HE 2708 I7 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION BUREAU OF STATISTICS A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1933 COMMERCE NUM INTERSTATE VAIBUS สภาพ 1887 COMMISSION UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1934 7 0 I THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION WILLIAM E. LEE, Chairman BALTHASAR H. MEYER CLYDE B. AITCHISON JOSEPH B. EASTMAN FRANK MCMANAMY CLAUDE R. PORTER PATRICK J. FARRELL HUGH M. TATE CHARLES D. MAHAFFIE CARROLL MILLER WALTER M. W. SPLAWN GEORGE B. McGINTY, Secretary SEP 2 - A CONTENTS Introductory statement Summary No. 1--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I steam railways (not including switching and terminal companies) for the year ended December 31, 1933 Summary No. 2--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I switching and terminal companies for the year ended December 31, 1933 Summary No. 3--Abstract of reports rendered by express companies for the year ended December 31, 1933 . Summary No. 4--Abstract of report rendered by The Pullman Company for the year ended December 31, 1933 .. Page 5 6 18 27 32 3 : 4 中 ​1 A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933 This preliminary abstract for the calendar year 1933 is compiled from the annte? 10- ports of the classes of carriers designated. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT The present abstract containe es promily $9 DOUR" ble make available T sukaaries by die Mer ī STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 6 No. 1 Total number of stockholders SMELO NO 9 2 | Investment in road and equipment 3 Improvements on leased railway property..……………………. Sinking funds 4 Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies 10 Cash 11 12 13 14 15 16 422 2 21 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933 (Does not include lessor companies) 22 17 18 Material and supplies Other investments 19 20 | Rents receivable Total investments ICOM to a good Demand loans and deposits Time drafts and deposits... Special deposits Loans and bills receivable 38 39 40 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investments Traffic and car-service balances receivable Net balance receivable from agents and conductors Miscellaneous accounts receivable Other current assets 23 .. Working fund advances 24 | Insurance and other funds Other deferred assets 25 26 Interest and dividends receivable Item Total current assets Total deferred assets Current Assets Unadjusted Debita 27 Rents and insurance premiums paid in advance 28 Discount on capital stock 29 | Discount on funded debt 30 Property abandoned chargeable to operating expenses 31 Other unadjusted debits 32 33 Total unadjusted debits Grand total Deferred Assets Expenditures for new lines and extensions Expenditures for additions and betterments 36| Credits for property retired, owned lines 37 Credits for property retired, leased line s INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT Net charges during year ..... Stocks actually issued during year -- par value Funded debt actually issued during year --- par value Total, all districts 893,815 $19,129,563,687 558,710,911 6,061,357 7,575,463 165,591,741 5,632,772,434 748,998,694 26,249,274,287 305,752,532 38,485,262 49,878,804 44,160,408 6,911,553 52,934,952 38,713,902 153,798,516 291,291,349 45,962,647 1,859,463 4,810,534 1,034,559,922 2,651,703 107,208,384 152,654,460 262,514,547 3,627,368 16,753,827 67,331,538 2,793,967 106,982,257 197,488,957 27,743,837,713 17,792,712 93,027,862 233,032,364 5,040,173 4 127.251,963 3,105,552 183,591,686 Eastern district 448,859 $6,692,766,547 463,629,091 2,849,936 2,168,612 81,129,049 2,250,881,291 398,720,706 9,892,145,232 99,219,674 3,465,891 14,770,704 8,678,698 1,782,743 19,935,356 21,537,000 55,204,212 117,666,776 18,504,880 1,157,939 2,284,063 364,207,936 1,420,026 103,489,626 38,545,197 143,454,849 2,144,064 462,795 9,666,495 1,139,355 42,337,830 55,750,539 10,455,558,556 1,905,220 53,171,016 89,919,128 3,764,830 ₫ 38.607.722 223,500 d 80,434,451 Southern district -101,831 $3,674,478,242 83,653,680 2,339,302 671,382 23,145,758 695,015,820 73,926,549 4,553,231,733 53,736,406 658,652 23,836,292 20,134,733 2,504,537 14,999,527 3,593,386 27,984,737 47,664,851 3,316,411 85,757 345,634 198,860,923 402,072 2,508,166 47,038,486 49,948,724 504,609 251,850 12,275,958 1,654,612 19,359,520 34,046,549 4,836,087,929 15,094,840 13,490,621 61,259,794 1,108,507 ₫ 33,782,840 14,600 4,500,539 Deficit or other reverse item. I/ Includes $2,795,400, consideration received for 27,954 shares of stook without par value. Western district 343,125 $8,762,318,898 11,428,140 872,119 4,735,469 61,316,934 2,686,874,323 276,351,439 11,803,897,322 152,796,452 34,360,719 11,271,808 15,346,977 2,624,273 18,000,069 13,583,516 70,609,567 125,959,722 24,141,356 615,767 2,180,837 471,491,063 829,605 1,210,592 67,070,777 69,110,974 978,695 16,039,182 45,389,085 45,284,907 107,691,869 12,452,191,228 792,652 26,366,225 81,853,442 166,836 ₫ 54,861,401 1/2,867,452 98,656,696 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Io. 1 2 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) .. 3 | Premium on capital stock 4 Total stook 5 Grants in aid of construction GENERAL BALANCE SHEET - Concluded Capital stock 8took liability for conversion 6 Funded debt unmatured Receiver's certificates 15 16 7 8 Honnegotiable debt to affiliated companies 9 Total long-term debt 13 14 Interest matured umpaid Dividends matured unpaid 10 11 Loans and bills payable Traffic and car-service balances payable 12 Audited accounts and wages payable Miscellaneous accounts payable... Funded debt matured unpaid Unmatured dividends declared 17 18 Unmatured interest accrued 19 Unmatured rents accrued Other current liabilities 20 21 42 25 Tax liability 26 | Premium on funded debt 27 Long-Term Debt Current Liabilities Total current liabilities 22 Liability for provident funds 23 | Other deferred liabilities 24 Item - ·· — >> Stook Total deferred liabilities • Deferred Liabilities Insurance and casualty reserves 28 Operating reserves 29 Accrued depreciation Road 30 Accrued depreciation Equipment 31 Accrued depreciation Miscellaneous physical property 32 Other unadjusted credits ...... 33 Total unadjusted credits 39 40 Profit and loss-balance 41 Unadjusted Credits Corporate Surplus 34 | Additions to property through income and surplus 35 | Funded debt retired through income and surplus 8inking fund reserves 36 37 Miscellaneous fund reserves 38 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested Total corporate surplus Grand total ·· Total appropriated surpļus surplus • O Total, all districts $8,232,652,848 1,059,807 53,021,357 8,286,734,012 7,248,532 10,665,584,636 42,284,144 404,184,667 11,112,053,447 338,159,644 66,976,602 196,777,502 69,094,993 307,606,090 14,096,826 111,673,855 15,630,15 91,705,822 27,201,952 20,459,646 1,261,383,088 3,828,40 197,957,211 201,785,616 166,529,821 882,412 46,767,460 100,000 93,648,302 2,294,804,349 8,487,652 362,530,287 2,973,750,283 855,741,694 96,379,296 54,495,076 69,053,353 52,696,979 1,128,366,398 2,772,516,337 3,900,882,735 27,743,837,713 Fastern district 1/$3,231,176,065 262,237 38,576,017 3,270,014,319 2,250,699 3,783,253,164 22,662,360 85,275,560 3,891,191,084 181,960,721 37,229,949 80,066,121 25,225,152 47,216,700 1,972,872 22,560,530 8,433,063 34,670,993 15,351,149 13,402,762 468,090,012 724,787 86,588,134 87,302,921 73,736,402 363,887 32,587,486 35,371,345 980,975,254 4,157,948 202,879,811 1,330,072,133 471,526;131 19,006,941 38,413,917 67,931,793 3,584,034 600,462,816 806,174,572 1,406,637,388 10,455,558,556 Southern district 2/$1,307,982,540 7,299,433 1,315,281,973 641,376 1,840,919,743 16,025,395 40,208,135 1,897,153,273 14,572,960 8,422,690 38,374,655 14,850,613 46,236,710 6,523,164 18,660,474 3,099,391 18,314,924 3,030,580 1,797,927 173,884,088 2,617,998 39,880,991 42,498,989 ། 28,769,897 1,200 2,839,046 39,113,362 435,801,653 2,963,472 35,806,086 545,294,716 139,188,771 10,685,832 13,282,446 340,004 053 697,836,461 861,333,514 4,836,087,929 Western district Includes $48,473,019, consideration received for 1,315,740 shares of stock without par value. 회 ​Includes $87,090,356, consideration received for 2,850,321 shares of stock without par value; in addition 60,000 shares of stook without par value are outstanding for which no book value is reported. 3/$3,693,494,243 797,570 7,145,907 3,701,437,720 4,356,457 7 5,041,411,729 3,596,389 278,700,972 5,323,709,090 141,625,963 21,323,963 80,336,726 29,019,228 214,152,680 5,600,790 70.452,851 4,097,702 38,719,905 8,820,223 5,258,957 619,408,988 495,620 71,488,086 71,983,706 64,023,522 517.325 11,340,928 100,000 19,163,595 878,027,442 1,366,232 123,844,390 1,098,383,434 245,026,792 66,686,523 2,798,713 1,121,560 48,772,941 364,406,529 1,268,505,304 1,632,911,833 12,452,191,226 Includes $278,994,657, consideration received for 2,523,353 shares of stock without par value. The discrepancy between the profit and loss balances shown on pages 7 and 8 is explained by the fact that when a Class I steam railway files an annual report for a period ending prior to December 31, the income and profit and loss account is included in the tabulations, but the balance sheet is not included. STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS பட் 8 No. 72 1 345678 a OH 2 2 2 0 20 9 10 8 Uncollectible railway revenues 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 17 Hire of freight cars--credit balance 39 40 41 42 43 44 SUMMARY NO. 1—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 19 Rent from passenger-train cars ERDON ~ A ALONE A 8 20 Rent from floating equipment Rent from work equipment 21 22 Joint facility rent income 23 Income from lease of road 24 48 49 INCOME ACCOUNT Railway operating revenues Railway operating expenses Net revenue from railway operations Railway tax accruals: United States Government taxes ..... Other than United States Government taxes Total railway tax accruals ..... Miscellaneous rent income 25 Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property ........ 26 Separately operated properties--profit 51 27 Dividend income 28 Income from funded securities 29 Income from unfunded securities and accounts 30 Income from sinking and other reserve funds 31 Release of premiums on funded debt 32 33 Miscellaneous income 34 52 Railway operating income ....... Revenues from miscellaneous operations ..... Expenses of miscellaneous operations ....... 53 Net revenue from miscellaneous operations Taxes on miscellaneous operating property Miscellaneous operating income Total operating income Net railway operating income ..... 59 Item Rent from locomotives ....... 35 36 Hire of freight cars--debit balance 37 Rent for locomotives 38 Rent for passenger-train cars Rent for floating equipment Rent for work equipment 60 • 45 Separately operated properties--loss 46 Interest on funded debt 79 80 81 Contributions from other companies Amortization of discount on funded debt Maintenance of investment organization ........ 50 Income transferred to other companies Miscellaneous income charges Total deductions from gross income Net income 54 Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Total nonoperating income Gross income Joint facility rents Rent for leased roads Miscellaneous rents .. Miscellaneous tax accruals Interest on unfunded debt 55 Dividend appropriations of income 56 Income appropriated for investment in physical property 57 Stock discount extinguished through income .......…………… 58 Miscellaneous appropriations of income ............ Total appropriations of income Income balance transferred to profit and loss PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 61 62 | Profit on road and equipment sold Delayed income credits 64 | Unrefundable overcharges Donations Miscellaneous credits Credit balance transferred from income 67 68 Debit balance transferred from inoome 69 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds 70 | Dividend appropriations of surplus 71 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property 72 Total credits during year.... Stock discount extinguished through surplus ……………………. 73 Debt discount extinguished through surplus ..………………… 74 Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus ...……………………… 75 Loss on retired road and equipment 76 Delayed income debits 77 Miscellaneous debits 78 Total debits during year .... Net increase during year Balance at beginning of year ... Balance at end of year Total, all districts $3,095,403,904 2,249,231,779 $3; 846,172,125 19,323,292 230,299,898 249,623,190 1,208,368 595,340,567 2,289,323 1,974,284 ¿ 315,039 76,797 238,242 595,578,809 474,295,613 11,254,767 7,648,409 12,681,246 315,209 1,478,470 36,637,502 5,531,431 21,510,843 5.340,510 1,696,002 89,019,760 60,841,665 13,456,522 5,026,545 68,766 4,429,084 3,869,601 280,806,332 876,385,141 92,2 93,212,763 7,657,996 16,374,273 326,374 814,864 72,674,287 150,188,731 7,400,482 3,230,283 3,283,041 498,264,556 26,218,303 3,014,163 30,512 379.330 821,981 882,247,977 5,862,836 5,759,052 27,952,402 50,359 940,975 34,702,788 d 40.565.624 134,855,252 1,485,053 14,481,899 308,954 1,267,760 29,329,639 181,728,557 175,420,876 2,577,918 67,773,381 6,026,269 918,648 1,501,787 54,700,564 42,759,220 41,781,209 393,459,872 ₫ 211.731.315 2,970,655,854 2,758,924,539 Eastern district $1,389,133,173 1,006,545,637 382,587,536 7,753,983 96.773.557 104,527,540 520,008 277,539,988 716,795 531,017 d 185,778 59,817 125,961 277,665,949 213,698,543 4,000,234 1,874,879 5,248,589 255,413 438,902 16,525,820 2,616,894 11,838,796 3,705,291 1,641,992 41,939,110 20,353,477 8,406,665 4,726,415 49,383 2,764,475 1,086,979 127,473,314 405,139,263 45,432,388 2,574,964 7,412,299 248,438 183,445 36,333,748 112,920,160 5,305,882 2,400,103 1,658,865 175,960,029 13,184,267 398,418 16,448 379,330 2,883,868 407,292,652 2.153.389 5,071,704 8,043,675 14,675 817,447 13,947,501 ₫ 16.100.890 27,151,265 1,148,893 9.750,995 139,728 416,994 18,035,555 56,643,430 43,252,155 1,574,375 12,778,067 5,097,075 662,847 214,612 19,032,925 13,872,676 11,281,410 107,766,138 ₫ 51.122.708 857,297,280 806,174,572 Southern district $583,065,915 399,750,616 183,315,299 8,382,114 38,825,370 47,207,484 163,257 135,944,558 1,043,277 990,965 52,312 16,980 35,332 135,979,890 127,810,857 4,937,739 1,429,905 2,821,322 1,239 369,717 5,663,350 608,383 2,161,043 546,823 744 2,062,171 7,016,961 1,868,596 174,524 733,387 15,656 30,411,560 166,391,450 8,696,070 1,297,128 3,520,291 10,532 249,483 9,583,469 12,488,032 788,018 130,596 759,971 87,558,186 1,960,445 790,135 12,767 626,214 128,471,337 37,920,113 529,251 2,174,573 2,703,824 35,216,289 57,311,929 50,469 3,658,382 72,716 344,886 3,372,529 64,810,911 22,095,640 1,003,547 36,829,758 433,390 3,921 12,105,955 14,471,798 4,734,284 91,678,293 ₫ 26.867.382 723,817,164 696,949,782 Western district $1,123,204,816 842,935,526 280,269,290 3,187,195 94,700,971 97,888,166 525,103 181,856,021 529,251 452,302 76,949 76,949 181,932,970 132,786,213 2,316,794 4,343,625 4,611,335 58,557 669,851 14,448,332 2,306,154 7,511,004 1,088,396 53,266 45,018,479 33,471,227 3,181,261 125,606 19,383 931,222 2,766,966 122,921,458 304,854,428 39,084,305 3,785,904 3,441,683 67,404 381,936 26,757,070 24,780,539 1,306,582 699,584 864,205 234,746,341 11,073,591 1,825,610 1,297 d 4.332.063 346,483,988 ₫ 41.629.560 158,097 17,734,154 35,684 123,528 18,051,463 ₫ 59.681 023 50,392,058 285,691 1,072,522 96,510 505,880 7,921,555 60,274,216 110,073,081 18,165,556 495,804 251,880 1,287,175 23,561,684 14,414,746 25,765,515 194,015,441 ₫ 133.741.225 1,389,541,410 1,255,800,185 A Deficit or other reverse item. The discrepancy between the profit and loss balances shown on pages 7 and 8 is explained by the fact that when a Class I steam railway files an annual report for a period ending prior to December 31, the income and profit and loss account is included in the tabulations, but the balance sheet is not included. • STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. ANNKOTBA 1 Freight 2 8 7 Express .... ***** * *082220 Other passenger-train 9 valk 10 11 17 MMMMMM Switching Special service train 12 Other freight-train 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 18 Freight 19 13 ·· 14 Water transfers--passenger ......... 15 Water transfers--vehicles and live stock 16 Water transfers--other Total rail-line transportation revenue 35 36 37 38 39 40 Passenger 41 42 43 44 Mail 47 48 Excess baggage Sleeping car Parlor and chair car RAANKA SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 21, 1933 ---Coutinued (Does not includs lessor companies) #2 Water transfers--freight ........ Passenger RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES Froess baggage Other passenger service Mail Express Special service Other Total water-line transportation revanus Dining and buffet Hotel and restaurant Itez Storage--freight Storage--baggage Demurrage..... Station, train, and boat privileges Parcel room Joint facility--Cr. Joint facility-Dr. Telegraph and telephone Grain elevator Stockyard Power Rents of buildings and other property ........ Miscellaneous Total incidental operating revenue Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues ....... SEPARATION OF OPERATING REVENUES BETWEEN SERVICES Assignable to freight service Assignable to passenger and allied services Not assignable to freight or to passenger and allied service Total Superintendence Roadway maintenance--yard .......... 51 Roadway maintenance--other ......... Roadway--depreciation--yard Roadway--depreciation--other Underground power tubes--yard Underground power tubes--other Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard .....……………………… Underground power tubes--depreciation--other 57 58 Tunnels and subways--yard ....... 59 Tunnels and subways--other ..... RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures Rails--yard Rails--other 60 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard 61 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other 62 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard ……. 63 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other 64 | Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other 66 Mevated structures--yard Elevated structures--other Elevated structures--depreciation--yard .. Hevated structures--depreciation--other Ties--yard ....... Ties-other es--depreciation--yard Ties--depreciation--ether ...... Ballast--yard Ballast--ether 024 Rails depreciation--yard ... Bails--depreciation--other Other track material--yard Other track material--other Other track material--depreciation-yard Other track material--depreciation--ether Ballast--depreciation--yard allast--depreciation--other Track laying and surfacing--yard Track laying and surfacing--stier Total, all districte $2,438,847,821 323,957,402 1,441,462 318,264 434,995 91,870,415 45.630.786 4,103,207 17,322,225 39.329,267 39.752 752,631 2,713,994 317.572 1,193,450 2,909,853 850,157 3,026,952,511 3,830,325 384,428 693 10,962 3,000 120,559 4,349,952 12,368,298 2.589.327 2,734,423 440,742 2,350,694 123,372 5,131,357 356,797 342,211 376,289 4,556,213 $425,491 16,969,988 57,766,102 €,567,060 261,721 6,305,339 3,095,403,904 2,565,022,027 517,356,740 13,025,137 3,095,403,904 31,920,846 2.732.789 27,293,842 13.188 24,535 12 890, 7327 1,628 16,925, 23,746 15,888 193,67 8:00 1, 12, 5,30 § Deficit or other reverse item. Easta: astaict $1,062,290,461 197,166,090 584,330 5.592 106,202 35,229,519 9,857,227 2,277,304 24.357.556 16,844,062 370,962 73.590 232,864 1,070,192 2,907,874 691,439 1,354,825,264 242,544 9 3.506 3,000 249,959 6,175,501 678,723 2,060,009 303,252 1,593,00 60,596 3,135,021 318,312 307,438 14.390 4,235,864 5.733.33 7,348,704 31,965,155 2,712,247 618,552 2,093,695 1,369,133,173 1,096,103,064 287,135,241 5,894,868 1,389,133,173 12,663,74 1,159,882 10,720,356 463 19,120 382,572 190,9 11,99 B 5,2 11 Southern district $503,275,834 38,850,874 206.741 6,993 27,002 15,787,066 8,390,795 401,080 455,704 4,976,786 170,827 25.78 10,633 33.539 14.175 1.988 152,672 573,062,708 1,624,702 244,683 293,461 43.551 394,312 23333 10.47 570,878 72,758 26,532 2,800 52,615 775.91 4,158,488 8,270,146 1,957.362 224,302 1,733,061 583,065,915 513,808 66,794,54 2,463,290 583,065,915 6,379,834 587 6,036,000 221,063 86 3,843,228 386,016 1:32:5 3,108 38,855 1,430,86) 3:138383 Festern district $923,281,526 92,940,438 650,391 305.679 281.791 40.353.230 17,081,764 424,823 2,508,965 17.506,429 310,542 2,629,772 σ. 1,169 109,094 7,00% 1,099,094,539 3.830.325 141,384 689 7.456 120,539 4,100,893 4.567,095 1,665,921 380,953 93.939 363.374 52.327 1,425,460 965,727 7:241 361,090 267,634 1,915,244 5,462,796 17,530,201 3,897,451 1,418,568 2,478,583 1,123,204,816 3 # # 955,110,886 163,426,951 4,666,979 38983595 1,123,204,816 6, 12,877,267 985,153 10.537,478 13.188 24,072 23,614 286,672 2,072 17.75 2,727 39 3:25788 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 10 No. 1234 100 710 9 1 Right-of-way fences--yard 2 Right-of-way fences--other Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--other Crossings and signs--yard 10 Crossings and signs--other · 11 Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard 12 Crossings and signs--depreciation--other 19 20 21 22 13 Station and office buildings 14 ญ ญ ญ ญ ญ Station and office buildings--depreciation 15 Roadway buildings 16 Roadway buildings--depreciation 17 18 25 26 27 28 23 24 Grain elevators--depreciation ...... #44. 1234 29 Coal and ore wharves 41 42 43 30 Coal and ore wharves--depreciation .. 31 Gas producing plants 32 Gas producing plants--depreciation 33 44 45 46 37 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation 47 48 38 39 Power plant buildings 40 Power plant buildings--depreciation ....... Power substation buildings d%གླ གླG £ aggnཀླ་ཀྭངnངTETnn་ SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 56 57 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Contimied Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded 58 64 Water stations Water stations--depreciation Fuel stations .. 68 .. 69 Fuel stations--depreciation Shops and enginehouses .... Shops and enginehouses--depreciation Grain elevator s 49 Underground conduits ..... 50 Underground conduits--depreciation Miscellaneous structures 51 52 53 Miscellaneous structures--depreciation Paving .... Paving--depreciation ...... Roadway machines Roadway machines--depreciation Small tools and supplies Removing snow, ice, and sand Assessments for public improvements 70 Item Storage warehouses Storage warehouses--depreciation Wharves and docks Wharves and dooks--depreciation 71 72 73 74 59 60 Injuries to persons 75 76 61 62 63 Other expenses Telegraph and telephone lines ...... Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation Signals and interlockers ..... Signals and interlockers--depreciation 92 93 94 Power substation buildings--depreciation Power transmission systems Power transmission systems--depreciation Power distribution systems Power distribution systems--depreciation ... Power line poles and fixtures Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation Total, above accounts 65 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 66 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr. Equalization--way and structures 67 Insurance .. Stationery and printing · Superintendence Shop machinery ... Shop machinery--depreciation Power plant machinery Power plant machinery--depreciation Power substation apparatus 77 Power substation apparatus--depreciation 78 Steam locomotives-repairs 79 80 Steam locomotives--retirements 81 Other locomotives--repairs ... Total--all depreciation accounts Total--all other maintenance of way and structures accounts. Total maintenance of way and structures Maintenance of Equipment · Steam locomotives--depreciation • $2 Other locomotives--depreciation 83 84 Other locomotives--retirements Freight-train cars--repairs 85 Freight-train cars--depreciation 86 Freight-train cars--retirements ..…………. 87 Passenger-train cars-repairs.. 88 • • Passenger-train cars--depreciation ..... 89 Passenger-train cars--retirements 90 Motor equipment of cars--repairs 91 Motor equipment of cars--depreciation Motor equipment of cars--retirements Floating equipment--repairs …………. Floating equipment--depreciation 95 Floating equipment--retirements Total, all districts $27,760 1,728,481 351 4,557 1,497 289,620 141 514,074 5,455,246 432 8,056 10,542,065 410,142 1,085,204 77,321 3,748,838 75,993 1,562,509 26,803 7,948,990 299,534 P4,332 13,344 18,000 1,734,036 98,386 1,215,872 814,592 13,148 5,080,245 9,009 14,536,418 65,344 277 279,447 119,402 28,273 50,239 228,116 85,673 2,155,091 366,139 347,180 280,963 35,821 7,677 118,496 6,325 199,954 161 3,586,814 12,493 4,464,060 4,187,823 174,292 2,416,995 2,248,697 444,705 337,285 317,085,934 17 ,116,012 11,914,879 870 d 3,710,731 318,575,466 322,286,197 3,536,500 435,870 2,408,820 660,056 387,819 205,277 188,602,516 50,115,995 4,204,233 2,586,962 2,372,493 2,257 119,477,426 98,816,388 8,528,688 35,350,860 17,954,746 1,213,320 3.384,604 2,083,508 17,792 4,347,584 3,019,196 249,806 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. d ¿ Eastern district $13,788 510,209 39 658 20,353 144,045 2,953,161 1 20 4,782,587 10,160 238,878 5,985 1,199,714 4,391 663,008 2.007 3,468,147 123,716 37,879 1.050 1,136,572 31,303 785,691 107,443 9,510 2,048,498 179 8,038,074 40,409 277 165,762 94,057 18,764 48,017 172,741 85,168 1,724,691 365,124 194,881 280,853 34,042 7.504 49,571 108,502 1,481,720 2,005 1,685,361 2,357,125 54,657 1,321,350 886,506 176,509 217,140 126,989,911 7,705,106 5,266,893 1,389,093 128,039.031 129,428,124 10,350,863 3,862,416 268,758 1,460,876 577,779 329,368 214,916 84,735,583 20,072,913 3,293,055 2,013,145 1,715,908 55,984,121 35,800,002 5,738,545 16,668,995 8,358,547 782,201 1,654,327 1,407,212 229 3,325,086 2,189,502 130,685 Southern district a $62 192,444 480 II 60,451 722,801 5,922 1,814,932 74,215 355,760 13,450 688,187 64,048 303,117 22,488 1,301,854 130,606 3.383 13,344 19,030 356,749 63,525 242,913 136,345 1,039,826 6,305 2,149,402 22,356 11 19,326 10,253 5,097 336 39,252 217,524 80,609 31 16,594 87 14,113 721,927 2,786 931,699 119,294 6,991 305,267 454,229 82,050 62,852 62,403,701 2,802,216 2,142,716 870 1,068,334 61.993.997 63,062,331 4,706,865 1,561,655 149,428 298,465 37,0 25,523 29,006 4,032 37,045,149 9,647,466 165,884 313,098 232,150 23,548,225 21,844,699 1,337.336 5,467,074 2,701,624 106,022 263,228 183,176 1,622 115,298 66,191 4,670 Western district $13,910 1,025,828 351 4,518 839 268,787 141 309,578 1,779,284 431 2,114 3,944,546 325,767 490,566 57,856 1,860,937 7.554 596,384 6,322 3,178,989 45,212 3,070 20 240,715 3.558 187,268 570,804 3.638 1,991,921 2,525 4,348,942 2,579 II 94,359 15,092 4,412 1,886 16,123 505 212,876 1,015 71,690 110 1,748 173 52,331 6,238 77.339 161 1,383,167 1,3 7,702 1,847,000 1,711,404 112,644 790,378 907,962 186,146 57,293 127,692,322 6,608,690 4,505,270 1,253,304 128.542.438 129,795,742 8,478,772 2,713,043 17,684 649,479 56,754 29,445 13.671 66,821,784 20,395,616 745,294 260,719 424,435 2,257 39,945,080 41,171,687 1,452,807 13,214,791 6,894,575 325,097 1,467,049 493,120 16,399 707,200 763,503 114,451 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. HUMAINONTOoo I am wor 9 1 Work equipment-repairs 2 Work equipment-depreciation 10 11 12 Miscellaneous equipment-repairs Miscellaneous equipment-depreciation Miscellaneous equipment-retirements 7 Injuries to persons Insurance 15 16 17 Total Maintaining joint equipment--Dr. 13 Maintaining joint equipment--Or. 14 Equalization-equipment H~~~~~~~ IN MEM 20 21 22 23 24 18 Superintendence 19 Outside agencies Advertising Traffic associations Fast freight lines 25 26 27 ļ 31 32 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933 --Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 33 34 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Equipment Work equipment--retirements Stationery and printing 507 Other expenses 28 29 Superintendence Dispatching trains 30 Station employees • Total traffic Industrial and immigration bureaus Insurance Stationery and printing Other expenses 36 37 Yard enginemen 38 Yard motormen 2 82 Total--all depreciation accounts Total--all other maintenance of equipment accounts Total maintenance of equipment Traffic • Station supplies and expenses Yardmasters and yard clerks Yard conductors and brakemen 43 45 45 Enginehouse expenses--yard 47 Train enginemen 48 Train motormen 49 50 Train power produced 51 Train power purchased 52 • Yard switch and signal tenders 39 Fuel for yard locomotives 410 Yard switching power produced 41 42 Yard switching power purchased Water for yard locomotives .... Lubricants for yard locomotives Other supplies for yard locomotives Yard supplies and expenses Fuel for train locomotives 56 57 Train supplies and expenses Transportation Rail Line Other expenses 67 Insurance 68 0learing wrecks 69 Damage to property Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus Coal and ore wharves • 58 Operating sleeping cars 59 8ignal and interlocker operation 60 Crossing protection 61 Drawbridge operation .. 63 Operating floating equipment 64 Express service 65 Stationery and printing 66 • 79 Operation of vessels 80 Operation of terminals Incidental 81 ••• Item .. Water for train locomotives Lubricants for train locomotives Other supplies for train locomotives Enginehouse expenses--train Trainmen ·· Loss and damage--freight 72 Loss and damage--baggage ... ·· Telegraph and telephone operation • ·· • • • - 70 Damage to live stock on right of way 71 • ·· ·· ·· - • O Injuries to persons Operating joint yards and terminals-Dr. Operating joint yards and terminals--Cr. 76 Operating joint tracks and facilities-Dr. 77 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Cr. 78 Total transportation-Rail line - .. Total transportation-Water line Continued Concluded Transportation - Water Line • • Total, all districts ,892,590 4,875,916 1,020,208 374,380 375,904 54,167 2,366,117 3,652,042 671,065 576,648 596,758,867 4,359,666 2,409,405 180,915,349 417,793,779 598,709,128 29,324,476 38,680,254 7,809,428 2,616,422 32,880 1,548,911 48,391 5,683,039 72,740 85,816,541 35,932,197 19,033,260 154,738,267 3,197,777 4,482,953 12,776,250 33,294,860 74,698,885 7,123,123 46,891,582 1,221,527 23,673,611 160,228 359,840 2,673,547 768,011 616,026 13,643,459 2,524,761 117,577,082 5,645,778 134,723,701 1,854,313 7,234,349 13,092,267 5,016,853 2,448,494 37,781,068 138,230,649 51,832,425 246,386 17,029,771 14,808,378 1,546,001 6,519,189 14,537,982 20,982 5,428,288 4,230,854 1,557,914 1,897,613 1,729,563 1,203,543 14,308,088 66,736 13,845,452 41,658,752 20,512,387 10,482,145 8,920,172 1,074,932,221 1,263,219 1,572,757 213,702 3,049,678 Eastern district $2,262,389 1,562,877 566,961 207,204 231,239 24,770 1,438,859 1,715,409 334,654 282,568 269,561,504 2,084,647 1,171,559 72,399,653 198,074.939 270,474,592 12,921,290 12,844,329 2,632,763 961,982 32,880 369,870 22,090 2,209,571 38,328 32,033,103 17,371,204 9,553,680 69,147,882 1,058,821 3,037,902 6,827,388 16,839,315 37,879,351 4,373,556 23,651,823 1,124,918 10,784,067 157,386 329,288 1,226,915 374,001 308,955 6,185,300 1,415,006 49,175,356 3,201,684 53,540,429 1,339,214 5,669,694 5,423,333 1,948,392 1,079,204 17,853,407 57,828,389 24,330,927 9,717 9,735,995 10,266,744 808,536 2,838,643 12,477,812 20,982 2,693,230 2,635,339 632,066 998,684 850,313 81,287 5,958,598 44,349 7,271,340 18,902,191 8,657,509 4,844,511 4,133,111 501,316,504 134,481 8,140 11,125 153,746 Southern district $846,871 1,002,309 115,734 43,204 25,016 12,247 251,446 456,047 128,464 146,393 112,845,617 731,752 516,437 35,881,614 77.179.318 113,060,932 5,933,365 7,107,526 1,177,831 486,396 446,133 5.214 1,071,451 12,416 16,240,332 6,943,256 4,100,535 26,715,146 548,684 925,868 1,643,974 6,407,913 12,409,885 1,010,380 7,489,534 37,901 3,657,612 11,478 450,709 151,524 112,185 2,644,816 470,242 21,968,097 444,062 22,885,304 281,259 594,315 2,299,742 964,318 447,604 6,668,981 24,823,603 8,170,267 4,068 1,960,238 1,288,762 270,322 843,088 397,851 954,642 314,002 329.757 340,247 374,528 466,057 2,566,127 10,394 2,305,161 8,124,266 5,335,159 1,331,080 1,253,365 180,571,260 I 11 Western district $1,783,330 2,310,730 337,513 123,972 119,649 17,150 675,812 1,480,586 207,947 147,687 214,351,746 1,543,267 721,409 72,634,082 142.539.522 215,173,604 10,469,821 18,728,399 3,998,834 1,168,044 732,908 21,087 2,402,017 21,996 37,543,106 11,617,737 5,379,045 58,875,239 1,590,272 519,183 4,304,888 10,047,632 24,409,649 1,739,187 15,750,225 58,708 9,231,932 2,842 19,074 995,923 242,486 194,886 4,813,343 639,513 46,433,629 2,000,032 58,297,968 233,840 970,340 5,369,192 2,104,143 921,686 13,258,680 55,578,657 19,331,231 232,601 5,333.538 3,252,872 467,143 2,837,458 1,662,319 1,780,416 1,281,513 596,091 558,682 504,722 656,199 5,783,363 11,993 4,268,951 14,632,295 6,519,719 4,306,554 3,533,696 393,044,457 1,128,738 1,564,617 202,577 2,895,932 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 12 No. 1 at cu mult UVO 2 7 BOONE MENON 22 2 9 10 12 14 15 11 Law expenses 16 Insurance 13 Relief department expenses Pensions Stationery and printing Valuation expenses 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ~~~~~ 4578 26 27 28 29 30 31 35 36 MIMMIT 41 ** 47 YARAK 53 SUMMARY NO. 1—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) WIDENING 59 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES - Concluded Miscellaneous Operationg Dining and buffet service Hotels and restaurants Grain elevators Stockyards ...... Producing power sold Other miscellaneous operations Item Total miscellaneous operations General Balaries and expenses of general officers Salaries and expenses of olerks and attendants General office supplies and expenses . Other expenses General joint facilities General joint facilities – Cr. - Total general expenses Transportation for investment - Cr..... Total railway operating expense8 ...... Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES Maintenance of Way and Structures Related solely to freight service Related solely to passenger and allied services ……………. Apportioned to freight service Apportioned to passenger and allied services Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services Total Maintenance of Equipment Related solely to freight service ……….. Related solely to passenger and allied services ..... Apportioned to freight service ..……………… Apportioned to passenger and allied services ……………………………… Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services Total Traffic Related solely to fraght service ………………………. Related solely to passenger and allied services Apportioned to freight service Apportioned to passenger and allied services Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services Total Transportation. -Rail Line Related solely to freight service ........ Related solely to passenger and allied services Apportioned to freight service .......... Apportioned to passenger and allied services Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services Total Transportation – Water Ling Related solely to freight service Related solely to passenger and allied services ………………………. Apportioned to freight service Apportioned to passenger and allied services....... Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services Total Miscellaneous Operationa Related solely to freight service ..... Related solely to passenger and allied services .......... Apportioned to freight service ...……………. Apportioned to passenger and allied services ....…………………………. Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services Total Total, all districts $16,813,852 2,595,160 563,878 320,931 2,259,733 992,562 23,546,136 856,659 62,688,880 5,825,758 13,310,177 135,089 1,801,329 33,520,348 2,570,759 2,710,074 4,947,787 1,872,229 397,957 143,841,132 2,949,254 2,249,231,779 72.66 $32,567,951 10,007,167 200,188,846 79,387,588 134,645 322,286,197 357,875,418 122,502,681 87,153,266 30,829,182 348,581 598,709,128 50,064,390 24,960,010 6,886,648 3,905,493 85,816,541 575,791,394 234,693,913 195,938,410 68,508,373 131 1,074,932,221 73256869 2,580,326 181,448 169,863 118,041 3,049,678 1,440,868 18,627,816 353,613 301,813 353533 2,822,026 23,546,136 Eastern district $8,226,581 701,570 507,340 16,487 2,142,675 291,089 11,885,742 684,937 25.459,874 2,427,493 5,062,232 G 63,770 691,375 18,292,839 989,874 811,04 2,199,264 734,304 149,978 62,267,030 1,013,204 1,006,545,637 72.46 $17,329,931 7,055,38 33,665, 85,418 129,428,124 166,141,732 63,778,859 29,755,256 10,543,320 255,425 270,474,592 21,398,260 9,387,203 957.942 289,698 32,033,103 283,275,119 120,122,823 68,904,256 29,014,306 501,316,504 9.717 144,029 153,746 706,267 8,988,648 57,210 21,561 27: 2,112,056 11,885,742 Southern district $2,321,437 214,24 51,365 5,298 18,695 44,259 2,655,303 2,709,695 11,440,142 944,043 3,265,126 19,302 180,472 3,999,809 534,139 649,988 552,640 262,410 50,951 24,507,015 346,557 399,750,616 68.56 $5,756,540 948,582 41,603,728 14,753,481 63,062,331 75,306,743 20,655,653 13,493,993 3,604,5 113,060,932 11,192,380 ,130,574 675,640 241,738 16,240,332 96,898,860 34,545,106 37,149,109 11,678,185 180,571,260 #11 64,866 2,445,963 111,137 29,766 3,571 2,655,303 Western district $6,265,834 1,679,341 5,173 299,146 98,363 657,234 9,005,091 25 6,461,827 25,788,864 2,454,222 4,982,819 52,017 929,482 11,227,700 1,046,746 1,249,040 2,195,883 875,515 197,028 57,067,087 1,589,493 842,935,526 75.05 $9,481,480 2,003,197 37.293,075 30,968,763 49,227 129,795,742 116,426,943 38,068,169 43,904,017 16,681,319 93,156 215,173,604 17,473,750 442,233 5,253,066 3,374,057 37,543,106 1950 19 195,617,415 80,025,984 89,585,045 27,815,882 131 393,044,457 2,570,609 37,419 169,863 118,041 2,895,932 669,735 7,193,205 185,266 250,486 706,399 9,005,091 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 2 Hobar 12 et et et et el General Related solely to freight service .... Related solely to passenger and allied services Apportioned to freight service ... { 4 Apportioned to passenger and allied services ....... 5 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services 6 Total 9 10 12 7 Related solely to freight service 8 Related solely to passenger and allied services Apportioned to freight service ... Apportioned to passenger and allied services 11 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services Total MR LONON 19 20 21 Related solely to freight service Related solely to passenger and allied services 15 Apportioned to freight service ........ 16 Apportioned to passenger and allied services ·· 17 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services 18 Total Miles of road Miles of second main track Miles of third main track 22 Miles of fourth main track 23 Miles of all other main tracks 24 27 Miles of road 28 33 6010 Miles of industrial tracks 25 Miles of yard track and sidings 26 Total, all tracks 35 36 37 Miles of second main track 29 Miles of third main track Miles of fourth main track Miles of all other main tracks E FEW W 30 31 32 Miles of industrial tracks 33 Miles of yard track and sidings 34 Total, all tracks ...... 38 39 40 42 42 43 44 45 43 47 48 49 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 50 52525252 «POVOLOVNIO ANK SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES 51 52 55 56 Transportation for Investment--Cr. 57 58 Total Operating Expenses 59 60 Item MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1933 .. MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1933 Steam locomotives: Number at close of year Total tractive effort (pounds) Number installed during year: New units EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE Rebuilt and rewritten into property accounts Used units acquired ·· Leased from others or leased units returned to service All others, including reclassifications Total Number retired during year: Permanently withdrawn for sale or demolition Retired for purpose of rebuilding ...... Leased to others or returned to lessors All others, including reclassifications Total Electric locomotive units: Number at close of year Total tractive effort (pounds) Number installed during year: New units .... • Concluded Rebuilt and rewritten into property accounts Used units acquired .. Leased from others or leased units returned to service All others, including reclassifications Total Number retired during year: Permanently withdrawn for sale or demolition Retired for purpose of rebuilding Leased to others or returned to lessors All others, including reclassifications Total • Total, all districts $32,534,865 $32.5 7,054,824 75,125,527 28,889,535 236,381 143,841,132 2,918,976 22,903 7.256 119 2,949,254 1,049,936,236 418,004,956 565,808,917 211,939,906 3.541,764 2,249,231,779 239,797 36,583 3,121 2,180 364 21,601 101,262 404,908 170,245 20,669 2,106 1,573 201 13.716 66,841 275,351 50,064 2,348,821,480 MON 214 214 462 2,158 9 509 214 2,890 738 39,212,000 HIMIN 11 3 7 21 2I23 10 Eastern district $16,898,020 4,203,680 29,075,000 11,857,558 232,772 62,267,030 Includes 21 units withdrawn for sale or demolition. 9/ Includes 56 units withdrawn for sale or demolition. 994,379 12,020 6,831 26 1,013,204 504,764,667 213,668,610 200,034,876 85,391,813 685,671 1,006,545,637 59,307 17,996 2,656 1,919 77 7,706 38,471 1/ 128,132 29,395 7,741 1,737 1,372 72 3.525 19,404 63,246 4/ 20,904 1,012,308,600 1966 56 ORUS) 87 159 Excludes 1 gasoline, 5 gas-electric, and 6 oil-electric locomotives. Includes 164 units withdrawn for sale or demolition. 1,061 9 7/ 291 87 1,448 534 25,630,200 MINIT 8 Deficit or other reverse item. Includes 8,728 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 4,452 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 13,040 miles operated under trackage rights. Excludes 8 gasoline, & gas-electric, and 67 oil-electric locomotives. Excludes 6 oil-electric locomotives. 11 7 20 2014 6 Southern district $5,597,090 809,753 13,662,251 437,921 24,507,015 345,634 886 34 346,557 194,470,845 63,534,745 106,995,824 34,745,631 3.571 399,750,616 5,928 45,560 140 55 266 4,285 17,767 2/ 74,001 34,930 4,251 129 47 108 3,114 13,153 55,732 5/ 9,905 462,827,590 g/ 1 29 21 51 458 40 21 519 76 5,370,800 !!!! I 1111 I 13 Western district $10,039,755 2,041,391 32,388,276 12,594,056 3,609 57,067,087 1,578,963 9,997 391 142 1,589,493 350,700,724 140,801,601 258,778,217 91,802,462 852,522 842,935,526 134,930 12,659 325 206 21 9,610 45,024 3/ 202,775 105,920 8,677 240 154 21 7,077 34,284 156,373 19,255 873,685,290 17 129 106 252 639 2/ 178 106 923 128 8,211,000 DANI 1 1 1101 2 2 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS | 14 No. H&Mon 1 H GECREBO 2 10 11 180 12 13 14 15 16 2222 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Motino 24 27 MMMK 28 29 30 MMMM 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 46 47 48 49 50 51 55555 1st ino N 53 57 58 * 8985 60 61 62 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 63 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Gara Number at close of year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total Number installed during year: New Units Item .. Rebuilt and rewritten into property accounts Used units acquired Leased from others or leased units returned to service All others, including reclassifications Total Number retired during year: Permanently withdrawn for sale or demolition ........ Retired for purpose of rebuilding Leased to others or returned to lessors All others, including reclassifications Total All Classes of Passenger-train Cars Number at close of year Number installed during year: New units 52 Number of units at close of year .... Number of units installed: New units • Rebuilt and rewritten into property accounts Used units acquired Leased from others or leased units returned to service All others, including reclassifications Total • Rebuilt and rewritten into property accounts ......... Used units acquired ..……… Leased from others or leased units returned to service ....... All others, including reclassifications Total Number retired during year: Permanently withdrawn for sale or demolition ………………… Retired for purpose of rebuilding Leased to others or returned to lessors All others, including reclassifications Total All Classes of Company Service Equipment Number of units at close of year ... Number of units installed: New units Rebuilt and rewritten into property accounts .. Used units acquired Leased from others or leased units returned to service • All others, including reclassifications .. Total Number of units retired: Permanently withdrawn for sale or demolition Retired for purpose of rebuilding …………………… Leased to others or returned to lessors All others, including reolassifications .......………………………… Total Floating Equipment Number of units retired: Permanently withdrawn for sale or demolition ....... Retired for purpose of rebuilding Leased to others or returned to lessors All others, including reclassifications Total Total, all districts 926,045 86,968 74,986 833,667 8,900 32,271 71,951 2,034,788 39,391,708 3,883,138 2,850,700 45,306,109 400,787 1,089,854 3,811,973 96,734,269 1,922 14 1,279 1,264 1,855 6,347 96,928 94 16,740 2,203 115,965 46,510 752 32 406 157 607 1,902 13 685 843 3,443 87,376 38 109 272 383 1,604 2,406 10,052 873 372 11,297 Includes 7,663 units (including caboose cars) withdrawn for sale or demolition. Includes 1,069 units (including caboose cars) withdrawn for sale or demolition. Includes 2,804 units (including caboose cars) withdrawn for sale or demolition. Includes 127 units withdraw for sale or demolition. 5/ Includes 20 units withdrawn for sale or demolition. 2,275 1 39 31 10 50 43 1 20 64 Eastern district 406,466 19,074 12,603 489,373 27 2,793 19,268 949,604 17,824,427 878,858 519,695 27,043,835 1,185 91,248 1,056,713 47,415,961 1,427 938 716 952 4,038 11 36,982 1/9,524 683 47,200 23,378 3 atw 225 90 324 1,030 4/414 619 2,063 28,509 238 102 399 753 4,107 7/472 108 4,686 2,043 550111 39 49 38 1 20 59 Southern district 145,150 17,727 7,033 194,506 4,951 7.332 376,720 5,681 767,47 267, 10,671,514 940 149,250 370,860 17,908,795 236 THEOLOG 1 315 512 32,515 2/1,075 138 33,729 6,915 3 35 438 5/30 120 588 15,601 12 246 258 1,728 8/ 59 37 1,824 106 IIII I HILI 1 1 Western district 374,429 50,167 55.350 149,78 8, 24,52 708,464 15,885,530 2,236,804 2,063,995 7,590,760 396,662 849,356 2,384,400 31,409,513 508 8 26 413 842 1,797 27,431 82 3/ 6,141 1,382 35,036 16,217 4 I LIVUDIO V 15 Includes 32 units withdrawn for sale or demolition. Includes 424 units withdrawn for sale or demolition. Includes 59 units withdrawn for sale or demolition. Includes 121 units withdraw for sale or demolition. 178 46 248 434 13 6/ 241 104 792 43,266 19 102 34 281 959 1,395 4,217 2/343 227 4,787 126 IIHII 1 #111 4 + STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Io. 123 ? 202244 9 10 In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Jumber of cross ties ING Tumber of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties ...... Total charges 11 12 g 14 15 16 13 Average number 17 18 19 222223 20 21 + MONDO 24 25 26 27 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933 --Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 28 29 30 In replacement: Jumber of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges TIES LAID DURING YEAR Ite In replacement: Tumber of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges 23 Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES RAILS LAID DURING YEAR In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks .... Miles of yard track and sidings Tumber of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges Compensation- Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total compensation EMPLOYEES Service hours Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total hours paid for Service day 8---- Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total days paid for In special service Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight servios In passenger service In mixed-train service ....... In yard-switching, service In work service C Grand total, all services ...... "otal, all districts 37,295,716 134,148,930 $44,195,359 711,625 7,216,998 $1,026,311 862,298 $28,669,126 68.06 205.50 37.757 $1,055,346 971,196 $1,275,233,574 44,249,682 1,403,840,833 1,850,384,642 52,859,586 2,016,673,031 26,608,786 85,847 27,046,483 $1,336,539,939 45,412,058 17,229,241 2,567,58 19,600 11,422,953 732,953 77,384,386 Eastern district 8,353,240 39,319,980 $14,382,754 160,998 2,293,734 $341,162 349,782 $11,610,378 16.50 54.79 9,856 $290,596 442,011 $576,897,467 19,074,977 631,313,019 794,653,839 22,211,691 865,274,316 12,559,587 32,979 12,753,153 $600,756,536 18,788,404 7,485,886 477,370 8.058 5,406,125 367,708 32,533,551 Southern district 10,366,337 40,858,238 $9,832,913 180,045 1,944,130 $283,464 215,445 $7,099,667 28.50 39.24 10,390 $320,317 181,872 $230,908,772 8,120,013 253, 606,816 364,682,023 10,142,684 394,362,838 4,600,682 21,409 4,679,104 $242,725,355 9,260,556 3,242,549 504,606 5,123 1,983,338 103,645 15,099,217 15 Western district 18,576,139 53,970,712 $19,979,692 370,58 2.979,134 $401,685 297,071 $9,959,081 23.06 111.47 17.511 $444, 433 347,313 $467,427,335 17,054,692 518,920,998 691,048,780 20,505,211 757,035,877 9,448,517 31,459 9,614,226 $493,058,048 17,363,098 6,500,806 1,586,205 6,419 4,033,490 261,600 29,751,618 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 16 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) REVENUE FREIGHT TONNAGE BY GROUPS OF COMMODITIES Products of agriculture: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Animals and products: Number of carloads Revenue Freight Originated Products of mines; Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per oar ... Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Products of forests: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car ··· Manufactures and miscellaneous; Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads Fumber of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car .. • Products of mines: ... Products of agriculture: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage .. Animals and products: ... Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Merchandise - All L. C. L. Freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Grand total, carload and L. C. L. Freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) D Fumber of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage • Products of forests: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage • ... • Total Revenue Freight Carried • • Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Item Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage • · ... • Merchandise - All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage... Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage ·· Total, all districts 3,157,388 81,702,027 25.88 1,425,295 17,650,825 12.38 7,638,990 395 395,064,780 51.72 1,129,258 33,164,630 29.37 5,927,124 157,009,486 26.49 19,278,055 684,591,748 35.51 14,350,763 698,942,511 6,676,073 150,763,207 11.98 2,721,812 34,507,394 2.74 13,303,181 679,421,859 53.97 2,289,001 62,197,204 4.94 11,957,723 304,654,125 24.20 36,947,790 1,231,543,789 97.83 27,279,366 2.17 1,258,823,155 100.00 Eastern district 675,912 16,517,983 24.44 327,520 4,399,829 13.43 3,615,443 185,765,506 51.38 129,526 3,233,436 24.96 3,329,784 245,288 26.50 8,078,185 298,162,042 36.91 7,142,550 305,304,592 2,091,465 44,959,403 6.92 1,148,719 15,111,642 2.32 7,678,601 396,166,146 60.94 591,939 14,479,855 2.23 6,533,878 165,314,539 25.43 18,044,602 636,031,585 97.84 14,059,987 2.16 650,091,572 100.00 Southern district 558,717 9,926,234 17.77 104,586 1,273,542 12.18 2,321,715 126,369,749 54.43 403,177 10,899,274 27.03 779,825 20,156,308 25.85 4,168,020 168,625,107 40.46 3,165,921 171,791,028 1,271,572 22,919,932 9.03 230,151 3,013,698 1.19 3,037,237 161,855,633 667,219 17,428,205 6.87 1,708,136 42,055,772 16.58 6,914,315 247,273,240 97.47 6,407,624 2.53 253,680,864 100.00 Western district 1,922,759 55,257,810 28.74 993;189 11,977,454 12.06 1,701,832 82,929,525 48.73 596,555 19,031,920 31.90 1,817,515 48,607,890 26.74 217,804,599 30.97 4,042,292 221,846,891 3,313,036 82,883,872 23.35 1,342,942 16,382,054 4.61 2,587,343 121,400,080 34.19 1,029,843 30,289,144 8.53 3,715,709 97,283,814 27.40 11,988,873 348,238,964 98.08 6,811 6,811,755 1.92 355,050,719 100.00 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Io. O MEST LOND 1 Average mileage of road operated 2 Freight-ordinary Freight-light Passenger .. 7 OR- ROMAMA COM 10 11 12 13 9 Total freight train 14 16 17 SUMMARY NO. 1—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) 555555 Total special Train switching Yard switching-freight 15 Yard switching-passenger Mixed Special .... 40 41 42 43 STATISTICS OF RAIL-LINE OPERATIONS OFW NY 855555£5558 Work service 51 Total transportation service Total passenger train Total mixed train 52 • ... · 18 Freight train-loaded 19 Freight train--empty 20 Freight train--caboose 21 Freight train-exclusive work equipment 22 Total freight train Item Total transportation service Work service • 25 Passenger train--dining 26 Passenger train--other 27 28 Mixed train--freight--loaded 29 | Mixed train--freight--empty 30 Mixed train--caboose .. Train-Miles 23 Passenger train--passenger 24 Passenger train--sleeping, parlor, and observation Locomotive-Kiles Total passenger train Total special train Car-Miles • 31 Mixed train-exclusive work equipment 32 Mixed train--passenger 33 Mixed train--sleeping, parlor, and observation 34 | Mixed train-dining 35 36 37 38 39 Work service • • Mixed train--other passenger train Total mixed train . Total transportation service Tons--revenue freight Tons--nonrevenue freight Ton-miles-revenue freight Ton-miles-nonrevenue freight • Passengers carried-revenue .... • Miscellaneous Passenger-miles--revemie 46 Ton-miles-revenue freight-per mile of road 47 48 49 Passenger-miles--revenue--per train-mile Passenger-miles--revenue--per car-mile Miles hauled--revenue freight 50 Miles carried--reveme passengers.... Revenue per ton of freight Revenue per ton-mile of freight Revenue per passenger Revenue per passenger-mile Ton-miles--revenue freight-per train-mile Ton-miles--revenue and nonrevenue freight-per loaded car-mile Total, all districts 240,624 359,835,545 2,940, 820 376,093,098 39,429,688 253,021 778,552,172 404,731,975 335,125,269 39,204,511 288,395 38,865,844 165,723,069 16,605,463 1,000,544,526 12,338,204 10,494,078,052 6,743,372,117 372,700,203 21,099,358 17,631,249,730 812,665,032 745,816,750 104,612,845 826,956,829 2,490,051,456 220,293,219 134,534,647 7,458,602 1,480,121 38,596,931 3,164,604 184,332 33,245,336 438,957,792 3,990,514 20,564,249,492 33,004,515 1,258,823,155 137,934,205 249,223,180,347 23,929,861,317 432,979,887 16,340,509,724 1,035,737 630 25.5 42.7 10.2 198.0 37.7 $1.98 $0.00999 $0.76 $0.0201 Eastern district 59,410 133,045,992 583,46 164,980,668 6,721,121 121,095 306,452,345 159,345,975 148,183,124 6,945,887 137,253 18,645,825 82,382,389 9,561,357 425,201,810 6,354,050 4,222,329,182 2,716,351,794 137,494,966 3,426,282 7,079,602,224 414,905,241 317,599,767 41,406,997 352,958, 600 3; 1,126,870, 605 40,841,578 23,623,407 1,880,055 268,615 6,263,014 146,659 2,244 9,691,462 82,717,034 1,461,981 8,290,651,844 13,941,958 650,091,572 56,768,836 104,561,740,286 8,381,504,189 316,983,448 9,496,541,891 1,760,002 747 26.5 57.1 12.9 160.8 30.0 $1.63 $0.01016 $0.62 $0.0208 Southern district 45,743 76,680,199 504, 620 64,964,807 7,768,687 59,769 149,978,082 1,523,779 81,784,557 62,007,543 7,896,147 64,896 6,225,894 27,428,490 2,145,336 863 1,979,195 187 2,091,759,250 1,409,073,542 78,557,023 3,988,228 3,583,378,043 138,324,290 117,986,011 17,442,193 139,977,432 413,729,926 39,058,007 26,116,622 1,556,416 291,957 7,990,748 13,267 231 6,280,411 81,307,659 1,002,195 4,079,417,823 6,918,089 253,680,864 28,892,325 58,934,144,975 4,855,410,351 43,466,544 2,026,190,189 1,288,375 705 29.9 30.5 7.6 232. 46. $1.98 $0.00854 $0.89 $0.0192 Weatern district 17 135,471 150,109,354 852,731 146,147,623 24,939,880 72,157 322,121,745 2,583,367 163,601,443 124,934,602 24,362,477 86,246 13,994,125 55,912,190 4,898,770 387,604,959 789.853 4,179,989,620 2,617,946,781 156,648,214 13,684,848 6,968,269,463 259,435,501 310,230,972 45,763,655 334,020,797 949,450,925 140,393,634 84, 794, 618 022,131 919,549 24,343,169 3,004,678 181,857 17,273,463 274,933,099 1,526,338 8,194,179,825 12,144,468 355,050,719 52,273,044 85,727,295,086 10,692,946,777 72,529,895 823,777,644 632,809 499 22.3 32.1 8.1 241.5 66.5 $2.60 $0.01077 $1.28 $0.0193 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 18 No. 1 2 ME LOO 710 9 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933 (Does not include lessor companies) Investment in road and equipment 3 Improvements on leased railway property Sinking funds Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies Other investments Total number of stockholders Total investments 10 Cash 11 Demand loans and deposits .... 12 | Time drafts and deposits 13 14 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investments 3333 4567 15 16 17 18 Material and supplies 38 39 Special deposits ..... Loans and bills receivable 19 20 Rents receivable 21 Other current assets 22 Current Assets ·· Traffic and car-service balances receivable Net balance receivable from agents and conductors Miscellaneous accounts receivable Item Interest and dividends receivable Total current assets 23 Working fund advances ........ 24 Insurance and other funds 25 Other deferred assets 26 Deferred Assets Total deferred assets Unadjusted Debits 27 Rents and insurance premiums paid in advance 28 Discount on capital stook 29 | Discount on funded debt 30 Property abandoned chargeable to operating expenses 31 Other unadjusted debits 32 33 Total unadjusted debits Grand total • • 34 Expenditures for new lines and extensions Expenditures for additions and betterments Credits for property retired, owned lines Credits for property retired, leased lines INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT Net charges during year ..... Stooks actually issued during year--par value Funded debt actually issued during year--par value Total, all districts 888 $242,553,964 13,657,506 53,305 50,922 10,777,408 20,304,387 9,246,046 296,643,538 d 9,960,656 895,976 106,000 1,923,970 43,721 1,272,543 907,375 3,858,330 2,792,891 88,758 122,070 92,464 22,064,754 20,230 1,750,532 2,926,415 4,697,177 73,237 3,293.600 3,183,459 33,528 2,059,122 8,642,946 332,048,415 a 1.077.587 1,102,142 867,098 50,244 892.787 10,000 Eastern district ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. 756 $170,099,582 3,771,612 2,046 3,851,348 3,858,947 3,018,906 184,602,441 5,770,699 895,976 751,011 9,110 1,023,751 377,650 2,449,198 2,036,526 31,986 68,637 2,574 13,417,118 16,213 139,543 611,392 767,148 25,803 1,206,275 33,528 1,595,629 2,861,235 201,647,942 A 1.077.587 488,541 466,076 24,278 $ 1.079.400 Southern district d 7 $14,273,163, 48,876 170,885 3,677 14,496,601 192,637 282,120 19,898 9 53,882 35,018 4,500 588,064 64,426 64,426 96,638 96,638 15,245,729 4 2.7828 23.320 Western district 125 $58,181,219 9,885,894 53,305 6,755,175 16376 6,227,140 97,544,496 3,997,320 106,000 890,839 34,611 228,894 529,716 1,355,250 721,347 56,772 48,933 89,890 8,059,572 4,017 1,610,989 2,250,597 3,865,603 47,434 3,293,600 1,977,184 366,855 5,685,073 115,154,744 623,099 387,200 25,966 209,933 10,000 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 123 Capital stock ·· Stock liability for conversion 3 Premium on capital stock 4 Total stook 5 Granta in aid of construction SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) GENERAL BALANCE SHEET--Concluded ... 6 Funded debt unmatured 7 Receiver's certificates 8 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies 9 Total long-term debt 10 Loans and bills payable 11 Traffic and car-service balances payable 12 Audited accounts and wages payable 13 Miscellaneous accounts payable 14 Interest matured unpaid 15 Dividends matured unpaid 16 17 18 Unmatured interest accrued 19 Unmatured rents accrued 20 Other current liabilities 21 E F EW Stock Long-Term Debt Current Liabilities 25 Tax liability 26 | Premium on funded debt 27 42 Funded debt matured unpaid Unmatured dividends declared 42 22 | Liability for provident funds Other deferred liabilities 23 24 Item Total current liabilities Deferred Liabilities Total deferred liabilities ........ ... 28 Operating reserves 29 Accrued depreciation-Road 30 Unadjusted Credits Insurance and casualty reserves 31 32 Other unadjusted credits....... 33 Accrued depreciation-Equipment ...... Accrued depreciation--Miscellaneous physical property Corporate Surplus Additions to property through income and surplus Funded debt retired through income and surplus 36 | 8inking fund reserves 37❘ Miscellaneous fund reserves 38 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested Total unadjusted credits ...... 39 Total appropriated surplus 40 Profit and loss--balance .... Total corporate surplus Grand total ·· Total, all districts $54,040,200 16,500 54,056,700 193,540 161,218,600 6,097,102 167,315,702 1,156,644 3,426,141 697,862 3,816,489 37,528 50,000 842,848 337,892 159,007 10,524,411 830,633 830,633 5,707,561 294,188 4,848,320 16,510,384 19,667 8,561,512 35,941,632 10,923,007 2,836,198 535,304 161,011 14,455,520 48,730,277 63,185,797 332,048,415 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $44,620,000 44,620,000 193,540 92,587,000 6,097,102 98,684,102 815,231 2,484,022 173,367 2,731,329 37,528 523,460 205,183 154,431 7,124,551 85,017 85,017 4,040,456 223,972 788,783 13,042,715 2,504.175 20,600,101 7,038,887 137,277 7,176,164 23,164,467 30,340,631 201,647,942 Southern district $2,000,000 2,000,000 14,000,000 14,000,000 166,315 7,520 282,120 1,953 457,908 61,880 61,880 36,179 80,612 9,795 126,586 5,958 5,958 d 1,406,603 ₫ 1,400,645 15,245,729 19 Western district $7,420,200 16,500 7,436,700 54,631,600 54,631,600 341,413 775,804 516,975 803,040 50,000 319,388 132,709 2,623 2,941,952 683,736 683,736 1,630,926 70,216 4,059,537 3,387,057 19,667 6,047,542 15,214,945 3,878,162 2,836,198 535,304 23,734 7,273,398 26,972,413 34,245,811 115,154,744 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 20 To. BELOW { 1 Railway operating revenues 2 Railway operating expenses Het revenue from railway operations Railway tax acoruals: United States Government taxes Other than United States Government taxes Total railway tax accruals Uncollectible railway revenues .. Railway operating income ~ ~ ~* CS 9 10 Reveres from miscellaneous operations ...... Expenses of miscellaneous operations 12 Het revenue from miscellaneous operations 13 Taxes on miscellaneous operating property 15 Miscellaneous operating income Total operating income 16 Net railway operating income 17 Hire of freight cars-credit balance 18 Rent from locomotives ☺ you want to g 19 Rent from passenger-train oars 20 Rent from floating equipment 21 Rent from work equipment 22 34 35 24 Miscellaneous rent income Miscellaneous non-operating physical property 26 23 Income from funded securities ..... 29 Inoome from unfunded securities and accounts 30 Income from sinking and other reserve funds 31 Release of premiums on funded debt ..... 32 Contributions from other companies ........ 33 Miscellaneous income ...... Total non-operating income Gross income SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) MONDDON ~ A AMANA AS INCOME ACCOUNT 48 Item 52 38 Rent for passenger-train cars ... 39 Rent for floating equipment 40 Rent for work equipment .....………… 41 Joint facility rents 42 Rent for leased roads ..... Miscellaneous renta Miscellaneous tax accruals 53 59 Joint facility rent income Income from lease of road Separately operated properties-loss Interest on funded debt Interest on unfunded debt Amortization of discount on funded debt Maintenance of investment organization Income transferred to other companies ..... 51 Miscellaneous income charges 50 Total deductions from gross income Net income 60 coming to Separately operated properties-profit Dividend income 67 Hire of freight cars--debit balance Bent for locomotives Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds …….. 55 Dividend appropriations of income Income appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income 58 Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total appropriations of income..... Income balance transferred to profit and loss PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT ... Oredit balance transferred from income 62 Profit on road and equipment sold Delayed income credits..... Unrefundable overcharges ..... Donations Miscellaneous credits Total credits during year.. 68 Debit balance transferred from income • 69 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds ……………. 70 | Dividend appropriations of surplus 71 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property 72 8took discount extinguished through surplus Debt discount extinguished through surplus .. Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus …………. 75 Loss on retired road and equipment 76 | Delayed income debits 77 Miscellaneous debits 78 Total debits during year 79 Iet increase during year 80 Balance at beginning of year 81 Balance at end of year Total, all districts $38,449,956 25,035,938 13,414,018 d 3.654 607 4,261 9,123,347 13,947,747 567,949 79,453 640 21,291 6,054,906 464,383 636,389 222,039 477,300 3,806,168 4,283,468 2,942 9,127,608 460 4,114 d 1,278 506,763 212,019 59,083 18,280 33.995 8,878,468 18,001,815 703,342 365,834 " 17,377 817,547 5,581,054 806,735 105,442 6,976,606 55,826 89,461 39,614 15,558,838 2,442,977 5,071 295,088 6,700 306,859 2,136,118 2,856,958 32,595 2,549 d 76.358 8,156,905 10,972,649 720,840 108,072 1,273,259 a 10.138 4,790 290,928 183,935 332,957 2,904,643 8,068,006 40,662,271 48,730,277 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $24,464,067 17,411,051 7,053,016 374,257 2,088.332 2,462,589 516 4,589,911 = d C 4,589,911 7,750,880 382,872 70,492 640 8,473 4,326,327 457,340 257,554 52,513 18 87,396 111,670 5,471 18,280 33,789 5,812,835 10,402,746 484,431 338,401 14,983 790,020 2,867,668 225,142 29,700 4,032,378 24,058 27,753 14,369 8,848,903 1,553,843 5,072 270,000 6,700 281,771 1,272,072 1,992,912 5,620 92 d 89.842 550,907 2,459,689 720,840 1,030,150 90.458 77,825 8,579 150,667 1,897,603 562,086 22,602,381 23,164,467 Southern district $1,266,970 508,966 758,004 660 136.436 137,096 1 620,907 II #1 620,907 546,099 3,489 154 73,119 24,270 1,502 11 205 102,739 723,646 121,887 27,284 237 2,162 1,686 5,196 560,000 1,925 2,866 723,243 403 d $1.405 403 403 11 209 485 1,097 I 209 1,973 40 2,222 1.125 405.478 d 1,406,603 Vi $12,718,919 7,115,921 5,602,998 102,383 1.581.400 1,683,783 2,425 3,916,790 d Testern district d 460 4,114 3.654 607 4,261 3,912,529 5,650,768 185,077 5,472 12,664 1,655,460 7,043 378,835 145,256 1,260 419,367 98,847 53,612 1 2,962,894 6,875,423 97,024 149 2,157 25,365 2,713,386 579,907 70,546 2,384,228 29,843 61,708 22,379 5,986,692 888,731 25,088 25,088 863,643 863,643 26,975 2,457 13,275 7,605,513 8,511,863 108,072 243,109 80,111 4,790 211,130 175.356 182,250 1,004,818 7,507,045 19,465,368 26,972,413 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. INITION OF A 1002~*** 2 20 1 Freight 2 4 Sleeping car 9 10 HAR 7❘ Express 17 Passenger Switching 11 Special service train 12 Excess baggage 22 13 14 Water transfers--passenger Mail Parlor and chair car 26 15 Water transfers--vehicles and live stock 16 Water transfers--other 18 | Freight Other passenger-train Milk 19 | Passenger Other freight-train Water transfers--freight ......... 43 44 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 25 Other Excess baggage 23 Expres8 24 Special service ..…………………. Total rail-line transportation revenue Mail RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES Other passenger service 29 30 Parcel room 31 32 ·· 27 Dining and buffet 28 Hotel and restaurant 79 80 81 82 83 85 86 35 Grain elevator 36 Stockyard Total water-line transportation revenue Station, train, and boat privileges Storage--freight Storage--baggage 37 Power 38 Rents of buildings and other property ...………………………… Miscellaneous 39 40 Total incidental operating revenue 41 Joint facility--Cr. .... 42 Joint facility--Dr. Demurrage Telegraph and telephone Item Assignable to freight service .... 46 Assignable to passenger and allied services ...……………………………. 47 Not assignable to freight or to passenger and allied services 48 Total Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues ........ SEPARATION OF OPERATING REVENUES BETWEEN SERVICES 49 Superintendence 50 Roadway maintenance--yard ....... 51 Roadway maintenance--other Underground power tubes--yard Underground power tubes--other 56 Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard Underground power tubes--depreciation--other RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures 58 Tunnels and subways--yard 59 Tunnels and subways--other 60 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard …………………………………. Roadway--depreciation--yard Roadway--depreciation--other ....………………… 61 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other ..………………………………………… 62 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard ...………………………………. 63 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other ...... 64 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard 65 Bridges, trestles, and culverta--depreciation--other ………………. Elevated structures--yard 67 Elevated structures--other Elevated structures--depreciation--yard 69 Elevated structures--depreciation--other…………………………………………….. 70 Ties--yard 71 | Ties--other 72 Rails--yard Rails--other Ties--depreciation--yard Ties--depreciation--other 76 Rails--depreciation-yard ...…………………… | 77 Rails--depreciation--other 78 Other track material--yard Other track material--other Other track material--depreciation--yard.…………………………………………. Other track material--depreciation--other Ballast--yard ....………… Ballast--other Ballast--depreciation--yard Ballast--depreciation--other Track laying and surfacing--yard Track laying and surfacing--other .………………………… 87 88 Right-of-way fences--yard 89 | Right-of-way fences--other Total, all distriots $2,488,835 34,916,478 29 398 36,405,740 I I 34,639 96,339 31,296 7.543 5,157 373,883 87: 28,505 87,995 1,098 341,157 1,224,287 2,231,899 8,031 195,714 d 187.683 38,449,956 37,670,401 295,161 484,394 38,449,956 413,927 305,936 19.376 541 11,371 200,050 78 40,712 26,327 …… 503,445 19,005 1,741 ·107,485 5,156 250 221,924 14.066 2,006 3,606 899 221 52 715,677 28,632 1,715 118 Eastern district $1,368,997 22,364,749 29 398 23,734,173 d II I 87,995 1,098 72,509 224,097 778,859 8,031 56,996 48.965 24,464,067 34,639 35,784 9,000 4,104 1,910 307,723 Deficit or other reverse item. 24,224,984 45,568 193,515 24,464,067 280,184 167,608 467 8,038 119,036 40,712 1,156 393,415 1,741 77,616 250 149,658 2,006 ₫ 3.754 52 500,841 627 Southern district $1,208,740 d 1 d d 1,208,740 11 I 11 1,845 2,899 120 2,282 I 18,736 34,279 60,161 1,931 1.931 1,266,970 1,255,095 11,586 289 1,266,970 9,866 1,912 13,725 344 7.082 8,285 8,132 1,383 4,222 053 ,306 1. 22 8.058 11,548 21 Testern district $119,838 11,342,989 11,462,827 1 II 58,710 22,296 540 3,127 63,878 28,505 249,912 965,911 1,392,879 136,787 ₫ 136,787 12,718,919 12,190,322 238,007 290,590 12,718,919 123,877 136,416 5,651 3.333 80,670 7,160 25,171 101,745 10,873 28,486 934 9,766 7,276 921 206,778 17,084 1,088 118 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 22 No. 1 HI CU MNT SONO 710 2 25 16 2 MELONG HAAN~~~~~~~~~UPORABNIKKKKKKS HENKOND 180 O Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--other Crossings and signs--yard Crossings and signs-other ... 9 10 Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard Crossings and signs--depreciation--other Station and office buildings .. 11 12 Station and office buildings--depreciation 13 Roadway buildings 14 18 19 20 21 17 Fuel stations 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 33 34 37 38 39 28 Coal and ore wharves--depreciation 40 H23 ###------KÖLLÖINÄDAL VALVONAIGÜES 41 42 43 35 Power plant dans, canals, and pipe lines 44 50 51 SUMMARY NO. 2—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 36 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation 52 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Contimied Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded • Right-of-way fences-depreciation--yard Right-of-way fences-depreciation--other Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard .. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other 55 57 .. Roadway buildings-depreciation Water stations Water stations--depreciation .. 59 Fuel stations--depreciation Shops and enginehouses My .. Shops and enginehouses--depreciation Grain elevators . Grain elevators--depreciation Storage warehouses .... Storage warehouses--depreciation Wharves and docks Wharves and docks-depreciation.. Coal and ore wharves Power distribution systems Power distribution systems--depreciation .. Power line poles and fixtures .. 46 Power line poles and fixtures-depreciation 47 66 67 68 53 Roadway machines • ·· Underground conduits ... 48 Underground conduits-depreciation 49 Miscellaneous structures Miscellaneous structures--depreciation Paving Paving--depreciation .......... Power plant buildings Gas producing plante ........ Gas producing plants--depreciation Telegraph and telephone lines ..... Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation Signals and interlockers Signals and interlockers--depreciation ....... 28523 81 Power plant buildings--depreciation Power substation buildings ..... 54 Roadway machines--depreciation Small tools and supplies Power substation buildings--depreciation Power transmission systems Power transmission systems--depreciation 58 Injuries to persona Insurance Stationery and printing Item 56 Removing snow, ice, and sand 60 61 Other expenses 62 ·· ·· ·· [] 72 Power plant machinery Assessments for public improvements 69 Superintendence 70 Shop machinery 71 Shop machinery--depreciation Total, above accounts 63 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr. 65 Equalization--way and structures · • 73 74 Power substation apparatus 75 Power substation apparatus--depreciation 76 Steam locomotives--repairs • Power plant machinery-depreciation 77 Steam locomotives-depreciation 78 Steam locomotives--retirements Other locomotives--repairs Other locomotives-depreciation Other locomotives-retirements Freight-train care --repairs.. 83 Freight-train cars--depreciation... • • Total--all depreciation accounts Total-all other maintenance of way and structures accounts Total maintenance of way and structures Maintenance of Equipment • · ·· Total, all districts I $66,325 5,208 1,028 174,883 86,501 15,576 15, 1,179 26,878 1,656 27,522 3.956 105,953 18,820 1,999 40,670 1,945 13,730 139.964 51,1 16 516 13,361 46,727 237,310 255 4,291 34 7,500 14,661 88 4,169 11 1,469 393 941 7,340 10,763 502 642 67 333 827 44,535 71,972 5,285 3,324 4,033,203 373,340 1,083,263 285,924 3,037,356 3,323,280 327,177 69.499 5,646 25,150 6,843 1,954,058 743,381 14,605 700, 744 627,682 Eastern district 1111 $49,093 1,028 81,582 15,183 10,705 19,836 26 19,126 1,436 12; 69,1 157 383 83 115 18,553 10,155 16,510 13.361 40,230 133,100 255 3,113 34 7,436 7,798 88 2,676 11 1,427 14 8,819 218 26,267 47.748 373 30,765 30,084 3.551 2,966 2,421,385 364,612 689,009 96,132 2,000.856 2,096,988 248,048 56.132 39 392 13,414 6,843 1,489,164 572,340 12,618 578,752 614,124 Southern district 1111110 $922 4,136 8,360 590 916 32'5565 547 4,700 22,476 11 TRAIN 536 391 وبليا C 172 1,144 68 5,826 104 66 119,217 561 17,348 102.430 102,430 10,834 1,520 548 44,935 2,161 1,972 9,202 Western district 1111 $16,310 1,072 84,941 71.318 281 1,153 6,330 77: 7,849 2,520 32,096 11,437 1,999 40,670 1.862 13,615 98,875 40,988 5,961 103,819 729 6,863 1,493 42 393 941 7.340 1,772 284 17,231 19,585 454 13,702 36,062 1,630 292 1,492,601 8,167 376,906 189,792 934.070 1,123,862 68,295 11:3500 11,188 SELE 419,959 168,880 15 112,790 13,558 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Io. ANKSUONO 7–10 8 1 Freight-train cars-retirements 2 Passenger-train cars--repairs Passenger-train cars--depreciation Passenger-train cars--retirements Motor equipment of cars-repairs Motor equipment of cars-depreciation Kotor equipment of cars--retirements Floating equipment--repairs .. 9 Floating equipment--depreciation 10 Floating equipment--retirements 11 Work equipment--repairs ... 12 Work equipment-depreciation 222 57 25 26 13 Work equipment--retirements 14 Miscellaneous equipment-repairs 15 Miscellaneous equipment-depreciation 16 | Miscellaneous equipment--retirements 17 18 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 19 20 21 Total 22 Maintaining joint equipment--Dr. 23 Maintaining joint equipment--Cr. ... 24 | Equalization--equipment 35 36 37 38 39 40 Injuries to persons Insurance Stationery and printing Other expenses RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES——Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded 59 60 Superintendence Outside agencies Advertising Traffic associations Fast freight lines •• Total-all depreciation accounts Total--all other maintenance of equipment accounts Total maintenance of equipment Traffic Total traffic • ·· Industrial and immigration bureaus Insurance Stationery and printing Other expenses • Superintendence Dispatching trains Station employees 41 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus 42 Coal and ore wharves 43 Station supplies and expenses 44 Yardmasters and yard clerks 45 Yard conductors and brakemen 46 • 75 76 Other expenses Yard switch and signal tenders 47 Yard enginemen 48 Yard motormen 49 • ·· 77 Insurance 78 | Clearing wrecks 79 80 81 $2 .. • Fuel for yard locomotives 50 Yard switching power produced 51 Yard switching power purchased 52 Water for yard locomotives.. 53 Lubricants for yard locomotives 54 Other supplies for yard locomotives 55 Enginehouse expenses--yard 56 Yard supplies and expenses 57 Train enginemen 58 Train motormen Fuel for train locomotives Train power produced 61 Train power purchased 62 Water for train locomotives 63 Transportation--Rail Line Stationery and printing 66 67 Train supplies and expenses ... 68 Operating sleeping cars 69 8ignal and interlocker operation 70 ·· • ·· • • Lubricants for train locomotives Other supplies for train locomotives Enginehouse expenses--train Trainmen Crossing protection 71 | Drawbridge operation 72 Telegraph and telephone operation 73 Operating floating equipment 74 Express service.. Item • ·· Loss and damage-freight Loss and damage--baggage • ·· • Damage to property Damage to live stook on right of way • • • • · d Total, all districts $25,408 3,898 33,785 27,24 111 63,562 44,224 2,898 596 928 32 45,066 14,087 4,465 4,785,226 101,799 262,485 1,453,106 3.171.434 119,042 112,417 21,817 4,006 5,780 118 19,274 50 282,504 835,070 191,397 2,858,786 18,405 10,057 288,598 1,453,118 4,325,942 454,477 2,950,2 2,445,837 215,430 54,004 46,001 689,556 235,782 51,236 25,834 3,080 1,254 1,869 7.986 55,320 54,958 5252525 11 277,265 331,173 125 28 39. 83,942 526 By 67,14 743 32232373 45.098 29, 604 8 127.785 604 g 213~! Eastern district $25,408 33,785 27,245 47,730 36 2,898 3.780 28 19,354 38.510 11,067 4,455 3,849,443 100,201 189,742 Deficit or other reverse item. 1,257,450 2.502,452 3,759,902 77 113 413 1,163 3,639 102 14,198 164,261 572,994 108,292 1,344,964 16,347 10,057 132,590 822,472 2,822,545 258,800 1,967,852 1,832,155 138,572 39,271 30,791 531,481 159,566 47,431 23,600 1. 2,761 1,166 1,743 490 49.864 41,958 164 204 17,530 31,636 83,942 69,093 51,564 30,094 25,916 17.543 99,882 88 Southern distriot $3,898 11119O TITL 839 240 215 226 195 76,792 3,311 2,401 71.080 73,481 ### 10,177 2,794 110,687 1,690 13,399 36,896 49,955 2,699 31,991 40,352 1,422 545 283 14,887 2,35 10,424 25 10,36 768 1,271 7 634 27 ·7HOWI 211 6 23 Western district 11111 $14,99 7,799 12,722 6.33 2, 8233 858,991 1,598 69,432 193,255 597.902 791,157 41.409 47,304 19.404 2,843 2,141 16 5,076 50 118,243 251,899 80,311 1,403,135 368 142,609 593. 750 1,453, [442 192,972 950,371 573,330 75,436 14,188 15,493 143,192 73,865 3,805 2,234 319 88 126 1,496 5,456 2,576 108,676 100, 890 255 7,122 11 55,131 15,576 7,015 12 2 27,898 516 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 24 Io. ❤ 9 1 | Injuries to persons 2 Operating joint yards and terminals--DI. Operating joint yards and terminals--Or. Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr. 5 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Or. 6 Total transportation--rail line 10 7 Operation of vessels 22320 17 19 20 21 11 Dining and buffet service MAIMONDA 2 ≈≈ ☹ 23 12 Hotels and restaurants 13 Grain elevators .... 14 Stockyards 15 Producing power sold 16 Other miscellaneous operations...... 24 22 | Insurance 18 Salaries and expenses of general officers Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants General office supplies and expenses 30 32 www 36 678 37 38 39 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 25 26 Stationery and printing Valuation expenses 27 Other expenses 28 General joint facilities--Dr. 29 General joint facilities--Cr. Total general expenses..... 31 Transportation for investment--Cr. Total railway operating expenses 33 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES-Concluded Transportation-Rail Line--Concluded Operation of terminals .... Incidental Total transportation--water line 34 Related solely to freight service 35 | Related solely to passenger and allied services ·· ·· Related in common to both freight and passenger and allied services: ㄞ ​guy Law expenses 61 Total miscellaneous operations General • 62 Transportation--Water Line A 66 Relief department expenses Pensions Item Miscellaneous Operations Total 47 Miles of road 48 40 41 42 Miles of third main track 43 Apportioned to freight service Apportioned to passenger and allied services Not related to either freight service or to passenger and allied services Miles of fourth main track 44 Miles of all other main tracks 45 Miles of yard track and sidings 46 Total, all tracks | Miles of road Miles of second main track Miles of second main track 49 Miles of third main track MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1933 ... 50 Miles of fourth main track ·· 51 Miles of all other main tracks 52 Miles of yard track and sidings 53 MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1933 Total, all tracks .... ·· .. ·· EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE Steam locomotives: Number at close of year Total tractive effort (pounds) Number installed during year: New units ·· • • • Rebuilt and rewritten into property accounts Used unite acquired .. Leased from others or leased units returned to service All others, including reclassifications Total Number retired during year: Permanently withdrawn for sale or demolition Retired for purpose of rebuilding ... Leased to others or returned to lessors All others, including reclassifications Total · • ·· • Total, all districts $227,585 449,513 3,879,211 160,888 301,691 15,124,824 10 弱​; 105,759 844 455 59,940 242,365 384,108 616,147 100,240 144,059 1,980 5,907 225,958 35,654 69,394 48,154 1,902 193,632 1,439,871 1,446 25,035,938 65.11 $24,154,145 28,354 799,278 32,707 25,035,938 563 354 14 1 12 2,257 1/3,201 280 165 YNAI 2 1 1,046 1,494 902 39,607,200 17 17 ཌ ' མ ༔ 11 13 Eastern district $147,041 436,374 1,972,921 156,699 289,402 10,237,787 | | | 31,367 105,759 455 32,252 169,833 248,056 456,881 76,340 82,415 1,355 5,907 129,107 26,455 63,783 23,814 1,902 132,798 983,217 937 17,411,051 71.17 $17,175,931 31,367 171,046 32,707 17,411,051 428 278 14 1 12 1,544 2/ 2,277 MANH15 1,143 608 27,475,800 דיי 17 17 10 1 11 Deficit or other reverse item. Includes 518 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 455 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 3 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 60 miles operated under trackage rights. Southern district $316 443 45,594 7,434 320,928 …! 144 889 8,332 208 2,780 5 180 554 821 12,127 508,966 40.17 $323,329 d 3.927 175,559680 508,966 511108 20 3/77 18 00111002 48 74 12 375,200 HIHI 1 1 2 Western district $80,228 12,696 1,860,696 4,189 4,855 4,566,109 111 44,844 27,688 72,532 135,163 150,934 23,692 58,864 620 96,851 9,019 5.611 23,786 60,013 444,527 509 7,115,921 55.95 $6,654,885 914 452, 576 7,115,921 115 63 664 4/ 847 31 15 . . 231 277 282 11,756,200 W 111 ȘTATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Xo. 12 PURE LONDN 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~~~~~~~ CU PRET LOK 730 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 w wwww..com 30 35 36 37 5 Yava 38 39 40 42 43 44 LON 46 #7 48 49 50 51 52 55555 57 59 60 62 64 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Contimed Flectric locomotive units: Humber at close of year Total tractive effort (pounds) .. Fumber installed during year: lew units SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Rebuilt and rewritten into property accounts ..... Used units acquired ... Leased from others or leased units returned to service All others, including reclassifications Total Tumber retired during year: Permanently withdrawn for sale or demolition Retired for purpose of rebuilding Leased to others or returned to lessors All others, including reclassifications Total Fumber at close of year: Box cars Flat carS Stook cars Coal cars Tank cars Total 41 Number at close of year Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total Freight-carrying CarS Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars Flat cars Stook cars Coal cars Tank carS Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars • Tumber installed during year: New units Item Rebuilt and rewritten into property accounts Used units acquired .. Leased from others or leased units returned to service All others, including reclassifications Total Fumber retired during year: Permanently withdrawn for sale or demolition Retired for purpose of rebuilding Leased to others or returned to lessors All others, including reolassifications Total ·· Jumber installed during year: New units All Classes of Passenger-train Cars All Classes of Company Service Equipment 53 Number of units at close of year Number of units installed: New units Rebuilt and rewritten into property account Used units acquired Leased from others or leased units returned to service All others, including reclassifications Total • Number retired during year: Permanently withdrawn for sale or demolition Retired for purpose of rebuilding Leased to others or returned to lessors All others, including reclassifications Total • Rebuilt and rewritten into property accounts Used units acquired Leased from others or leased units returned to servi All others, including reclassifications Total Number of units retired: Permanently withdraw for sale or demolition Retired for purpose of rebuilding Leased to others or returned to lessors All others, including reclassifications Total • Total, all districts 11 84101 104 32338 50 6,105 1,116 7,610 23 13.248 3,100 90 347,255 15 60,190 424,033 17 57 74 85 13 98 |||| 1 4 # 44 442 མ'ཌ༔ཨ |སྐུ 2 11 5 18 37 1 38 Eastern distriot #1 111 #111 29235 21 46 6,083, 1,116 7,269 778 2,970 346,175 150 60,190 410,263 17 …… 17 10 14 LOMI 98 11111 • 14 4 251 NI ལ ་ ཌ ༔ # 17 37 37 Southern district 11 #101 1 ……………… …… 1 #10 " 1144 I 401 • 2 14444 ………. 25 Western district 11 ### 312 3 22 342 12,470 130 90 1,080 13,770 57 57 11 …… 189 1 1 food HII 1 1 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 26 No. 2 NU MAI UNO 1 Number of units at close of year Number of units installed; New unite ING 7 મહત 8 9 10 11 12 en 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2222 1234 21 22 23 24 am numan man in 32 33 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933-Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) 36 37 38 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Floating Equipment ·· 39 40 41 22 Rebuilt and rewritten into property accounts Used units acquired ·· Leased from others or leased units returned to service All others, including reclassifications Total Number of units retired: Permanently withdrawn for sale or demolition Retired for purpose of rebuilding Leased to others or returned to lessors All others, including reolassifications Total TIES LAID DURING YEAR In replacement: Number of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties ... Total charges 25 Average number Compensation: 26 27 Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for 28 Total compensation In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties ... Total charges ... In replacement: Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges RAILS LAID DURING YEAR In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks .. Miles of yard track and sidings Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges Item Service hours: Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total hours paid for • Service days: Straight time actually worked • Overtime paid for Total days paid for EMPLOYEES 35 Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES • Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service . In passenger service In mixed-train service In special service ... In yard-switching service In work service ·· Grand total, all services .. • Total, all districts 13 1441 11 I 228,457 3,807,250 $544,278 6,810 91,721 $14,287 7,666 $250,099 3.57 484 $14,727 15,662 $22,132,391 900,199 23,411,873 30,606,111 933,055 32,037,023 525,841 6,682 537,569 $21,499,534 11,899 11 900,432 6,295 918,626 Eastern district 13 ……… 17! 171,008 2,361,989 $409,691 5,777 85,600 $12,291 5,746 $185,758 3.17 419 $13,035 9,767 $14,225,979 601,384 15,050,424 19,558,408 640,770 20,502,031 284,558 333 287,341 $13,904,640 10,745 636,337 1,899 648,981 Southern district 111 !!!! 14,979 130,599 $16,683 #11 211 $4,473 !11! 444 $467,074 37,494 506,153 750,346 52,354 805,150 23,186 120 23,314 $495,396 ITI 10,597 25 10,622 Western district 11 1 III 42,470 1,314,662 $117,904 1,033 6,121 $1,996 1,709 $59,868 40 65 $1,692 5,451 $7,439,338 261,321 7,855,296 10,297,357 239,931 10,729,842 218,097 6,229 226,914 $7,099,498 1,154 253,498 4,371 259,023 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Kind of mileage: Steam road • Electric line Steamboat line Stage line Airplane Total mileage State or Territory: Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware • District of Columbia Florida Georgia... Idaho Illinois Indiana • Iowa Kansas Kentucky Loui si ana Maine Maryland • Massachusetts... Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana.. Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire ... New Jersey New Mexico New York •• North Carolina North Dakota ... Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Hawaii Canada Vermont Virginia Washington ... West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Alaska. I. II. III. Mexico Mileage not assignable 1/. SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933 Land Buildings ... Equipment: Cars Horses Automobiles Wagons and sleighs Harness and equipment Office furniture and equipment Office safes Item Trucks Stable equipment Garage equipment Line equipment Shop equipment Miscellaneous equipment Item MILEAGE COVERED BY OPERATIONS Total equipment Total real property and equipment Total 221,027.25 2,443.48 22,756.50 6,977.66 13,658.00 266,862.89 4,824.72 2,227.34 4.453.09 11,317.54 4,666.61 815.49 295.20 38.85 5,048.33 6,299.41 3,282.07 11,201.63 6,430.45 10,573.62 9,360.89 3,456.63 4,329.58 1,931.64 1,943.38 1,673.83 6,684.98 8,814.11 3,864.98 8,318.00 5,813.74 6,636.63 2,818.96 1,130.03 1,866.14 3,062.23 659.22 1/ Covers miscellaneous unassigned mileage, such as transoceanic, coastwise, river, and lake not within 4,420.32 5.732.09 7,457.57 6,932.60 3,970.85 8,902.89 156.12 3,564.81 4,397.15 3.545.58 16,115.98 2,774.46 907.28 4,391.59 6,842.85 3,093.50 7,459.80 2,362.92 11,485.10 369.97 4,239.64 96.50 6,804.00 COST OF REAL PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Total $8,063,663 12,009,626 967,190 21,209,580 1,098 210 3,045,181 502,331 2,885,442 59 771,234 522,927 245,976 5,802 30,157,030 50,230,319 Railway Express Agency, Inc. 211,319.44 2,373.26 22,543.50 6,876.66 13,658.00 256,770.86 37 2,227 7.34 4,453.09 11,317.54 4,666.61 815.49 295.20 31.30 4.783.58 4,966.31 3,282.07 10,882.77 6,194.42 10,573.62 9,360.89 3,090.64 4,289.00 1,931.64 1,732.01 1,673.83 6,684.98 8,814.11 3,119.07 8,316.00 5,813.74 6,636.63 2,818.96 1,130.03 1,866.14 3,062.23 7,659.22 3,002.33 5.732.09 7.456.49 6,932.60 3.970.85 8,867.19 156.12 2,347.81 4,397.15 2,275.69 16,115.98 2,774.46 907.28 3,366.71 6,842.85 3,093.50 7,459.80 2,362.92 11,485.10 369.97 4,239.64 96.50 6,804.00 Railway Express Agency, Inc. $8,043,582 11,831,223 967,190 20,404,167 2,952,487 477,281 2,815,564 765,584 505,343 245,976 5,756 29,139,348 49,014,153 Southeastern Express Co. 9,707.81 70.22 213.00 101.00 10,092.03 1,599.35 ………… 264.555 1,333.10 318.86 236.03 365.99 40.58 211.37 745.91 2.00 the boundaries of any State or Territory. 1,417.99 1.08 35.70 1,217.00 1,269.89 1,024.88 Southeastern Express Co. $20,081 178,403 "I 27 805,413 1,098 210 92,694 25.050 69,878 5,650 17,58 46 1,017,682 1,216,166 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 28 Cars: Fumber Inventory value Horses: Total equipment, inventory value Humber Inventory value Automobiles: Gasoline- Jumber Inventory value Hectric- Jumber Inventory value Wagons and sleighs: Wagons, double- Jumber Inventory value Vagons, single- Xumber Inventory valus .... Sleighs- Tumber Inventory value Buggies- Jumber Inventory value SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933 -Continued Harness equipment: Inventory value Office furniture and equipment: Inventory value Office safes: Humber Inventory value Trucks: Jumber Inventory value Stable equipment: Inventory value Garage equipment: Inventory valus Line equipment: Safes, car- Kumber Inventory value Safes, messenger- Fumber Inventory value Trunks, packing- Jumber Inventory value ..... Other line equipment- Inventory valus Shop equipment: Inventory value Miscellaneous equipment: Inventory value...... I. Transportation: II. Express, domestic Express, foreign Miscellaneous Total transportation Contract payments: Express privileges Item - Item Dr. Revenue from transportation III. Operations other than transportation: Customs brokerage fees ...... Order and commission Rents of buildings and other property ......... Honey orders C. 0. D. checks Travelers' cheques Telegraph and cable transfers ............ Letters of credit Foreign postal remittances ... Profit on exchange and other financial revenue Miscellaneous Total other than transportation Total operating revenues ....... INVENTORY VALUE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED Total 1/ $7,678,490 • 246 $137,832 7.772 $3,479,967 1.451 2/ $1,490,147 2 མགྒ ཙྩུཝ $42 11 $6 $921,581 16,953 $143,663 59, 3/ $702;471 AXALYSIS OF OPERATING REVENUES ti $309,894 2,530 $61,539 6,725 $11,053 Total 7,407 $30,165 $47,166 $88,284 $1,869 $122,596,184 402,723 122,998,907 46,004,318 76,994,589 95,696 3,198 91,201 30.801 1,502,926 11 Railway Express Agency, Inc. 1/ $7,387,560 22 690,126 2,413,970 79,408,559 246 $137,832 Includes $252,776, inventory value of 472 automobile trailers. Includes $571,936, inventory value of 1,674 automobile batteries. Includes $44,604, inventory value of 632 truck batteries. B 1 7,405 $3,241,907 2/ $1,490,147 11 11 = 11 $895,278 16,487 $128,218 57.795 3/ $698,293 $306,237 2,410 $59,324 6,423 $10,719 6,805 $29,521 $47,166 $88,284 $1,858 Railway Express Agency, Inc. $118,310,137 363,218 118,673,355 44,467,750 74,205,605 95,657 3,198 90,689 1,427,875 22 680,397 2,297,838 76,503,443 Southeastern Express Co. $290,930 #11 $238,060 3865803 མཤྩ ཚཝཱ 2 $35 $42 $6 $26,303 466 $15,445 1,852 $4,178 $3,657 1.20 $2,215 312 $334 602 $644 $11 Southeastern Express Co. $4,286,047 39,505 4,325,552 1,536,568 2,788,984 39 512 30,80 75,051 9,729 116,132 2,905,116 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933 -Continued Operating income: Charges for transportation Express privileges-Dr. Itam Revenue from transportation Revenue from operations other than transportation Total operating revenue Operating expenses Het operating revenue Uncollectible revenue from transportation Express taxes .. Operating income Other income: Rent from real property and equipment used jointly Miscellaneous rent income Het income from miscellaneous physical property Separately operated properties--profit Dividend income Income from funded securities Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds Release of premiums on funded debt Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income Total other income Gross inoome Deductions from gross income: Rent for real property and equipment used jointly Miscellaneous rents Miscellaneous taxes Het loss on miscellaneous physical property Separately operated properties--loss Interest on funded debt Interest on unfunded debt Amortization of discount on funded debt Income transferred to other companies Miscellaneous income debits Total deductions from gross income Het income Disposition of net income: Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income ....... Income appropriations for investment in physical property 8took discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total appropriations Balance transferred to profit and loss ....... Item Credit balance at the beginning of year Oredit balance transferred from income .... Profit on real property and equipment sold Delayed income oredits Unrefundable overcharges Miscellaneous oredits • Total credits Debit balance at beginning of year Debit balance transferred from income Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of surplus .. Surplus set aside for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through surplus Debt discount extinguished through surplus Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus Loss on land sold Delayed income debits Miscellaneous debits Total debits Balance carried forward to credit of balance sheet INCOME ACCOUNT Total $122,998,907 46,004,318 76,994,589 2,413,970 79,408,559 76,185,039 3,223,520 ₫ 32,041 1,618,004 1,573,475 260 10,963 21;27265 110,809 201,479 1,774,954 1,665,164 903 60,743 488 746 1,728,044 46,910 53,333 53.333 6.423 g Deficit or other reverse item. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Total $131,219 119 689 7,943 139,970 6,423 2,328 8,751 131,219 Railway Express Agency, Inc. & d 118,673,355 44,467,750 74,205,605 2,297,838 76,503,443 73,416,053 3,087,390 28,166 1,523,724 1,535,500 260 10,963 17.971 46,190 110,809 186,193 1,721,693 746 1,665,164 903 60,743 485 1,728,044 6.351 #1 6.351 Railway express Agency, Inc. $119 617 7,943 8,679 6,351 2,328 8,679 29 Southeastern *Express Co. d 4,325. 1,536,568 33:58 2,788,984 116,132 2,905,116 2,768,986 136,130 3,875 94,280 37,975 !!! 15,286 15,286 53,261 ……………………… 53,261 53,333 53,333 72 Southeastern Express Co. $131,219 72 131,291 72 72 131,219 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 30 Total operating expenses ....... I. Maintenance: 1. 2. 4. NO 110 7. 9. 10. 12. 12. 13. 14. 17. 18. 25. 26. 27. 28. Fagons and sleighs-repairs ........... Wagons and sleighs--depreciation 15. Wagons and sleighs-retirements 16. Harness equipment-repairs...... Harness equipment-depreciation and retirements ...........………………………… Office furniture and equipment--repairs 29. 30. 31. 19. Office furniture and equipment--depreciation and retirements 20. office safes--repairs 21. Office safes--depreciation and retirements ....……………… 22. Trucks--repairs ....... 23. Trucks-depreciation and retirements 24. Stable and garage equipment-repairs Stable and garage equipment-deprepiation and retirements II. Traffic: 33 34. 35. 36 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. Superintendenos--maintenance Buildings and appurtenances-repairs ..………… Buildings and appurtenanos s--depreciation Buildings and appurtenances--retirements Cars--repairs Cars--depreciation ..…………. Cars--retirements ......... Horses-depreciation ...... HOT SS 8—— Tetirements Automobiles-repairs........ Automobiles-depreciation Automobiles--retirements III. Transportation: 45. 46. 47. 48. SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933-Continued 49. 50. 51. 52. 37. 38. office employees 55. 56. Line equipment--repairs ..... Line equipment--depreciation and retirements ..……………………………. Shop equipment—repairs Shop equipment--depreciation and retirements ......... Miscellaneous equipment-repairs..………………………………………………. Kiscellaneous equipment—depreciation and retirement Other expenses Total Superintendence--traffic Advertising Stationery and printing Other expenses Total Superintendenos--transportation Account Commissions Office supplies and expenses ..... Rent of local offices Vehicle employees ...... Stable and garage employees Stable and garage supplies and expenses Drayage ... IV. General: 53. Train employees Train supplies and expenses .. Stationery and printing Loss and damage Damage to property ....... Injuries to persons.... Other expenses Total Salaries and expenses of general officers Salaries and expenses of olerks and attendants General office supplies and expenses Law expenses Insurance Fidelity bond premi 57. 58. 59. Pensions .... 60. 61. 62. Other expenses Total ANALYSIS OF OPERATING EXPENSES • Stationery and printing Valuation expenses Total $76,185,039 260,34 117,853 355.25 69,018 139 1,880,066 828,087 158,522 2,782 8,817 23 198 80,996 157,84 16,852 227,677 131,916 8,833 55,043 22,005 4,263 12,684 102 407 77 5,490,633 236,298 164,557 97,497 438,352 3,891,959 24,881,555 4,172,350 1,670,049 4,212,836 12,581,957 757.951 2,151,238 920,050 6,320,034 804,187 871,116 1,179,456 47,895 789,901 31,693 65,284,227 419,325 2,501,715 273,568 268,039 179,549 18,952 1,151,841 75,306 83,532 4,971,827 Railway Express Agency, Ino. $73,416,053 260 34238 1 352,81 39,233 69, 29 11. 1,787,01 156,222 247 2,782 8,773 23 189 79.506 156,951 4,226 16,837 214,193 131,884 8,833 55,035 16,133 22,005 26 12,684 102 407 77 5,316,192 171,794 102,125 81,469 355,388 3,801,781 24,132,460 919,736 625,642 4,106,799 12,205,778 752,854 2,034,871 851,125 5,961,582 795,830 809,124 1,142,022 46,594 780,886 30,958 62,998,042 383 2,383, 265 250,991 148,268 12,522 1,151,841 83,015 4,746,432 Southeastern Express Co. $2,765,986 1,106 2. 1,054 109 9 1,490 136 13,484 291 174,441 64,504 2,432 16,028 82,964 253219295 90,178 749,095 252.614 44,407 106,037 376,179 5,097 116,367 68,925 358,452 8,357 61, 37 9,015 735 2,286,185 33: 35.860 118,222 8,157 17,048 31,281 6,430 7,881 517 225,396 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933 -Concluded Investment: Real property and equipment Sinking fund Current assets: Cash Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies Other investments Total investment Special deposits Loans and notes receivable ... Miscellaneous accounts receivable Material and supplies........ Other current assets Total current assets Deferred assets Unadjusted debits: Discount on ospital stook Discount on funded debt ... Other unadjusted debits Total unadjusted debita Grand total Stock: • Capital stock Premium on capital stook Total stook liabilities Funded debt unmatured Current liabilities: Loans and notes payable Audited accounts and wages unpaid Miscellaneous accounts payable Express privilege liabilities Other current liabilities ..... Total current liabilities Deferred liabilities Unadjusted credits: Premium on funded debt Operating and insurance reserves.. Accrued depreciation Other unadjusted credits ..... • Total unadjusted credits ·· Profit and loss balance ... Total corporate surplus Class of employees ·· Superintendence--Maintenance Superintendence--Traffic …………………. Advertising Superintendence--Transportation Agents, clerks and solicitors Platform and house men • Corporate surplus: Additions to property through income and surplus Reserves from income and surplus Total appropriated surplus • Vehicle employees Stable and garage employees ...... Train employees ... Claim agents, special agents, and olerks General officers .... General office clerks and attendants Law department officers and clerks .... Shop employees Other employees Item A88XT8 .. LIABILITIES ·· Number On Dec.31 179 71 1,566 9,081 8,857 8,924 481 4,082 127 1,585 42 548 84 Number of days worked Total GENERAL BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT Average Yearly daily compensation compen- sation 38,438 $256,609 $6.68 21,979 167,124 7.60 35,666 10,387,017 | 53,307,241 Total (including general officers) Total (excluding general officers) 35,623 10,371,499 | 52,916,725 1 471,589 3,229,783 6.25 2,676,565 13,857,466 5.18 2,374,918 11,016,598 4.64 2,485,956 12,561,208 5.05 142,636 744,288 5.22 1,438,203 7,152,238 4.97 40,026 237,285 5.93 15,518 390,516 25.17 479,626 13,034 164,223 24,306 2,459,027 5.13 142,145 10.91 975,414 5.94 117,540 4.84 5.13 5.10 Total $50,230,319 Humber on Dec. 31 179 53.500 51,195,751 EMPLOYEES, SERVICE, AND COMPENSATION 20,517,857 600 3.301 764,80 326,652 3,041,398 24,654,623 13,001 453,504 446,355 899,859 76,763,234 1,100,000 1,100,000 31,998,807 3,746,912 3,014,942 5,893,446 1,710,150 14,365,450 9,143 2,065,640 26,919,399 173,576 29,158,615 131,219 131,219 Railway Express Agenoy, Ino. $49,014,153 28,500 467,532 49,510,185 19,749,676 600 3,301 702,909 322,595 2,966,094 23,745,175 453, 433,504 892,104 74,147,464 100,000 100,000 31,998,807 3,593,233 3,014,942 5,738,497 1,389,254 13,735,926 Railway Express Agenoy. Ino. Number of days worked 2,041,303 26,099,378 172,050 28,312,731 Average daily Number 1,541 Yearly on compensation | compen- Deo.31 sation 38,438 $256,609 $6.68 14,635 121,272 8.29 463,939 3,162,816 6.82 01 2,570,247 13,450,958 5.23 8,348 348 2,217,994 10,534,312 4.75 8,569 2,377,258 12,185,029 5.13 477 141,412 739,191 5.23 3,869 1,372,749 6,770,963 4.93 116 226,987 5.99 37.884 40 14,600 359,699 24. 2,503 453,724 2,350,175 5.18 39 12,116 127,835 10.55 548 164,223 975.414 84 24,306 117,540 34,061 9,903,525 51,378,800 34,021 9,888,925 51,019, 101 5.94 4.84 5.19 5.16 24 2805 1 569 LOVE MLÒM 25 380 509 355 213 mmamı } 1,605 1,602 Southeastern Express 00. 31 $1,216,166 25,000 444, 400 1,685,566 768,181 7,344 7,650 106,318 156,924 108,698 1,224 65,454 2,142 918 25,902 918 - 61.900 4,063 75,304 909,448 13,001 7.755 7,755 2,615,770 1,000,000 1,000,000 Southeastern Express Co. Number of days worked 153,679 154,949 320,896 629,524 9,143 24 337 820.021 1,526 845,884 131,219 131,219 Average Yearly daily compensation | compen- sation $45,852 $6.24 66,967 8.75 406,508 3.82 482,286 3.07 376,179 3.46 5,097 381,275 5:3333 10,298 30,817 33.57 108,852 14,310 15.59 4.16 483,492 1,928,441 3.99 482,574 1,897,624 3.93 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 32 SUMMARY NO. 4—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933 Average mileage (single track) over which operations were conducted (miles) GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investment in sleeping car property Miscellaneous physical property Other investments Cash Net balance receivable from receiving cashiers and ticket agents Miscellaneous accounts receivable Material and supplies Other current assets Deferred assets Unadjusted debitɛ ...…………. Total Capital stock Premium on capital stock Wages payable Miscellaneous accounts payable Dividende matured unpaid Unmatured dividends declared Other current liabilities Deferred liabilities Operating reservas Scued depranist ·· • 骺 ​• • • V • → • • → + + • • · * • 10 2 • $ → ❤ • 3 * * • 2. • → C • • • .. 112,297.50 $234,298,682 3,312 16,831,031 8,496,199 978,388 2,608,064 3,761,111 417,679 5,242,242 3,612,838 276,249,546 120,150,000 851,794 1,338,605 1,067 690,44 1 $12. STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Berth revenue Beat revenue Charter of cars SUMMARY NO. 4—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933 -Concluded Miscellaneous revenue. Car mileage reveme Association and contract reveme--Dr. Total operating revemies Maintenance Conducting car operations General expenses Total operating expenses Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES PIPLOYEES AND SALARIES Fumber ne Den $33,475,290 3,732,640 701,417 5,865 1,845,798 1.325,340 38,435,670 33 18,825,807 16,357,502 2,704,721 37,888,030 98.58 AVOTES 15117 ... A E. ¿ HE 2708 I7 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION BUREAU OF STATISTICS A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1932 COMMERCE UNUM INTERSTATE กา nes 1887 COMMISSION UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1933 ** 0 : : Lo THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION PATRICK J. FARRELL, Chairman BALTHASAR H. MEYER CLYDE B. AITCHISON JOSEPH B. EASTMAN FRANK MCMANAMY EZRA BRAINERD, Jr. CLAUDE R. PORTER WILLIAM E. LEE HUGH M. TATE CHARLES D. MAHAFFIE CARROLL MILLER GEORGE B. McGINTY, Secretary DEPOSITED BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SEP 18 '33 CONTENTS Introductory statement Summary No. 1--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I steam railways (not including switching and terminal companies) for the year ended December 31, 1932 Summary No. 2--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I switching and terminal companies for the year ended December 31, 1932 Summary No. 3--Abstract of reports rendered by express companies for the year ended December 31, 1932 Summary No. 4--Abstract of report rendered by The Pullman Company for the year ended December 31, 1932 . Page 5 6 18 27 32 3 1 : I : ! A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 This preliminary abstract for the calendar year 1932 is compiled from the annual re- ports of the classes of carriers designated. The present abstract contains summaries by districts and is intended primarily to make available as promptly as possible certain totals not obtainable from the monthly or spe- cial reports of carriers. The totals are subject to change after corrections in the annual re- ports have been authorized. The final totals will appear in the Statistics of Railways for 1932. It may be noted that only steam railways, express companies and The Pullman Company are covered in this abstract. Separate mimeographed statements are issued annually for pipe line companies, telegraph and cable companies, carriers by water, telephone companies, and electric railways. Because a separate annual publication of freight commodity statistics for the year 1932 has been issued in full detail for the 157 classes of commodities, only group totals of commodities carried are shown in this preliminary abstract. Attention may be called to the new form of analysis of equipment units installed and retired, as shown on pages 13, 14, 24, 25, and 26. It should be especially observed that the balance sheet items relate to operating companies only and do not cover the balance sheets of lessor companies the property of which 18 operated by Class I steam railways, that is, railways having annual operating revenues above $1,000,000. The following table shows the investment in road and equipment of the operating, lessor and proprietary companies at the end of the year 1932, in comparison with final figures for the preceding year. The increases and decreases shown for the various classes of companies are in part the result of changes in corporate relations and reclassifications; notably the leasing of the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Ry, Co. and Buffalo & Susquehanna R. R. Corpor- ation to the Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Co.; sale of the Ulster & Delaware R. R. Co. to the New York Central R.R. Co., and reclassification of the Quincy, Omaha & Kansas City R. R. Co. and Wichita Valley Ry. Co. as Class II companies, and the Cambria & Indiana R. R. Co. as a Class I company. In addition to the se changes relatively large decreases were made in property investment ac- counts of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Co.; Southern Pacific Co., and St. Louis-San Francisco Ry. Co. For roads of all classes taken together the total investment at the end of 1932 was $3,587,806 less than at the end of 1931. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT Investment in Road and Equipment of Steam Railways, (Accounts 701 and 702) Class of companies Class I .. Lessors to Class I Proprietary Companies Total Class II Lessors to Class II Proprietary Companies Total Class III Lessors to Class III Proprietary Companies Total Grand total . WASHINGTON, June 15, 1933. Dec. 31, 1932 $19,843,912,053 $19,947,595, 2 4,478,820,413 1,113,175,435 25,539,591,290 1,115,299,258 25,530,382,749 458,523,850 6,676,412 6,392,372 471,592,634 Dec. 31, 1931 85,628,410 3,453,421 253,525 89,335,356 26,091,310,739 458,710,700 6,665,532 1,261,905 466,638,137 8531: 85,187,632 3,281,638 199,848 88,669,118 26,094,898,545 Increase $92,351,025 2,123,823 10,880 5,130,467 4.954,497 440.778 171,783 53,677 666,238 Decrease $103,683,389 9,208,541 186,850 I 3,587,806 5. STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 6 No. 1 OU MUST LOKO 7–10 10 11 12 13 14 8 Other investments 9 ·· 2 Investment in road and equipment Improvements in leased railway property 4 Sinking funds..... 3 Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies 2222 22 27 28 w w ww SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 (Does not include lessor companies) 32 Total number of stockholders 33 .. 23 Working fund advances 24 Insurance and other funds 25 Other deferred assets 26 tw w wwww Total investments 38 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET 17 18 Material and supplies ... 19 Interest and dividends receivable 20 Rents receivable 21 Other current assets 39 Cash Demand loans and deposits Time drafts and deposits Special deposits Loans and bills receivable ... 15 Traffic and car-service balances receivable 16 Net balance receivable from agents and conductors Miscellaneous accounts receivable 40 Total current assets • ·· Total deferred assets Item • Investments • Unadjusted Debits Rents and insurance premiums paid in advance Discount on capital stock 29 Discount on funded debt 30 Property abandoned chargeable to operating expenses..... 31 Other unadjusted debits · .. Total unadjusted debits Grand total Current Assets ·· • Deferred Assets Expenditures for new lines and extensions Expenditures for additions and betterments 36 Credits for property retired 37 | Adjustments I INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT Net charges during year Stocks actually issued during year Funded debt actually issued during year • par value - par value Total, all districts 909,326 $19,286,947,867 556,964,186 5,353,701 8,083,586 162,710,901 5,573,262,172 768,209,592 26,361,532,005 d 307,566,057 33,703,892 37,866,213 44,490,238 12,559,787 53,123,403 34,688,836 171,982,676 316,491,659 39,299,933 1,846,577 9,651,427 1,063,270,698 2,783,151 113,088,212 133,697,534 249,568,897 4,178,570 16,753,828 68,369,448 1,529,991 124,646,114 215,477,951 27,889,849,551 5,961,863 133,677,168 163,041,336 1.742.195 25.144,500 8,222,577 Eastern district 467,027 $6,732,764,843 462,238,517 2,417,653 2,463,989 78,390,360 2,229,888,014 420,347,034 9,928,510,410 1 119,274,328 4,932,405 18,524,278 13,044,680 5,008,751 20,306,702 19,257,815 53,895,527 123,861,532 17,414,978 1,182,463 2,016,626 398,720,085 1,588,089 103,776,097 28,116,888 133,481,074 2,371,413 462,795 10,059,119 1,529,991 50,661,524 65,084,842 10,525,796,411 Southern district $3,725,706,128 83,342,402 2,169,233 860,218 24,396,699 712,085,708 69,385,352 4,617,945,740 1,961,349 78,057,065 66,631,420 21,400,943 d 34,787,937 d 2,120,650 180,044,316 97,998 Deficit or other reverse item. Includes $1,572,000 stock dividend. Includes $275, consideration received for 3.3334 shares of stock without par value. 55,9 55,909,738 ,016,427 9,511,152 18,000,531 4,193,167 15,438,781 3,480,975 28,870,900 49,963,561 4,577,439 116,773 211,378 192,290,822 636,287 251,850 13,063,334 16,359,862 30,311,333 4,881,529,874 410,755 2,423,482 38,147,742 40,981,979 38,512 17,807,102 22,229,790 3.220,692 7.604.868 4,000 21,957,902 Western district 344,301 $8,828,476,896 11,383,267 766,815 4,759,379 59,923,842 2,631,288,450 278,477,206 11,815,075,855 132,381,991 26,755,060 9,830,783 13,445,027 3,357,869 17,377,920 11,950,046 89,216,249 142,666,566 17,307,516 547,341 7,423,423 472,259,791 784,307 6,888,633 67,432,904 75,105,844 1,170,870 16,039,183 45,246,995 57,624,728 120,081,776 12,482,523,266 3,962,002 37,813,001 74,180,126 d 19.922.446 d 52.327.569 2/ 6,097,927 65,360,698 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 12 1 2 3 Premium on capital stock 4 Total stock 5 Grants in aid of construction 22 23 24 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 13 14 Interest matured unpaid Dividends matured unpaid 25 26 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Concluded 6 Finded debt unmatured Receiver's certificates 8 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies 9 Total long-term debt 35 36 Capital stock .. Stock liability for conversion 37 38 ... 10 Loans and bills payable 11 Traffic and car-service balances payable 12 | Audited accounts and wages payable Miscellaneous accounts payable 15 16 | Funded debt matured unpaid 17 Unmatured dividends declared 18 Unmatured interest accrued 19 Unmatured rents accrued 20 Other current liabilities 21 39 40 41 42 O · Tax liability Premium on funded debt Stock Long-Term Debt Current Liabilities ·· Total current liabilities My C Liability for provident funds Other deferred liabilities My God · Total deferred liabilities Item ... .. Deferred Liabilities 27 28 | Operating reserves 29 Accrued depreciation Road Equipment 30 Accrued depreciation Accrued depreciation Miscellaneous physical property 32 Other unadjusted credits 31 33 Insurance and casualty reserves ·· Unadjusted Credits Total unadjusted credits • ·· Total appropriated surplus Profit and loss balance 4. Total corporate surplus Grand total •• · • ·· Corporate Surplus Additions to property through income and surplus Funded debt retired through income and surplus Sinking fund reserves ... Miscellaneous fund reserves Appropriated surplus not specifically invested • Total, all districts $5,245,137,080 1,072,815 52,957,994 8,299,167,889 6,514,671 10,818,709,889 40,517,833 388,549,294 11,247,777,016 297,201,224 66,970,138 202,413,498 102,025,973 240,491,504 13,297,153 64,735,444 12,030,217 92,781,633 21,970,349 16,813,828 1,130,730,961 4. ,877,480 187,150,166 192,027,646 179,430,398 979,101 49,323,639 100,000 91,406,578 2,222,874,382 8,328,419 366,504,721 2,918,947,238 850,345,743 95,526,080 51,810,201 71,715,812 54,477,445 1,123,875,281 2,970,808,849 4,094,684,130 27,889,849,551 Eastern district 1/ $3,231,018,410 263,237 38,512,653 3,269,794,300 2,030,805 3,853,877,663 20,987,534 75,705,103 3,950,570,300 172,428,173 37,901,866 76,891,623 36,758,456 41,877,400 1,970,858 23,483,415 8,433,062 35,963,250 12,719,085 12,073,844 460,501,032 1,843,317 85,232,846 87,076,163 79,429,437 413,269 35,420,349 34,466,508 958,997,939 4,219,561 193,239,487 1,306,186,550 467,729,232 18,303,921 36,453,757 65,195,804 4,657,264 592,339,978 857,297,283 1,449,637,261 10,525,796,411 Southern district 2/ $1,315,492,540 7,299,433 1,322,791,973 563,635 1,908,230,854 15,975,395 13,123,309 1,937,329,558 15,742,748 8,596,756 42,924,812 14,372,450 31,242,456 5,676,708 11,647,902 387,835 18,367,795 2,716,133 1,338,961 153,014,556 2,524,193 39,387,222 41,911,415 28,552,341 1,200 2,666,298 38,958,355 424,973,988 2,852,268 40,879,161 538,883,611 138,864,595 10,570,228 12,569,619 1,213,517 163,217,959 723,817,167 887,035,126 4,881,529,874 Western district 3/ $3,698,626,130 809,578 7,145,908 3,706,581,61€ 3,920,231 5,056,601,372 3,554,904 299,720,882 5,359,877,158 109,030,303 20,471,516 82,597,063 50,895,067 167,371,648 5,649,587 29,604,127 3,209,320 38,450,588 6,535,131 3,401,023 517,215,373 509,970 62,530,098 63,040,068 71,448,620 564,632 11,236,992 100,000 17,981,715 838,902,455 1,256,590 132,386,073 1,073,877,077 243,751,916 66,651,931 2,786,825 6,520,008 48,606,664 368,317,344 1,389,694,399 1,758,011,743 12,482,523,266 ZZ Includes $48,473,019, consideration received for 1,315,740 shares of stock without par value. Includes $87,090,356, consideration received for 2,850,321 shares of stock without par value; in addition 60,000 shares of stock without par value are outstanding for which no book value is reported. Includes $276,326,951, consideration received for 2,495,399 shares of stock without par value. 22/ The discrepancy between the profit and loss balances shown on pages 7 and 8 ie explained by the fact that when a Class I steam rail- way files an annual report for a period ending prior to December 31, the income and profit and loss account is included in the tabulations, but the balance sheet is not included. 7 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 12 MS LOW 78 པ 22 22 2 in 10 8 Uncollectible railway revenues Railway operating income 12 14 10 Revenues from miscellaneous operations 11 Expenses of miscellaneous operations 15 Net revenue from miscellaneous operations 13 Taxes on miscellaneous operating property Miscellaneous operating income Total operating income 16 Net railway operating income 17 Hire of freight cars--credit balance 18 Rent from locomotives SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 19 Rent from passenger-train cars 20 Rent from floating equipment 21 Rent from work equipment 31 32 22 Joint facility rent income 23 Income from lease of road 24 Miscellaneous rent income w w www Railway operating revenues Railway operating expenses Net revenue from railway operations Railway tax accruals: United States Government taxes Other than United States Government taxes Total railway tax accruals 33 34 35 INCOME ACCOUNT 25 Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property 26 Separately operated properties-profit 27 Dividend income 28 45 46 Income from funded securities • 29 Income from unfunded securities and accounts 30 Income from sinking and other reserve funds Release of premiums on funded debt Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income Total nonoperating income Gross income •• ... .. 43 Miscellaneous rents 44 Miscellaneous tax accruals Item 36 Hire of freight cars-debit balance 37 Rent for locomotives .... 38 Rent for passenger-train cars 39 Rent for floating equipment 40 Rent for work equipment 41 Joint facility rents 42 Rent for leased roads 559 • • .. 50 51 Miscellaneous income charges 52 • Separately operated properties-1088 Interest on funded debt 65 Donations •• 47 Interest on unfunded debt .. 48 Amortization of discount on funded debt 49 Maintenance of investment organization Income transferred to other companies • Miscellaneous credits Total deductions from gross income Net income 53 54 Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds 55 | Dividend appropriations of income 56 Income appropriated for investment in physical property 57 Stock discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of income 61 Credit balance transferred from income 62 Profit on road and equipment sold 63 Delayed income credits Unrefundable overcharges • Total appropriations of income Income balance transferred to profit and los8 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT ... 76 Delayed income debits ..... 77 Miscellaneous debits 78 Total debits during year 79 Net increase during year 80 Balance at beginning of year 81 Balance at end of year 1/ 82 | Dividends declared during year 83 74 Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus Loss on retired road and equipment 67 Total credits during year 68 Debit balance transferred from income ……... 69 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds 70 Dividend appropriations of surplus 71 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property 72 Stock discount extinguished through surplus 73 Debt discount extinguished through surplus • • .. Par value on which declared--common .... 84 Par value on which declared-preferred 85 Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent • • ·· .. $3,126,760,154 2,403,444,895 723,315,259 11,825,241 263.310.158 275,135,399 1,027,418 447,152,442 2,433,153 2,217,923 d d d Total, all districts d 215,230 87,430 127,800 447,280,242 326,298,008 10,306,262 8,422,920 12,567,392 305,106 1,703,371 37,529,528 5,669,667 23,680,907 6,934,889 7,698,328 86,094,962 65,161,584 16,161,741 5,262,396 78,374 6,021,011 1,656,023 295,254,461 742,534,703 92,048,047 8,530,053 16,483,485 444,164 901,249 73,282,015 137,963,712 7,700,484 5,654,779 5,153,575 500,036,354 24,613,119 3,456,010 31,827 140,922 5,298,729 881,738,524 139.203.821 6,099,022 25,853,464 86,529 1,783,873 33,822,888 173,026,709 100,109,482 6,675,377 5,515,841 393,521 1,040,620 22,159,265 135,894,106 273,136,191 2,623,991 68,072,858 1,606,099 1.112 14,611,257 4,619,225 25,025,644 28,439,318 23,076,586 441,210,057 305,315.951 3,276,011,385 2,970,695,434 93,926,322 1,896,021,900 479,876,300 3.95 Eastern district $1,416,800,658 1,076,554,996 340,245,662 5,712,489 111.154.906 116,867,395 437.514 222,940,753 842,778 718,368 124,410 73,480 50,930 222,991,683 159,695,867 3,474,057 2,227,470 4,897,180 244,075 532,442 17,095,808 2,622,235 13, 523,906 887,514 425,283 48,606,576 20,031,821 8,566,600 4,831,688 56,578 3,539,503 1,349,039 136,911,775 359,903,458 44,100,937 2,998,088 7,149,652 336,508 221,670 36,909,063 110,668,856 5,756,460 4,739,817 2,173,901 175,029,229 12,818,140 926,703 25,160 140,922 3,555,494 407,550,600 d 47.647.142 5,497,811 6,982,408 61,172 1,154,273 13,695,664 d 61,342,806 15,482,026 6,280,105 1,352,609 154,588 409,216 9,334,919 33,013,463 76,824,832 1,598,584 14,258,514 469,907 14,380,106 1,590,081 9,148,720 3,168,200 9,121,037 130,559,981 d 97.546,518 954,730,386 857,183,868 2/ 21,240,922 859,745,350 134,364,650 2.14 Southern district $558,408,438 417,791,432 140,617,006 6,274,869 44.030.264 50,305,133 181,311 90,130,562 988,336 974,386 13,950 13,950 90,130,562 83,226,557 4,663,782 1,548,424 2,612,027 1,410 410,088 5,701,477 727,999 2,245,280 764,494 3,298 2,696,284 7,713,030 2,175,624 189,567 1,595,712 41,036 33,089,532 123,220,094 7,416,155 1,347,795 3,390,332 15,510 290,366 9,381,055 12,662,514 656,332 151,205 1,614,600 88,600, 297 1,870,033 831,706 5,886 636,903 128,870,689 d 5.650.595 522,872 1,268,370 1,791,242 d 7.441.837 41,914,264 62,118 1,094,730 98,218 289,128 3,203,312 46,661,770 49,356,101 1,025,407 35,616,378 810,945 98,747 2,034,159 3,985,876 8,500,294 2,002,643 103,430,550 ₫ 56,768,780 780,585,947 723,817,167 36,884,748 389,544,350 63,252,650 8.15 $1,151,551,058 909,098,467 242,452,591 d d d d Western district d 162,117 108.124.988 107,962,871 408,593 134,081,127 602,039 525,169 76,870 76,870 134,157,997 83,375,584 2,168,423 4,647,026 5,058,185 59,621 760,841 14,732,243 2,319,433 7,911,721 1,282,881 7,269,747 34,792,102 37,416,733 5,419,517 241.141 21,796 885,796 265,948 125,253,154 259,411,151 40,530,955 4,184,170 5,943,501 92,146 389,213 26,991,897 14,632,342 1,287,692 763,757 1,365,074 236,406,828 9,924,946 1,697,601 781 1,106,332 345,317,235 85,906,084 78,339 17,602,686 25,357 629,600 18,335,982 104,242,066 42,713,192 333,154 3,068,502 140,715 342,276 9,621,034 56,218,873 146,955,258 18,197,966 325,247 1,112 132,404 994,985 11,891,048 16,770,824 11,952,906 207,219,526 151,000,653 1,540,695,052 1,389,694,399 35,800,652 646,732,200 282,259,000 3.85 Deficit or other reverse item. The discrepancy between the profit and loss balances shown on pages 7 and 8 is explained by the fact that when a Class I steam railway files an annual report for a period ending prior to December 31, the income and profit and loss account is included in the tabulations, but the balance sheet is not included, 2/ Includes $1,572,000 stock dividend. STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. A23+ LOGO 710 ON 1 2 8 7 Express 10 INATING A 15 16 9 Milk 17 33 34 Como o 22 Switching 11 Special service train . 12 Other freight-train .... 13 Water transfers-freight 14 Water transfers-passenger Water transfers-vehicles and live stock Water transfers--other Total rail-line transportation revenue 36 38 18 19 20 21 22 23 Ехрте вв 24 Special service 25 Other 26 39 40 27 Dining and buffet 28 29 30 32 32 43 44 Freight Passenger 48 4555555 IN3+ Excess baggage Sleeping car Mail. 55 56 ... Parlor and chair car 35 Grain elevator 57 58 37 Power.. 59 60 67 68 69 70 71 72 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Other passenger-train Freight Passenger 75 76 77 78 81 82 83 84 ·· • 87 $3 41 Joint facility-Cr. Excess baggage Other passenger service Mail 42 Joint facility--Dr. Hotel and restaurant Storage-freight Storage-baggage • Total water-line transportation revenue Stockyard RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES ་ Station, train, and boat privileges Parcel room Demurrage Telegraph and telephone • Assignable to freight service 46 Assignable to passenger and allied services Not assignable to freight or to passenger and allied services Total ... Rents of buildings and other property Miscellaneous Total incidental operating revenue 73 74 Rails--yard Rails-other .. 49 Superintendence 52 50 Roadway maintenance--yard 51 Roedway maintenance--other Roadway-depreciation--yard Roadway-depreciation--other Underground power tubes-yard Underground power tubes-other Underground power tubes-depreciation-yard Underground power tubes-depreciation-other Tunnels and subways-yard Tunnels and subways--other Tunnels and subways-depreciation--yard 61 Tunnels and subways--depreciation-other 62 Bridges, trestles, and culverts-yard 63 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other 64 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation-yard 65 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other 56 Elevated structures--yard Elevated structures--other Elevated structures-depreciation-yard Elevated structures-depreciation-other Ties--yard Ties-other Item Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues ... SEPARATION OF OPERATING REVENUES BETWEEN SERVICES Ties-depreciation-yard Ties-depreciation--other • Rails-depreciation-yard Rails--depreciation--other ·· RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures ·· ... Other track material--yard 79 Other track material-other 80 Other track material-depreciation-yard Other track material--depreciation-other Ballast-yard ...... Ballast--other ·· Ballast-depreciation--yard $5 Ballast-depreciation--other $6 Track laying and surfacing--yard Track laying and surfacing--other Right-of-way fences--yard 89 Right-of-way fences-other 90 Right-of-way fences-depreciation--yard 91 Right-of-way fences-depreciation-other · .... · • • • Total, all districts $2,446,863,790 376,538,841 1,988,583 315,137 499,467 97,161,716 53,983,056 4,868,591 24,343,255 36,075,133 943,390 3,122,453 510,692 1,304,439 2,962,281 971,790 3,052,452,614 3,965,340 556,505 1,769 13,236 11 300 134,540 4,671,690 14,507,839 3,118,907 3,880,770 532,912 2,983,288 169,879 6,139,016 1,358,317 1,964,491 478,125 5,005,815 9,511,504 13,644,427 63,295,290 9,001,496 2,660,936 6,340,560 3,126,760,154 2,520,509,689 591,904,953 14,345,512 3,126,760,154 36,552,527 3,075,644 28,966,640 8.223 25,989 …… 1,707 1,464,981 1,723 469,579 18,680,442 23,709 841,551 17,604 166,591 5,967,127 44,326,436 1,577 25,483 1,602,330 12,159,654 74 108.424 3,128,270 12,597,874 763 69,790 125,925 4,833,075 205 1,648 9,048,930 74,358,244 26,501 1,790,109 187 4,528 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $1,046,140,560 224,842,309 777,072 9,437 122,054 38,452,996 23,522,636 2,779,758 20,186,856 14,884,983 461,930 99,907 472,389 1,173,314 2,959,645 809,864 1,377,695,710 287,869 15 4,085 300 292,269 6,892,146 826,228 3,094,372 399,487 1,935,502 88,163 4,108,133 327,411 1,727,722 5,830 4,653,190 6,656,081 5,861,106 36,575,371 2,965,471 728,163 2,237,308 1,416,800,658 1,079,775,863 330,212,380 6,812,415 1,416,800,658 14,718,765 1.346,950 11,021,408 308 485 1 1,421 469,941 178 136,717 5,131,700 22,055 396,492 17,036 165,910 2,156,193 12,907,542 556 985 716,877 4,814,953 74 7,806 1,431,957 5,382,980 148 15,300 54,966 1,592,662 113 4,155,344 28,246,188 7,543 592,700 57 Southern district $473,963,411 42,840,337 264,627 16,500 28,093 16,357,521 9,030,874 435,526 555,390 4,645,872 193,437 10,091 37,689 15,055 2,669 161,926 548,559,018 1,909,226 241,663 283,684 31.482 529,587 12,451 567,488 71,020 198,696 1,953 66,630 810,961 3,711,806 8,436,647 1,635,663 222,890 1,412,773 558,408,438 483,850,290 72,152,497 2,405,651 558,408,438 6,984,638 593,263 6,568,623 308,623 82,378 4,573,150 362,264 1,391,891 10,438,643 179,449 3,309,373 76,457 386,169 2,411,860 40,887 19,335 1,744,250 1,522,880 13,831,150 988 215,601 Western district $926,759,819 108,856,195 946,884 289,200 349,320 42,351,199 21,429,546 1,653,307 3,601,009 16,544,278 288,023 3,012,455 614 116,070 33 1,126,197,886 3,965,340 268,636 1,754 9,151 134,540 4,379,421 5,706,467 2,051,016 502,714 101,943 518,199 69,265 1,463,395 959,886 38,073 470,342 285,995 2,044,462 4,071,515 18,283,272 4,400,362 1,709,883 2,690,479 1,151,551,058 956,883,536 189,540,076 5,127,446 1,151,551,058 14,849,124 1,135,431 11,376,609 7,915 25,504 1111 286 686,417 1,545 250,484 8,975,592 1,654 82,795 568 681 2,419,043 20,980,251 1,021 24,498 706,004 4,035,328 24,161 1,310,144 4,803,034 615 13,603 51,624 1,496,163 205 1,535 3,370,706 32,280,906 17,970 981,808 187 4,471 9 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 10 No. HA ANM4 LOLO 780 σN 1 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation-yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds-depreciation-other Crossings and signs--yard Crossings and signs--other 7 Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard Crossings and signs--depreciation--other 2 10 11 12 13 14 22 15 16 9 Station and office buildings ... Station and office buildings-depreciation Roadway buildings .. Roadway buildings-depreciation 17 18 19 20 21 27 28 Fuel stations Fuel stations--depreciation Shops and enginehouses Shops and enginehouse s--depreciation Grain elevators ... .. Grain elevators -depreciation Storage warehouses 22 Storage warehouse s--depreciation 23 Wharves and docks 24 Wharves and docks--depreciation 25 Coal and ore wharves ... 26 35 on 36 49 50 51 52 54 56 82 3 gnTnnn 57 58 59 61 56 YOMBORNN matin 65 29 Telegraph and telephone lines 30 Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation 66 31 Signals and interlockers 32 Signals and interlockers--depreciation ..……………. 33 67 SUMMARY NO. 1—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines-depreciation Power plant buildings Power plant buildings--depreciation .... 37 Power substation buildings 68 69 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded 38 Power substation buildings--depreciation 39 Power transmission systems 40 41 42 43 40 72 Water stations ... ater stations--depreciation ·· 73 45 Underground conduits. 46 47 Miscellaneous structures 42 Miscellaneous structures-depreciation 74 ... 75 ·· 76 •• • $1 82 83 34 85 85 • ..... Coal and ore wharves--depreciation Gas producing plants Gas producing plants--depreciation Item Total, above accounts Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities-Dr. 62 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities-Cr. 63 Equalization--way and structures 64 Total maintenance of way and structures Maintenance of Equipment • 70 Power substation apparatus Injuries to persons Insurance ... Stationery and printing Other expenses ... Power transmission systems--depreciation Power distribution systems ……… Power distribution systems--depreciation • .. Underground conduits--depreciation Superintendence Shop machinery ... Shop machinery--depreciation Power plant machinery .. Power line poles and fixtures Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation Paving Paving-depreciation Roadway machines Roadway machines--depreciation Small tools and supplies Removing snow, ice, and sand · ·· Assessments for public improvements · ... 71 Power substation apparatus--depreciation Steam locomotives--repairs Steam locomotives--depreciation Steam locomotivcs-retirements Other locomotives--repairs Other locomotives-depreciation 77 Other locomotives-retirements 78 ·· Power plant machinery--depreciation Freight-train cars-repairs 79 Freight-train care-depreciation ៩០ Freight-train cars-retirements .. ·· ·· • .. .. Passenger-train care--repairs Passenger-train cars-depreciation Passenger-train cars--retirements Motor equipment of care--repairs ... Motor equipment of cars--depreciation Motor equipment of cars-retirements 37 Floating equipment-repairs 88 Floating equipment-depreciation go Floating equipment-retirements • · • • • ·· • Total, all districts 141 592,265 5,876,264 17 29,840 11,123,094 789,716 1,206,412 102, 108 3,951,770 100,048 1,730,982 60,912 7,634,925 434, 445 61,438 50,524 55,141 d $1,692 316,299 d I 6,136,362 9,172 16,771,739 112,282 525 • 11 12 1,648,547 109,273 1,060,086 956, 622 16,240 205,482 127,668 7,280 35,909 247,899 74,638 2,130,288 317.910 344,159 194,998 32,470 7, 688 174,723 36.512 183,410 159 3,470,638 3.079 4,447,016 4,699,065 87,002 2,811,423 2,802,778 502,339 334,497 344,612,793 19,413,893 12,927,645 80,000 351,179,041 27,040,679 8,282,934 559,476 2,325,969 696,962 313,899 162,668 192,225,076 50,845,305 5,866,367 2,382,807 2,194,493 1,096 120,548,399 104,890,365 7,179,887 37,140,936 19,433,572 741,968 3,683,885 2,098,615 d Eastern district d $636 19,304 1 234,255 3,332,561 26,476 5,305,567 368,701 329,050 14, 682 1,242,490 24,061 694,198 14,159 3.369,531 205,176 50,521 37,180 29,661 I 924,650 31,455 689,102 207,170 10,839 2,668,115 228 9,919,088 86,060 525 117,745 101,506 2,662 33,687 183,653 74,116 1,708,826 317,148 157,312 194,888 33,546 7,504 112,828 42,875 108,153 6975535 1,284,486 12.129 1,636,199 2,307,116 73,539 1,399,439 1,273,151 196,721 222,881 136,836,530 8,470,897 5,597,390 139,710,037 12,061,5 4,348,664 362,556 1,444,723 614,610 272,00 149,105 85,793,285 20,117,201 5.357,347 1,766,732 1,555,778 11,897 4,309,201 3,251,820 22,739 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. $3,062,620 5,316,119 5,299,972 18,424,551 9,489,505 598,763 1,875,258 1,437,178 8,357 3,312,303 2,371,130 19,454 Southern district $100 57,832 680,013 1,044 1,679,687 94,886 368,386 26,188 785,872 68,338 320,834 39,433 1,153,368 177,938 8,150 13,344 22,727 +17,757 471276413 ₫ · 458 227,245 136,345 1,132,267 327 2,430,006 23,553 10,144 10,556 3.527 336 35,709 177,339 94,100 191 9,998 87 9,952 599,753 2,772 970,980 173,666 12,072 385,352 510,008 86,274 35,176 68,115,580 3,167,230 2,343,585 68,939,225 2009 080,230 425,844 179,723 286,254 25,523 16,722 4,032 36,881,794 9,576,176 35,172 331,260 212,931 23,943,339 22,068,575 241,068 5,948,635 2,698,048 41,627 229,637 186,383 145,598 57,423 544 Western district $1,056 296,895 141 300,178 1,863,690 16 2,320 4,137,840 326,129 508,976 61,238 1,923,468 923, 649 715 715,950 7,320 3,112,026 51,331 2,767 2,753 306,140 3,360 143,739 613,107 5,401 2,335,980 ,335, 4,422, 645 I! 77,593 15,606 6,415 1,886 28. 