B 1,069,930 * -2^ & • . - - - - * . . . * ** - , - . ** # - & - ; , a.” . wººººººº . *** sa ATLAs To ACCOMPANY REPORT RR ***ON CAMERON, ELK, AND FOREST counties. -----------~~~~~~~~~ z------- + ..' . ~f ; * ”, ; : y : f ; : . . __-------- ~~~~r” “”-- t .* *** ... ----> * TABLE OF CONTENTs. PLATE NO. I. Map of McKean, Elk, Cameron, and Forest COUnties, show- ing the position and direction of the Anticlinal and Synclinal Axes. Scale, 6 miles to 1 inch. - - PLATE No. II. Geological map of the central portion of Elk county. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch. . PLATE No. III. Geological map of Cameron county, and Benezette town- ship, Elk county. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch. PLATE No. IV. Geological map of Forest county, and Millstone township, Elk County. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch. PLATE No. V. A series of columnar sections, constructed from surface ob- . servations and oil well records, between Smethport, McKean county, and J Sinnemahoning, Cameron County, showing the thickening to the southeast of the Lower Carboniferous and Devonian rocks; accompanied by a key map of McKean, Elk, and Cameron counties, showing position of sections. Scale of sections, 100 feet to 1 inch. PLATE VI. A series of columnar sections, constructed from surface observa- tions and oil well records, from Cameron, Cameron county, through Eik x and Forest counties, to Franklin, in Venango county ; showing the rela- 3 * tion of the Venango Oil Sand group to the Carboniferous and Devonian k- rocks; accompanied by a key map showing position of sections. Scale of sections, 100 feet to 1 inch. PLATE No. VII. Columnar sections of the Lower Productive coal measures and Pottsville Conglomerate in McKean, Elk, Cameron, and Jefferson counties. Scale, 100 feet to 1 inch. PLATE No. VIII. Topographical map of McKean county in one hundred foot contour curves. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch. PLATE No. IX. Topographical sketch Imap, in twenty five foot contour curves, of a portion of the Fifth Bituminous coal basin in Sergeant town- ship, McKean county, and Jones township, Elk county. Scale, 2,000 feet to 1 inch. PLATE No. X. Warrantee and tract map of the central portion of Elk county. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch. PLATE No. XI. Warrantee and tract map of Forest county, together with Millstone township, Elk County, and portions of Farmington township, Clarion county, and Barnett and Heath townships, Jefferson county. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch. NOTES.–This atlas is published in advance of the report (RR) on the ge- ology of Cameron, Elk, and Forest counties, the manuscript of which has just been placed in the hands of the State Printer. Some of the sheets contained in this atlas were printed during the latter part of 1880; the publication of the atlas has, however, been unavoidably de- layed, due to causes explained in the Prefatory Letter to the report. CHARLES A. ASHBURNER, #. Assistant Geologist, November 15th, 1884. 907 Walnut street, Philadelphia. ſcopyright, 1884, by William A. Ingham, Secretary Board of Commissioners, Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania. J [Form No. 163 B.] THE PUBLICATIONS () F 'I HE SHIND|||||||||WWIFPNWWN). The sale of the reports is conducted in accordance with the provisions of Section 10 of the Act of the 14th day of May, 1874, which directs that copies of the Reports, with all maps and supplements, shall be furnished at cost of p wblication to all applicants for them. All the printed volumes and maps in stock have been transferred by the Board of Commissioners to the Department of Internal Affairs, where the Sales thereof will hereafter be conducted. Communications relating to the work of the Survey should be addressed to J. P. Lesley, State Geologist, No. 1008 Clinton street, Philadelphia, and those intended for the Board of Commissioners, to William A. Ingham, Secretary, No. 907 Walnut street, Philadelphia. - All letters and orders concerning the purchase of Reports and remittances for the same, should be addressed to, J. SIMPSON AFRICA, Secretary of Internal Affairs, Harrisbwrff, Pa. November 1, 1884. *SuèULIȚ930IS ĮO ĐnãOIęQēO- -‘zO ‘O“SIÐA@T---N IN ‘aº ‘Eſ · BJOIH IBOO–(<\ {}(„Šº);* ■ſae“? $©® |-ÑŅĀV №šſ. z( 252ź№ ģéă3, ... /-^{ ºg №yº?^^'!). Çſ „k&º, №ſí ſºnºrºpgººg,Ģ*|- ---->~~~~); „-??-? №, º S ſ N_{\ \~ł ^ THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE SECOND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. IFROM 1874 TO 1884. Teports have been issued by the Board of Commissioners, and the prices thereof fixed in accordance with the law authorizing their publication, as fol- \OWS: IMISCIELLANEOUS REPORTS. A. A history of the FIRST GEOLOGICAL SURVEY of Pennsylvania from 1856 to 1858, by J. P. Lesley. With the annual reports of the Board to the Legis- lature for 1874 and 1875. 89, pp. 226, 1876. Price in paper $0.25, postage $0.06. B. Report on the MINERALs of Pennsylvania, by F. A. Genth ; and on the hydro-carbon compounds, by S. P. Sadtler. With a reference map of the State. 89, pp. 206, 1875. Price in paper $0 50, postage $0 08; in cloth $0 75, postage $0 10. B 2. Report on the MINERALs, by F. A. Genth, continued from page 207 to page 238. 89, in paper cover, pp. 31, 1876. (Bound with B.) M. Report of CHEMICAL ANALYSEs in 1874–5, in the Laboratory at Harris- burg, by A. S. McCreath. 89, pp. 105, 1875. Price in paper $0.50, postage $0 05. M 2. Report of CHEMICAL ANALYSEs in 1876–8, by A. S. McCreath : Classi- fication of coals, by P. Frazer; Fire-brick tests, by F. Platt; Dolomitic lime- stone beds, by J. P. Lesley; Utilization of anthracite slack, by F. Platt; De- termination of Carbon in iron or steel, by A. S. McCreath. With one folded plate (section at Harrisburg) and four page plates. 80, pp. 438, 1879. Price $0.65, postage $0 18. M 3. Report of CHEMICAL ANALYSEs in 1879–80, by A. S. McCreath. With a reference map of 93 iron ore mines in the Cumberland valley. 80, pp. 126, 1881. Price $0 40, postage $0 10. N. Report on the LEVELS above tide of railroad, canal and turnpike stations, mountain tops, &c., in and around Pennsylvania, in 200 tables, by C. Allen. With a map. 89, pp. 279, 1878. Price $0.70, postage #0 15. O. CATALOGUE of specimens collected by the survey (No. 1 to No. 4,264) by C. E. Hall. 80, pp. 217, 1878. Price $0 40, postage $0 10. O 2. CATALOGUE (continued from No. 4,265 to No. 8,974); also catalogue of fossils (pp. 231 to 239.) 89, pp. 272, 1880. Price $0 40, postage $0 12. (3) 4 O 3• CATALOGUE (continued from No. 8,975 to No. .) 89, pp 1885. Price $ , postage $ . (Note, waiting to go to press.) P. Report on the COAL FLORA of Pennsylvania and the United States, Vols. 1 and 2, (bound together,) by L. Lesquereux. 89, pp. 694, 1880. Price $0 80, postage $0 28. P. Report on the COAL FLORA of Pennsylvania and the United States, Vol. 3, with 24 double page plates (lithographed) of coal plants, to accompany P. Vols. 1 and 2. 89, pp. 283, 1884. Price $120, postage $0 18. (P.) ATLAS of 87 double page plates (lithographed) of coal plants, to ac- company P. Vols. 1 and 2. 80, 1879. Price $3 35, postage $0 22. P 2. Report on Permo-Carboniferous plants from W. Va. and Greene COunty, Pennsylvania, by W. M. Fontaine and I. C. White. With 38 double page plates (lithographed.) 89, pp. 143, 1880. Price $2 25, postage $0 17. P 3. Description of Ceratiocaridae, by C. E. Beecher; and of Eurypteridae, by James Hall. With 8 plates. 80, pp. 39, 1884. Price $0 60, postage $0 07. Z. Report On the TERMINAL MORAINE across Pennsylvania, by H. C. Lewis; including extracts from descriptions of the Moraine in New Jersey, by G. H. Cook, and in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana, by G. F. Wright. With a map of the State, 18 photographic views of the moraine, and 32 page plate maps and sections. 89, pp. lvi and 299, 1884. Price $1 40, postage $0 17. 3. AINTEIRACITE REGION. A 2. Report on the causes, kinds, and amount of WASTE in mining anthra- cite, by F. Platt ; with a chapter on METHODs of mining, by J. P. Wetherill. Illustrated by 35 figures of mining Operations, a plan of the Hammond breaker, and a specimen sheet of the maps of the Anthracite coal fields. 80, pp. 134, 1881. Price $1 10, postage $0 12. AC. Report on MINING METHODs, &c., in the anthracite coal fields, by H. M. Chance. Illustrated with 54 plates and 60 illustrations in the text. 80, pp. 574, 1883. Price $1 40, postage $0 25. AC. ATLAs containing 25 plates illustrating coal mining, to accompany Report AC, by H. M. Chance. 89, 1883. Price $1 40, postage $0 12. AA. First report of progress of the anthracite survey ; PANTHER CREEK BASIN, by C. A. Ashburner; with a determination of the latitude and longi- tude of Wilkes Barre and Pottsville, by C. L. Doolittle ; and a theory of stadia measurements, by A. Winslow. 89, pp. 407, 1883. Price $0.58, postage $0 18. (AA.) ATLAs of SouTHERN anthracite field, Part I, containing 13 sheets: 3 mine sheets, 3 cross section sheets, 3 columnar Section sheets, 1 topographical map sheet, and 1 coal bed area sheet, relating to the PANTHER CREEK BASIN: 1 general map of the anthracite region, and 1 chart of anthracite production from 1820 to 1881. 89. 