G& 5817 LA L CONTRIBUTIONS TO RHETORICAL THEORY EDITED BY FRED NEWTON SCOTT, PH. D. Junior Professor of Rhetoric in the University of Michigan IV } REFERENCES ON THE TEACHING OF RHETORIC AND COMPOSITION BY THE EDITOR PREFATORY NOTE The editor published a list of references like the follow- ing about four years ago. It was brief and condensed, and some important titles were omitted. The list now submit- ted includes all of the former references and adds perhaps as many more. A few of the titles that have been added relate to composition teaching in France and Germany. These references are the advance guard of a general bibliography of rhetoric. They are published now, and in their present form, for the use of a teachers' class in the University. It is hoped that the complete bibliography- if the contradiction in terms may be allowed-will be issued in the course of the next few months. It is believed that the body of literature indicated be- low includes the best of what has been said and written upon the teaching of rhetoric and composition during the present century. It is commended to the attention of those who intend to teach these subjects, and such persons are urged to form a better acquaintance with it; not with the idea that reading about teaching and methods of teaching will bring the power to teach, but with the idea that in this, as in every other line of work, the business of the This pamphlet may be ordered of Sheehan & Co., booksellers, Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the price of fifteen cents, net. The preced- ing issues in the same series have been as follows: I. Figures of Rhetoric: A Psychological Study, by Gertrude Buck (out of print); II. Student Slang, by Willard C. Gore: III. Two Problems in Com- position-Teaching, by Joseph V. Denney. -2- C scholar is to familiarize himself with the literature of his chosen field. The stimulative and suggestive character of much of this literature, however, cannot fail to react pow- erfully and beneficially upon the teacher's practice. I. On English Composition and Rhetoric. A. F. E. Academy (Syr.) 6: 278 Communication (on compo- sition teaching). ABBOTT, E. A. How to Write Clearly. Boston: 1876. Preface. ACADEMY (Syr.) 3: 593 English in Secondary Schools (Report of a Committee of the Massachusetts Teachers' Asso- ciation). ACADEMY (Syr.) 4: 21 A Schedule of Composition Work. ACADEMY (Syr.) 4: 179 English in the High School. ACADEMY (Syr.) 4: 268 Familiar Talk by a High School Teacher of English, Meant to be Overheard by Gram- mar School Teachers. ACADEMY (Syr.) 6: 151 English Composition Work in a Massachusetts High School. ACADEMY (Syr.) 6: 160, 278 English Composition. ACADEMY (Syr.) 6: 385 Composition Work in a Chicago High School. ADAMS, C. F., E. L. Godkin, and Josiah Quincy. Report of the Committee on Composition and Rhetoric to the Board of Overseers of Harvard College. Published, in part, in Harvard Graduates' Magazine 1: 258. ADAMS, C. F., E. L. Godkin and Geo. R. Nutter. Report of the Committee on Composition and Rhetoric to the Board of Overseers of Harvard College. April, 1895. ADAMS, C. F., E. L. Godkin, and Geo. R. Nutter. Report of the Committee on Composition and Rhetoric to the Board of Overseers of Harvard College. June, 1897. ADAMS, C. F., and W. W. Goodwin. Harvard Graduates' Magazine 1: 177 Preparatory School Education. Pp. 177-189 The Classics and Written English, with fac- similes (C. F. Adams); pp. 189-193 The Root of the Evil (W. W. Goodwin). Reviewed by Wm. Strunk, Jr., in School Review 1: 127. Nation 56: 31 English at Harvard. ADAMS, C. F. ADAMS, C. F. Nation 61: 309 School English. Exceptions taken to Mr. Goodwin's article in Nation 61: 291 on School English. AITON, Geo. B. The Purpose of English in the High School. A paper read before the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club, Ann Arbor, November, 1896. Reprinted from the School Review for March, 1897. - 3 — ALEXANDER, W. J. and M. F. Libby. Composition from Models. Toronto, 1894. Preface and General Introduction (pp. 5-12). Contains much sensible advice to teachers of composition. ALVEY, R. H. Academy (Syr.) 7: 19 English in the Public Schools. ANDERSON, M. B. Dial 16: 167 The Instruction in Eng- lish at Stanford University. Reprinted in ENGLISH in American Universities. ATLANTIC 71: 656 Question of the Study of the English Language. ATLANTIC 72: 284 The English Question Again. BAIN, A. Education as a Science. N. Y.: 1879. Pp. 166, 168, 230, 231, 350-3, 392 Rhetoric. BAIN, A. English Composition and Rhetoric. A Manual. N. Y.: 1871. Preface. BAIN, A. English Composition and Rhetoric. Enlarged Edition. 2 vols. N. Y.: [1888]. Part 2, Preface. BAIN, A. On Teaching English. Lond.: 1887. Reviewed in London Jnl. of Educa. 