklin. "Miss Corner gives a clear and strik ing account of the different king- doms that at yurious times were founded in Spain." Edinburgh Review. EVERY CHILD'S HISTORY OF ROME ; price le., or 18. Bd. cloth, with map. By A. FARR, Esq., Autlior of “Poetry for Scboole," and various other Knowledge. School Books. EVERY CHILD'S SCRIPTURE HISTORY; price 18. Reduced from Dr. Kirto'and Mi88 COB Ner's "Scriptural History Sim. plified." With two Maps. EVERY CHILD'S HISTORY OF FRANCE, from the earliest period to the present time. By A. FARR, Esq. 18., with map. 1. To render these Histories useful an School Books for the Junior Classes, & series of Questions have been as ranged at the end of every Chapter. PAPA AND MAMMA'S EASY LESSONS FOR THEIR LITTLE ONE8; commencing at the Al. phabet and gradually progressing in reading and spelling; and that the eye of the child may be pleased while its mind is being tasked, au illustration is an pended to every page. In 12 1d. parts, or bound in one volume 18. in boards. O .. 1 . S . . hierdie HIST. OF GREECE. “ Miss Corner has the art of writing so as to be understood by youthful roaders." London Into- rary Journal. SPAIN PORTUQAL. “So concise and plain is to be at once adapted to the capacities and vo- latility of young people, while they 4ro aselul compendiums for adulu." " These will be rouud pleus. ing andiastructive historico Adapted to the capacities of young children, and pre- scuting to the young reuder a clear and correct pictunt of the couguests and revo lutions that have taken place at various periods."-Preface. . . "We look upon Miss omitted. Yox HIST. OF FRANCE. Corner's work with great interest, as being peca- Warly adapted to the Ends of young people." conformist, CORNER'S ROME. “In contents form a correct history of the Roman empire from its begiuning."- Church of Brgland Journal. History for Childreu ougue to be cold in theirown siniple language, or it fails to in. terest them; while allthat is unticted for childish cars, or unsuited to a childisa under- standing, should be carefully DEAN & Son, 11, Lodgate Hill. London. DEAN & Sox, 11, Ludgate Hill, London. DEAN & Son, ll, Ludgale Hill, London, KITTO & CORNER'S SCRIPTURAL HISTORY. "In the great requisites of simplicity of arrangement and comprehensivenc88 we know of none better adapted for general use, we therefore heartily commend it.”-Morn- ing Heralih SCRIPTURAL HISTORY "As a poikerful auxiliary to Teachers and Parents in their efforts to instruct the young in the knowledge of the Scriptures werecommend this History with great pleasure and much contdence."-Tait's Edinburgh Magazine. A good progressive book for the young 18 MISS SARGEANT'S EASY READING & STORY BOOK, with many pictures, and 28 pretty males, price lo. post free. W7 . , In a largo dear type, ſcap 800, prico 38.88. SCRIPTURAL HISTORY SIMPLIFIED; by Miss CORNER, and Dr. KITTO, LL.D., for the Use of Schools and Families, in Ques · tions and Answers.: | All parents and teachers must be conscious of the importance of mak- ling Sacred History a part of the daily studies of their children and pupils; 80 certain it is that nothing can tend to good that is not based on the prin- ciples of true religion. The best and surest foundation for a Christian edu oation is an early acquaintance with the Scriptures, which, as regards children, is not to be gained by read. ing tho Sacred Volume alone; there fore, a good summary of Bible History cannot fail to be useful as a prepara tion for such reading; and with that view the present volume was designed .by the Authoregs, whose ability as a historian for the school-room has long been felt and acknowledged to take the place of Dr. Watts's book on the game subjects whion, from receut researches, and light thrown on this subject, was found to be incorrect. Biblical literature wo has reached Q bigb standard in these enlightened times, and it is desirable that our school books should keep pace with the increasing knowledge of the age. Miss Corner's and Dr. J. Kitto's SCRIPTURAL HISTORY cuataing condensed narrative of the events recorded in the Bible; elucidated by much aseful information on various suhjects connected with the history of God's chosen people; their pecu- Liar customs and industrial pursuits; descriptive notices of the chief places mentioned in Holy Writ; natural productions, arts, commerce, sources of wealth, and many other interesting particulars, tending to make the read- ing of the Bible a delightful instead of a laborious task to young people. , DEAN'S ILLUSTRATED FOURPENNY SCHOOL BOOKS, Convinced tlint one of the most mate rial aids to popular iinprovement may emanate from the production of a really excellent series of Elementary Books, at the lowest possiblo price, Messrs. DEAX & Sox bave addressed 1 themselves to this object, and the “ILLUSTRATed FOURPENNY SCHOOL Books" are the result. These Books rre designed eginully for use in Nur- gories and in Schools; are Deatly printed, and einbellished with numer. ous engravings, and a sbowy attractive cover. The brst three are FIRST BOOK OF SP&LIING & READING 27 ilustrutions. 88COND Do. Do., illustrations. GEADOATED GRAMMAR, 12 dilto. Each Book in stiff binding, and cover in colours. 4d. each. EVER - DURABLE TEXTILE LOOKS. Printed on Cloth. Six Progressive Steps to Learning. 601, ench. 1. The First Book for inſan is. 2. The Child': Easy Spelling Book. 3. The Child's Easy Lessou kook. 4. The Child's Easy He Reading Book. 5 The Child's Instructive Reading Book. 6. The Child's Ainusing and Useful Lesson Book. Vera . UN Educational, Amusing, & Ynstrne- tibe Yubenile Books. THE PLAY GRAMMAR; New Edition, enlarged and improved. In which the Elements of Grammar are explained in easy Games for Children. By Mias CORNER. 18. sowed, with tinted frontis piece, and numerous on. gravings; or 18. 60. cloth, with colid. frontispiece. D “As & school book it cannot be toostrongly ro- commended. It is a per- fect summary of Sacred History, and its pages having had the couate- Dance of that eminent biblical scholar, Dr. Kit- to, is & proof of its Taluc."-Obford Churon. PLAY GRAMMAR. "One of the prettiest and cheapest of chil- dsen's books, and at the same timeoneof the most successful attempts to simplify the rudiments of grammar that we have moet."Watchman Do you desire your child to learn Grammar or Geo- graphy with pleasure and nol as an irksome task, CORNER'S PLAY GRAMMAR, AND SARGEANT'S EASY OEOGRAPHY, are the means; post treo for la. each. tha." School Teacher. · "The Authores8 DAS made it & principle to avoid any manifestation of sectarian blas, and her book having been revised by Dr. Kitto, well known for his labour in biblical litorature, may be profit- bly.put into the hands of PLAY GRAMMAR, “ DIiss Corner's Play Grummar is, beyond all compare, the best con- trivance we have seen for teaching this difficult science to young chil. I dren."-Critic. MISS CORNER'S FABLES FOR THE YOUNG, Illustrated and embellished by ALFRED CROWQUILL and JANSES NORTHCOTE, Esqrs. Amusing Tales, adapted to the Capacities of Children, in which Birds, Beusts, and Other animals have some- thing to say. la gilt. OG Dean & Son, 11, Ludgate Hill, London. DBAN & Son, 11, Ludbale Hill, London, DEAN & Son, 11, Ludgate Hill, London. CHAS. BUTLER'S EASY GUIDE TO GEOGRAPHY. “For young people, this is one of thc best elementary geographical works we have ever met with."-Critio. TO THE ASTRONOMICAL. The six large Maps of the J Stan on the Goomonic pro- Jection, by Sir J. LOBBUSI, published by the Society of Useful Knowledge, bave passed into the hands of DEAN & Sox, who have re- duced them from 169.00 78.6d. the sot plain, or 165. coloured. WORSLEY'S NEW DRAWING BOOK, On Progressive Principles. Commencing with designs in outline to hall and fullsbade, and on to perfect inished specimens. Five 8orts, ls. uach; orb. ed. bound. ? 2 - Y . STA . EVERY CHILD'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND; with & Map, and Quostions to each Chapter. Par- tionlarly suited for Young Children and for Home and Infant School Reading. 18. sowed; or with the Map coloured, and bound in cloth, 18. 6d. By Dr. EDWARD FABR.. PAPA AND MAMMA'S EASY LESSONS IN GEOGRAPHY; or Elements of Geography in a new and Attractive Form. By ANNA MABIA SARGEANT, Author of“ Bible Geography." Embellished with many Ilustrations; and & Com- panion to Miss Corner's “ Play Grammar." T + dous, and states into which they are divided; the commerce and principal productions of the several countries, and the number and characteristics of their inbabitants. le, 6a. bound in cloth. · Or with Seven Glyphograpbic Maps, and the Use of the Globea, 28. "bound in cloth. EASY GUIDE TO USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. By CHARLES BUTLER. Containing, in the form of an easy and familiar Catechism, the newest and most useful infor. mation connected with the Arts, Sciences, and the various Pheno- mena of Nature. For the use of Schools and Families. New Edition, correctod ; ls. 6d, bound in cloth. THE CHURCH CATECHISM EXPLAINED, WITH SCRIP. TURE PROOFS. By the Rev. R. MONTGOMERY, MA, author of “Christian Poetry,'' “Omnipre- Bence of the Deity." Price 3d, 18mo Demy, 78 PP. A larger Edition, with Sup plement on thé Articles, Prayers, &c. 18., bound in cioth. YOUNG ARTIST'S DRAWING BOOK. 18. 6d. 52 plates of Easy Subjects. By J BARFOOT. ELEMENTARY & PROGRES SIVE DRAWING BOOK; com- prising examples of Still Life, Figures Animals, and Landscape, Suipping, &c. By C. ROBINSON. In 13 numbers, 6d. ouch; or the sot in one vol. 78. ELEMENTS OF PERSPEC- TIVE DRAWING ; an easy mode of acquiring the knowledge of Drawing in Perspective, by pro- gressive lessons. By SYDNS and CROUCH. 38. Deatly bound. ELEMENTS OF PERSPEC- TIVE DRAWING; suitable for the practice of beginners. With 8 pages of illustrations. By A. Deacon. 28. WORSLEY'S DRAWING BOOK or Crayon Prints on Tinted Paper. Price lg. DRAWING BOOK OF TREES, with Pictorial Ulustrations of this Uses to Man placed round each Tree. Foar large plates in each book. In four parts, 8d. each. VIET PS i . EVERY CHILD'S HISTORY OF GREECE. Adapted for the Junior Classes, from Miss Corner's History of Greece, by Edward Farr, Author of "Every Child's History of Rome," “ France." &c. ls, or 1/6 bound in cloth. With a Map, and Questions to each chapter. EASY GUIDE TO GEOGRA- PHY. BY CHARLBS BOTL8R. A now and concise description of the five great divisions of the Globe; the Off empiros, king- i YE Je TY O + ASA CHAS. BUTLER'S EASY GUIDE TO GEOGRAPHY. “This is truly what it professC8 to be,' an Easy Cuide.' Werscommend It without besiuidou." Aucun. GUIDE TO USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. “We know of nono Buperior to it, as an ele- mentary book, for the 080 of Schools and Pri- vate Families."Nort British Bovicu. ox| THE PROGRESSIVE PENCIL DRAWING BOOK, Printed in Germany, by a new process in Lead Pencil Six Books, Ls each. Ditto, in six books, by FAIRLAND,16mo imperial, 60 each. e SA MONTGOMERY'S · CHURCH CATECHISM. *Tbe distinguishod name attached to this Work is a guarantec for Its goodnese Children may through the means bere afforded be taught to have a just sensu ol their profesalon." EVERY CHILO'S HI8T. OF ENGLAND. “Thiolittle Hlatory for Children will be an in- valuable assistant in tho Durgery, and in school." wampelical MagaBiH. ..... FISHER'S YOUNO MAN'S BEST COMPANION, Containing easy instruction for acquiring the art of Rending, Writing, Arith- mctic, Book-keeping, Let- ters on Business, &c. &c. A new improved edition, by the Rey. N. WRIGHT, WA. 28. Od. bound in cloth. B 23, La DBAX & son, 11, Ludgato Hill, London. Dean & Sox, 11, Ludgate Hill, London DEAX & Sox, 11, Ludgate Hill, Lon T NEW SCRIPTURAL SERIES, OR COLOURED SUNDAY BOOKS. For Children; 6d. each. With Coloured Engravings. representing the Costumes of Sin the People, and the Scenery H of the Countries in which the incidents described took place.-10 different. PLEASANT SONDAYS FOR THE YOUNQ AND 0000. « Parents who delight In seeing a group of happy Children gleaning lessons of piety and wisdom, lovo and kindness, will feel much pleasure in patron- Lainrthis excellent Work." Anguish Churchman. DEAN & SOH'S SERIES OF 26d PRESENT & DIFTBOOKS The type is large and clear the illustrations numerous; the binding handsome. They will be found quite suitablo for the younger branches of a family; each Tale, or Series of Tales, being interestingly written, with a good moral. SI TO .: - the much dee medium coher litt - History of Cain and Abel. Isaac and Rebecca. Esau and Jacob. History of Moses. Joseph and his Brethren. Ruth and Naomi. History of Samuel and Eli. History of David. Elisha, and the Widow's Cruise of Oil. The Disobedient Prophet. History of the Prophet Daniel. || | History of Our Saviour. Soripture Historical Alphabet. AU 6d. each. Now ready, handsomely bound, with gilt edges, sides and back, as a Gift or Pre- sentation Book, and illustrated with handsome places. 787 pp. Price 6s. 6d. 52 SABBATH READINGS. Dedicated to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London. HIEROGLYPHICAL BIBLE: .& pleasing Introduction to reading the Holy Scriptures; numerous words being depicted by engravings to the number of 200. 6d. sewed. SABBATH BLESSINGS FOR THE YOUNG AND GOOD. A series of 4 Packets, 18. 6. , each; containing 13 tales all suited for Sunday distribution and reading. A COMPANION BOOK, same size and price as “ Happy Sundays," ig also published, -in which the infor- mation given by Mamma to her little Girl is made the medium of convey. ing much pleasing instruction to the Juvenile mind. This work is ontitled PLEASANT SUNDAYS FOR THE YOUNG AND GOOD; by Franoes Upcher Cousins, Author of Stories on the Commandments, &o. and dedicated, by permission, to the Rer. CANON DALE, M.A. Also are published, in Thron Series, 18. 6d. anch, bound in cloth, gilt edges, and lettered, SCRIPTURAL SUNDAY READING, under the Title of DEAN'S SCRIPTURE LIBRARY FOR THE YOUNG. THE FIRST SERIES containg the Histories of Cain and Abel-Isado and Rebekah-and Jacob avd Egan, or Forget and Forgive. With thirty Coloured Engravings. Is. 6d. bound in cloth, gilt, lettored. SCRIPTURE NATURAL HIS. TORY; by the Rev. J. YOUNG, A.M. A pleasing description of the pature and habits of the most interesting and wonderful of the Works of God, as exbibited in Creation, and recorded in Scriptare. With 10- merous engravings, and 8 pages of tinted illustrations; .28. 6d. band. somely bound in clofa, gilt edges. MARION LEE, AND OTHER TALES. By Miós A. M. SARGBANT and others. As a Prize Gift Book. 2s. or 2s. 61. gilt edges, sides, and back, with 8 illustrations. FLORENCE AND HENRY, OR THE UNSEEN HAND. AN EVENTFUL LIFE. By a Clergy- man of the Church of England. 2s. 6d. gilt edges, sides, and back, handsomely bound; or 2s. cloth, full gilt back, plain edges. It may tend to increase the interest I of the reader to know that this book contains a recital of occurrences ana events that have really taken place during the last 10 years. « The work is brilliant, right principled, and pervnded by an element of truc piety." II VN ** * M . ' ' SOS W PL . V 2 OX HAPPY SUNDAYS. 38. each Series of 26 Sundays. Dedicated, by permission, to the Rev. R. HICxERSTETU. Intended as & Companion to “Line upon Line," and " Prince of Peace." DEAN'S SCRIPTURE LIBRARY FOR THE YOUNQ. TAITHIRD SERIBE Contains the History of Samuel, the History of Darid, and the Prophet Daniel. With thirty illustrativo Coloured Engravingr. M. 6 cloth, letrared. SPRING FLOWERS. " This is one of the nicest little books for little peoplo that can be imagined." Literary Gazette. " Fuil of pure thoughts and pretty stories in proso and verse, adapted to Q child's understanding." Douglas Jorrold's Noah 48. Price 38. PLEASANT SUNDAYS. Just ready, & Companion book to, and same size and price as “Happy Sundays." Recommended to parents who delight in seeing a group of happy children gleaning lessons of piety ud wisdom, love and kuud- DEAN'S SCRIPTURE LIBRARY FOR THE YOUNG, THE SBCOXD SERIES CON- tains the History of Josepband his Brethreu on the Life of Moses- and Ruth, the Affection- ate Daughter-in-Law. With 30 COL Engravings. Bls.6d.cloth, sült, letterad. SCRIPTURE NAT. HISTORY. "This is in all respects an admirable book for the young. The engravings are Dunierous and excellent; the typographical getting up is of the first order. It is one of the best of its class.-Christian Witness. As - - - - - - Dean & Son, 11, Llullo Hill, London, DBAN & SON, 11, Ludgate Hill, London, DBAN & Son, 11, Ludgate Hill, London. 11 The 13 Alphabers paned below, muy be had mounted on Unen, entitled DEAN'S COLOURED UNTEA2- ABLE BOBKS, with an Illustrulea Picture Cover on surfucc paper, giving them a very attructive ap. pearauce, 13 ditforent. lo. each. ROYAL NURSERY PICTURE INSTRUCTORS, Or Amusement and Instruc- tion blended, and Learning made a picasure in lieu of a task. HOWARD'S SPELUAQ AND READIHQ BOOK. Third edition. ls., bound in leather. PRETTY PRIMER. A First Book for Chüdran Kuny, engravings. 3d., sewed. . C SAT C INC n . . LT 2. cornic Art of Flow and use siipe * SERIES OF THIRTEEN COLOURED ALPHABET BOOKS ON CLOTH. 8vo. Super Royal, Is. euch. 1. Alphabet of Flowers and Fruit. 2. Comic Alphabet, with Verses. 3. Comic Alphabet. 4. Alphabet of Flowers. 5 Alphabet of Nouns and Objects. 6. Alpbabet of Horses, Dogs, & Snips 7. Pretty Poetical Spelling Book. 8. Stories of the Alphabet. 9. Alderman's Feaşi, a New Alphabat. 10. Alphabct of Trades and Industry. 11. The Railway Alphabet. | 12. My Auut's Ball, a Nes Alphabet. 13. New Royal ABC, & Spelling Book. DEAN & SON'S TALES OF GOODNESS, TRUTH, AND KINDNESS, For the Children of England, Mi88 STRICKLAND, &c. 6d. each. Little Downy; or, the Field Mouse The Soldier's Orpban. More about the Soldier's Orphan. An Old Lady's Story of her Child Life. Poetry for the Young and Good. Old Sambo's Tales, by Uncle Tom. · Little Poems for Little People. Tales of other Lands. Easy Reading and story. Book. Har:y Percy. ROYAL NURSERY PICTURE INSTRUCTORS. Sell 18. each, coloured. Royal Nursery Clock, on stout card- board, with movoable hour and minuto bands. Royal Nursery Musical Alpbabet. Royal Nursery Mariner's Compass. Royal Nursery Calendar. Royal Nursery Peep into the Royal 1. Road to Learning. | Royal Nursery Peep into Geography. Royal Nursery Astronomy. Royal Nursery Peep at Natural His- tory. Royal Nursery Peep at the Flags of all Nations. | Royal Nursery Kings and Queens of England, or a Peep into History. Royal Nursery Costumes of all Nations Royal Nursery Clock, with Religious and Moral Sentences. The Royal Visit to the Exhibition, showing its Ten Courts. THE ILLUSTRATED LON- DON & AMERICAN WEBSTER SPELLING & READING BOOK, for the use of Schools and Families. It really is what it professes to be, a Spelling and Reading Book. The moltoes to each page are capital.- Pevicu. THE FIRST HISTORY OF ENGLAND THAT SHOULD BE PLACED IN THE HANDS OF A CHILD. Third Edition. By Miss CORNER; Aulbor of the Play Grammar,"" Every Child's History of England," &c.in Eight Divisions, each embellished with four pages of plates, price 6d. each, and printed in a large type, as follows:-- Il. An interesting description of tho Ancient Britons, and their Civiliza tion by the Romans. 2. The Conquest of the Romans and Britons by the Saxong. 3. The Life and Times of Alfred tho Great 4. The Norman Conquest. 5. The Feudal Times. 8. The Manners and Condition of the People of Englmd in the Middle Ages 7. Ditto, in the 16th and 17th ; and 8. Ditto, in the 18th and 19th centu ries, to the present time. Handsomely bound in cloth, gilt edges, for a Present, 3B. 6d.; or without the twenty- a five pages of Plates, 28. 60., in los, cloth. . 21 VA CS LY 62 22 2 ? Barona 4 w A SERIES OF ONE SHILLIHO LAUGHTER BOOKS, Designed and illustrated in colours by VIMAX, late one or llie writers in Punch. 1. Roars of laughter; 2, laughter Tales for Little Henris; 3, sunt Odema- dudd's Whispers. . DERMAN SCHOOLMASTER With the linglish Alphabet Al the tip nf bis tongue, which, big & mechanical contrivance, he swalio 18, and shora the succeeding letter. Poce 18. 68. HOWARD'S POETRY LESSONS FOR HOME & DAY SCHOOLS. From various Authors, adapted to difforent Agen Priee 6d., sewed in stopt coven, with neat fronti Criano cert D piece. CRYSTAL PALACE ALPHABET & GUIDE, For all good young chil. dren: full of cl-execuud and pretty relics. By G. GASON. Price 1s. i « Théso Nursery lostus tors are certainly new novel, and entertaining." Critic. Suitable for Infants.".ee School and Teacher's Mag. HOWARD'S READING LESSONS FOR HOME & DAY SCHOOLS. With frontispiece apducat engravings. Price6u.dered in stout covor www ATIA Drax & Son, 11, Ludgate Hill, London. DEAN & Son, 11, Ludgule Hill, London. DBAN & Box, 11, Lodgute Hill, London. : HEALTHY HOMES, AND HOW TO MAKE THEM, With Hlots useful to all who intend touching bricks and mortar; illustrated with plans, drawings, &c. Dedicated, by permission, to the Right Hon. Viscount PALMERSTON. By W. BARDWELL, Architect. Bound in cloth, 25. 6d. ls. CLOTH-BOUND BOOKS, M 18mo.size. Six of this Series are published; and Messrs. DEAN & SON trust that in these Jureuile Hooks they have succeeded in providing for parents and teachers use- ful, and at the same time amusing resources for those under their care. SCRAP PRINTS OF FLOWERS, BTC. Fitteen sorts-four to twenty- three subjects on each sheet, -coloared from nature. On superfine stout paper, ench. AM LAND SURVEYOR'S READY RECKONER; or, Gentleman's and Farmers' Guide to Land Measure, &c. &c. 2s. bound with plate shew- ing the Art of Menguration. PRIZE MODEL COTTAGES; by J. GODDARD. To cosi £100 Building. Specifications and Esti- mates, with Plans, Sections, Ele- vations, and Working Drawings, for which the Royal Agricultural Society awarded their First Prize. In boards, 28. 6d. A very useful book to all Builders. PAPER-HANGER'S AND UP. HOLSTERER'S GUIDE ; by J. ARROWSDIITH. In which the two branches of the trade are systema tically treated of and laid down; with copious directions, hints for furnishing, &c. &c. Bound, 28. READY RECKONER; OR, TRADER'S SURE GUIDE. Showing the value of any number of articles from 1 to 1,000, at any price fiom one farthing to £1; Interest Tables, &c. &c. By J.' HODGES. 18. strongly bound. Ditto, smaller type, 32mo. Demy, 6d. cloth. DEAN'S 1s. BOOKS, Bound in Cloth, 1870. size, lettered sides and back, with Coloured Title Pages, and Sleel Plate Frontispieces: ENCOURAGE KINDLY FEEL INGS. 18. cloth boards. By Miss S. STRICKLAND, Author of“ Rough- ing it in the Bush." THE SOLDIER'S ORPHAN. A Tale for Boys. ls, cloth. By Miss S. STRICKLAND. AN EASY AND PLEASANT STORY BOOK. 18. cloth. For Good Little Folks. By Miss STRICKLAND and Miss SARGEANT. AMUSING POETRY, AND READ. I' NG LESSON, for Schools and Families. By Miss HOWARD. PLEASANT POEMS, FOR THE YOUNG. THE CHILD-LIFE OF AN OLD LADY, and other Tales. By the Author of "Spring Flowers and Summer Blossoms.' 1s. Books suited for the very Young. NURSE ROCKBABYS EASY KEADING and PRETTY NEW SERIES OF SIXPENNY COLOURED BOOKS FOR 1859. Children's Toy Series, Coloured, each page embellished with large Coloured Pictures and Covers in Colours-8 different. This makes above 200 different sorts of DBAN and Son'sjustly celebrated Coloured Sixpenny Children's Toy-books, all of the same size. A List of the names of the titles of any kind forwarded on application. DEAN & SON having been asked for a large Folio-sized Sixpenny Book, with large Coloured Pictures but very litlle Reading, have published & Set of Thirteen, entitled the PAINTED PICTURE PLAY-Book, for all Good Boys and Girls, in which the desideratum is accomplished. HARRISON WEIR'S ANIMALS AND THEIR USES. Sell 6d. paper, or ls. .on untearable cloth. New one for 1859, making four different of this series; or bound in one book, red cloth, 28. 6d. Size, 4to demy, Coloured Pictures NEW SIXPENNY COLOURED but SERIES OF 13 COLOURED TOYS BOOKS, entitled Thef English Stru- wulpeter. . S NR . 1 2 . ? Y . $ S SAR 12 HAGS TAICTURE PRET 488 - SES . PRACTICAL GUIDES EX TALES FOR THE NURSERY. LORDS, A PRACTICAL QUIDE T THE COUNTY COURTS, and Abstract of the Acts, · and instructions bois to proceed, with the New Rules of Practice, &c. By J. BISHOP. 68. 6erved LAWS RELATING TO LAND- MIRTHFUL MOMENTS, OR HOW TO ENJOY HOLIDAYS. 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Two very pretty tales, plentifully illustrated. 5. Do. 2nd Series. 6. Do. 3rd Series. 18mo. ROYAL SERIES OF SIX BOOKS OF TALES, suitable for presentation to Sabbath School or other Children. By Miss SARGBANT. The dovelty of this jacket is, that the tales are progressive, beginning in words of one syllable; and each talo gradually leads the child onwerd in reading. Each page has two or more illustrations. A Series of 6d. Moral Tales. FOOTSTEPS FOR LITTLE FEET TO FOLLOW. 18mo demy, Illustrated, handsomely half-bound, with emblematic embossed cover in white and gold, by MANSELL. These tales will be found well suited for rewards and presents to Schools and Juveniles. Price 6d. 1. Scripture Parables, in easy Verse; wiih explanation, Prose, 10 Illus- trations. 2. The Orphans and other Tales; 20 Illustrations. 3. The Bee Orchis, and other Tales; 24 Illustrations. 14. Blending of the Roses, and other Tales ; 30 Illustrations. 5. White Violets & otlerTalı:8; 33 Illus. 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The Proprietors in their endeavours to render their Ladies' Book of Fancy Work as aseful and interesting ag possible, bave introduced a new feature in the illustrations for the facility of workers in colonie; this consists in their engraving the various colourg in heraldic lines; thus rondering the designs more valuable, more useful, and more readily comprehended than any which have hitherto been attempted, in fact the same as if they were fully blazoned and illuminaterl. GRAMMAR & DICTIONARY OF FLOWERS. 16mo. cloth, gilt edges, Is. These two books have coloured title, frontispiece, and il- ilustrated "border to a each page. All SS 4 . OPE ELIS V T V ..- - SI 2 A . OIL . V . W MISS CORNER'S 18 mo. DEAN & SON'S SERIES OF Is. 6d. PACKETS. 13 for 129. Four dierent. Dedicated, by permission, to the Roy. RODIRT BICKAR- STOTA. " MOVING ACCIDENTS FLOOD AND F1510, Painted by_TURNER, en- graved by FIBLDING. Folio Colombier, 17 bis 22 in. Foar plates, 2s. 60 coloured. 1, A-Ground; 2, A-Float; s, Tis the Pace that Kul; f, à Caso of 3 Pound. LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. Hy H. G. ADAMI. 32mo., gilt fancy wrapper, 6d. LANQUAGE AND POETRY OF FLOWERS. 16010. cloth, gilt edges, Lo. book. 11. 10 sheets, 4 subjects on each SCRAPS, . LANQUAGE & DICTIONARY SIIPENNY COMIC MONKEY ROYAL SERIES OF 6 BOOKS, 21 different tales, to sell at 18. the set. Well suited for vards; each tale convey- a good moral lesson, retlily Illustrated. sheet, coloured. Also,4 sheets, containing 6 on a sheet. Suit- able for the table or scrap OF FLOWERS. By H. G. ADAXS. Finely printed and embellished with fancy coloured tille and frontispicce, and linni. somely bound; cloth, gilt Gadges, size S2100., Is. DEAN & Sox, 11, Ludgate Hill, London. DEAN & Son, 11, Ludgate Hill, London. Dean & Son, 11, Ludgate Hill, London. CAMBRIDGE. MESSRS. DEIGHTON, BELL, AND CO.'S LIST OF BOOKS. Theological. ON THE IMITATION OF CHRIST. Four Books. A new Translation. By H. 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A Treatise on the Dynamics of a Rigid . - Solutions of the Examples appended to a Treatise on the Motion of a Rigid Body. 8vo. 6s. MESSRS. DEIGHTON, BELL, AND CO. 9 HIND (REV. JOHN). Principles and Practice of Arithmetic, com- prising the Nature and Use of Logarithms, with the Computations em- ployed by Artificers, Gagers, and Land Surveyors. Designed for the use of Students. Ninth Edition. With a New Appendix of Miscellaneous Questions. 12mo. 45. 60. Key to the Arithmetic, with an Appendix, consisting of Questions for Examination in all the Rules of Arithmetic. Second Edition. 12mo. 5s. - Principles and Practice of Arithmetical Algebra: Estab- lished upon strict methods of Mathematical Reasoning, and illustrated by Select Examples proposed during the last Thirty Years in the University of Cambridge. * Third Edition. 12mo. 58. Elements of Algebra. Sixth Edition, revised, improved, and reduced in price. 8vo. 10s. 6d. - Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, with the Nature and Properties of Logarithms and the construction and use of Mathematical Tables. Fifth Edition. 12mo. 6s. HOPKINS (REV. W. B.) A series of Figures illustrative of Geo- metrical Optics. From the German of Professor SCE ELLBACH. Demy folio. 10s. 6d. HYMERS (REV. DR.) The Elements of the Theory of Astronomy. Second Edition, 8vo. 148. -- A Treatise on the Integral Calculus. 8vo. 10s. 6d. Third Edition. ----- A Treatise on the Theory of Algebraical Equations. Third Edition. 8vo. 10s. 6d. A Treatise on Conic Sections. Third Edition. Svo. 98. A Treatise on Analytical Geometry of Three Dimen- sions. Third Edition. 8vo. 108. od. Of Motion.--An Elementary Treatise. LUNN (REV. J. R.) 8vo. 75. Gd. Chapter I. General principles of velocity and acceleration. Chapter II. Of the motion of a point in general. Analytical expressions for velo- cities and accelerations in certain directions. Chapter III. Of the motion of a point affected by a constant acceleration, the direction of which is always the same. Chapter IV. Of the motion of a point affected by an acceleration, the direction of which always passes through a fixed point. Chapter V. Of matter and force. Chapter VI. Of the dynamical laws of force, commonly called the laws of motion. Chapter VII. Of certain cases of free motion in nature. Chapter VIII. Of con- strained motion of particles. Chapter IX. Of impulses and collision of particles. Appendix : Of the Cycloid. 10 WORKS PUBLISHED BY. MILLER (PROF.) An Elementary Treatise on the Differential Calculus. Third Edition. 8vo. 6s. - A Treatise on Crystallography. 8vo. 7s. 6d. O'BRIEN (REV. M. A.) Mathematical Tracts. On La Place's Coefficients; the Figure of the Earth; the Motion of a Rigid Body about its Centre of Gravity ; Prece ion and Nutation. 8vo. As. Gd. - An Elementary Treatise on the Differential Calculus in which the Method of Limits is exclusively made use of. 8vo. 10s. 6d. - A Treatise on Plane Coordinate Geometry; or the Application of the Method of Coordinates to the Solution of Problems in Plane Geometry. Sro. 9s. PEACOCK (DEAN). A Treatise on Algebra. Vol. I. Arith- metical Àlgebra. Svo. lös. Vol. II. Symbolical Algebra, and its Applica- tion to the Geometry of Position. 8vo. 16s. 60. PELL (M. B.) Geometrical Illustrations of the Differential Calculus. 8vo. 2s. Gd. POTTER (R.) Physical Optics, Part II. The Corpuscular Theory of Light Discussed Mathematically. 8vo. 7s. 60. - Elementary Hydrostatics for Junior Students. 8vo. 75. 60.. SANDEMAN (A.) A Treatise on the Motion of a single Particle, and of Two Particles acting on one another. 8vo. 8s. Gd. SCOTT (REV. W.) Elementary Treatise on Plane Coordinate Geometry, with its Application to Curves of the Second Order. Crown 8vo. 58. 60. WEBSTER (T.) The Principles of Hydrostatics. An Elementary Treatise on the Laws of Fluids and their Practical Application. Fourín Edition. Crown 8vo. 7s. 6d. MESSRS. DEIGHTON, BELL, AND CO. 11 WALTON (W.) A Collection of Elementary Problems in Hydro- statics, and Optics, designed for the use of those Candidates for Mathe- matical Honors, who are preparing for the First Three days of the Senate- House Examination. Preparing. - A Collection of Elementary Problems in Statics and Dynamics. Designed for the use of those Candidates for Mathematical Honors, who are preparing for the First Three days of the Senate-Elouse Examination. 10s. 6d. - A Collection of Problems in illustration of the Prin- ciples of Theoretical Mechanics. Second Edition, with numerous alterations and additions. Sro. 185. - A Collection of Problems in illustration of the Principles of Theoretical Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics. 8vo. 10s. 6d. - A Treatise on the Differential Calculus. 8vo. 10s. 6d. Problems in illustration of the Principles of Plane Coordinate Geometry. 8vo. 168. A Treatise on the Application of Analysis to Solid Geometry. Commenced by D. F. GREGORY, M.A.; Concluded by W. WALTON, M.A. Second Edition, revised and corrected. 8vo. 12s.' Examples of the Processes of the Differential and Integral Calculus. Collected by D. F. GREGORY, M.A. Second Edition, edited by W. WALTON, M.A. 8vo. 185. WHEWELL (REV. DR.) Conic Sections; their principal Pro- perties proved Geometrically. Third Edition. 8vo. 2s.6d. Mechanical Euclid. Containing the Elements of Mechanics and Hydrostatics, demonstrated after the manner of Geometry Fifth Edition. l2mo. 58. WRIGLEY (REV. A.) A Collection of Examples and Problems in Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Logarithms, Mensuration, Trigonometry, analytical Geometry, and Conic Sections, Statics, Dynamics, Hydrostatics, Theory of Equations, with Answers and occasional Hints. Fifth Edition, Corrected and enlarged. Sro, 8s. 6. Companion to Wrigley's Collection of Examples and Problemıs, being Illustrations of Mathematical Processes and Methods of Solution. By J. PLATTS, Esq., and Rev. A. WRIGLEY, M.A. In the Press. WORKS PUBLISHED BY Classical. A COPIOUS GREEK AND ENGLISH LEXICON. By J. W. DONALDSON, D.D. Prcparing. ALFORD (DEAN). Passages in Prose and Verse from English Authors for Translation into Greek and Latin ; together with selected Passages from Greek and Latin Authors for Translation into English: forming a regular course of Exercises in Classical Composition. Svo. 6s. AMOS (ANDREW). Gems of Latin Poetry. With Translations 8yo. 12s, ARUNDINES CAMI. Sive Musarum Cantabrigiensium Lusus Canori. Collegit atque ed. H. DRURY, A.M. A New (the fifth) and cheaper Edition, revised and correcte. Crown 8vo. 7s. Ou. DEMOSTHENES de Falsa Legatione. Second Edition, carefully rcvised. By R. SHILLETO, A.M. 8vo. 8s. 6d. Select Private Orations. After the Text of DINDORF, with the various Readings of REISKE and BEKKER. With English Notes. By C. T. PENROSE, A.M. For the use of Schools. Second Edition. 12mo. As. CAMBRIDGE GREEK AND LATIN TEXTS. Carefully re- printed from the best Editions: This Series is intended to supply for the use of schools and students cheap and accurate editions of the Classics, which shall be superior in me- chanical execution to the small German editions now current in this country, and more convenient in form.“ The Texts of the Bibliotheca Classica and Grammar-school Classics, so far as they have been pub- lished, will be adopted. These editions have taken their place among scholars as valuable contributions to the classical literature of this country, and are admitted to be good examples of the judicious and practical nature of English scholarship, and as the editors have formed their texts from a careful examination of the best editions extant, it is believed that no texts better for general use can be found. The volumes will be well printed at the Cambridge University Press, in 16mo. size, and will be issued at short intervals, neatly bound in cloth. MESSRS. DEIGHTON, BELL, AND CO. 13 CAMBRIDGE GREEK AND LATIN TEXTS. Carefully re- vised from the best Editions :- NOVUM TESTAMENTUM GRAECUM, TEXTUS STEPHANICI, 1550. Acce- dunt Veuriæ lectiones editionum Bezæ, Elzeviri, Lachmanni, Tischen- dorfii, et Tregellesii. Curanto F. E. SCRIVENER, A.M. 43. 6d. AESCHYLUS, ex novissima recensione F. A. PALEY, A.M. 38. EURIPIDES, ex recensione F. A. PALEY, A.M. 3 Vols. Vol. I. 38. 6d. Vol. II 3s. Od. Vol. III. 3s. 6d. HERODOTUS, recensuit J. W. BLAKESLEY, S.T.B. 2 vols. 7s. HORATIUS, ex recensione A. J. MACLEANE, A.M. 28. 6d. THUCYDIDES, recensuit J. G. DONALDSON, S.T.P. 2 vols. 78. VERGILIUS, ex recensione J. COXINGTON, A.M. 38. 6d. CICERO DE SENECTUTE DE AMICITIA, recensuit G. LONG, A.M. Is. 6d. CÆSAR DE BELLO GALLICO, ex recensione G. LONG, A.M. In the Press. LUCRETIUS, recognovit H. A. J. MUNRO, M.A. In the Press. Others in Preparation. DONALDSON (DR.) A Complete Greek Grammar. Second Edition, very much enlarged and adapted for the use of University Students. 8vo. 16s. -- A Complete Latin Grammar. Adapted for the use of University Students. Second Edition. In the Press. – Classical Scholarship and Classical Learning con- sidered with especial reference to Competitive Tests and University Teach- ing. A Practical Essay on Liberal Education. Crown 8vo. 58. - Varronianus. A Critical and Historical Intro- duction to the Philological Study of the Latin Language. Third Edition, considerably enlarged. 8vo. 165. - The Theatre of the Greeks; A Critical and His- torical Introduction to the Study of the Greek Grammar Seventh Edition, revised, re-arranged, and copiously illustrater, with designs from the best authorities. ELLIS (R.) A Treatise on Hannibal's Passage of the Alps, in which his Route is traced over the Little Mont Cenis. With Maps. 8vo. 78. 6d. EURIPIDES. Fabula Quatuor. Scilicet, Hippolytus Coronifer, Alcestis, Iphigenia in Aulide, Iphigenia in Tauris. ad fidem Manuscrip- torum ac veterum Editionum omendavit et Annotationibus instruxit J. F. MONK, S.T.P. Editio nova. Svo. 12s. Separately-HIPPOLYTUS. 8vo, cloth, 55. ALCESTIS. 8vo. sewed, 4s. 6d. ---- Tragoediae Priores Quatuor, ad fidem Manuscriptorun emendata et brevibus Notis iustructae. Edidit R. Porson, A.M., &c. recensuit suasque notulas subjecit J. SCHOLEFIELD, A.M. Editio tertia. 8vo. 10s. 6d. 14 WORKS PUBLISHED BY HOLDEN (REV. H. A.) Foliorum Silvula. Part I. Being Select Passages for Translation into Latin Elegiac and Heroic Verso. Second Edition, Post 8vo. 6s. - Foliorum Silvula. Part II. Being Select Passages for Translation into Latin Lyric and Greek Verse. Second Edition. Post 8vo. 78. 6d. Foliorum Centuriæ. Selections for Translation into Latin and Greek Prose, chiefly from the University and College Examina- tion Papers. Second Edition. . Post Svo. Ss. HYPERIDES, The Funeral Oration of, over Leosthenes and his Comrades in the Lamian War. The Fragments of the Greek Text edited with Notes and an Introduction, and an engraved Facsimile of the whole Papyrus. By C. BABINGTON, B.D. Second Edition, corrected. 8vo. 35. Oc. - The Oration of Hyperides against Demosthenes respecting the Treasure of Harpalus. The Fragments of the Greek Text, now first edited from the Facsimile of the MS. discovered at Egyptian Thebes in 1817 ; together with other Fragments of the same Oration cited in Ancient Writers. With a Preliminary Dissertation and Notes, and a Facsimile of a portion of the MS. By C. BABINGTON, B.D. 4to. 6s. 6d. KENNEDY (REV. DR.) Progressive Exercises in Greek Tragic Senarii, followed by a Selection from the Greek Versos of Shrewsbury School, and prefaced by a short Account of the Tambic Metre and Style of Greek Tragedy. For the use of Schools and Private Students. Second Edition, altered and revised. 8vo. 8s. MÜLLER (C. O.) Dissertations on the Eumenides of Æschylus. With Critical' Remarks and an Appendix. Translated from the German. Second Edition. 8vo. 6s. 60. PLATO, The Protagoras of. The Greek Text, with English Notes. By W. WAYTE, M.A. 8vo. 58. 6d. MESSRS. DEIGHTON, BELL, AND CO. 15 PLAUTUS (M.A.) Aulularia. Ad fidem Codicum qui in Bibliotheca Musei Britannici exstant aliorumque nonnullorum recensuit, Notisque et Glossario locuplete instruxit J. ĒJILDYARD, A.M. Editio Altera. 8vo. 78. 60. - Menæchmei. Ad fidem Codicum qui in Bibliotheca Musei Britannici exstant aliorumque nonnullorum recensuit, Notisque et Glossario locuplete instruxit J. HILDYARD, A.M. Editio altera, 75. 6d. PROPERTIUS. With English Notes, a Preface on the State of Latin Scholarship. By F. A. PALEY. With copious Indices. 10s. 6d. SOPHOCLES. Edipus Coloneus, with the Text of the MSS. re. stored, and English Notes. By the Rev. C. E. PALVER. In the Press. TACITUS (C.) Opera, ad Codices antiquissimos exacta et emendata, Commentario critico et exegetico illustrata. 4 vols. 8vo. Edidit F. RITTER, Prof. Bonnensis. 11. Ss. ATHENAE CANTABRIGIENSES. By C. H. COOPER, F.S.A. and THOMPSON COOPER, F.S.A. This work, in illustration of the biography of notable and eminent men who have been members of the University of Cambridge, comprehends, notices of : 1. Authors. 2. Cardinals, archbishops, bishops, abbats, heads of religious houses and other Church dignitaries. 3. Statesmen, diplomatists, military and naval commanders. 4. Judges and eminent practitioners of the civil or common law. 5. Sufferers for religious and political opinions. 6. Persons distinguished for success in tuition. 7. Eminent physicians and medical practitioners. 8. Artists, musicians, and heralds. 9. Heads of Colleges, professors, and principal officers of the university. 10. Benefactors to the university and colleges or to the public at largo. Volume I. 1500—1585. 8vo. cloth. 188.-Vol. II. Nearly Ready. AMOS (A.) Ruins of Time Exemplified in Sir Matthew Hale's History of the Pleas of the Crown. 810. 8s. - The English Constitution in the Reign of King Charles the Second. 8vo. 10s. Martial and the Moderns. 8vo. 8s. Observations on the Statutes of the Reign of King Flenry VIII. 10s. 16 WORKS PUBLISHED BY DEIGHTON, BELL, & co. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. (Continued an- nually.) 12mo. 6s. 6d. CAMBRIDGE EXAMINATION PAPERS. Being a Supple- ment to the Cambridge University Calendar. 1859. 12mo.5s. Containing those set for the Tyrwhitt's Hebrew Scholarships.-Theological Examinations.-Carus Prize.--Crosse Scholarships.-Law Degroo Ex- amination.—Mathematical Tripos.—The Ordinary B.A. Degree.- Smith's Prize.-University Scholarships. --Classical Tripos.-Moral Sciences Tripos.-Chancellor's Legal Medals.-Chancellor's Medals.- Bell's Scholarships.- Natural Sciences Tripos.- Previous Examina- tion.—Theological Examination. With Lists of Ordinary Degrees, and of those who have passed the Previous and Theological Examinations. The E:tamination Papers of 1856, price 23. 60.; 1857 and 1858, 3s. 6d. may still be had. EXTON (REV. F.) Philosophical Critique of the Argument in Pope's Essay on Man. An Essay which obtained tho Burney Prize for the year 1856. 8vo. 2s. Od. GRADUATI CANTABRIGIENSES : sive Catalogus eorum quos ab anno 1760 usque ad 10m Octr. 1856, Gradu quocunque ornavit Academia. Svo. 10s. LEAPINGWELL (DR.) A Manual of the Roman Civil Law, arranged according to the Syllabus of Dr. EALLIFAX. Designed for the use of Students in the Universities and Inns of Court. 8vo. 12s. LIVINGSTONE (Dr.) Cambridge Lectures. Together with a Prefatory Letter by the Rer. Professor SEDGWICK, M.A., F.R.S., &c., Vice- Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. Edited, with Introduction, Life of Dr. LIVINGSTONE, Notes and Appendix, by the Rer. W. MONK, M.A., F.R.A.S., &c., of St. John's College, Cambridge. With a Portrait and Map, also a larger Map, by Arrowsmith, granted especially for this work by the President and Council of the Royal Geographical Society of London : the whole work being a compendium of information on the Central South African Question. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. Crown 8vo. Gs. Od. NEWTON (Sir Isaac), and PROFESSOR COTES, Correspondence of, including Letters of other Eminent Men, now first published from the originals in the Library of Trinily College, Cambridgo; together with an Appendix containing other unpublished letters and papers by Newton ; with Notes, Synoptical View of the Philosopher's Life, and a variety of details illustrative of his history. Edited by the Rev. J. EDLESTON, M.A. Tellow of Trinity College. Svo. 10s. vasaram paramin, parsem, aber mais, esamine JONATILAN PALMER, PRINTER, SIDNEY STREET, CAMBRIDGE. TA im . Vn Mini mimi na DKNUTO (MANUFACTURED A i ARTICLESIAS ANIMAL SUBSTANCE JI VEGETABLE PRODUCTIONS ROSAS CABINET NATURAL HISTORY SORES (VEGETABLE) O (PRODUCTIONS U MINERALS LAMAGNOSES & METAL & METALS ROS MINERALS MINERALS SMETALS Tull. S HM11571EN.Sc. DEXTER'S CABINET OF NATURAL HISTORY. PATRONIZED BY HER MAJESTY. This Cabinet is furnished with specimens from the Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal Kingdoms, illustrative of the Imports, Exports, Productions, and Manufactures of Great Britain and her colonies. Designed for use in Training Institutions, Commercial, Elementary, and Infant Schools, Mechanics’ Institutes, and Private Families. This Cabinet will be found invaluable as a means of developing the mental faculties of the young; imparting correct ideas of the properties of articles, both rare and common, and showing whence such articles are procured ; in pointing out the extent and variety of our import and export trade, the source of our commercial greatness, and useful in every branch of that sound and practical education, which has for its object the preparation of the pupil, to enact his part in the busy scenes of life. I. In handsome mahogany case, with 6 drawers and folding-doors, 17 inches in height, and 14 inches in breadth and depth. Price £4 4s. This Cabinet contains three hundred and twenty different substauces, consisting of 1. Upwards of one hundred distinct specimens of Minerals and Metals, in the raw and manufactured form, showing their practical application in the Arts and Sciences, viz. --Copper ore, copperplate rod and wire, manu- verdigris; iron ore, cast iron, wrought iron, iron plate and wire, galva- nized iron, sulphate of iron or green vitriol; stone ochre; steel-plate and wire, manufactured steel; tin ore, tin pure, plate and wire, tinfoil; zinc ore, zinc or spelter, zinc plate, plain and perforated, sulphate of zinc or white vitriol, patent white zinc; galena or lead ore, lead pipe, milled lead, cast lead, white lead, shot, litharge, plumbers' solder, pewter, brass rod, plate and wire, bell, mercury, antimony, barytes or heavy spar, manganese, cobalt, mica, plumbago, in lump and powder, coal, coke, sul- phur, asphaltum, pumice-stone, flint, calcined flint, river sand, quartz, felspar, granite, white and black marble, Portland stone, limestone, chalk (prepared), gypsum and plaster of Paris, red clay, blue clay, potters' clay, pipe clay, fullers' earth, slate and pencil, emery powder, sulphate of magnesia, steatite or soap stone, rotten stone or Tripoli, French chalk, nitre, alum, rock salt, common salt, bay salt, soda, compound used in making glass, flint glass, plate glass, crown glass, sheet glass, coloured glass, buttons made of glass, porcelain, brass and white metal. Hardware Goods :-Cast-iron nails, wrought-iron nails, zinc, copper, and brass-headed nails, pins, pens, screws, lock and key, iron wire for blinds, &c. 2. Nearly one hundred and twenty specimens of Vegetable productions, including roots, juices, bark, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, stalks and stems of plants, illustrative of the vegetable kingdom, and descriptive of the ways in which trees and plants are useful to man. Roots of Plants :-Rhubarb, ginger, Columbia root, liquorice root and juice, sarsaparilla root, madder, turmeric, ipecacuhana root, tapioca, arrow root, chicory root and powder. Juices of Plants :-Gutta percha (raw and manufactured), caoutchouc, camphor, gamboge, sugar cane, sugar (raw and refined), gum arabic, gum copal, indigo, crude turpentine, spirits of turpentine, resin, cocoa-nut oil. Bark of Plants :-Oak bark, cork (raw and prepared), cinnamon and cassia, Peruvian bark. Leaves and Flowers of Plants :-Green tea, black tea, safflower, saffron, tobacco, senna, cloves, sumach. Fruits and Seeds of Plants :-Linseed, linseed meal, linseed oil, linseed cake, coffee (raw and roasted), mustard seed and mustard, hemp seed, rape seed and colza oil, caraway seed, pepper (black and white), betel pepper, pimento or allspice, nutmeg and nace, areca catechu or betel nut, walnuts, galls, corosso nut or vegetable ivory (raw and pre- pared), coquilla nut, chocolate nuts and cocoa, almonds, acorns, valonia, myrabolans, currants, rice, maize, wheat, barley, oats, flour, starch, sago, castor-oil seeds, castor oil, olive and sweet oil, cotton (raw), cotton (pre- pared and dyed), coir rope from the cocoa-nut fibre. Stalks and Stems of Plants :-Flax stalk, flax (heckled), hemp, cord, and canvass, jute, straw, and varieties of straw plait. British and Foreign Woods :-Oak, ash, elm, beech, birch, walnut-tree wood, mahogany, cedar or juniper, deal, rosewood, satiu wood, ebony, tulip wood, cherry, lance, maple, apple, pear, &c.; logwood, fustic, char- coal, terra japonica or catechu, &c. There is, perhaps, no one of the Natural History Sciences, that can be so successfully introduced into a course of Education as Botany. Plants are always to be got. The study of their structure is well adapted to call out the observing powers of children, whilst their classification is founded on principles which apply to the arrangement and classification of all facts. The use of the knowledge of plants is, also, not slight. They supply the material of many of our most important manufactures, whilst the great question connected with the supply of food to man and his domestic animals are dependent on a knowledge of plants and their functions. At the saine time, little has yet been done beyond the requirements of our medical schools, for the systematic teaching of Botany in our schools and universities. 3. Upwards of forty specimens of animal substances, derived from the Mammalia, from insects, reptiles, fishes, and birds; intended to illustrate the various useful applications of animal substances to industrial pur- poses, viz: for clothing; doinestic and ornamental purposes; pigments and dyes; perfumery and pharmacy, and the application of waste matters, thus:- Substances derived from the Mammalia :-Ivory, horn, bone, horse-hair, bristles, porcupines'-quill, glue, gelatine, wool, worsted, leather, whale- bone or baleen, spermaceti, sperm oil, goldbeater's skin, parchment and vellum, catgut, train oil. Substances derived from Insects :-Red coral, white coral, cochineal, color of cochineal, honey, bees'-wax, white wax, silk (raw, dyed, and prepared), silkworm, cocoon, stick-lac, lump-lac, shell-lac, sponge, &c. Substances derived from Fishes, Birds, and Reptiles :- Cowries and shells, cod-liver oil, isinglass (raw and prepared), mother-of-pearl or nacre, quills, pens, guano, tortoiseshell (raw and prepared). This collection will serve to furnish an approximate idea of the extent of the commerce in animal products. The aggregate value of the articles dealt in, exceeds 136 millions sterling, employs an amazing amount of capital, and gives busy industrial occupation to a very large number of persons, in the collection, distribution, and after preparation of the material, to fit them for use; while the large amount of tonnage of shipping employed, and the inland transport from place to place, of the raw material and the finished manufactured product resulting therefrom, are other elements of active industry in which our population are specially interested. 4. A collection of sixty articles, manufactured from substances derived from the vegetable and animal kingdoms, consisting of different samples, intended to illustrate the manufacture of cotton, linen, paper, straw, buttons, silk, wool, leather, thus:-- Cotton goods :---Calico (common unbleached and twilled), printed calico, cotton velvet, velveteen, moleskin, fustian, corduroy, muslin, lace. Linen goods :-Dowlas, Irish, diaper, lawn, cambric, damask, lace, white and brown Holland, thread and tape. Paper :-Cream-laid note, foolscap, tissue, cartridge, blotting, music, fancy and ornamental paper. Straw, and varieties of plain and fancy plait. Silk goods :-Persian, Ducape, Glacé, silk velvet, sarsanet, brocade, satin, ribbon. Woollen goods :-Cloth, serge, baize, Brussel's carpet, flannel, alpaca, linsey woolsey, Damask, merino. Leather and skins :-Calf, kip, kid (patent enamelled, or embossed), sheep, Morocco, Chamois, parchment and vellum. Buttons—made of horn, bone, pearl, leather, silk, worsted, &c., &c. These specimens are mounted on ornamental tablets, systematically arranged and ticketed, the whole being illustrative of the principal textile manufactures of Great Britain. In explaining the elements of botany, mineralogy, and of natural his- tory in general, the intelligent educator will find this Cabinet a valuable assistant, from its placing in his hands actual specimens of the subject before him, while the study of geography may be rendered attractive and delightful, by a display of the productions of different portions of the globe. Two explanatory text-books accompany the Cabinet, giving a concise and clear definition of each article; the sources whence obtained, the uses in the arts and sciences, and much general and statistical information. II. In handsome mahogany case, with five drawers and folding- dvors, eleven inches in height, and thirteen inches in breadth and depth; containing 280 substances, consisting of about eighty specimens of mine- rals and metals; one hundred specimens of vegetable productions ; forty specimens of animal substances, and sixty specimens of manufactured articles, arranged as in No. 1, with explanatory text-books. Price £3 10s. III. In imitation mahogany case, with five drawers and one door; containing the same number of articles as in No. 2, with the same arrangement, and explanatory text-books; suitable for national, infant, and other schools. Price £3 3s. This Cabinet may be seen in the Educational division of the South Kensington Museum ; at the Royal Polytechnic Institution; and may be obtained of Messrs. Groombridge and Sons, 5, Paternoster-row; Messrs. Myers and Co., 144, Leadenhall-street; at the National Society's Depository, Sanctuary, Westminster, and of the compiler, Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea. SUITABLE FOR CLASS READING. Just Published, In foolscap 8vo., two shillings, cloth, MINERAL SUBSTANCES: Being an Explanatory Text Book of the Minerals and Metals used in the Arts and Manufactures, Illustrative of the Imports, Exports, and Pro- ductions of Great Britain and her Colonies. BY T. E. DE XT E R, Of the Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea. Also, by the same author, Price 2s. ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE SUBSTANCES Used in the Arts and Manufactures, and Explanatory of Dexter's Cabinet of Natural History. LONDON: GROOMBRIDGE AND SONS, 5, PATERNOSTER ROW. 1859. Price 5s. cloth, demy 8vo. THE SCHOOL PERSPECTIVE: BEING A Progressive Conrse of Instruction in Lineær Perspective, BOTII THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL. SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. BY J. R. DICKSEE, PRINCIPAL DRAWING MASTER TO THE CITY OF LONDO. SCIIOOL; TO TIE NORMAL COLLEGE FOR TRAINING TEACHERS OF THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN SCHOOL SOCIETY, &c. IN RINN v . . . INS . IN TA . . . 1 : . : . --. VS - . A 2 wat in r SC 2 11. HAR . . . . " UK N 52 II L11 En Hessen canin e- ve 02 I . CU I oor SAY USE 2014 2 . _. 1 III M . W SOCIKLLAIO USA 5341 Hi Ullustrated witly many atoodcuts und Forty Engrabed Plates. " THE SCHOOL PERSPECTIVE is intended for class use, consideration, will enable the student to overcomo and is designed to assist in teaching perspective in most of the difficulties ho may encounter in the the same manner as the most popular works on study of perspective. arithmetic, geography, &c., assist in teaching their “Each paragraph is numbered, and supplied with respective sciences. marginal headings, for the purpose of facilitating “The work is primarily divided into two parts-1 reference. theoretical and practical. The theoretical portion The second, or practical portion, is divided into is subdivided into chapters, each treating of a seven books; the first six treating each of a separate different division of the subject; and with a view description of plancs or solids, the seventh of mis- of getting rid, as far as possible, of the idea so cellaneous problems, and various methods of work- frequently expressed, that perspective has only to ing. Tlie whole is interspersed and concluded with do with crude diagrams, and has no aflinity with numerous exercises calculated to test the progress objects of beauty, the whole is copiously illustrated of the student, and to be of assistance to the teacher with wood engravings, many of them selected for in examination. the purpose from some of the best illustrateci "The plan of the work is systematically pro. modern works. gressive ; and just so much of reason and expla- "The whole theory of perspective is condensed | nation is given as seemed to be pecessary to enable into three simple rules, which aro easily learned, and the student to understand the subject thoroughly." when once committed to memory, with thoughtful | - Preface. STATIONERS' HALL COURT. Recommended by the Science and Art Department of the Committee of Council on Education. Price Five Shillings, cloth, demy 8vo., with many TPoodcuts and Forty Engraved Plates, THE SCHOOL PERSPECTIVE: BEING A PROGRESSIVE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION IN LINEAR PERSPECTIVE, BOTH THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL. BY J. R. DICKSEE, Principal Drawing Master to the City of London School, to the Normal College for Training Teachers of the British and Foreign School Society, &c. EXTRACTS FROM REVIEWS. 6 Mr. Dicksee's book is a model of judicious "Mr. Dicksee's work is remarkable for its clear. arrangement and execution, equally suitable as a 'ness, and for features which are the opposite of most text-book for schools and for self instruction, previous elementary treatises; and it will be found Nothing can exceed the simplicity and clearness of service as well to teachers as to their pupils. of its demonstration, or the practical completeness, "The merit of the author's method is shown in without superfluity, which marks each step of its his constant reference, numerically, to dimensions, progressive system of instruction."- Spectator. and to a defined scale of representation. There "A man may possess a thorough knowledge hin. are works on perspective which, as being designed self of some science or art, while at the same time primarily for architects, recognize the same prin- he is utterly incapable of imparting what he knows ciple,... but few of these on the whole are better to others; and thus, at the very outset, the learner calculated to serve the student, even in drawing encounters difficulties which he feels he cannot applied to architecture, than the plain, straight- overcome, because his teacher has not the ability to forward work which is before us."-The Builder. help him. ... Now, Mr. Dickseo's book aims at "Mr. Dicksee's very carefully prepared volume remedying both erils, and thereby assisting both requires only to be known to insure considerable partics; and we think he has succeeded in his ob- success."Critic. jects."- Ari-Journal. " The work embodies the experience of one who "A good practical introduction."-Athenaeum. has had remarkable success in teaching drawing." " It is well got up, the illustrated examples es- Educational Record. pecially being produced with great care."-Illus- “Every pupil-teacher who wishes to learn per- trated London News. spective, or to teach it, should consider Mr. Dick- " The work, which is beautifully printed, is co- see's manual indispensablo as a working book."- piously illustrated by wood engravings. Teachers Pupil-Teacher. will doubtless value such a text-book."- Stafford | “It is wel calculated to forward the earnest shire Advertiser. cfforts of the self-instructor'." -The Educational "It bears throughout the stamp of a manual Times. cminently practical in character, and it is evident "We fcel assured that a teacher who wishes suc- that no expense or pains have been spared to render cessfully to teach perspective cannot do better than it as complete as possible."-Bristol Mercury. to take this work as the basis of his lessons."--The "Ono peculiar feature, and which will recom- School and the Teacher. mend this book to the architectural pupil, is, that "Is indeed what a school-book ought to be—the in the theoretical portion of the work tlie engra. result of experience, by which the system has beeu vings which illustrate the subject refer to natural scenery, and other interesting features; it being the This manual has a further recommendation, inas- object of the author to show that perspective has much as the course marked out in it has carried something more to do than to deal with crude dia- large numbers of students successfully through the grams only, and that its relations embrace objects Christuras Examinations."-Papers for the School- of beauty."-The Building Neros. master. LONDON: SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, & CO., STATIONERS' HALL COURT. Recommended by the Science and Art Department. Sixth Edition. In Siz: Parts, price 9d. each, each Part containing & Plates super royal 8vo.; or the set complete, printed on 24 cardboards, in envelope, price 5s. FAMILIAR FREE-HAND DRAWING COPIES: BEING A PROGRESSIVE COURSE OF OUTLINES OF UPWARDS OF 100 POPULAR OBJECTS, FOR THE USE OF ELEMENTARY CLASSES AND PRIVATE FAMILIES. BY J. R. DICKSEE. THE LARGE SERIES: comprising the first 20 Plates of the above Series, enlarged to 18 by 12 inches, in Wrapper, price 2s. 60. LONDON: ROWNEY & CO., RATHBONE PLACE; CHAPMAN AND HALL, PICCADILLY: EDUCATIONAL BOOKS PUBLISHED BY C. DOLMAN, 61, NEW BOND STREET, AND 21, PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON. The History of England. By John Lin- gard, D.D. The People's Edition. Handsomely printed in small octavo, uniform in size and type with the popular edition of " Alison's History of Europe.”. Enbellished with many illustrations, including a PORTRAIT and BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR of the HIS- TORIAN. Ten Volumes, crown 8vo. 3s. 6d. each, cloth lettered. This edition is reprinted from the fifth and last one, diligently revised by the author two years before his death, which was pub- lished, in 1849, in ten octavo volumes. That edition embodies the substance of all the recent discoveries connected with English History, and contains a large quantity of new and important matter. An Abridgment of the History of England by Lingard, with continuation from 1688 to the reign of Queen : Victoria, adapted for the Use of Schools. By JAMES BURKE, Esq., B.A., Barrister-at-Law. 648 pages, 12mo. bound, 5s. The History and Antiquities of the Anglo- Saxon Church, containing an Account of its Origin, Government, Doctrines, Worship, Revenues, Clerical and Monastic Institutions. By JOHN LINGARD. New edition in 2 vols. crown 8vo. cloth, 10s. Ancient History, from the Dispersion of the Sons of Noe, to the Battle of Actium and Change of the Roman Republic into an Empire. By PETER FREDET, D.D. Fifth edition, revised and enlarged, half-bound, leather back, 12mu. 4s. Modern History, from the Coming of Christ, and the Change of the Roman Republic into an Empire, to the year of our Lord 1850. By PETER FREDET, D.D. Twelfth edition, enlarged and improved, half-bound, leather back, 12mo. 4s. A Compendium of Ancient and Modern History, with Questions, adapted to the use of Schools and Academies; also, an Appendix, containing the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, a Biographical Sketch of Eminent Personages with a Chronological Table of Remarkable Events, Discoveries, Improvements, &c., from the Creation to the year 1850. By M. J. KERNEY. Tenth edition, large 12mo. half-bound, 4s. 6d. The Physical and Historical Geography of the British Empire. In Four Parts. A new and greatly improved edition. By D. C. MacCARTHY, Certificated Teacher. Thé Colonial Geography occupies 'forty-four pages, and, with other improvements, a new and copious Alphabetical Index has been added. 336 pages, 8vo. price 2s. 6d. “Clear and comprehensive.”—Telegraph. Public Lectures on some subjects of Ancient and Modern History. By JAMES BURTON ROBERTSÓN, Esq., Pro- - fessor of Modern History, Translator of F. Schlegel's “ Philosophy of History," &c. Small 8vo. cloth, 4s. 6d. 01 EDUCATIONAL BOOKS PUBLISHED BY C. DOLMAN, 61, NEW BOND STREET, AND 21, PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON. A New English Grammar, calculated to perfect Students in the Knowledge of Grammar, Parsing, Derivation, and the Principles of Composition. By M. D. KAVANAGH, of Uni- versity College, London. 16 mo. cloth, 1s. The Penny English Grammar, adapted for the use of Schools and Private Families. By M. D. KAVANAGH. 32 pages small 8vo. ONE PENNY. A New Latin Grammar, calculated to perfect Students in Etymology, Syntax (including Subjunctive Mood), Prin- ciples of Prose, Composition, and Prosody. By M. D. KAVANAGH. Cloth, 1s. 6d. "Mr. Kavanagh's Grammar is concise and clear.”—Critic. Irish Made Easy; or, a Practical Irish Grammar. By MARTIN ANDREW O'BRENNAN, LL.D. Cloth, 2s. Arithmetic, its Principles and Practice. By JAMES W. KAVANAGH, late Head Inspector of National Schools, Ireland. 12mo. cloth. Price 2s. The Theory of Arithmetic. Especially adapted to the use of Teachers, Upper Classes in Colleges, and Commercial Schools, and to all who are preparing to meet the Examinations for Matriculation and the degree of B.A., at the London University. Cloth, 1s. 6d. "Concise and clear."— Critic. - An Introduction to Astronomy. By James BURKE, A.B. Price One Penny. To be followed by a series of other Treatises on Science and Art, price 1d. DOLMAN'S CATECHISMS. Catechism of the History of England. 6d. “ Talbot House School, Richmond. "MY DEAR SIR, I have been using your little Catechism of the History of England for some time past at my establishment. I have found it more useful than any of the kind I have ever met with, and shall be happy to recommend the work whenever I shall have an opportunity. You may make use of my name to that effect in any way you think proper.-Yours faithfully, "W. D. KENNY." Catechism of the History of France. 6d. Catechism of the History of Germany. 6d. Catechism of Spain and Portugal. éd. Catechism of Mythology. By R. O. 6d. ----------------..- THOMAS GREW, C.SK Statigementient Treatoireney Trastirameront MANUFACTURER, PLAIsᎢOW PA Ꭱ Ꮶ , ESS EX. AC CASA - - - . DET I . . - - Il ILIROMISO DE TN 12 T. CREW M PLASTOT PARX, EISEX. 2 immuunsumumiy 7 1 1 - - - - . mimin - - + Wijunima MIMO MINI Watutorstolammull. I. 19 is 12. - - - SE CS TA M14 . UU 1 . EL D Outta it ul PETITA SO AV . . CTT . . . Giornata Cat s ic-IS: .. . The above Case, as supplied to the Science and Art Deparlment, can be had post free for Post Office Order or Stamps, for 12s. . D 225026000cope THOMAS GREW, Matyematical Drawing Instrument Manufacturer, Begs to submit to Schools and Students the following LIST OF PRICES OF 1 @YA CASES OF INSTRUMENIS DEPOSITED AT THE EDUCATIONAL MUSEUM, SOUTH KENSINGTON. -- £ s. d. 1. Mahogany Hook Case, containing Universal Compass and Box Scale.............. 9 :4 01 2. Mahogany Hook Case, containing hin. Steel Joint Compass, Pen and Pencil Point, and Scale.........................: 0 5 0 1. 3. Mahogany Hook Case, containing hin. Steel Joint Compass, with five Squares, Fit- tings, Pen and Pencil Point, and Box Scale.............................. 0 0 0 4. Mahogany Hook Case, containing hin. Steel Joint Compass, with five Squares, Fit- tings, Pen and Pencil Point, Ivory Handle Pén, and Box Wood Protractor ...... 0 8 0 5. Mahogany Hook Case, containing 6in. Steel :: Joint Compass, with five Squares, Fit- . . tings, Pen and Pencil Point, Ivory Handle Pen, Bow Pen, and Box Wood Protractor ........................ 0 100 6. Mahogany Hook Case with Tray, containing 6in. Steel Joint Compass, three Squares, Fittings, and Round Points, Pen and Pencil Point, Ink and Pencil, Bow, Ivory Handle Pen, Ebony Parallel Rule, Box Wood Protractor, two Small Angles, 45: and 60 ............................ 0 13 0 7. Mahogany Hook Case with Tray, containing 6in. Steel Joint Compass, with five Squares, Fittings, and Round Points, Pen and Pencil Point, Ink and Pencil Bow, Ivory Handle Pen, Ebony Parallel Rule, Box Protractor, two Sets Squares, 45 and 60 ............................. i 0 £ s. d. L. 8. Mahogany Hook Case with Tray, containing ri. 6in. Steel Joint Compass, with five Squares, Fittings, Round Point and Bar, Ink and Pencil Point, Ink and Pencil Bow, Ivory Handle Pen, Ebony Parallel Rule, Box Protractor, two Sets Squares, 45 and 60......................... 0 14 0 9. Mahogany Lock Case with Tray, containing 6in. Steel Joint Compass, with Round Fittings and Bar, 5in. Divider, Ink and Pencil Point, Ink and Pencil Bow, Ivory Handle Pen, and Set of Rules ........ 18 0. 10. Rosewood Lock Case, containing 6-in. Sector and Bar, 5in. Hair Divider, Ink and Pencil Point, Ink and Pencil Bow, two Ivory Handle Pens, two Steel Spring Bows, Set of Ivory Rules ............ 3 0 0 PLAISTOT PARK, Essex. . aamunan MWANA AGENTS. F. CLARK, Optician, 13, Park Side, Knightsbridge, near Albert Gate. J. BUCK, 124, Newgate Street, London. EDUCATIONAL WORKS PUBLISHED BY JAMES GORDON, EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHER, 51, HANOVER STREET, EDINBURGH. OF TUR NOWLEDGE TA LONDON AGENTS, HAMILTON, ADAMS, AND CO. 51, HANOVER Street, EDINBURGH, January 1861. Constables Educational Series. Poetical Reading Book, with Aids for Gram- matical Analysis, Paraphrase, and Criticism. By J. D. MORELL, A.M., LL.D., and W. IHNE, PH.D. Containing—THE DESERTED VILLAGE ; The Task (Book I.); PARA-- DISE LOST (Books I. and V.); THE MERCHANT OF VENICE; THE PRISONER OF CHILLON; Tac Field OF WATERLOO; besides MISCEL- LANEOUS SELECTIONS. [Just Ready. mm . II. Advanced Reading Book, Literary and Scien- tific. Second Edition. Price 4s. Containing original Lessons on- ZOOLOGY, by R. Patterson, Esq. (Belfast). Physics, by Professors Kelland (Edinburgh), and Tyndall (London). THE HUMAN Body, by Dr. Struthers (Edinburgh). VEGETABLE PRODUCTS AND their Uses, by Professor Archer (late of Liverpool). SOCIAL ECONOMY, by W. A. Shields, Esq. (Peckham.) Botany, by Professor Balfour (Edinburgh). Besides numerous selected Literary Extracts. Books of this class are the very things which are now wanted. Literary Gazette. As a school classic it is certainly one of the very best of modern times.- Bell's Weekly Messenger. UU 17 III. ELEMENTARY READING BOOKS. First English Reading Book. Part I., 2d. Part II., 4d. Part III., 6d. Second Edition. Second English Reading Book. Price 9d. Second Edition. Third English Reading Book. Price 1s. 3d. Second Edition. Fourth English Reading Book. Price 1s. 8d. Second Edition. Fifth English Reading Book. Price 28. 6d. Second Sixth English Reading Book. Price 3s. Second Edition. . Edition. Edition. DUE For detailed Prospectus, with Preface and Table of Contents of each Book, sce p. 17. JAMES GORDON, EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHER, IV. School Geography. By JAMES CLYDE, LL.D., Author of “Greek Syntax, with a Rationale of the Construc- tions," &c. Third Edition. Price 4s. We have been struck with the ability and value of this work, which is a great advance upon previous Geographic Manuals. . . Almost for the first time, we have here met with a School Geography that is quite a readable book,-one that, being intended for advanced pupils, is well adapted to make them study the subject with a degree of interest they bave never yet felt in it. . . . Students preparing for the recently-instituted University and Civil Service examinations, will find this their best guide.- Athenaeum. Dr. Clyde's work has many excellent and original features, which entitle it to be placed on a level with the best works on the subject which have come under our notice. It is written with great vigour and power of pic- turesque language and arrangement, and is particularly valuable for the skill with which the most important geographical facts are selected from tlie great mass of topographical details with which most books on geography abound, and graphically and strikingly put in a way which cannot fail to make a per- manent impression on the memory.--Educational Times. The best work of the kind that we have seen. The author enters in spirit upon the green soil of a kingdom, and commences to explain its expanse of hill and dale. His comprehensive glance detects the lines of division which nature herself has drawn with a strong and sweeping band. These he uses in portioning out the land. At the same time, he describes, in concise and graphic language, the outstanding features of each section... Having com- pleted this minute investigation, he glances at the condition of the people, - their manners, customs, government, and religion. . . His book is unsurpassed for comprehensive method and condensed learning.–Scottish Guardian. The facts mentioned in connexion with each country and locality are selected with unusual tact, and combine the element of interest with that of practical utility most successfully. .. Dr. Clyde, far from being a mere compiler, is a cultivated man of extensive general information, who has himself seen a great deal more than falls within the range of the ordinary writers of Geographies... We are confident the practical teacher will be grateful to us for the recommendation of such a work.— Witness. ' Elementary Geography. By JAMES CLYDE, LL.D. Second Edition. Price 1s. 6d. LONDON: HAMILTON, ADAMS, & CO. 51, HANOVER STREET, EDINBURGH. A 1. Concise History of England in Epochs. By J. F. CORKRAN. With Maps and Chronological Table. Price 2s. 6d. In this short History of England the writer has endeavoured to convey a broad and full impression of its great Epochs, and to develop with care, but in subordination to the rest of the narrative, the growth of Law and of the Constitution. This he could attain within the limits prescribed only by confining himself to the mere summarizing of events of minor importance- none of which, however, has been left unnoticed. Where illustrious charac- ters were to be brought into relief, or where the story of some great achieve- ment merited a full narration, he has occupied more space than the length of the history might seem to justify; for it is his belief that a mere narration of the Deeds of England in her struggles for liberty and for a high place among the nations of the world, is more fertile in instruction to youth, and more stimulating to a healthy and laudable ambition than any other mode of treating our past. * * * * * Recent events have been treated with more than usual fulness, as being those under the influence of which our youth are rising into manhood, and out of which must flow that history, in the formation of which they, as citizens, must bear a part.—Preface. Excellently adapted for the instruction of senior classes of schools and junior students of our Training Colleges.--Scotsman. Possesses numerous useful features, which distinguish it from most books of its class.-EDWIN Adams, English Master, Grammar School, Chelmsford. minin VII. Latin Grammar for Elementary Classes. By D'ARCY W. THOMPSON, M.A. CANTAB., Classical Master in the Edinburgh Academy. Second Edition. Price 2s. As far as I can judge, but that is not far, this seems the ne plus ultra of a Grammar,—short and clear, comprehensive and compact; I wish I had had anything like it five-and--thirty years ago.-Dr. John Brown, Author of " Force Subsecivce," " Rab and his Friends," &c.; and Member of the University Court, Edinburgh. A new and valuable addition to the common stock of smaller Grammars. Latin Grammars usually give, but every now and then is enlivened by some of the more easy and interesting results with which the modern science of Comparative Philology is year by year enriching the study of language.--- Scotsman. COLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. JAMES GORDON, EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHER, -- - - VIII. Morell's Grammar of the English Language, together with an Exposition of the Analysis of Sentences. Thirty-seventh Thousand. Price 2s., or with EXERCISES, 2s. 6d. The present work is by no means a repetition and combination of my two former books, entitled respectively The Essentials of English Grammar and The Analysis of Sentences. The whole, or very nearly so, has been re-con- sidered and re-written, and every part has been so far dereloped as to present the aspect of an entirely new work. The chapter on the Structure, indeed, is wholly supplementary.-Preface. A Series of Graduated Exercises. Adapted to MORELL'S “GRAMMAR AND ANALYSIS.” Thirty-seventh Thou- sand. Price 8d. ; or in Limp Cloth, price 9d. Morell's Essentials of English Grammar and Analysis. Seventh Edition, Enlarged. Price 8d. ; or in Limp Cloth, price 9d. Tables for Wall Use (From Morell's Grammar and Analysis). Size, 4 feet 3 inches by 3 feet 9 inches. Mounted on Cloth, Price 5s. each, or with Rollers and Varnished, Price 8s. each. I. TABLE OF PARTS OF SPEECH. II. TABLE OF PARSING AND ANALYSIS. From the Very Rev. THE DEAN OF HEREFORD. I cannot help writing to tell you with what pleasure I have perused your Grammar of the English Language and Series of Graduated Exercises, and how well I think them fitted for the purposes for which you intended them; you do not overburthen us with words: they are truly useful, and exactly the kind of books on this subject wanted for our pupil-teachers and school- teachers, in all schools connected with the Committee of Council, and in all others of a similar kind. From John St. Clain, Esq., Government Lecturer on English Language and Literature, Training College, Castle Terrace, Edinburgh. In the old, but perhaps still extant method of teaching English Grammar and Composition, certain fragmentary facts of the language were alone exlıibited, while the pupil was expected, by dint of trial and blunder, to discover for himself some few of those principles of composition which impart to the bare facts meaning and coherence. The few who succeeded, LONDON : HAMILTON, ADAMS, & CO. 51, HANOVER STREET, EDINBURGH. more or less, in making that discovery, owed nothing to the system under which they had been trained, and the great majority who necessarily failed, much less. Syntax and Composition cannot be really taught at all, unless based on the · principles so clearly enunciated and developed by Morell in bis Analysis of Sentences. These principles are nowhere else treated with any approach to the same elegant simplicity. In that work they have been brought so com- pletely within the grasp of average boyhood, that, during a pretty extensive experience as teacher of a large elementary school, I have not found many children unable easily to comprehend and practically apply them. In the more recently published "Grammar and Analysis" the subject is still further simplified. There, the fundamental principles underlying the Rules of Grammar and Composition are first simply stated, then illustrated in the actual practice of the language, and lastly, wrought into the pupil's habits of thought and expression, by means of copious and admirable, exercises. As culture differs from cram, so does this method from that which it is destined to supersede. From G. BICKERTON, Esq., Edinburgh Institution. The best proof I can offer of the high opinion I entertain of Mr. Morell's Method of Analysis is, that I have followed his system for the last two years in the instruction of the more advanced classes in the Edinburgh Academy. By combining the Analysis with the Grammar, a great advantage has been gained. In former treatises only one side of the Syntax or Sentence- grammar of the language was exhibited; and while, as regards the arrange- ment, clearness, and accuracy of the Rules, Morell's may claim a place in the first rank, the addition of the section that treats of the Analysis of Sen- tences, gives it a completeness possessed by no other English Grammar that I have hitherto seen. From WALTER SCOTT DALGLEISH, A.M., Grange House School, Edinburgh. I have been led to entertain the highest opinion of Mr. Morell's new English Grammar, not only as a means of communicating a thorough and philosophical knowledge of the English language, but also as a most efficient instrument of intellectual culture. In both these respects, but particularly in the latter, I have no hesitation in saying that it excels all existing works of a similar kind; and accordingly I have introduced it into the higher classes in this establishment. I have always considered Mr. Morell's "Analysis of a Sentence" the best introduction to the art of English Composition, and it is thụs one great advantage of the present work, that it combines in one vol- .ume the best means of imparting instruction in the more advanced as well as in the earlier stages of the study of the English language. SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. JAMES GORDON, EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHER, IX. The Principles and Practice of Early and In- fant School-Education. With an Appendix of Hymns and Songs, with Appropriate Melodies. By JAMES CURRIE, M.A., Principal of the Church of Scotland Training College, Edinburgh. Second Edition. Price 4s. From R. DUNNING, Esq., Professor of the Art of Teaching, Home and Colonial Training College, Gray's Inn Road, Londori. [Extract from a Letter to the Publishers] Mr. Currie clearly knows the relative importance, and also the relative position of principles and practice, and with a master band puts them in their respective places, and preserves their position. He has his compeers in an effort to base the practice of the schoolroom on the recognised princi- ples of childhood, but he outstrips them all in the way he bas executed his task. Perhaps in no point does he more excel other writers than in the degree to which the practice he prescribes approximates to the principles he unfolds. These principles are no mere flourishes with Mr. Currie, either never applied, or applied very partially, or what is worse, contradicted in every part of his practice. In confining his attention to Infant School-Edu- cation, Mr. Currie has been enabled to treat the subject very distinctly, broadly, and thoroughly, as well as to present what is fundamental. All this he has done with an amount of clearness, discrimination, comprehensive- ness, and felicity, which will render him a safe and successful guide to the teacher and nursery governess. From the Rev. J. G. CROMWELL, Principal of the Diocesan Training College, Durham. One of the most sensible, talented, and practical Treatises that bave yet issued from the English Press on the subject of Education. The production of a wise and noble wind, rich with the fulness of experi- ence only possible when powerful thought is combined with perpetual and acute observation. We think it the best and wisest book on elementary education we have ever read.... If parents and teachers of children will study with heart and soul this little book, the benefits to themselves and their children cannot but be incalculable.-- Manchester Examiner. TT IN LONDON : HAMILTON, ADAMS, & CO. 51, HANOVER STREET, EDINBURGH. X. 2 : 12 The Elements of Musical Analysis. A Manual for Normal Students and Elementary Teachers. By JAMES CURRIE, M.A., Author of "The Principles and Practice of Early and Infant School-Education." Second Edition. Price 4s. 6d. A book exactly suited to the requirements of pupil-teachers, and those Schoolmasters who are preparing for Government Examinations, to whom we especially recommend it.- English Journal of Education. We bave examined these Elements carefully, and cannot but congratulate students of music on their having placed within their reach a manual of clear arrangement and moderate price. Many elementary text-books on music have fallen in our way, but none that we think so highly of as this. It is very simple, and yet enters more into the rationale of music than any other work we know of, in a moderate compass; its method and exposition are clear and forcible, and show the hand of a master in teaching. Mr. Currie's Musical Analysis will, we are sure, be favourably received by all those students who seek a thorough elementary knowledge of the subject.--Papers for the Schoolmaster. Mr. Currie appears to have performed his task with judgment and skill. The examples given as illustrations are copious and well selected, the ex- planations clear and practical.-- Courant. By the help of this book, without going further, the amateur will be enabled, if not to compose, yet to understand, enjoy, and join in performing the works of the greatest performers.—Spectator. - oramo XI. III School Songs for Junior Classes. By T. M. HUNTER. With Preface by JAMES CURRIE, M.A., Author of “The Principles and Practice of Early and Infant School-Education ;"“The Elements of Musical Analysis," &c. Containing 60 Songs, principally set for two voices. Price 4d. SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. 7 -V !. , - JAMES GORDON, EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHER, XII. . Household Economy. A Manual intended for Female Training Colleges and the Senior Classes of Girls' Schools. By MARGARET MARIA GORDON, Author of “Work; or, Plenty to do and how to do it ;" “ Sunbeams in the Cottage;" " Little Millie and her Four Places," &c. &c. Third Edition. Price 2s. Written in a plain, genial, attractive manner, and constituting, in the best · sense of the word, a practical domestic manual.–Athenceum. Earnest, simple, cheerful, pointed cleverly throughout with anecdote and illustration.—Examiner. We considered it to be our duty to place this little book in the hands of a lady who is well posted up in all these branches of domestic lore. Our adviser states without hesitation, that Miss Bremster's Manual is a very clever one, containing much useful matter in brief space, and conveyed in terms easily understood.-Glasgow Herald. It ought to be in every school, and in the hands and head of every artizan's wife, while every wife and servant will derive good from its perusal. It is just what such a book should be clear, sensible, wise, practical, pleasant to read, easy to understand, and cheap to purchase.- Edinburgh Christian Magazine. mm XIII. School Registers. 1. REGISTER OF ADMISSION, PROGRESS, and WITHDRAWAL Space for 1020 Names, and Alphabetical Index. Oblong post 4to, Stiffened Cover. Price 3s. 2. CLASS REGISTER OF ATTENDANCE, Fres, SCHOOL-WORK, AND MERIT. Space for 48 Weelcs, 4 Quarterly Summaries, and 1 Yearly Sum- mary. Oblong Post 4to, Paper Cover. Price 6d. 3. SUMMARY OF ATTENDANCE AND Fees—Weekly, Quarterly, and Yearly Summaries FOR VÆOLE SCHOOL, for Five Years. Oblong Post 4to, Stiffened Cover. Price 1s. 6d. 4. DAILY REGISTER AND SUMMARY OF ATTENDANCE AND FEES FOR IN- FANT-SCHOOL. Quarterly and Yearly Summaries for two Years. Large Post 4to, Stiffened Cover. Price 28. *** These Registers are arranged on a simple and concise plan, and are so constructed as to furnish all the information required by Government. LONDON HAMILTON, ADAMS, & CO. 51, HANOVER STREET, EDINBURGH. 11 II XIV. Book-keeping for the Class-Room and Counting- House, by Double and Single Entry. With an Appendix on Commercial Forms. By JOHN MACLEAN, Teacher of Writing and Book-keeping in the Edinburgh Academy, and in the Church of Scotland Training College. Second Edition. Price 28. 6d. Key to the above. Price 4s. This work has been prepared with a view to supply a clear and practical manual for the learner, whether at school or at business. It has been care- fully adapted to modes of Book-keeping actually in use, and has been sub- mitted in MS. to gentlemen of extensive mercantile experience. A superior work.-Athenceum. As good an explanation of the principles of book-keeping by double and single entry, illustrated by as clear an exposition of the practice as we re- member to have met. --Spectator. The author is a complete master of his subject, and has handled it in a satisfactory manner.- Oxford and Middle Class Reporter. A mercantile guide-book, as well as an educational work. We deem it admirably adapted to both the ends which the author has had in view in its production.—Manchester Weekly Advertiser. . A valuable book of reference. Leader. We know of no work on this topic,—and our acquaintance with the biblio. graphy of the subject is somewhat extensive, -- at once so full and so concise, so clear and so artistic and formatively correct, so exhaustive and so cov- - densed, so perfect in theoretical exposition, so apt for practice.- The British Controversialist. m ann XV. Theoretical and Practical Italian Grammar. With Numerous Exercises and Examples, illustrative of every "Rule, and a Selection of Phrases and Dialogues. By E. LEMMI, LL.D. of the University of Pisa, Advocate of Florence ; ITALIAN Tutor TO H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, &c. Fourth Edition. Price 5s. From Count SAFFI, Professor of the Italian Language at Oxford. I have adopted your Grammar for the elementary instruction of students of Italian in the Taylor Institution, and find it admirably adapted to the purpose, as well for the order and clearness of the rules, as for the practical · excellence and ability of the exercises with which you have enriched it. SOLD. BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. A 12 JAMES GORDON, EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHER, From L'Eco di Savonarola.-- This work lias to us five especial claims to excellence : It is complete in its rules and exceptions; it says much, or rather everything in a few words ; it is distinguished from others by its superior clearness; it is arranged with admirable order throughout; Signor Lemmi has presented to the youth of England an original Grammar, containing numerous exercises and examples, which, while, on the one hand, facilitating the study of the Italian language, offer, on the other, moral instruction. All who wish to master the Italian language for the purpose of seriously studyiug its literature, will find in Dr. Lemmi's Grammar a faithful guide and a most satisfactory book of reference; those who aspire not only to read, but also to write and speak Italian, if they think it worth while to secure intelligibility by attaining accuracy, will find Dr. Lemmi's work an indis- pensable complement to the merely practical manuals through which they may have commenced their acquaintance with the language.- Morning Post. This is one of the easiest and best Italian Grammars we have ever seen. To all not mere children, who would begin Italian, and to all who would maintain their acquaintance with it by conscientious study, we cordially com- mend Dr. Lemmi's book. - English Journal of Education. Clear, simple, and well arranged. The pupil is led on step by step from what is plain and easy of apprehension, to what is more complicated and difficult. The rules are enunciated with brevity and precision, and exempli- . fied by well-selected exercises.- Scotsman. Brief, pithy rules, applied practically in numerous examples and exercises, which are skilfully graduated from the opening to the closing lessons, and embody most of the familiar expressions of daily life, as well as matter of classical and literary interest, form the basis of the author's system, which possesses the elements of simplicity and clearness in an eminent degree.- Scotsman-second notice. There is one portion of every Italian Grammar which may be regarded as a test of its qnality~we mean the chapter on pronouns, the extraordinary richness of the language in those essential parts of speech, and their various uses in connexion with the verb, making this chapter unusually complex. We have therefore turned to Dr. Lemmi's exposition of the difficulties, and find that nearly fifty pages are devoted to them, and that the information and rules are given with great clearness and precision. The examples and LONDON : HAMILTON, ADAMS, & CO. 51, HANOVER STREET, EDINBURGH. 13 XV. Object Lesson Cards ; on the Vegetable Kingdom. Set of Twenty in a Box, price £1, Is. The Objects themselves are affixed to the Cards, on which the Lessons are printed, showing the uses of the Objects. CONTENTS. Plants cultivated for their Seed. 1. WHICAT.- Wheat-Straw-plait-Biscuit-Paper made of Wheat- Straw-Macaroni. 2. Correr.—Leaf-Seed. Plant cultivated for its Root. 3. GINGER.–The Root-Leaf of Ginger Plant-Specimen of a cruci. ferous flower and seed-pod. Plants cultivated for their Timber. 4. Scotch FIR and Larco.-Specimen of leaves of each, and cones. 5. The Willow Tree.-Osier Twigs-Willow-plait for Bonnets- Material for bonnet frames. 6. OAK.-Leaf-Oak-bark — Piece of the Trunk - Acorn-Untanned leather-Tanned leather. 7. The Beecir TREE.—Leaf-Beech-nut, 8. THE ASII TREE.-Leaf and Seed. 9. THE CHESTNUT.-Leaf and Nut. 10. THE BIRCH.--Leaf–Bark. 11. Thu Walnut TREE. - Leaf and Nut. 12. The CYPRESS AND Cedar or LEBANON.-Leaves of each. 13. The SYCAMORE OR PLANL Tret.-Leaf. Plants cultivated for their Fibre. 14. Flax.-Specimen of plant before it is sent to the mill-Fibre of the stalks-Thread_Linen. 15. HEMP.-Fibre of the stalks—Sail ClothCord. Plants cultivated for their Bark. 16. THE Cork Treu.~-Bark-Bark prepared. 17. The PAPYRUS OR BULRUSH OF rue Nile.--Specimen of the Reed, and Filaments of the Crown. Plants cultivated for their Leaves. 18. THE MULBERRY.-Silkworm's Cocoon-Silk-Satin-Velvet. 19. The Rose TREC.--Specimen of leaf and flower. Plant useful for its Saline Properties. 20. SEA-WEED.-Specimen of Sea-weed-Soap-Bottle Glass. SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. 14 JAMES GORDON, EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHER, ILLA On the Fundamental Doctrine of Latin Syntax. By SIMON S. LAURIE, A.M. 8vo, price 6s. Bible Training. A Manual for Sabbath- School Teachers and Parents. By David Stow, Esq., Author of “The Training System,” &c. Ninth Edition, enlarged, price 2s. An exceedingly useful Manual for all who have undertaken the instruction of youth.--Banner of Ulster. A careful study of the principles laid down, and the examples of teaching given, could hardly fail to exercise à most beneficial influence on our Sunday schools.--Baptist Magazine. Gaussen's Lessons for the Young on the Six Days of Creation. With Introductory Notice by the Rev. JOHN Robson, D.D. Extra fcap. 8vo, Cloth Boards, price 2s., or Limp Cloth, Illuminated Cover, price 1s. 6d. Of the ability displayed in the exposition before us, it is impossible to speak too highly. Any teacher having the ability to unfold the facts and truths of Scripture after such a fashion must rivet the attention and engage the affections of the young-Sunday School Magazine. A splendid specimen of Dr. Gaussen's labour of love, and a great example to all Christian Teachers of the amount of instruction which can be conveyed even to children, in a most simple and intelligible garb.- Glasgow Herald. A charming book--a model volume. We envy Dr. Gaussen his power of interesting children.—The Freeman. A delightful little volume, and we were as sorry for ourselves, when we found it was ended, as doubtless were the young Genevese Sunday Scholars who crowded round the warm-hearted, clear-headed, eloquent teacher in the oratoire, when his Lessons on the Divine Six Days were over. -Scotsman. WIVU Elements of English Composition. By DAVID IRVING, LL.D. Twelfth Edition. Price 2s. 6d. LONDON : HAMILTON, ADAMS, & 00. 51, HANOVER STREET, EDINBURGH. On the Conditions of Health and Wealth Educationally Considered. By W. B. HODGSON, LL.D. Two Lectures published by request of the United Association of Schoolmasters. Extra Fcap. 8vo, price 1s. On the Best Means of Making the School- master's Function more efficient than it has hitherto been in Preventing Misery and Crime. Prize Essay. By EDWARD CAMPBELL TAINSH. With Report of a Discussion on the Essay at the Fourth Annual Meeting of the United Associa- tion of Schoolmasters of Great Britain. Price 9d. The Unison of Religion and Social Science. A LECTURE. By ALFRED JONES, Author of " Photographs of London Business," &c. &c. Delivered before the United Association of Schoolmaster's. Ex. cap. 8vo, price 4d. - By the same Author, The Principles of Privy Council Legislation. A LECTURE delivered before the United Association of School- masters of Great Britain. Ex. Fcap. 8vo, price 4d. The Philosophy of Corporal Punishment. An Investigation into the Policy and Morality of School Coercion. A LECTURE delivered before the Elementary Teachers' Association, London. Ex. Fcap. 8vo, price Is. On the Progress of Society in England, as affected by the Advancement of National Education ; being a LECTURE delivered before the United Association of School- masters of Great Britain, by J. D. MORELL, one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools. Ex. Fcap. 8vo, price 4d. The Difficulties of the Education Question. An ADDRESS delivered before the United Association of Schoolmasters, by the Rev. CANON RICHSON, Manchester. Ex. Fcap. Svo, price 4d. SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. 16 JAMES GORDON, EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHER, In Svo, Second Edition, price 6d. UNIVERSITY CERTIFICATE EXAMINATIONS WITH SUGGESTIONS FOR A SCHEME IN SCOTLAND SIMILAR TO THE ENGLISH “MIDDLE CLASS EXAMINATIONS.” BY W. SCOTT DALGLEISH, M.A. EDIN. "Able alike in matter and in style, and may be commended to Teachers, and indeed to all who are interested in Education, as containing a complete discussion of the bearings of this really important question."-Scolsman. * " Contains within it the promise of more practical reform than anything that has come to Scotland for twenty years."- North British Daily Mail. “Combines a strong grasp of general principles with a skilful apprecia- tion of Educational details. ... The subject is of very great and immediate importance."— Witness. “The public ought to be in possession of such information as may be necessary to the intelligent discussion of any plans that may be put forward." ---Scottish Guardian. "We deem these suggestions well worthy of attentive consideration on the part of the public in general, of all interested in educational advance, and specially of the University authorities."-- Caledonian Mercury. “The most important, because it is the most practical, of recent move- ments connected with our Universities and Schools."-Ayr Observer. “Thoughtful, well reasoned, and ably written.”-Ayrshire Express. “Written in the clearest of styles.”—Dundee Advertiser. Shortly will be published, THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF COMMON SCHOOL-EDUCATION. BY JAMES CURRIE, M.A., AUTHOR OF "THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF EARLY AND INFANT SCHOOL-EDUCATION.” ** Other Educational Works in preparation. - - LONDON : HAMILTON, ADAMS, AND CO. Constable's Educational Series. PROSPECT US Or THE ENGLISH READING-BOOKS. A SERIES of School Reading Books ought to be addressed cessfully addressed to them, it will not fail to supply the wants of children of the wealthier classes. The latter can find in hone-reading, and in Middle Schools, the more ad- vanced education which it is their privilege to be able to command ; but it is almost solely through their School-books that we can hope to secure instruction and mental training to the masses of the people. Such books, therefore, should be vehicles for those subjects which it is essential that all should, within certain limits, know, whether we measure the essential requirements of all by what is necessary to direct their course in life, or by what is necessary to the adequate disciplining of their minds. Intellectual Instruction. It has been the object of the Editor of this Series, not only to afford to the Teacher the means of disciplining the minds of his pupils, by giving such Lessons as address themselves to the various intellectual and moral faculties ; but, by means of careful selection, adapta- UA SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. 18 JAMES GORDON, EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHER, - tion, and repetition, so to furnish the mind of the pupil who is carried through the Series, as to fit him to regard, with an intelligent and instructed eye, the world of nature and art by which he is surrounded. In giving such instruction, however, a lower estimate has been assured by the Editor of the capacity of children, and their power of understanding explanations of the operations of Nature, than is usual in Scbool-books. The information- lessons, accordingly, are limited to the description and expla- nation of familiar objects of manufacture, and of those natural phenomena which either fall within the range of actual obser- vation, or which can be easily realized by the imagination, In the earlier volumes the instructive portions have almost exclusively in view the informing and cultivating of the Per- ceptive and Comparing faculties, the powers of reasoning and generalizing being directly called into operation only in Books V. and VI., and in the " Advanced Reading Book.” The graduation of the subject-matter of lessons is of as great importance as the graduation of the language. Both require careful attention from the writer of books for the young. Moral and Religious Instruction.--In this Series, all that moral and religious teaching which has to do with the formation of character has been conveyed by means of Biography, Fable, and Anecdote, rather than by directly addressing the moral nature of children in injunctions or precepts. This leading subject, moreover, has been allied as closely as possible with the imagination-a faculty too little recognised in School-books from a forgetfulness of the facts that the moral emotions are, in childhood, most surely reached through it, and that the masses of the children of LONDON : HAMILTON, ADAMS, & Co. 51, HANOVER STREET, EDINBURGH. 19 the people have only their School-books to look to for that culture of the imagination which, when properly directed, forms so bright a feature of the early life of the upper and middle classes. In the large proportion of its non- scientific lessons, and in the union of the moral with the imaginative, the English Reading Books are to some extent a reaction from the prevailing practice. Simple practical lessons have been given on the physio- logical and social laws, which all are bound to obey as individuals, and as members of an industrial nation. self, more largely than is usual, of simple verses and of poetry, not only of a descriptive and narrative kind, but as a means of conveying moral and religious teaching. The pieces have been carefully selected, with a view to the stage of progress for which they are intended. At the age at which children usually enter on a Fourth Book of Reading, they also begin to read the New Testament and to learn the Catechism of the Church to which they belong. In almost all Schools, too, Text-books of Geography and History are used. These facts have influenced what has the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Books of the Series. Old school favourites have been retained wherever this was desirable. The reader is now referred to the Prefaces and Tables of Contents subjoined for more detailed information of the subject-matter and method of the various books. -.- -. .. - - - SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS, - - - --- - - 20 JAMES GORDON, EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHER, THE FIRST ENGLISH READING BOOK. In Three Parts. Part I., 36 pages, . Part II., 60 pages, . Part III., 92 pages, . . . . Price 2d. , 4d. 6d. PREFACE. THE object of the Three Parts of the First English Reading Book, an object to which every other consideration has been subordinated, is to teach reading. It has been arranged with a special view to its being taught on the phonic method, though, of course, it is equally fitted for use by those who teach the names of letters, in preference to their sounds. The table of words of two letters inay be acquired by uttering, first separately, and then together, the sounds of the two letters that compose them. They are then to be read without spelling, over the succeeding pages, until the child recognises them easily as wholes. Or, they may be first taught as wholes, the letters representing their elementary sounds being shown to the child by analysis. Words of three or more letters are next formed from these, by prefixing the various consonants ; thus, at, b-at, c-at, h-at, &c. It greatly facilitates this species of word-building, to . use a board with grooves, in which pasteboard letters can be combined and interchanged at pleasure ; thus, at, h-at, hat-s, th-at, ch-at, wh-at ; and. (at a later stage), hat, hat-e, hate-s, hat-er, hat-ing; chat, chat-s, chat-ter, chat-ting, &c. Gradation has been carried as far as it is possible or desirable to carry it. All the new words used in a lesson are first placed in the spelling- lesson, which should be thoroughly got up before the reading-lesson is attempted. In the latter, the very small number of new words intro- duced are so often repeated as to render the reading exceedingly easy. In Part III. this rule is slightly relaxed, by the sparing introduction of words similar to those found in the spelling-lessons. So gentle is the gradation, that diphthongs and words in final e do not occur before Part III. Dissyllables formed by the most common affixes are very gradually admitted. Those composed of words with which the child is already familiar, as in-to, up-on, for-get, are admitted as soon as the child knows their component parts. A few very common words, more or less irregular, are introduced earlier than their proper place, in consequence of their great utility in the construction of the lessons. These words, and irregular words in general, are separated by a line from regular words ; and (what is more advisable) the Teacher may judge for himself how far they may be taught from the sounds of their letters, or as words 111- analysed. - - * - * - LONDON : HAMILTON, ADAMS, & CO. 51, HANOVER STREET, EDINBURGH. 27 Though each lesson is essentially an exercise on words,-a special ex- ercise on a certain class of words, and a general recapitulatory exercise on the words of the preceding lessons,-it has been attempted to preserve some connexion in the subjects of them. So far as such lessons can have subjects, these are taken from the child's own world,- a world peopled with play-fellows, furnished with toys and pet animals, and presided over by the parental divinities. No one that knows children will disapprove of an occasional indulgence in a little mild fun or childish nonsense. To a child, the discovery that a book can talk nonsense to him, is more de- lightful than the discovery that it can speak serious sense. (The Contents of a book for this stage cannot well be detailed.) *** The Lessons in the early portion of this Bookc have been printed also on SEPARATE SHEETS in LARGE TYPE, and are sold with or without a Frame on which to exhibit them to a class. THE SECOND ENGLISH READING BOOK. 126 Pages. Price 9d. PREFACE. diyoted This book is adapted for children who have obtained some familiarity with monosyllabic lessons. Few dissyllables are introduced in the earlier lessons, but they gradually increase in number-so gradually, however, that no well-taught pupil can find greater difficulty, in moving from one lesson to another, than is necessary in order to insure progress. The substance, no less than the language of the lessons, has been carefully graduated. As an instrument of education, the purpose of this book is to give some satisfaction, as well as a healthy direction to the moral and imaginative nature of children, and to rouse an inquiring but childlike interest in the objects of everyday life. Hence the great prominence which is given to the interesting and attractive over the purely intellectual, in opposition to the principle on which most school-books are constructed-a principle which seems to contemplate the conveying of information as the first necessity. A sufficient proportion of simple Object-Lessons have been constructed for this Volume, the majority of them by an experienced Infant-School Teacher. The subjects chosen have been those most familiar to the mind of the child, and therefore best suited for the direction and cultivation of his observing powers. The well-trained Teacher will naturally be led to give many oral lessons on the numerous familiar objects in nature and art, which always form interesting subjects of conversation between the sympathetic teacher and the youngest of pupils. SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. 22 JAMES GORDON, EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHER, Children are fond of simple verses, and this predilection affords an excellent opportunity for conveying moral and religious lessons. From all such lessons, however, whether in prose or poetry, the Teacher would do well to confine himself only to one obvious deduction. The mind of a child fails to carry away more than one idea at a time. Why should not school children be allowed to enjoy a story or simple sentiment or imagination without being worried by a long investigation into all that these may or may not mean, and thus having the bloom rubbed off what would otherwise dwell in the mind as a vague, no doubt, yet a fertilizing imagination, to bear fruit some future day! The remark just made applies especially to the religious teaching of a young child. Day by day the child's attention should be directed briefly and simply to God's fatherly love and care and presence. This will gradually awaken love and trustfulness in his tender mind, and the foundation of religious faith and life will be laid strong and sure. Gradual growth is the only healthy growth for the soul no less than for the body, and as many germs are destroyed by being forced as by being allowed to run to waste. An English divine, speaking of religious training, has wisely said, “ Handle a child's heart as carefully as you would touch the down on a peach, or the foathers on a butterfly's wing." Contents of the Second English Reading Book. I.—OBJECT AND GENERAL INFORMATION Lessons. The Horse-The Dog-The Cow-Fowls-The Sheep-Living Creatures How Living Creatures move--Iron-Bread-Coal-Glass-Clothing-What Clothes are made of-North, South, East, and West-The Senses--The World—The Seasons-Months, Weeks, and Days. II.-LESSONS RELATING TO THE RELIGIOUS AND MORAL FEELINGS, TEE IMAGINATION, AND THE CHARACTER. The Dog and the Snow—The Boy lost in the Snow—The Boy and the Nuts-Puss and the Fox-The Boys and the Frogs-A Walk-Who made All Things- The Idle Boy and the Busy Bee-The Idle Boy, the Dog, the Bird, and the Horse-Goodness of God- The Stolen Starling—Mary and the Goldfinch- The Birds—The Boy and the Bird The Child's Hymn—The Life of Joseph -The Bruther and Sister--Life of Moses—The Three Presents—The Old Crow Life of David. IIJ.-VERSES. Kindness to Animals-God made All Things--The Busy Bee-The Child's Prayer -What the Child has-- The Pony-God's Care of Animals—Trust and Try -Who made the World-The Sun, Moon, and Stars—Who made the Sky- The Cow—Child's Welcome to Spring-To a Redbreast in Winter-The Squirrel-God is in Heaven-Saviour, like a Shepherd lead us—The Senses --The Months—Winter-The Kind Little Boy A Little Child's Morning Hymn-Comfort in Winter— The Stars—I asked-The Little Boy and the Sheep-A Child's Prayer. LONDON : ITAMILTOY, ADAMS, & Co. i= 51, HANOVER STREET, EDINBURGH. THE THIRD ENGLISH READING BOOK. 144 Pages. Price 1s. 3d. PREFACE. The remarks prefixed to the Second English Reading Book are equally applicable to the Third, with the following modifications :- (1.) The language is more advanced, dissyllables being freely used, and polysyllables of the simpler sort introduced. The sentences also are generally longer and more complex, (2.) The Lessons are pitched somewhat higher as regards subject-matter and conceptior., as well as style ; and this remark applies to the poetry and the object lessons, no less than to the lessons of a moral and imagina tive character. A greater demand is made throughout on the power of sustained attention." The conveying of knowledge, however, and the training of the intellect, continue, as in the Second Book, to be kept in due subordination to the moral and imaginative element. A Life of Christ forms a feature of the volume, so written, it is believed, as to convey deep and lasting impres- sions : simplicity of language has been aimed at, in order that the atten- tion of the pupil may not be diverted from the story and its lessons. To combine the interesting with the progressive and instructive in both subject and style has been a difficult task, but to omit either object from consideration would be fatal to books which profess to train and inform the minds of the young, no less than to lay the foundation of a love of reading. A glance at the lessons on the Seasons and Wild Flowers will show with what success this twofold object has been attained.* Contents of the Third English Reading Book. THL TITLES OF THE POETICAL EXTRACTS ARE PRINTED IN Italics. FIRST PART. LESSONS ON THE SEASONS AND VLOVERS, WITH MISCELLANEOUS LESSONS. The Four Seasons. Autumn. Spring. A Song for Autumn, . Mary Howitt. Song for Spring Winter. Summer. Snow: a Song for Winter. Song of Summer. The Fine Weather. * Difficult lessons are purposely introduced among easier ones in this, is in the other volumes of the Series. SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. 24 · JAMES GORDON, EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHER, FIRST PART-Continued. The Complaint of the Wild Life of the Lord Jesus Christ · Flowers. Birth and Childhood. Hymn for Little S Hymns for Little The Birth of Christ. Children, . Our Wants. The Acorn and the Pumpkin. The Boy and the Echo. Children. SECOND PART. LESSONS ON FOOD, WITH ANIMAL AND MISCELLANEOUS LESSONS. Frank's Curiosity, . Miss Edgeworth. | The Fox and the Goat. Bread-How it is Made. A Visit to a Wild Beast Show. The Senses. The Monkey, . Mary Howitt. The Little Ant. On Fruits. Milk, Butter, and Cheese. Forethought, or the Two Birds of Prey. Apple Trees. The Theft of the Golden Eagle. Story of Little Bill, the The Young Mouse. A Fable. Tinker's Dog. The Young Mouse (in verse). The Spider and the Fly- Tea, Coffee, and Sugar. (A New Version of an The Child's First Grief, Mrs. Flemans. old Story), . . Mary Howitt. Stories about Dogs. How to make the best of it. The Robin. Life of the Lord Jesus Christ- The Robin's Petition. Teaching and Miracles. The Robin, Wordsworth.' A Child's Prayer. • . Wonde THIRD PART. LESSONS ON CLOTHING, HOUSES, AND TRADES, WITH MISCELLANEOUS LESSONS. The Book of Nature, : : Keble. | The Coat and Buttons. A A Lesson from the Fishes and | Fairy Tale, . : Mrs. Marcet. Birds. Life of the Lord Jesus Christ- The Cuckoo, . . Logan. Death, Resurrection, and Ascension. The History of a Cotton Frock.com House Building Inicy Gray, . . . Wordsworth. Visit First. A Fairy Tale. Visit Second. Linen, Silk, Wool. Visit Third. A Morning Hynin, Hymns for Little " Children. Visit Fifth. The Nut. Visit Sixth. The Cow's Bell. Sliding. Leather and Fur. The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean. The Pigeons. A Tale. The Pet Lamb, . . Wordsworth. Trades. Try Again. | Lesson on Form. LONDON : HAMILTON, ADAMS, & CO. 51, HANOVER STREET, EDINBURGH. 25 THE FOURTH ENGLISH READING BOOK. 221 Pages. Price 1s. 8d. PREFACE. At the stage for which a Fourth Book is adapted, children seem to firmness and certainty to the language they have already acquired, before proceeding to the perusal of Lessons cast in a more mature form. It has accordingly been the Compiler's principal object in this book to furnish various and interesting reading-confining the Lessons which are pro- fessedly instructive to subjects which admit of practical illustration-viz., Vegetable Products and their Uses, Trades, and Plants. These, with the Animal Descriptions, and a few scattered Extracts, comprise all, the. Lessons which aim at conveying direct intellectual instruction. The remaining Lessons, though instructive in another and more important sense, are addressed to the moral and imaginative nature of children. The volume is divided into Sections, each Section having some per- vading characteristic which distinguishes it from the others. SECTION I. consists of Miscellaneous Pieces--Moral, Imaginative, and Intellectual. - - verse. SECTION III. is mainly Moral in its character. SECTION IV. is mainly Intellectual in its character ; containing Les- sons on Vegetable Products and their Uses, Trades, Plants, and Money The specially religious element, which forms an important element in Books II. and III. of the Series, receives little recognition in this volume, except in the Poetical Extracts; for this reason, that at the age at which children enter on Book IV., they also begin to read the New Testament, and to learn their Catechisms,--sources from which special religious in- struction can be most effectively given. The more difficult words in the Lessons are put at the head of each to facilitate the reading of them to the pupil ; but it has not been thought necessary to continue this beyond the first two Sections. Contents of the Fourth English Reading Book. THE TITLES OF THE POETICAL EXTRACTS ARE PRINTED IN Italics. SECTION FIRST.-(MISCELLANEOUS.) The Bear and the Children, . . . Hans Andersen. A Story of a Canary Bird. The Use of Flowers, Mrs. Howitt. --- - - - SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. -- -- --- - -- - - JAMES GORDON, EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHER, 1 . . Feber. . . . SECTION FIRST-Continued. What Boys and Girls ought to Know, Boy's Week-day Booki. The Child and the Drop of Water, ; · The Story without an end. The Good Father, . • Tron the Gcrman. Tae Busle . From the Irench. The Children in the lood, . · Old Ballac. Grace Darling. What the Earth produces for Man, • Invish Boolc. The Hour of Prayer, Mrs. Hemans. Gessler and William Tell. The Milky Way. The Copy Line, Gotthold. A Strange Sea, Evening Prayer, Chrisť š Birth Announced, . Campbell. Hospitality, Mungo Park. The Traveller in Africa, • Duchess of Devon. Story of Some Hot Water. Self-Denial, . . Jane Taylor. Frost, Snow, and Ice, Chambers's Lessons in Science. The Trost, F. F. Gouldı. John Ledyard, the Traveller. The Daisy and the Lark, . . Hans Andersen. Aspects of Nature, . • Evenings at Home. The Voice of Spring, Mary Howitt. The Two Schoolmates. The Fare and the Tortoise, . . . . . Lloyd. Pity for Animals. The Dead Lark. Observation; or, the Lost Camel. Man formed to praise God, . Montgomery. Watches and Clocks. Humphrey's Observations on Time. Principle put to the Test, . Cowper. South Sea Islander and the Talking Chip, . Williams The Transmigrations of Indur, . Evenings at Home. The Battle of Blenheim, Southey. SECTION SECOND.--(CHIEFLY ANIMAL LESSONS.) Anecdotes of Animals. The Water Spider. The Earthworin. The Spider, : . Dryden. The Worm Gisborne. The Ant. ---Industry, . . Watts. The Orchard Starling and The Camel, . Mary Howitt. the Tailor Bird. A Wasp the first Papermaker. The Snail, The Adder. The Ostrich. Bees. The Polar Bear, Bingley and Thomson. | Song of the Bees, . . Miss Gould. The Bears and Bees, Merrick. | Maternal Affection of a Chamois. The Swallow, . . Robert Paterson. The Beaver. The Chameleon, . . Merrick. The Carpenter Bee and the Moth. The Rat. A Bird's Nest, . , . Furdis. The Rein-Deer, The Arctic Regions. Classification of Auimals. Squirrels in Lapland. Animal Training, Sparrow's Nest, . Mary Howitt. I Chambers's Miscellany. became Lorimer. I Observe for Yourself LONDON : HAMILTON, ADAMS, & co. 51, HANOVER STREET, EDINBURGH. 27 Oniy Once, • . c. 8. M. W. SECTION THIRD.—(CHIEFLY MORAL LESSONS.) : : Alden. Christ Stilling the Tem- Honesty, i. . . C. 4. M. W. pest, . Mrs. Hemans. Prayer, . . Crabbe. How the Fly walks on the Wall. True Heroism,. Evenings at Home. The Orphan Boy, . Opie. Inundation in Holstein ; Duty. an Old Man's Story. Casabianca, . . Mrs. Hemons. We are Seven, or a Child's Must. Notion of Death, Wordsworth. I Can't. Whang the Miller, Oliver Goldsmith. Hercules & the Waggoner, or Self-Help. Contented John, . . Jane Taylor. Presence of Mind. Observation; or, the Indian age,. . .. Bishop Stanley. and the Stolen Venison. The Kittens and the Viper, Cowper. The Beggar Man, . . Lricy Aikin. The Shield and the Two Knights. Adherence to Truth. Maxims. Try Again. Self-Examination. Cow SECTION FOURTH. . MUSS LESSONS ON VEGETABLE AND ANIMAL PRODUCTS, ON TRADES, MONEY, COMMERCE, AND ON THE STRUCTURE OF PLANTS, &c. The Bread of Various Nations. Industry, . . Gay. The Fruits of Various Nations. On Plants and their Structure The Plants which furnish Cloth- Roots, Stems, and Leaves. ing and Cordage. Flowers and Fruit. Ou Tanning. The Buttercup and Dandelion. Animal and Mineral Products, Terns, Mosses, and Fungi. and their uses. Snow Houses, . . Sir. J. Franklin. The Book of Traces- The Laplander. Candlemaking, Miss Edgeworth. Clever Boys, . , Old Barnaby. Malt, Father William, . . Southey. Our Wooden Walls." The Barometer and Thermometer. Llewellyn and his Dog, . Southey. The Monks of St. Bernard. Barter and Money. The Graves of a House- A Grecian Fable. hold, . • Trs. Hemans. Coin. Too Much for the Whistle, Franklin. Division of Labour and Exchanges. Lost Time. Commerce. The Three Giants, , Mrs. Marcet. The Little Basket- Every Man's Debt. Maker, . . From the German. | Maxims. The Reward .of Labour. Words to Village Children, The Fairies of the Caldon- Mrs. Gordon (Miss Brewster). Low, . . . Mary Howitt. | The Lord's Prayer in Verse, · Blair. VO. SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. JAMES GORDON, EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHER, THE FIFTH ENGLISH READING BOOK. 304 Pages. Price 2s. 6d. PREFACE. AT that stage of the schoolboy's progress, to which this Volume is adapted, it is desirable to give some more consecutive intellectual training than is aimed at in the earlier books of the Reading Series. With this object, à Course of Lessons on the Senses, and on the more common ob- jects which call into exercise the observing faculties of the young (1.) in the Country, (2.) in the Town, and (3.) by the Sea-shore, has been inserted. In addition to these consecutive Lessons, many cognate topics are treated in other portions of the book ;—the object being to take a general survey of external nature, as it presents itself to the ordinary eye, and to speak of it intelligently and accurately, but with the avoidance of scientific language. The purpose kept steadily in view throughout, and by which the selection of the instructive lessons has been almost invariably regu- lated, is the cultivation of the observing and comparing faculties. Technological lessons on the Vegetable kingdom found a place in the Fourth Book. In this Volume both Mineral and Vegetable technology are as fully treated as seems desirable, when we consider the difficulty boys have in following the description of processes. The lessons are constructed by Mr. Galletly of the Industrial Museum, Edinburgh, and most of them were revised by the late Dr. George Wilson, Professor of Technology A large proportion of reading, which is simply interesting and attrac- tive to boyhood, characterizes this no less than the Reading Books which precede and follow it, although an effort has always been made to select such extracts as are to some extent instructive as well as amusing. Pieces which have long been school-favourites are retained in this as in the Fourth Book ; to the pupil they are new, though to the master they may be familiar. Geographical and Historical Lessons have been excluded, as these subjects are best studied in separate Text-Books, unless we except such generalized views of the earth and man as come appropriately enough, after the pupils are to some extent familiar with Geographical details. Lessons of this description enter into the plan of The Sixth Reading Book. Contents of the Fifth English Reading Book. THE TITLES OF THE POETICAL EXTRAOTS ARE PRINTED IN Italics. SECTION FIRST. LESSONS ON THE SENSES AND OBSERVATION, WITH MISCELLANEOUS LESSONS. Advice of a Father to his Son, . Sterling. The Better Land, The Better Land, Mrs. Hemans. LONDON : HAMILTON, ADAMS, & CO. --- - - 51, HANOVER STREET, EDINBURGH. - . . . - . . - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - --- ------------... ------- - 7 - SECTION FIRST-Continucd. A Wonderful Machine, Demarest. Adventures of Little Daffydowndilly,. . . Hawthorne. The Battle of the League, Dlacaulay. The Books of my Boyhood, . · Hugh Miller. The Critic. Account of a wonderful Skylark. The Wreck of the Hesperus, . . . . Longfellow. The Senses (Sight). A Curious Instrument. Eyes, and no Eyes; or, the Art of Seeing, . Evenings at Home. The Senses (Touch). The Hand, . George Wilson. The Wind in a Frolic, William Howitt. Manual Labour, From the German. The Senses (Taste). The Senses (Smell). Doctor Nose and his Four Brothers. The Senses (Sound, Hearing). The Deaf Man, . From the German. St. Philip Neri and the Youth, . . . Dr. Byrom. Who is the Bravest ? The Defence of the Bridge against the Tuscan Army, Macaulay. The Soldier's Dream, . - Campbeii. Evil Company, . . From the German. Toleration. The Imitation of Christ, Bishop Beveridge. Give us this day our Daily Bread, . Hymns for Little Children. An Altar for an Offering. The Battle of Hastings, Charles Dickens. The Battle of Hohenlinden, · · Campbell. A Tour round my Garden, . A. Karr. The Matcrfall and the Bricrrose, · Wordsworth. Account of two Tame Ravens. The Three Black Crows, . . Byrom. John Adams and his Latin. Flax: a History, . Hans Andersen. LV SECTION SECOND. THINGS TO LOOK AT, AND HOW TO LOOK.1 I. THINGS TO BE LOOKED AT BY THOSE WHO LIVE IN TJIE COUNTRY- Plants—their Colour, Food, and Life. | Ladybird, Gall-fly, Carpenter-bee, Insects - Earwig, Gnat, May-fly, Fly- Honey-bee. ing-spider. Ants. II. THINGS TO BE LOOKED AT BY THOSE WHO LIVE ON THE SEA-SHORE- Sea-Anemones. and Whelk, Sponges, Jelly - fish, The Beach-Sand, Eggs of Ray-fish Coral Islands. 1 Reprinted by permission of the Author, Mrs. Gordon (Miss Brewster.) SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. 30 JAMES GORDON, EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHER, - SECTION SECOND-Continued. . III. THINGS TO BE LOOKED AT BY THOSE WHO LIVE IN Cirics— Coal. Insects and Birds—House-fly, The Sky and the Stars. Cricket, and Swallow. Earth's Voices, . G. Massey. The Atmosphere, . Quarterly Review. The Sower's Song : Carlyle. SECTION THIRD. MISCELLANEOUS. An Adventure with a Bear, . · Mayne Reid. Lord Ullin's Daughter, · Campbell. Dew, Frost, and Snow, Mann. The Battle of the Alma, . Dr. Russell. Love of Country, Scott. The Burial of Sir John Moore, Wolfe. The Boaster, . Froin the German. Robinson Crusoe as a Farmer, . Defoe. Selfishness, . Dirs. Gordon (Brewster). Robinson Crusoe's Manufactures-Earthenware, Defoe. Music of Nature in Norway, . . Harriet Martineau. The Brook, : : : Tennyson. Clouds, Rain, Springs, Rivers, and Fountains Of the Ascent of Vapour and the Formation of Clouds; the Formation and Fall of Rain, Mrs. Marcet's Conversations. On Springs and Reservoirs. On Rivers, Lakes, and Fountains.. A Thanksgiving for My House, . . . Herrick. The Ropemaker of Farfeld, . Auerbach. Evening Hymn, The Weaver's Song, Barry Cornwall. The Horse-shoe Nail, . Iron the German of Grimm. Chevy Chase, . · Old Bullad. Use of Trifles, . Babbage. African Monkeys on the March, . M. Parkins. The Snow-Storm, · John Wilson. New Year's Eve Tennyson. The Cadi's Decisions. Causes of the Tides, i . Dr. Clyde. Treasures of the Deep, . . Lyell. Life of Valentine Duval. The Death of the Flowers, Bryant. The Story of the Turnip, : . From the German. Philosophy of Lamp-Lighting, . Abbott. The Adventures of Commodore Byron, . · Stories from History. Where there's a will there's a way, From the French. Humility. The Inchcape Bell, or Retribution, . Southey. Sayings of Poor Richard, Franklin Contentment, . Old Poet. Daily Life, Henry Vaughan. Keble. LONDON : HAMILTON, ADAMS, & CO. 51, HANOVER STREET, EDINBURGH. 31 JUNE . . SECTION THIRD-Continued. Now is the Time. Adventures on a Desert Island. Icebergs and Boulders, . . A. Geikie. The Power of God, . . Moore. Filial Love, . . Dr. Dodd. To My Mother, · H. K. White. Travellers' Wonders, . • Evenings at Home. The Gold Repeater, . • Auerbach. To the Grasshopper, .. Cowley. Humanity, · Beauties of History. Delight in God only, . Quarles. Knowledge. The Ambitious Weed, or the Danger of Self-Confidence, Jane Taylor. Washington and his Mother. The Fomes of England, Mrs. Hemans. The Savage and the Civilized Man, . Sir H. Davy. A Fox Story, : : . Mrs. Child. The Fox and the Mask. Letter from Thomas Hood to a Little Girl at the Sea-side. The Lying Servant. A Forest on Fire, Audubon. A Scottish Cottage, . . Professor Wilson. The Pebble and the scorn. • Miss Gould. The Schoolboy's Pilgrimage. The World Revealed by the Microscope, Mantell. To-Day. SECTION FOURTH. LESSONS ON MINES AND MINERALS, QUARRIES AND STONES, TIMBER, GAS, CORN-PLAN'IS BURGH. On Mining and the Produce of Mines Mining for Coal. Mining for Ironstone, Metals, &c. On Iron-Smelting and Cast-Iron. Malleable or Wrought Iron. Steel. Pottery. Building-Stones and Quarrying. Gas-Light. Wood and its Applications. The Corn-Plants — Threshing - Mills, Flour-Mills, Baking. THE SIXTH ENGLISH READING BOOK. 352 Pages. Price 3s. PREFACE. THE pupil is now supposed to have arrived at the stage when he can read not only with considerable fluency, but with intelligence. His powers of observation have been cultivated by the lessons on natural SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. 32 JAMES GORDON, EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHER, objects which have been given in the preceding volumes, and he is pre- sumed to be in a position to understand the simple treatment of subjects calling more largely on his comparing and reflective powers than anything which he has yet read. Accordingly, a reference to the contents will show that an attempt has been made in this volume to give a connected view of the earth, man, and animals, as well as of the more common phy- sical phenomena. The treatment of these subjects is, however, simple and free from abstractions and technicalities. The Miscellaneous Lessons are compiled on the principle which has re- gulated those in the earlier volumes of the series. No attempt is made to give either moral or intellectual instruction where there is not at the same time an effort to interest. A liberal proportion of simple and intel- ligible poetry is introduced, and a short course on the leading facts which are suggested by the sciences of Social Economy and Physiology, sciences which have an intimate connexion with our moral as well as our physical wellbeing. The selections from Hobbes and Locke will form useful lessons for more advanced and thoughtful pupils. It seems almost necessary to advert to two features of this book- (1.) The almost exclusive regard which the compiler has had to the inter- esting and attractive in the Miscellaneous Lessons ; (2.) The want of Lessons in Technology, or “The Common Things connected with the Useful Arts." With regard to the first point, the compiler has to explain that the amount of intellectual exertion required for the earlier and the - Lessons should be made more than usually light, that they might be used by the teacher as a relief from the more difficult lessons on scientific sub- jects. Moreover, it may perhaps be not too much to say, that even the inost important information-lessons may safely be sacrificed to what ought reading as a luxury, and not as a disagreeable necessity. An exception ought, no doubt, to be made to this preference of the moral and imagina- tive over the purely instructive in those subjects which affect the daily wellbeing of the people, viz., the Lessons on Health and on Social Eco- nomy. This exception has accordingly been made ; but the treatment of these two subjects has been limited by the consideration that they belong to a more advanced stage, and that, beyond the most simple and elemen- tary statements and recommendations, they are unintelligible to the average senior classes of a national or parochial school, unless taught by a master himself familiar with the subjects of the lessons. The materials for more extended instruction in these branches are to be found in the Advanced Reading-Book, and to it those are referred whose pupils are unable to be promoted to that book as a whole. As to the second point, the Editor has to remark that little is to be gained from Lessons on Common Things if extended beyond the most familiar objects of every-day life, and these. have received sufficient attention in Books II., III., IV., and v. of this Series. “Common Things," properly so called, fall under the category of OBJECT LESSONS, and when taught as such, are invaluable to the pupil. LONDON : HAMILTON, ADAMS, & CO. 51, HANOVER STREET, EDINBURGH. The LESSONS ON GEOLOGY in this volume have been written by Mr. GEIKIE, of the Geological Survey, author of “The Story of a Boulder," &c. ; and the earlier Lessons on THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EARTH AND MAN by Dr. CLYDE, author of the Geographies of this Series. The Lessons on SOCIAL ECONOMY also, as well as many others, have been written specially for this volume. Contents of the Sixth English Reading Book. THE TITLES OF THE POETICAL EXTRACTS ARE PRINTED IN Italics. Do. ON THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EARTH AND MAN. The Old and New Worlds contrasted, . James Clyde, LL. D: Characteristics of Asia, . Do. Characteristics of Europe, . Characteristics of Africa, Do. Discovery of America, · Principal Robertson. Characteristics of America or the New World, James Cluce, LL.D. Influence of Climate upon Man, . · Guyot. Beginnings of Civilisation. The Results of Civilisation, Adam Smith. The Wonders of Civilisation, Arnott. Succession of Flowers, . Professor Balfour. : Longfellow. Flowers, . ... • • LESSONS ON ANIMALS. The European Beaver. Sagacity of the Spider, . .. Goldsmith. The Ielinemon Fly. The Electric Eel. Doves, . . James Wilson. The Raven, . Do. To a Water Fowl, . Bryant. Leech-catching. The Boblink, · Washington Irving. The Mocking Bird, .. . Alexander Wilson. The Migratory Pigeons of America. The Sturgeon. The Woodpecker. Jusects-their connexion with Plants. Structure of Insects, . Cowper. The Sloth, . : : Charles Waterton. The Ant. The Use of Insects. The Destroyers of Insects. Autumnal Insect Movements, . “ Episodes of Insect Life.” Adaptations in Animals, . ' . Based on Paley. Covering of Animals, Paley. Provision made for the Preservation of Animals, . . Goldsmith. Migration of Animals. On the Classification of Animals. SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. 34 JAMES GORDON, EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHER, LESSONS ON GEOLOGY. By ARCOIBALD GBikie, of the Geological Survey, Author of "The Story of a Boulder," &c. I. — Varieties in the external aspect of Rocks-Corresponding varieties in in- ternal structure, and the relations of such diversities to Scenery- The province of Geology to examine these diversities and ascertain to what causes they are due. II.-Questions propounded by Geology-Solved by a reference to the operations of living Nature—Three modes at present in progress for the accumula- tion of new rock masses : aqueous, Igneous, Organic- Aqueous causes considered in detail. III.- Rocks produced by Aqueous causes- Antiquity and abundance of such sedimentary Rocks. IV.--Igneous Agencies Nature of Interior of the earth uncertain-Volcanoes- Materials produced by them, Igneous Rocks of frequent occurrence where no record remains of any actual volcano--Subterranean forces pro- ducing elevation and subsidence. V.-Organic Agencies Important part played by them in the formation of new mineral accumulations - Animalcules of Bohemia- Coral Polyp- Growth of Plants and formation of Peat-Origin of Coal-seams. VI.-These three agencies the same as those by which the rocks of the earth's crust were formed--These rocks divided into two great classes, Sedi- mentary and Igneous-Igneous rocks, their subdivisions-Sedimentary rocks, their number and extent- How subdivided-Palaozoic, Secondary, Tertiary-Table of Stratified Formations. VII.-Industrial Aspects of Geology. LESSONS ON PHYSICS. Partly abridged and adopted from Buff's Physics, partly selected by permission from ARNOTT's Physics. Moisture --Evaporation, Dew—. Mists Forcing Pump-Sucking Pump- -Clouds-Rain. Common Pump and Syphon. Electricity-Thunder and Lightning. The Barometer. Central Heat-Volcanoes-Earth. The Thermometer. quakes. The Steam-engine. Glaciers and Icebergs. Balloons. MISCELLANEOUS EXTRACTS. Perilous Adventure in the Rocky Mountains, Möllhausen-abridged. Christian Dutics, .. . George Herbert. The Grasp of the Dead, : Letitia Elizabeth Landon. . The Humiliation of Henry IV., Emperor of Germany, Dean Millman. The Tentyrites and the Crocodiles. With Brains, Sir !" ; John Brown, M.D. Perseverance against Fortune, • Evenings at Home." Excelsior, . . Longfellow. The Black Hole of Calcutta. The Coughing Parrot. The Treasures of the Deep, . Felicic Hemans. The Water-Hen-d. Fable. The Miser and the D[ouse, . Cowper, from the Greek. The Folly of Pride, . . • Spectutor. The Immortality of the Soul, Davies. ... · LONDON : HAMILTON, ADAMS, & CO. 51, HANOVER STREET, EDINBURGH. 35 MISCELLANEOUS EXTRACTS-Continued. . . . . . Campbell mes Adapted from Craik The Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties, eS, and Smiles. A Psalm of Life, . Longfellow. The Pied Piper of Eamelin, . . Browning. On the Attainment of Knowledge, . Watts. Fitz-James and Roderick Diri, Walter Scott. A City Night-Piece, . Goldsmith. Night, Edward Young. Thoughts on Time, . Do. The Birds, the Beasts, and the Bat. The Fox and the Crow. Edinburgh after Flodden, . The Three Wants, , J. K. Paulding, The Town and the Country Mouse, . · Pope. Love for the Dead, . · Washington Irving. Death, · Felicia Hemans. The Canal and the Brook, : “ Evenings at Home." Lochiel's Warning, . : . . . . . Campbell. Ossian's Address to the Sun. The Battle of the Nile. Ye Mariners of England, . Inventive Genius of Labour, Elihri Burvitt. The Firmament, . . . Bryant. Moses at the Fair, . . Goldsmith. : The Council of Quadrupeds, « Evenings at Home." Storm in the Alps, : Byron. Parting of Douglas and Marmion at Tantallon Castle, Sir Walter Scott. The Elder's Deathbead, John Wilson. Retribution. Alexander the Great. The Last Minstrel, . . . . . Sir Walter Scott. Sir Philip Sydney. Evening, . · Wordsworth. Praise of Song-Birds, Izcalc Walton. To Daffodils, Herrick. History of the Brave Moustache, the Soldier Dog. Hubert, the Tame Lion. Truth, J.: M. M. Brewster. Grace Darling, . Wordsworth. Hiawatha's Hunting, Longfellow. The Knight, the Hermit, and the Man. The Pleasures of Heaven, . of Heaven.. . ; Jonson. Liberty, . . Coleridge. The Death of De Boune, Sir Walter Scott. The Death of the Little Scholar, . Charles Dickens. The Skylarl, : . James Hogg. Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers, Felicia Hemais. The Battle of the Baltic, . Campbell. Voyage across the Atlantic in a Sailing Vessel, . Washington Irving. The Sailor's Mother, . Wordsworth. Necessity of Precision in using Language, . Hobbes. A Summer Song of Praise, . Paul Gerhardt. Sir Roger De Coverley, .. Spectator. The History of England the History of Progress, . Macaulay. England, Shakspere. " Men of England," Campbell. . . . . . . . . . . . . SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. 30 JAMES GORDON, EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHER, MISCELLANEOUS EXTRACTS- Continued. The Road to the Trenches, . · Irushington. God's Character revealed in Jesus Christ, : Dr. Chalmers. Death, Jeremy Taylor. The Vanity and Shortness of Life, : Do. E. B. Browning. Extracts from Locke on the Conduct of the Human Understanding- Reasoning Prejudices. Religion. Fundamental Truths. Reading the Solace of Toil, . Herschel The New l'eur, From Lyra Germanica. Sleep, : ON HEALTH AND THE DUTY OF ATTENDING TO IT. The Stomach- Food and Digestion. | Breathing and Ventilation. The Skin-Water-Cleanliness. Conclusion. . Sir Walter Scott. Addison. . Adam Smith. SOCIAL ECONOMY. 1. Barter and Money, . 2. Advantages of Commerce, . 3. Advantages of the Division of Labour, 4. Machinery.. 5. Economy-The Working Man's Wife. 6. Wages and Strikes. 7. The Differences of Wages, . . The Honest Nlan., . . . . . Inately. G. Herbert. ADVANCED READING BOOK, LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC. 440 Pages. Price 4s. PREFACE. TAIS volume has been constructed on the presumption that those who may use it can already read fluently and intelligently. The Editor's purpose has been not to give formal courses of instruction in various departinents, but to afford the means of cultivating the open- ing mind of youth, and, at the same time, to give a certain completeness and firmness to previous acquirements, by introducing, in a new and fresh form, the subjects partially handled in the earlier lesson-books of the Series. The treatment is designedly free from technicalities, in so far as it is scientific ; sacrificing to attractive method and style all attempt at exhaustiveness, and even at instructiveness, in the more pedantic sense. The object is to interest boys and girls in all those subjects which form - -- -- - _ . . LONDON : HAMILTON, ADAMS, & CO. 51, HANOVER STREET, EDINBURGH. 37 -. -- - ---- the staple of the mental life of an educated man, by speaking to them on what may be regarded as representative* departments of knowledge in a way which is suitable to their years, and likely to promote a taste for in- tellectual pursuits. The only subjects which have been treated technically are Human Physiology and Botany, and this for two reasons-(1.) Because it is dif- ficult to advance beyond the vaguest and most elementary statements in these departments of science, without adopting technical language and treatment. (2.) Because at the age to which advanced classes have attained, it is desirable that, while Literature and Social Economy are a common ground for all, some one department of science should be taught as a discipline, and, therefore, with the strict use of precise and technical terms. With this view Human Physiology and Botany have been selected as offering a suitable alternative to different classes of teachers and pupils. As in the Scientific, so in the Literary Lessons, the Editor has endea- voured not to over-estimate the capacity of intelligent pupils. But the necessity of introducing interesting reading has not been allowed to ex- clude those passages from our Classics which offer to the Teacher a valu- able means of conveying instruction or developing taste. The lessons on Law and the Constitution and the Literary Extracts, have been compiled by the Editor, and are intended to be read along with the scientific chapters : the other subjects have been handled by men each distinguished in his own department, viz., Professor Tyndall of London, Professor Kelland of Edinburgh, Professor Archer of Liverpool, Mr. Patterson of Belfast, Dr. Struthers of Edinburgh, Professor Balfour of Edinburgh, and Mr. Shields of the Birkbeck School, Peckham. These names are a sufficient guarantee to every teacher. Contents of the Advanced Reading Book. LESSONS IN NATURAL HISTORY. By R. PATTERSON, Esq., of Belfast, Author of " Zoology for Schools," &c. 1. LIFE AT THE SEASIDE. - (Vertebrata :) Birds-Structure and Food of Birds-- The Heron- The Dunlin-Sea-Gulls. 2. SHELLS AND THEIR BUILDERS. - (Mollusca :) The Whelk-The Limpet, The Boring Cockle, and the Mussel—The Shell of Molluscs. 3. CRABS. (Crustaceci :) The Common Crab-Sea-Scavengers, The Hermit Crab. SEA-ANEMONES.-(Racliata :) Sea-Side Excursion and the Anemone-The Daisy Anemone and the Anthea. * The Sciences of Obserption, Experiment, and of Organic as well ns of Inorganic Nature, are represented in Natural History, Physics, Human Physivlogy, and Botany, which severally deal with the Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral world. The Useful Arts, or Technology, is repre- sented by the lessons of Professor Arcber. The Dioral Sciences find practical illustration in the Social Economy and the lessons on Law and the Constitution, while they also occupy a large share of that portion of the book devoted to the æsthetic cultivation of the pupil- the Literary Selections. SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. 38 JAMES GORDON, EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHER, 38 LESSONS ON PHYSICS. By Professor KBLLAND, of Edinburgh. PROPERTIES OF MATTER.–Form : Density-Specific Gravity-Hardness -- Duca tility-Tenacity-Malleability-Elasticity. MECHANICAL FORCES. — Universal Gravitation-Gravity-Capillary Attraction- Animal Strength-Friction. By Professor TYNDALL, of London. SOUND.—Echoes-Musical Notes. LICHT.-Reflection-Refraction—The Eye-Colour. HEAT.- Conduction and Radiation-Dew-Boiling-The Geysers Expansion. ELECTRIOITY.-Positive and Negative Electricity Thunder and Lightning-The Electric Telegraph. LESSONS ON THE HUMAN BODY. By Dr. STRUTABRS, Lecturer on Anatomy, Edinburgh. THE OSSEOUS, MUSCULAR, AND NERVOUS SYSTEMS. --The Osseous System- The Joints—The Muscles—The Nervous System: (Motion-Sensation - The Senses—The Skin, the Eye, the Brain, &c.) THE DIGESTIVE, CIRCULATORY, AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEMS. VEGETABLE PRODUCTS AND THEIR USES. By Professor ARCHER, of Liverpool. 1. TAE BREAD STUFFS OF OTHER NATIONS. — Rice, Maize, Mandioca, Sago, Turk- ish Millet. 2. THE CHIEF FRUITS OF THE EARTH.—The Orange, Lemon, Grape, Fig, Banana, Pomegranate, Pine-Apple, Nuts. 3. FOREIGN SPICES.- Cinnamon, Cloves, Allspice, Nutmeg, Ginger, Pepper. 4. THE PLANTS WHICH TURNISH US WITH CLOTHING AND CORDAGE.-Flax, Hemp, Cotton, Jute, Manilla Hemp, Cocoa. Safflower. 6. THE MATERIALS USED FOR TANNING. SOCIAL ECONOMY. By W. A. SHIBLDS, Esq., Peckham 1. What is Social Economy, and what is the use of it to Boys ? 2. Production and Machinery :-Machinery in the production of Food; Machinery in the production of Clothing; Machinery in Mining for Fuel and Metals ; Machinery in providing Water; Machinery in the School-room. 3. On Division of Labour and on Value:- On Wages, and the Laws which re- gulate them, Strikes, &c. 4. Money. 5. Protection. 6. Economy and Luxury. 7. Right to Labour : Right to Profit. LESSONS ON LAW, PROPERTY, AND THE CONSTITUTION. Compiled by the EDITOR. Of Security-The Advantages of the Institution of Property-The British Con. stitution : King, Lords, and Commons-The Idea of a State. LONDON : HAMILTON, ADAMS, & CO. 51, HANOVER NT . 39 STREET, EDINBURGH. LESSONS ON BOTANY. By Professor BALIOOR of Edinburgh. 1. General Division of Plants.-Sprouting of the Plant-The Root or Descending Axis-The Stem or Ascending Axis-The Leaves and their Functions—Re- productive Organs-Fruit and Seed. 2. Practical Lessons on Common Weeds. 3. Classification or Arrangement of Plants. 4. Distribution of Plants. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . SELECT LITERARY EXTRACTS FROM PROSE AUTHORS. By the EDITOR. The Universe, • Addison. The Spider and the Bee · Dean Swift. First Attempts at Commerce, Dr. Robertson. Death of Little Nell, Charles Dickens. On Civilisation, . . Guizot. Education, . Addison. The Mountain of Miseries, . Do. Labour and Genius, . Sydney Smith. The Two Roads, Jecor Paul Richter. On the Abuse of Words, • John Locke. 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The Acquittal of the Bishops, · Macaulay. Speech on the American War, Chatham. Negro Slavery, Brougham. Appearance of the Sky, Ruskin. Physiognomy of Plants, Humboldt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. 40 JAMES GORDON, EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHER. SELECT EXTRACTS FROM THE POETS. - --- -- - Chronologically arranged. SPENSER- WORDSWORTH- Una and the Lion. To a Butterfly. Angels Watching over Mankind. To.a Skylark. The Seasons. The Labourer's Noon-day Hymn. The Invitation. SHAKSPIRE- Nature. Combat of Hotspur and Henry. Immortality. Music. Lucy Mark Antony's Oration. BYRON Fall of Wolsey. To Hesperus. Description of Mercy. The Sea. Bees. Solitude and Adversity. Thunder Storm among the Alps. Greece. Soliloquy on Sleep. Death on the field of Battle. Morning. The Dying Gladiator. Proper Use of Talents. A Good Conscience. COLERIDGE- The Voice of the Dying. Hymn before Sunrise in the Valo of Chamouni MILTON- To Britain. Evening. Nature. Adam's First Sensations after his Creation. SHELLEY- Eve's Recollecticus. Autuinn. Eve to Adam. The Cloud. Christ in the Wilderness. THOMAS HOOD- The Deathbed. POPI- The Song of the Shirt. Blessing of a Concealed Future. LONGFELLOW- THOMSON The Reaper and the Flowers. The Patriot's Prayer for England. The Builders. Approach of Spring, and Labours The Lighthouse. of the Field. Evening, after a Shower in Spring. TENNYSON- A Prayer. The Autumn Flower-Garden. The Charge of the Light Brigadle. GRAY- The Death of the Old Year. Elegy written in a Country Churchyard. MISOLLLANEOUS PIECES- From the Epistle to the GOLDSMITH- Countess of Cumberland, Daniell. Swiss Life. Our Duty Here, . Bowring. To Blossoms, . . COWPIR- Herrick. God visible in all Nature. Virtue, . , George Ferbert. The Martyrs. Christian Duties, Do. Rural Sounds. The Conqueror's Grave, Bryant. Vanity of Earthly Possessions. Sorrow, . . Henry Taylor. Winter. Treasure Trove, . . Goethe. Evening. To Autumn, . The Grasshopper and Cricket, Do. BURNS-- · Collins. On Hearing a Thrush sing ju The Labourer, . From the German. January Night, . . Blanco White. To a Mountain Daisy. Providence, . . Fletchar. A Bard's Epitaph. Birth and Death, Sir W. Jones. JAMES GORDON, 51, HANOVER STREET, EDINBURGH. LONDON: HAMILTON, ADAMS, & CO. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF CHEMICAL APPARATUS, SUITABLE FOR THE PRIVATE STUDY OF THE SCIENCE, FOR LECTURES AND CLASS TEACHING, AND FOR ANALYTICAL INVESTIGATIONS. EXHIBITED IN THE Educational Department of the Museum of Science and Art, South Kensington. MANUFACTURED BY JOHN JOSEPH GRIFFIN, F.C.S. 119, BUNHILL ROW, E.C. LONDON, 1861. - - SCIENTIFIC WORKS BY JOHN J. GRIFFIN, F.C.S. CHEMICAL RECREATIONS; A Popular Manual of Experimental Chemistry. (See Page 4 of this Cover.) THE RADICAL THEORY IN CHEMISTRY; a Critical Inquiry into the Nature and Merits of the Various Doctrines of Chemistry. (See Page 3 of this Cover.) POPULAR GUIDE TO CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. In demy 8vo, pp. 520, with numerous Figures, price 5s., A SYSTEM OF CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, WITH ITS APPLICATION TO MINERALOGY. BY JOHN JOSEPH GRIFFIN, F.C.S. This is the only English work in which the mathematical rules for the examination and description of Crystals are expressed in words at length, as well as in algebraic formula ; and it contains the only English Catalogue of the Forms and Combinations presented by the discovered Crystals of each species of Mineral. CONTENTS : Part I. PRINCIPLES OF CRYSTALLOGRAPHY :-- 1. Axes of Crystals. 2. Planes of Crystals. 3. Prisms and Pyramids, and their Combinations with one another. 4. Classifi- cation of Crystals. 5. Possible limit to the number of Planes that can occur upon Crystals. 6. Crystallographic Notation. 7. Cleavage and Primitive Forms. 8. Forms and Combina- tions. 9. The Five Zones. 10. Law of Symmetry. 11. Theory of Crystallisation. 12. Use of Spherical Trigonometry in Crystallisation, explained in a popular manner. 13. In- quiry into the variety of Forms and Combinations that occur upon the Crystals of Minerals. Explanation of the Six Systems of Crystallisation :-(1) The Octahedral System; (2) The Pyramidal System ; (3) The Rhombohedral System; (4) The Prismatic System; 15) The Oblique Prismatic System ; (6) The Doubly-oblique Prismatic System. 14. Brooke's System of Crystallography. 15. Considerations on the utmost possible Abridgement of Crystallographic Notation. 16. Table of Signs and Tangents. PART II. APPLICATION OF CRYSTALLOGRAPHY TO MINERALOGY:-1. Rose's Tabular Arrangement of known Crystallised Minerals, according to Six Systems of Crystallisation. 2. Catalogue of Crystallised Minerals, showing the Combinations that occur in Nature. 3. Systematic arrangement of the Crystals found in the Mineral Kingdom, with a List of the Minerals common to each Crystal, with an explanation of the Mineralogical Characters employed to discriminate the Minerals that Crystallise in the same Form. 4. Descriptive Catalogue of a Series of 120 Models of Crystals employed to illustrate this system of Crystallography. : MODELS OF CRYSTALS : a Series of 120 Models of Crystals, executed in Biscuit Porcelain, size from 2 to 4 inches in length, most of them representing Crystals that occur among Minerals, and adapted to facilitate the study of Cystallographic Science. Price of the Set of 120 Models, 42s. PHANTASMAGORIA AND DISSOLVING VIEWS. PRICE SIXPENCE. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE USE OF THE MAGIC LANTERN, and the EXHIBITION OF DISSOLVING VIEWS, both with Oil Lamps and the Oxy- calcium Light, illustrated by numerous engravings, and accompanied by a list of many hundred first-class slides, arranged in sets suitable for Lectures on Educational Subjects. ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTION OF GRIFFIN'S PATENT BLAST GAS-FURNACE, with Instructions for its Successful Management. Price 2d. . In the Press. A NEW AND COMPREHENSIVE CATALOGUE OF CHEMICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL APPARATUS, containing every requisite for Tuition or Research, arranged in systematic order, and illustrated by many hundred engravings. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF CHEMICAL APPARATUS, SUITABLE FOR THE PRIVATE STUDY OF THE SCIENCE, FOR LECTURES AND CLASS TEACHING, AND FOR ANALYTICAL INVESTIGATIONS. EXHIBITED IN THE Educntional Department of the Museum of Science and Art, Sonthy Kensington. İL NUFACTURED BY : JOHN JOSEPH GRIFFIN, F.C.S., 119, BUNHILL ROW, E.C. LONDON, 1861. CLASSIFICATION OF CHEMICAL APPARATUS. Apparatus for Mechanical Operations, 3. Funnels, Filters, Percolators, Syphons, 33. Pestles and Mortars, 3. | Evaporation and Crystallisation, 35. Tools and Implements, 4. Distillation, 39. Atomic Symbols for the Illustration of | Retorts, Receivers, Stills, Condensers, Chemical Lectures, 5. Alembics, 39–41. Supports for Apparatus when arranged for Apparatus for Centigrade Testing or Volume- Experiments, 5. tric Analysis, 42. Iron Stånds for Retorts, &c., 5. Set of Instruments graduated on the sep- Wooden Supports for Retorts, Tubes, tem standard, 42. Funnels, Lamps, &c., 7. Set graduated on the principle that 1000 Apparatus for Weighing and Measuring, 11. grains of water is the unit of measure, Chemical Thermometers, 12. 44. Hydrometers and Specific Gravity Bottles, Set graduated according to the Cubic Cen- 12. timetre Standard, 44. Air-Pump, and the Pneumatic Apparatus Graduated Apparatus for Clark's Water required in Chemical Processes, 14. Test, 45. Glass-blowing, 14. Apparatus for the Analysis of Carbonates, Apparatus for the Production and Applica 45. tion of Heat, 16. Apparatus for Experiments with Gases, 46. Iron and Clay Furnaces, 18. For preparing, purifying, and drying Spirit Lamps, 19. Gases, 46. Gas Burners, 21. Fittings for Gas Bottles, 49. Table Furnaces for Lamps and Gas Gas Receivers, Jars, Bags, Condensers, Burners, 21. &c., 49. Griffin's Blast Gas-Furnace for High Tem Pneumatic Troughs, 51. peratures, 22. Gas Holders, 53. Crucibles, 24. Apparatus for Class Experiments with - Air-Baths, Water-Baths, Sand-Baths, 24. Gases, 55. Apparatus for Assaying by the Cupel, 25. Apparatus for Analytical Operations with Blowpipe Apparatus, 27. Gases, 56. The "Mouth Blowpipe for Analytical Aspirators, Water Bottles, 56. Operations, 27. Apparatus for Organic Analysis, 56. Blast Blowpipes for Fusions, 28. Chemical Preparations, Pure Tests, &c., 57. Apparatus for preparing or for containing Bottles for containing Chemicals and Test Solutions, Beakers, Flasks, Jars, &c., 29. Solutions, 57. Testing and Precipitation, 31. Examples of Complex Apparatus, fitted for Test-glasses, Test-tubes, Test-papers, 31. special operations, 58. Filtration, and the Washing of Precipitates, Cabinets of Chemical Apparatus, 61. 33. + ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OT CHEMICAL APPARATUS. i APPARATUS FOR MECHANICAL OPERATIONS. PULVERIZATION. MORTARS, THURINGIAN PORCELAIN, thick in the body, with large spouts, glazed outside, biscuit inside, all with PESTLES. T 19 1 AD V mimi - Wirth - SER . - BUSIVE UI. " LO NEW - -- 2, 5, 6. 3, 6. 1 Form, shallow and wide. No. 3, 4 inches wide, 10 ounces, 2s. 1, 6 inches wide, 18 ounces, 3s. 00, 75 inches wide, 36 ounces, 4s. 6d. 2 Form, Temispherical. No. 8, 51 inches wide, 18, ounces, 2s. 3d. 5,71 inches wide, 50 ounces, 5s. 6d. 3 Form, conical. No. 3, 4 inches wide, 8 ounces, ls. Sd. 1, 51 inches wide, 18 ounces, 2s. Id. 00, 6) inches wide, 32 ounces, 4s. 6d. 4 Military Mortar, for mixing mercurial ointments, &c., very stout, with handles, 6.1 inches high, 10s. 5 Berlin Porcelain Mortars and Pestles, 3.3 inches, 2s. ; 4.1 inches, 2s. 6d.; 5 inches, 3s. 3d. 6 Mortal's and Pestles of Berlin Semi-Porcelain, strong and hard :- 22 inches wide, 5d. 4 inches wide, ls. 21 inches wide, d. 5 inches wide, Is. 6d. 31 inches wide, 9d. 7 Mortars of Serpentine, broad and flat, with sharp spouts, for mixing soft powders with water, &c., with Pestles. 41 inches, Is. 51 inches, Is. 3d. 6.1 inches, 2s. 1 MORTARS. TOOLS. IMPLEMENTS. tu Vini pm 2 . -- - 8 Mortars and Pestles of Hard Bohemian Glass, strong, with spouts 2 inches diameter, 6d. 6 inches diameter, ls, 4d. 4 inches diameter, 10d. 8 inches diameter, 2s. 9 Iron Mortar and Pestle, bell-shaped. No. 1, 5 inches diameter, ls. 6d. 3, 8 inches diameter, 4s. 6d. 5,10 inches diameter, 7s. 6d. 10 Agate Pestles and Mortars, for the fine pulverization of siliceous, and other hard minerals. The smallest size is suitable for blow- pipe experiments. The price varies according to quality. 2 inches diameter, 7s. to Ss. 21 inches diameter, 10s. to 13s. 31 inches diameter, 28s. to 35s. Many other sizes between 1 inch and' 5 inches diameter. 11 Steel Crushing Mortars, with Pestle, for pounding minerals for analysis, previous to grinding them in agate mortars. A. Mortar and Pestle in two pieces, 6s. B. Mortar and Pestle in three pieces, bore finch, 14s. c. Ditto, larger size, bore lž inches, 26s. TOOLS AND IMPLEMENTS. 12 Brush for cleaning Test Tubes, 3d. 10. . ENTIT VA MAS INDDUNTUU 17 AN 24 12 WINX SUPE .. 12. 11 B, C. 13 Ditto for narrow Tubes (under 4-inch bore), 2d. 14 Cork Borers, for piercing corks to fit glass tubes to gas bottles, set of 6 borers in a tin case, 2s. 9d. 15 Ditto, a larger set of 12, with File, in a tin case, 5s. 6d. 16 Rat's-tail File, for enlarging holes in corks, with handle, 8d. 17 Half-round Rasp, for shaping corks, with handle, 6 inches, 9d. 18 Cork Squeezers, bronzed iron, 2s. 19 Iron Melting Ladles. 2 inch, 6d. 3 inch, sd. •4 inch, 9d. 5 inch, 10d. 20 Small Iron Spoons, for trying whether substances are combustible or incombustible, per dozen, Is. 6d. 21 Spring Steel Tongs, to hold the spoon, 6d. 22 DIAGRAM ALPHABETS, or sets of Stencil Plates, for making letters or figures upon Diagrams, cut in zinc, two alphabets, 2 inch capitals, set of 2-inch figures, stencil brush, and 3 cakes of black ink, 9s. Od. 23 Anvil to screw to a table, 4s. 24 Vice to screw to a table, 4s. 25 Hand-Vice, 3s. 26 Cutting-Plyers, 5 inches, 3s. 27 Black Steel Plyers, 4 inch, 1s. 3d. 28 SPATULAS, Thuringian Porcelain, glazed. A. With Spoon at one end, 6 inches, 10d. I 11 inches, 1s. 6d. · 9 inches, ls. 14 inches, ls. 9d. B. Double Spatula, 6 inches, 8d. 17 inches, 2s. 6d. C. Spatula with handle, 8 inches, ls, 8d. 14. inches, 2s. Od. ATOMIC SYMBOLS. SUPPORTS FOR APPARATUS. -29 Steel Spatula, with cocoa-nut handle and shoulder- 3 inch blade, Bd. 1 6 inch blade, ls. 4 inch blade, 8d. 1 8 inch blade. Is. 6d. 30 Slight Glass Spoons for transvasing acids, 3d. . c is 33. 34. - 30. TONGS. 31 Crucible Tongs, bow form, 18 inch, black iron, 2s. 32 Crucible Tongs, bright iron, straight and stout, 15 inch, 4s. 33 Charcoal Tongs, with bent points, 14-inch, Is. 6d. 34 Tongs for Platinum Crucibles, bent points, 8-inch, black iron, 1s. 2d. Also, many other kinds, suitable for different descriptions of crucibles and furnaces. ATOMIC SYMBOLS FOR THE ILLUSTRATION OF CHEMICAL LECTURES. 35 Atomic Symbols, for the Illustration of Chemical Lectures; consisting of coloured cubes of pottery, two inches square, intended to represent chemical atoms or gaseous volumes. They can be so grouped as to represent the atomic constitution of compounds, the theory of com- bination in volumes, the double decomposition of salts, and to illustrate various doctrines by equations. The following series of sixty models is sufficient for the formula of most frequent occurrence. Quantity. Colour. To represent. Quantity. Colour. To represent. 10 Black Carbon Pink Phosphorus Pale blue Hydrogen Gilt bronze Metals Scarlet Oxygen 2 Silver bronze Metals White Nitrogen 4 Blue and black Organic radicals Pale-green Chlorine 4 Grey Neutral gases. Yellow Sulphur Price of the set of sixty coloured models, in a black wood cabinet, 31s. Gd. ܕ ܟܬ ܟܨ 20 AH SUPPORTS FOR APPARATUS. IRON RETORT STANDS, 36 Round iron base, on 3 feet, rod 11 inches by s inch: one brass ring 3 inch, and l iron triangle, Is. 9d. 37 Iron Foot, rectangular, 41 by 3 inches; rod 11 inches by sinch; three. brass rings with brass collars and screws, 3, 24, and 1 inch, 2s. 6d. IRON RETORT STANDS. 38 Iron Foot, oval, 6 inches diameter ; iron rod 20 inches by 1 inch; three iron rings, 2, 31, and 41 inches diameter, with triangular collars, 4s, 39 Iron Foot, rectangular, 9 by 6 inches; iron rod 24 inches by 1 inch; three brass rings, with brass collars and screws, 41, 3.1, 21 inches, 7s. 37, 39. 40 Iron Retort Stand, 6 inch round foot, rod 24 inches by 1 inch, with iron spring clip, moveable on hinges, for conical necks of retorts, &c., 7s. 6d. 41 Iron Foot, rectangular, 9 by 6 inches; iron rod, 28 inches by õ inch; .. three malleable iron rings, 6, 41, and 3 inches, with triangular collars and screws, 9s. Fig. 41, a, b, c, d, are described at Nos. 43, 46, 189, 193. _ - 1 hu BV SV 21 IN . LA 1 . w le AR . C SLI AND VY S. ! MA At STU ISO 1 THUPATA - IAS - C - SL 1111101NLTOUUOIT Hulst al AN YUNINNI INUTI 41. 42 Iron Tripod Stand, large and lieavy ; iron rod 36 inches by inch; three malleable iron rings, 9, 6), and 4 inches, with triangular collars, 15s. Fig. 42, « and b are describes at Nos. 44 and 45. WOODEN SUPPORTS FOR APPARATUS. 43 Iron Table, to support spirit-lamps, gas-burners, &c., hinged, with socket ... and thumb-screw, for a 5-inch rod of retort stand, 47-inch table, figs. 43 and 41 al., 3s. 44 Strong Iron Collar, for fixing a Liebig's Condenser to a retort stand, with iron socket and thumb-screw, suitable for the z-inch rod, No. 41, or the x-inch rod No. 42, figs, 44 and 42 a, 5s. 6d. 45 Strong Brass Vice with hinge and screw, for fixing a retort to a retort- holder, with socket and thumb-screw suitable for the 5-inch rod No. 41, or the -inch rod No. 42, see fig. 42 6, 5s. 6d. 46 Iron Fork to support Bunsen's gas burner on a retort stand, with tri- angular collar, suitable for rods of z-inch, No. 11, or 1-inch (see fig. 41 1), 1s. 6d. NAVN : . WA MS UNEL - - 11 tu miniM ML NUE SY G WA 43. - 47, 195. 47 Iron Tripods, or Triangles on three iron legs. No. 1, 5-inch triangle, 8 inches high, 10d. 2, 8-inch triangle, 94 inches high, 1s. 3d. 3, 10-inch triangle, 94 inches high, Is. 9d. 48 Stout Cast-iron Triangles, to support basins, &c., on the tops of furnaces. 7-inch, 8-inch, 9-inch, each 9d. 49 Slender Triangles of malleable cast-iron, similar to the top of figure 47. .. 5-inch, 6d. 8-inch, 9d. 10-inch, Is. WOODEN SUPPORTS FOR RETORTS, FUNNELS, LAMPS, TEST TUBES, ETC. 50 Griffin's Tube Holder, black wood rod and foot, with iron vice, 1s. 6d. 51 Tube clips, for holding a test tube when hot. A Wooden clip, 6d. Ic Spring brass, with handle, 10d. B Brass wire with handle, 6d. D Spring steel, with handle, ls. 3d. OPIS SE54* wa V V . ODKAZY Wallmoun .. Kr 51 A. 51 B. 51 C, D. 52 UNIVERSAL SUPPORT, consisting of Berzelius's funnel ring, Sefstroem's retort and flask holder, Gay Lussac's vice for supporting tubes, retorts, &c.; Gahn's cylinder-holder, with rod, foot, and nut for connecting them; in polished black wood, fig. 52, page 8, 10s. 6d. WOODEN SUPPORTS FOR APPARATUS. Fig. 62 A, Sefstroem's bolder , 52 B, Funnel bolder Fig. 52 C, Gay Lussac's vice. „ 52 D, Gahn's cylinder-holder. OSO . - e - UNUL YO . M ithun 52 A. 52 D. 53 Universal Support, consisting of a rod and foot, with table branch, funnel- holder, and Sefstroem's retort holder, stained and polished wood, 75. 60. 54 Bunsen's Universal Holder, for fixing tubes, &c., in every required position. No, 1. Small size, black wood, 5s. No. 3. Large size, black wood, as. 6d. , 2. Small size, mahogany, os. „ 4. Large size, mahogany, 8s. 17 11 1 MA manunu . . 2. . - . O Uud . VIE . AN US $ S . VIUM le 1- * La . . V II N u ESE 2 111 I ' . 53. 55 WOODEN TABLE SUPPORTS, with Sliding Rod in the pillar, to change the "heighat. 3-inch table, rise from 4 to 8 inches, mahogany, 2s. 41-inch table, rise from 11 to 18 inches, black wood, 4s. 5-inch table, rise from 9 to 14 inches, mahogany, 4s. 6-inch table, rise from 12 to 19 inches, maliogany, 6s, WOODEN SUPPORTS FOR APPARATUS. VERTICAL CLAMPS. 56 Clamp of a fixed height, black wood, ls. 8d. 57 Clamp of changeable height, black wood, 2s. 6d. 58 Clamp of changeable height, mahogany, 3s. 59 Clamp, hinged at bottom, for holding tubes, inclined at any angle, figs. 59f, 59 c, mahogany, 3s. 6d; black wood, 3s. t AL MOS 111110X OKTOS - : SA : Fry - - 30 r . - - . WYM STARINU NINI SUD:1:9 T /4 1'. 1* WM . - -. 1 SE; JUWIU II. * SS. 14 !,,.. Claire Daudi WINT . -1 Nr SUURESSAAREST SVS R . LAKSAA i TROSSA 59. 55. 586. 60 Support for horizontal tubes, black wood rod and foot, with brass sliding crook, ls. 3d. 61 Mahogany Sliding Crook Support, round foot 5 inches diameter, rod 14 inches by 5 inch, with sliding block and crook, 2s. - - - - . *** 3Y UN *. .: L 11 . A R I 11 I . 1 . . . * - 1 WEB 2 . - CROCHE 1 . . 2 ts GELSE YT 2 55. . . : 55. 57. 59. 102 111 4 . 2 . 2 60. 61. 65, 68. 10 WOODEN SUPPORTS FOR APPARATUS: FUNNEL HOLDERS. 62 For one funnel, small size, black wood, 1s. 63 For one funnel, small size, mahogany, ls. 60. 64 For one funnel, large size, mahogany, 4s. 6d. 65 For two funnels, small size, black wood, 2s. 66 For two funnels, small size, mahogany, 3s. 67 For two funnels, large size, black wood, 4s. 6d. 68 For two funnels, large size, mahogany, 6s. 69 For four funnels, black wood, 3s. 70 For four funnels, mahogany, 4s. 6d. 62, 64. 7 AA CE PR 11 II - 69, 70. 74, 75. SUPPORTS FOR TEST TUBES. 71 With holes for six test tubes, no pegs, white wood, 5d. 72 With 12 holes in two stages, no pegs, polished stained wood, 2s. 73 With 18 holes, no pegs, same style, 25. 6d. 74 With 8 holes and 8 pegs, white wood, ls. 2d. 75 With 8 holes and 8 stoneware pegs, polished black wood, 2s. 76 With 6 holes, japanned tin, folding, small, 10d.; large, 2s. 77 With 24 holes, no pegs, white wood, 2s. 78 With 36 stoneware pegs, no holes, black wood, 2s. 6d. 79 Mahogany Vertical Tube Stand, round, with two stages, moveable, with 13 holes and 7 pegs, 7s. 6d. 80 The same in black wood, 6s. BLOCK SUPPORTS :- 81 Set of Six Round Wooden Blocks, for supporting and adjusting the heights of apparatus, 4 inches diameter, and }, 11, 1, 2, and 4 inches high, 1s. 3d 82 The same in mahogany, 2s. 6d. 83 Sets of Five Round Blocks, of 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, inches thick- 5-inch diameter, 3s, 6d. 6-inch, 5s. 7-inch, bs, 8-inch, 75. BALANCES. WEIGHTS. MEASURES. 11 84 Stoneware Support, to sustain basins, retorts, and other vessels with round bottoms, in an upright position when containing liquids, 9d. SISE- . . :. TOUNTYVAC ONESNV VLAK Stovary SIKSUSRET • @ @@ o. com 1 a 7 ci ses ICE Ozozo00200 QOOOOOOO . 1254 5 6 7 8 9 77. IS SMA . Kuvar Himninin MIL UITHE Ít ! Inne in 1111 TG e 88. 81, 83. APPARATUS FOR WEIGHING AND MEASURING. 85 Apothecaries' Scales and Weights, in oak box, to weigh quantities under ounce, 25. 6d. 86 Balance, in an oak box, to carry one pound, and turn with onė grain, 16s. · 87 Pound Pile of Avoirdupois Weights, 5s. 88 Mohr's Balance for taking the specific gravity of liquids by an easy method, which gives the specific gravity without calculations, and requires but a small quantity of liquid; with a separate pair of pans for weighing solids; will carry 600 grains, and with 300 grains will turn with 1-50th grain ; length of beam 10 inches. In a mahogany glass case, £4 4s. A variety of Balances in Portable Boxes, or in Glass Cases, at from 2 to 20 guineas, may be inspected at Mr. Griffin's Manufactory. 89 Grain Weights; set of accurate weights, consisting of 600, 300, 200, 100, 60, 30, 20, 10 grains in brass, and .6, 3, 2, 1, 06, 03, 02, .03 grain, in platinum; in a mahogany box, 30s. 90 Another set, less accurate, 600, 300, 200, 100, 60, 30, 20 grains, in brass, with knobs; and 10, 6, 3, 2, 1, grains, in brass foil, without boa, Ss. 91 Smaller set, 100, 50, 30, 20, 10, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and grains, in brass, 4s. 92 Standard Gramme Weights, according to Mohr, justified according to the Platinum Kilogramme of Dr. Schumacher in Altona. T'he weights made of German silver, in the following series, 50, 20, 10, 10, 5, 2, 1, 1, 1, 05, 02, 01, 01, 005, 002, .001, .001, with 3 gilt riders, and ivory tongs, in mahogany box, 25s. 12 THERMOMETERS. HYDROMETERS. 93 Glass Measures, acurately graduated to imperial ounces of water (8 . drachms to the ounce, 16 ounces to the pound, 20 ounces to the pint) טייץווחהרווחתונים SATIS HAN One ounce, showing half-drachms, 9d. Two ounces, showing drachms, ls. Five ounces, showing quarter-ounces, 1s. 3d. Ten ounces, showing half-ounces, ls. 6d. Twenty ounces, showing half-ounces, 2s. 6d. Forty ounces, showing ounces, 3s. 6d. CHEMICAL THERMOMETERS, ALL ENCLOSED IN GLASS TUBES FOR IMMERSION IN CAUSTIO LIQUORS. 94 Thermometers with Paper Scale To 212° F, 2s. 3d. To 350° F., 3s. To 600° F., 4s. Od. 95 Thermometers with Scale ou Mill Glass, wide and distinct- To 212° F., 3s. 3d. To 350° F., 4s. To 600° F., 0s. 6d. 96 Thermometers with Scale on Milk Glass, very narrow- To 212° F., 4s. To 350° F., 5s. To 600° F., Os. 97 Thermometers with Scale engraved on the solid stem of the Thermo- ineter, very narrow- To 212° F., 4s. To 350°F., ós. To 600° F., 6s. Thermometers with the Centigrade Scale. Thermometers having both Fahrenheit's and the Centigrade Scales. Standard Thermometers, showing with accuracy the 5th or 10th of a degree. Maximum and Minimum Thermometers in great variety. HYDROMETERS AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY BOTTLES. 98 Set of Hydrometers, in a mahogany case, containing four spindles, with a trial jar for the solutions, and a Fahrenheit's therinometer, 31s. 6d. Scales of the spindles :- •700° to 1.000° by .001 1.300° to 1 600° by .001. - 1.000° to 1.300° by .001 1.600° to 2.000° by .001. Other sets, with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 7 spindles. 09 Twaddell’s Hydrometers, Griffin's improved pear-shaped form, which insures greater strength and more delicate action; set of 6 spindles, in mahogany case, 16s. 6d. 100 The Spindles supplied separately-Nos. 1 and 2 at Is. 6d; Nos. 3 and 4 at ls. Od.; Nos. 5 and 6 at 2s. each; with pasteboard cases, each 3d. extra. 101 Alcoholometer, after Baumé, constructed at the temperature of 84° . T., for use in the West Indies, Is. 6d. 102 A. Gay Lussac's Alcoholometer, showing the per-centage of alcohol at 60° F., 2s. . B. Ditto, including a thermometer, 3s. 6d. 103 Spindle for the specific gravities of light liquors, from 700 to 1.000 by intervals of .005, in a case, 4s. 6d. Hycurometers, namely Alcoholometers, Saccharometers, &c., for use in the West Indies, graduated at S4° or 850 F., as may be clesired. SPECIFIC GRAVITY BOTTLES. SPECIFIC GRAVITY BOTTLES. 104 Specific Gravity Bottle, to be used with the large Balance, No. 86: con- tents 250 septems, or 1750 grains of water, or 1 lb avoirdupois, at 62° I'ahrenheit, 2s. 6d. The weight of the liquor in this bottle, filled up to the mark, when divided by seven, and muutiplied by four, shows the specific gravity. Thus, suppose the 250 septems of liquor to weigh 2625 grains. Thus, 2625, divided by seven and multiplied by four, gives 1500, which is the specific gravity of the liquor submitted to trial, compared with water at 1000. 1 S- .. www carpomm . .. 0001 : 115. . 98. TemTTIIN Undan 113 In001 GUN 103. - . 99. 102. 114. 105 Specific Gravity Bottles, with perforated stopper, in japanned tin cases, with counterpoise- 250 grains, 4s. 6d. 500 grains, 4s. 6d. 1000 grains, 4s. 6d. 106 Specific Gravity Bottles, with perforated or grooved stoppers, without counterpoise or cases- 100 grains, 25. 250 grains, 2s. 350 grains, 2s. 500 grains, 2s. 6d. 700 grains, 3s. 1000 grains, 3s. 50 grammes, 3s. 1 cubic inch, 1s. 6d. 106. 107 Specific Gravity Bottle in the form of a Woulff's bottle, with two necks, one consisting of a long capped graduated tube, and the other contain- ing a thermometer, 10s. AIR-PUMP AND PNEUMATIC APPARATUS. THE AIR-PUMP AND PNEUMATIC APPARATUS REQUIRED IN CHEMICAL PROCESSES. 108 TATE'S DOUBLE ACTION AIR-PUMP (Figure 108), with a seven-inch transfer plate, h, fountain jet, t, water pipe, 2, and syphon-gauge, 1, £3 13s. 6d. OM un St www R M Length of barrel, 16 inches, bore id inch, stroke 8 inches. Will bring the syphon-gauge to 0.05 inch, iuder a receiver, of 100 cubic inches in 60 strokes ; will freeze water over sulphurić acid under a receiver of 300 cubic inches, iu from So to 150 strokes, according to the tem- perature. A full description of Tate's Pump, its action and power, is given iu “Chemical Recreations,” page 279. IU INI uilla - ANA GI III full MV 1 AAN . . - . T . WIN AY . S A - V. SUS 20 . . 1 - 111 . hem . . . www 11 UNAWID a 1 WILLIAMS WAKURE II. - S 108. 110. 109 Bell-shaped Glass Receiver, for the Pump, 7 inches diameter (fig. 108 in), 5s. 110 Stopcock, double male screw, 3s. 111 Stopcock, male and female screw, 3s. 112 Counector, double female screw, ls. 113 Connector, double male screw, 1s. 114 Connectors, male and female screw, ls. 115 Connectors for caoutchouc tubes, with male screw or female screw, ls. LESLIE'S APPARATUS FOR FREEZING WATER OVER OIL OF VITRIOL IN VACUO, AND FOR DRYING SUBSTANCES IN VACUO, 116 Flat Bell-shaped Receiver, 7 inches diameter, 3s. 117 Porcelain Pan, with divisions for containing oil of vitriol, 35. 6d. 118 Glass Capsule, 6d. : 117. : GLASS-BLOWING. 119 Glass-blower's Table, 31 by 22 inches, covered with zinc; 14-inch double bellows, with brass ball and socket jet, and two iron weights for the bellows, £4 4s. This bellows serves to work the Patent Blast Gas Furnace, No. 212. Letter c, Fig. 119, l'epresents the gas jet, No. 124. GLASS-BLOWING, 15 120 Glass-Blower's Table, French pattern, with circular bellows, in iron cylinder, top covered with zinc, 24 by 18 inches, with ball and socket jet, £4 4s. - - - TIPUU lit NSVL WWW MUS W illil COM . EK, . STE www HNWNIHINAWIED N IK ABV AARSE CAL LU ROLLNAUTIZ VNIT NIEUW 13 ** * - A VR L KIRY NS1 C . I - * . 1 IKI .. . 11 IN SI 111111111111111! IMI KUWINSLYNO STENS Well SAS BIS 121. 119 and 124. 122. 121 Tilley's Water-pressure Blowpipe, japanned tin plate, height, 17 inches, width 5 inches, length 9 inches, with blowpipe tube, and jet, 14s. 122 Tate's Water-pressure Blowpipe. (See his Pneumatic Trough, No. 589.) Price 16s. 123 Glass Blower's Lamp, Danger's improved pattern, 4s. 6d. - 16 3 3.2. V - - 49 2YTOS - - ދަރަޖާގަ = . - -- - AN . 2 . F f CA 11 UNT III IIIIII 20 2436Art S V . 16 K . 2S ESPN vital A27S SNV ISA nimmt MUM TUL - - - 14. UM HIINA UKMICU 123. TO EHH SUS M IDITmntti. 111111 SI Kad PALAURONG NSSY HA NA KS C - 13 NITR AL NOV MER ° V LIN AM QUE WMS Vanemu - Or A UTILINE OK HA . . INDIA WW TUUL :21 INITIU 1 IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII ll 111 1111 T O TIT kulit US ili!\|!1i1ll1 lll'lllillllll!)}|||ll||li):111:111111111111:!!!!!! 120. 125. PRODUCTION AND APPLICATION OF HEAT. 124 Gas-burner to use with Glass-blower's Table, No. 119 or No. 120, with foot and stopcock, fig. 119, c, 25. 6d. 125 Set of Glass-blower's Tools, consisting of iron rod in handle, iron cone, pair of flat brass tongs, flat iron plate, 38. 126 Triangular File, for cutting glass tubes, with handle, 6d. 127 Berzelius's Pastilles, for cutting glass, one dozen in a box, 1s. Od. 128 GLASS TUBES, IN LENGTHS OF ABOUT 3 TEET. One pound of any kind, at 1s. 4d. Twenty pounds, assorted, at ls. 2d. Fifty pounds, at Is. Soft French Glass, free from lead, easy to work at the lamp, adapted for gas delivery tubes, 5, 2, 3, and 1 inch diameter. Soft German Glass, free from lead, from 1 inch to inch diameter. Hard Bohemian Tube, 1, , 1, 1 inch in diameter, for blowpipe experi- ments. Bohemian Combustion Tubes, for organic analyses, 1, 5, a inch bore. Solid Glass Rod, for making stirrers, 1s. 4d. lb. Please to order Tubes according to the Nos. in Figure 128. 1. 2. . 000000 11. 6 . 9. 10. 12. 128. APPARATUS FOR THE PRODUCTION AND APPLICATION OF HEAT. FURNACES. 129 Deville's Chemical Forge, consisting of a powerful circular blowing-machine, a forge, a blast furnace, and a glass-blowing table, combined, £9 9s. Described in “Chemical Recreations," page 585. To be used with charcoal and coke. It . . 21 . za ** * si AV 3 HU ed. Y J. A . E . Init.. . QUIC IIIIIIIII LI A AUS R1. - _ . . . STT T. ELE RO . - II ESLO - - - " -- - -- - . - -- TUIN ST . TU ** ON 1 . . * www. AT 129. PORTABLE IRON FURNACES, 17 130 Luhme's Portable Furnace, made of strong iron plates, lined with fire-clay, suitable for use with charcoal, consisting of a body, figures 130, A, B; dome, fig. 130, c, a deep sand-bath and jacket for retorts, and a wide flat sand-bath for basins and flasks, fig. 130, D; size of fire room, 77 inches deep, 6 inches diameter, £3 3s. Several other sizes of this Furnace prepared. 1000000000 130 A. 130 B. 150 C. 131 BLACK'S PORTABLE UNIVERSAL FURNACE, for burning coal or coke, oval form, strong iron plate, lined with fire- brick, complete, on feet; fire room, 9 inches wide and 17 inches deep; height outside, 24 inches; oval top, 130 D. 21 by 16 inches; with solid cover, and an oval sand-bath to fit the top; the chimney is at the back; suitable for a muffle of 9 inches long, 41 inches wide, and 3 inches deep, with side openings for a tube, £6 6s. ILI INI TIL MUUUWIUWW IN III 1211 Hilllll ITILL 111111LIITITU R MITUSAN TISSA Tua INNUMMI HI NI ISLAS ID NAALAL . " -- VY-VII III SA N 1 . IIIIIIIII ini TIL 11 1111IIIIIIII U11 I SV 11 IIIIII TUTUL UIT COLICITUlitt IIIIIIIIIIII WEB III III IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII fiili * I TILI INI TILU UOLL! IND he DARA TE et h . . A- mu? . A 1'it r 20. 1 . N 27 M AY 1111 2 . . YA SA TUI. SYRI tllllllll TE ull IIIII All H11 INTL NIMIN N III JJ TITI 1STILI W III 1111111 V WinVINNU 1 WWII (90) TI . JILI Il THUYEV III IIIIIIII III TUMU 138. AL TITI 2 VIII i i 2 YA Un PILULUI JU DI UDHI III IIIII NI1 11 1 11 JI CILI tttttt 142. W S11131 11111111111/ III III USINI } 11 I 1 . ) ) ) 131. 139. PORTABLE FIRECLAY FURNACLS. 132 Set of 5 cast-iron rings, to adapt basins to the top opening of the furnace, 4s: 133 Muffles for the above furnace, 9 by 41, by 3 inches, 3s. 134 Two-Gallon Still, tin plate, with moveable top and iron jacket, to adapt it to this furnace; fig. 418 s, 27s. 135 Condenser for this still, Mitscherlich's form, which can be opened for cleaning; fig. 418, b, c, 16s. 136 Wooden Stool, to adapt the condenser to the still, 2s. 6d. (See Nos. 418-423, and figure 418). 137 Sefstroem's Blast Furnace, for fusions at a white heat; to be used with coke, and requiring the blowing-machine, No. 215. Made of stout sheet-iron, lined with fire-clay, circular, 12 inches high, 16 inches diameter; fire room, 7 inches diameter, 8 inches deep, 34s. UNIVERSAL FURNACE, fire-clay, bound with iron, adapted for operations with charcoal and coke, consisting of the following pieces :- 138 The Reverberatory Furnace, three pieces, forming the ashpit, body, and dome, with iron grate, 16s. 139 Middle Ring, to be used for heating porcelain tubes or gun-barrels, 3s. 140 Muffle piece, 3s. 9d. СОВ ) 140. 151. 14. 141 Muffle to fit the furnace, 7 by 31 by 21 inches, 2s. 142 Iron Chimney, to use with the reverberatory furnace, for crucible opera- tions, 4 inches diameter, 3 feet high, with dome, 2s. 8d. 143 Double Iron Sand-bath, 15 inches diameter, adapted to the ashpit of this furnace, for evaporations, is. 144 Iron Funnel or Blower, adapted to the ashpit of the furnace, to raise up the fire, ]s. 6d. 145 Pair of Iron Plates, with 4 and 6-inch boles, to support basins over the · evaporating furnace, ls. 146 Iron Triangle, 8-inch sides, for the same use, 9d. 147 Iron Trellis, 10 inches square, for supporting flasks over the evaporating furnace, ls. 148 Stoneware Furnace Base, 8 inches high, to keep the furnace from burning the table, 3s. 6d. 149 Small Iron Shovel, for fuel, ls. 150 The above 12 articles, from No. 138 to No. 149, complete, 40s. 151 Evaporating Furnace, with fire door and clay grate, and ashpit door: 6 inches diameter, 4s.; 94 ditto, 5s. 6d.; 13 ditto, 14s. 152 Evaporating Furnace, French, with ashpit, door, and clay grate ; 6-inch, 3s. 6d.; 7-inch, 4s. ; 8-inch, 4s. 6d. 153 FURNACE FOR HEATING TUBES, French pattern, fire-clay, 15 inches long, 35s. (See No. 665.) PORCELAIN TUBES. 19 SPIRIT LAMPS. 154 Porcelain Tubes, Berlin porcelain, glazed inside and outside. 12 inches long. 20 inches long. 26 inches long. 1 inch diam., 1s. 6d. 1 inch diam. 3s. inch diam. 35. 9d. § 4s. 6d. / 1 g , 6s şu , 6s. , Is. 155 Porcelain Tubes, Thuringian Porcelain, glazed inside, biscuit outside, bore inch; collar at one end. 12 inches long, ls. 21 inches long, 2s. 60. 18 inches long, 2s. 24 inches long, 3s. 6d. 156 Porcelain Tubes, Thuringian ware, glazed inside, biscuit outside; collar at one end, bore 14 inch, 37 inches long, 9s. 157 Boat-shaped Tray, for exposing substances to the action of heat and gases in a tube; Thuringian porcelain, glazed, 3 by 1 inch, 4d. SPIRIT LAMPS. AN IL SSS WO III . wick-holder, either cylindrical or conical, four sizes, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 ounces, at ls. each. 159 Ditto, ditto, 7 and 8 ounce sizes, 1s. 4d. each. 160 Glass Spirit-lamp, 8 ounces, with brass rack, to raise and lower the wick, with cap, 2s.6d. 161 Deville's Blast Spirit-lamp, for burning a mixture of alcohol and turpentine, blown with a bel- lows, 28s. “ Chemical Recreations," page 585.) 162 Deville's Blast Turpentine Lamp, for producing very high degrees of heat (to be used with a blowing-machine), 40s. (See “ Chemical Recreations," page 583.). BERZELIUS'S ARGAND SPIRIT-LAMP, mounted on a retort-stand, with rings for crucibles, &c.; newest pattern, Berlin manufacture, polished brass fittings, with polished wooden foot. The following varieties :- 164 With the spirit-holder surrounding the burner, 16s. 6d. 165 With the spirit-holder separated from the burner, 16s. 6d. 166 With the spirit-holder separated from the burner, and with a stopcock and extra fittings, as shown in the figure, 21s. 167 Mitscherlich's pattern, having a glass fountain spirit-holder, 21s. 158. bom . BOC per BASERED IN Sadh . DOMKP .10 Mt. 164. 165. STONEWARE LAMP FURNACE. ARGAND-SPIRIT LAMPs, continued :- US 2.La A . * . - I . Sort נת . . Di 1. PA i SUIT 1* 1 IT 1 .. . . .RS - . . NS 24. ILIR A SA AAAAAN ' ini . . ERAS RA RA TIMIT fitulli 198S785689SISO50328 i MTWT TUTTI 160. 166. Argand Spirit-lamps, Berlin make, brass, on tripod stands : 168 Lacquered, with one ring, b, small size, 7s. Ed. 169 Lacquered, large size, 9s. 170 Brass polished, with two rings, a and b, small size, 12s. 6d. 171 Brass polished, large size, 18s. 172 Jet, consisting of 5 Blowpipes by which and a blast of air supplied by the bellows, No. 119, the heating powers of the Argand spirit-lamps may be so increased as to cause them to fuse several hundred grains of dry carbonate of soda, 6s. ī YL 168–171. GRIFFIN'S STONEWARE LAMP FURNACE, consisting of the following articles :--- 173 Cylinder, with air-holes for supporting basins or flasks over a spirit-lamp, 6 inches high, 8d. 174 Water-bath, in two pieces, 8d. 175 Sand-bath, 5 inches diameter, 3d. GAS BURNERS FOR CHEMICAL USE. O VA CS TV .it 176 Glass Spirit-lamp, wick-holder and cover, 1s. . 177 Stoneware Oil-lamp, wick-holder and cover, 8d. 178 Dome to cover flasks when heated, 4d. 179 Dome to cover retorts, 4d. 180 Support for test tubes on the sand-bath, 7 holes, 6d. 181 Four Cylinders to lengthen the main cylinder, Is. 3d. 182 Pair of hot plates, 2d. 183 Pair of Covers, with holes for basins or flasks, 4d. 184 Trellis top for the cylinder, 2d. 185 Pan, 9 inches diameter, to hold the furnace, ls. 2d. The complete set of the above 13 articles, 7s.6d. GRIFFIN'S TABLE FURNACE, FOR USE WITH GAS, comprehends the above articles, excepting Nos. 173, 176, 177, and with the addition of the following:- 186 Rose gas-burner, figure 189, 3s. 187 Stoneware cylinder, 8 inches high, fig. 207, 1s. 188 The set complete, 9s. GAS BURNERS. Griffin's rose gas burner, which gives either a single jet or a circle of 12 jets, perfectly free from smoke:- 189 Small size, for gentle heat, 3s. 190 Large size, powerful, 68. 190*Griffin's Analytical Gas Furnace, suitable for the decomposition of silicates by fusion 202. with carbonated al- kali. It fuses 500 grains of carbonate of soda in a few minutes, without the use of a blowing- machine. Bunsen's Gas-Burners, for blue smokeless flames. 191 Single Jet, fig. 55, and 690 f, 1s. 9d. 192 Single Jet, with fork 189. 193. holes, to adapt it to a retort stand, fig. 41 d, 3s. 193 Single Jet, with star support, fig. 41 d, 2s. 6d. 194 Triple Jet, branching, fig. 410 k, 4s. 6d. 195 Triple Jet, branching, with fork holes for retort stand, figure 47, 5s. 196 Set of four Jets, 5s. 197 Set of five Jets, Is. 198 Set of nine Jets, 15s. 199 Single Jet, with fork holes, star support, tripod support, chimney, plate to collect ash of filters, and blowpipe jet, 6s. 9d. 200 Separately, Tripod support, 6d. 201 , Chimney, 3d. 202 Porcelain Plate, ls. 6d. 203 Blowpipe Jet, 6d. 204 Cylinder Burner, 4-inch, with 2-inch gauze top, iron foot, extra blowpipe jet, and wooden support for the hand, 75. 6d. . . / R ? / WWW . C. I Situs III SMR SEN Z A4 SAS / . No e liminalitetin .. . S . I 22 GRIFFIN'S PATENT BLAST GAS FURNACE. UTUNUN OC U YZ 205 Cylinder Burner, 5-inch, witli gauze top, and Argand burner, 10s. 206 Hoffmann's Gas Burner, cylinder, with gauze top, Argand burner, and blowpipe burner, with 3-way cock and iron foot, 12s. 6d. Cylinders of salt-glazed stoneware, with air-holes; to support basins, flasks, &c. over gas-burners or spirit-lamps, and with door at the side to admit gas leading-pipe :- 207 6 inches high, 4 inches diameter, 8d. 208 8 inches high, 4 inches diameter, Is. 209 10 inches high, 75 inches diameter, 2s. 6d. 210 10 inches high, 9 inches diameter, 3s. 6d. 211 Foot to raise the cylinder No. 210, 41 inches high, 2s. 207—211. GRIFFIN'S PATENT BLAST GAS FURNACE. This furnace readily fuses copper and cast-iron, in lumps of 10 or 12 pounds. It also fuses cobalt, nickel, and malleable iron. It consists of a combination of blowpipes, 0, 16, or 26 in number, each acting upon a jet of gas. The crucible, or substance to be heated, is packed amidst flintstones, in an earthen- ware furnace. Gas of ordinary pressure is employed, and a blast of air is supplied, by means of a blowing-machine. Fig. 212 A, represents a section of one of the gas burners. Fig. 212 B, a furnace in action, with the fire inserted at the bottom. Fig. 212 c, a furnace in action with the fire put in at the top. A full description of the construction, management, and power of this gas furnace will be found in Griffin's "Chemical Recreations,” and also in a pamphlet published separately, S: T . GAS AIR SEMUAN is Y.DE SA W TOOSaranamira NORMATIVA niin heue IMI co P A 11 WW 07 BY:" 8. Ema US 212 B. .212 C. GRIFFIN'S PATENT BLAST GAS FURNACE. 23. 212 GRIFFIN'S PATENT BLAST GAS FURNACE, No. 1 A, £3, con- taining as follows: Gas Burner, 6 jets, with support. Iron Crook to give the gas jet an inclined direction. Clay Furnace, 4 pieces, interior 4 by 8 inches. Iron Tripod Stand for ditto. Iron Pan, 23 inches by 14 inches. Vulcanized Tube, 3 feet, to connect the burner with the glass-blower's table, No. 119. Interior Fittings, viz.~ Air Dome or ventilator, 3 by 3 inches. Six Clay Plates. 1 Plumbago Crucible and Cover, and 1 clay crucible and cover. 1 Plumbago Cylinder, 3 by 3 inches, and one of 21 by 21 inches. The blast of air for this funace is to be supplied by the Glass-blower's Table, No. 119. 213 GRIFFIN'S PATENT BLAST GAS FURNACE, No. 3, price £8 10s., containing the following articles :- Gas Burner, with 16 jets, with support and iron crook. Clay Furnace, 4 pieces. Lifter for Furnace, iron mounted. Iron Tripod Stand for the furnace. Iron Pan, with four legs, and crane for suspending and turning the upper part of the furnace, with counterpoise. Vulcanized Tubes for connecting the burner with the gas and the blower, 10 feet. Interior Fittings for this Furnace- Air Dome or ventilator, 4 by 4 inches, Pound Clay Plates for adjusting crucibles, 1 of 4 by 1 inch. Ditto, 3 each of 3 by inch, and 3 by 1 inch. Perforated Clay Cones, 5 inches high and 6 inches high. Clay Dome, 6 inches bore, 71 over all, and 4 inches high. Crucibles with Covers and Cylinders to fit- Clay Crucible, 2-inch bore, 21-inch deep; Plumbago ditto ; Plumbago Cylinder for ditto, 3 inches high, 3 inches wide outside. Clay Crucible, 21-inch bore, 3-inch deep; Plumbago ditto; Plumbago Cylinder for ditto, 3 inches high, 3 inches inside diameter. Clay Crucible, 41 inches diameter, 3 inches deep; Plumbago ditto ; Plumbago Cylinder 48-inch bore; 21 inches high. Clay Crucible, bore 4 inches, 41 inches deep ; Plumbago ditto; Plumbago Cylinder for ditto, 43-inch bore, 4 inches high. Plumbago Jacket for Platinum Crucible, 21 by 2.1 inches. Flat Plumbago Plate, 3 inches diameter, for adjusting small crucibles to the 3-inch cylinder. Round Crucibles with covers, fire-clay, I each, 4, 4.1, and 5 inch. Other sizes of the Patent Gas Funace are prepared, for particulars of which, apply to Mr. Griffin, 119, Bunhill Row. 214 BLOWING MACHINE, 12-inch circular bellows, with iron frame and lever motion, for use with the Patent Blast Gas Furnace, No. 3, or with Sefstroem's Blast Furnace, No. 137, price £4 4s. 215 BLOWING MACHINE of a more powerful description, which raises a greater and more regular beat than the above, and with much less labour to the operator, £8 Ss. . Externally it resembles the Blowing-Machine of No. 129. CRUCIBLES. SAND-BATHS. AIR-BATHS. WATER-BATHS. No. Diameter. Ounces. 3 4 Or 00 2 09 inches 20 t CRUCIBLES. 216 Berlin Porcelain Crucibles, very thin, highly glazed on both sides, conical form, with covers. Ounces. Diameter. S. d. 000 1 inch 21 inches 0 10 14 inches 27 inches 1 0 11 inches 6 4 4 3 inches 1 % 14 inches 8 8 31 inches 1 4 217 Berlin Porcelain, cylindrical form (Liebig's), glazed, with covers. No. 1, 11-inch, j ounce, 5d. No. 2, 1 inch, 1 ounce, 6d. 218 Conical Crucibles, wide mouth, Thuringian porcelain, glazed within, biscuit without, all with covers. 1 ounce, 1 inch diameter, 4d. 3 ounces, 24 inches diameter, 10d. ounce, 17 inches diameter, 5d. 4 ounces, 3 inches diameter, Is. 1 ounce, 2 inches diameter, 6d. 5 ounces, 31 inches diameter, ls. 2d. 11 ounces, 21 inches diameter, 7d. ounces, 35 inches diameter, 1s. 6d. 2 ounces, 22 inches diameter, 8d. The set of nine, 7s. 219 Crucibles, tall and narrow, Thuringian porcelain, biscuit inside and outside, with spout, all with covers. i ounce, 5d. 5 ounces, ls. 1 ounce, 5d. 16 ounces, ls. 8d. 2 ounces, 6d. 24 ounces, 2s. 4 ounces, 10d. 32 ounces, 2s, 6d. 221 Platinum Crucibles of all sizes. Price according to size and weight. 222 Round Crucibles of refractory fire-clay, for the assay of lead ores, and sufficient for the fusion of copper, cast iron, &c., London-made. Price per dozen- 3-inch, 10d. I 5-inch, 2s. 7-inch, 6s. 31-inch, 1s. 2d. 53-inch, 2s. 6d. 8 inch, 8s. 4.inch, Is. 6d. 6-inch, 3s. 6d. I 9-inch, 10s. 41-inch, 1s. 9d. 1 61-inch, 4s. 6d. I 10-inch, 15s. 223 Patent Plumbago Melting Pots, best quality. No. 1, 3d. No. 6, ls. 6d. 1 No. 18, 75. 6d. No. 2, 6d. No. 12, 3s. No. 30, 7s.6d. No. 4, 1s. . Other sizes up to No 400, price £5. Each number expresses a capacity of about two pounds of water. 224 Hessian Crucibles, triangular form, fire-clay. Nest of five small crucibles, 6d. Nest of five large crucibles, 8d. Nest of eight crucibles, Is. 6d. All other sizes supplied, and in quantities, at a reduced price. AIR BATHS, WATER BATHS, SAND BATHS. 225 Griffin's Hot-water Bath, by which substances can be rapidly dried in a current of air at 212° F. Copper double bath, with door at top. Inside measurement 5 by 5 inches by 6 inches deep ; outside, 7 by ñ by 77 inches deep, with a chimney, 255. 226 Ditto, larger size; inside 63 and 64 inches by 71 inches deep, outside 9 by 9 inches, by 9 inches deep, 42s. . 227 Griffin's Steam-bath. See apparatus for hot filtrations, No. 347. APPARATUS FOR ASSAYING. 25 228 Thermometer suitable for this bath, showing 330° F., with paper scale, enclosed in glass, 3s. 229 Copper Water Bath, hemispherical., with handles, to put on a retort-stand ring or a furnace top, 57 inches diameter, with 4 rings for small basins, 7s. 6d. M ** . . . MS 229. 11 225. 236. 232. - 2 Il 111 III 1111 III IIIIIII IIIIII SU VI 1 230 Stoneware Water Bath, 4. inches, with evaporating basin, 8d. 231 Cast-iron Pans for Water-baths, or Sand-baths, with flat iron covers. 9 inches wide, 4 inches deep, Is. 6d. 10 inches wide, 41 inches deep, 2s. 12 inches wide, 5 inches deep, 2s. 6d. 232 Oil Bath, with receptacle for filters, in one piece, for drying precipitates, salt-glazed stoneware, Is. 233 Ditto, Berlin porcelain, 2s. 234 Tin Sand Bath, for this oil bath, 6d. 234. 235 Taylor's Hot-air Bath, for drying powders, &c., japanned tin, 12s. 6d. 286 Rammelsberg's Hot-air Bath, for drying powders at a fixed heat, made of brass, with a contrivance for securing a current of dry air through the bath, 4 inches high, 4 inches wide, 7s.6d. 237 Bunsen's Copper Air-Bath, with thermometer regulator, for securing a constant temperature for any length of time, a fork to support a gas burner, and four feet of caoutchouc tube, price 30s. (Chemical Recreations,” page 567.) APPARATUS FOR ASSAYING. 238 CUPELLING FURNACE, of wronght-iron plate, lined with fire-clay, with an extra opening for heating a tube, suitable for a mufile measuring 9 inches long, 47 inches wide, and 3 inches deep, £5 5s. 239 Muflles for this furnace, each 3s. 240 Cupels, per dozen, 1 inch, 1s. ; 1} inches, 3s.; 2 inches, 4s. 6d. 241 Long Steel Cupel Tongs, for removing cupels from the muffle, 27-inch, 29. 242 Steel Cupel Mould, for making cupels of 1), 11, or 1 inch in diameter, 10s. 243 Mallet for driving the die into the ring of the cupel mould, Is. 6d. 244. Glass Parting Flask, conical, 3 ounce, per dozen, 4s. 245 Glass Parting Flask, French form, 1 ounce, 2 ounce, 4 ounce, per dozen, 2s. 6d. 26 APPARATUS FOR ASSAYING. 246 Tongs for holding the conical parting flask, ls. 3d. 247 Copper Assay Scoop, 5s. 248 Wrought-iron Crucible, 4 inch, 3s. 249 Steel Slice, for cutting the fused assay out of the iron crucible, 30 inches long, 3s. - - R..WN + AN AN . . . . LIST 1 ERSUS . ITU . nu | PS SIS .., , 0 IV Moto III 2 ILUV.Urutto! T = . S www VAI 22 - S . W !!, S II/ 1 . SYN LE: www. ) V . . Vio . FERGUSEGALANTS | SITE E S SENTIALE SARUNTETINIS STRESIE TARKASTET EIGENERATION BRO 2 ti PH.Ulti . .. 2 . • 4 Y hu OPI 27722 : LV IN SI- " . 1 Miltele . . il IRRI 1. Po - ! ! ! - IL Sa 12 SP om .14 I V . Com VA 7. . LEY 25 i . . . . UNT U!!! linta tilni . 12 . 1 UTDA IN :! . IS I 1 . . . N Kent 1 - ::-; ; -In I ROBESITI .- IN . . . . -- . . itu . * BEES IA . - NEWTWO T.YTTEL OG HTC 2 bert" WWWAO W S . . LI - moo ...és a 233. 245. 250 Ingot Mould, with two hemispherical holes, 1 inches diameter, 4s. 251 Ingot Mould for small bars; size of cavity, 4 inches by 12 inch, and 1 inch deep, ls. 252 Cast-iron Mortar, bell-shaped, with pestle, 6 inches diameter, 3s. 253 Iron Crucible Tongs, straight, 26 inch, 2s. 254 Small Crucible Tongs, bent, 14 inch, 1s. 4d. 255*Hammer for flattening gold, about 6 lb., bright face, 6s. 256 Box Sieve, 3 inches in diameter, with 3 divisions, size of gauze, 100, 50, and 30 to the inch, with cover, 4s. 6d. 257 Flat Sieve, 5 inches diameter, with 3 sieves, 100, 50, and 30 to the inch, 3s. 6d. 258 Scorifiers, fire-clay, 2-inch, per dozen, 3s. *** A more complete List of Assaying Apparatus may be had from. Mr. GRIFFIN, 119, Bunhill Row. BLOWPIPE APPARATUS. BLOWPIPE APPARATUS. 259 Collection of Blowpipe Apparatus, containing the principal instruments for school use, arranged in a japanned tin box, 21s. 260 Collection of Blowpipe Apparatus for the pocket, consisting of the most essential instruments, in a japanned tin oval box, 53 inches by 2 inches broad, 12s. 261 GRIFFIN'S APPARATUS FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSIS BY THE BLOWPIPE, comprehending everything necessary for that purpose, price £3 13s. 6d. ACE STOY LA SOY របរ SO (SUDION ce PE S NG VE CONTENTS : Japanned Blowpipe. Brass Nozzle. Blowpipe Lamp, with screw cap. Support for the Lamp. Wires, Foil Steel Tongs for Trimming the Lamp. Anvil Twelve Tubes for Sublimations. Tubes, & .. Twelve hard glass Test Tubes. Six hard glass Arsenic Tubes. Charcoal Supports for reduction. Charcoal Supports for fusion. Two Holders for Charcoal Supports. Steel Tongs with Platinum Points. Open Tubes Lucifers Two Pieces of Platinum Foil. Three Platinum Wires. Copper Wire for the detection of Chlorine, Iodine, and Bromine. 000000 Tin Wire for Reductions. Books of Litmus, Turmeric, Lead, and Brazil Test Papers. Square Steel Auvil. Steel Hammer with cutting edges. Agate Pestle and Mortar. Lucifer Matches. Cotton Wick. BONE Two Porcelain Capsules. ASHES) File to cut Glass Tubes. Albata Spoon and Spatula. Boxes and Bottles, with a supply of the fol- lowing Re-Agents :-Borax, Soda, Micro- MICRO BORAX SALT cosmic Salt, Solution of Nitrate of Cobalt, Cyanide of Potassium, Nitre, Bisulphate of Potash, Gypsum, Fluorspar, Nickel Borate, Lead for Cupellation, Bone Ashes, Silica. Set of moulds, with a stock of materials for making the charcoal supports. Pair of Japanned Tin Boxes, suitably divided to contain all the foregoing articles, the whole in a strong mahogany cabinet. LEHELE FORTY (( SODA REIS 262 PORTABLE BLOWPIPE APPARATUS for a travelling mineralogist or metallur- gist, the size of a dressing case; fitted up according to the instruc- tions of Berzelius, Sefstroen, Mitscherlich, Von Kobell, and Plattner, with extra supply of Tests and of glass, platinum vessels, steel mortar, &c., very complete, arranged in three japanned divided cases, packed in a solid brass-bound mahogany box, £8 8s. 263 Griffin's Conical Blowpipe, japanned tin plate, with brass nozzle, sd. 264 Bergman's Blowpipe, with spherical cavity, brass, with ivory mouthpiece and 2 jets, 3s. 265 Black's Conical Blowpipe, brass, with ivory mouthpiece, 2s. 6d. 266 Tennant's Blowpipe, with flat cylindrical cavity, brass, with ivory mouth- piece and two jets, 5s. 28 BLAST BLOWPIPES FOR HIGH TEMPERATURES. 267 Acid Bottle, for the pocket, for mineralogists to use in the field; cut glass, with stopper and cap, 1 ounce, 2s. 268 Iron Spoons, one inch bowl, short handle, for trying the combustibility of bodies, 1 d. 269 German Silver Spoon, with spatula handle, for preparing mixtures for blowpipe assay, 3d. 270 Small Tubes, of hard Bohemian glass, closed at one end, for blowpipe operations, sublimation, testing for arsenic, water, &c. 1 inch, l] inches, and 2 inches long, by ſ, t, or 4 inch diameter, per dozen, 4d. For larger Test Tubes, see No. 310. 271 Collection of 54 Simple Minerals, suitable for experiments with the blow- pipe, in a pasteboard cabinet, 10s. 6d. 272 Collection of 100 Simple Minerals, for blowpipe experiments, in a paste- board cabinet, 16s. All other Requisites for Analysis by the Blowpipe supplied. BLAST BLOWPIPES FOR FUSIONS. . .. . . . . I LUSU IN IS! un M 8 VIS 7 . A P A V stom . -. 1 2 . mis . 1 . 1 atu OVAKE *415 oil III re SUS VISER WE 1. www. . T 274. 275. 273 Oxyhydrogen Blowpipe, having two tubes for ! the separate gases, two stopcocks, and union connectors, two jets, and a lime- holder; the whole on a brass stand, 35s. 274 Herapath's Gas Blowpipe, with a tube, through which air is blown by the mouth into the flame, 7s.6d. 275 Bunsen's Improved form of the Gas Blow- pipe, with 2 stopcocks and 3 brass nozzles, (1, 2, 3), giving heat sufficient to ignite a large crucible, 15s. Fig. 275, but without caoutchouc pipes. 276 Herapath's Gas Blowpipe, well made, in brass, fixed on a stand, with moveable joints, 276. with a vulcanised caoutchouc blowing-machine, and a caoutchouc regulator, 40s. See fig. 276; c is the blower, d the regulator. In practice the blower is pressed by the foot of the operator. (See also Nos. 622 and 623.) .. . . 2 . . .. .. .. . O NA A ASS 2 BEAKERS. BEAKED TUMBLERS. FLASKS. - 24 ASI SEY VA . 2 W 1k VI. 2 . . APPARATUS FOR PREPARING OR FOR CONTAINING SOLUTIONS. BEAKERS. BOHEMIAN GLASS 'BEAKERS, uniform in thickness, for containing hot liquids. 277 Set of 13 Beakers, largest size, from 2 inchès by 11 inches to 114 inches by 6 inches, 10s. 6d. 278 Set of 8 Beakers, from 32 inches by 21 inches to 9 inches by 5 inches, 6s. 6d. 279 Set of 10 Beakers, from 27 inches by 1.1 inches to ry inches by 4.7 inches, 5s. 6d. 280 Set of 5 Beakers, from 24 inches by 18 inches to 41 inches by 24 inches, 2s. 281 Set of 3 Beakers, from 14 by 1 inch to 2 inches by 15 inches, 10d. 277. 282 GRIFFIN'S BEAKED TUMBLERS, Bohemian glass, uniform in substance throughout, with good spouts. Set of 6, from 2 ounce to 24 ounce capacity, best quality, 3s. 6d. 283 Ditto; set of the 4 smallest sizes, 2s. 3d. 284 Jar with wide mouth, beaker form, but strong, Bohe- mian glass, contents 28 pints, 10s. 6d. 282. TO 2 . KURUYU MN U 7 ? . HIIHTEE i . IS FLASKS. 285 GERMAN HARD GLASS FLASKS, uniform in substance, with phial lip, suitable for corking, when used as gas bottles, price per diozen :- 2 ounce, 2s. 12 ounce, 4s. 6d. 60 ounce, 13s. 3 ounce, 2s. 3d. 16 ounce, 5s. 80 ounce, 16s. 5 ounce, 2s. 9d. 20 ounce, 75. 100 ounce, 21s. 6 ounce, 3s. 30 ounce, 8s. 120 ounce, 24s. 8 ounce, 3s. 6d. 40 ounce, 10s. 160 ounce, 30s. 10 ounce, 4s. 3d. 50 ounce, 12s. 200 ounce, 36s. 286 Globular Flasks, with long neck; contents, 2 gallons, 12 inches diameter; neck, 18 inches by 3 inches wide, 6s. 287 SPHERICAL FLASKS, wide neck, mouth welted. Paris Ballons. Price per dozen :- 4 ounce, 2s. 16 ounce, 5s. 6d. 6 ounce, 3s. 24 ounce, 6s, 6d. 8 ounce, 3s. 6d. 32 ounce, 8s. 60. 10 ounce, 4s. 40 ounce, 10s. 6d. 12 ounce, 4s. 6d. 285, 289. 289 Flasks, slight, blown from hard glass tube ; flat bottom, turned mouth, ounce to 11 ounce, 2s. dozen; 2 ounce to 3 ounce, 2s. 6d. dozen. . 287. 290 Flasks, globular, extremely hard German glass; olive green colour, in- dented bottom, phial lip. 6 ounce, ld. i 14 ounce, 2d. I 20 ounce, 3d. i 30 ounce, 4d. 8 ounce, 13d. 16 ounce, 21d. 25 ounce, 31d. 40 ounce, 5d. S . S . SOS 30 FLASKS. COVERS. WOULFF'S .BOTTLES. JARS. 291 Porcelain Digester, egg shape, with neck and wide mouth, glazed Thuringian porcelain. No. 1, 4 ounce, sd. I No. 2, 2 ounce, 6d. 292 Porcelain Digesters, or deep basins, Thuringian porcelain, very thin and light, glazed ; can be used for evaporation to dryness. No. 1, 2 inch diameter, 1 in. deep, 1 ounce, 4d. No 2, 21 inch diameter, 21 in. deep, 3 ounces, 8d. 293 Water Bottle, with two jets, for supplying water to tubes, flasks, &c., 30 ounce, ls. 6d. 294 Ditto, 16 ounce, ls. 295 Conical Precipitating Jars, German glass. 1 pint, 4d. 4.1 pints, 25. 1 pint, 6d. 9 pints, 4s. 11 pints, Is. 6d. 20 pints, 88. GLASS CIRCULAR Covers, for Basins, Funnels, Jars, &c., consisting of round flat discs of glass, either plain or ground on one side, to close vessels air-tight, fig. 300, c. Price per dozen : 296. 297. 296 297. Diameter. Plain. Ground. Diameter. Plain. Ground. 2 inch 5d. 9d. 5 inch 2s. 6d. 27 inch 5d. 10d. 5.7 inch 2s. 9d. 3 inch 6d. 1$. 6 inch 31 inch 7 d. ls. 3d. r inch 2s. 3s. 6d. 4 inch Sd. ls. 6d. 8 inch 2s. 6d. 58. 41 inch 10d. ls. 9d. 9 inch 3s. 6d. 7s. Woulff's Bottles for preparing Solutions. 298 With 2 Necks. 299. With 3 Necks. Contents. Contents. 10 oz. ls. 10 oz. ls. 9d. 20 oz. ls. 3d. 20 oz. 2s. 30 oz. Is. 6d. 30 oz. 2s. 3d. 40 oz. ls. 9d. 40 oz. 2s. 6d. 60 oz. 2s. 60 oz. 2s. 9d. 300 Cylindrical Jars, for measures, with foot and flange, but no spout. 31 inches high, 2 inches wide 2 ounce, or 60 cent. cubes, 5d. 5 , 150 , 10 , 300 20, 600 ls. 6d. 40 , 1200 , 2s. Jars for containing solutions, stout glass, on broad feet, with spout or with flanged mouth, at the same price. 301 With Spouts. 8 in. high, 2 in. wide, 10d. 2 11d. ls. 12 , 2 , ls. 3d 1s. 6d. 302 With Flunged Mouths. 15 in. bigh, 13 in. wide, 1s. 3d. 15 , 18 , ls. 6d. 12 , 3 , 1s. 9d. 15 , 3 2s. 6d. 20 , 5 . iz Os. 300, 302. 301. 9d. 1s. WIU uim .. 11 9 4 10 200020 1s. 30 . 21: TEST GLASSES ON YOOT. TEST TUBES. 31 303 LIXIVIATING JARS, narrow in the middle, wide mouth, with spout, no feet; for cold liquors. 1 pint, 8d. 3 pints, 1s. 2d. 5 pints, 1s. 6d. 2 pints, ls. 4 pints, ls. 4d. ī pints, 2s. . . 21 11 292. 304. 298. 299. 295. 303. 308. TESTING AND PRECIPITATION, TEST GLASSES ON FOOT. 304 Clark's Conical Test-Glass, with spout, one ounce size; per dozen, 3s., per gross, 3).s. 6d. 305 Bohemian Test-Glass, conical, fine glass; per dozen :- 1. ounce, 3s. 6d. 3 ounce, 5s. 64. 2 ounce, 4s. 6d. 4 ounce, 6s. 6d. 306 Conical form, French pattern; per dozen :- 1 ounce, 3s. 4 ounce, 4s. 6d. 2 ounce, 3s. 6d. 5 ounce, 5s. 6d. 3 ounce, 4s. 6 ounce, 6s. 6d. 307 Very small slight Conical Test Glass, for minute testing, per dozen, 15. 6d. 308 Cylindrical Test Glasses, on foot; per dozen :- 4 ounce, 6s. 18 ounce, 12s. 12 ounce, 9s. 309 Glass Stirrers, round at one end, pointed at the other. 3 inches long, per doz., 2d. 9 inches long, per doz. 9d. , 4d. 12 » ls. 6d. 310 TEST TUBES, best hard White German Glass, neatly finished and well annealed; price per dozen :- . AR entre TICIPAR .SSSSSSSSS S S F llliitti. SEJARAH 2 1 .' - . M 310. LENGTH. DIAMETER across the Middle in INCBCS. Alien malco } inches. 4d. 5d. - 5 d. 60. CÓ No O P co co 6d. 8d. 8d. Is. 1 - 1s. 1d. 10d. Ild. 1s. 1d./ 1s. 3d. 10d. 11d. ls. 1d. ls. 2d. lls. 70. 2s. Id. 1s. Id. is. 2d. Is. 3d. 1s. 7d. 1s. 9d. 2s. 2d. ls, 3d. 1s. 4d. Is. 70. ls. 9d. 2s. 1d. 25. 4d. 12s. 12s. 2 d. 12s. Ed. For smaller Test Tubes, see Blowpipe Apparatus, No. 270. 32 PIPETTES. TEST PAPERS. 311 Brush for cleaning Test Tubes, 3d. 312 Nests of Test Tubes, in round pasteboard cases. Case of 6 Tubes, 10d. Case of 9 Tubes, ls. 3d. Case of 12 Tubes, 2s.. 313 PIPETTES for applying Tests in drops, straight, plain, per dozen :- 4 or 5 inch, 1s. 6 inch, 25. 10 inch, 2s. 6d. 314 Pipettes, with bulbs, for removing liquids, slight, with one-inch bulb, straight, 3d. 315 Ditto, with bent tube, 3d, 316 Larger, with cylindrical reservoir; contents 1 oz., straight, 6d. 318. 317 Ditto, bent tube, 6d. 318 Ditto, straight, with reservoir, 4-ounce contents, ls. 319 TEST PAPERS, delicate, bound in cheque books of 50 leaves, 3 inches by j inch. 315. Neutral Litmus. | Turmeric. Lead. Starch. Price 2d. each book. In quantities as follows: Litmus, blue, red, and neutral, per dozen, Is. 6d. ; per gross, 15s. All other kinds, per dozen, 1s. 3d. ; per gross, 12s. - 319. 320 Wooden Box, with 8 test books, assorted, 1s.; per dozen, 9s. 321 Wooden Box, with 12 books of litmus, 2s. 322 Leather Case, for one test-book for the pocket, 4d. LITMAUS 322 323 Test Papers, strongly coloured, and of large size, 5 inches by inch, for experiments at lectures; in a pasteboard box, containing 6 books, ls. 6d. ; per dozen, 12s. Blue and red litmus, yellow and brown tur- meric, lead paper, and starch paper. 324 Test Metals, a collection of wires and small bars, for metallic precipitations in testing, in a wooden box, ls.; per dozen, 9s. 325 Marsh's Apparatus for the detection of arsenic, mounted on a mahogany stand, 6s. 326 Tubes for the detection of arsenic, hard German glass, free from lead, 1s. per dozen. FILTRATION. FUNNELS. FILTERS. 327 Brush for cleaning narrow-glass tubes, 2d. Trays, or Flat Pans, of Wedgwood's Porcelain, in which to place acid bottles, small furnaces, &c., to protect the table from corrosion in the event of the spilling of chemicals:- 328 Shallow Trays, 11 or l] inches deep. 9 inches long, 7 inches wide, Is. 3d. 8 se ls. 9d. 15 11 , 4s. 329 Deep Trays, 2 inches to 3 inches deep. ñ inches long, 5 inches wide, 1s. 6d. 11 2s. 9 ã 10 2s. ã 13 11 ã 55. TS. ã FILTRATION, AND THE WASHING OF PRECIPITATES. 330 FUNNELS FOR FILTRATION, superior circular FILTER PAPERS, in packets of 100, and JAPANNED BOXES for the filters, each able to contain 200 papers. Nos. مهرسا FILTER BOXES. Price. 4d. 4d. 5d. FUNNELS. Diameter. Price. l-inch . . 11d. 11-inch.. 1 d. 11-inch . . lid. 2-inch . 21-inch . . 210 3-inch . 30. 4-inch . . 4d. A Co20 FILTERS AT PER 100. Diameter, Price. 2-inch . , 2d. 21-inch 2d. 23-inch. 31d. 3-inch, . 4-inch . . 6d. 57-inch . . 9d. 7-inch . . ls. 2d. or A WN 5d. 70. 9d. ls. 331 The set of seven funnels, ls. 4d. 332 The set of seven boxes, with 100 filters in each, 7s. 333 The Pyramid Filter Case, containing 700 filters, namely, 100 of each size, Nos. 0 to 6, 12s. Price of the filter case without filters, 9s. tatti NT M RI SV OHLI YES Handy ES www | Gm NOI 11 sute . 330. 347, 348. 333.. 34 PERCOLATORS. WASHING BOTTLES. 