appears a portrait of a person in a medallion, and a Biblical
scene decorates the bottom of the page. In addition there are
two full-page illustrations with borders in colors. The illus-
trations and borders are engraved and colored by hand. The
benedictions chanted on Purim precede and follow the story.
The scroll is on old wooden rolls with a knob on one end and
a handle on the other end. The name of the scribe and date
are not given. The copy was transcribed probably in Italy
during the early part of the eighteenth century.
A manuscript scroll on soft brown leather, containing the
Book of Esther.
The story is written in very clear and beautiful Hebrew
characters on 21 page size sections, on a roll 95 inches by 8
inches. The first, few sections are worn and some have holes
in them, but the balance of the manuscript is in excellent con-
dition. It is attached to a wooden roll with carved end pieces
one of which is missing. Neither the name of the scribe
nor a date is given. The copy was transcribed probably in
Palestine during the sixteenth century.
A manuscript scroll on vellum, containing the Book of
The story is beautifully written in Hebrew characters of
large size in 16 sections on a roll 135 inches long and 17
inches wide. Neither the date nor the name of the scribe is
given; it was transcribed probably during the eighteenth
A manuscript scroll on soft brown leather, containing the
Book of Esther.
The story is beautifully written in clear Hebrew characters
on 20 page size sections, on a roll 105 inches long 7 inches
wide. A few of the sections have holes in them but the manu-
script on the whole is in excellent condition. It is attached to
a wooden roll with a knob on one end and a handle on the
other. The name of the scribe and the date are not given.
The transcription was probably made in Palestine during
the sixteenth century.
A manuscript scroll on parchment, containing the Book
of Esther.
The scroll is written in fair Hebrew characters and meas-
ures 136 inches long and 6 inches wide. It is laid off in 25
page size sections bordered with panels bearing floral de-
signs. The scroll is on wooden rolls with handles on both
ends. Neither the name of the scribe nor the date is given.
The manuscript was transcribed probably in Italy during
the eighteenth century.
A manuscript scroll on parchment, containing the Book
of Esther.
The story is written in excellent Hebrew characters on a
roll 108 inches by 6 inches, divided into 21 page size sections.
The first few sections are worn and have been lined with
green silk cloth, and mended on the edges for protection. All
the sections are framed by green floral borders, and have
been decorated on the bottom by minute illustrations in colors,
which depict some of the important incidents of the story.
The manuscript has been attached to a wooden roll with
decorative silver knobs one of which is missing. The name
of the scribe and the date do not appear. The copy was
made probably in France during the sixteenth century.
A copy of the Samaritan Liturgy with some headings and
notes in Arabic. It consists of prayers, largely in prose,
and of hymns composed for recital on the great feasts and
fasts and the Sabbath.
Folios 158, of which the last seven are blank; 8 inches by
5 inches; 24 lines to a page, written on native glazed paper
in cursive Samaritan script. Some headings and notes are
written in Arabic characters. The verse sections are in a
different hand and run 21 lines to a page in double columns.
The binding is of red leather with flap, the outside covers of
which are blind-tooled in geometrical patterns. The inside
covers are lined with plain paper. Folios 1-9 contain a short
preface which is followed by a table of contents. The last
folio of the introduction bears the date 1266 A. H. (1849
A. D.), but the name of the scribe does not appear.
A fragmentary and disintegrated manuscript containing
some hymns and prayers.
Folios 25; 4 inches by 3 inches; 16 lines to a page, written
on native paper in a regular but poor hand. Nearly all the
leaves are stained or torn. Neither the name of the scribe
nor the date is given, but the manuscript was copied prob-
ably during the seventeenth century.
A treatise on philosophy without beginning or end.
Folios 47; 5 inches by 4 inches; 22 lines to a page,
written on thick native paper in a regular Nestorian hand,
with vowel points. Most of the leaves are stained and torn.
The titles are inscribed in red ink. Some of the margins
contain notes in Arabic characters. These were apparently
added later. The manuscript was written probably during
the nineteenth century.
An opened roll of papyrus in three sections, each 15
inches by 10 inches; written in Hieratic, and consisting of
part of the Theban Recension of Per-em-hru, or
"The Book
of Going Forth by Day," otherwise known as "The Book
of the Dead." It contains fifteen vignettes, or drawings in
black outlines, on the borders. The details of the vignettes
Section I. The deceased is shown adoring a triad of gods
with Amset and Tuamutef behind them, and in the rear the
Ka appears as a human-headed hawk above the closed door
of a mastaba, or a repository for the dead. The Ka bird,
perched on the tomb, wears the ankh symbol of life around
its neck, and it has the traditional beard of Osiris. The
male figure just below the deceased, standing with right arm
upraised, is a priest probably reciting formulae, and the low-
est figure, wearing a wig and standing on a papyrus mat, is
also that of a priest.
Section II. The deceased is shown spearing crocodiles,
and fiends of the underworld who have come to destroy him.
This is very likely a part of Chapter XXXI, Book of the
Dead, Theban Recension. The other two figures of this sec-
tion, like the deceased, wear the "Shendyt " garment. The
one on the left has a longer garment with folded kilt, but all
three have shoulder straps.
Section III. The figures in this section from right to left
show the deceased spearing a coiled up serpent; spearing one
of the forms of the "set" animal; spearing a serpent raising
itself upon a bowl. Below, a "sem," or ritual priest, wearing
100 せいぜいち
千代 ボムコ
第納性 742
De qu
BOOK OF THE DEAD, C. 700-800 B.C.
(MS. No. 153)
a panther skin, is shown worshipping on a papyrus mat.
Below it is the god Horus wearing the crowns of the
Upper and Lower Egypt, and holding in his left hand the
was sceptre, a symbol of authority and welfare; in his
right hand, the ankh symbol of life. He is shown standing
on a papyrus mat and wears a broad collar.
The binding is of modern morocco, blind-tooled, with
some of the vignettes reproduced in gold tooling on both
sides. The front cover contains a bookplate of Sir Thomas
This manuscript, like others found in Egypt, was prepared
beforehand by the makers of funerary equipment and was
kept in stock to be sold and used when called for by middle
class people, who could not afford the more elaborate forms
of funerary work. In some of this class of literature, the
name and titles of the deceased were inserted in a blank
space left for that purpose by the makers of manuscripts.
In other cases, the papyrus was placed on the person of the
deceased without the name. This manuscript appears to be-
long to the latter class. It was made, during the Saïte
period, somewhere about 700 to 800 B. C. The graphic art
of the vignettes point to that period.
Aga-Oglu, Mehmet: Persian Bookbindings of the Fifteenth Century,
University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1935.
Ahlwardt, W.: Die Handschriften Verzeichnisse der Königlichen
Bibliothek zu Berlin, 4 vols., Berlin 1887.
Arnold, Sir T. W.: Painting in Islam, Oxford, Clarendon Press,
London, 1928.
‘Arūḍī, Samarqandī: Chahār Maqāla, Persian Text edited by Muḥam-
mad, Mīrzā, Luzac & Co., London, 1910.
Aumer, T.: Die Arabischen Handschriften der K. Hof- und Staat-
bibliothek in München, vol. 1, part 2, München, 1866.
Beale, T. W.: An Oriental Biographical Dictionary, a new edition.
revised and enlarged by H. G. Keene, W. H. Allen & Co., Ltd.,
London, 1894.
Bendall, C.: Catalogue of the Sanskrit MSS. in the British Museum,
London, 1902.
Bicknell, H.: Hafiz of Shiraz: Selections from His Poems, Turner
& Co., London, 1875.
Binyon, L.: The Court Painters of the Grand Moguls, Oxford Uni-
versity Press, 1921.
Binyon, L., Wilkinson, J. V. S., and Gray, B.: Persian Miniature
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Blumhardt, J. F.: Catalogue of the Hindi, Panjabi and Hindustani
MSS. in the Library of the British Museum, London, 1899.
Breasted, J. H.: History of Egypt from the earliest times to the
Persian Conquest; 2nd edition, Scribner, New York, 1923.
: Ancient Records of Egypt, 5 vols., University of Chicago
Press, 1906.
Brockelmann, C.: Geschichte der Arabischen Litteratur, 2 vols.,
Weimar, 1898-1902.
Brown, P.: Indian Painting under the Mughals, Oxford Clarendon
Press, 1924.
