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TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE EPREFACE . t & w g e © ºp e v-xxii SELECT LIST OF EDITIONS 1–33 HELPS TO THE STUDY OF ANCIENT AUTHORS . 34-57 CoMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY . e º e te e . 34 GREEK LANGUAGE . º ſº º º * o 35–39 1. Grammar . º tº © e º - . 35 2. Lexicons e g * e e º -> . 36 3. Composition . w e • º e e . 37 4. Elementary Helps . e e t º e . 38 5. Examination Papers º º º * º . 38 6. Textual and Higher Criticism . º º * . 39 LATIN LANGUAGE . º G o e ſº º 39–43 1. Grammar . º º & - º e . 39 2. Lexicons e º e º e w © . 40 3. Composition . º e º wº se © . 41 4. Elementary Helps . º º º ë - . 42 HISTORY . e e º º º º º - 44–50 1. The Nations of the Ancient World . & e . 44 2. Biography . º e e e ſº • . 47 3. History of Literature . e º * º . 48 4. History of Philosophy . * & tº e . 49 GEOGRAPHY AND TOPOGRAPHY . • º º º . 50 ANTIQUITIES . e * º e e º e . 51 FINE ARTS . º e º e º o º . 53 SCIENCES . tº º wº * º © º º . 54 Law . . . . . . . . . . . 55 MYTHOLOGY AND RELIGION º te º º e . 55 MoDERN Works OF IMAGINATION ILLUSTIATIVE OF ANCIENT HISTORY AND MANNERS. & . 57 IV TABLE OF CONTENTS. SERIAL TIST A. T). TEXTS Weidmann B. Tauchnitz Teubner Cambridge Texts Oxford Pocket Classics . TEXTS WITH LATIN TRANSLATIONS. Didot's Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum . TIEXTS WITH NOTES Bibliotheca Classica . Cambridge Texts with Notes Grammar School Classics Clarendon Press Series The Pitt Press Series . Catena Classicorum Macmillan’s Classical Series Macmillan's Elementary Classics. Parker's Texts with Short Notes Weidmann Teubner TEXTS WITH WoCABULARIES. White's Grammar School Toxts . INTRODUCTIONS TO CLASSICAL AUTHORS. Ancient Classics for English Readers IPAGE 58–76 58–63 58 59 60 63 63 64 65–74 65 66 66 67 68 69 69 70 71 71 73 75 76 P. R. E. F. A. C. E. -—º-e— THE following list of books was drawn up in the first instance for the use of my own pupils at King's College. It is designed to supply a practical want, which has been often felt by myself in common, I should think, with most other teachers and learners who have been engaged in the study of Greek and Roman authors. Both as learner and teacher I have continually found it a matter of difficulty to ascertain what were the best and most useful books in the different departments of Classical study. To a certain extent the excellent ‘Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum,' by Engelmann, with its continuation by C. H. Herrmann, supplies the deficiency as regards German editions; but as a rule English students very much prefer English notes, and an indiscriminate list, such as is given in the ‘Biblio- theca, is not of much use even to one who can read German and Latin freely, unless he brings with him such a know- ledge of bibliography as will enable him to judge which editors are likely to be most helpful and trustworthy. In drawing up this list, my first object has been to name what appeared to me the most useful editions of all classical authors, which were at all likely to be read at school or college; and in doing this I have given special prominence to English editions for the reasons referred to above. In each instance I have mentioned the best text vi PREFACE. or texts, and critical editions where they were of special importance. So much has been done of late years in the department of textual criticism, that older editions quickly become obsolete, and both for lecturing and examination purposes it is very desirable that students should provide themselves with the best modern texts; otherwise great confusion may arise when one who has been accustomed to use Weise's Plautus, or Forbiger's Lucretius, is con- fronted in examination with the texts of Ritschl and Munro. With regard to annotated editions, I have occa- sionally added a short descriptive note, or prefixed an asterisk to any which I thought worthy of being especially recommended; but I have been conscious of a difficulty here, not only from the fact that it was not possible for me to examine minutely every book which seemed worthy of mention, but also because the value of a book depends so much on the reader. For instance, Madvig's ‘De Finibus’ is about the best edition of any classical author to an ad- vanced scholar, but, as his Latin is certainly not easier than Cicero's, it would be the merest waste of time for most schoolboys to touch it. So most of the Variorum editions contain really good matter, which a practised scholar will pick out at once, and pass over the mass of irrelevant talk which bewilders one who has slowly to grope his way through a paragraph before he can see the drift of it. The short practical notes of modern editors have in this way been an immense boon in saving the time of young students. In general, I think it will be found that a book marked with the asterisk is one which would be suitable for use in a good Sixth Form; though here and there I have marked an elementary book, as Mr. Sidgwick's extracts from Greek Plays. PREFACE. vii Under certain names I have added in smaller type a short list of illustrative works, notes, lexicons, introduc- tions, translations, &c. With regard to the use of trans- lations I should like to say a few words, as I think there is still in some minds a lurking idea of dishonesty attach- ing to it, which it is very important to clear up. No doubt it is dishonest and morally injurious for any one to use a translation where he is bound by an understanding with some other person not to use it; but where there is no such understanding, either implied or expressed, the question has to be decided simply by its expediency, and certain cases may be specified in which the use of a translation is not only expedient, but almost indispensable as a part of classical training. The first such case is where the meaning of a passage being already known, the translation is referred to as a model of English style. Both as a practical exercise for improving one's own power of translation, and as giving an insight into the relations between the modes of ex- pression in different languages, I can conceive few things more useful than a careful comparison of such a book as Conington’s Horace with the original, continued until the student is able to read back with ease from the one lan- guage into the other. It is mainly with reference to this use that I have selected the translations mentioned in the list; that is, they are intended to be used mainly as models of English style. This being the case, some will perhaps wonder that so little reference is made to those “wells of English undefiled,” the Elizabethan translations of the classics. But these seemed to me more important for the history of the English language, than as supplying a pattern for imitation or conveying a true representation of viii PREFACE. the manner of the originals. Livy and the elder Pliny, as they appear in the pages of Philemon Holland, have an air of old-fashioned simplicity which is hardly in keeping with our idea of Romans of the Empire. On the other hand, the younger Pliny is given to the life in the trans- lations of Melmoth and Lord Orrery, a century and a half later. The only exception I have been tempted to make is in favour of North's translation of ‘Plutarch's Lives,’ not only because it possesses the unique interest of having been worked up into Shakespeare's Roman dramas, but also because these ancient “tales of a grandfather ” seem naturally to clothe themselves in the quaint English of the old translator. The second use is to enable a student to run rapidly over portions or the whole of books, either for the purpose of gaining a general view before proceeding to make out the meaning of a particular passage, word for word, or to get at the substance of authors whom there may not be time to read through in the original. It is very much to be wished that translations were more used for this purpose than they commonly are. A Greek Play often fails to be appreciated because the successive read- ings in it come at such intervals that there is an absence of continuous interest, and the separate passages are never viewed together as forming one complete work of art. In the same way Homer, Thucydides, Tacitus, not to mention the longer treatises of Plato and Aristotle, are known to the majority, even of those who have shown themselves promising scholars at school or college, only by the reading of a few isolated books. I cannot but think that the Classics would form a more valuable discipline than they sometimes do, if a portion of the time spent PREFACE. ix upon verse composition were devoted to the careful study of the great ancient masterpieces as wholes. The third use of translations is that which Mr. Munro pleads in excuse of his own translation of Lucretius, to supplement the explanatory notes on difficult authors, for the benefit of students who can make out the general mean- ing for themselves but require occasional help. The fourth allowable use is under special circumstances to help begin- ners over difficulties which they cannot surmount for them- selves by means of grammar and dictionary.' I say ‘under special circumstances,’ because in a school where boys are arranged according to their proficiency, the work will in general be suited to the degree of knowledge and ability, and the master expects and provides for the difficulties which will be felt in common by all his scholars. But a solitary student will usually require a translation, both to prevent his wasting time over difficulties which to him may be insoluble, and also to test the results he obtains by his own unassisted labour. A somewhat similar case is that of one who is much behind hand in a class, and can neither hope to prepare the given quantity in the time at his disposal, nor to have the time of the class occupied in explaining difficulties for his own exclusive * Some may ask what special virtue there is in learning the meaning of a word from a dictionary rather than from a translation. To this it has been answered that the trouble of looking it out fixes it in the memory, as the parish bounds were fixed in the minds of boys of a former generation by the associated beating. I do not take this view myself, and if there were nothing more to be known of a word than its use in one particular passage, I should make no objection to this being learnt from a note or translation. But every word has a history of its own, both as regards its etymology and its meaning; to know this history is not merely interesting in itself, but a great help to remembering any particular use, and it is only from the dictionary that the history can be learnt. X. - PREFACE. benefit. In both these cases it is essential that there should be an honest attempt to see how the sense arises out of the words. If the student is very backward, it may be expedient for him to read over the translation first, but he should then shut it up, and, retaining the general sense in his head, try to piece together the words as he gathers their meaning from the dictionary. If after repeated efforts he finds himself baffled in this, he may then have recourse again to the translation, and compare it, clause for clause, with the original. If after all he is still in doubt as to the way in which a particular inter- pretation is arrived at, he should put down his difficulty in his note-book, and mark the passage for future considera- tion, or to inquire about from others. Besides these four legitimate uses of translations there is a fifth use which is entirely to be condemned, that which makes it a substitute for any mental effort on the part of the user. The practice of translating from one language into another is valuable (independently of the subject-matter of the book) on two grounds: first, because it gives us a greater command of our own and of another language; but secondly, and far more, because it supplies an admir- able exercise in thought to discover the relation between word and word, clause and clause, sentence and sentence, and finally between paragraph and paragraph. To suppose that one can gain these advantages from the mere use of a translation, is to suppose that to hear the answer to a riddle is the same thing as to find it out by one's own ingenuity, to copy another's solution of a problem the same thing as to solve the problem for oneself. To read Classics in this way is the worst waste of time at the moment, and its evil effects may be traced in after-years PREFACE. - xi in the shifty and slovenly habit of mind, the incapacity alike for intellectual effort and intellectual enjoyment, which too often remains as the net result of so many hundred hours of miscalled study. The Second Part, entitled ‘Helps to the Study of the Classical Authors, contains, first, a list of books on Lan- guage; and secondly, on History and Antiquities in their widest sense. I have been somewhat freer in the mention of books in this latter part, because the German ‘Biblio- theca.’ being confined to the editions of classical authors, I could not refer my readers to it for further information on such subjects as Law and Religion. In drawing up this part of my list, I have been no less struck than in the former part with the immense advan- tages possessed by the student of the present, as compared with those of the previous generation, from the improve- ment in text-books and the saving of time which ought to follow. One evil, however, seems to arise out of the very convenience and excellence of the books of reference. People with Smith's Dictionaries by their side feel that they can turn to them at any moment for the explanation of difficulties which may occur in their reading, and, there- fore, they do not care to store their minds beforehand with general or systematic views of the law, antiquities, or mythology of the ancients, as their fathers had to do before them. This seems to me a great misfortune. If we are really to enter into the mind of the ancient writers we must try to put ourselves into their position, to see things as they did, and one of the greatest helps to this will be found in the careful and repeated study of such books as Müller's ‘Archaeology’ and ‘History of Literature, Boeckh's “Economy of Athens,’ and many others mentioned in the xii PREFACE. list. Articles in a dictionary are necessarily compressed; they can treat of subjects only in isolated portions, and thus fail to convey a complete idea of the subject as a whole; they are therefore less interesting, more diffi- cult to understand, and more difficult to remember, than entire treatises. The knowledge of mythology gained by reading all the mythological articles in the dictionary, even if they are read consecutively, is worthless in com- parison with the knowledge gained from such a book as Keightley's ‘Mythology;’ and so, in general, it may be taken as a rule, that wherever a student is interested in a subject, he should prefer the treatise to the article. I add the limitation because a student's time will not of course admit of his giving equal attention to all subjects; some must, therefore, be subordinate, and only just followed up so far as to throw light upon that which he selects as his chief study. For such subordinate matters it may be sufficient to consult the dictionary. As a treatise is to be preferred to an article in a diction- ary, so and far more is a history to be preferred to a sum- mary or epitome. I have mentioned several of the latter in my list, and they have their uses, of which I shall speak immediately ; but if taken as substitutes for the larger histories, they are most mischievous. He who has read the ‘Second Punic War,’ in Arnold's history, will never forget it. It is fixed for life as a part of his own mind; not, of course, in regard to the details of each campaign, but in regard to the great features in the struggle, the character of the opponents, and the policy of Rome. He who reads an account of the same period in the “Student's History of Rome’ may, perhaps, retain a vague remem- brance of the facts for a year, while he who reads it in an PHEFACE, xiii epitome will be lucky if he carries them in his head for a week, though indeed it might fairly be held that such facts being mere dry lumber are better out of the mind than in it. The proper use of an epitome, or short history, is to get a bird’s-eye view of the subject before plunging into the larger history, or, after reading this, to take a rapid summary of the whole; but it is indispensable for one who wishes to be a classical scholar, that the greater epochs at all events, the age of Socrates or the age of Caesar, should be studied under the guidance of really great historians—a Mommsen, an Arnold, a Thirlwall, a Grote—not of a mere second-hand compiler, however accurate. The study of ancient authors familiarises us from one side with the thoughts, the feelings, the speech, the action of the Greeks and Romans; but there is another side scarcely less important from which these same things may be viewed, and that is the actual remains of their handi- work. The sight of Pompeii is more instructive than any description of a Roman town, and no books can teach us what Greek Art was so well as the Elgin marbles. Students residing in London have in this respect an ad- vantage over others, as the Art-treasures of the Museum are constantly within their reach," but all have it in their power to make themselves acquainted with the chief works of art by means of photographs and engravings, and his will be a poor one-sided scholarship who chooses to remain blind to this great feature of the life of the ancients. i It is greatly to be wished that these were made more available for purposes of general culture by lectures delivered at the Museum itself. At present the great mass of visitors go to the sculpture rooms, as they might go to Madame Tussaud's or the Tower, for an hour's amusement, without any idea of learning or study. Af xiv. PREFACE. It is not likely that any one will make use of this list, who has not either some knowledge of classics himself, or at least the opportunity of consulting others who have such knowledge. Still, it may perhaps be useful to some if I imagine myself acting as guide through the maze of books which follow, to one who is entirely ignorant both of Latin and Greek, but wishes to learn both. To begin with, I should (in opposition to Mr. Mill) hold to the old course of commencing with Latin rather than Greek, both as being easier for English people in its inflexions and vocabulary, and as being far more practically useful. Greek is a luxury, Latin a necessary, of the intellectual life. The chief rules for the commencement of either language are to give plenty of time to it, and to practise translation and composition pari passu with the learning of the grammar. Each advance in the knowledge of in- flexions, first, and syntactical rules afterwards, should be immediately turned to practice in the Delectus and Exer- cise-book. The student should not be in too great a hurry to set to work on the authors themselves. A year may be very well spent on extracts and selections, arranged with a view to their relative difficulty, and giving a complete meaning in a short space. Such books of extracts should have full vocabularies; and even the easier authors, Ovid, Caesar, Xenophon, &c., will be most profitably studied in editions which give the text with vocabulary and either short notes or none at all. The first grammar and dictionary employed should be very short and plain : the latter should give special prominence to the root- meanings of a word, not following them out into all their ramifications, which only serve to confuse the beginner. Of course it would be the duty of the teacher on the PREF A.C.E. XV occurrence of any secondary meaning to point out how this was related to the original or central meaning. The abridged Liddell and Scott in Greek, and White's “Junior Student's Dictionary' in Latin, are quite enough for the student till he has become familiar with the commoner words, and can read Caesar and Xenophon with ease. He will then be able to use Andrews's or Smith’s lexicons, and the larger Liddell with advantage; and at the same time he may go on from the elementary grammars to, say, Curtius and Farrar in Greek, to be followed in course of time by the ‘Elucidations’ to Curtius, and a good syntactical grammar, such as that of Jelf, Madvig, or Goodwin; and in Latin to the ‘Public School Grammar,” Madvig or Zumpt, and finally Roby. These larger gram- mars are to be used partly as books of reference to explain isolated difficulties, as they occur in the course of classical reading; but portions of them require to be carefully studied in order to give clear ideas on the main principles of grammar, such as the uses of the cases and moods, or the laws of letter-change. For the last, Curtius in Greek and Roby in Latin are to be especially recommended. Hints as to composition will be found in most of the books men- tioned under that head. I will content myself with making two suggestions: first, that useful as these books are, the best exercise, especially for the solitary student, is trans- lating back his own translations of Greek and Latin authors, and learning off the original ; and secondly, that the English-Greek or English-Latin dictionary should not be employed more than can be helped, and that, when em- ployed, it should be supplemented by a careful investigation of the usage of the Greek or Latin word in the lexicons, and especially in the indices to particular authors. Next xvi. | PREFACE. to learning by heart a Greek Play, there is nothing which will improve a man's power of writing iambic verses so much as the study of the ‘Indices in Tragicos Graecos.' I mention this by way of illustration, for it is far from my wish to recommend the spending of much time on verse composition. Boys should practise it just so far as to make themselves familiar with the ordinary metres; and there is no objection to its being afterwards kept up as an elegant accomplishment by those who have special taste for it; but to require it at the University is to put an un- necessary obstacle in the way of classical study, and to divert men from more serious and solid work. I cannot but think that the schoolboy character which has been, perhaps not entirely without foundation, attributed to English scholarship, may be partly traced to the im- portance attached to verse composition at the English Universities, especially at the University of Cambridge. As regards the order in which the ancient authors should be read, Mr. Burn has supplied a judicious course in his Article on the Classical Tripos contained in the ‘Student's Guide to the University of Cambridge.’ In the same article he makes some useful suggestions as to the method of study, recommending among other things that a text with- out notes should always be used in the first instance, and that notes or translation should be consulted afterwards to clear up difficulties which have not yielded to the appli- cation of grammar and dictionary. I should be disposed myself to modify this advice, so far, at least, as not to leave the use of translation and notes dependent upon the chance of a student having failed to make sense of the original without them. A man who has to prepare a portion of a Greek Play or a Satire of Horace, will be PREFACE. xvii better fitted to understand and appreciate what he reads, if he has begun by running through Conington's or Plumptre's translation of the whole. And, however great . may be the student's ability or learning, it is scarcely likely that by a single reading of a passage he can acquire the same insight into the meaning of his author, as the commentator who may have devoted a lifetime to the study of his works in connection with the contemporary history and literature. I do not of course mean that every word, even of the best commentary, should be read through with equal attention ; the art of skipping is needed here as elsewhere; but I should think poorly of the common sense of a man who imagined that there was nothing for him to learn from the notes in Comington's Virgil or Munro's Lucretius. My own experience would suggest some such rules as the following for grappling with any new author:—1st, to study his time in the histories, especially the histories of literature. 2nd, to run through a translation either of the whole, or of a large section of the work. 3rd, to read aloud each successive paragraph in the Original language, so as to make one's ear familiar with the rhythm, 4th, to examine minutely the struc- ture of each sentence, making a mark with a pencil where there is any obscurity, so as to ascertain precisely the point in which the difficulty lies, and what to look for in the books of reference. 