0 334 Filtering Paper, of the best quality, in square sheets, measuring 24 inches by 24 inches, per quire of 24 sheets, 1s. 6d. 335. Funnels of extra large sizes, for which cut filters are not prepared :- 5 inch, 6d. 1 7 inch, 1s. T 9 inch, ls. 9d. 6 inch, 9d. 8 inch, 1s. 6d. 10 inch, 2s. 336 Funnels, glass, deeply ribbed; 3 inch, 6d. ; 4 inch, 8d.; 5 inch, 10d. 337 Funnels, slight, blown glass, i inch to 1 inch wide, with narrow necks ; per set of three, 4d. 338 Funnel, 6 inches diameter, with stopcock in the neck, 6s. 6d. 339 Separatory Funnel, globular form, 4 inches diameter, stoppered mouth, and with a stopcock in the neck, 6s. 340 Separatory Funnel, with two glass liandles, stopper and stopcock, 9s. 341 Flat Glass Covers, for jars, with central hole for a funnel, price according to diameter: 4 inch, 7d.; 5 inch, 8d.; 6 inch, 9d. 342 FUNNEL HOLDERS. (See Nos. 62 to 70.) · 343 Funnel Holder, a perforated porcelain ring, for supporting large funnels on jars, 61 inch diameter, Is. 6d. 344 Donovan's Apparatus for the filtration of solutions of caustic potash, globular funnel, with flask of 30 ounce size, with stopper and caoutchouc connecter, 7s. 6d. 345 Ditto, with spindle-shaped funnel, and glass tube connecter, flask 30 ounce, os. 346 Decoction Strainer, Thuringian porcelain, consisting of 4 pieces, viz. funnel, sieve, pestle, and ring; the set, 5s. 347 Apparatus for Filtration, at 212° Fahr., consisting of a water-bath of japanned tin, 114 inches long, 5 inches wide, 4 inches deep, mounted on 3 iron legs 9 inches long, having a space for a 5 inch funnel of 60°, a 5 inch opening for an evaporating basin, a 37 inch opening for a basin, and 2 openings for boiling-tubes, 12s. 348 Ditto, with a 5 inch funnel, ground edge, and a 6 inch ground glass plate, 13s. 6d. Extra Stout Funnels, Bohemian glass, ground at the mouth and neck, at a higher price. 349 Bottle for washing Precipitates by a constant flow of water, 30 ounce bottle, with Berzelius's jet, Is. 6d. 350 Washing-Bottle, fitted with handle, for use with hot water, caoutchouc fittings, 2s. 351 Washing - Bottle, with Berzelius's single jet, Is. 352 Washing-Bottle, with jet and blowing-pipe, Is. 6d. PERCOLATORS, for pre- paring extracts by means of ether, al- " cohol, &c.; consist- ing of a glass funnel in connexion with a bottle :- 354 Consisting of a 30-ounce 4 bottle, with a globu- 351. 252. lar funnel, 4 inches diameter, with mouth stoppered, and a stopcock in neck, 7s.6d. WE * WWW . wa . " 1. 2 0 VULPA EN IT C . HII LEZO T ho . . . . . www . LOR • V2 a ll! TER FUSE Za BRUJO EVAPORATION. CRYSTALLISATION, 35 PERCOLATORS--Continued :- 355 Consisting of an 80 ounce Bottle, with a globular funnel, 6 inches diameter, wide-mouthed, stoppered, 9s. 356 Consisting of a Bottle, 1) gallon size, with a cylindrical funnel, gallon size, with 2 glass stopcocks, stoppers, and connecters, 35s. SYPłons for transvasing Liquors, to separate them from precipitates, &c. 357 Plain Syphon, small size, 13 inch, 4d. Large size, 15 inch, 6d. 358 Syphon, with suction tube, large size, Is. 60. 359 Mitscherlich's Syphon, with suction tube, Is. 360 Ditto, larger size, ls. 3d. 361 Wirtemberg Syphon, with equal branches, ls. 362 Syringes of Glass for washing filters and transvasing liquids, 10 by i inch, with point, either straight or bent, 2s. 211 SI - - - TP WHY > or 358. 359. 362. incl. inch. ounces. Q2 Q2 EVAPORATION AND CRYSTALLISATION. 363 Evaporating Basins of Berlin Porcelain, glazed inside and outside, with spout. No. ounces. S. d. S. d. 00 23 2 0 4 1 6 6 16 ounces. 1 7 0 31 21 0.5 l Ÿ 71 l pint. 2 0 1 3 3 0 ñ 8 82 2 pints. 2 8 2 33 4 0 V j 9 10 4 pints. 4.0 3 .4 6 0 10 10 12 7 pints. 6 6 4 41 S 1 0 1 11 14. 10 pints. ñ 6 43 10 1 3 12 151 18 pints. 25 0 364 Evaporating Basins, Berlin porcelain, flat form, steep sides, with spouts. No. 1, 22 inch, 1.1 oz., 5d. No. 5, 41 inch, 8 oz., 1s. , 2, 3 do., 2 Ož., 7d. , 6, 5 do., 12 oz., ls. 3d. , 3, 31 do., 3.1 oz., 8d. , 7, 6 do., 18 oz., 1s. 8d. , 4, 4 do., ő oz., 10d. The set of Seven, 6s. 5d. noroco 67 CO # CO 36 : ".. EVAPORATING BASINS... 365 Evaporating Basins, Berlin porcelain, very thin, hemispherical, without .: spouts, glazed. No. 000, 1 inch, 1 drm., 2d. 1. No. 3, 2 inch, 1 oz., 6d. , 1, 13 do., 4 do., 4d. 1 , 4, 21 do., 1 oz., 8d. , 2, 13 do., 6 do., 5d. , 5, 27 do., 2 oz., 10d. 366 Cups, thin and thick, a great variety of patterns, Berlin porcelain, for the evaporation of small quantities in analytical operations, per dozen, assorted, 2s... 367 Berlin Porcelain Basin or Pouret, 2 inches diameter, with handle, in one. piece, 6d. M AHA Oro 363, 380, 368. 364, 370. 366. 367. 368 Evaporating Basins, Thuringian porcelain, thin in body, with very good spouts, glazed within, biscuit without. No. 1, 63 inch, 16 oz., ls. I No. 6, 34 inch, 4 oz., 8d. 1, 2, 5 do., 14 oz., 1ld. „ 7, 37 do., 21 oz., 7d. , 3, 51 do., 9 oz., 10d. , 8, 2 do., 2 oz., 6d. » 4, 41 do., 7 oz., 9d. , 9, 21 do., 1 oz., 4d. The set of Nine, 6s. 369 Evaporating Basins, Thuringian porcelain, large size, with good spouts, glazed within, biscuit without. No. 00, 15 inch, 16 pints, 12s. I No. 3, 10 inch, 4 pints, 3s. 3d. , 0, 14 do., 12 do., 8s. 6d. „ 4, 9 do., 3 do., 25. 9d. „ 5, 8 do., 2 do., 2s. 3d. , 2, 11 do., 6 do., 4s. 6d. | . 6, 71 do., 13 do., Is. 9d. 370 Evaporating Basins, Thuringian porcelain, cylindrical form, flat bottons, steep sides, with spouts, glazed within, biscuit without. No. 1, 4 inch, 4 oz., 10d. No. 3, 3 inch, 24 oz., 8d. » 2, 37 do., 31 02., 10d. 1 „ 4, 21 do., 2 02., 8d. The set of Four, 3s. - 386. 376. 377. 385. 371 Evaporating Basins, Thuringian porcelain, very thin and shallow, with sharp' spouts, glazed within and without. No. 1, 3 inch, 2 oz., 10d. No. 3, 2 inch 1 oz., 6d. » 2, 3 do., 11 oz., 8d. I · 4, 21 do., 1 oz., 6d. The set of Four, 2s. 6d. 372 Evaporating Basins, Thuringian porcelain, hemispherical form, without spouts, glazed inside, biscuit outside. No. 1, 41 inch, 10 oz., ls. No. 5, 24 inch, 2 02., 6d. , 2, 4 do., 8 oz., 10d. » 6, 2 do., 1 oz., 5d. .3, 31 do., .6 oz., 9d. , 7, 11 do., Z., 3d. , 4, 3 do.s' 4 oz., 8d. The set of Seven, 4s. 5d. EVAPORATING BASINS. . 377 373 Evaporating Basins, Thuringian porcelain, fat, 2 inches deep; with ver- tical sides and spouts, glazed inside, biscuit outside. No. 1, 11 inches diameter, contents 3 pints, 5s. . , 2, 10 do. do 2 do. 3s. 6d. » 3, 63 do. do. 1 do. ls. 8d. 374 Evaporating Basins, with vertical sides and spouts, Thuringian porcelain, glazed inside and outside. 111 inch diameter, 4 inches deep, 6 pints, 4s. 6d. 81 do. 3 do. 3 do., ls. 8d. 375 Evaporating Basin, Thuringian porcelain, flat, thin and light, glazed both sides, 24 inches, without spout, 4d. 376 Evaporating Basins, with handle, in one piece (ladles) glazed inside and outside, with sharp spouts, Thuringian porcelain. No. 00, 8 inches diameter, 65 ounces, 6s. 6d. , 1, 62 do 30 do 4s. 6d. , 5, 4 do 8 do. •2s. 6d. 377 Evaporating Basins, with spout, socket and wooden handle (ladles), Thu- ringian porcelain, glazed. 24 inch diameter, 1 oz., 10d. . l 49 inch diameter, 8 oz., 2s, • 31 do., 4 oz., 1s. 4d.. y do., 32 02., 4s. 378 Cups of Thuringian porcelain, 1 to 2 inches diameter, various patterns, . glazed, thick in body, for slow evaporations to dryness; per dozen assorted, 2s. 6d. 379 Crystal Drainers, Thuringian porcelain (colanders), flat bottoms, vertical sides. 7 inches diameter, 2s.6d. 1 11 inches diameter, 4s. 6d. 380 Evaporating Basins, of Berlin semi-porcelain, with hard porcelain glaze, with spout. . 54 inch, 8 ounce, 5d. 12 inch, 51 pints, 3s. 4d. 62 do., 16 do. 7d. 13 do., 9 do., 5s. 9 do., 24 pints, ls. 4d. 14 do., 11 do., 5s. 9d. 101 do., 31 do. 2s. 16 do., 15 do., 7s. 381 Evaporating Basins, of Berlin semi-porcelain, glazed, with spout, set of 6, from 21 to 41 inch, 1s. 8d. 382 Ditto, set of 6 shallow basins, 2 to 4 inches, without spout, Is. 8d. 383 Hemispherical Evaporating Basins, Berlin semi-porcelain, stout, glazed, no spout, 10 inch, 3s. 9d.; 12 inch, 6s. 9d.; 14 inch, 9s. 6d. 384 Evaporating Basins, or Pans, Berlin semi-porcelain, with covers and wooden handles. No. 1, 4 inch, contents, 8 ounces, 2s 2, 41 do do. 12 do. 25. 4d. , 3, 51 do. do. 24 do. 3s. 385 Evaporating Basins, or ladles with spout, Berlin semi-porcelain, with wooden handles. No. 1, 4 inch, contents, 8 ounce, ls. 6d. , 2, 47 do. do. 12 do. 1s. 9d. : „ 3, 51 do. do. 24 do. 2s. 1 38 EVAPORATING BASINS. Inches. Ounces. 13 12 6d. 4 32 45 COCO 5d. U 386 Evaporating and Crystallising Basins, of salt-glazed stoneware. Too rough for analytical purposes, but useful for crystallisations :- DIAMETER. CONTENTS. PRICE. DIAMETER. CONTENTS. PRICE. Inches. Ounces. 3d. 53d. 3d. 16 331 3d. 20 7 d. 4d. 8d. 450. 4.0 9d. 5 8 10d. 387 Bohemian Glass Evaporating Basins, uniform in glass, without punty mark, ground on the edges, cylindrical form, flat bottoms, vertical sides, no spout; set of nine, from 2 inches to 6 inches diameter, and from 2 to 3 inches deep, 3s. 6d. ; set of eight, omitting the largest, 3s. 388 Bohemian Glass Evaporating Basins, hemispherical form, with spout, cut edges, eleven sizes, from 21 inches or 2 oz. to 10 inches or 80 ounces; the set of eleven, 9s. 389 A set of three such Basins, 41, 5, and 54 inch, 1s. 8d. 390 A set of three smaller Basins, 23, 31, and 41 inch, 1s. 3d. 391 Bohemian Glass Basins, without spouts, a set of four, of 3, 4, 5, and 6 inches diameter, with projecting mouth to rest on water-baths, 25. 392 Bohemian Glass Evaporating Basins, watch-glass form, ground on the edges, price per dozen : 2 inch, ls. 4d. ; 21 inch, 1s. 8d.; 3 inch, 2s. 393 Clips for holding the watch-glasses, in pairs, to contain substances to be weighed, 2, 2), and 3 inches, each, 5d. 394 Platinum Capsules, plain, or with spout, or spout and handle, prices according to size and weight. 395 Thin Cast-Iron Evaporating Basins, lined with glazed earthenware, with lip, 6 inch, Is. 3d. ; 8 inch, Is. 9d.; 10 inch, 2s. 6d. 396 Thin Cast-Iron Hemispherical Basins, lined with glazed earthenware, with two handles : 6 inch, 1s. ; 8 inch, 1s. 3d.; 10 inch, 2s. 6d. ; 13 inch, 4s. Nos. 395 and 396, especially the latter, serve also as water and sand-baths. 1 387. 388. 394 395. . c TY 394. I WYLWY Dmiti CA Van . ST Sa ' .*:!!.. stilling out 398. 397. 399. DISTILLATON. RETORTS. RECEIVERS. STILLS. DISTILLATION. RETORTS, RECEIVERS, STILLS, CONDENSERS, ETO. 597 Glass Retorts, without tubulure, for the distillation of liquids or gases. 4 ounce, 3d. 16 ounce, 8d. 21 pints, ls. 3d. 0 do., 4d. I 20 do., 9d. 3 do., 1s. 4d. 8 do., 6d. 1 l pints, ls. 4 do., ls. 8d. 12 do., 7d. 2 do., ls. 2d. 20 do., 8s. 398 Glass Retorts, with tubulure and stoppers. 4 ounce, 8d. 16 ounce, ls. 2d. 2) pints, 2s. 6 do. 9d. 20 do., ls. 4d. :3 do., 2s. 3d. 8 do., 10d. 1) pints, ls. 6d. 4 do., 2s. 6d. 12 do., 1s. 2 do., 1s. 9 d. 20 do., 10s. 399 Globular Receivers, without tubulures, adapted to these Retorts. 4 ounce, 2d. 16 ounce, 6d. 21 pints, Is. 2d. 6 do., 3d. 20 do., 7d. 3 do... ls. 6d. 8 do., 4d. 11 pints, 9d. 4'do., 1s. 9d. .12 do., 5d. 2 do., ls. Ď do., 2s. 400 Globular Receivers, with tubulures and stoppers. 4 ounce, 6d. 16 ounce, 1s. 21 pints, 2s. 6 do., 7d. 20 do., 1s. 3d. 3 do., 2s. 3d. 8 do., 9d. 14 pints, ls. 6d. 1 4 do., 2s. 6d. 12 do., 11d. I 2 do., 1s. 9d. ŏ do., 2s. 9d. 401 Adapters to connect Retorts, with Receivers, bent or straight. 8 ounce, 8d., 12 ounce, 9d., 16 ounce, 10d., 25 ounce, 1s. 401. 400. 401. 402 Retorts of Berlin Porcelain, glazed inside, biscuit outside. Contents, 3 ounces, plain, 25.; stoppered, 3s. 6 do. do. 35.; do. 45. 12 do. do. 5s.; do. 7s. 403 Retorts for Fractional Distillation, small size, of bard German glass, with wide tubulure for thermometer, and bent neck. ounce, 6d. ; 1 ounce, 7d. ; 2 ounce, 8d. 404 Clark's Retort and Receiver, for the distillation and condensation of small quantities of acids, &c., hard glass, 1s. SSANG LII --* 403. 404. 404. . 40 RETORTS. CONDENSERS. 405 Faraday's Retort and Receiver, in one piece, hard glass, 4d. 406 Liebig's Retort, with an extra neck, for passing gases into a retort during dis- tillation, 20 to 24 ounces, Is. 6d.; 40 to 50 ounces, 2s. Iron Retorts, for distilling organic matters at v a red heat, mercury, &c., with loose " 405. bead, secured by bolts, with long iron necks to screw on. Three sizes :- Measurement of the body of Retort, inside :- WIDTH. DEPTH. CONTENTS. PRICE. 407 4 inch, 31 inches, 1 pint, 10s. 6d. 408 6 do 71 do. 5 do. 24s. 409 ✓ do. 9 do. 9 do. 30s. 410 Apparatus for the Distillation of Acids, of Alcohol from Wines, &c., con- sisting of a 40 ounce stoppered retort, a glass Liebig's condenser, 36 inches by 11 inches, round japanned tin case, black wood support with universal joint, and an adapter, 14s. The parts separately, as follows:- C- ! RE di Ho vitit 2 AL - N ... m ammamuntento naman na naman ang n # S OS - 1 ation . 121 .. "MN in ! Ven www W HVER - .hom naman . e . ! TS W . ini. ..* I . TIT Interponit ill III' - ' SISI - -- - Enn - -- - . S - EA Sell MUI SI KN UNT II WW ._ A.1 NO M450 NOU US .t -232 UN .. ...ONES HO SESSA III. UITI 22 . N 410, 414. 411 The Glass Condenser and Metal Case, 6s. 412 The Support, of black wood, 6s. 413 The Bent Glass Adapter, 5d. 414 The Support, of polished mahogany, s. 6d. 415 Tin plate Still, for preparing pure water, half-gallon size, adapted to an ordinary fire-place, with Liebig's condenser, and block-tin pipe, 12s. ca 7 ངོད་པ། ། 413, 415. CENTIGRADE TESTING. 416 Tin plate Still and Worn Tube, for the distillation of water, one gallon capacity, 14s. 417 Tin plate Still, one pint size, for the lanıp furnace, with loose head and strainer, 2s. Round Stills, with loose heads, to admit of frequent cleaning, and strainers, to support vegetables in the distillation of volatile oils. (See Nos. 134 to 136.) 418 One gallon, tin plate, 10s. 420 Two gallons, tin plate, 21s. 419 Ditto, copper, 25 s. 421 Ditto, copper, 40s. Ivon Jacket, to suspend the still over a furnace :- .. 422 For a One Gallon Still, 3s. 6d. 423 For a Two Gallon Still, 6s. 422 For Iron Jache.copp 10 - US - SS-S - ------- - - ------ CHIFFIN CLASCOn --- - tale 130. : 418. 425. 431. Vertical Condensers, for use with the one and two gallon Stills, so con- structed that they can be cleaned inside, japanned tin plate. 424 For the One Gallon Still, 14s. 425 For the Two Gallon Still, 16s. 426 Wooden Stool for the Condensers, 2s. 6d. 427 Mohr's Still-watcher, for indicating the progress of distillation, by the density of the liquid given over. (See “ Chemical Recreations," fig. 251, page 243.) On polished wooden foot, 3s. ALEMBICS. 428 Small Glass Alembic, 4 ounce, in one piece, 10d.. 429 Ditto, with moveable head, ls. 430 Stoneware Alembic, with moveable head. Contents, 3 pints, 10s. 6d.; 6 pints, 12s. 6d. 431 Quilled Receivers, stoppered, figure 431:- Contents, 4 to 5 pints, 5s.; 7 to 8 pints, 6s. CENTIGRADE TESTING. : APPARATUS FOR CENTIGRADE TESTING, OR VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS. This apparatus is divided into three groups, according to the standard of measurement adopted as the basis of the centigrade or decimal graduations. In these lists only the most essential instruments are named, but every other instrument used in Centigrade Testing can be supplied and graduated to suit any Standard. ܠ SET OF INSTRUMENTS GRADUATED ON THE SEPTEM STANDARD. A septem is the measure of r grains of water at 62° Fahr. 100 septems are equal to the hundredth part of an imperial gallon. 1000 septems are equal to llb. avoirdupois of water, or the tenth part of an imperial gallon. A full account of the English decimal measures thus founded upon the im- perial standard is given in Griffin's “ Chemical Recreations,” together with in- structions for preparing Normal Test Liquors, in accordance with this standard. Pourets or Alcalimeter Tubes, of different forms, graduated to Septems, 432 Binks's Pouret, 100 septems in 100°, 3s. Wooden foot for ditto, 6d.; mahogany foot, 1s... 433 Gay Lussac's Pouret, 100 septems in 100°, 45.; wooden foot for ditto, Is. 6 d. 434 Mohr's Pouret, 100 septems in 100°, with pinchcock and jet, fig. 437, a, c, d, 4s. 435 Mohr's Pouret, with glass stopcock instead of pinchcock, 6s. 6d. 436 Mohr's Pouret, 100 septems, each in 5°, with pinchcock, 6s. Wooden Supports for Mohrs Alcalimeters, fig. 437, b:- 437 White wood, for 1 pouret, 3s. 438 Ditto, 2 ditto, 5s. 439 Mahogany, i ditto, 4s. 440 Mahogany, 2 ditto, 6s. 441 Pinchcocks for Mohr's Alcalimeter, fig. 437 d, each, 6d. 442 Ditto, extra strong, , each, Is. 443 Erdmann's Float for Mohr's Pouret, ls. 3d. 444 Mohr's Syphon, or Dou- ble Tube Pouret, for use with Permanga- nate of Potash, 100 septems, divided into 100 parts, 5s. 445 Mahogany Foot for ditto, ls. 446 Rammelsberg's Varia- tion of Mohr's Pouret, admitting the pouret to be connected with the reservoir of test liquor, with pinch- cock, 100 septems, in 100 parts, 4s. 6d. Սուս-ուկոսկուլներով:սոուսվա:որնովսկուրս/«Պրոխորով բակումուլյատովում ավարտակարարումնվտիայումրուկու: 437. CENTIGRADE TESTING. a window post, mahogany, 5s. 448 Pipette, to deliver 10 septems, Is. 449 Ditto, 20 ditto, ls. 3d. 450 Ditto, 50 ditto, ls. 6d. 451 Ditto, 100 ditto, 2s. 452 Long graduated Pipette, containing 100 septems, graduated to single septems, 4s. 453 Ditto, containing 30 septems, graduated to single septems, 2s. 454 Mixing Jar, conical form, for centigrade testing, 4 to 6 ounce capacity, 4d. 455 Mixing Bottle, flask form, wide mouth, 3 or 4 ounce capacity, 3d. 456 Flask, to contain 100 septems, Is. 6d. 457 Ditto, 250 ditto, Is. 6d. 458 Ditto, 500 ditto, 2s. 459 Ditto, 1000 ditto, or 1 decigallon, 2s. II 26 454. բուսլամակալով այսոլալալալայալալիումակալուխովակում Va VIR SA 2. 459. -. . 448. 492. 451. 495. 453. 455. 460. 460 Long Test Mixers, stoppered, various sizes, each graduated into 100 parts :- Containing I decigallon, 7s.6d. Ditto, 2 ditto, 10s. Ditto, ŏ ditto, 15s. 461 Long Stoppered Bottle, containing 1000 septems, or 1 deci- gallon, divided into 50 parts, 7s. 462 Jar, on broad foot, with spout, containing i decigallon, divided into 100 parts, 6s. 463 Beale's Quick Filter, for the rapid filtration of Liquors that contain small portions of chloride of silver, sulphate of barytes, &c. in suspension, ls. 464 Tallow Holder, useful for greasing the mouths of pourets, 1s. TE MATATITUD) FAX 63. 464. CENTIGRADE TESTING. SET OF INSTRUMENTS, GRADUATED ON THE PRINCIPLE THAT 1000 GRAINS OF WATER IS THE UNIT OF MEASURE. Pourets, or Alcalimeters, each containing 1000 grains of water, divided into . : 100 parts: 465 Pouret, on foot, with grooved stopper, 3s. 466 Binks's form of Pouret, 3s. 467 Wooden foot for ditto, 6d.; mahogany, 1s. 468 Gay Lussac's Pouret, 4s. 469 Wooden foot for ditto, Is. 6d. 470 Mohr's Pouret, with pinchcock and jet, 4s. 471 Wooden support for ditto, white wood, 3s. 472 Binks's Pouret, with glass foot, in one piece, 3s. 60. 473 Pipette, to deliver 100 grains of water, Is. 474 Ditto, 1000 ditto, 2s. 475 Long graduated Pipette, 1000 grains, divided into 100 parts, 4s. 6d. 476 Long graduated Pipette, 100 grains, divided into spaces of 10 grains, 2s. 477 Flask, to contain 250 grains, 1s. 478 Ditto, 500 ditto, ls. 479 Ditto, 1000 ditto, ls. 6d. 465. . 480 Ditto, 10,000 ditto, 2s. 6d., 481 Ditto, 1 imperial pint, 2s. 6d. 482 Long Test Mixer, stoppered, containing 10,000 grains, divided into 100 parts, 9s. 483 Long Stoppered Bottle, contents 10,000 grains, graduated into 50 parts, 8s. បរយបែរបេររររររររររររររររររររររររររប SET OF INSTRUMENTS GRADUATED ACCORDING TO THE CUBIC CENTIMETRE STANDARD. 484 Mohr's Pouret, or Alcalimeter, 50. cent. cubes, divided in cent. cubes, in all 100°, with pinchcock and jet, 4s. 485 Ditto, 50 cent. cubes, each divided into 10 parts, in all 500 parts, with pinchcock and jet, 6s. 486 Erdmann's Float, to use with the above, to secure accurate reading of the graduation, 1s. 3d. 487 Mohr's Pouret, with glass stopcock instead of pinchcock, 50 cent. cubes in cent. cubes, 6s. 6d. 488 Wooden Support for 1 of Mohr's Pourets, white wood, 3s. 489 Ditto, 2 ditto, ditto, 5s.. 490 Gay Lussac's Pouret, 50 cent. cubes, divided into 1 cent. cubes, in all 100°. 45. 491 Wooden Foot for ditto, ls 6d. 492. Pipette, graduated with one mark, to deliver 10 centi- metre cubes, ls. 493 Ditto, to deliver 25 centimetre cubes, 1s. 6d. 494 Ditto, 50 ls. 6d. 495 Ditto, 100 ditto, 491. ditto, 25. ANALYSIS OF CARBONATES. 45 496 Long graduated Pipette, for 10 cent. cubes, each divided into ' 1 cent. cubes, 2s. 497 Ditto, for 50 cent. cubes, each divided into į cent. cubes, 3s. 6d. 498 Flask, to contain 50 centimetre cubes, ls. 499 Ditto, 100 ditto, 1s. 60 500 Ditto, 250 ditto, 2s. 501 Ditto, 500 ditto, equal to half a litre, 2s. 502 Ditto, 1000 ditto, equal to 1 litre, 2s 6d. 503 Ditto, to contain half a litre, stoppered, 3s. 504 Ditto, to contain 1 litre, stoppered, 4s. 505 Tall Test Mixer, stoppered, contents 1000 cent. cubes, divided into 100 parts, for use in mixing and diluting test liquors, 95. 506 Long stoppered bottle, containing 1000 cent. cubeş, divided into 50 parts, 8s. GRADUATED APPARATUS AND MATERIALS FOR CLARK'S TEST FOR THE HARDNESS OF WATER. 507 Pipette, to measure 100 test measures, 2s. 508 Pouret, graduated to 32 test measures, each test measure in fifths, 4s. 6d. 509 Stoppered Shaking Bottle, flat headed, ls. each. 510 Mahogany Support for Pouret, ls. · 511 Soap Test, accurately prepared according to Dr. Clark's Instructions, - per pint, 4s. 512 Specification of Dr. Clark's Patent Process for Softening Water, with instructions for determining the hardness of any water, ls. APPARATUS FOR THE ANALYSIS OF CARBONATES. 515 Apparatus of Hill and Varrentrapp, for the analysis of carbonates, 2 bottles, fitted, ls. 6d. 516 Fritsche's Apparatus for the analysis of carbonates, fitted, 9d. . ! 0 INC WWW! E XV 3 motivo 12- MEYE FAMI M EN www AW N www www S . . YA OHUTE ya wwwwww . 1 S . . M VINNU m 1 W . 515. · 520. 521.' .517 Rose's Apparatus for the analysis of carbonates, ls. 3d. See “ Chemical Recreations,” page 366. 46 518 Griffin's Apparatus for the analysis of carbonates, Is. See « Chemical Recreations," page 113. 519 Schuster's Alcalimeter, for analyses by means of weighed test liquors; 2 ounces, stoppered, 8d. BA E 1 516. 1. 518. 519. See “Chemical 520 Geissler's Apparatus for the analysis of carbonates, 5s. Recreations," page 367, fig. 361.. 521 Another Modification, 5 s. APPARATUS FOR EXPERIMENTS WITH GASES. APPARATUS FOR PREPARING, PURIFYING, AND DRYING GASES. 622 Hydrogen Gas Bottle, pint size, with long acid funnel and gas delivery tube, with flexible connector, 2s.. 523 Ditto, 12 ounce, without acid funnel, 1s. OOON 522. 523. 524. 524 Ditto, quart size with 30 ounce washing bottle, with funnel, connecting tubes and caoutchouc caps, 4s. 525 Oxygen Gas Tube Retort, of Bohemian hard glass, with long and wide gas delivery tube, ls. 526 Oxygen Gas Retort, of hard Bohemian glass, about 20 ounces, fitted with gas delivery tube, 2s. 6d. gas in quantities of 5 or 6 cubic feet, for the magic lantern, &c., by heating chlorate of potash with manganese, with 3 feet of caoutchouc tube, 9s. BOTTLES TOR PREPARING GASLS. 528 Oxygen Retort, cast iron, for preparing oxygen gas by igniting peroxide of manganese, 67 by 4 inches, containing l) pints, with long metal delivery tube, 6s. 529 Ditto, 11) by 5 inches, containing 5 pints, 8s. 530 Bottle for preparing gases that require heat, such as chlorine, 16 ounce size, with long gas delivery tube, ls. 531 Mohr's Bottle for the preparing of chlorine gas by an improved process, “ Chemical Recreations,” fig. 505, page 663, a 40 ounce flask, with safety funnel and gas delivery tube, 3s. COM A TA . . 22 Wit SE YA oths a MIX 20W 1. En AUWUNRI YRKV 11th FR ! 530. 531. 537. 532 Wide Hard Glass Test Tube, tin crook, and wooden support for defla- grating carbon, sulphur, or phosphorus in the oxygen gas given off by fused nitre, 2s. (" Chemical Recreations,” page 183.) 533 Glass Tube Apparatus for the Preparation and Purification of Coal Gas, as a class experimentais Chemical Recreations," fig. 408, page 557.- with twenty ounce jar, 6s. S 21 SER 1 . . 538. 539. 540. 535 Vogel's Gas Bottle, with combination of acid funnel and gas delivery tube, thirty ounce flask, 25. Od. 48 SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN APPARATUS. 536 Vogel's Modification of Woulff's Apparatus, consisting of two thirty ounce one necked flasks, serving as a gas bottle, and a solution flask, con. nected with tubes so constructed as to make each bottle with one neck serve the usual office of a bottle with two necks, 5s. . 0 2 VAS G 22 02 UL APPARATUS FOR THE PREPARATION OF SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN GAS. a. With one bottle, without a washing bottle. 537 Small-sized four ounce Bottle, with wide bent tube, and narrow delivery tube, ls. 538 Ten ounce Bottle, with acid funnel, and bent delivery tube, ls. 9d. 539 Bottle with glass foot in one piece, ten ounce size, with bent tube, ls. 9d. 540 Ditto, twenty ounce size, with acid funnel and bent tube, 2s. 6d. 6. With Washing Bottle extra fitted with caoutchouc caps, and mounted together on a Wooden Block. 541 Woulff's Gas Bottle, twenty ounce size, with ten ounce washing bottle, 75. 6d. 542 Ditto, forty ounce size, with sixteen ounce washing bottle, 10s. 6d. 543 Kipp's Apparatus, for affording a constant sup- ply of sulphuretted hydrogen gas, large size, height 22 inches, with glass stopcock and safety funnel, 16s. 544 Ditto smaller size, 10s. 6d. SAFETY TUBES AND ACID FUNNELS. A .4. A Aliciu ...... ATV * Visit * . NA ... . 1 9. . ST USB ESU mu ASA SEX DS S . Un inch, 2d.; 6 to 8 inch, 2.d.; 9 to 13 inch, 543. 3d.; 15 to 18 inch, 4d.; 26 inch, 6d. 546 Safety Tube, with bend without bulb, small, 5d.; large, 8d. 547 Ditto, with one bulb, small, 6d.; large, 10d. 548 Ditto, with two bulbs, small, 9d.; large, ls. 549 Short Safety Tube, with two bulbs, 6d.; with three bulbs, 1s. 550 Welter's Safety Tube, for connecting Woulff's Bottles, Is. 3d. -551 CALORIDE OF CALCIUM TUBES FOR DRYING GASES, U-shape, with parallel branches- Each Branch, 6 inches by inch, 1s. Ditto, 8 do. I do. ls. 3d. 9 do. do. ls. 12 do. I do. 2s. 552 Chloride of Calcium Tubes, with bulb, wide branch, and narrow branch. 6 inches by finch, straight, with one bulb, 2d. 8 do. do. do. 3d, 12 do. do. do. 80. do. I do. do. ls. I do. bent, 8d. do. with two bulbs, straight, 8d. 12 do. } do. do. bent, Sd. do. straight, ls. do. do. do. GAS RECEIVERS, JARS, BAGS, CONDENSERS. 653 VULCANIZED CAOUTCHOUC Caps, for fitting glass tubes to gas bottles, &c. inch diameter: with 1 neck, 2d.; with 2 necks, 2 d. I do, do. 2 d.; do 3d. 14 do. do. 3d.; do. 4d.; with 3 necks, 4.d. 1. do. do. 4d.; do. 4 d.; do. 5d. 2 do. do 6 d.; do 7d.; do. 27 do. do. 7d.; do. 8d.; do. GAS RECEIVERS, JARS, BAGS, CONDENSERS, ETC. 554 Wide-mouthed bottle, six pints, with glass stopper, 3s. 6d. 555 Ditto, with glass stopper, pint size, for collecting chlorine gas, ls. 556 Ditto, quart size, 1s. 6d. 7d. 8d. SU VA RES 553. 553 .. . AIS SU SS - J FB : FAS 072 likti WI 1 SK 2 - - - 553. 553 a. 553 b. 553 C. 557 Glass Cylinder, open at both ends, 10 inches long, 2 inches diameter, 4d. 558 Gas Cylinder, 12 inches by 2 inches, graduated into 30 cubic inches, 2s. 6d. DEFLAGRATING JARS, or Gas Receivers, open at bottom, with wide mouth, closed by a ground glass stopper. Figure 559. 559 5 inches high, 3 inches diameter, Is. 560 7 do. 4 do. 2s. 561 9 do 5 do. 562 11 do 6 do 4s. 563 Large Glass Globe, 8 to 9 inches in diameter, for burning phosphorus in oxygen gas, 3s. 564 Ditto larger, the globe about 12 inches in diameter, 4s. 6d. .565 Metal Cup, on iron foot, to contain the phosphorus to be burnt in the oxygen globe, ls. 6d. 3s. . . . c1 T . try S HT ET WIN KA Errente OS . NON A TVIA EUW://inciiw 559. 564. 565. . 567. 568. _Ꭰ . 50 GAS RECEIVERS, JARS, BAGS, CONDENSERS. 566 Flat Earthenware Pan, 12 inches in diameter, for use in the same expe- riment, fig. 504 d, 1s. 6d. 567 Cylindrical Gas Tubes, or Eprouvettes, for collecting hydrogen and other gases, stout glass. 4 inch by 1 inch, 3d. 9 inch by 18 inch, 9d.. 5 do. 13 do. 4d. 12 do 2 do. ls. 6 do. ll do. 6d. 11 do 3 do. ls. 30. ry do. 11 do. 6d. 568 Cylindrical Jars for collecting Gas, with flat bottoms, thin, glass; set of six, 3s. 21 inch by 17 inch. 5 inch by 21 inch. 3 do. lido. ñ do. 3 do. 4 do 2 do. 8 do. 41 do. 569 Ditto, Set of Four Jars, 21 to 5 inch, Is. 6d. 570 Glass CYLINDERS WITH BRASS CAPS, for collecting gases, to be conveyed into glass globes, balloons, &c.; welted mouths, ground. Fig. 570 a. 7 inches high, 4 inches wide, 3s. 1 9 inches high, 4 inches wide, 3s. 6d. 8 do 5 do 4s. 11 do 5 do. As. 9 do. 6 do 4s. 60. / 13. do 6 do. 5s. 9. do. do. 5s.6d. Glass Globes, with brass caps, suitable for use with the capped cylinders, No. 570, two varieties:- 571 Globe of Light Glass, for taking the specific gravity of gases, 41 inch diameter, about 50 cubic inches' capacity, with small stopcock, extra screw to adapt it to the air-pump, and a hook for the balance; the capacity marked on the globe, 7s. 6d. 572 Globe of Stout Glass, 5 inches diameter, with brass cap, not graduated, 3s. GAS TRAYS, for holding Jars in Water, when filled with Gases. 573 Stoneware Trays, brown, salt glazed; 2, 21, and 3 inch, each 20.; 4, 4 and 5 inch, each 3d. ; 6 to ✓ inch, each 4d. 574 Trays of Wedgwood's ware, white, glazed, 3, 37, and 4 inch, 4d. each. 575 Trays of Berlin Semi-Porcelain, white glazed ; 6 inch, 9d.; 670. Cor Sinch, ls. 2d.; 9 inch, Is. 6d. 576 Gay Lussac's Bent Tube Receiver, for applying heat to substances in gases, over mercury, hard glass tube; 12 by inch, 10d. 573. 577 Bent Glass Tube Gas Receivers and Condensers, nearly U-shaped, not quite parallel. Each branch, 6 inches by 2 inch, 9d. a Ditto, 9 do. do. ls. Od. Ditto, 10 do. I do. Is. 3d. 578 Tube Receiver, V-shaped, each branch 6 inches by 4 inch, 9d. 579 VULCANISED CAOUTCHOUC TUBES, for conveying gases, joining glass tubes, &c., price accord- 578. ing to width, per foot. 577. inch, 3d. i inch, 8d. inch, ls. 2d. & do. 6d. do. Is. do. ls. 4d. dibobeatz J L AWS BUS PNEUMATIC * 51. TTTT . TROUGHS580 Gas Bag, of Macintosh's waterproof cloth, with brass ferrule and female screw to fit the stopcock, No. 110, 75. Od., or with stopcock and blowpipe jet, as shown in fig. 580, 12s. SU IIIIIIIIII VISITO Alle S YO 0: 1771/ . -. V -.- . N- ca RE 2 .. . CS . . . INI HAPA ? . 580. 581 Ditto, larger, with gusset, measuring 18 inches long, 13 inches wide, and 44 inches deep, with brass ferrule and female screw, 10s. 582 Gas Bags, of solid vulcanised rubber, diameter 14 inches, with a brass ferrule, 10s. 6d. 583 Bladders, bullocks', prepared for use, 6d. 58+ Bladders, bullocks', prepared for use, and mounted with brass collar, 2s. 585 Bladders, bullocks', large size, prepared for use, with wooden mouthpiece, for nitrous oxide gas, 2s. PNEUMATIC TROUGHS. Griffin's STONEWARE PNEUMATIC TROUGH, consisting of a cylindrical pan with a moveable beehive shelf: (see fig. 601,) two sizes :- 586 A. Diameter of Trough, 11 inches, depth 5 inches, 2s. B. Beehive shelf, 4 inches diameter, 8d. 587 A. Diameter of Trough, 15 inches, depth 8 inches, šs. 6d. B. Beehive shelf, 7 inches dianieter, Is. 4d. 588 Pneumatic Trough, japanned tin plate, with moveable shelf, four sizes :- 10 by 6 inches, 3s. 19 by 12 inches, 8s. 14 by 91 inches, 6s. / 211 by 154 inches, 10s. 6d. . . NL . - NA hy, INS LR RS TS ris . . A IM TV ! 1. . y LTE H ALL" SAID 13 UU .IMI ILI. * . . . . MTB Ilc . 2 2 - - ch 1. -- - PT. - IP 2 - - E - . - ---- V -- -- - SEKS - - - . 2 REVITAE,LYER .- 2 :* lll * - *4 a - 21 - S . - w .. - . - KURUMSTVA . - T'IUM " . -- - - . " -- - T ! . + = + LA ALE 1 - 2 - . . . - T HICA WY . S SR 1 . 588. 602. D 2 52 PNEUMATIC TROUGHS. 589 Tate's Pneumatic Trough and Hydraulic Blowpipe, for use in glass. moveable shelf and a cover, japanned tin plate. In Fig. 589 it is represented as seen in use as a pneumatic trough ; in fig. 122 as a. hydraulic blowpipe, (see fig. 589, page 51,) 16s. STO SV V7 WY 11 11111 A NE . SEBEN TEESSA . E ha SA OL SS VILLAS 590. Griffin's Pneumatic Trough, for Experiments with Tubes, to work with 5lbs. of mercury. In fig. 590, d is the trough, e the clamp, No. 59, and f the gas jet, No. 191. 590 Salt glazed Stoneware, Is. 3d. 591 Berlin Porcelain, 1s. 9d. 592 Thuringian Porcelain, ls. 9d. Pneumatic Trough, for Experiments with Tubes to work with 10lbs. of mercury, Berlin pattern :- 593 Stoneware, 2s. 6d. 594 Thuringian Porcelain, 4s. 595 Berlin Porcelain, 6s. 6d. 596 Pneumatic Trough of solid Bohemian glass, in one piece, rectangular, 14 inches long, ✓ inches wide, 6 inches deep, with a brass sliding shelf, and a 4 inch porce- lain beehive shelf, 30s. 593. . . > - - -- - w 2 . ww 17 .. . . UWUN Il TA SIMI rrr VIUM NITROT BIKINI MITETULTATION CUUUU ! VA net litum SA 11 III TUULIIT NR: III SA ESHTE SI si IN 11 0- 11111 II. 11 IT II 1 a VANU V III111 23 JULUK LENIN I 523. 596. GAS HOLDERS. 597 Vertical Pneumatic Troughs, for use in tube operations on gases, consisting of glass jars D020 O Uslo 13 do 12 8 inches high, 2 inches wide, mouth 3 inches, 1s. 3d. 12 do 2 do. 3 do. ls. 6d. 15. do 2 do. 31 do. ls. 9d. 18 do 2 do. 3 do. 2s. 12 do. 2 do. 3 do. 2s. 9 do 1 do. 2 do. ls. 6d. do. 11 do. 2 do. 1s. 3d. 598 Ettling's Gas Pipette, for taking gases from jars in such troughs, small size, ls. 6d.; large size, 2s. Bunsen's Mercurial Trough, of mahogany, with plate- glass sides. Regnault's Trough, of cast iron. 597. And other varieties, 599 Beehive Shelf, with which any pan, tub, or trough can be used as a pneu- matic trough, salt-glazed stoneware. Figs. 599, 596, 586. 2 inches diameter, 4d. 6 inches diameter, ls. do. Sd. do. is. 4d. In 599. GAS HOLDERS. 600 GRIFFIN's School Gas HOLDER, japanned zinc, cylindrical, 18 inches bigh; 101 inches diameter; contents 1500 cubic inches, with stopcock, large funnel on an 18 inch tube, 3 feet of vulcanized rubber tube, for delivering the gas, wide gauge pipe. The gas holder graduated into spaces of 50 cubic inches, (see fig. 600, page 54,) 28s. 600 a Stopcock, with large bore, to use with the above gas holder, for hydraulic experiments. There is an opening near the bottom of the • gas holder, provided with a screw fitted to this stopcock, 3s. 6d. See “ Chemical Recreations,” page 175, and fig. 600, e, i, and k. 601 Griffin's Stoneware Gas Holder; contents 11 gallon, with japanned funnel, brass stopcock, gas pipes, and connectors, 1 (s. IA 11.7 i r . . T rin ! I TUTTI III 11 1}}} }}} NIUI }}}}}}{l} TIL TI INI TIME MULTI III II UNUI Wall 601. 586. 54 CLASS EXPERIMENTS WITH GASES. .tw : LUMU A STEIN minst OKTOR - - ie - . - TikiUSB . ht I ST IN ES . - - - - 602 Pepys's Gas Holder. This differs from No. 600, by having a deep trough fitted above it and in communication with it; contents of the gas holder, about 2000 cubic inches, with gauge pipe graduated, a three-foot pressure funnel, and 3 stopcocks, (see fig. 602, page 51,) 458. 603 Glass Gas Holder; Bohemian glass, contents about 3.5 gallons, size 10 inches high, 12 inches diameter, with brass cap and fittings, japanned tin funnel and long pressure pipe brass storcock, and 3 foot caoutchouc gas delivery tube, 50s. 004 Gasometer for Chlorine, Bohemian glass, 13 inches high, 9 inches wide; about 800 cubic inches, with glass funnel and plug, stop- pered neck at fuot, for collecting the gas, and glass stopcock for out- let, 36s. 605 Williams's Gas Holder and Retort for preparing oxygen 605. gas, combined; 60 ounce bottle, 3s. 6d. “ Chemical Recreations,” fig. 128, page 170. APPARATUS FOR CLASS EXPERIMENTS WITH GASES. 606 Apparatus for explaining ventilation, 4s. 6d. See “Chemical Recreations,” page 553. 607 Pair of Wire Candle Holders, with wax candles, for trying the combustibility of gases, 6d. 608 Small Candle Holder, to place within a glass cylinder, in experiments on combustion, 2d. 609 Cup with metal stand, for holding phosphorus to burn in common air, under an inverted bottle or gas receiver, 4d. 010 Fine wire gauze of 50. meshes to the inch, a piece 8 inches square, to explain the prin- ciple of the safety lamp, ]s. 611 Hydrogen Gas Bottle, with a long tube of liard glass, fitted by a cork, to shew the philoso- phical candle, ls. 612 Long Glass tube, open at both ends, for producing musical sounds when held over the hydrogen 600. gas flame, 8d. 613 Deflagrating Spoon, for use in burning sulphur and phosphorus in oxygen gas, when the deflagrating jars, No. 559, are used, with brass flauge for régulating the length of the spoon), 1s. 011 Ditto, superior, with stuffing box and ground brass plates, 2s. Oil. - . - EESE . * . SY - 12 BA HUNT SUMUNUZAMW William ! IR INTEREST .. . . - . ... ... - . . . . .. .. - . - . . . :: . . - KARIN are ANALYSIS OF GASES. 55 e 615 Deflagrating Spoon, of iron wire, with tin plate flange, 4d. 016 Hank of Iron Wire, to form spirals for burning in oxygen gas, od. 017 Balloons, which ascend when filled with hydrogen gas or dry coal gas :- 9. inches diameter, Is. 3d. 1 15 inches diameter, 3s. 103 do. ls. 9d. 18 do 4s. 6d. 12 do. 2s. 6d. Balloons must never be wetted at the neck. They should be pre- served with camphor in a close vessel, otherwise insects eat holes in them. 018 Blowpipe Jet, for directing oxygen gas from a bag upon burning metals, &c., (fig. 580,) ls. 6d. 619 Brass Tobacco Pipe, for use with the gas bag, No. 580, to blow bubbles with hydrogen gas, 2s. 620 Reduction Tubes, of hard Bohemian glass, in which oxide of copper and other oxides are reducible to the metallic state by heat and dry hydrogen gas- With one bulb, straight, 6d. With one bulb, bent, 7d. e two do. . 8d. 1 , two do. Id. 621 Hemmings's Blowpipe Jet, for burning mixed oxyhydrogen gas, 8s. 6d. 273 Oxyhydrogen Blowpipe, (see page 28,) 35s. 614. M PILS 5 ct WITH ST SU Sir LY OLDO 621. 1 IR + - + - + - 7 . 1 . . - + NI . 273. 622. 622 Tate's Apparatus for burning oxyhydrogen gas, consisting of a water cistern, with a gas pipe leading from the gas holder that contains the mixed gases, with a jet plugged with discs of wire gauze of 100 to the inch, and a cork safety valve, to render any possible explosion harm- less, Ss. 6d. 623 Apparatus to show the presence of carbonic acid gas in air expired from the lungs, pint size, fitted, 25. Od. See “ Chemical Recreations,” page 272, 624 Dobereiner's Hydrogen Gas Lamp, for producing a light by the inflamma- tion of hydrogen gas, by spongy platinum, 7s. 6d. APPARATUS FOR ANALYTICAL OPERATIONS WITH GASES. 625 Apparatus for mixing gases, consisting of a tall cylindrical receiver and glass globe, connected by brass fittings, fig. 570:- 626 Receiver, about 13 inches by 6 inches, with brass cap, 5s. La 627 Globe, about 5 inches diameter, with brass cap, 3s. 628 Two Stopcocks, 6s., and 1 connector, 1s.-75... 56 ASPIRATORS. ORGANIC ANALYSIS. 629 When the receiver is graduated into cubic inches the extra cost is 3s. See No. 570; for a variety of Capped Cylinders. 630 Ure's Eudiometer, for the analysis of atmospheric air, and for explaining the composition of water, graduated into cubic inches, 6s. 631 Volta's Eudiometer, glass tube, 18 inches long, 5 inch wide, graduated into cubic inches, and showing 1-100th inch, with platinum wires, 4s. 6d. 632 Bunsen's Eudiometer, glass tube, 25 inches long, inch wide, graduated into 600 millimeters, 7s. 6d. 633 Bunsen's Apparatus for decomposing water by galvanism, and preparing pure oxyhydrogen gas for analytical processes, consisting of glass tube with platinum plates, and a bent gas delivery tube; mounted on a wooden stand, 9s. 633 A Graduated Gas Tubes in great variety. ASPIRATORS_WATER BOTTLES. Aspirators, or Water Bottles, for use when a gas is to be drawn through a liquid, or when a current of cold water is required for the condensation of steam, the cooling of gases, &c. 634 One Gallon Stoneware Bottle, with a brass stopcock, 3s. Bd. 635 Bohemian Glass Bottle, 34 gallons, with glass stopcock, 16s. 636 Salt glaze Stoneware Barrel, 4 gallon size, with brass stopcock, 10s. 6d. 637 Salt glaze Stoneware Bottle, two gallons size, with brass cock, 5s, 6d. 638 German Glass Bottle, 10 quart size, with glass stopcock, 10s. 6d. 639 Ditto, one gallon size, with glass stopcock, 7s. 6d. - - . LI S Unit NI Art - - - S2 2 UNA ISEST . NS21 - . V Quase TS . . S SASVIK . . li POSTAGE TI'Trupinga F V . . VU . E11 11 UN Ott SO IS 3 SEN . A1 630. 637 640. APPARATUS FOR ORGANIC ANALYSIS.' 640 Apparatus for Drying Organic Substances previous to Analysis, consist- ing of. one aspirator, two chloride of calcium tubes, and a bent tube, containing the organic body immersed in an iron water-bath, placed on a trivet over a furnace, the whole connected by glass and caout- chouc tubes, with two mahogany-crook supports, 21s. “ Chemical Re- tions," Fig. 370, page 375. 641 Bent Tube for containing Organic Bodies to be dried by a current of air at a boiling heat, 8d. 642 Varren trapp's Apparatus (glass bulbs), for collecting the ammonia pro- duced in the analysis of nitrogenous substances, 8d. CHEMICALS. 57 TESTS. BOTTLES. 643 Potash Pipette, used in separating carbonic acid gas from nitrogen, 6d. 644 Liebig's Combustion Furnace, improved by Stenhouse, 4s. 645 Combustion Tube, prepared for use, 6d. For Combustion Tubes, in lengths, see No. 128. 646 Chloride of Calcium Tube, for collecting the water produced by a com- bustion ; smallest size, 2d. ; larger, 3d. 647 Liebig's Potash Bulbs, for collecting the carbonic acid produced by a com- bustion, ls. 6d. 648 Mohr's Potash Bulbs, for the same use, 3s. 6d. 649 Hofmann's Gas Combustion Furnace, newest pattern, £6 10s. Every other article of Apparatus requisite for Organic Analyses supplied, of the newest pattern and best quality. CHEMICAL PREPARATIONS, PURE TESTS, MATERIALS FOR PREPARING GASES, &c. 650 Chemical Preparations and Tests, in a state of purity, suitable for ana- lytical processes, and for demonstration of the special properties of substances; materials requisite for the preparation of gases, and for other purposes of research or demonstration. A Priced List may be procured of Mr. Griffin. BOTTLES FOR CONTAINING CHEMICALS AND TEST SOLUTIONS. 631 Bottles for Test Solutions, German glass, free from lead, narrow-mouthed, with glass stoppers, at PER DOZEN. 1 ounce, 2s. 4 ounce, 3s. 6d. 16 ounce, 7s. do. 2s. 6 do 4s. 20 do. 8s. I do. 2s. 6 d. 8 do. 43. 60. 30 do. 9s. 2 do. 3s. 12 do. 6s. 40 do. 12s. 3 do. 35. 652 Bottles for containing Chemicals, in the solid state, German glass, wide- mouthed, with glass stoppers, price per dozen. 1 ounce, 3s. 8 ounce, 7s.6d. 24 ounce, 13s. 1 do. 4s. 10 do. 8s. 30 do. 15s. 2 do 4s. 12 do. Ss. 40 do. 18s. 3 do. 43. 14 do. 60 do. 21s. 4 do. 59. 16 do. 10s. 80 do. 24s. 5 do. 6s. 20 do 12s. 120 do. 40s. 6 do. 7s. 653 Bottles, for containing chemicals in the solid state, French glass, wide- mouthed, without stoppers, intended for corking, per dozen. 1 ounce, ls. 4d. 10 ounce, 4s. 6d. 30 ounce, 8s. 2 do. ls. 6d. 16 do. 6s. 40 do. 12s. 4 do. 2s. 20 do. 6s. 6d. 80 do 18s. 6 do. 3s. 9s. OA 58 COMPLEX APPARATUS. EXANIPLES O Ditto, 654 Opaque Black Glass Bottles (Hyalith). Wide mouth, 2 ounce, flat stoppers, Is. 6d. 4 do. do. ls. 9d. Narrow mouth, 4 ounce, stoppered, 1s. 3d. Ditto, 8 do. do. s. 6d. 655 Blue Glass Bottles, narrow mouth, 4 ounce, stoppered, ls. 656 Bottles of Fine Glass, with cut octagon stoppers. Narrow mouth, 3 ounce, Is. Od. 1 Wide mouth, 6 ounce, ls. 4d. Ditto, 6 do. ]s. 3d. 1 Ditto, 10 do. ls, 6d. Ditto, 10 do. ls. 4d.: 657 Chemical Labels, extended series, in a book, gummed ready for use, 1s: 6d. 658 Ditto, smaller series, on a sheet, gummed, 6d. 650 Ditto, De la Rue's series, published at As. in a book, price 6d. 660 Vulcanised Caoutchouc Caps for Bottles. 4 inch, 2d. 11 inch, 3d, 2 inch, 64d. : I do. 27d. 1] do. 4d. 21 do. Td. TEST BOTTLES, labelled for the various Re-agents, supplied in sets, either with or without CABINETS. EXAMPLES OF COMPLEX APPARATUS, FITTED FOR SPECIAL OPERATIONS. 661 Apparatus to collect the water produced, when dry hydrogen gas is burnt in atmospheric air, (“ Chemical Recreations,” page 213,) a combina- tion of five tubes, fitted, 3s. 661. 662 Apparatus to collect the Carbonic Acid Gas that is produced by the flame of a spirit-lamp or candle (“ Chemical Recreations,” page 346), con- sisting of a glass funnel and two bent tubes, 2s. 6d. This apparatus requires the aid of an aspirator. See Nos. 634-639. 663 Marsh's Apparatus for the Detection of Arsenic; glass tube with two bulbs, fitted on a mahogany stand, with brass stopcock and jet, 6s. 664 Regnault's Apparatus for the Preparation of Hydrochloric Acid (“Chemi- cal Recreations,” page 673), Figure 516, consisting of a French fire- clay furnace, 61 inches diameter, with one door, a flask (ballon), 40 ounce capacity, two Woulff's bottles with 3 necks, of 50 ounce capacity, one Woulff's bottle with 3 necks, of 20 ounce capacity, 10 glass bent tubes, with corks, and caoutchouc connectors, 18s. EXAMPLES OF COMPLEX APPARATUS. V 2 IS 1 A . - TE . AGE URL 1 UST SLOWEN At VA TRA TS - Lju UU . Ali SER Tituliv : . . TI , mit KWA ru! TEN NA - EAS ant SE IS . ES S90 . SYURU WI.NAn AINA 1 . DDD HITEL. 124 St * Ar - - - - . . .... - XS 664. 665 Apparatus for exposing substances to the action of Gases at high tempera- tures, such as the production of hydrogen gas by the action of red-hot iron on steam; consisting of a French oblong fire-clay furnace, 15 inches long, a Berlin porcelain tube, 27 inches long by 14 inch diameter, a 30 ounce flask for boiling water, with 3 gas-delivery tubes and connectors (“Chemical Recreations,” Fig. 173, page 197), £2 2s. Ora s 9. nimight: R unni (XL:llidum TIN E tu SA! Vi . Ich 2 ), . . . 1 SA . . STAF H . .. NU UMIR R 665. 600 Apparatus for preparing Hydrofluoric Acid, consisting of a Still and Receiver, connected by a tube, made of lead, ground to fit close, 9s. 067 Apparatus for the Distillation of Ammonia from Bones, of Gas from Coal, and of Acetic Acid from Oak Wood—(“Chemical Recreations," pages 326, 556, and 433), -consisting of a tube retort, a bent receiver, and a gas-delivery tube (see fig. 55, page 9), 2s. See Nos. 55, 59, 586, for the other articles shown in Figure 55. .668 Apparatus for Explaining the Production of Sulphuric Acid by the action of nitric oxide gas, and sulphurous acid gas on steam-- (“Chemical Recreations,” Fig. 457, page 600),-- consisting of a glass globe, 12 inches diameter, a 30-ounce flask, fitted for sulphurous acid, and a 20-ounce Woulff's bottle, with 2 necks, fitted with acid funnel, for nitric oxide, with four connecting tubes, a clay support for the globe, and a fire-clay furnace, with one iron ring (fig. 668, page 60), 20s. EXAMPLES OF COMPLEX APPARATUS. ! VI ho Koi OC US W 00 IB MAS KI Suomi III . A . a 668. 669 Apparatus for Preparing Anhydrous Phosphoric Acid-see “Chemical Recreations,” pages 641,-consisting of a spherical flask, or receiver of about 25 pints' capacity, with 3 necks, connected with a 30-ounce bottle, and a large U-sbaped chloride of calcium tube, 25 inches long by 1 inch diameter; a stool, 8-inch top, 14-inch legs, a straw crown, a set of 6 wooden blocks, Porcelain cup, connected, by wires of plati- bottes en prime pages onhydrous nections, nearly resembling Fig. 669, 31s. 6d. IED L son DIY Allots " A lliu WIE Te RSS 110 DBERA ! . UI US Ri. 2 ULY.11 TI S . . - 51 VW ITNIEONULT 669. 70 Griffin's Apparatus for showing the Production of Water, by passing dry hydrogen gas over ignited oxide of copper, and the reduction of the oxide to the metallic state, consisting of four tubes, a desiccating tube, a reduction tube, and 2 condensing tubes, 3s. PORTABLE CHEMICAL LABORATORIES. www de 7 Liam 670. nulll 2 LU ANIMAL ST 671. of the mixed gases into a gas holder; consisting of a large glass jar, 14 inches long, 2 inches wide, with large iron electrodes [to be used with a solution of caustic potash), two binding screws, a caoutchouc cap, and gas delivery tube, 7s. CABINETS OF CHEMICAL APPARATUS. COLLECTIONS OF CHEMICAL APPARATUS, MATERIALS, AND TESTS FOR ELEMENTARY AND ANALYTICAL OPERATIONS, ARRANGED IN DIVIDED PORTABLE CABINETS. 672 No. 1 contains 24 boxes and 9 bottles, filled with chemical preparations, and nearly 40 pieces of apparatus, in a polished mahogany box, price 16s. 673 No. 2 contains 14 bottles and 32 boxes, filled with chemicals and tests, and 60 pieces of apparatus, in a polished mahogany box, £1 lls. 6d. - GRIFFIN'S CHEMICAL LABORATORY ARRANCED BY JOX2. ORIFFIN . . AU SV w E III DEIMAMU WAMTAL . maintenanganintézmnilningnum M ore SK UHUMA INO 673. 62 COLLECTIONS OF APPARATUS FOR LECTURERS. 674 No. 3 contains a large assortment of superior apparatus, of small size, with boxes and bottles, containing 60 chemical tests and useful pre- parations, in a polished mahogany box, £2 12s. Ou. . QRIFFIN'S CRGANICAL LABORATORY ۱۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰ www ميلنا العباس ي ل: 11.AP D I HAT....... .- AP ANGED BY D.12.G CIRPIN will 11.! VA il . 12 T . . ..i -- 1 . SV2 NOT WENDY 1 ** * M ' . * - . XI . SEKS Was RE SIS Thin SMALLSTUHLGERIE, Tilaa KONU BE WF HIVEE U . What B ASKAS TA bromlemi Ny aholic H 1. 2 1.13 1 1 LIS www6S www . 10 MI US * W 1 MIVI TS : . TA < . .11.11 9 M C R. - LUX YO moralis DURA UM , . Sout 2 . 674. 675 No. 4. Agricultural Test Chest, to accompany “ Mitchell's Manual of Agricultural Chemistry;" containing tests and apparatus for testing soils, minerals, &c., used for performing experiments in elementary chemistry. In à divided fine cabinet, with lock, containing 29 chemicals in bottles, and 30 pieces of apparatus, £3 3s. 676 No.5. A superior Collection of Chemical Tests and Apparatus, for per- forming the experiments described in “ Johnston's Catechism of Agricultural Chemistry;" in a strong divided wooden box, with lock, £5 5s. 677 No. 6. Cabinet of Apparatus and Tests, for the Analysis of Ores, Minerals, and Chemical and Medical Substances, as recommended in the “ Admiralty Manual for Scientific. Inquiry," for naval and military officers, engineers, &c. In strong mahogany cabinet, for travelling, £10 10s. 678 No. 7. The preceding, with a large deal box, with extra stock of chemi- cals, duplicates of fragile_articles, and some bulky apparatus for colonial use, £18 18s. 679 Apparatus and Tests for the Chemical Analysis of Urine, and Urinary Deposits, according to the method of Dr. Golding Bird, in a maho- gany cabinet, £2 12s. 6s. COLLECTIONS OF APPARATUS FOR LECTURERS. Collections of Chemical Apparatus, comprising every article requisite during - a course of Popular Lectures on Chemistry, can be provided at a few days' notice. Also, Collections of Apparatus suitable for Class Experiments, or for Elementary Analytical Processes, to be performed by Pupils. INDEX. Acid Funnels, 48. Adapters, 39. Air-baths, 24. Air-pump, 14. Alcalimeters, 42. Alcoholometers, 12. Alembics, 41. Alphabets for Diagrams, 4. Analysis of Gases, 55. Anvils, 4. Apparatus fitted for Special Experiments, 58. . Argand Spirit-lamps, 19. Arsenic Apparatus, 32. Aspirators, 56. Assaying, 25. Atomic Symbols, 6. Crook Supports, 9. Crucibles, 24. Crucible Tongs, 6. Crystal Drainers, 37. Crystallising Basins, 38. Cupelling, 25. Cupelling Furnace, 26. Cups, Porcelain, 36. Cylinders for Table Furnaces, 22. Decoction Strainers, 34. Deflagrating Jars, 49. Deflagrating Spoons, 54. Destructive Distillation, 59. Digesters, 30. Distillation, 39. Donovan's Filtering Apparatus, 35. Drying Tubes, 48. Eprouvettes, 50. Erdmann's Float, 42, 44. Eudiometer, 56. Evaporating Basins, 35. Evaporating Furnaces, 18. Balances, 11. Balloons, 55. Beaked Tumblers, 29. Beakers, 29. Beale's Quick filter, 43. Beehive Shelf, 51, 53. Black's Furnace, 17. Bladders, 50. Blast Gas-furnace, 22. Blowing Machine, 23. Blowpipe Apparatus, 27.. Blowpipe Jets, 55. Bottles for Solid Chemicals, 57. Bottles for Test Solutions, 57. Brushes for Test Tubes, 4. Bunsen's Gas-burner, 22. Bunsen's Holder, 8. Faraday's Retort, 40. Files, 4. Filter Boxes, 33. Filter Case, 33. Filters, 33. Filtering Paper, 34. Filtration, 33. Filtration at 212° F., 34. Flasks, 29. Flasks, Graduated, 13. Fractional Distillation, 39. Funnels, 33. Funnel-holders, 10. Furnaces, 16. Cabinets, 61. Caoutchouc Caps, 49, 58. Caoutchouc Tubes, 50. Capped Cylinders, 50. Caps for Gas-bottles, 49. Carbonates, Analysis of, 45. Centigrade Testing, 42. Charcoal Tongs, 6. Chauffers, 18. Chemicals, 57. Chloride of Calcium Tubes, 48. Chlorine Bottles, 47. Circles of Glass, 30. Clark's Retort, 39. Clark's Water Test, 45. Class Experiments, 54. Clips for Watch-glasses, 38.. Coal-gas Apparatus, 47. Combustion Furnaces, 57, Condensers, 41. Cork-borers, 4. Cork-squeezers, 4. Covers for Jars, 30. Gas Bags, 49, 51. Gas Blowpipes, 28, 55. Gas Bottles, 46. Gas Burners, 21. Gas Condensers, 49. Gas Furnace with Blast, 22. Gas Furnace without Blast, 21. Gas Holders, 53. Gas Jars, 49. Gas Receivers, 49. Gas Retorts, 46. Gas Tubes, 50, 56. Gases, Apparatus for Experiments on, 46. Gasometers, 54. Glass-blowing, 14. Glass Tubes, 16. Globes for Gases, 50. Globes for Oxygen, 49. Graduated Measures, 12. . 64 INDEX. Hemmings's Jet, 55. Hofmann's Gas-burner, 22. Hydrochloric Acid Apparatus, 58. Hydrofluoric Acid Still, 59. Hydrogen gas Laup, 55. Hydrometers, 12. Iron Basins, 38. Iron Retorts for Oxygen, 47. Iron Retorts for Destructive Distillation, 40. Jars, Conical, 30. Jars with Flanged Mouth, 30. Jars with Spout, 30. Jars for Gases, 49. Specific Gravity Balance, 11. Specific Gravity Bottles, 13. Spirit-lamps, 19. Spoons, Glass, 5. Spoons, Iron, 4. Stencils, 4. Stills, 18, 40. Stirrers, 31. Stopcocks, 14. Sulphuretted Hydrogen Apparatus, 48. Sulphuric Acid Apparatus, 59. Supports for Apparatus, 6. Supports for Test Tubes, 10. Syphons, 35. Syringes, 35. Kipp's Sulph.-Hydrogen Apparatus, 48. Label Books, 58. Laboratories, Portable, 61. Ladles, Iron, 4. Ladles, Porcelain, 36. Lamp Furnace, 20. Luhme's Furnace, 17. Table Furnace, 21. Table Supports, 8. Tallow Holder, 43. Tate's Air-pump, 14. Tate's Blowpipe, 55. Tate's Pneumatic Trough, 52. Tests, 57. Testing, 31. Test Glasses, 31. Test Mixers, 43. Test Papers, 32. Test Tubes, 31. Thermometers, 12. Tongs, 6. Trays, 33. Trays for Gas Jars, 50, Triangles, 7. Tripod Stands, 7. Tube Clips, 7. Tube Furnace, 18, 59. Tube Gas-receivers, 50. Tube Holders, 7. Tube Stands, 10. Tubes, Caoutchouc, 50. Tubes, Glass, 16. Tubes, Porcelain, 19. Twaddell's Hydrometers, 12. Marsh's Apparatus, 32. Measures, Graduated, 12. Mercury Troughs, 52. Mixing Bottles, 43. Mortars and Pestles, 3. Minerals, 28. Organic Analysis, 56. Oxyhydrogen Blowpipes, 28, 55. Pans, 33. Pepys's Gas Holders, 54. Percolators, 34. Phosphoric Acid Apparatus, 66. Phosphorus Cup, 49. Pipettes, 32. Pipettes, Graduated, 42. Pliers, 4. Pneumatic Apparatus, 14. Pneumatic Troughs, 51. Porcelain Basins, 35. Porcelain Tubes, 19. Pourets, 42. Precipitation, 31. Rammelsberg's Pouret, 42. Rasps, 4. Receivers, 39. Reduction Tubes, 55. Retorts, 39. Retort Stands, 6. Retort Stands, fittings for, 7. Rose Gas-burner, 21. Safety Tubes, 48. Sand-baths, 24. Sefstroem's Furnace, 18. Separatory Funnels, 34. Soap Test for Water, 45. Spatulas, 4. Universal Furnace, 18. Universal Support, 7, 8. Ventilation, 54, Vertical Clamps, 9. Vertical Troughs, 53. Vice, 4. Volumetric Analysis, 42. Vulcanised Rubber Caps, 49, 50. Vulcanised Rubber Tubes, 50. Washing Bottles, 34. Watch-glass Clips, 38. Water Baths, 14. Water Bottles, 30, 56. Water, Decomposition of, 61. Water, Formation of, 58, 60. Weighing, 11. Wooden Supports, 7. Woulffs Bottles, 30. London : Recol and Pardon, Printers, Paternoster-rou. THE PHILOSOPHY OF CHEMISTRY. Lately Published, in Crown"8vo, pp. 558, price 5s., bound in cloth, THE RADICAL THEORY IN CHEMISTRY: A Philosophical Inquiry into the Evidence upon which the existing Theories of Chemistry are grounded, and into the manner in which they respec- tively promote or hinder the advance of the Science. . BY JOHN JOSEPH GRIFFIN, F.C.S. CONTENTS :-- On the Proximate Constitution of Acids, | Theory of Azotic Radicals. Amidogen. Bases, and Salts. History of the Unitary Ammonium. Ammonia. Vice-amidogens, Theory previous to its adoption by M. and Vice-Ammoniums. Gerhardt. Investigation of the Compounds which are The Binary Theory of Salts. produced by the abstraction of Water Atomic Weights of the Elements. · Choice! from the Normal Salts of Ammonia. of a Standard. . Constitution of Water. Amids, Nitriles, Oxamates, Hydramides, Double Equivalents. The existence of Sulphates and Sulphites of Vice-Amids Sesquioxides denied. Simplification of the and Vice-Ammoniums. Formulæ of the Cyanides. The Cyanides, Sulphocyanides, and Cyanates. Table of. Examples of Compound Organic The Nitrates, Nitrites, and various Oxides Radicals, and Salts that contain them. . and Hydrates of Nitrogen. Composition, Specific Gravities, Atomic Azotic Radicals in Series. Weights and Atomic Measures. of (nearly The Series of Compounds formed by Indigo. 300) Gases and Vapours. Important Theo The Aniline Theory traced in intimate detail. retical Deductions from the Facts exhibited Inquiry into the Platinum Bases, in two in this Table. series, the Platinous and Platinic, Examination of the Properties of Organic | The Urea Theory. Radicals. Arrangement in the order of Terbasic Cyanates. their Basicity and Acidity. Reduction of The Carbonates of Ammonia. Acid Radicals to Basic Radicals, and of Carbamic Acid and the Carbamates. The Basic Radicals to Acid Radicals. Ureides. The Allophanates. The Model of Water. The Doctrine of Polyatomic Alcohols. The Construction of Chemical Formulæ. Glycol, the assumed Biatomic Alcohol. Explanation of a new Systematic Chemical | Nature of the Hydrocarbons, which contain Nomenclature, showing an exact and easy an eyen number of atoms of Hydrogen. method of putting Chemical Formulæ Glycerin, the assumed Teratomic Alcohol. into Words. Evidence to prove that there exist no such The Doctrine of Chemical Types and Sub things as Biatomic and Teratomic Alcohols. stitutions. Harmony of the Conflicting Theory of Polybasic and Conjugated Acids, Views of Berzelius and Dumas as to Bisulphates of Alcohol Radicals. Radicals and Types. Professor Kölbe's Copulated Oxalates. Inquiry into the Causes which modify the The Malic Group of Salts. Atomic Measure of Compound Gases. The Citric Group of Salts. 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THE TENTH EDITION of CHEMICAL RECREATIONS has been entirely re- written, to adapt it to the present advanced state of Chemical Science. It will be published in Three Divisions, two of which are now ready. FIRST DIVISION. 128 pages, crown 8vo, with 100 Engravings, price 2s. FIRST COURSE OF CHEMICAL EXPERIMENTS. Introductory View of Chemistry. Instructions in Chemical Manipulation. Lessons on the Qualitive Analysis of Salts. Art of Centigrade Testing. Tables of Chemical Equivalents. SECOND DIVISION. 624 pages, with 440 Engravings. Price 10s. 6d. CHEMISTRY OF THE NON-METALLIC ELEMENTS. Air, Water, the Gases, the Acids, and a Summary of Organic Chemistry ; including an extensive Course of CLASS EXPERIMENTS, with Instructions for their successful performance, illustrated by 440 Engravings of the most efficient Apparatus. THIRD DIVISION. In preparation. THE CHEMISTRY OF THE METALS. Earths, Alkalies, Salts, and Ores. SUPPLEMENT TO THE FIRST DIVISION. Now ready, price ls... 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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF BRITISH POETS. 12mo, cloth...... SELECTIONS FROM THE BRITISH POETS. Vol. 1. 12mo, cloth ... DITTO DITTO Vol. 2. 12mo, cloth ... INTRODUCTION TO THE ART OF READING. 12mo, cloth .. EPITOME OF GEOGRAPHY. 1200, cloth .... COMPENDIUM OF GEOGRAPHY. 18mo, cloth ......... ENGLISH GRAMMAR. 18mo, cloth .................. KEY TO DITTO. 18mo, wrapper .... FIRST BOOK ARITHMETIC. 18mo, cloth............. KEY TO DITTO. 18mo, cloth....... ARITHMETIC IN THEORY AND PRACTICE. 12mo, cloth.......... KEY TO DITTO. 12mo, cloth.... ELEMENTS OF BOOK KEEPING. 12mo, cloth .............................. KEY TO DITTO. 12mo, cloth ..... ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY. 12mo, cloth MENSURATION, GUAGING, LAND SURVEYING, ETC. 12mo, cloth APPENDIX TO DITTO. 12mo, cloth .......... NATURAL PHILOSOPHY AND CHEMISTRY. 3 vols. SCRIPTURE LESSONS, OLD TESTAMENT, No. 1. 12mo, cloth DITTO DITTO No. 2. 12mo, cloth SCRIPTURE LESSONS, NEW TESTAMENT, No. 1. 12mo, cloth DITTO DITTO No. 2. 12mo, cloth SACRED POETRY. 18mo, wrapper ........................ .......................ie AGRICULTURAL CLASS BOOK. 12mo, cloth........... FARM ACCOUNT BOOK. 4to, half-bound .................. TREATISE ON NEEDLEWORK. Small 4to, half-bound......................... DITTO DITTO With Specimens ..... .................... TABLET LESSONS, SPELLING AND READING, 33 Sheets................ DITTO DITTO Mounted on 17 Pasteboards ...... 5 TABLET LESSONS, ARITHMETIC, 60 Sheets ...... ....... 1 4 DITTO DITTO Mounted on 30 Pasteboards ...... 10 0 ARITHMETICAL TABLE BOOKS. 32mo, wrapper........ ............ 0 0 COPY LINES, ALL THE GRADATIONS, Six Sheets............ IVIND, DLX Dheets........................... O IL SCHOOL-ROOM MAPS, COLOURED, MOUNTED ON CANVASS AND ROLLERS. PRICE. PRICE. 8. d. 8. d. WORLD 12 6 PACIFIC OCEAN ... 9 6 EUROPE. UNITED STATES............ ASIA CANADA .. AFRICA ANCIENT WORLD ............ AMERICA PALESTINE ............... ENGLAND INDIA. SCOTLAND BRITISH ISLES (large) ..... IRELAND BRITISH ISLES (smaller) ...... 96 AUSTRALIA ...... GEOLOGICAL MAP OF THE BRITISH ISLES .... ...........12 6 The above are for Ready Money only, and Orders must be sent direct to GROOMBRIDGE & SONS, 5, PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON. Agents to the Government Board of Education for a Quarter of a Century. Onnons 9 6 6 9 ........................ THE SCHOOL BOOKS AND MAPS PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE IRISH NATIONAL BOARD OF EDUCATION, SOLD BY GROOMBRIDGE AND SONS, 5, PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON. Agents to the Government Board of Education for a Quarter of a Century. THE main object of the Commissioners in compiling and publishing a regular series of School Books 1 was to supply the National Schools in Ireland, and the public, generally, with works in harmony with an improved system of education ; cheap in price and superior in execution; moral and religious in their character, without being sectarian; and, therefore, peculiarly adapted to the purposes of united instruction, and acceptable to all classes and religious denominations. These books are constructed upon one uniform principle. In their preparation the same tone and character are preserved. They rise gradu- ally from the lowest to the higher branches of knowledge. The more advanced of the elementary Reading Books are designed, not as mere exercises in reading, but as text-books of literary and scientific information. They commence, in the First Book, with the simplest kind of knowledge, adapted to the capacities of the younger pupils. In every succeeding volume a step is made in advance, so that a complete gradation of instruction in the most useful branches of school literature and science is secured. By these means, as the educatiou of the pupils progressively advances, they acquire a taste for the acquisition of knowledge, and obtain information upon a great variety of useful topics. Lessons on the subject of religion, drawn chiefly from the narratives of the Holy Scriptures, are insterspersed through all the Reading Books, and constitute an interesting epitome of Sacred History. These lessons are commenced in the First Book, and carried on through the remaining volumes. The series of the Irish National School Books comprises nine elementary class books for reading; one on the “Art of Reading," one volume of “ Biographical Sketches of British Poets," and two "Selections froni their Works." Besides these, there are works exclusively of a religious character, viz., the “Scripture Lessons," in four volumes two selected from the Old, and two from the New Testament; and a collection of "Sacred Poetry,” each in one volume. The following works are also included in the lists :-"An English Grammar," and a “Key;" a " First Book of Arithmetic," with a “ Key ;' and a larger treatise, entitled " Arithmetic in Theory and Practice," to which a “ Key" has been compiled by the Editor of the former work; “Elements of Book-keeping,” and “Key;" a treatise on Mensuration," with an “Appendix” for the use of Teachers;" Elements of Geometry;' " Lectures on Natural Philosophy and Chemistry;" " An Epitome of Geographical Knowledge, Ancient and Modern," and a “Compendium of Geography's in a separate volume; an “Agricultural Class Book ;' a" Farm Account Book ;" and "Directions for Needlework." An inspection of the Irish National Scbool Books will show, that, whilst they are replete with instruction in every branch of literature and science with which it is necessary that the children of all classes should be familiar, the elementary works for reading are penetrated in almost every page, with the spirit of religion and morality. They may be read with safety by the members of every religious persuasion, and with equal advantage by the rich and the poor-by adults as well as by children. A competent judge has summed up their merits in the following passage :- "Every page of them is replete with the best and fittest instructions for those for whose use they are designed, They teach children 'their duty to their parents, to their masters, to each other, and to their fellovy-creatures generally. They teach them that they must control their angry passions, be kind to the defenceless, attentive to the aged, respectful to females, obliging to one another, and merciful to animals. They teach them that it is the will of God, that they should be temperate in eating and drinking, should avoid indecent language, and be modest in all their deport- ment. They teach them to be industrious, in order to maintain theinselves and aid their parents; to be frugal, in order that they may have to give to those who want, and that they may not come to want themselves. They show them that, if God has ordained they should labour, labour will make them vigorous both in mind and body; that if He sends them sickness, it is intended to make them patient and pious ; if He allows them to wrestle with difficulties, it is to in all emergencies they should depend for their happiness, first on God, and, subordinately to Him, on their own industry, intelligence, good character, resolution, and fortitude." The following references were made to the books published by the Commissioners of National Education, in the debate in the House of Lords, 7th March, 1853, on the Earl of Clancarty's motion for Returns respecting the National Schools :- The Earl of Eglinton must say that the books which were used in the National Schools, and upon which the noble Earl (the Earl of Clancarty) bad animadverted, were the very best that could be put into the hands of the children who received instruction in any schools. The Earl of Clancarty explained that he had not said any thing against the books sanctioned by the Board ; on the contrary, he thought they reflected great credit on the Board. The Bishop of Limerick. With respect to the books wbich were used in the National Schools, he believed that hey were adinitted upon all hands to be incomparable. They were works which enjoyed a European reputation. They had found their way to every quarter of the globe, and had stamped upou them indelibly their churncter for excellence. The Earl of Derby said, that the school-books introduced by the Board of National Educntion were most valuable, that they were admirable in point of selectio , that they contained & vart amount of useful information, and that they vere models of elementary book3. TO PATRONS AND PROMOTERS OF EDUCATION. THE IRISH SCHOOL BOOKS AT THE REDUCED PRICES. 5, PATERNOSTER Row, London. In conformity with the Regulations of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, the advantages hitherto almost exclusively enjoyed by the National Schools of Ireland are extended tosimilar institutions throughout the United kingdom and the Colonies. THE SCHOOL BOOKS AND MAPS published by Authority of the Commissioners of National Education may now be procured, on direct application to our firm, at prices, in many instances, below those usually denominated THE POOR SCHOOL PRICES. As Agents for the Commissioners, we have conducted the sales of the Irish School Books for more than twenty years, and during that period we have been favoured with the patronage of the most influential promoters of Education. Under the reduced scale of prices now presented, we confidently anticipate a much increased demand for these publications of such acknowledged excellence. It is our intention to maintain, as heretofore, a large and constant supply of each work; and we have reason to believe that all consumers will find their advantage in direct corre- spondence with ourselves. The terms are-FOR CASH only. GROOMBRIDGE & SONS. - *** Post Office Orders are requested to be made payable at the Chief Office, St. Martin-le Grand, in the names of GROOMBRIDGE & Sons, 5, Paternoster Row, London. Copy of a Letter addressed by the Commissioners of National Education, to Messrs. GROOMBRIDGE & SONS, under the change of management referred to. "EDUCATION OFFICE, DUBLIN. " GENTLEMEN, 18th December, 1852. “We have laid before the Commissioners of National Education your letter of the 8th inst., with reference to the changes about to be made respecting the publication and supply of the Irish National School Books, and in which you request that the Commissioners should favour you with their opinion of the manner in which you have conducted their business, as Agents in London, for the sale of their publications. "The Commissioners direct us to state, that they have much satisfaction in complying with your request. “Nearly twenty years bave elapsed since you were appointed to act in that capacity; during that long period, your transactions with the National Board have been extensive, and have in. volved pecuniary liabilities to a very large amount. "The Commissioners have uniformly found that you have been exact in your correspondence and punctual in your payments. They have reason also to believe that, by your unremitting exertions, and your large connection with schools, the circulation of their books in England has been considerably extended, and they trust that, under the new arrangements adopted by the Lords of Her Majesty's Treasury, you may be enabled to keep a large stock of their publications, and to sell them at very low prices to the patrons of schools, and to the public at large. “We are to add, that during the long period of your connection with the Board, nothing has occurred to shake the confidence of the Commissioners in your strict integrity, and in the accurate and business-like manner in which all your transactions with them have been con- ducted. “You are at liberty to make any use of this letter that you may consider likely to promote your interests, "We have the honour to be, Gentlemen, “Your obedient servants, 46 MAURICE CI SECRETARIES JAMES KELLY, " The Messrs. GROOMERIDGE & Sons, “Booksellers and Publishers, “5, Paternoster Row, London" MESSRS. GROOMBRIDGE & SONS, BOOKSELLERS AND PUBLISHERS, Paternoster Row, London. L. HACHETTE & Co., FRENCH PUBLISHERS AND FOREIGN IMPORTERS M PARIS: RUE PIERRE-SARRAZIN, No. 14.' LONDON: 18, KING WILLIAM STREET, STRAND. W.C. T op L. HACHETTE & CO.'S CLASSICS. THE JUXTALINEAR EDITIO THE ONE LITERAL AND THE VITH TWO TRANSLATI OTHER CORRECT. 70 Enylish striilents thesc Editions present ihe clouble aitvantage of combining modern and clegant French translations with the purest and most (Iccwrute classical tcxt. GREEK AUTHORS. s. d silready Published. $. . Esope-Fables choisies ... OS Aristophane-Plutus. ....... 2. 3 Euripide--Electre ................ 3 O Babrius-Fables .................. 4 0 ! - Hécube .................... 2 0 Basile (Saint) - Contre les usuriers .. OO - Hippolyte ....... 3 C - De la lecture des auteurs pro- - Iphigénie en Aulide .......... 3 3 fanes ..... ........ 13 Grégoire de Nazianze (Saint) -Eloge con Observe-toi toi-méme ........ 0 0 funèbre de Césaire ........ 1 3 Chrysostome (Saint Jean)-Homélie 1 - Homélie sur les Machabées .. 09 en faveur d'Eutrope ........ 08 Grégoire de Nysse (Saint) — Contre - Homélie sur le retour de Flavien 10 les usuriers................ 0 OT Demosthene-Discours contre la loi de l - Eloge funèbre de saint Mélèce. O o Leptine .................. 3 0 Komere --Iliade, 6 volumes compre- 1 Discours pour Ctésiphon ou sur nant chacun quatre chants .. 20 0 la Couronne ...... ........ 3 6 Each vol. separately...... 3 6 Harangue sur les prévarications com Odyssée, 6 volumes comprenant de l'ambassade ............ 6 0 chacun quatre chants ...... 24 0 Olynthiennes (les trois) ...... Each vol. separately...... Each separately ......... 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New Edition, revised and cor- rected by C. J. DELILLE, Professor at Christ's Hospital. 12mo. cloth. Price 2s. BINGLEY’S USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. Enlarged by Cooper, Seventh Edition. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. 12s. CARLILE'S (REV. J., D.D.) MANUAL OF THE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HUMAN MIND. New Edition. Enlarged. Crown Svo. cloth, 4s. CHEMISTRY NO MYSTERY; being the Subject Matter of a Course of Lectures by Dr. SCOFFERN, Illustrated with Diagrams and Woodcuts. Second Edition, revised and corrected, with Index, price 23. Gd. cloth, lettered. "A very agreeable account of some of the leading facts and principles of Chemistry, not only made plain to the meanest capacity, but attractive, we should imagine, to the most idle youth, and amusing to all.”-Spectator. “This work contains quite as much information as is requisite for any person who does not intend to make Chemistry a professional or hobby-horsical pursuit. The various in- formation is conveyed in a clear and distinct manner, so that the dullest child can hardly fail to understand what it means. We recommend every father to purchase this work for his children, unless they happen to be particularly stupid. It does much credit to Mr. Scoflern, the author; it is very well printed, and neatly bound.''-Polytechnic Journal. CHRISTIE'S CONSTRUCTIVE ETYMOLOGI- CAL SPELLING-BOOK. Exhibiting the Etymology and Meanings of 8,000 Words, with Lessons on Etymology, and Notes. Seventh Edition. 12mo, cloth, is. 6d. CLASSICAL SELECTIONS FROM BRITISH PROSE WRITERS. 12mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. ARTHUR HALL, VIRTUE & CO. - * 1 EDUCATIONAL WORKS. CUMMING (REV. J. J., D.D.), “IS CHRISTIANITY FROM GOD?" A Manual of Christian Evidences for Scripture Readers, Sunday School Teachers, City Missionaries, and Young Per- sons. Tenth Edition, fcap. Svo. cloth, price 3s. "We nover rend a work of this description which gave us so much satisfaction It is a work of the utmost value."--Ecclesiastical Times. " It is drawn up with much care, clearness, and earnestness."-Aberdeen Journal. " The topics contained in this volume are treated with intelligence, clearnese, and eloquence." - Dr. T'aughan's Review. DECOY (THE); or, an Agreeable Method of Teaching Chil- dren the Elementary Parts of English Grammar Price 6d, sewed. DESLYON'S FRENCH DIALOGUES, PRACTICAL AND FAMILIAR, constructed so as to enable all Persons at once to practise con versing in the French Language; with FAMILIAR LETTERS IN FRENCH AND ENGLISH, adapted to the capacities of Youth. New Edition, price 2s. 6d. - FRENCH TUTOR; or, Practical Exposition of the best French Grammarians, with Familiar Exercises and Questions on every Rule, to serve for Examination and Repctition. Third Edition, price 4s, EARTH (THE) AND ITS INHABITANTS. By MARGARET E. DAnton. 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Containing, among other matter, a full Illustration of the Theory of Proportion and the German Chain Rule. 12mo. bound and lettered. Price 2s. - THE TEACHER'S MANUAL OF MENTAL ARITHMETIC, displaying a Simple Method of successfully Communicating Instruction in that most usefûl Science. Together with a KEY TO THE CALCULATIONS. 12mo. cloth lettered. Price 2s. "An extremely valuable little work. The rules which it gives for solving all questions in Arithmetic are so simple, and the mode of operation so brief and plain, that to every one anxious to acquire a ready method of performing calculations, it must be a most de- sirable liand-book."-Atlas. GILES'S ENGLISH PARSING; comprising the Rules of Syntax exemplified by appropriate Lessons under each Rule. Improved Edition. 12mo. cloth. Price 2s. ARTHUR HALL, VIRTUE & CO. ...-.com ---- c o EDUCATIONAL WORKS. GLOLOGICAL FACTS, OR THE CRUST OF THE EARTH ; what it is, and what are its uses. By W. G. BARRETT. 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Containing the Elements of the SPANISH Language and the Rules of Etymology and Syntax Exemplified; with NOTES and APPENDIX, consisting of Dialogues, Select Poetry, Commercial Correspondence, &c. Edition, Revised. 12mo. bound, 6s. EXERCISES ON THE ETYMOLOGY, SYNTAX, AND IDIOMS, &c. of the SPANISH LANGUAGE. Fifth Edition, price 38. bound. KEY TO THE EXERCISES. Price 4:5. bound. Neir SYNONYMES OF THE SPANISH LANGUAGE Author of "Aids to Development,” &c. &c. With Twenty-four Engravings on Wood. New Edition. Square, cloth, 2s. 25, PATERNOSTER ROW. EDUCATIONAL WORKS. PHILOSOPHICAL CONVERSATIONS, in which are familiarly explained the Causes of many daily occurring Natural Phenomena. "By FREDERICK C. BAKEWELL. Third Edition, with Cuts. Fcap. cloth lettered. Price 2s. Od. "We can most confidontly reconamond the Philosophical Conversations to heads of families, as a work nt onco highly amusing and instructive."- Birmingham Journal. "Wo have seldom, if ever, met with so much instruction on curious and philosophical subjects convoyed in a forni so clear, so entertaining, and so perfectly free from tho pedantry or affectation of learned technicalities. We shall be surprised if this work docs not speedily become the favourite rudimental manual of Natural Philosophy in public seminaries and in privato tuition."-Bath Herald. "This is a very pleasing and lucid work, well adapted to alluro young people to the study of Natural Philosophy.''-Leeds d[ercury. I o have perused this volume with much pleasure and improvement. It is a work we can conildently recommend, especially to the heads of families, as from the subjects selected, and the familiar style in which they are treated, it cannot fail of proving both instructive and amusing."- Cambridge Chronicle. PICTORIAL SPELLING BOOK; or, Lessons on Facts and Objects. With 130 Graphic Illustrations. New Edition. Price Is. 6d, in cloth. 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"We do not know any other book that, in the same compass, contains such a rich soloction of pieces that are at once sprightly and instructive, pathetic and dovout."- Congrcgational Magazine. "A vory pleasing and suitable selection."- Testminster Reviero, "It is really a treat to see anything so sinply good as the little volume before us.”_ Motropolitan Magazinc. STUDIES IN ENGLISH POETRY; with short Biogra- phical Sketches, and Notes Explanatory and Critical, intended as a Text-book for the higher Classes in Schools, and as an Introduction to the Study of English Literature. By JOSEPH PAYNE. New anche Enlarged Edition. Fcap. Svo. Price 5s. cloth, red edges. “The plan and the execution are equally good; altogether it is an excellent reading book of poetry."-Watchman. " The work is deserving of commendation, as comprehending much that is excellent - tho very flowers and gems of English poetry-and nothing exceptionable." WILLEMENT. — A CATECHISM OF FAMILIAR THINGS, their History, and the Events which led to their Discovery: with a Short Explanation of some or the principal Natural Phenomena. For the use of Schools and Families. By E. A. WILLEMENT. New and Improved Edition. 12 mo. cloth. Price 2s. 6d. - - ARTHUR HALL, VIRTUE & CO. EDUCATIONAL WORKS. OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE ANALYSES AND SUMMARIES . AN Old and New Testament History AND GEOGRAPHY. ANALYSIS AND SUMMARY OF OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY AND THE LAWS OF MOSES; with a Connexion between the Old and New Testaments; an Introductory Outline of the Geography, Political History, &c. By J. T. WHEELER, F.R.G.S. &c. SIXTH EDITION, revised and improved. Post 8vo. cloth, red edges, 5s. Od. EXTRACTS FROM REVIEWS. - This is not a common-place book. It is the result of labour and learning. It is fitted to render much help to the student in bis endeavour to become acquainted with the contents of the Bible analytically and chronologically, and by means of a judicious classification of them .... It presents an ex- cellent summary of matters adapted to facilitate an intelligent study of the sacred volume."-Brilish Quarterly Review. "This Analysis cannot fail to be useful to a large class of students. Numerous tables, summaries of events, analyses of law systems, and other important matters, are appended."-Atheneum. "Of the first edition of this work we had the pleasure of speaking in terms of hearty praise; and if then it claimed acceptance as an intelligently- conceived and well-executed hand-book to the study of the Old Testament, it now deserves more specific and emphatic commendation-So thoroughly has the author perfected what at first he achieved so happily. Amongst the chief additions are the following:-An account of Canaan prior to its con- quest by the Israelites,-synchronistica) tables of the history of Israel and Judah,-a review of the history of these divided monarchies, prefacing a thorough re-arrangement of this portion of the general history, by which greater clearness is attained than we ever found in any similar work, -and a new connexion of the Old and New Testaments, including the history of the Jews from the governorship of Nehemiah to the birth of our Lord, which is marked by many great improvements, and is admirable for lucidity and completeness. Another feature of the work, worthy of special mention, is the excellent analysis of the Laws of Moses. We know of no manual for the student of the Old Testament so perfect in method, so comprehensive in its contents, so thorough in its information, and so reliable in its treatment of the most intricate portions of Jewish history, as is this volume. Clear intelligence, bistorical learning, and great carefulness of labour, are stamped on every page. To students preparing for theological examinations, to teachers under training in normal schools, and to ministers conducting Bible-classes of young men, we can give it our best word, assured that they will find it of high value. We are glad to perceive that the author is imme- diately to publish a similar 'Analysis and Summary of the New Testament." -Nonconformnist. 25, PATERNOSTER ROW. MAAR EDUCATIONAL WORKS. n ANALYSIS AND SUMMARY OF NEW TESTAMENT HISTORY.; including, 1. The Four Gospels harmonized into one con- tinuous Narrative. 2. The Acts of the Apostles, and continuous History of St. Paul. 3. An Analysis of the Epistles and Book of Revela- tion. 4. An Introductory Outline of the Geography, Critical History, Authenticity, Credibility, and Inspiration of the New Testament. The Notes, Chronological Tables, &c. FOURTH EDITIon, revised. Post Svo. cloth, red edges, 5s.6d.. EXTRACTS FROM REVIEWS. "This volume is quite equal in usefulness to Mr. Wheeler's former labours."-Atheneum. “Full of valuable material, admirably digested and arranged."-British Quarterly Revieur. " This able Analysis and Summary reflects the highest credit on the typo- graphical skill, the critical acumen, and the extensive biblical learning of the author....We regard it as a most valuable hand-book, whether to minis- ters or private students of the Scriptures, and fully realizing the object of the author."- Eclectic Review. -...- --.-.-- These two works (The Analyses and summaries of Old and New Testa- ment Historics) are by the author of the well-known Analysis and Summary of Herodotus,' wlio now, in the second of the volumes above specified, avows himself as 'J. Talboys Wheeler,' the bookseller at Cambridge. The object of this set of ably digested volumes seems to be to put young students, and especially University students, into the easiest possible possession of the contents of works on which they are founded, without exacting that deep study of the originals which would be necessary to secure the same informa- tion at the first hand. In realizing this oliject, the author has rendered a service to the real student by furnishing what may be of material aid to him in directing his own researches and in fixing their results. " The two volumes before us are well described in their tities. The first . is the most simple in its planı, but, simple as the plan seems, its execution must have been a work of time and labour, and the author has lost sight of nothing that might conduce to the object in view. The summary and analy- sis of the text, which is of itself a work of no small difficulty, is cleverly done, especially in the Mosaic laws and ordinances : and the author gene- rally endeavours to explain or illustrate any obscure points in Jewish his- tory, 'particularly,' as he frankly remarks, 'those portions which are most frequently the subjects of college examinations.' .... The other volume is a more elaborate, and it seems to us greatly more useful, performance for the general public. .... It is a thoroughly good and useful book, and one of the best, if not the very best, companions we have met with for a young ---. -.--.- --..- Dr. Kitlo's Journal of Sacred Literature, Oct. 1852. ... . "Mr. J. Talboys Wheeler, the anthor, as well as publisher, of these most useful volumes, has just added to his good service thereby rendered to students, by the publication of An Analysis (und Sumonary of New Testament History. The objects which Mr, Wheeler has proposed to himself, namely, ARTHUR HALL, VIRTUE & CO. * an EDUCATIONAL WORKS. that of reproducing the Gospels and Acts in a typographical style best calcu- lated to fix them on the memory; and of incorporating with these narratives such historical information as shall render the whole as easy of comprehen- sion as a modern history, and of storing the mind of the student with every species of illustration necessary for the complete understanding of the narrative, will, we think, be admitted by all who examine the book, to have been most satisfactorily accomplished by him:"-Notes and Queries. "The literary success of Mr. Wheeler, in these skilful historical sum. maries, must be acknowledged by every scholar. The manner in which this work, as a whole, is executed, is worthy of high praise. Every page indi- cates the pen of an acute critic, a learned scholar, and an intelligent thinker. The book, therefore, has our honest and hearty commendation. We know none of its size that may be made so great a belp to the understanding of the evangelical and apostolical narratives.”—Christian Spectator. - - - - "This' Analysis and Summary of the Testament' is perhaps the most complete and serviceable of Mr. Wheeler's productions. If we say, first for him, that he has brought to bear on his task a thorough acquaintance with the great body of English and Continental New Testament literature, and lias used it with great discernment, correctness of judgment, and thorough mastery of his materials, we may then proceed to characterise the work performed. The author thus correctly describes its object:- First, to re-produce the Gospels and the Acts in a typograpbical form and style the most capable of fixing them in the memory of the English student. Secondly, to incorporate sucli historical, chronological, geographical, and antiquarian information, either in the sacred narrative itself, or in notes at the foot or margin of each page, as should guide the reader through all intricacies of the inspired relation, and, as far as possible, render the whole as easy of compre- hension as a modern history. Lastly, to store the mind of the student, gradually, and from the very commencement of the volume, with every species of illustration and elucidation necessary for a complete understand- ing of the narrative, and which, if not sufficient to enable him to master every difficulty, will at least prepare him for more recondite study.' “There is no pretension here, but is fairly and, in most cases, fully realized in the execution of the work. In carrying out his plan, the author has divided his book into two parts; the first containing the Gospel history, and the second the Apostolic. The Gospel history is harmonized and digested upon the basis of 'Greswell's Harmonia Evangelica. It is sepa- rated into divisions, and each of these into paragraphs, and the contents appended in a type that guides the eye; and these contents again being collected into one view, exhibit a comprehensive analysis of the entire Four Gospels. The Chronology and Geography are marked on every page; and a multitude of historical and illustrative notes are introduced. In connexion with this portion of the book we have especially to praise the introductory Outline, containing the usual matter of New Testament Introduction in a compendious form, and written with fulness of knowledge:-also, the valuable Synchronistical Table of the history of Palestine under the suc- cessors of Herod the Great, which must have cost the author great study and pains. The second part of the work is, however, that which has still more satisfied us, and deserves our most expressive praise. The Apostolic history, divided and arranged similarly to the Gospels, comprises the Acts of the Apostles-the continuous history of Paul-and brief Analyses of the Epistles. Here the author is in his element, and the historical and geogra- phical information he has accumulated is as rich and thorough as any student could desire. The notes of this description exceed in value almost everything that has been done, within moderate compass, for the elucidation of the book of the Acts."-Nonconformist. - .... . .. . . .. AH .. . . ... . .. . . . .. ... ... .. 2 .. - 1 25, PATERNOSTER ROW. 17:21: EDUCATIONAL WORKS. Companion Atlus to the Series. AN ANALYSIS AND SUMMARY OF THE HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS; comprising a Geographical Account of every Nation mentioned in the Old and New Testaments, illustrated and explained by brief Reviews of the Political History, digested into continuons narratives. Small folio, ilustrated by large coloured Maps and a View and Plan of Jerusalem. Extra cloth, 75. 6d. The above Work is intended more especially to accompany the Analyses and Summaries of old and New Testament History, but such additions have been introduced as will, it is hoped, render it of service to Biblical Students generally. WHEELER'S ABRIDGMENTS. LEE . In Two Volumes, 18mo. cloth, 2s. cach, 4 POPULAR ABRIDGMENT OF OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT HISTORY, for Schools, Families, and General Reading. Explained by Historical and Geographical Illustrations, and numerous Map Diagrams. "Every effort has been made to meet the wants of the general reader, and we find that he has fully succeeded in rendering his little labours universally acceptable."--Britannia. "Two admirable and unexceptionable little volumes: they display both learning and research, and the explanations introduced where required are singularly lucid." —New Quarterly Review. "We can strongly recommend them, in the belief that they are admirable for condensation, clearness, and judicious selection."-London Quarterly Review. SCRIPTURE SITES AND SCENES, from Actual Survey, in Egypt, Arabia, and Palestine. Illustrated by Seventeen Steel Engravings, Three Maps, and Thirty-seven Woodcuts. By W. H. BARTLETT. Price 4s. post 8vo. cloth gilt. ARTHUR HALL, VIRTUE & CO. LIST OF EDUCATIONAL WORKS PUBLISHED BY WM. HAMILTON, GLASGOW; AND SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, & CO., LONDON, A MANUAL OF SCHOOL MANAGEMENT,, For the use of Teachers, Students, and Pupil-Teachers, by THOMAS MORRISON, M.A., Rector of the Free Church Training College, Glasgow, the second edition, price 4s. 6d. This work contains 21 chapters, devoted to the following subjects :-Introduction —The Teacher-The School Registration Classification-Organization-Disci- pline - Method - The Alphabet - Reading—Examination—Spelling-Writing- Arithmetic_Grammar—Geography History-Form and Colour Drawing Vocal Music--Oral Lessons - Religious Knowledge. Opinions of the Press on the First Edition. Mr. Morrison has furnished an admirable manual. He discusses these questions with all the ability of a practised and thoughtful teacher. We can recommend the work very cordial- ly. It is written in a vigorous, earnest style; the sentiments throughout are healthy and manly; and every page bears signs that the writer is conversant with every detail of that of . which he speaks.- The Witness. After a very careful perusal of this work, we make free to declare that it is the best that has yet been published, and heartily recommend it to teachers as a necessary and most valuable addition to their library. It makes no pretensions to literary excellerice or fine writ- ing; yet the style is so natural and easy that the ideas seem as if presented in a transparent medium. Its spirit is that of intense earnestness, and the position of the author, who is a practical and most successful teacher, together with the fact that the students for whom this book has been prepared are yearly subjected to Government examination, are guarantees for the value of the work, which have only to be stated that they may be duly appreciated.—The Scottish Guardian. This will prove an excellent training book for young teachers. We may cordially recom- mend it to the every-day study of all connected with the training of the young.--The Glasgow Herald. Mr. Morrison speaks like a practical man on school management, discipline, and methods. To ourselves the great attraction of the manual consists in its being an epitome of the useful hints, axioms, observations, methods, plans, and so forth, which have been accumulating as stock available on every educational topic or emergency.- The English Journal of Education. A most useful book this. We are sure no good teacher will regret adding Mr. Morrison's “Manual” to his stock of working books.”—The Pupil Teacher. Now ready, the 7th edition, in cloth, price 6d. PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES IN ARITHMETIC For JUNIOR CLASSES. By JOHN MANSON, Teacher, Glasgow. Of this little work 6000 copies have been sold within two years, chiefly in Glasgow and its neighbourhood. From this considerable sale within so short å period, it may be safely inferred that the work possesses distinctive features and particular merits that have commended it to : the preference of those Teachers who have had an opportunity of examining it. It is desirable that these should be brought under the notice of the profession more at large; but this cannot very well be done without entering into a more extended detail than the limits of a prospectus will admit. The book was drawn up for the use of the author's own pupils, and put in type chiefly.to facilitate his labours among them, and to supply those friends who approve of his mode of teaching. It differs materially in respect of gradation from all other works yet issued of the same extent. The object, too, is different, seeking as it does, by numerous examples carefully constructed and arranged, to illustrate principles on which rules are founded, rather than to illustrate rules for which no reason has been assigned. The majority of School Arithmetics are greatly deficient in systematic arrangement. In most of them, no doubt, some attention has been paid to gradation in the length of the Exercises, but as far as the real difficulties of working go, the first exercise given to illustrate any rule is frequently as puzzling to the : learner as the last. This oversight has been carefully avoided in the present work. Each example has been thoughtfully considered, and in no case has a single figure been written at 2 W. Hamilton's Educational Publications. random. . Simplicity, and clearness are the natural result, and the learner can never in his progress encounter more than one difficulty at a time. The very youngest pupils are made to work intelligently from the beginning, and whatever explanations are received at the hlack-board can be followed up successfully from the book at the desk. Much discourage- ment to the pupil is thus prevented, and much labour to the teacher saved. From Mr. MACAULAY, First Master, Established Church Normal Seminary, Glasgow. I have examined very carefully "Manson's Arithmetic," especially the elementary part, with which I am very much pleased. The exercises throughout are skilfully and judiciously graduated, and evidently formed upon a fixed principle, which the author has pursued with great ingenuity and success. Such a series of exercises must save the teacher much labour, and enable the pupil to overcome the difficulties of the elementary rules in a much shorter time than usual. This is particularly the case in Long Division, which has hitherto been so great an obstacle to beginners; any one at all acquainted with the difficulty of teaching this rule will at once appreciate the beauty and simplicity of the system adopted. I wish the work all the success it so well deserves. From Mr. DonALDSON, First Master, Senior Department, Free Church Normal Seminary, Glasgow. I heartily recommend your little manual. It acknorrledges the pupil's difficulties, and the selection and arrangement of the exercises under each rule show a sympathy with the pupils under these difficulties which will encourage them to persevere. It is an excellent introduction to any of the larger and more advanced works on the same subject. Now ready in cloth, price 8d. PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES IN ARITHMETIC · For SENIOR CLASSES. By JOHN Manson, Teacher, Glasgow. After the lengthened explanations that have been entered into regarding the “ Junior Arith- metic,” it need only be added as to the “ Senior,” that it is intended to take up the pupil at the · point at which the “ Junior" leaves him, and carry him forward through the more advanced rules in the same progressive and systematic manner, simplifying as much as possible the difficulties of progress. Manson's Arithmetical Table. In packets of 24, price 1s. Prepared for the pur- .. pose of carrying out a suggestion made at pp. 14-15 of the “ Junior Arithmetic,” regarding à mode of more effectively teaching the Multiplication Table, and applying it to Division. A Specimen Copy of the “ Junior" and " Senior" Arithmetics, and the Table, will be sent by the Publisher in Glasgow, post. free, to Teachers, on receipt of 12 stamps. · Progressive Lessons in Reading for Beginners, By John Manson, Teacher, Glasgow. 16 pages in a cover, price 1d. . Take, for instance, an, at, &c., as root sounds, and vary them by the addition of every conso- nant that will make a word:-thus 2.11, can, dan, fan, man, nan, pan, ran, at, bat, cat, fat, hat, &c. &c., and make up the words thus acquired into little reading sentences. This will give a key to the principle upon which this little book is constructed. Manson's Progressive Reading Sheets; being the Lessons in the above little book, printed in a large type, on 18 sheets, each 13 by 17 inches, price 2s. per set, or on boards for hanging up, 6s. per set, nett. School Register of Daily Attendance. This Register is the one prepared for and used in the Schools connected with the Glasgow Free Church Training College. It is now issued for general use. It is foolscap folio size, contains 45 names and one quarter of 13 weeks at each opening, and 9 quarters in each book; it also contains a column for quarterly fees. Price 6d. Hartley's Academic Speaker, a System of Elocution, designed for Schools and Self- Instruction; embracing a Series of Lessons in the art, and a copious selection of Extracts from the best authors, many of which have never before appeared in any collection, including Pulpit and Sacred Oratory, Oratory of the Bar and Senate, Descriptive, Didactic, and Humorous Pieces, Dramatic Speeches, Dialogues, &c.; each extract accompanied by com- prehensive Notes suggesting the proper manner of reading or speaking it; the whole form- ing a complete system of Elocution, suitable either for the public class-room, or the private :: study. By A. M. HARTLEY, Teacher of Elocution. In 1 voli, bound in leather, price 2s. This Worli is very extensively used both as a class-bool for teaching Elocution and also as an ..: advanced reading-bool for schools. To Teachers a specimen copy will be sent free by post from - Claram.onereintenf 24 stanas .1: W. Hamilton's Educational Publications. . . MUSIC BOOKS FOR SCHOOLS Singing at Sight from the Common Musical Notation: Containing a Series of Lessons and Exercises in the Theory and Practice of Vocal Music, with a Selection of Pieces suited for Practice in Schools and Congregational Classes. By JAMES SYMMERS, Rector of Alloa Academy. 110 pp., 8vo, cloth back, price 2s. 6d. ; or in 2 parts, at Is. and is. 6d. eaclı. This work aims at imparting such a knowledge of the principles of Musical Science, and of the art of Singing at Sight, as will enable the student to sing with facility any piece of music in any key, whether major or minor. The method here employed has been long known and extensively practised in the north of England. From the commencement of the course, it accustoms the learner to sing from the common musical stave by means of the established notation. The syllables Do, Re, Mi, l'a, Sol, La, Si, are employed to represent the sounds of the scale; Do being made the key-note of every major scale, and La the key-note of every minor scale. By the power of association, tlie ear becomes so accustomed to the relation between the syllables and the sounds which they repre- sent, that the sight of the syllable or note immediately suggests the correct sound. The Lessons and Exercises are so arranged that any one having merely a knowledge of the scale, may readily become master of the systein; they proceed by easy and regular gradations from the simplest elements to the must elaborate examples of modulation. A specimen copy will be forwarded, post free, to Teachers, on receipt of 24 stamps. The Vocal Primer; or Student's Singing Manual, a Series of Rudimentary Lessons and Exercises in the Art of Singing at Sight and in Parts, including both Major and Minor modes; by JAMES NISBET, Teacher of Singing, Liverpool ; complete, price 3d. This Lesson Book is constructed upon the principle of making Do the Key-note of every major scale. Easy and Progressive Exercises in Singing and in Reading Music; commencing with the written symbols, and the key of O major, and proceeding by modu- lation through all the ordinary major and minor keys, in pieces for One, Two, Three, and Four Voices, original and selected. By JOHN TURNBULL, Teacher of Singing, Glasgow. Just completed in 6 Nos. at 3d. each, or 1s. 6d. in paper cover. This new work consists exclusively of Musical Examples and Lessons, without any instruc- tions or explanations (which are left to be supplied by the teacher). No. 1 is devoted to preliminary lessons, and to Exercises in the Key of C major; and the remaining Nos. lead the pupil in regular progression, and by easy steps, through all the ordinary major and minor keys. It contains 236 Exercises. No 1 as a specimen will be sent for three stamps. For variety of pleasing and original melody, united to suitable words, the Publisher has confidence in saying that this work is unrivalled. The Choral Wreath; or Vocal Harmony for School and Home: a selection of easy pieces with appropriate words, arranged for 'Three and Four Voices, suitable for practice in classes, and in the family circle, in 12 Nos. at 3d each, each containing from 7 to 9 pieces, or complete in 1 vol. in cloth, price 3s. 6d. No. 9 contains particularly easy pieces.* This work is intended to supply a class of compositions which have not hitherto been rery attainable in this coun. try, but which, it is thought, are much required, namely, short pieces of vocal harmony, chiefly of a lively and pleasing character, fitted for the use of those "young musicians" who have mastered the first rudimedts of the art, and are prepared to enter on the practice of singing in parts, but have not attained to that experience and facility of execution ), bich is necessary to enable them to encounter the difficulties, and appreciate the beauties of the compositions of our English Glee and Madrigal writers. For fuller information, see the detailed prospectus on the cover of No. 1, which will be sent free by post, as a specimeu of the work, on the receipt of 3 stainps. The Choral Wreath in the Tonic Sol-fa Notation. An edition of this work in the Tonic Sol-fa Notation is now completed in 16 Nos. at ld. each, or in 1 vol. 1s. 6d. It may be had in this form of the Publisher in Glasgow, and in London only of Messrs. Ward & Co., Paternoster Row, publishers of Mr. Curwen's works. Songs for the School - Room and Family Circle, with an Accompaniment for the Piano forte. This work contains the Words, together with the Air and Piano-forto Accompaniment, of all the pieces contained in the “CHORAL WREATH," and is so arranged that it may .either be used by itself as a Song-Book, or as an accompaniment to the vocal harmony of that work. In 6 Nos. at 4d. each, or complete 2s. The Sacred Wreath; or Vocal Harmony for School and Home. This work is meant : as a companion to the “ CHORAL WREATI," and is seclected and arranged on the same plan as that work, containing short pieces of Sacred Music, with appropriate words, suitable for beginners. It is now completed in 12 Nos. at 3d. each, or in 1 vol. in cloth 3s. 6d. (No. 9 is particularly easy, and Nos. 4 and 11 contain Christmas pieces.) The Union Sacred Music Class Book; a Series of Lessons and Exercises in the Art of Reading Music at Sight, and a selection of 60 Psalm and Hymn Tunes arranged for 4 voices, for practice. 64 pages large 8vo, price 1s. The Lessons and Exercises of the Union Sacred Music Class Book, printed separately, prioo 4d. Hamilton's Musical Publications, Gersbach's Songs of the Woods and Fields. The words translated into English verse by JAMES STALLYBRASS; the Music for Treble, Alto, Tenor, and Bass, by JOSEPH GERSBACH, with an Accompaniment for the Piano-forte. To be completed in 10 Nos. at 4d. each, or together 3s. 6d. This work is uniform in words and music and may be used as an accompaniment to the Tonic Sol-fa edition of the same published under the title of “The Bird of Passage,” (WARD & Co., London, price 9d.) "JOSEPH GERSBACH, an organist and musician from childhood, an educational genius, a simple-minded, kind-hearted, and highly-educated man, united with Dr. Dittmar, the historian, and other eminent men, in conducting an educa- tional establishment at Nurnberg, on the principles of Pestalozzi. The plan of education included long walking journeys by the youths, in company with their teachers, to visit places of importance and interest. It is the custom of young travellers, in such circumstances, to enliven these summer walks with song. Dr. Dittmar made an admir- able selection of poems for this purpose, and Joseph Gersbach, con amore, set these poems to music. Both poetry and music breathe the free, fresh spirit of the country. The melodies are all good; the harmonies are, for the most part, simple, but truly artistic. Some of the fugal pieces will give great pleasure."--Curwen's I'onic Soi fa Reporter. The Young Musician's Pocket Guide, or, Introduction to Music and the Art of Singing, being a complete Course of Lessons arranged in an easy and progressive style. Price 6d. This work.consists mure especially of examples, explanations, and instructions, with a small selection of exercises. A Manual of Harmony, wherein the Principles of the Science, from its simplest rudiments to its application 'in composition, are clearly explained; the whole illustrated by numerous examples and appropriate exercises, by W. R. BROOMFIELD. Price 1s. Crampton's School Glees; partly reprinted from “ The Choral Wreath,” and partly original. Suitable for Advanced Classes in Schools, and Choral Societies. Stitched in cover, price 6d. Contents: The Rising Moon—The Fountain-Up in the Morning—The Beautiful RainMay-Old England–Tom the Piper's Son-Little Boy Blue-Robert Rowley-Music on the Waters—The Sailor's Round-To Music. easy style, for use in Sunday and Day Schools, by THOMAS CRAMPTON, in a cover, price 6d.; or they may be had in separate sheets at 1d., see list of " Hamilton's New Series of Glees and Choruses,” which will be sent gratis and post free on application. THE TRAINING-SCHOOL SONG-BOOK, consisting of Marching Songs, Rounds, Moral Pieces and Hymns, with the Music to each, arranged for two Trebles and Bass. Edited by above 30 Secular and 10 Sacred Pieces. In 7 Nos., price 4d. each, or complete, bound in cloth, 2s. 60. MUSIC FOR SABBATH SCHOOLS, being the Sacred Division of the Training-School Song-Book, printed separately, and containing a great variety of Hymns and Sacred Songs, with the music to each. In cloth, price 1s. SONGS FOR YOUNG SINGERS, being the words of the Training-School Song-Book, 192 pages, price 4d.; or in two Divisions, the “Secular,'' 3d., and the "Sacred," 13d. A SELECTION OF SONGS AND HYMNS. from the Training-School Song-Book, containing the words of about 30 of each. 32 pages in a cover. Price 17d. THE YOUNG SCHOLAR'S MUSIC-BOOK, a Selection of Simple Songs, Canons and Psalm Tunes, arranged for Two Equal Voices, by J. Seligmann. Price 2d.: a specimen copy will be sent post free from Glasgow on receipt of three stamps. A SEQUEL TO THE YOUNG SCHOLAR'S MUSIC-BOOK, a collection of Moral Songs, Rounds and Canons, arranged for three Voices, and designed for use in Schools and Families. By C. F. Bird Price 2d. A complete and extended List of W. Hamilton's Musical and other publications, including In- struction Books for the Piano, Harmonium, and Organ, Select Songs of Scotland, Broomfield's Harmonized Songs, Penny Series of Glees, Choruses, and Anthems, Vocal Duets, &c., &c., may be had gratis and post free on application. nuwuhan Clarot and SIMPRIN. MARSHALL, & Co., London, GEO. M. HAMMER, MANUFACTURER OF AND SCHOOL FITTINGS Educational Apparatus, La No. 9, HARRINGTON STREET NORTH, LONDON, N.W. SCHOOLS & THE TRADE SUPPLIED ON THE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS. Estimates Given for Building & Fitting Schools in Town or Country. F SIIMA UMEFICIOS ESTUDIN. BUT STE IMPROVED FOLDING SEAT, : (WITH DESK IF REQUIRED). FOR SCHOOLS, LECTURE ROOMS, TEMPORARY CHURCHES, GARDENS, &C. GEO. M. HAMMER, Educational Apparatus Manufacturer. $ $. d. MECHANICS. Simple and Compound Levers, Treble, Double, and Single Pullies, Inclined Planes, Wedge, Screw Press, Endless Screw, Wheel and Axle, Pile Driver, Centre of Gravity, Parallelogram of Forces, Collision of Elastic Bodies, &c............................. Ditto smaller and less complete sets ..................... £2 12s. 6d. MECHANICS TO AFFIX TO BLACKBOARD. Levers, Pullies, Train of Wheels (brass), Wheel and Axle, Screw, Forge Hammer, Inclined Plane and Carriage, Parallel Motion, Parallelogram of Forces, &c. ... 5 5 1 6 0 3 IA 3 10 0 2 2 1 1 0 0 Attwood's Machine for explaining the laws of Falling Bodies, with Brass Weights, Wheel on Steel Centres, Handbook, &c...... Additional Pendulums.......... ...................... An Instrument for teaching Geometry, and convertible into a Theodolite, Spirit Level, Hadley's Sextant, and Wollaston's Goniometer .. A Machine for Illustrating Centrifugal Motion A Double Inclined Plane with Weights A Sectional Model of the Steam Engine ........... 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Chcm) AN A . + atit - - - - H TOR A SPECIALLY AD.IPTLD · for the Young, for Presentation, and for Family Reading. ARE CREATE S . , ROW I S . .. TUN . PUBLISHED BY JAMES HOGG AND SONS, LONDON. * V . 11 1 JUTTU . . * 7 . . 12 - . WWII . ' * o ":" . 1. 141 WG S YA . * . . 2 = = = 23 1 . '.. 1* AV "NE COM SANOV DISINI . . .. LTE' * I A = 1 . . - . . - - . . W . * v . 19 = SITY * S ht . 12. . " . DR.) *." RO SIC . - - . * LP . all MAT:1 . 1 - . . ! - - - . 01.. .. . - . . NA - AYO . Ware " U ZA " "" . ? * W . . * . 12S 2 : BOT . . . . 4.7.- URAVEL 2 SOTALOTUTE.. . . SA * 4 .1.3 .- .PRO ! . 2, . SES . MA'. A ." - . * . . I . RSSI TOR Ai SI) li OVE . Mail Ul. SINUNUN 14 1 . S : LAR de . . . . 4 A c . . E-MA .- IA . . . . 1212 SAU . 1: 11 2 . ' * NIUI ?. . TES es . . ". . 14 . UVITA . . .. . * = 1 # 3 1. LOOR * . . - * - > . 320 . .. . T . - T 2014 . * . Tv . ' . . . . IN - * . - I. S A S 7 L . ' C - : . IV - . * 1 EE SH AISTI 2274SH V- . . . C 1: . . . ri . - - USTA . m INA . PM 1 LA < LE . NEW ATTY KI POPULAR ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. V A In One Volume, small crown octavo, cloth, full gilt, price 6s., THE BOOK OF DRAWING-ROON PLAYS AND EVENING AMUSEMENTS. ARAN 2030 A Comprehensive Manual of In-door Recreation ; including all kinds of Acting Cha- rades-Mute, Comic, Poetic, Fairy, Dramatic, Historic, anrı Classic; Proverbs, Bur- lesques, and Extravaganzas; comprising Novel and Original Ideas, numerous Skeleton Plots, and Dialogues; Descriptions of Continental Court Tableaux hitherto unnoticed in this Country; Intellectual, Active, Catch, and Trick Games; Forfeits, Board Games, Puzzles, and Parlour Magic. The whole interspersed with Practical Direc- tions concerning Costume, and Hints on Management and Accessories. BY HENRY DALTON. With Scenic Illustrations by CORBOULD and DU MAURIER, and upwards of 120 Diagrams on wood. Accompanied by a Copious Index. In small crown 8vo, cloth, full gilt, price 5s. With Illustrations by ZWECKER, printed on toned paper, A TREASURY OF TALES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. THE OLD FAVOURITES. EDITED AND WRITTEN BY MARY HOWITT. The Volume contains an Original Tale, entitled “ROOKBOURNE HALL," intro- ducing the YOUNG FOLKS' READINGS, and their CONVERSATIONS about OLD FA- VOURITE TALES. The course of the Narrative embraces many Stories by various Standard Authors, given in a carefully Revised and sometimes Popularised form. AUTHOR'S PREFACE AND DEDICATION. " It is to the young that I would address this Preface and dedicate this book; this selection of stories, mostly belonging to a past generation, and now presented, like flowers from an old-fashioned garden, for their delight and eclification. Looking at my young audience with affectionate regard, and seeing among them boys and girls, youths and maidens, of all classes, of all tastes and dispositions, I have endeavoured to find something suited for all : for the elder ones, whose maturer minds require food of a more varied and elevated character; and for the little ones, to whom the fairy-tale will never lose its attractions. Stories for all such are within these pages, are the flowers which compose my nosegay, and which have been selected with thoughtful care, and bound together with a loving hand, as an offering to that great and interesting portion of the public, its JUVENILE READERS; tire childreu now, the men and women of a few years bence. To them, therefore, the generous, warm-hearted, pure-minded, and affec- tionate youthful generation, which has its ranks tilled up in never-ceasing siiccession, this volume is inscribed.” MARY HOWITT. EVERY BOY'S STORIES: A Choice Collection of Standard Tales, Rhymes, and Allegories. In One thick Volume, with 12 full-page Illustrations, cloth extra, price 5s. CONTENTS. Complete Edition of) Chevy Chasc. Sandford and Mer- By THOMAS DAY. The Story of Tarlton? ton and loveit By MARIA EDGEWORTE. Lame Jervas ......... „ MARIA EDGEWORTH. The Vision of Mirza , ADDISON. The Whistle: a True The Journey of a Day , Dr. JOHNSON. Story ... ... ... ... ... " FRANKLIN. The Contented Man , WASHINGTONIRVING. The Brahmin's Well , HOWISON. The Handsome and ? FRANKLIN. The History of John . COYPER. Deformed Leg ... " Gilpin .. | Llewellyn and his Dog Gelert. &c. &c. POPULAR ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. ... : The Brave Old English Confessors. With Illustrations by L. Huard, on toned paper. Crown 8vo, cloth, full gilt, price 5s. CONTENTS John Wycliffe : his Life, his Work, and his Creed. W. Tyndale; and Incidents in the Lives of the Early Reformers. Cranmer and his Times. Nicholas Ridley, the Calm and Resolute Confessor. The Life and Doings of Master Hugh Latimer. Bunyan, the Dreamer in Bedford Jail. Thomas Ellwood : the Genial-hearted Scholar. The Story of Janies Nay!er. Andrew Marvell, the Witty Patriot. Jolin Roberts : a glimpse of Rural Life Two Centuries ayo. The Trials and Aspirations of Richard Baxter. Men who were Earnest: the Springs of their Action and Iniluence. A Series of Biographical Studies. With 8 Illustrations by FREDERICK BORDERS, on toned paper. Crown fro, cloth, full gilt, price 5s. The Art of Doing Our Best, as seen in the Lives and Stories of some Thorough Workers, By HALWIN CALDWELL. With 8 Illustrations by JOHN ABSOLON, H. K. BROWNE, and the Brothers DALZIEL, on toned paper Fcp. 8vo, cloth, full gilt, price 5s. CONTENTS. " Read and you will know,'' or the Story Macaulay, the Historian. of a Great Linguist. Francis Hüber and his Wife, or the The Story of Bernard Palissy, the Potter. History of a Blind Naturalist. " Labour overcomes Everything," or the Inigo Jones: Great Ends from Small Story of William Giffurd. James Brindley, the Founder of Canal Izaak Walton, the complete Angler. Thomas Holcroft, or the Ups and Downs William Tyndale, Translator of the of Life. Bible. Heber, tlie Good Bisliop. John Flaxman, or the Life of a Great The Invincibles of Common Life-Carey, Sculptor. Led yard, Count Rumford, and Drew. Beginnings. "reat Ends from Small winavigation in Britai founder of Canal. Fit to be a Duchess; with other Stories of Courage and Principle By Mrs. GILLESPIE SMYTH, Author of “Selwyn;" “ Life and Times of Olympia Morata ;" "Probation ;" “ Tales of the Moors," &c. With Illustrations by CÓR- BOULD and ABSOLON, printed on toned paper. Crown 8vo, cioth., full gilt, price 5s. The “Golden Rule' Story-Books. Illustrated. This interesting and attractive Series of Stories for Young People is primarily intended, as the title in- ports, to inculcate in an unobtrusive manner the “Golden Rule." The old proverb saith truly, “Precepts may lead, but examples draw.” It will be found that these Stories bear upon the cardinal elements of character, - quietly and naturally showing the necessity for their culture, bringing out in a pleasant genial manner the teachings of experience, and the true aims of life. Printed in clear bold type, every book Illustrated by Wood Engravings, and published in [ Packets of Four Books, Is. per Packet. Elegant Cloth Cases, of Twelve Books, 4s. per Case. (Vill top flap and full gilt side.) seach. ) 3d. Books, In crown 8vo, cloth, full gilt, price 6s., with Illustrations by JAMES GODWIN, STUDIES OF CHRISTIAN CHARACTER. BY BITHA FOX, Author of " Pictures of Heroes,” “The Yews," &c. ? ? ..TS . . , INT WW SYERT O Si TA AL SYNN ara ESIVO RESTA D RES A1 St JAK W CORSO ZAMAN T VO UNUY . (N CA MINE 14 WEES it.! HY ., .. HAN. . 16 17 . Vio PRO TV STRIC 101 SA 2 SIA 21 VE No Y TV AUTO * . 1 ' L. / 11 22 .' . . IVICA ENOA * * - c. H . v . . E 3 V -- 21 . ff . . 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ESSIVI WE VIN VIVA 1. MVN . ..2011 .. W IES BUS if IVO WOW 0101 1 whe I T . TAR Itintill IS . 1 . W or sus URAAVUTWIDIRIKULUM JUNI TY Happ 13 : TESO ZANMI NO RUUMIMIKUNTHVIS EASURA 11 De INUTO EESTIS S . LSBASER . ESSED . A “Franz, why didst thou attack me and my poor flock?" said the warlike Archbishop of Treves. "Leave me in quiet ; for I have to render my nccount to a more powerful lord than ye,' was the calm reply oilic magnanimous and hcruic lirunz Von Sickengen. CONTENTS. The Friendships of the Reformation. The Artists of the Reformation. The Coboler-Poet of Nuremberg. The Lanıp in the Cell. Signal-Fires. Watchers for the Dawn. I "The Tenth Muse." The Red Silk Banner. The Fair Pietist. In small crown 8vo, cloth, full gilt, price 5s., with Illustrations by COLEMAN and PALMER, printed on toned paper, A TREASURY OF NEW FAVOURITE TALES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. EDITED AND WRITTEN BY MARY HOWITT. VIT EECE nu . . a YEES . . IN II . . C DIA W A TOIMITI VAS GI Girl ES VIU. UN SA . SIS RE PY S * - 511 1111111 ADINI Will . THINKRIKE M Pomo MUNA SEE TURUL IN LA OS VW IS Son Ut WE EER E BUAT . RGEVEN SYA . REN . WIN 1 NY AY IN 1 IN TIT W US US ON N . ZUZ ZI NINA UZI. V . OSOVA M AM UNU : NU IN BONNE 111 va HEUTE " WIWIH ah SI OY MADINI ETODIR 1 PAL . darmV KITS 1 VI YA PV TES WOW DICU V WARWWYM IN www. . 04 w // VI . make " VV 12 TI . IN PAZ .. SA CD ! 11111S " RU IN ... KN 1 X , KN SA U HR > ZA ' ti NES . 2 W T NU . ZUS SU S 3. HANN LIISSSS VU EANS > 11 ... . 1 . VRV INTENZIVNU ANSI INI CON NY . MY IT: Tu SU S IO www INI 1 .. y IAS 1 DAW UWAND LY WA 24AWIU ON VI H 17 M SV ! VAGYM X . YO I MONA Wai CXWKO vi VIVA V2 I WA TYN - 1 ZEZ SAVAS VO REBAJA HINT C VITA MA VA SYWN . IL NYONYWY YUY TO N . STO NF11 + AV P USA DANSA 2761 em .. WILOWY SH > SO 16VOLAY ED . WAS T U. V T . . YK . AROSESSIVE • 2 * * ? R WWWNINAS VAN WOTNA IN . IV SOAN SIN INS SS NYO CUS 1 WWW RUUMID AVA Bao an UAS il veut SU OVUN MIROS Je UU . 2 ACO VISAS Hla w A ! 2 > IG I- an in SACS Ay VREAU SYK - WIU Selatan TV wa A ET LETT V2 SIG -- - SI . . d Coloring SEASES 1 A2 2 - - , . Karin My Lillle Lizzie. Sce • NEW FAVOURITE TALES.” CONTENTS. The Lords of Wyvon ... By Many HOVITI'. The Secret Society .... By JIRS. DE MORGAN, Jonas on a farm ......... „ JACOB ABBOTT. The Rainy Day ........... „TANNY FERN. The GrayAfrican Parrot , HARRY GRINGO. The Chinwera. ,, NATIIANILL HAWTHORN." The Travelling Tioman „Miss LESLIE. Making Something ... Mus. CHILD, Red-headed Andy ....... „FANNY FERN. The Boat-Club......... „ OLIVER OPTIC. My Little Lizzic ............ ., Miss GILLES. The Little Peacemaker „MARY HIONITT. POPULAR ILLUSTRATED BOOKS AT THREE SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCÉ, In sınall crown. octavo, cloth extra. The Illustrations printed on toned paper. The Star of Hope and the Staff of Duty: Tales of Womanly Trials and Victories. With 8 Illustrations by JULIAN PORTCH. Men who have Risen: a Book for Boys. With 8 Illustrations by C. A. DOYLE. CONTENTS. The Rise of the Peel Family. Hutton, the Bookseller. The Beginning of the Rothschilds. Linnæus, the Naturaiist. Stephenson, the Railway Pioneer. Smeaton, the Engineer. Davy, the Chemist. Wilson, the Ornithologist. Oberlin, the Pastor. Eldon, the Judge. Franklin, the Navigator. Wilhelm, the Knife-Grinder. Astor, the Millionaire. Hugh Miller's Early Days. Women of Worth: a Book for Girls. With 8 Illustrations by Dickes. CONTENTS. The Worthy Daughter: Charlotte Brontë, | The Queenly Scholar: Lady Jane Grey. The Jail Missionary : Sarah Martin. The Star of Austria: Maria Theresa. The Newgate Schoolmistress : Mrs. Fry. The Pastor's Helpmate: Madeleine Oberlin. The Worker or Charity: Margaret Mercer. The Estimable Governess: Suzanne Curchod. The Teacher in the Wilds: Sarah Judson. The Children's Favourite: Ann Barbauld. The Noble Matron: Lady Russell. 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By FRANK B. GOODRICH. With 8 Illustrations. A Handy Book of Medical Information and Advice. By a Physician. * In addition to the simpler every day knowledge, which is useful to all, and particularly to the Head of a Household, this little Volume is specially intended as a safe and ready Guide to those resident in Country Places, and generally under circumstances where Medical advice is not instantly available. The Vicar of Wakefield. By Oliver Goldsmith, Presenting a clear handsome text, with 12 choice Illustrations. The Habits of Good. Society; a Handbook of Etiquette for Ladies and Gentlemen. With Thoughts, Hints, and Anecdotes concerning Social Obser- vances, Nice Points of Taste and Good Manners, and the Art of Making Oneself Agreeable. The whole interspersed with Humorous Illustrations of Social Pre- dicaments, Remarks on the History and Changes of Fashion, and the Differences of English and Continental Etiquette. With a Frontispicce. POPULAR ILLUSTRATED BOOKS AT THREE SHILLINGS .. AND SIXPENCE—(continued). In small crown 8vo, cloth extra. The Illustrations printed on toned paper. Noble Traits of Kingly Men; or, Pictures and Anecdotes of Euro- pean History, with a Bird's-eye View of the Grander Movements and their Leaders. With & Illustrations by S. A. GROVES. Friendly Hands and Kindly Words: Stories Illustrative of the Law of Kindness, the Powor of Perseverance, and the Advantages of Little Helps. With 8 Illustrations. CONTENTS. Fortunes of the Skinner's Apprentice. 1 One Bright Beam on a Cheerless Path. The Golden-winged Messenger. The Turning-Point of a Life. The Flower Girl and the Divers. , Save the Erring. Connemara Joe. Little Davy and My Stolen Purse. The Sprig of oss. The Donkey of Many Masters. The "Good Seed;" or, the Ups and Speak Gently. Downs of the Mariner's Life. Feathered Helps. Watching for a Sunbeam. The Good Angels. The Hermit of Gaul. The Story of Mozart's First Attempt. 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SHERWIN. The Busy Hives around us: a Variety of Trips and Visits to the Mine, the Workshop, and the Factory. With popular Notes on Materials, Pro- cesses, and Machines. With Illustrations by HARVEY, &c. Third Edition, revised, in two volumes, fcp. 8vo, cloth, full gilt, price 5s, eaci, MORNINGS WITH MAMA: SCRIPTURE DIALOGUES FOR YOUNG PERSONS From Ten to Fifteen years of age. Ly Mrs. GILLESPIE SMYTII, Author of "Selwyn," "The Life of Olympia Morata," "Probation," &c. , 12 . N M . . ::,75" WO4 2 . LUSS . . . A r . V 2. Top Seri 29 W - CS 27. . TA . : . . 1. 12 " M S 4 A - VA DOWY 1.Tr. :... AINUOU . . . . . . . 411 . . IIN 24 TY UNU JITI . 21RL . ITA Do 22 NA M NAY S.EU 2 11 ViN14 I 085 12. Swim hi 1r . A4 VA .. M 2A 2 . . . 2 . 4 . A AVE G 11 “It is Munnc." Niliis yo 2 2 9 . 44 4 c . INC UN 2 NN . . ASI . . . VI is .. 1 . TON NOV . N 22 BE II BA 2, * - * 2. UKONE VO IN26 2 HUS IM . . . be NU 1 SIYA . . > wa tv 1 TORDE, HAMILTON, STRÄNUBER, and SCHNORR. VAXLOO, and JOUVENET. Also, specimens of several eminent Modern Masters, British and Foreign-COPLEY, REYNOLDS, WOOD- chiefly from choice compositions of the old Masters, including RAPHAEL, POUSSIN, CLAUDE LORRAINE, RUBENS, SALVATOR ROSA, *** Each Volume is Illustrated by eight full-page highly-finished Engravings on Wood by DALZIki.(printed on toned paper'), VO . XX Olu 2 . PD 15 ME VI From the Parnting long Nicolas Poussin. AV/ Bil . C AN . M . . . 19 . www . . 3220 : BE . . . . III . ' X Y 09. . .. 412 4 PUS Un IS . SS15 . 1 1 1 himu WA YA $. 1 11 2 . * It ki2u . e SU SO ON WWII 26 are VAA DES S BUS Lea HIT.. 5.97 . BE Pal. Una B Us : 2 1 29 25 . : ILU .. . ' , V NA . . VASTAA 14 CS1 TV. X . ( DU WS " . VYTI N LAS . PIO .. . . . ! * . A 21.12 VV N . INWIRING A . V . TO PVN that With S NU . .. - SUVAL 19 SA MI * Various eminent Clcrsmen encouraged the preparation of these Tavourite Dialogues, and the ate Dr. Chalmers (lolohom, by permission, the rolumes 1cere originally dedicated) mado Daily Use of them in his own Family. THE OLD TESTAMENT SERIES. VOL. I. EARLIER LIVES AND VARRATIVES. FOL. II. LATER HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. Books PUBLISHED BY THE HOME & COLONIAL TRAINING INSTITUTION. The Educational Paper of the Society, Quarterly, price 3d. or ls. 2d. per annum. Two years bound in one volume, price s. 6d. Sixth Edition in the press, price 1s. 4d. Hints on School Building, on the Management of Schools, and on their Superintendence by Committees, Patrons and Visitors, with an Appendix of Plans, &c. This Work is designed to simplify the difficulties experienced in the formation of new Schools. It contains Hints on the preliminary steps to be taken, and estimates of expense; remarks on School buildings, as shape, dimensions, gallery, ventilation, warming, &c.; School-room and play-ground Apparatus; Teachers and their salaries; commencement of a new School; Rules of a School; Business of Committees; Duties of Visitors, &c. &c.; also Hints to Teachers on School Management, &c. An Extract from this Work, relating to School-Building only, ready, price 3d. Fifth Edition, price Is. 6d., cloth, boards, Practical Remarks on Infant Education. For the Use of Schools and Private Families. By the Rev. Dr. and Miss Mayo. These Remarks are particularly recommended to the study of members of Infant Schools' Committees : many such, though anxiously desirous of superintending and bene- fitting the institutions under their patronage, and possessing minds far more highly cultivated than the teachers they employ, are yet so wholly unacquainted with infant education, both in its principles and details, that they feel themselves quite at a loss; they see that their schools are not producing the fruits they desire, but are unable to dis- cover the cause of the defect, or to suggest the remedy. It is anticipated that this little Work will supply to such what they so much need - assisting them to point out errors, and to introduce valuable improvements. Preface. Vol. l, price 3s., cloth boards. A Manual of Elementary Instruction for Infant Schools and Private Tuition. This “Manual" has been prepared by Miss Mayo at the request of the Committee of the Home and Colonial Training Institution, and contains, the main bulk of what was formerly contained in the Manual, the Graduated Course, and the three volumes of Model Lessons. It also contains to a considerable extent, the result of actual experience in the working of their Infant Schools since they were established in 1836. Vol. 2 in the Press. Fourth Edition, Parts 1 and 2, price. 3s. each, cloth boards. Religious Instruction, in a Graduated Series of Lessons for Young Children, By the Author of “Model Lessons.” "This Graduated Series' consists of Four Steps. The object in the first is, to communicate to the infant's mind first ideas of God as the Creator of all things; their heavenly Father, to whom they owe love and obedience — whose eye is ever upon them who knows all they do and say—and to whom they will have to render an ac- count. A set of Lessons for this purpose is given, and subjects are suggested, which teachers may carry out in a similar manner. In the Second Step it is proposed to make the children acquainted with some of the precepts and elementary truths of the Bible through the medium of Pictures. In the Third Step the children are more regularly taken to the Scriptures themselves for instruction."-Vide Prefice. ( ) 2 Sixth Edition, enlarged by many Original Pieces, price 3s., cloth boards, A Selection of Hymns and Poetry POR THE USE OF INFANT AND JUVENILE SCHOOLS AND PAMILIES. In Fire Parts. Prepared at the request of the Committee of the Home and Colonial Training Institution. “It is the desire of the Committee, that the pleasure children so generally find in verse should be early consecrated to the Lord; and, in consequence, most of the little poetical pieces convey some pious and moral sentiment, or tend to impress some religious truth."-Preface. Sixth Edition, price 2s. Sewed, Cloth 2s. 6d., ONE HUNDRED TUN E S Adapted to the above. By CHARLES H. PURDAY. In compiling and composing the Airs for this little Work, tho Editor, although he has kept in view the general compass and capabilities of children's voices, has not abstained from the introduction of melodies of a superior class, that " children of a larger growth" may be induced to cultivate or extend a love for singingnow deemed so essential in the education of the rising generation. Fourth Edition, price 2s. 6d., cloth boards, INFORMATION ON COMMON OBJECTS, FOR THE USE or scHOOLS, ETC., Published under the direction of the Committee of the Home and Colonial Training Institution. The Objects described are mainly those contained in a Box of Objects, sold at the Depository. Fifth Edition, enlarged, price ls. 6d., A MANUAL OF DOMESTIC ECONOMY, With hints on Surgery and Domestic Medicine, for the use of Teachers, Schools and Families, and Questions for Students, &c. Prepared under tbe direction of the Committee of the Home and Colonial School Society. By W. B. TEGETMBIER. Sketches of Lessons on the Sabbath, Published under the direction of the Committee. By E. Coghlan, Master of the Juvenile School. Price 3d. With " A Wednesday Afternoon at the Home and Colonial Schools,” price 4d. Arrangement of Texts, for the use of Schools and Families. By Miss Mayo: Price 1d. Third Edition, price 8d. Tables of the Geography of Great Britain and Ireland, FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES, Prepared at the request of the Committee of the Home and Colonial Training Institution. Digest of the Rules and Regulations of the Committee of Council on Education, price 3d. Price 4s. per 100. HINTS TO PARENTS, These are printed in large type, and intended for distribution among the poor. They contain the result of the experience of the Society in the management of children. Price 3s. per 100. WHAT IS THE CAUSE? This is a short Address to Parents on the management of their Children at home, and pressing them to act with the School Teachers. The above Books are published by GROOMBRIDGE & Sons, Paternoster Row, and may be ordered of any Bookseller, or will be sent post free by the Society. ( ) 3 Besks. Sino-žáx7x7 ------------ ------ WALL LINE - --- - ------2--8" ------ K------ ----- 0 0 0 FLOOR LINE Group of four Moveable Desks and Benches. SSSS VA . st DODOVODSTOT Front Elevation of lowest Desk and Bench attached. 1 BENCH DESK Bird's-eye View of Desk and Bench. The above desks are moveable, and rise three inches and a-half above each other, having a platform for the feet of the children attached to each seat, and thus form an excellent gallery, The greater elevation of the back desks brings the children using them under the teacher's inspection, and enables them to see the maps or diagrams, etc. placed before the class. When these desks are used for writing, the space between ( 4 ) DESKS. them can be increased with great facility, as each desk with its accompanying form, moves on castors, and by this means room is given for the teacher to pass behind the children without interrupting them. When required for gallery teaching, they are put closer together, so that four will only occupy the space ordinarily allowed for three, whilst the children sit much more comfortably than in a gallery as usually constructed. This double use of the desk for writing and gallery teaching is of great value for older children, and is highly approved.. Specimens of these desks and forms, which were invented and first brought into use at the Institution, can be seen at the Depository of the Society, or at the Museum in Kensington, or in any part of the country where they have been sent. The charge is 3s. 3d. per foot complete ; castors 2s. each desk extra. The conveyance by rail-road is reasonable. A pattern desk is in every case to be recommended, as they are not easy of construction ; such patterns have already been sent into most counties in England, and some abroad. The Model Schools of the Society-Infant, Juvenile and Mixed, i.e., Boys, Girls and Infants — are always open to the public, without any charge, during the usual school hours, every day except Saturday. Wednesday is perhaps on the whole the best day for seeing them ; and in the afternoon of that day, the Kinder Garten occupations are going on. The Kinder Garten articles are sold at the Depository of the Institution. FATALOGUE OF POPULAR AND STANDARD WORKS, (CHIEFLY EDUCATIONAL) Published by JARROLD & SONS. O@NO T. They UMTS N EN . . in NY KIS VILAN London: JARROLD AND SONS, EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHERS, 47, ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD. NEW WORK, BY THE AUTHOR OF 6 THE GUIDE TO SCIENCE.", Fcap. 8vo, price 3s. Bd. (Second Edition), THEOLOGY IN SCIENCE: THE REV. DR. BREWER, BY TRINITY HALL, CAMBRIDGE, Author of "Guide to Scripture History," " Guide to Grecian History," Jc. ge. THE main object of this work, “THEOLOGY IN SCIENCE," is to point out indications of Divine wisdom and goodness in the phenomena that science has unveiled. Science, for example, reveals to us certain facts, or makes us conyersant with certain natural operations; these facts and operations being received on such authority, the present work shews how they manifest undoubted marks of “goodness beyond thought, and power divine." For instance: Geology proves the earth to have existed many ages before the creation of man, and in those ages its strata were dislocated, deranged, and altered from their original character ; the “THEOLOGY IN SCIENCE” shews upon what premises these statements rest, why the earth had this long pre-existence, and wherein consist the wisdom and goodness of the changes and mutilations which have taken place. Again, Physical Geography points out certain profiles and reliefs in the several continents of the earth; the “THEOLOGY IN SCIENCE,” after stating these facts, proceeds to explain why the bays and gulfs incline one way rather than another; why the earth is neither larger nor smaller than it is; why the day is 24 hours long, and the year 12 months; why the atmosphere is neither more nor less transparent, more nor less mobile, more nor less heavy, more nor less simple or complex; why water expands both when it freezes and when it boils, why it contains latent heat, and why it circulates in a never-ceasing round; in a word, why that Great Being, who “spake and it was done," commanded what was made to be made in its present fashion, and not in some other. As an educational work, it is wholly unique. Others may have treated upon similar subjects detached; but none has had the same general scope. Even Dr. Paley's admirable Natural Theology," takes a different line of argument, viz., the adaptation of certain organs and functions to the work they have to perform; whereas the object of the “THEOLOGY IN SCIENCE" is to shew how Science is the handmaid of Religion, and confirms what Scripture has revealed. The work is divided into 5 parts :-THE WORLD BEFORE MAN-THE WORLD AS IT NOW IS-MAN IN THE WORLD-MAN DISPERSED OVER THE WORLD-and THE PLURALITY OF WORLDS. The first contains a complete Treatise on GEOLOGY; the second, on PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY; the third, on ETHNOLOGY, or the Species of Man; the fourth, on PHILOLOGY, or the Languages of Man; and the fifth meets the great question--Are the Stars inhabited ? Incidental to these grand Sciences are several others no less important, as-The Atinosphere, its nature and uses ;* Heat and Light; the Winds, the Clouds, the Rain, and the Snow. And incorporated with the appropriate parts come the great current questions of the day-Does Geology contradict Scripture? Was the penalty, imposed upon Man for disobedience, extended to dumb animals? Were the Fossils deposited by the Deluge! Can all mankind be of one blood ? Are the languages of the world so 'diverse, because they were confounded at the building of Babel As the book is designed for schools as well as for private reading, the simplest language has been uniformly adopted, and the paragraphs are very short, that they may, if it be thought proper, be committed to memory. * Every quantity, at all liable to error, is distinctly marked; and the etymology of every technical word is given and explained. London: Jarrold & Sons, 47, St. Paul's Churchyard. JARROLD AND SONS CATALOGUE OT EDUCATIONAL AND STANDARD BOOKS. GUIDES TO HISTORY. A COMPENDIUM OF UNIVERSAL HISTORY. M Part I.- ANCIENT HISTORY. Part II.—MIDDLE AGES. Part III.- MODERN HISTORY. Part IV.-HISTORICAL QUESTIONS. The Series com- plete in one thick volume, 18mo., cloth, 3s. 6d. The Four Parts may also be had separately, price 9d. each, in stiff covers; or ls. each in cloth. “We do not recollect that we ever were MORE ASTONISHED by a “Compendium" than by this. Here is a cheap, portable (18mo) volume, ranging with the publishers' well-known Guide to Science,' &c., within y bich will be found a very remark- ably complete, and minutely accurate, sketch of the entire history of the world! And it is not, as might be supposed, little more than a series of chronological tables; is not a bare mention of the facts of history : but gives every fact its own colour, and traces the connexions of the events and movements it discribes; shows how the rise and fall of nations severally, and the progress of humanity at large, have been affected by single persons and actions ;-and connects the facts of history with the truths of revelation, and the principles of God's government of the world. Of course, this is done on a very limited scale;- but it is well and effectively donc : and whatever youg man should read this little book carefully, though unable to make further acquirenient of knowledge, would be a geally well-informell person as to the history of his race. Besides great events and public affairs, the author has introduced notices of social and ecclesiastical life into his narrative; a feature strongly to be commended. In the hands of an intelligent teacher, such a book as this with its 1,450 well adaptec questions- might readily furnish the most delightful and most instructive exercises of the school-room" TR. BREWER'S GUIDE TO GRECIAN HISTORY, MYTHOLOGY, AND LITERATURE. Second Edition, Thick 18mo., embossed cloth, 3s. 6d. This work is so arranged as to be used as a Class Reading Book or as a Question Book It not only shews how each petty state rose and declined, but contains also a full account of the Religious Notions, Institutions, Customs, &c., of the Ancient Greeks, a Short Analysis of the Theories of the different Philosophic Sects, of the Scheme of the Historic Works, and of the Subject Matter of the Dramatic Poets, TR. BREWER'S GUIDE TO ROMAN HISTORY AND V BIOGRAPHY; from the Earliest Period to the Close of the Western Empire. Third Edition, thick 18mo., embossed cloth, 3s. 6d. ALLISON'S GUIDE TO ENGLISH HISTORY AND A BIOGRAPHY; from the Invasion by Julius Cæsar to the year 1859. Revised and Enlarged by the Rev. Dr. Brewer. Eighteenth Edition, 18mo., embossed cloth, 3s. Jarrold and Sons Catalogue of Guides to History continued. NHILD'S PATHWAY THROUGH THE HISTORY OF U ENGLAND: in Question and Answer. By a Lady. With Fleads of the Sovereigns. Third Edition, 18mo., stiff cover, 6d. SCRIPTURE HISTORY. TR. BREWER'S GUIDE TO SCRIPTURE HISTORY. D THE OLD TESTAMENT; containing the History of the Jews to the Birth of Christ, and the leading events of Contemporary History. Second Edition, thick 18mo., embossed cloth, 3s. 6d. This work is on the plan of the Author's Grecian History; the Contemporary Profane History is introduced in a very felicitous style. MwO THOUSAND QUESTIONS ON THE OLD AND 1 NEW TESTAMENTS; with Explanatory Introductions to each Book, a Concise History of the Jews, and a Short Sketch of the Christian Evidences. 18mo., embossed cloth, 2s. The KEY to the Questions, embossed cloth, 2s. ONE THOUSAND QUESTIONS ON THE OLD TESTAMENT. ONE THOUSAND QUESTIONS ON THE NEW TESTAMENT. Being the Separate Parts of the above Work, price 9d. each, stiff cover; 18. in cloth. The Key to each 9d., stiff cover, 1s. cloth. Every Intelligent Child who goes through this Series of Scripture Questions, will have a clear notion of the scope and contents of the Sacred Volume, QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON THE PROPHECIES W CONCERNING OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST: especially designed for Junior Classes. 18mo., sewed, price 2d., or 12s. per 100. This little work has been highly commended by one of H.M. Inspectors of Schools. MHE PASSOVER FEASTS AND OLD TESTAMENT 1 SACRIFICES: Shewing their Typical Meaning and Fulfilment in our Lord Jesus Christ. By the Author of “The Observing Eye,” &c. Third Edition, with Illustrations, 12mo., cloth, 2s. 6d. RIBLE STORIES. By Lucy Barton. Steel Frontispiece, D 18m0., cloth, ls. GUIDES TO SCIENCE. DR. BREWER'S GUIDE TO THE SCIENTIFIC U KNOWLEDGE OF THINGS FAMILIAR. Thirteenth Edition. Eighty- irst Thousand. With Appendix of Questions. Thick 18mo., embossed cloth, 38. 6d. Educational and Standard Books. Guides to Science continued. NR. MANN'S GUIDE TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF D LIFE. A Hand-book of Physiological Science—Animal and Vegetable. By Robert James Mann, M.D., F.R.A.S. Numerous Illustrations, thick 18mo. cloth, 4s. “This Book is by one of the scientific teachers of the time, sound in knowledge, earnest in purpose, and above all writers on intricate subjects, gifted with won- derful powers of explanation."-Chambers' Journal. TR. MANN'S GUIDE TO ASTRONOMICAL SCIENCE. With Diagrams. Thick 18mo., cloth, 3s. 6d. “I have been greatly interested in observing the manner in which you have endeavoured to bring within the understanding of persons of moderate scientific attainments, questions of no small complexity, requiring for their comprehension geometrical conceptions, which I believe are in most persons, but are rarely called into exercise. In my opinion, you have succeeded in this attempt, partly by the admirable plan of separating by paragraph and type the propositions from their proofs, and breaking up the general questions into distinct propositions, and partly by familiar illustrations, and a vivacity of style well adapted to fix the attention of the learner." From PROFESSOR CEALLIS (Plumian Professor of Astronomy, in the University of Cambridge.) TR. MANN'S GUIDE TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE HEAVENS. In Question and Answer. Hlustrations, 18mo., cloth, 2s. 6d. MIDDLETON'S LARGE CELESTIAL ATLAS. Ten 1 Large Maps of the Constellations; each Map being accompanied by a cor- responding Blank Map of the Stars only.' Oblong Atlas 4to., half-bound, iżs. 6d.; 6., with the Constellations beautifully Coloured, 15s. “There is no work of the kind I have yet seen which I would prefer."- Dr. Thomas Dick. 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Royal V 18mo., embossed cloth, 2s. 6d. 12 Jarrold and Sons' Catalogue of HOUSEHOLD TRACTS FOR THE PEOPLE. Designed as Gifts from Parents to their Children-Teachers to their Scholars - Mistresses to their Servants-and Masters to their Workpeople. « This is the best Series of Original Tracts, for Working Men and their Families, that has come under our notice for many years."-British TV' orkman, Oct., 1857. TWOPENCE EACH. COTTAGE HOMES. MOTHER'S TRIALS AND TRIUMPHS. S 109 Mothers. THE STARTING IN LIFE. For Boys. THE HAPPY LIFE. For Girls. MY FIRST PLACE. For Young Servants. HOW DO YOU MANAGE THE YOUNG ONES? For Parents. HOW TO TAKE CARE OF NUMBER ONE. For Young Men. ARE YOU THINKING OF GETTING MARRIED? Words to the Thought- less and the Thinking. WORKING MEN'S HINDRANCES. Set Forth by a Working Man. THE WORTH OF FRESH AIR. THE USE OF PURE WATER. THE VALUE OF GOOD FOOD. INFLUENCE OF WHOLESOME DRINK. For Everybody. ADVANTAGE OF WARM CLOTHING. GAIN OF A WELL-TRAINED MIND, I A SHORT YARN. For Sailor's. DAUGHTERS FROM HOME. HOUSEHOLD RHYMES FOR THE CHILDREN. HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF THINGS. YOUNG MEN IN GREAT CITIES. KIND WORDS FOR THE KITCHEN. PEACE IN THE HOUSEHOLD. On Good Temper. THE PACKET OF 12 HOUSEHOLD GIFT BOOKS, Being Twelve assorted Household Tracts, in elegant Illuminated Covers, and attractive Embossed Envelope, price 3s., is now ready, and should be on erery Bookseller's Counter, Six of the above, Assorted, in Embossed Envelope, Is. 6d. Educational and Standard Works. 13 SCIENCE FOR THE HOUSEHOLD. TWOPENCE EACH. THE GREAT ROUND WORLD THE INVISIBLE AIR THE WIDE AND DEEP SEA / THE INCONSTANT WIND BUSY-BODY OXYGEN | THE REFRESHING RAIN. The above are published in one volume, entitled " The Earth, and its Garment of Water and Air.” Embossed cloth, 1s. 6d. Also, TWOPENCE EACH. MASS AND ITS MIGHT THE LIGHTNING HARNESSED EXPANSIVE HEAT FOR USEFUL WORK THUNDER AND LIGHTNING THE LIGHTNING GUIDING THE LIGHTNING BRIDLED THE MARINER AND TAMED The above are published in one volume, entitled “The Atoms and Electric Forces of the Earth.” Embossed cloth, Is. 6d. This Series of School and Home Books is intended to illustrate, one by one, the great facts in Physical Science, in such a manner as to make the masses of the people familiar with the grand discoveries of philosophy, as they bear on the circumstances of every-day life, and the commerce, locomotion, and habitations of mankind. The following Testimonials are selected from a large number in the hands of the Publishers. From the " ENGLISH CHURCHMAN." " It has often been lamented that 'popular tracts, so called, are not really popular in their style, and in their manner of dealing with practical subjects. Our experience teaches us that the complaint is well founded, and we are happy to have it in our power to point out to our readers a very useful series of TRACTS FOR THE PEOPLE, published by Messrs. JARROLD & SONS, of London and Norwich, which are more really popular' in their style, and more likely to interest and benefit the working classes,' and the class immediately above them, than any other tracts which we have met with on the same subject. There is a strong vein of common sense, and some humour running through them. The print and paper are very good-their appearance is attractive and their price very low.” Extract from a letter from THE ARCHBISHOP OF DUBLIN. "The Archbishop has put some of the Household Tracts' into the hands of several of his acquaintance, who are likely to bring them into notice.” 14 Jarrold and Sons Catalogue of Testimonials to Household Tracts continued. From the Rev. Canon HUGH STOWELL, Manchester. "Those of your series of tracts which I have had leisure to examine have afforded me much satisfaction. They appear to me to be admirably fitted to sub- serve the great purpose they contemplate, combining force with simplicity, and fitted alike to interest the minds and benefit the hearts of the working-classes. I hope to be able to promote their circulation." From the Rev. GEORGE GILFILLAN, Dandee. “I cordially approve of the rurPOSE, SPIRIT, and EXECUTION of your very admirable Tracts, and heartily recommend them. Would that all tracts were like them." From the Rev. JOHN ROBINSON, one of the Secretaries of the London City Mission. "I am much impressed with their admirable adaptation to correct by instruction and Tarning the evils which sadly afilict the humbler classes.” sense. I have th From the Rev. Dr. MILLER, Rootor of St. Martin's, Birmingham. "Your Tracts appear to me to be very valuable. Much as I value, and largely as I circulate Tracts, directly and exclusively spiritual in subject and in tone, I am strongly of opinion that we waat a class of tracts on secular and social subjects, based on the vital truths of our most holy faith,' and by no means ignoring them, but not so directly and exclusively religious as those ordinarily circulated in our parishes. Your series quite meets the case. They are full of sanctified common ning ordered a large supply for distribution among my elder school children, among parents, among our artisans, and generally, by our District Visitors." From the Rev. SAMUEL MARTIN, Westminster. “ The topics are most interesting and important, and the style and spirit are all that can be desired in such publications. Words so fitly spoken cannot fail to secure God's blessing, and to be channels of truth and righteousness to the readers. From the Rev. ARTHUR ROBERTS, Rector of Woodrising, Norfolk. « Their sprightliness and vifacity of style, the knowledge which they manifest of the peculiar trials and temptations of the classes they address, and the good and wholesome counsels they administer both for body, mind, and soul, cannot fail, I think, to render them extremely useful. They are written, as it seems to me, with much ability. Without being directly and avowedly religious tracts, the religious sentiments embodied in them are, as far as I have seen, of a very sound and scriptural description. The morality is excellent." From the Rev. W. CARUS WILSON, Ventnor. (Editor of the “Friendly Visitors and “ Children's Friend.") "Your Tracts seem very useful, and to supply a desideratum. I am inclined to think they would be very useful for a work I have in hand" (BOOK AND TRACT HAWKING). From Sir CULLING E, EARDLEY, Bart., Torquay, “I am much pleased with them." Educational and Standard Books. 15 Farnell's New Series of Copy-Books. INITIATING, REPEATING, RIIYMING, with LADIES RUNNING-IIAND SYSTEM, &c. Žiaci si in Small Post 4to., Square, Price THREE-PENCE EACH; or, on Superior Cream-wove Paper, Price Sixpence. No. Large Hand. Simple Initiative Formations. 2. Large Hand. Simple Formations, with Prefixes and Affixes. Large, Round, and Rhyming Words, in ope and two Syllables. Small Hand. Large, Round, and Rhyming Words and Couplets, with Figure Copies, Small Hand. I forming an Arithmetical Epitome. Text, Round, and | Arithmetical, Geographical, and Grammatical Small. Copies. Text. Round, and | Arithmetical, Geographical, and Grammatical Small. Copies. Continuation of No. 5. Small Hand. Commercial Copies, Invoices, Receipts, Prom- issory Notes, &c. Small Hand. Continuation of No. 7, with Correspondences, Forms of Bill Book Entries, &c., &c. Ladies' Running Initiative to a Neat Angular Style. Hand SYSTEM. Ladies' Running Advancing Copies-Astronomical. Hand. Ladies' Running- | Poetry of the Months, &c., &c. AN ELEGANT Hand. FINISHING COPY-BOOK. ac o SUPPLEMENTARY COPY-BOOKS. 13. Farnell's Three-Hand Compendium Copy-Book. FIRST Series, OBLONG, with Slope Lines; 72 Arithmetical, Geographical, & Grammatical Copies. Price 3d. ; Superior Edition, 6d. 14. Farnell's Three-Hand Compendium Copy-Book. SECOND Series, Oblong, similar to the First Series, but without Slone Lines. Price 3d, ; Superior Edition, 6d. 15. Farnell's Mercantile Exemplars. Commercial Copies, Invoices, &c., (Nos. 7 and 8 complete,) on superior Cream-wove Paper, price 6d. ; on superior Demy Drawing, price is. 16. Farnell's Rapid Writer, or Running-Hand System. Post 4to., price Sd.; Superior Cream-wove, 9d.; Post Svo., superior Demy Drawing, 1s. o Farnell's Original Gradation Copy-Books; Beginning, Advancing, and Completing; Emendative also of the most imperfect style, in Youth or Adult. Sets 1s. 6d.; or in progressive single numbers, from No. 1 to No. 6, at Threepence each. OBLONG. 16 Jarrold and Sons Catalogue. TESTIMONIALS. The Testimonials subjoined are selected from a large number of others equally satisfactory; these, with specimens of the Books, as filled up in various schools, may be seen at the Publishers', 47, St. Paul's Churchyard, London. PROSPECTUSES AND SPECIMEN COPIES SENT BY POST ON APPLICATION. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, June 10th, 1859. GENTLEMEN, I have, as you are aware, used Farnell's Copy Books for some years. My attention was first called to them by a gentleman extensively engaged in Mercantile Pursuits, who considered their style of Penmanship to be the very model of what a commercial hand ought to be. For elegance of form, simplicity, and legibility, the writing I think cannot be excelled. The mode by which the pupil is allured into the adoption of the style set before him is such as to keep up his interest and to render the task of the teacher exceedingly light. I consider I am, Gentlemen, yours faithfully, Messrs. Jarrold & Sons. JOHN COLLINGWOOD BRUCE, LL.D., F.S.A. Holbrooke House School, RICHMOND HILL, June 3rd, 1859. GENTLEMEN, Having resided with Mr. Farnell ten years (three of which I was taught by him and through seven I instructed under him,) and haring since the publication of his series of Graduated Copy Books, used them in my own school with unfailing results, I am, perhaps, specially able to offer an opinion of the merits of the system. Beginner's. may I feel assured be taught by them with greater certainty and more speedily than by any other course; and adults can scarcely go through the series without becoming First-rate Penmen. All who have not yet given this best of systems for teaching and learning writing a trial, I advise to do so, that they may not only assist in rewarding you for the very artistic manner in whicle you have brought out the books, but also that they may obtain the easiest of all systems for teaching or acquiring so valuable a desideratum as good writing. I am, Gentlemen, yours very faithfully, R. MC'EWAN, L.R.C.P. St. Peter's, near MARGATE, June Sth, 1859. GENTLEMEN, Farnell's Copy Books are preferred by my pupils to all others I have used, and inspire a pleasure and care in writing, greatly promotive of im- provement. Their contents impart instruction of great practical value, and if it is desired that tutor, pupil, and parent should be equally satisfied and pleased with the penmanship taught, these books are the best adapted of any I know. I am, Gentlemen, Fours respectfully, A. POWELL, - - JUST ÞUBLISHED, PRICE FIVE SHILLINGS, With Coloured Map & Illustrations, THE COLONY OF NATAL: An Account of the Characteristics & Capabilities of this British Dependency. Published under the Authority of the Government Immigration Board, for the Guidance and Information of Emigrants. COMPILED AND EDITED BY .ROBERT JAMES MANN, M.D., F.R.A.S., Superintendent of. Education in Natal, AUTHOR OF “A GUIDE TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF LIFE," ETC. ETC. New Volume of the Observing Eye Series. Caterpillars, Butterflies, & Moths : An Account of their Manners, Habits, and Transformations. By MARY AND ELIZABETH KIRBY. With Illustrations, bound in embossed cloth, price 2s. V Tracts lately Published for the Ladies' Sanitary Association. WHEN WERE YOU VACCINATED ? Price 1d. THE POWER OF SOAP AND WATER. Price 14d. THE CHEAP DOCTOR; A WORD ABOUT FRESH AIR. Third Edition. Price 3d. . THE HEẤLTH OF THE PARISH, AND THE DWELLINGS OF THE PEOPLE. Price 2d. THE MASSACRE OF THE INNOCENTS: An Address delivered by the Rev. CHARLES KINGSLEY, F.S.A., Rector of Eversley, at the First Public Meeting of the Ladies' Sanitary Association. Price 1d. NEW COPY-BOOK. Farnell's Current-Hand Scripture Chronology Price 3d.; extra quality paper, handsome cover, 6d. London: Jarrold and Sons, 47, St. Paul's Churchyard. NOW'READY. DR. BREWER’S SCRIPTURE HISTORY, (NEW TESTAMENT,) Uniform with "Scripture History," Old Testament. Price 39. 6d. This Manual of New Testament History is adapted for a reading book, and it may be used as a catechism. The style is so simple, and the sentences so terse, that any child able to read may understand the portions printed in large type; but to meet the wants of more advanced scholars, numerous supplementary chapters, in smaller type, have been added, bearing on the contemporaneous history, the political and religious aspect of the times, the formation and polity of the early. Christian Church, and all such other matter as conduces to the clear understanding of the New Testament History. Allison's First Lessons in Geography: For the Use of the Nursery and Junior Classes in Schools. Upwards of 180,000 of this work have been sold. This new edition has been carefully prepared by the Rev. Dr. Brewer, of Leeds. Every fact has been verified from the most recent authorities; and supplementary 27th Edition, 18mo, stiff cover, 9d.; or bound in cloth, Is. THE COPY-BOOK PORTFOLIO, Constructed to hold Famell's Copy Books whilst in use, so as to keep them clean and free from “dog's ears.” To ensure the extensive adoption of this useful appendage to copy-book writing, the publishers have determined to issue it for retail sale at 1£d. ; very superior edition, 4d. With care, one Portfolio may be used for a dozen successive books. Sample Copies sent by Post on Receipt of Stamps. “Here a Little and There a Little ;" Or, DAILY MANNA FOR THE LAMBS OF CHRIST'S FOLD. By a Mother. With Frontispiece by Whimper. 2nd edition, price 2s. London: Jarrold and Sons, 47, St. Paul's Churchyard. W. AND A. K. JOHNSTON, Geographers and Engravers TO THE QUEEN, Y LITHOGRAPHIC PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS, 4, ST ANDREW SQUARE, 圈圈圈圈腿盟​。 . / La OS on L 1. 51 . 'w ti * . . . . 2A . Y51 MOTO Stran STAS . f info is VANN WWW AT SIS . UU WWW . WO . or . ! . 1. AGENTS: E. STANFORD, CHARING CROSS; GROOMBRIDGE AND SON, PATERNOSTER ROW. GLASGOW: JAMES LUMSDEN AND SON. ABERDEEN: L. AND J. SMITH. DIDCCCLX. GEOGRAPHICAL AND EDUCATIONAL WORKS . JOHNSTON'S SCHOOL-ROOM MAPS. Coloured, on Cloth and Rollers. These works are extensively used in Great Britain and the Colonies. New Editions are regularly prepared so as to keep pace with the exten- sion-of geographical knowledge. THE USUAL DISCOUNT TO TEACHERS. 125. Od. FIRST SERIES. Price per Price per NASIE OP Map. Size of Map. мар Map unvarnished. varnished. inch. inch. EASTERN HEMISPHERE, . 50 by 42 ... 10s. Od. ... 12s. Od. WESTERN HEMISPHERE, . . 50 by 42 ... 10s. Od. ... 12s. Od. ENGLAND, . 50 by 42 ... 10s. Od. ... 12s. Od. SCOTLAND, . . . . 50 by 42 ... 10s. Od. ... 12s. Od. IRELAND, .. 50 by 42 ... 10s. Od. ... 12s. Od. EUROPE, 50 by 42 ... 10s. Od. ... 12s. Od. ASIA, . 50 by 42 ... 10s. Od. ... 12s. Od. AFRICA, . . . 50 by 42 ... 10s. AMERICA, . . . . 50 by 42 ... 10s. Od. ... 129. Od. CANAAN AND PALESTINE, 50: by 42 ... 10s. Od. 12s. od. These 10 Maps in Wood Case, (See Diagram No. 1, £6, 6s. Do. in Stand, (See Diagram No. 2, . £7, 7s. SECOND SERIES. CANADA AND BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. ** 50 by. 42 . 10s. Od... 128. Od. FRANCE, . . . . . 50 by 42 ... 10s. Od. ... 128. Od SPAIN, . . . . . 50 by 42 ... 10s. Od. ... 12s. Od. CENTRAL EUROPE, . . 50 by 42 ... 10s. Od. ... 12s. Od. ITALY, . . . . . 50. by 42 ... 10s. Od. ... 12s. Od. INDIA, . 50 by 42 ... 10s. Od. ... 12s. Od. WORLD, . 50 by 42 . 10s. Od. ... 12s. Od These 7 Maps in Wood Case (see Diagram No. 1), £4, 10s. SCHOOL CLASSICAL MAPS. URBIS VETERIBUS NOTUS, 50 by 42 ... 10s. Od. ... 12s. Od. ITALIA ANTIQUA, . . 50 by 42 ... 10s. Od.... 128. Od: GRÆCIA ANTIQUA, . . 50 by 42 ... 10s. Od. : ... 12s. Od. ASIA MINOR, . ... 50 by 42 ... 10s. Od. ... 12s. Od. ORBIS ROMANUS, . . . 50 by 42 ... 10s. Od. ... 12s. Od. These 5 Maps in Wood Case (see Diagram No. 1), £3, 8s. PUBLISHED BY W. AND A. K. JOANSTON. DIAGRAM No. 1. GT OS 1 EM - - + - - A . - SS TV SOLO . ST .. .. ...... C A T 1 . FA TO IS DOS . TOR - - Hilal ilm Ilust lnlll - IM . M VP ON With dotto WILT - R ht III . . w 1: 1 1 . . Wiki tol AMERICA VINTO SET OF MAPS IN CASE. The CASE for hanging on a Wall contains 10 Coloured Maps on Cloth and Rollers, and is so constructed that any Map can be drawn down as required, and pulled up again by the cords at the side. LIST OF THE MAPS. EASTERN HEMISPHERE, AMERICA, WESTERN HEMISPHERE, ENGLAND, EUROPE, SCOTLAND, ASIA, IRELAND, AND : AFRICA, CANAAN AND PALESTINE. The Maps measure 4 feet 2 inches by 3 feet 6 inches. The Case is 4 feet 8 inches long by 1 foot 9 inches high; and as it is only 4 inches thick, it projects very little from the wall. It can be packed in matting, and sent with safety to any part of the country, . . £6 6 0 · The Second Series of 7 Maps, in Case as above, 5 School Classical Maps, » » . 3 8 0 *** As all the School-room Maps are of uniform size and construction, the Case may contain any number or kind of Maps selected by a purchaser. • 4 10 0 GEOGRAPHICAL AND IDUCATIONAL WORKS DIAGRAM No. 2. NO EA.IDY L ISPHERE 1 EAN REMIS EASTERN re IC . CRI THUR 1 2cl WITRIVIAMUUD ULT AYAA LING ILMU MUMUWOSTKI C PG . . . F Jorn My Ho ES ** IS 11 RM NUWUN SA LCHUURWURINN Woni GEBER hu Unfiniti fritt! ti, 1. IT11111tni - IC 2 :1 17 . 1 HU . - TA I + L SA EA ST * IS 1 HN ST - - F- SO 11 . . . 1 W , . - - . - 33{{{11ann IN . Wiltliku ...- . . L ' Or ' . SALE SEX 4 AY OG SPONTANER RA IU SASA SA AS UIN . - LIV . - . . ht * - - KA - SET OF MAPS IN STAND. The STAND is mounted on Castors, and contains 10 Coloured Maps on a continuous web of cloth, which revolves vertically, over Rollers, by turning the handle at the side, so that the Maps are exhibited in rotation. LIST OF THE MAPS. EASTERN HEMISPHERE. AMERICA. WESTERN HEMISPHERE. ENGLAND. EUROPE, SCOTLAND, ASIA, IRELAND, AND AFRICA, CANAAN AND PALESTINE. The Maps ineasure 4 feet 2 inches by 3 feet 6 inches. The Stand is 6 feet 6 inches high by 4 feet 7 inches broad. It can be taken to pieces, packed in matting, and sent with safety to anv nart of the country Price £7, 7s. When made with Black Boara behind for Arithmetic or Diagrams, 10. Gu. extra. PUBLISHED BY W. AND A. K. JOHNSTON." - . .-+ - - - - - + K N R . 4 - - - --- - - - - - - - - JOHNSTON'S SCHOOL AND FAMILY MAPS. Coloured, on Cloth and Bollers. These are exact Reductions of the First Series to a size suitable for smaller School Rooms or for Families :- Price per Price per NAME OF MAP. Size of Mup. Map Map unvarnished. varnished inch. inch. EASTERN HEMISPHERE, . . 33 by 27 ... 58. Od.... 6s. Od. WESTERN HEMISPHERE, · 33 by 27 ... 5s. Od. ... 6s. Od. ENGLAND, : 33 by 27 ... 55. Od.... 6s. Od. SCOTLAND, . . . . . 33 by 27 6s. Od. IRELAND, . . . . . 33 by 27 ... 5s. Od. ... 6s. Od. EUROPE, . . . . . 33 by 27 ... 55. Od. ... 6s. Od. ASIA, . . 33 by 27 5s. Od. ... 6s. Od. AFRICA, . . . . . 33 by 27 ... 59. Od. ... 6s. Od. AMERICA, . 33 by 27 ... 58. Od. ... 6s. Od. CANAAN AND PALESTINE, 33 by 27 ... 5s. Od.... 6s. Od. These 10 Maps in Wood Case (see Diagram No. 3), £4, 4s. Or in Wooden Stand (see Diagram No. 4), 25, 5s. ... CHART OF THE WORLD. THE WORLD ON MERCATOR'S} 33 by 27 ... 55. Od. ... 65. Od. PROJECTION, CANADA, UNITED STATES, AND MEXICO. CANADA, ETC., . . . 30 by 27 . 58. Od.... 68. Od. A MAP ILLUSTRATIVE OP GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS, Explaining the Chartographical Principles of Physical Geography and Hydrography. With Glossary, by J. R. JACKSON, F.R.S., etc. Size, 33 inches by 27 inches. Price,- Unvarnished, 5s. ; varnished, 6s. CHRONOLOGICAL CHART OF ANCIENT HISTORY, FROM THE CREATION TO THE FALL OF THE WESTERN ROMAN EMPIRE. With Glossary by John FORBES, LL.D., Governor of Donaldson's Hospital. Size, 33 inches by 27 inches. Price,Unvarnished, 5s. ; Varnished, 6s. EXTRA copies of the above Glossaries, 6d. ench. GEOGRAPHICAL AND EDUCATIONAL WORKS SCHOOL AND FAMILY MAPS. DIAGRAM No. 3. MUTTEN 11111 tilling 103 10 m :IWA inuutinututunanuunaimingunanum tuuningantunumnur um hinuminiumununimuiiuiimuultifuniguguint : mymidiឃុំយលក់លាយរវើរររររ}}}}}} lladiatiirujmainitijimitingurinn e inmipuu ldiបរររររពេលហើយហើរពរវាយឯង៣យរំវេណ munnen ontspannenmuwamanunumiiniuojum i : . MTIDIUVITAlulitiniui ALUSTO.. TI NU u noNTUITINIMUMutinio... SUNSTAR Dagninum nouunuurmnunununninumnuninn minlissima ini TTS ជារបៀបដេរ៣០ "MUTYDE... Widhwalmiin untuningpinunuliu Miu liitlilintu Uuni I LA het www owndance . 7. MUNAN HU Train YILIKUWA N A WA VIJAY TunesTUSTWWYWAND SUUWWWMMH TWILI TUU, MELIAU DAUN MAGNUM A CASE for hanging on a wall, containing 10 Coloured Maps on Cloth and Rollers, so constructed that any map can be drawn down as required, and pulled up again by the cord at the side. NAMES OF THE MAPS. EASTERN HEMISPHERE, WESTERN HEMISPHERE, EUROPE, ASIA, Africa, AMERICA, ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, IRELAND, AND PALESTINE. Size of the Maps 33 by 27 inches. Size of the Case 3 feet 3 inches by 1 foot 6 inchies. Price, in Painted Case, £4, 4s. - .CUL LUXOR Gm LD 11 TO MWISHIKAWI ! THUR 110101 BS consectetur ANNUN CIO:WW W AX Trore EUROPE, Sale WWunden) Domingo M DIAGRAM No. 4. Witam r email:02: ER DET ALTEAR POMENIRESHALALAKET 2 MILLIMISLITEIT un Seiten MOLLERITATA GORI 77 WWW .SE hardvestaw KVALUUTAMA NYE . Re A V AFRICAN AFRICA YOU 11 Q DIDINIKUD Laman iirty SET Y CT759 - Ilir: S SA M HT il (1 1 A STAND Mounted on Castors, containing 10 CO- loured Maps on a continuous web of cloth. The maps re- volve vertically over rollers by turning the handle at the side, so that they are ex- hibited in rotation. NAMES OF THE MAPS. EASTERN HEMISPHERE. WESTERN HEMISPHERE, EUROPE, ASIA, AFRICA, AMERICA, ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, IRELAND, AND PALESTIND. Size of the Maps 33 by 27 inches. Size of the Stand 6 feet high b.y 3 feet 2 inches broad. Price of Maps and Painted Stand, with Black Diagram Board, £5, 5s. Ditto, Solid Oak, do., £6, Os. LIDE timu TRI - L'ango PUBLISHED BY W. AND A. K. JOHNSTON. JOHNSTON'S ILLUSTRATIONS OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. These Illustrations of Natural Philosophy are carefully drawn and coloured after nature, and the series in preparation will include all the most interesting Phenomena of general Science. Each Sheet is accompanied by a Hand-book explanatory of the subject. LYKST.12: 4 TI Y 24 . Morgerens 39 १००१ Blom SWAS RA 1 w .. .. ( OK 11 1111 EERS TOMIC . NI . AU IWE Tror . .. ny. . . IN No. I.-PROPERTIES OF Bodies, 37 Diagrams, and Descriptive Book, 50 by 42 inches, Coloured and Mounted on Cloth and Rollers, los.; Varnished, 12s. JOHNSTONS ILLUSTRATIONS OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY SHEET 192 & VIR Q I UTU T . . SWT S SUL AL mi IN . . + I . T . - No. II:- MECHANICAL POWERS, 47 Diagrams, and Descriptive Book, 50 by +2 inches, Coloured and Mounted on Cloth and Rollers, 10s. ; Varnished, 125. GEOGRAPHICAL AND EDUCATIONAL WORKS . JOHNSTON'S ILLUSTRATIONS OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY continued. Poate : S NO 4 2 DV RAS MI Eh! SE SE No. III.-HYDROSTATICS, 28 Diagrams, and Descriptive Bool, 50 by 42 inches, Coloured and Mounted on Cloth and Rollers, 10s.; Varnished, 12s. voo r een TO SEX SLS VES YAL . MV A . No. IV.—HYDRAULICS, 27 Diagrams, and Descriptive Book, 50 by 42 inches, Coloured and Mounted on Cloth and Rollers, 10s.; Vårnished, 125. PUBLISHED BY W. IND A. K. JOHNSTON. JOHNSTON'S ILLUSTRATIONS OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY Continued. JOHNSTONS ILLUSTRATIONS OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. PLATE, . PLAT NUT 107 U ON . GONES LIGAMENTS IT Esco . www MUSCLES HEART LARTERIES No. Y.-HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY, Plate 1; 27 Diagrams, and Descriptive Book, 60 by 12 inches, Coloured and Mounted on Cloth and Rollers, 10s.; Varnished, 128. - PT. W O HONEY - MACAS . . . PLATE 2 BU . EXID I ' d . VEINS & LUNGS ORGANS OF. DIGESTION I 7 co BRAIN & NERVES THE SENSES ::.. No. VI.-HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY, Plate 2, 42 Diagrams, and. Descriptive Book, 50 by 42 inches, Coloured and mounted on Cloth and Rollers, 10s. ; Varnished, 125. GEOGRAPHICAL AND. EDUCATIONAL WORKS JOHNSTON'S ILLUSTRATIONS OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY ---continued. * . . . SHEET 7. STEAM ENGINES. 2 TRS MIL OT ZURI ST SLNE 3 TM BY NOUNAAN vel! a terra 1. UN INITION YT LV7 MY IS DONDO YA TANGE I TO 81 GU Illum 31 CZ TIES TE W NYT No.7.-MODERN VARIETIES OF THE STEAM ENGINE AND BOILERS, 15 Diagrams and Descriptive Book, :50 by 42 inches, Culoured and Mounted on Cloth and Roller, ins ; Varnished, 12s. THESE SEVEN ILLUSTRATIONS IN Woov CASE, AS IN DIAGRAM No. 1, £4, 10s. - HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY, Selected and Arranged under the Superintendence of JOHN GOODSIR, Esq., Professor of Anatomy in the University of Edinburgh. By WILLIAM TURNER, Esq., Demonstrator of Anatomy in the University of Edinburgh. The names of Professor GOODSIR and Mr TURNER afford a suficient guarantee for the accuracy of the delineations and text; and in proof of the want of this kind of information, the Publishers may be allowed to quote thc following opinion, addressed to the Board of Trade by sixty-five medical inen of the highest standing in England: "Our opinion having been requested as to the advantages of making the Elements of Human Physiology, or a general knowledge of the laws of health, a part of the education of youth, we, the undersigned, have no hesitation in giving it strongly in the affirmative. We are satisfied that much of the sickness from which the working-classes at present suffer might be avoided ; and we know that the best-directed efforts to benefit them by medical treatment are often greatly im- peded, and sometimes entirely frustrated, by their ignorance and their neglect of the conditions upon which health necessarily depends. We are therefore of opinion, that it would greatly tend to prevent sickness and to promote soundness of body and mind, were the Elements of Physiology, in its application to the preservation of health, mada a part of general education, and we are convinced that such instruction inay be rendered most interesting to the young, and may be communicated to them with the utmost facility and propriety in the ordinary schools, by properly Instructed Schoolmasters. "Sir J. CLARK, Bart., M.A., M.D., F.R.S., Physician in Ordinary to the Queen, and to . H.R.A. Prince Albert, etc. J. COPLAND, M.D., F.R.S., President of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society. W. B. CARPENTER, M.D., T.R.S., Examiner in Physiology, etc., University of London, Pro- fessor of Forensic Medicinc at the University College. Sir W. BURNET, M.D., K.C.B., and K.C.E., F.R.S., Director-General of Naval Hospitals and Sir W. Fleets. w D., F.R; G. BURROWS, M.D., F.R.S. Physician to St Bartholomew's Flospital, etc. J. DAVY, M.D., F.R.S., Inspector-General of Army Hospitals. J. Ericason, F.R.C.S. Professor of Surgery, University College, and Surgeon to University College Hospital,” etc., etc. N.B.—The Illustrations of Human Anatomy and Physiology can also be had in the form of an Atlas. Price, Bound in Cloth, 258. PUBLISHED BY W. AND A. K. JOINSTON. SCHOOL ATLASES PUBLISHED BY W. AND A. K. JOHNSTON AND W. BLACKWOOD AND SONS. SCHOOL ATLAS OF GENERAL AND DESCRIPTIVE GEOGRAPHY. EXHIBITING THE ACTUAL AND COMPARATIVE EXTENT OF ALL THE COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD; WITH THEIR PRESENT POLITICAL DIVISIONS. By A. KEITH JOHNSTON, F.R.S. E. 25 Maps, coloured; with Index of Names, 12s 6d. strongly half-bound. Separate Maps, 64. each. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ATLAS ов GENERAL AND DESCRIPTIVE GEOGRAPHY. FOR THE USE OF JUNIOR CLASSES; INCLUDING A MAP OF CANAAN AND PALESTINE AND A GENERAL INDEX. By A. KEITH JOHNSTON, F.R.S.E. 20 Maps, coloured; price 5s. half-bound. IN TWENTY PLATES, CONSTRUCTED FROM THE BEST MATERIALS, AND EMBODYING THE RESULTS OF THE MOST RECENT INVESTIGATIONS. By A. KEITH JOHNSTON, F.R.S.E. ACCOMPANIED BY A COMPLETE INDEX OF PLACES. By T. HARVEY, M.A., Oxon. 20 Maps, coloured; price 12s. 64. strongly half-bound. Separate Maps, 6d. each. SCHOOL ATLAS OF PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, ILLUSTRATING, IN A SERIES OF ORIGINAL DESIGNS, THE ELEMENTARY FACTS OF GEOLOGY, HYDROLOGY, METEOROLOGY, AND NATURAL HISTORY. By A. KEITH JOHNSTON, F.R.S.E. 18 Maps, coloured ; price 12s. 6d. strongly half-bound. Separate Maps, 6d. each. SCHOOL ATLAS OF ASTRONOMY. By A. KEITH JOHNSTON, F.R.S. E. EDITED BY J. R. HIND, F.R.A.S. 18 Maps, coloured; price 12s. 61. strongly half-bound. Separate Maps, 8d. each. GEOGRAPHICAL WORKS PUBLISHED BY W. AND A. K. JOHNSTON. . WO UP SOS . MY X san FIG. 3. MAS BURUNDIMIT Tilaud 143 UR PhD HL . 13 MINUTA SS . . - bisa . COS KEREN . Car arna WAM 1.. UN LUP:10701 CEVH. VISITE W S . E Foll, PAL . 2 1 S ZO . . TWITTE Eston FIG. 2. Fig. 1. JOHNSTON'S MODERN GLOBES. WITH THE MOST RECENT DISCOVERIES. 18 18 1 • T 30 Inch Globe, with Black Stand (Terrestrial only), Fig. 1, Low Black Stand, . Each, wl, Low Mabogany Stand, , , 1,. 18 ... 1 High Mahogany Stand, , , 2, 12 ; Low Black Stand, . 1 l, 12 » High Mahogany Stand, Low Black Stand, . 6 Semi Meridian, · 3 Full Mounted, 3 2 1 Semi Meridian, €8 8.0 4 14 6 5 5 7 0 .2 2 0 3 3 0 1 1 0 0 10 6 012 6 0 5 6 6 . 3 Two-Thirds of Invoice Price allowed for Globe Packing-cases, if returned within Two Weeks from Date of Invoice, but the Publishers do not hold them- selves responsible for any damage Globes may receive after leaving their premises. OLD CLOBES REPAIRED AND RE-COVERED. E . CORRECTED TO FEBRUARY 1861. Jurile: BESTRIKEELSERIES CATALOGUE * OT + - + * 1... 1'. . SCHOOL-BOOKS + ' + __* + + AND . EDUCATIONAL WORKS : DRIVERS... ACUTUSTO COMPRISING AN EXPLANATORY AND DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT or SCHOOL-BOOKS PUBLISHED DURING THE YEAR 1860 BY MESSRS. LONGMAN AND CO. WITI ANNOUNCEMENTS OF OTHERS NOW IN THE PRESS; FOLLOWED BY AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE TITLES, SIZE, AND PRICE OF ABOUT THREE HUNDRED NEW WORKS BY EMINENT SCHOLARS AND IMPROVED EDITIONS OF STANDARD WORKS IN ALL BRANCHIS OF CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH GENERAL EDUCATIONAL LITERATURE: I MUVATTE: VESTES ACCOMPANIED BY A CLASSIFIED INDEX. COPY of each L R . 1. Aden . TAA - YA . 2-PS 101 1 ... - Books comprised in ma l 39 Paternoster Row, where also all other Works published by Messrs. LONGMAN and Co. may be seen. .. - - . X . ACC N1 Vi I 2012 be inspected at No. JO Hon -221- em GLAD sarren LONDON LONGMAN, GREEN, LONGMAN, and ROBERTS. 1861 H GRADUATED SERIES OF ENGLISH READING-BOOKS. Just published, in 5 vols, fcp. 8vo. price 10s. cloth, each of which Volumes may be had separately as below, THE GRADUATED SERIES OF FIVE READING-LESSON BOOKS WITH EXPLANATORY NOTES ; S ADAPTED, AS A PROGRESSIVE COURSE OF READING, FOR ALL CLASSES OF ENGLISH SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES :- c; .......... 6 ........... FIRST BOOK, comprising 192 Pages SECOND Book, comprising 256 Pages ........... ...... 1 Third BOOK, comprising 312 Pages, Second Edition ........... FOURTH BOOK, comprising 440 Pages, Second Edition ......... FIFTH Book, about 500 Pages.. ............. a Va THIS is an entirely new series of English Reading Lesson Books, each arranged in pro- I gressive sections, on a plan which is consistently maintained throughout the whole. The difficulty of the exercises is graduated chiefly with reference to the mental capacity re. quisite to comprehend and grasp the information conveyed; and also, as far as possible, with reference to the peculiarities of grammatical construction. The object of the Series is no less to facilitate the acquisition of the art of reading than to form a pupil's taste for pure literature, and to tempt him, by awakening his interest and enlisting his sympathies, to pursue his studies voluntarily. It is intended that the FIRST Book should be put into the hands of children who have gone through that rudimentary stage in which the pronunciation of single words or the enunciation of simple sentences is commonly taught. The lessons which it contains are all of so colloquial and homely a cast that it is believed they present no obstacles which such children will not surmount with alacrity. In the first section, no attempt has been made to furnish informa- tion or instruction of any kind; the object aimed at being merely to induce the child to read. It will prove no disadvantage, but rather an advantage, if his ear happens to be already familiar with some of the earlier rhymes and tales. The occasional repetition of certain words and phrases which will be noticed in this part of the volume, is designed to put the children at their ease, and so, by adding to their amusement, to facilitate the acquirement of reading. 90 London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO. Paternoster Row, E.C. TO THE MASTERS OF COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. AND TO ALL PERSONS ENGAGED IN TUITION. 39 PATERNOSTER Row, E.C. LONDON: January 31, 1861. . T TN presenting their Annual Catalogue of School-Books and Educational | Works for 1861, Messrs. LONGMAN and Co. beg leave to draw the especial attention of Masters of Schools and Colleges, and of all persons engaged in tuition, to the various new works published during the past year, an account of which is given at pages 2 to 17 of the present Catalogue. This list comprises, amongst other impor- tant and valuable School Books, the Graduated Series of English Reading Lesson Books, of which a fuller account is given upon the cover of the present Catalogue; Mr. MʻLEOD'S Middle Class Atlas for 1861, and Life and Travels of St. Paul; the Rév. J. HUNTER's edi- tions of Johnson's Rasselas, Shakespeare's Henry VIII., and the First Book of Milton's Paradise Lost, adapted for the use of students qualifying for the Oxford Middle Class Examinations of the present year; the Rev. J. HUNTER's Manuals of Letter-Writing, Précis- Writing or Abridging, and Paraphrasing or Analysis ; Mr. EDWARDS's Concise History of England; Dr. LATHAM'S Works on the English Language, including a smaller English Grammar by Dr. LATHAM and Miss MABERLY, now ready; Professor GOODEVE's Elements of Mechanism, and Professor TWISDEN's Elementary Examples in Practical Mechanics; the Rev. Dr. COLLIS's Pontes Classici, Latin and Greek, Ponticulus Latinus, and Ponticulus Grecus; Mr. CLOUGH's Greek History from Themistocles to Alexander, taken from Plutarch; a new and cheaper edition of Mr. Rich's Illustrated Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities, price 12s. 6d. ; Professor CONTANSEAU’S Précis of French Literature, Abridgment of French History, and Guide to French Translation, &c. SCHOOL-BOOKS TO BE PUBLISHED IN 1861. TN the list of new School-Books to be published in the year 1861, which forms pages 18 to 1 20 of the present Catalogue, Messrs. LONGMAN and Co. vould draw attention more particularly to the Rev. Dr. DONALDSON's copious Greek and English Lexicon, and the Rev. J. T, WHITE and Rev. J. E. RIDDLE'S Latin-English Dictionary; the Rev. W. W. BRADLEY'S Lessons in Continuous Latin Prose-Writing, and the Rev. H. M. WILKINS'S Anthologia Græca or . Progressive Greek Reading Book; Dr. J. LINDLEY'S Treasury of Botany, to form a volume printed and illustrated uniformly with MAUNDER's popular Treasuries; Mr. MʻLeod's Physical Atlas of Great Britain and Ireland; Contes Faciles, an easy reading-book, selected for the use of children learning French, by Miss SEWELL ; Shakespeare's Julius Cæsar, adapted for the use of pupils qualifying for the Middle Class Examinations by the Rev. J. HUNTER ; Mr. WOODWARD's Historical and Chronological Encyclopædia, &c. SCHOOL-BOOKS PUBLISHED IN 1860. New Works and New Editions, which may now be had. DR. BLOOMFIELD'S CRITICAL ANNOTATIONS, ADDITIONAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY, ON THE NEW TESTAMENT.................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 8vo. 14s. “ WIEN Dr. Bloomfield entered upon his labours as a I but important branch of studies is undeniable. In fact Y critic of the New Testament text, there were but Dr. Bloomfield is the father or founder of an English comparatively few in this country who had distinguished school of critics, whose united efforts have been of im- themselves in the same department. The ground was mense service to our country, and taken away from us well-nigh unloccupied by us. Neither our philology nor the reproach under which we lay. He took up his pen our exegesis was lionourable or satisfactory. As to what with the desire to be useful to his generation, and he lays we now call criticism, we had next to none of it. What it aside with lionour. He has acted wisely ini making the we may call the popular taste for such studies had to be present work a supplement to the other, and not a sepa- formed, and men had to be taught that the older com rate critical editioil. Some such undertaking was requi- mentators bad left untouched, or nearly so, some of the site to the conapletion of bis design, and the most cursory best means for expounding the inspired text. This was examination of the volume will show that it has been not all; readers of the New Testament had to be shown executed most conscientiously. The new volume, which how to expound it for themselves. Those among us who consists mainly of critical as distinguished from exegeti- prosecuted our inquiries, a little beyond the ordinary cal notes, is strictly supplemental; and, while it will be limits were generally placed at the mercy of German found of real utility by itself, it is intended and adapted scholars, whose ungodly criticisins shocked and injured to be used along with the others, to which it is a very va- us. Nono of us ever dreamed of creating a school and a luable addition. As such We cordially recommend those biblical literature of our own, one which should serve the especially to obtain it who have the other volumes, which interests of religion, and so become an advantage and an are scarcely complete without it. We receive it with ornament to our country. Happily for us Dr. Bloomfield real satisfaction, as another contribution to sacred criti- entered upon the work, and, in spite of its difficulties and cism from one who, with all the qualifications which learn- discouragements, has succeeded in erecting a monument ing and experience can conſer, joins that reverence for cere pererinius, whose influence has been very great and the inspired volume which is the crown and glory of general. The impulse it gave to a too-much neglected | Christian scholarship." CLIRIOAL JOURNAL. onsists mis strictly suppiself, it is intende it is a very HORNE'S INTRODUCTION TO THE TEXTUAL CRITICISM OF THE NEW TESTAMENT; WITH ANALYSES, &C. OF THE RESPECTIVE BOOKS, A BIBLIOGRA- PHICAL LIST OF EDITIONS, &C. THE CRITICAL PART REWRITTEN, AND THE REMAINDER REVISED AND EDITED BY S. P. TREGELLES, LL.D. SECOND EDITION, REVISED ...... 8vo. 18s. TN this volume that part which relates to Textual. 1956,--the new edition of Tischendorf, that of Tregelles, I Criticism of the New Testament was entirely rewritten and that of Alford (as re-edited) being particularly noticed. by Dr. Tregelles, who thus einbodied information obtained Some account is then given of the careful and minute from various sources and the results of his own researches collations of Mr. Scrivener ; the printed editions of the carried on for many years; the other portion of the volume Vatican text of the Greek Testament are noticed; new is that of which the Rev.T.H. Horne, B.D. was the author'; information is given with regard to various MSS. of im- revised and edited by the writer of the critical portion. It portance; and there is a particular account of the Palimp- was the endeavour of the editor to bring down the infor sest Codex Zacynthius of St. Luke, a MS, unread and mation on the subject of the sources of Textual Criticisın unused until Dr. de Lagarde mace known its existence to (MSS., versions, and Patristic citations) as nearly as Dr. Tregelles, who has deciphered the whole. The readings possible to the time of publication; and to speak in the of this Codex are of the very highest character; it is the same manner of the history of the printed text, and the only known document which contains the same sections labours of those who are devoted to that sphere of service. as the Vatican MS. This Codex will soon be better known These Additions relate principally to editions of the Greek to scholars, as the whole is already printed, and its publi- New Testament of a critical character which appeared cation, with a coinmentary and copious exegetical notes, either in whole or in part after the issue of the volume in I may shortly be expected. HORNE'S 'INTRODUCTION TO THE CRITICISM OF THE OLD TESTAMENT AND TO BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION; WITH AN ANALYSIS OF THE BOOKS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT AND APOCRYPHA. REVISED AND EDITED BY THE REV. J. AYRE, M.A. OF GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE ... OVO. 25.8. .............................. MHIS volume is divided by the Editor into three parts. terpretation and means of harmonising passages alleged The first division is devoted to the criticism of the old to be contradictory. Numerous instances of these are in- Testament. An account is given of the Hebrew and cog vestigated, ranged under appropriate heads. The part nate languages; the history of the sacred text is traced; closes with a consideration of thie inferential and prac- and the criticisin of the text is then discussed. There are tical reading of scripture. Through all the different here included descriptions of Hebrew MSS., and of the sections illustrative examples are produced. The third ancient versions of the Old Testament, the causes of va division of the volume contains a brief introduction to rious readings, and the sources whence true readings are the Old Testament and Apocrypha. Each book is se- to be determined. The quotations from the Old Testa parately examined, and its author, age, scope, and other ment in the New are afterwards considered, full tables particulars inquired into. In this part will be found a of these being given, and their external and internal forms special examination of the authorship and date of the are examined. A notice of apocryphal passages supposed Pentateuch, in which modern hypotheses are largely to be cited, and of citations from profane anthors, is sub discussed. Many important topics, besides, suggested by joined. The second division treats of the interpretation the contents of different sacred books—the imprecations of scripture. This is divided into two books; one com in the Psalms, for example-are investigated in their prising general principles, as applied to the interpreta course. The editor of this volume has re-arranged and tion of terns, and the investigation of the sense, gathered condensed Mr. Horne's original matter, and has made from the subject-matter, the context, parallel passages, large additions, for the correction of any erroneous and by other means. In connection with some of these statement, and the supplying of information which later the accuracy of the sacred writers is examined as affecting researches of learned men have given to the world. When the extent of inspiration. A notice is also added of com the due limits of the book have made conciseness neces- mentaries. The other book of this part is on the special saury, sources have been indicated to which the student interpretation of scripture: it includes the interpretation inay apply for the prosecution of further inquiry. The of its figurative language, and of its poetry; the spiritual volume will therefore, it is hoped, be found to fulfil its interpretation of it; the interpretation of scripture prophe purpose of being an introduction to sacred criticism and cies; the doctrinal and moral interpretation; with the in- | biblical interpretation. London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, I.C. - LIST OF SCHOOL-BOOKS PUBLISHED IN THE YEAR 1860. story of Our Loive. The learners passages.ents TEF GOSPEL OF S. LUKE IN THE AUTHORISED ENGLISH VERSION, ARRANGED IN PARTS AND SECTIONS; WITH TITLES, SUMMARIES, AND MARGI- · NAL NOTES. BY THE REV. J. FORSHALL, M.A...... ... . . . . . . . . . . ...........Fcp. Svo. 2s. 60. THE GOSPEL OF S. JOHN ARRANGED BY MR. FORSHALL ON THE SAME PLAN, price Is. 60. MHE history of Our Lord's life is commonly taught in an easy guide to the better understanding of the Gospel, 1 a manner very defective. The learner gains little more by showing the occasions, times, and places to which than a knowledge of isolated texts and passages. He the transactions it comprises are to be relcrrcd, by distri- remains to the lastignorant of the true sequence of events, buting the narrative into Parts and Sections, framed in of their bearing upon each other, of the progressive les accordance with the principles upon which the sacred sons in faith and duty which they were intended to con writers severally constructed their histories, and relieving vey, of the peculiar design of the several evangelists, of thic text from the civision into chapters and verses, which the vast amount of evidence afforded to the truth and in frequently interrupts the sense and misleads the reader. spiration of their narratives by their differences of view The preface to the present volume enters into the proofs and manner, of the objections which the sceptic raises on that S. Luke has disposed the events of his Gospel in the ground of sceminy inconsistencies and contraclictions the exact order in which they occurred, and suggests in the evangelical records, and of the arguments by which the principle upon which a perfect harmony of all the these objections are met and refuted. It is the design of events, &c. recorded by the Four Evangelists is to be Dir. Forshall's edition of the Four Evangelists to supply established. A CONCISE HISTORY OF ENGLAND, FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE YEAR 1868. BY JOHN EDWARDS ........... Fcp. 8vo. 3s. 6d. "MIHIS is a very clearly written and neatly compiler ! sent work he has invested an old and familiar subject 1 little history, designed for those studious members with a considerable amount of freshness and originality. of our Working Men's Colleges and Mechanics' Institu Mr. Edwards has the merit, not easily attained in a tions who desire an introduction to works of greater bulk compilatioy of this kind, of a thoroughly readable and in- and pretensions, as well as for the higher classes in teresting style. All the chief features of our history, our schools. In addition to the usual historical matter it political and municipal institutions, the origin of Parlia- contains sensible notices of the manners, industry, and ment, and the growth of our representative system and amusements of the people at different epochis, and does not limited inonarchy, are described accurately in a manner leave altogether untouched the broadening stream of our to excite the interest and impress the inemory of the national literature. The history is brought down to the reader. Mr. Edwards intends his work mainly for the present time, and the author has appended a useful use of those studious members of our Working Men's chapter on the British Constitution and Empire." Colleges and Mechanics' Institutions who desire an in- DAILY NEWS. troduction to works of greater bulk and pretension. For "MR. EDWARDS is favourably known as an educa this purpose we consider it well adapted, and it may be 11 tional writer by his excellent little treatise on the used also with advantage as a text-book for the higher English language in Gleig's School Series, and in the pre-l classes in schools." EDUCATIONAL TIMES. establis loc l'ecorded which a perfeccurred, and Gospel in MR. A. P. HENSMAN'S HANDBOOK OF THE CONSTITUTION; BEING A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE RISE, PROGRESS, AND PRESENT STATE OF THE LAWS OF ENG LAND ........................................................................................ .............Fcp. 810. 45. MAIS work was undertaken by the author in the belief part the nature of the government is traced from the 1 that a knowledge of this subject is most desirable earliest times down to the present; care being taken to for all; and that there are many who would be glad to note the origin of every great constitutional principle, meet with a small book containing the elements of the and to give a short account of the most important Acts Constitution, presented in a succinct and popular form. of Parliament. The opinions of distinguished writers, It is intended, however, principally for the use of the such as Bracton and Fleta, Blackstone; Hallam, and more advanced classes in schools, which at present seem De Lolme are freely quoted, and a short chapter is as- to have singularly neglected this branch of education, so signed to the nature of government in general. In the important in a free country. In the words of the preface, second part the working of the Constitution at the present “It has always appeared strange to the writer that this day is described. Accounts are given of the Crown, subject should be so neglected in schools; that boys at Lords, and Commons, and of the way in which an Act of school should be instructed in Greek, Latin, Mathe Parliament is made. Then follows a description of the matics, and French, yet leave it, generally speaking, al mode in which the executive performs its functions, in- most ignorant of the real nature of the laws by which cluding an action at law, and an indictment for crime; they are governed ; that a boy, on completing his ecluca and the book concludes with a short summary of the tion, should be able to demonstrate a difficult proposition leading principles of the Common Law. All these mat- of Euclid, or write a Latin verse, yet be unable to give a ters the author has attempted to explain in easy and mere outline of the way in which a Bill is passed through popular language, divested of legal phraseology, and con- Parliament." It is divided into two parts. In the first I cisely, with a view to the wants of Students. THE HISTORY OF FRANCE. BY EYRE EVANS CROWE, AUTHOR OF A HISTORY OF FRANCE IN THE CABINET CYCLOPÆDIA. VOL. I. 8vo. 148. VOL. II. price 15s. "THE SECOND VOLUMT of Mr. Crowe's History exhibits fall within the scope of Mr. Crowe's second volume. He I the same merits and the same defects as the first. It has to tell, moreover, how the Reformation began ; to is methodical, elaborate, and written with dignity, in a describe the duel of Jarnac and Chataignerai; to note clear, pure, thoughtful diction; but it lightens into no many a change in society and fashion .... Mr. Crowe colour'; it is grouped in lo pictures; the narrative is never continues to follow out his plan carefully yet rapidly. The scenic or dramatic. This may be the result of a theory space covered in this volume is considerable, ranging from insisted on by Mr. Crowe, or it is possible that he purposely the Duke of Anjou's ignoble Regency in 1380, to the death avoids artistic developments beyond the talent and prac of King Henry at the tournament in 1559. Many questions tice of his pen. The epoch traversed, however, is one that of a political and religious character arise in the interval, miglt tempt a less coinpetent historian to open up, ever and are dealt with in more or less of a judicial spirit. and anon, the palace perspectives, the civic life, the battle Indeed, the author invariably aims at being impartial, and fields of France, in days when the Maillotins and Cabo this, perhaps, renders his narrative less vivid than it chiens came uncouthly on the public stage,-when Isabella might have been, coming from the pen of an impetuous of Bavaria pined amid the follies and tragedies of the Court writer .... French history in the fourteenth and two of Charles the Sixth,-when Craon and the Constable succeeding centuries abounds in subjects for grand pic- Warred,-and when the eight thousand French knights tures. These Mr. Crowe has made no attempt to draw. and nobles fell at Agincourt. Then the deaths of Giac and He ains at telling lucidly and simply the story of France; Camus, and the heroic career of Jeanne d'Arc, the execu- 1 and so far his work is exemplary on account of the judi- tion of the Constable St. Pol, the field of the Cloth of cious if unicoloured style in which it is written, and the Gold, the building of Fontainebleau, and the world of 1 obvious industry and honesty of the researches on which loveliness and gallantry, of art and luxury which filled it, it is based.” ATENÆUM, London: LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. 4 LIST OF SCHOOL-BOOKS PUBLISHED IN THE YEAR 1860. - cases is strictly sust the progressive questions become IMPROVED EDITION OF CALDER'S ARITHMETIC. CALDER'S FAMILIAR EXPLANATION OF ARITHMETIC: PART I. SIMPLE AND COMPOUND RULES AND REDUCTION; PART II. FRACTIONS, DECIMALS, PRACTICE, PROPORTION AND ITS APPLICATIONS, ETC. 12mo. 4s. 6d. ; with Answers, 5s. 6d. MHIS Edition differs from the preceding ones in the on the Units of Weight and Measure; a brief but com- 1 following particulars. In Part I. the Numeration plete Treatise on Book-keeping is inserted; a Chapter is of Decimals is treated of, and the rules for performing the given on Decimal Coinage, including a full description of four elementary processes therewith are clearly stated the French or Metrical System of Money, Weights, and and illustrated by examples worked at full length. In Measures. A carefully-constructed collection of Easy PART II. the articles on Ratio, Duodecimals, and Cube Miscellaneous Examples likewise forms a new and, it is Root are shortened and simplified; a Chapter is appended 1 hoped, a useful feature of the present improved edition. THE REV. DR. COLLIS'S PONTES CLASSICI, No. I. A STEPPING- STONE FROM THE BEGINNING OF LATIN GRAMMAR TO CÆSAR... AR TO CÆSAR.................. 12mo. 38. 6d. MHE object of the present work is to accustom boys to Dates aro appended. In the body of the work, the words I read and construc easy Latin authors as soon as they are first arranged under their proper arts of speech, so have commenced the first clements of grammar. In his that to each pupil may be assigned exactly what he ought preface the author states that after several years' ex to learn, according to his progress in Latin grainınar. If perience in teaching Latin, and the use of various elemen retranslation is frequently used, the scholar is shown how tary manuals, none of which he has found wholly satisfac to apply from the very first the forms and rules lie learns tory, he has put together the materials of the present work in his grammar; instead of waiting six months or a year be- in the hope that he may make the study of Latin more in fore he is required to analyse a sentence, or to do iorc than teresting and less irksome to young beginners. The au retain in his memory a series of dry and unapplied para- thor's objection to the ordinary delectuses is the difficulty digms. Although at first sight too much aid in constru- of awakening interest in the short sentences of which they ing may appear to be given, this will be found on exam- consist; whereas boys will learn much more quickly, and ination only a seeming objection; because the progressive remember words and phrases much better, when there is character of the exercises is strictly sustained, and the a continuous story to arouse and engage their attention. questions become harder lesson by lesson. Accordingly, the body of this work consists of Tables from Phaedrus, the History of Rome to the end of the The author believes that any boy of ordinary capacity Third Punic War from Jacobs's Latin Reader, and the who has honestly worked through this book, which Life of Alexander the Great, -adapted as well for con may be used from the first day on which he learns to struing as for retranslation. A full Translation of a few read the Latin words, will have a sound practical know- of the earlier lessons, Vocabularies to the Roman His ledge of all the commonest, and of many of the more tory and the Life of Alexander, l-Iistorical and Geogra peculiar, forms and constructions of the Latin language, phical Questions, a list of the Irregular Verbs of common as well as an extensive copia verborum with which to occurrence, a brief Syntax, and an Index and a Table of 1 begin Cæsar's Commentaries. THE REV. DR. COLLIS'S PONTES CLASSICI, No. II. A STEPPING- STONE FROM THE BEGINNING OF GREEK GRAMMAR TO XENOPHON ............1200. 3s. 6d. TN the present work, which is on the same plan as į book, which may be used from the first day on which ho 1 Pontes Classici, No. I. Latin, the author has chosen learns to spell Greek words, will have a sound practical as exercises some easy narratives and parables from St. Immowledge of all the more usual, and many of the more Luke, as the purest in style and the most classical of the peculiar, forms and constructions of the Greek language, Evangelists; a few short Fables from Esop, and odes and he will possess as well an extensive vocabulary with froin Anacreon; and two well-known passages of Xeno which to commence the Arabasis of Xenophon, to which phon, the Choice of Hercules froin the Memorabilia and this book is meant to be a stepping-stone. The Lessons the Battle of Cunaxa from the Arabasis. To the two first from St. Luke, and the Carticles from the Morning and divisions is subjoined a word-for-word translation ; and Evening Prayers, which form an appendix to the whole, full vocabularies to the rest of the book. The words at will serve as an introduction to the study of the New first are arranged beneath the Greek Text under their Testament. proper parts of speech, so that to each pupil may be assigned exactly what he ought to learn, according to his This work, and Pontes Classici, No. I., a Stepping progress in Greek Grammar, wliether his knowledge of Slone from the beginning of Latiiz Grammar to Caesar, it ceases at the nouns, adjectives, pronouns, or embraces described above, will, it is believed, be found useful to one or more species of verbs. The work is especially persons who are desirous of acquiring a knowledge of adapted to Wordsworth's Greek Grammar; but it may Greek and Latin late in life, or of resuming and prose- be easily used with Kennedy's, Moody's, Valpy's, or any cuting the study of the classics imperfectly learnt in their other. Any boy who has honestly worked through this 1 youth. THE REV. DR. COLLIS'S PONTICULUS LATINUS AND PON- TICULUS GRÆCUS, TWO SETS OF EXERCISES FOR TRANSLATION INTO LATIN AND GREEK, SI TO ACCOMPANY IN USE THE AUTHOR'S PONTES CLASSICI. ... Square 12mo. price 1s. each. MHE Author has drawn up these two sets of Exercises I “THESE works of Dr. Colis need but to be cursorily ex- I with a view to facilitate the acquisition of writing l amined to be admired by those who knoir from Greek and Latin by those who have not long commenced daily experience the difficulties which the author has so the study of the two languages. The exercises run readily recognised, and so successfully enabled both teach- parallel to the lessons in Pontes Classici, where the Greek ers and pupils to overcome... Dr. Collis has manifested and Latin words will, with scarcely an exception, be a sympathy with boys rarely possessed by eminent scho- found; but by a constant change of number, person, lars. He is not the first by hundreds who have striven voice, and tense, by varying the construction from active to make the early study of Latin more interesting and to passive, by representing historical facts as speeches or less irksome to young beginners; nor the first by thou- letters, and the converse, by interchanges of direct and sands who bave found that boys will learn much more oblique narration, and by throwing words into new com quickly, and remember words and phrases better, binations, sufficient materials are here provided for a when there is a short story, fable, or narrative to interest first year's practice in writing Greek and Latin. These them; but he has certainly the inerit of being one of the short and easy narratives will, it is lioped, make the ac first to bridge over the repulsive chevaux-de-frise which quirement of Greek and Latin prose writing more rapid from time immemorial has excluded so many boys of and more interesting than it usually is, when short un promise from the field of classical literature. His plan is connected sentences form the only materials. The exer admirable; and to mention even briefly the peculiarities cises should be first translated vivá voce into Greek or of his tiro works and their companion exercises, would Latin to the master; and then written out and corrected. convey but an inadequate idea of its excellence. Wo There is no reason why these Exercise-Books should not strongly recommend all persons engaged in education who be used independently of the Author's Pontes Classici. are teaching Latin to junior forms to procure a specimen The exercises, however, will be much easier to those who copy of both the Ponticulus Lutinus and the Ponticutus possess the works to which they are specially adapted, Græcus." ENGLISI JOURNAL OF EDUCATION. and to which they correspond, lesson for lesson. W sed visitortli's Grecia The work or embraces dennedy's, Moody's, Valn'. obliquiens, sufficiene in writing for is hoped, m London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. . LIST OF SCHOOL-BOOKS PUBLISHED IN THE YEAR 1860. GREEK HISTORY FROM THEMISTOCLES TO ALEXANDER, IN A SERIES OF LIVES FROM PLUTARCH. REVISED AND ARRANGED BY A. H. CLOUGH, SOME- TIME FELLOW OT ORIEL COLLEGE, OXFORD. WITH 44 WOODCUTS............. W E wish to recommend to the English reader a genu- is a principal authority...... Neglected for twenty Y ine bit of Greek history, in a series of Lives from years, Mr. Clough reintroduces Plutarch to an English a good old Greek author, with whose name we are most of audience. We trust that his little volume will be wel- 13 inore or less familiar. In this voluine the lives of The comed into the library of every English youth and mistocles, Pericles, Alcibiades, Lysandci, Pelopidlas, Ti. maideni. A repeated perusal will go far to make thieu moleon, Demosthenes, and Alexander-selected from Dry understand anl sympathise with the heroic proportions den's translation, lately revised by Mr. A. H. Clougil-are of Greek and Roman manhood; and the errors and poli- arranged in chronological order so as to form a sketch of tical misjudgments of the prince of biographers must be Greek history more agreeable than a compendium. They corrected by the subsequent study of Thirlwall, Grote, L comprise a portion of the history with which Plutarch is WIure, and the other historians of the politics and litera- 1 himselt best acquainted, and for some parts of which helture of ancient Greece." SPECTATOR. mistocles." less familhor, within a sen densomn, Demosthes, Alcibiadtelis voluinene vea Irected brements of the bood; and theroic propo THE THEATRE OF THE GREEKS: A TREATISE ON THE HIS- TORY AND EXHIBITION OF THE GREEK DRAMA. BY J. W. DONALDSON, D.D., CLASSICAL EXAMINER IN THE UNIVERSITY OF LONDON. SEVENTH EDITION, REVISED, ENLARGED, AND IN PART REMODELLED; WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS....... syo. 14s. MHE present edition of this long-established work has rior of the complete Græco-Roman Theatre at Aspendus, bceii revised throughout in the most complete and and coloured copies of the costumes preserved in the Pio- elaborate manner. The treatise on the origin and lite Cleinentine Mosaic, and in the Cyrenaic picture discovered rary history of the Greek Draina, which has hitherto con by Pacho. Thus remodelled and illustrated, it is believed stituted the principal feature of the book, has been that the Theatre of the Greclcs is now in harmony with greatly enlarged. But the editor hay bestowed his chief the existing condition of our knowledge in regard both to attention on the chapters which discuss the representa Greek literature and to ancient art. The concluding tion of a Greek play; and it is believed that the student section of the volume, which gives an account of the lan- will find in the present edition a fuller and more distinct guage, metres, and prosody of the dramatists, is no account of an ancient dramatic exhibition than has longer a number of detached notes, but has assumed the hitherto been drawn up in any language. The general form of a coherent disquisition. The late Canon TATE'S discussion is applied to a minute examination of the mise cssay, which is identified with this book, and is based on en scène of many of the extant tragedies and comedies. the honest research of that successful and experienced teacher, has been retained out of respect for his memory, include engravings on steel of the ground-plan and inte- I no less than on account of its practical value. RICH'S DICTIONARY OF ROMAN AND GREEK ANTIQUITIES, WITH NEARLY 2,000 WOODCUTS OF VISIBLE OBJECTS FROM THE ANTIQUE; BEING A SECOND AND CHEAPIR EDITION OF RICH'S “ILLUSTRATED COMPANION TO THE LATIN DICTIONARY AND GREEK LEXICON..... ........ Post Sro. 12s. 6d. "TVLRYBODY must feel that we do ust understand I Independently of the facilities which such a work the Ancients, wless we frame distinct notions affords for acquiring an accurate and satisfactory know- on such objects of their every-clay life as we have in lcdge of the classic languages, and the manners of the cominon with them under the forms their eyes were people wlio spoke then, it is believed that the union in accustomed to, and that we should go totally astray, one volume of so large a number of subjects from the if, on reading of a Roman house, a Roman ship, Roman Autique, comprising, as it really does, a representation of agricultuue and trade, Roman dress, or the interior of everything yet discovered which is curious, as illustrative a household in ancient Rome, we conceived the same of the every-day life of the ancient Greeks and Romans, notions which answer to those words in our own days." but the originals of which are now dispersed over various The intention of the present work is almost sufficiently parts of the world, in private collections and public explained by the preceding extract from NIEBUHR'S museums, or only engraved in scarce and voluminous Introductory Lecture on Roman History, viz. to interpret publications, is adapted to supply not only a fund of in- the language of ancienů literature by the works of an structive information to the general reader as well as to cient art, or, in other words, to make the Ancients their the classical student, but also a most invaluable stock of own interpreters, by presenting to the Student an image authorities to the accounplished scholar and philologist, of the object which each word represents, instead of a witli which, up to the publication of the present work, mere verbal description of it. but fer persons had the means or the opportunities of be- For this purpose every word in the Latin language coming acquainted. which expresses a visible object counected with the Arts, More than ten years have now elapsed since this Sciences, Manufactures, and Social Life of the An volume was first published. It has been alrcady trans- cients -- their Arus, Dress, Utensils, Machinery, Tools, lated into l'rench, and there is every probability that it Agricultural and other Implements, Shipping, Carriages, will soon be translated into German. Such adoption by Architecture, Representations of Scenes in Daily Life, competent and disinterested judges inust stamp it with and Processes of the Industrial Arts — has been collected an authority which tbe autlior himself could not venture into a volume. The precise meaning of each is clearly to claim for his own labours. The French translation, which has been noticed in terms of high praise by the all cases where a genuine example is known to exist, by chief organs of literary opinion in France, is executed an illustrative woodcut, copied from an authentic monu under the direction of M. Chéruel, Inspector of the Im- ment,-either the original article itself, or an ancient perial Academy at Paris, and is cntitled a Dictionary of representation of it in painting, sculpture, terra-cotta, Antiquities; and many of the English scholars who mosaic, fictile vase, engraved sein, coin, or inedal. The passed so fiivourable a judgment upon the book at the authorities, both for the illustrations and interpretations, time of its first appearance, gave it the same designation; are in all cases given. though a more modest title had been selected, in order The Greek synonym is added to each Latin word, that it, at least, should not raise expectations to be per- wherever there is one exactly corresponding, and an haps disappointed by the work itself. Now, however, Alphabetical Greek and Latin INDEX (1) is appended, to that it has been adopted by other sponsors, who are able render the work serviceable, and easy of reference, as a to justify the propriety of the name chosen, there is no Companion to the Greek Lexicon or the Latin Dictionary. reason why tlie same book should appear under two The volume is completed by a ClassIFIED ANALYTICAL different designations. It has, therefore, been decided INDEX(II.) extending over the last nine pages, and con that the title of the French edition shall be prefixed to taining lists of all the words relating to each particular the original English one, wliich is retained, that past class of subjects interspersed alphabetically in the body purchasers may not be misled by the change; and as the translation is issued at a lower rate than the original ferred to consecutively iu the order therein enumerated, work, the publishers have determined to make a corres- the reader will obtain a comprehensive knowledge of any ponding reduction in the price of their edition to an given subjcct as leadily as if the whole had been arranged amount which had indeed been contemplated at the time in a single article. of its first appearance. London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. SCHOOL-BOOKS PUBLISHED IN THE YEAR 1860. the women and white specime THE REV. J. HUNTER'S EDITION OF JOHNSON'S RASSELAS, WITH NOTES, SPECIMEN-LESSONS, QUESTIONS FOR EXAMINATION, ETC. ...... 12mo. 2s. Od.. MHE object of the present edition is to provide for the use (Aptness to believe without proof.) From what Latin I of schools a text-book adapted generally to prepare word is it derived ! (Credo, I believe, vheuce credulitas.) the minds of youth for appreciating, interpreting, and Hence, “a summary of articles of belief” (creea); “thie describing the classical productions o!' English prose lite honour of being trustel" (creclit); " worthy of credit" rature, &c. It is beliered by many that JOHNSON's im (creditable). What is the meaning of creditor ? (One pressive story of Rasselas, on account of its peculiar · who gives pecuniary credit.) of credentials ? ! (That rhythm, way, as a reading book in schools, prove of ser which warrants belief or confiilence.) Of crodible? (Wor- vice in facilitating the acquirement of that deliberate and thy of belief.) Of credulous ? (Easily disposed to believe. expressive elocution which teachers usually find it most What word signifies “to add credit to?" (Accredit.) Ex- difficult to teach their pupils. For that purpose Rasselas plain the prefix ac, &c. It will be seen from the specimen is here offered and recommended. With a viow to render lessons given in the Preface that the Editor recommends the book subservient to other scholastic uses, each chap the occasional practice of writing an explanatory varia- ter is preceded by etymological references on which les tion, and also a précis or digested abstract of a passage. sons on Derivation may easily be founded; notes being Such variation and abridgment of Dr. Jolinson's language added to illustrate the meaning, grammatical construc may often be attempted with great advantage to the tion, and other features of the text; and specimens being pupil's progress in English composition, especially if he given of interrogative lessons, by which an understand will confine his effort to converting the pompous phra- ing of the subject-matter of Rasselas may be as it were seology and sententious diction characteristic of this questioned into the pupil's mind. A specimen. of the great writer into language of greater simplicity, in accor- manner of setting an etymological lesson on the first dance with the hints here given, and with the assistance noun in the opening sentence of the story, is here sub of such works as the Author's treatises on Paraphrasing joined :- What is the meaning of the word credulity ? and the Art of Triling Précis. THE REV. J. HUNTER’S PARAPHRASING AND ANALYSIS OF SENTENCES, SECOND EDITION............. ........... 12mo. Is. 3d., and KEY, price 1s. 3d. TXERCISES on such a subject as Paraphrasing are sure clause is carefully explained. When the usefulness of a U to be found difficult by the youthful student, what ready pen in the business of life, aud the advantages con- ever general directions and special illustrations may pre ferred by an available knowledge of composition, are cede them; and it must evidently be advantageous for fairly considered, the desirableness of cultivating this him, after he has performed an Exercise of this kind, to talent in youth will not be disputed. Nothing is inore Bee the sense of the original accurately expressed in some certain than that an easy command of one's native other form of paraphrase, which the teacher may present tongue in writing can only be acquired by practice, and as a model for comparison. It is boped that for this pur that the most fluent writers are those in whom accident pose Mr Hunter's Ker to his Paraphrasing and Analysis or choice developed the faculty as part of their education of Sentences will be found serviceable as well to teachers or mental training. For self-teaching it is believed that as to students. It is proposed as an occasional practice, the method of accurate paraphrasing and verbal analysis, in the case of junior pupils, that the passage intended to reduced to a system by Mr. Hunter, offers a valuable aid be parapbrased, and also the two explanatory variations to acquiring correctness and expedition in the construc- of it in the Key, should be carefully read over, and then tion of English sentences and their arrangement in logi- that the "choice of expressions” should be dictated to cal sequence in writteil composition, so far as a process them, with the view of requiring them to compose, by such purely mental can be taught as an art. The avoidance of means, two or three different paraphrases of the same periphrasis, circumlocution, and common-place is sedu- passage. This mode of using the Treatise and its Key will lously inculcated. The rules will be found applicable to facilitate and encourage the pupils in their efforts, make any spoken or written matter : but they are specially them acquainted with a considerable amount of synony adapted to passages from the poets and prose writers of mous phraseology, and promote their general command antiquity, as well as from the best modern foreign clas- of language. In the department of Analysis the Clauses sics.; passages which the student is recommended first of the Compound Sentences are distinctly characterised; to translate literally, then paraphrase and condense in the expressions forming connectives between clauses are idiomatic English, and finally reproduce in writing indicated by a peculiar type; and whatever seemed to entirely from memory, and as far as possible in his own present any difficulty in the detailed analysis of each | language. THE REV. J. HUNTER'S INTRODUCTIOIT TO THE WRITING OF PRECIS OR DIGESTS AND ART OF ABRIDGING..................... 12mo. 2s., and KEY, price ls. TN many departments of the public service, the im- l the art may be acquired in youth by diligent practice, Imediate production of abstracts or brief perspicuous and that the practice itself affords a useful mental exer. digests (technically called précis) of official corre cise, the Author has endeavoured to make the present spondence, voluminous documents, and evidence, is a treatise or introduction suitable for use in schools, by recognised duty of constant occurrence, and is expected employing the convenient aid of grammatical science in to be perforined with nearly as great facility as copying illustration of the principles upon which all written or translating. While, therefore, the art of Précis matter may, with a little consideration, be easily and Writing must recommend itself especially to the atten properly condensed. At the same time he has given the tive study of candidates for impending examination by grammatical explanations in such terms as may without the Civil Service Commissioners, it is desirable that such difficulty be understood and applied by those candidates study.should begin several monthis beforehand, to allow for public examination who have previously paid but little due time for acquiring that knowledge of principles and attention to the study of systematic grammar. amount of practical experience, on which depends a good capacity for analysing, and condensing into a small com- pass, a subject the matter of which is spread through ALTHOUGH the Key to this work is one of a class that many lines, sentences, or documents. Indeed the foun A may often prove disadvantageous to the student, by dation of this knowledge and experience should be laid tempting him to neglect the proper exercise of his own at school, in connexion with the study of grammatical powers, that evil is probably very little to be feared in the analysis; for the art of abridgment is greatly facilitated present instance, as it may be naturally supposed that by acquaintance with the logical structure of sentences, those students for whom the Author's introduction to and is a branch of composition of great general utility, Précis-Writing is more especially designed are so earnest- and not merely requisite for such as scek to quality ly desirous of acquiring skill and readiness in that spe- themselves for the special employment above referred to. cies of composition, that they will not refer to the Key It is obvious that to re-state the substance of a set of until they have employed their own best efforts in con- documents, or series of letters, of fifty MS, folios or up verting the prescribed exercises into the required forms. wards, which takes perhaps two hours to peruse,-in On the presumption of such efforts being previously six or eight short sentences that may be read in five made, the utility of the Key for the purposes of reference minutes, without omitting a single essential point, but and comparison is obvious; and it is hoped that those on the contrary giving to the most important part of the who thus legitimately use the supplementary help here communication due prominence, demands a degree of provided, will find their progress forwarded with the ra- judgment and a command of language that can scarcely pidity and accompanied with the satisfaction which the be expected in a schoolboy. In the belief, however, that Author intended to promote. language.und Sentencesninectives bentever seeprecach recisidentes e as it may very little mercise student, London: LONGMAN, GREEN, and Co., Paternoster Row, E.C. 93 LIST OF SCHOOL-BOOKS PUBLISHED IN THE YEAR 1860. A L L W , I V . ........................................................ THE REV. J. HUNTER'S SCHOOL MANUAL OF LETTER- WRITING; CONTAINING NUMEROUS MODELS OF LETTERS, EXERCISES IN COMPOSITION, RULES FOR PUNCTUATING, ETC. ..............12mo. Is. 6d. " MR. HUNTER'Smerits as an author of school books 1 tuition or self-instruction. It teaches by familiar ex- 11 eminently practical have been frequently acknow amples an art not easily attainable by students.” ledged in our columns, and we have great pleasure in WEEKLY DISPATCH. bearing testimony to the value of his N[ anual of Letter “ VR. HUNTER'S School Manual of Letter-Writing Writing, a caretul study of which by young men entering 11 affords the easiest method of acquiring a thorough on commercial life will be found of much advantage as a insight into the rules of composition. The book is adapt- means of attaining a concise and correct epistolary style.” ed to almost an endless variety of subjects; and an MIDLAND COUNTIES HERALD. observation of its rules will obviate those solecisms “T IKE all Mr. Hunter's school books, this manual of against good taste and even grammar Thiol professedly U school letter-writing is based on sound and useful educated people not unfrequently commit." principles, and is carefully adapted for practical use in JOHN BULL. THE REV. J. HUNTER'S EDITION OF SHAKSPEARE'S HENRY VIII., WITH INTERPRETATION OF THE TEXT, CRITICAL, HISTORICAL, AND GRAMMATI NOTES, SPECIMENS OF PARSING, QUESTIONS FOR EXAMINATION, ETC. .........12mo. 2s.6d. MHE more immediate purpose of Mr. Hunter's edition of Wolsey consists chiefly of such details as serve to illus- I of Shakspeare's Henry VIII. was to discipline young trate the poet's representations of the Cardinal's mind, persons for the University Middle-Class Examinations, conduct, and fortunes. In an Appendix are given sove- and specially to give preparatory assistance to candidates ral specimens of Examination Questions (partially an- in the senior department of the Oxford Examination of swered) on passages selected from the play. June, 1860. At the same time the Editor endeavoured to make the volume more extensively useful, by adapt- ing it to the use of schools and to the instruction of 6 TIVERYTHING which can possibly be required for general readers. By a copious interpretation of the U the elucidation of the play is here brought together. language of the text, the obscurity under which many of We have examined the book carefully, and are of opinion the poet's ideas might remain undiscerned or imperfectly that Mr. Huiter has carried out his design in a very me- appreciated, has been removed ; and notes critical, histo ritorious manner. Tlie introductory Life of Wolsey seems rical, and grammatical have been amply contributed. to be particularly well done. The student must be very The introductory remarks have reference to the original dull or very indolent, who, with all the helps here pre- production of the play, its literary merits, its ordo rerum, sented to him, fails to pass a satisfactory examination in its historical authorities, &c.; and the Introductory Life this subject.' LITERARY GAZETTI. funeral lead use of more extensive Edito, xaminatio THE REV. J. HUNTER'S EDITION OF THE FIRST BOOK OF MILTON'S PARADISE LOST, WITH NOTES, PARAPHRASES, ETC., DESIGNED TO PREPARE E OXFORD MIDDLE-CLASS EXAMINATION IN 1861. 1200. Is. 6d. MAE recent announcement by the University of Oxford, tive, elliptical, and idiomatic style of the languages of I that the FIRST BOOK of Paradise Lost will form å ancient Greece and Rome; and it is affluent in allu- subject on which Junior Candidates for the Middle-Class sious to ancient history, fable, and romance. If, there- Examination of 1861 must be prepared, has suggested the fore, an attentive reading of this poem, with an occa- present attempt to provide, not only the help that may sional approach to the critical examination employed in be deemed specially serviceable to such candidates, but classical study, may be considered a useful means of also that which seems adapted to be of general use in disciplining the intellect and cultivating literary taste, schools. For no one can be said to have received a good the expediency of an annotated edition, with a para- English education, vhose mind is not familiarised with phrase of the text, cannot reasonably be doubted. It is at least a considerable portion of Milton's sublime epic; hoped that the present specimen will be found calcu- and yet there are few instances, it is believed, of young lated not only to promote a thorough understanding of persons having such familiarity with the poem as implies the First Book, but also, by a removal of many general anything like due appreciation of its meaning, force, and difficulties, to bring the youthful mind more nearly in beauty. The Paradise Lost is a profound work; it contact with Milton's great genius, and render it more abounds in unexplicit, idealising thought: it is copiously capable of appreciating the inerits of other parts of his characterised by forms of speech imitating the transposi- I poem. - to the pub almost epted in schfelt by tea present MR. ISBISTER'S EUCLID ARRANGED FOR EXAMINATIONS, OR GEOMETRICAL COPY BOOKS ... Two Quarto Copy-books, price 6d. each. OWING to the great extension which has recently been is a blank book similarly ruled for practice, and other given to the system of written Examinations, by munbers will be added as they may be required. Al- throwin; open the appointments of the Military, East though the main object of the Copy Books is to practise India, and Civil Services to competition, and by the insti candidates for writing out the Propositions clearly and tution of the “Middle Class” and other examinations of expeditiously for examinations, an arrangement of the the Universities, and the various Medical and other Ex figures and demonstrations has been adopted calculated amining Boards, which now exercise so important an to simplify and exhibit to the eye the successive steps of influence on the higher education of the country, it has the Proposition, so as to impress them more firmly on become very desirable that some uniform systein of writ the memory. The figures are drawn so as to distinguish ing out the Propositions of Euclid, which forms a the parts which are given in the enunciation from those necessary part of alınost every public on competitive required to be added in the course of the construction; examination, should be adopted in schools. It is with and in the demonstration, the successive steps of the the view of supplying a want generally felt by teachers of proof are arranged in a logical forın by printing the pre- a convenient manual for this purpose that the present inises and the conclusion in separate lines and in different series of Copy Books has been projected, the object of type. which is to embrace a uniform logical arrangement of the Problems with facility and rapidity in writing them out, by Mr. Isbister's Geometrical Copy Books may be used means of abbreviations and symbols. The first number with any of the ordinary editions of Euclid as a Text- contains tables of the abbreviations and symbols generally Book, all that is required being to throw the Pro- adopted at the Universities and Public Schools, together positions into the symbolical form, on the plan and with the first three Propositions of the First Book, arrangement given in the Examples; the symbols and arranged for the pupil to copy out and imitate, the model abbreviations are those employed in the most recent being printed on one page so as to be written out on the editions of Euclid published in the symbolical form at other, which is ruled to receive it. The Second Number Cambridge. London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. 8 LIST OF SCHOOL-BOOKS PUBLISHED IN THE YEAR 1860.. solo 0 C GALBRAITH AND HAUGHTON'S MANUAL OF PLANE TRIGO- NOMETRY. FIFTH EDITION, NINTH THOUSAND .............Fcp. Svo. 2s. TN bringing out this New Edition of the Manual of several formulæ and statements which have hitherto | Plane Trigonometry, the authors have effected many appeared in a curront order of connexion, are now thrown improvements, while no essential change has been made. into the form of separate Propositions, with distinct The appendix to the former editions, which contained an headings, constructions, and demonstrations, after the account of the nature and use of Logarithms, has been manner of luclid. It is hoped that the form now transferred to the Manual of Matheinatical Tables as an adopted, though it somewhat lengthens the statements, introduction, New Examples have been introduced, and I will be found better adapted to school instruction, GALBRAITH AND HAUGHTON'S MANUAL OF MECHANICS. FIFTH EDITION, NINTH THOUSAND . . . . . . . ... I'cp. 8vo. 3s. HIS edition of the well-lomown Manual of Mechanics is to Chap. II. of the Dynamics. In addition to 188 exam. 1 considerably enlarged and improved. Duclayla's ples of principles given in tho text, 16S examples for exer- and Archimedes' proofs of the composition of forces meet cise, inost carefully selected, and many of them original, ing at a point, and of parallel forces, are given in detail, are given at the close of the chapters, so as to provide the with numerous examples. A considerable development student with a body of upwards of 350 mechanical is also given to the principle of work done by agents exainples for practice. This edition will be found very moving uniformaly. The attention of the reader is parti well suited to candidates preparing for the competitive cularly requested to the examples from Coulomb and examinations for admission to the Military, and other Venturoli, as well as to the original questions, appended | branches of public service. GALBRAITE AND HAUGHTON'S MANUAL OF MATHEMATICAL TABLIS....... ............... ............., Fcp. 8vo. 3s. THESE Tables, after the model of La Lande's, are cal. 1 proposed by this distinguished mathematician are well 1 culated to five places of Decimals, and coutain the known in Germany, while, strange to say, they have logarithms of the first ten thousand numbers, together never been hitherto used in England or France. What with the logarithms of Sines and Tangents to every can be a greater desideratum to the coioputer than the minute of the quadrant. These are followed by Gauss's means of rapidly finding log (at) and log (-0) from Sum and Difference logarithms, for the first time printed log a and log , without the necessity of previously enter- in this country; together with a collection of tables of ing the tables for a and o? In astronomical and tri- useful Constants relating to the Circle, to Logarithmic gonoinetrical calculations the want is frequently felt, Systems, to Gravity, to the Larth, and to Foreign Weights and has given rise to various formulæ depending on sub- and Measures. The utmost care has been taken in the sidiary or auxiliary angles. All these are superseded by revision of the proofs, each of which was compared by Gauss's Sum and Difference logarithms, which supply a three practised readers with different sets of tables. The uniform and ready method of removing the difficulty paper, which is of the finest quality, and of a beautiful whenever it occurs. The authors liope that this novel tint, was manufactured expressly for the work, and has feature of their Tables, together with the care bestowed been pronounced by competent judges to be most agree on them in their progress through the press, will secure able to the eye, and peculiarly adapted for use by lamp or · for this, their tenth Manual, the same awount of public candle light. In printing Gauss's logarithms, the authors favour which has already attended the preceding volumes of the Manual believe they have conferred a signal benefit of the series.- A list of the Scientific Manuals will be on the English scientific public. The Sun and Difference found at page 30 of the present Catalogue. MATHEMATICAL TABLES, CONTAINING LOGARITHMS, LOGA- RTTEMIC SINES. TANGENTS. AND SEĆANTS: WITH SUCH OTHER TABLES AS ARE REQUISITE TO BE USED WITH THE NAUTICAL ALMANACK. BY THE REV. JONATHAN CAPE, M.A. F.R.S. PROFESSOR OT MATHEMATICS AND CLASSICS IN THE ROYAL EAST INDIAN MILITARY COL- LEGE, ADDISCOMBE. THIRD EDITION 8yo, 10s. 6d. MHE present collection, besides the usual Tables of Lo- ! mals, which are in general suſficiently accurate for calcu- 1 garithus, Logarithmic Sines, Tangents, &c. contains lating Arcs to the nearest second. If greater correctness several other Tables useful in mathematical calculations; be required, recourse must be had to more extensive col- also, a Table of Proportional Logarithms, Astronomical lections, such as TAYLOR'S or CALLET'S, where the Loga- Tables of Refraction and Parallax, and such other Tables rithms are given to 7 places of decimals, and the Circle is as are requisite to be used with the Nautical Almanack. divided to every second or every 10 seconds of the Quad- Such a collection, including everything which a military launt. officer might require in his professional duties, in a com- Every attention has been bestowed to make the Third pendious form, appeared still to be wanting; and the com Edition as correct as possible. It is printed from a new piler has endeavoured that nothing should be omitted fount of type cast expressly for the work, of the ancient which might be usefiil, either in the closet, in the practice form of figure adopted by the Royal Astronomical Society of surveying, or in finding the latitude and longitude from in all their works,'which is considerably more distinct celestial observations. The Tables of Logarithis, Loc. than the figures of uniformi lieight that have been in gene. garithmic Sines, &c. have been carried to 6 places of deci- | ral use for some years past in London printing-offices. ASTRO-THEOLOGY. BY THE REV. CANON MOSELEY, M.A., F.R.S. FORMERLY PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY AND ASTRONOMY IN KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON. THIRD EDITION ......... ..............................Fcp. 8vo. 4s. 6d. " DERHAPS in his own way Canon Moseley is not ex- 1 and its form and dimensions are shown by scientific in- I celled by any of the men of high attainments who duction; its relation to the beavenly bodies follows, are able to place the results of their researches in a simple with the distances, moveinents, &c. of the rest of the and attractive manner before readers and audiences who solar system. The laws of temperature, heat, currents, know nothing of science. More intelligible expositions and rain are explained: and an admirable chapter on the tban his of abstract scientific phenomena are nowhere to First Cause closes the survey. The reader is not merely be found; and in his style are combined a cortain con told that certain facts are to be accepted by him: He is ciseness and massive strength highly fascinating, and familiarised with the course of inferences by which sci- equally rare even in these days when good writing is so entific trnths have been ascertained; he is placed as a common. The object of Astio-Theology is to treat of questioner of the mysteries of motion, distance, and those evidences of the wisdom of God which may be seen planetary influence; and then led step by step to appre- in the daily changes of the hcavens. There is less theo ciate the results of Newton and Herschel's labours. By logy in the work than its title suggests, and no doctrine this process the learner is taught to think and reason for whatever. It is, in fact, one of those books of a general himself; and the book, properly used, is a teacher of the character, but of a religious tendency, which the late Dr. best sort. Canon Moseley's excellent volume should be Arnold was desirous to have multiplied. The subjects carefully read by all intelligent persons who know no relate principally to the earth; the opening papers being more of astronomy tban is to be learnt from ordinary popular explanations of astronomical science in general. school-books. In the hands of a judicious tutor it would The isolation of the earth in space is first demonstrated, I be invaluable as a text-book," " SCOTTISH PRESS, Edition type cast cted by the considerablyve be London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. LIST OF SCHOOL-BOOKS PUBLISHED IN THE YEAR 1860. uiscons which fukay that tiriter of the langu TALES FROM GREEK MYTHOLOGY. BY THE REV. G. W. COX, M.A. LATE SCHOLAR OF TRINITY COLLEGE, OXFORD. .......... Square 16mo. 3s. 6d. TT is only of late years that the subject of Mythology can I given on siinilar subjects by other writers. And perhaps I besaid to have been really understood. Legends-some 110 apology is needed for setting before children who will tiines beautiful, sometimes strange, soinetimes monstrous have to go through a classical education at an early age, -- were explained on one supposition or another, but all on subjects with which they must make acquaintance after- grounds which might be shown to be arbitrary and un wards. It is very important that the first impressions certain. But Comparative Mythology, which is the direct should be agreeable, as well as consistent with the conclu- offspring of the science of Comparative Philology, sions of recent research, especially in Coinparative Mytho- has laid down for the interpretation of Greek legend á logy. From the rich stores of Greek legend the writer method based on the indisputable evidence of language. has endeavoured to select those tales which are in them- It has been the first care of the writer of these tales to selves most beautiful, as well as most likely to attract present them in such a way that the reader may receive the attention of young children, and so to narrate them, 120 impressions which futuo study or scientific research that the steps may be unbroken which lead them from may require llim to discard. The book is intended for the simple acquaintance with these stories to that minute very young children; but it professes at the same time to be analysis of their origin and growth which the science in accordance with the latest conclusions of mythological of Comparativc Mythology has enabled us to accom- science. The legends have been used for 10 secondary plish. Some notes are added, which may tend to make purposes, but are simply given as tales, such as they were the book serviceable, not merely for amusement, but lield to be in the ages which followed on the period dur also for purposes of instruction. The contents are as fol. ing which these myths were the common speech of the lows:- The Horrow of Demeter; the Sleep of Endymion; people. Hence the writer has been careful not to attach Niobe and Lelo; Orpheus and Eurydice; Phryxus and to them any special didactic aim, to which clearly these Hellc; Cadmus and Europa; Odysseus and Poly- myths in their original state were not adapted. It is be phemus; Odysseas and Circe; Odysseus and the Seirens; lieved that the tales, as here narrated, are more simple Odysseus and Nausicar; the Story of Arion; the Trea- and easy of comprehension than those which have been l sures of Rhampsinitus. COLONEL MURE'S CRITICAL HISTORY OF THE LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE OF ANTIENT GREECE. VOL. IV., SECOND EDITION, WITH MAPS... 8vo. 153. MHE fourth volume of Colonel Mure's well-known work , mopylae, &c., illustrated with a MAp of the ancient 1 on the language and literature of antient Greece is World according to HECATAEUS, a writer who flourished chiefly devoted to the historical prose-writers of the Attic immediately before Herodotus, and the only geographer period, viz. two hundred and thirty-seven years, between whom Herodotus cites by name. B.C. 560, the date of the usurpation of Pisistratus, and The most important addition to the present edition the death of Alexander the Great, B.C. 323. This volume, will be found in a closer collation of the account given first publislied in 1853, having been out of print a year, by Herodotus of the early part of the reign of Darius was thoroughly revised and seen tlurough the press by Hystaspes with that given by Darius himself in the Behis- Colonel Mure previously to his death in April 1860. The tui inscription. Several errors of detail, overlooked ir. first chapter cuscusses the general characteristics of the the first edition, have likewise been corrected, and several Attic period, including its historical vicissitudes, the omissions supplied. In his preface the Author acknow- state of education, libraries, the patrons of literature, ledges his obligations to Mr. Rawlinson for suggesting and the book-trade in that remote ago. The second some of tliese improvements, and also to Professor o. chapter traces the early history of Greck prose composi Müller, the learned editor and commentator of the Paris tion from its origin in the codes of the lawsivers through Collection of Fragments of Greek Historians. the several stages of its progress down to the close of the Colonel MURE'S “Critical History of the Language and fifth century B.C. The third chapter is occupied with Literature of Antient Greece " inay now be had complete the historians prior to Herodotus: first, those flourishing in 5 volumes, price £3. 93., or separately in three sec- prior to the Peloponnesian War : secondly, those who flourished during the Peloponnesian War. The four tions, as follows:- remaining chapters, the larger half of the volume, are VOLS. I. to III. the Mythical Period, HOMER, HE- assigned to HERODOTUS, the Homer of prose history : SIOD, the Epic Cycle, and the Lyric Poets. Second Edi- IV. his life and times ; V. luis work and its materials ; tion, thoroughly revised ..................... 3 vols. 368. VI. his treatment of his materials ; VII. his composi VOL. IV. Attic Perioci, comprising Historical Litera- tion and style. The APPENDIX contains, amongst other ture to the Death of HERODOTUS. Second Edition, matters, papers on the religious intolerance of the Atile thoroughly revised (described above), price 158. nians, on the Ionic dialect of Herodotus, on the Lydiaca VOL. V. THUCYDIDES, XENOPHON, and the re- of Xanthus, on the mythical details of the Battle of Ther maining Historians of the Attic Period ........ Price 1$s. THE REV. DR. THOMSON'S OUTLINE OF THE NECESSARY LAWS OF THOUGHT; A TREATISE ON PURI AND APPLIED LOGIC. FIFTH EDITION, REVISED AND IMPROVED ...... ....................... Post Svo. 5s. 6d. THE object which the Author of this volume has kepti In the present work the dispute would appear to be 1 steadily in view is to present Logic, not as a purely solved by the principle that, whichever act of these three artificial system, but as a system of laws which every is most prominent in our ipinds, all three acts are and one must obey who thinks correctly. Logic is to thought must be implied in the proposition. The extension, in- what grammar is to speech. No one cani dispense with tension, and denomination of every conception, judg- the rules of grammar in speaking. The difference be ment, and arguincnt, are thus set forth as three distinct tween the taught and the untaught inan is, that the one functions capable of a separate exposition. The list of kuows the rules and the other acts upon thien from ini. syllogistic forms receives a large increase; the two affir- tation, without having studied them. It is maintained mative types in the first figure here become twelve, the that the case is the same with Logic; the thinking of the same number which Sir W. Hamilton's systein arrives at. trained reasoner is the same in kind with that of the man But probably that which has chiefly brought this work who trusts to untrained good sense. Logicis an analysis into general use is the attempt made in it to apply Logic of all the acts of thinking as commonly practised: it more directly to the needs of modern science. Induction is not a repository of secrets and nostrums for thinking. and its attendant processes, arguments of analogy and of In order, however, so to construct Logic as to make it chance, are largely discussed. The examples used in answer to this juster view of its functions, a considerable illustration are such as have occurred in the different expansion of its rules was necessary. Tbe old Logic, as sciences. This feature makes the book more fit for taught in the Compendia of Sanderson and Aldrich, gave modern use than treatises in which no more of science 110 adequate account of the inductive syllogism, and of was recognised than the Schoolmen knew. those preliminary processes by which scientific induc- tions are attained. Even in respect to the narrower vicw As the work is now used in many places of education, of the syllogism commonly taught there was great it has been thought desirable to publish an edition which, 'vagueness; and logicians, dowli even to Mr. Jolun Mill, without any abridgment, should be more compact in have disputed whether such a proposition as “Gold is a form, and somewhat lower in price. At no distant day metal” meant to include gold in a particular class, or to it may be followed by a companion volumo of Logical assigu to it an attribute, or to give to it a general name. 1 Exercises, for which there is much need. maiters, Myles and this Pinhais Former os volumes to 1 0 logistas con un memination opositis, alitct of ppear : complete acelease there thosequate acompendia of Scossary. Ta.co taught ion of it justezo to co Commes Ivars of its suct tunis practisealysis tion the syllosid logiciansuch a prop particula London: LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. 10 · LIST OF SCHOOL-BOOKS PUBLISHED IN THE YEAR 1860. LUND'S SOLUTIONS OF TWO THOUSAND QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS IN ALGEBRA, FORMING A KEY TO WOOD'S ALGEBRA, FOR THE USE OF SCHOOL- MASTERS AND PRIVATE TUTORS .... ............. Post Svo. 7s.6d. MHE Author states, that he was induced to undertake to enable the Tutor to correct his pupil's work with the 1 the compilation of this work by the repeated solicita least loss of time and least labour. In his preface the tions of schoolmasters and privato tutors, to whom, ho author expresses a hope that thiese Solutions will also Was informed, some such book of easy reference had be prove & source of assurance and encouragement to the come almost a necessity. Mr. LUND was the more dis numerous class of deserving mathematical students who posed to yield to this demand because he found that the I have not the advantage of a tutor to aid them in the ; want was not simply solutions, but solutions worked difficulties inseparable from algebraical studies. "They after the Cambridge fashion. Accordingly he has spent have now," he adds, “not only a collection of all the much time in endeavouring to satisfy this demand ; and best examples and problems which have been given in in the present volume he hopes he has supplied, not the Cambridge Examinations during the last forty merely a Key to Wood's Algebra, but also a book of In years, but also detailed solutions of them all ”-that is, struction in the various processes by which algebraical in this work together with the “ Companion to Wood's questions are most skilfully solved. He has not aimed Algebra” before published by Mr. Lund, and described at presenting invariably the shortest or most refined in the following article. The Examples and Problems, solution of a question, but simply that which may be with Answers, are given in the Algeoram the Solutions fairly expected from a school-boy of average capacity, or of the most difficult in the Companion and Solutions of from an university student in his first year; with a view it all the rest in this Key. LUND'S COMPANION TO WOOD'S ALGEBRA: CONTAINING SOLUTIONS OF VARIOUS QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS IN ALGEBRA; AND FORMING A KEY TO THE CHIEF DIFFICULTIES FOUND IN THE COLLECTION OF EXAMPLES APPENDED TO WOOD'S ALGEBRA. THIRD EDITION.... ..... Post Svo. 7s.6d. INCE the Second Edition of this work was issued, a Author is mainly indebted to the Rev. J. R. Lunn, Fel- Di new Edition of Wood's Algebra has been called for, low and Sacuerian Lecturer of that College. in which was inserted a collection of all the best ques- tions and problems to be found in the Cambridge Exami- This work, it is to be observed, is more than a mere nation Papers of the preceiling four years. It became KEY for Schoolmasters and Private Tutors. Its chief use necessary, therefore, to adapt the Companion to this al- should be, to teach Students the best and neatest modes of tered state of the Algebra; and, accordingly, a Supple- working, as well as the application of numerous artifices ment of 74 pages was printed, and appended to all the known to the practised analyst, but not readily occurring copies then remaining in the hands of the publisher. It to the minds of beginners. With this view, every Solu- was also published separately (and may still be had, price tion is given at full length, and in the exact' form suited 23. Od.) to complete the copies of the Companion previ- to a Cambridge Examination. It is also to be noticed, ously purchased. That Supplement is now incorporated that each Example or Problem is here enunciated at the into the present Edition; and a further addition is made head of its Solution; so that the book, though a fitting of the Equations and Algebraical Problems proposed at Companion to Wood, is not inseparable from it, but may the Examinations in St. John's College during the last be used, as a Book of Exercises, with any other treatise two years, 1858 and 1850, for the Solutions of which the on Algebra. necea state pages ning tihtely call the crow inconis THE ENGINEER’S HANDBOOK BY CHARLES S. LOWNDES, ENGINEER, LIVERPOOL ...........................Post 8vo. 55. TN this volume the author bas endeavoured to lay before I certainty. The comparative economical effect of using I the young ongineer the principles which should guide stean expansively is shown in the table of expansions, hiin in the construction of machinery; and to put together which is recommended to every engineer's particular in a concise and intelligible form the necessary rales and attention. The principles which regulate the speed of tables for his assistance. He has himself used most of steam vessels are as yet somewhat obscure. The author these rules habitually for many years, and offers them to believes that the article on this subject will not be the public with every confidence. The coutents are as without value, as at least opening the way, in a practical follows:-Air pump; Beains, solid cast iron, flanged, and intelligible manner, to a more complete examination wrought iron, engine; Bilge, pump, injection; Boiler of the subject. The rule given has been derived from the evaporation, economy, power, proportions, strength, ri resiilts obtained from a number of the fastest and most vetting, form and setting, furnace, tubing, chimney, coal; successful steamers both in this country and in America. Bolt and cuttor; Boring and turning; Bracket; Brass, composition, casting, moulding, crucibles, strength, weight; Brickwork, weight; Case hardening; Centre, "THIS is a very handy little book ofengineering formulæ, main: Centrifugal force; Chimney; Coal; Cocks; Cold I containing a vast amount of information condensect water pump; Columns, solid, hollow, wrought iron; 1. into a small space. There is no attempt at anything like Condenser; Connecting rod; Copper, strength, weight; } scientific discussion-the formulæ are given dogmatically, Crane; Crank pin; Cross-head; Catter; Engine, power, but as they are inostly gathered from standard writers on friction, sizes, proportion of parts, expansion, evaporation the mechanios of engineering, they may be taken as all necessary to supply, economy of expansion, table of expan trustworthy. The whole style of the book being so tho- sion, modes of expansion, speed; Fans; Feed pump; Fly roughly technical and workshoplike, will be likely to re- wheel; Friction, of engines; Governor, for water wheel; commend it to the professional engineer in preference to Gudgeon; Heat; Injection; Iron, strength, weight; Lead, inany a more complete and erudite treatise on his art, strength, weight; Locomotive, cvaporation, traction, Formule for the strength of square and round Lollow Tesistance; Paddle wheel, proportions, slip; Parallel columns, proportion of boilers, size of Ay-wheels, length motion rod; Pedestal and bracket; Piston rod; Ports; and breadth of floats, &c., together with tables of weights Rivets; Rope; Screw; Screw propeller, proportions, slip, of materials, areas, squares and cubes, will all be found speed; Shaft, engine; Soldering; Steam, volume, velocity; here given and explained in simple language, so that any Steam pipe; Steam vessel, resistance, propelling, speed; one may avail himself of the information presented. We Stone, crushing force, weight; Strength of materials; feel that we can confidently recommend this Handbook Table of decimal parts, arens, squares and cubes, square : to all engineers, especially to those whose imperfect ac- and cube roots : Tempering; Timber, strength, weight; quaintance with, or thorough ignorance of, mathematics Valve spindle, shaft: Water, discharge through orifice; would preclude them from referring to analytical works: Water wheels, power, water supply, ventilation, governor; but, to those who can do so, we would endorse the acvice Weight, rules, boiler plates, of materials; Wheels, power, given by the author in his preface to the young engineer, strength, proportions. The rule for calculating the eva at his leisure to scrutinise and investigate every rule care- porative power of boilers will, it is believed, be found very fully, either by going down to the principle of it, or by useful; by its help any engine inay be adapted with a comparing the results obtained from it with the best and boiler capable of supplying it properly with steam, under most successful examples that.come before his notice.” whatever conditions it may be worked, with unvarying CIVIL ENGINIER. that we can meet of the informatii suage, so that any London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. - 9 LIST OF SCHOOL-BOOKS PUBLISHED IN THE YEAR 1860. 11 GRADUATED SERIES OF ENGLISH READING-BOOKS, THE GRADUATED SERIES OF FIVE READING-LESSON BOOKS, WITH EXPLANATORY NOTES ; ADAPTED AS A PROGRESSIVE COURSE OF READING, FOR ALL CLASSES OF ENGLISH SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES .......... .................5 vols. fcp. 8vo. 10s. MHIS is an entirely new series of English Reading | information and special instruction in matters of 1 Lesson Books, in which the difficulty of the fact, which is of a purely didactic nature, has not Exercises is graduated chiefly with reference to hitherto been steadily kept in view. It has been the mental capacity requisite to comprehend and too often forgotten that the communication of this grasp the information conveyed; and also, as sort of knowledge, however useful it may be, is far as possible, with reference to the peculiarities secondary in importance to the cultivation of a. of grammatical construction. The object of the taste for reading, and to the training of the power Series is no less to facilitate the acquisition of the and the habit of independent thinking and obser- art of reading than to form a pupil's taste, and to vation. But it is beginning to be recognised, that tempt him to pursue his studies voluntarily. The one of the most infallible ways of creating a distaste five books are arranged, each in corresponding for inquiry into the construction and phenomena sections, on a serial and uniform scheme. BOOK I. of the material universe, is to burden the mind price is consists of rhymes and fireside tales, fables with a mass of technical facts; that such facts and parables, and short simple stories, adapted to are not necessarily wholesome food merely because the comprehension of children who have mastered they bear upon subjects which are familiar to every the first steps in reading. BOOK II. price ls, 6d. one; and that the question whether they are avail- contains miscellanies, tales of adventure, im able in an educational point of view, must always aginative and real, anecdotes in natural history, depend on the form and style in which they are and ballad. poetry-all preliminary to the Third presented to the intellect, and on the relation in Book. BOOK III. price 2s. comprises literary which they stand to antecedent knowledge. Again, selections in prose and verse, descriptive travel, the range of thought to which abstract and rhe. natural history (with reference to the previous torical extracts appealis generally wider and deeper section), and landmarks of English History. BOOK than a youth can compass. It is obvious that the IV. price 2s.6d., to which the Third Book is in pupil should be made to read of things which troductory, is a further extension of the same awaken bis sympathy, not of things which lie general plan, with the addition of a division on the beyond the sphere of his sympathy. In short, the more popular branches of Natural Science and joint elements of intelligibility and attractiveness Physics, sequentially arranged. BOOK V. price 3s. are indispensable in every reading-lesson. which completes the Course, aims at answering the practical purposes of a Class-Book of later English The charge of encouraging desultory and im- Literature. methodical thinking is frequently and with justice preferred against the employment of books of As the title imports, a leading feature of the miscellaneous extracts for educational purposes. Graduated Series is the graduation of the difficulty A strenuous endeavour has been made by the of the lessons. This feature characterises, indeed, Editor of the Graduated Scries to obviate this in a greater or less degree, all school reading-books charge. He has by no means attempted to exhaust which bave any pretensions to the name. But the subjects systematically : but he bas striven so to novelty of the present project is, that it seeks to select and arrange, that eaclı lessoni will either carry out the idea of graduation more thoroughly, prepare the way for something which follows, or and to base it on a more philosophical foundation throw additional light on something which goes than existing works of the same kind bave at before. In other words, he has throughout aimed tempted to do. It has hitherto been the practice at a certain continuity in the treatment of topics, to graduate reading-lessons, almost exclusively, Beginning with sketches, which rouse rather than either according to the complexity of the gram- gratify the appetite, he has endeavoured to lead matical constructions, or according to the difficulty the pupil, by gradations as imperceptible as pos- of the words which occur in tben. This practice sible, to a somewhat deliberate and special survey has resulted from a too limited view of what the of the great departments of human knowledge, and term reading should imply. A lesson cannot be to an approximate estimate of their relations and said to be properly read unless it is fully com- proportions. prehended; and it obviously by no means follows While most of the selections have been carefully that a lesson is easy of comprehension because it abridged, and otherwise adapted for the present exhibits a scarcity of unusual words and construc- series, the peculiarities of thought and expression tions. A sentence which may be uttered and gram- of the originals have been retained; and, for matically analysed with great facility, may present obvious reasons, any effort to originate directions a very hard problem to the intellect. This is a for emphasis, modulation, &c. has been con- consideration of the utmost consequence. In sidered superfluous. In this stage of advancement, graduating the lessons of the present series, the such directions at once discourage individual effort Editor has bad reference, not only to their verbal on the part of the reader, and deprive the teacher and grammatical peculiarities, but also to the of a valuable test for measuring the comparative general calibre of mind requisite to understand capacities of his pupils : they are therefore dia- and appreciate the ideas which they express. As metrically opposed to the aim and object of reading. to the subject-matter he has been guided by no arbitrary standard, but by a wish to present to A full account of the Five Reading Books com- juvenile readers that kind of intellectual food which posing this series will be found on the wrapper experience has declared to be suitable for the of the present Catalogue. A more detailed analysis various stages of growth to which the volumes of the Editor's plan, in connexion with the Con- separately address themselves. tents of each of the Five Books, accompanied by some observations on the method of teaching Most of the present reading-lessons either consist the art of reading in use in English Scliools, is of plain compendious outlines of some of the given in the Explanatory PROSPECTUS of the departments of art and the branches of natural Gradureted Scries of Reading-Lesson Books, which science, or they abound in abstract essays and may be bad gratis of all Booksellers and free of rhetorical or poetical common-places. With refer- ation to Messrs. LONGMAN and Co. ence to the former, the distinction be 39 Paternoster Row, London. London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and Co. Paternoster Row, E.C. 12 LIST or SCHOOL-BOOKS PUBLISHED IN THE YEAR 1860. AN ELEMENTARY ENGLISH GRAMMAR FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. BY DR. R. G. LATHAM, F.R.S. EIGHTEENTH THOUSAND........... Post 870. 45. 6d. MAE object of this work is to lay down the principles of I habituates him to reasoning upon them; and while the 1 English grammar, as distinguished from mere rules. work can be wholly mastered, independently of any These principles are traced by suurveying the origin and knowledge of either of the classical languages, as much growth of tlic language, and particularly the several logic is given as is necessary to explain the structure of steps of the transition from the inflected character of its propositions. Some of the peculiaritics of the grammar Anglo-Saxon stage, to its present unintlected structure. consisù in a minute analysis of the powers of the letters, The student in the middle and higher classes of schools, whether single or combined ; in the comparison of irre- for whom the work is chiefly intended, is made acquainted gular inflexions with obsolete cognate words ; in tracing with the connection of the various branches of the great the laws and forms of the derivation of words; and in a Gothic stock of languages; and, by learning the history treatise on the varieties of English versc, and their re- of his own tongue, and its relations to the dialects with presentation Ly rymbolical formulas. To this Edition whiclı it is connected, acquires the elements of the Chapters on Parsing and the Analysis of Sentences, and general philological classification of languages. The on Punctuation, have been added, followed by Exercises book presents him with now and numerous facts, and I and Questions for Examination. tualibirsing and oil formulasverse, and thuil.in a A SMALLER ENGLISH GRAMMAR FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. BY DR. LATHAM AND MISS MABERLY ............ Fcp. 8vo. 2s. 6d. TI “Grammar is a dry study," perhaps the way in grammatical studies should be as thorough as possible, 1 which it has hitherto been commonly taught in should labitually lead the pupil to trace connecting links Englislı schools justifies the assertion. But if the study with the groundwork of other languages than his own. of the pupil's own tongue be viewed as a stepping-stone This little volume will, it is hoped, be found to embody to the study of Language in general, a knowledge of the all that is desirable and necessary as an outline; and the parts of speech, their inflexions and use as the vehicle of learner who masters its contents, will have acquired a thought, can no longer be regarded as a system of un knowledge of the structure of his own language sufficient meaning technicality. Let us be first interested in feeling to enable him to speak and write it with ease and precision, that our intellectual life, as a nation and as individuals, and will besides liave laid a safe foundation for further re- is intimately interwoven with the recognition of the rules searches in comparative philology. The arrangement of and principles of the language through which we express the work, though not strictly in accordance with the our ideas; and, feeling this, we shall think it worth while common modes of teaching, in introducing soine preliini- to impress the mind of even a young pupil with some naries in the way of Logic among the earlier stages of degree of interest in the origin and growth of our lan progress, has been adopted on well-cligestell grounds, guage. iö scems therefore desirable to begin, as the pre and as the result of a long experience in teaching. The sent work attempts, with some insight into its listory. same experience has prompted the addition of Questions To an intelligent inind every step in grammar opens new , and Exercises which ivill help to complete the usefulness ideas and fresh associations; but to secure this result, I of the book. es in thOll of teach Logici 011 Fatividi a safe with ease ante suflicie inngnage on the extracts from piawn from the section and final trigin of midiom, options and student intives; and the varietiesied by qu0 enable the diverset THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. BY DR. R. G. LATHAM, F.R.S. FOURTH EDIT., REVISED AND ENLARGED ;.., 2 v. Sro. 28s.- New Edit., in 1 vol.., in the press. TN this work, the History of the English Language is , tains a praxis for the purpose of parsing and translation I traced from its remote origin, through its successive in the different languages of the Gotliic Stock. changes and periods, to its present state. The nature of In the present enlarged edition, the first volume is oc- its connection with all the languages, which either form cupied chiefly with discussions on the German origin of its basis, or have been in any degree incorporated with it, the English language. The student of English philology is ipinutely detailed ; and this comparison of languages will here find ample details connecting the foundations of is made available in determining the causes of its various old English speech "tire wells of English undefiled”- peculiarities, whether of isolated words or forms of con with the continental languages of ancient times. By struction; thus not only supplying the student with a copioiis proof's from classical and antiquarian sources, the clue to extensive researches in philology, but suggesting author defines the geographical ind ethnological limits the true principles of derivation and of general gramma within which each Germanic dialect was spoken; and, in tical criticism. This historical portion of the work makes this particular, the work presents what may be called a Pli- the reader acquiainted with the intluence exercised in the lological Geography of Germany, tracing the arcas occu- modification of the Anglo-Saxon by the aboriginal Celtic pied by the several Teutonic races. The student of Ger- of Britain, and by the three distinct graftings of the man and Anglo-Saxon is thus directed to the authentic Roman language on the Gothic Stock. The history is sources of the knowledge conveyed to liim in the copious everywhere illustrated by extracts from primitive books, dissertations on the afìnities of early English with its records, and inscriptions; by analogies drawn from the mother-clialeots, which he will find in the work. In this Sanskrit il!ld classical languages, and from the Gothic, section much curious information is given, respecting the Celtic, and Sclavonic dialects of ancient and modern initial and final forvis, and the other variations, of appel- Lurope; und by comparative catalogues of derivations, latives; and the origin of many names of persons and places affinitics, and provincialisms. After the necessary pre is traced. The varieties of idiom, originating in different liminaries, logical, phonetic, and etymological, the stu provinces, are exemplificd by quotations and specimens dent is introduced to the inflections, in which the olci, from each country and period, to enable the student to middle, and present forms are shown synoptically, and account for the stages, the relations, and the divergency apparent anomalies reduced to system by an exposition of English peculiarities derived froin a multitude of other of the mode in which they have arisen. The object of the languages. The student is introduced to comparisons author is, to exhibit the language restored to its logical ; with the Dutch, the Higli-German, the Danishi, the purity and regularity; to show the way in which inflec Swedish, the Norse, and the Icelandic languages. There tions and forms of expressions were used of old, and thus į are also lisquisitions accompanied with extended speci- to point out the way in which they ought now to be inter mens, on the British and Gaelic branches of the Keltic preted ; and in the etymological as well as the syntactical stock of languages; comprchending the Cornish, Welch, portions of the work, by disclosing the reasons which lie į Armorican, Irish-Gaelic, Scotch-Gaelic, and Manks at the bottom of the rules, to treat the graminar of the tongues. A separate chapter relates to English aflinitics English language as a science rather than as an art. lu traceable in the Greek, Latin, Italian, Piedmontese, the syntax will be found researches on the chief difficul Spanish, Catalonian, Portuguese, French, Vaudois, Ro- ties of construction, such as the use of the sulijunctive ! manese, Enghadlin, Rumango, Provincial French, Pro- mood; the nature of the aorist, emphatic, and historic vençal and Anglo-Norwan. An interesting chapter, tenses ; the succession of moods and tenses; and the re trealing of the affiliation of dialects of the English, 'con. markable contrariety in the employment of the auxilia tains a view of provincial forms of speech at present ex- ries shall and will in the first person, and in the second isting; amongst others, the peculiarities of Somerset- and third. On the latter subject, Wallis's Canon and shire, Devonshire, Gloucestershire, Dorsetshire, the Isle Hare's ingenious hypothesis of the usus ethicus of the of Wight, Lancashire, Cumberland, Northumberland, anomaly are discussed. The prosody supplies a full ac Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Cheshire, Stafford, and the Last- count of English metrical systcius, and an appendix con- !ern counties. There is also a section on Americanisms. Normango, Province Vaudointese, ne of the London: LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. US 13 LIST OF SCHOOL-BOOKS PUBLISHED IN THE Ycar 1860. ject beings e requirements, the standard. examinatiocacional A HANDBOOK OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITIES AND HIGHER CLASSES OF SCHOOLS. BY DR. R. G. LATHAM, F.R.S. FOURTH EDITION .......... Post Sro. 7s. 6d. MAE object of this Handboolc is to present to students sists upon historical investigation, and the application of the general principles of comparative philology, as the chief facts and reasonings of the Author's work on the true means of exhibiting its real growth and structure, English Languago. Less elaborate than that work, it is in opposition to the more usual method of treating it as a less elementary than the English Grammar'. Like all the mass of irregularities. It has the further object of sup- other works by the same author, it gives great promi plying a knowledge of those laws of speech and principles nence to the ethnological relations of our tongue; and in- ! of grammar which apply to language generally. KEANE'S HANDBOOK OF THE HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES............ ...................... 12mo. 2s. A COMPLETE history of the English language, en- l of the language in the great Indo-European family. This A bracing an account of its five well-defined pliases, is followed by five other sections, onc devoted to each of and investigating the causes of its several changes, was the five stages through which the language has passed- not possible until philological studies began to be con Anglo-Saxoni, Semi-Saxon, Early, Middle, and Modern ducted on sound principles, nor required for educntional English. The grammar, vocabulary, and poetic systems purposes until the public competitive examinations had of these periods are treated in detail; the difference be- attained to their actual high standard. In endeavouring tween each and the preceding or following is pointed out; to trace such a history, the Author has kept constantly and the changes are accounted for on recognised philo- in view the requirements of these examinations; his ob logical principles. The results are summed up from time to time, and rendered more intelligible by means of tively short period this somewhat complex subject. To comparative tables. To each scction illustrative speci- effect this it was necessary to: condense perspicuously mens from contemporary writers are appended, and within the limits of a few pages the conclusions at which explanatory notes are added where required. A series of Latham, Trench, and thic other great English philologists questions is likewise given, calculated to facilitate the have arrived. A concise introductory section contains study of the work, to aid the student in mastering some preliminary information on the Teutonic invaders its contents, and to increase its utility in schools where of Britain in the fifth century, and on the actual position the interrogative system is in practice. A NEW GERMAN READING-BOOK. BY W. H. JUST, GERMAN MASTER IN THE NEW COLLEGE, BRISTOL. ...... 12mo. 3s. 6d. TN the preparation of this work, which is intended tales of the third part, thirty in number, are somewhat I fortle use of English students of German, the aim of more difficult in construction, and consist chiefly of the compiler has been to interest the pupil from the out pictures of real life and passages of history. The fourth set, as well as, by graduating the difficulty of the lessons, part contains twenty choice pieces of poetry adapted for to facilitate his mastery of the language. The volume those students who desire to commit poetiy to memory consists of a careful selection of sliort interesting tales as part of their course. With a view to present nonc but and amusing anecdotes, with a few good fables and par unexceptionable modes of composition and style, the en- ables interspersed. The first part contains thirty short tire selection has been made from well-known writers of easy pieces, composed entirely without separable com admitted eminence. At the foot of each page is given a pound verbs. The rules relating to this class of verbs copious Glossary of words occurring in the lessons, with should be learnt from the grammar before the pupil pro a view to save the troublo and hindrance of referring to a ceeds to the second part, which consists of forty pieces of dictionary. An APPENDIX is added of Colloquial and an easy and elementary character, but exemplifying the Idiomatic Phrases, frequently met with in German writ- resources of the German language more freely. Thielings, which do not admit of literal translation. THE LABORATORY OF CHEMICAL WONDERS; A SCIENTIFIC MELANGE INTENDED FOR THE INSTRUCTION AND ENTERTAINMENT OF YOUNG PEOPLE. BY G. W. SEPTIMUS PIESSE, ANALYTICAL CHEMIST...... .......... Crown 8vo. 58. 6d. "TTERY attempt to familiarise not orily children, but I terials very well, dividing the subjects into short articles ♡ persons of all ages, with the nature of everything of from one to three pages in length, so that there is no in creation with which they have anily intercourse, and danger of weariness, and we can take up the book at any to teach them something more than they can pick up by - time without that painful fecling that we must go all observation, ought to be heartily encouraged ; and wo over again what we read the time before, and have now cannot help thinking that the more simply this is done, forgotten. The Laboratory of Chemical onders would and the more the subjects are allowed to seize hold of form a very good text-book for an intelligent teacher to the learner's mind, and to retain their grasp on his me use in explaining to his class about such topics as the mory by the force of their own merits, the more effectunl air we breathe, the food we eat, the composition of will be the teaching. Mr. Piesse's book is, in the inain, water, earths, metalloids, fatty substances, metals, &c.; of the right sort, and will, we think, be likely to attract and we are much mistaken if post teachoi's would not and fasten the attention by its sliort, clear, and precise obtain from it some very useful information for them. statements. In other respects he has managed his ma selves." MORNING CHRONICLI. SULLIVAN'S GEOGRAPHY GENERALISED; OR, AN INTRODUC- TION TO THE STUDY OF GEOGRAPEV ON THE PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION AND COMPA- RISON: WITH MAPS AND ILLUSTRATIONS, AND INTRODUCTIONS TO ASTRONOMY, HISTORY AND GEOLOGY. TWENTY-SEVENTH EDITION. ............... Royal 18mo. 2s. « MHIS Work is particularly entitled to commendation, tion. The Exercises and Questions for examination are 1 as more bad books have been written on geography excellent; they are constructed on the right principle of than on any other subject. Dr. Sullivan treats geography compelling the master to teach." ATHINUM. as a SCIENCE, which, like all sciences, must be taught on the principles of classification and comparison. The TN order to make this volume still more deserving of its basis of his classification is what may be termed the 1 popularity as a school-book, not only in the United mathematics of geography, and he therefore begins with Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, but also in the explaining in clear and simple language the form, motions, Colonies where English is spoken, the author has revised, and magnitude of the earth. As these cannot be com enlarged, and he hopes greatly improved the present edi- prehended without some knowledge of the pliysical sci tion. He has appended to the geography of every country ences, he explains the nature of attraction, gravitation, in Lurope a sketch of its History, which, though short, &c. taking care to compare their laws with facts within will be found of great use to the young student. Besides the reach of ordinary observation. The divisions of the the information which these sketches contain regarding earth's surface are described in their physical aspect, each country, they will convey to the youthful reader à and not according to the accidents of political distribu-l clear and connected idea of the general history of Europe. attempt to es, with the anily intor pick up bye learner are the sun that thertily enthey can purse, and watere are much me very usefuLORNING CER than ons more bad books have entitled to commenda London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. 14 LIST OF SCHOOL-BOOKS PUBLISHED IN THE YEAR 1860. MʻLEOD'S MIDDLE-CLASS ATLAS FOR 1861: CONTAINING COLOURED MAPS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND (PHYSICAL FEATURES), ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND, FRANCE, SPAIN, SWITZERLAND, AND ITALY ................. 4to. price 2s. MHE principal of one of our most successful middle-class boundaries of France, Sardinia, Austria, and the States of 1 schools considered that an atlas, specially adapted to the Church, the Oxford programme, would be ait acquisition to those pupils who are preparing for the local examinations. The It seems desirable to add that, in 1857, the University present school-atlas, which has been prepared to supply of Oxford passed a statute, establishing two examina. this want, comprises all the Maps required by pupils gra tions for those who are not members of the University;" duating for the examination of junior candidates in geo one for youths under eighteen, another for boys under graphy at the Oxford local examinations to be held in 1861. fifteen years of age. The examinations are open to all Particular attention has therefore been paid to those points persons, whatever their position or religious denomination on which the candidates are tested ; such as the coast may be the only restrictions are those already specified. lines, the directions of mountain chains, the courses of The examinations are held in Oxford, in London, and rivers, and the boundaries of provinces, counties. &c. All other local centres in May. Those who succeed in the these are clearly and accurately delineated on the maps, lower examinations obtain certificates ; and those who which are engraved in the best style of art. They also pass the higher receive the title of Associate in Arts of contain the recent changes that have taken place in the Oxford. MʻLEOD'S SCRIPTURE GEOGRAPHY, SECOND PART, THE LIFE AND TRAVELS OF ST. PAUL; INCLUDING DESCRIP- TIONS OF THE CITIES AND TOWNS VISITED BY THE APOSTLE. WITH A MAP, 3 CHARIS, A PRONOUNCING VOCABULARY, AND QUESTIONS FOR EXAMINATION. BY WALTER N'LEOD, F.R.G.S. ROYAL MILITARY ASYLUM, CHELSEA ........ 12mo. 2s. MAIS volume forms the SECOND PART of Mr. M'LIOD's 1 The author has endeavoured to make his work a read- 1 " Scripture Geography;" the FIRST PART being the able and trustworthy manual, not only for the senior Geography of Palestine or the Holy Land, which appeared classes in elementary and higher schools, but also for in 18:17, and is now in its eleventh cdition. The second pupil-teachers and for students in training colleges. And part was announced several years ago, when the utility of that all necessary information may be obtained from the the first for the purposes of tuition had been practically volume itself, explanations of manners and customs, cle- ascertaine. Tlie delay in its appearance has enabled the scriptions of persons, places, &c., mentioned in the Acts, author to make use of the abundant particulars which have are given in notes; and the several Plans of Rome, appeared in the interval on the history and geography of Athens, and the South Coast of Crete, and the Map of St. the cities, towns, &c. visited by St. Paul during his Apos Paul's travels-all of which have been expressly prepared tolic Journeys, especially that afforded by Sinith's Voyage for this work-contain the names of all the places men- and Shipwreck of St. Paul; Conybeare and Howson's tioned in the narrative. The words which were likely to valuable work on the Life and Epistles of St. Paul; Pro occasion difficuuty in regard to therightinode of pronuncia- fessor: Hackett's Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles; tion have been carefully accentuated, either in the text or the volume entitled the Footsteps of St. Paul; Miss Meri in the index of places; and the different headings and the vale's Christian Records; and Dr. Smith's excellent Dic style of printing employed will, it is believed, help to im- tionary of Greek and Roman Geography. To these works press on the minds of the readers, not only the order of the author acknowledges his obligations in his preface. events, but also the historical, geographical, and other The dates adopted are those of Professor Hackett and information connected with tlie places described. The Messrs. Conybeare and Howson, with respect to the time routes of the Apostle, the events in his history gathered when, and the places where, the several Epistles were from the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistles, are clearly written; and the order of events in the Life of the Apostle indicated by BLACK TYPE; Whicreas the headings in fiom the date of his first imprisonment at Rome, till his italics show that the geography and history of the places death, is also in accordance with the views of these writers. named are given. The grouping together of the contents The titles of the different Epistles, the order in which in the body of the work is believed to be an advantage, they appeared, and the time when they were respectively since by this arrangement a comprehensive summary of written, are shown at a glance in the Appendix. I the Sacred Narrative is laid before the reader. oconsthin the contain tich have Crete, analansohe Acts, THE HANDYBOOK OF THE CIVIL SERVICE. BY EDWARD WALFORD, M.A. LATE SCHOLAR OF BALLIOL COLLEGE, OXFORD ............... Fcp. 8vo. 48. 6d. MAIS work, which is intended principally for the in | 6. List of Examiners of the Civil Service; 7. List of the 1 formation and guidance of aspirants to public ap Fleads of the Public Departments. pointments, is based on actual knowledge derived from parliamentary and official documents and other equally "MHE five years during which the system of examina- reliable sources, and comprises complete lists of all the I tion for the junior appointments in the Civil Ser- public offices, showing the age and qualifications of can vice has existed, have already familiarised the public didates and the persons with whom the patronage rests, with the iden that mere favour and patronage will not the lowest salary at commoucement and the highest carry a youth into a government office, but that he must salary to be obtained by promotion; and a selection of also prove himself qualitied for the duties he proposes to examination paper's actually set to candidates. The in undertake. Notwithstanding the limit imposed by the troduction briety explains the origin and progress of the rule of nomination, so that no one can become a candi- examination system now applied to public appointments, date for examination even uuless interest is made for and points out its advantages, as tested by actual work him with the minister, these Civil Service examinations ing, both to the public and to candidates for employment are becoming objects of attention to yearly increasing in the civil service. The contents of this volume are dis numbers of persons bitherto beyond the pale of official posed under the following general heads:-1. The Civil patronage. Now the information which from this cause Service Commission, its basis; 2. Departments of the must be very generally felt to be a desideratum is exceed- Civil Service, I. in England, II. in Scotland, III. in Ire ingly well supplied by the Handyvoolc of the Civil Service; land; 3. Limits of age and Qualifications for Candidates, and Mr. Walford is entitled to the thanks of the public I. Departments of the Public Service in England, 11. in for this most useful little volume. Here will be found Scotland, III. in Ireland; d. Examination Papers, I. arranged in lucid order the qualifications required in can- Arithmetic, I. Book-keeping, III. Composition, IV. Cor didates and the examinations for thc several different respondence, V. Dictation, Vi. Geography, VII. Gram departments, the conditions and the average chances of mai, VIII. History, IX. Languages, X. Law, XI. Mathe success; the patronage which is the necessary initiative matics, XII. Natural and Physical Science, XIII. Ortho and the emolument which is the proper recompense of a graphy, XIV. Précis ; 5. Salaries of the Civil Service, [. successful candidature; and all other particulars neces- England, II. Departments of the Public Service in Scot sary to be known by those wbo desire to enter the civil land, III. Departinents of the Public Service in Ireland; service of their country." LIEDS INTELLIGENCIR. paberis ning objects"; these "Chless inte London: LONGMAN, GREEN, and Co., Paternoster Row, E.C. tr. pomos e 15 LIST OF SCHOOL-BOOKS PUBLISHED IN THE YEAR 1860. PROFESSOR GOODEVE'S ELEMENTS OF MECHANISM, ILLUS- TRATED WITH 208 FIGURES ENGRAVED ON WOOD, ... ... ... Post 8vo. 6s. 6d. MHL present work is intended to serve as an introduc- pealed to mathematical demonstration, there is nothing d. tion to the study of the more important movements to render the treatise too difficult or technical for å adopted in modern machinery. The author has been general reader. very careful to explain the leading principles which have been developed in constructive mechanism, and has ana « PROFESSOR GOODEVE'S Clements of Mechanisn is lysed their varied applications. In doing so, he has con- I designed to serve as an introduction to the work of fined himself to the discussion of examples which have Professor Willis. But those who read it will find they been originated by the most skilful machinists, and with liave gained a very pretty position, even though they which every engineering student ought to render himself sliould not be able to take up Willis in his turn. The familiar. The author has also endeavoured to avoid con descriptions and diagrams are very good, and the quantity plexity of detail; and as he has only occasionally ap- 1 of mathematics the least possible." ATHLNÆUM. ELEMENTARY EXAMPLES IN PRACTICAL MECHANICS: COM- PRISING COPIOUS EXPLANATIONS AND DEMONSTRATIONS OF THE FUNDAMENTAL THEOREMS. BY THE REV. JOHN F. TWISDIN, M.A., PROFESSOR OT MATHEMATICS IN THE STAIT COLLEGE ................................... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........Post Svo. 12s. THE object of this trentise is to teach the principles of those principles to their last numerical result, instead of 1 Mechanics by means of examples suggested by or stopping short at an algebraical formula. Of the more analogous to practical cases, and thereby to avoid the in difficult examples many are theorems of considerable im- convenience so frequently felt by the student after going portance, and several are not commonly to be met with : through the usual course of Elementary Mechanics, vi%. it lias been endeavoured to give with them so much ex- that the objects he meets with in the workshop do not planation as shall assist, and not supersede, the action of fulfil the conditions presupposed in the theoretical the learner's reasoning powers. The work is so arranged course; in short, the author has endeavoured to produco as to furnish two conses; the first elementary, and an introduction to Appliecl Mechanics, as distinguished adapted for the use of those whose knowledge of pure from Rational Mechanics. This circunstance has in mathematics extends only to Arithmetic, a little Algebra, duced a wide departure from the usual method of treat Practical Geometry, and the common rules of Mensura- ing soine subjects, 2.0. that of machines in a state of tion; in the second and more advanced course the reader rest, and of uniform motion ; while others are introduced is supposed to be well acquainted with Euclid, Algebra, which are in general entirely excluded from elementary and Trigonometry, as cominonly taught in schools. treatises-e.g. the work of agents, the equilibrium of roofs and walls, the flexure of beains, rotation round a WE write out the whole title of this work because we fixed axis, &c. Moreover, attention is from the first VY agree with it. Young engineers are fortunate in directed to the physical properties of materials and the the choice of elementary books, as things now stand; passive resistances called into play in most cases of me buot nly a professional journal could undertake discri- chanical action. Of the examples, which are nearly 500 minative accounts. Professor Twisden's work is modern, in number, many require muinerical answers, these have clear, rather higher in its mathematics than is usual been drawn up under the conviction that it is scarcely when the word practical occurs in the title, and abun. possible for the learner to be thoroughly grounded in the dantly stocked with examples." ATUENLUM. principles of mechanics, who does not continually trace shilling the quali strated with 200apness, containing TATE'S PRACTICAL GEOMETRY FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND ADULT CLASSES, ARTISTS, ARTISANS, AND STUDENTS OF ARCHITECTURE: CONTAIN- ING THE CONSTRUCTION OF ALL THE MOST USEFUL GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS, WITH THEIR APPLICATIONS: ACCOMPANIED BY DESCRIPTIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF ALL THE MOST ESSENTIAL DRAWING INSTRUMENTS. WITH 261 WOODCUTS AND DIAGR AM S ........................................................................................... ........18mo. ls. THIS work contains upwards of two hundred and sixty "THIS little book is a marvel of cheapness, containing I diagrams, with the solution of about two hundred 1 149 pages, illustrated with 200 engravings, for a useful geometrical problems. The methods of construc shilling. The quality of the matter is as worthy of com- tion are invariably based upon strictly mathematical mendation as the quantity. It embodies the great bulk principles, and in the more elementary problems different of the constructions of the propositions in the first four methods of construction are given, with the view of books of Euclid, and to these is added a multitude of enabling the student to adopt that method which may be other constructions, such as have rarely been attempted best suited to the peculiar conditions of any proposed in any English elementary work. One very noticeable problem. Not a few improved and practical methods of feature is the extent to which the true geometrical prin- construction are given throughout the work. The ciples of construction are made ancillary to artistic work. manner of using drawing instruments is fully de The section on the construction of architectural mould- scribed ; vis, the T-square and drawing board, the pa ings contains a large amount of information concerning rallel ruler, the protractor, the scale of chords, the sector, the various orders of architecture, and cannot fail to be the proportional compasses, the diagonal scale, the mar interesting not only to the mathematical and practical quois scale, the pantagraph, and the centrolinead. Vari student, but to the general reader." ous architectural and other useful kinds of drawings are MIDDLE CLASS REPORTER. also given throughout the work. STAFFORD'S COMPENDIUM OF UNIVERSAL HISTORY. FOURTH EDITION, REVISED, CORRECTED, AND EXTENDED TO THE YEAR 1859, BY MRS. PERCY SINNETT ..... ............ Fcp. 850. 4s. " THIS is an admirable little work for juvenile students. are also the events of the seventeenth and eighteenth I It is stated to be a faithful translation of a German centuries; while the history of the last sixty years is school book, which has passed through twenty-seven given at considerable length, and in a clear and satis- editions-no slight proof of its excellence. Commencing factory manner. The editor says in her preface that with a few brief cliapters on the creation of the world, according to the testimony of persons engaged in educa- and the early History of our race and language, the stu tion, this little work is almost always found to have the dent is led thiough the annals of Egypt and the Jewish satisfactory result of leading the pupils to ask for more; race to the Assyrian and other great ancient empires and we can fully believe this statement, for the style is which swayed the destinies of the world to the time of attractive, the lessons of moderate length, and the ar- vur Saviour. Then follow the fall of the Roman Empire, rangement easy of comprehension. A healthy spirit per- and the important events which suicceeded during the vades the work, and we feel assured that those parents middle ages. The wondrous discoveries of Columbus who place it in the hands of their children will furnish and others, the Reformation, and the march of mind them with a pleasant and trustworthy companion." which followed that great event, are next described, as I MIDLAND COUNTIES HERALD. which, the Assugh the anuais ace and lion of the ancing London: LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. 16 LIST OF SCHOOL-BOOKS PUBLISHED IN THE YEAR 1860. PROFESSOR CONTANSEAU’S PRECIS DE LA LITTERATURE FRANCAISE DEPUIS SON ORIGINE JUSQU'A NOS JOURS ............... 12mo. 5s. one can be better qualified to send to the press had to contend with in such a design is of course the My works on French literature than the painstaking size of the volume. It would be comparatively easy to and successful teacher of the language. He at least must give a general idea of French literature by copious ex- know exactly what is required, and how best to supply tracts from differentauthors; this, indeed, has been often the want. Ithe little work before us is a most useful ad done fox general readers; but to carry out tho plan, and dition to our school libraries. There are many works of yet to compress the matter within the limits of a a similar character, but none that we know of written school-book, requires care and judgment. Mr. Contan- exactly upon the same plan. The object of the author is to seau has succeeded admirably, and has contributed a give a careful abstract of French literature from its origin valuable text-book in this important department of to the middle of the 19th century. The difficulty he has I knowledge." LITRRART GAZETTE, PROFESSOR CONTANSEAU'S ABRÉGÉ DE L'HISTOIRE DE FRANCE, FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE YEAR 1860 .....12mo. 5s. 6d. “ MR. CONTANSEAU'S Abrégé de l'Histoire de historical events in their chronological sequence. Mr, W Trance is unique in its plan, and has been con Cortanseau's experience as a French examiner for civil scientiously and most carefully composed. The early and military appointinents has taught him the defects of period is judiciously compressed, in order that the mo previous school histories, and peculiarly qualified him dern period, from the 15th century to the 19th, may be for the task which he has here, as we think, very suc- more completely presented. The usual arrangement cessfully performed. The work is very properly written in under books and chapters has been discarded, and the French, so that the student may improve his knowledge narrative is divided into short paragraplis, each with a of the language while he learns the history of France. characteristic heading in black type, to facilitate the To all young gentlemen who are preparing for competi. student's examination by question. The principal words tive or other examinations in which the French language in each paragraph are likewise printed in a conspicuous or the history of France is comprised, we recommend Mi. type, thus aiding the memory, and marking with dis Contanscnu's abrége as a really useful and elegantly- tinctness to the eye the dates and actors in the leading written book of study." CIVIL SERVICE GAZETTI. PROFESSOR CONTANSEAU'S GUIDE TO FRENCH TRANS- LATION. FIFTH EDITION, 12mo. 35. 6d. KEY, ENTITLED“ PARTIE FRANCAISE,” 12mo. 3s.6d. "MIESE are two exceedingly valuable and useful difficult verbs, the French equivalents for English col. 1 manuals on the art of French translation, which loquialisms, and all the more puzzling French idioms; • cannot fail to have an extensive and permanent cir the whole being so planned as to come within the com- culation. The former book consists of a capital selection prehension of the youngest intellect. In the Partic of passages from the works of some of the best English Irançaise du Guide à la Traduction, the author gives an authors, arranged progressively, so that the pupil is elegant translation of the English exercises ; so that necessitated to make use of the really difficult idioms and when the student who has not a inaster has written out peculiarities of the language only after he has gained a thème, and carefully examined it, le can compare it considerable facility and experience in translating. The with the rendering given in the key, and thus avoid any exercises are judiciously divided into section's, each inaccuracies or inelegancies of diction. To all who are section containing a complete passage of history, bio desirous of acquiring a thorough knowledge of the French graphy, or travel ; an arrangement of great advantage, language, which is only to be learned by writing and because the beginner is not overtasked by a sustained composing it correctly, we cordially recommend these narrative, nor his insight into the language put to too little volumes. As a manual for youtlıful instruction, severe a test. In translating these English passages they cannot fail to prove of great value; while the more into French, the student is greatly assisted by copious advanced student may gain hints from them which will foot-notes, which embody the infinitives of the more Tadd much both to his knowledge and experience." · SCOTTISE Press. TYREL'S GRAMMAR OF HOUSEHOLD WORDS IN FOUR LAN- GUAGES, ADAPTED TO THE SEPARATE OR SIMULTANEOUS STUDY OF ENGLISH, GERMAN, FRENCH AND ITALIAN: FORMING A COMPARATIVE APPENDIX, DICTIONARY, AND CON. VERSATIONAL COMPAITION TO ALL GRAMMARS...........................Oblong 1200. 10s. 6d. MAE object of this book is to supply a want that has taining within itself a dictionary of household words I long been felt in the study of modern languages, grouped and arranged aocording to their associations, by namely, a work by means of which the student's attention means of which a great variety of spoken and conversa- may be particularly directed to the acquirement of a con tional exercises may be practised. The genders of nouns, versational power through the medium of viva-voce prac whiel offer many difficulties, particularly in French and tice, by keeping before him the grammatical resemblance German, are presented in a new light. In order to lessen or difference, together with the idioms of each language, as the pupil's task in mastering the German declensions, the they daily and naturally occur. The work is in substanco genitive case singular, and the nominative case plural, of & comparative graminar of the four languages named in all nouns introduced into the work, have been given, in the title, constructed on an entirely original and progres addition to the usual rules for their formation. To sive plan, with the view of teaching, by example and render the book equally useful to the classical or English frequent repetition, a copious rocabulary of the ordinary student who is acquainted with his native tongue only, phrases most frequently used in cvery-day conversation. the terms direct and indirect objective case, correspond- It is moreover intended to be viewed and studied as a ing with the accusative, dative, and ablative of the Latin whole. The author having principally aimed at simpli declensions, have been adopted to enable the student to city and brevity, his labour has consisted in reducing the distinguish betweeu a case that is directly acted upon by grammatical difficulties of the four languages to the most a verb, and another case that is indirectly governed by concise form possible, in order to present them at one a preposition expressed or understood, which is often view. Each section may be considered a necessary corol made apparent in other languages by inflections. As the lary to the preceding ones, advancing with almost mathe German portion of this work is printed in the Ruman matical precision; so that the student is led step by step type, a new character has been adopted to enable the through a grammatical and practical series of spoken pupil to distinguish the use off from 6. Brief notes and exercises, which, if taken separately, may at first sightan pear to contain little or nothing of importance, but, taken references, directing the attention of the student to the grammatical and idiomatic difficulties of eachi language, as a whole, presents a gradual and imperceptible solution are freely introduced at the foot of each page. For the of the difficulties connected with the acquirement of a conversational power in foreign languages. The author assistance of travellers the work also contrins money tables showing the relative value of foreign coins in has not attempted to supersede any of the grammars at British money ; tables of weights and measures; and a present in use, but rather at supplying a conversational vocabulary of commercial terms and examples of mer- companion and comparative appendix to all of them, con- cantile correspondence. London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. LIST OF SCHOOL-BOOKS PUBLISHED IN THE YEAR 1860. 17 WOOLWICH AND SANDHURST FRENCH COURSE. PROFESSOR CHARENTE'S SERIES OF FRENCÉ EXERCISES ADAPTED TO HIS GRAMMAR OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE.......................... Fcp. 8vo. 10s. 6d. "THIS is the complete volume of the exercises adapted l of the grammar. Each part can, however, be obtained to Nr. Charente's excellent courso of grammatical separately, or the Junior and Advanced Course are procur- and idiomatic exercises on the French language. We able in two separate volumes. The care and attention have before had occasion to comprend the system on which Mr. Charente has devoted to the compilation of which these educational works are constructed, for they this courso of excrcises must have been very considerable. do not air, like so many books of a similar character, The general approbation which has hitherto attended it at rapidly imparting a superficial acquaintance with a has been well earned. In the preface lie tells us tbat the few of the most prominent featuros of the French lan system on which it is founded, and which he terms an guage. They are well calculated to make the student application of the principle of division of labour, has been thoroughly familiar with its structure, its idiomatic and long in use in France, though but little practised in colloquial expressions, and especially to impress upon him England. To leurn well rather than crickly, to arrivo the distinctions which exist between the French language by an uninterrupted succession of short, easy, and gradu- and his own tongue, by the careful comparison of French ated steps at a sound and lasting Inowledge of what 100 and English syntax, and by a part entirely devoted to lear'n, is the proposecl object. Wo congratulate Mr. Gallicisms and Anglicisms. The series has been adopted Charente on having been the first teacher of his native by the War-office for the use of the gentlemen cadets of tongue to introduce such a sound and sensible system Woolwich and Sandhurst, a sufficient testiinony to its of instruction, and we do not doubt that the circulation efficiency and value. The volume before us contains the of his French grammatical course will be extensive in whole of the exercises, corresponding with the four parts | tho British Isles." Sun. SECOND STEPPING-STONE TO GENERAL KNOWLEDGE. THE STEPPING-STONE TO KNOWLEDGE, SECOND SERIES, CONTAINING UPWARDS OF EIGHT HUNDRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON MISCEL- LANEOUS SUBJECTS, CONNECTED WITH EVERY-DAY LIFE AND CONVERSATION, NOT CON- TAINED IN THE FIRST SERIES..................................................................10 MHIS little work is designed to convey general | RANK, Orrice, and CourtesY,&c. &c., with which information and instruction on important mis it is desiralle that children and young persons cellaneous subjects connected with every-day life and should be early made acquainted. The Questions conversation, not contained in the FIRST SERIES ofare stated in the simplest language, and are so con- the Stepping-Store to Knoroledge, and including the structed as to embody the chief matter of the sub- ARTE and SCIENCES, MANUFACTURES, TRADE, ject, on the exact plan of the original work, of which COMMERCE, FOOD, WEIQHTS and MEASURES, it forms a continuation.-A list of the Series of Stepping Stones will be found at page 48. THE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY, BY THE REV. G. R. GLEIG, M.À. IN GLEIG'S SCHOOL SERIES. ...... ............ 18mo. 9d. Book of Biography was promised in the first pro- , here sketched died a beggar. The others made their way A spectus of Gleig's School Series, and in the little through many difficulties, and their names are now as volume now offered to the public, the pledge given some household words in all circles. years ago is partially redeemned. It contains sketches of the Lives of Crompton, the inventor of the mule-jenny- of George Stephenson, the first of English civil engi "MHIS is another part of Mr. Glcig's admirable school neers-of Herschel, the astronomer-of Hugh Miller, the I series. It relates in simple language, for the in- geologist and poet-and of Philip Beaver, one of the most struction and example of young people, the lives of remarkable men whom the British navy las produced. Samuel Crompton, Vm. Herschel, Hugh Miller, George These biographies are designed to teach the young that Stephenson, and Philip Beaver. The last, which is the no obstacles of poverty or lowly birth can hinder the ad lcast known, records the career of a young seaman who vancement to bonour ami to independence, in this country, obtained a post-captaincy in the navy by sheer merit, but of him who to fair ability adds teinper and strict intey principally displayed bis striking and sturdy qualities in rity ; but that ability, even if it be united to integrity, an African civilisation scheme of very early days. All will never avail where temper is wanting. This latter these biographical memoirs are well constructed for the truth is strikingly illustrated by the career of poor end in view; the moral of each is brought out naturally, Crompton, who alone of the five men whose lives are without any serwonising.?? PATRIOT, MR. J. H. HOWARD'S MANUAL OF ATHLETIC AND GYMNASTIC EXERCISES; WITH 64 ILLUSTRATIONS ON WOOD ........., 16mo. 73. 6d. " TR. HOWARD'S is a thoroughly practical little most of the instructors of youth; and since the rapid I book. A brief introductory chapter sets forth extension of the Volunteer movement we are more likely what are now the universally admitted advantages of to devote too much attention to athletic exercises than gymnastic training; the most approved apparatus of the too little. Tlic establishment of syinnasiums is of great modern gymnasium is next described, after which the advantage to boys, who would be oftener kept out of author-a well-known professor of gymnastics--gives di mischief if they had some active recreation upon which rections for the performance of above one hundred feats, to expend their redundant energies. This little volume progressively from the simplest to the most difficult, will be of great assistance to all such youthful Spartans; but one and all feats which he and liis pupils are able to and if they are somewhat disinayed by the startling pos- accomplish. Throughout the book the written direction tures represented in the numerous woodcuts, they may is admirably assisted by the accompanying picture, so we encouraged by the information that all the exercises that the student of ordinary intelligence may without a nientioned in this volume have been performed by Mr. master's assistance perform his gymnastic exercises with Howard and his pupils. In France and Belgium gyni- advantage and security. In every family where there pastic exercises form a part of tho education of youth; are boys Mr. Howard's book ought to be a welcome and liappy is he who succeeds in achieving any one feat guest; but it ought to be specially welcomed in every which leaves him sole master of the gymnasium.. Those boys' school.” MORNING CIRONICLE. of our young compatriots who wish to achieve similar "MHANKS to Mr. Kingsley and his followers the im- distinction, and outstrip their competitors, should study 1 portance of developing the physical powers, as well Mr. Howard's little manual, which supersedes the neces. as cultivating the mental faculties, is now recognised by sity for a master of gymnastics," SUN. pend the ey had som would bynnasiumsrcises than master student of cd by the book the pupils are about mama seperform mitten peanying of our young red putstrip their qich supersede London: LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. SCHOOL-BOOKS TO BE PUBLISHED IN 1861. New Works and New Editions, now in the press.. The Rev. Dr. John W. Donaldson. A COPIOUS GREEK AND ENGLISH LEXICON. By JOHN WILLIAM DONALDSON, D.D., Classical Examiner in the University of London, and formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge ; Author of “New Cratylus,” “Varronianus,” &c. [In preparation. White and Riddle's new Latin Dictionary. A LATIN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY By the Rev. J. T. WHITE, M.A. of Corpus Christi College, Oxford ; and the Rev. J. E. RIDDLE, 1: M.A. of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford. Founded on the larger Dictionary of Freund, revised by himself. Royal 890. .. ............ [To be published at Midsummer. HIS Dictionary is not a mere revision of the Especial attention has been directed to the Ety- I American translation of the work of Freund. mology, as affording the only true key to the real It is based on the larger Dictionary of Freund, re meanings of words. This branch of the work has vised by himself; that lexicographer baving sup been elaborated throughout with continual refer- plied towards the materials for the present book ence to the latest results obtained by writers on many corrections of his own Latin-German Dic- i comparative philology. tionary, with various additions, which he amassed Accordingly, the book now in the press contains while preparing a pew edition of that work. But some thousands of words and meanings more than beyond this it contains a very large amount of en can be found in any Latin-English Dictionary that tirely new matter, derived from a careful use of has yet been published, -corrections of countless modern criticism, and from laborious reference to errors which have been transmitted by Andrews the works of Latin authors in the best editions. and others down to the present day,-an etymology Great pains have also been employed in making consistent with the views of the most eminent a really correct and philosophical arrangement modern philologists, and a construction of every of meanings, without reliance on any existing article upon sound and pre-eminently useful prin- authority; and much labour has been bestowed ciples, some of which have been already recognised, upon some clements of the work which are en but imperfectly carried out, while other's bave tirely new. I been hitherto quite overlooked. The Rev. W. Windham Bradley, M.A. LESSONS IN CONTINUOUS LATIN PROSE-WRITING. By the Rev. W. WINDHAM BRADLEY, M.A. late Demy of Magdalen College, Oxford : Author of “Latin Prose Exercises, consisting of English Sentences translated from Cæsar, Cicero, and 5 Livy to be retranslated into the Original Latin (5th Edition);" also Author of "Troy taken. “ being the Second Book of Virgil's Æneid, with Notes adapted to the use of Junior and Middle « Forms." ............. ............. 12mo, with KEY. DÁCH lesson of this work will consist of a rule in the same writers, simplified and adapted for the W syntax or explanation of some important point purpose in view, and others again the original com- with reference to tense, mood, &c., accompanied, when position of the author. The book will be divided into necessary, by further helps, and followed by an three parts, progressive as to difficulty. From the Englisi exercise to be translated into Latin, the more first the use of the subjunctive mood will be studi- ifficult Latin words and phrases being given. These ously excluded. And both the first and in some de- exercises will constitute the most valuable part of the gree the second part will be of a very simple character, work. Some of them will be formed by a compilation and adapted for the use of boys not sufficiently ad- of short sentences; but the larger number will consist vanced to do with tolerable ease and correctness the of paragraphs, some translated from Cicero, Cesar, exercises in any publisbed work on continuous Latin and Livy, others English versions of passages from prose-writing known to the author.. The Rev. H. Musgrave Wilkins, M.A. ANTHOLOGIA GRÆCA ; Or, a Progressive Greek Reading Book. By the Rev. HENRY MUSGRAVE WILKINS, M.A. Fellow of Merton College, Oxford ..... ............ [In the press. . MHIS volume, constructed on a plan proposed by been thought better not to connect the notes exclu- 1 Dr. Kennedy, and approved by the masters of sively or even preferentially with any one elemen- many of the chief schools, consists of a skeleton of tary grammar. But reference is occasionally made the Odyssey, of Excerpts froin the Elegiac and to Bishop Wordsworth's and Dr. Kennedy's gram. Lyric Poets (excepting Pindar], and of portions of mars, one or the otber of which is used at most the easier plays of Euripides. It is intended to schools. Piose extracts have been avoided, because succeed the Greek Delectus, in which none but available editions exist of the easier prose authors; Attic Greek is given, and to introduce the young and because the middle-class examinations, which scholar to some of the chief dialectic varieties. A influence the majority of schools, encourage the few illustrative Notes are given, apart from the study of continuous portions of those authors, as Text, briefly explaining real difficulties of sense or soon as the delectus stage is passed, rather than construction, with short notices of the various the use of books containing extracts from them. authors and of the subjects of the Poems. It has London: LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, . NEW SCHOOL-BOOKS TO BE PUBLISHED DURING 1861. 0 1 Uniform with Maunder's Series of Treasuries. THE TREASURY OF BOTANY: Comprising an Alphabetical Account of the Structure, Peculiarities, and Uses of all the more important Orders, Genera, and Species of Plants ; together with an Esplanation of the Technical Terms most in use among Botanists, and a Sketch of the Present System of Classi- fication. Edited by John Lindley, M.D., F.R.S., F.L.S., Emeritus Professor of Botany in University College, London. Assisted by Professor Balfour, F.R.S.E.; the Rev. M. J. Berkeley, F.L.S.; John Ball, Esq., F.R.S.; Rep. C. A. Johns, F.L.S.; J.T. Syme, Esq., F.L.S.; Maxwell Masters, Esq., F.L.S.; Thomas Moore, Esq., F.L.S.; and other practical Botanists. In One Volume, fcp. 8vo. with 16 Engravings on Steel, and numerous illustrative Engravings on Wood, from desigus by W. H. Fitch .... .......................In preparation. Professor Cotton Mather. HINDUSTANI AND ENGLISH CLAVIS TO THE NEW TESTAMENT AND THE PSALMS. By COTTON MATHER, Assistant Professor of Hindustani in Addiscombe College. [In the press. J. De Poix-Tyrel. GRAMMAR OF HOUSEHOLD WORDS, Adapted to the separate or simultaneous study of ENGLISH and FRENCH ; forming a com- parative Appendix, Dictionary, and Conversational Companion to all Grammars and Reading- Books : containing a Complete Course of Grammatical Exercises ; Money Tables, showing the Relative Value of Foreign and British Coins, Weights, and Measures ; a Vocabulary of Mercantile Terms; Examples for Mercantile Correspondence; and Complete Lists of the Irregular Verbs of both Languages, By J. DE POIX-TYREL ......................... Fcp. 8vo. price 4s. 6d. just ready. *** The same work in English and German, prepared as above for the use of Schools, is likewise nearly ready,-price 4s. 6d. Walter MʻLeod, F.R.G.S., M.R.C.P. MʻLEOD'S PHYSICAL ATLAS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Comprising 56 full-coloured Maps, and numerous coloured Sections and Diagrams: With descriptive Letterpress, forming a brief Synopsis of British Physical Geography By WALTER MʻLEOD, F.R.G.S., M.R.C.P. &c. The Maps compiled and engraved on steel in the best manner by E. Weller, F.R.G.S. ....... .. . . . . . . ... 18mo. just ready. Maps Maps Physical Map of England and Wales ............ Geological Map of Ireland ........... Geological Map of England and Wales ........ Climate Map of Great Britain, showing the Dis- County Maps of England and Wales, including the tribution of Plants, Grains, &c....... Islands .......... . 38 Commercial Map of England, showing the Physical Map of Scotland .... Localities of Mines, Manufactures, Fish- Geological Map of Scotland .. eries, &c. ........ Physical Map of Ireland ........ .. 2 | Commercial Map of Scotland and Ireland........ Galbraith and Haughton's Scientific Manuals. A MANUAL OF THE SUB-KINGDOM CELENTERATA. By J. REAY GREENE, B.A., M.R.I.A., Professor of Natural History in the Queen's College, Cork, &c. (Being the second of a new Series of Manuals of the Experimental and Natural Sciences; edited by the Rev. J. A. GALBRAITH, M.A., and the Rev. S. HAUGHTON, M.A., F.R.S., Fellows of Trinity College, Dublin.) Fcp. 8vo. with Thirty-four Woodcuts ......[Shortly. QUINCE the time of Cuvier, our knowledge of those i time comprehensive survey is here taken of the form, lower forms of animal life associated by that na structure, habits, life, history, classification, and turalist under the name of “Les Zoophytes, ou distribution of Coelenterate animals. The geological Animaux Rayonnés" has received numerous impor relations of the entire group are discussed in a special tant; additions; and, accordingly, the systematic chapter. Thirty-four carefully-prepared woodcuts, arrangement of these dubious organisms has gradu. containing a large number of separate figures, illus- ally undergone much modification. A better acquaint trate the various subjects treated of. The general ance with their structure has shown the necessity of plan of the volume corresponds with that adopted transferring many of them to higher positions in by the Author in his “Manual of the Sub-kingdom the animal kingdom. Others go to form the group Protozoa,” in the same Series. As in that treatise, a of Protozoa. Those which remain have been placed select list of memoirs is appended for the use of those in a distinct sub-kingdom, termed Calenterata. students who have mastered the elementary details of the subject, while questions are added at the end The present Manual is devoted to the consideration of the work whereby the reader may readily ascertain of these animals. A compendious and at the same the knowledge whic he has acquired of its contents, ............. 2 ......... London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. 20 NEW SCHOOL-BOOKS TO BE PUBLISHED DURING 1861. The Author of " Amy Herbert." ANCIENT HISTORY OF EGYPT, ASSYRIA, AND PERSIA. - For the use of Young Persons. By the Author of Amy Herbert ................. [In preparation. The Author of "Amy Herbert." CONTES FACILES, Selected by the Author of Amy Herbert: A Series of amusing Stories in French, intended to give Children an interest in reading when they are beginning to understand the language ; and to precede in use Extraits Choisis by the same Author ........... [In the press. John Marshall, F.R.C.S.2 'PHYSIOLOGY FOR SCHOOLS AND SELF-INSTRUCTION. Preceded by First Steps in Physiology for Beginners. By JOHN MARSHALL, F.R.C.S. Surgeon to the University College Hospital, London ; and Lecturer on Anatomy in the Science and Art Department, South Kensington ........................................... Crown 8vo. ncarly ready. Professor William Odling, M.B. A MANUAL OF CHEMISTRY, Descriptive and Theoretical. By WILLIAM ODLING, M.B., F.R.S., Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians; Secretary to the Chemical Society; and Professor of Practical Chemistry in Guy's Hospital ... .............. PART I. crown 8vo. nearly ready. Oxford Examination Scheme for 1861. SHAKSPEARE'S JULIUS CÆSAR. With Introductory Remarks, Copious Interpretation of the Text, and Critical, Historical, and Grammatical Notes. Adapted for Scholastic or Private Study, and especially for the Guidance of persons qualifying for the Middle-Class Examinations. By the Rev. J. HUNTER, M.A. formerly Vice-Principal of the National Society's Training College, Battersea. 12mo......... [Nearly ready. John Sutcliffe. SELF-EDUCATION: Intended as a Guide for Young Men who having left School desire to continue à Course of Self-Improvement ; for Pupil-Teachers in Elementary Schools ; for Schoolmasters who, after passing through Training Colleges, may wish to pursue Studies not embraced in the scheme of those Institutions; and for Candidates in the Oxford and Civil Service Examinations. By JOHN SUTCLIFFE, Lecturer in the Normal College, Cheltenham. B. B. Woodward, B.A. HISTORICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL ENCYCLOPÆDIA : A Book of Reference for Students and General Readers. Presenting in a brief and convenient form, Chronological Notices of all the Great Events of Universal Éistory; including Treaties, Alliances, Wars, Battles, &c. ; Incidents in the Lives of Great and Distinguished Men and their Works; Scientific and Geographical Discoveries ; Mechanical Inventions, and Social, Domestic, and Economical Improvements. By B. B. WOODWARD, B.A., F.S.A., M. Phil. Soc. ; Librarian to the Queen .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .... ... ... ... ... ... [In preparation, in 1 vol. 8vo. MHIS work is intended to form a copious and both to both to facilitate reference and to prevent needless I trustworthy book of reference for both stu- repetitions. Historical events and occurrences dents and general readers, and to present in a happening in or relating to England will invari- brief and convenient form, but with the most ably receive the largest share of attention. In all scrupulous accuracy as to dates, CHRONOLOGICAL cases the most exact date which can be ascertained NOTICES of all the great events of universal his will be given; and wherever it appears desirable, tory, including treaties, alliances, wars, battles, the original or national dates will be added. Where &c.; of the incidents in lives of great and dis different dates have been assigned to the same event tinguished men, and of their works; of scientific by scholars of reputation, those which can assist and geographical discoveries ; of mechanical inven the enquiries of the student will be inserted; but tions; and social, domestic, and economical im the convenience of the general reader will be con- provements. Matters of merely local interest, sulted by placing the best established first. Refer- prolix details, with mathematical and technical ences to the authorities will be frequently given. chronology, are not admitted. The general ar with a view to establish the value of particular dates, rangement will be alphabetical; but wherever as well as to direct students to the sources of connected series of events can be grouped under further information respecting them. familiar titles, this expedient will be adopted, London: LONGMAN, GRELN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. CATALOGUE OF X SCHOOL-BOOKS. Terms ... . ......... Is. 6d, ADAMSS GEOGRAPHICAL WORD-EXPOSITOR; or, Names and Terms * occurring in the Science of Geography, Etymologically and otherwise Explained. To which are added Appendices on the subject of Derivative Geography. The Third Edition, with improvements; including the Pronunciation of the most diflicult Geographical Names and ............... 12mo. 2s. 6d. ALBITES. - HOW to SPEAK FRENCH; or, French and France: Facts, 4 Reasons, Practice: A Concise and Progressive Handbook of the French Language ;. with a Survey of the History, Literature, and Present State of France. By ACHILLE ALBITES, LL.B. of the University of Paris, &c., French Master in the Birmingham and Edgbaston Proprietary School. Fifth Edition, revised ........ .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Fcp. 8vo. 58. 6d. 9 Partly taken from How to Speak French, and to be had separately :- Albites' Start in French, and First Steps............. ............... ls. Od. Albites! French Genders Conquered..................... Albites' Blunders in French Avoided ........................ ......... Is. 6d. Albites' Phases de l'Histoire de France ............................ ............................................. Is. 6do ANTHON'S LATIN CLASSICS, WITH ENGLISH NOTES. JULII CÆSARIS COMMENTARII de BELLO GALLICO, ex recensione Francisci Oudendorpii. With Explanatory Notes, and Historical, Geographical, and Archeological Indexes. By CHARLES ANTHON, LL.D.......... .. ... ..... ... 12mo. 45. 6d. ANTHON'S CÆSAR, with copious English Notės, &c., as above. New Edition, revised, 4 corrected, and improved by the Rev. C. HAWKINS, B.C.L., One of the Masters of Christ's Hospital, London..... . . . . . . . . . . . ....,12mo. 4s. 6d. ANTHON'S CICERO. — M. TULLII CICERONIS ORATIONES SELECTÆ, ex recensione 4Jo. Aug. Ernesti. With an English Commentary, and Historical, Geographical, and Legal Indexes. By Dr. C. ANTHON...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12mo. 6s. ANTHON'S SALLUST.-C. CRISPI SALLUSTII OPERA. With an English Commentary, da and Geographical and Historical Indexes. By Dr. C. ANTHON ......................... 12mo, 5s. ANTHONY'S FOOTSTEPS to MODERN HISTORY: Being an Epitome of the Histories of England and France; with slight Sketches of Literature, Arts, and Manufactures. By Miss LOUISA ANTHONY. Second Edition, enlarged ............Fcp. 8vo. 55. 6d. A NTHONY'S FOOTSTEPS to the HISTORY of ENGLAND. Second Edition. Fcp. 8vo. 3s. ANTHONY'S FOOTSTEPS to the HISTORY of FRANCE. Second Edition. .......Fcp. Svo. 3s. Wi Then ARAGO'S POPULAR ASTRONOMY. Translated from the original, and 42 Edited by Admiral W. H. SMITH, D.C.L., For. Sec. R.S.; and ROBERT GRANT, Esq., M.A., F.R.A.S. Illustrated with a Series of 25 Plates and 358 Woodcuts and Diagrams...2 vols. 870.45s. London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. 22 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL-BOOKS FOR 1861. . ATTWELL. – MANUAL of GENERAL HISTORY, for the use of Schools. do Translated from the Noortbey Course, and edited by Professor HENRY ATTWELL, K.O.C., M.C.P., &c. .............. ............. Square post 8vo. 2s. 6d. RALFOUR'S (Mrs.) SKETCHES of ENGLISH LITERATURE, from the > Fourteenth to the Present Century ............ Fcp. 8vo. 78. RARKER'S LEMPRIERE'S CLASSICAL DICTIONARY, abridged for Public and Private Schools of both Sexes. New Edition, thoroughly revised and corrected by Dr. JOSEPH CAUVIN, Ph.D. ................................. ................8vo. 12s, DR. R. H. BLACK'S STUDENT'S MANUAL; or, Etymological and Expla- natory Vocabulary of Words derived from the Greek . . . . . ... 18mo. 2s. 6d. Writers. D Dictionary of Words derived from the Latin ; with Amusing Illustrations from Eminent ....18mo. 5s. 6d. BLOOMFIELD'S LARGER GREEK TESTAMENT. - The Greek Testament, with English Notes, Critical, Philological, and Exegetical, especially adapted to the use of Theological Students and Ministers. By the Rev. S. T. BLOOMFIELD, D.D." Ninth Edition, revised and improved throughout ............2 vols. 8vo. £2. 8s. TR. BLOOMFIELD'S CRITICAL ANNOTATIONS, Additional and Supple- mentary, on the NEW TESTAMENT [See page 2).. ... . . . . . . . . . ... Svo. 14.. BLOOMFIELD'S COLLEGE and SCHOOL EDITION of the GREEK TESTA- MENT, with brief English Notes. Adapted for General Purposes, where a larger work is not requisite. Seventh Edition, improved ......... .. ... ... ... ... Fcp. 8vo. 7s. 6d. TR. BLOOMFIELD'S COLLEGE and SCHOOL LEXICON to the GREEK TESTAMENT. New Edition, much improved ...............Fcp. 8vo. 7s. 6d. ROUCHER'S MENSURATION, PLANE and SOLID, for the use of Schools and Colleges, Civil, Military, and Naval, and specially adapted for Self-Instruction. Comprising a Series of Arithmetical Illustrations of the most important Practical Truths established by Geometry; with clear and familiar Explanations; 71 Woodcut Diagrams, and upwards of 1,500 carefully-constructed Examples with the Answers. By the Rev. J. SIDNEY BOUCHER, M.A., of St. John's College, Cambridge; Principal of the Holly-Bank School, Birkenhead. Third Edition, revised ................... ...............120o. 38. BOYD'S NAVAL CADETS' MANUAL.-A MANUAL for NAVAL CADETS. By JOHN M'NEILL BOYD, Captain R.N. Published with the sanction and approval of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Second Edition; with 240 Woodcuts, 2 coloured Plates of Signals, &c. and 11 coloured Plates of Flags ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..........Post 8vo. 12s. 6d. BRADLEY'S LATIN CLASSICS, IMPROVED BY WHITE. RRADLEY'S CORNELIUS NEPOS: With English Notes and Questions. Corrected and considerably enlarged by the addition of Explanatory and Grammatical Notes. By the Rev.J. T. WHITE, M.A., First Master of the Latin School, Christ's Hospital, London . . . . . . . . . . . ...12mo. 35. 6d. DRADLEY'S FIRST SEVEN BOOKS of EUTROPIUS'S EPITOME of the HISTORY of D ROME: With English Notes and Questions, and a copious Vocabulary. Thoroughly improved by Rev. J. T. WHITE, M.A....... ........... . . . . . ....... 12mo. 2s. 6d. DRADLEY'S SELECT FABLES from PHÆDRUS: With English Notes, Questions, and D Vocabulary. Corrected, and enlarged by the addition of Grammatical and Explanatory Notes. By Rev. J. T. WHITE, M.A. ... ...... ................. 12mo. 2s.6d. DRADLEY'S SELECTIONS from OVID'S METAMORPHOSES: With English Notes and D Questions. New Edition, revised and improved by Rev. J. T. WHITE, M.A., First Master of the Latin School, Christ's Hospital, London ...............12mo. 45. 6d. ............................................ u n ....... London: LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, L.C. CATALOGUE or SCHOOL-BOOKS FOR 1861. 23 . ....... BRADLEY'S LATIN PROSE EXERCISES: Consisting of English Sen- tences translated from Cæsar, Cicero, and Livy to be re-translated into the Original Latin. By the Rev. W. W. BRADLEY, M.A., late Demy of Magdalen College, Oxford. Fifth Edition, thoroughly revised and improved ..... .............12no. 35.60.-KEY, 5s. BRADLEY'S (Rev. W. W.) LESSONS in CONTINUOUS LATIN PROSE-WRITING, pre- paring for publication, in 12mo. with KEY... .............................. [See page 18. RRASSE'S EDITION of SOPHOCLES, from the Text of Brunck and others, with English Notes, Examination-Questions, &c. Edipus Rex, Edipus Coloncus, and Antigone, edited by Dr. BRASSE, post Svo. price 5s. each; Philocletes, edited by G. BURGES, M.A. 58.; Ajax and Electra, edited by the Rev. F. VALPY, 5s. each, boards. BRAY. - PHYSIOLOGY for SCHOOLS, in Twenty-seven Easy Lessons. By Mrs. C. BRAY. Second Edition, revised ; with Woodcuts ..............12mo. Is. BREWER'S ELEMENTARY ATLAS of HISTORY and GEOGRAPHY, from the Commencement of the Christian Era to the Present Time: Comprising a Series of Sixteen coloured Maps arranged in Chronological Order; with illustrative Memoirs. By. the Rev. J. S. BREWER, M.A., Professor of English History and Literature in King's College. The Maps engraved by E. WELLER, F.R.G.S. Second Edition .................. Royal 8vo. 12s. 6d. THE Rev. Dr. BREWER'S GUIDE to' ENGLISH COMPOSITION; or, One Hundred and Twenty Subjects analysed and illustrated from Analogy, History, and the Writings of celebrated Ancient and Modern Authors, to teach the Art of Argumentation and the Development of Thought ... . . . . . . . . ........ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... ...Fcp. 8vo. 53. 6d. R. BREWER'S POETICAL CHRONOLOGY of INVENTIONS, DISCOVERIES, BATTLES, V and of EMINENT MEN, from the Conquest to the Present Time ; exhibiting their Effects on the History of Great Britain, elucidated by a Catechism in Prose subjoined to each page ......................... .................................12010. 3s. 6d. BISHOP BUTLER'S SKETCH of ANCIENT} and MODERN GEOGRAPHY, D for the use of Schools. New Edition, revised throughout, corrected in both parts, and much improved, by the Author's Son, the Rev. T. BUTLER............... . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ Post 8vo. 7s. 6d. DUTLER'S SKETCH of MODERN GEOGRAPHY, revised, corrected to the Present Time, and D improved, by the Rev. T. BUTLER.......... ............... Post 8vo. 45. DUTLER'S SKETCH of ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY, for the use of Schools. Revised throughout, corrected, and much improved, by the Rev. T. BUTLER ............ Post 8vo. 45. CUNNINGHAM'S ABRIDGMENT of BUTLER'S GEOGRAPHY .....................,Fcp. 8vo. 2s. RISHOP BUTLER'S ATLAS of ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY, enlarged to • Twenty-four full-coloured Maps ; with a complete Index. New Edition, l'e-engraved throughout, corrected, and greatly improved, by the Rev. T. BUTLER ... ... ... ... ..Royal 8vo. 12s. DUTLER'S JUNIOR ANCIENT ATLAS, for the use of Young Persons and Junior Classes in Schools : New Edition, corrected throughout; comprising 2 New Maps, in all Twelve full-coloured Maps........ ....................Royal 8vo. 4.s. 6d. RISHOP BUTLER'S ATLAS of MODERN GEOGRAPHY, enlarged to Thirty full-coloured Maps; with a complete Index. New Edition, re-engraved throughout, with numerous Corrections and Improvements by the Rev. T. BUTLER ..........., Royal 8vo. 128. DUTLER'S JUNIOR MODERN ATLAS, for the use of Young Persons and Junior Classes in D Schools : Comprising Twelve full-coloured Maps.............. . . . . . . . . . . .........Royal 8vo. 4.s. 6d. RISHOP BUTLER'S GENERAL ATLAS of MODERN and ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. Comprising Fifty-four full-coloured Maps; and complete Indexes. New Edition, re-engraved throughout, and improved, by the Rev. T. BUTLER ...........Royal 4to. 24s. DUTLER'S IMPROVED OUTLINE GEOGRAPHICAL COPY-BOOKS: The Ancient Copy-Book 20 consisting of 24 Outlines, and the Modern of 30 Outlines, intended to be filled up and coloured by the pupils. Oblong 4to. price 4s. each Collection; or together ... . . . . . . . . ...... 7s.6d. London: LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Rov, E.C. 24 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL-BOOKS FOR 1861. RUCKMASTER'S ELEMENTS of INORGANIC CHEMISTRY-The Elements 2 of Inorganic Chemistry. By J. C. BUCKMASTER, late Student in the Government School of Mines; Certificated Teacher of Science in the Department of Science and Art; and Examiner in Chemistry and Physics in the Royal College of Preceptors. New Edition ; with 19 Wood- cuts of Apparatus ............ .............18mo. 2s. CALDER. -A FAMILIAR EXPLANATION of "ARITHMETIC. By the Rev. FRIDERICK CALDER, M.A., Head Master of Chesterfield Grammar School. New Edition, revised and improved. [See page 4.] PART I. containing Simple and Compound Rules, Reduction, and Simple Rules in Decimals, 12mo. price ls. 6d. ; with Answers, 2s. PART II. Fractions, Decimals, Practice, Proportion and its Applications, Extraction of Roots, Scales of Notation, &c. price 3s. 6d.; with answers, 4s. 6d. The Two Parts in 1 vol. price 4:s. 6d.; or with Answers, 5s. 6d. The Answers separately, 1s. The QUESTIONS in PART II. separately, Is. CALDER'S EXERCISES in MENSURATION with their SOLUTIONS: & KEY to all the Exer- U cises in PART III. of LUND's Geometry and Mensuration. [See page 38.]...... Post Svo. 3s. PROFESSOR CAMBIER'S; GRAMMAR of the FRENCH TONGUE. Pre- * pared, by Authority, for the use of the Senior and Junior Departments of the Royal Military College, Sandhurst ............... ..................12mo. 53. DROFESSOR CAMBIER'S RECUEIL en PROSE et en VERS de MORCEAUX tires des . MEILLEURS AUTEURS FRANCAIS. Prepared, by Authority, for the use of the Royal Military College, Sandhurst ...... ................ 12mo. 58. THE Rev. JONATHAN CAPE'S COURSE of MATHEMATICS, principally • designed for the use of Students in the East India Company's Military College, Addiscombe........ ... ... ... ...2 vols. 8vo. 32s. THE REV. J. CAPE'S MATHEMATICAL TABLES: containing Logarithms, Logarithmic Sines, Tangents, and Secants ; with such othor Tables as are requisite to be used with the Nautical Almanack. Third Edition. [See page 8] ..............., Royal 8vo. 10s. 6d. THE Rev. R. CARMICHAEL'S TREATISE on the CALCULUS of OPERA- * TIONS, designed to facilitate the Processes of the Differential and Integral Calculus, and the Calculus of Finite Differences ........... 8vo. 98. CARPENTER'S SCHOLAR'S SPELLING ASSISTANT, wherein the Words are arranged on a New Plan, according to their respective Principles of Accentuation. New and improved Edition, with the Author's latest Corrections ......... ... . . . . . . ... 12mo. Is. YE CENSEUR; or, English Errors in Speaking French. By Mlle. E, D. G. * FIRST SERIES, Third Edition, and SECOND SERIES, Second Edition, fcp. 8vo. price Is. 6d. each, sewed ; or complete in 1 vol. 2s. 6d. cloth. CHARENTE'S COURSE of GRADUATED GRAMMATICAL and IDIOMATIC V STUDIES of the FRENCH LANGUAGE. Containing upwards of 5,000 Original Examples; and exhibiting & System of Exercises adapted to promote a Colloquial Knowledge of the French Language. By A. A. DE CHARENTE, Professor of the French Language in the Royal Military College, Sandhurst [In Four Parts, as below] ........................12mo. 10s. 6d. PART 1.-Pronunciation-Accidence ................ PART II.- French and English Syntar compared. .............38. PARTS I. and II. forming the JUNIOR COURSE, complete in One Volume. ....price 5s. 6a. PART III.-Gallicisms and Anglicisms .... PART IV.-(Written in French) Syntaxe de Construction-Syntaxe d'Accord- Difficultés ...............38. PARTS III. and IV. forming the SENIOR COURSB, complete in One Volume .......... price 6s. CHARENTE'S FRENCH EXERCISES, adapted to his Course of Studies of the French Language. Complete in One Volume, 12mo. price 10s. 6d. .........[See page 17 To be had also in 4 separate Parts, corresponding with the Course, as follows:- PART I. Pronunciatiou and Accidence ... ......3s. PART II.-French and English Syntax compared ........ ........38. Elementary French Exercises, the above in One Volume ...58. Od. PART III.-Gallicisms and Anglicisins PART IV.-Syntaxe d'Accord, de Construction, Dificultés ..... Advanced French Exercises, the above in One Volume.. ...........33. ............38.60. .............. 33. ........ .38. ...........5s, GcT. London: LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. CATALOGUE or SCHOOL-BOOKS FOR 1861. . . . PLOUGH. — GREEK HISTORY from Themistocles to Alexander, in a Series of Lives from Plutarch. Revised and arranged by A. H. CLOUGH, sometime Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. With 44 Woodcut Illustrations [See page 5] ........................ Fcp. 8vo. 6s. LIST OF COLENSO'S SCHOOL-BOOKS. A RITHMETICAL and MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL-BOOKS by the Right ** Rev. J. W. COLENSO, D.D., Bishop of Natal; late Fellow of St. John's College, Cam. bridge. New and improved Editions, corrected and stereotyped :- COLENSO'S ARITHMETIC, designed for the use of Schools. Now Edition, to which is U added a New Chapter on Decimal Coinage ............... ................. 1200. 4s. 6d. QOLUTIONS to all the UNWORKED EXAMPLES in OOLENSO'S ARITHMETIC; Forming N & Key. By S. MAYNARD.......... ............ 12mo, 6s. MOLENSO'S TEXT-BOOK of ELEMENTARY ARITHMETIC, designed for the use of National, Adult, and Commercial Schools .......... ............... 18mo. ls. 9d. CUOLENSO'S TEXT-BOOK of ELEMENTARY ARITHMETIC, with ANSWERS ............ 23. 3d. Hak COLINSO's Elementary Arithmetio is divided into Five Parts, sold separately, as follows:- 1. Text-Book ....... 64. 18. Examples, PART II. Compound drithmetic...............44. 2. Examples, PART I. Simple Arithmetic.............44.4. Examples, PARTIII.Fractions, Decimals, Duodecimals.Ad. 5. Answers to the Examples, with Solutions of the more dificult Questions....... .......le. NOLENSO'S ELEMENTS of ALGEBRA, designed for the use of Schools. Part I. containing the Elementary parts alone .......... ............12mo. 43. 60.-KEY, 53. COLENSO'S ELEMENTS of ALGEBRA, Part II. containing the higher parts of the subject, with numerous Examples and Equation-Papers of St. John's College, Cam- briage ............ .............. 12mo. 6s.-KEY, 58. MOLENSO'S ELEMENTS of ALGEBRA, Complate in One Volume, and adapted for Teachers and Students in the University versity ......... .......... 8vo. 123. 60.--KEY, 12mo. 7s. 6d. COLENSO'S ELEMENTS of ALGEBRA, Adapted for the use of National and Adult V Schools. ................. ...............18mo. Is. 60.--KEY, 2s. 6d. VIOLENSO'S MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES and EQUATION-PAPERS from Parts I. and II. of the Algebra, with Answers .... ............. 12mo. 2s. 6d. ROLENSO'S ELEMENTS of EUCLID, from the Text of Dr. Simson: With a large Collection U of Geometrical Problems ..........18mo. 4.5. 6d. NOLENSO'S ELEMENTS of EUCLID, from Dr. Simson's Text, as above: With the GEO- U METRICAL PROBLEMS and a KEY to the same............ .................18mo. 6s. 6d. NYOLENSO'S GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS, from the above Edition of Euclid : With the V KEY ............ ............. 18mo. 3s. 6d. NOLENSO'S GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS, from his Edition of Euclid, to be had separately, for use in Schools where other editions of Euclid are employed......... . . . . . . . . . . ...18mo. 13. MOLENSO'S PLANE TRIGONOMETRY, Part I. : 'With the Use of Logarithms, and Easy Miscellaneous Examples .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 12mo. 35. 60.-KEY, 3s. 6d. GYOLENSO'S PLANE TRIGONOMETRY, Part II. : With a large Collection of Miscellaneous Problems............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . .............................. 12mo. 2s.6d.-KEY, 58. a The KEYS to the Two Parts of Colenso's Trigonometry may be had together, price 88. 60. CONINGTON'S HANDBOOK of CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, adapted to the Unitary System of Notation. Based on the 4th Edition of Dr. H. Will's Anleitung zur chemischen Analyse. By F.T. CONINGTON, M.A., F.C.S. ..... ................. Post Svo. 7s. 60. YONINGTON'S (F. T.) TABLES of QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS, to accompany in use his Handbook of Chemical Analysis .......................................................Post 8vo. 2s. 6d. CONYBEARE and HOWSON'S LIFE and EPISTLES of ST. PAUL: Com- prising a complete Biography of the Apostle, and a New Translation of his Epistles inserted in Chronological Order. New Edition, carefully revised and corrected. With several Maps and Woodcuts, and 4 Plates ....... ................2 vols. square crown Svo. 31s, 6d. AL ........ .. .................. .................. ............................. London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. 26 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL-BOOKS FOR 1861. . 111 LIST OF THE REV. DR. COLLIS'S SCHOOL-BOOKS. MOLLIS'S PONTES CLASSICI, No. I. A Stepping Stone from the beginning of Latin Grammar to Cæsar. By the Rev.J. D. COLLIS, D.D., Honorary Canon of Worcester; Head Master of King Edward the Sixth's Grammar School, Bromsgrove (See p. 1] 12mo. 3s. 6d. MOLLIS'S PONTICULUS LATINUS: The History of Rome to the Destruction of Carthage, for Translation into Latin, to accompany in use Pontes Classici, No. I [See p. 4] Square 12uo. Is. MOLLIS'S PRAXIS LATINA: A Series of Elementary, Progressive, and Miscellaneous Questions and Examination-Papers on Latin Grammar, adapted especially to the Eton and Dr. Kennedy's Latin Grammars ................ ............ Two Parts, 12no. 5s.6d. PART I. for BEGINNERS ...............................12mo. 23. 60. I PART II. for ADVANCED STUDENTS.............12mo. 38. COLLIS'S PONTES CLASSICI, No. II, : A Stepping Store from the beginning of Greek U Grammar to Xenophon [See page 4] ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . ...12mo. 3s. 6d. MOLLIS'S PONTICULUS GRÆCUS: Short Elementary Exercises from the Greek Testament, Æsop, and Xenophon, for Translation into Greek, to accompany in use Pontes Classici, No. II [See page 4] ...... .... .......... Square 12mo. Is. MOLLIS'S PRAXIS GRÆCA: A Series of Elementary, Progressive, and Miscellaneous Exercises on Greek Grammar. In Three Parts (as below) ..................... 12mo. 11s. 6d. PART I. ETYMOLOGY ..................................12mo. 28. 6d. | PART II. SYNTAX............ ........................12mo. Os. MOLLIS'S CHIEF RULES of GREEK ACCENTUATION : With a Series of Exercises and Examination-Papers. Forming PART III. of Praxis Græca ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..............12mo. 3s. MOLLIS'S NEW INTRODUCTION to GREEK IAMBICS. - Praxis Iambica; or, Elementary and Progressive Exercises in Greek Tragic Senarü : With Rules and an English-Greek Index ............. ................................................12mo. 4.s. 6d. MOLLIS'S CHIEF TENSES of the GREEK and LATIN IRREGULAR VERBS, tabularly arranged. 8vo. price 3s. ; or separately, 1s. cach set. MOLLIS'S FRENCH GRAMMAR.--TIROCINIUM GALLICUM: A Short French Grammar for Classical Schools ; with frequent Comparison of the Latin. Edited by the Rev. J. D. COLLIS, D.D. Second Edition, enlarged ......... ................ 12mo. 3s. 6d. CONNON'S School Edition of the FIRST FOUR BOOKS of MILTON'S PARADISE LOST: With copious Notes, Grammatical, Classical, and Critical ...12mo.3s.6d. MONYBEARE'S SCHOOL CHRONOLOGY, or the Great Dates of History. For the use of the Collegiate Schools, Liverpool. By the Rev. W. J. CONYBEARE, M.A. Eleventh Edition ...... .............. Square 12mo. Is. THE Rev. F. C. COOK'S FIRST BOOK of POETRY; for Elementary Schools. # New Edition, corrected and improved...... ..............18mo. 9d. COOK'S SELECTION of SCHOOL POETRY : Intended to serve as an Introduction to the U Study of the great Classical Poets of England. New Edition .............................12mo. 2s. POOK on the ACTS of the APOSTLES; with a Commentary, and Practical and Devotional Suggestions for Readers and Students of the English Bible ... ........... Post Sro. 58. MORNER'S QUESTIONS on the HISTORY Of EUROPE: A Sequel to Mangnall's Historical Questions. Comprising Questions on the History of the Nations of Continental Europe not comprehended iu Dlangnall's Questions ...... ..............12mo. 5s. CONTANSEAU'S NEW PRACTICAL DICTIONARY of the FRENCH and ENGLISH LANGUAGES. By LÉON CONTANSEAU, Professor of the French Language and Literature in the Royal Indian Military College, Addiscombey Examiner for Military Appointments and for admission to Addiscombe. Fourth Edition, with Corrections. Post 8vo. 10s.6d. Mr. CONTANSEAU'S Practical French Dictionary is now in use in the Royal Indian Military College, Addiscombe; the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich; the Royal Military College, Sandhurst; King's College, London ; Harrow School; Cheltenham College; Marlborough College ; and Christ's Hospital, London. . . London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL-BOOKS FOR 1861. 27 CONTANSEAU'S PRÉCIS de la LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, depuis son Origine jusqu'à nos Jours, compiled expressly for the use of Schools and of Students graduating for the competitive Examinations. [See page 16] ............ .... .........12mo. 5s. MONTANSEAU'S ABRÉGÉ DE L'HISTOIRE DE FRANCE from the Earliest Times to the Year 1860. For the use of Schools and of Pupils graduating for the Competitive Exami- nations. [See page 16]............ ...............................1200. 58. 6d. CONTANSEAU’S COMPENDIOUS GRAMMAR of the FRENCH LANGUAGE. Based on Noël et Chapsal, but simplified and adapted specially to the Requirements of English Students of the French Language. With Exercises and concise Toot-notes, and Marginal Hints. Third Edition, carefully revised ...... ...........12mo. 45. CONTANSEAU'S GUIDE to FRENCH TRANSLATION: Being a Series of Instructive and Entertaining Pieces; with Notes to assist in the Translation, and to exhibit a Comparison of French and English Idioms. Fifth Edition. [See page 16]...... 12mo. 3s. 60.-KEY, 3s. 6do CONTANSEAU’S PROSATEURS et POÈTES FRANCAIS; or, Selections from the best French Writers arranged in Chronological Order from the Age of Louis XIV. to the Present Day: With Biographical Sketches. Cheaper Edition ............. 12mo. 6s. 6d. COTTON'S (Bishop) SHORT PRAYERS, and other Helps to Devotion, for the Boys of a Public School. Tifth Edition ................. .................18mo. Is. 6d. PISHOP COTTON'S INSTRUCTIONS in the DOCTRINE and PRACTICE of CHRISTIANITY. 3 Intended as an Introduction to Confirmation. Tourth Edition ......................18mo. 2s. 6d. COX.-TALES from GREEK MYTHOLOGY. By the Rev. George W. Cox., M.A., late Scholar of Trinity College, Oxford, and one of the Masters in the College, Cheltenham. [See page 9 of this Catalogue]............ ................ Square 16mo. 3s. 6d. CROSBY'S WALKINGAME'S TUTOR'S ASSISTANT; Being a Compendium of Arithmetic, and a complete Question-Book: Containing Arithmetic in Whole Num- bers; Vulgar Fractions ; Decimals; Duodecimals; the Mensuration of Circles; a new Collec- tion of Questions, &c. Edited by S. MAYNARD .............................. 12mo. 2s._KEY, 3s. 6d. CROWE'S HISTORY of FRANCE. — The HISTORY of FRANCE. (An entirely new work, in Five Volumes.) By EYRE EVANS CROWE, Author of the “History of France” in the Cabinet Cyclopædia. [See page 3]............... 8vo. VOL. I. 145. ; VOL. II. 15s. DONALDSON. - A COPIOUS GREEK and ENGLISH LEXICON. By John WILLIAM DONALDSON, D.D., Classical Examiner in the University of London, and formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge; Author of New Cratylus, Varronianus, &c. ....... [Preparing. EDWARDS. - A CONCISE HISTORY OF ENGLAND ; designed chiefly as a Text Book for the Higher Classes in Schools, and for the use of Working Men's Colleges and Mechanics' Institutions. By JOHN EDWARDS, Author of History of the English Language in GLEIG’S School Series. [See page 3]......... .................Fcp. Sro. 3s. 6d. Y ADY FALMOUTH'S CONVERSATIONAL GEOGRAPHY for CHILDREN. Conversations on Geography; or, the Child's First Introduction to where he is, What he is, and that else there is besides ......... ...............Fcp. 8vo. 7s. 6d. PARLEY'S TABLES of SIX-FIGURE LOGARITHMS: Containing the Loga. - rithms of Numbers from 1 to 10,000, of Sines and Tangents for every Minute of the Quadrant, &c. ... ... ... ..... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... Post 8vo. 4:5. 6d. TARR'S SCHOOL and FAMILY HISTORY of ENGLAND, from the Earliest Period to the Nineteenth Year of the Reign of Queen Victoria : Containing a Narrative of Civil and Military Transactions, and exhibiting & View of the Religion, Government and Laws, Literature, Arts, Commerce, Manners and Customs, &c., of the different Periods of English History. By EDWARD FARR, F.S.A. Ån entirely New Edition, improved throughout, and brought down to the Treaty of Paris, 1856 .......... ............... 12mo. 5s.6d. London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL-BOOKS FOR 1861. GLEIG'S SCHOOL SERIES. A New Series of Elementary School-Books; each Book (in most instances) complete in itself, price Ninepence. Intended to comprise a complete Course of Elementary Education. Projected and edited by the Rev. G. R. GLEIG, M.A., Chaplain- General to Her Majesty's Forces. Assisted by WALTER MACLEOD, F.R.G.S. | THE REV. J. HUNTER, M.A. 1 THOMAS TATE, F.R.A.S. . WILLIAM HUGHES, F.R.G.S. DR. R. J. MANN, M.R.C.S.E. A. K. ISBISTER, M.A. MIR, JAMES OWEN. PROF. R. W. BROWNE, M.A. I w. J. REYNOLDS, M.A. ETC. 5 New and greatly improved editions of the following works may now be had :- READING. MY FIRST SCHOOL BOOK to Teach me Reading and Writing. By Walter MʻLeod, F.R.G.S. Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea ....... ..........18mo. price 6d. MY SECOND SCHOOL BOOK to Teach me Reading and Spelling. By Walter M'Leod, F.R.G.S. Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea.. .......... 18mo. price 9d. SIMPLE TRUTHS, in Easy Lessous; being an abridged Scripture History, arranged as a Reading-Book for Junior Classes ........... .... lSmo. price 6d. WRITING. A GRADUATED SERIES of NINE COPY-BOOKS, mainly on the Method of Mulhauser: with engraved Copy-heads, conveying useful Information, Historical, Geographical, and Scientific. By WALTER M'LEOD, F.R.G.S. .... ...... Oblong 4to. price Threepence cach Copy-Book. 1. Ruled with diagonal and horizontal lines, contains Ex- | 4. Capitals, Largo Hand, and Half Text. ercises in Right-lined Letters; as i, 26, 12, in, &c. 5. Capitals, Large Hand, Half Text, and Small Hand. 2. Simllarly ruled, Exercises in Curved and Crotchet Let 6. Large Hand, Half Text, and Small Hand. ters; as a, 0, , 2, v, w, &c.. 7. Half Text and Small Hand. 3. With diagonal and horizontal lines, alternately, Exer 8. Small Hand. cises in Looped Letters, &c.; as 0, 1, 3, f, . 9. For Exercises in Dictation and Composition. *** Of these Copy Books collectively above a million and a half (1,512,406) have now been sold. ARITHMETIC, BOOK-KEEPING, MENSURATION. A MANUAL of ARITHMETIC: Containing a Graduated Series of 1,750 Questions for Class Instruction. By WALTER M‘LEOD, F.R.G.S. , F.R.G.S. .......................................... 18mo. price 9d. *** Of this Arithmetic above 24,000 copies have been sold. ELEMENTS of BOOK-KEEPING by SINGLE and DOUBLE ENTRY. With Practical Explana- tions and Exercises on the most useful forms of Business. By A. K. ISBISTER, M.A...........18mo. 9d. ISBISTER'S SET of EIGHT ACCOUNT BOOKS by SINGLE and DOUBLE ENTRY, adapted to the above Elements of Book-keeping........... ........... Oblong 4to. price Sixpence each Accouni Book. ELEMENTS of MENSURATION: With Demonstrative Explanations of the various Rules and Processes of Calculation, and numerous Original Problems. By the Rev. J. HUNTER, M.A., formerly Vice-Principal of the National Society's Training College, Battersea ......................1810. price 9d. KEY, by the Author, containing full Solutions of all the Exercises ...... ......... 1800. price 9d. THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. EXPLANATORY ENGLISH GRAMMAR for Beginners; with Practical Exercises on the Parts of Speech, a Graduated Course of Parsing-Lessons, and an Appendix on the Conjugation of Compound Verbs. By WALTER MʻLEOD, F.R.G.S. ................................................ 18mo. price 9d. Or, for the convenience of Elementary Schools, in Four separate Parts :- 1. and III. One Penny each; II. Fourpence; and IV. Sixpence.-Also, Definitions, for Home Study, One Penny. *** Of this Grammar above 53,000 copies have been sold. HISTORY of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE, tracing it from its Celtic and Anglo-Saxon Source : With Thirty-one Specimens of eminent English Writers chronologically arranged from Caedmon and Alfred the Great to Gibbon the Historian. Adapted for the use of Pupil Teachers and the Higher Classes in Schools. By JOHN EDWARDS ...... ........... 18.00. price 9d. PHYSIOLOGY AND DOMESTIC ECONOMY. The BOOK of HEALTH. By Robert James Mann, M.D., M.P.C.S.E., Author of A Guide to the Knowledge of the Heavens .... ......... 18mo. price 9d. DOMESTIC ECONOMY: Comprising Housekeeping ; Choice of a Dwelling; Domestic Expen- diture; Household Work; Needlesyork, Washings, Ironing; Food and Fuel ; Marketing; Cookery (Boil- ing, Baking, Roasting, Stewing, Hashing, &c.; about 90 plain Receipts); care of the Sick and of Children; Prayers ......................................... 5 ......................................................................18mo. price 9c. London: LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row. LIST OF WORKS IN GLEIG’S SCHOOL SERIES. 29 The CHILD'S FIRST BOOK of GEOGRAPHY, arranged in a Series of Easy Reading-Lessons. By WILLIAM HUGHES, F.R.G.S. With Woodcuts .... ............ 18mo. price 9d. GEOGRAPHY of the BRITISH EMPIRE. For the use of Beginners. By William Hughes, F.R.G.S. .................................. ............ 18mo. pp. 158, price Ninepence. GENERAL GEOGRAPHY for Beginners. By William Hughes, F.R.G.S.........18mo. price Id. *** Of these three Geographical Works above 87,000 copies have been sold. HAND-ATLAS of GENERAL GEOGRAPHY: Comprising 29 full-coloured Maps, and containing nearly every Place mentioned in the Geographical and Historical Works of the Series. By WALTER M‘Leod, F.R.G.S. ........................................ 18mo. price 3s. half-bound; or sewed, 2s. 6d. CLASS-ATLAS of PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY: Comprising 20 full-coloured Maps, and 10 Sections and Diagrams: preceded by explanatory letter-press, forming a concise Synopsis of Physical Geography. By WALTER M'LEOD, F.R.G.S.. ............. 1810. 35. half-bound; or sewed, 28. 60. *** Of these two Atlases above 15,500 copies have been sold. BOWMAN'S QUESTIONS on MʻLEOD'S CLASS-ATLAS of PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY .... 18mo. price ls. ................... HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. FIRST BOOK of HISTORY-ENGLAND. By the Rev. G. R. Gleig, M.A.........18mo. price 2s. To be had also in Two Parts, price Ninepence each. *** Of this History of England above 123,000 copies have been sold. The BRITISH COLONIES. Forming the Second Book of History. By the Rev. G. R. Gleig, M.A., Editor of the Series ........... ............. 18mo. price 9d. BRITISH INDIA. Forming the Third Book of History. By the Rev. G. R. Gleig, M.A. . . 9d. SACRED HISTORY. Forming the Fourth Book of History. By the Rev. G. R. Gleig, M.A. .. 2s. ismo. price 2s. cloth; or, in Two Parts, 9d. each. HISTORICAL QUESTIONS. Part I. On the above Four Histories.............18mo. price Id. BOOK of BIOGRAPHY: Comprising Lives of S. Crompton, the Inventor of the Spinning Mule, W. Herschel the Astronomer, Hugh Miller the Geologist, G. Stephenson the Engineer, and P. Bcaver of the Royal Navy. By the Rev. G. R. GLEIG, M.A. [See page 17] ........................ 18mo. price 9d. HISTORY of FRANCE. By Capt. A. C. Gleig, R.A., Assistant-Inspector of Military Schools . 9d. HISTORY of ROME. By the Venerable R. W. Browne, M.A., Archdeacon of Taunton, and Pro- fessor of Classical Literature in King's College, London ...............................18mo. price 9d. HISTORY of GREECE. By the Venerable R. W. Browne, M.A., Archdeacon of Taunton, and Pro- fessor of Classical Literature in King's College, London.................................. 18mo. price 9d. *** Of the above Histories (exclusive of the History of England) 157,500 copies have been sold. ALGEBRA, EUCLID, AND GEOMETRY. ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA for Beginners. By W. J. Reynolds, M.A., Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea (A SECOND PART is in the press] ........ ............ Part I. 18mo. price 9d. ANSWERS to the EXAMPLES for PRACTICE in REYNOLDS'S ALGEBRA, Part I. ..18mo. price 3d. The FIRST THREE BOOKS of EUCLID'S. ELEMENTS of GEOMETRY. By T. Tate, F.R.A.S. With Diagrams .......... ...................... 18mo. price 90. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY, containing the Construction of all the most useful Geometrical Problems, with their Applications. By T. TATE, F.R.A.S. With 261 Woodcuts [S'ec p. 15] 18mo. price is. SCIENCE SIMPLIFIED FOR BEGINNERS. NATURAL HISTORY for BEGINNERS: A Reading-Book for Schools and Families. By James OWEN. With Woodcuts........ ..........18mo. price 2s. cloth ; or, in Two Parts, 9d. each. ASTRONOMY and the USE of the GLOBES simplified for the Instruction of Beginners. By Thomas Tate, F.R.A.S. With Woodcuts... odcuts........................................................18mo. price 9d. EXPERIMENTAL CHEMISTRY simplified for the Instruction of Beginners, and illustrated by Diagrams and Wood Engrav vings. By T.TATE, F.R.A.S...................................lsmo. price 9d. HYDROSTATICS, HYDRAULICS, and PNEUMATICS simplified for the Instruction of Beginners. By T. TATE, F.R.A.S. With numerous Woodcuts .......... ............18mo. price 9d. MECHANICS and the STEAM-ENGINE simplified for the Instruction of Beginners, and elucidated with Diagrams and Woodcuts. By T. TATE, F.R.A.S. ... ............. 18mo. price 9d. LIGHT and HEAT, familiarly explained and illustrated, for the use of Beginners. By T. Tate, F.R.A.S. With Woodcuts ...... ELECTRICITY, familiarly explained and illustrated for the use of Beginners. By T. Tate, F.R.A.S........ ..........38mo. price 9d. MAGNETISM, VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY, and ELECTRO-DYNAMICS, familiarly explained for the use of Beginners. By T. Tate, F.R.A.S. ..... ...........18mo. with Woodcuts, price 9d. *** Of the Treatises on Natural Philosophy collectively above 42,000 copies have been sold. .. .... London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row. 30 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL-BOOKS FOR 1861. 28. . AY 100 .................. 23. ................. వివరణ ................................. TORSHALL-The GOSPEL of ST. LUKE, in the Authorised Version, arranged in Parts and Sections; with Titles and Summaries of Contents and Marginal Notes of Time and Place. By the Rev. J. FORSHALL, M.A. Post 8vo. price 28. 6d. - The Gospel of St. John, on the same plan, by the same Author, price Is. 6d... ... ... ... .................. See page 3. GALBRAITH AND HAUGHTON'S SCIENTIFIC MANUALS. A SERIES of TEN SCIENTIFIC MANUALS. By the Rev. Joseph A. GALBRAITH, M.A., and the Rev. SAMUEL HAUGHTON, F.R.S., Hellows of Trinity College, and Professors in the University of Dublin [See page 8] ....................................... 12mo. 1. MANUAL of MECHANICS, 5th Edition (9th l 1. MANUAL of ASTRONOMY, 2nd Edition, Fifth Thousand) revised andimproved (See page 8] 33. Thousand, corrected ...... 28. 2. MANUAL of OPTICS, 4th Edition, Fourth Thou 5. MANUAL of ARITHMETIC, 10th Thousand, Thirci sanct Ddition, corrected .... ...... 2s. 3. MANUAL of HYDROST on, Fifth 6. MANUAL of PLANE TRIGONOMETRY, 5th Thousand, corrected .... Edition, NintTiousand (See page 8]. 7. MANUAL of EUCLID, BOOKS I., II., and III., 21207 Ddition (6th Thousand) ....... 3. MANUAL of EUCLID, BOOKS IV. V. and VI., Second Thousand ... 9. MANUAL of ALGEBRA, PARTI. 2007 Thousand 23. 10. MANUAL of *** See page 8 of the present Catalogue. QALBRAITH and HAUGHTON'S SUPPLEMENTARY SERIES of SCIEN- u tific Manuals, comprising Manuals of Natural Science and Manuals of Experimental Science. In course of active preparation, uniform with the FIRST SERIES :- 1. TVTANUAL of the SUB-KINGDOM PROTOZOA; with a General Introduction on the A. Principles of Zoology. By J. REAY GREENE, B.A., M.R.I.A., Professor of Natural History in the Queen's College, Cork. With many Woodcuts .............12mo. 2s. 2. VANUAL of the SUB-KINGDOM CELENTERATA. By J. REAY GREEND, B.A., M.RIA. All Professor of Natural History in the Queen's College, Cork. With 34 Woodcuts. [See page 19 of this Catalogue] ......... .... ... ... ... ... [Nearly ready. I. Natural Science Series. II. Experimental Science Series. S. MANUAL of the VERTEBRATA. By J. B. 5. MANUAL of the METALLOIDS. By JAMES KINAIIN, M.D. ............ [In preparation. APJOIN, M.D................... (In preparation. 4. MANUAL of SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. By 6. MANUAL of PHYSICAL GEOLOGY. By the W. H. HARVEY, M.D.........[In preparation. Rev. S. HAUGHTON, M.A......: [In preparation. WILL'S INTRODUCTORY TEXT-BOOK to METHOD and SCHOOL MANAGE- O MENT: Comprising the Principles of Education and the Method of Teaching, as well as an Exposition of the System of keeping a School. By JOHN GILL, Normal College, Cheltenham. Sixth Edition, thoroughly revised . . . . . . . . . ...Fcp. 8vo. 2s. MIRDLESTONE and OSBORNE'S EDITION of HORACE adapted to the U use of Young Persons, by the Omission of Offensive Words and Passages, and illustrated by Original English Notes. New Edition ......... ... ... ... ... ... 12mo. 7s. 6d. QOLDSMITH'S GRAMMAR of GENERAL GEOGRAPHY, carefully corrected. enlarged, and improved : With the Physical Geography of each of the great Continents and of the Globe incorporated ; a New Set of Maps and Diagrams, including a large Coloured Physical Díap of the World, and separate Maps of the World in Hemispheres, Europe, Asia, Africa. North and South America, and Australia, New Zealand, &c.; and a new Set of Plates, Views, Plates of Costumes, Illustrations of the Seasons, &c.... ...............Fcp. 8vo. 3s. 6d.-KEY, 1s. DOWLING'S INTRODUCTION to GOLDSMITH, 18mo. Id.; QUESTIONS on the MAPS, IX.-KEY, 9a. LOODEVE.-The ELEMENTS of MECHANISM. By T. M. Goodeve. M.A. W Professor of Natural Philosophy in King's College, London. With 206 Figures engraved on Wood (See page 15] .......... .... ... ... ... ... Post Svo. 6s. 6d. MHE GRADUATED SERIES of ENGLISH READING-LESSON BOOKS, with explanatory Notes ; adapted as a progressive Course of Reading for all Classes of English Schools and Families. In 5 vols. fcp. 850. Book I. price 1s.; Book II. 1s. Od.; Book III. 2s. ; BOOK IV. 2s. 6d.; and BOOK V. 35. [See page 11 of this Catalogue, and pages 2, 3, and 4 of the wrapper.] 16 . London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL-BOOKS FOR 1861. 31 GRAHAM'S ENGLISH STYLE; or, a Course of Instruction for the Attain- Ament of a good Style of Writing : With an Historical Sketch of the English Language, and brief Remarks on its Nature and Genius. By G. F. GRAHAM ................. ... ... ... ... Fcp. 7s. RAHAM'S ENGLISH; or, the Art of Composition Explained in a series of Instructions u and Examples. New Edition, revised and corrected ............... ... . . . . . . . . ... Fcp. 8vo. 58. RAHAM'S ENGLISH SYNONYMES, Classified and Explained: with Practical Exercises. o Third Edition, with Corrections by the Author ........................................Fcp. 8vo. 6s. ARAHAM'S STUDIES from the ENGLISH POETS: A Reading-Book for the Higher Classes in Schools or for Home Teaching ............ 12mo. 7s. GRAHAM'S ENGLISH SPELLING, with Rules and Exercises for Schools and Home e Teaching. New Edition ......... . . . . . . . . . . ...12mo. Is. 6d. HALL'S FIRST or ELEMENTARY ATLAS, for the use of Schools : Contain- & ing Ten coloured Maps ........................ Oblong 4to. Is. 60.--Each MAP separately, 2d. HALL'S FIRST GEOGRAPHICAL COPY-BOOK, or OUTLINE MAPS : Containing the Coast-Line...... Oblong 4to. 18. HALL'S SECOND GEOGRAPHICAL COPY-BOOK, or MAP-PROJECTIONS ..... .....Oblong 4to. 18. BOWMAN'S QUESTIONS on FALL'S FIRST or ELEMENTARY ATLAS .... ............... 12mo. 2s. HALL'S GUIDE to the THREE SERVICES, CIVIL, NAVAL, and MILITARY Edited by J. PAXTON HALL, F.C.P., Member of the Council of the College of Precep- tors; Fellow of the Educational Institute of Scotland. Second Edition, revised and corrected to the Present Time ....... .............Fcp. Svo. 3s. 6d. TALL'S PRINCIPAL ROOTS of the GREEK TONGUE; with a Display of Ar their Iucorporation into English. Third Edition, revised and enlarged ............12mo. 5s. YALL'S LATIN ROOTS, on the same plan. Eighth Edition ......... ...........12mo. 4.s. 6d. Each OUTLINE MAP and MAP PROJECTION may be had separately, price ld. ..................:-.................... VAMEL'S UNIVERSAL FRENCH GRAMMAR: Being an accurate System of French Accidence and Syntax, on a Methodical Plan. New Edition, corrected by A. THIBAUDIN, First French Master in King'e College School, London .................... 12mo. 4s. TAMEL'S GRAMMATICAL EXERCISES on the FRENCH LANGUAGE compared with the ENGLISH.. .............. 12mo. 45.-KEY, 3s. VAMEL'S FRENCH GRAMMAR and EXERCISES, in ONE VOLUME. New Edition, 1. carefully corrected by N. LAMBERT ..............12mo. 58. 6d.--KEY, 4s. HARRISON (Rev. M. A.) on the RISE, PROGRESS, and PRESENT & STRUCTURE of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE ........... .............., Post Svo. 5s. PENSMAN. - HANDBOOK of the CONSTITUTION : being a short account of the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Laws of England. By ALFRED P. HENSMAN, B.A., Barrister-at-Law. [See page 3] ....... .............. Fcp. Svo. 4s. QIR J. HERSCHEL'S OUTLINES of ASTRONOMY. Fifth Edition, corrected po to the existing state of Astronomical Science; Plates and Woodcuts. ... ... ... ... ... ... 8vo. 18s. UTERSCHEL'S TREATISE on* ASTRONOMY, from the Cabinet Cyclopædia." New Edition, corrected; with Vignette-Title .............. Fcp. 8vo. 3s. 6d. TTERSCHEL'S PRELIMINARY TREATISE on the STUDY of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, IL New Edition, revised ; with Vignette-Title ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... Fcp. 8vo. 3s. 6d. TICKIE.-XENOPHON'S MEMORABILIA of SOCRATES, from the Text of * Kühner; with copious English Esplanatory Notes, Life, Chronology, Examination-Ques- tions, and Indexes. By D. B. EICKIE, LL.D. Fourth Edition.. . . . . . . . ............Post 8vo. 8s. 6d. YTICKIE'S FIRST FIVE BOOKS of LIVY; with English Explanatory Notes, a short Life. 4. Chronology, Examination-Questions, and Index. T'ifth Edition................Post 8vo. 8s. 6d. - London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. 32 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL-BOOKS FOR 1861. LIST OF MR. HILEY'S SCHOOL-BOOKS. TMPROVED EDITIONS of · ELEMENTARY WORKS by RICHARD HILEY, Principal of the Collegiate and Commercial School, Thorp-Arch, Tadcastor :- TILEY'S CHILD'S FIRST ENGLISH GRAMMAR, in Easy and Progressive Lessons, to de which are appended Questions and Exercises. Fifth Edition ...............18mo. Is. A BRIDGMENT of HILEY'S ENGLISH GRAMMAR; together with appropriate La Questions and Exercises, progressively arranged. Eleventh Edition .................18mo. Is. Id. TYILEY'S ENGLISH GRAMMAR and STYLE: To which is added, Advice to the Student on the Attainment and Application of Knowledge. Eleventh Edition ...............12mo. 3s. 6d. TYILEY'S PRACTICAL ENGLISH COMPOSITION, Part I. Junior Series ; in Four Courses of A Progressive Exercises. Tenth Edition, 18mo. Is. 6d.-KEY, 2s. 6d.; the Two in 1 Vol. 4s. ITILEY'S PRACTICAL ENGLISH COMPOSITION, Part II., forming an Introduction to de Argumentative Composition. Sixth Edition ... 18mo. 38. ; KEY, 4s.; or the Two in 1 Vol. 7s. VIXERCISES adapted to HILEY'S ENGLISH GRAMMAR: Progressively arranged and divided into Lessons; with the Principal Rules. 9th Edition... 12mo. 2s. 6d.—KEY, 33. 6d. TILEY'S ELEMENTS of LATIN GRAMMAR: For the use of Schools. With Selections 2 from Zumpt, Kühner, Trebs, Schiller, Ruddiman, and Adam. 3d Edition ..........12mo. 3s. ZTILEY'S PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES on the ACCIDENCE of the LATIN GRAMMAR: L With some on the leading Rules of Latin Syntax. Second Edition.......................12mo. 2s. TYILEY'S CHILD'S FIRST GEOGRAPHY, for the Elementary classes. New and 11 improved Edition, in Two Courses of Lessons and Exercises. Sixth Edition ......18mo. 9d. TILEY'S PROGRESSIVE GEOGRAPHY : Consisting of Four Courses, divided into appropriate Lessons; with numerous Exercises. Seventh Edition...... Lxercises. Devenir UNIO1.....................12mo. ZS. LTILEY'S ARITHMETICAL COMPANION: Intended, by Miscellaneous Examples, to perfect the pupil in a knowledge of Arithmetic. 5th Edition ......18mo. 2s.-KEY, 1s. 6d. TTODGE'S CATECHISM of FORTIFICATION, for the use of Students de preparing for the Examination required by the Commander-in-Chief ....... Fcp. Sro. 2s.6d. MHE REV. T. H. HORNE'S INTRODUCTION to the CRITICAL STUDY and KNOWLEDGE of the HOLY SCRIPTURES. Cleventh Edition, revised, corrected, and brought down to the Present Time. With 4 Maps, and 22 Woodcuts und Facsimiles. [Four Volumes sold separately, as below.] .............. 4 vols. 8vo. £3. 13s. 6d. VOL. I.-A Summary of the Evidence for the Genuineness, Authenticity, Uncorrupted Preservation, and Inspiration of tho Holy Scriptures. By the Rev. T.H. HORNB, B.D.. ..........Svo. 158. VOT. II. by AYRE.- An Introduction to the Criticism of the Old Testament and to Biblical Interpretation, Revised and edited by the Rev. JOHN AYRZ, M.A. [See page 2 of this Catalogue] .... ............Svo. 278. Or-VOL. II. by DAVIDSON.-The Text of the Old Testament considered : With a Treatise on Sacred Interpretation; and a brief Introduction to the Old Testament Books and the Apocrypha. By S. DAVIDSON, D.D. (Halle) and LL.D. ...Svo. 258. VOL. III.- A Summary of Biblical Geography and Antiquities. By the Rev. T. H. HORNE, B.D. ............... Sro. 189. VOL. IV.-An Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament. By the Rev. T. H. HORNE, B.D. The Critical Part re-spritten and the remaindor revised and edited by S. P. TREGTLLES, LL.D. Second Edition (See p.2] 8vo. 1Ss. THE REV. T. H. HORNE'S COMPENDIOUS INTRODUCTION to the STUDY of the BIBLE. New Edition. With Maps and Engravings ... ...... 12mo. 9s. TORNSEY'S PRONOUNCING EXPOSITOR; or, a New Spelling-Book: In which the Divisible Words are Divided, Pronounced, and Explained according to the best and most recent authorities ......... ............. 12mo. 2s. TORT'S NEW PANTHEON; or, an Introduction to the Mythology of the Ancients, in Question and Answer: With an Accentuated Index, Questions for Exercise, Poetical Illustrations from Homer and Virgil, and Plates ............. 18mo. 45. 6d. ZORTS INTRODUCTION to the STUDY of CHRONOLOGY and ANCIENT HISTORY, in Al Question and Answer .... ............. 18o. 4s. London: LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL-BOOKS FOR 1861. 33 .......... SCHOOL-BOOKS BY THE REV. JOHN HUNTER, M.A. Formerly Vice-Principal of the National Society's Training College, Battersea. TEXT-BOOK of ENGLISI GRAMMAR: a Treatise on the Etymology and Syntax of the en English Language : including Exercises in Parsing and Punctuation ; an Etymological Vocabulary of Grammatical Terms; and a copious List of the principal Works on English Grammar. New Edition ...... ................ 12mo. 2s.6d. DARAPHRASING and ANALYSIS of SENTENCES simplified for the use of Schools : forming sebe a Manual of Instruction and Exercise for the use of Normal Students, Pupil-Teachers, &c. Second Edition, revised [See page 6]............................................12mo. Is. 30.-KEY, Is. 3d. QCHOOL MANUAL of LETTER-WRITING : Containing numerous Models of Letters on No Commercial and other subjects ; with Exercises in Epistolary Composition; Rules of Punctuation ; Explanations of Abbreviated Titles, Commercial Terms, &c. [Sce p. 7] 12mo. Is. 6d. AN INTRODUCTION to the WRITING of PRECIS or DIGESTS, as Applicable to Narratives of Facts or Historical Events, Correspondence, Evidence, Official Documents, and General Composition : with numerous Examples and Exercises [See page 6] ......... 12mo. 25.-KEY, 1s. TXERCISES in ENGLISH PARSING, Progressively arranged and adapted to the Author's 4 Text-Book of English Grammar : with Questions suggesting & Course of Oral Instruction for Junior Pupils. Tenth Edition ....... ....................12mo. 60. MHE FIRST BOOK of MILTON'S PARADISE LOST ; with a Prose Translation or Paraphrase, the Parsing of the more Difficult Words, Specimens of Analysis, and numerous Illustrative Notes. Adapted specially to prepare Junior Candidates for the Oxford Middle-Class Es- amination in 1861 [See page 7] ..................................................................12mo. 15. 6d. TOHNSON'S RASSELAS, with Explanatory and Grammatical Annotations, Specimen Lessons, e Answers to Questions, and a Life of Dr. Johnson. Specially designed to prepare Young Persons for the University Middle-Class Examinations [See page 6] ... . . . . . . ......... 12mo. 2s. 6d. CHAKSPEARE'S HENRY the EIGHTH: with Introductory Remarks; Copious Interpretation of the Text; Critical, Historical, and Grammatical Notes; Specimens of Parsing, Analysis, Examination-Questions, &c.; and a Life of Cardinal Wolsey [See page 7] ............. 12mo. 2s. 6d. QHAKSPEARE'S JULIUS CÆSAR: with Introductory Remarks, Copious Interpretation of the Text, and Critical, Historical, and Grammatical Notes. For Scholastic or Private Study, and especially for Persons qualifying for the Middle-Class Examinations. 12mo. ... [Nearly ready. TUNTER'S EXERCISES in the FIRST FOUR RULES of ARITHMETIC, constructed for tho Application of New Artificial Tests, by which the Teacher may expeditiously ascertain the Correctness of the Results. Third Edition .......................................................12mo. 6d. TLEMENTS of MENSURATION: with Demonstrative Explanations of the various Rules and M Processes of Calculation, and numerous Original Problems .............18mo. 9d.-KEY, 9d. TOWARD'S ATHLETIC and GYMNASTIC EXERCISES: comprising 114 & Exercises and Feats of Agility performed with the Parallel Bars, the Horizontal Bar, the Suspended Bar, the Suspended Ropes, and the Indian Clubs; preceded by a Description of the requisite Apparatus and illustrated with 64 Woodcuts. [See page 17) ................ 16mo. 7s.6d. YTOWARD'S INTRODUCTORY GREEK EXERCISES to those of Huntingford, Dunbar, Neilson, &c ............. . . . . . . . ............... 12mo. 55. 60.-KEY, 2s. 6d. YTOWARD'S INTRODUCTORY LATIN EXERCISES to those of Ellis, &c. ........... 12mo. 2s. 6d. TOWARD'S LATIN EXERCISES EXTENDED : Selected from the best Roman Writers, and Ad adapted to the Rules in Syntax ..........12mo. 3s. 6d.-KEY, 2s.6d. THE REV. J. H. HOWLETT'S METRICAL CHRONOLOGY: In which most of the important Dates in Ancient and Modern History are expressed by Conso- nants used for Numerals, and formed by the aid of Vowels into Significant Words ; with Historical Notes, and Questions. New Edition, greatly improved.......................... Post Svo. 78. DOWLETT'S TABLES of CHRONOLOGY and REGAL GENEALOGIES, combined and be separate ................ 4to. 5s. 6d. VOWSON on SCHOOL DRILL, SCHOOL MUSIC, and SCHOOL PRAYERS: Three short Addresses to the Schools of the Liverpool Collegiate Institution. By the Rep. J. S. Howson, M.A., Principal of the Institution ....... ....... Fcp. 8vo. 6d. e O London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. 34 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL-BOOKS FOR 1861. LIST OF EDWARD HUGHES'S SCHOOL-BOOKS. NEW and IMPROVED EDITIONS of APPROVED ELEMENTARY EDU. CATIONAL WORKS by EDWARD HUGHES, F.R.A.S., G.S., &c. late Master of the Royal Naval Lower School, Greenwich Hospital:- ARITHMETIC: TUGHES'S MANUAL of EXPLANATORY ARITHMETIC; including numerous carefully Il constructed Examples. For Elementary and other Schools, and Private Pupils. New Edition... ................Fcp. 8vo. 1s. 6d. D A TEACHER'S COPY may be had, with KEY to the Examples and Exercises appended, price 38. 6d. ENGLISH READING-BOOKS. TUGHES'S SELECT SPECIMENS of ENGLISH POETRY. Comprising Poems--1. Historical L and Geographical ; 2, On the Love of Home and Country; 3. Labour and Progress; 4. Relating to the Sea and the Sailor; 5. On the Love of Nature; 6. Of the Imagination and Fancy ; 7. Religious and Moral ........... .................................12mo. 3s. 6d. TOGHES'S SELECT SPECIMENS of ENGLISH PROSE: Comprising Pieces relating to - 11 1. Natural History and Geography; 2. Biography and Civil History; 3. Education and the Progress of Society ; 4. The Sea and Maritime Adventure; 5. The Imagination and Sympathetic Affections; 6. Science and General Knowledge ; and 7. Miscellaneous In- formation, b...... .......... 12mo. 45. 6d. SACRED GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY: TUGHES'S OUTLINES of SCRIPTURE GEOGRAPHY and HISTORY: comprising a full 1 Account of the Physical, Political, and Descriptive Geography of Palestine, with the adjacent Bible Lands. With 12 coloured Maps ........ ........................12mo. 45. 6d. TTUGHES'S SCHOOL ATLAS of BIBLE LANDS: containing Twelve coloured Maps, 1 engraved on steel by J. and C. WALKER. New Edition. .... ... ... ...Fcp. 8vo. Is. 6d. GEOGRAPHICAL WORKS AND ATLASES. TTUGHES'S EXAMINATION-QUESTIONS in the Outlines of Physical Geography ; con- 14 taining upwards of 1,000 Questions. New Edition .............. 12mo. 6d. YTTIGHES'S SCHOOL ATLAS of PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY : comprising Eight coloured di Maps, compiled by W. HUGHES, F.R.G.S. New Edition............................12mo. Is. 60. TUGHES'S GENERAL ATLAS for ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS: containing Twelve Mans n engraved on steel, by W. HUGHES, F.R.G.S. ... ... ... ... ... ...18mo. Is.; or ls. 6d. coloured. TTUGHES'S GEOGRAPHY for ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. First Course: comprising the 1. Physical and Descriptive Geography of the Globe. New Edition.....................18mo. ls. PTUGHES'S INTRODUCTORY ATLAS of MODERN GEOGRAPHY: comprising Twelve Maps engraved on steel, and printed in Colours, exhibiting the Physical Features and Political Divisions of the most important Countries ......................................... 12mo. 2s. 60. DUGHES'S SCHOOL ATLAS of PHYSICAL, POLITICAL, and COMMERCIAL GEOGRAPHY. 0 comprising Seventeen full-coloured Maps ; with descriptive Letterpress. The Maps compiled and engraved on steel, by E. WELLER, F.R.G.S.......... Royal 8vo. 108. 6d. TUGHES'S OUTLINES of PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, descriptive of the Inorganic Matter n of the Globe and the Distribution of Organised Beings. With Eight coloured Maps; and an Appendix on certain Points of Geographical Teaching, by R. G. LATHAM, M.A., M.D.; F.R.S. New Edition, greatly improved ....... ... ..... . . . . ...... 12mo. 3s. 6d. TTYMERS'S TREATISE on PLANE and SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. de and on TRIGONOMETRICAL TABLES and LOGARITHMS; together with a Selection of Problems and their Solutions. By J. HYMERS, D.D., late Fellow and Tutor of St. John's College, Cambridge. Fourth Edition, revised ........... .................. 8vo. 8s. 60. DR. HYMERS'S TREATISE on DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS and the CALCULUS of FINITE DIFFERENCES. Second Edition, enlarged ......... ...............8vo. 125. ......... . ..... London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL-BOOKS for 1861. 35 Y WILLIAM HUGHES'S GEOGRAPHICAL WORKS. W HUGHES'S MANUAL of GEOGRAPHY, Physical, Industrial, and • Political. Comprising : 1. Land and Water ; 2. Physical Geography of Europe ; 3. Connexion between the Physical Geography of Europe and the Pursuits and Social Condition of its Inhabitants ; 4. Great Britain and Ireland; 5. Western Europe; 6. Central Europe; 7. Northern and Eastern Europe ; 8. Southern Europe; 9. Physical Geography of Asia ; 10. National Divisions of Asia ; 11. Physical Geography of Africa ; 12. National Divisions of Africa ; 13. Physical Geography of North America ; 14. National Divisions of North America ; 15. Physical Geography of South America ; 16. National Divisions of South America ; 17. Australia ; 18. Polynesia. By WILLIAM HUGHES, F.R.G.S., &c., Professor of Geography in Queen's College, London. New and thoroughly revised Edition ; with 6 coloured Maps ......... Fcp. 8vo. 78. 6d. Or, in Two Parts : PART I. Europe, 38. 6d.; PART II. Asia, Africa, America, Australasia, and Polynesia, 43. "MHE best testimony to the merits of Mr. W. social condition of nations, or, in other words, the Hughes's Manual of Geography is supplied by the geography of industry and commerce, viewed as dependent fact of the numerous editions which have been called for upon the natural features, climate, and productions of the within a recent period. The leading idea which its author various regions of the earth."- Earl DE GREY and RIPON'S has sought to embody in this volume is the connexion of Address to the Royal Geographical Society, delivered at the physical geography with the industrial pursuits and | Anniversary Meeting, May 28, 1860. TI HUGHES'S MANUAL of BRITISH GEOGRAPHY: Embracing the Physical, • Industrial, and Descriptive Geography of England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. New Edition, revised ; with Four coloured Maps ...... ............. Fcp. 8vo. 28. W HUGHES'S Manual of Mathematical Geography: Comprehending an Inquiry into We the CONSTRUCTION of MAPS; with Rules for the Formation of Map-Projections. Second Edition ; with 5 Plates......... ................Fcp. 8vo. 45. 6d. TIY HUGHES'S GEOGRAPHY of the BRITISH EMPIRE, arranged in a Series of We Easy Reading-Lessons for BEGINNERS. New Edition ........ HUGHES'S GENERAL GEOGRAPHY, arranged in a Series of Easy Reading- Vo Lessons for BEGINNERS. New Edition ................ .... . . . . . . . . . . ...18mo. 9d. VI HUGHES'S CHILD'S FIRST BOOK of GEOGRAPHY, arranged in a series of Easy W . Reading-Lessons ; with Woodcuts. New Edition ..................................... 18mo. 9d. " THIS little Work is intended mainly as an intro very neatly illustrated; whilst as much of physical and I duction to the two previous volumes of the author descriptive geography is given as will suffice for the pre- in the same series. The earlier part is especially good, sent wants of ordinary elementary schools. The sim- laying, by the synthetic method, a sound foundation for an plicity and correctness of this First Boolc commend it for effective course. First ideas are clearly worked out, and I general use." PAPIRS for the SCHOOLMASTER, SCHOOL-BOOKS BY DR. E. R. HUMPHREYS. A MANUAL of CIVIL LAW, for Schools and Candidates for the Civil Auto Service : Consisting of an Epitome in English of the Institutes of Justinian, carefully expurgated; with an Introductory Chapter ......... ............Fcp. 8vo. 3s. 6d. TOR. HUMPHREYS'S MANUAL of POLITICAL SCIENCE, for the use of Schools, and more especially of Candidates for the Civil Service ....... ...............Fcp. 8vo. 3s. 6d. TR. HUMPHREYS'S MANUAL of MORAL PHILOSOPHY, with Preliminary Essay on Natural and Revealed Religion by Rev. J. E. RIDDLE, M.A. ... ... .............Fcp. 8vo. 2s.6d. TORHUMPHREYS'S MANUAL of BRITISH GOVERNMENT in INDIA. Second Edition. revised throughout, corrected, and enlarged ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Fcp. 8vo. 2s. 6d. T IVY'S HISTORY of ROME, Decade III. Part I. The Latin Text illustrated by copious Notes, Historical, Geographical, and Critical, and especially adapted for the use of Military Students. By E. R. HUMPHREYS, LL.D. ...... ................850. 8s. 6d. TSBISTER'S EUCLID` ARRANGED for EXAMINATIONS. - The GEO- 1 METRICAL COPY-BOOK : being an Attempt, by means of a New Arrangement of the Figures and Demonstrations, to simplify and fix in the Memory the Propositions of Euclid, and to impart the habit of writing them out logically and rapidly, for Examinations, in the abbrevi- ated and symbolical form adopted in the Universities and Public Schools. For the use of Candidates for the Military and Civil Service, London University, College of Preceptors, Oxford and Cambridge Middle-Class, and other Examinations. By A. K. ISBISTER, M.A. “[See page 77 Two Quarto Copy-Books, price Sixpence each. London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. - _ n . 36 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL-BOOKS FOR 1861. ........................ TAQUEMET'S CHRONOLOGY for SCHOOLS: Being a revised Abridgment of the Compendium of Chronology, and containing the most important Dates of General History (Political, Ecclesiastical, and Literary), from the Creation of the World to the end of the Year 1857. By F. H. JAQUEMET. Edited by the Rev. JOHN ALOORN, M.A. New Edition, revised and stereotyped....................................................... Fcp. 8vo. 3s. 6d. JEANS'S WORKS ON NAVIGATION. MATHEMATICAL and NAUTICAL WORKS by H. W. JEANS, F.R.A.S., Mathematical Master and Examiner, Royal Nayal College, Portsmouth:- JEANS's Handbook for the Stars ....... .................... Svo. 3s. 6d. JEANS'S Plane and Spherical Trigonometry ........... PART I., 12m10. 45. ; PART II., 12mo. 4.s. JEANS's Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, complete............... ................12no. 7s.6d. JEANS's Problems in Astronomy, &c. (Key to Problems in above) ....................... 12mo. Gs. JEANS'S Navigation and Nautical Astronomy, PART I. Practical ...................... 12mo. 4.. JEANS'S Navigation and Nautical Astronomy, PART II. Theoretical ...................12mo. 5s. JEANS's Navigation and Nautical Astronomy, complete in One Volume................. 12mo. 9s. KEITH JOHNSTON'S GENERAL GAZETTEER: Being a New Dictionary * of Geography, Descriptive, Physical, Statistical, and Historical; and forming & com- plete General Gazetteer of the World. New Edition, revised to April, 1860; in One large Volume, comprising Descriptions of about 50,000 Places ... ... ... ...... 8vo. 30s. ; ball-russia, 355. TOHNSTONE (Rev. W. H.) - An ELEMENTARY TREATISE on LOGARITHMS, illustrated by carefully selected Examples. By the Rev. W. H. JOHNSTONE, M.A., Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the Royal Indian Military College, Addiscombe .................. ..................1200. 2s. 61. TONES'S LITURGICAL CLASS-BOOK: A Series of Reading-Lessons on the Book of Common Prayer, chiefly compiled from the best authorities, and adapted as a Reading-Book for the use of National and Sunday-Schools in connexion with the Church, as well as for Teachers and Students. By JOHN JONES, C.M..................... ... ... ... 12mo. Is. 6d. TOYCE'S SYSTEM OF PRACTICAL ARITHMETIC, applicable to the Present State of Trade and Money Transactions; With numerous Examples under each Rule. New Edition, improved by S. MAYNARD ..................................12mo. 35.-KEY, 3s. TUST'S GERMAN READING BOOK : consisting of German Tales, Anecdotes, O Fables, and Poetry, progressively arranged for Beginners; with a complete Vocabulary at the foot of the pages, and an Appendix of German Expletives. By WOLFGANG HEINRICH JUST, German Master to the New College, Bristol. [See page 13]......... . . . . . . . . . . ........... 12mo. 3s. Ed. KEANE. - HANDBOOK of the HISTORY of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE for the use of Schools and Colleges. By A. H. KEANE, Licentiate in Philosophy and Letters, U.C.H. [See page 13] ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ....................................12 mo. 2s. KEIGHTLEY'S OUTLINES of HISTORY. New Edition, thoroughly ** revised; with the Tabular View extended.......... ............. Fcp. Sro. 3s. 6d. KEITH'S TREATISE on the USE of the GLOBES; or, a Philosophical Ad View of the Earth and Heavens : Comprehending an Account of the Figure, Magnitude. and Motion of the Earth ; with the Natural Changes of its Surface, and the Principles of Meteorology and Astronomy. New Edition, enlarged and improved by Professor A. S. TAYLOR, M.D.; R. A. LE MESURIER, B.A.; and JACOB MIDDLETON. With Plates and Diagrams ........ ...............12mo. 6s. 61.--KEY, 2s. 6d. MRS. KEMP'S CONVERSATIONS on ENGLAND as it was and is, designed 4 for Schools and Home Instruction .. . . . . . . . . . ...Fcp. 8vo. Is. 6d.. TUHNER'S ELEMENTARY GREEK GRAMMAR, translated and adapted for o the use of English Students by J. H. MILLARD, late Second Classical Master at Mill Hill Grammar School............ ................ 8vo. 75. 6d. ..... London: LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL-BOOKS for 1861. 37 LIST OF DR. KENNEDY'S SCHOOL-BOOKS. NEW and IMPROVED EDITIONS of CLASSICAL SCHOOL-BOOKS by * the Rev. Dr. BENJAMIN HALL KENNEDY, D.D., Prebendary of Lichfield, and Head Master of Shrewsbury School :- TENNEDY'S GREEK GRAMMAR. --- Græcæ Grammatica Institutio Prima. Rudimentis ad Etonensibus quantulum potuit immutatis Syntaxin de suo addidit B. H.K. ...12020. 4s. 6d. VENNEDY'S PALÆSTRA MUSARUM; or, Materials for Translation into Greek Verse, selected and progressively arranged............ .................12mo. 58. 6d. WENNEDY'S LATIN GRAMMAR. --- An Elementary Grammar of the Latin Language, for the use of Colleges and Schools .......... ........................ 1210. 3s. 6d. TENNEDY'S CHILD'S LATIN PRIMER; or, First Latin Lessons, extracted from the Lo Author's Elementary Latin Grammar ......... ................ 12mo. 2s. VYENNEDY'S LATIN VOCABULARY, ' arranged on Etymological Principles, as an and Exercise-Book and First Latin Dictionary ............12mo. 35. TENNEDY'S FIRST LATIN READING-BOOK; or, Tirocinium Latinum: Adapted to the Author's Child's Latin Primer ............ 12mo. 2s. YENNEDY'S SECOND LATIN READING-BOOK ; or, Palæstra Latina. Adapted to do do the Author's Elementary Latin Grammar. .12mo. 5s. TYENNEDY'S PALESTRA STILI LATINI; 01, Materials for Translation into Latin Prose, selected and progressively arranged ........ ............... 12m0.6s. YENNEDY'S EXAMPLES of LATIN PROSE STYLE. CURRICULUM STILI LATINI ; L or, a Systematic Course of Examples for Practice in the Style of the best Latin Prose Authors .......12mo. 4s. 60. VIMBER.-A MATHEMATICAL COURSE for the UNIVERSITY OF LONDON: Containing an Outline of the Subjects included in the Regulations of the Senate for the Matriculation, Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science Pass Examinations; with Solutions to the Mathematical Papers. By THOMAS KIMBEN, M.A., Licentiate of the Royal College of Preceptors; Principal of Holland House, Blackheath. Second Issue; the entire work carefully revised, with new Appendix ........... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . ... 8vo. 10s. VIMBER.--VAUBAN'S FIRST SYSTEM OF FORTIFICATION: Consisting of Six Drawings as executed at Sandhurst and Addiscombe: With Instructions giving the Dimensions of every Line and Angle; a Life of Vauban ; Introductory Definitions ; a Sketch of the Bastion System; and Remarks on Plan-Drawing, Shading, and Colouring. Third Edition .......... 8vo. 58. TIMBER'S SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE TO VAUBAN'S FIRST SYSTEM .................... Is. 6d. 20N AT................................................... “OHOULD any insuperable difficulty occur to the Student not be applied to at first. It can only legitimately be used N in attempting to draw a complete plan of the First i to test the correctness of what has been done, and ought System, a Supplementary Plate may be had of the publishers. never to be tolerated to work by."'- AUTIOR, Vitli this assistance no furtherdoubt can exist, but it should TIMBER'S CONSTRUCTION 01 the MODERNT SYSTEM : Cousisting of Six Drawings as executed IL at Sandhurst and Addiscombe; with Instructions giving the Dimensions of every Line and Angle ........................... ...............8vo. 6s. FYIMBER'S FIELD WORKS, as executed at Sandhurst and Addiscombe; with Observations on their Construction and Uses. With 7 Plates of Figures SUTUCUIU11 iltill USUS, MY luat lfraes UL I'lgures ...............................OVO. OS. TACAITA'S SELECTIONS from the best ITALIAN WRITERS in PROSE mind and POETRY, chronologically arranged: With Notes explanatory of Antiquated or Poetical Words; and concise Notices of the Authors ........ ... . . . . . . ... 12mo. 58. TAKE'S BOOK of OBJECT-LESSONS: A Manual of Notes of Information on Mineral and Vegetable Substances, Animals, Manufactures, &c. so arranged and condensed that Teachers can readily select materials for instructive and interesting oral lessons on common things for the various classes in their schools. By W. J. LAKE, Master of the City of London National Schools. New Edition, revised .........................18mo, Is. 6d. London: LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. 38 CATALOGUE or SCHOOL-BOOKS FOR 1861. DR. R. G. LATHAM'S WORKS ON THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. By R. G. Latham, M.A., M.D., F.R.S., late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge ; 'late Professor of the English Language in University College, London. Fifth Edition. [See page12] ............................ 2 yols. 8vo. 28s. TATHAM'S HANDBOOK of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE. For the use of Students of the Universities and Higher Classes of Schools. Fourth Edition. [See page 13] Post Sro. 7s.6d. T ATHAM'S HISTORY and ETYMOLOGY of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE, for the use of 5 Classical Schools. Third Edition, revised. ........... ................. Icp. 8vo. 2s. 6d. TATHAM'S ELEMENTARY ENGLISH GRAMMAR. For the use of Schools. Eighteenth Thousand, revised and much enlarged; with Short Chapters on Parsing and the Analysis of Sentences, and on Punctuation. [See page 12] .............. TATHAM and MABERLY'S SCHOOL GRAMMAR. – A SMALLER ENGLISH GRAMMAR, for the use of Schools. By R. G. LATHAM, M.A., M.D., F.R.S., and MARY CAROLINE MABERLY. [See page 12 of this Catalogue]..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... ...................., Fcp. 8vo. 2s. 6d. MRS. R. LEE'S ELEMENTS of NATURAL HISTORY; or, First Principles of Zoology, for the use of Schools and Young Persons. Comprising the Principles of Classification ; interspersed with amusing and instructive Original Anecdotes of Remarkable Animals, and Woodcuts ...............Fcp. 8vo. 7s. 6d. L.EMPRIERE'S CLASSICAL DICTIONARY: Containing a copious Account of all the Proper Names mentioned in Ancient Authors; with the Value of Coins, Weights, and Measures, and a Chronological Table ......... . . . . . . . ..... ............... 8vo. Is. Y ESSONS on INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION; a Girl's Class-Book of Cottage - Economy, Cookery, Good Advice, Easy Poetry, and Household and Kitchen Receipts: Inculcating the Love of Truth and Order ; Habits of Industry, Neatness, Piety, Cleanliness, and Frugality; Contentment and the Love of Home..... .......12mo. 2s.6d. TIDDELL, — ARITHMETIC for SCHOOLS: containing a large Collection of Exercises. By EDWARD LIDDELL, Assistant Teacher, Homerton College. Royal 18mo. price 2s. cloth ; and ANSWERS, 3d. Or, PART I. 9d. cloth, ANSWERS, 2d. ; PART II. 1s. 3d. cloth, ANSWERS, 2d. THE REV. W. LINWOOD'S EDITION of SOPHOCLES, with Latin Notes. * The Second Edition ............ ...............8vo. 16s. T UND'S EASY ALGEBRA.-A Short and Easy Course of Algebra, chiefly designed for the use of the Junior Classes in Schools: With a numerous Collection of original Easy Exercises. By the Rev. T. LUND, B.D., formerly of St. John's College, Cambridge. Tifth Edition, revised and stereotyped. . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Fcp. 8vo. 2s. 6d.-KEY, 2s. 6d. T UND'S KEY to WOOD'S ALGEBRA. - SOLUTIONS of TWO THOUSAND QUESTIONS and PROBLEMS in ALGEBRA, forming a Key to Wood's Algebra, for the use of School- masters and Private Tutors. By the Rev. T. LUND, B.D. (See page 10).........,Post 8vo. 7s. 6d. ** For LUND's Edition of Wood's Algebra, and Companion, see page 52. LUND'S GEOMETRY as a SCIENCE, and GEOMETRY as an ART. Being the First and Second Parts of Elements of Geometry and Mensuration, with Easy Exercises, designed for Schools and Adult Classes Kr To be had also in 2 Parts.-I. Geometry as a Science, price 1s. 60.; and II. Geometry as an Art, price 28. all the Exercises contained in PARTS I. and II. of LUND's Elements of Geometry (as above). With illustrative Diagrams ..............12mo. 3s. 6d. T UND'S MENSURATION; or, GEOMETRY combined with ARITHMETIC, de commonly called MENSURATION. Being the Third Part of Elements of Geometry and Mensuration, with Lasy Exercises. [KEY, by CALDER, 38., see page 24) ............Fcp. 8vo. 35. 6d. Y UND'S ELEMENTS of GEOMETRY and MENSURATION, being the above Three Parts in 1 vol., without the Keys, price 7s. boards. In preparation,-PART IV. GEOMETRY combined with ALGEBRA. London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and Co., Paternoster Row, E.C. CATALOGUE or SCHOOL-BOOKS FOR 1861. 39 TINDLEY'S TREASURY of 'BOTANY: Comprising an Alphabetical Account of the Structure, Peculiarities, and Uses of all the more important Orders, Genera, and Species of Plants ; together with an Explanation of the Technical Terms most in use amovg Bota- nists, and a Sketch of the Present System of Classification. Edited by John Lindley, M.D., F.R.S. F.L.S., Emeritus Professor of Botany in University College, London. Assisted by Professor Balfour, F.R.S.E.; the Rev. J. M. Berkeley, F.L.S. ; John Ball, Esq., F.R.S.; the Rev. C. A. Johns, F.L.S.; J. T. Syme, Esq., F.L.S., Maxwell Masters, Esq., F.L.S.; Thomas Moore, Esq., F.L.S.; and other practical Botanists. Uniform with Maunder's Series of Treasuries. In 1 vol. fcp. Svo. with 15 Engravings on Steel, and numerous illustrative Engravings on Wood, from designs by W. H. Fitch. ...............[Preparing for publication. T.OWNDES'S ENGINEER'S HANDBOOK ; explaining the Principles which is should guide the young Engineer in the Construction of Machinery, with the necessary Rules, Proportions, and Tables : Comprising amongst other matters the Rule for Calculating the Evaporation Power of Boilers, the comparative Economical Effect of using Steam expansively, Principles which regulate the Speed of Steam Vessels, &c. [See page 10] ............ Post 8vo. 58. TOWRES'S SYSTEM of ENGLISH PARSING and DERIVATION. The * Seventh Edition, thoroughly revised and improved ............................................18mo. 18. TOWRES'S SPELLING and DICTATION LESSON-BOOK......................................12mo. Is. TOWRES'S ELEMENTS of EUCLID for Beginners......... ............... 12mo. 9d. MACDOUGALL.-The THEORY of WAR: Illustrated by numerous Examples at froin History. By Lieut.-Col. P. L. MACDOUGALL, Commandant of the Staff College, Sandhurst. Second Edition, with Plans ............ ................... Post 8vo. 10s. 6d. MACDOUGALL'S CAMPAIGNS of HANNIBAL, arranged and critically considered, for the use The of Students of Military History. With Maps............... ...................., Post Svo. 7s. 6d. MARCET'S CONVERSATIONS on LAND and WATER. With a coloured Map showing the comparative Altitude of Mountains. By JANE MARCET. Fcp. 8vo. 5s.6d. MARCET'S CONVERSATIONS on CHEMISTRY ; in which the Elements of that Science are Als familiarly Explained and Illustrated ............ ......... . . . . . . ......2 vols. fcp. 8vo. 145. VTARCET'S CONVERSATIONS on NATURAL PHILOSOPHY; in which the Elements of that A4 Science are familiarly Explained. Thirteenti Edition, corrected to the Present State of Science; with 34 Plates ..................... ..............., Fcp. 8vo. 10s. 6d. TVRS. MARCET'S STORY-BOOK: Being a Selection from the Stories contained in her Books Ud for Little Children. With Woodcuts ... ......... 18mo. 2s. M ARCET'S WILLY'S STORIES: The House-Building The Three Pits (the Coal-pit, Chalk-pit, and Gravel-pit)-The Land without Laws .......18mo. 2s. MARCET'S WILLY'S HOLIDAYS ; or, Conversations on Different kinds of Governments. 14 New Edition, revised ......... .......1800. 2s. WTARCET'S: WILLY'S GRAMMAR: Interspersed with Stories, and intended for the use Lide of Young Boys. New Edition, revised ....................................................,18mo. 2s. 6d. M ARCET'S MARY'S GRAMMAR: Interspersed with Stories, and intended for the use of 114 Girls. New Edition, corrected .................. ........................., 18mo. 3s. 6d. VARCET'S SEASONS; or, SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN, and WINTER: Stories for very his Young Children. New Edition ....... ............ 4 vols. 18mo. 2s. each. MARCET'S RICH and POOR._-1. Labour ; 2. Profit; 3. Capital; 4. Machinery; 5. Price and Produce; 6. Wages ; 7. Trade ; 8. Money and Banks ............... 18mo. Is. MARCET'S CONVERSATIONS on LANGUAGE.......................................Fcp. 8vo. 45. 6d. MARCET'S CONVERSATIONS on the HISTORY of ENGLAND............... ............... 18mo. 5s. MARCET'S LESSONS on ANIMALS, VEGETABLES, and MINERALS................... 18mo. 2s. MARCETS WILLY'S TRAVELS on the RAILROAD, for Young Children ............18mo. 2s.6d. MARCET'S GAME of GRAMMAR, in COUNTERS : With a Book of Conversations ...... price 8s. · London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. (0 40 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL-BOOKS FOR 1861. M'LEOD - New and Improved Editions of Approved ELEMENTARY NA SCHOOL-BOOKS by WALTER MʻLEOD, F.R.G.S., M.R.C.P., Head Master of the Model School and Master of Method in the Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea :-- WRITING-BOOKS. WT'LEOD'S GRADUATED SERIES of NINE COPY-BOOKS, mainly on the Method of Ale Uulhaiser, greatly simplified and improved. Oblong 4to. price 3d. each Copy-Book [See p. 28] 3d. cach. ENGLISH GRAMMATICAL WORKS. M'LEOD'S ENGLISH GRAMMATICAL DEFINITIONS, for Home Study ............. 18mo. 1d. M'LEOD'S EXPLANATORY ! ENGLISH GRAMMAR for Beginners; with Practical de Exercises on the Parts of Speech, a Graduated Course of Parsing-Lessons, and an Appendix on the Conjugation of Compound Verbs. New and thoroughly revised Edition........... ............ 18mo. 9d. M'LEOD'S EDITION of GOLDSMITH'S DESERTED VILLAGE, with Explanatory and All Grammatical Notes, Rules of Parsing and Analysis, &c. New Edition.... .... 12ino. 18. 6d. ARITHMETICAL SCHOOL BOOKS. M'LEOD'S MANUAL of ARITHMETIC, containing a Graduated Series of 1,750 Questions for 14 Class Instruction; witli the Answers and Methods of solving Questions ...................... 18mo. 90. M'LEOD'S MENTAL ARITHMETIC, Part I., Whole Numbers; Part II., Fractions, IL comprising & Systematic Course in Question and Answer......... ......... 12mo. 2 Parts, Is. each. TV'LEOD'S EXTENDED MULTIPLICATION and PENCE TABLES, with the Tables of 11 Weights and Measures, and Four Exercises in cach Page .................................... 18mo. 2d. ENGLISH SPELLING AND READING-BOOKS. TV'LEOD'S FIRST READING-BOOK for Families and Schools, iu & Series of Easy and Al. Instructive Lessons, with numerous illustrative Woodcuts .................................. 18mo. 3d. M'LEOD'S READING-LESSONS for Infant Schools and Junior Classes, being the First 11 Reading-Book, printed in very bold type on 30 large Broadside Sheets ........................ Price 38. T'LEOD'S MY FIRST SCHOOL-BOOK to teach me READING and WRITING : with N1 Spelling Exercises accompanying each Reading-Lesson ...................................... 18mo. 6d. M'LEOD'S MY SECOND SCHOOL-BOOK to teach me SPELLING and READING : con- 11 veying useful Information on Common Things in classified Reading Lessons. Woodcuts.........18mo. 9d. M'LEOD'S SECOND POETICAL READING-BOOK, with Explanatory Notes, Exercises in Ad Spelling and Etymology, and an Argument to each Extract.......... ...ls. 8d. M'LEOD'S Improved Edition of CARPENTER'S SCHOLAR'S SPELLING ASSISTANT, in Ale which the Division of Words into Syllables corresponds with the Pronunciation ..........12mo. 13. 60. GEOGRAPHY AND ATLASES. HT'LEOD'S GEOGRAPHY of PALESTINE or the HOLY LAND, including Phænicia and Al Philistia, and the Towns and Places in Asia Minor visited by the Apostles. The Eleventh Edition, with Additions and Improvements; and a coloured Map of Palestine........ .............. 12no. Is. 6d. M'LEOD'S SCRIPTURE GEOGRAPHY, Part II. The Life and Travels of St. Paul ; in. U cluding Descriptions of the Cities and Towns visited by the Apostle: with Map, Chart, and Plans. [See page 14) ........................... .................... 12mo. 2s. CLASS EDITION of MʻLEOD'S SCHOOL ATLAS of SCRIPTURE GEOGRAPHY, comprising a U complete set of 15 full-coloured Maps, with a full Index, price 4s., Illustrative Letterpress to ditto, price 38. The School Scripture Atlas complete. New Edition ........ ................. Royal 8vo. 78: M'LEOD'S Series of 579 EXAMINATION-QUESTIONS in PHYSICAL and POLITICAL AL GEOGRAPHY. For the use of Training Colleges, Pupil-Teachers, and Candidates for Government Appointments. New Edition, thoroughly revised .......... ..........................12n70. ls. NT'LEOD'S HAND-ATLAS of GENERAL GEOGRAPHY, comprising a complete set of 29 full- 4 coloured Maps, from Steel Plates engraved in the best manner by Ē. WELLER, F.R.G.S. Price 28. 6d. sewed; or 3s. half-bound.......... ......................... 18mo. 2s. 60. TVT LEOD'S CLASS-ATLAS of PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, comprising a complete set of 20 full- V coloured Maps, and 10 Sections and Diagrams: With Explanatory Descriptions of the Plates. Price 2s.6d. sewed; or 3s. half-bound.......... .......18mo. 2s. 6d. BOWMAN'S Questions on M‘Leod's Class-Atlas of Physical Geography..............18mo. ls. TV'LEOD'S SCHOOL PHYSICAL ATLAS of GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND, comprising '56 LVL full-coloured Maps, and numerous coloured Sections and Diagrams; with Descriptions of the Plates. 18mo. (See page 19 of the present Catalogue)..... ........... (In preparation. TV'LEOD'S MIDDLE SCHOOL ATLAS for 1861, comprising a Series of Eight coloured Maps NA for the use of Junior Candidates preparing for the Oxford School Examinations. [See page 14] ..4t0. 28. London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. . CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL-BOOKS for 1861. 41 SIR JAMES MACKINTOSH'S HISTORY of ENGLAND, from the Earliest Times to the final Establishment of the Reformation .............................2 vols. 8vo. 218. MAIN and BROWN'S WORK on the MARINE STEAM-ENGINE.-The with Marine Steana-Engine, designed chiefly for the use of the Officers of Her Majesty's Navy. By the Rev. 1. J. MAIN, M.A, Mathematical Professor in the Royal Naval College, torusa mouth ; and T. Brown, Chief Engineer, R.N., attached to the R.N. College. Pourth Edition, revised; with Plates, &c. ........ ...............8vo. 12s. 6d. MAIN and BROWN on the INDICATOR and DYNAMOMETER, with their practical Applications to the Steam-Engine. Third Edition, with Plate .........8vo. 4:8. bd. TVAIN and BROWN'S QUESTIONS on Subjects connected with the MARINE STEAM- ENGINE; and Examination-Papers, with Hints for their Solution .................8vo. tis. 60. MAJOR'S ELEMENTARY PRAXIS of GREEK COMPOSITION, adapted to Wordsworth’s Greek Grammar : and designed as a companion to the Rev. H. M. Wilkins's Progressive Greek Delectus. By the Rev. Dr. Majon, Head Master of King's College School ..... .............. 12mo. 2s. 6d. VAJOR'S SELECTION of PASSAGES from the SPECTATOR for Translation into Latin Als Prose: With Hints for the Assistance of Beginners; and an Appendix of Ciceronian Phrases. Edited by the Rev. J. R. MAJOR, D.D. ...... ......... 12mo. 35. 6d. MAJOR'S EDITION of EURIPIDES. with English Notes. --The Alcestis, - Hecuba, Medea, Orestes, and Phænissa of Euripides : Greek Text, with English Notes, es The Five PLAYS of EURIPIDES may also be had separately, price 5s. each. MANGNALL'S HISTORICAL "and MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS, for the • use of Young People : with a Selection of British and General Biography. The Only GENUINE AND PERTECT EDITION, as finally corrected by the Author ; but remodelled through: out, enlarged, and improved, without departure from the author's plan. Messrs. LONGDIAN and Co.'s Edition should be ordered............. .......... 12mo. 4s. 6d. MANGNALL'S COMPENDIUM of GEOGRAPHY, for the use of Schools and 1. Private Families ............. ............ 12mo. 75. 6d. DR. J. 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With Frontispiece and Woodcuts ................ 12mo. Is. 6d. MENZIES ANALYSIS of the HISTORY and CONSTITUTION of ENG- LAND, in Question and Answer. For the use of Schools ..............18mo. Is. METCALFE. - A HISTORY of GERMAN LITERATURE, founded on the German Work of Vilmar. By the Rev. FREDERICK METCALFE, M.A., Fellow of Lincoln College. Intended to accompany in use Professor Max Müller's new reading book, The German Classics (see page 43 of this Catalogue] ......... .............. Post Svo. 7s.6d. ........ London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. m m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 42 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL-BOOKS FOR 1861. MAUNDER'S POPULAR TREASURIES. 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MOODY'S NEW ETON GREEK GRAMMAR, with the Marks of Accent, and the Quantity of the Penult: Containing the Eton Greek Grammar in English; the Syntax and Prosody as used at Eton ; and numerous other useful Additions ............. 12mo. 45. MOODY'S NEW ETON LATIN GRAMMAR, with the Quantities and Accent A marked ; an English Translation, and numerous important Additions, and copious explanatory Notes. (ACCIDENCE separately, price 1s.) ...... ..................12mo. 2s. 6d. 1 1 1 London: LONGMAN, GRLEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. CATALOGUE or SCHOOL-BOOKS FOR 1861. 