522 244,123 762 92,747 110 885 184 51,897 6,276 65,305 159 1,586,399 6,278 1,839,837 2,218,283 1,391 1,026,632 1,019,619 219,344 76,440 139,660,683 7,775,766 ,986,670 80,000 142,529,779 9,898,916 2,518,486 17,197 594,992 56,829 25,168 9.531 549,997 21,151,928 473,848 284,815 425,784 1.090 43,542,440 42,505,671 1,638,847 12,767,750 7,246,019 101,578 1,578,990 475,054 3,540 851,300 823,267 2,741 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Xo. HAMAMOTOR 1 212 2 10 11 2 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ~~ 29 30 31 32 www 36 567 Maintaining joint equipment 13 Maintaining joint equipment Equalization – equipment 14 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 MİNİNİDİNLENEN LOLOLOLOLOLO 26 27 28 Station employees 51 52 56 57 58 TO 59 60 61 62 63 66 67 68 69 707275475 176 73 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 77 78 79 80 Work equipment repairs Work equipment depreciation Work equipment - retirements Miscellaneous equipment repairs Miscellaneous equipment depreciation Miscellaneous equipment retirements Total Injuries to persons Insurance Stationery and printing Other expenses .. RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Equipment · ܚ Superintendence Outside agencies .... Advertising ... Traffic associations Fast freight lines Total traffic Total maintenance of equipment Traffic Industrial and immigration bureaus Insurance Stationery and printing Other expenses Superintendence Dispatching trains ...... .. ·· J ·· ·· Station supplies and expenses Yardmasters and yard clerks Yard conductors and brakemen Yard switch and signal tenders Yard enginemên Yard motormen • Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus Coal and ore wharves • gud - Transportation - Rail Line - · Fuel for yard locomotives Yard switching power produced Yard switching power purchased Water for yard locomotives .. Lubricants for yard locomotives .... Other supplies for yard locomotives Enginehouse expenses - yard Yard supplies and expenses Train enginemen Train motormen Fuel for train locomotives Train power produced Train power purchased Water for train locomotives Lubricants for train locomotives Other supplies for train locomotives Enginehouse expenses train Trainmen Item ·· Dr. Cr. • ܝ · ·· • Train supplies and expenses ...... Operating sleeping cars Signal and interlocker operation .. Crossing protection Drawbridge operation ... Telegraph and telephone operation Operating floating equipment Express service Stationery and printing ··· Com • Other expenses Insurance Clearing wrecks ..... Damage to property Damage to live stock on right of way Loss and damage freight Loss and damage baggage Operation of vessels Operation of terminals ...... Incidental • Injuries to persons.. Operating joint yards and terminals - Dr. Operating joint yards and terminals - Cr. Operating joint tracks and facilities Operating joint tracks and facilities Total transportation Transportation Rail line • W G Total transportation Water line Continued ·· Concluded Dr. Cr. Water Line Total, all districts $4,954,276 5,368,914 794,779 363,418 363,733 38,420 2,845,055 4,278,314 738,785 687,792 616,644,495 4,656,023 2,379,745 20,000 618,940,773 32,075,398 42,715,912 8,860,424 2,790,063 48,428 1,871,386 55,409 7,704,266 101,571 96,222,857 41,015,346 21,395,309 173,154,862 3,419,269 3,442,513 14,125,687 36,416,471 76,657,097 7,927,855 47,820,769 1,372,157 25,228,593 186,523 384,003 2,688,430 758,014 587,042 15,262,229 2,697,480 123,202,595 5,552,621 143,372,899 1,953,248 6,904,414 13,852,902 4,884,266 2,517,162 42,725,908 145,389,373 54,792,815 12: 262,666 18,420,198 15,828,819 1,625,362 7,266,475 15,425,491 24,366 6,073,033 5,180,711 1,846,799 1,923,241 1,961,096 1,375,437 17,303,233 150,019 15,291,321 44,342,833 21,222,662 11,431,132 9,879,607 1,154,317,815 1,427,510 1,856,878 172,211 3,456,599 Eastern district $2,415,384 1,977,964 451,171 197.537 188,594 19,331 1,652,451 2,109,286 376,187 370,942 279,817,540 2,173,951 1,116,584 280,874,907 14,327,870 14,306,219 3,266,835 1,129,410 33,478 465,450 22,533 3,036,057 47,385 36,635,237 20,269,149 10,953,525 78,625,807 1,033,313 2,295,518 7,574,842 18,325,631 38,781,449 4,952,457 23,999,245 1,264,671 11,443,764 183,285 348,412 1,207,613 374,546 286,019 6,961,213 1,515,393 51,641,317 2,969,144 56,484,128 1,388,961 5,393,611 5,584,445 1,862,574 1,137,599 20,114,027 61,086,408 26,499,583 12,886 10,648,280 10,902,287 857,004 3,198,567 13,198,693 24,366 3,064,578 3,464,398 818,410 1,003,976 877,543 84.440 7,518,897 119,694 7,576,802 20,010,018 9,080,778 5,346,817 4,667,895 539,536,632 149,224 8,485 11,485 169,194 Southern district $734,097 984,832 34,409 38,196 31,300 10,048 337,056 524,460 127,202 130,102 112,558,240 764,176 546,996 AND 112,775,420 6,434,484 7,799,859 1,080,827 485,121 468,597 5,691 1,459,182 15,455 17,749,216 7,543,784 ,398,273 29,387,208 645,549 925,277 1,768,220 6,951,993 12,562,761 1,073,380 7,613,900 53.835 3,729,055 17,261 436,311 141,153 109,467 2,871,693 509,935 22,427,255 460,214 23,072,443 310,307 558,111 2,352,059 927.373 436.035 7,310,294 25,411,244 8,672,362 8,805 2,134,273 1,373,310 279,330 914,319 411,234 1,006,911 352,590 376,156 345,400 412,015 492,330 2,697,413 9,287 2,461,425 8,545,928 5,777,074 1,341,781 1,327,887 188,734,298 ……… Western district $1,804,795 2,406,118 309,199 127,685 143,839 9,041 855,548 1,644,568 235,396 186,748 224,268,715 1,717,896 716,165 20,000 225,290,446 11,313,044 20,609,834 4,512,762 1,175,532 14,950 937,339 27,185 3,209,027 38,731 41,838,404 13,202,413 6,043,511 65,141,847 1,740,407 221,718 4,782,625 11,138,847 25,312,887 1,902,018 16,207,624 53,651 10,055,774 3,238 18,330 1,044,506 242,315 191,556 5,429,323 672,152 49,134,023 2,123,263 63,816,328 253,980 952,692 5,916,398 2,094,319 943,528 15,301,587 58,891,721 19,620,870 240,975 5,637,645 3,553,222 489,028 3,153,589 1,815,564 2,001,544 1,363,723 652,233 573,865 671,538 798,667 7,086,923 21,038 5,253,094 15,786,887 6,364,810 4,742,534 3,883,825 426,046,885 1,278,286 1,848,393 160,726 3,287,405 11 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 12 Io. 1234 LOWO 7 180 9 10 pl pt | ANNIKSLO 780 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ~~~~~ 456780 25 26 27 28 29 wwwwww..co 30 31 32 35 لرالرالرال 36 37 24 Related solely to freight service 780 38 39 40 41 42 23+ 4442 43 44 45 46 47 355555 8001CU 48 49 UNA - 50 53 55555 45678 54 55 56 57 58 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 59 Dining and buffet service Hotels and restaurants Grain elevators Stockyards Producing power sold ....... Other miscellaneous operations RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Miscellaneous Operations Total miscellaneous operations General Insurance Relief department expenses Pensions Salaries and expenses of general officers ..…………………. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants........…………. General office supplies and expenses Law expenses Stationery and printing Valuation expenses..... Other expenses .. Item General joint facilities - Dr. Cr. General joint facilities - Total general expenses ....... Transportation for investment Cr. Total railway operating expenses Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES Maintenance of Way and Structures - Related solely to passenger and allied services Apportioned to freight service ...... Apportioned to passenger and allied services ·· ● ·· Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services Total Total Concluded Related solely to freight service ... Related solely to passenger and allied services...... Total Maintenance of Equipment Apportioned to freight service ..………. Apportioned to passenger and allied services Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services Total Related solely to freight service • Related solely to passenger and allied services Traffic Apportioned to freight service Apportioned to passenger and allied services Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services • Transportation - Related solely to freight service Related solely to passenger and allied services Apportioned to freight service • Apportioned to passenger and allied services ... Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services Total Rail Line - • Transportation Water Line Related solely to freight service Related solely to passenger and allied services Apportioned to freight service Apportioned to passenger and allied services ·· • Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services Miscellaneous Operations Related solely to freight service Related solely to passenger and allied services .. Apportioned to freight service Apportioned to passenger and allied services · Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services Total Total, all districts $19,980,967 3,154,124 717,060 313,482 2,462,293 1,056,102 27,684,028 16,574,915 69,332,163 6,466,545 14,712,856 144,937 1,932,420 31,969,127 2.737.564 4,341,606 5,764,671 1,989,756 398,138 155,568,422 3,924,640 2,403,444,895 76.87 $34,537,607 10,692,723 213,171,298 92,628,043 149,370 351,179,041 362,903,734 129,692,467 89,538,756 36,413,979 391,837 618,940,773 56,123,394 28,460,603 7,414,810 4,224,050 96,222,857 601,375,549 262,703,687 211,849,340 78,389;111 128 1,154,317,815 2,756,803 217,455 294,228 188,113 3,456,599 1,729,124 23,267,434 492,524 558,812 1,636,134 27,684,028 Eastern district $9,672,976 834,162 610,239 9,760 2,317,524 307,890 13,752,551 6,617,275 28,848,808 2,616,169 5,517,138 69,869 785,607 17,373,945 1,059,018 1,292,029 2,575,962 755,044 152,330 67,358,534 1,482,096 1,076,554,996 75.98 $18,337,784 7,379,395 75,129,379 38,755,725 107,754 139,710,037 166,926,116 68,332,897 31,513,779 13,795,967 306,148 280,874,907 24,118,179 11,016,517 1,184,761 315,780 36,635,237 297,170,370 133,459,913 75,376,675 33,529,674 I 539,536,632 17,911 151,283 I I 169,194 864,232 11,628,321 167,407 218,415 874,176 13,752,551 Southern district $2,740,467 221,606 98,675 3,581 31,763 39,742 3,135,834 2,887,178 12,476,461 1,104,256 3,527,817 17,811 179,693 4,012,257 544,333 1,044,701 768,860 256,401 55,002 26,764,766 307,327 417,791,432 74.82 $6,083,651 942,502 44,321,326 17,591,746 68,939,225 73,822,980 21,757,833 13,279,472 3,915,135 112,775,420 12,373,589 4,372,583 756,036 247,008 1 17,749,216 98,476,911 37,282,029 39,663,642 13,311,716 188,734,298 · 110,628 2,860,350 115,657 45,383 3,816 3,135,834 Western district $7,567,524 2,098,356 8,146 300,141 113.006 708,470 10,795,643 7,070,462 28,006,894 2,746,120 5,667,901 57,257 967,120 10,582,925 1,134,213 2,004,876 2,419,849 978,311 190,806 61,445,122 2,135,217 909,098,467 78.95 $10,116,172 2,370,826 93,720,593 36,280,572 41,616 142,529,779 122,154,638 39,601,737 44,745,505 18,702,877 85,689 225,290,446 19,631,626 13,071,503 5,474,013 3,661,262 41,838,404 205,728,268 91,961,745 96,809,023 31,547,721 128 426,046,885 2,738,892 66,172 294,228 188,113 3,287,405 754,264 8,778,763 209,460 295,014 758,142 10,795,643 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Mo #4 CU PUT I 1 2 1 bar Related solely to freight service Related solely to passenger and allied services Apportioned to freight service Apportioned to passenger and allied services 5 Hot related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 6 Total 9 11 7 Related solely to freight service .. 8 Related solely to passenger and allied services.. 12 ww Apportioned to freight service 10 Apportioned to passenger and allied services ....... Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total 19 Miles of road 20 21 30 31 32 33 34 13 Related solely to freight service 14 Related solely to passenger and allied services ....... 15 Apportioned to freight service .. 16 Apportioned to passenger and allied services 17 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 18 Total 37 38 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 39 40 41 42 Miles of second main track Miles of third main track . 22 Miles of fourth main track .. 23 Miles of all other main tracks 24 Miles of industrial tracks .. 25 Miles of yard track and sidings 26 Total, all tracks At Love SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES--Concluded General 447 27 Miles of road 28 | Miles of second main track 29 Miles of third main track ... Miles of fourth main track .... Miles of all other main tracks Miles of industrial tracks .. Miles of yard track and sidings Total, all tracks 48 49 Raamat in NRA 8 55 · 59 Transportation for Investment--Cr. 60 Item Total Operating Expenses .. MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1932 MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1932 • EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE Steam locomotives: Number at close of year .. Total tractive effort (pounds) Number installed during year: New units Rebuilt and rewritten into property accounts Used units acquired Leased from others or leased units returned to service All others, including reclassifications Total Number retired during year: Permanently withdrawn for sale or demolition Retired for purpose of rebuilding ... Leased to others or returned to lessoTS All others, including reclassifications Total Electric locomotive units: Number at close of year Total tractive effort (pounds) Number installed during year: New units ·· Rebuilt and rewritten into property accounts Used units acquired .. Leased from others or leased units returned to service All others, including reclassifications Total Number retired during year: Permanently withdrawn for sale or demolition Retired for purpose of rebuilding Leased to others or returned to lessors All others, including reclassifications Total • • Includes 7,690.77 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 4,043.92 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 12,889.77 miles operated under trackage rights. Excludes 8 gasoline, 8 gas-electric, and 65 oil-electrio locomotives. 5/ Excludes 6 oil-electric locomotives. Total, all districts $36,402,900 7,977,520 78,973,778 31,805,239 408,985 155,568,422 3,783,018 35,427 99,891 6,304 3,924,640 1,092,046,093 462,976,462 602,634,843 244, 201,043 2,586,454 2,403,444,895 241,424.17 36,677.69 3,162.37 2,208.51 355.31 21,585.48 101,655.21 407,068.74 171,037.12 20,803.30 2,129.66 1,590.13 199.37 13.575.67 67,233.14 276,568.39 52,492 2,430,328,270 31 7 22 355 343 758 1,634 7 673 343 2,657 725 38,614,800 55 LINA 2 1 58 2 NITA 1 3 Eastern district $18,850,100 4 598,120 30,508,650 12,896,314 405,350 67,358,534 2,437,336 15,604 23,139 6,017 1,482,096 524,847,356 236,650,842 213,857,512 99,505,858 1,693,428 1,076,554,996 59,711.07 18,186.11 2,688.60 1,939.69 77.18 7,642.20 38,912.27 1/ 129,157.12 29,346.62 7,834.02 1,746.38 1,377.68 73.08 3,389.79 19,602.59 63,370.16 4/ 22,193 1,057,012,230 30 7 1 67 189 294 910 7 7 337 189 1,443 520 25,011,400 55 1111 55 !!!! Southern district $6,273,530 921,362 14,579,507 4,990,367 26,764,766 306,722 562 38 307,327 196.834,567 68,136,097 112,715,602 40,101,350 3,816 417,791,432 45,886.25 5.903.02 135.68 51.81 257.44 4,308.61 17,544.30 2/ 74,087.11 35,265.37 4,256.14 129.47 47.17 105.60 3,117.99 13,218.45 56,140.19 10,373 476,605,790 HIN 1 1 44 35 81 111 8/16 34 161 76 5,370,800 11| | 441 Western district $11,279,270 2,358,038 33,885,621 13,918,558 3,635 61,445,122 2,038,960 19,261 76,714 282 2,135,217 370,364,170 158,189,523 275,061,729 104,593,835 889,210 909,098,467 135,826.85 12,588.56 338.09 217.01 20.69 9,634.67 45,198.64 3/ 203,824.51 106,425.13 8,713.14 253.81 165.28 20.69 7,067.89 34,412.10 157,058.04 6/ 19,926 896,710,250 #1 6 Excludes 1 gasoline, 5 gas-electric, and 6 oil-electric locomotives. 7/ Includes 299 units withdrawn for sale or demolition. 8/ Includes 3 units withdrawn for sale or demolition. Includes 205 units withdrawn for sale or demolition. 13 20 244 119 383 129 8,232,600 613 9/ 320 120 1,053 TIINA 2 1 3 NIIA 2 1 3 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 14 No. 1 HOME LOXO 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2222 2 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 -34 LOLOMBO 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 50 51 ANTÒ UNION 5 222 53 56 57 58 60 61 62 63 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Number at close of year: Box cars Flat care Stock carB Coal cars Tank cars Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars Total • .. .. Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank carS .. O Lou Refrigerator cars ...... Other freight-carrying cars Total Number installed during year: New units ... Rebuilt and rewritten into property accounts Used units acquired ·· Leased from others or leased units returned to service All others, including reclassifications Total Number retired during year: Permanently withdrawn for sale or demolition Retired for purpose of rebuilding..... Leased to others or returned to lessors All others, including reclassifications .. Total Item Number at close of year Number installed during year: New units All Classes of Passenger-train Cars ··· Number retired during year: Permanently withdrawn for sale or demolition Retired for purpose of rebuilding Leased to others or returned to lessors All others, including reclassifications Total Rebuilt and rewritten into property accounts Used unità acquired ·· Leased from others or leased units returned to service All others, including reclassifications Total Number of units at close of year Number of units installed: New units ·· Number of units retired: Permanently withdrawn for sale or demolition ·· Retired for purpose of rebuilding Leased to others or returned to lessors All others, including reclassifications Total All Classes of Company Service Equipment • · Rebuilt and rewritten into property accounts Used units acquired .. Leased from others or leased units returned to service All others, including reclassifications Total Number of units at close of year Number of units installed: New units Floating Equipment • Number of units retired: Permanently withdrawn for sale or demolition Retired for purpose of rebuilding...... Leased to others or returned to lessOTS All others, including reclassifications Total • Rebuilt and rewritten into property accounts Used units acquired Leased from others or leased units returned to service All others, including reclassifications Total • Total, all districts 987 184 91,739 77,833 868,342 8,921 37,058 73,554 2,144,631 41,494,759 4,054,942 3,030,375 46,800,740 401,532 1,236,928 3,882,208 100,901,484 2,785 195 669 3,901 923 8,473 51,431 15,780 1,450 68,665 49,353 58 9 14 358 167 606 1,025 19 505 406 1,955 96,269 60 16 264 233 1,161 1,734 Includes 4,206 units (including caboose cars) withdrawn for sale or demolition. Includes 126 units (including caboose cars) withdrawn for sale or demolition. Includes 9,423 units (including caboose cars) withdrawn for sale or demolition. Includes 38 units withdrawn for sale or demolition. Includes 4 units withdraw for sale or demolition. Includes 278 units withdrawn for sale or demolition. 6,141 2 1,439094 7,823 2,289 AINI 1 2 3 49 26 75 Eastern district Too 430,936 20,135 13,288 505,429 27 2,944 20,007 992,766 : 18,697,788 920,860 625,360 27,732,206 1,140 95,287 1,090,833 49,162,874 553 611 1,018 448 2,630 16,193 1/ 4,789 550 21,535 25,117 ཚངས་ 140 375 13 4/54 184 626 32,442 8 14 240 113 347 722 2,109 1 7/ 302 98 2,510 2,053 1 TE 1 14 10/ 21 Southern district 164,100 18,941 7,257 207,214 21 5,026 7,600 410,159 6,271,722 813,110 274,760 11,290,234 940 151,640 380,470 19,182,876 |good|| 1 192 56 584 57 890 8,465 2/ 157 143 8,765 7,474 2 11 28 42 74 ܙ 5/ 15 1733 162 17,167 8/ 16 ܙ 2 3 162 183 525 6 538 107 I 1 1 funt 1 Western district 392,148 52,663 57,288 155,699 8,873 29,088 45,947 741,706 16,525,249 2,321,572 2,130,255 7,778,300 399,452 990,001 2,410,905 32,555,734 2,231 3 2 2,299 418 4,953 26,773 3/ 10,834 757 38,365 16,762 or 그동 ​9 319 76 425 6/436 576 6 149 1,167 46,660 36 2 22 117 652 829 3,507 1 9/ 1,130 137 4,775 129 IINI1 2 2 34 11/5 35 Includes 291 units withdraw for sale or demolition. Includes 1 unit withdrawn for sale or demolition. Includes 1,005 units withdrawn for sale or demolition. 10/ Includes l'unit withdrawn for sale or demolition. Includes 4 units withdrawn for sale or demolition. 39 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Io. 123 4umo 동 ​8 9 10 pl pt p 11 12 14 456 15 16 13 Average mumber Compensation-- 17 18 19 R 222 20 21 SUMMARY NO. 1—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) In replacement: 24 26 27 28 29 30 Number of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges ... TIES LAID DURING YEAR In replacement: Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges Item • In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks Miles of yard track and sidings Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges • Total hours paid for RAILS LAID DURING YEAR Service days-- Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for...... Total compensation ...……………. Service hours-- Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for EMPLOYEES Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total days paid for 23 Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES In special service In yard-switching service In work service ·· Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service In passenger service In mixed-train service... Grand total, all services Total, all districts 39,190,473 140,565,691 $50,939,799 946,824 9,753,465 $1,475,024 797,323 $28,264,796 84.63 300.13 132,135 $1,686,978 1,031,703 $1,377,561,230 $46,490,608 $1,512,816,147 1,966,745,181 56,417,169 2,141,479,330 29,100,813 112,891 29,590,799 $1,436,842,343 44,452,444 18,862,261 2,266,129 28,711 11,508,951 740,236 77,858,734 Eastern district 8,290,925 40,505,274 $15,386,015 248,791 2,451,704 $488,043 349,273 $11,902,043 19.39 77.96 16.646 $516,905 465,932 $624,610,235 $19,604,039 $682,681,851 847,432,903 23,281,688 921,855,232 13,849,476 50,916 14,068,385 $645,769,149 18,261,266 8,259,463 438,807 8.863 5,468,486 355,884 32,792,769 Southern district 10,516,892 1:576; 42,970,935 $11,799,581 227,439 3,281,913 $405,711 193,118 $7,190,524 36.55 79.65 93,069 $471,053 192,407 $243,764,017 $8,421,479 $266,954,719 378,268,128 10,623,365 408,494,891 4,929,661 21,246 5,009,505 $256,897,460 8,886,071 3,446,592 445,635 5,995 1,964,517 102,853 14,851,663 Western district 20,382,656 57,089,482 $23,754,203 565595 470,594 4,019,848 $581,270 254,932 $9,172,229 28.69 142.52 22,420 $699,020 373,364 $509,186,978 $18,465,090 $563,179,577 741,044,150 22,512,116 811,129,207 10,321,676 40,729 10,512,909 $534,175,734 17,305,107 7,156,208 1,381,687 13,853 4,075,948 281,499 30,214,302 15 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 16 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) REVENUE FREIGHT TONNAGE BY GROUPS OF COMMODITIES Revenue Freight Originated Products of agriculture: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Animals and products: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Products of mines: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car ·· Products of foreste: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car...... •• Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car .... Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carlɔads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car ·· Products of mines: Merchandise - All L. C. L. Freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Products of agriculture: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Grand total, carload and L. C. L. Freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Animals and products: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage ·· Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs. Per cent of total tonnage ·· Total Revenue Freight Carried Products of forests: Number of carloads ... Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage · Grand total, carload traffic: Jumber of, carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage · Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Item • • Merchandise - All L. C. L. freight: Bumber of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Grand total, carload and L. 0. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage • Total, all districts 3,198,502 80,916,911 25.30 1,468,617 18,054,801 12.29 7,036,598 362,225,695 51.48 930,302 26,109,128 28.07 5,433,477 143,682,492 26.44 18,067,496 630,989,027 34.92 15,233,791 646,222,818 6,926,700 152,783,401 13.08 2,737,547 34,513,827 2.95 12,283,378 622,337,467 53.27 1,962,392 51,813,054 4.43 10,889,160 278,384,092 23.83 34,799,177 1,139,831,841 97.56 28,456,753 2.44 1,168,288,594 100.00 Eastern district 719,378 17,656,344 24.54 326,724 4,391,897 13.44 3,418,659 175,391,233 51.30 127,544 3,225,186 25.29 2,993,749 18,250,687 26.14 7,586,054 278,915,347 36.77 7,633,575 286,548,922 2,246,809 48,120,762 7.96 1,126,095 14,848,659 2.45 7,126,534 364,832,993 60.31 551,328 13,494,092 2.23 5,927,825 148,802,234 24.60 16,978,591 590,098,740 97.55 14,831,016 2.45 604,929,756 100.00 Southern district 540,041 9,741,559 18.04 100,449 1,215,321 12.10 2,198,108 119,429,240 54.33 340,871 8,892,451 26.09 704,483 18,075,744 25.66 3,883,952 157,354,315 40.51 3,291,159 160,645,474 1,197,773 21,395,742 9.24 218,607 2,850,728 1.23 2,811,886 149,641,297 64.62 570,383 14,524,768 6.27 1,492,855 36,752,660 15.87 6,291,504 225,165,195 97.23 6,418,078 2.77 231,583,273 100.00 Western district 1,939,083 53,519,008 27.60 1,041,444 12,447,583 11.95 1,419,831 67,405,222 47.47 461,887 13,991,491 30.29 1,735,245 47,356,061 27.29 6,597,490 194,719,365 29.51 4,309,057 199,028,422 3,482,118 83,266,897 25.10 1,392,845 16,814,440 5.07 2,344,958 107,863,177 32.51 840,681 23,794,194 7.17 3,468,480 92,829,198 27.98 11,529,082 324,567,906 97.83 7,207,659 2.17 331,775,565 100.00 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 2❘ Freight 2 780 1 Average mileage of road operated 31 32 <»>> Freight Passenger Mixed Special 40 G G 1234 1010 780 44444444EUNIONIMININOVÁN OHNMtino 9 Total freight train 10 Total passenger train 11 Total mixed train 12 Total special 13 Train switching 14 Yard switching 15 Yard switching 51 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) Work service 53 55 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Work service ordinary light Total transportation service 16 Total transportation service 17 Work service M .1 18 | Freight train loaded 19 Freight train empty caboose 20 Freight train 21 Freight train exclusive work equipment 22 • - SPEC T C Total freight train T 23 Passenger train passenger 24 Passenger train - sleeping, parlor, and observation 25 Passenger train dining 26 Passenger train - other Sa 27 Total passenger train 28 Mixed train freight 29 Mixed train freight 30 Mixed train caboose C STATISTICS OF RAIL-LINE OPERATIONS Ga - ( - • Total special train Passenger miles Miles hauled 52 Miles carried Ma freight passenger G * G •• J • Mixed train - exclusive work equipment Mixed train passenger ... Mixed train sleeping, parlor, and observation dining Mixed train other passenger train Mixed train Total mixed train - .. ... Locomotive-Kiles • Train-Miles .. ………. ·· · Tons revenue freight 41 42 43 Tons non-revenue freight Ton-miles revenue freight Ton-miles non-revenue freight 44 Passengers carried - revenue Passenger 45 miles revenue 46 Ton-miles revenue freight per mile of road 47 48 Ton-ciles revenue freight per train-mile Ton-miles revenue and non-revenue freight 49 Passenger-miles - revenue per train-mile per car-mile 50 revenue Total transportation service Car-Miles Item loaded empty ·· Revenue per passenger 56 Revenue per passenger-mile ... C Miscellaneous ... • • C ·· Categ qolga 54 Revenue per ton-mile of freight • revenue freight revenue passengers Revenue per ton of freight ·· - • ·· per loaded car-mile Total, all districts 241,520.63 360,084,768 2,712,953 414,383,043 35,612,265 298,041 813,091,070 8,066,621 401,690,554 369,317,286 35,409,854 371,125 38,710,973 166,779,834 18,362,022 1,030,641,648 12,345,201 10,188,952,184 6,614,824,463 371,578,461 21,879,162 17,197,234,270 860,683,030 836,227,990 115,035,613 923,667,498 2,735,614,131 184,475,525 122,813,202 5,042,139 1,532,304 35,885,628 1,647,483 55,186 25,538,997 376,990,464 6,025,146 20,315,864,011 35,003,329 1,168,288,594 133,142,963 233,977,138,689 23,299,055,526 478,800,122 16,971,034,205 968,767 596.30 24.80 40.37 9.78 200.27 35.44 $2.09430 $0.01046 $0.78641 $0.02219 Eastern district 59,605.05 132,620,524 1,470,701 179,587,291 6,047,283 127,624 319,853,423 3,835,076 157,018,919 161,245,908 6,196,942 146,578 18,790,611 82,433,689 10,525,007 436,357,654 6,131,881 4,099,181,975 2,668,361,815 136,720,819 3,538,699 6,907,803,308 443,258,745 350,088,552 44,483,083 401,804,465 1,239,634,845 33,229,087 22,927,851 1,541,638 283,219 6,024,538 118,828 968 7,418,256 71,544,385 1,717,151 8,220,699,689 12,918,768 604,929,756 53,568,304 98,577,832,248 8,090,872,071 362,423,798 10,170,669,685 1,653,850 709.32 25.81 56.27 12.72 162.96 28.06 $1.72916 $0.01061 $0.62038 $0.02211 Southern district 46,092.25 75,060,964 462,164 70,384,945 7,046,550 49,666 153,004,289 1,498,388 79,429,143 67,056,591 7,157,349 63,025 6,027,817 27,570,059 2,413,698 189,717,682 1,957,459 1,968,646,807 1,335,337,183 76,826,530 3,899,383 3,384,709,903 141,319,395 131,950,548 18,843,462 145,661,830 437,775,235 31,363,558 21,526,401 1,228,013 227,098 7,757,323 42,864 22 4,741,210 66,886,489 986,159 3,890,357,786 7,445,427 231,583,273 27,946,556 54,476,716,367 4,663,117,243 36,956,785 1,830,164,467 1,181,906 670.55 29.57 25.52 6.51 235.24 49.52 $2.04662 $0.00870 $1.15920 $0.02341 Western district 135,823.33 152,403,280 780,088 164,410,807 22,518,432 120,751 340,233,358 2,732,657 165,242,492 141,014,787 22,055,563 161,522 13,892,545 56,776,087 5,423,317 404,566,312 4,255,861 4,121,123,402 2,611,125,465 158,031,112 14,441,080 6,904,721,059 276,104,890 354,188,890 51,709,068 376,201,203 1,058,204,051 119,882,880 78,358,950 2,272,488 1,021,987 22,103,767 1,485,791 54,196 13,379,531 238,559,590 3,321,836 8,204,806,536 14,639,134 331,775,565 51,628,103 80,922,590,074 10,545,066,212 79,419,539 4,970, 200,053 595,793 470.03 21.57 29.59 7.50 243.91 62.58 $2.79333 $0.01145 $1.37056 $0.02190 17 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 18 No. 1 Total number of stockholders ~ME WWD 110 7 2 Investment in road and equipment .... Improvements on leased railway property և Sinking funds 3 ·· Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies 10 11 12 g Other investments 9 13 14 222 15 16 Motin 19 20 Rents receivable 21 22 27 28 W w ww☹NN SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 (Does not include lessor companies) 17 Miscellaneous accounts receivable 18 32 33 w www.img Total investments 38 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investments 23 Working fund advances ... Insurance and other funds 25 Other deferred assets 24 26 ត Cash Demand loans and deposits Time drafts and deposits Special deposits .…………. Loans and bills receivable 39 Current Assets Traffic and car-service balances receivable ·· Net balance receivable from agents and conductors ..... Other current assets Material and supplies Interest and dividends receivable • Unadjusted Debits Rents and insurance premiums paid in advance Discount on capital stock 29 Discount on funded debt 30 Property abandoned chargeable to operating expenses 31 Other unadjusted debits .. Item Total current assets Deferred Assets Total deferred assets ·· Total unadjusted debits Grand total Expenditures for new lines and extensions 35 Expenditures for additions and betterments Credits for property retired 36 37 Adjustments INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT ·· Net charges during year ·· Stocks actually issued during year-par value Funded debt actually issued during year-par value Total, all districts 276 $203,085,769 13,546,973 24,268 82,227 8,977,953 16,434,175 9,309,565 251,460,930 4,627,444 1,832,781 1,816,000 1,260,927 124,117 1,232,103 776,381 3,416,629 2,624,195 120,575 116,553 109,435 18,057,140 27,375 2,958,565 2,819,240 5,805,180 94,210 3,293,600 2,290,374 73.762 1,994,670 7,746,616 283,069,866 4,658,389 4,188,272 312,245 782,362 Eastern district d Deficit or other reverse item. 144 $130,777,936 3,701,143 2,046 1,993,497 3,729,683 2,855,106 143,059,411 2,537,235 1,717,781 135,000 82,198 4,726 908, 223 310,331 1,975,033 1,817,906 27,544 59,211 6,933 10,182,121 23,387 344,898 689,459 1,057,744 26,787 237,177 73,762 1,524,106 1,861,832 156,161,108 4,327,347 3,960,471 339,329 706, 205 : Southern district 7 $14,296,483 80,181 163,223 2,569 d 14,542,456 102,002 281,440 110,674 128 67,616 39,973 4,500 606,333 15,498 15,498 137,584 137,584 15,301,871 90,456 93,493 2,610 427 . Western district 125 $58,011,350 9,845,830 24,268 6,821,233 12,701,923 6,454,459 93,859,063 d 1,988,207 115,000 1,081,000 897,289 119,391 213,206 465,922 1,373,980 766,316 93,031 52,842 102,502 7,268,686 3.988 2,613,667 2,114,283 4,731,938 67,423 3,293,600 2,053,197 332,980 5,747,200 111,606,887 240,586 134,308 29.694 76,584 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 10 11 12 13 14 1 Capital stock 2 Stock liability for conversion 3 Premium on capital stock 4 Total stock 5 Grants in aid of construction SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) GENERAL BALANCE SHEET-Concluded 6 Funded debt unmatured 7 Receiver's certificates 8 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies 9 Total long-term debt ........ 19 Unmatured rents accrued 20 Other current liabilities 21 15 | Dividends matured unpaid 16 Funded debt matured unpaid 17 Unmatured dividends declared 18 Unmatured interest accrued £ EU 42 ··· 42 Loans and bills payable.... Traffic and car-service balances payable Audited accounts and wages payable Miscellaneous accounts payable Interest matured unpaid 22 | Liability for provident funds Other deferred liabilities 23 24 Tax liability • Premium on funded debt Stock Long-Term Debt Current Liabilities Total current liabilities 25 26 27 28 29 Accrued depreciation--Road Item Deferred Liabilities Total deferred liabilities ....... 30 Accrued depreciation-Equipment 31 Accrued depreciation--Miscellaneous physical property 32 Other unadjusted credits ........ 33 Total unadjusted credits Profit and loss-balance Insurance and casualty reserves Operating reserves Corporate Surplus 34 Additions to property through income and surplus Funded debt retired through income and surplus Sinking fund reserves .. 37 Miscellaneous fund reserves ...... Appropriated surplus not specifically invested • Unadjusted Credits Total appropriated surplus Total corporate surplus Grand total •·· • Total, all districts $47,540,200 47,540,200 193,540 125,828,400 9,466,697 135,295,097 10,349 1,121,036 3,387,281 790,768 3,247,885 2,000 50,000 721,797 331,505 196,885 9,859,506 397,523 397,523 5,789,661 491,290 4,795,736 15,386,520 19,667 8,266,498 34,749,372 10,851,815 2,764,163 499,267 15,586 241,527 14,372,358 40,662,270 55,034,628 283,069,866 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $38,120,000 38,120,000 193,540 56,836,000 5,650,098 62,486,098 10,349 789,173 1,603,217 327,071 2,157,385 425,604 199,812 191,240 5,703,851 70,121 70,121 4,099,430 431,192 762,083 12,084,853 2,326,166 19,703,724 7,048,014 15,586 217,793 7,281,393 22,602,381 29,883,774 156,161,108 Southern district $2,000,000 2,000,000 14,000,000 14,000,000 II. 183,394 32,083 281,446 #1 1,955 498,872 68,297 68,297 38,442 84,905 11,084 134,432 5,749 5,749 d 1,405,478 ₫ 1,399.729 15,301,871 Western district $7,420,200 7,420,200 54,992,400 3,816,599 58,808,999 331,863 1,600,670 431,614 809,060 2,000 50,000 296,193 131,693 3,690 3,656,783 259,105 259,105 1,651,789 60,098 4,033,653 3,216,762 19,667 5,929,248 14,911,217 3,798,052 2,764,163 499,267 23,734 7,085,216 19,465,367 26,550,583 111,606,887 19 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 20 No. 1 Railway operating revenues Railway operating expenses 22 ME DO78 3 N 9 12 13 14 10 Revenues from miscellaneoue operations 11 Expenses of miscellaneous operations 23 24 Miscellaneous operating income 15 Total operating income 16 Net railway operating income 30 Imam in lo 17 Hire of freight cars - credit balance 18 Rent from locomotives.... 19 Rent from passenger-train cars 20 Rent from floating equipment 21 Rent from work equipment 22 32 34 35 36 37 42 43 44 གླུ ༄ nvཀྵཀྵ གླུ 235ཆོགོ 49 56 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 25 26 Separately operated properties 27 | Dividend income 28 Income from funded securities 29 Income from unfunded securities and accounts 57 59 60 Net revenue from railway operations Railway tax accruals: United States Government taxes Other than United States Government taxes Total railway tax accruals Uncollectible railway revenues Railway operating income 38 Rent for passenger-train cars 39 Rent for floating equipment 40 Rent for work equipment 41 88 g Agen 65 66 67 68 Net revenue from miscellaneous operations Taxes on miscellaneous operating property 69 70 ... INCOME ACCOUNT ... Miscellaneous tax accruals 45 Separately operated properties 46 Interest on funded debt 47 Interest on unfunded debt 48 Joint facility rents Rent for leased roads Miscellaneous rents Total non-operating income Gross income Joint facility rent income Income from lease of road Miscellaneous rent income Miscellaneous non-operating physical property .. .. · • • • ·· Hire of freight cars - debit balance Rent for locomotives • • Income from sinking and other reserve funds Release of premiums on funded debt Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income • ... • • ► • • • - • Total debits during year Net increase during year Balance at beginning of year Balance at end of year ·· Amortization of discount on funded debt Maintenance of investment organization 50 Income transferred to other companies Miscellaneous income charges 51 Total deductions from gross income Net income 54 Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds 55 Dividend appropriations of income ..... Income appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income 58 Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total appropriations of income Income balance transferred to profit and loss PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 61 Credit balance transferred from income 62 Profit on road and equipment sold 63 Delayed income credits Unrefundable overcharges Donations Miscellaneous credits Item www .. .. · profit • loss • • · • • • • • • ... • • C • Total credits during year ... Debit balance transferred from income Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of surplus 71 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property 72 Stock discount extinguished through surplus 73 Debt discount extinguished through surplus 74 Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus 75 Loss on retired road and equipment 76 | Delayed income debits 77 Miscellaneous debits 78 ↓ • • • 79 80 81 $2 Dividends declared during year 83 Par value on which declared 84 - common Par value on which declared - preferred • · $5 Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent • • • O Total, all districts $35,174,557 25,938,020 9,236,537 3.8 161,134 3.933.134 ,094,268 6,381 5,135,888 11 = I 5,135,888 8,018,158 500, 409 98,830 14,675 4,461,898 466,838 633,216 165,321 1,602 520,487 379,432 119,026 65,401 7,427,135 12,563,023 947,902 324,601 15,424 905,615 5,543,067 1,434,524 78,011 5,631,240 78,809 74,420 6,655 32,228 15,072,496 ₫ 2.509.473 47,372 157,596 3,500 208,468 d 2,717,941 1,922,788 45,494 1,275 39,268 184,043 2,192,868 4,640,729 7,575 1,080,000 172,755 35,739 241,062 162,580 6,340,440 d 4,147.572 44,809,842 40,662,270 1,237,596 15,226,600 8.13 Eastern district $21,243,939 17,313,268 3,930,671 159,282 1.976,441 2,135,723 2,553 1,792,395 = 11 = 1,792,395 3,122,262 313,942 89,021 7,746 2,682,687 460,300 193,153 26,051 27 95,690 140,204 8,329 61,551 4,078,701 5,871,096 577,000 293,072 14,855 878,602 2,865,889 216,453 25,472 2,664,318 12,818 11,987 6,655 10,248 7,577,369 d 1,706,273 7,607 3,500 11,107 d 1.717,380 1,346,903 45,494 131 25,037 55,246 1,472,811 3,064,283 278 970,000 25,037 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. 87,013 47,211 4,193,822 d 2,721,011 25,323,392 22,602,381 970,000 11,100,000 8.74 d Southern district $1,480,150 588,025 d 892,125 174 127,878 128,052 8 764,065 11 = " 764,065 540,817 5,735 1,109 89,325 1 23,563 4,974 HII 1 124,707 888,772 286,324 31,188 536 1,369 1,584 2,751 560,000 8,732 2,729 895,213 6.441 6.441 K 481 481 6,441 481 91,195 41 98,158 d 97.677 d 1.307.801 ₫ 1,405,478 Western district $12,450,468 8,036,727 4,413,741 d 1,678 1,828,815 1,830,493 3,820 2,579,428 11 }} 2,579,428 4,355,079 186,467 4,074 5,820 1,689,886 6,538 440,063 115,707 1,575 424,797 234,254 110,697 3,849 3,223,727 5,803,155 84,578 341 11 33 25,644 2,677,178 1,216,487 49,788 2,406,922 57,259 62,433 19,251 6,599,914 d 796.759 39,765 157,596 197,361 994,120 575,885 1,144 13,750 128,797 719,576 1,570,005 7,297 110,000 147,237 35,739 62,854 115,328 2,048,460 d 1,328,884 20,794,251 19,465,367 267,596 4,126,600 6.48 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. HAMTIHONOR 1 Freight 2 7 Express 9 Milk .. 10 21 22 23 24 55 8 Other passenger-train 17 18 Freight 19 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 Switching 11 Special service train 12 35 36 37 38 39 Passenger * 40 40 Excess baggage 8leeping car Other freight-train 13 Water transfers-freight 14 Mail .. 25 Other 26 Water transfers--passenger ·· • 15 Water transfers--vehicles and live stock 16 Water transfers--other Total rail-line transportation revenue .. Parlor and chair car 43 44 4年​4 KONOM ... 46 • •• Passenger Igataheng Express Special service ·· 82 83 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) • + Excess baggage Other passenger service Mail. .. Dining and buffet Hotel and restaurant 41 Joint facility--Cr. 42 Joint facility--Dr. RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES ••• ·· Total water-line transportation revenue .. Station, train, and boat privileges Parcel room Storage--freight Storage--baggage Demurrage .. Telegraph and telephone Grain elevator Stockyard Power .. • • Rents of buildings and other property Miscellaneous Total incidental operating revenue .. · Ties--yard ... Ties--other • • • Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues SEPARATION OF OPERATING REVENUES BETWEEN SERVICES Assignable to freight service Assignable to passenger and allied services 47 Not assignable to freight or to passenger and allied services 48 Total . • • 49 Superintendence 50 Roadway maintenance--yard 51 Roadway maintenance--other Roadway--depreciation--yard 52 53 Roadway--depreciation-other 54 • • Pallast--yard Ballast-other • • ·· Underground power tubes--yard 55 Underground power tubes--other • • 56 Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard 70 71 72 Ties--depreciation-yard 73 Ties-depreciation--other 74 Rails--yard Rails--other 57 Underground power tubes--depreciation--other 58 Tunnels and subways-yard 75 76 Rails--depreciation-yard Rails--depreciation-other RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures 59 Tunnels and subways--other 62 60 Tunnels and subways--depreciation-yard 61 Tunnels and subways--depreciation-other Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation-yard Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other 66 Elevated structures--yard Elevated structures--other .. 68 Elevated structures-depreciation-yard Elevated structures--depreciation--other • Item • · · ... ... Ballast--depreciation-yard 85 Ballast-depreciation--other 86 87 88 89 C • • 77 78 Other track material--yard 79 Other track material--other 80 Other track material--depreciation-yard 81 Other track material-depreciation--other • Track laying and surfacing--yard Track laying and surfacing--other Right-of-way fences--yard Right-of-way fences-other • ·· .. • · • ·· • O · • • . • • • · ·· A ← Total, all districts $1,092,405 d ! 111 1 31,793,219 750 131 240 11 32,886,742 ……… 1 33,642 69,507 35,682 9,512 4,715 189,552 394,758 138,784 1,093 382,826 1,187,171 2,447,242 8,488 167,915 ₫ 159.427 35,174,557 34,408,483 318,876 447,198 35,174,557 444,299 393,987 12,926 544 1111 19,267 # 222,534 12,488 56,409 57,509 474,184 19,609 1,794 154,831 1,562 258 290,029 4,929 2,067 14,509 34 792,805 27,466 d 1.081 Eastern district $971,421 19,752,369 750 131 240 20,724,911 11 d 11 138,784 1,093 81,215 126,627 521,975 8,488 11,435 d 2.947 21,243,939 Deficit or other reverse item. 33,642 3,155 6,379 4,836 688 125,556 21,061,246 42,766 139,927 21,243,939 306,160 212,041 481 15,090 133,944 42,206 2,822 323,827 1,794 88,819 258 174,119 2,067 7,153 489,794 2.072 Southern district ………11 $1,438,730 1,438,730 S K I 11 1,950 3,641 162 2,345 1 19,013 16,525 43,636 2,216 d 2,216 1,480,150 1,467,114 12,487 549 1,480,150 11,329 2,210 10,451 113 9,294 11 1 10.408 11,412 1 2,622 256 3,134 2,454 #TIMET 333 10,687 15,819 … d Western district $120,984 10,602,120 COR 10,723,101 1 11 64,402 29,303 1,035 3,865 61,651 394,758 282,598 1,044,019 1,881,631 154,264 d 154,264 12,450,468 11,880,123 263,623 306,722 12,450,468 126,810 179,736 2,475 4,177 88,477 3,194 14,203 54,687 139,949 8,197 63,390 1,306 112,776 2,475 7,356 16 292,324 11,647 991 45 21 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 22 To. ANN UMB 1 Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard Right-of-way fences-depreciation--other 2 3 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard 4 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other 7 9 20 11 Show and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation-yard Snow and sand fences and snowshede--depreciation--other Crossings and signs--yard Crossings and signs--other Crossings and signs--depreciation-yard Crossings and signs-depreciation--other Station and office buildings 12 Station and office buildings--depreciation 13 Roadway buildings ... ... 14 Roadway buildings--depreciation 15 Water stations 16 Water stations-depreciation 17 Fuel stations 18 Fuel stations--depreciation 19 Shops and enginehouses 20 21 Grain elevators RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 22 Grain elevators--depreciation 23 Storage warehouses ... 24 Storage warehouses--depreciation 25 Wharves and dooks 26 Wharves and dooks--depreciation 27 Coal and ore wharves 28 ·· Shops and enginehouses--depreciation 29 Gas producing plants .. 30 Coal and ore wharves--depreciation ¦ AAO Å 2g 41 Power transmission systems • Gas producing plants--depreciation 31 Telegraph and telephone lines 32 Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation 33 8ignals and interlockers ·· 34 8ignals and interlockers--depreciation 35 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines 36 • 38 Power plant buildings--depreciation 39 40 Power substation buildings 62 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines-depreciation 37 Power plant buildings 66 42 Power transmission systems--depreciation 43 50 51 Paving ...... | 52 Paving--depreciation 53 Roadway machines 54 Roadway machines--depreciation Small tools and supplies 56 Removing snow, ice, and sand 58 60 Item .. Power substation buildings--depreciation Power distribution systems 44 Power distribution systems--depreciation 61 Other expenses Injuries to persons ... Insurance Stationery and printing • 45 Power line poles and fixtures 46 Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation 47 Underground conduits ........ 48 Underground conduits-depreciation 49 Miscellaneous structures Miscellaneous structures--depreciation Assessments for public improvements 67 Superintendence 68 Shop machinery • · • • • · ... Shop machinery--depreciation 70 Power plant machinery .... 71 Power plant machinery--depreciation 72 Power substation apparatus...... 73 74 Steam locomotives--retir ements 77 Other locomotives--repairs ..... 78 Other locomotives--depreciation 79 Other locomotives--retirements 80 Freight-train cars--repairs 81| Freight-train cars--depreciation ·· Total, above accounts 63 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 64 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr. 65 Equalization--way and structures Total maintenance of way and structures Maintenance of Equipment Power substation apparatus--depreciation Steam locomotives-repairs 75 Steam locomotives-depreciation 76 • • • · A .. · • ·· D - • Total, all districts |: $71 I 78,625 6,284 1,465 202,246 79,838 23,158 1,289 26,194 3,611 24,314 1,943 116,500 15,651 8,596 48,443 9,086 18,393 120,626 71,739 10,069 10,277 44,288 784 295,368 516 7,485 13 2,592 1,974 22,457 104 2,456 I 1 1,286 616 3,096 7,340 12,225 660 51,841 69,983 11,752 39,214 77,437 6,000 d 6,368 4,534,910 468,221 1,237,616 3,765,515 335,690 61,809 11,303 23,102 972 339 1,828,809 686,624 13,789 820.958 661,448 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district # d $71 59,414 1,291 54,859 16,154 10,768 40 18,297 1,661 13.713 1,436 54,209 7,460 71 205 4,334 10,442 10,069 10,277 41,113 154,478 1,923 2,572 3,586 104 1,956 1,152 22 8,635 332 25,517 43,960 461 31,729 26,223 3,880 6.967 2,414,004 455,190 716,002 2,153,192 248,152 40,266 4,645 10,295 339 1,254,058 565,946 10,568 14 752,909 649,502 Southern district 111 $429 5,849 11,330 915 807 1,651 4,270 14,563 761 1,371 240 206 2,479 6 5,924 102 34 141,903 381 20,761 121,523 11,590 934 749 61,942 2,330 7,754 Western district 111 $18,782 435 174 1350 136,057 63,684 11,475 1,249 7,090 1,950 8,950 507 58,021 8,191 8,596 48,443 9,015 18,188 101,729 61,297 2,414 784 139,519 516 5,118 13 20 1,974 18,871 500 134 616 2,834 7,340 3,384 328 23,845 26,023 11,291 7,479 45,290 2,018 565 1,979,003 12,650 500,853 1,490,800 75,948 20,609 6,658 12,058 972 512,809 118,348 3,221 60,295 11,946 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS To. HUMI (mom 2 10 11 12 7 9 8 | Floating equipment-repairs. Floating equipment-depreciation Floating equipment-retirements Work equipment--repairs ... Work equipment-depreciation Work equipment-retirements 2 222 2 17 Injuries to persons 18 Insurance .. Stationery and printing 19 20 Other expenses 21 25 w wwwww..com SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 13 14 Miscellaneous equipment-repairs 15 Miscellaneous equipment-depreciation 16 Miscellaneous equipment-retirements 35 26 Superintendence 27 Outside agencies 28 Advertising Freight-train cars-retirements Passenger-train cars-repairs Passenger-train cars-depreciation Passenger-train cars-retirements Motor equipment of cars-repairs Motor equipment of cars-depreciation Motor equipment of cars-retirements 41 42 29 Traffic associations 30 Fast freight lines . 43 44 Maintaining joint equipment-Dr. 23 Maintaining joint equipment-Cr. 24 Equalization-equipment 45 46 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment-Concluded Total 555 36 Superintendence 37 Dispatching trains 38 Station employees 450 63 64 Total traffic ·· • • • • Total maintenance of equipment Traffic 47 Fuel for yard locomotives 48 • • 72 Express service 73 74 Other expenses Station supplies and expenses Yardmasters and yard clerks Yard conductors and brakemen · •• • Clearing wrecks Industrial and immigration bureaus Insurance Stationery and printing Other expenses Yard switch and signal tenders Yard enginemen Yard motormen • Yard switching power produced 49 Yard switching power purchased 50 Water for yard locomotives .. 51 Lubricants for yard locomotives Yard supplies and expenses Train enginemen Train motormen Fuel for train locomotives • 39 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus 40 Coal and ore wharves 57 58 Train power produced 59 Train power purchased • ► 60 Water for train locomotives 61 62 .. • .. Stationery and printing • ·· • • • • • • 52 Other supplies for yard locomotives Enginehouse expenses--yard Transportation-Rail Line · .... . • [] Item 66 Operating sleeping cars 67 Signal and interlocker operation 68 ·· D • • Lubricants for train locomotives Other supplies for train locomotives Enginehouse expenses-train Trainmen ... Train supplies and expenses • C • Crossing protection 69 Drawbridge operation 70 Telegraph and telephone operation 71 Operating floating equipment ·· • • + ● • ► 75❘ Insurance 76 77 Damage to property 78 Damage to live stock on right of way 79 Loss and damage-freight 80 Loss and damage-baggage · .. • • • • ↓ • • • • • • Total, all districts $9,560 2,303 381 330 11 37,493 28,864 51,397 42,330 156 8,951 6,651 652 40,442 54,348 12,471 4,139 4,745,312 85,126 237,041 4,593,397 130,873 122,704 19,532 3,959 3,927 126 26,318 70 307,509 879,913 208,830 2,925,660 17,463 16,074 252,667 1,529,767 3,959,789 478,102 2,671,260 2,435,164 210,661 50,418 41,807 758,068 243,858 24,426 12,868 1,428 453 1,154 5,338 27,080 85,326 316,476 347,192 33.929 45,575 74,885 130,906 52,276 53,423 53.173 33,948 9 141,986 1,022 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $9,560 122 381 37,493 28,864 29,351 31,607 102 3.308 4,458 146 32,033 44,403 323235 8,452 4,042 3,771,002 83,216 145,206 3,709,012 83,432 70,899 455 1,354 2,355 107 19,379 20 180,001 594,274 115,214 1,151,885 13,510 16,074 86,859 807,261 2,408, 621 257.935 1,683,979 1,767,768 1 135,131 34,696 26,242 571,892 158, 202 21,199 10,511 1,157 393 1,014 3,773 22,375 71,974 199,790 213,989 22,888 34 494 74,885 66,295 33,242 32,977 18,324 17,824 98,794 828 Southern district $1,250 MANMOHL | MUOKN 1 577 253 310 1 533 235 263 12 88,734 6,440 82,294 111 1111 1 10,750 3,210 137,785 3.327 11,917 43,104 55,422 3,060 35,430 43,708 1,171 854 534 21,857 2,739 ……… 11,602 4,201 29,150 10,773 2,760 1,821 694 72 21 69 | 126 Western district $931 330 21,469 10,470 256 5,642 2,193 506 7,876 9,710 3,756 85 885,576 1,910 85,395 802,091 47,441 51,805 17,077 2,605 19 1,572 6,939 50 127,508 274,889 90,406 1,635,990 626 153,891 679,402 1,495,746 217,107 951,851 623,688 74,359 14,868 15,031 164,319 82,917 3,227 2,357 271 60 140 1,565 4,705 1,750 112,485 104,053 268 8,321 62,790 19,034 19,752 34,777 16,103 43,066 194 23 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 24 No. 123 IN noa 9❘ Incidental Transportation Rail Line Injuries to persons Operating joint yards and terminals - Dr. Operating joint yards and terminals - Cr. Operating joint tracks and facilities Dr. 5 Operating joint tracks and facilities Cr. 6 Total transportation 10 7 Operation of vessels 8 Operation of terminals 27 28 11 12 13 14 | Stockyards . 15 16 17 www 36 678 SUMMARY NO. 2—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 39 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES • 25 26 | Valuation expenses 54 55 18 19 20 21 | Law expenses 22 Insurance ... 23 Relief department expenses 24 Pensions ... ༄ g⌘ཀླུགྲ 56 57 58 Dining and buffet service Hotels and restaurants Grain elevators 62 63 64 66 • • Total transportation - water line • · Transportation Item • • Total C .. Producing power sold Other miscellaneous operations Stationery and printing ... Total miscellaneous operationB 40 Miles of road 41 Miles of second main track 42 • • Miscellaneous Operations • Other expenses • General joint facilities - Dr. 29 General joint facilities Cr. 30 Total general expenses 31 Transportation for investment Or. Total railway operating expenses 32 33 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES rail line Salaries and expenses of general officers Salaries and expenses of olerks and attendants General office supplies and expenses Related solely to freight service ·· 34 35 | Related solely to passenger and allied services · • Related in common to both freight and passenger and allied services: Miles of third main track 43 Miles of fourth main track • 44 Miles of all other main tracks 45 Miles of yard track and sidings 46 Total, all tracks ·· • Apportioned to freight service 37 Apportioned to passenger and allied services 38 Not related to either freight service or to passenger and allied services 47 Miles of road 48 Miles of second main track 49 Miles of third main track 50 Miles of fourth main track • • 51 Miles of all other main tracks 52 Miles of yard track and sidings 53 Total, all tracks • • · - General • w • - • • • Fumber installed during year: New unite ... MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1932 Concluded Concluded • • Steam locomotives: Number at close of year Total tractive effort (pounds) Water Line D D • • • • • MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1932 • • O + EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE Number retired during year: Permanently with drawn for sale or demolition Retired for purpose of rebuilding Leased to others or returned to lessors All others, including reclassifications 'Total Rebuilt and rewritten into property accounts Used units acquired Leased from others or leased units returned to service All others, including reclassifications Total • • D ► • • • Total, all distriots $335,724 433,766 3.574,432 196,279 317,162 15,196,549 111 30,383 132,099 150,996 490 62,494 375,462 424,250 674,634 98,457 190,089 2,034 6,979 196,308 35,055 180,059 56,297 1,519 165,375 1,700,306 718 25,938,020 73.74 $24,924,520 41,809 906,253 32,674 32,764 25,938,020 564.30 353.58 14.34 .92 4.26 2,217.47 2/3,154.87 d Deficit or other reverse item. Includes 515.35 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 455.28 miles operated under trackage rights. 279.87 160.81 2.37 .92 1,001.61 1,445.58 898 39,567,400 W 1 11001 5 8 لله Eastern district $238,366 417,087 1,383,379 191,406 303,693 9,936,056 114 1 30,383 150,996 490 31,771 213,640 247,276 499,674 71,410 110,666 1,433 6,979 114,073 24,130 103,971 21,448 1,519 80,985 1,121,594 227 17,313,268 81.50 $17,026,237 30,383 223,884 32,764 17,313,268 429.66 278.08 14.34 .92 4.26 1,505.21 2/2,232.47 230.53 138.53 2.37 .92 722.92 1,095.27 602 27,384,300 1111 MIT 3 7 d Southern district $714 731 59,257 8,462 369,820 11 11 1,017 9.576 498 2,712 70 309 212 673 688 24,388 588,025 39.73 $361,522 7.793 210,234 24,062 588,025 20.35 7.68 49.18 3/ 77.21 18.36 7.68 48.24 74.28 14 426,900 #1 I 1121 4 Western district $96,644 15,948 2,131,796 4,873 5,007 4,890,673 III 131,099 30,723 161,822 175,957 165,384 26,549 בבל,76 592 82,165 10,616 75,876 34,276 83,702 564,324 491 8,036,727 64.55 $7,536,761 19,219 472,135 8,612 8,036,727 114.29 67.82 663.08 4/845.19 30.98 14.60 230.45 276.03 282 11,756,200 21 | | 2 ย Includes 2.93 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 57.14 miles operated under trackage rights. STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 10. 12 KINO M pel på pat pel polí 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~2~2~~ 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 ww wwww www.go 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 6789 ININININ 37 38 39 * 40 41 amtime + 42 47 48 49 52 53 *mon in KON 59 60 61 62 63 64 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Continued Electric locomotive units: Number at close of year Total tractive effort (pounds) Number installed during year: New units .. Rebuilt and rewritten into property accounts Used units acquired ... Leased from others or leased units returned to service All others, including reclassifications Total Total Number retired during year: Permanently withdrawn for sale or demolition Retired for purpose of rebuilding ... Leased to others or returned to lessors All others, including reclassifications Total Number at close of year: Box care Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total ··· .. ·· •• Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars ·· ··· Freight-carrying CarA Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars .. " • Number installed during year: New units Item • Rebuilt and rewritten into property accounts Used units acquired Leased from others or leased units returned to service All others, including reclassifications Total ·· .. Fumber at close of year Humber installed during year: New units Number retired during year: Permanently withdrawn for sale or demolition Retired for purpose of rebuilding Leased to others or returned to lessors All others, including reclassifications ... Total ... ... All Classes of Passenger-train Cars Rebuilt and rewritten into property accounts Used units acquired Leased from others or leased units returned to service All others, including reclassifications Total O Number retired during year: Permanently withdrawn for sale or demolition Retired for purpose of rebuilding Leased to others or returned to lessors All others, including reclassifications Total ……… All Classes of Company service Equipment Jumber of units at close of year Jumber of units installed: Jew units Rebuilt and rewritten into property accounts Used units acquired Leased from others or leased units returned to service All others, including reclassifications Total Iumber of units retired: Permanently withdrawn for sale or demolition Retired for purpose of rebuilding Leased to others or returned to lessors All others, including reclassifications Total · ... •... • • • • Total, all districts 11 1111 1111 302 58 3 6,124 3 1,144 7,634 11,986 3,420 90 348,495 150 61,490 425,631 51 12 63 6 60 1/ 525 591 11111 1 1141 1 463 MAAI 3 1 1 17 22 611 17 23 Eastern district U 11 1114 Ang 6,102 3 1,144 7.350 1,796 3,290 347,415 150 61,490 414,141 51 51 6 60 2/ 187 253 11111 ……│ 272 MIHI 3 1 4 MILI 3 3 Includes 425 units known to be permanently withdrawn for sale or demolition. 2 Includes 187 units known to be permanently withdrawn for sale or demolition. Includes 238 units known to be permanently withdrawn for sale or demolition. Southern district 11 !!! #1! 1113 11 1 14141 11111 1 = #1: 11 1111 2 13 1 1 Western district = I 2554 3 22 111 284 10,190 130 90 1,080 11 11,490 12 12 31338 338 | | | 189 THUN 17 18 NII 2 17 19 25 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 26 No. NIMATIO IG 7 2 8 10 11 12 HAA 1 Number of units at close of year Jumber of units installed: New units 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 بالاليا 26 27 28 29 32 33 3+ in 67499 37 38 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) to 42 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Floating Equipment Total ... Rebuilt and rewritten into property accounts Used units acquired. Leased from others or leased units returned to service All others, including reclassifications 25 Average number Compensation: Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total compensation Total Number of units retired: Permanently withdrawn for sale or demolition Retired for purpose of rebuilding ·· Leased to others or returned to lessors All others, including reclassifications ... In replacement: Number of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges TIES LAID DURING YEAR In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties Number of feet (b.a.) switch and bridge ties ..... Total charges ... In replacement: Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges ... RAILS LAID DURING YEAR In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks Kiles of yard track and sidings.……. Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges Item Service hours: Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for ·· Total hours paid for ..... 35 Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES EMPLOYEES Service days: Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for • Total days paid for • Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service In passenger service In mixed-train service In special service In yard-switching service In work service Grand total, all services ·· • ·· Total, all districts 13 #11 1 ……… 1 201,197 3,821,034 $521,134 4,922 63,281 $9,346 8,725 $319,485 1.64 234 $7,678 16,774 $21,828,867 $886,440 $23,106,814 29,543,463 942,552 30,993,695 512,715 7,490 527,858 $21,287,583 7,149 14 844,688 5,934 857,785 Eastern district 13 3 10 1 11 1 1 130,453 2,021,661 $343,976 5,257 $182,982 $182 1.11 137 $4,123 10,148 $12,739,299 $586,267 $13,507,287 16,794,476 640,260 17,681,727 285,363 431 288,635 $12,873,391 5,976 14 585,753 1,127 592,870 Southern district 111 I E 17,000 153,954 $23,636 170 4.998 $414 123 $2,467 Immando 503 $570,710 $48,544 $622,036 896,915 67,576 967,705 25,661 118 25,795 $600,579 11 11,110 137 11,247 Western district E 53,744 1,645,419 $153,522 1,381 20,618 $2,315 345 $134,036 50 94 $3,464 6,123 8,518,858 $251,629 $8,977,491 11,852,072 234,716 12,344,263 201,691 6.941 213,428 $7,813,613 1,173 247,825 +,670 253,668 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Kind of mileage: Steam road. Electric line Steamboat line Stage line Airplane .... Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Total mileage State or Territory: Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia ·· Iowa Kansae Kentucky Louisiana • • • .. Hawaii Canada • • · I. II. III. Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri • Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York 1. • • • ► • ·· North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Vermont Virginia Washington • .. Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah ·· · • ·· • West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Alaska • ·· ... • ·· · • Mexico ………. Mileage not assignable 1/ Land Buildings Equipment: Cars Horses Automobiles • ... · • • Wagons and sleighs Harness and equipment Office furniture and equipment Office safes •• SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 ·· Item ► Trucks .. Stable equipment Garage equipment Line equipment Shop equipment Miscellaneous equipment • Item • Total equipment Total real property and equipment MILEAGE COVERED BY OPERATIONS D Total 223,994.91 2,660.52 25,248.50 5,074.70 10,867.00 267,845.53 4,815.11 2,305.81 4,468.70 10,510.06 4,828.11 838.60 295.20 38.85 5,041.33 6,341.21 3,221.07 11,100.85 6,069.61 10,517.77 9,489.26 3,454.52 4,327.08 2,025.94 1,916.88 1,748.56 6,832.85 8,734.11 3,874.64 7,829.33 5.146.87 6,621.53 2,818.86 1,132.44 1,977.47 3.347.63 7,607.75 4,460.76 5.585.09 7,570.67 6,908.16 3,870.75 8,577.66 178.65 3,564.98 +,334.15 3,604.12 16,619.62 2,808.60 940.62 4,578.13 6,839.07 3,106.68 7.350.75 2,364.92 13,132.10 369.97 4,901.68 96.50 6,804.00 Total $8,061,153 12,113,292 ** 964,919 959 22,286,179 73,945 1,123 3,117,931 510,373 2,945,917 1,644 735,835 539,903 234,596 5.399 Railway Express Agency, Inc. 31,418,723 51,593,168 214,166.96 2,622.80 24,980.50 5,048.70 10,867.00 257,685.96 3,212.76 2,305.81 4,468.70 10,510.06 4,828.11 COST OF REAL PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT 838.60 295.20 31.30 4,776.58 5,042.11 3,221.07 10,781.99 5,833.58 10,517.77 9,489.26 1/ Covers miscellaneous unassigned mileage, such as transoceanic, coastwise, river, and lake not within the boundaries of any State or Territory. 3,088.53 4,286.50 2,025.94 1,738.01 1,748.56 6,832.85 8,734.11 3,128.73 7.827.33 5,146.87 6.621.53 2,818.86 1,132.44 1,977.47 3,347.63 7,307.75 3,042.77 5,585.09 7.569.59 6,908.16 3,870.75 8.541.96 178.65 2,322.84 4,334.15 2,334.23 16,619.62 2,808.60 940.62 3,447.25 6,839.07 3,106.68 7.350.75 2,364.92 13,132.10 369.97 4,901.68 96.50 6,804.00 Railway Express Agency, Inc. $8,041,072 11,914,526 Southeastern Express Co. 964,919 959 21,500,090 71,387 843 3,024,149 485,207 2,875,831 1,585 730,407 522,319 234,596 5.353 30,417,645 50,373,243 9,827.95 37.72 268.00 26.00 10,159.67 1,602.35 7.55 264.75 1,299.10 318.86 236.03 365.99 40.58 178.37 745.91 2.00 1,417.99 1.08 35.70 1,242.14 1,269.89 1,130.88 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Southeastem Express Co. $20,081 198,766 II 786,089 2,558 280 93,782 25,166 70,086 59 5.428 17,584 46 1,001,078 1,219,925 27 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 28 Cars: Number Inventory value Horses: Total equipment, inventory value Number Inventory value ·· Automobiles: Gasoline Electric Number Humber..... Inventory value Inventory value Wagone and sleighs: Wagons, double Number Inventory value Wagons, single- Number Inventory value Sleighe- Number Inventory value Buggies- Jumber Inventory value Harness equipment: Inventory value Office furniture and equipment: Inventory value Office safes: Xumber Inventory value Trucks: Humber Inventory value Stable equipment: Inventory value Garage equipment: Inventory value Line equipment: Safes, car--- I. ·· Number Inventory value.. Safes, messenger- Humber Inventory value Trunks, packing- Iumber Inventory value Other line equipment- Inventory value III. Shop equipment; Inventory value Miscellaneous equipment: Inventory value SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 -Continued Transportation: Express, domestic Express, foreign Miscellaneous Total transportation Contract payments: Express privileges Item - Dr. Revenue from transportation .... Operations other than transportation: Oustoms brokerage fees Order and commission ·· Item Rents of buildings and other property Money orders 0. 0. D. ohecks Travelers' cheques .. Telegraph and cable transfera Letters of oredit Foreign postal remittances ....... Profit on exchange and other financial revenue Miscellaneous Total other than transportation Total operating revenues INVENTORY VALUE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED Total 1/ $9,834,932 3/ 246 $164,700 $172 8,062 $4,812,013 1,532 2/ $1,953,257 $12,328 84 23 #378 $13 1 $20 $225 $1,053,942 17 $12503;3333 62,781 $811,244 $505 $320, 102 2,540 $69,415 7,098 13,305 8,120 $37,167 $52,033 $85,961 $2,125 Total ANALYSIS OF OPERATING REVENUES $141,730,367 146,408 141,876,775 54,505,734 87,371,041 113; 113,571 4,303 101,637 22,063 1,510,313 ) 1 11 Railway Express Agency, Inc. 1/ $9,542,721 1,160,613 2,912,511 90,283,552 246 $164,700 $172 7.713 $4,569,883 1,532 2/ $1,953,457 129 $12,793 Includes $284,597, inventory value of 461 automobile trailers. Includes $843,215, inventory value of 1,807 automobile batteries. Includes $43,399, inventory value of 632 truck batteries. 16 $298 $18 1 $20 $209 $1,029,945 16,882 $145,262 60,893 3/ $807,385 $505 $316,683 2,420 $67,200 6,786 $12,971 7,518 $36, 323235 $52,033 $85,961 $2,114 Railway Express Agency, Ino. $137,570,001 133,060 137,703,061 53,085,260 84,617,801 113.585 99,779 1,448,049 11 1,152,097 2,817,764 87,435,565 Southeastern Express Oo. $292,211 # # # 1 349 $242,130 $53 $72 = $16 $23,997 471 $15,461 1,888 $3,859 $3,419 120 $2,215 312 $334 602 $644 $11 Southeastern Express 0ɔ. $4,160,366 13,348 4,173,714 1,420,474 2,753,240 46 1 22,063 62,264 8,516 94,747 2,847,987 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Operating income: Charges for transportation Express privileges SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 -Continued Dr. ... Revenue from transportation Revenue from operations other than transportation Total operating revenues Operating expenses ...... Net operating revenue Operating income Uncollectible revenue from transportation Express taxes Item Other income: Rent from real property and equipment used jointly Miscellaneous rent income Net income from miscellaneous physical property Separately operated properties profit Dividend income Income from funded securities Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds Release of premiums on funded debt Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income Total other income Gross income Deductions from gross income: Rent for real property and equipment used jointly Kiscellaneous rents - Miscellaneous taxes Net loss on miscellaneous physical property - loss • Separately operated properties Interest on funded debt ...... Interest on unfunded debt Amortization of discount on funded debt Income transferred to other companies Miscellaneous income debits Unrefundable overcharges... Miscellaneous oredits Total deductions from gross income Net income Disposition of net income: Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income ..... Income appropriations for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of income .... Total appropriations ...... Balance transferred to profit and loss ... Credit balance at the beginning of year Oredit balance transferred from income Profit on real property and equipment sold Delayed income oredits Item • Total credits Debit balance at beginning of year ..... Debit balance transferred from income ·· Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funde Dividend appropriations of surplus Surplus set aside for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through surplus Debt discount extinguished through surplus Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus Loss on land sold Delayed income debits Miscellaneous debits Total debits Balance carried forward to credit of balance sheet ·· INCOME ACCOUNT Total $141,876,775 54,505,734 d 87,371,041 2,912,511 90,283,552 87,238,673 3,044,879 31,229 1,457,670 1,555,980 213 117,881 12,596 124,562 ONTI## 255,252 1,811,232 786 1,681,320 5,023 64,559 334 1,752,022 59,210 63,798 63,798 4.588 d Deficit or other reverse item. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Total $131,219 1,636 1,138 12,974 146,967 4,588 6,203 1,217 3,740 15,748 131,219 Railway Express Agency, Inc. $137,703,061 53,085,260 d d 84,617,801 2,817,764 87,435,565 84,512,535 2,923,030 30,183 1,379,540 1,513,307 213 117,881 12,596 103,171 233,861 1,747,168 786 1,681,320 4,757 64,559 334 1,751,756 4.588 ### J 4.588 Railway express Agency, Inc. 1,217 3,740 9.545 $1,636 930 6,979 9,545 4,588 Southeastern Express Co. $4,173,714 3:7744 1,420,474 2,753,240 94,747 2,847,987 2,726,138 121,849 1.046 78,130 42,673 21,391 21;391 64,064 266 266 63,798 63,798 63,798 Southeastern Express Co. $131,219 208 5,995 137,422 … I 6,203 1 6,203 131,219 29 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 30 I. Maintenance: 1. 2. 3. Total operating expenses 5. 6. 7. IV. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. II. Traffio: 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Oars depreciation Cars retirements Horses - depreciation Horses retirements Automobiles - repairs Automobiles - depreciation. Automobiles retirements Wagons and sleighs repairs Wagons and sleighs depreciation Wagons and sleighs -retirements Harness equipment repairs .. Harness equipment - 15. 16. 17. 18. depreciation and retirements Office furniture and equipment - repairs .. Office furniture and equipment-depreciation and retirements Office safes repairs... 19. 20. 21. Office safes - depreciation and retirements .. 22. Trucks repairs Trucks - depreciation and retirements ...... 23. 24. Stable and garage equipment repairs Stable and garage equipment depreciation and retirements Line equipment repairs Line equipment → depreciation and retirements Shop equipment repairs .... depreciation and retirements Shop equipment - Miscellaneous equipment repairs Miscellaneous equipment -depreciation and retirements ·· • • O 42. 43. 44. III. Transportation: 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 57. 58. Superintendence - maintenance Buildings and appurtenances Buildings and appurtenances Buildings and appurtenances Cars-repairs 59. 60. 61. 62. W SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 -Continued Other expenses.. Total .... - General: 53. 54. 55. 56. W Total ·· ·· - - ... Superintendence traffic Advertising Stationery and printing Other expenses.. Total • ·· - - ·· ... Stationery and printing Loss and damage Damage to property Injuries to persons Other expenses - Superintendence Office employees Commissions Office supplies and expenses Rent of local offices Acoount • ··· Train employees .. Train supplies and expenses Insurance Fidelity bond premiums Pensions .. .. Stationery and printing Valuation expenses Other expenses Total - ·· • transportation Vehicle employees Stable and garage employees · Stable and garage supplies and expenses. Drayage - ·· * · repairs depreciation retirement s • • .. ... ·· Salaries and expenses of general officers Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants General office supplies and expenses Law expenses ·· • • • D • ·· ANALYSIS OF OPERATING EXPENSES > • Total $87,238,673 289,478 126,826 347,230 11,242 100,293 43,420 d 2.511 182 d 3.560 2,013,55 2,386,532 106,570 653 4,840 35,890 590 2,353 80,192 185,491 4,780 18,088 193,520 172,591 9,990 51,772 18,684 24,555 4,385 11,216 338 501 15 ) 6,238,524 334,411 38,462 83,351 146 456,370 4,361,608 29,126,159 4,803,794 1,799,487 4,393,685 14,117,567 870,224 2,693,030 1,011,039 7,169,986 944,312 1,016,940 1,759,971 69,126 646,502 36,432 74,819,862 441,389 3,180,313 302,799 311,400 176,851 21,328 1,131,749 89,602 68,486 5,723,917 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Railway Express Agency, Ino. $84,512,535 289,478 126,279 344,603 11,242 100,293 43,420 d 2.511 182 ₫ 3.562 1,943,031 2,352,290 106,570 648 4,840 35,878 591 2,352 78,608 185,332 4,602 18,088 185,776 172,591 9,988 51,772 18,451 24,555 4.385 11,216 338 501 15 6,120,660 268,117 35,302 67,286 3 370,708 4,262,984 28,386,202 4,555,841 1,756,646 4,270,588 13,768,851 846,273 2,568,279 943,324 6,788,107 936,474 958,818 1,744,239 67,934 639,762 36,018 72,530,340 403,142 3,059,969 292,139 291,277 148,563 13,677 1,131,749 82,377 67,934 5,490,827 Southeastern Express Co. $2,726,138 547 2,627 111 INNY HAVE 2 70,527 34,242 5 12 1 1 1,584 159 178 7,744 INI 2 233 117,864 66,294 3,160 16,065 143 85,662 98,624 739,957 247,953 42,841 123,097 348,716 23.951 124,751 67,715 381,879 7,838 58,122 15,732 1,192 6,740 414 2,289,522 38,247 120,344 10,660 20,123 28,288 7,651 7,225 552 233,090 F STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Current assets: Cash ·· SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 -Concluded Investment: Real property and equipment Sinking fund Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies Other investments Total investment Total current assets Deferred assets Unadjusted debits: Discount on capital stock Discount on funded debt Other unadjusted debits Special deposits ... Loans and notes receivable Miscellaneous accounts receivable Material and supplies Other current assets Total unadjusted debits Grand total • Stock: ·· Capital stock Premium on capital stook Total stock liabilities · Deferred liabilities Unadjusted credits: Premium on funded debt Total unadjusted oredits Funded debt unmatured Current liabilities: Loans and notes payable Audited accounts and wages unpaid Miscellaneous accounts payable Express privilege liabilities Other current liabilities Total current liabilities Profit and loss balance Operating and insurance reserves Accrued depreciation Other unadjusted oredits Total corporate surplus Class of employees Superintendence-Maintenance Superintendence-Traffic Advertising Superintendence--Transportation Agents, clerks and solicitors Platform and house men Corporate surplus: Additions to property through income and surplus Reserves from income and surplus Total appropriated surplus · • • • ASSETS E • Vehicle employees Stable and garage employees Train employees ... Claim agents, special agents, and clerks General officers • Item LIABILITIES General office clerks and attendants Law department officers and clerks Shop employees Other employees ·· • ·· ·· Number on Deo.31 97 Total Fumber of days worked GENERAL BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT Total (including general officers) 36,040 11,915,602 61,651,229 Total (excluding general officers) 35,994 11,899,148|| 61,243,033 4.95 1,575 539,203 3,641,366 9,594 3,132,615| 16,306,086 8, 782 2,715,332 | 12,785,625 8,540 2,736,318 | 14,114,233 482 159,282 840,515 4,288 1,653,301 8,187,081 146 50,259 297,077 5.91 46 16,454 408,196 24.81 1,703 602,852 3,116,530 5.17 42 13,952 148,777 10.66 591 198,801 1,174,848 5.91 85 25,957 130,504 5.03 5.17 5.15 Total $51,593,168 6.75 5.21 4.71 5.16 5.28 51,500 916,647 52,561,315 16,595,248 6,261 2,393 704,779 306,773 2,884,948 20,500,402 32,973 514,246 419,529 933,775 74,028,465 1,100,000 1,100,000 32,000,000 1 3,600,199 2,292,899 5,312,965 1,715,635 12,921,698 36,418 Number On Average Yearly daily compensation compen- sation Deo.31 39,943 $265,321 $6.64 97 31,333 235,070 7.50 44 2,052,142 25,771,219 15,769 27,839,130 EMPLOYEES, SERVICE, AND COMPENSATION 131,219 131,219 Railway Express Agency, Inc. $50,373,243 26,500 467,964 50,867,707 15,887,377 2,089 2,393 643,643 301,224 2,801,423 19,638,149 32,973 514,246 404,649 918,895 71,457,724 100,000 100,000 32,000,000 3,436,140 2,292,899 5,145,592 1,456,120 12,330,751 33,182 2,027,805 24,952,212 13,774 26,993,791 Railway Express Agency, Inc. Fumber of day s worked 11 39,943 $265,321 $6.64 23,807 187,881 7.89 1 549 9.20 4.79 5.17 5.28 4.95 531,282 3,572,293 3,035,033 15,845,444 8,296 584,342 12,370,191 8,260 2,660,528 13,765,517 464 154,511 816,564 4,087 1,583,080 7,841,257 138 47,837 285,790 5.97 42 15,226 374,668 24.61 1,625 578,877 3,007,445 5.20 39 13,031 133,858 10.27 591 198,801 1,174,848 5.91 85 25,957 130,504 5.03 34,522 11,492,255 59,771,581 34,480 11,477,029 | 59,396,913 5.20 5.18 6.72 5.22 Southeastern Express Co. $1,219,925 25,000 448,683 1,693,608 IT W 14,880 14,880 2,570,741 707,871 4,172 1,000,000 25 7,526 26 7,921 389 97,582 486 130,990 280 75,790 61,136 5,549 83,525 862,253 1,000,000 Southeastern Express Co. Average Number Yearly daily Number of compensation compen- days sation Dec.31 worked Yearly on 18 4,771 201 70,221 8 4 2,422 1,228 78 23,975 921 1,518 423,347 1,514 422,119 164,059 167,373 259,515 590,947 3,236 24,337 819,007 1.995 845,339 131,219 131,219 31 Average daily sation compensation|compen- $47,189 $6.27 8.72 69,073 4.72 460,642 415,434 3.17 348,716 4,60 23,951 5.02 345,824 4.92 4.66 11,287 27.30 4.55 16.20 33,528 109,085 14,919 " 4.44 1,879,648 1,846,120 4.37 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 32 SUMMARY NO. 4—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 Average mileage (single track) over which operations were conducted (miles) GENERAL BALANOI SHEET Investment in sleeping car property Miscellaneous physical property ..... Other investments Cash. Het balance receivable from receiving cashiers and ticket agents Miscellaneous accounts receivable Material and supplies Other current assets Deferred assets ... Unadjusted debits Total... Capital stock Premium on capital stock Wages payable ..... Miscellaneous accounts payable Dividende matured unpaid Unnatured dividends declared Other current liabilities Deferred liabilities Operating reserves Accrued depreciation Other unadjusted credits Miscellaneous fund reserves Appropriated surplus not specifically invested Profit and loss-balance Total corporate surplus • • Operating income ·· .. .. ·· • Sleeping car operating revenues Revenues from auxiliary operations Total revenues Sleeping car operating expenses Expenses of auxiliary operations Total operating expenses Yet revenues • ·· Sleeping oar tax accruals Auxiliary operations-Tax accruals Total taxes Unrefundable overcharges Miscellaneous credits .. Rent from cars Dividends received Income from funded securities ... Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds Miscellaneous income ·· • • • Total nonoperating income Gross income ·· Rent for cars Miscellaneous tax accruals Interest on unfunded debt Miscellaneous income charges Total deductions from gross income Net income Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income ...... Miscellaneous appropriations of income ·· .. Total appropriations Income balance transferred to profit and los8 ....... Total debits during year Net increase during year Balance at beginning of year Balance at end of year Total credits during year ... Debit balance transferred from income Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of surplus Loss on retired equipment Uncollectible sleeping car revenues... Miscellaneous debits INCOME ACCOUNT PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT d Deficit or other reverse item. $246,658,112 3,312 2,746,641 13,136,593 761,995 1,821,104 3,424,060 309,588 5,051,643 41,334,735 315,247,783 120,150,000 118,061.25 217,942 4,640,537 21,080 140,249,193 46,631,332 255,336 d 956,235 1,017,441 29,665 d 1,079,022 1,334,358 44,196,042 42,464,643 823,545 43,288,188 907,854 2,123,382 4,507 2,127,889 d 1.220.035 76,218 16,684 67,070 126,779 174,486 43,366,385 829,657 461,237 758,798 244 235 479 759.277 170,252 170,252 929.529 17,981 2.418 20.399 929,529 6,006,865 d 127.970 1,272 63.097 6.872,793 a 6,852,394 7.931.416 1,079,022 19 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Berth revenue Seat reve me SUMMARY NO. 4—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1932 -Concluded Charter of cars ... Miscellaneous revenue Car mileage revenue Association and contract revenue--Dr. Total operating revenue s Maintenance Conducting car operations General expenses .. • Auxiliary operations: Total operating expenses Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) • Commissary (superintendence) Agents and staff, conductors, waiters, cooks, etc. Total (including general officers) Total number of car-miles Total number of car-day s • Maintenance: Mechanics, electricians, seamstresses, repairmen, carpenters, shop employees, etc. Conducting car operations: General officers and staff (superintendence) District superintendents, agents, and staff Conductors Porters and maids Train stenographers Car cleaners... Laundry employees General expenses: General officers Clerks and attendants Total number of revenue passengers--berth Total number of revenue passengers--seat Average revenue per passenger--berth Average revenue per passenger--seat • Standard sleeping carS Tourist sleeping carS Parlor cars Dining cars Composite cars Private cars Miscellaneous cars Total Net operating revenue per car-mile (cents) Net operating revenue per car-day Average number of car-miles per car-day ... ... ·· OPERATING REVENUES Average number of revenue passengers per car per day Operating revenues per car-mile (cents) Operating revenues per car-day Operating expenses per car-mile (cents) Operating expenses per car-day OPERATING EXPENSES O U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1933 Class EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES OPERATING STATISTICS • EQUIPMENT IN SERVICE ON DEC. 31, 1932 Does not include 9 cars leased or otherwise acquired. ·· Number on Dec. 31 3,462 201 1,056 1,497 7,216 M# 522 426 41 730 53 93 17,132 $37,300,745 ,539,620 854,886 5,982 2,215,112 1,549,960 43,366,385 20,432,093 19,276,237 2,756,313 42,464,643 97.92 Average daily coupen- sation $5.08 5.93 4.12 5.79 2.86 3.27 2.70 21.81 3.93 4.19 3.07 3.83 10,185,444 5,564,063 $3.66 $0.82 799,484,608 2,083,573 5.424 $20.81347 5.311 $20.38068 0.113 $0.43279 383.71 7,619 240 1,099 17 256 24 3 1/ 9,258 33 HE 2708 ·I7 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION BUREAU OF STATISTICS A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1931 COMMERCE NUM U INTERSTATE LUR ** कै 1887 COMMISSION UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1932 0 P THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION CLAUDE R. PORTER, Chairman BALTHASAR H. MEYER CLYDE B. AITCHISON JOSEPH B. EASTMAN ERNEST I. LEWIS FRANK MCMANAMY EZRA BRAINERD, Jr. PATRICK J. FARRELL WILLIAM E. LEE HUGH M. TATE CHARLES D. MAHAFFIE GEORGE B. McGINTY, Secretary DEPOSITED BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICÁ NOV 17 '32 CONTENTS. Introductory statement Summary No. 1--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I steam railways (not including switching and terminal companies) for the year ended December 31, 1931.... Summary No. 2-Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I switching and terminal companies for the year ended December 31, 1931.. Summary No. 3-Abstract of reports rendered by express companies for the year ended December 31, 1931. …... Summary No. 4--Abstract of report rendered by The Pullman Company for the year ended December 31, 1931. Page 5 6 18 26 31 3 M r ܃ A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 This preliminary abstract for the calendar year 1931 is compiled from the annual reports of the classes of carriers designated. It differs from the Preliminary Statement of Capitalization and Income for the same year in that the latter is confined to a small number of items compiled for individual carriers, and in summary form, from a special re- port returned by them in advance of their annual report. • The present abstract contains summaries by districts and is intended primarily to make available as promptly as possible certain totals not obtainable from the monthly or special reports of carriers. The totals are subject to change after corrections in the annual reports have been authorized. The final totals will appear in the Statistics of Railways for 1931. It may be noted that only steam railways, express companies and The Pullman Company are covered in this abstract. Separate mimeographed statements are issued annually for pipe line companies, telegraph and cable companies, carriers by water, tele- phone companies, and electric railways. Because a separate annual publication of freight commodity statistics for the year 1931 has been issued in full detail for the 157 classes of commodities, only group totals of commodities carried are shown in this preliminary abstract. It should be especially observed that the balance sheet items relate to operating companies only and do not cover the balance sheets of lessor companies the property of which is operated by Class I steam railways, that is, railways having annual operating revenues above $1,000,000. The following table shows the investment in road and equipment of the operating, lessor and proprietary companies at the end of the year 1931, in comparison with final figures for the preceding year. The increases and decreases shown for the various classes of roads are in part the result of the changes in corporate relations, certain oper- ating companies having become lessor or proprietary companies since 1930. Such changes do not affect the net increase shown as $46,403,474. This unusually small increase is explain- ed in part by the depression and in part by the fact that the investment in road and equipment of the Alton R. R. Company is $78,827,155 under that formerly reported by the predecessor, Chicago & Alton R. R. Co. Class of companies Class I...... Lessors to Class I.……. Proprietary Companies. Total... Class II..... Investment in Road and Equipment of Steam Railways, (Accounts 701 and 702) Lessors to Class II……. Proprietary Companies Total... Class III.... Lessors to Class III. Proprietary Companies. Total... Grand total.. · INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT • • · • • Dec. 31, 1931 $19, $19,947,595,442 4,478,820,413 1,113,175.435 25,539,591,290 458 459,353,757 6,665,532 1,261,905 467,281,194 86,907,327 3,424,038 199,848 90,531,213 26,097,403,697 Dec. 31, 1930 $12 $19,904,777,903 488,386,483 1,092,458,447 25,485,622,833 463,310,665 5,817,766 2,972,232 472,100,663 833; 89,713,105 3,363,774 199,848 93,276,727 26,051,000,223 Increase 1/ $42,817,539 20,716,988 53,968,457 847,766 60,264 46,403,474 1/ Reorganization of the Chicago & Alton R. R. Co. to form the Alton R. R. Co. resulted in a decrease in accounts 701 and 702 of $78,827,155 from 1930 figures. This is in part responsible for the small increase shown in the total. WASHINGTON, July 16, 1932. Decrease $9,566,070 3,956,908 1,710,327 4,819,469 2,805,778 2,745,514 5 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 6 No. 1 Total number of stockholders 234 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 (Does not include lessor companies) Investment in road and equipment Improvements in leased railway property 4 Sinking funds • Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies Other investments 22 MNM Total investments 17 18 | Material and supplies 19 20 Rents receivable 21 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Cash Demand loans and deposits Time drafts and deposits Special deposits Loans and bills receivable Other current assets Investments Total current assets 23 Working fund advances 24 Insurance and other funds 25 Other deferred assets 26 ·· Interest and dividends receivable Item • Current Assets ·· Traffic and car-service balances receivable • Net balance receivable from agents and conductors Miscellaneous accounts receivable Total deferred assets • • Deferred Assets • Total unadjusted debits Grand total • • • ·· ·· • Unadjusted Debits 27 Rents and insurance premiums paid in advance 28 Discount on capital stock 29 | Discount on funded debt ·· 30 Property abandoned chargeable to operating expenses 31 Other unadjusted debits 32 33 • • Expenditures for new lines and extensions Expenditures for additions and betterments Credits for property retired • INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT 37 Adjustments 38 Net charges during year 39 Stocks actually issued during year 40 Funded debt actually issued during year - ·· • • • par value par value • • • • • • Total, all districts 878,056 $19,385,740,045 561,855,397 4,988,184 8,403,703 166,814,691 5,392,121,770 807,602,062 26,327,525,852 328,933,358 50,532,832 40,043,500 48,604,332 18,078,030 58,760,325 38,937,559 198,459,189 374,331,572 40,263,551 1,693,076 14,712,935 1,213,350,259 4,223,420 110,908,503 103,736,327 218,868,250 4,975,247 16,753,827 85,221,053 1,920,627 149,950,023 258,820,777 28,018,565,138 29,653,178 275,785,244 191,028,222 692.093 113,718,107 58,583,282 415,764,620 Eastern district 455,924 $6,777,870,040 452,357,323 2,021,671 2,401,955 81,552,125 2,160,299,400 422,967,205 9,899,469,719 123,179,474 9,123,717 3,127,368 14,489,146 2,138,920 23,161,443 21,272,677 60,739,777 145,009,072 19,155,312 980,805 2,573,183 424,950,894 1,752,320 99,985,833 20,282,816 122,020,969 2,893,311 462,795 24,452,677 1,920,627 60,648,074 90,377,484 10,536,819,066 2,270,291 139,491,953 73,436,749 394,191 68,719,686 27,080,300 176,412,127 1 Deficit or other reverse item. I/ Includes $9,608, consideration received for 117 shares of stook without par value. Southern district $7,894 $3,733,822,394 82,831,000 2,054,367 941,294 25,788,738 698,334,072 64,272,366 4,608,044,231 60,535,148 5,465,000 12,458,027 15,508,342 9,739,658 15,691,1 3,596,830 30,790,1 55,897,463 5,448,222 129,723 384,263 215,643,988 480,054 4,207,341 31,775,022 36,462,417 927,559 251,850 13,883,116 24,314,036 39,376,561 4,899,527,197 6,861,241 36,675,873 26,402,898 729,204 16,405,012 80,500 32,322,081 Western district $8,874,047,611 26,667,074 912,146 5,060,454 59,473,828 2,533,488,298 320,362,491 11,820,011,902 a 334,238 1/ 145,218,736 35,944,115 24,458,105 18,606,844 6,199,452 19,907,741 14,068,052 106,929,241 173,425,037 15,660,017 582,548 11,755,489 572,755,377 1,154,377 16,039,182 46,885,260 64,987,913 129,066,732 12,582,218,875 1,991,046 6,715,329 51,678,489 60,384,864 20,521,646 99,617,418 91,188,575 357.080 28,593,409 31,422,482 207,030,412 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 10. 123 Capital stook Stook liability for conversion Premium on capital stock 4 Total stock 5 Grants in aid of construction | pot pol pt ( 10 Loans and bills payable 11 15 16 21 22 23 24 6 Funded debt unmatured 7 Receiver's certificates 8 | Honnegotiable debt to affiliated companies 9 Total long-term debt ww www. SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Traffic and car-service balances payable 12 Audited accounts and wages payable 3 | Miscellaneous accounts payable 14 33 17 18 19 20 Other current liabilities 450 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Concluded 34 36 26 27 28 29 Accrued depreciation 30 39 40 41 Interest matured unpaid Dividends matured unpaid 42 회 ​H Tax liability Premium on funded debt Funded debt matured unpaid Unmatured dividends declared Unmatured interest accrued Unmatured rents accrued ... ·· ……… .. G N • A Current Liabilities • Total current liabilities - Long-Term Debt Liability for provident funds Other deferred liabilities • • · Total deferred liabilities Item Road Accrued depreciation Equipment 31 Accrued depreciation Miscellaneous physical property 32 | Other unadjusted credits Stook Insurance and casualty reserves Operating reserves ·· Total unadjusted credits Deferred Liabilities ·· • Corporate Surplus Additions to property through income and surplus Funded debt retired through income and surplus Sinking fund reserves Miscellaneous fund reserves ... 38 | Appropriated surplus not specifically invested ·· Total corporate surplus Grand total • Unadjusted Credits Total appropriated surplus Profit and los8 balance - ·· • • ·· • · • Total, all districts $8,271,976,776 968,942 52,957,994 8,325,903,712 6,036,924 10,784,610,370 11,482,140 357,585,564 11,153,678,074 245,801,925 75.907,981 245,148,875 121,252,723 208,507,853 21,451,813 66,331,168 27,257,618 91,297,184 21,474,402 22,808,381 1,147,239,923 6,351,438 167,859,122 174,210,560 192,500,364 1,057,472 52,786,283 87,814,455 2,121,412,378 7,758,405 352,658,682 2,815,988,039 856,261,548 90,994,121 49,894,121 73,162,917 52,890,603 1,123,203,310 3,272,304,596 4,395,507,906 28,018,565,138 Eastern district 1/$3,253,158,910 269,237 38,512,654 3,291,940,801 1,923,333 3,797,323,950 1,709,715 70,530,168 3,869,563,833 170,490,434 42,796,862 97,905,841 32,153,856 37,665,978 2,517,273 25,224,941 11,309,506 34,741,404 14,352,116 12,957,795 482,116,006 3,424,729 81,636,122 85,060,851 80,236,845 469,844 35,372,322 33,059,249 927,741,668 3,758,274 179,343,406 1,259,981,608 475,530,615 16,938,387 35,383,871 61,988,347 3,039,184 592,880,404 953,352,230 1,546,232,634 10,536,819,066 Southern district 2/$1,315,964,299 7,299,433 1,323,263,732 553.315 1,926,148,517 4,850,000 10,987,554 1,941,986,071 5,190,356 9,058,660 56,048,351 13,423,122 19,254,224 6,232,867 11,808,551 4,408,493 18,139,672 2,623,105 1,547,800 147,735,201 2,463,779 34,348,334 36,812,113 28,003,748 1,200 4,395,818 37,829,523 396,033,444 2,838,681 39,816,396 508,918,810 138,062,824 8,550,318 11,737,294 1,321,571 159,672,007 780,585,948 940,257,955 4,899,527,197 Western district 7 3/$3,702,853,567 699,705 7,145,907 3,710,699,179 3,560,276 5,061,137,903 4,922,425 276,067,842 5,342,128,170 70,121, 135 24,052,459 91,194,683 75,675,745 151,587,651 12,701,673 29,297,676 11,539,619 38,416,108 4,499,181 8,302,786 517,388,716 462,930 51,874,666 52,337,596 84,259,771 586,428 13,018,143 16,925,683 797,637,266 1,161,450 133,498,880 1,047,087,621 242,668,109 65,505,416 2,772,956 11,174,570 48,529,848 370,650,899 1,538,366,418 1,909,017,317 12,582,218,875 Includes $48,473,019, consideration received for 1,315,740 shares of stock without par value. Includes $87,562,115, consideration received for 2,850,321 shares of stock without par value; in addition 60,000 shares of stock without par value are outstanding for which no book value is reported. Includes $276,461,441, consideration received for 2,495,396 shares of stock without par value. The discrepancy between the profit and loss balances shown on pages 7 and 8 is explained by the fact that when a Class I steam railway files an annual report for a period ending prior to December 31, the income and profit and loss account is included in the tabulations, but the balance sheet is not included. STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Io. 12 MTX78 a of 27 ± 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 30 31 32 33 34 Miscellaneous operating income Total operating income 16 Net railway operating income 960 ***K & N ALONG O 8 48 19 Rent from passenger-train cars Rent from floating equipment 20 21 Rent from work equipment 49 50 51 SUMMARY NO. 1—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 52 53 22 Joint facility rent income 23 24 Income from lease of road Miscellaneous rent income Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property Separately operated properties--profit Dividend income 54 Railway operating revenues Railway operating expenses Net revenue from railway operations Railway tax accruals: United States Government taxes Other than United States Government taxes Total railway tax accruals Uncollectible railway revenues Railway operating income 55 59 INCOME ACCOUNT Revenues from miscellaneous operations. Expenses of miscellaneous operations 60 25 26 27 28 Income from funded securities 29 Income from unfunded securities and accounts 47 Interest on unfunded debt 65 66 67 68 69 Net revenue from miscellaneous operations Taxes on miscellaneous operating property Hire of freight cars--credit balance Rent from locomotives ... 35 36 Hire of freight cars--debit balance 37 Rent for locomotives 38 Rent for passenger-train cars 39 Rent for floating equipment 40 Rent for work equipment 41 42 43 44 Item · Joint facility rents Rent for leased roads • .. • Miscellaneous rents Miscellaneous tax accruals • • Separately operated properties--loss 46 Interest on funded debt 45 Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income Total nonoperating income Gross income • • • ·· • • Income from sinking and other reserve funds Release of premiums on funded debt • · · ·· • • • Amortization of discount on funded debt Maintenance of investment organization Income transferred to other companies Miscellaneous income charges Total deductions from gross income Net income • Total appropriations of income ·· 61 Credit balance transferred from income 62 Profit on road and equipment sold 63 64 Delayed income credits Unrefundable overcharges Donations Miscellaneous credits • · • • Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus Loss on retired road and equipment Delayed income debits Miscellaneous debits Total debits during year Net increase during year Balance at beginning of year Balance at end of year 1. .. · Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income .. Income appropriated for investment in physical property 57 Stock discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of income 58 • • Income balance transferred to profit and loss PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT · • • • • • • • Total credits during year Debit balance transferred from income ... Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of surplus 70 ... 71 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through surplus.. 72 73 Debt discount extinguished through surplus 74 • 75 15 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 Dividends declared during year 83 Par value on which declared-common 84 Par value on which declared--preferred 85 Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent • • [6 ❤ • • Total, all districts $4,188,343,244 3,223,574,616 964,768,628 10,203,510 293,324,589 303,528,099 891,146 660,349,389 3,148,406 2,917,802 230,604 177,934 52,670 660,402,059 525,627,852 10,862,542 10,791,896 14,043,059 313,335 2,604,763 40,007,443 5,635,612 26,247,719 7,302,364 9,915,422 152,809,259 70,859,105 22,026,059 4,822,327 76,106 4,258,287 1,591,818 384,167,116 1,044,569,175 107,360,597 10,318,296 18,493,366 637,742 998,643 75,535,931 150,693,286 7,832,785 5,090,241 2,997,928 500,154,300 17,769,390 3,612,765 27,310 378,531 7,906,153 909,807,264 134,761,911 6,080,576 80,036,685 181,690 1,811,697 88,110,648 46,651,263 179,505,466 3,567,948 1,067,832 658,977 2,798,176 28,368,831 215,967,230 132,854,203 2,577,314 250,114,188 4,171,747 1,112 13,091,752 12,547,359 33,624,337 65,629,895 22,888,286 537,500,193 ₫ 321,532,963 3,552,054,925 3,230,521,962 330,150,873 4,804,214,169 1,393,393,362 5.33 Eastern district $1,868,461,634 1,466,841,944 401,619,690 3,214,612 122,116,853 125,331,465 335,475 275,952,750 1,031,861 885,416 146,445 73,439 73,006 276,025,756 205,991,825 3,796,727 3,052,568 5,524,703 250, 280 785,886 19,032,770 2,667,830 15,842,856 5,129,847 817,297 68,840,722 20,599,751 11,173,863 4,351,167 51,420 3,406,740 568,704 165,893,131 441,918, 887 51,376,443 3,636,600 8,210,503 524,299 274,944 38,381,070 110,206,338 5,899,942 4,154,445 1,375,019 172,716,426 8,841,657 999,094 22,635 336,321 4,817,578 411,773,314 30,145,573 5,085,572 10,617,775 76,803 1,746,086 17,526,236 12,619,337 42,085,328 2,153,137 193,227 235,627 1,312,549 4,569,995 50,549,863 29,465,991 1,705,568 114,896,609 1,688,242 3,518,489 350,569 16,501,086 10,680,773 6,499,927 185,307,254 d 134.757.391 1,088,109,621 953,352,230 125,514,384 2,127,976,469 387,747,350 4.99 Southern district $739,243,658 564,659,727 174,583,931 6,601,673 50,329,121 56,930,794 181,748 117,471,389 1,407,747 1,393,224 14,523 14,523 117,471,389 109,940,682 5,610,896 1,925,745 2,893,404 5,360 632,459 6,076,237 576,704 2,500,833 605,214 792,490 8,343,224 9,646,152 2,870,438 231,564 309 88,591 42,799,620 160,271,009 9,636,779 1,614,375 3,689,591 17,275 295,684 9,421,104 12,724,349 704,725 157,008 15,790 89,175,493 1,673,038 836,961 3.551 650,725 130,616,448 29,654,561 774,124 1,268,370 48,877 65,611 2,156,982 27,497,579 54,862,414 110,996 821,793 152,304 544, 619 3,101,351 59,593,477 27,364,835 951.396 57,224,838 1,504,098 1,151,096 7,235,000 2,965,174 3,801,739 3,932,067 106,130,243 a 46,536,766 827,122,714 780,585,948 58,493,208 911,594,194 142,587,350 5.55 $1,580,637,952 1,192,072,945 388,565,007 d Western district d 387,225 120,878,615 121,265,840 373,917 266,925,250 708,798 639,162 69,636 89,972 20.336 266,904,914 209,695,345 1,454,919 5,813,583 5,624,952 57,695 1,186,418 14,898,436 2,391,078 7,904,030 1,567,303 8,305,635 75,625,313 40,613,202 7,981,758 239,596 24,377 851,547 934,523 175,474,365 442,379,279 46,347,375 5,067,321 6,593,272 96,168 428,015 27,733,757 27,762,599 1,228,118 778,788 1,607,119 238,262,381 7,254,695 1,776,710 1,124 42,210 2,437,850 367,417,502 74,961,777 220,880 68,150,540 56,010 68,427,430 6,534,347 82,557,724 1,303,815 52,812 271,046 941,008 20,697,485 105,823,890 76,023,377 79.650 77,992,741 979,407 1,112 8,422,167 4,961,790 14,158,077 51,147,383 12,456,292 246,062,696 ₫ 140,238,806 1,636,822,590 1,496,583,784 146,143,281 1,764,643,506 863,058,662 5.55 Deficit or other reverse item. i/ The discrepancy between the profit and loss balances shown on pages 7 and 8 is explained by the fact that when a Class I steam railway files an annual report for a period ending prior to December 31, the income and profit and loss account is included in the tabulations, but the balance sheet is not included. STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Io. 7 Express 8 1 Freight 2 Passenger 3 Excess baggage 48leeping car ... 5 Parlor and chair car Mail 9 10 ·· SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 ---Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Other passenger-train Milk 21 22 Mail 17 18 | Freight 19 20 Excess baggage Passenger Switching · 11 Special service train 12 | Other freight-train ... Water transfers--freight 13 14 Water transfers-passenger • ·· 15 Water transfers--vehicles and live stock 16 Water transfers--other 23 Express 24 Special service 25 Other 26 ·· Total rail-line transportation revenue Other passenger service RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES 27 Dining and buffet 28 Hotel and restaurant • • .. Total water-line transportation revenue 40 41 Joint facility--Cr. 42 Joint facility-Dr. 43 44 • 29 Station, train, and boat privileges 30 | Parcel room 31 8torage--freight 32 Storage-baggage • • • C ... ... O 33 Demurrage 34 | Telegraph and telephone 35 | Grain elevator 36 Stockyard 37 Power 38 Rents of buildings and other property Miscellaneous Total incidental operating revenue • .. Superintendence ·· 46 Roadway maintenance--yard 47 Roadway maintenance--other 48 Roadway--depreciation-yard 49 Roadway--depreciation--other Tunnels and subways--yard Tunnels and subways--other ... • Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues Ties--yard 67 Ties-other ·· 68 Ties-depreciation--yard 69 Ties--depreciation--other 70 Rails--yard Rails--other • 71 72 Rails--depreciation--yard 73 Rails--depreciation--other 74 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures Item . · 50 Underground power tubes-yard 51 Underground power tubes-other 52 Underground power tubes--depreciation-yard 53 Underground power tubes-depreciation--other Other track material--yard Other track material--other • 56 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard 57 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard • • Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other 62 Elevated structures--yard • 63 Elevated structures--other 64 Elevated structures--depreciation--yard 65 Elevated structures--depreciation-other 66 ·· • • • •• Ballast-depreciation--yard 81 | Ballast-depreciation--other 82 • ·· .. • • • 75 76 | Other track material--depreciation--yard 77 | Other track material--depreciation--other 78 Ballast--yard 79 Ballast--other 80 Track laying and surfacing--yard · • • • · ·· 83 Track laying and surfacing--other 84 Right-of-way fences--yard 85 Right-of-way fences--other 86 | Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard 87 Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other • • • • ● • • • • • • ● • Total, all districts $3,248,753,601 550,249,848 3,117,497 519,706 773,258 105,423,015 82,774,839 7,986,002 29,116,170 46,121,867 1,589,890 2,806,789 711,025 1,525,288 3,177,684 1,272,486 4,085,918,965 5,914,400 797,635 2,830 20,599 797 183 43 4,555 277,179 7,017,424 22,984,634 4,617,519 4,998,466 795,427 3,763,552 270,595 9,256,385 1,827,444 2,178,343 875,570 5,546,214 10,567,137 19,785,254 87,466,540 11,075,960 3,135,645 7,940,315 4,188,343,244 49,324,103 5,088,234 43,250,262 4,418 13,860 I 4,374 1,856,237 1,768 868,448 27,019,931 24,023 1,101,533 13,233 134,699 It 8,730,969 63,920,591 1,577 26,707 2,167,400 23,793,010 74 97,879 4,873,891 21,631,726 762 66,057 232,663 8,368,554 178 835 14,682,735 116,591,357 37,924 2,774,858 187 4,505 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Lastern district $1,368,022,433 316,875,410 1,223,527 9,674 186,901 40,846,530 37,082,845 3,604,155 23,201,878 19,605,163 537,149 148,535 661,824 1,379,567 3,173,826 1,065,931 1,817,625,348 478,346 304,262 29 5,248 183 43 4,555 792,666 10,892,588 1,150,727 3,917,497 589,589 2,281,873 134,387 5,676,078 402,595 1,884,464 14,684 5,153,560 7,473,765 8,024,179 47,595,986 3,325,677 878,043 2,447,634 1,868,461,634 19,843,476 2,343,794 17,980,315 3.497 12.381 11 4,145 552,211 178 344,338 8,445,927 22,055 691,985 12,410 129,640 3,527,666 18,892,726 556 12,795 1,116,666 9,495,342 74 7,478 2,416,578 9,129,110 147 15,066 90,506 3,073,315 27 745 6,929,998 46,554,097 14,079 932,752 2,997 Southern district $619,351,121 66,330,435 431,802 17,449 51,640 17,609,452 13,070,364 900,141 739,897 5,874,694 641,338 26,051 47,981 20,027 3,881 205,452 725,321,725 Ge 11 I 3,133,258 322,156 373,659 51,074 780,717 20,640 1,257,509 92,047 241,041 2,328 124,947 874,009 4,941,128 12,214,513 2,006,469 299,049 1,707,420 739,243,658 9,062,765 901,021 9,894,939 84 520,951 154,118 5,813,421 336,768 1,920,288 15,697,704 6,3235783;35353 75,335 651,026 4,100,819 40,751 37,873 3,283,333 2,251,331 21,757,971 2,146 353,106 Western district $1,261,380,047 167,044,003 1,462,168 d 492,583 534,717 46,967,033 32,621,630 3,481,706 5,174,395 20,642,010 411,403 2,632,203 1,220 125,694 23 1,103 1,542,971,892 5,436,054 493,373 2,801 15,351 277,179 6,224,758 8,958,788 3,144,636 707,310 154,764 700,962 115,568 2,322,798 1,332,802 52,838 858,558 267,707 2,219,363 6,819,947 27,656,041 5,743,814 1,958,553 3,785,261 1,580,637,952 20,417,862 1,843,419 15,375,008 7.915 26,241 145 783,075 1,590 369,992 12,760,583 1,968 72,780 823 5,059 1 3,283,015 29,330,161 1,021 13,912 697,199 7,920,906 15,066 1,806,287 8,401,797 615 10,240 104,284 2,011,906 205 1,580 5,501,406 48,279,289 21,699 1,489,000 187 1,508 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 10 No. ANM+ wor 1 8 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard 2 Snow and sand fences and snow sheds--other 12 13 14 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded 9 Station and office building 8 .. 10 Station and office buildings--depreciation 11 Roadway buildings .. Roadway buildings--depreciation Snow and sand fences and snowsheds-depreciation-yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--other Crossings and signs--yard Crossings and signs--other Crossings and sims--depreciation--yard Crossings and signs--depreciation--other 15 Fuel stations .. 16 Water stations ... Water stations--depreciation Fuel stations--depreciation 17 Shops and enginehouse s · 18 Shops and enginehouses--depreciation 19 Grain elevators ·· 20 Grain elevators-depreciation 21 Storage warehouses 22 Storage warehouses-depreciation Wharves and docks 23 24 Wharves and docks-depreciation Coal and ore wharves ... 25 26 Coal and ore wharves--depreciation 27 Gas producing plants 28 too ·· 67 .. ·· 56 Injuries to persons 57 58 59 60 Item • 65 Superintendence 66 Shop machinery Gas producing plants--depreciation 29 | Telegraph and telephone lines 30 Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation 31 Signals and interlockers 32 | Signals and interlockers--depreciation • • .. 36 Power plant buildings--depreciation 37 Power substation buildings ❤ ••• Roadway machines--depreciation Small tools and supplies Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation Power plant buildings .. 38 Power substation buildings--depreciation 39 Power transmission systems ... Insurance Stationery and printing Other expenses • 40 Power transmission systems--depreciati∙n Power distribution systems 41 42 Power distrib on systems--depreciation 43 Power line pol and fixtures. 44 Power line poies and fixtures--depreciation 45 Underground conduits 46 Underground conduits--depreciation 47 Miscellaneous structures Miscellaneous structures--depreciation 49 Paving 48 50 Paving--depreciation 51 Roadway machines 52 ... • ·· ·· Removing snow, ice, and sand Assessments for public improvements 73 Steam locomotives--depreciation 74 Steam locomotives--retirements • ·· • 75 Other locomotives--repairs 76 Other locomotives--depreciation 77 Other locomotives--retirements 78 Frieght-train cars--repairs 79 Freight-train cars--depreciation 50 Freight-train cars-retirements • Shop machinery--depreciation 68 Power plant machinery .... 69 Power plant machinery--depreciation 70 Power substation apparatus ·· D • • ... • • • • • Total, above accounts 61 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities-Dr. 62 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr. 63 Equalization--way and structures 64 Total maintenance of way and structures Maintenance of Equipment 71 Power substation apparatus--depreciation 72 Steam locomotives--repairs 51 Passenger-train cars--repaire .... 52 Passenger-train cars--depreciation 83 Passenger-train cars--retirements 84 Motor equipment of cars--repairs ● • ▸ • • · • • 85 Motor equipment of cars--depreciation 86 Motor equipment of cars-retirements 87 Floating equipment--repairs 88 Floating equipment--depreciation 89 Floating equipment--retirements • • ·· • • · · d Total, all districts $2,332 304,562 752,963 8,903,869 17 75,337 18,589,995 914,339 2,447,905 116,561 6,299,210 136,288 2,593,802 68,031 12,976,394 481,093 82,792 111,593 78,945 3,228,867 115,542 1,764,672 1,039,685 91,059 8,003,155 7.947 25,244,817 223,851 2,600 391,566 143,187 55,385 23,102 294,085 65,829 2,750,239 310,647 627,529 124,467 16,435 7,693 254,478 6,282 327,250 49 5,249,387 8,403 6,585,022 4,343,387 358,934 3,941,353 3,293,009 803,678 501,983 521,851,066 27,180,958 18,419,134 530,612,890 37,064,183 13,992,292 538,494 3,482,216 757,534 398,156 80,815 271,207,221 57,819,328 1,744,120 3,224,112 2,220,371 187,609,247 115,628,578 4,629,186 50,707,957 20,577.067 234.440 4,174,459 2,063,897 23,330 6,496,515 3,374,047 131,073 d Deficit or other reverse item. d Eastern district ₫ $270 31,285 258,766 5,092,970 1 72,570 9,214,395 571,196 711,856 31,510 2,139,065 60,737 1,141,294 37,709 6,306,793 305,680 74,259 111,283 55,850 2,277,130 52,980 1,224,435 285,501 25,855 3,501,875 1,826 15,608,938 195,057 1,547 224,581 117,059 47,581 20,882 1 212,337 65,723 2,174,840 310,035 309,707 124,420 14,184 7.504 116,443 11 195,471 214 2,026,725 1,449 2,676,365 2,813,802 143,503 2,048,299 1,647,728 324,888 312,785 217,894,502 12,352,058 8,022,286 222,224,274 16,808,010 7,597,407 262,233 2,174,109 686,042 350,094 67,304 121,342,269 26,759,216 716,341 2,430,354 1,570,203 82,965,565 48,972,128 1,516,222 24,947,026 10,571,219 42,799 2,359,013 1,422,940 4,023 5,302,666 2,432,577 191,929 Southern district $870 92,968 1,236,628 1,044 3,028,435 85,995 622,934 27,109 1,228,247 68,796 446,354 23,968 1,783,005 127,207 4,678 310 22,104 552,395 59,057 217,016 136,345 1,341,577 4,552 3,479,496 26,434 1,053 25,846 10,556 3,297 336 50,190 244,545 142,331 91 17,430 86 22,887 856,718 951 1,356,525 152,310 20,034 541,543 550,312 127,127 58,652 102,386,391 4,326,424 3,539,608 103,173,207 6,475,157 2,014,158 256,634 343,958 24,242 17,425 4,032 52,501,175 9,906,273 495,788 364,845 232,572 37,074,422 23,229,863 1,344,007 7,740,393 2,770,073 149,595 270,959 185,030 3,057 186,731 63,091 2,027 Western district $2,062 272,407 401,229 2,574,271 16 1,723 6,347,165 257,148 1,113,115 57,942 2,931,898 6,755 1,006,154 6,354 4,886,596 48,206 3,855 991 399,342 3,505 323,221 617,839 65,204 3,159,703 1,569 6,156,383 2,360 141,139 15,572 4,507 1,884 31,558 106 330,854 612 175,491 47 2,160 189 120,605 6,196 108,892 165 944 2,365,003 2,552,132 1,377,275 195,397 1,351,511 1,094,969 351,663 130,546 201,570,173 10,502,476 6,857,240 205,215,409 13,781,016 +,380,727 19,627 964,149 47,250 30,637 9,479 97,363,777 153,839 531,991 428,913 417,596 67,569,260 43,426,587 1,768,957 18,020,538 7,235,775 33 42,046 1,544,487 455,927 16,250 1,007,118 878,379 58,829 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. HAMIGNON TO 7 Injuries to persons Insurance Stationery and printing Other expenses 1 Work equipment 3 Work equipment retirements 40 41 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Equipment repairs 2 Work equipment depreciation 9 10 11 12 Maintaining joint equipment 13 | Maintaining joint equipment 14 Equalization equipment 15 VİDEOLDENVIDIOVIS IN MILOKO 180 26 Superintendence 27 28 50 51 52 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -—Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 55 BANKILOGRAMIN 22 Insurance 23 | Stationery and printing 24 Other expenses 25 35 Yard enginemen 36 Yard motormen 57 58 61 64 Miscellaneous equipment Miscellaneous equipment 62 63 Total 16 Superintendence 17 | Outside agencies 18 | Advertising 19 | Traffic associations 20❘ Fast freight lines 21 Industrial and immigration bureaus ·· 65 66 69 - depreciation Miscellaneous equipment retirements - 70 ·· 71 72 G •• Total traffic Station supplies and expenses 32 | Yardmasters and yard clerka 33 Yard conductors and brakemen 34 Total maintenance of equipment · • 37 Fuel for yard locomotives 38 Yard switching power produced 45 Train enginemen 46 Train motormen 47 Fuel for train locomotives 48 Train power produced 49 Other expenses Insurance Clearing wrecks 67 Damage to property 68 • • • · · .. • • • • ·· Dispatching trains Station employees 29 | Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus 30 Coal and ore wharves 31 · • • 39 Yard switching power purchased Water for yard locomotives Lubricants for yard locomotives - • ·· - 42 Other supplies for yard locomotives 43 Enginehouse expenses - yard 44 Yard supplies and expenses - << - ·· Yard switch and signal tenders • • ·· ... · ·· ·· 77 Operation of vessels 78 Operation of terminals Incidental 79 80 • ... repairs C . - 4 Train supplies and expenses Operating sleeping cars Signal and interlocker operation Crossing protection Drawbridge operation 59 60 Telegraph and telephone operation Operating floating equipment Express service Stationery and printing ·· - Total transportation Item • train • • - ·· Train power purchased Water for train locomotives Lubricants for train locomotives Other supplies for train locomotives Enginehouse expenses Trainmen Dr. Cr. Transportation Rail Line Traffic · • • • • • • • • • • • .. .. • Damage to live stock on right of way freight baggage • .. • • · Transportation Loss and damage Loss and damage Injuries to persons Operating joint yards and terminals Operating joint yards and terminals 74 Operati ng joint tracks and facilities 73 Dr. - 75 Operating joint tracks and facilities - Cr. 76 Total transportation - - p Rail line • • • Water line • • • • ·· - Dr. Cr. • + • Continued Concluded · · • • · · · • • • Water Line • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · • · • · · • • • • • • • • • ▸ • • • Total, all districts $7,944,640 5,701,271 628,339 377,118 365,936 30,610 3,753,947 5,269,515 1,099,253 943,478 814,030,599 5,897,866 2,974,974 816,953,491 37,941,867 50,792,313 12,656,441 3,431,879 50,496 2,508,218 67,356 9,608,430 160,756 117,217,756 55,289,167 28,255,387 230,456,917 4,489,865 5,418,613 16,846,312 50,040,385 109,244,799 10,626,959 67,074,425 1,695,352 34,060,217 218,473 348,978 3,332,128 963,124 853,976 20,968,333 3,173,869 164,965,331 6,674,852 188,034,192 2,320,522 7,567,117 16,947,738 6,022,454 3,525,293 58,017,253 194,728,814 72,341,360 387,361 22,440,088 18,421,023 1,865,762 9,166,176 20,971,840 29,987 8,116,412 6,118,744 2,265,470 2,885,015 2,925,844 1,715,185 23,882,071 197,823 21,618,997 56,090,534 26,898,439 13,803,946 12,036,711 1,538,469,333 2,382,716 2,662,301 229,670 5,274,687 Eastern district $4,043,678 2,288,971 223,282 201,670 168,538 12,192 2,257,507 2,911,302 552,778 431,541 374,199,290 2,787,742 1,372,784 375,614,248 17,421,988 17,244,672 4,644,134 1,470,819 35,499 663,280 36,078 4,012,059 96,224 45,624,753 27,810, 710 14,462,672 105,670,216 1,195,655 3,524,408 9,008,551 25,509,783 55,911,097 6,676,729 33,858,006 1,533,198 15,627,204 213,881 306,409 1,544,848 473,101 410,795 9,838,447 1,800,496 69,633,358 3,621,512 74,337,067 1,629,055 5,751,935 6,809,644 2,271,832 1,591,067 27,470,059 82,135,389 35,906,994 10,900 13,327,431 12,635,996 989,900 4,098,984 18,224,409 29,987 3,970,354 4,187,864 1,070,416 1,605,816 1,472,989 121,789 11,044,626 150,782 11,397,949 24,831,037 11,084,552 6,474,094 5,684,467 725,410,422 536,829 14,716 9,107 560,652 Southern district $1,263,337 1,037,482 100,920 47,134 39,330 8,006 377,079 570,761 189,893 191,566 149,481,015 1,001,478 714,042 149,768,451 7,382,082 9,610,021 1,470,599 525,462 621,339 5,327 2,073,834 16,634 21,705,298 9,638,888 5,677,785 39,760,923 1,032,440 1,266,110 2,165,262 9,505,659 17,973,317 1,403,115 10,782,336 82,753 5,109,636 16,214 525,062 179,522 161,858 3,842,840 613,776 30,363,128 575,731 31,048,776 388,984 704,839 2,910,403 1,147,619 622,893 10,031,059 34,771,143 11,169,211 9,013 2,468,759 1,576,412 322,331 1,188,770 498,179 1,384,304 460,380 458,815 485,225 487,206 646,868 3,759,108 21,140 3,524,241 11,302,328 7,683,278 1,520,283 1,595,862 254,305,504 III 11 Western district $2,637,625 2,374,818 304,137 128,314 158,068 10,412 1,119,361 1,787,452 356,582 320,371 290,350,294 2,108,646 888,148 291,570,792 13,137,797 23,937,620 6,541,708 1,435,598 14,997 1,223,599 25,951 3,522,537 47,898 49,887,705 17,839,569 8,114,930 85,025,778 2,261,770 628,095 5,672,499 15,024,943 35,360,385 2,547,115 22,434,083 79,401 13,323,377 4,592 26,355 1,262,218 310,501 281,323 7,287,046 759,597 64,968,845 2,477,609 82,648,349 302,483 1,110,343 7,227,691 2,603,003 1,311,333 20,516,135 77,822,282 25,265,155 367,448 6,643,898 4,208,615 553,531 3,878,422 2,249,252 2,761,754 1,470,500 736,239 793,974 965,649 946,528 9,078,337 25,901 6,696,807 19,957,169 8,130,609 5,809,569 756,382 558,753,407 1,845,887 2,647,585 220,563 4,714,035 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS i 12 No. H&M LOWO 1 Dining and buffet service 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 Hotels and restaurants Grain elevators Stockyards ... ... Producing power sold .. Other miscellaneous operations 15 16 20 0 2 2 19 20 21 29 17 Other expenses General joint facilities - Dr. General joint facilities Cr. 18 35 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931—Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 39 40 41 VW 47 Total miscellaneous operations Total general expenses Transportation for investment Cr. 22 Total railway operating expenses 23 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES Maintenance of Way and Structures Insurance Relief department expenses Pensions Stationery and printing Valuation expenses Salaries and expenses of general officers Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants General office supplies and expenses Law expenses 53 24 Related solely to freight service • 25 Related solely to passenger and allied services 26 Apportioned to freight service Total RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES - Concluded Miscellaneous Operations 27 Apportioned to passenger and allied services 28 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied service 59 ... Total .. • • 30 Related solely to freight service ·· 31 Related solely to passenger and allied services Total • • 32 Apportioned to freight service ... 33 Apportioned to passenger and allied services • • • 34 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services ... Total • Item Total • 36 Related solely to freight service .. 37 Related solely to passenger and allied services 38 ·· General Total •• .. Maintenance of Equipment Traffic Apportioned to freight service Apportioned to passenger and allied services. Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 42 Related solely to freight service 43 Related solely to passenger and allied services 44 Apportioned to freight service 45 Apportioned to passenger and allied services 46 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services 48 Related solely to freight service 49 Related solely to passenger and allied services 50 51 52 Transportation - Rail Line • · ... • • - Transportation later Line • 54 Related solely to freight service 55 Related solely to passenger and allied services Miscellaneous Operations • Apportioned to freight service Apportioned to passenger and allied services .. * Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services · • • • • • • • 56 | Apoortioned to freight service .. 57 Apportioned to passenger and allied services • · • 58 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services • • ·· ·· ·· Total, all districts $30,488,952 4,595,637 970,325 655,591 2,829,456 1,511,803 41,051,764 19,523,493 83,148,953 7,292,154 16,940,061 167,965 2,255,074 32,288,960 3,481,478 7,668,843 6,924,190 2,286,229 453,789 181,523,611 7,528,916 3,223,574,616 76.97 $55,458,275 15,754,548 324,278,633 134,908,494 212,940 530,612,890 488,013,617 165,065,343 118,786,176 44,585,292 503,063 816,953,491 67,216,219 36,572,177 8,298,654 5,130,706 117,217,756 829,046,239 337,931,782 275,297,051 96,194,146 115 1,538,469,333 4,258,075 228,121 487,349 300,878 264 5,274,687 2,272,995 34,799,904 776,238 687,241 2,515,386 41,051,764 Eastern district $14,951,851 1,146,429 866,716 8,689 2,660, 730 345,323 19,979,738 8,111,177 35,471,213 2,992,938 6,443,878 84,787 1,004,948 17,320,702 1,428,915 2,751,041 2,657,211 884,420 145,466 79,005,764 1,577,907 1,466,841,944 78.51 $32,266,008 10,699,272 120,092,781 59,022,447 143,766 222,224,274 226,795,232 87,392,332 43,176,186 17,858,645 391,853 375,614,248 29,465,175 14,178,138 1,543,935 437,505 45,624,753 414,193,953 172,403,848 98,204,889 40,607,732 725,410,422 409,494 139,879 5,641 5,638 560,652 1,057,069 17,195,070 297,686 243,355 1,186,558 19,979,738 Southern district $4,205,776 312,853 88,396 4,723 48,274 22,784 4,682,806 3,303,567 15,041,297 1,183,878 4,096,876 26,743 208,088 4,446,814 675,892 1,519,495 1,180,452 274,082 55,259 31,901,925 877,464 564,659,727 76.38 $9,138,973 1,539,356 67,986,371 24,508,507 103,173,207 99,314,850 26,779,340 18,555,486 5,118,775 Swe 149,768,451 14,928,667 5,500,314 951,733 324,584 21,705,298 137,568,556 48,470,384 52,046,579 16,219,985 254,305,504 1111 1 114,021 4,417,211 111,499 35,881 4,194 4,682,806 Western district $11,331,325 3,136,355 15,213 642,179 120,452 1,143,696 16,389,220 8,108,749 32,636,443 3,115,338 6,399,307 56,435 1,042,038 10,521,444 1,376,671 3,398,307 3,086,527 1,127,727 253,064 70,615,922 5,073,545 1,192,072,945 75.42 $14,053,294 3,515,920 136,199,481 51,377,540 69,174 205,215,409 161,903,535 50,893,671 57,054,504 21,607,872 111,210 291,570,792 22,822,377 16,893,725 5,802,986 4,368,617 49,887,705 277,283,730 117,057,550 125,045,583 39,366,429 115 558,753,407 3,848,581 88,242 481,708 295,240 264 4,714,035 1,101,905 13,187,623 367,053 408,005 1,324,634 16,389,220 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Io. 1 Related solely to freight service • • + 2 Related solely to passenger and allied services Apportioned to freight service .. 4 | Apportioned to passenger and allied services 5 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 6 Total 7 Related solely to freight service Related solely to passenger and allied services 9 Apportioned to freight service .. 10 Apportioned to passenger and allied services 11 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 12 Total 26 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 --Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Bow you w 13 Related solely to freight service .... 14 | Related solely to passenger and allied services 15 Apportioned to freight service ... 16 Apportioned to passenger and allied services 17 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 18 Total 42 SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES--Concluded General 19 Miles of road 20 Miles of second main track 21 Miles of third main track 22 Miles of fourth main track 8 BLEKKES 50 23 Miles of all other main tracks Miles of industrial tracks Miles of yard track and sidings ·· Total, all tracks HN MINOR .. 58 27 Miles of road 28 Miles of second main track Mkumbat Transportation for Investment--Cr. Total Operating Expenses • • • · Miles of third main track Miles of fourth main track Miles of all other main tracks Miles of industrial tracks Miles of yard track and sidings ·· Total, all tracks • ... MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1931 Fumber at close of year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars • • • • Item MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1931 Steam locomotives: Number at close of year Total tractive effort (pounds) Number installed during year Fumber retired during year Electric locomotive units: Jumber at close of year Total tractive effort (pounds) Fumber installed during year Jumber retired during year • Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars Flat cars Stock oar 8 Coal cars Tank cars • Refrigerator cars ... Other freight-carrying cars Total ► EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE • Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total • •• Freight-carrying Cars •• ·· • • • Includes 25,287.30 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 8,774.75 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 3,947.93 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 12,564.62 miles operated under trackage rights. Total, all districts $43,526,180 9,523,035 92,486,473 35,505,206 482,717 181,523,611 7,391,598 82,315 42,115 12,888 7,528,916 1,482,400,002 599,792,595 820,368,459 317,299,075 3,714,485 3,223,574,616 242.291.71 36,860.46 3,211.01 2,196.95 358.28 21,687.38 101,630.99 1/408,236.78 172,317.53 21,000.35 2,137.97 1,585.71 202.13 13,665.61 67,655.97 278,565.27 488,859,920 430 1,802 670 35,514,900 52 1 1,017,445 96,124 80,481 884,690 9,388 38,338 74,941 2,201,407 42,618,039 4,231,400 3,030,770 47,902,765 422,920 1,272,192 3,943,614 103,421,700 Eastern district $22,415,696 5,426,466 36,166,878 14,518,505 478,219 79,005,764 1,511,142 33,648 21, 202 11,915 1,577,907 725,091,485 307.401.357 299,466,794 132,681,912 2,200,396 1,466,841,944 59,919.45 18,315.82 2,734.97 1,928.13 77.68 7,693.23 38,830.93 2/ 129,500.21 29,909.21 7,991.94 1,746.31 1.373.26 73.38 3,447.47 19,951.81 64,493.38 23,335 095, 95,380,780 219 718 465 21,901,600 51 439,704 20,323 13,532 510,812 26 3.187 20,624 1,008,208 19,010,613 926,255 557,385 28,228,302 1,140 101,987 1,118,916 49,944,598 Southern district $7,571,271 1,204,775 17,442,121 5,683,758 7/ 31,901,925 872,457 1,232 2,994 781 877,464 267,763,881 87,910,148 157,090,795 51,890,709 4,194 564,659,727 46,104.84 5,909.00 142.82 51.81 259.91 4.310.33 17,566.58 3/ 74,345.29 35,524.04 4,254.08 136.61 47.17 108.06 3,129.84 13,219.23 56,419.03 10,453 478,876,290 49 236 76 5,381,000 167,988 19.379 7.366 210,557 21 5,076 7,647 418,034 6,399,357 829,340 278,270 11,441,878 940 153,190 381,428 19,484,403 Western district 13 $13,539,213 2,891,794 38,877,474 15,302,943 4,498 70,615,922 5,007,999 47,435 17,919 192 5,073,545 489,544,636 204,481,090 363,810,870 132,726,454 1,509,895 1,192,072,945 136,267.42 12,635.54 333.22 217.01 20.69 9,683.82 45,233.48 4/ 204,391.28 106.884.28 8,754.33 255.05 165.28 20.69 7,088.30 34,484.93 157,652.86 8/ 20,597 914,602,850 162 848 129 8,232,300 1 409.753 56,422 59,583 163,321 9,342 30,075 46,670 775,165 5/ Excludes 8 gasoline, 9 gas-electric, and 77 oil-electric locomotives. Excludes 7 gasoline, 7 gas-electric, and 63 oil-electric locomotives. Excludes 6 oil-electric locomotives. Excludes 1 gasoline, 2 gas-electric, and 8 oil-electric locomotives. 17,208,069 2,475,805 2,195,115 8,232,585 420.840 1,017,015 2,443,270 33,992,699 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 14 No. 1234 LOCO 1 7 80 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 22223 20 21 2222222 26 27 28 29 30 31 wwww ww FFFF EFE FEW 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 17 Number at close of year 18 Number installed during year Number retired during year 19 Domum in EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded Number installed during year: 50 Box cars Flat carS Stock cars Coal cars .. Tank cars Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total 55 • • ·· • Number retired during year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank carS ► 38 Average number Compensation-- 39 • • • • 23 Number of units at close of year 24 Number of units installed during year 25 Number of units retired during year • In replacement: Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total In replacement: • • • Number at close of year Number installed during year Number retired during year C • • ·· Service days-- All Classes of Passenger-train Cars All Classes of Company Service Equipment .. ·· • • .. • • Number of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges • Item In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges • • • • Floating Equipment Total hours paid for • TIES LAID DURING YEAR In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks Miles of yard track and sidings Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges RAILS LAID DURING YEAR Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total compensation Service hours-- Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for EMPLOYEES Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total days paid for 48 Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES ... In special service In yard-switching service In work service Grand total, all services · • Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service In passenger service In mixed-train service • • • • • • • Total, all districts 4,897 485 767 6,458 15 1,101 1,014 14,737 44,943 3,137 3.537 25,640 141 2,947 1,840 82,185 50,747 697 1,938 102,515 3,390 6,984 2,361 97 51,501,659 188,594,522 $73,424,633 2,947,327 20,390,327 $4,595,147 1,714,906 $63,734,904 482.84 782.59 164,295 $5,624,356 1,258,719 $1,906,019,495 $71,268,162 $2,094,994,379 2,542,280,865 79,790,991 2,763,673,982 33,756,212 157,054 34,429,517 $1,965,425,779 55,282,762 21,980,020 1,973,684 37,221 14,478,101 1,172,620 94,924,408 Eastern district 1,779 153 229 4,182 105 721 7,169 12,132 583 510 12,435 685 700 27,046 25,641 354 798 34,353 903 1,491 2,087 58 11,597,295 59,684,598 $22,832,810 617,112 6,353,059 $1,240,792 740,770 $27,154,312 113.45 173.70 38,199 $1,254,789 564,111 $874,437,001 $30,809,899 $956,677,394 1,104,069,133 33,799,123 1,200,169,834 16,351,107 79,627 16,670,646 $892,791,967 22,587,514 9,555,037 346,858 11,576 6,925,283 588,129 40,014,397 Southern district 411 3 1,318 IMBH 35 1,768 5,358 851 153 5,217 22 290 11,891 7,595 52 311 17,522 694 1,001 108 2 7 032,398 54,500,104 $17,767,446 280,504 2,876,990 $432,390 415,835 $15,327,770 23.21 90.16 16,750 $486,914 239,330 $338,371,124 $12,631,395 $370,244,359 492,731,896 14,695,530 530,764,372 5,550,991 24,606 5,650,776 $352,441,085 11,391,734 044,540 442,055 14,616 2,521,548 177,096 18,591,589 Western district 2,707 332 535 958 14 996 258 5,800 27,453 1,703 2,874 7,988 140 2,240 850 43,248 17,511 291 $29 50,640 1,793 4,492 166 32 25,871,966 74,409,820 $32,824,377 2,049,711 11,160,278 $2,921,965 558,301 $21,252,822 346.18 518.73 109,346 $3,882,653 455,278 $693,211,370 $27,826,868 $768,072,626 945,479,836 31,296,338 1,032,739,776 11,854,114 52,821 12,108,095 $720,192,727 21,303,514 8,380,443 1,184,771 11,029 5,031,270 407,395 36,318,422 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) REVENUE FREIGHT TONNAGE BY GROUPS OF COMMODITIES Revenue Freight Originated Products of agriculture: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Animals and products: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Products of mines: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car ·· Products of forests: Number of carloads • Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Animals and products: ·· Products of agriculture: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Products of mines: Merchandise All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Products of forests: .. Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Total Revenue Freight Carried .. .. Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage .. ·· ·· Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage • Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage • Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage ·· • • Item • • • Merchandise - All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Total, all districts 3,866,598 97,486,977 25.21 1,767,163 21,632,146 12.24 9,662,453 501,902,964 51.94 1,519,296 43,024,204 28.32 7,816,414 207,365,992 24,631,924 871,412,283 35.38 22,773,354 894,185,637 8,492,510 187,791,469 11.70 3,143,746 39,548,814 2.47 16,617,598 851,342,258 53.04 3,138,425 83,998,371 5.23 15,624,741 401,627,962 25.02 47,017,020 1,564,308,874 97.46 40,725, 2017 • 1,605,034,171 100.00 Eastern district 831,699 19,297,691 23.20 396,758 5,310,574 13.38 4,400,922 228,406,202 51.90 213,127 5,359,209 25.15 4,412,813 116,343,097 26.36 10,255,319 374,716,773 36.54 11,492,861 386,209,634 2,713,514 56,689,747 6.95 2162; 22 1,232,881 16,282,272 2.00 9,272,439 480,654,299 58.93 883,541 21,771,963 2.67 8,644,726 218,815,598 26.83 22,747,101 794,213,879 97.38 21,381,111 2.62 815,594,990 100.00 Southern district 715,707 12,048,062 16.83 121,606 1,473,590 12.12 2,792,777 152,503,690 54.61 539,189 13,853,682 25.69 1,017,260 26,449,270 26.00 5,186,539 206,328,294 39.78 4,678,529 211,006,823 1,631,847 27,737,424 8.99 259,135 3,341,908 1.08 3,588,816 192,302,414 62.29 899,430 22,826,086 7.39 2,152,941 53,807,960 17.43 8,532,169 300,015,792 97.18 8,693,205 308,708,997 100.00 15 Western district 2,319,192 66,141,224 28.52 1,248,799 14,847,982 11.89 2,468,754 120,993,072 49.01 766,980 23,811,313 31.05 2,386,341 64,573,625 27.06 1,5734 9,190,066 290,367,216 31.60 6,601,964 296,969,180 4,147,149 103,364,298 21.50 1,651,730 19,924,634 4.14 3,756,343 178,385,545 37.11 1,355,454 39,400,322 8.20 4,827,074 129,004,404 26.83 15,737,750 470,079,203 97.78 10,650,981 2.22 480,730,184 100.00 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 16 No. 2 | Freight Freight Passenger Mixed . Special SMALKO STATISTICS OF RAIL-LINE OPERATIONS Average mileage of road operated SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) -- < • 8 Work service ordinary light Total transportation service 9 Total freight train 10 Total passenger train 11 Total mixed train 12 Total special 13 Train switching 14 Yard switching freight 15 Yard switching passenger 18 Freight train loaded 19 Freight train empty 20 Freight train caboose 21 Freight train 22 - • 16 Total transportation service 17 Work service .... < << HAR - - - - - 49 50 Passenger 51 Miles hauled - • Total freight train 23 Passenger train - passenger 24 Passenger train sleeping, parlor, and observation K • 25 Passenger train dining 26 Passenger train other 27 Total passenger train 28 Mixed train freight loaded 29 Mixed train - freight empty 30 Mixed train - caboose 31 Mixed train - exclusive work equipment 32 Mixed train C . K M HÚN • exclusive work equipment Tons revenue freight Tons- non-revenue freight Passenger-miles - A G miles W Locomotive-Viles passenger 33 Mixed train sleeping, parlor, and observation 34 Mixed train - dining 35 Mixed train - other passenger train 36 Total mixed train 37 Total special train 38 39 Work service Total transportation service Train-Miles -- Item ·· 40 41 42 Ton-miles -- revenue freight 43 Ton-miles non-revenue freight 44 Passengers carried revenue 45 Passenger miles revenue 46 Ton-miles revenue freight 47 Ton-miles 48 Ton-miles Car-Miles ·· • Miscellaneous • ·· skaper Vall - - • per mile of road revenue freight per train-mile revenue and non-revenue freight revenue -- per train-mile revenue per car-mile 52 Miles carried 53 Revenue per ton of freight 54 Revenue per ton-mile of freight 55 Revenue per passenger 56 Revenue per passenger-mile revenue freight revenue passengers • • • ·· • ·· - ·· 自 ​·· per loaded car-mile Total, all districts 242,175.83 435,899,402 435 3,481,890 480,367,309 31,105,833 366,057 951,220,491 13,961,188 490,560,184 437,066,586 31,225,112 455,653 47,641,338 213,373,455 21,031,729 1,241,354,057 20,030,343 13,031,154,246 8,433,430,032 449,374,235 28,154,823 21,942,113,336 987,520,524 1,069,222,432 139,745,998 1,069,434,542 3,265,923,496 165,159,082 105,560, 601 3,781,984 1,375,219 31,695,762 793,707 21,361 18,005,637 326,393,353 6,774,998 25,541,205,183 67,573,907 1,605,034,171 174,111,606 309,224,879,222 28,993,445,445 596,390,924 21,894,420,536 1,276,861 664.23 25.63 45.11 10.48 192.66 36.71 $2.02397 $0.01051 $0.92261 $0.02513 Eastern district 59,728.84 160,836,193 1,898,238 206,782,882 5,044,212 145,419 374,706,944 7,346,774 192,244,159 190,021,199 5,146,799 164,866 23,776,193 106,167,635 11,898,272 529,419,123 10,619,968 5,215,214,612 3,356,944,130 165.974,755 4,453,081 8,742,586,578 503,312,509 450,308,955 53,058,830 464,243,014 1,470,923,308 25,676,875 16,909,408 1,219,214 212,031 4,959,773 23,023 386 4,805,856 53,806,566 1,924,553 10, 269, 241,005 22,134,579 815,594,990 70,266, 720 128,655,544,027 9,929,033,564 448,833,417 12,912,260,857 2,153,994 771.06 26.44 62.17 13.47 157.74 28.77 $1.67706 $0.01063 $0.70600 $0.02454 Southern district 46,116.32 93,958,376 570,647 80,984,387 6,684,160 99,807 182,297,377 2,658,363 • 100,397,210 77,725,845 6,780,114 141,920 7,334,109 35,513,315 2,889,918 230,782,431 3,253,641 2,519,692,641 1,727,285,651 95,628,832 5,322,362 4,347,929,486 159,638,876 162,617,013 23,268,992 169,925,014 515,449,895 30,059,454 17,521,532 848,827 227,351 7,873,026 75,283 156 4,509,813 61,115,442 2,391,247 4,926,886,070 13,291,665 308,708,997 38,537,491 69,525,377,692 180,978,941 48,702,190 2,292,377,089 1,507,609 696.33 29.69 27.84 27: 6.94 225.21 47.07 $2.00626 $0.00891 $1.36196 $0.02894 Western district 136,330.67 181,104,833 1,013,005 192,600,040 19,377,461 120,831 394,216,170 3,956,051 197,918,815 169,319,542 19,298,199 148,867 16,531,036 71,692,505 6,243,539 481,152,503 6,156,734 5,296,246,993 3,349,200,251 187,770,648 18,379,380 8,851,597,272 324,569,139 456,296,464 63,418,176 435,266,514 1,279,550,293 109,422,753 71,129,661 1,713,943 935,837 18,862,963 695,401 20,819 8,689,968 211,471,345 2,459,198 10,345,078,108 32,147,663 480,730,184 65,307,395 111,043,957,503 12,883,432,940 98,855,317 6,689,782,590 814,519 558.46 22.93 34.26 8.36 230.99 67.67 $2.62388 $0.01136 $1.68966 $0.02497 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 18 No. 14 SUMEKONO 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2 Investment in road and equipment. 3 Improvements on leased railway property. Sinking funds Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold. Miscellaneous physical property. Investments in affiliated companies.. Other investments.. 2982 2 19 20 21 22 May SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 (Does not include lessor companies) KKKK Total number of stockholders.. 17 18 Material and supplies………. GENERAL BALANCE SHEET 26 Total investments Investments Current Assets Cash... Demand loans and deposits...... Time drafts and deposits. Special deposits... Loans and bills receivable.... 23 Working fund advances.. Item • Traffic and car-service balances receivable. Net balance receivable from agents and conductors. Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Interest and dividends receivable, Rents receivable.. Other current assets.. Total current assets.... 24 Insurance and other funds. 25 Other deferred assets...... Deferred Assets Total deferred assets........ Unadjusted Debits 27 Rents and insurance premiums paid in advance 28 Discount on capital stock. 29 Discount on funded debt... 30 Property abandoned chargeable to operating expenses..... 31 Other unadjusted debits.. 32 33 Total unadjusted debits.... Grand total. INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT Expenditures for new lines and extensions. Expenditures for additions and betterments. Credits for property retired.... 37 Adjustments. 38 Net charges during year...... 39 Stocks actually issued during year-par value.. 