9: 272. BALCH, S. W. Education 16: 223 Rhetoric for Science. BALDWIN, C. S. Educa. Rev. 8:290 Value of the Office- hour in the Teaching of Rhetoric. BARNETT, P. A. Teaching and School Organization. A Manual of Practice with Special Reference to Second- ary Instruction. N. Y.: 1897. Chap. 7 English Grammar and Composition. BATES, Katharine Lee. Dial 17: 219 English at Wellesley College. Reprinted in ENGLISH in American Universities. BEARDSLEY, George. Dial 23: 270 Teaching English for a Livelihood. BEERS, H. A. Educa. Rev. 3: 427 Entrance Require- ments in English at Yale. Explains why English was not required for entrance at Yale, and under cover of this explanation discusses the general subject of training in English. Educa. 5: 91 Study of English. BOUTON, E. BREWER, Wm. F. Nation 63: 327 English at College. Academy (Syr.) 3: 345 The Harvard Admission Examination in English. BRIGGS, L. B. R. Reprinted in TWENTY Years of School and College Eng- lish. Cambridge: 1896. Pp. 17–32. BRIGGS, L. B. R. Academy (Syr.) 5: 203 The Correction of Bad English as a Requirement for Harvard College. Reprinted in TWENTY Years of School and College Eng- lish, Cambridge: 1896. Pp. 33-43, + BROWNE, G. H. Educa. Rev. 9:377 Educational Value of English. Does not bear directly on the subject of teaching. BROWNLEE, J. H. Academy (Syr.) 6: 80 Study of Eng- lish in Preparatory Schools and Colleges. BUCKHAM, J. W. Education 17: 326 The Ethics of Expres sion. BUCKINGHAM, E. M. Nation 63: 327 English at College. BUEHLER, H. G. Educa. Rev. 7: 492 On Correcting Com- positions. Comments upon an article by Supt. W. H. Maxwell in Educa. Rev. 7: 240. BURK, Fred. Atlantic 80: 547 The Training of Teachers. P. 558 The principles of language-teaching. BURTON, Richard. Dial 19: 277 The Teaching of English and the Making of Writers. BUTLER, N. M. Atlantic 73: 372 Reform of Secondary Education in the United States. CAPES, W. W. University Life in Ancient Athens: N. Y.: 1887. Chap. 3 The Professors of Rhetoric. CARPENTER, F. I. Dial 14: 271 The Teaching of Our Mother Tongue. CARPENTER, G. R. Educa. Rev. 4: 438 English Compo- sition in Colleges. CARPENTER, G. R. Exercises in Rhetoric and English Composition. Boston: 1893. Pp. 4-9 How Rhetoric may be Studied. CARPENTER, G. R. Educa. Rev. 4: 513 College Entrance Requirements in English. CARPENTER, G. R. [The Study of Structure and Style.] Introduction to W. T. Brewster's Studies in Structure and Style. N. Y.: 1896. CHANNING, E., and A. B. Hart. Guide to the Study of American History. Boston: 1896. Pp. 205-222 Written Work. CHESNEY, J. B. M. Addresses and Proceedings of the Na- tional Educational Association, 1888: 405-415 Teach- ing English in the Secondary Schools. CLARK, J. S. Academy (Syr.) 4: 369 English in Second- ary Schools. COLLINS, J. S. Academy (Syr.) 5: 367 Logic with Rhetoric. COMMITTEE of Fifteen. See REPORT of the Committee of Fifteen. COMMITTEE of Ten. See REPORT of the Committee on Secondary School Stud- ies. Cook, A. S. Dial 16: 69 English at Yale University. Reprinted in ENGLISH in American Universities. 5 CORSON, H. The Aims of Literary Study. N. Y.: 1895. Occasional References to Rhetoric and Composition. COURTHOPE, W. J. National Rev. 21: 486 (Ecl. M. 121: 177; Liv. Age 198: 478) Study of English Language and Literature as a Part of a Liberal Education. Coy, E. G., and others. Nation 63: 344, 364, 385 English in Colleges and Preparatory Schools. CRARY, Agnes. Educa. Rev. 14: 457 Aspects of English Teaching in the Lower Schools. CRITIC 25: 418 English in College Examinations. Report of the English Committee to the Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools of the Middle States and Maryland. CRITIC 27: 244 Composition and Rhetoric at Harvard. On the Report of the Harvard Committee on Composition and Rhetoric. CRITIC 31: 277 The Harvard Report on English. CRITIC 31: 289 The Harvard Committee's Report. DANIEL, M. L. Education, 16: 562 Concentration as Ap- plied to the Mother Tongue. DAVIDSON, Chas. English in the Secondary Schools, with suggestions based upon the reports of the English Con- ference. Cleveland: 1896. D[AVIDSON], C. Nation 63: 365 English in Preparatory Schools. Suggests that a greater allowance of time be given for the criticism of compositions. DAY, H. N. Am. Jnl. Educa. 16: 641 Study of the Eng- lish Language. DENNEY, Jos. V. College Rhetoric. In Papers Read at the Fifth and Sixth Annual Conven- tions of the Modern Language Association of Ohio. Columbus: 1895. Pp. 39-52. DENNEY, Jos. V. English in the High Schools. Colum- bus. (A circular issued by the English Department of Ohio State University.) For similar pamphlets, see DAVIDSON; ENGLISH in the Secondary Schools; GAILEY and BRADLEY; and HOP- KINS. DENNEY, Jos. V. School Review 6: 339 English Require- ments. DENNEY, JOS V. Two Problems in Composition-Teaching: I. The Relations of Reading to Practice; II. The State- ment of Composition Topics. (Contributions to Rhe- torical Theory, edited by F. N. Scott. No. III. The In- land Press, Ann Arbor.) DE QUINCEY, Thos. The Education of Boys in Large Num- bers. Works, Masson's Ed., vol. 