1882. Chas. A. Ashburner, Geologist in charge ; A. W. Sheafer and Frank A. Hill, Assistant Geologists. Price $1 50, postage $0 12. (AA.) ATLAs of WESTERN MIDDLE anthracite field, Part I, containing 11 sheets: 4 mine sheets between Delano and Locust Dale, 3 topographical sheets between Quakake Junction and Mount Carmel, and 4 cross Section sheets. 89, NotEs.—Single sheets of the Anthracite Survey, with the exception of those in the Panther Creek atlas, can be purchased by addressing Chas. A. Ash- burner, Geologist in Charge, 907 Walnut street, Philadelphia. See page 10. Reports with no price assigned to them will be ready for distribution about January 1, 1885. 5 1884. Chas. A. Ashburner, Geologist in charge ; A. W. Sheafer and Bard Wells, Assistant Geologists. Price $1 65, postage $0 11. (A.A.) ATLAs of NORTHERN anthracite field, Part I, containing 6 mine sheets between Wilkes Barre and Nanticoke, 3 cross section sheets, and 4 columnar section sheets, SO, 1884. Chas. A. Ashburner, Geologist in charge ; Frank A. Hill, Assistant Geologist. Price $ , postage $ e (AA.) GRAND ATLAs, Div. II, Pt. I, 1884, port-folio containing 26 sheets (26" ×32") as follows: 13 sheets Atlas Southern Anthracite Field, Part I, 11 sheets Atlas Western Middle Anthracite Field Part I, 1 sheet photo views of plaster models in Western Middle and Southern Fields, and 1 specimen sheet Report A 2. Price $4 25, expressage from Harrisburg $ For anthracite coal in SULLIVAN county, see G 2. For Conglomerate beds near Carbondale, Pittston, &c., see G 5, G 7. For Utilization of anthracite slack, see M. 2. For single sheets see page 10. BITUTIMINOTUS COAL FIELDS AND STURROTUNIDING AREAS. H. First report on CLEARFIELD and JEFFERSON counties, by F. Platt. With 8 maps, 2 sections, and 139 cuts in the text. 89, pp. 296, 1875. Price unbound $1 50, postage $0 13 (For second report see H 6, H 7.) H 2. Report on CAMBRIA county, by F. & W. G. Platt. With 4 maps and sections and 84 cuts in the text. 80, pp. 194, 1877. Price $100, postage $0 12. H3. Report on SoMERSET county, by F. & W. G. Platt. With 6 maps and sections and 110 cuts in the text. 89, pp. 348, 1877. Price $0.85, postage $0 18. H 4. Report on INDIANA county, by W. G. Platt. With a colored geologi- cal county map and 87 cuts in the text. 80, pp. 316, 1878. Price $0 S0, post- age $0 14. H 5. Report on ARMS rRONG county, by W. G. Platt. With a colored geo- logical county map, and 58 cuts in the text. 89, pp. 338, 1880. $0 75, postage $0 16. H 6. Second report on JEFFERSON county, (See H above,) by W. G. Platt. With a colored geological county map, and 57 cuts in the text. 89, pp. 218, 1881. Price $0 60, postage S0 J2. H 7. Second report on CLEAR FIELD county, (see H above,) by H. M. Chance. With a colored geological county map, an outcrop map of the Houtz- dale basin, and 58 cuts in the text. 89, pp. 197, 1884. Price $0 85, postage $0 11. He Report on VENANGO county, by J. F. Carll. The geology around War- ren, by F. A. Randall. Notes on the comparative geology of N. E. O., N. W. Pa. and W. N. Y., by J. P. Lesley. With one small map of the Venango oil region; one small map of the region south and east of Lake Erie; one long section of the rocks at Warren ; and 7 cuts in the text. 80, pp. 127, 1875. Price in paper, $0 60, postage $0 05. II 2. Report of oil well records and levels in VENANGo, WARREN, CRAw- FORD, CLARION, ARMSTRONG, BUTLER, &c., by J. F. Carll. 89, pp. 398, 1877. Price $0 60, postage $0 18. I 3. Report on the VENANGO, WARREN, CLARION, and BUTLER OIL RE- GIONS ; descriptions of rig, tools, &c.; Survey of the Garland and Panama con- glomerates, &c.; discussion of preglacial and post glacial drainage ; by J. F. Carll. With 23 page plates, and an atlas. 89, pp. 482, 1880. Price (of volume and atlas together) $2 30, postage $0 30. 6 (I 3-) ATLAs of 22 sheets. Map of Venango County, colored geologically; nap of lower oil field (Butler, Armstrong and Clarion) in 2 sheets; 3 local Contour maps at Franklin, Titusville, and Spring creek; two maps of N. W. Pennsylvania showing the past and present drainage; long section across W. Pennsylvania; vertical section of the formations from the Upper Coaſ Meas- ures down to the bottom of the Devonian ; diagram map and section of Third Sand; profile section from Meadville, S. W.; 5 sheets of grouped oil well sec- tions; 5 sheets of working drawings for well boring, &c.; diagram of daily rate of drilling six wells at Petrolia. (Sold only with the report.) I 4. Report on WARREN county, by J. F. Carll. With a colored geological County map, a map of the Warren oil region, and 2 sheets of oil well sections. 8°, pp. 439, 1883. Price $1 12, postage 80 20. (Note. The first 147 pages of this book contain oil well records; see wºnder Petrolewm Fields below.) J. Report on the OIL REGION, by H. E. Wrigley; map and profile of line of levels through Butler, Armstrong, and Clarion, by D. J. Tucas; map and profile of Slippery Rock Creek, by J. P. Lesley. 5 maps and sections, a plate and 5 cuts. 89, pp. 122, 1875. Price in paper $0 75, postage $0 06. K. Report on GREENE and WASHINGTON counties, by J. J. Stevenson. With two county maps. (Showing the calculated local depths of the Pitts- burg and Waynesburg coal beds beneath the surface,) and 3 page plates of general sections. 89, pp. 419, 1876. Price, in paper, S0 65, postage $0 16. (Note.—Since the pºwblication of this book, two colored geological cownty 'maps have been published, and will be found in pocket of volume K. 3 de- scribed below.) K 2. First report on FAYETTE, WEST MORE LAND, and S. E. ALLEGHENY counties, (i. e. west of Chestnut ridge,) by J. J. Stevenson. With 3 colored geological county maps, and 50 cuts in the text. 89, pp. 437, 1877. Price $1 40, postage $0 20. K 3. Second report on FAYETTE and WEST MORELAND counties, (the Lig- onier valley,) by J. J. Stevenson. With 4 page plates, and 107 cuts in text. 80, pp. 331, 1878. Price $140, postage $0 16. (Note.—In a pocket in this vol- wºme will be found the colored geological maps of Greene and Washington counties, cºllwaled to above.) K 4. Report on the MoxoS GAHELA river CoAL MINEs, from the West Vir- ginia State line to Pittsburg, (including some on the Youghiogheny and other streams, ) by J. Sutton Walſ. With a map of the region in a pocket, 12 helio- type pictures, and 26 page plates. 89, pp. 231, 1884. Price $ , postage $ L. Report on the YouGHIoGHENY coke manufacture, by F. Platt; Notes on the coal and iron ore beds, by C. A. Young; Report on methods of coking, by J. Fulton, (See G below;) Report on the use of natural gas in the iron manufacture, by J. B. Pearse and F. Platt ; The Boyd’s hill gas well at Pitts- burg, by J. P. Lesley. With a map of the coke region, two folded plates of coke ovens, and page plates and cuts in the text. 89, pp. 252, 1876. Price $100, postage $0 13. . Q. Report on BEAVER, N. W. ALLEGHANY, and S. BUTLER counties, by I. C. White. With 3 colored geological county maps, and 21 page plates of sections, 89, pp. 337, 1878. Price $140, postage 8020. Q 2. Report on LAwRENCE county, and special Report on Correlation of the Pennsylvania and Ohio coal beds, by ſ. C. White. With a colored geolog- ical county map, and 134 cuts in the text. 89, pp. 336, 1879. Price $0.70, post- age $0.15. Q. 3. Report on MERCER county, by I. C. White. With colored geological county map, and 119 cuts in the text. 89, pp. 233, 1880. Price 50 60, postage $0 11. Q. 4. Report on CRAwFoRD AND ERIE counties, by I. C. White. With two colored geological county maps, and 107 cuts in the text. Also, a Report on a preglacial outlet for Lake Erie, by J. W. Spencer. With two maps of the Lake region. 89, pp. 406, 1881. Price $1 17, postage $0 18. R. Report on McKEAN county, and its geological connections with Came- ron, Elk, and Forest counties, by C. A. Ashburner. With 33 page plates of vertical and columnar sections, pictures of Rock city and Olean conglomerate, Wilcox and Kane spouting wells, map of Howard Hill coal field, &c., and an atlas of 8 sheets. 80, pp. 371, 1880. Price of Volume and Atlas together $170, postage $0 22. (R.) ATLAs for McKean county of 8 sheets:—Colored geological county map; three topographical maps; of Buffalo Coal Company tract, Alton coal basin, and Potato Creek coal basin; map of McKean oil district; one sheet of columnar sections between Bradford and Ridgway; and 2 diagram sheets of the Well account and Production account in the Bradford district. (Only sold with Report R.) R 2. Report on CAMERON, ELK AND FOREST counties, by C. A. Ashburner. (To appear about Jam. 1, 1885.) (R 2.) ATLAs for CAMERON, ELR AND FOREST counties, of 11 sheets (pub- lished November, 1884, in advance of the report) : —3 colored geological county maps; 1 anticlinal and Synclinal map : 1 topographical map McKean county; 2 tract maps Forest and Elk Counties; 1 map Straight Creek coal basin; 2 sheets oil well sections; and 1 sheet coal sections. Price $0 65, post- age $0 08. V. Report on N. BUTLER county; and (Part 2) special report on the Beaver and Shenango river coal measures, by H. M. Chance. With a colored geolog- ical map of N. Butler; a contour local map around Parker; a map of the an- ticlinal rolls in the 6th basin ; a chart of the Beaver and Shenango rivers; profile section from Homewood to Sharon; Oil well records and surface sec- tions; and 154 cuts in the text. 89, pp. 248, 1879. Price S0 70, postage $0 15. V 2. Heport on CLARION County, by H. M. Chance. With a colored geo- logical county map ; a map of the anticlinals and oil-belt; a contoured map of the old river channel at Parker ; 4 page plates, and 83 cuts in the text. So, pp. 232, 1880. Price $0 43, postage $0 12. For the coal basins of BRADFORD and TIOGA counties see report G. For the coal basins of LYCOMING and SULLIVAN see report G. 2. For the coal basins of POTTER county see G 3. For the coal basins of CLIN TON county see G 4. For the coal in WAYNE county see G 5. For the East Broad Top coal basin in HUNTING Don county see F. For the mountain coals in BLAIR county see T. For the Broad Top coal measures in BED FORD and FULTON counties see T 2. For the coal basins in CENTRE county see T 4. Eor coal analyses, see M, MI 2, M 3. For classification of coals, see in M 2. For coal plants, see P, P 2. For fossil crustaceans in coal slate, see P 3. 