40 Funded debt actually issued during year--par value. Total, all districts d 274 $202,481,079 13,369,301 375,040 125,479 8,708,984 17,333,565 9,315,132 251,708, 580 4,785,560 3,012,522 1,310,000 1,174,828 118.020 } 1,502,473 692,577 4,507,342 3,132,096 154,036 105,695 129,911 20,625,060 24,308 3,390,126 2,444,092 5,858,526 107,899 3,293,600 2,404, 205 113,996 2,415,803 8,335,503 286,527,669 3,447,732 1,406,500 454.197 1,587,035 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district 142 $130,233,304 3,539,569 d 2,046 2,257,256 3,658,073 3,034,197 142,724,445 3,023,356 2,859,636 500,000 33,861 3,539 1,212,062 312,450 2,736,824 2,197,802 29,275 60,156 6,396 12,975,357 18,463 370,158 678,562 1,067,183 32,348 249,163 113,996 1,765,494 2,161,001 158,927,986 2,187,376 675,321 868,162 643,893 Southern district 7 $14,296,910 123,433 163,223 14,583,566 238,580 281,420 9,064 153 152,804 58,656 4,500 745,177 2,359 2,359 38,630 38,630 15,369,732 37,838 1,040 744 37,542 1 Western district 125 $57,950,865 9,829,732 375,040 6,288,505 13,675,492 6,280,935 94,400,569 1,523,624 152,886 810,000 859,547 114,481 281,347 379,974 1,617,714 875,638 124,761 41,039 123,515 6,904,526 5,845 3,019,968 1,763,171 4,788,984 75,551 3,293,600 2,155,042 611,679 6,135,872 112,229,951 1,222,518 730,139 413,221 905,600 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Tod 1 Capital stock. 2 Stock liability for conversion.. 3 Premium on capital stook.. 4 Total stock...... 5 Grants in aid of construction. 19 20 21 6 Funded debt unmatured. Receiver's certificates. 8 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies.... 9 Total long-term debt.... SUMMARY NO. 2—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) W wwwnnwNG 25 26 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET--Concluded 10 Loans and bills payable, 11 Traffic and car-service balances payable. 12 Audited accounts and wages payable 13 Miscellaneous accounts payable.. 14 Interest matured unpaid......………………. 33 ·· 15 Dividends matured unpaid... 16 Funded Debt matured unpaid. 17 Unmatured dividends declared.. 18 Unmatured interest accrued. Unnatured rents accrued.. Other current liabilities...... Total current liabilities.. Item momma no 2 Stock Long-Term Debt 41 Current Liabilities 22 Liability for provident funds........ 23 Other deferred liabilities......... 24 42 • Deferred Liabilities 28 Operating reserves........ 29 Aoorued depreciation--Road... 30 Accrued depreciation--Equipment. 31 Accrued depreciation--Miscellaneous physical property Other unadjusted credits... Total deferred liabilities....... Unadjusted Credits 40 Profit and loss--balance…. Tax liability. Premium on funded debt. Insurance and casualty reserves.. Corporate Surplus Additions to property through income and surplus. Funded debt retired through income and surplus.. 36 8inking fund reserves. 37 Miscellaneous fund reserves.. 38 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. Total unadjusted oredits.. Total appropriated surplus. Total corporate surplus.. Grand total $ Total, all districts $47,540,200 47,540,200 193,540 126,573,200 8,273,606 134,846,806 1,080,642 4,138,121 655,277 3,159,547 50,000 705,079 527,314 228,391 10,544,371 419,698 419,698 6,305,846 556,119 4,576,890 14,170,978 19,668 8,331,110 33,960,611 10,709,047 2,266,163 951,040 44,778 241,573 14,212,601 44,809,842 59,022,443 286,527,669 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $38,120,000 38,120,000 193,540 57,085,000 5,065,134 62,150,134 862,876 2,241,562 411,051 2,118,645 LIIMI 427,742 394,406 222,719 6,679,001 S 123,961 123,961 4,518,559 436,051 726,790 10,960,603 2,413,861 19,055,864 7,019,477 44,778 217,839 7,282,094 25,323,392 32,605,486 158,927,986 Southern district $2,000,000 2,000,000 14,000,000 14,000,000 11 245,247 12,509 281,420 2,038 541,214 30,851 30,851 II 82,510 17,690 100,200 5,268 111 5,268 d 1,307,801 d 1,302,533 15,369,732 19 Western district $7,420,200 7,420,200 55,488,200 3,208,472 58,696,672 217,766 1,651,312 231,717 759,482 50,000 277,337 132,908 3,634 3,324,156 264,886 264,886 1,787,287 120,068 3,850,100 3,127,865 19,668 5,899,559 14,804,547 3,684,302 2,266,163 951,040 23,734 6,925,239 20,794,251 27,719,490 112,229,951 4 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 20 Хо. Motio 9 10 11 1 Railway operating revenues 2 Railway operating expenses Het reveme from railway operations Railway tax accruals: United States Government taxes Other than United States Government taxes Total railway tax accruals Uncollectible railway revenues Railway operating income 23 24 12 Het revenue from miscellaneous operations 13 Taxes on miscellaneous operating property 14 Miscellaneous operating income 15 Total operating income 16 Net railway operating income 22 | Joint facility rent income Income from lease of road 19 Rent from passenger-train cars 20 Rent from floating equipment 21 Rent from work equipment OMMM ✡ in mmm 17 Hire of freight cars - credit balance 18 Rent from locomotives ...... 32 34 Miscellaneous rent income 25 Miscellaneous non-operating physical property 26 Separately operated properties 27 profit Dividend income 28 Income from funded securities 35 29 Income from unfunded securities and accounts SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 30 Income from sinking and other reserve funds 31 Release of premiums on funded debt Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income 38 40 41 42 43 44 50 51 52 53 USKJKJKJK Rent for passenger-train cars 39 Rent for floating equipment & 8 INCOME ACCOUNT Revenues from miscellaneous operations Expenses of miscellaneous operations 36 Hire of freight cars - debit balance 37 Rent for locomotives ........ 59 60 • 28 5 21 Item Rent for work equipment 81 Total non-operating income Gross inoome 82 Joint facility rents Rent for leased roads Miscellaneous rents Miscellaneous tax accruals ... • • 76 77 Miscellaneous debits 78 61 63 62 Profit on road and equipment sold Delayed income credits Unrefundable overcharges Donations Miscellaneous credits 64 • Separately operated properties loss Interest on funded debt Interest on unfunded debt • ·· • Amortization of discount on funded debt Maintenance of investment organization Income transferred to other companies Miscellaneous income charges Total deductions from gross income Net income Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income • TPAR I .. Income appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total appropriations of income ... Income balance transferred to profit and loss PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Credit balance transferred from income 73 Debt discount extinguished through surplus 74 Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus Loss on retired road and equipment Delayed income debits 67 Total credits during year 68 Debit balance transferred from income 69 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds 70 Dividend appropriations of surplus 71 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property 72 8took discount extinguished through surplus Total debits during year 79 Net increase during year 80 Balance at beginning of year Balance at end of year Dividends declared during year Par value on which declared – common Par value on which declared preferred .. · · • • • 83 84 85 Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent ·· Total, all districts $48,082,072 35,882,694 12,199,378 d 219.866 4.658.895 4,439,029 9,964 7,750,385 = 7,750,385 11,201,600 911,389 99,253 33 45,465 4,758,654 463,950 656,752 101,202 d 369 533,460 667,790 169,108 337 90,383 96,956 8,595,101 16,345,486 1,294,542 332,175 17,323 719,539 5,584,579 1,429,177 77,232 1 5,633,020 14,511 110,725 348,549 15,561,372 784,114 65,043 157,596 II 222,639 561,475 2,444,643 3,252 385,299 14,597 161,482 167,634 3,176,907 1,883,168 420 3,530,000 134,875 215,051 60,301 5,822,975 ₫ 2.646.068 47,455,910 44,809,842 3,687,596 22,226,600 16.59 Eastern district $30.092,848 24,182,065 5,910,783 ₫ 322.227 2.591.212 2,268,985 2,387 3,639,411 3,639,411 5,283,260 639,755 76,734 22,302 2,762,642 456,867 235,087 37,545 54 115,392 243,745 12,245 337 90.383 43,714 4,736,802 8,376,213 867,786 290,063 16,959 682,776 2,870,848 216,797 19,459 2,675,137 4,809 12,384 1,675, 326,111 7,983,129 393,084 8,403 I G 8,403 384,681 1,464,613 3,252 125,437 3,050 90,067 113,225 1,799,644 1,079,932 952 1,920,000 90,067 # 65,269 43,072 3,197,388 d 1.397.744 26,721,136 25,323,392 1/ 1,920,000 18,100,000 10.61 Southern district $1,765,900 837,905 927,995 128,400 128,400 39 799,556 I II 799,556 542,650 15,665 432 103,951 24,310 5,554 111 19 149,931 949,487 329,858 41,724 I 162 5,210 1,571 7,018 560,000 701 2,858 949,102 385 T I 385 385 378 5 768 … GRAN 378 165 543 225 d 1.308.026 d 1,307,801 Deficit or other reverse item. Includes $700,000 representing an extra dividend of 35 per cent declared by Detroit Terminal R.R. Co. Includes $1,500,000 representing an extra dividend of 300 per cent declared by Chicago River & Indiana R.R. Co. Western district $16,223,324 10,862,724 5,360,600 102,361 1.939.283 2,041,644 7,538 3,311,418 It FI 3,311,418 5,375,690 271,634 With minim 6,854 J 22,731 1,892,061 7,083 421,665 39,347 315 418,068 418,491 156,863 53,223 3,708,368 7,019,786 96,898 388 202 31,553 2,713,731 1,210,809 50,755 2,397,883 9,001 98,341 19,580 6,629,141 390,645 56,640 157,596 214,236 176,409 979,645 259,862 11,547 71,037 54, 404 1,376,495 803,236 532 1,610,000 44,430 149,617 17,229 2,625,044 £ 1,248, 549 22,042,800 20,794,251 2/ 1,767,596 4,126,600 42.83 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Io. 1 Freight 1234 Low 21 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Passenger 7 8 9 10 11 12 Other freight-train 13 Water transfers-freight 14 Water transfers--passenger 41 42 43 44 ... D ·· 20 Excess baggage ... Excess baggage Sleeping car Parlor and chair car Mail Express Other passenger-train Milk SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931—Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 55 56 • O • D • 15 Water transfers--vehicles and live stock 16 Water transfers--other 17 18 19 Freight Passenger Switching ..: Special service train 27 Dining and buffet 28 Express Special service Other · 79 80 81 Other passenger service Mail. Total rail-line transportation revenue .. ... Hotel and restaurant Storage--freight Storage--baggage RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES • Total water-line transportation revenue Joint facility--Or. Joint facility--Dr. • • ·· Station, train, and boat privileges Parcel room ·· 45 Superintendence 46 Roadway maintenance--yard • Demurrage Telegraph and telephone Grain elevator Stockyard Power ·· Rents of buildings and other property Miscellaneous Total incidental operating revenue ···· 47 Roadway maintenance--other 48 Rails-other ... • Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues Ballast--yard Ballast--other Roadway--depreciation--yard 49 Roadway--depreciation--other 50 Underground power tubes-yard 51 | Underground power tubes--other 52 Underground power tubes-depreciation--yard Ties--yard 67 Ties--other • 68 Ties--depreciation--yard 69 Ties-depreciation--other 70 | Rails--yard . 71 72 .. RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures ·· Rails--depreciation--yard Rails--depreciation--other 73 74 | Other track material--yard • Item Tunnels and subways--yard Tunnels and subways--other Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard 57 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard • 53 Underground power tubes-depreciation--other 54 63 Elevated structures--other 64 | Elevated structures--depreciation--yard • · • • • 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other 66 • 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other 62 Elevated structures--yard • · • · • • • 75 Other track material--other 76 Other track material--depreciation-yard .. • 77 Other track material--depreciation--other 78 Ballast--depreciation--yard Ballast--depreciation--other 82 Track laying and surfacing--yard 83 Track laying and surfacing--other 84 Right-of-way fences--yard 85 | Right-of-way fences--other ·· • ·· O ·· • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · ·· Total, all districts • $1,658,047 6 2,138 3 £ 180 MI 43,393,202 2,374 2,993 45,063,211 … 1 3802 1 44,439 107,198 54,625 8,788 7,563 309,244 748,758 229,361 743 383,416 1,365,797 3,259,932 523 1 7,634 248,705 d 241.071 48,082,072 571,249 626,936 22,861 544 9,139 13,357 355,904 31,073 80,035 59,338 20,562 667,142 18,347 1,793 278,786 10,535 241 532 395 2,053 51,510 12 1 1,331,031 28,722 5,997 195 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $1,555,388 27,741,090 2,374 2,321 29,301,173 d d I 44,439 516 9,243 7,285 1,281 215,062 229,361 443 61,523 227,957 796,378 7,634 12,337 4.703 30,092,848 397,442 362,381 481 4,910 269,983 37,098 1,180 458,001 1,793 196,643 241 364,229 2,053 31,307 54 870,692 4,719 Southern district …… ▬▬▬▬▬ $1,712,794 d 111 1,712,794 | | | I 11 3,092 834 272 2,162 ……… 22,720 26,974 56,054 2,948 2.948 1,765,900 14,345 2,214 18,354 I 204 12,986 …… 11,085 13,368 3,173 10,093 4,174 5.305 1 Detroit I 18,615 18,395 18 21 Western district $102,659 448 2,138 13,939,318 672 14,049,244 1 11 104,622 45,382 669 6,010 92,020 748,758 299,173 1,110,866 2,407,500 233,420 ₫ 233.420 16,223,324 159,462 262,341 507 63 4,229 13,357 85,717 18,087 42,937 58,158 20,562 198,056 4,979 78,970 442 155; 155,129 3,090 20,226 15 441,724 10,327 1,878 177 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 22 No. 1 2 SUMMARY NO. 2—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded 15 Water stations ·· 16 Water stations--depreciation 17 Fuel stations 18 Wharves and docks--depreciation 5 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation-yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--other 7 Crossings and signs--yard 8 Crossings and signs--other • 9 Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard 10 Crossings and signs--depreciation--other Station and office buildings ... 11 12 Station and office buildings--depreciation 13 Roadway buildings 14 Roadway buildings-depreciation Fuel stations--depreciation Shops and enginehouse s 19 20❘ Shops and enginehouses--depreciation 21 Grain elevators ..... 22 Grain elevators--depreciation 23 Storage warehouses 24 Storage warehouses--depreciation 25 Wharves and docks 26 27 Coal and ore wharves 28 Coal and ore wharves--depreciation 29 Gas producing plants 30 Gas producing plants--depreciation 31 32 ·· 33 Signals and interlockers 34 Signals and interlockers--depreciation 35 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines 36 Paving--depreciation Telegraph and telephone lines Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation .. Power distribution systems 44 Power distribution systems--depreciation 45 ·· 57 58 Injuries to persons 59 Insurance 60 Stationery and printing 61 Other expenses 62 Item • Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation 37 Power plant buildings Power plant buildings--depreciation 38 39 Power substation buildings .... 40 Power substation buildings--depreciation 41 Power transmission systems 42 Power transmission systems--depreciation • Roadway machines--depreciation Small tools and supplies Removing snow, ice, and sand Assessments for public improvements ··· • Power line poles and fixtures Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation 47 Underground conduits • 48 Underground conduits--depreciation Miscellaneous structures Miscellaneous structures-depreciation 51 Paving 53 Roadway machines C 67 Superintendence 68 Shop machinery 69 Shop machinery--depreciation 70 Power plant machinery .. 75 8team locomotives--depreciation 76 Steam locomotives--retirement s 77 Other locomotives--repairs .. 78 Other locomotives--depreciation 79 Other locomotives--retirements 80 81 71 Power plant machinery--de reciation 72 Power substation apparatus 73 74 .. • Freight-train cars--repairs Freight-train cars--depreciation • Power substation apparatus--depreciation Steam locomotives--repairs · Total, above accounts Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 64 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities-Cr. 65 Equalization--way and structures 66 Total maintenance of way and structures Maintenance of Equipment · • .. • ·· ·· ·· • • • • • • ·· • • ❤ .. O ● ·· • • • · Total, all districts $125,002 6,055 7,684 d 1411 336,914 102,401 28,571 2,146 40,621 5,041 42,915 6,772 150, 309 30,520 1,154 73,088 7,208 22,995 169,043 21,464 11,291 11,060 2 58,412 381,780 4,713 8, Imam 1,913 16,361 2,145 3,337 • Number at close of year Total tractive effort (pounds) Number installed during year Number retired during year Electric locomotive units: - • < MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1931 • ·· • • DT. Cr. · Number at close of year Total tractive effort (pounds) Humber installed during year Number retired during year ..... Freight-carrying Cars • EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE • • Total, all districts $372,945 510,091 4,621,708 219,328 403,234 21,188,345 11 39,648 184,022 238,905 515 70,027 533,117 481,238 805,308 105,979 197,299 1.950 6,448 144,359 45,591 257,984 52,596 6,716 159,478 1,945,990 24,656 35,882,694 74.63 $34,461,157 70,830 1,256,577 59,477 34,653 35,882,694 562.42 353.21 14.34 .92 4.26 2,228.17 1/ 3,163.32 279.87 160.96 2.37 .92 1,007.95 1,452.07 911 39,854,300 12 I 712 58 6,2324 1,149 8,158 Eastern district $274,614 492,190 1,820,081 219,769 376,920 14,092,636 11 39,648 238,905 515 34,138 313,206 270,936 600,396 69,388 88,143 1,377 6.448 81,204 30,185 177,637 21,568 6,716 79,575 1,274,423 23,841 24,182,065 80.36 $23,798,103 39,648 309,661 34,653 24,182,065 428.76 277.71 14.34 .92 4.26 1,512.73 2/ 2,238.72 230.53 138.68 2.37 .92 727.71 1,100.21 609 27,411,700 4 8 1}}} 231 Deficit or other reverse item. Includes 512.96 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 453.78 miles operated under traokage rights. Includes 2.93 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 56.25 miles operated under trackage rights. 6,110 1,149 7,548 Southern district $3,400 4,731 143,974 17,570 542,161 ……… ………… 1,251 10,656 636 2,634 11 120 532 1,694 671 712 17,493 6 837,905 47.45 $544,553 ₫ 22,599 286,690 29,261 837,905 20.35 7.68 !!! 50.33 3/ 78.36 18.36 7.68 49.39 75.43 18 536,900 1 11 11 …………… 1 Western district $94,931 13,170 2,657, 441 8,744 6,553,548 184,022 35,889 219,911 209,051 194,256 35,955 106,522 562 63,035 14,874 78,653 30,357 79,191 654,074 809 10,862,724 66.96 $10,118,501 53,781 660,226 30,216 10,862,724 113.31 67.82 665.11 4/846.24 30.98 14.60 230.85 276.43 284 11,905,700 4 1111 481 4 122 111 610 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Io 123+unot 7 OR et er et ste 2012k+in 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 www. wenye mitano 37 38 39 40 GESS £5 41 42 51 nihinin 55 av SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 —Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) 57 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded 58 Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars... Flat cars. Stock cars. Coal cars. Tank Cars... Refrigerator cars.... Other freight-carrying cars.. Total. 61 62 63 ·· Number installed during year: Box cars.. Flat cars. Stock cars, Coal cars. Tank cars. ... Total... ·· 3238 27 Number retired during year..………………………………. Number at close of year.. 28 29 Number installed during year.. Number retired during year. Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. Total... Number retired during year: Box cars... Flat cars. Stock carB. Coal care. Tank cars.. • • 11 Number of units at close of year.. 32 Number of units installed during year....……. 33 Number of units retired during year……….. TIES LAID DURING YEAR ● ·· . Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying cars. Number at close of year. Number installed during year.. Item ·· All Classes of Passenger-train Cars 46 Average number... Compensation: 47 48 49 In replacement: All Classes of Company Service Equipment Service days: In replacement: Number of cross ties... Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties. Total charges... • ·· In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties.... Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties.... Total charges.... Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges..... Floating Equipment Total hours paiù for RAILS LAID DURING YEAR In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks.. • Miles of yard track and sidings Number of tons (2,240 lbs.). Total charges... Straight time actually worked.. Overtime paid for...... Total compensation ...... Service hours: Straight time actually worked.. Overtime paid for..... ... .. • EMPLOYEES Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for.. In special service.. In yard-switching service... In work service Total days paid for Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expense s CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service... In passenger service. In mixed-train service.. · • ·· Grand total, all services. • • Total, all districts 28,416 3,420 90 352,905 200 ¥ 61,740 446,771 81 20 101 ZOOMIIN 201 ORIG 15 459 21 27 MI 13 267,626 4,275,752 $691,403 34,590 296,891 $75,582 15,843 $591,517 .70 16.22 1,976 $61,612 19,304 $30,384,753 $1,207,128 $32,175,974 38,145,093 1,223,814 39,920,448 580,317 7,821 598,823 $29,297,992 12,549 1,798 43 1,065,720 8,864 Eastern district 9,186 3,290 347,825 200 61,740 422,241 1880 20 20 SONOMIIN 2 100 2 115 1,088,974 1/ Does not include data for 26 linear feet of steel ties. 4 Ja 277 10 21 13 " 174,134 2,170,172 $455,896 18,698 201,655 11,799 $431,297 .41 10.77 1.045 $32,952 11,496 $17,977,102 $818,994 $19,075,435 21,990,837 841,843 23,041,934 326,332 525 331.254 $18,087,135 11,342 43 745,562 3,778 760,725 Southern district 1111 11 1 141 11 1 III MIL 3 ||| 18,507 170,391 $28,847 5,687 $246 365 $13,105 !!!! 640 $8819143 $67,461 $948,604 1,311,873 91,236 1,403,109 28,739 158 28.897 $917,676 SELLE 18,796 18,841 25 Western district 19,230 130 90 5,080 24,530 81 81 66 6 14 86 11 180 179 11 160 111 74,985 1,935,189 $206,660 15,892 89,549 $33,975 3,679 $147,115 .29 5.45 931 $28,660 7,168 $11,526,508 $320,673 $12,151,935 14,842,383 290,735 15,475,405 225,246 7,138 238,672 $10,293,181 1,207 1,798 301,362 5,041 309,408 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 26 Kind of mileage: Steam road. Electric line..... Steamboat line.. Stage line………………. Airplane. Total mileage. State or Territory: Alabama.. Arizona. Arkansas. California.. Colorado. ... Connecticut... Delaware... District of Columbia. Florida... Georgia. Idaho. Illinois.. Indiana.. Iowa.. Kansas... Kentucky. Louisiana. Maine. Maryland. Massachusetts. Michigan.... Minnesota.. Mississippi Missouri.. Montana. Nebraska. Nevada.. New Hampshire. New Jersey.. New Mexico......... New York.... North Carolina. North Dakota. Ohio.. ... Oklahoma.... Oregon. Pennsylvania. Rhode Island. South Carolina. South Dakota. .. Tennessee.... Texas........ Utah. Vermont. Virginia. Washington.. • Wisconsin.. Wyoming. Alaska. Hawaii. Canada. I. II. West Virginia.. SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 81, 1931 • • Mexico... Mileage not assignable 1/ ·· Land. Buildings. III. Equipment: Cars. Horses.. Automobiles. ·· Wagons and sleighs.. Harness and equipment.. Office furniture and equipment. Office safes..... Trucks..... Stable equipment. Garage equipment. Line equipment.. Shop equipment. Miscellaneous equipment. Total equipment. Total real property and equipment. ·· • Item .. · ● Item MILEAGE COVERED BY OPERATIONS Total 228,870.24 2,573.29 26,274.75 3,626.85 10,443.00 271,788.13 4,838.58 2,322.20 4,449.11 10,547.11 4,998.99 865.16 296.30 38.85 5,269.63 6,509.49 3,233.86 11,271.56 6,542.62 10,474.91 9.389.13 3,591.60 4,208.80 2,054.75 2,508.47 1,911.20 6.880.61 8,693.72 3,910.64 7,902.77 5.154.87 6,642.61 2,769.58 1,136.94 2,102.02 3,231.55 7,963.10 4,493.80 5,585.09 8,424.67 6,758.08 .3,912.33 8,913.93 149.99 3,554.54 4.188.00 3,598.98 16,749.56 2,872.61 954.87 5,039.69 6,763.81 3,141.95 7,295.25 2,359.22 13,171.30 369.97 4,969.26 96.50 6,714.00 COST OF REAL PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Total $8,05,185 11,929,264 959,492 26,287 23,132,615 206,618 31,709 3,196,899 515,249 2,974,714 6,549 688,075 555,890 231,341 5,626 Railway Express Agency, Inc. 32,531,064 52,515,513 218,988.34 2,535.57 26,006.75 3,600.85 10,443.00 261,574.51 3,236.23 2,322.20 4,449.11 10,547.11 4,998.99 865.16 296.30 31.30 5,004.88 5,210.39 3,233.86 10,952.70 6,306.59 10,474.91 9,389.13 3,225.61 4,168.22 2,054.75 2,329.60 1,911.20 6,880.61 8,693.72 3,164.73 7,900.77 5,154.87 6,642.61 2,769.58 1,136.94 2,102.02 3.231.55 7,963.10 3,022.23 5,585.09 8,423.59 6,758.08 3,912.33 8,878.23 149.99 2,342.56 4,188.00 2,298.56 16,749.56 2,872.51 954.87 3,908.81 6,763.81 3,141.95 7,295.25 2,359.22 13,171.30 369.97 4,969.26 1/ Covers miscellaneous unassigned mileage, such as transoceanic, coastwise, river, and lake not within the boundaries of any State or Territory. 96.50 6,714.00 Railway Express Agency, Inc. $8,044,103 11,746,949 959,492 25.759 22,353,866 202,957 31,326 3,100,471 490,083 2,904,628 6,490 682,771 538,113 231,341 5,440 Southeastern Express Co. 31,532,737 51,323,789 9,881.90 37.72 268.00 26.00 10,213.62 1,602.35 7.55 264.75 1,299.10 318.86 236.03 365.99 40.58 178.87 745.91 2.00 1 1,471.57 1.08 35.70 1,211.98 1,300.42 1,130.88 Southeastern Express Co. $11,082 182,315 528 778,749 3,661 383 96,428 25,166 70,086 59 5,304 17,777 186 998,327 1,191,724 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Cars: Number Inventory value Horses: Total equipment, inventory value • Number Inventory value Automobiles: Gasoline- Number Inventory value Electrio- Number Inventory value Wagons and sleighs: Wagons, double- Sleighs- Number Inventory value Wagons, single- Number Inventory value SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -Continued Number Inventory value Buggies- Number Inventory value Number Inventory value Harness equipment: Inventory value office furniture and equipment: Inventory value Office safes: ··· I. Trucks: Number Inventory value Stable equipment: Inventory value Garage equipment: Inventory value Line equipment: Safes, car- Number Inventory value Safes, messenger- Number Inventory value Trunks, packing- Number ·· ·· ... ·· Shop equipment: C Inventory value Other line equipment- Inventory value Inventory value Miscellaneous equipment: Inventory value A Transportation: Express, domestic Express, foreign Miscellaneous .. Item .. - Total transportation II. Contract payments: Express privileges Dr. Account • • Revenue from transportation III. Operations other than transportation: Customs brokerage fees Order and commission Rents of buildings and other property Money orders... C. O. D. checks Travelers' cheques Telegraph and cable transfers Letters of credit Foreign postal remittances Profit on exchange and other financial revenu Miscellaneous ... • ·· • Total other than transportation Total operating revenues INVENTORY VALUE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED • Total 1/ $12,223,552 3/ 247 $199,635 138 $5,495 8,277 $6,280,381 1,596 2/ $2,401,735 303 $53,310 47 $996 17 $85 1 $20 $6,009 $1,199,740 17,698 $177,153 64,812 $964,401 $2,517 $318,130 2,548 $76,996 7.397 $15,761 8,869 $46,268 $57,629 $87,996 $2,725 ANALYSIS OF OPERATING REVENUES Total $197,573,399 73,547 197,646,946 83,337,556 114,309, 390 165,740 5,279 104,427 15,699 1,895,893 111 Railway Express Igenoy, Inc. 1/ $11,905,070 38 1,085,307 3,272,383 117,581,773 Includes $326,570, inventory value of 471 automobile trailers. Includes $1,049,043, inventory value of 1,892 automobile batteries. Includes $69,042, inventory value of 614 truck batteries. 247 $199,635 232323523 $5.441 3/ 7,963 $6,011,881 1,596 2/ $2,401,735 300 $53,257 37 $882 ធម្ម ឥន្ទ 17 $85 $5,969 $1,176,131 17,227 $161,692 62,924 $960,542 $2,517 $314,835 2,423 $74,491 7,085 $15,427 8,264 $45,721 $57,629 $87,996 $2,614 Railway Express Agency, Inc. $191,976,078 67,871 192,043,949 81,220,725 110,823,224 165,689 5,279 103,558 1,819,683 38 1,079,212 3,173,459 113,996,683 27 Southeastern Express Co. $318,482 $54 314 $268,500 3 $53 10 $114 $40 $23,609 471 $15,461 1,888 $3,859 $3,295 125 $2,505 312 $334 605 $547 $111 Southeastern Express Co. $5,597,321 5,676 5,602,997 2,116,831 3,486,166 51 869 15,699 76,210 111 6,095 98,924 3.585,090 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 28 SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED, BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -Continued Operating income: Charges for transportation Express privileges Dr. - .. Revenue from transportation Revenue from operations other than transportation Total operating revenues Operating expenses Het operating revenue Operating income Item Uncollectible revenue from transportation Express taxes Other income: Rent from real property and equipment used jointly Miscellaneous rent income Net income from miscellaneous physical property Separately operated properties profit Dividend income - • Income from funded securities Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds Release of premiums on funded debt Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income Total other income Gross income Deductions from gross income: Rent for real property and equipment used jointly Miscellaneous rents Miscellaneous taxes Net loss on miscellaneous physical property Separately operated properties Interest on funded debt Interest on unfunded debt 1088 · Amortization of discount on funded debt Income transferred to other companies Miscellaneous income debits Total deductions from gross income Net income .... Total appropriations Balance transferred to profit and loss Item ·· Credit balance at beginning of year Credit balance transferred from income Total credits Debit balance at beginning of year Debit balance transferred from income Profit on real property and equipment sold Delayed income credits Unrefundable overcharges Miscellaneous credits • Disposition of net income: Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income Income appropriations for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of income • 8took discount extinguished through surplus Debt discount extinguished through surplus Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus Loss on land sold Delayed income debits Miscellaneous debits ► ► • • • Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of surplus Surplus set aside for investment in physical property • Total debite Balance carried forward to credit of balance sheet • INCOME ACCOUNT .. • Total $197,646,946 83,337,556 114,309,390 3,272,383 117,581,773 114,624,390 2,957,383 17,062 1,432,435 1,507,886 d 178 151,830 10,995 154,423 115 1,524 318,950 1,826,836 1,037 483 1,024 1,524 1,681,333 1,713 68,375 271 1,755,760 71,076 70,000 2,691 72,691 1,615 d Deficit or other reverse item. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Total $131,219 833 2,866 1,510 10,930 147,358 2,448 4,250 9,441 16,139 131,219 Railway Express Agency, Inc. $192,043,949 81,220,725 110,823,224 3,173,459 113,996,683 111,180,940 2,815,743 15,618 1,343,435 1,456,690 178 151,830 10,995 137,043 1,524 301,570 1,758,260 1,037 483 1,524 1,681,333 1,713 68,375 271 1,754,736 3,524 2,691 2,691 833 Railway express Agency, Inc. | $833 492 1,446 10,920 13,691 4,250 9,441 13,691 Southeastern Express Co. $5,602,997 2,116,831 3,486,166 98,924 3,585,090 3,443,450 141,640 1,444 89,000 51,196 d I! 17,380 17,380 68,576 1,024 1,024 67,552 70,000 70,000 2,448 Southeastern Express Co. $131,219 2,374 64 10 133,667 2,448 2,448 131,219 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS I. II. III. IV. Total operating expenses Maintenance: 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Wagons and sleighs repairs 14. Wagons and sleighs depreciation 15. Wagons and sleighs retirements 16. Harness equipment repairs 17. 18. Office furniture and equipment repairs - - 19. Office furniture and equipment-depreciation and retirements Office safes – repairs 20. 21. 22. 23. Trucks Office safes depreciation and retirements Trucks repairs 24. 35 36. SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -Continued 41. 42. 43. 44. Superintendence maintenance Buildings and appurtenances Buildings and appurtenances Buildings and appurtenances Cars repairs Cars depreciation Cars retirements 45. 46. Traffic: 33. 34. - - Horses – depreciation Horses retirements 59. 60. 61. 62. Automobiles-repairs Automobiles - depreciation Automobiles retirements Ka - - C J General: 53. 55. 57. 58. - - depreciation and retirements Stable and garage equipment repairs 25. Stable and garage equipment Line equipment 26. 27. Line equipment depreciation and retirements 28. Shop equipment repairs - Harness equipment depreciation and retirements - Transportation: 37. Superintendence 38. Office employees 39. Commissions 40. - - • Superintendence Advertising Stationery and printing Other expenses Total Account 29. Shop equipment depreciation and retirements 30. Miscellaneous equipment 32. Other expenses 31. Total Miscellaneous equipment repairs traffic repairs ...... Stationery and printing Loss and damage - - Train employees 47. Train supplies and expenses 48. 49. 50. 51. Damage to property Injuries to persons 52. Other expenses Total ► • - Insurance Fidelity bond premiums Pensions G • • Stationery and printing Valuation expenses Other expenses Total Office supplies and expenses Rent of local offices - Ad transportation repairs depreciation retirements .. Vehicle employees Stable and garage employees Stable and garage supplies and expenses Drayage ANALYSIS OF OPERATING EXPENSES depreciation and retirements • ... depreciation and retirements • • ... Salaries and expenses of general officers Salaries and expenses of olerks and attendants General office supplies and expenses Law expenses • d Deficit or other reverse item. Total $114,624,390 337.397 386,937 419,927 55,318 79,887 36,207 4.440 8,918 9.231 2,524,662 2,635,773 132,073 24,709 19,066 47,056 2,892 1,858 115,864 203,417 7,912 19,933 318,278 185,196 8,793 45,809 26,257 30,494 8,303 16,530 258 455 7,686,515 397,469 37,357 57,152 4,582 496,560 5,494,179 40,023,895 6,512,678 2,138,171 4,733,021 19,374,189 1,341,764 3,366,752 1,235,390 8,998,712 1,172,202 1,482,377 2,826,304 97,299 667,113 47,836 99,511,882 472,329 4,173,462 377,770 334,965 196,733 24,210 1,159,870 109,357 80,737 6,929,433 Railway Express Agency, Inc. $111,180,940 d 337,397 386,015 408,182 54,962 79,887 36,207 4.440 8,918 9.231 2,461,672 2,568,146 132,073 24,666 19,066 47,010 2,891 1,855 114,521 198,094 7,651 18,875 305,486 181,662 8,793 45,527 25,871 29,614 8,303 16,530 258 418 7 7,516,886 321,784 35,756 45,894 323523533 403,434 5,377,380 39,043,947 6,185,460 2,085,539 4,595,267 18,960,744 1,310,250 3,249,009 1,093,387 8,537,222 1,163,061 1,405,632 2,772,518 95,650 660,096 47,069 96,582,231 429,739 4,047,697 367,571 314,450 162,564 14,169 1,159,870 101,971 80,358 6,678,389 29 Southeastern Express Co. $3,443,450 922 11,745 356 1111 62,990 67,627 46 1 3 1,343 5,323 261 1,058 12,792 3,534 282 386 880 37 169,629 75,685 1,601 11,258 4,582 93,126 116,799 979,948 327,218 52,632 137,754 413,445 31,514 117,743 142,003 461,490 9,141 76,745 53,786 1,649 7,017 767 2,929,651 42,590 125,765 10,199 20,515 34,169 10,041 7,386 379 251,044 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 30 Investment: Real property and equipment. Sinking fund... Current assets: Cash... Special deposits.. Loans and notes receivable. SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -Concluded Miscellaneous physical property.. Investments in affiliated companies. Other investments. Total investment.. Deferred assets.... Unadjusted debits: Discount on capital stock. Discount on funded debt.. Other unadjusted debits. Stock: • Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Material and supplies... Other current assets.... Total current assets. Total unadjusted debits... Grand total.. Capital stock... Premium on capital stock.. Total stock liabilities. Deferred liabilities.... Unadjusted credits: Profit and loss balance... · • Class of employees Advertising.... Junded debt unmatured... Current liabilities: Loans and notes payable. Audited accounts and wages unpaid. Miscellaneous accounts payable. Express privilege liabilities.. Other current liabilities.. Total current liabilities. Superintendence-Maintenance. Superintendence--Traffic....... [ Premium on funded debt. Operating and insurance reserves. Accrued depreciation.... Other unadjusted credits... Total unadjusted credits. Total corporate surplus... Superintendence--Transportation. Agents, alerks and solicitors. Platform and house men. .. Item ASSETS • Corporate surplus: Additions to property through income and surplus.. Reserves from income and surplus.. Total appropriated surplus. LIABILITIES • Vehicle employees.... Stable and garage employees.. Train employees.. Claim agents, special agents, and clerks General officers. .. ❤ General office clerks and attendants... Law department officers and clerks. Shop employees..... Other employees • • • ·· Number on Dec. 31 110 108 1,970 11,711 10,845 10,283 611 5,000 191 45 47 776 90 Number of days worked 35,716 35,034 2,3259 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT Total Yearly compensation $277,374 284,064 Total Average daily compen- sation $7.77 8.11 Total (including general officers)... Total (excluding general officers)... 44,068 14,680,832 82,665,433 $52,515,513 6,314 25,500 590,966 53.138,293 17,430,411 7,170 3,094 857,702 385,247 3,799,452 22,483,076 34,269 578,805 619,989 1,198,794 76,854,432 1,100,000 1,100,000 32,800,000 EMPLOYEES, SERVICE, AND COMPENSATION 4,497,393 2,598,166 7,354,892 1,886,339 16,336,790 34,269 2,273,693 24,174,748 3,713 26,452,154 131,219 131,219 Railway Express Agency, Inc. Number on Dec. 31 110 87 $51,323,789 500 190,966 51,515,255 16,701,275 2,150 3,094 758,710 377,430 3,684,737 21,527,396 34,269 578,805 602,386 1,181,191 74,258,111 100,000 100,000 32,800,000 4,311,195 2,598,166 7,139,502 1,662,236 15,711,099 34,269 2,224,750 23,386,087 1,906 25,612,743 Railway Express Agency, Inc. Number of day 8 worked 646,218 4,678,608 7.24 1,945 3,830,337 21,704,923 11,304 5.67 3,473,445 18,069,159 5.20 10,332 3,414,340 19,375,627 5.67 9,991 220,927 1,269,745 5.75 597 1,929,938 10,501,942 44 4,778 65,611 418,532 180 16,633 41 727,080 2,249 15,065 44 258,938 110 28,183 90 442,289 26.59 4,103,080 5.64 168,071 11.16 1,657,858 6.40 156,450 5.55 44,11314,697,465 83,107,722 5.65 42,524 14,249,762 80,888,304 5.63 Yearly compensation 35,716 $277,374 27,529 231,452 = Average daily compen- sation $7.77 8.41 I Number on Dec.31 452 1574 25 NO Southeastern Express Co. 513 $1,191,724 6,314 25,000 400,000 1,623,038 H#NME 77 729,136 5,020 Southeastern Express Co. Number Average of Yearly daily days compensation compen- worked sation 3 . 98,992 7,817 114,715 955,680 17,603 17,603 2,596,321 21 7,505 $52,612 $7.01 8,365 407 106,023 122,455 81,516 292 222 14 5,712 85,062 11 3.548 1,224 25,301 992 4 1,000,000 7.21 5.68 5.26 637,853 4,597,046 3,724,314 21,152,461 3,350,990 17,641,673 3,332,824 18,962,182 5.69 215,215 215 1,238,231 5.75 1,844,876 10,040,452 5.44 62,063 400,368 6.45 15,409 404.418 26.25 701,779 3,977,332 5.67 14,073 151,007 10.73 258,938 1,657,858 6.40 28,183 156,450 5.55 5.68 1,589 447,703 42,48314,234,353 80,483,886 5.65 1,000,000 186,198 215,390 224,103 625,691 48,943 788,661 1,807 839,411 131,219 131,219 81,562 9.75 552.462 5.21 427,486 3.49 423,445 5.07 31,514 5.52 461,490 5.4 18,164 37,871 36.94 125,748 4.97 17,064 17.20 # 2,219,418 4.96 1,585446,479 2,181,547 4.89 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 4—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 Average mileage (single track) over which operations were conducted (miles) Investment in sleeping car property Miscellaneous physical property Other investments Cash • Het balance receivable from receiving cashiers and ticket agents Miscellaneous accounts receivable Material and supplies Other current assets Deferred assets.. Unadjusted debits ... Total • Capital stock Premium on capital stock Wages payable ... Miscellaneous accounts payable Dividends matured unpaid Unmatured dividends declared Other current liabilities........ • Deferred liabilities Operating reserves Accrued depreciation ........ Other unadjusted credits 8leeping car operating revenues Revenues from auxiliary operations Operating income .... Miscellaneous fund reserves Appropriated surplus not specifically invested Profit and loss-balance Total corporate surplus Total revenues Sleeping car operating expenses Expenses of auxiliary operations Total operating expenses Net revenue s · 8leeping car tax accruals Auxiliary operations--Tax accruals Total taxes Total nonoperating income Gross income • ·· • Rent from cars Dividends received Income from funded securities Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds Miscellaneous income Rent for cars Miscellaneous tax accruals Interest on unfunded debt Miscellaneous income charges Total deductions from gross income Net income • ... Total debits during year Net increase during year Balance at beginning of year Balance at end of year Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total appropriations Income balance transferred to profit and loss Credit balance transferred from income Unrefundable overcharges Miscellaneous credits O GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Total credits during year Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of surplus Loss on retired equipment Uncollectible sleeping car revenues Miscellaneous debits • • • INCOME ACCOUNT PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT ₫ Deficit or other reverse itan. d 32 125,702.50 $249,453,125 453, 7,321 2,680,966 11,048,470 1,015,430 2,976,331 3,593,993 370,780 4,840,120 40,574,099 316,560,635 120,150,000 1,272,993 1,779,277 30,691 826,963 4,475,462 30,000 134,131,416 45,677,081 255,336 7,931,416 8,186,752 62,558,071 1,125,435 63,683,506 57,243,465 1,032,663 58,276,128 5,407,378 2,384,125 13,828 2,397,953 3,009,425 102,907 20,814 32,748 107,617 167,570 431,656 3,441,081 1,953 837 99,089 101,879 3,339,202 164,209 164,209 3,174,993 3,174,993 9,518 1.392 3,185,903 I 75.730 1,470 68,844 5.416 3,191,319 4.740.097 7,931,416 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 2222 32 Berth revenue Seat revenue Charter of cars Miscellaneous revenue Car mileage revenue Association and contract revenue--Dr. Total operating revenues Maintenance Conducting car o ations General expenses SUMMARY NO. 4—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -Concluded Total operating expenses Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) Auxiliary operations: General officers Clerks and attendants Maintenance: Mechanics, electricians, seamstresses, repairmen, carpenters, shop employees, etc. Conducting car operations: General officers and staff (superintendence) District superintendents, agents, and staff Conductors Porters and maids Train stenographers Car cleaners Laundry employees General expenses: • Parlor cars Dining cars • Commissary (superintendence) Agents and staff, conductors, waiters, cooks, etc. Total (including general officers) Total number of revenue passengers--berth Total number of revenue passengers--seat Average revenue per passenger-berth Average revenue per passenger-seat Total number of car-miles Total number of car-days Standard sleeping cars Tourist sleeping cars Composite cars Private cars Miscellaneous cars Total .. .. • ... • Net operating revenue per car-mile (cents) Net operating revenue per car-day Average number of car-miles per car-day • • Average number of revenue passengers per car per day Operating revenues per car-mile (cents) Operating revenues per car-day Operating expenses per car-mile (cents) Operating expenses per car-day OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES ·· • Class EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES • OPERATING STATISTICS EQUIPMENT IN SERVICE ON DEC. 31, 1931 · 1/ Does not include 9 cars leased or otherwise acquired. Number on Dec. 31 4,579 211 1,266 1,961 8,965 13 4,067 520 0 39 790 46 89 22,546 $54,472,635 6,807,526 1,330,925 9,243 2,510,488 2,572,746 62,558,071 26,663,245 27,386,483 3,193,737 57,243,465 91.50 Average daily compen- sation $4.94 6.65 4.46 6.29 2.94 5.77 3.54 2.72 25.4 4. 4.83 3.26 3.98 14,583,206 8,401,715 $3.74 $0.81 1,025,164,501 2,701,769 9 6.102 $23.15448 5.584 $21.18740 0.518 $1.96708 379.44 7,808 245 1,103 18 261 24 3 1/ 9,462 1 - ㄧ​ˋ ? HE 2708 .77 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION BUREAU OF STATISTICS A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1931 COMMERCE NUM U INTERSTATE URIBUS ** 1801 1887 COMMISSION UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1932 0 THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION CLAUDE R. PORTER, Chairman BALTHASAR H. MEYER CLYDE B. AITCHISON JOSEPH B. EASTMAN ERNEST I. LEWIS FRANK MCMANAMY EZRA BRAINERD, Jr. PATRICK J. FARRELL WILLIAM E. LEE HUGH M. TATE CHARLES D. MAHAFFIE GEORGE B. McGINTY, Secretary APPOSITED BY THE SAITED STATES OF AMERICA SE 1 1932 CONTENTS. Introductory statement. Summary No. 1--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I steam railways (not including switching and terminal companies) for the year ended December 31, 1931... Summary No. 2--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I switching and terminal companies for the year ended December 31, 1931.. Summary No. 3-Abstract of reports rendered by express companies for the year ended December 31, 1931... Summary No. 4--Abstract of report rendered by The Pullman Company for the year ended December 31, 1931. Page 5 6 18 26 31 3 i " : .. I : A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 This preliminary abstract for the calendar year 1931 is compiled from the annual reports of the classes of carriers designated. It differs from the Preliminary Statement of Capitalization and Income for the same year in that the latter is confined to a small number of items compiled for individual carriers, and in summary form, from a special re- port returned by them in advance of their annual report. The present abstract contains summaries by districts and is intended primarily to make available as promptly as possible certain totals not obtainable from the monthly or special reports of carriers. The totals are subject to change after corrections in`the annual reports have been authorized. The final totals will appear in the Statistics of Railways for 1931. It may be noted that only steam railways, express companies and The Pullman Company are covered in this abstract. Separate mimeographed statements are issued annually for pipe line companies, telegraph and cable companies, carriers by water, tele- phone companies, and electric railways. Because a separate annual publication of freight commodity statistics for the year 1931 has been issued in full detail for the 157 classes of commodities, only group totals of commodities carried are shown in this preliminary abstract. It should be especially observed that the balance sheet items relate to operating companies only and do not cover the balance sheets of lessor companies the property of which is operated by Class I steam railways, that is, railways having annual operating revenues above $1,000,000. The following table shows the investment in road and equipment of the operating, lessor and proprietary companies at the end of the year 1931, in comparison with final figures for the preceding year. The increases and decreases shown for the various classes of roads are in part the result of the changes in corporate relations, certain oper- ating companies having become lessor or proprietary companies since 1930. Such changes do not affect the net increase shown as $46,403,474. This unusually small increase is explain- ed in part by the depression and in part by the fact that the investment in road and equipment of the Alton R. R. Company is $78,827,155 under that formerly reported by the predecessor, Chicago & Alton R. R. Co. Class of companies Class I.... Lessors to Class I.. Proprietary Companies. Total.. Class II..... Investment in Road and Equipment of Steam Railways, (Accounts 701 and 702) Lessors to Class II. Proprietary Companies Total... Class III..... INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT • • • Lessors to Class III... Proprietary Companies.. Total.. Grand total.. • Dec. 31, 1931 $19.947.595,442 4,478,820,413 1,113,175,435 25,539,591,290 459,353,757 6,665,532 1,261,905 467,281,194 851 86,907,327 3,424,038 199,848 90,531,213 26,097,403,697 Dec. 31, 1930 $19 $19,904,777,903 4,488,386,483 1,092,458,447 25,485,622,833 463,310,665 5,817,766 2,972,232 472,100,663 823, 77253 89,713,105 3,363,774 199,848 93,276,727 26,051,000,223 Increase 1/ Decrease $42,817,539 20,716,988 53,968,457 847,766 60,264 46,403,474 1/ Reorganization of the Chicago & Alton R. R. Co. to form the Alton R. R. Co. resulted in a decrease in accounts 701 and 702 of $78,827,155 from 1930 figures. This is in part responsible for the small increase shown in the total. WASHINGTON, July 16, 1932. $9,566,070 3,956,908 1,710,327 4,819,469 2,805,778 2,745,514 5 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 6 No. 1 Total number of stockholders O-OWл FWN 2 .... Investment in road and equipment Improvements in leased railway property Sinking funds · Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold 6 Miscellaneous physical property 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 (Does not include lessor companies) 7 Investments in affiliated companies 8 Other investments 9 27 28 .. w w www. 32 • 33 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET 19 20 Rents receivable ... 21 Other current assets Total investments 40 • Cash Demand loans and deposits Time drafts and deposits 17 18 Material and supplies ..... • Investments Special deposits Loans and bills receivable • 23 Working fund advances 24 Insurance and other funds 25 Other deferred assets 26 • Total current assets Interest and dividends receivable Item Current Assets ·· Traffic and car-service balances receivable Net balance receivable from agents and conductors Miscellaneous accounts receivable Total deferred assets ·· ·· Total unadjusted debits Grand total Deferred Assets • .. Net charges during year U • · Unadjusted Debits Rents and insurance premiums paid in advance Discount on capital stock 29 Discount on funded debt ·· 30 Property abandoned chargeable to operating expenses 31 Other unadjusted debits • A • ► Gal-cm • INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT 34 Expenditures for new lines and extensions Expenditures for additions and betterments Credits for property retired 37 Adjustments 38 ... 39 Stooks actually issued during year par value Funded debt actually issued during year par value 1 · • ·· • ·· · • Total, all districts 878,056 $19,385,740,045 561,855,397 4,988,184 8.403,703 166,814,691 5,392,121,770 807,602,062 26,327,525,852 d 328,933,358 50,532,832 40,043,500 48,604,332 18,078,030 58,760,325 38,937,559 198,459,189 374,331,572 40,263,551 1,693,076 14,712,935 1,213,350,259 4,223,420 110,908,503 103,736,327 218,868,250 4,975,247 16,753,827 85,221,053 1,920,627 149,950,023 258,820,777 28,018,565,138 29,653,178 275,785,244 191,028,222 692.093 113,718,107 58,583,282 415,764,620 Eastern district 455,924 $6,777,870,040 452,357,323 2,021,671 2,401,955 81,552,125 2,160,299,400 422,967,205 9,899,469,719 123,179,474 9,123,717 3,127,368 14,489,146 2,138,920 23,161,443 21,272,677 60,739,777 145,009,072 19,155,312 980,805 2,573,183 424,950,894 1,752,320 99,985,833 20,282,816 122,020,969 2,893,311 462,795 24,452,677 1,920,627 60,648,074 90,377,484 10,536,819,066 2,270,291 139,491,953 73,436,749 394,191 68,719,686 27,080,300 176,412,127 Deficit or other reverse item. Includes $9,608, consideration received for 117 shares of stook without par value. Southern district 87,894 $3,733,822,394 82,831,000 2,054,367 941,294 25,788,738 698,334,072 64,272,366 4,608,044,231 d 60,535,148 5,465,000 12,458,027 15,508,342 9,739,658 15,691,141 3,596,830 30,790,171 55,897,463 5,448,222 129,723 384,263 215,643,988 480,054 4,207,341 31,775,022 36,462,417 927,559 251,850 13,883,116 24,314,036 39,376,561 4,899,527,197 6,861,241 36,675,873 26,402,898 729 204 16,405,012 80,500 32,322,081 Western district 334,238 $8,874,047,611 26,667,074 912,146 5,060,454 59,473,828 2,533,488,298 320,362,491 11,820,011,902 1/ 145,218,736 35,944,115 24,458,105 18,606,844 6,199,452 19,907,741 14,068,052 106,929,241 173,425,037 15,660,017 582,548 11,755,489 572,755,377 1,991,046 6,715,329 51,678,489 60,384,864 1,154,377 16,039,182 46,885,260 64,987,913 129,066,732 12,582,218,875 20,521,646 99,617,418 91,188,575 357.080 28,593,409 31,422,482 207,030,412 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Io. 1 Capital stock 2 Stock liability for conversion 3 Premium on capital stock 4 Total stook 5 Grants in aid of construction 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 ~~~~~~~ m 25 26 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 6 Funded debt unmatured Receiver's certificates 8 Honnegotiable debt to affiliated companies 9 Total long-term debt 33 • 34 19 | Unmatured rents accrued 20 Other current liabilities 21 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET – Concluded Y Z Interest matured unpaid Dividends matured unpaid Funded debt matured unpaid Unnatured dividends declared Unnatured interest accrued • Loans and bills payable Traffic and car-service balances payable Audited accounts and wages payable Miscellaneous accounts payable Tax liability Premium on funded debt .. Current Liabilities • • .. .. —— Long-Term Debt Total current liabilities Liability for provident funds Other deferred liabilities • * Item Stock .. • • Total deferred liabilities 40 Profit and loss balance 41 42 • · Total unadjusted credits Deferred Liabilities • Insurance and casualty reserves Total corporate surplus Grand total ·· Unadjusted Credits 27 28 Operating reserves 29 ▲ocrued depreciation Road Equipment 30 Accrued depreciation Accrued depreciation Miscellaneous physical property 32 Other unadjusted credits • Total appropriated surplus • • • • • * Corporate Surplus Additions to property through income and surplus Funded debt retired through income and surplus Binking fund reserves ·· 37 | Miscellaneous fund reserves Appropriated surplus not specifically invested • • • .. • ·· • • Total, all districts $8,271,976,776 968,942 52,957,994 8,325,903,712 6,036,924 10,784,610,370 11,482,140 357,585,564 11,153,678,074 245,801,925 75,907,981 245,148,875 121,252,723 208,507,853 21,451,813 66,331,168 27,257,618 91,297,184 21,474,402 22,808,381 1,147,239,923 6,351,438 167,859,122 174,210,560 192,500,364 1,057,472 52,786,283 87,814,455 2,121,412,378 7,758,405 352,658,682 2,815,988,039 856,261,548 90,994,121 49,894,121 73,162,917 52,890,603 1,123,203,310 3,272,304,596 4,395,507,906 28,018,565,138 Eastern district 1/$3,253,158,910 269,237 38,512,654 3,291,940,801 1,923,333 3,797,323,950 1,709,715 70,530,168 3,869,563,833 170,490,434 42,796,862 97,905,841 32,153,856 37,665,978 2,517,273 25,224,941 11,309,506 34,741,404 14,352,116 12,957,795 482,116,006 3,424,729 81,636,122 85,060,851 80,236,845 469,844 35,372,322 33,059,249 927,741,668 3,758,274 179,343,406 1,259,981,608 475,530,615 16,938,387 35,383,871 61,988,347 3,039,184 592,880,404 953,352,230 1,546,232,634 10,536,819,066 Southern district 2/$1,315,964,299 7,299,433 1,323,263,732 553,315 1,926,148,517 4,850,000 10,987,554 1,941,986,071 5,190,356 9,058,660 56,048,351 13,423,122 19,254,224 6,232,867 11,808,551 4,408,493 18,139,672 2,623,105 1,547,800 147,735,201 2,463,779 34,348,334 36,812,113 28,003,748 1,200 4,395,818 37,829,523 396,033,444 2,838,681 39,816,396 508,918,810 138,062,824 8,550,318 11,737,294 1,321,571 159,672,007 780,585,948 940,257,955 4,899,527,197 Western district 7 3/$3,702,853,567 699,705 7,145,907 3,710,699,179 3,560,276 5,061,137,903 4,922,425 276,067,842 5,342,128,170 70,121,135 24,052,459 91,194,683 75,675,745 151,587,651 12,701,673 29,297,676 11,539,619 38,416,108 4,499,181 8,302,786 517,388,716 462,930 51,874,666 52,337,596 84,259,771 586,428 13,018,143 16,925,683 797,637,266 1,161,450 133,498,880 1,047,087,621 242,668, 109 65,505,416 2,772,956 11,174,570 48,529,848 370,650,899 1,538,366,418 1,909,017,317 12,582,218,875 Includes $48,473,019, consideration received for 1,315,740 shares of stock without par value. Includes $87,562,115, consideration received for 2,850,321 shares of stock without par value; in addition 60,000 shares of stock without par value are outstanding for which no book value is reported. Includes $276,461,441, consideration received for 2,495,396 shares of stock without par value. The discrepancy between the profit and loss balances shown on pages 7 and 8 is explained by the fact that when a Class I steam railway files an annual report for a period ending prior to December 31, the income and profit and loss account is included in the tabulations, but the balance sheet is not included. STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 1:0 Io. 12 Mutuo 78 9 Or am I in 10 11 12 13 14 15 39 440 42 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 16 Net railway operating income MONOGOM NA ALON 49 51 17 Hire of freight cars--credit balance Rent from locomotives 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 52 53 54 55 57 59 60 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Hire of freight cars--debit balance 37 Rent for locomotives 38 Rent for passenger-train cars Rent for floating equipment Rent for work equipment Rent from work equipment Joint facility rent income Income from lease of road Miscellaneous rent income 25 Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property 26 Separately operated properties--profit 27 Dividend income 28 Income from funded securities Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds Release of premiums on funded debt Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income Total nonoperating income Gross income 65 66 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 02 02 a You Railway operating revenues Railway operating expenses Net revenue from railway operations Railway tax accruals: United States Government taxe 8 Other than United States Government taxes Total railway tax accruals Uncollectible railway revenues Railway operating income 77 78 INCOME ACCOUNT 79 80 81 Revenues from miscellaneous operations, Expenses of miscellaneous operations Miscellaneous operating income Total operating income Net revenue from miscellaneous operations Taxes on miscellaneous operating property .... 61 62 63 Delayed income credits 64 Unrefundable overcharges Donations Miscellaneous credits Rent from passenger-train cars Rent from floating equipment Joint facility rents Rent for leased roads Miscellaneous rents Miscellaneous tax accruals ·· Item • Amortization of discount on funded debt Maintenance of investment organization 50 Income transferred to other companies Miscellaneous income charges Total deductions from gross income Net income • • • •• ·· • • • • ·· • • • • Separately operated properties--loss Interest on funded debt Interest on unfunded debt • • •• Credit balance transferred from income Profit on road and equipment sold • .. • Total debits during year Net increase during year Balance at beginning of year Balance at end of year 1.. • ·· Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income .. ... · · Income appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total appropriations of income Income balance transferred to profit and loss PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 67 Total credite during year 68 Debit balance transferred from income 69 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds 70 71 72 • • • · • Dividend appropriations of surplus .. • J • 2 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through surplus.. Debt discount extinguished through surplus 74 Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus Loss on retired road and equipment 76 Delayed income debits Miscellaneous debits • • • D • · • · • • • .. • • 82 83 Dividends declared during year Par value on which declared--common 84 Par value on which declared--preferred 85 Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent • C D • • · Total, all districts $4,188,343,244 3,223,574,616 964,768,628 10,203,510 293,324,589 303,528,099 891,140 660,349,389 3,148,406 2,917,802 230,604 177,934 52,670 660,402,059 525,627,852 10,862,542 10,791,896 14,043,059 313,335 2,604,763 40,007,44 5,635,612 26,247,719 7,302,364 9,915,422 152,809,259 70,859,105 22,026,059 4,822,327 76,106 4,258,287 1,591,818 384,167,116 1,044,569,175 107,360,597 10,318,296 18,493,366 637,742 998,643 75,535,931 150,693,286 7,832,785 5,090,241 2,997,928 500,154,300 17,769,390 3,612,765 27,310 378,531 7,906,153 909,807,264 134,761,911 6,080,576 80,036,685 181,690 1,811,697 88,110,648 46,651,263 179,505,466 3,567,948 1,067,832 658,977 2,798,176 28,368,831 215,967,230 132,854,203 2,577,314 250,114,188 4,171,747 1,112 13,091,752 12,547,359 33,624,337 65,629,895 22,888,286 537,500,193 d 321.532.963 3,552,054,925 3,230,521,962 330,150,873 4,804,214,169 1,393,393,362 5.33 Eastern district $1,868,461,634 1,466,841,944 401,619,690 3,214,612 122,116,853 125,331,465 335,475 275,952,750 1,031,861 885,416 146,445 73,439 73,006 276,025,756 205,991,825 3,796,727 3,052,568 5,524,703 250,280 785,886 19,032,770 2,667,830 15,842,856 5,129,847 817,297 68,840,722 20,599,751 11,173,863 4,351,167 51,420 3,406,740 568, 704 165,893,131 441,918, 887 51,376,443 3,636,600 8,210,503 524,299 274,944 38,381,070 110,206,338 5,899,942 4,154,445 1,375,019 172,716,426 8,841,657 999,094 22,635 336,321 4,817,578 411,773,314 30,145,573 5,085,572 10,617,775 76,803 1,746,086 17,526,236 12,619,337 42,085,328 2,153,137 193,227 235,627 1,312,549 4,569,995 50,549,863 29,465,991 1,705,568 114,896,609 1,688,242 3,518,489 350,569 16,501,086 10,680,773 6,499,927 185,307,254 d 134.757.391 1,088,109,621 953,352,230 125,514,384 2,127,976,469 387,747,350 4.99 Southern district $739,243,658 564,659,727 174,583,931 6,601,673 50,329,121 56,930,794 181,748 117,471,389 1,407,747 1,393,224 14,523 14,523 117,471,389 109,940,682 5,610,896 1,925,745 2,893,404 5,360 632,459 6,076,237 576,704 2,500,833 605,214 792,490 8,343,224 9,646,152 2,870,438 231,564 309 88,591 42,799,620 160,271,009 9,636,779 1,614,375 3,689,591 17.275 295,684 9,421,104 12,724,349 704,725 157,008 15,790 89,175,493 1,673,038 836,961 3.551 650,725 130,616,448 29,654,561 774,124 1,268,370 48,877 65,611 2,156,982 27,497,579 54,862,414 110,996 821,793 152,304 544,619 3,101,351 59,593,477 27,364,835 951,396 57,224,838 1,504,098 1,151,096 7,235,000 2,965,174 3,801,739 3,932,067 106,130,243 a 46,536,766 827,122,714 780,585,948 58,493,208 911,594,194 142,587,350 5.55 $1,580,637,952 1,192,072,945 388,565,007 d Western district d 387,225 120,878,615 121,265,840 373,917 266,925,250 708,798 639,162 69,636 89,972 20.336 266,904,914 209,695,345 1,454,919 5,813,583 5,624,952 57,695 1,186,418 14,898,436 2,391,078 7,904,030 1,567,303 8,305,635 75,625,313 40,613,202 7,981,758 239.596 24,377 851,547 934,523 175,474,365 442,379,279 46,347,375 5,067,321 6,593,27 96,168 428,015 27,733,757 27,762,599 1,228,118 778,788 1,607,119 238,262,381 7,254,695 1,776,710 1,124 42,210 2,437,850 367,417,502 74,961,777 220,880 68,150,540 56,010 68,427,430 6,534,347 82,557,724 1,303,815 52,812 271,046 941,008 20,697,485 105,823,890 76,023,377 79.650 77,992,741 979,407 1,112 8,422,167 4,961,790 14,158,077 51,147,383 12,456,292 246,062,696 d 140,238,806 1,636,822,590 1,496,583,784 146,143,281 1,764,643,506 863,058,662 5.55 Deficit or other reverse item. I/ The discrepancy between the profit and loss balances shown on pages 7 and 8 18 explained by the fact that when a Class I steam railway files an annual report for a period ending prior to December 31, the income and profit and loss account is included in the tabulations, but the balance sheet is not included. STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Io. 1 Freight 2 ·· Passenger 3 Excess baggage 48leeping car ... Parlor and chair car Mail 7 Express 6 9 8 Other passenger-train Milk Switching 10 11 Special service train 12 Other freight-train 13 Water transfers-freight 14 Water transfers--passenger 15 Water transfers--vehicles and live stock 16 Water transfers--other 17 18 Freight 19 20 Excess baggage 21 22 23 Express .... 24 Special service 25 Other 26 36 37 39 40 • ¥ ·· 27 Dining and buffet 28 43 44 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) ... 29 30 31 8torage--freight 32 8torage-baggage Passenger 59 60 • Total rail-line transportation revenue 72 73 Other passenger service Mail 41 Joint facility--Cr. 77 78 79 80 81 82 33 Demurrage 34 Telegraph and telephone Grain elevator Stockyard Power Rents of buildings and other property Miscellaneous Total incidental operating revenue 42 Joint facility-Dr. OR OR Hotel and restaurant 87 RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES Total water-line transportation revenue • • • Station, train, and boat privileges Parcel room • Superintendence ... 46 Roadway maintenance--yard 47 Roadway maintenance--other 48 Roadway--depreciation--yard 49 Roadway-depreciation--other 50 • • • .. • .. Underground power tubes-yard 51 Underground power tubes-other •• 52 Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard 53 Underground power tubes-depreciation--other 54 Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues Ties-depreciation--yard 69 Ties-depreciation--other 70 Rails--yard 71 Rails--other Item Tunnels and subways--yard 55 Tunnels and subways--other 56 Tunnels and subways--depreciation-yard 57 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other 58 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures D Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other ·· · Rails-depreciation--yard Rails--depreciation--other • · 83 84 Right-of-way fences--yard 85 Right-of-way fences--other 86 • Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other 62 Elevated structures--yard 63 Elevated structures--other 64 Elevated structures--depreciation--yard 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other 66 Ties-yard 67 Ties-other 68 Ballast-depreciation--yard Ballast-depreciation--other Track laying and surfacing--yard Track laying and surfacing-other • .. • • • · • 74 Other track material--yard 75 Other track material--other 76 Other track material--depreciation-yard Other track material--depreciation--other Ballast--yard Ballast--other • • · • • • ·· Right-of-way fences--depreciation-yard Right-of-way fences-depreciation--other • • • · ► • ·· • • • • Total, all districts • $3,248,753,601 550,249,848 3,117,497 519,706 773,258 105,423,015 82,774,839 7,986,002 29,116,170 46,121,867 1,589,890 2,806,789 711,025 1,525,288 3,177,684 1,272,486 4,085,918,965 5,914,400 797,635 2,830 20,599 183 43 4,555 277,179 7,017,424 22,984,634 4,617,519 4,998,466 795,427 3,763,552 270,595 9,256,385 1,827,444 2,178,343 875,570 5,546,214 10,567,137 19,785,254 87,466,540 11,075,960 3,135,645 7,940,315 4,188,343,244 49,324,103 5,088,234 43,250,262 4,418 13,860 4,374 1,856,237 1,768 868,448 27,019,931 24,023 1,101,533 13,233 134,699 8,730,969 63,920,591 1,577 26,707 2,167,400 23,793,010 74 97,879 4,873,891 21,631,726 762 66,057 232,663 8,368,554 178 835 14,682,735 116,591,357 37,924 2,774,858 187 4,505 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item, Eastern district $1,368,022,433 316,875,410 1,223,527 9,674 186,901 40,846,530 37,082,845 3,604,155 23,201,878 19,605,163 537,149 148,535 661,824 1,379,567 3,173,826 1,065,931 1,817,625,348 478,346 304,262 29 5,248 183 43 4,555 792,666 10,892,588 1,150,727 3,917,497 589,589 2,281,873 134,387 5,676,078 402,595 1,884,464 14,684 5,153,560 7,473,765 8,024,179 47,595,986 3,325,677 878,043 2,447,634 1,868,461,634 19,843,476 2,343,794 17,980,315 3.497 12.381 II 4,145 552,211 G 178 344,338 8,445,927 22,055 691,985 12,410 129,640 3,527,666 18,892,726 556 12,795 1,116,666 9,495,342 74 7.478 2,416,578 9,129,110 147 15,066 90,506 3,073,315 27 745 6,929.998 46,554,097 14,079 932,752 2,997 Southern district $619,351,121 66,330,435 431,802 17.449 51,640 17,609,452 13,070,364 900,141 739,897 5,874,694 641,338 26,051 47,981 20,027 3,881 205,45 725,321,725 I 3,133,258 322,156 373,659 51,074 780,717 20,640 1,257,509 92,047 241,041 2,328 124,947 874,009 4,941,128 12,214,513 2,006,469 299,049 1,707,420 739,243,658 9,062,765 901,021 9,894,939 ……… 84 520,951 154,118 5,813,421 336,768 It 1,920,288 15,697,704 26 353,535 6,376 75,335 651,026 4,100,819 40,751 37,873 3,283,333 2,251,331 21,757,971 2,146 353,106 11 Western district $1,261,380,047 167,044,003 1,462,168 492,583 534,717 46,967,033 32,621,630 3,481,706 5,174,395 20,642,010 411,403 2,632,203 1,220 125,694 23 1,103 d 1,542,971,892 5,436,054 493,373 2,801 15,351 277,179 6,224,758 8,958,788 3,144,636 707,310 154,764 700,962 115,568 2,322,798 1,332,802 52,838 858,558 267,707 2,219,363 6,819,947 27,656,041 5,743,814 1,958,553 3,785,261 1,580,637,952 20,417,862 1,843,419 15,375,008 7.915 26,241 145 783,075 1,590 369,992 12,760,583 1,968 72,780 823 5,059 3,283,015 29,330,161 1,021 13,912 697,199 7,920,906 15,066 1,806,287 8,401,797 615 10,240 104,284 2,011,906 205 1.580 5,501,406 48,279,289 21,699 1,489,000 187 1,508 " 3 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 10 No. ANMAt uno RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard Snow and sand fences and snow sheds--other Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation-yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--other Crossings and signs--yard Crossings and signs--other 7 Crossings and sims--depreciation--yard 8 Crossings and signs--depreciation--other 9 Station and office buildings 10 1 2 11 12 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 15 Fuel stations 16 Fuel stations--depreciation ... Station and office buildings--depreciation Roadway buildings ... Roadway buildings--depreciation Water stations 13 ... 14 Water stations--depreciation 25 Coal and ore wharves 26 27 28 17 Shops and enginehouse s 18 Shops and enginehouse 8--depreciation 19 Grain elevators 20 Grain elevators-depreciation 21 Storage warehouses 22 Storage warehouses-depreciation 23 Wharves and docks 24 39 40 • Wharves and docks--depreciation ·· • ... Coal and ore wharves--depreciation Gas producing plants Gas producing plants--depreciation Telegraph and telephone lines 29 30 Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation 31 8ignals and interlockers ·· Signals and interlockers--depreciation 57 58 59 60 35 Power plant buildings .. 36 Power plant buildings--depreciation 45 Underground conduits 46 1 Item 37 Power substation buildings .. • 38 Power substation buildings--depreciation Power transmission systems 47 Miscellaneous structures 48 • Power transmission systems--depreciation Power distribution systems 32 33 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines 34 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation ... 41 42 43 Power distrib on systems--depreciation Power line pol and fixtures .. 44 Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation .. Underground conduits--depreciation Insurance Stationery and printing Other expenses · Miscellaneous structures--depreciation Paving 49 50 Paving--depreciation 51 Roadway machines .... • 52 Roadway machines--depreciation 53 Small tools and supplies .. 54 Removing snow, ice, and sand 55 Assessments for public improvements 56 Injuries to persons Superintendence 66 Shop machinery ••• 67 Shop machinery--depreciation 68 Power plant machinery 69 70 • ·· • • ... • • • • • • · ... Power plant machinery--depreciation Power substation apparatus 71 Power substation apparatus--depreciation 72 Steam locomotives--repairs 73 Steam locomotives--depreciation 74 Steam locomotives--retirements Other locomotives--repairs 75 76 Other locomotives--depreciation 77 Other locomotives--retirements Frieght-train cars--repairs 78 79 Freight-train cars--depreciation SO Freight-train cars--retirementa Passenger-train cars--repairs 81 82 Passenger-train cars--depreciation 83 Passenger-train cars--retirements • 87 Floating equipment--repairs 88 Floating equipment--depreciation 89 Floating equipment--retirements • ·· · .. • Total, above accounts 61 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 62 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr. 63 Equalization--way and structures 64 Total maintenance of way and structures Maintenance of Equipment • • • ·· • ·· • • 84 Motor equipment of cars--repairs 85 Motor equipment of cars--depreciation 86 Motor equipment of cars--retirements · • · • • • • • • • • · • • • • • · • • • Total, all districts $2,332 304,562 752,963 8,903,869 17 75.337 18,589,995 914,339 2,447,905 116,561 6,299,210 136,288 2,593,802 68,031 12,976,394 481,093 82,792 111,593 78,945 3,228,867 115,542 1,764,672 1,039,685 91,059 8,003,155 7.947 25,244,817 223,851 223; 2,600 391,566 143,187 55,385 23,102 294,085 65,829 2,750,239 310,647 627,529 124,467 16,435 7,693 254,478 6,282 327,250 49 5,249,387 8,403 6,585,022 4,343,387 358,934 3,941,353 3,293,009 803,678 501,983 521,851,066 27,180,958 18,419,134 530,612,890 37,064,183 13,992,292 538,494 3,482,216 757,534 398,156 80,815 271,207,221 57,819,328 1,744,120 3,224,112 2,220,371 187,609,247 115,628,578 4,629,186 50,707,957 20,577.067 234,440 4,174,459 2,063,897 23,330 6,496,515 3,374,047 131,073 d Deficit or other reverse item. d Eastern district $270 31,285 258,766 5,092,970 1 72,570 9,214,395 571,196 711,856 31,510 2,139,065 60,737 1,141,294 37,709 6,306,793 305,680 74,259 111,283 55,850 2,277,130 52,980 1,224,435 285,501 25,855 3,501,875 1,826 15,608,938 195,057 1,547 224,581 117,059 47,581 20,882 212,337 65,723 2,174,840 310,035 309,707 124,420 14,184 7,504 116,443 195,471 214 2,026,725 1,449 2,676,365 2,813,802 143,503 2,048,299 1,647,728 324,888 312,785 217,894,502 12,352,058 8,022,286 222,224,274 16,808,010 7,597,407 262,233 2,174,109 686,042 350,094 67,304 121,342,269 26,759,216 716,341 2,430, 354 1,570,203 82,965,565 48,972,128 1,516,222 24,947,026 10,571,219 42,799 2,359,013 1,422,940 4,023 5,302,666 2,432,577 191,929 Southern district $870 92,968 1,236,628 1,044 3,028,435 85,995 622,934 27,109 1,228,247 68,796 446,354 23,968 1,783,005 127,207 4,678 310 22,104 552,395 59,057 217,016 136,345 1 1,341,577 4,552 3,479,496 26,434 1,05; 25,846 10,556 3,297 336 50,190 244,545 142,331 91 17,430 86 22,887 856,718 951 1,356,525 152,310 20,034 541,543 550,312 127,127 58,652 102,386,391 4,326,424 3,539,608 103,173,207 6,475,157 2,014,158 256,634 343,958 24,242 17,425 4,032 52,501,175 9,906,273 495,788 364,845 232,572 37,074,422 23,229,863 1,344,007 7,740,393 2,770,073 149,595 270,959 185,030 3,057 186,731 63,09: 2,027 Western district $2,062 272,407 11 401,229 2,574,271 16 1,723 6,347,165 257,148 1,113,115 57,942 2,931,898 6,755 1,006,154 6,354 4,886,596 48,206 3,855 991 399,342 3,505 323,221 617,839 65,204 3,159,703 1,569 6,156,383 2,360 141,139 15,572 4,507 1,884 31,558 106 330,854 612 175,491 47 2,160 189 120,605 6,196 108,892 165 2,365,00 2,552,132 1,377,275 195,397 1,351,511 1,094,969 351,663 130,546 201,570,173 10,502,476 6,857,240 205,215,409 그룹 ​13,781,016 4,380,727 19,627 964,149 47,250 30,637 9,479 97,363,777 21,153,839 531,991 428,913 417,596 67,569,260 43,426,587 1,768,957 18,020,538 7,235,775 42.046 1,544,487 455,927 16,250 1,007,118 878,379 58,829 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Work equipment repairs 2 Work equipment depreciation Work equipment retirements .. 00 9 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 7 Injuries to persons 8 Insurance Stationery and printing RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Equipment 4 Miscellaneous equipment repairs 5 Miscellaneous equipment depreciation Miscellaneous equipment retirements Total Ke - 16 Superintendence 17 Outside agencies Advertising 18 19 20 21 22 10 Other expenses 11 12 | Maintaining joint equipment 13 Maintaining joint equipment 14 | Equalization equipment 15 47 48 238tationery and printing 24 Other expenses 25 51 52 53 26 Superintendence 27 | Dispatching trains 28 MENU Total traffic .. • 45 Train enginemen 46 Train motormen Total maintenance of equipment • 31 Station supplies and expenses 32 | Yardmasters and yard clerks 33 Yard conductors and brakemen Traffic associations ·· Fast freight lines Industrial and immigration bureaus Insurance ·· • qpmin K 65 Insurance 66 Clearing wrecks 34 Yard switch and signal tenders 35 Yard enginemen 36 | Yard motormen • 49 Train power purchased 50 Water for train locomotives ► • Fuel for train locomotives Train power produced • Stationery and printing • Station employees 29 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus 30 Coal and ore wharves • 37 Fuel for yard locomotives 38 Yard switching power produced 39 Yard switching power purchased Water for yard locomotives 40 41 Lubricants for yard locomotives 42 Other supplies for yard locomotives 43 Enginehouse expenses - yard 44 Yard supplies and expenses • - Transportation 77 Operation of vessels 78 Operation of terminals Incidental 79 80 • • Item .... · ·· .. Dr. CT. Total transportation ……… ·· - Traffic .. • D • • • Train supplies and expenses 56 Operating sleeping cars 57 Signal and interlocker operation 58 Crossing protection • • • Lubricants for train locomotives Other supplies for train locomotives Enginehouse expenses - train Trainmen • • • · 59 Drawbridge operation 60 Telegraph and telephone operation 61 Operating floating equipment 62 Express service 63 64 | Other expenses ... • • · D • • • •• • 67 Damage to property 68 Damage to live stock on right of way 69 Loss and damage 70 Loss and damage freight baggage · • · O • • • ·· da ► · • • 71 Injuries to person s DI · 72 Operating joint yards and terminals 73 Operating joint yards and terminals - Cr. Dr. Operati ng joint tracks and facilities 75 Operating joint tracks and facilities - Cr. 76 Total transportation Rail line - - Rail Line Water line Continued Concluded [ Transportation - Water Line • • • • • • • · • • • • • • • • • • • Total, all districte $7,944,640 5,701,271 628,339 377,118 365,936 30,610 3,753,947 5,269,515 1,099,253 943,478 814,030,599 5,897,866 2,974,974 816,953,491 37,941,867 50,792,313 12,656,441 3,431,879 50,496 2,508,218 67,356 9,608,430 160,756 117,217,756 55,289,167 28,255,387 230,456,917 4,489,865 5,418,613 16,846,312 50,040,385 109,244,799 10,626,959 67,074,425 1,695,352 34,060,217 218,473 348,978 3,332,128 963,124 853,976 20,968,333 3,173,869 164,965,331 6,674,852 188,034,192 2,320,522 7,567,117 16,947,738 6,022,454 3,525,293 58,017,253 194,728,814 72,341,360 387,361 22,440,088 18,421,023 1,865,762 9,166,176 20,971,840 29,987 8,116,412 6,118,744 2,265,470 2,885,015 2,925,844 1,715,185 23,582,071 197,823 21,618,997 56,090,534 26,898,439 13,803,946 12,036,711 1,538,469,333 2,382,716 2,662,301 229,670 5,274,687 Eastern district $4,043,678 2,288,971 223,282 201,670 168,538 12,192 2,257,507 2,911,302 552,778 431,541 374,199,290 2,787,742 1,372,784 375,614,248 17,421,988 17,244,672 4,644,134 1,470,819 35,499 663,280 36,078 4,012,059 96,224 45,624,753 27,810,710 14,462,672 105,670,216 1,195,655 3,524,408 9,008,551 25,509,783 55,911,097 6,676,729 33,858,006 1,533,198 15,627,204 213,881 306,409 1,544,848 473,101 410,795 9,838,447 1,800,496 69,633,358 3,621,512 74,337,067 1,629,055 5,751,935 6,809,644 2,271,832 1,591,067 27,470,059 82,135,389 35,906,994 10,900 13,327,431 12,635,996 989,900 4,098,984 18,224,409 29,987 970,354 4,187,864 1,070,416 1,605,816 1,472,989 121,789 11,044,626 ? 150,782 11,397,949 24,831,037 11,084,552 6,474,094 5,684,467 725,410,422 536,829 14,716 9,107 560,652 Southern district $1,263,337 1,037,482 100,920 47,134 39,330 8,006 377,079 570,761 189,893 191,566 149,481,015 1,001,478 714,042 149,768,451 7,382,082 9,610,021 1,470,599 525,462 621,339 5.327 2,073,834 16,634 21,705,298 9,638,888 5,677,785 39,760,923 1,032,440 1,266,110 2,165,262 9,505,659 17,973,317 1,403,115 10,782,336 82,753 5,109,636 16,214 525,062 179,522 161,858 3,842,840 613,776 30,363,128 575,731 31,048,776 388,984 704,839 2,910,403 1,147,619 622,893 10,031,059 34,771,143 11,169,211 9,013 2,468,759 1,576,412 322,331 1,188,770 498,179 1,384,304 460,380 458,815 485,225 487,206 646,868 3,759,108 21,140 3,524,241 11,302,328 7,683,278 1,520,283 1,595,862 254,305,504 = 1 11 Western district $2,637,625 2,374,818 304,137 128,314 158,068 10,412 1,119,361 1,787,452 356,582 320,371 290,350,294 2,108,646 888,148 291,570,792 13,137,797 23,937,620 6 ,541,708 1,435,598 14,997 1,223,599 25,951 3,522,537 47,898 49,887,705 17,839,569 8,114,930 85,025,778 2,261,770 628,095 5,672,499 15,024,943 35,360,385 2,547,115 22,434,083 79,401 13,323,377 4,592 26,355 1,262,218 310,501 281,323 7,287,046 759,597 64,968,845 2,477,609 82,648,349 302,483 1,110,343 7,227,691 2,603,003 1,311,333 20,516,135 77,822,282 25,265,155 367,448 6,643,898 4,208,615 553,531 3,878,422 2,249,252 2,761,754 1,470,500 736,239 793,974 965,649 946,528 9,078,337 25,901 6,696,807 19,957,169 8,130,609 5,809,569 ,756,382 558,753,407 1,845,887 2,647,585 220,563 4,714,035 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 12 No. 7 1 Dining and buffet service 2 Hotels and restaurants Grain elevators 48tockyards 12 13 14 15 16 21 27 28 29 8 Salaries and expenses of general officers ... .. 9 Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants General office supplies and expenses 10 11 Law expenses Insurance ·· Relief department expenses Pensions 17 Other expenses 18 19 20 35 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 41 47 49 50 .. Producing power sold Other miscellaneous operations ... Q 51 52 53 Total miscellaneous operations Stationery and printing Valuation expenses Total general expenses Cr. Transportation for investment 22 Total railway operating expenses 23 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES Maintenance of Way and Structures 59 Total 24 Related solely to freight service .. 25 Related solely to passenger and allied services 26 Apportioned to freight service . .. RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES - Concluded Miscellaneous Operations Total • General joint facilities - Dr. General joint facilities - Cr. • Total • • Total 30 Related solely to freight service • • 31 Related solely to passenger and allied services 32 33 .. · • Total • • Item Apportioned to passenger and allied services Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied service Total • ·· General 36 Related solely to freight service 37 Related solely to passenger and allied services 38 39 40 Cat ……… Apportioned to freight service .. Apportioned to passenger and allied services • Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services • .. Maintenance of Equipment Traffic Apoortioned to freight service ... Apportioned to passenger and allied services • • Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 42 Related solely to freight service 43 Related solely to passenger and allied services 44 Apportioned to freight service .. 45 Apportioned to passenger and allied servi: 46 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services ………… • ... Transportation • • • 48 Related solely to freight service Related solely to passenger and allied services Apportioned to freight service Apportioned to passenger and allied services Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services • Transportation - Rail Line 54 Related solely to freight service [ ❤ 55 Related solely to passenger and allied services 56 • Miscellaneous Operations • Water Line • • D · Apportioned to freight service 57 Apportioned to passenger and allied services · 58 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services · • ·· ·· • • D Total, all districts $30,488,952 +,595,637 970,325 655.591 2,829,456 1,511,803 41,051,764 19,523,493 83,148,953 7,292,154 16,940,061 167,965 2,255,074 32,288,960 3,481,478 7,668,843 6,924,190 2,286,229 453,789 181,523,611 7,528,916 3,223,574,616 76.97 $55,458,275 15,754,548 324,278,633 134,908,494 212,940 530,612,890 488,013,617 165,065,343 118,786,176 44,585,292 503,063 816,953,491 67,216,219 36,572,177 8,298,654 5,130,706 117,217,756 829,046,239 337,931,782 275,297,051 96,194,146 115 1,538,469,333 4,258,075 228,121 487,349 300,878 264 5,274,687 2,272,995 34,799,904 776,238 687,241 2,515,386 41,051,764 Eastern district $14,951,851 1,146,429 866,716 8,689 2,660,730 345,323 19,979,738 8,111,177 35,471,213 2,992,938 6,443,878 84,787 1,004,948 17,320,702 1,428,915 2,751,041 2,657,211 884,420 145,466 79,005,764 1,577,907 1,466,841,944 78.51 $32,266,008 10,699,272 120,092,781 59,022,447 143,766 222,224,274 226,795,232 87,392,332 43,176,186 17,858,645 391,853 375,614,248 29,465,175 14,178,138 1,543,935 437,505 45,624,753 414,193,953 172,403,848 98,204,889 40,607,732 725,410,422 409,494 139,879 5,641 5,638 560,652 1,057,069 17,195,070 297,686 243,355 1,186,558 19,979,738 Southern district $4,205,776 312,853 88,396 4,723 48,274 22,784 4,682,806 3,303,567 15,041,297 1,183,878 4,096,876 26,743 208,088 4,446,814 675,892 1,519,495 1,180,452 274,082 55,259 31,901,925 877,464 564,659,727 76.38 $9,138,973 1,539,356 67,986,371 24,508,507 103,173,207 99,314,850 26,779,340 18,555,486 5,118,775 149,768,451 14,928,667 5,500, 314 951,733 324,584 21,705,298 137,568,556 48,470,384 52,046,579 16,219,985 254,305,504 1111 } I 114,021 4,417,211 111,499 35,881 4,194 4,682,806 Western district $11,331,325 3,136,355 15,213 642,179 120,452 1,143,696 16,389,220 8,108,749 32,636,443 3,115,338 6,399,307 56,435 1,042,038 10,521,444 1,376,671 3,398,307 3,086,527 1,127,727 253,064 70,615,922 5,073,545 1,192,072,945 75.42 $14,053,294 3,515,920 136,199,481 51,377,540 69,174 205,215,409 161,903,535 50,893,671 57,054,504 21,607,872 111,210 291,570,792 22,822,377 16,893,725 5,802,986 ,368,617 49,887,705 277,283,730 117,057,550 125,045,583 39,366,429 115 558,753,407 3,848,581 88,242 481,708 295,240 264 4,714,035 1,101,905 13,187,623 367,053 408,005 1,324,634 16,389,220 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Io. 2 E Boar 9 10 1 2 3 Apportioned to freight service 4 12 Apportioned to passenger and allied services 5 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 6 Total Related solely to freight service Related solely to passenger and allied services Apportioned to freight service ..... Apportioned to passenger and allied services • 11 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied servic Total SRJSKZYX 26 *** ~OBRANA ☆ 13 Related solely to freight service 14 Related solely to passenger and allied services 40 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Apportioned to freight service ·· 16 Apportioned to passenger and allied services 17 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 18 Total 19 Miles of road 21 Miles of second main track Miles of third main track 22 Miles of fourth main track 23 Miles of all other main tracks 24 Miles of industrial tracks .... Miles of yard track and sidings Total, all tracks 42 SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES--Concluded General Y BEEKKES Related solely to freight service ... Related solely to passenger and allied services 49 ANNAWAK 50 58 27 Miles of road 28 Miles of second main track Transportation for Investment--Cr. ... • Total, all tracks Total Operating Expenses MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1931 Miles of third main track Miles of fourth main track Miles of all other main tracks Miles of industrial tracks Miles of yard track and sidings Steam locomotives: • ✔ • Fumber at close of year: Box cars Flat carS Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars · Item ·· MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1931 Number at close of year Total tractive effort (pounds) Number installed during year Humber retired during year Electric locomotive units: Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars Flat cars Stock car s Coal car8 Tank carS • • • Jumber at close of year Total tractive effort (pounds) Humber installed during year Fumber retired during year .... Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying oars Total · EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE • • Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying oars Total • Freight-carrying CarO O • Includes 25,287.30 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 8,774.75 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 3,947.93 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 12,564.62 miles operated under trackage rights. Total, all districts $43,526,180 9.523,035 92,486,473 35,505,206 482,717 181,523,611 7,391,598 82,315 42,115 12,888 7,528,916 1,482,400,002 599,792,595 820,368,459 317,299,075 3,714,485 3,223,574,616 242,291.71 36,860.46 3,211.01 2,196.95 358.28 21,687.38 101,630.99 1/ 408,236.78 2,48 172,317.53 21,000.35 2,137.97 1,585.71 202.13 13,665.61 67,655.97 278,565.27 54,385 488,859,920 430 1,802 670 35,514,900 52 1,017,445 96,124 80.481 884,690 9,388 38,338 74,941 2,201,407 42,618,039 4,231,400 3,030,770 47,902,765 422,920 1,272,192 3,943,614 103,421,700 Eastern district $22,415,696 5,426,466 36,166,878 14,518,505 478,219 79,005,764 1,511,142 33,648 21, 202 11,915 1,577,907 725,091,485 307,401,357 299,466,794 132,681,912 2,200,396 1,466,841,944 59,919.45 18,315.82 2,734.97 1,928.13 77.68 7,693.23 38,830.93 2/ 129,500.21 29,909.21 7.991.94 1.746.31 1,373.26 73.38 3,447.47 19,951.81 64,493.38 $4,095, 23,335 095,380,780 219 718 465 21,901,600 51 439,704 20,323 13,532 510,812 26 3,187 20,624 1,008,208 19,010,613 926,255 557,385 28,228,302 1,140 101,987 1,118,916 49,944,598 Southern district 7/ $7,571,271 1,204,775 17,442,121 5,683,758 31,901,925 872,457 1,232 2,994 781 877,464 267,763,881 87,910,148 157,090,795 51,890,709 4,194 564,659,727 46,104.84 5,909.00 142.82 51.81 259.91 4,310.33 17,566.58 3/ 74,345.29 35,524.04 4,254.08 136.61 47.17 108.06 3,129.84 13,219.23 56,419.03 10,453 478,876,290 49 236 76 5,381,000 167,988 19,379 7,366 210,557 21 5,076 7,647 418,034 6,399,357 829,340 278,270 11,441,878 940 153,190 381,428 19,484,403 Western district 8 13 $13,539,213 2,891,794 38,877,474 15,302,943 4,498 70,615,922 5,007,999 47,435 17,919 192 5,073,545 489,544,636 204,481,090 363,810,870 132,726,454 1,509,895 1,192,072,945 136,267.42 12,635.54 333.22 217.01 20.69 9,683.82 45,233.48 4/204,391.28 106,884.28 8,754.33 255.05 165.28 20.69 7,088.30 34,484.93 157,652.86 20,597 914,602,850 162 848 129 8,232,300 1 I 409,753 56,422 59,583 163,321 9,341 30,075 46,670 775,165 5/ Excludes 8 gasoline, 9 gas-electric, and 77 oil-electric locomotives. 6 Excludes 7 gasoline, 7 gas-electric, and 63 oil-electric locomotives. Exoludes 6 oil-electric locomotives. Excludes 1 gasoline, 2 gas-electric, and 8 oil-electric locomotives. 17,208,069 2,475,805 2,195,115 8,232,585 420,840 1,017,015 2,443,270 33,992,699 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 24 No. ANM+ LOW N 1 2 7 180 Pamama Lo 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 26 27 28 222 6780 29 30 31 MM ILON 32 33 wwww 34 35 36 37 Number at close of year Number installed during year 19 Number retired during year to non am 39 40 41 42 Number at close of year ... 20 21 Number installed during year 22 Number retired during year 43 44 45 46 567 455555 H~34 49 SUMMARY NO. 1—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 50 23 Number of units at close of year 24 Number of units installed during year 25 Number of units retired during year .. 51 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded Number installed during year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars Refrigerator cars • • Other freight-carrying cars Total 52 53 • 38 Average number 54 55 Number retired during year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars • • · • Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total O In replacement: • In replacement: Compensation- • • • Service hours-- • · ·· Service days-- All Classes of Company Service Equipment All Classes of Passenger-train Cars • • Item • [ •*• Number of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges ... • • ·· Floating Equipment In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges Total hours paid for ... TIES LAID DURING YEAR • Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges .. In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks •• Miles of yard track and sidings Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges RAILS LAID DURING YEAR Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total compensation • Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for • EMPLOYEES Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for In special service ... In yard-switching service In work service Grand total, all services • 47 Total days paid for 48 Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES • • • ·· • Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service In passenger service In mixed-train service • • ... • • • Total, all districts 4,897 485 767 6,458 15 1,101 1,014 14,737 44,943 3,137 3,537 25,640 141 2,947 1,840 82,185 50,747 697 1,938 102,515 3,390 6,984 2,361 8 97 51,501,659 188,594,522 $73,424,633 2,947,327 20,390,327 $4,595,147 1,714,906 $63,734,904 482.84 782.59 164,295 $5,624,356 1,258,719 $1,906,019,495 $71,268,162 $2,094,994,379 2,542,280,865 79,790,991 2,763,673,982 33,756,212 157,054 34,429,517 $1,965,425,779 55,282,762 21,980,020 1,973,684 37,221 14,478,101 1,172,620 94,924,408 Eastern district 1,779 153 229 4,182 105 721 7,169 12,132 583 510 12,435 1 685 700 27,046 25,641 354 798 34,353 903 1,491 2,087 58 11,597,295 59,684,598 $22,832,810 617,112 6,353,059 $1,240,792 740,770 $27,154,312 113.45 173.70 38,199 $1,254,789 564,111 $874,437,001 $30,809,899 $956,677,394 1,104,069,133 33,799,123 1,200,169,834 16,351,107 79,627 16,670,646 $892,791,967 22,587,514 9,555,037 346,858 11,576 6,925,283 588,129 40,014,397 Southern district 411 HOWI 1,318 35 1,768 5,358 851 153 5,217 22 290 11,891 7,595 52 311 17,522 694 1,001 108 2 7 14,032,398 54,500,104 $17,767,446 280,504 2,876,990 $432,390 415,835 $15,327,770 23.21 90.16 16,750 $486,914 239,330 $338,371,124 $12,631,395 $370,244,359 492,731,896 14,695,530 530,764,372 5,550,991 24,606 5,650,776 $352,441,085 11,391,734 11 044,540 442,055 14,616 2,521,548 177,096 18,591,589 Western district 2,707 332 535 958 14 996 258 5,800 27,453 1,703 2,874 7,988 140 2,240 850 43,248 17,511 291 829 50,640 1,793 4,492 166 32 25,871,966 74,409,820 $32,824,377 2,049,711 11,160,278 $2,921,965 558,301 $21,252,822 346.18 528.73 109,346 $3,882,653 455,278 $693,211,370 $27,826,868 $768,072,626 945,479,836 31,296,338 1,032,739,776 11,854,114 52,821 12,108,095 $720,192,727 21,303,514 8,380,443 1,184,771 11,029 5,031,270 407,395 36,318,422 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS • SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) REVENUE FREIGHT TONNAGE BY GROUPS OF COMMODITIES Products of agriculture: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per oar Products of mines: Animals and products: Number of carloads • • Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car · Revenue Freight Originated ·· Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Products of forests: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads ·· Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car ·· Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per oar Animals and products: ·· Products of mines: Merchandise - All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Products of agriculture: Number of carloads- Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage C Total Revenue Freight Carried ·· Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage ·· Products of forests: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage .. • • ... Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage • ·· Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage • • Item .. • · • Merchandise All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage .. Total, all districts 3,866,598 97,486,977 25.21 1,767,163 21,632,146 12.24 9,662,453 501,902,964 51.94 1,519,296 43,024,204 28.32 7,816,414 207,365,992 26.53 24,631,924 871,412,283 35.38 22,773,354 894,185,637 8,492,510 187,791,469 11.70 3,143,746 39,548,814 2.47 16,617,598 851,342,258 53.04 3,138,425 83,998,371 5.23 15,624,741 401,627,962 25.02 47,017,020 1,564,308,874 97.46 40,725,297 54 · 1,605,034,171 100.00 Eastern district 831,699 19,297,691 23.20 396,758 5,310,574 13.38 4,400,922 228,406,202 51.90 213,127 5,359,209 25.15 4,412,813 116,343,097 26.36 10,255,319 374,716,773 36.54 11,492,861 386,209,634 2,713,514 56,689,747 6.95 1,232,881 16,282,272 2.00 9,272,439 480,654,299 58.93 883,541 21,771,963 2.67 771 8,644,726 218,815,598 26.83 22,747,101 794,213,879 97.38 21,381,111 2.62 815,594,990 100.00 Southern district 715,707 12,048,062 16.83 121,606 1,473,590 12.12 2,792,777 152,503,690 54.61 539,189 13,853,682 25.69 1,017,260 26,449,270 26.00 5,186,539 206,328,294 39.78 4,678,529 211,006,823 1,631,847 27,737,424 8.99 259,135 3,341,908 1.08 3,588,816 192,302,414 62.29 899,430 22,826,086 7.39 2,152,941 53,807,960 17.43 8,532,169 300,015,792 97.18 6932208535 308,708,997 100.00 15 Western district 2,319,192 66,141,224 28.52 1,248,799 14,847,982 11.89 2,468,754 120,993,072 49.01 766,980 23,811,313 31.05 2,386,341 64,573,625 27.06 9,190,066 290,367,216 31.60 6,601,964 296,969,180 4,147,149 103,364,298 21.50 1,651,730 19,924,634 4.14 3,756,343 178,385,545 37.11 1,355,454 39,400,322 8.20 4,827,074 129,004,404 26.83 15,737,750 470,079,203 97.78 10,650,981 129810 22 480,730,184 100.00 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 16 No. 2 Freight N MET KOKO 1 Average mileage of road operated 77 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) -- Freight Passenger Mixed Special - Work service ordinary light Total transportation service 9 Total freight train 10 | Total passenger train 11 Total mixed train Total special 12 13 Train switching 14 Yard switching freight passenger 15 Yard switching STATISTICS OF RAIL-LINE OPERATIONS 23 Passenger train 24 Passenger train Al Q - • Ma 16 Total transportation service 17 Work service .. A < Gala vak mlp y 18 Freight train 19 Freight train loaded empty caboose 20 Freight train 21 Freight train exclusive work equipment 22 Total freight train - - • - - • - 25 Passenger train dining 26 Passenger train other 27 Total passenger train- 28 Mixed train - freight loaded 29 Mixed train - freight empty 30 Mixed train - caboose | 31 Mixed train - exclusive work equipment -- miles - • - 32 Mixed train passenger | 33 Mixed train sleeping, parlor, and observation 34 Mixed train - dining 35 Mixed train - other passenger train | 36 Total mixed train 37 Total special train 38 39 Work service - Locomotive-Miles ·· ... • passenger sleeping, parlor, and observation Tons revenue freight Tons Tons - non-revenue freight • Total transportation service Item • Train-Miles •• .. ... 40 41 42 | Ton-miles revenue freight 43 Ton-miles non-revenue freight 44 Passengers carried - revenue revenue 45 Passenger miles 46 Ton-miles revenue freight per mile of road 47 Ton-miles -- revenue freight per train-mile 48 Ton-miles revenue per car-mile revenue and non-revenue freight per train-mile 49 Passenger-miles revenue 50 Passenger - 51 Miles hauled revenue freight 52 Miles carried -- revenue passengers 53 Revenue per ton of freight 54 Revenue per ton-mile of freight 55 Revenue per passenger 56 Revenue per passenger-mile Car-Miles G Miscellaneous • G - • • • ·· • ·· • ... per loaded car-mile. Total, all districts 242,175.83 435,899,402 4353; 3,481,890 480,367,309 31,105,833 366,057 951, 220,491 13,961,188 490,560,184 437,066,586 31,225,112 455,653 47,641,338 213,373,455 21,031,729 1,241,354,057 20,030,343 13,031,154,246 8,433,430,032 449,374,235 28,154,823 21,942,113,336 987,520,524 1,069,222,432 139,745,998 1,069,434,542 3,265,923,496 165,159,082 105,560, 601 3.781,984 1,375,219 31,695,762 793,707 21,361 18,005,637 326,393,353 6,774,998 25,541,205,183 67,573,907 1,605,034,171 174,111,606 309,224,879,222 28,993,445,445 596,390,924 21,894,420,536 1,276,861 664.23 25.63 45.11 10.48 192.66 36.71 $2.02397 $0.01051 $0.92261 $0.02513 Eastern district 59,728.84 160,836,193 1,898,238 206,782,882 5,044,212 145,419 374,706,944 7,346,774 192,244,159 190,021,199 5,146,799 164,866 23,776,193 106,167,635 11,898,272 529,419,123 10,619,968 5,215,214,612 3,356,944,130 165,974,755 4,453,081 8,742,586,578 503,312,509 450,308,955 53,058,830 464,243,014 1,470,923,308 25,676,875 16,909,408 1,219,214 212,031 4,959,773 23,023 386 4,805,856 53,806,566 1,924,553 10,269,241,005 22,134,579 815,594,990 70,266,720 128,655,544,027 9,929,033,564 448,833,417 12,912,260,857 2,153,994 771.06 26.44 62.17 13.47 157.74 28.77 $1.67706 $0.01063 $0.70600 $0.02454 Southern district 46,116.32 93,958,376 570,647 80,984,387 6,684,160 99,807 182,297,377 2,658,363 100,397,210 77,725,845 6,780,114 141,920 7,334,109 35,513,315 2,889,918 230,782,431 3,253,641 2,519,692,641 1,727,285,651 95,628,832 5,322,362 4,347,929,486 159,638,876 162,617,013 23,268,992 169,925,014 515,449,895 30,059,454 17,521,532 848,827 227,351 7,873,026 75,283 156 4,509,813 61,115,442 2,391,247 4,926,886,070 13,291,665 308,708,997 38,537,491 69,525,377,692 6,180,978,941 48,702,190 2,292,377,089 1,507,609 696.33 29.69 27.34 6.94 225.21 47.07 $2.00626 $0.00891 $1.36196 $0.02894 Western district 136,330.67 181,104,833 1,013,005 192,600,040 19,377,461 120,831 394,216,170 3,956,051 197,918,815 169,319,542 19,298,199 148,867 16,531,036 71,692,505 6,243,539 481,152,503 6,156,734 5,296,246,993 3,349,200,251 187,770,648 18,379,380 8,851,597,272 324,569,139 456,296,464 63,418,176 435,266,514 1,279,550,293 109,422,753 71,129,661 1,713,943 935,837 18,862,963 695,401 20,819 8,689,968 211,471,345 2,459,198 10,345,078,108 32,147,663 480,730,184 65,307,395 111,043,957,503 12,883,432,940 98,855,317 6,689,782,590 814,519 558.46 22.93 34.26 8.36 230.99 67.67 $2.62388 $0.01136 $1.68966 $0.02497 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 18 NOJ 1 Total number of stockholders. CUMUYONO 9 2 Investment in road and equipment. Improvements on leased railway property 10 Cash.. 11 12 13 14 22 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 (Does not include lessor companies) W w wwnnn 20 Rents receivable……. 21 Other current assets. 32 wwww Total investments 33 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET 8inking funds ... Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold.. Miscellaneous physical property. Investments in affiliated companies. Other investments... Investments 15 Traffic and car-service balances receivable.. 16 Net balance receivable from agents and conductors.. 17 Miscellaneous accounts receivable. 18 Material and supplies........... 19 Interest and dividends receivable.. Demand loans and deposits. Time drafts and deposits. Special deposits... Loans and bills receivable. Current Assets 23 Working fund advances. 24 Insurance and other funds.... 25 Other deferred assets.. 26 Item Total current assets. Unadjusted Debits 27 Rents and insurance premiums paid in advance. 28 Discount on capital stock.. 29 Discount on funded debt.. Property abandoned chargeable to operating expenses. 31 Other unadjusted debits.. 30 Deferred Assets 37 Adjustments.... 38 39 40 Total deferred assets..... .. Total unadjusted debits. Grand total. • INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT 34 Expenditures for new lines and extensions.... Expenditures for additions and betterments.. Credits for property retired. Net charges during year...... Stocks actually issued during year-par value.. Funded debt actually issued during year--par value.. • Total, all districts 274 $202,481,079 13,369,301 375,040 125,479 8,708,984 17,333,565 9,315,132 251,708,580 4,785,560 3,012,522 1,310,000 1,174,828 118,020 1,502,473 692,577 4,507,342 3,132,096 154,036 105,695 129,911 20,625,060 24,308 3,390,126 2,444,092 5,858,526 107,899 3,293,600 2,404,205 113,996 2,415,803 8,335,503 286,527,669 3,447,732 1,406,500 454.197 1,587,035 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district 142 $130,233,304 3,539,569 d 2,046 2,257,256 3,658,073 3,034,197 142,724,445 3,023,356 2,859,636 500,000 33,861 3.539 1,212,062 312,450 2,736,824 2,197,802 29,275 60,156 6,396 12,975,357 18,463 370,158 678,562 1,067,183 32,348 249,163 113,996 1,765,494 2,161,001 158,927,986 2,187,376 675,321 868,162 643,893 I 1 Southern district 7 $14,296,910 123,433 163,223 14,583,566 238,580 281,420 9,064 153 152,804 58,656 4,500 745,177 11 2,359 2,359 I 38,630 38,630 15,369,732 37,838 1,040 744 37,542 Western district 125 $57,950,865 9,829,732 375,040 6,288,505 13,675,492 6,280,935 94,400,569 1,523,624 152,886 810,000 859,547 114,481 281,347 379.974 1,617,714 875,638 124,761 41,039 123,515 6,904,526 5,845 3,019,968 1,763,171 4,788,984 75,551 3,293,600 2,155,042 611,679 6,135,872 112,229,951 1,222,518 730,139 413,221 905,600 #1 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 10. 1 123 3 4 Capital stock. Stock liability for conversion. Premium on capital stook... Total stock…. 5 Grants in aid of construction.. ** 21 6 Funded debt unmatured. 7 8 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies... 9 Total long-term debt...... 22 23 23 24 567 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 10 Loans and bills payable.. 11 Traffic and car-service balances payable. 12 Audited accounts and wages payable. 26 13 Miscellaneous accounts payable. 14 Interest matured unpaid.. 15 Dividends matured unpaid..... 16 Funded Debt matured unpaid... 17 Unmatured dividends declared. 18 Unmatured interest accrued.. 19 20 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET--Concluded 33 Receiver's certificates.. momo no ♬ ≈ • 41 42 Long-Term Debt 22 Liability for provident funds...... Other deferred liabilities....... Current Liabilities Item Tax liability. Premium on funded debt. Stock • Unmatured rents accrued.... Other current liabilities..... .... • Total current liabilities.... 27 28 Operating reserves.... 29 Accrued depreciation--Road.... Deferred Liabilities Total deferred liabilities.... 40 Profit and loss--balance. 30 Accrued depreciation--Equipment.. 31 Accrued depreciation--Kiscellaneous physical property. 32 Other unadjusted credits...... Total unadjusted credits Unadjusted Credits Insurance and casualty reserves. 37 Miscellaneous fund reserves. 38 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. Corporate Surplus Additions to property through income and surplus.. Funded debt retired through income and surplus. Sinking fund reserves. Total corporate surplus. Grand total. • Total appropriated surplus. • Total, all districts $47,540,200 47,540,200 193,540 126,573,200 8,273,606 134,846,806 1,080,642 4,138,121 655,277 3,159,547 I 50,000 705,079 527,314 228,391 10,544,371 419,698 419,698 6,305,846 556,119 4,576,890 14,170,978 19,668 8,331,110 33,960,611 10,709,047 2,266,163 951,040 44,778 241,573 14,212,601 44,809,842 59,022,443 286,527,669 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $38,120,000 38,120,000 193,540 57,085,000 5,065,134 62,150,134 862,876 2,241,562 411,051 2,118,645 I 427,742 394,406 222,719 6,679,001 123,961 123,961 4,518,559 436,051 726,790 10,960,603 2,413,861 19,055,864 7,019,477 44,778 217,839 7,282,094 25,323,392 32,605,486 158,927,986 Southern district $2,000,000 2,000,000 14,000,000 14,000,000 " 245,247 12,509 281,420 2,038 541,214 30,851 30,851 82,510 17,690 100, 200 5,268 5,268 d 1,307,801 d 1.302.533 15,369,732 19 Western district $7,420,200 7,420,200 55,488,200 3,208,472 58,696,672 217,766 1,651,312 231,717 759,482 50,000 277,337 132,908 3,634 3,324,156 264,886 264,886 1,787,287 120,068 3,850,100 3,127,865 19,668 5,899,559 14,804,547 3,684,302 2,266,163 951,040 23,734 6,925,239 20,794,251 27,719,490 112,229,951 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 20 Io. 1 2 MÈ IMO 710 9 22 12 13 14 29 30 31 32 10 Revenues from miscellaneous operations 11 Expenses of miscellaneous operations SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 25 26 27 | Dividend income .... 28 Railway operating revenues Railway operating expenses 42 43 44 45 46 Miscellaneous operating income 15 Total operating income 16 | Het railway operating income 17 Hire of freight cars credit balance 18 Rent from locomotives ...... 19 Rent from passenger-train cars 20 Rent from floating equipment 21 Rent from work equipment 22 23 24 52 53 Het revome from railway operations Railway tax accruals: United States Government taxes.... Other than United States Government taxes Total railway tax accruals Uncollectible railway revenues Railway operating income 33 Miscellaneous income 34 8 59 60 35 36 Hire of freight oars 37 Rent for locomotives 38 65 66 INCOME ACCOUNT Net revenue from miscellaneous operations Taxes on miscellaneous operating property - 79 80 81 • • Separately operated properties Rent for passenger-train cars 39 Rent for floating equipment 40 Rent for work equipment 41 Joint facility rent income Income from lease of road Miscellaneous rent income Miscellaneous non-operating physical property profit - 47 Interest on unfunded debt Item Joint facility rents Rent for leased roads Miscellaneous rents Miscellaneous tax accruals .. Income from funded securities Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds Release of premiums on funded debt Contributions from other companies..... Total non-operating income Gross income ·· • • debit balance ·· • Separately operated properties 1088 Interest on funded debt - 61 62 Profit on road and equipment sold Delayed income credits Unrefundable overcharges Donations Miscellaneous credits .. Amortization of discount on funded debt Maintenance of investment organization Income transferred to other companies Miscellaneous income charges Total deductions from gross income Net income Total debits during year Net increase during year Balance at beginning of year Balance at end of year - Credit balance transferred from income .. Inoome applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income ... 56 Income appropriated for investment in physical property 57 Stock discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of incone Total appropriations of income Income balance transferred to profit and loss PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Ma • ·· • • 67 Total credits during year ..... 68 | Debit balance transferred from income 69 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds 70 | Dividend appropriations of surplus ·· • · • 71 72 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through surplus 73 Debt discount extinguished through surplus 74 Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus 75 Loss on retired road and equipment 76 Delayed income debits 77 Miscellaneous debite 78 ·· Dividends declared during year Par value on which declared common Par value on which declared preferred • ·· • • 82 83 84 85 Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent • •• • .. Total, all districts $48,082,072 35,882,694 12,199,378 ₫ 219.866 4.658.895 4,439,029 9,964 7,750,385 11 = 7,750,385 11,201,600 911,389 99,253 33 d 45,465 4,758,654 463,950 656,752 101,202 369 533,460 667,790 169,108 337 90,383 96,956 8,595,101 16,345,486 1,294,542 332,175 17,323 719,539 5,584,579 1,429,177 77,232 5,633,020 14,511 110,725 348,549 15,561,372 784,114 65,043 157,596 222,639 561,475 2,444,643 3,252 385,299 14,597 161,482 167,634 3,176,907 1,883,168 420 530,000 134,875 215,051 60,301 5,822,975 d 2,646,068 47,455,910 44,809,842 3,687,596 22,226,600 16.59 Eastern district $30.092,848 24,182,065 5,910,783 ₫ 322,227 2.591.212 2,268,985 2,387 3,639,411 = … 3,639,411 5,283,260 639,755 76,73 22,302 2,762,642 456,867 235,087 37,545 14 54 115,392 243,745 12,245 337 90,383 43,714 4,736,802 8,376,213 867,786 290,063 16,959 682,776 2,870,848 216,797 19,459 2,675,137 4,809 12,384 326,111 7,983,129 393,084 8,403 111 8,403 384,681 1,464,613 3,252 125,437 3,050 90,067 113,225 1,799,644 1,079,932 1,920,000 90,067 65,269 43,072 3,197,388 d 1.397.744 26,721,136 25,323,392 1/ 1,920,000 18,100,000 10.61 Southern district $1,765,900 837,905 927,995 128,400 128,400 39 799,556 1 II 799,556 542,650 15,665 432 103,951 24,310 5,554 I 19 149,931 949,487 329,858 41,724 162 5,210 1,571 7,018 560,000 701 2,858 949,102 385 …… May 385 385 378 5 768 1 | 130 | | 378 165 J { 543 225 d 1.308.026 d 1.307,801 ……│ Co. Deficit or other reverse item. Includes $700,000 representing an extra dividend of 35 per cent declared by Detroit Terminal R.R. Includes $1,500,000 representing an extra dividend of 300 per cent declared by Chicago River & Indiana R.R. Co. Western distriot $16,223,324 10,862,724 5,360,600 102,361 1.939.283 2,041,644 7.538 3,311,418 3,311,418 5,375,690 271,634 6,854 33 22,731 1,892,061 7,083 421,665 39,347 315 418,068 418,491 156,863 53,223 3,708,368 7,019,786 96,898 388 202 31,553 2,713,731 1,210,809 50,755 2,397,883 9,001 98,341 19,580 6,629,141 390,645 56,640 157,596 214,236 176,409 979,645 259,862 11,547 71,037 54,404 1,376,495 1,610,000 803,236 532 44,430 149,617 17,229 2,625,044 ₫ 1,248,549 22,042,800 20,794,251 2/ 1,767,596 4,126,600 42.83 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 | Freight 2 4 Sleeping car 15 26 7 Expre88 8 9 10 Passenger 27 28 Excess baggage 29 30 • Parlor and chair car Mail [ 16 17 18 | Freight 19 Passenger ··· 20 Excess baggage 21 48 49 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) ·· 22 23 | Express 24 Special service 25 Other 26 • ….. Other passenger-train Milk ·· Switching 11 Special service train 12 Other freight-train 13 Water transfers--freight 14 Water transfers--passenger Water transfers--vehicles and live stock Water transfers--other Total rail-line transportation revenue • 75 76 31 | Storage--freight 32 Storage--baggage 33 Other passenger service Mail • · Dining and buffet Hotel and restaurant • 41 Joint facility--Cr. 42 Joint facility--DI . 43 44 RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES • • + • Ties--yard Ties--other .. • • • ·· Demurrage Telegraph and telephone Grain elevator · Station, train, and boat privileges Parcel room .. Total water-line transportation revenue • • • • 45 Superintendence ... 46 Roadway maintenance--yard 47 Roadway maintenance--other 36 | Stockyard 37 Power. 38 Rents of buildings and other property Miscellaneous 39 40 Total incidental operating revenue Ballast--yard ... Ballast--other • • ·· • Roadway--depreciation--yard Roadway--depreciation--other Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues 50 Underground power tubes--yard 51 | Underground power tubes--other 52 67 68 Ties--depreciation--yard 69 Ties--depreciation--other 70 | Rails--yard Rails--other Underground power tubes-depreciation--yard 53 Underground power tubes--depreciation--other RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures • • Tunnels and subways--yard 55 Tunnels and subways--other 56 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other 57 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard • 71 72 73 74 | Other track material--yard Other track material--other Rails--depreciation-yard Rails--depreciation--other Item • • .. 64 Elevated structures--depreciation--yard 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other 66 • * • 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other 62 Elevated structures--yard .. 63 Elevated structures--other • • • • 78 79 80 | Ballast--depreciation--yard 81 Ballast--depreciation--other 82 Track laying and surfacing--yard • • • • • • 83 Track laying and surfacing--other 84 Right-of-way fences--yard 85 Right-of-way fences--other •• • ·· • Other track material--depreciation-yard 77 Other track material--depreciation--other • .. • • · • • • • .. • • ·· • • • • • • • • d • · • • Total, all districts • $1,658,047 4,448 6 2,138 3 43,393,202 2,374 2,993 45,063,211 GRA 44,439 107,198 54,625 8,788 7,563 309,244 748,758 229,361 543 383,416 1,365,797 3,259,932 7,634 248,705 d 241.071 48,082,072 571,249 626,936 22,861 544 It 9,139 13,357 355,904 31,073 80,035 59,338 20,562 667,142 18,347 1,793 278,786 10,53 241 523 523,532 8,395 2,053 51,510 12 54 1,331,031 28,722 5,997 3232323 195 Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $1,555,388 11 1 #t 27,741,090 2,374 2,321 d 11 29,301,173 I + 44,439 516 9,243 7,285 1,281 215,062 229,361 743 61,523 227,957 796,378 7,634 12,337 4.703 30,092,848 397,442 362,381 481 4,910 T 269,983 37,098 1,180 458,001 1,793 196,643 241 364,229 2,053 31,307 54 870,692 4,119 Southern district 111 $1,712,794 1,712,794 d 11 I 11 3,092 120 834 272 2,162 1111 22,720 26,974 56,054 2,948 2.948 1,765,900 14,345 2,214 18,354 11t| 204 12,986 1 1111 11,085 13,368 3,173 10,093 4,174 5,305 IM T 18,615 18,395 1 80 18 21 Western district $102,659 448 2,138 3 13,939,318 672 14,049,244 1 1 I # 104,622 45,382 669 6,010 92,020 748,758 299,173 1,110,866 2,407,500 233,420 ₫ 233,420 16,223,324 159,462 262,341 4,507 63 4,229 13,357 85,717 18,087 42,937 58,158 20,562 198,056 4,979 78,970 442 155,129 3,090 20,226 15 441,724 10,327 1,878 177 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 22 To. H&M LOVO 710 1 Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard 2 | Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other 12 13 14 22 23 24 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation-yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds-depreciation--other Crossings and signs--yard Crossings and signs--other .. • 10 9 Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard Crossings and signs--depreciation--other Station and office buildings 11 ... Station and office buildings--depreciation Roadway buildings ………… Roadway buildings--depreciation Water stations 15 …… 16 Water stations-depreciation 17 Fuel stations 18 Fuel stations--depreciation ..... 19 Shops and enginehouses ·· 20 8hops and enginehouses--depreciation 21 Grain elevators SUMMARY NO. 2—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 25 | Wharves and docks 26 Wharves and docks--depreciation 27 | Coal and ore wharves 28 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded 46 ·· Grain elevators--depreciation Storage warehouses Storage warehouses--depreciation 50 51 52 53 Coal and ore wharves--depreciation 42 Power transmission systems--depreciation 43 Power distribution systems 59 60 61 62 29 Gas producing plants 30 Gas producing plants--depreciation 31 Telegraph and telephone lines 32 | Telegraph and telephone lines-depreciation 33 Signals and interlockers • 34 8ignals and interlockers--depreciation 35 • 47 Underground conduits ....... 48 Underground conduits--depreciation 49 Miscellaneous structures Miscellaneous structures-depreciation 71 72 Paving ..... Paving--depreciation Roadway machines 54 Roadway machines--depreciation Small tools and supplies Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines 36 Power plant dame, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation 37 Power plant buildings 38 Power plant buildings--depreciation 39 Power substation buildings • 40 Power substation buildings--depreciation 41 Power transmission systems 55 • O 56 Removing snow, ice, and sand 57 58 Injuries to persons Insurance Stationery and printing Other expenses Item • •• 44 Power distribution systems--depreciation 45 Power line poles and fixtures Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation 67 Superintendence 68 8hop machinery 69 Shop machinery--depreciation 70 Power plant machinery • Assessments for public improvements • • 75 8team locomotives--depreciation 76 Steam locomotives--retirements Other locomotives--repairs ... Power plant machinery--depreciation Power substation apparatus • • ………. 73 Power substation apparatus--depreciation 74 8team locomotives--repairs.. · • 77 78 Other locomotives--depreciation 79 Other locomotives--retirements Freight-train cars--repairs 80 81 Freight-train cars--depreciation + · • ·· · · • • • ·· Total, above accounts Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 64 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr. 65 Equalization-way and structures 66 Total maintenance of way and structures Maintenance of Equipment • • · .. ·· ·· • • · • · • • • • · • ·· • • • • • .. • • • [ • • • D · • A Total, all districts • ………… $125,002 6,055 7,684 336,914 102,401 28,571 2,146 40,621 5,041 42,915 6,772 150,309 30,520 1,154 73,088 7,208 22,995 169,043 21,464 11,291 11,060 2 58,412 381, 780 4,713 Twow! 357 464 8,343 1,913 16,361 2,145 3.337 1 I 3,731 647 1,863 15,216 17,356 1,958 71,443 73,800 65,402 83,007 8,610 800 6,746,454 615,956 1,719,160 5,643,250 430,752 100,456 29,249 65,555 4,781 641 2,831,938 822,653 16,066 1,241,656 590,072 d Deficit or other reverse item. - Eastern district d $94,989 1,036 125,577 19,848 15,152 78 30,998 1,667 18,556 1,447 86,375 7,551 172 215 50,291 10,460 11,274 11,060 2 48,037 201,326 3,634 556 1,908 4,095 122 664 3,526 705 13,627 774 38,532 52,292 3,234 28,973 31,069 5,673 2,218 3,925,884 605,009 1,050,599 3,480,294 315,126 65.933 4,343 9,727 641 2,003,091 615,596 9,408 1,104,770 561,520 Southern district INWE▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [ $1,513 5,292 17,030 1,954 1,002 d 2,737 6,046 24,478 17 11 696 180 | | 878 1 1,945 and U ONSITI 43 245 2,627 81 5,399 83 174 204,466 1,427 31,257 174,636 13,564 2,407 1,294 11 84,340 2,328 10,560 Western district 11 I $28,500 763 6,648 194,307 82,553 11,465 2,068 8,621 3,374 21,622 5,325 57,888 22,969 1,154 73,088 7,036 22,780 94,274 11,004 9,679 179,576 4,713 1a7ISI 2,764 569 187 5 12,266 2,023 2,673 196 647 1,201 15,216 3,484 1,184 30,284 21,508 1,072 36,348 46,539 2,854 1,244 2,616,104 9,520 637,304 1,988, 320 102,062 32,116 24,906 54,534 4,781 744,507 204,729 6,658 126,326 28,552 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1234 10 6 Freight-train cars-retirements 2 Passenger-train cars--repairs Passenger-train cars--depreciation Passenger-train cars--retirements 5 Motor equipment of cars--repairs Floating equipment--repairs .. 9 Floating equipment--depreciation 10 Floating equipment--retirements 11 Work equipment-repairs .... 17 18 SUMMARY NO. 2—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 12 Work equipment--depreciation 13 Work equipment--retirements 14 Miscellaneous equipment-repairs Motor equipment of cars--depreciation 7 Motor equipment of cars-retirements 8 w www. RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES-Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded 33 35 15 Miscellaneous equipment-depreciation 16 Miscellaneous equipment--retirements ... Injuries to persons Insurance Stationery and printing Other expenses Total 26 Superintendence 27 Outside agencies 28 Advertising 29 Traffic associations 30 Fast freight lines 31 32 Insurance 19 20 21 22 Maintaining joint equipment--Dr. 23 Maintaining joint equipment--Cr. 24 Equalization--equipment 25 ……… ·· Stationery and printing Other expenses Total traffic 36 Superintendence 37 Dispatching trains 38 Station employees 59 60 Total maintenance of equipment • • Industrial and immigration bureaus • ·· 56 Train motormen • 41 Station supplies and expenses 42 Yardmasters and yard clerks 43 Yard conductors and brakemen { 47 Fuel for yard locomotives 48 44 Yard switch and signal tenders 45 Yard enginemen 46 Yard motormen • 72❘ Express service 73 74 Other expenses • Yard supplies and expenses Train enginemen Yard switching power produced 49 Yard switching power purchased 50 Water for yard locomotives 51 ·· • • 39 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus 40 Coal and ore wharves • • ·· .. • • 75 Insurance 76 Clearing wrecks 77 Damage to property .. .. Stationery and printing Transportation--Rail Line • Lubricants for yard locomotives Other supplies for yard locomotives Enginehouse expenses--yard Loss and damage--freight Loss and damage--baggage ·· • Traffic • ... Item ·· U • • Fuel for train locomotives Train power produced Train power purchased Water for train locomotives 61 Lubricants for train locomotives 62 Other supplies for train locomotives 63 Enginehouse expenses--train 64 Trainmen ·· 65 Train supplies and expenses 66 Operating sleeping cars .. 67 Signal and interlocker operation 68 Crossing protection 69 • ... • O Drawbridge operation 70 Telegraph and telephone operation 71 Operating floating equipment • • • 78 Damage to live stock on right of way 79 80 • • • • • • • → • Total, all districts • d $1,703 8,025 2,349 10,748 44,472 30,583 76,616 49,213 1,156 10,176 7,639 364 32,384 61,124 16,077 3,211 6,486,253 98,129 370,386 6,213,996 160,183 149,988 31,831 7,910 5,209 136 27,345 50 382,652 1,152,661 273,292 3,905,980 32,426 26,481 291,626 2,187,683 5,841,675 628,958 3,922,865 3,213,506 295,251- 67,400 64,162 1,004,569 297,216 72,641 24,178 11 6,007 1,203 2,969 15,713 70,341 104,382 352,162 390,837 35,204 54,494 113,175 163,560 87,177 62,029 75,411 83,816 92 189,259 522 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district d $1.694 373 381 11 44,472 30,583 48,376 30,009 1.166 2,454 4,789 364 24,059 49,186 10,841 3,107 4,938,621 96,104 200,323 4,834,402 102,168 73.945 6,434 4,486 3,575 116 20,221 210,945 782,654 149,953 1,554,196 24,204 26,463 101,491 1,206,763 3,663,219 335,249 2,567,230 2,328,211 209,838 46,447 44,347 771,152 192,138 59,722 19,816 SEAR 5,535 1,065 2,740 12,633 62,003 85,349 227,117 237,091 23,168 40,045 113,175 88,531 63,875 39,659 31.194 41,682 25 145,030 54 Southern district $1,805 P 810 255 IMOLI d 258 201 320 11 117,637 14,016 d I 103,621 13,138 5,077 216,955 7,528 18 17,414 66,487 103,932 4,620 66,886 76,415 SIF……………… 1,721 928 2,265 31,516 3,672 15,238 4,567 37,588 11,803 4,331 11 au 2,422 60 707 248 337 115 པས་ Western district d 23 d 5.847 1,968 10,748 27,430 18,949 10 722 2,850 8,583 11,737 4,916 93 1,429,995 2,025 156,047 1,275,973 58,015 76,043 25,397 3,424 1,634 20 7,124 50 171,707 356,869 118.262 2,134,829 694 172,721 914,433 2,074,524 289,089 1,288,749 808,880 83,692 20,025 17,550 201,901 101,406 12,919 4,362 472 138 229 3,080 8,338 3,795 120,478 116,158 233 10,118 72,607 23,242 21,663 44,465 41,797 44,114 453 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 100 10 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 24 19 20 21 22 23 24 ~~~~~* 2*** 25 26 1 Injuries to persons 2 Operating joint yards and terminals - Dr. Operating joint yards and terminals Cr. Operating joint tracks and facilities 5 Operating joint tracks and facilities - 6 Total transportation 27 28 SSIS 7 Operation of vessels 8 Operation of terminals Incidental まゆ ​39 5555 457 56 58 60 61 62 63 64 LONG SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931—Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 65 66 • 67 68 69 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Transportation Rail Line Total transportation ... ·· 18 Salaries and expenses of general officers Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants General office supplies and expenses Law expenses Insurance ... Relief department expenses Pensions Stationery and printing Valuation expenses Other expenses General joint facilities - Dr. 29 General joint facilities - Cr. 30 Total general expenses 31 | Transportation for investment • Dining and buffet service Hotels and restaurants Grain elevators Stockyards .. Producing power sold • Other miscellaneous operations ·· ·· Total miscellaneous operations 47 Miles of road 48 Miles of second main track 49 Miles of third main track • • • • 40 Miles of road 41 Miles of second main track 42 Miles of third main track 43 Miles of fourth main track Miles of all other main tracks 45 Miles of yard track and sidings 46 Total, all tracks • Transportation Water Line • • Cr. 32 Total railway operating expenses 33 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES rail line •• 50 Miles of fourth main track 51 Miles of all other main tracks 52 Miles of yard track and sidings 53 Total, all tracks Miscellaneous Operations • Item water line Number at close of year: Box cars Flat oarS Stock cars Coal cars Tank oars • • • . • ·· • - • General Related solely to freight service •• Related solely to passenger and allied services ... Related in common to both freight and passenger and allied services: Apportioned to freight service ... Apportioned to passenger and allied services • C · Not related to either freight service or to passenger and allied services Total • - • D • • Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total C MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1931 • Steam locomotives: Number at close of year Total tractive effort (pounds) Number installed during year Number retired during year Electric locomotive units: • Number at close of year Total tractive effort (pounds) Number installed during year Number retired during year - .. - MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1931 - · • .. • Dr. Cr. D Concluded Concluded • • • Freight-carrying CarS EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE • of • • C • · Total, all districts $372,945 510,091 4,621,708 219,328 403,234 21,188,345 39, 648 184,022 238,905 515 70,027 533,117 481,238 805, 308 105,979 197,299 1,950 6.448 144,359 45,591 257,984 11 52,596 6,716 159,478 1,945,990 24,656 35,882,694 74.63 $34,461,157 70,830 1,256,577 59,477 34,653 35,882,694 562.42 353.21 14.34 .92 4.26 2,228.17 1/3,163.32 279.87 160.96 2.37 .92 1,007.95 1,452.07 911 39,854, 300 5 12 ………│ 712 58 3 6,232 1,149 8,158 Eastern district $274,614 492,190 1,820,081 219,769 376,920 14,092,636 39,648 238,905 515 34,138 313,206 270,936 600,396 69,388 88,143 1,377 6,448 81,204 30,185 177,637 21,568 6,716 79,575 1,274,423 23,841 24,182,065 80.36 114 $23,798,103 39,648 309,661 34,653 24,182,065 428.76 277.71 14.34 .92 4.26 1,512.73 2/ 2,238.72 230.53 138.68 2.37 .92 727.71 1,100.21 609 27,411,700 4 #1 231 6,110 4 1,149 7,548 Deficit or other reverse item. Includes 512.96 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 453.78 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 2.93 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 56.25 miles operated under trackage rights. Southern district 400 4,731 143,974 17,570 542,161 |||| 11 1,251 10,656 1 636 2,634 120 532 1,694 671 712 17,493 6 837,905 47.45 $544,553 ₫ 22,599 286,690 29,261 837,905 20.35 7.68 50.33 3/78.36 18.36 7.68 49.39 75.43 18 536,900 1 1 111 …………… Western district $94,931 13,170 2,657,653 441 8,744 6,553,548 184,022 35,889 219,911 209,051 194,256 35,955 106,522 562 63,0 14,874 78,653 30,357 79,191 654,074 809 10,862,724 66.96 $10,118,501 53,781 660,226 30,216 10,862,724 113.31 67.82 665.11 4/846.24 30.98 14.60 11 230.85 276.43 284 11,905,700 4 11 481 4 122 1 1 610 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Ho ANKIUNO 7 1 2 8 OR KOMMEN you 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 222 12387 888 no on www goog 37 38 39 40 41 SES 42 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) 50 51 155 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE-Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars.. Flat cars. Stock cars. Coal cars... Tank Cars.. Refrigerator cars.... 25 Number at close of year... 57 58 a gerung ·· 59 60 61 62 63 Other freight-carrying cars. Total..... Number installed during year: • • Box cars. Flat cars. Stock cars. Coal cars. Tank cars... Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. · 27 Number retired during year..………………………….. 28 Number at close of year. ... ·· Stock cars. Coal cars. Tank carS.. Number installed during year. 30 Number retired during year...... Total... Number retired during year: Box cars... Flat cars. .. Number of units at close of year... 32 Number of units installed during year....... 33 Number of units retired during year...... TIES LAID DURING YEAR Total..... Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying cars... • All Classes of Passenger-train Cars • Number installed during year.. Item All Classes of Company Service Equipment In replacement: 46 Average number. Compensation: 47 48 49 In replacement: Number of cross ties... Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties.. Total charges.. • • Floating Equipment In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties.... Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties...... Total charges. Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges.. RAILS LAID DURING YEAR In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks.. Miles of yard track and sidings. Number of tons (2,240 lbs.).. Total charges. Total hours paiù for Service days: • Straight time actually worked.. Overtime paid for..... Total compensation ...... Service hours: Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for.... D ·· .. EMPLOYEES Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for.. • In special service.... In yard-switching service... In work service • Fotal days paid for Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses. CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service.. In passenger service.. In mixed-train service.. ... ·· Grand total, all services... • Total, all districts 28,416 3,420 90 352,905 200 61,740 446,771 g!!''8」g ཛ°8 !T" 101 100 201 LO 1 80 15 459 21 13 I 267,626 4,275,752 $691,403 34,590 296,891 $75,582 15,843 $591,517 .70 16.22 1,976 $61,612 19,304 $30,384,753 $1,207,128 $32,175,974 38,145,093 1,223,814 39,920,448 580,317 7,821 598,823 $29,297,992 12,549 1,798 43 1,065,720 8,864 Eastern district บ 9,186 3,290 347,825 200 61,740 422,241 11111102 8 2 100 3 I IN 2 115 #11 4 277 10 21 13 174,134 2,170,172 $455,896 1,088,974 1/ Does not include data for 26 linear feet of steel ties. 18,698 201,655 $41,361 11,799 $431,297 .41 10.77 1,045 $32,952 11,496 $17,977,102 $818,994 $19,075,435 21,990,837 841,843 23,041,934 326,332 525 331.254 $18,087,135 11,342 43 745,562 3,778 760,725 Southern district 111111 ………… 1 1 1 111 MIL 3 111 18,507 170,391 $28,847 5,687 $246 365 $13,105 = 640 $8819143 $67,461 $948, 604 1,311,873 91,236 1,403,109 28,739 158 28,897 $917,6 EETIN 18,796 45 18,841 25 Western district 19,230 130 90 5,080 III 24,530 81 ……………1 81 66 6 ܥ 14 11│ 86 11 1.80 179 11 6 ! ! ! 74,985 1,935,189 $206,660 15,892 89,549 $33,975 3,679 $147,115 29 5.45 931 $28,660 7,168 $11,526,508 $320,673 $12,151,935 14,842,383 290,735 15,475,405 225,246 7,138 238,672 $10,293,181 1,207 1,798 301,362 5,041 309,408 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 26 Kind of mileage: Steam road.. Electric line. Steamboat line. Stage line.. Airplane....……. Total mileage. State or Territory: Alabama. Arizona. Arkansas. California. Colorado.. Connecticut. Delaware. District of Columbia. Florida.. Georgia........ Idaho.. Illinois. Indiana. Iowa..... Kansas... Kentucky... Louisiana.. Maine... Maryland. Massachusetts. Michigan.. Minnesota. Mississippi Missouri. Montana. Nebraska. Nevada. New Hampshire New Jersey.. New Mexico.. New York.. North Carolina. North Dakota.. I. II. III. • Ohio.... ... Oklahoma. Oregon. Pennsylvania. Rhode Island.. South Carolina.. South Dakota.. Tennessee. Texas... Utah... Vermont.. Virginia.. Washington. West Virginia. Wisconsin. Wyoming. Alaska. Hawaii.. Canada... Mexico.. • Mileage not assignable 1/ • ... ·· • • • Land... Buildings. Equipment: Cars. Horses. • ·· SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 .. • • • • Automobiles.. Trucks... Stable equipment. Garage equipment. Line equipment.. Shop equipment. • ► Wagons and sleighs. Harness and equipment. Office furniture and equipment. Office safes.. • Item • • Item .. • • • Miscellaneous equipment. ·· • MILEAGE COVERED BY OPERATIONS Total equipment. Total real property and equipment. Total 228,870.24 2,573.29 26,274.75 3,626.85 10,443.00 271,788.13 4,838.58 2,322.20 4,449.11 10,547.11 4,998.99 865.16 296.30 38.85 5,269.63 6,509.49 3,233.86 11,271.56 6,542.62 10,474.91 9.389.13 3,591.60 4,208.80 2,054.75 2,508.47 1,911.20 6,880.61 8,693.72 3,910.64 7,902.77 5,154.87 6,642.61 2,769.58 1,136.94 2,102.02 3,231.55 7.963.10 4,493.80 5,585.09 8,424.67 6,758.08 3,912.33 8,913.93 149.99 3,554.54 4,188.00 3,598.98 16,749.56 2,872.61 954.87 5,039.69 6,763.81 3,141.95 7,295.25 2,359.22 13,171.30 369.97 4,969.26 96.50 6,714.00 COST OF REAL PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Total $8,05,185 11,929,264 959,492 26,287 23,132,615 206,618 31,709 3,196,899 515,249 2,974,714 6,549 688,075 555,890 231,341 5,626 Railway Express Agency, Inc. 32,531,064 52,515,513 218,988.34 2,535.57 26,006.75 3,600.85 10,443.00 261,574.51 3,236.23 2,322.20 4,449.11 10,547.11 4,998.99 865.16 296.30 31.30 5,004.88 5,210.39 3,233.86 10,952.70 6,306.59 10,474.91 9,389.13 3,225.61 4,168.22 2,054.75 2,329.60 1,911.20 6,880.61 8,693.72 3,164.73 7,900.77 5,154.87 6,642.61 2,769.58 1,136.94 2,102.02 3.231.55 7,963.10 3,022.23 5,585.09 1/ Covers miscellaneous unassigned mileage, such as transoceanic, coastwise, river, and lake not within the boundaries of any State or Territory. 8,423.59 6,758.08 3,912.33 8,878.23 149.99 2,342.56 4,188.00 2,298.56 16,749.56 2,872.61 954.87 3,908.81 6,763.81 3,141.95 7,295.25 2,359.22 13,171.30 369.97 4,969.26 96.50 6,714.00 Railway Express Agency, Ino. $8,044,103 11,746,949 959,492 25,759 22,353,866 202,957 31,326 3,100,471 490,083 2,904,628 6,490 682,771 538,113 231, 341 5,440 Southeastern Express Co. 31,532,737 51,323,789 9,881.90 37.72 268.00 26.00 10,213.62 1,602.35 7.55 264.75 1,299.10 318.86 236.03 365.99 40.58 178.87 745.91 2.00 11 Kad 1,471.57 1.08 35.70 1,211.98 1,300.42 1,130.88 S || ! Southeastern Express Co. $11,082 182,315 528 778,749 3,661 383 96,428 25,166 70,086 59 5,304 17,777 186 998,327 1,191,724 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Cars: Humber Inventory value Horses: Total equipment, inventory value Number Inventory value Automobiles: Gasoline- .. SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -Continued Number Inventory value Eleotrio- Number Inventory value Tagons and sleighs: Wagons, double- Number Inventory value Wagons, single- Number Inventory value Sleighs- Number Inventory value Buggies- Number Inventory value ·· Trucks: Inventory value Harness equipment: Inventory value Office furniture and equipment: Office safes: Number Inventory value Number Inventory value 8table equipment: Inventory value Garage equipment: Inventory value Line equipment: Safes, car- I. ·· Number Inventory value Safes, messenger- Number Inventory value Trunks, packing- Number Inventory value Other line equipment- Inventory value ... Shop equipment: Inventory value Miscellaneous equipment: Inventory valus Transportation: Express, domestic Express, foreign Miscellaneous • Item ·· II. Contract payments: Express privileges Account Total transportation Dr. Revenue from transportation III. Operations other than transportation: Customs brokerage fees Order and commission Rents of buildings and other property Money orders ... • C. O. D. checks Travelers' cheques Telegraph and cable transfers Letters of oredit ... Foreign postal remittances Profit on exchange and other financial revenue Miscellaneous • • • • Total other than transportation Total operating revenues INVENTORY VALUE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED • · • Total 1/ $12,223,552 3/ 247 $199,635 138 $5,495 8,277 $6,280,381 1,596 2/ $2,401,735 303 $53,310 47 $996 17 $85 1 $20 $6,009 $1,199,740 17,698 $177,153 64,812 $964,401 $2,517 $318,130 2.548 $76,996 7.397 $15,761 8,869 $46,268 $57,629 $87,996 $2,725 ANALYSIS OF OPERATING REVENUES Total $197,573,399 73.547 197,646,946 83,337,556 114,309,390 165,740 5,279 104,427 15,699 1,895,893 Railway Express Igenoy, Inc. 1/ $11,905,070 Includes $326,570, inventory value of 471 automobile trailers. Includes $1,049,043, inventory value of 1,892 automobile batteries. Includes $69,042, inventory value of 614 truck batteries. 38 1,085,307 3,272,383 117,581,773 247 $199,635 3/ 135 $5,441 7,963 $6,011,881 1,596 2/ $2,401,735 300 $53,257 37 $882 17 $85 1 $20 $5,969 $1,176,131 17,227 $161,692 d; 62,924 $960,542 $2,517 $314,835 $7}; 2,423 $74,491 7,085 $15,427 8,264 $45,721 $57,629 $87,996 $2,614 Railway Express Agency, Inc. $191,976,078 67,871 192,043,949 81,220,725 110,823,224 165,689 5,279 103,558 1,819,683 38 1,079,212 3,173,459 113,996,683 27 Southeastern Express Co. $318,482 $57 314 $268,500 3 $53 10 $114 " $40 $23,609 471 $15,461 1,888 $3,859 $3,295 125 $2,505 312 $334 605 $547 $111 Southeastern Express Co. $5,597,321 5,676 5,602,997 2,116,831 3,486,166 51 869 15,699 76,210 6,095 98,924 3,585,090 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 28 SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -Continued Operating income: Charges for transportation Express privileges – Dr. Revenue from transportation Revenue from operations other than transportation Total operating revenues Operating expenses Het operating revenue Uncollectible revenue from transportation Express taxes Operating income Other income: Rent from real property and equipment used jointly Miscellaneous rent income Het income from miscellaneous physical property Separately operated properties Dividend income profit Income from funded securities Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds Release of premiums on funded debt Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income Total other income Gross income Deductions from gross income: Rent for real property and equipment used jointly Miscellaneous rents • Item • Miscellaneous taxes Net loss on miscellaneous physical property Separately operated properties 1088 Interest on funded debt Interest on unfunded debt • - • • Amortization of discount on funded debt Income transferred to other companies Miscellaneous income debits • ... Total deductions from gross income Net income · Total appropriations Balance transferred to profit and loss Item .. Credit balance at beginning of year Credit balance transferred from income Profit on real property and equipment sold Delayed income credita Unrefundable overcharges Miscellaneous credits Total credits Debit balance at beginning of year Debit balance transferred from income Disposition of net income: Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income Income appropriations for investment in physical property Stook discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of income · ·· • • • • · · • Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of surplus • • Surplus set aside for investment in physical property 8took discount extinguished through surplus Debt discount extinguished through surplus Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus Loss on land sold Delayed income debits Miscellaneous debita .. • • · • • • Total debits Balance carried forward to credit of balance sheet INCOME ACCOUNT Total $197,646,946 83,337,556 114,309,390 3,272,383 117,581,773 114,624,390 2,957,383 17,062 1,432,435 1,507,886 d 178 151,830 10,995 154,423 1,524 318,950 1,826,836 1,037 483 1,024 1,524 1,681,333 1,713 68,375 271 1,755,760 71,076 70,000 2,691 72,691 1.615 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Total $131,219 833 2,866 1,510 10,930 147,358 2,448 4,250 9,441 16,139 131,219 Railway Express Agency, Inc. $192,043,949 81,220,725 110,823,224 3,173,459 113,996,683 111,180,940 2,815,743 15,618 1,343,435 1,456,690 178 151,830 10,995 137,043 1,524 301,570 1,758,260 1,037 483 1,524 1,681,333 1,713 68,375 271 1,754,736 3,524 2,691 2,691 833 Railway express Agency, Inc. $833 492 1,446 10,920 13,691 4,250 9,441 13,691 Southeastern Express Co. $5,602,997 2,116,831 3,486,166 98,924 3,585,090 3,443,450 141,640 1,444 89,000 51,196 d 17,380 17,380 68,576 1,024 1,024 67,552 70,000 70,000 2,448 Southeastern Express Co. $131,219 2,374 64 10 133,667 2,448 2,448 131,219 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS I. II. III. Total operating expenses ……….. Maintenance: 1. 