GE 157 A233 M I B 1,069,928 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 03552 6543 1 (47102) 붕 ​1,80 1876 January February March Julius Bien, lith. Average Price 1.902. April May June 1,075 Scal WE ARE 3.81 1 inch August September July 311 October Daily Production Scale 10,000 20.595 93/755 373 November 2.70 December 1877 January February March 1.94% barrels Total Stocks April May June 2.51 DAILY PRODUCTION, AVERAGE PRICE TOTAL STOCKS PER MONTH PETROLEUM IN THE BRADFORD OIL DISTRICT MC KEAN COUNTY. To illustrate Report of Progress R. Chas. A. Ashburner, Asst. Geologist. by 1 inch SECOND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA J. P. LESLEY STATE GEOLOGIST. July August September 2.5634 October Scale 1,500,000 barrels Scales 6,000 Daily Production 10,000 barrels = 1 inch Average Price I dollar Total Stocks 1,500,000 barrels COMPILED FROM STOWELL'S PETROLEUM REPORTER. 133,000 November DIAGRAM OF THE 143 1inch December 1878 January AND OF 12,000 February March April May June == }} "} 983/4 "} "} 1,000,237 82% July August September October 24,876 November 1.16 2,542, 507 25,000 Daily Total Stocks December 1879 February January Production Average Price 73/2 Scale March GENERAT 10.000 40,000 Scale 1.800.0 Scale 1800.000 barrels 48,057 barrels $1.00 C G C C inch 1 inch 1 inch 693% 6,365, 728 1.18% R. PLATE XVI. f 45,450 88 34 56,654 7,998,342 wan Lane SHart,State Printer. 17 1876 January February Julius Bien, lith. Th OF THE NUMBER OF PRODUCING, COMPLETED AND DRILLING WELLS March SECOND CEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA J. P. LESLEY, STATE GEOLOGIST. 251 DRY HOLES PER MONTH TOGETHER WITH THE AVERAGE PRODUCTION OF NEW WELLS April May IN THE BRADFORD OIL DISTRICT, MC KEAN COUNTY. To illustrate Report of Progress R Chas. A. Ashburner, Asst. Geologist DIAGRAM June Scales Producing Wells 1000 Completed 100 Drilling 100 July September August AND " October • 100 November Dry Holes " Av. pro. new Wells COMPILED FROM STOWELL'S PETROLEUM REPORTER. 20 bbls. 1 inch December 1877 January >> " >> }} February 〃 }} }} March April May June July September August October November 218 date thong 145 December January 1878 6 February March 285 va 3040 [7] 9 2.30 2,950 1162 10 Pro 4,100 ign Producing Wells 8 Penny ren 202 į Well Scale 100 Wells. 5,000 Stave 163 Ubis Home 10 I inch R. PLATE XV. KER 1 inch Completed Wells score 100% Wells Scale 100 Drilling maman Lane SHart,State Printer. S ONOVILLE/PO. Mill Ru Saw UT Run State Line Run E N R R A M 1280 Kinzua Greek LANES. HART, .STATE PRINTER Pierce Run RIVER KINZUA 1231 Allegheny ATLANTIC AND GREAT WESTERN Conewang CORYDON Peter 1904 1884 LUDLOW ALLEGHENY Crause 1727 Y r Sugar UN O C 1603 1880 H 1560 Windfall Runy Hotchkiss Indian Reservation. 1505 COLD Crane Creek 1320 1270 Run Cornplanters C 1265 W Run LC.Knapp 1719 Cas East Branch un Hemlock 1333 1538 STEAMBURG PO. 1747 Maxs Siding 1386 1315 1260 2064 Hakill Dry Hole 2008 1846 2023 ======================ass Corydor Mud-tick Run RAILWAY Run Nelson Baan Wild-cat Run MR E Cold Spring Lightning Run Kettle Ran Two Mile Run Split Rock Cr North 1440 Briggs =========== 0 R SPRING South Brand treek 1300 ======23- C.Rathbun 1385 ALL Branch Creek I Ganning Run or 1365 Tionesta Creek South Branch Quaker Run Run Morrison's Dam 2047 11850 1915 Paine's Summit S.M. Run LE GHENY S Sugar Sugar Run Siding 1745 WETMORE 1804 Mud Fundsassas Y North Fork Root Run TConover 1520 1550 I Conover Chappel Cumings L 1435 EY Lick Run Run West Cr Kinzua Sunfish Creek RIVER T Inte Meade Run Kinzug Run Creek Lodge Swamp Run Fork T KINZUA-EMPORIUM M Wind Run BVan Kleek Willow Sulphur Spring PHILADELPHIA & RED HOUSE P Linn Branch 0 Saw Mill Run Hubert ERIE Little 1700 S ======== 2021 Union Run South Branch House Cr Red Creek Fife Clarion Big Level Road Big Red House Cr. Bucktooth Run KANE Quaker on Summit BA. Colburn ト ​2077 CROSS A.AND G.W. Run LAMA ANC 1500 Allegheny Wilson Ru Run Of L SALAMANCA PO RAILWAY R Despul T Tune:assas Cr. 2045 hinzua Creek 2108 MARSHBURG ELK B Reservation A Fuller Glad Ru 1700. Dalson 2157 Turnip Run Kinzua Well 1718 Valley UNITED Brook Shor 2117 R F Mile Run PIPE 2115 LINE NICLINAL H E Big Leve Coburn Dry Hole 1900 Marilla SERGEANT Kane Geyser Well 2X58 SALAMANCA 1384 Cramer 2165 1590 Windfall Run A Big Red House Creek Newton West Collier Run 2069 Brook Wintergreen Run ERIE XIS 2158 2133 Pine Creek 1494 2014 Branch 2143 Creek Beckwith A Run RAILWAY ABANDONED Valley Cr Hulings Well N11625 KINZUA OIL DISTRICT Buck Run 1601 Run Bennet GREAT LOCATION 17a Wagoners Run PROPOSED LINE B.B.&.P.R.R. Irish Lewis Lewis Hollow Wilcox WellNa Well No 3 1666 1464 Large KILBUCK P.O. iam Hollow S Limestone Brook Town Line Run Shepard Run LAFAYETTE CORNERS Brook Run 2103 GREAT VALLEY STA 1393 CARROLLTON CARROLLTON E Well No2 1646 Run PA. & ERIE 2192 Dennis Well 2055 2168 Brook BUFFALO Sicely Run 1500 R'WY 2002 1399 數 ​Kin Ame C O F M Clays 2108 Bear Run N.Y. LAKE WESTERN R.R. NEW YORK RANCH CRAWFORDS 1559 LEWIS RUN East Bolivar Branch BRADFORD BUFFALO E.&W. Windfall Cr ERIE RWY. (ERIE) RAILWAY 1415 Allegheny Indian Reservation E BRANCH AND East Branch ਬਰਤਰਕਬਰਣ ROCK CITY Teek 2134 PITTSBURG R.R.OR BRADFORD VALLEY Brook BRADFORD MET s ALTON 2095 ROCK CITY IRVINS MILLS BIG SHANTY 1666 HOWARD HILL J.M. Bingham's Dryhole o 1673 Sukangwant Baillet 0 Rutherford Run DEGOLIER Minard CUSTER CHYima Seven Mile 2164 Summit 175. BUFFALO BRADFORD Erkek 1444 MOUNT RAUB 2225 2072 Rail Road Run Leonard Brook BOND VEIN tho GOS 2258 Head Rocky TE LIMESTONE PO. 1410 Nichols 2030 Brook 2132 Foster BABCOCK 1419 R TARPORT BUTTSVILLE Brook 1900 VANDALIA Seven State Line Brook 1581 STATE LINE 1419 Brook Run 2238 1999 AND PITTSBURG R.R. EXTENSION 2034 ANTIGEN A 2137 Mile Ten Kendalt Run eRun Wildcat 2228 SAWYER CITY R Run 1792 Run FIFTH 1731 Chipmuck Five Creck Harrisburg Run 1675 2258 DERICK CITY Stanton Run Run K AX S Birch Creek Boya Mile Run GLEAN PIPE LINE 1900 2073 1836 A L ALLEGHE REE ROCK N 22.30 Greek Carlock COUNTY Foster Brabk GILLMOR Run Hollow Katrine Pond Swamp E Marvin E Howard Farm (Summit 2100*) BELLS DALLAS Ormsby's Summit 2140 AXIS WILLIAMSVILLE E CAME Creek Smith Brook AN Instanter 2286 S