Browne, E. G.: A Literary History of Persia, 2 vols., Charles Scrib-
ner's Sons, New York, 1902-6.
A History of Persian Literature under Tartar Dominion,
Cambridge University Press, 1920.
Browne, E. G.: A History of Persian Literature in Modern Times,
Cambridge University Press, 1924.
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the University of Cambridge, Cambridge University Press,
: A Hand-List of the Muhammadan Manuscripts in the
Library of the University of Cambridge, Cambridge University
Press, 1900.
: A Supplementary Hand-List of the Muhammadan Manu-
scripts of the University and Colleges of Cambridge, Cam-
bridge University Press, 1922.
: A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental MSS. belonging to
the late E. G. Browne, completed and edited by R. A. Nichol-
son, Cambridge University Press, 1932.
Conybeare, F. C.: A Catalogue of the Armenian Manuscripts in the
British Museum, London, 1913.
Coomaraswamy, A.: Rajput Painting, 2 vols., Oxford University
Press, London, 1916.
Dawlatshāh: The Tadhkiratu'sh-Shu'arā, Persian Text edited by E.
G. Browne, Luzac & Co., London, 1901.
De Sacy, Silvestre: Chrestomathie Arabe, 3 vols., L'Imprimerie
Royale, 1826-27.
Dimand, M. S.: Islamic Miniature Painting, New York, 1934.
: A Handbook of Muhammedan Decorative Arts, New York,
Dodwell, H. H.: The Cambridge History of India, vol. 5, Cambridge
University Press, 1929.
Eastwick, E. B.: The Gulistan, Hertford, 1852.
Ellis, A. G.: Catalogue of Arabic Books in the British Museum, 2
vols., London, 1894.
Flügel, G. Die Arabischen, Persischen und Türkischen Hand-
schrifen, 3 vols., Wien, 1865.
Gibb, E. J. W.: A History of Ottoman Poetry, edited by E. G.
Browne, 6 vols., London, 1900-9.
Gray, B.: Persian Painting, London, 1913.
Habib: Khatt wa Khaṭṭāṭān, edited by Ebü'z-Ziyā Tevfiq, Istanbul,
Haji Khalfa: Lexicon Bibliographicum et Encyclopaedicum, edited
by G. Flügel, 7 vols., Leipzig, 1835.
Ḥamd-allāh Mustawfi: The Nuzhat al-Qulub, edited by G. Le
Strange, Luzac & Co., London, 1915.
: The Ta'rikh-i-Guzīda, edited by E. G. Browne, vol. 1,
Persian Text, vol. 2, abridged translation and indices by E. G.
Browne and R. A. Nicholson, Luzac & Co., London, 1910-13.
Hammer, von Joseph: Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches, 10 vols.,
Pesth, 1827-35.
Hammer-Purgstall: Geschichte der Osmanischen Dichtkunst, 4 vols.,
Pesth, 1836-38.
Huart, C.: A History of Arabic Literature, D. Appleton & Co., New
York, 1903.
Hukk, M. A., Ethé, H., and Robertson, E.: A Descriptive Catalogue
of the Arabic and Persian Manuscripts in Edinburgh Uni-
versity Library, Hertford, 1925.
Jackson, A. V. W. and Yohannan, A.: A Catalogue of the Collection
of Persian Manuscripts of the Cochran Collection, Columbia
University Press, New York, 1914.
Kühnel, E.: Miniaturmalerei im Islamischen Orient, Berlin, 1923.
Martin, F. R.: The Miniature Painting and Painters of Persia, India,
and Turkey, 2 vols., Bernard Quaritch, London, 1912.
Mehta, N. C. Studies in Indian Painting, Bombay, 1926.
Montgomery, J. A.: The Samaritans, Philadelphia, 1907.
Mustaqīm-Zadeh, S. S.: Tuḥfah'i Khaṭṭāṭīn, edited by Ibnul'emin
Mahmut Kemal, Devlet Matbaasi, Istanbul, 1928.
New York Public Library: List of Works in the N. Y. Public
Library Relating to Persia, 1915.
Nicholson, R. A.: A Literary History of the Arabs, Charles Scribner's
Sons, New York, 1907.
Pertsch, W.: Verzeichniss der Persischen Handschriften der König-
lichen Bibliothek zu Berlin, Berlin, 1888.
Rieu, C. Catalogue of the Turkish Manuscripts in the British
Museum, London, 1888.
: Supplement to the Catalogue of the Arabic Manuscripts in
the British Museum, London, 1894.
: Catalogue of the Persian Manuscripts in the British Museum,
3 vols., London, 1879-83.
Supplement to the Catalogue of the Persian Manuscripts in
the British Museum, London, 1895.
Sakisian, Armenag Bey: La Miniature Persane du XIIe au XVIIe
Siècle, Paris et Bruxelles, 1929.
Schulz, Ph. W.: Die persische-islamische Miniaturmalerei, 2 vols.,
Leipzig, 1914.
Sprenger, A.: A Catalogue of the Arabic, Persian and Hindustani
Manuscripts of the Libraries of the King of Oudh, vol. 1,
Calcutta, 1854.
Stephen, Leslie: Dictionary of National Biography, edited by, vols.
1-63, Macmillan & Co., London and New York, 1885-1900.
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Syrian-American Press, New York, 1927.
Wilkinson, J. V. S.: The Shāh-Namah of Firdawsi, Oxford Uni-
versity Press, London, 1931.
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Press, 1930.
Wright, W.: Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum,
3 vols., London, 1870-72.
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Museum, London, 1872.
U. S. Government Printing Office: Manual of Foreign Languages,
Third edition, April, 1936.
-: Manual of Foreign Languages, Revised edition, Supplement
to style manual, April, 1935.
The references are to the pages of the Catalogue. Works repre-
sented in this Collection are marked with an asterisk (*).
*Abvāb al-Jinān 45
*Ajā'ib al-Makhluqāt 48
Akbar-nāmah 56
Akhlaq-i-Muḥsinī 48
*Akhtharq 200
*'Ālam-numā 170
*Bazm-i-Wiṣāl 145, 146
*Beautiful Odes, see Bada'i'
*Bhagavadgītā 179-181
*Bhāgavatapurāņa 181, 182
*Bhiṣmastavarājastotra 179, 180
*Book of Advice, see Pand-namah
*Al-Mukhtaşar fi 'Ilm al-Ma'ānī *Book of Alexander, see Is-
32, 33
24, 25
*Al-Qaşîdat al-Nazirah 36, 37
*Al-Qaşīdat al-Tanṭarāniyyat 36
*Al-Qur'an 1-24, 26, 42, 45, 50,
64, 70, 72, 117, 123, 126,
136, 156, 163
Persian translation 16-18
*Al-Risalat al-Muhammadiyyah
163, 164
*Anusmrti 179, 180
Anwār al-'Ashiqin 162
*Anwār al-Tanzil wa Asrār al-
Ta'wil 20-22
*Anwär-i-Suhayli 48, 69-71
*'Aqā'id al-Sanūsi 38
*Arabic Qaşīdahs 110
*Arba'in 34
Asrar-nāmah 95
Āthāru'l-Bilād 48
Aṭwaq al-Dhahab 145
*Avedaran 190-196
Bābur-nāmah 135 n. 1
*Bada'i' 110, 116
*Bahrām-nāmah, see Haft Paykar
*Book of (Alexander's) Fortune,
see Iqbal-namah
*Book of (Alexander's) Honor,
see Sharaf-namah
*Book of Alexander's Wisdom,
see Khirad-nāmah'i Iskan-
*Book of Counsels, see Pand-
*Book of the Dead, see Per-em-
*Book of Esther, see Meghillat
*Book of Going Forth by Day,
see Book of the Dead
*Book of Kings, see Shāh-nāmah
*Book of the Law 205
*Breath of Flowers, see Nafḥat
*Būstān, see Bustan-i-Sa'di
*Būstān-i-Sa'dī 109, 110, 117-119
Calligraphy and Calligraphers,
see Khatt wa Khaṭṭāṭān
*Canticles, or Biblical Hymns of
Ethiopia 205, 206
*Casket of Discipline, see Vinaya- *Epigrammatic Poems, see Ṣāhi-
Chahar Maqalah 71
Chain of Gold, see Silsilat al-
Collars of Gold, see Aṭwaq al-
*Complete Works, see Kulliyyat
*Conduct of the Pious, see Maslak
*Converse of Virgins, see Şuḥbat
*Cupbearer Book, see Saqi-nāmah
*Dah-namah, see Rawḍat al-
*Dala'il al-Khayrat 26-28
*Death Elegies, see Marathi
*Delight of Souls, see Nuzhat al-
Detached Distiches, see Fardiyat
*Dharmalakṣmīsamvāda 185
Dhat al-Sharif 25
*Disclosure of the Two Holy
Cities, see Futūḥ al-Hara-
*Disjointed Poems, see Muqat-
Diwan al-Adab 171
*Dīwān-i-Ḥāfiz 125-128
*Dīwān-i-Khusraw wa 'Ismat 122
*Diwan-i-Neva'i 165, 166
*Diwan-i-Wiṣāl 145, 146
Dīvān of Etiquette, see Diwān
Durar al-Hukkām 22 n. 5
*Early Odes, see Ghazaliyyāt-i-
*Egyptian Papyrus, see Book of
the Dead
*Elegies, see Arabic Qaṣīdahs
Enchiridion Studiosi 34
*Esther, the Book of, see Me-
ghillat Esther
*Eucharistical Prayer of Saint
John 206
*Fables of Bidpai, see Kalilah
and Dimnah
Fardiyat 111 n.