14, pp. 34-35. On teaching composition. Recommends the substitution of concrete subjects for abstract subjects. - 6 — DIAL 16: 35 Comment on the Report of the Committee on Secondary Schools (the Committee of Ten). DIAL 17: 3 English in the Lower Schools. DIAL 17: 249 College and University English; A Summary. DIAL 23: 35 The Teaching of English Once More. DILLARD, James H. Nation, 63: 385 Elementary English in the Schools. Dial 16: 261 English at the University of Reprinted in ENGLISH in American Universities. DODGE, D. K. Educa. Rev. 14:370 English and Latin in Illinois High Schools. Statistical. DODGE, D. K. Illinois. DOUGLAS, Chas. H. J. Suggestions for Courses in English in Secondary Schools. Albany: 1893. Reprinted from Convocation Proceedings of the Univer- sity of the State of New York, July, 1893. EASTON, Wm M. Mod. Lang. Pubs. 4: 19 (Balt.: 1889) The Rhetorical Tendency in Undergraduate Courses. EATON, A. W. College Requirements in English: Entrance Examinations. Boston: 1892. EATON, A. W. College Requirements in English: Entrance Examinations (Examination Papers for 1893 and 1894). Boston: 1894. EDUCATION 8: 384 Elementary Study of English. EDUCA. REV. 5: 408 Editorial Note on Study of English in Public Schools. EDUCA. REV. 5: 518 Editorial Comment on a Discussion of the Harvard Report. EDUCA. REV. 6: 103 Teaching of English (Univ. of State of N. Y.). EDUCA. REV. 8: 176 Report of Conference on College En- trance Requirements in English Appointed by Associa- tion of Colleges and Preparatory Schools of the Mid- dle States and Maryland, etc. EDUCA. REV. 8: 204 Editorial Comment on report of Con- ference on College Entrance Requirements in English. EDUCA. REV. 9: 97-98 Report of the Committee on Col- lege Admission Requirements to the Association of Col- leges and Preparatory Schools of the Middle States and Maryland. EMERSON, O. F. Academy (Syr.) 4: 233 English in Sec- ondary Schools. EMERSON, O. F. Academy (Syr.) 5: 104 English in Pre- paratory Schools. —7— ENGLISH in American Universities. By Professors in the English Departments of Twenty Representative Insti- tutions. Edited, with an Introduction, by Wm. Morton Payne. Boston: 1895. See, for comment, Critic 28: 142. ENGLISH in the Secondary Schools. A plan for Work in English Adapted to the Programmes of the Committee of Ten. Cambridge: 1897. Harvard University. Prepared by the Department of English, of Harvard University. For similar pamphlets, see DAVIDSON, DENNEY, GAYLEY and BRADLEY, and HOPKINS. Nation 56: 178 The Classics as Aids to Good FAY, E. W. English. FISHER, R. B. Academy (Syr.) 4: 311 Teaching of Eng- lish. FOSDICK, F. S. Addresses and Proceedings of the National Educational Association, 1894: 773-781 The Possibilities of High School Training in Relation to Public Speaking. FRANKENBURGER, David B. Dial 17: 187 English at the University of Wisconsin. Reprinted in ENGLISH in American Universities. FRENCH, C. W. School Rev. 5: 343 The English Confer- ence. On the meeting of the joint committee on entrance requirements in English. * FRENCH, C. W. School Review 6: 344 Special report of the Joint Committee on English Requirements. FRINK, H. A. Education 13: 129 Rhetoric and Public Speaking in the American College. FRUIT, J. P. Mod. Lang. Notes 6:77 The Worth of the English Sentence for Reflective and Aesthetic Dis- cipline. FURNESS, H. H. Education 9: 441 The Teaching of the English Language and Literature. GARDNER, George E. Education 15: 133, 221 Should Power to Create or Capacity to Appreciate be the Aim in the Study of English? GARRISON, W. P. Nation 55: 299 English at Harvard and Elsewhere. GAYLEY, C. M. Dial 17:29 English at the University of California. Reprinted in ENGLISH in American Universities. GAYLEY, C. M., and C. B. Bradley. Suggestions to Teach- ers of English in the Secondary Schools. Berkeley, Cal.: 1894. Pp. 15-26 Language. For similar pamphlets see DAVID- SON; DENNEY; ENGLISH in the secondary schools; and HOPKINS. — 8 — GENUNG, J. F. Dial 17:54 English at Amherst College. Reprinted in ENGLISH in American Universities. GENUNG, J. F. Handbook of Rhetorical Analysis. Boston: 1889. Preface. GENUNG, J. F. Outlines of Rhetoric. Boston: 1893. Preface. Genung, J. F. School Review 3: 405 The Teacher's Outfit in Rhetoric. GENUNG, J. F. The Study of Rhetoric. (Monographs on Education.) Boston: 1892. GEORGE, A. J. Dial 23: 64. Teacher's Experience. GILBERT, C. D. Educa. Rev. 8:298 Dissent from Confer- ence Report in Committee of Ten in advising use of Grammar Text-books in Grammar Schools. Discussion of English in the lower grades. Preparatory English. A - GILMAN, Arthur. New York Evening Post, Oct. 26, 1896 School-Boy Illiteracy. See also GODKIN, GRANT, NEW YORK EVENING POST. GLEASON, C. B. School Review 1: 301 On Teaching Eng- lish. Letter regarding Mr. Kellogg's article in March issue. GODKIN, E. L. Educa. Rev. 13: 1 The Illiteracy of Ameri- can Boys. See also GRANT, GILMAN, NEW YORK EVENING POST. GOODWIN, W. W. Nation 61: 291 School English. Points out the deficiencies of scholastic training in Eng- lish. GORE, Willard C. Dial 23: 210 Scientific Work in Rhetoric. See also SMYSER, S. F. GRANT, Percy S. N. Y. Evening Post, Oct. 26, 1896 School-Boy Illiteracy. See also GODKIN, GILMAN, NEW YORK EVENING POST. GREENE, John. School Rev. 1: 546 The Mastery of Eng- lish. GREENOUGH, J. J. Atlantic 71: 556 The English Question. GROCE, Byron. Academy (Syr.) 6: 529 The Emphasis in the Teaching of English. GROCE, Byron. Academy (Syr.) 7: 202 Teaching English. See p. 232 for a discussion of Mr. Groce's paper. HADLEY, M. E. Jnl. Educa. 