43 LIST OF MR. J. D. MORELL'S SCHOOL-BOOKS. NEW and IMPROVED EDITIONS of APPROVED SCHOOL-BOOKS by J. D. MORELL, M.A., One of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools. VORELL’S ESSENTIALS of ENGLISH GRAMMAR and ANALYSIS. The Eighth Edition, Wd enlarged.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................., Fcp. 8vo. 9d. cloth ; or sewed, 8d. 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By Henry Moseley, M.A., F.R.S., Chaplain & in Ordinary to the Queen, &c.; formerly Professor of Natural History and Astronomy in King's College, London. Third Edition. [See page 8] ................................Fcp. 8vo. 4.5. 6d. MOSELEY. - ILLUSTRATIONS of PRACTICAL MECHANICS. By the 4. Rev. H. MOSELEY, M.A., F.R.S. New Edition ; with Woodcuts................Fcp. 8vo. 8s. NEOSELEY'S MECHANICAL PRINCIPLES of ENGINEERING and ARCHITECTURE, A Second Edition, enlarged; with Woodcuts .......... .........8vo. 245. MULLER. - The GERMAN CLASSICS from the FOURTH to the NINE- A TEENTH CENTURY: a German Reading Book, containing Extracts arranged chronologically; with Biographical Notices, Translations, and Notes. By Max MÜLLER, M.A., Ph.D., Taylorian Professor of European Languages and Literature at Oxford. In- tended to accompany in use the Rev. Ê. Metcalfe's History of German Literature (see page 41 of this Catalogue] ............. ............ 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LIST OF RIDDLE'S LATIN DICTIONARIES. DIDDLE'S COMPLETE LATIN-ENGLISH and ENGLISH-LATIN DIC- U TIONARY, for the use of Colleges and Schools. By the Rer. J. E. RIDDLE, M.A., of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford. New Edition, with Corrections .... .............. 8vo. 21s. Comorstolu s The ENGLISH-LATIN DICTIONARY, price 78. Separately | The LATIN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY, price 158. RIDDLE'S YOUNG SCHOLAR'S LATIN-ENGLISH and ENGLISH-LATIN LU DICTIONARY: Being an Abridgment of the Complete Latin Dictionary. By the Rev. J, E. RIDDLE, M.A. New and cheaper Edition ... ... ............................... Square 12mo. 10s. 60. Law. The LATIN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY, price 6s. Separa The ENGLISH-LATIN DICTIONARY, price 58. DIDDLE'S DIAMOND LATIN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY: A Guide to the Meaning, Quality, L and Accentuation of Latin Classical Words. New Edition ........... . . . . . . . ..., Royal 32mo. 4s. DIDDLE'S COPIOUS and CRITICAL LATIN-ENGLISH LEXICON, founded on the German-Latin Dictionaries of Dr. W. Freund. 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To which are added, an enlarged Etymological Index, and a Supplement containing nearly 3000 Words not included in the preceding Edition of the Dictionary ......... 8vo. 12s. AMART'S WALKER'S DICTIONARY EPITOMISED, on a plan which allows of full definition No to the leading words, and large additions to the terms of modern science. With a Key to the Pronunciation of Greek, Latin, and Scriptural Names .........................................16mo. 6s. MR. B. H. SMART'S COURSE of ENGLISH ....................5 vols. 12mo. 18s. 6d. Cheaper Editions of the Course, as follows :- QMARTS ACCIDENCE of ENGLISH GRAMMAR, MANUAL of EXERCISES, and KEY. New Edition, thoroughly revised and improved........... ............12mo, 3s. Each Part may be had separately: Accidence, 1s. ; Manual, 1s. 6d.; KEY, 1s. SMART'S PRINCIPLES of ENGLISH GRAMMAR; or, Grammar on its True .............12mo. price 3s. bound; or 2s. 6d. cloth. MART'S MANUAL of RHETORIC, and MANUAL of LOGIC: Two Sequels to Grammar on its True Basis. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12mo. 3s. 6d.-Separately: Rhetoric, Is. 6d.; Logic, 23. MART'S PRACTICE of ENGLISH ELOCUTION: A Series of Exercises for acquiring the several Requisites of a good Delivery ............. ...............12mo. 45. SMART'S HISTORICO-SHAKSPEARIAN READINGS from the CHRONICLE and ROMAN N PLAYŠ: A Companion to the Practice of Elocution ...............................12mo, 58. STAFFORD'S COMPENDIUM of UNIVERSAL HISTORY, from the Earliest Period to the Year 1859 ; with Questions for Examination. Translated from the 27th Edition of the German Original. Fourth Edition, revised, corrected, and extended by Mrs. PERCY SINNETT. [See page 15]................... ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....Fcp. 8vo. 45. DROFESSOR STEPHEN'S LECTURES on FRENCH HISTORY.-Lectures on 4 the History of France. By the Right Hon. Sir JAMES STEPHEN, K.C.B., LL.D. The Third Edition, with large Additions .................2 vols. 8vo. 24s. Basis....... S 11 AV Series ... V With a Short Account of the Botany, Dendrology, Zoology, Ornithology, &c. of each Country. New Edition, corrected ............ .........12mo. 3s. 6d. VISS STERNE'S TWO SERIES of QUESTIONS on GENERALITIES. First and Second ................ 12mo. 2s. each.-KEYS, 4s. each. STOCKER'S SCHOOL EDITION of HERODOTUS'S HISTORY of the PER- SIAN WARS: With English Notes, Questions, &c........................ 2 vols. post Sro. 18s. STOW'S TRAINING SYSTEM of EDUCATION; including MORAL SCHOOL TRAINING for large Towns, and NORMAL SEMINARY for training Teachers to Conduct the System. Eleventh Edition ; with Plates and Woodcuts .............. Post Svo. 6s. 6d. TIST of SCHOOL-BOOKS by PROFESSOR SULLIVAN, LL.D., T.C.D. (of the Irish Education Board). New and greatly improved Editions:- Sullivan's Dictionary of the Engl. Language. 12mo. 38.60. | Sullivan's Dictionary of Derirations..............12mo. 28. Sullivan's Geography Generalised [See page 13] 12mo. 2s. Sullivan's Spelling-Book Superseded ............18mo. 7s. Id. Sullivan's Introduction to Geography & History. i$mo.18. | Sullivan's Attempt to Simplify Evgl. Grammar. 18mo. 13. Sullivan's First Steps to a Knowledge of the English Language.... ...... price 10d. Sullivan's Literary Class-Book; or, Readings in English Literature ............ Royal ismo. Zs. Gå. SUTCLIFFE, - SELF-EDUCATION : intended as a Guide for Young Men who having left School desire to continue a Course of Self-Iniprovement; for Pupil Teachers in Elementary Schools ; for Schoolmasters who, after passing through Training Colleges, may wish to pursue Studies not embraced in the scheme of those Institutions; and for Candidates in the Oxford and Civil Service Examinations. By JOHN SUTCLIFFE, Lecturer in the Normal Training College, Cheltenham ............ ................. [In the press. O W . . . W . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . London: LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. 48 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL-BOOKS FOR 1861. 1 KNOWLEDGE FOR THE YOUNG. HE STEPPING-STONE to KNOWLEDGE: Containing upwards of Seven * Hundred Questions and Answers on Miscellaneous Subjects, adapted to the capacity of Infant Minds. By a MOTHER. New Edition........... ...................18mo. Is. THE SECOND SERIES of the STEPPING-STONE to GENERAL KNOW- * LEDGE: Containing upwards of Eight Hundred Questions and Answers on Miscellaneous Subjects, connected with Every-Day Life and Conversation, not contained in the First Series. [See page 17 of the present Catalogue] .......... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...18mo. ls. THE STEPPING-STONE to BIBLE KNOWLEDGE: Containing several hundred Questions and albo Answers on the Old and New Testament, adapted to the Capacity of Young Minds. By a MOTHER. 18mo. 18. NHE STEPPING-STONE to BIOGRAPHY: Containing several hundred Questions and Answers it on the Lives of Eminent Men and Women, adapted to the capacity of Young Minds. By a MOTHER. 1$mo. ls. HE STEPPING-STONE to ENGLISH HISTORY: Containing several hundred Questions and leb Answers on the History of England, adapted to the capacity of Young Minds. By a MOTHER. 18mo. ls. DHE STEPPING-STONE to GEOGRAPHY: Containing several hundred Questions and Answers on Geographical Subjects, adapted to the capacity of Young Minds. By a NIOTHER ..........18mo. Is. THE STEPPING-STONE to ENGLISH GRAMMAR: Containing several 2 hundred Questions and Answers on English Grammar, adapted to the capacity of Young Minds. By P. SADLER ..... ................18mo. 1s. MHE STEPPING-STONE to FRENCH PRONUNCIATION and CONVERSATION : Containing several hundred Questions and Answers on the French Language. By P. SADLER ............18mo. 18. THE STEPPING-STONE to ASTRONOMY: Containing several hundred Questions and Answers on the Earth and the Solar System, simplified to the capacity of the Youthful Mind. By a LADY .................. ....................18mo. ls. THE STEPPING-STONE to GRECIAN HISTORY: Containing several hundred Questions and Answers on the History of Greece, simplified to the capacity of Youthful Minds. By a TEACHER. ......... ... . . . . . . . . ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 18mo. ls. MHE STEPPING-STONE to FRENCH HISTORY : Containing several hundred Questions and . Answers on the History of France, adapted to the capacity of Young Minds. By a TEACHER.. 18mo. 1s. THE STEPPING-STONE to MUSIC: Containing several hundred Questions on the Science; also a short History of Music, adapted to the capacity of Young Children. By FANNY PARKHURST. 18mo. price One Shilling. RANNY PARKHURSTS STEPPING-STONE to ROMAN HISTORY : Containing several hun- E dred Questions and Answers on the History of Rome, adapted to the capacity of Young Minds. 18mo. Is. PEHE STEPPING-STONE to NATURAL HISTORY: Vertebrate or Back- boned Animals, viz. Mammalia, Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes. By JAMES OWEN. With 66 Engravings on Wood ... ... ... ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................... 18mo. 2s. 61. der Or in Two Parts, PANT I. Mammalia, price 18.; PART II. Birds, Reptiles, and Tishes, price 1s. THE STEPPING-STONE to ANIMAL and VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY. By Mary Shield. and with many Woodcuts ........................ ..............18mo. ls. SYDENHAM.-NOTES of LESSONS, in their Principles and Application, for the use of Teachers and Pupil-Teachers in Elementary Schools. By G. SYDENHAM, C.M., Master of the Cannock Endowed National School. Second Edition ............... 12mo. 3s. TAYLOR'S (G. H.) WORD-PICTURES from the BIBLE; or, Scenes from Scrip- ture History depicted, and their Practical and Doctrinal Teaching enforced.... 12mo. 45. 6d. THEATRE of the GREEKS: A Series of Papers relating to the History and do Criticisin of the Greek Drama. With an original Introduction and Notes, by Dr. J. W. DONALDSON. New Edition, thoroughly revised. [See page 5.]. .........8vo. 145. BISHOP THIRLWALL'S HISTORY of GREECE. 8 vols. fcp. 8vo. with Vignettes, price 28s............................or (Library Edition) 8 vols. 8vo. with Maps, 60s. ....... London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and co., Paternoster Row, E.C. CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL-BOOKS FOR 1861. ................. 12. SCHOOL-BOOKS BY THOMAS TATE, F.R.A.S. TATE'S PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION; or, the Principles and Practice of A Teaching explained and systematised. New Edition ...........Fcp. 8vo. 6s. 6d. MTATE'S ALGEBRA MADE EASY; chiefly intended for the use of Schools. New Edition, carefully corrected, with fresh Examples, &c. ...... ................. 12mo. 28. PVATE'S TREATISE on the FIRST PRINCIPLES of ARITHMETIC, after the Method L of Pestalozzi ........... 12mo, Is. 6d. NATE'S SYSTEM of MENTAL ARITHMETIC, after Pestalozzi's Method, for the use of Teachers ........... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8vo. Is. DATE'S EXERCISES on MECHANICS and NATURAL PHILOSOPHY; or, an Easy e Introduction to Engineering................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 12mo. 2s.-KEY, 3s. 6d. MYATE'S ELEMENTS of MECHANISM; containing a familiar Explanation of the Con- struction of various kinds of Machinery, &c. ....... ...........12mo. 35. 6d. MATE'S PRINCIPLES of MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY APPLIED to INDUSTRIAL MECHANICS. Forming a Sequel to the Exercises on Mechanics and Natural Philosophy. With 200 Woodcuts. ........................................................8vo. 10s. 6d. NATE'S PRACTICAL GEOMETRY, containing the Construction of all the most useful Geo- 4 metrical Problems, with their Applications; and the Construction and Use of the most essential Drawing Instruments. With 261 Woodcuts. (See page 15].....................18mo. 1s. MATE'S PRINCIPLES of GEOMETRY, MENSURATION, TRIGONOMETRY, LAND- 1 SURVEYING, and LEVELLING. With 317 Diagrams and Woodcuts. The Eighth Edition, carefully corrected, with fresh Examples, &c. ......... .......................12mo. 3s. 6d. FERATE'S PRINCIPLES of the DIFFERENTIAL and INTEGRAL CALCULUS, simplified 1 and applied to the Solution of various useful Problems in Practical Mathematics and Mechanics... ... ... ... .......... .......... . . . . . . . . . ... 12mo. 45. 6d. YATE'S FIRST THREE BOOKS of EUCLID'S ELEMENTS of GEOMETRY: With L various useful Theorems and Problems, as Geometrical Exercises on each Book. New Editions, thoroughly revised ................ 12mo. Is. 6d.; 18mo. Id. ITATE'S DRAWING-BOOK for LITTLE BOYS and GIRLS: Containing upwards of 130 Drawing Exercises of Geometrical and Familiar Objects; together with numerous Illustra- tions of their Methods of Construction ..... .................. Post 4to. 1s. 6d. MATE'S DRAWING for SCHOOLS: Containing Expositions of the Method of Teaching 4 Drawing in Schools; a full Explanation of the Practice of Model Drawing, after the Method of Dupuis; the Principles and Practice of Outline and Perspective Drawing ; and numerous Illustrations and Exercises. ........ .............. Post 4to. 5s. 6d. MNATE'S MATHEMATICS for WORKING MEN. Part I. Arithmetic and Algebra, applied to the Constants of Labour, &c. ....................................................................8vo. 2s. STRATE on the NEW COINAGE considered in relation to our School Arithmetics: For the use of Teachers and Tradesmen. New Edition, revised and improved ......... 12mo. Id. MATE'S OUTLINES of EXPERIMENTAL CHEMISTRY : Being a Familiar Introduction bolo to the Science of Agriculture. New Edition, revised........ .........18mo. Id. ITATE'S ELEMENTARY COURSE of NATURAL and EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY, . simplified for the use of Beginners, and illustrated with Woodcuts...... 2 vols, 18mo. 5s. 6d. INATE'S LITTLE PHILOSOPHER; or, the SCIENCE of FAMILIAR THINGS. Vol. I. comprising the Chemistry, the Mechanics, and the Physics of Familiar Things; with 203 Woodcuts ......... . ..............18mo. price 3s. 6d. cloth; or in 3 Parts, Is, each. PATE'S LITTLE PHILOSOPHER. Part IV. the Natural History of Familiar Things: The Animal Kingdom. With numerous Woodcuts ....... . . . . . . . . . . ... 18mo. ls. TWELLS, - POETRY for REPETITION. Edited by the Rev. Henry TWELLS, M.A., Head Master of the Godolphin Foundation School, Hammersmith, Second Edition, revised ........................... ............18mo. 2s.6d. " Ovinou ......... ........ ..................................... London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. 50 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL-BOOKS FOR 1861. FARVER.--Le DEBUT dans l'ETUDE de la LANGUE FRANCAISE ; or, First Steps in Learning French : Consisting of a Graduated Series of Words and Phrases fully explained and arranged in Grammatical Order, with Reading-Lessons relating to them. By H. TARTER, Bachelier-es-Lettres ; French Master, Eton College... ... ... ... Crown 8vo. 38. 6d. MTARVER'S French Reading-Book, LE CONTEUR, or Story-Teller : Consisting of Tales and Plays, interspersed with a few Pages of Correspondence, selected for the use of Learners from contemporary French Authors. With English Notes... ... ... ... Crown Svo. 58. 6d.. TARVER'S ETON FRENCH GRAMMAR. - Introduction a la Langue usuelle et aux Elémens de la Grammaire Française. By J. C. TARVER, late French Master, Eton College. New Erlition, thoroughly revised ....... .................. 12mo. 3s. PTARVER'S ETON FAMILIAR and CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH EXERCISES for Writing and Viva-voce Practice. New Edition, revised ........... 12mo. 3s. 60.--KEY, 35. MARVER'S ETON FRENCH READING-BOOK. - Choix en Prose et en Vers: Suivi de la Phraséologie expliquée et comparée; et précédé de Remarques sur la Construction des Vers Français. New Edition, thoroughly revised ............................................ 12mo. 7s. 6d. PART I. CHOIX ET PROSE..................... Ss. Gd. / PART II. CHOIX EN VERS..... ...............33.6d. Part III. PHRASEOLOGIE EXPLIQUEE ET COMPARED, price 3s. THOMSON'S (Prof. J.) ELEMENTARY TREATISL on ALGEBRA, THE- # ORETICAL and PRACTICAL. New Edition ...................... 12mo. 58.-KEY, 4s. 6d. THOMSON'S (Rev. Dr. W.) OUTLINE of the NECESSARY LAWS of THOUGHT: A Treatise on Pure and Applied Logic. By WILLIAM THOMSON, D.D., Provost of the Queen's College, Oxford. Fifth Edition, revised. [See page 9] ... Post 8vo. 58. 6d. MTHOMSON. - SCHOOL CHEMISTRY; or, Practical Rudiments of the Science. By ROBERT DUNDAS THOMSON, M.D., Chemical Examiner in the University of London, and Professor of Chemistry at St. Thomas's Hospital, — where this work is the Text-Book of the Science .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ............... New Edition, in the press. TWISDEN. - ELEMENTARY EXAMPLES in PRACTICAL MECHANICS: de comprising copious Explanations and Demonstrations of the fundamental Theorems. By the Rey. JOHN F. TWISDEN, M.A., Professor of Mathematics in the Staff College, Sandhurst. [See page 15] ... ... ... ... ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ .............. Post 8vo. 12s. TYREL'S (J. DE POIX) GRAMMAR of HOUSEHOLD WORDS in Four Languages, adapted to the separate or simultaneous study of English, German, French, and Italian. [See page 16] ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . . . . . . . . . ................ Oblong 12mno. 10s. 6d. MYREL'S GRAMMAR of HOUSEHOLD WORDS, adapted to the separate or simultaneous study of English and French. Fcp. 8vo. price 4s. 6d. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .........[See page 19. TYTLER'S ELEMENTS of HISTORY, Ancient and Modern. Revised and - continued by JOHN HILL BURTON. With 7 Maps ................... ... . . . . . . . . ....Svo. 14.5. DR. R. VALPY'S ELEMENTS of LATIN GRAMMAR; with short English Notes. New Edition, with Additions and Corrections................... 12mo. 2s. 6d. TALPY'S LATIN DELECTUS, corrected and improved ; with new Notes and Lexicon, by the Rev. JOHN T. WHITE, M.A. ... ... ... ... .... .. . . . . . . . . . . ..... 12mo. 2s. 6d.—KEY, 3s. 6d. FTALPY'S VIRGILS BUCOLICS, GEORGICS, and ÆNEID, with English Notes. New \ Edition.......... ........... 18mo. 7s.6d. ; VALPY'S VIRGIL, without Notes, 3s. 6d. TTALPY'S SELECTA ex OVIDIO et TIBULLO, cum NOTIS ANGLICIS: the Selection used at Eton ....... ... ... .. ... ... 12mo. 4s. 6d. TTALPY'S ELEMENTS of GREEK GRAMMAR: With Notes. New Edition, revised and im- proved. ............ .....................8vo. 6s. 6d. V and Lexicon, by the Rer. J. T. WHITE, M.A.. TYALPY'S POETICAL CHRONOLOGY of ANCIENT and ENGLISH HISTORY; with Historical and Explanatory Notes........ .........12mo. 2s.6d. London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. CATALOGUE or SCHOOL-BOOKS FOR 1861. . 51 11 VALPY'S LATIN EPITOME of SACRED HISTORY, with English Notes. 18mo. 2s. "YALPY'S PRIMITIVES and LEADING WORDS of the GREEK LANGUAGE so explained as u to fix themselves readily on the memory............ ............... 12mo. 4s. VALPY'S MANUAL of LATIN ETYMOLOGY, in Alphabetical Order, with the Derivation of ♡ the Latin Cases, Tenses, Moods, Persons, &c. ......... ............ Fcp. 4to. 4s. SCHOOL-BOOKS BY EDWARD WALFORD, M.A. WITALFORD'S HANDBOOK of the GREEK DRAMA: Embodying, in the most concise form, all the essentials to the study of the Theatre of the Greeks ......Fcp. 8vo. 6s. DETALFORD'S SHILLING LATIN GRAMMAR, based on the Accidence, Syntax, and V Prosody of the Charterhouse Latin Grammar ...... ........................ 12mo. ls. ITALFORD'S HINTS on LATIN WRITING. Third Edition, revised and corrected; with W the Tabular Foim retained ............ ...........Royal 8vo. Is. 6d. VITALFORD'S PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES in LATIN PROSE. With Reference to the VW Author's Hints on Latin 1Priting ......... ...........12mo. 2s. 6d. ITALFORD'S PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES in LATIN ELEGIAC VERSE. First Series. W Adapted, with References throughout, to the Syntax of Dr. Kennedy's Latin Grammar. Ninth Edition, thoroughly revised ...... ............... 12mo. 2s. 60.-KEY, 5s. VITALFORD'S PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES in LATIN ELEGIAC VERSE. Second Series. W To which is prefixed a Grammar of Latiu Poetry (which may be had separately, price 1s.). Third Edition, thoroughly revised ....... ............. 12mo. 2s.6d. WALFORD'S ORIGINAL SERIES of REFERENCE-CARDS for CLASSICAL INSTRUCTION (Greek, Latin, and English) .................................. . . . . . . . . . ... New and improved Editions. I. Card of Latin Accidence ..... ...8vo. 13. VI. Card of Latin Syntax.... .8vo. 18. II. Card of Greelc Accidence .. ...8vo. ls. VII. Card of Greelc Prepositionis .... .8vo. 18. III. Card of Greelc Accents t Svo. Ga. VIII. Card of Latin Prepositions ........ .8vo. 13. IV. Card of Latin Prosody ... 8vo. 18. IX. Card of Grcel Syntax .8vo. 13. V. Card of Greelc Prosody .... Svo. 18. I X. Card of English Grammar .. Svo. 18. TXTALFORD'S HANDYBOOK of the CIVIL SERVICE. [See page 14] ........., Fcp. 850. 4.s. 6d. TIEBB. - CELESTIAL OBJECTS for COMMON TELESCOPES. By the Rev. T. W. WEBB, M.A., F.R.A.S. With Woodcuts, and a Map of the Moon....16mo. 7s. INTHITE'S LATIN GRAMMAR: Comprising the Eton Latin Grammar, revised and corrected : Together with a Second or larger Grammar in English, for the Higher Classes in Schools, &c. By the Rev. J. T. WHITE, M.A., First Master of the Latin School, Christ's Hospital, London .............. .. ... .. ... ... 12mo. 2s. 6d. Separately :--ACCIDENCE, 1s. ; ETON GRAMMAR, 1s. 9 d. ; LARGER GRAMMAR, 1s. 6d. WITHITE'S LATIN SUFFIXES... .............. Post 8vo. 5s. TVPHITE'S SCHOOL EDITION of the GERMANIA and AGRICOLA of TACITUS: With 8 English Notes............. ............. 12mo. 45. 60. WHITE'S SCHOOL EDITION of CICERO de AMICITIA and de SENECTUTE, or, Cato v Major and Lælius, principally from the Text of Gernhard : With English Notes. New Edition... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ............ 12mo. 3s. 6d. TIYHITE'S SCHOOL EDITION of XENOPHON'S ANABASIS, or Expedition of Cyrus into $0 Upper Asia, principally from the Text of Schneider: With English Notes. New Edition..................... ......................... 12mo. 78. 6d. VIHITE and RIDDLE'S NEW LATIN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY, founded on the larger Dictionæy of Freund, revised by himself.... ...............[See page 18 VILKINS.- ANTHOLOGIA GRÆCA; or, a Progressive Greek Reading Book. " By the Rev. H. MUSGRAVE WILKINS, M.A., Fellow of Merton College, Oxford. See page 18 KIYILKINS'S PROGRESSIVE GREEK DELECTUS .......... ....6............ 12mo. 4s. TITILKINS'S NOTES for LATIN LYRICS, in use in Harrow, Westminster, and Rugby Schools. Third Edition, revised and improved...... .............12mo. 4s. 6d. T . London: LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. 52 CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL-BOOKS FOR 1861. ....... WILLIAMS'S (MONIER) BAG-O-BAHAR: The Hindustani Text of Mir Amman, edited in Roman Type; with Notes, and an Introductory Chapter on the use of the Roman Character in Oriental Languages. By MONIER WILLIAMS, M.A., Professor of Sanskrit in the University of Oxford . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Post 8vo. 58. TATILLIAMS'S HINDUSTANI PRIMER; Containing a First Grammar suited to Beginners and a Vocabulary of Common Words on all subjects: with Alphabetical Lists of Useful Phrases and Short Stories............. ................. 12mo. Is. 8d. TITILLIAMS'S EASY INTRODUCTION to the STUDY of HINDUSTANI; in which the N English Alphabet is adapted to the Expression of Hindustani Words: With a full Syntax. To which are added Selections in Hindūstānī, including a Vocabulary and Dialogues, by COTTON MATHER, Assistant Professor of Hindustani in Addiscombe College.........12mo. 2s. 61. WINTZER. - FIRST GERMAN BOOK for BEGINNERS. By the Rev. ALBERT WINTZER, Phil. D., German Master in King's College, London ; German Examiner at Eton College. Second Edition, revised ... ... ... ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Icp. Svo. 3s. 6d. WITOOD'S ELEMENTS of ALGEBRA, designed for the use of Students in W the University. Fifteenth Edition, revised and enlarged by the Rev. T. LUND, B.D., late Fellow and Sadlerian Lecturer of St. John's College, Cambridge .... . . . . . . . . . ....... 8vo. 12s. 6d. T UND'S COMPANION to WOOD'S ALGEBRA. Third Edition, with the Supplement in- del corporated; also the Equations and Algebraical Problems in St. John's College during 1858 and 1859, with their Solutions. [See page 10] ...... Post Svo. 7s. 6d. T UND'S KEY to WOOD'S ALGEBRA: Solutions of 2,000 Questions and Problems in Algebra, do ſorining a Key to Mood's Algebra, for the use of Schoolmasters and Private Tutors. See page 10 of the present Catalogue] ............ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Post Svo. 7s. 6d. TITOODWARD'S HISTORICAL and CHRONOLOGICAL ENCYCLOPÆDIA, in Ww. One larve Volume 8vo. in the press .... ... ... ... [See page 20 WRIGLEY'S COLLECTION of EXAMPLES and PROBLEMS in Pure and Mixed Mathematics : With Answers and occasional Hints. By the Rev. ALFRED WRIGLEY, M.A., Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Classics, Addiscombe........ Svo. Ss. 61. VONGE'S SCHOOL EDITION of HORACE. - Horace, with English Notes. By the Rev. J. E. YONGE, King's College, Cambridge ; Assistant Master at Eton. PART I. Odes and Epodes, 3s. ; Part II. Satires and Epistles, 3s. 6d. ... ... ... 2 Parts, 12mo. 6s. 6d. VONGE'S NEW LATIN GRADUS: Containing Every Word used by the Poets of good authority. Compiled and prepared expressly for the use of Eton, West- minster, Winchester, Farrow, Charterhouse, and Rugby Schools; King's College, London; and Marlborough College. By C.D. YONGE, B.A. Sixth Edilion. Post Svo. 9s.; with Appendix, 12s. TONGE'S DICTIONARY of LATIN EPITHETS Classified according to their English Meaning : Being an Appendix to the Latin Gradus.............................. Post Svo. 3s. 6d. VONGE'S EXERCISES in LATIN PROSE, for the use of Eton, Winchester, Harrow, and Rugby Schools ; and King's College, London ..... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12mo. 58. 6d.-KEY, Is, MR. C. D. YONGE'S NEW ENGLISH-GREEK LEXICON: Containing all AL the Greek Words used by Writers of good authority. Second Edition, improved, 4to. 21s. FYONGE'S EXERCISES in GREEK PROSE, for the use of Eton, Winchester, Harrow, ZUMPT'S LARGER LATIN GRAMMAR. Translated and adapted for the use of English Students by Dr. L. SCHMITZ, F.R.S.E., Rector of the High School of Edinburgh; with numerous Additions and Corrections by the Author and Translator. Fourth Edition, thoroughly revised ; with a new INDEX....... .............. 8vo. 14.s. UMPT'S SCHOOL GRAMMAR of the LATIN LANGUAGE. Translated and adapted for use in English Schools, by Dr. L. SCHMITZ, F.R.S.E. ....... ............... 12mo, 4s. London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. CLASSIFIED INDEX TO MESSRS. LONGMAN AND 00.'s CATALOGUE OF SCHOOL-BOOKS FOR 1861. TRIGONOMETRY. - PAGE Colenso's Trigonometry, Part I. 12mo.33.62.; Key, 39. 60. 25 Part II. 12mo. 2s. 60.; Key, 5g. 25 Galbraith and Laughton's Trigonometry, 12mo. 28...... Hymers's Trigonometry, 8vo. 88. 60 .................. 34 Jeans's Trigonometry, Part I. 12mo. 48.: Part II d . 26 19 Arithmetic, Algebra, Book-keeping, Land- Surveying, and Mathematics. ALGEBRA, PAGE Colenso's Algebra, Part I. 12mo. 49. 6d.; Key, 58...... 25 PART II. 12ino. 6s.; Key, 53. ........ 25 > Complete, 8vo. 128. 60.; Key, 7s. Od. 25 for National and Elementary Schools, 18mo. Is. d.; Key, 2s. Od......... 25 , Examples in Algebra, 12mo. 23. 60........... 25 Galbraith and Houghton's Manual of Algebra, 12mo. 2s. Lund's Companion to Wood's Algebra, post Svo.7s.6d. 10 » Short & Easy Algebra, fp.8vo. 2s.6d. ; Key,23.6d. 38 Reynolds's Elementary Algebra, 18mo. 90.; Key', 3d. .. 29 Scott's Arithmetic and Algebra, 8vo. 16s. ...... Tate's Algebra, 12mo. 2s....... Thomson's Algebra, 12mo. 58.; Key, As. ....... Wood's Elements of Algebra, 8vo. 128. Od.; Key, 78.6ů. 52 ARITAMETIC. Calder's Familiar Arithmetic, 12mo. s. 60....... Colenso's Arithmetic, 12mo. 43. 60.; Key, by Maynard, Os. 25 » Text-Book of Elementary Arithmetic, 18mo. 1.9. 90.; with Answers, 23. 3d...... Crosby's Walkingame's Tutor, 12mo. 29.; Key, 3s. Od... 27 Galbraithi and Haughtou's Arithmetic, 12imo. 23. ...... 49 and Henme's Tutosers, 25. Srithmeticars Hiley' ok of Object 11, &c. fep. Smo. 78. 36 Teatining Spatication ns; 12mo. 49 Grahamison Ensliposition, Part II; Keys.6d. Hughes's Arithmetic, fcp. Svo. Is. d.; with Key, 3s. 60. Flunter's Arithmetical Exercises, 12ino. 60............ Joyce's Arithmetic, 12mo. 38.; Key, 38. ....... Liddell's Arithmetic, royal 18mo. 28. ....... M'Leod's Arithmetical Questions, 2 parts, 12mo. ls. euch , Manual of Arithmetic, 18mo. 9a. .... Pix's Examples in Arithmetic, 12mo. 28. 60......... Tate's Arithmetic, 12mo. Eightecnpeuce ..... , Mental Arithmetic, 8vo. Is. ........... , on the New Coinage, &c., 12mo. Id.... BOOK-KEEPING, Isbister's, by Single and Double Entry, 18mo. 90....... 3 Set of Eight Account-Books, 6d. euch........ CALCULUS AND LOGARITEDIS. Carmichael on Calculus of Operations, 8vo. 99. ........ Tarley's Tables of 6-Figure logarithms, post Svo. 48.6d. Jolinstone's Elementary Logarithms, 12ino. 2s. 60...... Tate's Calculus, 12mo. 45. 62......... GEOMETRY AND EUCLID. · Colenso's Euclid, iSmo. 48. 60. ...... : ::............. „ Problems from Euclid, & Key, 18mo. 3s. 6d... 25 Galbraith & Haughton's Euclid, 2 PARTS, 23. each...... Isbister's Two Geometrical Copy-Books, 6d. cach...... llowres's Euclid for Begiuners, 12mo. 90............ Lund's Geometry as an Art, fcp. 8vo. 2s. ...... , Geometry as a Science, fcp. 8vo. 13. 60. , Key to the above two, post 8vo. 3s....... Geometry and Mensuration, fcp. 8vo. 7s. .... Narrien's Geometry, Svo. 10s. 60........ Tate's Luclid, 12ino. Is. 60. p. 49: 18mo. 9d. , Geometry, &c., 12mo. 35. 60... » Practical Geometry, 18mo. Is. ... LAND-SURVEYING AND DRAWING. Nesbit's Land-Surveying, 8vo. 125. ........... Tate's Drawing for Schools, 4to. 5s. Od......... ............ 49 , Drawing-Book for Little Boys & Girls, 4to. Is. 6d. , Land-Surveying, Levelling, &c., 12mo. 39. 60... 19 MATHEMATICS. Cape's Mathematics, 2 vols. 8vo. 325. ......, Mathematical Tables, 8vo. 103.60. ...... Galbraith and Haughton's Tables, fcp. Svo. 39. .... Hyıners's Differential Equations, 8vo. 125....... Kimber's Mathematical Course,.8vo. 10s. ..... Tate's Mathematics for Working Men, PART I. 8vo. 2s. Wrigley's Mathematical Examples, 8vo. 88. 60. ..... MENSURATION. Boucher's School Mensuration, 12mo. 38. .............. Calder's Exercises in Mensuration, post 8vo, 3s...... Hunter's Elements of Mensuration, 18mo.9d. ; Key, 90 Lund's Mensuration, fcp. 8vo. 38. Gd. .............. Nesbit's Mensuration, 12mo. 68.; Key, os..... Tate's Mensuration, Land-Surveying, &c., 12mo. Ss. 6d. 49 | The English Language, and Miscellaneous Educational Works. COPY-Books. M'Leod's Series of Nine Copy-Books, price 3d. each .... 28 DICTIONARIES. Maunder's Treasury of Knowledge, fcp. 8vo. 108. ...... Smart's Walker's Pronouncing Dictionary, Svo. 128..... , Ditto Epitomised, 16mo. 6s. ........ Sullivan's Dictionary of Derivations, 12mo. 28. .. 3 English Dictionary, 12mo. 39. Od.... EDUCATION IN GENERAL. Edwards's History of the English Language, 18mo. Id. Gill on School Management, fcp. Svo. 2s........ Hall's Guide to the Three Services, fcp. Svo. 38. Od..... Howard's Gymnastic Exercises, 16mo. 78. Od......... Howson on School Drill, &c. fcp. 8vo. od.......... Lake's Book of Object Lessons, 18mo. ls. Gd...... Lessons on Industrial Education, 12mo. 2s. 60. ........ Marcet's Conversations on Language, fcp. Svo. 48. 6d... Pycroft's Collegian's Guide, fcp. 8vo. Gs. ....... Ross's Papers on Teaching, ſcp. 8vo. 3s. ........ , Teacher's Manual of Method, 12mo. 33. ..... Stow's Training System; post 8vo. 6s. 6d....... Sutcliffe on Self-Education ........................ Sydenham's Notes of Lessons, 12ino. 3s................. Tate's Philosophy of Education, fcp. 8vo. 6s. 60........ Walford's Handybook of the Civil Service, fcp.Svo. 43.0d. 14 ENGLISH COMPOSITION. Brewer's English Composition, fcp. 8vo. 5s. Gd. ........ 23 Graham's English Composition, fcp. Svo. 59..... Graham on English Style, fcp. 8va 78. ................ Hiley's Eng.Composition, Part 1.18mo.ls.6d.; Key, 2s.6d. 32 i Part II. 18mo. 35. ; Key, 4s... Hunter's Précis-Writing, 12mo. 23. ; Key, ls .......... , School Letter-Writing, 12mo. Is. 6d. ........ Parker's English Composition, 12mo. Eighteenpence .. 44 Roget's English Thesaurus, crown 8vo. 10s. 6d. ENGLISH GRAMMAR. Harrison on the English Language, post Svo. 58. .... Hiley's English Grammar, 12mo. 33. 60. .... , Abridgment of ditto, 18mo. Is. Id. First English Grammar, 18mo. Is. .... English Exercises, 12mo. 23. 6d.; Key, 3s.6d.... Hunter's English Grammar, 12mo. 23. 60. .......... Lutham on English Language, 2 vols. Svo. 288......... 's Hondbook of English Language, p. 8vo. 7s. (d. Hist, and Etymol. of do. fcp. 28. 60........ English Grammar, post 8vo. 4s. 6d............ and Maherly's Smaller Grammar, fcp, 2s. Od.. 12 Lindley Murray's Grammatical Works ................ M'I.eod's First Book for Reading and Writing, 18mo. Od. , Second Book for Reading and Spelling, 18mo. Id. 40 English Grammar, 13mo. 9d. ..... Marcet's Game of Grammar, post 8vo. 8s. ... Mary's Grammar, Ismo. 3s. 60. ... 39 Willy's Grammar, 18mo. 25. Od......... Morell's English Grammar, post Svo. 2s. ...... English Grammar and analysis, fcp. 8vo. Su... English Exercises, post Svo.Sa. ....... Smart's Course of English, 5 vols. 12mo. 188. Od...... Stepping-Stone to English Grammar, 18mo. ls. .... Sullivan's English Grammar, 18mo. 1s. .... First Steps to English Language, 10d...... Walford's Card of English Grammar, Zvo. Is.... ENGLISH ETYMOLOGY. Black's Student's Manual, 18mo. 29. 60.; Sequel, 58. Gd. 22 Keane's Handbook of the English Language, 12mo. 29. 13 Ross's Etymological Manual, 18ıno. 60. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE. Domestic Economy, in Gleig's Series, 18mo. 9d. ........ Humphreys's Manual of Civil Law, fcp. Svo. 39. 60..... 35 Mann's Lessons in General Knowledge, fcp. 8vo. 39. 60. 41 •••••• MATRA Land-SurVook for Lilito. 58. G .... 37 52 er's Schools in Mensuration, 18 38 28 London: LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. 54 CLASSIFIED INDEX TO SCHOOL CATALOGUE FOR 1861. GREEK GRAMMARS, ETC.—continued. PAGE Walford's Grock Accidence Card, 8vo. Is........... » Prosody Card, 8vo. Is............ 1 Syntax Card, 8vo. 13. .......... rogressive Greek Delectus, 12mo. 48....... Yonge's Greek Prose Exércises, 12mo. 58. od. ; Key, is.. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE continued.. PAGE Stepping-Stone to Knowledge, 2 Series, Is. ench. ...... 48 Sterne's Questions on Generalities, First and Second Series, 12mo. 2s. each ; Keys, 43. each................4 JUVENILE WORKS. Marcet's Ricli and Poor, 18mo. 1s. .... Seasons, 4 vols. 18mo. Ss. ...... Stories for Young Children, 18mo. 23. ... Willy's Holidays, 18mo. 2s. .... Stories, i$mo. 2s. ............... Travels, iSmo. 2s. 661. ........... Sewell's Journal of a Suinner Tour, fcp. 8vo. 58........ ENGLISH POETRY AND MUSIC Connon's Selections from Paradise Lost, 12.no. 33. Od... Cook's First Poetry-Book, 19ıno. 90.................. 1 School Poetry, 12mo. 23........ Graham's Studies from the English Poets, 12mo. 7s.. Hughes's School Poetry, 12mo. 3s. Od...... M'Leod's Second Poetry, 12mo. ls. 8d...... Palliser's Poetical Speaker, 12mo. Gs. Stepping-Stone to Music, Ismo. Is. ..... Twells's Poetry for Repetition, 18mno. 29. 60. .......... PARAPIIRASING, PARSING, AND ANALYSIS. Hunter's Paraphrasiug & Analysis, 12mo. Is.3d.; Key, 19. 30. .................................... , Parging Exercises, 12mo. Od....... ...... Johnson's Rasselas, edited by Hunter, 12mo. 2s.60..... Lowres's Englislı Parsing, 1$mo. 18..................... M‘Leod's Goldsmith's Deserted Villnge, 12mn, 18. Od... Milton's Paradise Lost, Book I. by Hunter, 12mo. .... Morell's Analysis of Sentences, 12mo. 2s. .............. Shakspeare's Henry VIII. by Hunter, 12mo. 23. 6d...... 3 Julius Caesar, by Hunter, 12mo. .......... 20 POLITICAL ECONOMY, LOGIC, PUBLIC SPEAKING. Humphreya's Manual of Political Science, fcp. Svo. 38. 6d. 35 Morell's Handbook of Logic, fcp. 8vo. 23. .............. 43 Rowton's Debater, fcp. 8vo. 6s. .. Thomson's Laws of Thought, post Svo. 59. 60... ENGLISH READING-BOOKS. Graduated Series of Reading-Lesson Books, 5 vols.fcp.10s. 11 Huglies's School Prose, 12mo. s. ill. ..... Jones's Liturgical Class-Book, 12mo. 13. Od............. M'Leod's First Book: Reading and Writing, 18ıno. 6d. 40 » Reading-Book, 30.; Reading-Lessons, 39. 4. Second School Book, ismo. 90. ............. Mann's Lessons in General Knowledge, 3 Series, 18. eo Pycroft's English Reading, fcp. 8vo. 09...... Sewell's Speaker and Holidny Task-Book, 12mo. Os... Simple Truths from Scripture, 18ino. Gd. ..... Smart's Shakspearian Rendings, 12.no. 53... , Practice of Llocution, 12mo. 43. ..... Sullivan's Literary Class-Book, 12.no. 23. Cd. ...... SPELLING-BOOKS. Carpenter's Spelling Assistant, 12mo. 1s. ... Ditto, edited by M.Leod, 12mo. 13. 60... Graham's English Spelling, 12mo. Is. Od...... Ilornsey's Pronouncing Expositor, 12mo. 2s.... Lowrcs's Spelling and Dictation, 12mo. Is. Mavor's Spelling-Book, 12mo. 18. 6d. ....... Sullivan's First Steps to English, j0d. ..... , Spelling-Book Superseded, 18mo. ls. 40.... SYNONYMES. Graham's English Synonymes, fcp. 8vo. 19. .... Rogct's English Thesaurus, crowu 8vo. 10s. Cd. ........ 34 *......... 36 College Editions of Greek Authors, &c. GREEK GRADUSES. LEXICONS. &c. Bloomfield's Greek-English Lexicon to the New Tes- tument, fcp. 8vo. 108. O(l. 22 Donaldson's Copious Greek Lexicon .................. 18 Robinson's Greek-English Lexicon to the New Testa- ment, 8vo. 188. 46 Yonge's English-Greek Lexicon, 4to. 215... GREEK PLAYS, &c. Euripides, by Mujor, post Svo. 249. ................. Sophocles, by Linwood, Svo. 168. .................... Sophocles' Edipus Rex, by Brasse, post 8vo. 58. ... Edipus Coloneus, by Brasse, post 8vo. 59. Antigone, by Brasse, post 8vo. 69. ....... Philoctetes, by Burges, post Svo. os. ..... Ajax, by Valpy, post Svo. 6s......... Electra, by Valpy, post Svo. 5s. .......... Theatre of the Greeks, Svo. 14s. ................ Walford's Handbook of the Greek Drama, fcp. Svo. 6s.. HERODOTUS. Herodotus, by Stocker, 2 vols. post Svo. 138............. 47 XENOPHON. Xenophon's Anabasis, by TVhite, 12mo. 79. Gd. ........ Memorabilia, by Hickie, post Svo. 73. 60.... Elementary Latin Works, Grammars, &c. LATIN DICTIONARIES AND GRADUSES. Rich's Dictionary of Roman and Greek antiquitics, post 8vo. 123. 60. Riddle's Latin-English and English-Latin Dictionary, 8vo. 213.; and square 12mo. 10s. Cd. 45 Diamond Latin-English Dictionary,r. 32mo. 45. 45 Latin-English. Lexicon, 4to. 319. 60. .......... 45 Latin-English Dictionary, Svo. 109.; 12mo. 6s. 45 English-Latin Dictionary. Svo. 78.; 12mo. 58.... 45 and arnold's English-Latin Lexicon, Svo. 259. 15 English-Latin Dictionary, 10s. 60. 15 White and Riddle's Latin-English Dictionary, roy, 8vo. 1S Yonge's Dictionary of Latin Epithets, post 8vo. 35. Od. 62 » Latin Gradus, post Svo. Is......... LATIN GRAMMARS AND EXERCISES. Bradley's Latin Exercises, 12mo. 39. 60.; Key, 58....... Lessons in Latin Prose ................ Collis's Praxis Latina, in 2 Parts, 12mno. 58. 6d. Latiu Irregular Verbs, Svo. ls. ... Pontes Classici, No. I. Latin, 12mo. 38.6d. i Ponticulus Latinus, ls....... Hall's Latin Roots, 12mo. is 6d... Hiley's Latiu Grammar, 12mo. 3s. ....... , Exercises, 12mo. 2s. ........... Howard's Introductory Latin Exercises, 12mo. 23. Od... , Latiu Exercises Extended, 12mo. 33. 60. ; 33 Key, 25. 6d. ......... Kennedy's Latin Grammar, 12mo. 3s. 64. ...... 1 Primer, 12mo. 2s. Prose Materials, 12mo. (s. ........ * Prose Style, 12mo. 4s. Od... Major's Selections from the Spectator, 12ino, 3s. Od..... Moody's Latin Grammar, 12mo. 2s. 60. ; Accidence, 1s. Pycroft's Latin Grammar Practice, 12mo. 2s. 60. ...... Vulpy's Latin Grammar, 12mo. 28. 6. ........ Walioru's lintin Elegiacs, 2 Series, 12mo. 2s. 60. each .. Grammar of Latin Poetry, 12mo. 1s. ........ Shilling Latin Grammar, 12mo. ls. ........ Exercises in Latin Prose, 12ino. 28. Od. ..... Bints on Latin Writing, royal 8vo. 18. Od. .. Latin Accidence Card, 8vo. ls. ...... Prosody Card, 8vo. Is. ................ • Syntax Card, 8vo. 13 ........... White's Latin Grammar, complete, 12mo. 2s.6d ..... Accidence, 12mo. 1s............... Eton Latin Grammer, 12mo. ls. 9d. ..... Higher Latin Gran inar, 12mo. 18.00. ..., Latin Suflixes, post 8vo. 58. ...... Wilkins's Notes for Latin Lyrics, 12mo. 48. 60. ...... Yonge's * Own Sense" Verse Exercises, 12mo. 4s. Od... Latin Prose Exercises, 12mo. 6s. 60.; Key, 18. 52 Zumpt's Latin Grammar, Svo. 149. ; and 12mo. 4s. .... 52 Elementary Greek Works, Grammars, &c. GREEK GRAMARS, EXERCISE-Books, &c. Collis's Praxis Græca. I. Etymology, 12mo. 23. 6d. ... II. Syntur, 12mo. (s. .. is III. Accentuation, 12mo. 3s. ..... Jambica, 12mo. 18. 6d...... Pontes Classici, No. II. Grock, 12mo. 3s. Od.. Ponticulus Græcus, Is. ..................... Greek Irregular Verbs, 8vo. 18. ............... Anil's Greek Roots, 12mo. 55. .... lloward's Greek Exercises, 12mo. 58. Gu.; Key, 23. 6d... ·Kenncdy's Greek Grammar, 12ino. 18. Od......... » Verse Materials, 12mno. 55. Gd. Kuuner's Greek Grammar, 8vo. 7s. 60 ............ Major's Greek Praxis, 12mo. 2s.6d. ....... Moody's Greek Grammar, 12mo. .s...... I'ycroft's Greek Grammar Practice, 12mo. 39. 00.. Valpy's Greek Grammar, 8vo. Os. 6d. ...... » Delectus, 12mo. 49.; Key, 25. 60. .... . Primitives, 12mo. 43......... Walford's Greek Accents Card, 6d....... London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. A2 11 CLASSIFIED INDEX TO SCHOOL CATALOGUE FOR 1861. 55 PAGE 48 LATIN READING-BOOKS. Kennedy's First Latin Reading-Book, 12mo. 28......... Second 12mo. 5s......... 37 Rapier's Second Verse-Book, 12mo. 38. 6d.; Key, 25. 6d. 44 Valpy's Latin Delectus, 12mo. 2s.6d.; Key, 3s. Od..... 50 » Sacræ Historiæ Epitome, 18010. 28. ............ LATIN VOCABULARIES. Kennedy's Latin Vocabulary, 12mo. 38. .............. 37 Valpy's Latin Etymology, fcp. 4to. 19. .... GEOGRAPHY-continued. PAQE Stepping-Stone to Geography, 18mo. Is... Sterne's School Geography, fcp. Svo. 39. 66........ Sullivan's Geography Generalised, 12mo. 2s. ..... Introduction to Geography, 18mo. 13......... 47 Cicero, by, White, Bradlesno. 2s.67e; 12% 11 School Editions of Latin Classical Authors. Cogar, by Anthon, 12mo. 48. 6d. ...... ....... 21 , Anthon's, inproved by Hawkins, 12mo. 45. Gd. 21 Cicero, by Anthon, 12mo. Gs. .......................... ... by White, 12mo. 38. od...................... Cornelius Nepos, by Bradley, 12mo. 38. Od............. Eutropius, by Bradley, 12mo. 23. 6d................ Horace, by Girdlestone and Osbome, 12mo. 78. 60...... Odes and Epodes, by Yonge, 12mo. 38. ........ Satires and Epistles, by Yonge, 12mo.33.60. .... Livy, Book III. Part I. by Humphreys, 8vo. 88. 60,... , Books I. to III. by Hickie, post Svo. Ss. 60...... Ovid's Metamorphoses, by Bradley, 12mo. 49. 60...... Ovid and Tibullus, by Valpy, 12mo. 48. 6ā......... Plædrus, by Bradley, 12ino. 28. 60. ..... Sallust, by Anthon, 12mo. 68....... Tacitus, by White, 12mo. 4s. 6d...... Terence (Reinhardt's), by Hickie, 12mo. 98. 60. .... Virgil, by Pycroft, 12mo. 78. 60.. by Valpy, ismo. 7s. 1d..... Bine is COD RUDI of of chemistr Net n's Cherontione mistrers, crowo. So ....... Mechanics, Science, Natural History. ASTRONODIY, METEOROLOGY, AND NAVIGATION. Arago's Popular Astronomy, 2 vols. 8vo. 458.......... Boyd's Naval Cadet's Manual, post 8vo. 123. Od....... Galbraith and Haughton's Astronomy, 12mo. 29. .... Herschel's Treatise on Astronomy, fcp. 8vo. 39. 6d. . Outlines of Astronomy, 8vo. 183. .......... Jeans's Problems in Astronomy, 12mo. 68. ........ „ Landbook for the Stars, 8vo. 38. 6d..... Navigation, Part I. Practical, 12mo. 49. .. 2 PART II. Theoretical, ős.......... Moseley's Astro-Theology, fcp. 8vo. 4s. GU...... Narrien's Astronomy and Geodesy, 8vo. 148........ Stepping-Stone to Astronomy, 18mo. 19. .............. Tate's Astronomy, 18mo. 9d. .......................... Webb's Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes, 7s. .. 51 CHEMISTRY. Buckmaster's Inorganic Chemistry, 18mo. 28. .......... Conington's Chemical Analysis, post 8vo. 78. Od. ...... Marcet's Conversations on Clicmistry, 2 v. fcp. 8vo. 148. Odling's Manual of Chemistry ........................ Piesse's Laboratory of Wonders, crown Svo. 6s. 60...... Tate's Experimental Chemistry, 1$mo. Id. ..... Thomson's School Chemistry, New Edition ... ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. Tate's Electricity, 18mo. 98. ........................ » Magnetism, Voltaic Electricity, &c. 18mo. 9d.... ENGINEERING, FORTIFICATION, &c. Hodge's Catechism of Tortification, 12mo. 29. 60. ...... 32 Kimber's Vauban's First System, 8vo. Js.; Plate, Is. 6d. 37 Modern System of Construction, 6s .......... Field Works, Svo. Os......................... Macdougall's Campaigns of Hannibal, post Svo. 79. 60.. Theory of War, post 8vo. 108. 60. ........ seley's Engineering and Architecture, 8vo. 248....... HYDRAULICS AND HYDROSTATICS. Galbraith and Haughton's Hydrostatics, 12mo. 28. .... Tate's Eydrostatics, 18ino. Ninepence .. MECHANICS. Galbraith and Haughton's Mechanics, 12mo. 38. Goodeve's Elements of Mechanism, post 8vo. 6s. 6d..... 1.owdes's Engineer's Handbook, post 8vo. 59.1.......... Main & Brown's Marine Steam Engine, 8vo. 128. Od.... y Questions on ditto, 8vo. 45. 62. ........ • Indicator & Dynamometer, Svo. 43. 60. Moseley's Mechavics, fcp. 8vo. Zs........ Salmon ou Conic Sections, 8vo. 128. .......... 46 Tite's Mechanical Philosophy, 8vo. 109. Od..... , Meclianics, 12mo. 25.; Key, 39. 60. 49 , and Steam-Engine, 18mo. 9d. ...... » Mechanism, 12mo. 38. Ga.. Twisden's Examples in Practical Mechanics, p. 8vo. 125. 15 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Herschel's Preliminary Discourse, fcp. 8vo. 38. 60. ...... 31 Marcet's Conversations on Natural Philosophy, 10s. 64. 39 Land and Water, Svo. 58. 6d. 39 Tate's Natural & Experimental Philosophy, 2 vols. 5s.6d. 49 » Natural History of Familiar Things, 18mo. Is.... NATURAL HISTORY AND BOTANY. Greene's Manual of Calenteratr, fcp. 8vo. , of Protozoa, fcp. Svo. 28. ..... Lee's Natural History, fcp. Svo. 78. 60. ...... Lindley's Treasury of Botany, fcp. 8vo.... Marcet's Lessons on Animals, &c., 18mo. 2s............. Maunder's Treasury of Naturul Ilstory, for. 8vo. 109... Owen's Stepping-Stone to Natural History, 18mo. 2s.6d, 48 , Natural History for Beginners, 18ino. 28, ...... 29 OFTICS AND PHYSICS. Galbraith and Haughton's Optics, 12mo. 2s........ Peschel's Physics, 3 vols. fcp. 8vo. 218. .... Tate on Light and Ecat, 18mo. Od. ... PHYSIOLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY. Bray's Physiology for Schools, 12mo. 1s. ..... Ficlite's Mental Philosophy, by Morell, fcp. 8vo. 58..... 43 Mann's Book of Health, 18mo. Ia. .................... Marshall's Physiology for Schools, crown 8vo.......... Morell's Elements of Psychology, PARTI. post 8vo.78.0d. 43 Steppivg-Stone to Animal and Vegetable Physiology, 18. 48 Geographical Worls and Atlases. ATLASES. Brewer's Historical & Geographical Atlas, 123. 60. .. Butler's Ancient Atlas, royal 8vo. 128....... Junior Ancient Atlas, royal 8vo. 4s. 60.... General Atlas, royal fto. 248. Wo......... Modern Atlas, royal 8vo. 12s............. Junior Modern Atlas, royal 8vo. 4s. 60.... Outline Maps, 78. 60....... i's First Atlas, oblong 4to. 18. 60. ...... Map-Projcctions, ls. ; Outline Maps, 1s...... Ilughes's Elementary Atlns, 18mo. 18...... Introductory Atlas, 12mo. 28. 60. ..... Physical Atlas, royal 8vo. 108. 6d....... School Physical Atlas, 12mo. ls. (d. M'Leod's Scripture Atlas, royal 8vo. 78................. 40 Hand-Atlas of General Geography,18mo. 23.6d. 40 Class-Atlas of Physical Geography, 18mo.28.00. 40 Middle Class Atlas for 1861, 4to. 2s........... 14 Plysical Atlas of Great Britain and Ireland.. 19 GEOGRAPHY. Adams's Geographical Word-Expositor, 12mo. 29. 60... 21 Bowman's Questions on Hall's First Atlas, 2s.......... , on M'Leod's Physical Atlas, 18. .. 40 Butler's Ancient Geography, post Svo. 48. .... 23 , Modern Geography, post Svo. 48. ...... Geography complete, post 8vo. 78. 60...... 23 Cunningham's Geography, fcp. 8vo. 28. ... Dowling's Introduction to Goldsmith, 18mo. 9d.. Questions on ditto, 18mo. Id.; Key, 9d. ...... Falmouth's Conversations on Gcography, fcp. 8vo. 78. 6d. 27 Goldsmith's Geography, fcp. 8vo. 38. 60.; Key, 18mo. 18. 30 Eiley's First Geography, 18mo. 9d. .................... . Progressive Geography, 12mo. 2s. ..... Hughes's (E.) Elementary Geography, 18mo. 18..... Physical Geograplıy, 12mo. 38. 60........ Questions on ditto, fcp. 8vo. 60.......... Outlines of Scripture Geography, 48. Od.. 34 Hughes's (W.) Manual of General Geograpliy, 78. od.... 35 i British Geography, fcp. 8vo. 29. 35 Mathematical Geography, fcp.8vo. 48.6d. 35 General Geography, in Gicig's School Series, 18mo. Ninepence 35 British Geography, in Gleig's School Series, 18mo. Ninepence 35 Child's First Geography, in Gleig's School Series, 18mo. Ninepence Johnston's Geveral Gazetteer, Svo. 303. ....... Keith on the Globes, 12ino. 6s. 60.; Key, 28. 6d...... Kemp's Conversutions on England, fcp. 8vo. Is. 60. .... M'Leod's Geography of Palestine, 12mo. 18. 60. ..... 40 , Geographical Questions, 12mo. Is....... 40 Life and Travels of St. Paul, 12mo. 28........ Mangnall's Geography, 12mo. 7s. Od. ..... Maunder's Treasury of Geography, fcp. 8vo. 105....... 42 43 :::::: 36 Kerem eod's Geographicravels of $65. 6. c. 8vo. Los 36 :::::::: 28 14 41 London: LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. 56 CLASSIFIED INDEX TO SCHOOL CATALOGUE FOR 1861. es SCIENCE, NATURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL, PAGE Galbraith and Haugliton's Two Series of Scientific Manuals ..................... Maunder's Scientific Treasury, fcp. Svo. 109. ..... Tate's Little Philosopher, Vol. I. Ismo.3s. 6d. ; Pt. IV.ls. 49 ........... 30 ......... 42 FRENCH DICTIONARIES. PAGE Contansenu's Practical French Dictionary, p. 8vo. 108. d. 26 Nugent's French Dictionary, ismo.4s. 60.; 12mo. 78. Od. 14 GRAMMARS, EXERCISE-BOOKS, &c. Cainbier's French Grammar, 12mo. 6s.......... Charente's French Grammar, for. 8vo. 108. Od...... y Exercises, fcp. Svo. 105. 0d..... Collis's French Grammar, 12mo. 3s. 60. .............. Coutanseau's French Grammar, 12mo. 4s....... Guide to French Translation, 12mo. 35. Od.; Key to the same, 3s. 60. 10 Eamel's French Grammar, 12mo. 45. ......... ...... 16 Exercises, 12mno. 4s.; Kcy, 43.......... 31 Grammar and Exercises, by Lambert, 12mo. 55. Od. ; Key, 4s. Tarver's French Grammar, 12mo. 33. .................. Exercises, 12mo. 38. ; Key, 38. ........ 50 , (L.) Début dans l'Étude de la Langue Française, crown 8vo. 35. Gd. 50 Tyrel's Polyglot Grammar, oblong 12mo. 10s. Od....... 16 Household Grainmar, French and English, 1s.(d. 19 Williams's Hindustani Primer, 121o. ls. Sd........... Williams and Mather's Hindu Grammar, 12mo. 23. 6d. 52 Wintzer's First German Book, fep. Svo. Zs. Gu......... READING-BOOKS. Cambier's French Rending-Book, 12mo. 09... Contaubeau's Abrégé d'Histoire de France, 12mo. 55. Cd. Prosateurs et Poètes Français, 12mo. 6s. 6d. Just's German Reading Book, 12mo. 38. Od...... Lacaita's Italian Rending-Book, 12mo. 5s.............. Metcalfe's History of German Literature, post Svo. 78. 60. Muller's German Reading-Book, post Svo. 123........ Rowan's Morceaux Choisis, fcp. Svo. 6s......... Scwell's Contes Faciles, fcp. Svo.............. , Extraits Choisis, crowu Svo. 5s..... Tarver's French Reading-Book, 12mo. 73. Gd. Choix en Prose, 12ino. 39. 60.......... Vers, 12mo. 3s. 60.......... (H.) Le Conteur, crown 8vo. 6s. 60. ..... Williams's Bág-o-Babúr in English type, post 8vo. 5s... 62 52 ......... 13 i ::::: History,. Chronology, Mythology, &c. BIOGRAPHY. Glcig's Book of Biograplıy, iSmo. Id................... Maunder's Biographical Treasury, fcp. 8vo. 103......... Merivale's Life and Letters of Cicero, 12mo. Is. 60. .... Stepping-Stone to Biography, 18mo. ls. ............. CHRONOLOGY. Brewer's Poetical Chronology, fcp. Svo, 3s. Gd. ..... y Historical Atlas, royal 8vo. 12s. 60. ..... Conybenre's School Chronology, square 12mo. ]s. ... Hori's Chronology, iSmo. 4s. ...................... Ilowlett's Clironological Tables, Hto. 5s. 6d... 3 Metrical Chronology, nost Svo. 7s. ....... Jnquemet's Chronology for Schools, fcp. Svo. 3s. Od..... Nicolas's Chronology of History, fcp. Svo. 3s. 60. ...... Slater's Sententiae Chronologico, 12mo. 3s. 6d. ..... . Chronological Chart, 6s. .................... Valpy's Poetical Chronology, 12mo. 2s.6d... Wood werd's Chronological & Historical Encyclopædia 20 CLASSICAL DICTIONARIES AND MYTHOLOGY. Barker's Lemprière's Classical Dictionary, 8vo. 123. .... Cox's Tales from Greek Mythology, squnré 16mo. 3s. 6d. 9 Hort's Mythology, 18mo. 43. 60. ....................... Lempridre's Classical Dictionary, 8vo. Is. ....... Rich's Illustrated Classical Dictionary, post Svo. 12s.6d. 5 HISTORY AND LITERATURE. Anthony's Footsteps to Modern History, fcr. 8vo. 5s. Od. 21 Attwell's Manual of General History, post 8vo. 2s. 60... Bullour's Sketches of English Literature, 7s. ... Brewer's Historical Atlas, royal Svo. 128. 60. ..... Browne's Ancient Greece, 18mo. Id. ............. Rome, 18mo. 90..................... · Clough's Greek History, from Plutarch, fcp. Svo. Gs..... Contanseau's Abrégé d'Histoire de France, 72mo. Js. 6d. 16 , Précis de Littérature Française, 12mo.5s.. 16 Corrier's Historical Questions, 12mo. 7s. ... Crowe's History of France, Vol. I. 8vo. 14s.; Vol. II. 159. 3 Edwards' History of England, fcp. Svo. 3s. d....... Tarr's History of England, 12mo. 55. Od. .... Gleig's British Colonies, 18mo. 90. .......... , India, Ismo. Id. ......... History of England, 18mo. Is. 60. .... France, 18mo. 9d. Sacred History, 18ino. ls. 60. ..... Hensman's Handbook of the Constitution, fcp. 8vo. 43. Keightley's Outlines of History, fcp. Svo. 35. 6. .. Kemp's Conversations on England, fcp. Svo. Is. 60. .... Mackintosh's History of England, 2 vols. 8vo. 218....... Mangnell's Questions, 12mo. 45. Ga..... Marcet's Conversations on English History, 18mo, 5s... Mauder's Historical Treasury, fcp. 8vo. 10$. .......... Menzies' Analysis of English History, &c. 18mo. ls. .... Derivale's Romans under the Empire, Vols. I. to VI... Fall of the Roman Republic, 12mo. Ts. Od... Mure's Greek Language and Literature, 5 vols. 695. .... Questions on four Histories in Gleig's Series, 18mo. 90 Schmitz's History of Greece, 12mo. 7s.6d. .......... Scott's History of Scotland, 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. 75. ........ Sewell's Ancient Elistory of Egypt, &c. ..... , Child's History of Rome, fcp. 8vo. 23. 60.... First History of Grecce, fcp. 8vo. 3s. ld. ... Stafford's Universal History, fcp. 8vo. 118. ... Stcphen's Lectures on History of France, 2 v. 8vo. 24s. Siepping-Stone to English History, 18mo. ls. ........ French History, 18mo. ls. ...... Grecian History, iSmo. ls. ...... Roman History, iSmo. 18. ... Thirlwall's Greece, S vols. 8vo. £3; S vols. fcp. 28s. Tytler's Elements of General History, 8vo. l4s. ........ Valpy's Latin Epitome of Sacred History, 18mo. 23.... 51 Cole History Histoineure Fros. vol. 1 D.US.................. cet's Conistorical English Historie Religious, Moral, and Theological Works. BIBLICAL LITERATURE. Conybeare and Howson's St. Paul, 2 vols. price 31s. Od. 26 Horne's Introduction to the Scriptures, 4 vols. 739. 60... Compendium of ditto, 12mo. Is........ iddle's Manual of Scripture History, fcp. Svo. 45...... , Outlincs of Scripture History, fep. Svo. 2s.6d.. Stepping-Stone to Bible Knowledge, ismo. 18...... CONCORDANCES, GREEK TESTAMENTS, &c. Bloomfield's Greek Testament, 2 vols. Svo. £2. 8s..... Annotations on ditto, 8vo. 14s........... Greek Testament, fcp. 8vo. 7s. Gd. ........ Lexicon to the Greek Testament, 78. Od... Robinson's Lexicon to the Greek Testament, Svo. 188... 45 HISTORY. Gleig's Sacred History, 18mo. Is. (d. ..... ............... 29 Sewell's History ofthe Early English Church,18mo. 48.6d. 46 Valpy's Latin Epitome of Sacred History, 18no. 29. ... MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Cook on the Acts of the Apostles, post Svo. 58.... Cotton's Introduction to Confirmation. 18mo. 28. Od.... 27 i Short Prayers for Boys, 18mo. Is. 60. .......... Forsliall's Gospel of St. Luke, fcp. Svo. 23. 60.......... , Gospel of St. Jolin, fcp. 8vo. 13. Od........... Humphreys's Manual of Moral Philosopliy, fcp.Svo. 2s.6d. British Government in India, fcp, 23. 60. Jones's Liturgical Class-Book, 12mo. Is. 60. ........... Mather's Hindustani Clavis to New Testament & Psalms Micrivale's Christian Records, fcp. Svo. Ts. Od........... Paley's Evidences and Iloræ, by Potts, 8vo. 10s. Od..... Readings for Lent, from Jeremy Taylor, fcp. 8vo. 5s... 16 : Confirmation, fep. Svo. 45........ ....... Sewell's Self-Exam. before Confirmation, 32mo. Is. Od. 46 Simple Truths from Scripture, ismo. Sixpence ........ Taylor's Word Pictures from the Bible, 12mo. 13. Od.... PALESTINE. Hughes's Bible Atlas, 12mo. ls. 60..... , Scripture Geography & History, 12mo. 48. Od. 34 MI'Lcod's Palostine, 12mo. Is. Od............ Scripture Atlas, royal 8vo. 7s. .............. 40 • • • L'orslin, Shoreduction de Ap • Humpolcospettayers to consties, • • Grecinh History, 18me • • • imple self-contri mom son bueno sto French, Italian, German, and Hindu. PHRASEOLOGY AND PRONUNCIATION, Albitès' How to Speak French,12mo. 5s. 6d............. Le Censeur, by dialle. L. D. G. fcp. 8vo. 23. Od......... Sadler's French Pronuncintion and Conversatiori, ls. .. 18 Tarver's French Phraseology, 12mo. 33............... ........... London: LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. GRADUATED SERIES OF ENGLISH READING-BOOKS. The second section consists of a collection of easy fables and parables, which will prove influential in the hands of the teacher who can point a moral with effect. The pieces forming the miscellaneous section, with which the Tirst Book closes, are designed to introduce the young learner to that kind of variety in the treatment of simple themes which he will meet with on a slightly extended scale when he passes to the Second Book. The reading lessons of the SECOND Book are arranged in three groups, under the heads of Miscellancous, Stories of Animals, and Adventure. To these a small collection of simple Ballads has been added. In this, as in the other books, the grand end aimed at has been to cultivate a taste for reading by presenting to the pupil only that sort of material which he is capable of assimilating in an easy and healthy manner. A glance at the subjects of the pieces will show that the Editor has made a diligent endeavour to furnish, in ample variety, some congenial food for those faculties whose ascendancy at the age for which the book is intended the teacher should accept as a fact in mental physiology,-a fact not to be ignored or suppressed, but to be taken bold of as a means of culture. Thus, for instance, it will be perceived that the Miscellaneous section is enriched with a due amount of the imaginative element. The Stories of Animals are preliminary to the Natural History division of the Third Book. They have reference chiefly to domestic animals, but also to a few tropical. ones which possess features of rare interest for children. The lessons given under the head of Adventure consist of one or two graphic sea-sketches, followed by a succession of vivid pictures from Robinson Crusoe. It is believed and hoped that these last will pave the way for an early acquaintance with the famous original itself. The lessons of the THIRD BOOK are arranged in four divisions :-Miscellaneous, Descriptive Travel, Natural History, and Historical Narrative. In the Miscellaneous division a short collection of poems is added to the prose Exercises. The poems have been selected solely on account of their combination of simplicity and substantial interest. The prose lessons occasionally take a didactic turn, but without detriment, it is believed, to their entertaining features, and without embarrassing the learner with subtleties of thought or expression. The Descriptive Travel of the third volume, being introductory to the corre- sponding department in Books IV. and V., has reference to North Europe only. A few technical or scientific expressions, the use of which could not well be dispensed with, and which rather lie out of what may be supposed to be the average range of the pupil's know- ledge, are explained in brief notes. The Natural History touches chiefly on that portion of animated nature with whichi, in this country, we are all in more or less frequent and familiar contact. To certain descriptions which are furnished of the most marvellous displays of instinct, the Editor attaches, in an educational point of view, a high importance. Under the head of History will be found a series of sketches, freed as much as possible from all detail that is not graphic. These sketches are intended to present a general, rudimentary, and, as it were, a panoramic view of the more important or entertaining features of English history, up to the date of the Battle of Waterloo. Book the Fourth, which was published first on account of the more pressing demands for such a volume, carries the series a step in advance in the same direction, and is designed for the highest class of small rural schools. “The contents of the Fourth Book," observed a critical writer in the Inquirer newspaper, "are gathered from the richest and most varied “ fields of literature. In the first Miscellaneous section, we have, among many others, the “ works of Herschel, Channing, Ruskin, Leigh Hunt, Irving, Sterne, Charles Lamb, Guizot, London : LONGMAN, GREEN, and co. Paternoster Row, E.C. GRADUATED SERIES OF ENGLISH READING-BOOKS. “Scott, and Emerson, laid under contribution. In the part which treats of Descriptive “ Travel, we have some of the finest word-painting from the works of Parkyns, Warburton, “ Kingslake, Hettner, W. Ware, Gallenga, Laing, and Wills. The Natural History is " written by Waterton, Kirby, Spence, A. Karr, Buckland, Lewes, Gordon Cumming, “ Livingstone, and other naturalists; whilst the Eistory is gathered from the finest passages < in the works of Arnold, Macaulay, Hallam, Froude, Cavendish, Stanley, Russell, Bancroft, “ Carlyle, and D'Israeli. The Biography and Natural Science and Physics are equally “ attractive and excellent...For children of ten years old and upwards there is not a selection " that is not full of interest, and that is not sure to command their sympatbies. The book « is one of the cheapest, as well as the best, that has come under our notice. We commend “ it very strongly to the attention of every teacher, whether in our elementary schools or in “our homes, and earnestly hope it may attain the end its compiler had in view, of training "up some good readers to cheer and charm the poor man's fireside, and to pour the rich “ stream of modern attainment into thirsting, though humble, souls.” The arrangement of the FIFTH Book corresponds with that of Book IV., embracing the same departments of knowledge, but, of course, from a more advanced point of view. The Miscellaneous section presents, in ample variety, typical specimens of our best writers from the Johnsonian era to the present day. The Descriptive Travel has reference to those por- tions of the globe which, in accordance with the general plan, the preceding volumes have left untouched; and its chief aim is to direct attention to the results of scientific inquiry with regard to cosmical phenomena in general. The section on Natural History has been restricted to the more interesting examples of feræ nature. The History continues the thread where it is broken off in Book IV., viz. from 1688 to the present time, and it necessarily dwells largely on the events which attended the administration or the acquisition of our chief foreign possessions. The chapters on the English Constitution, with which this section closes, present a general tableau of leading points of interest and importance. To the division on Natural Science a series of valuable chapters on the prominent questions connected with Social Science is appended. The Five Books of this series are arranged, each in corresponding sections, on a serial and uniform scheme of progressive, yet constantly varied, selections. Book the FIRST is adapted to the comprehension of children who have mastered the first steps in reading. Book the SECOND contains miscellanies, tales of adventure, imaginative and real, anecdotes in natural history, and ballad poetry,all preliminary to the Third Book. Book the THIRD comprises literary selections in prose and verse, descriptive travel, natural history (with reference to the previous section), and narratives of English history. Book the FOURTH, to which the Third Book is introductory, is a further extension of the same general plan, with the addition of a division on the more popular branches of Natural Science and Physics, sequentially arranged. Book the FIFTH, which completes the Course, forms a further advance and a completion of the general plan, and aims at answering the practical purposes of a Class-Book of later English Literature. The PROSPECTUS of the Graduated Series of Reading Books forms page 11 of the present Catalogue. The Editor's plau is more fully explained in connexion with the Contents of each Book, accompanied by some observations on the method of teaching the art of reading in English schools, in the Descriptive Catalogue of the Series, which may be had gratis of all Booksellers, and free of postage on application to Messrs. LONGMAN and Co. 39 Paternoster Row, London. mmmmmmmmmmm London: LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO. Paternoster Row, E.C. EN L ow URINENSY SPOTTISWOODE & CO. NEVY-STRIET SVARE Just Published, New Edition, Price 3s. 6d., JACKSON'S COMPLETE S SYSTEM OF BOOK-KEEPING BY DOUBLE ENTRY: IN THREE SETS OF BOOK S; WITH Questions for Examination, AND NUMEROUS EXERCISES ON THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF BOOK-KEEPING. TO WHICH IS ADDED BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTRY; WITH A COLLECTION OF COMMERCIAL LETTERS ADAPTED BOTH FOR FOREIGN AND INLAND CORRESPONDENCE, BY MARCUS TROTTER, PROFESSOR OF BOOK-KEEPING, ETC. ETC. mm THE present Edition of JACKSON'S BOOK-KELPING has been pre- pared in order to meet a continued and increasing demand for a book that has long since attained the rank of a standard work on the subject of which it treats. This position it still maintains against numerous competitors, every one of which has professed to teach the science in a simpler or better mode. But they have not stood that test of trial to which this work has been so long subjected. This appears to be due to the fact that JACKSON's plan approximates much nearer to the real nature of a Merchant's or a Trader's every- day business than any other known work on Book-keeping. It fur- ther presents, in its three sets of Books by Double Entry, a specimen of the most simple class of accounts, as well as of the most compli- cated Company transactions. Thus it is that the learner possesses in this work the means of becoming acquainted with the business of the counting-house in its minor as well as in its principal details. 2 JACKSON'S COMPLETE SYSTEM OF BOOK-KEEPING. The chief difficulty to be surmounted by students of Book-keeping, is to discriminate correctly, in journalizing, between the Dr. and Cr. sides of an account. This difficulty too often induces the young student to become a mere copyist of the printed entries. The pro- per use of the “ Waste Book” will here be manifest. In that book every transaction is simply recorded in full under its proper date. The learner who is required to exercise his judgment in correctly journalizing the entries from the Waste Book will soon acquire a great facility in this important part of the science. As further aids, Questions on the three sets of Books, and “Exercises on the Prin- ciples and Practice of Book-keeping,” are inserted. To remove doubt, the Answers are appended; but the proper use of the Ques- tions cannot fail to lead to a right understanding of the true meaning of all that is comprehended under the word "Posting.” The entries in the Ledger have been compressed, where possible, into a single line; but they will be found to exhibit the full nature of the transaction without the constant necessity of referring for details to the Journal. Brevity and comprehensiveness have here been kept in view. has added a set of Books by Single Entry, for the use of persons engaged in small retail trades. A number of Commercial Letters, forms of Bills, Receipts, Pro- tests, &c., &c., are appended. Nothing has been left undone to make this Edition correct in details, and neat in appearance and typographical arrangement. The errors which had gradually accumulated in the course of many editions have been corrected; the old coinage of continental countries bas been replaced by that at present in use; and, to aid such cal- culations, a Table of Foreign and Continental Moneys and Ex- with a view to the increased usefulness of the work; but at the same time due care has been taken not to interfere with the GENERAL SYSTEM laid down by JACKSON. branch of the education of youth in all classes of society, cannot be over-estimated; as, whilst it is absolutely necessary for those in- tended for Trades and Professions, for the Counting-house, or for Government Offices, it cannot but be extremely useful to every one who has large disbursements to make, and considerable sums to receive. To all such, and to the Teachers of such, this new and improved edition of JACKSON'S BOOK-KEEPING is submitted, in the hope that it will still farther advance the prestige and usefulness of the original Treatise. DUBLIN: M©GLASHAN & GILL, 50, UPPER SACKVILLE-STREET. - WHITTAKER & CO., AVE MARIA LANE, LONDON. JOHN MENZIES, EDINBURGH. - - - APPROVED SCHOOL AND COLLEGE BOOKS, EDITED BY WHEELER, AND OTHER EMINENT CLASSICAL SCHOLARS. Used in Trinity College, Dublin, and most of the large Educational Establishments in Ireland. The WORKS of HORACE: The Commentary for the Odes on the Basis of Anthon, and for the Satires and Epistles on that of M'Caul. With Copious Annotations, partly Original, and partly selected from Bentley, Doering, Mitscherlich, Jahn, Heinrich, Dillenberger, and Orelli, by GEORGE B. WREELER, A. M. Third Edition. 12mo, bound, 78. 6d. enavatele Vol. 1-The ODES and EPODES. 12mo, bound, 4s... Or, separately,-Vol 2-The SATIRLS and EPISTLES. 12mo, bound, 4s. 6a. The WORKS of HORACE: literally Translated in strict accord- ance with the Text of M'CAUL and WHECLER'Edition of the Works of Horace. With a brief account of the Life and Writings of Horace. By H. WARING, A. M. Second Edition. 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An ELEMENTARY TREATISE on HYDROSTATICS and HY- DRODYNADIICS. By ANDREW SEARLE HART, LL. D., Senior Fellow of Trinity Col- lege, Dublin. Svo, cloth, 5s. An ELEMENTARY TREATISE on MECHANICS. By ANDREW SEARLE Hart, LL. D., Senior Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. Second Edition. Svo, cloth, 4s. BELL'S MODERN READER aud SPEAKER: a Selection of Poetry and Prose from the Writings of Eminent Authors, with copious Extracts for Recitation; preceded by the Principles of Elocution, comprising a variety of Exer- cises, from the simplest Articulation to the utinost extent of Vocal Expression : with a System of Gesture, illustrated by Diagrams and a Plan of Notation. By David CHARLES BELL, Professor of Elocution and English Literature. Ninth Edition. 12mo, cloth, 3s. 6a. The THEORY of ELOCUTION: including a Detail of the Pheno- mena of Respiration, Voice, and Speech; the Causes and the Cure of Stammering, and all other Vocal Impediments. By David CHARLES BELL, Professor of Elocution and English Literature. 12mo, cloth, 3s. 60. JACKSON'S COMPLETE SYSTEM of BOOK-KEEPING, in Three Sets of Books, by Double Entry, with Questions for Examination, including a copious Supply of Exercises on the Principles and Practice of Book-keeping; also Book-keeping by Single Entry; with a collection of Commercial Letters, adapted Book-keeping, &c. [d new and improved Edition.] 3s. 60. PRINCIPLES and PRACTICE of HYDRAULIC ENGINEER- ING, applied to Arterial and 'Thorough Drainage, Mil-power, &c.; also Tables of Earthwork, &c. &c. By JOHN Dwyer, C. E., Ass. Inst. C. E., Ireland. Second Edi- tion. Svo, cloth, 12s. The AGRICULTURAL INSTRUCTOR; or, Young Farmer's Class-Book; adapted to the use of Schools, and for Private Instruction. By Ed- MOND MURPHY, A. B., Professor of Agriculture in Queen's College, Cork. Fourth SELF-INSTRUCTION in IRISH; or, The Rudiments of that Language brought within the comprehension of the English Reader, without the aid of a Teacher, By JOAN O'DALY. Third Edition, enlarged, Is. DUBLIN: M©GLASHAN & GILL, 50, UPPER SACKVILLE-STREET, WHITTAKER & CO., AVE MARIA LANE, LONDON. JOHN MENZIES, EDINBURGH. School and College Books, PUBLISHED BY MACLACHLAN & STEWART, EDINBURGH, SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, & CO., LONDON, AND SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. U Profeſor Dunbar's Claſſical Works. A GREEK-ENGLISH AND ENGLISH-GREEK LEXICON, with Addenda and Critical Remarks on various paſſages in the Claffic Authors and the New Teſtament, and an Appendix of Scientific Terms; alſo, a Short Syſtem of Proſody and Two Differtations. Fourth Edition, Thick Royal 8vo, price 215. Greek-Engliſh Part, 155. Engliſh-Greek Part, by Dr ADAMS of Banchory, price 1os. 6d. ELEMENTS OF THE GREEK LANGUAGE, with a Synopſis Explanatory of the Inflections of Nouns and the Tenſes of Verbs. Fifth Edition, 12mo, bound, price 2s. 6d. INTRODUCTORY EXERCISES ON THE GREEK LAN- GUAGE. Third Edition, part I. 12mo, price 2s. EXERCISES ON THE GREEK LANGUAGE, Part II. 8vo, cloth. Sixth Edition, price 4s. KEY TO BOTH PARTS OF THE EXERCISES, for the uſe of Teachers. 8vo, cloth, price 2s. Profeſſor Pillans's Claſſical Works. 1. QUINTUS CURTIUS RUFUS ON THE LIFE AND CAMPAIGNS OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT (Latin Text), with a Preface and Notes by Prof. PILLANS. 12mo, cloth, price 3s. 6d. 2. SELECTIONS FROM THE FASTI AND TRISTIA OF OVID. 18mo, cloth, is. Dr Woodford's Claſſical Works. 1. ELEMENTS OF THE LATIN LANGUAGE, Part Firſt. Rudiments and Exerciſes. By Edward WOODFORD, LL.D., H.M. Inſpector of Schools for Scotland. Second Edition, price is. Sd. Large Tables for Exerciſe on the Inflections, adapted to the above, is. per fet; or mounted on rollers, varniſhed, ros. 6d. Alſo, by the ſame, 2. AN EPITOME OF CÆSAR’S COMMENTARIES, with Vocabulary, Geographical Outline, and Map of Cæſar's Gaul. Ninth Thou- fand. 18mo, bound, 2s. The extended ſale of this work has allowed a reduction in price. 3. ECLOGÆ HORATIANÆ, with an Inquiry into the Firſt Principles of Latin Profody. 18mo, bound, 2s. 6d. Maclachlan & Stewart's Publications. Reid's Works, by Sir William Hamilton, Bart. THE WORKS OF THOMAS REID, D.D., now fully collected, with Selections from his Unpubliſhed Letters. Preface, Notes, and Supple- mentary Differtations, by Sir William HAMILTON, Bart., Adv., A.M., Oxon. Fifth Edition, 255. The Sequel to the Differtations, the Preface, and Indices, will ſhortly follow. REID'S ESSAYS ON THE INTELLECTUAL POWERS OF MAN. From his Collected Writings. By Sir WILLIAM Hamilton, Bart., and with the Foot-notes of the Editor. 8vo, cloth, price 6s. - Dr Melvin's Exerciſes. LATIN EXERCISES. As dictated by the late JAMES MELVIN, LL.D., Rector of the Grammar School, Aberdeen. To which are prefixed, Diſſertations on a variety of Latin Idioms and Conſtructions. By Peter Calder, A.M., Rector, Grammar School, Grantown. 8vo, cloth, 35. 6d. DR MELVIN'S LATIN EXERCISES (Supplementary Volume), containing the Latin to the Exerciſes, with Engliſh Notes by P. Calder, A.M. 8vo, price 3s. 6d. 1 A TREATISE ON THE DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS ; with its APPLICATION TO CURVE SURFaces, and to Curves or Double CURVATURE. By Thomas Miller, M.A., F.R.S.E., Rector of the Academy of Perth. Svo, cloth, 8s. 6d. BONNYCASTLE'S ELEMENTS OF ALGEBRA, adapted to the Syſtems of Inſtruction purſued in the Univerſity and Military Colleges. By W. GALBRAITH, M.A., F.R.A.S.E., and W. RUTHERFORD, LL.D., Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. 12mo, bound, 4s. 6d. KEY TO DITTO, 12mo, bound, 5s. INDEX RERUM, or an INDEX OF SUBJECTS ; intended as a Manual to aid the Student and the Profeſſional Man in preparing himſelf for uſefulneſs; with an INTRODUCTION illuſtrating its Utility and Method of Uſe. By the Rev. JOHN TODD, of Maſſachuſetts. 4to, half-bound, 6s; small poſt, 5s. 6d. FRASER'S ELEMENTS OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE ; or, Natu- ral Philoſophy in the Form of a Narrative. Third Edition, 12mo, cloth, price 3s. 6d. CICERO DE NATURA DEORUM. The Three Books. Ad M. Brutum, divided into Chapters. 12mo, cloth, price is. 6d. TRANSLATION OF CICERO DE NATURA DEORUM, with Notes. By THOMAS FRANKLIN, D.D. 12mo, cloth, price 25. Maclachlan & Stewart's Publications. New Editions of Dr Combe's Works. THE MANAGEMENT OF INFANCY, PHYSIOLOGICAL AND MORAL. Intended chiefly for the uſe of Parents. Ninth EDITION. Reviſed and Edited, with an Introduction, by Sir James CLARK, Bart., M.D., F.R.S., Phyſician in Ordinary to the Queen and His Royal Highneſs the Prince Confort. Price 7s. 6d. cloth. *** The Author's laſt Edition (the Eighth), in ſmaller type, may ſtill be had, price 2s. 6d. ſewed, or 3s. 6d. cloth. “Among the multitudinous host of sanitary writers who have risen up of lato years, one of tho earliest still holds the most distinguished place. It would be difficult to estimate the amount of real practical good done to mankind by Dr Andrew Combe, whose admirablo work on the hygiène of childhood, thanks to tbe kind offices of Sir James Clark, is now before us. All Dr Andrew Combe's writings merit a careful study, but none has probably exercised so wide an influence as the one on 'The Management of Infancy. Composed in a lucid and agreeable style, free from all dry technicalities which might deter any but a aveys important knowledge which concerns as all. To Dr Combe so ove in a great measure the appreciation of sanitary lays which now so generally prevails; but their application to the developmentoftho infant body is still grievously misunderstood. Even professional men are far from being universally imbued with correct views on these subjects. To them, as well as to their patients, we would most earnestly commend the book before us; por may it be without influence on many to know that the Queen is herself an illustration of the precepts which are here advocated. Her example is quoted in the body of the volume, and Sir James Clark, in the Dedication , justly says, 'Assuredly to no one could a work, having for its object the preservation of infant life, and the improvement of the moral training and instruction of the young, be more appropriately dedicated than to your Majesty, whose management of your own family affords a bright example to parents, and a living testimony of the wisdom of being guided, in the treatment of their offspring, by the laws of health, so clearly indicated by the Creator.""-British and Foreign Medico- Chirurgical Review. “We gnite agree with the general opinion that there is not any work upon the subject of infant hygiène, in which is to be found so much valuable practical information to guide young practitioners in the management of infants and children as in this treatise of Dr Combe. We aro pot surprised, therefore, at the issue of even a ninth edition, though we did not look for its fresh introduction at the hands of so eminent an editor as Sir James Clark. ... We cordially recommend this new edition, as a most useful book, to the atton- tion of junior practitioners." -Lancet. THE PRINCIPLES OF PHYSIOLOGY applied to the PRE- SERVATION OF HEALTH, and to the Improvement of PHYSICAL and MENTAL EDUCATION. FIFTEENTH Edition. Edited, and adapted to the Preſent State of Phyſiological and Chemical Science, by James Coxe, M.D., F.R.C.P.E. Price 3s. 6d. fewed, or 4s. 6d. cloth. "A most valuable book, of which it is impossible to over-estimate the actaalimportance and value. The amount and kind of fame that the works of Andrew Combo will accumulate around his name and memory is such as the proudest of warriors and statesmen whose deeds are blazoned on the roll of history might well envy. How many thousands have been in- structed by them in a knowledge of the means of their own physical and mental well- being who would otherwise inevitably have paid most bitterly for their ignorancel How many are there who way daily bless the wise and kind physician, whose expositions- couched in the calm words of profound knoyledge and conviction-of the bearing and working of the great laws of our common nature, have saved them from unknown suffer- ing, and probably premature death !"-Scotsman. Maclachlan & Stewart's Publications. THE PHYSIOLOGY OF DIGESTION conſidered with Rela- tion to the PRINCIPLES OF Dietetics. Tenth Edition. Edited, and adapted to the Preſent State of Phyſiological and Chemical Science, by James Coxe, M.D., Fellow of the Royal College of Phyſicians of Edinburgh. Price 2s. 6d. ſewed, or 3s. 6d. cloth. “ To none of our readers, we trust, can it be necessary to say a word in recommendation of this excellent treatise ; since we hope that every one of them is acquainted with tho rare merit it possesses, as being one of the few books which may be read with pleasure and profit both by the public and the profession. To the former it is adapted by the simplicity and clearness with which the body of valuable information it contains is put forth; to the latter it recommends itself by the scientific accuracy, sterling sense, and sound discrimina- tion which pervados every portion of it, and which render it unsurpassed, as a treatise on the principles of dietetics, by any works of more ambitious character. « We learn from the advertisement to this edition, that shortly before his death, Dr A. Combe expressed a wish that his nepbew, Dr J. Coxe, should undertake that revision of his works which he saw it would never be in his own power to effect; and tho edition before us constitutes the first-fruits of that gentleman's editorial labours. We have great satis- pressing our hearty approval of the manner in which he has performed then. The additions made by Dr Coxe have reference chiefly to the composition and properties of different kinds of food, as determined by the more recent chemical researches; and they are, for the most part, in good keeping with the method and style of the original.”- British and Foreign Medico-chirurgical Review (Notice of the Ninth Edition). Pamphlets by George Combe. LECTURES ON POPULAR EDUCATION. Third Edition. 8vo. Is. 8d. WHAT SHOULD SECULAR EDUCATION EMBRACE ? 8vo. 60. REMARKS ON NATIONAL EDUCATION. Fifth Edition. 8vo. 4d. ON TEACHING PHYSIOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS IN COMMON SCHOOLS. 8vo. 3d. Dr Caldwell on Phyſical Education. THOUGHTS ON PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AND THE TRUE MODE OF IMPROVING THE CONDITION OF MAN. By CHARLES CALDWELL, M.D., Profeſſor of the Institutes of Medicine and Medical Juriſprudence, Louiſville, Kentucky. With a Recommendatory Preface by George Combe. Second Britiſh Edition. Royal 8vo. Price is. Edinburgh : MACLACHLAN & STEWART. London : SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, & Co. MACMILLAN AND CO.’S CLASS BOOKS FOR COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. ARITHMETIC AND ALGEBRA IN THEIR PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS. WITH NUMEROUS EXAMPLES, SYSTEMATICALLY . ARRANGED. By BARNARD SMITH, M.A. Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. Seventh Edition. (1860), 696 pp. Crown 870. strongly bound in cloth. 1os. 6d. The first edition of this work was published in 1854. It was primarily intended for the use of students in the Universities, and for Schools which prepare for the Universities. It has however been found to meet the requirements of a much larger class, and is now in use in a large number of Schools and Colleges both at home and in the Colonies. It has been found of great service for students preparing for MIDDLE-Class and CIVIL AND MILITARY SERVICE EXAMINATIONS, from the care that has been taken to elucidate the principles of all the Rules. Testimony of its excellence has been borne by some of the highest practical and theoretical authorities, of which the following from the late Dean Peacock may be taken as a specimen. “Mr. Smith's Work is a most useful publication. The Rules are stated with great clearness. The Examples are well selected and worked out with just sufficient detail without being encumbered by too minute explanations; and there prevails throughout it that just proportion of theory and practice, which is the crowning excellence of an elementary work.” 1000 Dec. 6. 60. ARITHMETIC. FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. By BARNARD SMITH, M.A. New Edition (1860), 348 pp. Crown 8vo. strongly bound in cloth. 48. 6d. Answers to all the Questions. KEY to the above, containing Solutions to all the Questions. Crown 8vo. 392 pp. (1860). 88. 6d. EXERCISES IN ARITHMETIC. PART I. 48 pp. (1860). Crown 8vo. 18.-Part II. 56 pp. (1860). Crown 8vo. 1s. The Two Parts bound together. 2s. Or with ANSWERS. 2s. 6d. To meet a widely expressed wish, the Arithmetic was published sepa- rately from the larger work in 1854, with so much alteration as was necessary to make it quite independent of the Algebra. It has now a large and increasing sale in all classes of Schools at home and in the Colonies. A very copious collection of Examples, under each rule, has been embodied in the work in a systematic order, and a Collection of Miscellaneous Papers in all branches of Arithmetic have been appended to the book. The EXERCISES have been published in order to give the pupil examples of every rule in Arithmetic, and they have been carefully com- piled from the latest University and School Examination Papers. The ANSWERS are also published separately, and may be obtained on application to the Publishers, enclosing six postage stamps. ALGEBRA FOR THE USE OF COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. By I. TODHUNTER, M.A. Fellow and Head Lecturer of St. John's College, Cambridge. Second Edition. 516 pp. (1860), strongly bound in cloth. 78. 6d. This work contains all the propositions which are usually included in elementary treatises on Algebra, and a large number of Escamples for Exercise. The author has sought to render the work easily intelligible to students without impairing the accuracy of the demonstrations, or contracting the limits of the subject. The examples have been selected with a view to illustrate every part of the subject, and as the number of them is about sixteen hundred and fifty, it is hoped they will supply ample exercise for the student. Each set of examples has been carefully arranged, commencing with very simple exercises, and proceeding gradually to those which are less obvious. ARITHMETIC IN THEORY AND PRACTICE. FOR ADVANCED PUPILS. By J. BROOK SMITH, M.A. St. John's College, Cambridge. PART I. Crown 8vo. cloth. 38. 6d. This work forms the first part of a Treatise on Arithmetic, in which the Author has endeavoured, from very different principles, to Explain in a full and satisfactory manner all the important processes in that subject. The proofs have in all cases been given in a form entirely arithmetical: for the author does not think that recourse ought to be had to Algebra until the arithmetical proof has become hopelessly long and perplexing. At the end of every chapter several examples have been worked out at length, carefully pointing out the best practical method of operation. A SHORT MANUAL OF ARITHMETIC. By C. W. UNDERWOOD, M.A. Vice-Principal of the Collegiate Institution, Liverpool. Fcp. 8vo. - 96 pp. (1860). limp cloth. 28. 6d. The object aimed at by the Compiler of this Manual is to bring before junior students so much of the Theory of Arithmetic as may be fairly ex- pected of them, and to present it in such a form that the study of the Science may become to some extent a mental training. It is rather a Grammar of Arithmetic than a treatise on that subject, and should for the most part be committed to memory. It will be found well adapted for viva voce examination, and enable candidates to prepare themselves for the Local University Examination. The Definitions are briefly and carefully worded. Each rule is stated so as to include the proof of it where this was possible. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. FOR SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES By I. TODHUNTER, M.A. SECOND EDITION. (1860), strongly bound in cloth. 58. The design of this work has been to render the subject intelli- gible to beginners, and at the same time to afford the student the opportunity of obtaining all the information which he will require on this branch of Mathematics. Each chapter is followed by a set of examples; those which are entitled Miscellaneous Examples, together with a few in some of the other sets, may be advantageously reserved by the student for exercise after he has made some progress in the subject. As the Text and Examples of the present work have been tested by considerable experience in teaching, the hope is entertained that they will be suitable for imparting a sound and comprehensive knowledge of Plane Trigonometry, together with readiness in the application of this knowledge to the solution of problems. SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY FOR THE USE OF COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. By I. TODHUNTER, M.A. 112 pp. Crown 8vo. (1859), strongly bound in cloth. 48. 6d. This work is constructed on the same plan as the Treatise on Plane Trigonometry, to which it is intended as a sequel. Considerable labour has been expended on the text in order to render it comprehensive and accurate, and the Examples, which have been chiefly selected from University and College Papers, have all been carefully verified. 5 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. An Elementary Treatise. WITH A NUMEROUS COLLECTION OF EXAMPLES. By R. D. BEASLEY, M.A. Head Master of Grantham School. 106 pp. (1858), strongly bound in cloth. 38. 6d. This Treatise is specially intended for use in Schools. The choice of matter has been chiefly guided by the requirements of the three days' Examination at Cambridge, with the exception of proportional parts in logarithms, which have been omitted. About four hundred examples have been added, mainly collected from the Examination Papers of the last ten years, and great pains have been taken to exclude from the body PLANE AND SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY.' WITH THE CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF TABLES OF LOGARITHMS. By J. C. SNOWBALL, M.A.. Late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Ninth Edition. 240 pp. (1857). Crown 8vo. 78. 6d. In preparing a new edition, the proofs of some of the more im- portant propositions have been rendered more strict and general; and à considerable addition, of more than two hundred examples, taken principally from the questions in the Examinations of Colleges and the University, has been made to the collection of Examples and Problems for practice. ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON MECHANICS. WITH A COLLECTION OF EXAMPLES. By S. PARKINSON, B.D. Fellow and Tutor of St. John's College, Cambridge. SECOND EDITION. (1860). Crown. 8vo. cloth. 98. 6d. The Author has endeavoured to render the present volume suitable as a Manual for the junior classes in Universities and the higher classes in Schools. With this object there have been included in it those portions of theoretical Mechanics which can be conveniently investigated without the Differential Calculus, and with one or two short exceptions the student is not presumed to require a knowledge of any branches of Mathematics beyond the elements of Algebra, Geometry and Trigo- nometry. A collection of Problems and Examples has been added, chiefly taken from the Senate-House and College Examination Papers-- which will, it is trusted, be found useful as an exercise for the student. ELEMENTARY HYDROSTATICS. WITH NUMEROUS EXAMPLES AND SOLUTIONS. By J. B. PHEAR, M.A. Fellow and late Mathematical Lecturer of Clare College. Second Edition. 156 pp. (1857). Crown 8vo. cloth. 58. 6d. .“ An excellent Introductory Book. The definitions are very clear; the descriptions and explanations are sufficiently full and intelligible; the investigations are simple and scientific. The examples greatly enhance its value.”—ENGLISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATION. This Edition contains 147 Examples, and solutions to all these ex- amples are given at the end of the book. ANALYTICAL STATICS. WITH NUMEROUS EXAMPLES. By I. TODHUNTER, M.A. Second Edition. 330 pp. (1858). Crown 8vo. cloth. 108. 6d. In this work will be found all the propositions which usually appear in treatises on Theoretical Statics. To the different chapters Examples are appended, which have been principally selected from the University and College Examination Papers; these will furnish ample exercise in the application of the principles of the subject. DYNAMICS. A Treatise. By W. P. WILSON, M.A. Professor of Mathematics in the University of Melboume. 176 pp. (1850). 8vo. gs. 6d. This Treatise contains the fundamental principles of the science, with their application to the motion of particles and to the simpler cases of the motion of bodies of finite magnitude. DYNAMICS OF A PARTICLE. WITH NUMEROUS EXAMPLES. By P. G. TAIT, M.A., and W. J. STEELE, B.A. Late Fellows of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. 304 pp. (1856). Crown 8vo. cloth. 1os. 6d. In this Treatise will be found all the ordinary propositions connected with the Dynamics of Particles which can be conveniently deduced without the use of D'Alembert's Principles. Throughout the book will be found a number of illustrative Examples introduced in the text, and for the most part completely worked out; others, with occasional solutions or hints to assist the student, are appended to cach Chapter. A TREATISE ON ATTRACTIONS, LA PLACE'S FUNCTIONS AND THE FIGURE OF THE EARTH. By J. H. PRATT, M.A. Archdeacon of Calcutta, late Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. Crown 8vo. 126 pp. (1860). cloth. 6s. 6d. In the present Treatise the author has endeavoured to supply the want of a work on a subject of great importance and high interest-La Place's Coefficients and Functions and the calculation of the Figure of the Earth by means of his remarkable analysis. No student of the higher branches of Physical Astronomy should be ignorant of Laplace's analysis and its most powerful in its application that has ever appeared.” DYNAMICS OF A SYSTEM OF RIGID BODIES. WITH NUMEROUS EXAMPLES. By EDWARD JOHN ROUTH, M.A. Fellow and Assistant Tutor of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. 336 pp. (1860). Crown 8vo. cloth. 108. 6d. The numerous Examples which will be found at the end of each chapter have been chiefly selected from the Examination Papers set in the University and Colleges of Cambridge during the last few years. CONTENTS : Chap. I. Of Moments of Inertia.-II. D'Alembert's Prin- ciple.—III. Motion about a Fixed Axis.-IV. Motion in Two Dimen- sions.-Y. Motion of a Rigid Body in Three Dimensions.—VI. Motion of a Flexible String.–VII. Motion of a System of Rigid Bodies.-VIII. Of Impulsive Forces.-IX. Miscellaneous Examples. A TREATISE ON OPTICS. By S. PARKINSON, B.D. Fellow and Assistant Tutor of St. John's College, Cambridge. 304 pp. (1859). Crown 8vo. 108. 6d. The present work may be regarded as a new edition of the Trcatise on Optics, by the Rev. W. N. Griffin, which being some time ago out of print, was very kindly and liberally placed at my disposal by the author. The author has freely used the liberty accorded to him, and has rearranged the matter with considerable alterations and additions-especially in those parts which required more copious explanation and illustration to render the work suitable for the present course of reading in the University. A collection of Examples and Problems has been appended, which are sufficiently numerous and varied in character to afford an useful exercise for the student: for the greater part of them recourse has been had to the Examination Papers set in the University and the several Colleges during the last twenty years. Subjoined to the copious Table of Contents the author has ventured to indicate an elementary course of reading not unsuitable for the require- ments of the First Three Days in the Cambridgo Senate House Ex- aminations. GEOMETRICAL TREATISE ON CONIC SECTIONS. WITH A COPIOUS COLLECTION OF EXAMPLES. By W. H. DREW, M.A. Second Master of Blackheath School. 121 pp. (1857). Crown 8vo. cloth. 48. 6d. In this work the subject of Conic Sections has been placed before the student in such a form that, it is hoped, after mastering the ele- ments of Euclid, he may find it an easy and interesting continuation of his geometrical studies. With a view also of rendering the work a com- plete Manual of what is required at the Universities, there have been either embodied into the text, or inserted among the examples, every book-work question, problem, and rider, which has been proposed in the Cambridge examinations up to the present time. A TREATISE ON PLANE CO-ORDINATE GEOMETRY AS APPLIED TO THE STRAIGHT LINE AND THE CONIC SECTIONS; (Nit! Numerons Examples. By I. TODHUNTER, M.A. Second Edition. 316 pp. (1858). Crown 8vo. cloth. 108. 6d. This Treatise exhibits the subject in a simple manner for the benefit of beginners, and at the same time iñcludes in one volume all that students usually require. In addition, therefore, to the propositions which have always appeared in such treatises, the methods of abridged notation, which are of more recent origin, have been introduced; these methods, which are of a less elementary character than the rest of the work, are placed in separate chapters, and may be omitted by the student at first. The Examples at the end of each chapter will, it is hoped, furnish sufficient exercise, as they have been carefully selected with the view of illustrating the most important points, and have been tested by repeated experience with pupils. EXAMPLES OF ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY OF THREE DIMENSIONS, Collected by I. TODHUNTER, M.A. 76 pp. (1858). Crown 8vo. cloth. 48. A collection of examples in illustration of Analytical Geometry of and the present work is published with the view of supplying the vant. 11 CONIC SECTIONS AND ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY. WITH NUMEROUS EASY EXAMPLES PROGRESSIVELY ARRANGED. By G. H. PUCKLE, M.A. Principal of Windermere College. Second Edition. 264 pp. (1856). Crown 8vo. 78.6d. This book has been written with special reference to those difficulties and misapprehensions which commonly beset the student when he com- mences. With this object in view, the earlier part of the subject has been dwelt on at length, and geometrical and numerical illustrations of the analysis have been introduced. The Examples appended to each section are mostly of a very elementary description. The work will, it is hoped, be found to contain all that is required by the upper classes of schools and by the generality of students at the Universities, and will also, serve as a preparation for such as may wish to study more extensive modern treatises. THE DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. (Hitly Numerons Examples. By I. TODHUNTER, M.A. Third Edition, 398 pp. (1860) Crown 8vo. cloth, ios. 61. This work is intended to exhibit a comprehensive view of the Differ- ential Calculus on the method of Limits. In the more elementary portions, explanations have been given in considerable detail, with the hope that a reader who is without the assistance of a tutor may be enabled to acquire a competent acquaintance with the subject. More than one in- vestigation of a theorem has been frequently given, because it is believed that the student derives advantage from viewing the same proposition under different aspects, and that in order to succeed in the examinations which he may have to undergo, he should be prepared for a considerable variety in the order of arranging the several branches of the subject, and for a corresponding variety in the mode of demonstration. 12 THE INTEGRAL CALCULUS AND ITS APPLICATIONS. Witby Nunerous Examples. By I. TODHUNTER, M.A. 268 pp. (1857). Crown 8vo. cloth. 108. 6d. In writing the present Treatise on the Integral Calculus, the object has been to produce a work at once elementary and complete adapted for the use of beginners, and sufficient for the wants of advanced students. In the selection of the propositions, and in the mode of establishing them, the author has endeavoured to exhibit fully and clearly the principles of the subject, and to illustrate all their most important results. In order that the student may find in the volume all that he requires, a large collection of Examples for exercise has been appended to the different chapters. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. BY GEORGE BOOLE, D.C.L. Professor of Mathematics in the Queen's University, Ireland. 468 pp. (1859). Crown 8vo. cloth. 148. The Author has endeavoured in this treatise to convey as complete an account of the present state of knowledge on the subject of the Differential Equations as was consistent with the idea of a work intended, primarily, for elementary instruction. The object has been first of all to meet the wants of those who had no previous acquaintance with the subject, and also not quite to disappoint others who might seek for more advanced information. The earlier sections of each chapter contain that kind of matter which has usually been thought suitable for the beginner, while the latter ones are devoted either to an account of recent discovery, or to the discussion of such deeper questions of principle as are likely to present themselves to the reflective student in connection with the methods and processes of his previous course. The CALCULUS of FINITE DIFFERENCES. By GEORGE BOOLE, D.C.L. 248 pp. (1860). Crown 8vo. cloth. 1os. 6d. In this work particular attention has been paid to the connexion of the methods with those of the Differential Calculus-a connexion which in some instances involves far more than a merely formal analogy. The work is in some measure designed as a sequel to the Author's Treatise on Diffirential Equations, and it has been composed on the same plan. SENATE-HOUSE MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS. WITH SOLUTIONS. 1848-51. By FERRERS and JACKSON. 8vo. 158. 6d. 1848-51. (RIDERS). By JAMESON. 8vo. 7s.6d. 1854. By WALTON and MACKENZIE. 8vo. 10s. 6d. 1857. By CAMPION and WALTON. Syo. 6s. 6d. 1860. By ROUTH and WATSON. Crown 8vo. 78. 6d. The above books contain Problems and Examples which have been set in the Cambridge Senate-house Examinations at various periods during the last twelve years, together with Solutions of the same, and will afford Teachers and Students who are living at a distance from the University a better idea of the nature of the Studies and the best methods of pursuing them than anything else would. The Solutions are in all cases given either by the Examiners themselves or under their sanction. A COLLECTION OF MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS AND EXAMPLES. WITH ANSWERS. By H. A. MORGAN, M.A. Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge. 190 pp. (1858). Crown 8vo. 6s. 6d. This book contains a number of problems, chiefly elementary, in the Mathematical subjects usually read at Cambridge. They have been selected from the papers set during late years at Jesus College. Very few of them are to be met with in other collections, and by far the larger number are due to some of the most distinguished Mathematicians in the University. MATHEMATICAL TRACTS ON THE LUNAR AND PLANETARY THEORIES, FIGURE OF THE EARTH, THE UNDULATORY THEORY OF OPTICS, &c. By the ASTRONOMER ROYAL (G. B. Airy, M.A.) Fourth Edition. 400 pp. (1858). 8vo. 158. . 14 HELP TO LATIN GRAMMAR. WITH EASY EXERCISES, BOTH ENGLISH AND LATIN, QUESTIONS AND VOCABULARY. · By J. WRIGHT, M.A. Head Master of Sutton Coldfield School. 175 pp. (1855). Crown 8vo. cloth. 48. 6d. “This book aims at helping the learner to overstep the threshold difficulties of the Latin Grammar; and never was there a better aid offered alike to teacher and scholar in that arduous pass. The style is at once familiar and strikingly simple and lucid; and the explanations pre- cisely hit the difficulties, and thoroughly explain them. It will also much facilitate the acquirement of English Grammar."-ENGLISH JOURNAL or EDUCATION. THE SEVEN KINGS OF ROME. A FIRST LATIN READING BOOK, ABRIDGED FROM LIVY, BY THE OMISSION OF DIFFICULT PASSAGES, WITH NOTES AND INDEX. By J. WRIGHT, M.A. Second Edition. 138 pp. (1857). Fcap. 8vo. cloth. 38. This work is intended to supply the pupil with an easy Construing-book, which may, at the same time, be made the vehicle for instructing him in the rules of grammar and principles of composition. These branches of the study of Latin seem to the author to have hitherto been kept too much apart. Boys have construed their Delectus, or Eutropius, or Nepos, and have gone elsewhere for their grammatical exercises. Nor can this be wondered at. An educated man must feel positively ashamed of taking his pupils away from our good English authors, and setting before him instead a Delectus or Eutropius. He therefore skims over them as lightly, and escapes from them as quickly as possible, and has recourse for his composition lesson to one of the many exercise-books which swarm from our educational press. To remedy these evils this book has been published. Here Livy tells his own pleasant stories in his own pleasant words. What is omitted, is that which no one can wish å beginner to learn, and which may be better learnt elsewhere. Let Livy be the master to teach a boy Latin, not some English collector of sentences, and he will not be found a dull one. 15 VOCABULARY AND EXERCISES 94 pp. (1857), Crown 8vo. cloth. 28. 6d. The Vocabulary is published apart from the Text in order to suit the views of those who prefer their pupils to consult a general dictionary. As the aim of the Text is to teach the elements of grammar, so the Exercises are intended to test the pupil's knowledge of grammar. Indeed there is hardly an ordinary Latin construction which is not illustrated in the text, explained in the notes, and proved in the exercises. A FIRST LATIN CONSTRUING BOOK. By EDWARD THRING, M.A. Head Master of Uppingham School. 104 pp. (1855). Fcap. 8vo. 28. 6d. This Construing Book is drawn up on the same sort of graduated scale as the Author's English Grammar. Passages out of the best Latin Poets are gradually built up into their perfect shape. The few words altered, or inserted as the passages go on, are printed in Italics. It is hoped by this plan that the learner, whilst acquiring the rudiments of language, may store his mind with good poetry and a good vocabulary. SALLUST. WITH ENGLISH NOTES. By C. MERIVALE, B.D. Author of "A History of Rome,” &c. Second Edition. 172 pp. (1858). Fcap. 8vo. 48. 6d. - This School edition of Sallust is precisely what the School edition of a Latin author ought to be. No useless words are spent in it, and no words that could be of use are spared. The text has been carefully collated with the best editions. It is printed in a large bold type, which manifests a just regard for the young eyes that are to work upon it: under the text there flows through every page a full current of ex- tremely well-selected annotations.”—THE EXAMINER. The “ CATILINA" and JUGURTHA” may be had separately, price 2s. 6d. each, bound in cloth. 16 - JUVENAL. WITH ENGLISH NOTES. By J. E. B. MAYOR, M.A. Fellow and Head Lecturer of St. John's College, Cambridge. 464 pp. (1854). Crown 8vo. cloth. 108. 6d. "A School edition of Juvenal, whịch, for really ripe scholarship, exten- sive acquaintance with Latin literature, and familiar knowledge with Continental criticism, ancient and modern, is unsurpassed, we do not say among English School books, but among English editions generally.”— · EDINBURGH REVIEW, HELLENICA. A FIRST GREEK READING BOOK. FROM DIODORUS AND THUCYDIDES. WITH VOCABULARY. By J. WRIGHT, M.A. : Author of "A Latin Grammar.” Second Edition. 150 pp. (1851). Fcap. 8vo. cloth. 38. 6d. In the last twenty chapters of this volume, Thucydides sketches the rise and progress of the Athenian Empire in so clear a style and in such simple language, that the author doubts whether any easier or more instructive passages can be selected for the use of the pupil who is commencing Greek. 17 DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. WITH ENGLISH NOTES. By B. DRAKE, M.A. Late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. Second Edition. To which is prefixed ÆSCHINES AGAINST CTESTIPHON. With English Notes. 287 pp. (1860). Fcap. 8vo. cloth. 58. The first edition of the late Mr. Drake's edition of Demosthenes de Corona having met with considerable acceptance in various Schools, and a new edition being called for, in accordance with the wishes of many teachers has been appended the Oration of Æschines against Ctesiphon, with useful notes by a competent scholar. DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH. By J. P. NORRIS, M.A. H.M. Inspector of Schools. (1850). Crowu 8vo. 38. “Admirably representing both the sense and style of the original.” -ATHENÆUM. THUCYDIDES. Book VI. WITH ENGLISH NOTES, MAP AND INDEX. By P. FROST, Jun., M.A. Late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. 8vo. cloth. 78. 6d. It has been attempted in this work to facilitate the attainment of accuracy in translation. With this end in view the Text has been treated grammatically. ÆSCHYLI EUMENIDES. WITH ENGLISH VERSE TRANSLATION, COPIOUS INTRODUCTION, AND NOTES. By B. DRAKE, M.A. Editor of “ Demosthenes de Corona." :- "Mr. Drake's ability as a critical Scholar is known and admitted. In the edition of the Eumenides before us we meet with him also in the capacity of a Poet and Historical Essayist. The translation is flowing and melodious, elegant and scholarlike. The Greek Text is well printed : the notes are clear and useful.”—GUARDIAN. 18 ST. PAUL'S EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. THE GREEK TEXT WITH ENGLISH NOTES. By C. J. VAUGHAN, D.D. Head Master of Harrow School. 8vo. cloth 157 pp. (1859). 78. 6d. By dedicating this work to his elder Pupils at Harrow, the Author hopes that he sufficiently indicates what is and what is not to be looked for in it. He desires to record his impression, derived from the experience of many years, that the Epistles of the New Testament, no less than the Gospels, are capable of furnishing useful and solid instruction to the highest classes of our Public Schools. If they are taught accurately, not controversially; positively, not negatively; authoritatively, yet not dogmatically; taught with close and constant reference to their literal meaning, to the connexion of their parts, to the sequence of their argu- ment, as well as to their moral and spiritual instruction; they will interest, they will inform, they will elevate; they will inspire a rever- ence for Scripture never to be discarded, they will awaken a desire to drink more deeply of the Word of God, certain hereafter to be gratified and fulfilled. MATERIALS FOR A GRAMMAR OF THE MODERN ENGLISH LANGUAGE. By G. H. PARMINTER, M.A. Trinity College, Cambridge. 220 pp. (1856). Fcap. 8vo. 38. 6d. The present Work does not pretend to be more than what its title de- clares. It is simply a body of grammatical materials compiled from notes which have been jotted down at various times during a period of about twelve years. These notes, in their original form, are the memoranda in almost daily practice with private pupils and in National Schools, in the difficult task of teaching English. The Author is not singular in thinking that task difficult, nor in entertaining a conviction that a sound knowledge of Latin and Greek, especially the former, is necessary to the due apprecia- tion of the direction and syntactical structure of English standard Litera- ture. If this be true, it follows either that the Latin Grammar, at least should be a fundamental book in every English School which professes to give a sound English education, or that some system should be devised and recognised, which, without servility, adapts to the English language the classical laws of Grammar. ELEMENTS OF GRAMMAR TAUGHT IN ENGLISH. WITH QUESTIONS. By EDWARD THRING, M.A. Head Master of Uppingham Grammar School.. Third Edition. 136 pp. (1860.) Demy 18mo. 28. THE CHILD'S ENGLISH GRAMMAR. By the same Author. - New Edition. 86 pp. (1859). Demy 18mo. 18. The Author's effort in these two books has been to point out the broad, beaten, every-day path, carefully avoiding digressions into the byeways and eccentricities of language. This Work took its rise from question- ings in National Schools, and the whole of the first part is merely the writing out in order the answers to questions which have been used already with success. The study of Grammar in English has been much neglected, nay by some put on one side as an impossibility. There was perhaps much ground for this opinion, in the medley of arbi- trary rules thrown before the student, which applied indeed to a certain number of instances, but would not work at all in many others, as must always be the case when principles are not put forward in a language full of ambiguities. The present work does not, therefore, pretend to be a compendium of idioms, or a philological treatise, but a Grammar. Or in other words, its intention is to teach the learner how to speak and prite correctly, and to understand and explain the speech and writings of others. Its success, not only in National Schools, from practical work in which it took its rise, but also in classical schools, is full of encourage- ment. SCHOOL SONGS. A COLLECTION OF SONGS FOR SCHOOLS. TUitly tlye Music Arranged for four Voices. Edited by the Rev. E. THRING, and H. RICCIUS. Music Size. 78. 6d. RELIGIOUS CLASS BOOKS. THE CHURCH CATECHISM ILLUSTRATED AND EX- PLAINED. By ARTHUR RAMSAY, M.A. 204 pp. (1854). 18mo. cloth. 38. 6d. NOTES FOR LECTURES ON CONFIRMATION: With Suitable Prayers. By C. J. VAUGHAN D.D. Third Edition. 70 pp. (1859). Fcp. 8vo. 18. 6d. HAND-BOOK TO BUTLER'S ANALOGY. SWAINSON, M.A. 55 pp. (1856). Crown 8vo. 13. 6d. By C. A. HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH DURING THE FIRST THREE CENTURIES, AND THE REFORMATION IN ENG- LAND. By WILLIAM SIMPSON, M.A. 307 pp. (1857). Fcp. 8vo. cloth. 58. ANALYSIS OF PALEY'S EVIDENCES OF CHRISTI- ANITY. By CHARLES H. CROSSE, M.A. 115 pp. (1855). 18mo. 38. 68. MANUALS FOR THEOLOGICAL STUDENTS. UNIFORMLY PRINTED AND BOUND. This Series of Theological Manuals has been published with the aim of supplying Books concise, comprehensive, and accurate, convenient for the Student and yet interesting to the general reader. HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH DURING THE MIDDLE AGES. BY ARCHDEACON HARD- WICK. 482 pp. [1853]. With Maps. Crown 8vo. cloth. 10s. 6d. This Volume claims to be regarded as an integral and independent treatise on the Mediaval Church. The History commences with the time of Gregory the Great, because it is admitted on all hands that his pontificate became a turning-point, not only in the fortunes of the Western tribes and nations, but of Christendom at large. A kindred reason has suggested the propriety of pausing at the year 1520,—the year when Luther, having been extruded from those Churches that adhered to the Communion of the Pope, established a provisional form of government and opened a fresh era in the history of Europe. HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH DURING THE REFORMATION. By ARCHDEACON HARD- WICK. 459 pp. [1856]. Crown Syo. cloth. 10s. 6d. This Work forms a Sequel to the Author's Book on The Middle Ages. The Author's wish has been to give the reader a trustworthy version of those stirring incidents which mark the Reformation period. MANUALS FOR THEOLOGICAL STUDENTS-Continued. HISTORY OF THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER. With a Rationale of its Offices. By FRANCIS PROCTER, M.A. Fourth Edition. 464 pp. [1860]. Crown 8vo. cloth. 10s. 60. The Subject of this Book has been already treated by numerous writers of distinction. When the present series of Manuals was projected, it did not appear, that any one of the existing volumes taken singly was available for the desired object. In the course of the last twenty years the whole question of liturgical knowledge has been reopened with great learning and accurate research, and it is mainly with the view of epito- mizing their extensive publications, and correcting by their help the errors and misconceptions which had obtained currency, that the present volume has been put together. HISTORY OF THE CANON OF THE NEW TESTAMENT DURING THE FIRST FOUR CENTURIES. By BROOKE FOSS WESTCOTT, M.A. 594 pp. [1855]. Crown 8vo. cloth. 12s. 6d. The Author has endeafoured to connect the history of the New Testa- ment Canon with the growth and consolidation of the Catholic Church, and to point out the relation existing between the amount of evidence for the authenticity of its component parts and the whole mass of Christian literature. Such a method of inquiry will convey both the truest notion of the connexion of the written Word with the living Body of Christ, and the surest conviction of its divine authority. INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF THE GOSPELS. BY BROOKE FOSS WESTCOTT, M.A. 458 pp. (1860). Crown 8vo. cloth. 10s. 6d. The title of this book will explain the chief aim which the Author had in view. It is intended to be an Introduction to the Study of the Gospels. The Author has therefore confined himself in many cases to the mere indication of lines of thought and inquiry from the conviction that truth is felt to be more precious in proportion as it is opened to us by our own work. In a subject which involves so vast a literature much must have been overlooked; but the Author has made it a point at least to study the researches of the great writers, and consciously to neglect none. * TCT. I2s. I 29. CALF, MOROCCO. extra gilt, extragalit, Books suitable for College and School Prizes. Materiales: gilt leaves. marbled leaves. KEPT IN VARIOUS BINDINGS BY THE PUBLISHERS. an TOM BROWN'S SCHOOL DAYS. BY AN OLD Boy. Seventh gs. IIS. Edition. Fcap. 8vo. cloth. 58. os. 6d. THE HEROES; or GREEK FAIRY TALES. BY CHARLES 12s. KINGSLEY, Rector of Eversley. Second Edition, with EIGHT ILLUSTRATIONS. Imperial 16mo, cloth, gilt leaves. 55. 9s. 64. DAVID, KING OF ISRAEL; Readings for the Young. WITH Sıx ILLUSTRATIONS. By J. WRIGHT, M.A. Imp. 16mo. cloth. 5S. 95. 6d. LITTLE ESTELLA AND OTHER FAIRY TALES. Imp. 16mo. cloth. 55. DAYS OF OLD: STORIES FROM OLD ENGLISH HISTORY of the Druids, Anglo-Saxons, and the Crusaders. By the Author of RUTH AND HER FRIENDS. Imperial 16mo. cloth. 58. gs. 6d. RUTH AND HER FRIENDS. A Story for Girls. Third Edition. With a Frontispiece. Imp. 16mo. cloth. 58. 98. 6d. OUR YEAR: A Child's Book in Prose and Verse. By the Author of “ John Halifax.” Numerous Illustrations. Royal 16mo. cloth, gilt leaves. 5s. 118. WESTWARD HO! THE ADVENTURES OF SIR AMYAS 145. LEIGH in the Reign of Elizabeth. Third Edition. By CHARLES KINGSLEY. Crown 8vo. cloth. 6s. TWO YEARS AGO. By CHARLES KINGSLEY. Third Edition. 145. I 25. I 29. 125. IIS. 18s. IIS. THE RECOLLECTIONS OF GEOFFRY HAMLYN. By 148. HENRY KINGSLEY. SECOND EDITION. Crowa 8vo. cloth. 6s. GLAUCUS; or, WONDERS OF THE SHORE. By CHARLES 148. 6d. I 2S, KINGSLEY. ILLUSTRATED EDITION, containing Coloured Illustrations of the objects mentioned in the Work. Imp. 16mo. cloth, gilt leaves. 78. 6d. ESSAYS, CHIEFLY ON ENGLISH POETS. By DAVID 225. 60. MASSON, M.A. 8vo. cloth. 128. 6. THE REPUBLIC OF PLATO. Translated into English by 20s. 6d. J. LLEWELLYN DAVIES, M.A., and D. J. VAUGHAN, M.A. Second Edition. 8vo. cloth. 103. 6d. 365. ARCHER BUTLER’S HISTORY OF ANCIENT PHI 458. LOSOPHY. 2 rols. 8vo. cloth. 11. 55. 155. 6d. HISTORY AND RATIONALE OF THE BOOK OF COM- 188. 6d. MON PRAYER. By F. PROCTER, M.A. 4th Edition. Crown 8vo. cloth. 108. 6d. 158. 6d. HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH DURING 185. 6d. each. THE MIDDLE AGES AND THE REFORMATION. By ARCADEACON HARDWICK. 2 vols. Crown 8vo. cloth. 108. 6d. each volume. me 60 HISTORY OF THE CANON OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 308 NT. 205, 6d. By B. F. WESTCOTT, M.A. Third Edition. Crown 8vo. cloth. 128. 6d. INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF THE GOSPELS. 158. 6d. By B. F. WESTCOTT, M.A. Crown 8vo. cloth. 108.6d. 188, 6d. GEORGE BRIMLEY’S ESSAYS. Second Edition. Fop. 8vo. cloth. 55. 295. THE PLATONIC DIALOGUES FOR ENGLISH READERS. each. IIS. Boy By W. WHEWELL, D.D. 2 Vols. Fcp. 8vo. cloth. 148. 288. ANNOUNCEMENTS. An Elementary Treatise on Quaternions. With numerous Examples. By P. G. TAIT, M.A., Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh. [Preparing. A Treatise on Geometry of Three Dimen- sions. By PERCIVAL FROST, M.A., St. John's College, and JOSEPH WOLSTENHOLME, M.A., Christ's College, Cambridge. [Nearly Ready. An Elementary Treatise on Statics. By GEORGE RAWLINSON, M.A., late Professor of Natural Philosophy in Elphinstone Institution, Bombay, formerly of Em- manuel College, Cambridge. [Nearly Ready. A Treatise on Trilinear Coordinates. By N. M. FERRERS, M.A., Fellow and Mathematical Lecturer of Gonville and Caius College. [In the Press. Cicero's Second Philippic. With Notes and Introduction, translated from the German of Karl Halm. By JOHN E. B. MAYOR, M.A., Fellow and Head Lecturer of St. John's College, Cambridge. [In the Press. Aristotelis de Rhetorica. With Notes and Introduction. By E. M. COPE, M.A., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge. The New Testament in the Original Greek. Text revised by B. F. WESTCOTT, M.A., and F. J. HORT, M.A., formerly Fellows of Trinity College. Winer's Grammar of the New Testament IDIOM. Freely Translated and revised by the Rev. F. J. A. FORT, M.A., formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. MACMILLAN AND CO. Cambridge ; AND 23, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON, W.C. Jonathan Palmer, Printer, Cambridge. NEEDLES AND NEEDLE MAKINA AS EXHIBITED IN THE Educational Museum, South Kensington, * BY HENRY MILWARD & SONS, Needle, Fish Hook and Fishing Tackle Manufacturers, REDDITCH. BY It is believed that the Manufactory of Messis. Henry Milward and Sons was established as early as 1730, quite in the infancy of the trade, and although the spirit of progress has introduced great changes into buildings, and altogether thrust aside old-processes and their requirements, still there are PARTS of the building which retain their original OUTWARD shape, but the interior arrange- ments have been gradually adapted to the great changes in processes and power of manufacture. It has not been possible in the Casc exhibited in the Museum to shew all the stages in the manufacture of Needles, there are many minor operations, the . effect of which is not SEEN but which are none the less necessary. Strange as it may seem, it is this very division of labour, it is the number of hands and processes employed which enables the manufacturer to bring the Needles into the market at so cheap a ratė. Each workian has his own peculiar part to play; at this they become very expert, so much so tliat in the “stamping". process a good workman, besides setting his tools, &c. will give forty thousand blows with the stamp, or forin forty thousand Needles in one day. and thus one : thousand Needles, each of which undergo.es twenty or thirty processes, can be sold for Ninepence. It is scarcely necessary to add that these are of a very different quality to those exhibited in our Museum Case, which represents the different stages in the manufacture of the very best Needles which it has yet been possible to make-sold alınost exclusively in the English and European markets. The Needle-makers of the time of Oliver Cromwell, (for so long back has the art existed, it is said, at Redditch,) would have smiled incredulously if any one had then dared to hazard a prophecy that withiin about tivo centuries one establishment would be enabled to produce SIX MILLIONS of Needles in a week, which is literally the case with that of Henry Milward and Sons. It may not be out of place here to state, that although so much is accom- plished in a given time, yet the hours of, labour arg. comparatively short. . The firm, in order to give those in their employ the opportunity of inproving their , minds, and preserving their health., have shortened the hours of attendance at s the factory two hours below:the old standard, being: now little more than nine.si hours, (formerly it was:eleven hours) and were amongst the earliest supporters : of the Saturday Half-Holiday, and early payment of wayes movement. At the same time they have a. strict rule of employing no one under twelve years of - . 1 age, this they gather round them the higher class of 'inėchanics only, the work is done effectiveiy and well, and that good feeling cemented which ought always to exist between master and workman. Looking back upon the experience of many years Messrs. Miliard & Sons unhesitatingly recommend to others that which has made their own factory a kind of " happy family'': short time, early payment of wages, the Saturday Half-holiday, and the Mechanics' Classes and Institutes. Upon this point they feel they cannot speak too strongly, and should there still Be any increlülous Grey's intiic arri.spection of the working of the system in the factory itself, which is on tiiues open to visitors and where every attention will be paid to them., Under an idea that some införination on tre iñ:liufäcture would interest those who use Needles, a few facts in the statistics and history of Needle making are here offered. The formation of the points is in any ways interesting : being accomplished: liy " dry griuiling," the dust, compounded of mingled sand and stcel particlesnica was formerly inhaled in the breath, aud acting upon the fine air-vessels of the lungs, by irritating and clogging them, produced disease, always early and fatal. It is brrribile now to think of the Needle politers of twenty years ago, who, for ihe sake of the two pounds a week would unter loon this which they themselves called it short life and a merry one,” and by drowning care at the public house, would hasten that already premature death. at the age of thirty finding their short space of life already run, and malziny way for another pointer, who was almost sure to be another poacher and drunkard, reckless of life, and most unfit to die. But ihese things hare passed away.. A recout invention has saved the lives of the pointers by drawing away the steel dust, and with the ancient method of point- ing, the old men seem to have passed away; the conduct of those remaining is materially improved. Another interesting process, some stages of which are shown in the Museum Case, is technically called "scouring," but which is indeed polishing.com.conrert- ing them from rough, 'dark, dirty things, into bright, beautiful articles, ap- PARENTLY ready for use. Tlie Needles are a fortnight in undergoing this change, which is accomplished by friction with Oil and Emery in the scouring mill. The blueing, drilling, blue pointing, &c., must, as well as the earlier processes of cútting, rubbing, stamping, eyeing, filing, hardening, tempering, straightening, and many other niyor operations, be merely alluded to here, space not allowing a full account; suffice it to say, that every possible excellence is vigorously enforced through eacli stage of advancement, until the miost fastidious requirement is an- ticipated and provided for. m imi ..Svendsen Messrs. Henry Milward and Sons fcel a pleasure in inviting the public to witness in the Manufactory each of these processes in active operation ; Trains : run from the New Street Station, Birmingham, almost every hour, to Redditch, which is within three quarters of an hour's journey; 11 a.m. and 2 . 30 pm. are, the most convenient hours for visitors; as the men are then in full employ.....! THLING, Machine Printing Worksi - S. (opposite the Westminster Police Court. Just published, 8vo. cloth, 25s. 11 Under Official Patronagè; and Dedicated, by special -- :- permission, to the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade." THE MERCHANT'S POLYGLOT MANUAL .. IN NINE LANGUAGES ENGLISH GERMAN DUTCH : SWEDISH DANISH AND NORWEGIAN FRENCH ITALIAN SPANISE PORTUGUESE. CHIEFLY EXTRACTED FROM THE TARIFFS OF ALL NATIONS, COMPILED AND EDITED BY E. H. MICHELSEN, D.PH. OF THE BOARD OF TRĄDE: AUTHOR OF "MANUAL OF QUOTATIONS IN ANOIENT, MODERN, AND ORIENTAL LANGUAGES," ETC, ETC. .*** Verbum verbo curabis reeldere fidus.. Hor. London LONGMAN, GREEN, LONGMAN, AND ROBERTS Liberpool G. PHILIP AND SON AND BY ORDER OF ALL BOOKSELLERS.. 1860 ESPECIMEN PAGE.) PR-QU : ( 95 ) 1, Ger.; 2, Dut.; 3, Swed.; 4, Dan.; 5, Fr.; 6, It.; 7, Span.; 8, Port. .Q. 2859, Pruning-knives -1, Garten- ! 2874. Purl (ind.) - 1, Kantille ; 2, messer; 2, Tuin-messen; 3, Trägårds- | Kantilje ; 3, 4, Kantille ; 5, Cannetille ; 6, ... knifvar; 4, Have knive; 5, Serpettes, Canutiglià; 7, Cañutillo; 8, Canutilho. Croissans ; 6, Falcetti, Falcinelli ; 7, Hon. 2815. Purses (Money)-1, Geld-beu- cejos, Hocinos; 8, Fouces podadeiras. tel; 2, Geld-burzen ; 3, Penning-pungar; 2860, Prones - See Plums (dried). 4, Penge-punge ; 5, Bourses (à argent); 6, 2861, Prussian Blue --1, Berliner-Borsette (da danari); 7, Bolsas (de dinero); blau ; 2, Berlijnsch-blaauw; 3, Berliner- | 8, Bolsas (para dinheiro). blătt; 4, Berliner-blaat; 5, Bleu de Prusse; / 2876. Putty (Glazier's) — 1, Fenster- 6, Azzurro di Berlino, Blù di Prussia ; 7, kitt; 2, Stop-verw; 3, Fönster-kitt; 4, 8, Azul de Prussia. Vindues-kitt; 5, Mastic de vitrier ; 6, Sal- 2862. Paff-stone - 1, Taf-stein ; 2, datura da vetrajo, Mastice da vetrajo ; 7, Tuf-steen; 3, Tuff, Tuffa; 4, Tuffsteen; 5, Pasta de linaza, Masa de linaza; 8, Potea. Tuf en pierre; 6, Tufo; 7, Toba; 8, Tufo. 2863. Pulleys — 1, Kloben; 2, Ka- trollen ; 3, Klyfvor ; 4, Ruller, Tridser ; 5,1 Poulies ; 6, Girelle, Carrucole ; 7, Carrillos, Carruchas; 8, Polés. 2877. Quacosbon - A fine French 2864. Pulse (legumes)-1, Hülsen- liqueur of Montpellier. früchte; 2, Peul-vruchten ; 3, Skal-frukt; 4, 2878. Quadrants-1, Quadranten; 2, Baelge-frugt; 5, Légumes ; 6, Legumi; 7, Quadranten; 3, 4, Quadranter; 5, Quarts Legumbres; 8, Legume. de cercle, Quadrants; 6, Quadranti; 7, 8, 2865. Pumice Stone - 1. Pim-stein: 1 Quadrantes. 2, Puim steen, Puim; 3, Pimsten, Pims; 2879, Quails-1, Wachteln; 2, Kwak- 4, Pimpsteen ; 5, Pierre ponce; 6, Pietrá klen; 3, Vaktlar; 4, Vagtler; 5, Cailles ; 6, pomice; 7, Piedra pomes; 8, Pedra pomes. Quaglie; 7, 8, Codornizes. 2866. Pumice Stone Powder-See 2880. Quarantains-Certain woollen Pounce.. handkerchiefs for quarantine purposes. 2867. Pumpkins--1, Pfeben; 2, Pom- 2881. Quarter Cloth (naut.) -1, poenen ; 3, Pumpor; 4, Pomponer ; 5, Ci- Sonnenzelt; 2, Tentklep; 3, Sundăck; trouilles, Potirons; 6, Poponi, Zucche; 7, 4, Argesolseil ; 5, Tendelette; 6, Tenda; Pepones; 8, Aboboras. 7, Carozza; 8, Tugupar. 2868. Pump-gauge Rod (naut.) — 2882. Quartz (min.) (same in all lan- 1, Peil-holz; 2, Peil stok; 3, Peil stock; 4, Iguages.): Peil stok; 5, Sonde; 6, Sonda ; 7, Sonda-1° 2982, Quags 1 2883. Quassia (Bitter Wood) -- 1, - leza; 8, Sonda. Quassia, Bitter-holz ; 2, Kwassie hout; 3, - 2869. Pumps 1, Pumpen; 2, Pom- Bitter holts träd, Quassia; 4, Qvasse traee; pen ; 3, Pumpar; 4, Pumper ; 5, Pompes; 5, Quassie; 6, 7, 8, Quassia. 6, Trombe; 7, 8, Bombas. · 2884. Quercitron - An American 2870. Pumps (dancing shoes) -1, Oak (same in all languages). Tanz-schuhe; 2, Dans schoenen ; 3, Dans 2885. Quicklime - 1, Beth-kalk; 2, skor ; 4, Dandse skoer; 5, Souliers de bal, Ongeleschte-kalk; 3, Osläckt-kalk; 4, Escarpins'; 6, Scarpini da ballo, Calcetti; 7, " Ulaedsket-kalk, Levende-kalk; 5, Chaux Escarpines de danza; 8, Servilhas. vive; 6, Calcina viva; 7, 8, Cal viva. 2871. Pump-spears - See Pistons. 1 2886. Quicksilver--1, Quick-silber , 2872. Puncheons (stamping irons)—12, Kwik-zilver ; 3, Qvick-silfver ; 4, Qvik- 1, Stämpel, Bunzen; 2, Ponsoens; 3, Puns- söly; 5, Vif-argent; 6, Argento vivo; 7, ler, Prylar; 4, Stempler ; 5, Poinçons;: 6, Mercurio, Azogue; 8, Azougue. Bolle, Punzoni; 7, Punzones; 8, Punçoes. 1 2887. Quills 1, Schreib-federn, Po- .. 2873. Puppets --1, Draht-puppen; 2, sen ; 2, Schrijf pennen ; 3, Skrif-pennor ; Marionetten ; 3, Gyckel dockor; 4, Gögler 4, Fjæder penne; 5, Plumes à écrire; 6, dukker ; 5, Marionettes ; 6, Burattini; 7, Penue da scrivere; 7, Plumas para escribir; Titeres; 8, Bonifrates. 8, Pennas de escrever. PATRONS AND SUBSCRIBERS. FOREIGN OFFICE. No. of COPIES. For official transmission to Her Majesty's Consuls abroad ... 150 The Librarian .... ..... .. ... ... ... ... ... : 1 BOARD OF TRADE. The Lords of the Privy Council for Trade "Joint Secretaries t. Serretaries S Sir Emerson Tennent ... » .. James Booth, Esq. ... ... 1 : A. W. Fonblanque, Esq., Chief of the Statistical Department Richard Valpy, Esq., Assistant to the Statistical Department E. Bowring, Esq., Registrar and Librarian ... ... TREASURY. Treasury ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 CUSTOMS ESTABLISHMENT. Customs (amount of subscription will be decided after communication with the different Custom Houses in the United Kingdom) ... Geo. Plank, Esq. (Customs Benevo. Fund) Edwin Beedell, Esq. (Examiner's Oflice) .... ... .. Colonial Office ... COLONIAL OFFICE. : ... ... ... ... ... - ADMIRALTY . .. ... ... ........ Admiraltý ... ... Sir A. Perrier, C.B. ... ... .... Thos. Pickford, Esq., H.B.M. Consul, Paris Sir G. Jackson, Onslow Square, Brompton Phønix Office, 19 Lombard Street Matheson and Co., 3 Lombard Street .... Barber and Co., 136 Leadenhall Street ... W. Hervey, Esq., 3 Oxford Terrace, Bayswater W. Crosley, Esq., 193 Southwark Bridge Road Dover R. M. S. P. Company, 56 Lombard Street Rennie and Co., 6 Holland Street, Blackfriars .... Zulueta and Co., 22 Moorgate Street ... .... J. Leigh, Esq., Secretary to ditto, 22 Moorgate Street Huth and Co., 10 Moorgate Street A. de Arrogave, 116 Gresham House ... C. Leary, Esq., 26 Old Broad Street J. Miller, Esq., Beaufort Street, Chelsea" ... ... Wm. Withall, Esq., 7 Parliament Street ... ... . J. A. F. Reynolds, Esq., 84 Basinghall Street Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company A. Scratchley, Esq., 3 Parliament Street ... Lewis Hertslet, Esq Arena ... .... .. Messrs. Hubbock and Co. ... ... ... ... &c. &c. &c. . :::::::::::::::::: . 1 RA :::: Hotices of the Press Trom LONGMAN'S NOTES ON Books, Felruary 1860. In the course of his statistical labours as a clerk at the Board of Trade, which include the preparation of Parliamentary Returns of the changes periodically made in the tariff's of all nations, the Author of this work has frequently met with great difficulty in the nomenclature of various articles of commerce. Some of these articles are described abroad by names wholly unknown in this country; while the definition of others is so vague that it is all but impossible to explain to the English merchant with precision the nature of the changes continually made in foreign tåriffs, so as to enable him to judge whether the alterations are to his advantage or otherwise. On the other hand, no polyglot diction- . ary in existence, includes a mercantile vocabulary and list of technical terms in all the usual modern languages; although the utility of such a work to all persons engaged in commercial transactions with foreign countries is very obvious, as it would supersede the necessity of research in different dictionaries. It has therefore been attempted in the pre- sent volume to produce a manual adapted for general use in merchants' counting-houses. Having extracted all articles of international trade, chiefly from the tariffs of all nations, the author has arranged them in alphabetical and in numerical order in the English lan- guage, appending to each article in consecutive order its equivalent name in German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. This forms the first and principal part of the work. The second part consists of a separate index for each of the foreign languages, the names of the articles being arranged as before in alphabetical order, referring the reader in each instance to a number in the first part, where a proper translation of the word is readily found. The third part comprises a dictionary of the most usual commercial termis, likewise translated into the same eight foreign languages, and furnished with proper indices on the same plan as the second part. This Manual has been approved and sanctioned by competent official judges connected with the various departments of Government; the Foreign: Office, in particular, having ordered a large supply for the purpose of transmission to English Consuls abroad. .. .. EXTRACTS FROM REVIEWS. - * ATHENÆUM. THE EXAMINER. THE work, compiled 'so laboriously and 80 | SINCE the intercourse of nations is espe. carefully edited by Dr. Michelsen, is divided cially by commerce, there should be, and into three parts. The utility of the work, as apparently there is, a particular affinity be- a Manual for commercial men, can scarcely.. tween the words that represent in different countries articles of international trade. be exaggerated. It supplies a real want.;. Dr. Michelsen's new “ Polyglot Manual,” - and we are glad that the Committee of the which gives in nine European languages not. Privy Council for Trade have lent Dr. only the names of articles of commerce and Michelsen the assistance he required in industry, but the technical terms employed carrying out liis difficult undertaking., by traders in their dealing with each other, has therefore an interest beyond the counting-house, and may furnish serviceable DAILY NEWS. information to the student as well as to the DR. MICHELSEN has rendered good service merchant. Its main use, however, will be that of a book of reference to the merchants to the very numerous class of translators in of Europe. general and to mercantile men in particular by the publication of his "Merchant's Poly- CRITIC. glot Manual,” Dr. Michelsen's acquire- | In these days, when so much of the argot or ments as a linguist, his connexion with the slang of commerce forms part of every pub- lic journal and nearly every private courer- Board of Trade, and the valuable assistance sation, the value of such a volume ds the rendered him by friends, have afforded him present can scarcely be overstated. Upon peculiar facilities for his undertaking, which Dr. Michelsen's qualifications for the com- in its completed result is well worthy of pilation of such a work we scarcely need to commendation. ... enlarge. PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO. NETT-STREET SQUARE, LONDON. BOOKS FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. PUBLISHED BY J. AND C. MOZLEY, 6, PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON. ARITHMETIC. Sixth Edition, 12mo. roan lettered, price 3s. 6d. A SYSTEM OF PRACTICAL ARITHMETIC, adapted to the use of Schools : containing the Fundamental Rules, and their Application to Mercantile, Manufacturing, and Mechanical Calculations. BY SAMUEL YOUNG, MASTER OF THE ACADEMY, PRINCESS STREET, MANCHESTER. KEY TO THE ABOVE. 12mo. roan lettered, 4s. 12mo. sheep, price 2s. WALKINGAME'S TUTOR'S ASSISTANT. EDITED BY WILLIAM BIRKIN. KEY TO THE ABOVE. 12mo. sheep, 3s. EXAMINING QUESTIONS TO THE ABOVE. 4d. MENSURATION. 12mo. roan lettered, 3s. AN INTRODUCTORY TREATISE ON MENSURA- TION, in Theory and Practice : containing the Investigation of every Principle, and several Improved Rules of Operations. BY J. R. YOUNG, EMERITUS PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS, BELFAST COLLEGE. Crown 8vo. cloth limp, price 1s. ' INVENTIONAL GEOMETRY: a Series of Questions, Problems, and Explanations, to prepare for Euclid and the Higher Mathematics. BY W. G. SPENCER. Blank Paper Books for Working out the Questions, price 1s. ALGEBRA. Third Edition, Carefully Revised by the Author, 12mo. roan lettered, price 3s. AN INTRODUCTION TO ALGEBRA, and to the Solution of Numerical Equations; with full Explanations of the Theory, and numerous Examples for Exercise; with the Answers. .: BY J. R. YOUNG, EMERITUS PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS, BELFAST COLLEGE. KEY TO THE ABOVE. 12mo, roan lettered, price 4s. ENGLISH HISTORY. Fourteenth Edition, 55 Heads and Frontispiece, 12mo. roan lettered, price 4s. 6d. GOLDSMITH'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND; with a Continuation, and numerous Examining Questions. BY EDWARD COXE. Foolscap 8vo, cloth, price 3s. Sixth Edition, with the addition of a Table of the Contemporary Sovereigns of Europe, a Genealogical Table of the Kings of England, a List of the Royal Families of England, and a Continuation to 1859- KINGS OF ENGLAND: a History for the Young. BY THE AUTHOR OF “THE HEIR OF REDCLYFFE," &c. ALSO, A CHEAP SCHOOL EDITION, Slightly Abridged. Demy 18mo. price 1s. And with Questions for Examination, in cloth, price is. 2d. ANCIENT HISTORY. Fourth Edition, Foolscap 8vo. cloth, price 2s. 6d. LANDMARKS OF HISTORY: a Summary of Ancient History. From the Earliest Times to the Mahometan Conquest. BY THE AUTHOR OF "THE HEIR OF REDCLYFFE;" "KINGS OF ENGLAND," &c. Third Edition, with Map, 12mo. roan lettered, price 3s. 6d. GOLDSMITH'S GRECIAN HISTORY; with numerous Examining Questions, &c. BY EDWARD COXE. Third Edition, with Map, 12mo, roan lettered, price 3s. 6d. GOLDSMITH'S ROMAN HISTORY; with numerous Examining Questions, &c. BY EDWARD COXE. HISTORY OF THE MIDDLE AGES. Third Edition, Foolscap 8vo. cloth, price 3s. LANDMARKS OF HISTORY: Middle Ages. From the Reign of Charlemagne to that of Charles V. BY THE AUTHOR OF "THE HEIR OF REDCLYTFE,” &c. MODERN HISTORY. Second Edition, Foolscap 8vo. cloth, price 5s. 6d. LANDMARKS OF HISTORY: Modern History. From the Reformation to the Fall of Napoleon. BY THE AUTHOR OF “ THE HEIR OF REDCLYFFE,” &c. SACRED HISTORY. Demy 18mo. cloth, price 1s. THE CHOSEN PEOPLE: a Compendium of Sacred and Church History for School Children. BY THE AUTHOR OF “ THE HEIR OF REDCLYFFE," &c. Fourth Edition, 12mo. roan, price 4s. BIGLAND'S COMPENDIOUS HISTORY OF THE JEWS. For the Use of Schools and of Young Persons. WATTS’S SCRIPTURE HISTORY. 12mo. roan, 3s. 6d. Second Edition, 12mo. cloth, price 2s. OUTLINES OF UNIVERSAL HISTORY, Synchroni- cally Arranged, for the Use of Schools. REVISED AND CORRECTED BY A SCHOLAR IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. GEOGRAPHY, Fourteenth Edition, 12mo. coloured sheep, price 2s.6d. BIGLAND'S SYSTEM OF GEOGRAPHY. For the Use of Schools. Corrected to the Present Time. Seven Maps, and several Astronomical Diagrams. ASTRONOMY. Second Edition, foolscap 8vo. cloth, price 3s. PICTURES OF THE HEAVENS, With Thirty-one Diagrams of the Stars and Solar System. BY THE AUTHOR OF “A PRESENT FOR YOUNG CHURCAMEN;": “MY GODMOTHER'S LETTER,” &c, GREEK. Thirteenth Edition, demy 8vo. price 12s. bound. GROVES'S GREEK AND ENGLISH LEXICON: comprising all the Words in the Septuagint and New Testament, and the Writings of the most popular Greek Authors; with an English-Greek Vocabulary. BY THE REV. JOHN GROVES.. SPELLING AND PRONUNCIATION. Eleventh Edition, Revised, coloured sheep, price 1s. 6d. BIRKIN'S RATIONAL ENGLISH EXPOSITOR: containing an extensive Selection of Words, arranged on a new and systematic Plan, with copious and accurate Definitions. Eighty-second Edition, price 2s. bound. KNOWLES'S NEW SPELLING EXPOSITOR: con- taining Tables of Words from One to Seven Syllables, accen- tuated, explained, and divided; also, Tables of Synonymous Words, Vulgar Anglicisms, Remarkable Events, Discoveries and Inventions, Names of Men of Learning and Genius, Chrono- logical Events, &c. BY J. KNOWLES. New Edition, price 3s. 6d. bound. JONES'S SHERIDAN'S PRONOUNCING DICTION ARY. BY WILLIAM BIRKIN. BIGLAND'S SPELLING-BOOK. Tenth Edition, sheep, price 1s. 3d. ENFIELD'S SPEAKER. 12mo. roan, price 3s. 6d. Demy 18mo. cloth, price 9d. THE LITTLE CHILD'S READER : containing Original · Stories, adapted to the understanding of Young Children.; BY MARIA YOUNG. PRIZE MEDAL. EXHIBITION, 1851. COR01 the FD:ALDE PU YEK TERTUS PAY CATALOGUE AAV E LIGAVIT. " X OF MATHEMATICAL, OPTICAL, AND PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS TRITA ER 1 . MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY NEWTON & CO. WORKING OPTICIANS AND GLOBE MAKERS. TTT 25Y YO + COM SINOBIS 86 so ELSE YCRA. Sonor US . All . 1 1 . T A SOSO MACH CAT D * NRGU Film POUNDS By Special Appointment INSTRUMENT MAKERS TO H.R.H. THE PRINCE CONSORT. 3, FLEET STREET, TEMPLE BAR, LONDON. w CONTENTS. PAGE PAGE 2 MICROSCOPES. 12 AIR PUMPS, &c. 4 TELESCOPIS. 13 CHEMICAL CABINETS. 6 OPERA GLASSES, &c. 13 ELECTRIC AND GALVANIC AP- 6 SPECTACLES. PARATUS. 7 SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS. 14. ORRERIES. S NAUTICAL INSTRUMENTS. 15 NEWTON'S GLOBES. 9 DRAWING INSTRUMENTS. 18 MAGIC LANTERNS. 10 BAROMETERS, THERMOMETERS. 19 DISSOLVING APPARATUS. 11 PHOTOGRAPHIC APPARATUS. 20 DISSOLVING VIEWS. Messrs. Newton will be happy to give their customers any further information regarding the cipparatus manufactured by them, either by letter or personai applica- tion at their Establishment, 3, Fleet Street, Temple Bar, London. Newton & Co., Opticians & Globe Malcers, ACHROMATIC MICROSCOPES. ANTE . . A IN MA A r . Sinullam . Ince 1 . WS Uli 22 - 20 YOUR ill . MTB W F w Milun G . 3 2 - UDHUDULLUTUM 1 T XYZ UIT 16'll . SV or Willimit 11/. oនិងលយយោល JUA UMUMNES . . . . - * . -.i V . . Viit yo ON I Wli! . TU howtou now 21S Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Compound ·Achromatic Microscope Stand, Fig. 1, of the £ s. d. largest size and best construction, with quick and slow motions to the body, a mechanical stage, allowing one inch motion in oppo- site directions, sliding and revolving object plate holder, plain and concave mirrors, glass plates, and two eye-pieces; also a secondary stage, having rotary, rectangular, and vertical motions for holding polariscope, spotted lerises, achromatic condenser, &c. 22 0 0 Mahogany polished Case for ditto, with draws. £3 10'0 to .5 0 0 Compound Achromatic Microscope Stand, of the best con- struction, with quick and slow motions to the body, a mechan- ical stage, sliding and revolving object plate-holder, plain and concave mirrors, two eye-pieces, and diaphragm plate ; . 13 13 0 Mahogany polished Case for ditto, with draws Achromatic Object Glasses. 2 inch . . . 0 15 0 1 4 inch . 1 15 0 1 inch . . . 1 0 0 1 inch .. 25 0. inch . 1 10 0 11 Achromatic Object Glasses of larger angular aperture. 2 inch . . 2 10 01inch . 4 4 0 11 inch . 2 15 0 inch . 6 0 0 1 inch . 3 0 0 1inch . 7 7 0 1 inch . 4 0 Odl The higher priced Object Glasses are of the largest angular aperture, and of first-rate excellence. The lower priced are recommended and admirably adapted for general use, producing a clearly defined image, but they are of less angular aperture. . 3, Fleet Street, Temple Bar, London. Iro . ORN OS a D . VA SPIN Inh VIIHII . RSS SF . .. VET N . . AMDI OS WITHUN VII I tuniti 11111 .. . .- L C . CRESPONS 241" . S . £. 6. d. Fig. 3. Newton's Student's Achromatic Microscope, as shown in Fig. 3, with two achromatic powers, condenser for opaque objects on stand, brass forceps, and one eye-piece, magnifies 250 diameters, or 62,500 times, packed in cabinet case . . 4 4 0 Ditto, ditto, with two eye-pieces, and fine adjustment, magnifies 350 diameters. 5 5 0 Ditto, ditto, with fine adjustment, lever stage, and two eye- pieces. • 6 00 Ditto, ditto; with double Rack Movement for stage 7 7 0 Polarising Apparatus for either of the above. . 1 5 0 ... 0 APPARATUS FOR ACHROMATIC MICROSCOPES. Eye Pieces extra for No. 1 Microscope, A., B., C., and d. each 0 15 0 Erecting Eye Piece. r. 0 15 0 Micrometer for Stage, 100ths and 1000ths . Micrometer Eye Piece Condenser for opaque objects on stand, with universal joint Smaller ditto . . 75. 6d. to 012 6 Achromatic Condenser . 210 Gillett's ditto, with adjustments 5 0 0 Parabolic Condenser: Lieberkuhn . 2in. 175. hd. ilin. 15s. Revolving Selenite Stage and Box . 2 0 0 Polarising Apparatus for No. 1 Microscope. 2 0 0 Dark Ground Illuminator, or Spotted Lens. 75. 6d, to O 15 Diaphragm, with dark cell, fitted to secondary stage for No. 1.. 0 10 0 Camera Lucida . • 15s. to 1 10 Silver Side Reflector. 1 1 Animalculæ or Live Box . 55. 6d. to 0 10 6 Stage Forceps 4s. 6d. to 08 6 Bottle Forceps, each .. Glass Stage Plates, per pair . Compressorium Best Lever . Lister's Dark Well and fittings Frog Plate and Bag, for viewing the circulation of the Blood Set of Six Glass, Tubes, in morocco case . Valentine's Knife,in morocco case Dissecting Tools, with scissors, in morocco case QONNO ad er No and more o ön otroo ooo oo oor tror G GOD VANCO Newton & Co., Opticians da Globe Makers, £ s. d. 0 0 0 2 1 6 1 2 0 0 0 Plate-Glass Slides, with polished edges, for mounting objects, 3in. by lin. per dozen. Thin Glass, for covering objects, in squares 4s. 6d. per oz., in circles Canada Balsam, Gold Size, Asphalte, per bottle . . Argand Lamp for Microscope . . . 15s. to Microscopic Objects of the very first quality, consisting of insects, eyes, feet, hair, scales, spiracles, stings, tongues, trachea, wings, wood sections, spicula, diatomacea, shells, &c., &c, each Polariscope Objects, crystals, horns, minerals, &c. . . Injected Preparations, bones, urinary deposits, &c. ls. 60. to Cabinets for Objects. Case for 2 dozen objects. . Mahogany polished case for 6 dozen objects, lock and key . . . Mahogany upright cabinets, with drawers for holding objects in a horizontal position . £2 10s. to Oi 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 7 6 6 5 5 0 COMPOUND MICROSCOPES. Compound Microscope, with six powers, rack-work motion, condenser for opaque objects, stage forceps, tweezers, objects, &c., in mahogany case, magnifies 22,500 times . 2 15 Compound Microscope, with one power, in box . 012 6 Ditto, with three powers : 0 18 6 Ditto, three powers, and condenser for opaque objects . Box of 24 Objects, for the common microscope . Flower Microscopes of various kinds . . 2s. to 0 7 6 Linen Provers . . . 2s. 6d., ditto to fold 0 4 6 Stanhope Lens, in case 0 3 6 Coddington, ditto, in German Silver 8s. 6d., standard silver : 0 12 6 Pocket Lenses, in horn case, with one, two, or three powers, Is. 6d., 3s. 6d., to . Com to : 0 5 0 . ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPES. 10 . or"* 0mm 79 MT I ' . mo 1102 IRILA ho · Fig. 4. Thirty-inch Astronomical Telescope, mounted on brass tripod stand, with three eye-pieces, powers 35, 45, 90, object glass 27in, diameter, rack-work adjustment, packed in mahogany case . . Ditto, ditto, with vertical and horizontal-rack adjustment. 10 10 16 0 0 0 3, Fleet Street, Temple Bar, London. Tinta e .m - ** N . NS ww www www www ON KAN TRUST w AVUIO, N OUT D11 bel Viitattu VIVATE - ES 9. 1.III 221ION BUIS . - . WHIT I TA NUD . . th AN __ a . . - - UN lll . YL A - Fig. 5. Three-and-a-half feet Telescope, with finder, on pillar and £ s. d. claw frame, with two day and three astronomical powers, 35, 55, 80, 120, and 200, object glass 27 inches, rack and pinion ad- justment to eye-pieces, vertical and horizontal racks, universal handle, packed in mahogany case (Fig. 5) . . 31 10 Ditto, with improved tripod garden stand, brass stretchers 35 10 0 Ditto, ditto, on plain stand . 24 0 0 Three-and-a-half-feet Telescope, on garden stand with all the adjustments, object-glass 3 inches . . . . 50 0 0 Five-feet Astronomical Telescope, object-glass, 4lin. diameter, with finder, 5 powers from 35 to 400, rack and pinion adjustment to eye-pieces, vertical and horizontal racks, universal handle, mounted on improved equipoised garden stand, with brass stretchers, and double steadying rods, packed in two cases . . . 90 0 0 Ditto, ditto, mounted on equatorial stand . . . . 130 0 0 All the above instruments can be highly recommended, larger ones are made to order. . PORTABLE TELESCOPES. Achromatic Pocket Telescope, with two or three draws, mahogany body. . 10s. 6d. 12s. 6d. 1 1 0 Ditto, larger size . £i 10s. to 2 2 0 Officers or Tourists' Telescope, with tubes and mountings of bronzed brass, to adapt it for deer-stalking, draws out to 30in. and closes up to 10 inches, in sling leather case. . . 3 3 0 Ditto, ditto, with sun shade for India . . 3 7 6 Ditto, ditto, with extra power and brass tripod stand for astro- nomical purposes packed in mahogany case . . . 6 6 0 These Officers' or Tourists' Telescopes are very strongly recommended, the ordinary day power will clearly show Jupiter's inoons. Navy Telescopes, with one draw, body covered with leather, and code of signals . . · · · 3 3 0 Day and Night Telescopes, best quality . . 3 3 0 Pocket Astronomical Telescope, with extra power and tripod stand, in case · £3 10s. and 5 5 0 Newton cs Co., Opticians & Globe Makers, OPERA GLASSES AND SPECTACLES. joj YTYS 1. - OON O O O OOO Fig. 6. Figs. 8, 9, 10. Fig. 7. Single Opera-Glasses, black body and gilt draw • £0 10 6 Ditto, ditto, ivory and gilt 0 12 6 Ditto, larger size . . £1 to 1 100 Double Opera-glasses, in black, or ivory and gilt bodies, vari- ous sizes, from £1 10s. to 5 5 Opera-Glasses, small size, with 12 lenses very powerful, in black and gilt : . £2 7s. 6d. to 300 Ditto, ivory and gilt • £2 15s. to 3 100 Larger size Race-Glasses, morocco leather body, sliding shades, leather case and sling £3 10s. to 8 8 Patent pantoscopic Spectacles, for old or long sight (Fig. 8) Standard Gold, with best glasses . £2 15s. to 3 3 0 Ditto 50s. Gold ditto £1 15s. to 2 0 0 Standard Silver ditto i 0 16 0 Blue Steel ditto . ls. 6d., 38., 5s., 7s. 6d. and 0 10 6 Spectacles for short sight, with double bridge, at the same prices (Fig. 9). Brazilian Pebbles, fitted to any Spectacles, per pair . . 0 6 0 Horse-shoe Spectacles, with neutral tint glasses (Fig. 11). 0 12 6 Railway Preservers. 4s. 6d. to 0 7 6 Double Eye-glasses, solid Gold (Fig. 10) £2 2s. to 4 40 Plated Gold, ditto, . . £1 4s. to 2 2 0 Silver ditto . • 0 12 6 Tortoise-shell ditto . 5s. to 0 7 6 Ditto, with spring to hold ou the nose, 7s.6d, to 0 10 0 Horn ditto : . 0 3 0 Single Eye-Glasses, Gold (Fig. 12) 5s. to 1 10 0 Tortoise-shell ditto . . . 0 2 6 Horn ditto . . . . 0 1 0 Lenses accurately fitted to suit every sight. Figs. 11, 12. GYROSCOPES, MODELS, &c. Gyroscope, for illustrating the effect of rotary motion overcoming gravity, the precession of the equinoxes, &c., in case . Foucault's Gyroscope, mounted in gimbals with vertical axis, on stand, packed in case 2 14 6 Anorthoscope for illustrating the very curious optical effects of motion ou vision . 1 10 0 Gorham's Kaleidoscopic Top for illustrating the phenomena of colour, in Box, with directions 1 1 0 Ditto do. for Children . Model Locomotive Engine . . 4 4 0 Railway for ditto, 3ft. diameter . 1 5 0 Stationary Engine, oscillating cylinder 1 1 0 Still for distilling water, i Gallon size . . 0 18 0 Set of Mechanical Powers, large size, illustrating gravity, friction, motion, pulleys, screw, levers, &c. 5 5 0 O 136 3, Fleet Street, Temple Bar, London. THEODOLITES, LEVELS, &c. 1010 S2PS - ou NI UD Nott ito Oil Twinti 2D/ 1001 V IT My UN V1 om HARE ... 12 12 0 Fig. 13. £ s. d. Theodolite, 6 inch, of the best construction, divided on silver, · with tangent screw adjustments, and tripod staff, in case con- plete . . . 25 0 0 Ditto, ditto, with two telescopes. . 51 10 0 Theodolite, 5in., best construction, one telescope • 21 10 0 Theodolite, 4in., ditto . . . 16 0 0 Transit Instruments, .. . £15 15s. to 50 0 0 Dumpy or Gravatt's Level, 10in., with rack adjustment, and - tripod staff, in case, Fig. 13 . • 10 10 0 Dumpy Level, loin., with silver ring compass, best construction, and tripod staff. Dumpy Level, 14in., with silver ring compass, best construction, and tripod staff. pers 14 14 : Miners Dial, 5in., with divided cover, ball and socket joint, ma- hogany legs : ... . Miners' Compass, 5in., with folding sights, in case, without legs 210 Draining Level for Agricultural purposes . . 2 2 0 Ditto, with parallel plates, and mahogany legs . Levelling Staff, Sopworth’s 14 feet portable . . 2 12 6 Spirit Levels mounted in brass, per inch Prismatic Compass, 4in., with azimuth glass, in sling leather case Tripod stand for ditto, with ball and socket joint . I 10 Pocket, or Box Sextant, in sling leather case, without telescope Ditto, ditto, with telescope . 4 10 0 Surveyors' Cross Box. 7s. 6d. to 0 15 0 Surveying Chains, warranted 66 feet, brass handles 0 10 6 Set of 10 Arrows Measuring Tapes, best London made, 50 feet . 66 feet, 100 feet, ditto. 0 12 6 Pentagraphs, best construction, in brass, 24in. 5 5 0 For every additional 6in. 1 1 0 Clinometer, for measuring angles : . 0 18 0 do with sights for levelling drains 1 7 6 Trocheameter for measuring the revolutions of a carriage, or other wheel, thus giving the distance run 2 15 0 3 ao 1 4 0 as were born on ooo or von oooooooooooooooooo ditto . . . Newton il Co., Opticiuns & Globe Mukers, SEXTANTS, QUADRANTS, & COMPASSES. AD DES W 1 . Fig. 14. Fig. 15. £ s. il. Metal Sextants, divided on silver to 10 seconds, Fig. 14 . 8 8 0 Best ditto, extra power to telescopes, reflector, &c. . . 10 10 0 Sextants in ebony, divided on ivory, with three telescopes, tan- gent screw, &c. . . • 6 0 0 Quadrant in ebony, with tangent screw, Fig. 15. Ditto, with double tangent, and vertical screw 3 ( 0 Ditto, ditto, with 2 telescopes . Handle Quadrant, with all the adjustments, and two telescopes · 4 10 0 Artificial Horizon, with mercury bottle and trough complete . 4 4 () Ships' Compasses, from 12s. to . 2 10 0 Pocket Compasses, in mahogany and metal cases 2s. 6d. to 0 15 O joo ooo 3 coa 3 10 Oo. O NEWTON'S SCHOOL SETS OF MATHEMATICAL DRAWING INSTRUMENTS. • No. 1 A Set of Drawing Instruments, consisting of com- pass with shifting pen and pencil leg, iu mahogany box. 0 2 0 No. 2 Ditto with boxwood scale, in polished box. . 026 No. 3 Ditto, ditto, with 12in. seale, angle piece, and ebouy parallel rule, in long box . 0 3 6 No. 4 A Set of Drawing Instruments, consisting of compass with pen and pencil legs, lengthening bar, a pair of divi- ders, drawing pen, and scale of equal parts, in polished mahogany box. 0 5 0) No. 5 A Set consisting of large and small compasses with shifting pen and pencil legs, drawing pen, and scale of equal parts, protractor, &c., in polished mahogany box . 06 No. 6 A Set of Drawing Instruments, with large and small compasses, shifting pen and pencil logs, lengthening bar, pair of dividers, and drawing pen, scale of equal parts, &c., protractor and parallel rule, in polished mahogany box (10 No. The same as No. 6, with boxwood sector. 0 12 6 No. 8 Superior finished full Set of Instruments, with hair points, large and small compasses, with shifting pen and pencil legs, lengthening bar, dividers, ivory-handic drai- ing pen, fitted in tray, with boxwood protractor, sector, and parallel rule, in polislied mahogany case, with lock and key. . 1 5 0 3, Fleet Street, Temple Bar, London. DRAWING INSTRUMENTS-continued. £ s. d. No. 9 A Set, consisting of same Instruments as No. 8, with ivory scales and rules, in polished rosewood case 1 15 0 No. 10 Addiscombe College Case of Instruments, with set of Marquois' scales. . . 3 3 0 Pocket Case of German Silver Instruments, containing a pair of compasses, with needle points and jointed legs, length- ening bar, spring bow-pen, drawing pen, and pair of dividers 1 10 Pocket Case of German Silver Instruments, superior finish, in morocco case. . . £1 15s. to 2 2 O A Set of German Silver Instruments, consisting of large compasses, with double-jointed and shifting legs and needle points, a pair of dividers, bow-pen and bow-pencil, spring bow- pen, lengthening bar, and drawing pen with ivory scale, iu rose- wood case . 3 3 0 A Complete Set of German Silver Instruments, double- jointed large compasses with pen and pencil leg, hair dividers, double-jointed bow-pen and pencil, jointed lengthening bar, spring dividers, spring bow-pen and pencil, two drawing pens, penknife, and best ivory scales, in rosewood case. . . . 5 5 0 Engineers' Set of Ġerman Silver Instruments, consisting of Brunel's compasses with solid slides, full divided propor- tional compasses, revolving bow-pen and pencil, hair dividers, spring bow-pen, and drawing pen, with ivory scales, in morocco leather case . . 6 16 6 Ditto, in handsome rosewood case Magazine and Cabinet Cases of Drawing Instruments, in electrum or silver, to order.. £10 to 30 0 0 Pentagraphs for Enlarging or Reducing Plans, Maps, &c., in brass, with case, 24in. . . 5 5 0 For every additional 6 inches , . 1 1 0 Beam Compasses, with extra per and pencil points, micrometer adjustment, and ebony bar. Brass £2 5s. German Silver . 2 12 6 * Proportional Compasses for enlarging or reducing drawings, full divided, in case. Brass, £1 7s. 6d. German Silver Engineers' Pocket or Pillar Compass, German Silver, in case : £1 Is. to 1 10 0 Napier's Ditto £1 ls. to Brass Compasses or dividers, 4in. to bin. Is, to U 3 Best Ditto, German Silver, hair points, from . 05 () Brunel's Improved Compass, with solid slides 2 10 0 Chain Scales, of ivory, 12in. long 0 9 0 Two-inch offsets for ditto. 0 2 0 Chain Scales, of boxwood, 12in. long: . Two-inch offsets for ditto . Marquois Scales, the set in box, with book. 0 10 6 Architects' ditto, boxwood, 5s. Ivory 0 10 0 Protracters in brass, boxwood, horn, or ivory, Id. to Parallel Rules in ebony, ordinary construction, 3d. per inch. . Rolling ditto ditto 9d. per inch, divided ivory edge, ls. Id. per inch. T'Squares, Straight-edges, Curves, Angles, and every other description of Rule and Scale. 1 10 coo0o0o OG Em Co nowocco oooooooooo 0 Newton & Co., Opticians ck Globe Malcers, 5 af 67 -o s BAROMETERS, THERMOMETERS, &c. £. s. il. Pediment Barometers 10s. 6d. to 012 6 Ditto with Thermometer, complete £1 ls. to 2 2 0 Ditto with double rack verniers, in rosewood, mahogany, or carved oak frames . £2 2s. to 5 5 0 Marine Barometer . £2 2s. to 4 4 0 Mountain ditto . £3 3s. to 6 Wheel Barometers, Sin. of ordinary construction Ditto superior construction, made portable, with stopcock, for tra- velling . £2 2s. to 4 4 0 Ditto ditto, 10in. * £3 3s. to 6 0 Aneroid Barometer . • £2 12s. 6d. to 3 3 Bourdon's Barometer, in case 3 13 Thermometers, with box scales warranted . . ls. and Ditto japanned, or copper cases, from . 02 Self-registering Day and Night Thermometers from 0 10 Six's Registering ditto, without scales 0 16 0 Chemical Thermometers, with jointed scale for liquids 6s. 6d. to O 15 0 Mason's Hygrometer 0 15 0) · Saccharometers and Hydrometers for Milk, Acids, Alkalies, &c. . 4s. 6d. to 0 ñ 6 Metal Hydrometers in case with weights. £3 3s. to 5 5 0 Urinometers · • from 0 7 6 Ditto in case, Thermometers, and Acid Bottles • . 1 10 0 PHOTOGRAPHIC CAMERAS AND APPARATUS. . w Tully - - ... Fig. 16. Fig. 17. Expanding Mahogany Camera, Fig. 16, with combined Por- trait Lenses i plate size, frame for collodion plates, and focus glass £30 0 ) Ditto, with tripod stand, and the requisite chemicals for the positive and negative processes. . - 5 5 0 Expanding Mahogany Camera, with back for plates, focus glass, and double plate lenses, for portraits, 6 by 5, and views 7 by 6. . 7 0 0 Ditto, with tripod 'stand, pressure frame, weights and measures, chemicals, &c., packed in case . · 10 10 0 Expanding Mahogany Camera, with collodion back, focus glass, and double whole plate lens for portraits 8.1 by 6), and vicvs 10.by 8 . . . • 14 00 Portable Folding Camera, fig. 17, with sliding front, 1 plate Portrait Lens, double back for holding two sheets of prepared paper, collodion back and focus glass for views, 6 by 5, and por- traits, 4 by 3, packed in case, Fig. 17 . . . . . . 5 0 0 Folding Camera, with sliding front, 1 plate portrait lens, and apparatus same as above, for views, 7 by 9, and portraits, 6 by 5, in case. . 9 9 0 3, Fleet Street, Temple Bar, London, £ s. d. Folding Camera, with whole plate lens, for views, 10 by 8, and portraits, 8;} by 6 16 16 0 Stereoscopic Camera, Latimer Clark's principle, with sliding back aud adjusting table, without lens . . 2 100 Camera Lucida, for drawing objects in true perspective, in case 1 10 0 Camera Obscura, pyramidal form, for drawing from nature 5 0 0 If the above Cameras are for India, they should have brass bands and corners, . which will make an addition in price of 20s., and 40s., for either of the above sizes. Achromatic Portrait Lenses, with optical and chemical foci coincident, mounted in brass fittings with rack-work adjustment. No. 1. lain. diameter, for portraits, 4 by 3in. . . 2 0 0 No. 2. 2. in. diameter, 67 in. by 4 in... . 4 4. 0 No. 3. 3fin, diameter, 8 in. by 6.in. . . 10 00 Single Achromatic Lenses, for views, mounted in brass, with rack-work adjustment. No. 1. lin. diameter, for views, 5 by 4in. . 1 5 0 No. 2. 2 in. diameter, 8.1 by 6 in. . . . 2 0 0 No. 3. 3in. diameter, lo by 7 . . . 3 10 0 Larger sizes to order ; the whole of the above Lenses are warranted perfect. Tripod Camera Stands of variòus forms, 12s. 6d. to. . 1 100 Pressure Frames for printing positives on paper, with jointed back for observing the picture, for plates, 7 by 6in., 9 by 7in., 10 by Sin., 8s., ICs., and. : : 0 12 0 Glass Plates, best patent plate, ground edges. 31 by 23 inches . . . .0 | 6 | 7 by 6 . 0 7 0 4 by 3 . . 0 2 0 8 by 6 .. 41 by 31. . 0 2 6 | 81 by 61. . 0 9 6 5 by 4 . . 0 3 6 9 by 7 . 010 6 6 by 5 . · 0 5 0 1 10 by 8 ... · 0 12 6 Collodion Dipping Baths of solid glass, with dipper, for plates, 5 by 4in., 45. 6d., 8} by 63 080 Albumenized Paper, for printing positives, of the best quality, : 11 by 9in., per quire .. 0 6 0 Ditto, ditto, thinner . 0 3 0 Turner and Canson's Negative and Positive per quire is. 60. to 0 4 0 Negative Waxed Paper, 11 by gin., per quire . , 0 9 0 Iodized Paper, 7 by 6in., per dozen . . . , 0 3 0 Pure Photographic Chemicals, &c. STEREOSCOPES. Pocket Stereoscope, in mahogany frame . . . . 0 1 0 Stereoscope, in polished mahogany . . 0 3 6 Prismatic Stereoscope' . 75. 6d. to 1 0 0 Stereoscopic Pictures on paper, taken by photography, in great variety . each 0 1 0 Stereoscopic Pictures on glass, each. 45. to 07 0 Stands for any of the above • 9s. to 1 1 0 12 Newton & Co., Opticians do Globe Makers, AIR PUMPS AND APPARATUS. til 17 Lorem NIITUMTOTDATES Tgiuntam e nt SURE IS IN - - 17 . II.. 1 - - - - . . L1 LI US RS ASI IHINEV TUNI TITIPINTIIMTITITINIMITTITIINITTidum INUNUITIRILLANTINITINI:Martin - Fig 18. L Fig. 19. i £ s. cl. 1 5 0 - 25 0 c 3 13 6 Air Pump, single barrel, plate 3£in. diameter, with bell glass receiver . Air pump, with 5 in. plate, sloping barrel, bell glass receiver, and stopcock to keep a vacuum when removed from the pump, (Fig. 19 . . . . . Tate's Double Action Air Pump. Length of barrel 16 inches, bore 1.2 inches . . This is a very cheap and useful Instrument. Double Barrel Air Pump, with bin. plate . . . . Ditto, ditto, with 8in. plate, and table clamp . Ditto, with gin. raised plate, and gauge plate, mercurial syphon gauge, clamp and key (Fig. 18). Bell glass receiver for ditto . Double Barrel Air Pump, on mahogany stage stool, 3ft. high, plate 10in. diameter, with barometer gauge, cistern and key . Bell-shaped receiver for ditto . Pocket Condenser, with tinder-box 4 14 7 7 6 0 9 9 0 0 12 6 18 18 O 15 0 5 0 6 0 14 0 long, lin. diameter Tall open receiver, 18in. high, with plate to close the top for guinea and feather, fountain in vacuo, and other experiments, for either of the pumps . . Bladder glass . Magdeburgh Spheres, 2 in. diameter, with handles Ditto, 3in, diameter 16s., ditto 4in. Guinea and Feather Apparatus, 2 falls Bladder frame and lead weights . Mercury filtering cup .. . Lungs glass . . Fountain plate, stop-cock and stand Bell Experiment . Leslie's Apparatus for Freezing Water .. 10s.*and Set of Pneumatic Apparatus, with air pump, 51 plate (Fig. 19), bell glass receiver, bladder frame and lead weight, Magdeburgh spheres, bladder glass, bell experiment, guinea and feather apparatus, tall open receiver, with plate for closing, fountain jet, mercury filtering cup and glass, condeusing syringe. The whole packed in coloured case. Model of Diving Bell with pump . . . . 0 10 6 0 2 6 0 12 6 1 5 0 0 15 0 0 8 6 4 6 0 6 6 0 10 0 0 10 6 0 15 0 6 1 6 5 0 0 3, Fleet Street, Temple Bar, London. 13 CHEMICAL CABINETS. 2A 1 . .. :: ESTE NY . . Ons 145 STORY . St. Y ERI NIIN 3807 SV. VIII/ IRIS PS X '. . ini 20 . 1 ITU HALO I TU . 4. 11122 WA . U16 th TG102; WS IT MUIDEM LH:1 ar 1 1 . A r . . SA - I "Hoy Nal . ! . C * l.com, Clio Com EE . 51 MOULIN 15 . . Fig. 20. £ s. d. 0 10 6 3 3 0 Youth's Chemical Cabinet, Fig. 20, containing upwards of sixty articles—No. 1, in paper box, 5s. : 6d.; No. 2, cedar box, with hooks, 7s. 6d.; No. 3, polished mahogany box, with lock and key. : Student's Chemical Cabinet, in handsome mahogany case, containing upwards of one hundred articles No. 1, £1 Is.. No. 2, £2 2s. No. 3, Hydro-Pneumatic Apparatus, comprising in one piece of apparatus, a Pneumatic Trough with large tray to hold Gas Jars; a Gasometer, and an Hydraulic Blow-pipe, complete · with Lamp and Tongs . . . . . . Ditto, fitted up with 90 Chemical Preparations and Tests, and a large assortment of superior apparatus, Air Jars, and other necessaries for making gases . . . . . 2 2 0 5 5 0 ELECTRICITY AND GALVANISM. Electrical Machine, 9in. plate and brass conductor 2 10 0 Ditto, ditto, 16in. plate and double conductor . . 4 4 0 This is a very cheap and useful Instrument. Ditto, ditto, 18in. plate . . • 7 7 0 Ditto, ditto, 24in. plate . . . 12 00 Ditto, ditto, 30in. plate . . 20 0 0 Cylinder Electrical Machines £1 5s. to 5 Leyden Jars . . 35. 6d. to 0 15 0 Diamond Jar, 1 pint . Jointed Dischargers . 7s. 6d. to 0 12 6 Insulated Stool 0 12 6 Gold Leaf Electrometer 0 10 6 Henley's Quadrant Electrometer. 0 6 6 Pith Image Plates, with brass stands . 0 7 6 Pith Ball Stand 0 5 6 Thunder House a 0 7 0 Bucket and Syphon. Electrical See-Saw; . Set of five Spirals Egg-shaped Glass with Stop-cock and Sliding-wire to shov light in vacuo . Pith Figures Is. each, Balls per dozen. 0 1 French's Bell Experiment. 1 5 0 Set of Three Bells on brass beam 0 6 6 Head of Hair · 6 0 3 6 Hand Spiral . 0 3 6 Electrical Sportsman. 0 150 erwer coeren OOOW O Newton & Co., Opticians and Globe Makers, ♡ I ELECTRICITY AND GALVANISM-continued. Henley's Universal Discharger, for deflagrating metals, &c., £ s. d. for voltaic or frictional electricity . 1 12 6 Set of Electrical Apparatus, consisting of a 16in. Plate Ma- chine, Leyden Jar, Pith Ball Stand, Jointed Discharger, Hand Spiral, Head of Hair, Set of 3 Bells, Amalgam and Chain, in case with lock and key . . . . B 6o Electro-Galvanic Machine, for medical purposes, consisting of magnetic coil and handles, with Smee's battery, complete in case 2 2 0 Improved ditto, with regulators, in mahogany case 3 15 0 Magneto-Electric Machine 2 12 6 Smee's Batteries, in earthen or glass cells, from . 0 7 6 Six-cell Smee's Battery in gutta percha cells in mahogany box, with ratchet lifter for raising the plates out of the acid, connec- tions for quantity and intensity, 144 inches of platinum surface. 3 13 6 Maynooth Battery, with porous pot, zinc and iron cell, large size Grove's Battery 0 10 Magnets, horseshoe, from 6d. to 0 15 0 Electro-Magnets and keepers . 7s. 6d. to 11 o Galvanometer for measuring electric currents . 6 Ritchie's Experiment, revolving magnet O 15 0 Ersted's Experiment, deflecting needle 0 10 6 Barlow's rotating wheel 0 10 0 Sturgeon's disc for ditto 03 6 Electrotype Apparatus, Coils, Jars, and all kinds of Galvanic and Electrical Experiments. Electric Telegraph, working model, with battery and wires complete . 3 13 6 Alarm Bell for ditto . 1 11 6 S ORRERIES, &c. 0 8 010 QO . . otworthy SZ Inl ay VIMUIYA BRYO i I nebesy Ocelle .17 ORIUS, 111 AYNARZO GEOR 110 WIWW VOOR 11 = SSREA · Fig. 21. 10 10 0 Complete Orreries, mounted on 17/in. board, showing all the Planets and their Satellites, Diurnal and Aunual Motions of the Earth, Revolutions of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, and all the Planets, to work by winch, in case complete . · Ditto, on 17žin. board, the Earth and Moon, and two Planets only being made to move by winch, in case. .. . Ditto, having the same motions, to move by bands, (Fig. 21,) in case Tellurian, showing the movements of the Earth and Moon round the Sun, intended to explain the Phenomena of the Seasons, Tides, Day and Night, &c. Mounted on a 13£in. board, in case 5 5 0 3 13 6 111 6 3, Fleet Street, Temple Bar, London.. 15 NEWTON'S IMPROVED GLOBES. In introducing their List of Prices of Globes to the notice of the heads of Colleges and Educational Establishments, and the Public in General, the Publishers beg to state, that the greatest care has been taken to keep up the character which these Globes have attained for accurate and copious informa- tion during the last 150 years. The positions of the stars have been re- calculated, and the Maps on all the Globes laid down by Mr. W. NEWTON, Author of “ Maps of the Stars," Editor of the “ London Journal of Arts and Sciences," &c. An attempt has been made to give to the Figures on the Celestial Globe a classical elegance, which, it is hoped, will be found an improvement upon the Constellations usually placed on the Celestial Globe. in order to meet the increased demand for good and accurate Globes, at such prices as will admit of these Instruments being more generally adopted in Schools, the Publishers have, at considerable expense, made arrangements for manufacturing Globes especially for the use of Students in Schools; and, although the prices for these Globes are exceedingly low, the same attention is paid to accuracy as in the more expensive ones. NEWTON'S SCHOOL GLOBES. With Electro-Brazen Iron Meridians, Brass Hour Circles, &c. 1 -. N .. ERI - RESS . . S E : . . . . . . / 217 NIL . . ! . 07. . . I YPA . TA . . WE 1.VN 9 21 UNIUL H . A Well Orror . IM . MAS CITY . WITTEN ' S th * * in No. 1, Fig. 22. PO Black-stained Wood | .No. 1 d. Fig. 23. Fig. 24 ames for the table. Chair-high Mahogany Globesfor Suspension per pair Frames. | from the Ceiling. 25in. Globes £18 0 0 1 per pair each 20in, ditto 8 10 025in. Globes £21 0 3 25in. Globes £7 7 0 15in. ditto 4 10 0 20in. ditto 10 0 0 20in. ditto 3 10 0 12in. ditto 3 3 0 15in. ditto 6 10 015in. ditto 1 15 0 9in. ditto 2 10 0112in. ditto 4 10 0 12in. ditto 1 0 0 NEWTON'S SLATE GLOBES, Fig. 30. Mounted on Pedestals, and having the lines of Latitude and Longitude marked thereon. The surface of these Globes is so prepared that the Student may, with an ordinary slate-pencil, draw on the surface. The outline of the Map of the Earth, or any part thereof, and any marks so made may with equal facility be removed by means of a damp sponge. 25in. Globes each £500, 12in. Globes each £1 1 0 20in. ditto , 3 0 0 9in. ditto 0 160 15in, ditto 1 10 0 6in. ditto 0 90 16 Newton & Co., Opticians & Globe Makers, NEWTON'S GLOBES FOR THE LIBRARY OR DRAWING ROOM. Highly finished, with engraved Brass Meridians, Double Hour Circles, Quad- rants of Altitude, and Compass Boxes, and containing all the most recent improvements, in handsome carved Mahogany and Rosewood Frames. IP CAN Si ONAL FIT alle co Fig. 25. Fig. 26. Fig. 27. Neat Mahogany Frames, Polished Mahogany Frames, Intended for Table Use. With Compass Boxes. No. 2, Fig. 25. No. 3, Fig. 26. 20in. Globes, per pair £10 10 0 | 25in. Globes, per pair £25 0 0 15in. ditto ditto . 6 10 0 | 20in. ditto ditto . 13 13 0 12in. ditto ditto 4 10 0 15in. ditto ditto , S 8 0 9in. ditto ditto 12in, ditto ditto 5 100 6in. ditto ditto No. 4, Fig. 27. No. 5, Fig. 28. Best Carved Mahogany Pillar Very Handsome Carved Tripod and Claw Frames. Frames. 25in. Globes, per pair £31 10 0 | 25in. Globes, per pair £36 0 0 20in. ditto ditto . 15 15 0 20in, ditto ditto 18 18 0 15in. ditto ditto . 10 10 0 15in. ditto ditto . 12 12 0 12in, ditto ditto . 6 16 6 | 12in. ditto ditto . 7 10 0 AGUS . UNIT INUNNIN in UT. ns VII . no Ils of nului EL 01. *** ts T MCLUI! Wanilion ? pellantirdhead ZERTUM OR TUT ៣ . LAV Fig. 28. Rosewood or Walnut Queen's Pattern. Extra Carved and French Polished. No. 6, Fig. 29. 25in. Globes, per pair, .. • £42 0 0 20in. ditto ditto 18 18 0 15in. ditto ditto 12 12 0 12in. ditto ditto • 8 8 0 Fig. 29. 3, Fleet Street, Temple Bar, London. NEWTON'S READING OR REFERENCE GLOBES. Mounted on Mahogany Pedestals in Brass Meridians, with the Degrees of Latitude marked thercon. VO H111. CARA . MA CI . . . SDN V MMMMMபா 11 each S. d. Fig 30. Fig. 31. Fig. 32 Fig. 33. Mahogany Pedestals.—Neat Mahogany Mahogany Pedestals Cases. with divided Meri- Fig. 32 Fig. 33. dians. Fig. 31. Smaller sizes adapted for Prizes in Schools, dic. each each 25in. Globe £8 0 0 S. d. 20in. ditto 2 15 0 6in. Globe 6 6 3in. Globe 3 0 15in. ditto 1 15 0 4žin. ditto 4 6 2in. ditto 2 0 12in. ditto 1 1 0 3in, ditto 3 0 ijin. ditto 1 6 9in. ditto 0 16 01 2in. ditto 20 lin. ditto 1 0 - 0- Armillary Spheres. Mounted on Mahogany Pedestals. 20in. diameter £10 10 0 I 12in, diameter £5 5 0 15in. diameter 6 6 0 1 gin. diameter 3 10 0 Larger Sizes made to Order. OOOO os Covers for Globes, of leather Cloth. Short for Table Globes. 20in. per pair £1 4 0 15in. ditto .. 0 15 12in. ditto . 0 10 0 9in. ditto , 06 Long for High Frames. 25in. per pair . 2 0 0 20in. ditto. . 1 10 0 15in. ditto . . 1 1 0 12in. ditto . . 0 14 0 Quadrants of Altitude. I for s. d. 25in. Globes 10 6 20in. ditto 18in. ditto 15in. ditto 12in. ditto 3 6 9in. ditto 30 6in. ditto 2 0 3in. ditto l 6 O O RE-COVERING GLOBES, Old Globes may be re-covered with new maps, and rendered equal to new, at the price of £8 8s. per pair for 25in.; £5 5s. the 20in. ; £3 3s. the 15in.; £1 15s. the 12in. Newton's Use of the Globes. Containing all the Problems and various Examples illustrative of the same, for the Use of Students. Price Is. Gd. 1 Newton & Co., Opticians & Globe Maker's, MAGIC LANTERNS. No. 1 Magic Lantern, with one dozen bin. Comic Sliders, £ s. d. in box . . 0 7 6 No. 2 Magic Lantern, with one dozen sin. Comic Sliders : 0 10 6 No. 3 Magic 'Lantern, with one dozen 10in. Comic Sliders. 1 2 6 No. 4 Magic Lantern, with one dozen 12in. Comic Sliders . 1 126 No. 5 Improved Magic Lantern, with Argand Lamp and Reflector, in case . 1 15 0 One dozen 14in. Long Comic Sliders for ditto . . 15 0 This Lantern will show the sliders on pages 25 & 26. NEWTON'S IMPROVED PHANTASMAGORIA LANTERNS. . - U1IIIII NEWTON TEMPLEBAR .. S DER EU . CI . www . LONDON. No. 1 Newton's Improved Phantasmagoria Lantern, with lenses 3in. diameter, mounted in brass cells, with sliding tube, capable of showing a clear disc of light 8ft. in diameter, packed in case . 2 12 6 No. 2 ÎNewton's Improved Phantasmagoria Lantern, with lenses 3 in. diameter, and very powerful fountain Argand Lamp and Reflector, suitable for Schools or Lectures . 3 3 0 Messrs. Newton strongly recommend this No. 2. Lantern to their customers, the difference in price over No. 1 being very small, and the superior size of the Lenses enabling the exhibitor to show by it any of the pictures in the following list. Nos. 1 and 2 are fitted with rack and pinion adjustment to the focus tube for 10s. 6d. each extra. No. 3 Newton's Improved Phantasmagoria Mahogany Lantern, with lenses 4 in. diameter, rack-work focus tube, packed in case . . ; £6 6 0 3, Fleet Street, Temple Bar, London. 19 NEWTON'S IMPROVED DISSOLVING VIEW APPARATUS. S YA . . w C 1 NEWTON TEMPLE BAR ( 111 • .. . !>. 1:7 1 . INI it.. II. A OOR . I . .. A . 1 S El I . - DI VI - 1 1 1 SARAN LONDON . . normalt! The Apparatus is here shown fitted with Newton's Improved Oxycalcium Light-a jet of oxygen gas is throwil through the flame of a spirit-lamp on to a lime-cylinder fixed at some little distance from it; by this means a most brilliant light is obtained, scarcely inferior to the oxy-hydrogen, with half the trouble. and without any of the danger—the oxygen alone being perfectly harmless. The great inconvenience of the lime shifting when hung on a small wire, as in the ordinary Oxycalcium Light, is here obviated by putting the cylinder on a fixed wire. For private exhibitiou this Apparatus is fitted with powerful Argand Fountain Oil Lamps. Dissolving View Apparatus, with Coudensing Lenses, 3in. diameter, with powerful Argand Fountain Lamp and Reflec- tors, Dissolvers moved by rack-work, packed in case with room for sliders , £7 70 Dissolving View Appparatus, with Condensing Leuses, 3 in. diameter, Dissolvers moved by rack-work, suitable for Schools and Lectures, and capable of showing the whole of the paintings in the following lists, packed in case , • • . 8 8 0 Ditto, ditto, with rack adjustment to focus tubes. Ditto, ditto, with rack adjustment and stout mahogany bodies to the lanterns to prevent heating . . . . 10 0 0 Messrs. Newton strongly recommend either of the last-named Apparatus. Dissolving View Apparatus, with Condensiug Lenses, 4!in. diameter, with rack-work Dissolvers, and focus-tube .. . 12 12 U Newton's Improved Microscope, to attach to the Lantern for exhibiting water insects, wings, sections of wood, &c., with two powers'. . This instrument does not show satisfactorily with the oil lamps on account of its power and the amount of light required, but when the Oxycalcium Light is nised it is a very beautiful and efficient Instrument. 9 9 0 20 Newton & Co., Opticians & Globe Maker's, Oxycalcium Light Apparatus, consisting of a Fountain spirit lamp, india-rubber gas-bag, 37in. by 25in., 19in. wedge, improved pressure boards, retort and purifier for making the gas, flexible tube, and one dozen lime-cylinders, fitted to one lantern .£5 0 0 Ditto, fitted to either Dissolving View Apparatus . . 6 0 0 Dissolving View Apparatus, illuminated with oxy-hydrogen light, Condensers bin. diameter, with gas jets, retort, gas bags, pressure boards, and all the apparatus complete. 35 00 Transparent or Opaque Screens, for exhibiting the pictures by any of the apparatus, 7ft. square, 8s. 6d.; 10ft. square . ( 15 0 Lime Cylinders, 3 dozen in bottle . . 0 6 0 Objects for the Gas Microscope, prepared in Canada Balsam, consisting of Insects, Wood Sections, Ferns, &c., each. 0 2 0 Mixture for Making Oxygen Gas, per lb.. . 0 1 6 GENERAL LIST OF VIEWS. FOR THE IMPROVED PHANTASMAGORIA LANTERN. In Single Sliders, Paintings 34 inches Diameter, 6s. to 7s. 6d. cach. The Views enumerated in the following list are painted on the premises by competent artists under the immediate superintendence of Messrs. Newton. Customers wishing to have engravings or original drawings copied on to glass, can thus have the advantage, if necessary, of giving their instructions direct to the artists. A variety of other subjects always on hand. Views painted to order, 4in., 6in., and 10in. diameter for Public Institutions. London Views | Warwick Castle Devil's Bridge, St. Go- Bank of England Windsor Castle thard British Museum Drachenfels Buckingham Palace Ruins and Abbeys Ehrenbreitstain Custom House Conway Castle Florence, Campanilla Greenwich Hospital | Dryburgh Abbey Heidelberg Guildhall Fountains » Itri Hampton Court Holyrood , Lake of Geneva Houses of Parliament Holy Cross » „ of Cowo London, General View Kirkstall Liebenstein Mansion House Llanercost Priory Martigny Monument Melrose Abbey Mayence Post Office Netley 1. General View Royal Exchange Newby Mount Etna, Catania St. Paul's Pembroke Castle Naples, Bay of Temple Bar Tintern Abbey Oberwesel Thames Tunnel Pisa, Leaning Tower Tower Germany, Italy, Swit Pompeii Trafalgar-square zerland, &c. Pompey's Pillar Westminster Abbey Amsterdam Rheinfels Ancona Rome, Bridge of Angelo English Views- Athens , Coliseum Balmoral ? Temple of Ju , General view Bell Rock Lighthouse piter • $t. Peter's Ben and Loch Lomond Bacharach Simplon Birthplace of Burns Berne St. Bernard Convent Dublin Bonn Dogs Edinburgh Castle Braubach Bell Eddystone Lighthouse Brussels Strasburg Noss Head Shetland Castle of Chillon Tivoli Shakespeare's House , Dungeon Venice, Ducal Palace Snowden, & Llanberis Castle of Thurmberg 1 Greek Caual St. Michael's Mount Coblentz » Rialto Stonehenge Cologne , St. Mark's Waterloo 3, Fleet Street, Terpile Bur', London. 21 Mosque Suez » General List of Views-continued.. Overland Route, In- Mount Erebus dia and China- Arctic Regions- Natural Bridges Southampton Maps of Niagara Falls Lisbon Aurora Borealis Petrifying Springs Gibraltar Breaking up of Ice Prairie on Fire Malta Harbour Building Snow Huts Sand Storm » Valetta Cutting a Passage Simoom Alexandria Field of Ice Snow Bridges Cairo Franklin Record Trentou Falls Funeral on Ice Vesuvius Nile, Overflow of Greenland Whalers Water Spouts Group of Walruses Zambesi Falls Aden Icebergs Mont Blanc and Cha- Bombay Portrait of Sir J. mouni Point de Galle Franklin , Glacier du Tac- Madras Sledging Expedition conay Calcutta, General View Whaling Grand Mulets Benares Winter Quarters Mer de la Cote Cawapore Mer de Glace Lucknow Natural Wonders- The Summit Agra Delhi Adelsburg, Cave of General Views » Taj Mahal Arta, Cave of Balaclava Harbour Lahore Avalanche Collecting Guttapercha Tombs of Kings Builiug Springs Constantinople Source of Ganges Dropping Well Fortress of Ham Amoy, Street in Knaresborough Madrid Canton, General View fata Morgana, Reggio Malakoff, Storming of Cauton, Street in Fingal's Cave Mosque of St. Sophia Great Wall of China Giant's Causeway Quebec Mandarin's House Glacier Tables Sebastopol Nankin, Porcelain Land Storm, liainbow St. Petersburgh Tower Mirage Stockholm Views in Holy Land, Egypt. Paintings 31 inches cliameter, 6s, to 7s. 6d. cach. Adullanı, Cave of Joppa Patmos Antioch Jordan, Fords of Pergamos Ajalon, Valley of Lake of Tiberias Petra Baalbec, Ruins of Laodicea | Philadelphia Babylon Map of Egypt Plains of Lawgiving Beirout Palestine Pool of Siloani Bethany Settlement, Sons „ Hezekiah Bethlehem of Noe Ramah (Arimathea) Cana of Galilee Roman Empire Rameses Carnac Mouut Ararat Red Sea Cedars of Lebanon of Ascension Samaria Cesarea Carmel Sardis Christ Church, Ml. Zion llermon Shechem, (Nablous) Church Holy Sepulclire Hor Sidou, from the Sea Corinth Horeb Sodom, Destruction of Damascus Steps leading to Smyrna Dead Sea Morial » Strect in Ephesus Olives, from the Tabernacle, Setting up of Ezioni Geber Wall Tarsus and Mt. Taurus Gethsemane „ Sinai and Convent| Tyre, luins of Hebron 52 Tabor Thebes, Ruius of Jerusalem, Ancient Nazarcth | Tliyatira Jerusalem, Modern Nile, Fords of Valley of Jehoshapliat Jews' place of Wailing (Nineveh Writien Valley, Wilder- Jericho, Plains of | Palmyra, Ruins of I ness of sin Newton & Co., Opticians & Globe Malcers, Views with Moving Shipping, 7s. 6d. each. Aurora Borealis, with Constantinople Smugglers' Cave Reindeer and Sledge Custom House, London The Rialto, Venice Bay of Naples Greenwich Hospital Tower of London Bell Rock Lighthouse Lake of Como View of Rome Castle of Chillon | Lambeth Palace INTERIOR OF CATHEDRALS, &c. These paintings are beautifully and elaborately executed, 3fin. diumeter, 12s. cach. Canterbury Cathedral Lichfield Cathedral St. George's Chapel, Chapel of Nativity Lincoln Cathedral | Windsor Chapel of St. Helena Lyous ditto Temple Church, Londoni Ditto, lighted up Milan ditto Wells Cathedral Church of Holy Sepul- Mosque of Sultan Ach- Henry VII.th's Chapel met Westminster Abbey Entrance to ditto Norwich Cathedral Choir Rheims Cathedral Exeter ditto St. Paul's Choir Winchester Cathedral House of Commons Ditto, Dome duriug Wel- York Cathedral House of Lords lington's Funeral MISSIONARY SCENES. Puintings 31 inches diameter, 10s. 6d. each. CHINA. Natives of Abbeokuta Interior of Rev. S. Crowther's Entrance into Amoy Church Street in Canton Thomas King meeting his mother Opium Smoking after a separation of 25 years Sacrifice to the Harvest Moon Native preaching before the King of Consulting the Sticks of Fate Lagos Temple of Pootoo INDIA. Interior of the Temple Honan Self-torture Offerings for the dead Swinging Festival Interior of an Idol Shop Dying Man at the Ganges Worship of Juggernaut AMERICA-NORTH-WEST. Worship of Priest Mr. West and Indian Boys Missiovary preaching on the Ganges Bear Medicine Man Ditto ditto under Banyan-tree Cumberland Station Summer Native Catechist preaching Ditto Winter Infant thrown to Crocodiles Abraham and Indians Idol-maker's Shop Missionary Night Encampment Rev. J. Devasagayam's Church Group of Indians and Squaws Devil Worshippers, Ceylon Death of George Jebb NEW ZEALAND. Henry Budd in snow-shoes Rangihoa Bishop travelling in dog-sledge Pahu, or the War Bell Departure of Missionary Pukaua, or War Dance Bishop preaching to Indians War Canoes Indians going to Church Memorial Idols Reconciliation of Hostile Tribes AFRICA. Chief Lying in State Slave-catcher, or Capture of Thomas Interior of Native Pa Wanganui and River, from Cave Slaves marched down to Coast Cave of Otaki, Night Encampment Capture of Slave-ship Interior of Otaki Church Interior of Slave-ship Baptism of Te Naghui Sierra-Leone, in 1800 Interior of Turanga Church Ditto 1856 Chiefs writing Jubilee Letter. Sunday-school, Sierra-Lcone King CO 3, Fleet Street, Temple Bar, London. 23 Deluge PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. Twelve Scenes, 3 in. diameter, 10s. 6d. each. Christian and his family | Fight with Apollyon Setting out from City of Destruction | Giant Pope Knocking at the gate Vanity Fair The three shining ones Giant Despair and the pilgrims. The lions in the way Crossing the river Christian being armed The triumphant reception SCRIPTURE FIGURE SCENES, 10s. 6d. each. Abraham offering up Isaac | Finding of Moses Boaz and Ruthº Good Samaritan Christ and Woman of Samaria John the Baptist preaching , healing the Blind Joseph sold by his Brethren , weeping over Jerusalem Judgment of Solomou , blessing Children Last Supper Conversion of St. Paul Martha and Mary Crucifixion Meeting of Jacob and Joseph Cup found in Benjamin's Sack Murder of Innocents Daniel in the Lion's Den Noah's Sacrifice David and Goliath The Prodigal's Return' Death of Abel The Resurrection The Transfiguration Eli and Samuel · DISSOLVING PICTURES, With various effects to be shown by means of two Lanterns. Bethlehem, a Moonlight Scene with Shepherds, Angels appear in the clouds to announce the birth of Christ-afterwards the Star is seen, 3 slides . . 125. Mosque of Omar by Day, then gradually lighted up for Evening service, 2 slides . 12s. . . Niagara Falls, with Rainbow 2 slides los. Pompeii, Last Days of, with Eruption of Vesuvius by means of rack-work, 2 slides . · 178. 6d. St. Peter's at Rome, by day, and then illuminated by fireworks from the Castle of St. Angelo, 3 slides 178. 6d. Ship in Full Sail, the Storm with Lightning, Ship on Fire, the Raft, 5 slides 28s. Summer and Winter, with Slider to produce a Snow-storm, 3 slides 185. The Soldier's Drean, Wounded Soldier Asleep, The Harvest Home, The Recruit, The Storming Party, The Reward, 5 slides 30s. Snow Village in the Polar Regions, the Aurora Borealis, as seen by Captains Ross and Parry, appears in the Horizon as in nature, 3 slides . . 159. Watermill, with Wheel at Work, Summer View, a Swan swims on, dipping his neck into the water, the Moon appears from behind the Clouds, and the Mill windows are lighted up, the Mill frozen up in Winter, with Snow-storm, 5 slides . . . 34s. • When the Snow-storm and other effects are exhibited, a piece of thin crape should be placed over the front tube of the Lantern to diminish the light. CHROMATROPES, OR ARTIFICIAL FIREWORKS. 2} in. diam., 8s. 6d. cach; 3in, diam., 10s. 6d. each. These ingenious and clever contrivances comprise a great variety of novel and elegant designs, and when put in motion in the Phantasmagoria Lautern, by means of the brass Rack-work, produce most astonishing and brilliant effects. These may be had in upwards of 40 different desigus. Newlon & Co., Opticians & Globe Malccrs, No. No. omet ASTRONOMICAL DIAGRAMS. A series of 33 Paintings, 24 inches diameter, £2 15s. per set. WITO DESCRIPTIVE BOOK. No. i Figure of the Earth 13 View of Uranus 24 Orbit of Moon 2 Rotundity of ditto-- 14 -- Neptune 25 Eclipse of Moon 15 Eccentric orbit of movcable 3 Telescopic View of 26 The Zodiac and the Moon 16 Comets of 1858 and Seasons 4 Half Moon and Cres-1 1960 27 Spring Tides cent 17 Ptolemaic System 28 Ditto ditto 5 Moon's Phases 18 Pythagorean System 29 Neap Tides 6 The Sun 119 Tychonic ditto 30 Constellation of 7-Phases of Mercury 20 Newtonian ditto Orion and Venus 21 Shadow of the Earth 31 Ursa Major -- Mars 22 Cause of Eclipses of 32 Milky Way and Ne- - Asteroids Sun and Moon I bulæ 10 - - Jupiter 23 Eclipse of Sun-Mave- 33 Comparative sizes of 1l - - Saturn able the Planets 12 View of Saturn The above, 3 inches diameter, painted in a very superior manner, £5 per set. MOVEABLE ASTRONOMICAL DIAGRAMS." THE MOTION PRODUCED BY RACK-WORK. In a Set of Ten Sliders, 24 inches diameter, packed in a Box, £4 10s. per Set, or from Ss. to 15s. cach, Slider 1, 155. The Solar System, showing the Revolution of all the Planets and their Satellites, round the Sun. Slider 2, 13s. The Earth's Annual Motion round the Sun, showing the Paral- lelism of its Axis, thus producing the Seasons. Slider 3, 8s. Illustrates the cause of Spring and Neap Tides, and shows the Moon's Pliases. Slider 4, 8s. Shows the Apparent, Direct, and Retrograde Motion of Venus or Mercury, and also its Stationary Appearance. Slider 5, 8s. Proves the Earth's Rotundity, by a Ship sailing round the Globe. Slider 6, Ss. Illustrates the Eccentric Revolution of a Comet round the Sun, and shows the appearance of its Tail at different parts of its Orbit. Slider 7, 10s. The Diurnal Motion of the Earth, showing the Rising and Rotation upon its Axis. Slider 8, 15s. Illustrates the Annual Motion of the Earth round the Sup, with the Monthly Lunations of the Moon. Slider 9, 8s. Shows the various Eclipses of the Sun and Transit of Venus. Slider 10, Ss. Shows various Eclipses of the Moon, The above Set of Rack-work, 3 inches diameter, £7 78. GEOLOGICAL SLIDES. A series of 32 Diagrams, 3 inches diameter, £3 3s. vith descriptive book These diagrams show the ordinary formations, slips, faults, dykes, fossils, shells, fish, and all the extinct animals as restored at the Crystal Palace. 3, Fleet Street; Temple Bar, London. TS NATURAĻ HISTORY. Painted in circles 24 inches diameter, 4 in each slider, 4s. 6d. Mammalia, No. 1. Ourang Outaug-Long-armed Ape--Blue-faced Baboon— Monkey. 2 Striated Monkey --Opossum with young-Chinchilla-Sloth. 3 Armadillo--Porcupine-Hedgehog Vampire Bat. 4 Squirrel-Flying Squirrel-Ermine-Ornithornicus. 5 Kangaroo-Jerboa-Civet Cat-Ichneumon. 6 Polar Bear-Brown Bear - Beaver-Otter. 7 Bull—Bramah Bull-Bison-Buffalo. 8 Newfoundland Dog-Wolf-Fox-Mastiff. 9 Domestic Cat-Rabbit-Hare—Sheep. 10 Horse-Ass-Yak-Zebra. 11 Camel-Dromedary–Llama-Tasmanian Wolf. 12 Lion-Lioness and Cubs—Tiger-Panther. 13 Leopard--Hunting Leopard-Lynx-Ant Eater. 14 Elephant Elephant and young-Tapir-Hyena. 15 Rhinoceros-Hippopotamus-Wild Boar–Hog. 16 Giraffe-Gnu-Nil Ghau-Gazelle. 17 Reindeer-Stag— Wild Goat-Chamois. 1.8 Seal—Turtle - Walrus – Whale. Amphibia 19 Crocodile-Chameleon - Rattle Snake_Frog. Fish- 20 Electrical Eel-Flying Fish-Flying Scorpion-Globe Fish. • Birds- 21 Golden Eagle-Eagle and prey-Vulture-Dodo. 22 Ostrich-Cassowary-Apteryx-Victoria Pigeon. 23 Swan-Pelican-Albatross-Hoopoe. 24 Crave-Balearic Crane-Heron-Flamingo. 25 Owl-Blue and yellow Macav-Carolina Parrot-Lyre Bird. 26 Pennant Paroquet-Peacock-Bird of Paradise-Roseate Cockatoo. LEVER AND RACK-WORK SLIDES. ös. 6d. to 10s. 6d. cach, Black Swan Nurse and Child Blind Fiddler Old man begging, takes off his hat Children playing at see-saw Punch and Judy riding a horse. Cobbler at work Rubbing in, or gouty leg Comic Head Sambo dressing for a party Cow drinking Sanitary Commissioner Dog of St. Bernard Ship at anchor (Moonlight) Fountain playing Shoeblack brushing boot Goat browsing Squirrel eating nuts Grooming a horse Stag rubbing itself with antlers Horse kicking Topsy dressing Horse drinking at a pond Wasbing Day Horse feeding Watermill at work Man breaking Stones Windmill, sails revolving Man with Pickaxe Woodman Monkey and Jackdaw 26 Newton & Co., Opticians & Globe Malcers, MOVEABLE COMIC AND OTHER SLIDERS. 2s. 6d. each. Ballad Singer Falconer Opening Pink Barber shaving Farmer and Dog Pair of Spectacles Birth of Cupid Frog Soup » Snuffers Black draught Girl skipping Patent Bedstead Blacksmith at work Grand Turk Peacock opening tail Blue Beard's head Green's Balloon, Night Pear (Pair) Bootjack Ascent Performance on two Bottled Porter Grimaldi's head | chairs Boy and Butterfly Greenwich Pensioner, Pine-apple and Clown Boy and Pig 3 Phases Pretty Poll Boy and Bird's-nest | Growing Nose Puuch Bowl Boy jumping post Harlequin in bottle Punch growing Nose Boy stealing jam „ . falling to pieces Punch and Dog Bringing up to standard Hodge and his Hat Rowing Match British Tar (a Sailor in a Hold out your Hand, Sir. Rum Bottle and Punch cask) Impudent Boy Sailors' Hornpipe Burglar and Miser Impudent Monkey with Sailor riding a Pig Cat and Mice Old Woman Schoolmaster Cat following a Rat Jack in the Box Serenader Cat playing with a Mouse Kicking Donkey Silkworm, Chrysalis, and Cats on the Tiles | Lamp Black (sweep in Moth Caught in a Tree cask) Snowballs Cauliflower changes to Lawyer Somnambulist Venus Leap Frog Tailor sewing Chelsea Pensioner, Light of other days |Tailor and Goose 3 phases Lion's head Tailor and Cabbage Chinese Jumpers Magic Bouquet Tartar's head Clown dancing Man with jumping Pig The Bottle » headless „ and dancing dog Those horrid Gnats » and dancing Dog swallowing Rat Tiger's head > and pie » wishing good night Tight-rope Dancer , jumping Horse Meet me by Moonlight Tithe Pig , and Ladder . alone Topsy's head (moving » tumbling More Frightened than eyes) Coast Guard | Hurt Turk’s-cap Lily Cobbler at work Napoleon crossing Alps Vegetarian Cockney Fishing Naval Engagement Village Dentist Combat Navigation (boys sailing Wake up, Old Boy Conjuror and Balls boat) Whistling Boy Cook and Calf's head Nightmare Windy Day. Cook with Pie Not caught yet Woman taking suuff Dishonest Customer Off to the Continent Wreath and Good Night Equestrian at Astley's Opening Rose, Exposing Fakenham Ghost *Cupid The following tales are painted on circles 2 in. diameter, mounted 4 in each slide:- £ s. d. Dick Whittington, 8 scenes . .: 0 12 0 John Gilpin ditto . 0 12 0 Old Man and his Ass ditto .. 0 12 0 Robinson Crusoe ditto . 0 12 0 Tale of Tiger and Tub, ditto . 0 12 0 3, Fleet Street, Temple Bar, London. 27 DIRECTIONS FOR USING Venutun'# Improved Phantasmagoria Lantern, XI. To prepare a single lantern for exhibition, the lamp must be furnished with a cotton wick, and trimmed in the usual manner. In order to supply the lamp with oil, the reservoir must be removed from the cistern, and a small quantity of oil poured into the latter, so as just to fill the hole at the bottom, and well saturate the cotton wick. The moveable reservoir should then be inverted and filled with the best sperm oil, and replaced in the cistern. If 1 oz. of powdered camphor is put into a pint of oil, and dissolved by a gentle heat, it will add greatly to its brilliancy. The lamp may then be lighted, and the wick turned up until an intensely bright light without any smoke is obtained. Before using the lantern, the lenses should be taken out and wiped, so as to remove any dust or moisture that might be on them; the lamp-glass must be also cleaned previous to placing it on the lamp, and care should be taken that the silver reflector is brightly polished. The screen or medium upon which the picture is to be shown, may consist either of a large linen sheet, or a white wall if the picture is to be shown on the screen, or a fine semi-transparent muslin medium suitably prepared for the purpose may be employed; in which case the picture is to be shown through the screen. The former is the most usual plan, but the latter possesses many advantages, and is therefore preferable. When the semi-transparent muslin medium is employed, the screen must be wetted with water, and kept in that state during the exhibition : it should be suspended from a beam or frame placed at a con- venient distance from the wall, the exhibitor being on one side of the screen, and the spectators on the other. The lantern having been placed at a suitable distance from the screen, say, from eight to twelve feet, according to the size of the lenses, should it not throw a clear and bright disc of light on to the screen or medium, it may be corrected by moving the lamp a little back or forward, that is, a little nearer to or farther from the lenses. A clear and well- defined disc cau by this means be obtained with facility by the most inexpe- rienced person after a few trials, and when this has been satisfactorily effected, a slide or 'picture may be put into the groove and “focussed” by carefully moving in or out the brass “nose” or tube in front, until the picture is per- employment of a rack and pinion motion, whereby the position of the lenses may be instantly adjusted with great nicety. A MICROSCOPE may be attached to these lanterns for the purpose of showing Natural Objects as with the Gas Microscope, but of course with an inferior light. Wings, sections of wood, ferns, parts of insects, &c., may be shown from 3 to 6 feet in diameter. Water insects, larvæ, &c., may be exhibited alive when placed in the water-box supplied with the Microscope. When the Oxycalcium Light is employed, this is a very beautiful and effi- cient instrument; when used the front of the lantern carrying the small lenses is to be removed, and the Microscope front fitted in its place. It will be found necessary to draw the lamp back to get a clear disc of light, and when the highest power is used, further back still. The sliders are inserted and focussed in the same manner as the lantern sliders. DISSOLVING VIEWS are exhibited by means of two lanterns, each of which must be prepared in the manner already explained. The two lanterns are then placed side by side on the top of the box, and are secured in their proper places by clamp screws, so as to prevent them from shifting forward or backward. Clear and well-defined discs of light having been obtained from each lantern, the rack-work dissolving apparatus must be attached to the front of the box, and the dissolving fans fixed on to the end of the rack bar, in such a manner that one of the fans may obscure or obstruct the light from one lantern, while the other fan allows the light from the other lantern to fall on to the screen. It is necessary to make the discs from both lanterns coincide perfectly on the screen, otherwise the illusion would be incomplete. Should the edge of one disc show beyond the edge of the other, it may be corrected by moving one of the lanterns slightly sideways, thereby causing it to turn on the clamp screws, until both discs are perfectly coincident. The lenses having been “ focussed " in the way 28 Newton & Co., Opticians (l Globe Makers, 3, Fleet Street, London. already explained, the apparatus will be ready for use. Pictures may be then introduced into the slide grooves of both lanterns; but one only of the pictures will be seen on the screen, the other of course being invisible, as it will be hidden by the fan that stands in front of the aperture. When the first picture has been exposed to view long enough, the exhibitor, from behind the lanterns, must begin to turn the winch of the dissolving apparatus slowly, so as to obscure or cut of the light from the first picture and bring forward the second. By thus throwing some of the light from the second lantern on to the first picture, the latter gradually becomes dim or indistinct, and dissolves away slowly; and by continuing the operation, the second picture, by gradual and imperceptible degrees, assumes the place of the first, and comes out on the screen in a clear and distinct manner. While the spectators are examining the second picture, the first may be removed and another slide introduced in its place, and the dissolving opera- tion repeated, and so on until all the views have been shown. Many beautiful effects may be shown, such as falling snow in winter scenes, rainbows, light- ning, and other atmospheric phenomena. For these purposes both lanterns must be used together; one to show the view and the other the effects. THE IDIPROVED OXYGEN LIGHT is produced by a jet of oxygen gas passing through the flame of a spirit lamp, and impinging against a cylinder of lime. The lamp used is one of the ordinary coustruction, but with a longer pipe, at the end of which is the burner, holding a small tuft of cotton which will seldom require renewing, as the flame does not consume it; about an inch from the burner is an upright pin on which the lime cylinder is placed, the jet through which the oxygen passes being exactly opposite to it. The gas is supplied from a wedge-shaped India-rubber bag, placed between pressure boards, on which is placed a weight of about 30lbs. ; the flexible tube whereby the gas-bag is connected with the lantern, is provided with a stop-cock for regulating or cutting off the supply of gas. The lamp, after being supplied with spirits, is to be placed in the lantern and lighted, then attarh the flexible gas tube, and gradually turn on the gas. If the jet of flame does not impiuge exactly on the centre of the lime, it may readily be made to do so by turning up the cotton wick with a piece of wire; it will then produce an intensely brilliant and daz- zling light, scarcely inferior to the well-known Oxy-HYDROGEN LIGHT, at one half the expense, and without the slightest danger. The oxygen gas is made from a mixture of chlorate of potass and the black oxide of manganese, in the proportion of two parts of the former to one part of the latter. A considerable quantity of these ingredients well pulverized may be kept ready mixed, and about 1 lbs. of the mixture will be sufficient to make enough gas to fill the bag and to exhibit the Dissolving Views for two hours or more, according to the economy with which the gas is used. The requisite quantity of the ingredients to make the gas is placed in the retort, and the con- nection between that and the purifier having been made, the retort may be placed on any common fire, and after a short time the gas will begin to come over, and bubble up in the purifier, which must previously be half filled with water. The first bubbles which come over will consist principally of common air; this must be allowed to pass off, but the presence of pure oxygen will be easily ascertained by holding a piece of partly-ignited paper to the exit aper- ture of the purifier, as the pure gas will, if a spark exists on the paper, imme- diately cause it to burst into fame. The flexible tube should then be attached to the exit aperture of the purifier, and the gas allowed to pass into the bag. When the gas leaves off bubbling it the purifier it will at once be known that the ingredients are exhausted; the retort should then be taken off the fire, and when cool, all the residuum must be removed therefrom, by washing it with cold water, care being taken that the retort is well cried before the next opera- tion. Messrs. NEWTON will be happy to give their customers any further instruction or information regarding the apparatus manufactured by them, either by letter or by practical demonstration, at their establishment, 3, Fleet street, Temple-bar, London. LONDON: J. HADDON, PRINTER 3, BUUVERIE STREET, FLEET STRDET, .C. APPROVED WORKS BY DR. NIBLETT, M.A. Royal 18mo, limp cloth, red edges, price is. 6d., ENGLISH CLASS HANDY - BOOK : Dids to English Composition ; Arithmetical Tables and Rules ; Questions, &c. on the Science of Familiar Things ; &c., &c. &c. COMPRISING WA Royal 18mo, limp cloth, red edges, price is. 6d. BUSINESS HIATKYY - BOOK: COMPRISING English, French, and German Correspondence and Commercial Terms; Dictionary of Mercantile Technicalities MENTAL ARITHMETIC, ŠC., &c., &c. NEARLY READY Crown 8vo, limp cloth, price is 6d., Memoria Technica Chronologica. METRICAL CHRONOLOGY: COMPRISING THE GREAT DATES OF HISTORY RENDERED INTO EASY VERSE; Historical Analyses ; COMPARATIVE VIEW OF ANCIENT AND MODERN GEOGRAPHY, fo. LONDON: SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, & CO. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. Small 8vo., elegantly printed on tinted paper, price 3s. SCHILLER; DRAMATIST, HISTORIAN, AND POET. A Centenary Lecture upon the Life and Genius of Frederich Von Schiller, with Extracts and Translations from his Works. LONDON and EDINBURGH : WILLIAMS & NORGATE. APPROVED EDUCATIONAL WORKS, BY DR. NIBLETT, M.A., F.S.A., M.R.S.L., First Assistant Master in the Sheffield Collegiate Proprietary School. Royal 18mo, limp cloth, red edges, price 2s.6d., THE COMMERCIAL CLASS BOOK. - Contents. Part I. COMMERCIAL LETTERS AND MERCAN- TILE TECHNICALITIES. Part II. ENGLISH COMPOSITION. Outlines of English Grammar. Rules for Parsing and Analysing Sentences. Aids to the Composition of Themes and Essays. Part "III. ARITHMETIC AND MENSURATION. Dictionary of Mercantile Technicalities. Advice to Young Correspondents. Models of English Commercial Letters. Forms of English Receipts, Bills of Ex- change, Invoices, &C. List of Abbreviations in frequent use. Instructions for addressing Persons of Rank. French and German Commercial Vocabulary Models of French Commercial Letters, Receipts, &c. Ditto German ditto ditto. Table of English and Foreign Coins. Arithmetical Tables and Rules. Mental Arithmetic and Concise Modes of Calculation especially suited for com- mercial purposes. Practical Arithmetical Rules. Problems and Definitions im Plane and Solid Mensuration. Royal 18mo, price 4d. sewed, or 6d. limp cloth, DR. NIBLETT'S PLAIN SCHOOL TABLE BOOK ; MENTAL ARITHMETIC, EXPLANATION OF TERMS, AND USEFUL HINTS. COMPRISING 11 LONDON : SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, & CO. A LIST OF SCHOOL AND CLASS BOOKS, PUBLISHED BY DAVID NUTT, 270, STRAND. BY THE REV. H. C. ADAMS, Late Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, and recently Master at Winchester College. Second Thousand, 12no. cloth, price 2s. 6d. 1. Latin Exercises, Adapted to the arrangement of the Eton and Edward the Sixth's Latin Grammars, and Adams's Latin Delectus ; with a Lexicon. Seventh Thousand, carefully revised, 12mo. cloth, 2s. 6d. 2. Latin Delectus, Adapted to the arrangement of the Eton and Edward the Sixth's Latin Grammars; with a Lexicon and Notes. Second Thousand, carefully revised, 12mo. cloth, 2s. 6d. 3. Greek Exercises. Adapted to the arrangement of the Greek Delectus, and the Rev. C. Wordsworth's Grammar; with a Lexicon. Ninth Thousand, carefully revised, 12mo. cloth, 3s. 6d. 4. Greek Delectus, Adapted to the arrangement of the Rev. C. Wordsworth's Grammar; with a Lexicon and Appendix. Now complete, neatly bound in 1 Vol. 12mo. cloth, price 9s. 5. The Four Gospels in Greek ; With Prolegomena, Notes, and References, for the use of Schools and Colleges. *** The Parts may still be had separately. Sr. MATTIEW, Second Edition, 2s. 6d.; ST. MARK, Is. 6d.; ST. LUKE, 28.; and St. JOIN, 25. Mr. Adams's works have been adopted at the principal Public Schools, as well as very generally throughout the country. The Author's object has been to lighten' the labour of the teacher and student when engaged with the rudiments of the Greek and Latin languages. It is con- fessedly difficult for a boy to understand the meaning of the rules of grammar without the assistance of copious progressive examples to accompany their study, which will illustrate and brivg them home to him. Teachers are now generally agreed that Grammar cannot be thoroughly learned without constant practice in translation, not only from Greek or Latin into English, but also from English into Latin or Greek. The Delectuses and Exercises have been drawn up with a view to supply this want, and by affording the pupil continual assistance. in illustrating the meaning of the rules which he learns, to fix them firmly in his memory. The Greek Delectus and Exercises are adapted chiefly to the arrangement of Wordsworth's Greek Grammar; the Latin Delectus and Exercises to that of the Eton and King Edward the Sixth's Grammars. But it should be understood that there is scarcely any Grammar now in use, to which they will not serve as accompaniment almost equally well. A LIST OF SCHOOL AND CLASS BOOKS Third Edition, royal 8vo. cloth, 218. Poetarum Scenicorum Graecorum, AESCHYLI, SOPHOCLIS, EURIPIDIS, ET ARISTOPHANIS, Fabulae superstites et perditarum fragmenta ex Recognitione Guil Dindorfii. In royal 8vo., 1176 pages, elegantly printed upon fine paper, bound in cloth, price 15s., or half bound, morocco, £1 ls. D. JOH. ALBERTI BENGELII Gnomon Novi Testamenti In quo ex Nativa Verborum, vi Simplicitas, Profunditas, Concinnitas, Salubritas sensuum Coelestium indicatur. Editio Tertia per Filium superstitem M. Ern. Bengelium quon- dam curata, Quarto Recusa, adjuvante Joanne Steudel. The work has long been considered indispensable to the Biblical student, and, indeed, so popular is it in this country, that an English translation is announced; but, from the nature of the contents, it is needless to say that a translation, liowever well executed, can only lessen its general utility; for the critical vicety of the author—the great merit of the book-will not bear transferring to another language than that in which it was originally written. In 2 Vols. Svo. neatly bound in cloth, price 21s. Sophoclis Tragoediæ, THE GREEK TEXT, WITH ANNOTATIONS, INTRODUCTION, ETC., BY E. WUNDER. A New Edition, with the Notes literally translated into English, and a Collation of Dindorff's Text. *** Each of the Plays can be had separately, stitched in a neat wrapper, price 3s. Demy 8vo., cloth, 3s. The Conjugation of the Greek Verb Made easy for the use of Schools, according to Professor Thiersch's system, developed in his German Greek Grammar. By the Rev. Dr. TJARKS, late Minister of the German Protestant Reformed Church in London. In 1 Vol. crown 8vo., neatly bound in cloth, price 5s.6d. The Elements of Hebrew Grammar ; Together with an Appendix on Chaldee Grammar. By James G. Murphy, LL.D., &c., &c. New Edition, 8vo. boards, 2s. 6d. Titi Livii Historiarum Liber XXI. EX RECENSIONE BEKKERI. With English Notes and a Map. Cambridge. In demy 8vo. boards, price 28. a New and Literal Translation of . The Twenty-first Book of Livy. În 12mo., cloth, price 2s.6d. Thucydides's History of the Plague of Athens, In English, with Notes explanatory of its Pathology. By Chas. 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Introductory Grammar of the German Language, with an INTRODUCTORY READER, and INTRODUCTORY EXERCISES. 12mo. cloth, 28. 6. Sacred German Poetry, or Collection of Hymns. 18mo. cloth, 38. 6d. 7. Goethe's Faust, With Explanations of the most difficult Words and Phrases, to which are added the two celebrated Hymns, Stabat Mater and Dies Iræ, in the original, with a German Metrical Translation. The estimation in which this series of Elementary Works is held, is proved by their con. stant and daily increasing sale, the best test of their merit and practical utility. BY DR. ALBERT BARTELS. Fourth Edition. Square 16mo. neatly bound in cloth, 3s. 6d. 1. The Modern Linguist; Or, Conversations in English, French, and German ; preceded by Rules for the Pronun. ciation of Gernian, a copious Vocabulary, and a Selection of Familiar Phrases; and followed by Models of Receipts, Bills of Exchange, Letters, Notes, Tables of English, French, and German Coins, and of English and French Weights and Measures. Fourth Edition. 18mo. bound in cloth, 2s. 6d. 2. The Modern Linguist, in English and German (only). It has been the aim of the compiler of thèse Works to introduce only such phrases and ex. pressions as refer more exclusively to the current topics of the day; so as to render them more practically useful to the student and to the traveller, than the majority of Guides and Dialogue Books hitherto published. A LIST OF SCHOOL AND CLASS BOOKS BY FRANZ DEMMLER, Professor of German at the Royal Staff College, Sandhurst. Second Edition, considerably Enlarged and Improved. I Vol. 8vo. 5s. 6d. 1. Compendious Grammar of the German Language. "Mr. Demmler's Grammar is, so to speak, a popular version of the Grimm-Becker system, by which the elementary part is reduced to the utmost simplicity by one who, for many years sole German Master at the Royal Military College, had to teach under circumstances of peculiar difficulty the grammar from the language, not the language from the grammar, and conse- guently who has produced a book, not only admirably adapted for self-instruction, but which Cannot fail to assist German teachers in imparting, with more than ordinary facility, a sound and practical knowledge of the language to their pupils.” New Edition 12mo. cloth, 4s. 2. German Rcader, A Selection of Extracts from distinguished German Authors, in Prose and Verse. Third Edition. 8vo. cloʻh, 4s. 3. Exercises on the Geriran Grammar. 12mo. cloth, 2s. 6d. 4. Key to the German Exercises. These Works, by the German Professor at Sandhurst College, have been specially compiled for the course of study pursued there, and at the other Institutions connected with it. . BY WILLIAM BUNGER, German Master to the College for Ladies, Brixton, $c., &c. New Edition. 16mo. cloth, 2s. 6d. 1. German Travelling Conversations, For Schools & Tourists; German & English on opposite pages, interleaved with blank paper, 12mo. cloth, 5s. 2. German Tales and Poetry by the Best Authors, Selected and adapted for the use of English Students, with a complete Vocabulary of the Prose Text. 12mo. cloth, 2s. 3. A Complete German English Vocabulary To German Tales and Poetry (arranged alphabetically), and giving additionally the genitives singular, and nominatives plural of the nouns, and the imperfects and past participles of the irregular verbs which occur in the text. BY GEORGE CRABB. 12mo. cloth, 5s. 1. Extracts from the Best German Authors. Eighth Edition, entirely remodelled and considerably enlarged, with Analytical Trans- lation, Notes, and a copious Vocabulary, for the use of Beginners. By DR. HAUSMANN. Twelfth Edition. 12mo. cloth, 3s. 6d. 2. Elements of German and English Conversation on Familiar Subjects, With a Vocabulary to each Dialogue. With additions and corrections by Dr. BERNAYS. With a Vocabulary to each Dialogue A N Parts I. and II. in 1 vol., 12mo. cloth, 3s. Part I., separately, Is. Part II., 1s. 6d. Part III. (Reading Course), 1s. 6d. 1. New Practical and Easy Method of Learning 'the German Language. Also : A Key to Ditto, SEWED, 8d. 1 Vol. 12mo., cloth, 4s. 6d. 2. A Practical German Grammar. Being a Sequel to the above. PUBLISHED BY DAVID NUTT, 270, STRAND. BY C. A. FEILING, German Master at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, and late at the City of London School. Second Edition. 12mo. roan, 5s. 1. Practical Guide to the Study and Grammar of the German Language, Containing the Essential Parts of Grammar, with Progressive Exercises and easy Prose Compositions. Especially adapted for Schools. 12mo. cloth, reduced to 2s. 6d. 2. A Key to the Exercises and Prose Compositions Contained in the above. Fourth Edition. 12mo. roan, 5s. 3. A Complete Course of German Literature for Beginners. “The Practical Guide,' and the Course' are two excellent volumes, containing a large amount of well-arranged matter."--Military Spectator'. BY DR. M. M. FISCHEL, of Queen's College, London. Third Edition, corrected and improved. Crown 8vo. cloth, 58. A German Reading Book On an entirely new principle; a story by Franz Hoffman, literally translated with copious grammatical notes, explanations of idioms, and an Elementary German Grammar. « This little work is on a new plan, combining, as it does, the literal translation of the Hamiltonian and similar systems, with the early approach to grammar advocated by the old school. .... The pupil learns the grammar imperceptibly as he proceeds with the story, and at the end of the course finds himself-he scarcely knows how-tolerably erudite." The Times. “This book ought to be in the hands of erery one desirous of acquiring German quickly.”— The Press. BY CHARLES EULENSTEIN, Late Professor of the German Language at Bath. Fourth Edition. 12mo. cloth, 4s. 1. An Easy Grammar of the German Language, Containing the Elements of Grammar, Progressive Exercises, Select Reading Lessons, a Collection of the most Necessary Words, a Series of Familiar Sentences, and a Collection of Idiomatic Expressions. For the use of Schools and Private Teaching. Second Edition. 12mo, cloth, 23. 6d. 2. Progressive Exercises for Speaking German. A Supplement to all German Grammars. BY D. BOILEAU. New Edition 12mo. boards, reduced from 7s. to 3s. 6d. 1. A Complete Course of Instruction in the German Language, In which attention is particularly directed to peculiarities in Grammatical Forms and Constructions; exemplified by Selections from the best Authors. New Edition. 12mo. cloth boards, 5s. 2. On the Nature and Genius of the German Language. A LIST OF SCHOOL AND CLASS BOOKS BY DR. A. HEIMANN, Professor of the German Language and Literature at the London University. Second Edition, corrected and augmented. Two parts in 1 vol., 12mo, cloth, 5s. 6d. 1. Materials for translating English into German. Either part can be had separately, price 3s. 2. Key to ditto. By DR. ERDMANN. 8vo. sewed, 3s. 6d. Third Edition, thoroughly revised, and considerably enlarged. J2mo: cloth, 5s. 6d. 3. Fifty Lessons on the Elements of the German Language; with a Lexicon. The author intended, by these two volumes, to introduce the English student into the art of writing and speaking German from the first elements to the most difficult parts. The plans adopted in both, varying according to the proficiency of the pupil, have met with the approval both of distinguished teachers and of scholars who have made use of the books without the assistance of a master. Much has been added in the New Edition to facilitate the study, to simplify the rules, and to make the exercises as aseful as possible. Second Edition, corrected and improved, 12mo. cloth, 3s. 6d. 4. The First German Reading Book For English children and beginners in the study of the German Language. This very admirable little work has met with much success, and is as well suited for adults commencing the study of the language as for children. Seventh Edition. 12mo. cloth boards, 5s. 5. Ermeler's Deutsches Lesebuch, or German Reading Book. New Edition, enlarged by the addition of explanatory notes, improved, and adapted to the use of English Students. This is one of the most desirable and useful Reading Books that can be placed in the bands of a student of the German language. The selection has been made with great taste and care, and does not contain any but the most perfect specimens of composition. 12mo. cloth, 6s. 6. Wendeborn's German Grammar. Eleventh Edition, entirely remodelled by Professor A, HEIMANN. BY THE REV. DR. EMIL OTTO, Professor at Heidelberg. Second Edition. 12mo. cloth, 5s. 1. German Conversation Grammar. 12mo. boards, 2s. 2. Key to the Exercises. 12mo. boards, 2s. 3. First German Book. Square 4to., stiff covers, ls, 6d. J. Louis' German Copybook. PUBLISHED BY DAVID NUTT, 270, STRAND. BY DR. H. STEINMETZ, Teacher of German, at the Bedford Schools. 12mo. cloth, 2s. 1. First Reading Book, Being a Selection of Grimm's Tales, and elegant Extracts of Poetry. With Notes and Vocabulary. 12mo. stiff covers, Is. 6d. 2. The Accidence of German Grammar, Shewing in a simple Tabular Form the Inflections of the various parts of Speech. "In the little book before us, Dr. Steinmetz has copiously and judiciously illustrated by. Czangles every phase of declension and conjugation. Tlie combined declension of pronouil, adjective, and substantive, which puzzles so many who are otherwise fair German scholars, is here so clearly set forth, and so abundantly illustrated, as to remove all difficulty. In fine, we can confidently recommend this Accidence as better adapted to the wants of young children than any other we have yet inet with.”-Critic. 12mo. cloth, 2s. 6d. 3. German Exercises, For the use of Beginners, to enable them to write and speak the German Language with correctness and fluency. With a Key. BY THE LATE PROFESSOR WITTICH, Formerly Teacher of German in University Colleye, London. Sixth Edition, corrected and enlarged. 8vo. cloth, 6s. 6d. 1. A German Grammar. Tenth Edition, revised and corrected. 8vo. cloth, 6s. 2. German Tales for Beginners, Arranged in progressive Order. New Edition, corrected and enlarged. 8vo. cloth, 5s. 3. German for Beginners ; Or, Progressive Exercises in the German Language. Fourth Edition, Svo. cloth, 7s. 4. A Key to the above. BY L. MARCUS. Late German Master at the Polytechnic Institution, Birmingham. Square 12mo. cloth, 3s. 1. A Comparative Vocabulary of the English and German Languages. This little work is compiled on an entirely new and original plan, and will be found of great assistance in tracing the connection between the two lingayes, and in shewing the value and beuring of numerous idiomatical expressions. Svo. sewed, ls. 2. The Declension of the German Article, Adjec- tive, Pronoun, and Noun. A LIST OF SCHOOL AND CLASS BOOKS wer Fluegel's German and English, and English and German Dictionary. New Edition, adapted to the English Student, with great additions and improvements By C. A. FEILING, DR. A. HEIMANN, and J. OXENFORD. 2 vols. 8vo., cloth boards, £1 4s. It is very desirable that parties wishing to have this work should be particular in specifying the New London Edition, as there are two other editious: the one more bulky and much dearer, the other, edited by the sou of the Lexicographer, smaller, and somewhat cheaper, but both greatly inferior in point of utility for the English student, having been compiled without Euglish assistance, and especially for the use of German Students. Royal 18mo. (760 pages), 7s. 6d. Fluegel's Abridged German and English, and sh and German Dictionary, For the Use of Travellers and Schools. In 2 vols., 4to. sewed, reduced from £2 16s. to £1 88.; half-calf, £1 18s. ; half-morocco or russia, £2 5s. English and German, and German and English . Dictionary. By Dr. J. L. Hilpert. The vols. may be had separately. German-English, 20s.; Engłish-German, 12s. Also, in 2 stout vols., 8vo., 1900 pages, sewed, 11s.; bound in 1 vol., cloth, 12s.; half-morocco, flexible back, 16s. An Abridgment of the Above. For their extent, these are unquestionably the cheapest German and English Dictionaries extant. Fifth Edition, 12mo. roan, 5s. 6d.; sewed, 4s. 6d. Elwell's new and complete English and German Dictionary For general use, containing a concise grammar of either language. Dialogues with reference to grammatical forms and rules on pronunciation. BY DR. F. W. THIEME. Sixth Edition. 12mo. roan, 7s. Black's New and Complete Grammatical English- German and German-English Dictionary, In Two Parts, in which are introduced the Genitives, Plurals, and Irregularities to Substantives, the Comparative Degrees of Adjectives, and the Irregularities of Verbs, arranged in the Alphabet, as well as under their Roots; also the Pronunciation and Construction of Words throughout the Language. Tauchnitz's Pocket Dictionaries, Being a series of Dictionaries in all Languages. Sq. 18mo., roan, each containing two parts, the languages being reversed: S. d. English and German . . . 3 6 | English and French English and Danish . . . 4 6 | English and Italian . . . English and Swedish . . . 4 6 | English and Russian . . . 4 For the remainder, see separate Catalogue. oo 6 PUBLISHED BY DAVID N STRAND. BY A. TROPPANEGER, Professor of German at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Fifth Edition. 12mo. roan, 6s. English German Grammar, With Reading Lessons, systematically arranged to show the affinity existing between the English and German Languages ; accompanied by Progressive Exercises. BY G, M, HEILNER. 8vo. cloth, 7s. 6d., originally published at 10s. Grammar of the German Language philosophically developed. “To those who wish to learn to read and speak German rapidly and correctly, two great essentials not often united, Mr. Heilner's Grammar offers many advantages which are but seldom placed before the student in so clear and tangible a form. It is the work of a most accomplished philologist, whose knowledge of the various offshoots of the great Teutonic stem has enabled him to keep in view throughout the close affinity still existing in the English, through the Anglo-Saxon, with the modern spoken and written language of Germany, both in the analogies of the two languages and in their etymological constructions. An Englishman, who understands the structure of his own language, will find but little difficulty in acquiring á sound knowledge of German by its ineans, even without a master.” 12mo. cloth boards, reduced to 3s. A Treatise on the Pronunciation of the German Language. By G. Nagel. Adapted to the use of Beginners, and for Students who require only to rectify their pronunciation. “The theory is Becker's; but Mr. Nagel has worked it out on a plan of his own, carefully discussing the value of every letter and the principles of accentuation in detail, illustrating his remarks with copious exercises. It is altogether a very useful book, and unique in its kind- and we are not aware of any other that will fully supply its place.”-- Times. BY DR. OLLENDORFF. In ] vol. 12mo., neatly bound in cloth, price 5s. 6d., 1. A new and easy. method of learning the German Language. Translated (unabridged) from the original French Edition. By HENRY W. DULCKEN. . 12mo. 3s. 6d. 2. Key to the above. BY MADAME BERNARD. Fcap. 8vo., bound in cloth, 5s. German Equivalents for English Thoughts. “This is just the book every learner is in want of—not a book of dialogues, still less a vocabulary, nor exclusively a book of idioms. For instance, you bave to pay 'your footing,' your entrance-money, and you find you must use the word Antritts-geld; and again you have to pay your admission, your entrance-money, and that instead of Antritts-geld, the word you want is Eintritts-geld. Then you want to speak of high and low 'people, and find two nouns, die Groszen und Geringen, must be used, whereas high and low, as applied to 'places,' is oben und unten, two adverbs." ... ... 10 A LIST OF SCHOOL AND CLASS BOOKS . BY CHARLES GRAESER, In 1 Vol., demy 8vo., neatly bound in cloth, price 6s. 6d. A Thesaurus of German Poetry; Consisting of 450 Select Pieces by the most celebrated Authors, from the classical period to the present day. With Explanatory Notes, preceded by a short History of German Poetry; forming a Library of the Modern Poets of Germany. Especially adapted for the use of Schools, for self instruction, and for private reading. “This compilation is the best we have ever seen published in this country."--The Press. On a sheet, 1s., or neatly mounted in case, 2s. 6d. An Easy and Comprehensive Tabular Synopsis Of the difficult Grammatical Fornis of the German Language. By MONSIEUR J. OCTAVE, M.A., Professor of French and German, Bath. BY A. SONNENSCHEIN and J. S. STALLYBRASS. In one vol. 12mo. cloth, 4s. 6d. German for the English. A First Reading Book, containing Easy Poems in German, with Interlinear Translations, and Illustrated by Notes and Tables, chiefly Etymological - This is a most useful little book, either for self-instruction or for use with a master. The eye may at first be startled at such Germanisms as 'Throat-sounds' for 'Gutturals,' and Word-building' for ‘Tormation of words ;' but the authors, in introducing a new system of teaching, appear to have ignored the older terms, and to have denizened the present German words by a literal translation into English. Both Anglo-Saxon and the modern German have the same Teutonic roots. Of this circumstance the authors have availed themselves, to pro- vide the English novice with a rich and full vocabulary of German words in the section of the changes of sound which words undergo in passing from German into English,' by which, of course is siinply meant the difference of form the Teutonic root assumes in the older Anglo- Saxon and English, and the more recent Hoch-Deutsch, as now spoken and written in Ger- many. The third part consists of Easy Poems, with Interlinear Translations and useful notes. The book is indeed 'German for the English,' in its strictest sense, and addresses itself quite after a German fashion of its own to the English pupil.” One vol. 8vo. cloth, 6s. German made Easy. By Professor Selig: A New, Practical, and Speedy Method for Self-Instruction in the German Language, in which the Accentuation and Pronunciation are given, and adapted throughout to the English Manner of Spelling. “For students who wish to obtain a sufficient knowledge of the German language for con- versational purposes, M. Selig's manual for self. instruction will be found a useful work, and one of the best substitutes yet offered for viva voce tuition. The phrases and dialogues are well selected and arranged, and the correct pronunciation can be readily understood by the help of the signs and interpretations, to which a key is given at the commencement of the volune. The accentuation and pronunciation are given, and adapted throughout to the English manner of spelling.”-Literary Gazette. 12mo, cloth, 2s. Stromeyer's German Exercises, With a Grammatical Introduction, being a Guide to German Writing. 12mo. cloth, 3s. Svo. cloth bds., 4s. 6d. Kohlrausch’s Kurze Darstellung der Deutschen Geschichte, With copious English Notes, and a short Sketch of German Literature. By Dr. A. BENSBACH, Professor of German at Queen's College, Galway. · This work contains an excellent compendium of Kohlransch's well-krown History of Ger- any. The notes were specially compiled for the use of Winchester College. . . . PUBLISHCD BY DAVID NUTT, 270, STRAND. 11 12mo., cloth, 25. 6d. Lessing's German Fables, in Prose and Verse. With a close English Translation and brief Notes. Stitched, 1s. 6d. The same. The German Text only. C 12mo. cloth, 2s. 6d. Goethe's Iphigenie auf Tauris, Arranged for the use of Students, with Notes, Vocabulary, and Interlinear Translations of the First Scenes. By M. Behr, Ph. D., late Professor of the German Language at Winchester College. Tieck's Blaubart, ein Märchen in fünf Akten, With a translation of difficult words and passages, explanation of Grammatical peculiarities, &c., by H. APEL. 12mo. cloth, 3s. 6d. Fünf Märchen aus der Tausend und Einen Nacht. This little work contains a translation, by A. L. Grimm, of five of the most popular tales from the Arabian Nights. It was reprinted at the suggestion of Dr. Tiarks, and is used in many schools. Second Edition. 12mo. cloth, 3s. Das Kalte Herz. By Wilhelm Hauff. With a word for word Translation of the first dozen pages, Translation of difficult Passages, and Grammatical Notes. By H. APEL, German Master at King Edward's School, Birmingham. BY DE LA MOTTE FOUQUE. Square 12mo. cloth, 2s.; sewed, ls. 6d. 1. Undine. 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A French Word-Book, on the san 32mo., neatly bound in cloth, 2s. 3. A French Reading-Book, In Two Parts. PART I. Comprising Extracts from Mme. Guizot, Ruthière, Florian, Barthélémy, and Chênedollé, with a literal interlinear Translation. Part II. Comprising Extracts in prose and verse, from French classical authors, with Explanatory Notes. The plan followed in this work is believed to be the best calculated for securing, on the part of the student, a desirable amount of self exertion, and at the same time offering him sufficient assistance to prevent discouragement. BY ANURE SEARS, Professor of the French Language at the Liverpool Collegiate Schools. One thick Volume. 12no. cloth, 5s. A Complete Course of Instruction in the French Language. In Three parts, which may also be had separately. 12mo. cloth, 2s. each. - Grammatical Course. Reading and Translation Course, containing Prose and Poetry. . 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Numa Pompilius, par Florian. Revue et soigneusement corrigée, par N. WANOSTROCHT. 18mo. roan, 3s. Nugent's Pocket Dictionary of the French and English Languages, IMPROVED BY BROWN AND MARTIN, Containing all the words in general use, the Scotch expressions, and the usual technical terms, the accentuation and pronunciation adapted to the French and English idiom. 24mo. bound in extra cloth, red edges, 3s. 6d. Nugent's French and English Dictionary, IMPROVED BY SMITH, Containing all English Words in general use, the pronunciation of the English in the French Sounds, Scotch Words from Sir Walter Scott's Novels, Coins, Weights, and Measures ; list of proper names and elements of French Grammar, &c., &c. 12mo. roan, 4s. Wanostrocht's Grammar of the French Language, With Practical Exercises, revised and enlarged, by J. C. TARVER. Two Parts in 1 Vol. 12mo., cloth, 5s. French Conversation-Grammar, A New and Practical Method of Learning the French Language. 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Second Edition. Two Parts in 1 thick Vol., 32mo. 834 pages, roan, 3s. 6d. New Pocket Dictionary of the Italian and English Languages. By S. H. Blanc. Thick 8vo., 900 pages, cloth boards, 7s., published at 15s. Classic Readings in Italian Literature. A Selection from the Prose Writings of the best Italian Authors from the 13th Century to the present time; with Notes and Biographical Notices. By G. CANNIZZARO. 1 Vol. 12mo.roan, 6s., sewed, 5s. Dictionary of the Italian and English Languages. By W. James and G. Grassi. For general use, with the Italian Pronunciation, and Accentuation of every Word Technological Terms of Science and Art, of Mechanics, &c. Two Parts in 1 Vol. 18mo. roan, 4s. 6d. Pocket Dictionary of the English and Italian Languages. By C. Graglia. 8vo. cloth, 6s. 6d. Raccolta di Poesie, Tratte dai più celebri Autori antichi e moderni, ad uso degli Studiosi della Lingua Italiana. BY F. VENOSTA, Professor of the Italian Language at Brighton. This work is a graduated collection, containing extracts from more than forty Poets, care- fully selected for the use of Young Ladies desirous of acquiring a knowledge of Italian. 12mo. cloth, 4s. 6d. Italian Conversation-Grammar, A New and Practical Method of Learning the Italian Language. By CHARLES MARQUARD SAUER, Professor of Italian at the Public Commercial School of Leipsic. BY JOHN MILLHOUSE. Second Edition, 2 Vols. crown 8vo. cloth, 14s. 1. A New English-Italian and Italian-English Pro- nouncing and Explanatory Dictionary. Second Edition, 18mo. cloth, 2s. 2. English and Italian Dialogues, with Models of Letters. - - - 16 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY DAVID NUTT, 270, STRAND. In crown 8vo. price 6s. handsomely bound in cloth, Short Lectures on Plants, for Schools and Adult Classes. BY ELIZABETH TWINING, Author of " Illustrations of the Natural Orders of Plants." 1. ON PLANTS IN GENERAL. 2. THE Seed, 3. The Root. 4. TaE STEM. 5. TAE LEAVES. 6. The Flower. 7. THE FRUIT. 8. PALMS. 9. PLANTS USED FOR FOOD. 10. PLANTS USED FOR CLOTHING. 11. DISTRIBUTION OF PLANTS. 12. THE CULTURE OF PLANTS. . These simple Lectures were, in substance, first given to young women who had no previous knowledge of the subject, nor of any other branch of Natural History. They are intended to explain the formation of plants and their different parts to those who know them only by sight, without understanding their structure or use. All difficult technical and scientific words have been avoided as far as possible, and the endeavour has been to render the subject sufficiently interesting to induce the scholars to search further for themselves. NOTICES OF THE PRESS. “Wherever lectures are given, either to schools or to working men's classes, this handy and useful volume will be found an admirable assistant.”-St. James's Chronicle." “Wbile there is much food for reflection for the more mature portion of the community, they are so simple, that an intelligent child of eight or nine years old will feel pleasure in lead- ing them.”—Englishwoman's Review. "In addition to its moral and religious tendency, Miss Twining's book is adapted, in every practicable instance, to bring the information communicated into actual use in social and domestic life, for the equal correction of popular mistakes, and the suggestion of correlative improvements, based upon the scientific progress that has been gained. The style is easy, graceful, entirely free from discouraging technicalities, and the mode of treating the various subjects' in discussion is remarkable for its attractiveness and felicity.”—Londonderry Standard. “A valuable addition to the school or village library.”—Clerical Journal. “The aim has been to lead the pupil into an understanding of the organic construction of plants, and of their uses as regards mankind ; and the science is treated ratber as an important branch of knowledge, than a hobby to be followed for amusement."-Critic. In crown 8vo. bound in cloth, price 3s. 6d. An Essay on the Principles of Education PHYSIOLOGICALLY CONSIDERED, BY CHARLES COLLIER, M.D., F.R.S., Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, &c. “The first chapter of the essay is devoted to the consideration of the natural endowments of human beings; and this preliminary inquiry, by indicating the faculties and propensities on which Education has to act, may tend to shew the true basis on which it must rest. The second contains brief summaries of the systems of some of the most celebrated writers of ancient and modern times, which may well serve as commentaries upon our present systems and opinions. And the third is intended to explain the method by which, under all circum- stances, Education, in its fullest and truest sense, may be made to minister to the moral good and intellectual improvement of the individual.”—Preface. LONDON: D. NUTT, 270, STRAND. Edinburgh, December 1860. LIST 02 Educational Works, PUBLISHED 15Y OLIVER & BOYD, Edinburgh. A specimen copy of any Work will be sent post free on receipt of the retail price in postage stamps. OLIVER & BOYD, EDINBURGH; SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, & CO., LONDON ; And all Booksellers. A specimen copy of any Work will be sent post free on receipt of the retail price in postage stamps. . Page A to A English Reading, Grammar, &c. l Geography and Astronomy. Page Connon's English Grammar ....8 Edinburgh Academy Modern Geography13 ......... First Spelling-Book ... 81 Edinburgh Academy Ancient Geography 13 Demaus' Selections from Paradise Lost 6 Ewing's Geography ....... 14 ........ Analysis of Sentences ... 6 ........ New General Atlas . . . 14 Ewing's English Learner . . . . Murray's Catechism of Geography - 14 ........ Principles of Elocution .. 9 Murphy's Bible & Classical Atlases 14,15 Fulton's Johnson's Dictionary. . .......... Maps of the Holy Land, &c. 15 Fulton & Knight's Spelling-Book . 9 Reid's First Book of Geography .. 15 Gray's Spelling-Book ...... 9 ...... 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First Lessons in Arithmetic, 25 Demaus' Selections from Paradise Lost, with Notes ......... ...... Mental Calculation Text-Book 25 6 Smith's Arithmetical Works ... 22 Johistone's Specimens of Sacred, Pathe- Stewart's Arithmetical Works ... 24 tic, and Serious Poetry . . . . . 31 Trotter's Arithmetical Works .. 22,23 Milton's Poems and Life ...31 ......... Hutton's Book-keeping . . 23 mmmmmm Latin and Greek. . Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Ainsworth's Latin Dictionary... 36 &c. Beza's Latin Testament ..... 36 Christison's Mathematical Tables. Cicero's Orationes Selectae, by Ferguson 35 Ingram's System of Mathematics. . 26 ........ Cato Major, &c., by Ferguson 35 ......... Mensuration, by Trotter. ........ De Oficiis, by Ferguson . . 35 Ingram & Trotter's Algebra ..... Dymock's Cæsar ......... 36 ........ Euclid . . . . 27 .......... Sallust . . . . . . . Lees' Catechism of Natural Philosophy 27 .........Rudiments and Grammar, 36 Nicol's Introductory Book of the Sciences 27 Edinburgh Academy Class-Books :- ....... Catechism of Geology ... 27 Rudiments of the Latin Language 32 Reid's (Hugo) Pneumatics .... 27 Latin Delectus ....... 32 Trotter's Logarithms, &c. ..... Rudiments of the Greek Language 33 Greek Extracts . ...... 33 :: French, Ciceronis Opera Selecta . ... 33 Caron's First French Class-Book . . 28 Selecta e Poetis Latinis .:. 33 ........ French Grammar ... . 28 Ferguson's (Prof.) Graml. Exercises. 35 Chambaud's Fables Choisies, by Wells 31 .......... Introductory Latin Delectus 35 French Testament, Edin. Ruby Edition 31 ....... Ovid's Metamorphoses. . 35 Gibson's Le Petit Fablier .... 28 Fergusson's (Dr) Xenophon's Anabasis 38 Hallard's French Grammar . ... 28 ........... Greek Grammatical Surenne's French & Eng. Dictionaries 29,30 Exercises ......... 38 ..... .... French Primer ..... 29 ........ Homer's Iliad, Books .. French Reading Instructor 29 I. VI. XX. & XXIV., with Vocab. 38 .. New French Manual, &c. . 30 Greek Testament. ........ 36 .. New French Dialogues . . 30 Gunn's Livy, Book I. to Y. ..... 36 .. Voltaire's Charles XII. . . 30 Hunter's Ruddiman's Rudiments ....34 .. Fénélon's Télémaque .. 30 ......... Sallust ......... 34 .. Voltaire's Russie sous Pierre ......... Virgil ......... 34 ......... Horace ......... ... Voltaire's La Henriade . . 30 ......... Livy, Book XXI. to XXV. 34 .... Molière's L'Avare ... 30 M‘Dowall's Cæsar ....... ............ Le Bourgeois Geutilhomme 30 Macgowan's Latin Lessons .... 37 .......... Molière's Le Misanthrope Mair's Introduction, by Stewart .. 37 Le Mariage Forcé ...... 30 Neilson's Eutropius and Aurelius Victor 37 Wolski's French Grammar .... 31 Stewart's Cornelius Nepos .... 37 ........ French Extracts. . . . . 31 31 Veitch's Homer's Iliad, from Bekker. 38 Veitch's Homer's EDUCATIONAL WORKS, PUBLISHED BY OLIVER & BOYD, EDINBURGH; SOLD ALSO RY SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, & CO., LONDON. MESSRS OLIVER & Boyd, in requesting attention to the following List of their EDUCATIONAL WORKS, have to acknowledge with much pleasure the great success which has attended their efforts in this important depart- ment of Literature. Many years ago, when the interest felt in the cause of Education, and the attention paid to it, were much less than they now happily are, they formed the design of publishing a series of first-class works in the various branches of tuition, embodying every improvement which experience and the advanced state of knowledge could suggest. To this design they have all along steadily adhered, and they have now reason to believe that their series embraces many of the most approved class-books for English Reading, Grammar, Composition, Geography, History, Arithmetic, Mathematics, and General Science, together with a complete assortment of manuals for the student of the French, Latin, and Greek Languages. The various works have been prepared by gentlemen of eminence in their several departments; and no labour or expense has been spared to render them worthy of the first rank in the estimation of teachers and others. English Reading, Grammar, &r. In this initiatory department of instruction a valuable series of works has been prepared by DR M'CULLOCH, formerly head-master of the Circus- Place School, Edinburgh, now minister of the West Church, Greenock. DR M'CULLOCH'S SERIES OF CLASS-BOOKS Are intended for the use of seminaries where the preceptor makes it his business to instruct his pupils in the meaning of what is read as well as in the art of reading; and they will be found to serve the double purpose of introducing the scholar by easy gradations to the prouunciation of the English language, and of providing him with a kind of reading adapted to interest and exercise bis opening faculties. In the introductory Books, the lessons are arranged on the principle of familiarizing the pupil with the more common sounds before embarrassing him with varieties and anomalies ; so that he may be taught the laws of English Orthoëpy in a gradual order of development suited to his tender capacity. English Reading, Grammar, &c. A warnavernaan DR MʻCULLOCH'S FIRST READING-BOOK, 18mo, 24 pages, price 11d. in stiff wrapper. 31st Edition. This little manual contains the Alphabet, and progressive Lessons on the long and short sounds of the vowels ; no more being attempted in it than merely to familiarize the pupil with these sounds, and with the primitive sounds of the consonants. DR MʻCULLOCH'S SECOND READING-BOOK, 18mo, 48 pages, price 3d. in stiff wrapper. 31st Edition. This book contains progressive lessons on the pronunciation of double consonants and diphthongs, and on the middle and broad sounds of the sounds, and to those consonants having two different sounds, such as c and g, preparatory to his entering on the THIRD READING-Book. DR MʻCULLOCH'S THIRD READING-BOOK, 18mo, 144 pages, price 10d. bound. 320 Edition. The young student is now supposed capable of reading a simple lesson with tolerable facility, and may therefore be introduced to words in which an árbitrary combination of vowels and consonants is found. The third book of the series accordingly contains a selection of simple pieces in prose and verse, with exercises. DR M‘CULLOCH'S FOURTH READING-BOOK, With a SYNOPSIS of ENGLISH SPELLING. Fcap 8vo, 224 pages, price Is. 6d. bound. 4th Edition. In the belief that the stage reached by the pupil when he leaves the " Third Book" is one at which he needs to be exercised chiefly in read- ing, the Compiler has introduced into this Fourth Book only such lessons as appear to him to be level to the understandings of the young, and likely to interest and please them. Instead of Extracts on subjects above the capacity of the scholar and unintelligible without constant explana- · tion by the master, he has selected Fables, Tales, Allegories, and other compositions of a character at once interesting and self-interpreting. This book will be found not only to furnish suitable and agreeable read- ing for the pupil, but also to supply the hiatus between the « Third Book” and the “ Series of Lessons," of which many teachers have had but too good reason to complain. The “Synopsis of English Spelling” is not intended to supersede the use of the Reading Lessons as an exercise in spelling; nor is it designed exclusively for pupils who are reading this book. Being an attempt to present the chief orthographical usages of the language in a systematic form, it will be found to repay the study of pupils who are much farther advanced. Indeed, it will be studied with most advantage by those who have already mastered the details of orthography, and only require to have their knowledge systematized. IN PROSE AND VERSE, 12mo, 222 pages, price 25. bound. Revised. 40th Edition. This volume consists of short extracts relating to natural history, elementary science, religion, and the duties of the young, progressively arranged according to their simplicity. While no pieces have been admitted but such as seemed likely to inform and entertain, care has been taken to abridge and otherwise alter them, so as to adapt their style as well as their sentiments to the juvenile capacity. Eaclı section is preceded by exercises on the more difficult words that occur in it, and contains elliptical lessons to exercise the judgment of the scholar. PUBLISHED BY OLIVER AND BOYD, EDINBURGH. - 5 moramowuwu, mummunmormoonroman DR MʻCULLOCH’S COURSE of ELEMENTARY READING IN SCIENCE AND LITERATURE, With 40 Wood-cuts, 12mo, 362 pages, price 3s. bound. Revised. 37th Edition. Like the preceding, this work consists of selections from popular authors, but more copious and varied, arranged under the heads Physical Science, Chemistry, Natural History, Geography and Topography, Reli- gious and Moral Pieces, Miscellaneous Pieces, and Poetry. In making the extracts, the object kept in view was to give a series of progressive lessons in useful and entertaining knowledge, rather than a mere com- pendium of elegant and rhetorical readings. They have received the corrections of Dr Greville in the botanical part, of Mr James Wilson in the zoological part, and of Dr Fyfe, Mi Trotter, and Dr Lees, in the chemical, geographical, and physical departments respectively, They are likewise accompanied with a series of diagrams and pictorial embellishments, illustrative of such parts of the text as might not be adequately understood without the help of delineations addressed to the eye. There is added an appendix, containing a copious list of the Latin and Greek primitives which enter into the composition of the English language. DR M-CULLOCH'S MANUAL OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR, 1870, 180 pages, price 1s. 6d. bound. 19th Edition. The object of this volume is to furnish a school grammar of the English tongue, sufficiently scientific in its principles and comprehensive in its details to meet the exigencies of the present improved methods of ele- mentary teaching. An attempt is made to exhibit the various branches of the science, not only in their proper order, but in their due and relative proportions; and the work will be found much more full than any other in a department which has of late justly attracted the particular attention of teachers--the derivation of the language. The definitions and rules are expressed with the utmost brevity and simplicity; and the gram- matical exercises have been made as copious and varied as was compatible with the restricted limits of a cheap school-book. PREFIXES and AFFIXES of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE, 18mo, price 20. in stiff wrapper. New Edition. A small work intended to initiate youth into the rudiments of ety. mology, and chiefly extracted from Dr M‘Culloch's Manual of English Grammar. In the books of the above series, the important object of exercising the juvenile mind by means of lessons on useful and interesting subjects is steadily kept in view. Directions are given relative to the mode of teaching, as well as other tables and lists calculated to assist in the process of instruction. On this point the Spectator newspaper, when reviewing the series, remarked :-" In recommending these books, it must not be conceived that we recommend them as likely to save trouble to the teacher, or to operate by witchcraft on the pupil. At their first intro- duction they will require some care on the part of the master, as well as the exercise of some patience, to enable the pupils to profit by the lessons. But this once done, their foundation is sound, and their progress sure. And let both parents and teachers bear in mind that these are the only means to acquire real knowledge.” The leading reviews and journals throughout the country have char- acterized Dr M‘Culloch's class-books in the very highest terms. English Reading, Erammar, &c. HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE; . With an OUTLINE of the ORIGIN and GROWTH of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Illustrated by EXTRACTS. By WILLIAM SPALDING, Professor of Logic, Rhetoric, and Metaphysics, in the University of St Andrews. For Schools and Private Students. 12mo, 414 pages, 3s. 6d. bound. 6th Edition. Spectator.-"A conipilation and text book of a very superior kind.....Mr Spalding has brought to his survey not only a knowledge of our history and literature, but original. reflection, a comprehensive mind, and an elevation of tone, which impart interest to his account, as well as soundness to his decision. The volume is the best introduction to tije subject we have met with." Alhcncum.-" The numerous extracts scattered throughout the volume are well chosen for the purpose of throwing light on the authors from whom they are taken, and at the same time exhibiting the gradual advance of our literature from its earliest to its present state. Mr Spalding's critical remarks are discriminating, impartial, judicious, and always well put." Eilucational Times.-"Well adapted for school study." wwwww SELECTIONS FROM PARADISE LOST : With NOTES, especially adapted for use in Elementary Schools, by Robert DEMAUS, M.A., F.E.I.S., West End Academy, Aberdeen; late Principal of the Grammar School, Alnwick. 18mo, 180 pages, Is. 6d. bound. 20 Edition. The Selections have been chosen so as to furnish a continuous narra- tive, exhibiting the plan, progress, and consummation of Milto epic. In preparing the Notes, the Author's object has been to explain concisely all classical and mythological allusions ; to paraphrase all ob- scure passages; to illustrate peculiarities in opinion or expression by references to Scripturo, or quotations from Milton's other writings; and to remove from the path of the learner the obstacles occasioned by the frequent use of technical terms, obsoleto words, foreign idioms, and in- tricate construction. From C. W. CONNON, LL.D., lale of the Schools of Greenwich Hospital, and Author of "A System of English Grammar." ." As one who has gone over the greater portion of the same ground myself, I can bear testimony to the acute intellect and laborious care that Mr Depaus has brought to his task." From T. B. SNITH, Principal of People's College, Nottinghain. "I fully coincide with the Editor in his introductory remarks as to the great need in schools generally for such a work, and consider that he has executed his task with great ability. • The Selections by Mr Demaus form, in my opinion, the most successful attenipt hitherto made for popularizing one of our owu great classics, and for rendering his uirivalled epic subservient to the highest mental development of youth. Whether re- garded as a subject for exposition, for judicious criticism, for logical analysis, for peri- plirasis, or for tracing verbal analogies and derivations, its great utility when known must, I think, become obvious to all engaged in the important work of Education." TO 1 THE ANALYSIS OF SENTENCES ; By Mr DEMAUS. Fcap 8vo, price 6d., stiff cover. 2d Edition. This treatise is intended to serve as a supplement or appendix to those grammars in which the analysis of sentences is either entirely omitted, or treated in a cursory and uusatisfactory manper. PUBLISAED BY OLIVER AND BOYD, EDINBURGH, 7 SCHOOL-BOOKS BY WILLIAM LENNIE, LATE TEACHER OF ENGLISH, EDINBURGI. THE CHILD'S A, B, C, Part I., Reduced to 11d. stiff wrapper. THE CHILD'S A, B, C, Part II., Reduced to 3d. stiff wrapper. THE CHILD'S LADDER, 10d. half-bound. THE SEQUEL TO THE LADDER, 1s. half-hound. *** These Books lead the child, step by step, from the simplest ele- ment to the one next above it, with progressive exercises on each, through all the stages or principles of pronunciation ; so that the child finds him- solf taught before he feels the difficulty of learning. wwwinan LENNIE'S PRINCIPLES OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR, Comprising the Substance of all the most approved English Grammars extant, briefly defined, and neatly arranged ; with copious Exercises in Parsing and Syntax. With ertensive Alterations and Improvements, carefully revised. Fiftieth Edition. 18mo, ls. 6d. bound. The AUTHOR'S KEY, adapted to the Improved Edition of the Grammar, is now ready. It contains, besides Additional Exercises in Parsing and Syntax, many Critical and Valuable Remarks, Hints, and Observations, and very explicit observations on the best method of teaching Grammar. New Edition, with extensive Alterations and Innprovements, carefully revised. 35. 6d. bound. Grammar and Key, bound together, 58. LENNIE'S ASSEMBLY'S SHORTER CATECHISM, With Explanations and Questions. 18mo, 2d. SCHOOL-BOOKS BY JOHN WHITE, LATE TEACHER OF ENGLISH, GEOGRAPHY, AND HISTORY, EDINBURGH. THE FIRST BOOK for Children. New Edition..............1 d. THE SECOND BOOK for Children. New Edition.............3d. THE THIRD BOOK for Children, 26th Edition. 10d. bound. THE FOURTH BOOK for Children, with numerous Exercises. 29th Edition. Is. 6d. bound. Edinburgh Advertiser.-6 The Four Books for Children contain a completo and luminous analysis of English Pronunciation, arranged in such a manner as to lead the pupil, by easy gradations, from the simplest elements of the language to the most diffi- cult combinations." Edinburgh Evening Courant.-6. This series of elementary works appears to be very judiciously adapted for the expanding minds of children." Edinburgh Evening Posl.-i These four books for children contain a very completo development of English pronunciation. The lessons are happily chosen, being such as to interest the young; and, what is of far higher importance, tliey are well calculated to instil into the mind the purest principles of practical morality.”. WHITE'S SYSTEM OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR, And the Principles of Composition. With numerous Exercises, pro- gressively arranged. 8th Edition. ls. Od. bound. Spectator.-"Great clearness, with practical utility, or rather a thorough adaptation for eleclive use, is the distinguishing cliaracter of Mr White's cheap and unpretending book." Literary Gazetle." So simple and so instructive, it goes through the branches of etymology, syntax, and composition, with a clear arrangement, and series of judicious lessons and examples. With otber recommendatory qualities, we are bound to prom nounce the work to be good, and the matter most deserving of public appreciation." Edinburgh Courant.--" His Grammar, clear and conciso in expression, is perspicu- ous in curangement and comprehensive in scope, and altogether welladapted for tuition." English Reading, Grammar, &c. CONNON'S ENGLISH GRAMMAR, Founded on the Philosophy of Language and the Practice of the best Authors. With Copious Exercises, Constructive and Analytical. 12mo, 199 pages, price 2s.6d. bound. 7th Edition. The above is from the pen of C. W. CONNON, LL.D., late of the Schools of Greenwich Hospital, and formerly Principal of the English department of the High School, Mechanics’ Institution, Liverpool. The main object kept in view is to render the study of Grammar conducive to the general devel- opment of the intellect as well as to the correct utterance of thought. The rules regulating the structure of our language, and the logical principles out of which they spring, are illustrated by constant reference to standard English literature, while the practical exercises in Syntax, which are unusually copious, consist entirely of sentences involving errors in con- struction, selected from the works of the best modern authors, and which the student is taught to correct by a comparison with passages from the same authors in which the rules have been observed. Spectator.-" It exhibits great ability, combining practical skill with philosophical views.” Allas." This is a superior elementary work. In the compilation of his grammar, Mr Connon has paid greater attention to the philosophy of the language than most of his predecessors. That part of the work which is devoted to syntax we would particularly notice as a vast improvement; the exercises, besides being copious, are likewise well adapted for the purpose, and chosen with taste and judgment." Glasgow Constitutional. One of the ablest, most comprehensive, and most scholarly treatises on English grammar which we possess." mnmn CONNON'S FIRST SPELLING-BOOK, 18mo, 72 pages, price 6d. in cloth wrapper. MILLEN'S INITIATORY ENGLISH GRAMMAR, 18mo, 126 pages, price Is. bound. 4th Edition. The above little manual is the production of Mr JOHN MILLEN, lato teacher in Glasgow, and treats of the subject under the usual divisions, namely, Orthography, Etymology, and Syntax. Under the second of these are given some general rules or principles for the formation of one part of speech from another-a branch of the subject which is but little attended to in most elementary books on English Grammar, although extensively employed in Latin and Greek initiatory works. Part Second contains a series of Questions, and a variety of other Exercises, designed to impress more deeply on the mind of the pupil the information contained in Part First, and also to lead him gradually from a knowledge of single words to the important art of forming sentences. Aberdeen Banner.--"Simple, concise, and perspicuous." Newcastle Guardian.-" Whether as a school-book, or for private tuition, the work is admirable; and, if it meets the encouragement which it deserves, will become ex- tensively popular, alike for its useful, instructive, and eminently practical character." FULTON'S JOHNSON'S DICTIONARY IN MINIATURE, 79th Thousand, 18mo, 320 pages, price 2s. 6d. neatly and strongly bound. The above forms a neat pocket volume, and is intended as a cheap pronouncing dictionary for the use of schools where more expensive works cannot be used. It is beautifully and correctly printed, and contains all the words in the larger work of our great lexicographer. Subjoined are vocabularies of classical and scriptural proper names, a concise account of the heathen deities, a collection of quotations and phrases from the Latin, French, Italian, and Spanish languages, a chronological table of remarkable events, and a brief list of men of genius and learning. PUBLISHED BY OLIVER AND BOYD, EDINBURGH. 9 FULTON & KNIGHT'S PRONOUNCING SPELLING-BOOK ; With Reading Lessons in Prose and Verse. 12mo, 131 pages, price 1s. 6d. bound. 230 Edition. GRAY’S CONCISE SPELLING-BOOK. In Three Parts. Revised by ALEXANDER BARRIE. 18mo, 108 pages, price 10d. half-bound. 49th Edition. EWING'S ENGLISH LEARNER. 12mo, 216 pages, price 2s. bound. 16th Edition. The author of the “English Learner,” Mr EWING, late of Edinburgh, possessed a very high reputation as a teacher of elocution, and the work was compiled originally for the use of his own classes. To the extracts are prefixed general rules concerning pauses, and the tones, inflections, and modulations of the voice, which have been found of great use in familiarizing the púpil with the principles on which the art of elegant reading mainly depends. EWING’S PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION, 35th Edition, thoroughly Revised and greatly Improved by F. B. CALVERT, A. M., of the New College, Edinburgh. 12m10, 420 pages, price 33. 6d. bound. The “Principles of Elocution” consists of numerous rules, observa- tions, and exercises on pronunciation, pauses, inflections, accent, and emphasis, accompanied with copious extracts in prose and poetry, cal- culated to assist the teacher, and to improve the pupil in reading and recitation. In order to give freshness and interest to this popular work, numerous extracts have been expunged, and replaced by others of equal or superior nenit : and specimens are introduced of the distinguishing stules of Jeremy Taylor, South, Barrow, Chalmers, Robert Hall, Foster, and others. Educational Times. " It is an admirable selection of passages from our most cele- brated authors, adapted for declamation, introduced by an excellent Treatise on Elocution." Britannia.-" The work is without a rival in its own department in the whole range of school-books." RUDIMENTS OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR, . By ALEXANDER REID, LL.D., late Head Master of the Edinburgh Insti- tution, and formerly Rector of the Circus-Place School, Edinburgh. 18mo, 46 pages, price 6d. cloth. 16th Edition. In order to render the Rudiments of English Grammar, which are designed for the use of elementary classes, at once concise, simple, and of easy application, each sentence contains only one fact or principle ; the general rules are printed in larger type than the notes and excep- tions; and the principal and auxiliary verbs are inflected first sepa- rately and afterwards in combination. Allas.-" The definitions are written in very clear and intelligible language, and the les are simplified and stated in the fewest possible words in Mr Reid's Rudiments. which may be put into the hands of children as a safe and early introduction to the more extensive and often less instructive treatises called grammars." English Reading, Grammar, &c. minum an DR REID'S RUDIMENTS OF ENGLISH COMPOSITION, Fcap 8vo, 134 pages, price 25. bound. 13th Edition. Key to Ditto, Fcap 8vo, price 3s. 6d. bound; or strongly bound together, 5s. 6d. The Rudiments of English Composition are intended as a sequel to the ordinary text-books on Grammar ; and it is hoped will be found useful in teaching such as are their own instructors, or have time for only a school education, to express their ideas with sufficient perspicuity and taste for their purposes in life ; while to those who are to have the advantage of making higher attainments in learning, it will serve as a practical initiation into the critical study of the English language and literature. The volume is divided into three parts : Part I. is meant to guide to correctness in spelling, punctuation, the use of words, and the structure and arrangement of sentences ; Part II. to correctness and per- spicuity in style, and to a tasteful use of ornament in writing ; and Part III. to the practice of the preceding rules and exercises in various kinds of original composition. The Key is designed solely for the con- venience of teachers. Metropolitan Magazine." There is the same correctness, the same conciseness and simplicity, in this little guide to the writing of puro English as in Mr Reid's Rudiments of Grammar, his Geography, and other works intended for the use of the young. Its plan and arrangement aro excellent." Athenæum." A useful littlo work, which cannot be too strongly recommended to heads of schools and persons engaged in private tuition.” DR REID'S DICTIONARY of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE, 12mo, 564 pages, price 6s. Cd. strongly bound. 15th Edition. • In this Work, to which the author devoted the labour of several years, an attempt has been made to compile a school dictionary adapted to ihe present state of the English language and the improved methods of teaching. It contains every word which has been sanctioned by tho use of eminent authors, except such as have become obsolete, or are merely technical. While the usual alphabetical arrangement is pre- served, the words are at the same time grouped in such a manner as to show their etymological affinity; and after the first word of each group is given the root from which they are derived. These roots are after- wards arranged into a vocabulary; so that the Dictionary may be used either for reference or for teaching derivation. The pronunciation, which is indicated by a simple notation, is that of Walker, unless when the latter differs from prevailing usage, or from the majority of competent authorities. At the end is a vocabulary of classical and scripture proper names printed together, and divided into syllables and acceuted as they onght to be pronounced. Academic und Collegiate Circular.-" This is the most complete School Dictionary we have yet scen." Christian Fitness." This work is, beyond dispute, the best of its class that has yet appeared." Witness. This is a most admirable School Dictionary." National." As a school-book it is superior to any which has yet made its appear- ance, and there is no doubt that it will quickly supersedo the dictionaries at present In use." Liverpool Dail." Compiled with tlie most remarkable attention to accuracy, and invaluable for the use of schools." "An admirable book for the use of schools. Its plans combine a greater nunber of desirable conditions for such a work than any with which I am acquainted; and it seems to me to be executed in general with great judgment, fidelity, and accuracy." C. S. HENRY, Professor of Philosophy, History, and Belles Lettres in the University of the City of New York. *** Inis Dictionary has been recprinted in the United States of America, incre it · has been introduced into many public schools. PUBLISHED BY OLIVER AND BOYD, EDINBURGH. 11 PORTEUS CHRISTIAN EVIDENCES. A Summary of the Principal Evidences for the Truth and Divine Origin of the Christian Revelation. Designed chiefly for the use of Young Persons. By BEILBY PORTEUS, D.D., late Bishop of London. With Questions, &c., by the Rev. Dr GARDNER. 32mo, 141 pages, price 6d. cloth. SESSIONAL, NORMAL, & PAROCHIAL SCHOOL-BOOKS. SESSIONAL SCHOOL FIRST BOOK, 18mo, 24 pages, price 2d. in wrapper. 20th Edition. It is the peculiarity of this primer, that the pupil, instead of being detained with unmeaning sounds, is at once, after learning the alphabet, introduced to short significant words of two letters, and begins the ex- planatory system in its simplest form, as exhibited in the Account of the Edinburgh Sessional School.” He is thence gradually led on to words of three and four letters, when he is presented with instructive lessons, principally taken from incidents in sacred history, or such as inculcate moral duties. SESSIONAL SCHOOL SECOND BOOK, 18mo, 120 pages, price 1s. half-bound. 16th Edition. This book, besides carrying the child forward in scripture reading, supplies him with much interesting and useful instruction in natural history; such as, accounts of the dog, horse, sheep, cow, hog, swallow, pigeon, herring, salmon, oyster, and particularly the pearl oyster, bee, caterpillar, oak, fir, corn, cotton, filax, hemp; the various metals, with their different uses ; also simple descriptions of the manufactures of cloth, pins, glass, &c., and other miscellaneous instruction. SESSIONAL SCHOOL COLLECTION, 12mo, 308 pages, price 2s.6d. bound. 12th Edition. This compilation consists of religious and moral instruction, both in prose and verse, a selection of fables, descriptions of animals, places, manners, historical passages, and other useful information interesting to youth ; and an Appendix containing prefixes, affixes, and principal Latin and Greek roots of the English Language. INSTRUCTIVE EXTRACTS, 12mo, 336 pages, price 3s. bound. 6th Edition. This book also comprises religious and moral instruction, natural his- tory, elementary science, accounts of remarkable persons, places, manners, arts, and incidents, with a selection from the British poets. HELPS TO ORTHOGRAPHY, 18mo, 35 pages, price 4d. in stiff wrapper. 3d Edition. This little manual contains twenty-six rules for spelling, relating prin- cipally to the niceties of orthography; such as, the occasions for doubling letters, employing silent E, and changing Y into I. English Reading, Grammar, &c. ETYMOLOGICAL GUIDE, . 18mo, 234 pages, price 29. 6d. bound. 6th Edition. This is a collection, alphabetically arranged, of the principal roots, affixes, and prefixes, with tlieir derivatives and compounds. OLD TESTAMENT BIOGRAPHY, Containing Notices of the principal Scripture Characters; in the Form of Questions, with Reference to Scripture for the Answers. 18mo, 69 pages, price 6d. in stiff wrapper. Stereotype Edition. NEW TESTAMENT BIOGRAPHY, On the same Plan. 18mo, 50 pages, price 6d. in stiff wrapper. Stereotype Edition. A CONCISE AND FAMILIAR EXPOSITION OF THE LEADING PROPHECIES REGARDING MESSIAH, WHICH HAVE ALREADY BEEN FULFILLED. 18mo, 36 pages, price 4d. in stiff wrapper. 4th Edition. ACCOUNT OF THE EDINBURGH SESSIONAL SCHOOL, And the other Parochial Institutions established in 1812. i2mo, 328 pages, 5s. cloth. 6th Edition. THE PRINCIPLES OF GAELIC GRAMMAR, With the Definitions, Rules, and Examples, clearly expressed in English and Gaelic: containing copious Exercises for Reading the Language, and for Parsing and Correction. By Rev. JOHN FORBES, Minister of Sleat, formerly one of the Masters in the Normal Institution, Edinburgh. 20 Edition, greatly improved, 12mo, 3s. 6d. bound. OLIVER & BOYD'S CATECHISMS OF ELEMENTARY KNOWLEDGE; ELUCIDATING THE MORE SIMPLE PRINCIPLES OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS; WITH APPROPRIATE EMBELLISHNIENTS. Neatly printed in 18mo. Price of each, 9d. in stiff wrapper, or 1s. half-bound. SCIENCE. Astronomy, by Hugo Reid. | Natural Philosophy, Parts I. and II., by Heat, by Hugo Reid. George Lees, LL.D. Geology, by Professor Nicol, F.R.S.E. | Political Economy, by Dr Murray. Natural History of Man, by Professor Works of Creation, by P. Smith, A.M. Nicol. ! Zoology, by R. Hamilton, M.D. LITERATURE, GEOGRAPHY, HISTORY, &c. English Grammar, by George Mil- | Geography, with Problems on the Use of ligan, D.D. the Globes, by Hugh Murray, F.R.S. English Composition, by Robert Connel. History of England, by P. Smith, A.M. Elocution, by William Roberts. History of Scotland, by Wm. Morrison. French Grammar, by James Long-| British Constitution, by a Member of the moor. Faculty of Advocates.. Greek Grammar, by George Milli- | Christian Instruction, by Rev. Dr Morc- gan, D.D. head. PUBLISHED BY OLIVER AND BOYD, EDINBURGH. 13 vvvwww นนนนนนนนนนน auw Geography aud Astronomy. The works under this head have been compiled with the utmost possible care, and are believed to be accurate, and as comprehensive as their limits will permit. Each edition is scrupulously revised as it goes to press, so that the works can all be confidently relied on as containing the latest information up to the time of publication. 144 closely printed pages, price only 1s. cloth. 8th Edition. ELEMENTS OF PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, With OUTLINES of GEOLOGY, MATHEMATICAL GEOGRA- PHY, and ASTRONOMY, and Questions for Examination. By Hugo REID, Author of " The Elements of Astronomy," &c. With numerous Illustrations, and a large coloured Physical Chart of the Globe, by W. & A. K. JOHNSTON. Intended as a Companion to all Geographies. In small 8vo, 304 pages, 2s. bound, or 2s.6d. with 5 additional maps, A SYSTEM OF MODERN GEOGRAPHY : To which are added, Sacred and Classical Geography, Problems on the Use of the Globes, and Directions for the Construction of Maps. With Exercises for Examination, and TREATISES on ASTRONOMY and PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. With a Coloured Physical Chart, a Map of the World, and Engravings on Wood. Edited by Hugo REID. This is one of the cheapest and most comprehensive Geographies yet offered to Schools. *** Third Edition, with the information brought down to the date of publication. Church of England Quarterly Review.-" This is one of those useful publications which mark the superiority of the present over the past age, in the channels by which instruction is conveyed to the youthful mind, informing, but not fatiguing it. It is an admirable condensation of geographical lore." Church of England Crity of the present over theming, but not fatiguing it. I EDINBURGH ACADEMY MODERN GEOGRAPHY, 12mo, price 2s.6d. bound. 10th Edition, Revised. With an Index containing all the Names that occur in the Work. The above forms one of a series of works drawn up for the use of the Edinburgh Academy, by gentlemen connected with that distinguished classical seminary. In revising the present edition, the utmost care has been taken to introduce all the geographical and territorial changes that have been made since the last impression appeared ; while the popula- tion of the various countries and towns has been taken from the latest and most authentic sources. EDINBURGH ACADEMY ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY, 12mo, price 3s. bound. 7th Edition. In compiling the “Outlines of Ancient Geography," the author has drawn his materials from the classic writers themselves : and has pro- duced a work which for lucid arrangement and accurate detail, is perhaps unequalled. His object has been, as much as possible, to fix the locality of places in the mind of the pupil, by associating them with the historical events with which they are connected. Speaking of both the above works as one, the Manchester Chronicle says: " The Edinburgh Academy Outlines of Geography' approaches the standard of a perfect school-book. In the combination of accuracy, comprehensiveness, systematic arrangement, and cheapness, it can scarcely be surpassed; and whoever takes the pains to compare it in each of these particulars with the popular work of the late excellent Bishop Butler, cannot fail to recognise its immeasurable superiority." Creography and Astronomy. นนนนนน11 1.1 นนะ vvvvv wo n nencremen1112ncno EWING'S SYSTEM OF GEOGRAPHY, 12mo, 439 pages, 49. 6d. ; with 14 maps, 6s. bound. Nincteenth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Besides a complete treatise on the science of geography, the work con- tains the elements of astronomy and of physical geography, and a variety of problems to be solved by the terrestrial and celestial globes. At tho end is a pronouncing vocabulary, in the form of a gazetteer, containing the names of all the places which occur in the work. ** Numerous Additions have been made to the descriptive notices of the more important towns, and to the Vocabulary; and the sections on Australasia and North and South America have been greatly extended. The whole Geographical, Historical, and Statistical Information has been brought down to the latest dates; and the Publishers venture to hope that the present Edition will be found to furnish the most complete picture of the world that has ever yet been exhibited in any elementary treatise on Geography. Dublin University Magazine.--" The extraordinary success of Mr Ewing's book is just what its merits had a right to expect. It is one of the very best systems of Geography, for the adult as well as the young, that we ever saw constructed." Evangelical Magazine." We have examined this work with care, for the sake of our children, and can speak with decision both as to its plan and execution. We doubt not that it will always remain a standard work." EWING'S NEW GENERAL ATLAS, Royal 4to, libd. : plain, 9s. ; coloured, 10s. 6d. ; full coloured, 129. 6d. This Atlas contains Twenty-eight Maps, representing the hemispheres, the great continents, and all the principal states and kingdoms throughout the world ; also a coloured physical chart of the globe. The work was originally constructed with great care, to meet the growing taste of the public for geographical knowledge, as well as for the use of schools. It has since gone through many large impressions, and the publishers have made many improvements on it from time to time with a view to its practical utility. There are prefixed Preliminary Illustrations from the pen of the late Huga MURRAY, Esq., F.R.S.E., which will be found of great value in giving a right direction to the investigations of the student. MURRAY'S CATECHISM OF GEOGRAPHY, . 18mo, 108 pages, price Id. in stiff wrapper, or is. half-bound. 8th Edition. MURPHY'S CLASSICAL ATLAS, Square 16mo, neatly half-bound and coloured, 38. 6d. This Atlas comprises Twenty-one Maps, namely, Orbis Veteribus Notus, Orbis secundum Strabonem, Britannia, Hispania, Gallia, Ger- mania, Vindelicia, Italiæ Pars I., Italia Pars II., Macedonia, Græcia extra Peloponnesum, Peloponnesus, Insulæ Maris Ægæi, Asia Minor, Oriens, Armenia, Syria, Palästina, Africa, Mauritania, Numidia and Africa Propria, Ægyptus. Prefixed is a mémoir on ancient geography from the pen of an able writer. Dublin University Magazine._' It is admirably adapted for general use in public seminaries." PUBLISHED BY OLIVER AND BOYD, EDINBURGH. 15 mm MURPHY'S BIBLE ATLAS, Square 16mo, bound: Reduced to 1s. 6d. coloured. This Atlas contains Twenty-four Maps, illustrating the Old and New Testaments. Each of the Maps is accompanied with an interesting historical description, embodying much valuablo information. Vilness.- We recommend this Atlas to teacliers, parents, and individual Chris- tians, asa comprehensiveand cheap auxiliary to the intelligent reading of the Scriptures." MURPHY'S MAPS OF THE HOLY LAND, Journeyings of the Israelites, and Travels and Voyages of St Paul; with Historical Description. 8vo, sewed, price 6d. MAP OF THE JOURNEYS OF JESUS CHRIST; with Historical Description.. 20.. Tho above works are neat and accurate, and will be found very suit- able for Sunday and parish schools, as well as for use in private families. FIRST BOOK OF GEOGRAPHY : Being an Abridgment of Dr Reid's Rudiments of Modern Geography; with an Outline of the Geography of Palestine. 18mo, 72 pages, price 6d. now bound in cloth wrapper. 9th Edition. This work has been prepared for the use of young pupils, and will form a suitable and useful companion to the Introductory Atlas. RUDIMENTS OF MODERN GEOGRAPHY, By Alex. Reid, LL.D., lato Head Master of the Edinburgh Institution, and formerly Rector of the Circus-Place School, Edinburgh. With Illustrative Plates and a Map of the World engraved on Steel. 18mo, 120 pages, Is. bound, or with 5 Maps, ls. 3d. 20th Edition, revised. The names of places are accented, and are accompanied with short de- scriptions, and occasionally with the mention of some remarkable event; and to the several countries are appended notices of their physical geog- raphy, productions, government, and religion. The appendix contains an outline of ancient geography, an outline of sacred geography, problems on the use of the globes, and directions for the construction of maps. *** In tliis Edition, thie Information has been brought down to the latest period. DR REID'S OUTLINE OF SACRED GEOGRAPHY, 18mo, 48 pages, price 6d. in stiff wrapper. 14th Edition. The above little work forms a manual of scripture geography for young persons, designed to communicate such a knowledge of the localities mentioned in holy writ as will enable them more clearly to understand the sacred narrative. It contains references to the passages of scripture in which the most remarkable places are mentioned, notes chiefly histori- cal and descriptive, and a map of the Holy Land in provinces and tribes. DR REID'S INTRODUCTORY ATLAS OF MODERN GEOGRAPHY, In 4to, the Maps not being folded, 25. (d. cloth, coloured. This Atlas has been prepared for the use of those schools and classes in which a larger work is not required. It will be found suitable for young pupils, and for those who wish only a general knowledge of Geog- raphy. The Maps have been constructed from the most recent authorities, and have been revised with the utmost care. CONTENTS.--1. The World; 2. Europe; 3. Asia; 4. Africa; 5. North America ; 6. South America ; 7. England and Wales; 8. Scotland ; 9. Ireland ; 10. Palestine. B 2 16 Geography and Astronomy. DR REID'S SCHOOL ATLAS OF MODERN GEOGRAPHY, Now bound in 4to, the Maps not being folded, Reduced to 5s. coloured. A School Atlas of Modern Geography, comprising Sixteen Maps; with an INDEX, containing the Names, properly accented, of the most im- portant Places laid down in the Maps, the Countries in which they are situated, and their Latitude and Longitude. Tait's Magazine." This Atlas, which is marvellously cheap considering its execu- tion, is intended for the use of parish and elementary schools. The coloured maps are clear, neat, and accurate; there is an elaborate and copious index, which might fitly accompany a far dearer work." In 18mo, 39. 6d. bound, illustrated by Eleven Maps, including a large coloured Physical Chart of the Globe by W. & A. K. Johnston, A COMPENDIUM OF MODERN GEOGRAPHY; With Remarks on the Physical Peculiarities, Productions, Commerce, and Government of the various Countries; Questions for Éxamination at the end of each Division; and Descriptive Tables, in which are given the Pronunciation, and a concise Account of every Place of Im- portance throughout the World. To which are added the Geography of Palestine, and Outlines of Mathematical Geography, Astronomy, and Physical Geography. By the Rev. ALEX. STEWART, LL.D. 17th Edition. *** This Edition has been diligently revised throughout, so as to bring down the political and geographical changes to the time of going to press. Quarterly Review.-“ More simple, more correct, and better arranged than any other we have seen." Athen@um.-" This excellent schoolbook contains as much accurate and valuable information as many volumes of twice its size and price. Literary Gazelle." A work deservedly entitled to the foremost place among publi- cations of a similar nature, and which in its improved forni, will be found worthy of the reputation it has enjoyed. It is certainly one of the cheapest and most complete text- in Literary Gameller nature, ands certainly one of books on the subjenjoyed.' It is cerchi in its improved to Examiner.-"A more compact, carefully compiled, and useful volume bas seldom fallen under our observation. Baptist Magazine.—" Comprehensive and trustworthy." Nonconformist." The work will more than maintain its place as a most compre- hensive, well arranged, satisfactory school-book." In 12mo, 39. cloth, with 65 Wood Engravings, The THIRD EDITION, Revised and Improved, of ELEMENTS OF ASTRONOMY; Adapted for Private Instruction and Use in Schools. By HUGO REID, Member of the College of Preceptors ; Author of the “ Elements of Physical Geography," &c. The work will be found to present a complete survey of the present state of astronomical knowledge, so far as it is suitable for school instruc- tion, and can be imparted without much mathematical knowledge on the part of the pupil. REID'S CATECHISM OF ASTRONOMY; Being a Popular Outline of the Principles and Leading Facts of that Science. Illustrated by Engravings on Wood. 18mo, 72 pages, price 9d. in stiff wrapper, or Is. half-bound. PUBLISHED BY OLIVER AND BOYD, EDINBURGH. 17 www vwuwuwuwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww AN ABSTRACT OF GENERAL GEOGRAPHY; Comprehending a more minute Description of the British Empire, and of Palestino or the Holy Land; and including the Sacred Geography of Egypt, Arabia, Syria, Mesopotamia, Babylonia, Assyria, Persia, Media, Asia Minor, &c. With numerous Exercises. For the use of Junior Classes. By John White, late Teacher of English, Geography, and History, Edinburgh. 172d Edition. Price 1s. cloth; or with Four Maps, ls. 3d. Edinburgh Advertiser.—“ Enabraces all that is important and essential.” Edinburgh Evening Courant.--"Compiled with great care, and gives a general view of the principles of this interesting study." Edinburgh Evening Post.-“ Contains everything requisite in a text-book for the junior classes, and nothing redundant." WHITE’S SYSTEM OF MODERN GEOGRAPHY, With the Outlines of ASTRONOMY and PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY; compiled upon a New and Improved Plan, from the best and most recent Au- thorities. With numerous Exercises on each separate country, 230 Edition. Price 2s. Od. bound; or with Four Maps, 2s. 9d. Edinburgh 17 cekly Journal.-- We doubt whether so complete a geographical work of the same size and price exists a more complete one of the kind cannot." Pitness.-" Its plan and arrangement are simple, lucid, and concise; in its formation is ample, minute, and authentic." Scotsman.—- Altogether we think that it will advantageously bear comparison with the best class of books in the department to which it belongs.-The Outlines of Astron- omy are invaluable." Edinburgh Evening Post.-" He has contrived to embrace in a very limited compass alnost every fact of importance which the learner ouglit to know. The Elements of Astronomy are also perspicuously explained.” WHITE'S OUTLINES OF PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 6d. WHITE'S NEW SCHOOL ATLAS OF MODERN GEOGRAPHY, Consisting of Twenty-four Maps, Coloured, from the latest and best Authorities. Price 7s. 6d. half-bound, with the Maps folded. Spectator.--" Clearly engraved and full, without a crowded appearance. In our ex- amination of this book we have found dames wanting in larger maps.” Literary Gazelle.-66 The Atlas, upon a small scale, is exceedingly distinct, and well fitted for schools and home studies. DIr White, indeed, appears to be peculiarly at home in his contributions to geographical tuition." Glasgow Courier.-" The maps are quite delightful to look at, from the precision of their outline, and from the readiness with which they present to the eye of the learner whatever he may happen to be in search of. The 'Atlas' is well worthy of being not only adopted in seminaries, but of gracing the tables of all drawing-rooms." Glasgow Cilizcn.-" The Atlas is beautifully engraved. It consists of twenty-two very accurate maps, containing a vast mass of names, all quite clear and distinct." Scotlish Guardian." As distinct and comprehensive as any we have examined. In using it, the scholar will be aided materially by the colouring." Glasgow Constitutional.-" The Atlas is a very superior work, remarkable for its great beauty and precision of outline, and altogether free from that crowding of unim- portant materials which is so common in ordinary maps.” WHITE'S ELEMENTARY ATLAS OF MODERN GEOGRAPHY, Consisting of Teri Maps, Coloured, from the latest and best Authorities. Price 2s. 6d. cloth. WHITE'S NEW MAP OF PALESTINE, Full-coloured; with part of Egypt and Arabia, and a Plan of Jerusalem, from the latest and best Authorities. For the use of Schools and Private Families. Price Is. 6d. [ ] 18 **. vvvvvv, History. The works under this head have been prepared with the greatest care, and will be found to include class-books adapted for junior and senior classes in all those branches of history generally taught in the best schools. While the utmost attention has been paid to accuracy, the narratives very case been rendered as instructive and attractive as possible, so that the study may be relieved from the tediousness of a mere dry detail of facts. HISTORY OF ENGLAND FOR JUNIOR CLASSES, With Questions for Examination at the end of each Chapter. Edited by HENRY WHITE, B. A. Trinity College, Cambridge, M. A. and Ph. Dr. Heidelberg, Author of “ The Elements of Universal History," &c. Fcap 8vo, 190 pages, Is. 6d. bound. 12th Edition. Alhenæum.-- A cheap and excellent history of England, admirably adapted for the use of junior classes. Within the compass of about 180 12010 pages, the editor has managed to give all the leading facts of our history, dwelling with due einplasis on those turning points which mark our progress both at home and abroad. The various changes that liave taken place in our constitution are briefly but clearly described. It is surprising liow successfully the editor has not merely avoided the obscurity which generally accompanies brevity, but invested his narrative with an interest too often wanting in larger liistorical worlis. The information conveyed is tlioroughly sound; and the utility of the book is inuch increased by the addition of examination questions at the end of each chapter. Whether regarded as an interesting reading-book or as an instructive class-book, this liistory deserves to rank hiigli. When we add, that it appears in the form of a neat little voluine at the moderate price of ls. Od., no further recommendation will be necessary.". Christian Witness.-" The narrative is terse and clear, while the questions are well framed, and such as to exhaust the subject. The qualities so important in such a work, accuracy and impartiality, may be relied on. The author bas written as a man of no party, and as liaving no end to serve but that of truth. . . We recommend the volume as an excellent schoolbook.” HISTORY OF SCOTLAND FOR JUNIOR CLASSES, With Questions for Examination at the end of each Chapter. Edited by Dr WAITE. Small 12mo, 160 pages, Is. 6d. bound. 10th Edition. United Presbyterian Magazine." Painstaking and judicious in his selection of facts suited for a popular history, calm and candid in the statement of them, clear and elegant in his style, generally impartial in his opinions, and quite master of the art of arrangement, Dr White is unsurpassed by any writer we know in the department of literature le bas chosen to cultivate.” HISTORY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, With an Account of the Present State and Resources of the United Kingdom and its Colonies. With Questions for Examination at the end of each Chapter, and a Map of the United Kingdom. By Dr WHITE. 12mo, 483 pages, 3s. 6d, bound. 13th Edition. *** The Work has been carefully revised, and the Information brought down. Atheneum.-"A carefully compiled history for the use of schools. The writer las consulted the more recent authorities: his opinions are liberal, and on the wliole just and impartial: the succession of events is developed with clearness, and with more of that picturesque effect which so delights the young than is common in historical ab. stracts. The book is strongly bound, and is accompanied by a good map. For schools, parish and prison libraries, workmen's balls, and such institutions, it is better adapted than any abridgment of the kind we know." Literary Gazette.—“ Carefully written, impartial, and accurate. PUBLISHED BY OLIVER AND BOYD, EDINBURGH. HISTORY OF SCOTLAND, FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE PRESENT TIME. With Questions for Examination at the end of each Chapter. Edited by Dr WuITE. 12mo, 401 pages, 3s. 6d. bound. This new Tork is designect specially for the use of pupils who have more time to devole to the siudy of the subject than those for whom Dr White's smaller History of Scotland was written. In ils preparation, advantage has been taken of the Critical 112- vestigalions which have from time to time been mailc into the several Periods; and it will be found to be a complete History of Scollind, doing justice with impartial accuracy to all parties, and giving each cvcnt and periodi a due portion of narrative. Atlas.-"Dr White has done great service to the cause of education by the valuable series of histories which have proceeded from his pen. It is their peculiarity that they are not abridgments of more voluminous authors, but original works written after careful study of the best writers on the various periods comprised in his volumes. Thus the one before iis contains very little that will be found in the usual school his- tories: the main undisputed facts niust of course be the same, but he views tliem from his own particular stand-point, and is by no means anxious to follow in the beaten path. We need only read the introductory.chapter to be.convinced of this, where, in- stead of the usual cut and dried fabulous narrative, we have a description of the physical character of Scotland and its connexion with history-the influence of geolog- ical peculiarities-the ancient state of the agricultural districts-the physical changes since the earliest habitation, with a brief account of what antiquarians call the stone, bronze, and iron periods." ruuanv.nowvvwvvv HISTORY OF FRANCE, With Questions for Examinatiou at the end of each Chapter, and a Map of the Country showing in colour the English Possessions in 1165- 1453. Edited by Dr WHITE. 12010, 389 pages, 3s. 6d. bound. 5th Edition. Liverpool Mercury." Most of our scliool histories are mere shreds and patches of voluminous ones cut up and rendered unintelligible in the merciless process of unintel- ligent abridgment. This is a summary of the actual recollections of a mind vividly imbued with those traces of the past, which time, in liis race over the arena of human affairs, leaves most prominent and remarkable." Atheneum.—“We have already had occasion to speak favourably of Dr White's History of Great Britain and Ireland.' The perusal of the present work has given us still greater pleasure.....Dr White is remarkably happy in combining convenient brev- ity with sufficiency of information, clearness of exposition, and interest of detail. He shows great judgment in apportioning to each subject its due amount of consideration." OUTLINES OF THE HISTORY OF ROME, With Questions for Examination at the end of each Chapter. Edited by Dr WHITE. Small 12mo, 160 pages, price 1s. 6d. bound. There is indeed no lack of excellent Manuals of Roman History; but nearly all of them are designed for advanced students, while the smaller generally mere abridgments of works that are now obsolete. It thus appeared that there was need of an introductory volume worthy of an age remarkable for its astonishing progress in the elucidation of the annals of Rome; and the present Outlines have accordingly been pre- pared for the purpose of supplying a want that must often have been felt by enlightened teachers. The Author has endeavoured to give a concise but .clear and connected view of the leading events, from the earliest times down to the overthrow of the Western Empire in A. D. 476; and it is hoped that, while in many cases this introduction may serve to create a desire for more minute and critical study, it may at the same time furnish those who cannot hope to enjoy such advantages with a correct general survey of Roman history. History, SACRED HISTORY, From the Creation of the World to the Destruction of Jerusalem. With Questions for Examination at the end of each Chapter. Edited by Dr WHITE. Fcap 8vo, price 1s. 6d. bound. 5th Edition. Baptist Magazine.—“ An interesting epitome of sacred history, calculated to inspire the young with a love of the divine records, as well as to store the mind with knowledge." Irrvcronicss Advcrtiscy. The present treatise will vie with any of its predecessors. It shows an excellent idea admirably wrought out. Indeed we can conceive nothing of tlie sort better done. To laud the book as both succinct and comprehensive may appear an unmeaning antithesis; and yet, the volume may fairly claim that praise for the author generalizes matured conclusions, while he shows himself at once conscious of the dignity of his subject, and mindful of the purpose and of the class for whom ho writes. He is master of an animated and graphic style withal, and he has thus pro- duced an epitome which we fear not to say will hold its place against any competitor now in the field, and how it is to be superseded henceforth it is not easy to discover." master of art, and mindfusions, while me may faini comprehe . CHEAP UNIVERSAL HISTORY. OUTLINES OF UNIVERSAL HISTORY. In TARLE PARTS. Part I. Ancient History ; Part II. Middle Ages ; Part III. Modern History. Edited by Dr WHITE. 264 pages, price 2s. bound. 5th Edition. ** This one is designed as a Textbooks for Schools. It contains a gey of Universal History, and will serve also as an Introduction to Dr White's larger Tor). Spectator.-"Distinct in its arrangement, skilful in its selection of leading features, close and clear in its narrative." Christian News.-.“ There is a fulness in the outline which is admirably brouglit out by the condensing powers of the author, and renders the book exceedingly attractive." mmmmm DR WHITE'S ELEMENTS OF UNIVERSAL HISTORY. The Narrative brought down to the end of the War with Russia. In THREE PARIS. Part I. Ancient History ; Part II. History of the Middle Ages ; Part III. Modern History. Complete in One Volume 12mo, with a Map of the World. Reduced to 7s. bound. 7th Edition. The Three Parts, each complete in itself, may also be had separately, price 2s.6d, bound. To guide the researches of the student, the work contains numerous synoptical and other tables, with sketches of literature, antiquities, and manners at the great chronological epochs. The author has had great experience as a teacher and lecturer on history, and has drawn from the best sources, English and foreign, in the execution of his task. Morning Herald.--" Executed with much judgment. The difficult task of reviewing the whole history of the world, and condensing it with clearness, has been accomplished in this single volume with a success that does great credit to the author, and cannot fail to recommend it to extensive and permanent circulation." mund New Edition, with the Narrative brought down to the end of the War with Russid, of ELEMENTS OF GENERAL HISTORY, Ancient and Modern. To which are added, a Comparative View of Ancient and Modern Geography, and a Table of Chronology. By ALEXANDER FRASER TYTLER, Lord Woodhouselee, formerly Professor of History in the University of Edinburgh. 24mo, 3s. 6d. cloth. This Edition contains two large Maps and two ncat Engravings on Stcel. R PUBLISHED BY OLIVER AND BOYD, EDINBURGIT. 21 wennerneman nenrannanverowane WATTS CATECHISM OF SCRIPTURE HISTORY, And of the Condition of the Jews from the Close of the Old Testament to the Time of Christ; including a View of the Prophecies, and of the Jewish Government, Sects, Customs, and Writings. With INTRO- DUCTORY NOTICE by W. K. TWEEDIE, D.D. Fcap 8vo, 380 pages, price 2s. bound. *** This TV Ork is used in the High School of Edinburgh, and is recommended for use in Schools generally and in Private Familics. wauan STEWART'S STORIES from the HISTORY of SCOTLAND, 18mo, 200 pages, price 2s. bound. 5th Edition. SIMPSON’S HISTORY OF SCOTLAND, 12mo, 394 pages, price 3s. 6d. bound. 33d Edition. This work embraces an outline of the British Constitution; and there are questions for examination at the end of each section. SIMPSON'S GOLDSMITH'S HISTORIES. *** The following Editions of Dr Goldsmith's School Histories are so much altered and improved as to be in a great measure new, I'he paragraphs in every section are so divided that each contains some important fact, and are numbered to correspond with questions at the end of each Section. SIMPSON'S GOLDSMITH'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND, The Narrative brought down to the Middle of the Nineteenth Century. 12mo, 524 pages, price 3s. 6d. bound. 26th Edition. This volume contains a perspicuous narrative of the leading events in English history, from the invasion of Julius Cæsar; with a Continuation by an eminent writer, bringing down the narrative from the accession of Queen Victoria to the year 1850. All the important sources of information opened up since the time of Goldsmith have been consulted, more especi- ally as regards the early annals of the kingdom. An Outline of the British Constitution is also given. The publishers request particular attention to this schoolbook, as being, in their opinion, the best and cheapest work on the subject that has yet appeared. SIMPSON'S GOLDSMITH'S HISTORY OF GREECE, 12mo, 269 pages, price 3s. Od. bound. 13th Edition. SIMPSON'S GOLDSMITH'S HISTORY OF ROME, 12mo, 300 pages, price 3s. 6d. bound. 16th Edition. MYTHOLOGY. OLYMPUS AND ITS INHABITANTS: A Narrative Sketch of the CLASSICAL MYTHOLOGY. With an Appendix containing a Survey of the Egyptian Mythology in its rela- tion to the Classical, and a brief Account of the different Names and Attributes of the Divinities, Demigods, and Heroes. By AGNES SMITH. Edited by JOHN CARMICHAEL, M.A., one of the Classical Masters of the High School of Edinburgh. Fcap 800, 3s.6d. cloth. [ ] 22 w Writing, Arithmetic, and Book-keeping. This section will be found to embrace works which are at present exton- sively used in a great number of the most respectable sominaries in the United Kingdom. In the successive editions which have appeared, such emendations have been made as experience suggested, and any error discovered has been carefully corrected. PRACTICAL ARITHMETIC FOR JUNIOR CLASSES. By Henry G. C. Smith, Teacher of Arithmetic and Mathematics, George Heriot's Hospital. Fcap 8vo, 64 pages, 6d. in stiff wrapper. 4th Edition. Answers to Ditto, Fcap 8vo, 6d. cloth. From the Rev. Philip KELLAND, A.M., F.R.SS. L. & E., late Fellow of Queens' College, Cambridge, Professor of Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh. *** I am glad to learn that Mr Smith's Manual for Junior Člasses, the MS. of which I have examined, is nearly ready for publica- tion. Trusting that the Illustrative Processes which he has exhibited may prove as efficient in other hands as they have proved in his own, I have great pleasure in recommending the work : being satisfied that a better found.—Edinburgh, August 30, 1856." PRACTICAL ARITHMETIC FOR SENIOR CLASSES, Being a Continuation of the above. By Mr SMITH. Fcap 8vo, 192 pages, price 2s. strongly bound. 20 Edition.-Tirst published May 1858. Answers to Ditto, price 6d. *** Thc Exercises, which are copious and original, have been constructed to combine interest with utility. They are accompanied will illustrative processes. 6 There are, it must be confessed, few good books on arithmetic, but this certainly appears to us to be one of them. It is evidently the production of a practical inan, who desires to give his pupils a thorough knowledge of his subject. The Rules are laid down with much precision and simplicity, and the illustrations cannot fail to make them intelligible to boys of ordinary capacity. The first subject treated ofis Vulgar Fractions, and we cannot help contrasting the good sound sense displayed by the author with the meagre directious given by the walkinghams and Dilworths of old. We should have been saved many an unhappy hour liad we had Mr Smith's book as our aritlimctical mentor in our juvenile days. This volume will be of great value to all who wish to revive their knowledge of the principles of arithmetic. ... The book is, we conceive, exceedingly well adapted to the object it has in view, and we leartily wish it success." - English Journal of Education. "Much trouble has been very profitably taken in framing examples which relate to known things, and have an actual interest."- dlhenæum. wanneer LESSONS IN ARITHMETIC FOR JUNIOR CLASSES. By JAMES TROTTER, late of the Scottish Naval and Military Academy ; with Tables of Money, Weights, and Measures. 18mo, 04 pages, price Gd. in stiff wrapper.—Key to Ditto, 18mo, 6d. in stiff wrapper. *** The present Edition has been subjected to a careful revision, and enlarged by the introduction of simple illustrations of the various rules and of a considerabic number of Practical Excrciscs, by the Author's son, Mr Trotter of the Scottish Institute. LESSONS IN ARITHMETIC FOR ADVANCED CLASSES, Being a Continuation of the above. Containing Vulgar and Decimal Fractions; Simple and Compound Proportion, with their Applications; Simple and Compound Interest; Involution and Evolution, &c. By ALEXANDER TROTTER, of the Scottish Institute. New Edition. 18mo, 72 pages, price 6d. in stiff wrapper. Key to Ditto, 6d. PUBLISHED BY OLIVER AND BOYD, EDINBURGH. 23 muunmuammmmmanmmnunmannammmmmmmmmmmmmmmm A COMPLETE SYSTEM OF ARITHMETIC, Theoretical and Practical ; adapted to the Use of Schools and Private Students : containing the Fundamental Rules, and their Application to Mercantile Computations; Vulgar and Decimal Fractions; Involu- tion and Evolution ; Series ; Annuities, Certain and Contingent. By Mr TROTTER. Second Edition. 12mo, price 38. strongly bound. *** The Exercises in this work are all new, and amount to 3400, applicable to the business of real life, and framed in such a way as to lead the pupil to reoson on the maller ; with upwards of 200 Examples, wrought out at length and minutely explained. KEY to the above, price 4s. 6d. bound, containing Solutions at full length of all the Questions. INGRAM'S PRINCIPLES OF ARITHMETIC, 18mo, 108 pages, price 1s. bound. 39th Edition.—Key to Ditto, 18mo, 2s. 6d. bound. www MELROSE'S SYSTEM OF PRACTICAL ARITHMETIC, 18mo, 211 pages, price Is. 6d. bound. 34th Edit.-Kcy to Ditto, 18mo, 3s. 6d. bound. This standard schoolbook, which has been revised, greatly enlarged, and adapted to modern practice, by Messrs INGRAM and TROTTER, forms a complete treatise, comprehending everything necessary for enabling the pupil to become master of the valuable science of which it treats. HUTTON'S ARITHMETIC. AND BOOK-KEEPING, IMPROVED BY INGRAM & TROTTER. 12mo, 252 pages, price 25. 6d. bound. Stereotyped. This work was almost entirely remodelled by Mr Ingram, as well as considerably extended, and it has since been carefully revised and improved by Mr Trotter, who has also replaced the portion devoted to Book-keeping by a new and more perfect system, including new sets of books both by single and double entry, embracing all the modern improvements. TROTTER'S EDITION OF HUTTON'S BOOK-KEEPING, Published separately. 12mo, 118 pages, price 2s. half-bound. Sets of Ruled Writing Books, expressly adapted for using with Mr Trotter's Edition of Hutton's Book-Keeping. Done up on fine paper. For Single Entry, per set Is. 6d. For Double Entry, per set Is. 6d. anananana LESSONS IN ARITHMETIC FOR JUNIOR CLASSES. By JAMES MACLAREN, Master of the Classical and Mercantile Academy, Hamilton Place, Edinburgh. 18mo, 48 pages, price 6d. in stiff wrapper. 26th Edition. In this work the Auswers are annexed to the several Exercises. mamman MACLAREN'S IMPROVED SYSTEM OF PRACTICAL BOOK-KEEPING, Arranged according to Single Entry, and adapted to General Business. Exemplified in one Set of Books. 12mo, price Is. 6d. bound. 7th Edition. A SET of RULED WRITING BOOKS, expressly adapted for this work, and neatly done up on fine paper, is also to be had, price ls. 6d. 24 Writing, Arithmetic, and Book-keeping. mn STEWART'S FIRST LESSONS IN ARITHMETIC, For Junior Classes. Containing Exercises in Simple and Compound Quantities arranged to enable the Pupil to perform the Operations with the greatest facility and correctness. Stereotyped. 18mo, 54 pages, price 6d. in stiff wrapper.-Answers to Ditto, 18mo, 6d. STEWART’S PRACTICAL TREATISE ON ARITHMETIC, Arranged for Pupils in Classes. 18m0, 203 pages, price 1s. 68. bound. Stereotyped. This work includes the Answers; with Questions for Examination. A KEY to this work is now published, price. 3s. 6d. bound, containing Solutions at full length of all the Questions. Scotsman." A valuable addition to our elementary schoolbooks on Arithmetic. The simplicity and clearness of the rules, the appropriate and judicious choice of questions, and the excellence of the general arrangement, entitle the work to this praise, and justify us in warmly recommending it to the attention of every teacher of Arithmetic.” Edinburgh Courant-“This is an excellent treatise on Arithmetic. Being entirely free from all difficult and intricate questions, which too often pervade elementary schoolbooks of this kind, we consider it as peculiarly adapted to the mode of teaching Arithmetic in classes." GRAY'S INTRODUCTION TO ARITHMETIC, 18mo, 108 pages, price 10d. bound. 76th Edition. Key to Ditto, by Wallace and Trotter, 18mo, 2s. bound. COPY BOOKS, By R. SCOTT, late Writing-Master, Edinburgh. Each containing 24 pages. Price: Medium Paper, 3d. ; Post Paper, 4d. The Publishers respectfully direct the attention of Teachers and others to their Com- prehensive Series of WRITING COPY Books, each page having an engraved heading, arranged from the Copy Lines of Mr R. SCOTT, late Writing-Master, Edinburgh, and printed from the same copperplates. These Copy Books present a complete course of instruction, in which the Pupil is led by simple and easy gradations from the practico of the initiatory lessons to the attainment of the greatest perfection in all the various styles of elegant and ornamental Penmanship. The Ruling of the different Books is adapted to the progress of the scholar, that of the earlier Lessons pointing out the lengths of the long letters, and also where the joinings ought to be made. They are equally well adapted for use in public seminaries of education and for self-instruction : in the one case they save the time and labour of the Teacher, by supplying him with correct and beautiful Specimens of Writing for the use of bis Pupils; while in the other they bring to the assistance of the Student the results of the labour and experi- ence of one of the most eminent and successful of our public instructors. 1. First Writing Lessons. | 11. Text, Half Text, and Small Hand alter- 2. Second Writing Lessons. nately, Set First, ruled to show the 3. Text Words, with Capitals, paper joinings and proper lengths of the ruled to show the joinings and pro- long letters. per lengths of the long letters. · Large Text, Half Text,and Small Hand 4. Text Copies, smaller size, with Capi alternately, Set Second, plain ruling. tals. 13. Current Hand Lines. 5. Text and Half Text alternately, paper 14. Current Hand Lines--Finishing Style ruled to show the joinings and proper for Gentlemen. lengths of the long letters. 15. Current Hand Lines, Light and Shade. 6. Half Text Lines, ruled to show the 16. Finishing Set, paper not ruled-Capi- proper lengths of the long letters. tals, Cards, Sentiments, Bills and 7. Preparatory Exercises to Round Hand, Receipts, Accounts, and Figures. with a Set of Round Hand Words 17. Lessons in Ladies' Angular Current without Capitals, with pages of Hand. Figures. 18. Ladies' Angular Current Hand Lines. 8. Round Hand Words, with Capi 9. Old English, German Text, Ornamen- tals, and pages of Capitals. tal Penmanship, &c.(by Butterworth 9. Half Text and Small Hand alter- & Scott.) nately, ruled to show the proper 20. Examination Specimens, sixteen kinds lengths of the long letters. -Text, Half Text, and Small, to be 10. Smat Hand Lines. copied on separate sheets of paper. PUBLISHED BY OLIVER AND BOYD, EDINBURGH. 25 . . . SCOTT'S COPY LINES, Reduced to 4d. Each. 1. Beginners' Lessons Exercises on the 17. Alphabetical Set of Lines, written by Turns, &c. Young Ladies. 2. Introductory Lessons to Large Hand, 8. Small Text Words. showing the joinings and proper 9. Specimens of Capitals, in sheets. lengths of the long letters. 20. Exercises on the Turns, an expeditious 3. Text Words, with Capitals, showing method of acquiring accuracy and thejoinings and proper lengths of the freedom in Writing. long letters. 23. Light and Shade Round Hand Copies, 4. Preparatory Exercises to Round Hand, to form the hand in a free and beau- with a set of Round Hand Words. tiful Style. 5. Useful Lessons in Round Hand. 24. Gentlemen's Current Eland Copies. 6. Round HandWords, Capitals, Figures, 25. Specimens of Figures, Accounts, and and Cards. Sentiments. 7. Small Hand Lines.. 26. Ladies' Current Hand in the Modern 8. Current Hand Lines. Italian Style. 9. Examination Specimens, Text, Half 27. German Text, Old English, and Orna- Text, and Small. mental Penmanship. 10. Sentiments, Small Fland. 28. Inverted Slope Writing, various Styles. 11. Sentiments, Light and Shade. 29. Ladies' Current Hand Copies. 12. Current Hand Copies, Lightand Shade. 30. Modern Ealf Text Copies. 14. Lessons in Ladies' Current Hand Writ 31. Printed Sentiments, Letters, &c., fo ing, well adapted to give freedom and the use of Advanced Pupils. elegance to the hand, with Speci 32. Ladies'ItalianCurrentHandspecimens. mens. 33. Ladies' Angular Current Hand Copies. 16. Introductory Lessons to Gentlemen's 34. Bills and Receipts. Current Hand, with Pupils' Speci- | 35. Lessons in Ladies' Angular Current Hand. mens. men's. SCOTT’S FIRST LESSONS IN ARITHMETIC, Comprising an Easy and Expeditious Method of acquiring the Funda- mental Rules, and of enabling the Pupil to calculate with great facility and correctness. By ROBERT Scott, late Writing-Master, Edinburgh. For his Junior Classes. 18mo, 40 pages, price 6d. in stiff wrapper. 25th Edition. Answers to Ditto, 6d. in stiff wrapper. 12th Edition. SCOTTS MENTAL CALCULATION TEXT-BOOK, Pupil's copy, 18mo, 45 pages, price 6d. in stiff wrapper. New Edition. Teacher's copy, 18mo, 45 pages, 6d. in stiff wrapper. Progressive Lessons in the simple and compound Rules, short methods of calculating, and interest,—with copious explanations. OLIVER & BOYD'S SCHOOL AND COMMERCIAL STEEL PENS. MESSRS OLIVER & Boyd respectfully direct attention to the superior quality of their STEEL PENs for Educational and Commercial Establishments. From their high finish and great elasticity they impart a pleasant freedom to the hand, while at the same time they ensure the utmost Beauty and Uniformity in Writing. In Handsome Boxes containing Twelve Dozen each. School Pens, No. 1, Fine Points. Ditto, No. 2, Medium Points. Ditto, No. 3, Broad Points. Commercial Barrel Pen. Mercantile Slip Pen. [ ] 26 Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, &c. INGRAM’S CONCISE SYSTEM OF MATHEMATICS, 12mo, 250 pages, Reduced to 4s. 6d. bound. 12th Edition. Mr INGRAM's original work was already a favourite in many schools and academies, when it was subjected to the revision of Mr James Trot- ter, late of the Scottish Naval and Military Academy, who very materially improved and extended it. It now constitutes a concise system of mathematics, in theory and practice, for the use of schools, private students, and practical men. It is illustrated by 340 wood-cuts. ABSTRACT OF CONTENTS. Algebra. Practical Gunnery. Plane Geometry. Mensuration of Artificers' Work. Intersection of Planes. Strength of Materials. Practical Geometry. Logarithms of Numbers. Plane Trigonometry. Logarithmic Sines, Tangents, &c. Spherical Trigonometry. Natural Sines and Tangents. Mensuration of Surfaces and Solids. Areas of Circular Segments. Conic Sections. . Squares, Cubes, Square Roots, Cube Surveying, Gauging. Roots, &c. &c. Specific Gravity. Testminster Review-" This is one of the most comprehensive works extant. As a general text-book it is superior to most works, and much more portable and cheap than any we could name." Atheneum “It is certainly one of the most comprehensive manuals which have ever been drawn up either for schools or private students; none of the latter of whom, we apprehend, although even left without a master, will find any thing wanting in it which the title authorizes him to expect." Mechanics' Magazine. "We consider this book to be in point of practical utility unrivalled, and earnestly recommend it to the notice of our numerous readers, as the fittest work we have seen for being put into the hands of students in Mensuration." Edinburgh Nero Philosophical Journal." We have carefully examined this valuable work, and find it throughout excellently calculated for the purposes stated in the title. The matter is well selected and judiciously arranged; the practical rules are given with great clearness, and the illustrations prove the thorough knowledge of the late excellent author in all the practical details of this important branch of education." TROTTER'S KEY TO INGRAM'S MATHEMATICS, 12mo, Reduced to 35. 6d. bound. 7th Edition. In the Key the solutions of the algebraical equations, and of those in which logarithms are employed, are generally performed at length; but in other cases abbreviated operations have been given, in order to keep the work within convenient limits. In these last, however, the different steps are so clearly pointed out, that any one who has studied the various rules with care, and is moderately skilled in geometry, can easily follow them, while no one ignorant of the rules can copy the operations without immediate detection, and on this account it is believed that teachers will consider the abbreviated solutions better suited to their purpose than if given at full length. CHRISTISON'S MATHEMATICAL TABLES, 8vo, 96 pages, price 4s. 6d. cloth. The above tables, which have been compiled with the utmost care, consist of the logarithms of numbers, logarithms of sines, tangents, and secants, natural sines, and various other tables useful in business and in Practical Geometry; together with tables of compound interest, proba- bilities of life, and annuities. PUBLISHED BY OLIVER AND BOYD, EDINBURGH. 27 TROTTER'S MANUAL OF LOGARITHMS AND PRACTICAL MATHEMATICS, 12mo, 184 pages, Reduced to 38, half-bound. 4th Edition. INGRAM'S MENSURATION IMPROVED BY TROTTER. 12mo, 192 pages, price 29. bound. 30 Edition. A COMPLETE SYSTEM OF MENSURATION; Adapted to the Use of Schools, Private Students, and Practical Men: comprehending Logarithmic Arithmetic, Practical Geometry, Plane Trigonometry, Mensuration of Surfaces and of Solids, of Conic Sections and of their Solids, Surveying, Mensuration of Heights and Distances, Levelling, Mensuration of Artificers' Works, &c. By ALEX. INGRAM. Improved by JAMES TROTTER, late of the Scottish Naval and Military Academy, Edinburgh. INGRAM AND TROTTER'S ELEMENTS OF ALGEBRA, · 12mo, 228 pages, reduced to 3s. bound. Spectator.-It will be found a useful book; for the definitions are clearly laid down, and the principles upon which the rules are based presented to the student, and the exercises are various and ample." INGRAM AND TROTTER’S EUCLID, New and cheaper Edit., 12mo, 232 pp., price ls. 6d. (originally published at 23. 60.) The above work was undertaken with the view of supplying a con- venient and cheap edition of Euclid's Elements, for the use of schools, from the text of Dr Simson as revised by Mr Iugram, which is believed to be the most valuable that has hitherto appeared. It contains the Elements of Plaue Geometry and Trigonometry, delivered in as simple and concise a manner as the nature of the subjects will admit. In addition to the great care formerly bestowed on the work by Mr Ingram, the present edition has been thoroughly revised and greatly improved by Mr Trotter ; it is beautifully printed on a clear type ; and forms one of the most perfect as well as cheapest editions of Euclid yet offered to the public. INTRODUCTORY BOOK OF THE SCIENCES, By JAMES Nicol, F.R.S.E., F.G.S., Professor of Civil and Natural His- tory, Marischal College, Aberdeen. With 106 Engravings on Wood. 12mo, 144 pages, price ls. 68. bound. 6th Edition. CONTENTS.—Part I. PHYSICAL SCIENCE-General Properties of Matter; Statics and Dynamics ; Mechanics ; Hydrostatics and Hydraulics; Pneumatics; Acoustics ; Optics ; Eleat; Electricity; Magnetism; Astronomy; Chemistry.—Part II. Natu- RAL HISTORY-Mineralogy; Geology; Pliysical Geography; Waters of the Globe; Atmosphere; Botany; Zoology; Man; Conclusion. Allas.—" It is the best compendium of the sciences we bave yet met with.” Illustrated by Engravings. 18mo, 72 pages, price 9d. in stiff wrapper, or 1s. bound. In Two Parts, 18mo, each 9d. sewed, or 1s. bound, DR LEES CATECHISM OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, In which the General Doctrines of that Science are explained in a Popular Form. Illustrated by 117 Wood-cuts. By GEORGE LEES, LL.D., &c. REID'S TREATISE ON PNEUMATICS, 12mo, 132 pages, price 2s. bound. Illustrated by 70 Wood-culs. Britannia.-" The treatise is one of the most comprehensive and practical over written on the subject [ 28 ] mm French. FIRST FRENCH CLASS-BOOK, Or a Practical and Easy Method of learning the FRENCH LANGUAGE, consisting of a Series of FRENCH and ENGLISH EXERCISES, progressively and grammatically arranged by JULES CARON, F.E.I.S., French Teacher, Edinburgh. Fcap 8vo, 104 pages, 1s. cloth.-First published August 1859. Also now ready, Key to the Work, ls. The present work is intended to assist the pupil in taking the first step towards a practical knowledge of French, according to the method so suc- cessfully introduced in Germany by Professor Ahn. It follows the nat- ural mode in which a child learns to speak its own language, by repeating the same words and phrases in a great variety of forms until the pupil becomes familiar with their use. He will find here all the variable parts of speech successively and methodically illustrated in a series of French and English exercises; he will become acquainted with the various forms or inflections by which those parts of speech express the gender and num- ber of nouns, and acquire considerable practice in using these same forms again with nouns of different genders and numbers, whilst the various illustrations are brought out in such a way as to enable him by degrees to express himself in French with the new materials he is gathering up on his way to a complete mastery of that language. All the inflections, consequent on the agreement of the parts of speech with the noun, have been distinctly marked throughout the exercises, to accustom the eye of them. A table explanatory of the subject of each les- son is prefixed, and will serve him as a grammar. All the verbs are at the end, with some tables, which will make this important study a very easy one. CARON'S PRINCIPLES OF FRENCH GRAMMAR, With numerous Exercises. For the Use of Schools and Private Students. Fcap 8vo, 208 pages, 2s. bound. 8th Edition. Key to Ditto, 2s. bound. Atlas.-" We have long been in search of a good French Grammar, and here, we think, we have found it." Britannia," His principle of arrangement is peculiarly clear." Spectator."May be recommended for clearness of exposition, gradual progression, and a distinct exhibition to the mind through the eye by means of typographical dis- play, the last an important point where the subject adnits of it." LE PETIT FABLIER, On an entirely New Plan, and founded on an Intellectual Method of Teaching : with Copious Vocabulary. For the Use of Junior French Classes.“ By G. M. GIBSON, late Rector of the Bathgate Academy, and formerly Professor of the French Language and Literature in Hud- dersfield College. New Edition. 18mo, 126 pages, price ls.6d. cloth. HALLARD'S FRENCH GRAMMAR, 12mo, 371 pages, price 4s. bound.-Key to Ditto, 12mo, price 43. bound. Among the numerous French grammars published in this country, that of Hallard deservedly holds a high rank. The author, himself an eminent scholar and practical instructor, succeeded in producing an elementary treatise on his native language which is at once simple in its plan and judicious in its arrangement, comprehending a series of well-chosen ex- ercises, adapted to the purposes of tuition, both public and private. PUBLISHED BY OLIVER AND BOYD, EDINBURGH. 29 FRENCH WORKS AND CLASSICS, By GABRIEL SURENNE, late Professor in the Scottish Naval and Military Academy, &c. 1. SURENNE'S PRONOUNCING FRENCH PRIMER, Fcap 8vo, 84 pages, price 1s. 6d. 11th Edition. The French Primer is intended as a familiar introduction to the French tongue, and contains a view of the principles of French pronunciation, a copious vocabulary of easy and familiar words, and a selection of phrases of common occurrence. 2. SURENNE'S FRENCH READING INSTRUCTOR, 12mo, 399 pages, price 4s. bound. 5th Edition. The Reading Instructor is calculated to lead the pupil, by easy stages, from simple and familiar lessons to the higher and more difficult forms of French literature. It is accordingly divided into four parts; the first embracing fables, anecdotes, Bible extracts, and historical pieces; the second, a series of prose extracts from the best writers; the third, a course of French poetry, comprising a number of the finest pieces in the language ; and the fourth, a copious translating vocabulary to part first, an historical and geographical key to parts second and third, with biogra- phical notices of every writer mentioned in the volume, and a pronouncing key, intended to initiate the student into the art of articulating French with accuracy. 3. SURENNE'S STANDARD PRONOUNCING DICTION- ARY OF THE FRENCH AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES, In Two PARTS. Part I. French and English. Part II. English and French. The First Part comprehending Words in Common Use, Terms connected with Science and the Fine Arts, Historical, Geographical, and Biographical Names, with the Pronunciation according to the French Academy and the most eminent Lexicographers and Gram- marians. The Second Part being an ample Dictionary of English words, with the Pronunciation according to the best Authorities. The whole preceded by a Practical and Comprehensive System of French Pronunciation. Post 8vo, 974 pages. New and Cheaper Edition (the 13th). Price 7s. 6d. strongly bound. *** The Pronunciation is shown by a different spelling of the Words. Carette, "A fourth edition speain very marked improven are deserving of OPINIONS OF THE PRESS ON PREVIOUS EDITIONS. Literary Gazette.--"A fourth edition speaks the merits of M. Surenne; but it does more, for it exhibits very great painstaking in very marked improvements, especially in the way of pronunciation, the critical rules and examples for which are deserving of the highest praise. The portable size of the work renders it convenient in every way ; and we can conscientiously recommend it as an excellent reference for the interpretation and use of the French tongue." Allas.-" Invaluable to the English student, and as a standard work of reference. As a vocabulary it is the most comprehensive we have ever seen, and its arrangement as such is admirable." Athenaeum." It is accurate, critical, and comprehensive.” Vitness." We were led to expect a work of superior merit, but certainly were not prepared for so complete and elaborate a performance as the one before us. Every requisite in a dictionary seems here to find a place." *** This Dictionary has been reprinted in the United States of America. 30 French. 4. SURENNE'S FRENCH AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY, Large 18mo, 564 pages, Reduced to 3s. 6d. strongly bound. 3d Edition. The success of Mr Surenne's “ Standard Pronouncing French Dic- tionary” has encouraged the belief that the public would receive favour- ably a smaller Dictionary by the same author without the pronunciation, and at a cheaper price. The present work has accordingly been prepared. It is divided into two parts: French and English-English and French; and each Part contains an ample Dictionary of Words, with copious Definitions. There is also appended a Vocabulary of Proper Names Church of England Quarterly Review.-" Combining in a small compass all the ad- vantages of a larger and more voluminous edition, we have little doubt of its ultiinato success, especially in educational establishments, for which it is admirably adapted.” 5. SURENNE'S EDITION OF FENELON'S TELEMAQUE, 18mo, in 2 vols, stiff wrapper, Is. each; or the 2 vols bound together, 2s.6d. 6. SURENNE'S EDITION OF VOLTAIRE'S HISTOIRE · DE CHARLES XII, 18mo, 262 pages, price ls. in stiff wrapper. New Edition. 7. SURENNE'S EDITION OF VOLTAIRE'S HISTOIRE DE RUSSIE SOUS PIERRE LE GRAND. 18mo, ip 2 vols, stiff wrapper, ls. each; or the two vols bound together, 2s.6d. 8. SURENNE'S VOLTAIRE'S LA HENRIADE. 18mo, ls. in stiff wrapper; or ls. 6d. bound. 9. SURENNE'S NEW FRENCH MANUAL AND TRAVELLER'S COMPANION, Containing a very complete Series of entirely new Dialogues on Topics of Every-day Life, including such as are adapted for living in French Hotels ; Dialogues on the Principal Continental Tours, and in con- nexion with the Railway Routes ; also on the Objects of Interest in Paris ; with new Models of Epistolary Correspondence, and Directions to Travellers, together with an Introduction to French Pronunciation, and a Copious Vocabulary ;-Intended as a Guide to the Tourist and á Class-book for the Student. 2 Maps. The Pronunciation is marked throughout. Fcap 8vo, price 33. 6d. cloth. 13th Edition. 10. SURENNE'S NEW FRENCH DIALOGUES; With an Introduction to French Pronunciation, a Copious Vocabulary, and Models of Epistolary Correspondence. Pronunciation marked throughout. Fcap 8vo, price 2s. cloth, 144 pages. 4th Edition. 11. SURENNE'S MOLIERE'S L'AVARE: Comédie. 12. SURENNE'S MOLIERE'S LE BOURGEOIS GENTILHOMME: Comédie. 18mo, ls. in stiff wrapper ; 13.6d. bound. 13. SURENNE'S MOLIERE'S LE MISANTHROPE: Comédie. LE MARIAGE FORCE: Comédie. In 1 vol. 18mo, 1s. in stiff wrapper, or ls. 6d. bound. . PUBLISHED BY OLIVER AND BOYT), EDINBURGH. 31 CHAMBAUD'S FABLES CHOISIES, With a Vocabulary containing the meaning of all the words in the Fables. By Scot and WELLS. 18mo, 167 pages, price 2s. bound, Slcreotyped. m anevanninn WOLSKI'S NEW FRENCH GRAMMAR, ith copious Exercises, 12mo, 327 pages, price 3s. 6d. bound. 5th Edition. This work originated in a desire on the part of the author, who has for many years conducted classes in the High School of Glasgow, to obtain à manual of French grammar suited to his views and method of teaching. The introduction contains a brief view of the alphabet and the principles of French pronunciation; under the head of etymology, the rules of inflection are clearly and correctly stated, and verified by appropriate examples ; while in the syntax, the principles regulating the structure of the language are embodied in plaiu rules, systematically arranged. Spectator. It seems an able and useful work-lulland elaborate without perplexity, and teaching thoroughly what it undertakes." uuuwwwwww WOLSKI'S FRENCH EXTRACTS FOR BEGINNERS, With a Vocabulary and an Introduction to Reading. 12mo, 163 pages, price 2s.6d. bound. 4th Edition. The volume contains one hundred specimens of the style of nearly forty different anthors. Any intelligent pupil who has translated the “Extracts” with care and attention will experience no great difficulty in understanding most of the French prose writers. Luv ..via.wmv A BEAUTIFUL POCKET EDITION OF THE FRENCH TESTAMENT; The most approved PROTESTANT VERSION, and the one in general use in the FRENCH REFORMED CHURCHES. Price, in roan, gilt edges, Is. 6d. ; morocco, 3s.; do., extra, 3s.6d. Italian. A GRAMMAR OF THE ITALIAN LANGUAGE, (In Italian and English.) By Joseph RAMPINI, F.E.I.S., Teacher of the Italian Language and Literature in the Scottish Institute, &c. Fcap 8vo, 3s. 6d. bound.—The Key, żs. This Grammar includes all the essential parts of larger works. English Classics. MILTON'S POETICAL WORKS, with Life and Notes. Portrait. 24nio, 2s. cloth; or cloth extra, gilt edges, 2s. 6d. COWPER’S POEMS, with Memoir by M-DIARMI!). Frontispiece. 24mo, 2s. cloth; or cloth extra, gilt edges, 2s. 6d. JOHNSTONE'S SPECIMENS OF SACRED, PATHETIC, AND SERIOUS POETRY, From Chaucer to the Present Day; with Biographical Notices and . Critical Remarks. Frontispiece. 24mo, 2s. 6d. cloth; or cloth extra, gilt edges, 38. [ 32 ] Latin and Greek. EDINBURGH ACADEMY CLASS-BOOKS. The acknowledged merit of these school-books, and the high reputa- tion of the seminary from which they have emanated, supersede the necessity of any lengthened notice. The “ Latin” and “Greek Rudi- ments” form an introduction to these languages at onco simple, perspicu- ous, and comprehensive. The “ Latin Rudiments" contain an Appendia, which renders the use of a separate work on Grammar quite unnecessary; and the list of anomalous verbs in the “Greek Rudiments” is believed to be more extensive and complete than any that has yet appeared in School Grammars of the language. In the “ Latin Delectus” and “ Greek Extracts” the sentences have been arranged strictly on the progressive principle, increasing in difficulty with the advancement of the Pupil's knowledge ; while the Vocabularies contain an explanation, not only of every word, but also of every difficult expression which is found in the works, thus rendering the acquisition of the Latin and Greek languages both easy and agreeable. The Selections from Cicero embrace those por- tions of his works which are best adapted for Scholastic tuition. 1. RUDIMENTS OF THE LATIN LANGUAGE, 12010, 172 pages, price 25. bound. 19th Edition. In revising the stereotype edition of this work for the press, the editor endeavoured to render it still more deserving of the favourable reception which it had already met with. The Appendix underwent a complete revision, new paragraphs on peculiarities of inflexion in the 1st, 2d, and 3d declensions being added." A few additional remarks on compound verbs and the quantity of syllables were inserted ; and copious bles were also given. London TV cekly Review.--" This edition exhibits many useful improvements on the original. To the Syntax several new rules have been added, and the style of others has been considerably simplified. The Prosody at the end of the work is short and plain, and likely to be serviceable to beginners." 2. LATIN DELECTUS, 12mo, 237 pages, price 3s. bound. 14th Edition. This work, which has now reached the eleventh edition, is accompanied with a vocabulary containing an explanation of every difficult expression which occurs in the text. The Edinburgh Weekly Journal, in reviewing the work, thus closes a comparison between Dr Valpy's Delectus and that of the Edinburgh Academy :-"When we take into consideration that the sentences are more equally progressive and better selected, and present us at the same time with a choice collection of the beauties of the Roman authors, we cannot hesitate to affirm, that the editor of the Edin- burgh Academy Latin Delectus has given to the public an initiatory school-book infinitely superior to that of Dr Valpy, and calculated to imbue the youthful mind with a love of classical learning; while it re- moves altogether the obstacles which have hitherto rendered the attain- ment of that elegant accomplishment difficult and repulsive." Asiatic Journal.—“This is a great improvement on the common Delectus in respect to arrangement, as well as the number and selection of examples. The excellent vocabulary, or rather dictionary, adapted to the Delectus, is a very useful auxiliary to the learner." Metropolitan." We candidly recommend to all teachers and masters of schools this Delectus, as one of the very best we have seen.' PUBLISHED BY OLIVER AND BOYD, EDINBURGH. 33. mm 3. RUDIMENTS OF THE GREEK LANGUAGE, 12mo, 216 pages, price 39. 6d. bound. Ilth Edition. The character of the Edinburgh Academy Greek Rudiments, which it will be observed is published at a moderate price, cannot be better ex- pressed than in the words of the Manchester Chronicle:-“This grammar has challenged the warmest encomiums of the best scholars both in Eng- land and Germany. The anomalies of the Greek verb and the epochs of the Greek language are more fully and clearly traced in this little volume than in any single work extant. It contains the condensed essence and final results of Greek philology, from the Alexandrian scholiasts down to Richard Bentley and the latest editor of Stephens.” Edinburgh Observer.-" The excellency of this Grammar chiefly consists in the con- densed form in which many of the rules are given in the judicious arrangement of these rules,- in the distinct and ample manner in which they are illustrated by ex- amples,--and in the original matter interspersed throughout the work in the last edition, but now thrown together in the Appendix.” 4. GREEK EXTRACTS, 12mo, 204 pages, price 3s. 6d. bound. 8th Edition. These extracts, which are chiefly taken from the Attic writers, com- prise specimens of-Attic Greek, from Xenophon, Isocrates, Thucydides, Plutarch, Polyænus, Ælian, Euripides, Æsop, Hierocles, and Babrius; Ionic, from Herodotus and Anacreon ; Epic, from Hesiod, Tyrtæus, and Callistratus ; Doric, from Plutarch, Xenophon, and Theocritus ; folic, from Sapphó. The work is accompanied with a copious vocabulary and analytical index. ** The entire Text has been neevised with the utmost care; a reference to the original nas been appended to every extract; and the Vocabulary has been accented throughout. Eclectic Review.-" This little collection, compiled for the use of the Edinburgla Academy, contains a delectus from the Greek classical writers, in prose and poetry, and exhibits the principal dialectic varieties of the language." Athenæum.-" The selections are judiciously made." 5. SELECTIONS FROM CICERO, 18m0, 339 pages, published at 4s. 6d., Reduced to 35. bound. 4th Edition. This volume, which has been printed chiefly from the text of Orelle, contains Seven Orations,-“De Lege Manilia," "In Catilinam” IV..“Pro Milone,” « Pro Archia,” the “ Brutus, sive 'de Claris Oratoribus;" the Treatises “ De Senectute” and “De Amicitia ;" the "Somnium Scipionis ;" and nearly fifty pages of letters. In selecting the letters care has been taken to present the pupil with as great a variety as the limits of the volume would permit. It will accordingly be found to contain, besides Brutus, Cassius, Cato, Coelius, Matius, Sulpicius, Galba, &c.; thus forming a model of Latin epistolary correspondence. Scotsman.-" The work before us is both neatly and correctly printed; and we are confident that it will immediately be introduced into many schools besides that for which it is primarily intended.” 6. SELECTA E POETIS LATINIS, 12mo, 276 pages, Reduced to 3s. bound. This volume of selections from the Latin poets includes extracts from the works of Plautus, Terence, Lucretius, Catullus, Persius, Lucan, Martial, Juvenal, &c. They have been selected and printed with the utmost care, and will be found peculiarly well fitted for introducing the student to a closer acquaintance with the ritings of the Roman bards. Athenæum.---- An extensive, well chosen, and well printed selection.” . Latin and Greek. - DR HUNTER'S CLASSICS. The long experience and justly-merited celebrity of Dr Hunter as an acute philologist, a profound classical scholar, and a successful professor: for 'upwards of 'sixty years to a degree almost unprecedented in this country, enable the publishers to recommend those works with the utmost confidence. : The author of the article Grammar, in the 7th edition of the Encyclo- pædia Britannica, thus bears witness to the great acquirements of Dr Hunter :-“We are bound to confess, and we make the acknowledgment with pleasure, that the present essay is only a slight extension of the prelections of the very learned and celebrated John Hunter, LL.D., Professor of Humanity in the University of St Andrews.” 1. HUNTER'S RUDDIMAN'S RUDIMENTS, 12mo, 154 pages, price ls. 6d. bound. 16th Edition. When preparing the present stereotype edition of this valuable ele- mentary school-book, the text was carefully revised and collated with · former editions, and while a few inaccuracies were removed, in no instance was any material deviation made from the arrangement or the language. of the original author or of the late learned editor. New Monthly Magazine.-" This valuable introduction to Latin Grammar is too well known to need our recommendation. The present edition is neat and correct, and contains, in an appendix, an able elementary view of the moods and tenses of the Greek and Latin verbs, by the editor." . - .- - . 2. HUNTER’S SALLUST, 18mo, 162 pages, Reduced to Is. 6d. bound. 7th Edition. It may be necessary to state, that, in preparing this edition of Sallust for the press, the text and punctuation of the late editor were strictly, adhered to. The work is illustrated by numerous interpretations and notes. Atlas.-- Enriched with numerous interpretations and notes, which will be found to augment its value considerably." 3. HUNTER'S VIRGIL, 18mo, 396 pages, Reduced to 2s. Gd. bound. 11th Edition. · Of Dr Hunter's Virgil the Edinburgh Review speaks in these terms : -“The preface, which may be considered as a specimen of Dr Hunter's talents of annotation, contains a considerable number of very interesting discussions.-We may safely recommend this as one of the most correct editions of Virgil that has yet been offered to the public." - 4. HUNTER'S HORACE, 18mo, 319 pages, Reduced to 2s. bound. 8th Edition. care and skill which have been displayed in the other works of the series. The notes printed at the end of the volume are well calculated to explain aud illustrate the text. 5. HUNTER'S LIVY, 12mo, 222 pages, price 4s. bound. 14th Edition. This volume contains Book XXI. to XXV. of Livy's Xistory, b ing tlie first five books of the Second Punic war. Like the others, it is illus- trated with critical and explanatory notes. . PUBLISHED BY OLIVER AND BOYD, EDINBURGH. 35 LATIN ELEMENTARY WORKS AND CLASSICS, Edited by G. FERGUSON, A.M., Professor of Humanity, King's College, Aberdeen, formerly one of the Masters of the Edinburgh Academy. IC 1. FERGUSON'S GRAMMATICAL EXERCISES, 18mo, 213 pages, price 2s. bound. 17th Edition. Key to Ditto, 18mo, price 2s. bound. These exercises on the moods, tenses, and syntax of the Latin language, originally the composition of the ingenious Mi TURNER, master of the Free Grammar School of Stamford, received their present form from the cele- brated RUDDIMAN. The above edition has been superintended by PROFESSOR FERGUSON, formerly one of the masters of the Edinburgh Academy. whose abilities as an editor have been works compiled expressly for that institution. The work has been very carefully and minutely corrected, and is accompanied with notes and a copious vocabulary. 2. FERGUSON'S INTRODUCTORY LATIN DELECTUS, 12mo, 131 pages, price 2s. bound. 7th Edition. The Introductory Latin Delectus is intended to follow the Latin Rudiments, and is more particularly adapted for those teachers who use an intermediate reading-book between the Delectus and Cæsar or Ovid. The Vocabulary has been prepared with all possible care, and is believed to contain an explanation of every word, and of every difficult expression, which occurs in the book. Atlas." It will prove an excellent introduction to the minor classics." 3. FERGUSON'S OVID'S METAMORPHOSES, 18m0, 326 pages, price 2s.6d. bound. 11th Edition. The object of the editor has been to furnish teachers with an edition of a long-established school-book, adapted to the present state of classical scholarship, and to the system of teaching now pursued in our burgh and parochial schools. He has endeavoured to give a correct text, with ex- planatory notes on each page, and has besides added an index, containing mythological, geographical, and historical illustrations, Westminster' Review.-" The explanatory notes and very copious index to theso selections will render Ovid' far more intelligible and entertaining to the young scholar than he has hitherto been. The work is very well got up, and remarkably cheap." Atlas.-"We can confidently recommend this edition of the Decerpta from Ovid's Metamorphoses as the best now extant for the use of schools." 4. FERGUSON'S CICERONIS ORATIONES SELECTAE, 18mo, 127 pages, price 1s. 6a. bound. 4th Edition. Containing pro Lege Manilia, IV. in Catilinam, pro A. L. Archia, pro T. A. Milone. Ex Orellii recensione: 5. FERGUSON'S CICERONIS CATO MAJOR sive de Senectute, Laelius sive de Amicitia, Somnium Scipionis, et 18mo, 125 pages, price Is. 6d. bound. Stereotyped. 6. FERGUSON'S CICERONIS DE OFFICIIS. Ex Orellii recensione. 18mo, 131 pages, price Is. 6d. bound. Stereotyped. Latin and Greek. AINSWORTH'S LATIN DICTIONARY, EDITED BY WILLIAM DUNCAN, E.C.P. 8vo, 1070 pages, price 9s. strongly bound. This edition contains a copious index of proper names, a complete list of Latin abbreviations, and other important and useful tables. mmmmm BEZA'S LATIN TESTAMENT, REVISED BY THE LATE ADAM DICKINSON, A.M. 12mo, 291 pages, price 3s. 6d. bound. Beza's translation of the New Testament into Latin continues to preserve its reputation as the most correct and closest to the original of any that has hitherto appeared. DUNCAN'S GREEK TESTAMENT, 12mo, 440 pages, price 4s. 6d. bound. In the present edition by Mr Duncan, the table of Griesbach's various readings has been so much enlarged as to comprehend all the more important of these variations, and the volume has been revised through- out with great care. umum DYMOCK'S CÆSAR. With illustrative Notes, a Historical and Geographical Index, and a Map of Ancient Gaul, 12mo, 476 pages, 4s. bound. . 21st Edition. DYMOCK’S SALLUST. 18mo, 330 pages, Reduced to 2s. bound. 13th Edition. This improved edition of Sallust, edited by the late JOHN DYMOCK, LL.D., is accompanied with explanatory notes and a very copious histori- cal and geographical index. DYMOCK'S RUDDIMAN'S RUDIMENTS OF THE LATIN TONGUE; And GRAMMATICÆ LATINÆ INSTITUTIONES, with the exception of the Parts not taught; in which the Rules de Generibus Nominum are liter- ally translated. 12mo, 189 pages, 2s. bound. New Edition. GUNN'S LIVY, Book I. TO V., 12mo, 485 pages, price 4s. 6d. bound. The above edition of Livy, was edited by Dr Gunn,late of the High School, Edinburgh. In revising the text of the first two books, the editor has followed the authority of the MSS. ; while in the remainder of the work he has principally adopted the readings of Drakenborch, by whom he has also been guided in spelling the proper names. The punctuation has been sedulously attended to, and the dates of each remarkable era PUBLISHED BY OLIVER AND BOYD, EDINBURGH. 37 ܕܥܝܪܥܟ hina CÆSAR; With Vocabulary, Notes, Map, & Historical Memoir. By W. M‘Dowall, Inspector of the Heriot Foundation Schools, Edinburgh. 12mo, price 3s. bound in leather. In compiling the Vocabulary, the Editor's design has been that it should comprise a full list of the words, and that the notices should be couched in concise and plain terms, conveying all information essential to a right understanding of the Author, without any infusion of irrelevant matter. In the Memoir, every topic has been avoided that it seemed in- judicious to bring prominently before the notice of the young. MACGOWAN'S LESSONS IN LATIN READING, In Two Parts, Part I., Corrected and Improved by H. Fráser HALLE, LL.D., late Clas- sical Master at Chudleigh Endowed Grammar School. 18mo, 231 pages, price 25. bound. 15th Edition. Part II., 18mo, 316 pages, price 3s. bound. 6th Edition. The “ Lessons in Latin Reading and Grammar” are the production of the Rev. JAMES MacGowan, late master of a classical and commercial school, Liverpool, and author of several elementary works on education. The two Courses (parts first and second), though printed and sold separ- ately, form continuous portions of one design, which was to furnish a completo Latin library of reading, grammar, and composition for begiu- ners. The work accordingly consists of a series of lessons selected from the classical authors, which advance in difficulty by easy and imper- ceptible gradations, and which are accompanied by exercises in English to be turned into Latin. Each volume contains a complete dictionary adapted to itself: so that, as a whole, the Lessons present, moderate compass and at a low price, a very ingenious and successful attempt to simplify the acquisition of the elements of the Latin language. MAIR'S INTRODUCTION TO LATIN SYNTAX, EDITED BY THE REV. ALEX. STEWART, LL.D. 18mo, 404 pages, price 3s. bound. 12th Edition. To Dr Stewart's Edition are added notes illustrative of particular re- marks or peculiarities of construction; an English and Latin vocabulary, for the assistance of the pupil in translating into Latin the English exer- cises on each rule; and a vocabulary of proper names, explanatory of every word thatoccurs in the work connected with ancient history,geography, &c. STEWART'S CORNELIUS NEPOS, With a copious Vocabulary. 18mo, 372 pages, price 3s. bound. 25tñ Edition. The contents of this popular edition of Cornelius Nepos cannot be better given than in the words of the Literary Gazette :-“What has attracted our attention, and deserved our praise, in this neat little publication, is the plan on which it is constructed. Marginal notes are added to the text, admirably calculated to help the tyro to the full understanding of his task; and à chronological table completes this portion of useful infor- mation. There are also an index of proper names, and instructive tables, which explain and apply the Roman method of reckoning by calends, nones, and ides." NEILSON'S EUTROPIUS ET AURELIUS VICTOR, 18mo, 280 pages, price 29. bound. 10th Edition. With the vocabulary subjoined to this edition is incorporated a geo- graphical index or brief gazetteer. This Compendium of Roman history is a very suitable class-book for boys, previous to their entering on the bigher and more difficult authors. Latin and Greek. : HOMER'S ILIAD-PURE GREEK, Edited by the Rev. WM. VEITCH, Author of " Greek Verbs, Irregular and Defective, &c." 12mo, deduced to 35. Gd. bound. Mr VEITCH has adopted the Text of Bekker, collating it with other approved Editions. The work is carefully printed on a clear type, and accompanied with a brief Index Nominuin. XENOPHON'S ANABASIS, BOOKS I. & II. ; . With a copious Vocabulary. By JAMES FERGUSSON, M.D., Rector of the West End Academy, Aberdeen. 12mo, price 2s. 60. bound. 6th Edition. Atheneum.-" The text of this admirable little work is that of Dindorf, and the punctuation generally that of Poppo. Its principal excellence as an introduction to the study of Greek consists in the copious, correct, and well arranged Vocabulary at the end. This contains good translations of difficult passages, with exact information upon points of antiquities derived from the best and most modern authorities." HOMER’S ILIAD, BOOKS I., VI., XX., & XXIV. From Bekker's Text as revised by Mr Veitch. With a copious Vocabulary. By Dr FERGUSSON. 12mo, price 3s. 6d. bound. 3d Edition. Atheneum.--" The portions selected are suitable. . . The derivation and meaning of each word are well explained, and all difficult phrases are appropriately translated.” Guardian.-" The Vocabulary is painstaking and elaborate." GRAMMATICAL EXERCISES ON THE MOODS, TENSES, AND SYNTAX OF ATTIC GREEK. With a Vocabulary containing the meaning of every Word that occurs in the Text. On the plan of Professor Ferguson's Latin “ Grammat- ical Exercises.” By Dr FERGUSSON. price 3s. Od. bound. - Spectator.-" It is a useful book.” Christian Witness.--" The selection is every way excellent: it is the best publication of its class with which we are acquainted, and alike adapted to further the ends of pub- lic and private tuition." Atlas.-"Dr Fergusson's exercises are the simplest and best we bave seen, and that is no small number; they are graduated with great care, and take the pupil from the conjugation of a verb through all the mysteries of syntax." Scottish Educational Journal.-" Perfectly simple and unassuming, yet scholarlike and masterly; an opusculum, we are bold to say, which will not be thoroughly gone over by the pupil without leaving him more than an ordinary adept in the matters of which it treats.” A KEY to the above is now ready, price 3s. 6d. bound. German. PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL GRAMMAR OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE; For the Use of Schools. By LEOPOLD MULLER, Master of Modern Lan- guages, Madras College, St Andrews. · 12mo, price 5s. bound. First published December 1858. PUBLISHED BY OLIVER & BOYD, EDINBURGH ; AND SOLD BY SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, & 00., LONDON, AND ALL BOOKSELLERS. EDUCATIONAL WORKS. Hoy, PUBLISHED BY JOHN HENRY AND JAMES PARKER, OXFORD; AND 377, STRAND, LONDON. JELF'S GREEK GRAMMAR.- A Grammar of the Greek Language, chiefly from the Text of Raphael Kühner. By WM. EDWARD JELF, M.A., Student of Ch.Ch. 2 vols. 8vo. A New Edition, with considerable Additions and Improvements, just ready. This Grammar is now in general use at Oxford, Can- bridge, Dublin, and Durham ; at Eton, King's College, London, and most other Public Schools. LAWS OF THE GREEK ACCENTS. — By JOHN GRIFFITHS, M.A. 16mo. Seventh edition. Price Sixpence. Just published. Third edition, 8vo., cloth, 12s. MADVIG'S LATIN GRAMMAR.-A Latin Gram- mar for the Use of Schools. By Professor MADVIG, with additions by the Author. Translated by the Rev. G. F. Woods, M.A. 8vo., uniform with Jelf'S « Greek Grammar.” Competent authorities pronounce this work to be the very best Latin Grammar yet published in England. This new edition con- tains an Index to the authors quoted. HUMPHREYS MANUAL OF GREEK AND LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION, specially designed to illustrate the Differences of Idiom between those Languages and the English. By E. R. HUMPHREYS, L.L.D., late Head Master of Cheltenham Grammar-School. 3s. 6d. The Key may be had on application to the Publishers, price 7s.6d. EXAMINATION PAPERS.-Consisting of Passages selected from Greek and Latin Authors, Prose and Verse; with Questions on the Subject matter, History, Grammar, &c. Edited by J. R. MAJOR, D.D., Head Master of King's College School, London. Specimen Packets, containing Sixteen Pas- sages, 8vo., price 1s. Packets of separate Pieces, Twenty-four in number, for distribution in classes, &c., 12mo., Is. 1160 John Henry and James Parker, PROSPECTUS AND LIST OF THE OXFORD POCKET CLASSICS; A NEW SERIES OF THE GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. The want of a good series of Greek and Latin Classics, suited to the use of Schools, with the English mode of punc- tuation, and under English editorship, has long been felt, and it is a matter of wonder that our Schools should so long have been obliged to depend on Germany for accurate Greek and Latin texts. To meet this want, the Oxford Pocket Classics were com- menced some years back, and each year has added some three or four authors to the collection. The advantages of this series of Classics are, that they are printed from the best texts extant, (the Greek Plays were revised by Professor Dindorf, of Leipsic, expressly for this edition,) and each volume has, during its progress through the press, been superintended by some competent member of the University. There have also been supplied, where neces- sary, Summaries, Chronological Tables, Biographical notices, Indices, and the like,-aids which are often wanting in other editions. Lastly, they are printed with a good plain type, and on a firm, fine paper, capable of receiving writing-ink for notes; whilst at the same time they are supplied at moderate prices. EXTRACT FROM THE ATHENÆUM. “Mr. Parker is supplying a want long felt, in issuing a series of good classical texts, well edited, and in a cheap form. The expensiveness of our school-books is a crying evil, which cannot be too soon abated. It is absurd extravagance to put costly books into the hands of schoolboys, to be thumbed and torn to pieces, when cheaper ones would answer every useful purpose just as well. In this respect our neighbours on the Con- tinent are far more rational than we are. We look with satisfaction upon Mr. Parker's efforts to bring about an amendment. Though we think it would have been better to announce the editor's name, we willingly bear testimony to the ability with which he has executed his task, and have much pleasure in recoinmending the Texts as suitable for school purposes." Oxford; and 377, Strand, London. ... I Conco er or o seu csc con coca a H HA OR H GYOBO AQV ... 16 GREEK. POETS. Paper. Bound. Æschylus ... ... 2 6 ... Aristophanes. 2 vols. ... 5 0 ... 6 0 Euripides. 3 vols. ... 5 0 Or the 6 Plays only Sophocles ... ... Homeri Ilias - Odyssea ... PROSE WRITERS. Aristotelis Ethica ... ... ... ... Demosthenes de Corona, et Æschines Ctesiphontem ... Herodotus. 2 vols. ... ... ... Thucydides. 2 vols. ... ... ... Xenophontis Memorabilia ... Anabasis, o LATIN POETS. Horatius ... ... ... 1 6 6 ... 20 Juvenalis et Persius ... ... ... 10 ... Lucanus ... ... ... Lucretius ... ... ... ... Phædrus ... ... ... ... ... Virgilius ... ... ... ... .. PROSE WRITERS. Cæsar ... ... 20 Cicero de Officiis, de Senectute, et de Amicitia ... ... ... ... ... 16 ... 20 Ciceronis Tusculanarum Disputationum Libri V. ... ... ... ... ... 1 6..... Ciceronis Orationes in Catilinam, in the press. Cornelius Nepos ... ... ... ... 1 0 ... Livius. 4 vols. ... .. ... ... 5 0 ... 6 0 Sallustius ... 1 6 ... 2 Tacitus. 2 vols. ... ... ... ... 4 0 ... 5 0 H ... 20 OP MY OVOS Q Q Q Q may · John Henry and James Parker, SHORT NOTES TO ACCOMPANY THE TEXTS OF THE OXFORD POCKET CLASSICS The changes which are now. taking place in the system of Education in our Universities, necessitate a corresponding charge in our Schools; and less time must be given to Greek and Latin, to allow for other branches of study. To facilitate this object, these Short Notes, which have been prepared by persons engaged in tuition, are published. They will as far as possible assist in mastering difficulties, in- stead of affording facilities for passing them over, both by pointing out wherein the real difficulty lies, and then the means for over- in short, such information as in all probability the schoolmaster would think it necessary to impart himself to his scholars; and thus it is hoped that, without preventing the acquirement of a fundamental knowledge of the language, they may materially save the time both of Teacher and Pupil. It is not intended that these Notes should be used or referred to during the lesson, but should be studied beforehand. For this - - .... d. at the end ; or, in the case of the complete works, bound in a separate volume. . , It is hoped that this plan of issue, and the suggestive nature of the Notes, may obviate and answer, many of the objections which have been raised to the employment of these aids generally. SOPHOCLES, EURIPIDES. s. d. AJAX (Text and Notes) 10 | HECUBA (Text and Notes) 1 0 ELECTRA MEDEA 10 Edipus Rex , 101 ORESTES 1 0 EDIPUS COLONEUS , 10 HIPPOLYTUS . 1 0 ANTIGONE » 10 PHENISSÆ 10 PHILOCTETES » 1 0 ALCESTIS 1 0 TRACHINIÆ , 10 The Notes separate, in 1 volume The Notes separate, in 1 volume, cloth, 3s. ** cloth, 3s. 6d. 1 1 0 Oxford ; and 377, Strand, London. SHORT NOTES, &c.—continued. ÆSCHYLUS. HORACE. S. d. s. d. PERSÆ (Text and Notes) 10 SATIRES (Text and Notes) 1 0 PROMETHEUS VINCTUS, 1 0 SEPTEM CONTRA THEBAS 1 0 EPIstles and Ars Po- AGAMEMNON 10 ETICA 10 CHOEPHORE 10 The Notes separate, in 1 volume, EUMENIDES 10 cloth, 2s. SUPPLICES 10 LIVY. The Notes separate, in l volume, Books XXI.--XXIV. cloth, 3s. 6d. (Text and Notes) . 40 Ditto in cloth, 1 vol. . 4 6 DEMOSTHENES. De Corona (Text & Notes) 2 0 SALLUST. ÆSCHINES IN CTESI. JUGURTHA(Textund Notes)1 6 ., 2 CATILINE PHONTEM 0 1 0 CORNELIUS NEPOS. HOMER. LIVES (Text and Notes) 1 6 The ILIAD, Books I.–VI. PHÆDRUS. (Text and Notes) . 201 FABLES (Text and Notes) 1 6 ng O VIRGIL. In the Press. Bucolics (Text and Notes) 1 0 NOTES TO GEORGICS 2 CICERO, DE SENECTUTE. 0 ORATIONES IN CA- First Three Books of the TILINAM. ÆNEID 10 | CÆSAR, DE BELLO GALLICO. ." The Notes contain suficient information, without affording the pupil 80 much assistance as to supersede all exertion on his part."-Athenoum. "Be all this as it may, it is a real benefit to public schoolboys to be able to purchase any Greek Play they want for One Shilling. When we were in- troduced to Greek Plays, about forty years ago, we had put into our hands & portly 8vo. volume, containing Porson's four Plays, without one word of English in the shape of notes; and we have no doubt the book cost nearer twenty than ten shillings, and, after all, was nothing near so useful as these neat little copies at One Shilling each."-Educational Times. John Henry and James Parker, CLASSICS, &c. Æschylus.—The Eumenides, with Notes by LINWOOD and BLOMFIELD. 870., 8s. - Prometheus, the text of Dindorf, with Notes by John Griffiths, M.A. 8vo., 5s. The Prometheus Vinctus. Translated by CHARLES CAVENDISH CLIFFORD, B.C.L. 8vo., 2s. Aristophanes.-The Birds of Aristophanes, with Notes. By T. H. Blaydes, M.A. 8vo., 5s. - The Frogs. Translated by CHARLES CAVENDISH CLIFFORD, B.C.L. 8vo., 2s. 6d. Aristotle.--The Ethics of Aristotle, with Notes, by the Rev. W. E. JELF, Author of the Greek Grammar, &c. 8v0., 125. Text separately, 5s. Notes separately, 7s. 6d. Parsons' Rhetoric of Aristotle, with Notes and Parallel Passages. 8vo., cloth, 7s. Lloyd's Connection of the Ethics of Aristotle. 12mo., sewed, 3s. - Riddle's Illustrations of Aristotle on Men and Manners, from the Dramatic Works of SHAKSPEARE. 12mo., sewed, 3s.. Euripides.—Iphigenia in Tauris, with Notes by Rev. E. R. Pitman. Fcap. 8vo., 5s. Herodotus.-Edidit THOMAS GAISFORD, S.T.P., Gr. · Ling. Prof. Reg. 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Crocker, M.A. 4s. I By J. S. Baird, Trinity College, Dublin. 18. 6d. Complete Latin Grammar. By Dr. Donald- Progressive Exercises in Latin Elegi&cs son. New Edition, 8 op. and Heroics. By the same. 38. Latinæ Grammaticæ Rudimenta; Abridged | The Catiline, and the Jugurtha, of Sallust; from Dr. Donaldson's Latin Grammar, with with Anthon's Notes. Edited by the same. additional elucidations for beginners. 1s. 6d. 2s. 6d. each. Exercises adapted to Dr. Donaldson's Select Orations of Cicero, with English Latin Grammar. 2s. 6d. Notes. 2s. 6d. Longer Exercises in Latin Prose Com- position; chiefly Translated from the writings Select Epistles of Cicero and Pliny. With of modern Latinists. With a Commentary on English Notes. By the Rev. J. Edwards. 2s.6d. the Exercises, and Introductory Remarks on the best mode of forming a simple and correct Æneid of Virgil, with the English Notes Latin style. By Dr. Donaldson. 6s. 6d. of Anthon. Edited by Dr. Major. 58. Manual of Latin Prose Composition. C. Cornelii Taciti Opera ad Codices Anti- By the Rev. H. Musgrave Wilkins, M.A., Fellow of Merton College, Oxford. quissimos, Commentario Critico. Edidit Fran- *** This work, the plan of wlich has been highly approved ciscus Ritter, Professor Bonnensis. Four by the authorities at Harrow, Eton, Winchester, Charter Volumes, Octavo. 285. House, Rugby, King Edward's School at Birmingham, &c., This Edition contains a complete collation of all the older &c., consists of a Preface, and of Three Parts. and ouly important MSS., a Commentary, explaining all the PREFACE.On the Characteristic Differences of English difficult passages, a life of Tacitus, a criticism of bis writings, aud Latin Composition; Table of Comparative Idioms; Indices to the Text, and Notes. the Rhythm of Latin. Prose; the Oratorical, Historical, Epistolary, and Didactic Styles ; the Style of Tacitus; Aulularia of Plautus, with Notes, by James Miscellaneous Remarks. PART I.-Passages translated from Latin Classics of the Hildyard, B.D., Fellow of Christ's College, Golden Age, for re-translation. " Cambridge. 78. 6d. PART II.-A collection of Passages from Classical English Authors, followed in each case by a version of the passage Menæchmei of Plautus. With Notes, by udapted to a literal translation into Latin; the object being the same. 78. 6d. to illustrate practically the difference of idiom in the two languages. Most of these translations have been con. Propertius; with English Notes, Preface tributed to the author by distinguished scholars in the two Universities, whose names will be found in the Key. on the State of Latin Scholarship, and copious PART III.-A series of Subjects for Original Composition, Indices. By F.A. Paley, Editor of ' Æschylus.' in the shape of Essays, Letters, Speeches, and Dialogues; Octavo. 10s. 60. with a copious List of Authorities, Classical and Modern. Second Edition, carefully Revised and Greek Testament. Enlarged, by an additional Series of Subjects for Original Compositions, and an Appendix, The Greek Testament. With Notes, containing~1. Idiomatic Versions from Latin Grammatical and Exegetical. By W. Webster, Classics, for Retranslation. 2. English Pas- M.A., Assistant Master in King's College sages for Translation into Latin, versions of School, and W. F. Wilkinson, Vicar of St. which, by Professor Conington and other dis- Werburgh's, Derby. Octavo, the First Volume, tinguished scholars, will be found in the Key. 58. containing the Gospels, and the Acts of the A Key, 28. 6d., for the Use of Tutors. Apostles. 20s. Ce fut L to led to a literal tranch, case by a versinClassical English : 11 Joh. W. Parker and Son, West Strand, London. Critical and Grammatical Commentary on Aristophanes. Edited with Notes and St. Paul's Epistles. With a Revised Transla Index by H. A. Holden, M.A., Head Master tion. By Ĉ. J. Ellicott, B.D., Professor of of Ipswich School, late Fellow of Trinity Divinity, King's College, London. College, Cambridge. 158. Galatians. Second Edition, Enlarged. 88. 6d. *** The Plays separately, 1s. each; Notulæ Ephesians. Second Edition, Enlarged. 8s. 6d. Criticæ and Onomasticon. "48. The Pastoral Epistles. 10s. 6d. Philippians, 10%. 6d. Fables of Babrius, with the Fragments Thessalonians. 78 6d... of the lost Fables.' Edited, with Notes, by Sir G. Cornewall Lewis, Bart., M.P. 58. 6d. Commentary on the Book of the Acts of the Apostles. By W. G. Humphry, B.D. 58. Babrii Fabula Æsopeæ. E Codice Manu- The Greek Text of the Acts of the Apo- | scripto Parten Secundam Nunc primum Edidit stles; with English Notes. By H. Robinson, Georgius Cornewall Lewis, A.M. 38. 6d. D.D. 83. Pindar's Epinician Odes, with copious Pearson's Lectures on the Acts of the Notes and Indices. By Dr. Donaldson.“ 168. Apostles; and Annals of St. Paul. Edited in Ion of Euripides. Revised Text, with English, with a few Notes, by J. R. Crow- foot, B.D. 45. Notes. · By C. Badham, D.D. 46. 6cl. Synonyms of the New Testament. By Iphigenia in Tauris, and Helena of Euri- R. Chenevix Trench, D.D., Dean of Wes pides. Revised Text, with Notes. By Dr. Badham. 75. minster. 58. Iphigenia in Aulis of Euripides. Cam- Greek. bridge Edition, with English Notes. 68. Græcæ Grammaticæ Rudimenta. Con- Iphigenia in Tauris of Euripides. Cam- structionis Græcæ Præcepta; editio altera, cui bridge Edition, with English Notes. 58. præfixa est legitima declinandi conjugandique The Alcestis of Euripides; with Notes, by ratio. By Dr. Donaldson. 2s. 6d. Also John Henry Monk, D.D., Lord Bishop of Ellisian Greek Exercises adapted to Dr. Gloucester and Bristol. 45. 6d. Donaldson's Greek Grammar, or Constructionis Elementary Exercises in Greek Prose Græcæ Præcepta, by A. H. Wratislav, M.A., Composition. By H. Musgrave Wilkins, M.A., Head Master of Bury School. ' 38. Fellow of Merton College, Oxford. 4s. 6d. First Greek Reader from the German of This volume, the plan of which has been highly approved by the authorities at the chief public and other schools, Jacobs; with English Notes, by Rev. J. Ed aims at covering, more systematically and less diffusely, wards, M.A. 43. the ground bitherto occupied by Messrs. Arnold and Ken- drick's books conjointly. It is founded on the rules in Excerpta ex Herodoto; with English Bishop Wordsworth's Syntax, so widely circulated in schools, but with such occasional developments as the full Notes, by Dr. Major. 48. 6d. illustration of the subject requires. The corresponding Excerpta ex Xenophontis Cyropædia; Greek words are placed beneath the English, in each example, whereby the aid of an English-Greek Lexicon is with a Vocabulary, and Notes, by the same. dispensed with. That more detailed information, which is 38. 6d. at once indispensable, and too minute to be embodied in Rules, will be found in the shape of Observations, in which Xenophon's Anabasis of Cyrus. I. and the pupil may be questioned orally or on paper by his II. With English Notes and Biographical tutor. Sketch, by Dr. Élickie, Head Master of Hawkes Manual of Greek Prose Composition. By head School. 38. 6d. H. Musgrave Wilkins, M.A. Crown 8vo. 78.67. Homer's Iliad, I. to III.; with the Notes Key, for Tutors and Students, 2s. 6d.. and Homeric Glossary of Antlion. Edited by *** This work, the plan of which has been fully approved Dr. Major. 4s. 6d. roan. by the Masters of the principal Public Schools, consists of a Preface and Tbree Parts. Greek Verses of Shrewsbury School; with PART I.-Literal translatious from Greek Classics, for Account of the Iambic Metre, and Exercises in retranslation ; with marginal idioms, &c., and references to Greek Tragic Senarii. Edited by Dr. Ken Greek Grammars. nedy, Head Master. 88. PART II.-Passages from English Prose Authorg. The Excerpta ex Arriano. Selections from original passage is first given; and appended to it is a Fersion adapted to a literal translation into Greek-designed Arriano's 'Anabasis.' By Dr.Donaldson. 2s.6d. to illustrate characteristic differences of idiom. The trans- lations are by eminent scholars; among whom are Dr. Select Private Orations of Demosthenes, Donaldson, Mr. Evans (senior classic), Mr. M. Butler with English Notes; by C. T. Penrose, M.A. (senior classic), Mr. C. R. Kennedy, Mr. J. Riddell (tutor of Balliol), Mr. Eaton (Editor of Aristotle's Politics') 48. &c., &c. The Frogs of Aristophanes, with English PART III.--Idiomatic translations from Greek Classics, Notes; by Rev. H, P. Cookesley.. 7s.. for retranslation into English, 12 Educational Books published by :: The Olynthiacs of Demosthenes. Edited Æschylus translated into English Verse; by the Rev. H. Musgrave Wilkins, M. A., with Notes, Life of Æschylus, and. Discourse Fellow of Merton College, Oxford. on Greek Tragedy. By J. S. Blackie, Professor This Edition contains a Historical Preface; a Critical of Greek, Edinburgh. Two Volumes. 16s. Sectional Arravgement ; a body of Notes, Historical, Exe- Arundines Cami, sive Musarum Canta- getical, and Critical; an Excursus on the Chronological brigiensiuni Lusus Canori, Collegit atque edidit Order of the Olynthiacs; au Englisli and a Greek Index to Henricus Drury, M.A. Fifth and Cheaper the Notes. Crown Octavo. 4s. 606. Edition. 7s. 6d. Platonis Philebus. With Introduction, Phædrus, Lysis, and Protagoras of Plato, . and Notes, Critical and Explanatory. By literally translated; by J. Wright, M.A., Head . Charles Badham, D.D., Head Master of Bir Master of Sutton Coldfield School. 4s. 6d. mingham and Edgbaston Proprietary School. 58. Notes upon Thucydides, Original and Com- Classical Texts, ...piled. By John G. 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The Society had arranged that Dr. Dovaldson, who had translated the latter half of the work, should complete it according to the plan proposed by Professor Müller, and the present publishers havo resumed the undertaling in the hope of placing within the reach of all classical students in this country a complete but convenient Manual of Greek Literary History. The book will comprise Chronological The latter broposed by the undertakal students in reels and Portrait of the Author. A Manual of Geographical Science. The First Part, Octavo, 10s. 6d., contains:- Mathematical Geography, by M. O'Brien, L Chartography, by J. R. Jackson, F.R.S. M.A., late Professor of Natural Philosophy in late Secretary of the Royal Geographical Sol King's College, London. . ciety. Physical Geography, by D.T. Ansted, M.A., _Theory of Description and Geographical F.R.S., late Professor of Geology in King's Col Terminology, by the Rev. C. G. Nicolay lege, London, Librarian of King's College. 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Reduced to the following / in wrapper; 18. 9d. in cloth. prices: Embossed roan, 3s.; morocco, 48. 6d. · Edition IV., with the Tunes set for the Se- Vocal Scores, in Four or more parate Voice Parts, each in a volume. Bound Parts. in sheep, 28.; embossed roan, gilt edges, 2s. Od. per volume. One Volume, Sacred, containing Fifty-four Pieces, Psalm Tune-Books, without Words, con- | 108. 6d. taining Eighty-Two Tunes from the Psalter. - The Tunes harmonized for THREE EQUAL One Volume, Secular, containing Sixty-five VOICES. 2s. 60.-The Tunes harmonized for | Pieces, 10s. 60. Four VOICES (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass.) 3s. Also in Numbers, containing 16 Folio pages, Tunes for Psalms and Hymus. 2s. 9d. each, This Collection includes sixty-eight Tunes, amovg which will be found the best of those in common use, with others less extensively known, or now published for the first time. The latter have been selected, or composed expressly by Sea Songs, for the Use of the Boys of the Royal Hospital Schools, Greenwich. Pub- lished by Command of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. 2s. 6d. liar Metre for which appropriate music was not easily accessible. The size, type, and certain peculiarities in the arrauge. ment of the work have been adopted, uot merely with a view to economy of space and portability, but from a con- viction—the result of much experience that musical per- formers are much influenced by the form in which that which they have to play or sing is put before them. The Tunes are printed in condensed Score of two lines (for the convenience of averageinstrumental performers), the in- dividual parts of which are so clearly set out that they may be sung as easily as though an entire stare were appropri- ated to each of them. The rotation adopted is that now common in German collections of a similar kind; each beat is represented by a crotchet instead of a minim, and each bar of common time contains four beats instead of two. Four, and Five Voices. On a Card, 1d. A Short Treatise on the Stave, to serve as an Introduction to the Practice of Reading or Playing from Score. 28. LONDON : JOHN W. PARKER AND SON, WEST STRAND, W.C. GEORGE . . & SON'S PHILIP LIST OF POPULAR EDUCATIONAL AND Geographical Works, . MAPS, ATLASES, & CHARTS. Test - - st Street, SEO - 32, Fleet Street, London, Caxton Buildings, Liverpool. - - .. Y - -. .-. - IIW sep RI IN . - . - . - . - . .- - . . - LONDON: 'I GEORGE PHILIP AND SON, 32, FLEET STREET ; LIVERPOOL: CAXTON BUILDINGS, & 51, SOUTH CASTLE STREET. 1861. . . -. - - - - - GEORGE PHILIP 1 & SON'S LIST OF EDUCATIONAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL WORKS, ATLASES, MAPS, & CHARTS. 1861, - - - Luntan: GEORGE PHILIP & SON, 32, FLEET STREET ; Liverpool: CAXTON BUILDINGS, SOUTH JOHN STREET, AND 51, SOUTH CASTLE STREET. GEORGE PHILIP & SON'S LIST OF POPULAR GEOGRAPHICAL WORKS. Series of Atlases. Philips' Family Atlas of Physical, General, and Classical Geography, 56 Imperial 4to Maps; accompanied by Illustrative, Letterpress, describing the Soil, Resources, and chief Natural Productions of cach Country. New and Improved Edition, containing several new Plates, and the whole of the Maps corrected and revised, embodying the latest dis- coveries to the date of publication. With an entirely new Index, by W. Hughes, F.R.G.S. The Maps beautifully printed in colours. Handsomely bound in cloth, gilt edges, 35s.; 'or half-bound turkey morocco, gilt edges, 42s. LIST OF CONTENTS. lyysical Maps. Spain and Portugal Italy Physical Map of the World (No. 1) showing Turkey in Europe, and Greece the Natural Divisions and Features of the ASIA-General Map Land and Water Physical Map of the World (NO. 2) illustrating Turkey in Asia [canicasia Russia in Asia, including Siberin and Traus- the Climates of different Regions, with Persia, with Afghanistan and Beloochistan the Principal Hydrographic Basins of India either Continent The Empires of China and Japan Physical Map of the World (No. 3) illustrating Australia and New Zealand the Distributiou of Vegetable Life in dif. New South Wales, Victoria, and the settled ferent Regions, and as affected by Condi- tions of Climate East Indian Archipelago [of Polynesia Physical Map of the British Islands New Zealand, and the smaller Island-groups AFRICA-General Map Abyssinia Intern Inps. Egypt and Arabia Petra, with Nubia and Northern & Southern Africa, including the Bar- THE WORLD, in Hemispheres-Double Map World, on Mercator's Projection-Double Map bary States, with the Cape Colony & Natal The British Empire at one View AMERICA-North America EUROPE-General Map United States-- Double Map The British Islands--(Political) Canada, and the adjoining Provinces of British England and Vales North America Scotland Mexico and Yucatan Ireland The Vest Indies, and the States of Central South America France, in Provinces [america France, in Departments-Double Map Belgium Aurient Maps. Holland Prussia Palestine The former Kingdom of Poland The World, as known to the Ancients Sweden and Norway The Roman Empire Western half Denmark, with Iceland and Faroe Islands The Roman Empire-Eastern balf Russia in Europe Greece, with the Islands of the Ægæan Minor States of Germany Austrian Empire Diagram showing the comparative Heights of Switzerland Mountains and Lengths of Rivers New Souths of South Australia sof Polynesia 2 George Philip and Son's List of Geographical Works. Philips' Imperial General Atlas, • Comprising Forty-two Maps, constructed from the best Authorities, and in- cluding the latest discoveries. Accompanied by a valuable Consulting Index. Imperial folio, half-bound, cloth sides, and lettered, £1, lls. 6d. Philips' Classical, Historical, and Scriptural Atlas, illustrating the Ancient Classics, Historians, and Poets; a Series of Forty-nine Maps, engraved in the best style, and forming a complete vade mecum for the Classical Student, and an interesting book of reference to the lover of General Literature. Complete in one large volume. Imperial folio, half-bound turkey morocco, gilt edges, £3, 3s. Philips' Library Atlas, Comprising Forty-two Modern and Five Ancient Maps, illustrative of the Im portant Events in Ancient History, engraved in the best style, and beautifully printed in colours. Accompanied by a copious Consulting Index of upwards of 20,000 Names of Places. New and Improved Edition. Edited by William Hughes, F.R.G.S. Imperial quarto, handsomely bound in cloth, gilt edges, 15s. The same Work, with the Maps interleaved, and elegantly half-bound turkey, morocco, cloth sides, gilt edges, 21s. Philips' Popular Atlas of the World, In a Series of Forty-two Imperial Quarto Maps, constructed from the most recent Authorities. With a .copious Consulting Index, carefully compiled. New and Improved Edition. Edited by W. Hughes, F.R.G.S. The Maps printed in colours. Imperial quarto, handsomely bound in cloth, 12s. 6d. Philips' Cabinet Atlas, In a Series of Thirty-four Imperial Quarto Maps, embracing the Principal Countries of the World, constructed from the best Authorities, and beautifully printed in colours. With a copious Consulting Index. New and Improved Edition. Edited by W. Hughes, F.R.G.S. Imperial quarto, handsomely bound in cloth, 10s. 6d. Philips' Select Atlas, Containing Twenty-four Imperial Quarto Maps, constructed from the best Authorities, and beautifully printed in colours. Accompanied by a valuable Consulting Index. New and Improved Edition. Edited by W. Hughes, F.R.G.S. Imperial quarto, handsomely bound in cloth, 7s. 6a. George Philip and Son's List of Geographical Works. 3 Philips' Comprehensive School Atlas of Ancient and Modern Geography, comprising Thirty-five Modern and Five Ancient Maps, constructed from the latest and best Authorities. The Maps carefully printed in colours. Accompanied by a copious Consulting Index. New and Improved Edition. Edited by W. Hughes, F.R.G.S. Imperial 8vo, strongly bound in cloth, 10s. 6d. Philips' Introductory School Atlas, Comprising Eighteen Maps of the Principal Countries of the World, clearly engraved and carefully printed in colours. With a Consulting Index. New and Improved Edition. Edited by W. Hughes, F.R.G.S. Imperial 8vo, bound in cloth, 5s. Philips' Student's Atlas, Comprising Eighteen Maps of Modern Geography, constructed from the most recent Authorities. New and Improved Edition. The Maps printed in colours. Imperial quarto, bound in cloth, 3s. 6d. Philips' Young Scholar's Atlas, Containing Twelve Maps of Modern Geography; intended as a First Class- Book for Young Learners. New and Improved Edition. The Maps printed in colours. Imperial quarto, bound in cloth, 28. 6d. Philips' Shilling Atlas, Containing Nine Maps of Modern Geography. Imperial quarto, illustrated cover, 1s. Philips' Atlas for Beginners, Comprising Twenty-four Maps, constructed and engraved by John Bartho- lomew, Jun., F.R.G.S. New and Improved Edition. The Maps printed in colours. Crown quarto, bound in cloth, 28. 6d. ņHIS Atlas contains all the Maps that are required by a Junior Class of Learners, and may be used conjointly with any Elementary Book on Geography. It is, however, more especially designed as a companion to Hughes's “Elementary Class-Book of Modem Geography,” every name contained in which work will be found in the Maps composing this Atlas. 4. George Philip and Son's List of Geographical Works. Philips' First School Atlas, Containing Ten Maps, constructed by John Bartholomew, Jun., F.R.G.S. Crown quarto, illustrated cover, 6d. The same Work, with the Maps printed in Colours, 18. Philips' National School Atlas, Containing Ten Quarto Maps, drawn and engraved by John Bartholomew, Jun., F.R.G.S.. Crown quarto, bound in cloth, Plain Maps, 8d. ; Coloured Maps, 1s. 2d. Philips' Initiatory Atlas For Young Learners, containing Twelve Maps, constructed from the best Authorities, and clearly and accurately engraved. Imperial 16mo, illustrated cover, Plain Maps, 3d. ; Coloured Maps, 6d.; or handsomely bound in cloth, Coloured Maps, ls. Philips' School Atlas of Physical Geo- graphy; a series of beautifully engraved Maps and Plates, showing the Geographical Distribution of Natural Phenomena, embracing the Divisions of Geology, Hydrography, Meteorology, and Natural History. Imperial 8vo, strongly bound in cloth, 10s. 6d. This Atlas is intended as a companion volume to Hughes's “ Class-Book of Phy- sical Geography.” Philips' Historic Geographical Atlas Of the Middle and Modern Ages; a Series of Maps and Plans, chronologically arranged, delineating the Migrations of the German and Asiatic Nations, and the Rise and Fall of all the States, Kingdoms, and Empires founded by them in Europe, Western Asia, Northern Africa, and America, from the Fall of the Western Roman Empire to the Abdication of Napoleon. With Special Maps illustrative of English History. Small folio, handsomely bound in cloth, 253. The Training-School Atlas, by W. Hughes, F.R.G.S. ; a Series of Maps, illustrating the Physical Geography of the great Divisions of the Globe, with the British Islands and Palestine, on an enlarged scale. New and Enlarged Édition. Medium folio, neatly bound in cloth, 158. THE Maps in this Atlas have been lengths of the rivers, and the extent to 1 constructed with the express object which they are navigable; the eleva- of illustrating the natural features of tion of the lakes, &c., are all clearly the different countries of the Globe. The distinguished; and sections are added various mountain - ranges, with their to show the comparative elevation and elevations; the table-lands, plains, depression of different parts of the valleys, steppes, and marshes ; the land. George Philip and Son's List of Geographical Works. ATLASES OF OUTLINE MAPS. Philips' Atlas of Outline Maps, Corresponding in size and scale with the Maps in the “Comprehensive School Atlas;" for the Use of Schools and for Private Tuition. Size—13 inches by 11 inches. Printed on Drawing Paper. Three Series, each containing Thirteen Maps, neatly bound in stiff cover, each 38. Philips' Atlas of Blank Projections, Uniform in size with the “ Outline Atlas,” containing the Lines of Latitude and Longitude; intended for the Use of Students learning to construct Maps. Size—13 inches by 11 inches. Printed on Drawing Paper. Three Series, each"containing Thirteen Maps, neatly bound in stiff cover, each 3s. · Contents of the Atlases of Outline Maps and Blank Projections. FIRST SERIES. Eastern Hemisphere-Western Hemisphere— EuropeEngland - Scotland Ireland—France, in Departments-Asia-Australia and New Zealand—Africa- North America South America–Palestine. SECOND SERIES. British Isles, Denmark, with Iceland-Russia in Europe, Minor States of Germany-Austrian Empire—Switzerland-Spain and Portugal-Italy—Turkey in Europe, and Greece-India-United States—Canada—The West Indies, and the States of Central America. THIRD SERIES. Belgium-Holland-Prussia-Sweden and Norway—Turkey in Asia--Russia in Asia—The Empires of China and Japan-New South Wales, Victoria, &c.—Egypt, Arabia, Nubia, and Abyssinia—The World, as known to the Ancients—The Roman Empire, Western half-The Roman Empire, Eastern half-Greece, with the Islands of the Ægæan. Hughes's Atlas of Outline Maps, With the Physical Features clearly and accurately delineated; consisting of Eastern Hemisphere-Western Hemisphere-Europe-Asia Africa—North America--South America, Australia—The British Islands, England and Wales-Palestine. Size-21 inches by 17 inches. Medium folio, bound in cloth, 7s. 6d. 6 George Philip and Son's List of Geographical Works. Hughes's Atlas of Blank Projections, Corresponding in size and scale with the “Outline Atlas.” These contain only the parallels and meridians required for the purposes of Map Drawing. The Atlas consists of the following Maps :-Eastern Hemisphere— Western Hemisphere-Europe -- Asia Africa - North America South America- Australia—The British Islands-England and Wales—Palestine. Size-21 inches by 17 inches. Medium folio, bound in cloth, 7s.6d. Philips' Outline Atlas for Beginners, Corresponding in size and scale with the Maps in Philips' “Atlas for Begin- ners.” Constructed by John Bartholomew, Jun.; F.R.G.S. Size-10 inches by 8 inches. Printed on Drawing Paper. Two Series, each containing Twelve Maps, stitched in neat cover, each 1s. Philips' Atlas of Blank Projections for Beginners, uniform in size and scale with the “ Outline Atlas.” Constructed by John Bartholomew, Jun., F.R.G.S. Size210 inches by 8 inches. Printed on Drawing Paper. Two Series, each containing Twelve Maps, stitched in neat cover, each 1s. Contents of the Outlines and Blank Projections for Beginners. FIRST SERIES. The World, in Hemispheres-Europe-Asia, Africa North America-South AmericaEngland-Ireland-FranceHolland and Belgium-Palestine. SECOND SERIES. Prussia and Germany-Sweden, Norway, and Denmark-Russia-Austria- Italy–Turkey in Europe, and Greece-Spain and Portugal, India and China Australia New South Wales and Victoria-United States-Canada. . Companion Text-Book to Philips' School- room Map of Europe, with Examination Questions. By William Hughes, F.R.G.S. Foolscap 8vo, cloth, ls. • THIS useful little volume is not a is to take the map, and after giving the 1 manual on geographical science, pupil a general idea of the continent, to but that which its name implies, a com go into the details of the subject, and panion to the Map of Europe." As Mr treat the climate, drainage, geological Hughes truthfully observes, A good map formations, populations, &c., briefly but is capable of becoming, in the hands of sufficiently. A series of well-put exami- an intelligent master, an instrument for nation questions concludes the book, teaching a great deal more than is com which may be safely recommended to monly learned from it,' and this is, in those who are preparing for the ordeal of our opinion, a very successful attempt to a civil service examination.”--Critic. how how this may be done. The plan Other Volumes of the Series are in preparation. George Philip and Son's List of Geographical Works. 7 Series of Educational Maps. " . VA- Philips' Series of Large School-room Maps, With the Physical Features boldly and distinctly delineated, and the Political Boundaries carefully coloured. Constructed by William Hughes, F.R.G.S. Size—5 feet 8 inches. by 4 feet 6 inches. LIST OF THE MAPS. 1 The World, in Hemispheres 8 Australia and New Zealand 2 The World, on Mercator's Projection 9 British Islands 3 Europe 10 England and Wales 4 Asia Il Scotland 5 Africa 12 Ireland 6 North America 13 Palestine: ny South America 14 India THE Publishers were led to undertake 1 this Series from a conviction of the inadequacy of any of the like Maps already extant to represent fairly the Geographical knowledge of the present day, and their consequent failure to sup- ply the wants of the educational com- munity. A really good Map is a geographical document of the highest value. Its quali- ties as such cannot be too forcibly im- pressed on the mind of Teacher and Learner alike. It must be looked on, not as a mere thing of lines and colours, but as the embodiment of vital truths, affecting the condition of mankind in all ages. And it is only a really good Map —one in which the great features of. natural Geography are brought promi- nently into view—that can justly be so regarded. The truths that are taught by the aid of such a Map, pointed out to the comprehension of the learner as em- bodied within it, and to be educed thence by diligent and appreciative study, will remain in after-life as landmarks in the record of mental progress. The Publishers of the present Series are content to rest their claims to notice upon their merits alone, and they invite the attention of all persons interested in. Education to the few particulars which follow respecting the particular Maps which it embraces. 1.—THE WORLD, IN HEMISPHERES. Price, mounted on rollers and varnished, 168. THIS Map comprehends, besides the water, with the direction of the great 1 customary Eastern and Western masses of high ground which form the Hemisphere, smaller figures of the World frame-work of the entire physical geo- as divided, 1st, into a Northern and graphy of the Globe. Southern Hemisphere, and 2d, into This Map is kept on hand in two dif- hemispheres separated by the plane of ferent forms: in the one case, coloured the rational horizon of London. simply as a physical Map; in the other, The main object of this Map, as the coloured according to the political boun- first of the Series, is to show, clearly and daries of the different states. It may adequately, the distribution of land and be obtained in either form. . George Philip and Son's List of Geographical Works. . SERIES OF SCHOOL-ROOM MAPS-continued. II.-THE WORLD, ON MERCATOR'S PROJECTION. Frice, mounted on roller and varnished, 21s. THIS Dap is calculated for a more ad its contents as a whole,) which severally I vanced stage of the Learner's pro illustrate- gress. It is more elaborate in detail, and 1 OCEAN CURRENTS AND DRAINAGE. fuller in amount of information thań the 2 MOUNTAIN CHAINS, AND TRADE-WINDS. preceding Map. While exhibiting with 3 ISOTHERMAL LIMES. rigid fidelity the additions which the dis- 4 DISTRIBUTION OF RAIN. coveries and observations of recent years The colouring of this Map illustratos- have made to our stock of Geographical the political boundaries of the various knowledge, it also supplies matter of a Countries. In completeness of charac- higher order, calculated to illustrate the ter, combining, as it does, the ordinary study of Physical Geography, now so truths of general Geography with a clear, justly popular in our schools. This is bold, and effective representation of the more especially accomplished by means Earth's natural features the Publishers of four reduced Maps, (supplementary to feel confident that this Map is unequalled the large Map, and forming a portion of l. by any work of a like description. III.-EUROPE. Price, mounted on roller and varnished, 16s. Scale, six inches to five degrees. AMAP of Europe offers little occasion especially sought, while omitting no place A for special remark. of real importance to the learner, to avoid In the present Map, the limits between the common defect of over-crowding of the great hydrographical basins of Europe names—an error fatal to the use of so are carefully delineated - the lines of many works of the kind. The task of water-shed which divide its different seas selection and compression, from among being traced out. the varied mass of his materials, is the - In the case of this and other Maps of most difficult, and at the same time the the series which represent the Conti most important, of the Map-maker's nental divisions of the Globe, it has been l labours. IV.-ASIA. Price, mounted on roller and varnished, 16s. Scale, five and a half inches to ten degrees. THE Map of Asia represents a portion the explorations of recent travellers, and 1 of the Globe which the political and these materials are embodied-in so far other events of the present day renders as the scale will allow of-on the present of growing importance. The materials Map. The direction of the great mom- for adequately delineating the interior of tain-ranges of the Asiatic continent is the vast Asiatic continent are still far clearly shown, and (as indeed is the case from complete, but they have received throughout the series) the altitudes of accessions of high importance through the principal summits are marked.. V.-AFRICA, Price, mounted on roller and varnished, 163, Scale, six inches to ten degrees. THIS Map presents many novel fea In the south, the course of the Zambesi 1 tures-novel, at least, in so far as has been traced, and the route across the the class of Maps hitherto placed within interior, from the shores of the Atlantic the reach of popular schools is concerned. to those of the Indian Ocean, has been The geography of the African continent accomplished in safety, by the enterprise has undergone a striking change within a of Livingstone. Towards the eastern recent period, owing to the determined coast, the great interior lakes have as- labours of such men as Barth and Living suned a definite place and shape at the stone, or as Burton and Speke. The great hands of Burton and Speke. The data sup- desert of the north has been crossed and plied by such labours have been used, with re-crossed in various directions, the basin numerous other materials of less import- of Lake Chad explored, and the distant ance, in the effort to give a high order of city of Timbuctoo visited, by Dr Barth. geographical value to the present Map. George Philip and Son's List of Geographical Works. 9 SERIES OF SCHOOL-ROOM MAPS--continued. VI.-NORTH AMERICA. Price, mounted on roller and varnished, 168, Scale, seven and a half inches to ten degrees. THIS Map shows the vast accession to is only since the gold-fields of California I our knowledge of the northerly re have drawn population to the western gions of the New World, consequent on side of that continent that the true place the numerous expeditions of Arctic search of the Rocky Mountains in the physical during the last fifteen years. It also il conformation of the New World has lustrates the spread of colonisation in been appreciated. The extensive series connexion with commercial enterprise, as of plateaus and mountain-chains which developed in the formation of two new pro intervene, between that great range and vinces British Columbia andVancouver's the waters of the Pacific are now within Island-upon the shores of the Pacific, the reach of the Map-maker's skill, and Until within a recent period, ou ideas the present Map will be found to embody of the physical geography of North these and like truths of recent geogra- America were lamentably defective. It phical research. VII.-SOUTH AMERICA, Price, mounted on roller and varnished, 168. Scale, same as Map of North America. SOUTH America has been the chosen works, the great mountain-chains of the W ground of physical research, from Andes, as well as the vast river-systems the days of Humboldt downwards. In to which they give rise. The Map in- the present Map, it has been sought to cludes, with the South American conti- represent in fuller detail, and with more nent, the chief portion of the West Indian elaborate truth, than is common in such Islands, 10 l VIII.-AUSTRALIA, &c. Price, mounted on roller and varnished, 168, Scale, eight and a half inches to ten degrees. THIS Map will be found of particular west. The arrangement thus adopted 1 value in teaching the geography of adds considerably to the value of the an extensive region of the globe which Map. The commercial importance of has only attracted attention within a re Australia is only realised fully to the cent period, but which deservedly com mind when its geographical relationship mands, with each succeeding year, a with the islands of the eastern seas, from larger share of notice. Together with Timor westward to Sumatra, and north- the Australian mainland and adjacent ward in the direction of Borneo, the Phi- islands, it includes New Zealand, to the lippines, and the Chinese coasts, is pre- eastward, and the archipelago of the sented to view. East Indies, to the north and north- IX.--BRITISH ISLANDS. Price, mounted on roller and varnished, 21s. Scale, about five and a half inches to a degree, or 1:800,000. THE main purpose of this Map is to maps are notoriously deficient. The I supply means for the physical geo rivers—both main streams and afiluents graphy of the British Islands being well —are in every case traced to their proper and thoroughly taught. It will be found sources, and altogether an amount of (the Publishers confidently believe) great precision is given to the delineation of ly superior for this purpose to any other every feature which renders the Map of that has hitherto appeared. The high more than ordinary value. The water- and low grounds are distinctly marked sheds between the different seas that sure out, and the exact elevations of all con round the British Islands are the author spicuous points marked in figwes. A of the Map believes, for the first time) due proportion, moreover, is observed in distinctly marked a feature which will the depth of shading given to the hills be held to constitute in itself a high re. a point in regard to which most popular commendation. A 2 10 George Philip and Son's List of Geographical Works. SERIES OF SCHOOL-ROOM NAPS-continued. X.-ENGLAND AND WALES. XI.--SCOTLAND. Scale, ten inches to a degree. Scale, fourteen inches to a degree. XII.-IRELAND. Scale, same as Map of Scotland. Price of each Map, mounted on roller and varnished, 16s. İ ITTLE l'equires to be said respecting populations- distinct characters of U these three Maps, beyond mention writing being used for towns which of the fact that they have been con- have respectively above 100,000 in- structed with the same careful regard to habitants ; between 100,000 and the accurate delineation of the physical 50,000; 50,000 and 20,000; and so on. features that is adverted to in the case 2d, The careful marking of historical of the British Islands. sites, as battle-fields, and localities There are, however, two particulars of important events in general. This in which the Publishers believe their is a matter in regard to which most separate Maps of England and Wales, maps are defective. A great number Scotland, and Ireland, may deservedly of such localities, with the dates of lay claim to merits superior to those events that give them importance, generally found upon the walls of the marked upon the Maps of England school-room. These are and Scotland, are not indicated upon 1st, The arrangement of the names of other Maps of the kind that are in towns according to their respective popular use. XIII.-PALESTINE, &c. Price, mounted on roller and varnished, 16s. Scale, nine and a half inches to a degree. THE full title of this Map ism.“SYRIA, valleys, lakes and streams, of Palestine, 1 including PALESTINE;" and it em hold in the geography of the Sacred Vo- braces, as that wording implies, the whole lume. eastern coast-region of the Mediterra- While the area of country embracech nean, from the Gulf of Scanderoon on within the Map is thus extended, the the north to the Arabian Desert and the scale is yet sufficiently large to allow of Egyptian frontier on the south. all necessary detail in the geography of This extension is necessary to the pro- the Holy Land itself. The names wit- per purpose of the Map, and has been ten on the Map are those belonging to made with careful regard to the wants of ancient geography--for it is on account the learner. The geography of Palestine of its connexion with events belonging cannot be taught without reference to to past ages that the Holy Land com- that of Syria, of which the Holy Land mands, and to the latest times will con- forms a part. The physical features of tinue to command, the attentive regards the whole region require to be taken into of the learner. All the recently-acquired view, in order to attain a true conception information respecting sacred geography of the place which the mountains and is embodied within the Map. 15 XIV.-INDIA. Price, mounted on roller and varnished, 21s. Scale, nine and a half inches to five degrees, or 1:2,300,000. THE inclusion of a Map of India, upon in everything that concerns our Eastern 1 so large a scale as the present, empire. Not merely on this, but on the amongst a series of School-room Maps, more general grounds of historical note, is a feature which the Publisher's regard and importance of place in the Colonial as imperatively called for by the occur annals of Britain, was it considered that rences of recent years, and the growing such a Map was required, in order to give commercial importance of that region. the necessary completeness to an educa- The change that has taken place in the tional series... political administration of Indian affairs, The Map includes, besides India proper, (leading, as it is likely to do, to a consi a view of the entire range of English pos- derable numerical increase in the Anglo sessions lying on the eastern side of the Indian resident population,) gives to Eng Bay of Bengal, from Aracan in the north lishmen a closerand more familiar interest to Singapore in the opposite direction. George Philip and Son's List of Geographical Works. 11 Philips' Series of Large Sixpenny Maps ; Size-Full Sheet Imperial, 22 by 27 inches, full coloured : engraved in the best style, and embracing all the recent Geographical Discoveries. The entire Series is now in print, and any single Map may be had without difficulty. Each 6d. The same Maps, printed on superfine paper and extra coloured, each Is. Ditto mounted on rollers and varnished, each 3s. 6d. LIST OF THE MAPS. THE WORLD. 39 Persia and Cabool 40 Arabia, Egypt, Abyssinia, and Nubia 1 The World, on Mercator's Projection 41 Tartary 2 Northern Hemisphere 42 China 3 Southern ditto 43 Corea and Islands of Japan 4 Lastern ditto 44 India-Northern Part 5 Western ditto 45 India-Southern Part 6 North Horizontal ditto 46 East India Islands 7 South ditto 47 Islands in the Pacific 48 Australia EUROPE. 49 New South Wales and Van Dieman's Land 8 Europe-General Map 50 Nesp Zealand ..9 British Isles 10 England AFRICA. 11 Scotland 12 Ireland 51 Africa-General Map 3.3 The Channel Islands, including Isle of Man . and Isle of Wight AMERICA. 14 Chart of the Baltic Sea 52 America-General Map 15 France, in Departments 53 Chart of the Atlantic 26 France, in Provinces 54 Atlantic Islands 17 Chart of the Mediterranean 55 North America 18 Spain and Portugal 56 Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, &c. 19 Switzerland 67 United States 20 Italy 58 Central America and Mexico 21 Milanese States 59 West Indies 22 Tuscany and the States of the Church 60 Islands of Bermuda, Bahama, and Cuba 23 Venetian States 61 Jamaica 24 Naples and Sicily 62 St Domingo and Virgin Isles 25 Turkey in Europe, and Greece 63 St Christopher's, with Nevis and St Lucia 26 Austria 64 Antigua, witb Guadaloupe, &c. 27 Germany-Northern Part 65 Dominico, with Martinique, &c. 28 Germany-Southern Part 66 Barbadoes and St Vincent 29 Prussia 67 Trinidad, Grenada, Tobago, and Curacoa 30 Belgium 68 South America 91 Holland 69 Guiana and Brazil 32 Denmark 33 Sweden and Norway 70 Peru, Chili, Bolivia, and La Plata 34 Russia in Europe 71 Chart of the Arctic Regions, with all the ASIA. recent Discoveries 35 Asia-General Map 72 Chart of the North-west Passage between 36 Russian Empire Asia and America 37 Turkey in Asia 73 Table of comparative Heights of Mountains 38 Palestine Ditto Lengths of Rivers. Philips' Smaller Series of School-room Maps. Size—3 feet by 2 feet 6 inches. Price, mounted on rollers and varnished, 7s, 6d. List of the Maps. Europe Scotland England and Wales Palestine Australia Other Maps of the Series in preparation. THE above are reductions of the large series, constructed by William Hughes, F.R.G.S., 1 and are designed for use in Private Schools and Families. They are clearly and dis- tinctly engraved, and embody an amount of information not to be had in any similar series of Maps. Ireland 12 . George Philip and Son's List of Geographical Works. Philips Cabinet Series of Educational smaller Island Maps. Edited by William Hughes, F.R.G.S. Size-Imperial Quarto. Engraved from original Drawings, made expressly for this Series, and embodying an amount of Geographical Information not hitherto obtainable for the purposes of Teaching. The Series contains Maps of Physical, General, and Classical Geography, any of which may be had separately. LIST OF THE MAPS. Madrin Flips. 33 East Indian Archipelago 34 New Zealand, and the smaller Island- Pace 1s. each. groups of Polynesia. 1 & 2 Eastern and Western Hemispheres- Double Map AFRICA. 3 World, on Mercator's Projection-Double 35 AfricaGeneral Map [Abyssinia Map 36 Egypt and Arabia Petræa, with Nubin and 4 North Polar Regions-Double Map 37 Northern and Southern Africa, including 39 United States-Double Map the Barbary States, with the Cape Co- lony and Natal Price 40. each AMERICA. EUROPE. 38 North America 5 Europc-General Map 39 United States 6 The British Islands-(Political) 40 Canada, and the adjoining Provinces of 7 Dugland and Wales British North America 8 Scotland 41 Mexico aud Yucatan 9. Ireland 42 The West Indies, and tho States of Central 10 France, in Provinces 43 South America America 11 France, in Departments 12 Belgium Inrirnt Haps. 13 Holland 14 Prussia Pºice 60. eaclu. 15 The former Kingdom of Poland, prior to 44 Palestine its partition between Russia, Austria, 45 The World, as known to the Ancients and Prussia 46 The Roman Empire-Western half 16 Sweden and Norway, with the Circuit of 47 The Roman Empire-Eastern half the Baltic Coasts 4S Greece, with the Islands of the Agaan 17 Denmark, with Iceland and Faroe Islands 18 Russia in Europe Plinsiral Ptaus. 19 Minor States of Germany Price 6d. etc. 20 Austrian Empire 21 Switzerland i Physical Map of the World (No. 1).showing 22 Spain and Portugal the Natural Divisions and features of 23 Italy the Land and Water 24 Turkey in Europe, and Greece ü Physical Map of the World (No. 2) illus- trating the Climates of different Regions, ASIA. with the Principal Hydrographic Basins 25 Asia-General Map of either Continent 26 Turkey in Asia [caucasia üi Physical Map of the World (No. 3) illus- 27 Russia in Asia, including Siberia and Trans- trating the Distribution of Vegetable 28 Persia, with Afghanistan and Beloochistan Life in different Regions, and as affect- 29 India ed by Conditions of Climate 30 The Empires of China and Japan iv Playsical Map of the British Islands 31 Australia and New Zealand : 32 New South Wales, Victoria, and the settled I Diagram showing the comparative Heights of portions of South Australia Mountains and Lengths of Rivers TT is believed the present collection of Maps will be found eminently adapted for Educa- I tional Purposes; and the Publishers feel warranted in the assertion that they embody (relatively to their size) the most complete compendium of Geographical information that has been placed before the public. The Maps, which are in the first style of art, have been throughout engraved from original drawings, either executed personally by the hand of the Editor, or produced under his immediate superintendence. As a glance at the list of contents will show, they embrace, besides the ordinary Maps of Modern and General Geography, special Maps, which embody the most important facts of Geogra- phical science, as applied to the illustration of Physical Geography—a subject which justly commands so large a share of present attention in our schools as well as others in illustration of Classical Geography. In all respects, therefore, the present Series lays claim to a completeness which does not commonly belong to works of the kind. In the preparation of the Maps, reference has been made to the recent surveys, dis- coveries, and observations of every description. The continually increasing stores of Geographical knowledge, which are a marked feature of the present age, render this a work of no slight magnitude. But it is one to the execution of which the Editor has lent his best endeavours. George Philip and Son's List of Geographical Works. 13 Philips' Series of Classical, Historical, and Scriptural Maps, illustrating the Ancient Classics, Historians, and Poets. Size -Full Sheet Imperial, 29 by 23 inches; engraved in the best style, beautifully printed on superfine paper and carefully coloured. Price per sheet, Is. 6d. Or mounted on rollers and varnished, each 58. LIST: OF THE MAPS. No. of No. of Sheet. Sheet. (Tho World, as peopled by the descendants 15—Asia Minor, according to D'Anville of Noah 16—Tho Expedition of Cyrus the Younger, Geography of the Primitive Greeks and the Retreat of the 10,000 Geograplay of the Hebrews, illustrative of 17--Ancient Italy, according to D'Anville, tho Mosaic Writings [dotus with Plan of Rome (The World, as known at the time of Hero- 18-The Expedition of Hannibal over the. The Geographical System of Ptolemy Alps, with Plans The Geographical System of Eratosthenes 19-Empire of Rome-Western Part The Geographical System of Strabo 20-Empire of Rome-Eastern Part (Syria, Assyria, Babylonia, &c. 21-Ancient Gaul, according to D'Anville af Ancient Egypt, according to D'Anvillo 22-Ancient Spain, according to D'Anville'. Ancient Palestine 23-Ancient Germany, according to D'Anvile Travels of the Early Patriarchs, Canaan, (The Roman Provinces of Pannonia, Illy- and Plan of Jerusalem ricum, Dacia, and Masia (Empire of Sesostris, according to Ferodo- The Roman Provinces of Vindelicia, Ruæ- tus and Diodorus Siculus c tia, and Noricum Empire of Nious and Semiramis, accord- 25-The Countries visited by the Apostles, l ing to Ctesias showing the Routes of St Paul 6-Map illustrative of the Trojan War, with 26—Countries of Western Europe, according Plans to D'Anville 7-The World, as known to tho Ancients, 27-Europe, before the Invasion of the Huns, accordiog to D'Anville A.D. 370 (Empire of Persia at the time of Cyrus and 28-Europe, after the Inrasion of the Barba- Darius rians in the Sixth Century 8 Empire of the Medes 29—Turkey in Europe (Northern Part), con- Ancient Greece, illustrating the Expedi- taining Illyricum, Dacia, Mosia, &c. tion of Xerxes 30—Turkey in Europe (Southern Part), con- I-Ancient Greece, according to D'Anville taining Græcia, Macedonia, Thracia, 10-The Travels of Anacharsis, with Plans of 31-Ancient Sarmatia, &c. [&c. Battles 32–England ruder the Saxons (The Kingdom of Macedon, at the time of 33—Map to illustrate the Crusades Philip, son of amyutas 34-Eslem, or the Countries subdued by Ma- 11 m The Partition of the Conquests of Alex- bomet ander the Great 35_Empire of Charlemagne 12—The Expedition of Alexander the Great, Europe in the Ninth Century and the Voyage of Nearchus Europe in the Eleventh Century 13—Empire of the Parthians 36 Europe at the time of Charles V. 14-Ancient Sicily, with Plan of Syracuse, as | Europe in 1789, at the commenceinent of besieged by the Athenians the French Revolution Philips' Series of Educational Maps for Beginners, constructed by John Bartholomew, Jun., F.R.G.S. Crown Quarto, carefully printed in colours. Each 1d. 1 The World, in Hemispheres 2 Europe 3 England 4 Scotland 5 Ireland 6 France and Switzerland , 7 Holland and Belgium .8 Prussia and Germany 9 Sweden, Norway, and Denmark 10 Russia in Europe 11 Austria 12 Italy LIST OF THE MAPS. 13 Turkey in Europe, and Greece 14 Spain and Portugal 15 Asia 16 India and China 17 Palestine 18 Australia 19 New South Wales and Victoria 20 Africa 21 North America 22 United States 23 Canada 24 South America . 14 George Philip and Son's List of Geographical Works. Hughes's Series of Maps illustrating the Physical Geography of the Great Divisions of the Globe, with Palestine and the British Islands, on an enlarged scale. Constructed by William Hughes, F.R.G.S. Size-21 inches by 17 inches. Beautifully coloured. On sheets, each 1s. Or mounted on rollers and varnished, each 28. 6d. LIST OF THE MAPS. 1 Physical Man of the Eastern Hemisphere, 9 Australia and New Zealand with Isotherms of Mean Annual Tem- 10 Physical Map of the British Islands, with perature, Currents, &c. Section of the Land, Co-tidal Lines, 2 Physical Map of the Western Hemisphere, Soundings, &c. ditto 11 England and Wales, with the Towns classi- 3 Physical Map of Europe, coloured accord- fied according to the population, and ing to the Drainage of its different their Railway-distance from London Seas, with Isotherms of Mean Summer 12 Scotland, ditto and Winter Temperature, &c. 13 Ireland, ditto 4 Europe, according to its Political Divisions 14 Physical Map of Palestine, with the Sinai 5 Asia Peninsula, &c. 6 Africa 15 The World, Stereographically projected on 7 North America the Plane of the Horizon of London S South America Philips' Series of Penny and Twopenny Maps. Size-Imperial Quarto. Engraved in the best style, and with all the recent Discoveries. The Set complete, with Title and Contents, bound in cloth, Plain Maps, 58.; Coloured Maps, 9s. 6d. Plain Maps, 1d.; Coloured Maps, 2d. each. LIST OF THE MAPS. Pladern Maps. 27 Russia in Asia 28 Persia and Cabool 1 Western Hemisphere 29 Hindostan 2 Eastern Hemisphere 30 China 3 World, on Mercator's Projection-Double 31 Last India Isles and Australasia " Мар 32 New South Wales 4 Arctic Regions-Double D[ap 33 Tasmania, or Van Dieman's Land 5 Europe 94 New Zealand 6 British Isles 35 Africa 7 Eugland and Tales 36 Egypt and Arabia Petræa 8 Scotland 37 America 9 Ireland 38 North America 10 France, in Departments 39 United States 11 France, in Provinces 40 Canada 12 Belgium 41 Central America 13 Holland 4% West Iudies 14 Prussia 43 South America 15 Poland 16 Sweden, Denmark, and Norway 17 Denmark Ancient Hilaps. 