Farhad and Shirin, of Waḥshi
*Farhang-i-Kashmiri 66
Ferāḥ al-Ruḥ 164
*Fine Odes, see Tayyibāt
*Five Treasures, see Panj-Ganj
Four Discourses, see Chahār
*Futuḥ al-Haramayn 140, 141
*Gajendramokṣaṇa 179, 180
*Garden of Friends, see Rawḍat
*Garland of Devotees, see Maj-
mu'ah'i Bhagat Māl
*Gates of Paradise, see Abvāb
*Gawhar-i-Tuḥfah'i 'Alam-Shāhī
Ghāyat al-Qaswḍ 21
Ghazaliyyāt 122
*Ghazaliyyāt-i-Qadimah 110
Gift of Calligraphers, see Tuḥ-
fah'i Khaṭṭāṭīn
*Gift of Counsels, see Tuḥfat
Gift of the Noble, see Tuḥfat
Armenian 190-196
Armenian-Turkish 192
*Gospel, of Saint John.
Ethiopic 203
*Gulistan 109, 110, 119-121, 129, *Joseph and Potiphar's Wife, see
Yusuf wa Zulaykhā
*Gulshan-i-'Ishq 172, 173
Joy of the Soul, see Farāḥ al-
Ḥabib al-Siyar 122
Ḥabsiyyah 92
Haft Awrang 136
Haft Iqlim 92, 123
Haft Khwän 171
Haft Manzar 55
*Haft Paykar 55, 97
Haylāj-nāmah 95
*Hazaliyyāt 110, 116
*Hishmet-i-Kashmir 67-69
*Hisous Vorti 199
Histoire de Nadir Chah 64
Historica Monastica 38 n. 1 and
n. 2
*Iqbal-nāmah 56, 98
*Iqbāl-nāmah'i Jahāngīrī 56-64
Irshad al-Ṭālibīn fi Ta'lim al-
Muta'allimin 34
*Iskandar-nāmah, of Nizāmī 55,
98, 103
*I'tiqādiyyah'i Mullā Tughrā 143,
Jami' al-Saghrặ 35
*Janmapattrikā 182, 183
Jawhar al-Dhahab 95
*Kalilah and Dimnah, see Anwār-
Jesus the Son, see Hisous Vorti
*Jocular Poems, see Muṭāyibāt
*Kammavācam 186-188
*Kammavākyam 186
*History of India, see Iqbal-
nämah'i Jahangiri
*Khawātīm 110
*History of Kashmir, see Tarikh-
Khazinah'i Ganj 131
*Khirad-nāmah'i Iskandari
Jāmi 136
*History of Nadir, see Tarikh-
Nizāmī 98
*History of Tīmūr, see Tīmūr- *Khulāṣah'i Khamsah 106, 107
nāmah of Hātifi
*Homilies and Visions of Saint
Aragāwi 202
Khulasat al-Ash'ar 43, 140
*Khusraw and Shirin
Hatifi 55
Nizāmī 97
Khusraw wa Gul 95
Kitāb al-Aqālīm 21
*Kitab al-Du'à 26
Kashshaf, of Zamakhshari 21
*Khamsah, 55, 97, 99, 101-103,
106, 169, 170
'Atā'ī 169-171
Dihlawi 121
Hätifi 55
Nizāmī 97, 99-103
Khamsat al-Mutaḥayyirin 136
Khatt wa Khaṭṭāṭān 134 n. 4,
Khāqānī 93, 94
Sa'di 109-116
La Pluie de Rosée 31
*Layla wa Majnun
Hatifi 55
Jāmi 136
Maktabi 141, 142
Nizami 97
*Lectionary, of the Coptic Church
Lights of Lovers, see Anwār al-
*Lights of Revelation and the
Mysteries of Interpretation,
see Anwär al-Tanzil wa
Asrār al-Ta'wil
Abyssinian 204, 206
Samaritan 216
Lives of Holy Men, see Para-
dise of Palladius
*Lord's Song, see Bhagavadgītā
*Madh-i-Mashayikh 150, 151
Magharib al-Zamān 162
*Magic Formulas 207
*Mahābhārata 178-181
Majālis al-Nafā' is 136
*Majma' al-Furs 43, 44
Majma' al-Fuṣaḥā 123, 145 n. 1
*Majmu'ah' i Bhagat Mal 176,
Mughni al-Labīb 31
*Muḥammadiyyah, see Al-Risālat
*Mulamma'at 111 n., 115
*Multaqa al-Abḥur 30, 31
*Muqaddimat, see Al-Muqaddi-
mat al-Jazariyyat
*Muqaṭṭa'at 110, 122
*Muṭāyibāt 110, 116
*Manrousoum 197, 198
Mantiq al-Tayr 95
*Marathi 110
*Mashtotz, or Father Mashtotz,
Armenian Ritual 198, 199
*Maslak al-Akhyār 149
*Meghillat Esther 212-215
Memoirs, of Sir Moses and
Lady Montefiore 210
Minhaj al-Wuşul 21
Mir'at al-'Alam 43
Miṣbāḥ al-Arwāḥ 21
*Mixed Poems, see Mulamma'at
Monuments of the Lands, see
Nafaḥāt al-Uns 46, 95
*Nafḥāt al-Azhār 170, 171
*Nawadir Majmu'ah'i Ya'qūbi
Nazm al-'Iqyān fi A'yān al-
A'yān 23
*Nigāristān 128, 129-131, 168
*Niṣāb al-Ṣibyān 35
Nizām al-Tawārikh 21
*Nuzhat al-Arwāḥ 46-48
Nuzhat al-Qulub 48
*Nyāyasūtra 184
*Obscene Poems, see Hazaliyyāt
*Makhzan al-Asrar 97, 103, 149, *Old Testament, see Tanakh
*Manāhij al-Usul al-Dinniyat
*Orchard, see Būstān-i-Sa'di
'Aṭṭār 95, 96, 166-168
Sa'di 111 n.