GINALSBURG 2140 2218 Creek 2398 2099 Approximate position. W Warner Brook A E GANY KASSON PO. Long Brook Four Mile Run Buck Run Notes. The bottom of the Lower Productive Coal Measures is marked by the Twin Coal bed which lies between the Kinzua Creek and Johnson Run Sandstones The Mauch Chunk (No XI) Shale is absent from the Series in McKean County. The area of the Lower Productive Coal Measures does not necessarily represent the area of the commercial Coal beds. The dritt covered areas of the County are not shown on this map. The outline of the BRADFORD OIL DIS- TRICT is given on a Special Oil Map. County South Run Five Mile 2498 AND Tram 2115 CLERMONT 2074 Bishops Samt 2108 CLERMONT Line RIXFORD 16602) Branch Run Run KENDAL Run Four ALLEGANY 1422 Mile WARREN 2382 McCord OLEAN ROCK CITY R arth Branch 2310 Branch Branch ERIE Branc 2148 Marvin AND CHAPEL HILL 2280 TIDEWATER 2354 Kansas 2376 Well N°2. T DUKE CENTRE Cole I Smethport Well 1590 RAILWA OLEAN Creek BUNKER HILL 2095 barn) 1915 Rod M Y LINE PIPE UNITED Creek Haskill Well 1542 KEAN Well N°4 0 Mill West Fork 1438 ELDRED Knapps PRENTISS VALE Well •WellN91 1442 "1560 SMETHPORT Wild PIPELINE OLEAN 2315 PIPE Indian Kun 0 Fork Smiths Run 4402 Creek NORWICH Lic 179 Brook AND BUFFALO South 1478 R R N kof West Branch MS KEAN AND Olean Brew Greek 100 Potato Robbins Brook Rices Creek LINE Rocky FARMERS VALLEY ********* EXPLANATION OF COLORS. Brook 1520 Brook Run E AN Weymouth Brook GENESSE Well N°5 Perce YFOURTH BITHMINOUS 1640 West Run 0 Creek Creek BUFFALO NEW YORK Lower Productive Coal Measures Coal Kinzua Creek S. Sand Olean Conglomerate.j Pocono Sandstone No X. ELDRE G Coal Catskill Shale and Sandstone.j Chemung Shales No VIII. ANTICLINA L Fowler Creek FRISBEE 1465 2145 Branch 15431 Potato VALLEY CAN Well Nº3 A Y 2140 R Run COA 1536 R Cogsdell Brook Coal HAMLIN 1557 & Loups LLEGHENY COLEGROVE 147 VELDRED Indian Gal 2080 Run ORK NORWICH 1605 1882 PHILA. R.R 1481 LARABEE Goal 2060 No IX. WESTONVILLE Haskell Barden N PHILA 2500 2140 PROSPECT ILL HIGHEST POINT 2065 2384 IN MCKEAN COUNTY az L W Walcott Colegrove 1625 чо Havens UFFALO 2020 ost Run Brook No XII. 2415 R. R Creek AXIS Hand Brook. BUB Open TV BASIN Brook Brook ALLEGHEN 1862 FOURTH) K MILAGROVE SMETHPORT 1790 Brook 2348 1450 2140 STATE LINE 1443 1553 Newel 1466 RIVER 1730 Lick East Branch I LE RPanthe Dodges PORTVILLE Rock Creek Annin 1665 2255 CH TURTLE POINT Hamli 1610 East Oswaya Creek Mc KEAN COUNTY, AND A MAP OF A PORTION OF CATTARAUGUS COUNTY, NEW YORK Branch Run 1613 B 1555 1765 H 22110 1550 ANTICLINAL 16615 16157 AXIS CAMERON 1996 1720 2046 Rail Road E 1835 N Creek Creek 1450 to exhibit the HORSE-SHOE BEND OF THE ALLEGHENY RIVER. Skinner Three Mile Run E 2245 1665 1620 1475 1490 1525 1482 Comes eek Right Hand Branch SECOND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. J. P. LES LEY, STATE GEOLOGIST. Kings N (FIFTH) AXIS 1585 A GEOLOGICAL MAP OF 1495 2345 R 1705 Two 635 Creek Mije 1490 Aleghany Salt Works Branch 1750 GLENN P.0. 2190 DATA FROM WHICH THE ACCOMPANYING MAP HAS BEEN COMPILED. 1. Surveys in Lafayette Township by Chas.A.Ashburner. 2. N.Y. L.E. & WR.R.Salamanca to Olean. 3. Bradford Branch N. YLE. & WR.R.Carrollton to Bullsville, 4. Proposed line Pa & Erie Rwy, Buttsville to Wilcox, Elk Co. 5. B.NY&PRR.Olean to Emporium, Cameron Co. 6. Olean Pipe Line, State Line (Bradford Branch) to Olean. 7. P&ERR.Wilcox to Ludlow. 8. McK&BR.R.Larabee to Clermont. 9. Surveys in Vicinity of Clermont by Grahame Macfarlane. Norwich George W.Rafter. Chas. A. Ashburner, Asst. Geologist. A.W. Sheafer, Aid. 1879. 10. 11. Surveys of the Kingsbury Estate 12. Bingham Keating McKean, Elk Land and Improvement Co. Creek " CERES 1450+ 27 A Long Run 13. 14. 15 Beer's County, Map 16 Atlas map of Cattaraugus County, New York. Parrers 1646 Lithbridge PORT ALLEGHENY 1728 Note. The County and Townshiplines have been adjusted by the R.R.Surveys. E Buck Run " 2300 Run 11 B. Creek Scale: 1½ miles = 1 inch. Taylors Bun DI ANNIN CREEK PO. I LIBERTY 1612 " 95,040 of Nature. " Cady Run Portage Creek " Scald (THIRD BITUMINOUS Camid Lick 1830 1705 2210 Run BY Ro Coleman Run of Portage HIRD Mile Run Bells S COAL Creek N Run Y Hamilton Brook "" 2340 Run Fair 2125 COUNTY 1775 2260 2260 2375 TI " REPORT R, PLATE NOX Portage BASIN Sinnemakon COOL 0 YORK NTRIC LINAL AXIS COUNT POTTER KEATING STATION Magnetic Meridian 1793&1794 N.0.42 W True Meridian Magnetic Meridian 1877 (Olean/N4°7'W., 1878 (Kane) N4°13'W PHILA. R. R. JULIUS BIEN PHOTO LITH. NEW YORK. Da 12 Mc KEAN COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA CATTARAUGUS COUNTY, NEW YORK SHOWING THE OUTLINES OF THE 1 3 1 4 SECOND GEOLOCICAL SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA J.P.LESLEY, STATE GEOLOGIST PROVEN OIL TERRITORY N BIG LEVEL ROAD MAP OF PORTIONS OF KANÉ REPORT OF PROGRESS R. Chas. A. Ashburner, Asst. Geologist A.W. Sheafer, Aid. CLARION SUMMIT Add a JULIUS BIEN PHOTO LITH. NEW YORK. AND Note. o Productive wells along the edge of Territory × Dry Holes MAY IST. 1880. TO ILLUSTRATE Wilson Run Scale: 1½ miles = 1 inch. 2 95040 of Nature. A B " MARSHBURG Fife Fuller L A +256 255 " X 260 Run /Turnit Kinzua Glad Dalson Run × 259 * ✓ Soun Br Run #! Run XL 250 Kinzua G × 251 +257 Brook Two Mile Run THERE ARE NOT " **** * *** ** Short Run F R of 918 UNITE H LEVEL SERGEANT +258 West ROAD Creek #194 Windfall Ru 193 192 164+ PIPE Cramer Brook 191 * Marilla Cr. A Collier Run +163 165 LIM 166 Winterg Branch Run 5168 Beckwith Run 195 top2n 0190 169 167 0171 tu کرے Lewis 161 1620160 x189 سا 159 A Clarion 172+ ABANDONED Pine Run 196 197 249 Buck Run Wagoners Run Creek LOCATION Bennet Brook 156 Lewis Hallow 21 Miam Miam Hallowx 157 158 + 202 Shepard Run 302+ 188 199 West 186 PA. Limestone Brook R CARROLLTON Ε 247 24 248. STATE LINE LAFAYETTE CORNERS X Runo 185 AND IRVINS MILLS AR ROLLT O Irish Brook 9/174 x187 Run 1460 146 1480/ 1490 Large ERIE 2000 225 BUFFALO Lown Line 178) RWY 175 1450 180 2010 لیے Run 2181 ERIE EW 188 Sicely Run Bear Run DISTRIC 02 M 308 297+ 236 CRAWFORDS Branch RA BRADFORD KINZUA DISTRICT 203 x144 ERIE RWY Brand 182 X183 184 BUFFALO 181 * 254 300 MESTONE Clays Run 40 289 287+ 152+ L. E. 365 Bolivar