4. 3. Superintendence - maintenance 2. Buildings and appurtenances Buildings and appurtenances Buildings and appurtenances repairs 5. Cars 3. *. 57 7. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 23. 24. 29. 30. 31. 32. HEIDID 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -Continued Traffio: 33. 34. 35. 36. 45. 46. - Cars depreciation Cars retirements Horses depreciation Horses retirements Automobiles repairs .... Automobiles depreciation Automobiles - retirements - 57. 58. - Harness equipment repairs Harness equipment - depreciation and retirements Office furniture and equipment - repairs 19. Office furniture and equipment-depreciation and retirements 20. Office safes – repairs 21. 22. Office safes - depreciation and retirements 59. 60. 61. 62. Transportation: 37. 38. - - Wagons and sleighs repairs Tagons and sleighs depreciation Tagons and sleighs retirements 25. Line equipment 26. 27. Line equipment depreciation and retirements 28. Shop equipment repairs .. Shop equipment depreciation and retirements Miscellaneous equipment repairs Miscellaneous equipment depreciation and retirements Other expenses Total IV. General: - Trucks - repairs Trucks - depreciation and retirements Stable and garage equipment repairs Stable and garage equipment depreciation and retirements repairs .. - ← Total • < Superintendence Advertising Stationery and printing Other expenses Total - - - - Total Injuries to persons Superintendence Office employees Commissions Office supplies and expenses Rent of local offices 47. 48. 49. Stationery and printing Loss and damage 50. Damage to property 51. 52. Other expenses Account traffic Train employees ... Train supplies and expenses Vehicle employees Stable and garage employees Stable and garage supplies and expenses Drayage transportation - • • O Insurance Fidelity bond premiums Pensions Stationery and printing Valuation expenses Other expenses · repairs depreciation retirements 54. 53. Salaries and expenses of general officers Salaries and expenses of olerks and attendants General office supplies and expenses 55. 56. Law expenses · V ANALYSIS OF OPERATING EXPENSES .. • • ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Total $114,624,390 d 337,397 386,937 419,927 55,318 79,887 36,207 4.440 8,918 9.231 2,524,662 2,635,773 132,073 24,709 19,066 47,056 2,524 2,892 1,858 115,864 203,417 7,912 19,933 318,278 185,196 8,793 45,809 26,257 30,494 8,303 16,530 258 455 པས 7,686,515 397,469 37.357 57,152 4,582 496,560 5,494,179 40,023,895 6,512,678 2,138,171 4,733,021 19,374,189 1,341,764 3,366,752 1,235,390 8,998,712 1,172,202 1,482,377 2,826,304 97,299 667,113 47,836 99,511,882 472,329 4,173,462 377,770 334,965 196,733 24,210 1,159,870 109,357 80,737 6,929,433 Railway Express Agency, Inc. $111,180,940 337,397 386,015 408,182 54,962 79,887 36,207 4.440 8,918 9.231 2,461,672 2,568,146 132,073 24,666 19,066 47,010 2,891 1,855 114,521 198,094 7,651 18,875 305,486 181,662 8,793 45,527 25,871 29,614 8,303 16,530 258 418 7 7,516,886 321,784 35,756 45,894 403,434 5,377,380 39,043,947 6,185,460 2,085,539 4,595,267 18,960,744 1,310,250 3,249,009 1,093,387 8,537,222 1,163,061 1,405,632 2,772,518 95,650 660,096 47,069 96,582,231 429,739 4,047,697 367,571 314,450 162,564 14,169 1,159,870 101,971 80,358 6,678,389 29 Southeastern Express Co. $3,443,450 922 11,745 356 62,990 67,627 46 1 1,343 5,323 261 1,058 12,792 3,534 282 386 880 37 169,629 75,685 1,601 11,258 4,582 93,126 116,799 979,948 327,218 52,632 137,754 413,445 31,514 117,743 142,003 461,490 9,141 76,745 53,786 1,649 7,017 767 2,929,651 42,590 125,765 10,199 20,515 34,169 10,041 7,386 379 251,044 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 30 Investment: Real property and equipment. Sinking fund... Deferred assets. Unadjusted debits: Current assets: Cash... Special deposits.. Loans and notes receivable.. SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 --Concluded Miscellaneous physical property.. Investments in affiliated companies. Other investments.. Total investment. Stock: • • • Discount on capital stock. Discount on funded debt... Other unadjusted debits.. Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Material and supplies. Other current assets. Total current assets. Total unadjusted debits. Grand total.. Capital stock.. Premium on capital stock.. Total stock liabilities. • Advertising..... Profit and loss balance..... Total corporate surplus.. Class of employees .. Superintendence-Maintenance. Superintendence--Traffic.... .. • • • • • Funded debt unmatured.. Current liabilities: Loans and notes payable. Audited accounts and wages unpaid. Miscellaneous accounts payable.. Express privilege liabilities.. Other current liabilities... Total current liabilities. Deferred liabilities... Unadjusted credits: Premium on funded debt.. Operating and insurance reserves. Accrued depreciation.... Other unadjusted credits.. Total unadjusted credits..... D • • Item ASSETS • Corporate surplus: Additions to property through income and surplus.. Reserves from income and surplus.. Total appropriated surplus.. ·· LIABILITIES Superintendence--Transportation. Agents, clerks and solicitors.. Platform and house men. Vehicle employees.... Stable and garage employees. Train employees... Claim agents, special agents, and clerks General officers………. General office clerks and attendants... Law department officers and clerks. Shop employees. Other employees. ► • • • • • · Number on Dec. 31 • 110 108 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT Total Average Yearly daily compensation compen- gation $7.77 8.11 Number of days worked 35,716 $277,374 35,034 284,064 Total $52,515,513 6,314 25,500 590,966 53,138,293 - Number on 1,970 9,991 597 Dec. 31 110 87 646,218 4,678,608 7.24 1,945 11,711 3,830,337 21,704,923 5.67 11,304 10,845 3,473,445 18,069,159 5.20 10,332 10,283 3,414,340 19,375,627 5.67 611 220,927 1,269,745 5.75 5,000 1,929,938 10,501,942 5.44 4,778 191 65.611 418,532 6.38 45 16,633 442,289 26.59 2,326 727,080 4,103,080 5.64 47 15,065 168,071 11.16 776 258,938 1,657,858 6.40 28,183 90 156,450 5.55 Total (including general officers)... 44,113 14,697,465 83,107,722 5.65 Total (excluding general officers)... 44,068 44,068 14,680,832 82,665,433 180 41 2,249 44 10 90 5.63 17,430,411 7,170 3,094 857,702 385,247 3,799,452 22,483,076 34,269 578,805 619,989 1,198,794 76,854,432 1,100,000 1,100,000 32,800,000 4,497,393 2,598,166 7,354,892 1,886,339 16,336,790 34,269 EMPLOYEES, SERVICE, AND COMPENSATION 2,273,693 24,174,748 3,713 26,452,154 131,219 131,219 Railway Express Agency, Inc. $51,323,789 500 190,966 51,515,255 16,701,275 2,150 3,094 758,710 377,430 3,684,737 21,527,396 34,269 578,805 602,386 1,181,191 74,258,111 4 100,000 100,000 32,800,000 ,311,195 2,598,166 7,139,502 1,662,236 15,711,099 34,269 2,224,750 23,386,087 1,906 25,612,743 Railway Express Agency, Inc. Number of day s worked Average Yearly daily Compensation compen- sation 35,716 $277,374 $7.77 27,529 231,452 8.41 7.21 5.68 5.26 5.69 5.75 5.44 637,853 4,597,046 3,724,314 21,152,461 3,350,990 17,641,673 3,332,824 18,962,182 215,215 1,238,231 1,844,876 10,040,452 62,063 400,368 15,409 404,418 701,779 3,977,332 14,073 151,007 10.73 258,938 1,657,858 28,183 156,450 42,52414,249,762 80,888,304 5.68 42,483 14,234,353 80,483,886 5.65 6.45 26.25 5.67 6.40 5.55 Number on Dec.31 I 21 Southeastern Express Co. 77 3 $1,191,724 6,314 25,000 400,000 1,623,038 || 729,136 5,020 98,992 7,817 114,715 955,680 17,603 17,603 2,596,321 1,000,000 1,000,000 Southeastern Express Co. Number Average of Yearly daily days compensation compen- worked sation 186,198 215,390 224,103 625,691 7,505 292 25 8,365 407 106,023 513 122,455 81,516 14 5,712 222 85,062 3.548 224 25,301 992 11 4 48,943 788,661 1,807 839,411 1 131,219 131,219 11 $52,612 $7.01 81,562 9.75 552,462 5.21 427,486 3.49 413,445 5.07 31,514 5.52 461,490 5.43 18,164 5.12 37,871 30.94 125,748 4.97 17,064 17.20 - 1,589447,703 2,219,418 4.96 1,585 446,479 2,181,547 4.89 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 4—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 Average mileage (single track) over which operations were conducted (miles) Investment in sleeping car property Miscellaneous physical property Capital stock • Premium on capital stock Wages payable ..... Miscellaneous accounts payable Dividends matured unpaid Unmatured dividends declared Other investments Cash [ Het balance receivable from receiving cashiers and ticket agents Miscellaneous accounts receivable Material and supplies Other current assets Deferred assets... Unadjusted debits Total Sleeping car operating revenues Revenues from auxiliary operations Total revenue s Sleeping car operating expenses Expenses of auxiliary operations Total operating expenses Net revenue s Operating income • • Bleeping car tax accruals Auxiliary operations--Tax accruals Total taxes Other current liabilities ....... Deferred liabilities ………………………… Operating reserves Accrued depreciation • Other unadjusted credits ....... Miscellaneous fund reserves Appropriated surplus not specifically invested Profit and loss-balance Total corporate surplus Total nonoperating income Gross income ... • Rent for cars Miscellaneous tax accruals Interest on unfunded debt Miscellaneous income charges Total deductions from gross income Net income .. O .. Rent from cars Dividends received Income from funded securities .... Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds Miscellaneous income ·· Credit balance transferred from income Unrefundable overcharges Miscellaneous credits • Total debits during year Net increase during year ...... Balance at beginning of year Balance at end of year ·· • ► • • Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income Miscellaneous appropriations of income .. Total appropriations Income balance transferred to profit and loss •• • • Total credits during year • Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of surplus Loss on retired equipment Uncollectible sleeping oar revenues Miscellaneous debits .... GENERAL BALANCE SHEET • • • ••• INCOME ACCOUNT PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT d Deficit or other reverse item. 31 125,702.50 $249,453,125 7,321 2,680,966 11,048,470 1,015,430 2,976,331 3,593,993 370,780 4,840,120 40,574,099 316,560,635 120,150,000 1,272,993 1,779,277 30,691 826,963 4,475,462 30,000 134,131,416 45,677,081 255,336 7,931,416 8,186,752 62,558,071 1,125,435 63,683,506 57,243,465 1,032,663 58,276,128 5,407,378 2,384,125 13,828 2,397,953 3,009,425 102,907 20,814 32,748 107,617 167,570 431,656 3,441,081 1,953 837 99,089 101,879 3,339,202 164,209 164,209 3,174,993 3,174,993 9,518 1.392 3,185,903 75.730 1,470 68.844 5.416 3,191,319 4.740.097 7,931,416 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 32 Berth revenue Seat revenue Charter of cars Miscellaneous revenue Car mileage revenue Association and contract revenue--Dr. Total operating revenues Maintenance Conducting car ce ations General expenses SUMMARY NO. 4-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1931 -Concluded • ... Total operating expenses Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) .. • General officers Clerks and attendants Auxiliary operations: • Maintenance: Mechanics, electricians, seamstresses, repairmen, carpenters, shop employees, etc. Conducting car operations: General officers and staff (superintendence) District superintendents, agents, and staff Conductors .. Porters and maids Train stenographers Car cleaners Laundry employees General expenses: · • ·· Standard sleeping cars Tourist sleeping cars Parlor cars Dining cars Composite cars Private cars Miscellaneous cars Total · Total number of revenue passengers--berth Total number of revenue passengers--seat Average revenue per passenger--berth Average revenue per passenger-seat Total number of car-miles Total number of car-days .. ·· Commissary (superintendence) Agents and staff, conductors, waiters, cooks, etc. Total (including general officers) • ·· • ... • ·· • ·· Average number of revenue passengers per car per day Operating revenues per car-mile (cente) Operating revenues per car-day Operating expenses per car-mile (cents) Operating expenses per car-day Net operating revenue per car-mile (cents) Net operating revenue per car-day Average number of car-miles per car-day • ·· OPERATING REVENUES • OPERATING EXPENSES •• • Class OPERATING STATISTICS EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES • • EQUIPMENT IN SERVICE ON DEC. 31, 1931 1/ Does not include 9 cars leased or otherwise acquired. * • Number on Dec. 31 · · · ·· 4,579 211 1,266 1,961 8,965 13 4,067 520 DE YOU HONOU 790 22,546 $54,472,635 6,807,526 1,330,925 9,243 2,510,488 2,572,746 62,558,071 26,663,245 27,386,483 3,193,737 57,243,465 91.50 Average daily compen- sation $4.94 6.65 4.46 6.29 2.94 5.77 3.54 2.72 25.45 4.36 4.83 3.26 3.98 14,583,206 8,401,715 $3.74 $0.81 1,025,164,501 2,701,769 9 6.102 $23.15448 5.584 $21.18740 0.518 $1.96708 379.44 7,808 245 1,103 18 261 24 3 1/9,462 ! 1 A I : B } -- HE 2708 17 bundlind INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION BUREAU OF STATISTICS A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1930 COMMERCE UNUM INTERSTATE 18010 Sub 1887 COMMISSION UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1931 } 0 į THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION EZRA BRAINERD, Jr., Chairman BALTHASAR H. MEYER CLYDE B. AITCHISON JOSEPH B. EASTMAN ERNEST I. LEWIS FRANK McMANAMY CLAUDE R. PORTER PATRICK J. FARRELL WILLIAM E. LEE HUGH M. TATE CHARLES D. MAHAFFIE GEORGE B. McGINTY, Secretary DEPOSITED BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CONTENT S. Introductory statement. Summary No. 1--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I steam railways (not including switching and terminal companies) for the year ended December 31, 1930.. Summary No. 2--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I switching and terminal companies for the year ended December 31, 1930.. …………. Summary No. 3--Abstract of reports rendered by express companies for the year ended December 31, 1930...... Summary No. 4--Abstract of report rendered by The Pullman Company for the year ended December 31, 1930.. Page 5 6 18 26 31 3 ! A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 This preliminary abstract for the calendar year 1930 is compiled from the annual reports of the classes of carriers designated. It differs from the Preliminary Statement of Capitalization and Income for the same year in that the latter is confined to a small number of items compiled for individual carriers, and in summary form, from a special report returned by them in advance of their annual report. The present abstract contains summaries by districts and is intended primarily to make available as promptly as possible certain totals not obtainable from the monthly or special reports of carriers. The totals are subject to change after corrections in the annual reports have been authorized. The final totals will appear in the Statistics of Railways for 1930. It may be noted that only steam railways, express companies and The Pullman Company are covered in this abstract. Separate mimeographed statements are issued annually for pipe line companies, telegraph and cable companies, carriers by water, telephone companies, and electric railways. Because a separate annual publication of freight commodity statistics for the year 1930 has been issued in full detail for the 157 classes of commodities, only group totals of commodities carried are shown in this preliminary abstract. It should be especially observed that the balance sheet items relate to operating companies only and do not cover the balance sheets of lessor companies the property of which is operated by Class I steam railways, that is, railways having annual operating revenues above $1,000,000. The following table shows the investment in road and equipment of the operating, lessor and proprietary companies at the end of the year 1930, in comparison with final figures for the preceding year. The increases and decreases shown for the various classes of roads are in part the result of the changes in corporate relations, certain oper- ating companies having become lessor or proprietary companies since 1929. Such changes do not affect the net increase shown as $586,959,546. Class of companies Class I………... Lessors to Class I... Proprietary Companies. Total. Class II.. Investment in Road and Equipment of Steam Railways, (Accounts 701 and 702) Lessors to Class II.. Proprietary Companies. Total. Class III... · Lessors to Class III. Proprietary Companies. Total. Grand total. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT • • • WASHINGTON, June 27, 1931. • • • • Dec. 31, 1930 $12,488,176,433 ,904,777,903 1,092,458,447 25,485,412,783 463,335,045 5,817,766 2,972,232 472,125,043 3232350 90,936,755 3,425,774 95,618 94,458,147 26,051,995,973 Dec. 31, 1929 $19,907,068,569 3,928,450,472 1,049,155,44 24,884,674,485 472,995,993 5,936,843 2,217,611 481,150,447 Increase 1 $559,725,961 $559 43,303,003 600,738,298 378283535 754,621 94,178,358 4,937,519 95,618 99,211,495 25,465,036,427 586,959,546 Decrease $2,290,666 9,660,948 119,077 9,025,404 3,241,603 1,511,745 4,753,348 5 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 6 No. 1 OU MET LOWO 780 2 3 9 Investment in road and equipment. Improvements on leased railway property 48inking funds.. • ·· Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold.. Miscellaneous physical property.. Investments in affiliated companies. Other investments.. 13 14 10 Cash.. 11 12 22 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 (Does not include lessor companies) Total number of stockholders.. 22 15 ·· 20 Rents receivable………. 21 27 Total investments. 28 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET 30 31 32 33 .. Investments Demand loans and deposits.. Time drafts and deposits... Special deposits.. Loans and bills receivable. Material and supplies.... 19 Interest and dividends receivable.. Current Assets Other current assets..... 23 Working fund advances. 24-Insurance and other funds.. 25 Other deferred assets.... 26 Item • ● 15 Traffic and car-service balances receivable. 16 Net balance receivable from agents and conductors 17 | Miscellaneous accounts receivable.. 18 Total current assets. • • Total deferred assets. • Deferred Assets Total unadjusted debits. Grand total..... • • • • Unadjusted Debits Rents and insurance premiums paid in advance. Discount on capital stock.. 29 Discount on funded debt.. ••• Property abandoned chargeable to operating expenses. Other unadjusted debits.. • 34 Expenditures for new lines and extensions.. Expenditures for additions and betterments.. 36 Credits for property retired.. Adjustments.. 37 38 Net charges during year.. 39 40 • INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT • • ❤ • • · .. Stocks actually issued during year--par value. Funded debt actually issued during year--par value. • • • ·· · Total, all districts 852,318 $19,361,006,089 543,771,814 4,156,185 10,902,921 171,570,288 5,271,383,876 848,226,283 26,211,017,456 d 438,074,144 58,157,485 95,839,028 85,427,573 14,431,567 80,367,086 49,955,678 204,761,086 430,989,28 36,879,015 1,686,240 14,407,102 1,510,975,288 4,076,309 105,505,138 89,173,731 198,755,178 5,093,280 15,753,828 86,014,404 190,307,600 297,169,112 28,217,917,034 41,090,660 725,690,544 210,410,303 32.917.053 523,453,848 296,698,368 821,388,971 Eastern district 435,840 $6,712,027,552 434,204,835 1,460,514 3,791,259 85,083,890 2,083,470,600 453,997,933 9,774,036,583 ¿ 150,940,888 22,276,836 29,027,072 40,408,206 2,876,424 34,410,595 27,184,290 70,972,112 161,829,520 17,949,085 1,029,107 2,267,292 561,171,427 2,103,269 94,364,942 14,484,938 110,953,149 2,934,995 462,795 22,401,320 70,173,053 95,972,163 10,542,133,322 8,057,766 351,610, 681 91,171,528 3.899.978 264,596,941 1/ 168,839,069 416,322,424 Southern district 81,446 $3,720,878,644 79,369,736 1,834,960 963,137 25,093,641 688,012,082 97,662,158 4,613,814,358 79,983,274 1,315,000 19,231,732 27,785,119 1,256,092 19,299,920 4,775,711 32,788,055 64,392,336 7,215,211 124,114 503,142 258,669,706 465,819 4,272,522 27,172,637 31,910,978 873,363 251,850 15,218,412 25,008,826 41,352,451 4,945,747,493 11,000,279 112,071,514 38,641,129 852,305 85,282,969 2/ 119,750,612 146,200,533 Deficit or other reverse item. Includes $34,657,021, consideration received for 763,100 shares of stock without par value. Includes $64,201,162, consideration received for 2,630,540 shares of stock without par value. Includes $9,714, consideration received for 118 shares of stock without par value. Western district 335,032 $8,928,099,893 30,197,243 860,711 6,148,525 61,392,757 2,499,901,194 296,566,192 11,823,166,515 d 207,149,982 34,565,649 47,580,224 17,234,248 10,299,051 26,656,571 17,995,677 101,000,919 204,767,428 11,714,719 533,019 11,636,668 691,134,155 1,507,221 6,867,674 47,516,156 55,891,051 1,284,922 15,039,183 48,394,672 95,125,721 159,844,498 12,730,036,219 22,032,615 262,008,349 80,597,646 29.869 380 173,573,938 3/ 8,108,687 258,866,014 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 123 4 H 678 Capital stock. Stock liability for conversion. Premium on capital stock... Total stock.... 5 Grante in aid of construction.. 8 9 10 11 15 16 ~OWI 19 20 21 ~~ 222 22 22 23 24 ~~~~~ 5678 o 12 Audited account and wages payable... 13 Miscellaneous counts payable.. 14 Interest matured unpaid. Dividends matured unpaid... Funded debt matured unpaid.. Unmatured dividends declared. 17 18 Unmatured interest accrued.. Unmatured rents accrued.. Other current liabilities. 27 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 28 29 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET--Concluded 25 Tax liability.. 26 39 4C 41 42 Funded debt unmatured.. Receiver's certificates.. Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies • · Total long-term debt...... .. Loans and bills payable. Traffic and can service balances payable. • Premium on funded debt. Long-Term Debt Current Liabilities • • • • Item • Stock » • • · • · Total current liabilities... Liability for provident funds.. Other deferred liabilities.. Deferred Liabilities ·· · Total deferred liabilities... • Profit and loss-balance... • Unadjusted Credits Insurance and casualty reserves. Operating reserves...... Accrued depreciation--Road.. 30 | Accrued depreciation--Equipment. 31 Accrued depreciation--Miscellaneous physical property 32 | Other unadjusted credits... 33 Total corporate surplus. Grand total... Total unadjusted credits.... Corporate Surplus Additions to property through income and surplus. Funded debt retired through income and surplus. Sinking fund reserves.. 34 35 36 37 Miscellaneous fund reserves. 38 | Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. Total appropriated surplus. • • ... Total, all districts $8,267,128,500 1,182,125 52,337,718 267 8,320,648,343 5,877,699 10,788,978,784 5,555,184 380,282,139 11,174,816,107 114,794,738 101,906,144 301,232,848 114,396,880 222,273,620 27,877,973 54,833,604 83,655,029 96,079,099 21,011,372 23,942,060 1,162,003,367 4,126,398 148,392,706 152,519,104 230,696,585 905,861 49,521,709 86,134,099 1,970,088,680 6,948,481 380,027,308 2,724,322,723 873,777,052 82,753,405 48,582,040 64,994,943 52,660,655 1,122,768,095 3,554,961,596 4,677,729,691 28,217,917,034 Eastern district 1/ $3,232,245,196 2/ $1,315,961,499 340,037 38,251,778 3,270,837,011 7,299,433 1,323,260,932 560,474 2,022,198 3,750,696,301 1,709,715 61,970,806 3,814,376,822 75,590,003 59,969,996 125,604,973 36,423,927 36,792,491 6,770, 216 41,533,545 41,932,254 33,452,920 14,585,392 13,045,930 485,701,647 1,762,783 82,118,175 83,880,958 95,345,086 186,454 31,744,115 30,669,728 869,093,540 3,141,230 181,199,870 1,211,380,023 474,750,752 16,174,027 33,295,204 58,870,692 2,734,374 Southern district 585,825,049 1,088,109,614 1,673,934,663 10,542,133,322 1,962,208,958 600,000 10,253,405 1,973,062,363 3,955,671 11,461,153 60,136,692 15,624,484 11,571,506 6,717,216 1,390,075 22,177,115 18,188,676 2,736,152 1,959,381 155,918,121 2,298,529 30,214,490 32,513,019 36,514,290 1,200 4,397,837 37,605,180 367,006,401 2,202,524 40,582,390 488,309,822 136,509,852 1,258,046 5,770,793 1,461,357 145,000,048 827,122,714 972,122,762 4,945,747,493 Includes $48,473,019, consideration received for 1,315,740 shares of stock without par value. Includes $87,562,115, consideration received for 2,850,321 shares of stock without par value; in addition 60,000 shares of stock without par value are outstanding for which no book value is reported. 3/ Includes $276,128,235, consideration received for 2,495,279 shares of stock without par value. Western district 7 3/ $3,718,921,805 842,088 6,786,507 3,726,550,400 3,295,027 5,076,073,525 3,245,469 308,057,928 5,387,376,922 35,249,064 30,474,995 115,491,183 62,348,469 173,909,623 14,390,541 11,909,984 19,545,660 44,437,503 3,689,828 8,936,749 520,383,599 65,085 36,060,041 36,125,127 98,837,209 718,207 13,379,757 17,859,191 733,988,739 1,604,727 158,245,048 1,024,632,878 262,516,448 65,321,332 9,516,043 6,124,251 48,464,924 391,942,998 1,639,729,268 2,031,672,266 12,730,036,219 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. a of 2m 2 Q— OW FW 10 12 13 1 Railway operating revenues..... 2 Railway operating expenses....... Net revenue from railway operations. Railway tax accruals: Revenues from miscellaneous operations. 11 Expenses of miscellaneous operations... 14 Mmmm m Miscellaneous operating income.. 15 Total operating income.. 16 | Net railway operating income. 32 17 Hire of freight cars-credit balance 18 Rent from locomotives.. 33 19 Rent from passenger-train cars 20 Rent from floating equipment. 34 21 22 23 24 Miscellaneous rent income. 25 Mispellaneous nonoperating physical property. 26 Separately operated properties--profit. 27 | Dividend income. 28 g ཀླVnT2 8 786ཆོ+*ཨཽ 29 Income from unfunded securities and accounts.. 30 Income from sinking and other reserve funds. 31 Release of premiums on funded debt.. Contributions from other companies.... Miscellaneous income........ Total nonoperating income. Gross income...... 47 52 35 36 Hire of freight cars--debit balance. 37 Rent for locomotives.. 59 38 Rent for passenger-train car s 39 Rent for floating equipment. Rent for work equipment.. 40 41 42 Joint facility rents.... Rent for leased roads.. Miscellaneous rents..... Miscellaneous tax accruals.. 43 60 45 Separately operated properties--loss.. 46 Interest on funded debt.... Interest on unfunded debt. FAMILY 5 8007 64 SUMMARY NO. 1—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 65 66 48 Amortization of discount on funded debt. 49 Maintenance of investment organization. 50 Income transferred to other companies. Miscellaneous income charges... 51 Total deductions from gross income.. Net income.. 67 Item INCOME ACCOUNT 68 United States Government taxes... Other than United States Government taxes. Total railway tax accruals. 71 Uncollectible railway revenues... Railway operating income..... Income appropriated for investment in physical property 57 Stock discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of income... Total appropriations of income....... Income balance transferred to profit and loss. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 61 Credit balance transferred from income. 63 62 Profit on road and equipment sold.. Delayed income credits..... Unrefundable overchargeɛ…………. Donations.. Miscellaneous credits..... Total credits during year....... 72 Net revenue from miscellaneous operations. Taxes on miscellaneous operating property. OR OR ORA ORA OR 8 0 2 78 80 Rent from work equipment.. Joint facility rent income...... Income from lease of road..... 79 81 Income from funded securities... 82 83 Debit balance transferred from income... 69 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of surplus. Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property 76 Delayed income debits..... 77 Miscellaneous debits....... 84 Stock discount extinguished through surplus.. 73 Debt discount extinguished through surplus. 74 • Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus.. 75 Loss on retired road and equipment... Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income. • • Total debits during year. Net increase during year... Balance at beginning of year. Balance at end of year..... Dividends declared during year.. Par value on which declared--common.. Par value on which declared-preferred.. ·· 85 Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent. • Total, all districts $5,281,196,870 3,930,928,687 1,350,268,183 39,918,284 308,635,669 348,553,953 1,048,894 1,000,665,336 3,611,509 3,406,696 204,813 197,952 .6,861 1,000,672,197 868,878,773 15,128,031 13,031,484 15,892,922 317,259 3,700,779 40,807,390 5,572,342 25,200,905 7,520,397 12,925,711 181,927,599 76,652,062 34,844,106 4,840,019 70,050 4,396,009 4,937,037 447,764,102 1,448,436,299 113,659,907 11,597,892 20,155,587 1,224,855 1,189,149 72,837,038 170,657,043 7,979,820 5.197.966 2,844,681 496,270,070 12,467,383 3,685,923 57,985 897,001 3,806,527 924,528,827 523,907,472 7,906,592 172,238,375 479,138 1,068,859 181,692,964 342,214,508 395,039,352 806,517 724,637 3,103,993 28,128,643 435,182,916 52,824,844 2,138,891 334,386,537 9,851,998 400 32,676,562 1,546,182 39,046,238 37,616,254 26,192,785 536,280,691 ₫ 101.097.775 3,719,798,140 3,618,700,365 506,624,912 4,936,515,869 1,539,377,662 7.82 Deficit or other reverse item. Includes $9,600,000 stook dividend. Eastern district $2,360,479,737 1,793,636,934 566,842,803 16,749,705 125,851,416 142,601,121 442,566 423,799,116 1,141,502 1,006,009 d 135,493 92,604 42,889 423,842,005 356,611,867 5,810,407 4,213,461 6,434,696 234,028 1,243,315 18,880,446 2,614,346 14,928,109 5,117,295 3,385,769 78,588,598 23,481,242 19,405,208 4,332,392 14,844 2,847,155 3,077,349 194,608,660 618,450,665 53,772,093 4,376,666 8,870,088 1,099,219 339,508 35,546,028 113,372,266 5,853,663 4,183,767 1,129,923 171,198,179 6,625,520 975,215 53,409 897,001 1,253,133 409,545,678 208,904,987 5,641,297 65,571,155 127,858 1,068,859 72,409,169 136,495,818 148,158,718 2,475,896 282,651 936,552 6.512.515 145,341,302 11,662,900 1,559,001 137,526,069 1,236,947 20,970,483 202,592 16,764,931 27,235,982 15,477,023 232,635,928 1,239,143,009 1,151,848,383 203,097,224 2,221,172,769 487,659,650 7.50 Southern district $901,554,396 662,529,421 239,024,975 9,126,597 56,050,650 65,177,247 180,942 173,666,786 1,855,802 1,840,711 15,091 15,091 173,666,786 170,284,870 7,703,175 2,019,676 3,239,527 5,880 710,898 6,274,587 587,752 2,353,403 759,602 812,659 18,562,505 12,186,818 4,791,842 274,577 124,928 60,407,829 234,074,615 8,208,803 1,660,644 4,016,568 19,835 225.339 9,204,470 14,236,940 815,300 157,977 25,272 90,310,509 1,020,315 844,177 3,041 740,907 131,490,097 102,584,518 770,660 9,087,000 61,236 9,918,896 92,665,622 102,517,247 202,284 988,980 162,526 877,947 29,163,627 133,912,611 9,851,625 557,865 1/ 99,920,206 6,180,419 5,516,790 3,236,542 5,294,607 7,048,951 137,607,005 d 3.694,394 830,817,108 827,122,714 1/ 109,007,206 909,367,894 168,711,350 10.11 $2,019,162,737 1,474,762,332 0272728293 d Western district d 544,400,405 14,041,982 126,733,603 140,775,585 425,386 403,199,434 614,205 559,976 54,229 90,257 36.028 403,163,406 341,982,036 1,614,449 6,798,347 6,218,699 77,351 1,746,566 15,652,357 2,370,244 7,919,393 1,643,500 8,727,283 84,776,496 40,984,002 10,647,056 233,050 55,206 1,548,854 1,734,760 192,747,613 595,911,019 51,679,011 5,560,582 7,268,931 105,801 624,302 28,086,540 43,047,837 1,310,857 856,222 1,689,486 234,761,382 4,821,548 1,866,531 1,535 1,812,487 383,493,052 212,417,967 1,494,635 97,580,220 290,044 99,364,899 113,053,068 144,363,387 4,701,594 182.463 279,460 1,289,494 5,477,531 155,929,003 31,310,319 22,025 96,940,262 2,434,632 400 6,189,289 1,343,590 19,044,765 5,085,665 3,666,811 166,037,758 d 10.108.755 1,649,838,023 1,639,729,268 194,520,482 1,805,975,206 883,006,662 7.23 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Io. HOME 1000 110 4 art and pet pr 1 2 و 10 7 Express.. 11 NATING A 12222 2 12 8 Other passenger-train. 13 14 17 Special service train. Other freight-train. Water transfers--freight.. Water transfers--passenger.. ·· 15 Water transfers--vehicles and live stock. 16 Water transfers--other...... 26 29 30 31 32 33 18 Freight……. 19 Passenger. ut sho # # ** 5 wwwww. 23 Express. 24 Special service. 25 Other...... 35 ISISISIŲ 40 44 27 Dining and buffet.. 28 Hotel and restaurant. 55 Freight. Passenger. ZANMIYONOON Excess baggage. sleeping car. 61 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Mail.. 36 | Stockyard. 64 Parlor and chair car. Demurrage... 34 Telegraph and telephone. Grain elevator.. 65 66 67 Milk...... Switching. 68 69 70 71 72 37 Bower... 38 Rents of buildings and other property Miscellaneous.. 39 Total incidental operating revenue. Total rail-line transportation revenue. 79 80 81 82 ... Excess baggage Other passenger service. Mail.. ·· • Storage--freight. 8torage--baggage. Roadway maintenance--yard…. 47 Roadway maintenance--other. 48 Roadway-depreciation--yard. Roadway--depreciation--other. 50 Underground power tubes--yard. 51 Total water-line transportation revenue. RAILWAY OPERATING REVEIDES • Station, train, and boat privileges. Parcel room. • Underground power tubes--other. 52 Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard. Underground power tube s--depreciation--other. Tunnels and subways--yard. Tunnels and subways--other. ·· Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard. Tunnels and subways-depreciation--other. 57 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard... 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other.. 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts-depreciation--yard. Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other. 62 Elevated structures--yard……………………… Hevated structures--other. Elevated structures--depreciation--yard. Hevated structures-depreciation--other. Ties-yard. Ties--other...... • Joint facility-Cr.. Joint facility-Dr... Superintendence.. Total joint facility operating revenue. Total railway operating revenues. Rails-yard. Rails--other…. • Ties-depreciation--yard. Ties-depreciation—other. RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Yaintenance of Way and Structures Ballast-yard. Ballast-other.. ·· Item • • • • Rails--depreciation-yard. 73 Rails-depreciation--other. 74 Other track material--yard. 75 Other track material--other.. .. • ... • Other track material--depreciation--yard. 77 Other track material--depreciation--other 78 • Ballast-depreciation--yard. Ballast--depreciation--other. Track laying and surfacing-yard. Track laying and surfacing--other ·· • ... · ····· 84 | Right-of-way fenoes--yard……………………. 85 Right-of-way fences--other. 86 Right-of-way fences-depreciation--yard. 87 Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other. ·· Total, all districts $4,075,698,241 728,488,903 4,195,941 853,742 1,019,099 111,449,602 114,664,168 12,983,194 32,236,075 57,591,037 1,648,955 1,112,528 990,327 1,653,397 3.222.688 1,436,993 5,149,244,890 7,543,317 982,517 2,349 24,611 1,584 815 16,889 386,914 8,958,996 30,251,291 6,383,903 6,069,448 1,035,045 4,688,754 406,441 13,505,874 2,322,888 2,877,529 1,003,678 6,010,116 10,371,675 28,109,875 113,036,517 13,332,844 23:33 3,376,377 9,956,467 5,281,196,870 57,197,799 6,840,912 57,954,078 7,676 32,461 10 15 2,072,365 11,876 1,277,947 36,061,186 25,866 1,431,746 19.411 254,084 11,218,230 80,005,585 238,117 2,270,431 2,918,230 31,720,763 78,495 973.547 6,617,801 29,675,785 221,236 896,148 436,202 12,825,550 ,470 396,076 19,599,257 152,537,418 56,421 4,038,343 193 2,044 $25,5 d Deficit or other reverse item. Lastern district $1,733,361,576 403,757,440 622,746 11,070 222,113 42,602,901 51,429,656 +,768,557 24, ,859,830 25.573,883 630,616 224,558 933.210 1,490,910 3,218,145 1,204,040 233 2,295,911,251 782,330 380,252 451 5,896 1,360 532 16,649 120 1,187,590 14,120,814 1,606, 824 4,586,274 768,458 2,815,191 201,545 8,041,211 456,749 2,623,705 16,739 5,571,486 400,955 11,698,731 59,908,682 4,553,699 1,831;485 3,472,214 2,360,479,737 22,636,158 3,126,890 22,377,573 10 6,882 1,181,134 178 631,146 11,761,255 22,055 849,186 19, 252 4,949,675 26,572,167 979 881 13,336,852 2, 223; 7,768 523,569 88. 13 102 543,866 1,665,150 18,631 1,222,310 61 Southern district $744,074,862 93,914,684 610,927 22,248 91,804 18,471,197 16,889,297 1,760,376 951,398 7,255,999 324,883 14,301 54,915 27,091 4,793 215,367 884,674,142 209,128 436,614 486,479 73,630 881,606 33,025 1,665,359 108,639 186,544 3,369 184,132 812,955 5,854,218 14,935,698 2,332,749 388,193 1,944,556 901,554,396 9,973,867 1,098,266 12,518,487 4,284 255,118 118,609 7,248,800 463,052 2,097,560 15,745,532 228,552 2,236,947 396,014 5,587,080 73.329 941,773 757.376 4.374 hh 214,888 869,872 39.436 3,702,542 1,265 394,046 2,660,985 25,734,035 2,946 454,287 Western district 9. $1,598,261,803 230,816,779 1,962,268 820,424 705,182 50,375,504 46,345,215 6,454,261 6,424,847 24,761,155 703,456 873,669 2,202 135,396 250 17.586 1,968,659,497 6,760,987 602,265 1,898 18,715 224 283 246 386,794 7,771,406 11,921,349 4,340,465 996, 695 192,957 991,957 171,871 3.799,304 1,757,500 67,280 983,570 254,498 2,157,765 10,556,926 38,192,137 6,446,396 1,906, 699 4,539,697 2,019,162,737 24,587,774 2,615,756 23,058,018 7,374 31,879 11 4,009 635,815 11,698 528,192 17,051,131 3,811 119,514 54 1,322 4,170,995 37,687,886 9,009 20,505 1,007,335 12,796,836 5,092 24,006 2,336,862 11,887,460 6,201 12,053 186,357 473,667 205 928 7,394,406 65, 34,844 2,361,746 193 1,983 332323235 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 10 No 123t imo ་ LOW SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 7 | Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard.. Crossings and signs--depreciation--other.. Station and office buildings.... 8 9 10 11 12 13 Water stations.. 14 15 16 Water stations--depreciation.. Fuel stations.. Fuel stations--depreciation... 17 Shops and enginehouses. ... 18 Shops and enginehouses--depreciatio: 19 Grain elevators... 20 Grain elevators--depreciation. 21 22 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and structures--Concluded Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard.. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds-depreciation-other Crossings and signs--yard.. Crossings and signs--other….. Station and office buildings--depreciation. Roadway buildings.... Roadway buildings-depreciation. 23 Wharves and docks... 24 Tharves and docks-depreciation. 25 Coal and ore wharves……. 26 Coal and ore wharves--depreciation. 27❘ Gas producing plants... 28 Gas producing plants--depreciation. 29 Telegraph and telephone lines. 39 Power transmission systems. 40 41 Storage warehouses.. Storage warehouses--depreciation. 30 | Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation. 31 -~~ Item 8ignals and interlockers.... 32 | Signals and interlockers--depreciation. 33 Power plant dans, canals, and pipe lines. 34 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines-depreciation. 35 Power plant buildings. ... 36 Power plant buildings--depreciation. 37 Power substation buildings.... 38 Power substation buildings-depreciation. Roadway machines. 52 Roadway machines--depreciation. 73 74 45 Underground conduits.... 46 Underground conduits--depreciation.... Miscellaneous structures.. 48 Miscellaneous structures--depreciation. 49 Paving.... 50 | Paving--depreciati 56 | Injuries to persons.. 57 58 59 Other expenses.... 60 ... Small tools and supplies.. Removing snow, ice, and sand. 76 ……… Power transmission systems-depreciation. Power distribution systems... 42 Power distribution systems-depreciation. 43 Power line poles and fixtures.. Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation. 65 Superintendence. 66 Shop machinery. • Insurance... Stationery and printing • • Assessments for public improvement: · • 75 Other locomotives--repairs... ·· 67 Shop machinery--depreciation. 68 Power plant machinery... 69 Power plant machinery--depreciation.... 70 71 72 • • Total, above accounts. 61 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr 62 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities-OI. 63 Equalization-way and structures.... 64 Total maintenance of way and structures.. Maintenance of Equipment • Power substation apparatus... Power substation apparatus-depreciation. Steam locomotives--repairs.. Steam locomotives--depreciation. Steam locomotives-retirements. ·· 77 78 Other locomotives--depreciation.. Other locomotives-retirements.. Freight-train cars--repairs.. 79 Freight-train cars--depreciation. 80 Freight-train cars--retirements.. 81 82 83 84 Motor equipment of cars--repairs. 85 Motor equipment of cars--depreciation. 86 Motor equipment of cars--retirements. • • D Passenger-train cars-repairs... Passenger-train cars--depreciation. Passenger-train cars--retirements. 87 Floating equipment--repairs..... 88 Floating equipment--depreciation.. 89 Floating equipment--retirements.. .. • • · ·· • ·· • • .. • ·· ·· ·· Total, all districts $3,513 396,133 70 263 1,212,830 11,419,124 24 80,802 27,615,784 1,139,387 3,863,119 101,087 d 8,930,399 135,461 3,695,842 89,994 20,549,291 471,796 234,060 113.500 63,500 4,181,726 110,644 2,406,508 1,029,299 39,484 10,910,987 16,192 32,286,720 227,184 732,626 146,578 102,489 21,279 616,852 64,149 3,605,253 327,772 809,889 108,433 97,851 7,735 316,634 17,487 456,186 72 7,064,190 9,830 9,470,255 7.713,062 576,387 5,424,429 3,588,145 1,114,947 610,024 694,256,913 34,250,554 22,970,776 65.751 705,470,940 42,899,430 18,708,599 798,101 4,091,926 751,637 517,424 65,879 345,389,104 58,781,938 2,934,113 3,812,563 1,644,113 8 262,884,111 119,931,349 13,279,919 66,388,489 20,699,800 899,243 4,354,423 1,774,260 99,813 8,477,070 3,307,398 161,452 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $1,731 38,489 366,467 6,377,171 1 78,362 13,625,520 592,891 1,072,470 26,633 3,233,960 61,579 1,643,810 37,979 9,817,174 307.997 169,267 111,100 34,052 3,043,330 52,787 1,540,701 282,646 16,943 4,957,859 2,477 19,669,868 197,862 501,972 116,422 90,226 19,061 516,908 64,039 2,857,996 326,651 544,290 108,351 95,149 7,504 221,531 9,553 198,149 2,692,791 1,938 3,834,659 4,115,103 179,642 2,797.520 1,880,654 436,395 346,102 292,846,439 965,137 521,823 d 111,213 15:2 299,178,540 19,114,839 9,303,838 444,430 2,531,259 682,991 384,054 43.674 156,684,311 27,055,852 1,324,961 2,783,649 1,020,060 1 121,550,667 50,806,222 7,886,970 31,818,072 10,283,164 139,114 2,542,714 1,108,066 6,646 6,913,143 2,357,630 117,553 d Southern district $504 105,202 1,484,342 1,044 4,022,089 215,028 852,010 23,330 1,317,503 65,843 550,596 22,414 2,757,977 120,835 52,674 2,400 28,108 639,919 54,093 297,874 129,523 11 1,628,427 10,434 4,404,065 21,969 30,746 14,640 5,282 336 57,333 294,491 105,049 845 27,098 79 51,974 1,102,950 3,362 1,743,708 451,738 43.864 660,617 552,293 166,390 77,609 122,390,985 210,630 293,729 111,214 123,419,100 7,188,772 2,925,704 337,068 417,878 26,027 30,292 4,032 64,385,854 10,297,881 566,694 494 434 236,409 47,608,842 24,561,521 2,315,099 10,081,946 2,930,632 133,650 287,179 219,494 6,076 183,889 58,549 3,973 Western district d $1,782 358,148 70 263 741,161 3,557,611 23 1,396 9,968,175 331,468 1,938,639 51,124 4,378,936 8,039 1,501,436 29,601 7,974,140 42,964 12,119 1,340 498,477 3,764 567,933 617,130 22,541 4,324,701 3,281 8,212,787 7.353 199,908 15.516 6,981 1,882 42,611 110 452,766 1,121 160,550 82 1,857 231 68,005 7.855 206,063 72 3,268,449 4,530 3,891,888 3,146,221 352,881 1,966,292 1,155,198 512,162 186,313 279,019,489 13.074-787 155, 224 65.752 282,873,300 16,595,819 6,479,057 16,603 1,142,789 42,619 103,078 18.173 124,318,939 21,428,205 1,042,458 534,480 387,644 724,602 44,463,606 3,077,850 24,488,471 7,486,004 626,479 1,524,530 46,700 87,091 1,380,038 891, 219 39,926 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. HNMAINONTO 1 Work equipment--repairs. 8 2 Work equipment-depreciation.. 9 10 7 Injuries to persons.. 11 26 27 28 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 39 40 41 42 43 44 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded 16 Superintendence. 17 Outside agencies. 18 | Advertising.... 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 12 Maintaining joint equipment-Dr. 13 Maintaining joint equipment--Cr. 14 Equalization--equipment.. 15 Work equipment--retirements.... Insurance.. Stationery and printing 58 59 60 Miscellaneous equipment--repairs.. Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation. Miscellaneous equipment--retirements. Other expenses.. Total... 65 66 67 68 69 70 77 78 79 P ·.· 80 ... Traffic associations Fast freight lines.. • Total maintenance of equipment.. Traffic Insurance.. Stationery and printing Other expenses... Total traffic.. 45 Train enginemen... 46 Train motormen... • • Industrial and immigration bureaus. • • Superintendence. Dispatching trains.. Station employees. 29 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus 30 31 32 33 34 Yard switch and signal tenders. 35 Yard enginemen.. Yard motormen.. • • · 36 37 Fuel for yard locomotives. 38 Yard switching power produced. Yard switching power purchased. Water for yard locomotives.. 61 62 Express service... 63 64 • Coal and ore wharves.. Station supplies and expenses. Yardmasters and yard olerks... Yard conductors and brakemen. • • 47 Fuel for train locomotives. 48 49 50 • Yard supplies and expenses.. 51 52 53 | Enginehouse expenses--train. Trainmen. 56 | Operating sleeping cars. 57 Transportation--Rail Line • • • • · Train supplies and expenses. Stationery and printing Other expenses.. Item • • O Lubricants for yard locomotives. Other supplies for yard locomotives. Enginehouse expenses--yard.. ❤ Operation of vessels.. Operation of terminals. Incidental... • • ... • • · Train power produced. Train power purchased. • • Water for train locomotives. Lubricants for train locomotives Other supplies for train locomotives .. • • Signal and interlocker operation. | Crossing protection... Drawbridge operation... Telegraph and telephone operation. Operating floating equipment. • • D • • • • • • • • → 4 • • · • Insurance. Clearing wrecks Damage to property. • Damage to live stock on right of way Loss and damage-freight.. 71 Loss and damage-baggage. Injuries to persons……. 72 | Operating joint yards and terminals--Dr. • • • • 73 Operating joint yards and terminal 8--Cr. 74 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr. 75 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Cr. 76 Total transportation--Rail line..... · • .. Transportation--Water Line • Total transportation--Water line. • • • • • Total, all districts $12,406,212 5,797,906 1,130,229 454,008 395,260 39,950 4,687,621 5,458,942 1,486,195 1,316,064 1,015,824,533 7,202,598 3,761,853 1,019,265,278 40,171,750 ,563,125 16,845,032 3,414,670 54,408 3,071,832 72,999 10,437,219 202,443 127,833,478 64,631,369 31,089,423 268,654,479 5,070,104 7,633,854 19,506,466 58,601,567 134,138,935 12,013,128 82,125,300 1,420,521 45,059,664 259,872 338,875 3,964,573 1,179,399 1,155,695 25,183,560 3,632,796 197,899,340 6,728,968 237,826,629 2,498,008 7,404,330 19,979,115 7,166,055 654,430 69,112,350 231,912,578 82,219,922 608,526 25,519,114 19,441,307 1,981,952 10,415,409 25,367,043 38,315 10,634,800 7,232,742 2,651,270 4,371,570 4,339,294 2,249,437 31,215,286 269,812 26,631,055 64,370,152 30,858,485 15,473,577 13,285,316 1,841,728,165 2,937,595 3,124,312 393,368 6,455,275 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $5, $5,920,785 2,325,811 438.357 252,676 172,091 14,745 2,753,501 3,100,466 724,467 670,851 473,277,630 429,378 931,821 67,541 474,842,728 18,491,103 17,994,828 5,583,111 1,571,640 39,413 785,692 44.408 4,347,716 140,652 48,998,563 32,521,406 14,951,511 124,676,807 1,194,106 5,027,977 10,414,385 30,227,197 69,423,602 7,693,346 42,070,258 1,242,689 20,920,653 253,147 285,066 1,847,690 614,494 566,068 11,972,330 2,095,924 84,204,040 3,564,613 93,699,259 1,693,257 5,239,673 8,041,208 2,798,663 2,079,133 32,679,225 97,624,390 38,535,694 32: 12,550 16,049,423 13,301,775 1,039,930 4,698,113 22,187,770 38,315 5,310,180 4,921,481 1,289,357 2,365,231 2,037,422 144,356 13,800,672 189,127 13,094,674 27,188,913 12,408,350 7,284,381 339,448 864,363,684 805,935 16,149 9,815 831,899 Southern district $1,853,287 1,025,735 174,033 56,009 44,967 4,983 545,954 558,650 246,110 269,791 180,181,414 1,196,758 792,264 67.541 180,518,367 7,675,881 400,744 1,828,717 531,199 10, 755,634 6,025 2,394,218 4,848 23,597,266 10,900,050 6,448,447 46,126,469 1,210,440 1,365,004 2,447,001 10,687,777 21,363,579 1,450,018 12,718,278 86,261 6,460,534 21,391 586, 658 195.333 214,850 4,418,482 678,003 35,449,920 641,699 38,020,761 459,834 877,009 357,000 326,539 803,107 11,550,062 40,940,572 12,729,954 9,239 2,492,244 1,645,015 340,375 1,327,068 541,293 1,693,843 623,467 506,180 738,570 818,881 818,287 4,060,345 28,898 4,266,784 13,138,485 그동 ​8,883,649 1,686,324 1,741,716 297,644,965 111 1 11 Western district $4,632,140 2,446,360 517,839 145,323 178,202 20,222 1,388,166 1,799,826 515,618 375,422 362,365,489 2,576,462 1,037,768 363,904,183 14,004,766 25,167,553 9,433,204 1,311,831 14,995 1,530,506 22,566 3,695,285 56,943 55,237,649 21,209,913 9,689,465 97,851,203 2,665,558 1,240,873 6,645,080 17,686,593 43,351,754 2,869,764 27,336,764 91,571 17,678,477 6,725 32,418 1,530,225 369,572 374,777 8,792,748 858,869 78,245,380 2,522,656 106,106,609 344,917 1,287,648 8,580,906 3,040,853 1,772,190 24,883,063 93,347,616 30,954,274 586,737 6,977,447 4,494,517 601,647 4,390,228 2,637,980 3,630,777 1,687,794 855.733 1,267,769 1,482,991 1,286,794 13,354,269 51,787 9,269,597 24,042,754 9,566,486 6,502,872 5,204,152 679,719,516 2,131,660 3,108,163 383,553 5,623,376 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 12 No. H234 Ko 1 7 HARA 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. 22 23 20 Insurance.... Relief department expenses. Pensions.. Stationery and printing 17 18 Valuation expenses. Other expenses.. General joint facilities--Dr. 19 General joint facilities--Cr.. 21 22 8 Salaries and expenses of general officers.... Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. General office supplies and expenses.. Law expenses.... 23 wwww...... 30 31 SUMMARY NO. 1—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 35. Dining and buffet service.. Hotels and restaurants... Grain elevators... Stockyards. .. Producing power sold. Other miscellaneous operations: 39 40 41 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Concluded Miscellaneous Operations 46 D Total miscellaneous operations. 47 Item .. 24 Related solely to freight service. • 25 Related solely to passenger and allied services. 26 · • • Apportioned to freight service... 27 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. ... 28 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 29 Total.. 57 58 59 General Total general expenses... Transportation for investment--Or. 32 Apportioned to freight service.. 33 ·· Total railway operating expenses.. Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent).. SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES Maintenance of Way and Structures .. .. Related solely to freight service. Related solely to passenger and allied services. Maintenance of Equipment 36 Related solely to freight service. 37 Related solely to passenger and allied services. 38 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total.. • Traffic 42 Related solely to freight service. 43 Related solely to passenger and allied services. • Apportioned to freight service.. ... Apportioned to passenger and allied services. • Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total Transportation--Rail Line 44 Apportioned to freight service.. 45 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total.. 50 Apportioned to freight service.. 51 48 Related solely to freight service.. 49 Related solely to passenger and allied services. • Transportation--Water Line 54 Related solely to freight service.. 55 Related solely to passenger and allied services. [ • Apportioned to passenger and allied services .. 52 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 53 Total... Miscellaneous Operations • • • • • • • Apportioned to freight service.. Apportioned to passenger and allied services. O Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total.. C ·· • • • Total, all districts $39,028,398 6,183,776 1,072,212 881,088 3,006,652 1,968,797 52,140,923 20,952,576 89,773,910 7,524,405 17,517,899 180,019 2,377,637 28,872,875 4,512,017 9,867,659 7,749,878 2,407,749 499,312 191,237,312 13,202,684 3,930,928,687 74.43 $74,603,590 21,939,984 435,263,665 173,437,280 226,421 705,470,940 621,452,025 198,033,046 147,603,475 51,658,416 518,316 1,019,265,278 70,365,283 42,622,683 8,713,081 6,132,431 127,833,478 1,022,834,815 385,802,453 325,763,770 107,326,933 194 1,841,728,165 5,287,978 203,675 576,371 362,376 24,875 6,455,275 2,831,863 44,408,568 1,154,123 881,386 2,864,983 52,140,923 Eastern district $18,806,003 1,572,912 927,191 16,999 2,827,972 408,254 24,559,331 8,957,722 38,359,403 3,241,170 6,662,797 102,999 1,143,445 15,486,083 1,884,633 3,819,760 3,149,438 838,766 152,133 83,494,083 2,631,894 1,793,636,934 75.99 $44,355,754 15,369,947 163,518,361 75,816,532 117,946 299,178,540 299,262,039 102,519,874 52,779,284 19,879,825 401,706 474,842,728 30,762,505 15,699,908 1,929,644 606,506 48,998,563 512,792,482 190,477,416 116,159,736 44,934,050 864,363,684 621,362 149,400 30,584 30,553 831,899 1,164,291 21,488,285 364,365 269,256 1,273,134 24,559,331 Southern district $5,419,763 419,641 115,892 7,239 64,131 22,385 6,049,051 3,323,246 15,898,303 1,267,184 3,928,674 24,541 218,211 3,650,074 840,324 1,870,844 1,294,094 308,288 53,070 32,570,713 1,270,041 662,529,421 73.49 $11,343,368 2,135,824 81,306,847 28,633,061 123,419,100 120,301,862 31,794,234 22,500,697 5,921,574 180,518,367 15,922,217 6,251,374 1,044,600 379,075 23,597,266 164,243,149 56,681,619 58,712,797 18,007,400 297,644,965 ……… 157,878 5,721,067 127,541 38,077 4,488 6,049,051 Western district $14,802,632 4,191,223 29,129 856,850 114,549 1,538,158 21,532,541 8,671,608 35,516,204 3,016,051 6,926,428 52,479 1,015,981 9,736,718 1,787,060 4,177,055 3,306,346 1,260,695 294,109 75,172,516 9,300,749 1,474,762,332 73.04 $18,904,468 4,434,213 190,438,457 68,987,687 108,475 282,873,300 201,888,124 63,718,938 72,323,494 25,857,017 116,610 363,904,183 23,680,561 20,671,401 5,738,837 5,146,850 55,237,649 345,799,184 138,643,418 150,891,237 44,385,483 194 679,719,516 4,666,616 54,275 545,787 331,823 24,875 5,623,376 1,509,694 17,199,216 662,217 574,053 1,587,361 21,532,541 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 123# LO 4 ON MORON 2 6 10 5 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total.. 11 12 لرالر 2222222 Related solely to freight service.. 9 8 Related solely to passenger and allied services. Apportioned to freight service... Apportioned to passenger and allied services. Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total. MMMM mtime 37 Related solely to freight service.. 14 Related solely to passenger and allied services.. 38 39 15 Apportioned to freight service….. 16 Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. 17 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 18 Total... 19 Miles of road. 20 Miles of second main track. 21 Miles of third main track.. Miles of fourth main track.. 23 Miles of all other main tracks.. 24 Miles of yard track and sidings. 25 Total, all tracks.. 40 55 Home off SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 26 Miles of road.. 27 Miles of second main track.. 28 Miles of third main track.. 41 42 SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES--Concluded General Related solely to freight service. Related solely to passenger and allied services. Apportioned to freight service.. Apportioned to passenger and allied services. 48 Miles of fourth main track.. • 29 30 Miles of all other main tracks.. 31 Miles of yard track and sidings. 32 FRANKA • 56 •· तोलोलेकोले Total, all tracks.. Total.. ·· • • • Number at close of year: Box cars. Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars. Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars Total. Transportation for Investment--Cr. Steam locomotives: Number at close of year. Total tractive effort (pounds) Number instal le d during year. Number retired during year.. Electric locomotive units: • • • ·· • ❤ Number at close of year. Total tractive effort (pounds) Number installed during year.. Number retired during year. • Total Operating Expenses • • • · MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECMEBER 31, 1930 · • Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars. Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank car8. Item MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1930 • • Refrigerator qara Other freight-carrying cars · • • ... EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE • ·· • • .. • .. ·· • Freight-carrying Cars • · • · • • · ❤ • · • • Includes 21,693.45 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 7,749.00 miles of industrial tracke Includes 4,366.47 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 9,577.98 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 23,917.16 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 8,605:57 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 3,771.70 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 11,539.89 miles operated under trackage rights. all Total districts $47,363,975 10,328,089 97,424,938 35,647,565 472,745 191,237,312 13,009,530 123.655 60,475 9,024 13,202,684 1,831,729,999 703,214,843 1,016,438,948 375,437,363 4,107,534 3,930,928,687 242,391.41 36,754.96 3,238.87 2,197.11 393.11 1/ 123,009.17 5/ 407,984.63 172,297.41 20,980.93 2,149.15 1,583.37 214.36 2/ 81,384.95 278,610.17 55,875 526,939,860 1,138 2,199 31,367,700 618 22 5 1,059,604 99,097 84,007 908, 245 9.515 40.358 76,008 2,276,834 44,014,063 4,339,951 3,135,547 48,945,422 428,238 1,338,526 3,977,981 106,179,728 Eastern district $23,699,445 5,656,707 39,065,561 14,604,047 468,323 83,494,083 2,546,833 44,210 33,113 7,738 2,631,894 910,111,045 351,317,327 373,814,422 156,133,031 2,261,109 1,793,636,934 60,013.81 18,334.93 2,761.88 1,938.92 94.99 2/ 46,552.15 6/ 129,696.68 29,830.61 7,965.55 1,750.45 1,374.52 83.83 10/ 23,355.03 64,359.99 14/ 23,833 1,108,965,200 467 1,007 414 18,607,400 14 5 450,056 20,753 13,813 519,065 27 3,767 20,605 1,028,086 19,342,383 940,978 566,670 28,541,664 1,190 121,652 1,103,847 50,618,384 Southern district $8,602,934 1,380,542 17,295,625 5,291,612 32,570,713 1,259,433 2,987 6,775 846 9/ Includes 13.930.12 miles of industrial tracks. 10 Includes 3,483.34 miles of industrial tracks. 11 Includes 3281.45 miles of industrial tracks. 12/ Includes 7,165.33 miles of industrial tracks. 1,270,041 319,311,975 103,961,673 180,981,332 58,269,953 4.488 662,529,421 46,086.88 5,904.50 144.25 51.81 277.43 3/ 21,881.75 7/74,346.62 35,539.76 4,271.44 138.04 47.17 109.84 11/ 16,468.13 56,574.38 15483 10,641 483,144,410 180 418 76 4,553,000 4 1 172,935 20,230 7.516 214,456 20 5,098 7,902 428,157 6,549,224 863,250 283,250 11,628,053 890 153,900 391,798 19,870,365 Western district 13 $15,061,596 $15, 3,290,840 41,063,752 15,751,906 4,422 75,172,516 9,203,264 76,458 20,587 440 9,300,749 602,306,979 247,935,843 461,643,194 161,034,379 1,841,937 1,474,762,332 136,290.72 12,515.53 332.74 206.38 20.69 4/ 54,575.27 8/203,941.33 106,927.04 8,743.94 260.66 161.68 20.69 12/ 41,561.79 157,675.80 16/ 21,401 934,830,250 491 774 128 8,207,300 4 1 436,613 58,114 62,678 174,724 9,468 32,493 47,501 820,591 Excludes & gasoline, 7 gas-electric, and 74 oil-electric locomotives. 14 Excludes 7 gasoline, 5 gas-electric, and 60 oil-electric locomotives. Excludes 6 oil-electric locomotives. Excludes 1 gasoline, 2 gas-electric, and 8 oil-electric locomotives. 18,122,456 2,535,723 2,285,627 8,775,705 426,158 1,062,974 2,482,336 35,690,979 ! STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 14 No. 1234 mot 7 8 9 10 .. 11 મન બંનેન્સ 12345 12 13 14 15 16 HAH 789 18 19 222223 21 لال 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 32 33 ろろ​ろろ ​4567 34 35 17 Number at close of year. 36 37 ཨ གg 39 40 42 **** ** 20 Number at close of year. Number installed during year. Number retired during year.. 42 46 47 48 49 55555 50 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 23 Number of units at close of year. 24 Number of units installed during year.. 25 Number of units retired during year. TIES LAID DURING YEAR 51 52 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded 53 Jumber installed during year: 55 Box cars. Flat cars. Stock care. Coal cars. Tank cars.. Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying cars. Total. • • • Total... • • • • • 38 Average number. • • Number retired during year: Box care. Flat cars Stock cars Coal car8. Tank car8. Refrigerator cars... Other freight-carrying cars. · Number installed during year Number retired during year. All Classes of Passenger-train Cars In replacement: Item • All Classes of Company Service Equipment In replacement: Compensation-- • .. 1 Number of cross ties. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties. Total charges.. • Floating Equipment In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties.. Total charges...... • • Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges. RAILS LAID DURING YEAR In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks.. .. • Miles of yard track and sidings. Number of tons (2,240 lbs.). Total charges.. • • • D ·· EMPLOYEES Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for.. Total.. Service hours-- • Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for. Total.. • Bervice day 8-- Straight time actually worked.. Overtime paid for. Total.. In special service.. In yard-switching service In work service.. Grand total, all services. • Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service... In passenger service.. In mixed-train service. • Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES • • 2 · • • • Total, all districts 40,503 4,513 2,454 30,282 165 1,024 1,529 80,470 33,956 4,813 2,659 35,501 263 1,407 2,501 81,100 52,129 1,899 2,036 106,222 6,425 8,568 2,453 229 192 63,353,828 235,319,730 $94,206,963 5,970,836 47,881,424 $9,720,508 2,671,702 $97,418,633 557.61 1,885.42 355,489 $10,483,851 1,487,730 $2,311,373,343 $106,654,609 $2,550,553,940 3,171,492,545 121,782,421 3,453,609,475 37,415,704, 200,219 38,239,256 $2,366,563,066 67,193,690 25,349,698 1,917,169 37,397 18,014,781 1,945,476 } 114,458,211 Eastern district 16,697 982 634 9,002 41 296 27,652 15,185 798 1,179 17,821 1 321 800 36,105 26,084 970 759 34,940 2,318 2,553 2,139 200 179 16,070,099 77,316,012 $32,315,683 2,169,505 20,543,507 $3,947,528 1,233,196 $43,405,809 185.75 667.23 156,568 $4,541,009 651,332 $1,058,232,749 $46,855,899 $1,163,146,680 1,366,277,931 51,826,708 1,488,724,315 18,102,711 101,863 18,492,942 $1,076,857,751 27,355,460 10,999,558 381,985 12,013 8,714,592 932,367 48,395,975 Southern district 862 8,448 336 12 12,863 251 21,910 5,394 1,818 126 10,122 2 77 277 17,816 7,854. 249 484 17,832 750 1,546 113 1-4 . 15,027,364 62,856,374 $20,018,976 707,446 6,564,341 $1,066,774 501,607 $18,068,194 55.76 316.20 37,151 $1,058,315 279,321 $399,062,672 $17,643,556 $437,746,031 597,438,876 20,956,915 644,002,032 6,015,663 29,519 6,130,317 $413,261,985 13,588,463 4,628,230 401,998 7,085 3,043,066 290,289 21,959,131 Western district 15,358 3,195 1,808 8,417 165 983 982 30,908 13: 13,377 2,197 1,354 7,558 260 1,009 1,424 27,179 18,191 680 793 53,450 3.357 4,469 201 29 12 32,256,365 95,147,344 $41,872,304 3,093,885 20,773,576 $4,706,206 936,899 $35,944,630 316.10 901.99 161,770 $4,884,527 557,077 $854,077,922 $42,155,154 $949,661,229 1,207,775,738 48,998,798 1,320,883,128 13,297,330 68,837 13,615,997 $876,443,330 26,249,767 9,721,910 1,133,186 18,299 6,257,123 722,820 44,103,105 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) REVENUE FREIGHT TONNAGE BY GROUPS OF COMMODITIES Revenue Freight Originated Products of agriculture: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car. Animals and products: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car. Products of mines: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car.. Products of forests: Number of carloads... Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car. Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car.. Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car. • .. Products of mines: Products of agriculture: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. Merchandise All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Animals and products: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. Products of forests: Grand total carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). •• Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. Total Revenue Freight Carried · • • D • • Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. ·· ·· .. .. Grand total carload traffic: Number of carloads... Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. ·· ·· · .. • Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage.. D Item · • • Merchandise All Ļ. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage.. .. Grand total. carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage.. ... Total, all districts 4,471,352 110,728,445 24.76 1,905,227 23,128,633 12.14 12,394,610 642,536,854 51.84 2,418,829 69,370,554 28.68 10,289,265 277,765,429 27.00 31,479,283 1,123,529,915 35.69 29,666,721 1,153,196,636 9,628,568 210,970, 282 10.23 3,279,717 41,096,453 1.99 21,396,933 1,098,642,223 53.25 4,781,320 130,684,286 8:33 20,372,266 530,367,927 25.71 59,458,804 2,011,761,171 97:51 51,316,420 316 2.49 2,063,077,591 100.00 Fastern district 957,940 21,539,529 22.49 412,516 5,516,290 13.37 5,470,969 283,166,721 51.76 326,936 8,289,264 25.35 5,968,994 162,740,374 27.26 13,137,355 481,252,178 36.63 14,721,349 495,973,527 3,047,417 63,145,515 5.98 1,227,596 16,296,857 1.55 11,871,587 618,599,923 58.61 1,272,118 32,099,743 3.04 11,479,091 298,885,218 28.32 28,897,809 1,029,027,256 97.50 26,426,309 2.50 1,055,453,565 100.00 Southern district 843,190 14,356,915 17.03 141,714 1,688,953 11.92 3,414,126 184,670,688 54.09 818,078 21,160,449 25.87 1,270,856 33,417,189 26.30 6,487,964 255,294,194 39.35 5,849,994 261,144,188 1,910,408 32,717,004 8.53 283,990 3,639,894 .95 4,380,966 232,602,154 60.67 1,368,931 35,257,081 9.20 2,717,098 68,530,231 17.88 10,661,393 372,746,364 97.23 10,627,823 2.77 383,374,187 100.00 15 Western district 2,670,222 74,832,001 28.02 1,350,997 15,923,390 11.79 3,509,515 174,699,445 49.78 1,273,815 39,920,841 31.34 3,049,415 81,607,866 26.76 11,853,964 386,983,543 32.65 9,095,378 396,078,921 4,670,743 115,107,763 18.44 1,768,131 21,159,702 3.39 5,144,380 247,440,146 39.64 2,140,271 63,327,462 ió.15 6,176,077 162,952,478 26.10 19,899,602 609,987,551 97.72 14,262,288 2.28 624,249,839 100.00 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 16 No. 2 MST LOKO 4 IN 1 Average mileage of road operated.. 78 Domain com 10 12 14 16 2002 20 18 9 Total freight train. Total passenger train. 11 Total mixed train.. 21 13 Train switching.. 22 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) Freight-ordinary. Freight--light. Passenger. Mixed. Special. • 17 Work service. • STATISTICS OF RAIL-LINE OPERATIONS Work service... Yard switching--freight 15 Yard switching--passenger. 42 43 44 LOLOLOLO • · • • Total special.. 48 49 Freight train--loaded.. 19 | Freight train--empty.. 53 · Total transportation service. ECONO • 54 · • • 20 | Freight train--caboose.. · 25 Passenger train--dining. 26 Passenger train-other.. • • 30 | Mixed train--caboose... 31 37 Total special train... 38 39 Work service. • • Total transportation service. 40 Tons--revenue freight.. 41 27 Total passenger train... 28 Mixed train-freight--loaded. 29 | Mixed train-freight--empty. • • 23 Passenger train-passenger.. 24 Passenger train--sleeping, parlor, and observation. Locomotive-Kiles • Freight train--exclusive work equipment. Total freight train. • • • Train-Miles Item 32 Mixed train--passenger. 33 Mixed train--sleeping, parlor, and observation. 34 Mixed train--dining.. 35 Mixed train--other passenger train. 36 Total mixed train.. • Mixed train-exclusive work equipment ·· Car-Vile8 Total transportation service. Passengers carried--revenue. • • • Tons--nonrevenue freight.. Ton-miles--revenue freight. Ton-miles--nonrevenue freight. • • Miscellaneous • • • • • 45 Passenger-miles--revenue. · S • ► • • 46 | Ton-miles--revenue freight--per mile of road. 47 Ton-miles-revenue freight-per train-mile. Ton-miles--revenue and nonrevenue freight--per loaded car-mile. Passenger-miles--revenue--per train-mile.. 50 Passenger-miles--revenue--per car-mile. 51 Miles hauled--revenue freight.. 52 Miles carried--revenue passengers. Revenue per ton of freight... Revenue per ton-mile of freight. Revenue per passenger.. Revenue per passenger-mile. 1 • • • • • • · · • · • • • • Total, all districts 242,158.61 510,599,077 4,532,134 538,709, 206 28,024,837 441,100 1,082,306,354 24,079,859 581,156,840 502,502,443 28,725,857 502,786 56,444,024 260,992,630 23,431,036 1,453,755,616 31,775,186 15,637,773,911 9,856,060,822 525,586,772 38,255,963 26,057,677,468 1,112,990,702 1,229,258,648 163,073,851 1,174,813,094 3,680,136,295 162,701,764 104,654,788 2,748,226 1,361,855 28,992,936 598,134 1,643 15,260,558 316,319,904 7,442,784 30,061,576,451 116,018,865 2,063,077,591 225,724,210 383,449,588,491 36,565,977,294 703,598,121 26,814,824,535 1,583,465 711.35 26.58 49.40 11.31 185.86 38.11 $1.97542 $0.01063 $1.03535 $0.02717 Eastern district 60,127.86 187,927,728 2,518,578 226,884,685 5,128,221 151,299 422,610,511 11,698,158 227,606,017 214,953,048 5,258,154 168,066 28,435,920 131,191,673 13,171,214 620,784,092 15,825,597 6,225,932,602 3,898,385,022 194,281,720 5,483,285 10,324,082,629 548,692,071 506,519,655 59,497,007 504,329,689 1,619,038,422 26,982,902 16,725,365 935,189 155,009 5,226,822 49,657 375 5,587,015 55,662,334 2,199,796 12,000,983,181 37,387,858 1,055,453,565 88,930,795 160,532,550,956 12,238,927,226 520,655,889 15,371,952,358 2,669,853 825.06 27.63 67.45 14.50 152.10 29.52 $1.64205 $0.01080 $0.77548 $0.02627 Southern district 45,975.27 108,024,131 762,818 92,425,831 5,701,166 85.392 206,999,338 4,102,056 116,255,538 89,105,740 5,801,160 94,270 8,581,882 41,693,176 3,258,410 264,790,176 4,831,758 2,963,986,474 2,010,479,588 109,829,870 6,419,758 5,090,715,690 184,240,199 190,466,755 25,655,186 186,945,592 587,307,732 26,253,612 14,108,823 629,731 191,740 6,810,954 73.575 428 3,589,132 51,657,995 1,359,038 5,731,040,455 17,571,316 383,374,187 46,751,229 83,787,261,765 7,309,882,264 63,990,333 3,060,450,690 1,822,442 739.33 30.46 32.70 } 8.02 218.55 47.83 $1.94086 $0.00888 $1.46764 $0.03069 Western district 136,055.48 214,647,218 1,250,738 219,398,690 17,195,450 204,409 452,696,505 8,279,645 237,295,285 198,443,655 17,666,543 240,450 19,426,222 88,107,781 7,001,412 568,181,348 11,117,831 6,447,854,835 3,947,196,212 221,475,182 26,352,920 10,642,879,149 380,058,432 532,272,238 77,921,658 483,537,813 1,473,790,141 109,465,250 73,820,600 1,183,306 1,015,106 16,955,160 474,902 840 6,084,411 208,999,575 3,883,950 12,329,552,815 61,059,691 624,249,839 90,042,186 139,129,775,770 17,017,167,804 118,951,899 8,382,421,487 1,022,596 601.91 23.81 37.87 9.02 222.88 70.47 $2.56030 $0.01149 $1.94029 $0.02753 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 18 No. 1 23+LVO 780 4 5NC 9 17 18 19 102 20 22 22 323 32 10 Cash 11 Demand loans and deposits 12 Time drafts and deposits 13 Special deposits 14 Loans and bills receivable 15 16 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 (Does not include lessor companies) 34 لالالالي 4567 Total number of stockholders 35 36 Investment in road and equipment Improvements on leased railway property .. GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investments Sinking funds Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies Other investments Total investments ··· ·· ·· 23 Working fund advances 24 Insurance and other funds Other deferred assets 25 26 • • Current Assets Katerial and supplies Interest and dividends receivable Rents receivable Other current assets • Total current assets Item Traffic and car-service balances receivable .. Net balance receivable from agents and conductors Miscellaneous accounts receivable Total deferred assets O •• Deferred Assets Unadjusted Debits 27 28 Rents and insurance premiums paid in advance Discount on capital etock 29 Discount on funded debt .. 30 Property abandoned chargeable to operating emense s 31 Other unadjusted debita • Total unadjusted debite Grand total •• .. • • Expenditures for new lines and extension s Expenditures for additions and betterments Credits for property retired Adjustments 37 38 Net charges during year ·· 39 Stocks actually issued during year--par value Funded debt actually issued during year--par value 40 . • INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT • • • • • • Total, all districte 247 $198,029,695 13,093,532 354,329 169,606 6,511,943 15,920,459 10,517,554 244,597,118 6,160,550 3,112,693 3,738,541 1,167,129 13,532 1,982,345 917,249 4,415,821 3,600,634 218,182 76,941 164,715 25,568,332 20,463 5,742,143 248,519 6,011,125 130,523 3,293,600 2,514,186 145,030 2,484,626 8,567,965 284,744,540 11,416,518 1,761,982 736,274 10,390,810 Eastern district 136 $126,600,893 3,387,970 2,046 2,117,589 3,244,967 3,555,326 138,908,791 4,039,433 2,749,807 1,000,000 10,708 1,122 1,686,167 342,570 2,377,926 2,405,393 35.059 34,880 6,491 14,689,556 14,709 414,920 235,388 665,017 33,574 261,547 145,030 1,572,133 2,012,284 156,275,648 6,855,872 909,760 84,028 6,030,140 498,000 3,998,000 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Southern district 7 $14,259,367 167,560 163,223 14,590,150 164,778 281,400 527 7,197 164,722 61,472 4,500 de 684,596 2,501 2,501 1111 79,128 79,128 15,356,375 1,192,908 15,164 d 14,667 1,163,077 Western district 104 $57,169,435 9,705,562 354,329 4,231,131 12,675,492 6,962,228 91,098,177 1,956,339 362,886 2,738,541 875,021 11,883 288,981 574,679 1,873,173 1,133,769 183,123 37,561 158,224 10,194,180 5,754 5,327,223 10,630 5,343,607 96,949 3,293,600 2,252,639 833,365 6,476,553 113,112,517 3,367,738 837,058 666,913 3,197,593 3,500,000 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 123 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 jad ja jud ( 19 20 2 21 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) ~~~~~! ·· 29 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET--Concluded Capital stock. Stock liability for conversion. Premium on capital stook... Total stock. Grants in aid of construction.... • 39 40 41 42 15 16 Funded debt matured unpaid. 17 Unmatured dividends declared. 18 Unmatured interest accrued.. Unmatured rents accrued... Other current liabilities. Funded debt unmatured... Receiver's certificates.. Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies. Total long-term debt...... Interest matured unpaid.. Dividends matured unpaid. 25 Tax liability.. 26 27 28 Operating reserves... • Loans and bills payable. Traffic and car-service balances payable Audited accounts and wages payable. Miscellaneous accounts payable. Long-Term Debt Current Liabilities Premium on funded debt. Item .. • Stook • ** • 22 | Liability for provident funds. Other deferred liabilities.. 23 24 • Total current liabilities. • • Total deferred liabilities. Deferred Liabilities D Unadjusted Credits Accrued depreciation--Road……. 30 Locrued depreciation--Equipment. 31 Accrued depreciation--Miscellaneous physical property. 32 Other unadjusted credits...... 33 Profit and loss--balance.. Insurance and casualty reserves. • Total unadjusted credits... Corporate Surplus 34 Additions to property through income and surplus. Funded debt retired through income and surplus. 36 | Sinking fund reserves………. 37 Miscellaneous fund reserves.... 38 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. Total corporate surplus. Grand total... Total appropriated surplus.. • • • • • ·· Total, all districts $44,040, 200 44,040, 200 178,574 126,858,000 6,937,572 133,795,572 1,783,170 4,818,586 1,131,459 3,324,023 143,600 708,490 507,686 230,015 12,647,035 94,837 94,837 6,431,036 337 522,086 4,195,048 12,849,944 18,714 8,314,446 32,331,611 8,193,531 4,649,663 945,329 100, 256 321,635 14,210,414 47,446, 297 61,656,711 284,744,540 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $34,620,000 34,620,000 178,574 57,334,000 4,330,352 61,664,352 1,424,587 2,613,104 706,993 2,254,668 93,600 430,438 366,846 223,526 8,113,762 56,608 56,608 4,555,488 337 416,339 531,553 9,808, 414 2,238,271 17,550,402 6,982, 271 100, 256 297,901 7,380, 428 26,711,522 34,091,950 156,275,648 Southern district $2,000,000 2,000,000 14,000,000 14,000,000 219,198 1,174 281,400 #1 2,105 503,877 34,956 34,956 3,245 79,927 37,506 120,678 4,890 11 11 4,890 d 1,308,026 d 1,303,136 15,356,375 19 Western district $7,420, 200 7,420,200 55,524,000 2,607, 220 58,131,220 358,583 1,986,284 423,292 787,955 50,000 278,052 140,840 4,384 4,029,396 3,273 3,273 1,872,303 105,747 3,663,495 2,961,603 18,714 6,038,669 14,660,531 1,206,370 4,649,663 945,329 23,734 6,825,096 22,042,801 28,867,897 113,112,517 T STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 20 No. 12 Mot mo73 8 od 2m 2 1 6 MBAO2 11 12 13 9 10 Revenues from miscellaneous operations Expenses of miscellaneous operations 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 I~~~~ÚN KIS 22 18 Rent from locomotives 23 24 25 26 27 OR-d 28 32 33 34 35 36 37 67899 38 39 40 41 Income from funded securities ..... 29 Income from unfunded securities and accounts 42 43 4424 45 46 47 48 W N QUEE 55555 30 Income from sinking and other reserve funds 31 Release of premiums on funded debt 50 51 52 53 54 57 58 59 60 62 66 67 68 70 71 72 OR OR ORA ORA ORA OR Y LLLTT 74 75 76 77 78 79 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 80 81 82 Item INCOME ACCOUNT Railway operating revenues Railway operating expenses ....……. Net revenue from railway operations Railway tax accruals: United States Government taxes Other than United States Government taxes Total railway tax accruals 84 Uncollectible railway revenues Railway operating income 85 Net revenue from miscellaneous operations Taxes on miscellaneous operating property Miscellaneous operating income Total operating income Net railway operating income Hire of freight cars--credit balance Rent from passenger-train cars Rent from floating equipment Rent from work equipment Joint facility rent income Income from lease of road Miscellaneous rent income ..... Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property Separately operated properties--profit Dividend income Contributions from other companies .. Miscellaneous income Total nonoperating income Gross income Hire of freight cars-debit balance Rent for locomotives • Rent for passenger-train care Rent for floating equipment Rent for work equipment Joint facility rents Rent for leased roads Miscellaneous rents ..... Miscellaneous tax accruals • • Separately operated properties--1088 Interest on funded debt Interest on unfunded debt ... Amortization of discount on funded debt Maintenance of investment organization Income transferred to other companies .... Miscellaneous income charges Total deductions from gross income Net income Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income Income appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total appropriations of income Income balance transferred to profit and loss PROFIT AND LO88 ACCOUNT Credit balance transferred from income Profit on road and equipment sold Delayed income credits ...... Unrefundable overcharges Donations Miscellaneous credits ...... Total credits during year ..... Debit balance transferred from income Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of surplus Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through surplus Debt discount extinguished through surplus Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus Loss on retired road and equipment Delayed income debits Miscellaneous debits Total debits during year Net increase during year Balance at beginning of year ...……… Balance at end of year • ·· Dividends declared during year ... Par value on which declared--common Par value on which declared-preferred Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent Total, all districts $61,289,040 44,780,951 16,508,089 752,776 4,141.937 4,894,713 2,666 11,610,710 36,800 31,191 5,609 2,843 2,766 11,613,476 15,917,690 1,134,162 158,374 11 73,551 4.775.374 463,679 622,640 120,439 108 536,178 642,664 239,796 450 24,692 8,792,107 20,405,583 667,428 288,017 86 1 14,350 864.600 5,817,486 1,374,806 72,854 5,8774 5,384,952 20,968 96,113 601,570 101,914 15,305,144 5,100,439 179,690 389,796 d 1.647.503 d 1.078.017 6,178,456 6,860,491 150,390 23,523 7,430 52,323 186,099 7,280,256 682,035 2,217 6,260,000 52,323 271,306 30,000 213,260 438,333 42,261 7,991,735 d 711,479 48,157,776 47,446,297 6,649,796 23,346,600 28.48 Eastern district $39,776,502 30,139,266 9,637,236 495,775 2,153,788 2,649,563 1,477 6,986,196 36,800 31,191 5,609 2,843 2,766 6,988,962 9,053,952 944,877 121,394 49,100 2,427,161 457,540 256,342 33,181 108 111,928 416,934 10,315 450 24,529 4,853,859 11,842,821 389,351 86 240,783 14,231 830,325 2,847,518 216,210 15,775 2,580,590 9,252 12,899 601,570 81,140 7,839,730 4,003,091 7,549 232,200 239,749 3,763,342 3,763,342 75,466 23,523 2,988 50,330 91,826 4,007,475 2,217 5,650,000 50,329 271,306 79,799 23,226 6,076,877 ₫ 2.069,402 28,780,924 26,711,522 1/ 5,882,200 19,220,000 30.60 Southern district d $1,743,457 1,045,598 697,859 133.285 133,285 564,574 11 11 564,574 519,119 21,013 949 112,930 31,766 20,697 51 187,406 751,980 131,975 45,980 107 2,285 757 6,856 560,000 749 2,790 751,499 481 I 481 481 268 3 752 11 269 408 8,396 9,073 8.321 1.299,705 ₫ 1.308,026 ……… d Deficit or other reverse item. Includes $3,040,000 representing an extra dividend of 40 per cent declared by Indiana Harbor Belt R.R. Co. 2 Includes $500,000 representing an extra dividend of 100 per cent declared by Chicago River & Indiana R. R. Co. Western di striot $19,769,081 13,596,087 6,172,994 257,001 1,854,864 2,111,865 1,189 4,059,940 11 1 I 4,059,940 6,344,619 189, 285 15,967 23,502 2,235,283 6,139 366,298 55,492 11 424,250 205,033 229,481 11 112 3,750,842 7,810,782 146, 102 1,254 1 12 31,990 2,969,968 1,157,839 50,223 2,244,362 10,967 83,214 17,984 6,713,915 1,096,867 172,141 157,596 d 1.647.503 d 1.317.766 2,414,633 3,096,668 74,924 4,442 1,725 94,270 3,272,029 682,035 610,000 1,725 30,000 133,053 438,333 10,639 1,905,785 1,366,244 20,676,557 22,042,801 2/ 767,596 126,600 18.60 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. Freight. 2 | Passenger.. H&M WW 73 1 7 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Excess baggage.. Sleeping car.. Parlor and chair car. Mail... Expres8. 27 28 • • 8 Other passenger-train. Milk.. 9 10 | Switching • Special service train. 11 12 Other freight-train.. 13 Water transfers-freight. 14 Water transfers-passenger. ·· 23 Express. 24 | Special service.. 25 Other. 26 15 Water transfers-vehicles and live stock 16 Water transfers--other...... 17 18 | Freight. 19 | Passenger. 20❘ Excess baggage. 21 22 Mail.. • Other passenger service. 36 37❘ Power.. 38 RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES Total rail-line transportation revenue. 29 30 | Parcel room... 31 Storage-freight. 32 | Storage--baggage Dining and buffet.... Hotel and restaurant. Stockyard.. 39 | Miscellaneous. 40 Total water-line transportation revenue. Station, train, and boat privileg • • · •• 33 Demurrage. 34 Telegraph and telephone. Grain elevator.. • • • 41 42 | Joint facility-Dœ. 43 4444 45 Superintendence.. 46 Joint facility--Cr...... • ·· Rents of buildings and other property. • .. Total incidental operating revenue. • Roadway maintenance-yard. 47 Roadway maintenance--other. 48 Roadway-depreciation--yard. Total joint facility operating revenue. Total railway operating revenues. • • • • • RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures ·· Item ·· • . Roadway--depreciation-other 50 Underground power tubes--yard. Underground power tubes--other. • 52 Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard. Underground power tubes--depreciation--other. Tunnels and subways--yard.. Tunnels and subways--other………. 56 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard.. 57 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other. 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverts-yard.. 59 Bridges, trestles, and oulverte--other. • D .. • • • . • • • . O · • 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation-yard. 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other. 62 Elevated structures-yard.. 63 Elevated structures--other. 64 65 66 Hlevated structures--depreciation-yard.. Elevated structures--depreciation--other. Ties-yard...... Ties--other.. 67 68 Ties-depreciation--yard. 69 Ties-depreciation--other. 70 Rails-yard....... | 71 Rails--other. 72 Ralis-depreciation-yard. 73 Rails--depreciation-other. 74 Other track material-yard.. 77 78 Ballast-yard.. 79 Ballast--other. 80 81 Ballast-depreciation-yard. Ballast--depreciation--other. 82| Track laying and surfacing-yard. · · • • • • ► • .. • • 83 Track laying and surfacing-other. 84 Right-of-way fences--yard... 85 Right-of-way fences-other.. • 75 Other track material--other.. 76 | Other track material--depreciation-yard. Other track material-depreciation--other. ·· ·· • ·· ► • • • • • · • • Total, all districts $2,237,210 10,737 2,768 91 55,830,356 12,511 1,848 58,095,530 tit 52525252525 d I 52,681 145,723 68,899 34,144 10,644 446,274 17 395,449 1,603,554 3,475,710 8,333 290,533 d.282.200 61,289,040 612,119 767,954 22,106 116 10,940 22,870 533,700 23,865 130,027 62,488 35,250 984,634 34,266 529,714 29,586 2,887 715,724 14,739 622 82,015 1,390 70 1,884,262 46,544 2.978 324 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $2,064,782 36,789,593 12,511 38,867,362 C 1 d 52,681 6,557 11,577 6,534 1,757 291,153 167,164 67,915 308,263 913,601 8,333 12,794 ₫ 4.461 39,776,502 425,213 421,757 116 3,832 11 414,051 45,139 316 658,334 544 349,209 2,887 425,956 622 57,522 70 1,242,530 4.287 Southern district $1,646,094 1,646,094 · 1 11 2,239 26,275 300 3,801 24,406 43,836 100,857 3,494 ₫ 3.494 1,743,457 9,460 8,883 14,617 534 15,353 LOVE 17:2525252525 11 1,526 12,599 11 580 26,216 16,877 11 21 Western district $172,428 10,757 737 2,768 91 17,394,669 1,372 17,582,074 11 11 136,927 57,322 1,335 8,587 151,320 551,178 303,128 1,251,455 2,461,252 274,245 4 274.245 19,769,081 177,446 337,314 7,489 #,108 22,870 119,115 8,512 84,888 62,172 35,250 308,785 16,860 178,979 16,987 284,623 6,583 24,493 810 615,516 29,66 1,309 313 T STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 22 No. ANKILO 78 1 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard……. 2 Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other.. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation-other. Crossings and signs--yard. 8 Crossings and signs--other.. 10 9 Crossings and signs-depreciation--yard. Crossings and signs--depreciation--other Station and office buildings.. 11 12 13 14 27 28 15 Water stations. 16 Water stations--depreciation 17 Fuel stations.. 31 32 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 18 Fuel stations--depreciation. 19 Shops and enginehouses.. 20 Shops and enginehouse s--depreciation. 21 Grain elevators... 22 Grain elevators--depreciation 23 Storage warehouses... 24 Storage warehouses--depreciation. 25 Tharves and docks.. 26 | Tharves and docks-depreciat: Coal and ore wharve B. Coal and ore wharves--depreciation. 29 Gas producing plants... 30 | Gas producing plants--depreciation. 47 Underground conduits.. 48 59 60 285 8 49 Miscellaneous structures.. 50 61 51 52 Paving--depreciation. 62 ❤ ·· Station and office buildings--depreciation. Roadway buildings.... Roadway buildings--depreciation. ... 75 76 · Telegraph and telephone lines……. Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation. 8ignals and interlockers.. 33 4 | Signals and interlockers--depreciation. 80 81 • Small tools and supplies.. 56 Removing snow, ice, and sand. 57 Assessments for public improvements 58 Injuries to persons.. 35 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines 36 Power plant dame, canals, and pipe lines-depreciation. 37 Power plant buildings. 38 Power plant buildings--depreciation. 39 Power substation buildings……… 40 Power substation buildings-depreciation.. 41 42 43 4p4 45 • Underground conduits--depreciation. • Insurance. Stationery and printing Other expenses.... ·· .. • Item Miscellaneous structures--depreciation. Paving. Roadway machines... • Roadway machines--depreciation. 67 Superintendence. 68 Shop machinery………. 69 Shop machinery-depreciation. 70 Power plant machinery. Power transmission systems.. Power transmission systems-depreciation. Power distribution systems.. Power distribution systems--depreciation. Power line poles and fixtures.. Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation • Steam locomotives--depreciation. Steam locomotives--retirements.. 77 Other locomotives-repairs………. 78 Other locomotives--depreciation. 79 Other locomotives--retirements. Freight-train cara--repairs.. Freight-train cars--depreciation • · D • • 71 Power plant machinery--depreciation 72 Power substation apparatus.. 73 Power substation apparatus--depreciation. 74 Steam locomotives-repairs.. · • • • • ● • ... ·· • · • • • Total, above accounts. 63 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--DT. 64 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Or. 65 Equalization--way and structures. 66 Total maintenance of way and structures.. Maintenance of Equipment ·· • · • • · • ► • • • A • • • ... • Total, all districts • 1111 1 I $153,387 7,767 12,271 460,622 104,040 40,870 2,876 59,088 6,105 84,427 10,198 303,478 41,282 3,218 29,267 7,197 13,980 131,155 71,016 26,851 12,327 59,522 464,525 27,809 8,029 976 1,325 5,997 45,488 1,888 4.660 I 7,560 344 12,919 11,905 26,886 2,425 108,318 249,446 8,856 75,624 84,443 11,351 15,192 9,362,738 830,935 2,503,227 7,690,446 477,652 128,255 39,625 84,958 6,687 391 3,832,696 824,215 5,824 Eastern district 11111 $118,172 1,165 186,512 20,322 24,569 239 39,410 1,668 58,605 1,433 153,178 7,549 d 231 160 31,812 10,422 26,707 12,327 48,168 242,333 20,081 2,166 267 3,597 4,543 1,619,281 472,537 Deficit or other reverse item. CAS 353 7,560 21 20,837 774 64,044 148,213 7,079 45,285 28,511 7,604 11,826 5,401,092 809,094 1,505,863 4,704,323 350,413 74,079 5,793 12,468 391 2,709,418 583,077 3.435 11 1,358,524 432,304 Southern district $1,750 6,977 16,194 2,727 1,833 1,331 5,173 36,545 144 935 726 10 NII 1,412 590 593 2,734 232 4,280 57 239,115 1,212 41,021 199,306 14,578 2,611 1,474 95,791 2,324 ……… 45,042 21,585 Western district I $33,465 790 11,106 257,916 83,718 13,574 2,637 17,845 4,437 24,491 8,765 145,127 33,733 3,218 29,267 7,428 13,820 62,798 60,594 10,419 221,466 7,728 G 4,451 976 1,058 2,400 40,945 1,888 4,307 344 12,308 11,905 5,456 1,701 41,540 101,233 1,777 30,107 51,652 3,690 3,362 3,722,531 20,629 956,343 2,786,817 112,661 51,565 33,832 71.016 1,027,487 238,814 2,389 215,715 18,648 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No A&M4t sho 9 10 11 1 Freight-train cars-retirements. 2 Passenger-train cars--repairs........ Passenger-train cars--depreciation. Passenger-train cars--retirements.. Motor equipment of cars-repairs.. Motor equipment of cars-depreciation. 7 Motor equipment of cars--retirements. Floating equipment-repairs……. 8 Floating equipment-depreciation. Floating equipment-retirements. Work equipment-repairs... 12 Work equipment-depreciation. 19 20 Other expenses. 21 29 30 31 32 སངས་ས་ 33 34 35 13 Work equipment-retirements..... 14 Miscellaneous equipment-repairs.. 15 Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation. 16 Vi anellaneous equipment-retirements. 17 Injuries to persons... 18 Insurance.. Stationery and printing. 22 Maintaining joint equipment—Dr. 23 Maintaining joint equipment-Cг. 24 Equalization--equipment.... 25 26 27 Outside agencies.. 28 40 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 41 42 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES—Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded Total. 36 Superintendence... 37 74 ~~~~~~ +UW 730 σo 75 Superintendence.. Advertising..... Traffic associations. Fast freight lines..... 76 77 79 80 ·· Total maintenance of equipment. Traffic Total traffic..... • .. 43 Yard conductors and brakemen.. 44 Yard switch and signal tenders. 45 Yard enginemen. 46 Yard motormen... • Industrial and immigration bureaus. Insurance.... Stationery and printing Other expenses.. ... Dispatching trains. 38 Station employees.... 39 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus. Coal and ore wharves.. Station supplies and expenses.. Yardmasters and yard clerks. ·· Item • Other expenses.. 59 60 61 62 63 Enginehouse expenses--train. 64 Trainmen... • Stationery and printing • 47 Fuel for yard locomotives.. 48 Yard switching power produced. 49 50 Yard switching power purchased Water for yard locomotives.. Lubricants for yard locomotives. 51 52 Other supplies for yard locomotives. 53 Enginehouse expenses--yard. 54 Yard supplies and expenses. 55 Train enginemen.... 56 Train motormen.. 57 Fuel for train locomotives. 58 Train power produced.……. Train power purchased... Water for train locomotives. Lubricants for train locomotives.. Other supplies for train locomotives. • • • • Transportation--Rail Line .. • • Loss and damage-freight. Loss and damage—baggage. Train supplies and expenses.. ► • ·· · ·· ·· • 65 66 Operating sleeping cars.. 67 Signal and interlocker operation. 68 Crossing protection.. 69 Drawbridge operation.. 70 Telegraph and telephone operation. 71 Operating floating equipment. 72 Express service.. 73 • • • ·· • • • • · • • • Insurance….. Clearing wrecks.. Damage to property. 78 Damage to live stock on right of way • · • • • • • • • • • • D • • ·· • Total, all districts $666 15,662 1,262 514 ELTONO | 72,209 32,406 130,158 58,522 9,710 12,375 7,069 843 61,008 67,278 20,609 4,113 7,985,497 119,394 371,216 7,733,675 151,029 104,334 32,173 11,535 3,328 110 29,071 76 331,656 1,282,619 288,028 4,605,312 40,310 33,463 327,789 2,515,527 7,387,239 727,932 5,038,258 4,120,200 347,710 80,369 85,446 1,167,474 336,922 129,212 86,735 6,659 2,507 5,438 22,967 136,359 102,230 352, 311 400,524 34,391 61,383 134,755 206,788 199,661 63,455 86,333 55,980 74 228,495 983 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $1,265 3,020 257 11 1 72,209 32,406 86,997 35,573 7,975 3,998 3,432 643 42,318 51,298 13.808 3,468 5,888,569 117,184 170,710 5,835,043 91,528 35,473 4,928 4,689 2,588 108 22,354 26 161,694 871,851 155,319 1,866,645 29,687 33,445 119,443 1,401,316 4,734,357 372,748 3,374,797 2,991,514 245,899 56,553 57,051 884,181 216,556 120,853 80,493 6,128 2,342 5,073 19,460 125,202 76,820 234,864 245,931 21,591 41,675 134,755 110,632 171,354 39.533 45,821 29,813 20 165,320 240 Southern district $42 ち ​1,381 254 #1 11 LIVRO + OMA 16067| 506 836 411 190,378 1 14,700 175,679 1 1 1 1 I 15,051 6,156 261,753 10,112 18 22,567 85,303 124,670 4,947 80,640 97,781 1,250 889 2,283 35,404 3,809 19,949 4,555 35,716 12,097 9,283 3,709 333 271 199 439 23 Western district d $557 9,0 005 514 41,780 22,695 1.735 8,377 3,637 200 18,184 15,144 6,390 645 1,906,550 2,209 185,806 1,722,953 59,501 68,861 27,245 6,846 740 2 6,717 50 169,962 395,717 126,553 2,476,914 511 185,779 1,028,908 2,528,212 351,237 1,582,821 1,030,905 100,561 22,927 26,112 247,889 116,557 8,359 6,242 PIHOLONI 53 165 365 3,507 11,157 5,461 112,892 118,877 703 10,425 1 0 92,447 27.974 23,651 40,313 25,728 63,107 743 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS To. 24 12345 7 8 9 10 6 12 AAAA 11 12 13 14 بالله 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MONDO Å ☺ ☺ ☺ 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 www ww.com 34 35 39 40 41 +4IDINIO 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 mininin und 52 53 Total general expenses 31 Transportation for investment--Cr. Total railway operating expenses Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES 4567 56 57 58 59 60 62 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 68 69 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Concluded Transportation-Rail Line-Concluded Injuries to persons.. Operating joint yards and terminals--Dr. Operating joint yards and terminals-Cr. ..... Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr. Operating joint tracks and facilities-Cr. Total transportation--rail line ..…………. Operation of vessels Operation of terminals Incidental …………. Total transportation--water line ....... Dining and buffet service Hotels and restaurants Grain elevators Transportation--Water Line Stockyards Producing power sold Other miscellaneous operations Total miscellaneous operations Item Miscellaneous Operations Salaries and expenses of general officers .... Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants General office supplies and expenses Law expenses Other expenses General joint facilities-Dr. General joint facilities--Cr. Insurance Relief department expenses Pensions Stationery and printing .......……… Valuation expenses Total, all tracks Related solely to freight service... Related solely to passenger and allied services Related in common to both freight and passenger and allied services: Apportioned to freight service Apportioned to passenger and allied services ...... Not related to either freight service or to passenger and allied services Total Miles of road Miles of second main track Miles of third main track Miles of fourth main track Miles of all other main tracks Miles of yard track and sidings MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1930 General Miles of road Miles of second main track Miles of third main track Miles of fourth main track Steam locomotives: MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1930 Miles of all other main tracks Miles of yard track and sidings Total, all tracks EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE Number at close of year: Box cars Flat cars Stook cars Coal cars Tank cars Humber at close of year Total tractive effort (pounds) Number installed during year ...... Number retired during year.. Electrio locomotive units: Number at close of year Total tractive effort (pounds) Number installed during year Humber retired during year..... Freight-carrying Cars Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying oars Total d Deficit or other reverse item. Includes 486.83 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 424.38 miles operated under trackage rights. Total, all districts $649,464 587,010 5,106,063 221,007 527,972 26,525,284 111 1 45,897 192,864 174,779 587 75,940 490,067 470,382 854,054 117,275 202,196 2,379 7,142 114,020 54,411 293,200 91,156 9.033 182,412 2,032,836 23,013 44,780,951 73.07 $43,198,010 77,201 1,422,291 47,921 35,528 44,780,951 533. 348. 14. .92 4.26 2,194.51 1/ 3,095.93 258.86 160.96 2.37 .92 976.09 1,399.20 1111 910 39,699,170 15 12 705 66 103 6,249 1,131 8,258 Eastern district $462,605 559,070 1,921,480 213,732 494,367 17,907,842 …… 45,897 174,779 587 34,941 256,204 248,705 622,189 71,221 98,785 1,384 7,142 61,811 34,597 196,557 27,762 9,033 85,103 1,294,083 19,923 30,139,266 75.77 $29,759,655 45,897 298,186 35,528 30,139,266 397.78 273.04 14.34 .92 4.26 1,471.21 2/ 2,161.55 209.52 138.68 2.37 .92 690.97 1,042.46 605 27,391,370 7 III 239 56 100 6,11 1,131 7,643 Southern district d $1,285 4,766 173,411 46 20,565 651,427 1 1111 1 3,930 10,888 1,024 2,530 VIMA 56 23 661 302 589 817 19,186 1,045,598 59.97 $725,518 18.970 320,282 18,768 1,045,598 20.35 7.68 50.91 3/ 78.94 18.36 7.68 49.97 76.01 498,100 17 1 1 I 11 ……………… Includes 2.93 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 59.52 miles operated under trackage rights. Western district $185,574 23,174 3,011,172 7,229 13,040 7,966,015 192,864 40,999 233,863 111 217,747 220,977 45,030 100,881 939 1 52,186 19,153 96,341 62,805 96,492 719,567 3,090 13,596,087 68.77 $12,712,837 50,274 803,823 29,153 13,596,087 115.23 67.82 I 672.39 4/855.44 30.98 14.60 235.15 280.73 1## 288 11,809,700 7 3 466 10 3 136 111 615 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. HNKT KON 1 7 Oa 8 domamitin L 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 www www. 37 38 39 40 41 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) 42 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded * F*g and mana Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cara. Flat cars. Stock cars. Coal cars. Tank cars. Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying cars Total. ☺ gogusum ... 63 Total.. • • Total... • • • · • •· • • D Number installed during year: Box cars. Flat cars 8took care Coal cars.. Tank cars... Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars · • · • • • • • • • • • • · 25 Number at close of year. 26 Service days: • Number retired during year: Box cars.. Flat cars. Stock cars Coal cars. Tank cars Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying cars. • In replacement: • • • Number installed during year.. 27 Number retired during year. • In replacement: • * • • 28 Humber at close of year. 29 Number installed during year 30 Number retired during year..... 46 Average number.. Compensation: 47 • Item · All Classes of Passenger-train Cars • 32 31 Number of units at close of year. Number of units installed during year.. Number of units retired during year.. • • • All Classes of Company Service Equipment • •• · • • • Floating Equipment Number of cross ties. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties.. Total charges.. Number of tons (2,240 lbs.). Total charges... TIES LAID DURING YEAR In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties... Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge tie Total charges. • ·· RAILS LAID DURING YEAR .. Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for. In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks... Miles of yard track and sidings Number of tons (2,240 lbs.). Total charges... Total.. Service hours: Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for. Total.... EMPLOYEES Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for.. Total... In special service.. In yard-switching service. In work service.... Grand total, all services. • ❤ • • Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service. In passenger service. In mixed-train service. • .. • ► ❤ Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses. CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES • • • · Total, all districts 28,076 3,680 4,090 353,745 200 60,440 450,231 161 10 100 317 LIM 3 591 187 17 37 241 23 1 461 32 57 27 MII 13 Vi 440,408 1/4,696,660 /$1,049,657 33,641 500,361 $80,565 32,922 $1,230,517 3.54 17.04 2,361 $82,903 22,303 $37,439,722 581,373 $39,731,152 48,050,541 1,748,848 50,601,285 623,326 8,824 645,487 $35,474,600 688 Eastern district 9,476 3.370 4,000 348,105 200 60,440 425,591 1 10 100 217 IM 3 330 128 17 33 ~= 11 178 #11 4 284 29 46 13 11 284.328 2,438,469 $700,439 24,564 424,469 $63,190 21,958 $812,989 3.52 14.53 1,820 $67,249 13,015 $22,522,407 $1,089,162 $23,926,003 28,112,125 1,245,963 29,703,335 350,023 1.015 356,669 $22,530,158 76,006 431 944,347 11,045 981,829 431 1,341,796 20,861 1,393,247 1/ Does not include data for 157 linear feet of steel ties. Southern district ………………… 1 # I + 11 MII 3 !!! 22,962 148,819 $34,573 620 $743 643 $21,419 Itt 817 $1,006,448 $67,786 $1,093,402 1,532,536 94,486 1,649,802 29,037 120 29,332 $1,073,542 1 23,631 84 23,715 25 Western district 18,600 310 90 5,640 24,640 161 100 11 261 59 A ! | ± 111 63 19 1 174 3 11 111 133,118 2,109,372 $314,645 8,457 75,892 $16,632 10,321 $396,109 .02 2.51 541 $15,654 8,471 $13,910,867 $424,425 $14,711,747 18,405,880 408,399 19,248,148 244,266 7,689 259,486 $11,870,900 1,682 2,471 373,818 9,732 387,703 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 26 ·· Kind of mileage: Steam road. Electric line. Steamboat line. Stage line... Airplane....... Iowa.. Kansas. Total mileage. State or Territory: Alabama.. Arizona. Arkansas.. California. Colorado... Connecticut. Delaware... • • • • District of Columbia. Florida... Georgia. Idaho.... Illinois. Indiana. • I. II. ·· • III. • Kentucky. Louisiana. Maine.. Maryland.. Massachusetts. Michigan.. Minnesota.. Mississippi Missouri... Montana... Nebraska.... Nevada... · • • • *** • • New Hampshire. New Jersey. New Mexico.. New York.... · • • • SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 · North Carolina. North Dakota... Ohio... Oklahoma. Oregon... Pennsylvania. Rhode Island. South Carolina. South Dakota.. • • Tennessee. Texas. Utah... Vermont. Virginia.. Washington. West Virginia. D ·· • • ·· • • • • • • • • • • ·· Land.. Buildings Equipment: Cars. Horses. Wisconsin.. Wyoming.. Alaska.. Hawaii... Canada.... Mexico. • • Mileage not assignable 1/. .. • • • • • • · • • • • • Item Automobiles.. Wagons and sleighs. Harness and equipment. Office furniture and equipment. Office safes. Trucks.. Stable equipment. Garage equipment. Line equipment. Shop equipment.. Miscellaneous equipment. Total equipment. Total real property and equipment. • • • Item •• • • .. MILEAGE COVERED BY OPERATIONS ·· Total 231,008.33 2,703.30 26,366.02 2,759.69 13,361.00 276,198.34 4,838.58 2,639.20 4,449.11 11,156.83 5,102.70 874.53 296.30 42.85 5,269.63 6,609.47 3,189.86 11,537.68 6,759.82 10,544.10 9,701.04 3.600.05 4,247.65 2,072.87 2,593.47 1,912.56 7,504.22 8,305.72 3.979.05 7,870.48 5.154.87 6,616.61 2,730.24 1,150.38 2,102.02 3.579.92 7,973.61 4,529.58 5,245.09 8,708.84 7,166.39 4,118.82 9,306.02 172.40 3,588.75 4,198.99 3,592.78 17,267.66 2,869.91 919.42 5,048.09 6,747.51 3.150.17 ,314.45 2,359.22 12,792.30 པ་ 1 370.80 4,508.63 96.50 7,715.00 COST OF REAL PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Total $8,090,136 11,847,326 966,274 254,587 23,283,550 465,743 63,332 3,236,700 518,413 2,947,972 12,102 660,021 556,213 229,030 5,388 Railway Express Agency, Inc. 33,199,325 53,136,787 221,095.90 2,665.58 26,098.02 2,733.69 13,361.00 265,954.19 3,236.23 2,639.20 4,449.11 21,156.83 5,102.70 874.53 296.30 35.30 5,004.88 5.310.37 3,189.86 11,218.82 6,523.79 10,544.10 9,701.04 3,234.06 4,207.07 2,072.87 2,414.60 1,912.56 7,504.22 8,305.72 3.233.14 7,8€8.48 1/ Covers miscellaneous unassigned mileage, such as transoceanic, coastwise, river, and lake not within the boundaries of any State or Territory. 5.154.87 6.616.61 2,730.24 1,150.38 2,102.02 3.579.92 7,978.61 3,058.01 5,245.09 8,707.76 166.99 118.82 9,270.32 172.40 2,346.24 4,198.99 2,292.36 17,267.66 2,869.91 919.42 3,917.21 6,747.51 3,150.17 7.314.45 2,359.22 12,792.30 370.80 4,508.63 96.50 7,715.00 Railway Express Agency, Inc. $8,079,055 11,658,986 966,274 253,260 22,512,281 458,897 62,877 3,139,962 493,169 2,877,634 12,043 654,865 538,687 229,030 5,202 Southeastern Express Co. 32,204,181 51,942,222 9,912.43 37.72 268.00 26.00 10,244.15 1,602.35 7.55 264.75 1,299.10 318.86 236.03 365.99 40.58 178.87 745.91 2.00 1,471.57 1.08 Ga 35.70 1,242.51 1,300.42 J 1,130.88 Grah Southeastern Express Oo. $11,081 188,340 1,327 771,269 6,846 455 96,738 25,244 70,338 59 5,156 17,526 186 995,144 1,194,565 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Cars: Number.... Inventory value. Horses: Fumber. Inventory value. Automobiles: Gasoline- Total equipment, inventory value. Electric- Wagons and sleighs: Tagons, double- Humber... Inventory value. Wagons, single- SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Continued 8leighs- Number... Inventory value. Number.. Inventory value. Harness equipment: Fumber.... Inventory value. Buggies.. Yumber. Inventory value. office safes: Number... Inventory value. Number.. Inventory value. Trucks: Humber.. Inventory value. Stable equipment: Inventory value. Garage equipment: Inventory value. Line equipment: Safes, oar- Number. I. Inventory value.. office furniture and equipment: Inventory value.. II. ·· III. • • Trunks, packing- Inventory value. Safes, messenger- Yumber.. Inventory value. .. Shop equipment: · ·· ▸ •· Number. Inventory value. Other line equipment- Inventory value. · • ► ► Inventory value.. Miscellaneous equipment: Inventory value.. Transportation: • • Express, domestic.. Express, foreign.. Miscellaneous.. Item • Total transportation Contract payments: Express privileges--Dr • • • • · Account Revenue from transportation. Operations other than transportation: Customs brokerage fees... Order and commission.. Rents of buildings and other property. Money orders. C.O.D. checks. • लोलोले Travelers' cheques. Telegraph and cable transfers. • • • • Letters of credit.. Foreign postal remittances. Profit on exchange and other financial revenue. Miscellaneous. Total other than transportation. Total operating revenues.. • · INVENTORY VALUE OF EQUIPMENT OWN ED · Total • 1/ $13,755,937 • 249 $235,908 1,253 $61,580 8,352 $7,384,409 1,612 2/ $2,350,298 847 $115,805 275 $6,262 110 $2,605 2 $42 $12,333 $1,322,835 17,816 $196,991 65,944 3/ $1,054,484 $5,165 $330,275 2,564 $86,191 7,741 $18,739 8,871 $38,610 ANALYSIS OF OPERATING REVENUES $63,161 $87,256 $2,516 Total $244,220,796 31,065 244,251,861 115,306,406 128,945,455 208, 304 5,662 121,963 13,506 2,229,874 Railway Express Agency, Ino. 1/ $13,367,997 199 880, 320 3,459,828 132,405,283 249 $235,908 1,246 $61,454 Includes $380,472, inventory value of 449 automobile trailers. Includes $1,089,379, inventory value of 1,875 automobile batteries. Includes $87,725. inventory value of 608 truck batteries. 8,075 $7,055,761 1,612 2/ $2,350,298 841 $115,700 261 $6,114 110 $2,605 2 $42 $12,320 $1,295,416 17,343 $180,472 64,046 3/ $1,047,091 $5,159 $326,876 2,443 $83,221 7,429 $18,343 8,265 $37,961 $63,161 $87,256 $2,367 Railway Express Agency, Inc. $237,465,751 22,555 237,488,306 112,365,947 125,122,359 208,226 5,658 120,692 2,140,121 199 872,341 3,347,237 128,469,596 27 Southeastern Express Co. $387,940 7 $126 276 $328,648 6 $105 14 $148 11 $13 $27,419 473 $16,519 1,898 $7,393 $6 $3,399 121 $2,970 312 $396 606 $649 $149 Southeastern Express Co. $6,755,045 8,510 6,763,555 2,940,459 3,823,096 78 4 1,271 13,506 89.753 1 7,979 112,591 3,935,687 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 28 Operating income: SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Continued Charges for transportation. Express privileges--Dr... Revenue from transportation. Revenue from operations other than transportation. Total operating revenues. Operating expenses.. Net operating revenue Uncollectible revenue from transportation. Express taxes.... Operating income. Item Other income: Rent from real property and equipment used jointly. Miscellaneous rent income.. Net income from miscellaneous physical property Separately operated properties--profit. Dividend income. ··· Income from funded securities.. Income from unfunded securities and accounts. Income from sinking and other reserve funds. Release of premiums on funded debt.. Contributions from other companies. Miscellaneous income.. Total other income, Gross income. Deductions from gross income: Rent for real property and equipment used jointly. Miscellaneous rents. Miscellaneous taxes. Net loss on miscellaneous physical property. Separately operated properties--1088. Interest on funded debt. Interest on unfunded debt. • Amortization of discount on funded debt. Income transferred to other companies. Miscellaneous income debits.. • ·· • .. · Item Total appropriations.. Balance transferred to profit and loss... • • Credit balance at beginning of year.. Credit balance transferred from income. Profit on real property and equipment sold. Delayed income credits.. Unrefundable overcharges Miscellaneous credits. Total credits..... ·· Debit balance at beginning of year. Debit balance transferred from income.. • .. • Total deductions from gross income. Net income... Disposition of net income: Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds.. Dividend appropriations of income... • Income appropriations for investment in physical property. Stock discount extinguished through income. Miscellaneous appropriations of income. • .. • • • •• •• Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds... Dividend appropriations of surplus.. Surplus set aside for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through surplus. Debt discount extinguished through surplus. Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus. Loss on land sold.. Delayed income debits... Miscellaneous debits. Total debits. Balance carried forward to credit of balance sheet... ·· ·· INCOME ACCOUNT Total $244,251,861 115,306,406 128,945,455 3,459,828 132,405,283 129,623,208 2,782,075 15,942 1,472,352 1,293,781 156 156,436 6,610 380,959 544,161 1,837,942 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 1,090 1,657,322 999 72,192 297 1,732,170 105,772 4 Deficit or other reverse item. 270 70,000 Total 11 70,000 35,772 $131,219 36,144 16,895 2,357 13,352 199,967 372 #I I 55,241 13,135 68,748 131,219 II Railway Express Agency, Inc. $237,488,306 112,365,947 125,122,359 3,347,237 128,469,596 125,820,753 2,648,843 14,288 1,375,352 1,259,203 156 156,436 6,610 345,639 3 I 508,841 1,768,044 1,090 ││ 1,657,322 999 72,192 297 $36,144 16,730 1,731,900 36,144 2,113 13,352 68,339 111 36,144 55,241 13,098 68,339 Railway Express Agency, Inc. Southeastern Express Co. $6,763,555 2,940,459 d 3,823,096 112,591 3,935,687 3,802,455 133,232 1,654 97,000 34,578 35,320 35,320 69,898 270 270 69,628 70,000 70,000 372 G Southeastern Express Co. $131,219 165 244 131,628 372 1 G 37 409 131,219 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS I. II. III. Total operating expenses... 5. 6. 7. 8. Maintenance: 1. Superintendence--maintenance. 2. Buildings and appurtenances-repairs. 3. Buildings and appurtenances-depreciation. 4. Buildings and appurtenances-retirements 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 25. 26. SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 —Continued Traffic: 33. 34. 35. 36. Cars--repairs.. Cars--depreciation. Cars--retirements. Horses--depreciation. Horses--retirements. Automobiles--repairs. Automobiles--depreciation. Automobiles--retirements.. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. Wagons and sleighs-repairs. Wagons and sleighs--depreciation. 15. Wagons and sleighs-retirements.. 16. 61. 62. Transportation: 37. IV. General: 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. Total... • • Total. 38. Office employees. 39. 40. 42. 42. 43. 44. • • Harness equipment--repairs. • 17. Harness equipment--depreciation and retirement 18. Office furniture and equipment--repairs.. 19. Office furniture and equipment--depreciation and retirements 20. Office safes--repairs.. 21. Office safes--depreciation and retirements... 22. 23. 24. Superintencence--traffic. Advertising. Stationery and printing Other expenses.. • • Trucks--repairs... Trucks--depreciation and retirements. • • Total.. Line equipment--repairs... 27. Line equipment--depreciation and retirements 28. Shop equipment--repairs.. 29. Shop equipment--depreciation and retirements. 30. Miscellaneous equipment--repairs. 31. Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation and retirements 32. Other expenses. Superintendence--transportation. Account Damage to property. Injuries to persons. Other experses. ♦♦♦♦ Stationery and printing. Loss and damage.. Total... Stable and garage equipment--repairs. Stable and garage equipment-depreciation and retirements. Train employees. Train supplies and expenses. • • • • Commissions……. office supplies and expenses. Rent of local offices. Vehicle employees. Stable and garage employees. ❤ • Stable and garage supplies and expenses. Drayage... • • .. Insurance.. Fidelity bond premiums Pensions... Stationery and printing. Valuation expenses. Other expenses. • • · • • • • → ► • • · • ANALYSIS OF OPERATING EXPENSES • • • ·· • Salaries and expenses of general officers. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants General office supplies and expenses.. Law expenses. • • • · • • · $129,623,208 Total d d Deficit or other reverse item. 352,582 207,267 325,265 48,230 84,573 40,831 23,586 3,349 3,025,813 2,619,463 91, 621 85,819 40,125 96,235 17,296 2,060 119,510 212,753 8,954 22,238 424,512 181,772 16,741 52,591 37,543 36,339 6,215 17,858 270 410 49 8,201,870 423,251 24,472 68,573 1,764 518,060 6,001,109 45,648,312 8,155,176 2,464,014 4,623,919 22,333,035 1,647,800 1,211,130 1,813,820 3,252,140 129,508 697,060 12,962 113,573,910 4,093,712 1,391,043 10,125,094 472,832 4,579,741 384,989 338,863 207,625 30,852 1,096,043 143,768 74,655 7,329,368 Railway Express Agency, Inc. $125,820,753 352,582 204,084 313,338 48,230 d 84,573 40,831 23,586 3,346 2,977,998 2,552,149 90,505 85,663 38,530 96,112 17,282 2,060 117,798 203,175 8,644 21,228 407,246 174,744 16,664 52,083 37,037 34,620 6,215 17,858 270 389 49 8,028,889 346,429 22,346 55,599 424,374 2:7 5,880,950 44,544,592 7.778.848 407,177 4,475,204 21,891,882 1,614,217 3,966,078 1,241,077 9,594,777 1,199,686 1,727,376 3,183,549 127,088 684,603 13.405 110,303,699 430,198 4,442,677 374,915 318,158 175,701 16,462 1,096,043 135,563 74,074 7,063,791 29 Southeastern Express Co. $3,802,455 3,183 11,927 1 1 1 3 47,815 67,314 1,116 156 1,595 123 14 1,712 9,578 310 1,010 17,266 7,028 77 508 506 1,719 1 21 172,981 76,822 2,126 12,974 1,764 93,686 120,159 1,103,720 376,328 56,837 148,715 441,153 33,583 127,634 149,966 530,317 11,444 86,444 68.591 2,420 12,457 443 3,270,211 42,634 137,064 10,074 20,705 31,924 14,390 G 8,205 581 265,577 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 30 Investment: Real property and equipment. Sinking fund.. SUMMARY NO. 3-A BSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Concluded Current assets: Cash... Special deposits... Loans and notes receivable.. Deferred assets. Unadjusted debits: Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies. Other investments.. Total investment. • Stock: Total current assets. · Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Material and supplies. Other current assets. Discount on capital stock. Discount on funded debt.. Other unadjusted debits.. ·· Total unadjusted debits. Grand total.. • Profit and loss balance. ·· • T • · Superintendence--Maintenance. Superintendence--Traffic. D Class of employees • Total corporate surplus. • ·· Capital stock.. Premium on capital stook. Total stock liabilities. Funded debt unmatured... Qurrent liabilities: Loans and notes payable. Audited accounts and wages unpaid. Miscellaneous accounts payable. Express privilege liabilities.. Other current liabilities.. · Total ourrent liabilities. Deferred liabilities. Unadjusted credits: Premium on funded debt. Operating and insurance reserves Accrued depreciation... Other unadjusted oredits.. Total unadjusted credits.. Advertising. Superintendence--Transportation. Agents, clerks and solicitors. Platform and house men. · • · • • ► • • ▸ ► ❤ ✔ .. ASSETS Vehicle employees... Stable and garage employees Train employees.. Claim agents, special agents, and clerks General officers. Item • · • • General office clerks and attendants.. Law department officers and clerks. Shop employees.. Other employees... LIABILITIES • Total (including general officers). Total (excluding general officers). · ... • O • • Corporate surplus: Additions to property through income and surplus. Reserves from income and surplus. Total appropriated surplus. · · • • • • • • • Number on Dec. 31 • 119 117 ་ · • • • • Number of days worked 39,184 37,830 • GENERAL BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT • Total · · • • Yearly compensation • Total compen- sation $53,136,787 6,314 193.349 53,336,450 $307,860 $7.86 305,918 8.09 19,582,549 2,179 4,096 801,736 641,894 4,514,427 25,546,881 140,107 647,181 683,948 1,331,129 80,354,567 1,100,000 1,100,000 32,800,000 5,043,974 2.995.727 10,645,844 2.172.776 20,858,321 140,940 EMPLOYEES, SERVICE, AND COMPENSATION 2,210,798 23,095,021 18,268 25,324,087 131,219 131,219 Average daily Number on Dec. 31 119 91 Railway Express Agency, Inc. I $51,942,222 193,349 52,135,571 18.359,238 2,018 4,096 769,926 629,118 4,391,109 24,155,505 140,107 647,181 642,606 1,289,787 77,720,970 100,000 100,000 32,800,000 4,851,492 2.995.727 10,370,668 1,909,913 20,127,800 140,940 2,147,478 22,389,210 15,542 24,552,230 Railway Express Agency, Inc. Number of days worked 1 Average Yearly daily Number compensation compen- Bation 251,219 39,184 $307,860 $7.86 30,071 8.35 7.45 5.71 5.19 5.66 5.78 5.42 6.46 26.30 5.63 10.94 6.40 5.55 5.65 5.64 7.48 2,131 2,158 13,327 13,176 12,069 781 5,654 237 47 2,451 5.42 6.39 26.71 680,819 5,093,947 4,247,920 24,211,906 4,090,989 20,988,786 3,950,223 22,317,072 284,470 1,642,663 2,223,054 12,042,927 86,760 554,345 434,781 4,507,440 5.61 47 171,858 11.54 888 285,772 1,828,098 6.40 91 27,353 151,933 5.55 51,162 16,789,610 94,559,534 5.63 51,115 16,773,331 94,124,753 5.61 16,279 804,065 672,195 5,009,605 5.70 12,893 4,132,991 23,609,620 5.13 12,650 3,946,928 20,487,352 5.65 11,764 3,862,719 21,875,919 5.77 278,463 1,609,080 764 5,388 2,123,277 11,512,610 224 82,495 532,595 43 15,104 397,231 2.366 776.320 4,370,376 44 13.933 152,487 888 285,772 1,828,098 91 27,353 151,933 49,456 16,286,805 92,095,985 49,413 16,271,701 91,698,754 14,892 Southeastern Express Co. $1,194,565 6,314 1,200,879 1,223,311 161 31,810 12.776 123,318 1,391,376 41,342 41,342 2,633,597 1,000,000 1,000,000 192,482 275,176 262,863 730,521 63,320 705,811 2,726 771,857 131,219 131,219 Southeastern Express Co. Number Average of Yearly daily days compensation compen- Dec.31 worked sation on 11 26 7.759 27 8,624 434 114,929 526 144,061 305 87,504 17 6,007 266 99.777 13 4,265 4 1,175 85 27.745 959 1,706 502,805 1,702 501,630 $54,699 $7.05 - 84,342 9.78 602,286 5.24 501,434 3.48 441,153 5,04 33.583 5.59 530,317 21,750 5.32 5.10 31.96 37.550 137,064 19.371 4.94 20.20 G 2,463,549 2,425.999 4.90 4.84 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 4-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 Average mileage (single track) over which operations were conducted (miles).. GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investment in sleeping car property.. Miscellaneous physical property. Other investments. Cash... Het balance receivable from receiving cashiers and ticket agents. Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Material and supplies. Other current assets. Deferred assets.. Unadjusted debits. Total. • •••• · ·· Capital stock.. Premium on capital stock. Wages payable.. Miscellaneous accounts payable. Dividends matured unpaid... Unmatured dividends declared. Other current liabilities.. Deferred liabilities. Operating reserves. Accrued depreciation. Other unadjusted credits. Miscellaneous fund reserves. • • Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. Profit and loss--balance. Total corporate surplus. • • * .. · Operating income.. • sleeping car operating revenues. Revenues from auxiliary operations. Total revenues, sleeping car operating expenses. Expenses of auxiliary operations. Total operating expenses. Ket revenues • • sleeping car tax accruals.. Auxiliary operations--Tax accruals. Total taxes.. Total nonoperating income. Gross income. • • Rent from cars. Dividends received.. Income from funded securities • Income from unfunded securities and accounts. Income from sinking and other reserve funds.. Miscellaneous income.. · • • · * • Total credits during year. Rent for cars.. Miscellaneous tax accruals. Interest on unfunded debt. Miscellaneous income charges. Total deductions from gross income. Net income.... ••• • • Total debits during year. Net increase during year. Balance at beginning of year Balance at end of year. • • • D • • * Credit balance transferred from income Unrefundable overcharges. Miscellaneous credits.. • Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income.. Miscellaneous appropriations of income. Total appropriations. Income balance transferred to profit and loss.. • • • • • Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of surplus. Loss on retired equipment. Uncollectible sleeping car revenues. Miscellaneous debits... • • • • • · * • • · • INCOME ACCOUNT PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT d Deficit or other reverse item. • > • ► 2 · ♪ •• 31 d 129,578.25 $255,208,784 7.321 425.482 4,054,497 1,228,54 1,963,845 4.783.635 386,194 4.507.751 39,265,002 311,831,056 120,150,000 1,405.754 3,034,769 28,628 3,003 951,431 4,314,617 30,000 128,399,933 48.517.488 255,336 4.740,097 4.995.433 76,234,007 1,432,067 77,666,074 68,959,592 1,302,272 79,261,864 7,404,210 2,449,194 18,157 2,467,351 4,936,859 204,234 114,654 101.688 363.475 165,620 949,671 5,886,530 39.528 2,452 102,720 144,700 5.741,830 162,077 2,025,000 2,187,077 3.554.753 3.554,753 13,611 6,105,460 9.673.824 3,100,000 83.628 1,730 70,648 8.088.750 1.585,074 3.155.023 ·,740,097 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 32 SUMMARY NO. 4-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Concluded Berth revenue. Seat revenue. Charter af cars.. F Miscellaneous revenue. Oar mileage revenue. Association and contract revenue--Dr. • Total operating revenues. • Maintenance. Conducting car operations. General expenses.. Total operating expenses…….. Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent). Porters and maids... Train stenographers Car cleaners... Laundry employees. General expenses: General officers and staff (superintendence). District superintendents, agents, and staff. Conductors. General officers..... Olerks and attendants... Auxiliary operations: • Maintenance: Mechanics, electricians, seamstresses, repairmen, carpenters, shop employees, eto.. Conducting car operations: Parlor cars.... Dining cars... Total number of revenue passengers--berth.. Total number of revenue passengers--seat. Average revenue per passenger-berth. Average revenue per passenger-seat. Total number of oar-miles. Total number of car-days.. Commissary (superintendence)……. Agents and staff, conductors, waiters, cooks, etc. Total (including general officers). Standard sleeping cars. Tourist sleeping cars. • Total.... ·· Average number of revenue passengers per car per day. Operating revenues per oar-mile (cents) Operating revenues per car-day.. Operating expenses per car-mile (cents) Operating expenses per car-day.. Composite cars • • [ • • Private cars. Miscellaneous cars. • · Net operating revenue per car-mile (cents) Net operating revenue per car-dɛy……….. Average number of car-miles per car-day. • • • . ·.· • 1 • • • • .. • • • Class • • · • OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES OPERATING STATISTIOS · C EQUIPMENT IN SERVICE ON DEC. 31, 1930 • • 1/ Does not include 21 cars leased or otherwise acquired. ·· ·· Number on Dec. 31 4,818 202 1,556 2,366 10,517 24 5,102 450 40 903 53 134 26,165 $69,121,961 8,653,069 1,930,261 42,440 2,020,261 5,533,985 76,234,007 30,290,469 35,379,003 3,290,126 68,959,592 90.46 Average daily compen- sation $4.88 4.34 6.15 2.89 5.75 3:51 2.68 26.06 4.32 5.32 3.26 3.92 18,498,844 10,861,342 $3.74 $0.80 1,183,668,557 3,123,990 9 6.441 $24.40277 5.826 $22.07420 0.615 $2.32857 378.90 7,982 281 1,186 18 282 24 7 1/ 9,780 A 累 ​-A INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION BUREAU OF STATISTICS A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1930 COMMERCE UM UN INTERSTATE 2811 เอก้า) 1887 COMMISSION UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1931 0 MOM ; THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION OM EZRA BRAINERD, Jr., Chairman BALTHASAR H. MEYER CLYDE B. AITCHISON JOSEPH B. EASTMAN ERNEST I. LEWIS FRANK MCMANAMY CLAUDE R. PORTER PATRICK J. FARRELL WILLIAM E. LEE HUGH M. TATE CHARLES D. MAHAFFIE :.. + GEORGE B. McGINTY, Secretary A V BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CONTENTS. Introductory statement.... Summary No. 1--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual of and terminal companies) for the year ended December 31, 1930..... Summary No. 2--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I switching and terminal companies for the year ended December 31, 1930... Summary No. 3--Abstract of reports rendered by express companies for the year ended December 31, 1930... Summary No. 4--Abstract of report rendered by The Pullman Company for the year ended December 31, 1930... Page 5 6 18 26 31 3 ? V ; 4. A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 This preliminary abstract for the calendar year 1930 is compiled from the annual reports of the classes of carriers designated. It differs from the Preliminary Statement of Capitalization and Income for the same year in that the latter is confined to a small number of items compiled for individual carriers, and in summary form, from a special report returned by them in advance of their annual report. The present abstract contains summaries by districts and is intended primarily to make available as promptly as possible certain totals not obtainable from the monthly or special reports of carriers. The totals are subject to change after corrections in the annual reports have been authorized. The final totals will appear in the Statistics of Railways for 1930. It may be noted that only steam railways, express companies and The Pullman Company are covered in this abstract. Separate mimeographed statements are issued annually for pipe line companies, telegraph and cable companies, carriers by water, telephone companies, and electric railways. Because a separate annual publication of freight commodity statistics for the year 1930 has been issued in full detail for the 157 classes of commodities, only group totals of commodities carried are shown in this preliminary abstract. It should be especially observed that the balance sheet items relate to operating companies only and do not cover the balance sheets of lessor companies the property of which is operated by Class I steam railways, that is, railways having annual operating revenue s above $1,000,000. The following table shows the investment in road and equipment of the operating, lessor and proprietary companies at the end of the year 1930, in comparison with final figures for the preceding year. The increases and decreases shown for the various classes of roads are in part the result of the changes in corporate relations, certain oper- ating companies having become lessor or proprietary companies since 1929. Such changes do not affect the net increase shown as $586,959,546. Class of companies Class I.... Lessors to Class 1... Proprietary Companies. Total.. Class II.………. Investment in Road and Equipment of Steam Railways, (Accounts 701 and 702) Lessors to Class II.. Proprietary Companies. Total.. Class III…………. Lessors to Class III. Proprietary Companies. Total. Grand total. • • • WASHINGTON, June 27, 1931. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT • • • • · Dec. 31, 1930 $19,904,777,903 4,488,176,433 1,092,458,447 25,485,412,783 +63 463,335,045 5,817,766 2,972,232 472,125,043 3232323 90,936,755 3,425,774 95,618 94,458,147 26,051,995,973 3; Dec. 31, 1929 $19,907,068,569 3,928,450,472 049,155,444 24, 884,674,485 25252525 472,995,993 5,936,843 2,217,611 481,150,447 Increase $559,725,961 $553; 43,303,003 600,738,298 754,621 94,178,358 ,937,519 95,618 99,211,495 25,465,036,427 586,959,546 1 111 Decrease $2,290,666 9,660,948 119,077 9,025,404 3,241,603 1,511,745 4,753,348 5 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 6 No. 1 لسا ount into 2 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8 Other investments... 9 17 18 19 20 21 22 w w ww~~~ 27 780 28 29 32 33 wwww 34 4967 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 (Does not include lessor companies) 35 23 Working fund advances.... 24-Insurance and other funds. 25 Other deferred assets.... 25 36 Total number of stockholders... 37 38 39 40 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investment in road and equipment.. Improvements on leased railway property. 8inking funds.... Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold. Miscellaneous physical property... Investments in affiliated companies. Total investments. ·· Investments Unadjusted Debits Rents and insurance premiums paid in advance. Discount on capital stock.... Discount on funded debt.. 30 Property abandoned chargeable to operating expenses. 31 Other unadjusted debits.. Cash... Demand loans and deposits. Time drafts and deposits. Special deposits..... Loans and bills receivable. Current Assets Item · • • Total current assets.. ·· Traffic and oar-service balances receivable. • Net balance receivable from agents and conductors. Miscellaneous accounts receivable.. Material and supplies.. Interest and dividends receivable. Rents receivable.. Other current assets · Deferred Assets Total deferred assets... · Total unadjusted debits.. Grand total.. INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT ·· • Expenditures for new lines and extensions. Expenditures for additions and betterments.. Credits for property retired. Adjustments... Net charges during year.... Stocks actually issued during year--par value.. Funded debt actually issued during year--par value. • .. Total, all districts 852,318 $19,361,006,089 543,771,814 4,156,185 10,902,921 171,570,288 5,271,383,876 848,226,283 26,211,017,456 438,074,144 58,157,485 95,839,028 d 85,427,573 14,431,567 80,367,086 49,955,678 204,761,086 430,989,28 36,879,015 1,686,240 14,407,102 1,510,975,288 4,076,309 105,505,138 89,173,731 198,755,178 5,093,280 15,753,828 86,014,404 190,307,600 297,169,112 28,217,917,034 41,090,660 725,690, 544 210,410,303 32.917.053 523,453,848 296,698,368 821,388,971 Eastern district 435,840 $6,712,027,552 +34,204,835 1,460,514 3,791,259 85,083,890 2,083,470,600 453,997,933 9,774,036,583 d 150,940,888 22,276,836 29,027,072 40,408,206 2,876,424 34,410,595 27,184,290 70,972,112 161,829,520 17,949,085 1,029,107 2,267,292 561,171,427 2,103,269 94,364,942 14,484,938 110,953,149 2,934,995 462,795 22,401,320 70,173,053 95,972,163 10,542,133,322 8,057,766 351,610, 681 91,171,528 3.899.978 264,596,941 1/ 168,839,069 416,322,424 Southern district 81,446 $3,720,878,644 79,369,736 1,834,960 963,137 25,093,641 688,012,082 97,662,158 4,613,814,358 79,983,274 1,315,000 19,231,732 27,785,119 1,256,092 19,299,920 4, ,775,711 32,788,055 64,392,336 7,215,211 124.114 503,142 258,669,706 465,819 4,272,522 27,172,637 31,910,978 873,363 251,850 15,218,412 25,008,826 41,352,451 4,945,747,493 11,000,279 112,071,514 38,641,129 852,305 85,282,969 2/ 119,750,612 146,200,533 Deficit or other reverse item. Includes $34,657,021, consideration received for 763,100 shares of stock without par value. Includes $64,201,162, consideration received for 2,630,540 shares of stock without par value. Includes $9,714, consideration received for 118 shares of stock without par value. Western district 335,032 $8,928,099,893 30,197,243 860,711 6,148,525 61,392,757 2,499,901,194 296,566,192 11,823,166,515 207,149,982 34,565,649 47,580,224 17,234,248 10,299,051 26,656,571 17,995,677 101,000,919 204,767,428 11,714,719 533,019 11,636,668 691,134,155 1,507,221 6,867,674 47,516,156 55,891,051 1,284,922 15,039,183 48,394,672 95,125,721 159,844,498 12,730,036,219 22,032,615 262,008,349 80,597,646 d 29.869.380 173,573,938 3/ 8,108,687 258,866,014 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 123 HAA 文 ​5 50 130 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Kot 16 17 18 19 20 21 27 28 29 SUMMARY NO. 1—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 34 سیا سیا سیا سیا سے مع 25 Tax liability... 26 38 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET--Concluded 41 42 Capital stock.. Stock liability for conversion. Premium on capital stock.. Total stock.... Grants in aid of construction. ❤ Funded debt unmatured.. Receiver's certificates.. Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies. Total long-term debt... Long-Term Debt Loans and bills payable. Traffic and can service balances payable Audited accounts and wages payable. Miscellaneous counts payable.. Interest matured unpaid.. Dividends matured unpaid... Funded debt matured unpaid. Unmatured dividends declared.. Unmatured interest accrued. Unmatured rents accrued...... Other current liabilities.. • ... Item ... Current Liabilities • 22 Liability for provident funds.. 23 Other deferred liabilities.. 24 Stock • • Total current liabilities. • • • • Total deferred liabilities.. •• Deferred Liabilities Premium on funded debt. Insurance and casualty reserves Operating reserves.. Accrued depreciation--Road.. 30 | Accrued depreciation--Equipment. 31 Accrued depreciation--Miscellaneous physical property 32 Other unadjusted credits... 33 Total unadjusted credits.. • Unadjusted Credits ·· Total corporate surplus. Grand total.. Corporate Surplus Additions to property through income and surplus. Funded debt retired through income and surplus. 36 Sinking fund reserves.. 37 ... .. •• • Total appropriated surplus.. Profit and loss-balance... Miscellaneous fund reserves. Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. • ... Total, all districts $8,267,128,500 1,182,125 52,337,718 8,320,648, 343 5,877,699 10,788,978,784 5,555,184 380,282,139 11,174,816,107 114,794,738 101,906,144 301,232,848 114,396,880 222,273,620 27,877,973 54,833,604 83,655,029 96,079,099 21,011,372 23,942,060 1,162,003,367 4,126,398 148,392,706 152,519,104 230,696,585 905,861 49,521,709 86,134,099 1,970,088,680 6,948,481 380,027,308 2,724,322,723 873,777,052 82,753,405 48,582,040 64,994,943 52,660,655 1,122,768,095 3,554,961,596 4,677,729,691 28,217,917,034 Eastern district 1/ $3,232,245,196 2/ $1,315,961,499 340,037 38,251,778 3,270,837,011 7,299,433 1,323,260,932 560,474 2,022,198 3,750,696,301 1,709,715 61,970,806 3,814,376,822 75,590,003 59,969,996 125,604,973 36,423,927 36,792,491 6,770, 216 41,533,545 41,932,254 33,452,920 14,585,392 13,045,930 485,701,647 1,762,783 82,118,175 83,880,958 95,345,086 186,454 31,744,115 30,669,728 869,093,540 3,141,230 181,199,870 1,211,380,023 474,750,752 16,174,027 33,295,204 58,870,692 2,734,374 Southern district 585,825,049 1,088,109,614 1,673,934,663 10,542,133,322 1,962,208,958 600,000 10,253,405 1,973,062,363 3,955,671 11,461,153 60,136,692 15,624,484 11,571,506 6,717,216 1,390,075 22,177,115 18,188,676 2,736,152 1,959,381 155,918,121 2,298,529 30,214,490 32,513,019 36,514,290 1,200 4,397,837 37,605,180 367,006, 401 2,202,524 40,582,390 488,309,822 136,509,852 1,258,046 5,770,793 1,461,357 145,000,048 827,122,714 972,122,762 4,945,747,493 Includes $48,473,019, consideration received for 1,315,740 shares of stock without par value. Includes $87,562,115, consideration received for 2,850,321 shares of stock without par value; in addition 60,000 shares of stock without par value are outstanding for which no book value 18 reported. 3/ Includes $276,128,235, consideration received for 2,495,279 shares of stock without par value. Western district 7 3/ $3,718,921,805 842,088 6,786,507 3,726,550,400 3,295,027 5,076,073,525 3,245,469 308,057,928 5,387,376,922 35,249,064 30,474,995 115,491,183 62,348,469 173,909,623 14,390,541 11,909,984 19,545,660 44,437,503 3,689,828 8,936,749 520,383,599 65,085 36,060,041 36,125,127 98,837,209 718,207 13,379,757 17,859,191 733,988,739 1,604,727 158,245,048 1,024,632,878 262,516,448 65,321,332 9,516,043 6,124,251 48,464,924 391,942,998 1,639,729,268 2,031,672,266 12,730,036,219 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. a of 27 ± 19 10 Mtimo 700 9 11 12 13 14 15 1 Railway operating revenues... 2 Railway operating expenses...………………. 8 16 ជាង១០សសសសឥស wwww{ 22 17 Hire of freight cars-oredit balance.. 18 Rent from locomotives………. 30 mmm m in COMORO 19 Rent from passenger-train cars. 20 Rent from floating equipment. Rent from work equipment. 31 32 23 24 Miscellaneous rent income. 33 34 35 25 Mispellaneous nonoperating physical property. 26 Separately operated properties--profit. 27 Dividend income.. 28 Income from funded securities. 29 Income from unfunded securities and accounts. 37 8 3 nnT པ 285 52 53 SUMMARY NO. 1—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 36 Hire of freight cars--debit balance.. 59 INCOME ACCOUNT Joint facility rents....... 42 Rent for leased roads...... Miscellaneous rents.... 43 44 Miscellaneous tax accruals. 60 38 Rent for passenger-train cars. 39 Rent for floating equipment. 40 Rent for work equipment. 41 12200 g nagano Net revenue from railway operations. Railway tax accruals: United States Government taxes... Other than United States Government taxes. Total railway tax accruals..... Uncollectible railway revenues...... Railway operating income...... 47 Interest on unfunded debt. 48 49 Revenues from miscellaneous operations. Expenses of miscellaneous operations.. 67 Het revenue from miscellaneous operations. Taxes on miscellaneous operating property. 45 Separately operated properties--1088. 46 Interest on funded debt.. 70 Miscellaneous operating income. Total operating income.. Net railway operating income.. One of our on a D & D Joint facility rent income Income from lease of road... Amortization of discount on funded debt. Maintenance of investment organization.. Income transferred to other companies. Miscellaneous income charges... Total deductions from gross income.. Net income. 54 Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. 55 Dividend appropriations of income... 56 Income appropriated for investment in physical property Item 81 78 79 80 Rent for locomotives...... 57 Stock discount extinguished through income. 58 Miscellaneous appropriations of income. Total appropriations of income...... Income balance transferred to profit and loss.. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 83 84 • Income from sinking and other reserve funds.. Release of premiums on funded debt. Contributions from other companies. Miscellaneous income. Total nonoperating income Gross income.. • 62 Profit on road and equipment sold.. Delayed income credits. Unrefundable overcharges........ Donations.. Miscellaneous credits.. 76 Delayed income debits.... 77 Miscellaneous debits..... 68 Debit balance transferred from income. 69 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. ·· Dividend appropriations of surplus... 71 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property. 72 Stock discount extinguished through surplus. 73 Debt discount extinguished through surplus. 74 Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus.. 75 Loss on retired road and equipment. Credit balance transferred from income. Total credits during year...... 82 | Dividends declared during year. Total debits during year.. Net increase during year. Balance at beginning of year.. Balance at end of year... .. ••• • • Par value on which declared--common. Par value on which declared--preferred....... •• ·· 85 Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent.. Total, all districts $5,281,196,870 3,930,928,687 1,350,268,183 39,918,284 308,635,669 348,553,953 1,048,894 1,000,665,336 3,611,509 3,406,696 204,813 197,952 .6,861 1,000,672,197 868,878,773 15,128,031 13,031,484 15,892,922 317,259 3,700,779 40,807,390 5.572,342 25,200,905 7,520,397 12,925,711 181,927,599 76,652,062 34,844,106 4,840,019 70,050 4,396,009 4,937,037 447,764,102 1,448,436,299 113,659,907 11,597,892 20,155,587 1,224,855 1,189,149 72,837,038 170,657,043 7,979,820 5,197,966 2,844,681 496,270,070 12,467,383 3,685,923 57,985 897,001 3,806,527 924,528,827 523,907,472 7,906,592 172,238,375 479,138 1,068,859 181,692,964 342,214,508 395,039,352 7,379,774 806,517 724,637 3,103,993 28,128,643 435,182,916 52,824,844 2,138,891 334,386,537 9,851,998 400 32,676,562 1,546,182 39,046,238 37,616,254 26,192,785 536,280,691 d 101.097.775. 3,719,798,140 3,618,700,365 506,624,912 4,936,515,869 1,539,377,662 7.82 Deficit or other reverse item. Includes $9,600,000 stock dividend. Eastern district $2,360,479,737 1,793,636,934 d 566,842,803 16,749,705 125,851,416 142,601,121 442,566 423,799,116 1,141,502 1,006,009 135,493 92,604 42,889 423,842,005 356,611,867 5,810,407 4,213,461 6,434,696 234,028 1,243,315 18,880,446 2,614,346 14,928,109 5,117,295 3,385,769 78,588,598 23,481,242 19,405,208 +,332,392 14.844 2,847,155 3,077,349 194,608,660 618,450,665 53,772,093 4,376,666 8,870,088 1,099,219 339,508 35,546,028 113,372,266 5,853,663 4,183,767 1,129,923 171,198,179 6,625,520 975,215 53,409 897,001 1,253,133 409,545,678 208,904,987 5,641,297 65,571,155 127,858 1,068,859 72,409,169 136,495,818 148,158,718 2,475,896 282,651 936,552 6.512.515 145,341,302 11,662,900 1,559,001 137,526,069 1,236,947 20,970,483 202,592 16,764,931 27,235,982 15,477,023 232,635,928 ₫ 87.294,626 1,239,143,009 1,151,848,383 203,097,224 2,221,172,769 487,659,650 7.50 Southern district $901,554,396 662,529,421 239,024,975 9,126,597 56,050,650 65,177,247 180,942 173,666,786 1,855,802 1,840,711 15,091 15,091 173,666,786 170,284,870 7,703,175 2,019,676 3,239,527 5,880 710,898 6,274,587 587,752 2,353,403 759,602 812,659 18,562,505 12,186,818 4,791,842 274,577 124,928 60,407,829 234,074,615 8,208,803 1,660, 644 4,016,568 19,835 225,339 9,204,470 14,236,940 815,300 157,977 25,272 90,310,509 1,020,315 044,177 3,041 740,907 131,490,097 102,584,518 770,660 9,087,000 61,236 9,918,896 92,665,622 102,517,247 202,284 988,980 162,526 877,947 29,163,627 133,912,611 9,851,625 557,865 1/ 99,920,206 6,180,419 5,516,790 3,236,542 5,294,607 7,048,951 137,607,005 d 3.694,394 830,817,108 827,122,714 1/ 109,007,206 909,367,894 168,711,350 10.11 $2,019,162,737 1,474,762,332 d Western district d 544,400,405 14,041,982 126,733,603 140,715,585 425,386 403,199,434 614,205 559,976 54,229 90,257 36.028 403,163,406 341,982,036 1,614,449 6,798,347 6,218,699 77.351 1,746,566 15,652,357 2,370,244 7.919,393 1,643,500 8,727,283 84,776,496 40,984,002 10,647,056 233,050 55,206 1,548,854 1,734,760 192,747,613 595,911,019 · 51,679,011 5,560,582 7,268,931 105,801 624, 302 28,086,540 43,047,837 1,310,857 856,222 1,689,486 234,761,382 4,821,548 1,866,531 1,535 1,812,487 383,493,052 212,417,967 2,494,635 97,580,220 290,044 99,364,899 113,053,068 144,363,387 4,701,594 182.463 279,460 1,289,494 5,477,531 155,929,003 31,310,319 22,025 96,940,262 2,434,632 400 6,189,289 1,343,590 19,044,765 5,085,665 3,666,811 166,037,758 ₫ 10.108.755 1,649,838,023 1,639,729,268 194,520,482 1,805,975,206 883,006,662 7.23 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Io. 1 Freight. HS MUÈ INNO 2 9 7 Express. 8 10 AAAAAA 11 12 13 15 17 18 19 20 Passenger. SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Excess baggage Sleeping car Parlor and chair car Mail.. 14 Water transfers--passenger. £ 4* * $ Water transfers--vehicles and live stock. 16 Water transfers--other.... 21 22 Mail.. 40 Other passenger-train. Milk……. Switching. Special service train. Other freight-train.. Water transfers--freight. ·· 43 Freight. Passenger. • 44 • 23 Express... 24 Special service. 25 Other... 26 Total rail-line transportation revenue. 27 Dining and buffet. 28 Excess baggage. Other passenger service. 29 30 Parool room. RAILWAY OPERATING REVEIWES • 31 Storage--freight. 32 | 8torage--baggage. · Total water-line transportation revenue. Hotel and restaurant. Station, train, and boat privileges 33 Demurrage. 34 Telegraph and telephone. 35 Grain elevator.. 36 Stookyard.. 37 Bower... 38 Rents of buildings and other property. Miscellaneous.. 39 Total incidental operating revenue. 41 Joint facility-Cr ► 42 Joint facility-Dr. ....... Ties-yard... Ties--other. • Rails--yard……. Rails--other. • Total joint facility operating revenue. Total railway operating revenues... Item 45 Superintendence. 46 Roadway maintenance--yard. Roadway maintenance--other…. Roadway-depreciation--yard. 48 49 Roadway--depreciation--other.. Underground power tubes--yard. 51 Underground power tubes--other. 52 Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard. Underground power tubes--depreciation--other Tunnels and subways--yard. Tunnels and subways-other..... 56 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard.. 57 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures 67 68 Ties-depreciation--yard. 69 Ties--depreciation-other 70 71 • 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard.. 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other... 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard. 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation-other. 62 Hlevated structures--yard…… 63 Elevated structures--other.. 64 Elevated structures--depreciation--yard.. 65 Hevated structures-depreciation--other. 66 ... • •• • •• 72 | Rails-depreciation-yard. 73 | Rails-depreciation--other. 74 ·· Ballast-depreciation--yard. Ballast--depreciation--other... Track laying and surfacing-yard. Track laying and surfacing-ether.. • ·· Other track material--yard. 75 Other track material--other... 76 Other track material--depreciation--yard. 77 Other track material-depreciation--other. Ballast-yard………… Ballast-other……. 78 • 79 80 81 82 83 84 Right-of-way fences-yard. 85 Right-of-way fences--other.. 86 | Right-of-way fenoes--depreciation--yard.. 87 Right-of-way fences-depreciation--other.. • ·· ... Total, all districts $4,075,698,241 728,488,903 4,195,941 853,742 1,019,099 111,449,602 114,664,168 12,983,194 32,236,075 57,591,037 1,648,955 1,112,528 990,327 1,653,397 3,222,688 1,436,993 5,149,244,890 7,543,317 2,349 1,584 815 16,889 386,914 8,958,996 30,251,291 6,383,903 6,069,448 1,035,045 4,688,754 406,441 13,505,874 2,322,888 2,877,529 1,003,678 6,010,116 10,371,675 28,109,875 113,036,517 13,332, 844 9,956,467 5,281,196,870 57,1940 57,197,799 0,912 57,954,078 7,676 32,461 10 15,175 2,072,067 11,876 1,277,947 36,061,186 25,866 1,431,746 19,411 254,084 11,218,230 80,005,585 238,117 2,270,431 2,918,230 31,720,763 78,495 973.547 6,617 29,675,785 21,236 896 6,148 436,202 12,825. 25; 550 ,470 396,076 19,599,257 152,537,418 56,421 4,038,343 193 2,044 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $1,733,361,576 403,757,440 1,622,746 433 11,070 222,113 42,602,901 51,429,656 4,768,557 24,859,830 25,573, 630, 616 224,558 933 210 1,490,910 3,218,145 1,204,040 2,295,911,251 782,330 380,25 451 5,8 53 16,649 120 1,187,590 14,120,814 1,606,824 4,586,274 768,458 2,815,191 201,545 8,041,211 456,749 2,623,705 16,739 5,571,486 400,955 11,698,731 १.६ 59,908,682 4,553,699 1,081,485 3,472,214 2,360,479,737 22,636,158 3,126,890 22,377,573 6,882 1,181,134 10 178 631,146 11,761,25 22 322 3. 4,949,675 26,572,167 556 1,514 80 13,336, 7,768 881 56 147 233: 102 866 62; 18,6 1,222,31 61 Southern district $744,074,862 93,914,684 610,927 22.248 91,804 18,471,197 16,889,297 1,760,376 951,398 7,255,999 314,887 14,301 54,925 27,091 4,793 215,367 884,674,142 1 4,209,128 436,614 486,479 73,630 881,606 33,025 1,665,359 108,639 186,544 3,369 184,132 812,955 5,854,218 14,935,698 2,332,749 388,193 1,944,556 901,554,396 9,973,867 1,098,266 12,518,487 ,284 255,118 118,609 7,248,800 463,052 2,097,560 15,745.532 228,552 2,236,947 396,014 5,587,080 73.329 941,773 757. 7.376 374 444 214,888 869,872 39,436 3,702,542 1,265 394, 2,660 25,734, 454,287 Western district 9. $1,598,261,803 230,816,779 1,962,268 820,424 705,182 50,375,504 46,345,215 454,261 424,847 24,761,155 703,456 873,669 2,202 135,396 250 17,586 1,968,659,497 6,760,987 602,265 1,898 18,715 224 283 245 386,794 7,771,406 11,921,349 4,340,465 996,695 192,957 991,957 171,871 3,799,304 1,757,04 67,280 983,570 254,498 2,157,765 10,556,926 38,192,137 6,446,396 1,906,699 4,539,697 2,019,162,737 24,587,774 2,615,756 23,058,018 7,374 31,879 4,009 635,815 11,698 528,192 17,051,131 3,811 119,514 54 1,322 4,170,995 37,687,886 9,009 20,505 1,007,335 12,796,830 5,092 24,00 ,006 336,862 11,887,460 6,201 12,053 186,357 473,667 205 928 2,361,74 193 1,983 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 10 No 12 1 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard. 2 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other………………. on-don SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and structures--Concluded 15 16 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation-yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds-depreciation--other. Crossings and signs--yard. Crossings and signs-other. 7 Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard. 8 Crossings and signs--depreciation--other. 9 Station and office buildings... 10 Station and office buildings--depreciation. Roadway buildings…………. Roadway buildings-depreciation. 11 12 13 Water stations. 14 Water stations--depreciation. Fuel stations.. •• • 41 42 43 Fuel stations--depreciation...... 17 Shops and enginehouses... 18 Shops and enginehouses--depreciatio 19 Grain elevators.. 20 Grain elevators--depreciation. 21 Storage warehouses... Storage warehouses--depreciation. Wharves and dooks.. 22 23 24 | Tharves and docks-depreciation. 25 26 30 31 Signals and interlockers....... Item Coal and ore wharves... Coal and ore wharves--depreciation. Gas producing plants.... 27 28 Gas producing plants--depreciation. 29 Telegraph and telephone lines..... Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation. • Signals and interlockers--depreciation. 35 Power plant buildings. 36 Power plant buildings--depreciation. ... 39 Power transmission systems.. 40 32 • .. 33 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines………. 34 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines-depreciation. 37 Power substation buildings..... 38 Power substation buildings-depreciation. 45 Underground conduits……. U 50 Paving--depreciation.. 51 Roadway machines…………. 52 Underground conduits--depreciation. 57 58 59 Other expenses.... 60 Miscellaneous structures.. 48 Miscellaneous structures--depreciation. 49 Paving.. Power transmission systems--depreciation.. Power distribution systems.. Power distribution systems--depreciation...... Power line poles and fixtures.. Power line poles and fixtures--depreciatio: 65 Superintendence 66 Roadway machines--depreciation.. Small tools and supplies. 54 Removing snow, ice, and sand.. 55 56 • Assessments for public improvements... Injuries to persons... Insurance…. Stationery and printing Shop machinery..... 67 Shop machinery--depreciation. 68 Power plant machinery.. 69 Power plant machinery--depreciation..... 70 Power substation apparatus.. 71 Power substation apparatus-depreciation. Steam locomotives--repairs.. 77 78 Freight-train cars--repairs... 72 73 steam locomotives--depreciation. 74 Steam locomotives-retirements. 75 Other locomotives--repairs.. 76 other locomotives--depreciation.. Other locomotives-retirements.. • Total, above accounts. 61 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 62 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities-Or. Equalization--way and structures... 63 64 Total maintenance of way and structures.. Maintenance of Equipment • Freight-train cars--depreciation. 79 80 Freight-train cars--retirements.. • 81 Passenger-train cars--repairs... 82 Passenger-train cars--depreciation. Passenger-train cars--retirements.. 83 84 Motor equipment of cars--repairs. 85 Motor equipment of cars--depreciation.. 86 Motor equipment of cars--retirements. 87 | Floating equipment--repairs..... 88 Floating equipment--depreciation. 89 Floating equipment--retirements.. • · • • • • • • • • • Total, all districts $3,513 396,133 70 263 1.212.830 11,419,124 24 80,802 27,615,784 1,139,387 3,863,119 101,087 8,930,399 135,461 3,695,842 89,994 20,549,291 471,796 234,060 113,500 63,500 d 4,181,726 110,644 2,406,508 1,029,299 39,484 10,910,987 16,192 32,286,720 227,184 732,626 146,578 102,489 21,279 616,852 64,149 3,605,253 327,772 809,889 108,433 97,851 7,735 316,634 17,487 456,186 72 7,064,190 9,830 9,470,255 7,713,062 576,387 5,424,429 3,588,145 1,114,947 610,024 694,256,913 34. 22,970, 554 65.751 705,470,940 42,899,430 18,708,599 798,101 4,091,926 751,637 517,424 65.879 345,389,104 58,781,938 2,934,113 3,812,563 1,644,113 262,884,111 119,931,349 13,279,919 66,388,489 20,699,800 899,243 4,354,423 1,774,260 99,813 8,477,070 3,307,398 161,452 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $1,731 38,489 366,467 6,377,171 1 78,362 13,625,520 592,891 1,072,470 26,633 3,233,960 61,579 1,643,810 37.979 9,817,174 307,997 169,267 111,100 34,052 3,043,330 52,787 1,540,701 282,646 16,943 4,957,859 19,669,868 197,862 501,972 116,422 90,226 19,061 516,908 64,039 2,857,996 326,651 544,290 108,351 95,149 7,504 221,531 9.553 198,149 2,692,791 1,938 3,834,659 ,115,103 179,642 2,797,520 1,880,654 436,395 346,102 292,846,439 15,965,137 9,521,823 d 111.213 299,178,540 19,114,839 9,303,838 444,430 2,531,259 682,991 384,054 43.674 156,684,311 27,055,852 1,324,961 2,783,649 1,020,060 1 121,550,667 50,806,222 7,886,970 31,818,072 10,283,164 139,114 2,542,714 1,108,066 6.646 6,913,143 2,357,630 117,553 d Southern district $504 105,202 1,484,342 1,044 4,022,089 215,028 852,010 23,330 1,317,503 65,843 550,596 22,414 2,757,977 120,835 52,674 2,400 28,108 639,919 54,093 297,874 129,523 1,628,427 10,434 4,404,065 21,969 30,746 14,640 5,282 336 57,333 294,491 105,049 845 27,098 79 51,974 1,102,950 3,362 1,743,708 451,738 43,864 660,617 552,293 166,390 77,609 122,390,985 5,210,630 4,293,729 111,214 123,419,100 7,188,772 2,925,704 337,068 417,878 26,027 30,292 4,032 64,385,854 10,297,881 566,694 494,434 236,409 47,608,842 24,561,521 2,315,099 10,081,946 2,930,632 133,650 287,179 219,494 6,076 183,889 58,549 3,973 Western district d $1,782 358,148 70 263 741,161 3,557,611 23 1,396 9,968,175 331,468 1,938,639 51,124 4,378,936 8,039 1,501,436 29,601 7,974,140 42,964 12,119 1,340 498,477 3,764 567.933 617,130 22,541 4,324,701 3,281 8,212,787 7.353 199,908 15,516 6,981 1,882 42,611 110 452,766 1,121 160,550 82 1,857 231 68,005 7.855 206,063 72 3,268,449 4,530 3,891,888 3,146,221 352,881 1,966,292 1,155,198 512,162 186,313 279,019,489 13,074,787 65.752 282,873,300 16,595,819 6,479,057 16,603 1,142,789 42,619 103,078 18,173 124,318,939 21,428,205 1,042,458 534,480 387, 644 93,724,602 44,463,606 3.077,850 24,488,471 7,486,004 626,479 1,524,530 446,700 87,091 1,380,038 891,219 39,926 9 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. HIMISHONTO am SUMMARY NO. 1–RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 1 Work equipment--repairs. 2 Work equipment--depreciation 3 Work equipment--retirements. 4 Miscellaneous equipment--repairs.. Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation Miscellaneous equipment--retirements... 7 Injuries to persons. 8 11 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded Insurance... Stationery and printing 10 Other expenses... 9 Total... 16 Superintendence. 17 18 | Advertising. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Outside agencies. 12 Maintaining joint equipment--DI 13 Maintaining joint equipment--Cr Equalization--equipment. 14 15 U Traffic associations. Fast freight lines.. ·· Total traffic.... 26 Superintendence.. 27 | Dispatching trains. 28 Total maintenance of equipment. Traffic ·· Industrial and immigration bureaus. Insurance.. Stationery and printing Other expenses.. 45 Train enginemen.. 46 Train motormen. • • Coal and ore wharves. Station supplies and expenses.. Yardmasters and yard olerks... Yard conductors and brakemen. 32 33 34 Yard switch and signal tenders. 35 Yard enginemen. 36 | Yard motormen. 37 38 ... • Station employees.. 29 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus. 30 31 42 43 44 Yard supplies and expenses. Fuel for yard locomotives.. Yard switching power produced.. 39 Yard switching power purchased. 40 41 .. • 62 Express service... 63 64 Transportation--Rail Line * • • · • O [ • • 47 Fuel for train locomotives. 48 Train power produced... 49 Train power purchased. 50 Water for train locomotives... 51 U • Water for yard locomotives... Lubricants for yard locomotives.. Other supplies for yard locomotives. Enginehouse expenses--yard. Item Stationery and printing. ·· 52 53 Enginehouse expenses--train... Trainmen... [ • ... • 77 Operation of vessels. 78 Operation of terminals. Incidental. 79 80 · • • • • Lubricants for train locomotives.. ·· 55 Train supplies and expenses. 56 Operating sleeping cars... • • 57 Signal and interlocker operation Crossing protection. · • • 58 59 Drawbridge operation. 60 Telegraph and telephone operation. 61 Operating floating equipment.. • Other supplies for train locomotives. •• • • · • ● · .. 65 Other expenses. Insurance.. Clearing wrecks.. 66 67 Damage to property. •• 68 Damage to live stock on right of way 69 Loss and damage--freight. • • • 70 Loss and damage-baggage. 71 Injuries to persons.. 72 Operating joint yards and terminal 8--Dr.. 73 Operating joint yards and terminal 8--Cr. 74 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr. 75 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Cr. 76 Total transportation--Rail line.... • •• · Transportation--Water Line Total transportation--Water line. •• • Total, all districts $12,406,212 5,797,906 1,130,229 454,008 395,260 39,950 4,687,621 5,458,942 1,486,195 1,316,064 1,015,824,533 7,202,598 3,761,853 1,019,265,278 40,171,750 53,563,125 16,845,032 3,414,670 54,408 3,071,832 72,999 10,437,219 202,443 127,833,478 64,631,369 31,089,423 268,654,479 5,070,104 7,633,854 19,506,466 58,601,567 134,138,935 12,013,128 82,125,300 1,420,521 45,059,664 259,872 338,875 3,964,573 1,179,399 1,155,695 25,183,560 3,632,796 197,899,340 6,728,968 237,826,629 2,498,008 7,404,330 19,979,115 7,166, 166.055 654,430 69,112,350 231,912,578 82,219,922 608,526 25,519,114 19,441,307 1,981,952 10,415,409 25,367,043 38,315 10,634,800 7,232,742 2,651,270 4,371,570 4,339,294 2,249,437 31,215,286 269,812 26,631,055 64,370,152 30,858,485 15,473,577 13,285,316 1,841,728,165 2,937,595 3,124,312 393,368 6,455,275 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $5,920,785 2,325,811 438,357 252,676 172,091 14,745 2,753,501 3,100,466 724,467 670,851 473,277,630 3,429,378 1,931,821 67,541 474,842,728 18,491,103 17,994,828 5,583,111 1,571,640 39,413 785,692 44.408 4,347,716 140,652 48,998,563 32,521,406 14,951,511 124,676,807 1,194,106 5,027,977 10,414,385 30,227,197 69,423,602 7,693,346 42,070,258 1,242,689 20,920,653 253,147 285,066 1,847,690 614,494 566,068 11,972,330 2,095,924 84,204,040 3,564,613 93,699,259 1,693,257 5,239,673 8,041,209 2,798,663 2,079,133 32,679,225 97,624,390 38,535,694 12,550 16,049,423 13,301,775 1,039,930 4,698,113 22,187,770 38,315 5,310,180 921,481 1,289,357 2,365,231 2,037,422 144,356 13,800,672 189,127 13,094,674 27,188,913 12,408,350 7,284,381 6,339,448 864,363,684 805,935 16,149 9,815 831,899 Southern district $1,853,287 1,025,735 174,033 56,009 44,967 4,983 545,954 558,650 246,110 269,791 180,181,414 1,196,758 792,264 d 67.541 180,518,367 7,675,881 10, 400, 744 1,828,717 531,199 755,634 025 2,394,218 4,848 23,597,266 10,900,050 6,448,447 46,126,469 1,210,440 1,365.004 2,447,001 10,687,777 21,363,579 1,450,018 12,718,278 86,261 6,460,534 21,391 586,658 195.333 214,850 4,418,482 678,003 35,449,920 641,699 38,020,761 459,834 877,009 3,357,000 326,539 803,107 11,550,062 40,940,572 12,729,954 9,239 2,492,244 1,645,015 340,375 1,327,068 541,293 1,693,843 623,467 506,180 738,570 818,881 818,287 4,060,345 28,898 4,266,784 13,138,485 8,883,649 1,686,324 1,741,716 297,644,965 │44│ 11 Western district $4,632,140 2,446,360 517,839 145.323 178,202 20,222 1,388,166 1,799,826 515,618 375,422 362,365,489 2,576,462 1,037,768 363,904,183 14,004,766 25,167,553 9,433,204 1,311,831 14,995 1,530,506 22,566 3,695,285 56,943 55,237,649 21,209,913 9,689,465 97,851,203 2,665,558 1,240,873 6,645,080 17,686,593 43,351,754 2,869,764 27,336,764 91,571 17,678,477 6,725 32,418 1,530,225 369,572 374,777 8,792,748 858,869 78,245,380 2,522,656 106,106,609 344,917 1,287,648 8,580,906 ,040,853 1,772,190 24,883,063 93,347,616 30,954,274 586,737 6,977,447 4,494, 601,647 4,390,228 2,637,980 3,630,777 1,687,794 855,733 1,267,769 1,482,991 1,286,794 13,354,269 51,787 9,269,597 24,042,754 9,566,486 6,502,872 5,204,152 679,719,516 2,131,660 3,108,163 383,553 5,623,376 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 12 No. 123 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 22 23 20 21 22 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Dining and buffet service. Hotels and restaurants. Grain elevators. RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Concluded Miscellaneous Operations 40 ► 41 • • Stockyards.. Producing power sold. Other miscellaneous operations.. • • 15 16. | Valuation expenses. 17 Other expenses.. 18 General joint facilities--Dr. 19 General joint facilities--Cr. Total miscellaneous operations. • • • Relief department expenses Pensions. Stationery and printing Salaries and expenses of general officers... Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants.. General office supplies and expenses.. Law expenses. Insurance... ·· Item • · · • General Total general expenses..... Transportation for investment--Or. Total railway operating expenses. 23 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent). SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES Maintenance of Way and Structures 24 Related solely to freight service. 25 Related solely to passenger and allied services.. 26 Apportioned to freight service... 27 28 29 • .. ·· 30 | Related solely to freight service. 31 Related solely to passenger and allied services. Maintenance of Equipment Traffic 36 Related solely to freight service. 37 Related solely to passenger and allied services... 38 39 Apportioned to passenger and allied services ·· • Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total.... Transportation--Rail Line 32 | Apportioned to freight service... 33 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. • 34 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 35. Total.. · • Transportation--Water Line 48 Related solely to freight service. • 49 Related solely to passenger and allied services. • • Apportioned to freight service.. Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total.. • • Miscellaneous Operations 54 Related solely to freight service.. Related solely to passenger and allied service s 42 Related solely to freight service. 43 Related solely to passenger and allied services. 44 Apportioned to freight service.. 45 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. 46 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 47 Total. • ·· • • D • • • • 50 Apportioned to freight service….. 51 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. • 52 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 53 Total.... 56 Apportioned to freight service.. 57 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. 58 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 59 Total. Total, all districts $39,028,398 6,183,776 1,072,212 881,088 3,006,652 1,968,797 52,140,923 20,952,576 89,773,910 7,524,405 17,517,899 180,019 2,377,637 28,872,875 4,512,017 9,867,659 7,749,878 2,407,749 499,312 191,237,312 13,202,684 3,930,928,687 74.43 $74,603,590 21,939,984 435,263,665 173,437,280 226,421 705,470,940 621,452,025 198,033,046 147,603,475 51,658,416 518,316 1,019,265,278 70,365,283 42,622,683 8,713,081 6,132,431 127,833,478 1,022,834,815 385,802,453 325,763,770 107,326,933 194 1,841,728,165 5,287,978 203,675 576,371 362,376 24,875 6,455,275 2,831,863 44,408,568 1,154,123 881,386 2,864,983 52,140,923 Eastern district $18,806,003 1,572,912 927,191 16,999 2,827,972 408,254 24,559,331 8,957,722 38,359,403 3,241,170 6,662,797 102,999 1.143.445 15,486,083 1,884,633 3,819,760 3,149,438 838,766 152,133 83,494,083 2,631,894 1,793,636,934 75.99 $44,355,754 15,369,947 163,518,361 75,816,532 117,946 299,178,540 299,262,039 102,519,874 52,779,284 19,879,825 401,706 474,842,728 30,762,505 15,699,908 1,929,644 606,506 48,998,563 512,792,482 190,477,416 116,159,736 44,934,050 864,363,684 621,362 149,400 30,584 30,553 831,899 1,164,291 21,488,285 364,365 269,256 1,273,134 24,559,331 Southern district $5,419,763 419,641 115,892 7,239 64,131 22,385 6,049,052 3,323,246 15,898,303 1,267,184 3,928,674 24,541 218.211 3,650,074 840,324 1,870,844 1,294,094 308,288 53,070 32,570,713 1,270,041 662,529,421 73.49 $11,343,368 2,135,824 81,306,847 28,633,061 123,419,100 120,301,862 31,794,234 22,500,697 5,921,574 180,518,367 15,922,217 6,251,374 1,044,600 379,075 23,597,266 164,243,149 56,681,619 58,712,797 18,007,400 297,644,965 ………… 157,878 5,721,067 127,541 38,077 4,488 6,049,051 Western district $14,802,632 4,191,223 29,129 856,850 114,549 1,538,158 21,532,541 8,671,608 35,516,204 3,016,051 6,926,428 52,479 1,015,981 9,736,718 1,787,060 4,177,055 3,306,346 1,260,695 294,109 75,172,516 9,300,749 1,474,762,332 73.04 $18,904,468 4,434,213 190,438,457 68,987,687 108,475 282,873,300 201,888,124 63,718,938 72,323,494 25,857,017 116,610 363,904,183 23,680,561 20,671,401 5,738,837 5,146,850 55,237,649 345,799,184 138,643,418 150,891,237 44,385,483 194 679,719,516 4,666,616 54,275 545,787 331,823 24,875 5,623,376 2,509,694 17,199,216 662,217 574,053 1,587,361 21,532,541 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1234 in 7 g .. Related solely to freight service. Related solely to passenger and allied services. Apportioned to freight service. Apportioned to passenger and allied services 5 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 6 Total. 10 11 12 W WWNNNN 28 19 Miles of road.. 20 29 30 31 32 345 13 Related solely to freight service.. • 14 Related solely to passenger and allied services 15 Apportioned to freight service... 16 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. · · 17 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 18 Total.. Miles of second main track. 21 Miles of third main track, 22 Miles of fourth main track. • 23 Miles of all other main tracks. 24 Miles of yard track and sidings. 25 33 بیا سیا سیا سی ان سی اس ام 34 37 38 41 42 umat 26 Miles of road.. 27 Miles of second main track. Miles of third main track.. Miles of fourth main track. • + Miles of all other main tracks.. Kiles of yard track and sidings. 344 47 48 49 UNÁVKOVÁNIČIO Hamin 50 53 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 52 SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES--Concluded General 53 54 55 56 • • Related solely to freight service. • Related solely to passenger and allied services... Apportioned to freight service. .. • Apportioned to passenger and allied services. Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total.. लोलोलेको Total, all tracks...... Total, all tracks... • O Number at close of year: Box cars. Flat cars.. Stock cars Coal cars. Tank car8. Total.. • · • Total.... U • Transportation for Investment--CI. Steam locomotives: .. Number at close of year. Total tractive effort (pounds) Number installed during year. Number retired during year. Electric locomotive units: ·· Number at close of year. Total tractive effort (pounds) Number installed during year. Number retired during year.. Total Operating Expense s Item MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECMEBER 31, 1930 • · • • ● • • · • • O Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars. Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars. Tank cars.. Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars.. MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1930 • • • · D EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE .. • Refrigerator çars.. Other freight-carrying cars. • • • • • · • • • ·· • ·· Freight-carrying Cara .. Includes 366.47 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 21,693.45 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 7,749.00 miles of industrial tracks Includes Includes 9,577.98 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 23,917.16 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 8,605:57 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 3,771.70 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 11,539.89 miles operated under trackage rights. • • · Total all districts $47,363,975 10,328,089 97,424,938 35,647,565 472,745 191,237,312 13,009,530 123,655 60,475 9,024 13,202,684 1,831,729,999 703,214,843 1,016,438,948 375,437,363 4,107,534 3,930,928,687 242,391.41 36,754.96 3,238.87 2,197.11 393.11 1/123,009.17 5/ 407,984.63 13/1 172,297.41 20,980.93 2,149.15 1,583.37 214.36 2/ 81,384.95 278,610.17 55,875 ,526,939,860 1.138 2,199 618 31,367,700 22 5 1,059,604 99,097 4,007 908, 245 9,515 40.358 76,008 2,276,834 44,014,063 4,339,951 3,135,547 48,945,422 428,238 1,338,526 3,977,981 106,179,728 Eastern district $23,699,445 5,656,707 39,065,561 14,604,047 468,323 83,494,083 2,546,833 44,210 33,113 7,738 2,631,894 910,111,045 351,317,327 373,814,422 156,133,031 2,261,109 1,793,636,934 60,013.81 18,334.93 2,761.88 1,938.92 94.99 2/ 46,552.15 6/ 129,696.68 29,830.61 7.965.55 1,750.45 1,374.52 83.83 10/ 23,355.03 64,359.99 23,833 14/1 1,108,965,200 467 1,007 414 18,607,400 14 5 450,056 20,753 13,813 519,065 27 3,767 20,605 1,028,086 19,342,383 940,978 566,670 28,541,664 1,190 121,652 1,103,847 50,618,384 Southern district $8,602,934 1,380,542 17,295,625 5,291,612 32,570,713 1,259,433 2,987 6,775 846 < 319,311,975 103,961,673 180,981,332 58,269,953 4,488 662,529,421 15/ 1,270,041 144.25 51.81 277.43 3/ 21,881.75 Z/ 74,346.62 9 Includes 13,930.12 miles of industrial tracks. 10/ Includes 3,483.34 miles of industrial tracks. II 11 Includes 3281.45 miles of industrial tracks. 46,086.88 5,904.50 35,539.76 +,271.44 138.04 47.17 109.84 11/ 16,468.13 56,574.38 10,641 483,144,410 180 418 76 4,553,000 172,935 20,230 7,516 214,456 20 5,098 7,902 428,157 6,549,224 863,250 283,250 11,628,053 890 153,900 391,798 19,870,365 Western district $15,00 $15,061,596 ,290,840 41,063,752 15,751,906 4,422 75,172,516 13 9,203,264 76,458 20,587 440 9,300,749 602,306,979 247.935,843 461,643,194 161,034,379 1,841,937 1,474,762,332 16/ 136,290.72 12,515.53 332.74 206.38 20.69 4/ 54,575.27 8/203,941.33 106,927.04 8.743.94 260.66 161.68 20.69 12/ 41,561.79 157,675.80 21,401 934,830,250 491 774 128 8,207,300 P 436,613 58,114 52,678 174,724 9,468 31,493 47,501 820,591 12 Includes 7,165.33 miles of industrial tracks. & 1/ Excludes gasoline, 7 gas-electric, and 74 oil-electric locomotives. 14 Excludes I gasoline, 5 gas-electric, and 50 oil-electric locomotives. 15/ Excludes 6 oil-electric locomotives. Excludes 1 gasoline, 2 gas-electric, and 8 oil-electric locomotives. 18,122,456 2,535,723 2,285,627 8,775,705 426,158 1,062,974 2,482,336 35,690,979 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 14 No. H2357 1 "O HAHAHAH 9072m+5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 TH 780 17 18 19 22222 20 21 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 32 33 3333 457 34 35 36 37 not an incomo 39 40 41 42 47 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) VIVIVISI 53 54 55 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded Number installed during year: Box cars Flat carE Stock care Coal cars. Tank cars. Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying cars. • • • • Total.. • · • • • • • · Total... Number retired during year: Box cars. Flat carS Stock cara Coal cars. Tank car8. 23 Number of units at close of year.. 24 Number of units installed during year.. 25 Number of units retired during year. TIES LAID DURING YEAR • • • • • 38 Average number. • · L Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. • · In replacement: Number at close of year. Number installed during year.. Number retired during year. • All Classes of Passenger-train Cars In replacement: • Compensation-- Item Number at close of year……. Number installed during year. Number retired during year..... All Classes of Company Service Equipment • .... 3ervice day 8-- · • Number of cross ties. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges.. In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties. Total charges... • • Floating Equipment a Number of tons (2,240 lbs.). Total charges... In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks. Miles of yard track and sidings Number of tons (2,240 lbs.). Total charges.. • RAILS LAID DURING YEAR • Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for. Total.. Service hours-- In passenger service. In mixed-train service.. • EMPLOYEES Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for.. Total. Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for... Total.. •• · • In special service... In yard-switching service. In work service. Grand total, all services.. · Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service.. · .. Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses. CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES • [ C • • ••• • ·· ·· Total, all districts 40,503 4,513 2,454 30,282 165 1,024 1,529 80,470 32323 33,956 4,813 2,659 35,501 263 1,407 2,501 81,100 52,129 1,899 2,036 106,222 6,425 8,568 2,453 229 192 63,353,828 235,319,730 $94,206,963 5,970,836 47,881,424 $9,720,508 2,671,702 $97,418,633 557.61 1,885.42 355,489 $10,483,851 1,487,730 $2,311,373,343 $106,654,609 $2,550,553,940 3,171,492,545 121,782,421 3,453,609,475 37,415,704, 200,219 38,239,256 $2,366,563,066 67,193,690 25,349,698 1,917,169 37,397 18,014,781 1,945,476 114,458,211 Eastern district 16,697 982 634 9,002 41 296 27,652 15,185 798 1,179 17,821 1 321 800 36,105 26,084 970 759 34,940 2,318 2,553 2,139 200 179 16,070,099 77,316,012 $32,315,683 2,169,505 20,543,507 $3,947,528 1,233,196 $43,405,809 185.75 667.23 156,568 $4,541,009 651,332 $1,058,232,749 $46,855,899 $1,163,146,680 1,366,277,931 51,826,708 1,488,724,315 18,102,711 101,863 18,492,942 $1,076,857,751 27,355,460 10,999,558 381,985 12,013 8,714,592 932,367 .48,395,975 Southern district 8,448 336 12 12,863 251 21,910 5.394 1,818 126 10,122 2 77 277 17,816 7,854 249 484 17,832 750 1,546 113 1 15,027,364 62,856,374 $20,018,976 707,446 6,564,341 $1,066,774 501,607 $18,068,194 55.76 316.20 37,151 $1,058,315 279,321 $399,062,672 $17,643,556 $437,746,031 597,438,876 20,956,915 644,002,032 6,015,663 29,519 6,130,317 $413,261,985 13,588,463 4,628,230 401,998 7,085 3,043,066 290,289 21,959,131 Western district 15,358 3,195 1,808 8,417 165 983 982 30,908 13,377 2,197 1,354 7.558 260 1,009 1,424 27,179 18,191 680 793 53,450 3.357 4,469 201 29 12 32,256,365 95,147,344 $41,872,304 3,093,885 20,773,576 $4,706,206 936,899 $35,944,630 316.10 901.99 161,770 $4,884,527 557,077 $854,077,922 $42,155,154 $949,661,229 1,207,775,738 48,998,798 1,320,883,128 13,297,330 68,837 13,615,997 $876,443,330 26,249,767 9,721,910 1,133,186 18,299 6,257,123 722,820 44,103,105 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) REVENUE FREIGHT TONNAGE BY GROUPS OF COMMODITIES Revenue Freight Originated Products of agriculture: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car.. Animals and products: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car. Products of mines: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car. Products of forests: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car • • Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car. Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car... Animals and products: .... Products of agriculture: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. Products of mines: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. Merchandise - All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.).. Products of forests: Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.).. Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. • < .. Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. Total Revenue Freight Carried • • • .. Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads... Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. ·· .. ·· ... ... Item ... ... Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads... Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. ·· · ·· · • ·· • · Merchandise All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage... Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage... ••• Total, all districts 4,472,352 110,728,445 24.76 1,905,227 23,128,633 12.14 12,394,610 642,536,854 51.84 2,418,829 69,370,554 28.68 10,289,265 277,765,429 27.00 31,479,283 1,123,529,915 35.69 29,666,721 1,153,196,636 9,628,568 210,970,282 10.23 3,279,717 1,096,453 1.99 21,396,933 1,098,642,223 53.25 4.781,320 130,684,286 6.33 20,372,266 530,367,927 25.71 59,458,804 2,011,761,171 97:51 51,316,420 2.49 2,063,077,591 100.00 Eastern district 957,940 21,539,529 22.49 412,516 5,516,290 13.37 5,470,969 283,166,721 51.76 326,936 8,289,264 25.35 5,968,994 162,740,374 27.26 13,137,355 481,252,178 36.63 14,721,349 495,973,527 3,047,417 63,145,515 5.98 1,227,596 16,296,857 1.55 11,871,587 618,599,923 58.61 1,272,118 32,099,743 3.04 11,479,091 298,885,218 28.32 28,897,809 1,029,027,256 97.50 26,426,309 2.50 1,055,453,565 100.00 Southern district 843,190 14,356,915 17.03 141,714 1,688,953 11.92 3,414,126 184,670,688 54.09 818,078 21,160,449 25.87 1,270,856 33,417,189 26.30 6,487,964 255,294,194 39.35 5,849,994 261,144,188 1,910,408 32,717,004 8.53 283,990 3,639,894 .95 4,380,966 232,602,154 60.67 1,368,931 35,257,081 9.20 2,717,098 68,530,231 17.88 10,661,393 372,746,364 97.23 10,627,823 2.77 383,374,187 100.00 15 Western district 2,670,222 74,832,001 28.02 1,350,997 15,923,390 11.79 3,509,515 174,699,445 49.7 1,273,815 39,920,841 31.34 3,049,415 1,607,866 26.76 11,853,964 386,983,543 32.65 9,095,378 396,078,921 4,670,743 115,107,763 18.44 1,768,131 21,159,702 3.39 5,144,380 247,440,146 39.64 2, 140,271 63,327,462 10.15 6,176,077 162,952,478 26.10 19,899,602 609,987,551 97.72 1 14,262,288 2.28 624,249,839 100.00 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 16 No. Ou Must LOKO 1 Average mileage of road operated... 2 Freight-ordinary 3 | Freight--light, Passenger. 78 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 ----Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) Mixed. Special. 16 17 · STATISTIO8 or RAIL-LINE OPERATIONS Work service. ·· • • .. Total transportation service. 9 Total freight train. 10 Total passenger train. 11 Total mixed train. Total special. 12 13 Train switching. 14 Yard switching--freight. 15 Yard switching--passenger. · · · · • • • ·· · • · Locomotive-Kiles • • Total transportation service. Work service.. • .... 18 Freight train--loaded. 19 Freight train--empty. 20 Freight train--caboose. 21 Freight train--exclusive work equipment. 22 Total freight train... Train-Miles •••• 23 Passenger train--passenger. 24 Passenger train--sleeping, parlor, and observation. 25 Passenger train-dining.. 26 Passenger train-other. 27 Total passenger train.. 28 Mixed train--freight--loaded. Mixed train--freight--empty. 29 30 Mixed train--caboose.. • Item Car-Miles • · Total transportation service. Tons--revenue freight. Tons--nonrevenue freight.. Ton-miles--revenue freight. Ton-miles--nonrevenue freight. 31 Mixed train--exclusive work equipment 32 Mixed train--passenger. 33 Mixed train--sleeping, parlor, and observation. 34 Mixed train--dining.. 35 Mixed train--other passenger train. 36 Total mixed train.. 37 Total special train………. 38 39 Work service. Revenue per passenger... 56 Revenue per passenger-mile. • • • • • Miscellaneous • Miles hauled--revenue freight. 52 Miles carried--revenue passengers 53 Revenue per ton of freight... 54 Revenue per ton-mile of freight • • 40 41 +2 43 44 Passengers carried--revenue. • 45 Passenger-miles--revenue.. 46 Ton-miles--revenue freight--per mile of road. • • E • • • • • • · • 49 Passenger-miles--revenue--per train-mile. 50 Passenger-miles--revenue--per car-mile.. 51 • 47 Ton-miles-revenue freight--per train-mile.. 48 Ton-miles--revenue and nonrevenue freight--per loaded car-mile. • • • " · • · • • Total, all districts 242,158.61 510,599,077 4,532,134 538,709, 206 28,024,837 441,100 1,082,306,354 24,079,859 581,156,840 502,502,443 28,725,857 502,786 56,444,024 260,992,630 23,431,036 1,453,755,616 31,775,186 15,637,773,911 9,856,060,822 525,586,772 38,255,963 26,057,677,468 1,112,990,702 1,229,258,648 163,073,851 1,174,813,094 3,680,136,295 162,701,764 104,654,788 2,748,226 1,361,855 28,992,936 598,134 1,643 15,260,558 316,319,904 7,442,784 30,061,576,451 116,018,865 2,063,077,591 225,724,210 383,449,588,491 36,565,977,294 703,598,121 26,814,824,535 1,583,465 711.35 26.58 49.40 11.31 185.86 38.11 $1.97542 $0.01063 1.03535 $0.02717 Eastern district 60,127.86 187,927,728 2,518,578 226,884,685 5,128,221 151,299 422,610,511 11,698,158 227,606,017 214,953,048 5,258,154 168,066 28,435,920 131,191,673 13,171,214 620,784,092 15,825,597 6,225,932,602 3,898,385,022 194,281,720 5,483,285 10,324,082,629 548,692,071 506,519,655 59,497,007 504,329,689 1,619,038,422 26,982,902 16,725,365 935,189 155,009 5,226,822 49,657 375 5,587,015 55,662,334 2,199,796 12,000,983,181 37,387,858 1,055,453,565 88,930,795 160,532,550,956 12,238,927,226 520,655,889 15,371,952,358 2,669,853 825.06 27.63 67.45 14.50 152.10 29.52 $1.64205 $0.01080 $0.77548 $0.02627 Southern district 45,975.27 108,024,131 762,818 92,425,831 5,701,166 85,392 206,999,338 4,102,056 116,255,538 89,105,740 5,801,160 94,270 8,581,882 41,693,176 3,258,410 264,790,176 4,831,758 2,963,986,474 2,010,479,588 109,829,870 6,419,758 5,090,715,690 184,240,199 190,466,755 25,655,186 186,945,592 587,307,732 26,253,612 14,108,823 629,731 191,740 6,810,954 73,575 428 3,589,132 51,657,995 1,359,038 5,731,040,455 17,571,316 383,374,187 46,751,229 83,787,261,765 7,309,882,264 63,990,333 3,060,450,690 1,822,442 739.33 30.46 32.70 8.02 218.55 47.83 $1.94086 $0.00888 $1.46764 $0.03069 Western district 136,055.48 214,647,218 1,250,738 219,398,690 17,195,450 204,409 452,696,505 8,279,645 237,295,285 198,443,655 17,666,543 240,450 19,426,222 88,107,781 7,001,412 568,181,348 11,117,831 6,447,854,835 3,947,196,212 221,475,182 26,352,920 10,642,879,149 380,058,432 532,272,238 77,921,658 483,537,813 1,473,790,141 109,465,250 73,820,600 1,183,306 1,015,106 16,955,160 474,902 840 6,084,411 208,999,575 3,883,950 12,329,552,815 61,059,691 624,249,839 90,042,186 139,129,775,770 17,017,167,804 118,951,899 8,382,421,487 1,022,596 601.91 23.81 37.87 9.02 222.88 70.47 $2.56030 $0.01149 $1.94029 $0.02753 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 18 No. 1 fond 23456780 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 با سلام سلام سلام 30 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 (Does not include lessor companies) Total number of stockholders 32 17 18 Material and supplies 19 33 ·· 40 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET ·· Investment in road and equipment Improvements on leased railway property Sinking funds .. Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies Other investments Total investments Cash Demand loans and deposits Time drafts and deposits 23 Working fund advances 24 25 26 Special deposits Loans and bills receivable Rents receivable .. Other current assets ·· Traffic and car-service balances receivable Net balance receivable from agents and conductors Miscellaneous accounts receivable Total current assete Interest and dividends receivable •• Investments Current Assets • 31 Other unadjusted debita Item Insurance and other funds Other deferred assets Total deferred assets · Deferred Assets ·· Unadjusted Debits 27 28 Rente and insurance premiums paid in advance Discount on capital stock 29 Discount on funded debt Property abandoned chargeable to operating expense s Total unadjusted debits Grand total • •. • • ·· • INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT 34 35 36 Expenditures for new lines and extensions Expenditures for additions and betterments Credits for property retired Adjustments 37 38 Net charges during year ·· 39 Stocks actually issued during year--par value Funded debt actually issued during year--par value • .. • • • • Total, all districts 247 $198,029,695 13,093,532 354,329 169,606 6,511,943 15,920,459 10,517,554 244,597,118 6,160,550 3,112,693 3,738,541 1,167,129 13,532 1,982,345 917,249 4,415,821 3,600, 634 218,182 76,941 164,715 25,568,332 20,463 5,742,143 248,519 6,011,125 130,523 3,293,600 2,514,186 145,030 2,484,626 8,567,965 284,744,540 11,416,518 1,761,982 736,274 10,390,810 Eastern district 136 $126,600,893 3,387,970 2,046 2,117,589 3,244,967 3,555,326 138,908,791 4,039,433 2,749,807 1,000,000 10,708 1,122 1,686,157 342,570 2,377,926 2,405,393 35,059 34,880 6,491 14,689,556 14,709 414,920 235,388 665,017 33,574 261,547 145,030 1,572,133 2,012,284 156,275,648 6,855,872 909,760 84,028 6,030,140 3,998,000 d Deficit or other reverse item. 498,000 Southern district 7 $14,259,367 167,560 163,223 14,590,150 d 164,778 281,400 527 7,197 164,722 61,472 4,500 684,596 2,501 2,501 79,128 79,128 15,356,375 1,192,908 15,164 14,667 1,163,077 11 Western district 104 $57,169,435 9,705,562 354,329 4,231,131 12,675,492 6,962,228 91,098,177 1,956,339 362,886 2,738,541 875,021 11,883 288,981 574,679 1,873,173 1,133,769 183,123 37,561 158,224 10,194,180 5.754 5,327,223 10,630 5,343,607 96,949 3,293,600 2,252,639 833,365 6,476,553 113,112,517 3,367,738 837,058 666,913 3,197,593 3,500,000 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 123 Capital stock. Stock liability for conversion. 3 Premium on capital stock. 4 Total stock..... 5 Grants in aid of construction.... 15 16 17 18 6 Funded debt unmatured. 7 | Receiver's certificates. 8 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies. 9 Total long-term debt...... 19 20 SUMMARY NO. 2—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 21 22 23 24 10 Loans and bills payable. 11 Traffic and car-service balances payabl 12 Audited accounts and wages payable. GENERAL BALANCE SHTET—Concluded 13 Miscellaneous accounts payable.. 14 • 39 40 41 42 25 Tax liability. 26 • Interest matured unpaid.. Dividends matured unpaid.. Item Current Liabilities Long-Term Debt Stock .. ·· Premium on funded debt. Funded debt matured unpaid.. Unmatured dividends declared.. Unmatured interest accrued. Unmatured rents accrued... Other current liabilities..... • • • Total current liabilities. ► 27 28 Operating reserves...... 29 Accrued depreciation--Road. • Liability for provident funds.... Other deferred liabilities..... Deferred Liabilities Total deferred liabilities...... Unadjusted Credits • Insurance and casualty reserves. • • 30 Locrued depreciation--Equipment. 31 Acorued depreciation--Miscellaneous physical property. 32 Other unadjusted credits.. 33 Total unadjusted credits... Corporate Surplus 34 | Additions to property through income and surplus. 35 Funded debt retired through income and surplus. 36 Sinking fund reserves.. Miscellaneous fund reserves.. 37 • • 38 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. Total appropriated surplus. Profit and loss-balance.. Total corporate surplus.. Grand total.. • · • • Total, all districts $44,040, 200 44,040, 200 178,574 126,858,000 6,937,572 133,795,572 1,783,170 4,818,586 1,131,459 3,324,023 0233 143,600 708,490 507,686 230,015 12,647,035 94,837 94,837 6,431,036 337 522,086 4,195,048 12,849,944 18.714 8,314,446 32,331,611 8,193,531 4,649,663 945,329 100,256 321,635 14,210,414 47,446,297 61,656,711 284,744,540 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $34,620,000 34,620,000 178,574 57,334,000 4,330,352 61,664,352 1,424,587 2,613,104 706,993 2,254,668 # 93,600 430,438 366,846 223,526 8,113,762 56,608 56,608 4,555,488 337 416,339 531,553 9,808,414 2,238,271 17,550,402 6,982, 271 100, 256 297,901 7,380, 428 26,711, 522 34,091,950 156,275,648 Southern district $2,000,000 2,000,000 14,000,000 14,000,000 219,198 1,174 281,400 II 2,105 503,877 34,956 34,956 3,245 79,927 37,506 120,678 4,890 4,890 d 1,308,026 d 1,303,136 15,356,375 19 Western district $7,420, 200 7,420,200 55,524,000 2,607,220 58,131,220 C 358,583 1,986,284 423,292 787,955 50,000 278,052 140,840 4,384 4,029,396 3,273 3,273 1,872,303 105,747 3,663,495 2,961,603 18,714 6,038,669 14,660,531 1,206,370 4,649,663 945,329 23,734 6,825,096 22,042,801 28,867,897 113,112,517 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 20 No. 12 Mammo78 } 9 10 od 2m # in 1 mo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 25 26 28 8 X COFEFEFEFEFE wwww ww wwwwⓇNN 30 31 33 53 54 56 57 58 19 Rent from passenger-train cars 20 Rent from floating equipment 21 Rent from work equipment 22 23 24 59 60 61 62 OR OR OF OR DR OR I ZILEI adop 72 77 78 79 81 83 84 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 85 Item INCOME ACCOUNT Railway operating revenues...... Railway operating expenses ....... Net revenue from railway operations Railway tax accruals: United States Government taxes Other than United States Government taxes Total railway tax accruals Uncollectible railway revenues Railway operating income Revenues from miscellaneous operations Expenses of miscellaneous operations Miscellaneous operating income Total operating income Net railway operating income ..... Hire of freight cars--credit balance Rent from locomotives Net revenue from miscellaneous operations Taxes on miscellaneous operating property Joint facility rent income Income from lease of road Miscellaneous rent income Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property Separately operated properties--profit Dividend income Total nonoperating income Gross income Income from funded securities Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds Release of premiums on funded debt Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income Hire of freight cars--debit balance Rent for locomotives Rent for passenger-train cara Rent for floating equipment Rent for work equipment Joint facility rents Rent for leased roads Miscellaneous rents Miscellaneous tax accruals .. • • • Separately operated properties--1088 Interest on funded debt ·· Interest on unfunded debt Amortization of discount on funded debt Maintenance of investment organization Income transferred to other companies .... Miscellaneous income charges Total deductions from gross income Net income ... Inoome applied to sinking and other reserve funda Dividend appropriations of income Credit balance transferred from income Profit on road and equipment sold Delayed income credits Unrefundable overcharges ... Donations ... Miscellaneous oredite • Income appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total appropriations of income Income balance transferred to profit and loss PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT · Total credits during year ... Debit balance transferred from incomе Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funde Dividend appropriations of surplus ·· Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through surplus Debt discount extinguished through surplus Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus Loss on retired road and equipment Delayed income debits Miscellaneous debits Total debits during year Net increase during year Balance at beginning of year ..... Balance at end of year Dividends declared during year .. Par value on which declared-common Par value on which declared--preferred Averare rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent ·· Total, all districts $61,289,040 44,780,951 16,508,089 752,776 4.141.937 4,894,713 2,666 11,610,710 36,800 31,191 5,609 2,843 2,766 11,613,476 15,917,690 1,134,162 158,374 73,551 4.775.374 463,679 622,640 120,439 108 536,178 642,664 239,796 450 24,692 8,792,107 20,405,583 667,428 288,017 86 14,350 864,600 5,817,486 1,374,806 72,854 5,384,952 20,968 96,113 601,570 101,914 15,305,144 5,100,439 179,690 389,796 d 1.647.503 d 1.078,017 6,178,456 6,860,491 150,390 23.523 7,430 52,323 186,099 7,280,256 682,035 2,217 6,260,000 52,323 271,306 30,000 213,260 438,333 42,261 7,991,735 d 711,479 48,157,776 47,446,297 6,649,796 23,346,600 28.48 Eastern district $39,776,502 30,139,266 9,637,236 495,775 2.153.788 2,649,563 1,477 6,986,196 36,800 31,191 5,609 2,843 2,766 6,988,962 9,053,952 944,877 121,394 49,100 2,427,161 457,540 256,342 33,181 108 111,928 416,934 10.315 450 24,529 4,853,859 11,842,821 389,351 240,78 } 14,231 830,325 2,847,518 216,210 15,775 2,580,590 9,252 12,899 601,570 81,140 7,839,730 4,003,091 7,549 232,200 239,749 3,963,342 3,763,342 75,466 23,523 2,988 50,330 91,826 4,007,475 2,217 5,650,000 50,329 271,306 79.799 23,226 6,076,877 ₫ 2.069, 402 28,780,924 26,711,522 1/ 5,882,200 19,220,000 30.60 God Southern district $1,743,457 1,045,598 697,859 133,285 133,285 564,574 I I 564,574 519,119 21,013 949 112,930 31,766 20,697 51 187,406 751,980 131,975 45,980 107 2,285 757 6,856 560,000 749 2,790 751,499 481 481 481 268 3 752 11 1 269 III 408 8,396 9,073 8.321 d d 1.299,705 d 1,308,026 TI Deficit or other reverse item. Includes $3,040,000 representing an extra dividend of 40 per cent declared by Indiana Harbor Belt R.R. Co. 2/ Includes $500,000 representing an extra dividend of 100 per cent declared by Chicago River & Indiana R. R. Co. Western di striot $19,769,081 13,596,087 6,172,994 257,001 1.854.864 2,111,865 1,189 4,059,940 11 11 4,059,940 6,344,619 189,285 15.967 23,502 2,235,283 6,139 366,298 55,492 I 424,250 205,033 229,481 112 3,750,842 7,810,782 146, 102 1,254 12 31,990 2,969,968 1,157,839 50,223 2,244,362 10,967 83,214 17,984 6,713,915 1,096,867 172,141 157,596 d 1.647.503 d 1.317.766 2,414,633 3,096,668 74,924 4,442 1,725 94,270 GARA 3,272,029 682,035 610,000 1,725 30,000 133,053 438,333 10,639 1,905,785 1,366,244 20,676,557 22,042,801 2/ 767,596 4,126,600 18.60 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 1o. 123 Freight. 2 Passenger.. uno 15 16 LOKO ... Parlor and chair car 7 Mail... Express. 8 Other passenger-train. 9 Milk... Switching. 10 ·· 11 12 Special service train.. Other freight-train... 13 Water transfere-freight. 14 Water transfers-passenger. · Water transfers-vehicles and live stock. Water transfers--other.... Total rail-line transportation revenue. 27 28 17 18 | Freight. 19 | Passenger 20 NUSISIVISSISSI SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Excess baggage. Sleeping oar. • NET LOKO N • • 21 22 23 Express 24 Special service.. 25 Other.... 26 56 • • 71 72 73 74 77 78 79 80 Excess baggage. Other passenger service. Mail... · Dining and buffet.. Hotel and restaurant.. 29 30 31 | Storage--freight 32 | Storage--baggage 33 Demurrage.. * 34 Telegraph and telephone 35 Grain elevator. 36 | Stockyard. • RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES Total water-line transportation revenue.. • Station, train, and boat privileges Parcel room... • • • · Ties-yard..... Ties--other. A 37 Power.. 38 Rents of buildings and other property. 39 Miscellaneous.. 40 41 Joint facility--Cr... 42 Joint facility-Dr. 43 4444 .. • Superintendence...... | Rails-yard.. Rails--other. 46 Roadway maintenance--yard. 48 47 Roadway maintenance--other. Roadway-depreciation--yard. Roadway--depreciation-other 49 50 Underground power tubes-yard. • • • · Total incidental operating revenue. · • Total joint facility operating revenue. Total railway operating revenues... . . . RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures 67 68 Ties-depreciation--yard.. 69 Ties--depreciation--other. 70 • 51 Underground power tubes--other. Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard. Underground power tubes--depreciation--other. Tunnels and subways--yard. Tunnels and subways--other. Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard. Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other. 58 | Bridges, trestles, and oulverte-yard. 57 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts-other.. 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard. 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other. 62 Elevated structures--yard. 63 Elevated structures--other... • • Item • 64 Elevated structures--depreciation-yard. 65 Elevated structures-depreciation--other 66 • Ralis-depreciation-yard. Rails--depreciation--other.. · • • • • D 84 Right-of-way fences--yard... 85 Right-of-way fences-other.. • · • · • Ballast-depreciation-yard. Ballast--depreciation-other. 81 82 Track laying and surfacing-yard. 83 Track laying and surfacing--other ·· ► • • Other track material-yard. 75 Other track material-other.. 76 other track material--depreciation-yard. Other track material--depreciation--other. Ballast-yard. Ballast-other. • • ·· • ·· • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • .. • • • • · • • Total, all districts $2,237,210 10,737 733 9 2,768 91 55,830,356 12,511 1,848 58,095,530 11 d 1 52,681 145,723 68,899 34,144 10,644 446,274 52525252525 551,178 167,164 395,449 1,603,554 3,475,710 8,333 290,533 d.282,200 61,289,040 612,119 767,954 22,106 116 5332323 10,940 22,870 533.700 23,865 130,027 62,488 35,250 984,634 34,266 544 529,714 29,586 2,887 715,724 14,739 622 7152; 82,015 1,390 70 1,884,262 46,544 2.978 324 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $2,064,782 36,789,593 12,511 476 tit 38,867,362 144 d 1 I 52,681 6,557 11,577 6,534 1,757 291,153 167,164 67,915 308,263 913,601 8,333 12,794 ₫ 4.461 39,776,502 425,213 421,757 116 I 3,832 414,051 45,139 316 658,334 544 349,209 2,887 425,956 622 57,522 70 1,242,530 4,287 Southern distriot 11▬▬▬▬▬│ $1,646,094 ……… 1,646,094 11 11 2,239 26,275 300 3,801 FELIXOXO 24,406 43,836 100,857 3,494 ₫ 3.494 1,743,457 9,460 8.883 14,617 ……………UMI1141 534 15,353 17,515 17,406 1,526 12,599 145 8,156 JI 580 26,216 16,877 11 21 Western district $172,428 10,737 2,768 91 17,394,669 1,372 17,582,074 horn 11 | 136,927 57,322 1,335 8,587 151,320 551,178 303,128 1,251,455 2,461,252 274,245 ₫ 274.245 19,769,081 177,446 337,314 7,489 #,108 22,870 119,115 8.512 84,888 62,172 35,250 308,785 16,860 178,979 16,987 284,623 6,583 24,493 810 615,516 29,667 1,309 323 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 22 No. ANKI LOON RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard. Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other... Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--other. Crossings and signs--yard………… 8 Crossings and signs--other... 10 9 Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard. Crossings and signs--depreciation--other. Station and office buildings.. 11 12 Station and office buildings--depreciation. 13❘ Roadway buildings..... 14 Roadway buildings--depreciation. 1 2 15 Water stations. 16 25 26 17 18 Fuel stations--depreciation 19 Shops and enginehouses. 20 21 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) · Shops and enginehouses--depreciation. Grain elevators.... 22 Grain elevators--depreciation. 23 Storage warehouses... 24 Storage warehouses--depreciation. Wharves and dooks.. Wharves and docks--depreciation. 27 Coal and ore wharves... 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 • Water stations--depreciation. Fuel stations... 53 54 55 39 Power substation buildings…………. 40 59 60 61 62 75 76 77 78 Coal and ore wharves--depreciation. Gas producing plants... Gas producing plants--depreciation Telegraph and telephone lines. Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation. Signals and interlockers.. 35 Signals and interlockers--depreciation. Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines. 36 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines-depreciation. 37 Power plant buildings. ... 38 Power plant buildings--depreciation. Small tools and supplies.. ... 56 Removing snow, ice, and sand. 57 58 2088 47 Underground conduits... 48 Underground conduits--depreciation. 49 Miscellaneous structures.. 50 Miscellaneous structures--depreciation. paving..... 51 81 41 Power transmission systems.. 42 Power transmission systems-depreciation. 43 Power distribution systems... 44 • • Paving--depreciation. Roadway machines.. • Roadway machines--depreciation. Insurance... Stationery and printing. Other expenses... 67 Superintendence.. 68 Shop machinery. .. 69 Shop machinery--depreciation. 70 Power plant machinery…………. 71 72 73 74 .. • Power substation buildings-depreciation. Item Power distribution systems--depreciation. 45 Power line poles and fixtures.. 46 Power line poles and fixtures-depreciation. • Assessments for public improvements. Injuries to persons.. .. .... ·· • • Steam locomotives--depreciation Steam locomotives--retirements.. Other locomotives-repairs.. Other locomotives--depreciation. 79 Other locomotives--retirements.. Power plant machinery--depreciation. Power substation apparatus.. • Total, above accounts.. Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 64 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Or. 65 Equalization-way and structures.. 66 Total maintenance of way and structures. Maintenance of Equipment Power substation apparatus--depreciation Steam locomotives--repairs.. • • [ • ·· Freight-train cars--repairs.. Freight-train cars--depreciation. • .. D • • ► • • ·· • • • • Total, all districts 14 $153,387 7,767 12,271 460,622 104,040 40,870 2,876 59,088 6,105 84,427 10,198 303,478 41,282 3,218 29,267 7,197 13,980 131,155 71,016 26,851 12,327 59,522 464,525 27,809 1 8,029 976 1,325 5,997 45,488 1,888 4.660 11 I 7,560 344 12,919 11,905 26,886 2,475 108,318 249,446 8,856 75,624 84,443 11,351 15,192 9,362,738 830,935 2,503,227 7,690,446 477,652 128,255 39,625 84,958 6,687 391 3,832,696 824,215 5,824 Eastern district $118,172 1,165 186,512 20,322 24,569 239 39,410 1,668 58,605 1,433 153,178 7,549 d 231 160 31,812 10,422 26,707 12,327 48,168 242,333 20,081 2,166 267 3,597 4,543 353 7,560 21 20,837 774 64,044 148,213 7,079 45,285 28,511 7,604 11,826 1,619,281 472,537 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. 5,401,092 809,094 1,505,863 4,704,323 350,413 74,079 5.793 12,468 391 2,709,418 583,077 3,435 1,358,524 432,304 Southern district ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ $1,750 6,977 16,194 2,727 1,833 1,331 5,173 36,545 144 11 935 726 ༔ 1,412 1 590 593 2,734 232 4,280 51 239,115 1,212 41,021 199,306 578 611 1,474 11 95,791 2,324 1 11 45,042 21,585 Western district #11 $33,465 790 11,106 13:50 257,916 83,718 13,574 2,637 17,845 4,437 24,491 8,765 17; 145,127 33,733 3,218 29,267 7,428 13,820 62,798 60,594 1111 10,419 221,466 7.728 4,451 976 1,058 2,400 40,945 1,888 4,307 344 12,308 11,905 5,456 1,701 41,540 101,233 1,777 30,107 51,652 3,690 3,362 3,722,531 20,629 956,343 2,786,817 112,661 51,565 33,832 71,016 72; 1,027,487 238,814 2,389 215,715 18,648 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No J SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 1 Freight-train cars-retirements. 2 Passenger-train cars--repairs......... Passenger-train cars--depreciation. 4 Passenger-train cars--retirements.. 30 31 32 33 34 35 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment-Concluded Motor equipment of cars-repairs.. Motor equipment of cars-depreciation. 7 Motor equipment of cars--retirements. 8 Floating equipment--repairs. 9 Floating equipment--depreciation 10 Floating equipment-retirements. 11 Work equipment-repairs……. Work equipment-depreciation. Total. · 26 Superintendence... 27 Outside agencies. 28 | Advertising. 29 • O 12 13 Work equipment-retirements…...... 14 Miscellaneous equipment-repairs. 15 Miscellaneous equipment-depreciation. 16 Vi Bellaneous equipment-retirements. 17 Injuries to persons.. 18 ·· Insurance. 19 Stationery and printing 20❘ Other expenses. 21 22 | Maintaining joint equipment--DI 23 | Maintaining joint equipment--Cr 24 | Equalization--equipment. 25 .... Traffic associations.. Fast freight lines.. ... Total traffic... 36 Superintendence. 37 Dispatching trains.. 38 Station employees. ··· Total maintenance of equipment. Traffic ·· ... Industrial and immigration bureaus. Insurance.. Stationery and printing Other expenses... Item 72 Express service.. 73 .. 74 | Other expenses. 75 76 [ Stationery and printing ·· ·· • • • 39 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus. Coal and ore wharves.. 40 41 Station supplies and expenses. 42 Yardmasters and yard clerks. 43 Yard conductors and brakemen... 44 Yard switch and signal tenders. 45 Yard enginemen. 46 Yard motormen... 47 Fuel for yard locomotives... 48 Yard switching power produced. 49 Yard switching power purchased. 50 Water for yard locomotives.. 51 • • · .. ·· Transportation--Rail Line • ·· ·· Lubricants for yard locomotives. 52 Other supplies for yard locomotives. Enginehouse expenses--yard. 53 54 Yard supplies and expenses. Train enginemen..... 56 Train motormen. Fuel for train locomotives. 58 Train power produced………. 59 Train power purchased…… 60 61 62 Other supplies for train locomotives. 63 Enginehouse expenses--train. 64 Trainmen.. · • • · ·· • Water for train locomotives. Lubricants for train locomotives. · • • 65 Train supplies and expenses. 66 Operating sleeping cars.... 67 Signal and interlocker operation. 68 Crossing protection.. 69 Drawbridge operation.. 70 Telegraph and telephone operation 71 Operating floating equipment. ··· ·· • • • D • • • • • • Insurance…… Clearing wrecks. 77 Damage to property • C 78 Damage to live stook on right of way 79 Loss and damage--freight. 80 Loss and damage-baggage. • • • • • .. · • • Total, all districts d $666 15,662 1,262 514 I 72,209 32,406 130,158 58,522 9,710 12,375 7,069 843 61,008 67,278 20,609 4,113 7,985,497 119,394 371,216 7,733,675 151,029 104,334 32,173 11,535 3,328 110 29,071 76 331,656 1,282,619 288,028 4,605,312 40,310 33,463 327,789 2,515,527 7,387,239 727,932 5,038,258 4,120,200 347,710 80,369 85,446 1,167,474 336,922 129,212 86,735 6,659 2,507 5,438 22,967 136,359 102,230 352,311 400,524 34,391 61,383 134,755 206,788 199,661 63,455 86,333 55,980 74 228,495 983 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $1,265 3,020 257 72,209 32,406 86,997 35,573 7.975 3,998 3,432 643 42,318 51,298 13,808 3,468 5,888,569 117,184 170,710 5,835,043 91,528 35,473 4,928 4,689 2,588 108 22,354 26 161,694 871,851 155,319 1,866,645 29,687 33,445 119,443 1,401,316 4,734,357 371,748 3,374,797 2,991,514 245,899 56,553 57,051 884,181 216,556 120,853 80,493 6,128 2,342 5,073 19,460 125,202 76,820 234,864 245,931 21,591 41,675 134,755 110,632 171,354 39.533 45,821 29,813 20 165,320 240 Southern district $42 3,627 1,381 254 11166HI 506 836 411 190,378 1 14,700 175,679 10 15,051 6,156 261,753 10,112 18 22,567 85,303 124,670 4,947 80,640 97,781 1,250 889 2,283 35,404 3,809 11 19,949 44 555 35,71 12,097 9,283 3,709 333 271 199 439 Testern district d 23 d $557 9,015 1,005 514 41,780 22,695 1,735 8,377 3,637 200 18,184 15,144 6,390 645 1,906,550 2,209 185,806 1,722,953 59,501 68,861 27,245 6,846 740 6,717 2 50 169,962 395,717 126,553 2,476,914 511 185,779 1,028,908 2,528,212 351,237 1,582,821 1,030,905 100,561 22,927 26,112 247,889 116,557 8,359 6,242 531 165 365 3,507 11,157 5,461 112,892 118,877 703 10,425 92,447 27,974 23,651 40,313 25,728 63,107 743 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 24 Ho. HUMS in 1 2 5 6 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 LOLO 18 00888 11 Dining and buffet service 12 Hotels and restaurants Grain elevators 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 LOT 27 28 29 www w w w i w 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 * SEESE 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 ###KUVA 78 90HN 48 Total general expenses 31 Transportation for investment--Cr. Total railway operating expenses Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES 49 50 inimin und 51 52 53 457 55 56 57 59 60 61 A Minor ☹ 62 63 64 65 66 67 SUMMARY NO. 2—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED İTEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 68 69 Injuries to persons.. Operating joint yards and terminals--Dr. Operating joint yards and terminals-Cr. Operating joint tracks and facilities-Dr. Operating joint tracks and facilities-Cr. Total transportation--rail line ...... Operation of vessels Operation of terminala Incidental Total transportation--water line RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES—Concluded Transportation--Rail Line--Concluded • Stockyards ... Producing power sold Other miscellaneous operations ... Total miscellaneous operations Transportation--Water Line Insurance Relief department expenses... Pensions Stationery and printing Valuation expenses Salaries and expenses of general officers Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants General office supplies and expenses Law expenses Other expenses .. General joint facilities-Dr. General joint facilities--Cr. Miscellaneous Operations Item Miles of road Miles of second main track Miles of third main track Miles of fourth main track Miles of all other main tracks Kiles of yard track and sidings *** Total, all tracks Related solely to freight service ♪♪ Related solely to passenger and allied services อ. Related in common to both freight and passenger and allied services: Apportioned to freight service .... Apportioned to passenger and allied services Not related to either freight service or to passenger and allied services Total Box oars Flat cars 8took cars Coal cars Tank carS MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1930 ·· • ·· Miles of road Miles of second main track Miles of third main track Miles of fourth main track ... Miles of all other main tracks Miles of yard track and sidings Total, all tracks General Number at close of year: EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE Steam locomotives: Number at close of year .. Total tractive effort (pounds) Number installed during year .... Number retired during year Eleotrio locomotive units; .. MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1930 Number at close of year ... Total tractive effort (pounds) Sumber installed during year ........ Number retired during year Freight-carrying Cars .. Refrigerator cars ...... Other freight-carrying cars Total • d Deficit or other reverse item. Includes 486.83 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 424.38 miles operated under trackage rights. Total, all districts $649,464 587,010 5,106,063 221,007 527,972 26,525,284 111 1 +5,897 192,864 174,779 587 75,940 490,067 470,382 854,054 117,275 202,196 2,379 7,142 114,020 54,411 293,200 91,156 9,033 182,412 2,032,836 23,013 44,780,951 73.07 $43,198,010 77,201 1,422,291 47,921 35,528 44,780,951 644 533.36 348.54 14.34 .92 4.26 2,194.51 1/3,095.93 258.86 160.96 2.37 .92 976.09 1,399.20 39,699,170 910 15 12 1111 705 - 66 103 6,249 1,131 8,258 Eastern district $462,605 559,070 1,921,480 213,732 494,367 17,907,842 1 1 } 45,897 174,779 587 34,941 256,204 248,705 622,189 71,221 98,785 1,384 7,142 61,811 34.597 196,557 27,762 9,033 85,103 1,294,083 19,923 30,139,266 75.77 $29,759,655 45,897 298, 186 35,528 30,139,266 397.78 273.04 14.34 .92 4.26 1,471.21 2/2,161.55 209.52 138.68 2.37 .92 690.97 1,042.46 605 27,391,370 7 1 1 1 1 239 56 6,113 100 1,131 7,643 Southern district d $1,285 4,766 173,411 46 20,565 651,427 111 } 1 3,930 10,888 1,024 2,530 56 Wi 23 661 302 589 817 19,186 1,045,598 59.97 $725,518 18.970 320,282 18,768 1,045,598 20.35 7.68 50.91 3/ 78.94 18.36 7.68 49.97 76.01 17 498,100 1 1 …… !!!! Includes 2.93 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 59.52 miles operated under trackage rights. Western district $185,574 23,174 3,011,172 7,229 13,040 7,966,015 11 1 192,864 40,999 233,863 217,747 220,977 45,030 100,881 939 52,186 19,153 96,341 62,805 96,492 719,567 3,090 13,596,087 68.77 $12,712,837 50,274 803,823 29,153 13,596,087 115.23 67.82 672.39 4/855.44 30.98 14.60 Mat 235.15 280.73 288 11,809,700 7 3 1 466 10 3 136 III 615 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. ANMunor 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 333 + 37 38 39 40 41 42 45 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) Guney y $55 5 tuant EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cara... Flat cars. Stock cars. Coal cars. Tank cars.. ♡ gogmyn 63 · Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying cars. • Total...... Number installed during year: Box cara. Flat cars. • 8took cars. Coal cars. Tank cars.. Total... • • • • • • Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. Total..... Number retired during year: Box cars. Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars. Tank cars. · • • • • • • • · · 25 Number at close of year. 26 Number installed during year. 27 Number retired during year. Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. 28 Number at close of year.. 29 Number installed during year. 30 Number retired during year.. • • 10 All Classes of Passenger-train Cars In replacement: 31 Number of units at close of year... 32 Number of units installed during year 33 Number of units retired during year.. Item .. In replacement: All Classes of Company Service Equipment 46 Average number. Compensation: • • ·· • ... • Number of cross ties. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties.. Total charges... In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of oross ties.. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties. Total charges. • ••• • Floating Equipment Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges.. TIES LAID DURING YEAR ... • RAILS LAID DURING YEAR In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks... Miles of yard track and sidings. Number of tons (2,240 lbs.). Total charges.. • ·· • Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for. Total.... • EMPLOYEES .. • Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service.... In passenger service. In mixed-train service. In special service... In yard-switching service. In work service.. Grand total, all services. Service hours! Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for. Total.... Service days: Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for.. Total.. Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses. CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES ► Total, all districts 28,076 3,680 4,090 353.745 200 60,440 450,231 Vi 161 10 100 317 Wil 3 591 187 17 37 241 23 1 461 32 57 MII 13 440,408 4,696,660 $1,049,657 33,641 500,361 $80,565 32,922 $1,230,517 3.54 17.04 2,361 $82,903 22,303 $37,439,722 $1,581,373 $39,731,152 48,050,541 1,748,848 50,601,285 623,326 8.824 645,487 $35,474,600 27.688 2,471 1/ 431 1,341,796 20,861 1,393,247 Eastern district 9,476 3,370 4,000 348,105 200 60,440 425,591 10 100 217 NUM 3 330 128 17 33 178 40 284 29 46 MI 13 284,328 2,438,469 $700,439 24,564 424,469 $63,190 21,958 $812,989 3.52 14.53 1,820 $67,249 13,015 $22,522,407 $1,089,162 $23,926,003 28,112,125 1,245,963 29,703,335 26,006 431 944,347 11,045 981,829 1/ Does not include data for 157 linear feet of steel ties. 350,023 1.015 356,669 $22,530,158 Southern district L 1 gja 1 1 I 1 I 14 MI 3 11 22,962 148,819 $34,573 620 $743 643 $21,419 1111 817 $1,006,448 $67,786 $1,093,402 1,532,536 94,486 1,649,802 29,037 120 29,332 $1,073,542 111 23,631 84 23,715 25 Western district 18,600 310 90 5,640 24,640 161 100 261 59 4 63 19 Total credits during year. Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of surplus. Loss on retired equipment….. Uncollectible sleeping car revenues. Miscellaneous debits.. * • ❤ • • • • INCOME ACCOUNT PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. 31 129,578,25 $255,208,784 7,321 425,482 4,054,497 1,228,545 1,963,845 4,783,635 386;194 4.507.751 39,265,002 311,831,056 120,150,000 1,405.754 3,034,769 28,628 3,003 951.431 4,314,617 30,000 128,399,933 48,517,488 255.336 4,740,097 4,995,433 76,234,007 1,432,067 77,666,074 68,959,592 1,302,272 79,261,864 7,404,210 2,449,194 ·18,157 2,467,351 4.936,859 204,234 114,654 101.688 363.475 165,620 949,671 5,886,530 39,528 2,452 102,720 144,700 5.741,830 162,077 2,025,000 2,187,077 3.554.753 3.554,753 13,611 6,105,460 9,673,824 3,100,000 83.628 1,730 70.648 8.088.750 1,585,074 3.155.023 ,740,097 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS : 32 SUMMARY NO. 4-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1930 -Concluded Berth revenue. Beat revenue. " • • Charter of cars. • Miscellaneous revenue. Car mileage revenue.. Association and contract revenue--Dr. Total operating revenuss. Maintenance.. Conducting car operations. General expenses. Total operating expenses.. Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent). • General expenses; • General officers and staff (superintendence) District superintendents, agents, and staff. Conductors. Porters and maids.......... Train stenographers. Car cleaners... Laundry employees... Auxiliary operations; General officers. Olerks and attendants. Maintenance: Mechanics, electricians, seamstresses, repairmen, carpenters, shop employees, etc.. Conducting car operations: Commissary (superintendence)... Agents and staff, conductors, waiters, cooks, etc. Total (including general officers).. Total number of revenue passengers--berth.. Total number of revenue passengers--seat. Average revenue per passenger-berth. Average revenue per passenger-seat.. Total number of oar-miles..... Total number of car-days..... • · Standard sleeping cars. Tourist sleeping cars. Parlor cars.... Dining cars. • · Composite cars.. Private cars. Miscellaneous cars, Total. • Average number of revenue passengers per car per day. Operating revenues per car-mile (cents) Operating revenues per oar-day... Operating expenses per car-mile (cents) Operating expenses per car-day.. • • Net operating revenue per oar-mile (cents). Het operating revenue per car-day……. Average number of car-miles per car-day. ... ·· · • • ·· • Olass ·· • OPERATING REVENUTS OPERATING EXPENSES EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES OPERATING STATISTICS EQUIPMENT IN SERVICE ON DEC. 31, 1930 • • • 1/ Does not include 21 cars leased or otherwise acquired. Number on Dec. 31 4,818 202 1,556 2,366 10,517 24 5,102 450 40 903 53 134 26,165 $69,121,961 8,653,069 1,930,261 42,440 2,020,261 5,533,985 76,234,007 30,290,469 35,379,003 3,290,126 68,959,592 90.46 Average daily compen- sation $4.88 6.54 4.34 6.15 2.89 5.75 3:51 2.68 26.06 4.32 5.32 3.26 3.92 18,498,844 10,861,342 $3.74 $0.80 1,183,668,557 3,123,990 9 6.442 $24.40277 5.826 $22.07420 0.615 $2.32857 378.90 7,982 281 1,186 18 282 24 7 1/ 9,780 • . + HE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION BUREAU OF STATISTICS A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1929 COMMERCE N UM INTERSTATE ก้าน 80600 1887 COMMISSION UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1930 0 THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION FRANK MCMANAMY, Chairman BALTHASAR H. MEYER CLYDE B. AITCHISON JOSEPH B. EASTMAN ERNEST I. LEWIS THOMAS F. WOODLOCK EZRA BRAINERD, Jr. CLAUDE R. PORTER PATRICK J. FARRELL WILLIAM E. LEE HUGH M. TATE GEORGE B. McGINTY, Secretary DEPOSITED BY THE TATES OF CONTENTS. Introductory statement.. Summary No. 1--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual of Class I and terminal companies) for the year ended December 31, 1929..... Summary No. 2--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I switching and terminal companies for the year ended December 31, 1929.... Summary No. 3--Abstract of reports rendered by express companies for the year ended December 31, 1929.... Summary No. 4--Abstract of report rendered by The Pullman Company for the year ended December 31, 1929.. Page 5 6 18 26 32 .. . 3 繇 ​A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 This preliminary abstract for the calendar year 1929 is compiled from the annual reports of the classes of carriers designated. It differs from the Preliminary Statement of Capitalization and Income for the same year in that the latter is confined to a small number of items compiled for individual carriers, and in summary form, from a special report returned by them in advance of their annual report. The present abstract contains summaries by districts and is intended primarily to make available as promptly as possible certain totals not obtainable from the monthly or special reports of carriers. The totals are subject to change after corrections in the annual reports have been authorized. The final totals will appear in the Statistics of Railways for 1929. It may be noted that only steam railways, express companies and The Pullman Company are covered in this abstract. Separate mimeographed statements are issued annually for pipe line companies, telegraph and cable companies, carriers by water, tele- phone companies, and electric railways. Because a separate annual publication of freight commodity statistics for the year 1929 has been issued in full detail for the 157 classes of commodities, only group totals of commodities carried are shown in this preliminary abstract. It should be especially observed that the balance sheet items relate to operating companies only and do not cover the balance sheets of lessor companies the property of which is operated by Class I steam railways, that is, railways having annual operating revenues above $1,000,000. The following table shows the investment in road and equipment of the operating, lessor and proprietary companies at the end of the year 1929, in comparison with final figures for the preceding year. The increases and decreases shown for the various classes of roads are in part the result of the changes in corporate relations, certain oper- ating companies having become lessor or proprietary companies since 1928. Such changes do not affect the net increase shown as $583,431,908. Class of companies Class I..... Lessors to Class I. Proprietary Companies Total.. Class II... Investment in Road and Equipment of Steam Railways, (Accounts 701 and 702) Class III.... • • Lessors to Class II. Proprietary Companies Total. • Lessors to Class III. Proprietary Companies Total.... Grand total... • INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT WASHINGTON, June 19, 1930. • • • • Dec. 31, 1929 $19,907,087,141 3,928,089,281 1,049,155,444 24,884,331,866 469,368,400 5,936,843 2,317,611 477,622,854 92,427,981 4,937,519 95,618 97,461,118 25,459,415,838 Dec. 31, 1928 $19,459,369,501 3,788,928,264 1,011,341,180 $447,717,640 139,161,017 37,814,264 24,259,638,945 624,692,921 505,855,998 8,729,612 2,315,401 516,901,011 Increase 923230 93,931,406 5,416,950 95,618 99,443,974 24,875,983,930 2,210 • 583,431,908 Decrease • • • $36,487,598 2,792,769 39,278,157 1,503,425 479,431 1,982,856 5 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 6 No. 1 ~ME UNKO 7–180 2 g 9 10 11 ญ ญ 12 13 14 15 16 22 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 (Does not include lessor companies) Total number of stockholders. Total investments.. GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investment in road and equipment. Improvements on leased railway property Sinking funds... • • Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold. Miscellaneous physical property.. Investments in affiliated companies. Other investments.... ·· · Cash... Demand loans and deposits. Time drafts and deposits. Special deposits.. Loans and bills receivable. Investments ហ Current Assets Total current assets. - 17 18 Material and supplies.... 19 Interest and dividends receivable. 20 Rents receivable.. 21 Other current assets.. • [ ❤ 23 Working fund advances. • 24 Insurance and other funds. 25 Other deferred assets.. 26 • • Item • Traffic and car-service balances receivable. Net balance receivable from agents and conductors. Miscellaneous accounts receivable.. • • · • Total deferred assets.. Deferred Assets • ·· Total unadjusted debite. Grand total.. Unadjusted Debtis → • • • · • • 27 Rents and insurance premiums paid in advance. 28 Discount on capital stook... 29 Discount on funded debt.. 30 Property abandoned chargeable to operating expenses. 31 Other unadjusted debits... 32 33 35 36 34 Expenditures for new lines and extensions.. Expenditures for additions and betterments. Credits for property retired. Adjustments.. 37 38 39 40 • • • INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT • • • ·· • · Net charges during year. Stocks actually issued during year--par value.. Funded debt actually issued during year--par value. • • Total, all districts 806,710 $19,408,241,857 498,845,284 3.738,064 13,910,111 179,010,148 5,239,756,008 880,044,339 26,223,545,811 109,666 55,469,977 30,032,182 59,425,387 .733,508 439,922 217,906,692 470,072,929 粥​: 39,682,536 1,701,613 13,003,483 1,717,953,464 3,278,124 100,724,498 101,379,640 205,382,262 +385 5,193,783 15,753,828 86,922,180 217,773,834 325,643,625 28,472,525,162 359335 31,282,985 744,438,950 283,695,384 273,614 492,299,565 159,663,724 529,765,153 Eastern district 400,822 $7,056,094,727 399,399,186 1,350,509 4,039,179 93.745,997 2,173,396,176 426,562,765 10,154,588,539 171,435,276 47,325,298 20,428,394 42 2,384,496 29,646,906 42,079,211 35.275,267 77,363,162 182,189,003 18,327,944 1,042,377 2,445,212 669,942,546 1,827,511 88,966,344 10,931,710 101,725,565 2,867,873 462,795 27,793.361 86,133,116 117,257,145 11,043,513,795 16,519,580 362,458 132,359,666 d 2.241.309 243,877,599 1/ 110,906,140 153,145,494 Deficit or other reverse item. Includes $13,815,998, consideration received for 552,640 shares of stock without par value. Includes $4,016,985, consideration received for 100,206 shares of stook without par varus. Southern district 78,380 $3,567,879,518 71,105,868 1,628,658 723,601 24,082,368 666,556,814 123,282,631 4,455,259,458 93,582,551 4,120,346 14,630,141 20,099,662 9,416,112 322 22,337,184 5.712,721 35,630,064 68,740,756 8,038,173 120,093 1,040,369 283,468,172 484,760 4,079,182 26,760,524 31,324,466 933.664 251,850 14,910,482 29,329,284 45,425,280 4,815,477,376 3,63 106,167,801 40,741 2,542,665 71,604,792 496,200 612,692 27:2 Western district 327,508 $8,784,267,612 28,340,230 758,897 9,147,331 61,181,783 2,399,803,018 330,198,943 11,613,697,814 250,357,742 55,664,022 20,411,442 17,548,024 20,362,369 29,317,113 23,451,934 104,913,466 219,143,170 13,316,419 539,143 9,517,902 764,542,746 965,853 7,678,972 63,687,406 72,332,231 1,392,246 15,039,183 44,218,337 102,311,434 162,961,200 12,613,533,991 11,127,548 275,812 110,594,847 471,658 176,817,174 2/ 17,261,384 319,006,967 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 2 3 4 5 ------And 12 13 14 19 20 6 7 8 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies. 9 Total long-term debt... 21 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 11 10 | Loans and bills payable. Traffic and car-service balances payable. Audited accounts and wages payable.. Miscellaneous accounts payable. Interest matured unpaid. Dividends matured unpaid. 27 28 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET-Concluded Funded debt unmatured.. Receiver's certificates Capital stock. Stock liability for conversion. Premium on capital stock... Total stock... Grants in aid of construction.... 25 Tax liability. 26 450 42 15 17 18 16 Funded debt matured unpaid. Unmatured dividends declared. Unmatured interest accrued. Unmatured rents accrued..... Other current liabilities... Total current liabilities. ... Premium on funded debt. • ·· ·· ·· Item • Stock Long-Term Debt Current Liabilities • • • • • 22 Liability for provident funds. 23 Other deferred liabilities. 24 Total deferred liabilities. · • • • ··· ·· Deferred Liabilities • Insurance and casualty reserves. Operating reserves.. Unadjusted Credits • 29 Accrued depreciation--Road.. 30 Accrued depreciation-Equipment.. 31 Accrued depreciation-Miscellaneous physical property. 32 Other unadjusted credits.. 33 Total unadjusted credits..... 39 Total appropriated surplus. 40 Profit and loss--balance. 41 D • Corporate Surplus Additions to property through income and surplus. Funded debt retired through income and surplus.. Sinking fund reserves. ... 37 Miscellaneous fund reserves. 38 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. · • • · • · Total, all districts ·· $8,184,640,232 1,279,911 51,626,461 8,237,540,604 6,516,624 10,700,494,048 9,198,192 428,428,951 11,138,121,191 71,240,230 120,023,913 389,117,891 120,222,792 211,760,829 23,128,186 44.735.792 323 83,362,122 95,504,215 20,529,743 21,358,054 1,200,983,767 3,580,404 135,115,148 138,695,552 276,955,007 945,567 48,159,951 65,752 82,674,567 1,892,512,081 6,226,987 413,956,229 2,721,496,141 889,087,719 83,680,938 45,884,716 59.937.728 65 +74,807 Eastern district 3,265,023,017 1,036,423 3,833,636,008 6,695,085 119,742,457 3,833; 52333 3,960,073,550 1/ $3,224,469,267 2/ $1,236,834,287 3/ $3,723,336,678 40,332,736 *4,998,340 1,241,832,627 508,514 44,504,306 71,128,292 164,484,013 41,226,508 40,936,945 5,262,412 32,158,017 52,664,439 34,962,492 14,241,698 13,075,677 514,584,799 1,465,445 68,846,364 70,311,809 122,000,986 163,518 30,421,804 28,938,425 874,212,151 2,642,483 177,322,651 1,235,702,018 495,246,239 17,455,912 32 379,815 55,414,862 599,792 111: Southern district 603,096,620 1,393,685,559 1,996,782,179 11,043,513,795 1,933,603,643 10,144,027 1,943,747,670 5,027,147 12,839,237 76,084,188 15,615,384 9,898,855 5,229,145 271,934 17,443,665 19,352, 32313233 2,780,992 2,074,497 166,617,943 2,051,886 31,032,253 33,084,139 40,824,418 1,200 4,159,746 35,307,913 336,127,684 2,070,968 42,223,755 460,715,684 Western district 130,268,195 1,184,181 5,224,719 1,476,597 138,153,692 330,317,107 968,970,799 4,815,477,376 7 920,175 6,428,107 3,730,684,960 4,971,687 4,933,254,397 2,503,107 298,542,467 5,234,299,971 21,708,777 36,056,384 148,549,690 63,380,900 160,925,025 12,636,629 12,305,841 13,314,018 41,188,828 3,507,053 6,207,880 519,781,025 63,073 35,236,531 35,299,604 114,129,603 780,849 13,578,401 65,752 18,428,229 682,172,246 1,513,536 194,409,823 1,025,078,439 1,144,065,908 3,885,105,375 Total corporate surplus. 5,029,171,283 Grand total... 28,472,525,162 है/ Includes $13,815,998, consideration received for 552,640 shares of stock without par value. Includes $26,382,853, consideration received for 250,000 shares of stock without par value; in addition 60,000 shares of stock without par value are outstanding for which no book value is reported. 3/ Includes $277,898,321, consideration received for 2,495,602 shares of stock without par value. 263,573,285 65,040,845 8,280,182 4,522,866 61,398,418 402,815,596 1,660,602, 709 2,063,418,305 12,613,533,991 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 12 Moto 780 9 10 11 Railway operating revenues. 2 Railway operating expenses. Net revenue from railway operations. Railway tax accruals: United States Government taxes. Other than United States Government taxes. Total railway tax accruals. Uncollectible railway revenues.. Railway operating income. 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 29 30 WNTOWN- 17 18 Rent from locomotives... 31 32 33 in 35 37 38 İNEVLON LIVIN 39 40 41 42 43 44 47 48 55 57 58 59 60 O aaaaaa 64 65 66 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 25 26 Separately operated properties-profit. 27 Dividend income. 28 Income from funded securities. Income from unfunded securities and accounts. Income from sinking and other reserve funds. Release of premiums on funded debt. Contributions from other companies. Miscellaneous income.... Total nonoperating income. Gross income. 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 owл 76 77 78 36 Hire of freight cars-debit balance. Rent for locomotives.. Revenues from miscellaneous operations. Expenses of miscellaneous operations.. INCOME ACCOUNT • · Net revenue from miscellaneous operations. Taxes on miscellaneous operating property. Miscellaneous operating income. Total operating income.. Net railway operating income.. Hire of freight care--credit balance Rent for passenger-train cars. Rent for floating equipment. Rent for work equipment. Joint facility rents. Rent for leased roads. Miscellaneous rents.. Miscellaneous tax accruals • • 45 Separately operated properties--loss. 46 Interest on funded debt.. Interest on unfunded debt.. · • · .. · ·· Item • • · · • Rent from passenger-train care. Rent from floating equipment. Rent from work equipment... Joint facility rent income. Income from lease of road. Miscellaneous rent income. Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property • • • • • · 61 62 Profit on road and equipment sold. 63 Delayed income credits.. Unrefundable overcharges. Donations.. Miscellaneous credits. • • • Amortization of discount on funded debt. 49 Maintenance of investment organization. 50 Income transferred to other companies. Miscellaneous income charges.. 51 52 Total deductions from gross income.. 53 Net income..... • • • • • • · • · • • ► ► • • D Total debits during year. 79 Net increase during year. 80 Balance at beginning of year. 81 Balance at end of year... • • • ► · ● Credit balance transferred from income • • • • • • O Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriatione of income.. Income appropriated for investment in physical property. Stock discount extinguished through income. Miscellaneous appropriations of income. • • . Total appropriations of income. Income balance transferred to profit and loss... PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT ·· • • • • · • • • · • • • • * • Total credits during year.. Debit balance transferred from income. · • • • Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of surplus.. Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through surplus. Debt discount extinguished through surplus. Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus. Loss on retired road and equipment. Delayed income debits.... Miscellaneous debits...... • • • · • • • 82 Dividends declared during year.. 83 Par value on which declared--common. 84 Par value on which declared-preferred. 85 Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent.. d Deficit or other reverse item. • • ហ Total, all districts $6,279,520,544 4,506,056,262 1,773,464,282 89,443,677 307.238,957 396,682,634 1,162,581 1,375,619,067 3:88 3,815,468 3,609,947 205,521 196,372 9,149 1,375,628,216 1,251,697,938 22,344,404 13,066,197 16,008,905 433,671 3,690,660 40,612,653 5,517,354 24,223,418 7,052,149 9,474,840 176,077,966 81,555,969 46,797,196 ,569,630 100,654 2,705,202 1,696,071 455,926,939 1,831,555,155 116,401,843 10,970,914 19,707,103 2,490,959 1,390,266 69,116,534 177,396,197 7,489,213 5,181,571 1,631,055 498,665,597 12,692,203 3,928,838 33,257 781,738 6,862,352 934,739,640 896,815,515 12,088,554 261,300,830 11,699,153 1,190,370 286,278,907 610,536,608 630,297,507 8,073,712 14,751,737 1,161,264 2,272,816 64,936,180 121 721,493,156 19,760,899 942,736 228,824,843 7,274,756 59,526 9,922,367 7,524,490 44,143,416 7.369,919 22,025,551 347,848,503 373,644,653 3,516,637,086 3,890,281,739 490,125,673 4,919,005,473 1,470,031,260 7.67 Eastern district $2,840,427,427 2,070,313,193 770,114,234 41,230,558 123,756.970 164,987,528 408,814 604,717,892 1,277,098 1,125,340 151,758 90,767 60,991 604,778,883 541,324,836 8,255,144 4,342,547 6,060,913 319,891 1,121,056 18,964,196 2,572,555 14,305,876 4,500,868 1,994,207 90,287,554 28,809,909 23,492,559 4,131,787 18,331 2,472,734 649,618 212,299,745 817,078,628 673283 54,270,619 4,510,641 8,037,015 2,329,326 510,607 32,798,595 105,845,246 5,256,280 3,976,327 802,690 180,342,698 8,983,278 1,350,943 27.974 781,738 2,385,579 412,209,556 404,869,072 7,861,081 128,387,266 9,391,866 1,190,370 146,830,583 258,038,489 259,690,939 3.797,392 499,663 378,010 1,316,013 291,412,644 1,652,450 96,969 94,450,627 1,959,727 1,744,629 901,642 18,074,948 4,249,351 15,503,999 138,634,342 152,778,302 1,240,907,257 1,393,685,559 222,837,893 - 2,205,045,967 477,408,350 8.31 Southern district $1,046,451,183 748,737,304 297,713,879 16,931,053 55.879.328 72,810,381 311,215 224,592,283 2,252,843 2,238,968 13,875 13,875 224,592,283 225,951,431 10,897,613 2,191,703 3,325,489 4,7 746 804,158 6,223,948 532,124 2,191,068 742,053 1,039,533 14,369,367 11,510,523 5,942,366 195,048 111,387 60,081,126 284,673,409 7,443,624 1,663,818 4,011,856 38,412 263,275 8,667,524 15,054,089 862,584 149,405 30,284 89,309,571 445.389 842,333 3,112 711,045 129,496,321 155,177,088 697,753 10,721,502 2,046,658 13,465,913 141,711,175 143,888,165 741,848 7,752,164 458,854 666,373 2,948,787 156,456,191 2,176,990 676,714 74,876,976 3,666,032 2,317,180 3,365,639 10,000 2,450,627 89,540,158 ·· 66,916,033 768,013,950 834,929,983 85,598,478 899,055,400 169,494,750 8.01 Western district $2,392,641,934 1,687,005,765 705,636,169 31,282,066 127.602 659 158,884,725 442,552 546,308,892 285,527 245,639 39,888 91,730 51,842 546,257,050 484,421,671 d 3,191,647 6,531,947 6,622,503 109,034 1,765,446 15,424,509 2,412,675 7.726,474 1,809,228 6,441,100 71,421,045 235,537 362,271 242,795 82,323 232,468 935,066 17, 183,546,068 729,803,118 54,687,600 4,796,455 7,658,232 123,221 616,384 27,650,415 56,496,862 1,370,349 1,055,839 798,081 229,013,328 3,263,536 1,735,562 2,171 3,765,728 393,033,763 336,769,355 3,529,720 122,192,062 260,629 125,982,411 210,786,944 3:5 226,718,403 3,534,472 5,499,910 324,340 290,430 37,256,766 273,624,321 15,931,459 169,053 59,497,246 1,648,997 59,526 5,860,558 6,622,848 22,702,829 3,110,568 4,070,925 119,674,003 153,950,318 1,507,715,879 1,661,666,197 181,689,302 1,814,904,106 823,128,160 6.89 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1234'Knot∞ 1 | Freight. AAA 7 g 17 18 19 20 27 28 29 30 Passenger. 37 38 39 40 ··· 21 22 Mail.. Excess baggage Sleeping car.. Parlor and chair car Mail... Express. 9 10 Switching. 11 Special service train. 12 Other freight-train.. 13 Water transfers--freight. 14 43 44 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) • VİVLİYİNİUNLOVÍVÜ OU MET LOKO NI Water transfers--passenger • • • • • A 2 15 Water transfers--vehicles and live stock 16 Water transfers--other.. Freight. Passenger... Other passenger-train. Milk.. • · 23 Express. 24 Special service. 25 Other.. 26 ❤ • • ... • 73 74 83 84 31 | Storage--freight. 32 Storage--baggage Excess baggage. Other passenger service. • • • • Total rail-line transportation revenue. ·· · Dining and buffet.. Hotel and restaurant. PAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES 41 Joint facility--Cr. 42 Joint facility-Dr. • • • · • • ● 1 • · [] . 71 | Rails--other.. 72 • Total water-line transportation revenue. Station, train, and boat privileges. Parcel room... 33 Demurrage.... 34 | Telegraph and telephone Grain elevator. Stockyard.. Power.. ·· Rents of buildings and other property Miscellaneous. Total incidental operating revenue. • O · • • D • • • • • • ... 45 Superintendence.. • 46 Roadway maintenance--yard. 47 Roadway maintenance-other. 48 Roadway--depreciation--yard. 49 Roadway--depreciation--other.. Ballast--other... . · · • • • • · • Ties--depreciation--yard. 69 | Ties--depreciation--other 70 Rails--yard.. Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues, 50 Underground power tubes--yard.. 51 Underground power tubes--other. RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures • • • Item · 52 Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard. Underground power tubes--depreciation-other Tunnels and subways--yard... Tunnels and subways--other. Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard. Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other. • Rails-depreciation--yard. Rails--depreciation--other. • O • • 63 Elevated structures--other.. 64 Elevated structures--depreciation--yard. • • • • · • • • • · 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard. 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other. 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation-yard. 61 3ridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other. 62 Elevated structures--yard.. 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other. 66 Ties--yard………. 67 Ties--other... 68 • • D • • Ballast--depreciation--yard. Ballast-depreciation-other. · • • • • • • • • • • · • Other track material--yard. 75 Other track material--other • ·· ● 76 Other track material--depreciation-yard. Other track material--depreciation-other. · D • • • O • • 77 78 | Ballast--yard. 79 80 81 82 Track laying and surfacing--yard. Track laying and surfacing--other. Right-of-way fences-yard. Right-of-way fences--other.. 86 Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard. 87 Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other.. • • • • • D • • • • ·· • • • • • • • · · · • · • · • Total, all districts $4,815,443,246 872,466,361 5,203,028 1,171,546 1,215,247 151,484,712 148,191,316 16,086,100 35,939,305 68,803,869 2,086,376 707,940 973.145 1,897,416 3,909,078 1,557,281 6,127,140,966 10,173,875 1,097,385 2,172 24,538 1,785 4,608 415,741 557.544 12,278,148 34,779,744 7,801,572 6,737,546 1,228,273 4,604,475 524,768 19,039,773 2,636,081 1,634,222 667,006 6,318,291 9,973,467 33,987,664 129,932,882 13,729,817 3,561,269 10,168,548 6,279,520,544 59,934,032 8,987,780 77,347,969 8.357 29,966 8,624 8,199 2,491,996 9.540 1,079,983 43,310,323 27.531 1,506,114 66,969 236,540 13,093,696 95,851,020 288,169 2,520,836 3,411,212 40,780,054 76,230 997.671 ,260,365 36,695. 243,471 884,719 648,957 20,330,596 2,563 393,925 22,985,312 187,511,077 62,248 5,142,733 225 1,954 Eastern district $2,096,610,877 •0999 467,228,999 2,023,754 14,820 295,141 61,916,962 68,024,745 6,561,202 26,609,591 31,591,409 734,543 275,208 839.599 1,579,605 3,212,076 1,275,532 2,768,794,063 145,602 7,183 452 6,179 1,461 618 19,646 72 1,251,213 15,839.358 1,894,009 4,853,245 901,578 2,465,430 256,432 11,390,454 521,277 1,192,637 19,561 5,819,061 7,051,794 14,713,648 66,918,484 4,439,914 976,247 3,463,667 2,840,427,427 23,637,831 4,013,808 28,966,818 303 482 8,624 4,661 1,014,308 178 432,143 14,901,221 22,055 844,507 61,304 234,348 5.776,786 32,463,690 17,857 246,563 1,749,793 17,605,820 74 7.944 3,608,274 17,654,252 148 13,271 280,554 7,259,903 90 11,025,070 76.559.375 19,732 1,418,165 31 Southern district $851,041,366 118,804,248 765,632 21,439 120,424 22,979.554 22,486,285 2,041,145 1,161,945 8,250,683 427,894 18,682 46,496 32,634 4.947 230,892 1,028,434,766 4,894,360 500,221 549,711 89,244 832,810 48,092 2,192,015 105,951 21,024 3.571 279,146 934.560 5,772,395 16,223,100 2,220,857 427,540 1,793,317 1,046,451,183 10,302,475 1,277,264 17,983,860 3,249 526,516 145,171 8,434,305 1,596 537,918 2,385,644 18,418,366 261,575 2,255,054 467,980 7,556,533 69,106 963,594 886,704 4,958,766 232,051 853,973 76,886 4,907,509 2,332 392,979 3,019,600 30,042,559 5,762 609,751 Western district 9 $1,867,795,503 286,433,114 2,413,642 1,135,287 799,682 66,588,196 57,680,286 7.483.753 8,167,769 28,961,777 923.939 414,050 87,050 285,177 692,055 50,857 2,329,912,137 9,396,692 652,283 1,720 18,359 324 3,990 396,095 557,472 11,026,935 14,046,026 5,407,342 1,334,590 237,451 1,306,235 220,244 5,457,304 2,008,853 420,561 643,874 220,084 1,987,113 13,501,621 46,791,298 7,069,046 2,157,482 4,911,564 2,392,641,934 25,993,726 3,696,708 30,397,291 8,054 29,484 289 951,172 9,362 502,669 19,974,797 3,880 123,689 5,165 2,192 4,931,266 44,968,964 8,737 19,219 1,193,439 15,617,701 7,050 26,133 2,765,387 14,082,526 11,272 17,475 291,517 8,163,184 231 856 8,940,642 80,909,143 36,754 3,114,817 194 1,954 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS : 10 No. 1234 MON '2 15 Fuel stations.... 16 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) ཉ Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--yard... Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--other. ING 5 Crossings and signs-yard. Crossings and signs-other. 7 Crossings and signs-depreciation-yard. 8 Crossings and signs--depreciation--other Station and office buildings. 9 10 Station and office buildings--depreciation 11 Roadway buildings. • ·· 12 Roadway buildings--depreciation. 13 Water stations. 14 Water stations-depreciation. 29 30 31 32 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds-other. Fuel stations--depreciation. Shops and enginehouses 17 · 18 Shops and enginehouses-depreciation 19 Grain elevators... 20 Grain elevators--depreciation. 27 Gas producing plants….. 28 39 40 41 ... 21 Storage warehouses... .. 22 Storage warehouses--depreciation. 23 Wharves and docks..... 24 Wharves and docks--depreciation. MO ... 72 73 .... • O 56 Injuries to persons. 57 Insurance..... 58 59 Other expenses.. 60 Item • ► 25 Coal and ore wharves.... 26 Coal and ore wharves--depreciation Gas producing plants--depreciation. Telegraph and telephone lines... Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation. Signals and interlockers.. Signals and interlockers--depreciation. D Roadway machines-depreciation • Small tools and supplies.. • Removing snow, ice, and sand.. • • · • Stationery and printing. • • 37 Power substation buildings. 38 Power substation buildings--depreciation. Power transmission systems.. Underground conduits-depreciation. 47 Miscellaneous structures.. .... 48 Miscellaneous structures-depreciation. 49 Paving.. 50 Paving-depreciation.. 51 Roadway machines... 52 53 33 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines.. 34 Power plant dame, canals, and pipe lines-deprecia 35 Power plant buildings. ... 36 | Power plant buildings--depreciation. • • Shop machinery-depreciation. Power plant machinery..... Power transmission systems--depreciation. Power distribution systems.. 42 Power distribution systems--depreciation. 43 Power line poles and fixtures.. 44 Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation. 45 Underground conduits... 46 • Assessments for public improvements. • Superintendence. 66 Shop machinery.... 68 69 Power plant machinery--depreciation. 70 Power substation apparatus.. • • • · • • d Deficit or other reverse item. · · · • • • • • • • Floating equipment--repairs..... Floating equipment--depreciation.. 89 Floating equipment--retirements. • • • • • Total, above accounts.. 61 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--DI 62 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr 63 Equalization-way and structures.... 64 Total maintenance of way and structures. Maintenance of Equipment • • • 71 Power substation apparatus--depreciation. Steam locomotives-repairs.. Steam locomotives--depreciation. Steam locomotives--retirements. Other locomotives--repairs..... 76 Other locomotives--depreciation 77 Other locomotives-retirements.. 78 Freight-train cars-repairs.. 79 Freight-train cars--depreciation. 80 Freight-train cars-retirements. 81 Passenger-train cars-repairs.. 82 Passenger-train cars-depreciation. 83 Passenger-train cars--retirements. 84 Motor equipment of cars--repairs.. 85 Motor equipment of cars-depreciation.. 86 Motor equipment of care--retirements. 87 • • • C • O • • • • .. · • • • • • • • • .. • • • · · · O • • • • .on • • Total, all districts $2,510 520,429 70 140 1,298,279 12,635,160 2,255 75,705 35,909,034 1,079,622 5,448,745 95,715 10,182,309 130,596 4,509,948 66,604 26,639,094 473,773 325,643 121,396 98,773 d ... 4,979,866 120,717 2,782,383 1,025,361 49,209 12,361,669 17,394 35,140,858 281,971 14 929,654 145,396 202,808 17,779 439,212 53.753 3,940,389 286,051 666,921 68,978 39,634 7.718 296,622 6,552 572,611 65 7,757,683 757, 8,876 12,101,729 12,343,587 532.566 5,833,949 3,956,769 1,311,152 620,650 842,750,560 37,991,087 25,319,780 d 67,000 855,354,867 44,955,658 25,100,796 808,776 5,574,087 747.924 747,045 61,724 409,555,027 335 57.571.534 856,191 ,141,970 1,521,179 d 10,100 338,079,151 116,838,818 26,723,419 75,251,226 20,305,476 1,563,746 4,158,401 1,579,804 102,095 10,432,273 3,422,457 1,417,401 Eastern district $601 53,320 405 471,653 6,754,246 1,969 73.583 18,057,770 563,039 1,542,905 26,361 3,674,612 59,906 1,881,681 36,315 12,654,526 300,434 259,612 112,168 42,507 d 3,306,599 48,978 1,866,998 268,539 17,743 5,581,322 2,546 21,167,657 253,207 609,581 115,425 192,707 15,561 344,268 53,705 3,171,777 285,998 312,356 68,917 36,505 7,504 45,021 210,727 2,921,531 1,956 4,742,019 6,315,572 253,090 2,713,781 2,014,922 498,128 381,361 354,243,287 16,183,429 10,351,993 360,074,723 20,005,841 12,428,880 466,929 3,630,498 679.503 669,990 39,445 184,621,894 26,293,046 5,019,222 3,114,106 889,145 a 10,783 165,762,976 50,226,419 15,372,053 35.324,547 10,136,847 732,540 2,393,643 1,043,125 42,421 8,062,69 2,265,821 66,011 3692352363 Southern district $8,597 148,457 1,681,029 2,044 5,084,092 168,418 1,215,455 23,770 1,598,218 63.545 883,643 23,322 3,683,811 128,838 9,323 2,400 56,022 927,096 69,872 391,721 137,968 2,205,938 12,23 4,942,34 23,470 51,702 14,640 020 336 66,489 357,479 177,033 380 28,581 175 42,942 ... 1,161,100 2,610 2,138,656 623,829 17,013 685,537 589,901 191,728 48,210 147,272,068 6,643,295 5,118,535 148,796,828 7,615,495 3,879,934 326,30 593,160 26,027 24,313 4,032 76,222,334 10,102,113 1,563,236 522,322 204,309 60,564, 23,677 4,633,745 11,365,351 2,951,197 187,722 286,545 213,940 13,993 290,618 55,233 2,234 Western district $1,909 458,512 70 265 678,169 4,199,885 286 1,078 12,767,172 348,165 2,690,385 45.584 4,909,479 7,145 1,744,624 6,967 10,300,757 42,501 56,708 6,828 244 746,171 1,867 523,664 618,854 31,466 4,574,409 2,61 9,030,854 5,294 14 268,371 15,331 6,081 1.882 28,455 411,133 53 177,532 61 2,749 214 223,020 6,377 318,942 65 3,675,052 5,221,054 5,404,186 262.463 2,434,631 1,351,946 621,296 191,079 341,235,205 15,164,363 9,849,252 a 67,000 346,483,316 17,334,322 8,791,982 15.544 1,350,429 42,394 18,247 148,710,799 21,176,375 1,273,733 505,542 427,725 683 111,751,724 42,934,908 6,717,621 28,561,328 7,217,432 643,484 1,478,213 322,739 45.691 2,078,964 1,101,403 1,349,156 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 4234 uno 1 Work equipment--repairs... 2 Work equipment--depreciation. SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Work equipment--retirements.. 7 Injuries to persons. 8 9 10 11 Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded Miscellaneous equipment--repairs. Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation. Miscellaneous equipment--retirements. Insurance.. Stationery and printing Other expenses. Total... 51 52 •• 16 Superintendence. ·· • 17 Outside agencies. 18 Advertising. Traffic associations. Fast freight lines. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Superintendence. 27 28 12 Maintaining joint equipment--Dr 13 14 Maintaining joint equipment--Cr. Equalization--equipment..... 15 Total traffic……. ·· • Dispatching trains. Total maintenance of equipment • • • • Industrial and immigration bureaus Insurance.. Stationery and printing. Other expenses... • •• 64 Other expenses. • • • · Coal and ore wharves... Station supplies and expenses. Yardmasters and yard clerks. Yard conductors and brakemen. d 61 62 Express service.. - 37 Fuel for yard locomotives. 38 • 48 Train power produced.. 49 Train power purchased.. 50 · 34 Yard switch and signal tenders. 35 Yard enginemen.. 36 Yard motormen. • 43 Enginehouse expenses--yard. 44 Yard supplies and expenses. 45 Train enginemen.. 46 Train motormen... 47 Fuel for train locomotives • • · · Station employees.. 29 | Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus 30 31 32 • · · Stationery and printing. • Train supplies and expenses. Operating sleeping cars... 77 | Operation of vessels... Operation of terminals. Incidental... 73 79 80 Yard switching power produced. 39 Yard switching power purchased. 40 41 Water for yard locomotives.. Lubricants for yard locomotives. 42 Other supplies for yard locomotives. • •• · Transportation--Rail Line • • Item • • • • ·· • ❤ • • • Water for train locomotives Lubricants for train locomotives. • • • ·· .. • • • Traffic • 57 8ignal and interlocker operation. 58 Crossing protection. 59 Drawbridge operation. 60 Telegraph and telephone operation. Operating floating equipment. • Other supplies for train locomotives. Enginehouse expenses--train.. Trainmen.... • • 鐘 ​• • · • • • • • • D · · • • Insurance.... D 56 Clearing wrecks. 67 Damage to property 68 Damage to live stock on right of way 69 Loss and damage-freight.. 70 Loss and damage-baggage. • • • • • • • 71 Injuries to persons. • 72 Operating joint yards and terminals--Dr. 73 Operating joint yards and terminals-Cr. 74 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr. 75 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Cr. 76 Total transportation--Rail line.. • • • • • • Transportation-Water Line Total transportation--Water line. • Deficit or other reverse item. • * • • Total, all districts $17,697,933 5,604,231 1,980,896 485,373 416,690 69,207 5,034,478 6,320,037 1,814,554 1,472,608 1,199,402,085 8,022,436 4,497,275 d 15.000 1,202,912,246 40,252,147 53.907,530 18,714,471 3,546,867 52,615 3,157,586 74,761 10,202,012 249,641 130,157,630 68,388,853 33,150,261 296,567,553 5,575,851 9,251,254 21,027,480 63,240,272 156,956,642 12,737,906 95,386,680 1,390,179 55,615,126 273,078 329.552 4,306,864 1,316,036 1,349,723 27,566,622 3,866,739 226,330,859 6,558,670 281,004,218 2,586,967 7.527.978 21,258,481 7,700,425 5,762,826 74,649,667 262,688,083 87,819,987 646,225 26,302,969 20,125,697 2,005,715 10,949,796 28,963,034 40,071 12,239,869 8,166,988 3,068,904 6,389,986 4,362,032 2,655,108 35,563,813 303,519 30,960,539 68,775,321 33,594,347 16,353,828 14,420,990 2,072,042,909 3,496,254 3,989,600 425,263 7,911,117 Eastern district $8,067,343 2,223,801 1,151,994 250,487 179,481 34,205 3,124,242 3,300,303 886,712 773,120 569,268,488 3,776,566 2,367,569 570,677,485 18,514,755 18,356,934 6,395,702 1,558,958 37,615 751,929 47.728 4,040,369 159,809 49,863,799 34,669,593 15,869,371 139,411,450 1,213,319 6,313,091 11,070,306 32,822,059 83,185,795 8,200,280 49,887,471 1,257,785 26,730,409 267,082 292,912 2,043,636 709,675 667,265 13,240,189 2,259,522 97,417,432 3,666,961 111,955,313 1,689,200 5,172,497 8,471,563 3,108,235 2,328,241 35,052,352 111,408,614 41,239,014 13,357 16,682,716 13,683,118 1,067,401 4,790,449 25,124,038 40,071 6,115,196 5,901,078 1,453,065 3,471,264 1,806,146 181,477 17,202,419 221,386 15,923,938 28,459,240 13,378,453 7,468,695 6,776,530 981,070,703 805,949 17,358 14,404 837,711 Southern district $2,772,501 1,047,517 232,274 62,942 56,299 17,748 550,407 624,439 283,759 304,160 211,278,144 1,334,581 927,612 211,685,113 7,760,821 10,428,239 1,882,728 564,555 744,224 5,816 2,339,899 6,787 23,733,069 11,318,171 6,812,992 50,369,336 1,321,628 1,223,106 2,727,448 11,242,666 23,892,233 1,529,971 14,029,127 49,621 7,438,448 207 614,587 192,464 249,285 4,795,820 733,864 39,185,413 637,670 43,331,734 507,357 876,838 3,516,209 1,444,110 981,813 12,553,512 45,396,161 13,686,204 11,094 2,641,283 1,713,154 354,720 1,387,237 547,108 1,962,494 607,497 570,972 1,023,047 840,965 910,382 4,291,100 31,990 4,598,660 14,474,936 9,864,140 1,887,975 1,967,530 326,680,939 11 Western district $6,858,089 2,332,913 596,628 171,944 180,910 17,254 1,359,829 2,395,295 644,083 395,328 418,855,453 2,911,289 1,202,094 d 15.000 420,549,648 13,976,571 25,122,357 10,436,041 1,423,354 15,000 1,661,433 21.217 3,821,744 83,045 56,560,762 22,401,089 10,467,898 106,786,767 3,040,904 1,715,057 7,229,726 19,175,547 49,878,614 3,007,655 31,470,082 82,773 21,446,269 5.996 36,433 1,648,641 413,897 433,173 9,530,613 873.353 89,728,014 2,254,039 125,717,171 390,410 1,478,643 9,270,709 3,148,080 2,452,772 27,043,803 105,883,308 32,894,769 621,774 6,978,970 4,729,425 583,594 4,772,110 3,291,888 4,162,179 1,658,413 1,044,867 1,895,675 1,714,921 1,563,249 14,070,294 50,143 10,437,941 25,841,145 10,351,754 6,997,158 5,676,930 764,291,267 2,690,305 3,972,242 410,859 7,073,406 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 12 No. 1234 mo 8 9 10 11 7 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 22 24 25 26 4506 27 28 29 33 nation in 44444 35 42 4455L 43 2M+MO 44 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Other expenses.... General joint facilities--Dr. 19 General joint facilities--Cr 20 47 Dining and buffet service.. Hotels and restaurants.. Grain elevators. 48 Total general expenses.. 21 Transportation for investment--Cr. Stockyards.... Producing power sold. Other miscellaneous operations. ••• 50 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Concluded Miscellaneous Operations 51 • • Total miscellaneous operations. D • 57 58 59 Salaries and expenses of general officers.. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. General office supplies and expenses. Law expenses.. Insurance... • • Relief department expenses. Pensions... Stationery and printing Valuation expenses. • • • • Total railway operating expenses.. 23 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent). SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES Maintenance of Way and Structures • • • • 30 Related solely to freight service.. * 31 Related solely to passenger and allied services 32 • • Item • • • General D • Apportioned to freight service... Apportioned to passenger and allied services. • • 34 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total.... ••• • Maintenance of Equipment Traffic 36 Related solely to freight service.. 37 Related solely to passenger and allied services. 38 Apportioned to freight service………. 39 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. 40 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 41 Total.. Related solely to freight service.. Related solely to passenger and allied services Apportioned to freight service.. Apportioned to passenger and allied services. ·· • · • • D • Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services, Total... ·· Transportation--Rail Line Related solely to freight service. O Related solely to passenger and allied services. • • • Transportation-Water Line Related solely to freight service. • 49 Related solely to passenger and allied services. Apportioned to freight service.. 45 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. • • • Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total.. • • • • · Miscellaneous Operations 54 Related solely to freight service.. 55 Related solely to passenger and allied services 56 | Apportioned to freight service.. • • • • • •• Apportioned to freight service.... Apportioned to passenger and allied services. 52 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 53 Total.. • • • • 個 ​• • • • • Apportioned to passenger and allied services. • • ● • • • • • Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total. • • • Total, all districts $43.751.985 7,430,277 1,252,585 $43,73 848,895 2,909,210 2,254,460 58,447,412 21,177,768 93,561,315 7,538,487 17,837,175 174,534 2,373,096 25,594,720 5,448,444 9,782,742 8,547,901 2,349,699 498,765 193,887,116 14,657,035 4,506,056,262 71.76 $85,472,333 25,149,477 543,219,754 201,193,626 319,677 855,354,867 751,808,566 218,631,328 174,250,888 57,580,039 641,425 1,202,912,246 69,674,806 44,710,985 9,072,776 6,699,063 130,157,630 1,186,808,883 410,152,312 364,409,418 110,641,655 30,641 2,072,042,909 6,596,638 231,867 959,124 90,011 33,477 7,911,117 2,850,648 49,093,108 1,351,493 1,292,378 3,859,785 58,447,412 Eastern district $20,787,899 1,820,406 1,172,873 22827 24,177 2,760,554 429,772 26,995,681 9,258,349 39,976,859 3,252,733 6,990,621 94,922 1,178,028 13,630,275 2,353,436 3,719,442 3,267,960 877,240 155,625 84,444,240 3,651,149 2,070,313,193 72.89 $50,309,031 16,462,767 206,245,686 86,927,537 129,702 360,074,723 369,959,959 112,461,448 65,396,829 22,407,557 451,692 570,677,485 30,259,959 16,558,621 2,250,438 794,781 49,863,799 603,487,962 202,170,235 130,712,291 44,700,215 981,070,703 596,721 176,789 32,145 32,056 837,711 1,423,095 23,474,121 393.777 272,687 1,432,001 26,995,681 Southern district $5,832,373 475,803 29.289 8,839 58,111 24,904 6,429,319 3.337,282 16,346,051 1,255,398 3,982,939 22,491 218,932 3,252,876 944,937 1,790,324 1,382,769 304,486 61,422 32,777,063 1,365,027 748,737,304 71.55 $13,209,514 2,469,862 99,858,559 33,258,893 148,796,828 144,667,433 35,315,836 25,771,275 5,930,569 211,685,113 15,695,122 6,454,941 1,181,607 401,399 23,733,069 184,442,712 59,849,594 63,739,613 18,649,020 326,680,939 59,854 6,193,560 131,238 40,240 4,427 6,429,319 Western district 27; 134: 8333 068 50,423 815,879 90,545 1,799,784 25,022,412 8,582,137 37,238,405 3,030,356 6,863,615 57,121 976,136 8,711,569 2,150,071 4,272,976 3,897,172 1,167,973 281,718 76,665,813 9,640,859 1,687,005,765 70.51 $21,953,788 6,216,848 237,115,509 81,007,196 189,975 346,483,316 237,181,174 70,854,044 83,082,784 29,241,913 189,733 420,549,648 23,719,725 21,697,423 5,640,731 5,502,883 56,560,762 398,878,209 148,132,483 169,957,514 47,292,420 30,641 764,291,267 5,999,917 55,078 926,979 57,955 33,477 7,073,406 1,367,699 19,425,427 826,478 979,451 2,423,357 25,022,412 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. HN345 1 2 wwww 19 Miles of road. 20 21 3456 5 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services.. 6 Total. 37 لالی 38 7 Related solely to freight service.. • 8 Related solely to passenger and allied services. 9 Apportioned to freight service... 10 | Apportioned to passenger and allied services. • • 11 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services.. 12 Total... 39 40 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929—Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Miles of second main track. Miles of third main track.. 22 Miles of fourth main track. 23 Miles of all other main tracks. 24 Miles of yard track and sidings. 25 Total, all tracks..... 41 42 13 Related solely to freight service.. 14 Related solely to passenger and allied services. 15 Apportioned to freight service….. 16 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. • • 17 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services.. 15 Total. ·444 SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES--Concluded 26 Miles of road.. 27 Miles of second main track. 28 Miles of third main track.. 47 48 Related solely to freight service. • Related solely to passenger and allied services Apportioned to freight service.. Apportioned to passenger and allied services. • 49 50 51 AUDIOVISIO 23+ 55 56 • · 29 Miles of fourth main track. • 30 Miles of all other main tracks. 31 Miles of yard track and sidings 32 Total, all tracks.. • • ·· • • Total... Number at close of year: Box cars.... Flat cars. Stock cars Coal care Tank cars. • • • Total. • • Flat cars. Stock cars Coal cars. Tank cars.. MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1929 Transportation for Investment--CI. Total Operating Expenses • • ·· • Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars. General .. Steam locomotives: Number at close of year.. Total tractive power (pounds). Number installed during year. Number retired during year. Electric locomotive units: • Number at close of year. Total tractive power (pounds). Number installed during year. Number retired during year.. Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. Item • · • • • • • · • MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1929 * • • • Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars ·· • · • • • · • • • EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE • • • • • • • • • Freight-carrying Cars • • • • + • + [ • • Deficit or other reverse item. Includes 21,705.73 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 7.783.26 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 4,362.94 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 9.559.53 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 24,090.00 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 8,881.90 miles operated under trackage rights. • लेकलेने 1/ 5/ Total, all districts 2/ $50,123,773 11,532,548 98,091,814 33,684,453 454.528 193,887,116 14,052,360 151,710 431,724 21,241 2,139,283,287 759.349.915 1,190,923,543 411,159,984 5.339.533 4,506,056,262 14,657,035 241,998.38 36.721.49 3,206.34 2,199.60 429.25 121,880.26 406,435.32 175,829.53 21,970.98 2,129.91 1.559.35 213.39 83,488.72 285,191.88 56,936 2,550,635,635 1,223 3.133 601 26,613,800 1,053,057 99.397 84,683 913,464 9,613 40.741 76.509 2,277,464 42,3 • 118 43.277.718 4,297,499 3,153.107 48,944.006 429,423 1,338,635 3.969,748 105,410,136 Eastern district $25.445,976 6,587,130 38.893.985 13,065,911 451,238 84,444.240 3,186,875 79.509 370,640 14,125 3,651,149 1,078,295,828 377.811,602 443,554,511 168,186,619 2,464,633 2,070,313,193 60,345.78 18,620.88 2.742.57 1.952.96 2/ 131.18 46,673.96 6/ 130,467.33 33,662.57 9,180.43 1.743.51 1,364.83 82.53 10/ 26,327.03 72.361.20 24,516 1,141,546,890 676 1,691 405 18.233,800 4 449,541 20,669 14.358 532,668 28 4,047 21,109 1,042,420 19,126,982 932,217 585,650 29,103.967 1.220 129,544 1.117.929 50.997.509 Southern district $8,760,830 1,458,230 17.285.521 5.272,482 32.777,063 1,421,625 82.962 20,492 5,872 1,365.027 365,413,840 111,824,985 207.947.321 63,546,731 4,427 748,737.304 45.757.28 5.696.45 126.78 49.42 277.38 3/ 21,389.58 1/ 73,296.89 ป 35,187.90 4,050.50 120.72 44.95 109.57 11/ 15.930.37 55.444.31 10,736 478,825,930 120 438 72 3,217,000 168,884 21.612 7.630 206,931 22 5,175 7.928 418,182 6,296.500 906.216 286,920 11,144,819 980 156,680 384,848 19,176,963 Includes 3,800.37 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 11,407.73 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 14,518.62 miles of industrial tracks. 10/ Includes 4,103.06 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 3,266.64 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 7,148.92 miles of industrial tracks. 13 Western district $15,916,967 3.487,158 41,912.308 15.346,060 3.290 76,665,813 9,443,860 155,163 40,592 1,244 9,640,859 695.573,619 269,713,328 539,421,711 179,426,634 2,870,473 1,687,005,765 135,895.32 12.404.16 336.99 197.22 20.69 4/53,816.72 / 202,671.10 106,979.06 8.740.05 265.68 149.57 20.69 12/ 41,231.32 157.386.37 21,684 930,262,815 427 1,004 124 5,163,000 2 434,632 57,116 62,695 173,865 9.563 31.519 47.472 816,862 17,854,236 2,459,066 2,280,537 8,695,220 427,223 1,052,411 2,466,971 35,235,664 l STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 14 No. H234 imot 1 7 10 1.0 Het pl 12345 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 22222 20 22 21 23 24 26 27 678 ww 28 29 30 wwww www. 31 32 33 35 36 37 40 ** *** **±± 50780 41 42 43 17 Number at close of year. 18 44 46 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 47 48 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded LOLOLOLOVO ANK Number installed during year: Box care... Flat cars. Stock cars Coal cars. Tank cars. 55 Total.. Number installed during year. 19 Number retired during year.. • • • • • • • • Total... • • Refrigerator cars.. • • Other freight-carrying cars • • • • Number retired during year: Box cars. Flat carB. Stock cars • * • • - • • • 38 Average number.. Compensation-- 39 Coal cars. Tank cars. Refrigerator care. Other freight-carrying cars • • In replacement: • • • • + • In replacement: · O Number of units at close of year.. Number of units installed during year. 25 Number of units retired during year.. • Item Service hours-- · Number at close of year. • · Number installed during year. Number retired during year. ·· • * • · · · • • • • · • • All Classes of Passenger-train Cars • • • Number of tons (2,240 lbs.). Total charges... ● • • • • • • All Classes of Company Service Equipment Floating Equipment * • · • Number of cross ties. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties. Total charges.. Kiles of main tracks.. Miles of yard track and sidings. Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges. • • TIES LAID DURING YEAR • Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for. Total... • Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for.. Total.... Service days- • RAILS LAID DURING YEAR • In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties. Total charges... • Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service.. In passenger service. In mixed-train service In special service.... In yard-switching service. In work service... • • • • • · • • * EMPLOYEES • • • • • In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: · V • • • • • • • • • • • · • • • • Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for.. Total... Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES • • • • • • Grand total, all services. 1/ Does not include data for 156 linear feet of steel ties. Total, all districts 44,698 4,986 4,838 34,643 308 1,241 2,894 93,608 48,562 5,618 4,118 48,138 647 2,795 4,002 113,880 52,259 2,663 3,499 108,354 10,824 10,843 2,416 81 78 74,677,482 250,062,851 $111,827,121 7,308,384 50,395,105 12,345,962 3,609,858 $130,424,072 784.48 2,110.93 408,936 $12,898,204 1,660,920 $2,603,622,647 $152,850,792 $2,896,566,291 3,676,346,764 179,420,407 4,029,491,421 38,825,460 251,821 39,753,809 $2,674,085,556 21, 78,619,234 27,188,996 1,968,181 48,254 21,464,874 2,845,142 132,134,681 # Eastern district 24,230 639 336 14,174 17 318 1,665 41,379 25.106 1,072 706 26,094 192 1,018 1,836 56,024 25,930 1,590 1,959 352 35,433 4,819 4,616 2,118 73 48 19,184,435 83,501,553 $39,293,785 2,307,506 19,748,398 $4,966,661 1,634,096 $57,662,675 190.92 740.27 144,198 $4,511,853 719,293 $1,193,912,230 $68,757,851 $1,325,173,455 1,581,259,212 78,123,395 1,735,589,191 18,780,126 130,149 19,231,520 $1,216,284,166 32,496,649 11,716,134 362,758 12,591 10,716,308 1,311,333 56,615,773 Southern district 5,166 234 11 9,383 252 15,046 4,747 1,172 178 11,150 256 87 17,590 8,032 198 448 18,367 867 1,439 114 23 16,912,579 63,149,440 $22,559,148 849,853 7,808,093 $1,351,947 630,533 $22,120:732 110.02 370.95 57,983 $1,763,430 310,457 $442,595,896 $23,720,047 $487,704,473 682,829,147 28,948,706 738,368,161 6,192,344 33,882 6,318,603 $459,348,772 4,890,643 392,288 9.662 3,446,161 448,852 24,680,994 Western district 15,302 4,113 4,491 11,086 291 923 977 37,183 18,709 3.37 3,234 10,894 455 1,521 2,079 40,266 18,297 875 1,092 54,554 5.138 4,788 184 6 27 38,580,468 103,411,858 $49,974,188 4,151,025 22,838,614 $6,027,354 1,345,229 $50,616,603 483.54 999.71 206.755 $6,622,921 631,170 $967,114,521 $60,372,894 $1,083,688,363 1,412,258,405 72,348,306 1,555,534,069 13,852,990 87.790 14,203,686 $998,452,618 30,629,197 10,582,219 1,213,135 26,001 7.302,405 1,084,957 50,837,914 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 - Continued (Does not include lessor companies) REVENUE FREIGHT TONNAGE BY GROUPS OF COMMODITIES Revenue Freight Originated Products of agriculture: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car. Animals and products: Products of mines: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Average load per car. • ... * Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car... • • Products of forests: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car.. ·· Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads... Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car... Manufactures and miscellaneous: ·· Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car... ... Animals and products: Products of agriculture: Products of mines: Products of forests: • Number of carloads... Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage. Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs. Fer cent of total tonnage.. Item Merchandise - All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lba.)... Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. .. Total Revenue Freight Carried • • Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. · • • · ·· • • ... • • ** · ·· .. .. • Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. .. ·· Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage. • • • · .. · ·· • Merchandise - All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage. ·· 墉 ​Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage... ·· * • Total, all districte 4,690,055 115,343,285 24.59 2,067,502 24,906,519 12.05 14,275,955 737,878,712 51.69 3,331,952 94,855,141 28.47 12,456,404 330,064,079 26.50 36,821,868 1,303,047,736 35.39 36,043,271 1,339,091,007 10,140,588 223,263,595 3,595 3,589,532 44,728,686 1.82 25,222,958 1,296,810,803 52.90 6,692,817 182,177,204 7.43 25,418,531 642,191,195 26.19 71,064,426 2,389,171,483 97.45 62,429,601 2.55 2,451,601,084 100.00 Eastern district 936,094 20,967,750 22.40 438,334 5,852,538 13.35 6,207,954 320,058,351 51.56 417,741 10,531,135 25.21 7,531,569 201,512,234 26.76 15,531,692 558,922,008 35.99 17,796,255 576,718,263 3,214,095 67,566,332 5.22 1,355,473 17,962,226 1.39 14,342,239 749,341,854 57.87 1,838,505 46,425,603 3.58 15,062,848 381,115,436 29.43 35,813,160 1,262,411,451 97.49 32,515,886 510059 1,294,927,337 100.00 Southern district 895,670 14,864,875 16.60 156,198 1,838,034 11.77 3,800,468 204,740,657 53.87 1,148,799 29,658,861 25.82 1,458,561 37,283,952 25.56 7,459,696 288,386,379 38.66 7,081,709 295,468,088 2,007,788 33,794,128 7.87 304,056 3,887,965 .90 4,782,141 252,625,874 58.81 1,920,884 49,523,869 11.53 3,160,464 77,128,078 17.95 12,175,333 416,959,914 97.06 61522. 12,615,096 2.94 429,575,010 100.00 Western district 15 2,858,291 79,510,660 27.82 1,472,970 17,215,947 11.69 4,267,533 213,079,704 49.93 1,765,412 665,145 30.96 3,466,274 91,267,893 26.33 13,830,480 455,739,349 32.95 11,165,307 466,904,656 4,918,705 121,903.135 16.76 1,930,003 22,878,495 3.15 6,098,578 294,843,075 2,933,428 86,227,732 11.86 7,195,219 183,947,681 25.30 23,075,933 709,800,118 97.62 17,298,619 20.38 727,098,737 100.00 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 16 No. 1 2 3 78 22 لالالال 28 29 30 31 w w w w GFWN 32 33 34 36 9 Total freight train. 10 Total passenger train. 11 Total mixed train. 12 13 14 15 38 444 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31. 1929 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) 47 48 49 50 18 Freight train--loaded.. 19 Freight train--empty. 20 Freight train--caboose. 21 İNİN İNTÖIDLO 123+ LOLO Average mileage of road operated.. Freight--ordinary Freight-light. Passenger. Mixed. Special • • 51 52 傻 ​53 • 55 16 Total transportation service. 17 Work service….. 56 Work service.. 25 Passenger train--dining. 26 Passenger train--other. 27 STATISTICS OF RAIL-LINE OPERATIONS · · ·· • Total transportation service. Total special. Train switching. 39 Work service... • • · • • .. • 37 Total special train... Yard switching--freight. Yard switching--passenger.. • • • 23 Passenger train--passenger. 24 Passenger train--sleeping, parlor, and observation. ... · ... • · Locomotive-Miles • • • Freight train--exclusive work equipment. Total freight train... Total passenger train... • • Mixed train--freight--loaded. Mixed train--freight--empty Mixed train--caboose. • Train-Miles • Mixed train--sleeping, parlor, and observation. Mixed train--dining.. 35 Mixed train--other passenger train. Total mixed train. Passengers carried--revenue. • Tons--revenue freight.. Tons--nonrevenue freight.. Ton-miles--revenue freight. Ton-miles--nonrevenue freight. Item Car-Miles Mixed train--exclusive work equipment. Mixed train--passenger.. Total transportation service. • • • • T • • + • • • Miscellaneous Miles hauled--revenue freight.. Miles carried--revenue passengere ·· Revenue per ton of freight. Revenue per ton-mile of freight. Revenue per passenger.. Revenue per passenger-mile. • • · • • · · .. • • O • Passenger-miles--revenue--per train-mile. Passenger-miles--revenue--per car-mile. • · • • • • • • •· • Passenger-miles-revenue. • Ton-miles--revenue freight--per mile of road Ton-miles--revenue freight--per train-mile. • Ton-miles--revenue and nonrevenue freight-per loaded car-mile. • • • • • • • • • · • • • • • • • • • O Total, all districts 241,568.48 583,361,222 5.958,011 560,675,298 28,013,521 560,298 1,178,568,350 35.774.847 669,450,915 534,190,222 28,833,663 635,016 62,523,347 304,458,502 24,279,679 1,624,371,344 44.981,387 18,084,055,317 10.747.533,202 599,880,040 41,288,164 5999 29,472,756,723 1,191,796,681 1,256,856,960 168,549,644 1,239,940,560 3.857,143,845 163,832.339 97.247.371 2,244,053 1,413,051 30,059,492 696,096 4,297 15,938,226 311,434,925 9,679,796 33,651,015,289 177,894,787 Eastern district 60,168.21 219,291,769 3.245.377 237.144,587 5,093.597 178,006 464.953.336 16,530,613 267,227,286 227,144,749 5,212.757 190,776 32,125,762 156,430,484 13,600,028 701.931,842 21,617.635 .343.965,990 4,335.313,416 226,292,017 5.903.536 11,911,474,959 580,242,515 510,425,888 59,670,293 535,219,829 1,685,558,525 25.835,685 14,469.373 803.819 113,837 5.347,491 59,363 392 5.538,054 52,168,014 2,580,796 13,651,782,294 51,871,029 Southern district 45.755.22 120,001,606 1,005,586 95,155,307 5.433.985 116,019 221,712,503 6,099,843 129,660,453 92,465.933 5.536,878 123.233 9,252,618 46,282,311 3.323,189 286,644,615 7,060,790 3.359,869,533 2,144,004,193 122,621,559 7,169.396 5,633,664,681 195,877,861 195,036,551 25.763.554 195,688,599 612,366,565 25,921,129 13,834,879 500.385 156,416 6,829.592 72,003 1.786 3,477,271 50,793,461 1,821,857 6,298,646,564 27,521,226 Western district 135,645.05 244,067,847 1,707.048 228,375,404 17.485.939 266,273 491,902,511 13,144,391 272,563,176 214.579.540 18,084,028 321,007 21,144,967 101.745.707 7.356,462 635,794,887 16,302,962 7.380,219,794 ,268,215.593 250,966,464 28,215,232 11,927,617,083 415,676.305 551,394,521 83,115,797 509,032,132 1,559,218,755 112,075.525 68, ,943,119 939,849 1,142,798 17,882,409 564,730 2,119 6,922,901 208,473,450 5,277.143 13.700,586,431 98,502,532 1,294.927,337 106,755,851 192,331,228,385 14,228,386,171 567.554,674 17.272,781,233 3,196,559 848.92 · 2,451,601,084 268,373,493 447,321,561,129 42,565,831.571 780,468,302 31,074,134,542 1,851,738 729.72 26.85 55.00 12.53 182.46 39.82 $1.96409 $0.01076 $1.11782 $0.02808 ལྡན། ། ། །ཐན། 429,575,010 52.582,298 94,252,031,465 8,212,374,135 75.985.325 3.762,093,295 2,059,919 752.05 30.26 39.08 9.46 219.41 49.51 $1.98113 0.00903 $1.56352 $0.03158 727,098,737 109.035,344 160.738,301,279 20,125,071,265 136,928,303 10,039,260,014 1,184,992 615.57 24.14 43.55 10.19 221.07 73.32 $2.56884 $0.01162 $2.09151 $0.02853 • 148.53 $1.61887 $0.01090 $0.82323 $0.02705 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 18 No. 1 ~MIXO 180 7 222 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 3 2 Investment in road and equipment. Improvements on leased railway property. Sinking funds... 5 Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold. Miscellaneous physical property.. Investments in affiliated companies. Other investments.. 22 27 28 W w wy SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 (Does not include lessor companies) 32 Total number of stockholders.. 33 • • 39 40 • • Total investments. Cash.. Demand loans and deposits Time drafts and deposits. Special deposits..... Loans and bills receivable.. Rents receivable. Other current assets. · GENERAL BALANCE SHEET · 23 | Working fund advances. 24 • 25 Other deferred assets.. 26 • • Investments Material and supplies... Interest and dividends receivable • · Total current assets. Current Assets · • • • Item • Traffic and car-service balances receivable, • Net balance receivable from agents and conductors. Miscellaneous accounts receivable.. Insurance and other funds. • · • • Total deferred assets.. .. ……… •• Deferred Assets ·· Total unadjusted debits.. Grand total... • • • • · d Deficit or other reverse item. · • • • Unadjusted Debits Rents and insurance premiums paid in advance. Discount on capital stock.. 29 Discount on funded debt.. 30 Property abandoned chargeable to operating expenses. 31 Other unadjusted debits. • • • · • • • • INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT 34 Expenditures for new lines and extensions. 35 Expenditures for additions d betterments. 36 Credits for property retired.. 37 | Adjustments.. 38 Net charges during year... Stocks actually issued during year--par value.. Funded debt actually issued during year--par value. • • • • • ·· Total, all districts 253 $187,856,505 12,875,913 282,804 1,333,951 6,433,891 15,920,457 11,168,171 235,871,692 10,277,523 6,002,340 589,187 3,640,584 11,703 2,490,513 1,444,930 5,615,205 4,003,883 203,454 101.684 191,614 34,572,620 20,360 5,143,801 254,335 5,418,496 151,794 3,293,600 2,487,628 110,748 2,392,921 8,436,691 284,299,499 9,397.378 1,619,378 d 1,185,271 6,592,727 355,800 10,245,000 Eastern district 135 $120, 704, 128 3,254,597 311 2,223,634 3,244,967 3,899,477 133,327,118 5,987.932 5,497,066 7,392 2,141,216 577,347 3,252,945 2,705,156 33,891 50,089 5,707 20,258,741 14,415 328,749 243.349 586,513 31,713 536,357 110,748 1,699,154 2,377,972 156,550,344 ... 5,794,512 1,108,806 ₫ 734,954 d 3,950,752 ... Southern district 7 $13,096, 290 1,333,636 752 14,604,678 208,151 281,380 703 1,553 ... 194,132 71,492 12,760 770,171 218 218 52,080 52,080 15,427,147 34,216 11,120 d 317,822 d 294,726 ... Western district 111 $54,056,087 9,621,316 282,804 4,035,505 12,675,490 7,268,694 87,939,896 d 4,081,440 505, 274 589,187 3,351,812 11,000 347,744 867,583 2,168,128 1,227,235 156,803 51,595 185,907 13,543,708 5.945 4,815,052 10,768 4,831,765 120,081 3,293,600 1,951,271 641,687 6,006,639 112,322,008 •• 3,568,648 499,452 132,495 2,936,701 355,800 10,245,000 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 2 3 4 સંતા-બંત 6 7 8 9 11 Capital stock.. Stock liability for conversion. Premium on capital stock………. Total stock... 