*Panj-Ganj, see Khamsah of
Paradise, of Joseph Huzaya 38
Paradise, of Palladius 38
*Per-em-hru, the Theban Recen-
sion 218, 219
Persian Fables 48
*Persian Qasidahs 110
Persian Stories 48
*Poem of Faith, see I'tiqadiyyah'i
Mulla Tughrā
Pra Laksanawongs 189
*Praise of the Elders, see Madḥ-
*Prayer Book,
Sab'a 136
*Ṣāḥibiyyah 110, 116
Salāmān wa Absāl 136
Ethiopic 204
Christian, see Salat Bakir al- *Salāt Bākir al-Nahär 29
*Santiparvan 179, 180
*Sāqi-namah 170
Hebrew 210, 211
Septet, see Sab'a
Setting-point of Time, see Ma-
gharib al-Zamān
*Seven Portraits, see
Seven Thrones, see Haft
Seven Trays, see Haft Khwān
*Shāh-nāmah 56, 72-91, 103, 178,
Shāh-nāmah'i Hadrat-i-Shah Is-
mā'il 55, 56
Shamsiyyah 161
Muslim, see Kitab al-Du'a
Syriac 217
*Present to the two 'Iraqs, see
Tuḥfat al-'Irāqayn
Prison-Poem, see Habsiyyah
*Psalms, the Book of
Armenian, see Tavitin Sagh-
Ethiopic 203, 204
Hebrew 208
Purāņas 181
Qaşa'id 122, 125
*Qaşīdat Yaqūl al-'Abd 34, 35
*Qaṭr al-Nadā wa Ball al-Ṣadā
31, 32
*Quatrains, see Rubā'iyāt
*Quintet, see Khamsah
Rarities, a Collection of Ya'qub,
see Nawadir Majmu'ah'i
*Rawḍat al-Muhibbin 131-135
Rawḍat al-Safă 145 n. 1
Rawshana'i-nāmah 150
Riyāḍ al-'Arifin 45, 145 n. 1
Riyāḍ al-Shu'arā 43, 134 n. 4,
Rosary of the Pious, see Subhat
*Rose-Garden, see Gulistan
*Rose-Garden of Love, see Gul-
*Rubā'iyāt 111 n., 122
Ruz-i-Rawshan 131
*Rūz-nāmah'i Dārandahvi 152
Shaqayiq al-Nu'māniyyah 169
*Sharaf-nāmah, see Sharaf-nā-
mah'i Iskandari
*Sharaf-nāmah'i Iskandari 98,
*Signet-Rings, see Khawātīm
*Sikandar-nāmah, see Iskandar-
Silsilat al-Dhahab 136
*Six Risalahs 109, 110
Siyar al-Muta'akhkhirīn 68 n. 8
Solar Poem, see Shamsiyyah
*Song of Songs,
Ethiopic 204
Hebrew 208
Subḥat al-Abrār 136, 170
Subḥat al-Akhyār 153
*Suhbat al-Abkār 170
Sūrat al-An'am 117
Sūrat al-Inshiqaq 117
Sūrat Yusuf 72, 136
Tadhkirah'i Dilkushā 145 n. 2
Tadhkirat al-Awliyā 95
Tadhkirat al-Shu'arā 92, 121- Tuḥfah'i Sāmī 135
123, 131
*Ta'lim al-Muta'allim fi Tariq
al-Ta'allum 33, 34
Tarikh-i-Guzidah 92
Tarikh-i-Kashmir 65, 66
*Tarikh-i-Nadirī 64, 65
*Tarikh-i-Selānīki 159-161
*Tanakh 208-210
*Tavitin Saghmosnere 197
Tawali' al-Anwar 21
Tawarikh wa Siyar-i-Anbiya wa
Akhbar-i-Sulūk-i-Mulūk 41
*Tayyibāt 110
*Terjumah'i Manzumah'i Guli-
stän 168, 169
*Terjumah'i Pand-i-Farīd al-Din
'Aṭṭār 168, 169
*Tīmūr-nāmah'i Hatifi 53-56
*Treasury of Mysteries, see Ma-
khzan al-Asrār
*Treatise on Muḥammad, see Al-
Risalat al-Muḥammadiyyah
Tuḥfah'i Khaṭṭāṭīn 8 n. 1, 9 n.
1, 16 n. 1, 27 n. 2, 134 n. 4,
156 n. 2, 162
*Tuhfah'i Shahidī 155, 156
Tuhfat al-Ahrar 135, 136
*Tuḥfat al-'Iraqayn 92, 93
Tuhfat al-Naṣāyih 150
*Umm al-Barāhīn 38, 39
Ushtur-nāmah 95
*Vedanakkhandha 188
*Vinayapitakam 187
*Viṣṇusahasranāma 179, 180
*Waqf-nāmah'i Ahmad Pāshā
158, 159
*Waqf-nāmah'i Shāh Sulṭān Hu-
sayn Şafavi 49-53
Waṣlat-nāmah 95
*World-Displayer, see 'Alam-
*Yusuf wa Zulaykhā
Firdawsi 72
Jāmi 136-139
*Zafar-nāmah, see Tīmūr-nāmah
The references are to the pages of the Catalogue. Names of authors
represented in this Collection are marked with three asterisks (***);
names of scribes with two asterisks (**); and names of former
owners with one asterisk (*). Other names bear no distinctive mark.
Numbers preceded by a letter (d) and coming after names of authors
indicate the date of their death. The definite article "al" at the
beginning of names has been dropped. b. = = ibn, or son of.
Abāgā Khān, Sulṭān 110
'Abbās, Mirzā 90
'Abbās I, Shah of Iran, 43, 107, 130 n. 1, 134
'Abbās II, Shah of Iran 45
'Abbās Ṣafavī, see ‘Abbās I.
*'Abd al-‘Azīm b. ‘Alī al-‘Āmilī 107
*** 'Abd al-Baqī b. Muḥammad, see ‘Ārif
'Abd-āllāh Ākāh, Sayyid 27
'Abd-allāh b. Al-Muqaffa, translator of the Kalilah and Dimmah
into Arabic, 70
***‘Abd-allāh Hatifi (d. 1520), 53-56
Life and Works 55, 56
Tīmūr-nāmah 53-55
*'Abd-ällāh Khan, Khwajah 127
'Abd-allāh Pasha, Grand Vizier 156
*'Abd-allah Sayyid, Shaykh al-Islām Pīrī-Zādeh 30, 31
'Abd al-Majid b. Nuṣūḥ b. Isrā'il, Shaykh, author of Irshad al-
Talibin fi Ta'lim al-Muta'allimin 34
* 'Abd al-Qadir 86, 87
**'Abd al-Qadir al-Qadirī 151
'Abd al Qadir Gīlānī, Shaykh, the well known Ṣufi 108
*** 'Abd al-Qadir Khān b. Qāḍī al-Quḍāt Mawlawi Wāṣil-'Ali Khān
Life and Works 67-69
Hishmat-i-Kashmir 67-69
*'Abd al-Rahman al-Husayni 71
'Abd al-Raḥmān, Qāḍī 159
'Abd al-Raḥmān Ṣaḥḥāf, the bookbinder 148
**'Abd al-Wahhab al-Husaynī al-Mazandarānī 91
'Abdi Dedeh 16
Abū al-'Abbās Aḥmad b. Abū 'Abd-älläh Muhammad al-'Omar
al-Wăsiți 24
Abū al-'Alā, the court poet of Manuchahr Shirvanshah 92
Abū al-Fadl, author of Akbar-nāmah 56
Abu al-Faḍl Shaykh, translator of Kalilah and Dimnah 70
Abu al-Fath 150
* Abu al-Fath, Mirzā, Prince 120, 121
Abū al-Ghāzi, Sultan Husayn 70
Abū al-Ma'ālī Naṣr-āllāh, translator of Kalilah and Dimnah 70
Abū al-Qāsim, see Bābur Mirzā
* Abū al-Qāsim, Ḥasan b. 'Ali of Tus, see Firdawsī
Abū Bakr, the first Khalifah 1
Abu Bakr b. Sa'd b. Zangī, Atabek of Fārs, Sa'di's patron 20,
21, 107, 108
** Abu Bakr b. Sulayman, Hafiz 25
Abū Ḥayyan, the grammarian 31
*** Abū Nasr, see Farāhī
* Afḍal-‘Ali Qādī, ibn Najaf-‘Alī 87
Ahli Shīrāzi (d. 1535), a contemporary of Maktabi 141
* Ahmad 118
Aḥmad III, Sultan of Turkey 161
* Aḥmad al-Khāliqī 37
** Ahmad al-Nazifi 28
** Aḥmad al-Wahbi b. ‘Ali 8
Aḥmad-i-Bījān, author of Anwār al-'Ashiqīn 161-163
* Aḥmad Nūrī 166
Aḥmad Pāshā, Kūprūlī's son 13, 14
*** Aḥmad Pāshā, Grand Vizier and son-in-law of Sulṭān Bāyezīd
II (d. 1516), 158, 159
Life 158, 159
Waqf-nāmah'i Aḥmad Pāsha 158, 159
** Aḥmad Rifqi 27
** Ahmad Rushdi 96
Akbar, Emperor of India 56-63, 66
Akhi-Zadeh, 'Abd al-Halim Efendi, 'Ața'i's tutor 169
Akhtisān, Shīrvānshāh 92
*'Alā al-Din Aḥmad Khan 103
'Alamgir, Emperor of India 62, 66, 143, 144
‘Alam-Shāh, Emperor of India 65
'Ali, the fourth Khalifah 37, 50, 143, 149