Brook, BRANCH LEWIS RUN +153 East +307 2930 Creek SEVEN MILE SUMMIT RD BRADFORD &W.TERIE) 295 2920 HOWARD HILI "60 291 290 RAI O CUSTER CITY 142 X143 2180 1350/ 0136 137 0138 0139 DEGOLIER 288 TSENRG reneangwany 6 T 219 07 2868 28 BIG SHANTY Rutherford han 133 D DIST Baillet Brook BRADFORD 261 ROCK CITY BUFFALO BRADFORD BIG SHANTY Rail Road Run ALTON +268 Leonard 69 2150 270 272 MOUNT RAUB 134 132 140 RWY. LIMESTONE PO. LINEAS 204x BOND VEIN +275 0 281 282 000 Minard Nichols, 283 BABCOCK ATARPORT 7 279 +280 0131 141 X 78 27 State 275 Line Brook 207 208 x x 209 2200 Brook Three Kinzua 012 x210 Mate 205 BUTTSVILLE Ten Mile Run 73 SAWYER VANDALIA went vendall Foster Run 130 AND und with the dy important to pakankaatpompostemperjumpaaqua fpafandrajanjumpai matlamajam gampanağarapamajuanju I STATE R R 221 PITTSBURG R.R.EXTENSIO fin Chipmuck Run Wildcat Run Head Brook 0018 15 14 16 Free CITY 276+ OLEAN PIPE * - X20 D 129x 127 7126 kad 122 206 018 Stanton Run I DERRICK CY Brook K Birch 128 211 Creek 919 A Harrisburg Run 124 RED ROCK D Mile Run Marvin 220 230 1210 306+ W Carlock 0123 Boy N 245 230 0 0 25 26 24 222 223 Run Fost GILLMOR KNOX I M LLE er Bro CITY o119. 0118 0117 Hollow × 303 LINE DALLAS o116 0115 J14 BELLS CAMP D $253 252 244 35 Creek 120 01130112 SUMMIT HE ORMSBY'S LEAN 110 27 Warner 109 108 HEN OF STATE LINE 1678 BRADE 224 *311 E G A CO31 अ 030 29 OFORD C REW CITY Brook S 033 032 X 34 A 309 Marvin RIXFORD • 102 O 1030 SO 35 S WARREN 312 S KASSON P.0. Long Brook 2. Small unproductive streaks have been found within the indosed arcus; their positions are not located upon the map. Five Mile Ru 36 Notes. 1. The boundary lines do not indicate the area of the oil producing sand rock, but merely show the limits of the territory which has thus far (May 1st.) proved productive. 105 106 BORDELL CITY 0 10 310 98 O COLEVILLE มอด RIVER South Branch R North Br CREEK × Branch North ENDALL 96 99× 88 *87 R McCoro X Branch 91 92 93 940 950 OLEAN ROCK CHY APPSNEW 90 ALLEGANY 83 86 84 085 086 101 North Branch T 243 Four Mile Run Kansas AND {{Creek ERIE 239 x X40 CLERMONT CHAPEL HILL TWO 42 x 236 FOUR MILE Branch Knapps 77 078 079 TIDEWATER RAILWA AUSTIN'S d T DUKE CENTRE ELDRED 073 074 675 Cole I 67% 235 89 OLEAN 240 238 241 00 OLIVE UNITED Creek 69 070 230 07 Creek CO LIN 66 R 8. Seward lot. 9. Clark lot. 0 E 314 . 5. Whitney & Son, 6. Kennedy lot. 7. Clark lot. × Wild CLEAN PIPE 231 PRENTISS VALE SMETHPORT 38. Geiger lot. 39. E. Noonan lot. 63 40. W. Stephen lot. 41. 4. Baer lot. 42. J. Waters lot. 1 & 2. A. W. Newell lot. 3. Sanford lot. 4. Ward lot. 17. Hutchinson. 18 & 19. Shirley. 20. Pittsburg Oil Co. 21. Bennett & Brown. YOR 65 Creek 59. Keating & Co. 60. D. J. Keyes. 000 064 313 46 32 § 33. J. G. Johnson. 34. Hart & Hicks. 35. McCalmot Oil Co. 43. Taylor & Whitney. 44 & 45. Garr lot. 46. Cook lot. Cat Run 47 & 48. Forest Oil Co. 49 8 50. Gaily Bros. 51. G. V. Foreman. N 36. White Elephant Well. 37. Schreve & Multrus. X 76. Loup tract. 77 $78. J. Swink tract 79, 0. Noble tract. 238x + 80 & 81. C. Duke tract. 82. Middaugh tract. 3 & 8.4. Scio Oil Co. $5.“ Middaugh tract. 86. Scio Oil Co. 87. Perkins lot. 88 & 89. McCullough lot. 90 to 92. Arnold & Dally. 93 to 95. McGrew Bros. MS KEÁN 100. Armstrong & Sharp. 101. Sellew, Popple & Co. 102. Morse farm. 103. A. H. Painter. 104. A. H. Tack. 105. Imus. 106. S. Short. 107. Brown & Keller. 108. Trefts. 109. A. B. Smith. 110. R. H. Thayer. 111. W. F. Kelly, 112. F. V. Foreman. 113. McKinney. 47 * 242 237 52. J. Gaily. 58 to 55. Wheeler & Dusenbury. 56 to 58. T. Gale. E Indian C Cr Potato 63 to 72. Foreman & Vandergrift. · 73 to 75. Black Giant Oil Co. 48 96. Duke & Harris. 97 & 98. Ï. M. & C. C. Wright. 99. Moyer City Oil Co. 114 to 116. T. J. Cooper. 117 Melvin, Walker & Howe. 118. Ocean Oil Co. 119. John McKeown, 120. Shedd lot. 121. Monroe lot. FARMERS VALLEY ALLEY BUFFALO /N.Y & PHIL GENESSE 1540 550 X232 Brook 320 321 Wermou 0 560 500 580 Rices Perce beg.. Lang 590 49 6.50 06 062 E L X X 234 10. L. S. Foster lot. 11 & 12. Lynch lot. 13 to 15. Clarke, Babcock & Hulings tract 140. T. Sherman lot. 16. McDonald. 141. J. A. Dieter lot. 52 Creek VALLEY CAMA. N G X51 FRISERE Fowler Run X X 315 316 Brook 122. P. C. L. & P. Co. 123. Pratt lot. Loup Cr 142. B. C. Haven lot. 143. P. C. L. & P. Co. 144. W. Howard lot. 145. R. Gregg lot. 22 to 27. Clark, Babcock & Hulings tract. 146. R. D. Ingalsby lot. 28. Wolf & Dreibleis. 29. Clark, Babcock & Hulings tract 147. A. Brown lot. 148. A. Watrous lot. 149. M. Tanner lot. 30 & 31. Geo. Fan Campen. 150. D. E. Foster lot. 151. E. Foster lot. 152. 153. G. W. Watrous lot. 154. 155 & 156. Lewis Run Lumber Co. 157 & 158. Emery, Patterson & Co. 159. Venture Oil Co. ALLEGHENY Key List of Productive Wells and Dry Holes along Outlines of Proven Territory. 131 & 132. Beckwith lot. 133. Drake lot. 124 & 125. L. W. Fisher lot. 126 & 127. Corwin lot. 128. Boyer lot. 129. Kennedy Bros. 130. H. L. Taylor & Co. 176. Brown lot. 177 & 178. T. Cole. 179. Colegrove lot. 180. S. Groner. ELDRED ALLEGHENY 173. Hatfield lot. 174. Bradford Oil Co. 175. 134 to 139. H. L. Taylor & Co. 160 & 161. H. L. Taylor & Co. 162. J. Stinson. 163. Williams lot. 164. Van Scoy & Co. 165 to 168. Quintuple tract. 169. Crooker lot. 170. L. C. Blakslee. 171. Boden, Emerson & Co. 172. Rogers lot. 196. Byron & Fay. 197. Bonanza Oil Co. STATE LINE × 226 X RED Haskell 184. Boden & Co. 185 to 187. Hulings & Guffy. 188. Westmoreland Oil Co. WESTONVILLE PROSPECT HILL Highest Point in McKean Co. u 201. J. M. Tait. 202. Hagadorn Well. 203. Treat & Co. 204. Hazlewood Oil Co. 205. McCullagh & Pentzer. 206. Marcus Hulings. 207. Geo. H. Van Vleck, 181. Pittsburg Oil Co. 182. Porter, Gillmore & Jackson. 183. Bronson & Co. 198. Byron & McKeown. 199. Melvin, Walker & Howe. 200. Riter & Conley. 208. Dutchess Oil Co. 209. F. Gifford. 210. H. L. Taylor & Co. 211. Parker Bros. & Hooker. 212. W. S. McMullen. Cr. 317 X Barden Brook *227 | 189 & 190. Hulings and Guffy. • 191 to 194. P. C. L. & P. Co. 195. E. L. Bowen, 213. Green & Donohue. 214 & 215. Geo. H. Van Vleck. 216. G. V. Foreman. 229× RIV. REPORT R. PLATE XVII. 318 LARABEE 349 217 & 218. P. C. L. & P. Co. 219. Moody tract. 