5 Grants in aid of construction. 10 Loans and bills payable.. 12 13 14 16 17 21 ~~ 222 22 Traffic and car-service balances payable Audited accounts and wages payable. Miscellaneous accounts payable. Interest matured unpaid.. Dividends matured unpaid. Funded debt matured unpaid. Unmatured dividends declared. 18 | Unmatured interest accrued. 19 Unmatured rents accrued.. Other current liabilities. 20 22 23 24 wwwwU 33 time SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929—Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 25 Tax liability.... 26 100 0 2 2 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET--Concluded 39 40 42 42 Funded debt unmatured.. Receiver's certificates.. Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies. Total long-term debt... ... → Premium on funded debt. Item Current Liabilities Long-Term Debt • • • Stock • 27 28 Operating reserves... 29 | Accrued depreciation-Road. • • • • • Liability for provident funds. Other deferred liabilities. Total current liabilities.. ↓ • • Total deferred liabilities. Deferred Liabilities • • • • Insurance and casualty reserves. Total unadjusted credits.. Unadjusted Credits * • 30 | Accrued depreciation-Equipment T 31 Accrued depreciation-Miscellaneous physical property Other unadjusted credits………. Total corporate surplus.. Grand total.... • • .. • . • Total appropriated surplus. Profit and loss--balance.. ·· · · · • •• 37 Miscellaneous fund reserves. Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. d Deficit or other reverse item. • • · • • • Corporate Surplus. Additions to property through income and surplus. Funded debt retired through income and surplus. Sinking fund reserves. • . • • • • • • • • · • • Total, all districts $44,040, 200 44,040, 200 148, 641 123,182,800 8,264,376 131,447,176 2,905,611 4,708,736 1,501,459 2,630,795 143,600 702,725 520,547 300, 249 13,413,722 113,838 113,838 7,042,598 787 484,294 3,939,355 11,743,793 197,140 7,795,366 31,203,333 9,953,233 2,240,000 823,804 23,682 404,438 13,445,157 50,487,432 63,932,589 284,299,499 Eastern district $34,620,000 34,620,000 148,641 57,077,000 2,666,240 59,743,240 2,181,108 3,229,105 383,936 1,690,434 93,600 423,796 343.594 293,586 8,639,159 78,489 78,489 5,094,200 787 394,309 478,783 8,932,275 179,857 2,123,352 17,203,563 6,931,940 23,682 380, 704 7,336,326 28,780,926 36,117,252 156,550, 344 2. Southern district $2,000,000 2,000,000 14,000,000 14,000,000 311,445 1,274 281,380 2,212 596,311 ·· 29.370 29,370 2,510 55,808 38,232 96,550 4,621 4,621 ₫ 1,299,705 d. 1.295.084 15,427,147 19 Yestern district $7,420,200 7,420,200 52,105,800 5,598,136 57,703,936 ... 724,503 1,168,186 1,116, 249 658,981 50,000 278,929 176,953 4,451 4,178,252 5,979 5,979 1,945,888 89,985 3,460,572 2,755,710 17,283 5,633,782 13,903,220 3,016,672 2,240,000 823,804 23,734 6,104,210 23,006, 211 29,110,421 112,322,008 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 20 No. 12 Mtimo 710 9 10 11 12 13 14 ~~~~~~~U MI 567180 32 33 34 FEFEFEFEFENWWIN. W w 35 36 39 40 Amino on ~ A MOM & + Miscellaneous operating income.. 15 Total operating income.. 16 Net railway operating income.. 17 Hire of freight cars-credit balance 18 Rent from locomotives... 43 44 51 19 Rent from passenger-train cars 20 Rent from floating equipment. 21 Rent from work equipment... 22 23 Joint facility rent income. Income from lease of road. Miscellaneous rent income. 24 25 Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property Separately operated properties--profit. Dividend income.. 26 27 28 Income from funded securities.. 29 Income from unfunded securities and accounts. 30 Income from sinking and other reserve funds. 31 Release of premiums on funded debt.. 52 53 59 42 Rent for leased roads. Miscellaneous rents. Miscellaneous tax accruals. 60 HOME LONG A BOR 38 Rent for passenger-train cars. Rent for floating equipment. Rent for work equipment. Joint facility rents.. 67 SUMMARY NO. 2—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 68 71 Railway operating revenues. Railway operating expenses. Net revenue from railway operations. Railway tax accruals: United States Government taxes.. Other than United States Government taxes Total railway tax accruals. Uncollectible railway revenues. Railway operating income. 75 76 a a a 22 77 ·· 78 INCOME ACCOUNT 79 65 66 Miscellaneous credits.. 80 81 Revenues from miscellaneous operations. Expenses of miscellaneous operations. Item Net revenue from miscellaneous operations Taxes on miscellaneous operating property. ... • · • • • · • • Unrefundable overcharges.. Donations... Contributions from other companies. Miscellaneous income. Total nonoperating income. Gross income..... · 45 Separately operated properties--loss. 46 Interest on funded debt... 47 Interest on unfunded debt.. • + 48 Amortization of discount on funded debt. 49 Maintenance of investment organization. 50 Income transferred to other companies. Miscellaneous income charges. Total deductions from gross income. Net income. • • • O • • • • Hire of freight cars--debit balance. Rent for locomotives... ·· • • • • • O · 61 Credit balance transferred from income 62 Profit on road and equipment sold. Delayed income credits. 63 • • • • Net increase during year. Balance at beginning of year. Balance at end of year.. .. · • • .. • 1 • • • Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income. Income appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income. 58 Miscellaneous appropriations of income. • • · · · · • • • • 72 Stock discount extinguished through surplus. 73 Debt discount extinguished through surplus. 74 Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus. Loss on retired road and equipment. Delayed income debits.... Miscellaneous debits. Total debits during year. • • • • • • Total appropriations of income. Income balance transferred to profit and loss.... PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT ·· · • Total credits during year. Debit balance transferred from income. 69 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of surplus.... Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property 70 • • • • • • • • • • • • • · • • • • • • · • • 82 Dividends declared during year. $3 Par value on which declared--common. 84 Par value on which declared--preferred. ► 85 Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent. · • • • • • • ·· · · Total, all districts $75,655,507 51,112,724 24,542,783 1,252,584 4,715,790 5,968,374 10,130 18,564,279 145,994 129,107 16,887 2,788 14,099 18,578,378 22,235,327 1,394,177 347,415 22 65,847 4,529,267 469,843 518,108 127,381 466,375 835,888 216,329 450 25,839 8,996,941 27,575,319 1,037,634 451,720 7,658 1,168,668 5,828,791 1,330,527 80,856 5,236,767 126,184 94,605 653,946 224,995 16,242,351 11,332,968 159,887 1,244,796 275,187 1,679,870 9,653,098 9,653,098 9,653, 23,402 10,264 51,592 253,939 9,992,295 $7,141,800 51,072 706 45,000 166,710 500,000 313,536 8,217,785 1,774,510 48,712,922 50,487,432 8,385,796 23,196,600 36.15 Eastern district $50,032,509 34,323,006 15,709,503 981,871 2,626,056 3,607,927 9,028 12,092,548 145,994 129,107 16,887 2,788 14,099 12,106,647 13,621,935 1,073,962 159,942 34,511 1,929,888 460,167 201,474 33.762 118,213 511,174 8,680 450 25,827 4,558,050 16,664,697 620,488 259,319 7,065 782,044 2,840,263 228,317 15,731 2,533,526 21,670 22,245 653,946 206,818 8,191,432 8,473,265 87,625 1,037,200 오 ​2.174 1,122,651 7,350,614 7,350,614 20,961 2,608 30,272 245,352 7,649,807 $4,590,838 30,272 706 78,902 42,092 4,741,733 2,908,074 25,872,852 28,780,926 1/5,627,200 19,220,000 29.28 Southern district $1,806,399 1,062,119 744,280 d 128,731 128,731 2 615,547 ::: 615,547 483,028 25,303 114,835 31,675 .. 55,528 12 228,407 843,954 223,810 47,828 298 1,775 4,116 560,000 932 2,912 841,671 2,283 2,283 2,283 1.525 758 9,107 ii 9,238 8,480 £1,291,225 ₫ 1.299.705 d Deficit or other reverse item. Includes $3,040,000 representing an extra dividend of 40 per cent declared by Indiana Harbor Belt R.R.CO. Includes $2,500,000 representing an extra dividend of 500 per cent declared by Chicago River & Indiana R.R.00. Western district $23,816,599 15,727,599 8,089,000 270,713 1.961.003 2,231,716 1,100 5,856,184 ::: 5,856,184 8,130,364 320,215 278 162,170 22 30,081 2,484,745 9.676 316,634 61,944 ··· .348,162 269,186 207,649 4,210,484 10,066,668 193,336 144,573 295 384,849 2,988,528 1,102,210 61,009 2,143,241 103,582 72,360 15,265 7,209,248 2,857,420 72,262 207.596 277,361 557,219 2,300, 201 2,300, 201 2,441 7,656 21,320 10,112 2,341,730 2,551,000 20,800 45,000 78,701 500,000 271,313 3,466,814 d 1.125.084 24,131,295 23,006, 211 2/ 2,758, 596 3,976,600 69.37 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. HNKG 100 710 1 Freight.. Passenger….. 2 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 27 28 29 30 17 18 Freight. 19 20 21 41 8 Other passenger-train. 22 | Mail... 42 43 44 وبا 23 Express.. 24 Special service 25 Other. 26 OVORNOXOXOXO r HOME LOKO NB GOANM imo ~~~~~ 62 • 15 Tater transfers--vehicles and live stock. 16 Water transfers--other.. 63 64 55 66 68 69 Excess baggage. Sleeping car. 70 71 SUMMARY NO. 2—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) D 72 ·· • • Parlor and chair car Mail... Express. 31 | Storage--freight 32 Storage-baggage. 33 73 74 Milk.... Switching. 76 UN VARIA • • 78 73 30 81 $2 D • Passenger. Special service train Other freight-train.. Water transfers--freight. Water transfers--passenger. • · J • Total rail-line transportation revenue. • ·· • Excess baggage. Other passenger service. • 35 Grain elevator. Stockyard.. Power.. 36 37 • • • • 38 Rents of buildings and other property 39 Miscellaneous.. 40 • · • Dining and buffet.. Hotel and restaurant. RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES • • • • 45 Superintendence. ·· • 46 Roadway maintenance--yard. 47 Roadway maintenance--other. · · • Rails-yard... Rails--other.. • • • • Station, train, and boat privileges Parcel room.. • .. Total water-line transportation revenue. Demurrage.. Telegraph and telephone. 48 Roadway--depreciation--yard. Roadway--depreciation-other • Joint facility--Cr... Joint facility--Dr..... .. Ballast-yard... Ballast--other. • • · • • • • • · · · Ties--depreciation--yard. Ties--depreciation--other. Total incidental operating revenue 50 Underground power tubes-yard. 51 | Underground power tubes--other. • • 52 Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard. 53 | Underground power tubes--depreciation--other. · • · Total joint facility operating revenue. Total railway operating revenues. • • Rails--depreciation--yard. Rails--depreciation--other. • • • • • RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures • · • 57 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverts-yard.. 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other. 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation-yard. 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation-other. Elevated structures--yard.... Elevated structures--other.. Elevated structures-depreciation--yard.. Elevated structures--depreciation--other Ties--yard.. 67 Ties--other. 35 | Right-of-way fences--other. Item • Tunnels and subways--yard.. Tunnels and subways--other.. Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard.. Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other. · • · · • • · · • • ▼ · • Ballast--depreciation--yard. Ballast--depreciation-other Track laying and surfacing--yard. Track laying and surfacing--other Right-of-way fences--yard... • • • • • · • • • * • • • d Deficit or other reverse item. • Other track material--yard. Other track material-other. Other track material--depreciation--yard. 77 Other track material--depreciation-other • • • • • • • • · • • • · • • • • • • · · • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • · • . • • Total, all districte $2,812,727 19,169 17 2,699 101 68,783,028 14,253 3,079 71,635,073 .. 57,398 167,008 78,011 23,431 13,275 690,015 685,504 145,831 1,837 429,990 2,060,910 4,353,210 10,621 343,397 ₫ 332.776 75,655,507 632,209 930,480 27,239 131 14,507 22,914 444,494 20,538 303,009 97,282 35,250 1,008,137 31,046 569 .. 507, 19,474 2,611 593,409 14,485 562 72,960 152 68 2,030,33 41,284 2,482 124 Eastern district $2,580,554 46,261,072 14,253 48,856,283 57,398 8,018 13,604 11,929 2,084 434,588 145 145,831 1,837 72,912 433,119 1,181,320 10,621 15,715 d 5.094 50,032,509 431,618 506,313 131 3,784 316,672 45,518 886 621,441 569 387,376 2,6ii 312,239 ... 562 41,548 88 1,325,103 1,286 Southern district $1,741,298 1,741,298 d .. d 3,110 9,789 421 9,796 31, 3.556 3.556 1,806,399 4,11 68,657 9,166 10,903 17,143 1,267 19,328 20,092 22,039 66Li 9,604 6,722 8,608 112 137 26,713 21,034 102 21 Western district $232,173 19,169 17 2,699 101 20,780,658 2,675 21,037,492 155 155.880 64,407 1,713 10,770 245,631 685,504 325,653 1,613,675 3,103,233 324,128 4 324,126 23,816,599 191,425 413,264 10,096 10,723 22,914 126,555 1,210 257,493 .. 96,396 35,250 366,604 9,007 121,óji 9,870 274,44 5.877 31,300 289 ·· 678,515 20,250 1,216 22 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS ¡ 22 No. 1 Right-of-way fences-depreciation-yard. 2 | Right-of-way fences--depreciation-other Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other.. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds-depreciation--other 7 Crossings and signs--yard. 8 Crossings and signs--other. SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of May and Structures-Concluded 15 Water stations. 16 Mater stations--depreciation. 9 Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard. 10 Crossings and signs-depreciation--other.. 11 Station and office buildings.. 17 Fuel stations….. 18 19 ·· 12 Station and office buildings-depreciation. 13 Roadway buildings.... 14 Roadway buildings-depreciation 20 21 Grain elevatorB.. ·· 22 Grain elevators-depreciation 23 Storage warehouses... 24 Storage warehouses--depreciation. 25 Tharves and docks.... 26 51 52 Fuel stations--depreciation. LOLOLOLOLOLOLñinove 3+57896, Shops and enginehouses. • Shops and enginehouses--depreciation. 59 60 Item 27 Coal and ore wharves..... 28 Coal and ore wharves--depreciation Tharves and docks--depreciation. ·· -10 10 58 Injuries to persons. ·· Paving--depreciation.. Roadway machines.. Roadway machines--depreciation. 55 Small tools and supplies... 56 Removing snow, ice, and sand. 29 Gas producing plants... 30 Gas producing plants--depreciation 31 Telegraph and telephone lines.. 32 Telegraph and telephone linee--depreciation. 33 Signals and interlockers... 34 Signals and interlockers--depreciation. ………. · • • Insurance.. Stationery and printing. Other expenses... 47 Underground conduits.... 48 Underground conduits--depreciation. 49 Miscellaneous structures. 50 Miscellaneous structures--depreciation. Paving.. • 70 Power plant machinery..... 71 67 Superintendence. 68 Shop machinery..... 69 Shop machinery--depreciation. ● • Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines.. Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation. 37 Power plant buildings. 38 Power plant buildings-depreciation 39 Power substation buildings.. 40 41 42 43 44 Assessments for public improvements. • • ▸ Power substation buildings--depreciation. Power transmission systems. Power transmission systems--depreciation. · • • Power distribution systems.. Power distribution systems--depreciation. 45 Power line poles and fixtures.. 46 Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation. 75 Steam locomotives--depreciation. 76 Steam locomotives--retirements. 77 Other locomotives-repairs.... 78 Other locomotives--depreciation. 79 Other locomotives--retirements. 50 81 • • • · • ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Power plant machinery-depreciation. · Freight-train cars--repairs.. Freight-train cars--depreciation.. 4 • • • • • • C · • 72 Power substation apparatus... 73 Power substation apparatus--depreciation 74 Steam locomotives-repairs. • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 • C • • • • 62 Total, above accounts. 63 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities-Dr. 64 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities-Cr. 65 Equalization--way and structures.... 66 Total maintenance of way and structures. Maintenance of Equipment • • • • • • • • • • · • · · • · • • • • • Total, all districts ... ·· $96 163,629 9,717 23.036 365,687 159,582 45,082 4,269 53,328 5,003 65,135 9.823 252,500 44,063 103,063 31,695 10,702 29,350 223,073 69,685 33.743 9,981 65,079 359,890 11,999 11,505 5,520 416 167 10,246 47,i4i 7,533 3,025 420 5,892 11,905 27,597 1,923 120,102 323,263 21: 2,865 109,874 89,544 11,724 13,125 9,806,487 720,225 2,351,885 8,175,052 476,364 153,829 34,681 48,660 31,404 662 292 4,512,967 788,387 20,563 2,040,363 427,994 Eastern district $96 120,477 1,184 135,721 20,985 26,264 85 34,638 1,400 39,201 1,529 127,125 7,564 1,928 375 41,588 10,258 33,283 9.981 54,014 171,768 4,732 '36 5.356 6,963 4,779 2,938 21,968 532 69,671 203.775 2,669 67,998 31,803 7.992 8,349 5,276,736 675,579 1,465,636 $7252525 4,486,679 347,376 98,407 6,184 12,482 882 3,274,193 554,575 14,464 1,769,163 401,796 Southern district ... $1,535 7,322 22,322 2,216 ... 1,530 1,703 9.541 41,572 480 875 1,822 34i .. 13 544 1,841 335 5,944 88 2 272,012 1,326 47,801 225,537 15,505 2,238 2,388 90,620 2,315 10,922 Western district $41,617 2,395 21,852 207,644 138,597 16.602 4,184 17,160 3,603 24, 231 8, 294 115,834 36,499 103,063 31,695 8,774 28,975 139.913 59,427 10,190 186,300 11,999 6,432 5,520 380 167 4,890 40,178 2,754 87 420 5,897 11,905 5,085 1,391 48,590 119,488 196 41,541 51,797 3.644 4,774 4,257,739 43,320 838,223 3,462,836 113,483 53,184 28,497 33,790 333; 404 292 1,148,154 231,497 23공 ​099 *** 260,278 26,198 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. OR~ OWN FUN H 1 2 3 NG 12 13 14 15 16 -----~ 2 8 Floating equipment-repaire. 9 Floating equipment--depreciation. Floating equipment--retirements. 10 11 18 19 7 Motor equipment of care--retirements. 20 21 17 Injuries to persons, 22 30 31 32 33 34 35 6789o MMMM4444444 37 38 26 Superintendence. 27 28 29 41 42 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 43 44 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded Freight-train cars-retirements. Passenger-train care--repairs.. Passenger-train cars--depreciation. Passenger-train care--retirements. Kotor equipment of cars--repairs.. Motor equipment of cars--depreciation. Maintaining joint equipment--Dr. 23 Maintaining joint equipment--Cr.. 24 Equalization--equipment.. 25 59 60 36 Superintendence. Work equipment-repairs.... Work equipment--depreciation. Work equipment-retirements. Total.. 73 74 78 ·· Insurance... Stationery and printing. Other expenses. 75 76 77 78 Outside agencies. Advertising.. 79 Miscellaneoue equipment--repairs. Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation. Miscellaneous equipment--retirements. ·· Traffic associations. Fast freight lines.. Total traffic. • • Dispatching trains. Coal and ore wharves.. Station supplies and expenses. Yardmasters and yard clerks. Yard conductors and brakemen. Yard switch and signal tenders. 45 Yard enginemen. 46 Yard motormen. • [ Total maintenance of equipment. Traffic • • J • • • Industrial and immigration bureaus • · Insurance.. Stationery and printing. Other expenses... ... 57 58 Train power produced.. ··· D • • 47 Fuel for yard locomotives. 48 Yard switching power produced. 49 50 51 52 • Item • Station employees. 39 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus. 40 65 66 Operating sleeping cars... • • • • • · Stationery and printing. Other expenses. • • • • D ·· Train supplies and expenses. Yard switching power purchased. Water for yard locomotives... Lubricants for yard locomotives. Other supplies for yard locomotives Enginehouse expenses-yard. Yard supplies and expenses. Train enginemen. Train motormen. Fuel for train locomotives. • • • • · • · • • · Train power purchased. · Water for train locomotives. Lubricants for train locomotives. • Transportation--Rail Line ❤ • • L • # Signal and interlocker operation Crossing protection... • • • • • • 61 62 Other supplies for train locomotives. 53 Enginehouse expenses-train. 54 Trainmen. ► • • 68 69 Drawbridge operation. 70 Telegraph and telephone operation. 71 Operating floating equipment. 72 Express service... • • • • d Deficit or other reverse item. · • • • • · • • [] Insurance... Clearing wrecks, Damage to property. • * Damage to live stock on right of way Loss and damage--freight. 80 Loss and damage--baggage. • • • • [ • • • • • ❤ • · • • • • • • • · • • · • • • • * • • • • • • • 5 • • Total, all districts $20,981 10,509 1,351 1,564 81,668 31,924 139,206 59.998 11,727 12,084 4,877 756 92,098 82,878 24,991 2,862 9,114,128 149,691 332,490 8,931,329 139,709 105,334 43,308 9,651 2,900 116 22,486 328 323,832 1,332,232 299,291 5,056,301 40,802 43,895 362,735 2,687,774 8,792,233 754,609 6,123,164 5,057,725 400,089 96,816 106,970 1,279,894 350,003 194,575 126,929 5,872 4,233 7,182 25,902 209.339 118,100 367,719 410,981 39,588 67,483 158,751 224,597 197,846 110,423 76,539 33 240,737 537 Eastern district $25,845 621 257 81,668 31,924 91,248 36,787 8,176 3,944 1,353 756 68, 508 64,034 17,661 2,393 6,912,965 149,544 154,540 6,907,969 94,833 38,888 6,169 5,297 2,900 114 15,913 278 164,392 905.579 162,135 2,045,776 28,964 42,194 134,185 1,499,479 5,711,889 387,985 4,135,845 3,689,173 285,281 67,584 74,314 953,481 218,260 183,376 118,952 6,926 4,103 7.313 24,538 194,335 102,097 249,448 254,007 25,540 46,599 158,751 128,299 161,663 44,320 63,046 40,202 174,602 Southern district $589 1,6ii 268 232 •235 04+7 ▸ 294 346 579 ·· 127,907 1 17,228 110,680 16,645 7,265 314,934 11,363 1,701 18,638 86,012 145,139 4,012 93,459 113,163 3,963 1,243 3,163 37, 374 111 18 2.330 551 2.738 9,904 4,805 35,070 12,607 10,310 4,315 28 276 34 107 33 951 263 DIMimo GEFRA) d 23 Western district $4,864 9,299 1,094 1,564 46,347 22,943 3.319 8,146 3,524 23,296 18,49 6,751 469 2,073,256 146 160,722 1,912,680 44,876 66,446 37,139 37: 4,354 2 6,573 50 159,440 410,008 129,891 2,695,591 475 209,912 1,102,283 2,935,205 362,612 1,893,860 1,255,389 110,845 27,989 29,493 289,330 127,369 11,199 7.995 1,276 175 420 4,102 그동​: 15.004 099 113,466 121,904 1,441 10,574 91,983 36,155 20,066 47.343 36,444 65,184 274 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 24 No. 1 2 Injuries to persons.. Operating joint yards and terminals--Dr. 3 Operating joint yards and terminals--Cr. 4 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr. 5 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Cr. 6 Total transportation--rail line. 7 Operation of vessels.. 8 Operation of terminals Incidental.. 9 10 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 11 12 13 Grain elevators... 14 1010 27 28 Stockyards.... 15 | Producing power sold. 16 17 36 678 39 40 41 42 GFWNT 43 4445LD IN 789072 25 Stationery and printing 26 Valuation expenses. 47 50 51 LOLOLOLO BOLOVOV 52 53 54 55 #LON 56 57 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 58 59 999 60 61 I • 62 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES—Concluded Transportation--Rail Line--Concluded 23+IN678 66 67 68 69 Other expenses.. 2 General joint facilities--Dr. 29 General joint facilities--Cr. 30 Total general expenses. 31 Transportation for investment--Cr. 32 Total railway operating expenses. 33 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent).. SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES ¡ Total transportation--water line. Dining and buffet service... Hotels and restaurants.. Miles of road.. Miles of second main track. Miles of third main track. Miles of fourth main track. • · 44 Miles of all other main tracks. 45 Miles of yard track and sidings 46 • • Other miscellaneous operations. Total miscellaneous operations. Insurance.. Relief department expenses. Pensions... 34 Related solely to freight service. 35 Related solely to passenger and allied services. • • • • D • D Related in common to both freight and passenger and allied services: Apportioned to freight service. Apportioned to passenger and allied services. • Total. ·· • • Transportation--Water Line 37 38 Not related to either freight service or to passenger and allied services.. Total.. 48 Miles of road. Miles of second main track. 49 Miles of third main track. Miles of fourth main track. Miles of all other main tracks. Miles of yard track and sidings Total, all tracks. ·· ·· .. Salaries and expenses of general officers.. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. General office supplies and expenses Law expenses.. • · • • · • • U • • -- Miscellaneous Operations Total, all tracks... • • • . ► Number at close of year: Box care.. Flat cars. Stock cars Coal cars. Tank cars.. Item • • · • • • • • • · • • • • • General Steam locomotives: Number at close of year.. Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year. Number retired during year. Electric locomotive units: MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1929 Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying cars • Number at close of year.. Total tractive power (pounds). Number installed during year. Number retired during year. · · • D • · • • · • • • • MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1929 • • • • .. • • • • .. .. • EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE D · • · • • Freight-carrying Cars • • • • • ► ·· Deficit or other reverse item. Includes 498.56 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 435.82 miles operated under trackage rights. Total, all districts $927,855 699,859 5,533,517 224,298 537,792 31,217,264 49,957 219,434 147,161 3,550 69,076 489,178 479,358 870,567 119,135 191,184 2,230 7.719 96,407 63,067 243,522 135,066 10,444 133 202,366 2,016,333 40,264 51,112,724 67.56 $49,428,444 76,402 1,52,259 30,765 51,112,724 541.00 348.71 12.20 .92 4.26 2,157.05 1/ 3,064.14 259.39 161.11 1.99 .92 963.39 1,386.80 907 39,344,810 24 35 731 73 5,969 1,128 7,908 Eastern district $618,366 666,272 2,055,393 216,550 505,259 21,270,777 49,957 147,ibi 3,550 27,215 227,883 255,962 626,251 73,780 84,985 1,370 7,719 52,437 39,676 187,137 52,693 6,794 86,361 1,302,443 37,137 34,323,006 68.60 $33,967,184 49,957 275,100 30,765 34,323,006 403.33 273.26 12.20 .92 4.26 1,435.46 2/ 2,129.43 210.01 138.86 1.99 .92 684804 1,035.82 606 27,460,110 17 27 363735 5,929 1,128 7,491 Southern district $1,290 3,866 215,144 60 19,972 705,064 4,556 11,123 1,033 2,54 924 819 819 1,004 20,846 8 1,062,119 58.80 $718,674 26.219 352,813 16,851 1,062,119 20.35 7.68 50.91 3/ 78.94 18.76 7.68 49.97 76.01 17 498,100 2 ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ Western district $308,199 29,721 3,262,980 7,688 12,561 9,241,423 219,434 41,8ŝi 261,295 3/ Includes 2.93 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 59.81 miles operated under trackage rights. 218,840 233,193 44,322 103,657 826 43,970 22,467 55,566 81,554 3,650 115,001 693,044 3,119 15,727,599 66.04 $14,742,586 52,664 884,943 47.406 15,727,599 117.32 67.77 670.68 4/855.77 31.02 14.57 229.38 274.97 284 11,386,600 364 10 3 40 417 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. H&M LOXO N 1 Cetear 2 7 8 9 10 11 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 222 26 KOM 27 www لالالا 123 450 35 www 37 38 39 40 41 4444 42 43 44 * 799 RAN M 48 49 50 51 52 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) 789 57 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars.. Flat cars. Stock care. Coal cars. Tank cars. Refrigerator cars.. 25 Number at close of year.. 58 61 62 63 Total.. • • • • Other freight-carrying cars • • • [] • Number installed during year: Box cara. Flat cars. Stock cars Coal cars. Tank cars. Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. • • DO Total... Number at close of year. 28 29 Number installed during year. 30 Number retired during year. • • 4 • • • • Total.... Number retired during year: Box cars. Flat cars Stock cars. Coal cars. Tank cars. Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying cars. • • 31 Number of units at close of year. Number of units installed during year. 33 Number of units retired during year. 32 • • • • .. • 46 Average number.. Compensation: 47 Service days: ·· In replacement: • All Classes of Passenger-train Cars Number installed during year. Number retired during year.. In replacement: Service hours: • Item All Classes of Company Service Equipment • • • • • ► • • Number of cross ties. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges. • • • • ❤ · Floating Equipment Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges... TIES LAID DURING YEAR In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties.. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges. .. • RAILS LAID DURING YEAR In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks……. Miles of yard track and sidings. Number of tons (2,240 lbs.). Total charges. · Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for... Total... • .. Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for.. Total.... EMPLOYEES Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for.. • • • Total.... Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service.. In passenger service.. In mixed-train service. • • • • • In special service.. In yard-switching service. In work service……. Grand total, all services..... • · • 1/ Does not include data for 216 linear feet of steel ties, • Total, all districte 29,176 3,490 90 332,495 200 60,230 425,681 **5 606 **4 615 1,136 34 186 *is 1,373 རྨ :༩ 491 21 57 13 ... 493,353 4,423,578 $1,100,050 104,308 960,821 $232,735 37,418 $1,445,077 5.36 31.60 5,685 $207,772 24,340 $41,733,010 $2,200, 620 $44,724,790 54,180,370 2,444,042 57,526,626 647.326 9,796 670,569 $40,508,725 40,888 2,766 505 1,637,047 24,195 1,705, 401 Eastern district 14,656 3,180 330,695 200 60,230 408,961 ** 606 "4 615 658 34 131 i5 838 4 302 17 38 13 ::: 337,352 2,524,741 Y $767,892 63,713 514,936 $145,131 27,446 $1,038,511 4.29 17.73 3,308 $117,294 14,071 25,253,530 $1,529,068 $27,120,061 31,610, 158 1,731,709 33,723,535 368,461 1,417 375,586 $25,308,691 38,691 505 1,156,569 11,478 1,207,243 Southern district ·· viw 2 25,563 219,527 $42,131 27 6,694 $214 617 $25,355 Co $93 905 $1,128,252 $74,046 $1,229,943 1,754,544 106,078 1,896, 204 29,441 121 29,748 $1,209,065 27,072 23 27,095 25 Western district 14,520 310 90 1,800 16,720 478 **2 55 535 220 "i 186 4 17 130,438 1,679,310 $290,027 40,568 439,191 $87,390 9.355 $380,911 1.07 13.84 2,374 $90,385 9.364 $15,351, 228 $597.506 $16,374,786 20,515,668 606,255 21,906,887 249,424 8,258 265,235 $13,490,969 2,197 2,766 453,406 12,694 471,063 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 26 ·· Kind of mileage: Steam road.. Electric line. Steamboat line. Stage line.. Airplane... Total mileage State or Territory: Alabama. Arizona. Arkansas. California.. Colorado... Connecticut. Delaware... • ··· • D District of Columbia. Florida.. Georgia. Idaho. Illinois. Indiana. Iowa.... Kansas, Kentucky. Louisiana. Maine.. Maryland.. • • SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 • Massachusetts. Michigan..... Minnesota.. Mississippi. Missouri. Montana... Nebraska.... Nevada.. Tennessee. Texas... Utah.. New Hampshire. New Jersey. New Mexico.. New York.. North Carolina. North Dakota.. Ohio... •• • · C Oklahoma.. Oregon.. Pennsylvania. Rhode Island. South Carolina. South Dakota. Wisconsin.. Wyoming..... Alaska... Hawaii.. Canada... ... Vermont.. Virginia. Washington... West Virginia. C I. Land.. II. Buildings. ·· • Mexico. Mileage not assignable 3/ III. Equipment: Care.. Horses. • • • • Automobiles.. Item Item Wagons and sleighs. Harness and equipment. • Office furniture and equipment. Office safes.... • • ·· • • Trucks.. Stable equipment. Garage equipment. Line equipment. Shop equipment. Miscellaneous equipment. Total equipment. Total real property and equipment. MILEAGE COVERED BY OPERATIONS Total 232,092.87 2,770.14 23,611.62 2,101.59 10,314.00 270,890.22 4.838.58 2,639.20 4,449.11 10,764.17 4,759.64 874.53 296.30 42.85 5,261.73 6,657.77 2,755.98 11,895.93 6,873.62 10,700.50 9,707.83 3,613.87 283.22 2,072.87 2,567.47 1,916.26 7.702.62 8,206.93 047.40 929.37 4,907.87 6,670.61 2,701.54 1,150.38 2,099.52 3,060.53 8,038.14 4,529.58 5,245.09 8,879.14 6.932.44 4,016.32 9,334.51 172.40 3.588.75 4,181.09 3.593.57 16,545.29 2,526.81 946.42 5,073.25 6,126.89 3,190.17 7,209.55 2,392.38 10,724.30 370.80 4,008.63 96.50 7,720.00 Total $8,409,892 11,973,187 American Railway Express Co.1/ 963,691 641,423 21,966,190 902,885 125,904 3,141,628 523,276 2,724,604 16,015 606,538 555,336 229,153 5,247 32,401,890 52,784,969 222,749.15 2,891.85 24,021.87 1,409.54 8,088.00 259,160.41 3,176.23 2,351.60 4,448.33 10,381.42 4,779.64 986.53 296.36 42.30 5,016.98 5.359.37 2,755.98 11,623.25 6,673.69 10,700.50 9,519.28 3.238.06 4,259.38 2,049.27 2,544.60 2-27 1,965.26 7,416.10 8,182.73 3,230.89 7,943.91 1,839.32 6,670.16 2,675.54 1,159.38 2,137.01 2,722.23 8,077.28 3,087.11 5,245.09 8,784.11 6,780.09 3.910.72 9,298.55 200.90 2,355.24 4,147.49 2,293.15 16,167.84 2,509.01 COST OF REAL PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT 948.42 3,957.37 6,265.81 3.186.47 7.112.55 2,392.38 11,124.30 351.30 4,003.49 96.50 7,720.00 American Railway Express Co.1/ $4,652,895 11,891,572 955,242 875,557 19,460,942 1,166 520 180,005 2,975,819 496,231 2,491,159 18,074 580,024 525,621 226,373 51,250 30,002,817 46,547,284 Railway Express Agency, gogcy, Inc. 222,114.52 2,732.42 23,343.62 2,075.59 10,314.00 260,580.15 3.236.23 2,639.20 4.449.11 10,764.17 4,759.64 874.53 296.30 35.30 4,996.98 5.358.67 2,755.9€ 11,577.07 6,637.59 10,700.50 9,707.83 3.231.56 4,242.64 2,072.87 2,388.60 1,916.26 7,702.62 8.206.93 3,251.89 7.927.37 4,907.87 6,670.61 2,701.54 1,150.38 2,099.52 3,060.53 8,038.14 3,058.01 5,245.09 8,878.06 6,932.44 4,016.32 9,298.81 172.40 2,346.24 4.181.09 2,293.15 16,545.29 2,526.81 946.42 3, 942.37 6,126.89 3,190.17 7,209.55 2.392.38 10,724.30 370.80 4,008.63 96.50 7,720.00 Railway Express Agency, Ino. 2/ $8,398,810 11,785,187 963,691 638,746 21,164,804 890,552 124,969 3,046,340 498,032 2,654,362 15,956 601,796 538,495 229,107 5.247 31,372,097 51,556,094 Southeastern Express 00. 9,978.35 37.72 268.00 26.00 10,310.07 1,602.35 7.5 264.75 1,299.10 318.86 236.03 382.31 40.58 178.87 795.51 2.00 1,471.57 1.08 35.70 1,242.51 1,300.42 1,130.88 Southeastern Express 00. $11,082 188,000 2,677 801,386 12,333 935 95,288 25,244 70,242 59 4,742 16,841 46 1,029,793 1,228,875 Report for two months ended Feb. 28, 1929; property acquired by Railway Express Agency, Inc. Report for ten months ended Dec. 31, 1929. Covers miscellaneous unassigned mileage, such as transoceanic, coastwise, river, and lake not within the boundaries of any State or Territory. STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Cars: Number... Inventory value. Horses: Number.. Inventory value. Total equipment, inventory value. Automobiles: Gasoline- Electric- Number. Inventory value. Number.. Inventory value. Wagons and sleighs: Tagons, double- Number.. Inventory value. Wagons, single- Number.. Inventory value. Sleighs- Number... Inventory value. Buggies- Number... Inventory value. Office safes: Number.. Inventory value. Trucks: Harness equipment: Inventory value. Office furniture and equipment: Inventory value... Number. Inventory value. Stable equipment: Inventory value. Garage equipment: Inventory value.. Line equipment: Safes, car- ... Number.. Inventory value. Safes, messenger- Number. Inventory value. Trunks, packing- I. SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES, FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 -Continued .. Shop equipment: III. Number... Inventory value. Other line equipment- Inventory value. • Transportation: • Inventory value.. Miscellaneous equipment: Inventory value.. • Express, domestic. Express, foreign. Miscellaneous.. LONOVANNI Total transportation. II. Contract payments: Express privileges--Dr. Item • • • Account Revenue from transportation.. Operations other than transportation: Customs brokerage fees... Order and commission... Rents of buildings and other property Money orders.. C.O.D. checks.. • Travelers' cheques... Telegraph and cable transfers. Letters of credit... Foreign postal remittances. ·· Profit on exchange and other financial revenue. Miscellaneous. • • • • · Total other than transportation. Total operating revenues.. • INVENTORY VALUE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED Total 3/ $13,773,820 249 $274,156 3,165 $169,716 $6,994,638 1,601 5/ $2,525,812 1,617 $238,149 992 $24,952 559 $9,240 3 $6} $25,069 $1,286,806 17.969 $218,975 66,136 Z/ $928,124 $7,167 $324,146 2,574 $95,903 7,971 $21,908 9,807 $49,722 $51,514 $95,550 $2,803 Total $291,307,135 19,642 291,326,777 150,044, 944 141,281,833 234,836 5.329 126,617 12,652 2,466,221 American Railway Express Co. 1/ 4/ $12,881,406 .. 37 826,934 3,672,626 144,954,459 250 $326,423 4,372 $256,668 6,307 $5,808,547 1,651 6/ $2,675,222 2,184 $331,551 1.642 $44,443 ANALYSIS OF OPERATING REVENUES 914 $14,428 5 $89 $37,612 $1,224,257 17,640 $215,038 63,671 8/ $847,168 $8,346 $335,360 2,461 $100,527 7,701 $23,840 9,246 $46,452 $42,543 $100,827 $49,132 American Railway Express Co. 1/ $41,101,938 1,744 41,103,682 18,554, 308 22,549,374 37,027 723 22,862 348,667 34 124,034 533,347 23,052,721 Report for two months ended Feb. 28, 1929; property acquired by Railway Express Agency, Inc. Report for ten months ended Dec. 31, 1929. Includes $430,040, inventory value of 441 automobile trailers. Includes $392,933, inventory value of 391 automobile trailers. Includes $1,257,015, inventory value of 1,841 automobile batteries. Includes $1,224,571, inventory value of 1,910 automobile batteries. Includes $71,644, inventory value of 522 truck batteries. / Includes $60,455, inventory value of 450 truck batteries. Railway Express Agency, Inc. 2/ 3/ $13,384,171 249 $274,156 3,151 $169, 7,369 $6,681, 205 1,601 5/ $2,525,812 1,607 $236,885 961 $24,128 559 $9,240 $61 $25,041 $1,252,759 17,492 $201,446 64,233 7/ $913,799 $7,155 $320,659 2,438 $92,368 7,659 $21,352 9,194 $48,763 $51,514 $95,550 $2,774 Railway Express Agency, Inc. 2/ $242, 206, 106 9,939 242,216,045 127,590,721 114,625,324 197 197,730 4,605 102,594 2,009,695 688,115 3,002,742 117,628,066 27 Southeastern Express Co. $389,649 ::: 14 $252 209 $312,800 10 $1,264 31 $824 $28 $34,049 477 $17,529 $14,325 $12 $3,487 136 $3.535 312 $556 613 $959 8:32 $29 Southeastern Express Co. $7,999,091 7,959 8,007,050 3,899,915 4,107,135 79 1 1,161 12,652 107,859 14,785 136,537 4,243,672 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 28 SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 —Continued Operating income: Charges for transportation. Express privileges-Dr.. ... ·· Revenue from transportation. Revenue from operations other than transportation •• • Total operating revenue 8. Operating expenses. Net operating revenue. • Operating income. Item Uncollectible revenue from transportation. Express taxes.. Other income: Rent from real property and equipment used jointly. Miscellaneous rent income..... Net income from miscellaneous physical property. Separately operated properties-profit. Dividend income.... Income from funded securities..... Income from unfunded securities and accounts. Income from sinking and other reserve funds. Release of premiums on funded debt. Net loss on miscellaneous physical property. Separately operated properties1088..... Interest on funded debt. Interest on unfunded debt.. D ·· Amortization of discount on funded debt. Income transferred to other companies. Miscellaneous income debits. Contributions from other companies. Miscellaneous income. Total other income. Gross income. Deductions from gross income: Rent for real property and equipment used jointly. Miscellaneous renta..... Miscellaneous taxes, • • Total appropriations... Balance transferred to profit and loss.. Item Oredit balance at beginning of year...... Credit balance transferred from income.. Profit on real property and equipment sold. Delayed income credite.. Unrefundable overcharges.... Miscellaneous credits. Total credits. ·· Debit balance at beginning of year. Debit balance transferred from income. Total deductions from gross income. Net income... Disposition of net income: Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income.... · .. •• • Income appropriations for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income. Miscellaneous appropriations of income.. • • ·· ·· • • Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of surplus... Surplus set aside for investment in physical property. Stock discount extinguished through surplus. Debt discount extinguished through surplus. Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus. Loss on land sold. Delayed income debits... Miscellaneous debita.. · Total debits...... Balance carried forward to credit of balance sheet.. INCOME ACCOUNT • • Total 3291,326,777 150,044,944 141,281,833 3,672,626 144,954,459 142,192,421 2,762,038 20,126 1,779,726 962,186 151 231,111 75,122 611,794 918,178 1,880,364 1,093 1,334,000 3,455 62,969 4,599 1,406,116 474,248 589,630 589,630 ₫ 115,382 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Total $3,727,541 23,719 2,106 2,624 12,488 3,768,478 139,lỏi 34,185 173,286 3,595,192 American Railway Express Co. 1/ $41,103,682 18,554,308 22,549,374 533,347 23,082,721 22,559,720 523,001 3,324 326,862 192,815 25 20,269 48,719 123,813 192,826 385,641 149 651 4,312 5,112 380,529 519,830 519,630 ₫ 139,101 American Railway Express Co. 1/ $3,599,917 Deficit or other reverse item. Report for two months ended Feb. 28, 1929; property acquired by Railway Express Agency, Inc. 2/ Report for ten months ended Dec. 31, 1929. 761 ·· 390 2,716 3,603,784 139,lỏi 710 139,811 3,463,973 Railway Express Agency, Inc. 2/ $242,216,045 127,590,721 114,625,324 3,002,742 117,628,066 115,534,902 2,093,164 15.778 1,342,864 734,522 126 210,842 26,403 449,567 686,938 1,421,460 944 1,334,000 2,804 62,969 287 1,401,004 20,456 20,456 Railway Express Agency, Inc. 2/ $20,458 1,345 1,896 9.772 33,469 33,469 33,469 Southeastern Express Co. $8,007,050 3,899,915 4,107,135 136,537 4,243,672 4,097,799 145,873 1,024 110,000 34,849 38,414 38,414 73,263 73,263 70,000 70,000 3,263 Southeastern Express 00. $127,624 3,263 338 131,225 "% 6 131,219 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS I. II. III. IV. Total operating expenses..... 15. 16. 17. 18. Maintenance: 1. Superintendence--maintenance... 2. Buildings and appurtenances--repairs..... 3. 4. Buildings and appurtenances--depreciation. Buildings and appurtenances--retirements. Cars--repairs.. 6. 7. Cars--depreciation...... Cars-retirements. Horses--depreciation. 8. 9. Horses--retirements. 10. Automobiles--repairs. Automobiles--depreciation.. Automobiles--retirements. 11. 12. 13. 14. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Traffic: 33. 34. 35. 36. 41. 42. 43. SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 —Continued 44. 25. 26. Line equipment-repairs. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. General: 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. Transportation: 37. 38. 39. 40. 59. 60. 61. 62. Account Wagons and sleighs-repairs.. Wagons and sleighs--depreciation. Wagons and sleighs--retirements. Harness equipment--repairs... Harness equipment--depreciation and retirements. Total.... ·· • 27. Line equipment--depreciation and retirements. 28. Shop equipment--repairs.. 29. 30. Shop equipment--depreciation and retirements Miscellaneous equipment--repairs.. Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation and retirements. 32. Other expenses. 31. Total.. Superintendence--traffic.. ... Advertising. Stationery and printing. Other expenses.. Office furniture and equipment--repairs. Office furniture and equipment--depreciation and retirements. Office safes--repairs.. Office safes--depreciation and retirements. ❤ Trucks-repairs.. Trucks-depreciation and retirements. Stable and garage equipment--repairs. 8table and garage equipment--depreciation and retirements ·· Total.. • Train employees.. Train supplies and expens Stationery and printing. Loss and damage...... Damage to property. Injuries to persons Other expenses. Superintendence--transportation. Office employees...... Commissions.. Office supplies and expenses. Rent of local offices.. Total.. • D ... Insurance.. Fidelity bond premiums. Pensions... Stationery and printing. Valuation expenses. Other expenses. • • • • · Vehicle employees.. Stable and garage employees.. Stable and garage supplies and expenses. Drayage........... ANALYSIS OF OPERATING EXPENSES • ·· Salaries and expenses of general officers. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. General office supplies and expenses. Law expenses.... • • • • ·· Total $142,192,421 336,272 254,053 331,737 15,880 156,023 75.335 1.977 38,359 9,258 3,321,657 2,423,804 56,219 208,698 61,423 93,874 51,492 3,906 229,233 209,536 9,405 23,375 597,154 173,225 13,863 48,700 37,778 36,487 10,940 16,690 348 452 61 8,843,260 270,087 31,401 105,870 592 407.950 6,149,092 50,753,393 9,629,486 2,827,747 4,703,901 25,032,254 1,922,660 4,687,250 1,686,516 10,781,261 1,270,365 1,997,512 3,839,529 140,316 675,698 59,750 126,156,730 432,566 3,954,002 426,600 253,477 387,839 37,843 1,035,119 158,646 98,389 6,784,481 Deficit or other reverse item. Report for two months ended Feb. 28, 1929; property acquired by Railway Express Agency, Inc. Report for ten months ended Dec. 31, 1929. American Railway Express 00. 1/ $22,559,720 54,669 54,668 57,373 3,688 79,036 11,541 ... 6,867 5,034 535,021 351,841 19,552 42,780 10,760 30,785 10,318 443 19,829 34,386 1,420 3.909 81,367 25,784 1,754 8.533 5,646 5,873 2,152 5.347 100 81 17 1,470,488 27,788 2,243 8, 221 38,252 1,006,182 8,068,464 1,324,512 497.966 772,805 3,861,520 321,926 821,314 219,178 1,677,762 61, 206 276,796 762, 281 23,761 111, 200 14,358 19,821, 231 64,308 778,828 71, 701 51,330 61,504 2,930 165,859 19,061 14,228 1,229,749 Railway Express Agency, Inc. 2/ $115,534,902 281 603 195,198 260,505 12,192 76,987 63,794 d 1.977 51,492 4,127 2,716,683 2,008,547 36,005 164,999 45.969 62,553 41,050 2,565 207,186 162,069 7,839 18,445 499,474 140,560 12,109 39,741 31,683 28,931 8,788 11,343 248 362 444 7,171,114 178,877 25,451 86,821 291,149 5,004,178 41,498,914 7,859,792 2,268,867 3,788,265 20,721,143 1,566,022 3,730,354 1,302,603 8,560,677 1,195,640 1,612,314 2,976,269 115,658 554.757 44,141 102,799,594 334,007 3,031,702 343,124 182,764 281,951 17,193 868,971 129,980 83,353 5,273,045 29 Southeastern Express Co. $4,097,799 4,187 13,859 ... 97 69,953 63,416 362 919 4,694 536 124 1,784 2,218 12,581 146 1,021 16,313 6,881 426 449 1,683 9 201,658 63,422 3.707 10,828 592 78,549 138,732 1,186,015 445,182 60,914 142,831 449,591 34,712 135,582 164,735 542,822 13,519 108,402 100,979 897 9.741 1,251 3.535,905 34,251 143,472 11,775 19,383 44.384 17,720 289 9,605 808 281,687 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 30 Investment: Real property and equipment. Sinking fund... SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 —Continued Total investment. Current assets: Cash... Special deposits. Loans and notes receivable. • Miscellaneous physical property. Investments in affiliated companies. Other investments.... Deferred assets.. Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Material and supplies.. Other current assets.. Total current assets……. Unadjusted debits: Discount on capital stock.. Discount on funded debt.. Other unadjusted debita.. Grand total.. 8tock: • Total unadjusted debits. · Funded debt unmatured.. Capital stock.. Premium on capital stock. ·· Total stock liabilities... Deferred liabilities. .. Total current liabilities. Item Current liabilities: Loans and notes payable...... Audited accounts and wages unpaid.. Miscellaneous accounts payable.. Express privileges liabilities.. Other ourrent liabilities... Total unadjusted credits.. Profit and loss balance... ASSETS Unadjusted credits: Premium on funded debt...... Operating and insurance reserves. Acorued depreciation........ Other unadjusted credits...... Total appropriated surplus. Total corporate surplus. LIABILITIES • • Oorporate surplus: Additions to property through income and surplus. Reserves from income and surplus……. ·· GENERAL BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT Total $52,784,969 549,875 110,842 53,445,686 20,649,763 2,415 2,965 1,002,104 822,152 6,345,019 28,824,418 136,918 719.372 671,608 1,390,980 83,798,002 1,100,000 1,100,000 32,000,000 5,469,447 3,531,262 14,014,512 2,306,964 25,322,185 137,535 2,941,375 22,136,187 29,501 25,107,063 ::: 131,219 131,219 Report for two months ended Feb. 28, 1929; property acquired by Railway Express Agency, Inc. Report for ten months ended Dec. 31, 1929. American Railway Express Co. 1 $46,547,284 7,117,803 53,665,087 18,750,358 408 4,300,530 1,030,245 776,453 7,908,825 32,770,819 132,257 1,647,812 1,647,812 88,215,975 34,642,000 34,642,000 5,689,985 4,312,430 11,522,210 2,269,878 23,794,503 711,867 4,780,305 20, 406, 614 416,713 25,603,632 ::: 3,463,973 3,463 973 Railway Express Agency, gency, Inc. 2/ $51,556,094 110,842 51,666,936 19,782,059 2,092 2.965 970,551 805,544 6,234,778 27,797,989 136,435 719,372 625,900 1,345,272 80,946,632 100,000 100,000 32,000,000 5,237,864 3,531,262 13,603,830 2,038,935 24,411,891 137,535 2,866,213 21,409,632 21,361 24,297,206 :: Southeastern Express Co. $1,228,875 549,875 1,778,750 867,704 323 31,553 16,608 110,241 1,026,429 483 45,708 45,708 2,851,370 1,000,000 1,000,000 231,583 410,682 268,029 910,294 75,182 726,555 8,146 809,857 131,219 131,219 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Advertising. Class of employees Superintendence-Maintenance.. Superintendence-Traffic... SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 -Concluded Superintendence--Transportation. Agents, clerks, and solicitors. Platform and house men. Vehicle employees...... Stable and garage employees. Train employees... • Claim agents, special agents, and clerks... General officers..... General office olerks and attendants. Law department officers and clerks.. Shop employees. Other employees... • Total (including general officers)..... Total (excluding general officers).. Shop employees.. Other employees...... Superintendence--Maintenance. Superintendence--Traffic. Advertising. … … … … … … … …. Superintendence--Transportation.. Agents, clerks, and solicitors.. Platform and house men... Vehicle employees..... Stable and garage employees Train employees.... Olaim agents, special agents, and clerks………. General officers. ... General office clerks and attendants. Law department officers and clerks. Total (including general officers). Total (excluding general officers).. 2 Number on Dec. 31 117 83 ** 2,072 14,890 16,454 14,039 1,093 6,510 295 42 2,768 43 968 90 59,464 59,422 117 57 2,039 14,438 15,876 13,719 1,074 6,233 282 39 2,668 40 968 90 57,640 57,601 EMPLOYEES, SERVICE, AND COMPENSATION Number of days worked 33,321 22,986 Total Yearly compensation $298,895 197,839 635,658 5,252,494 4,556,253 26,323,776 4,622,023 23,824,596 4,440,915 25,003,855 350,222 2,041,010 2,412,316 91,224 13,002,959 12,258 845,425 13,198 309,382 27,249 28,194 14,437 597,885 409,190 4,761,957 166,999 1,986,023 152,763 18,372,430 104,020,241 18,360,172 103,611,051 Railway Express Agency, Inc. 2/ $250,607 131,060 4,304,165 526,019 3,734,472 21,501,858 3.792,154 19,675,938 3,688,575 20,709,817 1,665,868 286,474 1,944,747 72,872 10,432,803 480,122 9,642 315,946 684,562 3,846,477 10,277 123,741 259,766 1,663,559 22,928 127,774 15,075,119 85,229,735 15,065,477 84,913,789 Average daily compen- sation $8.97 8.61 8.26 5.78 5.15 5.63 5.83 5.39 6.55 33.38 5.63 12.65 6.42 5.61 5.66 5.64 $8.59 9.08 8.18 5.76 5.19 5.61 5.82 5.36 6.59 32.77 5.62 12.04 6.40 5.57 1/ Report for two months ended Feb. 28, 1929; property acquired by Railway Express Agency, Inc. 2/ Report for ten months ended Dec. 31, 1929. 5.65 5.64 Number on Dec. 31 105 45 : 2,042 14,099 13,759 12,999 1,142 6,121 298 35 2,644 40 1,005 89 54,423 54,388 : 26 33 452 578 320 19 277 13 3 100 3 : : 1,824 1,821 American Railway Express Co. 1/ Number of days worked Yearly compensation 5,127 2,165 99,673 696,651 674,765 563,879 57,505 365,293 14,451 1,698 131,463 1,977 49,616 4,321 6,384 2,768,584 16,220,766 2,766,886 16,159,844 9,966 125,130 155,104 88,461 6,243 102,276 3,901 918 29,400 944 Southeastern Express Co. :: $48,288 21,197 528,727 851,655 4,171,149 3,613,412 3,844,447 340,431 2,027,333 527,809 98,139 60,922 772,008 24,332 322,464 24,989 $45,582 96,674 650,769 535,246 449,591 34,711 542,823 19,624 32,322 143,472 18,926 2,569,740 2,537,418 31 Average daily compen- sation $9.42 9.79 8.54 5.99 5.36 5.79 5.92 5.55 6.79 35.88 5.57 12.31 6.50 5.78 5.86 5.84 $7.14 9.70 5.20 3.45 5.08 5.56 5.31 5.03 35.21 4.88 20.05 4.86 4.81 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 222 32 SUMMARY NO. 4—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 Average mileage (single track) over which operations were conducted (miles)..... GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investment in sleeping car property. Miscellaneous physical property.. Other investments. Cash... Net balance receivable from receiving cashiers and ticket agents. Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Material and supplies.. Other current assets. • • • Deferred assets.. Unadjusted debits.. Total. • · • • • • • ·· • Capital stock.. Premium on capital stock. Wages payable.... Miscellaneous accounts payable. Dividends matured unpaid. Unmatured dividende declared. Other current liabilities. Deferred liabilities. Operating reserves. Accrued depreciation. Other unadjusted credits. Miscellaneous fund reserves. Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. Profit and loss--balance. Total corporate surplus. · • • • • Operating income. • • • • • • • Sleeping car operating revenues.. Revenues from auxiliary operations. Total revenues. sleeping car operating expenses. Expenses of auxiliary operations. Total operating expenses. Net revenues.. Sleeping car tax accruals.. Auxiliary operations--Tax accruals.. Total taxes..... • • Total nonoperating income. Gross income. ·· ► ·· Rent from cars.. Dividends received.. Income from funded securities, │ Income from unfunded securities and accounts. Income from sinking and other reserve funds. Miscellaneous income. .. • · • • .. Rent for cars. Miscellaneous tax accruals, Interest on unfunded debt. Miscellaneous income charges... Total deductions from gross income. Net income... Total debits during year. Net increase during year. Balance at beginning of year. Balance at end of year. · • • • • • • Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income.... Miscellaneous appropriations of income. Total appropriations... Income balance transferred to profit and 1088.. Credit balance transferred from income Unrefundable overcharges.. Miscellaneous credits... Total credits during year. • Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of surplus. Loss on retired equipment.. Uncollectible sleeping car revenues Miscellaneous debits... • • · · • · • • • ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. 1/ Represents an extra dividend of 24 per cent. A • • • • • • · • · INCOME ACCOUNT • PROFIT ANd loss accOUNT • • • • • • ·· • · • 130,018.50 $245,279,441 7,321 16,623,576 4,944,665 1,584,418 2,343,792 4,519,908 520,195 4,651,736 39,247,441 319,722,493 135,000,000 9.398 1,599,876 3,474,404 28,747 1,300,894 4,155,414 60,000 117,871,966 52,064,578 1,002,192 3,155,024 82,283,778 40 83,840,812 69,490,170 1,334,203 70,824,373 13,016,439 3,815,362 15,878 3,831,240 9,185,199 178,919 61,165 1,050,314 264,456 182,884 1,737,738 10,922,937 4,854 7.952 7.874 20,680 10,902,257 180,071 6,750,000 6,930,071 3,972,186 3,972,186 15,436 6,930,682 10,918,304 1/ 32,400,000 9.881 7,988 440,910 32.839.017 a 21,920, 743 25,075,737 3,155,024 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Berth revenue. Seat revenue.. Charter of cars. • • · • Miscellaneous revenue. Car mileage revenue. SUMMARY NO. 4—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 -Concluded · • .. • • Association and contract revenue-Dr. Total operating revenues. Maintenance. Conducting car operations. General expenses... • • • • • · • Total operating expenses. Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent). Porters and maide. Train stenographers. Car cleaners... Laundry employees. General expenses: Auxiliary operations: · • ► • • General officers. • Clerks and attendants.. Maintenance: Mechanics, electricians, seamstresses, repairmen, carpenters, shop employees, etc. Conducting car operations: General officers and staff (superintendence) District superintendents, agents, and staff. Conductors... · Standard sleeping cars. Tourist sleeping care. Parlor cars. Dining cars. Composite cars. Private cars.... Miscellaneous cars. • • • Total · · • • • Commissary (superintendence). Agents and staff, conductors, waiters, cooks, etc Total (including general officers).. • • Total number of revenue passengers--berth. Total number of revenue passengers--seat. Average revenue per passenger-berth. Average revenue per passenger-seat. Total number of car-miles.. Total number of car-days.. Average number of revenue passengers per car per day Operating revenues per car-mile (cents). Operating revenues per car-day... Operating expenses per car-mile (cents). Operating expenses per car-day.. Net operating revenue per car-mile (cents) Net operating revenue per car-day.. Average number of car-miles per car-day. .. • .. ... ... • • • • · · • • · • Class • · • • OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES 1/ Does not include 18 cars leased or otherwise acquired. • · ► EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES OPERATING STATISTICS • EQUIPMENT IN SERVICE ON DEC. 31, 1929 • • • • • • • Number on Dec. 31 5.379 232 1,659 2,666 11,751 22 5,693 489 42 985 46 271 29,250 $77,511,162 9,803,912 2,438,882 33 176,169 1,157,466 8,703,819 82,383,772 30,159,007 36,190,957 3,140, 206 69,490,170 84.35 Average daily compen- sation $4.79 6.42 4.29 6.13 2.81 5.76 3.46 2.71 27.24 4.32 3.19 3.85 21,008,719 12,425,549 $3.69 $0.79 1,206,767,059 3,227,276 10 6.827 $25.52734 5.758 $21.53214 1.069 $3.99520 373.93 7,720 286 1,122 18 275 1/ 9,451 | 管 ​HE 2708 IM *** INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION BUREAU OF STATISTICS A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1929 COMMERCE UN UM INTERSTATE 180102 1887 COMMISSION UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1930 i 0 ட் ( F THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION FRANK MCMANAMY, Chairman BALTHASAR H. MEYER CLYDE B. AITCHISON JOSEPH B. EASTMAN ERNEST I. LEWIS THOMAS F. WOODLOCK EZRA BRAINERD, Jr. CLAUDE R. PORTER PATRICK J. FARRELL WILLIAM E. LEE HUGH M. TATE GEORGE B. McGINTY, Secretary ? DEPOSITED BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CONTENT S. Introductory statement. Summary No. 1--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I steam railways (not including switching and terminal companies) for the year ended December 31, 1929... Summary No. 2--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I switching and terminal companies for the year ended December 31, 1929.. ……….. Summary No. 3--Abstract of reports rendered by express companies for the year ended December 31, 1929..... Summary No. 4-Abstract of report rendered by The Pullman Company for the year ended December 31, 1929.. Page 5 6 18 26 32 n 3 • A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON .CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 This preliminary abstract for the calendar year 1929 is compiled from the annual reports of the classes of carriers designated. It differs from the Preliminary Statement of Capitalization and Income for the same year in that the latter is confined to a small number of items compiled for individual carriers, and in summary form, from a special report returned by them in advance of their annual report. The present abstract contains summaries by districts and is intended primarily to make available as promptly as possible certain totals not obtainable from the monthly or special reports of carriers. The totals are subject to change after corrections in the annual reports have been authorized. The final totals will appear in the Statistics of Railways for 1929. It may be noted that only steam railways, express companies and The Pullman Company are covered in this abstract. Separate mimeographed statements are issued annually for pipe line companies, telegraph and cable companies, carriers by water, tele- phone companies, and electric railways. Because a separate annual publication of freight commodity statistics for the year 1929 has been issued in full detail for the 157 classes of commodities, only group totals of commodities carried are shown in this preliminary abstract. It should be especially observed that the balance sheet items relate to operating companies only and do not cover the balance sheets of lessor companies the property of which is operated by Class I steam railways, that is, railways having annual operating revenues above $1,000,000. The following table shows the investment in road and equipment of the operating, lessor and proprietary companies at the end of the year 1929, in comparison with final figures for the preceding year. The increases and decreases shown for the various classes of roads are in part the result of the changes in corporate relations, certain oper- ating companies having become lessor or proprietary companies since 1928. Such changes do not affect the net increase shown as $583,431,908. Class of companies Class I...... Lessors to Class I. Proprietary Companies. Total.. Class II…………. Investment in Road and Equipment of Steam Railways, (Accounts 701 and 702) Lessors to Class II. Proprietary Companies Total.. Class III.... INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT Lessors to Class III.. Proprietary Companies. Total.. Grand total.. • • WASHINGTON, June 19, 1930. • Dec. 31, 1929 $19,907,087,141 3,928,089,281 1,049,155,444 24,884,331,866 469,368,400 5,936,843 2,317,611 477,622,854 92,427,981 4,937,519 95,618 97,461,118 25,459,415,838 Dec. 31, 1928 $19,459,369,501 3,788,928,264 1,011,341,180 24,259,638,945 505,855,998 8,729,612 2,315,401 516,901,011 93,931,406 5,416,950 95,618 99,443,974 24,875,983,930 Increase 121 $447,717,640 139,161,017 37,814,264 624,692,921 2,210 • • • • • 583,431,908 Decrease • · • • • $36,487,598 2,792,769 39,278,157 1,503,425 479,431 1,982,856 5 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 6 No. OR~ ONS AN 1 Total number of stockholders.. 2 9 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 (Does not include lessor companies) ·· • Investment in road and equipment. Improvements on leased railway property. 4 Sinking funds.... 동 ​Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold.. Miscellaneous physical property... Investments in affiliated companies. Other investments... 10 Cash... 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Total investments.. GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investments Demand loans and deposits. Time drafts and deposits. Special deposits.... Loans and bills receivable. Current Assets + • · Item Total current assets. • 18 | Material and supplies.... 19 Interest and dividends receivable. 20 Rents receivable..... 21 | Other current assets. 22 23 Working fund advances. 24 Insurance and other funds.. 25 Other deferred assets.... 26 - Traffic and car-service balances receivable. Net balance receiyable from agents and conductors. Miscellaneous accounts receivable... Total deferred assets. Deferred Assets · • • Total unadjusted debits.. Grand total.. • Unadjusted Debtis 27 Rents and insurance premiums paid in advance. 28 • Discount on capital stook.. 29 Discount on funded debt... 30 Property abandoned chargeable to operating expenses. 31 Other unadjusted debits... 32 33 · ·· INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT 34 Expenditures for new lines and extensions. 35 Expenditures for additions and betterments. 36 Credits for property retired.. 37 | Adjustments.. 38 Net charges during year. 39 Stocks actually issued during year--par value.. 40 Funded debt actually issued during year--par value.. ·· Total, all districts 806,710 $19,408,241,857 498,845,284 3.738,064 13,910,111 179,010,148 5,239,756,008 880,044,339 26,223,545,811 5,1 375. 5883 107,109, 66 55,469,977 80,032,182 425,387 733,508 439,922 272727205 906,692 470,072,929 39,682,51 1,701,613 13,003,483 1,717,953,464 3,278,124 100,724,498 101,379,640 205,382,262 5,193,783 15,753,828 86,922,180 217,773,834 325,643,625 28,472,525,162 Eastern district 400,822 $7,056,094,727 399.399,186 1,350,509 4,039,179 93.745,997 2.173.396,176 426,562,765 10,154,588,539 171,435,276 47.325,298 20,428,394 42 384,496 ,646,906 12,079,211 35.275,267 77.363,162 182,189,003 18,327,944 1,042, 2,445 669,942,546 1,827,511 88,966,344 10,931,710 101,725,565 2,867,873 27,793,361 86,133,116 117,257,145 11,043,513,795 3833535 21,282,985 16,519,58 438,950 32, 453 283,695.384 59 275,614 d 2.21.309 492,299,565 243,877,599 159,663,724 1/ 110,906,140 529,765,153 153,145,494 Deficit or other reverse item. Includes $13,815,998, consideration received for 552,640 shares of stock without par value. Includes $4,016,985, consideration received for 100,206 shares of stock without par value. Southern district 78,380 $3,567,879,518 71,105,868 1,628,658 723,601 24,082,368 666,556,814 123,282,631 4,455,259,458 93,582 ,120,346 14,630,141 20,099,662 9,416,112 22,337,184 5.712,721 35,630,064 ,740,756 8,038,173 120,093 1,040,369 283,468,172 484,760 4,079,182 26,760,524 31,324,466 933,664 251,850 14,910,482 29,329,284 45,425,280 4,815,477,376 106,1 201 2,5 71,604,792 31,496,200 $7,612,692 Western district 327,505 $8,784,267,612 28,340,230 758,897 9,147,331 61,181,783 2,399,803,018 330,198,943 11,613,697,814 250,357.742 55,664,022 20,411,442 17,548,024 20,362,369 29,317,113 227 23,451,934 104,913,466 219,143,170 13,316,419 539,143 9,517,902 764,542,746 965,853 7,678,972 63,687,406 72,332,231 1,392,246 15,039,183 44,218,337 102,311,434 162,961,200 12,613,533,991 11,127,548 275,81 116,594,0 71 176,817,174 2/ 17,261,384 319,006,967 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 2 3 Premium on capital stock.. 4 Total stook.... 5 Grants in aid of construction.. 10 | Loans and bills payable. 11 21 6 Funded debt unmatured. 7 Receiver's certificates.. 8 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies 9 Total long-term debt... ~~~~ A POIN LOLO 26 27 Traffic and car-service balances payable. 12 Audited accounts and wages payable. 28 SUMMARY NO. 1—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 13 Miscellaneous accounts payable... 14 Interest matured unpaid.. Dividends matured unpaid.. 15 16 Funded debt matured unpaid. 17 Unmatured dividends declared. 18 Unmatured interest accrued.. 19 Unmatured rents accrued.. 20 Other current liabilities.... Total current liabilities.. 29 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET--Concluded Capital stock... Stock liability for conversion. 33 Mmmmm my N 22 Liability for provident funds.... 23 Other deferred liabilities....... 24 Total deferred liabilities..... 39 Item 41 • 42 Stock Tax liability. Premium on funded debt. Long-Term Debt Current Liabilities 32 Other unadjusted credits.... • है Accrued depreciation--Road.. 30 Accrued depreciation-Equipment.. 31 Accrued depreciation-Miscellaneous physical property • Deferred Liabilities 40 Profit and loss--balance. Insurance and casualty reserves.. Operating reserves.... O Unadjusted Credits Total unadjusted credits... • • Corporate Surplus Additions to property through income and surplus. Funded debt retired through income and surplus. Sinking fund reserves... Miscellaneous fund reserves. Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. Total appropriated surplus. ·· • Total, all districts 1,279,911 51,626,461 8,237,540,604 6,516,624 10,700,494,048 9,198,192 428,428,951 11,138,121,191 71,240,230 120,023,913 389,117,891 120,222,792 211,760,829 23,128,186 $8,184,640,2321/$3,224,469,267 2/ $1,236,834,287 3/ $3,723,336,678 *4,998,340 1,241,832,627 508,514 44.735.792 83,362,122 95,504,215 20,529,743 21,358,054 1,200,983,767 3,580,404 135,115,148 138,695,552 276,955,007 945.567 48,159,951 65,752 82,674,567 1,892,512,081 6,226,987 413,956,229 2,721,496,141 Eastern district 889,087,719 83,680,938 45,884,716 59.937.728 474,807 40,132,736 3,265,023,017 1,036,423 3,833,6 3,833,636,008 6,695,085 119,742,457 55353 35 3,960,073,550 44,504,306 71,128,292 164,484,013 41,226,508 40,936,945 5,262,412 32,158,017 52,604,439 34.962,492 14,241,698 13,075,677 514,584,799 1,465,445 68,846,364 70,311,809 122,000,986 163,518 30,421,804 28,938,425 874,212,151 2,642,483 177,322,651 1,235,702,018 495,246,239 455,912 32,114,86 379,815 52,599.792 Southern district 603,096,620 1,393,685,559 1,996,782,179 11,043,513,795 1,933,603,643 io,144,027 1,943,747,670 5,027,147 12,839,237 76,084,188 15,615,384 9,898,859 5,229,145 271,934 17,443,665 19,352,895 2,780,992 2,074,497 33 34 35 166,617,943 12: 2,051,886 31,032,253 33,084,139 40,824,418 ,200 4,159,746 35.307,913 336,127,684 2,070,968 42,223,755 460,715,684 130,268,195 1,184,181 5,224,719 *i,476,597 692 Western district 30,317,107 965,970,799 4,815,477,376 83 7 920,175 6,428,107 3,730,684,960 4,971,687 4,933,254,397 2,503,107 298,542,467 5,234,299,971 21,708,777 36,056,384 148,549,690 63,380,900 160,925,025 12,636,629 12,305,841 13,314,018 41,188,828 1,144,065,908 3,885,105,375 Total corporate surplus.. 5,029,171,283 Grand total.. 28,472,525,162 Includes $13,815,998, consideration received for 552,640 shares of stock without par value. Includes $26,382,853, consideration received for 250,000 shares of stock without par value; in addition 60,000 shares of stook without par value are outstanding for which no book value is reported. 2/ Includes $277,898,321, consideration received for 2,495,602 shares of stock without par value. 3,507,053 6,207,880 519,781,025 63,073 35,236,531 35,299,604 114,129,603 780,849 13,578,401 65.752 18,428,229 682,172,246 1,513,536 194,409,823 5335353 1,025,078,439 263,573,285 65,040,845 8,280,182 4,522,866 61,398,418 402,815,596 1,660,602,709 2,063,418,305 12,613,533,992 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 12 2 1 Railway operating revenues. Railway operating expenses. Net revenue from railway operations. Railway tax accruals: United States Government taxes. Other than United States Government taxes Total railway tax accruals. Uncollectible railway revenues. Railway operating income. MS IMO78 a on mm ± 11 9 10 11 12 13 14 22 15 27 Miscellaneous operating income.. Total operating income.. 16 Net railway operating income. 28 17 Hire of freight cars--credit balance 18 Rent from locomotives.... 19 Rent from passenger-train cars. 20 Rent from floating equipment. 21 22 Rent from work equipment... Joint facility rent income. Income from lease of road. FIFIDAK & M MONO Joint facility rents.. 42 Rent for leased roads.. 43 44 Miscellaneous rents... 47 48 49 52 53 23 24 | Miscellaneous rent income. 25 | Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property 26 Separately operated properties-profit. Dividend income... 39 Rent for floating equipment. 40 Rent for work equipment. 41 hiniini in 8 55 56 57 58 59 60 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 100 g 200 Income from funded securities. 29 Income from unfunded securities and accounts. 30 Income from sinking and other reserve funds. 31 32 Release of premiums on funded debt.. Contributions from other companies. Miscellaneous income. 33 34 Total nonoperating income. 35 Gross income.. 36 Hire of freight cars-debit balance. 37 Rent for locomotives…………. 38 Rent for passenger-train cars 64 Miscellaneous tax accruals.. 45 Separately operated properties--1088. 46 Interest on funded debt.. Interest on unfunded debt. 65 66 67 INCOME ACCOUNT Revenues from miscellaneous operations.. Expenses of miscellaneous operations... 68 69 Net revenue from miscellaneous operations Taxes on miscellaneous operating property. 70 71 72 · 73 74 Item Da ca de a You · Amortization of discount on funded debt. Maintenance of investment organization. 50 Income transferred to other companies.. Miscellaneous income charges. 51 Total deductions from gross income. Net income.... 80 • 81 · • 77 Miscellaneous debits.. • ·· • · • 62 Profit on road and equipment sold. 63 Delayed income credits. Unrefundable overcharges. Donations... Miscellaneous credits... • • • .. • 61 Credit balance transferred from income. • • · • • Total credits during year..... 54 Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds.. Dividend appropriatione of income.. Income appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income. Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total appropriations of income..... Income balance transferred to profit and loss. Total debits during year. Net increase during year. Balance at beginning of year. Balance at end of year.. • • · • • ·· • • · PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT · ·· • · • • • · • · Stock discount extinguished through surplus. Debt discount extinguished through surplus. Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus. 75 Loss on retired road and equipment.. 76 Delayed income debits.. · • • • • · • • • • • • • • • Debit balance transferred from income.. Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of surplus.. Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property .. • • • · ... 82 Dividends declared during year. 83 Par value on which declared--common. 84 Par value on which declared-preferred. • 85 Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent. d Deficit or other reverse item. ·· • ·· • ► O • • • • • • • • • • · • •• • ·· · • • • • · • Total, all districts $6,279,520,544 4,506,056,262 1,773,464,282 89,443,677 307,238,957 396,682,634 1,162,581 1,375,619,067 3,815,468 3,609,947 205,521 196,372 9,149 1,375,628,216 1,251,697,938 22,344,404 13,066,197 16,008,905 433,671 3,690,660 40,612,653 5.517,354 24,223,418 7,052,149 9,474,840 176,077,966 ,555,969 46,797,196 4,569,630 100,654 2,705,202 1,696,071 455,926,939 1,831,555,155 116,401,843 10,970,91 19,707,103 2,490,959 1,390,266 69,116,534 177,396,197 7,489,213 5,181,571 1,631,055 498,665,597 12,692,203 3,928,838 33,257 781,738 6,862,352 934,739,640 896,815,515 12,088,554 261,300,830 11,699,153 1,190,370 286,278,907 610,536,608 630,297,507 8,073,712 14,751,737 1,161,264 2,272,816 64,936,180 721,493,156 19,760,899 942,736 228,824,843 7,274,756 59,526 9,922,367 524,490 44,143,416 7.369,919 22,025,551 347,848,503 373,644,653 3,516,637,086 3,890,281,739 490,125,673 4,919,005,473 1,470,031,260 7.67 Eastern district $2,840,427,427 2,070,313,193 770,114,234 41,230,558 123.756.970 164,987,528 408,814 604,717,892 1,277,098 1,125,340 151,758 90,767 60,991 604,778,883 541,324,836 255,144 342,547 6,060,913 319,891 1,121,056 18,964,196 2,572,555 14,305,876 4,500,868 1,994,207 90,287,554 28,809,909 23,492,559 4,131,787 18.331 2,472,734 649,618 212,299,745 817,078,628 54.23 54,270,619 4,510,641 8,037,015 2,329,326 510,607 32,798,595 105,845,246 5,256,280 3.976,327 802,690 180,342,698 8,983,278 1,350,943 27,974 781,738 2,385,579 412,209,556 404,869,072 7,861,081 128,387,266 9,391,866 1,190,370 146,830,583 258,038,489 259,690,939 797,392 499,663 378,016 ,316,013 24,730,627 291,412,644 1,652,450 96,969 94,450,627 1,959,727 1,744,629 901,642 18,074,948 4,249,351 15,503,999 138,634,342 152,778,302 1,240,907,257 1,393,685,559 222,837,893 2,205,045,967 477,408,350 8.31 Southern district $1,046,451,183 748,737,304 297,713,879 16,931,053 55.879.328 72,810,381 311,215 224,592,283 2,252,843 2,238,968 13,875 13,875 224,592,283 225,951,431 10,897,613 2,191,703 3,325,489 4.746 804,158 6,223,948 532,124 2,191,068 742,053 1,039,533 14,369,367 11,510,523 5.942.366 195,048 111,387 60,081,126 284,673,409 7,443,624 1,663,818 4,011,856 38,412 263,275 8,667,524 15,054,089 862,584 149,405 30,284 89,309,571 445,389 842,333 3,112 711,045 129,496,321 155,177,088 697,753 10,721,502 2,046,658 13,465,913 141,711,175 143,888,165 741,848 7.752,164 458,854 666,373 2,948,787 156,456,191 2,176,990 676,714 74,876,976 3,666,032 2,317,180 3,365,639 10,000 2,450,627 89,540,158 66,916,033 768,013,950 834,929,983 85,598,478 899,055,400 169,494,750 8.01 Western district $2,392,641,934 1,687,005,765 705,636,169 31,282,066 127.602.659 158,884,725 442,552 546,308,892 285,527 245,639 39,888 91,730 d 51,842 546,257,050 484,421,671 3,191,647 6,531,947 6,622,503 109,034 1,765,446 15,424,509 2,412,675 7,726,474 1,809,228 441,100 421,045 41,235,537 17,3 362,271 242,795 82,323 232,468 935,066 183,546,068 729,803,118 54,687,600 4,796,455 7,658,232 123,221 616,384 27,650,415 56,496,862 1,370,349 1,055,839 798,081 229,013,328 3,263,536 1,735,562 2,171 3,765,728 393,033,763 336,769,355 3,529,720 122,192,062 260,629 125,982,411 210,786,944 226,718,403 3,534,472 5.499.91 324,340 290,430 37,256,766 273,624,321 15,931,459 169,053 59,497,246 1,648,997 59,526 5,860,558 6,622,848 22,702,829 3,110,568 2,1700 1,070,925 119,674,003 153,950,318 1,507,715,879 1,661,666,197 59.6 181,689,302 1,814,904,106 823,128,160 6.89 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Freight.. 2 Passenger. ~~M 7 8 9 10 11 17 18 19 20 21 27 28 SUMMARY NO. 1—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Mail... Express. Excess baggage. .. • Sleeping car. Parlor and chair car • ភា 5555 • Switching. · Special service train. 12 Other freight-train.. 13 Tater transfers--freight. 14 Water transfers--passenger. • Freight. Passenger. Other passenger-train. Milk... 22 23 Express. 24 Special service. 25 | Other.. 26 15 Water transfers--vehicles and live stock 16 Water transfers--other…. • • • • ... Excess baggage. Other passenger service. Mail.. ·· • Total rail-line transportation revenue. 29 30 Parcel room.. 31 Storage--freight. 32 Storage--baggage. • • Dining and buffet.. Hotel and restaurant. 36 37 38 39 40 41 Joint facility--Cr. 42 Joint facility--Dr. 43 44 RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES •• • • Ties--yard.. 67 Ties--other. 68 Total water-line transportation revenue. 70 Rails--yard.. 71 | Rails--other. 72 · • • • • • • Station, train, and boat privileges. ·· • • Demurrage... Telegraph and telephone. Grain elevator Stockyard. Power.. ·· Rents of buildings and other property. Miscellaneous. Total incidental operating revenue. • ·· 45 Superintendence. 46 Roadway maintenance--yard. 47 Roadway maintenance--other.. 48 Roadway--depreciation--yard. Roadway--depreciation-other • Ballast--yard. Ballast--other.. • ………… · 4 Ties--depreciation--yard. 69 Ties--depreciation--other • • Total joint facility operating revenue.. Total railway operating revenues. • ·· Rails-depreciation--yard. 73 | Rails--depreciation--other, 74 • Item RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures • • • • • 50 Underground power tubes--yard. 51 Underground power tubes--other. Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard.. Underground power tubes--depreciation-other. Tunnels and subways--yard. Tunnels and subways--other. 56 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard. 57 Tunnels and subways--depreciation-other. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 64 Elevated structures--depreciation-yard.. 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other. 66 • Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard.. Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other. 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation-yard. 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other 62 Elevated structures--yard.. 63 Elevated structures--other. • • • • Ballast-depreciation--yard. Ballast-depreciation-other.. • ► • • • • • · Other track material--yard... 75 Other track material--other. 76 | Other track material--depreciation-yard. • • • · • D • • • · • • ... 77 Other track material--depreciation--other. 78 • • 79 80 81 82 Track laying and surfacing--yard. 83 Track laying and surfacing--other 84 Right-of-way fences-yard. 85 Right-of-way fences--other. 86 Right-of-way fences--depreciation-yard. 87 Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other. • • • • • • · • .. • • • • • • • • · · • Total, all districts $4,815,443,246 872,466,361 5,203,028 1,171,546 1,215,247 151,484,712 148,191,316 16,086,100 35.939,305 68,803,869 2,086,376 707,940 973,145 1,897,416 3,909,078 1,557,281 6,127,140,966 10,173,875 1,097,885 2,172 24,538 1,785 4,608 415,741 557.544 12,278,148 34,779,744 7,801,572 6,737.546 1,228,273 4,604,475 524,768 19,039,773 2,636,081 1,634,222 667,006 6,318,291 9,973,467 33,987,664 129,932,882 13,729,817 3,561,269 10,168,548 6,279,520,544 59,934,032 8,987,780 77,347,969 8.357 29,966 8,624 8,199 2,491,996 9,540 1,079,983 43,310,323 27.531 1,506,114 66,969 236,540 13,093,696 95,851,020 288,169 2,520,836 3,411,212 40,780,054 76,230 997,671 7,200,365 36,695,544 243,471 884,719 648,957 20,330,596 330 2,563 393,925 22,985,312 187,511,077 62,248 5,142,733 225 1,954 Eastern district $2,096,610,877 467,228,999 2,023,754 14,820 295,141 61,916,962 9212424 68,024,745 6,561,202 26,609,591 31,591,409 734,543 275,208 839,599 1,579,605 3,212,076 1,275,532 2,768,794,063 777,183 445,602 452 6,179 1,461 618 19,646 72 1,251,213 15,839,358 1,894,009 4,853,245 901,578 2,465,430 256,432 11,390,454 521,277 1,192,637 19.561 5,819,061 7,051,794 14,713,648 66,918,484 4,439,914 976,247 3,463,667 2,840,427,427 23,637,831 4,013,808 28,966,818 303 482 8,624 4,661 1,014,308 178 432,143 14,901,221 22,055 844,507 61,804 234,348 .776,786 32,463,690 17,857 246,563 1.749.793 17,605,820 74 7,944 3,608,274 17,654,252 148 13,271 280,554 7,259,903 90 11,025,070 76,559.375 19,732 1,418,165 31 Southern district $851,041,866 118,304,248 765,632 21,439 120,424 22,979.554 22.486,285 2,041,145 1,161,945 8,250,683 427,894 18,682 46,496 32,634 4,947 230,892 1,028,434,766 4,894,360 500,221 549.711 89,244 832,810 48,092 2,192,015 105,951 21,024 3.571 279,146 934,560 5,772,395 16,223,100 2,220,857 427,540 1,793,317 1,046,451,183 10,302,475 1,277,264 17,983,860 3,249 526,516 145,171 8,434,305 1,596 537,918 2,385,644 18,418,366 261,575 2,255,054 467,980 7,556,533 69,106 963,594 886,704 4,958,766 232,051 853,973 76,886 4,907,509 2,332 392,979 3,019,600 30,042,559 5.762 609.751 Western district 9 $1,867,795,503 286,433,114 2,413,642 1,135,287 799,682 66,588,196 57,680,286 7,483,753 8,167,769 28,961,777 923.939 414,050 87,050 285,177 692,055 50,857 2,329,912,137 9,396,692 652,283 1,720 18,359 324 3,990 396,095 557,472 11,026,935 14,046,026 5,407,342 1,334,590 237,451 1,306,235 220,244 5,457,304 2,008,853 420,561 643,874 220,084 1,987,113 13,501,621 46,791,298 7,069,046 2,157,482 4,911,564 2,392,641,934 25.993.726 3,696,708 30.397,291 8,054 29,484 289 951,172 9.362 502,669 19,974,797 3,880 123,689 5,165 2,192 4,931,266 44,968,964 8,737 19,219 1,193,439 15,617,701 7.050 26,133 2,765,387 14,082,526 11,272 17,475 291,517 8,163,184 231 856 8,940,642 80,909,143 36,754 3,114,817 194 1,954 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 10 No. A23400 780 1 '2 3 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard.. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds-other. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--other. Crossings and signs-yard. Crossings and signs-other. • 7 Crossings and signs-depreciation-yard. 8 Crossings and signs--depreciation-other. 9 Station and office buildings... Station and office buildings--depreciation. 11 Roadway buildings..... 10 12 Roadway buildings--depreciation. 13 Water stations... 14 Water stations--depreciation 15 Fuel stations... .. 16 Fuel stations--depreciation. 42 43 44 17 Shops and enginehouses... 18 Shops and enginehouses-depreciation. 19 Grain elevators.... 20 Grain elevators--depreciation.. ·· 21 Storage warehouses.... 22 Storage warehouses--depreciation. 23 Wharves and docks.... 24 Wharves and docks--depreciation. • Coal and ore wharves.. 26 Coal and ore wharves-depreciation. 27 Gas producing plants... 28 Item Gas producing plants--depreciation. ... • Signals and interlockers--depreciation. 45 Underground conduits.. ... 49 Paving.. 50 Paving-depreciation. 51 Roadway machines.. 52 29 Telegraph and telephone lines. 30 Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation 31 Signals and interlockers.. 32 33 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines. 34 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines-depreciation. 35 Power plant buildings.. 36 Power plant buildings--depreciation. 37 Power substation buildings... 38 Power substation buildings--depreciation. 39 Power transmission systems. 40 41 . • 56 | Injuries to persons. 57 Insurance….. 58 59 Other expenses. 60 Power transmission systems--depreciation. Power distribution systems.. · Roadway machines--depreciation. Small tools and supplies.. Removing snow, ice, and sand.. • ·· Stationery and printing.. Underground conduits-depreciation Miscellaneous structures.. Miscellaneous structures--depreciation. Power distribution systems--depreciation.. Power line poles and fixtures.. Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation. Assessments for public improvements 76 77 78 | Freight-train cars-repairs. 79 Freight-train cars--depreciation 50 Freight-train cars-retirements • Steam locomotives-depreciation. Steam locomotives--retirements... Other locomotives--repairs.. Other locomotives--depreciation. Other locomotives-retirements.... Superintendeno Shop machinery.. • Shop machinery-depreciation. 68 Power plant machinery..... 69 Power plant machinery-depreciation.. 70 Power substation apparatus..... · ·· d Deficit or other reverse item. 71 Power substation apparatus--depreciation. 72 8team locomotives-repairs... 73 74 • • [" • • Total maintenance of way and structures. Maintenance of Equipment • 86 87 Floating equipment-repairs.. 88 Floating equipment--depreciation... 89 Floating equipment--retirements... Total, above accounts 61 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr... 62 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Or 63 Equalization-way and structures..………. 64 • • • · 81 Passenger-train cars-repairs.. 62 Passenger-train cars-depreciation. 83 Passenger-train cars--retirements.. 84 Motor equipment of cars--repairs.... Motor equipment of cars-depreciation Motor equipment of cars--retirements.. · • • [ · ❤ ·· • • • • Total, all districts d 2299 $2,510 520,429 70 140 1,298,279 12,635,160 2,255 75,705 35,909,034 1,079,622 5,448,745 95.715 10,182,309 130,596 4,509,948 66,604 26,639,094 $72,773 325,643 121,396 98,773 4,979,866 120,717 2,782,383 1,025,361 49,209 12,361,669 17,394 35,140,858 281,971 929,654 145,396 202,808 17,779 439,212 53.753 3,940,389 286,051 666,921 68,978 39,634 7.718 296,622 6,552 572,611 65 7,757,683 8,870 12,101,729 12,343,587 532,566 5,833,949 3,956,769 1,311,152 620,650 842,750,560 37,991,087 25,319,780 d 67,000 855,354,867 44,955,658 25,100,796 808,776 5,574,087 747.924 747,045 61,724 555,027 57.571.534 1,856,191 1,521,179 d 10,100 338,079,151 116,838,818 26,723,419 75,251,226 20,305,476 1,563,746 4,158,401 1,579,804 102,095 10,432,273 3,422,457 1,417 Eastern district $601 53,320 405 472,653 6,754,246 1,969 73,583 18,057,770 563,039 1,542,905 26,361 3,674,612 59,906 1,881,681 36.315 12,654,526 300, 434 259,612 112,168 42,507 d 3,306,599 48,978 1,866,998 268,539 17,743 5,581,322 2,546 21,167,657 253,207 609,581 115,425 192,707 15,561 344,268 53,705 3,171,777 285,998 312,356 68,917 36,505 7,504 45,021 210,727 2,921,531 1,956 4,742,019 6,315,572 253,090 2,713,781 2,014,922 498,128 381,361 354,243,287 16,183,429 10,351,993 360,074,723 20,005,841 12,428,880 466,929 3,630,498 679,503 669,990 39,445 184,621,894 26,293,046 5,019,222 3,114,106 889,145 a 10,783 165,762,976 50,226,419 15,372,053 35,324,547 10,136,847 732,54 2,393 1,043, 42,411 ,062,691 2,265,82 66,011 Southern district $8,597 148,457 1,681,029 2,044 5,084,092 168,418 1,215,455 23,770 1,598,21 63,545 883,643 23,322 3,683,811 128,838 9.323 2,400 56,022 927,096 69,872 391,721 137,968 2,205,938 12,23 4,942 23 54, 640 51 ,020 336 66,489 357,479 177,033 380 28,581 175 42,942 1,161,100 2,610 2,138,656 623,829 17,013 685,537 589,901 191,728 48,210 147,272,065 6,643,295 5,118,535 148,796,828 7,615,495 3,879,934 326,303 593,160 26,027 24 76,222,334 10,102,113 1,56 522,322 204,309 60,564, 23,677 ,633,745 11,365,351 2,951,197 187,722 286,545 213,940 13,993 290,618 55,233 2,234 Western district $1,909 458,512 70 265 678,169 4,199,885 286 1,078 12,767,172 348,165 2,690,385 45,584 4,909,479 1,744,624 6,967 10,300,757 42,501 56,708 6,826 2444 746,171 1,867 523,664 618,854 31,466 4,574,409 2,615 9,030, 5,29 268,371 15,331 6,081 1,682 28,455 48 411,133 177.53 2,7 223,020 6.377 318,942 65 3,675,052 4,304 5,221,054 5,404,186 262,463 2,434,631 1,351,946 621,296 191,079 341,235,205 15,164,363 9,849,252 a 67,000 346,483,316 17,334,322 8,791,982 15,544 1,350,429 42,394 52,742 18,247 148,710,799 21,176,375 1,273,733 505,542 427, 5 683 213 111,751, 724 42,934,908 6,717,621 28,561,328 7,217,432 643,484 1,478,213 322,739 45.691 2,078,964 1,101,403 1,349,156 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1234 UNO -8000 I am in 9 10 7 Injuries to persons.. 11 4 Miscellaneous equipment--repairs. 5 Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation. Miscellaneous equipment--retirements. 15 21 22 23 24 25 31 16 Superintendence. 17 Outside agencies.. 18 Advertising. 19 20 32 SUMMARY NO. 1—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 12 Maintaining joint equipment--Dr. 13 Maintaining joint equipment-Cr. 14 Equalization--equipment..... OMMMMMM33 S MET LOKO 710 Oo Work equipment--repairs.. Work equipment--depreciation. Work equipment--retirements. 33 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment-Concluded 39 Insurance.. Stationery and printing. Other expenses. Total.. 40 42 26 Superintendence. 27 Dispatching trains. 28 Station employees.. ... Traffic associations. Fast freight lines.... Total maintenance of equipment.. Traffic • Total traffic……. ... Industrial and immigration bureaus Insurance... Stationery and printing. Other expenses... • • ... • • 29 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus, 30 Coal and ore wharves... • Station supplies and expenses. Yardmasters and yard clerks……. Yard conductors and brakemen. Yard switch and signal tenders. Yard enginemen.. Yard motormen. d • 37 Fuel for yard locomotives.. 38 Yard switching power produced.. Yard switching power purchased. Water for yard locomotives.. Lubricants for yard locomotives. 42 Other supplies for yard locomotives. 43 Enginehouse expenses-yard. 44 Yard supplies and expenses. 45 Train enginemen.. Train motormen. 62 Express service.... Fuel for train locomotives 48 Train power produced.. 49 Train power purchased. • • 50 Water for train locomotives.. 51 Stationery and printing. Other expenses.. Item .... Train supplies and expenses. Operating sleeping cars... • · ·· • 77 Operation of vessels. 78 Operation of terminals.. Incidental..... 79 80 • Transportation--Rail Line · • D •·· • • • [ Lubricants for train locomotives.. • 56 57 8ignal and interlocker operation. 58 Crossing protection.. • • • Other supplies for train locomotives. Enginehouse expenses--train... Trainmen.. 59 Drawbridge operation. 60 Telegraph and telephone operation. 61 Operating floating equipment. • · ● · • • • • • 64 65 Insurance.... 56 Clearing wrecks. 67 Damage to property. 68 Damage to live stock on right of way 69 Loss and damage-freight.. 70 Loss and damage-baggage.. • • · • • O 71 Injuries to persons. 72 Operating joint yards and terminals-Dr. 73 Operating joint yards and terminale-Cr. 74 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr. 75 Operating joint tracks and facilities--CT. 76 Total transportation--Rail line.... • Total transportation--Water line.. Transportation--Water Line Deficit or other reverse item. • • Total, all districts $17,697,933 5,604,231 1,980,896 485.373 416,690 69,207 5,034,478 6,320,037 1,814,554 1,472,608 1,199,402,085 8,022,436 4,497,275 d 15.000 1,202,912,246 40,252,147 53,907,530 18,714,471 3,546,867 52,615 3,157,586 74.761 10,202,012 249,641 130,157,630 68,388,853 33,150,261 296,567,553 5,575,851 9,251,254 21,027,480 63,240,272 156,956,642 12,737,906 95,386,680 1,390,179 55,615,126 273,078 329.552 4,306,864 1,316,036 1,349,723 27,566,622 3,866,739 226,330,859 6,558,670 281,004,218 2,586,967 7.527,978 21,258,481 7.700,425 5,762,826 74,649,667 262,688,083 87,819,987 646,225 26,302,969 20,125,697 2,005,715 10,949,796 28,963,034 40,071 12,239,869 8,166,988 3,068,904 6,389,986 4,362,032 2,655,108 35,563,813 303.519 30,960,539 68,775,321 33,594,347 16,353,828 14,420,990 2,072,042,909 3,496,254 3,989,600 425,263 7,911,117 Eastern district $8,067,343 2,223,801 1,151,994 250,487 179,481 34,205 3,124,242 3,300,303 886.712 773,120 569,268,488 3,776,566 2,367,569 570,677;485 18,514,755 18,356,934 6,395,702 1,558,958 37,615 751,929 47.728 4,040,369 159,809 49,863,799 34,669,593 15,869,371 139,411,450 1,213,319 6,313,091 11,070,306 32,822,059 83,185,795 8,200,280 49,887,471 1,257,785 26,730,409 267,082 292,912 2,043,636 709,675 667,265 13,240,189 2,259,522 97,417,432 3,666,961 111,955,313 1,689,200 5,172,497 8,471,563 3,108,235 2,328,241 35,052,352 111,408,614 41,239,014 13,357 16,682,716 13,683,118 1,067,401 4,790,449 25,124,038 40,071 6,115,196 5,901,078 1,453,065 3,471,264 1,806,146 181,477 17,202,419 221.386 15,923,938 28,459,240 13,378,453 7,468,695 6,776,530 981,070,703 805,949 17.358 14.404 837,711 Southern district $2,772,501 1,047,517 232,274 62,942 56,299 17,748 550,407 624,439 283,759 304,160 211,278,144 1,334,581 927,612 211,685,113 7,760,821 10,428,239 1,882,728 564,555 744,224 5.816 2,339,899 6,787 23,733,069 11,318,171 6,812,992 50,369,336 1,321,628 1,223,106 2,727,448 11,242,666 23,892,233 1,529,971 14,029,127 49,621 7,438,448 207 614,587 192,464 249,285 4,795,820 733,864 39,185,413 637,670 43,331,734 507,357 876,838 3,516,209 444,110 981, 813 12,553,512 5,396,161 686,204 11,094 2,641,283 1,723,154 354,720 1,387,237 547,108 1,962,494 607,497 570,972 1,023,047 840,965 910,382 4,291,100 31,990 4.598,660 14,474,936 9,864,140 1,887,975 1,967,530 326,680,939 ::: 11 Western district $6,858,089 2,332,913 596,628 171,944 180,910 17,254 1,359,829 2,395,295 644,083 395,328 418,855,453 2,911,289 1,202,094 d 15.000 420,549,648 13,976,571 25,122,357 10,436,041 1,423,354 15,000 1,661,433 21,217 3,821,744 83,045 56,560,762 22,401,089 10,467,898 106,786,767 3,040,904 1,715,057 7,229,726 19,175,547 49,878,614 3,007,655 31,470,082 82,773 21,446,269 5.996 36,433 1,648,641 413,897 433,173 9,530,613 873,353 89,728,014 2,254,039 125,717,171 390,410 1,478,643 9,270,709 3,148,080 2,452,772 27,043,803 105,883,308 32,894,769 621,774 6,978,970 4,729,425 583,594 4,772,110 3,291,888 162,179 1,658,413 1,044,867 1,895,675 1,714,921 1,563,249 14,070,294 50,143 10,437,941 25,841,145 10.351,754 6,997,158 5,676,930 764,291,267 2,690,305 3,972,242 410,859 7,073,406 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 12 No. 1234 UND AAAAAA 1 | Dining and buffet service.. Hotels and restaurants.. 7 8 9 10 15 16 2 2 2 11 12 13 Relief department expenses 14 21 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 22 27 28 29 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Concluded Miscellaneous Operations Grain elevators.. 17 Other expenses... 18 19 20 .. Stockyards... Producing power sold. Other miscellaneous operations. 33 34 35 Total miscellaneous operations. Pensions.... Stationery and printing Valuation expenses.. 47 Salaries and expenses of general officers. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. General office supplies and expenses. Law expenses. Insurance.... .. •• · • Item Total general expenses... Transportation for investment-cr.. Total railway operating expenses. 23 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent). SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES Maintenance of Way and Structures • · General joint facilities--Dr. General joint facilities--Cr. General 24 Related solely to freight service... 25 Related solely to passenger and allied services. 26 Apportioned to freight service.. • • 30 Related solely to freight service. Related solely to passenger and allied services. Maintenance of Equipment Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. • Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total... 31 32 | Apportioned to freight service……. Apportioned to passenger and allied services. Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total... Traffic Transportation--Rail Line 36 Related solely to freight service.. 37 Related solely to passenger and allied services. 38 Apportioned to freight service…….. 39 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. • 40 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 41 Total. • 42 Related solely to freight service.. • 43 Related solely to passenger and allied services... 44 Apportioned to freight service... Transportation-Water Line • 48 Related solely to freight service.. 49 Related solely to passenger and allied services. 50 Apportioned to freight service.... 51 ·· • • Apportioned to passenger and allied services. Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total... Miscellaneous Operations · Apportioned to passenger and allied services. 52 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 53 Total.. Related solely to freight service.. 55 | Related solely to passenger and allied services 56 | Apportioned to freight service.. 57 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. 58 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 59 Total.. Total, all districts $43.751,985 7:430,277 1,252,585 848,895 2,909,210 2,254,460 58,447,412 21,177,768 93,561,315 7,538,487 17,837,175 174,534 2,373,096 25,594,720 5,448,444 9,782,742 8,547,901 2,349,699 498,765 193,887,116 14,657,035 4,506,056,262 72.76 $85,472,333 25,149,477 543,219,754 201,193,626 319,677 855,354,867 751,808,566 218,631,328 174,250,888 57,580,039 641,425 1,202,912,246 69,674,806 44,710,985 9,072,776 6,699,063 130,157,630 1,186,808,883 410,152,312 364,409,418 110,641,655 30,641 2,072,042,909 6,596,638 231,867 959,124 90,011 33,477 7,911,117 2,850,648 49,093,108 1,351,493 1,292,378 3,859,785 58,447,412 Eastern district $20,787,89 1,820,40 1,172,873 24,177 2,760,554 429,772 26,995,681 9,258,349 39,976,859 3,252,733 6,990,621 94,922 1,178,028 13,630,275 2,353,436 3,719,442 3,267,960 877,240 155,625 84,444,240 3,651,149 2,070,313,193 72.89 $50,309,031 16,462,767 206,245,686 86,927,537 129,702 360,074,723 369,959,959 112,461,448 65,396,829 22,407,557 451,692 570,677,485 30,259,959 16,558,621 2,250,438 794,781 49,863,799 603,487,962 202,170,235 130,712,291 44,700,215 981,070,703 596,721 176,789 32,145 32,056 837,711 1,423,095 23,474,121 393.777 272,687 1,432,001 26,995,681 Southern district $5,832,373 475,803 29,289 8,839 58,111 24,904 6,429,319 3,337,282 16,346,051 1,255,398 3,982,939 22,491 218,932 3,252,876 944,937 1,790,324 1,382,769 304,486 61,422 32,777,063 1,365,027 748,737,304 71.55 $13,209,514 2,469,862 99,858,559 33,258,893 148,796,828 144,667,433 35,315,836 25,771,275 5,930,569 211,685,113 15,695,122 6,454,941 1,181,607 401,399 23,733,069 184,442,712 849,594 63,739,613 18,649,020 326,680,939 59,854 6,193,560 131,238 40.240 4,427 6,429,319 Western district $17,137,723 5,134,068 50,423 815,879 90,545 1,799,784 25,022,412 8,582,137 37,238,405 3,030,356 6,863,615 57,121 976,136 8,711,569 2,150,071 4,272,976 3,897,172 1,167,973 281,718 76,665,813 9,640,859 1,687,005,765 70.51 $21,953,788 6 ,216,848 237,115,509 231 81,007,196 189,975 346,483,316 237,181,174 70,854,044 83,082,784 29,241,913 189,733 420,549,648 23,719,725 21,697,423 5,640,731 5,502,883 56,560,762 398,878,209 148,132,483 169,957,514 47,292,420 30,641 764,291,267 5,999,917 55,078 926,979 57.955 33,477 7,073,406 1,367,699 19,425,427 826,478 979,451 2,423,357 25,022,412 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Related solely to freight service. 2 Related solely to passenger and allied services. 3 Apportioned to freight service.. Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. 5 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 6 Total... 12 7 Related solely to freight service.. 8 | Related solely to passenger and allied services لالالالا 3 56 37 38 SUMMARY NO. 1—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 19 Miles of road. 20 Miles of second main track. 21 Miles of third main track. 22 Miles of fourth main track. 23 Miles of all other main tracks. 24 Miles of yard track and sidings. 25 Total, all tracks... 41 42 9 Apportioned to freight service... 10 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. • C 11 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services.. Total. 444 SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES-Concluded General 47 48 26 Miles of road. 27 Miles of second main track. 28 Miles of third main track DRANKAN Y 49 • 13 Related solely to freight service. • 14 Related solely to passenger and allied services. 15 Apportioned to freight service.. 16 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. ► 17 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 18 Total.. 55 56 29 Miles of fourth main track. 30 Miles of all other main tracks.. 31 Miles of yard track and sidings. 32 Total, all tracks.... Steam locomotives: • Transportation for Investment--CT. D • • Total Operating Expenses Number at close of year: Box care. Flat cars. Stock cars Coal care. Tank cars. ·· Total... MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1929 • • Item Number at close of year. Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year. Number retired during year.. Electrio locomotive units: • .. • • Number at close of year.. Total tractive power (pounds). Number installed during year Number retired during year... • Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. Total. Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars.. Flat cars. Stock cars. Coal cars. Tank cars. • • .. · MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1929 • • · ·· Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE ·· ► • • Freight-carrying Cars • C • • ·· • • • • • Deficit or other reverse item. Includes 21,705.73 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 7.783.26 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 4,362.94 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 9.559.53 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 24,090.00 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 8,881.90 miles operated under trackage rights. Total, all districts $50,123,773 11,532,548 98,091,81 33,684,453 454,528 193,887,116 9/ 14,052,360 151,710 431.724 21,241 14,657,035 2,139,283,287 759,349,915 1,190,923.543 411,159,984 5.339.533 4,506,056,262 241.998.38 36.721.49 3.206.34 2,199.60 1/ 429.25 121,880.26 5/ 406,435.32 175,829.53 21,970.98 2,129.91 1,559.35 213.39 83,488.72 285,191.88 56,936 2,550,635,635 1,223 3.133 601 26,613,800 1,053,057 99.397 84.683 913,464 9,613 40.741 76,509 2,277,464 277.718 4,297,499 3,153,107 48,944,006 429,423 1,338,635 3.969.748 105,410,136 Eastern district $25,445,976 6.587,130 38,893,985 13,065,911 451,238 84,444,240 3,186,875 79.509 370,640 14,125 3,651,149 1,078,295,828 377.811,602 443.554,511 168,186,619 2,464,633 2,070,313,193 33,662.57 9.180.43 1.743.51 1,364.83 82.83 10/ 26,327.03 72.361.20 24.516 1,141,546,890 676 1,691 405 18,233,800 449,541 20,669 14,358 532,668 28 4,047 21,109 1,042,420 ₫ 19,126,982 932,217 585.650 29,103,967 1,220 129,544 1,117,929 50.997.509 Southern district $8,760,830 1,458,230 17,285.521 5,272,482 32,777,063 60.345.78 18,620.88. 2.742.57 45.757.28 5.696.45 126.78 49.42 277.38 3/ 21,389.58 1,952.96 131.18 2/ 46,673.96 6/ 130,467.33 Z/ 73,296.89 1,421,625 82.962 20,492 5,872 1,365,027 365,413,840 111,824,985 207,947,321 63,546,731 4,427 748,737,304 35: 35,187.90 4,050.50 120.72 44.95 109.57 11/ 15.930.37 55.444.31 10,736 478,825,930 120 438 72 3,217,000 168,884 21,612 7.630 206,931 22 5.175 7.928 418,182 6,296,500 906,216 286,920 11,144,819 980 156,680 384,848 19.176.963 13 Western district $15,916,967 3,487,188 41.912.308 15,346,060 3.290 76,665,813 Includes 3,800.37 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 11,407.73 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 14,518.62 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 4,103.06 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 3,266.64 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 7,148.92 miles of industrial tracks. 9,443,860 155,163 40.592 1,244 9,640,859 695,573,619 269.713.328 539,421,711 179,426,634 2,870,473 1,687,005,765 135,895.32 12,404.15 336.99 197.22 20.69 4/53,816.72 8/ 202,671.10 106,979.06 8.740.05 265.68 149.57 20.69 12/ 41,231.32 157,386.37 21,684 930,262,815 427 1,004 124 5,163,000 2 434,632 57,116 62,695 173,865 9.56 519 47,472 816,862 17,854,236 2,459,066 2.280.537 8,695,220 427.223 1,052,411 2,466,971 35,235,664 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 14 No. 1234 mot 7 8 10 GONOMIC 10 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 222 26 27 28 29 30 31 مام حالات کیا کیا سیاسی 32 23 33 4567 BO DO A F*** 10780 39 40 41 42 43 4444 45 46 VIGVISIV 47 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 17 Number at close of year……. 18 Number installed during year. 19 Number retired during year.. 20 Number at close of year. 50 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE-Concluded Freight-carrying Care--Concluded Number installed during year: Box cars. Flat cars. Stock cars. ANMA .. 51 55 21 22 Number retired during year. · • Coal cars. Tank cars... Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying cars Coal cars Tank cars. · • ·· ❤ · • Total... Total... Number retired during year: Box cars.. Flat cars. Stock cars 23 Number of units at close of year. 24 Number of units installed during year. 25 Number of units retired during year.. • • • · • • 10 38 Average number.. Compensation- • • • Refrigerator cars. * • • Other freight-carrying cars. Item · * In replacement: · · All Classes of Passenger-train Cars In replacement: · All Classes of Company Service Equipment Service day 8- Number installed during year..... D · • • • • • • · Floating Equipment Number of cross ties. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties.. Total charges.. Number of tons (2,240 lbs.). Total charges…….. TIES LAID DURING YEAR In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties. Total charges... ... RAILS LAID DURING YEAR In passenger service... In mixed-train service.. In special service... In yard-switching service In work service... In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks.. Miles of yard track and sidings. Number of tons (2,240 lbs.). Total charges.. • ... ·· Straight time actually worked. · Overtime paid for.. Total.. Service hours-- • Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for. Total. EMPLOYEES Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for... Total.. 48 Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses. CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES • ·· Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service.. • • ·· •• Grand total, all services... 1/ Does not include data for 156 linear feet of steel ties. Total, all districts 44,698 4,986 4,838 34,643 308 1,241 2,894 93,608 48,562 5,618 +,118 48,138 647 2,795 4,002 113,880 52,259 2.663 3,499 108,354 10,824 10,843 2,416 81 78 74,677,482 250,062,851 $111,827,121 7,308,384 50,395,105 345.962 3,609,858 $130,424,072 784.48 2.110.93 408,936 $12,898,204 1,660,920 $2,603,622,647 $152,850,792 $2,896,566,291 3,676,346,764 179,420,407 4,029,491,421 0989985 38,825,460 251,821 39,753,809 $2,674,085,556 78,619,234 27,188,996 1,968,181 48,254 21,464,874 2,845,142 132,134,681 17 Eastern district 24,230 639 14,174 17 318 1,665 41,379 25,106 1,072 706 26,094 192 1,018 1,836 56,024 25.930 1,590 1,959 35; 35,433 4,819 4,616 2,118 73 48 19,184,435 83,501,553 $39,293,785 2,307,506 19.748,398 4,966,661 1,634,096 $57,662,675 190.92 740.27 144,198 $4,511,853 719,293 $1,193,912,230 $68,757,851 $1,325,173,455 1,581,259,212 78,123,395 1,735,589,191 18,780,126 130,149 19,231,520 $1,216,284,166 32,496,649 11,716,134 362,758 12.591 10,716,308 1,311,333 56,615,773 Southern district 5,166 234 11 9,383 252 15,046 747 1,172 178 11,150 256 87 17,590 8,032 198 448 18,367 867 1,439 114 2 3 16,912,575 63,149,440 $22,559,148 849,853 808,093 $1,351,947 1: 32027324 110.02 370.95 57.983 $1,763,430 2: $22,144 310,457 8442,595,896 $23,720,047 $487,704,473 682,829,147 28,948,706 738,368,161 6,192,344 33,882 6,318,603 $459,348,772 493,388 890,643 392,288 9,662 3,446,161 448,852 24,680,994 Western district 15.302 4,113 4,491 11,086 291 923 977 37,183 18,709 3.374 3,234 10,894 455 1,521 2,079 40,266 16,297 875 1,092 54,554 5.138 4,78 184 6 27 38,580,468 103,411,858 $49,974,188 4,151,025 22,838,614 $6,027,354 1,345,229 $50,616,603 3.223 483.54 999.71 206,755 $6,622,92) 631,170 #967,114,521 $60,372,894 $1,083,688,363 1,412,258,405 72,348,306 1,555,534,069 13,852,990 87.790 14,203,686 $998,452,618 30,629,197 10,582,219 1,213,135 26,001 7.302,405 084,957 50,837,914 1;3 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) * REVENUE FREIGHT TONNAGE BY GROUPS OF COMMODITIES Revenue Freight Originated Products of agriculture: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Average load per car. Animals and products: Products of mines: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Average load per car.. Products of forests: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Average load per car... Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs. Average load per car. Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Average load per car. • • Item Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car... Products of agriculture: Animals and products: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs. Per cent of total tonnage. Products of mines: .. Merchandise All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.).. Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.)...... Total Revenue Freight Carried Products of forests: .. • • Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs. } Per cent of total tonnage. ·· Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs. Per cent of total tonnage. } ·· • ·· · • ·· ·· Number of carloads.. · ·· Number of tons (2,000 lbs. > Per cent of total tonnage. ·· • Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage. ·· ... Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage.. • Merchandise All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage...... ••• Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage... ·· Total, all districte 4,690,055 115,343,285 24.59 2,067,502 24,906,519 12.05 14,275,955 737,878,712 51.69 3,331,9 28.47 12,456,404 330,064,079 26.50 36,821,868 1,303,047,736 35.39 36,043,271 1,339,091,007 10,140,588 223,263,595 3,589,532 44,728,686 1.82 25,222,958 1,296,810,803 52.98 6,692,81 182,177,204 7.43 25,418,531 642,191,195 26.19 71,064,426 2,389,171,483 97.45 62,429,601 2,451,601,084 100.00 Eastern district 936,094 20,967,750 22.40 438,334 5,852,538 13:35 6,207,954 320,058,351 51.56 417.741 10,531,13 25.21 7,531,569 201,512,234 26.76 15,531,692 558,922,008 35.99 17,796,255 576,718,263 3,214,095 67,566,332 3.2 1,355,473 17,962,226 1.39 35252525 714 14,342,239 749,341,854 57.87 1,838,505 46,425,603 3.58 15,062,848 381,115,436 29.43 35,813,160 1,262,411,451 97.49 32.51520.51 515,886 1,294,927,337 100.00 Southern district 895,670 14,864,875 16.60 156,198 1,838,034 11.77 3,800,468 204,740,657 53.87 1,148,799 29,658,861 25.82 1,458,561 37,283,952 25.56 7,459,696 288,386,379 38.66 7,081,709 295,468,088 2,007,788 33,794,128 7.87 304,056 3,887,965 4,782,141 252,625,874 58.81 1,920,884 49,523,869 11.53 3,160,464 77,128,078 17.95 12,175,333 416,959,914 97.06 12,615,096 $30944 429,575,010 100.00 Testern district 15 2,858,291 79,510,660 27.82 ,472,970 7,214. 4,267,533 213,079,704 49.93 765,412 54,665,145 30.96 3,466,274 91,267,893 26.33 13,830,480 455,739,349 32.95 11,165,307 466,904,656 4,918,705 121,903.135 92823237 238 1,930,003 22,878,495 3.15 6,098,578 294,843,075 40.55 2,933.428 86,227,732 11.86 7,195,219 183,947,681 25.30 23,075,933 709,800,118 97.62 17,298,619 38 727,098,737 100.00 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 16 No. 1 FORMA commo 78 10 2 | Freight--ordinary 3 Freight-light. 9 11 12 13 14 +44 ~M+ 33 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 —Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) 40 41 555555 Average mileage of road operated.. Passenger. Mixed.. Special. • J Total special. Train switching... Yard switching--freight 15 Yard switching--paesenger 46 • 47 48 49 50 51 STATISTICS OF RAIL-LINE OPERATIONS · 18 Freight train--loaded. 19 Freight train--empty.. 20 21 • 52 53 Total freight train... 55 Total transportation service. Work service.. Total passenger train.. Total mixed train. • • • 16 Total transportation service. 17 Work service... • - • 32 Mixed train--passenger……. · · • • • · · · 25 Passenger train--dining. 26 Passenger train--other. 27 Total passenger train. 28 Mixed train-freight-loaded. 29 Mixed train-freight--empty. • • • • • .. • 22 23 Passenger train--passenger 24 Passenger train--sleeping, parlor, and observation Locomotive-Hiles ► • • • Train-Miles Freight train--caboose. Freight train--exclusive work equipment. Total freight train. ... 30 Mixed train--caboose.. ·· .. 31 Mixed train--exclusive work equipment 42 43 44 Passengers carried--revenue. 45 · • · * 56 Revenue per passenger-mile. Item • • • Mixed train--sleeping, parlor, and observation. 34 Mixed train-dining.... 35 Mixed train--other passenger train. 36 Total mixed train. 37 Total special train... 38 39 Work service.. Tons--revenue freight.. Tons--nonrevenue freight. Ton-miles--revenue freight. Ton-miles--nonrevenue freight. • Car-Miles • ► · • • · Total transportation service... • • · • Miscellaneous • • Passenger-miles--revenue--per train-mile. Passenger-miles--revenue--per car-mile.. Miles hauled-revenue freight.. Miles carried--revenue passengers Revenue per ton of freight... 54 Revenue per ton-mile of freight. Revenue per passenger.. • • .. ·· Passenger-miles-revenue. • Ton-miles--revenue freight--per mile of road. Ton-miles--revenue freight--per train-mile. Ton-miles--revenue and nonrevenue freight-per loaded car-mile. · • ► • D · • • Total, all districts 241,568.48 583,361,222 5.958,011 560,675,298 28,013,521 560,298 1.178,568,350 35.774,847 669,450,915 534,190,222 28,833,663 635,016 62.523.347 304,458,502 24,279,679 1,624,371,344 44.981,387 18,084,055,317 10.747,533,202 599,880,040 41,288,164 29,472,756,723 1,191,796,681 1,256,856,960 168,549,644 1,239,940,560 3,857,143,845 163,832,339 97.247.371 2,244,053 1,413,051 30,059,492 696,096 4,297 15,938,226 311,434,925 9,679.796 33,651,015,289 177,894,787 2,451,601,084 268.373.493 447,321,561,129 42,565,831.571 780,468,302 31,074,134,542 1,851,738 729.72 26.85 55.00 12.53 182.46 39.82 $1.96409 $0.01076 $1.11782 $0.02808 Eastern district 60,168.21 219,291,769 3.245.377 237,144,587 5,093.597 178,006 464,953,336 16.530.613 267,227,286 227,144,749 5.212.757 190,776. 32,125,762 156,430,484 13,600,028 701.931,842 21,617,635 .343,965,990 .335.313.416 226,292,017 5.903.536 11,911,474,959 580,242,515 510,425,888 59.670,293 535,219,829 1,685,558,525 25.835,685 14,469.373 803,819 113.837 5,347,491 59.363 392 5,538,054 52,168,014 2.580.796 13,651,782,294 51,871,029 1,294.927.337 106.755,851 192,331,228,385 14,228,386,171 567.554,674 17,272,781,233 3,196,559 848.92 28.03 72.51 15.76 148.53 30.43 $1.61887 $0.01090 $0.82323 $0.02705 Southern district 45.755.22 120,001,606 1,005,586 95,155,307 5.433.985 116,019 221,712,503 6,099,843 129,660,453 92,465.933 5.536,878 123,233 9,252,618 46,282,311 3.323,189 286,644,615 7,060,790 3.359,869,533 2,144,004,193 122,621,559 7,169.396 5,633,664,681 195.877,861 195,036,551 25.763.554 195,688,599 612,366,565 25,921,129 13,834,879 500.385 156,416 6,829.592 72,003 1.786 3,477,271 50,793,461 1,821,857 6,298,646,564 27.521,226 429,575,010 52,582,298 94,252,031,465 8,212,374,135 75.985.325 3,762,093,295 2,059,919 752.05 30.26 39.08 9.46 219.41 49.51 1.98113 $0.00903 $1.56352 $0.03158 6: Western district 135,645.05 244,067,847 1,707.048 228,375,404 17,485.939 266,273 491,902,511 13,144,391 272,563,176 214,579.540 18,084,028 321,007 21,144,967 101,745.707 7.356,462 635.794,887 16,302,962 7.380,219,794 4,268,215.593 250,966,464 28,215,232 11,927,617,083 415,676,305 551,394.521 83,115.797 509,032,132 1,559,218,755 112,075,525 68,943,119 939,849 1,142,798 17,882,409 564,730 2,119 6,922,901 208,473,450 5.277,143 13.700,586,431 98,502,532 727,098,737 109.035.3444 160.738,301,279 20,125,071,265 136,928,303 10,039,260,014 1,184,992 615.57 24.14 43.55 10.19 221.07 73.32 $2.56884 $0.01162 $2.09151 $0.02853 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 18 No. 1 Total number of stockholders. 7 8 9 10 11 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 (Does not include lessor companies) 2 Investment in road and equipment. Improvements on leased railway property Sinking funds.. 4 5 Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold. 6 Miscellaneous physical property.. Investments in affiliated companies. Other investments.. 27 28 • w w wwww ·· 32 33 Total investments. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Material and supplies………. 19 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET 20 Rents receivable……… 21 Other current assets. 22 • Cash... Demand loans and deposits. Time drafts and deposits. Investments • Current Assets Special deposits...... Loans and bills receivable.. • 23 Working fund advances. 24 Insurance and other funds. 25 Other deferred assets.... 26 Item Total current assets.. • Interest and dividends receivable. · • Total deferred assets.. Deferred Assets •..• Total unadjusted debits. Grand total... • Traffic and car-service balances receivable. Net balance receivable from agents and conductors. Miscellaneous accounts receivable. • • Unadjusted Debits Rents and insurance premiums paid in advance.. Discount on capital stock. 29 Discount on funded debt………. 30 Property abandoned chargeable to operating expenses. 31 Other unadjusted debits. • d Deficit or other reverse item. • • INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT • • O · 34 Expenditures for new lines and extensions.. Expenditures for additions „d betterments. Credits for property retired... Adjustments... 35 37 38 Net charges during year...... 39 Stoks actually issued during year--par value.. 40 Funded debt actually issued during year--par value. • • · Total, all districts 253 $187,856,505 12,875,913 282, 804 1.333.951 6,433,891 15,920,457 11,168,171 33333 235,871,692 10,277,523 6,002,340 589,187 3,640,584 11,703 2,490,513 1,444,930 5,615,205 4,003,883 203,454 101,684 191,614 34,572,620 FVI 20,360 5,143,801 254,335 5,418,496 151,794 3,293,600 2,487,628 110,748 2,392,921 8,436,691 284,299,499 9.397.376 1,619,378 d 1.185.271 6,592,727 355,800 10,245,000 Eastern district 135 $120,704, 128 3,254,597 315 2,223,634 3,244,967 3,899,477 133,327,118 d. 5,987.932 5,497,066 7,392 2,141,216 577,347 3,252,945 2,705,156 33,891 50,089 5,707 20,258,741 14,415 328,749 243.349 586,513 31,713 536,357 110,748 1,699,154 2,377,972 156,550,344 5,794,512 1,108,806 734.954 3,950,752 Southern district 7 $13,096, 290 1,333,636 174,752 14,604,678 208,151 281,380 703 1,553 194,132 71,492 12,7 770,171 218 218 52,080 52,080 15,427,147 34,216 11,120 ₫ 317.822 ₫ 294,726 Western district 111 $54,056,087 9,621,316 282,804 d 4,035,50 12,675,490 7,268,694 835 87,939,896 4,081,440 505,274 589,187 3,351,812 11,000 347,744 867,583 2,168,128 1,227,235 156,803 51,595 185,907 13,543,708 5,945 4,815,052 10,768 4,831,765 120,081 3,293,600 1,951,271 641,687 6,006,639 112,322,008 3,568,648 499,452 132.495 2,936,701 355,800 10,245,000 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 1 2 3 Premium on capital stock. 4 Total stock…. 5 Grants in aid of construction..... 6 Funded debt unmatured. Receiver's certificates. GENERAL BALANCE SHEET-Concluded 10 | Loans and bills payable. 11 Capital stock... Stock liability for conversion. 7 8 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies. 9 Total long-term debt..………. 12 13 14 Interest matured unpaid.. Dividende matured unpaid.. 31 32 33 25 Tax liability. 26 39 40 41 15 16 17 Funded debt matured unpaid. Unmatured dividende declared.. 18 Unmatured interest accrued. 19 Unmatured rents accrued.. 20 Other current liabilities. 21 42 Item Traffic and car-service balances payable. Audited accounts and wages payable. Miscellaneous accounts payable. Long-Term Debt Current Liabilities Btock ... Premium on funded debt. ·· 22 | Liability for provident funds.. Other deferred liabilities. 23 24 · Total current liabilities.. O • • 27 28 | Operating reserves. 29 Accrued depreciation--Road.. 30 Total deferred liabilities. • Deferred Liabilities • Unadjusted Credits Insurance and casualty reserves. Profit and 1088--balance.. Accrued depreciation--Equipment.. Accrued depreciation--Miscellaneous physical property Other unadjusted credits... Total unadjusted credits.... Corporate Surplus 34 Additions to property through income and surplus. 35 Funded debt retired through income and surplus. 36 8inking fund reserves... 37 Miscellaneous fund reserves.... 38| Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. Total appropriated surplus. Total corporate surplus. Grand total. • ·· d Deficit or other reverse item. • • • • • Total, all districts $44,040, 200 44,040, 200 148,641 123,182,800 8,264,376 131,447,176 2,905, 6ii 708,736 1,501,459 2,630,795 143,600 702,725 520,547 300, 249 13,413,722 113,838 113,838 7,042,598 787 484,294 3.939.355 11,743,793 197,140 7,795,366 31,203,333 33333 9,953,233 2,240,000 823,804 23,682 404,438 13,445,157 50,487,432 63,932,589 284, 299, 499 Eastern district $34,620,000 34,620,000 148,641 57,077,000 2,666,240 59,743,240 2,181,108 3,229,105 383.936 690,434 93,600 423,796 343,594 293,586 8,639,159 78,489 78,489 5,094, 200 787 394,309 478,783 8,932,275 179,857 2,123,352 17,203,563 6,931,940 23,682 380,704 7,336,326 28,780,926 36,117,252 156,550,344 Southern district $2,000,000 ::: 2,000,000 14,000,000 14,000,000 311,445 1,274 281,380 2,212 596,311 29,370 29,370 2,510 55,808 38,232 96,550 4,621 4,621 d 1.299.705 ₫ 1.295.084 15,427,147 19 Western district $7,420,200 7,420,200 52,105,800 5,598,136 57,703,936 724,503 1,168,186 1,116,249 658,981 50,000 278,929 176,953 4,451 4,178,252 5.979 5,979 1,945,888 89,985 3,460,572 2,755,710 17,283 5,633,782 13,903,220 3,016,672 2,240,000 823,804 23,734 6,104,210 23,006, 211 29,110,421 112,322,008 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 20 No. 345 730 1 Railway operating revenues.. 2 Railway operating expenses... Net revenue from railway operations. Railway tax accruals: United States Government taxes. Other than United States Government taxes. Total railway tax accruals. 9 O 8 Uncollectible railway revenues. Railway operating income. 12 13 14 10 Revenues from miscellaneous operations. 11 Expenses of miscellaneous operations. 25 26 Miscellaneous operating income. 15 Total operating income... 16 Net railway operating income. WWIN w w wwwww... 27 28 30 17 Hire of freight cars-credit balance. 18 Rent from locomotives.. 19 Rent from passenger-train cars. 20 Rent from floating equipment. 21 Rent from work equipment. 22 23 24 31 32 33 34 35 37 Joint facility rent income. Income from lease of road. Miscellaneous rent income.. Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property Separately operated properties-profit. Dividend income... Income from funded securities. 29 Income from unfunded securities and accounts. 40 41 43 44 FIFIDAR & A TON 8 47 48 49 51 52 53 36 Hire of freight cars--debit balance. Rent for locomotives... 38 Rent for passenger-train cars. Rent for floating equipment Rent for work equipment. Joint facility rents. 42 Rent for leased roads. 55 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 --Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 56 59 60 INCOME ACCOUNT HOME IN A BORZ~~Zimer je po 2006 66 67 Item 68 Net revenue from miscellaneous operations. Taxes on miscellaneous operating property... 45 Separately operated properties--loss. 46 Interest on funded debt. 71 O 72 • • • 76 • 78 79 80 31 • Miscellaneous rents.... Miscellaneous tax accruals. • U • ► Amortization of discount on funded debt. Maintenance of investment organization. 50 Income transferred to other companies. Miscellaneous income charges. Total deductions from gross income. Net income. · • · • Total nonoperating income. Gross income. 82 Interest on unfunded debt.. • Income from sinking and other reserve funds. Release of premiums on funded debt. Contributions from other companies. Miscellaneous income.. • • • • .. 54 Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income. 61 Credit balance transferred from income. Profit on road and equipment sold. 62 63 Delayed income credits.. 64 Unrefundable overcharges. Donations.. Miscellaneous credits.. • • · Income appropriated for investment in physical property. 57 Stock discount extinguished through income. Miscellaneous appropriations of income.. 58 Total appropriations of income. • ·· 77 Miscellaneous debits....... Total debits during year. Net increase during year Balance at beginning of year. Balance at end of year. · • · • • • • • • • Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus. 75 Loss on retired road and equipment. Delayed income debits.... Total credits during year... Debit balance transferred from income. 69 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. 70 • O Income balance transferred to profit and loss.... PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Dividend appropriations of surplus... Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through surplus. 73 Debt discount extinguished through surplus. • • ·· • • • · • • • D · Dividends declared during year... Par value on which declared--common. 83 84 Par value on which declared--preferred.. Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent 85 •• • Total, all districts $75,655,507 51,112,724 24,542,783 1,252,584 4,715,790 5,968,374 10,130 18,564,279 145,994 129,107 16,887 2,788 14,099 18,578,378 22,235,327 1,394,177 347,415 22 65,847 4,529,267 469,843 518,108 127,381 466,375 835,888 216,329 450 25,839 8,996,941 27,575,319 1,037,634 451,720 03723 7.658 1,168,668 5,828,791 1,330,527 80,856 5,236,767 126,184 94,605 653,946 224,995 16,242,351 11,332,968 159,887 1,244,796 275,187 1,679,870 9,653,098 9,653,098 402 10,264 51,592 253,939 9,992,295 47,141,838 51,072 706 45,000 166,710 500,000 313,536 8,217,785 1,774,510 48,712,922 50,487,432 8,385,796 23,196,600 36.is Eastern district $50,032,509 34,323,006 15,709,503 981,871 3,626 2,626,056 3,607,927 9,028 12,092,548 145,994 129,107 16,887 2,788 14,099 12,106,647 13,621,935 1,073,962 159,942 34,511 1,929,888 460,167 201,474 33,762 118,213 511,174 511 8,680 450 25,827 4,558,050 16,664,697 620,488 259,319 7,065 782,044 2,840,263 228,317 15,731 2,533, 526 670 22,245 653,946 206,818 8,191,432 8,473,265 87,625 1,037,200 2.174 1,122,651 7,350,614 7,350,614 20,961 2,608 30,272 245.352 7,649,807 28,780,926 1/5,627,200 19,220,000 Southern district 29.28 $1,806,399 1,062,119 744,280 128,731 128,731 2 615,547 ::: ::: 615,547 483,028 25,303 114:35 31,675 55,528 12 228,407 843,954 223,810 47,628 298 1,775 4,iit 560,000 932 2,912 841,671 2,283 2,283 2,283 $4.590. 590,838 30,272 706 78,902 42,092 4,741,733 9,107 iji 9,238 8,480 291, 225 2,908,074 $12 25,872,852 ₫ 1.299.705 4 1.525 758 d Deficit or other reverse item. Includes $3,040,000 representing an extra dividend of 40 per cent declared by Indiana Harbor Belt R.R.Co. Includes $2,500,000 representing an extra dividend of 500 per cent declared by Chicago River & Indiana R.R.00. Western district $23,816,599 15,727,599 8,089,000 2/ 270,713 1.961.003 2,231,716 1,100 5,856,184 ::: 5,856,184 8,130,364 320,215 162,170 22 30,081 2,484,745 9,67 316,634 61,944 348,162 269,186 207,649 4,210,484 10,066,668 193,336 144,57 2:337835 295 384,849 2,988,528 1,102,210 61,009 2,143,241 103,582 72,360 15,265 7,209,248 2,857,420 72,262 207.596 277,361 557,219 2,300, 201 2,300, 201 2,441 7,656 21,320 10,112 2,341,730 2,551,000 20,800 45,000 78,701 500,000 271,313 3,466,814 d 1.125.084 24,131,295 23,006, 211 758,596 3,976,600 69.37 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Freight. 2 HAA 27 28 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Passenger. .. Excess baggage. Sleeping car. 5 Parlor and chair car. Mail... Express.. 7 8 9 10 ·· 11 Special service train.. 12 Other freight-train.. 13 Water transfers-freight. 14 .. • • • • · Water transfers--passenger. 15 Water transfers--vehicles and live stock. 16 Water transfers--other.. 17 18 Freight. 19 20 Excess baggage 21 Other passenger service. 22 Mail... 23 Express 24 8pecial service. 25 Other.... 26 43 44 · • • Passenger. ·· • Other passenger-train. Milk……. Switching. 67 68 " • • • 35 36 | 8tockyard... 29 30 Parcel room.. 31 8torage--freight. 32 storage--baggage. .. Dining and buffet.. Hotel and restaurant. • ► RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES Total rail-line transportation revenue. .. • • • 33 | Demurrage. 34 Telegraph and telephone. Grain elevator. · • • 41 Joint facility--Cr.. 42 Joint facility--Dr.... Station, train, and boat privileges. • • * Total water-line transportation revenue. • • · • • 37 Power... 38 Rents of buildings and other property Miscellaneous. 39 40 Total incidental operating revenue. • Ties--depreciation--yard. 59 Ties--depreciation--other. 70 Rails--yard.. • 63 Elevated structures--other.. 64 • Total joint facility operating revenue. Total railway operating revenues.. • • • Item 45 Superintendence.. 46 Roadway maintenance--yard. 47 Roadway maintenance--other. 48 | Roadway--depreciation--yard. 49 Roadway-depreciation--other 50 Underground power tubes-yard. 51 Underground power tubes-other. 52 | Underground power tubes--depreciation-yard. Underground power tubes--depreciation--other. Tunnels and subways--yard.. Tunnels and subways--other. 56 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard. 57 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other. 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverts-yard. 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other. 60 • RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures 71 Rails--other. .. · 72 Rails--depreciation--yard. Rails--depreciation--other. • • • O · Elevated structures-depreciation-yard. 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other. 66 Ties--yard. Ties--other……… · • • • • 73 74 Other track material-yard. Other track material-other. 79 80 81 82 83 34 Right-of-way fences--yard.. 35 Right-of-way fences--other. Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation-yard. 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other 62 Elevated structures--yard.. • • • ·· ·· 75 76 | Other track material--depreciation--yard. 77 | Other track material--depreciation--other 78 | Ballast--yard. Ballast--other • • • • Ballast-depreciation--yard. Ballast--depreciation-other.. Track laying and surfacing--yard. Track laying and surfacing--other • ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. • • • • • D • • ·· • • O O • • • • • Total, all districts $2,812,727 19,169 17 2,699 101 68,783,028 14,253 3,079 71,635,073 57,398 167,008 78,011 23,431 13,275 690,015 685,504 145,831 1,837 429,990 2,060,910 4,353,210 10,621 343,397 ₫ 332.776 75,655,507 632,209 930,480 27,239 131 14,507 22,914 444,494 20,538 303,009 97,282 35,250 1,008,137 31,046 569 507, 19,474 2, 593,409 14,485 562 72,960 152 68 2,030, 41,284 2,482 124 Eastern district $2,580,554 46,261,072 14,253 404 48,856,283 57.398 8,018 13,604 11,929 2,084 434,588 145,831 1,837 72,912 433,119 1,181,320 10,621 15,715 d 5,094 50,032,509 OR OR 431,618 506,313 izi 3,784 316,672 45,516 888 621,441 569 387,376 2,6ii 312,239 562 41,548 *કૈંક 1,325,103 1,268 Southern district $1,741,298 1,741,298 d 3,110 9.789 422 9.796 14,116 68,657 3.558 3.556 1,806,399 9,166 10,903 17,143 1,267 19,328 20,092 22,039 6,722 8,608 112 137 26, 21,034 882 21 Western district $232,173 19,169 17 2,699 101 20,780,658 2,675 21,037,492 그​동차​; 880 407 10,770 245,631 685,504 325,653 1,613,675 3,103,233 324,i28 ₫ 324.126 23,816,599 191,425 413,264 10,096 10,723 22,914 126,555 1,210 257.493 96,398 35,250 366,604 9,007 121,ōji 9.870 274,443 5,877 31,300 289 678,515 20,250 1,216 22 ! STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS A 22 No. RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures-Concluded 1 Right-of-way fences--depreciation-yard.. 2 Right-of-way fences--depreciation-other. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other.. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds-depreciation--other. 7 Crossings and signs--yard. 8❘ Crossings and signs--other. SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 10 9 Crossings and signs-depreciation--yard. 10 Crossings and signs--depreciation--other 11 Station and office buildings...... 19 20 15 Water stations... 16 17 Fuel stations. 18 | Fuel stations--depreciation. Shops and enginehouses. 12 Station and office buildings-depreciation. 13 Roadway buildings. 14 Roadway buildings-depreciation. Water stations--depreciation Item 21 Grain elevators...... 22 23 Storage warehouses. 24 Storage warehouses--depreciation.. 25 Tharves and docks.. 26 Wharves and docks--depreciation. ·· • •• Shops and enginehouses--depreciation. 33 Signals and interlockers... Grain elevators-depreciation. 27 | Coal and ore wharves... 28 | Coal and ore wharves-depreciation. 29 Gas producing plants.. 30 Gas producing plants--depreciation. 57 58 73 74 • 31 Telegraph and telephone lines.. 32 Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation. Signals and interlockers--depreciation. 38 Power plant buildings--depreciation. Power substation buildings.... 39 40 41 Power transmission systems... 42 Power transmission systems--depreciation 43 Power distribution systems.... ·· Paving--depreciation O 47 Underground conduits... 48 Underground conduits--depreciation.. 49 Miscellaneous structures... 50 Miscellaneous structures--depreciation. 51 Paving.. 52 Roadway machines.. ·· 54 Roadway machines--depreciation. .. Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines. 35 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation. 37 Power plant buildings. Power substation buildings--depreciation. • • Power distribution systems--depreciation. • · 67 68 Superintendence. Shop machinery... 69 Shop machinery--depreciation. 45 Power line poles and fixtures..... 46 Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation.. • · • • • Steam locomotives-repairs.. Steam locomotives--depreciation. 75 76 Steam locomotives--retirements. • • • 70 Power plant machinery. ·· • ·· 71 Power plant machinery-depreciation 72 Power substation apparatus. ... Power substation apparatus--depreciation. • 77 Other locomotives--repairs.. 78 Other locomotives--depreciation. 79 Other locomotives--retirements. 50 Freight-train cars-repairs... 81 Freight-train cars--depreciation. d Deficit or other reverse item. M · • • D Small tools and supplies.. .. Removing snow, ice, and sand.. Assessments for public improvements. Injuries to persons.. 59 Insurance.. 60 Stationery and ´printing 61 Other expenses. 62 Total, above accounts.. 63 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 64 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr. 65 Equalization--way and structures.. 66 Total maintenance of way and structures. Maintenance of Equipment C • · .. • • • • D • • • • • • • • D .. • • • C • • • • • Total, all districts ... $96 163,629 9.717 23,036 365,687 159,582 45,082 4,269 53,328 53; 5,003 65,135 9,823 252,500 44,063 103,063 31,695 10,702 29,350 223,073 69,685 33.743 9,981 65,079 359,890 11,999 11,505 5,520 416 167 10,246 47,i4i 7,533 3,025 420 5,892 11,905 27,597 1,923 120,102 323,263 2,865 109,874 89,544 11,724 13,125 9,806,487 720,225 2,351,666 2253 8,175,052 476,364 153,829 34,681 48,660 31,404 662 292 4,512,967 788,387 20,56 2,040,363 427,994 Eastern district ·· $96 120,477 1,184 135,721 20,985 26,264 34,638 1,400 39,201 1,529 127,125 7.564 1,928 375 41,588 10,258 33,283 9,981 54,014 171,768 wow wow wow you 4,732 36 5,356 6,963 4,779 2,938 21,968 532 69,671 203,775 2,669 67,998 31,803 7.992 8,349 5,276,736 67 1,475,532 4,486,679 347,376 98,407 6,184 12,482 662 3,274,193 554.575 14,464 1,769,163 401,796 Southern district 1,535 7.322 22,322 2,216 1,530 ·· 1,703 9,541 41,572 480 875 1,822 341 13 544 1,841 5,944 335 88 2 272,012 1,326 47,801 225,537 15,505 2,238 2,388 90,620 2,315 10,922 Western district $41,617 2,395 21,852 207,844 138,597 16,602 4,184 17,160 3,603 24, 231 8,294 115,834 36,499 103,063 31,695 8,774 28,975 139,913 59,427 10,190 186,300 11,999 6,432 5,520 380 167 4,890 40,178 2,754 87 420 5,897 11,905 5,085 1,391 48,590 119,488 196 41,541 51,797 3.644 4,774 4,257,739 43,320 838,223 3,462,836 113,483 53,184 28,497 33,790 31,404 33; 292 1,148,154 231 231,497 5,099 • 260,278 26,198 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. HUMANO MOO 11 1 Freight-train cars-retirements.. 2 Passenger-train care-repairs.. Passenger-train cars--depreciation.. Passenger-train cars-retirements. Motor equipment of cars--repaira.. Motor equipment of cars--depreciation 7 Hotor equipment of cars--retirements. g 100 2 2 2 9 Floating equipment-depreciation. 10 Floating equipment--retirements. 19 20 17 Injuries to persons.. 18 21 22 29 30 31 32 الا میں 12 13 14 Miscellaneous equipment-repairs. 15 Miscellaneous equipment-depreciation. 16 Miscellaneous equipment--retirements. 35 23 24 Equalization--equipment.... 25 کیا SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 26 Superintendence. 27 Outside agencies. 28 54 55 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded ཨཨ་ Floating equipment--repairs..... 57 53 Work equipment-repairs... Work equipment--depreciation.. Work equipment-retirements. 61 62 53 64 65 33 34 Other expenses.. 70 71 Insurance….. Stationery and printing. Other expenses. Total. 72 73 74 • 75 76 77 78 36 Superintendence. • 37 Dispatching trains. 38 79 80 45 Yard enginemen.. 46 Yard motormen.. Maintaining joint equipment- Dr Maintaining joint equipment--Cr. Advertising. Traffic associations. Fast freight lines... ... ·· Total traffic.. • · • • • Total maintenance of equipment. Traffic Yard supplies and expenses. Train enginemen.. Train motormen... Fuel for train locomotives Train power produced.. 59 Train power purchased. 60 ... • Item 47 Fuel for yard locomotives. 48 Yard switching power produced.. 49 Yard switching power purchased. 50 Water for yard locomotives.. 51 52 • • Industrial and immigration bureaus. Insurance... Stationery and printing • • • • • Station employees.. 39 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus. 40 Coal and ore wharves.. 41 Station supplies and expenses.. Yardmasters and yard clerks. 42 43 Yard conductors and brakemen. Yard switch and signal tenders - C • • •· • D C ·· • • Loss and damage--freight.. Loss and damage--baggage. • • • ·· • Transportation--Rail Line Water for train locomotives. • • • Lubricants for train locomotives. ·· • • Q Lubricants for yard locomotives. Other supplies for yard locomotives. Enginehouse expenses--yard. .. Train supplies and expenses. Operating sleeping cars.. Signal and interlocker operation. Crossing protection.. Drawbridge operation. Telegraph and telephone operation. Operating floating equipment. Express service... Stationery and printing. Other expenses. • • • • • d Deficit or other reverse item. · * • · • · • Other supplies for train locomotives. Enginehouse expenses-train.. Trainmen. • • · • • Insurance..... Clearing wrecks. Damage to property • • • • [ • Damage to live stock on right of way. D • • • · • • · Total, all districts $20,981 10,50 1, 1, 81,668 31,924 139,206 59,998 11,727 12,084 4,877 756 92,098 82,878 24,991 2,862 9,114,128 149,691 332,490 8,931,329 139,709 105,334 43,308 9,651 2,900 116 22,486 328 323,832 1,332,232 299,291 5,056,301 40,802 43,895 362,735 2,687,774 8,792,233 754,609 6,123,1 5,057,725 400,089 96,816 106,970 1,279,894 350,003 194,575 126,929 5,872 4,233 7,182 25,902 209,339 :338 367.719 410,981 39,588 67,483 158,751 224,597 197,846 110,423 76,539 33 240,737 537 Eastern district $25,845 621 257 81,668 31,924 91,248 36,787 8,17 3. 17,661 2,393 6,912,965 149,544 154,540 6,907,969 94,833 38,888 6,169 5,297 2,900 114 15,913 278 164,392 905,579 162,135 2,045,77 28,964 42,194 134,185 1,499,479 5,711,889 387.985 4,135,845 3,689,173 285,281 67,584 74,314 953.481 218,260 183,376 118,952 6,926 4,103 7,313 24,538 194,335 102,097 249,448 254,00 25,540 46,599 158,751 128,299 161,663 444 046 40,202 174,602 Southern district $589 1,611 268 232 IN. 346 579 127,907 1 17,228 110,680 16,645 7,265 314,934 11,363 1,701 18,638 86,012 145,139 4,012 93,459 113,163 3.963 1,243 3,163 37,083 4.374 37: 18 551 2.738 9,984 4,805 35,070 33: 12,607 10,310 4,315 28 276 10 d 23 Western district $4.864 1,09 1,564 46,347 22, 3.31 8,146 3,524 23 296 18,4 469 2,073,256 146 160,722 1,912,680 44,876 66,446 37.139 6,573 50 159,440 410,008 129,891 2,695,591 475 209,912 1,102,283 2,935,205 362,612 1,893,860 1,255,389 110,845 27,989 29,493 289.330 127.369 11,199 7,995 1,278 175 420 4.102 15,004 ,099 113,466 121,904 1,441 10,574 91,983 36,155 20,06 47. 36,444 65,184 274 A STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 24 No. 12345 H 1 Injuries to persons. 10 8 789 Operating joint yards and terminals--Dr Operating joint yards and terminals--Or. Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr 5 Operating joint tracks and facilities-Or. 6 Total transportation--rail line………. BONDONDOO ☹ m ~ 19 20 21 11 Dining and buffet service. 12 Hotels and restaurants. Grain elevators.. 13 14 Stockyards... 15 Producing power sold... 16 17 22 24 27 28 30 32 18 Salaries and expenses of general officers.. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. General office supplies and expenses.. Law expenses.. Insurance.. 23 Relief department expenses เเทน 25 26 | Valuation expenses.. 36 VIVISIV COMB 39 SUMMARY NO. 2—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 56 57 to mod RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES-Concluded Transportation--Rail Line--Concluded Operation of vessels. Operation of terminals.. Incidental.. 