'Ali 'Adil Shah II, of Bijapur, Nusrati's patron 172
*** Ali al-Din Turkistānī, Shaykh, author of a religious qaşīdah 34
'Ali al-Husayni, Mir 52 n. 3
**'Ali al-Waşfi 11
*'Ali Amjad Khan 63
‘Ali b. Aḥmad Bīsitūn, collector of Sa'di's works 109 and n. 1
'Ali Ibrahim Khān, author of History of Maratah Wars 68 and
n. 7
'Ali, Mulla Mir 134
'Ali Pashā 135
'Ali-Quli Khan, Wälih Dāghistānī, author of Riyāḍ al-Shu'arā 43
*** 'Ali Shir Neva'i, Mir (d. 1501), 70, 136, 164-166
Life and Works 164, 165
Diwan 165, 166
*'Ali Toqātī, Ḥājjī 12
Ālp Ārslān, Sultan of Seljuqs 36
Amin Aḥmad-i-Rāzī, author of Haft Iqlim 92, 123
** Amir Khusraw, see Dihlawi
Amrit Raw, Maharajah 67
Andereas 191
Ankiyānū 110
Antony, of Egypt 37
**'Arab, Katib-i-Shīrāzī 126
*** Aragāwī, Manfasāwī, or the Spiritual Teacher 202 and n. 1
'Arif Khan, Vice Governor of Kashmir 65
*** Ārif, ‘Abd al-Baqi b. Muḥammad (d. 1713), 156
Life and Works 156
Minhaj al-Usul al-Diniyyat 156-158
'Arūḍī, see Nizām al-'Arūḍī
*As'ad, Dervish, ibn 'Abd al-Karim 'Arab 169
Ashraf, the Afghan chief 51 n. 1
'Asjadī, court poet of Maḥmūd Ghaznavi 74
*** 'Ațâ'i Nev'i-Zadeh 'Aṭä-älläh (d. 1634), 169-171
Life and Works 169
Khamsah 170, 171
*** 'Aṭṭār, Abu Talib Muḥammad b. Abu Bakr Ibrāhīm, Farid al-
Dīn (d. 1230), 94-96, 166, 167
Life and Works 94, 95
Pand-nämah 96
Awḥadi Kirmānī, poet 147
Awrangzib, Emperor of India, see 'Alamgir
Awrūj, father of Mustafa Pāshā 13
* Azarya, son of Ohanjian 194
*'Azim-ällah Khan, Nazm al-Dawlah, Mu'tamad al-Mulk 3
Bābur Mirzā, Abū al-Qāsim, Timurid Sultan 164
Badr al-Dawlah, see Muḥammad Sa'adatmand Khān
Bahā al-Dīn, Mullā 18
Bahrām Gūr, Sasanian King 97, 98
Bahzād, the well-known Iranian painter 115 n.
Bālī, Sayyid 159
* Basset, J., Rev. Dr. 19, 42
* Bateman 29
*** Bayḍāwī, Qāḍī Nāṣir al-Din Abū Sa'id 'Abd-āllāh b. 'Omar
(d. 1286), 20-22
Life and Works 20, 21
Anwār al-Tanzil wa Asrār al-Ta'wil 20-22
Bayezid I, Sultan of Turkey 25, 161
Bayezid II, Sultan of Turkey 158
Bāykārā, Sulṭān Ḥusayn, Nevā'ï's patron 164
*** Behmen Bek b. Aḥmad Bek b. Yusuf Pasha, author of a treatise
on Genealogy 153, 154
** Behrām b. Muhammad 169
*Bemens, Clarence S. 6
Bentinck, Lord William Cavendish, Governor-General of India
67 and n. 1
Bismil, author of Tadhkirah'i Dilkusha 145 and n. 2
* Brewer, Luther 28
Brockelmann, C., author of Geschichte der Arabischen Litteratur
* Brooke, Sir Thomas 219
Brooke, William Augustus, Hishmat al-Dawlah 67
Browne, E. G., editor of Tarikh-i-Guzidah and Tadhkiratu'sh-
Shu'ara 121, 122, 124
* Buck, Mitchell S. 127
Budge, E. A. Wallis, editor of Historica Monastica 38 n. 1
*** Burhan al-Din b. Muhammad b. Ibrāhīm al-Halabi (d. 1549)
Life and Works 30
Multaqa al-Abḥur 30, 31
* Caldicott, Charles Mariet 128
Caspari, K. P., author of Enchiridion Studiosi 34
Castelbranco, Le Ch. Ferrao de 65
Chānāqji-Zadeh 9
** Charāyādās 120
Christ 184, 201
* Clark, Clarence H. 161
* Clemens, Colonel Connel Barry 101 and n. 3
Constantin 199
Cornwallis, Charles Earl, Governor-General of India 68 n. 7
*** Cossarich, Stephen, see Aḥmad Pasha, Grand Vizier
* Crozier, F. H. 187
*** Da‘ifi, Pir Muḥammad (d. c. 16th century), 166-169
Life and Works 166, 167
Terjumah'i Manzümah'i Gulistan 168, 169
Terjumah'i Pand-i-Farid al-Din 'Aṭṭār 168, 169
Dāmād, Mir Muḥammad Baqir 130 and n. 1
** Damāl Dās 176
David, King 197
Dawlatshah, author of Tadhkirat al-Shu'arā 46, 92, 108 and n. 1,
121-124, 131
Day, Robert 205
De Sacy, Silvestre 70, 95
Defetrī, Mevlānā Qivām al-Din 159
Der Haritun, the Monk 191
*** Dihlawi, Amir Khusraw, Yamn al-Din Abū al-Ḥasan (d. 1324),
Life and Works 121-123
Dīwān 122, 123
Duncan, Jonathan, Governor of Benares 67 and n. 3
Eastwick, E. B. 70
Ebü'z-Ziyā Tevfiq, editor of Khatt wa Khaṭṭāṭān 162 n. 2
* Edhem al-Waṣfi Nūri 28
** Eliezer 209
Ethé, H., editor of Descriptive Catalogue 32, 48, 121
Evrānūs, Khwājeh 167
Fakhr al-Dawlah, Nawwab 131
*** Fakhr al-Sādāt, see Husayn b. ‘Alim
*** Fānī, see ‘Ali Shir Nevā’ī
*** Farāhī, Abu Nasr (d. 1242), 35
Life and Works 35
Niṣāb al-Sibyān 35
Farhad 97
*** Farid al-Din 'Aṭṭār, see 'Aṭṭār
Farkhi, Raphael 210
Farrukhi court poet of Maḥmūd Ghaznavi 74
* Faṣaḥat-'Ali, Āghā 175
Fath-'Ali, Khan Qājār 51 and n. 2
Fath-'Ali, Shah of Iran 40-42, 65, 90
Fath-allah, Mulla 18
Fatḥ-allah Shirāzi, calculator of the Ilahi Era 56
Father Mesrop, see Mesrop
Ferhad Päsha, Grand Vizier 160
Finch, Lord, the British Ambassador to Turkey 14
*** Firdawasi, Abu al-Qāsim Ḥasan b. 'Ali of Tus (d. 1025), 56, 71-
91, 103, 135, 136
Life and Works 71-73
Shah-nämah 73-91
*** Firghānī, Imām Sirāj al-Din ‘Ali b. 'Othman al-Awshi, author
of the Qasidat Yaqul al-'Abd 34
Flügel, Gustav, editor of the catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts
at the National Library in Vienna 35, 153
** Garabed, son of Maksud Karaseferian, 200
** Garabed 199
Gaṇeśa 183
* Gaspar, son of Ohanjian 194
Gayumart, see Kayumarth
** Ghāsirāma 180
Ghiyath al-Din Muhammad 129
Ghulam-Husayn Khan, Sayyid, author of Siyar al-Muta'akhkhirin
68 and n. 8
Goguyer, A., author of La Pluie de Rosée 31
Gotama 184
Grand Ṣufi, see Ismā‘īl Şafavī
Gregory, Nestorian Patriarch 37
Gulandām, Muḥammad, collector of Hafiz's Diwan 123-125
Habib, author of Khatt wa Khaṭṭāṭān 162
** Hādī b. Bahā al-Dīn 71
*** Ḥāfiz, Muḥammad Shams al-Din (d. 1389), 123-128, 131, 135,
Life and Works 123-125
Diwan 125-128
Ḥājji Bāji 131
Ḥājji Bāyrām 162
Hajji Khalifah, Turkish encyclopedist 21, 23, 35, 38, 166
Ḥamawi, Shaykh Sa'd al-Din 128
Hamd-allāh Mustawfi, author of Tārīkh-i-Guzidah and Nuzhat
al-Qulub 21, 48, 92
*** Ḥaqā'iqī, see Khāqānī
*** Hassadaw, Thetpav 188
*** Hātifī, see ‘Abd-āllāh
* Ḥayāt-allāh Khan 127
** Haydar Muḥammad 130
Helevi, Mordacai, Rabbi 209
Hidayat, see Riḍā-Quli Khan
*** Hikmat-i-Thānī, Muṣṭafā, author of Rūz-nāmah'i Dārandahvī
Hishmat al-Dawlah, see Brooke, W. A.