220. Melvin, Walker & Howe. 221. G.V. Foreman. 222 to 224. Gray, Van Vleck & Co. MILLGROVE TURTLEPO T Newel Cr Brook Open PORTVILLE LE RIV. Ci 228 225. H. L. Taylor & Co. 226. R. Loup lot. 227. Ford & Vansickel. 228. Hoschtetter & Co. 229. Palmer & Co. 230. Gridley lot. 231. Benham lot. 232. Parmenter lot. 233. Littlefield lot. 234. Dennis lot. 235. Spiller lot. 236. Bingham lands. 237. Hatch & Co. 238. Smethport Well. 239. Brant & Co. 240. Haskell Well. 241. Brant & Co. 242. Lucius Rogers. 243. O'Neill Lease. 244. Manifold & Co. 245. Wild Cat Run Well. 246. Hamar & Ernhout. 247. Wilcox Well No. 1. #f W 248. 2. 249. 3. 250. Coburn Well. 251. Ernhout & Taylor No. 2. 252. T. J. Vandergrift. 253. Foreman & Union Oil Co. 254. Porter, Gillmore & Jackson. 255. Kinzua Well. DI 6 256 to 260. Boden, Emerson & Co. 265. Irving Well. 266 & 267. Geo. Fan Fleck. 268. Baillet lot. 269. Leonard lot. 270 & 271. Harsh & Schreiber. 272. Perry & Co. 273. McKelleb. 274. McKenzie. 275. Wing. 276. Schreiber 277 & 278. H. Beardsley lot. 279. Beardsley lot. 280. P. C. L. & P. Co. 28.1. S. L. Willson lol. 282. McKean lot. 283. Terry lot. 284. A. W. Buchanan lot. 285. C. H. Foster lot, 286 & 287. Wilcox & Taylor. 288 & 289. P. C. L. & P. Co. 290. G. V. Foreman. 291. B. Whittaker lot. 292. Clark lot. 293. S. & G. Kellogg. 294. Zeliff lot. 295 to 298. Harsh & Sohreiber. 299. Cogswell lot. 300. Ash & Odell. 301. Moses lot. 302. Conroy lot. 303. Zeliff lot. 304 & 305. P. C. L. & P. Co. 306. Homan lot. 307 & 308. Indian Reservation. 309. McIvers lot. 310. A. Hall lot. 311. 312. Bradford Oil Co. 313 314. Bradley & Co. 315. Swartz lot. 316. Swet Well. 317. Asa Say. 318. Middaugh lot. 319. Barney Boyle. 320. Hardly Able Oil Co. 321. H. M. Ernst. LANE S. HART, STATE PRINTER. DENNIS WELL ×CARBONIFEROUS AGE. GROUP A 250 FEET. 247 FEET. B GROUP AGE. FEET. 1282 DEVONIAN C GROUP 215 72 74 9 10 77 16 77 78 19 20 27 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 45 ܀ 30 31 83238 34 35 36 39 6 37 41 38 72 3 43 2 2 #295928 5 8 8 42 7 47 44 46 45 48 49 51 3885 52 50 54 55 58 59 56 57 60 61 62 63 NUMBER OF STRATUM. 40 X 64 65 67 66 69 68 70 71 O O O 00 O 00 O LANE S. HART, STATE PRINTER. O O O O O O 00 00 O 00 O 0 O 391 feet abv. Tide 0 O O 2055 Feet. aby. Tide O FEET. THICKNESS IN OLEAN CONGLOMERATE 2170' above Tide. Concealed. Conglomerate. 4' Surface days. 11' Sandy shale, olive-gray, micaceous, muddy 33' SS. gray, fine, micaceous muddy. 19' Shale dark gray, with thin micaceous sand sh. 8' SS. gray, fine, soft, muddy. 23'-Slaty SS.bluish, fine, muddy. 18' Fine gray sand shells, and dark slates. 76' SS.ashy gray, very fine micaceous. 6 Red shale, soft. 12' SS olive, fine micaceous. 30' SS.dark olive gray, fine micaceous. 8-SS.white, mixed with green and brown, fine. 9' SS.bluish gray, fine micaceous muddy. 18' Red rock, "paint rock" 23 SS.gray fine, mixed with slate, a few pebbles. 22' Slate bluish 15' Slate bluish with thin plates of fine SS. 16' Slate sandy, dark gray, fine, micaceous 24' Slate bluish. 5 SS.gray, fine, micaceous. 8' Red slate,micaceous, muddy. 75' Redrock, mottled sandy shale. State sandy, gray. 10' SS. dark, very fine. 35 SS. gray, very fine, hard, drillings like flour 38' Slate sandy micaceous. 71 SS. dark gray, thin bedded, fine,micaceous. 23' 8.S.gray, fine, flaky, micaceous, fossils. 12' Slate. 63 S.S. fine micaceous alternating with slate and "chocolate "shale, fossils. SS.dark gray, very fine, micaceous, flaky. 6 SS. bluish-gray, fine, hard, remnants of fossils. 95' Slate, sandy in streaks, micaceous, fossil bands. 125' Slate an occasional sand shell with fossils. COMPILED SECTION LEWIS RUN. 8' S.S.brown and purplish, fine, hard, fossils. 55 Slate dark lead color 14 Red rock fine purple and gray sandy slate. 24' Gray sand,shells and slate fossils. 12' Slate. 3' dark hard fine. 13 SS. yellow gray, drillings as fine as flour. 5 Slate. 4 SS.yellow gray fine. Slate sandy." SS.dark, gray, fine fossils. 39 S.S.dive gray, soft, micaceous, some slate. 16 6' 17' Slate. 14' S.S.brown and gray, fine, soft, some slate (oil show 23' Slate. 15 Slate with dark sand shells. 73' Slate. 5 Slate with gray sand shells. 12' State. 44 Slate, with an occasional sand shell. 63' Slate, "blue slate" 77 SS.brown, fine, flaky, slate partings, fossils. 28' Slate. 6' SS dark-gray fine, close, hard. 30' S.S.brownish-gray, fine, slate partings. 22 Sand shells and slate. 59 State and sand shells. 25' Fine sand shells and slate alternating. 118' Slate and sand shells. 27 Slate with sand shells. A 32 Slate. 5 250 FEET. GROUP S.S. Brown fine flaky Bradford "3rd "or oil producing sand. 250 FEET. 97 8 GROUP 26' SS.dark-gray, slate partings, fossils. 10 Red rock.purplish, sandy, very fine, micaceous, fossils. 20' Sandy slate, dark, micaceous. TO THE NUMBER OF STRATUM Ss thinbedded,micaceous, slate partings, fossils. 1280 FEET. 9 C GROUP 10 112 12 13 14 2 129282 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 SECOND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. REPORT OF PROGRESS R. 1879. O 0 00 000 00 O 90 ܢ̈ܘܘ ܘܘܐܘ 00 010 Oo O 08000 0 A Series of COLUMNAR SECTIONS Constructed from surface observations and the records of ELEVEN OIL WELLS J. P. LESLEY, STATE GEOLOGIST. CHAS. A. ASHBURNER, ASST. GEOLOGIST. A. W. SHEAFER, AID. O "O O D 0 Go 294 feet aby Tide 00 O 1673 Feet abv. Tide 54 BRADFORD OIL PRODUCING SAND. 1' Slate and S.S. D 90 O O GO' THICKNESS IN FEET. 100 KINZUA CR. S.S. MARSHBURG coal. Average Thickness in ELK and MC KEAN 2074' above Tide. 40 Conglomerate. S.S. flaggy and sand- shale fossiliferous. 120' SS. and shale. 25 SS. flaggy and shale. Limestone fossiliferous. 2' 24 Sand shale greenish. yellow partly con- cealed. 30 40 Red shale soil. 20' Concealed. 40' Red and green shale. 10' SS.hard massive. 44' Loam and soil red. 26' Slate gray. 5' Red shale soft. 50 25' Red and gray slate. 10' Coarse flint shelly sand. 5' Shelly sand. 60' Gray slate. 120 Gray slate. 