18 Russia in Europe 19 Germany 44 Palestine 20 Austria 45 Orbis Veteribus Notus 21 Switzerland 46 Orbis Romani, pars Occidentalis 22 Spain and Portugal 47 Orbis Romani, pars Orientalis 23 Italy 48 Græcia Antiqua 24 Turkey in Europe, and Greece 49 Table of the comparative Heights of 25 Asia Mountains 26 Turkey in Asia Ditto Lengths of Rivers Consulting Index to Philips' Series of Penny Maps, comprehending 22,000 Names of Places, carefully compiled. Imperial Quarto, stitched in a neat cover, 2s. 6d. George Philip and Son's List of Geographical Works. 15 SERIES OF OUTLINE MAPS. Philips' Series of Outline Maps, Corresponding in size with Philips' " Comprehensive School Atlas;" for the use of Schools and for Private Tuition. Printed on Drawing Paper. Size-13 inches by 11 inches. 3d, each. Philips' Series of Blank Projections, With the Lines of Latitude and Longitude, corresponding in size with the Maps of Philips' “Comprehensive School Atlas," and intended for the use of Students learning to construct Maps. Printed on Drawing Paper. Size—13 inches by 11 inches. 3d. each. List of the Outline Maps and Blank Projections. Pludrrn Maps. 25 Russia in Asia, including Siberia and Transcaucasia 1 Eastern Hemisphere 26 India 2 Western Hemisphere 27 The Empires of China and Japan 3 World, on Mercator's Projection-Double 28 Australia and New Zealand 4 Europe [Map 29 New South Wales, Victoria, and the settled 5 British Isles portions of South Australia 6 England 30 East Indian Archipelago 7 Scotland 31 Africa 8 Ireland 32 Egypt and Arabia Petraea, with Nubia and 9 France, in Provinces Abyssinia 10 France, in Departments 33 North America 11 Belgium 34 United States 12 Holland 35 Canada, and the adjoining Provinces of 13. Prussia British North America 14 Sweden and Norway, with the Circuit of 36 Mexico and Yucatan the Baltic Coasts 37 The West Indies, and the States of Central 15 Denmark, with Iceland and Faroe Islands America 16 Russia in Europe 98 South America 17 Minor States of Germany IS Austrian Empire Inrient Maps. 19 Switzerland 20 Spain and Portugal 39 Palestine 21 Italy 40 The World, as known to the Ancients 22 Turkey in Europe, and Greece 41 The Roman Empire-Western half 42 The Roman Empire-Eastern half 24 Turkey in Asia 43 Greece, with the Islands of the Ægæan Maps, as copies to draw from, can be selected from Philips' “ Cabinet Series of Educational Maps," of which the above are the Outlines and Projections. I ALL experienced teachers will admit A the advantages afforded to the student in Geography, by a proper system of Mapping. The mechanical process of copying a Map-of accurately laying down a country, with its lines of external boundaries and internal divisions-conveys to the mind of the student a far better idea of the form, relative size, and position of that coun- try, than can be acquired by any other means. 16 George Philip and Son's List of Geographical Works. Hughes's (W.) Series of Outline Maps, . With the Physical Features clearly and accurately delineated. Printed on Hand-made Drawing Paper. Size-22 inches by 17 inches. 6d. each. Hughes's (W.) Series of Blank Projections; Corresponding in size and scale to the Outline Maps, and containing only the parallels and meridians required for the purposes of Map Drawing. Printed on Hand-made Drawing Paper. Size-22 inches by 17 inches. 6d. each. List of the Outline Maps and Blank Projections, 1 Dastern Hemisphere 8 British Isles 2 Western Hemisphere - 9 England and Wales 3 Europe 10 Scotland 4. Asia 11 Iroland 5. Africa 12 Australia and New Zealand 6 North America 13 Palestine 7 South America THE Outline Maps exhibit the natural The Blank Projections are intended for I features, clearly and accurately deli the use of more advanced pupils, who neated, but without the names. They are are required to draw the coast line, admirably suited for exercising the learner and the prominent physical features of by filling in the names, and thus-fixing the country, as well as to insert the the natural features clearly on the mind. names. Philips' Series of Outline Maps for Begin- found ners, constructed by John Bartholomew, Jun., F.R.G.S.; being Outlines of the Maps in Philips' " Atlas for Beginners.” Printed on Drawing Paper. Demy quarto, each Id. Philips' Series of Blank Projections for Beginners, constructed by John Bartholomew, Jun., F.R.G.S.; being the Blank Projections of the Maps in Philips' “ Atlas for Beginners.” Printed · on Drawing Paper. Demy quarto, each Id. List of the Outline Maps and Blank Projections. 1 The World, in Hemispheres 13 Turkey in Europe, and Greece 2 Europe 14 Spain and Portugal 3 England 15 Asia 4 Scotland 16 India and China 5 Ireland 17 Palestine 6 France and Switzerland 18 Australia 7 Holland and Belgium 19 New South Wales and Victoria S. Prussia and Germany 20. Africa 9. Sweden, Norway, and Denmark 21 North America 10 Russia in Europe 22 United States Il Austria 23 Canada 12 Italy 24 South America iš laila area George Philip and Son’s List of Geographical Works. 17 Counting-House and Library Maps. THE WORLD. Johnston's Commercial Chart of the World, On Mercator's Projection. Size—72 inches by 56 inches. Mounted on rollers and varnished, £3, 38. Philips' Map of the World, on Mercator's Projection, with the Hemispheres on the Horizon of London, beautifully engraved on steel, and including the latest discoveries down to the date of publication. Size-53 inches by 36 inches. ; Mounted on rollers and varnished, 258. In case, 21s. Philips' Map of the World, in Hemispheres, With Scenic Views of the Waterfalls, Mountains, Rivers, Co-tidal Lines, &c. Constructed from the best Authorities, and beautifully engraved on steel. Size—42 inches by 30 inches. On sheets, coloured, 5s. Mounted on rollers and varnished, or in case, 10s. 6d. EUROPE. Philips' New Map of Europe, N1 In Four Sheets, with all the Railways in the United Kingdom and the Continent accurately laid down. Engraved in the best style. Size_48 inches by 49 inches. Mounted on rollers and varnished, 25s. In case, 21s. "THIS is a useful, valuable, and I publishers. We heartily recommend it 1 carefully executed undertaking, to the traveller, and consider it an embracing all the most recent im- acquisition to the public seminary equally provements. It is got up on a liberal as the private library of the gentleman." scale, that does great credit to the Metropolitan. ASIA. Philips Map of Asia, by W. Hughes. Size—54 inches by 68 inches. On rollers and varnished, 21s. 18 George Philip and Son’s List of Geographical Works, Philips' New Map of India, Constructed by William Hughes, F.R.G.S., from the most authentic sources. Engraved in the best style by W. N. Stewart Size--40 inches by 28 inches., On rollers and varnished, 158. In case, 10s, 6d. Philips' New Map of the Gold-producing Colonies of Australia, comprising the three. Provinces of New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia. Constructed from recent Surveys, &c. The Gold and other Mining Districts carefully laid down from Parliamentary Returns and other Official Documents. Size-40 inches by 28 inches. Mounted on rollers and varnished, 10$. In case, 58. AFRICA. Philips' Map of Africa, by W. Hughes. Size—54 inches by 68 inches. Mounted on rollers and varnished, 21s. Philips' New Map of South Africa. Size—22 inches by 28 inches. On sheet, coloured, 28. 6d. In case, 4s, 6d. On rollers and varnished, 6s. THE results of modern travel and 1 research in the interior of Southern Africa, have opened up prospects of a new and vast field for commercial enter- prise, which the further explorations still being carried on will, no doubt, enable us to realise. All the recent investigations, so inter- esting and important in their results, are here embodied; and every available source of information has been made use of to render this Map as complete as the present state of Geographical knowledge will permit. AMERICA. Philips' Map of North America. Size—54 inches by 68 inches. Mounted on rollers and varnished, 218. Colton's Atlas of America, Illustrating the Physical and Political Geography of North and South America and the West India Islands, by George W. Colton. Accompanied by Descriptions, Geographical, Statistical, and Historical, by R. Swainson Fisher, M.D. Imperial folio, half-bound, £2, 10s. Superior edition, half-boand morocco, gilt edges, £3, 38. George Philip and Son's List of Geographical Works. 19 Philips' New Map of the United States, Including part of British America, Mexico, Yucatan, and the West Indies, and exhibiting the country from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from 54° North Latitude to the Bay of Honduras, including the British Colony of Belize. In Four Sheets; size-4 feet 6 inches by 3 feet 2 inches. On rollers and varnished, 30s. In case, 218. Philips' New Map of Mexico and Central America, from recent surveys. Size—22 inches by 28 inches. On sheet, coloured, 2s. 6d. On rollers and varnished, 58. Philips' New Map of the West Indies, Compiled from authentic sources. Size-22 inches by 28 inches. On sheet, coloured, 28. 6d. On rollers and varnished, 58. Philips Authentic Map of British Columbia and Vancouver's Island, with the Frazer River Gold Fields. Constructed and engraved by J. Bartholomew, Jun., F.R.G.S. Size-14 inches by 17} inches. Folded in case, 18. Philips' Map of South America. Size-54 inches by 68 inches. Mounted on rollers and varnished, 21s. Philips' New Map of South America. Size--40 inches by 28 inches. On rollers and varnished, 15s. In case, 10s. 6d. BRITISH ISLES. Cooper's New Map of the British Isles, Compiled from Government Surveys ańd other Authentic Documents, showing the Cities, Borough and Market Towns, the principal Villages, Railways, Mail and Turnpike Roads, with the Navigable Rivers and Canals. Size—6 feet by 5 feet. Mounted on mahogany rollers and varnished, £2, 12s. 6d. Philips' Map of the British Isles. Size-54 inches by 68 inches. Mounted on rollers and varnished, £1, 10s. 20 George Philip and Son's List of Geographical Works. Philips' Geological Map of the British Isles. By William Hughes, F.R.G.S. Carefully coloured. Size -- 54 inches by 68 inches. Mounted on rollers and varnished, £2, 2s. Hughes's Geological Map of the British Isles. Size-22 inches by 17 inches. On sheet, 38.6d. On rollers and varnished, 45. 6d. ENGLAND AND WALES. Philips' Commercial and Industrial Map of England, Wales, and part of Scotland, showing the Lines of Railway, the Seats of the principal Manufactures, and the Districts of Mines and Minerals; distinguishing Canals and Navigable Rivers, tracing the Tracks of Foreign and 'Coasting Steam Vessels, and marking the position of Lighthouses, &c. Constructed from the most Authentic Sources. Revised and corrected by William Hughes, F.R.G.S. Engraved by Messi's W. and A. K. Johnston, Edinburgh. Size—6 feet by 4 feet 9 inches. Mounted on rollers and varnished, or in handsome morocco case for the Library, £2, 12s. 6d. Philips' Map of England and Wales, With all the Railways, Turnpike Roads, Canals, &c. Size—40 inches by 28 inches. On rollers and varnished, 12s.6d. In case, 5s. Philips' Map of England and Wales, Showing the Lines of Railway, with all the Stations accurately laid down, the Tracks of Steam Vessels, with Distances from Port to Port, &c. Size-33 inches by 26 inches. Mounted on rollers and varnished, 7s, 6d. In case, 3s, 6d. Philips' Map of England and Wales, With the Railways. Every Railway Station is laid down, and the Map con- tains a much greater amount of information than any other publication of the same size. Size 22 inches by 28 inches. : On sheet, coloured, 18. On rollers and varnished, 3s. 6d. In case, 2s. 6d. George Philip and Son's List of Geographical WorksTTY 21 1 WA . SCOTLAND. Philips' Map of Scotland, With Distances from Edinburgh, and from Port to Port; showing also the Railways and Post Roads, Canals, Navigable Rivers, &c. Size-33 inches by 28 inches. Mounted on rollers and varnished, 7s.6d. In case, 3s. 6d. Philips' Map of Scotland, with the Rail- ways. A clearly engraved and accurate Map. Size—22 inches by 28 inches. . .. On sheet, carefully coloured, 1s. On rollers and varnished, 38, 6d. In case, 2s. 6d. IRELAND Philips' Map of Ireland, Constructed from the best Authorities, showing the Lines of Railway, the Dis- tances from Dublin, and from Port to Port, tracing the Tracks of Steam Ves- sels to the principal Ports of England, Scotland, &c. Mounted on rollers and varnished, 7s, 6d. In case, 3s. 6d. Philips' Map of Ireland, and its Railways. Every Railway Station is accurately laid down, also the principal Post Roads. Size—22 inches by 28 inches. On sheet, carefully coloured, 1s. Onārollers and varnished, 3s. 6d. In case, 2s. 6d. LIVERPOOL. Philips' Plan of the Town and Port of Liverpool, from actual survey. Size-8 feet 6 inches by 4 feet 6 inches. In Three Sheets. Mounted on rollers and varnished, or in case, £3, 3s. The Sheets may be had separately, 15s. each. Philips' Plan of Liverpool and the Cheshire Coast, constructed and engraved by John Bartholomer, F.R.G.S. Size- 43 inches by 34 inches. On rollers and varnished, 15s. In case, 10s. 6d. Philips' Plan of the Town and Port of Liverpool, with Birkenhead and the adjoining Cheshire Coast. Drawn and engraved by J. Bartholomew, Jun., F.R.G.S. Size-30 inches by 26 inches. On sheet, plain, 2s. 6d.; coloured, 3s. 6d. In case for the pocket, plain, 3s. 6d.; coloured, 4s. 6d. On black rollers and varnished, 7s. 6d.; mahogany rollers ditto, 8s. 6d. . 22 George Philip and Son's List of Geographical Works. Philips' Plan of Liverpool and Birkenhead, With the adjoining Cheshire Coast. Drawn and Engraved by J. Bartholomew, Jun., F.R.G.S. Size-20 inches by 25 inches. On sheet, coloured, 1s. Folded in case, plain, 1s.; coloured, 1s. 6d. Mounted in cloth case, plain, 2s.; coloured, 28. 6d. Mounted on rollers and varnished, 5s. Maps and Guides for Tourists. Philips' Tourist's Companion to the Coun- ties of Scotland; a Series of Twenty-seven Maps, forming a Pocket Atlas and Guide for the Angler, Sportsman, and Traveller. The Maps are clearly and distinctly engraved, and show the Roads, Railways, Villages, Parishes, Country Seats, Rivers and Lakes, Places of Interest to the Tourist, &c. Accompanied by a Popular Description of the Scenery, Statistics, and Antiquities of the Counties, by William Rhind, Esq.; and a General Map of Scotland. The Maps beautifully printed in colours. Small 8vo, neatly bound in cloth, 53. The samie Work, with the Maps plain, 3s. 6d. Philips' Pocket Atlas of the Counties of Scotland; a Series of Twenty-seven Maps, showing the Roads, Railways, Country Seats, Parishes, Rivers and Lakes, &c. &c., and accompanied by a General Map of Scotland; forming a cheap and portable Guide for the Tourist or Traveller. Small 8vo, neatly bound in cloth, 2s. 6d. Philips' Series of County Maps of England and Wales, reduced from the Ordnance Survey, with all the Railways to date of publication. Drawn and engraved by John Bartholomew, Jun., F.R.G.S. Size—15 inches by 20 inches. On sheet, coloured, or folded in case, 1s. Mounted on linen and in cloth case, 2s. List of the Maps. Lancashire Middlesex Cheshire Surrey Staffordshira Rent North Wales Essex Other Maps of the Series in preparation. George Philip and Son's List of Geographical Works. 23 Philips' Maps of the Counties of Scotland, In neat cloth case for the pocket, (size of case 4 inches by 3 inches,) with Illustrative Letterpress, descriptive of the Scenery, Statistics, and Antiquities of the County. Each 6d. I Aberdeen 2 Argyle 3 Ayr and Bute ..4 Banff 5 Berwick 6 Caithness 7 Dumfries 8 Edinburgh 9 Elgin and Nairn 10 Fife and Kinross LIST OT TIE MAPS. 11 Torfar 12 Haddington 13 Inverness 14 Kincardine 15 Kirkcudbright 16 Lanark 17 Linlithgow 18 Orkney, Shetland, and Western Islands 19 Peebles 20 Perth 21 Renfrew 22 Ross and Cromarty 29 Roxburgh 24 Selkirk 25 Sutherland 26 Stirling, Dumbarton, and Clacknangan 27 Wigton Philips' Tourist's Map of England and Wales, with the Railways, Turnpike Roads, Canals, &c. Size—40 inches by 28 inches. Mounted on cloth and in case, 5s, Philips' Travelling Map of England and Wales, showing the Lines of Railway, the Tracks of Steamers, Distances from Port to Port; &c. In neat cloth case, 38. 6d. Philips' Travelling Map of Scotland, . Uniform in style and size with England. In neat cloth case, 3s. 6d. Philips' Travelling Map of Ireland, Uniform in style and size with England and Scotland. In neat cloth case, 3s. 6d. Philips' Tourist's Map of North Wales, Reduced from the Ordnance Survey. Drawn and engraved by J. Bartholo- mew, Jun., F.R.G.S. Size—14 inches by 171 inches. Folded in case, 1s. Mounted on cloth and in case, 2:. Philips' Tourist's Map of the Isle of Man, Drawn from actual surrey. Mo'inted on cloth and in case, is. 24 George Philip and Son's List of Educational Works. - Educational Works. A Class-Book of Modern Geography, With Examination Questions, by William. Hughes, F.R.G.S., Professor of Geography in Queen's College, London. Foolscap 8vo, strongly bound in cloth, 3s. 6d. Philips « Comprehensive School Atlas” is designed as a companion to this Geo- graphy, and contains all the information necessary for the business of the Class-room. An Elementary Class-Book of Modern Geography, by William Hughes, F.R.G.S. Foolscap 8vo, bound in cloth, 1s. 6d. This Geography contains all the information required by a Junior Class of Learners, and is especially designed as a companion to Philips' " Atlas for Beginners.” A Class-Book of Physical Geography, for School and Family use, by William Hughes, F.R.G.S. Foolscap 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. Boardman's Historical Geography, For the use of Pupil Teachers, Students in Training Colleges, and Teachers and Schools generally. By A. Boardman, C.M. New Edition, revised and enlarged. Foolscap 8vo, bound in cloth, 1s. 6d. 5. What shall I Teach next?” A Series of Subjects for Lessons in Religious Knowledge, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography, and Dictation, for Four Years, progressively arranged in Daily Portions, and adapted for Public or Private Tuition. By W. C. Sparrow, C.M. Crown 8vo, cloth, 1s. 6d. Philips' Elementary Geography of Europe, with a Map. From Philips' " Elementary Class-Book of Geography." By W. Hughes, F.R.G.S. an Imperial 32mo, neat cover, 2d. Philips' Elementary Geography of Eng- land and Wales, with a Map. From Philips - Class-Book of Geography." By W. Hughes, F.R.G.S. Imperial 32mo, neat cover, 22. George Philip and Son's List of Educational Works. 25 HISTORICAL CHARTS. The Chart of Ancient History, By the Rev. Henry Linton, M.A., containing the Patriarchal Line before the Flood—the Three Great Families of the Human Race after the Flood-from Japheth, occupying Europe—from Shem, occupying part of Asia——from Ham, in Canaan and Africa - the Rise of the Great Monarchies of the early World- the Egyptian—the Assyrian-which can be traced side by side with the His- tory of Israel, and thus Parallel Events ascertained at a glance—the fall of these earlier empires and their supersession by the Four Great Beasts of Daniel, the Universal Empires of the World, which are seen rising—the Chaldæan, 606 B.C., under Nebuchadnezzar-the Persian, 536 B.C., under Cyrus—the Gre- cian, 336 B.C., under Alexander the Great-and the Roman, 30 B.C., under Cæsar.-In the West or European half of the Chart, the Kingdoms of Greece and Rome are seen rising and gradually acquiring power until they arrive at their full development and become Empires. On sheet, coloured, 5s. Mounted on rollers and varnished, 10s. 6d. In cloth case, 8s. 6d. Descriptive Key to Chart of Ancient History, 6d. The Chart.of Modern History, the Roman, when at its greatest height and overspreading the world—the Fall of this Empire in the fifth century, and the rise, instead of it, of the kingdoms of the Western World—in the East, the Parthian Power and China are seen independent of Rome, followed (the former) by the Saracenic Empire under Mohammed, 622 A.D.—by the Turkish Dynasties of Seljuk and Othman, which finally destroy the Eastern Roman Empire and settle in Constantinople, 1453, and become thereby the successors of the Eastern Empire. On sheet, coloured, 5s. Mounted on rollers and varnished, 10s. 6d. In cloth case, 8s. 68. Descriptive Key to Chart of Modern History, Gd. THE advantages presented to the pub- 1 lic by these Charts, which have been carefully lithographed and coloured, so 'as to represent to the eye the principal events of history, are in some respects peculiar to themselves. In “ Streams of Time" are found all the kingdoms of the world, the smaller as well the greater and most important; and from the large number of the former which are in- beginning to its close; and 2d, To present to him, in parallel scrolls, the contempo- rary events of the other leading king- doms. In order to effect both these ob- jects, many unimportant kingdoms have been omitted, and only the principal pa- tions presented; and these being coloured, enable the student, almost at a glance, to recognise the same nations wherever they may appear. The results of this plan, it is hoped, will appear especially among the young, who, while gaining an accurate knowledge of the histories of Greece and Rome, have frequently been found ignorant of the most important events in the earlier or middle ages of our own country's history, and almost always unacquainted with the events of Eastern History.. lost, and only a confusing variety of .streams crossing and recrossing is pre- sented to the eye. In the Charts now published a differ- ent plan has been adopted. The object in their construction has been twofold—1st, To enable the student · to follow out any one history from its 26 George Philip and Son's List of Educational Works. Philips' Progressive Series OT SCHOOL COPY BOOKS, WITH ENGRAVED HEAD LINES, ARRANGED AND WRITTEN BY ALEXANDER STEWART, TEACHER OF WRITING. Demy 4to edition, printed on Superfine Cream Wove Paper. Large Post 4to, ditto. Post 4to edition, ditto. Foolscap 4to fine edition, ditto, ditto. Foolscap 4to edition, printed on Fine Yellow Wove Paper. ditto, ditto, Fast and Large Post õrries. Faulstap gerirs. 1 INITIATORY EXERCISES. 1 INITIATORY EXERCISES. 2 ALPHABET IN PROGRESSIVE ORDER. ALPHABET IN PROGRESSIVE ORDER. 3 SHORT WORDS. 3 SHORT WORDS. 4 LARGE HAND. 4 LARGE HAND. - 45 TEXT HANDS. 5 LARGE AND ROUND HANDS. 5 LARGE AND ROUND HAND. 6. ROUND HAND. 6 ROUND HAND. 7 INTRODUCTION TO SMALL HAND. 7 INTRODUCTION TO SMALL HAND. 75 INTRODUCTORY BOOK — LARGE, 8 ROUND AND SMALL HANDS. ROUND, AND SMALL HANDS. 9 SMALL HAND. S ROUND AND SMALL HANDS.. 9 SMALL HAND. 10 LARGE, ROUND, AND SMALL HANDS. 10 LARGE, ROUND, AND SMALL HANDS. 11 LADIES' SMALL HAND. 10 LARGE, TEXT, ROUND, AND SMALL 12 SET OF COMMERCIAL SENTENCES. 11 LADIES' SMALL HAND. HANDS. 13 TEXT HAND. 12 COMMERCIAL SMALL HAND. 13 FIGURES. 14 LARGE, TEXT, ROUND, AND SMALL 14 INTRODUCTORY BOOK FOR GIRLS. HANDS. 15 LADIES'ANGULAR HAND-FIRSTBOOK The attention of Teachers, and those interested in Education, is respectfully directed to these Copy Books as being superior, in all respects, to others hitherto published. The several departments of Writing, Engraving, and Printing, have been executed in the best manner, and the Paper selected will be found to be of a quality especially adapted to the purpose, and made expressly for this Series. The Publishers have also kept in view the necessity of combining cheapness in price with cxcellence in quality, and have, therefore, fixed as low a price for their Copy Books as that. charged for the inferior description hitherto sold. Philips' Series of Copy Slips, Arranged and written by Alexander Stewart. Printed on fine Cream Wove Paper. Each 4d. 1 SHORT WORDS. 4 INTRODUCTION TO SMALL HAND. - 2 LARGE HAND, 5 SMALL HAND. 3 ROUND HAND. T 6 LADIES' SMALL HAND. 1 SMALL HAI George Philip and Son's List of Educational Works. 27 Drawing Books: Child's (George) Little Sketch Book ; A course of very easy Lessons in Landscapes, Figures, &c. Two vols., oblong, cloth, 2s. 6d. each. May be had also in separate Parts, 6d. each. Child's (George) Elementary Drawing JL. Ski a Series of easy ne voli, oblong, cloth, ts, éd. each Book; a Series of easy Progressive Lessons for Young Beginners. May be had also in separate Parts, 6d. each. Child's (George) Drawing Book of Figures; Li Sketches from Life at Home and Abroad. One vol., oblong, cloth, 5s. May be had also in separate Parts, 9d. each. Child's (George) Drawing Book of Objects; nearly 500 Subjects from Still Life, for Young Pupils. One vol., oblong, cloth, 5s. May be had also in separate Parts, 9d, each. Jullien's Studies of Heads, Selected from Paintings of eminent Masters, or drawn from Nature. Litho- graphed by Fairland. One vol., oblong, cloth, 7s. 6d. , May be had also in separate Parts, 1s. each. Jullien's Studies of the Human Figure, Drawn front Nature. One vol., oblong, cloth, Ys. 6d. . May be had also in separate Parts, 1s. each. Worsley's Little Drawing Book ; Very easy Studies in Landscapes, Houses, Shipping, &c. Two vols., oblong, cloth, 23. 6d. each. May be had also in separate Parts, 6d. each. “28 . George Philip R and Son's List of Standard Works. Standard Works, ADAPTED FOR PRESENTS AND SCHOOL PRIZES. dy Æsop's Fables. Fine edition, super royal 18mo, cloth gilt, gilt edges, 2s. 6d. The same Work, 18mo, cloth, gilt back, 1s. 6d. ; 24mo, cloth, lettered, 1s. Evenings at Home. By Dr Aikin and Mrs Barbauld. Fine edition, super royal 18mo, cloth gilt, gilt edges, 2g. ed. . The same Work, 18mo, cloth, gilt back, Is. 6d. ; 24mo, cloth, lettered, 1s. : Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield, Poems, and Essays, with Life of the Author. Fine edition, super royal 18mo, cloth gilt, gilt edges, 2s. 6d. The same Work, 18mo, cloth, gilt back, 1s. 6d. ; 24mo, cloth, lettered, 1s. Gems from the Spectator. Fine edition, super royal 18mo, cloth gilt, gilt edges, .s. 6d. The same Work, 18mo, cloth, gilt back, 1s. 6d.; 24mo, cloth, lettered, 1s. Poems, by Robert Burns. Fine edition, super royal 18mo, cloth gilt, gilt edges, 28. 6d. The same Work, 18mo, cloth, gilt back, 1s. 6d.; 24mo, cloth, lettered, 1s. Robinson Crusoe. By Daniel Defoe. Fine edition, super royal 18mo, cloth gilt, gilt edges, 2s. 6d. The same Work, 18mo, clóth, gilt back, 1s. 6d. ; 24mo, cloth, lettered, 1s. Sandford and Merton. By Thomas Day. Fine edition, super royal 18mo, cloth gilt, gilt edges, 2s. 6d. The same Work, 18mo, cloth, gilt back, 18. 6d. ; 24mo, cloth, lettered, 1s. George Philip and Son's List of Miscellaneous Works. 29 Miscellaneous Publications. AUSTRALIA—The Emigrant's Guide to Australia, containing full particulars of the Gold Fields, the Government Regulations for Gold Seeking, &c. Crown 8vo, stiff cover, 15. AMERICA — The Traveller's Hand-book through the United States of America, containing a description of the States, Cities, Towns, Villages, Watering Places, Colleges, &c.; with the Railroad, Stage, and Steam-boat Routes, Distances from Place to Place, and the Fares. on the great Travelling Routes. By J. Calvin Smith. Demy 18mo, cloth limp, 2s, 6d. 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Small's Veterinary Tablet, Being a concise Account of the Diseases of Horses, Cattle, and Dogs, with their Cause, Symptoms, and Cure; to which are added numerous valuable Recipes. Mounted on cloth and in case, 2s. 6d. Speed's Tables for ascertaining the Weight of Cattle, Calves, Sheep, and Hogs, by Measure. By William Speed, Author of “An Easy Guide to Land Measure." Foolscap 8vo, cloth, 1s. 6d. The Physician in Emergency, and Medi- cine-Chest Dispensatory. New edition. Foolscap 8vo, cloth, gilt edges, 1s. Ed. - - -- - …… 可是 ​… .. 生1.51 中山 ​MATHEMATICAL AND OTHER WORKS. ROBERT POTTS, M.A., TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, To be obtained by Order through any Bookseller, and at the National also he inspected in the Educational Division of the South Kensington Museum. LIBER CANTABRIGIENSIS. An Account of the Aids afforded to poor Students, the encouragements offered to diligent Students, and the rewards conferred on successful Students, in the Uni- versity of Cambridge ; to which is prefixed a Collection of Maxims, Aphorisms, &c. Designed for the Use of Learners. 570 pp. Fcap. 8vo. bds., price 5s. 6d. "The (Annual) Income of the University and Colleges together, amounts to no less a sum than $209,500."-Speech of the RIGHT FON. E. P. BOUVERÍE, in the Elouse of Commons, on Friday, May 30, 1856. In the Cambridge University Act, 19° 420° Pict. cap. 88, it is stated, in Section 46:- · "From and after the first day of Michaelmas Term, 1856, it shall not be necessary for any person, on obtaining any Exhibition, Scholarship, or other College Emolument available for the assistance of an undergraduate student in his academical education, to make or subscribe any declaration of his religious opinion or belief, or to take any oath, any lay or statute to the contrary notwithstanding." "It was not a bad idea to prefix to the many encouragements afforded to students in the University of Cambridge, a selection of maxim men, who have shown that learning is to be judged by its fruits in social and individual life.”—The Literary Churchman. "A work like this was much wanted."-Clerical Journal. “The book altogether is one of merit and value.”—Guardian. “The several parts of this book are most interesting and instructive."--Educational “No doubt many will thank Mr. Potts for the very valuable information he has afforded in this laborious compilation."-Critic, "A vast amount of information is compressed into a small compass, at the cost evidently of great labour and pains. The Aplorisms which form a prefix of 174 pages, may suggest useful reflections to earnest students.”-The Patriot. JOHN W. PARKER & Son, 445, West Strand, London, WORKS BY ROBERT POTTS, M.A., TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. Euclid's Elements of Geometry (The University Edition) with Notes, Geometrical Exercises from the Senate- House and College Examination Papers, and an Introduc- tion containing a brief outline of the History of Geometry. Together with the Appendix. 8vo. cloth, price 10s. The Appendix consists of some additional notes on the Elements, a more complete Exposition of the Geometrical Analysis, a Short Tract on Transversals, and Remarks, Hints, &c., for the Solution of the Problems, &c., in the Geometrical Exercises. Euclid's Elements, The First Six Books (The School Edition, the fifth), with Notes, Questions, Geometrical Exercises, and Hints for the Solution of the Problems, &c. 12mo. cloth, price 4s. 6d. "This is the best and cheapest School Euclid (Fifth Edition) we have ever examined, and runs to 361 pages. Here is given an abundance of exercises, selected from the best sources, to which are appended hints of the Solutions.--Educational Times, Dec. 1859. Euclid's Elements. A Supplement to the School Edition, containing the Portions read at Cambridge, of the Eleventh and Twelfth Books, with Notes, a Selection of Problems and Theorems, and Hints for the Solutions. 12mo. sewed, price 1s. Euclid's Elements, The First Three Books, reprinted from the School Edition, with Notes, Questions, Geometrical Exer- cises, and Hints for the Solution of the Problems, &c. 12mo, cloth, price 3s. Euclid's Elements, The First Book with the Notes, Questions, and Geometrical Esercises. 12mo. sewed, price 1s. Euclid's Elements, The First Two Books with the Notes, Questions, and Geometrical Exercises. 12mo. cloth, price 13. 6d. Euclid's Elements, The Definitions, Postulates, and Enunciations of the Propositions of the First Six, and of the Eleventh and Twelfth Books. 12mo, sewed, price 9d. In addition to its extensive use in the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and the Principal Grammar Schools, Mr. POTTS' Euclid is on the Catalogue of Books supplied at the Depositories of the National Society, Westminster, and of the Congregational Board of Education, Homerton College; and the Books may be obtained through those channels at reduced cost for purposes of National Education. It may be added that the Council of Education at Calcutta have been pleased to order the introduction of these Editions of Euclid's Elements into the Schools and Colleges under their control in Bengal. JOHN W. PARKER AND SON, 445, West Strand, London, WORKS BY ROBERT POTTS, M.A., TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE: Critical Remarks on the Editions of Euclid. * In my opinion Mr. Potts has made a valuable addition to Geometrical literature by his Editions of Euclid's Elements.”—W. Whewell, D.D., Muster of Trinity College, Cambridge. "Mr. Potts' Editions of Euclid's Geometry are characterized by a due appreciation of the spirit and exactness of the Greek Geoinetry, and an acquaintance with its his- tory, as well as by a knowledge of the modern extensions of the Science. The Elements are given in such a form as to preserve entirely the spirit of the ancient reasoning, and having been extensively used in Colleges and Public Schools, cannot fail to have the effect of keeping up the study of Geometry in its original purity.”- James Challis, M.A., Phumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy in the University of Cambridge. “By the publication of these works, Mr. Potts has done very great service to the cause of Geometrical Science; I have adopted Mr. Potts' work as the text-book for my own Lectures in Geometry, and I believe that it is recommended by all the Mathematical Tutors and Professors in this University." - Robert Talker, M.A., T.R.S., Reader in Ex- perimental Philosophy in the University, and Mathematical Tutor of Tradham College, Oxford. “ The plan of this work is excellent."-Spectator. " When the greater Portion of this Part of the Course was printed, and had for some time been in use in the Academy, a nete Edition of Euclid's Elements, by Mr. Robert Potts, M.A., of Trinity College, Cambridge, which is likely to supersede most others, to the extent, at least, of the Six Books, was published. From the manner of arrang- ing the Demonstrations, this edition has the advantages of tbe symbolical forin, and it is at the same time free from the manifold objections to which that form is open. The duodecimo edition of this Work, comprising only the first Six Books of Euclid, with Deductions from them, having been introduced at this Institution as a text book, now renders any other Treatise on Plane Geometry unnecessary in our course of Mathema- tics."-Preface to Descriptive Geometry, sc. for the Use of the Royal Military Academy, by S. Hunter Christie, M.4., of Thinity College, Cambridge, late Secretary of the Royal Society, fc., Professor of Mathematics in the Royal Military Academy, Toolwich. "Mr. Potts has maintained the text of Simson, and secured the very spirit of Euclid's Geometry, by means which are simply mechanical. It consists in printing the syllogism in a separate paragraph, and the members of it in separate subdivisions, each, for the most part, occupying a single line. The divisions of a proposition are therefore seen at once without requiring an instant's thought. Were this the only advantage of Mr. Potts' Eclition, the great convenience which it affords in tuition would give it a claim to become the Geometrical text-book of England. This, however, is not its only merit.”— Philosophical Magazine, January, 1848. “If we may judge from the solutions we have sketched of a few of them (the Geome- trical Exercises), we should be led to consider them admirably adapted to improve the taste as well as the skill of the Student. As a series of judicious exercises, indeed, exists one at all comparable to it in our language-viewed either in reference to the student or teacher."-Mechanics' Magazine, No. 1175. "The Hints' are not to be understood as propositions worked out at length, in the manner of Bland's Problems, or like those worthless things called 'Keys,' as generally *forged and filed,'—mere books for the dull and the lazy. In some cases references only are made to the Propositions on which a solution depends ; in others we have a step or two of the process indicated; in one case the analysis is briefly given to find the con- struction or demonstration : in another case the reverse of this. Occasionally, though seldom, the entire process is given as a model; but most commonly, just so much is suggested as will enable a student of average ability to complete the whole solution, in short, just so much and no more) assistance is afforded as vould, and must be, afforded by a tutor to his pupil. Mr, Potts appears to us to have hit the 'golden mean' of Geometrical tutorship."-Mechanics' Magazine, No. 1270. “We can most conscientiously recommend it (The School Edition] to our own younger readers, as the best edition of the best book on Geometry with which we are acquainted. Mechanics Magazine, No. 1227. suggested as mire process is given as er case the reverse of this siven to find the 2001 JOHN V. PARKER & Son, 445, West Strand, London. WORKS BY ROBERT POTTS, M.A., TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. View of the Evidences of Christianity. In Three Parts ; and the Hore Pauline; by William Paley, D.D., Archdeacon of Carlisle ; formerly Fellow and Tutor of Christ's College, Cambridge. A new Edition, with Notes, an Analysis, and a selection of Questions from the Senate-House and College Examination Papers ; designed for the use of Students. pp. 568, 8vo.; price 10s. 6d. in cloth. "The scope and contents of this new edition of Paley are pretty well expressed in the title. The analysis is intended as a guide to students not accustomed to abstract original passages referred to in the test, with illustrative observations by the editor; the questions have been selected from the Examinations for the last thirty years. It is an useful edition.”-Spectator. " Attaching, as we do, so vast a value to evidences of this nature, Mr. Potts' edition of Paley's most excellent work is bailed with no ordinary it almost, but that it fully answers the praiseworthy purpose for which it has been issued. In whatever light we view its importance-by whatever standard we measure its excellences--its intrinsic value is equally manifest. To these 'Evidences' the Horæ Paulinæ has been added, inasmuch we quote from the preface) as it forms one of the most important branches of the auxiliary evidences of Christianity. It is further added to the intelligent student, no apology will be necessary for bring- ing here before him in connexion with the Evidences' the Horæ Paulina'-a Tork which consists of an accumulation of circumstantial evidence elicited from St. Paul's Epistles and the Acts with no ordinary skill and judgment; and exhibited in a pellucid style as far removed from the unnatural as from the non-natural employment of lan- guage. Without this volume the library of any Christian Man is incomplete." Church of England Quarterly Review. "The theological student will find this an invaluable volume. In addition to the text there are copious notes, indicative of laborious and useful research ; an analysis of great ability and correctness; and a selection from the Senate-House and College Examination Papers, by which great help is given as to what to study and how to study it. There is nothing wanting to make this book perfect."-Church and State Gazette. "We do not bcsitate to aver that Mr. Potts has doubled the value of the work by his highly important Preface, in which a clear and impressive picture is drawn of the present unsettled state of opinion as to the very foundations of our faith, and the increased necessity for the old science of Evidences' is well expounded by his masterly analyses of Paley's two works-by his excellent notes, which consist chiefly of the full text of the passages citec by Paley, and of extracts from the best nodern writers on the Evidences,' illustrative or corrective of Paley's state- ments,--and by the Examination Papers, in which the thoughtful student will find many a suggestion of the greatest importance. We feel that this ought to be hence- forth the standard edition of the 'Evidences' and 'Horæ.'"-Biblical Review. "The editor has judiciously added the Foræ Paulinxe' as forming one of the most important branches of the auxiliary evidences. He has added many valuable notes in or abstract of the whole work, which yill be of great service in fixing the points of this. nasterly argument on the mind of the reader. Mr. Potts' is the most com- plete and useful edition yet published.”—Eclectic Review. Longman & Co., 39, Paternoster Row, London, WORKS BY THE LATE ANNA H. POTTS. Sketches of Character, and Other Pieces in Verse. By ANNA H. POTTS. Pp. 215. Fcap. 8vo. cloth. Price 4s. " Mrs. Potts' volume deserves to be recommended to persons of taste, and would prove a most acceptable Christmas offering, either to the youthful, or to those more advanced in years."-Court Journal. “The neat little volume of Mrs. Potts, is full of tender feeling, which attracts and unites mind to mind, and heart to heart, Her poetry reminds us of the touching pieces of Mrs. Hemans; and her “Sketches of Character of the best portraits of Cowper. No one can read these sketches without having the finest sympathies aroused, and good resolutions strengthened.''-Literary Gazette. “She chiefly aims at developing the proper sphere of her sex, by pointing out the duties of women under the various circumstances in which they are placed, showing the importance of patience and forbearance, truthfulness and constancy, and a reliance upon the practical infuence of religion. These topics are urged in various forms with clearness and symplicity.” – Bentley's Miscellany. “This little volume is a collection of Poetical Effusions on subjects of universal interest. Many of them are remarkable for their graceful simplicity, and the absence of pretension, while some exhibit no inconsiderable degree of humour. The fair Au- thoress passes from grave to gay, from lively to severe, with a refreshing ease, and in many passages displays much feeling on subjects of domestic interest."- Educa- tional l'imes. “There are many pleasing poems in this unpretending volume."-Church and Stato Gazette. “The Sketches of Character contained in this agreeable volume may be enumerated under the heads, "Husbands,'. Wives,' and Maidens,' which are written in an easy, simple style, delineative and didactic, with some passages of satire; and to these may also be added the shorter Pieces, called 'The Sisters,' and 'The Proud." The Other pieces in Verse,' are numerous and of varied kinds, playful and grave, de- scriptive or commemorative, sentimental or imaginative, the metrical structure various, but always easy and flowing, with a careful and accurate choice of rhymes. A deep and fervent tone of religious feeling pervades all the Pieces in vbich sacred thoughts are appropriate, and the moral sentiments are chaste, loving and cheerful, adornec with poetical imagery and pleasing conceptions - which are all the more effective for their simplicity.”—Leeds Intelligencer. " The accomplished authoress evidently aims at something higher than mere poetry. which, when properly understood and written, is only a means to an end; and that end is the elevation of man, as a religious, moral, and intellectual being."-Glasgow Examiner. “In the Sketches of Character' there is a word of advice to each of the three classes, Husbands, Wives, and Maidens. To each class a separate poem of considerable length is devoted, and we can assure our readers, whether they are husbands, wives, or fair maidens, that cach and all of them will find a lesson here from which they may derive pure and profitable instruction, inculcated in a playful and yet earnest style. We can truly say that there is not in the volume one verse which the writer will ever regret to have written or the reader to have perused.”_ Glasgow Reformer's Gazette. Simple Poems for National and Sunday-Schools. By ANNA H. POTTS. 18mo. sewed. 2s. per dozen. “Mrs. Potts possessed the happy secret of adapting her style to suit the compreben- sion of childhood, without becoming trivial or common-placc, and we trust her work may meet with the success it so well deserves.”—Lady's Newspaper. Sold at the National Society's Depository, Westminster, Simple Poèmes a l'usage des Ecoles Nationales du Dimanche, traduits de l'Anglais de Mrs. ANNA H. POTTS, par : le Chevalier de Chatelain, Fcp. 8vo, prix ls. 6d. ROLANDI, No. 20, Berners Street, Londres, Recently Published, Crown 8vo. cloth, 8s, 6d. DEDICATED TO THE REV. WILLIAM SELWYN, B.D., LADY MARGARET'S PROFESSOR OF DIVINITY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. BIBLE STUDIES, CONDUCTED ON THE PRINCIPLE OF A PROGRESSIVE DEVELOPMENT IN DIVINE TEACHING. BY J. H. TITCOMB, M.A. OF ST. PETER'S COLLEGE, PERPETUAL CURATE OF ST. ANDREW THE LESS, CADIBRIDGE. SECOND THOUSAND. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. o This yolume is designed to trace the progressive development of and to aid in the study of the Bible in this view. It deals with the several books of the Old Testament in their chronological order, and aims to place the reader, as nearly as possible, in the circumstances of the people to whom these successive revelations were made. What was taught in each stage of this process is carefully marked, and what there was in each that may be said to have been in advance of what bad preceded. It supposes a person willing to take up the Hebrew Scriptures and to say-' I wish to have an in- telligent apprehension of this volume, and see clearly what it teaches, and how its teaching was brought out;' and to such a person, it is adapted to be in a high degree helpful. It must have cost its Author no small labour. Mr. Titcomb is right in supposing that it may be useful to the Pupil Teachers in Training Colleges, to the Conductors of Bible Classes in our Young Men's Societies, to advanced Teachers in Sunday Schools, and to those, we may add, who are wont to make the study of the Bible a part of family educa- tion. Of course, in a volume covering so wide a field, and touching such a variety of topics, we have not found ourselves to be always at one with the Author; but what the Author has done, he has done carefully, and, for the most part, wisely,"-BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEW. "This work really supplies a want in Biblical Literature. The plan of the volume, although the title does not lead us to infer this, is confined to the Old Testament, which is divided into eight epochs. The history of Divine Revelation, to the closing of the old Testament Capon, is thus traced through its successive developments, either what are really such, or appear to be so to the author. A great amount of very useful and suggestive information is thus furnished, the aim of all of it being to strengthen our faith in God's Providence and Grace, and to increase our reverence for the Holy Scriptures. Without going with the author in all his positions, we can recommend the work as a very useful one.”—CLERICAL JOURNAL. "The principle which the Author proposes to establish is, that God's revelations to mankind have been progressive. The amount of light vouchsafed to the early patriarchs was but iu distinct. To Abraham a somewhat clearer view was granted; and the light became gradually more intense and vivid in every successive revelation-to Moses, to Samuel, to David, and so on-till it rose to its meridian splendour in the last great reve- lation in Christ. We have all been accustomed, more or less, to acknowledge tacitly some such principlo as this, but to trace it with the ininuteness and in the detail of this treatise is quite new. The vast importance of the principle of progress in the divine government of the world the principle which, in one of its phases, it is the object of this book to establish-cannot, in our opinion, be overrated. The great law of progress pervades nature and human society; the fact that it is a fundamental principle of revelation is now brought out vividly in Mr. Titcomb's work. Does not this identity of design argue the identity of the author of nature and of revela- tion? This striking analogy may surely be added to those collected by Butler in his immortal argument." -THE LITERARY GAZETTE, AND JOURNAL OF ARCHÆOLOGY, SCIENCE, AND ART. J. W. PARKER & SON, 445, West Strand, London. W orks Recently Published. Cambridge Prize Poems; Being a Complete Collection of English Poems which have obtained the Chancellor's Gold Medal in the University of Cambridge. Dedi. cated to H.R.H. the Prince Consort. Cambridge: Macmillan & Co. New and Enlarged Edition. Price 7s.6d. First Volume of Memorials of Cambridge, containing upwards of 60 Steel Engravings, same number of Wood Engragings and 11 Photographs. Cambridge: W. Metcalfe, Green Street. (Just Published.) The Memorabilia of Xenophon, Book IV. Chiefly from the Text of Kühner: with Explanatory Notes, and Chronology of the Period in which flourished Socrates and Xenophon. By D. B. HICKIE, LL.D., Head Master of Archbishop Sandy's Grammar School, Hawkeshead. With a Literal Translation, a brief Memoir of Socrates, &c. By EDWARD BRINE, B.A., late Scholar of Queens' College, Cambridge. Cambridge: Printed for the Booksellers. Crown 8vo. bds. 58. Solutions of the Problems and Riders proposed in the Senate-House Examination for 1854. By the MODERATORS and EXAMINERS. With an Appendix, containing the Examination Cambridge: Macmillan and Co. Demy 8vo. cloth bds. 10s. 6d. Solutions of the Problems and Riders proposed in the Senate-House Examination for 1857. By the MODERATORS and EXAMINERS. With an Appendix containing the Examination Papers in full. Cambridge: Macmillan and Co. Demy 8vo. cloth bds. 88. 6d. The Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathe- matics. No. 14. (Just Published). Price 53. Vols. 1 to 3 just completed. May be had of all Booksellers. London: John ř. Parker & Son, West Strand, (Volume 3, Just Published.) The Claim of Leibnitz to the Invention of Differential Calculus, translated from the German by Dr. H. Slowman. Dedicated to Sir David Brewster, the Biographer of Newton. Cambridge: Macmillan & Co. and 23, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London. (Just Published), Crown 4to. 8s. 6d. Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho the Jew. Translated from the Greek into English, with Notes, chiefly for the advantage of English Readers, a Preliminary Dissertation, and a short Analysis. By HENRY BROWN, M.A., Vicar of Netherswell, Glou- cestershire. (Originally published in 1745.) Cambridge: Macmillan & Co. George Bell, London. Demy 8vo. bds. 58. 9d. 1860. Octavius, by M, Minucius Felix. Translated by Sir DAVID DALRYMPLE, (LORD HAILES). Cambridge: Macmillan and Co. London: G. Bell, Fleet Street. 18mo, cloth bds, 33, 6d. W. METCALFE, PRINTER, CAMBRIDGE, Just Published, Second Edition, Corrected and Enlarged, pp. 36, 8v0.--Price Sixpence. THE LONG-BOW OF THE PAST: THE RIFLE FOR THE FUTURE. ADDRESSED TO THE RISING GENERATION OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. By H - BRITANNICUS, A TRIEND OF THE RIFLE MOVEMENT. "Avòpes yap rólis, kaì où telXn ....... THUCYD. VII. 77.. Published by J. W. PARKER & Son, 445, West Strand, London. Copies may be obtained at half-price for distribution, by sending a note directed to H-Britannicus, care of Mr. John W. Parker, 445, West Strand, London, APPROVED BOOKS FOR SCHOOL USE, PUBLISHED BY REL FE, BROTHERS, SCHOOL BOOKSELLERS AND GENERAL SCHOOL STATIONERS, . 150, Aldersgate Street, London, .. Near the General Poſt Office, St. Martin's-le-Grand. 4 - ... .. . .. .. ... . School Books, School Stationery, and every Requisite for School and College Use, supplied by RELFE, BROTHERS, on the most liberal Terms. . .. . A copious Miscellaneous Catalogue of Stationery and School Sundries will be sent Post Free to the Heads of Schools on application. . . . Turrell's Exercises in French Phraseology. 5th Edition. (Stereotyped.) A Thousand Oral Exercises in French Phraseology, Idioms and Synonymy. Designed as a Vocabulary or Phrase Book for those who have already made some progress in the Language. By HENRY STEIN TURRELL, M.A. Ph.D. Editor of “Leçons Françaises, de Littérature et de Morale, en Prose et en Vers." An Enlarged Edition, price 4s. "A very useful book."-Athenccum. "A very superior book both in design and execution.”—From the Educational ' Record of the British and Foreign Society. The plan which the Author has adopted to familiarize the Pupil with the Synonyms and Phraseology of the French Language, will perhaps be best understood from the following Exercises which are reprinted from the Book :- SPECIMEN PASSAGES: HEAD.-1. Tête. 2. Source. 3. Écume. 4. Chapitre. 5. Pomme. 6. Hure. 7. Chevet. 8. Haut. 9. Pièce. 10. Chef. 11. Pointe. 12. Haut bout. 1. He has been seriously wounded in the 1. Il a reçu une blessure des plus graves bead. . à la tête. 2. The head of the Nile was undiscovered 2. La source du Nil était inconnue aux by the ancients. anciens. 3. He pours out the beer so as to produce 3. Il verse la bière de manière à produire a head. de l'écume. : 4. His discourse was classed under many 4. Son discours était divisé en plusieurs heads. chapitres. 5. A walking-stick with a gold head.. 5. Une canne à pomme d'or. 6. The boar's head makes an excellent 6. La hure du sanglier fait un excellent dish. plat. 7. The head of the bed. 7. La chevet du lit. 8. You will find it at the head of the .8. Vous le trouverez au haut de l'escalier. stairs. 9. How many head of game ? 9. Combien de pièces de gibier ? 10. He is the head of the party. 10. C'est le chef de son parti. 11. Æolus pierced the mountain's side with 11. Éole perça la montagne de la pointe the head of a spear. 12. Have the goodness to take the head of the table. | 12. Veuillez bien prendre le haut bout. BOW,-1. Arc. 2. Noud de ruban. 3. Archet. 1. Here is your bow, but I cannot find 1. Voici votre arc, mais je ne puis trouver the arrows. les flèches. . 2. Her cap was literally covered with 12. Son bonnet était absolument couvert bows. de nouds de ruban. 3. The violin is of no use to me without 1 3. Le violon ne me sert de rien sans a bow. l'archet. TO CALL.--1. Appeler. 2. Nommer. 3. Passer. 4. Traiter de. 5. S'arrêter. 1. Have the goodness to call the servants. 1 1. Ayez la bonté d'appeler les domestiques. 2. What do they call that in French? | 2. Qu'est-ce qu'on nomme cela en Français ? 3. I will call at the bookseller's on the way. | 3. Je passerai chez le libraire en allant. 4. He called me a thief. 4. Il m'a traité de voleur. 5. Does the stage-coach call at this inn? 5. Est-ce que la diligence s'arrête à cette auberge - DR. TURRELL'S NEW FRENCH READER. This Edition contains a New Chapter, “ Poésie Dramatique,” consisting of Selections from the Works of Racine, Corneille, and Molière. Leçons Françaises de Littérature et de Morale, en Prose et en Vers; ou, Nouveau Recueil de Morceaux, Extraits des meilleurs Auteurs. Price 58. . A LIST OF THE AUTHORS SELECTED FROM. NARRATIONS, SCENES, DESCRIPTIONS, C. Audrieux-A. Arnault-H. de Balzac De Barante-Barthélemy-L'Abbé Blanchet -Capefigue-La Princesse de Craon-Alexandre Dumas - Am. Duval-Fénélon- Florian-Alex. Guiraud-Hennequin- Victor Hugo-Jules Janiu-Jouy-La Harpe-- Lamartine-L'Ermite de la Chaussée d'Antin-Marmontel--Mercier-Pommier-Pouque- villem-Jacques Raphael--Le Comte J. de Rességuier-X. B. Saintine-Saint-Lambert- Bernardin de Saint-Pierre-Le Comte de Ségura-Thiers--Thierry--Vermond-Viennet -Villemain-Voltaire. DÉFINITIONS, DESCRIPTIONS. L. Aimé-Martin-J. F. Barrière-Bergasse-Bossuet - Buffon-Castellau-Chateau- briand—Madame Cottin-Léon Golzan—Lamartine-Levilloux-Montaigne-Mallet du Pau-Raoul-Rochette-Bernardin de Saint-Pierre-De X. B. Saussure Madame de · Staël-Lugène Sue-Volney. CARACTÈRES ET PORTRAITS. De Balzac— La Bruyère-Desmahis-Fénélon-Jules Janin-De Jouy-De Lamennaie. DISCOURS ET MORCEAUX ORATOIRES. A. Baron — Barthélemy-Napoléon Bonaparte-Buffon-C. F. Chassebauf-Mon- seigueur Fayet-L. P. de Jussieu-M. de Jouy-Lacépède-D. Levi-Mézeray-Necker -De Noe-J. J. Rousseau-Servan–Madame de Staël. LETTRES. Beauharnais-Bonaparte-P. L. Courier-Lamartine-Duc de Montansier-Madame Riccoboni-J. J. Rousseau-Madame de Sévigné-Voltaire. FABLES ET ALLEGORIES. . . . Bailly-Fénélon-Kératry~Le Prince de Ligne-Jean Paul-Bernardin de Saint-Pierre. . . CARACTERES POLITIQUES ET LITTERAIRES.. Barthélemy - Boispréaux-Bossuet-Buffon-Champfort-Fléchier-De Fontanes- La Harpe-De Sainte-Croix-Thomas-Vertot-Voltaire.. . MORALE, PHILOSOPHIE, &c. Chateaubriand-Abel Dufresne-Fénélon-Frayssinous -A. H. Kératry—De Lamen- nais-La Luzerne-Pascal-Rousseau. • FRAGMENTS DE.COMÉDIES. Bruéys-Corneille-Molière-Racine. POÉSIE ET POESIE DRAMATIQUE. Andrieux-Béranger-Boileau-André Chénier- Corneille Casimir Delavigne- Molière-F. de Neufchateau-Patrix-Racine-Voltaire. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. • The selection has been made with taste and judgment, as well as with a scrupulous care to exclude everything likely to injure the morals of the pupil."-Athenceum." .« Students of French could not use a better book to practise themselves ini , It con- tains well-chosen passages from the best authors, ancient and modern.”—The Critic. " It is a good Reading Book; it introduces the scholar to different styles, and enables him or her to appreciate almost every variety of merit in French Literature."--Edlucil- tional Times. l. :.- - .- .. - - - EDWARDS'S SERIES OF ENGRAVED MODEL BOOKS OF MERCANTILE & GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING. THE MERCANTILE PENMAN. A SERIES of THIRTY LETTERS (engraved in the very first style of Penman- ship) on COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, such as ACCOUNTS-CURRENT, LETTERS OF INTRODUCTION, LETTERS OF CREDIT, INVOICES, BILLS, RECEIPTS, and other Matters connected with Trade. Large Post Quarto (Letter Size), price 4s. bound in a Volume ; 01 mounted, each of the Thirty Letters separately, on Stout Millboard, so as to be available for a Class of Thirty at the same time, in a neat fold-up Case, price 11s. 6d. Blank Books in which to copy the above, made of Superior Drawing Paper, with an ORNAMENTAL TITLE-PAGE, adapted to receive the Name of the PUPIL and the DESIGNATION of the SCHOOL. Price 13s. per dozen containing 32 leaves, or 10s. per dozen containing 22 leaves; with the Full allowance to Schools. Or “THE MERCANTILE PENMAN” and “FRENCH MERCANTILE PENMAN" mounted on ONE SET of THIRTY BOARDS, The ENGLISH LETTERS on one side, and the French on the other. Price 173. 6d. in Case. THE FRENCH MERCANTILE PENMAN. LE CORRESPONDANT CALLIGRAPHE," Ou Recueil de Lettres Commerciales a L'Usage des Personnes qui se Destinent au Commerce. THIRTY LETTERS, engraved in the best style of Penmanship, intended to familiarise the Pupil with French Commercial Phraseology. The Grammatical Accuracy and Idiom of these Letters are guaranteed by their having been revised by MR. JOHN DAVENPORT, Joint Editor of PETRONI and DAVENPORT'S FRENCH, ITALIAN, AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Annexed to the Letters is a TABLE OF COMMERCIAL PHRASES in English, with their corresponding terms in French. THE OUTLINES OF SUBJECTS FOR TWELVE OTHER LETTERS are also given, which it is proposed that the Pupil shall be instructed to compose in his own words, as soon as he shall have shown a sufficient degree of proficiency in his studies. Large Post Quarto (Letter Size), price 6s. bound in a Dolume; or mounted, each of the Thirty Letters separately, on Stout Millboard, so as to be available for a Class of Thirty at the same time, in a neat fold-up Case, price 13s. 6d. Blank Books in which to copy the above, made of Superior Drawing Paper, with an ORNAMENTAL TITLE-PAGE, adapted to receive the NAME of the PUPIL and the DESIGNATION of the SCHOOL. Price 13s. per dozen containing 32 leaves, or 10s. per dozen containing 22 leaves; with the Full Allowance to Schools. EDWARDS'S INVOICES, Introductory Series. A SERIES of THIRTY-EIGHT SIMPLE INVOICES, or Bills of Parcels, progres- sively arranged, and engraved in the first style of Penmanship, forming an admirable Copy in Writing for the Pupil, and at the same time affording him very useful Exercises in Calculation. The Money Column in this and the following Set of more advanced Invoices is left blank, so that the Pupil, being furnished with the Price of each Article singly, and the Quantity sold, may combine his Arithmetic with his Writing Lesson, and fill in the Sum Total. Large Post Quarto (Letter Size), price 5s. bound in a Volume ; 01 mounted, each of the Thirty-eight Invoices separately, on Stout Millboard, so as to be available for a Class of Thirty-cight at the same time, in a neat fold-up Cirse, price 12s. 6d. Blank Books in which to copy the above, made of Superior Drawing Paper, with an ORNAMENTAL TITLE-PAGE, adapted to receive the Name of the PUPIĻ and the DESIGNATION of the SCHOOL. Price 18s. per dozen containing 40 leaves, or 128. per dozen containing 22 leaves; with the Full Allowance to Schools. EDWARDS'S INVOICES. - Advanced Series. A SERIES of THIRTY-EIGHT INVOICES, &c. &c. uniform with the above, and to which the Pupil may with advantage be set as soon as he has mastered the simpler forms contained in the Introductory Series. In the “ Advanced Series" the higher class of calculations necessary for the Merchants, the Brokers (Home and Colonial), and other Offices of extensive business, are introduced. Especial care likewise has been taken to familiarise the learner with the intricate forms of the Stock Exchange and the Railway Market, (with reference to Foreign as well as to British Shares,) the Manchester Silk and Lace Trade, the Corn and Wine Market, the Building Trade, &c. &c. Tables also of the Rates of Exchange and of the Value of Foreign Money in comparison with the British Currency are annexed. Large Post Quarto (Letter size), price 5s. bound in a volume; or mounted, each of the Thirty-eight Invoices separately, on Stout Millboard, so as to be available for a Class of Thirty-Eight at the same time, in a neat fold-up case, price 12s. 6d. Blank Books in which to copy the above, made of Superior Drawing Paper, with an ORNAMENTAL TITLE-PAGE, adapted to receive the NAME of the PUPIL and the DESIGNATION of the School. Price 18s. per dozen containing 40 leaves, or 12s. per dozen containing 22 leaves; with the Full Allowance to Schools. Or the TWO SERIES OF INVOICES mounted on ONE SET of THIRTY- EIGHT BOARDS, The "INTRODUCTORY” on one side, and the "ADVANCED” on the other. Price 17s. 6d. in Case. KEYS to both Series of the “INVOICES" are published, in which every Invoice is worked out in detail, so that the Teacher may by reference to them alone test the accuracy of his Pupil's work, and, in case of error, point out at once where and how it occurs. Price 1s. each. In ordering EDWARDS'S INVOICES, it is important to state whether it is the Introductory Series or the Advanced Series which is required. THE SCHOLAR'S HELP TO CLASSICAL LETTER-WRITING. A SERIES OF TWENTY-EIGHT LETTERS selected from the Correspondence of DR. JOHNSON, COWPER, BOSWELL, C. J. FOX, and other Men of Eminence, engraved in the first style of Penmanship. Large Post Quarto (Letter Size) price 4s. bound in a Volume ; 09 mounted, each of the Twenty-eight Letters separately, on Stout Millboard, so as to be available for a Class of Twenty-cight at the samie time, in a neat fold-up Clase, price 11s. 6d. • Blank Books in which to copy the above; made of Superior Drawing Paper, with an ORNAMENTAL TITLE-PAGE, adapted to receive the NAME of the PUPIL and the DESIGNATION of the SCHOOL. Price 13s. per dozen containing 32 leaves, or 10s. per dozen containing 22 leaves; with the Full Allowance to Schools. PENMANSHIP FOR LADIES, A SERIES of THIRTY-FOUR LETTERS in FRENCH, ITALIAN, and ENGLISH, on subjects calculated both to instruct, and interest the Pupil; engraved in Running Hand, and serving as an Exercise both in Writing and Composition. Large Post Quarto (Letter Size), price 5s. bound in a Volume ; 09 mounted, each of the Thirty-four Letters separately, on Stout Millboard, so as to be available for a class of Thirty-four at the same time, in a neat fold-up Case, price 12s. 6d. Blank Books in which to copy the above, made of Superior Drawing Paper with an ORNAMENTAL TITLE-PAGE, adapted to receive the Name of the PUPIL and the DESIGNATION of the SCHOOL. Price 183. per dozen containing 36 leaves, or 138. per dozen containing 32 leaves; with the Full Allowance to Schools. Any of the SERIES of LETTERS and INVOICES on this and the two former pages may be had MOUNTED, each Leaf separately, on STOUT MILLBOARD. The advantage of purchasing them in this form is that the use of the Book is multiplied thirty-fold, for instead of being available for one Pupil only at a time, a Class of thirty or forty is kept simultaneously at work. OR Any TWO of the SIX BOOKS may be had mounted on ONE SET of BOARDS, The one on the Front, the other on the Back of the Board, in the same way in which the Two Sets of Invoices are offered above, on One Set of Thirty-Eight Boards. The saving is considerable, for either Set of Invoices bought separately would cost 12s. 6d. but the two combined only 178. 6d, the additional 5s. being the price at which the extra Set is published not mounted. SCALE OF PRICES FOR THE BLANK BOOKS FOR PUPILS' USE. (A) (B) MERCANTILE PENMAN.............containing 32 leaves, 13s. per doz. or 22 leaves, 10s. per doz. FRENCE PENMAN ...containing 32 leaves, 13s. per doz. or 22 leaves, 10s. per doz. SCHOLAR'S HELP ................containing 32 leaves, 13s. per doz. or 22 leaves, 10s. per doz. INTRODUCTORY INVOICES (ruled) containing 40 leaves, 18s. perdoz. or 22 leaves, 12s. per doz. ADVANCED INVOICES (ruled)....containing 40 leaves, 18s. per doz. or 22 leaves, 12s. per doz. L.DIES' l'ENMAN ....................containing 36 leaves, 18s. per doz. or 22 leaves, 10s. per doz. With the Full Allowance to Schools. EACH BLANK BOOK CONTAINS AN ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVED • TITLE-PAGE, WITH SPACES FOR THE INSERTION OF THE NAMES OF THE PUPIL AND OF THE MASTER, AND THE DESIGNATION OF THE SCHOOL. The Blank Books advertised in the column marked (A) contain the same number of leaves as the Engraved Books; those in .the columu marked (B) contain a smaller number, and are intended to be used where a selection only from the entire number of · Letters or Invoices contained in the Engraveil Book is to be written out. RELFE, BROTHERS, 150, Aldersgate Street, London, APPROVED WORKS BY WILLIAM HARDCASTLE, PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS AND LANGUAGES. A Genealogical Text-Book of British History, 5th Edition ; 1 Exhibiting the Genealogy of all the British Sovereigns, and those Per- sons related to them whose career is of importance in British History; accompanied by 6 Genealogical Tables and 1,000 Questions for Exami- nation. Fifth Edition, greatly enlarged, price 2s. 6d. Key, 2s.6d. This Edition has been enlarged to nearly double the size of former Editions. It now includes Foreign Dynasties, and the most important events in the History of European Nations, arranged with reference to contemporaneous British Sovereigns. : Eleven Hundred Questions on the Use of the Globes. 12mo. price 3s. 6d. “The following Examples are Examination Questions, which have been proposed by the Author to his owu pupils during the last fifteen years. Many (indeed most of them) have been purposely framed to involve arithmetical calculation with the actual use of the Globes. To obviate the necessity of frequent reference to other Treatises, each section is preceded by a 'Summary of things necessary to be remembered.” Extract from Preface. A KEY TO THE ABOVE is published, in which every question is answered at length; the solutions being given in detail, that the Teacher may by it alone test the accuracy of his Pupil's work, and in case of error point out at once where and how it occurs, and in the preface of which some remarks are addressed to the Teacher exclusively. First Lessons in Rational Arithmetic. Price 6d. Key, 1s. A Catechism of Astronomy, &c. 3rd Edit. Containing 648 Questions, with Answers, and numerous Problems for · Solution by Pupils. Third Edition, 18mo. price 2s.. Pearce's Bavardages de Pension, 2nd Edit. An Introduction to French Conversation in Schools. Embodying in a Consecutive Form all the Words and Phrases usually employed in the Games, Studies, and Conversation of Boys. By J. D. M. PEARCE, A.M. Second Edition, with Additions and Improve- ments, price 3s. ..CONTENTS. PART I.-TIME OF REST. CHAP. I.-The Dormitory. II.- The Dining Room. III. — In-door Recreation. IV.-Out-door Recreation. PART II.—TIMES OF STUDY. CHAP. 1:—Writing and Drawing. II.-Classes, The School Room. III.-Sciences. IV.-Music and Dancing. “ If the pupil be required and encouraged to speak French, and surrounded by those who speak it, he will, in using this book, transfer each day's lesson to his own Copia Verborum,' and with the aid of what he picks up from his playmates, chatter his own little. French as glibly as an urchin on the Champs Elysées, or on the Boulevards.”- Extract from Preface. In EDWARDS'S ENGRAVED SERIES OT MERCHANTS', TRADERS', AND FARMERS' ACCOUNTS. EXECUTED IN AN ELEGANT STYLE OF COMMERCIAL PENMANSHIP, AND SERVING BOTH AS WRITING COPIES AND COMMERCIAL EXERCISES FOR THE PUPIL. Published by Relfe, Brothers, 150, Aldersgate Street, London. BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTRY. Improved Edition. Contained in Five Books, Account Book Size ; Being an Engraved fac-simile Set of Books of real Business. In which the Transactions of a Mercantile House for a given period (one quarter of the year) are regularly entered, in an elegant Counting-House Hand, and CONCLUDED WITH A BALANCE SHEET OF PROFIT AND LOSS. I Price 12s. the Set, including a Familiar Treatise on Book-KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTRY, of 24 pages Letter-press. RULED BOOKS IN WHICH TO RE-ENTER AND WORK OUT THE ABOVE Are sold by the Publishers. Price 5s. the Set, (of Five) Account Book Size, with the full allowance to Schools. They are manufactured of superior Paper, and contain an ENGRAVED FLOURISHED TITLE-PAGE, with Spaces for the INSERTION of the NAME of the PUPIL and the DESIGNATION of the SchooL. A KEY, in which every ENTRY IS WORDED OUT AT LENGTH, so that the Teacher may, by it alone, test the accuracy of his Pupil's work, and, in case of error, point out at once, where and how it occurs. Price 4s. . The ORIGINAL EDITION of the Engraved Single Entry is exhausted, and will not be reprinted, but the RULED BOOKS continue to be kept on Sale as heretofore. *** In ordering the Ruled Books, it is important to state whether they are required for the " Original Edition" or the “ Improved Edition" of the Work. [Continued on next page. EDWARDS'S BOOK-KEEPING BY DOUBLE ENTRY. Improved Edition. Contained in Six Books, Account Book Size, being an Engraved fac-simile Set of Books of Real Business. In which the Transactions of a Merchant's House for a given period (one quarter of the year) are regularly entered, in an elegant Counting-House Hand, and CONCLUDED WITH A BALANCE-SHEET OF PROFIT AND LOSS. Price 12s. the Set, including a familiar Treatise on BOOK-KEEPING BY DOUBLE ENTRY, 60 pages Letter Press. TTTT RULED BOOKS IN WHICH TO RE-ENTER AND WORK OUT THE ABOVE Are sold by the Publishers. Price 5s. the Set, (of Six) Account Book Size, with the full allowance to Schools. They are made of superior Paper, and contain an ORNA- MENTAL ENGRAVED TITLE-PAGE, with Spaces for the INSERTION of the NAME of the PUPIL and the DESIGNATION of the SOHOOL. A KEY, in which every ENTRY IS WORKED OUT AT LENGTH, so that the Teacher may, by it alone, test the accuracy of his Pupil's work, and, in case of error, point out at once where and how it occurs. Price 4s. The " ORIGINAL” EDITION of the Engraved Double Entry will not be reprinted, but the RULED Books for the Pupil's use will continue to be kept on Sale. *** In ordering the Ruled Books, it is important to state whether they are required for the “ Original Edition" or the " Improved Edition" of the Work. EDWARDS'S BOOK-K E EPING FOR FARMERS. ved Edition. By the Professor of Practical Agriculture and Farm Manager, J. COLEMAN, ESQ. At the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester. RULED BOOKS TO CORRESPOND WITH THE ORIGINAL” EDITION (exhausted) Will be kept on sale as heretofore. *** In ordering the Ruled Books, it is important to state whether they are required for the Original Edition" or for Professor Coleman's 6 Improved Edition" of the Work. BOOKS FOR SCHOOL USE, PUBLISHED BY RELFE, BROTHERS, tione School Booksellers and General School Stationers, 150, ALDERSGATE STREET, LONDON. Simple Catechisms for Young Children. [All strongly bound with Leather Backs. ] HISTORY OF ENGLAND. By MRS. GIBBON. 15th Edition. 9d. USEFUL AND INTERESTING SUBJECTS, Ņecessary to be Knowa by Children at a very Early Age. By MRS. PAULL. 10th Edition. 9d. HISTORY OF FRANCE. By Mrs. GIBBON. 3rd Edition (1860). . Is. HISTORY OF ROME. By - Mrs. PaulL. 2nd Edition, revised. In Two Parts. 9d. each. HISTORY OF GREECE. By MRS. PAULL. 2nd Edition, revised. Id. ENGLISH GRAMMAR. By Miss HARRISON. 3rd Edition. 9d. FRENCH GRAMMAR. By MRS. PaulL. 9d. THE ANIMAL, VEGETABLE, & MINERAL KINGDOMS. By MRS. O'BRIEN. 9d. FIRST PRINCIPLES OF GENERAL KNOWLEDGE. By Mrs. . PAULL. 3rd Edition, revised and enlarged by MR. DAVENPORT, GEOGRAPHY. By MRS. GIBBON. 3rd Edition, much enlarged. 9d. “The best, because the most truly simple and elementary, that we have seen."--Critic. Questions for Examination. 700 HISTORICAL QUESTIONS, adapted to Mrs. Markhami's “ History of England," &c. By M. M. HARRIS. Fourth Edition. Price 1s. 776 MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS on Mrs. Markham's “ History of France." By M. L. BENNETT. Price 1s. • 400 QUESTIONS ON ANCIENT AND MODERN GEOGRAPHY; to be answered from Maps. By M. M. HARRIS. Third Edition. Price 6d.; KEY to the Historical and Geographical Questions. Is. 6d. QUESTIONS ON THE GOSPELS AND ACTS ; to be answered in Writing, in the words of Scripture. To which are added Questions adapted to Nicholls”-“ Help to the Reading of the Bible.” By M. M. HARRIS. Price Id. Quested's Art of Land Surveying. 5th Edit. The Art of Land Surveying Explained by Short and Easy Rules. By JOHN QUESTED, Surveyor. Illustrated by nearly 200 Diagrams and Plans. Fifth Edition, 12mo. price 3s. 6d. Particularly adapted for the use of Schools. The work is intended not only for the use of Schools, but is so arranged as to enable Harmers, Stewards, and others to acquire a practical knowledge of the Art, without the aid of a Master. The examples given are of almost every varied form of inclosures, with the methods of measuring, mapping, and computing their quantities, setting out cants in woods and fields, cost of fencing, system of estimating the quantities of fodder- stacks, mnisens, &c. Questions on the Doctrines of the Gospel; With Answers in the Language of. Holy Scripture. For the Use of Schools and Families. · Price 9d. The Progressive Historian, An Introduction to the Study of History, from the earliest period to the present time, arranged Chronologically, Biographically, and Descrip- tively. By R. SALMON. 12mo. price 4s. CHART to accompany the Work, ls. 6d. . *** The Chart is an important part of the plan, and serves as the framework on which the details are developed. Rev.J.T.Dobney's School Prayers. 5th Edit. A Formulary of Devotion for the Use of Schools, after the manner of the Book of Common Prayer, both Pupils and the Principal .taking thicir part, composed chiefly in the Language of Scripture, and- arranged for Each Day (Morning and Evening) of the Week. To which are added, a few Short Prayers for Special Occasions. By the Rev. J. T. DOBNEY. Price One Shilling and Sixpence. . EXTRACT FROM PREFACE. " The great izin in family devotion should be to kindle a feeling corresponding to its solemnity and importance. “Whether this object be effected by the service being restricted to the Principal, may admit of some doubt; but if the result of a long intercourse with youth, and familiarity with their habitss and conduct, may warrant the Author to give an opinion, he would say, that the absence of that feeling is but too manifest in the ordinary method of conducting the devotious of a School. "Not that he can imagine, that the best written form can supply the place of the spirit of supplication, but he has too frequently been compelled to observe, that where the pupils themselves do not take a pirt in those devotions, in which they are supposed to be interested, they think that they are exempt from attending to them with the serious- ness befitting the occasion, and that it is only from the Principal that such a disposition is expected. " It is therefore with a view to remedy this defect, and to render the devotious of a School more in unison with the nature of Christian worship, that the Author has prepared the following pages.” RELFE, BROTHERS, 150, Aldersgate Street, London. White's First Greek Lessons. 6th Edition. Being à Course of Study so arranged as to require no previous Study of the Grammar. By CHARLES WAITE, M.A. Cambridge. Each Lesson is preceded by a Vocabulary, and a Comprehensive Index Verborum is printed at the end of the volume. 12mo. price 2s. - The plan here recommended cannot fail of its effect; it is easy and progressive. The present generation of students may well feel grateful to such a man as Mr. White, who has discovered a royal road to the attainment of a difficult language'; little do they know the obstacles which their fathers had to encounter."-Athenceum. Emblematical and Statistical Map of England and Wales. By T. KENTISH, of Thurlow House School, London, Author of " A Treatise on the Use of a Box of Mathematical Instruments.” Price 8s. 6d. coloured and mounted upon canvas with roller ; or 5s. 6d. coloured, but not mounted ; including the Companion Book. The object in preparing this Map has been to impress upon the mind of the learner, through the eye, a general acquaintance with the Productions, Manufactures, and Resources of his native country. For this purpose the Author has employed em- blematical or other figures, indicating that the place on which they appear is famous for the particular product which they represent. Thus, the Hop in Kent and Sussex implies the extensive Cultivation of the plant in those counties; the Os in Leicester- shire, the Sheep in Sussex, the Hog in Hampshire, at once connect the locality with the breed or animal it abounds with. In like manner the Manufactures of various districts are represented—Glass, Pottery, Hardware, Silk, Cotton, and Woollen Fabrics-each being set forth by its appropriate device. Counties abounding with Metallic Ores are stamped with the initial letter of the metal they are rich in, (I) for Iron, (C) Copper, (L) Lead. The character of the, Coast Fisheries is also shown—the Herring, Mackerel, Cod, Lobster, Oyster, and other fish, being drawu upon those parts where they are most extensively taken, The Sites of Public Schools and the Universities are distinguished by an Eye, signifying Knowledge; the Bishoprics by a Cathedral; the annual value and the population being likewise given. Everything, in fact, connected with the Home Resources and Greatness of our Country is put prominently before the eye, and that too in a form calculated at once to fix itself indelibly on the memory by a process at once pleasing and simple. A Book accompanies the Map, in which much interesting information is conveyed; as, for instance, the various processes of Mining, Manufactures, &c., and Hints, derived from the Author's experience, are thrown out as to the best method of 'employing the Map in imparting pleasing and valuable instruction. AN OUTLINE MAP OF THE SAME DIMENSIONS as the above has been prepared for the Pupil to fill up. An Ornamental Tablet is engraved on the upper part of the sheet, with a space in the centre adapted to receive the Name of the Pupil, and the designation of the School in which it is executed. Price 28. Spruner's Atlas of History and Geography From the Commencement of the Christian Era to the Peace of Paris, 1856, containing a Chronologically arranged series of Maps, accom- panied by Memoirs illustrative of the History of all the European States during the various periods. Translated from the German of PROFESSOR WILHELM PUTZ, Principal Tutor of the Gymnasium of Koln 26 Maps (including the smaller Index Maps). Price 12s. 6d. bound in cloth and lettered. Prospectuses with Specimens on application. Relfe's Numerical Report Book, for Boys' Schools. Containing on each page a Table for the Weekly Report of every variety of Scholastic Exercise, on a plan affording to either Parent or Tutor a permanent record of the application and progress of the Pupil. 8vo. price 1s. Relfe's Numerical Report Book, for Ladies' Schools. On the plan of the above, but adapted to the Scholastic pursuits of Young Ladies. 12mo. price 1s. Erredge's Student's Hand-book of General - Information. 2d Edition, by J. Quested, A Collection of upwards of Six Hundred Questions and Answers on Subjects of Universal Interest, interspersed with Explanatory Notes and Observations collected from the Best Authorities. New Edition, 12mo. Revised and greatly enlarged by J. QUESTED, Author of a “Treatise on the Art of Land Surveying." Price 3s. The Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral · Kingdoms. A Simple Catechism for. Young Children in Short Sentences and Easy Words. By Mrs. O'BRIEN. Price 9d. strongly bound with leather back. Davenport's Historical Class-Book (1860); Or, Readings in Modern History, Chronological and Biographical, from the period of the Reformation downwards, with Notices of the most re- markable Inventions and Discoveries, and Chronological Tables of Con- temporary Sovereigns. By JOHN DAVENPORT. Joint-Editor of Petronj and Davenport's Italian, French, and English Dictionary; Editor of a Series of Letters on Mercantile Matters, engraved in an Elegant Counting-House Hand, in the French Language, &c. &c. 12mo. A New Edition, continued to the present time, is in the press, and will be published during 1860. w New house Hand? Meronck, and Exercises in 30th Edition. English Orthography. By H. HOPKINS, A. M. Ph.D. Price 1s. 6d. And on the plan of the above, Exercises in French Orthography. - By C. W. HECKETHORN. Price 1s. 6d. "The idea is a good one, and it is ingeniously worked out."-Critic. Mrs. Paull's Questions and Answers on Useful and Interesting Subjects. 10th Edit. 18mo. price 9d. Strongly bound with leather back. UNTS: CONTENTS : PART I.-Subjects necessary to be known by children at a very early age. . The Year and its Divisions. Ou Articles used for Food. I on Metals and Precious On the Value of Pieces of Of the House we live in. | Stones. Money. . . Of the Furniture of a House. On the Clothes we wear. Weights and Measures. On the Articles used in the Of our own Country. | School-room. PART II.-On the Arts and Sciences.. Drawing. I Sculpture. Architecture. | Language. I Botany. . Music. Astronomy. | Mathematics. | Chemistry. 1 Geography. History By the same Author, Simple Catechisms of GRECIAN HISTORY. New Edition, revised. 18mo. price 9d. ROMAN HISTORY. Two Parts. New Edition, revised. 18mo. 9d. each. AN INTRODUCTION TO FRENCH GRAMMAR. .Price 9d. [All strongly bound with Leather Backs.] · Also, by. Mrs. Paull, : First Principles of General Knowledge, simply Explained. 3rd Edition, revised and enlarged. : By MR. DAVENPORT, Author of the “ Historical Class Book,” &c. &c. The Principal Subjects treated of areas The Manufacture of Glass and Cutlery. Vegetable Productions, and their Uses for Printing and Engraving. Food, Manufactures, and Medicine. Brewing, Distilling, &c. | Manufacture of Silk, Wool, Flax, &c. Chronology. Animals, Birds, and Insects; their Uses in Money, Weights, and Measures. Food, Manufactures, &c. .. And the Rudiments of the following Sciences, as far as they can be made useful and interesting to the minds of Young Children : Natal Philosophy. Electricity. Mechanics. Chemistry. Navigation. Geology and Mineralogy. 1 Architecture. Being a Second Series of MRS. PAULL'S “Questions and Answers on Useful and Interesting Subjects," suited for more Advanced Learners. 700 Questions on the History of France. Suitable for . Examination on Mrs. Markham's and other Histories. By Miss BENNETT, of Alverstoke. 18mo. price 1s. Child's First Catechism of English Grammar. By Miss HARRISON, of Folkestone. Third Edition. Price 9d. Strongly bound with leather back. Relfe's Hair-Line Pointed Steel Pens. Broad, Fine, and Medium Points. Manufactured only by RELFE, BROTHERS, and stamped with their Name and Address. The Perfection to which these Pens have by degrees been brought, and their thorough suitability for School purposes, have now secured their general use in a large proportion of the principal Schools throughout the kingdom. The points are so fine that the up-stroke is hardly perceptible, while the metal is of that flexible nature, and the whole finish so perfect, that a clear full down-stroke is insured. The Pens are manufactured of three degrees of fineness—Those marked Broad Points are suited for Large Hand.—The Medium for Text or Round Hand.-The Fine Points for Small or Running Hand. In Gross Boxes, the Medium and Fine, 5s. each. The Broad, 2s. 6d. With a liberal allowance to Schools. By Post, 4d. per Box extra. Small sample Boxes, containing the three sorts, will be sent, free by Post, on receipt of Six Penny Postage Stamps. "It is a rare thing to meet with one in a box that is defective, and so highly are they esteemed among my pupils, that I would rather buy yours, than have any others at a gift."- From the Head Master of the Grammar School, Ashford. Mrs. Gibbon's Catechism of English His- tory. In Short Sentences and Easy Words, adapted to the capacities of young children. Fifteenth Edition. Price 9d. Strongly bound . . Also, by Mrs. GIBBON, on the same Plan, A Simple Catechism of French History. Third Edition. (1860.) Corrected and enlarged. Price 1s. Strongly bound with leather back. A Simple Catechism of the Bible. In Two Parts. Price 9d. each. Strongly bound with leather backs. A Simple Catechism of Geography. Third Edition, much enlarged. Price 9d. Strongly bound with leather back. "The best, because the most simple and elementary, we have seen."-Critic. Progressive Printing Copy Slip. Containing Elementary Outlines of the Formation of Letters, together with a variety of Specimens of ordinary Printing in Capitals and Small Letters. (Engraved for the Government Ordnance School, Carshalton.) Price 1s. RULED BOOKS FOR USE IN COPYING THE ABOVE. 2s.6d. per dozen. Pease's Practical Geometry. 3rd Edition. Recommended by the Government Department of Science and Art. A Course of Practical Geometry, being an Introduction to every branch of Mathematical Drawing. By W. PEASE, C.E. late of the Royal Laboratory Department, Woolwich. Dedicated, by express permission, to H.R. H. Prince Albert. Third Edition, revised and enlarged by the Author's Son, J. A. PEASE, late Mathematical Master of the Grammar School, Henley. 12mo. price 2s. 6d. with Numerous Diagrams. Extract from the “Educational Record of the British and Foreign School Society," London. “We have not seen a more useful little manual of PRACTICAL GEOMETRY than this. All the Problems of Euclid, and a few others, are given in a plain and easy manner; while the Exercises upon them, and the explanation as to the meaning and construction of Mathematical Scales, add greatly to the utility of the book.” Relfe's Greek Copy Book, Containing Twenty-four Sentences in Greek, corresponding to the Alphabet, engraved as Head-lines, under the superintendence of the late Head-Master of the Marlborough Grammar School. Price 12s. the dozen. Stirling's System of Rhetoric.. In a method entirely new, containing all the Tropes and Figures necessary to illustrate the Classics, both Poetical and Historical. In Two Parts. In the First Part, the Rules are given in English Verse ; in the Second, in Latin Verse, below which are placed proper Examples in each Language ; and at the bottom of the page, are the Terms translated in the one, and their Derivations from the Greek in the other. New Edition. Price 6d. By JOHN STIRLING, D.D. late Vicar of Great Gaddesden, Herefordshire. Goodwin's Arithmetical Tables. To which are added, Tables of Foreign Monies, Weights and Measures. With Explanatory Notes, and a Short Account of Foreign Exchange. By SAMUEL GOODWIN, of Bancroft House School, Hitchin. 15th Thou- sand. 18mo. price 4d. School Books, School Stationery, and every Requisite for School and College Use, supplied by RELFE, BROTHERS, 150, Aldersgate Street, London, on the most liberal Terms. A Copious Miscellaneous Catalogue of Stationery and School Sundries will be sent Post Free to the Heads of Schools on application. CATALOGUE .1 AND M OF SCHOOL DIAGRAMS, POPULAR EDUCATIONAL WORKS, ILLUSTRATIVE OF Natural & Physical Science, Machinery, Manufactures, &c. PUBLISHED BY JAMES REYNOLDS, 174, STRAND, LONDON. mmmmm iny Works on this Catalogue, except such as exceed two feet in width, will be sent Free by Book-Post to any part of the United Kingdom on receipt of the publication price. ASTRONOMY. Popular Astronomical Diagrams. A much admired series, adapted to convey in a clear and pleasing form, a correct knowledge of this sublime science; comprising illustrations of the Sun and Solar Phenomena, Solar System, Comparative Magnitudes of the Planets, The Earth and its Atmosphere, Phenomena of the Atmos- phere, The Earth's Annual Revolution round the Sun, and its Diunal Rotation on its Axis, Phenomena of Day and Night, Twilight and Dawn, The Seasons, Eclipses, Tides, Phases of the Moon, Telescopic View of the Moon, Chart of the Heavens withi the Constellations, Nebulæ, &c. Beautifully executed on Card-boards, Coloured, including several Transparencies, with Description on each. The whole enclosed in an elegant Portfolio, price 12s. Astronomical Diagrams, on a large scale for Schools, Lectures, &c. A series of boldly executed illustrations of the principal Astronomical phenomena, including the Solar System, Comparative Magnitudes of the Planets, The Earth and its Atmosphere, Seasons, Phases of the Moon, Eclipses, Tides, &c. On Six Sheets, each 25 by 20 inches, Coloured, with Description, in Wrapper, 9s.; on Roller, varnished, size 5 feet by 4 feet, 15s. Pictorial and Descriptive Atlas of Astronomy, illustrating the principal phenomena. Demy 8vo. with Coloured Plates, in paper cover, 2s. Universal Atlas of Astronomy, and other Natural Sciences; comprising Four Hundred Coloured Maps, Diagrams, and Illustrations, with Popular : Description, forming a very interesting and instructive work. Handsomely bound, gilt edges, 10s, 6d. GEOLOGY Morris's Large Geological Diagrams. A series designed for teaching the principles of this important and practical science in Schools, &c., com- prising a large Section of the Earth's Crust; Table of the Order of Succession of the Stratified Rocks; Forms of Stratification ; Section of the London Basin ; Springs, Artesian Wells, &c.; The Carboniferous Group of Coal and Iron Strata ; Mining: Section of a Copper Mine ; Interior of a Staffordshire Coal Mine, &c. With Explana- tory Notes. Eited by JOHN MORRIS, F.G.S., Professor of Geology and Mineralogy in University College. On Nine Sheets, each 25 by 20 inches, Coloured, in Wrapper. 10s, 6d.; on Roller, varnished, size 6 feet by 5 feet, 18s. : CATALOGUE OF EDUCATIONAL DIAGRAMS, ETC. Popular Geological Diagrams. An interesting series, on Royal quarto Cards, comprising Geological Tables and Sections, showing the Order of Succession of the Rocks, with their Mineral Characters, Organio Remains, Uses, Localities, &c., Section of the London Basin, Artesian Wells, Section of a Geyser, Twenty-seven illustrations of the Extinct forms of Animal Life peculiar to the Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Periods; Vegetation of the Coal; Pictorial illus- trations of Natural Phenomena, showing the principal causes of Geological changes on the Earth's surface, including Evaporation from the sea, and formation of rain clouds; Decomposition of Rocks by rain and atmospherio action ; Transportal of Detritus by rivers to the ocean; Formation of Deltas by accumulations of detritus; Destructive action of the Sea on Coasts ; Drifting of great masses of Rock by the Sea-waves; Formation of Sand hills and banks by Hidal action; Landslips and Subsidence of Land; Volcanoes and Lava Streams; Submarine Eruptions; Earthquakes and their effects; Formation of Coral-reefs and Islands ; Glaciers; Icebergs, &c. Geological Maps of England and Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and The World; Coal Mining; Views of Giant's Causeway, Fingal's Cave, The Marble Mountains of Condamara, &c.; Picturesque View of Hills of the British Islands, showing their comparative elevations and geological characters; with a large Geological Section, showing the arrangement of the Strata, the relations of the various Rocks to each other, and the principal Geological phenomena connected with them; accompanied by a Popular Description. The whole beautifully Coloured, and enclosed in an elegant Portfolio, price 12s. Section of the Earth's Crust, showing the Arrangement of the Strata, and the relations of the various Rocks to each other, with the principal Geological phenomena connected therewith. This excellent Section was arranged by the late Mr. WEBSTER, F.G.S., and has been carefully revised and corrected to the present time, embodying the results of researches and observations made by numerous Geologists in this Country and on the Continent of Europe. The general arrangement of the Igneous and Sedimentary Rocks is seen at a glance, the different groups being clearly defined by colours; the position of the deposits of Coal, Iron, Copper, Gold, and other valuable mineral and metallic products are also distinctly shown. On a Sheet about six feet in length, Coloured, with Description by JOHN MORRIS, F.G.S., in Wrapper, 3s.; on Roller, varnished, with Description at the foot, 75. 6d. Morris's Geological Chart, showing at one view the Order of Succession of the Stratified Rocks, with their Mineral Characters, Principal Fossils, Average Thickness, Localities, Uses in the Arts, &c. Arranged by JOHN MORRIS, F.G.S. On a Sheet, size 3 feet by 2 feet, Coloured, in Wrapper, 38.; on Roller, varnished, 4s, 6d. This useful Chart has been lately compiled by Professor Morris, and forms the.mnost recent and complete GEOLOGICAL SYNOPSIS extant. Table of Geological Strata, showing the Order of Succession and the Comparative Thickness of the different Formations in Great Britain. Compiled from recent investigations. On a Sheet about 5 feet in length, boldly printed and Coloured, in Wrapper, 28.; on Roller, varnished, 3s. 60. Popular Atlas of Geology, illustrating and describing the principles of the Science, with Coloured Diagrams, Geological Map of England, &c. Demy 870., in paper cover, 28. Geological Map of England, Wales, and Part of Scotland; showing also the. Inland Navigation, and the principal Railways and Roads; with Geological and Mineralogical Sections, &c. Beautifully and clearly engraved by Messrs. J. and C. WALKER, and carefully Coloured. On a Sheet, size 3 feet 3 inches, by 2 feet 3 inches, 9s.; on Roller, varnished, 12s. Geological Maps of England, Scotland, and Ireland, on Royal Quarto Cards, Coloured, 1s. each. Elementary Geology; presenting an Outline of this important Science, with Tables, Sections, and Illustrations of Characteristic Fossils, &c. On a Sheet, Coloured, with Descriptive Notes, in Wrapper, 1s. PUBLISHED BY JAMES REYNOLDS, 174 STRAND.. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Physical School-room Mapg. A new series of Large Maps, illus- trating the principal subjects of Physical Geogrnpby. These Maps have been prepared with great care by Mr. E. G. RAVENSTEIN, F.R.G.S.; and embrace the many recent discoveries in this important and very interesting branch of science. The Maps aro boldly drawn and Coloured, and will be found of great utility for School and Class Teaching, as well as sufficiently large for illustrating Lectures to considerable audiences. The size of each Map is four feet six inches by three feet. Coloured and mounted on Canvas, Roller, and Varnished, price 89.; or in Sheets, 58, each. The Series includes the folloring, any one of which may be had separately:- MOUNTAIN CHAINS, TABLE-LANDS, LOW-LANDS, &c. This Map illus- trates the Natural Features of the Land, showing the position, direction, and extent of the great Mountain Ranges of the Globe, the relative heights of which are strikingly shown by distinctive colouring, their culminating points being indicated, and the exact heights given in figures, on accompanying Diagrams. The Plateaus, or Table-lands, are coloured brown; the Plains, or Low-lands, green; and the Regions depressed below the general level of the sea, pink; the Deserts are also defined, and numerous sections are given, illustrating the Vertical contour of the different Continents. VOLCANOES, EARTHQUAKE REGIONS, AND CORAL-REEFS. A com- plete Map of the Volcanic System of the Globé, showing the Active and Extinct Volcanoes; Hot Springs; Submarine Eruptions, with dates ; Coasts rising; Coasts sinking; Sites and limits of Remarkable Earthquakes, with dates, &c. The Coral- Reefs are distinguished by different colours, into Atolls, or Lagoon Islands ; Barrier- reefs; and Fringing-reefs, according to DARWIN. The whole of the information brought down to the latest date. RIVER SYSTEMS, MARINE CURRENTS, AND CO-TIDAL LINES. A comprehensive Diagram, illustrating the entire phenomena and Movements of the Waters. The River Systems belonging to the several Oceans are distinguished by colouring, and the areas of the different Basins are given in statute square miles. The direction and extent of the great Ocean Currents are shown according to the recent investigations of Lieut. MAURY; and Co-Tidal lines indicate the progress of the wave of High Water over the World. WINDS AND RAINS. A complete Map, showing the Regions of Periodical, Variable, and Trade Winds; and the Regions of Calms; with the Monsoon and Tyfoon districts, and Hurricane tracks. Distribution of the Periodical and Variable Rains, with the amount of precipitation in different parts of the World; Rainless districts; Limits of the Fall of Snow, &c. Much of the information contained in this Map is entirely new, being the result of moderu observation in various parts of the World. MAP OF CLIMATES; showing the Distribution of the Temperature of the Air. This Map, like the former, is based upon modern meteorological observation. Isothermal lines indicate those places having the same Mean Annual Temperature; and the Summer and Winter Temperature of the principal places in the World, is likewise given. The following is also shown, the Districts of greatest Heat and Cold; Limits of permanently Frozen Ground; Extent of Polar Ice; Limits of the Drifting of Icebergs; Remarkable effects of the Gulf Stream on the Temperature of North. Western Europe, &c. BOTANICAL MAP; showing the Distribution and Limits of Cultivation over the World, of the principal Plants most useful to man as articles of Food, Clothing, Building and Commerce. Preparing. ZOOLOGICAL MAP; showing the Distribution and Range of the principal -members of the Animal Kingdom. Preparing. ETHNOGRAPHICAL MAP; showing the Geographical Distribution of the Human Race at the present time; with Diagrams exhibiting the Chief Occupations o all Nations; and the Distribution of Man according to Religious Belief. Preparing. M LILI U CATALOGUE OF EDUCATIONAL DIAGRAMS, ETC. Diagrams of Physical Geography; illustrating the principal phenomena of the Earth, Air, and Waters, comprising the following :--Physical Features of the Land, Movements of the Waters, Distribution of the Winds, Distri- bution of the Rain, Diagram of Climates, Volcanic System of the Globe. Six' Sheets, cach 30 by 20 ins., Coloured, in Wrapper, Is.; on Rollor, varnished, size 5 ft. by 5 ft. 16s. Popular Geographical Diagrams. A very interesting series on Royal quarto Cards, beautifully Coloured, comprising the following illustrations: Geographical Diagram of the Earth, or Plano-Globe, adapted for illustrating the Earth's Movements, and showing the time of day, at the same moment, in all parts of the World ; Physical Map of the World; Picturesque Diagrams of the Mountains, Rivers, Lakes, and Waterfalls, Meteorolugical Maps of the Winds and Rains; Tidal Chart of the World; Botanical and Zoological Maps, showing the Distribution of Plants, Animals, Birds, and Reptiles; Ethnographical Map, showing the Distribution of the Human Race, and Prevailing Religions; Twenty-eight Illustrations of the principal Varieties of Mankind; Physical and Meteorológical Maps of the British Islands; Comparative View of the Principal Buildings in the World, &c. The whole enclosed in an elegant Portfolio, price 12s. View of Nature in all Climates. A Large Diagram, illustrating the Physical Phenomena of the various Regions of the Globe, and the cause of the different Climates from the Equator to the Arctic Circle. The Diagram also exhibits and explains the Effects of Climate on the Distribution of Animal and Vegetable Life, and its Influence on Man, Health, Disease, and Longevity. Upon the Diagram are represented the Characteristic Trees, Plants, and Animals of the Hot, Cold, and Temperate Regions; and in their appropriate latitudes some of the chief Cities of the Worīd. The Length of the Longest Day, and the Mean Annual Temperature, in different latitudes, are also indicated. On a Sheet about six feet long, Coloured, with copious Description, in Wrapper, 4s. 6d.; on Roller, varnished, 7s. 6d. A copy of this pleasing and most instructive Diagram should be in every school-roon. View of Nature in Ascending Regions; presenting a view of the chief Mountains and High-lands of the Earth, and illustrating the Vertical Distri- bution of Animal and Vegetable Life. The tableau also shows, at their correct elevations, the numerous Towns, Mountain Roads, and Passes, Elevated Valleys, Table-lands, Lakes, Sources of Rivers, and other objects remarkable for their altitude; together with the Heights attained by celebrated Mountain Travellers ; the highest Flight of Birds; Heights attained by Balloons, &c. The whole so arranged and grouped as to form a highly picturesque and instructive Diagram. On a Sheet, size 3 feet by 2 feet, Coloured, with Description, price 4s. 6d.; on Roller, varnished, 6s. Geognostic Profiles. A series of Sections of different parts of the Eastern and Western Continents, illustrating their Vertical Configuration, on the plan of HUMBOLDT. Those parts of the Continents are delineated which are best calculated to give a correct idea of their several characteristics. The series in Wrapper, with Description, 3s.; or Coloured, and mounted on Roller, varnished, size 4 ft. by 3 ft., 7s.6d. Range of Vegetation. A View of the principal Mountains of the World, arranged in order of Latitude, showing the Elevation of the Snow-line in · various latitudes, and the vertical and horizontal range of some of the chief forms of Vegetation. On a Sheet, Coloured, in Wrapper, 1s. 6d.; on Roller, varnished, 3s. Popular Atlas of Physical Geography; illustrating the prin- cipal phenomena of the Globe, with Coloured Maps and Diagrams. Demy 8vo., 2s. Large Outline Chart of the World, on Mercator's Projection. This useful Chart gives the outline of the Sea-coasts, with the Rivers, Lakes, and Principal Towns on the Globe;. and is drawn in a bold clear style, so that by means of colour, it may be readily adapted for the illustration of any subjects of Physical Geography, Natural History, &c., for Lectures or Class Teaching. Size 54 inches by 36 inches. Printed on stout hard drawing paper, price 3s, 6d. PUBLISELED BY JAMES RIYNOLDS, 174, STRAND. BOTANY. Botanical Diagrams; exhibiting the Structure, Physiology, and Classification of Plants. Boldly drawn and Coloured, and affording an easy method of teaching the principles of this interesting science in Schools or Families. Arranged by JAMES STEWART. On Six Sheets, each 25 by 20 inches, with Description, in Wrapper, Is.; on Roller, varnished, 15s. Stewart's Synopsis of Botany; presenting an Outline of the Forms and Functions of Vegetable Life, with 82 Coloured Engravings. In paper cover, 2s, Popular Atlas of the Vegetable Kingdom; showing the Classification of Plants according to the Natural System; with their Localities of Growth, Properties, and Uses, &c. Compiled from the recent works of Dr. LINDLEY, Professor BALFOUR, &c.; with 140 Coloured Engravings. Demy 8vo. 2s. Popular Botany ; Pictorial and Descriptive, illustrating the Elementary principles of the Science, with numerous Coloured Diagrams. On a royal quarto Card, 1s. Large Botanical Map of the World, for Schools, Lectures, &c., showing the Distribution and Limits of Cultivation' over the World of the most important Plants used as Articles of Food, Clothing, Building, and Commerce. Size 4 feet 6 by 3 feet. Coloured and mounted on Canvas, Roller, and varnished, 8s. Preparing. ETHNOL Fifty full-lengtime of the prouped Varieties of the Human Race. Fifty full-length Figures, showing the Characteristic Features, Colour, Height, and National Costume of the principal Varieties of Mankind. These graphic illustrations are boldly drawn, and grouped according to the latest arrangement of Dr. LATHAM. Four Sheets, each 30 by 20 ins., richly Coloured, with Description, in Wrapper, 7s. 6d.; on Roller, varnished, 13s. 6d. Large Ethnographical Map of the World, for Schools, Lec- tures, &c., showing the Geographical Distribution of the Human Race at the present time; with Diagrams exhibiting the principal Occupations of all Nations; and the Distribution of Man according to Religious Belief. Size 4 feet 6 inches by 3 feet. Coloured and mounted on Canyas, Roller, and varnished, Ss. Preparing. Ethnographical Map of the World, containing similar infor- mation to the preceding, but on a smaller scale. Size 3 feet by 2 feet. Coloured, in Sheet, 3s. 6d.; on Roller, varnished, 5s. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, MACHINERY, &c. Popular Diagrams of Natural Philosophy. An interesting series on Royal Quarto Cards, comprising 250 Illustrations, beautifully Coloured, with Description, affording an easy and pleasing method of imparting a correct knowledge of the Elementary Principles of Science. The Diagrams illustrate and explain the General Laws of Matter, including the Properties of Bodies; Gravitation; Centrifugal, and Centripetal Forces; Laws of Motion; The Mechanical Powers, and their Appli- cation; Machinery, and the various contrivances for communicating the power, changing its direction and velocity, &c.; Hydrostatics, or the Science of Liquids ; Specific Gravity; Hydrostatic Press; Hydraulics, and the various Hydraulic Machines, as Pumps, Fire Engines, &c.; The Principles and Applications of Pneumatics; Acoustics; Optics; Electricity; Magnetism; and Chemistry; are similarly illustrated and explained. The whole enclosed in an elegant Portfolio, price 12s. These attractive and instructive Diagrams have been, in numerous instances, the means of drawing the attention of young persons to the interesting pursuits of science, and of developing a genius which has led to very gratifying results. CATALOGUE OF EDUCATIONAL DIAGRAMS, ETC. Scientific Charts. A larger series of Illustrations of Popular Science, boldly drawn and Coloured. The Diagrams and Description presented at ono view, cach Sheet giving a Synopsis of the subject illustrated. This series will be found of great utility in imparting a correct knowledge of those great Elementary Principles of Science with which every one should be acquainted. The size of each Sheet is 3 feet by 2 feet, price 2s. 6d.; on Roller, varnished, 4s. 6d. The series comprises the following, each of which is complete in itself, and may be had separately: 1. LAWS OF MATTER AND MOTION. Forty Diagrams and Description. 2. MECHANICAL POWERS. Thirty Diagrams and Description. 3. PRINCIPLES OF HYDROSTATICS. Twenty-five Diagrams and Description. 4. PRINCIPLES OF HYDRAULICS. Fourteen Diagrams and Description. 5. PRINCIPLES OF PNEUMATICS. Sixteen Diagrams and Description. 6. PRINCIPLES OF OPTICS. Thirty-four Diagrams and Description. 7. PRINCIPLES OF ELECTRICITY. Eighteen Diagrams and Description. 8. PRINCIPLES OF MAGNETISM. Sixteen Diagrams and Description. Popular Atlas of Natural Philosophy; comprising Coloured Diagrams illustrating the principles of Natural Science, with easy Explanations. 2s. Machinery, Manufactures, &c. A series of boldly executed Diagrams, illustrating the most important Machines, Manufactures, &c. These Diagrams have been expressly prepared to give a clear idea of the Principle and Mode of Operation of the several Machines, and to show distinctly their essential working OOOO excellent copies for Mechanical Drawing. Each Diagram 3 feet by 2 feet, appropri- ately Coloured, with brief Description, price 3s. 6d.; on Roller, varnished, 5s. The following are published :- 1. CONDENSING STEAM ENGINE, showing clearly its principle and action. 2. HIGH PRESSURE ENGINE, or Non-condensing, portable Engine. 3. LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE. Á Section, showing its ingenious construction. 4. MARINE PADDLE ENGINES of the form now commonly in use. 5. MARINE SCREW ENGINES, Boulton and Watt's highly efficient Engines. 6. ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. Its principle and action illustrated and explained. 7. MANUFACTURE OF CAST IRON. Blast Furnace in action, with other operations. 8. MANUFACTURE OF GAS, showing and explaining its various processes. 9. PAPER MAKING MACHINE, converting the pulp into finished paper. 10. PRINTING MACHINE. The Double-Cylinder Machine and its action. 11. PUMPS. Sections of Common Pump, Force Pump, and both combined. : 12. FIRE ENGINE. Section of a Londou Fire Brigade Engine, and its working parts. 13. HYDRAULIC PRESS, showing the principle of this powerful machine. 14. TARASHING MACHINE. Section showing its construction and action. 15. FLOUR MILL. An excellent example of water-power machinery. 16. PRINCIPLE OF THE WATCH, and its beautiful mechanical contrivances. 17. MECHANISM OF THE CLOCK, showing the moving, regulating, and striking apparatus. 19. GAS METER, showing the mode of measuring the quantity of Gas consumed. 20. THE BAROMETER AND ITS USES, illustrated and explained. Arts, Sciences, and Manufactures. A Collection of useful and instructive Diagrams, illustrating and describing the principles of some of the most important Arts and Manufactures; with Classifications of the Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral Kingdoms; the Metals and their Properties; Tables of Temperature and Specific Gravities; The Barometer and Thermometer, illustrated and explained, &c. On Twelve Royal Quarto Cards, Coloured, and enclosed in elegant Portfolio, 7s. 6d. Steam Engine and Boiler. A popular Diagram, illustrating the principle and action of this important machine, showing all the working parts. On a Sheet, Coloured, with Description, in Wrapper, 1s. 6d. Screw Line of Battle Ship. A Sectional View, showing the Interior of a First-rate modern Man of War of 131 Guns, with the position of the Machinery, and the Arrangements of the several Decks, with Description, 1s. 60 PUBLISHED BY JAMES REYNOLDS, 174, STRAND. The Electric Telegraph. A popular Diagram of the Telegraph Instrument, showing its ingenious mechanism, with a Description of its principle and mode of action. On a Royal Quarto Card, Coloured, 1s, HISTORY The Stream of History; showing at one view the Rise and Fall of Empires, Nations, and States, from the earliest known period to the present time. Forming a very instructive Historical Chart. On a Sheet, Coloured, and folded in Wrapper, 1s. The Sovereigns of England. Sixty Portraits of the Sovereigns of England, from Julius Caesar to Queen Victoria, Chronologically arranged, with Dates and Notes of the Principal Events of each reign; presenting a complete Outline of the History of England. Size 3 feet by 2 feet, on Roller, varnished, 3s. 6d. Magna Charta. An English Translation of this important Document, granting and securing the liberties and privileges of British Subjects, with all its interesting clauses and provisions. Surrounded by a beautifully designed emblematical Border, richly Coloured, on a Sheet 30 by 22 inches, 3s. 6d. This is one of the most beautiful specimens of Lithography ever published. VARIOUS. The Universal Atlas of Astronomy, Geology, Physical Geography, Vegetable Kingdom, and Natural Philosophy; comprising Four Hundred Coloured Maps and Diagrams, with Popular Descriptions. *Handsomely bound, gilt-edges, 10s. 6d. A most interesting and instructive, as well as elegant work for a present. Atlas of England and Wales. Comprising Travelling Maps of the Counties, with the Turnpike and Cross Roads, Railways and Stations, Cities, Towns, Principal Villages, Parks, Rivers, Cabals, &c.; forming a most useful travelling companion, being of a convenient pocket size, and giving the usual information of a Guinea Map. Bound in Limp Cloth, 28. Superior editions at 3s. 6d. and 5s. Maps of London. REYNOLDS's Distance Map of London and Visitors' Guide, comprises an excellent modern Map of London, on a large clear scale, divided into quarter-mile sections, to afford a ready means of measuring distances from place to place; the New Postal Districts are also defined. In addition to the Map is given an excellent Visitors' Guide, comprising a List of the Sights and Amusements of London, with the Days and Mode of Admission; an extensive Street Directory; List of Bankers; Public Offices; Postal Dispatches, &c.; with a Hand Map, showing at a glance, the Chief Objects of Interest in London. The whole bound in a convenient Case for the Pocket. Prices, Plain 1s.; Coloured 1s. 6d.; Coloured and mounted on Cloth 2s. 6d. Map of the Environs of London; Coloured and folded in Cloth Pocket Case, 1s. Panoramic Plan of the Thames from its Source to the Sea, exhibiting every object of interest on its bankës, with the distances from London Bridge. Beautifully engraved by TOMBLESON. This interesting Sheet is about five feet in length, and may be had folded in Wrapper, price 1s. plain ; 2s. Coloured; or mounted on Cloth in handsome Case, 3s. 6d. Prints for Scrap Books, &c. ONE HUNDRED finely-executed Steel Engravings from Ainuals and other Works of Art, for 5s. TWO HUNDRED various subjects after Turner, David Roberts, Stanfield, Cruikshank, &c., including Forty beautifully Coloured, for 8s, 6d. This Collection includes Engravings from the Annuals, Views, Portraits, Figures, Birds, Flowers, and Humorous Sketches; forming a very interesting variety for Scrap Books, Screens, Fancy Purposes, Presents, &c. Sent free by Book-Post to any part of the United Kingdom on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount. POPULAR DIAGRAMS ON CARDS. The following Diagrams have been carefully prepared from the best sources, and are adapted to convey in a pleasing form, a correct knowledge of the important subjects which they illustrato. Executed on Royal Quarto Cards, Coloured, with Descriptions, ONE SHILLING each. ASTRONOMY. 1. THE SOLAR SYSTEM; an interesting Transparency, showing the Planets and their Orbits. 2. THE SEASONS; a beautiful illustration of the cause of Summer and Winter, &c. 3. ECLIPSES AND TIDES; their causes clearly illustrated 4. VIEW OF THE MOON, as seen by Lord Rosse's great telescope; transparent. 5. THE PHASES OF THE MOON; an instructive transparent diagrain. 6. THE EARTH AND ITS ATMOSPHERE; showing the rotundity of the globe, &c. 7. THE SUN AND SOLAR PHENOMENA; the Sun's disk, spots, altitudes, transits, &c. 8. THE EARTH'S ANNUAL REVOLUTION, and its DIURNAL ROTATION, displayeil. 9. TRANSPARENT CHART OF THE HEAVENS; showing the Constellations, Nebula, &c. 10. COMPARATIVE MAGNITUDES OF THE PLANETS; Phases of Saturn, Venus, &c. 11. COMETS AND AEROLITES; illustrations of the most remarkable. 12. DIAGRAM OF METEOROLOGY; showing the various phenomena of the atmosphere. The Series of Twelve enclosed in an elegant Portfolio without extra charge. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 13. GEOGRAPHICAL DIAGRAM, moveable; showing the rotation of the earth, &c. 14. PHYSICAL MAP OF THE WORLD; showing the great physical features of the globe. 15. MOUNTAINS AND VOLCANOES; a picturesque view of their comparative heights, &c. 16. RIVERS AND LAKES; a panoramic representation of their extents. 17 WATERFALLS; a picturesque view of the principal waterfalls in the world. 18. WIND AND RAIN MAPS; displaying the meteorological system of the globe. 19 TIDAL CHART OF THE WORLD, & BOTANICAL MAP of the distribution of Plants. 20. DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS, Birds, and Reptiles, over the globe; very instructive. 21. DISTRIBUTION OF THE HUMAN RACE; the density of population, religions, &c. 22. VARIETIES OF MANKIND; showing their characteristic features, &c. 23. PHYSICAL MAP OF THE BRITISH ISLES and the surrounding seas. 24. THE PRINCIPAL BUILDINGS IN THE WORLD, their heights & styles of architecture. The Series of Twelve enclosed in an elegant Portfolio without extra charge. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 25. PROPERTIES OF BODIES; illustrating the great laws of nature. 26. MECHANICAL POWERS; levers, and pulleys of various kinds, the wheel, screw, &c. 27. MOTION & MACHINERY; exhibiting various parts of machine, engine, and clock-york. 28. HYDROSTATICS; illustrations of the laws of liquids, pressure of water, supply of towus, &c. 29. HYDRAULICS; pumps, fountains, fire-engine, water-wheels, and water-machinery. 30. PNEUMATICS; illustrations of the important properties of the air. 31. ACOUSTICS; illustrating the laws of sound, echoes, musical tones, the ear, &c. 33. ELECTRICITY; illustrations of its uature and properties; galvanism, &c. 34. MAGNETISM; the compass, dipping needle, terrestrial magnetism, electric-telegraph, &c. 35. CHEMISTRY; table of the elements of matter, illustrations of distilling, caloric, &c. 36. POPULAR ACCOUNT of the above Sciences, and Description of the 250 Diagrams. The Series of Twelve enclosed in an elegant Portfolio without extra charge. GEOLOGY. 37. POPULAR GEOLOGY; & complete summary of the science, with many illustrations. 38. THE ANTEDILUVIAN WORLD; illustrating the various organic remains. 39. GEOLOGICAL MAP OF THE WORLD; according to eminent authorities. . 40. GEOLOGICAL MAP OF ENGLAND; with sections and views 41. GEOLOGICAL MAP OF SCOTLAND; with vietys of great geological interest. 42. GEOLOGICAL MAP OF IRELAND; with views of Giant's Causeway, &c. 43. GEOLOGICAL EMINENCES OF THE BRITISH ISLANDS. Highly interesting 44. NATURAL PHENOMENA; showing the principal causes of geological changes. 45. VOLCANOES AND EARTHQUAKES; illustrations of their phenomena. 46.) SECTION OF THE EARTH'S CRUST; on a large bold scale, showing correctly and 47. clearly the arrangement of the strata, with the different igneous, trappean, and volcanic 48.) rocks, and metallic veins, as they occur in nature. Size, 6 feet long by I foot broad. The Series of Twelve enclosed in an elegant Portfolio without extra charge. PUBLISHED BY JAMES REYNOLDS, 174, STRAND, LONDON. LIST OF PC DRAWING MATERIALS MANUFACTURED BY GEORGE ROWNEY & CO., 61 & 52, RATHBONE PLACE, AND, WHOLESALE ONLY, AT 10 & 11, PERCY STREET, LONDON. SO Anh 176 Ant 2011 S 0 . IT SEN chilli ASOS . 2 VINNI Um 1 ht * VU Y 101 weather AN WIDTEN PUBLISHERS OF WORKS ON THE FINE ARTS. LONDON: PRINTED BY R. S. FRANCIS, 3, CATHERINE STREET, STRAND. C į 860, The following List contains the Articles mostly in demand for Schools of Art, Drawing Classes, &c. A more extensive List may be obtained at the house of business, 51 and 52, Rathbone Place. The prices named are in all cases the retail ones. Professors and Teacher's are supplied on the usual terms. LIST OF DRAWING MATERIALS WATER COLOURS. WATER COLOUR PAINTING has of late years attracted so much attention, as to become one of the most important branches of the Fine Arts in this country. Such great advances of the British Artists in this mode of painting has necessitated corresponding activity on the part of the preparers of Water Colours. Messrs. ROWNEY & Co. hayo great pleasure in calling the public attention to their Water Colours in Cake, the brilliancy and permanency of which are not to be surpassed by those of any other manufacturer. MOIST WATER COLOURS. For the sake of greater freedom and effect, this mode of preparing Water Colou's possesses many advantages, more especially for sketching from nature, from their facility in washing upon a slight application of a wet brush, and from the depth of tone which may be produced with them. Those manufactured by Messrs. R. & Co. will be found free from the objeotions made to the moist colours generally, as they are not liable to harden in the pan, nor to ferment from the presence of sapcharine matter (none being employed in their preparation), and they will dry perfectly on the papor, even when laid on with a thick body. A further improvement has been made by Messrs. R. & Co. in preparing the MOIST WATER COLOURS IN TUBE, The mode of preparing these Colours renders them a most valuable improve- ment over all others. By this method the Colours are always fit for use, and may be pressed out of the tube in a body, while they possess greater brilliancy and depth than any others. The troublesome process of rubbing the Colour on the palette is avoided. No waste is incurred by breaking, as in the cake. They will keep any length of time without drying up or spoiling, as.do most preparations of Moist Colours; and the very general practice which prevails of mixing the tints with the brush on the Colours themselves, and which so much deteriorates from their purity and brilliancy, is rendered impossible by the Colours being kept separate, and only so much as is required at the time being placed on the palette. A 1 GEORGE ROWNEY AND CO., QUARTER-CAKE COLOURS. Quarter Cakes are of the same qunlity as the large cakes of Colour, and are manufactured only at their establishment. The increased taste manifested in the Fine Arts, and the general adoption of drawing as a branch of education, has induced Messrs. R. & Co. to manufacture smaller cakes of Colour at a low price, but of the finest quality, in order to bring them within the means of pupils and students who might otherwise be compelled to make use of inferior materials. Water Colours in CAKE, HALF-CAKE, and QUARTER-CAKE. Moist Water Colours in Tube. Winn Via NNKY INO VEIS F.W WS -- - VERMILLION 51. SA TIBONE PLACE ROWNEY| MON YEAR Sparation TOFT LONDONI AY Noist Colours in Pan. VILL . www . GROWN BY do com INDIAN YELLOW scootep sistols LONDON . -. SY WATER-COLOUR BOXES, FITTED. For particulars see Catalogue. . LES 12-CAKE 12-CAKE SLIDE BOX, SEDANG BILA SILTTERIEUWILIN mannen T E BOX, WAARDEGALA URRIBUNANDIKAULATCASENNÁ 7 Price 12s. Price 125. 1 TERAPILHARMONIEN WUM 51 & 52, RATHBONE PLACE. WATER-COLOUR BOXES, FITTED-continued, 11 WINDS SA VISUWNICE WWWUN O VAT 12-CAKE LOCK BOX. MU comments no mamang 14 IN Price 14s. . . 2 . THI ISLSKU BUS . A . OA 1 TYKI Witam Ir . ..ES FIRUL SAMAS COMPLETE 12-CAKE BOX, Price £1 ls. 12-CAKE BOX, SIUS ... ... . KT M NO DI hell UN WUM ... .. . . NE WILININKU Us nie KW A UITUMIINILII T US r N ho IMA Senin ral IY: WWW ... ANWB an A A . M .. W YPU Sport 260739 TIMIN 12. W TITATS CASU . . SI VA . S. UP . S . ill ! I IL ROSEWOOD CADDY LID BOX, BRASS BOUND. OT . UL BI ITIN 10 MS! * .. ... 12- CAKE, £2 12s. 60. WS. N A 4 www . * www . L ed Vi . SA . BICI co A AL N !!! VUE (YSNI A N/ WE . VS JA! 41 . + SP E : AU MTN CUM - VLASCO GO AUTO 1111111 KA an be T . III/ S - SR1 - SH ILEN. - . . VYA = . .. . 2 . YHLX. - TE ARS INAWA UNA den - El = - 119- - - - H . AR -- - - USA - - UOTA 2 - - . = uw ... GEORGE ROWNEY AND CO., WATER-COLOUR BOXES, FITTED-continued. SO SASA EN2UEA 3 BE ZESS IS 12 ISI NE Sais IN sam VEGANE WAL SEE Sexe : Ei ' W TRATTORECEDYT Na RATHROLS MINAGEDIMS UWLSYS C S X OPY GO DCne WIWINUN WS UEF ACIUNUMPUT WR NA - - - - *. - . . .. : . . . 1 . 4 2 . ca. - - E . . . .. . . WC. . . . . " d 24 TWITT . .. LOR .LIAI A O 0.93 munnmumiinimuminiummin muminsonning шшшшоу WIN. UV - .-. . R . A . . : s . A y . . . . . . 4 . CEL-142 . . . S 2.6 .. . L 2 R . * LO WA 2! Een 4. + In 11 CADDY LID BOX, 24-CAKE, PRICE £3 28. JAPANNED TIN SKETCHING BOXES, EMPTY, OR FILLED WITH MOIST COLORS. DAMES T SLIM V . .' . . AYU 1. VAL 1. MA J . - * W mo wwwmn MA whil in! .. wer ! 19 ME:1171421009191641:19:11111111 illin: The following is a list of the various Colours, with their prices attached for either. 51 & 52, RATHBONE PLACE. GEORGE ROWNEY & CO.'S WATER COLOURS, PREPARED IN OAKES, HALF-CAKES, and QUARTER-CAKES ; MOIST IN PANS, HALF-PANS, and TUBES. . Wiole | Hall Cakes, Cakes, Quartu Muist, or Hali Cakes Pans or Palis. Tubes. S. d. s. d. s. . 21 0 10 6 5 3 1 7 0 1 3 6 1 1 9 co? ULTRAMARINE, each , DEEP ROSE . BURNT CARMINE CARMINE CADMIUM YELLOW DAHLIA CARMINE DEEP CADMIUM : EXTRACT OF MADDER CARMINE ' } 5 0 2 6 1 3 ................... : 1 3 0 1 6 0 9 : 1 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 6 GTIME . MARS ORANGE. PURE SCARLET . . PURPLE MADDER SMALT ULTRAMARINE ASH GREEN OXIDE OF CHROMIUM INTENSE BLUE MADDER LAKE ROSE MADDER AZURE BLUE. COBALT BLUE FRENCH ULTRAMARINE LEMON YELLOW . VIOLET CARMINE BLACK LEAD.. BROWN MADDE CÆRULEUM CHINESE WHITE. CRIMSON LAKE INDIAN LAKE INDIAN YELLOW MARS YELLOW PURPLE LAKE PERMANENT BLUE . PERMANENT WHITE SCARLET VERMILION SCARLET LAKE SEPIA ROMAN SEPIA . . WARM SEPIA ANTWERP BLUE : BISTRE BLUE BLACK BLUE VERDITER BROWN OKER BROWN PINK • 1 6 10 910 45 }100 10 3 A 3 GEORGE ROWNEY AND CO., WATER COLOURS, . (Continued). PREPARED IN CAKES, HALF-CAKES, and QUARTER-CAKES; MOIST IN PANS, HALF-PANS, and TUBES. Whole Cakes, Moist, Puns or Tulics. , Quarter Hall, Cakes, Cakes nr llal Pans. BURNT SIENNA . BURNT UMBER : COLOGNE EARTH .. CHROME, (Deep ORANGE) CHROME, (ORANGE) CHROME YEL., (MIDDLE) CHROME, (LEMON) DRAGON'S BLOOD . EMERALD GREEN. . FLAKE WHITE GAMBOGE , HOOKER'S GREEN, No. 1. HOOKER'S. GREEN, No. 2. INDIAN RED. INDIGO ITALIAN OKER ITALIAN PINK IVORY BLACK. KING'S YELLOW LAMP BLACK . LIGHT RED NAPLES YELLOW . NEUTRAL TINT OLIVE GREEN. ORANGE ORPIMENT PAYNE'S GREY PRUSSIAN BLUE . PRUSSIAN GREEN PURPLE RAW SIENNA. RAW UMBER : RED LEAD , ROMAN OKER. SAP GREEN . . TERRA VERT VANDYKE BROWN. VENETIAN RED VERDIGRIS VERMILION . YELLOW LAKE YELLOW OKER 100 6 10 3 each. ) each. / each; 51 & 52, RATHBONE PLACE. LIQUID COLOURS AND MEDIUM S. PERMANENT CHINESE WHITE: AVTO . j IN . 21 VOIR . . .. BOTTLES . PREPARATION WAS IN OR IN . . or 11 . COMPRESSIBLE WHITE OXIDE PERMANENT||| THESE WHITE Prepared by BROWNEY thbonePlace Bergen TUBES, . OF ZINC. 1s. each. NV This Chemical Preparation is one of the most valuable acquisitions to the Water. Colour Painter, from its great permanency and body. This White washes evenly and freely on the paper, and, when dry, retains the same tone of colour as when yetma property not possessed by any other Permanent White. A judicious use of this pigment, pure and mixed with other colours, gives to a drawing all the solidity and power of an Oil Painting. --- getau permanency and body. This 1971. The following Testimonial from MR. BARTHOLOMEW, the celebrated Flower Painter to Her Majesty, will sufficiently guarantee its quality. 23, CHARLOTTE STREET, PORTLAND PLACE, November 7th, 1856. GENTLEMEN, I have for several year's very extensively used your preparation of Chinese White, in Tube, with my pupils and in my own pictures, and have found it inyaluable. I l'emain, dear Sirs, yours faithfully, VALENTINE BARTHOLOMEW. To Messrs. G. ROWNEY & Co., 51, Rathbone Place. LIQUID INDIAN IN, A pieparation for the use of Artists, Amateurs, Architects, Surveyors, and Draughtsmen, whereby a solution of this useful Brown is immediately available, without the loss of time and trouble incurred with the ordinary Ink. ls, per bottle. YUL CONSTANT WHITE. (SÜLPRATE OF BARYTES.) This is an extremely white pigment, but not possessing the body of Chinese White; it is generally used for high lights, &c., in Landscape and Miniature Paintingls. Odi per bottle. 10 GEORGE ROWNEY AND CO., ASPHALTUM. PREPARED FOR THE USE OF WATER-COLOUR PAINTERS. 1s. 6d, per bottle. INDELIBLE BROWN INK, FOR OUTLINES, OR FOR SKETCHING. This rich and permanent Ink is found to be of great service to the Architectural Artist, as the outline or ornamental design drawn with it (even if the Ink be diluted with water to the palest tint) cannot, when dry, be effaced by continued washings. Is. per bottle. WATER-COLOUR MEGLIP. A most desirable Medium, imparting additional depth, brilliancy, and traps- parency in Water-Colour Painting; improving the working of the colours, and preventing them running into one another. ls, 6d. per bottle. PROUT'S LIQUID BROWN. A BEAUTIFUL TRANSPARENT BROWN FOR WATER-COLOURS. PREPARED OX-GALL, A preparation required occasionally in Water-Colour Painting, where, from the greasy nature of the paper or colour, an even wash cannot be obtained. The smallest portion of this preparation is sufficient to obyiate the defect. 6d. and Is. per pot. COLOURLESS LIQUID 0X-GALL. This limpid extract of Gall possesses all the strength and properties of the Gall as it is usually sold in the pastc state, but is deprived of its unpleasant qualities. ls. 5d. per bottle. PREPARED GUM WATER, 6d. per bottle. LIQUID CARMÍNE, PREPARED WITHOUT AMMONIA. Is. 6d. per bottle. CHINESE INK, MANUFACTURED BY G. ROWNEY AND CO. One Penny each. öl & 32, RATHBONE PLACE. 11/ . . 11 1 į . II VAN 1 1 7 .-.-.97, . S ROWNINUN BOSSIAN BUMI Thainkbile per LONDONI OIL COLOURS, In Patent Metallic Tubes, ground extra fine. PRICE 45. PER DOZEN. ( Blanc d'Argent Permanent or WHITES New White Zinc White | Flake White Cremnitz White Naples 1, 2, 3 Transpt. GoldOker Patent Yellow Raw Sienna King's Yellow Roman Oker YELLOWS Chrome 1,2 Italianz Pink Chrome 3, 4 Yellow Lake Yellow Oker Orpiment LItalian Oker Gamboge Brown Oker Caledonian Brown Burnt Umber York Brown Rav Umber Asphaltum BROWNS Mummy Cappal Brown Bone Brown Vandyke Brown Indian Browu Browa Pink Bitumen Cassel Earth (Verona Brown BLACKS SIvory Black Blue Black Lamp Black Black Lead (Indigo Antwerp Blue BLUES { Prussian Blue Permanent Blue Chinese Blue New Blue Ĉ Crimson Lake Indian Red Purple Lake Brown Red Scarlet Lake REDS Burnt Sienna Indian Lake Bt. Brown Oker Light Red Bt. Roman Oker (Venetian Red (Verdigris Emerald Greeu GREENS Terra Vert Olive Tint 1, 2 Chrome Green 1,2,3 Olive Lake GREYS Neutral Tint ( McGuelp Sacrum, or Sugar MEDIUMS Copal McGuelp of Lead Siccatif Pyne's McGuelp 111111 DI Su 11 I Tout 1111 II LV WN 1 . . 1 . ... uur. 11 11 - . 1. Winni 15 EXTRA COLOURS IN 2-in, TUBES. 1 PI Se 1011 T IS. . . . & u. (Cæruleum 06 | Ext. of Vermilion 1 0 Cobalt 1 O Extract of Madder BLUES... Trench Ultra 0 REDS .....) Carmine - 40 Ultramar. Ash 30 (contidued) | Madder Lake 10 Rose Madder . 10 Indian Yellow 10 Lemon 26 1 ( Carmine 1 0 Cadmium , 30 (Madder Brown 10 YELLOWS 28. per doz. BR Softer and very Black : HHHH Extra hard for Engineers F Firm for Ordinary Drawing . . EXTRA THICK LEAD, MOST CAREFULLY PREPARED. 1 FF Very Firm and Double Thick Lead EHB Extra Hard and Black ] 4:s. per doz. | BBB Softer and Very Black, Double Thick DEUR Ditto ditto. Extra. Thick Lead Lead . . BBBB Softer and Thicker Lead. . . . Ss. per doz. | BBBBBBB-Very Broad and Black Lead 4s. per doz. : 12s. per doz. 10 GEORGE ROWNEY AND CO., CUMBERLAND BLACK LEAD DRAWING PENCILS, MANUFACTURED BY GEORGE ROWNEY AND CO., Of the Genuine Plumbago, or Patent Compressed Lead, of the following degrees :- II IN PURE CUMR ET WARRANTED5 CUMBERLAND PRERAREPE DE RED DETË OF PREPAREDE . . - . - G.ROWNEY&CO ILU 1111 PREPAREDE EDGE V - - RT ONDON PREPAREDE S + - - == - .__ I SA RES - - H-Hard HH-Harder HHH–Very Hard : HHHH-Extra Hard . | 3s. per dozen. HB-Hard and Black F-Middling Degree · B-Black for Shading . BB-Very Black for ditto · . · . · . } 3s. per dozen. ) . . BBB-Very Broad and Black for Shading. BBBB-Thicker Lead and softer than BBB, 6s. per dozen. FF-Very Fine. EHB-Extra Hard and Black, 6s. per dozen. DEHB.-Extra. EHH—68. per dozen. The last six Pencils are made at the suggestion of several Artists of eminence, and are particularly well adapted for the present improved style of Pencil Drawing, and have a greater body of lead. 51 & 62, RATHBONE PLACE. 17 . GEORGE ROWNEY & CO.'S PENNY DRAWING PENCILS. * S ita * .. Z 1 S VI 71 FILE KEN 42 1 . N SD . . SEDERSAVER CR 1 UN 9 AM She - 'C SOLO E TEST " A YN VA - AY* 2 4414 ta Salome HII MP V1 1 CRIS INT A . PENNY EWS Wila B SAYA " PS . . .. S I HIT 1 . 0 WA . ! . 12 1 21 , ... 10 IN Vol CA L GOTROYEROTEZY @ CROREDBROTİV 11S ! I LA 76 2 SAS 26 ured . 2 Ar S Eos - 42 ATILL S24 AS, . ADRES:3. . SA WS S TAS FESTAS WA YA A - 11 - - - VILI 1 23/02/2017 .LAP. **** ESTAY . WITE the view of enabling the working classes to avail themselves of the advantages presented by the many Schools of Design and Classes recently opened for the instruction of Drawing in its various branches, and to supply themselves with good materials at a low price, MESSRS. ROWNEY & Co. have devoted their attention to the production of a PENNY DRAWING PENCIL, of a quality sufficiently good for general purposes. These Pencils are manufactured of four degrees- Hard, Middle, Soft, and Very Soft, in Polished Cedar. IMPROVED DRAWING PENCILS-continued. _ 1s. per doz. H–Hard, in Plain Cedar, Polished HB-Middle, Colored Red , B-Soft, Coloured Black BB~Very Soft Each Pencil is Stamped in Silver, thus:-"GEORGE ROWNEY & COMPY.” HALFPENNY PENCIL Polished Cedar Pencils . . . . 6d. per dozen. 18 GEORGE ROWNEY AND CO., BLACK CHALKS AND CRAYON S. ROYAL ACADEMY CRAYONS, MANUFACTURED ONLY BY GEORGE ROWNEY AND Co. The great desideratum in Black Drawing Chalks is to obtain a material that will work freely and pleasantly without coarseness or grit, having great depth of colour in the softest degree, and a more delicate shade of Black for the harder degrees. The ROYAL ACADEMY CRAYONS possess those properties to a degree far beyond any other Crayons hitherto manufactured, being perfectly free from grit; working smoothly and freely, like the Italian Chalk; and while possessing equal depth with the Conté Crayons, have all the delicacy and fineness of a Black Lead Pencil. The ROYAL ACADEMY CRAYONS have met with very general approval, and have been adopted by all the Schools of Design and Drawing Academies in which they have been introduced. THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONIALS SELECTED FROM AMONG NUMEROUS OTHERS, ARE RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED :- Government School of Design, Somerset House, June 1st, 1850. · Mr. HERMAN presents his compliments to Messrs. ROWNEY, and begs to thank them for the specimen sent of their Academy Crayons, which he has for some time past been in the habit of using for sketching, for which they are particularly adapted, and lias, therefore, great pleasure in testifying to their merits. 46, Great Camden Street, Camden Town, May 11th, 1850. Mr. R. W. Buss has tested the Black Crayons manufactured by Messrs. ROWNEY & Co., and can state with confidence that the preparation is a decided improvement upon the well-known French Conté Crayons, as the Black Crayons of Messrs. ROWNEY & Co. are deep in colour, free from grit, and work as smoothly as Black Italian Chalk, which latter quality Mr. Buss' finds of great s for drawing from nature. Delicate half-tints are also more easily obtained by means of these Crayons, than by the Conté Chalks. Government School of Design, Somerset House, Aug. 21st, 1850. Mr. TOWNSEND presents his compliments to the Messrs. ROWNEY & Co., and acknowledges with thanks the receipt of a packet of Academy Crayons forwarded to him some time ago by Messrs. R. & Co. In compliance with the expressed wish to obtain his opinion, Mr. TOWNSEND begs to say that he has found the two softer preparations of this Chalk very agree- able in use, and of peculiarly firm and equal texture. From H. O'NEIL's Guide to Pictorial Arti The Royal Academy Chalk works very like the Italian, but is better in colour. This is the cheapest and best Chalk in use. ce in his c ROYAL ACADEMY CRAYONS, of Three Degrees--Hard, Middle, and Soft. S. d. Ditto in Boxes containing One Dozen of assorted Degrees . .06 per box, Ditto, in 'ditto, containing Three Dozen (One dozen each—Hard, Middle, and Soft) Ditto, in ditto, containing One Dozen (assorteil Black, White, and Red) . . . . . . . 2.00 .0 , alia, 1 6 51 & 52, RATHBONE PLACE. GEORGE ROWNEY AND CO,'S BLACK GLAZED CHALK, Or THREE DEGREES, In Boxes containing one Dozen each, 1s, per box, BLAK ITALIAN CHALK, 8d. per Ounce. SOFT FRENOH CHALK, FOR STUMPING, ls, per Ounoe. LITHOGRAPHIC CHALK, HARD AND SOFT, IN BOXES, 2s. por Dozen. CONTE CRAYON S. S. d. Square Black Conté Crayons, Nos. 1, 2, and 3 . . . . 0 6 per Dozer. Round ditto Nos. 1 and 2 . . . . 10 Glazed ditto . . . . . . . 16 Square, Red, White, or Brown (litto . . . . . 10 , Black Conté Crayons in Polished Cedar . . . . . 20 S. ¿ . GEORGE ROWNEY AND CO.'S PREPARED WHITE CHALK, Of three dzfferent degrees, viz ---Hard, Middle, and Soft, This preparation is perfectly permanent, marks freely and without grit, and may be cut to as fine a point as a lead pencil. Is. per Dozon. . WHITE CHALK, for Drawing on Black Boards or Canvas 0 3 per Dozen, . Ordinary White Chalk . . . . . . .0 6 Red Chalk . . . . . . . . 09 per ounce, Pipe Clay Crayons . . . . . . . .0 6 per dozen, Charcoal in Sticks . . 0 6 Ditto in Reeds . . . . . . . . 10 10 Boxes of Drawing Materials, containing Black and White Conté Chalk, Charcoal, Stump, Portcrayon, &c., 2s. 9d. ench, PORTCRAYONS, STUMPS, AND DRAWING PINS. B1 GEORGE ROWNEY AND CO., GREEN'S INDELIBLE DRAWING CHALK, MANUFACTURED ONLY BY GEORGE ROWNEY & Co. This Chalk, the result of numerous experiments, has been prepared for the purpose of combining intense blackness in the deep shadows, with the greatest delicacy in the half-tints. It is similar in character to Lithographic Chalk, but is much fiuer, and more even in texture and colour: it is invaluable as a material for rapid Sketching. Sold in Boxes of One Dozen, price 1s. each. DRAWING PAPERS, &c. S. d. · WHATMAN'S DRAWING PAPERS. Plain Surface for Maler Colors. Hot-pressed ditto, Smooth for Pencilling. Size. Per Quire. Per Sheet. s. d. Demy. . 20 inch by 15 0 . 2 . Medium . 4 6 . 0 2. Royal. 6 6 . Super Royal . . S 0 Imperial 10 0 Double Elephant. Antiquarian . . 3 0 0 ..... #nogo 18 0 75 g WHATMAN'S EXTRA THICK DRAWING PAPER, &o. S. d. Imperial Rough is, . . . . . . . Ditto ditto Extra Stout, weight 140lbs. to the Ream . O .. ..... 0 Ditto Stout, weight 90lbs. per Ream Ditto Extra Stout, weight 140lbs. per Ream } Plain or Hot-Pressed in Double Elephant, Extra Stout . . . . . . . 19 to : 0000 50 Bore HARDING'S DRAWING PAPER. Imperial, 30 inch by 22 . . Ditto Tablets, or Double Thickness. S. d. 06 CARTRIDGE PAPERS. Per Quire. Per Sheet. Tinted Papers, used in Government Schools (Tints of S. d. S. do Búff, and Drab) : . 3 6 . . : 0 2 White Cartridge-Royal : 2s 3d., and 2 6 - - Super Royal . . . . 3s. and 3 6 . . - Imperial , . . . . 4s. and 5 0 21 and 0 3 S. d. COLOSSAL DRAWING PAPERS, IN ANY LENGTH, FOR PLANS, LARGE DRAWINGS, ETC. Mounted on Cloth. S. d. White, 4 ft. 6 in. wide . . . 1 3 per Yard Middlé, 4 ft. 9 in. wide . 4 O per Yard. . . . 9 Thin, 4 ft. 9 in. vide . 06 " . . 3 Drab or Gray, 3 feet 9 inches wide 3 . 1 0 , . . 3 9 B 2 · · 3 6* 51 & 52, RATHBONE PLACE. Size. 30 TINTED CRAYON PAPERS Per Quire. Per Sheet. S. d. S. d. Imperial, Hand Made . . . 30 in. by 21 80 0 5 Ditto, Machine ditto .. 22 7 0 0 5 Double Elephant, ditto. 40 , 26 12 0 0 9 The Hand Made Papers are most suitablc for Water-Colours. The Machine Made, being of a softer material, are best adapted for Pencil, Chall, &c. They are sometimes, however, used in sketching and for Water-Colours. • Pattern Books of the various Tints kept in stock, may be had on application. ROWNEY'S PREPARED TINTS FOR PENCILLING. These tints are prepared on Stout Drawing Paper, for the modern style of Pencil Drawing in Black and White; the White being obtained by scraping the surface of the paper with a knife. S. d. Imperial 4to., 15 in. by 11, in packets containing one dozen . . 4 0 Imperial 8vo., 11 in. by 71, in packets containing one dozen . . 2 0 GRANULATED PAPERS, ADAPTED FOR THE USE OF PENCIL, AND GREEN'S DRAWING AND OTHER CHALKS. S. d. 4to. To ize . . . . . . . . . 3 O per dozeņ. Half ditto ditto . . . The surface of this paper is similar to that of a finely-grained Lithographic stone, which is admitted to be that most adapted for Chalk Drawing. A coating of Enamel having been previously laid on the paper, enables the Artist to scrape the surface, to produce lights, &c. 6 ROWNEY'S GRADUATED TINTS, FOR PENCIL, CHALK, OR WATER-COLOUR DRAWING. The Tints are used similarly to the Pencilling Tints, and differ from them iu the Colour being graduated from a Blue Tint for the sky, to a Brown for the earth. The Graduated Tints are made of various Colours, to suit different effects. s, do Imperial 4to., 15 in. by 11, in Packets containing One dozen 5 0 or 0 6 Imperial 8vo., 11 in. by 72, in Paokets containing One dozen % 6 or 03 Singiy. 3. d. THE ARTIST'S POCKET-KNIFE, Messrs. R. & Co. have hacl manufactured expressly for them, by one of the best Sheffield makers, a knife of the finest quality, especially adapted for the use of Artists. It is not larger than an ordinary pocket-knife, and contains A Palette Knife, A Fine Blade, A File for Sharpening Pencil or Chalk, An Erasing or Scraping Blade. Price 4s. 6a. Or, with the addition of a Screw for drawing the Corks of Varnish Bottles, Price 7s. : 2 GEORGE ROWNEY AND CO., ROWN EY'S PACKETS OF DRAWING BOARDS, Containing One Dozen Sheets, in á neat Wrapper. Size. Per Packet. Size. Per Packet. Roy. Svo. S} in. S. d. 2 Sh. Imp. 8vo. 10 in. by 63 1 ne S 9 5 1 3 10.) 6.1 2 3 13. , 10 2 9 10 4 2 11 81 sa A coco os cocoon (tirof CONHOS in A CLOWN 13. -dal BRISTOL BOARDS. 2 Sh. d. S. d. 0 201 . 0 4 3 Sh. 4 Sh, : acoooo . Foolscap Demy. Medium Royal . 6 Sh. S. d. 08 10 1 3 4 ." .. . OS 010 . 6 07} 0 . . 1 0. osco CRAYON BOARDS. BUFFS, GREYS, AND DRABS, 3 Sh. S. d. 4 Sh. Roval s. d. 14 2 8 . 20 TINTED MOUNTING BOARDS, 3 Sh. 4 Sh. s. d. S. d. 09 . 10 . 1 3 6 Sh. s. d. 10 Royal , Imperial : 4 Sh. WHITE MOUNTED BOARDS. 3 Sh. S d. S. d. . 0 41 06 06 . 0 71 09 : s. d. Half Imperial Royal . Imperial . OS 1 0 I Ö MAHOGANY DRAWING BOARDS. U OS S3 Visuom e n OLDER 11. DRAWING BOARD, UNG: WITA PAPER STRAINED FOR USE. . . VN CARAT nonnulat F Life SO is Mc LAL, 2XT A c tors TO Il S . . each. Demy . Royal . Super Royal . . . . : . : . S in. by 6 101 12 us S. . CA COP . · · · : waga is 51 & 62, RATHBONE PLACE. 23 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. Drawing Instruments of every description, of the Finest London make, or Birmingham Machine make. The following sets are fitted with London-made Instruments, and are recommended as of good, serviceable quality. Messrs. R. & Co. have also a great variety of a quality suitable for school use, iruch lower in price, INSTRUMENTS CONTAINED IN CASES WA anh mit CY uit T : . In Fish Skin Case. In Mahogany Case. s. c. S. d. No.1. Pull-off Case, containing One Pair Compasses, Pen Point and Pencil Point, Brass Joints, Lead 4.61 Pencil, and Box Scale 50 No. 2. 60 | The same Instruments, with Steel Joints . . 6 6 B 3 24 GEORGE ROWNEY AND CO., · MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS-continued. INSTRUMENTS CONTAINED IN CASES Nos. 3, 4, 5, and 6. tra FRAUERI! ISTRUT VIR AFT MONS SA In Fishi Skin Case. 8. d. 11 3 No. 3. In Mahogany Spring Case, containing One Pair Compasses, One Case. Pair Dividers, Pen Point, Pencil Point, Dotting Whecl and Drawing Pen, Brass Joints, Lead s, d. Pencil, and Box Scalč 96 No. 4. The same Instruments, with Box Sector and Brass Protractor 120 No. 5.. The same Ivstruments, but with Bow Pen instcad of Dotting Wheel, with Steel Joints & Ivory Scale 136 No. 6 The same Instruments as No.5, with Steel Joints, Box Scale, Sector, and Brass Protractor s'il 16 6 12 : 9 15 9 1 51 & 52, RATHBONE PLACE. 25 . MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS-continued. TURN CHEEK INSTRUMENTS, SUPERIOR QUALITY, CONTAINED IN CASE NO. 7. 111 SA buch tv$ ES 1 2 L 21 In Spring Casc. £ $. d. any case, 0 18 0 In Tahogany Case. No. . t S. d. One Pair Compasses, One Pair Dividers, Bow Pen, Drawing Pen, Pen Point, Pencil Point, Lead Pencil, Ivory Scale, Ivory Sector, and Brass Protractor. 1 1 1 0 No. 8, One Pair Rule Joint Compasses, One Pair Dividers, Bow Pen, Drawing Pen, Pen Point, Pencil Point, Lead Pencil, Ivory Sector, Ivory Pro- tractor, and Ebony Parallel Rule. (See page 26.) 1 ill 6 1 11 6 2A GEORGE BOWNEY AND CO., MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENT S-continued. TUR N CHE E K INSTRUMENTS CONTAINED IN CABE No. 10. Ś . Will INI It AU O ULTO M M .. JUNTO Upy 1 1. Not in No. 8 Case. Ne.in No. 8 or 9 Case. 10 Not in No.8 or 9 Case. - In Spring Case: In Mahogany Case. £ s. d. No. 9. E s. do One Pair Rule Joint Compasses, One Pair Divi- ders, Lengthening_Bar, Bow Pen, Drawing Pen, Pen Point, Pencil Point, Lead Pencil, Ivory Sector, Ivory Protractor, and Ivory 1 17 6 Parallel Rule. 2 1 3 No. 10. One Pair Rule Joint Compasses, One Pair Divi- ders, Lengthening Bar, Bow Pen, Bow Pencil, Drawing Pen, Pen Point, Pencil Point, Knife Key, Ivory Sector, Ivory Protractor, and Ivory 2 50.1 Parallel Rule. 1 2 8 9 The Instruments for the No. 8, 9, and 10 Sets are Sector Joined. Set of ADDISCOMBE COLLEGE INSTRUMENTS for Military Drawing, In Mahogany Case complete, with Rules, £3 15s. 51 & 52, RATHBONE PLACE. MAHOGANY DRAWING BOARD S-continued. Size. 3. d. each. 5 6 , . . 6 01 15 . 60, , , og 10! . 101 . 131 4to. Imperial » Columbia Half Medium » Royal » Imperial Demy · · Medium . Royal . . Imperial . Half Antiquarian Columbia · 131 . 70 . 70, . 8 6 . . 151 . 10. . . . 10 . . 23 . 18 0 . . : . 32 32 . 21 DEAL DRAWING BOARDS, CLAMPED. . . . . . . · · . . . . . . . . 4to. Royal . » Imperial . » Columbia · Half Royal . Demy . . Half Imperial Medium . . Royal. . Imperial . . Imperial, full size Columbia . . . Double Elephant Antiquarian . . Size. . . 10.in. by S . 13 y 91. · 15 · 11 · 17 - 10:3 . . 18 y 9 . 19 , 131 . . 20 154 . 19 17 u 19 . 21 . . 32 21 . 31 y 24 .. · 38 · 24 · 50 » 29 . S. d. 0 10 each. 1 3 , .. 19 2 3 . 2 8 2 10 . 3 4 3 . 4 4 . 5 3 60 · 76, 10 6 , . . . . Atlas. . . . . · . . . . GEORGE ROWNEY AND CO., SKETCHING'STOOLS, &c. THE GERMAN SKETCHING SEAT AND EASEL COMBINED, ADAPTED FOR EITHER OIL OR WATER COLOUR SKETCHING. Price 21s. . lung I ELLES AAN 1- LA 11 . BRID * SO LO 2 V1.27.2 SENATUS . wa UA- & TRINIDAD S 3 - IL > SSD S POSTS W Ps AR . AS THE EASEL, opened, DITTO, closed. The same principle has been adapted for the use of Ladies, and is equally serviccable and poriable. Price 30s. 51 & 52, RATHBONE PLACE. 29 GEORGE ROWNEY AND CO.'S PORTABLE SKETCHING EASEL. * O 20. 5 7 . 49 SAS 38W MARVE . WY mersin York UWA W.WU . 1 VY AN INN 29 RLX bersama V * VO IS WINI TA + TUTIN III/ Whether w lity:hՆՈՋՎԵԼ:ա:4|2}} . . A dr NY Ya . V NAIL 111 1 . CUP 11 . . . . YA AR SUV Cat * Anson . .. RE Tots . UN ** USIK . 1.1 . . . uta . ARE ( SIRIA JT h WM 1 .1 NIT ** M Zeit CS This Easel presents a combinatiou of utility, lightness, and portability not to ' be found in any other. While in use the canvas is firmly held by the Easel, which is itself secured in the ground by points. The Easel folds in half, with hinged joints, fastens and packs with elastic bands, in a case a little larger than an umbrella, and weighs under 2lbs. S. d. Dcal Portable Sketching Easol, in Casc . . . . . 10 0 Walnut ditto ditto . . . . . 12 0 Dittr, French polished, best ditto . . . . . . 15 0 GEORGE ROVNEY AND GEORGE ROWNEY AND CO.'S CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHS; OR, FAC-SIMILE WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHY has recently become one of the most popular arts in this country, from its having been adopted as a means for multiplying Copies of Oil Paintings and Water-colour Drawings; and so admirably is it adapted for this purpose, that not only is each colour and gradation of light and shade rendered with remarkable accuracy, but even the very texture of the paint and the rough surface of the paper is copied with strict fidelity. Now, although this latter process may seem to the casual observer to be a matter of little moment, it is, in reality, of the greatest importance to the truthful representation of an artist's work, which, without texture, is apt to appear tame and insipid. Previous to the discovery of Chromo-Lithography, Copper and Steel-plate Engra. ving were the usual methods employed to reproduce the pictures of popular artists. But beautiful as are many of the fine line and mezzo-tint engravings, and perfect as they undoubtedly are in light and shade, they must always fail to give an accurate idea of a painter's style, owing to the absence of the colour of the original work. And when it is considered that colour is one of the greatest charms of the English school, and that, in this respect, the British artist is unrivalled, it will be readily admitted that without this new process many fine works, if published, would lose half their interest by being divested of that quality which appeals most directly to the eye, and produces that sense of pleasurable emotion so desirable when contemplating works of art. It is, therefore, with considerable satisfaction that the publishers of this series of prints contemplate the success of their experiments in this new art. They were the first to perceive its capabilities, and they succeeded in developing its qualities, in despite of a strong amount of prejudice and opposition. They have worked steadily on, with one fixed object,—that of producing fac-similes of good drawings, at such a moderate price as would bring them within the means of the public generally; hoping by this means to foster the love and appreciation of the fine arts, and to aid in some measure the spread of art education, the importance of which is now universally acknowledged. That to this latter object they have somewhat contributed, may be inferred from some of their publications being distributed by the Department of Practical Art to their various schools; and the publishers reflect, with extreme gratification, on having the utility and progress of their art proclaimed in so public and flattering a manner. As manufacturers, in matters of taste, the English may be said to be behind many of their neighbours; but certainly no nation possesses artists more capable of rectifying the deficiency, and that in the best and simplest manner, namely, by example. But it is equally essential that the public should be able to discriminate between the really good and the mediocre, and nothing is more likely to tend to that desirable result than the constant contemplation of good works of art. The eye, by such means, becomes insensibly tutored to observe and admire that which is beautiful and harmonious, and to reject those objects which are offensive to good taste. These novel Works of Art are produced by a process of Engraving and Printing peculiar to Messrs. R. and Co., and have the most perfect resemblance to Water-Colour Drawings in Touch, Colour, and Effect. They are adapted for Copying or Framing. It is the intention of the Publishers to produce a series from the works of the most eminent Artists, so as to present a most complete collection of the Modern School of Painting. vruralni meservouwvvvvv. Several new Subjects in hand, after various eminent Artists. Width. Height. Price, S. di 27 by 18.-ULYSSES DERIDING POLYPHEMUS . After J.M.W.TURNER, R.A. Prints . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 0 , , , -Ditto ditto ditto . . Artists' Copies . . 1050 33, 221-VENICE, THE DOGANA, CAMPANILE OF ST. MARCO, DUCAL PALACE, BRIDGE OF SIGHS, &c. (Canaletli Painting, . . . . . . . After J. W.M.TURNER, R. A. 63 0 27 „18;.-THE CANAL OF THE GUIDECCA AND CHURCH OF THE JESUITS, VENICE After C. STANFIELD, R.A. 42 0 51 & 52, RATHBONE PLACE. 31 + 11 21 0 a a 13 a . . aa . . . . . Price. Width, Height. . 8. d. 265 by 174—THE ANDALUSIAN LETTER-WRITER After F. W. TOPEAN . . 42 0 24 » 16 -MOUNT ST. MICHAEL . . , C. STANFIELD, R.A. . 31 0 20 · 24 --CROSSING THE FORD . . „ W. MULREADY, R.A. • 31 B From the celebrated Picture in the Vernon Gallery. 30 , 151–LOWDORE (Upper Fall) CUMBERLAND After T M. RICHARDSON . 31 6 28 , 14 THE RHINE NEAR COLOGNE, . . . . . . . 31 0 28 y 14 -LUGANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 0 17, 21.-CHOICE FRUIT . . . After G. LANCE . . . 316 217, 161-ISOLA BELLA LAGO MAGGIORE . ' C. STANFIELD, R, A. . 25 0 14 --DIEPPE CASTLE . . . . . , J. BURGESS. . . 25 0 22, 143-RICHMOND CASTLE, YORKSHIRE . . ., G. Fripp . . . 210 21., 141-ISOLA LECCHI LAGO DI GUARDA, ITALY. W. L. LEITCH . . 21 0 214 , 12.-CITY OF FLORENCE . . . . . S. PALIER . . . 21 0 213, 14.1CLIFTON . . . . . . . „ J. B. Pyne . . . 21 , 13)-CLUSES, ON THE ROAD TO CHAMOUNI. „ J. D. HARDING. . 21 14 -UNTERSEEN . . . . . . 202, 14.1-ETON COLLEGE, FROM THE THAMES 203 ,, 143_PEEP O DAY . . F. W. TOPLAM . . 21 -B AY OF NAPLES E. A. GOODALL THE STOLEN KISS J.. ABSOLON . . . 21 0 193 , 14 -VENICE . . . . . . . W. CALLOW . . . 210 191, 131-WATER-MILL, DORKING . . . D. II. MC Kewan . 21 191, 139-MILL NEAR RINGWOOD, HANTS . G. FRIEP . . . 21 192, 131_HEIDELBERG . T. L. ROW BOTHAM 20 , 13.1-THE LAGO MAGGIORE, with a VIEW? OF PALLANZA . . . . .) 20 , 13:4-THE MARKET BOAT . . . . is J. JENKINS. . . 18 , 111-A SKETCH OF ST. PAUL'S, from the DODGSON . . . 21 SIoT TOWER 161, 112-MACBETH AND THE MURDERERS O , G. CATTERMOLE . . 21 BANQUO . . . . . s 2-MACBETH: TIE MURDERER or DUNCAN, . . 210 -EGLISE ST. JAQUES, CAEN W. CALLOW. „ 194CATHEDRAL PORCH, EVREUX . . ” E. DOLBY 21 0 1 114-ROUEN CATHEDRAL, WEST FRONT . 210 , 111-ROUEN CATHEDRAL, SOUTH TRANSEPT . . 210 15 , 203–THE VILLAGE ANGLERS . . . . MULLER . . . 21 0 12 - 15 --THE REAPER (oval) . . . . W. A. ROBINSON . . 21 0 15 , 19 -PASS OF THE GRIMSEL (upright oval), is T. M. RICHARDSON .. 20, 147-ALKMAAR, NORTH HOLLAND CANAL, 1 STANYIELD, Jun. .. 20 . 11 - COLOGNE . . . . sy War CALLOW . . 15 0 193, 102–FRANKFORT . . . s . . 15 0 19 , 122-BEATING UP CHANNEL 22 -THE APPROACHING SHOWER ., MEADOWS . . . 15 0 -THE CALABRIAN COAST ,T. L. ROWBOTIAM . 15 0 18 , 101-COCHEM, ON THE MOSELLE . . , T. M. RICHARDSON 15 0 173, 11 -COMO . . . . . . 15 0 . 164, 111-COLUMBUS IN THE MONASTERY . G. CATTERMOLE , , 15 0 161, 12 -THE MILL-STREAM . , P. DEWINT . . 15 0 12, 8-BRIDGE OF TOURS . .. . ., J. W.M. TURNER, R.A. 15 0 11, 154-STREET IN VERONA . . i C. BENTLEY. . . 15 0 11., 16 --THE MADONNA AND CHILD . VANDYKE . . . 15 0 From the celebrated Picture in the Dulwich Gallery. -VIEW IN VENICE . . After J. HOLLAND . . 15 0 1-GRAND CANAL u . . 15 0 203, 124-BARMOUTH . . . . . . . o S. P. JACKSON . . 15 0 23 » 9-PARIS . , . . . T. Boys . . . 15 0 210 VII . 10 ARCAN 1 GEORGE ROWNEY AND CO., . . . . 106 . nt col . . . . 11}, . 11, spot † 6 . Price. S. d. Width. Height. 219, 81-BEN NEVIS, . . After T. M. RICHARDSON . 0 15 21, 9-LAKE OF LUCERNE . · 100 154, 9 – WINDSOR CASTLE . i J. B. PYNE . . . 100 151, 9 ALESSIO, GULF OF GENOA . . . T. L. ROWDOTHAM 10 8 , 14-JEALOUSY . , F. W. TOPHAM . 10 g 191JHALOUNI . . . . . . 94., 11-GRAPES AND PEACHES (oval). ,, F.T. BAINES . 10 0 ,, -GRAPES (oval) . . . . . . 100 , 123-TOWER OF THE CHURCH AT GORCUM D. Roberts, R.A. . 100 ., 12-YOUTH AND AGE . „ F. TAYLER . . . 10 0 , 111-DIFFIDENCE (oval) . . . . . , W. HUNT . i . 106 8, 15 -PAGE ON DUTY . .. . . . . u . . . 100 -A SKETCH FROM LIFE 8 , 11 - APPROVING CRITIC . . . . . . 10 6 14., 10-HIGHLAND LASSIE (oval) . , . . T. M. RICHARDSON . 10 6 is 91-SUMMER-TIME . . . . . . s G. DODGSOX. . ñ 6 , 13.-EN PASSANT. . . . . . . . 7 6 9 -CASTLE OF ISCHIA I. P. LEITCH -VIEW IN NORTH WALES . 122, 81IN THE GADMANTHAL, TYROL , T. L. ROWBOTIIANI 9 AMALFI . , . . . . . , I, P. LEITOH 114, 8-THE COAST OF GENOA . . 7 FOWEY CASTLE, CORNWALL . . S. P. JACKSON 7RUINS AT NEWTOWN, IRELAND . . GASTIXEAU . . 111 S1-SCA S1-SCARBOROUGH CASTLE, YORKSHIRE , , C. BESTLEY. . ñ 6 7-BROUGHAM CASTLE, WESTMORELAND COPLEY FIELDING 10 g 71-DOUNE CASTLE . . . . . . 15 J. D. HARDING . 9, 13}-THE STUDIO . . . . . . e G. E. HICKS. . . . 9 0 88, 114-BRIDGE AT PRAGUE. S. MUEL PROUT. 9 , 124-WATER GATE, ON THE RHINE . . , 8 , 11 -COMO . . . . . VY. CALLOTY. . . . 7 6 „ --JUDENSTRASSE, FRANKFORT. 7 0 » 11 -UP EARLY . . G. E. HICKS 76 101-ABERY. D. ROBERTS, R.A. . 13, 8MEADOW SIDE T. S. Cooper -CONSOLATION (circular) J. E. BUCKLEY 9 - RECONCILIATION (ditto) 124, 8 --WELSH MILL T. L. ROW BOTH A » 7 -CLAINES, NEAR WORCESTER . R. P. NOBLE . 50 AT EAST MALLING, KENT. . • 50 CLAINES CHURCH. with the MALVERN HILLS IN THE DISTANCE . -CHISWICK BY MOONLIGHT 112, 7-GIPSY CAMP, CLAYGATE, SURREY. 104, 101-SLEEPING AND WAKING (circular). . „ J. H. MOLE. . -THE LESSON (circular) , . . r , 9, 13.-THE GLEANERS . . . . . . , W. A. ROBINSON FRENCH FISHERMAN'S DAUGHTER W. LEE 9 63-ON THE COAST .. . . , J. H. MOLE . . . -INLAND . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 574-LITTLE WANDERER . . . . 3 0 6., 81-THE ORANGE GIRL (oval) G. E. HICKS. ~THE FLOWER GIRL ( „ -THE WATER-CRESS GIRL (oval) THE LASCAR (Oral) . . . . . 63, 8.1-THE GIRL AT THE STREAM . . 26 is , THE GIPSY GIRL . . . . . . . 2 6 7FOUNTAIN AT ROUEN S. PROUT 2 6 . . • • • v v er en er er 67 en Cien om a coocooooooooocacia • • • • • 1 1 1 • . . viisi . a . . . 51 & 52, RATHBONE PLACE. VIEWS IN LAKE DISTRICTS. Size, 10} by 7. Aller T. L. ROWBOTILAM Price. 8. d. 50 50 5 0 . . . . . . 0 . . GRASMERE BUTTER.MERE . *COLWITH FORCE *AIREY FORCE . *DUNGEON GILL . DERWENTWATER ENNERDALE WAST WATER SKELWITH *SCALE FORCE . ULLESWATER KESWICK . . WINDERMERE ; . THIRLESMERE . or er et stor er et . . . . . . . . . . 50 5 0 5 0 5.0 50 . . . * These four are uprighits. SMALL SERIES, Mounted on Boards, sixe 14 in. by 10 in. . . After R. P. NOBLE, each i G. WELLS Piice, S d. 1 0 10 10 10 0 . . , 10 1 . . „ R. P. NOBLE > „E. A. GOODALL, . . . Nos. 1. to 12.--RIVER VIEWS REFLECTION ..... COURTSHIP . . THE MOTHER . . . . . . . THE ANGLERS THE FRUIT-GATHERER THE SPINNER . COTTAGE NEAR HAYES . . . . . SI. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL BY MOONLIGHT. DISTANT VIEW OF ROUEN CRYPT OF CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL CASTLE OF FOUGERE, BRITTANY . . MARKET PLACE, ANGERS . . ST. VALLERY-SUR-SOMME . . CATHEDRAL OF NOTRE DAME, PARIS. TOMB OF EDWARD THE CONFESSOR, WESTMINSTER ABBEY . . FOUNTAIN OF ST. MACLOU, ROUEN . ABBEY OF ST. AMAND, ROUEN TOWER AND BRIDGE AT ANGERS ON THE LOIRE . . . . . . GROUPS OF FLOWERS, (Two). POOR 'DICK . . . . . PHCBE . . . . RUSTIC FIGURES (Six Plates) . . . . Ditto ditto (Forty-two Plates) . , 1.0 G. ROSENBERG 1 0 10 . . . . . G. E. Hicks n se . . GEORGE ROWNEY AND CO, GEORGE ROWNEY AND CO.'S PUBLICATIONS ON THE FINE ARTS. TY .. 10 Price. Stitched GUIDE TO WATER-COLOUR PAINTING. By R. P. S. d. NOBLE. With an Illustration in Colours. 6th Edition . 10 GUIDE TO OIL PAINTING. By J. S. TEMPLETON. 9th Edition .. .. .. .. ... 10 GUIDE TO OIL PAINTING. PART 2. (LANDSCAPE FROM NATURE.) By A. CLINT. .. GUIDE TO LIGHT AND SHADE DRAWING. By Mrs. M. MERRIFIELD. With Illustrations. .. GUIDE TO PENCIL AND CHALK DRAWING. By G. HARLEY. 4th Edition. TVith Illustrations. . 1 0 GUIDE TO PICTORIAL ART. By H. O'NEIL. 4th Edition. .. .. .. .. .. 10 GUIDE TO LEVELLING AND SURVEYING. Bs W. PEASE .. .. .. .. .. .. GUIDE TO PICTORIAL PERSPECTIVE. By B. R. GREEN. With Illustrations. .. .. .. 10 GUIDE TO FIGURE DRAWING. By G. E. HICKS. With Illustrations. .. .. .. .. 10 GUIDE TO FLOWER PAINTING IN WATER- COLOURS. By G. ROSENBERG With Illustrations... 10 GUIDE TO PAINTING ON GLASS. By H. BIELFELD. 10 GUIDE TO MINIATURE PAINTING & COLOURING PHOTOGRAPHS. By J. S. TEMPLETON. .. 10 HINTS FOR SKETCHING TREES FROM NATURE, IN WATER-COLOURS. By THOMAS HATTON. .. 10 ON THE MATERIALS USED IN PAINTING, with Remarks on Varnishing and Cleaning Pictures. By CHARLES MARTEL . .. .. .. GREEN'S ILLUSTRATIONS OF PERSPECTIVE. A New Edition. Size, 12 by 9. Bound in Cloth. AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON “SKETCHING FROM NATURE," By JOHN WOOD. Royal Svo. With numerous Illustrations. .. 6 6 À MANUAL OF PERSPECTIVE, By JOHN WOOD. Royal Svo. 3rd Edition. *PERSPECTIVE PRACTICALLY EXPLAINED. By I. L. PARAIRE. With nearly 100 Illustrations. .. 2 6 * Recommended by the Department of Science and Art, South Kensington Museum. 51 & 52, RATHBONE PLACE. 35 LITHOGRAPHIC DRAWING-BOOKS AND STUDIES, PUBLISHED BY GEORGE ROWNEY & Co., 51 and 52, RATHBONE PLACE, LONDON, W. Y BARNARD'S PORTFOLIO STUDIES. Six Plates, 95. Size 21 by 15. BARNARD'S ELEMENTARY STUDIES OF TREES. 1st and 2nd Series, comprising 9 Numbers, 2s, each. Size, 15 by 11. BRIGHT'S ADVANCED DRAWING BOOK, adapted for the Pencilling Tints. Six Numbers, price 2s. cach. Size, 15 by 11. BRIGHT'S GRADUATED TINT STUDIES. 24 plates, ls, each. Size, 15 by 11. DOLBY'S ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING BOOK. Six Numbers, ls. cach. Size 10 by 7. GAVARNI'S RUSTIC STUDIES OT FIGURES. Six Plates, at 2s. each, Size, 21 by 15. GAUCI'S ELEMENTARY DRAWING BOOK OF TREES. Twelve Numbers, ls. cach. Size, 10 by 7. GREEN'S ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE FIVE ORDERS OF ARCHITECTURE. Six Plates, 2s. 6d. each. Size, 21 by 15. GREEN'S RUSTIC STUDIES. Three Subjects, 29. plain; 35. 6d. coloured. Size, 24 by 18. GREEN'S SECOND DRAWING BOOK, adapted for the Pencilling Tints. Six Numbers, 2s. 6d. each. Size, 15 by 11. GREEN'S FIRST STUDIES OF LANDSCAPE. In Six Numbers, 6d. each. Size, 9 by 67. HICKS'S RUSTIC FIGURES. Parts 1, 2, and 3.-Six Plates in each, at Is. Size, 15 by 11. JACKSON'S ART INSTRUCTOR. Fourteen Plates, ós. Size, 15 by 11. 1'HENEY'S ODDS AND ENDS. Six Numbers, 1s. each. Size 10 by 7. PHENEY'S EARLY LANDSCAPE STUDIES. Six Numbers, 6d each. Size 91 by 6.1. STARK'S DRAWING BOOK OF ANIMALS. Six Numbers, ls. cach. Size 10 by 7. SYER'S PORTFOLIO STUDIES. Six Plates, 9s. Size 21 by 15. SYER'S RIVER SCENES AND SHIPPING. Six Numbers, 2s. each. Size, 15 by 11. SYER'S ELEMENTARY DRAWING BOOK. Six Numbers, 1s. eachi Size, 10 by 7. SYER'S EARLY LANDSCAPE DRAWING BOOK. Six Numbers, is. each. Size, 101 by 7. SYER'S RUSTIC SCENES. Six Numbers, ls. each Size 10 by 7. Single Proof Sheets, 24 plates, on large tinted paper, 6d. each. SYER'S PROGRESSIVE DRAWING BOOK. Six Numbers, 6d. cach. Size, 9 by 5. TEMPLETON'S STUDIES IN THREE CRAYONS. Six Plates, 3s. each, plain ; 5s. coloured. Size, 27 by 20... TEMPLETON'S ELEMENTARY DRAWING BOOK OF THE HUMAN FIGURE. Twelve Numbers, 1s. cach. Size, 10 by 7. WALTON'S ADVANCED DRAIVING BOOK, adapted for the Pencilling Tints. In Six Numbers, 1s. 6d..cach. Sizc, 131 by 10. WILLIS'S STUDIES OF CATTLE AND RUSTIC FIGURES. Six Numbers, at 2s. Od. cach. Sizc, 15 by 11. TIT VTT 1 36 öl & 32, RATHBONE PLACE, PERSPECTIVE MODELS INVENTED BY E. L. PARAIRE; IUBLISIIED BY GEORGE ROWNEY AND CO., APPROVED BY THE SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTIENT. SUN JEDEN unut 10 1 11. . UUR tan A A TURA herau NUMO WA die . BAND DO 11 . SOM. minare LLONITIITTITUNTO O These Models have the great merit of extreme simplicity. By them the principles of perspective, so puzzling to all beginners, are demonstrated in the clearest manner. The objects are solid as in nature; lines passed from its various points represent visual rays, which intersect a transparent plane, portraying the picture, which corresponds with mathematical accuracy to the object itself-the mauner of obtaining the vanishing points and other perspective operations are clearly set forth. The principles on which Perspective is based will be found thoroughly demonstrated in Mr. E. L. PARAIRE'S “ Perspective Practically Explained." Retail Price. Singly. The Set. Perspective Practically Explained . . . . 20 Gratis, Model No. 1. Vertical, Horizontal, and Oblique Planes, Single 80 w No. 2. Cube and Pyramid . . . . . 106/ No. 3. Cone, Column, anil Prisms . . s . 80> 2 12 , No. 4. Bridge. Culoured . . .. . . 12 6 No. 5, House and Grounds. Coloured . . 15 0 Box 0 2 6 £2 16 6 £2 15 0 Card Models of Churches and Cottages, suitable for Drawing Copies, 25. 64, and 3s. cach. 54, FLEET STREET, NOVEMBER, 1860. MESSRS. SEELEY, JACKSON, AND HALLIDAY'S List of Mew Works. WITH STEET, FRONTISPIECE AND VIGNETTE TITLE, By LUMB STOCKS, A.R.A., IN SMALL 870., CLOTI, PRICE 58., ENGLAND'S YEOMEN, FROM LIFE IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. By MARIA LOUISA CHARLESWORTH, Author of “Ministering Children,” “The Ministry of Life,” &c., &c. [Just ready. II. WITH PORTRAIT AND ILLUSTRATIONS, IN CROWN 870., CLOTH, A MEMOIR OF THE REV. THOMAS GAJETAN RAGLAND, B.D., Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, and Itinerating Missionary of the Church Missionary Society in North Tinnevelly, South India. By the Rev. THOMAS THOMASON PEROWNE, B.D., Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. [Shortly. III. WITH SIX MAPS, IN SMALL 870., CLOTH, PRICE 5s., A GUIDE TO THE STUDY OF HOLY SCRIPTURE. By the Rev. E. A. LITTON, M.A., Rector of St. Clement's, Oxford, Examining College, Oxford. [Ready. . IN THE PRESS. IV. IN SMALL 870., OLOTH, PRICE Is. 6d., THE WANDERER, AND HIS RETURN HOME. By the Rev. W. B. MACKENZIE, M.A. [Ready. WITH SIX ENGRAVINGS, IN SMALL 870., CLOTH, PRICE 53., THE ENGLISH CHILDREN ABROAD. By the Author of “Mamma's Bible Stories," &c. [Ready. VI. IN SMALL 870., CLOTH, PRICE 58., A MEDICAL HANDBOOK. Comprehending all such Information on Medical and Sanitary Subjects as is desirable in Educated Persons. With Hints and Advice to Clergymen and Visitors of the Poor. By FREDERICK W. HEADLAND, M.D., Licentiate of the College of Physicians, Author of an “Essay on the Action of Medicines,” &c., &c. [In December. VII. WITH FRONTISPIECE, IN SMALL 870., CLOTU, PRICE 58., THE RECTORY AND THE MANOR. By Mrs. CAREY BROCK, Author of " Children at Home,” « Home Memories,” &c., &c. [Ready. VIII, WITH FORTY ENGRAVINGS, IN SMALL 870., CLOTH, DEAR OLD ENGLAND. A DESCRIPTION OF OUR FATHERLAND. .. Dedicated to all English Children. By JANE ANNE WINSCOM, Author of " Vineyard Labourers," “Onard," &c., &c. [In December. SEELEY, JACKSON, AND HALLIDAY. IX. WITH FRONTISPIECE, IN SMALL SVO., CLOTH, PRICE 58., ROUGHING IT WITH ALICK BAILLIE, PAROCHIAL SCHOOLMASTER, NORTH BRITAIN, AND ELSEWHERE. By W. J. STEWART. [Ready. WITH TWELVE ENTIRELY NEW ENGRAVINGS, IN SMALL 870., OLOTE GILT, AND GILT EDGES, PRICE 58., TNT BUNYAN'S PILGRIM’S PROGRESS. [Ready. XI, IN 870., SEWED, PRICE ONE SHILLING, THE TRUE DOCTRINE OF THE ATONEMENT ASSERTED AND VINDICATED. By the Rev. DANIEL WILSON, M.A., Vicar of Islington, and Rural Dean. [Ready. XII. IN SMALL 8V0., CLOTH, PRICE 58., HELPS FOR THE HELPLESS. By the Rev. W. B. MACKENZIE, M.A., Incumbent of St. James's, Holloway. [In December. XIII. XIII. IN SMALL 870., CLOTH LIMP, PRICE 1s. 6d., PLAIN WORDS ABOUT SICKNESS. Addressed to the Mothers and Wives of Working Men. By A Doctor's WIFE. [Ready. New Editions. 1. A FIFTH EDITION, REFISED AND CORREOTED, IN FOUR VOLUMES 870., WITH MAPS AND PLATES, HORÆ APOCALYPTICÆ: A COMMENTARY ON THE APOCALYPSE, CRITICAL AND HISTORICAL. By the Rev. E. B. ELLIOTT, M.A., Incumbent of St. Mark's, Brighton, Prebendary of Heytesbury, and sometime Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. THE FIFTY-SEVENTI THOUSAND, WITH FRONTISPIECE, IN SMALL 870., CLOTH, PRICE 58., MINISTERING CHILDREN. By MARIA LOUISA CHARLESWORTH. III. THE TWENTY-FOURTH THOUSAND, WITH FRONTISPIECE, IN SMALL 870., CLOTH, PRICE 58., THE MINISTRY OF LIFE. my V By MARIA LOUISA CHARLESWORTH. IV. THE SEVENTE EDITION, WITH PORTRAIT, IN SMALL SVO., CLOTH, PRICE 3s. 6d., DOING AND SUFFERING, MEMORIALS OF ELIZABETH AND FANNY, DAUGHTERS OF THE LATE REV. E. BICKERSTETH. By their SISTER. With a PREFACE, by the LORD BISHOP OF RIPON. SEELEY, JACKSON, AND HALLIDAY. THE SECOND EDITION, IN POST 870., CLOTI, PRICE 58., SERMONS PREACHED AT CAMBRIDGE. By the Rev. CHARLES CLAYTON, M.A., Incumbent of Trinity Church, Cambridge, Examining Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Ripon, and Senior Fellow and Tutor of Gonville and Caius College. VI. THE SECOND EDITION, WITH PORTRAIT, IN SMALL 870., CLOTE, PRICE 2s. 6d., DAWN AND SUNRISE : BRIEF NOTICES OF THE LIFE AND EARLY DEATH OF BARBARA SOPHIA GORDON. By C. B. With a PREFACE, by John CAMPBELL COLQUHOUN, Esq. VII. THE SECOND EDITION, WITH PORTRAIT, IN SMALL 8vo., CLOTE, PRICE 33. 6d., STRENGTH IN WEAKNESS. A NARRATIVE OF THE EARLY CHASTENING AND FIRM HOPE OF WILLY GELDART. By Mrs. GELDART, Author of “Sunday Thoughts,” &c., &c. Vill. THE FOURTH TEOUSAND, WITH PORTRAIT, IN SMALL SVO., CLOTH, PRICE 58., THE EARNEST CHRISTIAN. Memoirs and Letters of Harriett M. Jukes, wife of the late Rev. M. R. Jukes. By Mrs. H. A. GILBERT. IX. 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THE SECOND EDITION, IN SMALL 870., CLOTH, PRICE 1s. 6d., REST AND RESURRECTION: THE SABBATH AND THE SUNDAY. By JANE ANNE WINSCOM, Author of " Vineyard Labourers," "Onward,” &. XIV. IN ONE VOLUME, CHEAPER ISSUE, THE FOURTH EDITION, CLOTH, PRIOE 58., SA THË EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY : STATED IN A POPULAR AND PRACTICAL MANNER. By DANIEL WILSON, D.D., late Bishop of Calcutta. SEELEY, JACKSON, AND HALLIDAY. Works Yately Published. The Third Thousand, in crown 8vo., 6s. cloth, AN EXPOSITION of the BOOK of ECCLESIASTES. By the Rev. CHARLES BRIDGES, M.A., Rector of Hinton Martell, Doreet, Author of " An Exposition of Psalm CXIX.,” &c., &c. In small 8vo., with Engravings, cloth, price 5s., ENGLAND'S DAYBREAK : Narratives of the Reformation in the Fourteenth and following Centuries. By the Author of " Come to the Supper," " A Working Man's Fireside,” &c. 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In small 8vo., cloth, price 2s. 6d., THE PROVERBS of SOLOMON, Arranged and Classified, with Critical and Explanatory Notes, Various Readings, &c. By the Rev. J. W. BROOKS, M.A., Prebendary of Lincolu, and Vicar of St. Mary's, Nottingham. The Work is in Sections, and suitable for Family Reading, and for Subjects for Bible-classes. With Frontispiece, in crown 870., cloth, price 6s., LIFE and ITS LESSONS; or, The Past and the Present: a Tale. By the Rev. F. W. B. BOUVERIE, Incumbent of St. Paul's Church of England Chapel, Aberdeen. With Frontispiece, in small 8v0., cloth, price 3s. 6d., THE LAND of PROMISE : an Account of the Chosen People and the Holy Land. Designed for the Young. By Mrs. R. BARKER. With Frontispiece, in small 8vo., cloth, price 5s., : THE GOLDEN BALANCE; or, The False and the Real. By FANNY ELIZABETE BUNNETT. With a Frontispiece, in small 8vo., cloth, price 5s., MEMOIRS of a CAVALIER, and other Tales. Selected and Abridged from the Works of DANIEL DEFOE. With a Sketch of the Author's Life A CATALOGUE OR OF MAPS, ATLASES, AND GLOBES, .. PUBLISHED BY SMITH AND SON, No. 172, STRAND, LONDON, CORNER OF SURREY STREET. FOR LIST OF IRISH SCHOOL MAPS, SEE PAGES 3, 4, & 5. JUST PUBLISHED, A LARGE MAP OF THE WORLD, - ON MERCATOR'S PROJECTION. mmmmmmmmmmm Size, 8-ft. 6-in. wide, 5-ft. 8-in. deep. Price on Rollers, £1 10s. The above Map is also published in outline, showing a skeleton repre- sentation of the World, including Mountain Ranges, Rivers, Boundaries of Countries, and positions of the principal Towns, compiled at the sug- gestion of several Scientific Gentlemen, as a Map much wanted for the illustration of Lectures on Physical Geography. On Rollers, £1 5s. JUST PUBLISHED.-A Geological Map of the British Isles. This Map forms part of the Series published under the direction of the Commissioners of Education in Ireland, and is the first attempt to intro- duce a Geological Map, which hitherto, from its high price, has been excluded from the School Room. The great and increasing interests attached to this important study, rendered the production of such a Map necessary, and in preparing it the Publishers have endeavoured to render it as simple as the subject will admit of. The insertion of the designa- tion of the different strata on the body of the Map itself, by rendering reference to a table unnecessary, must at a glance be appreciated by those who have hitherto felt the difficulty of distinguishing the variety of colors necessary in a map of this description. A Supplementary Map has been added, showing the Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary formations. mummy mm Price, on Rollers, £1 1s.-Rollers and Varnished, £1 5s. Size, 5-ft. 8-in. by 4-ft. 4-in. THE IRISH SCHOOL MAPS. The following SERIES OF MAPS, constructed under the direction of the Commissioners on Education in Ireland by the late Samuel Arrowsmith, has proved the most successful medium of imparting a practical acquaintance with the important Science of Geography. The Maps are on a Scale sufficiently large to show, with a peculiar boldness, the boundaries of the different Countries. The course of the Rivers and the Mountain Ranges are so prominently marked, that at one view the attention of the pupil is directed to this important branch of the study; the introduction of only such names as are of importance, imparts to the Maps a distinctness which cannot fail to be appreciated. The great success attending this Series of Maps, has induced the Publishers to add New Maps of AUSTRALIA, the PACIFIC OCEAN, the UNITED STATES, and CANADA, corresponding in size and price, and also one of the BRITISH ISLES, on a larger size than the foregoing; the imposing appearance of this Map from its size, the largest ever published, cannot fail to impress on the mind of the pupil the importance which ought to be attached to the Geography of his native country. And more recently a Geological Map of British Isles, for notice of which see opposite page. A Map of India is just completed, corresponding in size and price with the above. For List of Maps see next Page. Price in Price on . . . LIST OF MAPS Published under the direction of the Irish Commissioners on Education. Width. Depth. Sheets. Rollers. ft. in. ft. in. s. d. 3. d. The World on the l 6 8x36 14 0 21 0 Globular Projections The World on Mer- \ 86 x 5 8 200 30 (0) cator's Projection... Europe 5 8 x 4 4 10 6 16 () Asia ... 5 8 x 4 4 10 6 16 0 Africa ... ... ... 4 4 x 5 8 10 6 16 0 America ... ... ... 4 4 x 5 8 10 6 16 0 England ... ... ... 4 4 x 5 8 10 6 16 0 Scotland ... ... ... 4 4 x 5 8 10 6 16 0 Ireland ... ... ... 4 4 * 5 8 10 6 16 0 Ancient or Scripture ! 5 0x4 4 10 6 World ... 16 0 ... s Palestine ... ... ... 4 4 * 5 8 10 6 16 () India ... 4 4 x 5 8 10 6 16 0 Australia ... 8 * 4 4 10 6 16 0 Pacific Ocean 8 x 4 4 10 6 16 0 United States 8 x 4 4 10 6 16 0 Canada ... 5 8 x 4 4 10 6 16 0 British Isles 7 0 x 80 20 0 30 0 British Isles ... ... 4 4 * 5 8 10 6 16 0 Geological British Isles 4 4 X.5 8 15 0 21 0 Crimea ... ... ... 3 0 X 20 40 60 Outline World on) Mercator's Projec 8 6 x 5 8 18 0 25 0 tion ... ... ) Astronomical Dia- ļ 5 8x4 4 10 6 16 0 grams ... ... s ::::: HA X at er or or or HA ... H ANCIENT MAPS. ( In continuation of the preceding Series.) Price in Sheets, 8. d. Price on Rollers. d. 10 6 10 6 16 0 16 0 X 10 6 16 0 60 60 100 X Width. Depth. ft. in. ft. "in. Orbis Veteribus Notus ... ... 5 8 x 4 4 Italia Antiqua, with Plan of Rome 5 8 x 4 4 Græcia Antiqua, with Plan of ! ļ 5 8 X4 4 Athens... .. ... ... Asia Minor, or Antiqua ... ... 4 4 X 2 10 Terra Sancta, combining the e 2 10 X 4 4 Old and New Testamentsſ The Land of Canaan prior to its 2 2 X 2 10 conquest by the Israelitesſ " The Land of Promise after its { 2 2 X 2 10 , conquest by the Israelites S Palestine, or the Holy Land, ) in the time of the New ļ 2: 2 X 2 10 Testament ... ... ... ) Plan of Jerusalem ... ... ... 2 2 % 2 10 X 30 - 60 X 30 60 X 30 60 30 60 MAPS OF THE WORLD. Orbis Veteribus Notus, or Map of the World known to the Ancients, with Plans of Rome, Athens, Syracuse, the World according to Ptolemy, and the environs of Rome; two large Sheets; size 4-ft. 4-in. by 2-ft. 10.in. Price, in Sheets, 10s.; in Case, 15s.; on Rollers, and Varnished, £1. The Modern World,' on Mercator's Projection, comprehending the whole of the Discoveries up to the present time, corresponding in size with the Map of the Ancient World. Price-in Sheets, 10s.; in Case, . 15s.; on Rollers, Varnished, £1. World, on Mercator's Projection. Sheet, 25.; in Case, 3s. Ditto, on Globular Projection. Sheet, 2s. ; in Case, 3s. ATLASES. Smith's Folio English Atlas, being a complete Set of County Maps, divided into Hundreds, showing the Railways, Division of Counties, Boundaries of Boroughs, and Polling Places, together with the Number of Mem- bers returned to Parliament by each Borough. The whole accompanied by an Index Villaris, containing Fifty Thousand Names of Places mentioned in the Work, with reference to their situation; the Maps sepa- rately, 2s. 6d. each in Sheet, colored, or 3s. 6d. in Case. Price of the Work, coloured and half-bound, £5 5s. A Quarto English Atlas, (being a reduction of the Folio Atlas), containing the Direct and Principal Cross Roads, Cities, Towns, and most considerable Villages. Price, neatly coloured and half-bound, £l 1s. Each County Map may be had separate, in a neat Case, 1s. each. Smith's General Atlas, containing Maps of all the Empires, Kingdoms, etc., throughout the WORLD; the whole carefully compiled from the most recent authorities, containing the following Maps: Comparative View of India, South, and Birman Denmark. Mountains and Rivers. Empire. New Holland. Comparative View of the East India Isles. British Colonies in Aus- · principal Waterfalls. Chinese Empire. tralia. Orbis Veteribus Notus. England. New Zealand. Western Hemisphere. Scotland. Africa. Eastern ditto. Ireland. Ditto, North. World, on Mercator's Pro France, in Departments. Ditto, South. jection. Ditto, in Provinces. Egypt. Countries near the North Holland and the Nether America. Pole. lands. North America. : Europe. Switzerland. Upper and Lower Canada. Russia. North Italy. United States. Turkey. South ditto. Mexico and West Indies. Greece. Spain. South America. Asia. Portugal. Columbia. Turkey in Asia. Germany. Peru, Chili, and Buenos Persia. Hungary. Ayres. India, North. Sweden. Brazil. Price, with the Boundaries of the Countries softened, and half-bound, £3 3s.; ditto, ditto, Outlined, £2 2s. Smith's Classical Atlas, (being a Companion to the Modern), containing distinct Maps of the Countries described in Ancient History, both sacred and pro- fane. Price-Full coloured and half-bound, £1 18s.; Outlined, £1 14s. Smith's Ancient and Modern Atlas, consisting of Eighty-three Maps of the most interesting Countries, forming the most complete reference for Ancient and Modern History extant. Price-Full coloured and half-bound, £5 5s. ; with the Boundaries Outlined, £4 10s. Smith's (reduction of his large) Quarto General Atlas, for the use of Schools, containing Thirty-five Maps of the principal Kingdoms, States, etc., through- out the World, from the best and latest Authorities, and arranged according to the Treaty of Vienna. Price, with the Maps full coloured, 16s. A Classical Atlas, (also reduced from the large one into Quarto), containing distinct Maps of all the Countries described in Ancient History. Price, Out- lined and half-bound, 14s. Smith's Atlas of Modern Geography, for the use of Schools, consisting of Twenty-eight Maps, coloured. Price, 9s. Smith's Elementary Atlas, containing Twelve Maps. Price, 4s. Smith's Atlas of Ancient Geography. Price, 7s.6d. WORKS RELATING TO BRITISH GEOGRAPHY, ched, Sheetod, the Smith's Six-Sheet Map of the British Isles, on which are described all the Railways, etc., etc. Price in Sheets, £1 10s.; on Rollers and Varnished, £2 12s.6d.; on Spring Barrel, £4 14s. 6d. Size: 6-ft. 2-in. high, 6-ft, wide. The British Isles, on One Sheet. Price—3s. 6d.; in Case, 5s.; on Rollers, and Varnished, 7s. 6d. England and Wales, on Two large Sheets-on which the Railways are particularly distinguished, the distance between each Market Town, and also from London. Price-in Sheets, 10s. 6d. ; in Case, 15s. ; Varnished, £1. Size: 4-ft. high, 3-ft. 6-in. wide. A Reduction of the above Map of England and Wales. One large Sheet. Price-in Sheet, 5s. ; in Case, 7s. 6d.; Varnished, 12s. England, on One Sheet, with the Roads and Rivers. Price-2s. 6d.; in a Case, for the Pocket, 3s. 6d. Ditto, small Sheet, 1s. A Geological Railway & Canal Map of England, Wales, and part of Scotland. Price-on One large Sheet, 10s. ; in a Case, 15s.; and on Rollers, Var- nished, £1 is. Canal Map of England, showing at one view the Inland Navigation, describing each Canal by colour; the great Roads and Railways are also delineated. Price—7s. ; in Case, 10s.; Roller, and Varnished, 14s. Yorkshire, on Four Sheets. Price--10s. ; in a Case, for the Pocket, 15s. Ditto, in Sheet, 2s.6d.; in Case, 3s. 6d. Single Sheet Maps of the Counties of England. Price-2s. 6d. each; in Cases, for Travelling, 3s. 6d.; on Rollers, 5s. Quarto Maps of the Counties, in a neat Case. Price-ls. FOREIGN GEOGRAPHY. Maps of the Four Quarters of the World, on One Sheet. Size : 32-in. by 33-in. mmm Europe. On One very large Sheet. Price-5s. in Case, for the Pocket, 7s. 6d.; on Rollers, Vår- nished, 12s. Asia. On One very large Sheet. Price—58. ; in Case, for the Pocket, 7s. 6d. ; on Rollers, Var- nished, 12s. Africa. On One very large Sheet. Price—55.; in Case, for the Pocket, 7s. 6d. ; on Rollers, Var- nished, 12s. America. On One very large Sheet. Price_55.; in Case, for the Pocket, 7s. 6d. ; on Rollers, Var- nished, 12s. Europe. On One large Sheet. Price-3s. 6d., in Case, for the Pocket, 5s. 6d. India, with a Supplement containing the Birman Empire. On One Sheet, with the latest Division. Price-58.; in Case, 7s.6d. Europe, Asia, and Africa. On One large Sheet, showing The Overland Route to India. Price-in Sheet, 7s. 6d.; in Case, 10s.; on Rollers, and Var- nished, 14s. France. On One large Sheet, containing all the Post Roads, with the number of Posts. Price-in Sheets, 7s. 6d. ; in Case, 10s. A Map of the Northern Parts of France and Germany, including the whole of the United Netherlands, and Switzerland. Price-on One large Sheet, 9s. ; in Case, for Travelling, 13s. Italy and Switzerland. On One large Sheet. Price—7s. 6d.; in Case, 10s. A Plan of Pompeii. Showing the Excavations to the Year 1813. In Sheets. Price-5s. 10 Spain and Portugal. Showing the whole of the Travelling Roads and Post Relays, and number of Posts between each Relay. Price-58. ; in Case, 7s. 6d. Germany. One large Sheet, with the Railways. Price-in Sheet, 5s. ; in Case, 7s. 6d. North America. On One large Sheet, containing the whole of the Discoveries of Parry, Franklin, Lyon, etc. Price-in Sheet, 5s. ; in Case, 7s. 6d. Mexico and the West Indies. Price--2s. The United States, with Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Price-2s.; in Case, 3s. Canada, including the Northern Parts of the United States. Price-2s. ; in Case, 3s. South America. Compiled from the most recent Authorities, and showing the Boundaries of the New Republics. Pricemin Sheet, 5s. ; in Case, 7s. 6d. 11 VIEWS OF MOUNTAINS AND RIVERS. TTT wie . mm A Section of the Earth, from the North to the South Pole. Showing the height of the Mountains, placed in their respective latitudes; the extent of the line of perpetual Snow, with its various heights at different latitudes; the proportional decrease of Vege- tion from the Equator, the point of the most luxurious growth, to the Snow line, or limit of Vegetation; and the extent to which the Vegetable and Animal Creation are spread upon the Earth. The whole showing the system of Baron Humboldt. Translated from the German; accompanied by a Pamphlet, explanatory of the use of the Print. Price—10s. A Combined View of the Principal Mountains and Rivers in the World. Showing their compara- tive Heights and Lengths. On One large Sheet, coloured. Price - 6s.; on Rollers, 10s. 6d. A Comparative View of the Principal Mountains and Rivers in the World. Reduced from the above. Price-3s. A Comparative View of the Principal Waterfalls. To correspond with the above. Price-3s. A Comparative View of the Heights of the Principal Mountains, etc., in the World, with their Altitudes and Latitudes, carefully taken from the most approved Authorities, and so arranged as to form a most pleasing picture. On One large Sheet, coloured. Price-6s.; on Rollers, and Varnished, 10s. 6d. A Comparative View of the Lengths of the Principal Rivers in the World, (being a Companion to the View of the Mountains), with a copious des- cription, tending to illustrate that interesting subject. On One large Sheet, coloured. Price-6s. ; on Rollers and Varnished, 10s. 6d. 12 HISTORICAL CHARTS. un IN um The Stream of Time, or Chart of Universal History. Showing the Rise and Progress of Nations, from the Creation to the present period. Translated from the German of STRASS ; with the addition of a Stream for Biography. Price—in Sheets, 13s. ; in Case, 18s.; on Rollers, and Varnished, £1 ls.. SMITH'S Genealogical Chart of the Kings and Queens of England, from the Reign of William the Conqueror to that of Victoria I., with Armorial Bear- ings and Portraits of each Sovereign On One large Sheet. Price-4s.; in handsome Cover, 6s. ; on Roller, and Varnished, 8s. PLANISPHERES.. A Moveable Planisphere, showing the position of the Heavens at any given time. Price-5s., with the Constellations coloured, 6s. A Map of the Stars Visible to Great Britain. Price--plain, 1s. ; coloured, 1s. 6d. SELENOGRAPHIA. A Telescopic View of the MOON'S DISC at the time of opposition to the SUN, and in the state of Mean Libration. From an Original Painting, after Telescopic Studies and Micrometrical Measurements, by CHARLES BLUNT, Esq., Lecturer on Astronomy and Natural Philosophy, Civil Engineer, etc. With a Key Plate, and Explanatory Pamphlet. Price-5s. 13 MAPS OF LONDON. wwmmmmmmmm Smith's Map of London, on a Scale of Eight Inches to the Mile. Size: 6 feet 6 inches, by 5 feet 4 inches. Price-Sheets, £1 11s. 6d.; Rollers, £2 2s. The above may be had coloured into Parishes, 5s. extra. Smith's Map of London and its Environs, including all the New Streets, Buildings, etc.; extend- ing to Hammersmith on the West; Bow, Stratford, and the Docks, on the East; Hampstead, Highgate, Islington, Kingsland, Stoke Newington, on the North; Wandsworth, Clapham, Stockwell, Peckham, Green- wich, on the South. Size: 3 feet 6 inches, by 2 feet 6 inches. Price-in Sheet, coloured, 5s.; in a neat Case, Clasped, for the Pocket, 7s. 6d. ; on Roller, and Varnished, for the Counting House, 12s. The above Map includes the Postal Districts. With a Table of Reference to the principal Streets. Price_Sheet, 2s. ; in Case, 2s. 6d. SMITH'S INDICATOR MAP OF LONDON, Accompanied by an Alphabetical List containing upwards of 3,500 Streets, with the Postal Districts attached. may be readily ascertained. TO FIND THE SITUATION OF A PLACE :-Required, the situation of the British Museum ?- Find the place in the Alphabetical List, opposite to which are Nos. 27–18. Apply the Tape to 27 on the margin of the Map, and above 18 will be found the British Museum. Smith's Map of London, Is. . 14 To CALCULATE CAB FARES:-Required, the Fare from South Eastern Railway to North Western Rail- way?- Count Five half-mile Squares to the left from South Eastern Railway, and Three upwards towards North Western Railway; making Eight half-miles. Fare-Two Shillings. mm ENVIRONS OF LONDON, ETC. Thirty Miles round London. On a Scale of Half- an-Inch to the Mile. Price-on Sheet, 3s. 6d.; Cloth and Case, 6s. Twenty Miles round London. Same Scale as above. Price-on Sheet, 2s. ; Cloth and Case, 3s. 6d. Ten Miles round London. Same Scale as above. Twelve Miles round London. On a Scale of One Inch and a Quarter to a Mile. Price-on Sheet, 5s. ; Cloth and Case, 7s. 6d. The above Maps contain all the Railways at present opened. A Plan of the Cities of London and Westmin- ster, and Borough of Southwark, by JOHN ROCQUE, on Twenty-four Sheets--1769. Price- £4 4s. MAPS Mounted on Spring Barrel, Roll, and Ledge, and Framed in various ways: likewise Pasted on Canvass, for the Pocket; 01 Bound for the Library. DRAWING PAPER, MOUNTED ON CLOTH, FOR SURVEYORS. SECTION PAPER, On Cloth, from One to Three Feet in Width, always in Stock. MAPS AND PLANS OF ESTATES Drawn and Engraved. 16 Inches. 20 Low e NEW GLOBES, CELESTIAL AND TERRESTRIAL, AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES PER PAIR:- £ 8. d. 25 Globes, High Stands, with Compass ............ 31 10 0 98 99 ........ 15 15 0 1 15 15 0 ; "" Low Mahogany 10 10 0 High Stands 13 13 0 900 High „ with Compass ........... 10 10 0 » » » . 9 9 0 Low 6 16 0 High » with Compass ..... 6 10 0 Low » Mahogany 4 4 0 s y Black .......... 3 18 0 » » Mahogany ................ 3 3 0 Pedestal 2 2 0 Low Stands ... 2 2 0 Pedestal ...... 0 10 0 0 4 6 0 2 6 in Mahogany Box ... , 0 3 0 ........... 0 2 0 ..... , 0 1 6 each ...... 0 4 0 SMITH AND SON, 172, STRAND. NICHOLS AND SON, PRINTERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS, CHANDOS STREET, WEST STRAND, LONDON. W.C. PUBLICATIONS OF THE SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. Educational and Scientific Works. EDUCATIONAL. ARITHMETIC FOR SCHOOLS. Part 1. Addition to Proportion. 12mo. limp cloth, 8d.; with Key, 10d.-Part 2. Fractions to Extraction of Roots. Limp cloth, ls. ; with Key, ls. 2d. The two parts together, cloth boards, Is. 8d. ; with Keys, 2s. TRIGONOMETRY, PLANE AND SPHERICAL. 1s. 6d. ENGLISH GRAMMAR. By Rev. G. Currey. 18mo. 8d. - FOR BEGINNERS. By the SAME. 3d. READING BOOKS: FIRST READING. 3d.-SECOND READING. 7d. THIRD READING. Is. 2d.--FOURTH READING. ls. 4d. FIRST AND SECOND SEQUELS TO SECOND READING BOOK. Each 7d. SUPPLEMENT TO THIRD READING BOOK. Is. 2d. READING BOOK FOR ADULTS. 10d. READING BOOK FOR BEGINNERS. 4d. QUESTIONS AND STORIES FOR INFANT SCHOOLS. Two parts, each 4d. GEOGRAPHY, ELEMENTS OF. 4d. . GEOGRAPHICAL LESSONS ABOUT THE “ WORLD WE LIVE IN.” Parts 1 and 2, each 8d.; bound together, ls. Part 3, 2s. FIRST READING, on 22 sheets, large type. Per set 1s. 4d. EMPHATIC READING LESSONS. Per set 2s. 6d. ENGLISH SPELLING BOOK. Parts 1 and 2, each 8d.; bound to- gether ls. SPELLING LESSONS (EUPHONIC) on 36 sheets. Per set 2s. L1 EDUCATIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC WORKS. EDUCATIONAL (continued). INDUSTRIAL HANDBOOK (Needlework and Knitting). 8d. DIRECTIONS FOR CUTTING OUT CLOTHING. 6d. MAPS: A MODERN ATLAS, containing 30 Maps, with Indexes, &c. 125. EDUCATIONAL ATLAS FOR SCHOOLMASTERS, &c. 8s. ANCIENT CLASSICAL ATLAS. Full colored, 98.; outline colored, 8s.; plain, 6s. 8d. COLONIAL CHURCH ATLAS. Colored, 14s. CELESTIAL ATLAS. Plain, 6s.; colored, 6s. 8d. MAPS ON ROLLER - WORLD, EUROPE, ASIA, AFRICA, AUSTRALIA, and GEOLOGICAL MAP OF THE BRITISH ISLES, each 12s. NORTH, and SOUTH AMERICA, OLD, and NEW TESTAMENT, each 8s. ENGLAND AND WALES. Larger Map. 145. ENGLAND AND WALES, smaller ; IRELAND, and SCOTLAND, eace 6s. BRITISH ISLANDS; HOLY LAND. Nos. 1, 2, and 3, each 2s. 8d. ST. PAUL'S TRAVELS, and COMPARATIVE VIEW OF RIVERS, each 5s. 4d. JOURNEYS OF THE ISRAELITES. 38. T PRINTS: SCENES IN THE HOLY LAND, printed in colors, after recent Photographs, 22 in. by 15 in. Viz., JERUSALEM, and the MOUNT OF OLIVES; BETHLEHEM, NAZARETH; HEBRON; JAFFA; and the JORDAN. Each 6d. 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PRINTS: The following Series of PRINTS, each, plain, d.; colored, 2d.; or in a Volume, containing 30 Prints, plain, 4s.; colored, 7s. 6d., viz.- PHENOMENA OF NATURE, Nos. 1 to 30 ; PROPHETIC SITES, Nos. 1 to 30; ANIMALS, (Prints, with descriptions of,) Nos. 1 to 180. The last are also kept in 2 vols. cach, plain, 8s.; colored, 20s. ni COLORED PICTURE CARDS IN PACKETS: HYMNS; PARABLES; MIRACLES; LIFE OF OUR BLESSED SAVIOUR; GARLANDS OF THE MONTHS; MONTHLY FLOWER GARDEN; MONTHLY WINDOW FLOWERS; SEA-WEEDS ; BIRDS OF THE SEA-SHORE; BIRDS OF THE WOOD AND FIELD, Nos. 1 and 2 ; BRITISH BUTTERFLIES. Each ls. PICTURE TICKETS FOR REWARDS. 48 in a packet, 1s.; 24 in a packet, 6d. BIBLE PICTURE TICKETS. 48 in a packet, ls.; 24 in a packet. 6d. HISTORY HISTORY OF THE JEWS, from the Christian Era to the Dawn of the Reformation. By P. H. GOSSE, F.R.S. 12mo. 2s. CHURCH HISTORY, SKETCHES OF, DURING THE FIRST SIX CENTURIES. By the Rev. J. C. ROBERTSON. 12mo. ls. 4d. HISTORICAL ACCOMPANIMENT TO THE SCRIPTURES. 12mo. ls. 6d. HISTORY OF ENGLAND FOR YOUNG PERSONS. Fine Edition. 12mo. 2s ENGLISH HISTORY. New Series. 12mo. Is. 6d. - READINGS FROM, for Children, from 55 B.C. to 1853 A.D. Square 16mo. 2s. HISTORICAL SERIES: No. 1. ENGLAND. 12mo. ls. 4d. 3. GREECE. 12mo. Is. 4d. HISTORY OF GREECE. By the Rev. R. W. BROWNE, M.A. Post 8vo. 55. HISTORY OF ROME, from the Earliest Times to A.D. 96. By the Rev. R. W. BROWNE, M.A. Post 8vo. 5s. - School Edition. 12mo. 2s. HISTORY OF ROME, from A.D. 96 to the Fall of the Western Empire. By the Rev. R. W. BROWNE, M.A. Post 8vo. 5s. - - -, Stories from the. Foolscap 8vo. 38. BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN INDIA. With Map. Foolscap 8vo. 48. HISTORY OF RUSSIA, Conversations on. 2 parts, each 2s. HISTORY OF AMERICA. By ROBERTSON. 2 vols. Foolscap 8vo. 8s. HISTORY OF THE REIGN OF CHARLES V. By the SAME, 3 vols. Foolscap 8vo. 10s. EUROPEAN HISTORY, Short Stories founded on :- ENGLAND. Parts I. to III., each Is. 6d. ; FRANCE, SWEDEN, SPAIN, ITALY, SWITZERLAND. Square 16mo., each 2s. T EDUCATIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC works. TOPOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. SCRIPTURE TOPOGRAPHY. Vol. I. PALESTINE, 68. Vol. II. THE GENTILE WORLD. Illustrated from recent Photographs. Foolscap 8vo. 6s. SCRIPTURE MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. Foolscap 8vo. 45. (The above works are principally illustrated by the accounts of Modern Travellers.) ELDAD THE PILGRIM: a Sketch of the Manners and Customs of the Jews in the Century which preceded the Advent of our Saviour. Foolscap 8vo. 3s. PLACES (THIRTY) MENTIONED IN HOLY SCRIPTURE, illustrative of the Fulfilment of Prophecy. Foolscap 8vo. 2s. THE MOUNTAINS OF SCRIPTURE. Foolscap 8vo. 2s. 6d. VISIT TO PALESTINE AND CAIRO. By the Rev. P. G. Hill. 18mo. Is. 6d. ASSYRIA : her Manners and Customs, Arts and Arms, restored from her Monuments. By P. H. Gosse, F.R.S. Post 8vo. 8s. ANCIENT EGYPT, MONUMENTS OF, and their Relation to the Word of God. By the SAME. 12mo. 2s. BRITISH ISLANDS, RAMBLES IN THE. 18mo. ls. 8d. CHANNEL ISLANDS, RAMBLES AMONG THE. By a Naturalist. Foolscap 8vo. 3s. LIZARD, A WEEK AT THE. By the Rev. C. A. JOHNS, F.L.S. Square 16mo. 35, 6d. WATERING PLACES OF ENGLAND. 18mo. 8d. PITCAIRN: the Island, the People, and the Pastor. With some aceount of NORFOLK ISLAND. By the Rev. T. B. MURRAY, M.A. Foolscap 8vo. 2s. PARIS, RAMBLES ROUND. By the Rev. C. A. Johns. Square 16mo. 3s. AFRICAN KINGDOMS AND PEOPLES, SKETCHES OF THE. With a Map. Foolscap 8vo. 4s. DESCRIPTIONS OF MEXICO, AND SPAIN. 18mo., each 2s, GLANCES AT GERMANY, JOURNEY TO ITALY, NORWAY, CHINA, PERSIA, NEW ZEALAND; and THE TENT, or a Traveller's Recollections. Each Is. 8d. DESCRIPTIONS OF FLORENCE, 8d., GENOA, 8d., VENICE, 8d., and NAPLES, Is. 8d. OLD ARM CHAIR; or, Travels by Sea and Land. Foolscap 8vo. 3s. SHIPWRECKS AND ADVENTURES AT SEA. Foolscap 8vo. 3s. TRAVELS IN NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA; NORTH, SOUTH- EASTERN, AND SOUTH-WESTERN ASIA ; EUROPEAN RUSSIA; SPAIN; SWEDEN; SWITZERLAND; AND ARCTIC TRAVELS. 10 vols., 18mo., cach Is. 8d. VOYAGES IN THE ARCTIC SEAS, 1818 to 1820, 1821 to 1825, PA- CIFIC, AND NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN. 4 vols., 18mo., cach ls. 8d. BYRON’S NARRATIVE. Is. 6d. WINTER IN THE ARCTIC REGIONS. New and enlarged Edition, by C. Tomlinson, Esq. Square 16ino. 2s. 6d. SUMMER IN THE ANTARCTIC REGIONS. Square 16mo. 2s. VOYAGES TO HUDSON'S BAY. ls. 8d. ... .- --------...---------- -- --- -- --- - ------------ EDUCATIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC WORKS. TOPOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS (continued). BINGLEY’S CELEBRATED VOYAGERS. Foolscap 8vo. 4s. ANSON'S VOYAGE ROUND THE WORLD. With Map. 48. 6d. THE OCEAN; being a Description of the Phenomena, Subjects of Interest observable on the Shores of Britain, in the Arctic Seas, the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans, &c. By P. H. Gosse, F.R.S. Post 8vo. 4s. 6d. MUSIC. TUNE BOOK, adapted to the Society's “Psalms and Hymns.” 3s. --- Short Score. 1s. 6d. PAROCHIAL PSALMODY, 28.; the Voice part only, 6d. CHANTS FOR THE MORNING AND EVENING SERVICE. A sheet. Per dozen, ls. 4d. A SELECTION OF SINGLE AND DOUBLE CHANTS. 1s. 6d. CANTICLES, arranged for Chanting. Per dozen 13.; in cloth, each 3d. THE SCIENCES. AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY. Foolscap 8vo. 35. 6d. CHEMISTRY OF CREATION; being a Sketch of the Chemical Pheno- mena of the Earth, Air, and Ocean. By R. Ellis, Esq. Fcap. 8vo. 5s. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, First Outlines of. Foolscap 8vo. 4s. BRITISH GEOLOGY, Outlines of. Foolscap 8vo. 4s. - FOSSILS, Tabular View of. In a case or on roller, 6s. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, Elements of. STATICS. Foolscap 8vo. 4s. THE MOON ; its Appearances, Motions, and Influences; with a Notice of Solar and Lunar Eclipses. With Diagrams. Foolscap 8vo. 2s. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE, FIRST STEPS IN. By Mrs. C. Tom- LINSON. Part I. The Starry Heavens. 1s.- Part II. The Surface of the Earth. ls. 4d.-Part III. The Animal Kingdom. 25.–Part IV. The Vege- table Kingdom. ls. 4d.-Part V. The Mineral Kingdom. ls. 4d. SALT, NATURAL HISTORY OF COMMON: its Appearance, Manu- facture, and Uses. Square 16mo. 3s. 6d. NATURAL PHENOMENA: THE DEWDROP, 38. 6d. FROZEN STREAM, ls. 8d. RAIN CLOUD, 2s. 6d. SNOW STORM, Is. 8d. TEMPEST, 2s. 6d. THUN- DER STORM, 3s. 6d. The above Series, in 6 Volumes, are by C. TOMLINSON, Esq. THE TIDES, THEORY AND PHENOMENA OF. With two Tidal Charts. Foolscap 8vo. 2s. 6d. THE PHENOMENA OF NATURE. With 31 Illustrations. Fcap. 8vo. 2s. LIGHT; its Nature, Sources, Effects, and Applications. Foolscap 8vo). 4s. X EDUCATIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC WORKS. THE SCIENCES (continued). BOTANY: BY THE REV. C. A. Jouns, F.L.S. BOTANICAL RAMBLES. Square 16mo. 2s. FOREST TREES OF BRITAIN. 2 vols. Foolscap 8vo. 7s. 6d. FLOWERS OF THE FIELD. Foolscap Svo. 75. RAMBLES IN SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN, AND WINTER. Square 16mo. each ls. BY ANNE PRATT. FLOWERING PLANTS OF GREAT BRITAIN. Volumes I. to V., with numerous Colored Plates. 8vo. Each Volume 15s. EERNS OF GREAT BRITAIN. Forming Volune VI. With numerous Plates. 8vo. 12s. GRASSES AND SEDGES, BRITISH. 37 Colored Plates, containing every British (216) species. Forming Volume VII. 8vo. 103. 6d. WILD FLOWERS OF BRITAIN. Containing a popular Descrip. tion, with Colored Illustrations of 192 Plants. Square 1600., in two volumes, cach 8s. POISONOUS, NOXIOUS, AND SUSPECTED PLANTS OF OUR FIELDS AND WOODS. 44 Colored Plates. Square 16mo. 6s. GREEN FIELDS (THE) AND THEIR GRASSES. ls. WANDERINGS THROUGH THE CONSERVATORIES AT KEW. Foolscap 8vo. 2s. 6d. LIFE OF A TREE. Being a History of the Phenomena of Vege- tation, from the Seed to the Death of a Plant. By R. Ellis, Esq., F.L.S. Square 16mo. 2s. 6d. CURIOSITIES AND WONDERS OF THE VEGETABLE KING- DOM. 16mo. 2s. MONTHLY FLOWER GARDEN: WILD FLOWERS, and WIN- DOW FLOWERS. Colored Plates. Each Is. 8d. Cloth gilt. MONTHLY GLEANINGS FROM THE FIELD AND GARDEN. Edited by the Rev. C. A. Jouns. With 24 Colored Plates. Cloth gilt, 3s. 6d. VEGETABLE KINGDOM, TABULAR VIEW OF. In a case, or ou roller. 6s. HANDBOOK TO DITTO. By Professor HENFREY. 25. 4d. SEA-WEEDS. 12 Plates. In a Volume. 1610. Cloth gilt, 1s. 8d. ZOOLOGY: By P. H. Gossi, F.R.S. EVENINGS AT THE MICROSCOPE ; an Introduction to Micro- scopic Zoology. Post 8vo. 8s. INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF ZOOLOGY. 2 vols. Post 8vo. 128. TEXT BOOK OF ZOOLOGY, for Schools. 12mo. 3s. 6d. NATURAL HISTORY OF MAMMALIA, Birds, Reptiles, Fishes, and Mollusca. Foolscap 8vo. Each Volume 3s. Od. EDUCATIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC WORKS. THE SCIENCES (continued). ZOOLOGY: LIFE OF A BIRD, from the Nest to the Perfect Condition. By R. Ellis, Esq., F.L.S. Square 16io. 3s. 6d. NATIVE SONGSTERS. With 72 Colored Plates. By Anne PRATT. Square 16mno. 8s. BIRDS' NESTS. With 22 Colored Plates of Eggs. Square 16mo. 4s. 6d. BIRDS, Orders and Families of. Numerous Engravings. In a case, or on roller. 6s. BIRDS OF THE SEA-SHORE. Colored Plates. Cloth gilt, 1s. 8d. BRITISH BUTTERFLIES. Colored Plates. Cloth gilt, ls. 8d. BRITISH FISHES, a Familiar History of. Foolscap 8vo. 4s. FISHES, Orders and Families of (numerous Engravings). In a case, or on a roller. 6s. MOLLUSCA, Orders and Families of, Tabular Views of. In a case, or on a roller. 6s. AQUARIUM (FRESH-WATER), Hints for the. Fcap. 8vo. 2s. 6d. SEA-SIDE, COMMON THINGS OF THE. By ANNE PRATT. 48. SCRIPTURE NATURAL HISTORY. Foolscap 8vo. 4s. LESSONS FROM THE ANIMAL WORLD. 2 vols. By C. TOMLINSON, Esq. 5s.6d. INSECT MANUFACTURES. By the SAME. Square 16mo. Is. 8d. LIFE OF AN INSECT. By R. ELLIS, Esq. F.L.S. Part I. Insect Changes, from the Egg to the Perfect Being.–Part II. Insect Habits and Manners. Square 16mo. Each part 3s. 6d. INSECTS, Orders and Leading Families of (numerous Engravings). In a case, or on a roller. 6s. ZOOLOGICAL SKETCHES. Consisting of Descriptions and En- gravings of 186 Animals. By the Rev. T. B. MURRAY, M.A. Foolscap 8vo. 3.5. A YEAR OF COUNTRY LIFE; or, the Chronicle of the Young Naturalists. Foolscap 8vo. 2s. 6d. WONDERS OF THE ANIMAL WORLD :-MAMMALIA, 3s. 60. -BIRDS, 3s. 6d. ANIMALS, COMPARATIVE SIZE OF 100. Colored. Size, 3 ft. 6 in. by 3 ft. 8 in. Mounted on Canvas and Roller, varnished. 7s. NATURAL HISTORY OF SELBORNE. By the Rev. GILBERT Waite. New and revised Edition. Post 8vo. 6s. NATURAL HISTORY OF MANKIND. By S. H. WARD, M.D. With Plates and Ethnographical Map. New Edition. Foolscap 8vo. 3s. SCIENCE OF HEALTH. By the SAME. Foolscap 8vo. 3s. 6d. USEFUL ARTS. USEFUL ARTS AND MANUFACTURES OF GREAT BRITAIN. By C. TOMLINSON, Esq. First series, Textile Manufactures ; Second series, Metals, Chemical Manufactures, &c. 12mo. With numerous Illustrations, each series, 5s. ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE USEFUL ARTS AND MANUFACTURES OF GREAT BRITAIN. With numerous Engravings. By the SAME. 4to. 4s. 8 EDUCATIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC WORKS. USEFUL ARTS (continued). ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE TRADES OF GREAT BRITAIN. With numerous Engravings. By the SAME. 4to. 45. The Two Volumes, containing 1300 Engravings, bound together in cloth boards, 8s. CAOUTCHOUC, AND GUTTA PERCHA. 16mo. 2s. PRINTING, HISTORY OF. Is. 8d. RURAL AFFAIRS. SKETCHES OF. Containing Farm Implements, the Dairy, Poultry Yard, Orchard, &c. By C. Tomlinson, Esq. Foolscap 8vo. 38. 6d. GARDENING FOR CHILDREN. By the Rev. C. A. Johns. Square 16mo. 2s. BRITISH SYLVA, AND PLANTERS' AND FORESTERS' MANUAL. Foolscap 8vo. 3s. SUBSTANCES USED AS FOOD. Square 16mo. 2s. 6d. BIOGRAPHY. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 1s. 4d. JAMES BONNELL, LIFE OF. 3s. 6d. EMINENT MEN, SHORT STORIES OF. Is. 6d. HOWARD, JOHN, LIFE OF. 28, 6d. KALLIHIRUA, The ESQUIMAUX CHRISTIAN. 6d. MAHOMET, ERA OF. 1s. 6d. MARLBOROUGH, LIFE OF. ls. 8d. NELSON, LIFE OF. 2s.6d. WALTON'S LIVES, Entire. 4s. WELLINGTON, LIFE OF. Foolscap 8vo. 2s. DEPOSITORIES: 77, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C.; 4, Royal Exchange, E.C.; 16, Hanover Street, Hanover Square, W., LONDON. PATRONIZED BY HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE (OXSORT, AND JIIS MAJESTY THE KING OF THE BELGIANS. NOW READY, BRITISH WILD FLOWERS. ILLUSTRATED BY JOHN E. SO WERBY, Illustrator of the Terns of Great Britain, The Grasses of Great Britain, $c., DESCRIBED, WITH AN INTRODUCTION AND A KEY TO THE NATURAL ORDERS, BY C. PIERPOINT JOHNSON. An illustrated Manual of British Botany has long been a desideratum. While the few works hitherto published containing coloured figures of all the English Wild Flowers are far too voluminous for use in the fields and woods, and too costly to be within the reach of many, the excellent books of Hooker, Lindley, and Babington, however well adapted for the professed student of botany, are too technical and elaborate for the purpose of the beginner. The present Work contains carefully drawn figures of 1,600 British flowering plants, taken upon a reduced scale from Sowerby's English Botany, including those published in the three volumes of Supplement to that work. A short introduction to the Natural Orders and Genera is added, with a glossary of botanical terms. The book comprises Eighty Plates, each containing Twenty Figures, and two Introductory Plates, forming, with the letter-press, a complete illustrated Manual of the British Flora. In one vol., cloth boards, Coloured, £3; plain, £1 10s.; or in extra gilt: cloth, gilt edges, coloured, £3 3s, The Polume will be ready for delivery shortly. TO BE HAD OF ALL BOOKSELLERS. JOHN E. SOWERBY, 3, MEAD PLACE, LAMBETH. (S.) BRITISH WILD FLOWERS. - - - - - - -- - - - - . . . - - - - - - OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. NI “The success of Mr. Sowerby's elegant work on the ‘British Ferns. has induced him to issue a cheap manual of British Wild Flowers. The first number contains eighty excellent illus- trations, accurately coloured. The descriptive portion of the publication is short and concise. This number is marvellously cheap, being issued at the low price of 3s. It cannot fail of attaining an extensive circulation.”—Lancet, 10th July, 1859. " The name of Mfr. Sowerby as an illustrator of botany is too well known to need eulogium here. The specimens in the parts before us are extremely well executed.”—Critic, 10th July, 1858. “We regard this work as a remarkably useful one, and we hope to have many opportunities of pointing out many of its attractive features to botanical students, and to those who wisb to obtain a general and less precise kuowledge of British Wild Flowers.” - Cambridge Chronicle, 10th July, 1858. “We liave been quite taken by surprise at the appearance of the first number of this beautiful work. The exceeding beauty of the illustrations and the plain pointed forin in which the descriptions are framed, added to the ambitious nature of the aim to which the whole is directed, give promise of excellence which is rarely seeu in these days of cheap literature."-Atlas, 17th July, 1858. “The most striking recommendation of the work, however, is undoubtedly the illustrations, which are admirably engraveil, and coloured in the first style, (at no small expense) entirely by hand. Both as an efficient cducational work, and as a book for the drawing-room and the study, we can recommend it. For to the sclioolmaster, the professel lecturer, and the dilletanti reader, this work must prove invaluable, from its condensed information and its portability. Mr. Sowerby evinces a courageous and enterprising spirit in expending so much labour and capital as this work exhibits, but we doubt not he will meet with a substantial recognition of his merits.”— Monthly Register, 3rd August, 1858. “The extraordinary cheapness of this new work will make it the most popular in the kingdom. Two parts only are issued, and yet they coutain beautifully coloured figures of one hundred and sixty of our native wild flowers, each accompanied with a sliort and simple description. In botanical circles it is spoken of as one of the most success!ul 'bits' hitherto made, as it gives those who are quite unlearned in the science an easy means of readily recognizing all tbe plants whose flowers adorn our fields and waysidles, our mountain slopes and sheltered glens. At the present rapid rate at which it is issued we shall soon have it completed, and we feel assured that it will then be the companion of every tourist and student who travels in search of health, pleasure, and instruction.”--Liverpool Courier, 21st August, 1858. “Is it possible that the beautiful collection of engravings in this work is really a life-like and correct representation of the wikl flowers of our country? Tliis idea struck us upon a cursory view of the several plates as a wilole. But when we came to examine the figures separately, we recognized most of them as old acquaintauces; and often have we, in days long, long gone by, when ranging the fields in all the buoyancy and enthusiasm of a youthful lover of nature, formel bouquets of exquisite beauty, culled from the very specimens that Mr. Sowerby has here so trutlıfully placed before us.”-Mark Lane Express, 6th Sept. 1858. "This delightful book has now reached its ninth vumber, and it is as interesting and beautiful as ever. We are quite sure if our fashionable readers who have any taste for botany were but to see this elegant work they would at once possess themselves of it.”—Court Circular, April 2nd, 1859. « This serial has now advanced so far that we can form a more correct opinion of its value than when the first number appeared (see p. 543, 1858). It is an account of our wild flowcis illustrated by miniature figures, coloured or uucoloured, at the option of the purchaser. The figures are reduced with all possible skill from the old plates of English Botany, and to such an extent that each new plate represents twenty different species. These species being arrauged according to natural afiinities, the plaies give the young botanist capital means of comparing one thing with another. What would not the writer of this have given when a boy for such a charming volume of natural history !"