5th, having done this, to take up the annotated edition and glance through the notes, and then to translate the whole paragraph to oneself in the best English one can muster. 6th, on reach- ing the end of the book, to read the whole over rapidly from the beginning. 7th, to read in masses, i.e. not to be continually changing one author for another; but to b xviii PREFACE. work steadily at one till you have become saturated with the manner of thought and expression. It is surprising how much time and labour is thus saved. Lastly, I would most earnestly deprecate the practice of getting up “tips; ” *.e. unconnected passages selected for their difficulty as likely to be set in examination. Even with this special end in view, it is discreditable to examiners if such a practice should ever be found to pay : passages of moderate difficulty serve to distinguish men far better than those which, being quite beyond the power of the majority to make out for themselves on the spur of the moment, will only show that they have, or have not, been read by them during the last six months. Taking a higher view, no- thing is more fatal to an intelligent interest in study, and to intellectual improvement generally, than this slavish reference to examinations, which are almost as mischievous if the eye of the student is directed exclusively to them, as they are beneficial, and even essential, if kept in their proper place as guiding and testing work done for its own sake. I should like to say one word before concluding on a subject which is perhaps scarcely appropriate to a preface like this, but which has continually forced itself on my attention in preparing the list which follows, I mean the contrast between the products of German and of English scholarship. It is not that German editions or histories are always superior to the English. The English books on Plato are, as far as I can judge, better than the German ; and the histories of Thirlwall and Grote are at any rate unsurpassed by any German history of Greece: but, in- tentionally or unintentionally, the Germans appear to work in concert, carrying out to the utmost the principles of co-operation and division of labour; while Englishmen, PREFACE. xix as a rule, seem to pride themselves on working in entire independence of all that is being done around them by others. The former present the appearance of a vast army moving regularly onwards by a series of combined opera- tions to storm the citadel of knowledge; while the latter are at best like brilliant skirmishers, each fighting for his own convenience or amusement, without any thought of the general plan of the campaign, or much regard for the general good. What we want in England is organization, first, to mark out what is the work which has to be done, and next to make it worth while for people to do it. There is no reason to suppose that our raw materialis inferior to the German: we have quite as many good scholars turned out every year, a fair proportion of whom have the requi- site patience and industry and interest in their subject, to produce good results, if they were only set on the right track and had the prospect of a fair remuneration for their labour. All depends upon the action of our Universities. If the Boards of Classical Study were to put forth a scheme of the work which, taking a general view of the progress of philology, seems to be most imperatively demanded at the present time, and if dividing this into portions which might require, say, three years' steady work on the part of a good scholar, they were empowered to offer prizes of some value for the satisfactory accomplishment of any such portion; and if, moreover, the continued holding of a Fel- lowship should be made to depend on the obtaining of some such extra-collegiate certificate of merit, I believe even these few slight changes would enable us to compete with Germany in the production of those monographs in which we are now so far behind. And if further, as we may hope, the Universities are about to become more and XX PREFACE. more the homes of men who have chosen learning as their profession, not the brief sojourn of those who are looking forward to the work of the schoolmaster, or lawyer, or parochial clergyman, as the business of their lives, I see no reason why we may not, in days to come, boast a Curtius, or a Ritschl, or a Mommsen of our own in England. Having thus ventured on the ground of University Re- form, I am tempted to speak of another change which might be made at any moment by an agreement between the several colleges, to the great advantage of Schoolmasters and the pupils whom they send up to try for open scholar- ships. When these scholarships were first thrown open for public competition, each college held its own examina- tion without reference to those of other colleges; the con- sequence of which was that the last year of school work was broken up by an endless succession of competitive examinations. This evil has been, to a certain extent, remedied by several colleges combining to have their ex- amination on the same day, but a new inconvenience has arisen from the rule, I believe universal, which requires every candidate to select his college before entering the examination. It may very well happen that the candidate is in need of a scholarship to enable him to reside at the University, but has no ground for preferring one college to another; it will then be a mere lottery whether he puts down his name for a college where the competition is severe or the contrary: with the same ability he may gain the first place at the one, and fail altogether at the other. Is there any reason why there should not be one examina- tion, and one list, for each group of colleges, the successful candidates being allowed to choose their college accord- PREFACE. xxi ing to the order in which their names appear in the list 2 - It only remains for me to return my thanks to the friends who have kindly looked over my proof-sheets, and so helped to make the list less imperfect than it would otherwise have been. Of course a book of this sort can make no pretence to scientific completeness. There must be much which is arbitrary, both in the choice of the books mentioned, and in the manner of arrangement. What I have aimed at has been simply utility and practical con- venience. I cannot hope that I have always succeeded in this aim ; some books have no doubt been omitted which deserved to be inserted, and vice versä : but I have en- deavoured at least to arrive at a fair judgment in each case, and, where I have fallen into error, I shall be much obliged to any who will enable me to correct it in a future edition, if one should be required. In the Second Edition I have endeavoured to bring up the list to the present date, keeping generally to the same principle of selection as before, viz. to insert such books as I thought likely to be of practical use in reference to the Ordinary course of classical study, as pursued in English schools and colleges. To those who may desire further information on points of Bibliography the follow- ing works are recommended:— Engelmann. Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum. 6th ed. (a list of editions up to the year 1858). 11s. 1858. Leipzig. Supplement 1 by C. H. Herrmann (to 1869). 4s. 6d. 1871. Halle. Supplement 2 by Klussmann (to 1873). 6s. 1874. Halle. xxii - PREFACE. J. E. B. Mayor. Bibliographical Clue to Iatin Literature. (Edited, after Dr. E. Hübner, with large additions.) 6s. 1875. Macmillan. Boeckh. Encyklopädie und Methodologie der philologischen Wis- senschaften. (A classification and criticism of the depart- ments of classical learning, with a review of the literature of each department.) 12s. 1877. Leipzig. Freund. Triennium Philologicum. 6 parts at 4s. each. (Pt. I. Hist. of Philology, Criticism and Palaeography, Comparative Philology. Pt. II. Greek and Latin Grammar and Litera- ture. Pt. III. Greek Geography, History, Antiquities, Mythology. Pt. IV. Roman do. Pt. W. Greek and Roman Music, Rhythms, Metre, Rhetoric. Pt. VI. Archaeology, Numismatics, General Index.) 1875. Leipzig. Hübner. Grundriss zu Worlesungen über die Geschichte und Ency- klopädie der classischen Philologie. 4s. 1876. Berlin. Grundriss z. W. ii. d. Lateinische Grammafik. 2s. 6d. 1876. Berlin. - Grundriss z. W. ii. d. Römische Literaturgeschichte. 4th ed. 8s. 1878. Berlin. Müldener. Bibliotheca Philologica. Published half-yearly at 2s. 6d. a part. 1848–1878. Göttingen. Bursian. Bibliotheca Philologica Classica. (Notices of classical books taken from the Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte der class. Alterthumswissenschaft.) Each yearly part 2s. 1874–1879. Berlin. - Bibliographische Uebersicht ii. d. die Griech. u. Lat. Autoren betreffende Litteratur der Jahre 1867–1876. (Reprinted from Philologus.) Pt. I. Greek Authors, A–H. 4s. 1879. Göttingen. Revue des Revues. (An Appendix to the Revue de Philologie, containing an Abstract of all Articles and Notices which have appeared in the Classical Periodicals of all Countries during the previous Quarter.) Commenced in 1877. Paris. J. B. M. TWICKENHAM, July 1879. In the following list (F) denotes a book published abroad. The prices stated are subject to discount. Where the same book has been brought out in different forms, it has gene- rally been thought sufficient to mention the least eac- pensive. Eaccept when otherwise specified, the volumes are of 8vo. size. Notes unaccompanied by teact are given in small type at the end of the editions under each author's name: if printed ân ordinary type, the notes are accompanied by tea:t. SELECT LIST OF EDITIONS OF CLASSICAL AUTHORS, [The books to which a star is prefixed are especially recommended.] AESCHINES-AESCHYLUS, Aeschines. (See Oratores Attici.) Text, Franke, 1s. 2d. Teubner (F) .. tº ſº; tº gº 1873 Critical Edition, Schultz, 8s. (F) .. tº ſº tº $. 1865 With Eaſplanatory Notes— Lat. Bremi, 2 vols. 4s. (F) tº º 1824 *Germ. (and Trans.) Benseler, 3 vols. 5s. (F) 1860 in CTESIPHONTEM. (See Demosthenes DE CORONA) Lat. Weidner, 3s., (F) .. & O & © 1872 Eng. T. K. Arnold, 4s. Rivington .. * * 1860 O. P. C. 2s. Parker. Aeschylus. (See Poetae Scenici.) Text, Paley (Camb. Text), 3s. Bell. TWith Ea:planatory Notes— *Eng. Paley. 4th ed. 18s. Bell tº e & © 1879 Lat. Weil, 14s. 6d. (F) .. gº tº wn ºf º ºg 1867 (Also each play separately.) Germ. (with trans.) Hartwmg, 8 vols. 13s.6d. (F) 1855 AGAMEMNON. Eng. (with Verse Trans.) J. F. Davies, 3S. W. & N. tº e gº tº 1868 *Kennedy (with Verse Trans.), 6s. Camb. & ſº fe tº ... , 1878 Germ. (and Trans.) Keck, 9s. (F) .. 1865 Enger and Gilbert, 3s. (F) .. 1874. Nägelsbach, 3s. (F) .. & ºt I863 Schneidewin, 3s. (F). * * 1856 CHOEPHOROE. Eng. Conington, 6s. Longmans .. 1857 2 AESCHYLUS—ANTHOLOGIA GRAECA. Aeschylus— * EUMENIDEs. Eng. Müller, Text and Dissertations. Deighton & Cº. gº tº tº º 1835 Drake, with Verse Trans. and Diss. after Müller, 3s.6d. Macmillan. Germ. Schömann, with Trans. 2s. 6d. (F) 1845 PERSAE. Eng. Prickard. Macmillan. (In the press.) Germ. Teuffel, 1s. 6d. (F) dº º tº ſº PROMETHEUS. Eng. Prickard, 2s. Oxford. Paley, 1s. 6d. Bell .. * * 1878 Germ. Schömann, with Trans. 6s. (F) 1843 Schmidt, 1s. 6d. (F) .. tº º 1870 Wecklein, 2s. 6d. (F) tº º 1878 SEPT. C. THEBAs. Paley, 1s. 6d. Pell tº º © º 1878 Davies, 1s. 6d. .. tº gº tº ºf 1864 875 SUPPLICEs. Lat. Schwerdt, 38. 6d. (F) .. tº º 1858 Germ. Oberdick, 4s. (F) tº ſº tº º 1869 Translation. Eng. Pr. Paley, 7s.6d. 2nd ed. Bell .. & e 1871 Eng. W. Plumptre, 12s. Strahan © tº & e I869 Swamwick, 2 vols. 12s. Bell .. * * 1873 Agamemnon. Browning, 5s. Smith & E. 1877 *Morshead, 5s. King .. tº e 1877 Lord Carnarvon, 6s. Murray . . 1879 Prometheus. Webster, 3s.6d. Macmillan 1866 Germ. Droysen, 6s. 3rd ed. e tº tº e gº tº 1868 Lexicon. Linwood, 12s. Walton .. tº e tº gº * * 1847 or (much better) Dindorf, 2 vols. 16s. (F) tº e 1876 ftudes sur Eschyle, Patin, 3s. (F) .. & e & te tº º 1873 Prolegomena (Germ.) Westphal, 5s. (F) 1869 Illustrations to Aeschylus and Sophocles, from Ancient and Modern Poets, Boyes, 9s. Whittaker tº º * & & © 1844 Index, Beatson. Camb. tº § g tº tº º & ſº 1830 Introduction. (Anc. Class.) Copleston, 2s. 6d. Blackwood. [The series entitled ‘Ancient Classics for English Readers’ contains an Intro- duction and general description of the works of the Author.] Aesopi Fabulae. (Babrius.) Text, Schneidewin, 9d. Teubner. (F) .. dº & 1865 Hartung, with Germ. Notes and Trans., 3s. (F) .. 1858 Aetna (Lucilius). Text and Notes, Munro, 3s.6d. Pell. 1867 Anacreon. (See Poetae Lyrici.) Text, Rose, 1s. 4d. (F) tº tº g e is gº tº º 1876 Andocides. (See Oratores Attici.) Text, Teubner, 1s. 6d. (F) .. gº tº tº º tº tº 1871 Anthologia Graeca. Thackeray, 4s. 6d. Pell. 1877 (A Selection of Greek poetry, with brief English Notes.) Wilkins (Progressive Greek Anthology, for Schools), 58. Longmans .. * e & ., 1865 ANTHOLOGIA TIATINA-AIRISTOPHANES. 3 Anthologia Latina. Thackeray, 68.6d. Bell, 1869 (A Selection of Latin poetry, with brief Latin Notes.) Wilkins (Progressive Latin Anthology, for Schools), 4s. 6d. Longmans tº wº 1864 (Phaedrus, Ovid, Tibullus, &c.) Antiphon. (See Oratores Attici.) Antoninus (Marcus Aurelius). (See Epictetus.) Text, C. Tauchnitz, 9d. dº ſº tº wº gº tº dº ſº J870 With Lat. Notes, * Gataker, 4to. Lond. .. e & 1697 Translation. Eng, with Notes, Long, 3s. 6d. Bell tº e tº de 1869 Aristophanes. (See Poetae Scenici Graeci.) Text, Bergk, 2 vols. 3s.6d. Teubner (F) .. & ſº 1872 Meineke, 2 vols. 3s.6d. P. Tauchnitz (F) .. I861 *Holden, expurg. 188. Index, 5s. 6d. Dell. 1868 (Or each play separately.) With Eaſplanatory Notes— Lat. Bothe, 15s. (F) .. tº º (Or each play separately.) Bekker, c. n. Variorum, Lat. Trans. and Gr. Schol. 5 vols. Whittaker .. 1829 ACHARNENSEs. Eng. n. Blaydes, 3s.6d. W. & N. .. 1871 O. P. C. 1s. Parker. Paley, 4s. 6d. Bell tº e & & * * 1876 German Notes and Trans. Ribbeck, 7s. (F) 1864 and EQUITES. Green, 4s. Rivington .. tº ſº 1870 AvKs. Germ. Kock, 3s. (F) tº gº 1876 Eng. O. P. C. 1s. 6d. Parker. Green, expurg. 3s. 6d. Longmans. Blaydes, 5s. Whittaker & Cº. tº is 1842 EQUITEs (and ACH.). Green. See above. O. P. C. 1S. Parker. *A. Sidgwick (Extracts for beginners), 1s. 6d. Rivington .. tº e tº tº tº § 1872 Germ. Kock, 2s. (F) .. * : ſº tº gº e G 1867 Ribbeck (with Trans.), 7s. (F) .. tº e 1867 NUBES. Green, 3s.6d. Rivington .. g & gº tº 1868 Merry, 2s. Oxf. .. tº ſº tº ſº gº tº 1879 *A. Sidgwick (for beginners), 1s. 6d. Rivingt. 1879 1847 Germ. Teuffel, 2s. (F) .. ſº 1868 Rock, 2s. 6d. (F). dº º gº & tº ge 1876 Lat. Teuffel, 1s. 6d. (F) & e & tº • * 1863 PAX. Paley, 4s. 6d. Bell .. gº º g ſº tº ſº 1873 Green. Longmans, 3s. 6d. .. g is * tº 1873 *Rogers (with Verse Trans.), 7s.6d. Eell .. 1866 B 2 4 ARISTOPEIANES.–ARISTOTELES. Aristophanes— PLUTUs. *A. Sidgwick (for beginners), 1s. 6d. Rivington 1878 RANAE. Paley, 4s. 6d. Bell .. tº º gº tº e e 1877 Green, expurg. 3s.6d. Camb. *A. Sidgwick (for beginners), 1s. 6d. Rivington 1879 Germ. Kock, 2s. (F) .. tº tº º º 1868 WESPAE. Green, 3s.6d. Rivington tº tº tº ſº 1868 * Rogers (with Verse Trans.), 7s.6d. Bell 1875 Translation. Eng. W. Rudd, 15s. (Eight Plays.) Longmans .. 1867 * Kennedy, Birds, with Notes, 6s. Macmillan. 1874 Help-notes to the same, 1s. 6d. I?ogers, Lysistrata, 3s. Bell º 1878 Mitchell (Acharn., Knights, Glouds, Wasps), 2 vols. 1822 Walsh (Acharn, Knights, Clouds). Bohn .. 1848 *Frere, J. H. (Acharn, Knights, Birds, Frogs, Peace), 2nd vol. of Works. Pickering .. 1871 Germ. Droysen, 2nd ed. 10s. 6d. (F) tº º tº ſº 1871 Annotationes. Dindorf, 2 vols. 19s. Oxf. .. tº º e G 1837 Introduction (Anc. Class.), Collins, 2s. 6d. Blackwood tº e 1873 *Müller-Strubing, Arist, u, die historische Kritik, 16s. (F) .. 1873 Deschanel. Études, 3s. (F) tº e & © © tº tº º 1877 Aristoteles. Text, Bekker, 11 vols. 50s. Oxford tº e tº º 1837 (Each vol. separately, 5s. 6d.) Tauchnitz Ser. 16 vols. 17s.6d. (F) .. © 1877 (Also each vol. separately.) Dübner and Heitz, with Lat. Tr., Fragments, and Indices, 5 vols. roy. 8vo, 65s. (F) .. 1848–74 Text, *Bekker, with Lat. Tr., Fragments, Scholia, and In- dices, 5 vols. 4to, 80s. (F) .. ... 1831–70 Text only, in separate parts, 8vo. (F). DE ANIMA. Text, Torstrik, 58.6d. (F) .. e & 1862 *Lat. Notes, Trendelenburg. 2nd ed. 12s. (F). 1877 ETHICA NIG. Text, Rogers, with reff. 4s. 6d. Rivington 1865 *Eng. Notes, Grant, 2 vols. 3rd ed. 32s. Longmans 1874 *bk. v. H. Jackson, 6s. Camb. .. 1879 bks. 1–4, Moore, 10s. 6d. Rivington 1878 Germ. Ramsauer, 12s. (F) g * tº g º 1878 FTHICA EUDEM. Lat. Notes, Fritzsche, 7s.6d. (F) 1851 *METAPHYSICA. Tat. Notes, Bonitz, 13s.6d. (F). 1849 *ORGANON. Lat. Notes, Waitz, 19s. (F) .. * † 1846 Selections, Maqrath, 3s.6d. Rivington e is 1877 PoETICA. Text, Ueberweg, 1s. (F) .. ſº tº & ſº 1875 ed. crit. Vahlen, 5s. (F) .. gº tº 1874 Tat. Notes, Ritter, 4s. 6d. (F) gº º & Cº 1839 Eng. O. P. C. 1s. 6d. *Germ. (Tr. and Notes) Susemihl, 2nd ed. 4s. (F) 1874 PoDITICA. Eng. Congreve, 2nd ed. 18s. Longmans 1874 Eaton, 10s. 6d. Longmans gº tº 1855 ARISTOTELES-CAESAR. 5 Aristoteles— PoDITICA. Eng. bks. 1, 3, 4, (7) with Trans. Bolland and Lang, 7s. 6d Longmans .. 1878 bks. 1, 3, 4, 7. O. P. C. 2s. 6d. Lat. Notes, Goettling, 7s.6d. (F) & tº 1824 *Germ. bks. 1–3, Bernays (Tr. and Notes), 4s. 6d. (F) tº º gº tº & ſº * Oncken, Staatslehre d. Arist. 2 vols. 14s. 6d. (F) .. tº e e & 1877 *Susemihl, 16s. (F) e e • e 1879 RHETORICA. Eng. * Cope and Sandys, 3 vols. 31s. 6d. Camb. .. tº ºr tº & tº gº 1877 Lat. Spengel (Notes chiefly critical, with Lat. Trans.), 2 vols. 16s. (F) .. 1867 Translations. French, with Notes. St. Hilaire. (F) e - tº e 1874 (Each part sold separately.) Germ. by Ad. Stahr, and others. Stuttgart. (F) .. 1869 (Each part sold separately.) Eng. ETHICs. Chase, 6s. Rivington . . . tº º * Williams, 2nd ed. 7s.6d. Longmans. *ORGANON. Poste. Posterior Analytics, with Notes and Introd., 4s. Oxf. 1850 Fallacles. Ditto, 8s. 6d. Macmillan e - 1866 PoETICS. Ditto. Twining, 4to tº e tº º 1789 Politics. Walford, 5s. Bell. *RHETORIC. Introduction and Analysis. Cope, 14s. Macmillan . . tº º & & - - 1867 *Grote's Aristotle, 2 vols. (contains a life of A. and very full account of the different treatises which make up the Organon, as well as of the De Anima and Metaphysica.) 32s. Murray .. - e. I872 Lewes, G. H. Aristotle; a Chapter from the History of Science, 15s. Smith and E. [An account of the physical treatises J - e. *Indez Aristotelicus. Bonvtz, 4to, 26s (5th vol. of Bekker's ed.) (F) 1870 1866 *Trendelenburg. Elementa Logices Aristoteleae, 2s. 6d. (F) - - 1878 Latin Notes (variorum) on the RHETORIC, Oxford tº ſº tº º 1820 Eucken, u. d. Sprachgebrauch d. Aristoteles, 2s. (F) .. tº º I868 I?assow, Forschungen u. d. Nik. Etbik, 4s. (F).. tº º • 4 1874 Döring, Die Kunstlehre d. Arist., 6s. (F) © e tº e - e. 1876 Teichmüller, Aristotelische Forschungen, 3 vols. 18s. 6d. (F) e G 1873 Thwrot, Etudes sur Aristote, 5s. (F) .. º e tº º - e. 1861 Arrianus. ExPEDITIO ALEXANDRI. Text, Teubner, 1s. 6d. 1876 With Ea:planatory Notes— Lat. C. G. Krüger, 6s. 6d. (F) .. tº ſº 1848 Germ. Sintenis, 4s. (F) .. e to ... 1860–63 SCRIPTA MINoFA. Text, Teubner. (F). (Out of print.) SELECTIONs with Notes, Phillpotts. Oxford. Moberly, 2s. Rivington .. 1875 Bion. See Poetae Bucolici. Caesar. Text, Kramer, 2s. (F). With Eaſplanatory Notes— BELL. GALL. Eng. Moberly, 4s. 6d. Oxford .. 1871 Schmitz, Collins .. ſº tº • 6 © tº 1878 6. CAESAR–CICERO. Caesar— - With Eaſplanatory Notes— BELL. GALL. Eng. Long, 5s. 6d. Bell .. gº º 1868 Isbister, 48. Longmans. - bks. 1–3, Long (for beginners), 2s. 6d. Bell. 'bks. 4,5,7,” Peskett, 2 vols., 4s. Camb. .. 1878 bks. 2, 3, Rutherford, 1s. 6d. Macmillan 1879 *Germ. Kraner, 3s. (F tº º & ſº tº & 1877 BELL. CIV. *Germ. Kraner and Hofmann, 35. (F) 1878 Eng. Moberly, 3s.6d. Oxford .. 1873 SELECTIONS. Butler, 6d. Seeley .. tº e tº e 1871 Introduction, &c. (Anc. Class.) A. Trollope, 2s. 6d. Blackwood 1870 Germ. Köchly and Rustow (F) ... .. e g 1857 Cato. See Scriptores Rei Rusticae. FRAGMENTA. Jordan, 5s. (F) tº º tº º • * 1860 Catullus. Text, Ellis, 3s.6d. Macmillan ... ... 1866 I. Müller, 8d. Teubner. (F) tº tº 1877 *Baehrens, ed. Crit. vol. i. 4s. (F) .. 1876 With Eaſplanatory Nofes— - *Ellis, ed. crit. with Proleg. 16s. Oxford 1867 Commentary, 16s. Oxford .. 1877 *Lat. Doering. Priestley, 1820; 2nd ed. (F) 1834 SELECTIONS, with Eng. Notes, Cookesley, 2s. 6d. Williams. Simpson (in the press). Macmil. With Tibullus and Propertius. Text, Haupt, 38. (F) .. e & tº dº & Cº. 1868 L. Müller, 38. (F) de & s' is ... 1874 SELECTIONs, with Eng. notes, Wratislaw, 3s.6d. Bell 1869 W. B. Donne, 2s. Weale 1860 Translation, Eng. W. Ellis, 5s. Murray. tº dº © tº tº wº 1871 Cranstown, with notes, 7 s. 6d. Nimmo . . 1867 *T. Martin, with notes, 6s. 6d. Blackwood 1863 Germ. with Notes. Westphal, 6s. (F) tº p e tº 1867 * Munro, Elucidations, 7 s. 6d. Bell º ºg & © 1878 Cicero. Text, *C. F. W. Müller, vols. i. and ii. (Philoso- phica), each 2s. 6d. Teubner tº e 1878 *Baiter and Kayser, 11 vols. 8vo, 25s. (sold separately). (F) .. tº gº tº & * Orelli, ed. crit. (Baiter and Halm), 4 vols. roy. 8vo. 488. (F). tº ſº is º Nobbe, ed. 3, 1 vol. roy. 8vo, 24s. (F) 1869 EPISTOLAE ad Familiares. * Wesenberg, 38. 6d. (F) 1872 ad Atticum. *Wesenberg, 3s.6d. (F 1873 CICERO, Cicero— With Eaglanatory Notes— EPISTOLAE– Eng. Tyrrell, vol. i. 12s. Longmans Lat. Schütz, 21s. (F) tº e Germ. Billerbeck, 13s.6d. (F) AD ATTICUM. *Lat. Boot, 2 vols. 21s. (F) * bk. I. Eng. Pretor, 4s. 6d. Bell.. F Selections. Eng. O. P. C. 1s. 6d. Parker. Oxford .. * Watson, 18s. Parry, 68. Longmans .. Pritchard and Bernard, 3s. Oxford J. E. Yonge, Part 1, 3s.6d. Longmans *Lat. Matthiae, 5s. (F) tº tº tº ſº Germ. *Frey, 3s. (F) *Hofmann, 2 pa F Süpfle, 48, (F) .. Life and Letters of C. Abeken, trans, by Merivale, 9s. 6d. Longmans Bohn. Translation. Melmoth, and Heberden, 2 vols. 12s. rts, 6s. (F) OPERA PHILOSOPHICA ET REIETORICA– ACADEMICA, c. m. variorum. Davies, 1736, or Rath (F) * - (F) .. Goerenz. *Eng. Reid, 4s. 6d. Macmillan DE AMICITIA (LAELIUs). Eng. *Reid, 3s. Camb. Sidgwick, 2s. Rivington. Germ. *(very full), Seyffert, 2nd ed 9.S. (F tº tº Nauck, fth ed. 10d. (F) * Lahmeyer, 3rd ed. 10d. (F) "brodt, 2s. 6d. DE SENECTUTE. (CATO.) Eng. T. K. Arnold, after Somme Rivington .. Reid, preparing. Camb. Germ. Lahmeyer, 4th ed. 10d. (F), ... * † Sommerbrodt, 7th ed. 10d. (F) * * DE DIVINATIONE ET DE FATO. Lat. Moser, c. m. variorum, 6s. (F) Alanºws. Fellowes º by Müller, DE FINIBUs. *Lat. Madvig, 3rd ed. 23s. (F) .. (For advanced scholars.) Germ. Holstein, 3s. (F) DE LEGIBUs. Lat. Moser, c. n. Variorum *Bake, 12s. (F) Germ. * Dw Mesnil, 5s. , 4s. (#) tº º © C. 1879 1813 1836 1866 1873 1870 1867 1872 1870 1849 T864 1878 1873 1854 1806 1810 1874 1879 IS78 1876 1875 1875 1853 1873 1873 1828 1839 1876 1873 1824 1842 1879 8 OICERO. Cicero— DE NATURADEORUM. Moser, c. n. variorum, 7s.6d. (F) 1818 *Germ. Schoemann, 4th ed. 3s. (F) .. tº e 1876 Eng. Jos. B. Mayor, preparing. Cambridge. DE OFFICIIs. *Eng. Holden, 7s.6d. Cambridge.. I869 *Lat. Beier. (F) * - do tº & © & © 1821 Germ. * Heine, 5th ed. 3s. (F) gº o & e 1878 DE ORATORE. *Lat. Ellendt, 18s. (F) .. {º} tº 1840 Germ. Piderit, 5th ed. by Adler, 5s. 6d. (F) 1878 Eng. bk. 1, * Wilkins, 6s. Oxford .. gº º 1879 ORATOR. Germ. O. Jahn, 3rd ed. 2s. (F) * @ 1869 DE CLARIS ORATORIBUs (BRUTUs). *Ellendt, 7s. (F) 1844 RHETORICA (De Inventione). Weidner, ed crit. 4s. (F) 1878 TUSCULANAE DISP. Germ. Tischer and Soroſ, 7th ed. 3s.6d. (F) 1878 Heine, 2nd ed. 3s. (F) .. * * 1873 Lat. Moser, c. n. Variorum, 12s. (F) & ſº 1837 *Kühner, 8s. (F) Jº tº dº tº & e 1874 ORATIONES. Eng. Notes. Long, 4 vols. 8vo, £3.4s. Bell .. tº º 1851–1858 (Sold separately. Useful for Roman Law.) *IN CATILINAM. Wilkins after Halm, 3s.6d. Macmillan 1871 *PRO CLUENTIO. Ramsay, 3s.6d. Oxford gº tº 1869 *PHILIPPICAE. King, 10s. 6d. Oxford . . tº tº 1868 Second Oration. *J. E. B. Mayor, after Halm, 6th ed. 5s. Macmillan .. tº e & ſº 1878 *PRO BALBo. Reid, 18. 6d. Camb. tº g & º 1878 * PRO ARCHIA PoETA. Reid, 1s. 6d. Camb. C. º. 1878 *PRO MURENA. Heitland, 38. 2nd ed. Camb. .. 1877 PRO MILONE. Purton, 2s. 6d. Camb. .. & © 1877 *IN VERREM (Divin. Act. 1). Heitland and Cowie, 38. Camb. tº º tº gº * @ tº º tº tº * - 1877 PRO Rosc. AMER. Davies, 1s. Weale. - Jonkin. (In the press.) Macmillan. PRO LEG. MANIL. Nash, 18. 6d. Longmans. - - A. S. Wilkins, 3s.6d. Macmillan. 1879 ORATIONES SELECTAE. T. K. Arnold (6 Orations), 3rd ed. 4s. Rivington. 1866 Richter (12 Orations), 3s.6d. Chambers .. 1849 O. P. C. (9 Orations), 2 vols. each 3s.6d. Parker. Extracts. Brodribb; 10d. Seeley .. ... 