STATE OF MARYLAND MARYLAND GE OLO GICAL SURVEY WM BULLO CK CLARK, STATE GE OLOGIST - {5 | 2- AGR MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. W^* BULL00K CLARK, state Geologist. IN CO-OPERATION WITH U. S. BU REAU OF SO |LS MILTON WHITNEY CHIEF 1902 l 2 3. Contour interval 20 feet. Dazzazrvits frzezza sea ſevez. LEGEN D Yellow and brown loam, slight- ly sandy, !” ;%"; Sassafra's lºg greatest percent&ge 0 clay; good farm lands, wheat, Loan oats, hay, etc. #ſº º º, º: y red clay-loam, which grades *- into sºciºliº Ng. * to wheat and grass and small S3,1] I crops C l Brownish or ºr'. eci loam with considerable sand, Mica–L Iſl silt, and clay, underlain, by a Susquehan Ila, 1. 8-1408, similar subsoil; corn, wheat Gravel and grass are grown #. % Or º oarn, underlain by a yellowish- - ºn 1 brºn loſtºn subsoil; #. Susquehanna tive, with stunted growth of Clay - small pines and oaks Conowingo Barrens º º º l*...; - underlain by yellow and re Cong W111g0 stiff clay loams; well adapted Clay to tomatoes and corn, and for- ests of hard wood Light yellow loam, mellow and free from stones, underlain b heavier yellow loam; fertile and productive, yielding good crops of wheat, corn, oats and hay Reddish and brown sands, un- derlain by reddish and yellow sand subsoil; well adapted for truck crops and small fruits, but not so good for wheat and grass, with forest growth of oaks and chestnuts Gravel-loam, whderlain by coarse gravel subsoil, often par- tially indurated; generally poor soil although fairly pro- ºtive when percentage of clay is large Stiff clay, with frequently a slight covering of gravelly clay- loam; generally very ºn pro- ductive, often covered with pine and oak thickets Brown and yellow, ºften gray- ish clay-loam, underlain by tight yellow or mottled clays; fine farm lands, with ºn Cºy dairy farms; often with heavy growth of oak and pine * ºf º Mulbe Fry N º - % -- ^ º | Coleman Clay loam 13 - BQ D. NIDARY” : a Clay loam Clay loan º º Cecil Mica-Loam Loam - - º Clay loam Conowingo Barrens Loam SOIL PROF LES (3 feet deep) Conowingo Clay Z// … - … º º º Clay loam Clay loam ºr oldfield P. d Field Pt. Sassafras Clay loam Norfolk Sandy loam. TMARYLAND AGRIC ULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION H. J. PATTER SON, DIRECTOR **** ==== Susquehanna Gravel Gravel loam Surveyed by Clarence W. Dorsey and Jay A. Bonsteel |899 L/74. BYA #CA://& Cº. 5,417/MOAPE MC. ****==== - years way A. Susquehanna Clay Z. % Gr- ººley Clay : U. S. DEPT OF AGRICULTURE U. S. BTTIR.EAU OF SOILS MILTON WHITNETY CHIEF º * - º wn | Clay loam Z Z. | º º,% - Clay loam MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WM B LAR - U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLOCK C K, STATE GE OLOGIST CHARLES D. WALCOTT, DIRECTOR |5" - - - *se-shoe For - - - - I - / - º - 22 - - | - - (Lost) *, * - - 19 * PENZNS AN - - - _CO. C ND == - T. T. CECITY). - -- T. Q º º -> º -º-º: - - ---- º -- - º - . . º º - - - º N 2 - º - º - - Green. º - { - º Earlton - - - 4. y Mt. Felix . º - = = * - --- lºzzsay/arc sarreary- SHOWING THE OPOGRAPHY A N D ECTION DISTRICT MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY W* BULL0 CK CLARK, state Geologist -- *====, IN CO-OPERATION WITH U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY - CHARLES D.WALCOTT D'RECTOR | | | | | | || - | Grove Riº 4-Miles. - 3. Contour interval 201eet. ZJazewn as mean sea level. 5. Kilometers Year's Way/-. d Field Pt. Galena Coleman N - Still º CONVENTIONAL SIGNS Stil CULTURE - - Double-track Street Tunnels secondary roads railroads railroads Tº T. - | | | - Fords State lines County lines District lines Tº ulation Bench marks stations RELIEF WATER - (printed in brown) (printed in blue) 4-5.3 - - - - - - - - … ºr - º: *** ***. Figures Depression Cliff's Streams Intermittent Canals and Aqueducts Fresh marshes (showing heights above (showing height above eón tours Streams ditches -- - º * surface/ - 76°00' H. M. Wilson, Chief of Division Topography by J. W. Thom and W. N. Morrill Surveyed in 1896 and 1899 Z/74. Bra. AoA wa Co. 54.7///fºre 4fd MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WM BULLO CK CLARK, STATE GEOLOGIST CHARLES D. WALCOTT, DIRECTOR - hoºse-sºo's roa ſ - - . - - X- -- vº - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LEGENID - * * \º ºn tº . liº \º ºf sº º'- Hº !. - - With descriptions of the - - || | - - - - -- " -- ſº - - - - - geological formations PLEISTOCENE Clayey loam, occupying upper portion of formation, carrying Poł gravel layers and scattered boulders; lower half composed of clay, sand, gravel and