-Gardeners' Chronicle, 9th April, 1858. Educational Periodicals. New Arrangements. On January 1st, will be published, price 6d., post-free, 78 per apdam, No. I. of a New and Improved Series of THE ENGLISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, To be conducted by a Gentleman eminently qualified, who will be supported by an able Staff of Contributors. It will be specially adapted to University and College Education, and to the Middle-Class Schools, which are now so prominently before the Public. TAE Proprietor of the English Journal of Education begs to thank those members of the Scholastic profession who, by their support, have enabled him to continue a Periodical established for the purpose of disseminating sound views on the principles of Education. Many and important changes have taken place in the Educational world, since the English Journal first made its apperance in 1843. But nowhere, perhaps, are these changes more marked than in those introduced into the Middle-class Schools,-changes not only in the curriculum of studies, but in the quality of instruction,--and required by the impetus given to Education by the Examinations of the College of Preceptors, and the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. New vehicles of Educational intelligence are now demanded by those who send, or who are preparing to send, pupils to the annual examination at Midsummer or Christmas. The Proprietor of the English Journal has determined, therefore, to constitute a new era, if he may be allowed the expression, in the history of the Periodical. He is aware of the difficulties which Principals of Middle- class Schools have in procuring Assistants qualified to prepare their pupils for passing through the fiery ordeals. He has, therefore, placed the Journal in the hands of a gentleman eminently qualified to treat of the principles and methods of Education, and to give practical lessons on the best methods of teaching the various subjects that must be brought under the notice of the pupils of the different schools. The Proprietor trusts, therefore, that he will receive the cordial sympathy and support not only of the Masters of Middle-class Schools, but of all engaged in the Education of the young. He will be glad to receive contributions on Educational matters, suggestions as to the improvement of the Journal, and such intelligence as may be of advantage to the Profession at large. The matters that will, from time to time be discussed, may be gathered from the following table of contents :- Expositions of the Principles and Methods of Teaching ;--Notices of the State of Elementary Education at Home and in Foreign Countries ; Translations from Foreign Educational Works ;--Reviews of School and College Books ;-Educational Intelligence ;-Correspondence ;-School Room Work : containing Analysis of Sentences, Models for Paraphras- ing, Methods of Teaching Arithmetic, and Examination Questions in Geography, Grammar, &c. The Proprietor, in conclusion, appeals to all Educators for assistance in an undertaking, which has for its especial objects the improvement of their schools ; the diffusion of sound views on Education, the means best adapted for the elevation of the Teacher in public estimation ; and the professional and personal welfare of those who are engaged in the noble work of Educating the youth of this great country. Educational Intelligence, Books for Review, &c., should be addressed to the Editor, English Journal of Education, 54, Paternoster-row, London, E.C. Subscriptions, 6d monthly, or 75. post-free for one year, should be forwarded before the end of December, to the publisher, GEORGE JOHN STEPHENSON, 54, Paternoster Row, E.C. On January 1st, 1861, will be published, price 3d., post free, Bs. 6d. per annum, No. 1, af the Eight Volume of THE SCHOOL AND TEACHER. Some of the most eminent Teachers in London and its suburbs have been engaged for the New Volume, which will be under new management; and during the year, it is intended to present in its pages a full picture of the present state of Education, and such other informa- tion as will be useful in the School, or for the Teacher in every department of their work. The close of another year, and the completion of another volume, re- minds us of a task, none the less pleasing for its annual repetition-of. wishing to our readers every enjoyment during the approaching festive season, and health and happiness throughout the ensuing year. Upon glancing through the pages which have been issued by us during this “eventful year of 1860," we mark no evidence of the inclemency in the weather having acted prejudicially upon us. Whilst it has pleased the sun to veil his face, or smile through floods of tears, we have not des- paired of seeing him unclouded again. Steadily, but perseveringly, we have laboured in hope, and our seventh volume is now in the hands of our subscribers. With all its faults, we lay claim to no perfection, it is a source of congratulation that it has not fallen behind its predecessors in educational value and interest. We even venture to believe that it is equal to all, and superior to some. For the future, we do not intend to prophecy. Our plans for the year 1861 are not yet matured ; but we think we may safely state, that the new arrangements in progress are such as are likely not only to make the SCHOOL and TEACper moro welcome and more useful to our numerous friends and subscribers than heretofore, but to make it a model of scholastic knowledge, and a fair representative of educational progress as found amongst the advanced teachers of the present day. We do not intend to commence a new series, but the new class of contributions we expect for next year, and the many fresh minds likely to add fresh energy to its pages, gives encou- ragement to the hope that our next year's volume will far excel all its predecessors in intrinsic value and practical utility. We refer with con- fidence to the index to our last volume, or any of its predecessors, to shew the interest of our work to all Teachers. In all our plans during the past seven years we have sought not gain, but good. During the first four years of our labours, this publication was carried on at a considerable loss to the conductors, although the editors rendered gratuitous services--giving precedence and prominence to all matters relating to the Associated Body-yet that society was unable adequately to support its own org an, and could do no more than pass a cordial vote of thanks to the conductors annually. Without ceasing to advocate the interests of that body, we have during the past three years extended the sphere of our labours, and tried to adapt our articles to the wants of all Elementary Teachers, keeping the Religious element always prominent. For the continued and encouraging patro- nage shown to our labours, we tender our most sincere thanks. Our unceasing aim has been to be the Teacher's Friend: much more do we hope to be so during the ensuing year. We beg also to tender our very gratefal acknowledgments to several constant and valuable contributors. In conclusion, we ask our friends to nake one small return to us for our efforts to serve them and their cause. We ask each subscriber to: obtain one additional subscriber to commence with January 1861. Our circulation ought to be five thousand monthly; and with a little effort on the part of our friends, that number might be reached. We purpose making our pages worthy of such encouragement, and we can con- fidently rely on our friends to show their appreciation of our labours by greatly augmenting our publisher's subscription list. Subscriptions 3d. monthly, or 33. 6d. per annum, post free, soon as published, should be forwarded before the first of January, to the Publisher, GEORGE UN SITIITINGAR BAD On January 1st, 1861, wil de poblished, prive 2do, or 9a, per. annnm, post free, No. 40, being · No. I. of the Fourth Volume of THE PUPIL TEACHER, An Educational Periodical, which has reached a circulation exceeding by some thousands, monthly, that of any other independent Journal devoted to the cause of Education. The new arrangements for the next year will. materially increase the value, the usefulness, and the popularity of this first-class periodical, SUCCESS is, or it ought to be, an incentive to perseverance, for success like all other earthly good, is, at the best, but an approximation. Pupil- teachers can readily understand this. We are fortunate in our connexion with those who can go fully sympathise with us in the performance of the pleasurable duty which now devolves upon us, namely, that of bringing our third year's labour to a close. It were mere affectation to deny that the PUPIL TEACHER has increased, and is still increasing, in interest and usefulness; to deny it were to do injustice to those who have so materially assisted us in our endeavours to render it what we wish it to be, and to whom we tender our most - sincere thanks. Our desires for progress and improvement are the best guarantees that our next volume will be superior to the previous ones. We have to thank our friends not only for the assistance which they have rendered to us by their contributions, but for their many encoura- ging letters, and for their kind indulgence in various ways. The difficulty of pleasing thousands of readers, who, although engaged in the same profession, are to some extent necessarily disunited by denominational differences, party prejudices, national jealousies and other causes, has been recognized by our young friends in a manner which is well worthy of imitation by those who pretend to greater knowledge of men and things. Our endeavours to be of use to l'upil-teachers have, during the past year, beertoinently successful. Every month we have received letters which have been as gratifying to us as the most valuable public testi- monial could be. Indeed, more so; for many subscribe to a public testimo- nial at the instigation of others, whilst individual and spontaneous acknowledgments of the services which we have been enabled to render, are more convincing proof that they are something more than mere compliments. Many of our warmest friends will, ere our next volume be commenced, cease to be numbered amongst Pupil-teachers, but we sincerely hope that . they will still keep up their connexion with us. We are sure that those whose term of apprenticeship is unexpired, will influence those who join their ranks to support the PUPIL-TEACHER in every way in their power. To the numerous school-managers, masters, and mistresses, who have co-operated with us, and encouraged us during the past year, we return our sincerest acknowledgments; and we are sure that we may thank them on behalf of the Pupil-teachers also. We are glad to find that the friends of those for wbom our publication is especially designed, not only approve, but also make known their approval of our labours, and have in many instances supported our efforts in ways which have been most gratifying. Relying on the continued contributions of some hundreds of corres- pondents, we respectfully solicit the early remittance of the subscription for the year, the amount of which is, for one copy, 3s., post free ; 2 copies, 5s.; 3 copies, 6s.; 4 copies, 8s. . Stamps or Post-office Orders should be forwarded, at once, to the Publisher, GEORGE JOHN STEVENSON, 54, Paternoster Row, E.C. IMPORTANT EDUCATIONAL WORKS, PUBLISHED BY G. J. STEVENSON, 54, PATERNOSTER ROW. - The ENGLISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, : New. Volume, 1869, Strongly bound in cloth, lettered, 79., post free.: The ENGLISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATION. for 1858, and 1859, the few remaining copies may still be had at 78. each, post free. CLOTH COVERS for binding the Volume for the past four years, 1s: each, post free. THE SCHOOL AND THE TEACHER, New Vol, for 1860. Strongly bound in cloth, lettered, 4s., post free. [There are only about four sets of the previous volumes remaining in print, which .. .. may be had at 4s. each, post free.] CLOTH CASES for binding the School and Teacher, any of the volumes, 1s. each, post frego THE PUPIL TEACHER Vol. I. Strongly bound in cl., lettered, 3s. 6d. post free. THE PUPIL TEACHER, Vol; II.' Ditto 3s., post free. . THE PUPIL TEACHER, Vol. III. for 1860, Ditto 3s., post free now ready. CLOTH CASES for binding the Pupil Teacher, any of the volumes, Is. each, post free. Fine Paper, in cloth, gilt edges. Price 18. THE PICTORIAL MODEL OF THE TABERNACLE . IN THE WILDERNESS, Its Rites and Ceremonies, as inauguarated by Moses, and practiced under his superintendance. With Explanatory Observations. By JOHN DILWORTE. ." As a help to the clergy in supplying reliable explanations on the whole of Jewish sacri- fices, as a guide and help to the teacher in our colleigate, middle-class, and common schools, or as a hand-book to the student, and pupils of every class, this manual is one of the most useful and safest guides ever compiled."-English Journal of Education. Just pablished, with Engravings and Maps, 5s., Post-free. MAURY'S. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY of the Sea; New Edition, 1 with Addenda, and Thirteen large. Charts and Engravings. Contents :--The Gulf Stream ; Influence of the Gulf Stream; the Atmosphere ; Land and Sea Breezes ; Fogs and Dust ; the Relation of Magnetism to the Atmosphere; Currents of the Sea; the open Sea in the Artic Ocean ; the Salts of the Sea ; the Equatorial Cloud Ring ; Geological Agency of the Winds ; Depths of the Ocean ; Basin of the Atlantic ; Winds; Climate of the Ocean Drift of the Sea ; Storms ; Routes, &c. Bound in cloth, 53. ; post..free, 62 stamps. DRAMPTON'S PATENT SPRING READING CASES, specially D adapted for the preservation of Periodicals of all sizes, may be had by order through any Bookseller, or will be sent post-free by the publisher, .on receipt of Stamps for the amount No. 1. Demy 8v0., guitable for Pupil-Teacher . 18. 4d. No. 2. Royal 8vo., suitable for Musical Times . ls. 4d. No. 3. Demy 4to., suitable for Atheneum, &c. . ls. 8d. No. 4. Royal 4to., suitable for Art Journal .. No. 5. Royal folio, suitable for London News . 2s, 5d. For Music . 38. Od. Just Published, Price 6d., Post-free. HOW TO JUDGE A BOOK. With Biographical Sketches of the . Il principal Greek Poets. By Dr. HARTLEY ADAMS. Type of the Press. This is a book of PRINCIPLES, and will do more to enable readers and students to form a correct judgment of the works they may read, than far more lengthy and elaborate treatises. It says as much in a few simple and clearly expressed sentences, as might be spread over several pages. It ought to be in the possession of every one who reads. London: GEORGE J. STEVENSON, 54, Paternoster Row, E.C. • 25. Od. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND . SUNDAY SCHOOL REQUISITES, PUBLISHED BY THE SCHOO UNION } 21 YA VY: PT. UR 2 18 03. UL. NI IN AND SOLD AT THEIR DEPOSITORY, 56, OLD BAILEY, LONDON, E.C.; AND BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. - - - All Letters baving reference to the BENEVOLENT OPERATIONS of the Sunday School Union, must be addressed to Mr. GROSER, Corresponding Secretary; and all Letters relating to the TRADE DEPARTMENT, to Mr. JACKSON, Trade Superintendent. Attention to this will prevent delay and disappointment. Bankers' Drafts and Post Office Money Orders to be made payable to PETER JACKSON, at the General Post Office, London, E.C. A NEW CATALOGUE OF REWARD BOOKS, PICTURES, ETC., Approved and Sold by the Sunday School Union may be obtained on application, post free. SUNDAY SCHOOL LIBRARIES. A New and Enlarged CATALOGUE of more than 1,200 carefully selected and approved Books, uniformly and strongly balf-bound and numbered. .. A very Liberal Discount to Schools. SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, 56, OLD BAILEY, LONDON, E,C, NEW PUBLICATIONS FOR 1861. Price One Penny, with 12 Engravings, The Sunday School Pictorial Almanack for 1861. This broadsheeet should find a place on the walls of every Sunday School, and in the home of every scholar. It is embellished with Twelve beautiful Logravings. The Calendar contains a text for every day in the year. The Union - List of Lessons" is also given in full, for the convenience of Teachers and Bible Scholars. Neatly bound in limp roan, gilt edges, 1s. 4d.; with tuck, 28., The Teacher's Pocket Book and Diary for 1861, containing-Diary for every Sunday in the Year-Engagements- Jewish Calendar-List of Lessons—Memoranda–Religious and Benevolent Societies-Pages for Scholars' Names and Residences- Scholars' Attendance-Scripture Weights and Measures-Statistical Information, &c., &c. Large post Svo., price 4d., in cloth, The Sunday School Teacher's Class Register for 1861, containing-Calendar for 1861–Address to Teachers List of Scripture Lessons, 1861–Names and Residences-Attendance: January to December-Cash Received-Memoranda-Chronological Tables of Books in the Old and New Testaments-The Jewish Calendar, &c.-Scripture Weights and Measures, &c., &c. List of Scripture Lessons for 1861. Arranged by the Committee of the Sunday School Union. 2s. per 100.. The Same Lessons in Small Type, to paste in Pocket Bibles. ls. 4d. per 100. Scripture Lessons for Elementary Classes, 1861, for Every Sunday Merning and Afternoon. In Quarterly parts, price ONE PENNY, or 8s. per 100. The Same Lessons in Single Leaves, on Stiff Paper, forming “a Scripture Handbill,” to be given each Sunday to the Scholars at the close of teaching, to carry home to their Parents. 12 for ONE PENNY. Practical Teaching, A New Year's Address to Sunday School Teachers. By Rev. P. B. POWER, M.A., Christ Church, Worthing. 48, per 100. The Future. A New Year's Address to Sunday Scholars. By T. J. Cox, of the Sunday School Union. 4s. per 100. Power and Privilege. A New Year's Address to the Pareuts of Sunday Scholars. By JOSEPH AUSTEN MEEN, of the Sunday School Union. 4s. per 100. SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, 56, OLD BAILEY, LONDON, E.C. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS Of the Sunday School Union, Conducted by the Committee, PUBLISHED AT TIIE DEPOSITORY, 56, OLD BAILEY, LONDOY, AND SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. Aggregate Circulation in 1860, upwards of 1,300,000. Published Monthly, demy Svo, price Sixpence, THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER'S MAGAZINE, And Journal of Education. ! Tus Magazine, commenced in 1813, las long been the standard Sunday school periodical. In its pages will be found Essays, Lectures, &c., on the general principles of Sunday school instruction and discipline, with occasional practical aid to Teachers. Information of the progress of general Education throughout the country is afforded ; the proceedings of Educational Institutions, and the progress made in system and organization for the instruction of the young, duly chronicled. Special attention is paid to the Review departinent. i The number for January, 1861, will contain a Menoir and Portrait of the late Dr. John Morison, from a beautiful steel engraving, by Cochran. The Volume for 1960, in cloth, 73. Published Monthly, crown 800, price I'wopence, THE UNION MAGAZINE For Sunday School Teachers, Is published at a price which makes it attainable by all Teachers, who will find it to be really serviceable. Its varied contents comprise Essays, Specimen Lessons, and Addresses, Sunday School Incidents, Tales and Sketches, Correspondence, &c.; and much pains are taken to render the Magazine useful and acceptable, as aiding teachers in tlicir work, particular attention being given to the lessons appointed by the Sunday School Union. Its circulation is greater than that of any other educational journal, and it is confidently anticipated that a more general acquaintance with its contents will lead to a still increasing circle of readers. During the year 1861 there will appear monthly an Address to Children on one of the subjects for the month, and a series of articles illustrating the Lessons for Teachers. The number for January, 1861, will contain a yood Likeness of the late Dr. Alexander Fletcher, copied by permission from a photograph, by Baugh and Bensley, with a Memoir. The " Union Magazine" is the official Organ of the Sunday School Union. The Volume for 1860, in cloth, 2s. 8d., Cloth Cases, 6d. SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, 56, OLD BAILEY, LONDON, E.C. Published Monthly; crown 8vo., price One Penny, THE BIBLICAL TREASURY, A COLLECTION OF SCRIPTURE ILLUSTRATIONS, FORTHE USE OF SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS AND BIBLE STUDENTS. Much has been done in the last few years to aid teachers in the work of Scriptural instruction, by means of Commentaries, Notes, Maps, Manuals, and helps of various kinds. These, to a large extent, have been chiefly of an expository character, with little aim at illustration, and supplying but few helps to pictorial teaching. Their primary objects have been to assist teachers to an understanding of the truth, and the means by which it may be communicated to the children; nor with an ever-changing agency can we lose sight of these aims. The Committee of the Sunday School Union, however, feel that they shall be aiding their fellow-labourers still further by the publication of a Serial devoted to the varied forms of Biblical illustration. Science and literature alike do homage to revelation, and we have only to walk amid the varied fields of inquiry to find illustrations scattered around us on every hand. Most Sunday school teachers have met with some facts and incidents with which they were mnch pleased at the time, but in many cases all recollection has been lost of the source from whence they were derived. It is one thing, however, to know that exhaustless supplies exist, and another thing to have those supplies available for use. Hence it will be the aim of the proposed work to glean from the various sources opening around us such information as may tend in any way to illustrate or elucidate the Scriptures by reference to Oriental Customs, Natural History, Topography, Historical Facts, Missionary Incidents, Idolairous Usages, Anecdotes, and Biblical Criticism. The Vol. for 1860, with complete Indices to Subjects and Texts, in cloth, ls. 8d., Cloth Cases, 6d. Published Monthly, Foolscap 870., price One Penny, NOTES ON THE SCRIPTURE LESSONS. These “ Notes," which are published two months in advance, are carefully prepared with a view to assist teachers in collecting and arranging materials for teaching the specific lessons appointed for cach successive Sunday. They are not intended to supersede private study, nor to be used in the class, but to aid those whose leisure time may be limited, or who may not have the opportunity of consulting many works of reference. The very large circulation of the Notes shows that they are acceptable, and care will be taken to make them, if possible, still more so. For each lesson there are Introductory obse z vations, Explanation of words and phrases, Expository notes, and Practical applications. Illus- trative facts and incidents are occasionally brought forward, and special hints for Infant class teachers are given. Vol. for 1860, in cl., 1ş. 6d. SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, 56: OLD BAILEY, LONDON, E.C. Published Monthly, in crown 8vo., price 4d., each Number with a Superior Engraving, THE YOU T H'S M A G A ZINE For more than half a century has the Youth's MAGAZINE addressed itself to intelligent young persons in Christian families. It is the to the pleasure and profit of three generations. While seeking to interest and please its readers, its pages have been always characterized by a tone of Evangelical Religion, without Sectarianism. These Catholic principles are strictly maintained. While addressing stself to the imagination and the intellect of its readers, it seeks at the same time to discipline the heart, and to direct the soul to God. Its articles are written with a view to promote liveliness, sincerity, thoughtfulness, and picty. Tales and Sketches have due place, care being taken to furnish such as are of real merit, both as to composition and aim; the various departments of Literature are cultivated; Biblical Papers appear from time to time; Books are reviewed; and Essays on religious and moral subjects are inserted; the whole being pervaded by a Christian earnestness. “Upward and Onward" is the motto of the YOUTH'8 MAGAZINE, and with that aspiration will it be maintained, as a first-class periodical. A New Series was commenced on the 1st of January, 1859. The Half-yearly Volumes, price 25. 6d., form appropriate prizes or presents for young ladies or young gentlemen at school or at home. Heads of Families, and Principals of Educational Establishments, are with confidence requested to make known and recommend the YOUTH'S MAGAZINE. Published Monthly, price Fourpence, and may be had of all Booksellers. Volumes III. and IV. ready, price 2s. 6d. All Communications, Books for Review, &c., to be addressed to the Editor of the YouTu's MAGAZINE, 56, Old Bailey, London, E.C. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST MAGAZINE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN. Published Monthly, price One Half-penny, THE CHILD'S OWN MAGAZINE, A Magazine for young children, well adapted both to please and instruct them. Of course it is plentifully supplied with pictures. These, its simple stories, and easy rhymes, together with its extreme cheapness, have secured for it extensive popularity. The Child's Own Magazine cannot but be a favourite with all those little ones who see it. NOW READY, THE CHILD'S OWN MAGAZINE for 1860, complete, Embellished with 47 Engravings, neatly bound in cloth, price 10d., extra gilt, ls, SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, 56, OLD BAILLY, LONDON, E.C. NEW SERIES, THE BIBLE CLASS MAGAZINE, An Illustrated Misceflany for Young People. On January 1st, 1861, will be commenced, price One Penny, a NEW AND IMPROVED Series of this long-established Miscellany, embellisbed with a PORTRAIT of H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, K.G., &c., together with an increased variety of interesting matter. Now ready, the Volume for 1860, Is. 64. ; cloth cases, 4d. OLAIMS OF THE BIBLE CLASS MAGAZINE. It has been established Thirteen Years. It is the oldest Penny Miscellany for Rising Youth. It is cheap, yet not trashy. It is lively, yet not frivolous. It is instructive, yet not dull. It will be found to please the taste, to store the memory, and to impress the heart. The Bible Class MAGAZINE aims to be the friend and guide of those young persons who are growing up to manhood and woman- hood, having “put away childish things.” Many thousands of them already know and value it; but many thousands more have not even heard its name. Who will help to double and treble its circulation ? CHRISTIAN MINISTERS! make it known in your Bible Classes. SUPERINTENDENTS! circulate it among your junior teachers and elder scholars. Senior Class TEACHERS ! place it in the hands of the young people under your care. PARENTS ! buy it for your sons and daughters. Young Men and WOMEN ! read it yourselves, and recommend it to your friends and companions. Published Monthly, price One Penny, SCRIPTURE TEXTS for INFANT CLASSES. IN LARGE PRINT FOR EXHIBITION. One Text selected from the Lesson appointed for each Sunday Morning and Afternoon. SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, 56, OLD BAILEY, LONDON, E.C. FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS. In Foolscap 8vo., cloth, 2s., extra gilt edges, 2s. 6d., The Good Steward. A Manual for Teachers. A Prize Essay. By THULIA SUSANNAH HENDERSON. CONTENTS:-- Introduction. PART I.- The Teacher's Personal Characteristics. PART II.--The Teacher's Official Qualifications. PART III.-The Teacher's Actual Labours. PART IV.-The Teacher's Relative Duties. PART V.-The Teacher's Future Account. A New and Improved Edition, cloth, 3s., The Sunday School. By Louisa Davids. CONTENTS :- PART I.-A General View of Sunday Schools as an Agency of the Church, adapted for the improvement of the Young. PART II.-On the Formation and Management of Sunday Schools. PART III.-On the conduct of Classes, and Directions to Junior Teachers. A New and much Improved Edition, limp cloth, 8d., The Sunday School Hand-book; or, Directions for the Establishment and Management of Sunday Schools, with Ground Plans, and other Illustrations. A New and Enlarged Edition, cloth, price 6d., Senior Classes in Sunday Schools. Their Importance, and the mode of conducting them. By W. H. WATSON, Senior Secretary of the Sunday School Union. New and Improved Edition, price Is. 6d., cloth, The Infant Class in the Sunday School; being the Essay to which the First Prize was awarded by the Committee of the Sunday School Union. By CHARLES REED, F.S.A. Second Edition, enlarged, in cloth, 6d., Illustrative Teaching; or, Practical Hints to Sunday School Teachers on the Collection and use of Illustrations. By WILLIAM H. GROSER, F.G.S., of the Sunday School Union. Bible Months; or, the Seasons in Palestine, as Illustra- tive of Scripture. By W. H. GROSER, F.G.S., of the Sunday School Union. Author of 14 inch to a foot. localities indicated PLATE III.-38 Illustrations. REPTILES and FISHES.- The locality indicated, and drawn on a Scale of 1} inch to a foot. PLATE IV.-04 Illustrations. INSECTS.-SOFT-BODIED ANIMALS • The natural size. RADIATED and PLANT-LIKE ANIMALS This new and important work is eininently cal. culated to facilitate the elementary work of instruc- tion in the most interesting branch of Natural History--the Animal Kingilom. And as the pursuit of this study, for general information, requires neither extraordinary powers of understanding nor profound thought, bit merely eyes to see and a heart to feel, it may be equally relished by persons of all ages, of all capacities, and with minds of all de- grees of cultivation. In the absence of the living animals themselves, a correct representation of their foring and comparative sizes must be considered a most desirable attainment. Such an object is effected in the present publication, which furnishes the most correct, simple, and allractive method of cultivating this study which has ever been pre- sented to notice. Its peculiar fealures are that all the Animals are.clrawo from nature on a scale laid down on each print-MAN being given as the standard of measurement, by which means not only the true comparative size of each animal is shown, and the natural size correctly ascertained ; but the erroneous impressions which children are so act to receive from representations of aniinal lite, in which 10 comparative standard is preserved, are entirely removed. Exhibited on four Imperial Sheets, each 30 inches by 22:- 1 Cloth I Cloth Rollers and and On Varnished.l Rollers. Sheets, Complete Set, Animals and Landscape, full coloured . 1 388. 1 30s. 18s. In compliance with the general wish, that a volume should accompany the above Prints, as a Key, the Publisher has pleasure in announcing An Easy Introduction to the Study of the Animal Kingdom, On the method of Cuvier, with Questions for Examination. Illustrated with four Plates and upwards of a hundred Woodcuts. This work is well adapted for a Class Book. being reduced in price. Foolscap 8vo. cloth, 3s. 6d. The above interesting Series of Plates are also to be obtained in four boxes. The Animal Kingdom as Puzzles, And under this new forin are presented as the largest and most heallilul Puzzles ever issied, with this important advantage, that while using them as an amusement, children are necessarily led to an acquaint- ance with the classification of animals, and every step in the process of reuniting the divided pieces is an advance in knowledge and arrangement, and as each Flate is confined to one great Divieion, there is no possibility of confusion, arising from confounding one Order wilb another. They are handsomely fitted up in four boxes, price, the set 56s-a single box, 15s. 8 THOMAS VARTY'S NEW AND IMPROVED EDUCATIONAL WORKS, PATRONIZED BY HER MAJESTY AND PRINCE ALBERT. Varty's Select Series of Domestic and Wild Animals, Drawn from Nature and from the Works of Eminent Artists, IN 36 CAREFULLY COLOURED PLATES, EXHIBITING 130 Figures. Size, 12 INCHES BY 9. List of Animals :- | The Dog 10 The Horse. 19 Domestic Fowls. 28 Song Birds. 2 The Ass. 11 The Wolf. 20 The Ostrich. 29 The Deer. 3 The Lion. 12 The Reindeer. 21 The Swan. 30 The Cat. 4 The Tiger. 13 The Fox. 22 The Goose and Ducks. 31 The Kangaroo. 5 T'he Camel. 14 The Rabbit. 23 Partridges & Pheasants. 32 The Giraffe. 6 The Elephant. 15 The Hog. 24 Pigeons. 33 The Newfoundland Dog. 7 The Sheep. 16 The Bear. 25 The Eagle. 34 Raven, Magpie, Rook, &c. 8 The Goat. 17 The Beaver. 26 Parrot and Paroquet | 35 Migratory Birds. 9 The Cow. 18 The Squirrel. . 1 27 The Peacock. 1 36 Crocodile and Serpent. The selection of Animals bas been limited to those which are most known and best adapted to elicit enquiry from the young, and afford scope for instruction and application. Bound In Frame in Cloth. and Glass. Set of 36 Prints, Coloured . 188. 248. 24s. - Plain . . 12s. .. 17s. . 18s. Single Prints, coloured, 6d. — Plain, 4d. Outlines of Animals for Drawing Examples. The Set of 36 for 88. —Single prints, 3d. Size, 12 inches by 9. In one volume, folio, exbibiting nearly Sixty Animals in upwards of 200 Illustrations, Varty's Graphic Illustrations of Animals, Showing their Utility to Man, in their services during life and Uses after Death, beautifully Coloured, Size, 15 inches by 12, Price, the Set, 31s. 6d.; in Frame with Glass, Lock and Key, 398. 6d.; or half bound in leather, and lettered, 1 vol. folio, 42s. PiG. They may also be had in Parts as under, or in separate Prints, price 1s. 6d. each. 1st Part, 7s.6d. 2nd Part, 7s. 60, 3rd Part, 7s. 6d. 4th Part, 9s. HORSE AND FOAL. | Ass. Bees.-SILKWORM. BULL, Cow, CalF. Dogs. Swan, Goose, DUCK. SEAL AND WALRUS. SHEEP. CAMEL&DROMEDARY. WHALES. FISH. DOMESTIC FOwls. | Rein Deer. HIRE AND RABBIT. COCHINEL & LACİNSECTS. BLAR & FurAnims. ELEPHANTS. Goat. SHELL FIŞII & REPTILES. "GRAPHIO ILLUSTRATIONS OF ANIMALS," though a designation sufficiently explicit for the title-page of a book, is too indefinite to convey an idea of the extensive usefulness and preceptive character of this 900rl. To present accurate drawings and pleasing pictures is not the only nor primary object, but rather to impart lessons of practical importance and daily application in an attractive form, and to open up a sub- iect, which, judiciously applied, is calculated to prove to the young a most interesting and instructive study. The design is to show the Utility of Animals to Man, both in their services during life and in their USPS after death; and to deduce results calculated to excite interest and admiration, and evince the Wisdom and Goodness of God in the subsistence, comfort, and social advancement of his creature MAN. Coloured prints of Animals are always inviting to the eye of children; but to limit the uses of graphic illustrations to an exhibition of external forin, or as a means of appreciating symmetry and beauty alone, would be to impart very imperfect lessons, and to leave the mind uneducated and unimproved. But very different is the result when lliere is unfolded to the view the wonderful connexion between animals living and after they are dead, and the interests of man, whose dependence upon them for food and clothing, as well as for innumerable other comforts and pleasures, is so entire, as to suggest lessons at once of huinility and of devout gratitude. By tracing the various purposes they serve in exciting the healthful exercise and activity of the higher faculties--suggesting mechanical contrivances-furnishing profitable occupation-acting as the prime movers of many of our manufactures, and hence becoming the life of trade and commerce and the source of national wealth, the young mind will be led to a just appre. ciation of the intrinsic value of each creature, independent of its external form-to observe that those most tiseful in life are frequently not so after death and that some of those which, while living, are regarded with a mocion onmiwihinte argely when dead to our comforts and enioyments. 3, ADELAIDE STREET, WEST STRAND, LONDON. Cheap Prints for Infant Schools and Families. THE CARTOONS BY RAFFAELLE. COLOURED AFTER THE ORIGINALS IN HAMPTON COURT. The cheapest Set published, engraved on Copper, in a bold effective style. The size of the Prints, 24 inches by 20, whole Sheet Imperial. Plain, only 175.0d. the Set, or Single Prints 3s.—Beautifully coloured only 30s. the Set; Single Prints 58. Miraculous Draught of Fishes Christ's Charge to Peter. The Lame Man healed at the Beautiful Gate of the Temple, by Peter and John. Death of Ananias. Elymas the Sorcerer strock blind. Paul and Barnabas at Lystra. Paul Preaching at Athens, SCRIPTURE PRINTS FROM THE DESIGNS OF THE OLD MASTERS, On Five Sheets, each containing from 9 to 15 Subjects, and illustrating THE LIFE OF CHRIST. 9 Illustrations. I THE PARABLES or CHRIST. 9 Illustrations. EVENTS IN Life of Christ. 9 Illustrations. CLOSING EVENTS IN THE The Miracles of Christ. 9 Illustrations. I Life of Christ. 15 Illustrations. Price, Coloured, the Set, 10s. ; Single Prints, 2s. The Set tinted, 7s. 60.; Single Prints, Is. 62. NEW SERIES OF LARGE SCHOOL-ROOM SCRIPTURE PRINTS. Size, 30 by 24 oval ; price, coloured, 4s. each. This select series will comprise, when completed, about twelve sheets, drawn on stone by able artists from the most approved modern designs. SUBJECTS NOW READY. « JESUS AND THE WOMAN OF SAMARIA." “ THE FLIGHT INTO EGYPT." “ PHILIP AND THE EUNUCH." “ CHRIST BLESSING LITTLE CHILDREN.” " JOHN THE BAPTIST PREACHING.” “ JOSEPII-HIS BRETHREN BOWING BEFORE HIM.” 6. THE CRUCIFIXION." “ TIMOTHY BEING TAUGHT THE SCRIPTURES." " MOSES AND THE BRAZEN SERPENT.” YM MYHRIST BLESSING LITTLE CHIL-, DICTORIAL (The) HISTORY OF THE U DREN, engraved from a Design by I NEW TESTAMENT, containing 36 Wood Engravings. Price 6d. OVERBECK. Price 2s. plain ; 48. cold. DICTORIAL PILGRIM'S PROGRESS, I one large sheet, contuining 22 Wood Er- DICTORIAL (The) HISTORY OF THE gravings. Price 6d.-roloured Is. I OLD TESTAMENT, one large sheet, THE CRUCIFIXION, after Rubens, im- containing 37 Wood Engravings. Price 6d. / I perial sheet. India Proefs 10s. 10 THOMAS VARTY'S NEW AND IMPROVED EDUCATIONAL WORKS, INTS FOR INFANT SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES. THE FOLLOWING ARE FROM THE DESIGNS OF THE OLD MASTERS, And were originally published at 3s. each by Messrs. Bowles and Carver, but the present publisher has reduced the price to 6d, each plain, or 9d. each coloured. The Prints are uniform in Size, 13 inches by 10, and are engraved in Mezzotint. VARTY'S CHEAP SERIES OF SCRIPTURE PRINTS. 1. Abraham offering up Isaac 2. Jacob's Vision: 3. God appearing to Moses 4. Moses and the Brazen Serpent 5. Elijah red by Ravens 6. Solonion and the Queen of Sheba 7. Daniel in the Lious' Den 8. Birth of Christ 9. Angels appearing to Shepherds 10. Simeon and Anna prophesying of Christ 11. Holy Family returning from Egypt 12. Jesus and the Doctors in the Temple 13. John baptizing Christ 14. Sermon on the Mount 15. Christ and Nicodemus 16. Christ stilling the Tempest. 17. Christ walking on the Sea 13. The Rich Man wbo set up greater Barns 19. The Rich Man and Lazarus 20. The Quod Samaritan 21. The Transfiguration 22. Christ Riding into Jerusalem 23. The Last Supper 24. Christ's Agony in the Garden 25. The Crucifixion 26. Resurrection of Christ 27. Christ appearing lo Mary Magdalene 28. Christ and the Two Disciples at Emmaus 29. Zaccheus the Publican 30. Peter delivered out of Prison 31. Flight into Egypt 32. Martha and Mary 39. Christ raising Jairus' Daughter to Life 34. Christ Restoring a Blind man to Sight 35. Christ and the Woman of Samaria 36. Christ's Call to Peter and Andrey 37. The Holy Family 38. Christ blessing little Children 39. Christ raising Lazarus 40. The Ascension of Christ. The Set, in frame, plain, 278.--coloured, 37s. VARTY'S SERIAL OAK FRAME, WITH GLASS TO HOLD THE ENTIRE SERIES, 78. ABACUS, OR ARITHMETICAL FRAMES. 17 12 inches by 10 inches 15 , 18 39 , 19 , 19 VARTY'S NEW AND ORIGINAL CABINET MODELS. Numerous eminent Trarellers have bestowed most flattering testimonies to the faithfulness of these Models. That of Jerusalem has been further tested by Daguerreotype Views. The Models are mounted on neat Mahogany Stands, with a Glass Shade. 1. Jerusalein & its Environs. The City as it , 3. Mount Horeb and the District of Sinai, at present exists. Size 14 in. by 12. 25s. the Place of Encampment of Israel 2. The Lake of Tiberias, and its adjoining wben the Law was given. 14 by 12, 259. District, with the surrounding Towns 4. Model to illustrate Geographical Terms, and Villages. 14 in. by. 12. 25s. in Box, 10s. N[ounted in plain deal toxes, without glass, for the use of Schools and Families, price 155. 3, ADELAIDL STREET, WEST STRAND, LONDON. VARTY'S EDUCATIONAL SERIES OF CHEAP MAPS, Constructed by SAMUEL ARROWSMITH, J. & C. WALKER, &c. Cloth, R. & Var nished. 8. d. 28 0 24 0 24 0 FOR THE WALL, AND CLASS TEACHING. | Price in / Cloth Sheets and Physical and Political Maps, &c. Coloured. Roller. s. d. S. d. Large Physical Map of the World , 5 ft. 6 by 5 ft. 2 in. 21 0 Large Physical Map of Europe . 5 ft. by 4 ft. 2 in. 18 0 Large Political Map of Europe . 5 ft. by 4 ft. 2 in. 18 0 Large New Map of the World in / Hemispheres . { 5 ft. 4 by 3 ft. 3 in. 16 0 . Large Map of the Earth in Hemis- í pheres, without lines of Lati-? 5 ft. 4 by 2 ft. 10 in. 16 0 tude or Longitude. Vignette Series of Outline Maps, ? 21 by 15 in. 10 plain 60. Outline Mercator World, plain 1so. 21 by 15 in. ' 1 6 6 D Maps of Modern Geography. The World (Mercator), by Walker 2 ft. 8 by 4 ft. 2 in. The World (Globular). . 2 ft. 2 by 4 ft. 3 in. The British Islands, on one Map , . 4 ft. 3 by 3 ft. 5 in. Europe . . . . . 2 ft. 10 by 2 ft. 2 in. Asia . do. America, . . . . . . . . do. · do. England . . Scotland. . . . Ireland . . . . . and . . . . . . . . do. Roman Empire . India . . . . . . . . Africa, shewing Dr. Livingstone's Discoveries Australia and New Zealand . ' .' . co co w w w w CO CO S O 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0.00 oooooo0000000 • • . do. 30 Varty's Large Outline Maps, Corresponding with the above. The World (Globular) . . . 2 ft. 3 by 4 ft. 3 in Europe . • • .. . . 2 ft. 10 by 2 ft. 2 in. Asia . . . . . . . . . do. Africa . . . . . . . • do. America . . . . . . . . . do. England . . Scotland. . Ireland . . . . . . . . . do. Land of Promise . . . . . . . do. Palestine Plain Outline Maps are 6à, each less." #QQPOPPOQQOT 14 0 Scripture Geography. Palmer's Palestine, the best Map of the Holy Land extant . 1 Arcbdn, Wigram's Map of Palestine, on an improved Plan . Mimpriss' Chart of Our Lord's Life and Ministry, 1 sheet. The Journeyings of Israel . 2 ft. 10 in. by 2 ft. 2 in. Palestine (Heathen) as in the time of the Patriarcbs do. (Jewisb) as allotted to the Twelve Tribes do. - (Roman) as in the time of Our Saviour do. Land of Promise . . . 1 ft. 10 in. by 2 ft. 6 in. Palestine . . . . do. St. Paul's Voyages and Travels 2 ft. 10 in, by 2 ft. 2 in. | Jerusalem, or the City of the Lord , . do. . Co w Bocco co WOOD 00000000000 COR ooooooooooo A O 6 8 0 .0 O COO 8 0 12 THOMAS VARTY'S NEW AND IMPROVED EDUCATIONAL WORKS, VARTY'S NEW SERIES OF LARGE PHYSICAL MAPS, &c. The claims of Physical or Natural Geography upon the attention of those who super- intend the education of the rising generation are both numerous and powerful, inasmuch as it opens up to the youthful mind a new and most interesting field of study, when con- trasted with the too uninteresting details of Geography as usually taught; which has principally consisted in a knowledge of the names of places, the political boundaries of countries, and isolated facts. But a contemplation of the objects and movements which Physical Geography exhibit have a special tendency to expand the conceptions of the youthful mind, and to increase its sources of rational enjoyment. To contemplate, for instance, this huge globe of land and water, flying with rapidity through the voids of space, and whirling round its own axis at the same time, to produce the succession of day and night,-to contemplate the lofty ridges of mountains; the flaming volcanoes; the numerous rivers ; the majestic ocean, with its currents, and caverns; the luxuriant plains of the torrid zone; the properties of the aëriform fluiü or atmosphere by which the earth is surrounded ; and of all animal and vegetable life; can scarcely fail to stimulate inquiry, and excite the deepest interest. Physical Geography, instead of being a distinct science is rather a combination of the sciences for the purpose of investigating the relations which subsist between the various phenomena of nature; with Geology, Botany, and Zoology, its connection is apparent. The Earth, which forms but a portion of the vast system of the unirerse, is, however, a world complete within itself, where a great variety of operations are continually carried on, all dependent upon, and subservient to, each other, and proceeding in an order of the most admirable harmony and precision. Geography, or the description of the earth, in its general acceptation, professes merely to give an account of the form and divisions of the superficial surface of the globe ; but physical Geography investigates the laws which have regulated the formation of this surface, and treats of the successive changes which it has undergone until it has assumed its present appcarance, as well as the effects of the various influences of climate and temperature to whiclı it is subjected. . The following Physical Maps will be found important aids in the study of this science. I. A Large Physical Map of the World, STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTION. I. Showing its various features and phenomcna; with the regions of its more useful produc- tions, and the Zones. II. The Terrestrial, or Northern Hemisphere; the Oceanic, or Southern Hemisphere. III. The Currents of the Atlautic, Indian, and Great, or Pacific Oceans. IV. The Heights of Mountains to scale in America, Asia and Europe. V. The Glaciers and Mountains of the Alps. VI. Geological Figure of the Earth, and a Theo- retical figure of a segment of the Mineral Crust of the Globe, equal to one-sixtieth part of the radius. VII. The heights of mountains shewn in their respective latitudes. In this beantiful Map is boldly defined the general features of the Globe, viz. The Mountain Ranges, their form and aspect.-The Upland Plains, or Table Lands. - The Lowland Plains.-The Steppes.--Tbe Savannahs, or Prairies.-The Deserts and the Valleys. - The Oceans, Seas, Lakes and Rivers, marking. clearly the Continenis, Islands, &c. Together with other highly useful information. Mounted on Cloth and Roller, Coloured, 21s. Varnished, 28s. Size, 5 ft. 6 in. by 5 ft. II. A Large New Map of the World, In HEMISPHERES, showing its POLITICAL Divisions--Mountain Ranges, boldly defined and other useiul information. Coloured. Mounted on ('loth and Rollers, 16s. Varnished, 228. Size, 5 ft. 4 by 8 lt. 3. (This map has been recently crgruved.) III. The Earth. Map of the Earth, in Hemispheres, without the lines of latitude and longitude, or any names of places. This novel and beautiful representation of the Globe is very strik- ing, exbibiting its various physical features, the Mountain Ranges, Plains, Steppes, Prairies, Deserts, Valleys, Oceans, Seas, Lakes, Rivers, Continents, Islands, &c. &c., clearly shewing the distribution of Land and Water. Size : 5 ft. 4 in. by 2 ft. 10 in. Cloth aud Roller, 16s. IV. A Large Physical Map of Europe, Exhibiting its physical features, comprehending its Mountain Ranges, Table Lands, Plains, Steppes, and Valleys, Seas, Rivers, &c.; also, Lines denoting the polar limit of the growth of the principal Vegetable Productions, &c. 4 sheets, atlas, coloured. Mounted on cloth and Rollers, 18s. Varnished, 24s. Size, 5 ft. by 4 ft. 2 in. 3, ADELAIDE STREET, WEST STRAND, LONDON. 13 Vignette Series of Outline Maps. The Outlines are minutely and distinctly marked. 12 by 15 in. Plain, 6d. Col. 9d. U MERCATOR WORLD, ENGLAND, EUROPE, ASIA, AFRICA, AMERICA. Outline Mercator World, with compara- tive heights of Mountains, lengths of Rivers, and sizes of Islands and Lakes. Price, plain, 1s. coloured, 1s. 6d. Size, 21 by 15 in. : MARINER’S COMPASS PAPERS, to aid the Pupil in correctly - understanding the relative Positions of Places. Price 1s. per dozen.' VARTY'S TANGIBLE GEOGRAPHY, to engage Young Hands, Eyes, and Minds: a Series of large dissecied coloured Mups, constructed by SAMUEL ARROWSMITH. Seventeen varieties. Size-2 feet 10 by 2 feet 2 inches. In handsome Boxes, 14s. each. WESTERN HEMISPHERE. - EASTERN HEMISPHERE. These in one Bux, 24s. Europe. | Australia and New Zealand. | India. Jewish Palestine, in 12 Tribes. Asia. Enyland. Roman Empire. Roman Palestine, in the time of Africa. Scotland. The Journeys of Israel. Our Saviour. America. | Irelund. | Heathen Palestine, or Canaan. | St. Paul's Voyages & Travels. e A smaller Series of Maps, in Mahogany Boxes, 5s. each. JUVENILE COLLECTIONS OF GEOMETRICAL PLANES AND SOLIDS.-DIS- SECTED AND ARCHITECTURAL SOLIDS.-MOSAIC AMUSEMENT. BLACK BOARDS FOR DIAGRAMS AND EXPLANATIONS, with Hard Wood Frames. S. d. 48 inches by 36 inches . . . . 14 0 42 „ 30 „ . . . . . 10 6 36 9 30 , . . . . 8 6 36 , 24 . . . . 7 6 30 , 2+ , . . . 6 6 Prepared Chalk for Black Boards, in boxes, containing 1 Gross of Chalks, 3s. Also in boxes at 8d. and 6d. each. Pointers T. Squares and Chalk Compasses. DEAL EASELS, 5 foot . . . 6 foot . 6 foot strong double Class Deal Easel . each » . „ 7 6 8 6 18 0 14 THOMAS VAŘTY'S NEW AND IMPROVED EDUCATIONAL WORKS, V. ARTY'S NEW SERIES OF COMBINATION MAPS. These Maps are so constructed as to afford great advantages to the Teacher, by enabling him to instruct both analytically and synthetically, and also facilitate the Pupil in forming a more correct conception of the varied forms of countries and localities. This Series has met with the decided approval of our most practical Teachers. FULL AND OUTLINE MAPS COMBINED ON ONE MOUNTING, On Cloth and Roller. MERCATOR, with Outline HEMISPHERB, 5 ft. 4 by 4 ft. 2 in. 18s. HEMISPHERES, FULL AND OUTLINE, do 16s. . 10s. 10s. Asia . AFRICA AMERICA . . . do. do do. . . . 10s. | SCOTLAND . do. IRELAND . do. 10s. LAND OF PROMISE do. 10s. | PALESTINE E . do. 10s. . 10s. Conversations for Sabbath Evenings (for Families), On the Gospel History of our Saviour's Life and Ministrý, intended to elicit tbe Har- mony of the Four Gospels,) suited to the capacities of Children, and accompanied by a series of 50 Engravings, from Designs of tbe Old Masters, on Cards, in a neat Portable Case. Price 10s. 6d. gilt edges. Very few copies remain of this beuutiſul work. Fifty-five Pictorial Illustrations of the Life of our Lord. (The Designs from the Old Masters,) as Picture Lessons for Young Children, accom- panied by Definitions and Questions. In Japanned Tin Case, with Map, 4s. 6d. The Pocket Map for Bible Readers. - Showing the Holy Land, City, and Temple, with Tabular View of the Geography of Palestine. Printed on Paper, single copies, 3d., or 2s. 6d. a dozen. تنتننتتتتتتتتتتمت A Tabular View of European Geography, comprising a general Sur- vey of Europe :-Its natural geography, its political divisions, their extent ; govern- ment, capitals, and principal inland and seaport towns, population, revenue, and naval and military forces: also a descriptive outline of the physical features, productions, manufactures, commercial geography and exports of each state, with a sketch of the pro- gress of European commerce, by the late EDWARD Hughes. Price ls. ; on Cloth, ls. 4d. An Epitome of the History of England, with the Contemporary Sovereigns of Scotland, France, Russia, Germany, and the Roman Pontiffs. Canvas and Roller, 65—Do. and Varnished, 8s. The Genealogical, Chronological, and Historical Chart of the Kings and Queens of England, compiled from the best authorities. On Roller. Sixth Tbou. sand. 6s. 6d. The Sovereigns of England, from William the Conqueror to Victoria, in full length figures, and in the Costume of the Period. Coniaining also interesting Chronological data. A beautiful Print. One large sheet, Price 2s, plain, 4s coloured. Man, Civilized and Uncivilized. On Two Sheets. Containing Figures in various stages of Barbarism and Civilization. Price, each Sheet, ls. plain. 3, ADELAIDE STRÊET, WEST STRAND, LONDON. 15 VARTY’S SERIES OF LESSON SHEETS. These Lessons are confidently recommended as furnishing a complete and progressive course of Elementary Instruction. They are printed with a clear, bold type, the subjects judiciously selected and simply arranged ; and whether in Families, Public or Private Schools, will be found instrumental in forwarding Religious and general Knowledge. no onde 0 012 6 0 Mounted Price in On Deal on1 Sbeets. Millboard Boards. Alphabets, the Sizes of the Type given in inches. 8. d. s. d. S. d. Demy Broadside, Roman, C. & S., 15ths, 2 sheets 0 6 | 1 4 2 0 - Red and Black Foolscap Broadside, Roman, C. & S., 14th, 2 sheets - C. & S., Red and Black, 2 sheets Arranged, Roman Small, red and black, lith, 1 sheet 10 4 10 9 Vowels, Consonants and Stops, coloured type, 1 sheet 10 4 10 9 10 Spelling and Reading Lessons. A Series of Classified Lessons, by the Author of " Peep of Day." READING DISENTANGLED, 20th edit. 37 Lessons, plain » coloured | 9 0 | 15 0 24 0 PROGRESSIVE SPELLING, combined with reading exercises--part 1–6th edition-14 sheets . . PROGRESSIVE SPELLING, part 2, containing two and more Syllables, methodically arranged, 10 sheets | 5 o FIRST STEPS IN READING, 3rd edition, 14 sheets. THE INFANT'S HELP TO READING-in 14 Lessons, each page contains ONE complete Lesson, 5th edition . 60 Geography.' Early Lessons in Geography, 14 Sheets, and edition, newly arranged, giving an introduction to Geography, and the Extent, Population, Productions, Exports, Chief Cities, Towns, &c. of Great Britain and her Possessions, with Questions for Examination 6 0 1 7 2 Prayers, &c. Morning and Evening Prayer for Schools . 0.6 1 0 1 1 2 THÉ LORD'S PRAYER, and Apostles' Creed, 2 sheets 0 10 1 1 0 TEN COMMANDMENTS, in form of Tables, 1 sheet 1 10 Hymns.-TWELVE HYMNS FOR INFANTS . . 3 6 Varty's Tablet Prame to hold any of the above Lessons, 3s each Texts of Scripture for the Walls of Schools, ) Workshops, Factories, Kitchens, &c. No.1 to 12 | 2 6 7 6 11 6 S to 241 2 7 6 11° arranged suggestively. Large Type Scripture Lesson Sheets. BIBLE HISTORY, a set of 132 Lessons, Old Testa ment in Frame, 4s 6d FIFTY-SIX LESSONS ON BIBLE CHRONOLOGY, Old and New Testament, in Japan'd Fraine, 7s 6d. 15 0 HISTORY OF JOSEPH AND HIS BRETHREN, in easy language for Children, 3rd edit, 16 sheets 1 2 6 6 6 7 10. ONE HUNDRED EASY TABLET LESSONS, from the New Testament, Chronologically arranged, with the places stated at which the events occurred, in Frame 5 0 Gallery Lessons, very large Type. GOSPEL HISTORY, the set of 100 Lessons, in Frame 15 0 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, the set, 66 Lessons, in Frame (15 0 Arithmetic.-Progressive Lessons, in Numbers, forming a complete Introduction to the Knowledge of Figures, and the Signs of Arithmetic . . , 4 sheets 1 0 4 sheets 8 1 8 1 2 0 PROGRESSIVE FIGURES . 2 sheets 0 4 1 0 10 10 THE FIVE TABLES — Notation, Addition, Subtrac- tion, Multiplication, and Division, with an enlarged Multiplication Table, from 1 to 400, 5 sheets . . 11 6 3 0 1 3 6 MULTIPLICATION TÁBLE, extended to 400 1 sheet 10 3 0 9 1 0 Grammar explained in Verse, red and black - 4 sheets i 4| 24 | 3 $. www 9 có 1 16 THOMAS VARTY'S NEW AND IMPROVED EDUCATIONAL WORKS, Complete in Eight Parts, Imperial folio, size 22 by 15 in. A NEW AND IMPORTANT AID TO THE STUDY OF HISTORY. PATRONIZED BY HER MAJESTY AND PRINCE ALBERT. Chronological Pictures of British History, FROM THE ANCIENT BRITONS TO THE REIGN OF QUEEN VICTORIA, A SERIES OF FORTY PLATES, CONTAINING 360 ILLUSTRATIONS, BEAUTIFULLY TINTED, DESIGNED AND DRAWN ON STONE BY JOHN GILBERT. The Plates are accompanied with Tabular sheets of Letter-press, carefully compiled. Each Plate illustrates a Period or a Reign, and Facsimiles of the Autographs of the Sovereigns and the most distinguished characters are attached. Price £2. the set. THE GEOGRAPHY OF THE HOLY LAND, with an Account of its Ancient People and Kingdoms—The Tribes—and Journeyinge of our Lord- with the modern condition of Palestine. With numerous references to Scripture,--a copious Index,-and. Three Maps. • By J. C. WIGRAM, Bishop of Rochester. 6th edit. demy 12mo, cloth, is. 6d. “The valne of Geography, as a help to understanding the Scriptures, will be readily perceived by any person who reads the following passage from Si. Matthew's Gospel, ch. iv. 12-16.” Sve Preface. The following Works by the Venerable Archdeacon BURROW, D.D. F.R.S. MEMORIAL SCRIPTURE COPIES. Engraved in a neat round hand, and mounted on millboard, 1s. the Set. “The six Cards present a series of names and the Old and New Testaments; and will thus impress words relating to the most remarkable persons, the succession of the Books and of their contents on places, and events or Sacred History; as well as to the memory ; but the main object proposed is, that The divisions of the Bible, and some of the doctrines they should afford distinct subjecis for thonght to of Christianity. These Memorial' words are, with the pupil, and for examination to the master." fer exceptions, arranged according to the order of NUESTIONS ON THE MEMORIAL COPIES. Third Edition. 12mo. price ls. 60.. bound. "The 'Questions on the Copies have been l children understand what they write, and whether framed with a view to enable the master or mistress they are making any progress in the kuowledge of of a school, or the teacher, to find out whether the | their Bible." THE BOOK OF BIBLE EVENTS. ls. Book Tbis Edition has the Chart of Bible Chronology, in pages, at the end of the book, for reference. OUESTION-BOOK TO THE TABLET LESSONS. 60. o For Families and Private Schools the Chart and the Book of Bible Events will be sufficient. For large classes the Tablet Lessons, and the Question-Book will be more econ nomical ; the type of the Lessons being sufficiently large for a class of 20 pupils. A TABULAR VIEW OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. - Comprising the Order, Date, Event, and Place of Occurrence, and forming a guide to the Chronology, History, and Geography of the Old Testament, in Periods. It is desirable that maps should be used that the localities may be realized. Size 3ft. Sin. by 2ft. 4in. On one sbeet, clotb and roller, 3s, or THE TABULAR VIEW IN CROWN 410. 2s 6d. On tbe suggestion of many parties, chiefly Heads of Families, and young Students preparing for the Ministry, the Tabular View bas been publisbed as a book. THE BOOK OF BIBLE CHARACTERS. ls. One or more circumstances connected with each Character are introduced, and all Scripture Names of Persons engaged in important Events are comprised in the work, either as principals or secondary Characters. THE BOOK OF BIBLE GEOGRAPHY. ls. A RITHMETICALTABLE CARDS, Containing Tables of Money, Weights, I and Measures. 1s. 6d. per dozer, or 2d. each. 3, ADELAIDE STREET, WEST STRAND, LONDON. VARTY'S NEW ASTRONOMICAL DIAGRAMS. A Series of Four large ENGRAVINGS, exbibiting Tbirty-three Diagrams,beautifully executed, representing and elucidating the various Phenomena of the Solar System, and ibat of our own Planet in particular. The Set on Sheets, Coloured, 10s.—Mounted together, Coloured, Cloth and Roller, 16s. Size 4 ft. 9 in. by 3 ft. 6 in. PLATE I: 7 DIAGRAMS~The Earth's an- | PLATE III: 8 DIAGRAMS.-Movements and nual and diurnal inovement; the circles Pbases of the Moon -Its Diurnal Move- and diurnal movement of the Celestial ment- Eclipses-Periods of Revolution- Sphere.— Theory of the elliptical move Inclination of its Orbit-And Tidal Theory. ment of the Earth and of Twilight. PLATE IV: 13 DIAGRAMS. – Tbe Solar PLATE II: 5 Diagrams.-Theory of the System - Comparative Velocities and Seasons, with the Right and Parallel | Magnitudes of Planets - Transits au) Spheres; and the Theory of Heat. Comets. ** The Size of these Diugrams suils them for Class INSTRUCTION or Private Tuition. APPROVED CHILDREN'S BOOKS. The following entertaining and highly instructive little Books are very neatly embellished with numerous engravings, and the Publisher is happy to state that they have met with very extensive patronage, I. SIMPLE STORIES OF COTTAGERS' CHILDREN. Illustrated with Thirty wood engravings. By EstuER COPLEY. Fourteenth Edition, price 6d. II. FABLES AND TRUE STORIES OF CHILDREN. Illustrated with Forty-two wood engravings. Eighth Edition, price 6d. . III. THE LITTLE GARDENERS; or the happy effects of Industry and Education exeniplified, with an Appendix, containing a Gardener's Calendar for each month in the year. Illustrated with Twenty-two wood engravings. By ESTHER COPLEY. Fourth Edition, price 6d. » lu. ld ELEMENTARY READING BOOKS, ETC. FOR SCHOOLS. A BRIDGMENT OF THE BIBLE, by Ostervald STORIES FROM SCRIPTURE, written in an easy style, with Admo- nitory Remarks 3d. HISTORY OF OUR SAVIOUR, briefly compiled from New Testament 1d. UUR SAVIOUR'S SERMON ON THE MOUNT DISCOURSES id. - MIRACLES - PARABLES CHILD'S HELP TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD, in easy Lessons adapted to the Infant Mind, Part 1 Ditto Part 2 lad. AN ACCOUNT of the Chief Truths of the Christian Religion id. ld. 10. CATECHISMS-PRAYERS. CHURCH CATECHISM ... ld. CHURCH CATECHISM broken into Short Questions, with Expla- nations COLLECTS (The), with a Form of Prayer for Families or Private Persons » 3d. 30. IMPROVED SCHOOL-ROOM APPARATUS, STRONGLY MADE, consisting of Class, Lesson, Print, Map, and Reading Stands-Easels --Pointers Circulating Class Medals--Bead Frames, with every variety of printed Regulation Forms, which conduce to the complete establishment of Order and Regularity in Schools. 18 THOMAS VARTY'S NEW AND IMPROVED EDUCATIONAL works, VARTY'S SERIES OF IMPROVED SCHOOL ACCOUNT BOOKS, The following Series of Books will be found of essential service to Trustees, Committees, and Individuals in preserving the Statistical Records of Public Schools. Those with an asterisk (*) are suited to Private Boarding and Day Schools. THE ADMISSION REGISTER AND SCHOOL RECORD,* Arranged in Alphabetical and Numerical order, adapted to Public and Private Schools generally, by which plan the full particulars in reference to each Child admitted into the School at any period can instantly be known. Foolscap folio, half-bound 5 0 THE CHILDREN'S WEEKLY PENCE ACCOUNT, . Exbibiting a clear statement of each Scholar's payments, and the amount of the payments of the whole School. Half-bound 3 6 THE SCHOOL ATTENDANCE AND ABSENCE REGISTER, Shewing the condition of each Class, and the State of the whole School at one View, without reference to individual attendance, Morning and Evening. Foolscap folio, half-bound 4 0 THE SUNDAY SCHOOL ROLL BOOK & ATTENDANCE REGISTER, For inserting the Names of all the Scholars in the School, in their respective classes. Hf.-bd. 3 6 SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER'S CLASS BOOK, Clear and concise in arrangement. Each opening exhibits a quarter of a year, and contains space for the Admission Number, Name and Residence, Attendance, and Conduct of each Scholar, month and date. Cloth 0 6 THE VISITOR'S BOOK, For insertion of Names, &c. Post 4to. half-bound . . . . . 3 6 THE DAILY ROLL BOOK, For Infant Schools, &c. &c. to mark the attendance of each Child. Foolscan fulio, stiff covers. Each page exhibits a month's attendance 2 0 THE COMMITTEE MINUTE BOOK, For entering the proceedings of each meeting. Post 4to. half-bound . . 3 0 THE TREASURER'S ACCOUNT BOOK. Post 4to. half-bound. . 4 0 THE CLOTHING FUND ACCOUNT BOOK, In a clear and simple form, in which the names are to be arranged numeri- cally and alphabetically, with an Index cut through. Post 4to. first size 3 0 enlarged size 5 0 CLASS REGISTER BOOK OF INDIVIDUAL PROGRESS,* Contains the Name, Attendance, and Proficiency of each Scholar, also the names of those marked who are absent from Sickness or other causes, also the pumber of hours in actual attendance and payments . . 1 0 HAY'S SCHOOL REGISTER AND ABSTRACT, Revised and adapted specially to the requirements of Schools under Inspection and seeking the Capitation Grant. For Recording the Adoiission, Name, Address, Päyments, Weekly and Quarterly Averages, together with an Abstract for the Quarterly and An- nual Returns as required for the Capitation Grant. No. 1. Class Sheets, single ruled for 45 names each 6d, or per doz. 3 6 „, 2. - double ruled on both sides , 3. Abstract, single, for 6 months , 4. double, for 12 months 5. Book sufficient to Register 6 Classes of 45 Children in each Class, for one Year, with Abstract Complete each 8 0 Portfolios 1 6 Printed Rules for finding the Averages, &c. 0 2 5 0 1 each 0 10 CARD of Character, Conduct, and Improvement, arranged with a view to interest tbe pa- rents of the Cbildren in their Mental, Moral, and Religious advancement, per 100, 4s. CLUB CARDS, araanged for Members' Weekly Payments, sbewing monthly agyregates. These Cards are suitable for Clothing Clubs, Sick Funds, Coal Clubs, or any Society where payments are made periodically, 4s per 100. Reward Tickets, with Scripture Texts, per gross, 6d. Reward Tickets, with the word Reward, per 100, 3s. 3, ADELAIDE STREET, WEST STRAND, LONDON. Varty's Series of Dissected Maps, And Entertaining and Instructive Puzzles in Natural History, Scripture Illustrations, &c. consisting of upwards of 100 Varieties. DISSECTED LARGE PUZZLES.--THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. . · Arranged in Divisions, Orders, &c. according to the Method of Baron Cuvier. Size 30 by 22 inches. ** These large and beautiful Puzzles possess this important advantage-that while using them 88 an amusement, children are necessarily led to an acquaintance with the Classification of Animals: every step in tbe process of reuniting the divided pieces is an advance in knowledge aud arrangement; and as each plate is confined to one great divisiou, there is no possibility of confusion, arising from confounding one order with another Box, No. 1. ANIMALS. (Mammalia.)-Box, No. 2. Birds. (Aves.)—Box, No. 3. REPTILES AND FISHES. Box, No. 4. INSECTS : Sort-BUDIED, RADIATED, AND PLANT-LIKE ANIMALS. They are handsomely fitted up in Four Boxes, with Guide Prints, price, the Set, 56s.; or separate, 15s. each Sheep. DISSECTED GRAPHIC ILLUSTRATIONS OF ANIMALS. Twenty-one varieties, beautifully coloured after Nature; in which are shewn their Utility to Man, in their Services during Life and Uses after Death. Horse and Foal. Ass. Swan, Goose, & Duck. | Seal and Walrus. Bull, Cow, and Call Dogs. Whales. Fish. Camel & Dromedary. Hare and Rabbit. Cochineal and Lao Domestic Fowls. Rein Deer. Goat. Insects. Bear and Fur Animals Elephants. Bees. Sbell Fish & Reptiles. Silkworm. *.* The design of these Illustrations is not merely to present correct drawings and pleasing pictures, bot to iinpart lessons of practical importance and daily application, and, in the attractive form or an amusement, to engage ibe young in a most interesting and instructive study. The Utility of animals to Man, in their services during life and their uses after death, is exhibited: the result is one calculated to excite interest and adıniration, and to evince the Wisdoin and Goodness of God in the sabsistence, comfort, and social advancement of man. Size-15 inches by 12 inches. Fitted up in handsome Boxes, price 6s. each, with a coloured Guide Print. Pig. DISSECTIONS FOR CHILDREN, NEW TESTAMENT. THE LIFE OF CHRIST. 9 Subjects. ' THE PARABLES OF CHRIST. 9 Subjects. EVENTS IN LIFE OF CHRIST. 9 Suvjects. CLOSING EVENTS IN THE LIFE THE MIRACLES OF CHRIST. 9 Subjects. OF CHRIST. lö Subjects. In handsome Boxes. Price 6s. each, with a Guide Print. DISSECTED BIBLE ILLUSTRATIONS, OLD & NEW TESTAMENT. Fitted up in handsome Boxes, price 58. Each Box contains a Guide Print with Scripture References to illustraty the Narrative, the Lesson, and the Precepts, from the Old and New Testaments, thus rendering each subject highly attractive, interesting, and instructive. Christ an Example for the Young, as exhibited in the Gospel Narrative of the Four Evangelists. Harmonized and Chronologically Arranged, Illustrated by Fifty-five Engravings, Printed 00 different Tinted Papers to distinguish the various Periods of our Lord's Ministry, liaving Picture Definitions and Exercises, and a Map in Pocket. Fourth Edition. By the Author of“ The System of Graduated Simultaneous Instruction." Reduced Price, bound in cloth, 6s. “This is not only knowledge inade easy, but in- , every event localized. A history, thus accompanied struction made easy. Dull is the parent that by geograpbical notices, with explanations, historical cannot icach, and very inapt the child that cannot representation, picture definition and exercises, be- learn, with such helps as are here provided; and comes entertaining to a degree, while it is rendered dull beyond all dulness the fancy that cannot be 11seful by practical lessons, witb proofs and illustra- kindled by so much striking, touching, pictorial tions of the doctrine. It is, altogether, a most exhibition. The thing is qnite a prodigy in its way: ingenions performance, leaving, in the deepest we have bere gcographical notices of the places shade, everything else of the surt ever hitherto pre- where the events occurred, illustrated by fifty-five sented. The twenty-eigbi columns of index exhibit, engravings, with picture definitions and exercises, in a moinent, the amazing fulness of the narrative, by the author of the systein of gradualed simulta and the accuracy with wbich it has been analysed. neous instrnction. The lessons, in all, amount to We have never before seen pictorial power brought 100, exhibiting the structure and contents of the four to bear so fully and successfully on ille illustration evangelical histories. There is also a class chart for of Divine truih." بلنسيمنع مسلسیمبولنسل 20 THOMAS VARTY'S NEW AND IMPROVED EDUCATIONAL WORKS, T. VARTY'S EDUCATIONAL CABINETS OF NATURAL HISTORY, SCIENCE, AND MANUFACTURES. - DRAWING, GEOMETRICAL AND MECHANICAL MODELS, &c. £. s. d. £. s. d. Cabinet of Objects to illustrate « Lessons on Objects," containing upwards of a Hundred Specimens. 21 15 O and 2 50 Coloured Illustrations of the Linnæan Genera of Shells, arranged on Cards, with an Introduction to the Study of Concbology . . 0 7 6 Cabinets of Minerals, scientifically arranged, according to Phillips ; containing from 150 to 340 Specimens . from 1 10 0 to 10 0 0 Cabinets of Geology, containing Collections of the various Specimens of the Tertiary, Secondary, Primary, and Volcanic Rocks . . . 1 100 Cabinets of Geological Strata, with Organic Remains . . . 2 0 0 These Cabinets will prove of very great service to all wbo are anxious to acquire a knowledge of the materials of wbich the eartb is composed. Juvenile Collections of Geometrical Planes and Solids, in boxes- The Series of 29 Planes and Solids .. . 0 6 6 Second ditto, 38, including Sections of the Cone, Sphere, and Cylinder - 0 10 6 Set of 18 Large Solids, with a Dissected Cone . . 0 18 0 Boxes of Form and Colour 12s 6d and 0 15 6 Working Models of the Mechanical Powers, exbibiting the various powers of Levers, Pulleys, Wbeel and Axle, Inclined Plane, the Wedge and the Screw. Toey are sufficiently large for exbibiting to a class, will be found of much ser- vice in the study of Mechanics, and by the use of them in investigating tbe laws of this most interesting department of Experimental Pbilosopby, a more fixed and improved train of Education may be obtained . . . 3 3 0 1 These Models are all mounted in a frame, which is made to stand on a table, require no adjustment, are ready for ivstant use, and are accompanied by a list describing the method of using each of the powers. Models to illustrate the Mechanical Powers, small set · 0 15 0 Drawing Models, in white wood with diagrams and directions for use .0 60 Geometrical Series for model drawing, very complete. · 1 1 0 Model for Illustrating Geographical Terms 010 0 Natural History of the Silk-worm, in mahogany case, containing preserved Specimens of the Egg, Silkworm, Cocoon, Chrysalis, Moths, and Silk . 0 6 0 Honey-Comb, with working bees, in mahogany case 06 0 Endless Mosaic Amusement, in a neat box, 3s. 61.-Larger Size . 0 7 6 -- Book to illustrate . . . 0 2 6 Amusing Picture Alphabet, in a box ".030 Spelling Tablets for Schools and Families 5s ; 9s ; 12s 6d; and 0 15 6 The Conic Sections, consisting of Five Dissected Cones in a Box . 0 0 0 Butter's Tangible Arithmetic and Geometry for Children, Illustrated by Engravings, and a Box of 144 Cubes, Ist size, 3s; 2nd size, 4s 6d; 3rd size, 6s; largest size . Schroeder's Elements of Construction; adapted as a Drawing Model. with diagrams and desoription : i o 4 0 Multiplying Glasses. Various coloured glass, each · 0 0 6 N.B. REMOVED FROM 31, STRAND. GENERAL AND SCHOOL STATIONERY, SUPPLIED ON ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS, BY : THOMAS VARTY, EDUCATIONAL DEPOSITORY, ESTABLISHED 1818, 3, ADELAIDE STREET, WEST STRAND. WRITING, DRAWING, AND LEAD PENCILS, &c. WRAPPING PAPERS, Good Lead Pencils.-Superior best do. or EVERY: DESCRIPTION. Rulers, round and flat. Pott Paper for Exercises.. Drawing Pencils by the best manufacturers. Foolscap, of various qualities. India Rubber. ruled with faint lines. . SLATES Quarto Post.--Cambridge Scribbling Paper. (BEST THICK WELSH.) Extra Large Post, thick and thin. Note Paper. Envelopes, various sizes. FRAMED. UNFRAMED. Blotting Paper, thick and thin. 8 inches by 6 inches. | 6 inches by 4 inches. Brown Papers.-Cartridge and Stumps. 11 - 5 - Whited Brown Papers.-Drawing Papers. 12 - Wax and Wafers.-- Blotting Pads. | 9 7 Crayon Papers.-Drawing Cartridge. EXTRA LARGE FRAMED SLATES, COPY BOOKS. VARIOUS SIZES, FOR CLASSES. Foolscap 4to. Ruled, Plain, superfine, fine, With Projection of Hemisphere engraved. common. Framed Slates for Mulhauser's System of Foolscap 4to. Ruled for Mulbausex's System. Writing.-Music Slates. Post 4to. Ruled and Plain. Porcelain Slates. -Class Register Slates Foster's Elementary Copy Books Geographical Slates. Swan's Copy Books.—Greenwell's do. Varty's Engraved Slates, CIPHERING BOOKS. IMPROVED BLACK BOARDS, Elementary Ciphering Books printed. PREPARED CANVAS, IN FRAMES, Post'and Foolscap Ciphering Books, various. FOR CLASS DEMONSTRATION. (N0, 1, 24 in. by 18. | No. 4, 40 in. by 31.1 COPY SLIPS. { – 2, 26 - 26. / 5, 48 36. Elder's Large, Text, and Small Hands. el - 3,36 – 24. | Music Boards. Langford's and Smith's Four Hands. Copy, Slips mounted on Millboard. SLATE PENCILS, CHALK, &c. Memorial Scripture Copies on Millboard. Best Dutch Short and Long Pencils, per 1000. Script Cards for Reading and Writing, Slate Pencils, ir: Reeds and in Cedar, Alphabet Curds, engraved, Tin Cases. --Slate Cord. --Slate Sponge. First Copies, on Millboard. Prepared Chalk, in boxes, and Port-Crayons. QUILLS AND PENS. SCHOOL-ROOM APPARATUS. Fine Hambro' Pinions.—Extra best do. Easels and Lesson Stands and Pointers. Best Hambro' Seconds. Abaci Bead Frames. Extra best Pens and Quills. Lineal Drawing Copies, &c. Pinion Pens, best Hambro'. Varty's Reg. Serial Tablet Metal Frames. VARTY'S STEEL PENS, CUTLERY, &c. - . Warranted School Pens, in gross Boxes. Superior Pocket and Penknires. Extra fine nibs. Fine Steel Erasers and Desk-knives. Holders for Steel Pens, per gross. Gold & Silver, Ivory & Cedar Pencil Cases, i Mordan's Gold Pens. INK AND INKSTANDS. Merit Medals, Silver, Metal, and Ivory. Walkden's superior Extra Black & Col. Inks. | Good Scissors, large and small. Walkden's fine British Ink Powders. Lurye Scissors, for cutting out. Earthen rare and Lead Ink Wells, for Desks, | Button-hole Scissors.-Best London Pins. per doz.-Pewter ditto, with Caps. Best Needles, of all Sizes and Nos. : Chest Inkstands, Pewier und Ebony," Metal Thimbles.-Kuitting Pins. Size with Frame. A CATALOGUE ATLASES, MAPS, PLANS, GLOBES, AND Astronomical, Statistical, & Geographical Works. . . 11 M - ST VISA INOKIA . GS i VENSG . SEM . PL lla STRE 1902 : DX011 PUBLISHED BY JAMES WYLD, Geographer to the Queen and to H. R. H. the Prince Coursort, AGENT FOR THE SALE OF THE MAPS AND WORKS PUBLISHED BY THE ORDNANCE AND TOPOGRAPHICAL DEPARTMENTS. CHARING CROSS EAST, 457, STRAND, (Next Door to the Post-Office), OPPOSITE NORTHUMBERLAND STRELT, W. C. ; AND 2. ROYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON, E.C. This Catalogue contains only the Maps published by James Wyld, but in his Stock will be found a copy of nearly all the Maps published throughout the World. away JAMES Wyld will be happy to undertake any GEOGRAPHICAL WORKS for Sove. reigns, Noblemen, or Merchants resident out of England, or to superintend the exe- cution of Works in London. MAPS, CHARTS, FEANS of ESTATES, LINES of RAILWAY, c. Accurately Compiled, Drawn, Copied, Reduced, or Enlarged, ' AND ENGRAVED OR LITHOGRAPHED. MAPS MOUNTED ON LINEN, WITH ROLLERS, Either Common or with SPRINGS, and fitted up in MAHOGANY CASES, suitable for Public Offices, LIBRARIES, &c., likewise to fold in Cases for the Pocket, or in Leather Cases to imitate Books in various Bindings. BLANK DRAWING PAPER, Mounted on Linen, for Architects, Surveyors, &c. COLLECTIONS OF MAPS AND CHARTS, ARRANGED AND BOUND IN EVERY VARIETY OF BINDING. Foreign Maps and Plans, Globes, Charts, Geographical and Nautical Books, &c. Also, a large collection of Plans of CANALS, RAILROADS, &c. PLANS OF BATTLES, TOWNS, &c. THE ORDNANCE SURVEYS AND THE ADMIRALTY CHARTS. INDEX TO CONTENTS. Page . . 31 . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . • wii cu CORO Co Co Co Co Co CO CO CO CO CO CO Coco Coco from our companies profesion il mio civi che · · · 34 · · · 344 ....31 101 • . . . • . . . . • . . . 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 . . . . . 26 . . . 13 . . . 14 . . . . . 15 . . . . . . . . . . د . . 15 . . نن د Page Atlases . . China . . . . . . 30 . . Maps of the World (Glob. Project.) 71 East Indian Islands . . . Ditto (Mercator's Projection) : 7 India, or Hindostan. . . 31 EUROPE (General Maps).... 8 Japan , . . . Ditto (Particular Maps) :- Punjaub . . . . . Belgium . . . . . . . . . . . . Asia Minor . Baltic—Gulf of Finland-Russia . 9 Persia. Black Sea . . 9 Syria and Palestine . . Sea of Azov · 10 Mauritius . Crimea . . . . . . . . Australia Denmark . , . . . . . South Australia. ... France . . . . 11 New South Wales .. Genoa . . . 11 / Van Diemen's Land. . . Germany. . il | New Zealand . . . . . . Pacific Ocean . . . . Greece . . . Guernsey . . . . AMERICA (General Mans) ... Hanover . . Nontu AMERICA (General Maps). Holland .. 13 Ditto (Particular Maps): Holstein .. New Brunswick and Nova Scotia . 36 Hungary .... Canada. . . . . . . . Italy . . . . . . BRITISĂ COLUMPIA . . . . . Jersey . . . . . . United States . . . . . . . . Malta and Goza . . . . 14 Texas . . . . . . . . . Mediterranean West Indies (General Maps). . Netherlands 15 Ditto (Particular Maps) .... . 38 Poland . . . . . . Jamaica . . . . . . . . . Portugal . . . . Cuba . . . . . . . . . . 38 . . Rhine . . . . . .. Mexico . . . . . . . . . Russia . . . . . . South AMERICA (General Maps) Sardinia . . . Ditto (Particular Naps). . . . 39 Sicily . . Demerara and Guyana . . . . Spain : .. .. Trinidad . . . . . . . . Sweden and Norway . Surinam . . . . . . . . I Switzerland 18 AFRICA (General Maps).. Turkey . . . . . . . . . . 18 | Ditto (Particular Maps): Turkey in Europe . . 18 Egypt . . . . . . . . The Overland Route .. Algiers and Morocco Great Britain . . . . 20 | Cape of Good Hope. ... England and Wales .... 20 | Madeira . . . . . . English Channel . 21 Sierra Leone . . . . Railway Maps and Guides . | MILITARY PLANS . County Surveys of England Campaigns in the Peninsula Plans of London . . . 43 . . | Campaigns in Africa , Environs of London. .. Campaigns in America ... 43 Towns, &c. in England. .. Planisphere . . Statistical Tables . Wales . . . . . . . . Scotland ... Geographia Antiqua. ... County Surveys in Scotland Astronomical . . . . . . . Towns in Scotland . . . Wyld's Educational Maps . . Ireland . . . . . . . . Maps for the Use of Schools .. 46 ASIA (General Maps)... Outline Maps. . . . . . . Ditto (Particular Mápis) :- Dissected Maps . . . . . . 46 Arabia . . . . . . . . . 30 į Globes . . . . . . . Afghanistan . . . . . . . . 30 Charts , . . . . . . Burman Empire . . . . . . 30 | Ordnance Surveys. . . . . . Ceylon . . . . . . . . . . 30 . . . ج . . . ن . . . . . OOO OOO CO . . . . د . . . . هر O . . O هر هر . . . . het om and . . o hom pond . . . fofos N . Ho O . . IO . 21 . . 22 wild co to o face 25 sa co co . ܓ . . di critt . 28 ܩܙ ܝܛܝ ܠܕܙ ܬܐܙ ܝܪܕ . . . 46 ܛ ܛ ܙ . 00 ܙ A 2 MAPS ON SPRING ROLLERS. LIBRARY Ser; best Spanish Mahogany, and Polished. WWW EUROPE LG AFRICA PNORTH AMERICA SOUSTEAMERICA rittil Untituluotiin Unit D i 35 Guineas. . . die 12 REST ERKERS en SA An WXX built 237X DANDE FSOYUWAND TERAVON T.110i till Titit, lil 011 01.11 . 11. 12 Guineas. ONSDAG _ K- S ES MY . EUROPE €5. 17s. 6d. : *** Estimates and Designs for fitting up Libraries, Club-houses, or Reading-rooms, • and experienced Workmen sent to any part of the World. WXRY . $ . EN - .. .6 AI KLE I N . .. IV - . . . VIR - - _ . _ YO . . 2 Si KI EL - . HOLL - 27 secu IC1 . N ** - IS . - - Cole - ..- IL- - - . = m RE - . - - _ S * 22: in SNA WWW Sri US NA LAR SUS 2 CAS FOR Sz; . COPY FA - - - VINY 11 32 SS THE S2 S HTUL TTS IVAST -BEST ES Suure. ...- 57 SAW Ath. LEN- V MIX TOR 11111 NA ARI 103 introd si on. ros III R ORA * X TI VI AY SMO . Y 1 MAHA IMAIS uhtu. 102 NE IL . 11unili nutta 1001linin murah 11111Juittit w HIVISM M " 111.t 11 I Pilt AN SOS Mi. . 222 31 IN texty Time * CHIRO VANCO U utumn. "mis phone r CREAMLICHE intamat! MILITIS: muito mais!Mimowita 3 WWW. Ultiinium ulls CWWSIMBA H uu ni ng TITA Subtitli ultr- 1 38484យចំរី hinummy 20 . LAV . DALITAT . . MIMIC DETAILIJITINIMIITTITUINTADO CHAT limmilltilini mini S TASTESSE .. . . IZAIN . isti YA SA . . AUSKAS SET WE V TERIMA . LA 1 A2 * * PS - S AT . LT 70 . S auch ATLASES. £. $. do WYLD'S GENERAL ATLAS, containing 68 Maps of the various Parts of the World, describing their respective Physical and Political features, including all the recent discoveries. Colombier folio, full coloured, and half-bound in Russia ....................................11 11 0 *** This is the largest and best ATLAS published. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1. Phenomena of the Universe | 12. EUROPE. 25. Switzerland. 2. Map of the Stars. 13. United Kingdom of Great 26. Confederated States of Ger- 3. Table of the Comparative Britain and Ireland. many. Heights of the Principal 4. England, Wales, & Scotland 27. Kingdom of Hanover. Mountains. 15. England and Wales. 28. Prussian Government of 4. Table of the Comparative 16. Scotland. Stralsund. Lengths of the Principal 17. Ireland. 29. Kingdom of Poland. Rivers. 18. Kingdoms of Holland and 30). Kingdom of Denmark. 5. Comparative Table of Itine- Belgium. 31. Duchy of Holstein. rary Measures. 19. France. 32. Sweden and Norway. 6. Orbis Veteribus Notus. French Empire and the 33. Russian Dominions in Eu- 7. THE WORLD. Kingdom of Italy. rope, North Div. 8. Eastern Hemisphere. .21. Kingdom of France. 34. Idem, South Div. 9. Western Hemisphere. 22. Spain and Portugal. 34. *Crimea. 10. Northern Hemisphere. 23. Kingdom of Portugal. 35. Turkey in Europe. ll. Southern Hemisphere. 24, Italy. 36. Greece i Swechy Of of Deland. 6 JAJES WELD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). . 37. Mediterraneau Sea. 46. Peninsula of India. 57. AMERICA. 38. ASIA. 47. Idem. 58. North America. 39. Ottoman Dominions, or 48. The Burman Empire. 59. Upper Canada. Turkcy in Asia. 49. China. 60. Lower Canada. 40. Syria. 50. Australia. 61. United States. 41. Persia, Arabia, and Cen 51. South Australia, 62, Mexico and Guatemala. tral Asia, N. W. Div. 52. New Zealand. 63. Central America. 42. Idem, N. E. Div. 53. AFRICA. 64. West-India Islands 43. Tiem, S. W. Div. 54. Egypt. 65. South America, N. Div. 44. lnem, S. E. Div. 55. Western Coast of Africa. 66. Idem, S. Div. 45. Hindoostan, or India. 56. Cape of Good Hope. 67. Pacific. A GENERAL ATLAS, being a useful selection from the preceding. Full £. S. ll. coloured, and bound in cloth. 41 Maps ...... ............ 6 0 0 An Atlas of the World, comprehending 54 separate Maps of its various Countries, constructed and drawn from the latest Astronomical and . Geographical Observations. Imperial quarto, coloured, and hand- somely half-bound .......................................... 2 12 6 *** This ATLAS does not consist of copies of existing works, differing only in appearance, but it is the result of careful investigation and minute research. The maps are illustrated by copious Tables of the Extent, Population, &c. of the several Countries, comprising a Summary of Geographical and Statistical information in a condensed form. An ATLAS of the World, consisting of 25 Maps, being a selection from the above, full coloured, and handsomely half-bound .............. 15 0 Wyld's School ATLAS, with a copious Index, containing upwards of eight thousand names of places. In cloth lettered .... ................. 0 12 0 An Atlas of OUTLINE Maps, 'to correspond with the preceding........ 0 0 0 VOGEL'S PHYSICAL ATLAS, recommended by the Minister of Public In- ·struction to be used in the Schools of public instruction of Prussia and Germany, embellished with 300 engravings, with descriptive Letter- press ... …........ 0 7 6 ATLAS MINIMUS UNIVERSALIS, or complete General Atlas, containing 58 Maps illustrating Ancient and Modern Geography. Full coloured .. 015 0 *** This is the most comprehensive and unique work published. CLASSICAL ATLAS, consisting of Maps of all the Countries mentioned by the Ancient Author's. In cloth (4to.) .................. ..0 12 0 A MISSIONARY ATLAS of the World, showing the Stations of the Protest- ant Missionary Societies. The Maps are coloured into the prevailing Religion of each Quarter of the Globe, with an Index of Latitudes and Longitudes. In handsome cloth binding ....................... 0 14 0 *** This work is published under the sanction of the Protestant Missionary Societies. WILD'S WELLINGTON ATLAS of the BATTLES of the BRITISH ARMIES, from 1791 to 1815 ; with Plans of the Battles, Sieges, and Move- ments, and accompanied by a Military Memoir. Imperial quarto, publisbing in parts, price per part, coloured .................... 0 2 0 An ATLAS of ENGLISH COUNTIES. Half-bound and lettered .......... 0 16 0 POPULAR ATLAS, containing 48 Maps of the various parts of the Globe, with letter- .. press description, to accompany each Map—Bound in Cloth, £3. 158.; Half Calf, £4. 2s. ; Half Morocco, £4. 10s. ; Half Russia, £4. 12s. ; Plain in Whole Cloth, £ 2. 128. 6d. *** Atlases and Collections of Maps from £13. 13s, to £45. . 5 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). 7 MAPS OF THE WORLD. Drawn from the best Authorities, and accurately adjusted by the most exact Astronomical Observations. Mounted on Linen. In Sheets. In Cases. On Rollers. Globular Projection. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. East and WEST HEMISPHERES. With the latest Discoveries. One sheet each. 2 ft. 2 in. high, 4 ft. 4 IT. 4 in. wide.......................... 0 10 0 0 18 0 1 6 0 Ditto .. ditto. Two sheets. (School Map).. 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 7 6 Ditto is ditto. Two sheets. I ft. I in. high, 1 ft. 6 in, wide (4to.) .................... 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 6 6 Ditto .. ditto. Two sheets. 9 in. high, 1 ft. 4 in. wide (4to.) ........................ 0 1 0 0 2 6 0 4 6 North and South HEMISPHERES. One sheet each. With the latest Discoveries. 2 ft. 2 in. high, 4 ft. 4 in. wide ...... ..' 0 10 0 0 18 0 1 6 0 · Mercator's Projection, WORLD on Mercator's Projection. A new Map, beautifully engraved, and containing the most recent geographical information, and con- structed upon a new principle. Four large sheets. Size, 6 ft. 3 in. wide by 4 ft. 2 in. high 1 14 0 2 2 0 £. $. d. Roller, varnished.... 3 3 0 . Spring rollers ...... 6 6 0 WORLD on Mercator's Projection. Very beauti- fully engraved, and neatly coloured. This Map has been compiled with great care, and it con- tains every discovery to this time. On a large sheet. 3 ft. 2 in. by 2 ft. 2 in.............0 10 6 0 16 0 1 1 0 Spring roller, £2. 12s. 6d. WALL MAP of the World. In Six sheets. For the use of Schools, with Statistical Tables. In a bold style. 3 ft. 8 in. highi, 6 ft. 6 in. wide 0 10 6 0 14 0 0 16 0 With the latest Discoveries ; showing the tracks 0 0 7 6 0 8 0 2 ft. wide .............. ...............0.4 Ditto .. ditto, with Australia and New Zealand as the centre of the Map. 1 ft. 5 in. high, 2 ft. wide ............. .......... 0 4 WORLD on Mercator's Projection. One small 0 0 6 0 8 0 2 0 0 3 6 0 4 6 10 in, wide ........ ..... 0 WORLD on Mercator's Projection, with Table of Population according to the Religious Sects. 9 in. high, 1 ft. wide (4to.) .............. 0 1 6 0 2 6 0 4 0 8 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). In Sheets. I Mounted on Linen, vecs. In Cases. On Rollers, . £. s. d. £. $. d. £. $. d, THE World on Mercator's Projection, illus- trating the Operations of the British and Fo. reign Bible Society, and showing the Position of the Dialects and Languages of the Coun- tries into which the Bible has been translated, with numerous Statistical Tables. Two sheets. 3 ft. 2 in. high, 4 ft. 6 in. wide ............ 0 10 6 0 16 0 1 1 0 THE WORLD, showing the Colonial Possessions of Great Britain and the other Powers ...... 0 6 0 0 10 0 0 10 6 THE WORLD, showing the Distribution of Gold. One sheet...... ................. 0 1 0 0 2 6 E U R O P E. GENERAL MAPS. 2 12 6 2 12 6 0 0 0 0 8 6 3 6 2 6 1 6 0 12 0 0 5 0 0 4 6 0 3 6 o o Documents, divided into its Empires, King- doms, and States, describing the great Roads, Railroads, Physical features, &c. Six sheets. 5 ft. 6 in. high, by 5 ft. 3 in. wide ........ 1 12 0 Spring roller, £5. 17s. 6d. EUROPE, describing its Political Divisions and great Roads, Railroads, &c. One sheet. 1 ft. 11 in. high, 2 ft. 6 in. wide .................... 0 5 0 EUROPE. One sheet. School Map............ 0 2 0 EUROPE (4to.) 9 in. high, Ift. wide ............ 0 1 6 EUROPI (8vo.) 8 in. high, 10 in. wide ........ 0 0 6 EUROPE, the CENTRAL STATE: of including parts of France, Russia, Italy, &c. describing the Post Roads and Railroads. Four sheets. 4 ft. 5 in. high, 5 ft. wide .................... 1 0 0 Spring roller, £4. 148, 6d. EUROPE, the Post Roads of, comprehending Eng- land, France, the whole of Germany and Northern Italy, with the Posts, Distances, and Railroads marked, the Sea Packet Routes and the Rivers navigated by steam- boats. Two sheets. 2 ft. 8 in. high, 4 ft. wide 0 13 0 *** The best Post Map in Europe. Spring roller, £4. 48. Europe in 1860. This strange Map first made its appearance in Paris and Belgium ........ 0 1 6 - 1 10 0 2 0 0 0 18 0 1 4 0 0 2 6 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). Mounted on Linen. In Cases. On Rollers, £. s. d. £. S. d. PARTICULAR MAPS. BELGIUM. In Shects. £. s. d. BELGIUM, or the Low COUNTRIES, with the Duchy of Luxemburg, with the Posts, and including parts of France and Germany....... ......0 6 6 ANTWERP, Plan of . ........... 0 2 0 ANTWERP, Environs of ...... ........... 0 2 6 OSTEND, Sketch of the Harbour and Town ...... 0 2 6 See also p. 15. 0 10 6 0 7 6 0 7 6 BALTIC - GULF OF FINLAND - RUSSIA. Map of the North and BALTIC SEAS, with the surrounding Countries, extending from London to St. Petersburg, with the various Acquisitions of Russia ..............................0 2 6 0 4 0 MAP of the BALTIC SEA and Gulf of FINLAND, on a large scale, with the Fortified Places from Stockholm to St. Petersburg, Plan of Swea. borg, with the Aland Isles; designed to show the operations of the British and French Fleets. One sheet .............................. ... 0 2 6 0 5 0 CRONSTADT, Plan of, with its Fortifications and Batteries, and Range of the Guns, with View.. 0 1 0 0 1 6 SWEABORG and HELSINGFORS, with the Fortifi- cations ........... ................... 0 1 0 0 1 6 CHART of the Baltic, from the Surveys of the Russian, Danish, and Swedish Governments, with the Soundings and Lighthouses, and en- larged Plan of Cronstadt, &c. One large sheet 0 4 0 0 8 0 CHART of the BALTIC STRAITS, namely, the Great Belt, the Little Belt, and the Sound, including the South part of the Kattegat, with the Western part of the Baltic Sea, and all the Danish Isles 0 4 0 0 8 0 CHART of the ENTRANCES to the BALTIC and KATTEGAT ......... the Fortification One sheet 0 1 0 3 0 0 3 6 0 10 0 0 10 0 ALAND ISLAND 2 1 0 0 0 0 5 1 0 6 0 0 7 4 C 6 BLACK SEA. New CHART of the Black SEA, from the most Modern Surveys, with Soundings & Lighthouses 0 ODESSA, Plan of. One sheet. ................ 0 GEOGRAPHICAL and HYDROGRAPHICAL Notes to accompany Mr. Wyld's Maps of the Ottoman Empire and Black Sea, Is. 6d. in cover, with Chart of the Black Sea, 2s. 6d. A 3 10 Y JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). Mounted on Linen. In Cases. On Rollcrs. £. S. d. £. s. d. In Sheets. £. 8. d. PANORAMIC View of the Black Sea and Surround- ing Country. One sheet ................ 0 1 0 MAP and CHART of the Sea of Azov, and the surrounding Shores, with Plan of Taganrog, Shores of the Crimea, Soundings, &c. One sheet 0 2 0 0 1 6 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 7 6 1 0 5 0 0 7 6 0 8 0 0 12 0 0 5 0 0 7 6 | 0 4 0 0 7 61 CRIMEA. CRIMEA, a new and splendid Map of the Crimea and its Ports, with surrounding Coasts. One sheet 0 3 0 ENVIRONS of SEVASTOPOL, extending from Sevas- topol and Balaklava to Baktchi Serai, showing the position of the Allied Armies and the Russian Forces. Two sheets..............0 4 0 ENVIRONS of SEVASTOPOL, with Fortifications and Batteries, on a large scale, embracing the Country between the Katcha and Balaklava, showing the High Ground, the Approaches, and Points of Attack ....... ........... 0 2 6 POSITIONS of the RUSSIAN ARMIES to Baktchi Serai. One Sheet ......................0 2 6 SEVASTOPOL, Plan of the Harbour of, with its For- tifications and Batteries. .................. 0 1 0 PLAN of the NORTHERN Forts, and Attack and Siege Works of SEVASTOPOL. One Sheet... 0 1 0 SKETCH of the MAMELON and New Russian De- fences, with the Siege Works of the Allies, by Lieut.-col. Vaughan. One sheet ..........0 1.0 The COUNTRY between ANAPA and CAFFA, in- cluding Kertch and Arabat, with the Attack, by the Allied Forces, on Kertch and Yenikale. One large sheet .... ........ 0 2 6 BATTLE of ALMA.- A very elaborate Plan, showing the Positions of the Allied and Russian Troops, the High Ground, and the Points of Attack.. 0 1 0 0 1 6 0 3 0 0 1 6 0 3 01 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 7 6| 0 1 6 0 3 0 er DENMARK. DENMARK, including the Duchies of Holstein and Lauenburg. One sheet. 2 ft. 6 in. high, 1 ft. 10 in. wide ....... 0 5 Ditto. (4to.) 9 in. by 1 ft. ................ 0 1 COPENHAGEN, City of, with the Siege of, 1807 .. 0 5 COPENHAGEN and ENVIRONS, to illustrate the Operations of the British Forces .......... 0 2 FERO ISLANDS ....... .................... 0 4 0 6 0 0 0 8 2 6 6 0 12 0 4 0 6 er m 6 0 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). 11 FRANCE. Mounted on Linen. In Sheets. In Cases. On Rollers, £. s. d. £. $. d. £. s. d. FRANCE, showing the Post Roads, Railroads, and Departmental Divisions. Four sheets. 4 ft. 2 in. by 4 ft. 2 in. ... ........ 0 16 0 1 6 6 1 12 0 Spring roller, £4. 14s. 6d. FRANCE, with the Railways, Post Roads, and Dis. tances, divided into Departments. One sheet 0 5 0 0 8 6 0 10 6 Ditto .. ditto (4to.) 9 in. by 1 ft...........0 1 6 0 2 6 0 4 6 Ditto .. ditto i8vo.) 8 in. by 10 in. ........ 0 0 6 0 1 6 0 3 6 FRANCE, divided into Provinces. One sheet .... 0 5 0 0 8 6 0 10 0 (As it was in 1790, before the Revolution.) Ditto .. ditto (4to.) 9 in. by 1 ft........... 0 1 6 0 2 6 0 4 6 The EMPIRE of FRANCE and KINGDOM of ITALY, under Napoleon Buonaparte, with the confe- derated States of the Rhine. One large sheet 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 18 0 FRANCE, the Northern Part of, including Belgium, with the Course of the Rhine, from Upper Alsace to Dusseldorf. One sheet.......... 0 6 0 0 10 6 0 12 0 FRANCE, the Southern Part of, extending from the Pyrenees to Nice. One sheet.............. 0 6 0 0 10 6 0 12 0 BRITTANY, a Geometrical Survey of the Province of, with Lower Pitou, Lower Normandy, and the Islands of Guernsey and Jersey. Four sheets. 4 ft. high, 4 ft. wide ............ 0 12 0 0 16 0 1 1 0 BOULOGNE, Harbour and Environs of, with the New Works, 1804 ...................... 0 2 0 CHERBOURG, Plan of, its Ports, Sea and Land Fortifications ...... .......... 0 1 0 0 2 6 TOULON, Environs of, showing the situation of the Fleet, &c. 1793 ..... ............... 0 4 0 VALENCIENNES, Siege of .................... 0 2 6 PETIT NEPTUNE FRANÇAIS, or French Coasting Pilot for the Coast of Belgium, the Channel, Bay of Biscay, and the Mediterranean. 4to... 0 14 0 PARIS, showing the Fortification. One sheet.... 0 4 0 0 6 6 GENOA. GENOA, from Chafforon's Map. Eight sheets. 3 ft. 7 in. bigb, 6 ft. 4 in. wide ............ 1 GENOA, Environs of.......................... 0 1 4 0 0 2 0 5 7 0 6 2 15 0 9 0 0 GERMANY. EUROPE, the CENTRAL STATES OF, including parts of France, Russia, Italy, &c. describing the Post Roads and Railroads. Four sheets. 4 ft. 5 in, high, 5 ft. wide ....... .......... 1 Spring roller, £4. 14s. 6d. 0 0 1 10 0 2 0 0 12 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). 00. ' In Sheets. Mounted on Linen. In Cases. On Rollers. £. 3. d. £. 8. d. £. 8. d. GERMANIC CONFIDERATED STATES, including the Kingdom of Prussia. 2 ft. 3 in. high, 2 ft. 8 in. wide ..... ............0 7 6 0 12 0 0 16 0 GERMANY, Post Roads of, and the adjacent States, . with the Posts accurately marked, the Rail- roads, the Sea Packet Routes, and the internal Steam Navigation, and every object worthy of notice. Two sheets. 2 ft. S in. high, 4 ft. wide 0 13 0 0 18 0 4 0 *** A very exquisitely executed and very perfect Map. Spring roller, £4. 45. GERMANY, the Confederated States of, including also Austria, Prussia, and Poland, with a Sta- tistical Table, showing the Population and Ex- tent of each State in Square Miles. One sheet. 1 ft : ......... 0 6 6 Ditto .. ditto (8vo.) 8 in. by 10. in. ........ 0 0 6 0 1 6 0 3 6 HANOVER, with the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg, the Duchy of Brunswick, the Principalities of Lippe-Detmold and Schauenburg-Lippe, and Free Towns of Bremen, Hamburg, and Lu- beck. One sheet ......................0 6 6 0 10 6 0 14 0 HOLSTEIN, with the Territories of the Free Towns of Hamburg and Lubeck, and the Bishopric of Eutin. One sheet .................... 0 5 0 0 8 6 0 10 6 COMBINED ARMIES, Operations of, in 1792 .... 0 2 6 MAYENCE, Environs of, with the Attack of the French Camp by the Austrian Army, Oct. 29, 1795 ......... .:::.... 0 2 6 RAINE, New Map of, from Rotterdam to Cologne, Coblentz, Mayence, Mannheim, and Constance, showing every object interesting to the tourist. Two sheets ........ .........0 6 0 0 8 0 0 10 6 STRALSUND, Prussian Government of (formerly Swedish Pomerania). One sheet ..........0 6 6 0 10 6 0 12 0 The ENVIRONS of SPA, by T. J. Collin. One sheet 0 6 0 0 10 6 0 12 6 GREECE. GREECE and the IONIAN ISLANDS, a New Map, constructed chiefly from original materials, in which it has been attempted to improve the Ancient and Modern Geography of that Coun- try, shewing the New Boundary of. One large sheet. 3 ft. 4 in. high, 2 ft. 3 in. wide.. 0 12 Spring roller, £3. 35. An extension of the above Map, embracing the Coast of Asia Minor and the Archipelago. One sheet (in the press).................. 0 10 GREECE, with the Archipelago, and part of Anadoli. By L. S. Delarochette. One sheet ........0 6 0 0 16 0 1 1 0 0 0 15 0 0 18 0 6 0 8 6 0 13 0 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). 13 GUERNSEY. Mounted on Linen. In Sheets. In Cases. On Rollers. £. s. d. GUERNSEY, SARK, HERM, and JETHOU, Topo- £. 8. d. £. s. d. graphical Map of the Islands of. Two sheets. 2 ft. 6 in. high, 4 ft. 8 in. wide ............ 0 10 0 0 15 0 1 0 0 GUERNSEY, JERSEY, ALDERNEY, Sark, and HERM, Topographical Map of the Islands of, with part of the Coast of France. One large sheet...... ........... 0 8 0 0 12 0 0 16 0 GUERNSEY, JERSEY, and the CHANNEL ISLANDS. One sheet ....... ............ 0 1 0 0 1 6 0 4 0 HANOVER, with the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg, Lippe-Detmold and Schauenburg-Lippe, and the Free Towns of Bremen, Hamburg, and Lu- beck. One sheet. 2 ft. high, 2 ft. 10 in. wide 0 6 6 0 10 6 0 12 0 HOLLAND. HOLLAND, or the SEVEN UNITED PROVINCES. One sheet ............. .0 FLUSHING, Siege of, August, 1809... 0 SCHELDT, Entrance of the....... 0 See also p. 15. 0 10 0 0 17 0 6 2 2 6 6 6 HOLSTEIN. HOLSTEIN, with the Territories of the Free Towns of Hamburg and Lubeck, and the Bishopric of Eutin. One sheet ................... 0 5 0 0 8 6 0 10.0 HUNGARY. HUNGARY, with Transylvania, Croatia, and por- tions of the surrounding countries. One sheet. 2 ft. 3 in. high, by 3 ft. wide ....... 0 HUNGARY, New Map. One sheet. I ft. 4 in. high, by 2 ft. wide ...... .. 0 Ditto, 1 ft. by 11 in. ...... ..... 0 5 0 0 6 6 0 12 0 3 1 6 0 0 0 6 1 0 6 0 0 8 2 0 6 ITALY. ITALY, including the Southern part of Germany and the Kingdom of Illyria, distinguishing their Natural Features and Political Divisions ; also the Post Roads, Railroads, and Stations, with the number of Posts between each Station; and Explanatory Notes relative to Distances, Passes, &c. &c. Four sheets. 4 ft. 6 in. high, ........ 1 Spring roller, £4. 14s. 6d. 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 14 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). In Sheets. Mounted on Linen. In Cases. On Rollers. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. ITALY, with the Roads, Railroads, &c. One sheet 0 7 6 0 12 0 0 14 0 Wyld's South ITALY, containing the Island of Sicily and the Kingdom of Naples, with the Roads, Passes, and Fortified Places ........ 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 7 6 MAP TO ILLUSTRATE THE THEATRE OF WAR IN ITALY, including Venetia, Tuscany, Naples, Sicily, and the Roman States. One Sheet ....... ............. 0. 5 0 0 7 6 0 10 0 MILITARY MAP OF NORTH ITALY, with the Dates and Sites of the Battles of the Cam- paigns in Europe from 1723 to the present time, with the Roads, Railways, Rivers, Fortified Towns, Passes, and Military Posi- tions, embracing all the States of Sardinia, Northern Italy, and the Empire of Austria to Vienna. One Sheet ....... ......... 0 5 0 0 8 6 0 10 6 MAP OF THE LATE WAR IN North ITALY, comprising Sardinia, Lombardy, Tuscany, and States of the Church, with the Post Roads, Railroads, Stations, and Fortified Towns; on a scale of 16 miles to 1 inch. One sheet.............................. 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 7 6 MAP OF THE FRONTIERS or FRANCE, SAVOY, and SARDINIA, with the Territorial Addi- tions to the French Empire, through Savoy, Nice, the Neutral Territory of Switzerland, the New Kingdom of Sardinia, Venetia, Parma, Modena, and Romagna. One sheet 0 2 6 0 4 6 0 6 0 ITALY (4to.) 9 in. by 1 ft. .................. 0 1 6 0 2 0 0 4 6 Ditto (8vo.) Sin. by 10 in. .................. 0 0 6 0 1 6 0 3 6 KINGDOM OF ITALY (Intended). One sheet .... 0 1 0 0 1 6 0 2 6 BATTLE of MAIDA, drawn by Captain Ryves ....06 0 GULF OF VENICE. Two sheets ..............0 8 0 0 12 0 0 14 0 ROME, Plan of the City of, with its Environs. One sheet......... ......... 0 1 0 0 2 0 QUARTER-MASTER GENERAL'S MAP OF NORTH ITALY, from Turin to Verona, on a scale of 3 miles to an inch ....... .........0 6 0 0 10 0 0 14 0 JERSEY. من ܗ CO JERSEY (sland of. One sheet.... ALDERNEY. One sheet. . ...... OO .......... 0 2 6 0 4 6 0 6 6 MALTA AND GOZA. MALTA and Goza, Islands of. Two sheets .... 0 5 0 0 9 0 0 12 0 JAMES WYLD, CHARING®CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). 15 MEDITERRANEAN. Mounted on Linen. In Sheets. . In Cases. On Rollcrs. £. s. d. £. $. d. £. s. d. Extending from London to CAIRO ; with the Post marked through FRANCE to MARSEILLES ; through GERMANY to TRIESTE ; the Course of the DANUBE ; and the Lines of English, French, Austrian, Russian, Spanish, Sardinian, Neapolitan, and Tuscan STEAM PACKers in the MEDITERRANEAN and the BLACK SEA.. 0 6 0 0 9 0 0 12 0 MEDITERRANEAN SEA, including the Gulf of Venice and the Black Sea. One large sheet. 1 ft. 7 in. high, 3 ft. 2 in. wide ............ 0 5 0 0 8 6 0 11 0 MINORCA, Island of, surveyed by the Royal En- gineers. Two sheets ......0 7 6 0 15 0 0 18 O NETHERLANDS. NETHERLANDS (or HOLLAND and BELGIUM), in- cluding the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, with the Post Roads, Railroads, Stations, and Dis- tances, showing the New Divisions. One sheet. 2 ft. 7 in. high, 1 ft. 11 in. wide .... 0 7 6 Ditto ditto. 1 ft. 10 in. high, 1 ft. 5 in. wide.. 0 3 0 NETHERLANDS (4to.)........ ...... 0 1 6 Ditto (8vo.) 8 in. by 10 in. .................. 0 0 6 0 12 0 6 0 2 0 1 0 6 6 0 0 14 0 7 0 4 0 3 0 6 6 6 POLAND POLAND, Kingdom of, describing its Ancient Limits, with the Dismemberments; likewise its Present Boundary, with Notes and a Plan of Warsaw. One sheet. 2 ft. high, 2 ft. 10 in. wide ........ ...0 6 6 0 10 6 0 12 0 1 6 0 1 12 0 0 10 6 0 12 0 PORTUGAL PORTUGAL and ALGARVE. Six sheets ........ 0 16 0 PORTUGAL. One sheet. 2 ft. 2 in. high, 1 ft. 8 in. wide ...................... ....0 6 0 PART of PORTUGAL, extending from the Tagus to the Minho. Two sheets. 4 ft. high, 2 ft. 8 in. wide .......... ... 0 16 0 MILITARY SKETCH of the Country between Lisbon and Vimiero ............................ 0 4 0 PLAN of LISBON. One sheet ................ 0 2 0 LINES in Front of LISBON, with the Redoubts, Batteries, and Escarpment, and Military Ways, surveyed by Major T. L. Mitchell, in 1818. Two sheets ........ ... 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 6 0 16 JAMES WYLD, CHARING OROSS EAST (457, STRAND). Mounted on Linen. In Cases. On Rollers. £. $. d. £. . d. In Sheets. £. s. d. OPORTO, Environs of ........ ...... 0 2 6 ENTRANCE to the River Tagus. One sheet.... 0 4 0 (See also an Atlas of Battles, p. 42.) RHINE. RHINE, showing the course from the Sea to the Lake Constance, with the Post Roads upon its Banks. Two sheets. 4 ft. 4 in. high, 1 ft. 4 in. wide ....... ....... 0 6 0 0 8 0 0 10 6 1 6 6 1 10 6 RUSSIA. RUSSIAN DOMINIONS in EUROPE, drawn from the latest Maps printed by the Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg ; revised and cor- rected, with the Post Roads and New Govern- ments, from the Russian Atlas. Two sheets. 3 ft. 9 in. high, 3 ft. 5 in. wide ............0 16 0 Spring roller, £4. 4s. Russia in EUROPE and POLAND. 9 in. by 1 ft.. 0 1 6 Ditto .. ditto .. ditto. 8 in. by 10 in. 0 0 6 MILITARY MAP of the Countries between Odessa and Perekop............................ 0 2 0 Maps of the Russian and TURKISH EMPIRES, including the Baltic and Black Seas, the Russian Empire, Norway, Sweden, Austria and Prussia, Turkey in Europe, and Asia, with the acqui. sitions of Russia. One sheet.............. 0 2 6 0 0 2 6 1 6 0 0 4 6 3 6 0 3 0 0 4 6 0 5 0 0 7 6 SARDINIA. SARDINIA, Kingdom of, containing PIEDMONT, Savoy, &c. from Borgonio's Map. Twelve sheets, and Index Map. 6 ft. 9 in. high, 5 ft. 8 in. wide .............................. 1 GENOA, from Chafforon's Map. Eight sheets. 3 ft. 7 in. high, 6 ft. 4 in. wide............ 1 Genoa, Environs of ........................ 0 *** See also Italy at page 14. 1 0 2 18 0 3 0 0 1 4 0 0 2 0 5 7 0 6 2 15 0 9 0 0 SICILY. SICILY, Island of, drawn from the Maps of Schmettau, Mylne, Bacler-Dalbe, &c. &c. Two sheets. 4 ft. 3 in. by 2 ft. Il in. ...... 0 15 0 Sicily. One sheet .......... ....... 0 1 6 SICILIA ANTIQUA, with the Carthaginian, Gre. cian, and Modern Names .....0 7 6 1 5 0 2 0 6 1 100 0 6 0 0 10 0 0 12 0 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). 17 Mounted on Linen. In Cases. On Rollers, £. $. d. £. s. d. In Sheets. £. s. d. ETNA, Historical and Topographical Map of the Eruptions of, from the Era of the Sicani to the Present Time; intended to show the Ori- gin, Direction, and Age of each Eruption. By Dr. Gemmellaro. One sheet .......... 0 7 6 SYRACUSARUM VETERUM . .... 0 2 6 0 10 0 4 6 6 0.14 0 6 0 0 SPAIN. SPAIN and PORTUGAL, Military Map of, compiled from the surveys of Lopez, Tofino, and Ori- ginal Documents, communicated by British, French, and other Officers, collected during the various Campaigns in those Countries; adjusted by Astronomical Observations, de- scribing the Post Roads, Railroads, Stations, Distances, Chains of Mountains, and Military Passes. Four sheets. 6 ft. 6 in. by 4 ft. 4 in. 2 0 0 3 0 0 3 13 6 *** This Map fornis an excellent accompaniment to the various Histories of the Peninsular War, as it particularly describes the place and date of the different battles. Spring Roller, £5. 178. 6d. SPAIN and PORTUGAL. By Jasper Nantiat. Four sheets. 3 ft. 11 in. high, 5 ft. 6 in. wide.. 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 12 6 SPAIN and Portugal, reduced from the large Map. One sheet. 2 ft. high, 2 ft. 9 in. wide 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 12 0 *** The Battle-fields are marked upon this Map. SPAIN and PORTUGAL, 9 in. by 1 ft. 6 in. (4to.). 0 1" 6 0 2 6 0 4 6 Ditto, ditto, 8 in. by 10 in. (8vo.) ............ 0 0 6 0 1 6 0 3 6 SPAIN, a Map of the Northern Provinces of. One sheet ......... ::::..............; ... 0 2 6 0 3 6 0 5 0 PYRENEES, from St. Sebastian to the French Frontier, beautifully engraved in relief. Four sheets ........... .......... 1. 11 6 2 2 0 2 12 6 BATTLE of ALBUERA, May 16, 1811 .......... 0 4 0 SURPRISE at Arroyos MOLINOS, October 28, 1811.......... .. 0 2 0 BATTLE of the ARAPILES, near Salamanca ...... 0 4 0 SIEGE OF BADAJOZ ......................... 0 2 0 PLAN of BILBOA. One sheet ........ ...... 0 2 6 COUNTRY round CADIZ, and Battle of Barossa, March 5, 1811 ......... 0 4 0 SIEGE of CIUDAD RODRIGO .... .......... 0 2 0 GIBRALTAR, Bay, Rock, and Town, showing the Works, Position of the Fleet, and the Attack, 1782............... ....... 0 5 0 GIBRALTAR, View of the Works carried on during the Siege. By Lieut. John Duncan........ 0 3 0 18 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). Mounted on Linen. In Cases. On Rollers. £. S. d. £. s. d. In Sheets. €. s. d. The Country between St. Sebastian and the French Frontier ... .. 0 2 0 SIEGE and DEFENCE of TARIFA. By Lieut. Ed. mund Hodges. Two Sheets .............. 0 5 0 (See also an Atlas of Battles, p. 42.) er .. .. .. . ... .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. SWEDEN AND NORWAY. SWEDEN and NORWAY. One sheet. 2 ft. 5 in. high, 1 ft. 6 in. wide ..., ........ 0 0 6 0 10 6 0 12 0 Spring roller, £2. 2s. SWEDEN and NORWAY (4to.) 9 in. by 1 ft....... 0 1 6 0 2 6 0 4 6 SWEDEN, NORWAY, and DENMARK (8vo.), 8 in. by 10 in. ....................... 006 0 1 6 0 3 6 SWITZERLAND. SWITZERLAND, drawn from the Surveys of Weiss, Keller, and others, upon which the great and lesser Carriage Roads, Railroads, Footpaths, Chains of Mountains, Glaciers, Lakes, &c. are distinctly represented; with Tables of the Population of the Cantons, and Altitudes of the principal Mountains and Lakes. One sheet. i ft. 10 in. high, 2 ft. wide ........0 76 0 12 0 0 14 0 Spring roller, £2, 2s. SWITZERLAND (4to.), 9 in. by 1 ft. .......... 0 1 6 0 2 6 0 4 6 3 0 0 5 0 0 Ÿ 6 TURKEY. Tae OTTOMAN EMPIRE, the Black Sea, and the Frontiers of Russia and Persia, and including Circassia and the Shores of the Caspian Sea, with the acquisitions of Russia. One sheet, coloured .............................. 0 THE COUNTRIES BETWEEN TURKEY AND BUR- MAH, extending from the Black Sea to the Burman Empire, and comprising the Ottoman Dominions, Persia, Bokhara, and India, with the Black, Red, and Caspian Seas. Four small sheets. 2 ft. 6 in. high, 3 ft. 7 in. wide .... 1 Spring roller, £3. 13s. 6d. 0 0 1 10 0 1 18 0 TURKEY IN EUROPE. TURKEY in EUROPE, including GRCICE and the Island of Candia. One sheet. 1 ft. 11 in. high, 2 ft. 7 in, wide.... 0 6 6 0 10 6 Ditto, ditto (4to.) 9 in. by 1 ft. ..... ... 0 1 6 0 2 · 6 Ditto, ditto (8vo.) 8 in. by 10 in. ............ 0 0 6 0 1 6 0 12 0 4 0 3 0 6 0 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). 19 Mounted on Lincn. In Cases. On Rollers. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. S. d. Turkey in EUROPE, GREECE, and TURKEY in ASIA (in one), a reprint from the Map pub- lished at Vienna, under the direction of the Austrian Government. Twenty sheets...... 2 10 0 3 10 0 4 14 6 *** This is the largest Map of the Ottoman Empire published. Each sheet is sold separately at............ 0 2 6 0 5 0 0 7 6 TURKEY, Military Map of Part of, extending from the River Pruth to Constantinople, embracing the whole western shore of the Black Sea. Drawn by the King of Prussia's Staff. Two sheets .......... ... 0 6 0 0 10 0 0 12 0 TREATY MAP, showing the Boundaries of Russia and the Eastern European States, and the Boundary, as settled by the Conference in 1856, between Russia and Turkey.......... 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 8 0 CONSTANTINOPLE, Plan of .. ... 0 5 0 0 8 6 0 12 0 Plan of SILISTRIA, with the Siege Works and Fortifications, by Capt. Sayer. One sheet .. 0 2 6 0 5 0 0 6 6 THE River DANUBE ...... ... 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 5 6 Map of the Mouths of the DANUBE .......... 0 2 6 0 4 6 0 7 6 0 0 12 0 THE OVERLAND ROUTE. New MAP, showing the Route from LONDON to SUEZ; through FRANCE to MARSEILLES ; through GERMANY to TRIESTE ; the Course of the DANUBE ; and the Lines of English, French, Austrian, Russian, Spanish, Sardinian, Neapolitan, and Tuscan STEAM PACKETS in the Mediterranean and Black Sea ..........0 6 0 0 9 TaE COUNTRIES BETWEEN TURKEY AND BUR- MAH, extending from the Black Sea to the Burman Empire, and comprising the Ottoman Dominions, Persia, Bokhara, and India, with the Black, Red, and Caspian Seas. Four sheets. 2 ft. 6 in. high, 3ft. 7in. wide...... 1 0 0 1 10 Spring roller, £3. 138. 6d. THE PERSIAN GULF.—Persia, with the adjacent Countries of Russia, India, Egypt, and Tur- key, with Plans of Bushire and Karrack .... 0 2 6 0 5 MAP FROM ENGLAND TO INDIA, embracing the whole of Central Asia, and designed to show the Overland and Sea Routes to the East, the line of Communication with our Indian Possessions, and the relative position of Russia to England and Hindostan. One sheet. 2 ft. high, 3 ft. wide ......... ...0 8 0 0 12 Spring roller, £2. 128. 6d. MAP FROM ENGLAND TO INDIA, showing the proposed Communication by Railway ......0 ) 0 0 1 18 0 0 0 7 6 0 0 16 0 20 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). GREAT BRITAIN. In Sheets. Mounted on Linen. In Cases. On Rollers. The BRITISA Isles, with the Topographical and Physical Features; the lines of Railway- their primary and intermediate Stations; the land and water communication of the coun- ties; and the Steam Packet Routes, with the distance from port to port, compiled from the Ordnance Survey. Two sheets. 4 ft. 4 in. high, 3 ft. 3 in. wide ........... .......... 0 16 Spring roller, £3. 38. Ditto, ditto, Geologically coloured ............ 1 10 GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND, United King- dom of. One sheet........... ..0 4 Ditto, ditto, Geologically coloured ............ 0 5 0 0 1 6 2 0 0 0 1 16 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 7 6 0 9 0 0 100 0 16 0 2 12 6 ENGLAND AND WALES. HISTORICAL Map of ANGLO-Saxon and ROMAN BRITAIN. One sheet ...................0 10 6 0 14 0 North Sea. One sheet .................... 0 6 6 ENGLAND, Wales, and the greater part of Scot- LAND, Railway and Topographical Map of, showing the Lines of Railway, with the Sta- tions, Sections of the principal Railways, the Inland Navigation, the great and cross Roads, Cities, Market Towns, and Villages, and the physical features. Four sheets. 6 ft. 8 in. high, by 4 ft. 6 in. wide .............. 1 10 0 2 2 0 Spring roller, £5. 158. 6d. ENGLAND and WALES, projected from the Tri- gonometrical Operations made for the General Survey of the Kingdom ; exhibiting the Cities, Boroughs, and Market Towns, Parishes, Vil- lages, Mail and Turnpike Roads, Rivers, Canals, Railways, and Gentlemen's Seats, in- cluding useful Tables of the Altitudes of the Mountains, &c. Scale of 10 miles to an inch. Two sheets. 4 ft. 3 in. high, 3 ft. 4 in. wide 0 18 0 1 8 6 Spring roller, £3. 38. Ditto, ditto, coloured to show the Ecclesiastical Divisions ...... .......... ] 3 0 1 13 6 Ditto, ditto, describing the Judges' Circuits .... 1 3 0 1 13 6 Do. do. showing the New Bankruptcy Divisions 1 1 0 1 11 6 ENGLAND, showing the Districts of the New Court of Probate, with the Boundaries of the Dis- trict Registries, together with the Text of the Act of Parliament. One sheet. 3 ft. 3 in. high, 2 ft. 2 in. wide ... ..0 6.0 0 7 6 1 18 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 10 6 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). 21 Mounted on Linen. In Cases. On Rollers. £. S. d. £. 8. d. 0 7 6 0 10 0 0 9 0 0 12 0 In Sheets. els. £. 8. d. ENGLAND, WALES, SCOTLAND, and IRELAND, showing the Savings Banks, with Alphabeti- cal Lists of the Localities of the Savings' Banks. One Sheet...................... 0 6 0 ENGLAND, WALES, and SCOTLAND, describing all the direct and principal Cross Roads in GREAT BRITAIN, the Distances between the Market Towns, the Railways, and the Rivers and Navigable Canals. One sheet. 2 ft. 7 in. high, 2 ft. 4 in. wide ............ 0 6 0 Wyld's ROAD DIRECTOR through ENGLAND and WALES, being a New and Comprehensive Dis- play of the Roads, Railways, and Distances from Town to Town, and every remarkable place from London. One sheet. 2 ft. high, i ft. 10 in. wide ........................ 0 ............ 0 3 3 0 0 RAILWAY MAP of GREAT BRITAIN; showing Lines finished and in progress, with the Stations. One sheet. 2 ft. 5 in. high, 1 ft. 11 in. wide 0 1 6 ENGLAND, Inland Navigation of, showing the Canals, Railroads, &c. One sheet ........0 6 0 ENGLAND and WALES. One small sheet ..... 0 2 0 ENGLAND (4to.)...... .. 1 6 ENGLAND (8vo.)............................ 0 0 Map showing the places in ENGLAND and WALES sending Members to Parliament, &c......... 0 2 0 Ditto, with alterations proposed by Bill of 1852-4 0 1 0 Ditto, with alterations proposed by Mr. Bright, 1859 0 1 0 Ditto, ditto, by the Times Correspondent, 1859 .. 0 1 0 Ditto, ditto, by Lord Derby's Government, 1859 0 1 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 0 3 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 9 0 3 6 2 6 0 12 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 2 2 2 0 6 6 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 er er en or 0 0 0 0 0 ENGLISH CHANNEL. CHART of the ENGLISH CHANNEL, extending from Dover to the Isles of Scilly, and from Calais to the Bay of Brest; also the Coasts of Zea- land and Flanders, the Bristol and St. George's Channel. Three sheets ...... ....... 0 9 0 0 18 Entrance to the River Thames. One sheet...... 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 5 9 0 0 RAILWAY MAPS AND GUIDES. ENGLAND, WALES, and the greater part of SCOTLAND. See page 20. Map of the GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY, to be had separately, with the Packet Routes to Ireland. In cover............................ 0 1 6 Map of SOUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY, with MAPs of the ISLE OF WIGHT, the ROAD TO PARIS, and Plans of Southampton and Portsmouth....0 16 GRAND JUNCTION RAILWAY GUIDE ..... .................. GREENWICH RAILWAY PLAN ....... .................... The RAILWAYS in the SOUTHERN and MIDLAND DISTRICTS of ENGLAND, extending 170 miles from London ........ ...... 0 4 0 '... 22 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). COUNTY SURVEYS OF ENGLAND. Mounted on Linon. In Cases. On Rollers. £. s. d. £. s. d. 2 14 0 8 0 6 3 3 0 10 0 0 4 0 0 4 14 6 0 7 6 0 10 6 0 1 14 0 8 0 0 2 0 0 9 2 2 0 2 5 0 0 35 0 7 0 5 0 6 0 0 17 0 9 0 7 0 0 6 1 18 0 2 0 0 In Sheets. £. s. d. BedroRD, by Thomas Jeffreys. Eight sheets. 6 ft. 5 in. high, 4 ft. 2 in. wide.............. 1 10 0 BEDFORD, reduced from the large Map. One sheet. 0 5 0 BERKS, Topographical Map of, by John Rocque, two inches to a mile. Eighteen sheets. 5 ft. 6 in. high, 9 ft. 3 in. wide.................. 2 10 0 Topographical INDEX to the above Map. (Folio.) 0 10 0 BERKs, reduced from the large Map. One sheet. 0 4 0 CHESTER, County Palatine of, by P. P. Burdett. Four sheets. 4 ft. high, 3 ft. 4 in. wide.... 1 0 0 CHESTER, reduced from the above. One sheet... 0 5 0 CORNWALL, with the SCILLY ISLANDS, by Thomas Martyn. New Edition. Nine sheets. 4 ft. 10 in. bigh, 6 ft. 4 in. wide................ 1 6 0 CORNWALL, reduced from the above. Two sheets. 2 ft. 9 in. high, 3 ft. 9 in. wide ............ 0 7 6 CORNWALL, on a smaller scale. One sheet...... 0 4 0 CORNWALL, divided into Parishes. One sheet .. 0 2 6 CUMBERLAND, by Thomas Donald. New Edition. Six sheets. 4 ft. high, 5 ft. 7 in. wide ...... 1 0 0 CUMBERLAND, reduced from the above, with the adjoining portions of Lancaster and Westmore- land, showing the Lakes. One sheet ...... 0 10 0 DEVON, reduced from the Survey taken by order of the Honourable Board of Ordnance, by per- mission. Two sheets. 4 ft. 3 in. high, 3 ft. 4 in. wide ..............................0 15 0 Devon, reduced from the Survey of Benjamin Donne. One sheet...................... 0 5 0 Dorset, by Isaac Taylor. Illustrated with Views. Six sheets. 3 ft. 10 in. high, 5 ft. 4 in. wide.. 0 16 0 Dorset, reduced from the large Map. One sheet 0 5 0 Essex, constructed from the Trigonometrical Sur- vey made by order of the Honourable Board of Ordnance. One sheet. 2 ft. 3 in. high, 3 ft. 3 in. wide ........... ............0 7 6 GLOUCESTER, by Isaac Taylor. Six sheets. 4 ft. 8 in. high, 4 ft. 4 in. wide ....... ....... 1 0 0 GLOUCESTER, reduced from the above. One sheet 0 5 0 HANTS, or COUNTY of SOUTHAMPTON, including the ISLE OF WIGHT, by Thomas Milne, with Plans of Southampton and Winchester. Six sheets. 5 ft. 1 in. high, 5 ft. wide .......... 1 10 0 HANTS, reduced from the above. One sheet..... 0 4 0 The New Forest, surveyed by order of the Com- missioners of Land Revenue, four inches to a mile. Six sheets. 5 ft. 8 in. high, 6 ft. wide. Price £2 plain, or coloured .. ... 2 10 0 0 15 0 0 16 6 1 1 0 1 100 0 6 6 0 12 0 1 0 6 7 0 6 1 16 0 10 0 0 0 12 0 0 14 0 1 16 0 7 0 6 1 18 0 10 0 0 2 10 0 7 0 6 2 12 0 10 6 0 3 10 0 3 130 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). 23 Mounted on Linen. In Cases. On Rollers. £. 8. d. £. s. d. 0 14 0 0 15 0 1 100 1 12 6 2 15 0 0 6 6 2 18 0 0 7 6 2 2 0 2 4 0 3.0 0 3 3 0 0 12 0 0 16 0 2 16 0 0 9 0 2 18 0 12 0 0 In Sheets. £. s. d. Index Map to New Forest. One sheet. 2 ft. high, 2 ft. 4 in. wide. Price 7s.6d. plain, or coloured 0 10 6 HEREFORD, by Isaac Taylor. Four sheets. 4 ft. high, 4 ft. wide.......................... 0 16 0 HERTFORD, by Andrew Drury and John Andrews, four inches to a mile. Nine sheets. 5 ft. 2 in. high, 7 ft. 2 in. wide...... ... 1 10 0 HERTFORD, reduced from the large Map. One sheet... ... 0 3 0 HUNTINGDON, by Thomas Jefferys, two inches to a mile. Six sheets. 3 ft. 6 in. high, 4 ft. 1 in. wide .................................. 1 6 0 KENT, with part of the County of Essex, surveyed by order of the Honourable Board of Ordnance, with the Railways. Four sheets. 4 ft. I in. high, 6 ft. 1 in. wide ..................... 2 2 0 KENT, reduced from the above Map, with the ad- joining parts of Surrey, Sussex, and Essex. New Edition. One sheet. 2 ft. 2 in. high, 3 ft. 3 in, wide ............ ...0 7 6 LANCASTER, County Palatine of, by William Yates. Eight sheets. 7 ft. high, 4 ft. 9 in. wide .... 1 12 0 LANCASTER, reduced from the above. One sheet 0 6 0 LEICESTER, by John Prior. Four sheets. 3 ft. 10 in. bigh, 4 ft. 3 in. wide ................1 0 0 MIDDLESEX, divided into Parishes and Hundreds, by John Rocque, two inches to a mile. Four sheets. 3 ft. 4 in. high, 4 ft. 10 in. wide .... 1 12 0 MIDDLESEX the above. One sheet. 0 3 Norfolk, by Thomas Donald and Thomas Milne, with accurate plans of Great Yarmouth, Lynn, and Swaffham. Six sheets. 4 ft. 4 in. high, 6 ft. 5 in. wide .......................... 2 2 0 NorrOLK, reduced from the large Map. One sheet 0 5 0 NORTHAMPTON, by Thomas Eyre. New Edition. Four sheets. 4 ft. 3 in. high, 4 ft. 7 in. wide 1 0 0 NOTTINGHAM, by John Chapman. Four sheets. 4ft. 5 in. high, 3 ft. 2 in. wide ............1 0 0 COUNTRY SURROUNDING BELVOIR CASTLE, in- cluding extensive Districts of the Counties of LEICESTER, LINCOLN, and NOTTINGHAM, and the whole of the County of RUTLAND. Four sheets. 4 ft. lin. high, 5 ft. 2 in. wide. 1 12 6 SOMERSET, by W. Day and C. H. Masters. New Edition. Nine sheets. 4 ft. 9 in. high, 6 ft. 4 in. wide ............................... ........... I 12 0 SOMERSET, reduced from the above, with a Plan of the City of Bath. One sheet ............0 7 6 STAFFORD, by W. Yates, from a scale of one inch to a mile. Six sheets. 5 ft. high, 3 ft. 10 in. wide ......... .......... 1 0 0 StarFord, reduced from the above. One sheet.. 0 4 0 1 14 0 116 0 2 6 0 2 WOOD 6 3 0 0 3 3 0 0 7 6 0100 1 14 0 1 16 0 1 14 0 1 16 0. 2 12 6 3 3 0 3 0 0 0 10 6 3 13 0 0 12 0 1 16 0 7 0 6 2 10 0 9 0 0 24 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). Mounted on Linen. In Sheets. In Cases. On Rollers. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. SUFFOLK, by Joseph Hodskinson, with a Plan of the Town of Ipswich. Six sheets. 4 ft. 4 in. high, 5 ft. Sin. wide ................1 6 0 2 4 0 2 6 0 SUFFOLK, reduced from the above. One sheet .. 0 4 0 0 7 6 0 10 0 SURREY, by J. Rocque, two inches to a mile. Nine sheets. 5 ft. 7 in. high, 7 ft. l in. wide .... 2 2 0 3 12 0 3 15 0 SURREY, by Joseph Lindley and William Crossley. New Edition. Two sheets. 3 ft. high, 4 ft. wide .................................. 0 10 0 0 15 0 1 6 6 Sussex, divided into Rapes, Deaneries, and Hun- dreds, planned from an actual Survey, begun by W. Gardner and the late T. Yeakell, com- pleted by Thomas Gream. New Edition. Four sheets. 2 ft. 9 in. high, 6 ft. 8 in. wide 1 6 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 Sussex, reduced from the above. New Edition. One sheet.............................. 0 4 0 0 6 6 0 10 0 SUSSEX, Survey of the South Section of the County of, surveyed by command of His Grace the late Duke of Richmond, Master General of the Ordnance, by T. Yeakell and W. Gardner, two inches to a mile. Four sheets. 2 ft. 9 in. high, 12 ft. 9 in. wide ......... ........ 2 0 0 3 0 0 3 13 6 WESTMORELAND, by Thomas Jefferys. Four sheets. 3 ft. 4 in. high, 3 ft. 10 in......... 0 16 0 1 100 1 12 0 ISLE OF Wight. Map of the Isle of Wight from the Government Survey and other authorities. One sheet. 2 ft.by 1 ft. 7 in. .. .......... 0 2 0 0 4 6 0 8 0 Wilts, by John Andrews and Andrew Drury, from a scale of two inches to a mile. Re- vised and corrected from information com- municated by the Right Hon. the Earl of Radnor and Sir Richard Colt Hoare, Bart. &c. &c. Eighteen sheets. 9 ft. 4 in. high, 6 ft. 8 in. wide...... .......... 2 10 0 4 10 0 4 120 INDEX to the names, &c. to bind up with the above. Folio...................... .................... 0 5 0 Wilts, reduced from the above Map. One sheet.. 0 4 0 0 7 6 0 8 0 WORCESTER, by Isaac Taylor. Four sheets. 3 ft. 6 in. high, 3 ft. 8 in. wide ............ 0 12 0 1 6 0 1 8 0 York, County of, by Thomas Jefferys, illustrated with Plans of Kingston, Leeds, Ripon, Shef- field, Scarborough, and the City of York. Twenty sheets. 8 ft. high, 10 ft. wide .... 3 0 0 6 0 0 6 6 0 YORK, County of, reduced from the large Map, with a Plan of Kingston-upon-Hull, and View of York Minster, revised and corrected. 4 ft. high, 5 ft. wide... ........ 1 5 0 2 2 0 2 4 0 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). 25 PLANS OF LONDON. £. s. do LONDON and WESTMINSTER, Plan of the Cities of, with the BOROUGH of SOUTHWARK, including the adjacent Suburbs, in which every Dwell- ing-house is described and numbered. Surveyed and first published by R. Horwood. For the purpose of rendering this new edition.com- plete and correct, the whole extent of the plan has been carefully re- surveyed, from which examination, all the new Buildings, Alterations, and other Improvements are inserted to the present time. This edition has likewise been augmented with eight pew copper-plates, extending the plan eastward to the River Lea, thereby comprehending those important objects, the London, West-India, and East-India Docks. Forty sheets. 7 ft. 6 in, high, 17 ft. wide. £10; or, half-bound in Russia, with the Limits of the Parishes coloured, and an Index Map ..............................................13 ..13 13 0 Separate sheets of the above Work, each ..... ............... 0 7 6 In Sheets. Mounted on Linen. In Cases. On Rollcrs. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d.. LONDON and its ENVIRONS. Nine sheets. Ex- tending from the West-India Docks to Kew Bridge, and from Norwood to Highgate, with the Limits of the Parishes. 3 ft. 6 in. high, by 4 ft. 4 in. wide ...................... 1 5 0 1 15 0 2 5 0 Bound in Cloth as an Atlas, with Index, £1.10 Spring Rollers, £4. 14s. 6d. LONDON and WESTMINSTER, New Plan of the Cities of, with the BOROUGH of SOUTHWARK, including the adjacent Suburbs, with all the Additions and Improvements to the present time, reduced from the large survey; with an alphabetical list of the principal Streets, Squares, Public Buildings, &c., and references to their situation on the Plan; also a Statistical Table of the Population, &c. Two sheets. 2 ft. 6 in. high, 3 ft. 6 in. wide............0 8 0 0 12 0 0 18 0 THE CITY of LONDON, in Three sheets. The actual survey, with every Building described and numbered, upon a scale of three chains to an inch. 2 ft. 2 in. high, 4 ft. 5 in. wide.... 1 1 0 1 li 6 2 2 0 Spring roller, £3. 3s. . The Post Office Map of London, with References to the Streets, List of Streets, the Omnibus Routes, and a Table for the Measurement of Hackney Coach and Cabriolet Fares, the Ter- mini of the Railways, &c. Two sheets. 1 ft. 4 in. high, 2ft. 7 in. wide. (In a frame, £1. ls.) 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 8 6 - LONDON and its ENVIRONS, a beautifully exe- cuted Map. 1 ft. 11 in. high, 2 ft. 6 in. wide. In a frame, £1, lls. 6d. ................ 0 6 0 0 8 0 0 12 0 LONDON. Ditto. One sheet ........... .....0 1 6 0 2 6 0 7 6 LONDON. New Map, extending from Holloway to Camberwell, and from Kensington to the River Lea. One sheet ........................ 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 6 th Postal Districts Ditt In Sheets. Mounted on Linen. Leets. In Cases. On Rollers. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. GUIDE to the Port of LONDON, including the By- Laws, Rules, Orders, and Regulations of the River Thames, with illustrated Charts of the appointed Moorings. In cloth ............ 0 4 0 LAMBETH, Parish of, from actual survey. In Two sheets. 1 ft. 10 in. high, by 5 ft. 6 in. wide. 1 1 0 1 11 6 2 2 0 WATERLOO PLACE, REGENT STREET, &c., Plan of, from Charing-cross to Port- land-place. One sheet, 2s. *** The boundaries of the parishes being distinctly engraved upon the above plans, they can be coloured, if required. - Plan of the BUILDING in Hyde Park, for the Exhibition of 1851. Coloured, 6d. Epsom Race-Course. Sheet, 18. ; case, 28. ENVIRONS OF LONDON. LONDON, new Topographical Map of the VICINITY of, from an actual Survey, drawn from a scale of two inches to a mile; comprehending an extent of eight miles to the East, seven miles to the West, seven miles to the North, and nearly eight miles to the South of the Meridian and parallel of St. Paul's Church. New Edi- tion. Shewing the new Roads, Railroads, and Improvements in and near the Metropo- lis. Two sheets. 2 ft. 11 in. high, 3 ft. wide 0 8 0 0 12 0 Spring roller, £2. 2s. LONDON ; Map of the COUNTRY TWENTY-FIVE MILES ROUND, upon a scale of one inch to a mile. Shewing the Turnpike and Cross Roads, Railroads and Stations, Rivers, Woods, Commons, Seats of the Nobility and Gentry, as well as every Market Town, Village, &c. Four sheets. 3 ft. 6 in, high, 4 ft. 5 in. wide .... 016 0 1 6 6 Spring roller, £4. 14s. 6d. LONDON; Map of the COUNTRY TWENTY MILES 0 16 0 1 16 0 high, 2 ft. 2 in. wide ....... ......... 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 TOWNS, &0. IN ENGLAND. ALDERSHOT Encampment .................... 0 1 0 BRIGHTON, Environs of, surveyed by Thos. Gream. Second Edition. One sheet ...... 0 2 0 0 3 0 BRISTOL, Environs of, surveyed by B. Donne. Four sheets ... ........ 0 10 6 0 18 6 BRISTOL, Environs of, reduced from the above. One sheet .............................. 2 6 CAELTENHAM, by Alexander Dalrymple, Esq., Hydrographer to the Hon. Board of Admi- ralty. One sheet. ....... ... 0 2 0 0 3 0 5 1 0 6 0 B 4C JAMES WYLD, CHARÍNG CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). 27 .. 0 WUN A co d Environs. One sheet 0 o Mounted on Linen, In Sheets. In Cases. On Rollers. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. CHOBHAM Encampment........ .... 0 1 0 0 2 6 0 4 0 COLCHESTER, MILITARY PLAN OF THE DISTRICT . Or, comprehending Lexden and Winstree Hundreds, drawn from a scale of two inches to a mile. One large sheet................ 0 6 0 0 11 0 0 12 6 DONCASTER, Environs of. One sheet.......... 0 8 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 HEREFORD City, with views of the Buildings, by J. Taylor. Two sheets ......... .... 0 10 0 0 18 0 1 0 0 HERTFORD, Town of, by J. Andrews and M. Wren. One sheet ......... .... 0 3 0 0 6 6 0 7 6 KESWICK, Environs of, showing the Lakes of Cumberland, &c. by Donald. One sheet.... 0 3 0 0 5 6 0 6 0 The LAKES of CUMBERLAND and WESTMORE- LAND, District of, with all the Roads and Railways. One sheet...... LIVERPOOL, Town MARGATE, RAMSGATE, &c., Environs of, from the Ordnance Survey. New Edition. One sheet.... ........ 0 4 0 0 7 6 0 8 6 NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE and GATESHEAD, sur- veyed by Charles Hutton. Two sheets...... 0 6 0 0 13 0 0 15 0 NEWMARKET, Town of, surveyed by J. Chap- man. One sheet.......... ...0 2 0 0 3 6 0 4 0 NEWMARKET HEATH, by ditto. Two sheets.... 0 4 0 0 10 6 0 12 0 NORTHAMPTON, Town of, surveyed by Noble and Butlin. One sheet ........ .... 0 2 6 0 5 0 0 6 6 NORWICH, City of, surveyed by Anthony Hoch- stetter ; one sheet ...... .... oo 0 0 10 6 0 12 0 OXFORD, City of, surveyed by Isaac Taylor. Two sheets ........ ....0 6 0 0 12 0 14 0 PORTSMOUTH and HARBOUR of SPITHEAD...... 0 4 0 PLYMOUTH, Town and Citadel of, surveyed by Rich. Cowl. Two sheets ................o 5 0 0 10 6 0 12 0 ST. ALBANS, Town of, by J. Andrews and M. Wren. One sheet ...................... 0 2 0 0 3 6 0 4 0 TORBAY and DARTMOUTH HARBOUR .......... 040 (A large collection of nearly every Town in the United Kingdom.) PLAN of the VOLUNTEER SHAM FIGHT at CAMDEN PARK, CHISELHURST .......... 0 1 6 0 3 0 0 4 6 SUVO . . . . . . . ..... WALES, NORTH WALES, Topographical and Antiquarian, reduced from the Ordnance Survey, with Roads, Railways, and Canals. One sheet. 2 ft. high, by 2 ft. 10 in. wide.............. 0 SOUTH WALES, Topographical and Antiquarian, reduced from the Ordnarce Survey. One sheet. 2 ft. high, by 2 ft. 10 in. wide ......0 5 0 0 9 0 0 1 0 7 6 0 12 0 0 14 0 LB 2 28 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (137, STRAND). SCOTLAND. Mounted on Linen. In Sheets. In Cascs. On Rollers. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. . SCOTLAND, drawn from the Topographical Surveys of John Ainslie, General Roy, and others; particularly distinguishing the Post Towns and Offices, the Turnpike Roads, both Di- rect and Cross, Railways, with the Distances betwveen each Town, and also from Edinburgh. Two sheets. 3 ft. 9 in. high, 3 ft. 5 in. wide 0 18 0 1 6 0 1 16 0 Spring roller, £3. 38. SCOTLAND, reduced from the above. One sheet. 2 ft. 7 in. high, 1 ft. 10 in. wide ............ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 SCOTLAND, Roads of, with a Table of Distances. By John Ainslie. One sheet.............. 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SCOTLAND. One sheet ....... ............ 0 2 0 0 3 6 0 4 0 SCOTLAND (4to.) ........................... ... 0 1 6 0 2 6 .0 4 6 SCOTLAND (8vo.) ......................... 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 COUNTY SURVEYS IN SCOTLAND. oreret Angus, or County of Forrar, by John Ainslie. Four sheets........ ARGYLE, by George Langland and Son. Four sheets ...... DUMFRIES, by William Crawford. Four sheets................ Fire and KINROSS, by John Ainslie. Six sheets............... HADDINGTON, by William Forest. Four sheets........ KIRKCUD BRIGHT, Stewartry of, by John Ainslie. Four sheets .. Perth and CLACKMANNAN, by James Stobie. Nine sheets.. PERTH and CLACKMANNAN, reduced. One sheet........ .. 0 8 RENFREw, by John Ainslie. Four sheets ............. . 1 5 STIRLING, County of, by John Grassom. Four slieets .......... ............. I 5 SELKIRKSHIRE, or ETTRICK Forest, by John Ainslie. Two sleets .... 0 10 Wigton, or the Shire of GALLOWAY, by Jobn Ainslie. Pour sheets .... 1 0 .............. oñer CT CON F 0 0 0 TOWNS IN SCOTLAND. EDINBURGH, City of. One sheet.. 0 2 0 Ditto and its ENVIRONS ......... .....0 30 GLASGOW, by Peter Flemming. Six sheets ........................ 1 0 0 GLASGOW, reduced from the above ........................ 0 3 0 0 3 3 0 IRELAND IRELAND. Six sheets. From the Government Surveys. Beautifully engraved. 6 ft. I in. high, 4 ft. 8 in. wide .................... 2 0 Spring roller, £5. 158. 6d. IRELAND, reduced from the Ordnance Surveys, and dedicated to Queen Victoria. Four sheets. 5 ft. 3 in. high, 4 ft. wide ................ 111 Spring roller, £4. 45. . 6 2 2 0 2 12 6 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). 29 Mounted on Linen. In Cases. On Rollers. £. 8. d. £. 8. d. 1 3 6 1 12 0 0 9 0 0 12 0 In Shcets. £. S. d. IRELAND, Civil and Ecclesiastical, by the Rev. Daniel Augustus Beaufort, LL.D., &c. New Edition. Two sheets. 4 ft. high, 3 ft. 4 in. wide .................................. 0 15 0 Spring rollers, £3. 38. IRELAND, divided into Provinces and Counties. One sheet. 2 ft. high, 1 ft. 11 in. wide ... 0 0 0 IRELAND, describing the Features of the Country, with the Roads and Distances between the Towns and Stages, in miles and furlongs, for the use of Travellers, by Alexander Taylor, Lieut. Royal Engineers ...... : 010 6 IRELAND. Ore sheet ....... ... 0 2 0 IRELAND ........ 0 1 6 PRELAXD ........ 0 0 6 IRELAND, wherein are inserted the principal fami- lies of Irish and English extraction who pos- sessed that Kingdom on the commencement of the 17th century, by Charles O'Connor, Esq. One sheet............... ......io 5 0 COUNTY of WEXFORD, surveyed by Valentine Gill. Four sheets. 4 ft. 8 in. High, 4 ft. 3 in. wide 1 0 0 LAKES of KILLARNEY, from Col. Vallency's Mili- tary Survey of Ireland. One sheet ........ 0 4 0 CITY of DUBLIN. One sheet ... 0 15 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 6 6 6 0 16 0 4 0 4 0 3 0 6 6 6 0 12 0 0 7 6 1 14 0 2 5 0 reland One sheet oo 0 0 6 0 O 6 DOT ܤܙ ܛܙ 0 0 0 0 8 3 2 1 6 6 6 0 0 12 0 5 0 4 0 3 0 0 6 6 ASIA. GENERAL MAPS. Asia, General Map. One sheet. I ft. 11 in. high, 2 ft. 6 in. wide .. ... 0 5.0 ASIA, School Map ........... ... 0 2 0 Asia (4to.) ....... ... 0 1 6 ASIA (Svo.) ..... ... 0 0 0 OVERLAND ROUTE. COUNTRIES lying between TURKEY and BURMAH, the OVERLAND ROUTE TO INDIA, the Coun- tries of Syria, Egypt, Persia, Arabia, the Ter- ritories of Chiva and Bokhara, AFGHANISTAN, and the Burman Empire, and the Red, Cas- pian, Black, and Aral Seas. Four sheets. 2 ft. 7 in. high, 3 ft. 6 in. wide ............ 10 0 Spring roller, £3. 13s. 6d. MAP from ENGLAND to India, embracing the whole of Central Asia, and designed more pare ticularly to slew the line of Communication with our Indian Possessions, and the relative positions of Russia to England and Hindostan. One sheets 2 ft. lin. high, 3 ft. wide ...... 0 8 0 Spring roller, £2. 12s. 6d. 1 10 0 1 18 0 0 12 0 0 16 0 30 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). In Sheets. Mounted on Linen. In Cases. On Rollers. £. s. d. £. 8. d. £. s. d. TRACK CHART from ENGLAND to INDIA, CHINA, and AUSTRALIA ........................ 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 14 0 MAP from ENGLAND to INDIA, showing the pro- posed Railway, Telegraphic, and Sea commu- nication with India ....... ........ 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 6 ARABIA. ARABIA. One sheet (4to.) ...... ...... 0 1 0 0 2 6 0 4 6 HEDYAZ DISTRICT, by Col. Webbe Smith. One ....... ...... 0 2 6 . sheet.................. 0 14 0 0 16 0 0 0 6 0 7 6 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 12 0 2 0 14 0 4 0 6 6 AFGHANISTAN. AFGHANISTAN, Caubul, the Punjaub, and the River Indus. One large sheet. 2 ft. high, 2 ft. 8 in. wide ..........................0 10 0 MAP to follow the MOVEMENTS of the Anglo- INDIAN ARMY in AFGHANISTAN. One sheet 0 4 0 CITY of CAUBUL. One sheet ................ 0 i 0 BURMAN EMPIRE. BURMAN EMPIRE, including also SIAM, COCHIN CHINA, TON-KING, MALAYA, and part of the ISLAND of SUMATRA. One sheet...... 0 4 0 BURMAN EMPIRE, constructed from a Drawing compiled in Survevor-General's Office, Cal- cutta, and other authentic documents. 1 sheet Ó 8 0 BURMAN EMPIRE (4to.) .................... 0 1 6 CEYLON. ISLAND of CEYLON. One sheet. 3 ft. 5 in. high, 2 ft. 6 in. wide ....... 0 7 6 CHINA AND JAPAN. Net MAP of CHINA, constructed from Original Surveys and Sketches, showing the positions of the Free Ports, the Tea Districts, and the localities of Mineral and other productions of China, thé Forts and Defensible Positions. One large sheet. 2 ft. 1 in. high, 2 ft. 8 in. wide 0 8 0 SEABOARD OF CHINA, from Canton to the Imperial Sea. With Plans of Pekin, Canton, Tinghae in Chusan, Amoy, &c. One sheet ........0 2 6 CHINA and JAP ISLANDS ( NORTH-EASTERN PART of CHINA, extending from the Yang-tse-kiang to the Corea, with the Gulf of Pe-tchi-li and the Pei-ho River to Pekin. One sheet ........ ............. 0 3 0 Map of the COUNTY between the Gulr or PE-TCHI-LI and PEKIN, showing the Oper- ations of the Allied Forces. One Sheet .... 0 1 6 30 6 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 16 0 0 6 oo im 6 ܤܙ ܟܬ )......... 0 0 5 0 0 7 6 0 2 6 0 5 0 JAMES WYLDYTTY V 31 CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). , CHARING Mounted on Linen. In Sheets. In Cases. On Rollers. £. s. d. £. $. d. £. s. d. Map of the NoRTHERN PART of CHINA, from CHUSAN to PEKIN, with the Islands of Japan, Kurile, the Free Ports, and the Trading Posts between Russia and China. Four sheets. 4 ft. 4 in. high, 6 ft. 2 in. wide ............ 1 11 6 2 2 0 2 12 6 AMOY, Port and Island, with the Country around. One sheet........ ...... 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 6 JAPAN ISLANDS, with the New Treaty Ports .... 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 12 0 CANTON RIVER, with Entrances and Islands, Hong Kong, Bocca Tigris, Macao, &c., with the Soundings. One sheet .................: 0 2 6 0 4 6 0 7 6 CITY of CANTON, with its Suburbs. One sheet., 0 3 0 0 4 6 0 6 6. OPERATIONS against CANTON, January to March, 1841. One sheet .... ..........0 3 0 0 4 6 0 6 6 ATTACK and BOMBARDMENT of Canton, 1857. One sheet........... .......... 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 6 MACAO, Plan of Town and Environs. One sheet 0 2 6 0 4 6 0 6 6 CHUSAN ARCHIPELAGO, Chart of.............. 0 2 0 0 3 6 0 6 6 The BATTLE OF FATSHAN, Canton River, drawn on the spot by the Times Special Correspond. ent. One sheet .... ........ 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 6 EAST INDIAN ISLANDS. ARCHIPELAGO of the INDIAN OCEAN, including the Islands of Borneo, Sumatra, Java, &c. (to.) 0 1 6 0 2 6 0 4 6 BORNEO, Island of, from the latest surveys. One sheet. 2 ft. by 2 ft. 6 in. .. ........... 0 6 0 0 10 0 0 12 0 INDIA, OR HIN DOSTAN. MAP of India, constructed with great care and re- search from all the latest authorities, and in- tended more particularly to facilitate a refer- ence to the Civil and Military Stations, with a Polemetrical Table of reciprocal distances. I large sheet. 3 ft. 2 in. high, 2 ft. 2 in. wide 0 15 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 Spring roller, 42. 12s. 6d. An INDEX to WYLD's MAP of INDIA, containing the names of many thousand places, with their latitude and longitude. (Svo.) In cloth, 7s.6d. in paper cover, 2s. Od. INDIA, showing the Post Roads, Dark Stations, and Railroads. One sheet. 2 ft. 10 in. high, by 1 ft. 9 in. wide........................ 0 5 0 0 7 6 0 10 0 INDIA, New Map of, with Civil & Military Stations. 2 ft. 9 in. bigb, 2 ſt. 2 in. wide. One sheet.. 0 8 0 0 12 0 0 16 0 INDIA and the BURMAN EMPIRE. One sheet .. 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 7 6 Wyld's PANORAMIC Map of INDIA, with the Insurrectionary Districts ................ 0 1 0 0 2 0 Ditto, ditto, coloured.......... ......... 0 2 0 0 3 0 The Town and CANTONMENTS of Delhi, showing the Fortifications. One sheet ............0 I 0 0 2 0 0 3 6 Oo . 32 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). In Sheets. Nounted on Linen. In Cascs. On Rollers. £. s. d. £. S. d. £. $. d. Sirge of Delhi. Plan of Siege-Works, from Sketches by Lieut. G. P. Chesney. One sheet 0 2 0 0 4 0 OUDE, Sketch Map of, with the Country between Calcutta and Delhi ...................... 0 2 6 0 5 0 0 ñ 6 Sketch of the RESIDENCY and PALACE at LUCK- Now, with a Map of the Road between Cain pore and Lucknow ...................... 0 1 6 0 2 6 CAWNPORE, City and Environs of. One sheet .. 0 1 6 0 2 6 India, Peninsula of, from the 19th Degree of Lati- tude to Cape Comorin. Two sheets........ 0 10 0 0 18 0 1 4 0 PROPOSED RAILWAY from England to India through the Valley of the Euphrates, showing the Rail, Steam, and Telegraphic Lines .... 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 BENGAL, BAHAR, OUDE, and ALLAHABAD PRO- VINCES, by James Rennell, Esq. Two sheets. 2 ft. 7 in. high, 4 ft. wide......... .. 0 10 0 0 16 0 0 18 0 ITCHAPOUR DISTRICT, in the Cicacole Circar, by Alex. Dalrymple, Esq. One sheet ......... 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 10 6 The ENVIRONS of MADRAS, Topographically plan- ned, from a scale of four inches to one mile. One sheet............................... ........ 0 12 0 0 17 0 0 18 0 INDIA (4to.) .................... ....... 0 1 6 0 2 6 0 4 6 India and the BURMAN EMPIRE (8vo.) ........ 0 0 6 0 1 6 0 3 6 BATTLE of MEANEE, fought Feb. 7, 1843 ...... 0 2 0 0 3 6 BATTLE of MAHARAJPOOR and PUNIAR, De cember, 1843 .......................... 0 2 0 0 3 6 co COATS 0 0 0 0 14 0 JAPAN. Wyld's New Map of the EMPIRE of JAPAN, including the Islands of Kiusiu, Sikoke, Niphon, Yesso, and the adjacent Islands; with the Trading Posts and Ports of the Treaty of 1858, the Cities, Mines, Roads, and Harbours. One sheet .............. 0 8 0 Wyld's Map of JAPAN, the KURILE ISLANDS, and the RIVER AMOor, including the Russian Settlements on the Amoor River, the Coast of Tartary, the Island of Sagalien, and the Trading Posts. Two sheets .............. 0 16 0 Map of the ISLANDS of JAPAN, the KURILE ISLANDS, the RIVER AMoon, and the LAKE BAIKAL; the Frontiers and Trading Posts of the Russian and Chinese Empires, extending from the Harbour of Chusan, the Imperial Canal, to Pekin, Shanghai, the Peiho River, and Pekin; with the Eastern Seas, the Sea of Japan, &c., from lat. 28 degrees south to 53 degrees north, and lon. 110 to 149 degrees ; and including the Northern Districts of China and Japan, opened by the Treaties of 1358. In four sheets .. 1 ll 6 1 0 1 100 2 2 0 2 12 O JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). 33 Mounted on Linen. In Cases. On Rollers. £. s. d. £. s. d. 0 0 5 2 0 6 0 0 7 4 6 0 w PUNJAUB. In Sheets. £. s. d. ROUTES through the PUNJAUB and tbe adjoining States. One sheet. 1 ft. 8 in. high, by 2 ft. wideo 4 0 THEATRE of War in the PUNJAUB. One sheet.. 0 1 6 SKETCH of the Positions of the British and Seikh Armies on the SUTLEDGE, 1846. One sheet 0 1 6 Battle of ALIWALL, Jan. 28, 1846. One sheet 0 5 0 BATTLE of SOBRAON, 1846. One sheet ........ 0 1 0 SKETCH of the Actions in the PUNJAUB, 1848, 1849. One sheet......... .......... 0 2 6 City and fortifications of MOULTAN. One sheet......... ......... 0 2 6 BATTLE of CHILLEANWALA, January 13th, 1849. One sheet. ....... 0 1 6 Battle of GOOJERAT, Feb. 21, 1849. One sheet 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 8 2 6 6 0 مع لا 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 6 6 0 0 10 0 0 14 0 0 0 8 0 0 12 0 ASIA MINOR. TURKEY in Asia, or Map of the Ottoman Domi- nions in Asia, with the adjacent Frontiers of the Russian and Persian Empires. One sheet. 1 ft. 9 in. high, 2 ft. 4 in. wide ............ 0 7 CAUCASUS and CIRCASSIA, drawn from the latest documents of the Russian Imperial Staff, with the adjoining Frontiers of Turkey and Persia.. 0 5 CIRCASSIA, from the Kuban to the Central Chain of the Caucasus, showing the position of the Russian Forts. One sheet..... ....... 0 2 Baroom, Port of, on the Black Sea ....... 0 2 Russia in Asia. One sheet (4to.)...... . 0 1 TURKEY IN ASIA (4to.). .............. 0 1 Ditto, ditto (8vo.) .......................... 0 0 PERSIA, PERSIA, the Persian Gulf, the territories of Muscat, and the course of the Rivers Eu- phrates and Tigris, on a scale of 45 miles to an inch................................ 0 5 THE PERSIAN GULF.—Persia, with the adjacent Countries of Russia, India, and Turkey, with plans of Bushire and Karrack ............ 0 2 PERSIA (4to.) .................... .......... 0 1 AZERBALIJAUN and Parts of GEORGIA and ARMENIA, constructed from personal sur- vey by Col. Sutherland, 3 sheets .......... 1ll 6 6 6 6 0 OOOOO 3 3 2 2 1 6 6 6 6 0 OOOOO COAA cror 0 0 6 6 6 0 0 8 0 0 12 0 6 6 0 0 5 2 0 6 0 0 ū 4 0 6 6 2 2 0 2 12 6 SYRIA AND PALESTINE. SYRIA, Ancient and Modern, with the Scripture Names. One sheet. 3 ft. 2 in. high, 2 ft. 1 in. wide ......... 0 10 6 0 14 SYRIA (4to.) ........... B 3 .................. 0 0 0 0 34 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). Mounted on Linen. In Shects. In Cascs. On Rollers. £. s. d. £. $. d. £. s. d. SYRIA (8vo.). ... 0 0 6 0 1 6 0 3 6 ACRE, Plan of the Town, Fortifications, and Bay. One sheet.... 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 5 0 BEIROUT, Town and Harbour of (Ancient Barytus) 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 5 0 PALESTINE ...... ........ 0 3 0 0 4 6 0 6 0 CANAAN, Map of, to illustrate the wanderings of the Israelites in the Wilderness. 3 sheets .010 6 0 14 0 0 16 0 MAURITIUS. MAURITIUS, or ISLE of FRANCE, with a Plan of Port Louis and its Environs ; from authentic surveys. One sheet. 2 ft. high, 1 ft. 9 in. wide 0 6 0 0 10 0 0 12 0 0 10 0 5 0 0 0 130 0 7 6 AUSTRALIA. : AUSTRALIA, showing the New Settlements, with the Recent Discoveries in the Interior of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land and the Gold Fields. One sheet. 1 ft. 10 in. high, 1 ft. & in. wide..........................0 6 0 AUSTRALIA. Two sheets ............ ........ 0 2 6 Notes on the DistriBUTION of Gold throughout the World, including Australia, California, and Russia, with 5 Maps, with a Gazetteer of the Gold Diggings of Australia ............ 0 2 6 SOUTH AUSTRALIA. SOUTH AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Van Die- men's Land, Port Phillip, Western Australia, and the settled Districts of Australia, with the Gold Fields, and Plans of Sydney and Adelaide. 2 ft. high, 3 ft. 2 in. wide ......0.6 0 Port LINCOLN. One sheet ........ ....... 0 2 6 0 10 0 5 0 0 0 14 0 9 0 0 111 6 0 14 0 NEW SOUTH WALES. THE COUNTRIES between ENGLAND and AUSTRA- LIA. Two sheets ...... ....... 0 16 0 1 6 0 OUTLINE CHART (to mark a Ship’s tracks) from England to Australia. One sheet.......... 0 6 0 0 10 0 NEW SOUTH WALES. One sheet. I ft. 10 in. high, I ft. 4 in. wide ........ .. 0 4 0 0 6 6 New SOUTH WALES (4to.) ....... ....... 0 1 6 0 2 6 SWAN RIVER. One sheet..... ............ O 16 Map from BATHURST to SYDNEY, showing the Gold Fields. One sheet .............0 2 6 0 4 0 GOLD FIELDS of SYDNLY and MELBOURNE. One sheet..... .... 0 1 0 0 2 6 0 0 9 4 6 6 VAN DIEMEN'S LAND. VAN DIEMEN'S LAND. One sheet. I ft. 10 in. high, 1 ft. 3 in. wide ...... ... 0 4 0 0 VAN DIEMEN'S LAND (4to.)...... .... 0 1 6 0 cu o 6 6 oo 9 4 6 6 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). 35 NEW ZEALAND Mounted on Linen. In Sheets. monets. In Cases. On Rollers. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. ISLANDS of New ZEALAND and the CHATHAM group, from the Admiralty Surveys of the En- glish and French Marine, from the Observa- tions of the Officers of the New Zealand Com- pany, and from private Surveys and Sketches. Two sheets, with Plates of Harbours, Sailing Directions, &c. 4 ft. high, 2 ft. 9 in. wide.. 0 12 0 0 16 0 1 1 0. CHART of New ZEALAND, from original Surveys. One sheet. 2 ft. 8 in. high, 1 ft. 10 in. wide, with Charts of Manakaou, Hokianga, Victoria, Port Nicholson, Pelorus River, Dusky Bay, and Southern Port........ ...0 0 0 0 10 0 0 14 0 CHART of Cook's STRAITS, and Sailing Direc- tions. One sheet ..................... 0 ... 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 KIAPARA HARBOUR. One sheet.............. 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 7 6 Port NICHOLSON, with the Town of Wellington, and the Town and Country Sections and Sound- ings of the Harbour....., ...... 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 7 6 PACIFIC OCEAN. PACIFIC OCEAN, minutely describing the Islands of the Polynesian and Australian Groups. One sheet....... ..... 0 8 0 Ditto, ditto (4to.) .......................... 0 1 6 SANDWICH ISLANDS. One sheet ...... .... 0 3 0 0 10 0 2 0 5 0 6 0 0 14 0 4 0 6 111 6 0 10 0 5 0 0 o 0 12 0 AMERICA. GENERAL MAPS. AMERICA. Two sheets ......... .... 0 16 0 1 6 0 AMERICA, General Map of. One sheet. I ft. ll in. high, 2 ft. 3 in. wide .............. 0 5 0 0 8 6 AMERICA (School Map)...................... 0 2 0 0 3 6 THE ATLANTIC STEAM PACKET CHART, showing the communication with North America and the West Indies. One sheet. 1 ft. 11 in. high, 2 ft. 9 in. wide ....... .......... 0 0 0 0 10 0 NORTH AMERICA, GENERAL MAPS. NORTH AMERICA, New Map of, exhibiting the recent Discoveries, Geographical and Nautical; drawn chiefly from the authorities of M. de Humboldt, Col. Bouchette, Captains Ross, Parry, and Franklin, Back, Beechy, and Dease and Simpson, Inglefield and McClure ; also describing the Boundary Lines between the Territories of Great Briſain, the United States, and the Mexican and Central States. Seven sheets. 6 ft. 1 in. bigb, 5 ft. 10 in. wide 1 16 0 2 18 0 Spring roller, £5. 178. 6d. 3 13 6 36 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). Mounted on Linen. In Cases. On Rollers. £. S. d. £. . d. 0 6 6 0 7 6 0 2 0 0 4 6 0 1 6 0 3 6 In Sheets. £. s. d. NORTH AMERICA. One sheet ........ ..... 0 4 0 NORTH AMERICA (4to.)....... ................ ..... 0 1 0 Ditto, ditto (Svo.) ................. ........ 0 0 0 SKETCH of the RECENT DISCOVERIES on the NORTHERN COAST of AMERICA, by Messrs. Dease and Simpson...................... 0 1 0 SKETCA of the RECENT DISCOVERIES on the NORTH-EAST COAST of AMERICA, by Dr. Rae, 1847. One sheet .... ............ 0 1 6 POLAR REGIONS. Chart showing all the late Dis- coveries in the Arctic Seas, with the date of each discovery. One sheet .............. 0 1 6 ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH between ENGLAND and AMERICA...... ........ 0 1 6 0 3 6 0 2 6 0 2 6 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 3 3 0 PARTICULAR MAPS. NEW BRUNSWICK AND NOVA SCOTIA. New BRUNSWICK, Map of the British Province of, from the best existing Materials, by Authority of the Provincial Legislature, with adjacent parts of Canada, Nova Scotia, and Maine, by John Wilkinson, C.E. 3 sheets, 4 ft. 3 in. high, 4 ft. Gin, wide .......... .......... 1ll1 6 2 12 6 New BrunswICK and Nova Scotia, Map of the Provinces of, describing the New Settlements, Townships, &c., with the Tracts of Land granted to the various Companies, &c., in- cluding also the Islands of Cape Breton and Prince Edward. Two sheets. 3 ft. 5 in. wide, 2 ft. 5 in. high ......... ........ 014 0 1 0 0 Spring roller, £3. 38. NEW BRUNSWICK, Map of. By E. N. Kendall, F.R.S.A., Lieut. R.N. One sheet ........0 Ÿ 6 0 12 0 Prince Edward ISLAND. By Major Holland. Second edition, corrected. One sheet ...... 0 3 0 0 5 0 1 5 0 0 14 0 0 ✓ 6 CANADA. Map of the Province of CANADA, with part of New BRUNSWICK to HALIFAX, and the UNITED STATES from BOSTON, New York, with Railways. One sheet. 3 ft. 1 in. wide, 2 ft. 2 in. high........ ....... 12 0 0 16 0 100 Spring roller, £3. 38. CANADA (4to.) ............................ 0 1 6 0 2 0 0 3 6 UPPER CANADA, Map of the Located Districts in the Province of, describing all the New Set- tlements, Townships, Frontiers, &c. with Plans of York Harbour, Kingston Harbour, and Sackett's Harbour. Two sheets. 3 ft. high, 4 ft. 3 in. wide........ ... 0 16 0 1 0 0 1 4 0 . JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). 37 Mounted on Linen. In Cascs. On Rollers. £. $. d. £. s. d. 0 0 0 14 0) In Sheets. £. s. d. UPPER CANADA, Map of the Province of, describ... ing all the New Settlements, Townships, &c. By David William Smyth, Esq. Surveyor- General. New edition. One sheet. 2 ft. 1 in. high, 3 ft. 2 in. wide ........ .....o 7 6 LOWER CANADA, Province of, compiled by Samuel Holland, Esq., Surveyor-General. New edi- tion. 2 ft. 1 in. high, 3 ft. 2 in. wide ......0 7 6 SKETCH of the North-EASTERN BOUNDARY be tween Great Britain and the United States, as settled by Treaty, Aug. 9, 1841............ 0 2 0 Hudson's BAY TERRITORY, the BRITISH Pos- SessionS IN NORTH AMERICA and the UNITED STATES, showing the territory ac- quired by grant of 1640 and subsequent periods 0 2 6 0 12 0 0 14 0 0 3 6 0 6 6 0 4 0 0 6 BRITISH COLUMBIA. BRITISH COLUMBIA, VANCOUVER'S ISLAND, WASHINGTON and OREGON TERRITORIES, with the Gold FIELDS and COAL DEPOSITS:0 3 0 5 0 0 ñ 6 OREGON TERRITORY, in relation to the United States, Mexico, and Texas. One sheet. 1 ft. 94 in. by 1 ft. 3 in...... ..... 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 80 SKETCH of the OREGON DISTRICTS, the COLOM- BIA RIVER, and the surrounding territory. One sheet ......... ............. 0400 7 0 10 0 BRITISH COLUMBIA, VANCOUVER'S ISLAND .. FRAZER River, WASHINGTON TERRITORY, with the Goln FIELDS ....... ........ 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 6 VANCOUVER'S ISLAND and the STRAITS of St. JUAN DE FUCA. One sheet .............. 0 1 6 0 3 û 6 UNITED STATES. Map of the UNITED STATES, with the Provinces of UPPER and LOWER CANADA, New Bruns- WICK, and Nova SCOTIA. Four sheets. With Railroads, Canals, Roads, Townships, and every information. 4 ft. 1 in. high, 6 ft. 4 in. wide: il 6 2.2 0 2 12 Spring roller, £5.55. UNITED STATES. Two sheets. Extending from the ATLANTIC to the PACIFIC OCEANS, shew- ing CALIFORNIA, TEXAS, the MEXICAN and OREGON BOUNDARIES, &c. 2 ft. 10 in. bigh, by 4 ft. wide. Two sheets ................ 0 12 0 0 16 0 1 1 UNITED STATES, the OREGON TERRITORY, CALIFORNIA, TEXAS, and part of Mexico, with all the Railways. One sheet. 1 ft. 9 in. wide, by 1 ft. 3 in. high ..... ............. .. 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 8 UNITED STATES. One sheet ....... .... 0 6 0 0 10 0 0 12 UNITED STATES (4to.) ............ .....0 1 6 0 2 6 0 5 . (A large collection of Maps relating to the American War of Independence.) 0 0 0 0 38 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). In Sheets. Mounted on Linen. In Cases. On Rollers. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. UNITED STATES (8vo.) ...................... 0 0 6 0 1 6 0 3 6 GOLD Regions of CALIFORNIA, compiled from Original Surveys, with explanatory Notes. One sheet...... ..................... 0 3 0 0 4 6 0 6 6 TEXAS. THE REPUBLIC OF TEXAS. One sheet ........ 0 2 0 0 4.0 0 6 6 0 12 0 0 3 6 0 14 0 4 0 3 0 0 0 WEST INDIES. GENERAL MAPS. ATLANTIC STEAM PACKET CHART, with the Routes of the Packets from the different Islands, and . also from England. One sheet. 1 ft. Il in. high, 2 ft. 9 in. wide ........ ........ 0 6 0 0 10 0 ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH between ENGLAND and AMERICA.......... ..............0 i 6.0 2 6 WEST INDIA and BAHAMA ISLANDS, with the ad- jacent Coasts of YUCATAN, Honduras, Caracas, &c., compiled from the best authorities. One sheet. I ft. 11 in. high, 2 ft. 11 in. wide.... 0 6 0 12 0 WD ISLAN ......... 0 1 6 0 2 6 Ditto, ditto (8vo.) .......................... 0 0 6 0 6 PARTICULAR MAPS. ANTIGUA. Four sheets ...... ......... 0 10 0 0 16 0 BEQUIA, Island of, surveyed by J. Byres. One sheet 0 5 0 0 10 0 BARBADOES. l sheet........................ 0 4 0 0 6 0 ST. CROIX, Island of, surveyed by P. L. Oxholm. One sheet.............................. 0 6 0 10 0 Sr. DOMINGO, or HISPANIOLA. One sheet .... 0 5 0 0 10 0 ST. DOMINGO, the Western part of. One sheet.. 0 6 0 10 0 DOMINICA, surveyed by John Byres. Three sheets 1 1 0 1 15 0 St. EUSTATIA, Island of. One sheet .......... 0 5 0 0 6 GRENADA, Island of, by Lieut. Dan. Paterson. One sheet ......... .....0 6 0 12 0 MARTINICO, Island of, accurately drawn from astronomical observations. One sheet ...... 0 2 0 0 4 6 TOBAGO, Island of, by Joshua Rhodes. One sheet 0 5 0 0 10 0 TOBAGO, surveyed by J. Byres. One sheet...... 0 5 0 0 10 6 Porto Rico HARBOUR. One sheet .......... 0 5 0 ST. VINCENT, Island of, by J. Byres. One sheet 0 7 6 0 12 0 GUATEMALA, or the United States of Central Ame- rica (4to.).............................. 0 1 6 0 2 6 1 À 0 14 0 10 0 12 0 0 12 0 12 2 2 0 12 0 0 14 O- en er en 0 1 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 14 0 0 4 6 JAMAICA. JAMAICA. One sheet. With the Roads, Estates, &c. ....................... 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 80 PORT ROYAL and KINGSTON. One sheet ...... 0 4 0 - CUBA. MAP of CUBA, showing its Civil, Military, and Ecclesiastical Divisions, with all the_Railways 0 7 6 0 10 0 0 12 0 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). 39 MEXICO. Mounted on Linen. In Sheets. In Cases. On Rollers. £. s. d. £. S. d. £. s. d. Mexico and the UNITED STATES, showing the Mexican and Oregon Boundaries, with part of British North America. Six sheets. 4 ft. 6 in. high, by 4 ft. 10 in. wide ............ 0 18 0 1 5 0 1 100 Mexico and GUATEMALA, on to the Isthmus of Panama, and the Position of the Mines. 1 ft. 3 in. high, 2 ft. 8 in, wide ................ 0 5 0 0 8 6 0 10 0 CENTRAL AMERICA, showing the different lines of communication between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by Tehuantepec, Grey Town, Nicaragua, and Panama, the British Posses- sions and the Boundaries of the Mosquito Kingdom. One sheet. 2 ft. high, by 2 ft. 10 in. vide ....... ........ 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 12.0 CENTRAL AMERICA, showing boundaries claimed by the different Central American states ....0 4 0 0 7 6 0 10 0 HONDURAS and SAN SALVADOR, Central Ame- rica, showing the line of the proposed Hon- duras interoceanic Railway, by E. G. Squier 0 2 6 0 4 0 0 7 6 MEXICO (4to.)............... ......... 0 1 0 0 4 6 0 6 6 HARBOUR of VERA CRUZ. One sheet. 1 ft. 6 in. high, 2 ft. wide.... ...0 2 6 0 4 6 0 6 6 SOUTH AMERICA, GENERAL MAPS. South AMERICA, New Map of, from authentic edited Accounts of those Countries, by Hum- boldt and Schomburglk. New edition, with extensive corrections and additions, showing also the Boundaries of the New States. Eight sheets. 8 ft. 2 in. high, 5 ft. 10 in. wide.... 3 12 0 5 Spring roller, £6. 168. 6d. SOUTH AMERICA, reduced from the above, with a Statistical Table of the New States, also various Sections of the Andes, &c. Two sheets. 3 ft. 8 0 0 0 0 6 6 Oohd 2 1 6 6 0 0 4 3 6 6 0 SOUTH AMERICA. One sheet (4to.)............ 0 1 SOUTH AMERICA (Svo.)........... ........... 0 0 PLAN of the ROUTE from St. JAGO DE CHILI TO MENDOZA, describing the Pass over the Andes. One sheet ..... .................... 0 4 PARTICULAR MAPS. COLUMBIA. One sheet (4to.) .. 0 1 BRAZIL. One sheet (4to.) .... .. 0 1 PERU and BOLIVIA. One sheet (4to.).......... 0 1 River Plate and the adjoining States. One sheet 0 2 RIO DE LA PLATA, Chart of. One sheet......... 0 5 VALDIVIA HARBOUR. One sheet ......... .. 0 5 6 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 3 6 6 6 6 0 0 0 4 4 4 6 6 6 er UNE Island of St. Chilooe. One sheet.......... 0 MILO HARBOUR..... 0 4 4 0 0 10 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). Mounted on Linen. In Sheets. In Cases. On Rollers. £. s. d. £. S. d. £. S. d. CARTHAGINA, Town and Harbour. One sheet.. 0 5 0 Porto CABELLO. One sheet ................ 0 5 0 FALKLAND ISLANDS. One sheet ............ 0 2 0 0 3 6 0 5 0 TRACK of H.M.S. •Fisgard through the Straits of Magellan, 1843 .. ............ 0 2 6 0 4 6 DEMERARA AND GUYANA. BRITISH GUYANA, containing the Colonies of Es- sequebo, Demerary, and Berbice. Surveyed by Major Von Bouchenroeder. Second Edi- tion. Three sheets ...................... 0 15 0 1 5 0 1 10 0 BRITISH GUYANA, extending from the Courantin River to the Oronoque. With Illustrations and Letter-Press. By W. Hillhouse, S.L.S. Two sheets ........ ........... 0 12 0 0 16 0 1 0 0 TRINIDAD TRINIDAD, Island of. Surveyed by Capt. F. Mal- let. New edition. Four sheets .......... 0 16 0 16.0 1 100 SURINAM. SURINAM, Colony of. Surveyed by order of the States of the Colony, by T. C. Heneman. Four sheets .......... ........1 0 0 1 11 6 2 2 0 A FRICA, GENERAL MAPS. AFRICA, New General Map of, compiled from authentic Accounts of Travels, both Ancient and Modern, including those performed under the patronage of the African Association, by Park, Hornemann, and Houghton ; also those of Lord Valentia, Sir Home Popham, Captains Lyon, Tuckey, and Clapperton, Messrs. Bar- row, Bowditch, Brown, Bruce, Burchell, Rit- chie, Salt, Laing, Denham, Landers, Galton, and Livingstone, with the Nautical Surveys and Observations of Captains W. Smith and Owen, R.N., assisted by the Reports of the Missionary Societies. Six sheets. 5 ft. 6 in. high, 5 ft. 3 in. wide .................... 1 12 0 Spring roller, £5, 17s.6d. AFRICA, General Map of, a New Edition, showing the recent Discoveries. One sheet. I ft. 9 in. high, 1 ft. 11 in. wide ....... .. 0 5 0 Arrica, New Map of, showing Dr. Livingstone's Route. One sheet ..... ...... 0 2 6 AFRICA. One sheet (School Map) ............ 0 2 0 Ditto, ditto (4to.) ...... ... 0 1 6 Ditto, ditto (8vo.) 0 0 0 2 12 0 3 3 0 0 8 6 0 10 0 ! 6 0 0 0 0 4 4 2 1 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 هر دم JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). 41 In Sheets. Mounted on Linen. In Cases. On Rollcrs. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. A New Map of the WESTERN Coast of AFRICA, extending from the Isles de Loss to Sherbro Island. Compiled from Original Documents in the Colonial Office. One very large sheet. Coloured ........... ........ 0 12 0 0 16 0 1 0 0 6 0 16 0 1 0 0 PARTICULAR MAPS. EGYPT. EGYPT, with the Ancient Names, showing the Valley of the Nile from its Source to the Sea, the Red Sea, the Isthmus of Suez, and the Routes used for the Overland Route, and every object of interest to the Traveller. One sheet. (In the Press.) ..... .... 0 10 Spring roller, £2. 128. 6d. EGYPT (4to.) .... ...... 0 1 EGYPT (8vo.) .............................. 0 0 LOWER EGYPT, including Part of Syria, with An- cient and Modern Names. One sheet ...... 0 5 HARBOUR of ALEXANDRIA. One sheet ........ 0 2 Ditto .. ditto, by Col. Napier. One sheet .. 0 5 GROUND between ABOUKIR and ALEXANDRIA. One sheet.......... .......... 0 1 OPERATIONS of the BRITISH FORCES in EGYPT, 8th to the 21st March, 1800 0 2 OPERATIONS of the BRITISH and FRENCH, 12th and 13th March ...... ........ 0 2 6 6 0 0 2 1 6 6 0 0 4 3 0 6 0 6 0 0 10 0 4 0 7 0 6 6 0 14 0 ? 0 8 0 6 0 6 0 2 6 0 4 6 0 0 BATTLE of ALEXANDRIA, 21st March........ A No pod NN 0 2 0 0 8 ISTHMUS OF SUEZ, with the New Railway and proposed Canal. One sheet .... ... 0 GRAND CAIRO, Investment of, 1800......... ... 0 SEA of Suez. One sheet .......... .... 0 0 0 0 0 sheet........: 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 ALGIERS AND MOROCCO. ALGIERS, TUNIS, TRIPOLI, and Morocco. One .0 6 0 0 9 ALGERIA. Divided into Civil and Military Dis- tricts, showing the European Settlements and Roads, with enlarged Plans of the City and Environs of Algiers .... ........ 0 3 0 0 5 ALGIERS, Bay, City, and Environs of. One sheet 0 2 6 ALGIERS, Bay and Town ...... ............. 0 2 0 NORTH COAST of AFRICA, including Morocco, Tunis, Tripoli, with the Coasts of Spain, France, and Italy. One sheet ............ 0 3 0 0 4 MAP of the EMPIRE of Morocco, showing the Spanish Possessions, with Plans of Ceuta, Tangier, Mogador, and city of Morocco. One sheet................ .......... 0 3 0 0 5 MAP, on an enlarged scale, of the Country between TANGIERS and CEUTA ........ .......... 0 1 0 0 2 6 0 7 6 0 0 ñ 6 0 0 4 0 42 JAMES 1 S- WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Mounted on Linen. In Sheets. In Cases. On Rollers. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. South Africa, from the Government Sur- veys, extending to Lat. 23° 1' S., including Walwisch Bay, the Island of Ichaboe, &c. One sheet ......... ....... 0 6 0 0 10 0 0 120 SKETCH of the Colony of Natal. One sheet. 1 ft. 4 in. by 1 ft. 10 in....................... 0 1 6 0 2 6 0 50 CAPE of GOOD HOPE, with Plan of Port Natal. One sheet (4to.) ........................0 i 6 0 2 6 0 4 0 A MILITARY SKETCH of that part of the COLONY of the Cape of Good HOPE bordering on the Caffres, including Algoa Bay, with the dif- ferent Military Posts, Farms, Roads, Rivers, &c. One sheet ........................ 0 4 0 CAPE DISTRICT, Cape of Good Hope. One sheet 0 4 0 CAPE of Good Hope and its ENVIRONS, Plan of the Town of, with a View. One sheet...... 0 3 0 GRAHAM'S Town, and the OUT-POSTS, with the Bearings and Distances ..................0 2 6 0 3 6 0 6 6 MADEIRA. ISLAND of MADEIRA and PORTO SANTO, with a : Plan of Funchal. One sheet. 1 ft. ll in. high, 2 ft. 7 in. wide ... ......... 0 7 6 PORTO SANTO, Island of. One sheet ..........0 2 6 SIERRA LEONE. ST. MARY, Island of, in the River Gambia, includ- ing the Town of Bathurst. One sheet ......0 2 6 SIERRA LEONE, Plan of the Colony of. One sheet 0 2 6 0 12 0 4 0 6 0 14 0 6 0 6 MILITARY PLANS, CAMPAIGNS IN THE PENINSULA, &c. MAPS AND PLANS Showing the Principal Movements, Battles, and Sieges in which the British Army was engaged during the War from 1808 to 1814. PRICES. £. S. d. Handsomely Half-bound, the full size ............ 15 15 0 Do. folded........ 13 13 0 MEMOIR accompanying the above Maps and Plans, by the Rt. Hon. Sir George Murray, G.C.B. One vol. 4to. £l. ls. AN ATLAS OF THE BATTLES OF THE BRITISH ARMIES IN WOICH Field-Marshal the late Duke Wellington was engaged from 1791 to 1815. ACCOMPANIED BY LETTER-PRESS. In Parts, 2s. 6d. each, coloured. JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). 43 .. 0 4 . 11 .......................... . . 0 ".... . Campaigns in the Peninsula. £. s. MILITARY SKETCH of the COUNTRY round LISBON .. COUNTRY round CADiz, and BATTLE of BAROSSA, 5th March, 1811.. BATTLE Of ALBUERA, May 16, 1811 ... SURPRISE of ARROYOS MOLINOS, 28th Oct. 1811... .................. SIEGE of CIUDAD RODRIGO ................ BATTLE of the ARAPILES, near SALAMANCA ........ SILGL of BADAJOZ ................................. SKETCH of the GROUND and of the Actions fought in the PYRENEES .. 0 4 0 N. B.--The above Plans are engravcd, by permission, from the originals in the Quarter-Master-General's Office. Siege and DEFENCE of TAKITA, by Lieut. Edmund Hodges. Two sheets 0 5 0 GIBRALTAR, BAY, Rock, and Town, showing the WORKS, Position of the FLEET, and the ATTACK, 1782 ............................ 0 5 0 GIBRALTAR, View of the Works carried on during the SIEGE, by Lieut. John Duncan ...... 0 3 0 ............................ TOULON, ENVIRONS of ....... CHERBOURG, Coast of, with a Sketch of the WORKS BOULOGNE, HARBOUR and ENVIRONS of, with the new WORKS . OSTEND, Sketch of the HARBOUR and Town ................ VALENCIENNES, SIEGE of........................................ BATTLE of Maida, drawn by Captain Ryves ...... NAVARINO, BATTLE of, showing the Position of the FLEETS .... COMBINED ARMIES, OPERATIONS of, in 1792 ...... MAYENCE, ENVIRONS of, with the ATTACK of the FRENCH CAMP by the AUSTRIAN ARMY, Oct. 29, 1795 ........ .......... ILUSHING, SIEGE of, August, 1809.... ................ 0 COPENHAGEN, CITY of, with the SIEGE of, 1807 ....... , 1807 .................... 0 5 0 Ditto and ENVIRONS, to illustrate the OPERATIONS of the BRITISH FORCES.... ........ 0 2 6 PLAN of the ENCAMPMENT at CAOBHAM, 1853. Sheet, ls. 6d. ; case, 0 2 6 eroon NONNNA A CO et ... O .... 0 6 2 0 0 Campaigns in Africa. ALGIERS, Plan of, published by permission of the Quarter-Master-General. One sheet .... ............ 0 OPERATIONS of the BRITISH Forces in Egypt, 8th to the 21st March, 1800 ....................... ...................... Ditto BRITISH and FRENCH, 12th and 13th March .................. 0 BATTLE of ALEXANDRIA, 21st March .......... 0 GRAND CAIRO, INVESTMENT of, 1800........ ......................... 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 ......... 0 2 0 1 0 Campaigns in America. QUEBEC, City and ENVIRONS of, with its SIEGE and BLOCKADE by the AMERICANS, 1775, 1776 .... ACTION on LAKE CHAMPLAIN, the 11th October, 1776 .............. 0 A Collection of PLANS illustrative of the OPERATIONS of the Army in NORTH AMERICA.. ......... from ls. to 0 CARNAGE of St. LUCIE..... ................ 0 PART of the ISLAND of ST. LUCIE, showing the Positions at MORNE FORTUNE ....... ......... 0 HARBOUR of MONTE Video and City of St. PHILIP, showing the MOVE- MENTS of the BRITISH ARMY, with a view of the City of St. Philip 0 4 2 3 0 7 6 44 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). PLANISPHERE. €. s. d. An improved moveable PLANISPHERE, showing at any proposed hour the State of the Heavens ; also the Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Sun, duration of Twilight for every day throughout the year. On a board ........... 6 ............ 0 10 . STATISTICAL TABLES. TABLE of the COMPARATIVE HEIGHTS of the PRINCIPAL MOUNTAINS in the WORLD, showing also the ALTITUDES of the Passes of the ALPs, and of remarkable Towns, &c. above the Level of the Sea, compiled and drawn in the Quarter-Master-General's Department, and published by permission ............ .......... 0 2 6 TABLE of the COMPARATIVE LENGTHS of PRINCIPAL RIVERS in the WORLD, compiled and drawn in the Quarter-Master-General's De- partment, and published by permission........ ........... 0 2 0 A COMPARATIVE VIEW of the SUPERFICIES and POPULATION of the GLOBE—The RELATIVE PROPORTION which the POPULATION of the CAPITALS of the Principal States of EUROPE bear to each other- The SUPERFICIAL EXTENT of the Principal STATES of Europe—The SUPERFICIAL EXTENT of the GERMANIC CONFEDERATED STATES .. 0 2 0 A COMPARATIVE TABLE of ITINERARY MEASURES, in their Relation to a Degree of a Great Circle of the EARTH.......................... 0 3 0 Corn and CONSOLS.--A Table showing the Annual Average Prices of WHEAT, BARLEY, and Oats, per quarter; and the Mean Price of the Three per Cent. CONSOLS, with a Table of the remarkable events and seasons. One sheet...................................... 0 2 6 The FLUCTUATIONS of CORN, CURRENCY, Consols, and TRADE, Ex- ports and Imports, Revenue and Expenditure, Bullion and Interest, from 1790 to 1855 inclusive. One sheet...... ............... 0 1 0 GEOGRAPHIA ANTIQUA. A New CLASSICAL ATLAS, containing-Romanum Imperium, Orbis Veteribus Notus, Hispania Antiqua, Gallia Antiqua, Britannicæ Insulæ, Britannia Romana, Italia Antiqua, Sicilia Antiqua, Africa Antiqua, Ægyptus Antiqua, Grecia Antiqua, Germania Antiqua, Asia Minor, Imperium Persium, Syria et Assyria, Patriarchati Orientalis, Canaan. Price, in cloth ...... ...' 0 12 0 *** The above Maps to be had separately, price Is. each. ORBIS VETTRIBUS NOTUS, or the World as known by the Ancients. One sheet......... 0 3 0 SICILIA ANTIQUA, with the Carthaginian, Grecian, and Modern Sicilian Names. By Charles Kelsall, Esq. ....... SYRACUSARUM VETERUM Brevis Ichnographia, auctor L.S. Delarochette. 0 5 0 INDIAE VETERIS, quatenus Macedonibus nota fuit, nec non Alexandri Itinera et Navigationem Nearchi, auctor L.S. Delarochette ........ PALESTINA, or Palestine ........................................ INDIA ........................................................ GERMANY, FRANCE, ITALY, SPAIN, and the BRITISH ISLES, in an in- termediate state, between Ancient and Modern Geography.......... 0 3 0 HISTORICAL Map of ROMAN and Saxon BRITAIN. One sheet........ 0 10 6 CANAAN, Map of, to illustrate the Israelites wandering in the wilderness. Three sheets, 10s. 6d. ; in case, 148. ; on rollers, Ios. 111 VIUUL .................. co ..... 0 7 6 or co Co Co JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). 45 :::......... 0 2 0 sheet.........: ................ ASTRONOMICAL. £. s. d. The Young ASTRONOMER, a Series of Familiar Lectures on Astronomy. In cloth ...... ........................... 0 3 0 Map of the Stars. One sheet ............. ......... 0 3 0 The CONTIGURATIONS of the PRINCIPAL STARS, on the Plane Projection, with Diagrams of the Orbits of Encke's, Halley's, and Biela's Comets. One sheet........ ......... 0 1 0 VIEW of the Principal STARS, from the Southern Limit of the Zodiac to the North Ecliptic Pole ...................................... Path of the New PLANET, ASTRÆA, January, 1846. One sheet ...... 0 1 0 PHENOMENA of the UNIVERSE, showing the Annual Revolution of the Earth, and the vicissitudes of Seasons, the Flux and Reflur of the Tides, Eclipses of the Sun and Moon, Phases of the Moon, the com- parative Dimensions of the Sun as seen from the different Planets. One .............................. 0 3 0 A LUNAR GLOBE, 12 inches diameter, drawn and engraved by the late John Russell, Esq., R.A. This Globe exhibits the visible Hemisphere of the Moon, engraved with great accuracy and elegance, and has been long known to the Astronomical World. Fixed upon a Mahogany Stand ........................................ ........ 4 14 6 Two accurately-engraved VIEWS of the Moon's Surrace in PLANO, by the same, with descriptive Letter-press. The first Plate represents the Lunar Mountains, as seen under the oblique rays of the Sun, with the Shadow of the Mountains clearly defined. The other Plate represents the Moon at the full, under the direct rays of the Sun, with the Pheno- mena of the Moon, peculiar to that state, carefully expressed. Bound in boards ............ ..... 4 14 6 Wyld's TREATISE on the Use of the GLOBES and CONSTRUCTION of Maps, with numerous Problems and Tables, in cloth..... ..... 0 3 0 Wyld's STELLAR ATLAS, showing the various Phenomena of the Uni- verse, and illustrating various Terms used in Astronomy, together with Plates, showing the Positions of the Stars on every night of the year. 16 Plates, in cover ...... ........ 0 7 6 WYLD'S EDUCATIONAL MAPS. Tire esisting Maps for Educational Purposes have been either so rougbly executed as to serve only for mere elementary teaching, or have been so meagre in their details, that as the pupil advanced in geographical knowledge, they have ceased to be useful. The present series of Educational Maps proposes to combine the boldness and clearness necessary for the carlier purposes of cducation with che amplitude and accuracy which a complete course of Geographical Study requires. The Coast Lines and Geographical Features have been delineated rom the Surveys of the English, American, and Continental Hydrographers; and the Position of the Cities and Towns have been laid down both with regard to their Position and Spelling from the larger surveys published under the direction of the different State Governments. The Names of Places have been carefully selected with regard to their national importance, the Population of the Towns, and the Localities of important, national, and industrial interests. An attempt has been made by the carcful delineation of the Physical Features to show the great Basins of the Water Drainage, or the Continuity of the Mountain Ranges. Various Notes and Conventional Signs are scattered over the Maps, which will give, at a glance, the peculiar Physical Geography of the different parts of the World. SUROF3.-A new Map, drawn from the latest documents, describing its political Divisions, Cities, and principal Towns, in 4 sheets ; 4ft. 7in. wide, by 3ft. 6in. high. In sheets, 6s. ; on rollers, 10s. ; varnished, 14s. 46 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). ASIA.- A new Map, exhibiting its political Divisions, carefully drawn from the best authorities, in 4 sheets; 4ft. 7in. wide, by 3ft. 6in. bigh. In sheets, 68.; on rollers, 10s. ; varnished, 14s. AFRICA.-A new Map, constructed from the most recent Travels, and other authentic sources, in 4 sheets ; 4ft. 7in. high, by 3ft. 6in. wide. In sheets, 6s.; on rollers, 10s.; varnished, 14s. AFERICA.-A new Map, describing its political Divisions, and containing all the recent Discoveries in the Arctic Regions, in 4 sheets; 4ft. 7in. high, by 3ft. 6in. vide. In sheets, 6s. ; on rollers, 10s. ; varnished, 14s. ENGLAND & WALES.-A new Map, drawn from the Triangulation of the Ordnance Survey, and other sources of information, describing its Physical Features, Cities, and Market Towns, in 4 sheets; 4ft. 7in. high, by 3ft: 6in. wide. In sheets, 6s. ; on rollers, 10s. ; varnished, 14s. SCOTLAND.-A new Map, drawn from Topographical Surveys, describing its Physical Features, Cities, and Market Towns ; 4ft. 7in. high, by 3ft. Gin. wide, in 4 sheets. In sheets, 6s.;. on rollers, 10s. ; varnished, 14s. IRELAND-A new Map, reduced from the Ordnance Surveys, describing its Cities, Market Towns, &c., in 4 sheets; 4ft. 7in. high, by 3ft. 6in. wide. In sheets, 6s.; on rollers, 108.; varnished, 14s. MAPS FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. PRICE 28. DACH SHEET, FULL COLOURED. Eastern Hemisphere—Western ditto-Europe-Asia, Africa, America—The World on Mercator's Projection-England and Wales-Scotland and Ireland. WALL MAP of the WORLD, with numerous Tables. Six sheets, 10s. 6d. ; in a case, 14$. ; on rollers, 16s. OUTLINE MAPS, On the sano Scale as the above. PRICE IS. EACH SHEET. Eastern Hemisphere-Western ditto-Northern ditto--Southern ditto-Europe Asia-Africa-America-The World on Mercator's Projection-England and Wales—Scotland, Ireland, and the British Isles. *** These maps contain the lines of latitude and longitude, with their degrees, and the outlines only of their respective countries ; the insertion of the towns, rivers, &c., with their names, forming an instructive and agreeable exercise. SMALLER MAPS, 3d. each, or 3s. per doz: of 13. Eastern Hemisphere-Western Hemisphere-Europe-England and Wales--Scot- land-Ireland Sweden-Russia-Netherlands-Germany, France—Spain and Portugal-Italy-Turkey in Europe-Asia–Turkey in Asia-Syria—India and Burman Empire, Africa - Egypt- North America - United States --West Indies South America. DISSECTED MAPS. These Maps furnish an easy and familiar method of teaching the science of Geogra- phy to Young Persons: the Maps are pasted on Mahogany, and accurately dis- sected or cut into the respective Kingdoms, States, &c., each Map enclosed in a neat mahogany box. JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). 47 he Maps of the World, Europe, Asia, Africa, America, England, Scotland, Ire- land, and other countries, are kept ready for inspection, but any Map will be dissected to order. GLOBES. WYLD'S TWELVE-INCH GLOBES, containing all the Modern Discoveries, and the Stars calculated on the Celestial Globe to the present year. Black stands, £3. 158. 6d.; on mahogany stand, £3. 188. 6d. per pair. Ditto, on mahogany stand, chair high, £6. 6s. per pair. Wyld's TREATISE on the Use of the GLOBES and the CONSTRUCTION of MAPS, 38. TERRISTRIAL and CELESTIAL GLOBES, three and a half inches in diameter, on stand and frame, 15s. POCKET GLOBES, 68. each. WYLD'S GLOBES. (Per Pair.) 2 OR SV • TA V TAN all WAN vi LOW UKAS . Ini NO TIE A UV VAL Ni IROL w ! T AVUT NO E AU Mahogany, 12-inch, £3. 18s. 6d. Stained Wood, £3. 15s. 6d. Mabogany, 18-inch, £8. Stained Wood, 18-inch, £7.78. Mahogany, 9-inch, £3. 7s.6d. Stained Wood, 9-inch, £3. - Mahogany, Chair-high, £6. 6s. 1 . DU .. . . .. JV AN .11 . FR ISURU X2 u 7. 4 YA? Y - w KU 21 OSA . ORO ty OSO VINO fi Resep2408Mys MARS COL SANSKA st S GLOBES ON PEDESTALS. 12-in. £2. 10s. I 5-in. 15s. 9-in. £1. 12s. 6d. 31-in. 12s. 6-in. 18s. Mahogany, 18-inch, £10. 108. 48 JAMES WYLD, CHARING CROSS EAST (457, STRAND). LA 10 . ST Ob PX Live .. Ws Weite OR WS MIUM no La Mahogany, 18-inch, £12. 128. Mahogany, 18-inch, £15. 15s. T001 TI 4 DU ATTRIRT SL ARIAT AU ON Want st PI FOTOM PLANTA Black Frames for Schools, 36-inch, £21. Maliogany, 36-inch, £31. 10s. Mahogany, 36-inch, £40. N.B.— These Globes may be had separately. CHARTS. The. Admiralty CHARTS and NAUTICAL Works printed at the Hydrographical Office. AGENT FOR THE SALE OF THE ORDNANCE SURVEY OF GREAT BRITAIN, AND THE MAPS PUBLISHED BY THE TOPOGRAPHICAL DEPARTMENT. The Ordnance Survey of IRELAND in Counties or on separate sheets. Portions of this splendid national work, or complete sets (as far as published), mounted to order on Linen and in Cases, to resemble Books, in a great variety of elegant Bindings for Noblcmcn and Gentlemen's Libraries. Portions to form Hunting Maps, draps of Counties, or around any particular place, on rollers or on spring rollers. COX AND WYMAN, PRINTERS, GP.CAT QUEEN STREET, LONDOX. WYLD'S! GLOBES. No. 2. 25 No. 1. S PE No. 3. No. 4. CAN AS * MA . SALES 1. no . Black, 12-inch, £3. 158. 6d. Mahogany, 12-inch, £3. 18s. 6d. PS MAHOGANY COTTAGE, £6. MAHOGANY CHAIR High, £6. 68. No. 5. . No. 2. Poc' COMPASS, applied to the Globes, 78. 6d. No. 1. No. 2. * OU an UU M UU TOT NE KU VAL AX commanmurenemies ri in De AST SUMM 70 V * rura ܒܫܢܝ In Boxes, 31-inch, 4s. 6d...th. On Pedestals, 9-inch, £1. 12s. 6d. 6-inch, 18s. 5-inch, 158. 31-inch, 12s. FOLK . Mahogany, 18-inch, £10. 10s. Mahogany, 18-inch, £15. 15s. Mahogany, 18-inch, £15. 15s. Rosewood, 18-inch, £17. 17s. VUA on FEBRUARY . FDECEMBER tr q No. 1. No. 2. JUVEMBERT N 0.3. No. 4. MILITAR MARCH WIRIO TUTU M . JUUNIS DEZAKE SW INT / . 25 TU .. OCTOBER 6 Fourie 12 !!! . Farmino MRWARD .. os SLIL VE www.online wa WS APRIL I T: !! TRIKO CO :.. . i ! o inni ULUTUSTULJANI IS T MU KOGE Kow Rube . OTELLER . K . . LAUREA MAY . ATTEMBER ette SA TALIS FIL " GUSTI SEPT MARTIN . OR D -2° INNOL - . WILS JNMT Mahogany, 36-inch, £40. Mahogany, 36-inch, £50. PLANISPHERE 18-inch, 10s. 9-inch, 3s. 6d. Mahogany, 36-inch, £31. 10s. Black Frames for Schools, 36-inch, £24. No. 4. No. 3. N - SO Rust AV 5 O Ummimetim G FIX TV 1 1. V ! URU HINDI ! DO MONOT Mahogany, 18-inch, £12. 128. Mahogany, 18-inch, £15. 158. School GLOBE, 36-inch, £7.78. No, 2. • No. 3. No. 1. No. 6. TimJito tilwm . Unit MIT SI SY295 MASO NO to w Mi77 KNU VE TI . AN JADE 2. . DOC Mahogany, 18-inch, £8. Stained Wood, 18-inch, £7. 78. Mahogany, 9-inch, £3. 78. 6d. Stained Wood, 9-inch, £3. SCHOOL GLOBE. Mahogany, 18-inch, £6. Stained Wood, 18-inch, £5. SLATE GLOBE. 18-inch, £2. 10s. each. 12-inch, £1. 58. each. GLOBE ON PEDESTAL. 36-inch, £10 each. JAMES WYL D, . GEOGRAPHER TO THE QUEEN AND H.R.H. THE PRINCE CONSORT, 457, STRAND; CHARING CROSS EAST (NEXT DOOR TO THE FOST OFFICE); AND 2, ROYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON, SECOND EDITION, REVISED, PRICE 3s. Bd. ENTERED AT STATIONERS' HALL. LONDON : CHAPMAN AND HALL, 193, PICCADILLY. BIRMINGHAM : T. UNDERWOOD, LITHOGRAPHER, CASTLE STREM. Published with the sanction of the SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT OF THE COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION, WALLIS'S DRAWING BOOK ELEMENTARY SERIES, For the use of Artizans and others learning Drawing for useful and practical purposes, WITH INTRODUCTORY INSTRUCTIONS BY GEORGE WALLIS, Science and Art Department, South Kensington, London; late Head Master of the Government School of Art, Birmingham, and Art- Superintendent of the Birmingham District; formerly Head Master of Spitalfields School of Design, 1843; and Manchester School of Design, 1844-45-46. THE LESSONS SELECTED AND DRAWN BY WILLIAM WALLIS, Second Master of the Government School of Art, Birmingham. This Drawing Book, originally published under the title of the “BIRMINGHAM SCHOOL OF ART DRAWING BOOK,” although prepared simply to meet local wants, under a local title, having been found useful throughout the country during the past four or five years, alike to the Teacher of Elementary Drawing and the Student, is now re-published under the title by which it is best known to the public, and by which it was, from its first publication, entered upon the list of works published under the sanction of the Science and Art Department. Intended to meet a want, which the Author's experience of upwards of seven- teen years in connection with Schools of Design had shown him was imperative,--- the demonstration of the constructive principles of pure Ornament; and as a protest against slovenly methods of drawing: its aiin has been cxtreme plainness and simplicity, combined with scientific and artistic accuracy. The success of the work has been unmistakable. Many persons, having no intention to study orna- ment specially, have been induced to go through the Course of Lessons comprises therein, in the assurance that they would thereby lay the foundation of a power to accurately represent other forms than those given as examples, and ultimately objects in nature. The attainment of a power of ready analysis of complicated forms in the practice of persons not previously accustomed to that process, and an accurate skill of hand in the Student, have been the invariable results of a quiet and conscientious use of this comparatively short course of Elementary Study. The work is therefore confidently recommended for use in Schools, but more especially to Home- Students, for whose use it was originally prepared. ALPHABET OF PRIMITIVE FORM. RIGHT LINES. See Introduction to WALLIS'S DRAWIN BOOK Horizontat Oblique Ieft Oblique Right Verticali CURVES Upper Conceaves Iower Concoove Upaper. Congreso Lower Convex, Descriptive Catalogue or EDUCATIONAL WORKS WORKS IN SCIENCE AND GENERAL LITERATURE AND PRINTED FOR WALTON AND MABERLY CONTAINING .. 3 ::::::: :: im::::::: : PAGE ENOLISH .. GREEK .. LATIN . 11 HEBREW .. FRENCH GERMAN .. ITALIAN .. LOCKE'S SYSTEM - INTERLINEAR LATIONS .. .. MENTAI PHILOSOPny.. HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, AND LAW BIBLICAL ILLUSTRATION PURE NATHEMATICS .. DIIXED MATHEMATICS .. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, ASTRONOMY, ETC. LOGIC .. .. .. .. .. .. 39 : PAON ENGLIST COMPOSITION .. .. .. 40 DRAWINO.. SINGING .. CAEMISTRY ANIMAL, MAGNETISM .. GENERAL LITERATURI UNIVERSITY COLLEGE – INT RODUCTOY LECTURES PHARMACY ANATOMY.. SURGERY .. PHYSIOLOGY MEDICINE.. MATERIA MEDICA GYMNASTICS : : : 20 : : : : THE object of the following DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Books is to convey a more satisfactory notion of their contents, than can be drawn from reading the titles. Instead of laudatory extracts from Reviews, general notices are given of the Chief Subjects and most Prominent Peculiarities of the Books. The publication is designed to put the Reader, as far as possible, in the same position as if he had inspected for himself, at least cursorily, the works described; and with this view, care has been taken, in drawing up the notices, merely to state facts, with but little comment, and no exaggeration whatever. LONDON: WALTON AND MABERLY, 28, UPPER GOWER STREET, AND 27, IVY LANE, PATERNOSTER ROW. DECEMBER, 1860. NEW WORKS AND NEW EDITIONS. I. A Dictionary of the Bible, embracing Antiquities, Biography, Geography, and Natural History. By VARIOUS WRITERS. Edited by Dr. WILLIAM SMITH. 2 vols., medium 8vo. Vol. I. 21. 2s. II. The Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance of the Old Testament. An attempt at a Verbal Connexion between the Original and the English Translation. With Indexes, a List of Proper Names, and their Occurrences. 2nd Edition, Revised. 2 vols. 31. 13s. 60. III. The Englishman's Greek Concordance of the New Testament. An attempt at a Verbal Connexion between the Greek Original and the English Translation. Uniform with the Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance. 3rd Edition, royal 8vo. 21. 28. IV. A Smaller History of Rome. For the use of Schools. By DR. WILLIAM SMITH. With Illustrations. Fcp. 8vo. 35. 60. A Smaller History of Greece. For the use of Schools. By DR. WILLIAM Smith. With Illustrations. Fcp. Svo. 3s. 6d. *** To be followed by a similar History of England. VI. Erichsen's Science and Art of Surgery. Third Edition, revised and much enlarged. 450 Illustrations. I vol. 8vo. £1 Ss. Kirkes's Handbook of Physiology. Fourth Edition, thoroughly revised. Small 8vo. 12s. 6d. VIII. Dr. Walshe on Diseases of the Lungs. Third Edition, revised and greatly enlarged. 1 vol. 12s. 6d. IX. Dr. Lardner's Hand-Book of Astronomy. New Edition. Edited by Edwin Dunkin, F.R.A.S., of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. 1 vol. Small 8vo. 37 Plates and 105 Woodcuts. 7s. 6d. A Glossary of Scientific Terms for General Use. 12mo. 3s. 6d. XI. A Smaller English Grammar for General Use. By Dr. R. G. LATHAM and Miss M. C. MABERLY. Fcp. 8vo. XII. Dr. Walshe on Diseases of the Heart and Great Ves- sels. Third Edition, revised and greatly enlarged. I vol. Preparing. XII. History of England. By Sir E. S. Creasy, A.M., Emeritus Professor of History in University College, London. I vol., small 8vo., uniform with Smith's “ History of Greece.” Preparing. XIV. The Student's Manual of Ancient Geography. Founded upon Dr. Smith's “ Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography.” With Illustrations. Small 8vo. December, 1860. WALTON AND MABERLY'S DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF EDUCATIONAL WORKS, AND WORKS IN SCIENCE AND GENERAL LITERATURE. ENGLISH. The English Language. By Dr R. G. Latham, F.R.S. Fourth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. £1. 8s. cloth. In the present enlarged edition, the first volume is occupied chiefly with discussions on the German origin of the English language. The student of English philology will here find ample details connecting the foundations of old English speech_"the wells of English undefiled”-with the continental languages of ancient times. By copious proofs from classical and antiquarian sources, the author defines the gco. graplıical and ethnological liinits within which each Germanic dialect was spoken; and, in this particular, the work presents what may be called a Philological Geography of Germany, tracing the areas occupied by the several Teutonic races. The student of German and Anglo-Saxon is thus directed to the authentic sources of the know- ledge conveyed to him in the copious dissertations on the affinities of early English with its mother-dialects, which he will find in the work. In this section much curious information is given, respecting the initial and final forns, and the other variations, of appellatives; and the origin of niany names of persons and places is traced. The varieties of idiom, originating in different provinces, are exemplified by quota- tions and specimens from each country and period, to enable the student to account for the stages, the relations, and the divergency of English peculiarities derived from a multitude of other languages. The student is introduced to comparisons with the Dutch, the {High-German, the Danish, the Swedish, the Norse, and the Icelandic languages. There are also disquisitions, accompanied with extended specimens, on the British and Gaelic branches of the Keltic stock of languages; compreliending the Cornish, Welch, Armorican, Irish-Gaelic, Scotch-Gaelic, and Manks tongues. A separate chapter relates to English affinities traceable in the Greek, Latin, Italian, Piedmontese, Spanish, Catalonian, Portuguese, French, Vandois, Romanese, Enghadin, Rumango, Provincial French, Provençal and Anglo-Norman. An interesting chapter, treating of the affiliation of dialects of the English, contains a view of provincial forms of speech at present existing; amongst others, the pecu- liarities of Somersetshire, Devonshire, Gloucestershire, Dorsetshire, the Isle of Wight, Lancashire, Cumberland, Northumberland, Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Cheshire, Stafford, and the Eastern counties. There is also a section on Americanisms. On the whole, the inspector of these volumes, in glancing at the contents and turning over the leaves, can scarcely fail to conceive the impression that they contain an Encyclopædia of information on the origin, the laws, the peculiarities, and the powers of the English language, whether regarded in a popular or in a literary point of view. An Elementary English Grammar for the Use of Schools. By Dr. R. G. LATHAM, F.R.S., late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. Eighteenth Thousand, revised and enlarged. Small 8vo. 4s. 6d. cloth. ** To this Edition (which has been thoroughly revised and enlarged) CHAPTERS on Parsing and the Analysis of Sentences, and on Punctuation, have been added, followed by Exercises and Questions for Examination. The object of this work is to lay down the principles of English grammar as dis- tinguished from mere rules. These principles are traced by surveying the origin OV A 2 WALTON AND MABERLY'S - and growth of the language, and particularly the several steps of the transition from the inflected character of its Anglo-Saxon stage, to its present uninflected structure. The student in the middle and higher classes of schools, for whom the work is chiefly intended, is made acquainted with the connection of the various branches of the great Gothic stock of languages; and, by learning the history of his own tongue, and its relations to the dialects with which it is connected, acquires the elements of the general philological classification of languages. The book presents him with new anı numerous facts, and habituates him to reasoning upon them; and while the work can be wholly mastered, independently of any knowledge of either of the classical lan- guages, as much logic is given as is necessary to explain the structure of propositions. Some of the peculiarities of the grammar consist in a minute analysis of the powers of the letters, whether single or combined ; in the comparison of irregular inflexions with obsolete cognate words; in tracing the laws and forms of the derivation of words; and in a treatise on the varieties of English verse, and their representation by symbolical formulas. A Smaller English Grammar. By Dr. R. G. Latham and Miss M. C. MABERLY. Fcp. 8vo. A Hand-Book of the English Language, for the Use of Students of the Universities and higher Classes of Schools. By Dr. R. G. LATHAM, F.R.S. Fourth Edition, revised and enlarged. Small Svo. 7s.6d. cloth. The object of the “Hand-book” is to present to students for examination, in a more condensed form, the chief facts and reasonings of “The English Language.” Less elaborate than that work, it is less elementary than the “ English Grammar." Like all the other works by the same anthor, it gives great prominence to the ethnological rela- tions of our tongue; and insists upon historical investigation, and the application of the general principles of comparative philology, as the true means of exhibiting its real growth and structure, in opposition to the more usual method of treating it as a mass of irregularities. It has the further object of supplying a knowledge of those laws of speech and principles of grammar which apply to language generally. Logic in its Application to Language. By Dr. R. G. LATHAM, F.R.S. 12mo. 6s. cloth. THE author of this work maintains that strictly speaking, logic begins with the syllogism, and that the structure of single and unconnected propositions is no portion of the science, which deals less with propositions themselves than with the relations which they bear to each other. Hence he infers that a knowledge of isolated terms and propositions forms no part of logic properly so called, but belongs, rather, to the doinain of the grammarian. The work has, therefore, been prepared chiefly with the view of clearing the path of the young student to the attainment of the Art of Logic, by giving him fuil details, in the first instance, respecting the nature of the materials on which Logic operates; and thus treating the subject in its commencement, as a suppleinent to grammar, if indeed it is not an essential part of it. Although, however, the work is intended more as a stepping-stone from grammar to Logic than as a complete treatise on Dialectics, the author does not confine himself to the examination of terms, or of combined propositions. He enables the student to utilise his knowledge of them by applying it in the formation' of syllogisms. A con- siderable portion of the work is consequently, devoted to the analysis and laws of syl- logisms, and to numerous examples of their scholastic forms and figures. The book is interspersed with exercises in combining terms, and in forming and converting the different kinds of propositions; and contains a copious analysis of the parts of speech, each viewed in its relation to logical science. History and Etymology of the English Language, for the Use of Classical Schools. By Dr. R. G. LATHAM, F.R.S. Second Edition, revised. Fcap. 8vo. 1s. 6d. cloth. This is an introductory grammar, intended for those desirous of studying the English DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. language with reference to the history, the transitions, and the analogies of its forms. It consists of an exposition of the fundamental principles of English grammar, and the chief facts in the history of the language. The philological division of the work is preceded by an historical sketch of the successive introduction, into this country, of the dialects of the Saxons, the Anglės, and the Jutes. The author reviews the earliest books of the Anglo-Saxon period, and details the points of difference which charac- terize the Semi-Saxon, the Old English, and the Middle and New English stages in the growth of our literature: giving, in an appendix, the translations of the specimens cited to illustrate the several epochs. The etymological part of the treatise commences with an analysis of orthographical sys- tems, particularly in comexion with the euphonic changes which arise from the combina- tion of letters. The logical structure of propositions is then briefly explained; and this introductory matter is followed by the usual declensions, of which the peculiarities are so explained as to show their affinity to the ancient Saxon and the modern German languages. The First Book of Cowpers Task (The Sofa), with Notes on the Analysis and Parsing. Adapted to the Author's English Grammar. By C. P..Mason, B.A. 12mo. Is. 6d. “When I first formed the design of publishing an edition of the 'Sofa,' for the use of candidates preparing for the Oxford School Examination, to be held next Mid- summer, I thought of reprinting, by way of introduction, so much of the syntax and analysis of my English Grammar as would suffice for the requisite explanations. I found, however, that this would considerably increase both the size and the price of the book; and as it appeared likely that the demand for it would be restricted almost entirely to those who were already using the Grammar, I considered that it would be scarcely fair to impose any such additional outlay upon them, and accordingly abandoned that part of my design. I need hardly say, therefore, that the notes will be of com- paratively small use to those who have not my English Grammar, to which the refer- ences are very numerous. I believe it will be found that the principles of grammatical analysis which are there developed, will suffice for the explanation of every sentence and phrase in the poem. At least, I have detected no passage which presents any impracticable residuum, and therefore feel tolerably well assured that the principles and method adopted are both consistent and sufficient. In an Appendix will be found the analysis of one or two intricate passages, which may be some guide to a beginner.”- Prefuce. The Second Book of Cowpers Task (The Time-piece), with Notes on the Analysis and Parsing. Adapted to the Author's English Grammar. By C. P. MASON, B.A. 12mo. 2s. An English Grammar for Schools. By C. P. Mason, B.A. 12mó. 3s. 6d. cloth. The First English Reader. By the Rev. G. D. Abbott. Third Edition. 12mo., with Illustrations. ls. cloth, limp. This is intended to succeed the spelling-book, and consists of progressive lessons in prose and verse, in a familiar style calculated to arrest the attention of children. They are chiefly narratives about children whose conduct is held forth either as an example or a warning. The volume is embellished with woodcuts, and was written with a view of affording instruction and entertainment to children of both sexes, at home as well as in the school-room. There are stories relating to each of the Ten Commandments; WALTON AND MABERLY'S and some one of the fundamental principles of religion, morality, or demeanour, is illustrated or inculcated in every lesson in the book. A few of the articles are also designed to lead the young reader to derive pleasure from observing external nature. It is recommended that after each lesson can be read by the scholar with fluency and precision, he should be required to spell some of the words without the aid of the book, and define them by using more simple words of his own. In a few of the early lessons, a selection of words for the purpose is added in a table, as a specimen of what is intended. This exercise, if judiciously varied by the teacher, cannot fail in conferring on the learner the invaluable habit of never passing a word without paying attention to its spelling and meaning. The Second English Reader. By the Rev. G. D. Abbott. Third Edition. 12mo. Is. 6d. cloth, limp. The Author was guided in making this selection of Prose and Poetry, by the con- sideration that, if the mind and heart are rightly trained, the utterance of the voice will unfailingly give the proper emphasis, cadence, and inflection, and every grace of speech which can add expression and force to sentiments and feelings. Hence, after the elements are acquired, the great object should be, to present to the young reader lessons of such interest as to secure his attention and enlist his feelings; and unless bad habits have been formed and confirmed, the pupil will read, with proper tones and inflections, what he understands and feels. This selection, accordingly, has in view pure and elevating moral influences, as well as attractive reading. The articles, which exceed a hundred in number, range through a considerable variety of styles and subjects. Many of them relate to religion, virtue, and practical wisdom; but these topics are diversified by the copious intermixture of dialogues, allegories, descriptions, and narratives, of a more lively cast. A Collection of Poetry for the Practice of Elocution. Made for the Use of the Ladies' College, Bedford Square. By Professor F. W. NEWMAN. Fcap. 8vo. 2s.6d. This Collection of Poetry has been made simply with a view to facility of Elocution. The various pieces of poetry are selected chiefly from authors of the present century, the collection is therefore to a great extent novel. Suggestions on Female Education. Two Introductory Lectures on English Literature and Moral Philosophy, delivered in the Ladies' College, Bedford Square, London. By A. J. SCOTT, A.M., Prin- cipal of Owen's College, Manchester, late Professor of the English Lan- guage and Literature in University College, London. Fcap. 8vo. Is. 6d. .GREEK. The Englishman's Greek Concordance of the New Testament. Being an attempt at a Verbal Connexion between the Greek Original and the English Translation. Uniform with the Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance. Third Edition. Revised. Royal Svo. Price 21. 2s. This work contains—Ist. Introductory Matter.--2nd. The Appellatives A l. Under each Greek word, the list of all the passages in which it occurs is exhibited, in the order of the Books of the English Testament, and in the phraseology of the authorised version. In each passage, the English word that answers to the Greek word which DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE.. is under elucidation, is printed in italics.--3rd. The Proper Names.--4th. Index- English and Greek, by means of which, any one who can read English may see, of how many Greek words any English word is the representative.-5th. Index-Greek and English. This, which is a resumé, under each Greek word, of all the English words by which it is rendered in the Testament, gives us, in fact, nor more nor less “than the Greek and English Lexicon of the English authorised version.” 6th. Appendix upon the Particles. The subject of New Translations of the Greek Testament has been mich mooted of late. If any really accurate one is ever to appear, it must be through the painstaking use of that class of works of which this Concordance is a specimen. Indeed, without the appellatives of this very book, how would it be possible through- out so large a book as the New Testament, to attain to anything like uniformity in rendering the same Greek word by the same English word. The appellatives, together with the Greek and English Index, must be used to shew how far such uniformity is possible, and also to afford us the means of vindicating the authorized version from the charge of needless or careless variations from uniformity. On the other hand, the English and Greek Index is the master-key to another, a kindred, and an important question, viz.