1873 Germ. PRO ARCHIA. Richter, 2nd ed. 8d, (F) .. 1878 *PRO ARCHIA, SULLA, et IN CATILINAM. Halm, 10th ed. 1s. 6d. (F) • * • • • * 1878 *MILONE, LIGARIo, DEIOTARO. Halm, 7th ed. 1s. 6d. (F) e - 1874. “Murºna. Haim, 3rd ed. 1s 6d. (#) ... iśī8 CICERO–CORPUS, JURIS CIVILIS. Cicero— Germ. *SESTIO. Halm, 4th ed. 1s. 6d. (F) tº º PLANCIO. Köpke, 2nd ed. 18.6d. (F) gº º *RoscIo AMER. and L. MANILIA. Halm, 8th ed. 1s. 6d. (F) tº º & e ‘º tº e *IN CAECILIUM, et IN VERREM, 4, 5, Halm, 7th ed. 3s. (F) tº it * & º & e e Lat. *Graevius, variorum, 6 vols. .. tº º gº º *PRO CAEGINA. Jordan, 4s. 6d. (F) * & *LEGE MANILIA. Halm, 3s. 6d. (F) .. MURENA. A. W. Zumpt, 2s. (F) & & *PLANCIO. Wunder, 12s. (F) .. ge e *SESTIO. Halm, 6s. (F) gº tº tº & *SULLA. Halm, 2s. 6d. (F) .. tº º *IN WATINIUM. Halm, 2s. (F) & ſº ſº tº CHRESTOM. CICERON., Germ. n. Luders, 38. 6d. (F ExTRACT's from Cicero, with Eng. Notes. Walford, 3 vols. each 1s. 6d. Oxford & º tº gº tº º Life of Cicero. Middleton, 5s. Bohn. Forsyth, 10s. 6d. Murray ſº º tº ſº sº Cicéron et ses Amis. Boissier, 38. (F) ę Leben Cicero's. Brückner, vol. i. 12s. (F) e Ciceronis Annales, &c. Suringar, 2 vols. 15s. § * @ is g Caqueray, Explication de Droit Privé dans les CEuvres de C., 8s. (F) *Onomasticum et lndices. Lat. Orelli, 3 vols. 31s. 6d. (F) e tº Hirzel, Untersuchungen z. C.’s philosoph. Schriften. 5s. (F) Levin, Lectures on Philosophy of Cicero. 6s. Deighton. Scholiast (Asconius). Kiessling and Scholl, 4s. (F) *Manutii Comm. in Orationes, cur. Richter, 6s. (F) tº e * > *in Epistolas ad Div. 5s. (F) .. e is tº º *Clavis Ciceroniana. Ernesti, 7s. (F) tº e tº º *Lexicon Ciceronianum. Schütz. 4 vols. in 6, 12mo. (F) or (more complete as a concordance than either) Lex. Cic. Nizolius, cura Facciolati, 1 vol. fol. 1734, or 3 vols. 8vo. *Lex. z. C.’s Reden. Mergwet, vols. i., ii. (A–D) (F) .. tº ºn Introduction. (Anc. Class.) Collins, 2s. 6d. Blackwood © º Comicorum Graecorum Fragmenta. Text, with Lat. Trans. Bothe, 12s. 6d. (F). Didot Comicorum Latinorum Reliquiae. *Lat. Notes. Ribbeck, 2nd ed. 14s. (F) Cornelius Nepos. See Nepos. Cornificius (CICERO AD HERENNIUM). Lat. Notes. Kayser, 9s. 6d. (F) ... . . . tº º Corpus Juris Civilis. See Gaius. Text. Kriegel, Hermann, and Osenbrüggen, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. 16s. 6d. (F) .. tº gº ge º tº e *Krueger and Mommsen, vol. i. (INSTITUTIONES et DIGESTA), 9s. (F) .. tº º & ſº & º Rrueger, vol. ii. (CoDEx), 5s. 6d. (F) tº o 1873 1873 1877 1878 1699 1847 1848 1859 1830 1845 1845 1846 1878 1869 1869 1877 1852 IS54 1857 1838 1877 1871 1875 1783 1779 183] I818 1820 1877 1870 1855 1873 1854 10 CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS—DEMOSTHENES. Corpus Juris Civilis— INSTITUTIONES. Lat. Notes, Schrader, 12s. (F) .. 1832 JURISPRUDENTIAE ANTEJUSTINIANAE quae supersunt, Huschke, 3rd ed. 9s. (F) .. tº º is ºf s & *Krueger, Mommsen, and Studenund, vol. i. (GAIUs), 3s.6d. 1877; and vol. ii. (ULPIAN), 3s. Translation with Notes. Justinian's Institutes. Sandars, 18s. Longmans tº º tº gº tº a tº tº • a gº tº 1865 Select Titles from the Digest. Holland and Shadwell, pts. 1–4, sold separately. Oxford. Hewmann, Handlexicon Zu den Quellen des Römischen Rechtes, 10s. 6d. 5th ed. (F) .. * & & e ‘º 1879 (See under LAw.) Corpus Poetarum Latinorum. Text. Weber (out of print), 488. (F) tº ºt tº tº 1833 Walker, 18s. (carelessly edited) tº tº tº ſº 1848 Curtius. Text. Hedicke, 2s. (F) •. -- tº ſº 1867 Lat. Notes. Zumpt, 12s. (F) .. & Cº e tº tº º 1849 Eng. Notes. Zwmpt, 3s. Chambers .. e ſº & tº 1852 SELECTIONS. Heitland and Raven, 3s.6d. Camb. .. © tº tº e * & tº º 1879 Germ. Notes. Vogel, 2 pts. 5s. 6d. (F) gº tº sº tº 1875 *Mützell, 2 vols. 14s. (F) tº º tº º 1841 Demades. See Oratores Attici. Demosthenes. See Oratores Attici. Text. Dindorf, 3 vols. 4s. 6d. (F). Teubner sº tº 1878 Bekker, 3 vols. 8vo. 4s. 6d. (F) tº ſº tº º 1866 With Eaglanatory Notes— Eng. Whiston, vols. 1 and 2, each 16s. Bell 1859, 1868 *DE CORONA. Holmes, 5s. Rivington s & 1871 T. K. Arnold, 4s. 6d. Rivington 1860 *et AESCHINES IN CTESIPHONTEM. Simcoa, 12s. Oxford e & gº º 1873 Drake, 5s. Macmillan e tº 1866 O. P. C. 2s. Parker. *DE FALSA LEGATIONE. Shilleto, 4th ed.6s. Bell 1874 (An excellent edition.) * Heslop, 6s. Rivington .. e e *º º 1872 ADV. LEPTINEM. Beatson, 6s. Bell tº ſº 1864 *IN MIDIAM. Holmes, after Buttmann, 4s. 6d. E. Johnson .. e ſº tº º 1868 OLYNTHIACs. * Heslop, 2s. 6d. Rivington .. , 1871 Wilkins, 4s. 6d. Longmans .. * > 1875 Ed. crit. Ahrens, with Scholia, 22s. (F) .. gº tº 1859 With Germ. n. and Trans. Hartung, 7s. (F) ... 1858 EPICORUM FRAGMENTA. Ed. crit. Kinkel, Vol. I., 3s. (F) 1877 (See DIDOT's BIBLIOTHECA.) LYRICI. (Including the Gnomic Poets.) Text, Bergk, 4th ed., 3 parts (sold separately), (F) .. 1878 With Germ. Trans. and Notes, Hartung— Elegiaci. 2 vols. 8s. (F) ge & te tº º tº ge 1859 Pindar. 4 vols. 13s.6d. (F) ... & © tº Cº tº º 1857 Other Lyric Poets. 2 vols. 6s. (F 1857 Selections. Text (Anthologia Lyrica), Bergk. (F.) (Out of print) gº © gº tº ge tº * º 1868 With Ea:planatory Notes— *Germ. (Anthologia), Buchholtz, 2 vols. 3s.6d. (F) 1875 Eng. (Anthologia Graeca), Thackeray, 4s. 6d. Bell. 1877 SCENICI (Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes). Text, Dindorf, 5th ed. 1 vol. 21s. Parker 1870 (See TRAGICORUM FRAGMENTA.) *Indices in Tragicos Graecos. Beatson, 3 vols. Camb. | ºf 1830 Poetae Latini. See Corpus Poetarum. PoETAE MINOREs. Baehrens, vol. i., 3s.6d. (F) .. 1879 SELECTIONS (with Notes). Thackeray (Anthologia Latina), 6s. 6d. Bell. *Pinder (Less known Latin Poets), 15s. Oxf. 1869 Polybius. Text, Hultsch, 4 vols. 13s.6d. (F). 1867–1872 With Lat. Trans. Duebner, 1 vol. roy. 8vo, 17s. (F) 1865 Translation. Eng. Hampton. Lond. e - tº tº º 1772 Lexicon Polybianum. Schweighâwser. Lond. . . tº º tº e 1822 Polybius' Leben, Philosophie, Staatslehre. Pichler, 4s. (F) tº º 1860 26 PROPERTIUS—SIMONIDES, Propertius. See Corpus Poetarum and Catullus. . . . Text, Keil, 10d. Teubner. (F) .. & © © tº 1867 With Ea:planatory Notes— Lat. Hertzberg, 3 vols. 18s. (F). º e C O 1845 Eng. * Paley, 2nd ed. 9s. Bell .. º º tº º 1872 bk. 5. Paley, with v. tr. 3s. Bell • * 1866 SELECTIONS. Postgate (preparing). Macmillan. Quintilianus. Text, Bonnell, 3s. Teubner. (F) .. 1872–74 Ed. crit. Halm, 16s. 6d. (F) .. e - ... 1869 With Eaplanatory Notes— Lat. *Spalding and Zumpt, 6 vols. 32s. (F) 1798–1834 bk. 10, Germ. Bonnell, 1s. (F) • . e tº 1873 Eng. John E. B. Mayor, Pt. I. Deighton 1872 *Lexicon Quintilianum (6th vol. of Spalding ed.), 12s. (F) ... 1834 Sallustius. Text, Jordan, 2s. (F) .. 6 º' a de 1876 Ed. crit. Dietsch, 2 vols. 14s. 6d. (F) tº G ... 1868 With Eaglanatory Notes— Lat. (variorum), Gerlach, 3 vols. 4to, 218. © e 1831 Protscher, 4 vols. 8vo, 22s. .. e ‘º I830 Germ. Jacobs, 7th ed. 2s. 6d. (F) tº º ... 1878 CATILINE and JUGURTHA. Eng. Long, 5s. Bell. Donne, 1s. 6d. Weale. Merivale, 2nd ed. 4s. 6d. (or in 2 pts. 2s. 6d. each). Macmillan gº º © & 1858 Reightley, 6s. Whittaker © & - e. 1849 Lat. *Dietsch, 2 vols. 9s. (F) tº º © 2 1846 Germ. Dietsch, 2s. 6d. (F) • tº tº 0 1864 HIST. FRAGMENTA. Lat. * Kritz, 9s. (F) .. 1853 Scriptores Attici (Selections from Greek Prose Writers). Wilkins, 7s.6d. Longmans .. º º © tº e tº 1866 (See Golden Treasury of Greek Prose.) Scriptores Rei Rusticae. With Lat. n. Schneider, 4 vols. 25s. (F) e - tº e e - 1797 Seneca, L. Annaeus. TRAGOEDIAE. Text, Peiper and - Richter, 5s. Teubner e e • 6 1867 Leo, vol. i. Obs. Crit. 3s. (F) 1878 PHILOSOPHICAL WoRKS. Haase, 3 vols."Gold sepa- rately), 9s. Teubner. (F) .. • 6 ... 1872–74 Seneca, M. Annaeus (father of Lucius). Text, Kiessling, 5s. 6d. Teubner .. cº o * @ 1872 Simonides. See Poetae Lyrici. . . . SOPHOOLES.” 27 Sophocles. See Poetae Scenici. Text, Nauck, 2s. 6d. (F) .. .. & 5 ... 1868 - ... Campbell, 48.6d, 12mo, Macmillan .. • * 1873 With Ea:planatory Notes— * Eng. Wunder, Tr. 2 vols. 18s. Nutt .. 1854–1865 (Each Play separately, 3s.) O. P. C. 7s. (or each play, 18.). Parker. Blaydes, vol. i. (Oed. Tyr., Oed. Col., Antig.), 18s. Bell .. e e tº ſº e ſº 18 *Campbell, vol. i. (Oed. Tyr., Oed. Col., Antig.), 16s. Oxf. .. tº º • Q ... . 1879 *Linwood (Oed. Tyr., Oed. Col., Ant.), 7s. 6d. - Longmans. *AJAX, Jebb, 3s.6d. Rivington .. tº ſº 1869 * . T. K. Arnold, after Schneidewin, 3s. Rivington © º tº º e & 1857 Campbell and Ev. Abbott, 2s. Oxf. ANTIGONE. Campbell and Ev. Abbott, 1s. 9d. Oxford. *ELECTRA. Jebb, 2nd ed. 3s.6d. Rivington. 1870 Blaydes, 4s. W. & N. Campbell and Ev. Abbott, 2s. Oxf. , * Paley. Bell. (Preparing.) OEDIPUs CoI. T. K. Arnold, after Schneidewin, 4s. Rivington. Campbell and Ev. Abbott, 1s. 9d., Oxford. OEDIPUs REX. Basil Jones, 2nd ed. 1s. 6d. - Oxford & & • tº º T. K. Arnold, after Schneidewin, 4s. Riv. Campbell and E. Abbott, 1s. 9d. Oxford 1873 PHILOCTETEs. Blaydes, 4s. W. & N. .. 1870 - Campbell and E. Abbott, 2s. Oxford .. tº º e tº 1879 Paley. Bell. (Preparing.) T. K. Arnold, after Schneidewin, 3s. Rivington. TRACHINIAE. Blaydes, 4s. W. & N. .. 1871 Campbell and Abbott, 2s. Oxf. Pretor, 4s. 6d. Bell e G 1877 Lat. G. Hermann and Erfurdt, 7 vols. (sold sepa- - * rately), 22s. (F) .. a º a tº 1851 (Excellent grammatical notes, but difficulties are often passed over.) Wunder, 7 parts (sold separately), 10s. 6d. (F © & dº ſº tº & º & 1847–1878 Linwood, 16s. Longmans .. tº º ... , 1866 1867 28 SOPHOOLES-TAGITUS. Sophocles— With Ea:planatory Notes— Lat. AJAX. *Lobeck, 6s. 6d. (F) $ tº tº gº 1866 (For advanced scholars.) Germ.*Schneidewin and Nauck, each play 2s. (F) 1871–78 *Wolff. (Ajax, Electra, Antigone, Oedipus Rex), 3rd ed., each play 1s. 6d. ... ... 1872–78 and Trans. Hartung, 8 vols. (sold separately), 20s. (F) º is e ſº tº French, Tournier, 12mo, 3s. (F) © e tº gº 1879 Lexicon Sophocleum. *Ellendt cur. Genthe, roy. 8vo, 30s. (F) .. 1872 Translation. Eng. W. Plumptre, 7s.6d. Strahan & © tº º 1871 Campbell (Antigone, Electra, Trachiniae), 6s. Blackwood tº º tº º © º 1873 Introduction. (Anc. Class) C. W. Collins, 2s. 6d. Blackwood .. 1871 Etudes sur Sophocle. Patin, 3s. (F). *Indices in Tragicos, Vol. II. Camb. .. tº e tº º e G 1830 Studia Sophoclea. Kennedy, 5s. Bell .. tº ſº tº º 1874 Specimens of Roman Literature. With Notes by Cruttwell and Banton, 10s. 6d. Griffin tº e 1879 Statius. See Corpus Poetarum. Text, Silvae, Bährens, 3s. Teubner. (F) .. tº gº 1876 Achilleis, Kohlmann, 1s. © tº tº º tº tº 1879 Thebais (in the press). Strabo. Text, Meineke, 3 vols. 7s. (F) tº gº © With Lat. Trans. Müller and Duebner (15 Maps), 30s. (F) tº ſº tº º gº tº * * e is tº tº 1857 Suetonius. Text, Roth, 1s. 10d. Teubner .. tº º 1875 Lat. Ernesti cura Wolf, 4 vols. (F) tº 1802 *(with Glossary) Baumgarten- Crusius, 3 vols. (F) 1818 [Also the editions by Casawbon 1610, Graevius 1703, Pitiscus 1714, Burmann 1736, Owdendorp 1751.] SELECTIONS. Donne, 28. Weale. 1866 Tacitus. Text, Halm, 3s. Teubner. (F) .. gº tº 1874 * Nipperdey, 4 vols. 6s. Weidmann. (F) 1871–1876 With Ea:planatory Notes— Lat. * Orelli, vol. i. Annales, 2nd ed. 12s. (F) 1859 vol. ii. 1. Germania, 5s. 6d. (remainder shortly) tº tº tº & tº e 1877 Ritter, 4 vols. 16s. (F) .. tº e tº gº T848 French. Jacob, 2 vols., 12s. 6d. (F) tº e. © tº 1877 Lat. AGRICOLA. *Wea, 9s. (F) .. e & tº tº 1852 * Kritz, 2s. 6d. (F) .. & ſº 1874. GERMANIA. *ICritz, ed. 4, 2s. 6d. (F) .. 1878 TACITUS—TERENTIUS. 29 Tacitus— With Eaſplanatory Notes— Eng. ANNALs. *Frost, 15s. Bell C & gº tº 1872 bks. 1, 2, A. H. Beesley, 5s. Longmans 1869 *bk. 6, Church and Brodribb. 2s. 6d. Macmillan.. a tº • *. * G. 1878 HISTORY. W. H. Simcoa, 2 vols., each 68. Rivington & ſº e tº tº ſº 1876 AGRICOLA and GERMANIA. Frost, 3s.6d. Bell 1861 *Church and Brodribb (or 2 parts separate), 3s.6d. Macmillan © tº ºr a 1869 and ANNALs, bk. 1. W. Smith (Introduc- tion on style of Tacitus from Boetticher), 3s.6d. Murray .. e G tº º GERMANIA, with Ethnographical Dissertations, Latham, 12s. 6d. Walton .. tº e Germ. ANNALS. Draeger, 2 vols. (sold separately), 6s. }. . . © º © & . 18 *Nipperdey, 2 vols. (sold separately), 6s. 6d. (F e- tº o 1851 73–78 - www. tº ºn & 1873–74 HIST. *Heraeus, 2 vols. each 2s. 6d. (F). 1872–77 GERM. with trans. Holtzmann & Holder, 8s. (F) 1873 Translations. Eng. *History, Church and Brodribb, 6s. 3rd ed. Macmillan 1876 *Agricola and Germany, with Dial. on Oratory, Church and Brodribb, 4s. Macmillan .. tº tº 1868 *Annals, do. 2nd ed. 7s.6d. Macmillan º ºg 1877 Germ. Annals, 1-6. (Gesch. d. Kaiser Tiberius), with Notes. A. Stahr, 9s.6d. e 187L *Lexicon Taciteum (wºmena on the style of T). Boetticher, 8S. l *Gerber and Greef, two parts out (A-6), to be completed in 7, at 3s.6d, each. Ueber Syntax u. Styl d. Tacitus. Draeger, 3s. (F) ge e tº º 1874 Commentarium in Annales. Ruperti, 4s. Lond. © tº tº º 1825 O. P. C. Notes on the Annals. 7s. Parker tº ſº tº º e - © 1870 Bawmstark, Urdeutsche Staatsalterthümer, 22s. (F) tº e & © 1874 Terentius. Text, Fleckeisen, 1s. 6d. Teubner. (F) 1874 Wagner, bd. 3s. Bell e & • e tº º is tº 1869 Ed. Crit. Umpfenbach, 12s. (F) .. tº e e - 1871 With Eaplanatory. Notes— Eng. *Wagner, 10s. 6d. Bell .. dº tº ºn º 1869 Jas. Davies, 3 vols. (sold separately), 5s. Weale 1869 St. John Parry, 18s. Bell tº tº & 1857 ANDRIA and EUNUCHUS. Papillon, 4s. 6d. Rivington & ſº e- tº & Cº º e HAUTON TIMORUMENOS. Shuckburgh, 3s. Macmillan. PHORMIo. Bond and Walpole (preparing). Macmillan, 1877 º Q e tº & * e © . : § ". : o º * O © Q e e 3() TERENTIUS—THUCYDIDEs. Terentius— Lat. (variorum) Stallbaum, 6 vols. (sold separately) º, 16s. (F) tº gº • * gº tº tº º { Germ. HAUTON TIMORUMENos. Wagner, 1s. 6d. (F) 1872 PHORMIo. Dziatzko, 1s. 6d. (F) gº tº 1874 Translation. Eng. W. Colman. Lond. * * tº tº tº e 1810 Dictata in Ter. Com. Ruhmken, 2s. 6d. (F) tº º tº 9 tº º 1825 Notae in T. Gronovius cur. Frotscher tº e tº gº tº ºn 1823 Conrad, On the Metre of Terence (Germ.), 5s. (F) tº tº * tº 1876 Introduction (Anc. Class.). Collins, 2s. 6d. Blackwood .. * @ 1873 Theocritus. Text (Bucolici Gr, including Bion and Moschus), Ahrens, 10d. Teubner .. gº º 1875 With Earplanatory Notes— Eng. *Snow, 4s. 6d. (expurg). Oxford tº º 1869 Lat. * Wuestemann, 7s. (F) gº º * @ tº º 1830 Fritzsche, 9s. (F) .. tº tº is ºn tº º 1870 Puley, 4s. 6d. 2nd ed. Bell tº gº ... 1869 *Wordsworth, Bp., 7s, Bell iº tº tº º 1877 Germ. Fritzsche, 3s. (F) .. . . . . . & ºt 1869 Translations. Eng. W. *Calverley, 7s.6d. Bell 1869 Germ. with Notes. (Theoc. B. and Mosch.), Hartung, es. (F) 1858 Lexicon Theocriteum. Rumpel, 10s. (F) tº º * * $ tº 1879 Theognis. See Poetae Lyrici. $ With Lat. n. *Welcker, 4s. (F) e Q 1827 Trans. Eng. W. Frere, Collected Works, vol. 2. Pickering tº º 1871 Theophrastus. CHARACTEREs. Text, Foss, 1s. 6d. Teubner. (F) tº ſº gº tº we º * , 1858 *With Eng. m. and Trans. Jebb, 6s. 6d. Macmillan 1877 Thucydides. Text, Bekker, 2nd ed. 3s. (F) gº tº 1868 Donaldson, 2 vols. 7s. Bell. With Explanatory Notes— Eng. *Dr. Arnold, 3 vols. 36s. Parker. 6th ed. (Excellent historical and geographical notes; text rather antiquated.) bks. 1, 2, T. K. Arnold. 1, 5s. 6d. ; 2, 48. 6d. Rivington .. & ſº & 4 dº tº 1854 bks. 1, 2, Bigg, 6s. Rivington .. & Cº. 1868 bks. 3, 4 G. A. Simcoa, 68. Rivington .. 1875 *bk. 1, Shilleto, 6s. 6d. Bell. bk. 4, pt. i. Graves, 1s. 6d. Macmillan .. 1879 *bks. 6, 7, (Sicilian Expedition), Frost, 5s, Macmillan .. «e tº tº º e tº 1867 Lat. *Poppo, 14s. (each book sold separately), (F) 1875 (A;wºry.useful ºdition.) dº Q & * * * * e & THUCYDIDES-VERGILIUS. 31 Thucydides— With Eaglanatory Notes— . Germ. * K. W. Krueger, 3rd ed. 14s. (F) • * 1860 - (Sound scholarship, but too brief.) Böhme. 4 pts. (sold separately) 88. (F) .. 1875 * Classem, in 8 vols. 3s. each tº a ... 1869–78 (Nothing is passed over in the notes.) Translation. Dale, 2 vols. each 38. 6d. Bell. Crawley, 10s. 6d. Longmans .. s tº s & 1874 Speeches. H. M. Wilkins, 2nd ed. 68. Longmans .. 187 L Notes on bks. 1–3. Sheppard and Evans, 78. 6d. Longmans e is 1870 Analysis. Wheeler, 5s. Bell. - Lexicon. Bétant. (Out of print.) e tº tº º g is Tibullus. See Corpus Poetarum and Catullus. Text, L. Müller, 6d. Teubner. (F) .. sº tº tº tº 1875 Ed. crit. Bährens, 3s. .. cº º tº ſº º, ſº gº tº 1878 Lat. n. *Dissen, 11s. (F) .. tº tº tº o tº º 1835 SELECTIONs from Tib. and Ovid. Ramsay, 5s. Griffin 1859 Frost (Florilegium Poeticum), 3s. Bell. 1847 Translation. Eng. W. With Notes. Cranstown, 6s. 6d. Blackwood 1872 Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta. Nauck, 17s. (F) is & gº tº - ſº s & tº ſº. 1856 Tragicorum Latimorum Reliquiae. Ribbeck, 2nd ed. 9s. (F) gº is © º 1871 Varronis Reliquiae. (See Scriptores Rei Rusticae.) DE LINGUA LATINA. K. O. Müller (F) .. & Cº. 1833 Contd. in Didot's Lat. Ser. (Macrobius, Warro, and Pomponius Mela), 10s. • * tº º tº ſº 1875 LIBRI GRAMMATICI. Wilmanns, 5s. (F) .. sº to 1864 SATURAE MENIPPEAE. Riese, 6s. (F) e º e tº 1855 ANTIQUITATES. Included in Merkel's Ed. of Ovid's Fasti, pp. cvi.-ccxlvii. 4s. (F) .. tº e tº º 841 . Boissier. Études sur Terentius Varron, 6s. 6d. (F) e tº & © 1861 Velleius Paterculus. Text, Haase, 8d. Teubner. (F) 1874 : Halm, Is. .. gº tº 1878 Variorum Notae. Ruhnken cur. Frotscher, 10s. (F) © e © tº 1839 Vergilius. Text, Conington, 3s.6d. , Bell. - - Kennedy, with Proleg, and Crit. Notes. 5s. Camb. e tº dº a tº tº 875 Ed. Crit. Ribbeck, 5 vols. 36s. (F) 1859–1868 With Ea:planatory Notes— Eng. *Comington and Nettleship, 3, vols. vol. i. 2nd ed. 12s. Bell * * tº º 1865 vol. ii. 14s. 1863. vol. iii. 14s. © A 1871 (An excellent edition.) 32 VERGILIUS—XENOPHON. Vergilius— At With Eaglanatory Notes— Eng. Abridged from Conington. *Shepherd (Buc. Geo. Aen. 1–4), 5s. 6d. Bell tº e tº º gº tº * G 1869 * Nettleship and Wagner (Aen. 5–12), 5s. 6d. Bell is tº ſº tº tº º tº e 1873 *Kennedy, 10s. 6d. Longmans .. gº º 1879 Bryce (with woodcuts), 6s. Griffin. C. D. Yonge, 7s.6d, Bentley e & gº º 1862 O. P. C. 3 vols. (sold separately), 4s. Parker 1858 AENEID. T. K. Arnold, 6s. Rivington .. 1852 bks. i. ii. Storr, 2s. 6d. Rivington 1878 bks. i.-vi. J. T. White, each book 1s. Longmans .. tº & gº tº bk. ii. (Troy Taken). Bradley, 2s. 6d. Longmans. bk. v. Calvert, 1s. 6d. Macmillan 1879 bk. vi. Church, 8d. Seeley .. 1873 bks. xi. xii. Storr, 2s. 6d. Rivington 1876 bks. vi. x. xi. xii. A. Sidgwick, 18. 6d. 1872 each. Camb. gº tº tº ſº 1878 BUCOLICs and GEORGICs. *Keightley, 4s. 6d. Whittaker .. & © 1848 *Conington (abridged), 3s. Bell. GEORGICs, bk. 4. J. T. White, 1s. Longmans 1872 Lat. *Forbiger, 4th ed. (much improved), 3 vols. each 8s. 6d. (F) .. tº ºt. 1875 AEN. * Gossraw, 2nd ed. 13s. is e gº tº 1876 Germ. Ladewig, 3 vols. 6s. 6d. (F) .. tº ſº 1875 Translations. Eng. W. Aeneid. *Comington, 9s. Longmans Q & 1870 C. R. Kennedy, 3s.6d. Bohn .. 1861 * Morris, 14s. Ellis gº º e G 1876 Eclogues. Calverley, 7s.6d. Bell tº gº 1866 *Eng. Pr. Lonsdale and Lee, 3s.6d. Macmillan .. 1871 *Convngton (in Vol. II. of his Miscellaneous Writings). Longmans tº º tº ſº & e 187 Wilkins (Eclogues and Georgics), 3s.6d. Longmans 1873 Introduction. (Anc. Class.), Collins, 2s. 6d. Blackwood. *Nettleship, to the Study of the Aeneid, 1s. 6d. Oxford. Virgil im Mittelalter. Comparetti, tr. by Dütschke, 6s. (F) tº wº 1875 *Sellar, Poets of the Augustan Age, 14s. Oxford º tº tº º 1878 Xenophon. Text, Dindorf, 5 vols. (sold separately), 5s. Teubner. (F) g 1875 With Eaglanatory Notes— Eng. ANABASIs. Macmichael, 58. Bell gº tº 1868 bks. 1–4. R. W. Taylor, 2 vols., 3s. 6d. each. Rivington .. tº ſe tº gº 1877 XENOPHON. 33 Xenophon— With Eaglanatory Notes— Eng. ANABASIS. bks. 1, 3, 4, 5. Pretor, 28. each; bk. 2, 2s. 6d. Camb. bk. 2. Jerram, 2s. Oxford .. © º 1878 bk. 4. Pinder, 1s. Seeley .. tº Q 1873 AGESILAUS. R. W. Taylor, preparing. Rivington. CYROPAEDIA. Gorham, 6s. Bell .. º 1870 Selections. T. K. Arnold, 3s.6d. Riv. HELLENICA, bks. 1, 2. Hailstone, 48. 6d. Mac- millan. MEMORABILIA. Frost, 4s. 6d. Bell * ºr 1867" SELECTIONs. Phillpotts, 3s.6d. Oxford .. 1871 Phillpotts and Jerram (for junior classes), 3s.6d. Oxford. Lat. *ANABASIs. Kühner, 4s. 6d. (F) .. tº º 1852 AGESILAUs. Breitenbach, 1s. 6d. (F) tº º 1846 CYROPAEDIA. Bornemann, 1s. 6d. (F) .. 1838 HELLENICA. Breitenbach, 7s. (F) .. º º 1863 HIERO. Breitenbach, 1s. (F) © & - e. 1847 *MEMORABILIA. Kühner, 3s.6d. (F) .. 1858 OECONOMICUs. Breitenbach, 2s. (F) tº e 1841 Germ. ANABASIS. Wollbrecht, 6th ed. 3s.6d. .. 1877 Kühner, 2s. (Out of print.) z Behdantz, 4th ed. 5s. 1877 Rºriiger, 6th ed. 3s. gº º 1871 CYROPAEDIA. Breitenbach, 3s.6d. .. tº tº 1875 HELLENICA. Büchsenschütz, 3s. 6d. º e 1876 MEMORABILIA. Breitenbach, 3s. .. © tº 1878 *Lexicon Xenophonteum. Sturz, 24s. (F) g tº * @ tº º 1801 Lexilogus Xenophontis. Sawppe, 3s.6d. (F) .. • * tº ºn 1869 Introduction. (Anc. Class.) Sir A. Grant, 2s. 6d. Blackwood .. 1871 Wörterbuch zu X. Anabasis. Vollbrecht, with illustrations, 2s. 6d. (F) 1876 Syntax to Anabasis. R. W. Taylor, 9d. Rivington. HELPS TO THE STUDY OF ANCIENT AUTHORS, LANGUAGE. A. COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY. Maa. Müller. Lectures on the Science of Language. 2 vols. 12mo, 168. Longmans .. ſº tº tº º ., 1871 Peile. Introduction to Greek and Latin Etymology, 10s. 6d. 3rd ed. Macmillan tº ſº tº ſº © tº tº e Philology (Elementary). 1s. Macmillan. Ferrar. Comparative Grammar of Sanscrit, Greek and Latin. vol. i. 128. Longmans .. © tº tº e ... 1871 Rey. Philological Essays, 10s. 6d. Bell • * ~ * ... 1868 Language, its Origin and Development, 148. Bell ... 1874 Farrar. Chapters on Language. 2nd ed. 5s. Longmans ... 1873 Papillon. Manual of Comparative Philology, 2nd ed. 6s. Oxf. 1877 Baur. Philol. Introd. to Greek and Latin, trans. by Paul and 1878 Stone. 2nd ed. 6s. King.. • • . ... 1879 Sayce. Principles of Comparative Philology. 2nd ed. 10s. 6d. Trübner .. tº º gº tº dº ſº gº tº ... 1875 Whitney. The Study of Language, 3rd ed. 10s. 6d. Trübner 1870 Language and its Study, ed. by Morris. 5s. .. ... 1876 Oriental and Linguistic Studies, Ser. I. and II., each 12s. - 1875–77 Pictet. Origines Indo-Européennes, 3 vols. 30s. (F) ... 1879 Curtius. Grundzüge d. Griechischen Etymologie, 5th ed. 20s. (F) © tº . 1879 Trans. A. S. Wilkins and England, 2 vols., 30s. Murray 1876 Das Verbum d. Griechischen Sprache. 2 vols. 15s. (F) 1873–6 Ahrens. Beiträge z. Griech. u. Latein. Etymologie, 58. ... 1879 Corssen. Ueber Aussprache, Wokalismus und Betonung d. Lat. Sprache. 2 vols. 37s. (F) .. º º ... 1870 Krit. Beiträge z. Lateinischen Formenlehre, 11s. 6d. (F) 1863 Beiträge z. Ital. Formenlehre, 16s. (F) .. tº º ... 1876 Kritische Nachträge z. Lateinischen Formenlehre, 7s. (F) 1866 Schleicher. Compendium d. Wergleichenden Grammatik d. indogermanischen Sprachen. 3 vols. 4th ed. 17s. 6d. (F) tº e ge tº & O tº º ... 1876 Trans. Bendall, 2 vols, 13s.6d. Trübner tº º ... 1877 HELPS TO THE STUDY OF ANCIENT AUTHORS. 35 Pezzi. Aryan Philology; trans. by Roberts. 6s. Trübner 1879 Fick. Vergleichendes Wörterbuch d. Indo-Germanischen Sprachen. 4 vols. 3rd ed. 458. (F) .. 1874–76 Benfey. Sanskrit-Eng. Dict. 52s. 6d. Longmans.. ... 1866 Mon. Williams. Sanskrit-Eng. Dict. 948. 6d. Trübner. Sanskrit Grammar, 4th ed. 15s. Trübner. Bawdry. Grammaire comparée des Langues Classiques, Pt. I. (Phonétique). 5s. (F) .. tº & & c. ... 1868 Vanicek. Griech. Lat. Etymol. Wörterbuch. 2 vols. 24s. (F) 1877 Fremdwórter im Gr, u. Lat. 2s. (F) .. © tº ... 1878 B. GREEK LANGUAGE. 1. GRAMMAR. Eng. Jelf after Kühner. 2 vols. ed. 4, 30s. Parker ... 1866 (The most complete Greek Grammar in English, with good indices.) Curtius. (Smith's Student's Grammar.) 6s. Murray 1867 Elucidations of the Grammar. 7s.6d. Murray ... 1870 (Excellent for Etymology. Syntax brief.) Donaldson. 16s. Deighton .. º º º º ... 1862 Buttmann. Larger Grammar, ed. Supf. Whittaker 1848 (A work of true Scholarship, though antiquated in parts.) Syntax only— Goodwin. Ed. 6, 6s. 6d. Macmillan .. ... 1875 (Careful, with copious examples.) Clyde. 4s. 6d. Simpkin .. * - gº º ... 1870 (Gives illustrations from modern Greek and other languages.) Madvig. 8s. 6d. Rivington .. s . 1853 (Clear and accurate, but incomplete, statement of fact apart from theory.) Harper. Powers of the Greek Tenses. Bell ... 1841 Farrar. 6th ed. 4s. 6d. Longmans .. ... 1867 t -- (Popular.) Germ. Krueger. 2 vols., with full index. , 13s. (F) ... 1875 - (A very useful grammar.) Rühner. 2 vols. New ed., entirely remodelled. 27s. (F) tº º tº e * - tº º ... 1872 (Perhaps on the whole the best Greek Grammar.) NEW TESTAMENT GREEK– - A. Buttmann, tr. by Thayer, 14s. Trübner. Winer and Moulton, 8th ed. 15s. Clark ... ... 1877 - D 2 36. HELPS TO THE STUDY ACCENTUATION.— Chandler. Practical Introduction. 10s. 6d. Oxf. ... 1862 Elements. 2s. 6d. Oxf. © e. tº o ... 1867 Griffiths. Laws of Accents. 6d. Parker. Barry. Notes on Greek Accents. 18. Bell .. ... 1877 ALPHABET. Kirchhoff. Stud. z. Gesch. d. Gr. Alph. 3rd ed. 6s. (F) .. & O e - tº e. e e ... 