8 PETROLEUM AND GA.S. See reports I, I 2, I 3, I 4, and J under Bituminous Coal Fields. See L, for the Pittsburgh gas well, and the use of gas in the iron manufacture. See Q, Q2, Q 3, Q 4, for references to oil rocks in Beaver, Lawrence, Mercer, Crawford, Erie, and S. Butler counties. See K for the Dunkard creek oil wells of Greene county. See R, R2, for descriptions of oil rocks in McKean, Elk, and Forest counties. See V, V 2, for notes on the oil rocks of N. Butler, and Clarion counties. See H 2 for oil boring at Cherry Tree, Cambria county. See G 5 for oil boring in Wayne county. INORTH-EASTERN AND MIDIDI,E PENINSYLVANIA. (Palaeozoic formations from the Coal down.) D. First report on LEHIGH county iron mines, by F. Prime. With a con- tour line map of the Ore region, and 8 page plates. 80, pp. 73, 1875. Price in paper $0 50, postage $0 04. D 2. Second report on LEHIGH county iron mines, by F. Prime. With a Colored geological Contour line map of the iron region, (in 4 sheets,) a colored geological contour line map of the Ironton mines, 4 double page lithograph pictures of Limestone quarries, and one page plate of Momocraterion. 89, pp. 99, 1878. Price $1 60, postage 30 12. D 3. Vol. 1. Report on LEHIGH and North AMPTON counties. Introduc- tion, by J. P. Lesley ; Slate belt, by R. A. Saunders; Limestone belt and iron mines, by F. Prime ; South mountain rocks, by F. Prime and C. E. Hall. With 3 lithograph pictures of quarries, 4 pictures of triangulation stations, 14 page plates of sections, and an atlas of maps. 89, pp. 283, 1883. Price $0.65, postage 80 13. (Note, for atlas see below.) K) 3. Vol. II, part I. Report on BERKs county, (Sowth Mountain belt,) by E. V. D'Invilliers. With 10 page plates of sections and Indian relics, and 3 pictures of rock exposures. 89, pp. 441, 1883. Price $0 55, postage 30 18. (Note, for atlas see below, as before.) (D 3.) ATLAs : One colored geological map of Lehigh and Northampton counties, (one sheet); one colored geological contour line map of Southern Northampton county, (six sheets); a contour line map of the mountains from the Delaware to the Schuylkill, (eighteen sheets); a Colored geological contour line index map to the 22 sheets, (one sheet); and 4 sheets of maps of Iron mines. Price of Atlas $280, postage $0 17. D 5. ATLAs of colored geological county maps of CUMBERLAND, FRANK- LIN, and Adams, (three sheets); and first instalment of contour line map of the South mountains, Sheets A 1, A2, B1, B2, (four sheets,) by A. E. Lehman. Price of Atlas $l 25, postage 80 08. F. Report on the JUNIATA RIVER district in MIFFLIN, SNYDER and HUN- TING Dos counties, by J. H. Dewees; and on the Aughwick Valley and East Broad Top region in HUNTINGDON county, by C. A. Ashburner. With colored geological maps of East Broad Top R. R. and Orbisonia vicinity (2 sheets); Three Springs map and section (2 sheets); Sideling Hill creek map and section (2 sheets); and Isometric projection at Three Springs (1 sheet); six folded cross sections and 22 page plates of local maps, and col- umnar sections. 80 pp. 305, 1878. Price $2 55, postage $0 20. 9 F 2. Report on PERRY county, (Part I, geology,) by E. W. Claypole. With two colored geological maps of the county; 17 geological outline town- ship maps as page plates; and 30 page plate cross and columnar sections. 8°, pp. , 1884. Price $ , postage, . (In press, October, 1884.) G. Report on BRADFord and TIOGA counties, by A. Sherwood ; Report on their coal fields (including forks of Pine creek in Potter county), by F. Platt; Report on the cokING of bituminous coal, by J. Fulton. (See L above.) With 2 colored geological county maps, 3 page plates, and 35 cuts in the text. 80, pp. 271, 1878. Price $100, postage $0 12. G 2. Report on LYCOMING and SU LLIVAN counties: field notes by A. Sher- wood; coal basins by F. Platt. With 2 colored geological county maps (of Lycoming and Sullivan), a topographical map (in two sheets) of the Little Pine creek coal basin, and 24 page plates of columnar sections. 89, pp. 268, 1880. Price $106, postage $0 14. G 3. Report on Potte R county, by A. Sherwood. Report on its COAL FIELDs, by F. Platt. With a colored geological county map, 2 folded plates, and 2 page plates of sections. 89, pp. 121, 1880. Price $0.58, postage $0 08. G 4. Report on CLINTON county, by H. M. Chance; including a descrip- tion of the Renovo coal basin, by C. A. Ashburner; and notes on the Tangas- Cootac coal basin, by F. Platt. With a colored geological county map, 1 sheet of sections, local Renovo map, 6 page plates, and 21 sections in the text. 89, pp. 183, 1880. Price $105, postage $0 12. G 5. Report on SUSquE HANNA and WAYNE countjes, by I. C. White. With a colored geological map of the two counties, and 58 cuts in the text. 89, pp. 243, 1881. Price $0 70, postage $0 12. G 6. Report on PIKE and MoS Roe counties, by I. C. White. With two colored geological county maps, (1 sheet Pike and Monroe, and 1 sheet Wyom- ing,) a map of glacial scratches, and 7 small sections. Report On the Delaware and Lehigh water gaps, with two contoured maps and five sections of the gaps, by H. M. Chance. 89, pp. 407, 1882. Price $115, postage $0 15. G 7. Report on WYOMING, LACKAw ANNA, LUZERNE, COLUMBIA, MON- TOUR, and NORTHUMBERLAND counties, (i. e. the parts lying owtside of the anthracite coal fields,) by I. C. White. With a colored geological map of these counties, (in two sheets,) and 31 page plates in the text. 80, 464, 1883. Price $0.85 and postage $0 20. (Note:-The colored geological map of WYOMING cownty is published in G 6.) S. Report on the Seven mountains in HUNTING DoN, UNION, AND SNY DER counties, by C. E. Billin. With a colored geological contour line map of the mountains (1 sheet); maps of the fossil ore outcrops, and Stone mountain fault; and colored geological cross sections, (2 sheets.) 89, pp. , 1885. Price $ , postage 8 . (In press.) T. Report on Blair countv, by F. Platt. With 35 cuts in the text, and an Atlas of maps and sections, (See below.) So, pp. 311, 1881. Price with atlas $4 55, postage $0 28. (T.) ATLAs of colored geological contour line map of Morrison's cove, Canoe valley, Sinking valley, and country west to the Cambria county line, (14 sheets); Index map of the same (1 sheet): colored sections, (2 sheets.) 80, 1881. (Note.—The Atlas is not sold separate.) T 2. Report on BED FORD and FULTON counties, by J. J. Stevenson. With two colored geological maps of the two counties. 89, pp. 3S2, 1882. Price $0 80, postage $0 20. 10 T 3. Report on HUNTINGDON county, by I. C. White. With a colored geo- logical map of the county ; and numerous sections. 89, pp. , 1885. Price $ , postage 8 . (Im press.) T 4. Report on CENTRE county, by E. V. D'Invilliers; also, special report by A. L. Ewing ; and extracts from report to Lyon, Shorb & Co., by J. P. Lesley. With a colored geological map of the county, 13 page plates of local maps and sections, and 15 cuts in the text. 89, pp. 464, 1884. Price $0 80, postage $0 19. See also report On the line of the Terminal Moraine, Z. *-*- SOUTH-EASTERIN PENINSYLVANIA. C. Report on YORK and ADAMs counties, by P. Frazer. With one folded map of a belt of York county through York and Hanover, 6 folded cross sec- tions, and two page plate, microscopic slices of dolerite. 89, pp. 198, 1876. Price in paper $0 85, postage $0 10. (Note.—The colored geological cownty map of YORK is published in the ATLAs to C 3.) C 2. Report on Yo BK and ADAMs counties, (South Mountain rocks, iron ores, &c.,) by P. Frazer. With one general map of the district; 10 folded cross sections; and 5 page plates. 80, pp. 400, 1877. Price $1 25, postage $0 12. (Note, – The colored geological county maps of ADAMS is published in D 5.) C 3. Report on Lancaster county by P. Frazer. With nine double page lithographic views of slate quarries, and Indian-pictured rocks; one plate of impressions on slate and one page plate microscopic section of trap; and an atlas. 89, pp. 350, 1880. Price of report and atlas $220, postage $0.25. (C 3.) ATLAs of 13 sheets:–Colored geological map of YoFK county; colored geological map of LAN CASTER county; Susquehanna river section (Sheets 1, 1A, 2, 2A, 3, 4); Lancaster section; Pequea section; Muddy run section; Chestnut-hill mines; Gap nickel mine. (Note.—Atlas Sold Only with o'eport.) C 4. Report on CHESTER county; General description, pp. 214, by J. P. Lesley; Field notes in the townships, pp. 215–354, by P. Frazer. With a col- ored geological county map, a photographic view of contorted schists, and 12 page plates. 