--that of the New Testament synonyms. What tyro in the study of the Greek Testament, but has read with profit and delight :“ Trench's New Testament Synonyms." Our present volume not only aids the tyro to prove the correct- ness or incorrectness of such essays, but greatly enlarges the class to whom such essays are intelligible,and puts it within the reach of those who do not know even one Greek letter from another, to prosecute similar studies for themselves. Our labour has not been in vain. We know that many unlearned, but pious and plodding students have used our book, and in humble prayerful dependence upon God, examined and solved for themselves many hard questions which had puzzled them. Now to be able to examine for oneself even the senses in which the Holy Spirit uses the various terms and words of the New Testament, is a great aid to the right understand- ing of the Scripture. Such terms as justification, righteousness, church, baptism, coming of the Lord, 8c., fc., lie like the separate stones which form the foundation of a wall, at the basis of our thoughts and habits of thought in divine things. They that humbly and prayerfully test their thoughts by bringing them to “the Word and to the Testi- mony," will be strong, and none others. We believe that God has used, and we trust that He will again use, in this way, the present labour of THE EDITORS. A Greek Grammar, on the System of Crude Forms. By J. G. GREENWOOD, B.A., Professor of the Languages and Literature of Greece and Rome in Owen's College, Manchester. Small 8vo.5s.6d. TAAT method of teaching the Accidence of the Classical Languages which, under the name of the “Crude-Form System," discards the fiction under which the nominative case of a noun, or the 1st person of the present tense of a verb, is treated as, in some peculiar sense, the word, from which the other cases or tenses are deduced, has so far made good its ground as no longer to stand in need of defence or apology. That the nominative case is as much a formed word as the accusative or genitive, that is, made like the other cases by addition of a suffix, or by some equivalent process, from a stem or declinable form called in this Grammar the Crude Forn, and that the present tense of a verb is also very generally made in like manner from a verbal stem; that the various cases and tenses are easily made from the stem or crude form, but only by most artificial and sometimes grotesque devices from the nominative case and present tense respectively; that the otherwise perplexing diversities of declension and conju- gation are thus simply explained, regard being paid to the different terminations of the crude form; that analogies, real and not arbitrary, are readily seized and pursued to their legitimate consequences, even by young students, so that an effort of memory is converted into a reasoning process; and that the science of tracing the derivation of one word from another, either in the same or a kindred language (which, when the nominative case or the present tense is taken for the starting point, often seems to the beginner little else than a succession of lucky guesses, in which he chiefly admires this ingenuity, perhaps the audacity, of his tutor), is brought under obvious and easily stated rules, scarcely less rigorous than those which govern mathematical operations; all this will scarcely be questioned as a inatter of theory; and it is believed that the . WALTON AND MABERLY'S experience of those who have made fair trial of the system would show that it has succeeded well in practice. Yet while the admirable Latin Grammar of Professor Key has been in use for more than ten years, and though Exercise Books, both Greek and Latin, bave been published on this system, no corresponding Greek Grammar, so far as the writer knows, has yet appeared, although the system is perhaps still better adapted to the Greek than to the Latin language. To supply this deficiency the present Grammar is offered. It has been in a great measure compiled, but with many changes and considerable additions, from the Elementary Grammars of Professor G. Curtius and Dr. H. L. Ahrens, which, like many other approved Greek Grammars in Germany, are founded on the system of Crude Forms. . It is intended to publish a brief Syntax, with chapters on the Dialectical Varieties, and on Accents.- Preface. A New Greek Delectus; being Sentences for Trans- lation from Greek into English, and English into Greek; arranged in a systematic Progression. By Dr. RAPHAEL KÜHNER. Translated and Edited from the German, by the late Dr. ALEXANDER ALLEN. Fourth Edition, revised. 12mo. 48. cloth. This exercise book consists of sentences for translation, both from Greek into English, and from English into Greek, arranged in progressive sections, under the several classes of inflexions; thus forming a praxis, both by analysis and synthesis, of all the forms of Greek etymology. The work does not imply a previous knowledge of the Greek grammar, but is intended to be used simultaneously, and in conjunction with it; the pupil, on learning a small portion of the grammar, proceeding at once to the section of the Delectus which treats of the same inflexions. A sufficient number of examples, both analytical and synthetical, is given under each inflection, to enable the learner to become master of it before proceeding to a second variety; and he is thus conducted from the beginning of the grammar to the end, without the danger of for- getting the early parts by the time he has arrived at the conclusion. Each section is accompanied by a vocabulary, to be learned before translating the sentences; but these vocabularies, instead of preceding the several exercises to which they belong, are placed in succession at the end of the volume, in order that they may not be before the eye of the learner while he is reading from the text. A classification of peculiar and irregular verbs, different from that found in other grammars, is given in full from Kühner's Greek Grammar, esteemed the most, philosophical extant. Constructive Greek Exercises for Teaching the Ele- ments of the Language, on a system of Analysis and Synthesis, with Greek Reading Lessons and copious Vocabularies. By Join Robson, B.A. London, late Assistant Master in University College School. 12mo., pp. 408. 7s.6d. cloth. This work is based upon the crudc-form system, and its general plan is, as nearly as possible, the same as that of the Latin Constructive Exercises (vide p. 12): this simi- larity will be found to present great facilities for the acquisition of Greek, to those who have learnt Latin from the author's work. As few boys begin to study Greek till they have made some progress in Latin, the explanation of grammatical terms, and of the general laws of language which occupy considerable space in the Latin Exercises, are assumed in this work to be known. Hence, also, as being intended for older students, this book contains many sen- tences more complex in structure, and relating to more difficult subjects than those in the corresponding portions of the Latin work; and, in selecting them, the author, while kceping constantly in view the illustration of the rules, has preferred those which are interesting as statements of moral truths or of historical facts. These sentences, with very few exceptions, are translations from the best authors, Plato, Demosthenes, Thucydides, and especially Xenophon: the last named author furnishes the bulk of them, the work being intended as an introduction to the reading of his writings, which it is believed the pupil will be able to commence with advan- tage when he has arrived at the end of the third Part; where, accordingly, the Reading Lessons terminate. Indexes of passages, similar to those drawn up for the Latin DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. Exercises (vide p. 12), have been printed, and may be had gratis of the Publishers on application by Teachers. The “ Introductory Remarks” afford all the information needed by a beginner respecting the classification of letters, euphonic changes, contractions, accents, punctuation, etc. The “ Synopses”, present a connected view of the inflections of nouns and verbs, arranged in such a way as to obviate many of the difficulties usually encountered by the young student of Greek; and they systematize the know- ledge acquired in detail, step by step, from the rules. Finally, this book has been designed to be so complete in itself, comprising Grammar, Exercises, Delectus, and Lexicon, that the pupil will require no other book whatever until he begins to read the Greek authors. It may be added, that it is intended to supersede Allen's Greek Exercises, the general principles of the two works being identical.. First Greek Book: Containing Exercises and Reading Lessons on the Inflections of Substantives and Adjectives, and of the Active Verb in the Indicative Mood. With copious Vocabularies. Being the First Part of the 66 Constructive Greek Exercises.” By JOHN ROBSON, B.A. 12mo. 3s. 6d. Cloth lettered. The London Greek Grammar. Designed to exhibit, Edition. 12mo. ls. 6d. cloth. Tos grammar was constructed with the design of giving to the pupil, in the English tongue, all that is necessary to introduce him to the knowledge of the inflexions and syntax of the Greek. In che introductory part of the work, the pupil is taught the powers and cuphonic changes of the different classes of letters; and throughout the book he is supplied not merely with forms, but with rules of formation and lists of irregularities. The most irregular verbs in MI are conjugated at length; and a table of irregular verbs cor- rected from that in Buttmann's large grammar, is added. The long vowel of a penultimate syllable is always marked where it would otherwise be doubtful, and full information is given on the accents, dialects, prosody, and metres. The use of the Æolic digamma is explained, and the section on the dialects includes a synopsis of the verb eiui. Tables of the inflexions of the Greek verb and other parts of speech, disconnected from the roots with which they are usually incorporated, are also in- distinguished from the declension and conjugation of individual words. The Greek Testament Roots, in a Selection of Texts, giving the Power of Reading the whole Greek Testament without diffi- culty. With Grammatical Notes and a Parsing Lexicon, associating the Greek Primitives with English Derivatives. By G. K. GILLESPIE, A.M. Post Svo. 78. 6d. cloth. The following is an enumeration of the means by which this work proposes to faci- litate the Study of the Greek Testament: : 1. The text involves all the primitive words of the New Testament. Therefore, if the pupil has become master of this very limited quantity of text-about 560 verses he cannot meet, in the whole of that volume, one word with which he is not more or less acquainted. 2. The notes contain an etymological or critical solution of every grammatical diffi- culty which occurs in the Text. 3. By means of this plan, the Roots of the Greek language are learned by associa- tion with a text, instead of in the dry form of a vocabulary. 4. Each primitive Greek word is illustrated by some English derivative from it, wherever the Greek root has been incorporated into the English language. 5. Every word presenting any difficulty, is carefully parsed; and each word is referred to its primitive. 10 WALTON AND MABERLY'S 6. The lexicon is so contrived as to serve as a vocabulary of roots to be committed to memory when that mode of learning the roots is preferred. : 7. The extracts being taken, proportionally, from every writer in the New Testa- ment, the student, by using this book, will in a short time become acquainted with all the styles employed in the sacred volume; and will not feel the difficulty usually experienced in passing from the historical books to the Epistles. 8. Besides the advantages of becoming acquainted with all the words, and all the styles of the New Testament, and with the connexion of the Greek with the English language, this book affords an easy method by which a knowledge of the Greek Testa- ment may be revived and kept up. The student's attention is concentrated on the difficulties; and these are placed before him in a compact form, with sufficient expla- ination to enable him to conquer them, 9. This work forms an effectual introduction to Greek in general, as well as to the New Testament; and it is evident that the Greek Testament, from the simplicity of its style and the knowledge generally possessed of its subject-matter, is the best book to begin with for those who intend to pursue the study of Greek farther. 10. The numerous and increasing classes of adults who desire not to remain in ignorance of the original of the Greek Testament, while they are willing to content themselves with as much Greek as will enable them to consult that volume with dis- crimination and advantage, are here furnished, in the most compen lious possible form, with an instrument which, accompanied by a Greek grammar, will enable them soon to accomplish that most desirable object. The Anabasis of Xenophon. Expressly for Schools. With Notes, Index of Names, and a Map. By J. T. V. HARDY, B.A., late Principal of Huddersfield College; and ERNEST ADAMS, Classical Master in Üniversity College School. 12mo. 4s. 6d. cloth. This edition comprehends the text of the whole Anabasis, omitting only the more difficult and less interesting portions, such as most of the speeches and the minor details of the narrative. In the place, however, of the omitted parts, a sunimary of them, in English, is interspersed through the text, in order that the complete chain of the ideas and events of the original may be presented to the mind of the learner. The object of this novel arrangement is to enable the pupil, while he reads only about the same quantity of text as is usually read in schools, to travel with Xenophon over the whole of the ground of the advance and retreat of the Ten Thousand; instead of becoming acquainted with only a fragment of the history by reading one book or two complete, and leaving the rest unrcad. The text is accompanied by numerous notes, elucidating all the difficulties of parsing and construction; and, at the end of the volume, an index, or rather a Classical Dictionary, on a small scale, gives the reader the modern names of the places men- tioned, as well as the other particulars respecting places and persons requisite for thoroughly understanding the Anabasis. The text adopted is Long's, and a map of the route is prefixed, embodying the improvements suggested by modern historians and travellers, such as Grote, Layard, Ainsworth, etc. Greek Authors. Selected for the Use of Schools; con- taining portions of Lucian's Dialogues, Anacreon, Homer's Iliad, Xeno- phon's Memorabilia, and Herodotus. 12mo. ls. 6d. cloth. Plato. The Apology of Socrates, the Crito, and part · of the PHAEDO; with Notes in English from Stallbaum, Schleiermacher's Introductions, and Schleiermacher's Essay on the Worth of Socrates as a Philosopher. Edited by Dr. W. SMITH. Third Edition, revised. 12mo. 53. cloth. The text of this selection from the writings of Plato bas been adopted as presenting a complete account of the last days of Socrates: the apology being a defence of his doctrines, supposed to be delivered before the tribunal which condemned him ; his DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 11 dialogue with Crito containing his refusal to escape from prison, although not guilty, which he justifies by the necessity for respecting the laws of his country; and the extracts from the Phædo, relating the particulars of the philosopher's death. These pieces are not only important, in an historical and ethical point of view, as an exposition of the tenets of the grcatest of the heathen moralists; but, from their easy style, valuable as an introduction to the study of Plato. They are, therefore, well adapted for reading in the higher classes of schools. Schleiermacher's introduc- tions vindicate the authenticity of the Apology and Crito as a genuine report, by Plato, of the words and sentiments of Socrates; and the extensive and elaborate com- mentary of Stallbaum omits nothing necessary for the elucidation of his author. Remarks and Emendations on some Passages in Thucydides. By the Rev. WM. LINWOOD, M.A., late Student of Christ : Church. Second Issue, much enlarged. 8vo. 4s. 6d. LATIN. New Latin Reading Book; consisting of Short Sen- tences, Easy Narrations, and Descriptions, selected from Cæsar's Gallic War; arranged in Systematic Progression. With a Dictionary. Third Edition. 12mo. 2s. Ed. cloth. TAE plan of this reading book differs, in an important point, from other works of a similar kind, the sentences having been selected exclusively from Cæsar's Commenta- ries, instead of being taken from different writers. If confined to a single author, the pupil, from continually meeting the same or similar forms of expression, soon becomes accustomed to the style; and thus finds the work of translation grow easier every day, which cannot be the case in reading extracts from different Latin authors; their styles being generally so widely different as to present great difficulty to the beginner in his passing from one of them to another. In the Dictionary the quantities are marked, and the preterites and supipes of verbs indicated by their radical syllables. The London Latin Grammar; including the Eton Syntax and Prosody in English, accompanied with Notes. Sixteenth Edition. Fcap. 8vo. 1s. 6d. cloth. This grammar was compiled with the view of restoring the principle on which the old form of the Eton Latin grammar was constructed, the rules being given in English, and the school-boy not being required, after learning only his accidence, to encounter the preposterous task of “ construing from Latin the first rules of Latin construction.” (See Preface.) The “ London Latin Grammar” contains all that is necessary to and their application more easily understood, all the examples are accompanied by a translation. In the text, the sentences exemplifying the rules of Syntax (which are mostly identical with those of the “ Eton Grammar") are drawn exclusively froin Cæsar's account of his Britannic expedition, and from the first book of Virgil's Æneid, which form the first two of the series of interlinear versions on Locke's system, to which this grammar was intended as a companion. It is, however, adapted to the use of boys taught on any other method; and, in the notes, one of the examples of the “ Eton Grammar is appended to each rule. In the verbs, a few alterations have been made in the common distribution of the tenses, tending to reduce the conjugation to more systematic order ; but the old nomenclature is also inserted within brackets. A copious table of irregular perfects 12 WALTON AND MABERLY'S and supines is given, with lists of adverbs, and prepositions, in which each word is accompanied by a classical phrase, shewing the mode in which it is employed. The rules of prosody and versification, and those for the genders of nouns (with lists of exceptions), are also detailed. Throughout the book, the parts intended to be committed to memory are printed in large characters, to distinguish them from those intended only for reference, which are in a smaller type. New Latin Delectus; being Sentences for Transla- tion from Latin into English, and English into Latin; arranged in a systematic Progression. By Dr. ALEXANDER ALLEN. Fifth Edition, revised. 12mo. 4s. cloth. This work is a praxis on the inflections, intended to be used as a companion to the grammar. It is divided into analytical and synthetical exercises; the analysis con- sisting of the translation of short Latin sentences, illustrative of the several rules; the synthesis of the pupil's constructing for himself examples of each variety of infection, which in the analytical exercise he had only inspected. A schoolboy, in learning the grammar by itself, devotes his attention to abstract ideas, imperfectly conceived and soon forgotten; but if he attend to practice concur. rently with the theory, his knowledge of the rules becomes complete, by being imme- diately applied. By this method of teaching, also, the learner is drilled in translation and composition from the beginning; and when he has proceeded through the gram- mar he is ready for reading an author—no longer a strange and difficult task, but only a continuation and enlargement of a process with which he is already familiar. Constructive Latin Exercises, for teaching the Ele- ments of the Language on a System of analysis and Synthesis; with Latin Reading Lessons and Copious Vocabularies. By JOHN ROBSON, B.A. Lond., late Assistant Master in University College School. Fourth Edition, thoroughly revised. 12mo. 4s. 6d. cloth. This book is intended for the use of those who have no previous knowledge of Latin, and is complete in itself, combining the advantages of Grammar, Exercise-book, Delectus and Dictionary. In it the Latin language is attempted to be taught by a due combination of theory and practice: the rules explain all the inflections of every class of Latin words, and the leading principles of syntax. Each rule is followed by a number of English sentences, the translation of which into Latiu by the pupil requires him to apply the rule, and thus impresses it deeply upon his memory. The reading-lesson, placed after each of the first sixty-two exercises, contains exam- ples of the same inflections as are illustrated in the corresponding exercise, and to a cnsiderable extent is composed of the same words. By this combination of exercises to be written and lessons to be read, ample scope is given for the employment of the mental faculties in the two widely different modes in which they must be exerted for the successful study of language. The exercises in the First Part, and all the reading-lessons, have each a separate vocabulary; but all the Latin words required in writing the exercises in Parts II.–VI. are placed together in a general alphabetical vocabulary. The quantities are carefully marked. Altogether, there are upwards of 2,000 of the principal Latin words ex- plained in the book; and the pupil, by gradually becoming acquainted with them, makes one of the most useful preparations for reading the Latin authors with compa- rative ease and pleasure. Most of the sentences, both in the exercises and in the reading-lessons, have been derived from the best classical authors, and pains have been taken to give in the vocabularies to the former the exact words of the originals. An Index of the pas- sages on which the exercises are founded has been drawn up for the use of Teachers, in whose hands it will answer all the unobjectionable purposes of a Key: it may be had gratis on application to the Publishers. The grammatical principles and nomenclature adopted in this work are in accord- ance with the views of modern philologists, and all terms are carefully defined. In DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. the rules which relate to syntax, the principles of construction are fully explained, and the pupil is thus taught to study language in a logical manner. The work is based on the crude form system— that is, on a plan of strict and com- plete analysis, by which the student learns to distinguish the root of each word froin every kind of addition made to it, and becomes familiar with the meaning and power of the various prefixes and suffixes, the euphonic changes of letters, and the analysis of derived and compound words. Full explanations on all these important points are given in a series of introductory lessons. The connection between the ordinary and the crude-form system is explained sufficiently to enable any one acquainted with the former to make use of the book. Experience in several large public schools has proved that the crude-form system facilitates the acquisition of a knowledge of the elementary parts of a language, the study of which is usually the most distasteful to the young, to such a degree as to effect a very great saving of time and labour, An Appendix contains synopses of inflections, questions on the longer rules, and tables shewing the connection between Latin and its three principal modern offshoots, Italian, Spanish, and French. In these tables, ocular demonstration is afforded of the great advantage of the crudc-forın system in enabling the student to turn his know- ledge of Latin to the best account in mastering these important languages. First Latin Reading Lessons. With Complete Voca- bularies. Intended as an Introduction to Caesar. By John Robson, B.A. 12mo. 2s. 6d. cloth. This is a reprint of the Reading Lessons contained in the foregoing work, with such alterations and additions as were requisite to make it complete in itself, and entirely independent of any other book, except, of course, a grammar, or some other means of obtaining a knowledge of the inflections. With this view, the lessons are divided into Parts and Sections, to which titles are given indicative of the leading points intended to be illustrated by each, and which are more fully stated in the explanatory Table of Contents. A complete set of Vocabularies obviates the necessity for the use of a dictionary. The crude forms of words are printed first in the vocabularies, but the nominatives singular of nouns are also given; so that the book may be used by those who do not adopt the crude-form system. When the pupil has gone through these lessons, he will be sufficiently advanced to commence the reading of Cæsar with ease and advantagc: most of the words of com- mon occurrence in that author will then be familiar to him, as well as all the inflections of the language, except the tenses of the subjunctive and the first and second persons of the verb. The latter, however, rarely occur in Cæsar; and the former being ex- tremely simple, may be explained to the pupil in a few short rules. Tacitus; Germania, Agricola, and First Book of the ANNALS. With English Notes, original and selected, and Bötticher's remarks on the style of Tacitus. Edited by Dr. WILLIAM Smith, Editor of the “ Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities," etc. Third Edition, revised and greatly improved. 12mo. 5s. The object of this book is to introduce the student to a thorough familiarity with the style of Tacitus. With this view, a sufficiently extensive text is presented to the reader, accompanied by copious notes, original and selected. These notes, occupying 170 pages of the work, are designed to 'remove every diffi- culty of the text, and explain its structure and allusions. But for fully understanding cher's “Remarks on the Style of Tacitus,” here translated. This treatise contains a minute analysis of the characteristics of the author, which are reduced to three heads, 1. Variety of Style; in which his diversities of orthography, inflection, construction, and expression, are exhibited. 2. The Force and pregnant Brevity of his Style, showing the mechanism by which those qualities are produced. 3. Its Poetical Com- plexion. Each of these divisions is illustrated by the quotation of numerous passages, the study of which cannot fail to be attended with profit to a student desirous of attaining to a true and critical appreciation of the merits and peculiarities of the great historian. 14 WALTON AND MABERLY'S Cæsar. Civil War. Book I. With English Notes, for the use of Students preparing for the Cambridge School Examina- tion. 12mo. ls. 6d. cloth. The text is on that of Nipperday. The notes are chiefly explanatory; but historical and geographical information has occasionally been supplied. A short introduction gives the leading features of the causes of the Civil War. Terence. The Andria, from the Texts of Bentley and VOLLBEHR, with Notice of the Life of Terence, Introduction to the Metres of the Play, Summaries elucidating the scenes and notes Gram- matical, Etymological and Explanatory. By N. TRAVERS, B.A., late Scholar of Lincoln College, Oxford, and Assistant Master in University College School. Fcp. 8vo. 3s. 6d. " This edition of the 'Andria' being intended for the use of Upper Classes in Schools, and Students reading for Matriculation, the explanations of scenes are given some- what at length. A readier facility in seizing the constructions of a text is obtained by a preliminary acquaintance with its substance. The translated passages are more numerous than may be considered necessary or advisable; but students of Terence will use translations, and more will still be found left to exercise their industry than would perhaps be the case if meagre assistance were afforded to them.”- Preface. Mythology for Versification; or, a brief Sketch of the Fables of the Ancients, prepared to be rendered into Latin Verse, and designed for the use of Classical Schools. By the Rev. F. HODGSON, B.D. (late Provost of Eton). Fifth Edition. 12mo. 38. cloth. KEY to Ditto, 8vo. 75. TAESE exercises in the composition of Latin hexameter and pentameter distichs have been made as easy as possible, in order to enable the school-boy to get rapidly through them, as a preparation for more difficult versification. The English subject-matter is an outline of the stories and attributes of the principal heathen deities. These are to be put into Latin verse, and for that purpose are broken up into divisions, each to be translated into a Latin line, long or short as the case may be. Where difliculty would probably arise, assistance is given by inserting the Latin word to be used, or by indi- cating the inflexion required. An introduction is prefixed, consisting of the rules of prosody, and of constructing the two kinds of verse. Select Portions of Sacred History, conveyed in Sense for Latin Verses. Intended chiefly for the use of Schools. By the Rev. F. FLODGSON, M.A. (late Provost of Eton). Third Edition. 12mo. 3s. 6d. cloth. KEY to ditto, Royal 8vo. 10s. 6d. cloth. The selections are divided into two parts: the first to be translated into elegiac, the second into heroic verse. The assistance given to the pupil is at first ample: consist- ing of indications of words to be omitted, of particular inflexions to be used, of trans- positions, etc. These helps are gradually withdrawn, and, in the latter portion of the book, the pupil is even expected himself to supply epithets and other expressions accessory to the complete sense. Sacred Lyrics, or, Extracts from the Prophetical and other Scriptures of the Old Testament; adapted to Latin Versification in the principal Metres of Horace. By the Rev. F. HODGSON, M.A. 12mo. 6s. 6d. cloth. KEY to ditto, 8vo. 12s. cloth. Tuese extracts are to be converted into the principal kinds of Latin lyrical verse: such as the Alcaic, Sapphic, etc, intermixed with the Iambic Measure. An introduc- tion is prefixed in which the general laws to be observed in each metre are laid down; and this is followed by an appendix, containing rules and remarks in use in Eton School, relating principally to Rhythm. - DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 15 Throughout the book the pupil is assisted by aids similar to those given in the works on Mythology and Sacred History for Versification; help being unsparingly afforded where unformed taste demands most guidance: and to each extract from the prophets is prefixed a brief account of the writer, and a reference to his most interesting pro- phecies. Caesar's Helvetic War. In Latin and English, Inter- linear, with the original Text at the end. 12mo. 2s. cloth. HEBREW The Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance of the Old Testament. Being an attempt at a Verbal Connection between the Original and the English Translation. With Indexes, a List of Proper Names and their occurrences, &c. Second Edition, Revised, Price 31. 13s.6d. The work contains - 1. Introduction: An account of the work. 2. Appellatives 8-n. 3. Index-Hebrew and English: this, which is a condensation of the preceding Concordance, forms the “Hebræo- Anglican Dictionary of the English Authorised Version.” 4. Index-English and Hebrew: by means of which any one who can read English may see, first, of how many Hebrew words any English word is the representative; and, secondly, the variations in English of the renderings of each Hebrew word. 5. Appendix: Proper Names with their occurrences (never all before published)-Index to the above-Table of Variations in the Versification in the Hebrew and English Bibles, &c. Lest any, on seeing this book, should say, " This is not for me, for I can only read my Bible in English;" or again “I know so little of Hebrew, and nothing of Chaldee, and therefore this is not for me:" we would state, that it is for the profiting of such especially and pre-eminently that this work has been prepared. Let them but examine it, and they will find that, with patience and humility, they can use it to great advantage. That it is calculated to minister fruit to various classes, we believe. To the translator of Scripture, and to the corrector of translations (of whatsoever country be the translator, and into whatsoever language be the translation), what would not be the value of the list of Proper Names and their occurrences (now for the first time published)? But if he were an Englishman (and from what country, blessed be God! have so many translations emanated, as from England?), the exact balance between the idioms of the two languages, which the Indexes furnish, would be of great additional utility. . The philologist- whose labours are so intimately connected with grammars and lexicography-will find much matter for thought prepared ready to his hand. The scholar who knows the value of that providential care displayed by God in our authorised translation, will find abundant Proors of it here. To him, we conceive, the coup d'æil of the words in English, hy which each Hebrew appellative has been rendered (which the Hebrew English Index presents), and the English and Hebrew dictionary (which the next Index affords), will be of peculiar interest. Among the Proper Names, also, he may find the examination of the occurrences of “ Jehovah” important and instructive, &c. &c. But, as we said, IHE aim has been the profit of two other classes, viz.- 1. THE DEVOUT ENGLISH READER, and 2. THE LEARNER OF HEBREW. He who can only spell out Hebrew, will find that his little knowledge will, by means of this book and a little humble and patient labor, be made to go a great way; while the student, moderately versed in grammar, will find it, perhaps, the best dictionary he can use. But that which we count its greatest value, is the power it affords to the humble, prayerful Englishman, of proving, or rather disproving, so many of the verbal 16 WALTON AND MABERLY'S re-trarislations and corrections which ill-instructed innovators would force upon him. We know, indeed, that he may safely abide by the authorised translation (and this work proves it); and we know, too, as Bishop Horsley has shewn, that they who patiently compare Scripture with Scripture, will find both an armory and a crucible ; but if, as we believe, nine out of ten of the verbal corrections which are suggested, can be disproved by this work, its value, in such a day as this, to the intelligent English- man, will be evident to every candid mind. May it prove to many such, a means of defence from 'error, and of confirmation in the truth! And if, in addition, it be found by any who minister the Word of God, helpful in preparing or repairing their weapons of warfare, full recompense will there be to THE EDITORS. A Grammar of the Hebrew Language. By Hyman Hurwitz, late Professor of Hebrew in University College, London. Fourth Edition. 8vo. 13s. cloth. Or in Two Parts, sold separately. -ELEMENTS. 4s. 6d. cloth. ETYMOLOGY and SYNTAX. 9's. cloth. The aim of the author has been to condense, in this volume, every thing of the least practical importance or utility contained in the works of Buxtorf, Michaëlis, Gesenius, and the other standard Christian and Jewish Grammarians. It is divided into three parts. The first part, wholly devoted to the art of reading and writing the Hebrew charac- ters, is intended to remove all obstructions out of the way of the student who as yet knows nothing whatever of the language. The orthography, owing to the strangeness of the Hebrew letters and the system of the vowel points, being by far the most per- plexing part of the language, the subject is subdivided as much as possible, that the learner may encounter the difficulties separately by learning progressive rules. These rules are accompanied by numerous examples, and by such explanations as experience has taught the author to be necessary for the beginner. The vowel points, without which no critical knowledge of the Hebrew can be attained, are explained, as well as the nature aud use of the numerous accents. This part also contains a minute analysis of the first four verses of Genesis. The second part consists of the etymology, preceded by an introductory chapter on the general structure of the language; and, from the beginning, the student is accus- tomed to distinguish between the radical parts and the separable or inseparable particles prefixed or affixed to the roots. The origin of those fragments which express the modification of words, is traced to the pronouns and the substantive verb, of which they are shewn to be relics or abbreviations, and they are printed throughout the etymology in a type differing from that of the principal words. This arrangement, and the full explanations which are given of the distinct signification of the modifica- tory letters, and the manner in which they are combined with the roots, will materially assist the student in his analysis of the language; and, as a further help, short and simple exercises are added to each section. The third part contains the syntax, with a separate chapter developing the principles on which the rules are founded. This is followed by an appendix of several extracts from scarce Hebrew books, and some specimens of translations from various languages. FRENCH. A French Grammar By P. F. Merlet, Professor of French in University College, London, New Edition. 12mo. 5s.6d. bound. Or, sold in two parts: PRONUNCIATION and ACCIDENCE, 38. 6d.; SYNTAX, 3s. 6d. (KEY, 3s. 6d.) Part I. PRONUNCIATION AND ACCIDENCE. The treatise on PRONUNCIATION in this volume is not intended to supersede oral instruction in that department of French grammar, but to be nised in aid of it. The existence of certain articulations in the French language, which have nothing identical with them in English, will always. render the assistance of a teacher indispensable; but when a knowledge of the elemen- DESCRIPTIVE FI 17 CATALOGUE. tary sounds has thus been acquired, much information may be communicated by rules. For instance, the pupil may lcarn by rules when oi is sounded as a diphthong, and when as the simple vowel ê; in what cases the final consonant should be connected with a vowel beginning the next word; on what syllable the accent is to be placed; and when a vowel is long and when short. The object of this part of the work is to convey information of that nature, which it docs by laying down the necessary rules, accompanicd by a praxis to impress on the mind the peculiar powers of the vowels, diphthongs, and consonants, and' by giving an explanatory list of words considered difficult to be pronounced, and general rules for reading French correctly, ACCIDENCE. The Accidence contains tabular views of the parts of speech, declined and undeclined, each table being accompanied by bricf and simple explanations, de- finitions, and rules; thus exhibiting what may be called the materials of grammar, without showing how they are put together in the formation of continued discourse, which is the province of syntax. The verbs regular and irregular are conjugated at full length; and in the reciprocal, negative, and interrogative forms; each variety of this, as well as the other parts of specch, being illustrated by an exercise, in order that the pupil, as he proceeds, may put in practice what he learns. Synoptical tables of terminations and irregularities are also given, and the accidence concludes with scveral useful vocabularies. Part II. SYNTAX. This is not only a systematic syntax, but an excrcisc-book on the syntax, beginning with the easiest constructions, concords and governments, and gradually increasing in complexity until all the rules have been comprehended ; recapitulatory exercises being given on all the parts of speech after the special rules have been individually exemplifica. The rules are enunciated in a form as concise as possible, in order that they may be more easily committed to memory; they rarely consist of more than two or thrce lines, and are numbered consecutively for convc- nicnce of reference. Exercises are also appropriated to the principal idioms of the language; and, at the end, free excrcises are given, accompanied by all necessary information in the form of notes, references, and hints for rendering difficult words or phrases. Le Traducteur; Selections, Historical, Dramatic, and MISCELLANEOUS, from the best FRENCH WRITERS, on a plan calculated to render reading and translation peculiarly serviceable in acquiring the French Language; accompanied by Explanatory Notes; a Selection of Idioms, etc. By Professor MERLET. Fourteenth Edition. 12mo. 5s. 6d. bound. The object of this reading-book is to give the learner the power of translating every description of French composition. This result is attained by collecting interesting and instructive articles ou so great a varicty of topics, and in so many different styles, as to present the learner, as far as possible, with every form of expression which the language contains, whcther in single words or in sentences or phrases. The pieces are arranged according to their progressively increasing difficulty, and accompanied by such rules, observations, and references, as arc calculated to make the reader's progress easy from the beginning to tlie end of the book, and gradually confer on him å taste for investigating the nicer points of grammatical construction. In the form of an introduction, is given a tabular view of the parts of speech, including the regular inflections, and all the irregular verbs; and, before the pupil citers on the main body of the work, a collection of short sentences (translated at the end of the book) ex- emplifies the first rules of grammar, and exhibits all the verbs as used in their différent moods and tenses. As a further mode of accustoming the learner to the manner of connecting words in rendering French into English, an interlinear translation of thirty pages of the earlier portion of the text appears in the appendix, with a list of French idioms. These extracts, from the best French authors, have been carefully selected, with a view to the purity of the language and morals conveyed by them. The subjects are chiefly entertaining tales, fables, and historical anecdotes of ancient and modern times; lessons on the moral virtues; descriptions of characters; information on the sciences Find processes in the arts and trades; travels; and juvenile comedies or tableaux, entitled “L’Enfant Gâté,” and “ Les Inconveniens de la Diligence." 18 WALTON AND MABERLY'S Aperçu de la Litterature Française. By Professor MERLET. 12mo. 2s. 6d. cloth. " This little volume contains a short sketch of French literature from the earliest times, and a list of the most distinguished French writers and their principal works, arranged tabularly, according to the ages in which they flourished.”—Literary Gazetle. Exercises in French Composition, consisting of Ex- tracts from English Authors to be turned into French, with Notes indicating the Differences in Style between the two Languages. A List of Idioms, with Explanations, Mercantile Terms and Correspondence, Essays, etc. By P. F. MERLET, Professor of the French Language and Literature in University College, London. 12mo. 3s. 6d. cloth. INSTEAD of reprinting the“ Dictionary of Difficulties" entire, the author thinks it suffi- cicnt to publish the present sclection from that work, containing, as it does, those parts which are absolutely necessary for the attainment of French composition. French Synonymes, explained in Alphabetical Order, with copious Examples. By Professor MERLET. 12mo. cloth. 2s. 6d. WITHOUT studying synonymes, a critical knowledge of any language is impossible; and an investigation of thcir prccisc shades of difference tends greatly to improve the general taste and style in writing and speaking. In this volume, the author divides French synonymes into two classes. The first consists of words so nearly allied in signification as to require explanation to cnable Frenchmen themselves to distinguish them. The second class is that of words which to the Frenchman, indeed, are obviously distinct, but which English people are apt- often ludicrously-to confound. Both these kinds of synonymes are treated of in this publication; but greater stress is laid on the latter class, as being more necessary to natives of this country. The former, however, is not neglected, the compiler having availed himself of the ingenious disquisitions of the best French writers on synonymes --Girard, Bcauzé, and Guizot. In the body of the work, all words which approximate to one another in signiſica- tion are collected in groups; and the mode of employing them is illustrated by sentences, which the student will find it advantageous to cominit to memory. But, for convenience of reference, all the words explained appear also in an alphabctical index. Stories from French Writers; in French and English Interlinear (from Merlet's “ Traducteur"). Second Edition. 12mo. 2s. cloth. Tuis is intended as a first book, to give the pupil a general notion of the French language, and the mode of applying its grammatical rules, by assisting him in trans- lating from French into Englislı, before he encounters the more difficult task of writing cxcrcises. Previously to cntcring on the stories, a few pages of detached sentences exemplify the first rulcs of grammar, and exhibit all the verbs as cmployed in their different modes and tenses. These sentences are translated at the end, with notes explaining every difficulty. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 19 GERMAN. The Return of Ulysses. With a short Grammar and Vocabulary. · By Paul Hirsch. 12mo. 6s. cloth. Tuis history of the wanderings of Ulysses was written especially for young persons by Dr. Ernst Kapp, late Professor in the College at Minden, and well known in Ger- many as an eminently successful instructor of youth. Its simple and frequently con- versational style renders it, in tlic estimation of the cditor, well-adapted as a German Reading-book for English schools. He has therefore prefixed an Elementary Gram- mar, and has also added to it a Vocabulary. The Grammar, without catering into complicated details of the niccties of German construction, contains a vicw of the language sufficient for the student's purposc in the carlier stages of his progress. The Vocabulary will enable any one to read the book who is acquainted with the decleu- sions, pronouns, and verbs. The GRAMMAR is sold separately, price 2s. ITALIAN. First Italian Course: being a Practical and Easy Method of Learning the Elements of the Italian Language. Edited from the German work by FILIPPI, after the method of Dr. Aun, and adapted by numerous additions for the use of English learners. By W. BROWNRIGG SMITH, M.A., Second Classical Master of the City of London School. 12mo. 3s. 6d. cloth. THE 228 Exercises, with which this work commences, will be found to teach Italian in the same manner as nature teaches children their mother tongue. Just as a child, by constantly hearing simple sentences which illustrate certain fundamental gram- matical principles, is able to utter sentences of his own, embodying these principles, though he cannot cxplain, in grammatical phrascology, the rule which he nevertheless practically comprehends, so, in these exercises, a previous knowledge of grammar is not required. Some simple Italian sentences, illustrating a certain grammatical principle, are set before the pupil, which, with the assistance of the Vocabulary, he can translate into English. Hic is then required to translate into Italian an English exercise, illustrating the same principle. This, being nothing more than what he did in childhood with his mother tongue, he will be rcadily enabled to do. Thus he is led to a practical acquaintance with the language, and an implicit perception of its rules, in a manner so simple, natural, and gradually progressive, that he soon loves the study in which he is engaged. A syllabus of grammatical forms, and an ainple explanation of grammatical princi- ples, with a constant reference to other languages, have been added, in order to enable the pupil, after he has gone through the exercises, to catalogue, and put into explicit grammatical phrascology, the information he has acquired. And, lastly, an etymo- logical vocabulary, and an historical account of the origin and characteristics of the Italian language are added, in order, among other reasons, to give the maturer student a notion of the mechanism of that wonderful instrument by which thought becomes communicable to others. 20 WALTON AND MABERLY'S LOCKE'S SYSTEM OF CLASSICAL INSTRUCTION. INTERLINEAR TRANSLATIONS. “ We do amiss to spend seren or eight years merely in scraping together so much miserablc Latin and Greek, as might be learned otherwise easily and delightfully in one year.”—Milton. This method is only a restoration of the excellent system of tuition advocated by Milton and Locke; practically established by Dean Colet, Erasmus, and Lily, at the foundation of St. Paul's School; and subsequently enjoined by authority of the State, to be adopted in all other public seminaries of learning throughout the kingdom. In fact, the system of providing the learner, in the first instance, with a translation, word for word, is but another form of the copious oral explanations which the old school- inasters used to give to their pupils as a preparation for each lcsson. After the pupil has, by means of the series of interlinear translations, furnished himself with a supply of words, with general notions of their modes of combination and transposition, and of their different meanings under different circumstances, the design of Locke's system is to let him go free from all such temporary helps; and, by independent exertion, discover for himself the meaning of his author. His time and labour are abridged at the beginning, merely to set him fairly forward on his way without perplexity and discouragement: WORKS ON THE SYSTEM, 1s. 6d. EACII. French. Phædrus's Fables of Æsop. Sismondi; tlic Battles of Cressy and Virgil's Ancid. Book I. Poictiers. Cæsar's Invasion of Britain. German. Stories from German Writers. Greek. Lucian's Dialogues. Selections. Also, to accompany the Latin and Greek Homer's Iliad. Book I. Series. Xenophon's Memorabilia. Book I. The London Latin Grammar. 12mo.ls.6d.. Herodotus's Historics. Selections. | The London Greek Grainmar. 12mo.ls.6d. Latin. MENTAL PHILOSOPHY. Principles of Psychology. By Sir George Ramsey, Bart., B.M. 8vo. 10s. 64. cloth. This work bas at least one claim to attention, that it is one of the very few works in our language which give a connected view of the whole of Pure Mental Philosophy. Even the great work of Locke barely touches upon that most interesting class of plic. nomena, the emotions. Dr. Brown's “ Lectures on the Philosophy of the Human Mind” is the only work in English, which now occurs to me, that treats of all thic mental phenomena. That a connected view of these phenomena is desirable, will not be disputed. Of course, morals are not comprehended in the subject; for these I must l'cfer to my“ Principles of Human Happiness and Duty.”—Preface. HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, AND LAW. History of England. By Sir E. S. Creasy, A.M., Emeritus Professor of History in University College, London. With Illustrations. 1 vol. small Svo. Uniform with Schmitz's “ History - of Rome" and Smith’s “ History of Greece." [Preparing DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. History of Rome, from the Earliest Times to the the High School of Edinburgh, Editor of “ Niebuhr's Lectures.” Twen- tieth Thousand. One Hundred Engravings. 12mo. 7s. 6d. cloth. The immense progress made in investigating Roman history and antiquities within the last thirty or forty years, having materially altered the whole complexion of that study, has rendered indispensable a new manual, for the use of schools, removing the old crrors and misconceptions which have long since been exposed and exploded by scholars. This compendium is designed to supply the want, by condensing and select- ing out of a voluminous mass of detail, that which is necessary to give rather a vivid picture of the leading epoclis of the history, than a minute narrative of the particulars recorded in the authorities. The author las availed himself of all the important works on the whole Roman history, or portions of it, which have appeared since Niebuhr gave a new life and new impulse to the subject. The period embraced by the work is from the earliest times to the death of Commodus, when the moral degradation of the empire reached its utmost limit. A copious table of chronology and indexes are added. The present edition is illustrated by very numerous engravings on wood of public buildings, statuary, and other remains of antiquity. Questions on Schmitz's History of Rome. By John ROBSON, B.A. 12mo. 2s. cloth. This book consists of several thousand questions, with indications of the pages where the answers are to be looked for. Every important circumstance mentioned in the history is involved in the questions, which are arranged, as far as possible, in a complete and uninterrupted series. The answers are not always obvious, the learner being occasionally expected to elicit them by drawing inferences from the facts stated in the history; and it is recommended that he shoulai be encouraged, in all cases, to give the answers rather in his own words than in those of the author. A Smaller History of Rome, for the Use of Schools. By Dr. WILLIAM Smitu. Many Illustrations. Icp. 8vo. 3s. 6d. cloth. History of Greece from the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest. With Supplementary Chapters on the History of Literature and Art. By WILLIAM SMITH, LL.D. New Edition. Illustrated by One Hundred Engravings on Wood. Large 12no. 7s. 6d. cloth. This work, intended principally for schools, differs from the old school histories of Greece in supplying the student, instead of a dry detail of events frequently unim- portant, with a vivid picture of the main facts of Grecian history, and of the leading characteristics of the political institutions, literature and art, of that people. The author aims at giving a clear and accurate account of the most recent results of antiquarian scholarship, narrating at length the more important events, and bringing out prominently the characters and lives of the great men of the Greek states. The history of literature and the arts is recorded at considerable length; so that the student may be made acquainted not only with the revolutions of communities, but with what is of much more intrinsic importance-the history of the production of the imperishable renains of ancient literary and artistic taste. Numerous pictorial illustrations are interspersed, consisting of plans of countries, cities, and battles: views of public buildings; and engravings of ancient sculptures and other authentic remains of antiquity. A Smaller History of Greece, for the Use of Schools. By Dr. WILLIAM SMITH, Many Illustrations. Fcp. 8vo. 38. 6d. cloth. 22 WALTON AND MABERLY'S Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. By various Writers. Edited by Dr. WILLIAM SMITH. Second Edition. Illustrated by several hundred Engravings on Wood. One thick volume, mediuín Svo. 21. 2s. cloth. This work, written by the cditor in conjunction with seventeen other gentlemen, embodies the results of the latest investigations of the distinguished German scholars whose labours, within the last half-century, have shed an entirely different light on the history, the private life, and the political relations of the Greeks and Romans. The names of the contributors are attached to their respective articles; and copious references to the original authorities are given, in order to adapt the work to the pur- poses of those who desire to extend their investigations on any particular topic. The dictionary is illustrated by numerous wood-cuts, made under the superintend- ence of the writers of the several articles. They are chiefly representations of costumes, weapons, ornaments, machines, implements, utensils, money, plans of buildings, and architectural embellishments. Subjoined are tables of Greek and Roman measures, weights, and money; with full indexes, Greek, Latin, and English. A more adequate notion of the variety of the topics of the work will be conceived from the following selection of generic heads, under each of which are comprised many particulars distributed in alphabetical order:- agriculture, architecture, arithmetic, armour, assemblics, astronomy, calendars, camps, classes, colonies, crimes, divisions of land, drama, dress, cngincering, engraving and chasing, entertainments, epochs and divisions of time, festivals, forms of government, furniture, Greek law, literature, machines, magistrates, manufactures, maritime affairs, mathematical geography, mea- sures, medicine, metals, military affairs, money, music, oracles, painting, priests, roads, Roman law, sacrifices, slaves, statuary, superstitions, temples, titles, tools, trades, vehicles and their parts, writing, and writing materials. A Smaller Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiqui- ties. Abridged from the larger Dictionary. By Dr. WILLIAH SMITH, New Edition. Crown 8vo. 7s. 6d. cloth. This work, intended to illustrate the classical authors usually read in schools, exhibits the results of the labours of modern scholars in the various subjects included under the general term of Greek and Roman antiquities. Such information, contained in the larger Dictionary of Antiquities, as is not suited to junior students, is here omitted; and whatever articles are susceptible of it have been illustrated by wood-cuts from ancient works of art. The book, however, is designed not only for school use, but for the general English needs information on points connected with Greek and Roman antiquities. The wood-cuts are calculated to give a correct idea of the numerous objccts described, of which but a vague notion could be conceived from the most minute verbal description; and these cuts have the advantage of authenticity, being taken exclusively from ancient inscriptions, paiutings on vases, gems, coins, and pictures found at Pompeii, as well as from actual relics of antiquity still existing. The pupil thus acquires a knowledge of the forms of the various kinds of ancient armour and weapons, instruments of music, apparatus for cooking and banqueting, articles of dress, plans of houses, etc. The appendix consists of extensive tables of Greek and Roman coins, weights and measures; the ycars corresponding to the Olympiads, the calendar, etc. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. Edited by WILLIAM SAATH, LL.D. Mediuni 8vo. Illus- trated by numerous Engravings on Wood. Complete in Three Volumes, Svo. 51. 155. 6d. cloth, or separately. Vol. I., 11. 16s. cloth lettered Vol. II., 1l. 16s. cloth. Vol. III., completing the Work, 21. 3s. 6d. cloth. Tre period comprehended in this history of remarkable individuals, rcal or ideal, is from the earliest times to the fall of the Eastern Empire, in 1453. It contains full DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 23 histories of the lives of all personages, either distinguished as influencing the destinies of nations, or emineüt in literature, science, philosophy, theology, or the arts. The work is the result of the joint labours of twenty-nine writers, whose names are attached to their respective articles—the divisions of subjects having been severally allotted to such of the contributors as had made them more or less their peculiar study. The biographies are not exclusively classical, but embrace the wider field of literature in general. Copious accounts are given of the writings of mathematicians, jurists, physicians, historians, poets, philosophers, and orators. The Latin and Greek Christian fathers also occupy considcrable space; and the lives of painters, sculptors, and architects, contain details, useful to the artist, of all thcir works still extant, or of which there is any record in ancient writers. In fact, the work exhibits a view of the whole circle of ancient history - and literature for upwards of two thousand y cars. All the articles are founded on an cxamination of the primary sources of information, and of the best and latest modern authorities; foreign and English; and are embellished, whenever possible, by wood- cuts, taken from ancient coins. Extensive chronological tables of Greek and Roman history are added; and a table exhibiting at a glance the year B.C. or A.D correspond- ing to any given A.U.C. or Olympiac. A Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology, and Geography. Partly based on the “ Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology.” By Dr: WILLIAM Smith, Third Edition. With 750 Illustrations. 8vo. 18s. cloth. The old Classical Dictionaries having become obsolete, from the vastly increased information which the researches of modern scholars have attained on historical subjects, this Dictionary is presented to the student as embodying the accurate parti- culars which recent discoveries have arrived at, respecting the manncrs, customs, history, and literature of antiquity. The work contains articles on the most important names, Biographical, Mythological, and Geographical, occurring in the Greek and Roman classics. The Biographical portion comprehends the departments of History, of Literature, and of Art. All names of note are included, up to A.D. 476, and a few remarkable oncs beyond that epoch. The Literary articles occupy considerable space, and embrace all Greek and Roman writers whose works either are extant, or, though lost, bave exercised an important influence on learning. The best moderni cditions of the works of the several authors are indicated at the end of the articles relating to them. The history of Ancient Art has also a large space devoted to it. In the Mythological articles, care has been taken to exclude all indelicate allusions; and the Greek and Roman Mythology are kept distinct, by treating separately of the Greek divinities under their Greck names, and the Roman under their Roman names- a method adopted by modern authorities, both here and on the continent, and calcu- lated to remove and prevent many errors and misconceptions. In the Geographical portion have been embodied all the latest discov eries of tra- vellers relating to the identification of modern localities with ancient sites. The work will also be found of great 11se to Biblical Students, in elucidating points connected with the Gcography of the Scriptures, and explaining the numerous allu- sions to classical subjects contained in the Sacred Writers. The present (Third) Edition has been revised, and Illustrations have been inserted for the first time. These illustrations, which exceed 750 in number, have reference to the Mythological, Biographical, and Geographical articles, and will, it is believed, add considerably to the value and usefulness of the work. The Mythological illustrations, taken from ancient works of art, give nuinerous representations of the Greek and Roman divinities, with their various attributes, of the most celebrated heroes, and of other mythical beings. The Biographical illustrations consist of coins drawn from originals in the British Museum, and exhibit a complete series of the rulers of the chief nations of antiquity, such as the Roman emperors from Augustus to the last emperor of the West, the monarchs of the Greck kingdoms founded by the successors of Alexander, and various others. The Geographical illustrations contain, in addition to coins of the more important places, representations of public buildings and of other apcient monuments. 24 WALTON AND MABERLY'S A Smaller Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mytho- logy, and Geography. Abridged from the larger Dictionary. Illus- trated by 200 Engravings on Wood. By Dr. Wo. Smith. New Edition. Crown 8vo. 7$. 6d. cloth. This work is designed for junior students, and contains so much of the subjects of the larger Classical Dictionary as is ncccssary for understanding the Greek and Roman Classics generally read in schools. It is more adapted, in size as well as in price, to younger pupils; and, for their benefit, not only has the quantity of the syllables of each name been carefully marked, but the genitive cases have been inserted. A new and pleasing feature is introduced into this volume, viz., the illustration of the Mythological articles, by drawings from ancient works of art. These will give the young beginner a more vivid and adequate conception of the symbols and figures typical of the deities and heroes, than he could possibly obtain in any other manner; and will thus cnlist his interest in the objects of ancient Greek and Roman worship. - A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography By various Writers. Edited by Dr. WILLIAM SMITII. Illustrated with Woodcuts of Coins, Plans of Cities, ctc. Two Volumes Medium Svo. £4 cloth lettered. Vol. I., 30s. cloth. Vol. II., £2 4s. cloth lettered. The present “ Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography” forms a companion volume to the two Works which have preceded it. Although, for the sake of uni- formity, it is called a Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography, it is in reality a Dictionary of Ancient Geography, not even excluding Scriptural names. The materials for such a work are very extensive, and have been for inany years accumu- lating; and it has been the aim of the Editor to present, in a form adapted to the use of students, the researches of modern scholars, and the discoveries of modern tra- vellers, in this important branch of Classical Antiquity. The work is, of course, not confined to a barren description of the geography of countries and of the sites of places; but it also includes an account of the political history both of countries and of cities. A Dictionary of the Bible, including Antiquities, Biography, and Geography. By various Writers. Edited by Dr. Wil- LIAM Sortir. Uniform with the "Dictionaries of Greek and Roman Anti- quities, Biography, and Geography." Woodcuts. 2 Vols. medium Svo. Vol. I. 21. 2s. cloth. (See page 26.) The History of Rome. By B. G. Niebuhr. From the earliest times to the First Punic War. Fourth Edition. Translated by BISHOP THIRLWALL, ARCUIDEACON Hare, Dr. Suitir, and Dr. SCHMITZ. Three Vols. Svo. ll. 16s. The great work of Niebuhr stands unrivalled among all ancient and modern histories of the Roman people, for the extent and profundity of the investigations on which it is founded, and for the singular vigour of mind by which the author clicits a true narrative of events from the masses of fable, contradiction and absurdity, under which it lay buried till his timc. These qualities, universally acknowledged, have made the publication of his rescarches an cra in classical Icarning, from which is to be dated a habit of looking at the events of antiquity in an independent spirit, instead of assent ing, without inquiry, to the statements and conclusions of native or foreign compilers. The history of the first five centuries of the city is examined with searching criticism, for the purpose of severing the poetical ingredients from traditions which are histori- cally sure and well grounded. The author does not content himself with detailing the results he has arrived at, but gives at full length the researches themselves which led to DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 25 them ; so that the reader, who devotes adequate "study to this profound work, will not only acquire sounder views of Roman history than could be derived from any other source whatever, but will acquire a knowledge of the critical methods - by which the haze of remote antiquity has been so happily penetrated. " It is a work," says the Edinburgh Review, “ which, of all that have appeared in our age, is the best fitted to excite men of learning to intellectual activity; from which the most accomplished scholar may gather fresh stores of knowledge; to which the most experienced politician may resort for theorctical and practical instruction ; and which no person can rcad, as it ought to be read, without feeling the better and more generous sentiments of his common human nature onlivened and strengthened.” Lectures on the History of Rome. By B. G. Niebuhr. From the earliest times to the First Punic War. Edited by Dr. SCHMITZ. Third Edition. Svo. 88. *** This Volume embraces the same period as the Three Volumes of the History. The Odes of Horace, Translated into Un-rhymed Metres, with Introduction and Notes. By Francis W. NEWMAN, Profes- sor of Latin in University College, London. Crown. 8vo. 5s. cloth. This is a translation of the Odes of Horace into metrical lines, not rhymed, nor reduced to ordinary English measures; but so constructed as to represent, in the author's judgment, the spirit and cadence of Latin Song. Each species of Horatian mctre is rendered into a distinct kind of English stanza, which is its uniform repre- sentative in this volume; but the original Latin metres are not imitated. The translation is intended to give the English leader, unacquainted with ancient languages and literature, an idea of the nature of Horatian poetry; and this object is further promoted by very numerous notes relating to geography, history, mythology; in short, to whatever is subsidiary to a full understanding of the men and times which form the subjects of the Odes. The mere literary student will also find here much information respecting Horace's personal history, the truc succession of his composi- tions, and the nature of his versification. While the translator professes to write for the unlearned English reader, he expects to be judged by classical scholars in respect to correctness and fidelity. All passages of objectionable morality are left untranslated. The Iliad of Homer, Faithfully translated into Un- rhymed Metre. By Francis W. NEWMAN, Professor of Latin in Uni- versity College, London. lvol. crown. Svo. 6s. 6d. cloth. Tue Author of this Metrical Version of the Iliad has rejected rhyme as incompatible with faithfulness of translation, and blank heroic versc as requiring a uniforın elevation unsuited to the Ballad style of Homer, which, oftcn quaint, is sometimes even coarse, and by no means always lofty and dignified. He has adopted a metrc of clic same genius as the old English ballad, and identical with the modern Greek cpic, as best capable of representing in an English dress every peculiarity of the original. Thc Homeric dialect being essentially archaic, the translator sometiines avails liim- self of antiquated Saxon words, and restores a Saxo-Norman structure of sentences, which, though old-fashioned, is intelligible and expressive. Although aildressed solely to the English reader, in the hope of giving him a more adequate idea of the genius and style of Homer, the translation may not be wholly useless to the learner in Greck, since it is gencrally far more literal than the current translations of Greek prose writers. SPECIMEN. Along with them unwilling went the woman; but Achilles Afar from his companions sat in loneliness and weeping, On shingles of tlie hoary brine, sit depths of purple gazing. 26 WALTON AND MABERLY'S A Numismatic Manual: or, Guide to the Collection and Study of Greek, Roman, and English Coins. Illustrated by En- gravings of many hundred types, by means of which even imperfect and obliterated pieces may be easily deciphered. By J. Y. AKERMAN, F.S.A. Svo. 21s. cloth. This work is divided into Five Parts. The First Part contains, together with clemen- tary observations, a geographical classification according to Ecklel, of the Greek Coins of Cities and Princes, including those struck by various states while under the Roman dominion. The Second Part treats of Roman Coins, and furnishes an accurate list of the Con- sular and Imperial Series, preceded by a concise introduction. The Third Part comprises a summary account of our English Coinage, and a list of all the most remarkable examples. and thc Fiſth contains brief notices of Irish and Scotch Coins. Elements of Jurisprudence. By Charles Jas. Foster, . M.A., LL.D., Professor of Jurisprudence in University College, London. Crown 8vo. 5s. cloth. In these lectures the author seeks to define the province of Jurisprudence, and to establish the principles and axioms on which law, considered as a science, ought to be based. In the earlier lectures, he treats of the relations of Jurisprudence to the kin- dred sciences of Metaphysics, Ethics, Theology, Political Economy, and Political Philosophy. He proceeds to examine various definitions of Duty, and to weigh the opinions of Grotius, Puffendorf, Samuel Clarke, and others, on the fundamental prin- ciple of Morals and Law. Then, considering the elements of Morals and Jurisprudence susceptible of as rigorous a statement as the truths of Mathematics, he lays down postulates and axioins, leading to the determination of the limits which separate Morals and Legislation, and to the conclusion that the combination of the idea of Force with that of Duty, forms the distinguishing basis of Jurisprudence. Thc fifth Lecture traces the three stages of Social Development, in the Family, tlie Tribe, and the Nation; and examines the question, “By wlion is the right of Force to be exercised ?” The concluding Lecture contains definitions, and the leading divisions of the subjcct. The general object of the author in thcsc discourses is not the actual construction of a Science of Law, but only to establish the foundations upon which lie considers such construction must be raised; and, at the close of the volume, are collected, in a summary, the enunciations of the propositions established in the course of the work as “Bases for a Science of Law.” BIBLICAL ILLUSTRATION. The Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance of the Old Testament. Being an attempt at a Verbal Connexion between the Original and the English Translation. With Indexes, a List of Proper Names and their Occurrences, &c. Second Edition, revised. 2 vols. royal 8vo. 31. 138. 6d. (See page 15.) - The Englishman's Greek Concordance of the New Testament. Being an attempt at a Verbal Connexion between the Greek Original and the English Translation. Uniform with the Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance. Third Edition, revised. Royal 8vo. 21. 2s. (See page 6.) DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. . A Dictionary of the Bible, including Antiquities, Biography, and Geography. By various Writers. Edited by Dr. WILLIAM Siri. Uniform with the “ Dictionaries of Greek and Roman Antiquities, Biography, and Geograplıy." Woodcuts. Two Vols. medium Svo. Vol. 1. 21. 2s. List of Writers. ALFORD, Rev. HENRY, D.D., Howson, Rev. J. S., M.A.,' Dean of Canterbury. Principal of the Collegiate Inst., Liverpool. BAILEY, Rev. H., M.A., HUXTABLL, Ruv. Edgar, M.A., Warden of St. Augustine's, Canterbury. Prebendary of Wells. BARRY, REV. A., M.A., LAYARD, AUSTEN H., Esq., D.C.L. Head Master of the Granımar School, Leeds. LEATIES, REV. STANLEY, M.A., BEVAN, Rev. W. L., M.A., Jesus' College, Cambridge. Vicar of Hay, Brecknockshire. MARKS, Rev. D. W., Brown, Rev. T. E., M.A., Prof. of Hebrew in University Coll., London. Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. MEYRİCK, Rev. T., M.A., BROWNE, REV. R. W., M.A., One of H.M. Inspectors of Schools. . Prof. of Class. Lit., King's College, London. URGER, Roy. E. R., M.A., BULLOCK, Rev. W. T., M.A., Fellow of St. Augustine's Coll., Canterbury. Sec. Soc. for Propag. Gospel in For. Parts. PEROWNE, Rev. J. J. S., B.D., COXANT, T. J., D.D., Heb. and Dir. Lcct. in King's Coll., London. · Professor of Sacred Literature, Brooklyn, PEROWNE, Rey. T. T., M.A., New York, Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. COTTON, RIGit Rev. G. E. L., D.D., PLUMPTRE, Rev. E. H., M.A., LORD Bisuop or CALCUTTA. Prof.of Pastoral Theology, King's Coll., Lond. CLARK, Rev. SAMUEL, M.A., PHILLOTT, Rev. H. W., M.A., Principal of the Training College, Battersca. Late Student of Christchurch. COOK, REV. F. C., M.A., POOLE, E. STANLEY, Esq., One of H.M.'s Inspectors of Schools. Pooli, R. STUART, Esq., Dayirs, Rev. J., Ll., M.A., British Museum. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. PORTER, REV. J. L., M.A., DRAKE, Rev. WilLIAN, M.A., Author of “ Handbook of the Holy Land.” Late Fellow of St. John's Coll., Cambridge. PRITCHARD, Rev. C., M.A., ELLICOTT, Rev. C. J., B.D., Head Master of the Gram. School, Clapham. Professor of Divinity, King's Coll., London. RAWLINSON, Rev. G., M.A., EcWix, Rev. WHITWELL, B.A., Late Fellow and Tutor of Ex. Coll., Oxford Rector of Booton, Norfolk. ROSE, REV. H. J., B.D., TARRAR, REV. F. W., M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Late Fellow of St. John's Coll., Cambridge. SELWYN, Rev. WILLIAM, D.D., FELTON, C. C., LL.D. Professor of Greek Literature, in Harvard Margaret Professor of Divinity, Cambridge. University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. SMITH, WILLIAM LL.D. (Editor). FERGUSOY, JAVIES, Esq., F.R.A.S. SAITII, D. T., D.D., FrOULKES, EDMUND S., M.A. Professor of Sacred Literature, Bangor, GOTch, Rev. F. W., M.A., Massachusetts. Scriptural Examiner in Univ. of London. STANLEY, REV. ARTHUR P., D.D., GROVE, GEORGE, Esq., Sydenham. Regius Prof. of Ecclcs, History, Oxford. HACKET, H. B., D., D. STOWE, CALVIN E., D.D., Professor of 'Biblical Literature, Newton, Professor of Sacred Literature; Ancorer Vassachusetts. Massachusetts. HAWKINS, Rev. ERNEST, B.D., TIIOMPSON. J. P., D.D., New York. Prebendary of St. Paul's, and Sec. of the So Tironson, Rev. WILLIAM, D.D., ciety for Propag. Gospel in Foreign Parts. Provost of Queen's College, Oxford. HAYDAN, Rev. HENRY, M.A., VENABLES, Roy. EDMUND, M.A.. Late Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford. Bonchurch, Isle of Wight. Hervey, Hon. and Rev. LORD ARTHUR, WESTCOTT, Rev. B. T., M.A., M.A. Late Fellow of Trinity Coll., Cambridge. HESSEY, REV. JAMES A., D.C.L., WRIGHT, WILLIAM, Esq., M.A., Head Master of Merchant Taylors' School. Trinity College, Cambridge. 28 WALTON AND MABERLY'S The New Testament Quotations, Collated with the Scriptures of the Old Testament in the original Hebrew, and the Version of the LXX.; and with the other writings, Apocryphal, Talmu. dic, and Classical, cited or alleged so to be. With Notes and a complete Index. By Henry Gough, Svo. 7s. Od. This Volume is intended to present a completc arrangement, in parallel columns, of the very numerous quotations from the Hebrew Bible and from the Septuagint, contained in the Greek Tcstament. The Hebrew texts and the Greek of the New Testament are accompanied by the Authorised English Version, and the passages from the Septuagint-which are given in the Vatican text-by an original translation. It is belicved that this work contains the first arrangement of all the passages of the New Testament entitled to be regarded as citations, whether from Moses and the Prophets or from profanc writers. The author understands by the term “ Quotations” not only the direct and formal extracts from pre-existing writings, but likewise pas- sages which are substantially quotations, though not so in form. The matter is ranged under four heads: (1) Quotations from the Old Testament. (2) alleged quotations from Apocryphal books; (3) from ancient Jewish writing ; and (4) from Greek Poets, etc. Thc uses of the work may be briefly stated thus:- 1. As affording conclusive evidence of the genuineness and inspiration of the Scriptures; 2. As illustrating the condition of the original text; 3. As explaining ancient types, histories, and predictions; 4. As sometimes supplying, by the comparison of a quotation with the original passage and its context, å demonstration of the truth of some great article of faith ; 5. As supplying an indispensable link between the Old Testament and the New and as often throwing inuch light upon many passages and texts from the comparison of parallels and contexts. PURE MATHEMATICS, Elements of Arithmetic By Augustus De Morgan, Professor of Mathematics in University College, London. Fifteenth Thousand. Royal 12mo. 58. cloth. Tuis treatise is designed for teaching Arithmetic as a part of mathematical science, and not as a mechanical art. The first part contains the Principles of Arithmetic, in which the fundamental processes are fully explained, as well as the doctrine of ratios, proportions, progressions, and combinations. The student is introduced from the beginning to algebraical notation, and is thus prepared for entering on algebra. The second part consists of the principal rules of commercial arithmetic, which are followed by twelve appendixes, of which eleven appear for the first time in this edition. This supplementary matter contains, among other things, information on “Scales of Notation;" on “Decimal Money,” in which rules are given which confer on the learner the greater part of the advantages of calculation to be derived from a decimal coinage; on "the main Principle of Book-keeping"; on “some general Properties of Numbers”; and on “Horner's Method of solving Equations.” The last subject is explained at considerable length, numerous instances with answers being given in order to make the student well acquainted with this useful process. Trigonometry and Double Algebra. By Professor DE MORGAN, Royal 12.no. 7s. 6d. cloth. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 29 Arithmetical Books and Authors. From the Inven- tion of Printing to the Present time; being Brief Notices of a large Number of Works drawn up from Actual Inspection. By PROFESSOR De Morgan. Royal 12mo. 2s. 6d. cloth. “A great number of persons are cmployed in teaching Arithmetic in the United Kingdom. In publishing this work, I have the hope of placing before many of them more materials for the prevention of inaccurate knowledge of the literatilic of their science than they have hitherto becn able to command, without both expense and research.”—Preface. A Course of Arithmetic, as taught in the Pestalozzian School, Worksop. By J. L. ELLENBERGER. Post Sro. 58. cloth. Tic method of advancing from the casy to the difficult, by steps as simple and in- tclligible as possible, is the principle on which this Arithmetic has been constructed. Each truth to which the pupil is introduced, is confirmed in his minc.by copious expla- nations and numerous cxamples, before he is permitted to allvance to more complicated reasonings. No rule is used by the learner until his understanding las assented to its correctness; so that liis powers of cxact reasoning are developed, and the pernicious habit of working on arbitrary rules, without examining into their foundations, is avoided. This work not only embraces the earliest rudiments, but ranges over all the subjects usually found in arithmetical treatises; the commercial applications of arithmetic being trcated at length, as well as the principles of the science. The examples which abundantly illustrate cach rule, have been carefully selected with the view of exciting the pupil's interest by their familiar and useful nature, at the same time that they are calculated to instruct him in many of the truths of Mechanics, Chemistry, and other important sciences. *** The Answers to the Questions in this Volunie are now ready, price 1s. 6d. Mathematical Examples: a Graduated Series of Elementary Examples in Arithmetic, Algebra, Logarithms, Trigono- metry, and Mechanics. By SAMUEL NEWTH, M.A., Fellow of University College, London. Crown Svo. Ss. 6d. cloth. Sold separately, without the Answers. Arithmetical Examples. Crown 8vo., , Trigonometrical Examples, including Ex- 2s.6d, cloth. amples in the Use and Theory of Logarithms. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d. cloth. Algebraical Examples. Crown 8vo., Mechanical Examples. Crown Svo.. 2.s. 6d. cloth. 2s.6d. cloth. “ This work may be used as supplementary to any of the usual text books. In cases where no text book is iised, and the teacher prefers to give his own demonstrations, the present volume will supply a convenient sct of exercises for the practicc of the class in the principles and processes previously explained to tlıcm. “ The subjects included in it are those which ordinarily enter into an clementary course of mathematics. If in a few instances, subjects bcyond these limits have been admitted, as, for instance, the Method of Finite Differences, and the Method of Deri- vation, it has been done from a conviction that these would with advantage be intro- duced into elementary works. “ The answers have all been compared with the printed sheets, and it is hoped but few errors have escaped detection. “For use in Schools, the several parts of the work are published separately, and without answers.”—Preface. The First Book of Euclid. Explained to Beginners. By C. P. MASON, B.A. Fcap. 8vo. ls. 9d. “In the present treatise, I have endeavoured to put the various demonstrations into such a form as I think would be given to them by an intelligent teacher, and to supply 30 WALTON AND MABERLY'S those remarks and cautions which experience shows to be generally necessary.”— From the Preface. Lessons on Form; or, An Introduction to Geometry, as given in a Pestalozzian School, Cheam, Surrey. By CHARLES REINER. 12mo., with numerous Diagrams. 3s. 60. cloth. This work is intended for those who are desirous of teaching the elements of Gen- metry according to the method of Pestalozzi. The principles upon which that method is based, are set forth succinctly, but in a lucid manner, in the Preface to the work written by the late Dr. Mayo. It is arranged in lessons in the conversational form; this having been considered the best mode of illustrating the manner which a judicious Teacher should employ in developing the first notions of Form. Accordingly the introductory lessons commenco with an examination and description of the regular bodics, the prism, the pyramid, the sphere and the conc-the results are clear ideas of form, adequate expressions for those ideas, and sound knowledge of the definitions which constitute the connecting link between physical and abstract truths. But the “Lessons on Form” are likewise intended to lay the foundation of an Intro- duction to Geometry, and the further development of abstract reasoning. Thc sub- sequent pages furnish materials for that purpose: the consideration of the various combinations of two, three, four and more straight lines and circles gradually but consciously lead the pupils to acquire the habit of patient investigation, of original reasoning and independent judgment; thus practically applying to themselves an obscrvation made by Bacon, that a man really possesses only that knowledge which he in some sort creates for himself. Lessons on Number, as given in a Pestalozzian School at Cheam, Surrey. By CHARLES REINER. The Master's Manual. New Edition. 12mo. cloth, 58. The Scholar's Praxis. 12mo. 2s. bound. This work is intended for the guidance of the Teacher in conducting the young mind from the first idea of numbers to tlic varîous combinations and decoinpositions of them which form the Rules of Arithmetic. The principle employed by Pestalozzi, of build- ing up the pupil's knowledge by a scries of oral questions, leading by the easiest possi- ble gradation from the simple to the complex, is here applied to Arithmetic; and minute instructions are given to the teacher as to the kind of questions to be put at cach stage of the process. In addition to the Teacher's questions, the pupils thein- sclvcs, at the end of cach lesson, put questions to the class: so that thcir minds arc excrcised not only in answering, but in framing questions. Thc Teacher proceeds slowly, dwelling on each particular, until the pupils have acquired sufficient facility; and, whenever possible, leads them to discover for themsclves the next step to be taken. The lcarner's interest in the subject is thus awakened. All mechanical procedure is obviated by putting him through a complete mental course, in cach rule, before per- until he not only thoroughly understands the principles wbich have gone before, but has acquire practical readiness in applying them. The SCIIOLAR's Praxis is a Companion to the MASTER'S MANUAL, and contains a Collection of Examples in the first four rulcs, in fractions, proportions, progressions, etc. The answere are given only in the “ Manual." The Difficulties of Elementary Geometry, especially those which concern the Straight-line, the Plane, and the Theory of Parallels. By F. W. NEWMAN, Professor of Latin in University College, London. 8vo. cloth, 5s. Tuis treatise is intended to make students of Geometry acquainted with difficulties of which, in studying Enclid, they are frequently unconscious; to give an enlarged view of the nature of the science, in order to prepare the mind for the higher Mathematics; and to devclop the author's pcculiar methods of treating some fundamental definitions, principles, and theorems. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 31 Tables of Logarithms Common and Trigonometrical to Five Places. Under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Fscp. 8vo. 18. 6d. This is a reprint of Lalande's tables of Logarithms, with some additions. The first part of the book contains the Logarithms of the numbers from 1 to 10,000, calculated to five places of decimals, with a column of differences, with this variation from Lalande, that the index or characteristic of the Logarithm is omitted as a worse than useless incumbrance; the decimal point, however, being retained before the mantissa (contrary to the usual practice) in order to make the distinction more marked between the column of Logarithms and that of numbers. The second part contains the Logarithms of the trigonometrical ratios to every minute of the quadrant; the characteristic, whether positive or negative, being always increased by ten for the sake of uniformity, whereas the Logarithms are so augmented in Lalande's tables only in casc of negativc indices. The tables in this pocket volume, which has been stereotyped after elaborate precau- tions against error. are sufficiently extensive for most ordinary or practical purposes ; and to both its divisions are subjoined minor tables, useful in several cases where more minute accuracy is required in the results of calculations. At the close of the book is a table of the most useful Constants relating to mensura- tion, trigonometry, astronomy, etc., including the numbers necessary for the exact reduction of the modern French decimal system of weights, measures, and degrees, to the English equivalents, and vice versa. Barlow's Tables of Squares, Cubes, Square Roots, Cube Roots, and Reciprocals of all Integer Numbers up to 10,000. Stereotype Edition, examined and corrected. Under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Royal 12mo. Ss. cloth. ALL who have been much engaged in computation, either as students or professional computers, are aware of the frequent necessity for effecting the operations of involu- tion and evolution; and of the loss of time and risk of crror attendant, particularly, on the extraction of cube or even square roots to a few places of decimals. The purely mechanical work of performing long multiplications and extractions of roots is in most cases a waste of labour, or misdirection or attention, which it is desirable by all possible means to abridge or remove. The use of Logarithms, while still leaving the liability to crror, only abridges the task; thesc tables, as far as they extend, remove it altogether. They also give exact results in many instances where Logarithmic com- putation produces only an approximation. The square and cube roots of all whole numbers up to 10,000 are given to seren places of decimals; and the reciprocals of the natural numbers, or the results of the division of unity by each of them, are calculated to either ten, or at least nine, decimal places. Besides, the columns of squares and cubes enable the computer to deterniine, on inspection, the nearest integer square root of any number containing not more than cight digits; or cube root of a number up to twelve digits inclusive: so that the extent of the tables is vastly greater than is immediately apparent from their title. It may be observed, that the tables furnish an exhaustless collection of examples accompanied by their answers or key, for teaching the rules of multiplication, division, squaring and cubing numbers, and the corresponding evolutions. ** They will be found useful to the more scientific class of Engineers and Surveyors, for immediately obtaining results which are now usually got by Logarithmic calcula- tion, or the sliding rule; to actuaries (in the table of Reciprocals): to schoolmasters, for obtaining examples of the ordinary rules of Arithmetic; to all, in fact, who are calcu- lators by choice or necessity, though of course to some more than to others.”—Preface. WALTON AND MABERLY'S MIXED MATHEMATICS. An Elementary Treatise on Mechanics, for the Use of the Junior University Students. By RICHARD POTTER, A.M., late Fellow of Queen's College, Cambridge, Professor of Natural Philosophy in University College, London. Fourth Edition. 8vo., with numerous - Diagrams. Ss. 6d. cloth. Tuis work, the subject-matter of wlich is trcated according to the modern method of teaching mechanics, is adapted to students commencing natural philosophy, and may bc mastered by those who are modcratcly acquainted with algebra, geometry, and planc trigonometry. The propositions are demonstrated analytically; and, at the closc of cach section, examples are given, with the view of preparing the student for applying the general analytical methods, of which he is put in possession, to the solution of the new problems which he may meet with, relating to the different departments of the subject. The work thus forms an advantageous introduction to more profound inves- Although the term “ mechanics," in its wider sense, comprehends hydrostatics and hydroclynamics, in this work statics and dynamics alone are presented to the acader, as being its more elementary subdivisions. All the fundamental formulæ of those sciences arc proved and illustrated. In statics, after the composition and resolution of forces, the learner is made acquainted with the theory of statical couples, the properties of the centre of gravity, the mechanical powers and thcir combinations, the application of the principle of virtual velocities to the mechanical powers, and the laws of friction. In dynamics, thc parallelogram of vclocities is demonstrated, and the theory of impact of accelerating forces, projectiles, and constrained motion-the latter including the cycloidal pendulum, and a problem on railway curves. An Elementary Treatise on Optics. Part I. By Pro- ſessor POTTER. Containing all the requisite Propositions carried to First Approximations, with the construction of Optical Instruments for the Use of Junior University Students. Second Edition. Svo. 9s, 6d. cloth, Tue object of the author is to divide geometrical optics into two parts, of which this trcatisc forms the first. Its subject comprehends the essential propositions of the science, and their application to the theory of optical instruments and the structure of the eye, presented in an elementary form (with examples for exercise), so as to be attainable by students not very far advanced in mathematics. The higher parts, requiring the knowledge of the differential calculus, are rcserved for another work. After laying down the general laws of reflection and refraction, and cxplaining the construction of photometers, the author proceeds to the reflection of light by plain and curved mirrors; the refraction of light at curved surfaces, the properties of lenses, and the formation of images, chromatics, or the analysis of solar light, and the nature of achromatic glasses; and the structure, power, and defects of the eye. The work con- cludes with a full account of the different forms of telescopes and microscopes (in- cluding the solar, oxy-hydrogen and lucernal microscopes), and the construction of various other optical instruments ; among others, Hadlcy's sextant, the optical squarc, the screw micrometer, and Wollaston's doublct and goniometer. The camera obscura and its use in photography arc also explained. An Elementary Treatise on Optics. Part II. By Pro- fessor POTTER. Containing the Higher Propositions, with their applica- cation to the more perfect forms of Instruments. 8vo. 128, 6d. Tus volume contains the discussions of direct and oblique pencils to the higher approximations according to previously known methods. Also new discussions of the aberrations of oblique pencils and the forms of the images produced; together with the application to the theory of Optical Instruments. Many other new investigations will be found in the volumc. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 33 Physical Optics; or, the Nature and Properties of Light. A Descriptive and Experimental Treatise. By RICHARD POTTER, A.M., Professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy in University College, London. 100 Illustrations. 8vo. 6s. 6d. " It has been the Author's object to supply the want of a descriptive, experimental, and popular trentisc on Plıysical Optics, and to point out the bearing of the different results upon the nature and properties of Light. "Hc feels that he need not apologize to the scientific world for describing the most homely contrivances for experiments, knowing that, with sinple and inexpensive apparatus, the most important discoveries have been made and will continue to be made, in this science." PREFACE. Introduction). Un the Interference Colouring of thin Plates. On Double Refraction. On Interference ncar a Caustic. On the Polarization of Light. On the Interference of Polarized Light. On tlic Interference of Light. On Interference with largc Retardation. On the Diffraction of Light. On Phosphorescence and Photometry. Elements of Mechanics, including Hydrostatics, with numerous Examples. By SAMUEL NEWTH, M.A., Fellow of University College, London, Third Edition, revised and enlarged. Small Svo. Ss. 6d, cloth. This treatisc has especial reference to the cxaminations for Matriculation and for Degrces in the University of London. It is divided into two sections; of which the first comprehends the minimum of knowledge required for passing as B.A.; and the second embraces sufficient for the student who desires honours at Matriculation. This is a strictly mathcmatical treatise on the Elements of Mechanics and Hydro- statics; but the first part is so arranged as to be understood by students wlio are acquainted with Euclid as far as the carlier Propositions of the Sixth Book, and with Quadratic Equations-besides, of course, the earlier formula of Trigonometry. The subsequent part carries on the screral subjects to the point at which a knowledge of the Differential Calculus is necessary before further progress can be made. The more important principles are accompanied by illustrations, worked out at length; and the discussion of each subject is followed by a serics of examples for exercise. A First Book of Natural Philosophy; or an Introduc- tion to the Study of Statics, Dynamics, Hydrostatics, and Optics, with numerous Examples. By SADIUEL NEWTH, M.A., Fellow of Univer- sity College, London, New Edition. 12mo. 38. 6d, cloth. As the author's larger work on these subjects is designed for students for honours at Matriculation, so this book is intended for those who wish merely to pass that exami- nation creditably. It may be understood by learners whose knowledge does not extend beyond the First Book of Euclid, if they know also the first clements of Arithmetic and Algcbia. The subjects treated of are, in Mechanics, the Centre of Gravity, the Mechanical Powers, thc Laws of Motion, and the Motion of Falling Bodies; in Hydrostatics, the Fundamental Properties of Fluids, Specific Gravity, and Atmospheric Pressure. To those arc added sections on the Properties of Lighi and Sound. Each chapter contains a variety of familiar illustrations of the first principles; and, at the conclusion, a copious praxis of examples, all of which the student is strongly recommended to work, in order to secure the knowledge obtained by studying tlic text, and to attain the power of making it available in easy applications. To persons studying without a view to a collegiate course, this little work will be found useful, as combining Mathematics, with their earlicst and most important applications. Geometry and Natural Philosophy, thus pursued together, help each other: the former supplying the instrument of reasoning, and the latter convincing the learner of the utility of his abstract studies. A Mathematical Course for the University of London, By THOMAS KIMBEN, M.A. Second'Issue, carefully revised, with a New Appendix. Svo. 10s. Tuis volume contains an outline of the subjects included in the regulations of the Senate, and thic Questions asked at the Matriculation, and the B.A. Pass Examinations; with Solutions of the Mathematical Papers in these Examinations, from tlie foundation of the University to the present year. 34 WALTON AND MABERLY'S . W NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, ASTRONOMY, &c. Dr. LARDNER'S MUSEUM of SCIENCE and ART 1224 Illustrations. Tae purpose of the publishers of this series has been to supply a collection of instruc- tive Articles composed in a popular and amusing style, and in easy language, on the leading discoveries in the physical sciences, and on their most iniportant ani interesting applications to the arts which contribute to the convenience and ornament of life. Such papers may be read with pleasure even by those who have been disciplined in the study of the sciences. Many interesting details and incidents usually excluded from systematic treatises, are suitably placed among such illus- trations. Persons, whose occupations exclude the possibility of systematic study, will thus be enabled to collect, without the expenditure of more time and thought than they can easily spare, the flowers and the fruits of the garden of knowledge, and may in their hours of leisure obtain a considerable amount of information on subjects of the highest interest. The work is thickly interspersed with woodcuts, representing the details of machi- nery and scientific apparatus, the appearances of celestial objects as presented in the field of the telescope, and other natural objects best conceived from pictorial illustrations. Complete in 12 Single Volumes, 18s., ornamental boards, or 6 Double Ones, £1. 1s., cloth lettered; also, handsomely half-bound morocco, £l lls. 6d. Vols. I. and II. together, price 3s. 6d., Vols. V. and VI., 3s. 6d. cloth. Vol. I.-- PRICE ls. 6d. VOL. V.-PRICE ls. 6d. The Planets; are they inhabited Worlds? Steam Engine. Wcather Prognostics. The Eye. Popular Fallacies in Questions of Physi- | The Atmosphere. cal Science. Common Things. Timo. Latitudes and Longitudes. Common Things. Pumps. Lunar Influences. Common Things. Spectacles-The Meteoric Stones and Shooting Stars. Kaleidoscope. Railway Accidents. Light. Vol. VI.—PRICE ls. 6d. Coromon Things. Clocks and Watches. VOL. II.-Price 1s. 6d. Microscopic Drawing and Engraving. Common Things. Air. Locomotive. Locomotion in the United States. Thermometer. Cometary Influences. New Planets. Common Things. Water. Levcrrier and Adams' Planet. The Potter's Art. Magnitude and Minuteness. Common Things. Tire. Vols. VII. and VIII., 3s. 6d. cloth. Vols. III. and IV., 3s. 6d. cloth. VOL. VII.-PRICE Is. 6d. VOL. III.-PRICE ls. 6. Common Things. The Almanack. Locomotion and Transport, their In Optical Images. fluence and Progress. How to Observe the Heavens. The Moon. Common Things. The Looking Glass. Common Things. The Earth. Stellar Universe. Electric Telegraph. The Tides. Terrestrial Heat. Colour. The Sun. Vol. IV.-Price 1s. 6d. VOL. VIII.—PRICE ls. Gd. Electric Telegraph (concluded). Common Things. Man. Earthquakes and Volcanoes. Magnifying Glasses. Thc Barometer. The Safety-Lamp. Instinct and Intelligence. Whitworth's Micromctric Apparatus. Solar Microscope-Camera Lucida. Stcam. Magic Lantern--Camera Obscura. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 35 Vols. IX. and X., 38. 6d. cloth. VOL. IX.---PRICE Is. 6d. Vol. X.--Price Is. 6d. The Microscope. The Bee. The White Ants; their Manncrs and Steain Navigation. Habits. Electro-Motive Power. The Surface of the Earth, or First Thunder, Lightning, and the Aurora Notions of Geography. Borcalis. Science and Poctry. Vols. XI. and XII., 3s. 6d. cloth. Vol. XI.-Price Is. 6d. VOL. XII. Price Is. 6d. The Printing Press. The Pre-Adamite Earth. The Crust of the Earth, or First Notions Eclipses. of Geology. Sound. The Stercoscope. General Index to the 12 Volumes. Comets. “ The Museum of Science and Art is the most valuable coutribution that has ever becn made to the scientific instruction of every class of socicty." Sir David Breisler, in the North British Revicu. “This series, besides affording popular but sound instruction on scientific subjects, with wliich the humblest man in the country ought to be acquainted, also undertakes that teaching of 'Common Things' which Lord Asliburton and every well-wisher of his kind are anxious to promote. Many thousand copies of this serviceable publication have been printed, in the belief and hope that the desire for instruction and improvement widely prevails; and we have no fear that such enlightened faith will meet with disappointment.”—Times, Feb. 9, 1854. “This serinl, which will forma quarterly eighteenpenny volunics, is, we are disposed to think, the best litcrary investiment of a penny a week now extant.-Examiner. "A cheap and interesting publication, alike informing and attractivo. The papers combine subjects of importance and great scientific knowledge, considerable inductive powers, and a popular style of treatment."-Spectator. Dr. Lardner's Hand-Book of Natural Philosophy. 1334 Illustrations. 4 vols. 20s. Embracing -- Hand-Book of Mechanics. By Dionysius Lardner, D.C.L., formerly Professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy in University College, London. 357 Illustrations. I vol. Small 8vo. 58. Hand-Book of Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, and Heat. By DIONYSIUS LARDNER, D.C.L. 292 Illustrations. 1 vol. Small 8vo. 5s. Hand-Book of Optics. By Dionysius Lardner, D.C.L. 290 Illustrations. 1 vol. Small 8vo. 58. Hand-Book of Electricity, Magnetism, and Acou- stics. By DIONYSIUS LARDNER, D.C.L. 395 Illustrations. ]. vol. Small Svo. 5s. Tue above Four Volumes taken together form a complete course of Natural Philosophy (Price 20s.) sufficient not only for the highest degree of School Education, but for that numerous class of University Students who, without aspiring to the attainment of Acadeinic honours, desire to acquire that general knowledge of thcsc Sciences which is ncccssary to cntitle them to graduate, and, in the present state of sociсty, expected in all well-educated persons. It is also intended for the general reader who desires to attain accurate knowledge of the various departments of physical science, without pursuing them according to the more profound methods of Mathematical investigation. Great pains have been taken to render this work complete in all respects, and co-extensive with the actual state of the sciences, according to the latest discoveries. The present edition has been enlarged by the interpolation of a great number of illustrations of the general principles of Physics, taken from their various applications in the Arts, such examples being in all cases elucidated by appropriate engraved figures of the instruments and machines described. . C 2 36 WALTON AND MABERLY'S Dr. Lardner's Hand-Book of Astronomy and Meteo- rology, uniform with the "HAND-BOOK OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY." New Edition. Revised and Edited by Edwin Dunkin, F.R.A.S., of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. With 37 Plates, and upwards of 100 Illustrations on tood. Complete in One Volume. Small 8vo. 7s. 6d. Tuc treatise on ASTRONOMY сmbraces, among a vast mass of important and interesting matter classed under the usual heads, all the most recent discoveries made by means of the iniprovement of the telescope. It describes all the best methods of celestial observation, and gives particular explanations of the instruments used in an observa- tory. Graphic illustrations have been usparingly supplied. Natural Philosophy for Schools. By Dionysius LARDNER, D.C.L. 328 Illustrations. Second Edition. 1 vol. Large 12mo. 3s. 6d. cloth. This volume has been compiled to supply the want felt by a large number of teachers in public and private schools of a Class Book for Junior Stulents. Its purpose is to convey, in clear and concise terms, general notions of all the principal divisions of Physical Science, illustrated copiously by diagrams, showing the forms and arrange- ment of apparatus, and the manner of performing the most important experiments. Each of the subjects briefly explained licre is fully developed in all its details, and morc anply illustrated, in the corresponding parts of the “Hand-Book of Natural Philosophy," which should always be in the hand of the teacher, who, by oral instruc- tion, will then be enabled to develop cach point, and illustrate it more or less fully, according to the capacity of the pupil. It may be hoped, that this volume may be the means of extending instruction in the first notions of Physics into Ladics' Schools. Female teachers in general will find even the Hand-Book easily intelligible, and by it will be enabled to use the present volume for the instruction of their pupils. The Table of Contents is so composed, that the teacher can form from it questions for the examination of his Class, the Answers to which will be found in the corre- sponding paragraphs of the volume. Chemistry for Schools. By Dr. Lardner. 170 Illustra- tions. 1 vol. Large 12mo. 38.60. cloth. *** For Description, see page 45. Animal Physiology for Schools. By Dion. Lardner, D.C.L. With 190 Illustrations. 1 vol. Large 12mo. 3s. Gd. cloth. This Volume has been prepared at the suggestion of screral eminent Medical Pro- fessors, with the view of popularising a branch of natural science which, though second to none in importance, has been hitherto confined too exclusively to professional students. In no department of science are the evidences of wisdom and design more strikingly apparent, than in the study of the structure and functions of the animal frame. And at the present time, when the means of preserving health are occupying universal attention, it becomes highly important that our youth should be made in soine degrec acquainted with the mechanism of the body. The work, as will be sccn, is copiously illustrated by figures drawn and engraved under the direction of the highest physiological and anatomical authorities. Each of the subjects briefly explained here is fully developed in the corresponding parts of the Author's Work cntitled " Animal Physics," which should always be in the liands of the teacher, who by oral instruction will then be enabled to develop cach · point more or less fully according to the capacity of the pupil. It is hoped that this volume may lic the means of extending instruction in the first notions of Animal Physiology into Ladies' Schools. It will be seen, that in the sclec- tion of subjects and in the mode of treating them, the Author has kept this especially in view, introducing nothing which may not with perfect propricty and advantage bo brought before the youngest female minds. Female teachers will find even the larger work on "Animal Physics” easily intelligible, and by it will be enabled to use the present volume for the instructionſ of their pupils with greater advantage. The Table of Contents is so composed that the Teacher can form from it Questions for the examination of his class, the Answers to which will be found in the correspond- ing paragraphs of the volumc. A Glossary, in which brief explanations of the less familiar ternis are given, is annexed. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 37 Animal Physics; or, the Body and its Functions Familiarly Explained. By DIONYSIUS LARDNER, D.C.L. With 520 Illustrations. 1 vol. small Svo. 12s. Oil., cloth. In the composition of this rolume, the Author has attempted to render a department of natural science, hitherto exclusively confined to the medical profession, accessible to all persons of ordinary education. The several subjects, to the exposition of which the volume is devoted, have, accordingly, been treated so as to be suited to readers of cithcr sex and of any age. CONTENTS. General View of the Animal Organisa- 1 Assimilation. Secretion. tion. The Skin. Animal Heat. Bones and Ligaments. Muscles. Senses: Touch--Smell—Taste-Vision Structure of the Lower Animals. --Hearing-Voice. Nervous System. Circulation. Development – Maturity - Decline — Lymphatics. Respiration. Digestion. | Death. Glossary of Scientific Terms for General Use. Small 8vo. 35. 6d. Pictorial Illustrations of Science and Art. With Explanatory Notes. Large Printed Sheets, each appropriated to one Subject, and containing from 50 to 100 Engraved Figures. THE purpose of the Editor is to furnish teachers with a powerful means of Instructiori, by putting at one view before the pupil representations of the objects, phenomena, and processes comprised in the subjects to which these sheets arc appropriated. The Ex- planatory Notes though brief, are sufficient to remind the Teacher of the points necessary to be impressed on thic Pupil, and references are given to Text books where he may find such further developments as he may think necessary. Sold in Parts at 1s. 6d., cach containing 3 sheets. The size of the sheet is 22 by 28 inches. Any sheet may be purchased separately, price 6d. Part I. ls. 6d. 1 Part II. ls. 6d. Part III. 1s. 6d. 1. Mechanic Powers. | 4. Elements of Machinery. I 7. Hydrostatics. 2. Machinery. 5. Motion and Force. 8. Hydraulics. 3. Watch and Clock Work. 6. Steam Enginc. 9. Pneumatics. Popular Geology. By Dionysius Lardner, D.C.L. (From " The Museum of Science and Art.”) 201 Illustrations. 2s. 6d. Common Things Explained. By Dionysius Lardner, D.C.L. Containing, Air — Earth — Fire – Water -- Time — The Al- manack - Clocks and Watches - Spectacles-Colour -- Kaleidoscope - Pumps - Man- The Eye--The Printing Press---The Potter's Art- Locomotion and Transport—The Surface of the Earth, or First Notions of Geography. (From “ The Museum of Science and Art.") With 233 Illustrations. Īs. cloth lettered. *** Sold also in Two Series, separately, each 2s. 6d. cloth. Popular Physics. By Dionysius Lardner, D.C.L. Containing, Magnitude and Minuteness-Atmosphere- Thunder and Lightning-Terrestrial Heat_Meteoric Stones Popular Fallacies Weather Prognostics - Thermometer - Barometer — Safety Lamp --- Whitworth's Micrometric Apparatus-Electro-Motive Power—Sound- Magic Lantern-Camera Obscura-Camera Lucida-Looking Glass Stereoscope-Science and Poetry. (From " The N[useum of Science and Art.") With 85 Illustrations. 2s. Od. cloth lettered. 38 WALTON AND MABERLY'S Popular Astronomy, By Dionysius Lardner, D.C.L. Containing, How to Observe the Heavens -- Latitudes and Longi- tudes — The Earth — The Sun — The Moon — The Planets: are they Inhabited ? — The New Planets--Leverrier and Adams's Planet The Tides -- Lunar Influences - The Stellar Universe-Light-Comets, -Cometary Influences - Eclipses -- Terrestrial Rotation — Lunar Ro- tation - Astronomical Instruments. (From the “ MUSCUM of Science and Art.") 182 Illustrations. 45. 6d. cloth lettered. *** Sold also in Two Series, separately, at 28. 6d. and 2s. The Microscope. By Dionysius Lardner, D.C.L. (From “ The Museum of Science and Art.") 1 vol. 147 Engravings. 28. The Bee and White Ants. Their Manners and Habits; with Illustrations of Animal Instinct and Intelligence. By DIONYSIUS LARDNER, D.C.L. (From the “ Museum of Science and Art.") } vol., with 135 Illustrations. 2s. cloth lettered. Steam and its Uses; including the Steam Engine, the Locomotive, and Steam Navigation. By DIONYSIUS LARDNER, D.C.L. (From the “ Museum of Science and Art.") 1 vol., 89 Illustrations. 2s. The Electric Telegraph popularised. With One Hun- dred Illustrations. By DIONYSIUS LARDNER, D.C.L., formerly Professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy in University College, London. (From “The Museum of Science and Art.") 12mo., 250 pages. 2s. cloth lettered. The following Works, from “ LARDNER'S MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND ART," may also be had, arranged as described below. Handsomely half-bound Morocco, cloth sides. Common Things. Two series in 1 vol. 78. 6d. Popular Astronomy. Two series in 1 vol. 75. Electric Telegraph, with Steam and its Uses. In 1 vol. 7s. Microscope, and Popular Physics. In 1 vol. 7s. Popular Geology, with the Bee and White Ants. In 1 vol. 7s. 6d. A Guide to the Stars. In Eight Planispheres, shew- ing the Aspect of the Heavens, for every Night in the Year. With an Explanatory Introduction. Svo. 58. cloth. THESE representations of eight different hemispheres of the starry heavens, are intended to assist in acquiring, by actual observation, a knowledge of the grouping and individual names of the principal stars. Directions and tables are prefixed, show- ing the particular planisphere to be selected for use, according to the day of the ycar or hour of the night when the visible sidereal hemisphere is to be compared with its map. Ecliptical Charts, Hours 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, taken at the Observatory, Regent's Park, under the Direction of GEORGE Bisnop, Esq., F.R.S. Price 2s. 6d. each. Astronomical Observations, taken at the Observatory, Regent's Park, during the years 1839-1851, under the direction of GEORGE BISHOP, Esq., F.R.S., &c. 4to. 12s. - - - - - - - -- -- -- -- - DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. . 39 2 Mr. Bishop's Synoptical Table of the Elements of the Minor Planets, between Mars and Jupiter, as known at the beginning of 1855, with the particulars relating to their discovery, etc.; arranged at the Observatory, Regent's Park. On a Sheet 1s. Minasi's Mechanical Diagrams. For the Use of Lec- turers and Schools. 15 Sheets of Diagrams, coloured, 15s., illustrating the following subjects:- 1 and 2. Composition of Forces.-- 3. Equilibrium. - 4 and 5. Levers.-6. Steelyard, Brady Balance, and Danish Balance. -7. Wheel and Axle. — 8. Inclined Plane. — 9, 10, 11. Pulleys.- 12. Hunter's Screw.-13 and 14. Toothed Wheels. — 15. Combination of the Mechanical Powers. THL Diagrams are printed on large sheets of paper, measuring 2 feet 11 inches by 2 fect. · This size will be found suited for large lecture rooms. LOGIC. Syllabus of a proposed System of Logic. By Pro- fessor De MORGAN. Svo. Is. Formal Logic. Or, The Calculus of Inference, New cessary and Probable. By AUGUSTUS DE MORGAN, Professor of Mathe- matics in University College, London. Svo. 6s. 6d. The first chapter of this work (F'irst Notions) is an elementary introduction to ordi- nary logic, which first appeared in a separate form. With the second chapter, On Objects, Ideas, and Names; part of the seventh, On the Aristotelian Syllogism; part of the eleventh, On Induction; the twelfth, On old Logical Terms; and the thirteenth, On Fallacies--it forms a work on ordinary logic, independent of the rest. The remainder of the work is devoted to the development of two new views. The first, that in which contrary terins are considered as formally admissible, and all modes of predication are adopted, whether the terms be the terms of the conclusion, or their contraries. The second, in which the proposition is made numerically definite, the number of instances of which affirmation or denial is madc, taking the place of the all or some of the ordinary logical propositions. All cases in which inference can be made are demonstratively collected, and the particular cascs which form the ordinary system of syllogism are shown to be contained in the system. Two chapters are devoted to the explanation of probability, and its mathematical application to ques- • tions of probable inference. The new matter which this work contains is pointed out by italics in the Table of Contents. In an Appendix is contained the author's final reply to the charges made against him by Sir William Hamilton, of Edinburgh. An Investigation of the Laws of Thought, on which are founded the Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probabilities. By George BOOLE, LL.D., Professor of Mathematics in Queen's College, Cork. 8vo. 14s. cloth. The design of this treatise is to investigate the fundamental laws of those operations of the mind by which reasoning is performed; to give expression to them in the sym- bolical language of a Calculus, and upon this foundation to establish the science of logic and construct its method; to make that method itself the basis of a general method for the application of the mathematical doctrine of probabilities; and, finally, to collect from the various elements of truth brought to view in the course of these 40 WALTON AND NABERLY'S inquiries, some probable intimations concerning the nature and constitution of the hunan mind. The work consists of a system of logical processes carried on by thc aid of synbols nearly analogous to those of Algebra. Thus, the letters x, y, etc., are made to repre- sent things as subjects of our conceptions; the characters +,-, X, are used as signs of operation by which the conceptions of things are combined or resolved, so as to form new conceptions involving the same elements. The sign = indicates identity, and the laws of thought arc expressed by equations. The laws of these symbols of logic are deduced from a consideration of those operations of the mind which arc implicd in the strict use of language as an instrument of reasoning. An original feature in this work is, that it regards the subject of probabilities as belonging equally to the science of number and that of logic; and by the combination of both elements, it professes to resolve problems in probabilities more generally than is otherwise practicable. Among the more interesting examples of this symbolical method of argumentation, is an analysis, by translation into symbols, of Dr. Samuel Clarke's “ Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God.” The Art of Reasoning: a Popular Exposition of the Principles of Logic, Inductive and Deductive; with an Introductory Outline of the History of Logic, and an Appendix on recent Logical Developments, with Notes. By SAJUEL NEIL. Crown Svo. 4s. Od. cloth. The aim of the author, in this publication, has been to combine the advantages of a popular esposition of the subject with the rigour of purely formal or abstract trcatises. After an introduction containing a sketch of the history of logic, including an acccount of the labours of the principal schoolmen and improvers of the art of reasoning, the treatise divides ittelf into the four usual parts of logic-perccptivity, judgment, ratio- cination, and methoil. Among the subjects most copiously trcated are the nature and kinds of cvidence; tlic uses of syllogisms, which are illustrated by familiar examples in cach figure and mood; the various classes of fallacies: and the science of method. Thc work, in addition to its pcculiar province of stating, analysing, and exeinpli- fying the laws of the Aristotelian logic, comprchends a sort of catalogue raisonnée of the chief writers on this subject in ancient and inodern times; and an Appendix “On Recent Logical Developments," carries down this species of information to the present day. ENGLISH COMPOSITION. The Elements of Rhetoric; a Manual of the Laws of Taste, including the Theory and Practice of Composition. By SAMUEL Neil Crown Sro. 45. Odl. cloth. The design of this treatise is to popularise the study of rhictoric, by uniling strict philosophical accuracy of thought with a funiliar mode of exposition. DRAWING Lineal Drawing Copies for the earliest Instruction. Comprising upwards of 200 subjects on 24 sheets, mounted on 12 pieces of thick pasteboard, in a Portfolio. By the Author of " DRAWING FOR YOUNG CHILDREN.” 5s. 6d. These copies consist of Geometrical Figures and Forms of simple objects, with the Roman aul Writing Alphabets in Capital and Small Letters. They are printed white on a black ground. Thcy may also be used in teaching the Letters, in teaching Writing, and in giving Lessons on the Elements of Torm and Geometry. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 41 Easy Drawing Copies for Elementary Instruction. Simple Outlines without Perspective. 67 subjects, in a Portfolio. By the Author of " DRAWING FOR YOUNG CHILDREN." 6s. Odl. Sold also in Two Sels. Set I. Twenty-sis Subjects mounted on thick pasteboard, in a Portfolio. Price 3s. 6d. Ser II. Forty-one Subjects mounted on thick pasteboard, in a Portfolio. Price 3s. 6. The copies are sufficiently large and bold to be drawn from by forty or fifty children at the same time. Drawing Materials. A Quarto Copybook of 24 leaves, common paper, 6d. Ditto . . Ditto paper of superior quality, 1s. 3d. Ditto . . . 60 leaves, tinted paper, Is. 6d. Pencils, with very thick lead, B.B.B., 2s. per half dozen. Ditto Ditto . . F. 1s. d. ditto. Drawing Chalk, 6d. per dozen sticks, in a Box, Port-crayons for holding the Chalk, 4d. each. Perspective: Its Principles and Practice. By G. B. MOORE, Teacher of Drawing in University College, London. In Twp Parts, Text and Plates. With an Appendix ou Sketching. Svo. cloth, Ss. 6 d. Tus treatise is intended as a guide to the artist and the amateur in the formation of correct notions of the theory of Perspective, and in the application of the laws of that science to pictorial representation. The subject is treated not only as a study necessary to the painter, but as a branch of Optics useful to all persons desirous of improving thcir power of correct vision. As an introduction to the more directly practical details of the book-which are illustrated by a volume of diagrams and architectural views- the principles of Orthographic Projection are laid down, being considered indispensable to a clcar understanding of the theory of Perspective. Besides plane and spherical projcctive surfaces, the author treats of perspective representation on a cylindrical transparent medium as ised in Panoramic views. An explanation is given of the most useful practical methods employed in obtaining a representation on a plane: among others, those of Dr. Brook Taylor, Ubaldi, Vignola, and Pozzo. The effect of pictures produced by the Camera Obscura, Daguerreotype, etc., is analysed; and, in the concluding chapter, the perspective representation of lights and shadows, and of the reflections of objects in water, is illustrated. *** Appendix : Application to Sketching.- Sold separately. 8vo. 1s. SINGING. A Musical Gift from an old Friend. By W. E. IIickson, Author of " Try Again," and other Moral Songs of the Singing Master. 8vo. 2s.6d. CONTENTS. 1. The Crying Song. 9. Ablutions. 10. The Poor Linguist. 2. No, no. 3. Doing Nothing. 4. The Postman. 5. The Little Man and Little Maid. 6. Trip on. 7. Caution. 8. Evening Rest. 12. Going away. .13. Breaking up. 1:1. Hope and Sunshine. 15. Departure. 16. The Philosophic Cobbler. 17. Keep Time. 18. The Anvil. 19. The Currency Question. 20. The Omnibus. 21. The Every-day Song. 22. Tea-time. 23. Adicu. 24. Stand fast for Truth. 42 WALTON AND MABERLY'S The Singing Master Complete. 1 Vol. 8vo. 6s. cloth. Consisting of I. FIRST LESSONS IN SINGING, AND THE NOTATION OF MUSIC. Svo. 1s. II. RUDIMENTS OF THE SCIENCE OF HARMONY. Svo. 1s. III. THE FIRST CLASS TUNE BOOK. Svo. 1s. IV. THE SECOND CLASS TUNE BOOK. 8vo. 1s. 6d. V. THE HYMN TUNE BOOK. 70 Popular Psalm and Hymn Tunes. Svo. Is. 6d. *** Any Part may be purchased separately. PARTS I. III. & IV. CONTAIN TIIC FOLLOWING VOCAL EXERCISES AND MORAL Songs. Abroad at Honie. seemaldvinds Filial affection. Over the water. And now wc purt. For age and want. Our native land. Be you to otliers kind and truc. Horgiveness. Patriots' song. Grace before meat. Golden rule. Peasants' song. Grace after meat. Good night. Peacemaker. He that would thrive. Eark, the lark. Pence table. Lost time. . Harmonious blackbird. Perseverance, or Try Again. Love of truth. Harvest Home. Play hours. Love your neighbour'. Home. Procrastination. Lct us endeavour. Hot cross-buns. Praise of spriug. Let your pleasure. How the wind is blowing. Rejoice, rejoice. Plough deep. Humble fare. Rule, Britannia, Swiftly flies our time away. Idlevess and knavery. School is begun. Time and tide. If you get into debt. See, he comes. When a weary task you find it. Improve the passing hour. Sluggard. Your patience and prudence. In the cottage. Stormy winds. Absent friends. Kind heart. Sunrise. Alphabet. Labourers' song. Time for rest. A man's a man for all that. Let the smiles of youth. Tit for tat. Bells ringing. Linnet.. Twinkle, twinkle, little star'. Britons, arise. Love of trutlı. The hour is come of twilight grey Chatterbox. Lullaby. To the good causc. Come and see how happily. Multiplication table. Try again. Come let us sing. Do. 2nd part. We all love one another. Come let us march and sing. March, and lift up your voices. Welcome to school. Cricket song. Might with the right. We'll go to our places. Days of the month. National anthen. Welcome. Dulce domum. Neatness and cleanliness. Well done. Early to bed. Now let notes of joy. When we go out together. Bre around the huge oak. Nursery jest. . When the rosy moin. Farewell. | Old friends shall never be forgot. I Work away. The words of the Hymns without the Music may be liad separately as under :- HYMNS from the HYMN TUNE Book, 11d. *** Some of the Vocal Exercises, Moral Songs, and Hymns, with the Music, may also be had, printed on Cards, price Two-pence each Card, or Twenty- five for Three Shillings. - CHEMISTRY. Handbook of Chemistry. For the use of Students. By William GREGORY, M.D., Professor of Chemistry in the University of Edinburgh. Illustrated by Engravings on Wood. Fourth Edition, revised and enlarged. Complete in one volume. Large 12mo. 18s. cloth. *** The Work is sold also in two volumes separately as under. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Fourth Edition, revised and enlarged. 6s. 6d. cloth. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Fourth Edition, revised, and greatly cnlarged. 12s. cloth. THESE volumes are calculated to afford, in a moderate compass, and in a style adapted to the beginner, an acquaintance with all the most important facts known and DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 43 thcories'cntertained; so as to serve for an introduction to claborate treatises. The preface states, that it is designed for the use of students attending lectures on chemistry, and is more particularly adapted as a text book for the Author's Lectures. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY.-This is a systematic treatise on Chemistry proper, that is, the chemistry of ponderable substances; the collateral subjects of heat, light and clectricity being only slightly noticed in order to devote a large portion of the work to Organic Chemistry. In the present edition a brief account has been introduced of the effects produced on matter by Heat, including the phenomena connected with liquefaction and vaporisation. In treating of the Analysis of Water, tle Author has taken the opportunity of ex- plaining the nature of the Galvanic curent, and of the decomposition of compound bodies by electricity. Uuder tlic head of Air, a short account is given of the physical properties of gases and vapours. Althongh these subjects belong to Physics, yct, as they have so important and direct a bearing on Clicmistry, it has been thought de- sirable to provide the student with some elementary notions of thcm, leaving him to study thicin more fully in works on Natural Philosophy. After introductory observations on the general principles of chemistry, such as chemical combination and decomposition, chemical equivalents, the atomic theory, etc., an account is given of the properties and mode of preparing individual substances in the order generally followed in systematic treatises. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY opens with a disscrtation on the theory of compounds, radicals, the theory of organic types, and doctrine of substitution, and on the meta- morphosis of organic compounds by various agents: after which follows an account of the properties and modes of preparing particular organic compounds. In this cdition the section on the nutrition of Plants and Animals has been entircly re-written and very much enlarged. Tabular views llave been largely employed as a means of illustration. Handbook of Inorganic Analysis; One Hundred and Twenty-two Examples, illustrating the most important processes for determining the Elementary composition of Mineral substances. By FREDERICK WÖHLER, Professor of Chemistry in the University of Göttin- gen. Edited by Dr. A. W. IIOFMANN, Professor in the Royal College of Chemistry. Large 12mo. 35. 6d. “This collection of examples for practice in Chemical Analysis, is designed chiefly for the use of the laboratory. It is drawn 11p under the impression that it is casier for most minds to obtain a clear insight into general relations and laws by the study of special cases, than inversely to acquire a knowledge of individual cases by first direct- ing the attention to general rules."-Trom the Prefuce. Handbook of Organic Analysis, containing a detailed Account of the various methods used in determining the Elementary composition of Organic substances. By JUSTUS LIEBIG. Edited by Dr. HOFMANN. Illustrated by 35 woodcuts. 12mo. 5s. cloth. This work is a sccond cdition of BARON LIEBIG's “Instructions in Organic Analysis.” In preparing it he was assisted by DR. STRECKER of Christiania, and DR. HOFMANN of London. Since the publication of the first edition, a great varicty of new apparatus, and many new methods have been proposed; such as liavė stood the test of vigorous experiinental examination have been adopted and described in the present work. The Editor's convictions of the want of such a lanc-book by the laboratory student who wishes to engage in organic investigation, led him to under- take the publication of the English Edition. Gasometry; Comprising the leading Physical and Chemical Properties of Gases, together with the Methods of Gas Analysis. By ROBERT BUNSEN, Professor of Chemistry in the University of Heidelberg. Translated by HENRY E. Roscoe, B.A., Ph. D. 8vo. With Filty-eight Illustrations. Ss. Odl. cloth lettered. The want of a Handbook in. Gascous Chemistry, has been long regretted by the cultivator's of physical science. This desideratum has now been most cffcctually supu 44 WALTON AND MABERLY'S plied by Professor Burscn, to whom the branch of exact gaseous analysis owes its very existence. The Work now offered to the English scientific public comprises- 1. The Mode of Collecting and prescrving Gascs. II. The Methods of Gas Analysis, by means of which twelve combustible and non-combustible gases can be separated from cach other with a degree of accuracy scarcely equalled in the most exact process of mincral analysis. III. Thc Determination of the Specific Gravity of Gases. IV. The Absorption of Gases in Liquids. V. The Diffusion of Gases. VI. The Phenomena of Gaseous Combustion. The text is illustrated by Fifty-eight fine wood-cuts of apparatus required in gaso- metric investigations. On Ammonia and its Derivatives. By A.W. Hofmann, LL.D., F.R.S., Professor of Chemistry in the Government School of Mines. 8vo. 1s. Od. Dyeing and Calico Printing. By Edward Andrew PARNELL, Author of“ Elements of Chemical Analysis." (Reprinted from Parnell's “ Applied Chemistry in Manufactures, Arts, and Domestic Economy, 1844.") With Illustrations. Svo. 7s. cloth. Letters on Modern Agriculture. By Justus von LIEBIG. Edited by JOHN BLYTH, M.D., Professor of Chemistry, Queen's College, Cork. Small 8vo. 6s. cloth. “I am desirous to make the educated men of the nation acquainted with the prin- ciples which have been established by Chemistry in connection with the nutrition of plants, the conditions of the fertility of soils, and the causes of their exhaustion. Should I be fortunate cnough to impress upon a wider circle the conviction of the value of these principles, and of their extreme importance in a national and economic point of vicw, I shall look upon one of the tasks of my life as accomplished. With the aid of the ciucated men to whom I address myself, success is, in my opinion, certain ; but without thcir assistance it appears to me to be impossible.”—Prefuce. Familiar Letters on Chemistry, in its Relations to Physiology, Dietetics, Agriculture, Commerce, and Political Economy. By JUSTUS VON LIEDIG. Edited by John Blyth, M.D., Professor of Chemistry, Queen's College, Cork. New Edition. Revised and much enlarged, with additional Letters. 1 vol. crown Svo. 7s. Od. cloth. The object of the author has been to present a sort of bird's-eye view of Chemistry in all its various aspects and relations; to shew its importance as a ineans of unfolding the secrets of nature; and also to shew the influence which it exerts, through its various applications in manufactures, agriculture, and medicine, on the present social condition of mankind. After introductory remarks on the importance of chemistry, and on the principles on which a judicious application of chemistry must be founded, an historical sketch is given of the progress of this science from the time of the alchemists. The gencral principles of chemistry are then discussed, as chemical affinity, chemical equivalents, the atomic theory, etc.; also the subjects which are related both to chemistry and natural philosophy, as crystallization, isomorphism, isomerism, condensation of gases, etc. The principles on which some important chemical manufactures, that of soda in particular, are founded, arc explained, and the influence on commerce of such appli- cations pointed out. A large portion of this work is devoted to a consideration of the various changes to which bodies of organic origiu arc subject, as fermentation, putrefaction, etc.; the DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 45 origin of organic bodies; the connection of chemistry with animal physiology, com- prising the subjects of nutrition and respiration, with results of the author's researches on dietetics made during the last few years, and observations on the comparative nutritive value of different articles of food: also the connection of chemistry with vegetable physiology, comprising the principles by which the use of manures should be guided, and other applications of chemistry to agriculture. " Besides extending considerably the former Leiters, I have in the present edition added a number of new Letters, which refer to general scientific questions, and to the most remarkable discoveries recently made in the rlepartments of chemistry and physics. Among these are Letter 2nd, on the Study of the Natural Sciences; Letler 13th, on the Corre- lation of the Forces of Inorganic Nature; Letter 15th, on the Alteration of Properties in Bodies; Letter 23rd, on Materiulism in Connection with Natural Inquiries.”— PREFACE TO FOURTI EDITION, Principles of Agricultural Chemistry; with special - Reference to the late Researches made in England. By JUSTUS VON LIEBIG. Small 8vo. 3s. 6d. cloth. Tuis work contains, in the shape of fifty propositions, a summary of the truc rclation between Chemistry and Agriculture. Thesc propositions are true, so far as our present knowledge extends, and contain principles, the duc apprcciation and applicèl- tion of which is of the last importance to all who wish to cultivatc Agriculturc on truc, that is, on scientific principles. Chemistry in its Applications to Agriculture and Physiology.. By Justus LIEBIG, M.D. Edited, from the manuscript of the Author, by Lyon PLAYFAIR, Ph.D., and W11. GREGORY, M.D. Fourth Edition, revised. Svo. Os. 6d. cloth. This work is divided into two principal sections. In the first, the derivation of the various constituents of vegetables is traced to the atmosphere and the soil. Applica- tion of the principles thus developed is then made to the art of culture. Among the subjects here treated of are, the causes of fertility and barrenness; the means of improving indifferent soils; the reasons why the practice of rotation of crops and fallow is found advantageous, and the principles on which the judicious application of manures should be founded. This first part concludes with a full account of the results of various analyses of the ashes of plants, which are useful as a guide to the choice of efficient maiurcs. In the second part of this work, the author discusses the subjects of fermentation, decay, and putrefaction, and makes application to the processes of making wine, beer, and vinegar. The natural processes of nitrification, and the conversion of wood into coal, and, lastly, the action of poisons, contagions, and miasms are here elucidated. Chemistry for Schools. By Dr. Lardner. With 170 Illustrations. 1 rol. Large 12mo. 3s. 6d. cloth. “This compendium is one of a series of books of clementary instruction for the use of schools and families, of which two have already been published, one on Natural Philosoply, and the other on Animal Physiology, and it is compressed within similar limits of bulk and price. It comprehends so much of the clements of chemistry as nay, with moderate attention, be acquired within a rcasonable time by the younger class of students, and even as much as may suffice for those who, being more advanced in life, desirc merely to obtain a general knowledge of the elements of the material world, and of the chief compounds into which they enter. * The importance of a perfect familiarity with the system of notation now adopted by chemists of all countries, and which, therefore, constitutes an universal language, cannot be too strongly impressed on beginners. By this notation thcir progress will 46 WALTON AND MABERLY'S not only be immensely expedited and facilitated, but the pleasure they will receive in prosccuting thcir study of the science will be greatly augmented. Indcod, it may be truly said that, in the actual state of Chemistry, no serious progress can be hoped for without the aid of this admirable notation, which, inoreover, is so extremely simple, shoulıl, therefore, exercisc his pupils in it carefully for some days before he allows them to proceed further in their studics. « The study of the “Natural Philosophy for Schools" should procede that of tho present compendium, inasmuch as several of the subjects contained in it, such, for example, as Heat and Electricity, are necessary to enable the Student to comprehend many of the processes of Chemistry. “As in the Author's other Works for Schools, the Table of Contents prefixed to this volume is so composed that the Tcacher may form from it Questions for the cxamination of his class, the Answers to which will be found in the corresponding paragraphs of the volume."-Preface. Researches into the Motion of the Juices in the Ani- mal Body. By JUSTUS VON LIEBIG. Svo. 5s. ANIMAL MAGNETISM. Researches on Magnetism, Electricity, Heat, Light, Crystallization, and Chemical Attraction, in their relations to the Vital Force. By CARL BARON VON REICHENBACH. Translated and Edited (at the express desire of the author) by Dr. Gregory, of the University of Edinburgh. In 1 vol. 8vo. 6s. 6d. cloth. THIS work contains a minute detail of the rescarches and experiments made by Baron Von Reichenbach, for the purpose of establishing his discovery of the cxistence of an influence in nature analogous to, but cssentially distinct from, the known Imponder- ables, Hcat, Electricity, and Magnetism. This principle, denominated ODYLE by the author, is characterised by the effects which it produces on the senses of touch and of luminous emanations issuing from the poles and sides of magnets. The sources from which this force, which the author's investigations prove to per- vade the whole inaterial world,-is oliscrved to flow, arc chiefly the Magnct, Crystals, the Human Body, Hcat, Electricity, Friction, and Chemical Action. In a history of experiments, repeated in great variety of forms, the author traces the power from its numerous sources in its irritative cffects on persons possessing extraordinary acuteness of the senses. Cases are mentioned of decided attraction (amounting sometimes to actual adhesion) between the living hand and a powerful magnet. Terrestrial Mag- netism is proved to act sensibly on the human organism. Lunar Radiation is shown to be an agent which affects the vital force of diseased, particularly of nervous persons; and the foundation of what is called Animal Magnetism, is traced to a similar power residing in the human hand. various forms, characters, and properties, of the light given out by magnets. This magnetic light appears, under different circumstances, as glow, flames, fibrous downy light, scintillations, and luminous nebulæ, vapours, smoke and clouds. (Engravings are given of these various forms.) Crystals, besides cxhibiting a specific action on the animal nerves, sent forth a delicate flame-like light from their poles. The Odylic luminous phenomena arc further remarkable as possessing polarity, appearing with constantly different properties at the opposito poles of magncts. This polarity even extends to the two sides of the human body, thc fingers of the right and of the left hand having been obscrved to give out light of different colours. Bodics may be DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 47 charged with odyle; which may also be transferred from onc body to another, and the luminous emanations may be concentrated by lenses. alis. This is considered by the author as an example of odylic emanations on a great scale; and he succeeded in establishing this identity by actually producing, at the poles of an iron sphere or terrelle constructed for the purposc, magnetic odylic flame analogous in all its properties to the Northern Lights. One of the sections is devoted to an attempt to establish fixed physical laws in regard to the variable phenomena hitherto classed under the name of Animal Magnetism; and the phenomena of Arii- ficial Somnambulism, commonly known under the name of Mesmerism, arc shown by GENERAL LITERATURE. Guesses at Truth. By Two Brothers. Fifth Edition. With an Index. Complete in One handsome Volume, small Svo. cloth gilt, bevelled boards and red edges. 10s. 6d. “ VARIOUS, however, as are the matters discust or toucht on in the followivg pagcs, I would ſain hope that one spirit will be felt to breathe through them. It would be a delightful reward, if they may help the young, in this age of the Confusion of Thoughts, to discern some of those principles which infuse strength and order into men's hearts and minds. Above all, I would desire to suggest to my readers, how in all things, small as well as great, profanc as well as sacred, it behoves us to keep our eyes fixt on the Star which led the Wise Men of old, and by which alone can any wiscom bc guided, from whatsoever part of the intellectual globc, to a place where it will rejoice with excecding great roy." —J. C. H.- From the Preface. The Book of Almanacs. With an Index of Reference by which the Almanac may be found for every Year, whether in Old Style or New, from any Epoch, Ancient or Modern, up to A.D. 2000. With means of finding the Day of New or Full Moon, from B.C. 2000 to 1.D. 2000. Compiled by AUGUSTUS DE MORGAN, Professor of Mathe- inatics in University College, London. 5s. cloth lettered. WHEN auy almanac information was wanted for a distant year, whether past or future, a person mist, as matters have hitherto stood, either have had recourse to a tablo of Easters and calculation, or to one of the unsatisfactory toys called universal almanacs, in which three or four different references produce Easter-day, and leave the inquirer thence to calculate the matters he wants, or to find them by reference to another tablc. The Book of Almanacs enables any one to lay open before him the whole almanac of any past year, the present ycar, or of any future year up to a.d. 2000, whether in Old Style or New, by one consultation of a simple index. If, for example, the almanac for the year 1806, new style, be wanted, the New Style Index, at 1806, shows that 16 is the number of the almanac, which is therefore found by turning to almanac 16. But thn Old Style Index shows that 11 is the number of the almanac for 1806 in old style. The alınanac thus obtained contains the Roman Calendar, the Modern Calendar, the Sundays, Festivals, and Saints' Days of the English Church, and the Law and University Terms. Various tables and methods are given for the verification of the indices, and one in particular, which is a second index-table, contained in one page, by which it may be immediately seen whether any portion of the larger index is correctly printed. A table is also given by which, without any calculation (unless adding two small numbers together deserve that name), thc time of New or Full Moon may be found for 48 WALTON AND MABERLY'S any month of any year, within a day. And tables are given by which, with a calcula- tion which may take a person used to it about a couple of minutes, the New or Full Moon may be found for any month of any year between B.C. 2000 and A.D. 2000. This book will be useful to all who want an almanac, past, present, or future; to Clergymen, as a perpetual index to the Sundays an Festivals; to Lawyers, in arrang- ing evidence which runs over a long period, and to Courts of Law, in hearing it; to Historical and Antiquarian inquirers, in testing statements as to time and dato; to all, in fact, who arc ever required to interest themselves about time, past or future. Business as it is, and as it might be. By Joseph LYNDALL. Crown 8vo., 1s. sewed., 1s. 6d. cloth. Tuus Essay obtained the Prize of Fiſty Guincas offered by the “Young Men's Christian Association,” for the best Essay on the Evils of the present System of Business, with suggestions for their removal. The author has divided his subject into four sections. The first consists of a survey of the physica levils of the present system, among which Late Hours, Over-application, and Neglect of the Excrcisc necessary for Health, are prominent. The second chapter reviews the moral evils which characterise the present mode of conducting commercial affairs. Thesc are classed under the lieads of Excessive Competition, Frauds in Tradc, Over-trading, Credit, Speculation, ctc.; and in this division of the subjcct the author especially cxamines the nature of the relation which ought to subsist between the Employer and the Employed. In the third chapter are considered the difficulties which the present system of con- ducting business opposes to the attainment of personal piety; such as Want of Time, Evil Associations, Habitual tampering with Truth, etc. The final chapter suggests remedies for the various evils which the Author has pointed out. The Essay is addressed to both Employers and Employed, and specifies, generally, the arrangements and course of conduct most conducive to thcir mutual intcrests, spiritual and temporal. A Memoir of the Rev. James Crabb, late of South- ampton, the Gipsy Advocate. By John Rudall, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. With Portrait. Large 12mo., 6s. cloth. Tuus is a record of the indefatigable labours, in the cause of religion and humanity of a man who deroteil himself for nearly sixty years to the ministry of the Gospci, and to works of public and private philanthropy; who liveil the chief part of his lilc in comparative poverty, whilc begging contributions for the necessitous; and to whose self-renunciation, in favour of his fellow creatures, there was no other limit than the bodily infirmitics ultimately produced by his almost unparalleled industry and perseverance. After the early part of his liſe, he refused to devotc himself to any particular deno- mination of Christians, and yet was l'erered by all classes. He was the peculiar friend of the gipsy racc, to whose spiritual and temporal improvement he devoted himself with singular ardour. By his cfforts also, Zion Chapel, at Southampton was built, and remains as his legacy for the public benefit. He was mainly instrumental in the cstablishment of a Penitcnt Magdalenc Asylum-since the parent of many similar in- stitutions; of an Asylum for Gipsics; and of several Infant, Sunday, and other Schools. By the publication of numerous tracts, and by his personal cxertions, lic did much good among Sailors, Gipsies, (who still reverence his name), and unfortunato femalc outcasts. He studied medicine, also, to improve his usefulness among the poor. He was the instrument of the remarkable conversion recorded in the celebrated narrative "The Dairyman's Daughter." The vicissitudes of this man's life furnish a rare and brilliant example of how much good may be done by an unlearned labourér“ digging down into the lower strata of society;" avoiding sectarian prejudices, and only enthusiastic in his desire for the welfare of his species. And it is impossible to read his history and his diaries, without being edified by his carly and persevering picty, and by his dctermined clia- racter in conqnering difficulties and triumphing over persccution. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 49 The Jews; a brief sketch of their Present State and Future Expectations. By Ridley H. HERSCHELL. Foolscap 8vo., Is. 6d. cloth. This book is written by a converted Jew in order to present a picture of the present condition of the Jews; and, in particular, to impart more just conceptions of their spiritual state and principles, their measure of religious knowledge, and the nature of their expectations respecting what is to take place at the coming of Messiah. He also points out the obstacles which prevent their conversion, and indicates the right direction to be pursued for the purpose of convincing them that the Deliverer of whose advent they live in hope, has already come. In this publication is embodied much information respecting the Jews of Poland and Russia, in particular. The author gives an account of the manners and habits of his ancient brethren, and of the state of religious feeling among them; and interesting details of many ceremonies connected with the Festival of the Passover, the Feast of Weeks, the Two Feasts of First-fruits, the Feasts of Trumpets; with Marriage; and with the Fasts to commemorate the taking of Jerusalem, and the burning of the Temple. There is also a collection of anecdotes extracted from the Talmud. Christian Philosophy. An Attempt to Display the Evidence and Excellence of Revealed Religion, by its Internal Testi- niony. By VICESIMUS Knox, D.D., Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford, and Master of Tonbridge School. Fcap. 8vo. 2s. 6d. cloth. This work has been stereotyped at the expense of an individual who, sixty years ago was powerfully impressed by its perusal, and to it he attributes thé enjoyment of a degree of happiness, throughout his life, above the lot of the generality of mankind. His object is, to communicate the benefit arising from the study of the book to others, by publishing it at a low price. The general argument of Dr. Knox is, that the tendency of the Scriptures to promote Common-Place Books. THE LITERARY DIARY, or Complete Common-Place Book, on the Plan recommended by Locke, with an Explanation, and an Alphabet of Two Letters on a Leaf. Post 4to., ruled throughout and half-bound, 8s. 6d. Introductory Lectures, delivered in University . College, London. SESSION 1856-57. ON SELF-TRAINING BY THE MEDICAL STUDENT. By E. A. PARKES, M.D., Professor of Clinical Medicine in the College. Fcap. 8vo. 1s. SESSION 1828–29. SESSION 1831-34. Dr. Conolly on the Nature and Treatment of Dr. Grant on Medical Education, ls. Diseases, is. Professor Malden on the Greek and Latin Lan- Professor Galiano on the Spanish Language guages, ls. and Literature, ls. Dr. Quain on Anatomy, 1s. Dr. Grant on Comparative Anatomy and Zoo- logy, ls. SESSION 1837–38. Dr. Smith on Medical Jurisprudence. Professor De Morgan on the Establishment of the University of London, ls. SESSION 1829–30. Professor Amos ou English Law, is. SESSION 1838–39. Dr. Malkin on History. Professor Kidd on the Nature and Structure of SESSION 1830–31. the Chinese Language, Is. 61.. Professor Bennett on Anatomy, ls. Professor Pepoli on the Language and Litera- Professor Thomson on Medical Jurisprudence, ture of Italy, 1s. Professor Carey on the Study of English Law, Professor Amos on English Law, Is. 13. Gd. l.s. 50 WALTON AND MABERLY'S SESSION 1840–41. Professor Creasy on History, 1s. SESSION 1842–43. Professor Donaldson on Architecture, 13. 6d. SESSION 1844–48. Mr. George on Dental Surgery, 1s. Professor Newman on the Relations of Free Knowledge to Moral Sentiment, 1s. Professor Ramsay. Passages in the History of Geology, ls. Professor Marshman on Law; Is. SESSION 1848–49. Professor Scott on the Academical Study of a Vernacular Literature, ls. Professor Ramsay (Second Lectuu'e) Passages in the History of Geology, ls. SESSION 1849—50. Professor Williamson-Development of Differ- ence the Basis of Unity, Is. 6d. SESSION 1850–51. Professor Erichsen on Surgery, Is. Professor Foster on Natural Law, Is. SESSION 185)-55. Professor Chapman on the Relations of Mi- neralogy to Chemistry and Physics, is. Professor Masson on College Education and Self-Education, ls. SESSION 1859—60. Professor Newman on the Relations of Profes. sional to Liberal Knowledge, Is. PHARMACY. Practical Pharmacy. The Arrangements, Apparatus, and Manipulations of the Pharmaceutical Shop and Laboratory. By FRANCIS Mohr, Ph.D., Assessor Pharmaciæ of the Royal College of Medicine, Coblentz; and THEOPHILUS REDWOOD, Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy to the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. lllus- trated by 400 Engravings on Wood. Svo. 4s. 6d. This work has for its object the description of chemical and pharmaceutical manipu- lations, and of the most approved arrangements and apparatus relating to the practice of pharmacy. The stimulus and improvement which has recently been excited among the pharmaceutists in this country, has caused an increased demand for information on these subjects; and the reputation for scientific acquirements enjoyed by those who have cultivated the art on the Continent, has naturally directed attention to that quarter, as a probable source from which valuable suggestions might be derived. Accordingly, on the publication of Dr. Mohr's “ Manual of Pharmaceutical Techno- logy,” Mr. Redwood undertook to edit a translation of so much of that work as might be thought to convey the most practically useful information, and to make such addi- tions as would meet the requirements of English pharmaceutical practitioners. The result has been the production of this treatise, in which are contained the principal details relating to the art of pharmacy, as conducted in establishments of the highest reputation in this country, together with the results of the personal experience of one of the most eminent of the continental pharmaceutists. ANATOMY. Dr. Quain's Anatomy. Edited by Dr. Sharpey and MR. ELLIS, Professors of Anatomy and Physiology in University Col- lege, London. Illustrated by 400 Engravings on Wood. New and Cheaper Edition. 3 vols. small 8vo. £1 11s. 6d. cloth lettered. This work forms the most complete system of general and descriptive anatomy pub- lished in our language. Most extensive changes, required by the progress of the DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 51 science, and the demand for more minute knowledge, have been made in this edition, and render it almost a new work. The general anatomy consists of 307 separately numbered pages, and is entirely written anew. It contains introductory remarks on the tissues generally, and a spe- cial description of each tissue or organised constituent of the human frame, including the blood, lymph, and chyle. The general characters, microscopic structure, chemical composition, physical properties, development, growth, and re-production of all the tissues are separately described, together with so much of their physiology as is com- prehended in a study of the vital properties of each. The whole subject is illustrated by 82 wood-cuts, either selected or original. The structural anatomy of particular organs is given with the descriptive anatomy of each. The descriptive anatomy consists of 1,324 pages. In the department of osteology, much new matter is added concerning the periods of ossification of each bone. In the description of the muscles, and more especially in that of the arteries, an account is superadded of the numerous deviations from the ordinary condition to which these parts are liable. The nervous system, the organs of digestion, the heart and organs of respiration, and the urinary and generative systems, are very fully described, in- cluding the amplest details of their intimate structure and development. The description of the brain and spinal cord, with their membranes, extends over 100 pages, and is illustrated by 23 wood-engravings, of which 10 are originai. The weights of all organs are given, carefully deduced from existing sources of information, and where necessary, displayed in a tabular form. The surgical anatomy of the regions of the limbs, together with directions for tying the great arteries, is added to the description of those vessels. The anatomy of the groin and perinaam, with instructions for the operations for hernia and for that of lithotomy, is placed at the end of the work. The illustrations in the descriptive and surgical anatomy amount to 343. A copious Index of 38 pages completes the work, and renders its voluminous contents available for immediate reference. Demonstrations of Anatomy. Being a Guide to the Dissection of the Human Body. By GEORGE VINER ELLIS, Professor of Anatomy in University College, London. Fourth Edition. Small 8vo. 12s. 6c., cloth. This book is designed to be a guide to the student of anatomy in his dissections, and may be used by him as soon as he has learnt the osseous framework of the human body. The author has made the work a system of dissections of the whole body in parts or regions, in order that the knowledge obtained by its use may be practical rather than verbal. For the purpose of carrying out the plan proposed, he' has divided the book into chapters and sections, and has included in each the dissection of one great division of the body, such as a limb, the thorax, the abdomen, the head and neck, etc., etc. The dissection of each part is conducted by those steps found best adapted, after twelve years' experience in teaching, for the purpose of making a complete examina- tion of all the component structures of each particular region. Thus, beginning at the surface, attention is first directed to superficial marks as indices of the subjacent bone, vessels, or muscles ; next, the soft parts are observed in succession, with their natural position undisturbed; and lastly, the individual joints are brought under the notice of the dissector. To enable the student to make progress without the constant superintendence of an instructor, full directions for the performance of the several manual proceedings are given, and the different objects that come into view on the removal of the more superficial layers are severally distinguished. The anatomical description has been made topographical, so to say, in accordance with the peculiar plan of the work; for only so much of a vessel, nerve, or muscle, is described, as may be laid bare by the dissection, in order that the student may not be perplexed by a reference to objects that are not seen. 52 WALTON AND MABERLY'S Ooo femed Anatomical Plates. A Series of Anatomical Plates in Lithography. Edited by JONES QUAIN, M.D., F.R.S., and ERASMUS WILSON, F.R.S. Cheap Issue, at the following very low prices:- Plain. Coloured. £ 5. d. £ s. d. MUSCLES. 51 Plates . . . . Cloth 1 5 0 2 4 0 VESSELS. 50 Plates . . . . . . 1 5 0 2 0 0 NERVES. 38 Plates 1 14 0 VISCERA. 32 Plates 0 17 0 100 BONES AND LIGAMENTS. 30 Plates · 0 17 0 1 0 0 The Work complete, containing 201 Plates, 2 vols. Royal folio, half bound morocco, price 51. 58. plain; 81. 8s. coloured. This publication consists of a Series of Anatomical Drawings, some original, others selected from monograph treatises or from systematic works. The Plates (201 in all) are accompanied by letter-press, containing detailed references to the various objects delineated, the names being set down in English. Latin, and French. But with a view to render them intelligible to a greater number of persons, a running comment on each Plate is given, stating in general terms the uses and purposes which the different objects serre in the animal economy. The drawings are taken on stone by Mr. W. Fairland, from drawings by Mr. J. Walsh and Mr. W. Bagg, and the print- ing executed by Hullmandel and Walton, SURGERY. The Science and Art of Surgery. Being a Treatise on · Surgical Injuries, Diseases, and Operations. By JOHN ERICHSEN, Pro- fessor of Surgery in University College. Third Edition, revised and much enlarged. Illustrated by 450 Engravings on Wood. 8vo. £1 8s. This work is divided into three parts. In the first, the General Doctrine of Inflan- mation and the subject of Operative Surgery are fully considered. In the second division, the author treats of the nature and treatment of Surgical Injuries—first, of the different tissues, as wounds of soft parts, injuries of blood-vessels, fractures, etc., and those of the different regions and organs. The third division is devoted to the consideration of Surgical Diseases, which are described in the following order :-first, those, as syphilis, tumours, etc., that may affect any part of the body; secondly, those of particular tissues, as of blood vessels, bones, and joints ; and, thirdly, the regional diseases, as hernia, diseases of the genito-urinary organs, etc. In discussing the numerous topics embraced by this work, the author has entered with great amplitude of detail into all practical matters and operative procedures. His aim has been to conjoin a work treating of the Principles of Surgery, something on the plan of “ Cooper's First Lines,” with those details of Operative Surgery that are usually considered only in treatises especially devoted to their consideration. The work is illustrated by pumerous and original wood-engravings. . The Diseases of the Rectum. By Richard Quain, F.R.S., Professor of Clinical Surgery in University College. Second Edition with additions. 12mo. 7s.6d. cloth. This treatise is founded upon a series of Clinical Lectures, arranged in consecutive order. It is entirely practical; being, in fact, an exposition of the author's experience in the management of the diseases treated of. In every instance, cases illustrative of DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 53 various forms of the disease under consideration are, in the first place, narrated, and the views of practice are then expounded, with constant reference to the cases. CONTENTS. -- Hæmorrhoids (Piles) Abscess, Fistula, Prolapsus Ani, Painful Ulcer, Painful Contraction of the Sphincter, Neuralgia of Sphincters, Stricture, Concen- tric Thickening aud Ulceration, Tuberculated Disease, Cancer, Polypus and Polypoid Growths, Villous Tumour, Spasmodic Contraction of the Bowel, Pruritus Ani, Fæcal Accumulation, Alvine Concretions, Foreign Bodies. A Portrait of the late R. Liston, Esq., Surgeon to Uni- versity College Hospital. Drawn on Stone by GAUCI, from the original by EDDIS. Price 3s. 6d. PHYSIOLOGY, Animal Physiology for Schools. By Dr. Lardner. 190 Illustrations. 35. 64. cloth. (See page 34). Animal Physics; or, the Body and its Functions fa- miliarly Explained. By DIONYSIUS LARDNER, D.C.L. Upwards of 520 Illustrations. 1 vol. small 8vo. 12s. 6d., cloth. CONTENTS. - General View of the Animal Organization; Bones and Ligaments; Muscles; Structure of the Lower Animals; Nervous System; Circulation; Lymphatics; Respiration; Digestion; Assimilation, Secretion, the Skin, Animal Heat; Senses; Touch; Smell; Taste; Vision; Hearing; Voice; Development, Maturity, Decline, Death. A Handbook of Physiology. By W. S. Kirkes, M.D. Demonstrator of Morbid Anatomy at St. Bartholomew's Hospital; Fourth Edition, thoroughly revised. One vol., small 8vo., with Illus- trations on Steel and Wood. 12s. 6d., cloth lettered. The design of the Author, in the preparation of this work, has been to afford to the student of Physiology the utmost facility in the pursuit of that branch of his medical education. It comprehends such an account of the facts and generally admitted prin- ciples of physiology as may be conveniently consulted by those engaged in the study of the science; but more especially, such a one as the student may most advantageously use during his attendance upon lectures, and in preparing for examinations. In the discussion of each of the various subjects, there is introduced as much of anatomy, chemistry, and other sciences allied to physiology, as is necessary to illus- trate the functions of the parts under consideration. For the purposes of brevity and clearness, all discussions of unsettled questions and expressions of mere personal opinions, have been carefully avoided, as calculated to perplex rather than enlighten. Ample references, however, have been given, not only to works in which these may be read, but to those by which the study of physiology may be, in its widest extent, pursued. For the convenience of students, the various subjects are arranged on a plan closely corresponding with that in which they are taught in the courses of lectures on physiology delivered in the principal metropolitan schools of medicine. The work is copiously illustrated with carefully executed wood-cuts, while several of the elementary tissues, and parts of the human embryo, are represented by steel engravings. . 54 WALTON AND MABERLY'S MEDICINE. On Gout, and Rheumatic Gout. By A. B. Garrod, M.D., F.R.S., Physician to University College Hospital. With coloured and other Illustrations. 1 vol. 15s. cloth. « The large field open to me as a physician to a London hospital, has afforded oppor- than could have been effected, had the inquiries been confined to cases in private practice; and I am sanguine enough to hope, that the investigations will prove useful in throwing some light on its pathology, and lead to a more rational and successful mode of treatment. “ The portions of the work in which the results of my own labours are more parti- cularly contained, are the chapters devoted to the condition of the blood and the cha- racters of the urine; also those occupied with the morbid anatomy and intimate nature of the disease. The influence of lead as a predisposing cause will be found dwelt upon at some length, as likewise the treatment of the chronic forms of the disorder.”-From the Preface. A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Lungs, including the Principles of Physical Diagnosis. By WALTER HAYLE WALSHE, M.D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine, and of Clinical Medicine, in University College, London. Third Edi- tion, revised and greatly enlarged. l vol. 12s. 6d., cloth. “ The present edition has been carefully revised and much enlarged, and may be said, in the main, to be re-written. “The Theory of various acoustic phenomena has been examined afresh; and an attempt made to establish the practice of Percussion on a new and, as it is hoped, truer and more clinically-useful system than that hitherto adopted. " Descriptions of several diseases, previously omitted, are now introduced ; the causes and mode of production of the more important affections, so far as they possess directly practical significance, are succinctly inquired into; an effort has been made to bring the description of anatomical characters to the level of the wants of the Student as well as of the practical physician; and the diagnosis and prognosis of each complaint are more completely considered. The sections on treatment, and the Appendix (concerning the influence of climate on pulmonary disorders), have, especially, been largely extended.”—From the Preface. A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Heart and Great Vessels, including the Principles of Physical Diagnosis. By WALTER HAYLE WALSHE, M.D., Professor of Medicine in University College, London. Third Edition, revised and greatly enlarged. 1 vol. (Preparing.) On Pain after Food; its Causes and Treatment. By DR. BALLARD. 12mo. 4s. 6d. cloth. It has been considered by the author, that so frequent and prominent a symptom of disease as “pain after food," was deserving of a fuller discussion than it had yet sepa- rately received; especially when it is kept in mind that pains, similar in character, may arise, on the one hand, out of some trifling temporary departure from the healthy condition of the stomach and digestive function; or, on the other, from the most serious structural changes capable of compromising life. The object of the author here is, to draw attention to this fact, to indicate the several conditions out of which the pain may arise, to show how they are combined, and how they are to be distinguished from one another, and to detail the treatment, both dietetic and medical, appropriate to each class of cases. Both for the sake of brevity and perspicuity, a table is introduced into DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. 55 . the work, in which the reader may perceive at a glance all the causes of “pain after food," and the remedial measures to be adopted, according as one or more are in operation in any individual instance. A very copious index is appended, in which are inserted all the references to every associated symptom capable of assisting the diagnosis. The Physical Diagnosis of Diseases of the Abdomen. By EDWARD BALLARD, M.D., Lecturer on the Practice of Medicine, and on Materia Medica and Therapeutics, at the School of Medicine adjoin- ing St. George's Hospital ; Physician to the Farringdon General Dispen- sary, etc. 12mo. 7s. 6d. cloth. THE object of the author in this work is, to supply an admitted desideratum in medical literature, by collecting into one volume all that is ascertained with respect to those signs of disease in the organ of the abdomen which are manifest, on examination of Diseases of the Abdomen what has been so often and ably done for the Diseases of the Chest. The first part of the work is devoted to a description of the method of making a physical examination of the abdomen, and of the results which it affords in health and disease. In the second part, those diseases are considered seriatim, and their signs fully described which furnish any indication of their presence on physical examination. In conclusion, it is sought to assist the diagnosis of obscure and difficult cases, by a separate examination of the morbid signs, and by ranging under each the names of all the diseases with which it has been seen associated by the author or trust- worthy observers. Chloroform, its Properties and Safety in Childbirth. By Dr. MURPHY. 12mo. ls. 6d. cloth. This work is intended for those in the profession who are desirous of using this agent in midwifery, if its safety can be proved. The properties of chloroform, and its mode of action upon the animal tissues, are fully explained. Its obstetric use is described, and the best manner of administering it explained by a series of rules, which will guide the practitioner, and guard him from accident. The Essentials of Materia Medica, Therapeutics, and the Pharmacopæia. For the Use of Students and Practitioners. By ALFRED BARING GARROD, M.D., Professor of Materia Medica and Thera- peutics, in University College, London. New Edition. 1 vol. (Preparing.) GYMNASTICS. Gymnastics, an Essential Branch of National Edu- cation. By CAPTAIN CHIOSSO, Professor of Gymnastics in University · College School. 8vo. 1s. 6d. Gymnastic Polymachinon. Instructions for Per- forming a Systematic Series of Exercises on the Gymnastic and Callis- thenic Polymachinon. By CAPTAIN CHIOSSO, the Inventor. Svo. 2s. 6d. cloth. IN DE X 45 44 S II 53 31 38 39 Lyná, Grein Grass or 15 55 55 Genel 48 28 co CC . 39 47 40 55 24 29 51 55 30 44 Abbott's First English Reader - PAGE 5, Liebig's Principles of Agricul. Chemistry - 45 . Second Handbook of Organic Analysis PAGE 43 Akerman's Numismatic Manual 26 i Agricultural Chemistry Allen's Greek Delcctis · Letters on Chemistry os Latin - Letiers on Modern Agriculture - 44 Ballard on Diseases of the Abdomen 55 , Motion of the Juices - 46 On Pain after Food - - 54 Linwood on Thucydides - Barlow's Tables of Squares, Cubes, &c. 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Electric Telegraph - Smith's First Italian Course Microscope Tables of Logarithms 31 Bee and White Ants Tacitus by Smith 13 Steam and its uses Travers' Terence Latham's English Language University College- Introductory Lectures Handbook of ditto Walshe on the Lungs - 54 English Grammar y Heart 54 Smailer ditto - Wöhler's Handbook of Inorganic Analysis 43 History and Etymology - Xenophon's Auabasis, by Hardy and Adam's Grammar for Classical Schools - Logic - - - - - a mano 10 7 er en 1 19 52 14 --------- 14 - ---- 34 21 35 36 (Smaller) - Dictionary of 'c Only OI - 22 22 22 24 19 14 49 AA WAWC 10 London: Printed by Join WERTHEIMER and Cn., at 1, Circus Place, Finsbury; and published by .... WALTON & MABERLY., 87.29, Upper Gower Street..and 27, lyy Lane, Paternoster ROW. Deca, 1860. IMPROVED CATALOGUE он MR. WEALE'S RUDIMENTARY, EDUCATIONAL, AND CLASSICAL WORKS TOR COLLEGES, HIGH AND ORDINARY SCHOOLS, AND SELF-INSTRUCTION. ALSO FOR MECHANICS' INSTITUTIONS, FREE LIBRARIES, &c., &c. 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RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON RIVERS AND TORRENTS, from the Italian of PAUL FRISI, with the Maps . . . . . . ls. 6d. 122. - on Rivers that carry Sand and Mud, and an Essay on Navigable Canals; 121 and 122 bound, price 2s.6d.. . . . . 1s. 123. ON CARPENTRY AND JOINERY, founded on Dr. ROBISON'S Work, with wood-cuts 123*. ATLAS OF PLATES in detail to ditto . . . 48. 6d. 124. ON ROOFS FOR PUBLIC AND PRIVATE BUILDINGS, founded on Dr. ROBISON's Work . . . . . . . . . . Is. 60). 124*. RECENTLY CONSTRUCTED IRON ROOFS, Atlas of plates . 4s. 6d. 125. ON THE COMBUSTION OF COAL AND THE PREVENTION OF SMOKE, Chemically and Practically considered, by Coas. WYE WILLIAMS, 126. ILLUSTRATIONS to ditto . . . . . S The 2 vols. l 2. 1 in 1 S. 127. RUDIMENTARY AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS IN THE ART OF ARCHITECTURAL MODELLING, with illustrations . . Is. 6d. 128. THE TEN BOOKS OF M. VITRUVIUS ON CIVIL, MILITARY, AND NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, translated by JOSEPH GWILT, Arch., 2 vols. 129. ILLUSTRATIVE PLATES to ditto, with Plates and the Vignettes, together 5s. By the Author and JOSEPH GANDY. The work, Vols. 128 and 129, bound together. · · Is. 6d. NEW SERIES OF EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 130. INQUIRY INTO THE PRINCIPLES OF BEAUTY IN GRECIAN ARCHITECTURE, by the Right Hon. the Earl of ABERDEEN, &c., &c., 1s. 131. THE MILLER'S, MERCHANT'S, AND FARMER'S READY RECKONER, for ascertaining at Sight the Value of any quantity of Corn ; together with the approximate value of Millstones and Millwork . . . . 1s. 139. RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON THE ERECTION OF DWELLING BOUSES, WITH SPECIFICATIONS, QUANTITIES OF THE VA- RIOUS MATERIALS, &c., by S. H. BROOKS, Architect, 27 Plates . 25. 6d. RUDIMENTARY SERIES, ON MINES, SMELTING WORKS, AND THE MANUFACTURE OF METALS. Vol. 1. THE TREATISE ON THE METALLURGY OF COPPER, by R. H. LAMBORN . . . . . . . : , 2. TREATISE ON THE METALLURGY OF SILVER AND LEAD. , 3. ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON IRON METALLURGY up to the Manufacture of the latest processes. With Woodcuts. 4. ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON GOLD MINING AND ASSAYING PLATINUM, IRIDIUM, &c. Woodcuts, „ 5. ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON THE MINING OF ZINC, TIN, NICKEL, COBALT, &c. Woodcuts. 6. ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON COAL MINING (Geology and Means of Discovering, &c.). Woodcuts. „ 7. ELECTRO-METALLURGY, practically treated by ALEXANDER WATT, F.R.S., F.S.A. Published . . . . . . . ls. 6d. NEW SERIES OF EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 1, 2, 3, 4. CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND, by W. D.HAMILTON. 4s. 5, 6. OUTLINES OF THE HISTORY OF GREECE, by the same, 2 vols. 2s. 6d. 7, 8. OUTLINES OF THE HISTORY OF ROME, by the same, 2 vols. . 2s.6d. 9. 10. CHRONOLOGY OF CIVIL AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, LITERATURE, ART, AND CIVILISATION, from the earliest period to the present, 2 vols. . . . . . 28. 6d. 11. GRAMMAR OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, by HYDE CLARKE, D.C.L. 1s. 11*. HAND-BOOK OF COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY, by the same. . . ls. 12, 13. DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. A new Dictionary of the English Tougue, as spoken and written, above 100,000 words, or 50,000 more than in any existing work, by the same, 3 vols. in 1 : 3s. 6d. 14. GRAMMAR OF THE GREEK LANGUAGE, by H. C. HAMILTON .. 18. 15: 16. DICTIONARY OF THE GREEK AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES, Dy do bo DAMITON, SVDis. . by H.R. HAMILTON, 2 vols. in 1 . . . . . . . . . 17, 18. — -- ENGLISH AND GREEK LANGUAGES, by the same, 2 vols. in 1 . 19. GRAMMAR OF THE LATIN LANGUAGE, by the Rev. T. GOODWIN, A.B. Is. 20, 21. DICTIONARY OF THE LATIN AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES, by the same. Vol. I. . . . . . . . . . 23. MR. WEALE'S CATALOGUE OF 22, 23. DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH AND LATIN LANGUAGES, by the same. Vol. II. . . . . . . . . . 1s. 6d. 24. GRAMMAR OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE, by the Lecturer at Besançon 1s. 25. DICTIONARY OF THE FRENCH AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES, by A. ELWES. Vol. I. : : : : : : : : : : : ds. 26. DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH AND FRENCH LANGUAGES, by the same. Vol. 11. . . : : : : : : : : 15. 27. GRAMMAR OF THE ITALIAN LANGUAGE, by the same . . . 28, 29. DICTIONARY OF THE ITALIAN, ENGLISH, AND FRENCH LANGUAGES, by the same. Vol. I. ; . . . . . . , 25. 30, 31. - - ENGLISH, ITALIAN, AND FRENCH LANGỰAGES, by the same. Vol. II. . . 32, 93. - FRENCH, ITALIAN, AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES, by the same. Vol. III. . . . . . . . 2s. 34. GRAMMAR OF THE SPANISH LANGUAGE, by the same . .. 35, 36, 37, 38. DICTIONARY OF THE SPANISH AND ENGLISH LAN: GUAGES, by the same, 4 vols. in I . . . . . : 48. 39. GRAMMAR OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE, by the Lecturer at Besançon 1s. 40. CLASSICAL GERMAN READER, from the best authors, by the same , 41, 42, 43. DICTIONARIES OF THE ENGLISH, GERMAN, AND) FRENCH LANGUAGES, by N, E. HAMILTON, 3 vols., separately lạ. each . ; 44, 45. DICTIONARY OF THE HEBREW AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES, containing the Bibļical and Rabbinical words, 2 vols. (together with the Grammar, which may be bad separately for ls.) by Dr. BRESSLAU, Hebrew Professor . . . . . . . . . . . . 75. -- ENGLISH AND HEBREW LANGUAGES. Vol. III. to complete, by the same . . . . . . . . 47. FRENCH AND ENGLISH PHRASE BOOK . . . . . . ls. 46. - THE SERIES OF EDUCATIONAL WORKS Are on sale in two kinds of binding ; for use in Colleges and Schools. HAMILTON'S OUTLINES OF THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND, 4 vols. in 1. strongly bound in cloth . . . . . . . . . . 53. - Ditto, in half-morocco, gilt, marbled edges . . . . 5s. 6d. HISTORY OF GREECE, 2 vols. in 1, bound in cloth. . . . . 38. 6d. - Ditto, in half-morocco, gilt, marbled edges . . . . 4s. HISTORY OF ROME, 2 vols. in 1, bound in cloth . . . . . 38. 6d. - Ditto, in half-morocco, gilt, marbled edges. . . . . . 4s. CHRONOLOGY OF CIVIL AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, LITERA- TURE, ART, &c., 2 vols. in 1, bound in cloth . . . . . 38. 6d. Ditto, in half-morocco, gilt, and marbled edges . . . . . 4s. CLARKE'S DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, bd. in cloth 4s. 6d. - - , in half-morocco, gilt, marbled edges . . · · · · 58. - , bound with Dr. CLARKE'S ENGLISH GRAMMAR, in cloth. 58. -, Ditto, in half-morocco, gilt, marbled edges . . . . . . 6s. HAMILTON'S GREEK AND ENGLISH and ENGLISH AND GREEK DICTIONARY, 4 vols. in 1, bound in cloth . . . . . . - Ditto, in half-morocco, gilt, marbled edges . . . . 58. Od. Ditto, with the GREEK GRAMMAR, bound in cloth. . . . 6s. NEW SERIES OF EDUCATIONAL WORKS. HAMILTON Ditto, with Ditto; in half-morocco; gilt, marbled edges . 6s. 6d. GOODWIN'S LATIN AND ENGLISH and ENGLISH AND LATIN DICTIONARY, 2 vols. in 1, bound in cloth . . . . . 4s: 6d. in Ditto, in half-morocco, gilt; marbled edges . i ; i ; Ditto, with the LATÍN GRAMMAR, bound in cloth. . i Ditto; with Ditto, in half-morocco, gilt, marbled edges . . . ELWES'S FRENCH AND ENGLISH and ENGLISH AND FRENCH DI TIONARY, 2 vols. in 1, in cloth . . . . . . . 3s: bd. Ditto, in half-morocco, gilt, marbled edges . . . . . 4s. Ditto, with the FRENCH GRAMMAR, bound in cloth . . 4s. - Ditto, with Ditto, in half-morocco, gilt, marbled edges . . . . 58. FRENCH AND ENGLISH PHRASE BOOK, or Vocabulary of all Conversa tional Words, bound, to carry in the pocket . . . . . 1s. bido ELWES'S ITALIAN, ENGLISH, AND FRENCH–ENGLISH; ITALIAN, AND FRENCH,-FRENCH, ITALIAN, AND ENGLISH DICTION- ARY, 3 vols. in 1, bound in cloth . . . . . i 75Bd. ELWES’S ITALIAN, ENGLISH, AND FRENCH-ENGLISH, ITALIAN, AND FRENCH-FRENCH, ITALIAN; AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY 3 vols. in 1, balf-morocco, gilt, marbled edges . . . . . 83. 6d. Ditto, with the GRAMMÁR, bound in cloth . . . i 88. 6d. - Ditto, with Ditto, in half-morocco, gilt, marbled edges. I 95. 64. - SPANISH AND ENGLISH and ENGLISH AND SPANISH DIC- TÍONARY, 4 vols. in 1, bound in cloth . . . . . . i 5s. - Ditto, in balf-morocco, gilt, marbled edges . i i . ; 58: 6d. Ditto; with the GRAMMAR, bound in cloth i . i Os. Ditto with Ditto, in half-morocco, gilt, marbled edges . . . Os. 6d. HAMILTON'S ENGLISH, GERMAN, AND FRENCH,-GERMAN, FRENCH, AND ENGLISH,-FRENCH; GERMAN AND ENGLISH DICTION: ARY; 3 vols. in i, bound in cloth . . . . . . . . 4s. Ditto, in half-morocco, gilt, marbled edges · i · · 48. 6tl. - Ditto with the GRAMMAR, bound in cloth . . . . 5s. Ditto, with Ditto, in half-morocco; gilt, marbled edges . . 5s. 6d. BRESSLAU'S HEBREW AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY, with the GRAM- MAR, 3 vols. in 2, bound in cloth . . . . . . . . 12s. Ditto, 3 vols. in 2, in balf-morocco, gilt, marbled edges . . . 14s. Now in the course of Publication, GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS, Price 1s. per Volume, (except in some instances, and those are 1s. 6d. or 2s. each), very neatly printed on good paper. A Series of Volumes containing the principal Greek and Latin Authors, accompanied by Explanatory Notes in English, principally selected from the best and most recent German Commentators, and comprising all those Works that are essential for the Scholar and the Pupil, and applicable for the Univer- sities of Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, and Dublin-the Colleges at Belfast, Cork, Galway, Winchester, and Eton, and the great Schools at Harrow, Rugby, &c.—also for Private Tuition and Instruction, and for the Library. Those that are not priced are in the Press. 8 MR. WEALE'S SERIES OF GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS. Несуга • :: 2s. LATIN SERIES. I A New LATIN DELECTUS, Er 10 TERENCE. Phormio, Adelphi and tracts from Classical Authors, with Vocabularies and Explanatory 11 CICERO. Orations against Cati- Notes: . . . ls. line, for Sulla, for Archias, and 2 CÆSAR'S COMMENTARIES on for the Manilian Law. the GALLIC WAR; with Gram 12 CICERO. First and Second Phi- matical and Explanatory Notes in lippics; Orations for Milo, for English, and a Geographical Index 2s. Maroellus, &c. B CORNELIUS NEPOS; with Eng 13 CICERO: De Officiis. • lish Notes, &c. . . . . . Is. 14 CICERO. De Amicitia, de Senec- 4 VIRGIL. The Georgics, Bucolics, tute, and Brutus . and doubtful Works: with English 15 JUVENAL and PERSIUS. The Notes: : : . • . 1s. indelicate passages expunged.) Ő VIRGIL'S ÆNEID (on the same 16 LIVY. Books i. to v. in two plan as the preceding) . . 2s. parts . . . . . 3s. 6 HORACE. Odes and Epodes; with 17 LIVÝ. Books xxi. and xxii. .: English Notes, and Analysis and 18 TACITUS. Agricola ; Germania; explanation of the metres ..1s. and Annals, Book i.' 7 HORACE. Satires and Epistles, 19 Selections from TIBULLUS, OVID, 2s. with English Notes, &c. . ls. 6d. and PROPERTIUS. 8 SALLUST. Conspiracy of Catiline, 20 Selections from SUETONIUS and Jugurthine War ... Is. 6d. the later Latin Writers. 9 TERÈNCE. Andrea and Feauton- timorumenosi i i ls. 6d. GREEK SERIES, ON A SIMILAR PLAN TO THE LATIN SERIES. 1 INTRODUCTORY GREEK 23 EURIPIDES; Hecuba . . 1s. READER. On the same plan as 24 EURIPIDES; Medea. the Latiu Reader . . ; ls. 25 EURIPIDES; Hippolytus. 2 XENOPHON. Anabasis, i. ii. iii. 1s. 26 EURIPIDES ; Alcestis. . . ls. 3 XENOPHON. Anabasis, iv. v. vi. 27 EURIPIDES, Orestes. vii. . . . . . ls. 28 EURIPIDES. Extracts from the 4 LUCIAN. Select Dialogues . . ls. remaining plays. 5 HOMER. Iliad, i. to vi. .ls. 29 SOPHOCLES. Extracts from the 6 HOMER. Iliad, vii. to xii. . ls. remaining plays. 7 HOMER. Iliad, xiii. to xviii. 1s. 6d. 30 ÆSCHYLUS. Prometheus Vinctus. 8 HOMER. Iliad, xix. to xxiv. ls. 6d. 31 ÆSCHYLUS. Persæ. 9 HOMER. Odyssey, i. to vi.. 1s. 6d. 32 ÆSCHYLUS. Septem contra Thebas. 10 HOMER. Odyssey, vii. to xii. is. 6d. 33 ÆSCHYLUS. Choëphoræ. 11 HOMER. Odyssey, xiii. to xviii. Is. 6d. 34 ÆSCHYLUS. Eumenides. 12 HOMER. Odyssey, xix. to xxiv.; 35 ÆSCHYLUS. Agamemnon. and Hymns. 36 ÆSCHYLUS. Supplices. 13 PLATO. Apology, Crito, and 37 PLUTARCH. Select Lives. Phædo 38 ARISTOPHANES. Clouds. 14 HERODOTUS, i. ii. . . 1s. 6d. 39 ARISTOPHANES. Frogs. 15 HERODOTUS, ü, to iv. Is. 6d. 40 ARISTOPHANES. Selections 16 HERODOTUS, v. vi. and part of vii. from the remaining Comedies. 17 HERODOTUS. Remainder of vii. 41 THUCYDIDES, i. . . . ls. viii. and ix. 42 THUCYDIDES, ii. 18 SOPHOCLES; Edipus Rex . . ls. 43 THEOCRITUS, Select Idyls. 19 SOPHOCLES; Edipus Colonæus. 44 PINDAR. 20 SOPHOCLES; Antigone. 45 ISOCRATES. 21 SOPHOCLES; Ajax. 46 HESIOD. 22 SOPHOCLES : Philoctetes. JOHN WEALE, No. 59, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C. 1s. BRADBURY AND EVANS, PRINTERS, WHITEFRIANS. APPROVED EDUCATIONAL WORKS FOR SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES, BY 1. GEORGE WHITE, HEAD MASTER OF THE ABBEY STREET SCHOOLS, LONDON. In 4to, 32 pages, price 6d. each part, it. 97 BEING A SERIES OF EXERCISES By whichy a Child may effectwally learn Geography, AND TO DRAW MAPS OF ALL COUNTRIES. BY GEORGE WHITE, Head Master of the Abbey Street Schools, London. L The distinguishing features of this Series of Exercises are I. The Smallness of the Maps. II. The Distribution and the Progressive Accumulation of Particulars. III. The Comparison of the Figure of the Map with a Square. SPECIMENS FROM No. 1.-ENGLAND. No. 8.-Rivers and Lakes. No. 14.- Combination of 11 to 13 now wemo Erang mah The Series will include all the usual Maps. HOULSTON & WRIGHT, 65, Paternoster Row. APPROVED EDUCATIONAL WORKS. By GEORGE WHITE. DRAWING FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. WHITE'S DRAWING EXERCISES, Adapted to Collective and Individual Teaching and suited to every kind of School Organization. SET THE FIRST: CONTAINING FORTY FIGURES IN OUTLINE. PRICE NINEPENCE. SET THE SECOND: CONTAINING TWENTY-EIGHT FIGURES PARTIALLY SHADED. PRICE ONE SHILLING. WHITE'S HINTS ON TEACHING DRAWING IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS, WITH A METHOD, PRICE THREE PENCE. HOULSTON & WRIGHT, 65, Paternoster Row. APPROVED EDUCATIONAL WORKS1 . [By GEORGE WHITE. WHITE'S ARITHMETICAL EXERCISES . Adapted to Individual and Collective Teaching, and suited to every kind of School Organization. IN SEPARATE SETS, PRICE ONE SHILLING A SET. No. 1.-NUMERATION AND NOTATION, Consists of eight stiff Tablets, Royal Octavo, with exercises on both sides, engraved and in letter-press. Thiese are suited TO AID PUPIL TEACHERS IN TEACHING ARITHMETIC TO JUNIOR CLASSES. No. 2.-Simple Addition, No.4.--Simple Multiplication. No. 3.-Simple Subtraction. No. 5.-Simple Division. Each of the above Four Sets cousists of 56 Cards, containing 108 Exercises, beautifully engraved as Models for imitation, with a separate and corresponding Table of Answers for the use of the Teacher. No. 6.-REDUCTION. A set of 56 Cards, containing 358 Exercises, including quantities in every denomination, with a separate and corresponding Table of Answers. No. 7,-COMPOUND ADDITION. A set of 56 Cards, containing 112 Exercises in Addition, of quantities in several denominations, with a separate and corresponding Table of Answers. No. 8.-COMPOUND SUBTRACTION. A set of 56 Cards, containing 168 Exercises in Subtraction, of quantities in several denominations, with a separate and correspouding Table of Answers. No. 9,-COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION. A Set of 56 Cards, coutaining 250 Exercises in Multiplication, of quantities in several denominations, with a separate and corresponding Table of Answers. No. 10.-COMPOUND DIVISION. A set of 56 Cards, containing 250 Exercises in Division, of quantities in several denominations, with a sepamte and corresponding Table of Answers. No. 11.-PROPORTION. A set of 56 Cards, containing 220 Exercises in Proportion, including both Simple and Compound Pronortion with a separate and corresponding table of Answers. These Exercises entirely obviate the drudgery of Setting and Scrutinizing Sums, secure for the Teacher the undisturbed opportunity of teachivg the Principles of Arithmetic, while they provide for the Pupils of an entire School, a quiet, intelligent, progressive, and concentrated practice in the elements and application of that useful science. Their practical excellence is verified by THE SALE OF NEARLY 100,000 COPIES DURING THE LAST TEN YEARS. WHITE'S LITTLE TABLE BOOK-PART I. Containing the Multiplication Tables; also Farthings, Pence, and Shilling Tables, Price One Farthing each, or Two Shillings per Hundred. WHITE'S LITTLE TABLE BOOK-PART II. Containing Tables of all the Weights and Measures, Practice, Enlarged Multiplication Table, &c., &c. Price One Farthing each, or Two Shillings per Hundred. HOULSTON & WRIGHT, 65, Paternoster Row. APPROVED EDUCATIONAL WORKS, By GEORGE WHITE. FOR ELEMENTARY READING. THE · ENGLISH SCHOOL PRIMER, - Being the first steps in READING, SPELLING, and THINKING, hy GEORGE WHITE, HEAD MASTER OF THE ABBEY STREET SCHOOLS, LONDON; AND . AND THOMAS CRAMPTON, MASTER OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS, BRENTFORD. PRICE 6D., BOUND; THE SAME IN SEPARATE PARTS, I. & II., . Strongly done up, 2d. each ; and also in very stout Card Books, Four Pages each, 4d. per set of Sixteen Books. THESE CARD BOOKS Will be found the most economical lessons extant for Public Schools. WHITE'S SCHOOL REGISTER Of Attendance, Reputation, and Payments of Scholars, in a compact form, TOGETHER WITA Causes of Absence; Capitation Summary; Weekly, Monthly, and Quarterly Summaries ; Age Tables ; Ample Instructions for use; and a Model Page. Price, bound, 16 pages, Sixpence; 38 pages, Ninepence; also in Sheets of 8 pages, Twopence each. This Register provides for a proper application of the EMULATIVE PRINCIPLE in Education, and is the only one published by which the REPUTATION of the Scholar in every department of School duty can be recorded with facility. HOULSTON & WRIGHT, 65, Paternoster Row. Jமேவ வானும் . WISDEN & CO. CRICKETING OUTFITTERS. VIA. TXO . mm " LIST OF PRICES FOR 1861. W wy WAREHOUSE, 2, NEW COVENTRY STREET, LEICESTER SQUARE, LONDON, W. allei M ontent > call CAN AR SK - BET sonra iruumilenlerime Tintaimmillisemminimalien liitunumlumtumimuilustrimmmm LUNCH Inn SU JOHN WISDEN & Co. L lilllll all, its s Ultime CRICKETINCE! NE la CICARS RIMS IPD su T X 11 ! VO il. ... . 11 Wir: .. WW TE . 1 MENU SMS IT . TV : - - TSL Cl. 1 UE Every Article supplied connected with British Games, such as Racket Bats, Balls, and Shoes, Foota balls, Quoits, Bowls, Skittles, Archery, as well as Boxing Gloves, Dumb.bells, all of which are kept in large quantities. [FOR LIST OF PRICES SEE PAGE. 3. AVTODELNUT * * * SAINTE ! ITUUT PLAIN MATCH BAT. WWWUWUWUWwwain 112- CANE-HANDLE BAT. ILIT L L . SINGLE WHALEBONE-HANDLE BAT. TILL 1:11: . TREBLE WHALEBONE-HANDLE BAT. HY WINNIWINUTURINDINIMUMUMIWA NS THE CANE-HANDLE BAT, Now so generally made use of, is one of the best improvements that has been made for years, in corroboration of which Messrs. Wisden and Co., during the last season, disposed of, in England and abroad, upwards of thirty gross. Clubs will save great expense by using them generally. They are warranted not to break, and, therefore, for use abroad or in the country, where good blades are often thrown aside for the want of being well handled, these Bats are particularly adapted. The handle is manufactured expressly in accordance with their wishes, and has not too much spring, it being prevented by the introduction of wood (a sort purchased expressly), which is worked in the centre of the handle. You are particularly requested to see the address stamped on the Bat. They will not answer for the quality of others. LV THE TREBLE WHALEBONE-HANDLE BAT Is also warranted not to break. Price to CLUBS, &c., 16s. 6d. To purchase a FIVE YEAR OLD BLADE, and put it in a CANE OG TREBLE WHALE- BONE HANDLE, is the way to secure the same Cricket Bat for use for many seasons, especially if the blade is properly fed with oil. BATS manufactured of any size (under that allowed by law); and they particularly recommend young beginners, more especially youths, to play with small and light Bats. WELL-SEASONED BEST BATS, It will be seen, are quoted extremely low, of which ONE HUNDRED GROSS are now already manufactured, and every Bat has been inspected and examined by Messrs. Wisden and Co. The yearly use of 80 gallons of prepared oil for Bats will suffice for the genuineness of the blades. We can assure our patrons that no other house has the secret of thus feeding the wood, TO CLUB S, &c. MESSRS. J. WISDEN & Co., 2, NEW COVENTRY STREET, LEICESTER SQUARE, LONDON, W., Beg most respectfully to thank Noblemen, Gentlemen, Military and Civil, as well as the Clergy, and Members of the Marylebone, Surrey, and other Clubs, for the extensive patronage they have received, and hope by constant attention to all orders entrusted to their care to merit a continuance of the same. J. WISDEN & Co., owing to the strict attention to their own manufacture, as well as the selection of the best makers' BATS and BALLS, can with confidence warrant them to be of the BEST QUALITY and WELL SEASONED; and, owing to the increased popula- rity of the game throughout all parts of the world, have made the necessary arrangements for a more extensive trade, by which means they will be enabled to supply their Goods to Regiments, Clubs, Schools, &c., on the most advantageous termas. J. W. & Co.'s own manufactured Goods are made under their personal superintendence; thus, by practical experience and knowledge, all the latest improvements are effected. Messrs. WISDEN and Co. beg particularly to call attention to the fact that every Bat that leaves their establishment is seasoned and well oiled, a work of great necessity, which has been proved by experience. Owing to the manner in which Bats should be laid by during the non-cricket season and the peculiar moisture of the oil used, Messrs. W. & Co. have always several dozens of gentlemen's private Bats under their care as soon as the season is closed. All new Bats before leaving their establishment have the same attention paid them. *** P.0.0. to be made payable at Coventry Street, London, W. These Prices are issued expressly for Clubs, Schools, fc., and 21 per cent, will be allowed for Cash with Order. All Goods not approved of exchanged. THE LIST OF PRICES. BATS. S. d. S. d. Cane-handle Bats, warranted , 18 6 Men's Practice Double-seamed , 6 6 Treble Whalebone-handle Bats , 18 6 Trap and Racket Balls, &c. These handles put into 5 year old blades STUMPS. are als. each. Single Whalebone-handle Bats, 5 Ebony top & Brass-ferruled, per set 120 years old . 150 Brass-ferruled only. 10 0 Ditto ditto, from 1 to 2 years old 12 Best Plain Match . 7 6 Match Bats, the best, 2 years old . 10 0 Common . . . . » 5 6 Ditto ditto, well seasoned 8 6 Youths' best . . . Club Bats, best . . . . IMPROVED LEG-GUARDS. Practice Bats, very strong . . Of superior White Leather, per pair 12 6 Youths' Cane-handle Bats, war- Of Chamois Leather, as generally ranted not to break . . . used and warranted . per pair 10 0 Youths' Polished Bats, 6th size : 6 Guards made to any size and for any purpose. Ditt? Plain, 6th size per pair Ditto TrebleWhalebone-handle Bats 126 IMPROVED BATTING GLOVES 10 0 Ditto Plain, 5th size .. Ditto ditto, very best 11 6 Youths' and Trap Bats of Balls of all IMPROVED WICKET-KEEPING sizes, but no inferior or Toy Shop GLOVES . . Goods are kept for Sale; and Offi- These Gloves cannot possibly be excelled. cials of Clubs, &c., are particularly SPIKE SOLES reminded that all Goods are THO- STEEL SPIKES, with Screws, re- ROUGHLY SEASONED. commended, per set (eight) . 4 BALLS. Lawn Billiards . . per set 80 0 (Not less than half a dog. at these prices.) Croquet . . Very best Treble-seamed, per doz. 78 0 Indian Clubs from 10s. 6d. to 21 Match Balls . . .. » 72 0 Case and Measure of 22 yards . 100 Practice Balls, Double-seamed ,, 62 0 Superior Manufactured Flannel for Youths' Treble-seamed, each 50 Îrowsers and Jackets, any colour Best Men's ditto . . , 7 (warranted not to shrink, and to wcar equal to cloth) per yard 50 ooooooooooo av er alt 5 0 ze: 126 7 6 S. d. į 8. d. Shirts, all patterns, from 12s. 60. to 18 6 Ditto, Jefferies & Maling's „ 21 0 Caps, each 3s. 6d. , per doz. 36 0 Wisden & Co.'s . . 213. to 25 0 Portraits of celebrated Cricketers, A reduction made if half a doz. are taken. coloured i . . each Racket Balls, warranted superior Ditto ditto in fours, only 2 6 make . . . . per gross 24 0 Coloured Lithograph of Cricketers Ditto ditto per doz. 2 6 of England in a group . . 7 6 Tives Balls ditto 5 0 The National Copper-plate Print of Boxing Gloves, superior make, with a Cricket Match. , .. . 15 0 horsehair . . . per set 12 6 These will be found much reduced in price. Foot-balls, Vulcanized India-rubber Laws of Cricket on a Sheet and as a bladder, 10s. 6d., 12s. 6d., & 158. each.. Pocket Book . . each 6 Trap Bats and Balls, all sizes. Nets, 6yds. by 2yds., &c. (see p. 7). 21 0 Dumb Bells, any weight per lb. 10 Best Electro Registered Belts, each 4 6 Quoits, bright . Best Bronze ditto . . „ 2 6 The Newly-invented Catapulta. The Cricket Field . . . 5 0 with extras (see p. 6) £10 0 0 Handling Bats, plain, if over one and Telegraphs, on the most improved under six at 58. each, if over six at principle . . . 5 0 0 4s. Id. each; Single Whalebone Horse Leather Boots for rolling 6s. 6d. and 7s. 6d. ; Treble Whale- cricket grounds, sewn with con- bone 10s. 6d. and ils. 6d. ; Cane- per wire. (Without labour on a handle Is. 6d, and 10s. 6d. ground, there is no cricket. Racket Bats, Bluck's very best, each 25 0! Bell's Life in London.) per set 2 5 0 STUMPS. The Ebony-top and Brass-ferruled combined, and used in all the great matches, are acknowledged to be the best ever introduced into the Cricket Field. They owe the invention partly to Lockyer, the celebrated wicket- keeper, whose practical experience in coming in contact with this article is well known; and the price to Clubs, Schools, &c., is very moderate. Brass-ferruled (only) Stumps, warranted seasoned, and equally low in price, Best Match Stumps, warranted. These are quite plain, and of equally well-seasoned wood. Common or Practice Stumps are made expressly for prac- tice, and will be found a very useful and saving article. Youths' Stumps of any size. VIA VERNOS osalire utilul CRICKET BALLS. To warrant a Cricket Ball to keep its shape and hard- ness in wet weather is an undertaking that few will accomplish; but we will do so; and the charge for this article will be found to be extremely moderate. Best Treble-seamed Cricket Balls, as used in most of the matches of the season, 72s. per dozen; under half a dozen 7s.6d, each. Double-seamed or Practice Balls 62s. per dozen; under balf a dozen 6s. 6d. each. Youths' Cricket Balls are warranted, and contain the same workmanship as men's. MARQUEES, TENTS, AND CLUB BOXES sup- plied on the shortest notice. ' A REGISTER KEPT FOR BOWLERS, and none recommended but those who can command first-class testimonials. A LARGE COLLECTION OF CRICKETERS' PORTRAITS ON SALE. LEG-GUARDS SIS Of the very latest improvements, combining the ex- cellent qualities of strength and lightness, and a safe and sure protection to the legs. Where it is impossible for the ball to strike the leg it needs no guard, and thus the manufacture secures what is so beneficial while practising or running between the wickets. Price, to Clubs and Schools only, 10s. 6d. per pair. Of superior white leather they are manufactured at 12s. 6d. per pair. Youths' Leg-guards, as well as Guards made for the Elbow, Knee, &c. &c. J. Wisden and Co.'s newly-invented “Private" Guard, so greatly needed, and which, also, gives so much confidence to the batsman, is used by the cele- brated players of the day. All kinds of Guards for protection manufactured on the shortest notice, and sold at the most reasonable prices possible. SPIKE SOLES I 13 MEI LE © Of well-seasoned leather. The Spikes can be altered according to the tread of the wearer. THE TUBULAR INDIA-RUBBER GLOVE. The Price for this further in- proved article will be seen to be very moderate, The Gloves are open in the palm of the hand, in order to grasp the bat more tightly. នេះគេតែង ATTET:-:::: SARI ra:0::52:33.5" C re PUS AN WWW: :IU WICKET-KEEPING GLOVES. ... ile Valuabe suggestions from Lockyer, H. Stevenson, and other well-known Wicket-keepers, have made this article now almost perfection. The padding of the Glove is placed only where it is required. The leather, too, that they are manufactured of assists materially to keep the ball in the hand when * stumping. Please to see that the right stamp and address are on. 1 LILLYWHITE & WISDEN’S PATENT 1. CATAPULTA. UN SLI P 1 AC LES . = OSAS . - - - 1 TISSOS - .. This newly-invented Catapulta, patented by Messrs. F. Lilly- white & Wisden, has more than realised their expectations. It bas been worked in the presence of thou- sands of spectators, at Lord's and the Oval, who pronounced it to be the acme of per- fection. Several im- provements were seen and made-steel be- ing substituted for wooden springs-and it now goes forth to the public quite per- fect. Its weight is acwt. and height Cft., and it can be worked easily by any person after two or three trials. It is put up and in working order in about five minutes. To Members of Clubs who have a know- ledge of the game, and are not bowlers, but still anxious to bring forward their younger members or sons, this invention is most invaluable, as by a very simple method of letting off the trig- ger, you can bowl straight, or to the off or leg, give full or short pitch ball, or a fast, medium, or slow ball. This can be managed in so simple a manner, that any servant at a Nobleman or Gentleman's seat could give his master as genuine practice (not, however, to include teaching), as any FIRST-CLASS Professional Bowler. This alone speaks volumes in favour of the inven- tion. Most of the leading Gentlemen and Players of the day have practised against it, and have all fallen victims to it changeable tactics. Another important point is, there being ng danger in working it, for it could, in fact, be well managed by a Lady, if set at a moderate or medium pace. The price of the instrument is £10, and so portable that no inconvenience would be derived from movements from place to place. The article bears the Royal Arms and the patentee mark. The principle of working it will be shown at 2, New Coventry Street, Leicester Square, London, W., at which place only can it be purchased. Printed Instructions accompany each Catapulta, and if necessary Noblemen or Gentlemen will be attended upon at their seats. THE CRICKETING SHIRT, worn by nearly all the Professional Cricketers, and Members of the Marylebone, Surrey, and other well-known Clubs. The Shirt is printed with exact positions of many of the present celebrities in the cricketing world. A CRICKETER'S OR RACKET PLAYER'S SUIT OF FLANNEL, compris- ing the newest Pattern Jacket, Trowsers, and Cap, any colour, manufactured for the purpose, and wearing like cloth, £5 10s. FLANNEL SHIRTS & CAPS are well shrunk and of all patterns. We have also a material manufactured expressly for Trowsers and Jackets, and warranted shrunk. AM - . . P. . . . ARVUTI is, . HAR $ ! ANTIC ii .. W CA . . . UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 111 111 11 III s17 III i , . ,, . " doc de. 3 9015 03392 3940 P . A * .' . LUXU. ." . 07 as, ! . .. ... * 4 " 8 . ՄԻԱԿԱՄԱԱԱԱԱԱԱԱԱԱՄ 871 ՀԱԱԱԱԱԱԱԱԱԱԱԱԱԱԱԱԱԱ: . - Us MATES SCIENTIA ... ARTESAL SCIENTIA LIBRARY VERITAS OF THE VERSITY OF MICH SA nating minimoto I . 4 1.7 SIGLO adiumSIMULATION TOIMITILINTIMIILUR . UNIVERSIT * . . PITONTOU Unca INIQUE . - 2P TI:ESOR 77 . . 1 T . . "Y !!! 2 . 5 3 1. 13 1.!" - 1 . I ISSN . . IS PENINSULAMAMO . 2 . with CIRCU Y CUMS! OPICE . LAIMILIAMUMA NOH UWAIN GMTUDOMMINILISIMO N anununun doletinitirminnile . . . . . 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