1877 Gardthausen. Griechische Palaeographie, 21s. 6d. ... 1879 DIALECTS. Ahrens. De Graecae Linguae Dialectis. 2 vols. 12s. (F) .. e ‘º tº o tº tº gº tº ... 1839 IRREGULAR WERBs. Veitch. New ed. 10s. 6d. Oxf. ... 1872 (An excellent book.) Baird, 2s. 6d. Bell tº ſº. tº ſº tº ſº. tº º ... 1878 PARTICLES. Devarius. Ed. Klotz. De Graecae Linguae Parti- culis, 2 vols. 24s. (F) .. tº º © º ... 1842 PROSODY— Westphal. Allgemeine Griechische Metrik. 3s.6d. (F) 1865 Schmidt. Die Griechische Metrik. 13s. (F). ... 1873 (Forming the 4th vol. of Die Kunstformen d. Gr. Poesie, &c.) Schmidt, trans. by White. Rhythmic and Metric of the Classic Languages, 10s. 6d. Macmillan .. ... 1878 Christ. Metrik d. Griechen u. Römer. 14s. (F) .. 1874 Anthon and Major. A System of Greek Prosody (ele- mentary). Tegg . . . tº tº tº º & º ... 1840 2. LEXICONs (GREEK). Greek-Eng. Liddell and Scott. 6th ed. 36s. Longmans ... 1870 Abridged. 7s.6d. 14th ed. Longmans ... 1871 E. A. Sophocles (Roman and Byzantine Period). 50s. Trübner.. * @ © º tº º ... 1870 Greek-Germ. Rost and Palm. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. 28s. (F) 1841–57 Pape. 2 vols. 18s. º © & º e ... 1875 (Of Proper Names.) Ed. Benseler. 2 vols. 18s. (F) .. * @ tº dº ... 1875 Etymologisches Wörterbuch. (Arranged by terminations.) 8s. (F) ... 1836 Greek-Lat. Stephanus. Thesaurus Gr. Ling. 9 vols., fol. 257. (F ) .. tº º tº º tº gº ... 1831–1866 Wilke and Grimm (Gr. Test.) 12s. (F) .. ... 1879 Eng-Greek. Fraedersdorff by Arnold and Brown. 21s. Rivington ... .. e & * * tº º ... 1867 OF ANCIENT AUTHORS. 37 GRADUS. Brasse. Longmans .. is tº sº º tº ſº ... 1842 Maltby. Simpkin .. tº tº gº tº tº is ... 1850 (Neither can be recommended.) LEXICON RBETORICUM. Ernesti. Of Greek technical terms (F) 1795 SYNONYMs. J. H. Schmidt. Synonymik d. Gr. Spr. vols. i., ii. each 12s. <º º iº tº gº tº & * > 1878 [For special Lexicons see the list of Authors.] 3. CoMPOSITION (GREEK). Prose. SELECTED PASSAGES FOR TRANSLATION into Gr. and Latin— Holden. Foliorum Centuriae. 8s. Bell .. ... 1867 into Greek— * Sargent and Dallin. Materials and Models. 2nd ed. 5s. Rivington. PASSAGES WITH HELPs. Wilkins. Manual. 7s. 6d. Key. 2s. 6d. Longmans tº & tº ºt ... 1865 Sidgwick. Introduction to Greek Prose. 2nd ed. 5s. Rivington. (A very useful book.) Frost. Materials. 3s.6d. Key, 5s. Bell. Verse. SELECTED PASSAGES FOR TRANSLATION. Folden. Foliorum Silvula. Pt. III. 8s. Bell ... 1867 Kennedy. Palaestra Musarum. 5s. 6d. Longmans... 1860 PASSAGEs witH HELPs. Preston. (Revised edition of Shrewsbury Greek verses.) 4s. 6d. Bell ... 1869 ExERCISES- Beatson. Greek Iambic Verse. 3s. Simpkin ... 1856 Collis. Praxis Iambica (Elementary and Progressive). 4s. 6d. Longmans tº ſº e ſº tº e ... 1857 W. Johnson. Iophon, 28. Rivington .. © tº ... 1873 GREEK VERSIONS- Holden. Folia Silvulae. Vol. ii. 12s. Bell ... 1870 Porson Prize. 1817–1871. 5s. Cambridge. - Lord Lyttelton. Milton's Comus in Greek Verse. 5s. - Macmillan gº º & © tº dº tº ſº ... 1865 Samson Agon. in Greek Verse. 6s. 6d. Mac- millan tº º e e. tº it * ... 1867 . Hesperidum Susurri. 5s. Rivington .. ... 1867 38 HELPS TO THE STUDY 4. ELEMENTARY HELPs (GREEK). GRAMMAR– - Wordsworth. (Primer in English.) 1s. 6d. Macmillan 1871 St. John Parry. (Elem. Gr.) 3s.6d. Longmans ... 1870 W. Smith's Smaller (after Curtius). 3s.6d. Murray. Farrar. Grammar Rules. 1s. 6d. Longmans ... 1866 Ev. Abbott. Primer of Greek Accidence. 2s. 6d. Riv. READERs witH WoCABULARY— Edwards (after Jacobs). First Reader. 48. Longmans. John E. B. Mayor. First Greek Reader. 4s. 6d. Mac- millan º º tº º © & e tº tº º ... 1870 Valpy's Delectus by White. 2s. 6d. Longmans ... 1862 Frost. Analecta Graeca Minora. 3s. 6d. Bell ... 1867 Morice. Stories in Attic Greek. Rivington. W. Smith. Initia Graeca. Pt. II. 3s. 6d. Murray ... 1868 (Short Tales and Fables.) TWilkins. Progressive Delectus. 4s. Longmans ... 1859 Wright. Hellenica (Selections from Diodorus and Thucydides). 3s.6d. Macmillan e e ... 1868 Merry. Fourth Greek Reader (Dialects). 4s. 6d. Oxford. Ev. Abbott. Fifth do. (Epic and Dramatic). 4s. 6d. Oxford. [See selections under Herodotus and Xenophon, and White's GRAMMAR SCHOOL TEXTs in Serial List.] ExERCISES- T. K. Arnold. Practical Introduction to Gr. Accidence. 5s. 6d. Rivington .. e tº • * & © ... 1859 Major. Elementary Praxis. 2s. 6d. Longmans ... 1859 Mitchinson. Rudimentary Rules. 1s. Parker. W. Smith. Initia Graeca. Pt. III. 3s.6d. Murray 1870 Wilkins, Elementary Exercises. 4s. 6d. Key, 2s. 6d. Longmans. - MIXED (combining Grammar, Reader, and Exercises)— Hutton. Principia Graeca. 3s. 6d. Murray .. ... 1867 Joseph B. Mayor. Greek for Beginners. 4s. 6d., or sepa- rately, Pt. I., 1s. 6d. ; Pt. II., 3s. 6d. Macmillan 1870 W. Smith. Initia Graeca. Pt. I. 3s. 6d. Murray ... 1868 5. ExAMINATION PAPERS. GREEK AND LATIN TRANSLATION.— Iłeid. Passages for Translation at Sight. Pt. I. 3s.6d. 1876; Pt. II. 2s. 6d. Daldy .. tº ºn ... 1877 Gantillon. Classical Examination Papers. Ed. 2, 7s.6d. Rivington 1879 Sheppard and Turner. Aids to classical Study. 5. - Key, 68. Longmans .. e e & Cº. ... 1868 OF ANCIENT AUTHORS. 39 GREEK AND LATIN TRANSLATION.— Browne. King's College Class. Examination Papers. 68. Parker & tº gº º we dº & ſº tº º Cambridge University Examination Papers. Classical. 2s. each year, 4to. Deighton. Oxford University, ditto. Published yearly. Parker. Translations (Models) by Jebb, Jackson and Currey. 8s. Bell .. tº dº & Cº tº e # tº e & ... 1878 1850 6. TEXTUAL AND HIGHER CRITICISM. Bentley. Phalaris and editions of HoRATIUS and TERENTIUS. Cobet. Variae Lectiones. New ed. 148. (F) tº ... 1873 Novae Lectiones. (Out of print.) (F) .. ... 1858 Observ. Crit. ad Dionys. Hal. Antiquitates. 6s. (F) 1877 Collectanea Critica (in Scriptores Graecos). 14s. (F) 1878 Miscellanea Critica (do.). 12s. (F) º gº ... 1876 Hagen. Gradus ad Criticen. (Rules and exx. in Conjectural Criticism.) 3s.6d. (F) .. e tº * † ... 1879 Ritschl. Opuscula. Wols. 1–4. 80s. Madvig. Adversaria Critica. Vol. I. De Arte Conjecturali. Emendationes Graecae. 18s. 6d. (F) .. ... 1870 Vol. II. Emendationes Latinae. 18s. 6d. (F) ... 1873 Emend. Livianae. 2nd ed. 16s. 6d. (F) ... 1877 Wesenberg. Annotationes Criticae ad Ciceronis Epistolarum Editionem. I. 1840. II. 3s. (F) tº tº ... 1873 [See Lachmann's LUCRETIUS, Ritschl's PLAUTUs, Ribbeck's VERGILIUS.] C. LATIN LANGUAGE. 1. GRAMMAR. Madvig. New ed. with Index of Authors. 12s. Parker ... 1857 Zumpt, translated by Schmitz. 148. Longmans .. ... 1861 Roby. Vol. I. (Etymology). 8s. 6d. Macmillan .. ... 1871 Wol. II. (Syntax). 10s. 6d. Macmillan tº gº ... 1874 (The most complete of existing grammars.) Kennedy. Public School Latin Grammar. 4th ed. 7s.6d. Longmans .. * & © tº 1876 Key. 8s. Bell ge ſº tº º gº tº s & tº º ... 1862 Gildersleeve. 6s. U.S. tº º gº º tº ſº tº gº ... 1873 R. Kühner (Germ.). Wols. I., II. 1. 18s. (F) .. ... 1878 Draeger. Historische Syntax. 2 vols. 26s. (F) .. 1878 Holtze. Syntaxis Priscorum Scriptorum Lat. 2 vols. 16s. F tº ſº dº ſº tº & e G tº e tº ſº ... 1862 Newe. Formenlehre d. Latein. Sprache. 2 vols. 438. 6d. 1875–77 40 HELPS. TO THE STUDY PROSODY— Ramsay. Manual. 5s. Griffin.. e-e tº º Elementary Manual. 2s. 6d. Griffin. L. Müller. De Re Metrica. 8s. (F) .. … tº ,, 1861 - Rei Metricae Summarium. 2s. (F) ... 1878 PARTICLES. Hand. Tursellinus (de particulis Latinis). 4 vols. - 45s. (F) .. e g tº tº tº e tº º ... 1845 ORTHOGRAPHY. Brambach. Die Neugestaltung d. Lat. - - * * Orthographie. 78. .. tº º Hülfsbüchlein f. Lat. Rechtschrei- - bung. 1s. (F) & ſº ... 1876 L. Müller. Orthographiae et Prosodiae Latinae Summa- rium. 1s. 4d. (F) A 6 A p * tº dº ... t. 1878 2. LEXICONS. Lat.-Eng, Andrews. 18s. Low • ? ºn tº tº º ... 1862 W. Smith. 21s. Murray .. tº º tº gº ... 1860 White and Riddle. 2 vols. 4to. 42s. Longmans... 1869 [These three are all based on the German of Freund. The last is the most complete. Smith is superior to Andrews in etymology, but omits the Proper Names which are given in Andrews.] - White. Junior Student's Dictionary. 7s. 6d. Longmans. (Abridged from the preceding.) 1865 Facciolati (Forcellini), trans. by Bailey. 2 vols. 4to. London - e. • * ºn tº ... 1828 Lat.-Lat. Forcellini, ed. Hertel and Voigtländer. 31.10s. (F) 1832 ed. De Vit, nearly completed in 63 pts. at 2s. 6d. each. (F) .. ... 1872–1879 De Wit. Onomasticon, nearly completed in 15 pts. at 2s. 6d. [In the absence of Forcellini the lexicons of Scheller or Gesner will be found useful. They - may usually be purchased at a moderate price.] Lat.-Germ. Georges. Wörterbuch. 7th and much im- proved edition. Pt. I., 10s. 6d. .. ... 1879 Klotz, Handwórterbuch. 19s. .. . . ... 1874 Eng-Lat. W. Smith. 21s. Murray .. e is tº e ., 1870 White. 5s. 6d. Longmans .. e tº ... 1870 GRADUs. (Thesaurus Poeticus Linguae Latinae). Koch. 6th ed. 2 vols. 8s. 6d. (F) .. tº tº ... 1867 Quicherat, by T. K. Arnold. 10s. 6d. .. & Cº. ... 1852 ... 1870 C. D. Yonge. 12s. Longmans .. e tº gº tº ... 1856 LEXICON RHETORICUM. Ernesti. Of Latin technical terms. 5s. 6d. (F) - • tº ... 1797 OF ANCIENT AUTHORS. 41 LExICON OF LEGAL TERMs. Dirksen. Manuale Latinitatis fontium juris civilis, 4to, 188. (F) tº ſº ... 1837 SYNoNYMs— Barrault. Traité des synonymes de la langue Latine. 9s. (F) .. & ſº * & gº º tº º ... 1853 Doederlein. Synonyme und Etymologieen. 7 vols. 30s. (F) .. & © cº º tº º ... 1826–1839 Handbook, tr. by T. K. Arnold. 48. Riv. ... 1852 [For special Lexicons see the list of Authors.] 3. CoMPosition. Prose. SELECTED PASSAGES FOR TRANSLATION. See Holden under Greek Composition. Rennedy. Palaestra Stili Latini. 6s. Longmans ... 1862 Sargent. Passages for trans. 2s. 6d. Macmillan ... 1868 * and Dallin. Materials and Models. 6s. 6d. Rivington. PASSAGES WITH HELPs— Frost. Materials, 2s. 6d. Key, 4s. Bell .. ... 1878 H. M. Wilkins. Manual. 8th ed. 5s. 6d. Longmans Nºacon. Parallel Extracts with Notes on Idioms. 3s. 6d. Macmillan tº º up tº gº º ... 1873 EASY SENTENCES AND ExERCISEs— Abbott. Latin Prose through English Idiom. 2s. 6d. Seeley e e gº ºn tº o g ... 1873 (Contains cautions against common errors.) - Rennedy. Curriculum Stili Latini. 4s. 6d. Longmans 1862 W. Smith. Principia Latina. Pt. W. 3s, Murray 1868 (Short anecdotes.) H. M. Wilkins. Exercises. 4s. 6d. 7th ed. Longmans. THEORY OF STYLE— Potts. Hints towards Latin Prose Comp. 3s. Mac- - - millan e is tº º * * tº gº e tº ... 1870 Naegelsbach. Lateinische Stylistik. 10s. 6d. (F) .. 1870 Næon. Notes on Latin Rhetoric (with Exercises). 2s. Macmillan * g. tº tº & sº tº gº tº ſº Seyffert. Scholae Latinae. 3rd ed. 2 parts, 8s. 6d. - (F) .. º tº tº e & © tº º tº tº ., 1872 Verse. SELECTED PASSAGES FOR TRANSLATION. - Bolden. Foliorum Silvulae. Pt. I. (Hexameters and Elegiacs.) 7s.6d. Bell gº tº tº c ... 1866 Pt. II. (Lyrics.) 5s. Bell .. tº º §º º ... 1867 42 HELPS TO THE STUDY Verse. PASSAGEs witH HELPs— Frost. Verse Book (Hexameters and Pentameters). 38. Key, 5s. 2nd ed. Bell .. & Cº. ... 1871 Gepp. Progressive Exercises (Elegiacs). 3s. 6d. Rivington. Walford. Progressive Exercises (Elegiacs). Ser. 2. 2s. 6d. Longmans gº º tº e s ſº & Cº. Wilkins. Notes for Lyrics. 4s. 6d. Longmans. EXERCISES- Bapier. Introduction to Lat. Verse. 3s. 6d. Long- Iſla,InS e a º tº & ºt tº gº e tº ... 1843 Oacenham. Notes for Latin Elegiacs. 3s.6d. Murray 1866 Walford. Progressive Exx. in Elegiacs. Ser. 1. 2s. 6d. Longmans.. § {} tº ſº ſº º tº Ç W. Johnson. Lucretilis (Lyrics). 2 parts, each l8. 1855 1855 Williams .. tº & gº ºn § º tº e ... 1871 Hodgson. Mythology for Versification. 3s. Mac- millan tº ſº tº e is tº & ſº gº º ... 1866 LATIN VERSIONs— FHolden. Folia Silvulae. Wol. I. 10s. 6d. Wol. II. 12s. Bell tº tº tº gº & ºt ... 1870 Arundines Cami. 7s. 6d. Longmans & © ... 1865 Sabrinae Corolla. 8s. 6d. Bell tº tº e - ... 1867 Linwood. Anthologia Oxoniensis .. ge tº ... 1846 Marshall. Lusus Academici (Greek and Latin). 48. Simpkin .. © º tº ſº e tº & © ... 1868 Jebb. Greek and Latin Verse. 10s. 6d. Pell ... 1873 Merivale. Hyperion in Latin Verse. 3s. Macmillan 1863 Church. Eclogae Tennysonianae. 6s. Macmillan ... 1870 Selwyn. Enoch Arden in Latin Verse. 6s. Moxon 1867 T. S. Evans. Tennyson’s CEnone in Hexameters. 1s. 6d. Pell .. tº º tº º tº tº ... 1873 B. H. Kennedy. Between Whiles (Lat. and Gr. Verse). Bell tº a © º gº º tº º cº º ... 1877 Paley. Milton's Lycidas. Bell, 1s. tº º ... 1874 4. ELEMENTARY HELPs.” GRAMMAR– Rennedy. Child's Latin Primer. 2s. Longmans ... 1868 Public School Latin Primer. 28. 6d. Longmans ... 1866 * It was impossible to give more than a small selection out of the innumerable books belonging to this class. It is believed that those which are named may be recommended, but there are doubtless some among the unnamed which would be found equally useful., OF ANCIENT AUTHORS. 43 GRAMMAR — Wright. Help to Latin Grammar, with Exercises. 4s. 6d. Macmillan .. tº gº tº tº • 6 g & ... 1855 First Latin Steps (Grammar and Reader). 58. Macmillan .. e tº Q & e tº & ºt ... 1871 READERS WITH Vocabu I,ARY— Prost. Eclogae Latinae. 2s. 6d. Bell .. e G ... 1867 JBennett. Easy Latin Stories. 2s. 6d. Rivington. Jacobs. Lat. Reader. Pt. I. 2s. 6d. Pt. II. 3s. Simpkin. Lawrie. De Wiris Illustribus. Simpkin. Rennedy. First Latin Reading Book. 2s. Longmans. Valpy. Delectus by White. 2s. 6d. Longmans ... 1862 H. M. Wilkins. Progressive Delectus. 2s. Longmans 1867 W. Smith. Principia Latina. Pt. II. 3s.6d. Murray 1868 Principia Latina. Pt. III. 3s.6d. Murray ... 1868 (Selections of poetry with elementary exercises in verse-writing.) [See selections under Caesar, Livy, Ovid, and White's Grammar School Texts in Serial List.] EXERCISES- T. K. Arnold. Henry's First Book, by Gepp. 3s. Riv- ington º tº * * tº 4 © tº tº tº © tº Latin Prose Comp., by Bradley. Rivington. John E. B. Mayor. Exercises on Latin Accidence. ls. 6d. Deighton .. e tº - - tº º . 1871 On Latin Syntax. 1s. 6d. Deighton de e ... 1878 Third Series, 1s. 6d. Deighton .. tº G ... 1879 Bennett. First Latin Writer. 3s.6d. Rivington. Bradley. Latin Prose Ex. (with Latin words given). 38. 6d. Longmans º º tº º © . 1857 Lessons in Lat. Prose. 5s. Longmans .. ... 1863 Moore. Rudimentary Rules. 6d. Parker 4 º' Rennedy. Subsidia Primaria. 2s. 6d. Longmans .. White. First Latin Exercise Book. 2s. 6d. Longmans 1867 W. Smith. Principia Latina. Pt. IV. 3s.6d. Murray 1868 W. Johnson. Nuces (on Syntax of Primer). 3 parts each 1s. Williams tº º © tº tº e ... 1870 H. M. Wilkins. Easy Latin Prose Ex. 2s. 6d. Long- Iſl&IlS tº º 9 & º gº tº ... 1868 MIXED (combining Grammar, Reader, and Exercises)— W. Smith. Principia Latina. Pt. I. 3s.6d. Murray 1868 Appendix. 2s. 6d. Murray .. tº gº ... 1878 44 HELPS TO THE STUDY HISTORY. 1. THE NATIONS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD. General. - Rawlinson. Manual of Anc. Hist. 14s, Oxf. .. ... 1869 P. Smith. Hist. of the Ancient World. 3 vols. 21s. - Walton .. ge tº & tº tº ºf tº e ... 1868 Duncker, tr. by Ev. Abbott. Hist. of Antiquity. Wols. I., II., each 21s. Bentley. Mahaffy. Primitive Civilizations * <> tº º ... 1869 Prolegomena to Ancient History. 14s. Long- ID3DS , , ge º gº ºn tº ve & e ... 1871 The East. Rawlinson. Five Great Oriental Monarchies. 3 vols. 42s. Murray ... 1871 Sixth Great Monarchy. 16s. Longmans.. ... 1873 Seventh Great Monarchy. 28s. Longmans ... 1876 P. Smith. (Student's) Hist. of the East. 7s.6d. Murray 1871 Lenormant. Manuel d'histoire Ancienne de l'Orient. 3 vols. 10s. 6d. (F) gº tº tº º e g ... 1869 Atlas of Maps to accompany. 4to. 10s. 6d. (F) .. 1869 Trans. by Chevallier. 2 vols. 12s. Asher ... 1870 Maspero. Hist. Anc. d. Peuples de l'Orient. 4s. (F). 1878 Brugsch, tr. by Seymour and Smith. Egypt under th Pharaohs. 2 vols. 30s. Murray .. tº º ... 1879 Wilkinson. Egyptians. 3 vols. 848. Murray ... 1879 British Museum. Guide to Egyptian Galleries. 2d. 1874 - - To the First and Second Egyptian Rooms. 4d. 1879 Waddington. Fastes des Provinces Asiatiques (privately printed) .. * * tº tº gº º tº tº ... 1875 Bosworth Smith. Carthage and the Carthaginians. 2nd ed. 10s. 6d. Longmans. e tº º ... 1879 Greece. - Grote. 12 vols. post 8vo. 6s, each. Murray .. ... 1870. (To the year 300 B.C.) Thirlwall. 8 vols. 12mo. 28s. Longmans .. ... 1844 2nd ed. 8 vols. 8vo. 60s. Longmans & © ... 1855 (To the year 146 B.C. Thirlwall is by no mean - superseded by the later histories.) E. Curtius. Trans. by Ward. 5 vols. (sold separately) 84s. Bentley § tº tº ſº e G “º e 18 (To the death of Philip. Gives much attention to Geography—no reference to Authorities.) Smith. (Student's), 7s.6d. Murray. Coa, 2 vols. 36s. Longmans. (To the end of Peloponnesian War.) 68–72 OF ANCIENT AUTHORS, 45 Greece— Coac. General Hist. 7s.6d. (To death of Alexander.) Greeks and Persians. 2s. 6d. Longmans. Athenian Empire. 28. 6d. Longmans. Sankey. Spartan and Theban Supremacies. 28. 6d. Longmans. - Cwrteis. Rise of the Macedonian Empire. 2s. 6d. Longmans. Lloyd. Age of Pericles. 2 vols. 218. Macmillan ... 1875 Filleul. Hist. du Siècle de Périclés. 2 vols. 10s. (F). 1873 Finlay. Greece under the Romans. 16s. Blackwood 1857 (Forming Wols. I. II. of the new ed. by Tozer in 7 vols. 70s. - Macmillan, 1877.) Hertzberg. Griechenland u. d. Herrschaft d. Römer. 3 vols. 18s. (F). & º - © © º ... 1875 R. O. Müller. Dorians. Trans. by G. C. Lewis. 2 vols. 1839 Freeman. Hist. of Federal Government in Greece. 21s. Macmillan º & e G * @ e G ... 1863 Historical Essays, ser. 2. 10s. 6d. Macmillan ... 1873 Turner. Analysis of Greek Hist. 28. Longmans. ELEMENTARY. W. Smith. Smaller History. 3s. 6d. Murray ... e ºr tº dº tº dº tº º ... 1861 G. W. Coac. Tale of the Great Persian War. 3s.6d. Longmans • e ... 1869 Miss Sewell. First Hist. of Greece. 3s.6d. Longmans 1852 Clough. Greek History from Plutarch. 6s. Long- DOla DS e & e e e Q , e - tº Q ... 1872 Fyffe. 18. Macmillan. CHRONOLOGY. Fynes Clinton. Fasti Hellenici. 3 vols. 4to. 94s. (sold separately). Oxf. 1834-51 (To the death of Augustus.) Epitome. 6s. 6d. Oxf. .. «» tº ... 1851 Peter. Zeittafeln d. Griechischen Geschichte. 5th ed. 4s. 6d. (F) .. © tº ... 1877 Rome. Dr. Arnold. 3 vols. 36s. Fellowes .. ... 1846–1849 (To the Second Punic War.) ; Later Roman Commonwealth. 2 vols. 248. Fellowes .. tº dº & º º º ... 1846 Mommsen. Trans. by Dickson. 4 vols. in 5, cr. 8vo. 47s.6d. Index, 3s. 6d. Bentley gº º ... 1868 (To the Establishment of the Empire. No reference to - Authorities.) 46 HELPS TO THE STUDY Rome— Ihne. 3 vols. 8vo. 458, (to B.C. 133). Longmans ... 1878 Rome to its Capture by the Gauls, 2s. 6d. Longmans. Niebuhr. Lectures, ed. Schmitz. 7s. 6d. Walton ... 1870 To the overthrow of the Roman Empire.) Liddell. (Student's), 7s.6d. Murray .. tº tº . 1856 (To the establishment of the Empire.) Schmitz. 7s. 6d. Walton & Cº ... 1863 (To the death of Commodus.) Long. Decline of the Roman Republic. 5 vols. each 14s. Bell .. * * e - to tº tº º tº tº B. Smith. Rome and Carthage. 28. 6d. Longmans. Beesly. Gracchi, Marius, and Sulla. 2s. 6d. Longmans. Catiline, Clodius, Tiberius. 6s. Chapman ... 1878 Capes. Early Roman Empire (to Domitian). 2s. 6d. Longmans. Roman Empire of Second Cent. 2s. 6d. Longmans. Merivale. Fall of the Republic. 7s.6d. Longmans ... 1853 Roman Triumvirates. 2s. 6d. Longmans. General Hist, of Rome. 7s.6d. Longmans. Abridged. Puller, 3s.6d. Romans under the Empire. 8 vols. p. 8vo. 48s. Longmans p tº 6 º' ... 1865. Gibbon. Decline and Fall of the Empire. Ed. Dr. Smith. 8 vols. 60s. Murray .. ... 1854 With variorum notes. 7 vols. each 3s. 6d. Pell 1854 Abridged (Student's). 7s.6d. Murray ... 1856 Sheppard. Fall of Rome, and Rise of new Nationalities. 7s.6d. Routledge .. & O ... ... 1861 Dyer. Kings of Rome, 158. Bell tº º ſº tº ... 1868 - (Conservative.) G. C. Lewis. Inquiry into the Credibility of Early Roman History. 2 vols. 30s. Parker ... 1855 - (Destructive.) Schwegler. Römische Geschichte. Ed. 2, 3 vols. 27s. (To the capture of Rome by the Gauls.) F tº º .. tº tº gº º 1867–72 Continued by Clason. 2 vols. (to Alexander of Epirus), 20s. © e - © e tº e 1873–76 (Copious citation of Authorities.) Hoeck. Römische Geschichte (Augustus to Constan- tine). Pts. 1–3, 16s. (F). e - 1841–50 Cuno. Worgeschichte Roms. Pt. 1, Die Kelten. 18s. (F) 1878 Zöller. Latium u. Rom. 10s. (F) .. gº & ... 1879 Duruy. Hist, d. Romains (to the end of the Antonines). New ed. 6 vols. 45s. .. tº tº 1870–78 (Illustrated ed. in course of publication, each No. 6d.) 1872 OF ANCIENT AUTHORS, 47. Rome— Drumann. Gesch. Roms, &c. (A Biographical History of the Fall of the Republic). 6 vols. 8vo. 42s. (F) ... ... ... ... 1834–1844 (Copious citation of Authorities.) Salvador. Hist. de la domination Romaine en Judée. 2 vols. 15s. (F) .. º fin du gouvernement impérial. 12mo. 7th ed. 3s. (F) tº º Turner. Analysis of Roman Hist. 28. Longmans. ELEMENTARY. Miss Sewell. First Hist. of Rome. 3s.6d. - Longmans .. G. G. º e e Creighton, 18. Macmillan. tº º º ... 1846 A. Thierry. Tableau de l'Empire Romaine jusqu’à la . 1876. , 1854 Macaulay. Lays of Ancient Rome. 4s. 6d. Longm. 1862 CHRONOLOGY. Fynes Clinton. Fasti Romani. 2 vols. 4to. 69s. Oxf. .. © tº tº º 1841–50 Epitome. 7s. Oxf. ... 1854 Fischer. Römische Zeittafeln, 7s.6d. (F) . 1858 (To the death of Augustus.) Peter. Zeittafeln d. Röm. Geschichte. 5th ed. 4s. 6d. (F) .. ſº a tº tº . 1875 2. INDIVIDUALS (BrogRAPHY). DICTIONARY. W. Smith (of Biography and Mythology). 3 vols. roy. 8vo. 63s. Murray ... 1869 AGRIPPINA. Stahr. Bilder aus d. Alterthume. 4th vol. 7s. (F) 1867 ALCIBIADES. Houssaye. Hist. d’Alcibiade. 2 vols., 11s. 6d. (F) 1873 AUGUSTUS. Bewle. A. Sa famille et Sesamis. 4th ed. 5s. (F). 1868 (Popular, anti-Imperialist.) CAESAR. Delorme. . C. et ses contemporains. 3s. (F) ... 1868 Froude. 168. Longmans .. tº º º ºg ... 1879 CLEOPATRA. Stahr. Bilder. 2nd vol. 6s. (F) .. ... 1864 DIOCLETIANUS. Preuss. Kaiser D. unds. Zeit. 3s.6d. ... 1868 Mason. 10s. 6d. Deighton , 1876 DOMITIANUS. Imhoff, 38. tº a tº e tº º gº tº ... 1857 HADRIANUs. Gregorovius. Geschichte d. Kaisers Hadrian. 4s. 6d. (F) e tº tº º tº tº ... 1851 HANNIBAL. Hennebert. Histoire d'Annibal. 2 vols. 50s. Didot tº dº tº e tº º tº e ... 1878 NERO. Schiller. Geschichte d. Kaiserreichs u. Nero. 2 vols. - 10s. (F) .. tº e e - e e ... 1872 Renan. L'Antechrist. 3rd ed. 6s. 6d. (F) ... 1873 TIBERIUS. Beulé. T. et l'héritage d’Auguste. Ed. 3, 5s. (F) 1870 Freytag. T. und TITUS. 8s. 6d. (F) .. ... 1870 Stahr. Bilder. 1st vol. 2nd ed. 7s. (F) .. 1873 48. HELPS TO THE STUDY TITUs. Beulé. T. et sa dynastie. Ed. 2, 5s. (F) ... 1872 TRAJAN. Dierawer (in 1st vol. of Büdinger's Untersuchungen). 7s.6d. (F) tº gº ge º & Cº ... 1868 GERMANICUs. Beulé, Le sang de G. Ed. 3, 5s. (F) .. 1869 Römische Kaiserfrauen. Stahr. (Bilder, 3rd vol.) 6s. (F) 1865 SENECA, EPICTETUS, AURELIUS. (Seekers after God). Farrar. 4s. 6d. Macmillan .. gº tº ... 1865 (Popular.) [See List of Authors. Caesar, Cicero, Demo- sthenes, Horace, Plutarch, &c.] 3. HISTORY OF LITERATURE. Greece. K. O. Müller, vol. i.; continued by Donaldson, vols. ii. and iii. 218. Longmans tº º ... 1858 [Müller's part is admirably done.] Mure. 5 vols. 8vo. 69s. Longmans .. * @ ... 1857 (Epic and lyric poetry, and history as far as Xenophon.) . R. W. Browne. Hist. of Classical Literature (Greece). 2 vols. Bentley & Cº. tº G s & gº tº ... 1851 Talfourd, Blomfield, &c. Enc. Met. 7s.6d. Griffin ... 1850 Burnouf. Hist. de la Lit. Grecque. 2 vols. 12mo. 7s. (F) 1869 Pierron. Do. do. 48. .. .. ... 1873 Bernhardy. Griechische Literaturgeschichte (Poetry). Wol. I.4.13s.6d. Wol. II. 13 10s. 6d. Wol. II. 28, 13s.6d. (F) & © e ‘s tº º ... 1867–1876 Bergk. Do. Vol. I. (to the 1st Olympiad). 9s. (F) 1872 Nicolai. Griechische Literaturgeschichte, 3 vols. 21s. 2nd ed. (F) tº dº tº gº gº dº . 1878 (Useful for bibliography.) - Jebb. Attic Orators from Antiphon to Isaeos. 2 vols. 25s. Macmillan. Greek Literature (elementary). 18. Macmillan. Blass. Die Attische Beredsamkeit. See under Oratores Attici. * Bode. Gesch. d. Hellenischen Dichtkunst. 3 vols. in 5, - 20s. (F) gº ºr tº º s’ ºr tº e ... 1840 Schlegel. Dramatic Literature. 3s.6d. Bell .. ... 1846. Symonds. Studies of Greek Poets. 10s. 6d. Smith & Elder .. gº º e º- e tº ... J.873. 2nd Series, 10s. 6d. .. º º e’e” dº ſº ... 1876 Rlein. Griechisches und Römisches Drama. 2 vols. 24s. 6d. (F) & Cº sº as tº ſº s pº ... 1865 Gräfenhan. Gesch. d. Klassichen Philologieim Alterthum. 4 vols. 24s. (F) © e. tº gº 1843–1850 OF ANCIENT AUTHORS, 49 Greece— Chassang. Histoire du Roman dans l’Antiquité Grecque et Latine. 12mo. 3s. (F) .. tº dº Bohde. Gesch. d. Griechischen Romans. 9s. Rome. Teuffel. Tr. Wagner. 2 vols. 21s. Bell .. ... 1873 (Excellent for bibliography.) Bernhardy. Grundriss d. Röm. Lit. 5th ed. 16s. ... 1872 JBähr. Gesch. d. Röm. Lit. 4th ed. 3 vols. 26s. 1867–71 JEbert. Gesch. d. Christliche Lat. Lit. (as far as Charle- magne). 14s. (F) .. & © º - ... 