60' Darkhard,gray slate, 5' Sand. SITUATED BETWEEN BRADFORD IN MC KEAN COUNTY AND RIDGWAY IN ELK COUNTY showing the relation of the LOWER CABONIFEROUS COAL BEDS 85' Chocolate shale BRADFORD OIL PRODUCING SAND AND THE THICKENING OF THE SUB CONGLOMERATE ROCKS. Red soil. Red SS Red and gray sand 70' 78' Sand very hard Black slate. Slate. "Dark sand,very hard. 70 Micaceous with hard. sand shells. Dark slate. Dark sand. Slate. Light slate. State 10' Light gray sand. 14' Slate 6' Slate Very muddy. Sand shells. Slate. Slate and shell, 100' Shells, very hard. 48' Dark gray sand, 12' White pebbles. 70' Slate. 20 751' Undescribed interval computed from Emery and Patterson's Lewis Run wells SMETH PORT WELL No. 1. 1302 FEET. Slate and sand- shells. White sand ว Slate GROUP Blue shell. 22' 70' Gray slate 76' 50' 10' 20' 34 20 20' 110' Coarse, gray sand13 Pebbles 70' Slate 20' Coarse sand. 70' White sand fine hand 13' Slate. 77' Dark gray slate. 10' 70' Slate and shell 120' 547 20' 748 22' 40' Slate and shells. 124' Dark brown sand 26' Light gray slate 60' 100 Slate and shell. 120' Slate and shell 104' 1590 feet aby. Tide.. 250 feet abv. Tide 72345 2222222 6 70 74 75 6 7 72 13 16 17 8 18 19 39 41 21 23 24 22. 25 བསལ མི$ཆ 43 26 37 20 27 29 32 34 35 38 28 30 42 40 33 36 250 FEET. A GROUP 250 FEET. S NUMBER OF STRATUM. GROUP 1305 FEET C GROUP 10 13 74 889 15 76 21 17 18 79 20 2 222 23 21 24 7 25 2888 4 26 3 29 27 31 32 30 33 34 35 36 $ $ 8 41 40 45 42 44 HASKILL WELL 43. 46 47 D OO 00 0 O 0000000 200 。。。。。0 00 O O Note: The horizontal Scale between the centers of the Sections is 1½ miles to 1 inch. KANE-LUDLOW SECTION 000 O O OD O O 00 207 feet abv. Tide O 1552 Feet aby Tide 000 O 00 0010 2022' above Tide. Counties 50 Feet Vertical Scale of Sections 100 Feet to 1 Inch. 260 Concealed. 30' Drift 300 250' Red shale and soil. 25' Flagstone. 165' Blue slate. 25' Hard sand shells. -175' Blue slate. 25' Red shale. 22' Blue slate. 12' Red shale. 21' Blue slate and hard shells. 2' Hard blue rock. 103' Soapstone and shells. 10' Blue shales, very hard. 45 Soapstone and hard shells. 20' Sand, open and porous. 36' Soapstone and hard shells. 3' Pebble sand. 67 Soapstone and shells. 5' Gray sand, hard. 100' Soapstone and shells 35 Soft white slate. 40' Slate and shells. 5' Very hard shell. 7' Soft Soapstone Very hard shells. 15' Sand. 55 Slate and sand. 40' Slate and shell. 4' Sandshell, hard. 4' Sand. 45 Sand. 77' Slate and shell. -30' Slate and sand 18' Sand. 82' Soapstone and shell. 12' Sand. 93' Soapstone shells. 7' Shelly sand. 23' Soapstone and shells. 2' Shell. 49' Soapstone shells. 50' Soapstone shells. 30' Sand 39 Soaptone shells. 400 63' Hard shell and sandy slate. 125' Shells and sandy slate. GROUP 343 FEET. NUMBER OF STRATUM. 260 FEET A Co B GROUP 1299 FEET. с GROUP 5 03 9 77 73 74 15 16 17 18 7. 19 HUKILL WELL 2. 6 f 20 1846 Feet. abv. Tide. DO 0 10 90 0000 000 D 104 feet bel. Tide. 5' Soft slate. 18' Sand. SMETHPORT OIL SAND 0 0 500 Clay. 25' White sand 1798' 23' THICKNESS IN FEET. 343 Sandy. slate and shale. 60 Red rock. 40' Red rock. 379' White slate. 9 0 0 55' Slate. 600 9 161' Soft slate. 10' Gray sand. 9 40' Purple sandy slate. 60' Soft-brown slate. 18' White sand rock: 84' Black slate. 0 7 Fossil shale. 0 0 0 160' Red shale and slate. 200' Slate and hard white shale. CLERMONT Coal. KANE STATION (2014) 50+ JOHNSON RUN S.S. 45' KINZUA CR.S.S. 90' 90' Dark state and shale. 60 Coarse grained S.S. 1868' above Tide. 180' Sandy shale and slate. " 20 flat pebbles ← ALTON Coal 700 22' Sand shale and slate. MARSHBURG Coal interval 3-10' 35 Olive gray shales. 15' S.S.and flat pebble conglomerate Yellowish brown and gray sand shale. Massive S.S. containing 60 occasional bands of 54' Slate and hard shale. 25 Conglomeritic S.S. 20' Concealed. SUB-OLEAN CONGLOMERATE 1603' abv. Ocean level. Gray shales containing flat pebble conglomerates LUDLOW STATION Slate Red shale Blue sand Slate Red shale. Micaceous sand. Blue sand. Red shale. Slate Blue sand Red shale Blue sand Slate Micaceous sand Slate Blue sand Slate Micaceous sand. Olive shales Micaceous sand and olive shales. Micaceous sand. Olive shale. Micaceous sand Olive shales Micaceous sand Olive shale Chocolate mica sand Olive shales and sand, Red shale Gray sand,light Shales, very soft Blue clay Olive shales Slate rock S.S. very hard S.S. Slaty rock S.S.hard, soft slate S.S.. Chalk rock' Mud vein" S.S.light, hard WILCOX WELL NO.1. 102 260 FEET. S.S.hard S.S.(?) Shale and sand Hard shelly S.S. B Rock and shales. GROUP 1290 FEET GROUP 41' 30 THICKNESS IN FEET 137 8' 26 64 23 37'- 31 25 2260 65 13' 8' 31' 14' 84 47 77' 20' 43' 48' 65' 21 59 18' C 1997 35 6' Dark micaceous sand 36' Soapstone S.S.gray 63 366 800 3' 65' 28 25 71' Slaty rock with sand. 25 Slate 5' 26' 27 21 18' S.S. 17' Lime (2) and hard shale 8' Soft shale 48' 25' Hard shale and sand 10' Soft-blue shale. 15' 6' 17 60 8 14' 38 52 1646 Feet. abv. Tide. PRAC 2300 2 9 6 78 GROUP ~ NUMBER OF STRATUM 9 13 74 15 16 10 77 12 17 18 19 20 2 2 2 2 28688*38 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 37 33 34 3889 37 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 53 33858885 54 56 57 59 60 62 63 64 65 66 325 FEET. A B GROUP 260 FEET. -10 FEET 13 71 1313 74 -No.OF STRAT ว GROUP 15 3 17 28 29 COBURN WELL 16 18 12 19 20 27 22 24 23 27 25 26 10 10 1900 Feet abv. Tide. 0 O 900 00 0 D 00 O O O 0 10 0 lo O O O 。。。 jol 68 feet bel Tide O 00 The horizontal lines, drawn between the sections, are 100 feet vertically apart. The geological equivalents of Groups A, B and C of the sections are given in the description of the sections in the report. 263 FEET. 1830' above Tide. B FEET 1305 NUMBER OF STRATUM San099 R G 23 15 24 17 25 20 27 26 27 28 29 13 14 16 22 * 3 12 30 L.37 2 833333333 3 13678 6 36 39 40 0 41 42 43 7 47 48 49 2 85338 50 54 55 56 6 3886 **** 57 58 59 60 61 A MINUN 8 88 62 66 68 73 95 64 65 75 67 76 77 78 79 80 81 *** **8 8 86 90 93 94 91 92 104 Note: The horizontal position of the Sections in the chart is determined by projecting the location of each well into a North and South line drawn through Wilcox- Station on the P. & E. R.R. The Sections of Wilcox No. 1, Wilcox No. 3, Bear Creek and Silver Creek - Wells have been necessarily shifted out of their absolute positions. The vertical position of the sections is determined by reference to the bottom of the Olean Conglomerate, which horizon in each section is placed on the same horizontal line. The absolute dip of the Oil Sand, between any two sections, may be ascertained by adding to the dip of the bottom of the Olean Conglomerate, estimated from the difference of elevation, the dip of the Oil Sand, due to the thickening of the measures to the south. 