bowlders. Talbot Clay loam, occupying upper part of formation, carrying Poy gravel layers and scattered cºw boulders; lower half composed usually of clay, sand, gravel - - and bowlders. WiCOmico Loam and sand predominant - - - - - - in the upper portion, sand and - Pos gravel in the lower part of for- - - ºnation. - Sunderland 2 . - - - - 1: º: ---- ºl NEOCENE : º ºlºr. Reddish and yellowish sands - - * 1: N] and gravel, locally indurated - - - §: - to sandstone and conglomerate. - 3. , º, Lafayette Greensand, sand, and indu- rated sand; fossiliferous. Greensand and sand, locally indurated. - rºl. COLUMNAR SECTION Showing average thicknesses FORMATION MATERIAL º: - º Greenish-black sandy clay, º-rºtº- containing green concretions Talbot %.º.º. º **Cºn, and lignite. 45 feet - - ºut- Wicomico º Loam, sand gravel, º - = 'º - - 35 feet ice-borne boulders. - - \º L -- º - - - - | Locust Prºs Interbedded sand, sandy clay - and clay; sands at times indu- - rated. Loam, sand, gravel. ºl. -) O 5 - T Interbedded clay and sand, the O (n. | former predominating; sand - - < || * locally indwrated. Lafayette - Sand, gravel, conglomerate. > | | | 100 feet º: O Patapsco C H. —l- 2 Elz H , i t * JURASSIC 7 º sand, indwrated -- 3.15. - - Interbedded sand, gravel and - 12: clay; arcose, bed of clay near - -: base, occupying a quarter of the total thickness of formation; thin sand bed at base locally º indurated. M onmouth : § Greensoºnd, sand. Patuxent 80 feet - º - / º/ - TRIASSIC // - Clay, sand. - - º // - º Usually in rusty brown round- | ed boulders or narrow dikes. Diabase ///// º º Z/////////, / ( (. SILURIAN-CAMBRIAN % º - - Interbedded clay - // º Nº. Or Rºº. § indurated sand. - His N N - eet - - º - PRE-CAMBRIAN f --- In light colored dikes composed of quartz, feldspar and mica. Pegmatite ----- Dark compact rocks occurring - in narrow bands. Basic Dikes º == - º - ! ". | - Ø ºy P. * - - - - - - - % = ---- - Compact greenish-gray rock G Sº - - - º,º - ºº: with inconspicuous quartz and - sº %. Sº º º/.º. --- º ſº"...º.º.º.º. º --- - º - || ||A º º ende and epidote abundan - - Nº º - º - ºn- P. Pºes | - in weathered specimens. == §ºs º - N - º º º - º sen bush Pt. - e º --~~ -- º/ Nº. - ſº º - º E - º º --- N - - º º E. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ - º º sº clay, sand, indurated sand. º º Fº Light green, gray or reddish Patap SCO sº y º -º-º-º: brown rock, with characteristic 300 feet broken outcrops. - * - A - \\ Peridotite Pyroxenite Dark, hard rock with white feldspar and bronzy pyroxenes. "Nigger head.” Dark, hard, sometimes coarse - s º grained rock weathering in ×ownded bowlders. “Nigger - head.” - sº == Meta-gabbro == Clay, sand, indurated sand, - Quartz-hornblende gabbro Pºnt gravel, arcose. feeſ. Light granitic rock with folia of gr black mica in parallel position. - s - § Micaceous hornblendic an - - Cambrian §§ § chloritic gneisses and schists - - Light granitic rock, often OT” §§§ º;....” gabbro, - G - banded, strongly micaceous |- ). - § sº peridotites and dikes. - - . . nº and occasionally conglomeritic. Pre-Cambrian § º - - - - - - - - - - - *Nº. - * - Unknown thickeness - | - - º - - Mica-greiss - - | - YEAR’s Vya A. Howeſſ - | º/ ...” - - d Field Pt. rvºvá - SHOWING THE GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS - Galena Coleman - - / - - -º-º: - MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Still pond W* BULLOCK CLAR K. STATE GEO LOGIST CONVENTIONAL SIGNS IN CO-OPERATION WITH MINES AND QUARRIES - MINES AND QUARRIES VERTICAL SECTION ON LINE A-B IN OPERATION NOT working U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Building Stone Clay and Kaolin 23 — Clay and Kaolin CHARLES D.WALCOTT, DIRECTOR 1902 L Scale G2500 - º º º - - S& Nº. 7 --- - - - - º - --- --> - -- - - - - -iv-vi - -- - . ->º - - - -º-º- º§§ - º * Lºº. º w Nº. Zºº º 2. --~~ - --- -º-º: º ºº ºšº - º-- ~- illuſillſ T-,Sea. º *Vº - --- - º & º - T -- " - - - - - - - º: ºx- Tºº - --- -º- * º: Kºº. - N º ºv- - --- - º Kºś --- - --- - - - … - - - - ----- - º º: - - º ºlº-tºº - - Sºº º: * º --- --- º - º -º- jº Flint and Spar Flint and Spar Jusquehanna River Sea. Zevel - Tºzºzzzzzzzzzzzzzº-P: - º: º: ZZZZZZZZZZ ººzzzzzzzzzº -T- zºzzº sº --- º º º 7" - "… - L 2 º 5. Kilometers ºº:º - A.Y.A. ºver Sassafras' ſºver Contour interval 20 feet. Mortheast ºver ZOazzarº is mezzzz sea levez. 15 - 76 Geology of the Crystalline Rocks by F. Bascom L/WH 8 × 4 ºf My3 Cº. 54/W/MCAPE MO. Geology of the Coastal Plain Formations by G. B. Shattuck, A. Bibbins, B. L. Miller and F. B. Wright Surveyed in 1899, 1900 and 1901