1874 Nisard. Etudes sur les Poètes Latins de la Décadence. 2 vols. 12mo. 6s. (F) es e - - ... 1867 Sellar. Poets of the Republic. 12s. Edm. and Douglas. 1863 Poets of the Augustan Age (Virgil). 14s. Oxf. Patin. Etudes sur la Poésie Latime. 2 vols. 6s. (F) 1875 Pierron. Hist. de la Littérature Romaine. 4s. (F) .. 1873 JR. W. Browne. History of Roman Literature. 12s. Bentley .. • * e e - - e & ... 1853 Cruttwell. Hist. of Rom. Lit. 8s. 6d. Griffin ... 1877 Conington. Miscellaneous Writings. 2 vols. 30s. Longmans © tº tº º e tº gº tº ... 1870 4. HISTORY OF PEIILOSOPHY. Zeller. Die Philosophie d. Griechen in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung dargestellt. 3rd & 4th ed. 3 vols. in 5, with Index. 65s. .. • * tº & 1874–79 (By far the fullest and best history of Ancient Philosophy.) Parts trans. by Reichel. Socrates and Socratic Schools. 2nd ed. 10s. 6d. Longmans e - • - © tº e - ... 1877 Stoics, Epicureans, and Sceptics. 14s. Longmans 1870 Trans. Alleyne and Goodwin. Plato and the older Aca- demy. 18s. Longmans - tº • tº ... 1877 A. Butler. Lectures, edited by Thompson. 12s. Macmillan 1874 (Slight for later Schools.) G. H. Lewes. From Thales to Comte. 2 vols. 4th ed. 32s. Longmans ºr tº © tº & e e tº . 1871 (Positivist.) Maurice. Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy. 5s. Griffin 1850 (Interesting, but wants definiteness.) Ferrier. Lectures on Greek Philosophy. 2 vols. 18s. Black- wood s & & E. © tº e - . 1867 Ueberweg. Grundriss d. Gesch. d. Philosophie. Alterthum. 5th ed. 58. (F) ... " .. 1876 Trans, by Morris and Porter. Vol. I. 18s. Stoughton 1875 E 50 HELPs To THE STUDy Rºtter and Preller. Hist. Philosophiae Graecae et Romanae ex fontium locis contexta. Ed. Teichmüller. 8s. (F) 1878 (A very useful book.) Lange. Gesch. d. Materialismus. 2 vols. 8vo. (bis auf Kant). 3rd ed. 21s. (F) tº tº & © & ſº ... 1876 Prantſ. Geschichte der Logik im Abendlande. Wols. I.-IV. 8vo. 34s. (F) e - 1855–70 Vºlkmann. Die Rhetorikā. Giechen und Römer, ios. (F) isłł Gebhart. Hist. du Sentiment poétique de la Nature dans a . ," l'Antiquité Grecque .. tº e tº tº ... 1860 Sécrétan. Hist. du Sentiment poétique dans l’Antiquité Romaine .. º ... 1866 Martha. Les Moralistes sous limpire Romain. 8s. (F) .. 1873 Penis. Hist, des Théories et des Idées Morales dans l’Antiquité. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 10s. (F) tº e © - ... 1879 [See Grote, under Aristotle and Plato.] GEOGRAPHY AND TOPOGRAPHY. ANCIENT. Smith. Student's Manual, 7s.6d. Murray ... 1864 GREEK. Dyer. Ancient Athens. 25s. Bell e tº ... 1873 Leake. Topography of Athens. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 15s. Bell & ºt tº 9 e e ... 1841 Travels in Northern Greece. 4 vols. 60s. Murray tº ſº © tº tº º tº go ... 1836 Peloponnesiaca. 15s. Murray tº e ... 1846 Wordsworth. Greece: Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical. 28s. Murray .. tº e ... 1868 Athens and Attica. 58. Murray © e ... 1869 Tozer. Lectures on the Geography of Greece. - 9s. Murray & g e e tº a • * tº e Mahaffy. Rambles and Studies in Greece. 10s. 6d. - Macmillan tº e © tº e - s tº ... 1878 Bursian. Geographie d. Griechenland. 3 vols. 18s. (F) tº 0 gº tº tº º tº e ... 1862–1873 (Important for Antiquities and Art.) C. Wachsmuth. Stadt Athen. Vol. I. 208. ... 1874 E. Curtius. Peloponnesus. 2 vols. 24s. (F) .. 1852 W. G. Clark. Peloponnesus. Macmillan ... 1858 Schliemann. Mycenae and Tyrins. Murray. 50s. 1878 Aug. Mommsen. Delphica. 8s. .. e & ., 1878 Carapanos. Dodone et ses Ruines. 758. (F) .. 1878 RoMAN. Burn. Rome and the Campagna. 4to. 638. Bell. 1870 Dyer. City of Rome. 15s. Bell .. & © ... 1865 Ampère. Histoire Romaine à Rome. 3rd ed. 4 vols. 30s, (F) tº wº tº tº tº e tº lº ... 1870 OF ANCIENT AUTHORS, 51 ROMAN. Abeken. Mittelitalien vor d. Zeiten Römischer Herr- schaft. 11s. 6d. (F) .. º tº tº e ... 1843 Dennis. Etruria. 2 vols. 2nd ed. 42s. Murray ... 1879 Dyer. Pompeii. 4th ed. 7s.6d. ... ... 1878 Ruins of Pompeii (Photographs with descriptions). 21s. Bell .. * @ . g & ... . . . 1866 Overbeck. Pompeii. 23s.6d. (F). tº tº ... 1875 Monnier. Pompeii et les Pompeiens. 2s. (F) .. 1867 - (Popular.) GREEK and Roman. Smith. Dictionary. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. 42s. Murray .. tº º tº ſº tº º ... 1869 Tozer. Classical Geography (elementary). 18. Mac- millan. MAPs. K. Johnston. School Atlas. 12s. 6d. Edinb. ... 1870 Riepert. Atlas Antiquus (12 maps). 6s. 6d. 6th ed. W. & N e tº e ºs & º * - © & G tº ... 1879 Atlas von Hellas (15 maps). 30s. (F) .. ... 1871 Wall-map of Ancient Greece, in 9 sheets, 12s. 1869 Wall-map of Ancient Italy, in 6 sheets, 9s. (F) 1870 Wall-map of Ancient Rome, in 4 sheets, 5s. 6d. Long. Classical Atlas by W. Hughes (24 maps), 12s. 6d. Bell tº tº • tº e ... 1864 School Ed. 5s. Bell. MAPs. W. Smith. Historical Atlas of Ancient Geography. - £66s. Murray .. e - ge º ... 1873–1876 Spruner. Atlas Antiquus (27 maps), 28s. (F) ... 1865 F. Curtius. Atlas v. Athen (12 maps and plans). 24s. 1878 ANTIQUITIES. GREEK and Roman— W. Smith. Dictionary. 21s. Murray .. tº º ... 1869 Smaller Dictionary. 7s.6d. Murray ... 1853 Classical Dictionary (Antiquities, Biography, Geography). 18s. Murray & 8 ... 1858 Rich. Dictionary of Antiquities (nearly 2000 engravings from the Antique). 7s.6d. 3rd ed. Longmans 1872 (Treats of external objects exclusively.) Gwhl and Koner. Das Leben d. Griechen und Römer nach antiken Bildwerken dargestellt. 4th ed. 12s. (F) e º © tº tº º * & ... 1875 Trans. by Hueffer, 15s. Chatto and Windus. Pauly. Real-Encyclopädie d. Class. Alterthumswissen- schaft. 7 vols. £5. (F) tº tº & Cº 1837–56 Darenberg and Saglio. Dict, des Ant. Grecs et Ro- - maines. Pts, 1–6 (A–CAs), at 5s, each 1873–79 Forbiger. Hellas u. Rom. Wols. I.-W. 30s. (F) 1871–78 E 2 52 HELPS TO THE STUDY GREEK and Roman— GREEK. K. F. Hermann, ed. Stark. Lehrbuch d. Griech- Falk. Hellas u. Rom. (popular, with illustrations), pts. i.-X., each 18. 6d. (F) tº e e tº ... 1879 Rheinhard. Album d. classischen Alterthums (72 plates, with descriptions). 21s. (F) s & ... 1870 Blümmer. Technologie u. Terminologie d. Gewerbe u. Künste b. Griech. u. Röm. Vol. I. 11s. (F) 1875 Cowlanges, La Cité Antique. 6th ed. 3s.6d. (F) .. 1876 Trans. Small. The Ancient City, or the Religion, Laws, and Institutions of Greece and Rome. 12s. Trübner. Hearn. The Aryan Household. 16s. Longmans ... 1879 Wieseler. Theatergebäude u. Denkmäler d. Bühnenwesens b. d. Griechen u. Römern (14 Plates). 13s. (F) 1851 Becq de Fouquières. Les jeux des Anciens. 2nd ed. 8s. (F) . 1873 ischen Antiquitäten. 3 vols. 21s. (F) 1858–75 Schömann. Griechische Alterthümer. Wol. I. Das Staatswesen. 3rd ed. 48. .. ... 1871 Wol. II. Die Internat. Verhältnisse u. d. Religionswesen. 3rd ed. 5s. (F) 1873 Tr. by Hardy and Mann (in the press). Rivington. Boeckh. Public Economy of Athens. Tr. Lamb. 21s. gº o tº a e - e - . . . . . 1857 Büchsenschütz. Besitz u. Erwerb. 9s. (F) ... 1869 Mahaffy. Social Life in Greece. 3rd ed. 10s. 6d. Macmillan. C. Wachsmuth. Das alte Griechenland im neuen. 1864 Bader. La femme Grecque. 2 vols. 12mo. 7s. (F) 1873 Becker. Charicles (Illustrations of private life). Tr. Metcalfe. 7s.6d. Longmans .. tº & ... 1866 A. S. Wilkins. Education in Greece. 5s. Strahan 1873 Dumont. Essai sur l'Ephébie Attique. 2 vols. 288. (F) tº º tº e tº º tº tº & © ... 1870 Donaldson. Theatre of the Greeks. 8th ed. 5s. Bell 1875 Walford. Handbook of the Greek Drama. 6s. Longmans tº º Q & tº tº e - ... 1856 Witzschell. Athenian Stage. Tr. Paul. 48. Rivingt. 1850 Mahaffy. Antiquities (Elementary). 18. Macmillan. RoMAN. Ramsay. Manual. 8s. 6d. Griffin e tº ... 1870 Elementary Manual. 4s. Griffin tº º ... 1871 Becker. Galius (Illustrations of private life). Tr. Metcalfe. 7s.6d. Longmans .. e & ... 1866 Becker and Marquardt. Handbuch d. Römischen Alterthümer, 5 vols. and Suppl. 90s. (F) 1843–68 OF ANCIENT AUTHORS, 53 RoMAN. Marquardt and Mommsen. (A greatly enlarged and improved revision of the preceding.) Vols. I., II. (in two parts), IV., V., VI. ; each part about 11s. (F) .. tº e © º & © tº tº 1872–78 Lange. Röm. Alt. 3 vols. 23s. (F) .. ... 1877 Le Clerc. Des Journaux chez les Romains. 4s. (F). Friedlaender. Sittengeschichte Röms. 3rd ed. 3 vols. 30s. (F) tº e 4 & tº tº tº tº 1871–74 Fr. tr. 4 vols. 28s. ſº tº - tº e tº 1865–74 Schmidt. Essai sur la Société Civile de la Monde Romaine. 8s. (F) .. - - • & ... 1853 Wallon. Hist. de l'Esclavage. Wols. I. II. 2nd ed., each 7s.6d. (F) - º & © tº ºr ... 1879 Dezobry. Rome au Siècle d’Auguste. 4 vols. 328. (F) is tº - tº tº e e tº tº º ... 1847 Maizois. Le Palais de Scaurus. 4s. 6d. (F) .. 1869 A. S. Wilkins. Antiquities (Elementary). 1s. Mac- millan .. © tº e & º e - e. ... 1877 Wright. The Celt, Roman and Saxon. 2nd ed. 12s. Virtue ... 1861 W. T. Arnold. Roman Provincial 'Administration. 6s. Macmillan .. tº º e - tº º ... 1879 IFINE ARTS. K. O. Müller. Handbook of Archaeology. Tr. Leitch. 12s. Bohn & º tº º * 3 tº 0 tº º ... 1852 Illustrations from the Antique. (Denkmäler.) Vol. I. fol. 2nd ed. 1854, Vol. II. pt. i. 3rd ed. 1877, by Wieseler. 27s. (F). (A companion volume to the Handbook, in German.) Stark. Handb, d. Archäol. d. Kunst. Vol. I. pt. i. 7s. (F) 1878 Welcker. Alte Denkmäler erklärt. 5 vols. (Sold separately.) - • - 8 35s. (F) .. tº 0 • * & O * * 1847–64 Friederichs. Bausteine Z. Gesch. d. Griechisch-Römischen Plastik. 2 vols. 12mo. 19s. (F) .. © tº 1868–71 /Brunn. Geschichte d. Griechischen Künstler. 2 vols. in 3. 32s. (F) .. tº & e tº tº a - © • * 1855–59 Schnaase. Gesch. d. bildenden Künste. Vol. II. (Griechen u. Römer). Ed. Friederichs. 6s. (F) º ... 1866 Reber. Gesch. d. Baukunst im Alterthum. 17s. 6d. (F) .. 1867 Ellis. Townley Gallery. 2 vols. 12mo. 4s. 6d. Nattali... 1847 Elgin and Phigaleian Marbles. 2 vols. 12mo. 4s. 6d. Nattali • * cº º © e - - tº - e ... 1847 Westropp. Handbook of Archaeology. 2nd ed. 7s.6d. Bell 1878 Ring. Handbook of Engraved Gems. 6s. Bell .. ... 1866 Antique Gems and Rings, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. 42s. Bell 1872 54 HELPS TO THE STUDY Birch. History of Ancient Pottery. 2nd ed. 42s. Murray 1873 Beulé. Art Grec avant Périclés. 12mo. 3s. (F) .. ... 1870 L'Acropole d'Athènes. 7s. (F) & ſº & Cº. ... 1862 Michaelis. Der Parthenon (with Atlas of Plates.) 35s. (F) 1875 Overbeck. Geschichte d. Griechischen Plastik. 2 vols. 24s. (F) tº is * * tº º tº ſº tº gº ... 1869 Die Antiken Schriftguellen Z. Gesch. d. bildenden Künste. 10s. (F) .. tº º tº º e e Griechische Kunstmythologie. Vol. I. (Zeus), 20s. Vol. II. pt. 1 (Hera), 11s. ; pt. 2 (Poseidon), 11s. ; pt. 3 (Demeter and Kora), 12s. (F) 1871–78 Atlas d. Gr. Kunstm. (Illustrations to the above), in 4 pts. Pt. 3, 288. ; the others, 48s. each. IIow8Saye. Apelles: Etudes sur l’Art Grec. 12mo. 3s. (F) .. tº g * tº tº e g tº tº ſº tº e ... 1866 Leake. Numismata Hellenica. 4to. 63s. Quaritch ... 1841 Donaldson. Architectura Numismatica. 4to. 638. Day ... 1859 Akerman. Coins of the Romans relating to Britain. 10s. 6d. J. R. Smith tº º tº tº tº º tº º tº gº ... 1844 Mommsen. Gesch. d. Römischen Münzwesens. 21s. (F) .. 1860 French Trans. by Duc de Blacas and De Witte. 4 vols. (F) & e gº tº tº gº e º 1865–75 Lenormant. La Monnaie. 3 vols. 22s. 6d. (F) .. ... 1879 British Museum. Guide to Galleries. 6d. .. tº dº ... 1879 Graeco-Roman Sculptures. Pt. 2. 4d. 1876 Second Vase Room. Pt. 1. 4d. ... 1878 Bronze Room. 3d. ſº tº e G ... 1871 Select Greek Coins. 4d. .. tº º ... 1879 Catalogue of Greek Coins from Italy, 21s. ; Sicily, 218.; Thrace, 21s. ; Seleucid Kings, 10s. ; Macedonia, 25s. ; Roman Medallions, 21s... * tº © 1876–79 Catalogue of Greek and Etruscan Wases. Vol. I., 5s., 1851; Vol. II., 5s. ... 1870 Gevaert. Histoire et Théorie de la Musique de l’Antiquité. Wol. I. 30s. (F) .. gº o & ſº * º gº o SCIENCES. INDUCTIVE SCIENCE. Whewell, History of 3 vols. 248. Parker e gº tº GEOMETRY. Bretschneider. Geometrie u, d. Geometer vor Euklides. 5s, (F) tº ſº sº e ... 1870 ASTRONOMY. G. C. Lewis. Historical Survey. 15s. Parker. 1862 BotANY. Lenz. B. d. alten Griechen u. Römer. 10s. (F) 1856 ZooLogy. Lenz, Z. d. alten Gr, u. Römer. 10s. (F) .. 1856 1857 OF ANCIENT AUTHORS, 55 AGRICULTURE. Magerstedt. Bilder aus d. Röm. Landwirth- schaft. 6 parts. (Sold separately.) 30s. (F) 1858–62 Hehn. Kulturpflanzen u. Hausthiere. 3rd ed. 10s. (F) tº º & ſº e G e tº ... 1877 Daubeny. Lectures on Roman Husbandry. 68. Parker o º gº ºn º, tº º º ... 1863 PoDITICAL ECONOMY. Dureau de la Malle. Ec. Pol. des Romains. 2 vols. 158. (F) .. * & & © ... 1840 Mesnil-Marigny. Hist. de l’Ec. Pol. des Anciens. 2 vols. 16s. .. © tº e - tº tº ... 1872 LAW. Hunter. History of Roman Law. 32s. 6d. Maxwell ... 1876 E. C. Clark. Early Roman Law. 5s. Macmilları .. ... 1873 Maine. Ancient Law. 12s. Murray e tº tº dº ... 1870 Cwmºn. Manual of Civil Law. 25s. Stevens tº º ... 1865 Ortolan. Explication Historique des Instituts de l’Empereur Justinien. 3 vols. 20s. (F) .. e tº tº º ... 1876 Trans. by Prichard and Nasmith. 28s. Butter- worths .. 1873 Warnkönig. Institutiones Juris Romani Privati. 5s. 6d. (F) 1860 Giraud. Novum Enchiridion Juris Romani. 6s. (F) .. 1873 Marezoll. Lehrbuch der Institutionen d. Röm. Rechts. 9s. ... 1875 Kuntze. Instit. u. Gesch. des Röm. Rechts, 2 vols. 12s. (F) 1879 Puchta. Cursus d. Institutionen. 2 vols. 16s. .. ... 1875 Rudorff. Römische Rechtsgeschichte. 2 vols. 10s. ... 1857 Rein. Criminalrecht d. Römer, 16s. (F) .. © º ... 1844 Privatrecht d. Römer. 18s. (F 4 - - tº ... 1858 A. W. Zumpt. Der Criminal Process d. Römischen Republik. 8s. (F) .. gº tº & & © tº º ºg º º ... 1871 Böcking. Institutiones des Röm. Civilrechts. 6s. (F) ... 1862 Meier and Schömann. Der Attische Process. 15s. (F) .. 1824 Telfy. Corpus Juris Attici. 19s. (F) & & © tº ... 1867 Büchsenschütz. Besitz. u. Erwerb. 9s. (F) & Cº ... 1869 [See Gaius and Corpus Juris, in List of Editions.] MYTHOLOGY AND RELIGION. GREEK and ROMAN. - Reightley. Mythology of Ancient Greece and Italy. 4th ed. 5s. Bell.. tº º W. Smith. Dictionary of Biography 3 vols. 638. Murray .. te o & ... 1878 and Mythology. tº tº & & ... 1858 © 56 HELPS TO THE STUDY GREEK and Roman— GREEK. Coa. Mythology of the Aryan Nations. 2 vols. 28s. Longmans tº tº tº e tº º tº º ... 1870 (Based on the Solar Myth hypothesis.) Gubernatis. Zoological Mythology. 2 vols. 28s. Trübner. Murray. Manual of Mythology. 9s. Asher ... 1873 Bouché-Leclercq. Hist. de la Divination dans l’Antiquité. Wol. I. 8s. (F) .. gº º ... 1879 Maury. La Magie et l’Astrologie dans l'Antiquité et au Moyen Age. 3s. (F) is tº ... 1877 Croyances et Légendes de l’Antiquité. 3s. (F). 1868 Bunsen. God in History. 3 vols. 42s. Longmans 1870 Maa. Müller. Introduction to the Science of Reli- gion. 10s. 6d. Longmans gº tº ... 1873 Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion. 10s. 6d. Longmans iº & tº º ... 1878 Chips from a German Workshop. Wols. I. II. 248. Longmans .. e G tº º ... 1868 Tylor. Primitive Culture. 2 vols. 24s. Murray... 1871 Lobeck. Aglaophamus. 2 vols. 30s. (F) ... 1829 Döllinger tr. Darnell. Gentile and Jew in the Courts of the Temple of Christ. 2 vols. 218. Longman 1862 Bavet. Le Christianisme et ses Origines. Wols. I. II. (l’Hellénisme). Each 7s.6d. (F) ... 1873 Tzschirner. Fall des Heidenthums. (F) .. ... 1829 Tholuck. Nature and Moral Influence of Heathemism among the Greeks and Romans. Clark ... 1840 Naville. Julien l’Apostat et sa Philosophie du Poly- théisme. 3s. (F) tº gº tº e 9 * ... 1877 Rendall. Life and Times of Julian. 7s. 6d. Bell 1879 Welcker. Griech. Götterlehre. 3 vols. 34s. (F) 1857–63 Preller. Mythologie. 3rd ed. by Plew, 2 vols. 11s. (F). is tº tº ſº g & tº º 1873–75 Decharme. Mythologie de la Grèce antique. (Nu- merous illustrations.) 13s.6d. (F) .. 1879 Hartung. Die Religion und Mythologie der Griechen. 4 vols. 13s.6d. (F) .. e tº tº º tº ſº Maury. Histoire des Religions de la Grèce antique. 3 vols. 30s. (F). (Out of print) .. ... 1859 Nägelsbach. Die Homerische Theologie. 9s. (F) 1861 Nachhomerische Theologie. 9s. (F) 1857 Henders. Oracula Graeca quae exstant. 2s. 6d. (F) 1877 Hoffmann. Das Orakelwesen in Alterthume. 4s. (F) 1877 1873 R. Brown. Poseidon. Longmans. The Great Dionysiak Myth. Wols. I. II., each 12s. Longmans • . . . 1878 OF ANCIENT AUTHORS. 57 GREEK. ELEMENTARY. Coac. Tales of Ancient Greece. 68. 6d. Longmans & tº © º & ſº tº e ... 1868 Ringsley. Heroes. 48.6d. Macmillan .. ... 1868 W. Smith. Smaller Classical Mythology. 38. 6d. Murray. ROMAN. Preller. Mythologie. (New ed. in the press.) Hartung. Rel. d. Römer .. tº º sº º . 1836 Boissier. La Rel. Rom. d’Auguste aux Antonines. 2 vols. 12mo. 68. tº º tº gº g is ... 1878 A. Schmidt. Gesch. d. Denk- u. Glaubensfreiheit im ersten Jahrhundert. 7s. (F) .. ... 1847 B. Constant. Du Polythéisme Romain. 2 vols. 158. 1833 (F) tº g º º MODERN WORKS OF IMAGINATION ILLUS- TRATIVE OF ANCIENT HISTORY AND IMANNERS. A. PLAYS. Shakespeare. Coriolanus, Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra. Ben Jonson. Catiline, Sejanus. Beaumont and Fletcher. The False One (Caesar at Alexandria). Dryden. All for Love (Antony after Actium). Addison. Cato. Nichol. Hannibal. Macmillan. 1873. Corneille. Cinna, Pompée, Nicomède, Sertorius, Othon. Bacºne. Britannicus, Bérénice, Mithradate. Beulé, Phidias (in prose, with historical introduction). B. TALES. Barthélemy. Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis en Grèce (4th cent. B.C.). Bulwer. Pompeii (1st cent, A.D.). Leatham. Charmione (Athens at the end of the Peloponnesian War). Ilockhart. Valerius (Rome under Trajan). Whyte Melville. Gladiators (Vitellius and Vespasian). Wiseman. Fabiola (The Church in the Catacombs). Newman. Callista (3rd cent. A.D.). Ware. Letters from Palmyra (Aurelian). Kingsley. Hypatia (commencement of the 5th cent. A.D.). Sneyd. Cyllene (period of Constantine). Longmans. 1873. The Fawn of Sertorius (1st cent. B.C.). iss Lynn. Amymone (time of Pericles). Ebers. Uarda (Egypt in the time of Amasis). (See Becker, Gallus and Charicles, Dezobry, Maizois, and Forbiger, under ANTIQUITIES.] - SERIAL LIST. A. TEXTS. [Of the following series those published by Weidmann, Bernhard Tauchnitz, and Teubner are in general to be preferred for the accuracy of their texts.] WEIDMANN'S GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS, In Crown 8vo. sewed. Carefully revised Texts, with Various Readings at the Foot of the Page. AENEAE commentarius Poliorceticus, rec. R. Hercher, 1s. 4d. AESCHINES, rec. A. Weidmer, 38. . APOLLODoRI. Bibliotheca, Hercher, 2s. 6d. ARRIANI Anabasis, ed. C. Sintervis, 2s. ASCONIUS, Kiessling and Scholl, 3s. 6d. BABRIUS, Eberhard, 1s. 6d. BION & MoscHUs, G. Hermann, 1s. 6d. CICERONIs Orationes selectae XVIII., ex rec. C. Halmii, 2 parts, 2s. 6d. CORNELIUS Nepos a C. Nipperdeio rec., 8d. CURTIUS Rufus, rec. E. Hedicke, 2s. EURIPIDEs, rec. A. Kirchhoff, 3 vols., 6s. EUTROPIUs, ed. G. Hartel, 9d. FRAGMENTA Juris Antejustiniani, Mommsen, 38. GAIUS, Krueger and Studenund, 3s. HESIODUs, ed. G. F. Schoemann, 2s. HomeRI Ilias, Pt. I., 2s. 6d. Odyssea, Nawck, 2 parts, each 2s. JUSTINIANI Institutiones, rec. P. Krüger, 1s. 6d. PERSIUS, JUVENALIS, Sulpicia, rec. O. Jahn, 1s. 6d. PETRONIUS et liber Priapeorum, iterum ed. F. Buecheler, Acc. Varronis et Senecae satirae similesque reliquiae, 2s. 6d. PHAEDRCs, rec. F. Eyssenhardt, 8d. PINDARUS, ed. T. Mommsen, 1s. 6d. PLINII. Historia naturalis, rec. D. Detlefsen, 5 vols., 10s. PLUTARCHI Aristides et Cato major, ed. R. Hercher, 8d. — Themistocles et Pericles, ed. C. Sintervis, 86. — Agis et Cleomenes, Tiberius et Caius Gracchus, ed. C. Sintents, 8d., POLYBIUS, ed. F. Hultsch, 4 vols., 13s.6d. PUBLILIUS Syrus., Spengel, 1s. SALLUSTIUS, rec. H. Jordanus, 1s. 6d. SENECA, De Benef. et Clement., Gertz, 4s. 6d. —— Tragoediae, Leo, Vol. I., 3s. SOPHOCLES, ed. A. Nawck, 2s. 6d. TACITUS, a C. Nipperdeio rec., 4 parts, 5s. VALERIUS Flaccus, ed. C. Schenkl, 2s. 6d. VERGILIUS, ed. Th. Ladewig, 1s. 6d. XENOPHON, ed. C. Schenkl, Vol. I. 1s. 6d., Vol. II. 2s. 6d. sº-º. SERIAL LIST. 59. BERNHARD TAUCHNITZ's GREEK AINIO LATIN CLASSICS. This collection, prepared and edited with the greatest care, contains:— The TEXT of each Author revised with reference to the most recent investigations, and edited by the first scholars of Germany. INTRODUCTIONS containing the chief incidents of the lives of the Authors, an account of their writimgs, and a reference to the emendations of the Text. INDICES containing all the proper names and the most important subject8 in the Volume. IN THREE SIZES, SEWED. A. SCHOOL EDITIONS, Crown 8vo. E. LIBRARY EIDITIONS, 8vo., Vellum Paper. C. Text only, POCKET EDITION, 24mo. Any Volume ìs sold separately. ARISTOPHANIS Comoediae, edidit, A. MeineJce, 2 vols. A. 3S. 6d. ; B. ts. 6d.; C. 3s. CAESARIS, C. JULII, Commentarii cum supplementis A. Hirtii et aliorum, edidit F. Kramer. A. 2s. ; B. 4s. 6d. ; C. ls. 3d. CICERONIS, M. TULLII, Opera quae supersunt omnia, ediderunt J. G. Baiter, C. L. Kayser. 11 vols. A. 25s. ; B. 46s. 6d. CORNELII NEPOTIS Vitae, edidit G. Aen. Koch. A. 6d. ; B. Is. 6d.; C. 6d. 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Odyssea, ed. G. Dimdorf, 2s. — Hymni, Epigrammata et Batrachomyomachia, ex rec. A. Baumeister, 1s. HoRATIUS, cur. L. Müller, 1s. 4d. HYPERIDIs Orationes, ed. Fr. Blass, 1s. 6d. ISAEUS, ed. C. Scheibe, 1s. 4d. Isocrates, rec. C. E. Benseler, 2 vols., 3s. Josephus, rec. Imm. Bekker, 6 vols., 14s. 6d. JULIANUs, 2 vols., 6s. 9d. JURISPRUDENTIAE antejustinianae quae Supersunt, ed. Ph. E. Huschke, 7s.6d. — Indices, auct. F. Fabricio, 2s. 4d. JUSTINIANI Institutiones, ed. Ph. E. Huschke, 1s. 4d. JUSTINUS, rec. J. Jeep, 3s. — editio minor, 1s. 2d. JUVENALIS, rec. C. F. Hermann, 80. LAURENTIUS Lydus, ed. C. Wachsmuth, 3s. LIVIUS, rec. W. Weissenborn, 6 vols., 7s. LUCIANUs, rec. C. Jacobitz, 3 vols., 7s. LUCRETIUS, ed. J. Bernays, 1s. 10d. LYCURGUs, ed. C. Scheibe, 9d. LYSIAs, ed. C. Scheibe, 1s. 4d. MACROBIUS, recogn. Fr. Eyssenhardt, 5s. 6d. MANETHO, ed. A. Koechly, ls. 10d. MARTIALIS, rec. G. F. Schneidewin, 1s. 10d. MARTIANUs Capella, rec. F. Eyssenhardt, 4s. 6d. MAXIMI et Ammonis Carmina, 1s. 10d. METRICI Scriptores Graeci, ed. R. Westphal, 2 vols., 5s. METROLOGICORUM Scriptorum Graecorum et Latinorum reliquiae, ed F. Hultsch, 2 vols., 5S. 6d. MURETI scripta selecta, ed. J. Frey, 2 vols., 3s. NICOMACHI introductio arithm., rec. R. Hoche, 2s. NONNI Dionysiaca, rec. 4. Koechly, 2 vols., 9s. ONOSANDER de imperatoris officio, rec. A. Koechly, 1s. 6d. OvIDIUS, rec. R. Merkel, 3 vols., 3s. 6d. PANEGYRICI Latini, ed. Baehrems, 4s. 6d. PAUSANIAS, rec. J. H. Schubart, 2 vols., 4s. PERSIUs, rec. C. F. Hermann, 6d. PHAEDRUs, ed. C. Th. Dressler, 6d. PHILOSTRATUS, ed. C. L. Kayser, 2 vols., 8s. 6d. PINDARUS, rec. W. Christ, 1s. 4d. PLATO, rec. C. F. Hermann, 6 vols., 12s. 62 SERIAL LIST. PLAUTUs, rec. A. Fleckeisen, Wols. I., II., 3s. PLINI Hist. Nat., rec. L. Jam, 6 vols., 15s. PLINI Epistolae et Panegyricus, ed. H. Keil, 1s. 6d. PLINIUs et Gargilius, 2s. 9d. PLOTINUs, rec. A. Kirchhoff, 2 vols., 7s. • PLUTARCHI vitae parallelae, ed. C. 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Dindorf, 6 vols., 218. SERIAL LIST. 63 CAMBRIDGE GREEK ANID LATIN TEXTS. GEORGE BELL AND SONS. Carefully reprinted from the best Editions. Neatly printed in 16mo., and bound in embossed cloth, red edges. AESCHYLUs, rec. F. A. Paley, 38. CAESAR, de Bello Gallico, rec. G. Lorig, 28. CICERo, de Senectute et de Amicitia et Epistolae selectae, rec. G. Lomg, 18. 6d. CICERONIS Orationes. Vol. I., rec. G. Long, 3s. 6d. EURIPIDES, rec. F. A. Paley, 3 vols., each 3s. 6d. HERODOTUs, rec. J. W. Blakesley, 2 vols., each 3s. 6d. HoMERI Ilias lib. I.-XII., rec. F. A. Paley, 2s. 6d. HORATIUS, rec. A. J. Macleame, 28. 6d. JUVENALIS et PERSIUS, rec. A. J. Macleame, 18. 6d. LUCRETIUS, rec. H. A. J. Mumro, 2s. 6d. SALLUSTII Catilina et Jugurtha, rec. G. Long, 18. 6d. TERENTIUS, relegit, et emendavit, W. Wagner, 3s. TESTAMENTUM NovUM, rec. F. H. Scrivemer, 4s. 6d. THUCYDIDEs, rec. J. G. Domaldsom, 2 vols., each 3s. 6d. VERGILIUS, rec. J. Coningtom, 38. 6d. XENOPHONTIS Anabasis, rec. J. F. Macmichael, 28. 6d. OXFORD POCKET CLASSICS. PARKER AND CO. Paper. Paper. 8. d. s. d. AESCHYLUS . . . . . . . . 2 6 I BIERODOTUS, 2 vols. . . . . . 5 O ARISTOPHANEs, 2 vols. . . . 5 0 | HOMERI Ilias . . . . . . . 3 0 ARISTOTELIS Ethica . . . . . 1 , 6 ] — Odyssea . . . . . . . 2 6 CAESARIS Commentarii, cum Snpple- HORATIUS . . . . . . . . l 6 mentis Auli Hirtii et aliorum. 2 0 ] JUVENALI8 et PERSIUS . . . . I O — Commentarii de Bello Gallico . 1 0 | LIvIUs, 4 vols. . ę ę 5 0 CICERO De Officiis, de Senectute, et ] LUCANUS . . . . . . . . 2 0 de Amicitia . . . . . . . 1 6 I LUCRETIUS . . . . . . . . l 6 CICERONIS Tusculanarum Disputa- PHAEDRUS . . . . . . . . l 0 tionum Libri V. . . . . 1 6 || SALLUSTIUS . . . . . . I 6 — Orationes (Selectae). . 