102 103 105 106 107 108 109 110 777 WILCOX WELL NO. 3. 96 19 feet 97 bel. Tide MOS MONCA PRO 98 organ FORTNARAINOS COT22003 PESREETS 99 E 100 101 1000 OLEAN CONGLOMERATE 1666 Feet abv. Tide. 6834 945353 BRDEROBER THICKNESS IN FEET. 43' Drift. 37' Gray slate. 37 Gray sand. 18' Red shale. 10' Red shale,hard. 10' S.S. gray. 25' Red shale and slate. 25' Gray slate. 105' Red slate. 15' Red shale. 15' Gray slate and sand. 15' Gray slate and shell. 25' Red slate. 15'-Gray slate: 20 Gray slate and shell. 15' Gray sand. 20' Gray slate and sand. 15 Gray shale. 7' Gray slate and shell. 43' Gray slate. 75' Gray slate and shell, dark. 75' Gray slate, hard. 30' Gray shale, hard, dark. 5 Gray state and sand. 15' Gray sand,hard. 5 Light-sand, with shale. 55' Sand, white and gray. 25' Gray sand,hard and fine. 5' Dark gray sand,fine. 10' Gray slate and shale. 23' Gray sand, fine. 7' Red slate. 25' Gray sand. 10' Red slate. 35' Gray slate. 5' Red slate. 15' Gray slate. 20' Gray and white sand. 10' Hard gray sand. 10' Gray sand and slate. 5' Red slate. 35 Gray slate. 20' Hard gray sand. 35' Gray slate. 10' Gray sand. 15 Gray shale. 5' Gray sand and hard shell. 15' Gray sand, soft. 10' Gray and white shell. 20 Sand, soft and white. 25' Gray slate and shell. 20' Gray sand. 10' White sand. 5' Slate. 25' Gray and white sand. 15' Slate and hard shell. 30' Gray hard shell. 20' Hard gray shells. 15 Gray slate. 10' Sand white and gray, pebbles. 5' Sand close and white 20' Gray S.S. white pebbles. 20' Sand, white and gray. 10' Gray slate and shell. 40' Gray slate. 25' Gray slate and shell. 10 S.S.hard, gray. 5' White sand. 40' Gray slate and shale. 15' White and gray sand. 25' Gray slate and shell. 10' White sand hard. 30 Gray shell and slate. JV 15 Gray sand and shell. 15' Gray slate. 20' Gray sand. 10' Gray slate. 30' Gray slate and shell. 10' Gray slate. 10' Gray slate and shell. 20' Dark sand. 10' Slate, loose. 65' Slate, light-colored. F 12' Dark sand. 16' Slate. 15' Hard fine sand. 20' White and red sand. 7 Sandy slate. KM Drift Blue slate rock. Red rock Blue slate Red rock--- Sandy or "putty slate rock. Sand rock Soft state Hard shells Very muddy state. Hard slate Hard sand Hard slate Sand, white and loose Hard shells and slate Hard sand Slate rock Hard shells Hard fine sand Soft slate. Dennis Well Lewis Run R.R.Sta. Smethport Well No.1 Haskill Well Hulings Well No.1 Hukill Well Wilcox Well No.1 Coburn Well Wilcox Well No.3 Bear Creek Well Silver Creek Well Ridgway Well Hard fine sand Soft slate Hard fine sand Shells Red rock Soft slate Shells and slate Blue slate Red rock Blue slate Hard sand Red rock Blue slate Hard shell Red rock Blue slate Red rock Slate and shells Red rock Hard gray Soft slate and shell Gray slate sand Sand Slate and shells Fine red sand Slate and shells Sandy shells Slate and shells Close light sand Soft slate Close white sand Slate and shell Pebble sand Slate and shells White sand shells Hard slate Loose white sand Slate and shells Slate Slate and shells 9.07 10.66 13.27 14.46 21.00 21.30 21.30 29.29 29.82 36.60 » 92 33 No. XI. 45 » 520: FEET A GROUP 304 FEET. B GROUP BEAR CREEK WELL 1079 + FEET THICKNESS IN FEET 10' ← 10' E 10" 30' ว 25 GROUP 25 15 10' 20' 25 25' 12" 5 20' 10' 8 30' 35 5' 20' 69 10' 10' 30' 5' 80' ༦༦༤སྶ༠ སྡིག 55 M 86' 10' 22' 26' 48' 30' 26' 10' 10' և 30′ 10' 167' 159 203' Muddy slate Slate and shells Muddy slate Slate and sand shells 30' Sand Slate and sand shells 25' 34 72' 25' 10' 52' 5' 15' 10' 10' 50' 65' 15' 12' 20' GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION OF OIL WELLS. South from Dennis Oil Well (m. S.35°W of Bradford.) 0.00 E. or W. of a North and South line through Wilcox Station 4.71 miles 22 8' 60 10' E. 1.87 miles E. 2.02 E. 12.25 E. 12.33 0.00 W. 14.22 E. .61 W. 2.17 E. .31 W. .60 W. 1.35 W. 2.55 » 39 " » " " 33 1595 Feet abv. Tide. " 1798 2022 3 516 7 8 9 10 77 12 13 No.XII 55' 15 16 17 18 19 20 16 74 10 2323 1830 1879 15 11 24 25 1545 1530 1736 26 NUMBER OF STRATUM 27 37 35 30 སྙ ཆུ ཅི ཆ སྐྱ ཿ 36 1545888-5--Red slate. 37 38 40 47 SFEET 42 46 GROUP C797 + 47 GROUP A 49 48 52 8888 53 54 No. XI 45 56 39 26 57 58 60 མི་སྩ ༄ ལྕ 62 8 65 66 9 N520 FT 7 15 18 ul 32 76 O 010 3000000 25' Gray sand. 000 00 00 17 19 34 +36 20 313 FEET GROUP B 4438 39 040 22 24 25 27 30 28 29 G45 L 31 33 36 37 ****** 41 42 50 56 43 44 46 51 58 47 48 49 53 8585 50 54 8858886 57 59 Elevation of bottom Olean Cong. 2170 feet 2074 " 60 62 SILVER CREEK WELL AND SECTION 1615 Feet aby. Tide. 00 0000 O 10 O 00 O 00 00 O О O THICKNESS IN FEET. D 00 Coal 3'5" DAGUS Coal. 50' 68 Horizon CLERMONT Lime-stone. 2' CLERMONT Coal. 30' JOHNSON RUN S.S. 4'4" ALTON Coal. 35' Interval of the KINZUA CR.S.S. 15' Dritt. 15' Slate. 30 Pebble sand. -5--Red slate 1530' above Tide 60' Black sand. 70' Fine blue sand. 10' Red slate. 30' Fine pebble rock. 40' Dark fine sand. 10' Slate and hard shells. 70' Fine blue sand. 10'-White slate 55' Hard fine sand. 95' White slate and shells. 5' Red rock. 55' Soft white slate. 10' Hard shells and slate. 40' Soft white rock. 100' Red rock. 15' White slate. 85' Red rock. 22' White slate. 25' Red rock. 26' White shells and slate. 40' Red rock. 42 White slate. 20' Hard shells and slate. 50' White slate with shells. 25' Hard black sand: 75' Hard slate. 45' Black slate and shells. 15' Hard white sand. 10' Slate. 10' Sand and shells. 45' Hard shelly rock. 10' Pale red rock and slate. 10' White slate and shells. 12' Red sand. 13' Soft slate. 20' Hard shells 10' Light red sand 20' Hard shelly rock 10 Fine gray sand 10' Hard red rock 20' Slate and shells 25' Red sand and pebbles 15' Hard shells 35 Slate and shells 10' White slate 8' Gray sand 7' Redrock 45' Slate and hard shells 25 Hard fine white sand 20 Hard slate and shells. 8' Fine white sand 7', Hard shells 5 10 Fine gray sand 15' Hard shells and slate. 8' Hard shells Sand and pebbles. 