45: 195 Composition Work in the High School. HALE, E. E., Jr. Constructive Rhetoric. N. Y.: 1896. P. 7 To Teachers. HALE, E. E., Jr. Dial 16: 328 English at the University of Iowa. Reprinted in ENGLISH in American Universities. 9- HALPIN, P. A. N. Y. Regents 94: 573 A System of Rhe- toric. HARLOW, W. B. Academy (Syr.) 4: 151 A Three Years Course in English Composition. HARRIS, W. T. Educa. Rev. 11: 323 The Necessity for Five Co-ordinate Groups of Studies in the Schools. HARRISON, Caskie. Dial 17: 286 The work of Preparatory Schools in English. HARRISON, Caskie. Nation 61: 310 College English. HART, J. M. Academy (Syr.) 6: 181 The Cornell Course in Rhetoric and English Philology. HART, J. M. School Review 1: 24 Regents' Diplomas in English. HART, J. M. School Review 1: 195 The Outlook for English in New York State. HARVARD. See ENGLISH in the Secondary Schools, and ADAMS, C. F. HENNEMAN, J. B. Dial. 17: 373 English in Southern Uni- versities. Reprinted in ENGLISH in American Universities. HENNEMAN, J. B. Univ. of Tennessee Record, Jan., 1898, pp. 56-63 The National Conference on Uniform En- trance Requirements in England. Gives a full report of the two meetings in 1897, and the provisional list of books to be recommended to the schools for voluntary reading, submitted by a commit- tee of the Conference. HERRICK, Robert. Educa. Rev. 8: 382 Effect of the Quar- ter System on Courses in English Composition. HERRICK, Robert. Methods of Teaching Rhetoric. Chicago: 1898. HILL, A. S. and Eliza A. Withey. Educa. Rev. 14: 468, 15: 55 Sub-Freshman English. Extracts from Harvard examination papers; designed to show the quality of the work in English in the pre- paratory schools. HILL, A. S. An Answer to the Cry for More English. In TWENTY Years of School and College English, Cam- bridge: 1896. Pp. 6-16. Reprinted from Good Company, Springfield, Mass., Vol. iv, No. 3. HILL, A. S. Harper 71: 122 English in Schools. Reprinted in Our English. N. Y.: 1889. HILL, A. S. Scrib. M. 1:507 English in our Colleges. Reprinted in Our English. Ñ. Y.: 1889. HILL, A. S. Our English. N. Y.: 1889. Pp. 1-71 English in Schools, pp. 72-101 English in Colleges. -10- HINSDALE, B. A. Teaching the Language-Arts: Speech, Reading, Composition. N. Y.: 1896. See especially Chap. 24 Teaching Composition, and Chap. 27 The Function of Rhetoric. HINSDALE, B. A. Inland Educator 6:197 Teachers of the Language-Arts. HINSDALE, B. A. Univ. of Michigan Record 4:34 The Function of Criticism in the Language-Arts. See HINSDALE, Teaching the Language-Arts, p. 185. HODELL, Chas. W. Dial 17:148 The Study of English Lit- erature from the Standpoint of the Student. Reprinted in ENGLISH in American Universities. [HOPKINS, E. M.] Circular Touching the Requirements in English for Admission to the University of Kansas. Lawrence: 1895. Published by the University. For similar pamphlets, see DENNEY, GAYLEY and BRAD- LEY, and ENGLISH in the Secondary Schools. HOPKINS, E. M. Suggestions for the Teaching of English Classics in the High School. Lawrence: 1897. lished by the University of Kansas. Pub- HUFFCUT, E. W. N. E. Jnl. of Educa. 24:355, 386, 418; 25:118, 181 The Teaching of English Composition. Reprinted in Monographs on Education. Boston: 1892. HUFFCUT, E. W. Science 9:474 English in the Preparatory School. HUFFCUT, E. W. The Teaching of English Composition. (Monographs on Education.) Boston: 1892. HUNT, L. R. ference. School Review 1:296 The Binghamton Con- HUNT, T. W. Educa. Rev. 12:140 The Study of English in American Colleges. New Eng. 45:108 English in the College Cur- HUNT, T. W. riculum. HUNT, T. W. Pres. Q. N. S. 5:535 The Philosophical Meth- od in the Study and Teaching of English. HURLBUT, B. S. Academy (Syr.) 6:351 The Preparatory Work in English as seen by a Harvard Examiner. Reprinted in TWENTY years of School and College English. Cambridge: 1896. Pp. 44, 45. HURLBUT, B. S. Academy (Syr.) 7:257 College Require- ments in English. Reprinted in TWENTY Years of School and College English. Cambridge. 1896. Pp. 46-53. HYDE, Ellen. American Institute of Instruction, 1892:110 English in Elementary Schools. INLANDER 4 (Supplement): 1-24 Proceedings of the Mich- igan Schoolmasters' Club; Conference on English Com- position. • ', 11- JENNINGS, J. J. Nation 63:455 The Teachers of English. JILLSON, W. E. Educa. 