O B 1014,505 } | U. S. 4- 8x44::f c ſ Geaugeess, & . & **** **** Tº) § 3. a.” gº; s * g : “… 3.4% ! { *śćta * / & * * * ****Cº-tºaſt of Tºle Beeks #. - - * - | - - º |Uhlversity of Michigan University Library ldbrary Scietige Library CAT. DIV., Dec., 1902. , t → / THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Ct., (, , . . . . ()RDER AND ARRANGEMENT OF THE BOOKS IN THE STACKS, The books on the shelves are to be kept in the order of the numbers written or printed upon the (white) labels on the back of the books. (This number also appears on the book-plate inside, on the front cover, and, in the new classification, on the back of the title-page of each volume.) OLD CLASSIFICATION. Red-rimmed labels distinguish books in the old classes designated as “Chapters.” The numbers are as follows: 40 _40_ 40 etc Algarotti' Bacon’ Clemens’ 40 is the “Chapter” or class of Collections and Collected works of general character, Polygraphy, etc. Bºoks in this chapter are arranged in one alphabet by author, editor, or title, as the case may be, the name by which a work is placed being indicated on the label in full, or sometimes in abbrev \ted form. The same order obtains in other chapters of form classes: 33, 34, 35, 41. II. 15 15 = Chapter or Class Technology. - 9412 9412 = (originally a shelf numbered 9412, now) a section of books on Bleaching, also a sec- tion of books on Cosmetics, also a section of books on Paints, also a section of books on Paper, Stationery. Under each section the books should be arranged alphabet- ically by authors’ names, which are generally indicated on the label by the initial of the surname, e. g.: 15 º Hofman. Manufacture of paper. 15 9412 Watt. Paper manufacture. - W 39 39 = Chapter or Class Language. 10980 10980 = English dictionaries, compiled by authors whose names begin with A or B. º tº a tº º e º e º ſº º º ſº tº ºn e º e s tº e English dictionaries, authors C to H. * … English dictionaries, authors I to J. 10982 8-) } * … English dictionaries, authors K to P. 10983 8-> } - * … English dictionaries, authors R to Z. 10984 8-> j } 39 6. J.; 10984 Webster. W Library Science <--~~ & f : , \’ * •. NEW CLASSIFICATION. ºf (a {: In the new classification the class is designated by a capital letter or double letter, e. g., E, DA, etc. Subdivisions in each class are numbered consecutively 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 21, etc., etc., like the old shelf numbers. Numbers omitted here and there for the present may be used for further subdivision if desired in the future. To the class-letter and division number is added the book or “author’’ number, consisting of a capital letter followed by a decimal number of one, two, or three places. The letter is the initial of the author's surname, or, in case of anonymous books, of the first word of the title. When the books are arranged by these book-numbers they will be found to stand in alphabetical order by authors’ names. Numbers to be read deci- mally are always preceded by the decimal point. On the labels the class letter, division number, and “author” number are each written or printed on a separate line, in the Order named, but on readers’ tickets or catalog cards they may be written on one line, e. g.: may be written E101. F54. E E = American history. 101 101 = Discovery of America. General works. . F54 . F54 = Fiske (author number from Cutter table) All books marked E101 stand on the shelves after books marked E100 and before those marked E102. Under E101 the order by authors is according to the letter and number following the decimal point; for instance E101. F54 Fiske. 1892. E101. F55 Fiske. 1899. E101. G13 Gaffarel. E101. H32 Harrisse. E101.W 42 Weise. Then would follow E103. B12 Bachiller. E103. D48 Deuber. E103. H85 Howell. Then - . A1 may of course be written. A10, E105. A54 Anderson. . A 100, etc., though always arranged E105. D38 DeCosta. the same—that is, before . A2 or . A3 E105. G.77 Gravier. and after. A01 or . A021, etc., i. e.: E105. R13 Rafn. - . A005 . A005 Or in another class . A02 . A020 QA = Mathematics. . A1 3.T0 . A 100 QA1 = Mathematical periodicals. . A11 arranged . A110 QA1. M7 Mathematical monthly. - .A2. 3.S . A 200 QA1. M77 Mathematical visitor. . A23 if , A230 QA1. M8 The Mathematician. - . A4 written . A400 QA103 = Arithmetic. Text books. . A75 . A750 QA103. W475 Wentworth & Hill. Arith. 1887. . A9 . A900 QA103. W477 Wentworth & Hill. Practical arith. 1885. QA103. W479 Wentworth. Practical arith. 1897. QA103. W48 Wentworth. Practical arith. 1899. QA103. W481 Wentworth. Aritmética práctica. 1901. QA103. W485 Wentworth. Grammar School arith. 1885. QA103. W486 Wentworth. Grammar School arith. Rev. ed. 1889. QA103. W487 Wentworth. Grammar School arith. Teachers’ ed. 1889. QA103. W49 Wentworth. Advanced arith, 1898. QA103. W491 Wentworth. Ans. to adv. arith. 1898. When in any division the literature of a subject contains a considerable number of separate works on special coordinate topics, that division is subdivided by topics and the topics arranged alphabetically under numbers expressing the names of the topics, e. g.: Z6021 Bibliography of maps. General. Z6026 Bibliography of maps. Special. Z6026. H6 Bibliography of historical and military maps. Z6026. H9 Bibliography of hydrographic maps. e.g., Z6026. H967 = Gt. Brit. Admiralty. Catalogue of hydrographic maps. (G7 author number follows H9 topic number.) 76027 Bibliography of maps by countries. Z6027. A5 Bibliography of maps of America. Z6027. C21 Bibliography of maps of Canada. Z6027. F8 Bibliography of maps of France. e.g., Z6027. A5U5 U. S. Library of Congress. List of maps of America; by P. L. Phillips. When in breaking up a general division into subdivisions for special topics a systematic or any arrange- ment other than alphabetical is preferable, decimal numbers without a letter preceding are used to designate the subdivisions. In American local history the numerous works on New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, and Chicago have thus been subdivided, e. g.: F128 = New York City. F128.1 New York City. Periodicals. Societies. Collections. F128.2 New York City. Dictionaries. Directories. F128.25 New York City. Biography. F128.3 New York City. Comprehensive works. F128.33 New York City. Guide books. F128.37 New York City. Miscellany. Pamphlets. F128.39 New York City. Antiquities. * New York city. History and deciſion wºod F128.5ſ ew York Ulty. 1story and description by periods. F128.6 New York City. Districts. Sections. F128.61 New York City. Cemeteries. F128.63 New York City. Harbor. F128.65 New York City. Parks. F128.67 New York City. Streets. F128.68 New York City. Suburbs. F128.69 New York City. Wards. º F128.7 New York City. Buildings (collectively) e. g., Theaters, Public buildings. F128.8 New York City. Particular buildings. F128.9 New York City. Other special topics (alphabetically) e. g., F128.9C5 Chinatown. Different works of the same author in one division are numbered so as to follow one another in alphabet- ical order by title. Similarly, different editions of the same work are numbered to follow in chronological Order, the most recent edition being given a short mark. Indexes, keys, etc., are marked to follow the works to which they belong. Translations follow the original in alphabetical order of languages, translations in the same language being subarranged by translators’ names. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN | 3 9015 03393 7486 " .. )