80, pp. 394, 1883. Price $0.75, postage 8018. C 5. Report on DELAwarE county, by C. E. Hall. With a colored geolog- ical county map; a contour line map around Media; 30 photographic page- plate views of granite quarries, Kaolin pits, &c., and 4 page plates of altered micas. 80, pp. , 1885. Price ś , postage $ . (Partly printed; but publication delayed.) C 6. Report on PHILADELPHIA and the southern parts of Montgom ERY and BUcks counties, by C. E. Hall. With a colored geological map of the belt of country between Trenton and Delaware county (in 3 sheets); a sheet of colored cross-sections, and 24 cuts in the text. 89, pp. 145, 1882. Price $165, postage $0 13. E. Part I of (historical introduction to) a report on the Azoic rocks, by T. S. Hunt. 80, pp. 253, 1878. Price $0 48, postage $0 12. 11 VOLUMES PUBLISHED AND ON SALE, NOVEMBER, 1884. A. D 3, Vol. I. H 7. P, Vol. III. A 2. D 3, Vol. II, part I. I. Patlas. A.C. D 3 atlas. I 2. P 2. AC atlas. D 5 atlas. I 3. P 3. A.A. E. I 3 atlas. Q. A.A. atlas (1.) F. I 4. Q 2. A.A. atlas (2.) G. J. Q 3. AA Grand atlas, G 2. FC. Q 4. Div. II, Pt. I. G. 3. R. 2. R. B. G 4. K 3. R. atlas. B 2 (pamph.) G 5. L. R 2 atlas. C. G 6. M. T. C 2. G 7. M 2. T atlas. C 3. H. M 3. T 2. C 3 atlas. H 2. N. T 4. C 4. BI 3. O. V. C 6. B 4. O 2. V 2. D. H 5. P, Vols. I, II. Z. T) 2. H 6. - © 73. Other Reports of the Survey are in the hands of the State Printer and will soon be published. SINGLE SHEETS ANTHERACITE REGION. In order to make the results of the survey in this region immediately avail- able, 200 copies of each sheet (size 26×32 inches) will be sold singly, as soon as printed. Remittances” for the same and communications respecting the Anthracite Survey should be addressed to CHAs. A. ASHBURNER, Geologist in Charge, 907 Walmwt street, Phiêadelphia. General Map Anthracite Coal Fields, scale sophopths of nature (about 43 miles to one inch) showing the outlines of the coal basins and outlets to market; with list of working mines during 1882 and 1883 with their annual production, . . . . . Price $ Geological and Mine Sheets, scale 800 feet to 1 inch mºnths of nature, showing the geology, mine workings, and the shape of the floor of the coal beds by contour curve lines 50 feet vertically apart. DELANO SHIEET 1. Western Middle Field, in vicinity of Delano and East Mahanoy City, . . . . Price $0 22 SHENANDOAH SHEET 1, Western Middle Field, in vicinity of West Mahanoy City, Shenandoah, and Gilberton, Price $0 26 * The price assigned to each sheet includes one cent for postage. NoTE. —Sheets with no price assigned to them will be ready for distribution before January 1, 1885. 12 GIRARDVILLE SHEET1, Western Middle Field, in vicinity of Frackville and Girardville, * * . . . . Price $0 24 AsH LAND SHEET*, Western Middle Field, in vicinity of Ashland, Locust Dale, Centralia, and Montana, Price $0 31 NANTICOKE SHEET2, Northern Field, in vicinity of Nanticoke and Newport, . . - Price $0 31 WARRIOR RUN SHEET2, Northern Field, in vicinity of Warrior Run and Hanover; contains also skeleton map between Wilkes Barre and Shickshinny, (scale, 1 mile=1 inch,) Price $0 26 PLYMOUTH SHEET*, Northern Field, in vicinity of Plymouth, . Price SO 31 ASHLEY SHEET*, Northern Field, in vicinity of Sugar Notch, Ash- ley, and South Wilkes Barre, - Price $0 31 KINGSTON SHEET*, Northern Field, in vicinity of Kingston and Plains, . • * Price $0 36 WILKES BARRE SHEET2, Northern Field, in vicinity of Wilkes Barre, * > . . . . . Price $0 36 DRIFToM SHEET3, Eastern Middle Field, in vicinity of Drifton, Jeddo, Ebervale, Stockton, &c., . Price $ HAZLETON SHEET3, Eastern Middle Field, in vicinity of Latti- mer, Hollywood, Harleigh, Hazleton, Mt. Pleas- ant, &c., - . . Price $ MIAUCH CHUNK SHIEET4, Southern Field, in vicinity of Mauch Chunk and Nesquehoning. (See foot-note, page 4.) IANSFORD SHIEET4, Southern Field, in vicinity of Lansford and Summit Hill. (See foot-note, page 4.) TAMAQUA SHEET4, Southern Field, in the vicinity of Coaldale and Tamaqua. (See foot-note, page 4.) Topographical Sheets, scale 1600 feet to 1 inch to $onths of nature, show. ing surface topography in contour curve lines 10 feet vertically apart. SHIEET NO. I, in vicinity of Delano and Mahanoy W. ESTERN MIDD LE rºº City, Price $0 11 SI IEET NO. II, in vicinity of Shenandoah, New Bos- VVEST ERN MIDI) LE Fº ton. Frackville, Girardville, &c.. . Price $0 11 SI IEET NO. III, in vicinity of Centralia, Ashland, VV ESTERN MIDDLE FIELD" } Mt. Carmel, &c., Price $0 11 No. I (in vicinity of Mauch Chunk, Lans- shººt. Fº 4. A ford, Tamaqua, &c. (See foot-note, SOUTHERN !, La L' 5 ( page 4.) Contained in Atlas W. M. A. F. Part I. . Contained in Atlas N. A. F. Part I. . Contained in Atlas E. M. A. F. Part I. . Contained in Atlas S. A. F. Part I. 13 Cross Section Sheets contain vertical cross sections, Scale 400 feet to 1 inch, tºoths of nature: reference maps scale 1 mile to 1 inch, gºgoths of nature; &c. SHEET NO. I, WIESTERN MIDI) LE FIELD 1 SHEET No. II, WESTERN MIDI) LE FIELD 1 SHEET No. III, WESTERN MIDI) LE FIELD 1 SHEET NO. IV, WESTERN MIDI) LE FIELD 1 SHEET NO. III, NORTHERN FIELD2, SHEET NO. IV, NoFTHERN FIELD2, SHEET No. V, NORTHERN FIELD2, ( 4 sections through Myersville, Cop- K \ < U 3 lay, Morris, West Lehigh, Schuyl- kill, Glendon, Primrose, Hillside, Oak Hollow, Barry, Yatesville, Mahanoy City, Elmwood, Tun- nel Ridge, and Middle IIehigh Collieries and East Mahanoy R. R. tunnel, - Price $0 09 sections through Indian Ridge, Plank Ridge, Knickerbocker, Shenandoah City, Coal Run, St. Nicholas, Boston Run, Lehigh No. 3, Packer Nos. 2 and 4, Wil- liam Penn, Bear Ridge Nos. 1 and 2, Stanton, Draper, Colorado, Lawrence, and Ellangowan col- lieries, . . . Price $0 09 sections through Girard Mam- moth, Cuyler, Hammond, Conti- mental, North Ashland, Preston Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, Centralia, Hazle Dell, Bast, Tunnel, Big Run, Key- stone, Potts and Franklin Collier- ies, Price $0 09 \ ſ Sections through Mt. Carmel, Rough and Ready, Coal Ridge No. 3, Bellmore and Reno collieries; longitudinal section Mahanoy ba- sin and geological map between Delano and Ashland, (scale 3200 feet=1 inch,) . Price $0 11 10 sections; through Boston, Ply- mouth Nos. 1, 2, and 4, Dodson, Gaylord, Avondale, Nottingham, Reynolds, Franklin, and Sugar Notch Nos. 9 and 10 collieries, . Price $0 09 10 sections; through Maltby, En- terprise, Forty Fort, Wyoming, “Harry E, "Black Diamond, Mill Hollow, East Boston, Kingston, Henry, Burroughs, Prospect, and Midvale Collieries. . Price $0 09 sections; through Pine Ridge, Mill Creek, Laurel Run, Conyng- ham, Baltimore, Diamond (No. 1,) Hollenback (No. 2, ) Red Ash, Empire Nos. 3 and 4, and Stanton Collieries, . . . . . . . . . . . . Price $0 09 14 ( 5 general sections, scale 800 feet to 1 inch : through Highland, Eckley, Woodside, Stockton, Hollywood, Hazleton, Mt. Pleasant, &c., COl- U lieries, - - . . . . Price $ ( 16 sections; through Highland, Woodside, Drifton, Eckley, Lat- & timer, Jeddo, Milnesville, Eber- vale, Hollywood, Harleigh, &c., U Collieries, . . . . . . Price $ ( 9 sections; through Lumber Yard, | & | SHEET No. I , | EASTERN MIDDLE FIELD3, { SHEET No. II, EASTERN MIDDLE-FIELD3, Stockton, Diamond, Hazleton, Cranberry, Crystal Ridge, &c., U collieries, . . - . . . Price $ } 25 sections; through collieries L. SHEET No, III, EASTERN MIDDLE FIELD3, SHEET Nos. I, II and III, SOUTHERN FIELD4, C. and Nav. Co., between Mauch Chunk and Tamaqua, (See foot-note, page 4.) Columnar Section Sheets contain sections showing thickness and char- acter of coal measures, Scale 40 feet to 1 inch, of coal beds scale 10 feet to 1 inch, &c., &c. ( contains sections at Bennett, Pine Ridge, Enterprise, Henry, Wy- Oming, Oakwood, Prospect, Con- yngham, Baltimore, Diamond, Hollenback, Laurel Run, Min- eral Spring, and Red Ash col- lieries. . . . . . Price $ contains sections at Dorrance, Em- pire Nos. 2 and 4, Kidder, Stan- ton, South Wilkes Barre, Frank- lin, Sugar Notch, Ashley No. 6, Hillman Vein, &c., collieries . . Price $ contains sections at Maltby, Forty Fort, Harry F, Black Diamond, SHEET NO. III, East º, Kingston, Mill Hol- SHEET NO. I, | U ſ l { | | U ſ | ! NORTHERN FIELD2, | low, Plymouth, Boston, &c., col- U | U NORTHERN FIELD2, SHEET NO. II, NORTHERN FIELD2, lieries, - . . . . Price $ contains sections at Plymouth, Lance, Gaylord, Dodson, Wana- mie, Alden, Avondale, Chaun- cey, Nottingham, Susquehanna Nos. 1 and 2, Hanover, Warrior Run, &c., collieries, Price $ contains 79 sections at collieries L. C. and Nav. Co., between Mauch Chunk and Tamaqua, (See foot-note, page 4.) SHEET No. IV, NORTHERN FIELD2, SHEETS Nos. I, II & III, SouTHERN FIELD4, Other Anthracite sheets are in the hands of the State Printer and will soon be printed. SALAMAscA*-40%. º ºsºz. 2 Š &o S E. C. O N D G E O L O G | C A L S U R V EY §§2. O F F E N N SY LV A N | A . §'. .J. P. i., E. S.H. H. Y. S. TATE GEOI, O GIST. *_ * * º: 2&A. y” R IVE!. MAP MIC ICE AN, E LIK, CAMERON. A.N ID FOREST COUNTIES sh owill g the position and direction o f *Y. ; ~~ º Rºkº * - 2- oLEAN Rock cris & T H E A N T | C L | NAL AND SYNCL | NAL AXES . by - . &º - ! * ; ty --- ~ >. º 22 sº * * * r *- ºil Nº. 2 - . ‘. i `s. 2” -ºšº `--ºff sº *:"...tº; * • Y " -- - -— — — . - ! gº º %. ** . . Clas, A.Ashburner, Asst. Geologist. §I º RAIWFORL)?