7:691 English in the Preparatory School. JOHNS Hopkins Univ. Circulars 5:48 Students' House of Commons. JOHNSON, W. H. Dial 22:271 Deterioration of College English. JONES, Richard D. College-Entrance English. (Examina- tion Bulletin No. 13, June, 1897. University of the State of New York.) Albany: 1897. JOURNAL of Educa. (London) 14:401 The Teaching of English Composition. KEELER, H. A. Academy (Syr.) 1:58 A Schedule of Com- position Work. KELLOGG, B. School Rev. 1:96, 152 On Teaching English. KENT, Charles W. Dial 16:233 English at the University of Virginia. Reprinted in ENGLISH in American Universities. KEYSER, R. S. Academy (Syr.) 5:361 Question of English. KEYSER, R. S. School Review 1:131 Readjustment of the School Curriculum. KNOWLTON, Stephen B. School Rev. 4:682 The Recitation in the Study of English. LAMBERT, W. H. Am. Institute of Instruction 1888: 54 English in the High School. LATHROP, H. B. Educa. Rev. 6:289 Entrance Examinations in English at Stanford. LOCKWOOD, Mrs. S. E. H. Academy (Syr.) 4:255 English in Secondary Schools. LOWRY, C. Journal of Educa. (London) 11:334 Teaching of English. M. Acad. (Syr.) 6:160 Communication (on composition teaching). Questions the value of composition subjects drawn from the pupil's everyday experience. MACDONALD, S. W. Harvard Graduates' Magazine 2:258 Defective Training in English. Calls attention to the necessity of separating the study of composition from the study of literature. MCELROY, J. G. R. Academy (Syr.) 4:244 English in Sec- ondary Schools. MCELROY, J. G. R., The Structure of English Prose. N. Y.: 1890. Pp. 334, 335 The True Method of Studying Rhetoric. MCLEAN, L. May. Education 18:158 Rhetoric in Second- ary Schools. • -12- MARBLE, A. P. Addresses and Proceedings of the National Educational Association 1894:279 The Study of Eng- lish in the Public Schools. Same article in School Review 1:198. MARBLE, A. P. Educa. Rev. 3:22 On Teaching the Effect- ive Use of English. MARBLE, A. P. School Rev. 1:198 The Study of English in the Public Schools. MARCH, F. A. Dial 16:294 English at Lafayette College. Reprinted in ENGLISH in American Universities. MATTHEWS, Brander. Dial 16:101 English at Columbia College. Reprinted in ENGLISH in American Universities. MAXWELL, W. H. Educa. Rev. 7:240 An Experiment in Correcting Compositions. See also BUEHLER, H. G. MAXWELL, W. H. Educa. Rev. 8:302 English in Grammar Schools. MAXWELL, W. H. Educa. Rev. 5:501 Review of A. S. Hill's Foundations of Rhetoric and E. R. Shaw's Composition by Practice. (Preceded by remarks on the teaching of English.) MENDUM, S. W. Academy (Syr.) 6:198 An Examintion of the Criticisms on the Herald Prize Essays. See, for discussion, 6:214. MONTEITH, J. Education 16:268 Talking and Writing. MONTHLY REV. 159:115 English Composition. NATION 20:145, 171 Rhetorical Training. NATION 55:299 English at Harvard and elsewhere. NATION 55:334, 374 College English. NATION 55:388 English in Preparatory Schools. NATION 61:219 College English. NATION 63:284 Growing Illiteracy of American Boys. Apropos of the Report of the Harvard Committee. See also GODKIN, GRANT, GILMAN. NATION 65:351 College English. Review of final report of Harvard Committee. NEW ENGLAND Conference of Colleges and Preparatory Schools. School Review 1:625-667. Addresses by Professor Barrett Wendell and Dr. Samuel Thurber, and discussion. See Educa. Rev. 6: 519 for brief editorial comment. NEW YORK EVENING POST, Oct. 13, 1896 The Growing Illiteracy of American Boys (editorial article). Same in Nation 63:284. NEWCOMER, A. A Practical Course in English Composi- tion. Boston: 1893. Preface. + i 13 — NEWMAN, S. P. Am. Institute of Instruction 1830:161 Practical Method of Teaching Rhetoric. NIGHTINGALE, A. F. School Review 6:306 Rigid vs. Elas- tic Courses of Study for Secondary Schools. See pp. 310, 318, 319. OGDEN, John. Education 15:363 Language in Elemen- tary Schools. O'SHEA, M. V. School Rev. 6:289 Relative Values in Secondary and Higher Education. See pp. 299-301. PANCOAST, H. S. Educa. Rev. 3:132 College Entrance Requirements in English. PARKER, R. G. Am. Institute of Instruction 1837:183-207 On the Teaching of Composition in Schools. PARSONS, Jas. R., Jr. School Rev. 1:226 The Regents' Work in English. PAYSON, E. R. Academy (Syr.) 1:97 How far can Literary and Rhetorical Work be Carried in the High School? PENN MONTHLY 7:224 English Composition. PENNIMAN, James H. School Rev. 1:462 The Study of English in School and College. [PHELPS, Wm. L.] Century 51:793 Two Ways of Teaching English. POP. SCI. Mo. 50:409 Growing Illiteracy. Apropos of the Harvard report. The evil is defined as "a lack of idealism" in the use of language. See, also, GODKIN, GRANT, GILMAN. PRICE, T. R. QUAR. REV. Educa. Rev. 11:12 Language and Literature. 164:261 A School of English Literature. Place of rhetoric in this school, and division of rhetoric. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF FIFTEEN on Elementary Education, with the Reports of the Sub-Committees: on the Training of Teachers; on the Correlation of Studies in Elementary Education; on the Organization of City School Systems. N. Y.: 1895. (Also in Educa. Rev. for March, 1895.) English Language, pp. 14, 15, 44-51, 90-92. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDIES ("The Committee of Ten"), with the Reports of the Conferences. Washington: 1893. U. S. Bureau of Education. See pp. 20, 21, 86-95. For comment, see Dial 16:35, Educa. Rev. 8:82. For general bibliography of comment on the Report, see Educa. Rev. 8:103, 226. RIPLEY, H. J. Chr. Rev. 12:369 Rhetorical Studies. RUSSELL, J. E. Educa. Rev. 4:74 College Entrance Re- quirements in English. ! — 14— RUSSELL, J. E. School Review 5:332 College Entrance Requirements in English. Summary of replies to a circular of enquiry. SACHS, Julius. Educa. Rev. 8:82. Comment on English report in Report of Committee of Ten. ST. JOHN, Cynthia M. Schools: a Parent's SAMPSON, Martin W. Dial 17:5 English at the University of Indiana. School Rev. 1:491 English in the Point of View. Reprinted in ENGLISH in American Universities. SCHELLING, Felix E. Dial 17:146 English at the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania. Reprinted in ENGLISH in American Universities. SCHOOL REVIEW 1:625-667 Report of New England Confer- ence of Colleges and Schools. Addresses by Professor Barrett Wendell and Dr. Samuel Thurber, and discussion. See Educa. Rev. 6:519 for brief editorial comment. SCHOOL REVIEW 2:373 Report of meeting of Michigan Schoolmasters' Club, March 30-31, 1891. Pp. 373-375 The English Conference. See, for fuller re- port, the Inlander, Vol. 4, Supplement. SCHOOL REVIEW 3:92 Requirements for Entrance Exam- inations in English. Report of a committee appointed by the Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools of the Middle States and Maryland; and discussion of the Report. SCHOOL REVIEW 4: 33 Report of the English Conference of the Sixth Conference of University and Preparatory School Teachers, Chicago, November 15 and 16, 1895. SCHOOL REVIEW 5: 449 The Preparatory Course in English. Suggestions to preparatory schools by the examiner in English of the University of Chicago. See for similar suggestions, DAVIDSON; DENNEY; ENGLISH in the Pre paratory Schools; GAILEY and BRADLEY; HOPKINS. SCHOOL REVIEW 6: 222 Report of the Committee on En- trance Requirements in English. See FRENCH. SCHURMAN, J. G. School Rev. 2: 83 Report on Secondary School Studies (Report of the Committee of Ten). P. 86 Summary of the report of the English Conference. SCOTT, Fred N. Dial 17: 82 English at the University of Michigan. Reprinted in ENGLISH in American Universities. SCOTT, Fred N. School Review 2: 373, 374 The Special Teacher of English Composition (abstract). Composition-Rhetoric. SCOTT, F. N. and J. V. Denney. Boston: 1897. Preface, - 15— SCOTT, F. N. and J. V. Denney. Paragraph-Writing. Bos- ton: 1897. Preface. SCUDDER, H. E. Atlantic 74: 688 Academic Treatment of the English Language. SCUDDER, H. E. Atlantic 73: 252 The Educational Law of Reading and Writing. See, for comment, School Review 2: 179. SEARS, L. American Institute of Instruction 1892: 151 English Composition in Colleges. SHERMAN, L. A. Dial 17: 105 English at the University of Nebraska. Reprinted in ENGLISH in American Universities. SHERMAN, L. A. Educa. Rev. 10: 42 English and English Literature in the College. SHUTE, Katherine H. Education 12: 138 Composition. On the nature and value of composition in the primary grades. SIDGWICK, A. On the Teaching of Composition. A Lec- ture. Lond: 1889. SKINNER, C. E. Academy (Syr.) 3: 261 English in the High School. SMITH, G. J. Educa. Rev. 14: 285 On Teaching Argumen- tation. SMITH, J. Few. Evang. R. 2: 547 Rhetorical Studies. Addresses and Proceedings of the National Educational Association 1889: 520 Methods of Study in English. SMITH, M. W. SMYSER, Selden F. Dial 23: 141 The Lack of Scientific Work in Rhetoric. See also GORE. SOLDAN, F. L. Educa. Rev. 11: 335 The Work of the High School. SO. LIT. MESS. 15: 507 Rhetoric in the College Course. SPALDING, Elizabeth H. The Problem of Elementary Com- position. Suggestions for its Solution. Boston: 1896. STARK, A. B. Education 1: 492 Teaching of English. STARRETT, H. E. Education 17: 158 A Good Literary Style. STODDARD, F. H. Educa. Rev. 6: 126 Literary Spirit in the Colleges. STODDARD, F. H. School Rev. 6: 223 Entrance Require- ments in English. STONE, Chas. W. A Rejoinder to the Report of the Com- mittee on Composition and Rhetoric to the Overseers of Harvard College. Cambridge: 1893. 