82' Slate and shells. OHOKILL WELL #Ludlow Mc E #Kane S.S. and conglomerate. Red shale, partly concealed. Concealed. S.S. yellow and gray. S.S.and shales. Conglomerate. Olive and gray shales. S.S. Slates Fire clay S.S. Slate S.S. Soapstone S.S. Dark slate S.S Slate S.S. Slate S.S. Red S. S. S.S.gray Red S.S. Red S.S. Blue S.S. Red S.S. J Blue S.S. Red S.S. Blue S.S. Red S.S. Blue S.S. Red S.S. Gray S.S. WE TOR Red S.S. Gray S.S. Inight S.S. ORE BRA H COBURN WELL O- A BEAR CREEK WELL O SILVER CREEK WELLO RIDG RIDGWAY WELL. Bradford O RIDGWAY K Proposed M Line 675 FEET. BRANCH ERNHOUT & TAYLOR WELL NO No. XI. 45 FT. A #Wilcox GROUP L AY 334 FEET. GROUP RIDGWAY WELL THICKNESS IN FEET. 30' 173' 120' L 25' 20' 70' BRADFO 60' 22 N. Y. PA. STATE LINE 138' 30' 2' 13' 42 7.6" 27.2" LAFAYETTE 98.10 5.10 47.4" CARROLLTON 21'11 5. 22.5" 5.1" 6.6" 42.2" 37.1" 538" Carrollton HULING WELL No. 1. 12.5" N 0 200 00 92 Lewis Rum OWILCOX WELL No.1. WILCOX WELL, No. 3. 00100 000 C 0 O 00 900 23.7" 13.11" 16 11'3" X 17 30' 18 00 0000 ..... 8:17" RARE 19 n' 20 0100 8.8 27 22 70.5" 9.3" 23 23.6" 24 R. 10 CO 0 ofDENNIS WELL DF O FORD 0 1383 Feet abv.Tide. 0 8900 O 15.1" 28 N NUMBER OF STRATUM. ~ SAK 73 13 74 E 3 6 Butteville 106 12 SKELETON MAP showing the LOCATION OF THE OIL WELLS. I N 15. E 25 ུ་རྨུས ཧུཧེསཱིཧི 26 27 29 30 31 1736'above Tide. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ALLEGANY SERGEAN T &W. (ERIE) indo Twold to re enT St. Marys R. R. #. Scale: 5 miles to 1 inch. REPORT R, PLATE NO XT. отто Bega foe BLOG OL KEATING S OLEAN BENZIN GER sire price Gou&jower Clermont K SNETHPORT 90 Qlean of 19 20 SMETHPORT WELL ELDRED HASKILL WELL re Brook CAMERON Eldred B #Larabees N JULIUS BIEN LITH. NEW YORK. HOLLISTERA NOTES Elevation of the bottom of the Olean Conglomerate At De Golier Custer City 2140 2145 Marshburg 1975 Bullock Farm 1970 Camp Lot 1980 Seven Foot Knoll 1940 Whitman opening 1964 The contour Curves mark successive altitudes of 100 feet above Mean Atlantic Ocean level. The Horizontal distances were obtained by Stadia measurement and the Levels by vertical angle measurement. ۱۹ 37 800 1600 2400 Magnetic Meridian 1877. N.4°7'W Magnetic Meridian 1793 & 1794 N0°42'W True Meridian 1700 1900- 1800 1600- 1500- 3200 TWP. CORYDON TOWNSHIP HAMILTON Scale.3200 ft. to 1 Inch. 6400 Turner Farm drill hole 2066 JULIUS BIEN PHOTO LITH. NEW YORK. 2077 Sugar 1 Mile 38,400 of Nature -2100- 2100 Run 2012 ppel Fork Coal at bottom Olean Conglomerate above tide level, in feet. Davis Lot 1945 Mathews Farm 1914 Buttsville 1924 Kinzua Creek S.S. 2024 Coal bet Kinzua and Olean rocks Olean Conglomerate 1995 Kinzua Kinzua Olean Conglomerate 100' Group B. Group A. 350 9600 Creek MARSHBURG 2108 2 Miles Kinzua Turni 12800 feet. JE. Butts J Test pit 2125 LA Creek 2129 -2000 Distance from Marshburg Hotel to Lafayette Hotel 29.420 feet (5/2 miles) S. 36°23'E 2082 Newcomb Farm 1800 -1900 2100- 2019 2157 1600 1600 -1900 2100 -1800 2167 2000 -1700 West B R FAY A YE Windfall Run Branch Two Mile Run Red Mead Lot 2017. Tuneangwant Catskill No. IX. 250' DF 2158 Kinzua Creek S.S. 2098 Creek Camp Lot Phette place Farm 2165 2100 TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP 700 J.P. LESLEY, STATE GEOLOGIST. Chas. A. Ashburner Ass! Geologist. 2207 OR 2101 Pocono S. S. No. X. 250' -2000 2069 Wintergreen SECOND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA REPORT OF PROGRESS R. 1879. T T 2224 -1900 2072 2025 Run 2080 OF THE ALTON COAL BASIN IN LAFAYETTE, BRADFORD AND HAMLIN TOWNSHIPS Mc KEAN COUNTY. DRAWN IN 100'CONTOUR CURVES AND GEOLOGICALLY COLORED To exhibit the general dip of the Coal Measures towards the Southwest, and the thickening of the Sub-Conglomerate Rocks, towards the South. Olean Conglomerate D Beecher Lot Summit 42681 2138 2200 Emery & Cos Lewis Run well N22 1895 2090 2218 T Lewis 22073 Hallow 2188 ой Mathews Farmh 1946 Drill hole N92. 1625 o HAM LIN Miam Drill hole 2114 KINZUA CREEK CREEK ON DISTRICT Lewis 2700 2141 Davis Mine ziss Drill hole Davis Lot No 1. Kinzua Hollow 2117 Owen Croen 2145 N 2160 DAVIS 1905 Run 2083 Emery & Co Lewis Runwell 1645 No LAFAYETTE 2078 Creek 2134 Shepherd Run 768 SILI Huling's oil well N°1. MINE 1700 1 1678 21394 2140 Root Farm Drill N°1. 1800 1900. Lot Drill hole Hudson Farm TRAMWAY 2000 Lincoln 2144 2100 Newell Farm Drill N°3. Bullock Farm DrillN°5 Drill N°2 TOWN 2763 1571 1640 To Wilcox P -2000 2100 1600 -1700- 1800 7900 DE GOLIER CUSTER CITY 5 1558. 2201 3 2 Bear 21.03 2092 2148 1540 2108 2134 Whitman Farm Run T OWN S 1800 2100 -1700 2000 BRADFORD LEWIS RUN 2108 1565 1900. RAILWAY M AND 1501 BRANCH N.Y. L.E. PROPOSED ----------- Creek Tuneangwant Tuneang H LINE Prentice Lewis Run well 2000- 1608 Moody tract 1968 -------------- BIG SHANTY 1672 1680 1573 want 1600 2134 1700 Creek SHIP 1800 1900 NOTE HOWARD HILL 1700 1800 1900 2146 2 I P OF PA. AND ERIE 2000 5 2100 Coal 2106 RAILWAY LOWER COAL MEASURES 140 Davis Lot ALTON KINZUA CREEK S.S. 50' OLEAN CONGLOMERATE 50 Interval 40 Sub. Olean Conglomerate -Interval GROUP B, S.S. AND SHALE 250 at Bradford and Kinzua Creek GROUP C. SHALES AND SANDSTONES 1282' at Bradford BRADFORD OIL SAND 54 Denis well Rail Kinzua On account of the Sporadic character of the Coal beds in Lafayette Township, the area of the Lower Coal Measures does not necessarily represent the area of workable commercial coal beds. Three Mite 2087 Road GROUP A.. 250' at Bradford and Big Shanly 350' on Kinzua Creek 2072 Run BOND VEIN 2072 Coal 2034 Creek 2630 POTTSVILLE NOXII. POCONO NO X. 2024 2100 NOTE CATSKILL NOIX. CHEMUNG NO VIII. BUTTSVILLE 2100 Coal 2000 1900- 1800 REPORT R, PLATE NO XII 2068 1999 1933 d SN W 0 T G KEATIN Seven Foot Probl Coal 2053 Note. The names of the geological epochs have been adopted provisionally. Putman Drill hole 2037 Kingu 1801 1933 The data from which the accompanying Map is constructed are: I. Line run by Chas. A. Ashburner 1877 from Buttsville to Bond Vein, to Alton, to Lafayette, to Marshburg, to De Golier to Lewis Run, to Big Shanty, to Lafayette 2. Bradford Branch NY. L.E. & W. (NY. &Erie) Rwy. from De Golier to Buttsville 3. Proposed Line Pa and Erie Rwy Buttsville to Howard Hill 4 Private Estate Maps 5 County Maps The location of Streams taken from these Maps, I consider inaccurate C.A.A. The contours are hypothetical except where crossed by lines 1.2.3. a 1911 Creek LANE S. HART, STATE PRINTER. Coal + 161 GENERALTZED SECTION Compiled from, DRILL HOLES NOS 1 and9 and surface observations. 