º Sº 3. * & -* "… r - § t f Ž W. §% ºš. -*- o 2’ SS - - > → & i---> s *: | JF WS l AAF Q S W A Y 0 5. - ;S. & | 8 8 || . ††, #Sili * - ſº ... 2 2. ' S C ; ule : 6 Mil e s = 1 in Ch. , 2 : N */ 2’ . *** O Sºº £º tº 2" ...” 9: s 2^ .* 2. i: 2’ N tº 1 til ſ _R, N Z U A ./ Nr. & SK 2::== 2^ 2^ A --.” * : +-->< - - . j-’ f ;" ..! º e’ſ § & º * Af } \ ū * 2^ ilº ‘. .* - 2~ * - --> * y .* 2^ (ocatec/ Ayii/r. Sherwood'. * ‘. . : I Tºº -f- - ... .” 2" H E B R 9N | - -- tº – E { } r. A I. A wº - g- = H .* eS - * s/j. K. 3y S. {{ASSON }.0. 32 ,” S s * 12. --- 2^ __Q& T.H.E.2’- S. & - Š sº 2^ Ş & 2 _* s -- . ...~ * | Aſi Q 1. j^ - - y --- $ Tivo - ''. — Mºst oºs-i: IkšE Fº I E I, E * ** 2 - &: s e’ ----- - Tºw ** r ſº I Nº. * H. () M E F. KEA'ſ sº * * 4xes 777; Poſter (ourt/y were gº ,” 2. § A 'w 3, *Z #. N 3% jº * §P0 B4A f A * * * 2 . Sº – 3–Fs, / ëſ S / | \ N : ; ; % N. W H A H& & -*--—jAlth; sexistºr } *u- f | t r ~. - * <3 }. ſº j ... • NEW FI.ANDERS \ - . . . * W . `-- - soºnro K. A - # … - - r --- . “rs, r ... ...x. - ~~~. . '()14K L-” _---> sº ..[…* '', . * - :: " + t º, ; º • $c MM tº r1. ... " ----. ~ yºws s r . . | & * . w g º \ , “ ſ: ‘Y” . ~~. y \. * * ſ ...Y EN.Y.: - Most solº -, T ~ ; S. - /* * ~ \ \º..., |\, , e, sº º' º Lºsº's "A. \ \ ^ A - - -\ YS--(?, jºyºs \ . Bº lwoº º *ºss sº Jiřistºck styń & >ºssy y -ºffs fº A yi ººz. . º- | º . . . \ ...’ / G} }} }} * \ * Jaſikskalſºxfºrd -” **. * º §º * Ty k.) ºr ‘A’ſ $1. z ...N. . .” -ſº - * Fºr -- / ºW mº § > \. ... ** Z E R S O N C - - * * *** = -a+– ---d * * *-* - - / - ¥.-----|-- ~~~~------- A §--— isºfºri---- Sº :-------Tº- - l:Plaxtº ſ l O © X* * I'm ºn 7 f tº y ºre r. _* R. * & , ſº TÜVN ...~ 4.- : W & ! 2 *** * : -e-. * , s sº i SY } , \Z^ N I A HICEORTC | a's *. | S Rºy A -ā- *- ---, } ‘º - N */ OYZ .* *º- s { RES QN * * } & 2 - &. Aſian: * -* Kº- 2. O N. C D ..º C REPORT R. R. PIATE II. EXPLANATION OF COLORS - | Mahoning Sandstone Lower Productive Coal Measures XIII ( Ferriferous Limestone) Johnson Run Sandstone Alton Coal Group - Kinzua Creek Sandstone XII Marshburg Coal - Olean Cong onnerate XI Mauch Chunk Shale X Pocono Sandstone is caskin sandstone Notes. 1. The geological map of Benezeſłe towns/? is/ºublished wº, ſhe Cazneron county map and - that of Millstone township with the Forest cow’ſy A. * ... ." 7zzazz. - 2.7%is map is reproduced Principally from Beers zzzzz/pub//s/hed in 1871. 3. For the connection between this maz, and geo- Zoºca/ maz's of surrounding counties reference must be made to rºorº P.Z. --- ------ SE COND CEO LOC ICAL SURVEY OF PEN N SYLVAN IA J. P. LESLEY, STATE GEologist. OF THE CENTRAL PORTION OF Chas. A. Ashburner, Asst. Geologist. A.W. Sheafer, Aid. 1881. Scale: 2 Miles to linch. - d. 1. 2. souTHERN Bou-DARY LINE M-K-AM county see REPORT R - "º --- --- - --- - --- *…*** --- - _ *. ------------- i -------- JULIUS BIEN PHOTOLITH. NEW YORK. LANE S.HART, STATE PRINTER. SE COND CEO LOC I CAL SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA J. P. LESLEY, STATE GEologist. A N ID B E N EZ ETTE TOWNSHIP, ELIK COUNTY Chas. A. Ashburner, Asst. Geologist. A.W. Sheafer, Aid. 188 (). Scale: 2 Miles to 1 inch. o - 2 - 1. 3. _+ Notes. 1.77 e geoſo/ſca/ou/crops were defined by Mr. A. W. Sheater upon the Possbury (ounty Map … 7. as a basis. - -- N. 2. 2.7/e boundary ſines have been adjusted to the maps of the adjoining Counties. >- § H. * § ~~ § ~ ! O ! O EXPLANATION OF COLORs. Lower Productive Coal Measures Johnson Run Sandstone Alton Coal Group Kinzua Creek Sandstone ---ºn 22 Marshburg Coal . - Olean Cong onnetrate Mauch Chunk Shale Pocono Sandstone - X Catskill Sandstone IX Chemung Shale and Sandstone VIII - º LAN.E.S.HART, STATE PRINTER JULIUS BIEN PHOTOLITH NEW YORK. REPORT R. R. PLATE TV. EXPLANATION OF COLOR.S. Johnson Run S. S. | Alton Coal Group - = XII: Kinzua Cr. S.S. Pottsville - Marshburg Coal Conglomerate Olean Conglomerate XI Mauch Chunk Shale X Pocono Sandstone Notes / / //e yeo/ogica/maps of/ºan, (ameron and///k (ounties the Jºhnson Æun SS and/Aſton (oa/ Group members of */e/#//svi//e (ony WºZ/ave Žeen grouped/ wit/ //e Zower/?oºrcºve (on///asures and///e areas covered by them ſave ſeen included/in the co/wrºny adºpted’/ºr //fs /r//er/ºrmation, (/, //e/ºres/ (ownſ: map Že Johnson ſtun SS and/A/ºon (oa/Group/are ſeen cºassed/ru/ Aº V// 2. 7%e authorities fºr this map are the ſafest editions of the severa/ county maps whic/ /ave ſeen //z. ///s/ec/. 37% sma/as no refºrence to the yeo/o/yo///e (// /?0CA.S. SE COND CEO LOC I CAL SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA J. P. LESLEY, STATE GEOLOGIST. GEOLOGICAL MAP M ILLSTONE TOWNSHIP, ELIX COUNTY -- Chas. A. Ashburner, Asst. Geologist. A.W. Sheafer, Aid. 1881. JULIUS BIEN PHOTOLITH NEW YORK. LANE SHART, state PRINTER. REPORT B ER. PLATE V. SM ETH PORT NOR. W. 1 CH KEAT I N G SHI PPEN E M Po R i u M CAMER O N STER LING D R FTwo OD SI N N E M AH O N ING W. E. L.L and SECTION. SECTION. SECTION . SECTION WELL and SECTI DN . WELL AND SECTION . SECTION. SECTION. SECTION. Line of projection showing position of Wells and Sections. Scale 2 miles to 1 inch C- –C– —C. —C. —C- —O- C. O— –O Block (MAF&A ºvºº ºvery coa, 24– * 50” O L E. A W CO /V G / O M ATA’A 7TE ºo: -- bo ſton, member - ºl - - A O 7-7 sº - --- - - - - - - -: ***** V / L. L. E . o ºlº el Cºlº-i- - - - .." º -- T 27 Hº ... -> 20 tº CO W G / O M ETA’ A 7" E. º S E A A L Ayo x// 25 Flº Arerage fora/ 20 f/profizzess. 30 º'º. - 2000'aby *"... 3/222 adr (Jeezza Zerez 205.5 ºr -I I-I-I 2.27.2 razºr -- /920' cººr ocean Zerez. /44/2 ºz/1. /9/0%v/n- & ºriº Zoº adº aor. - *...* H- - / / // 3 ºccazº (erez. Oceazz /e, ed. (2-azz Zelez. (Weeart Zerez. &ceazz /evez Oceazzº Zerez. :*:" L. // º &/ºzz/ey arez º/* /ſec. 9%a/e, A'ez/ s/ha. Ze, /fed w/orſ,”. A'ea ºcre, Jo A'eaſ w/orae, fºed, s/a/e, ... S £3.7zeerazº way //aygı, a/?" W ox/. W2X/. = A 9 x/ *::: º “”. - º aſ' º ºv, - - - - ºr, Az, -- - - --- - ---- ºt more maswºre ºn uyzeºpar/, / ;E !. Zerz Złºżr - - % ... & Zedº- 33.7%r than - •e y%zaarza Zoney. 40E Ozzeez (ed., cozzoea weaf */k *///rco/ecca/eaſ, - &eaſºſ, *ore 7 (4%rº (orrez, E -- -- |- Jºozzre ºzzº decadetz.” - × L. ºverty/ºrzwae º X== = ** * * * B = --- ..,,, ºffl ºzºzzar/Zazºr £º- Zazºv conceazed. 23. tº § § %. !!!” 20 º % &wºo//www2.3% ºf = y.º.o.ºre ºn bedded. 3. /*//ºr conceazecz -- , frºzzº C. - /º/ºr ,-- - - - - - - -- /? .* - - Q #267 %zz. Zºzz/p- cozzcºzoſec/, .30 Zarzºr conceaſed, 40 £3,741, //a/Zr, /20 s (ozze ºaded, 33.7/rºzzarazzca E 5.9, o/zre cºose Q k - - - ceo's, ZZºr %2E wrºzea. 3;" - 3. & y &/º/ey and //ays. º l, % ſº - -T- Zºzºra, sº - - ZZY 5:3. Żra ºn be…ſe///E== mzz/; arozz away /a/zzzzzzzz. - - S Zºzzzzy - -* - Azzy"//1. ows fºra//er", Bºž ts cozzcecrºecº, 60. wočazez go Zºzzº&r cozzcocºccy, == N * co// Crºat ºccº, k- ºw/ased Zzzzzcºa/Zro/ |-- º - - wº- H /?azz/wº cozzeezz/ed. 90 -- $77,41 and ozºre ºccºes zºº %. º ºw = **o/”quºrºo - - - 5.5%//zºº//zz-ºccºa/ec/ -- º ºf zoº.c. - º - - --- - .* * - S //ays and 3.3, rº/ * = %. ...ſ. Žiž. º k- § zzzzcºceoway, z0 = ci occaszowa / year Mazzazy - and hin-Zedºed: 33.7% ± º sº Zºtz Zaº z - < × º § .. ºraſ; % , T- * 33.7%rſºn &//0E * ceazezz, - ** === c 3/a/e, rº/, /zºr, // - A. *Zxº~ a2zzzzzz'razº, 22 == 3.5.77%r ºr º > - " ... & - K. º 1- */ºzzº Zezſa'ed', /05 £3.7zºzºwſ, ºra: /º//v > |- 35 ~. - &/º/, /wazzeº, O. . Złºr&r concea/e/ - - ~. = , > o * (ºposed/rºczyza/r S. Azzzzzi” º S. = ?/ ? /*eº sha/e azza red sor/, ~. & o/” ºr ºn - § - %zz S/20 3 S Złożr concea/ed. Zedded $3. 3.05. - %. Zazz/r cowºceaſed, /6/2 - º “ - ..., , , , , - - --> , - - § 3.5. azºº &/a/e/ed azºº § % %. % * - *- - - S yzº’. zoº/, Z/YF, zo//eze, s azzº war, aerºzea. . 3',5'., * 3.9 and sha /e.greeze, > # = s.s. - N Q G Q O. wzzº ºrd &azda Zo), 22. § - º Lu Q >< > - --- - - |J > 3.5 ºzºr wrºzzi- > | - ſº CE O --- - # = % .30 === %2 /), º/? VOEWICI, CORYERS > § § %;" &n Zedº,20E º §... ºr - waz. . . /... 2 /, rº/ zzzzz. 2T ~ /6/22 car ºceazz Zerzz ~! - Q. Q Zzzy"//ºr cowºcerczecz, /.3 - ~! > Q conceaze. == |s & Z.Zººsſome, *- Q Cº., - *= złowa. S º Sc S. Q. .5. £oºre ºrrºr" re.'V. # = %, Zeaſ > /of 3. *- //º-bedºed, X: E s , S K : (ºr //a/s. //.3 § - Q - Q k- - - Q. Złor//r concea/eaſ < - § Zºº &/ºe. com/zoº//vizzozzº&ro/” ; /*/ºr conceaſe. S Zºcº &/a/e, º = Afrzºzi” . Q %ºr Z/ºr bed/ed//? - zeº anº/ºr &azeyandº 22– (om/?owed //zzcºa/, - = . cozzcºa/eaſ, Q6. %% aſ reaf z 4 * /6.5 //ree ºaſe, § = "ſºzºzzº...H ea rock, E * Zºzza- , = ºzz, *s º = * - .5','º' : whazz-ſeaſo/exº y = - - * - - - - - - - - * º/*g, *zzº-ſºº. 2.; - --- = = × //wwe wº * . . ºo/ae/24://º/Zºº. 3Zazeyºvuzzº, 65- Aſ EA 7/AG is 7,477.0,V. *E= = ~ = & 3./rgrazza.Z” 20 - - ----- - (ºceaſed, /0, - /.376 ºr ºcean, Zerez. § - § E ls - 2. % % i. *3./rºy, //a/Zr, ſo == = = = º - Zzzº-0&/ºrº, a.... ...) az" = ſk = E º H %. jo Zºzzºr /*//rconcealed. 34. - = = ~ E /*ez' Zoey. / - s” cowroºdºº, - 25 ºzzaz sazza, she//w - = = - "...', ºr z/, , ,- , , , Jººzzºr &zz/eaſa/eaſ * 3///ºy STATſoy -H S H //zze .5/rzze § Z% - Q. 5.4, red. Z/ºzz-àerºzz, Zo ºw/ai/º/ ca/carrozzy /?06 abº (ºcean were/ Sc = - o > /?ty Zazza's , .362 - /*eaſ wor/. - 2% 6. - H Co - - > - k- = - ~. --- - -. - /*///r concea/eaſ, º = Z/ºze sa/e ~ S &/7 - * 4&º == %. S S Y: %, , E *.*.*.* - azzº ,5 .5. 3.2// == \; 3 reaſ/leºzzy ºrcſ, 70 99 zed azºº/zren, Zºë ..::: = /7.5 //zze war ze º N zeacºzzº&n &aſed. H . . . " - - - kº E * …, K2: ... Q Zºez/ rocz. S/0% =& Q (owzoea’etz, Sº (owever, ſeaſ to H - *- Lu Q Atoºr concea/ex/ - $1.5 zºr ºf o/?rººf ſeaſ, .30 E ...' |- 3 & awa’s/a/ezzerz 2,90'E & 5.7zzi', ºzz//r. '', - -- * - - ſt area’º ...