3 0 | SoPHOCLEs . . . . . . 2 6 CoRNELIUS NEPos. . . . . . l 0 l TACITUS, 2 vols. . . . . . . 4 0 DEMOSTHENEs de Corona, et 1 6 THUCYDIDES, 2 vols. . . . . . 4 0 AEsOBINEs in Ctesiphontem VIRGILIUS • • • • • • 2 0 EURIPIDEs, 3 vols.. . . . 5 9 I XENOPHONTIS Memorabilia . . . l 0 — Tragoediae Sex . . . . . 3 0 | —~ Anabasis . • • • • . l 6 a -^<>e-*— 64 SERIAL LIST. B. TEXTS WITH LATIN TRANSLATIONS. *mºmº- D ID OT’S BIBLIOTHECA SCRIPTORUM GRAECORUM, With Latin Versions, all the recently recovered Fragments and copious Indices. Roy. 8vo. 2 AELIANUs, PHILo BYZANTIUS, PorPHYRIUs, ed. Hercher, 12s. 6d. AESCHYLUs et SOPHOCLES, cum Fragm. ed. Ahrens et G. Dindorf, 17s. AESOPUS, BABRIUS, Fabulae Aesop., ed. Duebner, preparing. ANTHOLOGIA, edd. Boissonade, Jacobs et Duebner, 2 vols. 25s. APPIANUs, 12s. 6d. ARISTOPHANES, ed. G. Dindorf. MENANDER et PHILEMON, ed. Duebner, 12s. 6d. Scholia, 12s. 6d. ARISTOTELES, edd. Duebner, BusSemaker et Heitz, 5 vols., 67s. ARRIANUs et Fragmenta Scriptorum Hist. Alex., edd. Duebner et C. Müller, 12s. 6d. ATHENAEUs, ed. G. Dimdorf, in the press. BUCOLICI et DiDACTICI GRAECI. See THEOCRITUS. CoMicoruM GRAECORUM Fragmenta, ex rec. Meineke, ed. Bothe, 12s. 6d. DEMOST HENES cum Fragmentis, ed. Voemel, 17s. DIoDoRUs Siculus cum Fragmentis, edd. L. Dindorf et C. Müller, 2 vols., 25s. DioGENES LAERTIUS, ed. Cobet, Jamblichus et Vitae Philosophorum, edd. Wester- mann et Boissonade, 12s. 6d. DIONYSIUs Halicarn. Historica, Ritschl and Kiessling. Rhetorica, Sauppe, preparing. EPIGRAMMATUM GRAECORUM Anthologia Palatina, ed. Duebner, 2 vols., 25s. EPISTOLOGRAPHI, edd. Westermann et Hercher, 17s. - EROTICI GRAECI: Achilles Tatius, Longus, Xenophon, Charito, Heliodorus, Parthenius, Jamblichus, Ant. Diogenes, Eumathes, Apollonius Tyr., Nicetas Eugenianus, &c. edd. Boissonade, Lebas, et Hirschig, 12s. 6d. EURIPIDEs, ed. Fia:, 12s. 6d. - Fragmenta Euripidis et omnium Trag, Graec. Christianorumque, edd. Wagne et. Duebner, 12s. 6d. - GEOGRAPHI GRAECI MINORES, Vols. I. II., 25s. Atlas of 29 coloured maps to the same, 12s. 6d. Vol. III. preparing. HERODOTUS, ex rec. G. Dimdorfii. Ctesias, Castor et Eratosthenes, ed. Th. Müller, 12s. 6d. Hesiod'Us, Apollon. Rhod., Coluthus, Quintus Smyrn., Tzetzes, Musaeus, Fragmenta Try- phiod. Antimachi, Choerili, Panyasis, Asii et Pisandri, edd. Lehrs et Duebner, 12s. 6d. HISTORICORUM GRAECORUM Fragmenta. Collectio amplissima, ed. C. Müller, 5 vols., 76s. HoMERUs, rec. Dindorf. Acc. Fragmenta Cycli epici, 10s. 6d. INSCRIPTIONUM GRAECARUM Corpus, in preparation. S. JoANNIS CHRYSOST. Opera Selecta, ed. Duebner, 12s. 6d. . ; JosFPHUs (Flav.), ed. G. Dindorf, 2 vols., 258. JULIANUs IMP., ed. Dwebmer, preparing. LoNGINUs, ed. Egger, preparing. LUCIANUs, ed. Dimdorf, 17s. LYRICI GRAECI, ed. Nauck, preparing. 2 ORATOREs ATTICI, edd. Ahrens, Baiter et C. Müller, 2 vols., 258. PAROIMIOGRAPHI, ed. Leutsch, preparing. • PAUSANIAS, ed., L. Dindorf, 12s. 6d. PHILOSOPHoRUM GRAEcoRUM Fragmenta, ed. Mullach, 2 vols., 25s. 3rd vol. preparing. Pºrus, ed. Westermann. EUNAPIUS, ed. Boissonade. HIMERIUS, ed. Dwebmer 12S, 60. - PLATO, edd. Schneider et B. Hirschig, 2 vols., 25s. , — Indices, Duebmér et Hunziger, 8s. SERIAL LIST. 65 Plot INUs, edd. Creuzer et Moser, Porphyrii Instt. Procli Inst. theol. Prisciani Quaestt., ed. Duebner, 12s. 6d. PLUTARCHI Vitae, ed. Duebner, 2 vols., 258. — Moralia, ed. Duebner, 2 vols., 258. — Fragm. et Pseudo-Plutarchea, with Indices, 8s. 6d. POLYBIUs, cum Fragmentis, ed. Duebner, 17s. PROCOPIUS, ed. Dubewa, preparing. PTOLEMAEUs, ed. C. Müller, in the press. SIBYLLINA ORACULA, ed. Alexandre, preparing. STOBAEUs, ed. G. Dimdorf, preparing. STRABO, edd. Duebner et C. Müller, 2 parts, with 15 coloured maps, 30s. — the maps separately, 12s. 6d. TESTAMENTUM VETUs (LXX.), ed. Jaeger, 2 vols., 25s. — Novum, edd. Jaeger et Tischendorf, 10s. THEocRITUS, BION, MoscHUS, Nicander, Oppianus, Marcellus Sidetes, Philes, Aratus, Manetho, Maximus, 12s. 6d. — Scholia. Theocriti, Nicandri et Oppiani, edd. Duebner et Bussemaker, 12s. 6d. THEOPHRASTI Opera omnia, ed. Wimmer, 12s. 6d. — Characteres, Antoninus, Epictetus, Arrianus, Simplicius, Cebes, Maximus Tyrius, ed. Duebner, 12s. 6d. THUCYDIDEs, cum Scholiis, ed. Haase, 12s. 6d. TRAGICI GRAEC1, Scholia, preparing. XENOPHON, ex rec. G. Dindorfii, 12s. 6d. C. TEXTS WITH NOTES. [Among the following editions the best, speaking gener- ally, are contained in the Bibliotheca Classica, the Clarendon Series, Macmillan’s Classical Series, and the Catena Classicorum, and in the German Series of Weidmann and Teubner.] - BIBLIOTHECA CLASSICA. GEORGE BELL AND SONS. A Series of Greek and Latin Authors. With English Notes. 8vo. cloth. Edited by various Scholars, under the direction of G. LONG, M.A., formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and the late Rev. A. J. MACLEANE, M.A., Head Master of King Edward's School, Bath. AESCHYLUs, by F. A. Paley, M.A., new edition, revised, 18s. CICERo's ORATIONs, by G. Long, M.A., 4 vols., 31.4s. Vol. I., 2nd ed., 16s. Vol. II. 14s. Vol. III., 16s. Vol. IV., 18s. DEMOSTHENES, by R. Whiston, M.A., Head Master of Rochester Grammar School. Vol. I., 16s. Vol. II., 16s. EURIPIDEs, by F. A. Paley, M.A., 3 vols., 16s. each. - HoMER. Vol. I., Iliad 1–12, with Introduction, by F. A. Paley, M.A., 12s. Vol. II. 13–24, 14S F 66 * SERIAL LIST. HERODOTUS, by Rev. J. W. Blakesley, B.D., Dean of Lincoln, 2 vols., 328. HESIOD, by F. A. Paley, M.A., 10s. 6d. HoRACE, by Rev. A. J. Macleane, M.A., new edition, revised by George Long, 18s. JUVENAI, and PERSIUs, by Rev. A. J. Macleane, M.A. Trinity College, Cambridge, a new edition, revised by George Long, 12s. THE ANNALS of TACITUS, by the Rev. P. Frost, 158. PLATO, by W. H. Thompson, D.D., Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. Vol. I., ‘Phaedrus,’ is. 6d. Vol. II., “Gorgias,” 7s. 6d. SOPHOCLES, by the Rev. F. H. Blaydes, M.A., Vol. I., 18s. Contents of Wol. I.:—Oedipus Tyrannus; Oedipus Coloneus; Antigone. TERENCE, by E. St. J. Parry, M.A., 18s. VERGIL, by J. Comington, M.A., late Professor of Latin at Oxford. Vol. I., 3rd ed. The Bucolics and Georgics, 12s. Vol. II., 3rd ed., revised, The Aeneid, Books I. to VI., 148. Vol. III., 2nd ed., concluding the work, 14s. CLASSICAL ATLAS, constructed by W. Hughes, and edited by George Long, new edition, With coloured outlines, 12s. 6d. CAMIBRIDGE TEXTS WITH NOTES. GEORGE BELL AND SONS. Select portions of the Greek and Latin Authors, with Introduction and Notes for Young Students. The Texts are those of the Bibliotheca Classica. In feap. 8vo. 18. 6d. each (except the Ion, price 28.). AESCHYLU.S. Prometheus Vinctus—Septem contra Thebas. By F. A. Paley, M.A. EURIPIDEs. Alcestis — Medea — Hippolytus — Hecuba — Bacchae—Ion — Orestes — Phoenissae. By F. A. Paley, M.A. OvID. Selections from the Amores, Tristia, Heroides, and Metamorphoses. By A. J. Macleane, M.A. - GRAMIMAR SCHOOL CLASSICS. GEORGE BELL AND SONS. A Series of Greek and Latin Authors, with English Notes, edited by eminent Scholars, especially for Use in Public Schools. Fop. 8vo, cloth. CAESAR : DE BELLO GAILICO, edited by George Long, M.A., new edition, 5s. 6d. — — Books I-III., with English Notes for Junior Classes, by George Long, M.A., new edition, 2s. 6d. - CATULLUs, Trbullus, and PROPERTIUS, selected Poems, edited by the Rev. A. H. Wratislaw and F. N. Sutton, B.A., with short Biographical Notices of the Poets, 3s.6d. CorxELIUS NEPOs, edited by the late Rev. J. F. Macmichael. In the Press. CICERo : DE SENECTUTE, DE AMICITIA, and Select Epistles, edited by George Long, M.A. new edition, 4S. 6d. Hoyer : THE IIIAD, Books I-XII, edited by F.A. Paley, M.A., 6s. 6d. HoRAcE, edited by A. J. May.”ame, M. A., with a Short Life, new edition, revised, 68. 6d. or in 2 parts, 34 [ć £ack - SERIAI, IIST. 67 JuvenAL, Sixteen Satires, Expurgated, by Herman Prior, M.A., 4s. 6d. MARTIAI, Select Epigrams, edited by F. A. Paley, M.A., and the late W. H. Stone, with a Life of the Poet, 6s. 6d. - OvID : The Six Books of the Fasti, edited by F. A. Paley, M.A., new edition, 5s. SALLUST: CATILINA and JUGURTHA, with a Life, edited by George Long, M.A., 58. TACITUS: GERMANIA and AGRICOLA, edited by the Rev. P. Frost, 3s. 6d. VIRGIL: Bucolics, GEORGICs, and AENEID, Books I.-IV., abridged from Professor Comington's Edition, 58. 6d. Books W. and VI., 2s. 6d. Books VII.-XII, in pre- paration. XENOPHON: THE ANABASIS, with Life, Itinerary, Index, and 3 Maps, edited by the late Rev. J. F. Macmichael, new edition, enlarged, 5s. — THE CYROPAEDIA, edited by G. M. Gorham, M.A., new edition, 68. — MEMOBABILIA, edited by Percival Frost, M.A., 4s. 6d. . Uniform with the Series. THE NEW TESTAMENT, IN GREEK, with English Notes and Preface, Synopsis, and Chro- nological Tables, by the late Rev. J. F. Macmichael, B.A., fep. 8vo, (750 pp.), 7s.6d. MR. GEORGE LONG's GRAMMAR SCHOOL ATLAS, 10 Maps, selected from the “Classical Atlas,’ 2nd ed., 5s. CLARENDON PRESS SERIES. MACMILLAN AND CO. 8vo. cloth. Latin Classics. CAESAR. The Commentaries (for Schools), with Maps, etc., by Charles E. Moberly, M.A. Part I. The Gallic War. Extra feap. 8vo., cloth, 4s. 6d. Part II. The Civil War. 2S. CATULLUS. #1 crit... by Robinson Ellis, M.A., 16s. Commentary, 16s. Selections, text, 3S. 60. CIGERO's PHILIPPIC ORATIONS, by the Rev. J. R. King, M.A., demy 8vo., price 10s. 6d. CICERO. Select Letters, with Introductions and Appendices, by Albert Watson, M.A., demy 8vo., cloth, price 18s, Text alone, 4s. — PRO CLUENTIO, with Introduction, by the late Professor W. Ramsay, M.A., edited by G. G. Ramsay, M.A., extra foap. 8vo., cloth, price 3s. 6d. —-- Selection of Interesting and Descriptive Passages, by Henry Walford, M.A., in three Parts, extra foap. 8vo., cloth, price 4s. 6d. Each Part separately, in limp cloth, - ls. 6d. — Selected Letters for Schools, by C. E. Prichard, M.A., and E. R. Bernard, M.A., extra feap. 8vo., 3s, - —, DE ORATORE, Book I., Wilkins, 6s. CoRNRLICs NEPOs, by Oscar Browning, M.A., extra feap. 8vo., price 2s. 6d. FRAGMENTS AND SPECIMENS OF EARLY LATIN. Wordsworth, 18s. HoRACE. Wickham. Vol. I. (Odes), 12s. LIvy, Books I-X., by J. R. Seeley, M.A., Book I., 8vo., cloth, 6s. — Extracts from, with Maps, by H. Leewarner, M.A. Part I. Caudine Disaster, Part II, Hannibal's Campaign in Italy, Part III. Macedonian War, each ls. 6d. OvID, Selections for the use of Schools, with Introductions and an Appendix on the Roman Calendar, by the late Professor W. Ramsay, M.A., edited by G. G. Ramsay, M.A., 2nd ed., extra feap, 8vo., price 5s. 6d. - 68 - SERIAL LIST. PLINY, Selected Letters for Schools, by C. E. Prichard, M.A., and E. R. Bernard, M.A., extra foap. 8vo., 3s. SELECTIONS FROM THE LEss KNowN LATIN POETs, by North Pinder, M.A., demy 8vo., cloth, price 15s. PASSAGES FOR TRANSLATION INTO LATIN, for the use of Passmen and others, Selected by J. Y. Sargent, M.A., 2nd ed., extra feap. 8vo., cloth, price 2s. 6d. - PERSIUs, The Satires, with a Translation and Commentary, and a Lecture on the Life and Writings of Persius, by Professor Comington, edited by H. Nettleship, extra feap. 8vo., price is. 6d. Greek Classics. A GREEK PRIMER IN ENGLISH, for the use of Beginners, by the Right Rev. Charles Wordsworth, D.C.L., extra feap. 8vo., cloth, 1s. 6d. (#REEK VERBs, IRREGULAR AND DEFECTIVE, by W. Veitch, LL.D., new edition, crown 8vo., cloth, price 10s. 6d. AESCHYLUs, PROMETHEUS, Prickard, 2s. DEMOSTHENES and AESCHINEs, the Orations on the Crown, with Introductory Essays, by G. A. Simcoac, M.A., and W. H. Simcoac, M.A., 8vo., 12S. - THE GOLDEN TREASURY OF ANCIENT GREEK PoETRY, with Introductory Notices, by R. S. Wright, M.A., extra feap. 8vo., cloth, price 8s. 6d. - THE Golden TREASURY OF GREEK PROSE, with Introductory Notices, by R. S. Wright, M.A., and J. E. L. Shadwell, M.A., extra feap. 8vo., cloth, price 4S. 6d. THE ELEMENTs oF GREEK AccENTUATION (for Schools), abridged from his larger work, by H. W. Chandler, M.A., extra feap. 8vo., cloth, 2s. 6d. Sophocles, the Plays and Fragments, with Introductions, by Lewis Campbell, M.A., in Two Volumes. Vol. I. : Oedipus Tyrannus, Oedipus Coloneus, Antigone, 8vo. cloth, 14s. —, Separate Plays, with Notes by Campbell and Ev. Abbott, 6 vols., each 28. Text alone, 4s. 6d. —, OEDIPUs R.Ex, Dindorf’s Text, by the Ven. Archdeacon Basil Jones, M.A., extra feap. 8vo., cloth, 4s. 6d.; XIII—XXIV., 5s. THEocRITUs (for Schools), by H. Snow, M.A., extra feap. 8vo., cloth, 4s. 6d. HoMER, ODYSSEY, Books I.-XII. (for Schools), by the Rev. W. W. 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Pretor, M.A., 3s. 6d. HomeRI ILIAs, edited by S. H. Reynolds, M.A. Books I. to XII., 6s. TERENTII CoMoEDIAE, edited by T. L. Papillon, M.A. Andria et Eunuchus, 4s. 6d. HERODOTI HISTORIA, edited by H. G. Woods, M.A., Book I., 6s. ; Book II., 5s. HoRATI OPERA, by J. M. Marshall, M.A., Vol. I., Odes, 7 s. 6d. TACITI HISTORIAE, by W. H. Simcoac, M.A., Books I., II., 6s. ; Books III.-W., 6s. MACMILLAN'S CLASSICAL SERIES, FOR, COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. CICERO. The Second Philippic Oration. John E. B. Mayor. 5s. — The Catiline Orations. A. S. Wilkins. 3s. 6d. — Pro Lege Manilia. A. S. Wilkins. 3s. 6d. — The Academica. James Reid. 4s. 6d. DEMOSTHENES. The Oration on the Crown, and Aeschines against Ctesiphon. B. Drake. 5s. Honºr’s ODYSSEY. The Narrative of Odysseus, Books IX.-XII. John E. B. Mayor. Part I. 3s. (To be completed shortly.) 70 SERIAL LIST. JUVENAL. Select Satires. John E. B. Mayor. Satires XII.-XVI., 3s. 6d. Satires X. and XI., 3s LIVY. Hannibal's First Campaign in Italy, Books XXI. and XXII. W. W. Capes. 58. SALLUST. Catiline and Jugurtha. C. Merivale. 48. 6d. Or separately, 2s. 6d. each. TACITUS. Agricola and Germania. A. J. Church and W. J. Brodribb. 3s. 6d. Or Separately, 2s. each. — The Annals, Book VI. By the same Editors. 2s. 6d. - TERENCE. Hauton Timorumenos. E. S. Shuckburgh. 3s. With translation, 4s. 6d. THUCYDIDEs. The Sicilian Expedition, Books VI. and VII. Percival Frost. 5s. XENOPHON. Hellenica, Books I. and II. H. Hailstone. 4s. 6d. The following are in preparation :- AESCHYLUS. A. O. Prickard. I. Persae. CATULLUS. Select Poems. F. P. Simpson. CICERO. Pro Roscio Amerino. From the German of Karl Halm. E. H. Domkin. DEMOSTHENEs. First Philippic. T. Gwatkin. EURIPIDES. Alcestis. J. E. C. Welldon. — Bacchae. E. S. Shuckburgh. — Iphigeneia at Aulis. J. P. Mahaffy. — Medea. A. W. Verrall. HERODOTUS. Books VII. and VIII. The Invasion of Greece by Xerxes, T. Case. HOMER's ILIAD. The Story of Achilles. J. H. Pratt and Walter Leaf. LYSIAs. Select Orations. E. S. Shuckburgh. MARTIAL. Select Epigrams. H. M. Stephenson. OvID. Select Epistles. E. S. Shºwckburgh. — Fasti. G. H. Hallam. - PLATO. Four Dialogues on the Trial and Death of Socrates, viz. Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, and Phaedo. C. W. Mowle. PROPERTIUS. Select Poems. J. P. Postgate. THUCYDIDES. Books I. and II. H. Broadbent. — Books IV. and W. C. E. Graves. a MACMILLAN's ELEMENTARY CLASSICS. VIRGIL. The Fifth Aeneid. The Funeral Games. A, Calvert. Is. 6d. HoRACE. The First Book of the Odes. T. E. Page. (Nearly ready.) OvID. Selections from the Fasti and Epistles. E. S. Shuckbwrgh. (Nearly ready. CAESAR. The Second and Third Campaigns of the Gallic War. W. G. Rutherford. (Nearly ready.) THUCYDIDEs, Book IV. Ch. 1–41. The Siege of Pylos. C. E. Graves. (Nearly ready.) HERODOTUS. Selections from Books VII, and VIII. The Expedition of Xerxes. A. H. Cooke. (Nearly ready.) e THE GREEK ELEGIAC PoETs. Selections. Herbert Kynaston. (In preparation.). HOMER’s ILIAD. Book XVIII. The Arms of Achilles. S. R. James. (In preparation.) LIVY. Scenes from the Hannibalian War. G. C. Macaulay. (In preparation.) VIRGIL. The Second Georgic. J. H. Skrine. (In preparation.) - LIVY. The Last Two Kings of Macedon. Scenes from the Last Decade of Livy. F. H. Rawlins. (In preparation.) - HoRACE. Selections from the Epistles and Satires. W. J. V. Baker. (In preparation.) CAESAR. Scenes from the Fifth and Sixth Books of the Gallic War. C. Colbeck. (In preparation.) SERIAL LIST. 71 TEXTS WITH SHORT NOTES. PARKER AND CO. Uniform with the * OXFORD POCKET CLASSICS ':— - GIR, EIEK, LATIN. SoPHocf, Es— s. d. I VIRGIL— s. d. Ajax ί• . • . * • . • • 1 0 Bucolic8 . . . . . . . . 1 0 Electra, cù • • • • 1 0 Georgics . . . . . . . . 2 0 Oedipus Rex '. • • • 1 0 Aeneid, Books I.—III. . . . . 1 0 Oedipus Colomeus . . . . . 1 0 Antigone . . . . . . • • 1 0 | HoRACE— Philoctetes . . . . . . . 1 0 Satires . . . . . . . . 1 0 Trachiniae . . . . . . . l 0 Odes and Epodes . . . . . 2 0 EURIPIDEs— Epistles and Ars Poetica . . . l 0 Hecuba . . . . . . . • 1 0 Medea . . . . . . 1 0 | PHAEDRUS— Orestes . . . . . 1 0 Fables . . . . . . . . 1 0 Hippolytus . . . . . . 1 0 Phoenissae . . . . .\ 1 0 | LTvY— Alcestis . . . . . . . l 0 IBooks XXI.—XXIV. . . . . 4 0 Eacchae . . . . . . l 0 . AESCHYLUS— SALLUST— IPersae . . . . . . . . 1 0 Jugurtha . . . . . . . 1 6 Prometheus Vinctus . . . . 1 0 Catiline . . . . . . . . l 0 Septem contra Thebas . . . 1 0 Agamemnom . . . . . . 1 0 I TACITUS— Choephoroe . . . . . . 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Neatly primted in 12mo., sewed. AESCHINEs, c. Ctes. Weidmer, 2s. 6d. AESCHYLUS, Agamemnon, von F. W. Schmeidewin, 3s. — Perser, von L. Schiller, ls. 6d. 72 SERIAL LIST. ARISTOPHANES, won Th. Kock. Wolken, 3rd ed., 2s. 6d. Frosche, 2nd ed., 2s. Ritter, 2nd ed., 2s. Vogel, 2nd ed., 3s, ARRIAN's Anabasis, von C. Sintenis, 2 vols., 2nd ed., map, 4s. CAESAR de Bello Gall, von F. Kramer u. Dittenberger, 10th ed., 3s. CAESAR de Bello Civili, von Kramer u. Fr. Hofmann, 7th ed., 3s. CIGERO's ausgewählte Briefe, von Fr. Hofmann u. Andresen, 2 vols. 6s. — Reden, von K. Halºn : — — für Roscius u. d. Imperium Pompeii, 8th ed., 1s. 6d. — — gegen Caecilius u. gegen Verres IV. W., 7th ed., 3s. — — gegen Catilina, für Sulla u. Archias, 10th ed., ls. 6d. — — für Sestius, 4th ed., ls. 6d. — — für Milo, Ligarius u. Dejotarus, 7th ed., ls. 6d. — — für Murena, 3rd ed., 1s. 6d. — — Philippica I. II., 4th ed., 1s. 6d. — Brutus, von O. Jahn u. Eberhard, 4th ed., 2s. 6d. — Orator, von O. Jahn, 3rd ed., 2s. — Cato major, von J. Sommerbrodt, 8th ed., 1s. — Laelius, von C. W. Nauck, 7th ed., 1s. — Tusculanae, von G. Fischer u. G. Soroſ, 7th ed., 3s. — de natura deorum, von G. F. Schömann, 4th ed., 3s. — de officiis, von O. Heine, 5th ed., 3s. — de finibus bonor. et malor., won D. Böckel, Buch I. II., 1s. 6d. DEMOSTHENES’ Reden, von A. Westermann, Philippicae, 7th ed., 4s. — — vom Kranze und gegen Leptines, 5th ed., 2s. 6d. gegen Aristokrates, Konon, Eubulides, 2nd ed., 2s. EURIPIDES, Bakchen, von F. G. Schöne, 2nd ed., 1s. 4d. — Iphigemia Taur., Von H. Köchly, 3rd ed., 2s. 6d. HERODOTOS, von H. Stein, 5 vols., 14s. Buch I., 4th ed., 38. 33 II., 3rd ed., 2s. 6d. 3 * III. u. IV., 3rd ed., 48. 33 V. u. VI., 3rd ed., 2s. 6d. ,, VII., 3rd ed., 2s. 6d. ,, VIII, u. IX., 3rd ed., 3s. HOMER's Odyssee, von Faesi und Kayser, 7th ed., 3 vols., 6s. — Iliade, von Faesi u. Franke, 5th ed., 4 vols., 8s. 6d. HORATIUs, Odes, Schütz, 3S. IsokrATES, Panegyricus und Areopagiticus, von R. Rauchenstein, 4th ed., 2s. Livius, von W. Weissenborn. Buch 1 u. 2, 6th ed., 8s. 6d. ,, 3–5, 4th ed., 38. 6d. ,, 6–10, 4th ed., 5s. 6d. ,, 21–23, 6th ed., 8s. 6d. ſº , 24–26, 3rd ed., 8s. ,, 27–30, 3rd ed., 5s. 6d. ,, 31 -34, 2nd ed., 38. , 35–38, 2nd ed., 8s. 6d. ,, 39–42, 2nd ed., 58. ,, 43–45, 3s. LUCIAN's ausgewöhlte Schriften, von J. Sommerbrodt, 3 vols., 6s. LYCURGUS c. Leocratem, Nicolai, 1s. LYSIAs’ ausgewahlte Reden, von R. Rauchenstein, 7th ed., 3s. CoRN ELIUs NEPos, von K. Nipperdey und Lupus, 7th ed. Is. 6d. Ovid's Metamorphosen, von M. Haupt und Korn, 2 vols., 6s. PHAEDRUS, von F. E. Raschig und R. Richter, 3rd ed., 1s. PLATON's Protagoras, von H. Sawppe, 3rd ed., 1s. 6d. PLINIANA Chrestomathia, von L. Urlichs, 3s. 6d. PLAUTUs, von A. O. F. Lorenz, Mostellaria, 2s. 6d. Miles gloriosus, 2s. 6d.; Pseudolus, 3s. 6d. PLUTARCH, von C. Sintenis und R. Hercher, Aristides und Cato Maior, 3rd ed., 1s. 6d. — Agis und Cleomenes, 3rd ed., 1s. 6d. — Themistokles und Perikles, 3rd ed., 1s. 6d. QUINTILIANI liber X., von E. Bonnell, 4th ed., 1s. SALLUSTIUS, von R. Jacobs und Wirz, 7th ed., 2s. 6d. SoPHOKLES, von Schneidewin und Nawcle, 7 parts, each play 28. SERIAL LIST. 73 TACITUs' Annalen, von K. Nipperdey, 2 vols., 6s. 6d. TERENTIUS, Andria, Spengel, 2s. 6d. THUKYDIDEs, von J. Classen, 8 parts, at 2s. 6d., each. VERGIL, von Th. Jadewig und Schaper, Bucolica und Georgica, 6th ed., 2s. 6d. — Aeneide, 6th ed., 2 vols., 58. XENOPHON's Anabasis, von C. Rehdantz, 4th ed., 2 vols., 5s. — Cyropaedie, von F. K. Hertlein, 2 vols., 3rd ed., 5s. — Hellenica, Breitenbach, 3 vols. 9s. —— Memorabilien, von L. Breitenbach, 5th ed., 38. TEUBNER'S GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS, For Colleges, with Explanatory German Notes. Neatly printed in 8vo., sewed. AESCHYLos Agamemnon, von Enger u. Gilbert, 2nd ed., 3s. — Perser, von Teuffel, 1s. 6d. — Prometheus, von Wecklein, 2s. 6d. — — von Schmidt, 1s. 6d. ANTHOLOGIE aus den griech. Lyrikern, von Buchholz, 2 vols., 3s. 6d. ARISTOPHANES, Die Wolken, von Tewffel, 2s. ARRIAN's Anabasis, von Abicht, 2 vols., 5s. CAESAR de Bello Gall. von Doberenz, 3s. — de Bello Civili, von Doberenz, 2s. 6d. CICERo de Officiis, von Gruber, 2s. — Laelius, von Lahmeyer, 103. — Cato major, von Lahmeyer, 10d. —— —, Meissner, 8d. — Rede für Plancius, von Köpke, 1s. 6d. —— — für Sestius, von Koch, u. Eberhard, 1s. 4d. — — für Roscius, von Richter u. Fleckeisen, 1s. 4d. — — für Milo, von Richter, 1s. 4d. — — für Murena, von Koch, ls. — — für Sulla, von Richter, 10d. — — für Marcellus, Ligarius, Deiotarus, von Richter u. Eberhard, 1s. 4d. — — gegen Werres, lib. iv. u. v., von Richter u. Eberhard, each 3s. — — gegen Catilina, von Richter u. Eberhard, 1s. 4d. — Divinatio in Caecilium, Richter, 8d. — iib. d. Imperium d. Pompeius, Richter u. Eberhard, 10d. — Philippische Reden, I. u. II., Koch, 1s. 4d. — f. Archias, von Richter u. Eberhard, 8d. — Orator, von Piderit, 2s. 6d. — de Oratore, von Piderit, 5s. 6d. — Brutus, won Piderit, 3s. — Partitiones orat., von Piderit, 1s. 4d. — Somn. Scip., Meissner, 2nd ed., 8d. — Tusculanae disputat., von Heine, 3s. — de Finibus, von Holstein, 3s. 6d. — ausgewöhlte Briefe, von Frey, 3s. CHRESTOMATHIA Ciceron, von Lüders, 3s. 6d. CORNELIUS NEPOS, von Siebelis, 1s. 6d. — von Ebeling, ls. - CURTIUs, Vogel, 2 vols., 5s. 6d. DEMOSTHENES’ ausgewöhlte Reden, von Rehdantz (Philippics), 2 vols. 5s. 6d. ELEGIE, die Römische, Vol2, 2s. 6d. G. 74 SERIAL LIST. EURIPIDES, Phoenissae, Kinkel, 1s. — Medea, Wecklein, 2s. 6d. — Iphig. in Taur., Wecklein, 2s. HERODOT., von Abicht, 6 vols. 158. HomeR's Odyssee, von Ameisu. Hentze, 5 parts, each 1s. 10d. — Anhang, 4 parts, each 1s. 4d. - — Iliad, von Ameis u. Hentze, 4 parts, each 1s. 4d. — — Anhang, 4 parts, each ls. — — La Roche, 6 parts, each 1s. 6d. HoRAz’ Oden u. Epoden, von Nauck, 3s. — Satiren u. Episteln, von Krüger, 3s. — Satiren, Fritzsche, 4s. 6d. ISOKRATES. Demonicus, Euagoras, Areopagiticus, won Schneider, Is. 6d. — Panegyricus und Philippus, von Schneider, 2s. LIVIUS, lib, i. M. Müller, 1s. 6d. ; lib. ii. Frey, 1s. 4d. ; M. Müller, 1s. 6d. ; lib. xxi., xxii. Wölfflin, 3s. ; lib. xxiv. M. Müller, 1s. LUCIAN’s ausgewöhlte Dialoge, von Jacobitz, I., 1s. 4d.; II. et III., each 1s. 6d. LYRURGOs, von Rehdantz, 2s. 6d. LYSIAS' ausgewahlte Reden, von Frohberger, Vol. I., 2s. 6d. ; II., 2s. ; III. 2s. OvID's Metamorphosen, von Siebelis u. Polle, 2 vols., 3s.6d. . — Fasti, Peter, 2 vols., 4s. 6d. PHAEDRUS, von Siebelis u. Eckstein, 1s. PLATON's Wertheidigungsrede des Sokrates, Kriton, von Cron, 1s. 4d. — Gorgias, von Dewschle, 2s. 6d. ; Anhang, 1s. 2d. — Laches, von Cron, 10d. Euthyphron, von Wohlrab, 8d. PLAUTI Trinummus, von Bria:, 1s. 6d. — Miles Gloriosus, von Bria:, 2s. — Protagoras, von Deuschle, 1s. 3d. — Captivi, Menaechmi, von Briz, each 1s. 4d. PLUTARCH's Philopoemen u. Flamininus, von Siefert, 1s. 2d. — Timoleon und Pyrrhos, von demselbem, ls. 6d. — von Blass. Themistokles u. Perikles, 1s. 6d. — — Aristides u. Cato, 1s. 2d. — — Agis u. Kleomenes, 1s. 2d. — — Tiberius u. Gaius Gracchus, 1s. 2d. QUELLENBUCEI (Histor.) zur Griech. Gesch., von Herbst u. Bawmeister, 2 vols., 48. — zur Römischen Geschichte, von Weidmer, 3 vols., 8s. 6d. QUINTILIANI Institutionis orat. liber x. von Krüger, 1s. SALLUSTI de Catilinae conjuratione, von Dietsch, 2s. 6d. SOPHOOLES, von Gust. Wolff. Ajax, Elektra, Antigone, Oed. Rex, each 1s. 6d. SUPPLEMENTUM lectionis Graecae, von Hoffmann, 2s. TACITUs’ Historien, von Heraeus, 2 vols. 5s. — Annalen, Draeger, 2 vols., 68. — Agricola, Draeger, 10d. — De Oratoribus, Andresen, 1s. TERENTIUs, Hauton Timor. Wagner, 1s. 6d. — Phormio, Dziatzlco, 1s. 6d. THEokBTT's Idyllen, von Fritzsche, 3s. THURYDIDEs, von Böhme, 4 parts, each 2s. VERGIL, Aen. 4 parts, Kappes, 1s. 6d. each. — Bucol. u. Georg., Kappes, 28. XENOPHON's Anabasis, von Wollbrecht, 2 vols., 3s 6d, — Anabasis, von Kühner, map, 2s. — Cyropädie, von Breitenbach, 3s.6d. Griechische Geschichte, von Büchsenschütz, 2 parts, 3s. 6d. — Memorabilien, von Kühner, 2s. • SERIAL LIST. 75 D. TEXTS witH WOCABULARIES. W H IT E'S GRAMMAR-SCHOOL TEXTS, LONG MAN. With Vocabularies. Edited by JoHN T. WHITE, D.D., Oxon. In course of Publication, in 32mo., each TEXT bound in cloth. XENOPHON, First Book of the Anabasis, 18. 