16- ... STREET, I. M. Academy (Syr.) 4: 506 The Order of English Studies in the Secondary School. For discussion see p. 513. TETLOW, John. Educa. Rev. 12: 75 Sight Translation from the Classics as a Test of Proficiency in English Compo- sition. THURBER, C. H. School Review 6: 328 English as it is Taught. THURBER, S. Academy (Syr.) 4: 421 Elementary English Composition in High Schools. THURBER, S. Academy (Syr.) 5: 354, 459 Composition Topics. THURBER, S. Academy (Syr.) 5: 513 Suggestions of Eng- lish Study for Teachers of English. Reprinted in pamphlet form, 1891. THURBER, S. Academy (Syr.) 6: 157 Milder Suggestions of English Study for Secondary Teachers. THURBER, S. Academy (Syr.) 6: 254 The Correction of School Compositions. THURBER, S. Admonitions as to the Primary Teaching of English. Boston: [1894]. THURBER, S. American Institute of Instruction, 1892: 132 The Three Parts of English Study: Their Correlation in Secondary Teaching. "The English teacher's function should be to teach, his- torically, the language and the literature. Composi- tion he should share with all the other teachers in the school." THURBER, S. Education 14: 193 The Limitations of the Secondary Teaching of English Composition. THURBER, S. Education 16: 449 Aims and Methods in the Study of Literature. P. 455: "A young person's English is one, indivisible thing. He will not read so as to please you to-day, and in a few weeks write so as to appall you with hideous pen-work." THURBER, S. Education 18: 515 An Address to Teachers of English. THURBER, S. Educa. Rev. 5: 381 The "Harvard Report" on the Teaching of English. THURBER, S. School Review 1: 638 English Work in the Secondary Schools. Discussion of Professor Wendell's paper at the Conference of the New England Association. THURBER, S. School Review 2: 13 The Conditions needed for the Successful Teaching of English Composition. THURBER, S. School Rev. 2: 468, 540 English in Secondary Schools: Some Considerations as to its Aims and its Needs. - 17 - THURBER, S. School Rev. 5:7 Five Axioms of Composi- tion Teaching. THURBER, S. To What End do High Schools Teach Eng- lish? See, for review and summary, Pedagogical Seminary 2: 327. TOLMAN, A. H. Dial 16: 356 English at the University of Chicago. Reprinted in ENGLISH in American Universities. TOMPKINS, Arnold. The Science of Discourse. Boston: 1897. Introduction. TUNSTALL, R. W. Jnl. of Educa. 45: 95 Teaching Compo- sition. UNIVERSITY [of Michigan] RECORD 1: 76 Preparatory Eng- lish. UNIVERSITY [of Michigan] RECORD 4: 2 Conference on Eng- lish Composition at a Meeting of the Michigan School- masters' Club. UPSON, A. J. N. Y. Regents 79, app.: 69 A Defence of Rhetoric. WENDELL, Barrett. Dial 16: 131 English at Harvard. Reprinted in ENGLISH in American Universities. WENDELL, Barrett. English Composition. N. Y. 1896. A helpful note for teachers stands at the beginning of the book, in copies put out since 1894. WENDELL, Barrett. School Rev. 1: 638 English Work in the Secondary Schools. Paper read at a conference of the New England Asso- ciation. WICKER, W. K. Academy (Syr.) 3: 85 Worth of the Eng- lish. WICKER, W. K. Academy (Syr.) 3: 133 The Mastery of the English Tongue. WIGHT, J. G. School Rev. 1: 15 First Year English in the High School. WILKINSON, W. C. Bapt. Quar. 3: 436 Bapt. Quar. 3: 436 Mr. Lowell's Poetry. P. 461 The function of a teacher of rhetoric. WINSTON, Francis D. Nation 63: 455 English and the High School. WOODWARD, F. C. English in the Schools (Monographs on Education). Boston: 1893. WRIGHT, C. B. Academy (Syr.) 5: 467 English in the High School. What the College has a Right to Expect. 18- K ¿ II. On German Composition in the Schools of Germany.* APELT, Otto. Der deutsche Aufsatz in der Přima: Ein his- torisch-kritischer Versuch. Leipzig: 1883. BECKER. Herrig's Archiv 14 (1853): 36 Etwas über den Zusammenhang des deutschen Unterrichts mit andern Unterrichtsfächern. BESCHMANN, Dr. Herrig's Archiv 19 (1856): 68 Über deut- sche Aufsätze. BINDSEIL, Dr. Zur Methodik des deutschen Unterrichts in der Prima der Gymnasien. Progr. d. Marien-Gymn. zu Posen: 1883. BUCHNER, W. Deutscher Unterricht in höheren Mädchen- schulen. W. Rein's Encyklopädisches Handbuch der Pädagogik, Bd. 1, p. 677. DALE, F. H. The Teaching of the Mother Tongue in Ger- many. In Special Reports on Educational Subjects. 1896-7. English Education Department. Lond: 1897. An original and highly interesting report. DÖRING, Dr. Über freie Redeübungen in deutscher Sprache auf Gymnasien. Progr. des Gymn. in Freiberg: 1846. EDEL, Augusta. Our Study of our Mother Tongue in the Munich School for Girls. See JONES, College-Entrance English, p. 588. ENCYCLOPÄDIE DES GES. Erziehungs und Unterrichts- wesens, herausg. von K. A. Schmid. Leipzig. FISCHER, C. Der deutsche Sprachunterricht in den Schulen Deutschlands und der Schweiz. Wien: 1878. FLORIN, A. Deutscher Unterricht in Lehrerseminaren. W. Rein's Encyklopädiches Handbuch der Pädogogik, Bd. 1, p. 677. HILDEBRAND, R. Leipzig: 1896. HIECKE, R. H. Der deutsche Unterricht auf Deutschen Gymnasien. 2te Aufl. Leipzig: 1872. First issued in 1842. Beiträge zum deutschen Unterricht. HILDEBRAND, R. Vom deutschen Sprachunterricht in der Schule. 