ſ...} 90 = 17 ‘. 3/zza S = £3.9/ºr and/rºw /øE * -- - - § az &zºzz/s. (ozzcea (ea', º:20 - - - - Q - - ſt . .” E lu 5.5 ozzara 362 K. - (ºr ºr y/azze .3% $3.4/zzarazzº Zerº. 36/ EH 27 Aºed w/a/e, {" '}^*, * = 0. ſk zzzzcºcºozzº, 14. - - 5.3 recº//vºcaceous Z = s - 22 //zze &/a/e, = feedſ zoº/, 3.5 /ø S.S / - // º/F § --- - : S.S. of re Zrgrºzzºr %2E= 1. /* /*ed s/a/e, - - - - - = º * */ /º/ae szaze waſ Zarz wea - - -- × 2 //zzzz///we zoº/, º/r/, /.V.G. s. 7,4770,\" % Jº *- B O N D FARM ~ ºr fºrezzzz zetz/. Zzzº; < § W. E. L. L. *- - S 67%r &&. (e. /26/ (one cer, ſerſ. $20 i/º Soaps/one and she//, - - -- - ... ." = º/ arrºt s/reſ/s, //02-azºr- § 3.5/ra/rºcaceozzº, 2.3 /*//- concerz/en/. (Zeezſz. Zeze/ - _*- & ºne's/a/e, recº -- - Tº Złºżrºzosº - (oftcºre/ec/, Sº *E= ºf 9.7"eezz. == forecºzzczow || |^. - /kazy-era o'E= 3.3/ween and red/S/0 &zzi žomºzyxoz/rzzº Be - - º, some cort ** 77%rs/ 2 = 7. Sº zzza,3:yºre ‘Zºº E /* ///wes/a/e, rerr hard, º/ozzeri/ºr lºº - - ºn, … - = - - s/ºct/cº area. º: Z///zzarszaze. 3; (orºccoa/ec/, §º S. * … s/a/ey way H - - - -- Joazas/ * M waſ ºſſ. ** - Q - o//w/one and Ward she//, Zººey, and , - - º/” mºzzacºons, ſo Sk - SEC0ND GEOLOGICAL SURWEY OF PENNSYLVANIA o/ºre, 300 //w/zzar w/oze, .77 - Co Yazid, 'yer, arra/ Zºorows, REPORT R.R. 1880 Qo § H- - - º - -- Q | M. Joºzyzone and Zazz/ she//s. $/ºe//s, wroszz S k- ..",% Z - - - - - - - - .5, wºo, ſy …,' º - ſº º Zºe/6/e wazzº, A Series of /?ne waſ zoo." S - l, , zed amº Zzeez, § s - - - Q Zºz///zra:/ºzz/_% B. shºe - ſt § 2. * ... ("(). LUMNAR S E ("TI () NS § 3/ºze, º /7. Jody's/one and she//s, - N /2 ºf IA." - - - Constructed from Fº &zº. - /&º º 67 air sazzaz, hard, * - " Ix L- --- D. C." In * - ? -- º!” 42. % 1//0.V/LV (, ~ Tº == -- --- - &/ºzzzy, ºr/ - - - '7. O.V. - S -- S U R | A ( E. ()B SE, R\ A | I () N S AN I) 7./ºrſ, § 2% w/rºcar, /etc/ = > = --- - ºf- - Zºe ºf zoo/, //////wr w/aze 2/E *= o: /2= . 3o4/ºzone ºf she//, () II, WELL RE ("() |{I} S Q. = > H. : - A/ºzemża, - E= | - ----- * /t/a/e arred arouz, == BETWEEN //zzzzz wheas: way s/a/esoſzczady w/e//, % So Hº ; SMETH P() RT. Mº [EAN (' () ['N TY - § > - - - -- - * > - A - - 7 1. - V. ...A 4- ( ( ) U - N T Y - - > / S ^2== ºo/? nº/w/e s/a/e, I//w/es/a/e, sº § ANI) ſcºve4, j4. zo. § *: == - º * \Y TV r Y ºr t º * - t Y WAY / - Y ~ * Afted roc/, SR * * * * * SINNEMAHON IN (, , ("AMER()N ('OUNTY Q I Q == == /ºrºr/tarazowie// * A * - 4 AW 1 __ 1. M, V_A \ A A. \ A. A. * //wzz///we 3%zze, Zº */ - ºr * º reº, º -: - - - - .5//e// %. Showing the thickening to the south-east * , , - OF THE ----- Worſe rºad wazzaz ( - - --- ----- - - ---------- --- --- - .." « , OWER (' --------- Y 1 Y MAP SHOWING POSITION OF SECTIONS AND WEILS. *"... - { - - - -- *..." - LOWER ('\! {}}() NIFER()US ANI) - --- * Jazzd, * * l - A W - Wa 1 W. . , Scaſe 8 zyzz/zy fo Zzzay. :* * * * * * * * * - *:::: - 3%zze away s/he//, |)}\'() NIAN R () ("I (S Y O R K :::- - - - - A. - - Jazzº ºve//, /tazz/ So/7 sºaze, ------------------- º T-------- Jancz, - º - (Z - - - -- --- -- ---- ------ º \ - \ * ... J. P. LESI.E.Y., STATE (SEOl() (IST . G- i 7. 9/ºrſe arº &e//, - - w - - ('HAS. A. ASHBURNER. ASST (E()],00IST. º | 3 || ſº- - - - - - - - - - - A.W. S.HEAF ER, All). Z - - Sarraſ, - º % | - | -- - - Sazzaſ, * - - c - Vertical Scale of Sections 100 feet to inch. - -- ~ / - Jºzze cartoº yºzzcz. -oo. º 1-)- -o-o: ºt-o º - ºwner/www.f ſpººf Y * --- -- - 190 500 tº º [ . . . . . . . sº A--------- —º/”!!! - - -- - - __ - -- - SMRT º * , | -- Jazzº, - º º | - - -" - A - - | > - Joºzone and whe//, º :- - - º º º - - - - /*A*.4/D/º () /º/) () //, S.A.V// º | --- ~ º J'/ozze azeº, * , \,” _2~ Nory - º | DKEAT in G NOTEs. s/he//y, º º - - ºf J sum M iT - --- - - Iºnºſcar nº *" | }. ºocyay/orte she//, / //e/ºon of each re// and sºon *//yerſed at 77/// azz//w ºn to a Zºne yººsing C. * h º - - //zºº/ /. ºrrº-vºz &rarretrahonrad zºº/roºf ºzºronto. 7%r aſsances of the seczzons wº- Q5 - - F---- ------- *Tº - - 3%e/ºr sarº. //w ºne'ſ/wor/ on this Zºne are as fºſ/ons: s º /* | - - -> fºx. &/º/ozze azºº &/º/, Smethport to Norwich 8'2 miles. Ş º ſº / .9%.e//, ku º: ... !---1. º Keating 13%. , SR º ..yºtzºwº ſº. ºo::/av/ozze and weſ/, Z. y º Shippen 1794. Q 2. va. - -- - - ; - - - Emporium 23'4. º | - 32 °C//w/ozze &/c//s, - - 4 - S - Cameron 26°4. º Jazzº, º º > ſ ºr ymºrhº | - - - - - - - 8 Z: 3% ºv/one whe//, - Sterling 30°4. i Ribei * * * - - * Driftwood 34'2 º | K. * . . . //azz/ &/ºe//s, - º, ºr º 4. 30 jazzaz, - Sinnemahoning 37's º I */ \ Q- - º - - - - - - - -- - --- - * . N. s 2. Z/ºr rºwºcº /zoº/izzº or each sex/zor, as werezzzzzzzzzz &r zºtzze do //e boſ/cm, o/, //e Zºe wazza, Z, 2. * ~ *. S 4%: 63' Ward' wºe// and sarºv wave 0/ean (on/overrºe, m/zo/, /to…on ºn each sºczzoz. zº //azza' or, ſhe score /orºozz/c// /zze. º ºu - - - (), 's § 4.2. Jº Jozz saaze. .3. Zºe /recy * of ºſtese sec/worry tº whe e/zºº/en/ of 6/ou/, // on Zzaze X/ Vºyºor/ /ć. 2). º 46.5 /6 yazzaz, % 7% e /?cono ana/ (wasawzz rocky //wcker, zº/ºr /o//ve sout/ cas/ //ora &ze///w/ ſo f Q: ºnacmaſonzºy. 77tz's fºrce wort/a/ necessy/azze //e Zeo/a/re /orºzor, o/, //e /º//oraz .5%/? s/cc/e Lu - - - $ (ºf warzzz/ Zeº/ ore.” Z/2/2/2+ /eer wºr//e, oe/on- ae ozºa, aoºzºomeraſe ºrſ &nnema/onºmy - z: sº tº , , ; o - - - - s 7/. # /23 &/ºey/y areaſ wazºr &/oze, // an aſ ºneſ/ory. --- Jazz/ she//y arzaz. - ...'. s/aze Zozzº a^2// /607. " - - - Julius BIEN LITH NEW YORK. - LANE SHART, STATE PRINTER. REPORT R. R. PLATE VI WASHINGTON WELL TIONESTA PETERS Run WOODS WOODS woo DS SNYDERSB UR G COO KSBURG M A R E N SPR N G C R. E. E. K R. D. GWAY Sº MARYS CAMERON F RANK LIN SECTION AND SECTION WELL Nº.3. WELL N°2. WELL Nº I. W. E L L. WELL N° 2. W. E. L. L. W. E. L. L. WELL . WELL. W. E. L.L. VEN ANCO COUNTY. H.H & C. WELL. A.N. D. W. E.LL. Line of projection showing position of wells. Scale 2% miles to 1 inch. O—O—Q)—Q– O O -O- - -O- —O -O Pos/zzow of 745 Borrow of 7/8 AFFF/AFRoos z/wºszowa. - - - - / /.530" º / \ s y / - \ //70 > º - \ A2 o' - - - o. - / \ a/º: 7%aſe. Corºcca/ecº, 45. > //jo" º º | Zºº // (ºwdºwczor, zo/.5 Lu abi: Zºde. - - a/ºr Zºe K- £º. - - - - - - - - - - - Ziare. Goaz Tºlº º A330' S || || Zºº Hºº & &nd/actor: JOI/ASOA Rºy S.S., 53 § º ----- º º a 61%, 7%aſe - 2 | ?? 5.3 rºom. lu º , O. ..., , ..., - - - (oa/, s .5 s. and conglome”. &; º º º º ''. /605 > Zºº //a/7'sand, J. : * */ 3/a/e, 6/zze. A 1,70.V Co.. J. - § º - - - -> * - - - ** tle - ** *:::::::: a/ºr 7%de. 4. .3 Coaz. Grow"/> (ºtſ crº/”. H S Tºlºlº- /+6.5° --------- --Tºſº, |S zoo, abrº Zºe. - - - - - - - - - - Q .5/a/e. abur Zºoſe. F.I.ſ.º.º. S.S. masº - - (oa/ shºes, lu - sº 2.5 s.s. azzº &ºy. ...O. areasºnº, coarse- - - - - - - -- ------------- *...*...*...* a - - zozzzzzzzzzzo, - - - - * 35.2eodze. ITVZVA Cººſ, S.S., , G ///rºyz /. - - /04 + º- º ** > fied sha/e, WAT º: - .50' feat shale. : *.*.*.*.*.* 3 yana. - 2. %2 " ...//, - y ºlºis S. = W9 x/. - º Jºozzºzzzzzz zazzº, 25 &Ze, º/we. (oa/, * & //zze sºfe. = H 3. z, ſº concealed, /26.0% | - /*rºy concealed H - - - /, - - - - -------- - º - - - - S = yo S.S. green-gray . . a W .E. 40 & A / crº- - * -. O//.4A ( OA G/0,1///PATW, º = H ºazza'. ls. 2.5 º 4. zo' &greezzº //www. - ^ - w c º: º (ºyzductor %2’ 5.5° o x// *= +1 bedded articaceous. Aarºy concealed, - i º |- -- **…*. o M E Fº re. Nº - --- ** - ºozzey arza’ f/ºzz-bedded - º == º .5/rzze and whe//, 2. E 43' .9/a/e v. 1 L. l. E. C 0 N C. L. s .5" .* ve//on- awza' 77°4′ º 5.5., /4.5 - po TT 5 - - - - Zoº /*//y concealed. //76 - - abv. Tide - 7. /Peº roº. MAU/C// Chºuy/y/, //o - > |- = Hz - º //9// Zºrºr conceazed, /?/ºze w/a/e, o .5 ; 3.5 yreen raw, rº/Zy - - - -> ------ - - -7, - × 70 .5/a/e. > yzeez, Zºº; / ºſ. - 3.3 massae ºriginous O. Sc * Hº and occasionazºr Žazzy, > Aarºy conceaſed, 26.5°K - R -- tº- * … - - 9.S. and shades, S Fº Y: 4.5 5.5 m/w/e. t ºrrºw St R - Q 6. - I - tº S. - - Jand. - d º Arazzazzons .5%aſe and St +1 (on//omeraſe, SR - ſº zººº eazared at /60E Q º 36 .3/aſe, a -, .. Š olºre and yra shades, 1363" s Wakutonºzz, 32.9 /. § 6. H.23% .97afe and she/s, Jº Jºãor 3ºza. & 3?ate 6/ae/. º ºf adºv. Zºo’e § > - Azortzy concealed, - .5%aze ºf Esºsº | - - - - 3.3a; Composed/prºacºzzazºr, (.5 %, and 3%aſe º x·x =: S 27 Jºze, - -- /flue seaſe. /24 H 7. o/* %. % 1, ºftºn bedded. - HE- ~ -- 5.5 and shales, º .5. .# ºra - S y 20' (Zose sand, × (or://omeraſe § . & 37ate and ºfte//, O. - y & ~ - LLMESTONE, .3 > & S. and shades, /268 abi: ‘’. ‘’’, × X-X Ex=X &ray s/a/e, 20 39 (Wore sandſ, /00 .5".5'. 7%ate Jazzº. s 20 × -- - Xº 3.5 ºzzy and re/Zom, zo' ºne, lu R - O. - > - masºre/ºne ºwned, core * / - -, * * > C R - - Zºzzzzzz &zz Zazza's of awe- 2 : Joff wºrſe , z/.. 3//ºbble sandſ. - R º- 9/ownezz/e ſh: ... . * , - - k- - Q |- - º Z º a di. Zººſe sand, E 20 JZałe, &zze gray. ſº S.S. ſtard, .5/afes, S Q ==1 ºf Cºaſes azyzſtaceous, ºr - … " - - - --- ~ H = and of aernach ºn 3. º /3' .5.5" cºose/yeazze. lu º cºay, O > 92.2 § | %2%.” Awazzº - § S.S., Q. S = crºr Złoſe | | Žzzzz zºº ºzzaze. ----- E ºf E - "/…/a, Af/zze warſe. 2025 E. § = = Z/o .5///e. § .5/a/e, S. E º S.S., - * -- º: - //? &rar /*g/s. Afecz rock //; #2. Q Soapstone - / - º -- > K. " 29' ºrº- º Q 3, 5, *-- = 20 - - -------- Q le // ' Æezzzzzzº, T--_ 20% 3/a/e, blaze O //av/. s/aſe, - -- ºanal, *H .S.S. & /čevº rock. .5/aze, /(2H __ººd.