6d. — Second Book of the Anabasis, 1s. HORACE, First Book of the Odes, 1s. VIRGIL, Fourth Book of the Georgics, 1s. — First Book of the Aeneid, 1s. — Second Book of the Aeneid, 1s. — Third Book of the Aeneid, 1s. — Sixth Book of the Aeneid, 1s. CAESAR, First Book of the Gallic War, 'ls —-- Third Book of the Gallic War, 9.1. — Fourth Book of the Gallic War, 9d. — Fifth Book of the Gallic War, 1s. — Sixth Book of the Gallic War, 1s. NEPOS, Miltiades, Cimon, Pausanias, and Aristides, 9d. PHAEDRUS, Selection of familiar and usually read Fables, 9d. — First and Second Books of Fables, 1s. OvID, Select Myths from the Metamorphoses, 9d. 76 • SERIAL LIST. E. INTRODUCTIONS TO CLASSICAL AUTHORS, BLACKWOOD'S ANCIENT CLASSICS FOR ENGLISH READERS. In Crown 8vo., each vol. 2s. 6d., bound in cloth. Edited by the Rev. W. LUCAS Co.LLINS, M.A. AESCHYLUS, R. S. Coplestone. ARISTOPHANES, the Editor. ARISTOTLE, Sir A. Grant. CAESAR, Anthony Trollope. CATULLUS, TIBULLUS, and PROPERTIUS, James Davies. CICERO, the Editor. DEMOSTHENES,. W. J. Brodribb. EURIPIDES, W. B. Domine. GREEK ANTHOLOGY, Lord Neaves. HERODOTUS, G. C. Swayne. HESIOD and THEOGNIS, James Davies. HOMER’s lliad, the Editor. — Odyssey, the Editor. HORACE, Theodore Marlin. JUVENAL, E. Walford. LIVY, the Editor. LUCIAN, the Editor. LUCRETIUS, Mallock. OvID, A. Chºwrch. PINDAR, F. D. Morice. PLATO, C. W. Collins. PLAUTUS and TERENCE, the Editor. PLINY, A. Chºwrch and W. J. Brodribb. SoPHOCLES, C. W. Collins. TACITUS, W. B. Donne. THUCYDIDEs, the Editor. VIRGIL, the Editor. XENOPHON, Sir A. Grant. The stereotype series published by C. Tauchnitz (Holtze) includes some Authors which are not contained in any other series. A list may be obtained from any foreign bookseller. - The list of Bohn's series of Classical Translations may be obtained from the publishers, Messrs. George Bell and Sons. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. G U ID E TO THE CHOICE OF CLASSICAL B00KS. BY JOSEPH BICKERSTETH MAYOR, M.A. SUPPLEMENTARY LIST. LONDON : GEORGE BELL AND SONS, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. DEIGHTON, BELL, AND CO., CAMBRIDGE. 1885. CONTENTS. wi-coe- SELECT LIST OF EDITIONS dº ſº tº º e tº * @ HELPS TO THE STUDY OF ANCIENT AUTHORS. COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY .. tº º GREEK LANGUAGE LATIN LANGUAGE tº º HISTORY OF ANCIENT NATIONs 23 2, LITERATURE .. tº ſº tº tº 29 ,, PHILOSOPHY .. & © & e gº tº GEOGRAPHY ANTIQUITIES .. g & • * e G iº FINE ARTS .. tº & gº tº tº tº MYTHOLOGY AND RELIGION .. tº tº tº gº tº Q gº ºf ILLUSTRATIVE FICTION © tº tº º tº gº e iſ e ſº PHILOLOGICAL AND CLASSICAL PERIODICALS SERIAL LIST. A.—TEXTs. Weidmann .. Teubner .. gº º & Cº. tº e tº º B.—TEXTs, witH NOTEs. Weidmann .. tº º tº º tº ſº 40 º tº tº PAGE 18 18 20 20 21 21 22 22 24 24 26 30 31 Teubner .. a tº a º gº º gº tº tº º Freund ſº gº tº tº tº tº gº ... .. PATROLOGIAE CURSUs & Cº * tº e J & gº tº 32 32 33 37 PREFA CE. -ek-e- THE letters which I have received from Headmasters and others, testifying to the use of the two former editions of my “Guide to the Choice of Classical Books,” have induced me to undertake for the third time a somewhat tedious and ungrateful labour. I should be glad if I could hope that the Universities, acting either through their Boards of Studies or Library Syndicates, would be prepared to take up the work for themselves, and put out similar lists from time to time for each department of study. Not only would the work be done more easily and more judiciously by the co-operation of several scholars than by the unassisted efforts of one, but a combined Guide for several depart- ments of study would be interesting to a larger circle, and therefore probably more profitable (or should I rather say, less unremunera- tive 2) than a Guide for a single department. The present Supplementary List contains the names of books published during the last six years, together with a few older books which had been overlooked in the Guide. As in the former lists, the selection has been made mainly with a view to practical utility in reference to the Ordinary course of classical study, but I have thought it might be convenient to some if I added a list of Classical Periodicals and also of the Abbé Migne's Cursus Patrologiae. To those who desire further information on points of Bibliography, I would recommend, besides the books mentioned in the Preface to my last edition, Preuss' edition of Engelmann's Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum, in 2 vols., 1880–81 (Scriptores Graeci, 20s., Scriptores Latini, 16s.), and the two catalogues brought out this year by Messrs. Nutt, “Foreign Editions of the Greek and 4. PREFACE. Latin Classics” and “Foreign Works relating to Classical An- tiquity,” both of which I have found of great use in drawing up my own list. I have also to thank Mr. Edward Bell, and Mr. Alfred Smith of the firm of Messrs. Deightons, Cambridge, for their kindness in supplying me with the names of English and Foreign publications. ** December, 1884. G-U ID E TO THE CHOICE OF CIASSICAL BOOKS. SUPPLEMENTARY LIST. [The books to which a star is prefixed are especially recommended.] AESCHINES-ANTIPHON. Aeschines. (See Oratores Attici.) in CTESIPHONTEM. (See Demosthenes DE CORONA) Eng. Gwatkin. (Preparing.) Macmillan. Aeschylus. (See Poetae Scenici.) Text, Kirchhoff, 38. 6d. (F) .. is tº & © e G 1880 AGAMEMNON. Eng. F. A. Paley, 1s. 6d. Bell .. 1880 *A. Sidgwick, 3s. Oxford tº tº 1881 CHOEPHOROE. Ed. crit. Paley, 7s.6d. Camb. EUMENIDEs. Eng. Paley, 1s. 6d. Bell de & e dº 1880 PERSAE, Eng. Prickard, 3s.6d. Macmillan. Paley, 1s. 6d. Bell .. gº tº tº tº 1880 Translation. Eng. W. Swanwick, 5s. Bell. tº º © tº 1881 Agam. Choeph. Eum. Morshead, 7s. Paul 1881 * Supplices. Morshead, 3s. 6d. Paul * * 1SS3 Andocides. (See Oratores Attici.) Text, Blass, 2nd ed., 1s. 6d. (F) .. gº tº & Cº. 1880 Antiphon. (See Oratores Attici.) Text, Blass, 2nd ed., 2s. 6d. (F) .. & & tº a 1881 6 ANTONINUS—ARISTOTELES. Antoninus (Marcus Aurelius). Text, Stich, 2s. 6d. (F) tº tº • * • * 5 * I3k. iv. Text, Translation and Notes, Hastings Crossley, 6s. Macmillan. Translation. Fr. with Notes, Pierron, 3s. (F) © tº tº a Marc-Aurèle, Renan, 6s. 6d. (F.) .. to o Aratus. DIOSEMEIA. Trans, with Notes, Poste, 3s.6d. Macmillan .. - tº gº tº & © • * o Aristophanes. ACHARNENSES. Eng. n. Merry, 2s. Oxf. AVES. Lat. n. Blaydes, 10s. (F) .. & Cº gº to ECCLESIAZUSAE. Lat. n. Blaydes, 48. (F) .. Von Velsen, 2s. 6d. LYSISTRATA. Lat. n. Blaydes, 6s. (F) e ‘º gº tº PAX. Lat. n. Blaydes, 68. (F) tº tº © tº sº tº PLUTUS. Green, 3s.6d. Cambridge. Lat. n. Blaydes, 6s. (F) .. - - is tº Von Velsen, 2s. .. º & e tº RANAE, *Merry, 2s. Oxford. tº e tº tº tº 4 Lat. n. Von Velsen, 3s. .. tº e THESMOPHORIAZUSAE. Lat. m. Blaydes, 5s. (F) .. Von Velsen, 2s. º tº Translation. Eng. W. Tyrrell, (Acharn.) 2s. 6d. Dublin. . . Complete Concordance. Dunbar, 4to., 21s. Oxford .. e e Aristoteles. DE ANIMA. Eng. n. and Trans., Wallace, 18s. Cambridge .. tº ſº © e & ſº º ºg ETHICA, NIC. Text, Susemihl, 2s. 6d. (F) .. e & PoETICA. Ger. (Tr. and Notes) Brandscheid, 4s. (F) French (Trans. and Notes) Parnajow and Egger, 38. 6d. (F) tº tº • & e tº PoDTTICA. Eng. Hicks (after SuSemihl). (In the press.) Macmillan. Translations. Eng. ETHICS. Peters, 6s. Paul tº e * * METAPHYSICS. Bk. i. Cambridge Gradu- ate, 5s. Macmillan. (Bk. ii. in the press.) On the Parts of Animals, with Notes. W. Ogle, 12s. 6d. Paul • * • * POLITICS. J. E. C. Welldon, 10s. 6d. Macmillan . e G e - & © Grote’s Aristotle. 2nd ed., with additions. Murray, 12s. Wallace. Outlines of the Philosophy of Aristotle, 48. 6d. Cambridge. J. C. Wilson. Aristotelian Studies. 5s. Oxford. Hatch. Moral Philosophy of Aristotle. 8vo., 218. Murray- 1882 1878 1882 1880 1882 1880 1883 1880 1883 1884 1881 1884 1881 1880 1883 1883 1883 1882 1880 1882 1878 1881 1882 1883 ARISTOTELES-CICERO. Aristoteles— Greek Commentaries on Aristotle. Now in course of publica- tion. 25 vols., roy. 8vo. (F). 5 pts. out, £32s. Trendelenburg, Elementa Logices Aristoteleae, tr. 18. Simpkin Chaignet sur la Psychologie d’Aristote, 10s. a º gº tº Introduction (Anc. Class.), Grant, 2s. 6d. Blackwood. Arrianus. EXPEDITIO ALEXANDRI. Bk. 5, with Eng. n. Moberly, 2s. Rivington. Translation of the Anabasis, with commentary, Chinnock, 7 s. 6d. Hodder .. e e e tº Babrius. *With Dissertations, Notes, and Lexicon. Rutherford, 12s. 6d. Macmillan tº º Caesar. Ed. Crit., Holder, 15s. e is With Earplanatory Notes— BELL. GALL, Eng. bks. ii., iii., with vocab. Rice, 2s. Dublin. bks. iv. and v. Long, 1s. 6d. Bell. bks. i.-iii. Merryweather and Tancock, 3s.6d. Bk. i., 2s. Rivington. bk. i., Walpole, 1s. 6d. Macmillan. *Peskett, bks. i. and ii., 2s. 6d. each; iii. and iv., 18. 6d. each ; iv., v., and vii., 2s. each ; bk. viii. (preparing). Cambridge. SELECTIONS. bks. v. vi. Scenes from, Colbeck, 1s. 6d. Macmillan. Bennett, 2s. Rivington. Lexicon Caesarianum. Menge and Siegmund. (Preparing). Merguet, in 5 parts, pt. i., 5s. .. tº gº e is tº º PSEUDO-CAESARIANUM. Preuss, 8s. .. ge e tº ſº. Cato. DE AGRICULTURA. Keil, 3s. (F) dº º gº º Catullus. With Ea:planatory Notes— German. Riese, 4s. e & tº . tº º French trans. and notes, Rastand an - Benoist, 12s. © & & Cº tº gº SELECTIONS, with ; Notes, Simpson, 5s. Mac- Illllia, Il. ' Introduction (Anc. Class.) Davies, 2s. 6d. Elackwood. Cebetis Tabula. Eng. Notes, Jerram, 2s. 6d. Oxford. Cicero. With Earplanatory Notes— EPISTOLAE- & Selections. Eng. Long, 1s. 6d. Bell .. Jeans, 1s. 6d. Macmillan. Translation. Jeans, 108. 6d. Macmillan. 1881 1883 I884 1883 1882 1884 ISS4 1882 1884 1882 1880 8 CICERO–CURTIUS. Cicero— OPERA PHILOSOPHICA ET REIETORICA– ACADEMICA. Reid, 2nd ed. nearly ready. Translation. Reid, 5s. 6d. Macmillan. DE AMICITIA (LAELIUS). Eng. *Reid, 3s.6d. 2nd ed. Cambridge G. Long, 1s. 6d. Dell .. tº ſº DE SENECTUTE (CATO). Eng. *Reid, 3s.6d. Cambridge. G. Long, 1s. 6d. Pell ſº gº tº DE AMIC. AND SENECT. Heslop, 2s. Oxford. DE FINIBUS. Eng. Reid. (Preparin"). Cambridge. Vol. 3. (Translation). 8s. Cambridge. DE NATURA DEORUM. Eng. (with apparatus criticus and commentary) Jos. B. Mayor, bks. i. and ii., 2 vols., 23s. Cambridge 3rd vol. in the press. DE OFFICIIs. *Holden, 3rd ed. 9s. Cambridge .. SoMNIUM ScIPIONIs. Pearman, 28. Cambridge. DE ORATORE. Eng. * Wilkins, blº. ii. 5s... ORATIONES. Eng. notes. IN VERREM (1). Cowie, 1s. 6d. Cambridge. *PRO RABIRIo. Heitland, 7s.6d. Cambridge. *PRO SESTIO. H. A. Holden, 5s. Macmillan. *PRO PLANCIO. H. A. Holden, 4s. 6d. Cambridge. * PRO SULLA. Reid, 3s.6d. Cambridge. PRO ROSC. AMER. Donkin, 4s. 6d. Macmillan. ORATIONES SELECTAE. Ring (4 Orations), 2s. 6d. Oxford. Germ. *PRO FLACCO. Du Mesnil, 4s. 6d. PRO ROSC. AMER. Landgraf, 6s. (F) . Hirzel, Untersuchungen z. C.’s philosoph. Schriften. Vol. 1 (Nat. Deor.), 5s. Vol. 2 (Fin. Off.), 18s. 1882; vol. 3 (Acad. Tusc.), 12s. wº º sur les fettres de Cicéron, 4s. 6d. . tº º *Lex. z. C.’s Reden. Merguet, 4 vols., 4:9. 9s. .. Comicorum Graecorum Fragmenta. Text, Kock, vol. i., 18s. (F) .. Corpus Juris Civilis. See Gaius. Text, *ICrueger and Mommsen, vol. i. 4to. (INSTITU- TIONES et DIGESTA), 12s. (F) tº gº FCrueger, vol. ii. (CoDEx), 5s. 6d. (F) Schoell, vol. iii. (Nov.PLLAE) 5s. & tº tº º *Roby. Introduction to the Digest, with full commentary on Title DE USUFRUCTU. 18s. Cambridge .. is tº tº o ºr e © e Curtius. Text. Vogel, 1s. 6d. .. © tº * 1884 1880 1880 1884 1883 1879 1881 1883 1884. 187'ſ 1882 1877-84 1880 1882 1877 1884 1884 1880 DEMOSTHENES-EUTROPIUS. 9 Demosthenes. See Oratores Attici. With Eaſplanatory Notes— .* * - Eng. ADV. LEPTINEM. J. R. King, 4s. 6d. Mac- • millan. Eng. FIRST PHILIPPIC. Gwatkin, after Rehdantz, 2s. 6d. Macmillan • * * & 1883 *Against ANDROTION, and against TIMOCRATEs. * - W. Wayte, 7s. 6d. Caumbridge .. & 1883 Germ. DE CORONA. Foac, 6s. tº º tº gº tº º 1880 Introduction to study of Demosthenes. Butcher, 1s. 6d. Macmillan. Introduction. (Anc. Class.) Brodribb, 2s. 6d. Blackwood. -Croiset, Des Idées morales dans l’Eloquence politique de Démosthène, 5S. F tº wº gº tº e gº gº º tº e tº de 1871 Blass, Die attische Beredsamkeit, vol. 3, pt. 1, Demosthenes, 14s. ; pt. 2, Demosthenes Genossen, 9s. gº tº tº º . 1877–1880 Ennius. CARM. REL. L. Müller, 8s. .. * * & © 1884. L. Müller. Einleitung in das Studium der Lat. Poesie, 8s. tº. * 1883 Epictetus. Eng. Trans. Enchiridion, Rolleston, 3s.6d. Paul tº º • *. 1881. Euripides. See Poetae Scenici. Text, Fragments, Nauck, 3s.6d. (F). With Ea:planatory Notes— - Eng. ALCESTIS. Jerram, 2s. 6d. Oxford. BACCHAE, *J. E. Sandys, 10s. 6d. Camb. 1880 HECUBA. Bond and Walpole, 1s. 6d. Mac- millan. HELENA. Jerram, 3s. Oxford. , HERACLIDAE. Beck, 3s. 6d. Cambridge .. 1881 HERC. FUR. F. A. Paley, 1s. 6d. Bell .. 1883 HIPPOLYTUS. Mahaffy, 3s.6d. Macmillan. IPHIGENIA TAUR. England, 4s. 6d. Macmillan. MEDEA. * Verrall, 7s.6d. Smaller ed. 3s.6d. Macmillam .. tº ºt tº Q & a e G 1881 TROADES, Paley, 1s. 6d. Pell .. * @ 1881 * Tyrrell, 4s. Dublin .. gº º 1882 French. Weil, Seven Plays, with notes, 2nd ed. 10s. (F) jº & tº º sº tº * > * tº tº 1879 Germ. Prinz, Medea, 2s. ; Alcestis, 1s. 6d. ; Hecuba, 2s. .. tº º • • 1878–1883 Wecklein, Bacchae, 1s. 6d. .. º º 1879 Berthold, Hippolytus, 2s. 6d. tº º 1880 Introduction to study of Euripides. Mahaffy, 1s. 6d. Macmillan, Introduction, (Anc. Class.) Donne, 2s. 6d. Blackwood. Eutropius. With Eng. Notes, Welch and Duffield, 1s. 6d. Mac- millan, t & e ©2 – e B 2 10 - GAIUS—HOMERUS. Gaius. INSTITUTIONES. Text. *Krueger and Studenund, 3s.6d., 2nd ed. (F.). e *et JUSTINIANI Institutiones (in parallel cols), * Gneist, 2nd ed., 5s. 6d. (F) © & © º Herodotus. With Eaſplanatory. Notes— Eng. bks. i. & iii. Sayce, with notes and disserta- tions, 16s. Macmillan .. e tº º º © tº (Gives the latest views of the Egyptologists) SELECTIONS. Philpotts (Rhampsinitus and Battle of Marathon in Attic Greek), 1s. 6d. Rivington .. e is tº dº Merry, 2s. 6d. Oxford. Hesiodus. - - Introduction. (Anc. Class.) Davies, 28. 6d. Blackwood. Historicorum Romanorum Reliquiae. Peter, 4s. 6d. (F) tº Homerus. r ILIAS. Ed. crit., Christ, vol. i., 8s. (F) .. * * ODYSSEA (restored). Fick, 12s. (F) .. © tº & 0 With Ea:planatory Notes— - Eng. ILIAD. *bks. i., ix., xi., xvi.-xxiv. The Story of Achilles. Pratt and Leaf, 6s. Mac- millan. *bks. 1–12. With introduction and notes. Monro. Oxford. bk. i. Paley, 1s. Bell tº tº tº e bk. i., Fowle (elementary). Longmans bks. iv., 18. 6d.; vi. and xxi., Hail- stone, 1s. 6d. Oxford. bk. vi., Philpotts (for beginners), 28, Rivington. bk. xviii., J. R. James, 1s. 6d. Mac- millan. *bks. xxi. & xxii., Sidgwick, 1s. 6d. ea. bk. xxii., Sandford. Dublin gº tº ODYSSEY. *Hayman, 3 vols. 58s. (sold sepa- rately). Nutt .. g is tº e bk. i., Bond and Walpole, 1s. 6d. - Macmillan. bk. ii., Merry, 1s. 6d. Oxford. bks. xxi.-xxiv. (The Triumph of Odysseus), S. G. Hamilton, 3s. 6d. Macmillan .. & Cº Germ. ILIAD. Ameis and Henze, pts. 1–7, 1s. 6d. ea. Appendix, pts. 1–7, 28. each. o © • *.e. e. 1884 1881 1883 1882 1883 1884 1883 1881 1880 1879 1882 1883 HOMERUS-INSCRIPTIONES4 - 11 JHomerus— Translations. Eng. W. Iliad. Cayley, 7s.6d. Longmans. - - *Lang, Leaf, and Myers, 12s. 6d. Mac- millan. . * * e tº tº º 1883 Odyssey, i.-xii., Du Cane, 10s. 6d, Blackwood. Avia. Paul * * º º gº ºs 1880 Eng. Pr. *Butcher and Lang, 10s. 6d. 2nd ed., with notes. Macmillan . . e G 1879 Green, Similes of the Iliad, trans. with notes, 12s. Longmans. *Grammar of Homeric Dialect. Monro, 10s. 6d. Oxford tº wº 1882 Lexilogus. Goebel, 2 vols. 33s. (F) . . * † tº º tº e 1880 Small Homeric Lexicon, Autenrieth and Keep, 6s. 2nd ed. Mac- millan. Concordance to the O. lyssey and Hymns, Dunbar, 21s. Oxford . . 1880 to the Iliad, Prendergast. Longmans tº * ... 1869–1874 Die Homerischen Realien. Buchholz, vol. ii. pt. 1 (Public Life), 68. vol. ii. pt. 2 (Private Life), 6s., vol. iii. pt. 1 (Religion), 6s. 1883-1884 Horatius. With Erplanatory Notes— - Eng. *ODES and CARMEN SECULARE. Page, 68. Bks. i., ii. and iv., separate, 28, each. Macmillam .. tº º e G a tº tº e 1883 * Wickham, School ed., 5s. 6d. Oxf. 1881 Marshall, bks. i. to iv., 1s. 6d. each. Rivington. *SATIREs. Arthwºr Palmer, 6s. Macmillan. EPISTLEs, bk. ii. and ARS POET. Coac, 2s. Longmans .. tº º tº º tº tº tº º 1880 SELECTIONS. Baker, 1s. 6d. Macmillan. - Beere, 3s. Dublin .. 1882 Lat. *Orelli. Sm. ed. cur. Hirschfelder, 2 vols. §s. - tº e tº º * @ T884. (F) gº tº gº tº Germ. ODEs. L. Müller, 3s. gº tº t © tº 1882 Translation. Eng. W. T. Martin, 2 vols., 2s. Biackwood tº we 1881. * , - - Odes by various translators. Ed. Cooper, 6s. 6d. Bell .. tº º e e tº tº 1880. Germ. Life. L. Müller, 2s. 6d... gº º tº we we tº * * 1880 Epilegomena zu Horaz. Keller, 3 vols., 24s. . . * * e vº 1880 Wörterbuch, Kock, 4s. 6d. .. tº º * * * & ge tº 1879 Inscriptiones. - *MANUAL of GR. HISTORICAL INsc. Hicks, 10s. 6d. Oxford - e & . as tº tº e. tº $. * * 1882 SELECTION OF GREEK INSCR. Roberts. Cambridge. *INSCR. ATTICAE. Wol. 3 (Aetatis Romanae), 2 vols. 88s. (F) . . . . . 1882 *INSCR. GRAEC. ANTIQUISSIMAE (praeter Atticas). Roehl, 16s. (F) .. tº e # * tº º tº tº 1882 SYLLOGE INSCR. GRAEC. Dittenberger, 2 vols., 16s. 1883 * Cauer, ed. 2, 8s. 6d. (F) tº tº tº ſº ye tº 1883 *RES GESTAE DIVI AUGUSTI. (Monumentum Ancyra- num, &c.). Mommsen, ed. 2, 12s. (F) .. tº º 1883 12 INSCRIPTIONES–ORATORES ATTICI. Inscriptiones— *FontFs JURIs Romanſ ANTIQUI, Bruns, 4th ed., 8s. 6d. (F). dº tº tº º o º tº Q & Q Isaeus. See Oratores Attici. Text, Buermann, 3s. (F) 4 * tº gº * @ • * Juvenalis. Introduction. (Anc. Class.) Walford, 2s. 6d. Blackwood. Translation. Thirteen Satires. Strong and Leeper, 38. 6d. Macmillan. Livius. With Eaglanatory Notes— Eng. bk 1. Stephenson, 1s. 6d. Macmillan. bk. 2. H. Belcher, 38. 6d. Rivington ..., bks. 2 and 3. Stephenson, 5s. Macmillan. bks. 5–7. Cluer, 3s.6d. Oxford tº º bk. 21. Nash, 2s. 6d. Longmans. Macaulay, adapted for beginners. 18. 6d. Macmillan. Translation. Bks. xxi.-xxv. Church, and Brodribb, 7s. 6d. Mac- . millan tº a e ‘º * * tº e * † Introduction. (Anc. Class.) Collins, 28.6d, Blackwood. Introduction to study of Livy. Capes, 1s. 6d. Macmillan. Lucanus. The Pharsalia. C. E. Haskins. Bell. (Preparing.) Lucianus. * SELECTIONs. Rice, 2s. Dublin. Introduction. (Anc. Class.) Collins, 2s. 6d. Blackwood. Croiset, Essai sur la vie et les ouvres de L., 6s. 6d. (F) .. • e Lucretius. & Bks. 1–3. Warburton Lee, 4s. 6d. Macmillan .. Bk. 5 (French notes). Benoiste & Lantoine, 38. 6d. Woltjer, Lucretii poemata cum fontibus comparata, 6s. 1877. Introduction. (Anc. Class.) Mallock, 2s. 6d. Blackwood. The Atomic Theory of. J. Masson, 9s. Bell .. tº º tº gº Lysias. See Oratores Attici. With Eaglanatory Notes— Eng: Selections. Shuckburgh, 68. Macmillan .. IMartialis. SELECTIONS (Text and Introduction). Sellar and I?amsey, Edinburgh .. is ſº * * Select Epigrams. Stephenson, 68. Macmillan. Nepos (CORNELIUS). With Ea:planatory Notes— Eng. White (Bradley's ed.), 38. 6d. Longmans. Oratores Attici. Selections with notes. *Jebb, 12s. 6d. Macmillan. *Die attische Beredsamkeit. Blass. Vol. I. (Gorgias to Lysias) 13s. II. (Isokrates and Isaeus) 14s. III. Pt. 1 (Demosthenes). *4s. Pt. 2 (D-mosthenes' Genossen), 9s, tº ſº tº tº w a * 1881 1883 1882 1882 1883 1882 1884 1884 1884 1882 1884 1880 OVIDIUS—PLATO, 13 Ovidius. With. Explanatory Notes— FASTI. Eng. n. *G. H. Hallam, 5s. Macmillan. HEROIDEs. Shuckburgh, 48. 6d. Macmillan. SELECTIONs. Shuckburgh, 1s. 6d. Macmillan. IBIS. *Lat. n. Ellis, 8vo., 10s. 6d. Oxford & © 1882 SELECTIONS. R. W. Taylor, 2s. 6d. Rivington. METAMORPHöSIS. Bk. 13, C. H. Keene, 2s. 6d. Bell. 1884 SELECTIONS. Eng. Notes— Wintle. Easy Passages, 2s. 6d. Eton. Introduction. (Anc. Class.) Church, 2s. 6d. Blackwood. Palaeography. See Inscriptiones. CHATELAIN. Pal. des Classiques Latins, in 10 pts., 6s. each for subscribers ; 10s. for non-subscribers.. 1884 Philosophorum Graecorum Fragmenta. With Lat. Trans. Notes, and Prolegomena. Mullach, 3 vols., roy. 8vo., 37s.6d. (F) .. tº º 1860–1881 *Diels, Doxographi Graeci (Placita Philosophorum), 24s. 1879 Pindarus. With Explanatory Notes— Eng. Fennell (Isthmian and Nemean Odes), 9s. Cambridge. Lexicon Pindaricum. Rumpel, 12s. (F) Introduction. (Anc. Class.) Morice, 2s. 6d. Blackwood Croiset. La poésie de Pindare, 6s. 6d. (F) & © e tº tº ſº I880 Plato. Ed. Crit. Schantz. Vol. II. 2 (Theaetetus), 3s. Vol. W. 1 (Symposium), 2s. 6d. Vol. W. 2 (Phaedrus), 2s. 6d. Vol. VI. 1 (Alcib. Hip- parch. Am. Theages.), 3s. Vol. VI. 2 (Charm. Laches, Lysis.), 2s. 6d. Vol. VII. (Euthyd. Protag), 4s. 6d. Vol. VIII. (Gorg. Meno.), 5s. Vol. XII. (Leg. 1–6),.6s. * Lat. EUTHYDEMUs and LACHES. Badham, 4s. W. & N. SYMPOSIUM. Badham, 4s. W. & N. Eng. EUTHYPHR0. G. H. Wells, 3s. Bell à è 1880 and MENExENUS. Graves, 1s. 6d. & tº gº 1888 Macmillan. REPUBLIC. bks. i. and ii. G. H. Wells, 5s. 6d. Bell • * ë e & 1882 bk. i. Hardy, 38. Longmans .. 1882 EUTHYDEMUs. Wells, 4s. Bell & sº a & 1881 ! ... *THEAETETUS (with a translation). Kennedy, 7s. 6d. Cambridge. *PHAEDO, nn., &c. Archer-Hind, 8s. 6d. Macmillan., * † As º © & tº is 1884 14 PLATO-POETAE GRAECH. Plato— SELECTIONs. Purves, 6s. 6d. Oxfor .. Germ. SYMPOSIUM. Schmelzer, Gorgias, 2s. Apol. Crito, 1s. 6d. Phaedo, 1s. 6d. Schmidt, Theaet., 66. 6d. Translations. Eng. *Eutbyphro, Apology, Chito and Phaedo. F. J. Chºwrch, 4s. 6d. Macmillan. Republic. *Jowett, 2nd ed., 12s. 6d. Oxford .. tº º Introduction. (Anc. Class.) Collins, 2s. 6d. Blackwood. Plautus. Ed. crit. *Ritschl, 2nd ed., Amphitruo, Goetz and Loewe, 48. Asinaria, Goetz and Loewe, 48. Aulularia, 6Poetz, 3s. Curculio, 6Hoetz, 2s. 6d. Mercator, Goetz, 4s. Poenulus, Goetz and Loewe, 58. Stichus, Goetz, 4s. Truculentus, Schoell, 58. In the press, Bacchides, Captivi, Trinummus. With Eaſplanatory Notes— Lat. Ussing. Vol. III., pt. 2 (Epidicus, Mostel- laria, Menaechmi), 13s.6d. Vol. IV., pt. 1 (Miles Gloriosus, Mercator), 12s. ; pt. 2 (Pseudolus, Poenulus), 12s. to º Cº º Ribbeck (Mil. Glor.), 3s. tº e tº ſº gº tº Eng. CAPTIVI. Sonnenschein, 3s. 6d. Sonnenschein TRINUMMUs. Freeman and Sloman, 3s. Oxf. * * MoSTELLARIA. Sommenschein (preparing). Bell. *MILES GLOR. Tyrrell, 5s. Macmillan. .. Sommenschein, Bentley's Plautine Emendations, 2s. 6d. Oxford .. Ritschl, Prolegomena de rationibus criticis, &c., 4s. tº ſº tº º Plinius (MAJ.) Detlefsen, Vol. vi. INDICEs. 5s. Plinius (MIN). Eng. *LETTERS. bk. iii. J. E. B. Mayor and Rendall, 5s. Macmillan. Plutarchus. *LIFE OF THEMISTOKLES. H. A. Holden, 5s. Mac- millan tº gº tº e e e e e gº & tº º Translation. LIVES. Stewart and Long, 4 vols. 14s. Bell * ºf MoRALs. Theosophic Essays, C. W. King, 5s. Bell Poetae Graeci. PoETAE GRAECI. Selections of less known, with Notes, Kynaston, 3s. 6d. Eton. GREEK ELEGIAC PoETs. Selections with Notes, Rynaston. Macmillan. Selections. Text (Anthologia Lyrica), Bergk. (F) 4th ed., 3s.6d. .. & ſº gº tº tº º © Q PoETAE SCENICI. Patin. Etudes sur les Tragiques grecs, 4 vols., 12s. tº ſº. As º Röhler, Die Weisheit der Tragiker (Realconcordanz zu Aeschylos, ... Sophocles, Euripides), 5s. .. 