* Hoe, Robert 29, 194, 195
Hoering, R. 187
Huart, C. 33
Humāyūn, Emperor of India 63
Husayn al-Husayni, Amir 130
** Husayn al-Wahbi 28
*** Husayn b. 'Alim Abu al-Hasan al-Husayni, Fakhr al-Sādāt (d.
1319), 46
Life and Works 46-48
Nuzhat al-Arwah 46-48
* Ḥusayn Pāshā, Grand Vizier 31
Husayn Tabrīzī, Mullā 133, 134
Huzaya, Joseph, author of " Paradise" 38
* Ibn 'Ali, Mir, Munshi 101
Ibn al-Imad, Shihab al-Din Abū al-'Abbās Aḥmad b. ‘Imād b.
Yusuf al-Aqfahs 23
Ibn al-Juwayni 129
Ibn al-Jawzi, Shaykh Jamāl al-Din Abū al-Faraj, Sa'di's tutor
*** Ibn Hishām, ‘Abd-āllāh b. Yūsuf (d. 1359), 31
Life and Works 31, 32
Qaṭr al-Nada wa Ball al-Ṣadā 31, 32
*** Ibn ‘Imād (d. 1397), 131
Life and Works 131
Rawdat al-Muhibbin 131-135
Ibnul'emin Mahmut Kemal, editor of Tuḥfah'i Khaṭṭāṭīn 8 n. 1
Ibrahim 44
Ibrāhīm, Sultan of Turkey 13
*** Ibrāhīm al-Ḥalabi, see Burhan al-Dīn b. Muḥammad
** Ibrahim al-Hamidi Behjet 26
*** Ibrāhīm Dedeh, see Shahidī
Ibrahim Pasha, Grand Vizier 160, 161
Ibrāhīm Pāshā, son-in-law of Sultan Aḥmad III 161
Ilāhī, 131
**'Imād, see Muhammad b. Muhammad b. ‘Alī
'Imad al-Din, see Isma'il b. 'Omar
'Imad al-Din, Faqih of Kirman 131
‘Imād al-Ḥasanī, see 'Imād al-Husayni
** ‘Imād al-Ḥusayni, Mir (d. 1617), 133
Life 133-135
*** 'Imādī, see Ibn-'Imād
Imām al-Kāmiliyyat al-Shafi'ī al-Qahirī, see Muḥammad b.
**Imam-Quli, Shabustari 45
*** Imām Sayyid Abu 'Abd-älläh Muḥammad, see Sanūsī
* ‘Ināyat-āllāh 44
Indracandra 183
* Isaac, Samuel 211
'Isāy-i-Rang-i-Nigār 133
Ismā'il b. 'Omar b. Kathir al-Damashqi, commonly known as
'Imad al-Din 23
* Ismā'il b. Sayyid ‘Alī 123
Ismā'il Haqqi, author of Ferāḥ al-Rūḥ 164
Ismā'il Şafavi, Shah of Iran 56, 135, 190
*** 'Iṣmat Bukhārā'ī, Khwājah Fakhr al-Din (d. 1425), 121, 147
Life and Works 121, 122
Dīwān 122, 123
Jackson, A. V. W., editor of Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts
Jadunātha Simha 182
* Ja'far 'Ali 53
Ja'far-Quli Khan, Governor of Mahālāt 55
Jahangir, Emperor of India 56, 144
* Jalāl 37
Jamālī, Muḥammad Päshä, Grand Vizier 159
*** Jāmī, Nūr al-Din 'Abd al-Raḥmān, Mulla (d. 1492), 34, 46, 55,
95, 135-139, 147, 165, 170
Life and Works 135-137
Arba'in 34
Yusuf wa Zulaykhā 137-139
* Jān Sipār Khan 144
*** Jazarī, Abu al-Khayr Muḥammad b. Muḥammad (d. 1429), 24,
Life and Works 24, 25
Al-Muqaddimat al-Jazariyyat 24, 25
*** Jazūlī, Abū 'Abd-ällāh b. Sulaymān (d. 1465), 26
Life and Works 26-28
Dala'il al-Khayrat 27, 28
Jesus 192, 199, 203
John, Saint 203, 206
John, Saint Chrysostom 206
Jones, Sir William, the well-known Orientalist, author of His-
toire de Nadir Chah 64
** Justus 202
*** Juwayni, see Mu'in al-Juwayni
Kalka, Purshad Bahādur, Rājah 174
*** Kamāl al-Din Ḥusayn b. 'Alī al-Wā'iz, Kāshifī (d. 1504), 48,
69, 70
Life and Works 70
Anwär-i-Suhayli 69-71
* Kamelvanian, Haji Abraham 200
Kanpher 191
* Karam al-Din, Hafiz wald-i-Hafiz Sharaf al-Din 11
*** Kāshifi, see Kamal al-Din Husayn
Kātib Ṣelāḥ al-Din, author of Shamsiyyah 161
Kayumarth 73
Keay, F. E. 176
* Keene, Henry George, Orientalist 47, 70
** Kemal Muḥammad Qarah Yāzīji 164
Khadijah, Princess 14
*** Khāqānī, Afdal al-Din Ibrāhīm b. 'Ali Shirvānī (d. 1186), 92
Life and Works 92, 93
Kulliyyat 93, 94
Khaṣaki Sulṭān 14
Khatchatour 190
* Khātün bint Ḥabib 6
** Khoshnawis Khan, Shirāzī 101
Khuday'i Dedeh 155
Khusraw, Mawlānā, author of Durar al-Ḥukkām 22
Khusraw Parwīz II, Sasanian King 97
Khutlugh 190
Khwāju, of Kirmān 115 n.
Khwändamir, author of Habib al-Siyar 122
Kichkanah, Bahadur, father of Neva'i 164
Kirkpatrick, Colonel William, Orientalist 67 and n. 4
Kishan Rāj, Bahadur, Rājā 173
Kommonda, Abraham 209
Krisna 181, 183
Küprūlī, Muḥammad Pāshā, Grand Vizier 13
Laksmi 185
Le Strange, G., editor of Nuzhat al-Qulub 21 n. 1
Loewe, J. H. 210
* Loewe, L., Rabbi 209
* Macan, Turner 127
Madhumalati 172
** Mahmud al-Kurdi, b. Rasul 27
Maḥmūd, the Afghan chief 51 n. 1
Maḥmūd I, Sultan of Turkey 153, 154
Mahmud, Mir 18
Mahmud Ghaznavi, Sultan 71, 72, 74, 77,
Maḥmūd Pāshā, ibn Qaṣṣāb, vizier 163
*** Maktabi (d. c. 16th century), 141
Life 141
Layla wa Majnun 141, 142
Malik-i-Daylami 133
Malik Haydar, translator of Sanskrit chronicles 65
Malikshāh, Sultan of the Seljuqs 36
Mānī, well-known Iranian Painter 68, 69
Manohar, Prince 172
Manuchahr, Shirvanshāh 92
* Markham, Sahib Bahadur 53
Mashtotz, Vardapet 198
*** Mas'ud b. 'Omar, see Taftāzānī
** Maʼṣūm ‘Ali Khānzād 2
Mateos, Bishop 199
* Mayan Muḥammad 139
* Melidon 190
Mesrop, Father 198 and n. 1
*** Mevlānā Shāhidī, see Shāhidī
** Mgrdich 192
Mir al-Husaynī, Mullā 52 n. 3
** Mir 'Imād, see 'Imad al-Husayni
*** Mirzā Kuchik, see Wiṣāl
Montefiore, Sir Moses 209
Moorcroft, William 68 and n. 6.