------- kH *- or Q. - t T- zo L.E S: %0' .4/aze, - y/a/e, * - B k- ºn – … . - - - - = . - - - 39" /º/we sha/e. Sand, 47 Ab///es/te//, Q. zS § /* /a/zoº/, Q. Gray s/a/e and///a/gr.S.S./? 2. S.S., L. k- § - - S wº Q S. … º// - º/afe, t le º &zy mºa wheſ, Q - -- ſº 22' 0%ae, Qo ź. - § t Q: 3. ==/2SH // . . . . . . Qo ſt /*ed .5. Sº, º s - - Q. Q % S. //o 3%rſe, Q 2.5-ſeed 3/a/e 33 yrºr, Ş 4/ /º/ rock. § J. S. %" and rea’, ". º; H. § § - A'eaſ º.º. -> º E º × - - Jana. - E. Sº 5/aſe b/ad */p/, // ºf- *- - * /t/ae state. JZaze, Byzz E Žºrž safe, c) /3 ſ == QE X Wieſ/. § * º .5/te// k- : : : - Q × º /4 /º/awe wºrſe Qo *…*** —" - === Sº º - - : - ~ = ozº ºf zoo/, º:Zººſe za zºº s z. = 2 =#/3 § 27 /Peº rock, ~. º, -" .5/te//, S. L. , ºkº R = 24 ſteeſ zoo/*. Q * **aſe, C. / % of zo 3ama. S # 43 ...” o /& s/a/e. /*ezº S. 5, ~ 93/ #| 19. § = zy' aſſure w/a/e. > - * ----------> ---------, ------- º/” -- - - ->/rezz. - sº / - º - -- 3' ſºrºe samaſ, Qo s t : i * E- /*ed rock. .3.3. () Fº - Jand, Co s Žo area ºz § Q t º º S. S. # %2 /*eaf zozzº, * --> - ~ . º ~ ºº:: Jºaze Qo f ~ Q - 3/a/e, ºrch. 3. lº //we S.5'., .//ºlº - \ y º /o/, /čeº zoo/, R º Qo Jºate and wheſ/s. Fº § - - - Sº Go '''Bºº. - - luzo %3 .5/crae. * - Afed 5.5, Co S Rºi Q 36 /º/acº wºrſe, > s &zzd,£rºr. > k- Nº . E: EE- 57&ſe Qo -- - - & - - - ~ Q - º: - -- > -- Z6 .5ºzzzzz. lu - /fed w/a/e. s . /5/rze 5. Sº, ~! Q -- Hº- - sº 29 Jana, __--~~ T--_ - > 3/a/e 4/ack. O. -- -- - A'ea 5' 5", S Q > ---. Tº - 2/. 42 ºzaze. T--~ 5'azzd, draw > S. S. red, > ſyſzze S. S., Sk Q ºu 9. ‘ Gray raze. Lu o' .3/ºz/e, 2.7 … " - - ºn 22°3 Lu ſº /recy rock, - ---- -- // - Jazzaz ...” * ..., ~! Jºetſ S. S., K- *::: º F. º yazzaz sheſ/s/ | 2– ---- ---- > - 22. A/ A'ezzrow. - &/a/e, //avº - - ~. Af/rze 3. º, < J. Z - --- ſojº º .x, A'eaſ rock - -* ..., - ~. /feaſ .S. 5'., Q 6. º: - 35 ya/e, &e//, //ar. \: - - - º - *...* \: &zzº tº 5' 5", 4.2.2 / * … - º - A’zaze safe H // // .3arraſ, 5 Mºed s/cc/e. K. Co Q == ~ k- lu HH Q § A'ed' .5' 5. Q- yz. - %’ &rae, § S.S. whºſe and haza/ // |zzo &ray &aſe. .5%rze nºzz/, recy rock .5/aſe, black. ſt º - - - - azzº ºff she//w, //2 E= == yo/? s/a/a, § == == H - - # = SEC0ND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA . S /…/ſ 3 & s /2.5 9 /a/ gray s/afe. == REPORT R R, 1880. - O. - - Lu ... . . . . º - Öazzd she//s. > S. 5’ recº, 60 5: 37aze º § 3& E /.3 = 37 /*g///rayºlaſe. º + - - 57 Z. º =< - * nº 1 in in 5/aſe, c/oco/a/e. Q - S. S. very hard 8 3//. = H A Sel 10 S 0ſ. § // 37 /o/, //vºy s/a/e. - r - - - - ----- - S. k- ('0 LUMNAR SE ('TI () NS S LL SZaze and sand shel/s. Constructed from ** { § s &aze nºzz/; red/ rock -- - - - - - O S.S. and slate Szaf /?/zze 5"/afe. /3 - 7.5 - 3% //////zza, Aarº and /ºi/ she/s, . * /2 SUlt FA C E () BSE RVATI () NS AN ID / $ # 'º owa (e. /3.5° --~~. lu - - - - - - *- == OIL WELL RE ("O RI) S § . S s == E FROM 3.5 m/ºze, Zazº, .30 o, tº 42 ºve/Zorrºry S. # = * * * * > whazy, ºf . = 3 - * * * * ** *= . . . . . . § H CAMERON, CAMERON COUNTY c5 (7. z/ Z&/ºrºſaſe. o THROUGH s º: ---------> TX -- * Nºrrºw - - - - - - - * * fe areaſ § ELK AND FOREST (OUNTIES t * * * ...", TO away whez/v. ºu R - - - - - - - - * St FRANKLIN VENAN (;() (()[NTY S foº # zo’ marae szaze. . { \ | - - Q t 1. \ - V 4. A * 4 N }{ º () I 1. TY § - EEE 4 º'ed" rock . & S. faggy, hard and t - - - T- /recy rock. S. & E; - §: /4. - º r * -- " -- - * - - º” Fº Showing the relation of the | 5/aze /5 = %y’ Mazz/ //ze wave. - 300R ºv NOTE y - - - - \ {{ * A \Y - * ID ( \| - ------- - - - - - - 77te perſºca / zoost ſºon of each secºzozº as V E N 1. N () ()I I 4. S AN |) (, R() UP - --- r- - - - - - - - - - - * - - -- - /redº.º. rock * rººca Zºos” or * * * MAP SHOWING POSITION OF SECTIONS AND WELLS “” ” a/e/ezzzzzzzecz ºr re/ºverzee to ſ/re es/zzzzzz/eaſ TO THE S yoxºor, o///e /o//om of //e Fezz/ºzo's * , º Tº Y - - - - - - - - - - * * * * Y Y- "Y & 4 - r ( * Scale: 8 miles to inch S - NIFER() US AND I) EV() NIAN R() ("KS ------ - - ------- --- - //mes/on.e. ('AIR |} ()N II Iº it. Y AND A. |\ 1 \, - \ Y . o ZZºe /ö//omºzy are //e disſances /* W. A. R. R. E. N. ----- - M". K. E. A. N. . . . --- s = //ze //, o/eqc/ secºzo” (o the ZºoZºom, o/, - - T º- L–24 *X. | | | = // e /zanes/on.e. J. P. LESLEY , STATE (EOI,00IST. _- -- & s ºil - - ----- Af/zze sºaze. 220 = /6. W: - I - ºt - li 1:30 feet - A- ------- --- -------- - º icº. ! - Washington we - - - - - CHAS. A. ASHBURNER ASST GEOI,0(HST. \ == Tionesia 18.5 - º - Peters run well 1:35 A.W. S.HEAFER, All). R} º - º .9/aſe and shade, Woods well No 1 150 - % 2 39.5 Vertical Scale of Sections 100 feet to linch . º Q) * 43 () “”. “” * sºo +oo 5.o- _*A* * C - º: - – - - - S Snydersburg well 9 () - S Cooksburg well N° 2 32.5 ---------- Jazzaſ. lu 7% Marien well No.3 12.5 - * - - - - Norks. - - - St Spring Creek 55 7%/ºzºo, º me// and ºzzo, º/w/ec/ed. Zºo an easy and new//zze Zºº ///w///, /º/war, Q Ridgway 130 Z%e cºnce, o/, //e/w/ec/º//voszzo’s on Zºº //, /o/, //a/ oz//e 3%lſazys með … as ///onº S* Mºs 220 St Marys to Ridgway 8 miles S. Marys to Woods Well N° 1, 44, 9 miles cameron 10.5 - - Spring creek 17 6 . - º -- - 2, 45. 3 - - - - - Marien 28. 1 , * - º º - 3, 45. 7 - - Cooksburg 34.5 º º - , Peters run well 46, I - - - Snydersburg 41.0 º - º Tionesta 47. I St Marys to Franklin 65 miles Z//eZarzzzoz. o///*e /º/, /a/s/…/Z Mº’ſ...Yzy &/ºontz, zz, sºozzy as fºr rveyz a y J/azzezz arzaz //e/zoº/rozz o/*e ſºazz/o ("/ × 7zoº/, /s worſ, ſº &e &zzozº a.º. Zºz. easy as Zºe same //arce. ~ /º/acº safe and 24. .9%e// nºtºr a yºur red wºrea/s. - - - - Sazza’, - - - - —i JULIUS BEN LITH. NEW YORK. - - - * - - - - - - - Lane's HaRt. state printer. REPORT H R PLATE VII. LA FAYETTE Mº KEAN CD. No. 1. -- #3: ss snºw-rºte Johnson Run s - - wandstone -- 2 (hal Zºº and Blºsſ and & S º - - = fº, =-2 | Alton (Mercer/ (oal Group * \ Hinzua (reek * / joys and whate - .5’andstone -X- - --- | * *Z- º A- foºtate and 5.5 con - == taining ſoul 0/ean H - - afe º º: 3.5 s.s. (onglomerate with (onylomera º Slate bands. Mauch ºhunk º Lyº.it --- *--- - ---- CLERMONT Mº KEAN CD. No. 2. – - … 5/0 Black slate |- Julius Bºth LITH NEW YORK BUTTERFIELD LANDS M9 KEAN CO. JOHNSON RUN ELK CD. NDR WICH Mº KEAN CO. ST M No. 3. No.4. No. 5. 60° shales and shay & S. 2% ºad, 50 Shales and whºly 3.5 3'2" (oal, , - º -- - 75 yawes 20 ºray and black slate 40' ºlate and Shae 3' state / Coal 3. limestone .5" (oad, - - 3, ſhale -- 5.5. 40'.S.S. hard fine ºraned sº tºº. 2% #%me 40' .97aze and 3 & 29"(oal. Mºº- J. -- 36" (oal / 0.35. and slate *.acº” * - * *- *- Zº*_ º - _- 26 (ba*_ 33' 3%aze and 377te-- 3/6'34 and state T-- L- __-T T--— /'6" (oal. 2/"/oal. less __* 2.1. -" -- … ...'… ºf J. al- T---— _ººſ, - - - - = /y"/"6ray and black slate 7.5 & 8 massive withoc - M A Z\/ \ T--~~~. **—Zºzºng waxm −. gº ºf easional shale lands jø' sy. -- ------ ----- 4 ºctay 46".º.º. VVTA %. 5’ yºate - ---- 4%a-––––– g" (oal ––––------- % ºf ----------- 3%al,-----~~~ - #3% an fº" S. & Shales and free , ºtay and state % wax state == i ºdº black and blue % tº * #. ºdºhale ------ –3'6"/oaſ –––––––––––– = -ſº º, zºzz-------Tº ZT-TT 4. - - : '... };" - 4.5',5'.S. -º-, zy"; "...sºs. 4& S.S. *Hºº ſ -* - - A. Z/ º /007/7's 3 and condomerate --- J ſoaſ and slate --- %. #" - Coal horizon rºarcentre % %ar 45 (ºn/tomerate -- 27 y.º. and slate 5.5 y.º. ARYS ELK CO . No. 6. CENTERVILLE ELK CD. HD RTO N T W P ELK CO. No. 8. No. 7. ^ - Sºº 25 & 3 and shale - - &al cry, s 40' s s and shade 3. Coal 10 ºreclay and shale ho' -3 º' &al crºp *- ºf ºoº- º' (oal. * Soft gray slues annel ſºad. state *~~ 6; Gray y & shade and slate 3' ſoal 33' &ndy whale and 5.5. /'6" (oa/, --- … .º.º. and shale 39" (oad. %. whale %, Coat zo' ºand shadev - - - and sºle-- 32° 5' 5" and shale %, ºat––––––––––– /8" Whale 3' fºal zo' shave and &al wo’s sº and con//omerate ºw's - wo" /º/acº shade 2" (oat (sporadic/ - 1. tº sº or Z' }%estone º - 40 *lºgy s's 4-states t -º-º: ss º 6 Earth and clay - ... tº ..?'. Coat - /6" sulphur hittanning tº - - - jº ſolºton" i //2 ºreclan gºal.-- ºate an Cement Bed 20" - 2%." Marcº sº." - ----- toal º' state hittanning M ( .3 to: ºat - - 10 *clay H 40" Black slate 45 shale and state = 3’ (bal 40' shale and º' and occasional Cºal 7" Jimestone - ---- = 40' shade and 3.5" - -- 6' L. º- 35' Whale and date Tºº Shaye and Aireclay s * - tº ſoad ("lanion ſ'iº _3_(oal º 27 y.º. and whale---~~ TT-------__ –26-ºatſ 50's & and shale -- 2 (oat-- 20, 3/aze and sale _3 ſeal____ .S. s. ---------- SECOND GEO LOGICAL SU R v E Y OF P E N N S YLVAN A. Report R. R. - J. P. LESLEY, STATE GE oilo Gisºr. Colu MNAR sections or "the LOWER PRODUCTIVE COAL MEAS AND BR0 CKWAY WILLE JEF. C.D. No 9. W. G. P. LATT CAMERON, CAMERON CO. - 6" frº-are-- –4. 4%ºs zo Sandstone and whale 1.5 (oncealed 32.5%al …?" Gray slate and whale B E N EZ ETTE E LK CD. No. 10. No. 11. 30' ºncealed 20 Jandstone 30' Shales, sandy 3 & 4 3' £ºstone -> 24' ºncealed strata. - 5. Sandstone gº and sº /00".s. 5 and shale 26 Linhertone º º' ºncealed º tº sandstone ZººZºº * º Hº ..,' Black state º º: 7.5 s.s and shales. 30’ (oncealed 4% - - # ºn 40’ (oncealed - *Tºº--- 26 & -º-º-e -- 3. ſº * shale "…ºneº-on- 2 (oal º' sis' and slate - - 4.5' ºncealed. 