1883 1883 1880) 138] 1883 1881 1880) 1883 1881 1883 1880 1882 1882 1880-2 1882 1883 1883 1883 POETAE LATINI–TACITUS. I5 Poetae Latini. PoETAE MINOREs. Baehrens, 5 vols., 19s. (F) Propertius. Text, L. Müller, 10d. .. tº dº gº º tº º Q & Baehrens, ed. Crit., 68. .. tº & tº ge tº º With Earplanatory Notes. *Liber iv. A. Palmer, 5s. Bell .. & -º © G SELECTIONS. *Postgate, 6s. Macmillan .. Sallustius. With Eaplanatory Notes— CATILINE and JUGURTHA. Frazer, 2 vols. Bell. 5s. Each part separately, 2s. 6d. * Capes, 4s. 6d. Oxford .. * * CATILINE. Cook, 4s. 6d. Macmillan Translation. Catiline and Jugurtha, Pollard, 6s. Macmillan. Seneca (L. ANNAEUs). TRAGOEDIAE. Leo, 2 vols., 10s. 6d. (F) .. tº º PHILOSOPHICAL WORKs. Koch and Vahlen (12 Dialogues), 8s. gº tº & © tº a Sophocles. See Poetae Scenici. Text, Paley, 3s.6d, Bell With Ea:planatory. Notes— Eng. Paley, vol. ii. (Philoctetes, Elec. Trach. Ajax), 12s. Bell .. tº ſº e G tº tº dº ſº *Campbell, vol. ii. (Ajax, Electra, Trach. Philoc. Fragm.), 16s. Oxford .. tº AJAX. Blaydes, 6s. W. & N. ANTIGONE. Paley, 1s. 6d. Bell .. • * OEDIPUs CoI. Paley, 1s. 6d. Bell © ºf OEDIPUs TYRANNUs. Paley, 1s. 6d. Bell .. Arnold, Paul and Brown, 4s. Rivington. *Kennedy (with Trans. in Eng. Rhythm), 6s. Cambridge. *Jebb (with Trans. in Eng. Prose), 15s. Cambridge tº º gº º & ſº gº tº OEDIPUs REX. Campbell and E. Abbott, 2s. 2nd ed. Oxford g s 9 Lat. ELECTRA. Jahn and Michaelis, 4s. .. Translation. Eng. W. Whitelaw, 8s. 6d. Rivington .. apnpbell, 7S.,6d. Paul .. ſº * Introduction. (Ahc. c; Campbeii, is ga. Macmilian. Tacitus. With Eaglanatory Notes— Lat. Orelli, vol. ii., 2nd ed. Pt. 2 (Dialogus), Andresen, 3s. Pt. 3 (Agricola), Andresen, 4s. 6d. 1880. Pt. 4 (Hist. I.), Meiser, 4s. 6d. 1883 1880 1880 1880 1881 1880 1881 1881 1881 1881 1884 1882 1882 1883 1883 1884 16 TACITUS—VERGILIUS. Tacitus— Eng. ANNALS. Holbrooke, 16s. Macmillan. f Vol. i., Furnawa, 18s. Oxford .. • * 1883. Germ. GERMANIA. Schweizer-Sidler, 4th ed., 2s. 6d. 1884 *Lexicofi Taciteum (with Prolegomena on the style of T.) Gerber and Greef, five parts (A–Imp.); at 3s. 6d. each. Introduction to the Study of Tacitus, Church and Brodribb, 1s. 6d. Macmillan. Introduction. (Anc. Class.) Donne, 2s. 6d. Blackwood. Terentius. Text. Dziatzko. (In press.) With Da:planatory Notes— Eng. ANDRIA, Scenes from. Cornish, 1s. 6d. Mac- millan. ANDRIA. Wagner, 1s. 6d. Bell .. tº º 1882 ' ' HAUTON TIMORUMENos. Wagner, 1s. 6d. Bell. 1882 *PHORMIo. Bond and Walpole, 4s. 6d. Macmillan. Wagner, 1s. 6d. Bell. ADELPHoE. Wagner, 1s. 6d. Bell. SELECTIONs. Plays of the Oratory School, * |Birmingham, in four parts, 1s. each. h ſº Rivington, .. , .. º º & ſo dº tº 1883 Germ. ADELPHI, Spengel, 2s. & © tº e & © 1879 * Dziatzko, 2s. .. e Ö & © 1881 Theocritus. 9 * Translations. Eng. Prose. *A. Lang, 68. Macmillan. Thucydides. . With Ea:planatory Notes— Eng: bk. ii. Shilleto, 5s. 6d. Bell gº º * * 1880 bk. iv. Barton and Chavasse. Longmans. (Preparing). bk. vi. Dougan, 6s. Bell. tº Lat. *Poppo and Stahl, 30s. & Cº. e is 1866–1883 Introduction. (Anc. Class.) Collins, 2s. 6d. Blackwood. Translation. *Jowett, with Notes, 2 vols. 32s. Oxford .. • & 1881 Müller-Strübung. Thukydideische Forschungen, 7s. 1881 Tibullus. Fabricius, Die Elegie d. Tib. u. einiger * * Zeitgenossen erklärt, 3s... © to tº Q 1881 Varro. . . RES RUSTICAE. Keil, 6s. .. ë & ë tº & © 1884. Vergilius. º With Earplanatory Notes— Eng. *Conington and Nettleship, 3 vols. Vol. i. 4th ed. 14s. Bell. Vol. ii. 3rd ed. 14s. Wol. iii. 14s. WERGILIUS—XENOPEION. 17 Vergilius. Abridged from Conington, in nine parts, 1s. 6d. each. f T. L. Papillon, 2 vols. 10s. 6d. Oxford .. 1882 AENEID. bk. i. Walpole, 1s. 6d. Macmillan. bks. ii., iii., Howson, 3s. Macmillan. bks. i., ii., iv.–xii. A. Sidgwick, 18. 6d. each book. Camb. .. I878 SELECTIONS. Bennett, 1s. 6d. Rivington. Shuckburgh, 1s. 6d. Macmillan. GEORGICs, bk. iv. C. G. Jepp, 1s. 6d. Rivington. bk. ii. S/crime, 1s. 6d. Macmillan. Translation. Eng. V. Singleton, 7s. 6d. Bell. Introduction. *Wettleship, to the Study of Virgil, 1s. 6d. Macmillan. *Sellar, Poets of the Augustan Age, 2nd ed. 9s. Oxford. Sainte-Beuve, Etude sur Virgile, 3s. Xenophon. With Ea:planatory Notes— Eng. ANABASIs. Pretor, 2 vols. 7s. 6d. (Also each book separately). Cambridge. bk. i. Walpole, 1s. 6d. Macmillan. bks. i. to iv. Goodwin and White, 5s. Macmillan. Macmichael, in 4 parts, 1s. 6d. each. Bell 1883 AGESILAUs. R. W. Taylor, 2s. 6d. Rivington. *CYROPAEDIA. bks. 7, 8. A. Goodwin, 5s. Macmillan. MEMORABILIA. Cluer, 6s. Macmillan. bk. 1. Moberly, 2s. Rivington. *HIERO. H. A. Holden, 3s. 6d. Macmillan. *OECONOMICUs. H. A. Holden, 6s. Mac- millan º e * - & ſº tº ſº e e 1884 AGESILAUS. Hailstone, 2s. 6d. Cambridge. * • * 9 @ tº . • * 1870 B 3 ( 18 ) EIELPS TO TEIE STUDY OF ANCIENT AUTHORS. LANGUAGE. A. COMPARATIVE PEIILOLOGY. Curtius. On the Greek verb, trans. by Wilkins and England, 2nd ed. 12s. Murray .. gº tº ë tº ... 1884 Abel. Slavic and Latin, 5s. Trübner tº wº . 1883 L. Meyer. Wergl. Grammatik d. griech. u. latein. Sprachen. 2 pts, 18s. gº º dº º e tº tº º ... 1883 Vanček. Etymolog. Wörterbuch d. lat. Sprache, 2nd ed. 6s. 1881 Isaac Taylor. The Alphabet. 2 vols., 368. K. Paul ... 1884 B. GREEK LANGUAGE. 1. GRAMMAR. Eng. W. W. Goodwin, 6s. Macmillan. J. G. Greenwood. Elements, 5s. 6d. Macmillan. Thompson. Syntax, 8s. 6d. Rivington º & ... 1883 Rennedy. Greek Grammar, 4s. 6d. Longmans. Germ. Hübner. Grundriss Z. Worlesungen üb. d. griech. Syntax, 33. .. & lº tº e e G tº is ... 1883 ACCENTUATION.— Chandler. Practical Introduction. 2nd ed. 10s. 6d. Oxford tº º & ſº tº gº & ... 1882 DIALECTS. Meister. Die griech. Dialecte, vol. i. 6s. ,, 1882 (Founded on Ahrens' work.) IRREGULAR VERBs. Storr, 18. Rivington. Marshall, 1s. Macmillan. PARTICLES. Paley, Greek Particles and their combinations, 2s. 6d. Bell .. tº gº tº º tº G tº 0 ... 1881 2. LEXICONS (GREEK). Greek-Eng. Liddell and Scott. 7th ed. revised, 86s. Oxf. 1883 ETYMOLOGICAL LEXICON. Wharton, 7s.6d. Rivington. HELPS TO THE STUDY OF ANCIENT AUTHORS. 19 Eng-Greek. Yonge, 4to, 218. Longmans. Yonge (School), 8s. 6d. Longmans. SYNONYMs. J. H. Schmidt. Synonymik d. gr. Spr. 3 vols. 9 38s. tº º gº tº tº e tº tº º e tº tº ... 187 3. CoMPOSITION (GREEK). Prose. SELECTED PASSAGES FOR TRANSLATION. Jerram. Graece reddenda, 1s. 6d. Longmans. PASSAGES witH HELPs. Sidgwick. Introduction to Greek Prose. 4th ed., 5s. Rivington .. ., 1883 (A very useful book.) Sidgwick. First Greek Writer, 3s. 6d. Rivington. Verse. ExERCISES- *H. Kynaston. Greek Iambic Verse, 4s. 6d. Mac- millan. *Sidgwick and Morice. Introduction to Greek Verse. Rivington & ... Key tº º ... 1893 E. D. Stone. Ionies, 2nd ed., 1s. Eton . ... 1883 E. D. Stone, Iambic Exercises, 6d. Eton. 5. GREEK AND LATIN TRANSLATION. Collins. Greek “Unseen Papers,” 3s. Bell .. ... 1882 Latin “Unseen Papers,” 3s. Bell .. ... 1882 Jerram. Anglice Reddenda, 2s. 6d. Oxford. Sidgwick. Greek Passages. (Preparing.) Rivington. Bennett, Easy Graduated Latin Passages, 1s. Rivington. Bewitt. A Digest of Examination Papers, 1s. 6d. Long- º Iſlan S. Jeffcott and Tossell. Helps for Latin Students, 2s. Long- DD3DS , , tº a tº º tº º * * ... I383 6. TEXTUAL AND EIIGHER CRITICISM. Bentley on Phalaris. Ed. G. Wagner, 5s. Bell .. ... I883 Dobree's Adversaria. Ed. Wagner, 5s. Bell * * ... 1883 Rutherford. New Phrynicus, 18s. Macmillan. Madvig. Adversaria Critica. Vol. 3, 5s. .. •º º ... 1884 20 HELPS TO THE STUDY C. LATIN TANGUAGE. 1. GRAMMAR. * Hübner, Grundrissz. Worlesungeniib.d. latein. Grammatik,3s. 1881 *Roby, School Latin Grammar, 5s. Macmillan. 1880 2. TIEXICONS. *Lat.-Germ. Lex. Georges. 2 vols. 20s. .. ... 1879–1880 Dict. of Lat. Etymology. Postgate and Vince. (Pre- paring). Macmillan. Saalfeld. Thesaurus Italo-Graecus. (A list of Greek words naturalized in the Latin language.) 20s. 3. COMPOSITION. Prose. E. A. Abbott. Via Latina (a first Latin book), 2s. 6d. Seeley, 1880 Ainger. Hints for Construction of Latin Sentences, 1s. Eton 1883 Verse. ExERCISEs— Ainger. Clivus. Pt. 1, 2s. 6d. Pt. 2, 2s. 6d. Rivington. Rymaston. Nucipruna. Exx. in Elegiac verse, 18. Eton. Tyrrel. Translations into Greek and Latin verse, 12s. 6d. Lodgmans. HISTORY. 1. THE NATIONS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD. General. Taylor. Student's Man. of Anc. Hist. 7s.6d. Longmans. Lenormant. Beginnings of History. From the Creation to the Deluge, trans. by Brown, 12s. Low .. ., 1883 Nichol. Tables of Ancient Literature and History, 3rd ed., 7 s. 6d. Maclehose .. & Cº tº & ... 1884 Parrar. Early Days of Christianity, 6s. Cassell ... 1884 The East. Rawlinson. Hist. of Anc. Egypt. 2 vols. 638. Long- Il 18,DS ſº tº gº & © tº in tº * {} ... 1881 P. Smith. Smaller Hist. of the East, 3s.6d. Murray. Sayce. Ancient Empiles of the East, 6s. Macmillan ... 1884 Maspero. Hist. Anc. des peuples de l'Orient. 4th ed., 48. 6d. .. © tº do tº gº & & tº dº ... 1883 Greece. Duncker, trans. by Alejne. Wol. I. 15s. Bentley ... 1883 Rome. * 1hne. 5 vols. 8vo. 77s. Longmans. Schwiler. Gesch. der 16m. Kaiserzeit. Wol. I. Pts. 1, 2. 18s. gº tº tº º e dº gº tº gº º • * ... 1883 Mommsen. Röm. Geschichte, 7th ed., 23s, .. 1881–3 ÖF ANCIENT AUTHORS.. 21 Rome— Scarth. Roman Britain, 2s. 6d. S. P. C. K. tº dº ... 1883 Duruy. Hist. d. Romains. Wols. I.-VI. 25s. each 1880–1883 Trans. ed. by Mahaffy. Vol. I. 30s. Paul ., 1884 2. HISTORY OF LITERATURE. Greece. Mahaffy. Classical Greek Lit. Wol. I. Poets; II. Prose writers, 7s.6d. each. Longmans. Paley. Greek Wit. 1st and 2nd series, 2s. 6d. each. Bell. Bergk. Griech. Literaturgeschichte. Vol. 2, 8s. ... 1883 ELEMENTARY. Stories from the Classics. Church. Seeleys. The Persian War, 5s. Stories of the East, from Herodotus, 5s. Stories from Homer, 5s. Stories from the Greek Tragedians, 5s. Traveller's True Tale from Lucian, 38. 6d. Rome. Church. Roman Life in the Days of Cicero, 5s. Seeley 1883 Nicolai. Gesch. d. röm. Literatur, 12s. .. tº ſº ... 1881 G. A. Simcoac. Hist. of Latin Literature. 2 vols. 32s. Longmans e 1883 Seiar Poets of the Republic. 2nd ed. i4s. Öxford." ELEMENTARY. Stories from Livy. Church, 5s. Seeley. Stories from Virgil. Church, 5s. Seeley. 3. HISTORY OF PEIILOSOPHY. Zeller. Pre-Socratic Schools. Trans. by Alleyne. 2 vols. 30s. Longmans. Trans. by Costello. Aristotle and the Elder Peri- patetics. (Preparing.) Trans. by Alleyne. History of Eclecticism in Greek Philosophy, 10s. 6d. Longmans .. e tº ... 1883 Grundriss d. Gesch. d. griech. Philosophie, 4s. 6d. 1883 J. B. Mayor. Sketch of Anc. Phil. from Thales to Cicero, 4s. 6d. Cambridge .. tº gº tº e tº tº ... 1881 Hellenica. Essays on Greek Poetry, Philosophy, &c., 16s. Rivington tº ſº & ſº tº ſº * tº © ... 1880 Biese. Entwickelung d. Naturgefühls bei d. Griechen, 3s. ... 1882 Entwickelung d. Naturgefühls bei d. Römern, 4s. ... 1884 L. Schmidt. D. Ethik d. alten Griechen. 2 vols. 15s. ... 1882 Beinze. Der Eudāmonismus in d. Gr. Philosophie, vol. i., 4s. 1884 Teichmüller. Xenophon und Pläton. Die Dialoge des Simon, 9s. e tº Ö (a o & © tº tº º ... 1884 22 EIELPS TO THE STUDY GEOGRAPHY AND TOPOGRAPHY. ANCIENT. Kiepert. Manual (Trans.), 58. Macmillan. Bevam. Smaller Manual, 3s. 6d. Murray. GREEK. *Bunbury. Hist. of Anc. Geography. 2 vols. 218. Murray. Wordsworth. Greece: Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical. Ed. by Tozer, 31s. 6d. Murray. Cesmola. Cyprus. 2nd ed. 218. Whiting ... 1884 Lenormant. La Grande Grèce. 2 vols. 8s. ... 1881 Roman. Burm. Old Rome. 8vo., 10s. 6d. Dell .. ... 1880 Dyer. City of Rome, 58. Bell .. e & ... 1883 MAPs. Public Schools Atlas (28 Maps). 7s.6d. Longmans. ANTIQUITIES. GREEK AND ROMAN– Baecker. Le droit de la Femme dans l'antiquité, 6s. 6d. 1880 Baumeister. Denkmäler des Klassischen Alterthums, to be completed in 40 pts. 1s. 6d. each .. 1884 Hultsch. Griech. u. rôm. Metrologie, 8s. e - ... 1882 IForbiger. Hellas u. Rom. Pt. 1. Rom im Zeitalter d. Antonine. 3 vols. 19s. Pt. 2. Griechen- land im Zeitalter d. Perikles. 3 vols. 23s. 1871–1882 Schmid. Geschichte d. Erziehung. Vol. i. (Worchristliche), 108. .. tº º • tº tº º e G ... 18 Blümmer. Technologie u. Terminologie d. Gewerbe u. Rünste b. Griech. u. Röm. Wols. 1–3. 33s. 1874–84 Curtius. Alterthum u. Gegenwart. 2 vols. 7s. each .. 1882 'Grasberger. Erziehung u. Unterricht im klass. Alter- thum. Parts 1–3, 30s... ... 1864–1881 Ménard. La vie privée des Anciens. 4 vols. £5 ... 1880 GREEK. K. F. Hermann. Lehrbuch d. Griech. Antiquitäten. A Vol. IV. ed. Blumner and Dittenberger, 10s. ... 1883 Schömann. Gr. Alterthümer, tr. by Hardy and Mann. pº 18s. Rivington .. * > tº ſº tº ſº ... 1880 ROMAN. Madvig. Verfassg. u. Verwaltg. d, röm. Staates. 2 vols. 28s. .. e tº © e tº ſº tº a ... 1882 Willems. Le Sénat de la République romaine. 2 vols. 18s. .. tº º º º tº º tº tº ... 1883 Bader. La Femme romaine. ..., 2nd ed. 38. tº º ... 1877 Becker. Gallus ed. Göll. 3 vols. 18s. .. tº tº ... 1881 OF ANCIENT AUTHORS. 23 FINE ARTS. Perry. Popular Introduction to History of Greek and Roman Sculpture, 31s. 6d. Longmans .. . 1882 Winckelmann. History of Ancient Art, tr. by Lodge. 2 vols. 366. Low .. e - & is sº º . 1881 Stark. Systematik u. Archäologie d. Kunst, 10s. 6d. ... 1880 Zawnitz. Wandtafeln zur Veranschaulichung antiken Lebens und antiker Kunst. M. . Grundriss des griechischen Theaters . 6 — II. Ansicht des Innern eines griechischen Theaters .. a tº tº º g a ... 18 — III. Komiker we e & © w e gº tº ... 2 50 IV. Aeltestes Palladium .. •º º tº e ... 1 50 W. Allmähliche Ausbildung des Grundrisses der griechischen Tempel, 10 Blatt . 6 — VI. Sog. Tempel der Themis zu Rhamnus 18 — VII. Tragische Maske dº wº * -º tº º ., 3 75 VIII. Hoplit .. e G e e - G •e tº ... 11 50 IX a-c, Römische Soldaten : a) Centurio .. ... 15 — b) Legat Oder Tribun... 15 — c) Legionarius. 15 — X. Barbar.. * * tº 0 © Q e º ... 9 75 XI. Togatus • * g o © 2 15 — XII a & b. Symposion und Triclinium .. 13 50 XIII. Saiteninstrumente .. º º c 4× 9 — XIV. Blasinstrumente u. s. w. sº tº ... 9 – XV. Palästra & Thermen .. & Co jº E ... 6 — XVI. Grammatischer Unterricht 9 — XVIII. Akropolis von Athen, Sudseite 24 — XIX. Plan der Akropolis .. º º & ſº 15 — XX. Römische Gewandstatuen (Westalin) 6 — XXI. Eirene u. Plutos • tº & ſº 6 — XXII. Doryphoros, Diadumenos, Amazone 6 — XXIII. Olympia & G e tº * * g e 16 — XXIV. Akropolis (Westseite) In Vorbereitung XXV. Homer.. & Cº. tº o & © e - ... 2 XXVI. Thucydides .. & º * * tº º ... 2 – |XXVII. Cicero .. © a tº tº º º tº & ... 2 – Northcote and Brownlow. Roma Sotterranea. 31.s. 6d. Longmans. Reber. Album d. Ruinen Roms. 30s. º e a 9 ... 1884 Overbeck. Geschichte d. Griechischen Plastik. 3rd enlarged ed. 2 vols. 32s. (F) .. tº º * @ © -º Murray. History of Greek Sculpture. Wols. 1, 21s. Wol. 2, 31s. 6d. Murray . 1884 Newton. Essays on Art and Archaeolºgy, 12s. 6d. Macmilian. 24 HELPS TO THE STUDY Harrison. Myths of the Odyssey in Art and Literature. 18s. Rivington. Waldstein. The Art of Pheidias. Camb. Percy Gardner. Types of Greek Coins, 31s. 6d. Camb. ... 1883 Head. Coins of the Ancients, B.C. 700—A.D. 1, 25s. (Brit. Mus.) tº º gº º e tº tº tº tº º Michaelis. Ancient Marbles in Great Britain. Trans. by I'ennell, 42s. Camb. .. e * & ... 1882 Cohen. Description historique des Monnaies frappées sous l'Empire romain. Wols. 1–3, 20s. each .. ... 1883 Imhoof-Blümmer. Monnaies grecques, 45s. .. • & ., 1883 Choix de Monnaies grecques, 12s. ... 1883 .* * Porträtköpfe auf röm. Münzen, 3s.6d. ... 1879 Gevaert. Hist. et Théorie de la Musique de l’Antiquité. Wols. I. and II. each, 30s. ... 1875–1881 Helbig. Das Homerische Epos aus d. Denkmälern erläutert, 11s. 6d. gº tº tº º s & & ºt © e tº º Perrot & Chipiez. Histoire de l’Art dans l’Antiquité. Wol. I., Egypt. Wol. II., Assyria, each 25s. ę & ... 1883 *-ººo- MYTHOLOGY AND RELIGION. GREEK AND ROMAN. Hort. New Pantheon: introduction to mythology of the ancients, 2s. 6d. Longmans. Iroscher. Ausführliches Lexikon d. Gr. u. Röm. JMythologie, to be completed in about 20 parts, at 2s. each. Bouché-Leclercq. Hist. de la Divination dans l'Antiquité, vols. 2–4, completing the work, 24s. 1882 GREEK. Witt. Myths of Hellas. Trans. by Younghusband. 38. 6d. Longmans. R. Browning. Myth of Kirke, 5s. Longmans ..., 1883 Preller. Gr. Mythologie, ed. Robert (in press). ROMAN. Preller. Röm. Myth, ed. Jordan, 10s. .. ... 1883 MODERN WORKS OF IMAGINATION ILLUS- TRATIVE OF ANCIENT HISTORY AND IMANNERS. Ebers. Uarda (Egypt in the 15th cent. B.C.). An Egyptian Princess (Egypt in the time of Amasis). The Sisters (Egypt in the 2nd cent. B.C.). The Emperor (2nd cent. A.D.). OF ANCIENT AUTHORS. 25 Bulwer. Pausanias the Spartan (Greece, 5th cent. B.C.). Anon. Pericles. Greenough. Apelles and his Contemporaries. Leslie. Glaucia (Athens, 1st cent. A.D.). Rydberg. The last Athenian (4th cent. A.D.). Eckstein. Trans. by Bell. Prusias (War with Mithridates). Quintus Claudius (Domitian). Hausrath. Antinous (time of Hadrian) 68. Longmans. 1884. Herbert. Roman Traitor (1st cent. A.D.). Keon. Dion and the Sibyls (1st cent. A.D.). Brown. Julia of Baiae (time of Nero). Hoffmann. Greek Maid at the Court of Nero. Quinton. Aurea (Jews at Rome). Anon. Onesimus (a Disciple of St. Paul). Ware. Julian (Time of Christ). G. S. Davies. Gaudentius (1st cent. A.D.). Mrs. Charles. Lapsed not Lost (1st cent. A.D.). Victory of the Wanquished (1st cent. A.D.). Conquering or to Conquer (time of Jerome). Maid and Cleon (Alexandria, 5th cent. A.D.). Mrs. Hunt. Wards of Plotinus (Neo-Platonism). Ringston. Jovinian (Rome in the 4th cent. A.D.). Dahn. The Struggle for Rome (time of Justinian). W. Collins. Antonina (time of Justinian). [A fuller list is given in Bowen’s “Descriptive Catalogue of Historical Novels.” Stanford, 1882.] ( 26 ) PHILOLOGICAL AND CLASSICAL PERIODICALS. The numbers in brackets denote how often published per year, or how many parts form a volume. Abhandlungen der K. Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaftem. Philosophisch - philologische Klasse. 4to. Munich. In parts at varying prices. Abhandlungen der K. Akademie der Wissenschaftem zu Berlin. Philologische und historische Klasse. 4to. In yearly volumes at different prices. Acta Universitatis Lunderisis. 4to. In volumes at vary- ing prices. Annales de l'Académie d’Archéologie de Belgique. Avec gravures dans le texte, planches et cartes. 8vo. Ant- werp. (4.) 12s. 6d. Anzeiger (PHILOLOGISCIIER), see Philologus. Archiv für lateinische Lexikographie und Gram- rmatik. [E. Wölfflin.] 8vo. Leipzig. (4.) 12s. Berichte über die Verhandlungen der K. Sächsi- schen Gesellschaft der Wissenschafterm zu Leip- zig. Philologisch-historische Klasse. 8vo. Leipzig. (2.) 2s. Bibliotheca philologica, classica, see Jahresbericht. Bibliotheca philologica, oder geordnete Uebersicht aller auf dem Gebiete der class. Alterthumswissenschaft neu er- schienenen Bücher. [Dr. E. Ehrenfeuchter.] 8vo, Göttingen. (2.) 4s. Blätter für das Bayrische Gymnasialwesen. [A. Deuerling.] 8vo. München. (10.) 68. PHILOLOGICAL AND CLASSICAL PERIODICALS. 27 Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, publié par les soins de l’École française d'Athènes. 8vo, Athens. (8.) £1 5s. Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Com- munale di Roma. 8vo. Rome, With plates. (4.) 15s. Centralblatt (LITERARISCHES) für Deutschland. [F. Zarncke.] 4to. Leipzig. (52.) £1 10s. Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, publiés par le Secrétaire perpétuel. 8vo. Paris. (4.) 8s. AEATION TH> IXTOPIKHX EeMOAOT., etc. 8vo. Athens. (4.) £1. Eq'HMEPIX APXAIOAOTIKH. 4to. Athens. With plates. (4.) £1 1s. Gazette Archéologique [de Witte et Robert de Lasteyrie]. 4to. Paris. With plates. (12.) £2. Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen (weekly), with Nach- Töchten der K. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften und der Universität Göttingen (monthly), 4to. £1 7s. Gymnasium. Zeitung für Lehrer an Gymnasien, etc. [M. Wetzel.] 8vo. Paderborn. (24.) 6s. Hermathena (published irregularly at varying prices). Dublin. Hermes. Zeitschrift f. classische Philologie [Hübner, Kaibel, Robert]. (4.) 12s. Instituto Archeologico di Roma : Annali. (1.) 16s. Bullettino. (12.) 7s.6d. Monumenti. Plates. (1) £1 5s. Jahrbücher (NEUE) für Philologie und Pädagogik. [A. Fleckeisen und H. Masius.] 8vo. Leipzig. (12.) £1 10s. Jahrbücher für classische Philologie. Supplement to the preceding. Published irregularly at varying prices. Jahresbericht tiber die Fortschritte der classischen Alterthumswissenschaft. [Iwan Müller.] With Supplement “Bibliotheca philologica classica.” 8vo. Berlin. (12.) £1 16s. The Supplement separately. (4.) 6s. Journal of Philology. [W. A. Wright, Ingram Bywater and H. Jackson.] 8vo, London. (2.) 9s. Journal of Philology (The American). [Basil L. Gilder- sleeve..] 8vo. Baltimore. (4.) 18s. 28 PHILOLOGICAL AND CLASSICAL PERIODICALS. ' Journal des Savants. 4to. Paris. (12.) £1 16s. Mélanges d'Archéologie et d’Histoire, publiés par l’Ecole française de Rome. 8vo. Rome. With plates. (5.) 17s. 6d. Mittheilungen (ARCHAEOLOGISCH-EPIGRAPHISCHE) aus Oes- terreich. [O. Benndorf und O. Hirschfeld.] 8vo. Vienna. With plates. (2.) 9s. Mittheilungen des deutschen Archaeologischen Institutes in Athen. 8vo. Athens. With plates. (4.) S. IMnemosyne. Bibliotheca philologica Batava. [C. G. Cobet, C. M. Francken, H. van Herwerden et H. W. van der Mey.] 8vo. Leyden. (4.) 9s. IMuseo italiano di Antichita, classica. [D. Comparetti.] 4to. In parts at varying prices. Nottie degli Scavi di Antichita. 4to. Rome. (12.) £1 4s. Philologus. Zeitschrift für das klassische Alterthum. [E. v. Leutsch.] 8vo. Göttingen. (4.) 17s. Supplement to ditto: “Philologischer Anzeiger.” 8vo. (12.) 15s. Revue Archéologique. Recueil de documents et de mémoires relatifs à l'étude des monuments, a la numismatique et à la philologie de l'antiquité et du moyen àge. [Alex. Bertrand et G. Perrot.] 8vo. Paris. (12.) £1 5s. Revue de l’instruction publique (Supérieure et moyenne) en Belgique. 8vo. Gand. (6.) 6s. Revue de Philologie, de Littérature et d’Histoire anciennes... [O. Riemann et E. Chatelain.] 8vo. Paris. (4.) £1.4s. Rheinisches Museum, Zeitschrift für Philologie. [O. Rib- beck und F. Buecheler.] 8vo. Frankfort. (4.) 14s. Rivista di Filologia ed Istruzione Classica. [D. Comparetti, G. Müller et G. Flechia.] 8vo. Turin. (6.) 12s. 6d. Rundschau (PHILOLOGISCHE). [C. Wagener und E. Ludwig.] 8vo. Bremen. (52.) £1. Sitzungsberichte (formerly Monatsberichte) der K. preus- sischen Akademie der Wissenschafterm zu Berlin. 8vo. Berlin. (52.) 12s. Sitzungsberichte der K. Akademie der Wissen- schaftem zu Wien. Philosophisch-historische Klasse. 8vo. Vienna. In parts at varying prices. PHILOLOGICAL AND CLASSICAL PERIODICALS. 29 Studien (BERLINER) für classische Philologie und Archäologie. [Ferd. Ascherson.] 8vo. Berlin. (2.) 18s. Studien (LEIPZIGER) zur classischen Philologie. [G. Curtius, L. Lange, O. Ribbeck und H. Lipsius.] 8vo. Leip- zig. 2 parts form a volume, at varying prices. Studien (WIENER), see “Zeitschrift für Oesterreichische Gym- nasien.” Studii di Filologica greca. [E. Piccolomini.] 8vo. Turin. In parts at varying prices. Tidſſkrit: (NoRDISK) for Filologie. 8vo. Copenhagen. (4.) S. Wochenschrift (BERLINER PHILoLogischE). [C. Belger, 0. Seyfiert und K. Thiemann.] Small folio. Berlin. (52.) £1. Wochenschrift für klassische Philologie. [W. Hirsch- felder.] Small folio. Berlin. (52.) £1.4s. Zeitschrift für das Gymnasia.lwesen. [H. Kern und H. J. Müller.] 8vo. Berlin. (12.) £I. Zeitschrift für die Oesterreichischen Gymnasien. [W. Hartel und K. Schenkl.] 8vo. Vienna. (2.) 10s. Supplement to ditto: “Wiener Studien. Zeitschrift für classische Philologie.” 8vo. Vienna. (2.) 10s. Zeitung (ARCHAEOLOGISCIIE), begründet von E. Gerhard. [M. Frankel.] 4to. Berlin. . With plates. (4.) 12s. ( 30 ) SERIAL LIST. A. TEXTS. [Of the following series those published by Weidmann, Bernhard Tauchnitz, and Teubner are in general to be preferred for the accuracy of their texts.] WEIDMANN’S GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS. In Crown 8vo., sewed. Carefully revised Texts, with Various Readings at the Foot of the Page. AESCHYLUs, Kirchhoff, 3s. 6d. CALLIMACHUs, Wilamowitz-Möllendorff, Is. EUTROPIUs, Droysen, 1s. 4d. HERODOTUS, Stein. Vol. I. in the press. HomeRUs, Nauckh, Pt. II. 2s. 6d. ISAEU8, Buermann, 3s. LIVIUS, Mueller, Sks. 1–26 in six parts, ls, each. Lycurgus in Leocr., Thalheim, 1s. OvID. Metamorphoses, Korm, 3s. PLINIUS, Hist. Nat. Indices, Detleffsen, 5s. PLOTINUs, H. F. Müller, Vol. I. 6s. 6d., Wol. II. 10s. 6d. SENECA Trag. Vol. II. Leo, 7s. STOBAEUs, Wachsmuth and Hense, Wols. I., II. 21s. XENOPEION De Reditibus, Zwrborg, 2s. SERIAL LIST. 31 TEUBNER'S POPULAR SERIES OF GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS, For School and College Use. With full Indices. Published under the general Superintendence of IMMANUEL BEKKER, W. DINDORF, A. FLECKEISEN, K, HALM, A. MEINEKE, F. G. SCHNEIDEWIN. Neatly printed in Post 8vo., in a large type, and strongly sewed. ANON. de Constantino Magno, Heydenreich, 10d. ANTONINUS Comment, Stich, 2s. 6d. ARCHIMEDEs, Heiberg, 3 vols., 21s. ARISTOTELEs Physica, Prantl, 28. — Ethica Nic. SuSemihl, 2s. 6d. — Eth. Eud. Susemihl, 2s. — de Caelo, Gen. et Corr, Pramil, ls. 6d. de Coloribus, Audib. Physiog., Pramil, 10d. — Politica, SwSemihl, 3S. — Mag. Moral, SuSemihl, 1s. 6d. -— de Anima, Biehl, 1s. 6d. Avi ENUS Aratea, Breysig, 1s. 4d. BoETIUS Comm. in libr. Aristotelis trepi éppumveias, Meiser. Pt. 2, 7s.6d. CASSIUS FELIX de Medicina, Rose, 3s. 6d. CICERO Rhetorica ad Herennium, Freidrich, 1s. 6d. CoRNUTUS, Lang, 2S. CURTIUS, Vogel, Is. 6d. 1)AREs PHRYGIUS, Meister, 1s. 6d. ECLOGAE Poetarum Graecorum, Stadtmüller, 3s. 6d. — poet. Lat., Brandt, 1s. 4d. EUCLIDEs, Heiberg and Menge, Vol. I., 4s. 6d., Wol. II., 4s. 6d. EUDOCIA Violarium, Flach, 9s. GALEN. Scripta Minora, Marquardt, Müller, Helmreich, Wol, I., 2s. 6d. HESYCHIUS MILESlus de viris illustribus, Flach, 1s. HIERONYMUs de vir. ill., Herding, 3s. HISTORIORUM Romanorum Fragmenta, Peter, 5s. 6d. 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