Moses, the prophet 197
** Muḥammad 159
* Muḥammad, Mir 47
Muḥammad III, Sultan of Turkey 159
Muḥammad IV, Sultan of Turkey, 14, 154, 156
*** Muḥammad, the Prophet (d. 632), 1, 25, 34, 35, 46, 50, 121, 149,
153, 163
Al-Qur'an 1-24, 26, 42, 45, 50, 64, 70, 72, 117, 123, 126,
136, 156, 163
Muhammad (the Conqueror), Sultan of Turkey 162, 163
* Muhammad 'Ali Mushtaq 37
* Muhammad Pasha al-Jamālī 159
** Muḥammad al-Järpädaqānī, Ḥājji 100
Muhammad al-Latif 11
Muhammad b. 'Ad-ällāh 161
Muhammad Badi' al-Din Abu al-Qasim Aslam Mun'imi, author
of Gawhar-i-Tuhfah'i ‘Ālam-Shāhī 68
Muḥammad Bakhtāvar Khān, author of Mir'āt al-'Ālam 43
Muḥammad b. al-Hajj Veli al-Din 157, 158
Muḥammad b. Muḥammad b. 'Abd al-Raḥmān Imām al-Kāmi-
liyyat al-Shafi'ī al-Qāhiri 23
** Muḥammad b. Muḥammad b. ‘Alī b. Muḥammad b. Al-'Imād 24
Muḥammad b. Muḥammad Husayn Shāh 52 and n. 4
** Muḥammad b. Mullā Mīr al-Husaynī 54
*** Muḥammad b. Ṣelāḥ, see Yāzīji-Oghlī
* Muhammad Baqir 44
** Muḥammad Baqir b. Khwajah Qāḍī b. Khwajah Shams al-Din
Muḥammad Shīrāzi 47
Muḥammad Baqir b. Isma'il al-Husayni 51 and n. 3
** Muḥammad Emin, Ḥāfiz 155
** Muhammad Ghawth Suwar 173
Muhammad Hamid 96
Muḥammad Hasan Khan, chief of the Qājārs 64
Muḥammad Husayn bin Sharaf al-Din 130
* Muḥammad Husayn Khan, Governor of Maḥālāt 55
Muḥammad Husayn Qasim-Abādī, Karbala'ī 19
** Muhammad ibn al-Hajj Ahmad, Dervish 9
** Muḥammad ibn Shaykh 'Aqil al-Sharif-Qumi 83
* Muḥammad Ja'far 79
Muḥammad Katkhudā 16
*** Muḥammad Mahdi Āstarābādī 64
Life 64
Tarikh-i-Nadiri 64, 65
** Muḥammad Maḥmud b. Husayn b. Maḥmūd 47
Muhammad Mu'azzam, the second son of Emperor Awrangzib
* Muḥammad Nüri, Shaykh al-Hajj, Shams al-Din Naqshbend 28
Muḥammad Pasha, Grand Vizier 13
*** Muḥammad Qāsim, Surūrī b. Ḥājji Muḥammad Kāshānī (d.
1627), 43
Life and Works 43, 44
Majma' al-Furs 43, 44
*** Muhammad Rafi', Wa'iz, Mirzā (d. c. 1694)
Life and Works 45
Abvāb al-Jinān 45
Muḥammad Rāḥim, Sayyid al-Ḥājj 8
*** Muḥammad Riḍā, Munajjim Bashī, author of a treatise on
Astronomy 40
* Muḥammad Sa'adatmand Khān, Badr al-Dawlah, Shuja' al-Mulk
** Muḥammad Sabzwārī 44
Muhammad Salim 55
*Muhammad Shafi' 33
*** Muhammad Sharif, Mu'tamad Khan (d. 1639) 56
Life and Works 56
Iqbāl-nāmah'i Jahāngīrī 56-64
** Muḥammad Shah, Qāḍī b. Murad Bakhsh 49
Muhammad Shah, of India 63, 86, 87, 127
Muḥammad Sulṭān Khān 121
Muḥammad Tabrizi, the well-known calligrapher 156
* Muḥammad Taqi ibn al-Aḥmad al-Kazarānī 33
Muḥammad Wali 119
*** Muḥyi Lārī (d. c. 1524), 140
Life and Works 140
Futūḥ al-Haramayn 140, 141
*** Mu'in al-Juwayni, Mawlānā, Mu‘īn al-Din (d. c. 1390), 128, 129
Life and Work 128, 129
Nigāristan 128-131
*** Mu'in al-Din 'Ali, see Tanṭarānī
* Mukhtar Khan Sabzwäri 144
Mukhtar al-Dawlah, see Shir Muḥammad Khān
*** Mullā Ţughrā, see Tughrā
Mun'imi, see Muḥammad Badr al-Din
Murad III, Sultan of Turkey 159, 169
Murad IV, Sultan of Turkey 13
Muradbakhsh, son of Shah Jahan 142
Murtaḍā al-Husaynī, Sayyid 52 and n. 5
* Murtaḍā b. Şafar ‘Alī 55
*** Muṣṭafa, see Hikmat-i-Thānī
Muṣṭafa al-Maḥsūd, Sayyid, Turkish calligrapher 11
** Muṣṭafā al-Mevlevi, Dervish 15
* Mustafa b. 'Ali Mu'min Juwayni 5
*** Mustafa, Efendi, Selānīki 159
Life and Works 159, 160
Tarikh-i-Selānīki 159-161
** Mustafa Mullā 17
Mustafa Pasha, Grand Vizier 157
* Mustafa-Quli, of Ardalan 118
Mustaqim-Zadeh, Sulayman Sa'd al-Din, author of Tuhfah'i
Khaṭṭāṭīn 8 n. 1, 134 n. 4, 162
*** Mu'tamad Khan, see Muḥammad Sharif
Muzaffar al-Din, Shah of Iran 120
* Mu'tamad al-Mulk 3
** Nadhir al-Din Ḥasan 52
Nadir Khān, Shah of Iran 64
* Najābet-'Ali Khan, Sayyid, Nusrat al-Dawlah, Sayf al-Mulk 86
and n. 1
* Nār Būdāq 107
*** Nārāyan Das 176
Life and Works 176
Majmu'ah'i Bhagat Māl 176, 177
*** Nārāyan Kul 65
Life and Works 65
Tarikh-i-Kashmir 65, 66
Näṣir Khusraw 150
Nāşir al-Dawlah, Nawwab 175
Naşir al-Din Sultan Khalil, Prince 121
Nāşiri, see 'Ismat Bukhārā'ī
Naṣrābādī, Tahir, author of the well-known Tadhkirah 143
* Nazim al-Dawlah, see 'Azīm-āllāh Khān
*** Nerses, Shenorhali, or the Graceful 199
*** Nevā'i, see 'Ali Shir
*** Nev'i-Zādeh, see ‘Aṭā’ī
Ni'mat Khān ‘Ālī, poet 147
Nisselmann, G. H. F. 95
Nizām al-'Arūḍī al-Samarqandī, author of Chahār Maqālah 71
** Nizām al-Din 106
Niṣām al-Dīn, Amir Shaykh Aḥmad, Al-Suhayli, patron of
Kashifi 70
Nizām al-Mulk, vizier of Alp Arslan 36
*** Nizāmī, Abū Muḥammad Ilyas (d. 1203), 55, 62, 96-106, 135,
147, 149, 171
Life and Works 97, 98
Khamsah 97, 99-103
Sharaf-nämah'i Iskandari 103-106
Khulasah'i Khamsah 106, 107
* Nusrat al-Dawlah, see Najābat-‘Ali Khān
*** Nuṣrati 172
Life and Works 172
Gulshan-i-'Ishq 172, 173
Ohanjian 194
** Ohannes 198
Palladius, Bishop of Hellenopolis, author of Lives of Holy Men
* Peperno, Michel 211
* Perkins, Oliver Henry 10, 19, 49, 82, 120, 177, 183, 185
Pertsch, W., author of catalogues 131
*** Pir Muḥammad, see Da'ifi
Piri-Zadeh, Shaykh al-Islām, see ‘Abd-ällāh, Sayyid
Priyā Dās 176
** Purshad, the son of Khub Chand 174 and n. 1
* Purshad, Gobind Pandit 16
Qāḍī'i Rūm, Jāmī's tutor 135
Qāf-Zadeh, Fayḍ-allāh Efendi, 'Aṭā'ï's tutor 169
* Qanbar 118
* Qarah Muṣṭafā Pāshā, Grand Vizier 12, 13, 15
* Qarah Muṣṭafā Pāshā, b. Awrūj, Grand Vizier 13, 14, 15
*** Qazvīnī, see Zakariyyā
Qiwām al-Din, Khwajah, the vizier of Shah Shujā' 124
Rāja Tarangini 66
Rāma 183
* Ra'nā Khan 62, 63
Reland, H., author of Enchiridion Studiosi 34
* Richardson, Thomas 171
Riḍā-Quli Khan, Hidayat, author of Rawḍat al-Ṣafā, Majma'