60 *rruginous shales %; la __- - rectay --- 2 w - -- /6" (ºal. tº tºo 27' 6'ray wiate and shade % º and whale 3.5" Shales au. 3' ochre d. 1 --~~ - -- - º re clay and Iron ore º' Warnestorie 34 state and shale 53 gºal 3—ºal —--------- - /0' shale 27 & 8 and whale - // ſoat 60° S. s. and shade . . . . . --T %. - º and shale Jø'..sandstone - & ºtay and giałº----- 26" (oat º, Coal and whale shave #3, # - % ºft (oncealed ––––––– - —" " — º, ºr and shale _- 60' sis URES POTTSVILLE CONGLOMERATE Mº KEAN, ELK, CAMERON, JEFFERSON COUNTIES. Chas. A. Ashburner, Asst. Geologist A. W. Sheafer, Aid. 1881. -- Scale, 100 feet to 1 inch. 10' Jºates with coal bed 35' 3.3 and conglomerate & sº s. and whale ºal 60' .5 s. and conglomer- ate. LANE SHART, SIATE PRINTER." (CJ TJ ºf 1884- SE C |- OND CEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF PENN's YLVANIA. J. P. LESLEY. Cº. STATE, G, EOIſ OC (ST Nº s T A. º . # º # º º - ºr ºxazºº//~~~ & 27% º ( Sº Most of the º. features of this map were determined ºr barometric swºreys made by Chas.A. Ashºwner assisted during /376 &y Walzer A. Rºoms, 1877&rAEodman. Mºſſraine, 1878 &nd 1879&rA.W.Sheafer The map was constructed to illustrate the topography of northwestern Pennsylvania, where the Zerozºan and Gºrboniferous strata gre comparatºrer horizontal/ºps Zwige ſºon gºout 5feet to ſoozeez to/mile genewal/r in a southwest %. /, it is not suffiazzº &cºrate for the loca- tion wºotº wells or razºroads. Zhenwnerous razºroads and rayon roads which have been constructed in the county since 4879 when the map was completed Žare not been added. T v- E º | K F TO PO G, IRA DH CAL, M \| Q) F M C R. E. A N G O U NTY in one CONSTRUCTED MOSTLY C HAS. A. A SHBU RNER, A SST. GE OLO GIST AND A. W. S.HEAF ER, AII). hundred foot contour curves FROM BARO METRIC SURVEY'S BY -- a a 2 sºiº T N E ~d _ .d. - Sº & - - º lºsſ º ºl. - ſ/j. | º | sº º º º º º y º º - sº | º = \!/ S \ º º | ~ ºlº - - º --> - - - - º - - s * Z. - --- - - -2 - ºr -º - - º: - - - - . - ------ - -- - - - - n - º º : . º - º º º Sº s - HE PORT R. R. PLATE VIII. mº & Co. Photo Lithin Y LANE S. HART, STATE PRINTER Scale 2 miles to 1 inch º * * * * _* - - M-1- + - H E PORT R. R. PT, ATE IX. SECOND GEO LOGICAL SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA J.P. LESLEY, STATE GE OLOGIST CHAS.A.ASHBURNER, ASSISTANT GEOLOGIST TOPOG HAPHICAL SKETCH MAP IN TWENTY FIVE FOOT CON TO UFH C U RWE S OF A POFTION OF THE FIFTH BITUMINOUS (OAL BASIN SERGEANT TOWNSHIP MEKEAN COUNTY joNEs Township ELK county CONSTRUCTED FROM COMPASS AND HAROMETER SURVEY'S BY ERO HERT P. FIELI), MINING ENGINEER Scale 2,000 feet to 1 in ch. 27.93 w - &crop Jºzº CLAY'S SEVEN T- - FOOT OPENING º \-4 - 2797 º/ - owſº - l SERGEANT TOWNSHIP, M G KEAN COUNTY JONES TOWNSHIP. El-K COUNTY 23H3 279] 2314, SERGEANT TOWNSHIP, M & KEAN COUNTY sº ºmºmº gº º ºsºmºmº & ºr ºmºmºmºa º º ºsºms JONES TOWNSHIP, ELK COUNTY Coºrnate ºcco. 705 3 1/72 ua Creek Şāadstone 2564, N () TE /čeference show/d be made fo a topograp/acaſ wrap of Zhe Anfºſo (oa/ (os./ract ºr Sergean/ Zotwashºp, A/*Aſean (ºrzymów, which was eased ºr A/r. Jºe/d, ºr, the consºrrection of the reorg/iery, //ortion of this map. (See: /º/rr/e Aſo. ZY ºr azas accompazz vºrºſz Zeeport Zé, A/*Aeroze (bartów / 6.4...!. ſº § 1 -----. A º rº. - - - - - - ---msm--sºmesº- mºsºzº ºr . . . . . . * : *-, . . . . . . . . . ." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." rº-E_ * * * ... * , d s ºr - . . . . . * * * * * * ******* - " - . . . . . . . . . . * *- : . . . . . . . . ; *... . . . . . . " - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .” -- *...* * * *.*, * : . . . . . . . . . . . . . .” - * - F - : . . .” ". . . . . . .” - *.s . . . . . . . . *- : . . ." . . . . ; : " . . . .” - - - -ºº º sº. A. . . . .” - * * ‘. . . * * > * > . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ... •24 ºr ... " - - - - - - - - ſº sº. i = -s a rº-.” . . . ** *... " " : * * * * * * - *... ----- - * * --- • * * * * º º - * . . . . . .'; ' - "...: 'i . . . . sººººººººººº ºf º' . . . . . . . . . L. 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." . . . . . . . . . . º. º. º.º. # , . . . . . . * **, *.*.*, *...*.*. sº - . . .” -º ºr... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ** - . . . . , º, … sº g- * * * * . . . . . ºr ' '... *- : : 3, ... "... ." . . … . . . . . . . . . . . . . .';.ºrº - * * * * * ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." - . . . * * : * > x . . . . . . * * : * ~ * ---, -, * * -- (ºr Q: s t * .5%lſe Aºinfer Zarze .5//art, A–A * S C A L E 1 Miie . Julius Ben & Cº, Jºh. - - -------------—--------- : x ~~ 2 | j Gºt) tº 2009 :${}{}{} A Göſ) 500 C. § 280 F J. E. r +-------------—--------i-----_______-------"T"-- - - - - - - f 3--- i 447 (J. ºOt] 3 ſky y ºth {}{ $1.3 : ——-L- *— At 16 ſ; ſº *------ top ) 160 M.3 M ET. F. FR 5 ! Kiioºnote tº ‘p --J.-- * * * * 24,000 of Nature ~t R. N & - * → c \ º - - * - - - - - - - - CAMERON, ELK & FOREST CO º - - - : ATI AS R R. P. ATF NQ X | - - d \ w SERGEANT ACCOMPANYTN (; REPORT ()F PHO(rRESS R R. tº iſ a * tº º ºr gº dº ºilº & ºn 3225 2573 - ºn ºn tº º ſº ºn a º & Cº. ººmºº tº e ºsmºs tº a 3782 * = Nº º º sºme º & Rºb & sº º sº º 2322 sº º tº º ºs * * *E*śsº ºn tº * … º. $º º sº 3. *%rewood Aº rri -U 4113 FLANDERS tº 7°oo *-ºr Kºº tº ºbº gº ºft. º. * * * * * * * = s. tº ºº º sº ºr * -ºº ºs ºssºmsºmºrrº, º ºsmºs-ºsº, sº * * * * * * * * * * * * *same sº seasº, sº * ºriºsº, sº sººn ºn f * agº tº sº º * = * * * * * * * * * 4. 8- 6 5 . wº- ---, -º- = ** - - - s sº tº º sº. * *º sº tºmº sº ºngº tº --~~ * * * * * * * * * * * =mºs- * =s*, *, ** tº ºf * * *-* * ~ * — - ~~~~ * - — — — — —- - * g =s* * =s sºm sºms, sº wº wº SECOND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANLA .J. P. LESLEY, STATE GEOLOGIST MAP OF THE CENTRAL PORTION OF Compiled from Beers County Map, map of District. No. 4, by Hon. J. L. Brown, map of portions of Fox and Horton townships by E.E.Willard, of Highland and spring Creek townships by Hon. J. L. Brown and A. B. Howland and from special property maps - TE3Y CHAS, AASHBURNER.ASSISTANT GEOLOGIST . drawn by - - t Lºſº, - *** - - - - - 455? O. H. H. A R D E N . - - - - -- * - - -- - *...* - C - * * * - - - - - * F A R F 1884. Scale. I mile to 1 inch. Note. In compiling this map great di//zeu//ies were encountered ºn recon cºlºng the data obtazzled fºoz77 d://e7ervé sources, especially along the Pistrict Zºne separating Z/ö///ayad and Sprizzy Creek 70,72 ships ſºom Jones, Zedd'gway and Zordon Zownships. While this map is believed to be /ar /?om accurate, it is the best that can be constructed /?orrº existing data, and viz. be /bzzzzd to be more compõeſe and, without dow86. 77.07 e satisfactory than any & inviſar map already published. See PZate Wo X7 7zzap of Aorest County. . - . - Scale of Mil s’ r- - - S C 3.1 (→ O ;Ville S. i l # º * ITT-Fi---H- u I I • . TITTTTTTI-I- : ſ º ; * - - } | i l 4. 7 8 Scale of Kilo in eters. J U Li U S 5 E N & CO. FH QTC Ll H. LAN E S. HART, STATE FR NTER . TLAS R. R. PLAT XI '('()MPA, 'P() RT PRO GRESS R R. (LAM ER()N y- HE ST (' W .* O I More: Progºzczrºy A2ZZs, o *—Lºº-ºl-lº. i 14 dº ſº. * & 31 94. | |3195 * | – V - - - - - - - - - - - -— — — — — 2960 \ ! & t V - - - - - - - - - - - H - G O D F R EY º TRAct BROOKSTON smº- - sºs" .* - * * ATK NSON BELL WOODS * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -r- - - - - - - - LOT | LOT LOT FOX T RACT * *T_º - *** * ... -- * --sº "... sº ... --> - - - - ------ - -- ~ * - = ~ * I - | 1917: 15 | . ! __ == * - - - - --~~~ - - - - - - - - tº- tº sºm sº immºmºm º ºsmºsºm sus. * * * * * * =s=mº ºr sº * * * * * * *=mes as ºmºsºsºs ss sºme misºs is sº gº ºrº ºr =sººrººs º- ºgºs s sººººººººº s C. &z. Tºr i : -- - - -- * -- ~~" - - - - * T * == * *s-, --, -- & gºsºsºm, s , sºme ºs mºsºmºrºss is tºº & * *= assº, sº sº assº ºn - * * * * isºs º ºsmºs, sº sº. ººm º ºs- : - - - - * tº ºs sº tºº. * * * * * f SE('ONI) (; E OL(){}I ('AIL SURVEY OF PENNSYTVANIA .J. P. LESLEY, STATE (; E OLOGIST ("HAS. A. ASH B IIHNEH, ASSISTANT GE OL () (, HST M A P OF { * SS sº - - -- " TOGETHER WITH g \\\ºl. - - - - - T - MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP. ELK COUNTY. AND PORTIONS OF FARMINGTON TOWNSHIP. CLARION COUNTY. AND BARNETT AND HEATH TOWNSHIPS, JEFFERSON COUNTY. With the exception of that portion, northwest of the Allegheny River, which is reproduced from Irwin's map, this map is compiled from original State and recent surveys, survey notes and drafts, and fro in re C orded deeds. Hº Y A. H. H. O.W L AN ID, C. E. 1884 . Scale . I nuil e i o in ch. Scale of \,{iles. 4. I ; – Copyright, /38% by WºZarr, A /n//azm, Secretary Board of Commissioners, Second Geo(ogicaſ Survey of Pennsylvania, Audhors rāghas reserved. - . r Kil t 8 s' s s. * *- t - $– *... . *. Q i. Fºll.O II e U “ l’S J U L; LjS B | E N & Co. F HO TO LI TH- i_AN E S. HART, STATE FR } N T E R . * „… • r \!\!\!\!\!\!\!||||||||||||||||||||I||I||I||I||I||I||I||I||I||IIIIIIIIIIII]]|[] #!!!!!!!!!!!!œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ œ Œ\\∞ EË =; E8 Ē Ē E8 | * • *- DIGŁĘKE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII;IJſſſſſſſſ!!!!!!!!! ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ► • • • ► M |- �§§ × №g №ſae; · .. ſijºſ , ' ſ2~~~); ſae; J.E.Kºyº : \º.º.º. SAG U.R.' ſiſihÈ№iiiiiiiiiiiſſilſiſſiſſiſi F? lºft utilitºtill Tºntrºlºninimirºllmmluntman. [] [] [] 0 L U 0 [] [] [] [] 0 0 [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] ſae [] [] () [] {} [] 0 C [] [] C [] 0 0 C 0 [] [] 'ſ 0 [] [] ſ. 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