20 40 2'97 *2 10' & 316 211 2 46' 2'3 2'6 11' 3'6" 45 5 45 5 to 10' • + · Gray and black slate Coal Hard fine gray and brown Sandstone To Wilcox DAGUS COAL Fire Clay Sandstone and Slate CLERMONT LIMESTONE Sandstone and Slate CLERMONT COAL Fire Clay JOHNSON RUN Sandstone Coal F. Clay Blue & Chat Blacks KINZUA CREEK Sandstone MARSHBURG COAL INTERVAL TWIN OR ALTON COAL OLEAN CONGLOMERATE Scale 50' to 1 Black Slate Clay's Seven Foot opening h Run Eastern end Katrine Pond Swamp 240- OF THE JULIUS BIEN PHOTOLITH, NEW YORK. 210 180- 240 SECOND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA REPORT OF PROGRESS R. 1879. J. P. LESLEY, STATE GEOLOGIST. TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP Top of Kinzua Creek IN THIRTY-FOOT CONTOUR CURVES Revised by Chas. A.Ashburner Ass! Geologist. $s. McKEAN COUNTY. BY GRAHAME MACFARLANE, M.E. SUPT BUFFALO COAL COMPANY'S TRACT IN THE VICINITY OF CLERMONT, SERGEANT TOWNSHIP, Cold Spring Bun 270 Line D. West i 240 John Heitman Instanter Drill hole N°2 Drill hole N°3 Creek 780 150 426 210 139 o Alton bed Top of Kritzua Creek S. Coal Coal 60 30 +161 Bottom of Clear Conglomerate ·30 -60 180 -90 150 120 Branch Instanter .90 Top of Kinzua Creek SS 60 90 -30 Coal O 180 400 -90 Line 40 B West 800 120. 350 180 -210- 1200 1600 Buck Alton bed Four Buffalo dal Cos. New Wine Drill hole N 237 Coal Fia Alton bed +1/Drill hole N°10 726 Mile Run 30 " "1 " "1 Mouth of Mine Drill Hole N'] Nº 2 Nº 3 Nº 4 N° 5 Nº 6 N° 7 Nº Nº 9 NIO No1 " = // "/ "/ 60 "1 !! #: " "/ 〃 "/ "/ Elevation and Thickness of the Clermont CoalBed. Height above Height above Thickness Macfarlane's datum Tide of Coal 2089 2115 2110 ± 2 ft. 10 in. 3" 6 0 4 " Outcrop 2 ft. ± 2 ft. 10 in 2 ft. 6 2 " 〃 11 Line 90 B'West "1 Scale 1600 Feet to 1 inch. 17 "/ "/ Run 90 120 3200 NORTH 150 180 !! 189 215 210* "/ APPROXIMATE POSITION 261 253 242 269 246 200 245 to 250 "! 210 240 Line 70 B'West "/ 4800 THE AXIS 2161 2153 2142 2169 2146 2100 2150 ± "/ NARROW ← Average dip of Clermont bed between Drill hole N°4 and Nº 10.2'± per 1004→ 260- // 240 4 "I "1 "} 2 - 6/ ? II THE FIFTH \\\BNI " GUAGE Coal outcrops above top of the drill hole QUS COAL BASIN. BRUMINQUS ROAD 6400 feet. Line 50 BWesl TO ed Top 210 NOTE. Add 1900 feet to Elevations on Map to reduce to Elevations above tide. Horizontal and Vertical lines are lines of Survey 1000 apart and run North and South, East and West. NEW Bishop's Summit Line B'West Instanter MINE Kinzua CreekS.S. Branch Line 30 B'West North Branch, Line County CLERMONT Coal +186 MC KEA 210 bat Run 240 169 AND BOKFALO R. R Line B'West Red Coal +188 South +332 Nº4. Drill Hole Dip 1.5 per 100' Coal +279 Clermont Bed Main Base Line -Dip 66' per 100 Drill hole N°9! + 54 300 210 -300- Dip. West 240 270 Mi 210- -270 300 330 Drill hole N°8. Dip 1.84' per 100 arch Cows Life Run Buffalo Coat Co's Mines Clermont Coal Bed 100 340 Brook Top Fork of Line 10 B'East West Dritt hole N°1. Dip 1.02 per 120 of Kinzua Branch ← Dip 24 28 per 100: · op/of Kingua Creek SS. Creek 300 ~ Brewer S.S. Run Drill hole Nº5. 320 Dip 1.36 per: 300 Line 30 B'East 210 Top Kinzua Creek S.S. REPORT R, PLATE N? XI Drill hole Nº6. +27 Coal +261 Line B'East Drill Hole No Sugar Bush opening +267 Clermont Bed + 315 * Wood's Vein opening + 244 Clermont Bed Baster Brook opening O +269 Clermont Bed • LANE S. HART, STATE PRINTER. MCK. AND Creek porn mand front panel f | Brewers || Run B. R.R. Hamlin Station Elev. 1549 Norwich Corners West Branch Potato Elev 1597 JULIUS BIEN PHOTO LITH. NEW YORK. Indian Run Lost APPROXIMATE POSITION SET TO THE CONTENT THE KIMBALL HILL Havens Brook CONTENTS COATED AND UND Run FOURTH OF THE Potato ANTICLINAL STATES Hand AXIS Brook Creek SUMMIT 2340 the Kinzua Creek S.S. Outcrop of the Top of f Orige Oviatt/opening -2100 2300. Hand Brock opening Block Coal opening 2000 1900 Brien Patch opening 1800 Colegrove Brook -2200 ! Yeger opening WE ARE AND WATER IN that was ins Operang! Burnt Hill Cannel opening -2000- 2200 2100. 1 OTHER AND 2200 A 7//// Salt works Four Corners Fenner opening 2200. 2000 2100 ·2000 Sugar Bush opening 4000 Ransom Burdick Sugar Bush Blue opening Rock opening 3800 -2100 2100 Panther Lick opening Hamlin, opening 2100- Splint opening Charley opening ·2100 2200 -2000 -1900. SYNCLINAL AXIS • BURDICK HILL Willard Taylor opening Spring opening ** Norman Taylor Sugar Bush Coal Pit opening 2100 2000 2200\ 2100 2200 ·2100 THE FOURTH BITUMINOUS COAL BASIN 1 1 Otis GRAW HILL whats of forces are fined for earning I Norman Taylor opening lle Four corners hi mes as о } 400 - - - Rochester Cannel opening 2100 800 1 -2100. 1 1200 1 1600' NOTE. Add 8 feet to the Elevations given on the Map to reduce to the corrected datum of the McKean and Buffalo R.R. } .. Otisvitle opening Outcrop Scale 1600 feet to 1 inch. 1 Mile Head waters } 1 I Lyman Camp opening } honing | I ng Creek 1 1 1 | Į 1 1 of the Top of the Kinzua Creek S. S 1 1 | I 1 1 1 N TTTTTT. ! と ​GENERAL SECTION NORWICH COAL BASIN Scale 50 ft.=1 inch. Scaffold Lick Creek 1 -452 1 -36'- 50'- I 59 That L 2 Miles IND 5' Coal pit opening (+2175) 32 Rock opening (+2130') 17" Charley opening (+2094) Taylor opening (2121) JOHNSON RUN S.S. Spring opening (+2035') Blue 27 (+2020) Rochester Cannel (+ 2071') 4' Hamlin (+1997), Splint (+2018'), and Lyman Camp (+2036") openings and possibly Blue opening KINZUA CREEK S.S. 2'4" Block opening (+2059') OLEAN CONGLOMERATE SECOND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA REPORT OF PROGRESS R. 1879 J. P. LESLEY STATE GEOLOGIST REPORT R. PLATE TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP IN TWENTY-FOOT CONTOUR CURVES OF THE IN POTATO CREEK COAL BASIN llegheny Portage NORWICH TOWNSHIP, MC KEAN COUNTY BY GEO, W. RAFTER.C.E. Revised by Chas. A. Ashburner, Asst. Geologist. B.N.Y. AND B.R.R. སྐྱོང་ལུད་པས་མིག་དབང་ཁག་ག་ཞིང་བསོག་ས་མིག་དང་མིག་དག་པ་ཆས་དང་ད་དང་ན་ལ་འ་ག་ས་ག་བགས་་་་་ཉིད་ཤག་ཆང་ № XIV LANE S. HART, STATE PRINTER ! 1 1 .. . ↓ I