4te Aufl. 4te Aufl. Leipzig: 1890. IMELMANN, I. Vortrag über deutschen Unterricht in der 5. Generalversammlung des Gymnasialvereins, abge- druckt im humanistischen Gymnasium, 1895, IV. JEEP, Chr. Über deutsche Lektüre und schriftliche Produktion in den höheren Klassen der Gymnasien. Braunschweigisches Magazin 1847, Stück 5–12. *Acknowledgment is due to my colleague, Dr. Ernst H. Mensel, for many important additions to this list. : + 19- JONAS, A. Mittheilungen aus dem deutschen Unterricht in Prima. Progr. d. Stadtgymn. zu Stettin, 1878. JONES, Richard D. Education 15: 44, 100 German Methods of Using the Mother Tongue. KAPP, A. Herrig's Archiv 12 (1853): 1 Zur Förderung des deutschen Unterrichts. KAUFMANN, G. Rhetorenschulen und Klosterschulen in Gallien während des 5. und 6. Jahrhunderts. F. von Raumer's Histor. Taschenbuch, 1869. KRÜGER, Dr. Die Primaner-Arbeiten gegen Ende des 17. und im Anfange des 18. Jahrhunderts. Gratulations- schrift. Braunschweig: 1860. LAAS, Ernst. Der deutsche Unterricht auf höheren Lehr- anstalten. Ein kritisch-organisatorischer Versuch. Berlin: 1872. LEHMANN, R. Deutscher Unterricht in höheren Knaben- schulen. W. Rein's Encyklopädisches Handbuch der Pädagogik, Bd. 1, p. 646. LEONHARD, Dr. Der Unterricht im Deutschen. II. Teil. (Mündl. und schriftl. Gedankenausdruck und Logik.) Progr. d. Realgymn. zu Dortmund, 1883. LOCKER, Dr. Über den deutschen Unterricht auf Gymna- sien. Progr. d. Gymn. zu Dillenburg, 1881. LYON, O. Die Lektüre als Grundlage eines einheitlichen und naturgemässen Unterrichts in der deutschen Sprache. 1. Thl. 2. Aufl. Leipzig: 1896. LYON, O. Zeitschrift für den deutschen Unterricht, Jahrg. 12: 15 Die Ziele des deutschen Unterrichts in unserm Zeitalter. Mainly upon the teaching of literature. NICKLAS, Johs. Methodische Winke für den deutschen Unterricht an den drei unteren Klassen höherer Lehr- anstalten. München: 1894. PICKEL, A. Deutscher Unterricht in der Volkschule. W. Rein's Encyklopädisches Handbuch der Pädagogik, Bd. 1, p. 632. PRINCE, John T. Methods of Instruction and Organization of the Schools of Germany. Boston: 1892. Chap. 9 Language. RICHTER, J. W. O. Der deutsche Unterricht an höheren Schulen. Leipzig: 1876. RIECK, F. Pädagogische Briefe. Bielefeld: 1867. RISLER, C. Herrig's Archiv. 2 (1847): 364 Das psycholo- gische und nationale Element im deutschen Sprachun- terrichte. RUSSELL, J. E. School Rev. 2: 199 German in the Higher Schools of Germany. R 20- 5 $ SCHRADER, W. Erziehungs und Unterrichtslehre für Gym- nasien und Realschulen. Berlin: 1868. SCHWAB, E. Der deutsche Sprachunterricht in den obers- ten Gymnasial-Classen. Progr. d. Gymn. in Olmütz, 1867. STREHL, W. Der deutsche Aufsatz für die Mittelstufe höheren Schulen. Berlin: 1895. SUTTINGER, Dr. Über die Bildung des prosaischen Stiles durch den Schulunterricht. Progr. des Gymn. zu Lüb- ben, 1855. THIMM, Dr. Zum deutschen Unterricht auf dem Gymna- sium. Progr. d. Gymn. zu Bartenstein, 1874. - THRÄMER, Th. Geschichte des deutschen Sprachstudiums und insbesondere seiner Unterrichtsmethodik seit der Reformation. Vortrag. Dorpat: 1848. VIGELIUS, W. Aus dem deutschen Unterricht in der Prima: der Lehreraufsatz als positive Korrektur der Schüler- aufsätze. Progr. des Gymn. zu Frankfurt a. O., 1881. WACKERNAGEL, Ph. Der Unterricht in der Muttersprache. (Deutches Lesebuch, 4. Aufl., 4. Thl., für Lehrer.) Gütersloh: 1889. See H. Vollmar. Vom Unterricht in der Muttersprache. Zum Gedächtniss Philipp Wackernagels. Gütersloh: 1897. WENDT, Gustav. Der deutsche Unterricht und die philo- sophische Propädeutik. In Baumeister's Handbuch der Erziehungs und Unterrichtslehre, III. vii. See especially pp. 98-133 Aufsätze und mündliche Vorträge. WENDT, H. Die freie deutsche Arbeit in Prima. I. Progr. des Gymn. in Rostock, 1857. WEISWEILER, J. Über das Wesen und die Bedeutung der Chrie im deutschen Unterrichte. Progr. des Marien- Gymnasiums zu Posen, 1892. III. On French Composition in the Schools of France. BRUNETIÈRE, Ferd. Atlantic 80: 442 Style in French Liter- ature. BRUNETIÈRE, Ferd. Rev. d. D. Mondes, 1 Décembre, 1890 Apologie pour la rhétorique. BRUNOT, Ferd. Revue Universitaire, 15 Février, 1895 Ex- plications françaises. La rhétorique et son histoire. Paris: CHAIGNET, A.-Ed. 1888. Preface. L 1 4 M 21- GIRARD, Jules. Revue Universitaire, 15 Novembre, 1896: 311 Rapport sur le concours de l'agrégation des lettres de 1896. Penetrating criticisms on the compositions submitted in this concours. PAYOT, Jules. Revue Universitaire 15 Juillet, 1897 L'en- seignement de la composition française, réformes né- cessaires; 15 Janvier, 1898 Les méthodes actives; encore la composition française; 15 Février, 1898 La compo- sition française, exemples pratiques; 15 Avril, 1898 La composition française, son rôle exact. An admirable series of papers. SALLES, A. Revue Universitaire, 15 Decembre, 189 De la composition française. Interesting and suggestive. TEXTE, J. Educa. Rev. 13: 121 Teaching Language and Literature in France. L