al-Fuṣaḥā, and Riyāḍ al-'Arifin 45, 123, 145 and n. 1
* Riddell, Mrs. 7
Rieu, C., editor of the catalogue of Persian and Turkish manu-
scripts of the British museum 23, 121, 122, 131, 153
* Royal Library, of Lucknow 148
Rūmi 135
Saba Etienne-Cossarich, Duke, father of Aḥmad Pāshā 158
Sa'd al-Din, Mawlānā, Sa'dī's friend 110
*** Sa'dī, Musharrif al-Din b. Muṣliḥ al-Din ‘Abd-āllāh (d. 1291),
21, 107-121, 129, 135, 147, 166, 168
Life and Works 107-109
Kulliyyat 109-116
Bustan 117-119
Gulistan 119-121
Sa'di Chelebi, Mufti, founder of Dar al-Qira'a 30
Şafi-Quli Khan, Governor of Erivan 41
* Ṣalāḥ al-Din, Khan 86
Sālār al-Dawlah, see Abu al-Fath Mirzā
Sām Mirzā, son of Shah Ismā'il Ṣafavi, author of Sam-nāmah
* Sami' al-Husayn Khan 10
* Sanders, George 53
*** Sanūsī, Imām Sayyid Abū 'Abd-āllāh Muḥammad b. Yusuf b.
Husayn (d. 1486), 38, 39
Life and Works 38, 39
Umm al-Barāhīn 38, 39
Sayyid Aḥmad Khwajah-Zadeh 156
Ṣelāḥ al-Din, the Scribe, see Katib Ṣeläḥ al-Din
*** Selānīki, see Mustafa Efendi
Selim I, Sultan of Turkey 158
Selim II, Sultan of Turkey 159
Shāhfur-i-Ashhari, poet 92
Shah Jahan, Emperor of India 66, 142, 144, 176
Shāh Maḥmūd Bahman, Indian ruler 124
Shah Mansur, Hafiz's patron 123
Shah Shujā', Hafiz's patron 123, 124
Shāh Sulayman 45
*** Shahidi, Mevlānā Ibrāhīm Dedeh (d. 1550), 155
Life 155
Tuḥfah'i Shahidi 155, 156
Shams al-Din Juwayni, Sa'di's friend 110
Shaybānī, author of Jāmī al-Ṣaghra 35
Shevqi, Efendi 15
Shihab al-Din Abu al-'Abbās, see Ibn al-'Imād
Shihab al-Din Suhrawardi, Shaykh, Sa'di's tutor 108
Shir Muḥammad Khan, Ḥāfiz, Mukhtar al-Dawlah, Governor of
Kashmir 146
Shirin 97
Shu'ayb al-Jawshaqānī 130
Shūjā' al-Mulk, see Muḥammad Sa'adatmand Khān
Sinān Pāshā, b. 'Abd al-Hayy, Grand Vizier 159
Sirāj al-Din, 'Ali Khān 119
Siva 182
Spiegel 186
Sprenger, A., editor of the Oudh Catalogue 121, 122, 131
Stanhope, Lady Hester 210
** Stepannos 198
*Stowell, M. Louise 196
Sulayman the Magnificent, Sultan of Turkey 159, 167
Sulayman, Sultan of Turkey 41, 168
Sulaymān, Qānūnī, see Sulayman the Magnificent
Sulayman, Şafavi, Shah of Iran 42
Sulṭān Abū Sa'īd, Emir 129, 164
*** Sulṭān Husayn Şafavi, Shah of Iran (d. 1729), 49-53
Life 50 n. 1
Waqf-nämah 49-53
Sultan Muzaffar b. Maḥmūd Shāh 140
Sultan Ya'qub 140
Sunbul Sinan, Shaykh, Da'ifi's tutor 167
*** Surūrī, see Muḥammad Qāsim
Suyūṭī, author Nazm al-Iqyān fi A‘yān al-A'yān 23
* Tabārak-āllāh, Ḥājjī 126
*** Taftāzānī, Mulla Sa'd al-Din Mas'ud b. 'Omar (d. 1389), 32
Life and Works 32, 33
Al-Mukhtaṣar fi ‘Ilm al-Ma'ānī 32, 33
Tahmāsp, Prince, later Tahmāsp II. 51 n. 1
Tahmāsp, Safavi, Shah of Iran 140
Tamerlane, see Tīmūr
Tamsik 190
*** Tanțarānī, Mu'in al-Din 'Ali Nasr Aḥmad b. 'Abd al-Razzaq 36
Life and Works 36
Al-Qaşidat al-Tanṭarāniyyat 36
Taqi al-Din Kāshānī, author of Khulaṣat al-Ash'ar 43, 140
Tāsh-Küprüli-Zadeh, author of Shaqayiq al-Nu'māniyyah 169
Tassy, Garcin de 176
Thomas, Bishop of Marga 38 n. 1
Timothy, Nestorian Patriarch 37
Tīmūr 25, 53, 124
Tippoo, Sahib 182
*Totsville, General 53
* Townsend, Edward 205
*** Ţughrā, Mullā (d. c. 1670), 142
Life and Works 142, 143
I'tiqadiyyah 143, 144
'Unşuri, court poet of Maḥmud Ghaznavi 74
** Uways b. Muḥammad al-Harawi 141
Üzün Ḥasan, ruler of Iran 140
Vienna State Library 160
Visnu 181, 182
Wahshi, Mawlānā, author of Farhad wa Shirin 145, 147
*** Wa'īz, see Muḥammad Rafï'
Wälih, see 'Ali-Quli Khān
Wallaston, A. N. 70
Wăsiți, see Abū al-'Abbās Ahmad
Wellesley, Colonel, Governor-General of India 67 and n. 2
* White, Henry 199
*** Wiṣāl, Mīrzā Muḥammad Shafï' (d. 1846), 145
Life and Works 145
Diwan 145, 146
Bazm-i-Wiṣāl 145, 146
Wüstenfeld, F. 48
Yahya, Efendi 28
Yahya, Minqäri-Zadeh, Shaykh al-Islām 156
Yahya, Nev'i Efendi, tutor of Sultan Murad III. 169
*** Ya'qub b. Ilyās b. Yusuf, compiler of an Anthology 146-148
Newādir Majmu'ah'i Ya'qūbī 146-148
Yazdigurd III, Sasanian King 73
*** Yāzījī-Oghlī, Muḥammad (d. 1451), 161-164
Life and Works 161, 162
Al-Risalat al-Muḥammadiyyah 163, 164
Yedi-Qulehli, Famous Turkish Calligrapher 9
* Young, Samuel 53
Yusuf b. 'Abd al-Latif 41
Yūsuf Gadā, author of Tuḥfat al-Naṣāyiḥ 150
Yusuf, Hajj 9
* Yusuf ibn al-Shaykh Muḥammad al-Jamālī 32
Zahir al-Din Faryābī, poet 92
*** Zakariyyā b. Muḥammad b. Muḥammad al-Kūfi al-Qazvīni (d.
1282), 48
Life and Works 48, 49
'Ajā'ib al-Makhluqät 48, 49
*** Zakariyyā al-Qazvīnī, see Zakariyyā b. Muḥammad
Zamakhshari, author of Aṭwaq al-Dhahab 21, 145
*** Zarnuji, Imām Burhan al-Din 33
Life and Works 33, 34
Ta'lim al-Muta'allim fi Ţariq al-Ta'allum 33, 34
Zayd ibn Thabit 1
Zuhūrī, Mawlānā, poet 147
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