58 59 60 Total transportation--water line... 29 General joint facilities--Cr. 61 62 • 47 Miles of road... 48 66 67 68 69 Other miscellaneous operations. Other expenses.. Total general expenses...... 31 Transportation for investment--Cr.. Total railway operating expenses. 33 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent)... SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES Total miscellaneous operations.. ·· Pensions.. Stationery and printing • 34 Related solely to freight service. 35 Related solely to passenger and allied services. Related in common to both freight and passenger and allied services: Apportioned to freight service.. 37 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. 38 Not related to either freight service or to passenger and allied services... Total... Transportation--Water Line • 40 Miles of road. 41 Miles of second main track. Miles of third main track.. 42 43 Miles of fourth main track. 44 Miles of all other main tracks. 45 Miles of yard track and sidings. 46 Total, all tracks………. General joint facilities--Dr. • • Miscellaneous Operations Miles of second main track. 49 Miles of third main track. Miles of fourth main track.. • • 50 51 Miles of all other main tracks.. 52 Miles of yard track and sidings. 53 C ... · · ••• Total.... Item · • Total, all tracks... • • · • Number at close of year: Box cars. Flat cars. Stock cars Coal cars. Tank cars, General MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1929 • Steam locomotives: Number at close of year. Total tractive power (pounds). Number installed during year. Number retired during year. Electric locomotive units: Number at close of year.. Total tractive power (pounds). Number installed during year. Number retired during year.. • MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1929 • Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. • · EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE ❤ • • ... Freight-carrying Cars d Deficit or other reverse item. Includes 498.56 miles operated under trackage rights. 필 ​Includes 435.82 miles operated under trackage rights. Total, all districts $927,855 699,859 5,533,517 224,298 537,792 31,217,264 ::: 49,9! 219,43 147,16 147, 69,076 489,178 479.358 870,567 119,135 191,184 2,230 7.719 96,407 63,067 243,522 135.066 10,444 202,366 2,016,333 40,264 51,112,724 67.56 $49,428,444 76,402 1,518,850940 257 30,765 51,112,724 541.00 348.72 12.20 .92 4.26 2,157.05 1/ 3,064.14 259.39 161.11 1.99 .92 963.39 1,386.80 907 39,344,810 24 35 5,969 1,128 7,908 Eastern district $618,366 666,272 2,055,393 216,550 505,259 21,270,777 49,957 147,161 3,550 27,215 227,883 255,962 626,251 73,780 84,985 1,370 7,719 52,437 39,676 187,137 52,693 6,794 86,361 1,302,443 37,137 34,323,006 68.60 $33,967,184 49,957 275,100 30,765 34,323,006 403.33 273.26 12.20 .92 4.26 1,435.46 2/ 2,129.43 210.01 138.86 1.99 .92 684804 1,035.82 606 27,460,110 17 27 3653735 5,929 1,128 7,491 Southern district 1,290 3,866 215,144 60 19,972 705,064 4,556 11,123 1,033 2,542 924 819 819 1,004 20,846 8 1,062,119 58.80 $718,674 26.219 352,813 16,851 1,062,119 20.35 7.68 50.91 3/ 78.94 18.36 7.68 49.97 76.01 17 498,100 2 : Western district $308,199 29,721 3,262,980 7,688 12,561 9,241,423 Includes 2.93 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 59.81 miles operated under trackage rights. :::: 219,434 41,88i 261,295 218,840 233,193 44,322 103,657 826 43,970 22,467 55,566 81,554 3,650 115,001 693,044 3,119 15,727,599 66.04 $14,742,586 52,664 88422685 15,727,599 117.32 67.77 670.68 4/855.77 31.02 14.57 229.38 274.97 284 11,386,600 ORIST 364 10 5 417 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 423457 1 1:0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 333 450 بالبال 789 37 38 39 40 41 4444 42 43 44 47 → ២១ ៨៥ 48 49 50 51 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) 25 Number at close of year. 26 Number installed during year 27 Number retired during year. 52 DIWID not kno EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded 57 58 Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars.. Flat cars. Stock care Coal cars. Tank cars. Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. Total... Number at close of year.. 28 29 Number installed during year. 30 Number retired during year... 60 61 62 63 • • • • • ··· Total... 31 32 33 Number of units retired during year.. ·· Number installed during year: Box cars. Flat cars. Stock cars Coal cars. Tank cars.. ·· Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying cars. Total. Number retired during year: Box cars.. Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars. Tank cars. Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying cars • • • • • 46 Average number. •• Item All Classes of Passenger-train Cars • In replacement: Compensation: All Classes of Company Service Equipment • In replacement: • Number of units at close of year. Number of units installed during year...... · • Floating Equipment Number of cross ties. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties.. Total charges. In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties.. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties. Total charges... TIES LAID DURING YEAR ·· Number of tons (2,240 lbs.). Total charges.. RAILS LAID DURING YEAR In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks.. Miles of yard track and sidings. Number of tons (2,240 lbs.). Total charges.. • EMPLOYEES Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for. Total.. Service hours: Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for.. Total... Service days: Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for..... • • · • Total.... Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses. CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service.. In passenger service. In mixed-train service.. In special service.... In yard-switching service.. In work service.. Grand total, all services... · 1/ Does not include data for 216 linear feet of steel ties. Total, all districts 29,176 3,490 90 332,495 200 60,230 425,681 Vai: **5 606 **4 615 1,136 34 2 186 i5 1,373 24 "i 491 21 57 13 : 493.353 4,423,578 $1,100,050 104,308 960,821 $232,735 37,418 $1,445,077 5.36 31.60 5,685 $207,772 24,340 $41,733,010 $2,200, 620 $44,724,790 54,180,370 2,444,042 57,526,626 647,326 9.796 670,569 $40,508,725 40,888 2,766 505 1,637,047 24,195 1,705, 401 Eastern district 14,656 3,180 330,695 200 60, 230 408,961 **5 808 5. **4 615 34 131 *is 838 4 302 17 38 13 : 337.352 32525252525 ¥ 767,892 741 63,713 514,936 $145,131 27,446 $1,038,811 4.29 17.73 3.308 $117,294 14,071 $25,253,530 $1,529,068 $27,120,061 31,610, 158 1,731,709 33,723,535 368,461 1,417 375,586 $25,808,691 38,691 505 1,156,569 11,478 1,207,243 Southern district : ::: 3. W 3 2 25,563 219,527 $42,131 27 6.694 $214 617 $25,355 03 $93 905 $1,128,252 $74,046 $1,229,943 1,754,544 106,078 1,896, 204 29,441 121 29,748 $1,209,065 27,072 23 27,095 25 Western district 14,520 310 90 1,800 16,720 478 **2 55 535 20 "i 186 4 17 130,438 1,679,310 $290,027 40,568 439,191 $87,390 9.355 $380,911 1.07 13.34 2,374 $90,385 9,364 $15,351, 228 $597.506 $16,374,786 20,815,668 606,255 21,906,887 249,424 8,258 265,235 $13,490,969 2, 2,766 453,408 12,694 471,063 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 26 Kind of mileage: Steam road. Electric line.. Steamboat line. Stage line... Airplane..... Total mileage. State or Territory: Alabama... Arizona... Arkansas... California. Colorado.. Connecticut. Georgia. Idaho..... Illinois.. Indiana.. Delaware.. District of Columbia. Florida.... Iowa... Kansas. ·· Kentucky.. Louisiana. Missouri. Montana. SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 • Maine.. Maryland.. Massachusetts. Michigan.... Minnesota.. Mississippi. Nebraska.... Nevada... ·· New Hampshire New Jersey... New Mexico.. New York... Tennessee. Texas.. Utah.. North Carolina. North Dakota. Ohio..... Oklahoma. Oregon.... Pennsylvania. Rhode Island... South Carolina. South Dakota. ·· .. Vermont... Virginia... Washington.... West Virginia. Wisconsin... Wyoming. Alaska... Hawaii. Canada... Mexico. Mileage not assignable 3/ 5. Land... II. Buildings III. Equipment: Cars.. Horses. ·· Automobiles.. Wagons and sleighs. Harness and equipment. Item · Item Office furniture and equipment. Office safes.. ·· • • Trucks. Stable equipment Garage equipment. Line equipment. Shop equipment. Miscellaneous equipmen ··· • Total equipment. Total real property and equipment.. ·· MILEAGE COVERED BY OPERATIONS Total 232,092.87 2,770.14 23,611.62 2,101.59 10,314.00 270,890.22 4,838.58 2,639.20 449.11 10,764.17 4,759.64 874.53 296.30 42.85 5,261.73 6,657.77 2,755.98 11,895.93 6,873.62 10,700.50 9,707.83 3,613.87 4,283.22 2,072.87 2,567.47 1,916.26 7.702.62 206.93 4,047.40 7,929.37 4.907.87 6,670.61 2,701.54 1,150.38 2,099.52 3,060.53 8,038.14 4,529.58 5,245.09 8,879.14 6.932.44 4,016.32 9,334.51 172.40 3,588.75 4,181.09 3.593.57 16,545.29 2,526.81 946.42 5,073.25 6,126.89 3,190.17 7,209.55 2,392.38 10,724.30 370.80 4,008.63 96.50 7,720.00 Total $8,409,892 11,973,187 963,691 641,423 21,966,190 902,885 125,904 3,141,628 American Railway Express Co.1/ 523,276 2,724,604 16,015 606,538 555,336 229,153 5,247 32,401,890 52,784,969 222,749.15 2,891.85 24,021.87 1,409.54 8,088.00 259,160.41 3,176.23 2,351.60 4,448.33 10,381.42 4,779.64 986.53 296.30 42.30 5,016.98 5,359.37 2,755.98 11,623.25 6,673.69 10,700.50 9,519.28 3,238.06 4,259.38 2,049.27 2,544.60 1,965.26 -7,416.10 8,182.73 3.230.89 7.943.91 4,839.32 6,670.16 2,675.54 1,159.38 2,137.01 2,722.23 8,077.28 3,087.11 5,245.09 8,784.11 6,780.09 3,910.72 9,298.55 200.90 2,355.24 4,147.49 COST OF REAL PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT 2,293.15 16,167.84 2,509.01 948.42 3.957.37 6,265.81 3,186.47 7,112.55 2,392.38 11,124.30 351.30 4,003.49 96.50 7,720.00 American Railway Express Co.1/ $4,652,895 11,891,572 955,242 875,557 19,460,942 1,166 520 180,005 2,975,819 496,231 2,491,159 18,074 580,024 525,621 226,373 51,250 30,002,817 46,547,284 Railway Express Agency, Agency, Inc. 2 222,114.52 2,732.42 23,343.62 2,075.59 10,314.00 260,580.15 3.236.23 2.639.20 449.11 10,764.17 4,759.64 874.53 296.30 35.30 4,996.98 5,358.67 2,755.98 11,577.07 6,637.59 10,700.50 9,707.83 3.231.56 4.242.64 2,072.87 2,388.60 1,916.26 7,702.62 8,206.93 3,251.89 7.927.37 4,907.87 6,670.61 2,701.54 1,150.38 2,099.52 3,060.53 8,038.14 3.058.01 5,245.09 8,878.06 6,932.44 4,016.32 9,298.81 172.40 2,346.24 4,181.09 2,293.15 16,545.29 2,526.81 946.42 3.942.37 6,126.89 3,190.17 7,209.55 2,392.38 10,724.30 370.80 4,008.63 96.50 7,720.00 Railway Express Agency, Ino. 2 $8,398,810 11,785, 187 963,691 638,746 21,164,804 890,552 124,969 3,046,340 498,032 2,654,362 15,956 601,796 538,495 229,107 5,247 31,372,097 51,556,094 Southeastern Express Co. 9.978.35 37.72 268.00 26.00 10,310.07 1,602.35 55 264.75 1,299.10 318.86 236.03 382.31 40.58 178.87 795.51 2.00 1,471.57 1.08 35.70 1,242.51 1,300.42 1,130.88 Southeastern Express Co. $11,082 188,000 2,677 801,386 12,333 935 95,288 25,244 70, 242 59 4,742 16,841 46 1,029,793 1,228,875 Report for two months ended Feb. 28, 1929; property acquired by Railway Express Agency, Inc. Report for ten months ended Dec. 31, 1929. Covers miscellaneous unassigned mileage, such as transoceanio, coastwise, river, and lake not within the boundaries of any State or Territory. STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Cars: Number. Inventory value. Horses: Number... Inventory value. Automobiles: Gasoline- Total equipment, inventory value. Electric- Number.. Inventory value. Wagons and sleighs: Wagons, double- Humber.. Inventory value.. Wagons, single- Number.. Inventory value. Sleighs- Number.. Inventory value. Buggiee- Number.. Inventory value. Harness equipment: Number……. Inventory value. Inventory value. Office furniture and equipment: Inventory value.. Office safes: Number... Inventory value.. Trucks: I. Number. Inventory value. Stable equipment: Inventory value. Garage equipment: Inventory value. Line equipment: Safes, car- Number.. Inventory value. Safes, messenger- II. III. SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES, FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 —Continued Trunks, packing- Number.. Inventory value. Other line equipment- Inventory value... Shop equipment: Number.... Inventory value Inventory value. Miscellaneous equipment: Inventory value. Transportation: Express, domestic... Express, foreign... Item Miscellaneous...... Account Total transportation. Contract payments: Express privileges--Dr.... Revenue from transportation. Operations other than transportation: Customs brokerage fees.. Order and commission..... Rents of buildings and other property Money orders...... C.O.D. checks. • Travelers' cheques. Telegraph and cable transfers. Letters of credit.. Foreign postal remittances. Profit on exchange and other financial revenue Miscellaneous. Total other than transportation.. Total operating revenues. INVENTORY VALUE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED Total 3/ $13,773,820 249 $274,156 3,165 $169,716 #16 $6,994,635 1,601 5/ $2,525,812 1,617 $238,149 992 $24,952 559 $9,240 $6} $25,069 $1,286,808 17,969 $218,975 66,136 7/ $928,124 $7,167 $324,146 2,574 $95,903 7,971 $21,908 9,807 $49,722 $51,514 $95,550 $2,803 Total $291,307,135 19,642 291,326,777 150,044,944 141,281,833 234,836 5,329 126,617 12,652 2,466,221 826,934 3,672,626 144,954,459 American Railway Express Co. 1/ 4/ $12,881,406 250 $326,423 Includes $1,257,015, inventory value of 1,841 automobile batteries. Includes $1,224,571, inventory value of 1,910 automobile batteries, Includes $71,644, inventory value of 522 truck batteries. 8 Includes $60,455, inventory value of 450 truck batteries. 4,372 $256,668 6,307 $5,808,547 1,651 6/ $2,675,222 ANALYSIS OF OPERATING REVENUES 2,184 $331,551 844, 642 443 914 $14,428 $89 $37,612 $1,224,257 17,640 $215,038 63,671 8/ $847,168 $8,346 $335,360 2,461 100,527 7,701 $23,840 9,246 $46,452 $42,543 $100,827 $49,132 American Railway Express Co. 1/ $41,101,938 1,744 41,103,682 18, 554, 308 22,549,374 37,027 723 22,862 348,667 *34 124,034 533,347 23,062,721 Report for two months ended Feb. 28, 1929; property acquired by Railway Express Agency, Inc. Report for ten months ended Dec. 31, 1929. Includes $430,040, inventory value of 441 automobile trailers. Includes $392,933, inventory value of 391 automobile trailers, Railway Express Agency, Inc. 2/ 3/ $13,384,171 249 $274,156 3. $169,42 7,369 $6,681,205 1,601 5/ $2,525,812 1,607 $236,885 961 $24,128 559 $9,240 #633 $25,041 $1,252,759 17,492 $201,446 64,233 7/ $913,799 $7,155 $320,659 2,438 $92,368 7,659 #21 $21,352 9.194 $48,763 $51,514 $95,550 $2,774 Railway Express Agency, Ino. 2/ $242,206,106 9,939 242,216,045 127,590,721 114,625,324 191.605 730 102,594 2,009,695 688,115 3,002,742 117,628,066 27 Southeastern Express Co. $389,649 14 $252 209 $312,800 10 $1,264 31 $824 $28 $34,049 477 $17,529 1,903 $14,325 nt: $12 $3,487 136 $3,535 312 $556 613 $959 $29 Southeastern Express Co. $7,999,091 7.959 8,007,050 3,899,915 4,107,135 19 1 1,161 12,652 107,859 14,785 136,537 4,243,672 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS t 28 SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 -Continued Operating income: Charges for transportation... Express privileges-Dr... Revenue from transportation.. Revenue from operations other than transportation. • Total operating revenue 8. Operating expenses..... Net operating revenue.... Item Uncollectible revenue from transportation. Express taxes..... Operating income. Other income: Rent from real property and equipment used jointly. Miscellaneous rent income... Net income from miscellaneous physical property Separately operated properties-profit. Dividend income..... Income from funded securities....... Income from unfunded securities and accounts. Income from sinking and other reserve funds.... Release of premiums on funded debt.. Contributions from other companies.............. Miscellaneous income.. Total other income. Gross income..... Deductions from gross income: Rent for real property and equipment used jointly.. Miscellaneous rents...... Miscellaneous taxes.. Net loss on miscellaneous physical property. Separately operated properties--loss... Interest on funded debt.. Interest on unfunded debt...... Amortization of discount on funded debt. Income transferred to other companies. Miscellaneous income debits... Total deductions from gross income. Net income.... Disposition of net income: Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income... Income appropriations for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income. Miscellaneous appropriations of income.. Total appropriations...... Balance transferred to profit and loss. • Item • Credit balance at beginning of year……………. Credit balance transferred from income. Profit on real property and equipment sold. Delayed income credits.. Unrefundable overcharges. Miscellaneous credits. Total credits..... Debit balance at beginning of year...... Debit balance transferred from income... · Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of surplus.. • Surplus set aside for investment in physical property. Stock discount extinguished through surplus... Debt discount extinguished through surplus. Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus..... Loss on land sold. Delayed income debits..... Miscellaneous debits....... Total debits. Balance carried forward to credit of balance sheet. ·· INCOME ACCOUNT Total $291,326,777 150,044,944 141,281,833 3,672,626 144,954,459 142,192,421 2,762,038 20,126 1,779,726 962,186 151 231,111 75,122 611,79 918,178 1,880,364 1,093 1,334,000 3.455 62,969 4,599 1,406,116 474,248 589,630 589,630 ₫ 115,382 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Total $3,727,541 23,719 2,106 • 727 2,624 12,488 3,768,478 139,101 34,185 173,286 3,595,192 American Railway Express Co. 1/ $41,103,682 18,554,308 22,549,374 533,347 31327147 23,082,721 22,559,720 523,001 3,324 326,862 192,815 25 20,269 48,719 123,813 192,826 385,641 149 :: 65i 4,312 5,112 380,529 519,830 519,630 d 139.101 American Railway Express Co. 1/ $3,599,917 761 390 2,716 3,603,784 139,iỏi Deficit or other reverse item. Report for two months ended Feb. 28, 1929; property acquired by Railway Express Agency, Inc. Report for ten months ended Dec. 31, 1929. 710 139,811 3,463,973 Railway Express Agency, Inc. 2/ $242,216,045 127,590,721 114,625,324 3,002,742 117,628,066 115,534,902 2,093,164 15,778 1,342,864 734,522 126 210,842 26,403 449,567 686,938 1,421,460 944 1,334,000 2,804 62,969 287 1,401,004 20,456 20,456 Railway Express Agency, Ino. 2/ $20,458 1,345 1,896 9,772 33,469 33,469 33,469 Southeastern Express Co. $8,007,050 3,899,915 4,107,135 136,537 4,243,672 4,097,799 145,873 1,024 110,000 34,849 38,414 38,414 73,263 73,263 70,000 70,000 3,263 Southeastern Ехргеев 00. $127,624 3,263 338 131,225 **8 6 131,219 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS I. II. III. IV. Total operating expenses. Maintenance: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 17. 18. 29. 30. 31. 32. Traffic: 33. 34. 35. 36. 44455 10. 11. 12. 13. Wagons and sleighs-repairs.. 14. Wagons and sleighs--depreciation. 15. Wagons and sleighs--retirements.. Harness equipment--repairs.. 16. Harness equipment-depreciation and retirements Office furniture and equipment--repairs........ 19. Office furniture and equipment--depreciation and retirements. 20. Office safes--repairs.. 21. Office safes--depreciation and retirements. 22. 23. 24. 25. Stable and garage equipment--repairs. Stable and garage equipment--depreciation and retirements 26. Line equipment--repairs. Line equipment--depreciation and retirements. 27. 28. Shop equipment--repairs... Shop equipment--depreciation and retirements Miscellaneous equipment-repairs...... Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation and retirements Other expenses... 39. 40. 41. 42. 43 47 SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 -Continued 48. 49. Transportation: 37. 38. 50. 51. 52. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. Superintendence--maintenance.. Buildings and appurtenances--repairs. Buildings and appurtenances--depreciation. Buildings and appurtenances--retirements. Care--repairs. Cars--depreciation.. Cars--retirements.... Horses--depreciation. Horses--retirements......... Automobiles--repairs. Automobiles--depreciation. Automobiles--retirements. Total... Account Total..... Superintendence--traffic. Advertising. Stationery and printing. Other expenses... • ••••• Trucks--repairs... Trucks-depreciation and retirements.……………………………. Total..... Superintendence--transportation. Office employees. Commissions..... Office supplies and expenses. Rent of local offices Train employees........ Train supplies and expenses.. Stationery and printing. Loss and damage... Damage to property. Injuries to persons Other expenses... ... Total.. ………. Insurance. Fidelity bond premium Vehicle employees... Stable and garage employees. Stable and garage supplies and expenses. Drayage.... Pensions.... Stationery and printing Valuation expenses. Other expenses.. ··· ·· • • ANALYSIS OF OPERATING EXPENSES 1 General: 53. Salaries and expenses of general officers. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants General office supplies and expenses... Law expenses, .. · · ·· Total $142,192,421 d 336,272 254,053 331,737 15,880 156,023 32 Mot 75.335 1.977 38.359 9,258 3,321,65 2,423,804 56,219 208,698 61,423 93,874 51,492 3,906 229,233 209,536 9,405 23,375 597,154 173,225 13,863 48,700 37.778 36,487 10,940 16,690 348 452 61 8,843,260 270,087 31,401 105,870 592 407,950 6,149,092 50,753,393 9,629,486 2,827,747 4,703,901 25,032,254 1,922,660 4,687,250 1,686, 516 10,781,261 1,270,365 1,997,512 3,839,529 140,316 675,698 59.750 126,156,730 432,566 3,954,002 426,600 253,477 387,839 37,843 1,035,119 158,646 98,389 6,784,481 Deficit or other reverse item. Report for two months ended Feb. 28, 1929; property acquired by Railway Express Agency, Inc. Report for ten months ended Dec. 31, 1929. American Railway Express 00. 1/ $22,559,720 54,669 54,668 57,373 3,688 79,036 11.54 6,867 5.034 535,021 351,841 19,852 42,780 10,760 30,785 10,318 443 19,829 34,386 1,420 3.909 81,367 25,784 1,754 8,533 5,646 5,873 2,152 5.347 100 61 17 1,470,488 27,788 2,243 8, 221 38,252 1,006,182 8,068,464 1,324,512 497,966 772,805 3,861,520 321,926 821,314 219,178 1,677,762 61, 206 276,796 762, 281 23,761 111.200 14,358 19,821, 231 64,308 778,828 71, 701 51,330 61,504 2 13:3 2,930 165,859 19,061 14, 228 1,229,749 Railway Express Agency, Inc. 2/ $115,534,902 281 603 195,198 260,505 12,192 76,987 63.794 1.977 31,492 4,127 2,716, 683 2,008,547 36,005 164,999 45.969 d 62,553 41,050 2,565 207,186 162,069 7.839 18,445 499,474 140,560 12,109 39.741 31,683 28,931 8,788 11,343 248 362 4444 7,171,114 178,877 25,451 86,821 291,149 5,004,178 41,498,914 7,859.792 2,268,867 3,788, 265 20,721,143 1,566,022 3.730,354 1,302,603 8,560,677 1,195,640 1,612,314 2,976,269 115,658 554,757 44,141 102,799,594 334,007 3,031,702 343,124 182,764 281,951 17,193 868,971 129,980 83,353 5,273,045 29 Southeastern Express Co. $4,097,799 4,187 13,859 97 63,416 362 919 4,694 536 124 1,784 2,218 12,581 146 1,021 16,313 6,881 426 449 1,683 201,658 63,422 3.707 10,828 592 78,549 138,732 1,186,015 445,182 60,914 142,831 449,591 34,712 135,582 164,735 542,822 13,519 108,402 100,979 897 9,741 1,251 3,535,905 34,251 143,472 11,775 19,383 44,384 17,720 289 9,605 808 281,687 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 30 Investment: Real property and equipment. Sinking fund.. SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 —Continued Total investment.. ·· Miscellaneous physical property. Investments in affiliated companies. Other investments.... Current assets: Cash. Special deposits. Loans and notes receivable. Total current assets.. Deferred assets. • Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Material and supplies. Other current assets... Unadjusted debits: Discount on capital stock... Discount on funded debt.. Other unadjusted debits.. Total unadjusted debits. Grand total.... Stock: Capital stock.. Premium on capital stock, Total stock liabilities.. Funded debt unmatured,. ... Total current liabilities. Deferred liabilities. Unadjusted credits: Current liabilities: Loans and notes payable…….. Audited accounts and wages unpaid. Miscellaneous accounts payable....... Express privileges liabilities Other current liabilities...... Item Total unadjusted credits…. ASSETS Premium on funded debt... Operating and insurance reserves. Accrued depreciation.. Other unadjusted credits...... Profit and loss balance.. Total appropriated surplus. LIABILITIES Total corporate surplus.. • Corporate surplus: Additions to property through income and surplus. Reserves from income and surplus... GENERAL BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT Total $52,784,969 549,875 110,842 53,445,686 20,649,763 2,415 2,965 1,002,104 822,152 6,345,019 28,824,418 136,918 19,372 608 172 1,390,980 83,798,002 1,100,000 1,100,000 32,000,000 5,469,447 3,531,26 14,014,512 2,306,964 25,322,185 137,535 2,941,375 22,136,187 29,501 25,107,063 :: 131,219 131,219 Yo Report for two months ended Feb. 28, 1929; property acquired by Railway Express Agency, Inc. Report for ten months ended Dec. 31, 1929. American Railway Express Co. 1/ $46,547,284 7,117,803 53,665,087 18,750,358 4,408 4,300,530 1,030,245 776,453 7,908,825 32,770,819 132,257 1,647,812 1,647,812 88,215,975 34,642,000 34,642,000 689,985 312,430 11,522,210 2,269,878 23,794,503 711,867 780,305 20,406,614 416,713 25.603,632 ::: 3,463,973 3,463 973 Railway Express Agency, Inc. 2/ $51,556,094 110,842 51,666,936 19,782,059 2,092 2,965 970,55 805,5 6,234,778 27,797,989 136,435 12928 719,372 625,900 1,345,272 80,946,632 100,000 100,000 32,000,000 5,237,864 3,531,262 13,603,830 2,038,935 24,411,891 137,535 2,866,213 21,409,632 21,361 24,297,206 :. Southeastern Express Co. $1,228,875 549,875 1,778,750 867,704 323 12: 110,241 1,026,429 483 45,708 45,708 2,851,370 1,000,000 1,000,000 231,583 410,682 268,029 910,294 75,182 726,555 8,146 809,857 131,219 131,219 4 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Class of employees SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 - Concluded Superintendence-Maintenance.. Superintendence-Traffic... Advertising.……. Superintendence--Transportation..... Agents, clerks, and solicitors. Platform and house men.. Vehicle employees........ Stable and garage employees. Train employees... Olaim agents, special agents, and olerks.. General officers...... General office clerks and attendants. Law department officers and clerks. Shop employees..... Other employees.. Total (including general officers).. Total (excluding general officers).. Superintendenoe--Maintenance, Superintendence-Traffic. Advertising. Superintendence Transportation. Agents, clerks, and solicitors. Platform and house men.. Vehicle employees. Stable and garage employees. Train employees......…………… Olaim agents, special agents, and clerks. General officers...... General office clerks and attendants. Law department officers and olerks. Shop employees Other employees Total (including general officers).. Total (excluding general officers).. Number on Dec. 31 117 83 2,072 14,890 16,454 14,039 1,093 6,510 295 42 2,768 43 968 90 59,464 59,422 117 57 39 2,668 40 8 5 968 90 EMPLOYEES, SERVICE, AND COMPENSATION 57,640 57,601 Number of days worked 33.321 22,986 635,658 4,556,253 4,622,023 4,440,915 350,222 2,412,316 91,224 12,258 845,425 13,198 309,382 27,249 Total Yearly compensation 28,194 14,437 $298,895 197,839 526,019 4,304,165 3,734,472 21,501,858 15,876 3,792,154 19,675,938 2,039 14,438 13,719 3,688,575 20,709,817 1,665,868 1,074 6,233 282 286,474 1,944,747 72,872 10,432,803 480,122 9,642 315,946 684,562 3,846,477 10,277 123,741 259,766 22,928 5,252,494 26,323,776 23,824,596 25,003,855 2,041,010 13,002,959 597,885 409,190 4,761,957 166,999 1,986,023 152,763 18,372,430 | 104,020,241 18,360,172 103,611,051 Railway Express Agency, Inc. 2/ $250, 607 131,060 1,663,559 127,774 15,075,119 85,229,735 15,065,477 84,913,789 Average daily compen- sation $8.97 8.61 8.26 5.78 5.15 5.63 5.83 5.39 6.55 33.38 5.63 12.65 6.42 5.61 5.66 5.64 $8.89 9.08 8.18 5.76 5.19 5.61 5.82 5.36 6.59 32.77 5.62 12.04 6.40 5.57 5.65 5.64 1/ Report for two months ended Feb. 28, 1929; property acquired by Railway Express Agency, Inc. 2/ Report for ten months ended Dec. 31, 1929. Number on Dec. 31 105 45 2,042 14,099 13,759 12,999 1,142 6,121 298 35 2,644 40 1,005 89 54,423 54,388 26 : 33 452 578 320 19 277 13 3 100 3 :: 1,824 American Railway Express Co. 1/ Number of days worked Yearly compensation 1,821 5,127 2,165 99,673 696,651 674,765 663,879 57.505 365,293 14,451 1,698 131,463 98,139 60,922 772,008 24,332 1,977 49,616 4,321 322,464 24,989 2,768,584 16,220,766 2,766,886 16,159,844 6,384 Southeastern Express 00. 9,966 125,130 155,104 88,461 6,243 102,276 3,901 918 29,400 944 $48,288 21,197 :: 851,655 4,171,149 3,613,412 3,844,447 340,431 2,027,333 528,727 527,809 $45,582 96,674 650,769 535,246 449,591 34,711 542,823 19,624 32,322 143,472 18,926 2,569,740 2,537,418 31 Average daily compen- sation $9.42 9.79 8.54 5.99 5.36 5.79 5.92 5.55 6.79 35.88 5.57 12.31 6.50 5.78 5.86 5.54 $7.14 9.70 5.20 3.45 5.08 5.56 5.31 5.03 35.21 4.88 20.05 4.86 4.81 • STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 32 SUMMARY NO. 4—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 Average mileage (single track) over which operations were conducted (miles)... GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investment in sleeping car property. Miscellaneous physical property.. Other investments.. Cash.. Net balance receivable from receiving cashiers and ticket agents. Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Material and supplies.. Other current assets... Deferred assets.. Unadjusted debits.. Total. • • Capital stock.. Premium on capital stock. Wages payable………. Miscellaneous accounts payable. Dividends matured unpaid. Unmatured dividends declared. Other current liabilities. Deferred liabilities. Operating reserves.. Accrued depreciation. Other unadjusted credits. Miscellaneous fund reserves. Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. Profit and loss--balance... Total corporate surplus. • • • • • Sleeping car operating revenues.. Revenues from auxiliary operations. Total revenues. Sleeping car operating expenses. Expenses of auxiliary operations. Total operating expenses. Net revenues... Sleeping car tax accruals. Auxiliary operations--Tax accruals. Total taxes..... O • ·· • Operating income.. Rent from cars. Dividends received.. Income from funded securities. Income from unfunded securities and accounts. Income from sinking and other reserve funds. Kiscellaneous income....... • • Total nonoperating income. Gross income.. • • ·· · • Rent for cars.. Miscellaneous tax accruals.. Interest on unfunded debt. Miscellaneous income charges…………………. Total deductions from gross income.. Net income..... ·· Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income….. Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total appropriations. Income balance transferred to profit and loss. Credit balance transferred from income. Unrefundable overcharges. Miscellaneous credits.. Total credits during year. Total debits during year. Net increase during year. Balance at beginning of year. Balance at end of year. • Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of surplus. Loss on retired equipment.. Uncollectible sleeping car revenues Miscellaneous debits.. · • · • • Deficit or other reverse item. 1/ Represents an extra dividend of 24 per cent. 2 INCOME ACCOUNT PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 130,018.50 $245,279,441 7,321 16,623,576 4,944,665 1,584,418 2,343,792 519,908 520,195 4,651,736 39,247,441 319,722,493 135,000,000 9.398 1,599,876 3,474,404 28,747 1,300, 155,41 153; 000 117,871,966 52,064,578 1,002,192 15 1,127,216 55,024 2:33:48 83,840,812 69,490,170 1,334,203 70,824,373 13,016,439 3,815,362 15,878 3,831,240 9,185,199 17080903 178,919 61,165 1,050,314 264,456 182,884 1,737,738 10,922, 937 4,854 7.952 7,874 20,680 10,902,257 180,071 6,750,000 888 6,930,071 3,972,186 3,972,186 15.436 6.930,682 10,918,304 1/32,400,000 7,988 440.910 32.839.017 d 21.920.743 25,075,737 3,155,024 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS C Berth revenue.. Seat revenue.. • • Charter of cars. Miscellaneous revenue. Car mileage revenue.. Association and contract revenue-Dr Total operating revenues. • ❤ SUMMARY NO. 4-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1929 —Concluded .. Maintenance. Conducting car operations. General expenses.... Total operating expenses.. Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent).. Porters and maids.. Train stenographers. Car cleaners... Laundry employees. General expenses: Auxiliary operations: • • • ... General officers.. Clerks and attendants. • Maintenance: Mechanics, electricians, seamstresses, repairmen, carpenters, shop employees, etc... Conducting car operations: General officers and staff (superintendence) District superintendents, agents, and staff Conductora... • •• • Total number of revenue passengers--berth.. Total number of revenue passengers--seat. Average revenue per passenger-berth... Average revenue per passenger-seat. Total number of car-miles. Total number of car-days. Standard sleeping care. Tourist sleeping cars. Parlor cars.. Dining cars. Composite cars. Private cars………. Miscellaneous cars. Total. • Commissary (superintendence). Agents and staff, conductors, waiters, cooks, etc. Total (including general officers).. ·· · · ·· .. • • Average number of revenue passengers per car per day Operating revenues per car-mile (cents). Operating revenues per car-day... Operating expenses per car-mile (cents). Operating expenses per car-day. Net operating revenue per car-mile (cents) Net operating revenue per car-day.. Average number of car-miles per car-day ..... • ... C ... .. ·· Cla88 • ·· • OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES 1/ Does not include 18 cars leased or otherwise acquired. EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES OPERATING STATISTICS EQUIPMENT IN SERVICE ON DEC. 31, 1929 Number on Dec. 31 5,379 W 1, 2,666 11,751 22 5,693 489 42 985 46 271 29,250 33 $77,511,162 9,803,912 2,438,882 176,169 1,157,466 8,703,819 82,383,772 30,159,007 36,190,957 3,140,206 69,490,170 84.35 Average daily compen- sation $4.79 6.42 4.29 6.13 5.76 2.81 3.46 2.71 27:23242 3:33 3.85 21,008,719 12,425,549 $3.69 $0.79 1,206,767,059 3,227,276 10 6.827 $25.52734 5.758 $21.53214 1.069 $3.99520 373.93 7.720 286 1,122 18 275 1/ 9,451 ". .. P 1 в 1 } С HE 1776 $19. 08 77 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION BUREAU OF STATISTICS A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1928 COMMERCE UM INTERSTATE 18010 1887 COMMISSION UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1929 * THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION ERNEST I. LEWIS, Chairman BALTHASER H. MEYER CLYDE B. AITCHISON JOSEPH B. EASTMAN JOHNSTON B. CAMPBELL FRANK McMANAMY THOMAS F. WOODLOCK RICHARD V. TAYLOR EZRA BRAINERD, Jr. CLAUDE R. PORTER PATRICK J. FARRELL GEORGE B. McGINTY, Secretary Gift N.S. Interstate Commence Commission 8-8-1930 CONTENT S. Introductory statement. Summary No. 1-Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I steam railways (not including switching and terminal companies) for the year ended December 31, 1928.... …………. Summary No. 2-Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I switching and terminal companies for the year ended December 31, 1928. Summary No. 3-Abstract of reports rendered by express companies for the year ended December 31, 1928…………. Summary No. 4-Abstract of report rendered by The Pullman Company for the year ended December 31, 1928.. A Page 4 5 15 22 27 3 : : A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928. This preliminary abstract for the calendar year 1928 is compiled from the annual reports of the classes of carriers designated. It differs from the Preliminary Statement of Capitalization and Income for the same year in that the latter is confined to a small number of items compiled for individual carriers, and in summary form, from a special report returned by them in advance of their annual report. The present abstract contains summaries by districts and is intended primarily to make available as promptly as possible certain totals not obtainable from the monthly or special reports of carriers. The totals are subject to change after corrections in the annual reports have been authorized. The final totals will appear in the Statistics of Railways for 1928. It may be noted that only steam railways, express companies, and The Pullman Company are covered in this abstract. Separate mimeographed statements are issued annually for pipe line companies, telegraph and cable companies, carriers by water, tele- phone companies, and electric railways. Because a separate annual publication or freight commodity etatistics for the year 1928 has been issued in full detail for the 157 classes of commodities, only group totals of commodities carried are shown in this preliminary abstract. It should be especially observed that the balance sheet items relate to operating companies only and do not cover the balance sheets of lessor companies the property of which is operated by Class I steam railways, that is, railways having annual operating revenues above $1,000,000. The following table shows the investment in road and equipment of the operating, lessor and proprietary companies at the end of the year 1928, in comparison with final figures for the preceding year: Investment Class of companies Class I... Lessors to Class I... Proprietary Companies. Total... Class II………. Lessors to Class II. Proprietary Companies Total.. Class III... WASHINGTON, June 4, 1929. • Lessors to Class III. Proprietary Companies.. Total... Grand total... U • • INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT. • A • · D in Road and Equipment of Steam Railways, (Accounts 701 and 702) Dec. 31, 1928 $19,459,438,970 3,783,950,333 1,011,921,298 24,255,310,601 506,065,912 8,729,612 2,315,401 517,110, 925 95; 95,542,691 5,414,450 95,618 101,052,759 24,873,474,285 Dec. 31, 1927 $18,976,653,851 3,896,406, 227 916,672,762 23,789,732,840 543,655,117 13,608,555 2,326,861 559,590, 533 99,155,138 5,296,809 95,618 104,547,565 24,453,870,938 Increase $482,785,119 95,248,536 465,577,761 • 117,641 419,603,347 Decrease $112,455,894 37,589,205 4,878,943 11, 460 42,479,608 3,612,447 3,494,806 4 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS · No. 23456780 1 Total number of stockholders 9 -10 11 12 13 14 23 24 222 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 (Does not include lessor companies) 19 Deferred assets 567 Investment in road and equipment Improvements on leased railway property Sinking funds • Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies Other investments Total investments 15 Miscellaneous accounts receivable 16 Material and supplies 17 Other current assets 18 25 Capital stock 26 Mmm m Cash Demand loans and deposits Time drafts and deposits Special deposits Loans and bills receivable GENERAL BALANCE SHEET 20 Discount on capital stock Discount on funded debt Other unadjusted debits 21 22 48 .. وبا Total current assets .. 38 Deferred liabilities t 232/1/1 Investments Current Assets Stock liability for conversion Premium on capital stock 27 28 Total stock 29 Grants in aid of construction Total unadjusted debits Grand total • • · Item Unadjusted Debits • 30 Funded debt unmatured 31 Receiver's certificates 32 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies 33 Total long-term debt 34 Loans and bills payable 35 Miscellaneous accounts payable Other current liabilities 36 37 39 Premium on funded debt 40 Operating reserves 41 Accrued depreciation 42 Other unadjusted credits 43 • ·· • Long-Term Debt Total current liabilities .. Current Liabilities Stock 50 Profit and loss--balance 51 ·· Total unadjusted credits • Unadjusted Credits Corporate Surplus 44 Additions to property through income and surplus 45 Funded debt retired through income and surplus 46 Sinking fund reserves 47 •• Total appropriated surplus Total corporate surplus ·· • Miscellaneous fund reserves Appropriated surplus not specifically invested • • ·· INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT · 52 Expenditures for new lines and extensions 53 Expenditures for additions and betterments Credits for property retired 55 Adjustments 56 Net charges during year 57 Stocks actually issued during year--par value 58 Funded debt actually issued during year-par value ·· .. Total, al1 districts 762,923 $18,993,392,060 466,046,910 2,807,084 14,536,117 173,050,669 4,841,205,579 838,234,330 25,329,272,749 502,833,359 139,191,796 107,183,526 81,288,724 39,963,204 221,633,835 471,077,760 227,572,768 1,790,744,972 202,920,167 15,599,602 83,402,315 221, 705, 734 320,707,651 27,643,645,539 8,079,977,901 1,549,351 48,889,739 8,130,416,991 7,257,215 10,588,300,875 7,687,192 445,558,215 11,041,546, 282 32,190,518 120,026,851 997,092,728 1,149,310,097 123,052,177 1,046, 240 147,752 1,857,482,559 700, 801, 654 2,559,478, 205 d 871,684,141 85,004,780 42, 218, 285 59,373,180 59,867,791 1,118, 148, 177 3,514,436,395 4,632,584,572 125,308,166 585,056, 820 212,633,846 17.985.960 489,745, 180 466, 113, 124 875,257,137 Eastern district 354,990 $6,824,901,514 377,109,667 1,164,795 4,449,556 87,217,395 1,923,454,709 446,959,450 9,665,257,086 224,814,246 44,546,530 60,159,967 19,212,982 10,001,999 79,081,764 181,043,495 112,107,052 730,968,035 101,748,167 462,795 28,546,174 87,825,629 116,834,598 10,614,807,886 d 3,123,701,709 380,936 37,463,696 3,161,546,341 894,667 3,812,168,604 4,695,085 116,157,895 3,933,021,584 7,059,431 33,670,658 418,194,952 458,925,041 68,300,595 181,851 852,167,961 311,689, 186 1,164,038,998 486,019,573 16,591,955 30,262,019 52,628,237 446,714 585,948, 498 1,242,132,162 1,828,080,660 2,428,075 259,272,346 89,595,277 8,893,944 163,211,200 118,463,952 107,476,140 Southern district 79,568 $3,516,121,360 62,648,073 909,369 1,115,024 22,640,989 608,517,296 96,585,073 4,308,537,184 92,287,994 5,016,900 21,194,294 22,235,283 15,762,440 37,456,592 75,014,872 36,343,929 305,312,304 34,322,290 38,100 15,040, 726 32,202,360 47,281,186 4,695,452,964 1/1,210,849,187 4,998,340 1,215,847,527 1,637,876 1,937,392,184 10,888,864 1,948,281,048 3,155,985 15,892,992 143,616,575 162,665,552 29,008,943 1,200 349,476,942 85,023,971 435,502,113 124,598,074 1,111,757 4,751,510 2,537,006 1,497,607 134,495,954 768,013,951 902,509,905 4,780,790 85,698,794 35,072,397 4,544,289 59,951,476 3,015,507 49,432,977 Western district 328,365 $8,652,369, 186 26,289,170 732,920 8,971,537 63,192,285 2,309,233,574 294,689,807 11,355,478,479 185,731,119 89,628,366 25,829,265 39,840,459 14,198,765 105,095,479 d 215,019,393 79,121,787 754,464,633 66,849, 710 15,098,707 39,815,415 101,677,745 156,591,867 12,333,384,689 2/3,745,427,005 1,168,415 6,427,703 3,753,023,123 4,724,672 4,838, 4,838,740,087 2,992,107 318,511,456 5,160,243,650 21,975,102 70,463, 201 435,281, 201 527,719,504 25,742,639 863,189 147,752 655,837,656 303,088,497 959,937,094 261,066,494 67,301,068 7,204,756 4,207,937 57,923,470 397,703,725 1,504,290,282 1,901,994,007 115.099.301 240,085,680 87,966,172 3,636,305 266,582,504 3/ 344,633,665 718,348,020 Deficit or other reverse item. Includes $26,379,853, consideration received for 250,000 shares of stock without par value; in addition 60,000 shares of stock without par value are outstanding for which no book value is reported. Includes $298,342,255, consideration received for 2,430,580 shares of stock without par value. Includes $152,890,514, consideration received for 1,209,060 shares of stock without par value. 5 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 6 No. 3t5678 1 Railway operating revenues 2 Railway operating expenses Net revenue from railway operations Railway tax accruals: United States Government taxes Other than United States Government taxes Total railway tax accruals 17 18 8 Uncollectible railway revenues 9 Railway operating income 10 Revenues from miscellaneous operations 11 Expenses of miscellaneous operations Miscellaneous operating income 15 Total operating income 16 Net railway operating income 12 Net revenue from miscellaneous operations 13 Taxes on miscellaneous operating property 14 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 41 Joint facility rents 42 Rent for leased roads 43 44 52 53 ܡܕ INCOME ACCOUNT 19 Rent from passenger-train cars 20 Rent from floating equipment 21 Rent from work equipment 22 23 Joint facility rent income Income from lease of road Miscellaneous rent income 24 25 Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property 26 Separately operated properties--profit 27 | Dividend income 28 31 32 33 34 35 36 Hire of freight cars--debit balance 37 Rent for locomotives .. 38 Rent for passenger-train cars 39 Rent for floating equipment 40 Rent for work equipment • Hire of freight cars--credit balance Rent from locomotives Income from funded securities 29 Income from unfunded securities and accounts 30 76 · on to ooooo Miscellaneous rents .. Miscellaneous tax accruals 45 Separately operated properties--loss 46 Interest on funded debt 47 Interest on unfunded debt 48 77 Item 78 Amortization of discount on funded debt 49 Maintenance of investment organization 50 Income transferred to other companies Miscellaneous income charges Total deductions from gross income Net income 79 · 61 62 | Profit on road and equipment sold 63 Delayed income credits 64 Unrefundable overcharges 65 Donations 66 Miscellaneous credits 81 .. ·· ... Income from sinking and other reserve funds Release of premiums on funded debt Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous inoome Total nonoperating income Gross income • · Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds 55 Dividend appropriations of income ·· 56 Income appropriated for investment in physical property 57 Stock discount extinguished through income 58 Miscellaneous appropriations of income 59 Total appropriations of income 60 Income balance transferred to profit and loss PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT · Credit balance transferred from income 75 Loss on retired road and equipment Delayed income debits Miscellaneous debits · • Total debits during year Net increase during year 80 Balance at beginning of year Balance at end of year 82 | Dividends declared during year 83 84 71 72 Stock discount extinguished through surplus 73 Debt discount extinguished through surplus 74 Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus • • • • 67 Total credits during year 68 Debit balance transferred from income ... 69 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds 70 Dividend appropriations of surplus Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property • • ·· · ... ·· • • Par value on which declared--common Par value on which declared--preferred 85 Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent d Deficit or other reverse item. • .. · • Total, all districts $6,111,735, 511 4,427,995,036 1,683,740,475 87,998,161 301,434, 254 389,432,415 1,578,896 1,292,729,164 3,537,399 3,333,783 203,616 155,521 48,095 1,292,777,259 1,172,864,100 21,577,355 12,871,434 16,003,012 410,018 3,511,668 42,372,158 5,430,938 23,736,972 6,187,230 3,508,073 161,340,051 70,495,064 39,805,885 4,547,772 126,140 3,352,441 1,432,953 416,709,164 1,709,486,423 112,934, 020 11,278,252 18,976,106 2,198,965 1,500, 481 69,722,885 170,841,490 7,532,846 4,822,631 1,167,800 495,510, 396 12,305,849 3,935,284 29,454 5,082,098 4,470,511 922,309,068 787,177,355 9,898,180 248,492,874 4,671,915 1,114,455 264,177,424 522,999, 931 545,375,345 8,333,685 6,133,689 2,000,334 5,950,474 124,925,058 692,718,585 22,375,414 1,159,138 182,538,036 6,263,061 178,606 15,676,570 1,299,985 24,556,106 6,049,545 77,779,991 337,876,452 354,842,133 3,152,889,080 3,507,731,213 431,030,910 4,677,373,174 1,403,265,988 1,403,2 7.09 Eastern district $2,732,315,741 2,004,156,766 728,158,975 40,882,442 122,170,210 163,052,652 874,281 564,232,042 1,235,819 1,079,477 156,342 64,225 92,117 564,324,159 503,494,490 8,530,483 4,310,711 5,882,023 310,109 1,221,761 20,875,000 2,508,113 13,960, 234 3,844,211 2,185,941 65,364,855 23,136,340 20,764,581 4,012,061 39,679 3,352,441 507,485 180,806,028 745,130,187 53,203,649 4,589,566 7,564,790 2,064,419 686,010 33,759,205 101,191,805 5,410,386 3,679,368 885,884 181,674,281 6,102,491 1,431,791 20,092 5,056,368 2,098,703 409,418,808 -335,711,379 7,194,883 116,177,836 3,519,462 1,114,455 128,006,636 207,704,743 210,896,999 3,837,327 1,317,512 1,248,171 1,797,796 91,376,752 310,474,557 3,192,256 38,699 60,819,103 2,215,105 3,103,570 65,813 13,436,698 1,334,761 52,681,854 136,756,233 1,064,430,527 1,238,148,851 176,996,939 2,050, 359, 669 404,638,950 7.21 Southern district $1,033, 102, 115 749,058, 018 284,044,097 16,431,859 54,703,907 71,135,766 243,571 212,664,760 2,254,530 2,241,431 13,099 13,099 212,664, 760 213,180,842 10,302,962 2,168,103 3,418,475 8,625 621,069 6,163,240 506, 306 2,405,648 720,160 1,014 14,682,403 10,361,148 5,231,636 296,718 133,540 57,021,047 269,685,807 7,918,051 1,684,056 3,848,543 54,216 241,160 8,420,366 16,500,820 772,412 146,088 56,973 89,753,451 829,827 894,667 6,237 499,778 131,626,645 138,059,162 666,341 10,645, 216 902,904 12,214,461 125,844,701 128,098,822 601,912 1,236,343 313,065 2,850,796 6,070,847 139,171,785 2,254,121 613,768 70,081, 229 3,221,268 178,606 1,430,109 200,000 2,334,992 269,737 2,102,016 82,685,846 56,485,939 711,528,012 768,013,951 80,726,445 844,123,100 173,776,450 7.93 Western district $2,346,317,655 1,674,780,252 671,537,403 30,683,860 124,560.137 155,243,997 461,044 515,832,362 47,050 12,875 34,175 78,197 44,022 515,788,340 456,188,768 2,743,910 6,392,620 6,702,514 d 91,284 1,668,838 15,333,918 2,416,519 222 7,371,090 1,622,859 1,321,118 81,292,793 36,997,576 13,809,668 238,993 86,461 791,928 178,882,089 694,670,429 51,812,320 5,004,630 7:562,773 80,330 573,311 27,543,314 53,148,865 1,350,048 997,175 224,943 224,082, 664 5.373,531 1,608,826 3,125 25,730 1,872,030 381,263, 615 313,406,814 2,036,956 121,669.822 249,549 123,956,327 189,450, 487 206,379,524 3,894,446 3,579,834 439,098 1,301,882 27,477,459 243,072,243 16,929,037 506,671 51,637.704 826,688 11,142,891 1,165,798 8,784,416 4,445,047 22,996, 121 118,434,373 124,637,870 1,376,930,541 1,501,568, 411 173,307;526 1,782,890,405 824,850,588 50 585 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Freight 2 HOMOFON 9 10 HHA - #9822200 27 Passenger 8 Other passenger-train 29 30 31 Excess baggage 8leeping car 32 33 Mail • Parlor and chair car Express Switching 11 Special service train 12 | Other freight-train . 13 Water transfers--freight 14 Water transfers--passenger • · 15 Water transfers--vehicles and live stock 16 Water transfers--other Total rail-line transportation revenue 18 Freight 19 | Passenger Milk.. 23 24 25 Other 26 43 1444 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) ••• 66 67 68 27 Dining and buffet 28 Excess baggage Other passenger service Kail Express Special service ... 35 36 | Stockyard 37❘ Power 38 39 40 • Hotel and restaurant Demurrage 34 Telegraph and telephone Grain elevator • RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES 41 Joint facility--Cr. 42 Joint facility--Dr. Total water-line transportation revenue • → Station, train, and boat privileges Parcel room Storage--freight Storage--baggage . Rails--yard Rails--other .. • ·· Rents of buildings and other property Miscellaneous Total incidental operating revenue ·· Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues Ballast--yard Ballast--other • Ties--depreciation--ÿâïú 69 Ties--depreciation--other 70 Item Superintendence 46 Roadway maintenance--yard Roadway maintenance--other Roadway--depreciation--yard Roadway--depreciation--other 50 Underground power tubes--yard 51 Underground power tubes--other 52 Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard 53 Underground power tubes--depreciation--other 54 Tunnels and subways--yard RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures • 62 63 | Elevated structures--other 64 Elevated structures--depreciation--yard Elevated structures--depreciation--other Ties--yard Ties--other Tunnels and subways--other Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard 58 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard · 71 72 | Rails--depreciation--yard 73 Rails--depreciation--other 74 Other track material--yard Other track material--other • ·· Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other Elevated structures--yard ·· ·· • ❤ • 79 80 Ballast--depreciation--yard 81 Ballast--depreciation--other 82 Track laying and surfacing--yard 83 Track laying and surfacing--other 76 Other track material--depreciation--yard 77 Other track material--depreciation--other 78 ·· • ·· • • 84 Right-of-way fences--yard 85 Right-of-way fences--other 86 Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard 87 Right-of-way fences-depreciation--other d Deficit or other reverse item. • • • 4 .. · Total, all districts $4,680,455,593 901,018,801 5,796, 340 1,282,089 1,187,967 104,385,255 142,579,632 16,155,030 36,671,191 66,287,572 2,010,737 529,777 1,171,282 2,247,031 5,317,041 1227273747 1,395,338 5,968,490,676 10,691,733 1,311,064 d 2,791 23,578 13,682 19,416 643,488 551,105 13,256,857 33,809,376 7,404,716 6,829,161 1,284,689 3,792,292 601,343 16,938,869 2,581,054 1,337,655 878,269 6,785, 365 9,318,503 30,028,321 121,589,613 12,169,003 3,770,638 8,398,365 6,111,735,511 58,434,244 9,298,119 74,087,252 2,361 316,352 40,219 2,321,158 25 7,831 1,852,105 40,354,593 28,527 1,488,473 249,528 92,317 14,737,559 99,349,845 243.638 2,151,670 4,792,493 45,252,589 84,342 707,816 8,593,549 39,693,270 239,623 828,893 903,055 18,488,592 2,481 375,195 25,996,422 181,436,839 72,809 4,990,402 447 1.830 Eastern district $2,011,313,942 474,824,041 2,281,168 18,514 276,590 40,383,572 65,138,284 6,550,184 26,499,602 29,958,426 707,981 333,752 868,620 1,598,959 3,181,883 1,124,109 2,665,059,627 1,353,979 654,223 541 5,894 13,383 15,598 21,845 1,410 2,066,873 15,242,373 2,023,503 4,705,749 951,109 1,981,929 290,084 9,947,671 509,402 1,171,409 9,121 6,410,782 6,648,027 12,685,063 62,576,222 3,886,148 1,273,129 2,613,019 2,732,315,741 22,867,061 4,870,332 25,831,759 298 2,383 .. 34,805 896,395 25 153 1,349,636 13,050,989 21,966 801,279 248,030 91, 242 7,416,960 34,228,395 2.473 8.223 2,956,303 18,020,878 2.935 35,021 4,795,718 17,509,725 2,487 6.597 592,949 6,464,840 572 8,026 13,976,254 70,482,722 36,064 1,384,579 22 5.313 Southern district $833,976,443 129,564,561 882,505 23,166 135,356 17,739,372 21,125,609 1,985,452 1,236,150 7,984,337 435,475 7,052 51,788 40,481 4,815 219,524 1,015,412,086 5,117,012 591,933 657,811 95,883 780,618 52,116 2,246,594 89,307 28,537 4,550 208,572 836,643 5,478,297 16,187,873 1,932,797 430,641 1,502,156 1,033,102,115 10,373,717 1,238,524 16,352,508 d 280.133 4,484 499,219 122,401 8,183,696 1,596 540,634 ... .. 2,347,335 18,673,583 242,658 2,272,608 552,100 8,647,548 83,329 942, 424 915,922 5,245,640 226,463 847,411 70,722 4,734,286 2,965 392,346 3,109,410 29,526,234 2,548 615,807 56 13,857 Western district $1,835,165,208 296,630,199 2,632,667 1,240,409 776,021 46,262,311 56,315,739 7,619,394 8,935,439 28,344,809 867,281 188,973 250,874 607,591 2,130,343 51,705 2,288,018, 963 d 9,337,754 656,841 2,250 17,684 299 3,818 621,643 549,695 11, 1.89,984 13,449,991 4,789,280 1,465,601 237,697 1,029,745 259,143 4,744,604 1,982,345 137,709 864,598 166,011 1,833,833 11,864,961 42,825,518 6,350,058 2,066,868 -4,283,190 2,346,317,655 25,193,466 3,189,263 31,902,985 2,063 d 38,602 930 925,544 7,678 380,068 19,119,908 4,965 146,560 1,498 1,075 4,973,264 46,447,867 3.453 112,715 1,284,090 18,584,163 3,948 199,587 2,881,909 16,937,905 15,643 11,921 239,384 7,289,466 88 9.125 8,910,758 81,427,883 34,197 2,990,016 525 10.374 7 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 160 No. HOMAIN ON 00 8 12 13 14 1 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard 2 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--other 5 Crossings and signs--yard 6 Crossings and signs--other Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard Crossings and signs--depreciation--other Station and office buildings 10 Station and office buildings--depreciation 11 Roadway buildings Roadway buildings--depreciation Water stations Water stations--depreciation 27 28 25 Coal and ore wharves .... 26 15 Fuel stations 16 Fuel stations--depreciation 17 Shops and enginehouses 18 Shops and enginehouses--depreciation 19 Grain elevators 20 Grain elevators--depreciation 21 Storage warehouses 22 Storage warehouses--depreciation 23 Wharves and docks 24 Wharves and docks--depreciation 567 36 37 39 40 41 42 43 44 55 49 50 51 52 ANDA 8 HNM + SUMMARY NO. 1–RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 29 Telegraph and telephone lines 30 Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation 31 57 58 59 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded 60 • 64 32 33 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines 34 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation 35 • ... Power plant buildings Power plant buildings--depreciation Power substation buildings ... 38 Power substation buildings--depreciation 83 84 ·· ·· Coal and ore wharves--depreciation Gas producing plants Gas producing plants--depreciation ·· · Item 45 Underground conduits 46 Underground conduits--depreciation ..... 47 Miscellaneous structures 48 Miscellaneous structures--depreciation Signals and interlockers 8ignals and interlockers-depreciation ... Injuries to persons Insurance Stationery and printing. Other expenses · Paving Paving--depreciation Roadway machines Roadway machines--depreciation Small tools and supplies • • ·· Power transmission systems Power transmission systems--depreciation Power distribution systems 65 Superintendence 66 Shop machinery 67 Shop machinery--depreciation 68 69 70 Power substation apparatus. 71 72 ·· Removing snow, ice, and sand • Assessments for public improvements • Power distribution systems--depreciation Power line poles and fixtures Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation ::: Power plant machinery .. Power plant machinery--depreciation 73 Steam locomotives--depreciation 74 75 Steam locomotives--retirements Other locomotives--repairs 76 | Other locomotives--depreciation 77 78 Other locomotives--retirements Freight-train cars--repairs 79 Freight-train cars--depreciation 80 Freight-train cars-retirements 81 Passenger-train cars--repairs 82 Passenger-train cars--depreciation Passenger-train cars--retirement s = • = • • Total, above accounts 61 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr. Equalization--way and structures 62 Total maintenance of way and structures Maintenance of Equipment Power substation apparatus--depreciation Steam locomotives--repairs • ... .. • d Deficit or other reverse item. • Motor equipment of cars--repairs 85 Motor equipment of cars--depreciation 86 Motor equipment of cars--retirements 87 Floating equipment--repairs 88 Floating equipment--depreciation 89 Floating equipment--retirement s • .. ❤ • ·· • · • • • • • • ► Total, all districts $7,605 1,158,843 67 190 1,270,449 11,822,055 2,027 66,093 32,672,813 1,122,554 4,901,673 69,545 9,898,268 132,673 4,438,990 68,538 25,508,310 485,618 563,677 122,443 80,603 4,417,414 116,143 2,726,166 981,163 39,456 14 11,524,631 16,684 32,156,373 207,173 35 d 657,072 146,004 43,835 17,798 372,306 57,784 3,381,263 292,367 799,927 76,252 33,466 7,718 541,100 3,416 553,394 65 7,053,346 10,399 10,759,423 5,693,494 513,032 5,679,634 3,928,654 1,219,186 629,718 825,928,144 37,724,726 25,879,875 132,752 2573 837,905,747 45,198,138 23,998,379 772,206 4,947,210 722,519 623,260 62,214 404,670,724 57,150,214 6,251,060 4,016, 205 1,304,549 57.073 325,278,852 115,672,146 16,114,311 76,208, 287 19,112,346 1,997,609 3,569,686 1,321,453 59,583 10,362,602 3,569,810 401,556 Eastern district 599,608 6,219,973 1,849 61,724 15,641,729 542,345 1,349,246 381 3,390,267 55,923 1,919,000 36,641 12,021,411 300, 629 492,150 106,388 41,917 d $5,418 61,761 2,883,097 45,037 1,720,144 226,421 21,209 5,244,277 546 19,003,409 176,261 400,918 113,267 31,162 15,580 245,998 57,626 2,572,516 291,259 397,406 d 76,135 31,199 7,504 301,186 185,500 2,605,142 84 4,130,794 3,452,334 199,317 2,562, 203 2,026,765 452,028 410,888 340,594, 682 15, 977,329 10,751 345,820,368 20,231,661 11,671,444 446,078 3,143,324 655,107 561,907 40,158 180,413,283 26,188,246 3,555,233 3,052,013 847,197 d 57,073 154,182,354 49,996,026 8,559,978 35,771,185 9,510,329 1,043,821 2,136,433 925,762 20,749 8,040,084 2,106,912 289,119 Southern district $820 139,649 1,723,863 844 1, 5,058,074 233,011 1,104,176 23,246 1,634,102 64,234 718,839 21,712 3,133,647 128,220 31,357 2.400 38,597 679,346 69,872 684,256 137,968 1,931,581 10,637 4,875,237 23,789 35 33,485 14,640 4,176 336 65,881 314,521 225,872 251 17,974 13 57,755 1,056,757 056 2,627 1,875,051 170,984 75,269 807,646 545,722 190,349 45,337 144,476,256 6,305,056 4,893,084 145,888, 228 7,742,756 3,424,808 302,139 522,464 22,499 26,196 3,834 76,977,443 10,124,678 596,127 492,665 197,495 58,670,891 23,695,778 2,710,437 11,838,555 2,923,377 104,910 244, 256 177,045 305,822 60,060 39,075 Western district $2,187 1,096,262 71 265 531,192 3,878,219 178 3,325 11,973,010 347,198 2,448, 251 46,680 4,873,899 12,516 1,801,151 10,185 10,353,252 56,769 40,170 13,655 89 854,971 1,234 321,766 616,774 18,247 14 4,348,773 5,501 8,277,727 7,123 222,669 18,097 8,497 1,882 60,427 158 494,226 1,108 176,649 117 2,016 214 221,940 3,403 310,139 65 3,391,447 7,856 4,753,578 2,070,176 238,446 2,309,785 1,356,167 576,809 173.493 340,857,206 15,442,341 10,235,148 132,752 346,197,151 17,223,721 8,902,127 23,989 1,281,422 44,913 35,157 18,222 147,279,998 20,837,290 2,099,700 471,523 259,857 112,425,607 41,980,342 4,843,896 28,598,547 6,678,640 848,878 1,188,997 218,646 38,834 2,016,696 1,402,838 73,362 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1234 5 8 9 10 19 20 21 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded Work equipment-repairs Work equipment-depreciation Work equipment--retirements Miscellaneous equipment--repairs Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation Miscellaneous equipment-retirements Injuries to persons Insurance Stationery and printing Other expenses Total 16 Superintendence 17 18 11 12 | Maintaining joint equipment--Dr. 13 Maintaining joint equipment--Cr. 14 Equalization--equipment 15 Outside agencies Advertising Traffic associations Fast freight lines Total traffic Total maintenance of equipment .. ·· Industrial and immigration bureaus Insurance Stationery and printing Other expenses 45 Train enginemen 46 Train motormen 32 Station supplies and expenses Yardmasters and yard olerks Yard conductors and brakemen 34 Yard switch and signal tenders 33 35 Yard enginemen 36 Yard motormen • • • .. 37 Fuel for yard locomotives 38 Yard switching power produced 39 Yard switching power purchased 40 Water for yard locomotives 41 Superintendence Dispatching trains Station employees 29 | Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus 30 Coal and ore wharves 31 · 47 Fuel for train locomotives 48 Train power produced 49 Train power purchased 50 ·· Lubricants for yard locomotives 42 Other supplies for yard locomotives 43 Enginehouse expenses--yard 44 Yard supplies and expenses • Enginehouse expenses--train Trainmen ... 55 Train supplies and expenses 56 | Operating sleeping cars .. 57 58 • Item Transportation--Rail Line · • Water for train locomotives Lubricants for train locomotives ·· 77 Operation of vessels 78 Operation of terminals Incidental 79 80 ·· •• Traffic 51 52 Other supplies for train locomotives • Signal and interlocker operation Crossing protection 59 Drawbridge operation 60 Telegraph and telephone operation 61 Operating floating equipment 62 Express service 63 Stationery and printing 64 Other expenses • • • 2 • .. • 65 Insurance .. 66 Clearing wrecks 67 Damage to property = 68 Damage to live stock on right of way 69 Loss and damage--freight 70 Loss and damage--baggage • • • · • ·· 71 | Injuries to persons 72 Operating joint yards and terminals--Dr. • 73 Operating joint yards and terminals--Or. 74 75 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr. Operating joint tracks and facilities--Cr. 76 Total transportation--Rail line Transportation--Water Line Total transportation-Water line ·· Total, all districts $17,323,992 5,479,376 1,481,493 496,820 396,174 62, 584 5,151, 334 6,403,848 1,766,607 1,403,800 1,163,293,874 7,769,305 4,136,259 15,000 1,166,941,920 39,050,526 51,633,022 17,209,153 3,356,221 51,480 2,768,293 73,869 10,669,309 195,994 125,007,867 68,302,948 33,229,488 297,607,740 5,594,284 7,822,338 20,481,937 62,383,917 151,002,101 12,675,748 91,690,009 1,156,152 57,992,476 183,629 456,034 4,266,917 1,199,924 1,300,980 27,580,207 3,748,091 223,841,675 5,993,494 296,193,114 2,612, 205 7,490,109 21,111,209 7,174,019 5,456,741 75,997,561 259,185,409 82,846,846 687,785 25,973,666 20,660,029 2,016,892 10,874,771 29,236,714 36,129 12,056,399 7,120,918 3,105,425 6,476,538 4,260,084 2, 493, 693 33,153,973 318,043 30,200, 823 67,374,873 33,581,139 16,248,703 14,150,658 2,061,140,963 4,384,573 4,092,137 309,495 8,786,205 Eastern district $7,511,990 2,130,284 926,769 244,550 174,832 37,199 2,959,893 3,275,896 860,442 757,918 542,211,106 3,436,140 2,089,861 543,557,385 17,726,957 17,218,747 5,292,052 1,329,398 44,015 596,593 43,010 4,199,022 106,360 46,556,154 34,498,856 15,875,410 138,963,704 1,164,132 5,188,453 10,597,063 32,286,037 79,001,341 8,268,571 47,249,996 1,063,009 27,122,213 178,004 417,318 2,018,139 611,083 628,960 13,169,755 2,182,539 95,387,789 3,534,244 114,517,443 1,669,831 5,318,676 8,485,287 2,788,659 2,300,954 35,366,862 109,836,476 39,255,373 11,892 16,632,956 14,100, 630 1,062,486 4,801,576 24,016,832 36,129 5,892,507 5,076,214 ,411,459 3,407,090 1,937,134 160,994 14,752,277 227,115 14,963,083 27,896,686 13,787,975 604, 614 6,818,452 962,331,424 1,238,850 140,762 22,031 1,401,643 Southern district $2,695,488 1,030,628 179,508 61,826 56,040 6,729 636,676 600,084 274,286 260,506 207,005,082 1,388,227 919,911 207,473,398 7,750,231 10,306,297 2,053,511 591,086 720,990 5.347 2,798,667 12,536 24,238,665 11,641,873 6,891,489 51,596,692 1,326,013 1,157,898 2,771,672 11,225,582 23,904,574 1,452,074 14,124,472 1,552 7,819,749 616,249 194,795 251,774 4,968,982 729,556 39,650,487 608,793 45,474,177 532,235 752,595 3,495,027 1,429,757 1,006,754 13,081,884 46,145,465 13,378,264 9,656 2,596,110 1,732,693 363,049 1,390,176 544,335 1,950, 490 682,368 552,402 1,251,730 758,684 869.778 5,362,534 38,945 4,993,563 14,432,916 9,916,352 1,883,518 1,837,062 333,889,967 Western district $7,116,514 2,318,464 375,216 190,444 165,302 18,656 1,554,765 2,527,868 631,879 385,376 414,077,686 2,944,938 1,126,487 15,000 415,311,137 13,573,338 24,107,978 9,863,590 1,435,737 7,465 1,450, 710 25,512 3,671, 620 77,098 54,213,048 22,162,219 10,462,589 107,047,344 3,104,139 1,475,987 7,113,202 18,872,298 48,096,186 2,955,103 30,315,541 91,591 23,050,514 5,625 38,716 1,632,529 394,046 420,246 9,441,470 835,996 88,803,399 1,850,457 136,201,494 410,139 1,418,838 9,130,895 2,955,603 2,149,033 27,548,815 103,203,468 30,213,209 666,237 6,744, 600 4,826, 706 591,357 4,683,019 4,675,547 4,213,402 1,362,336 1,141,564 1,817,718 1,564,266 1,462,921 13,039,162 51,983 10,244,177 25,045, 271 9,876,812 6,760,571 5,495,144 764,919,572 3,145,723 3,951,375 287,464 2272545 7,384,562 9 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS : 10 No. 1234+LOSO 1 Dining and buffet service Hotels and restaurants Grain elevators Stockyards Producing power sold 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 35 SUMMARY NO. 1–RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 ---Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 8 42 42 LOLO RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Concluded Miscellaneous Operations Other expenses General joint facilities--Dr. 19 General joint facilities--Cr. 20 47 • • 48 49 50 .. Other miscellaneous operations Total general expenses 21 Transportation for investment--Cr. 22 Total railway operating expenses 23 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES Maintenance of Way and Structures • Total miscellaneous operations 24 Related solely to freight service 25 Related solely to passenger and allied services 26 Apportioned to freight service • 27 Apportioned to passenger and allied services 28 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 29 Total Stationery and printing Valuation expenses Item Salaries and expenses of general officers Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants General office supplies and expenses Law expenses Insurance .. Relief department expenses Pensions • 30 Related solely to freight service 31 Related solely to passenger and allied services 32 | Apportioned to freight service 33| Apportioned to passenger and allied services •• Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total ·· General 36 Related solely to freight service 37 | Related solely to passenger and allied services 38 Apportioned to freight service Apportioned to passenger and allied services Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total Maintenance of Equipment Traffic Transportation--Rail Line Related solely to freight service Related solely to passenger and allied services Transportation--Water Line Related solely to freight service .. Related solely to passenger and allied services • Apportioned to freight service Apportioned to passenger and allied services Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total Miscellaneous Operations • 54 Related solely to freight service 55 Related solely to passenger and allied services ·· Apportioned to freight service 51 Apportioned to passenger and allied services 52 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 53 Total ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. · • Apportioned to freight service 57 Apportioned to passenger and allied services 58 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 59 Total Total, all districts $41,123,533 7,050, 234 1,534,552 693,243 3,213,202 2,090,627 55,705,391 20,735, 282 93,287,122 7,186,577 17,794,231 181,651 2,585,206 22,344, 626 5,110,745 8,501,976 8,710,564 2,208,308 455,574 188,190, 714 15,683,771 4,427,995,036 72.45 d $82,989,884 22,139,082 531,894,549 200,419,113 463,119 837,905,747 720,042,339 218,839,539 169,794,766 57,410,237 855,039 1,166,941,920 67,594,464 43,165,520 8,264,890 5,982,965 28 125,007,867 1,173,619,724 11 413,787,219 359,547,583 114,254,381 67.944 2,061,140,963 6,899,584 203,463 1,380.459 266,891 35,808 8,786, 205 3,160,434 45,972,248 1,283,068 893,711 4,395,930 55,705, 391 Eastern district d $19,084,932 1,893,179 1,428,458 20,477 3,085,394 521,087 26,033,527 8,759,857 40,197,875 3,137,580 6,528,813 104,697 1,344,989 11,914,724 2,108,921 3,198,532 3.377,945 823,337 81,350,809 2,894,544 2,004,156,766 73.35 $49,105,416 14,459,314 199,111,560 82,906,044 238,034 345,820,368 346,877,642 111,200,183 63,195,807 21,686,353 597,400 543,557,385 28,490,256 15,052,938 2,181,384 831,576 46,556,154 587,389,417 202,011,113 127,590,368 45,438,223 97.697 962,331,424 628,096 157,889 418,501 197,157 1,401,643 1,761,754 21,908,970 374,372 235,803 1,752,628 26,033,527 Southern district $5,995,458 586,148 27,215 9,510 53,925 43,773 6,716,029 3,336,674 16,520,715 1,204, 627 4,067,292 25,283 213,029 2,721,731 951,117 1,439,714 1,620,764 286,731 61,115 32,326,562 1,474,831 749,058,018 72.51 $13,218,714 2,351,609 96,852,893 33,465,012 145,888,228 139,503,592 36,541,837 25,160,828 6,267,141 207,473,398 15,759,495 6,633,803 1,351,429 493,938 24,238,665 187,921,100 61,658,455 65,293,392 19,017,020 333,889,967 60,386 6,477,834 136,863 36,572 4,374 6,716,029 Western district $16,043,143 4,570,907 78,879 663,256 73,883 1,525,767 22,955,835 8,638,751 36,568,532 2,844,370 7,198,126 51,671 1,027,188 7,708,171 2,050,707 3,863,730 3,711,855 1,098, 240 247,998 74,513,343 11,314,396 1,674,780,252 71.38 $20,665,754 5,328,159 235,930,096 84,048,057 225,085 346,197,151 233,661,105 71,097,519 81,438,131 29,456,743 257,639 415,911,137 23,344,713 21,478,779 4,732,077 4,657,451 28 54,213,048 398, 309,207 150,117,651 166,663,823 49,799,138 29,753 764,919,572 6,271,488 45,574 961,958 69,734 35,808 7,384,562 1,338,294 17,585,444 771,833 621,336 2,638,928 22,955,835 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Io. 1 2 3 Apportioned to freight service .. Apportioned to passenger and allied services 5 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 6 Total Related solely to freight service 8 Related solely to passenger and allied services 26 | Miles of road پیالیا سیا سے say 33 9 Apportioned to freight service 10 Apportioned to passenger and allied services 11 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services.. 12 Total 19 Miles of road 20 Miles of second main track 21 Miles of third main track 22 Miles of fourth main track .. 23 Miles of all other main tracks 24 Miles of yard track and sidings 25 Total, all tracks 35 36 13 Related solely to freight service 1212213 14 Related solely to passenger and allied services 15 Apportioned to freight service 16 Apportioned to passenger and allied services • • 17 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services.. 18 Total 37 40 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 27 28 Miles of third main track 41 SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES--Concluded General 42 Related solely to freight service Related solely to passenger and allied services 29 Miles of fourth main track Miles of all other main tracks 30 31 | Miles of yard track and sidings 32 Total, all tracks Nitiner you 43 48 GRANKIA Y 345 56 Transportation for Investment--Qr. Total Operating Expenses Miles of second main track Item Love • MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1928 • • ... Steam locomotives: .. Number at close of year Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year Number retired during year Electric locomotive units: MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1928 Number at close of year: Box care Flat carS Stock cars ´Coal cars Tank carS Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total .. Aggregate capacity (tons): Box care Flat cars Stock carS Coal cars Tank carS Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total • · Number at close of year Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year Humber retired during year...... ·· • • EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE Freight-carrying Cars • C • • Includes 21,486.98 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 7,690.62 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 4,355.89 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 9,440.47 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 23,679.08 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 8,688.00 miles operated under trackage rights. ~Hood 1/ 5/ Total, all districts 2/ $49,571,058 11,420,023 93,384,102 33,364,948 450,583 188,190,714 15,283,051 292,195 90,134 18,391 2,088,594,436 755,234,899 1,165,459, 283 412,573,855 6,132,563 4,427,995,036 15,683,771 240,779.01 36,499.58 3,159.75 2,215.32 380.68 120,481.61 403,515.95 176,306.36 21,870.72 2,091.68 1,541.07 285,119.15 58,839 2,579,795,850 942 3,036 552 26,966, 200 ངས་ 1,056,836 100,110 83,963 926, 928 9,960 42,295 77,585 2,297,677 33,250.95 9,199.71 1,719.12 1,347.16 209.39 78.83 83,099.9310/ 26,089.45 71,685.22 42.937.497 4,277,758 3,099.214 49,210,065 440,640 1,382,735 3,979,495 105,327,404 Eastern district, $25,096,113 6,321,699 36,572,855 12,912,974 447,168 81,350,809 טחן 2,745,353 119,909 21,783 7,499 2,894,544 1,036,603,341 370,992, 197 429,423,064 164,200, 631 2,937,533 2,004,156,766 59,478.54 18,587.69 2,712.35 1,971.84 2/ 82.41 46,187.74 6/ 129,020.57 25,511 1,159, 300, 440 406 1,469 396 18,751,000 59 13 450,286 21,098 14,728 544,442 205 4,747 21,248 1,056,754 18.900.453 938,916 596,905 29,388,018 4,103 155,755 1,108,192 51,092,342 Southern district $8,973,103 1,515,982 16,489,042 5,348,435 32,326,562 1,438,223 7,214 22,209 7,185 1,474,831 363,998,167 115,172,306 205,262,238 64,620,933 4,374 749,058,018 455 45,760.30 5,670.18 125.80 48.41 277.58 3/ 21,238.93 Z/ 73,121.20 35; 35,181.16 4,034.10 120.06 44.29 109.87 11/ 15,883.22 55,372.70 11,054 485,715,020 186 327 34 3,217,000 168,466 22,551 7,797 208,698 22 431 7.763 420,728 6,223.778 938,326 292, 280 11,396,832 980 165,880 370,888 19,388,964 Western district 11 $15,501,842 3,582,342 40,322,205 15,103,539 3,415 74,513,343 Mr 575 11,099,475 165,072 46,142 3,707 11,314,396 687,992,928 269,070,396 530,773,981 183,752,291 3,190,656 1,674,780, 252 Includes 3,787.23 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 11,203.85 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 14,563.91 miles of industrial tracks. 10 Includes 4,097.64 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 3,268.97 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 7,197.30 miles of industrial tracks. 135,540.17 12,241.71 321.60 195.07 20.69 4/ 53,054.94 8/201,374.18 107,874.25 252.50 149.62 20.69 12/ 41,127.26 158,061.23 22,274 934,780,390 350 1,240 122 4,998, 200 438,084 56,461 61,438 173,788 9.733 32,117 48,574 820,195 17.813.266 2,400,516 2,210,029 8,425,215 435,557 1,061,100 2,500,415 34,846,098 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 12 No. 1234567 8 WO 9 10 મમતમત 11 12 13 14 15 16 HHH 789 17 18 19 2222223 20 21 mtoning 23 24 26 27 28 222 29 30 31 wwww ww 32 33 34 35 36 37 Do not an O 41 42 43 45 47 Number of units at close of year Number of units installed during year 25 Number of units retired during year 48 PRANMA SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 55 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded Number installed during year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars • Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total Number retired during year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars.. Coal cars Tank cars Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total 38 Average number Compensation-- 39 40 Number at close of year Number installed during year Number retired during year Item All Classes of Passenger-train Cars ·· Number at close of year Number installed during year Number retired during year In replacement: .. All Classes of Company Service Equipment In replacement: Number of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges ·· In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges ·· 4 • GRUD Floating Equipment Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges ·· TIES LAID DURING YEAR In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks. Miles of yard track and sidings Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges ·· RAILS LAID DURING YEAR Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total Service hours-- Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total Service days-- Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total In passenger service In mixed-train service EMPLOYEES .. Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service • ·· • In special service ... In yard-switching service In work service Grand total, all services 필 ​Does not include data for 279 linear feet of steel ties. Does not include data for 171 linear feet of steel ties. Total, all districts 25,157 4,931 3,635 24,878 224 830 1,842 61,497 34,846 5,119 3,302 38,670 557 2,760 3,741 88,995 052 53,097 925 ~~ 108,445 9.335 10,302 2,408 동구 ​77,390,941 269,062,440 $118,074,069 7,210,117 44,819,863 $11,394,401 3,804,749 $138,695,712 751.48 1,906.92 369,928 $11,663,112 1,656,686 $2,547,929,871 $144,390,520 $2,827,590,471 3,659,876,340 169,600,727 3,995,134,406 38,862,211 254,763 39.804.203 $2,630,912,415 77,067,413 27,190,106 1,929,953 47,268 20,867,992 2,641,809 129,744,541 Eastern district 10, 230 120 292 7,571 35 240 414 18,902 Y 2/ 15,228 836 422 18,942 138 367 1,453 37,386 26,285 1,440 1,732 35,186 2,941 4,094 one 2,087 50 20,218,038 98,121,325 $42, 212, 230 1,950, 426 16,058,139 $4,123,403 1,657,509 $58,192,780 164.31 572.36 112,659 $3,643,645 714,188 $1,158,672,991 $64,307,280 $1,284,236,049 1,556,769,048 · 73,591,925 1,705,578,915 18,846,244 128,829 19.327.206 $1,196,375,509 31,685, 612 11,621,131 368,394 13,457 10,310, 620 1,208,912 55,208,126 Southern district 3,893 881 208 10,390 400 15,772 4,489 1,133 572 11,676 686508 79 87 18,756 8,282 201 330 18,934 1 326 16,887,570 63,233,097 $23,290,942 749,749 5,911,037 $1,056,298 663,559 $23,946,061 67.95 234.71 37,076 $1,082,510 314,030 $442,325,311 $23,456,954 $485,924,574 691,068,512 28,267,861 744,375,123 6,268,900 34,217 6.389.037 $457,041,960 15,535,870 ,984,830 376,627 10,030 3,479,191 420,610 24,807,158 Western district 11,034 3,930 3,135 6,917 189 590 1,028 26,823 15,129 3,150 2,308 8,052 419 1,594 2,201 32,853 18,530 883 1,190 54, 868 206 6 pba 40,285,333 107,708,018 $52,570,897 4,509,942 22,850, 687 $6,214, 700 1,483,681 $56,556,871 519.22 1,099.85 220,193 $6,936,957 628,468 $946,931,569 $56,626, 286 $1,057,429,848 1,412,038,780 67,740,941 1,545,180,360 13,747,067 91,717 14.087.960 $977,494,946 29,845,931 10,584,145 1,184,932 23,781 7,078,181 1,012, 287 49,729,257 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) REVENUE FREIGHT TONNAGE BY GROUPS. OF COMMODITIES Revenue Freight Originated Products of agriculture: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Animals and products: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Products of mines: \ Item Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Products of forests: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Grand total carload traffic: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Products of agriculture: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Merchandise All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Products of mines: Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) • Animals and products: Number of oarloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Total Revenue Freight Carried • Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage - Products of forests: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage · .. Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Grand total carload traffic: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage • .. • .. Merchandise All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage ·· Total, all districts 4,805,375 118,021,911 24.56 2,162,553 25,633,848 11.85 13,527,774 696,583,097 51.49 3,408,066 96,736,937 28.38 11,833,638 312,013,252 26.37 35,737,406 1,248,989,045 34.95 36,953,931 1,285,942,976 10,207,458 225,550,147 9.55 3,724,463 45,723,698 1.94 24,105,343 1,234,485,378 52.27 6,908,757 187,347,241 7.93 24,178,346 605, 255,923 25.63 69,124,367 2,298,362,387 97.32 63,260,249 2.68 2,361,622,636 100.00 Eastern district 962,497 21,450,920 22.29 454,867 6,024,545 13.24 5,818,271 300, 507,476 51.65 443,181 11,150,935 25.16 7,120,725 188,643,463 26.49 14,799,541 527,777,339 35.66 18,191,048 545,968,387 3,255, 721 68,913,104 5.56 1,377,636 18,118,922 1.46 13,599,785 710,562,010 57.37 1,944,457 48,929,125 3.95 14,348,430 359,154,962 29.00 34,526,029 1,205,678,123 97.34 32,929,075 292065898 1,238,607,198 100.00 Southern district 868,273 14,288,160 16.46 171,680 1,984,692 11.56 3,818,131 203,635,510 53.33 1,156,371 29,778,330 25.75 1,447,886 37,205,594 25.70 7,462,341 286,892,286 38.45 7,280,576 294,172,862 1,944,464 32,695,163 327,519 4,100,660 .96 4,826,581 252,477,132 59.12 1,939,084 49,671,738 11.63 3,103,099 75,182,037 17.61 12,140,747 414,126,730 96.98 12,900,037 3.62 427,026,767 100.00 Western district 2,974,605 82,282,831 27.66 1,536,006 17,624,611 11.47 2335645 13 3,891,372 192,440,111 49.45 동극​날 ​1,808,514 55,807,672 30.86 3,265,027 86,164,195 26.39 13,475,524 434,319,420 32.23 11,482,307 445,801,727 5,007,273 123,941,886 17.81 2,019,308 23,504,116 3.38 5,678,977 271,446,236 39.00 3,025,216 88,746,378 12.75 6,726,817 170,918,924 24.56 22,457,591 678,557,534 97.50 17,431,137 2.50 695, 988, 671 100.00 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 14 No. 1 5 Mixed 6 710 2 | Freight--ordinary 2 Freight--light 4 Passenger INKI 12 13 14 Average mileage of road operated ... SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL-COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928-Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) Special • 9 Total freight train 10 Total passenger train 11 Total mixed train • 36 A Work service STATISTICS OF RAIL-LINE OPERATIONS Total transportation service Total special Train switching Yard switching--freight 15 Yard switching--passenger 47 48 · D 16 Total transportation service 17 | Work service 32 Mixed train--passenger 18 Freight train--loaded 19 | Freight train--empty 20 Freight train--caboose 21 Freight train--exclusive work equipment 22 Total freight train • 23 Passenger train--passenger 24 Passenger train--sleeping, parlor, and observation 25 Passenger train--dining 26 Passenger train--other 27 Total passenger train 28 Mixed train--freight--loaded 29 Mixed train--freight--empty 30 Mixed train--caboose 31 38 39 Work service 37 Total special train ·· Locomotive-Miles ·· ·· 33 Mixed train--sleeping, parlor, and observation 34 Mixed train--dining 35 Mixed train--other passenger train Total mixed train Mixed train--exclusive work equipment 40 41 Tons--revenue freight Tons--nonrevenue freight 42 Ton-miles--revenue freight 43 44 45 Train-Miles 55 Revenue per passenger 56 • Total transportation service Item · ·· Car-Miles Passengers carried--revenue • Revenue per passenger-mile 50 51 Miles. hauled--revenue freight 52 Miles carried--revenue passengers 53 Revenue per ton of freight Revenue per ton-mile of freight Miscellaneous Ton-miles--nonrevenue freight Passengers-miles--revenue Ton-miles--revenue freight--per mile of road Ton-miles--revenue freight--per train-mile Ton-miles--revenue and nonrevenue freight--per loaded car-mile Passenger-miles--revenue--per train-mile Passenger-miles--revenue--per car-mile • • • Total, all districts 240,150.53 5733 573,794,089 6,015,292 561,599,590 27,492,208 540,816 1,169,441,995 33,236,462 657,719,344 539,159,308 28,238,627 627,486 59,745,579 292,713,255 23,960,855 1,602,164,454 42,025,273 17,663,239,975 10,423,987,620 590,292,054 40,789,362 28,718, 309, 011 1,215,552, 223 1,201,337,242 158,776,183 1,223,067,683 3,798,733, 331 155,445,024 8,955,242 2,437,286 1,289,148 30,645,398 713,271 4,384 16,805, 482 296,295,235 722; 8,839,716 32,822,177,293 172,763,012 2,361,622,636 261,112,851 432,915,184,526 40,858,582,800 790,327,447 31,601,341,798 1,802,683 718.29 26.59 55.81 12.91 183.31 39.99 $1.98176 $0.01081 $1.13945 $0.02850 Eastern district 59,365.18 214,598,536 3,232,448 234,584,994 5,167,339 186,480 457,769,797 15,134,067 261,508,019 224,787,477 5,283,677 198,420 30,325,523 147,946,886 13,297,465 683,347,467 19,992,801 072,007,972 170,944,309 221,639,320 5,919,296 11,470,510,897 582,496, 631 473,863,113 54,294,244 523,856,083 1,634,510,071 24,312,796 12,782, 589. 953,353 135,558 5,464,514 62,963 195 6,355,681 50,067,649 2,379,675 13,157,468, 292 49,955, 262 1,238,607,198 100, 641,346 183,517,857,811 13,264,760,471 571,801, 183 17,386,359,618 3,091,338 827.52 27.73 73.73 16.37 148.16 30.41 $1.62363 $0.01096 $0.83013 $0.02730 Southern district 45,717.38 119,906, 532 1,072,319 97,390,928 5,087,628 113,841 223,571,248 5,713,397 129,561, 201 94,807,170 5,187,344 119,921 9,221,853 46,444,647 3,365,563 288,707,699 6,622,762 3,296,244,634 2,105,551,261 122,345,097 6,903,028 5,531,044, 020 203,435,282 191,634,314 26,046,404 196,574,668 617,690,668 ·23,909,473 12,517,263 432,989 153,614 6,953,930 80,724 1,260 3,056,377 47,105,630 1,766,917 6,197,607,235 25,689,839 427,026,767 51,351,005 91,957,726,895 7,803,436,608 79,005,131 4,033,588,458 2,011,439 735.82 30.05 40.96 10.03 215.34 51.05 $1.95298 $30.00907 $1.63995 $0.03212 Western district 135,067.97 239,289,021 1,710,525 229,623,668 17,237,241 240,495 488,100,950 12,388,998 266,650,124 219,564,661 17,767,606 309,145 20,198,203 98,321,722 7,297,827 630,109, 288 15,409, 710 294,987,369 147,492,050 246,307,637 27,967,038 11,716,754,094 429,620,310 535,839,815 78,435,535 502,636,932 1,546,532,592 107,222,755 63,655,390 1,050,944 999,976 18,226,954 569,584 2,929 7,393,424 199,121,956 4,693,124 13,467,101,766 97,117,911 695,988, 671 109,120,500 157,439,599,820 19,790,385, 721 139,521,133 10,131,393, 722 1,165,632 615.10 23.94 43.90 10.34 226.21 72.97 $2.63677 $0.01166 $2.12372 $0.02910 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Total number of stockholders 2M+W 730 4 8 ་པ 23 24 5 Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold 6 | Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies Other investments សឥសី ត ១ 28 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 (Does not include lessor companies) 29 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investments Investment in road and equipment Improvements on leased railway property | Sinking funds 10 Cash 11 Demand loans and deposits 12 Time drafts and deposits 13. Special deposits 14 • Loans and bills receivable Miscellaneous accounts receivable 16 | Material and supplies 15 17 Other current assets 18 19 Deferred assets Total investments • 56 21 20 Discount on capital stock Discount on funded debt Other unadjusted debits 22 antin o k ·· Total current assets ··· ·· 25 Capital stock 26 Stock liability for conversion Premium on capital stock 27 Total stook Grants in aid of construction .. ·· Total unadjusted debits Grand total .. 39 Premium on funded debt 40 | Operating reserves. 41 Accrued depreciation 42 43 55 Adjustments • ·· • 34 Loans and bills payable 35 Miscellaneous accounts payable 36 Other current liabilities 37 38 Deferred liabilities Other unadjusted credits Current Assets 49 50 Profit and 1088-balance 51 Unadjusted Debits 30 Funded debt unmatured 31 Receiver's certificates 32 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies 33 Total long-term debt Total current liabilities Item .. Long-Term Debt Total unadjusted credits Current Liabilities • ·· Total appropriated surplus Stook Corporate Surplus Additions, to property through income and surplus 45 Funded debt retired through income and surplus Sinking fund reserves .. 47 Miscellaneous fund reserves .. 48 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested Total corporate surplus Unadjusted Oredits 52 Expenditures for new lines and extensions 53 Expenditures for additions and betterments Credits for property retired • INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT Net charges during year ... 57 Stocks actually issued during year--par value 58 Funded debt actually issued during year--par value ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Total, all districts 386 $181,614,391 12,525,299 211,542 1,432,438 5,101,237 15,882,737 5,718,880 222,486,524 12,124,878 1,405,275 4,435,230 2,900,737 18,170 5,530,882 3,950,901 136 4,361,486 34,727,559 5,128,766 3,087,800 1,405,946 2,415,830 6,909,576 269,252,425 43,684,400 43,684,400 311,285 113,247,600 9,714,267 122,961,867 1,257,502 12,028,082 13,285,584 108,856 Make Me - 1,237 14,700,389 12,379,557 27,081,183 9,626,978 2,195,000 751,543 18,337 514,468 13,106,326 48,712,924 61,819,250 2,472 5,768,188 1,673,639 d 133.683 3,963,338 2,600,000 289,000 Eastern district 132 $117,004,928 3,003,045 d 315 1,241, 188 3,244,967 4,082,079 128,576,522 6,343,672 900,000 4,260,230 6,885 6,474 3,178,338 2,698,404 3,076,642 20,470,645 504,437 558,602 1,243,922 1,802,524 151,354,128 34,620,000 34,620,000 57,318,000 2,572,862 59,890,862 343,147 8,933,474 9,276,621 70,904 1,237 8,946,145 5,262,589 14,209,971 6.903,846 18,337 490,734 7,412,917 25,872,853 33,285,770 2,472 3,187,458 1,104,320 128.949 1,956,661 2,600,000 259,000 Southern district d $13,391,016 1,432,123 114,686 14,937,825 140,327 281,340 256,987 44,664 41,037 764,355 7 18 47,iig 47,119 15,749,317 2,000,000 2,000,000 311,285 14,000,000 14,000,000 1,934 602,099 604,033 24,607 53,270 42,726 95,996 4,621 4,621 d 1,291,225 d 1,286,604 57,230 60,531 1,057 2,244 Western district 247 $51,218,447 9,522,254 211,542 745,363 637,770 1,636,801 78,972,177 5,640,879 505,275 175,000 2,612,512 15 11,696 2,095,557 1,207,833 1,243,807 13,492,559 4,624,311 3,087,800 847,344 1,124,789 5,059,933 102,148,980 7,064,400 7,064,400 41,929,600 7,141,405 49,071,005 912,421 2,492,509 3,404,930 13,345 5,700,974 7,074,242 12,775,216 2,718,511 2,195,000 751,543 23,734 5,688,788 24,131,296 29,820,084 2,523,500 508,788 5.791 2,008,921 30,000 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 16 No. 12 MESKO 780 ୨ 23 24 w w www 10 Revenues from miscellaneous operations Expenses of miscellaneous operations.. 11 33 Miscellaneous operating income. 15 Total operating income.. 16 Net railway operating income. 34 35 12 Net revenue from miscellaneous operations. 13 Taxes on miscellaneous operating property. 14 17 Hire of freight cars-credit balance. 18 Rent from locomotives. 19 Rent from passenger-train cars. 20 Rent from floating equipment. 21 Rent from work equipment. 22 Joint facility rent income.. Income from lease of road... Miscellaneous rent income. • • • • 25 26 Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property Separately operated properties--profit. Dividend income..... 27 28 Income from funded securities. 29 Income from unfunded securities and accounts. 30 Income from sinking and other reserve funds. 31 Release of premiums on funded debt. Contributions from other companies... Miscellaneous income.. 32 42 43 44 LUFEFEF 57 58 59 60 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 09 02 03 02 03 02 2~720* 2 and 66 67 • Railway operating revenues. Railway operating expenses... Net revenue from railway operations. Railway tax accruals: United States Government taxes. Other than United States Government taxes Total railway tax accruals. Uncollectible railway revenues. Railway operating income. 77 78 79 INCOME ACCOUNT 36 Hire of freight cars--debit balance. 37 Rent for locomotives. 38 Rent for passenger-train care 39 Rent for floating equipment. 40 Rent for work equipment. 41 80 81 82 Item 83 84 Joint facility rents. Rent for leased roads. Miscellaneous rents... Miscellaneous tax accruals. • 45 Separately operated properties--1088. Interest on funded debt.. 47 Interest on unfunded debt. · 48 49 Amortization of discount on funded debt. Maintenance of investment organization. 50 Income transferred to other companies.. Miscellaneous income charges. 51 52 Total deductions from gross income. Net income... 53 85 • • ... • Total nonoperating income. Gross income... · • • • Unrefundable overcharges Donations... Miscellaneous credits..... ·· • · • Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income.. Income appropriated for investment in physical property. Stock discount extinguished through income. Miscellaneous appropriations of income. Total appropriations of income..... Income balance transferred to profit and l088. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Credit balance transferred from income. 61 62 Profit on road and equipment sold.. 63 Delayed income credits.. ·· • ·· • • ·· · .... ... Total credits during year.... 68 Debit balance transferred from income. 69 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds 70 Dividend appropriations of surplus.. 71 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property. Stock discount extinguished through surplus. Debt discount extinguished through surplus. Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus. Loss on retired road and equipment.. Delayed income debits.. Miscellaneous debits.... Total debits during year.. Net increase during year.. Balance at beginning of year. Balance at end of year. Dividends declared during year.. Par value on which declared--common. Par value on which declared--preferred. Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent. ·· • d Deficit or other reverse item. • • • ·· • • • • • • • ·· · Total, all districts $73,438,605 50,010,646 23,427,959 1,579,519 4,260,371 5,839,890 9,532 17,578,537 117,889 103,122 14,767 2,615 12,152 d 17,590,689 21,660,637 1,780,384 338,632 63 960 3,890 4,375,401 472,481 485,654 128,650 d 184,275 590,098 208, 679 2,300 22,539 8,594,006 26,184,695 d 45,700 1,111,656 5,730,509 1,482,183 78,290 934,784 416,479 11 658,231 30,301 15,492, 681 10,692,014 5,015,801 25,212 54,924 82,595 1,271,062 114,334 1,467,991 9,224,023 9,224,023 101,376 16,249 23,760 621,584 9,986,992 60 501,000 20,734 12,610 618.330 240,659 66,223 150,882 1,373,718 8,613,274 40,099,650 48,712,924 2,772,062 23,196,600 11.95 Eastern district $47,932,667 33,525,561 14,407,106 1,142,123 2,314,752 3,456,875 8,725 10,941,506 117,889 103,122 å 14,767 2,615 12,152 10,953,658 12,726,523 1,365,431 152,093 960 24,314 1,826,910 463,373 197,030 28,017 123,787 299,039 7,301 2,300 21,074 4,463,001 15,416,659 565,253 233,303 11 46,083 783,579 2,630,115 381,691 21,478 2,602,228 3,371 22,786 658,231 12,588 7,868,551 7,548,108 12,949 1,037,200 24,816 1,074,965 6,473,143 6,473,143 98,478 3,432 13,195 578.366 7,166,614 60 450,000 13,195 €1,450, 12,610 d 663,330 88,624 66,223 123,938 1,091, 200 6,075,414 19,797,439 25,872,853 2,487, 200 19,220,000 12.94 Southern district $1,634,033 918,737 715,296 128.354 128,354 1 586,941 586,941 481,102 22,772 238 88,577 35,291 55,716 26. 202,620 789,561 183,482 31,887 281 1,776 5,738 560,000 1,664 3,017 787,845 1,716 1,716 1,716 10 1,735 ... 48,357 14,150 62,507 d 60.772 ₫ 1,230,453 d 1.291,225 Western district $23,871,905 15,566,348 8,305,557 437,396 1,817,265 2,254,661 806 6,050,090 6,050,090 8,453,012 414,953 163,767 27,966 2,459,914 9,108 288,624 65,342 60,488 235,343 201,378 1,439 3,928,385 9,978,475 186,049 151,289 102 326,301 3,100,394 1,100,492 51,074 1,853,573 20,177 32,138 ... 14,696 6,836,285 3,142,190 69,646 233,862 89,518 393,026 2,749,164 2,749,164 2,898 12,817 10,565 43,199 2,818,643 51,000 7,539 45,000 103,678 12,794 220,011 2,598,632 21,532,664 24,131,296 284,862 3,976,600 7:16 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. A23 1780 1 .. ·· Excess baggage 8leeping car Parlor and chair car 6 Mail 7❘ Express 9 Milk 10 11 12 27 28 Freight Passenger 29 30 31 32 17 18 Freight 19 | Passenger 20 Excess baggage 21 22❘ Mail Switching ·· Special service train Other freight-train 13 Water transfers--freight 14 Water transfers--passenger 15 Water transfers--vehicles and live stock 16 Water transfers--other FOOD IN ^ # ·· 40 SUMMARY NO. 2—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 23 | Express 24 Special service 25 | Other 26 Other passenger-train 43 44 .. ... Other passenger service RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES • Total rail-line transportation revenue Dining and buffet Hotel and restaurant Storage--freight Storage--baggage 41 Joint facility--Or. • • 42 Joint facility--Dr. Total water-line transportation revenue Demurrage Telegraph and telephone Grain elevator • 36 Stockyard 37❘ Power • 38 Rents of buildings and other property Miscellaneous 39 Total incidental operating revenue Station, train, and boat privileges Parcel room ·· · 77 78 | Ballast--yard 79 Ballast--other 80 • • Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues ... RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures 45 Superintendence ... 46 Roadway maintenance--yard 47 Roadway maintenance--other 48 Roadway--depreciation--yard 49 Roadway--depreciation--other 50 Underground power tubes--yard Underground power tubes--other Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard Underground power tubes--depreciation--other Tunnels and subways--yard 67 68 | Ties--depreciation--yard Ties--depreciation--other .. 70 Rails-yard 71 | Rails--other 72 | Rails--depreciation--yard 73 | Rails--depreciation--other 74 Tunnels and subways--other 56 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard • ·· Item • 57 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other 62 Elevated structures--yard .. Elevated structures--other 64 Elevated structures--depreciation--yard 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other 66 Ties--yard Ties--other 84 Right-of-way fences--yard 85 Right-of-way fences--other • .. ·· • • • • Ballast--depreciation--yard Ballast--depreciation--other .. Other track material--yard 75 Other track material--other 76 Other track material--depreciation--yard Other track material--depreciation--other .. 81 82 Track laying and surfacing--yard 83 Track laying and surfacing--other .. • • · d Deficit or other reverse item. ·· • D · ► .. • Total, all districts $2,766,794 20,916 37 66,670,942 44,912 1,950 255 69,507,670 d 2,025 d 634,681 152,793 5,113 424,369 2,150,542 4,289,433 9,197 367,695 ₫ 358,498 73,438,605 d 56,983 174,652 79,365 41,045 15,122 554,768 614,478 889,514 19,744 7.213 7,873 22,699 1,108,887 53,437 687 566,867 23,116 108 288,413 18,978 282,920 46,589 35,250 809,326 25,769 1.028 .. 92,227 175 2,194,178 48,014 2,644 315 Eastern district $2,446,897 44,305,361 44.912 411 46,797,581 d 56,983 7,892 13,563 28,798 a 2,323 361,650 152,793 5,113 72,295 438,250 1,139,660 • 9,197 13,771 4.574 47,932,667 d · 399,775 495,333 7.213 ·· 3,787 151, 202 15,023 167 726,014 687 387,634 108 503,457 d 1,028 61,950 54 1,344,271 1,390 Southern district $1,570,578 1,570,578 : d 3,480 9,414 508 6,817 27,801 14,991 63,011 444 444 1,634,033 8,839 11,462 14,909 249 7,990 23,223 30,528 9,072 15,443 9,965 11,570 funda 23,527 18,174 224 Western district $319,897 20,916 37 2,02 20,795,003 1,539 .. 21,139,511 163,280 65,802 2,833 12,291 186,301 634,681 324,273 1,697,301 3,086,762 354,368 ₫ 354,368 23,871,905 205,864 382,719 4,835 4,086 22,699 136,962 10,988 267,897 46,422 35,250 359,650 22,909 170,i6i 7,673 295,904 14,199 30,27214 826,380 29.840 1,254 92 17 Saga STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 18 No. 4234 LOKO 180 ~~~ SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 1 Right-of-way fences-depreciation-yard. Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other….. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds-other.. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation-yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--other. 7 Crossings and signs--yard. Crossings and signs--other. 9 Crossings and signs--depreciation-yard. 10 Crossings and signs--depreciation-other. 11 26 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures-Concluded 27 28 15 Water stations.. 16 Water stations--depreciation 17 Fuel stations.. 18 | Fuel stations--depreciation. 19 20 21 22 23 Storage warehouses....... 24 Storage warehouses-depreciation. 25 Wharves and docks...... Wharves and docks--depreciation. Iter Station and office buildings. ... 12 Station and office buildings--depreciation. 13 Roadway buildings. 14 Roadway buildings--depreciati ... Shops and enginehouses.. Shops and enginehouses--depreciation. Grain elevators.. Grain elevators--depreciation. • 50 51 Paving.. 52 53 Roadway machines.. Paving--depreciation. • • Coal and ore wharves..... Coal and ore wharves-depreciation Gas producing plants... 29 30 | Gas producing plants-depreciation 31 | Telegraph and telephone lines.. 32 Telegraph and telephone lines-depreciation. Signals and interlockérs... Signals and interlockers-depreciation. 67 Superintendence. 68 Power plant buildings-depreciation. 39 Power substation buildings………. 40 Power substation buildings--depreciation. 41 Power transmission systems.. 42 ... • Power transmission systems--depreciation. 43 Power distribution systems. ·· Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines. Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation. 37 Power plant buildings... 38 • Roadway machines--depreciation. Small tools and supplies. • 56 Removing snow, ice, and sand... 57 Assessments for public improvementa 58 | Injuries to persons. Shop machinery.. .. 69 Shop machinery--depreciation 70 Power plant machinery. 71 72 44 Power distribution systems--depreciation. 45 Power line poles and fixtures. 46 Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation. 47 Underground conduits. 48 Underground conduits--depreciation. 49 Miscellaneous structures.... Miscellaneous structures--depreciation ·· • · • ·· • Power plant machinery-depreciation. Power substation apparatus... · 75 Steam locomotives--depreciation. 76 Steam locomotives--retirements 77 Other locomotives--repairs.. 78 Other locomotives--depreciation. 79 Other locomotives-retirements.. ·· 80 Freight-train cars-repairs.. 81 Freight-train cars--depreciation... d Deficit or other reverse item. · 73 Power substation apparatus--depreciation. 74 Steam locomotives-repairs. • • 59❘ Insurance……… 60 Stationery and printing. 61 Other expenses. 62 Total, above accounts.. 63 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr 64 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities-Cr 65 Equalization-way and structures.... 66 Total maintenance of way and structures. Maintenance of Equipment • • • · • • • • Total, all districts 167,549 11,296 21,594 $3 361,920 137,816 55,292 4,340 73, 203 4,836 66,852 10,081 272,868 43,260 14,539 31,647 17,420 32,658 243,205 69,853 19,083 14,573 71,891 384, 14,442 2293135 258 4,601 11 325 167 7,713 23,332 3,227 2,306 477 8,451 11,531 25,178 1,427 112,855 116,983 2,817 138,408 89,904 11,294 10,624 9,869,869 867,791 2,259,289 8,478,371 487,057 158,417 ·34,644 55,517 27,326 551 292 4,444,770 639,442 99,573 2,027, 464, 528 453 Eastern district 116,793 315 144,422 19,807 30,960 87 44,117 1,376 33,219 1,653 136,920 7,606 3,914 1,236 29,963 11,271 16,897 14,573 59,442 185,489 3,323 2,683 2,305 1,936 1,672 1,726 18,738 178 61,039 79,538 2,639 110,087 34,075 7,124 6,987 5,275,196 828,580 1,414, 289 4,689,487 343,704 100,471 6,183 8,841 55i 3,218,047 396,685 67,787 1,770,994 421,902 • Southern district d $1,458 8,298 27,505 3,877 825 2,298 11,818 57,541 2,186 1,803 1,033 163 187 733 2,233 220 3,133 50 46 310,209 1,844 47,258 264,795 15,624 2,530 2,082 88,874 2,504 3.432 d 5.084 Testern district $49,298 2,998 21,279 189,993 118,009 20,455 4,253 28,261 3,460 31,335 8,42 124,130 35,654 14,539 31,647 13,506 31,422 155,701 58,582 10,646 227 197,601 14,596 }; 772 601 325 167 5,030 21,027 1,291 477 6,912 11,531 5,707 1,249 49,583 37,445 178 28,101 52,696 4,120 3,591 4,284,464 737-3863727 797, 3,524,089 127,729 55.416 28,461 44,594 27,326 292 1,137,849 240,253 28,354 261,618 42,551 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 123 678 Freight-train cars--retirements. Passenger-train cars--repairs. Passenger-train cars--depreciation. Passenger-train cars--retirements. Kotor equipment of cars--repairs. Motor equipment of cars-depreciation. Motor equipment of cars--retirements. Floating equipment--repairs.. 10 9 Floating equipment--depreciation. Floating equipment--retirements.. Work equipment-repairs... Work equipment--depreciation 13 | Work equipment-retirements. 14 Miscellaneous equipment-repairs. 11 12 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 Continued (Does not include lessor companies) RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded الراس 35 Injuries to persons. Insurance... Stationery and printing. Other expenses.. Total..... 26 Superintendence... 27 28 | Advertising. 29 Traffic associations. 30 | Fast freight lines. 31 32 19 20 21 22 Maintaining joint equipment--Dr.. 23 | Maintaining joint equipment--Cr.. 24 Equalization--equipment. 25 Outside agencies.. PARANT 15 Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation. 16 Miscellaneous equipment--retirements. 17 18 Total traffic... 36 Superintendence. 37 Dispatching trains. 38 • Total maintenance of equipment. Traffic • • • .. Item • Industrial and immigration bureaus, Insurance.. Stationery and printing Other expenses. Coal and ore wharves.. Station supplies and expenses. Yardmasters and yard clerks. 43 Yard conductors and brakemen. • ·· • 44 Yard switch and signal tenders. 45 Yard enginemen.. 46 Yard motormen.. 72 Express service.………. Train power produced.. 59 Train power purchased. 60 Water for train locomotives. 61 • • Station employees. 39 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus. 40 62 63 Enginehouse expenses--train. 64 Trainmen..... 65 Stationery and printing. • 74 Other expenses.. 75 Insurance.. 76 Clearing wrecks. 77 Damage to property...... 78 79 Loss and damage--freight. 80 Loss and damage-baggage. ... Transportation--Rail Line 47 Fuel for yard locomotives. 48 Yard switching power produced. 49 Yard switching power purchased. Water for yard locomotives. Lubricants for yard locomotives.. Other supplies for yard locomotives. Enginehouse expenses--yard.. Yard supplies and expenses. 55 Train enginemen.. 56 Train motormen. 57 Fuel for train locomotives. 58 • • • • • • · • • • · • .. • • • Lubricants for train locomotives. Other supplies for train locomotives. Train supplies and expenses. Operating sleeping cars. 67 8ignal and interlocker operation Crossing protection. 68 69 Drawbridge operation..... 70 Telegraph and telephone operation. Operating floating equipment ·· • ·· Damage to live stook on right of way. • • • d Deficit or other reverse item. ·· ... • • d Total, all districts $18,264 14,215 1,352 • 57,725 35,403 618 155,719 48,782 3,327 13,695 7,479 13: 337 62,611 82,974 24,315 1,645 8,931,503 141,034 309,102 8,763,435 140,503 80,001 34,898 15,944 2,119 118 25,535 233 299,351 1,344,069 288,655 5,014,754 38,658 46,878 418,912 2,680,926 8,353,835 755,041 5,833,649 5,077,992 370,476 90,988 103,204 1,267,185 259,628 181,405 119,716 6,791 4,486 6,452 24,203 196,266 73,388 359, 6ỏi 395,022 37,483 67.343 170,797 239,316 192,181 70, 212 107,500 86,760 184 283,150 251 d Eastern district $11,721 811 258 · • • • • 57,725 35,403 618 96,367 24,993 4,876 4,921 4,281 369 42,637 65,299 16,779 1,244 6,680,025 140,884 126,405 6,694,504 92,600 38,070 7,166 4,518 2,119 117 18,966 179 163,735 903,376 154,344 2,003, 432 27,097 42,128 182,061 1,512,083 5,410,766 374,120 3,932,014 3,706,570 258,470 62,282 71,462 935,656 132,353 163,112 103,138 7,212 4,132 6,318 18,573 171,735 59,629 243,163 237,491 23,323 46,915 170,797 130,489 163,281 52,142 58,015 50,047 100 222,712 Southern district $12 607 · · • .72 ·87. •N# •At 782 • 274 • • "i • • 879 183 596 29 113,325 17,029 96,296 • ~~ • • .. • 16,583 6,763 317,856 11,090 4,750 20,796 86,585 135,142 135 3,524 86,828 109,228 3,599 895 O5o 2,856 35 35,810 +,153 50 2,548 568 2.213 6,543 2,295 32,407 11,834 10,097 5,363 27 194 892 1,797 920 d d d 19 Western district $6,555 12,797 1,094 58,570 23,515 1,549 8,773 3,198 32 19,095 17,492 940 372 2,138,153 150 165,668 1,972,635 47,903 41,931 27,732 11,426 1 6,569 54 135,616 424,110 127,548 2,693,466 471 216,055 1,082, 258 2,807,927 377,397 1,814,807 1,262,194 108,407 27,811 28,886 295,719 123,122 18,293 16,628 2,127 424 702 7,843 24,531 7,216 114,143 125,124 2,326 10,331 103,464 28,873 17,876 48,593 34,91 70 59,518 251 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 20 No. 1 Injuries to persons.. 2 Operating joint yards and terminals--Dr.. 3 Operating joint yards and terminals--Cr. 4 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr 5 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Cr. 6 Total transportation--rail line... 7 Operation of vessels.. 8 Operation of terminals. Incidental.. 9 10 13 Grain elevators. 14 Stockyards... 25 26 27 11 Dining and buffet service. 12 Hotels and restaurants. 30 0 ☹ 30 www SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 15 Producing power sold... 16 Other miscellaneous operations. 17 39 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Concluded Transportation--Rail Line--Concluded Other expenses.... 28 | General joint facilities--Dr 18 Salaries and expenses of general officers.. 19 Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. General office supplies and expenses.. 20 21 22 Law expenses. Insurance... ... 23 Relief department expenses. 24 Pensions... Stationery and printing. Valuation expenses. 40 Miles of road.. 41 54 Total transportation--water line... 5555 • 55 29 General joint facilities--Or. 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 • • 65 66 67 68 69 Transportation-Water Line Total miscellaneous operations.. Miles of second main track. 42 Miles of third main track. • • Total general expenses.... 31 Transportation for investment--Cr.. 32 Total railway operating expenses. 33 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent). Separation Between Services Miscellaneous Operations 49 Miles of third main track. 50 Miles of fourth main track. • 43 Miles of fourth main track. • · 44 Miles of all other main tracks. 45 Miles of yar track and sidings 46 Total, all tracks...... 47 Miles of road.. 48 Miles of second main track.. 34 Related solely to freight service. 35 | Related solely to passenger and allied services.. Related in common to both freight and passenger and allied services: Apportioned to freight service. 36 37 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. • 38 Not related to either freight service or to passenger and allied services... Total.. • Total.... • · · • • • • • • Item Number at close of year: Box cars... Flat cars. • 51 52 Miles of yard track and sidings. 53 Total, all tracks. • • · • • • • • Miles of all other main tracks. · • • MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1928 ❤ General Steam locomotives: Number at close of year.. Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year. Number retired during year. Electric locomotive units: Stock cars. Coal cars. Tank cars. Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. • MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1928 Number at close of year.. Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year. Number retired during year. • • • • .. · • • · • • • • • • • EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE • • • · • · • ·· • • · • ► Freight-carrying Cars • • ·· • • • • • ·· Deficit or other reverse item. Includes 489.87 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 427.93 miles operated under trackage rights. • Total, all districts $685,398 649,410 5,424,182 228,074 513,159 30,192,898 48,696 154,199 154,396 5,992 65,038 428,321 461,444 843,753 107,266 212,795 2,112 2,237 73,541 63,945 200,367 129,532 17,655 195,521 1,919,126 70,856 50,010,646 68.10 $48,329,676 87,752 1,475,798 85,778 31,642 50,010,646 541.75 350.03 9.09 2.64 2,126.62 1/ 3,030.13 281.40 156.84 1.99 1.15 982.67 1,424.05 918 38,089,570 18 35 1,867 102 5 5,549 1,139 8,666 Eastern district $420,203 618,656 1,836,235 219,566 482,731 20,579,997 48,696 154,396 5,992 25,650 234,734 247,966 614,334 68,497 92,324 1,418 2,237 38,162 39,042 122,754 53,227 14,429 77,322 1,217,068 53,964 33,525,561 69.94 $33,211,537 48,696 233,686 31,642 33,525,561 405.23 276.74 9.09 2.64 1,416.85 2/ 2,110.55 232.24 135.31 1.99 1.15 709.63 1,080.32 616 26,389,170 16 22 1,025 92 5,454 1,139 7,714 d Southern district $2,008 3,194 363,404 120 17,847 537,463 4,469 10,553 914 2,570 22 1,001 62 1,953 82 1,443 20,183 918,737 56.23 $580,970 27.850 348,470 17,147 918,737 20.40 7.68 51.00 3/ 79.08 18.41 7.68 50.06 76.15 15 411,500 "i Western district $263,187 27,560 3,224,543 8,388 12,581 9,075,438 154,199 39,388 193,587 209,009 218,866 37,855 117,901 672 35,379 23,902 77,551 74,352 3,144 116,756 681,875 16,892 15,566,348 65.21 $14,537,169 66,906 .893,642 68,631 15,566,348 116.12 65.61 ... 658.77 4/840.50 최 ​Includes 2.93 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 59.01 miles operated under trackage rights. 30.75 13.85 222.98 267.58 287 11,288,900 2 12 842 10 5 95 952 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. AAAAAA 1234567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 32 33 www..co لالالا 34 35 36 789 37 38 39 40 42 42 43 44 45 gay mo FFF F 48 50 51 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928-Concluded (Does not inelude lessor companies) 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE—Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars... Flat cars. Stock cars. Coal car8. Tank cars. Refrigerator cars... Other freight-carrying cars Total... · 25 Number at close of year. 26 Number installed during year. 27 Number retired during year. • • Number installed during year: Box cars. - Flat cars. .. • Stock cars. Coal cars. Tank car8. Refrigerator cars... • · • • • · Other freight-carrying cars. · Total.... Total.... Number retired during year:. Box cars.... Flat cars... Stock cara Ooal cars. Tank cars. Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying cars • • • • In replacement: • 46 Average number. Compensation: 47 Service days: Item • Number at close of year... Number installed- during year.. Number retired during year. In replacement: All Classes of Passenger-train Cars All Classes of Company Service Equipment • ... Number of units at close of year... Number of units installed during year. Number of units retired during year.. • Number of cross ties.. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties. Total charges.. • • • • • Floating Equipment • In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties.. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties. Total charges. Number of tons (2,240 lbs.). Total charges.. TIES LAID DURING YEAR RAILS LAID DURING YEAR • In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks. • Miles of yard track and sidings. Number of tons (2,240 lbs.). Total charges. • Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for.. Total. Service hours: Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for. Total. .. EMPLOYEES In special service.. In yard-switching service. In work service.. Grand total, all services. * • Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service. In passenger service. In mixed-train service.. Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for... Total... Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses. CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES • • · • · • 1/ Does not include data for 165 linear feet of steel ties. Does not include data for 484 linear feet of steel ties. ¥ Ge&2 Total, all districts 71,565 4,220 150 306,565 200 60,670 443,370 "i 1 ཨྰཿ::ཌ「 1 16 784 11 2 698 1 ::: 1,496 25 527 16 35 13 1 1 586,744 5,320,910 $1,304,908 90,187 662,117 $177,873 35,495 $1,382,585 7.77 30.09 4,755 $158,599 23,967 $40,665,973 $1,971, 203 $43,386,077 53,422,796 2,169,804 56,635,093 647,530 9,283 670,205 $39,360,662 36,949 3,659 1,571,465 21,050 1,633,123 // Nkul Eastern district 37,925 3,910 302,565 200 60,670 405,270 "i *14 *i 1 16 320 8 561 1 890 4 323 11 30 13 1 1 330,577 2,641,590 $787,766 46,448 259,990 $96,116 22,797 $865,473 7.17 12.77 2,429 $85,387 13,698 $24,448,192 $1,385,151 $26,144,827 30,864,817 1,540,424 32,935, 719 369,647 798 376,411 $24,900,030 32,868 1,114, 219 6,439 1,153,526 Southern district 5. 35,868 244,702 $53,062 1,140 $38,821 927 $1,106,756 $73,065 $1,207,404 1,766,738 103,253 1,905,866 28,675 121 28,998 $1,177,109 • 23,479 759 24,238 2223 21 Western district 33,640 310 150 4,000 38,100 464 3 2 137 606 21 199 220,299 2,434, 618 $464,080 43,739 402,127 $81,757 11,558 $478,291 .60 17.32 2,326 $73,212 9,342 $15,111,025 $512,987 $16,033,846 20,791,241 526,127 21,793, 508 249,208 8,364 264,796 $13,283,523 4,081 3,659 433,767 13,852 455,359 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 22 Kind of mileage: Steam road... Electric line.. Steamboat line. Stage line.. Airplane. Total mileage. State or Territory: Alabama... Arizona.. Arkansas. California. Colorado.. Connecticut.. Delaware. ••• Georgia. Idaho. • District of Columbia. Florida. • Illinois. Indiana. Iowa..... Kansas. Kentucky Louisiana. Maine.. Maryland. Massachusetts. · • • I. II. III. Michigan. Minnesota. Montana. Nebraska. Nevada.. .. • • · Mississippi Missouri.. •• · ·· • • • •• · • New Hampshire.. New Jersey. New Mexico... New York... • North Carolina.. North Dakota. Ohio.... Oklahoma. Oregon. Pennsylvania. Rhode Island. South Carolina. South Dakota. •• • · SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 • ·· • Tennessee. Texas. Utah. Vermont Virginia. Washington. West Virginia. Wisconsin.. Wyoming. Alaska. Hawaii. Canada. Mexico.. Mileage not assignable 1/. • • • • Land.. Buildings. · • • ·· • .. • ▸ ... · Item Equipment: Cars.. Horses. Automobiles. Wagons and sleighs. Harness and equipment. Item Office furniture and equipment Office safes.. Trucks…….. Stable equipment Garage equipment. Line equipment.. Shop equipment. MILEAGE COVERED BY OPERATIONS Miscellaneous equipment. Total equipment... Total real property and equipment.. Total 232,747.95 2,929.57 24,289.87 1,360.34 7,748.00 269,075.73 4,780.98 2,351.60 4,449.66 10,362.62 4,779.64 986.53 296.30 49.85 5,281.73 6,658.47 2,755.98 11,942.12 6,909.72 10,700.49 9,519.28 3.522.37 4,299.96 2,049.27 2,723.47 1,965.26 7,424.20 8,186.03 4,026.40 7,945.91 4,726.79 6,670.16 2,675.54. 1,159.38 2,137.01 2,758.23 8,077.28 4,558.68 5,245.09 8,543.19 6,780.09 3,921.82 9,355.62 529279373 200.90 3.597.75 4,147.49 3.593.57 16,167.84 2,509.01 948.42 5,088.25 6,273.99 3,186.47 7,097.35 2,392.38 11,124.30 351.30 4,003.49 96.50 7,720.00 COST OF REAL PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Total $4,663,862 12,223,071 949,351 996,683 19,781,641 1,329,871 210,573 3,086,633 520,441 2,558,056 20,152 577,514 545,971 233,949 51,114 American Railway Express Co. 30,861,949 47,748,882 222,769.60 2,891.85 24,021.87 1,334.34 7,748.00 258,765.66 3,178.63 2,351.60 4,449.66 10,362.62 4,779.64 986.53 296.30 42.30 5,016.98 5,359.37 2,755.98 11,623.26 6,673.69 10,700.49 9,519.28. 3,140.06 4,259.38 2,049.27 2,544.60 1,965.26 7,424.20 8,186.03 3,230.89 7.943.91 4,726.79 6,670.16 2,675.54 1,159.38 2,137.01 2,758.23 8,077.28 3,087.11 5,245.09 8,542.11 6,780.09 3,921.82 9,319.92 200.90 2,355.24 4,147.49 2,293.15 16,167.84 2,509.01 1/ Covers miscellaneous unassigned mileage, such as transoceanic, coastwise, river, and lake not within the boundaries of any State or Territory. 948.42 3,957.37 6,273.99 3,186.47 7,097.35 2,392.38 11,124.30 351.30 4,003.49 96.50 7,720.00 American Railway Express Co. $4,652,780 12,044,006 949,351 988, 799 18,989,088 1,296,717 206,513 2,994,546 495,252 2,489,060 20,093 574,800 529,170 233,949 51,068 Southeastern Express Co. 29,818,406 46,515,192 9,978.35 37.72 268.00 26.00 10,310.07 1,602.35 7.55 264.75 1,299.10 318.86 236.03 382.31 40.58 178.87 795.51 2.00 1,471.57 1.08 35.70 1,242.51 1,300.42 1,130.88 Southeastern Express Co. $11,082 179,065 7,884 792,553 33,154 4,060 92,087 25,189 68,996 59 2,714 16,801 *48 1,043,543 1,233,690 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Oars; Number. Inventory value. Horses: Number. Inventory value. Automobiles: Gasoline- Total equipment, inventory value. Electric- Wagons and sleighs: Wagons, double- SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Continued Number.. Inventory value. Sleighs- Number.. Inventory value. Wagons, single- Number.. Inventory value. Buggies- Number.. Inventory value. Harness equipment: • Office safes; Number... Inventory value. Trucks: I. • Number. Inventory value. Inventory value.. Office furniture and equipment: Inventory value... Number.. Inventory value.. II. III. Number. Inventory value. Stable equipment: Inventory value.. Garage equipment: Inventory value. Line equipment: Safes, car- Shop equipment: Number.. Inventory value. Safes, messenger- Number.. Inventory value. Trunks, packing- Number.. Inventory value. Other line equipment- Inventory value. Inventory value.. Miscellaneous equipment: Inventory value.. ܚ 1/ Includes $391,047, inventory value of 387 automobile trailers. Includes $1,132,030, inventory value of 1,887 automobile batteries. Includes $62,068, inventory value of 446 truck batteries. Transportation: Express, domestic. Express, foreign. Miscellaneous.... · Item • Total transportation. Contract payments: Express privileges--Dr. .. ·· Revenue from transportation... Operations other than transportation: Customs brokerage fees. Order and commission. Rents of buildings and other property. Money orders. 0.0.D. checks.. Travelers' cheques. Telegraph and cable transfers. Account · Letters of credit. Foreign postal remittances. Profit on exchange and other financial revenue. Miscellaneous.. ·· Total other than transportation. Total operating revenues. INVENTORY VALUE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED .. Total 1/ $13,000,086 250 $332,072 5,025 $289,745 6,230 $5,737,264 1,567 2/ $2,630,016 2,454 $372,248 2,025 $59,223 1,083 $16, 686 8 $113 $46,385 $1,277,898 18,180 $235,068 65,714 3/ $882,714 $9,261 $339,533 2,604 $107,217 8,100 $25,376 9,946 $49,834 $43,524 $105,853 $49,009 ANALYSIS OF OPERATING REVENUES Total $289,397,358 17,015 289,414,373 145,026,198 144,388,175 228,151 4,881 150,739 11,471 2,567,550 207 793,476 3,756,475 148,144,650 American Rail- way Express Co. 1/ $12,651,845 250 $332,072 4,985 $288,981 5,991 $5,486, 406 1,667 2/ $2,630,016 2,432 $370, 224 1,945 $53,277 1,083 $16,686 g $113 $44,057 $1,238,618 17,703 $216,593 63,820 3/ $862,776 $9,243 $337,654 2,469 $102,505 7,788 $24,665 9,333 $48,564 $43,524 $105,853 $48,971 American Rail- way Express Co. $281,533,883 10,758 281,544,641 141,288,099 140,256,542 228,084 4,877 147,813 2,454,802 207 784,339 3,620,122 143,876,664 Southeastern Express Co. $348,241 40 $764 239 $250,858 22 $2,024 80 $5,946 $2,328 $39,280 477 $18,475 1,894 $19,938 $18 $1,879 135 $4,712 312 $711 613 $1,276 $38 Southeastern Express Co. $7,863,475 6,257 7,869,732 3,738,099 4,131,633 677 2,926 11,471 112,743 9,137 136,353 4,267,986 23 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 24 Operating income: SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928-Continued Charges for transportation. Express privileges--Dr... Total operating revenues. Operating expenses. Net operating revenue……… Revenue from transportation. Revenue from operations other than transportation. Operating income. • • Uncollectible revenue from transportation. Express taxes. Item • • Other income: Rent from real property and equipment used jointly. Miscellaneous rent income... Net income from miscellaneous physical property. Separately operated properties--profit. Dividend income.. Income from funded securities.. Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds. Release of premiums on funded debt..: Contributions from other companies. Miscellaneous income.. Total other income. Gross income. Deductions from gross income: Rent for real property and equipment used jointly. Miscellaneous rents. Miscellaneous taxes. Net loss on miscellaneous physical property. Separately operated properties--1088. Interest on funded debt.. Interest on unfunded debt. • Amortization of discount on funded debt. Income transferred to other companies. Miscellaneous income debits.. • • D ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Total appropriations.. Balance transferred to profit and loss. • • Item Total credits.. Debit balance at beginning of year. Debit balance transferred from income. • • Total deductions from gross income. Net income... Disposition of net income: Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income.... Credit balance at beginning of year... Credit balance transferred from income. Profit on real property and equipment sold. Delayed income credits. Unrefundable overcharges. Miscellaneous credits. Income appropriations for investment in physical property. Stock discount extinguished through income. Miscellaneous appropriations of income. .. • ·· ·· • ... Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of surplus.. .. • Surplus set aside for investment in physical property. Stock discount extinguished through surplus.. Debt discount extinguished through surplus. Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus.. Loss on land sold. Delayed income debits. Miscellaneous debits. Total debits.... Balance carried forward to credit of balance sheet. ·· INCOME ACCOUNT Total $289,414,373 145,026,198 144,388,175 3,756,475 148,144,650 144,801, 448 3,343,202 19,167 2,138,008 1,186,027 122 278,160 366,50€ 601,015 • 1,245,803 2,431,830 875 • 14,275 25,779 40,929 2,390,901 2,148,520 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 2,148,520 242,381 Total $3,460,973 242,520 26,701 2,862 14,792 3,747,848 139 • ་ • • • · 735 19,433 20,307 3,727,541 American Rail- way Express Co. $281,544,641 141,288,099 140,256,542 3,620,122 143,876,664 140,675,006 3,201,658 17,821 2,038,008 1,145,829 122 278,160 366,506 571,352 1,216,140 2,361,969 875 14,275 25,779 40,929 2,321,040 2,078,520 2,078,520 242,520 American Rail- way Express Co. $3,333,349 242,520 26,701 2,723 14,792 3,620,085 735 19,433 20,168 3,599,917 Southeastern Express Co. $7,869,732 3,738,099 4,131,633 136,353 4,267,986 4,126,442 141,544 1,346 100,000 40,198 29,663 29,663 69,861 69,861 70,000 70,000 d 139 Boutheastern Express Co. $127,624 139 127,763 139 139 127,624 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS I. II. III. IV. Total operating expenses. Maintenance: 1. 3. 4. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 6. 7. 8. 222223 Superintendence--maintenance.. 2. Buildings and appurtenances--repairs. Buildings and appurtenances-depreciation. Buildings and appurtenances-retirements. Cars--repairs. Cars--depreciation.. Cars--retirements.. Horses-depreciation. Horses--retirements. Automobiles--repairs. Automobiles--depreciation. Automobiles--retirements. 17. 18. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Traffic: 33. 34. Wagons and sleighs-repairs Wagons and sleighs--depreciation 15. Wagons and sleighs--retirements. 16. Harness equipment--repairs... 35. 36. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. ISISISISIU 50. 51. 52. SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Continued General: 53. 54. Harness equipment--depreciation and retirements. Office furniture and equipment--repairs. 19. Office furniture and equipment--depreciation and retirements. 20. Office safes--repairs.. 21. Office safes--depreciation and retirements. 22. 23. 24. Transportation: 37. 38. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. Total... • Total... • • • Superintendence--traffic. • • Advertising. Stationery and printing. Other expenses. Total. • · .. • ·· · • Damage to property. Injuries to persons. Other expenses.. Total. .. • Trucks--repairs.. Trucks--depreciation and retirements. Stable and garage equipment--repairs. Stable and garage equipment--depreciation and retirements. Line equipment--repairs. Stationery and printing. Loss and damage.. Superintendence--transportation. • Line equipment--depreciation and retirements. Shop equipment--repairs.... Shop equipment--depreciation and retirements. Miscellaneous equipment--repairs... Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation and retirements. Other expenses.. Account Train employees.. Train supplies and expenses. • Office employees. Commissions. Office supplies and expenses. Rent of local offices.. Vehicle employees.. Stable and garage employees. • Stable and garage supplies and expenses. Drayage... • Stationery and printing. Valuation expenses. Other expenses. • • • ·· • O ·· • · • • ·· • • • • • • • • · ·· ANALYSIS OF OPERATING EXPENSES Salaries and expenses of general officers.. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. General office supplies and expenses. Law expenses. Insurance.. • • Fidelity bond premiums Pensions. • · ·· • • .. ·· • • ► + Total $144,801,448 330,968 272,694 377,797 17,233 198,003 71,054 56,989 24,828 3,171,158 2,208,206 107,755 370,306 93,520 91,926 85,076 85, 8, 681 132, 944 210,812 8,806 26,117 545,641 175,077 13,832 45,615 32,230 41,056 11,305 16,046 251 268 158 8,746,352 238,321 32,189 66,190 2 336,702 6,230, 744 50,828,744 9,797,454 2,771,477 4,715,850 25,351,511 2,065,731 4,969,089 1,782,962 10,963,967 1,161,885 1,992,454 4,321,260 141,373 892,452 67,300 128,054,253 422,072 4,899,407 448,473 330,348 413,408 36,434 924,601 108,760 80,638 7,664,141 American Rail- way Expresв 0о. $140,675,006 330,968 269,388 363,732 17,076 198,003 71,054 56,989 24,702 3,090,470 2,145,386 106,172 368,875 85,223 90,190 84,683 8,245 130,276 197,560 8,405 25,110 532,128 168,188 13,827 45,364 31,551 39,392 11,305 16,046 251 260 158 8,530,975 175,048 26,977 55,717 2 257,744 6,092,151 49,649, 645 9,345,232 2,708, 721 4,559,746 24,913, 409 2,035,002 4,834,278 1,622,373 10,417,893 1,148,242 1,892,694 4,198,580 141,191 876,900 66,187 124,502, 244 388,150 4,756,579 436,379 303,278 377,448 19,085 924,601 98,889 79,634 7,384,043 25 Southeastern Express Co.. $4,126,442 3,306 14,065 157 126 80,688 62,820 1,583 1,431 8,297 1,736 393 438 2,668 13,252 401 1,007 13,513 6,889 13, 251 679 1,664 8 215,377 63,273 5,212 10,473 78,958 138,593 1,179,099 452,222 62,756 156,104 438,102 30,729 134,811 160,589 546,074 13,643 99,760 122, 680 182 552 113 2525; 3,552,009 33,922 142,828 12,094 27,070 35,960 17,349 9,871 1,004 280,098 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 26 Investment: Real property and equipment. Sinking fund.. Current assets: Cash... Miscellaneous physical property. Investments in affiliated companies. Other investments.. I Total investment. Special deposits Loans and notes receivable. SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Concluded Deferred assets.... Unadjusted debits: · • Material and supplies. Other current assets. ·· • Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Total current assets.. Stock: Discount on capital stock.. Discount on funded debt.. Other unadjusted debits. Total unadjusted debits... Grand total... Deferred liabilities. Unadjusted credits: Capital stock... Premium on capital stock. Total stock liabilities. • Profit and loss balance. Funded debt unmatured.... Current liabilities: • • Loans and notes payable.. Audited accounts and wages unpaid. Miscellaneous accounts payable.. Express privilege liabilities. Other current liabilities... Total current liabilities. Advertising………. Class of employees Total corporate surplus. Superintendence--Maintenance. Superintendence--Traffic.. Premium on funded debt. Operating and insurance reserves. Accrued depreciation. Other unadjusted credits.. .. Total unadjusted credits. Vehicle employees. Stable and garage employees Train employees.. ... • ASSETS Superintendence--Transportation. Agents, clerks and solicitors. Platform and house men. • Item • • • Corporate surplus: Additions to property through income and surplus. Reserves from income and surplus. Total appropriated surplus.. • • · ·· ... LIABILITIES Claim agents, special agents, and clerks General officers. · • • • • • Number on Deo. 31 106 63 2,082 15,226 16.805 14,439 1,184 6,666 300 38 2,712 44 1,061 Number of days worked 32,747 19,590 650,964 669,695 4,553,187 4,525,365 382,686 2,501,697 95,486 11,607 861,833 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT 13,234 336,333 Total Average Yearly daily compensation | compen- sation $8.94 9.25 $292,879 181,219 39130 General office clerks and attendants... Law department officers and clerke... Shop employees.. Other employees. Total (including general officers)... 60,726 18,654,424 104,884,472 Total (excluding general officers).. 60,688 18,642,817 104,484,585 5,322,046 8.18 26,774,101 5.73 23,296,350 5.12 25,321,401 5.60 2,182,547 5.70 13,382,997 5.35 622,617 6. 399,887 34.45 4,813,894 5.5 170,047 12.85 2,124,487 6.32 Total 5.62 5.60 $47,748,882 7,119,670 54,868,552 22,384,142 6,383 3,301,153 804,522 1,199,123 8,462,293 36,157,616 183,159 1,707,397 1,707,397 92,916,724 EMPLOYEES, SERVICE, AND COMPENSATION 35,642,000 35,642,000 5,573,899 2,889,382 16,249,143 1,881,767 26,594,191 658,085 4,877,662 21,324,770 92,475 26,294,907 3,727,541 3,727,541 American Rail- way Express Co. $46,515,192 7,119,670 53,634,862 20,980,673 6,217 3,301,153 770,055 1,188,021 8,361,777 34,607,896 183,159 1,662, 216 1,662,216 90,088,133 34,642,000 34,642,000 5,362,242 2,675,583 15,896,443 1,811,118 25,745,386 658,085 4,802,500 20,556,916 83,329 25,442,745 3,599,917 3,599,917 American Railway Express 00. Number of Yearly days compensation worked Average daily compen- sation $8.94 10.14 Number on Deo. 31 106 2,048 32,747 $292,879 44 13,604 137,879 640,527 5,221,118 14,768 4,544,385 26,110, 649 16,215 4,405,631 22,780,703 14,125 4,439,744 24,883,299 1,166 377,247 2,151,818 6,386 2,397,021 12,836, 923 5.36 286 91,910 602,234 6. 35 10,685 367,887 34. 2,612 833,550 4,671,066 5. 41 12,630 143,490 11.93 1,061 336,333 2,124,487 6.32 5.70 58,893 18,135,414 102,324,430 58,858 18,124,729 101,956,543 8.15 5.75 5.17 5.60 5.64 5.63 Southeastern Express Co. Number on Dec. 31 $1,233,690 1,233,690 1,403,469 166 34,467 11,102 100,516 1,549,720 45.i8i 45,181 2,828,591 1,000,000 1,000,000 211,657 213,799 352, 700 70,649 848,805 75,162 767,854 9,146 852,162 127,624 127,624 Southeastern Express Co. Number Average of Yearly daily days compensation compen- worked sation 19 5,986 34 10,437 458 125,310 590 147,556 314 85,621 18 5,439 280104,676 24 3,576 3 922 100 28,283 3 1,204 1,833 519,010 1,830 518,088 $43,340 $7.24 535385 100,930 9.67 663,452 5.29 515,647 3.49 438,102 5.12 30,729 5.65 546,074 5.22 20,383 5.70 32,000 34.72 142,828 5.05 26,557 22.06 2,560,042 4.93 2,528,042 4.88 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 4-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 Average mileage (single track) over which operations were conducted (miles). GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investment in sleeping car property. Miscellaneous physical property. Other investments.. Cash.. Material and supplies. Other current assets. Deferred assets. Unadjusted debits. Total.. Net balance receivable from receiving cashiers and ticket agents. Miscellaneous accounts receivable.. Capital stock.. Premium on capital stock. Wages payable.. • • Miscellaneous accounts payable. Dividends matured unpaid.... Unmatured dividends declared. Other current liabilities.. Deferred liabilities. Operating reserves.. Accrued depreciation. • • Other unadjusted credits. Miscellaneous fund reserves. Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. Profit and loss--balance.. Total corporate surplus. • • ·· · • Operating income. • .. • • Sleeping car operating revenues. Revenues from auxiliary operations. Total revenues. • .. Sleeping car operating expenses. Expenses of auxiliary operations. Total operating expenses..... Net revenues... Sleeping car tax accruals. Auxiliary operations--Tax accruals. Total taxes. ·· • • • • - • · ... Rent from cars. Dividends received. Income from funded securities. Income from unfunded securities and accounts. Income from sinking and other reserve funds. Miscellaneous income. Total nonoperating income. Gross income..... • • • Rent for cars. Miscellaneous tax accruals. Interest on unfunded debt. Miscellaneous income charges. Total deductions from gross income. Net income..... Total debits during year. Net increase during year.. Balance at beginning of year. Balance at end of year.. • • • • • • • • • • • d Deficit or other reverse item. Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income. Miscellaneous appropriations of income. Total appropriations.. Income balance transferred to profit and loss. • Credit balance transferred from income Unrefundable overcharges.. Miscellaneous credits. Total credits during year. Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of surplus.. Loss on retired equipment.. Uncollectible sleeping car revenues. Miscellaneous debits.. · • • • • • • • • • • INCOME ACCOUNT • PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT • · C 27 128,753.00 $233,505,866 7,270 44,167,841 d 6,405,137 1,487,986 3,537,400 5,023,856 604,876 5,321,370 39,285,546 339,347,148 135,000,000 9,398 1,471,885 2,777,920 29,511 1,350,000 1,251,217 4,001,938 60,000 108,802, 632 52,550,312 966,598 6,000,000 25,075,737 32,042,335 80,846,044 1,403,083 82,249,127 66,655,530 1,225,741 67,881,271 14,367,856 3,399,091 30,706 3,429,797 10,938,059 123,861 76,284 1,560,790 310,964 198,689 2,270,588 13,208,647 4,165 401 15,907 19,671 13,188,976 196,312 8,100,000 8,296,312 4,892,664 4,892,664 18,526 9,207 4,920,397 44,982 2,522 58,806 16,346 4,904,051 20,171,686 25,075,737 1 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 28 SUMMARY NO. 4—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 Berth revenue. Seat revenue. • • Charter of cars. • • Miscellaneous revenue. Car mileage revenue. Association and contract revenue--Dr. Total operating revenues. Maintenance. Conducting car operations General expenses. Total operating expenses. Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) Porters and maids. Train stenographers. Car cleaners. • Auxiliary operations: Laundry employees. General expenses: General officers.. Clerks and attendants. • · • · Maintenance: Mechanics, electricians, seamstresses, repairmen, carpenters, shop employees, etc. Conducting car operations: General officers and staff (superintendence) District superintendents, agents, and staff. Conductors... • ·· ↓ • Standard sleeping cars. Tourist sleeping cars. Parlor cars. Dining cars. Composite cars. Private cars.. Miscellaneous cars. Total.. Commissary (superintendence) Agents and staff, conductors, waiters, cooks, etc.. Total (including general officers). Total number of revenue passengers--berth. Total number of revenue passengers--seat. Average revenue per passenger--berth.. Average revenue per passenger--seat. Total number of car-miles.. Total number of car-days. ·· • ·· · ·· Average number of revenue passengers per car per day. Operating revenues per car-mile (cents). Operating revenues per car-day.. Operating expenses per car-mile (cents) Operating expenses per car-day. Net operating revenue per car-mile (cents) Net operating revenue per car-day... Average number of car-miles per car-day. ... Class ·· ·· .. · OPERATING REVENUES · · 1/ Does not include 20 cars leased or otherwise acquired. • OPERATING EXPENSES ·· EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES EQUIPMENT IN SERVICE ON DEC. 31, 1928 OPERATING STATISTICS Number on Dec. 31 5,123 233 1,524 2,524 10,861 18 4,960 426 43 956 36 111 26,815 $76,352,088 9,930,764 1,972,249 169,882 1,024,978 8,603,917 80,846,044 28,738,016 34,935,422 2,982,092 66,655,530 82.45 Average daily compen- sation $4.60 6.22 4.24 6.09 2.70 5.74 3.41 2.79 28.85 4.18 5.16 3.14 3.76 21,310,891 12,613,029 $3.58 $0.79 1,153,889,647 1,153,8 3,159,048 11 7.00€ $25.59190 5.777 $21.09988 1.229 $4.49202 365.26 7,451 303 1,123 18 274 21 7 1/9,197 A ... # • 本 ​HE 2708 I7 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION BUREAU OF STATISTICS A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1928 COMMERCE UN INTERSTATE BRIBU So 1887 COMMISSION UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1929 O THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION ERNEST I. LEWIS, Chairman BALTHASER H. MEYER CLYDE B. AITCHISON JOSEPH B. EASTMAN JOHNSTON B. CAMPBELL FRANK MCMANAMY THOMAS F. WOODLOCK RICHARD V. TAYLOR EZRA BRAINERD, Jr. CLAUDE R. PORTER PATRICK J. FARRELL GEORGE B. McGINTY, Secretary life U.S. Fort 8-1-1929 CONTENTS. Introductory statement...... Summary No. 1-Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I steam railways (not including switching and terminal companies) for the year ended December 31, 1928...... Summary No. 2-Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I switching and terminal companies for the year ended December 31, 1928... Summary No. 3-Abstract of reports rendered by express companies for the year ended December 31, 1928.. Summary No. 4-Abstract of report rendered by The Pullman Company for the year ended December 31, 1928.. Page 4 5 15 22 27 3 . · A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928. This preliminary abstract for the calendar year 1928 is compiled from the annual reports of the classes of carriers designated. It differs from the Preliminary Statement of Capitalization and Income for the same year in that the latter is confined to a small number of items compiled for individual carriers, and in summary form, from a special report returned by them in advance of their annual report. The present abstract contains summaries by districts and is intended primarily to make available as promptly as possible certain totals not obtainable from the monthly or special reports of carriers. The totals are subject to change after corrections in the annual reports have been authorized. The final totals will appear in the Statistics of Railways for 1928. It may be noted that only steam railways, express companies, and The Pullman Company are covered in this abstract. Separate mimeographed statements are issued annually for pipe line companies, telegraph and cable companies, carriers by water, tele- phone companies, and electric railways. Because a separate annual publication or freight commodity statistics for the year 1928 has been issued in full detail for the 157 classes of commodities, only group totals of commodities carried are shown in this preliminary abstract. It should be especially observed that the balance sheet items relate to operating companies only and do not cover the balance sheets of lessor companies the property of which is operated by Class I steam railways, that is, railways having annual operating revenues above $1,000,000. The following table shows the investment in road and equipment of the operating, lessor and proprietary companies at the end of the year 1928, in comparison with final figures for the preceding year: Class I..... Class of companies Class II.... Lessors to Class I.. Proprietary Companies. Total.. Investment Class III.... Lessors to Class II.. Proprietary Companies. Total.. Lessors to Class III. Proprietary Companies. Total.. Grand total.. WASHINGTON, June 4, 1929. • • • · · • • INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT. C • · · • · in Road and Equipment of Steam Railways, (Accounts 701 and 702) Dec. 31, 1928 $19,459,438,970 3,783,950,333 1,011,921,298 24,255,310,601 506,065,912 8,729,612 2,315,401 517,110,925 9520 95,542,691 5,414,450 95,618 101,052,759 24,873,474,285 Dec. 31, 1927 $18,976,653,851 3,896,406, 227 916,672,762 23,789,732,840 543,655,117 13,608,555 2,326, 861 559,590, 533 99,155,138 5,296, 809 95,618 104,547,565 24,453,870,938 Increase $482,785,119 95,248,536 465,577,761 • . . • • 117,641 419,603,347 Decrease $112,455,894 37,589,205 11,460 42,479,608 3,612,447 3,494,806 4 } · : : STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Total number of stockholders 235780 9 Investment in road and equipment Improvements on leased railway property Sinking funds Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold 6 Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies Other investments 7 SUMMARY NO. 1—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 (Does not include lessor companies) 23 24 222 Cash 10 11 12 Demand loans and deposits Time drafts and deposits Special deposits 13 14 Loans and bills receivable Material and supplies 17 Other current assets 18 19 Deferred assets GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Total investments • 15 Miscellaneous accounts receivable 16 21 20 Discount on capital stock Discount on funded debt Other unadjusted debits 22 43 ·· 37 38 Deferred liabilities 1 5555 Total current assets 49 Current Assets Investments 51 Unadjusted Debits 25 Capital stock 26 Stock liability for conversion Premium on capital stock 27 28 Total stock 29 Grants in aid of construction • Item .. • Total unadjusted debits Grand total 39 Premium on funded debt 40 Operating reserves 41 Accrued depreciation. Other unadjusted credits 42 34 Loans and bills payable 35 Miscellaneous accounts payable Other current liabilities 30 Funded debt unmatured 31 Receiver's certificates 32 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies 33 Total long-term debt Long-Term Debt Total current liabilities 50 Profit and loss--balance Current Liabilities Stock · Total unadjusted credits • Unadjusted Credits Corporate Surplus 44 Additions to property through income and surplus 45 Funded debt retired through income and surplus 46 Sinking fund reserves 47 Miscellaneous fund reserves • 48 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested Total corporate surplus • Total appropriated surplus .. •• • INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT 53 52 Expenditures for new lines and extensions Expenditures for additions and betterments 54 Credits for property retired 55 Adjustments 56 • Net charges during year 57 Stocks actually issued during year--par value 58 Funded debt actually issued during year--par value d Total, all districts 762,923 $18,993,392,060 466,046,910 2,807,084 14,536,117 173,050,669 4,841,205,579 838,234,330 25,329,272,749 502,833,359 139,191,796 107,183,526 81, 288, 724 39,963,204 221,633,835 471,077,760 227,572,768 1,790,744,972 202,920,167 15,599,602 83,402,315 221,705, 734 320,707,651 27,643,645,539 8,079,977,901 1,549,351 48,889,739 8,130,416,991 7,257,215 10,588,300,875 7,687,192 445,558,215 11,041,546, 282 32,190,518 120,026,851 997,092,728 1,149,310,097 123,052,177 d 1,046, 240 147,752 1,857,482,559 700,801,654 2,559,478,205 871,684,141 85,004,780 42, 218, 285 59,373,180. 59,867,791 1,118, 148, 177 3,514,436,395 4,632,584,572 125,308,166 585,056, 820 212,633,846 7.985.960 489,745,180 466,113,124 875,257,137 Eastern district 354,990 $6,824,901,514 377,109,667 1,164,795 4,449,556 87,217,395 1,923,454,709 446,959, 450 9,665,257,086 224,814,246 44,546,530 60,159,967 19,212,982 10,001,999 79,081, 764 181,043,495 112,107,052 730,968,035 101,748,167 462,795 28,546,174 87,825, 629 116,834,598 10,614,807,886 3,123,701, 709 380,936 37,463,696 3,161,546,341 894,667 d 3,812,168,604 4,695,085 116,157,895 3,933,021,584 7,059,431 33,670,658 418,194,952 458,925,041 68,300,595 181,851 852,167,961 311,689, 186 1,164,038,998 486,019,573 16,591,955 30,262,019 52,628,237 446,714 585,948, 498 1,242,132,162 1,828,080,660 2,428,075 259,272,346 89,595,277 8.893,944 163,211,200 118,463,952 107,476,140 Southern district 79,568 $3,516,121,360 62,648,073 909,369 1,115,024 22,640,989 608,517,296 96,585,073 4,308,537,184 92,287,994 5,016,900 21,194,294 22,235,283 15,762,440 37,456,592 75,014,872 36,343,929 305,312,304 34,322,290 38,100 15,040, 726 32,202,360 47,281,186 4,695,452,964 1/1,210,849,187 4,998,340 1,215,847,527 1,637,876 1,937,392,184 10,888,864 1,948,281,048 3,155,985 15,892,992 143,616,575 162,665,552 29,008,943 1,200 349,476,942 85,023,971 435,502,113 124,598,074 1,111,757 4,751,510 2,537,006 1,497,607 134,495,954 768,013,951 902,509, 905 4,780,790 85,698,794 35,072,397 4,544,289 59,951,476 3,015,507 49,432,977 Western district 328,365 $8,652,369,186 26,289,170 732,920 8,971,537 63,192,285 2,309,233,574 294,689,807 11,355,478,479 185,731,119 89,628,366 25,829,265 39,840,459 14,198,765 105,095,479 215,019,393 79,121,787 754,464,633 66,849,710 15,098,707 39,815,415 101,677,745 156,591,867 12,333,384,689 2/3,745,427,005 1,168,415 6,427,703 3,753,023,123 4,724,672 4,838,740,087 838, 2,992,107 318,511,456 5,160,243,650 21,975,102 70,463, 201 435,281, 201 527,719,504 25,742,639 863,189 147,752 655,837,656 303,088,497 959,937,094 261,066,494 67,301,068 7,204,756 4,207,937 57,923,470 397,703,725 1,504,290,282 1,901,994,007 118.099.301 240,085,680 87,966,172 d 3.636.305 266,582,504 3/344,633,665 718,348,020 Deficit or other reverse item. Includes $26,379,853, consideration received for 250,000 shares of stock without par value; in addition 60,000 shares of stock without par value are outstanding for which no book value is reported. 2/ Includes $298,342,255, consideration received for 2,430,580 shares of stock without par value. Includes $152,890,514, consideration received for 1,209,060 shares of stock without par value. 5 > STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 6 No. 345678 1 Railway operating revenues 2 Railway operating expenses a on 2m 2 9 10 8 Uncollectible railway revenues Railway operating income 12 14 Revenues from miscellaneous operations 11 Expenses of miscellaneous operations Net revenue from miscellaneous operations 13 Taxes on miscellaneous operating property 23 24 Miscellaneous operating income 15 Total operating income 16 Net railway operating income 17 Hire of freight cars--credit balance 18 Rent from locomotives ... SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 19 Rent from passenger-train cars 20 Rent from floating equipment Rent from work equipment 21 22 MMM ☆ in mm 34 Joint facility rent income Income from lease of road Miscellaneous rent income 25 Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property 26 Separately operated properties--profit 27 Dividend income 28 Income from funded securities .... 35 Net revenue from railway operations Railway tax accruals: United States Government taxes Other than United States Government taxes Total railway tax accruals 29 Income from unfunded securities and accounts INCOME ACCOUNT 30 Income from sinking and other reserve funds 31 Release of premiums on funded debt 32 | Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income 33 37 Rent for locomotives 8 GEFFE 47 48 · A 39 Rent for floating equipment 40 Rent for work equipment 41 Joint facility rents 42 43 44 36 Hire of freight cars--debit balance 456760 Item 38 Rent for passenger-train cars 58 59 60 Total nonoperating income Gross income 65 66 Rent for leased roads Miscellaneous rents 12 Miscellaneous tax accruals 45 Separately operated properties-1088 46 Interest on funded debt Interest on unfunded debt • ·· • Amortization of discount on funded debt Maintenance of investment organization 50 Income transferred to other companies 51 Miscellaneous income charges 52 53 • Total deductions from gross income Net income .. ... 56 Income appropriated for investment in physical property 57 Stock discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of income 61 62 Profit on road and equipment sold 63 Delayed income credits 64 Unrefundable overcharges Donations Miscellaneous credits ·· • • Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income .. Credit balance transferred from income • Total appropriations of income Income balance transferred to profit and loss PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT • ·· ·· 67 Total credits during year 68 Debit balance transferred from income 69 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds 70 Dividend appropriations of surplus 71 72 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through surplus 73 Debt discount extinguished through surplus 74 Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus ... 75 Loss on retired road and equipment 76 Delayed income debits 77 Miscellaneous debits 78 Total debits during year 79 Net increase during year 80 Balance at beginning of year 81 Balance at end of year 82 Dividends declared during year 83 Par value on which declared--common 84 Par value on which declared--preferred 85 Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent d Deficit or other reverse item. ·· · ► • • • Total, all districts $6,111, 735,511 4,427,995,036 1,683,740,475 87,998,161 301,434, 254 389,432,415 1,578,896 1,292,729,164 399 33:333:383 203,616 155,521 48,095 1,292,777,259 1,172,864,100 21,577,355 12,871,434 16,003,012 410,018 3,511,668 42,372,158 5,430,938 23,736,972 6,187,230 3,508,073 161,340,051 70,495,064 39,805,885 4,547,772 126,140 3,352,441 1,432,953 416,709,164 1,709,486,423 112,934, 020 11,278,252 18,976,106 2,198,965 1,500, 481 69,722,885 170,841,490 7,532,846 4,822,631 1,167,800 495,510,396 12,305,849 3,935,284 29,454 5,082,098 470,511 922,309,068 787,177,355 9,898,180 248,492,874 4,671,915 1,114,455 264,177,424 522,999,931 545,375,345 8,333,685 6,133,689 2,000,334 5,950,474 124,925, 058 692,718,585 22,375,414 1,159,138 182,538,036 6,263,061 178,606 15,676,570 1,299,985 24,556,106 6,049,545 77,779,991 337,876,452 354,842,133 3,152,889,080 3,507,731, 213 431,030,910 4,677,373,174 1,403,265,988 7.09 Eastern district $2,732,315,741 2,004,156,766 728,158,975 40,882,442 122,170,210 163,052,652 874,281 564,232,042 1,235,819 1,079,477 156,342 64,225 92,117 564,324,159 503,494,490 8,530,483 4,310,711 5,882,023 310,109 1,221,761 20,875,000 2,508,113 13,960, 234 3,844,211 2,185,941 65,364,855 23,136,340 20,764,581 4,012,061 39,679 3,352,441 507,485 180,806,028 745,130,187 53,203,649 4,589,566 7,564,790 2,064,419 686,010 33,759,205 101,191,805 5,410,386 3,679,368 885,884 181,674,281 6,102,491 1,431,791 20,092 5,056,368 2,098,703 409,418,808 335,711,379 7,194,883 116,177,836 3,519,462 1,114,455 128,006,636 207,704,743 210,896,999 3,837,327 1,317,512 1,248,171 1,797,796 91,376,752 310,474,557 3,192,256 38,699 60,819,103 2,215,105 3,103,570 65,813 13,436,698 1,334,761 52,681,854 136,756,233 173,718 1,064,430,527 1,238,148,851 176,996,939 2,050, 359, 669 404,638,950 7.21 Southern district $1,033,102,115 749,058, 018 284,044,097 16,431,859 54.703.907 71,135,766 243,571 212,664,760 2,254, 2,241,431 323235295 13,099 13,099 212,664,760 213,180,842 10,302,962 2,168,103 3,418,475 8,625 621,069 6,163,240 506, 306 2,405,648 720,160 1,014 14,682,403 10,361,148 5,231,636 296,718 133,540 57,021,047 269,685,807 7,918,051 1,684,056 3,848,543 54,216 241,160 8,420,366 16,500, 820 772,412 146,088 56,973 89,753,451 829,827 894,667 6,237 499,778 131,626,645 138,059,162 666,341 10,645, 216 902, 904 12,214,461 125,844,701 128,098,822 601,912 1,236,343 313,065 2,850,796 6,070,847 139,171,785 2,254,121 613,768 70,081, 229 3,221,268 178,606 1,430,109 200,000 2,334,992 269,737 2,102,016 82,685,846 56,485,939 711,528,012 768,013,951 80,726,445 844,123,100 173,776,450 7.93 Western district $2,346,317,655 1,674,780,252 671,537,403 30,683,860 124.560,137 155,243,997 461,044 515,832,362 47,050 12,875 34,175 78,197 44,022 515,788, 340 456,188,768 2,743,910 6,392, 620 6,702,514 d 91,284 1,668,838 15,333,918 2,416,519 7,371,090 1,622,859 1,321,118 81,292,793 36,997,576 13,809,668 238,993 86,461 791,928 178,882,089 694, 670, 429 51,812,320 5,004,630 7:562,773 80,330 573,311 27,543,314 53,148,865 1,350,048 997,175 224,943 224,082, 664 5.373.531 1,608,826 3,125 25,730 1,872,030 381,263, 615 313,406,814 2,036,956 121,669.822 249,549 123,956,327 189,450,487 206,379,524 3,894,446 3,579,834 439,098 1,301,882 27,477,459 243,072,243 16,929,037 506,671 51,637,704 826,688 11,142,891 1,165,798 8,784,416 4,445,047 22,996,121 118,434,373 124,637,870 1,376,930,541 1,501,568, 411 173,307,526 1,782,890,405 824,850.588 6.65 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Freight Passenger 123457BO 6 Mail 7 Express 9 10 | Switching 11 Special service train Excess baggage Sleeping car Parlor and chair car 12 | Other freight-train 13 | Water transfers--freight 14 Water transfers--passenger 000 o no ☹ # SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 17 18 Freight 19 Passenger 20 Excess baggage 21 22 | Mail 23 Express 24 Special service 25 Other 26 27 Dining and buffet 28 | Hotel and restaurant 40 ·· 15 Water transfers--vehicles and live stock 16 Water transfers--other Total rail-line transportation revenue 41 Other passenger-train Milk 43 37❘ Power 38 39 444 ·· 29 30 Parcel room 31 Storage--freight 32 | Storage--baggage 33 mot ► • 35 Grain elevator 36 Stockyard ·· ·· Other passenger service • .. RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES ·· Total water-line transportation revenue Station, train, and boat privileges Demurrage Telegraph and telephone • 42 Joint facility--DI. · Joint facility--Cr. ·· Rents of buildings and other property Miscellaneous Total incidental operating revenue • Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures Superintendence 46 Roadway maintenance--yard Roadway maintenance--other 48 Roadway--depreciation--yard Roadway--depreciation--other 50 Underground power tubes--yard 51 Underground power tubes--other 52 Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard Underground power tubes--depreciation--other Tunnels and subways--yard Tunnels and subways--other 56 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard 57 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other Item Ballast--yard Ballast-other 67 68 Ties--depreciation--yard 69 Ties--depreciation--other 70 Rails--yard Rails--other 71 72 Rails--depreciation--yard Rails--depreciation--other • 73 74 Other track material--yard • 75 Other track material--other 76 63 Elevated structures--other 64 Elevated structures--depreciation--yard 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other 66 | Ties--yard Ties--other ... ·· 58 | Bridges, trestles, and oulverts--yard 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other 62 Elevated structures--yard ·· ·· Other track material--depreciation--yard 79 80 Ballast--depreciation--yard 81 Ballast-depreciation--other 82 Track laying and surfacing--yard ……. • 77 Other track material--depreciation--other 78 .. • • • 83 Track laying and surfacing--other 84 Right-of-way fences--yard 85 Right-of-way fences--other 86 Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard 87 Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. • • • • · • ·· ·· • • • • Total, all districts $4,680,455,593 901,018,801 5,796,340 1,282,089 1,187,967 104,385,255 142,579,632 16,155,030 36,671,191 66,287,572 2,010,737 529,777 1,171,282 2,247,031 5,317,041 1,395,338 5,968,490,676 10,691,733 1,311,064 2,791 23,578 13,682 19,416 643,488 551,105 13,256,857 33,809,376 7,404,716 6,829,161 1,284,689 3,792, 292 601,343 16,938,869 2,581,054 1,337,655 878,269 6,785,365 9,318,503 30,028,321 121,589,613 12,169,003 3,770,638 8,398,365 6,111,735,511 58,434,244 9,298,119 74,087,252 2,361 316,352 40,219 2,321,158 25 7,831 1,852,105 40,354,593 28,527 1,488,473 249,528 92,317 14,737,559 99,349,845 243,638 2,151,670 4,792,493 45,252,589 84,342 707,816 8,593,549 39,693,270 239,623 828,893 903,055 18,488,592 2,481 375,195 25,996,422 181,436,839 72,809 4,990,402 447 1,830 Eastern district $2,011,313,942 474,824,041 2,281,168 18,514 276,590 40,383,572 65,138,284 6,550,184 26,499,602 29,958,426 707,981 333,752 868,620 1,598,959 3,181,883 1,124,109 2,665,059,627 1,353,979 654,223 541 5,894 13,383 15,598 21,845 1,410 2,066,873 15,242,373 2,023,503 4,705,749 951,109 1,981, 929 290,084 9,947,671 509,402 1,171,409 9,121 6,410,782 6,648,027 12,685,063 62,576,222 3,886,148 1,273,129 2,613,019 2,732,315,741 22,867,061 4,870,332 25,831,759 298 2,383 34,805 896,395 25 153 1,349,636 13,050,989 21,966 801,279 248,030 91,242 ... 7,416,960 34,228,395 2,473 8.223 2,956,303 18,020,878 2.935 35,021 4,795,718 17,509,725 2,483 6.597 592,949 6,464,840 572 8,026 13,976,254 70, 482,722 36,064 1,384,579 22 5,313 Southern district $833,976,443 129,564,561 882,505 23,166 135,356 17,739,372 21,125,609 1,985,452 1,236,150 7,984,337 435,475 7,052 51,788 40,481 4,815 219,524 1,015,412,086 5,117,012 591,933 657,811 95,883 780,618 52,116 2,246,594 89,307 28,537 4,550 208,572 836,643 5,478,297 16,187,873 1,932,797 430,641 1,502,156 1,033,102,115 10,373,717 1,238,524 16,352,508 d 280.133 4,484 499,219 122,401 8,183,696 1,596 540,634 2,347,335 18,673,583 242, 658 2,272,608 552,100 8,647,548 83,329 942,424 915,922 5,245,640 226,463 847,411 70,722 4,734,286 2,965 392,346 3,109,410 29,526,234 2,548 615,807 56 13,857 Western district $1,835,165,208 296,630,199 2,632,667 1,240,409 776,021 46,262,311 56,315,739 7,619,394 8,935,439 28,344,809 867,281 188,973 250,874 607,591 2,130,343 51,705 2,288, 018, 963 9,337,754 656,841 a 2,250 17,684 299 3,818 621,643 549,695 11,189,984 13,449,991 4,789,280 1,465,601 237,697 1,029,745 259,143 4,744,604 1,982,345 137,709 864,598 166,011 1,833,833 11,864,961 42,825,518 6,350,058 2,066,868 4,283,190 2,346,317,655 25,193,466 3,189,263 31,902,985 2,063 38,602 930 925,544 7,678 380,068 19,119,908 4,965 146,560 1,498 1,075 4,973,264 46,447,867 3,453 112,715 1,284,090 18,584,163 3,948 199,587 2,881,909 16,937,905 15,643 11,921 239,384 7,289,466 88 9.125 8,910,758 81,427,883 34,197 2,990,016 525 10.374 7 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 10 8 No. 1234567 8 9 10 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--other 5 Crossings and signs--yard 6 Crossings and signs--other Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard Crossings and signs--depreciation--other Station and office buildings ·· Station and office buildings--depreciation 11 Roadway buildings 12 Roadway buildings--depreciation 13 Water stations 14 Water stations--depreciation 15 Fuel stations RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other 16 Fuel stations--depreciation 17 Shops and enginehouses ·· 18 Shops and enginehouses--depreciation 19 Grain elevators 20 Grain elevators--depreciation 21 Storage warehouses 22 Storage warehouses--depreciation 23 Wharves and docks 24 Wharves and docks--depreciation 42 43 44 .. 25 Coal and ore wharves 26 Coal and ore wharves--depreciation 27 28 Gas producing plants Gas producing plants--depreciation .. Item 29 Telegraph and telephone lines 30 Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation Signals and interlockers 31 Signals and interlockers--depreciation 39 Power transmission systems 40 Power transmission systems--depreciation 41 Paving--depreciation Power distribution systems Power distribution systems--depreciation .. ·· 33 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines 34 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation 35 Power plant buildings .. 36 Power plant buildings--depreciation 37 Power substation buildings ·· 38 Power substation buildings--depreciation 45 Underground conduits 46 Underground conduits--depreciation ... 47 Miscellaneous structures 48 Miscellaneous structures--depreciation 49 Paving 50 51 Roadway machines 52 Roadway machines--depreciation Small tools and supplies 58 59 Other expenses 60 • • Power line poles and fixtures Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation • Removing snow, ice, and sand 55 Assessments for public improvements 56 Injuries to persons 57 Insurance Stationery and printing 65 Superintendence 66 Shop machinery 67 Shop machinery--depreciation 68 Power plant machinery 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 Other locomotives--repairs 76 • · Other locomotives--depreciation Other locomotives--retirement s .. Power plant machinery--depreciation Power substation apparatus Power substation apparatus--depreciation Steam locomotives--repairs Steam locomotives--depreciation Steam locomotives--retirement s • • ·· 77 78 | Freight-train cars--repairs 79 Freight-train cars--depreciation Freight-train cars--retirements Passenger-train cars--repairs 80 81 82 Passenger-train cars--depreciation Passenger-train cars-retirements 83 84 Motor equipment of cars--repairs • 88 Floating equipment--depreciation 89 Floating equipment--retirements Total, above accounts 61 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 62 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr. 63 Equalization--way and structures 64 Total maintenance of way and structures Maintenance of Equipment • • ·· • 85 Motor equipment of cars--depreciation 86 Motor equipment of cars--retirements 87 Floating equipment--repairs d Deficit or other reverse item. • • ·· .. ·· • .. • • • • • · Total, all districts $7,605 1,158,843 67 190 1,270,449 11,822,055 2,027 66,093 32,672,813 1,122,554 4,901,673 69,545 9,898,268 132,673 4,438,990 68,538 25,508,310 485,618 563,677 122,443 80,603 4,417,414 116,143 2,726,166 981,163 39,456 14 11,524,631 16,684 32,156,373 207,173 35 657,072 146,004 43,835 17,798 372,306 57,784 3,381,263 292,367 799,927 76,252 33,466 7,718 541,100 3,416 553,394 65 7,053,346 10,399 10,759,423 5,693,494 513,032 5,679,634 3,928,654 1,219,186 629,718 825,928,144 37,724,726 25,879,875 132,752 837,905,747 45,198,138 23,998,379 772,206 4,947,210 722,519 623,260 62,214 404,670, 724 57,150,214 6,251,060 4,016, 205 1,304,549 57.073 325,276,852 115,672,146 16,114,311 76,208,287 19,112,346 1,997,609 3,569,686 1,321,453 59,583 10,362,602 3,569,810 401,556 Eastern district $5,418 61,761 4 599,608 6,219,973 1,849 61,724 15,641,729 542,345 1,349,246 381 $390,267 55,923 1,919,000 36,641 12,021,411 300, 629 492,150 106,388 41,917 2,883,097 45,037 1,720,144 226,421 21,209 5,244,277 546 19,003,409 176,261 400,918 113,267 31,162 15,580 245,998 57,626 2,572,516 291,259 397,406 d 76,135 31,199 7,504 301,186 185,500 2,605,142 84 4,130,794 3,452,334 199,317 2,562, 203 2,026,765 452,028 410,888 340,594,682 15,977,329 10,751,643 977 345,820,368 20,231,661 11,671,444 446,078 3,143,324 655,107 561,907 40,158 180,413,283 26,188,246 3,555,233 3,052,016 847,197 d 57.073 154,182,354 49,996,026 8,559,978 35,771,185 9,510,329 1,043,821 2,136,433 925,762 20,749 8,040,084 2,106,912 289,119 Southern district $820 139,649 1,723,863 1,044 5,058,074 233,011 1,104,176 23,246 1,634,102 64,234 718,839 21,712 3,133,647 128, 220 31,357 2,400 38,597 3글​, 679,346 69,872 684,256 137,968 1,931,581 10,637 4,875,237 23,789 35 33 14,640 4,176 336 65,881 314,521 225,872 251 17,974 13 57,755 1,056,757 056, 2,627 1,875,051 170,984 75,269 807,646 545,722 190,349 45,337 144,476,256 6,305,056 4,893,084 145,888, 228 7,742,756 3,424,808 302,139 522,464 22,499 26,196 3,834 76,977,443 10,124,678 596,127 492,666 197,495 58,670, 891 23,695,778 2,710,437 11,838,555 2,923,377 104,910 244,256 177,045 305,822 60,060 39,075 Western district $2,187 1,096,262 71 265 531,192 3,878,219 178 3,325 11,973,010 347,198 2,448,251 46,680 4,873,899 12,516 1,801,151 10,185 10,353,252 56,769 40,170 13,655 854,971 1,234 321,766 616,774 18,247 14 4,348,773 5,501 8,277,727 7,123 222,669 18,097 8,497 1,882 60,427 158 494,226 1,108 176,649 117 2,016 214 221,940 3,403 310,139 65 3,391,44 7,856 4,753,578 2,070,176 238,446 2,309,785 1,356,167 576,809 173,493 340,857,206 15,442,341 10,235,148 132,752 346,197,151 17,223,721 8,902,127 23.989 1,281,422 44,913 35,157 18,222 147,279,998 20,837,290 2,099,700 471,523 259,857 112,425,607 41,980,342 4,843,896 28,598,547 6,678,640 848,878 1,188,997 218,646 38,834 2,016,696 1,402,838 73,362 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. HAMAINONTON! I am ¦ 1 Work equipment--repairs 2 Work equipment--depreciation Work equipment--retirements Miscellaneous equipment--repairs 5 Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation Miscellaneous equipment--retirements 7 | Injuries to persons 8 Insurance 10 11 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 --Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 9 | Stationery and printing 15 .. RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded Total Other expenses 12 Maintaining joint equipment--Dr. 13 Maintaining joint equipment--Cr. 14 Equalization--equipment 16 Superintendence 17 Outside agencies 18 | Advertising 19 20 21 47 48 Total maintenance of equipment ……… Traffic associations Fast freight lines 22 23 24 Other expenses 25 ·· Total traffic 26 Superintendence 27 Dispatching trains 28 | Station employees Industrial and immigration bureaus Insurance Stationery and printing ·· Station supplies and expenses 32 Yardmasters and yard clerks 33 Yard conductors and brakemen Yard switch and signal tenders 35 Yard enginemen 36 Yard motormen · 43 Enginehouse expenses--yard 44 Yard supplies and expenses 45 Train enginemen 46 Train motormen Fuel for train locomotives 29 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus 30 Coal and ore wharves 31 • Train power produced 49 Train power purchased 50 Water for train locomotives • • 53 | Enginehouse expenses--train 54 | Trainmen 55 Train supplies and expenses 56❘ Operating sleeping cars 57 58 59 Drawbridge operation ..... Item 37 Fuel for yard locomotives 38 Yard switching power produced 39 Yard switching power purchased 40 Water for yard locomotives 41 Lubricants for yard locomotives 42 Other supplies for yard locomotives Stationery and printing Transportation--Rail Line • 69 Loss and damage--freight 70 Loss and damage--baggage Traffic .. ·· Lubricants for train locomotives 77 Operation of vessels 78 Operation of terminals 79❘ Incidental 80 51 52 Other supplies for train locomotives · • Signal and interlocker operation Crossing protection • ·· 60 Telegraph and telephone operation 61 Operating floating equipment 62 Express service 63 64 Other expenses 65 Insurance 66 Clearing wrecks 67 Damage to property 68 ·· Damage to live stock on right of way ·· • · 71 | Injuries to persons 72 | Operating joint yards and terminals--Dr. 73 Operating joint yards and terminals--Cr. 74 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr. 75 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Cr. 76 Total transportation--Rail line • • Transportation--Water Line Total transportation--Water line · Total, all districts $17,323,992 5,479,376 1,481,493 496,820 396,174 62, 584 5,151, 334 6,403,848 1,766,607 1,403,800 1,163,293,874 ,769,305 136,259 15,000 1,166,941,920 39,050, 526 51,633,022 17,209,153 3,356,221 51,480 2,768,293 73,869 10,669,309 195,994 125,007,867 68,302,948 33,229,488 297,607,740 5,594,284 7,822,338 20,481,937 62,383,917 151,002,101 12,675,748 91,690,009 1,156,152 57,992,476 183,629 456,034 4,266,917 1,199,924 1,300,980 27,580,207 3,748,091 223,841,675 5.993,494 296,193,114 2,612, 205 7,490,109 21,111,209 7,174,019 5,456,741 75,997,561 259,185,409 82,846,846 687,785 25,973,666 20,660,029 2,016,892 10,874,771 29,236,714 36,129 12,056,399 7,120,918 3,105,425 6,476,538 4,260,084 2,493,693 33,153,973 318,043 30,200, 823 67,374,873 33,581,139 16,248,703 14,150,658 2,061,140,963 4,384,573 4,092,137 309,495 8,786,205 Eastern district $7,511,990 2,130,284 926,769 244,550 174,832 37,199 2,959,893 3,275,896 860,442 757,918 542,211,106 3,436,140 2,089,861 543,557,385 17,726,957 17,218,747 5,292,052 1,329,398 44,015 596,593 43,010 4,199,022 106,360 46,556,154 34,498,856 15,875,410 138,963,704 1,164,132 5,188,453 10,597,063 32,286,037 79,001,341 8,268,571 47,249,996 1,063,009 27,122,213 178,004 417,318 2,018,139 611,083 628,960 13,169,755 2,182,539 95,387,789 3,534,244 114,517,443 1,669,831 5,318,676 8,485,287 2,788,659 2,300,954 35,366,862 109,836,476 39,255,373 11,892 16,632,956 14,100,630 1,062,486 4,801,576 24,016,832 36,129 5,892,507 5,076,214 1,411,459 3,407,090 1,937,134 160,994 14,752,277 227,115 14,963,083 27,896,686 13,787,975 7,604,614 6,818,452 962,331,424 1,238,850 140,762 22,031 1,401,643 Southern district $2,695,488 1,030,628 179,508 61,826 56,040 6,729 636,676 600, 084 274,286 260,506 207,005,082 1,388,227 919,911 207,473,398 7,750,231 10,306,297 2,053,511 591,086 720,990 5.347 2,798,667 12,536 24,238,665 11,641,873 6,891,489 51,596,692 1,326,013 1,157,898 2,771,672 11,225,582 23,904,574 1,452,074 14,124,472 1,552 7,819,749 616,249 194,795 251,774 4,968,982 729.556 39,650,487 608,793 45,474,177 532,235 752,595 3,495,027 1,429,757 1,006, 754 13,081,884 46,145,465 13,378,264 9,656 2,596,110 1,732,693 363,049 1,390,176 544,335 1,950,490 682,368 552,402 1,251,730 758,684 869,778 5,362,534 38,945 4,993,563 14,432,916 9,916,352 1,883,518 1,837,062 333,889,967 Western district $7,116,514 2,318,464 375,216 190, 444 165,302 18,656 1,554,765 2,527,868 631,879 385,376 414,077,686 2,944,938 1,126,487 15,000 415,311,137 13,573,338 24,107,978 9,863,590 1,435,737 437: 7,465 1,450, 710 25,512 3,671, 620 77,098 54,213,048 22,162,219 10,462,589 107,047,344 3,104,139 1,475,987 7,113,202 18,872,298 48,096,186 2,955,103 30,315,541 91,591 23,050, 514 5,625 38, 716 1,632,529 394,046 420,246 9,441,470 835,996 88,803,399 1,850,457 136,201,494 410,139 1,418,838 9,130,895 2,955,603 2,149,033 27,548,815 103,203,468 30,213,209 666,237 6,744, 600 4,826,706 591,357 4,683,019 4,675,547 4,213,402 1,362,336 1,141,564 1,817,718 1,564,266 1,462,921 13,039,162 51,983 10,244,177 25,045,271 9,876,812 6,760,571 5,495,144 S 764,919,572 3,145,723 3,951,375 287,464 7,384,562 9 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 10 No. H&MT i 1 Dining and buffet service 7 2 Hotels and restaurants Grain elevators Stockyards Producing power sold Other miscellaneous operations 8 9 10 11 12 1.0 13 14 15 16 21 w wwwww... SUMMARY NO. 1---RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 35 17 Other expenses 18 General joint facilities--Dr. 19 | General joint facilities--Cr. 20 39 40 41 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Concluded Miscellaneous Operations • • Total miscellaneous operations LOVE 53 Salaries and expenses of general officers Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants General office supplies and expenses Law expenses Insurance Relief department expenses Pensions Stationery and printing Valuation expenses 22 Total railway operating expenses 23 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES Maintenance of Way and Structures TསྤTT Item 24 Related solely to freight service • 25 Related solely to passenger and allied services 26 Apportioned to freight service • 27 Apportioned to passenger and allied services • 28 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 29 Total • General 30 Related solely to freight service Related solely to passenger and allied services 32 Apportioned to freight service Apportioned to passenger and allied services ... 34 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total Total general expenses Transportation for investment--Cr. 36 Related solely to freight service 37 Related solely to passenger and allied services 38 Apportioned to freight service • Maintenance of Equipment Traffic 42 Related solely to freight service 44 Related solely to passenger and allied services Apportioned' to freight service .. 45 Apportioned to passenger and allied services 46 | Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 47 Total Apportioned to passenger and allied services ··· Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total 48 Related solely to freight service Related solely to passenger and allied services Apportioned to freight service Apportioned to passenger and allied services Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total Transportation--Rail Line Transportation--Water Line Miscellaneous Operations Related solely to freight service Related solely to passenger and allied services ••• Apportioned to freight service 57 Apportioned to passenger and allied services • 58 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 59 Total ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Total, all districts $41,123,533 7,050,234 1,534,552 693,243 3,213,202 2,090,627 55,705,391 20,735, 282 93,287,122 7,186,577 17,794,231 181, 651 2,585,206 22,344,626 5,110,745 8,501,976 8,710,564 2,208,308 455.574 188,190,714 15,683,771 4,427,995,036 d 72.45 $82,989,884 22,139,082 531,894,549 200, 419,113 463,119 837,905,747 720,042,339 218,839,539 169,794,766 57,410,237 855,039 1,166,941,920 67,594,464 43,165,520 8,264,890 5,982,965 28 125,007,867 1,173,619,724 413,787,219 359,547,583 114,254,381 67.944 2,061,140,963 6,899,584 203,463 1,380,459 266,891 35,808 8,786,205 3,160,434 45,972, 248 1,283,068 893,711 4,395,930 55,705, 391 Eastern district d $19,084,932 1,893,179 1,428,458 20,477 3,085,394 521,087 26,033,527 8,759,857 40,197,875 3,137,580 6,528,813 104,697 1,344,989 11,914,724 2,108,921 3,198,532 3,377,945 823,337 146,461 81, 350, 809 2,894,544 2,004,156,766 73.35 $49,105,416 14,459,314 199,111,560 82,906,044 238,034 345,820,368 346,877,642 111,200,183 63,195,807 21,686,353 597,400 543,557,385 28,490,256 15,052,938 2,181,384 831,576 46,556,154 587,389,417 202,011,113 127,590,368 45,438,223 97.697 962,331,424 628,096 157,889 418,501 197,157 1,401,643 1,761,754 21,908,970 374,372 235,803 1,752.628 26,033,527 Southern district $5,995,458 586,148 27,215 9,510 53,925 43,773 6,716,029 3,336,674 16,520,715 1,204,627 4,067,292 25,283 213,029 2,721,731 951,117 1,439,714 1,620,764 286,731 61,115 32,326,562 1,474,831 749,058,018 72.51 $13,218,714 2,351,609 96,852,893 33,465,012 145,888,228 139,503,592 36,541,837 25,160,828 6,267,141 207,473,398 15,759,495 6,633,803 1,351,429 493,938 24,238,665 187,921,100 61,658,455 65,293,392 19,017,020 333,889,967 60,386 6,477,834 136,863 36,572 4,374 6,716,029 Western district $16,043,143 4,570,907 78,879 663,256 73,883 1,525,767 22,955,835 8,638,751 36,568,532 2,844,370 7,198,126 51,671 1,027,188 7,708,171 2,050,707 3,863,730 3,711,855 1,098,240 247,998 74,513,343 11,314,396 1,674,780, 252. 71.38 $20,665,754 5,328,159 235,930,096 84,048,057 225,085 346,197,151 233,661,105 71,097,519 81,438,131 29,456,743 257,639 415,911,137 23,344,713 21,478,779 4,732,077 4,657,451 28 54,213,048 398,309,207 150,117,651 166,663,823 49,799,138 29,753 764,919,572 6,271,488 45,574 961,958 69,734 35,808 7,384,562 1,338,294 17,585,444 771,833 621,336 2,638,928 22,955,835 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. ༠Şཌ ལུ .1 Related solely to freight service 2 Related solely to passenger and allied services 11 Apportioned to freight service Apportioned to passenger and allied services 5 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services.. 6 Total 12 Related solely to freight service 8 Related solely to passenger and allied services 9 Apportioned to freight service ·· 10 Apportioned to passenger and allied services KKKK 35 36 Related solely to freight service 13 14 Related solely to passenger and allied services 15 Apportioned to freight service •• 16 Apportioned to passenger and allied services ·· 17 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services.. 18 Total 37 38 D SUMMARY NO. 1– RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 19 Miles of road 20 Miles of second main traok 21 Miles of third main track 22 Miles of fourth main track 23 Miles of all other main tracks 24 Miles of yard track and sidings 25 Total, all tracks 41 HOME WOH ou SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES--Concluded General 42 26 Miles of road 27 Miles of second main track 28 Miles of third main track 48 ៨៥ སབས་ GAVI 56 29 Miles of fourth main track • 30 Kiles of all other main tracks 31 Miles of yard track and sidings 32 Total, all tracks Transportation for Investment--Or. Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services.. Total • Total Operating Expenses MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1928 ·· Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars Item MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1928 .. ··· Steam locomotives: Number at close of year Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year Number retired during year Electric locomotive units: Number at close of year: Box cars Flat cars EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE Fumber at close of year Total tractive power (pounds) Fumber installed during year ..... Number retired during year Aggregate capacity (tons): Box oars Flat oars Stock oars Coal cars Tank cars Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total ... Freight-carrying Cars Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total Includes 21,486.98 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 7,690.62 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 4,355.89 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 9,440.47 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 23,679.08 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 8,688.00 miles operated under trackage rights. • • 12 1/ 5/ 2/ Total, all districts $49,571,058 11,420,023 93,384,102 33,364,948 450,583 188,190,714 15,283,051 292,195 90,134 18,391 15,683,771 2,088,594, 436 755,234,899 1,165,459, 283 412,573,855 6,132,563 4,427,995,036 240,779.01 36,499.58 3,159.75 2,215.32 380.68 120,481.61 176,306.36 21,870.72 2,091.68 1,541.07 209.39 83,099.93 285,119.15 58,839 2,579,795,850 942 3,036 552 26,966, 200 1,056,836 100,110 83,963 926,928 9,960 42,295 77.585 2,297,677 2,712.35 1,971.84 82.41 2/ 46,187.74 403,515.95 6/ 129,020.57 42,937,497 4,277,758 3,099.214 49,210,065 Eastern district 440,640 1,382,735 3,979,495 105,327,404 $25,096,113 6,321,699 36,572,855 12,912,974 447,168 81,350,809 2,745,353 119,909 21,783 7,499 2,894,544 1,036,603,341 370,992, 197 429,423,064 164, 200, 631 2,937,533 2,004,156,766 59,478.54 18,587.69 33,250.95 9,199.71 1,719.12 1,347.16 78.83 10/ 26,089.45 71,685.22 25,511 1,159, 300, 440 406 1,469 396 18,751,000 59 13 450,286 21,098 14,728 544,442 205 4.747 21, 248 1,056,754 18,900, 453 938,916 596,905 29,388,018 4,103 155,755 1,108,192 51,092,342 Southern district $8,973,103 1,515,982 16,489,042 5,348,435 32,326,562 1,438,223 7,214 22,209 7,185 1,474,831 363,998,167 115,172, 306 205,262,238 64,620,933 4,374 749,058,018 45,760.30 5,670.18 125.80 48.41 277.58 3/ 21,238.93 Z/ 73,121.20 35,181.16 4,034.10 120.06 44.29 109.87 11/ 15,883.22 55,372.70 11,054 485,715,020 186 327 3,217,000 168,466 22,551 7,797 208,698 22 431 7.763 420,728 6,223,778 938,326 292, 280 11,396,832 980 165,880 370,888 19,388,964 Western district 11 $15,501,842 3,582,342 40,322,205 15,103,539 3,415 74,513,343 11,099,475 165,072 46,142 3.707 11,314,396 687,992,928 269,070,396 530,773,981 183,752,291 3,190,656 1,674,780, 252 212323525 135,540.17 12,241.71 321.60 195.07 20.69 4/ 53,054.94 8/201,374.18 7/ Includes 3,787.23 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 11,203.85 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 14,563.91 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 4,097.64 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 3,268.97 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 7,197.30 miles of industrial tracks. 107,874.25 8,636.91 252.50 149.62 20.69 12/ 41,127.26 158,061.23 22,274 934,780,390 350 1,240 122 4,998, 200 6 438,084 56,461 61,438 173,788 9.733 32,117 48,574 820,195 17,813,266 2,400,516 2,210,029 8,425,215 435.557 1,061,100 2,500,415 34,846,098 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 12 No. 1234567 9 10 11 12 160 HH 345 13 14 15 16 HHA 789 17 18 19 22222223 20 21 222 M+5 23 24 22 26 27 28 29 wwww www. 32 33 * nom am invento 40 41 42 SUMMARY NO. 1–RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) FRANKA 55 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded Number installed during year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars Number of units at close of year Number of units installed during year 25 Number of units retired during year • • Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total Number retired during year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars.. Coal carS Tank cars Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total Number at close of year Number installed during year Number retired during year • In replacement: Item All Classes of Passenger-train Cars Number at close of year Number installed during year Number retired during year 38 Average number Compensation-- 39 • All Classes of Company Service Equipment In replacement: 4 • Number of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges • Total Service days-- • In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges . ·· Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges .. Floating Equipment In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks Miles of yard track and sidings Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges TIES LAID DURING YEAR ·· Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total Service hours-- RAILS LAID DURING YEAR Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for · Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total EMPLOYEES 47 48 Amount of compensation ohargeable to operating expenses CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES • ·· ·· Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service In passenger service In mixed-train service ·· • In special service In yard-switching service In work service Grand total, all services 7 Does not include data for 279 linear feet of steel ties. Does not include data for 171 linear feet of steel ties. · . Total, all districts 25,157 4,931 3,635 24,878 224 830 1,842 61,497 34,846 5,119 3,302 38,670 557 2,760 3,741 88,995 53,097 2,524 3,252 108,445 9.335 10,302 bonito e todo 2,408 동구 ​77,390,941 269,062,440 $118,074,069 7,210,117 44,819,863 $11,394,401 3,804,749 $138,695,712 751.48 1,906.92 369,928 $11,663,112 1,656,686 $2,547,929,871 $144,390,520 $2,827,590,471 3544179 3,659,876,340 169,600,727 3,995,134,406 38,862,211 254,763 39,804,203 $2,630,912,415 77,067,413 27,190,106 1,929,953 47,268 20,867,992 2,641,809 129,744,541 Eastern district 10,230 120 292 7,571 + 2/ 35 240 414 18,902 15,228 836 422 18,942 138 367 1,453 37,386 26,285 1,440 1,732 35,186 2,941 4,094 2,087 50 52 20,218,038 98,121,325 $42,212, 230 1,950, 426 16,058,139 $4,123,403 1,657,509 $58,192,780 164.31 572.36 112,659 $3,643,645 714,188 $1,158,672,991 $64,307,280 $1,284,236,049 1,556,769,048 · 73,591,925 1,705,578,915 18,846,244 128,829 19,327,206 $1,196,375,509 31,685,612 11,621,131 368, 394 13,457 10,310, 620 1,208,912 55,208,126 Southern district 3,893 881 208 10,390 400 15,772 4,489 1,133 57 11,676 799 87 18,756 8,282 201 330 18,934 1,153 1,346 115 མས་བ 16,887,570 63,233,097 $23,290,942 749,749 5,911,037 $1,056,298 663,559 $23,946,061 355353938 67.95 234.71 37,076 $1,082,510 314,030 $442,325,311 $23,456,954 $485,924,574 691,068,512 28,267,861 744,375,123 6,268,900 34,217 6,389,037 $457,041,960 15223 15,535,870 4,984,830 376,627 10,030 3,479,191 420,610 24,807,158 Western district 11,034 3,930 3,135 6,917 189 590 1,028 26,823 15,129 3,150 2,308 8,052 4.19 1,594 2,201 32,853 18,530 883 1,190 54,3 241 .868 206 6 40,285,333 107,708,018 $52,570,897 4,509,942 22,850,687 $6,214, 700 1,483,681 $56,556,871 519.22 1,099.85 220,193 $6,936,957 628,468 $946,931,569 $56,626,286 $1,057,429,848 1,412,038,780 67,740,941 1,545,180,368 13,747,067 91,717 14,087,960 $977,494,946 29,845,931 10,584,145 1,184,932 23,781 7,078,181 1,012,287 49,729,257 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 1—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) REVENUE FREIGHT TONNAGE BY GROUPS. OF COMMODITIES Products of agriculture: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Animals and products: Number of carloads $ Products of mines: Revenue Freight Originated Fumber of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Item ... Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Products of forests: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Mamufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Qu Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car • Animals and products: Merchandise All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Products of mines; Products of agriculture: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Total Revenue Freight Carried Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage .. Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Products of forests: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage ·· Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage ·· .. Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage ·· ·· ·· • · • Merchandise All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage • Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage ...... Total, all districts 4,805,375 118,021,911 24.56 2,162,553 25,633,848 11.85 13,527,774 696,583,097 51.49 3,408,066 96,736,937 28.38 11,833,638 312,013,252 26.37 35,737,406 1,248,989,045 34.95 36,953,931 1,285,942,976 10,207,458 225,550,147 9.55 3,724,463 45,723,698 1.94 24,105,343 1,234,485,378 52.27 6,908,757 187,347,241 7.93 24,178,346 605, 255,923 25.63 69,124,367 2,298,362,387 97.32 63,260,249 2.68 2,361,622,636 100.00 Eastern district 962,497 21,450,920 22.29 454,867 6,024,545 13.24 5,818,27 300,507,476 51.65 443,181 11,150,935 25.16 7,120,725 188,643,463 26.49 14,799,541 527,777,339 35.66 18,191,048 545,968,387 3, 255, 721 68,913,104 5.56 1,377,636 18,118,922 1.46 13,599,785 710,562,010 57.37 1,944,457 48,929,125 3.95 14,348,430 359,154,962 29.00 34,526,029 1,205,678,123 97.34 32,929,075 2.66 29,068 1,238,607,198 100.00 Southern district 868,273 14,288,160 16.46 171,680 1,984,692 11.56 3,818,131 203,635,510 1,156,371 29,778,330 25.75 1,447,886 37,205,594 25.70 7,462,341 286,892, 286 38.45 7,280,576 294,172,862 1,944,464 32,695,163 7.66 327,519 4,100,660 .96 4,826,581 252,477,132 59.12 1,939,084 49,671,738 11.63 3,103,099 75,182,037 17.61 P 12,140,747 414,126,730 96.98 12,900,037 3.62 427,026,767 100.00 S Western district 13 2,974,605 82,282,831 27.66 1,536,006 17,624,611 11.47 3,891,372 192,440,111 49.45 1,808,514 55,807,672 30.86 동극​날 ​3,265,027 86,164,195 26.39 13,475,524 434,319,420 32.23 434; 11,482,307 445,801,727 5,007,273 123,941,886 17.81 2,019,308 23,504,116 3.38 5,678,977 271,446,236 39.00 3,025,216 88,746,378 12.75 6,726,81 170,918,924 24.56 22,457,591 678,557,534 97.50 17,431,137 2.50 695,988, 671 100.00 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 14 No. 2 3 Freight--light 4 Passenger 1 Average mileage of road operated .... Train-Miles 5 Mixed 6 ? SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928-Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) Freight--ordinary Special STATISTICS OF RAIL-LINE OPERATIONS Total transportation service Work service 9 10 11 12 Total special 13 Train switching 14 Yard switching--freight 15 Yard switching--passenger #343. Total freight train Total passenger train Total mixed train 16 Total transportation service 17 Work service 44 18 Freight train--loaded 19 Freight train--empty 20 Freight train-caboose 21 Freight train--exclusive work equipment 22 Total freight train Passenger train--dining 26 Passenger train--other 27 • ALOLO 56 ·· 30 31 32 Mixed train--passenger 23 Passenger train--passenger 24 Passenger train--sleeping, parlor, and observation Locomotive-Viles 28 Mixed train--freight--loaded 29 Mixed train--freight--empty .. Total passenger train ·· .. 40 41 Tons--revenue freight Tons--nonrevenue freight 42 Ton-miles--revenue freight 43 33 Mixed train--sleeping, parlor, and observation 34 Mixed train--dining 35 Mixed train--other passenger train 36 Total mixed train 37 Total special train 38 39 Work service ·· Mixed train--caboose Mixed train--exclusive work equipment Car-Miles Total transportation service Item Passengers carried--revenue · Ton-miles--nonrevenue freight Passengers-milės--revenue Ton-miles--revenue freight--per mile of road 47 Ton-miles--revenue freight--per train-mile 48 Ton-miles--revenue and nonrevenue freight--per loaded car-mile Revenue per passenger Revenue per passenger-mile • • • Miscellaneous ... • 49 Passenger-miles--revenue--per train-mile 50 Passenger-miles--revenue--per car-mile 51 Miles hauled--revenue freight 52 Miles carried-revenue passengers 53 Revenue per ton of freight 54 Revenue per ton-mile of freight •• ·· [ • • ·· ·· Total, all districts 240,150.53 573,794, 089 561,599,590 27,492,208 540,816 1,169,441,995 33,236,462 657,719,344 539,159,308 28,238,627 627,486 59,745,579 292,713,255 23,960,855 1,602,164,454 42,025,273 17,663,239,975 10,423,987,620 590,292,054 40,789,362 28,718, 309, 011 1,215,552, 223 1,201,337,242 158,776,183 1,223,067,683 3,798,733,331 155,445,024 88,955,242 2,437,286 1,289,148 30,645,398 713,271 13, 384 16,805,482 296,295,235 8,839,716 32,822,177,293 172,763,012 2,361,622,636 261,112,851 432,915,184,526 40,858,582,800 790,327,447 31,601,341, 798 1,802, 683 718.29 26.59 55.81 12.91 183.31 39.99 $1.98176 $0.01081 $1.13945 $0.02850 Eastern district 59,365.18 214,598,536 3,232,448 234,584,994 5,167,339 186,480 457,769,797 15,134,067 261,508,019 224,787,477 5,283,677 198,420 30,325,523 147,946,886 13,297,465 683,347,467 19,992,801 072,007,972 4,170,944,309 221,639,320 5,919,296 11,470,510,897 582,496,631 473,863,113 54,294,244 523,856,083 1,634,510,071 24,312,796 12,782,589. 953,353 135,558 5,464,514 62,963 195 6,355,681 50,067,649 2,379,675 13,157,468,292 49,955,262 1,238,607,198 100,641,346 183,517,857,811 13,264,760,471 571,801,183 17,386,359,618 3,091,338 827.52 27.73 73.73 16.37 148.16 30.41 $1.62363 $0.01096 $0.83013 $0.02730 Southern district 45,717.38 119,906,532 1,072,319 97,390,928 5,087,628 113,841 223,571,248 5,713,397 129,561, 201 94,807,170 5,187,344 119,921 9,221,853 46,444,647 3,365,563 288,707,699 6,622,762 3,296,244,634 2,105,551,261 122,345,097 6,903,028 5,531,044, 020 203,435,282 191,634,314 26,046,404 196,574,668 617,690,668 23,909,473 12,517,263 432,989 153,614 6,953,930 80,724 1,260 3,056,377 47,105,630 1,766,917 6,197,607,235 25,689,839 427,026,767 51,351,005 91,957,726,895 7,803,436,608 79,005,131 4,033,588,458 2,011,439 735.82 30.05 40.96 10.03 215.34 51.05 $1.95298 $0.00907 $1.63995 $0.03212 Western district 135,067.97 239,289,021 1,710,525 229,623,668 17,237,241 240,495 488,100,950 12,388,998 266,650,124 219,564,661 17,767,606 309,145 20,198,203 98,321,722 7,297,827 630,109,288 15,409,710 294,987,369 147,492,050 246,307,637 27,967,038 11,716,754,094 429,620,310 535,839,815 78,435,535 502,636,932 1,546,532,592 107,222,755 63,655,390 1,050,944 999,976 18,226,954 569,584 2,929 7,393,424 199,121,956 4,693,124 13,467,101,766 97,117,911 695,988, 671 109,120,500 157,439,599, 820 19,790,385, 721 139,521,133 10, 131, 393, 722 1,165,632 615.10 23.94 43.90 10.34 226.21 72.97 $2.63677 $0.01166 $2.12372 $0.02910 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Total number of stockholders 9¬76 FWN a SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 (Does not include lessor companies) 2 Investment in road and equipment 3 Improvements on leased railway property 4 Sinking funds .. Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold 6 Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies 8 Other investments 2222222222 10 Cash 11 12 13 Demand loans and deposits Time drafts and deposits Special deposits 14 Loans and bills receivable 23 Total investments 15 16 | Material and supplies 17 Other ourrent assets 18 19 Deferred assets 24 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET ·· • Miscellaneous accounts receivable Total current assets 20 Discount on capital stock 21 Discount on funded debt 22 Other unadjusted debits Investments • ·· • • Total unadjusted debits Grand total • 25 Capital stock 26 Stock liability for conversion Premium on capital stock 27 28 Total stock 29 Grants in aid of construction Current Assets · Unadjusted Debits 39 Premium on funded debt Operating reserves 40 41 Accrued depreciation • 42 Other unadjusted credits 43 49 50 Profit and 108s--balance 51 30 Funded debt unmatured 31 Receiver's certificates 32 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies 33 Total long-term debt Item Long-Term Debt ·· 34 Loans and bills payable 35 | Miscellaneous accounts payable Other current liabilities 36 37 38 | Deferred liabilities Total current liabilities Current Liabilities Total unadjusted credits Stook Unadjusted Credits • Corporate Surplus • 44 Additions, to property through income and surplus 45 Funded debt retired through income and surplus 46 8inking fund reserves 47 ·· Total appropriated surplus Total corporate surplus • .. Miscellaneous fund reserves 48 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested • INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT 52 Expenditures for new lines and extensions 53 Expenditures for additions and betterments 54 Oredits for property retired 55 Adjustments 56 • • Net charges during year 57 Stocks actually issued during year-par value 58 Funded debt actually issued during year--par value ₫ Deficit or other reverse item, Total, all districts 386 $181,614,391 12,525,299 211,542 1,432,438 5,101,237 15,882,737 5,718,880 222,486,524 12,124,878 1,405,275 4,435,230 900, 737 18,170 5,530,882 2 136 ,950,901 +,361,486 d 34,727,559 5,128,766 3,087,800 1,405,946 2,415,830 6,909,576 269,252,425 43,684,400 43,684,400 311,285 113,247,600 9,714,267 122,961,867 1,257,502 12,028,082 13,285,584 108,856 1,237 14,700,389 12,379,557 27,081,183 9,626,978 2,195,000 751,543 18,337 514,468 ??? 13,106,326 48,712,924 61,819,250 2,472 5,768,188 1,673,639 133.683 3,963,338 2,600,000 289,000 Eastern district 132 $117,004,928 3,003,045 d 315 1,241, 188 3,244,967 4,082,079 128,576,522 6,343,672 900,000 4,260,230 6,885 6,474 3,178,338 2,698,404 3,076,642 20,470,645 504,437 558,602 1,243,922 1,802,524 151,354,128 34,620,000 ::: 34,620,000 57,318,000 2,572,862 59,890,862 343,147 8,933,474 9,276,621 70,904 1,237 8,946,145 5,262,589 14,209,971 6,903,846 18,337 490,734 7,412,917 25,872,853 33,285,770 2,472 3,187,458 1,104,320 128.949 1,956,661 2,600,000 259,000 Southern district $13,391,016 1,432,123 114,686 14,937,825 7 140,327 281,340 256,987 44,664 41,037 764,355 18 47,iig 47,119 15,749,317 2,000,000 2,000,000 311,285 14,000,000 14,000,000 1,934 602,099 604,033 24,607 53,270 42,726 95,996 4,621 4,621 d 1.291.225 ₫ 1,286,604 57,230 50,531 1,057 d 2,244 Western district 247 $51,218,447 9,522,254 211,542 3,745,363 12,637,770 1,636,801 78,972,177 5,640,879 505,275 175,000 2,612,512 15 11,696 2,095,557 1,207,833 1,243,807 13,492,559 4,624,311 3,087,800 847,344 1,124,789 5,059,933 102,148,980 7,064,400 7,064,400 41,929,600 7,141,405 49,071,005 912, 421 2,492,509 3,404,930 13,345 5,700,974 7,074,242 12,775,216 2,718,511 2,195,000 751,543 23,734 5,688,788 24,131,296 29,820,084 2,523,500 508,788 ₫ 5.791 2,008,921 30,000 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 16 No. 12 Moto78 9 10 11 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 OHNM 39 40 Miscellaneous operating income. 15 Total operating income. 16 Net railway operating income... 41 42 17 Hire of freight cars-credit balance. 18 Rent from locomotives... 43 44 12 Net revenue from miscellaneous operations. 13 Taxes on miscellaneous operating property. 14 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 33 Miscellaneous income....... 34 HOME 5 BORENMImer Be D 61 62 63 64 INCOME ACCOUNT 19 Rent from passenger-train cars. 20 Rent from floating equipment. Rent from work equipment. Joint facility rent income. Income from lease of road.. Miscellaneous rent income. Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property. Separately operated properties--profit. Dividend income.. Income from funded securities.. 29 Income from unfunded securities and accounts. 30 31 Income from sinking and other reserve funds. Release of premiums on funded debt.... Contributions from other companies. 65 Railway operating revenues. Railway operating expenses.. Net revenue from railway operations Railway tax accruals: United States Government taxes... Other than United States Government taxes Total railway tax accruals.. Uncollectible railway revenues. Railway operating income. 67 71 35 36 Hire of freight cars--debit balance. 37 Rent for locomotives... 38 72 Revenues from miscellaneous operations. Expenses of miscellaneous operations. 75 · ·· 78 Item .. ·· • Donations.... 66 Miscellaneous credits.... • ·· Total nonoperating income. Gross income... Rent for floating equipment. Rent for work equipment. Joint facility rents.. • Rent for leased roads. Miscellaneous rents.... Miscellaneous tax accruals Rent for passenger-train cars. · • 45 Separately operated properties--1088. 46 Interest on funded debt.. 47 Interest on unfunded debt. 48 49 • ·· 76 77 Miscellaneous debits....... · .. • Total credits during year.... 68 Debit balance transferred from income. ·· .. Amortization of discount on funded debt. Maintenance of investment organization. Income transferred to other companies. 51 Miscellaneous income charges 50 52 Total deductions from gross income. 53 Net income.. 54 Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income. 55 • • • • 56 Income appropriated for investment in physical property. 57 Stock discount extinguished through income. Miscellaneous appropriations of income. 58 59 Total appropriations of income... 60 Income balance transferred to profit and loss.. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Total debits during year. Loss on retired road and equipment. Delayed income debits.... Credit balance transferred from income. Profit on road and equipment sold. Delayed income credits.. Unrefundable overcharges. .. • • ❤ • • • · ·· • • • • • • • 69 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. 70 | Dividend appropriations of surplus. ·· | Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through surplus. 73 Debt discount extinguished through surplus. Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus. · ... ·· ·· · • • • • • · 79 Net increase during year. Balance at beginning of year. 80 81 Balance at end of year. 82 Dividends declared during year.. 83 Par value on which declared-common.. 84 Par value on which declared--preferred. 85 Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent. d Deficit or other reverse item. • • • • • • • • • • • Total, all districts $73,438,605 50,010,646 23,427,959 1,579,519 4,260,371 5,839,890 9,532 17,578,537 117,889 103,122 14,767 2,615 12,152 17,590,689 21,660,637 d 1,780,384 338,632 63 960 3,890 4,375,401 472,481 485,654 128,650 184,275 590,098 208,679 2,300 22,539 8,594,006 26,184,695, 934,784 416,479 11 d 45,700 1,111,656 5,730,509 1,482,183 78,290 5,015,801 25, 212 54,924 658,231 30,301 15,492, 681 10,692,014 82,595 1,271,062 114,334 1,467,991 9,224,023 9,224,023 101,376 16,249 23,760 621,584 9,986,992 60 501,000 20,734 12,610 618,330 240,659 66,223 150,882 1,373,718 8,613,274 40,099,650 48,712,924 2,772,062 23,196,600 11.95 $47,932,667 33,525,561 14,407,106 1,142,123 2,314,752 3,456,875 8,725 10,941,506 117,889 103,122 Eastern district d 14,767 2,615 12,152 10,953,658. 12,726,523 1,365,431 152,093 d 960 24, 314 1,826,910 463,373 197,030 28,017 123,787 299,039 7,301 2,300 21,074 4,463,001 15,416,659 565,253 233,303 11 46.083 783,579 2,630,115 381,691 21,478 2,602,228 3.371 22,786 658,231 12,588 7,868,551 7,548,108 12,949 1,037,200 24,816 1,074,965 6,473,143 6,473,143 98,478 3,432 13,195 578,366 7,166,614 60 450,000 13,195 d £1,450 12,610 663.330 88,624 66,223 123,938 1,091,200 6,075,414 19,797,439 25,872,853 2,487,200 19,220,000 12.94 Southern district $1,634,033 918,737 715,296 128,354 128,354 1 586,941 ::: 586,941 481,102 22,772 238 88,577 35,291 55,716 26. 202,620 789,561 183,482 31,887 281 1,776 5,738 560,000 1,664 3,017 787,845 1,716 ·· 1,716 1,716 19 1,735 48,357 14,150 62,507 60.772 ă 1,230,453 d 1.291,225 Western district $23,871,905 15,566,348 8,305,557 437,396 1,817,265 2,254,661 806 6,050,090 6,050,090 8,453,012 414,953 163,767 27,966 2,459,914 9,108 288,624 65,342 60,488 235,343 201,378 1,439 3,928,385 9,978,475 186,049 151,289 102 326,301 3,100, 394 1,100,492 51,074 1,853,573 20,177 32,138 14,696 6,836,285 3,142,190 69,646 233,862 89,518 393,026 2,749,164 2,749,164 2,898 12,817 10,565 43,199 2,818,643 51,000 7,539 45,000 103,678 12,794 220,011 2,598,632 21,532,664 24,131,296 284,862 3,976,600 7.16 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Freight 2 Excess baggage 48leeping car Passenger 7 Express 8 17 18 Freight 19 | Passenger 20 SUMMARY NO. 2—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1924 Continued (Does not include lessor companies) •..• Parlor and chair car Mail Other passenger-train 9 | Milk 10 Switching 11 Special service train 12 Other freight-train 13 Water transfers--freight 14 Water transfers--passenger • • 15 Water transfers--vehicles and live stock 16 Water transfers--other Total rail-line transportation revenue 21 22 23 Express 24 Special service 25 Other 26 27 28 ăn ĐÃ 40 29 30 Parcel room 31 Storage--freight 32 | Storage--baggage 43 44 ·· Excess baggage Other passenger service Mail 35 Grain elevator 36 Stockyard • RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES Dining and buffet Hotel and restaurant · 33 | Demurrage • 34 | Telegraph and telephone .. 41 Joint facility--Or. • 42 Joint facility--DI. • Total water-line transportation revenue Station, train, and boat privileges • .. ·· • 37 Power 38 Rents of buildings and other property Miscellaneous 39 Total incidental operating revenue Ballast--yard Ballast--other • • 45 Superintendence 46 Roadway maintenance--yard 47 Roadway maintenance--other 48 Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures Roadway--depreciation--yard 49 Roadway--depreciation--other 67 68 Ties--depreciation--yard 69 Ties--depreciation--other 70 Rails--yard • • • .. 50 Underground power tubes--yard 51 Underground power tubes--other Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard Underground power tubes--depreciation--other Tunnels and subways--yard Tunnels and subways--other 56 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard 57 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation-yard 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation-other 62 Elevated structures--yard • Item ·· • 63 Elevated structures--other 64 Elevated structures--depreciation--yard 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other 66 Ties--yard Ties--other ·· • · ·· 71 | Rails--other 72 | Rails--depreciation--yard Rails--depreciation--other 73 74 Other track material--yard 75 Other track material--other 76 Other track material--depreciation--yard 79 80 Ballast--depreciation-yard 81 Ballast--depreciation--other • • ·· .. 82 Track laying and surfacing--yard 83 Track laying and surfacing--other 84 | Right-of-way fences--yard 85 Right-of-way fences--other • ••• 77 Other track material--depreciation--other 78 • • d Deficit or other reverse item. • • • • • • U . • D ·· • Total, all districts $2,766,794 20,916 37 :255 2,025 66,670,942 44,912 1,950 69,507,670 d 56,983 174,652 79.365 41.045 15,122 554,768 634,681 152,793 5,113 424,369 2,150,542 4,289,433 9,197 367,695 d 358.498 73,438,605 614,478 889,514 19,744 7.213 7,873 22,699 288,413 18,978 282,920 46,589 35,250 1,108,887 53,437 687 566,867 23,116 108 809,326 25,769 1.028 92,227 175 54 2,194,178 48,014 2,644 315 Eastern district $2,446,897 44,305,361 44,912 411 46,797,581 56,983 7,892 13,563 28,798 2,323 361,650 152,793 5,113 72,295 438,250 1,139,660 d 9,197 13,771 4.574 47,932,667 399,775 495,333 7.213 3,787 151, 202 15,023 167 726,014 687 387,634 108 503,457 d 1,028 61,950 54 1,344,271 1,390 Southern district $1,570,578 1,570,578 3,480 9,414 508 6,817 27,801 14,991 63,011 ¡¡¡ 444 1,634,033 8,839 11,462 14,909 249 7,990 23, 30,528 9,072 15,443 9,965 11,570 það e 23,527 18,174 224 Western district $319,897 20,916 37 2, 20,795,003 1,539 21,139,511 163,280 65,802 2,833 12,291 186,301 634,681 324,273 1,697,301 3,086,762 354,368 ₫ 354.368 .23,871,905 205,864 382,719 4,835 4,086 22,699 136,962 10,988 267,897 46,422 35,250 359,650 22,909 170,161 7,673 295,904 14,199 30,21 174 826,380 29,840 1,254 91. 17 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 18 NO. 1 Right-of-way fences-depreciation-yard. 2 Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds-other. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation-yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation-other. Crossings and signs-yard.. Crossings and signs-other. SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 19❘ Shops and enginehouses. 20 21 22 23 24 8 10 9 Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard. Crossings and signs--depreciation-other. Station and office buildings.......... 11 12 Station and office buildings--depreciation. 13 Roadway buildings. ... 14 Roadway buildings--depreciation. 15 Water stations. ... 16 Water stations--depreciatio 17 Fuel stations.... 18 Fuel stations--depreciation RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and structures-Concluded 25 Wharves and docks. 26 58 59 60 a apa ☹ 28 ·· Shops and enginehouses-depreciation. Grain elevators.... Grain elevators-depreciation.. Iter Storage warehouses.. Storage warehouses-depreciation. 27 28 29 Gas producing plants... 30 Gas producing plants-depreciation. 31 32 33 62 Wharves and docks--depreciation. 66 Coal and ore wharves.. Coal and ore wharves-depreciation. 38 Power plant buildings-depreciation 39 Power substation buildings. 40 • Telegraph and telephone lines.. Telegraph and telephone lines-depreciati Signals and interlockers. Signals and interlockers-depreciation. Power substation buildings--depreciation. 41 Power transmission systems.. 42 Power transmission systems--depreciation. 43 Power distribution systems...... 44 • · • 35 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines... 36 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation. 37 Power plant buildings.. Paving--depreciation. • 47 Underground conduits.. 48 Underground conduits--depreciation.... Miscellaneous structures.... 49 50 Miscellaneous structures--depreciation. 51 Paving. 52 53 Roadway machines. • 55 Small tools and supplies.... 56 Removing snow, ice, and sand. 57 61 Other expenses. Power distribution systems--depreciation. 45 Power line poles and fixtures. 46 Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation. ·· Insurance... Stationery and printing. Roadway machines--depreciation.. ... ●• • Assessments for public improvements. Injuries to persons.. ... • .. 67 Superintendence. 68 Shop machinery. 69 Shop machinery--depreciation. ·· • Power plant machinery-depreciation.. 70 Power plant machinery. 71 72 Power substation apparatus.... 73 Power substation apparatus--depreciation. 74 Steam locomotives-repairs. 75 Steam locomotives--depreciation. 76 Steam locomotives--retirements. 77 Other locomotives--repairs... 78 Other locomotives--depreciation. 79 Other locomotives-retirements.. 80 81 ··· • Total, above accounts... 63 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Or. 65 Equalization-way and structures. Total maintenance of way and structures. Maintenance of Equipment Freight-train cars-repairs.. Freight-train cars--depreciation. d Deficit or other reverse item. • • ... • • • .. z sąd Total, all districts 167,549 11,296 21,594 ·· 361,920 137,816 55,292 4,340 73,203 4,836 66,852 10,081 272,868 43,260 14,539 31,647 17,420 32,658 243,205 69,853 19,083 14,573 71,891 14,412 11,258 122; 601 325 167 7,713 23,332 3,227 2,306 477 8,451 11,531 25,178 1,427 112,855 116,983 2,817 138,408 89,904 11,294 10,624 9,869,869 867,791 2,259,289 8,478,371 487,057 158,417 34,644 55,517 27,326 551 292 4,444,770 639,442 99,573 2,027,528 464,453 Eastern district M 116,793 315 144,422 19,807 30,960 87 44,117 1,376 33,219 1,653 136,920 7,606 3,914 1,236 29,963 11,271 16,897 14,573 59,442 185,489 154 3,323 2,683 2,305 1,936 1,672 1,726 18,738 178 61,039 79,538 2,639 110,087 34,075 7,124 6,987 5,275,196 828,580 1,414, 289 4,689,487 343,704 100,471 6,183 8,841 55i 3,218,047 396,685 67,787 1,770,994 421,902 Southern district d $1 458 8,298 27,505 3,877 825 2,298 11,818 57,541 2,186 1,803 1,033 163 187 733 2,233 220 3,133 50 46 310,209 1,844 47,258 264,795 15,624 2,530 2,082 88,874 2,504 3,432 d 5.084 Western district $49,298 2,998 21,279 189,993 118,009 20,455 4,253 28,261 3,460 31,335 8,428 124,130 35,654 14,539 31,647 13,506 31,422 155, 701 58,582 10,646 197,601 14,596 772 601 325 167 5,030 21,027 1,291 477 6,912 11,531 5,707 1,249 49,583 37,445 178 28,101 52,696 4,120 3,591 4,284,464 37,367 797,742 3,524,089 127,729 55,416 28,461 44,594 27,326 292 1,137,849 240, 253 28,354 261,618 42,551 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. AAAAAAAA HNMAIN ON TORONATION TO ♫ am w 8 1 Freight-train cars--retirements. 2 Passenger-train cars--repairs. Passenger-train cars--depreciation. Passenger-train cars--retirements. Kotor equipment of cars--repairs. Motor equipment of cars-depreciation. Motor equipment of cars--retirements. Floating equipment--repairs. Floating equipment--depreciation. 10 Floating equipment--retirements. 9 11 12 13 17 18 19 Work equipment-repairs... 14 Work equipment--depreciation. Work equipment-retirements. Miscellaneous equipment--repairs. 15 Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation. Miscellaneous equipment--retirements. Injuries to persons...... Insurance.. 16 Stationery and printing 21 20 Other expenses.. 25 22 26 29 30 31 234 32 22 Maintaining joint equipment-Dr.. 23 Maintaining joint equipment--CI. Equalization--equipment. 24 27 Outside agencies.. 28 33 35 678 36 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1922-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 47 48 49 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded Total.. ផ Superintendence. Advertising. Traffic associations. Fast freight lines. Superintendence.. 37 Dispatching trains. 38 ·· 75 76 Total traffic. 078 77 Total maintenance of equipment Traffic ... • · ··· Industrial and immigration bureaus Insurance.. Stationery and printing. Other expenses. • • .. Yard switch and signal tenders. 45 Yard enginemen. 46 Yard motormen. · • 55 56 | Train motormen. 57 Fuel for train locomotives 58 71 72 Express service.. 73 74 Other expenses. Item Yard supplies and expenses. Train enginemen... Station employees.. 39 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus. Coal and ore wharves. 40 41 Station supplies and expenses. 42 Yardmasters and yard clerks.. 43 Yard conductors and brakemen. .. ... Fuel for yard locomotives. Yard switching power produced. Yard switching power purchased. 50 Water for yard locomotives.. Lubricants for yard locomotives. Other supplies for yard locomotives 53 Enginehouse expenses--yard.. 59 60 61 62 63 Enginehouse expenses--train.. 64 Trainmen.. .. • • • • • Stationery and printing. Transportation--Rail Line ·· • • → · • 79 Loss and damage--freight. 80 Loss and damage-baggage. .. ... • Train power produced. Train power purchased.. Water for train locomotives. Lubricants for train locomotives. • a 65 Train supplies and expenses. 66 Operating sleeping cars. 67 Signal and interlocker operation. 68 Orossing protection. 69 Drawbridge operation.. 70 Telegraph and telephone operation. Operating floating equipment. · .. ❤ • • • · · Other supplies for train locomotives. • Insurance.. Clearing wrecks. Damage to property... 78 Damage to live stook on right of way. • ·· • · ·· ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. • .... · Feaus. •· Total, all districts $18,264 14,215 1,352 57,725 35,403 618 155,719 48,782 3,327 13,695 7,479 62,611 82,974 24,315 1,645 8,931,503 141,034 309,102 8,763,435 140,503 80,001 34,898 15,944 2,119 118 25,535 233 299,351 1,344,069 288,655 5,014,754 38,658 46,878 418,912 2,680,926 8,353,835 755,041 5,833,649 5,077,992 370,476 90,988 103,204 1,267,185 259,628 181,405 119,716 6,791 4.486 6,452 24,203 196,266 73,388 359,601 395,022 37,483 67,343 170,797 239,316 192,181 70, 212 107,500 86,760 184 283,150 251 Eastern district d $11,721 811 258 57,725 35,403 618 96,367 24,993 4,876 4,921 4,281 369 42,637 65,299 16,779 1,244 6,680,025 140,884 126,405 6,694,504 92,600 38,070 7,166 4,518 2,119 117 18,966 179 163,735 903,376 154,344 2,003,432 27,097 42,128 182,061 1,512,083 5,410,766 374,120 3,932,014 3,706,570 258,470 62,282 71,462 935,656 132,353 163,112 103,138 212 ,132 6,318 18,573 171,735 59,629 243,163 237,491 23,323 46,915 170,797 130,489 163,281 52,142 58,015 50,047 100 222,712 Southern district d INAPA $12 607 · • .72 35: 782 274 • • • · •10 15 •789N 03.0 879 183 • 596 113,325 17,029 96,296 29 16,583 6,763 317,856 11,090 4,750 20,796 86,585 135,142 3,524 86,828 109,228 3,599 895 2,856 810 153 50 2,548 568 2,213 6,543 2,295 32,407 11,834 10,097 5,363 27 194 892 1,797 14 920 d d 19 Western district $6,555 12,797 1,094 58,570 23,515 1,549 8,773 3,198 32 19,095 17,492 6,940 372 17; 2,138,153 150 165,668 1,972,635 47,903 41,931 27,732 11,426 1 6,569 54 135,616 424,110 127,548 2,693,466 471 216,055 1,082, 258 2,807,927 377,397 1,814,807 1,262,194 108,407 27,811 28,886 295,719 123,122 18,293 16,628 2,127 424 702 7,843 24,531 7,216 114,143 125,124 2,326 10,331 103,464 28,873 17,876 48,593 34,916 70 59,518 251 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 20 No. 1 Injuries to persons... 2 Operating joint yards and terminals--Dr. 3 Operating joint yards and terminals--Cr. 4 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr.. 5 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Cr. 6 Total transportation--rail line..... 7 Operation of vessels. 8 Operation of terminals. Incidental. 9 10 19 20 21 €2 13 Grain elevators. 14 23 24 11 Dining and buffet service. 12 Hotels and restaurants.. * 35 76 77 7 34 Stockyards……. 15 | Producing power sold... 16 17 36 37 39 £ 5555 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 43 46 ·· 18 Salaries and expenses of general officers.. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. General office supplies and expenses. Law expenses... LİNENİNİON 40 Miles of road.. 41 56 57 58 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Concluded Transportation-Rail Line--Concluded Total transportation--water line... 61 62 63 64 66 67 68 a 25 | Stationery and printing. 26 Valuation expenses. Other expenses. 27 28 General joint facilities--Dr. 29 General joint facilities--Or 30 Total general expenses.... 31 Transportation for investment--Cr... 32 Total railway operating expenses.. 33 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent). Separation Between Services 69 Other miscellaneous operations. Miles of second main track.. 42 Miles of third main track.. Miles of fourth main track. • • Total miscellaneous operations. Insurance.. ... Relief department expenses. Pensions.. Transportation-Water Line Related solely to freight service.. 35 Related solely to passenger and allied services. Related in common to both freight and passenger and allied services: Apportioned to freight service.. Miscellaneous Operations • Apportioned to passenger and allied services. 38 Not related to either freight service or to passenger and allied services.. Total.. · • • • Miles of all other main tracks. 45 Miles of yard track and sidings. Total, all tracks.. Total.. Steam locomotives: • ·· 47 Miles of road... 48 Miles of second main track. 49 Miles of third main track... 50 Miles of fourth main track. • • • • 51 Miles of all other main tracks.. 52 Miles of yard track and sidings. 53 Total, all tracks.... • • • • • • ·· • • • Item Number at close of year: Box cars.. Flat cars. Stock cars Coal cars.. Tank carS. • • · • .. • Number at close of year. Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year. Number retired during year. Electric locomotive units: . · Number at close of year.. Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year. Number retired during year... • • • General MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1928 • • • Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1928 • • · • • • • • • EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE • • ·· • • • ❤ · • • • Freight-carrying Cars · • • • • •• d Deficit or other reverse item. Includes 489.87 miles operated under trackage rightṣ. Includes 427.93 miles operated under trackage rights. •• Total, all districts $685,398 649,410 5,424,182 228,074 513,159 30,192,898 48,696 154,199 154,396 5,992 65,038 428,321 461,444 843,753 107,266 212,795 2,112 2,237 73,541 63,945 200,367 129,532 17,655 195,521 1,919,126 70,856 50,010,646 68.10 $48,329,676 87,752 1,475,798 85,778 31,642 50,010,646 541.75 350.03 9.09 2.64 2,126.62 1/3,030.13 281.40 156.84 1.99 1.15 982.67 1,424.05 918 38,089,570 18 35 1,867 102 5 5,549 1,139 8,666 Eastern district $420,203 618,656 1,836,235 219,566 482,731 20,579,997 48,696 154,396 5,992 25,650 234,734 247,966 614,334 68,497 92,324 1,418 2,237 38,162 39,042 122,754 53,227 14,429 77,322 1,217,068 53,964 33,525,561 69.94 $33,211,537 48,696 233,686 31,642 33,525,561 405.23 276.74 9.09 2.64 1,416.85 2/ 2,110.55 232.24 135.31 1.99 1.15 709.63 1,080.32 616 26,389,170 16 22 1,025 92 5,454 1,139 7,714 d Southern district $2,008 3,194 363,404 120 17,847 537,463 4,469 10,553 914 2,570 22 1,001 62 1,953 82 1,443 20,183 918,737 56.23 $580,970 27.850 348,470 17,147 918,737 20.40 7.68 51.00 3/ 79.08 18.41 7.68 50.06 76.15 15 411,500 "i ទិ៍ Western district $263,187 27,560 3,224,543 8,388 12,581 9,075,438 154,199 39,388 193,587 209,009 218,866 37,855 117,901 672 35,379 23,902 77,551 74,352 3,144 116,756 681,875 16,892 15,566,348 65.21 $14,537,169 66,906 .893,642 68,631 15,566,348 116.12 65.61 658.77 4/ 840.50 최 ​Includes 2.93 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 59.01 miles operated under trackage rights. 30.75 13.85 222.98 267.58 287 11,288,900 2 12 842 10 5 95 952 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. H23457 1 6 DA 9 10 11 12 13 R GEWNE 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MMM 456 www 34 35 36 37 789 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 * *** ANN M 47 48 49 50 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) 51 52 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE-Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars.. Flat cars. Stock cars. 57 58 Coal cars. Tank car8. 60 61 62 63 Total. • • Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars.. • • O 25 Number at close of year. 26 Number installed during year. 27 Number retired during year. • Total... Number installed during year: Box cars.. - Flat cars. Stock cars. Coal cars.. Tank cars. Number at close of year.. 28 29 Number installed during year. 30 Number retired during year. • • · • • .. • · • O ·· Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars.. Total... Number retired during year: Box cars. Flat cars.. Stock cars.. Coal cars. Tank cars. • • 31 Number of units at close of year.. 32 Number of units installed during year. 33 Number of units retired during year.. • ·· • • • · Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. Total. Service days: In replacement: ·· 46 Average number.. In replacement: • Item All Classes of Passenger-train Cars • All Classes of Company Service Equipment D • · • • • · ·· Floating Equipment Number of cross ties. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties. Total charges... Number of tons (2,240 lbs.).. Total charges.. • • · TIES LAID DURING YEAR In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties.. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges.. • RAILS LAID DURING YEAR • ·· In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks.. Miles of yard track and sidings Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges.. Compensation: Straight time actually worked... Overtime paid for.. Total.. Service hours: Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for. • Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for. Total.. EMPLOYEES Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service.. In passenger service.. In mixed-train service.. In special service... In yard-switching service. In work service... Grand total, all services.. • · ► • C ... • • Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses. CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES · · • • Does not include data for 165 linear feet of steel ties. Does not include data for 484 linear feet of steel ties. 1/ cukul Total, all districts 71,565 4,220 150 306,565 200 60,670 443,370 *i 14 "i 16 784 11 2 698 1 1,496 25 527 16 35 MHH 13 1 1 586,744 5,320,910 $1,304,908 90,187 662,117 $177,873 35,495 $1,382,585 7.77 30.09 4,755 $158,599 23,967 $40,665,973 $1,971,203 $43,386,077 53,422,796 2,169,804 56,635,093 647,530 9,283 670,205 $39,360,662 26 SLOVOU 36,949 3,659 1,571,465 21,050 1,633,123 Eastern district 37,925 3,910 302,565 200 60, 670 405,270 "i 1 *14 1 16 320 8 561 1 ::: 890 4 323 11 30 13 1 1 330,577 2,641,590 $787,766 46,448 259,990 $96,116 22,797 $865,473 7.17 12.77 2,429 $85,387 13,698 $24,448,192 $1,385,151 $26,144,827 30,864,817 1,540,424 32,935,719 369,647 798 376,411 $24,900,030 32,868 1,114,219 6,439 1,153,526 Southern district 5 35,868 244, 702 $53,062 1,140 $38,821 927 $1,106,756 $73,065 $1,207,404 1,766,738 103,253 1,905,866 28,675 121 28,998 $1,177,109 23,479 759 24,238 21 Western district 33,640 310 150 4,000 38,100 464 3 2 137 606 21 199 220,299 2,434, 618 464,080 43,739 402,127 $81,757 11,558 $478,291 .60 17.32 2,326 $73,212 9,342 $15,111,025 $512,987 $16,033,846 20,791, 241 526,127 21,793,508 249,208 8,364 264,796 $13,283,523 4,081 3,659 433,767 13,852 455,359 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 22 ·· Kind of mileage: Steam road. Electric line. Steamboat line. Stage line. Airplane.. Total mileage. State or Territory: Alabama.. Arizona. Arkansas. California. Colorado. Connecticut. Delaware... • Montana. Nebraska. Nevada... • • I. II. III. District of Columbia. Florida. Georgia. Idaho.. Illinois.. Indiana. Iowa.... Kansas. Kentucky Louisiana. Maine. Maryland.. Massachusetts. Michigan. Minnesota. Mississippi Missouri.. • · • • .. · • Tennessee. Texas.. Utah. Vermont Virginia. Washington. • ... ·· • ·· New Hampshire. New Jersey. New Mexico.. New York.. · • ·· ·· ·· • • North Carolina. North Dakota. Ohio... Oklahoma. Oregon. Pennsylvania. Rhode Island. South Carolina. South Dakota. • • • ▸ • West Virginia • · • SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 • • • • • • Wisconsin. Wyoming. Alaska. Hawaii. Canada. Mexico. Mileage not assignable 1/.. • · • • Land. Buildings. Equipment: Cars.. Horses... Automobiles. Item • Trucks.. Stable equipment Garage equipment. • Item Wagons and sleighs. Harness and equipment Office furniture and equipment Office safes. • • MILEAGE COVERED BY OPERATIONS Line equipment Shop equipment. Miscellaneous equipment. Total equipment.. Total real property and equipment.. ·· Total 232,747.95 2,929.57 24,289.87 1,360.34 7,748.00 269,075.73 4,780.98 2,351.60 4,449.66 10,362.62 4,779.64 986.53 296.30 49.85 5,281.73 6,658.47 2,755.98 11,942.12 6,909.72 10,700.49 9,519.28 522.37 4,299.96 2,049.27 2,723.47 1,965.26 7,424.20 8,186.03 4,026.40 7,945.91 4,726.79 6,670.16 2,675.54 1,159.38 2,137.01 2,758.23 5,077.28 4,558.68 5,245.09 8,543.19 6,780.09 3,921.82 9,355.62 200.90 .597.75 ,147.49 3,593.57 16,167.84 2,509.01 948.42 5,088.25 6,273.99 3,186.47 51 7,097.35 2,392.38 11,124.30 351.30 4,003.49 96.50 7,720.00 COST OF REAL PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Total $4,663,862 12,223,071 949,351 996,683 19,781,641 1,329,871 210,573 3,086,633 520,441 2,558,056 20,152 577,514 545,971 233,949 51,114 American Railway Exprese Co. 30,861,949 47,748,882 222,769.60 2,891.85 24,021.87 1,334.34 7,748.00 258,765.66 3,178.63 2,351.60 4,449.66 10,362.62 4,779.64 986.53 296.30 42.30 5,016.98 5,359.37 2,755.98 11,623.26 6,673.69 10,700.49 9,519.28 3,140.06 4,259.38 2,049.27 2,544.60 1,965.26 7,424.20 8,186.03 3,230.89 7.943.91 4,726.79 6,670.16 2,675.54 1,159.38 2,137.01 2,758.23 8,077.28 3,087.11 5,245.09 8,542.11 6,780.09 3,921.82 9,319.92 200.90 2,355.24 4,147.49 2,293.15 16,167.84 2,509.01 1/ Covers miscellaneous unassigned mileage, such as transoceanic, coastwise, river, and lake not within the boundaries of any State or Territory. 948.42 3,957.37 6,273.99 3,186.47 7,097.35 2,392.38 11,124.30 351.30 4,003.49 96.50 7,720.00 American Railway Express Co. $4,652,780 12,044,006 949,351 988,799 18,989,088 1,296,717 206,513 2,994,546 495,252 2,489,060 20,093 574,800 529,170 233,949 51,068 Southeastern Express Co. 29,818,406 46,515,192 9,978.35 37.72 268.00 26.00 10,310.07 1,602.35 7.55 264.75 1,299.10 318.86 236.03 382.31 40.58 178.87 795.51 2.00 1,471.57 1.08 35.70 1,242.5i 1,300.42 1,130.88 Southeastern Express Co. $11,082 179,065 7,884 792,553 33,154 4,060 92,087 25,189 68,996 59 2,714 16,801 *46 1,043,543 1,233,690 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Cars: Humber. Inventory value. Horses: Total equipment, inventory value. Number.... Inventory value. Automobiles: Gasoline- ► Electric- Humber. Inventory value. Wagons and sleighs: Wagons, double- SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Continued Number.. Inventory value. Buggies- Wagons, single- Number.. Inventory value. Sleighs- Number.. Inventory value. • Number.... Inventory value.. Harness equipment: Office safes: Number. Inventory value. Trucks: Number. Inventory value. II. ·· III. Inventory value. Office furniture and equipment: Inventory value.. Number. Inventory value. Stable equipment: Inventory value. Garage equipment: Inventory value.. Line equipment: Safes, car- Number... Inventory value. Safes, messenger- Number... Inventory value. Trunks, packing- Shop equipment: • • • • · • · Number.. Inventory value.. Other line equipment- Inventory value.. • • Inventory value.. Miscellaneous equipment: Inventory value. I. Transportation: Express, domestic. Express, foreign. Includes $391,047, inventory value of 387 automobile trailers. Includes $1,132,030, inventory value of 1,887 automobile batteries. Includes $62,068, inventory value of 446 truck batteries. Miscellaneous... Item • • ·· Total transportation.. Contract payments: Express privileges--Dr... Account Revenue from transportation.... Operations other than transportation: Customs brokerage fees. Order and commission.. Rents of buildings and other property Money orders.. 0.0.D. checks.. ·· .. Travelers' cheques. Telegraph and cable transfers Letters of credit. Foreign postal remittances. Profit on exchange and other financial revenue. Miscellaneous. .. • • Total other than transportation.. Total operating revenues.. INVENTORY VALUE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED Total • 1/ $13,000,086 250 $332,072 5,025 $289,745 6,230 $5,737,264 1,667 2/ $2,630,016 2,454 $372,248 2,025 $59,223 1,083 $16, 686 g $113 $46,385 $1,277,898 18,180 $235,068 65,714 3/ $882,714 $9,261 $339,533 2,604 $107,217 8,100 $25,376 9,946 $49,834 $43,524 $105,853 $49,009 ANALYSIS OF OPERATING REVENUES Total $289,397,358 17,015 289,414,373 145,026,198 144,388,175 228,151 4,881 150,739 73323 11,471 2,567,550 207 793,476 3,756,475 148,144,650 American Rail- way Express Co. 1/ $12,651,845 250 $332,072 4,985 $288,981 5,991 $5,486, 406 1,667 2/ $2,630,016 2,432 $370,224 1,945 $53,277 1,083 $16,686 8 $113 $44,057 $1,238,618 17,703 $216,593 63,820 3/ $862,776 $9,243 $337,654 2,469 $102,505 7,788 $24,665 9.333 $48,564 $43,524 $105,853 $48,971 American Rail- way Express Co. $281,533,883 10,758 281,544,641 141,288,099 140,256,542 228,084 4,877 147,813 2,454,802 207 784,339 3,620,122 143,876,664 Southeastern Express Co. $348,241 40 $764. 239 $250,858 22 $2,024 80 $5,946 $2,328 $39,280 477 $18,475 1,894 $19,938 $18 $1,879 135 $4,712 312 $711 613 $1,276 $38 Southeastern Express Co. $7,863,475 6,257 7,869,732 3,738,099 4,131,633 67 2,926 11,471 112,748 9,137 136,353 4,267,986 23 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 24 Operating income: SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928-Continued Charges for transportation. Express privileges--Dr.. Total operating revenues. Operating expenses. Net operating revenue.. Revenue from transportation.. Revenue from operations other than transportation. Operating income... ·· Uncollectible revenue from transportation. Express taxes.. Item Other income: Rent from real property and equipment used jointly. Miscellaneous rent income. Net income from miscellaneous physical property. Separately operated properties--profit.. Dividend income... • Income from funded securities. Income from unfunded securities and accounts. Income from sinking and other reserve funds. Release of premiums on funded debt... Contributions from other companies. Miscellaneous income.. Total other income. Gross income. Deductions from gross income: Rent for real property and equipment used jointly. Miscellaneous rents... Miscellaneous taxes.. Net loss on miscellaneous physical property. Separately operated properties--loss. Interest on funded debt. Interest on unfunded debt... Amortization of discount on funded debt. Income transferred to other companies. Miscellaneous income debits.. • d Deficit or other reverse item. • Total appropriations.. Balance transferred to profit and loss. Item Credit balance at beginning of year. Credit balance transferred from income. Profit on real property and equipment sold. Delayed income credits. Unrefundable overcharges. Miscellaneous credits, Total credits... Debit balance at beginning of year. Debit balance transferred from income. • • · ·· • Total deductions from gross income.. Net income... Disposition of net income: Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income... Income appropriations for investment in physical property. Stock discount extinguished through income. Miscellaneous appropriations of income... • • .. .. .. Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of surplus... • Surplus set aside for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through surplus.. Debt discount extinguished through surplus. Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus. Loss on land sold.. Delayed income debits. Miscellaneous debits. .. · Total debits..... Balance carried forward to credit of balance sheet. • INCOME ACCOUNT ·· · Total $289,414,373 145,026,198 144,388,175 3,756,475 148,144,650 144,801,448 3,343,202 19,167 2,138,008 1,186,027 122 278,160 366,50€ 601,015 • 1,245,803 2,431,830 875 14,275 25,779 40,929 2,390,901 2,148, 520 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT • 2,148,520 242,381 Total $3,460,973 242,520 26, 701 2,862 14,792 3,747,848 139 • • - • 735 19,433 20,307 3,727,541 American Rail- way Express 00. $281,544,641 141,288,099 140,256,542 3,620,122 143,876,664 140,675,006 3,201,658 17,821 2,038,008 1,145,829 122 278,160 366,506 571,352 1,216,140 2,361,969 875 14,275 25,779 40,929 2,321,040 2,078,520 2,078,520 242,520 American Rail- way Express Co. $3,333,349 242,520 26,701 2,723 14,792 3,620,085 735 19,433 20,168 3,599,917 Southeastern Express Co. $7,869,732 3,738,099 4,131,633 136,353 4,267,986 4,126,442 141,544 1,346 100,000 40,198 d 29,663 29,663 69,861 69,861 70,000 70,000 139 Boutheastern Express Co. $127,624 139 127,763 139 139 127,624 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS I. II. III. IV. Total operating expenses.. Maintenance: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 35. 36. 41. Traffic: 33. 34. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 12. 13. Wagons and sleighs--repairs. 14. Wagons and sleighs--depreciation. 15. Wagons and sleighs--retirements.. 16. Harness equipment--repairs.... 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 —Continued 55. 56. 57. Superintendence--maintenance. Buildings and appurtenances--repairs. Buildings and appurtenances--depreciation. Buildings and appurtenances--retirements. 58. 59. Cars--repairs... Cars--depreciation. Cars--retirements.. Horses--depreciation. Horses-retirements.. Automobiles--repairs. Automobiles--depreciation. Automobiles-retirements. Transportation: 37. 38. 39. 40. 60. 61. 62. Total.. Total... • • ·· Trucks--repairs.. Trucks--depreciation and retirements.. Stable and garage equipment--repairs. 25. Stable and garage equipment--depreciation and retirements. Line equipment--repairs. 26. 27. Line equipment--depreciation and retirements 28. Shop equipment--repairs.. 29. 30. Shop equipment--depreciation and retirements. Miscellaneous equipment--repairs... Miscellaneous equipment-depreciation and retirements. Other expenses.. 31. 32. • Superintendence--traffic. Advertising. Stationery and printing. Other expenses. • Total. Account ·· · • Harness equipment--depreciation and retirements.. Office furniture and equipment--repairs... Total.. Office furniture and equipment--depreciation and retirements Office safes--repairs. Office safes--depreciation and retirements. • ·· ·· • Superintendence-transportation. Office employees.. Commissions.. Office supplies and expenses. Rent of local offices. • • • • ·· ... Train employees... Train supplies and expenses. Stationery and printing. Loss and damage.. Damage to property. Injuries to persons. Other expenses. Fidelity bond premiums. Pensions... Stationery and printing. Valuation expenses. Other expenses. • • • .. • Vehicle employees………. Stable and garage employees. • • Stable and garage supplies and expenses. Drayage. •• O ... • • ·· • • · · ·· • • • General: 54. 53. Salaries and expenses of general officers.. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. General office supplies and expenses. Law expenses.. Insurance..... ANALYSIS OF OPERATING EXPENSES · ... · • • · ·· .. • • • • • • Total $144,801,448 330,968 272,694 377,797 17,233 198,003 71,054 56,989 24,828 3,171,158 2,208, 206 107,755 370,306 93,520 91,926 85,076 8,681 132,944 210,812 8,806 26,117 545,641 175,077 13,832 45,615 32,230 41,056 11,305 16,046 251 268 158 8,746,352 238,321 32,189 66,190 2 336,702 6,230,744 50,828,744 9,797,454 2,771,477 4,715,850 25,351,511 2,065,731 4,969,089 1,782,962 10,963,967 1,161,885 1,992,454 4,321,260 141,373 892,452 67,300 128,054,253 422,072 4,899,407 448,473 330, 348 413,408 36,434 924,601 108,760 80,638 7,664,141 American Rail- way Express Co. $140,675,006 330,968 269,388 363,732 17,076 198,003 71,054 56,989 24,702 3,090,470 2,145,386 106,172 368,875 85,223 90,190 84,683 8,243 130,276 197,560 8,405 25,110 532,128 168,188 13,827 45,364 31,551 39,392 11,305 16,046 251 260 158 8,530,975 175,048 26,977 55,717 2 257,744 6,092,151 49,649, 645 9,345,232 2,708,721 4,559,746 24,913,409 2,035,002 4,834,278 1,622,373 10,417,893 1,148,242 1,892,694 4,198,580 141,191 876,900 66,187 124,502, 244 388,150 4,756,579 436,379 303,278 377,448 19,085 924,601 98,889 79,634 7,384,043 25 Southeastern Express Co. $4,126,442 # 3.306 14,065 157 126 80,688 62,820 1,583 1,431 8,297 1,736 393 438 2,668 13,252 401 1,007 13,513 6,889 5 251 67 1,664 215,377 63,273 5,212 10,473 78,958 138,593 1,179,099 452,222 62,756 156,104 438,102 30,729 134,811 160,589 546,074 13,643 99,760 122,680 15223 182 15,552 1,113 3,552,009 33,922 142,828 12,094 27,070 35,960 17,349 9,871 1,004 280,098 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 26 Investment: Real property and equipment. Sinking fund.. Current assets: Cash.. Special deposits. Loans and notes receivable. Miscellaneous physical property. Investments in affiliated companies. Other investments.... Total investment.. SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Concluded Deferred assets.. Unadjusted debits: Total current assets. Discount on capital stock. Discount on funded debt.. Other unadjusted debits.. Stook: · Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Material and supplies.. Other current assets. Total unadjusted debits. Grand total.. Capital stook.. • Premium on capital stook. Total stock liabilities. Funded debt unmatured... Current liabilities: Total current liabilities. Profit and loss balance. Loans and notes payable.. Audited accounts and wages unpaid. Miscellaneous accounts payable. Express privilege liabilities. Other current liabilities.. Total corporate surplus. Class of employees Superintendence--Maintenance. Superintendence--Traffic. Deferred liabilities. Unadjusted credits: Premium on funded debt.. Operating and insurance reserves. Accrued depreciation.. Other unadjusted credits.. • ● Total unadjusted credits. Advertising. Superintendence-Transportation Agents, clerks and solicitors. Platform and house men.. Vehicle employees.. Stable and garage employees. • ... .. • · • Corporate surplus: Additions to property through income and surplus. Reserves from income and surplus. Total appropriated surplus.. [ • • Item ASSETS ... LIABILITIES • · • • Train employees... Olaim agents, special agents, and clerks General officers. General office clerks and attendants.. Law department officers and olerks. Shop employees. Other employees. • • .. • • Number on Deo. 31 106 63 2,082 15,226 16,805 14,439 1.184 6,666 300 38 2,712 44 1,061 Number of days worked • 32,747 19,590 650,964 4,669,695 553,187 4,525,365 382,686 2,501,697 95,486 11,607 861,833 13,234 336,333 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT Total Yearly compensation • $292,879 181, 219 622,617 399,887 4,813,894 170,047 2,124,487 Total Total (including general officers).. 60,726 18,654,424 104,884,472 5.62 Total (excluding general officers)... 60,688 18,642,817 18,642,817 104,484,585 5.60 $47,748,882 7,119,670 54,868,552 22,384,142 6,383 3,301,153 804,522 1,199,123 8,462,293 36,157,616 183,159 1,707,397 1,707,397 92,916, 724 35,642,000 35,642,000 EMPLOYEES, SERVICE, AND COMPENSATION 5,573,899 2,889,382 16,249,143 1,881,767 26,594,191 658,085 4,877,662 21,324,770 92,475 26,294,907 3,727,541 3,727,541 American Rail- way Express Co. $46,515,192 Number of 7,119,670 53,634,862 20,980,673 6,217 3,301,153 770,055 1,188,021 8,361,777 34,607,896 183,159 1,662, 216 1,662,216 90,088,133 34,642,000 34,642,000 5,362,242 2,675,583 15,896,443 1,811,118 15, 25,745,386 658,085 4,802,500 20,556,916 83,329 25,442,745 on Average daily Number compen- sation $8.94 9.25 Dec. 31 106 5,322,046 8.18 33295 32,747 $292,879 $8.94 444 13,604 137,879 10.14 2,048 640,527 5,221,116 26,774,101 5.73 14,768 4,544,385 26,110,649 23,296,350 5.12 16, 215 4,405,631 22,780,703 25,321,401 5.60 14,125 4,439,744 24,883,299 2,182,547 5.70 166 377,247 2,151,818 13,382,997 5.35 6,386 2,397,021 12,836, 923 6.52 286 91,910 34.45 35 10,685 5.59 2,612 833,550 12.85 41 12,630 6.32 1,061 336,333 3,599,917 3,599,917 American Railway Express Co. Average Yearly daily days compensation | compen- worked sation 602,234 367,887 4,671,066 143,490 2,124,487 58,893 18,135,414 102,324,430 58,858 18,124,729 101,956,543 8.15 5.75 5.17 5.60 5.70 5.36 6.55 34.43 5.66 11.93 6.32 5.64 5.63 Southeastern Express Co. Number on $1,233,690 1,233,690 1,403,469 166 34,467 11,102 100,516 1,549,720 45, i8i 45,181 2,828,591 1,000,000 1,000,000 211,657 213,799 352, 700 70,649 848,805 75,i62 767,854 9,146 852,162 127,624 127,624 Southeastern Express Co. Number of days Dec. 31 worked 19 5,986 18 34 10,437 458 125,310 590 147,556 314 85,621 439 280104,676 24 3,576 922 100 28,283 3 1, 204 3 1,833 519,010 1,830 518,088 Average Yearly daily compensation compen- sation $43,340 $7.24 100,930 9.67 663,452 5.29 515,647 3.49 438,102 5.12 30,729 5.65 546,074 5.22 20,383 32,000 34. 142,828 5.70 2,560,042 2,528,042 ... 26,557 22.06 4.93 4.88 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 4 ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 Average mileage (single track) over which operations were conducted (miles). GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investment in sleeping car property. Miscellaneous physical property. Other investments. Cash.. • Net balance receivable from receiving cashiers and ticket agents. Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Material and supplies.. Other current assets. Deferred assets.. Unadjusted debits. Total... · Capital stock.. Premium on capital stock. Wages payable... • Miscellaneous accounts payable. Dividends matured unpaid.. Unmatured dividends declared.. Other current liabilities. Deferred liabilities. Operating reserves.. Accrued depreciation. Other unadjusted credits. ... • Profit and loss--balance. Total corporate surplus. Miscellaneous fund reserves.. Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. Operating income. • • • · Sleeping car operating revenues. Revenues from auxiliary operations. Total revenues.. • Sleeping car operating expenses. Expenses of auxiliary operations. Total operating expenses. Net revenues.. ט • · • Total nonoperating income. Gross income. Sleeping car tax accruals.. Auxiliary operations--Tax accruals. Total taxes. • • Rent from cars. Dividends received. Income from funded securities.. Income from unfunded securities and accounts. Income from sinking and other reserve funds. Miscellaneous income. • • D • Rent for cars. Miscellaneous tax accruals. Interest on unfunded debt. Miscellaneous income charges. Total deductions from gross income. Net income.. • • • Total debits during year.. Net increase during year.. Balance at beginning of year. Balance at end of year. • • ··· Credit balance transferred from income. Unrefundable overcharges. Miscellaneous credits.. d Deficit or other reverse item. Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income. Miscellaneous appropriations of income. ·· Total appropriations.. Income balance transferred to profit and loss. • · Total credits during year. Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of surplus.. Loss on retired equipment... Uncollectible sleeping car revenues. Miscellaneous debits.. • • · · • • • • INCOME ACCOUNT • • PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 27 $233,505,866 7,270 44,167,841 6,405,137 1,487,986 3,537,400 5,023,856 604,876 5,321,370 39,285,546 339,347,148 135,000,000 128,753.00 29,511 1,350,000 1,251,217 4,001,938 60,000 108,802,632 52,550,312 966,598 6,000,000 25,075,737 32,042,335 d d 9,398 1,471,885 2,777,920 80,846,044 1,403,083 82,249,127 66,655,530 1,225,741 67,881,271 14,367,856 3,399,091 30,706 3,429,797 10,938,059 123,861 76,284 1,560,790 310,964 198,689 2,270,588 13,208,647 4,165 401 15,907 19,671 13,188,976 196,312 8,100,000 8,296,312 4,892,664 4,892,664 18,526 9,207 4,920,397 44,982 2,522 58,806 16.346 4,904,051 20,171,686 25,075,737 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS . 28 SUMMARY NO. 4-ABSTRACT OF THE, REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 Berth revenue. Seat revenue. • Charter of cars.. Miscellaneous revenue. Car mileage revenue. Association and contract revenue--DI Total operating revenues... Maintenance, Conducting car operations. General expenses. Total operating expenses. Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent)....... General officers and staff (superintendence) District superintendents, agents, and staff. Conductors.. Porters and maids. Train stenographers. Car cleaners. Laundry employees. General expenses: General officers. Clerks and attendants. Maintenance: Mechanics, electricians, seamstresses, repairmen, carpenters, shop employees, etc. Conducting car operations: Auxiliary operations: • • • • • • Total number of revenue passengers--berth. Total number of revenue passengers--seat.. Average revenue per passenger--berth. Average revenue per passenger--seat.... Total number of car-miles.. Total number of car-days.. • • Commissary (superintendence) Agents and staff, conductors, waiters, cooks, etc. Total (including general officers)...... Standard sleeping cars. Tourist sleeping cars. Parlor cars... Dining cars. Composite cars. Private cars.. Miscellaneous cars. Total. • Average number of revenue passengers per car per day Operating revenues per car-mile (cents). Operating revenues per car-day.. Operating expenses per car-mile (cents) Operating expenses per car-day….. Net operating revenue per car-mile (cents) Net operating revenue per car-day. Average number of car-miles per car-day. ·· ... · • Class .. • .. OPERATING REVENUES • • OPERATING EXPENSES 1/ Does not include 20 cars leased or otherwise acquired. EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES OPERATING STATISTICS EQUIPMENT. IN SERVICE ON DEC. 31, 1928 • Number on Dec. 31 5,123 233 1,524 2,524 10,861 18 4,960 426 43 956 36 111 26,815 $76,352,088 9,930,764 1,972,249 169,882 1,024,978 8,603,917 80,846,044 28,738,016 34,935,422 2,982,092 66,655,530 82.45 Average daily compen- sation $4.60 6.22 4.24 6.09 2.70 5.74 3.41 2.79 28.85 4.18 5.16 3.14 3.76 21,310,891 12,613,029 $3.58 $0.79 1,153,889,647 1,153; 3,159,048 11 7.00€ $25.59190 5.777 $21.09988 1.229 $4.49202 365.26 7,451 303 1,123 18 274 21 7 1/ 9,197 ܢ HE 2708 67 C *** *** ***** INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION BUREAU OF STATISTICS A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1928 COMMERCE NUM INTERSTATE งก้าว Sobo भौ 1887 COMMISSION UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1929 • ཏྟཱ། THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION ERNEST I. LEWIS, Chairman BALTHASER H. MEYER CLYDE B. AITCHISON JOSEPH B. EASTMAN JOHNSTON B. CAMPBELL FRANK MCMANAMY THOMAS F. WOODLOCK RICHARD V. TAYLOR EZRA BRAINERD, Jr. CLAUDE R. PORTER PATRICK J. FARRELL GEORGE B. McGINTY, Secretary Gift nterstate 6/9/30 commeme & commission CONTENTS. Introductory statement. Summary No. 1-Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I steam railways (not including switching and terminal companies) for the year ended December 31, 1928.... Summary No. 2-Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I switching and terminal companies for the year ended December 31, 1928. …………. Summary No. 3-Abstract of reports rendered by express companies for the year ended December 31, 1928..... Summary No. 4-Abstract of report rendered by The Pullman Company for the year ended December 31, 1928.. Page 4 5 15 22 27 3 .. : : A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928. This preliminary abstract for the calendar year 1928 is compiled from the annual reports of the classes of carriers designated. It differs from the Preliminary Statement of Capitalization and Income for the same year in that the latter is confined to a small number of items compiled for individual carriers, and in summary form, from a special report returned by them in advance of their annual report. The present abstract contains summaries by districts and is intended primarily to make available as promptly as possible certain totals not obtainable from the monthly or special reports of carriers. The totals are subject to change after corrections in the annual reports have been authorized. The final totals will appear in the Statistics of Railways for 1928. It may be noted that only steam railways, express companies, and The Pullman Company are covered in this abstract. Separate mimeographed statements are issued annually for pipe line companies, telegraph and cable companies, carriers by water, tele- phone companies, and electric railways. Because a separate annual publication of freight commodity statistics for the year 1928 has been issued in full detail for the 157 classes of commodities, only group totals of commodities carried are shown in this preliminary abstract. It should be especially observed that the balance sheet items relate to operating companies only and do not cover the balance sheets of lessor companies the property of which is operated by Class I steam railways, that is, railways having annual operating revenues above $1,000,000. The following table shows the investment in road and equipment of the operating, lessor and proprietary companies at the end of the year 1928, in comparison with final figures for the preceding year: Class I...... Class of companies Class II.... Lessons to Class I.. Proprietary Companies. Total. Investment in Road and Equipment of Steam Railways, (Accounts 701 and 702) Class III... Lessors to Class II. Proprietary Companies Total... . Lessors to Class III. Proprietary Companies. Total. Grand total. WASHINGTON, June 4, 1929. • • • · • INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT. • • • • • · • • Dec. 31, 1928 $19,459,438,970 3,783,950,333 1,011,921, 298 24, 255, 310, 601 506,065,912 8,729,612 2,315,401 517,110,925 95,542,691 5,414,450 95,618 101,052,759 24,873,474,285 Dec. 31, 1927 $18,976,653,851 3,896,406, 227 916,672,762 23,789,732,840 543,655,117 13,608,555 2,326,861 559,590,533 Increase $482,785,119 95,248,536 465,577,761 • • · • • · 99,155,138 5,296,809 95,618 104,547,565 24,453,870,938 419,603,347 117,641 Decrease $112,455,894 • 37,589,205 4,878,943 11,460 42,479,608 3,612,447 3,494,806 4 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 2 3 10 11 12 13 14 23 24 MMM SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 (Does not include lessor companies) •••• Investment in road and equipment Improvements on leased railway property 48inking funds ·· 5 Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold 6 Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies 8 Other investments 9 15 16 17 Other current assets 18 19 Deferred assets Total number of stockholders w www.com Total investments GENERAL BALANCE SHEET 70 Cash Demand loans and deposits Time drafts and deposits 8pecial deposits Loans and bills receivable 20 Discount on capital stock Discount on funded debt Other unadjusted debits 21 22 وبا 50 51 • • ·· ·· 37 38 Deferred liabilities Total current assets Miscellaneous accounts receivable Material and supplies Investments 25 Capital stock 26 Stock liability for conversion Premium on capital stock 27 28 Total stock 29 Grants in aid of construction Current Assets Total unadjusted debits Grand total • .. • Item 34 Loans and bills payable Miscellaneous accounts payable 36 Other current liabilities 35 39 Premium on funded debt 40 Operating reserves 41 • Accrued depreciation 42 Other unadjusted credits 43 Unadjusted Debits 30 Funded debt unmatured 31 Receiver's certificates 32 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies 33 Total long-term debt • ·· Long-Term Debt Total current liabilities Current Liabilities ·· Profit and 1088-balance • Total unadjusted credits ·· Stock • Unadjusted Credits Corporate Surplus 44 Additions to property through income and surplus 45 Funded debt retired through income and surplus 46 Sinking fund reserves. 47 Total corporate surplus • Miscellaneous fund reserves 48 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested ·· Total appropriated surplus ·· • INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT 52 | Expenditures for new lines and extensions 53 Expenditures for additions and betterments 54 Credits for property retired 55 Adjustments 56 ·· · Net charges during year 57 Stocks actually issued during year--par value ·· 58 Funded debt actually issued during year--par value O ·· Total, all districts 762,923 $18,993,392,060 466,046,910 2,807,084 14,536,117 173,050,669 4,841,205,579 838,234,330 25,329,272,749 502,833,359 139,191,796 107,183,526 81,288, 724 39,963,204 221,633,835 471,077,760 227,572,768 1,790,744,972 202,920,167 15,599,602 83,402,315 221,705, 734 320,707,651 27,643,645,539 8,079,977,901 1,549,351 48,889,739 8,130,416,991 7,257,215 10,588,300,875 7,687,192 445,558,215 11,041, 546, 282 d 32,190,518 120,026,851 997,092,728 1,149,310,097 123,052,177 1,046, 240 147,752 1,857,482,559 700,801,654 2,559,478,205 871,684, 141 85,004,780 42,218,285 59,373,180 59,867,791 1,118, 148, 177 3,514,436,395 4,632,584,572 125,308,166 585,056,820 212,633,846 7.985,960 489,745,180 466,113,124 875,257,137 Eastern district 354,990 $6,824,901,514 377,109,667 1,164,795 4,449,556 87,217,395 1,923,454,709 446,959,450 9,665,257,086 224,814,246 44,546,530 60,159,967 19,212,982 10,001,999 79,081,764 181,043,495 112,107,052 730,968,035 101,748,167 462,795 28,546,174 87,825, 629 116,834,598 10,614,807,886 d 3,123,701, 709 380,936 37,463,696 3,161,546,341 894,667 3,812,168,604 4,695,085 116,157,895 3,933,021,584 7,059,431 33,670,658 418,194,952 458,925,041 68,300,595 181,851 852,167,961 311,689,186 1,164,038,998 486,019,573 16,591,955 30,262,019 52,628,237 446,714 585,948,498 1,242,132,162 1,828,080,660 2,428,075 259,272,346 89,595,277 8,893,944 163,211,200 118,463,952 107,476,140 Southern district 79,568 $3,516,121,360 62,648,073 909,369 1,115,024 22,640,989 608,517,296 96,585,073 4,308,537,184 92,287,994 5,016,900 21,194,294 22,235,283 15,762,446 37,456,592 75,014,872 36,343,929 305,312,304 34,322,290 38,100 15,040, 726 32,202,360 47,281,186 4,695,452,964 1/1,210,849,187 4,998,340 1,215,847,527 1,637,876 1,937,392,184 10,888,864 1,948,281,048 3,155,985 15,892,992 143,616,575 162,665,552 29,008,943 1,200 349,476,942 85,023,971 435,502,113 124,598,074 1,111,757 4,751,510 2,537,006 1,497,607 134,495,954 768,013,951 902,509,905 4,780,790 85,698, 794 35,072,397 4,544,289 59,951,476 3,015,507 49,432,977 Western district 328,365 $8,652,369,186 26,289,170 732,920 8,971,537 63,192,285 2,309,233,574 294,689,807 11,355,478,479 185, 731,119 89,628,366 25,829,265 39,840,459 14,198,765 105,095,479 215,019,393 79,121,787 754,464,633 66,849,710 15,098,707 39,815,415 101,677,745 156,591,867 12,333,384,689 2/3,745,427,005 1,168,415 6,427,703 3,753,023,123 4,724,672 4,838,740,087 8385, 2,992,107 318,511,456 5,160,243,650 21,975,102 70,463, 201 435,281, 201 527,719,504 25,742,639 863,189 147,752 655,837,656 303,088,497 959,937,094 261,066,494 67,301,068 7,204,756 4,207,937 57,923,470 397,703,725 1,504,290,282 1,901,994,007 718.099,301 240,085,680 87,966,172 d 3,636,305 266,582,504 3/344,633,665 718,348,020 Deficit or other reverse item. Includes $26,379,853, consideration received for 250,000 shares of stock without par value; in addition 60,000 shares of stock without par value are outstanding for which no book value is reported. Includes $298,342,255, consideration received for 2,430,580 shares of stock without par value. Includes $152,890,514, consideration received for 1,209,060 shares of stock without par value. 5 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 6 No. 345678 1 Railway operating revenues 2 Railway operating expenses Net revenue from railway operations Railway tax accruals: United States Government taxes Other than United States Government taxes Total railway tax accruals Uncollectible railway revenues Railway operating income 9 10 Revenues from miscellaneous operations 11 Expenses of miscellaneous operations 22 23 24 12 Net revenue from miscellaneous operations 13 Taxes on miscellaneous operating property 14 Miscellaneous operating income 15 Total operating income 16 Net railway operating income 28 IMMMM 17 Hire of freight cars--credit balance 18 Rent from locomotives. 30 31 19 Rent from passenger-train cars 20 Rent from floating equipment 21 Rent from work equipment Joint facility rent income Income from lease of road Miscellaneous rent income 25 Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property 26 Separately operated properties--profit 27 Dividend income 32 Income from funded securities 29 Income from unfunded securities and accounts SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 43 44 444 DONDOOM & M Ann in 8 33 34 35 36 Hire of freight cars--debit balance 37 Rent for locomotives 41 Joint facility rents 42 46 39 40 Rent for work equipment 47 48 38 Rent for passenger-train cars Rent for floating equipment 51 52 ·· 53 INCOME ACCOUNT 59 .. 60 Item • 71 72 Income from sinking and other reserve funds Release of premiums on funded debt Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income ·· Total nonoperating income Gross income Rent for leased roads Miscellaneous rents .. Miscellaneous tax accruals · ... • ·· Separately operated properties--loss Interest on funded debt Interest on unfunded debt ... Amortization of discount on funded debt 49 Maintenance of investment organization 50 Income transferred to other companies Miscellaneous income charges Total deductions from gross income Net income 54 Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds • • ·· • • 55 Dividend appropriations of income Income appropriated for investment in physical property 57 Stock discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of income • .. • • .. · • Total appropriations of income Income balance transferred to profit and loss PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 61 Credit balance transferred from income 62 Profit on road and equipment sold 63 | Delayed income credits 64 Unrefundable overcharges 65 Donations Miscellaneous credits 66 67 Total credits during year 68 Debit balance transferred from income 69 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds 70 | Dividend appropriations of surplus Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property • Stock discount extinguished through surplus 73 Debt discount extinguished through surplus 74 Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus ·· • • • ... • 75 Loss on retired road and equipment 76 Delayed income debits 77 Miscellaneous debits 78 Total debits during year 79 Net increase during year 80 Balance at beginning of year 81 Balance at end of year 82 | Dividends declared during year 83 Par value on which declared--common 84 Par value on which declared--preferred 85 Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent d Deficit or other reverse item. • · • Total, all districts $6,111,735, 511 4,427,995,036 1,683,740,475 87,998,161 301,434,254 389,432,41 1,578,896 1,292,729,164 537,399 203,616 155,521 48,095 1,292,777,259 1,172,864,100 21,577,355 12,871,434 16,003,012 410,018 3,511,668 42,372,158 5,430,938 23,736,972 6,187,230 3,508,073 161,340,051 70,495,064 39,805,885 4,547,772 126,140 3,352,441 1,432,953 416,709,164 1,709,486,423 112,934, 020 11,278,252 18,976,106 2,198,965 1,500, 481 69,722,885 170,841,490 7,532,846 4,822,631 1,167,800 495,510,396 12,305,849 3,935,284 29,454 082,098 4,470,511 922,309,068 787,177,355 9,898, 180 248,492,874 4,671,915 1,114,455 264,177,424 522,999,931 545,375, 345 8,333,685 6,133,689 2,000,334 5,950,474 124,925, 058 692,718,585 22,375,414 1,159,138 182,538,036 6,263,061 178,606 15,676,570 1,299,985 24,556,106 6,049,545 77,779,991 337,876,452 354,842,133 3,152,889,080 3,507,731, 213 431,030,910 4,677,373,174 1,403,265,988 7.09 Eastern district $2,732,315,741 2,004,156,766 728,158,975 40,882,442 122,170,210 163,052,652 874,281 564,232,042 1,235,819 1,079,477 156,342 64,225 92,117 564,324,159 503,494,490 8,530,483 4,310,711 5,882,023 310,109 1,221,761 20,875,000 2,508,113 13,960, 234 3,844,211 2,185,941 65,364,855 23,136,340 20,764,581 4,012,061 39,679 3,352,441 507,485 180,806,028 745,130,187 53,203,649 4,589,566 7,564,790 2,064,419 686,010 33,759,205 101,191,805 5,410,386 3,679,368 885,884 181,674,281 6,102,491 1,431,791 20,092 5,056,368 2,098,703 409,418,808 335, 711,379 7,194,883 116,177,836 3,519,462 1,114,455 128,006,636 207,704,743 210,896,999 3,837,327 1,317,512 1,248,171 1,797,796 91,376, 752 310,474,557 3,192,256 38,699 60,819,103 2,215,105 ... 3,103,570 65,813 13,436,698 1,334,761 52,681,854 136,756,233 173,718,324 1,06527 1,238,148,851 176,996,939 2,050, 359, 669 404,638,950 7.21 Southern district $1,033,102,115 749,058, 018 284,044,097 16,431,859 54.703.907 71,135, 766 243,571 212,664, 760 2,254,530 2,241,431 13,099 13,099 212,664, 760 213,180,842 10,302,962 2,168,103 3,418,475 8,625 621,069 6,163,240 506,306 2,405,648 720,160 1,014 14,682,403 10,361,148 5,231,636 296,718 133,540 57,021,047 269,685,807 7,918,051 1,684,056 3,848,543 54,216 241,160 8,420,366 16,500,820 772,412 146,088 56,973 89,753,451 829,827 894,667 6,237 499,778 131,626,645 138,059,162 666,341 10,645, 216 902,904 12,214,461 125,844,701 128,098,822 601,912 1,236,343 313,065 2,850,796 6,070,847 139,171,785 2,254,121 613,768 70,081,229 3,221,268 178,606 1,430,109 200,000 2,334,992 269,737 2,102,016 82,685,846 56,485,939 711,528,012 768,013,951 80,726,445 844,123,100 173,776,450 7.93 Western district $2,346,317,655 1,674,780,252 671,537,403 30,683,860 124.560.137 155,243,997 461,044 515,832,362 47,050 12,875 34,175 78,197 44,022 515,788,340 456,188,768 2,743,910 6,392,620 6,702,514 91,284 1,668,838 15,333,918 2,416,519 7,371,090 1,622,859 1,321,118 81,292,793 36,997,576 13,809,668 d 238,993 86,461 791,928 178,882,089 694,670,429 51,812, 320 5,004,630 7:562,773 80,330 573.311 27,543,314 53,148,865 1,350,048 997,175 224,943 224,082, 664 5.373,531 1,608,826 3,125 25,730 1,872,030 381,263,615 313,406,814 2,036,956 121,669.822 249,549 123,956,327 189,450, 487 206,379,524 3,894,446 3,579,834 439,098 1,301,882 .27,477,459 243,072,243 16,929,037 506, 671 51,637.704 826,688 11,142,891 1,165,798 8,784,416 4,445,047 22,996,121 118,434,373 124,637,870 1,376,930,541 1,501,568,411 173,307,526 1,782,890,405 824,850,588 6.65 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. HOMAIN OF TORON 1 Freight Passenger 2 7❘ Express 8 10 9 Milk 11 AAHHHH ↑ 800 15 16 17 12 other freight-train 19 18 Freight 27 28 13 Water transfers--freight 29 30 31 32 14 Water transfers--passenger ·· Water transfers--vehicles and live stock Water transfers--other Total rail-line transportation revenue AMA O IN 40 20 21 22❘ Mail 23 Express 24 Special service 25 Other 26 42 42 43 ·· Lxcess baggage Sleeping car .. Parlor and chair car Mail 4444 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) ·· 55 Other passenger-train Switching •• Special service train 2 LLLLLDINI 684895 Passenger 67 RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES • Excess baggage Other passenger service Dining and buffet Hotel and restaurant Storage--freight Storage--baggage Demurrage Telegraph and telephone Grain elevator Stockyard 36 37 38 Power • Rents of buildings and other property 39 | Miscellaneous Total incidental operating revenue 45 Superintendence ·· · • Joint facility--Cr. Joint facility--Dr. . • Total water-line transportation revenue Station, train, and boat privileges Parcel room | Rails--yard Rails--other •• · ... Ballast--yard Ballast-other .. Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues Roadway maintenance--yard 47 Roadway maintenance--other 48 Roadway--depreciation--yard 49 Roadway--depreciation--other 50 Underground power tubes--yard 51 Underground power tubes--other Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard Underground power tubes-depreciation--other Tunnels and subways-yard ....... Tunnels and subways--other Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other 62 Elevated structures--yard Ties--depreciation--yard Ties--depreciation--other RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures 63 Elevated structures--other 64 Elevated structures--depreciation--yard 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other 56 | Ties--yard Ties--other ·· 70 71 72 Rails--depreciation--yard 73 Rails--depreciation--other 74 Other track material--yard 75 Other track material--other 76 Item • .. • • ·· ·· • • •• • • 79 80 Ballast--depreciation--yard 81 Ballast-depreciation--other 82 Track laying and surfacing-yard Other track material--depreciation--yard 77 Other track material--depreciation--other 78 83 Track laying and surfacing--other 84 Right-of-way fences--yard 85 Right-of-way fences--other 86 • · Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard 87 Right-of-way fences-depreciation--other d Deficit or other reverse item. ·· • .. • • C ·· • Total, all districts $4,680,455,593 901,018,801 5,796,340 1,282,089 1,187,967 104,385,255 142,579,632 16,155,030 36,671,191 66,287,572 2,010,737 529,777 1,171,282 2,247,031 5,317,041 1,395,338 5,968,490,676 10,691,733 1,311,064 2,791 23,578 13,682 19,416 643,488 551,105 13,256,857 33,809,376 7,404,716 829,161 1,284,689 3,792,292 601,343 16,938,869 2,581,054 1,337,655 878,269 6,785,365 9,318,503 30,028,321 121,589,613 12,169,003 3,770,638 8,398,365 6,111,735,511 58,434,244 9,298,119 74,087,252 2,361 d 316.352 40,219 2,321,158 25 7,831 1,852,105 40,354,593 28,527 1,488,473 249,528 92,317 .. 14,737,559 99,349,845 243,638 2,151,670 4,792,493 45,252,589 84,342 707,816 8,593,549 39,693,270 239,623 828,893 903,055 18,488,592 2,481 375,195 25,996,422 181,436,839 72,809 4,990,402 447 1.830 $2,011,313,942 474,824,041 2,281,168 18,514 276,590 40,383,572 65,138,284 6,550,184 26,499,602 29,958,426 Eastern district 707,981 333,752 868,620 1,598,959 3,181,883 1,124,109 2,665,059,627 1,353,979 654,223 541 5,894 13,383 15. 21,845 1,410 d d 2,066,873 15,242,373 2,023,503 4,705,749 951,109 1,981,929 290,084 9,947,671 9,121 6,410, 782 6,648,027 12,685,063 62,576,222 3,886,148 1,273,129 2,613,019 2,732,315,741 509,402 1,171,409 22,867,061 4,870,332 25,831,759 298 2,383 34,805 896,395 25 153 1,349,636 13,050,989 21,966 801,279 248,030 91,242 7,416,960 34,228,395 2,473 8.223 2,956,303 18,020,878 2.935 35,021 4,795,718 17,509,725 2,483 6.597 592,949 6,464,840 572 8,026 13,976,254 70,482,722 36,064 1,384,579 22 5.313 Southern district $833,976,443 129,564,561 882,505 23,166 135,356 17,739,372 21,125,609 1,985,452 1,236,150 7,984,337 435,475 7,052 51,788 40, 481 4,815 219,524 1,015,412,086 5,117,012 591,933 657,811 95,883 780,618 52,116 2,246,594 89,307 28,537 4,550 208,57 836,643 5,478,297 16,187,873 1,932,797 430,641 1,502,156 1,033,102,115 10,373,717 1,238,524 16,352,508 d 280,133 4.484 499,219 122,401 8,183,696 1,596 540,634 2,347,335 18,673,583 242,658 2,272,608 552,100 8,647,548 83,329 942, 424 915,922 5,245,640 226,463 847,411 70, 722 4,734, 286 2,965 392,346 3,109,410 29,526,234 2,548 615,807 56 13,857 $1,835,165,208 296,630,199 2,632,667 1,240,409 776,021 46,262, 311 56,315,739 7,619,394 8,935,439 28,344,809 Western district 867,281 188,973 250,874 607,591 2,130,343 51,705 2,288, 018, 963 9,337,754 656,841 2,250 17,684 299 3,818 621,643 549,695 11,189,984 23, 13,449,991 4,789,280 1,465,601 237,697 1,029,745 259,143 4,744,604 1,982,345 137,709 864,598 166,011 1,833,833 11,864,961 42,825,518 6,350,058 2,066,868 ·4,283,190 2,346,317,655 d d 25,193,466 3,189,263 31,902,985 2,063 38,602 930 925,544 7,678 380,068 19,119,908 4,973,264 46,447,867 3,453 d 112,715 1,284,090 18,584,163 3,948 199,587 2,881,909 16,937,905 4,965 146,560 1,498 1,075 15,643 11,921 239,384 7,289,466 88 9.125 8,910,758 81,427,883 34,197 2,990,016 525 10.374 7 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 180 No. HUMILI 1 2 3 4 11 12 13 14 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheda--depreciation--other 5 Crossings and signs--yard 6 Crossings and signs--other Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard Crossings and signs--depreciation--other 27 28 8 9 Station and office buildings ... 10 Station and office buildings--depreciation Roadway buildings Roadway buildings--depreciation 15 Fuel stations 16 Fuel stations--depreciation 17 Shops and enginehouses 18 33 34 19 | Grain elevators 20 21 39 40 41 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other ~~~~~ RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded Water stations Water stations--depreciation 22 23 Wharves and docks .. 24 Wharves and docks--depreciation 25 Coal and ore wharves 26 VOUFWNT Grain elevators--depreciation 72 Shops and enginehouses--depreciation • 73 51 Roadway machines 52 74 Storage warehouses Storage warehouses--depreciation • 76 29 Telegraph and telephone lines 30 Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation 31 Signals and interlockers ·· 32 Signals and interlockers--depreciation .. 56 Injuries to persons 57 Insurance Stationery and printing 58 59 Other expenses 60 ... Paving--depreciation . 65 Superintendence 66 Shop machinery Coal and ore wharves--depreciation Gas producing plants Gas producing plants--depreciation ·· Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation Power plant buildings 35 36 Power plant buildings--depreciation 37 Power substation buildings 38 Power substation buildings--depreciation Power transmission systems Power transmission systems--depreciation Power distribution systems • 42 Power distribution systems--depreciation 43 Power line poles and fixtures. 44 Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation 45 Underground conduits 46 Underground conduits--depreciation 47 Miscellaneous structures 48 Miscellaneous structures--depreciation 49 Paving ·· Item • 67 Shop machinery--depreciation 68 • • ·· .. Roadway machines--depreciation Small tools and supplies Removing snow, ice, and sand Assessments for public improvements 75 Other locomotives--repairs • Power plant machinery .. 69 Power plant machinery--depreciation 70 Power substation apparatus 71 ... ·· • • Other locomotives--depreciation Other locomotives--retirements • Total, above accounts 61 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 62 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr. 63 Equalization--way and structures 64 Total maintenance of way and structures Maintenance of Equipment • ... Power substation apparatus--depreciation Steam locomotives--repairs Steam locomotives--depreciation Steam locomotives--retirements ·· • • 77 80 78 | Freight-train cars--repairs .. 79 Freight-train cars--depreciation Freight-train cars-retirements Passenger-train cars--repairs 81 82 Passenger-train cars--depreciation 83 Passenger-train cars--retirement s ·· • .. Floating equipment--depreciation 89 Floating equipment--retirement s ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. • ·· 84 Motor equipment of cars--repairs 85 Motor equipment of cars--depreciation 86 Motor equipment of cars--retirements 87 Floating equipment--repairs .. 88 .. • • ** • • · ·· · ·· • • • • • • • Total, all districts $7,605 1,158,843 67 190 1,270,449 11,822,055 2,027 66,093 32,672,813 1,122,554 4,901,673 69,545 9,898,268 132,673 4,438,990 68,538 25,508,310 485,618 563,677 122,443 80,603 d 4,417,414 116,143 2,726,166 981,163 39,456 14 11,524,631 16,684 32,156,373 207,173 35 657,072 146,004 43,835 17,798 372,306 57,784 3,381,263 292,367 799,927 76,252 33,466 7,718 541,100 3,416 553,394 65 7,053,346 10,399 10,759,423 5,693,494 513,032 5,679,634 3,928,654 1,219,186 629,718 825,928,144 37,724,726 25,879,875 132,752 837,905,747 45,198,138 23,998,379 772,206 4,947,210 722,519 623,260 62,214 404,670, 724 57,150,214 6,251,060 4,016, 205 1,304,549 57.073 325,278,852 115,672,146 16,114,311 76,208,287 19,112,346 1,997,609 3,569,686. 1,321,453 59,583 10,362,602 3,569,810 401,556 Eastern district $5,418 61,761 4 599,608 6,219,973 1,849 61,724 15,641,729 542,345 1,349,246 381 3,390,267 55,923 1,919,000 36,641 12,021,411 300, 629 492,150 106,388 41,917 d 2,883,097 45,037 1,720,144 226,421 21,209 5,244,277 546 19,003,409 176,261 400,918 113,267 31,162 15,580 245,998 57,626 2,572,516 291,259 397,406 76,135 31,199 7,504 301,186 d 185,500 2,605, 142 84 4,130,794 3,452,334 199,317 2,562, 203 2,026,765 452,028 410,888 340,594,682 15,977,329 10,751,643 345,820,368 20,231,661 11,671,444 446,078 3,143,324 655,107 561,907 40,158 180,413,283 26,188, 246 3,555,233 3,052,016 847,197 ₫ 57.073 154,182,354 49,996,026 8,559,978 35,771,185 9,510,329 1,043,821 2,136,433 925,762 20,749 8,040,084 2,106,912 289,119 Southern district $820 139,649 1,723,863 1,044 5,058,074 233,011 1,104,176 23,246 1,634,102 64, 234 718,839 21,712 3,133,647 128,220 31,357 2,400 3글​: 38,597 679,346 69,872 684,256 137,968 1,931,581 10,637 4,875,237 23,789 35 33,485 14.641 14, 4,176 336 65,881 314,521 225,872 251 17,974 13 57,755 1,056, 056,757 627 1,875,051 170,984 75,269 807,646 545,722 190,349 45,337 144,476,256 6,305,056 4,893,084 145,888, 228 7,742,756 3,424,808 302,139 522,464 22,499 26,196 3,834 76,977,443 10,124,678 596,127 492,666 197,495 58,670,891 23,695,778 2,710,437 11,838,555 2,923,377 104,910 244,256 177,045 305,822 60,060 39,075 Western district $2,187 1,096, 262 71 265 531,192 3,878,219 178 3,325 11,973,010 347,198 2,448, 251 46,680 4,873,899 12,516 1,801,151 10,185 10,353,252 56,769 40,170 13,655 89 854,971 1,234 321,766 616,774 18,247 14 4,348,773 5,501 8,277,727 7,123 222,669 18,097 8,497 1,882 60,427 158 494,226 1,108 176,649 117 2,016 214 221,940 3,403 310,139 65 3,391,447 7,856 4,753.578 2,070,176 238,446 2,309,785 1,356,167 576,809 173.493 340,857,206 15,442,341 10,235,148 132,752 346,197,151 17,223,721 8,902,127 23,989 1,281,422 44,913 35,157 18,222 147,279,998 20,837,290 2,099,700 471,523 259,857 112,425,607 41,980,342 4,843,896 28,598,547 6,678,640 848,878 1,188,997 218,646 38,834 2,016, 696 1,402,838 73,362 • STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 5 6 7 8 1 Work equipment--repairs 2 Work equipment-depreciation 3 Work equipment--retirements 4 09 22 23 24 25 SUMMARY NO. 1–RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 9 10 11 12 Maintaining joint equipment--Dr. 13 Maintaining joint equipment--Cr. 14 Equalization--equipment 15 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded Miscellaneous equipment--repairs Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation Miscellaneous equipment--retirements Injuries to persons Insurance Stationery and printing Other expenses ► Total 16 Superintendence 17 Outside agencies 18 Advertising 19 20 21 Total maintenance of equipment .. Traffic associations Fast freight lines 61 62 63 64 26 Superintendence 27 28 Total traffic 77 78 79 80 Industrial and immigration bureaus Insurance Stationery and printing Other expenses .. Dispatching trains ► • 36 37 Fuel for yard locomotives .. Station supplies and expenses Yardmasters and yard clerks Yard conductors and brakemen Station employees 29 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus 30 Coal and ore wharves 31 32 33 34 | Yard switch and signal tenders 35 Yard enginemen Yard motormen ·· 43 Enginehouse expenses--yard 44 Yard supplies and expenses Yard switching power produced 45 Train enginemen 46 Train motormen Fuel for train locomotives 47 48 Train power produced 49 50 51 52 53 Enginehouse expenses--train 54 Trainmen Train supplies and expenses ·· • Transportation--Rail Line 38 39 Yard switching power purchased 40 Water for yard locomotives 41 Lubricants for yard locomotives 42 Other supplies for yard locomotives Item • • Traffic · Operation of vessels Operation of terminals Incidental ... • Train power purchased Water for train locomotives Lubricants for train locomotives Other supplies for train locomotives · • 55 56 Operating sleeping cars 57 Signal and interlocker operation 58 Crossing protection 59 Drawbridge operation 60 • ·· · Telegraph and telephone operation Operating floating equipment Express service Stationery and printing Other expenses 65 Insurance 66 Clearing wrecks 67 Damage to property 68 • Damage to live stock on right of way • • ·· 69 Loss and damage--freight 70 Loss and damage--baggage 71 72 73 Operating joint yards and terminals--Cr. 74 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr. 75 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Cr. 76 Total transportation--Rail line Injuries to persons . Operating joint yards and terminals--Dr. Transportation--Water Line Total transportation--Water line Total, all districts $17,323,992 5,479,376 1,481,493 496,820 396,174 62,584 5,151,334 6,403,848 1,766,607 1,403,800 1,163,293,874 7,769,305 4,136,259 15,000 1,166,941,920 39,050,526 51,633,022 17,209,153 3,356,221 51,480 2,768,293 73,869 10,669,309 195,994 125,007,867 68,302,948 33,229,48 297,607,740 5,594,284 7,822,338 20,481,937 62,383,917 151,002,10i 12,675,748 91,690,009 1,156,152 57,992,476 183,629 456,034 4,266,917 1,199,924 1,300,980 27,580,207 3,748,091 223,841,675 5,993,494 296,193,114 2,612,205 7,490,109 21,111,209 7,174,019 5,456,741 75,997,561 259,185,409 82,846,846 687,785 25,973,666 20,660,029 2,016,892 10,874,771 29,236,714 36,129 12,056,399 7,120,918 3,105,425 32323523235 6,476,538 4,260,084 2,493,693 33,153,973 318,043 30, 200, 823 67,374,873 33,581,139 16, 248, 703 14,150,658 2,061,140,963 • 4,384,573 4,092,137 309,495 8,786,205 Eastern district $7,511,990 2,130,284 926,769 244,550 174,832 37,199 2,959,893 3,275,896 860,442 757,918 542,211,106 3,436,140 2,089,861 543,557,385 17,726,957 17,218,747 5,292,052 1,329,398 44,015 596,593 43,010 4,199,022 106,360 46,556,154 34,498,856 15,875,410 138,963,704 1,164,132 5,188,453 10,597,063 32,286,037 79,001,341 8,268,571 47,249,996 1,063,009 27,122,213 178,004 417,318 2,018,139 611,083 628,960 13,169,755 2,182,539 95,387,789 534, 244 114,517,443 1,669,831 5,318,676 8,485,287 2,788,659 2,300,954 35,366,862 109,836,476 39,255,373 11,892 16,632,956 14,100,630 1,062,486 4,801,576 24,016,832 36,129 5,892,507 5,076,214 1,411,459 3,407,090 1,937,134 160,994 14,752,277 227,115 14,963,083 27,896,686 13,787,975 604,614 6,818,452 962,331,424 1,238,850 140,762 22,031 1,401,643 Southern district $2,695,488 1,030,628 179,508 61,826 56,040 6,729 636,676 600,084 274,286 260,506 207,005,082 1,388,227 919,911 207,473,398 7,750,231 10,306,297 2,053,511 591,086 720,990 5.347 2,798,667 12,536 24,238,665 11,641,873 6,891,489 51,596,692 1,326,013 1,157,898 2,771,672 11,225,582 23,904,574 1,452,074 14,124,472 1,552 7,819,749 616,249 194,795 251,774 4,968,982 729,556 39,650,487 608,793 45,474,177 532,235 752,595 3,495,027 1,429,757 1,006,754 13,081,884 46,145,465 13,378,264 9,656 2,596,110 1,732,693 363,049 1,390,176 544,335 1,950,490 682,368 552,402 1,251, 730 758,684 869,778 5,362,534 38,945 4,993,563 14,432,916 9,916,352 1,883,518 1,837,062 333,889,967 Western district $7,116,514 2,318,464 375,216 190, 444 165,302 18,656 1,554, 765 2,527,868 631,879 385,376 414,077,686 2,944,938 1,126,487 15,000 415,911,137 13,573,338 24,107,978 9,863,590 1,435,737 437: 7,465 1,450,710 25,512 3,671,620 77,098 54,213,048 22,162,219 10,462,589 107,047,344 3,104,139 1,475,987 7,113,202 18,872,298 48,096,186 3; 2,955,103 30,315,541 91,591 23,050,514 5,625 38,716 1,632,529 394,046 420,246 9,441,470 835,996 88,803,399 1,850,457 136,201,494 410,139 1,418,838 9,130,895 2,955,603 2,149,033 27,548,815 103,203, 468 30,213,209 666,237 6,744, 600 4,826,706 591,357 4,683,019 4,675,547 4,213,402 1,362,336 1,141,564 1,817,718 1,564,266 1,462,921 13,039,162 51,983 10,244,177 25,045, 271 9,876,812 6,760,571 •574 5,495,144 764,919,572 3,145,723 3,951,375 287,464 7,384,562 ୨ STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 10 No. 1 Dining and buffet service 2 Hotels and restaurants 3 Grain elevators 48tockyards 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 5 Producing power sold 6 Other miscellaneous operations 7 222 22 w wwwww... 30 31 35 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Concluded Miscellaneous Operations 40 ·· 41 42 .. MILANO F • 17 18 19 20 Total general expenses 21 Transportation for investment--Or. Total railway operating expenses 23 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES Maintenance of Way and Structures 44 • 47 Total miscellaneous operations Insurance . Relief department expenses Pensions Stationery and printing Valuation expenses 24 Related solely to freight service • 25 Related solely to passenger and allied services 26 Apportioned to freight service .. 27 Apportioned to passenger and allied services 28 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 29 Total Item Salaries and expenses of general officers Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants General office supplies and expenses Law expenses .. 32 | Apportioned to freight service Other expenses General joint facilities--Dr. General joint facilities--Cr. • General 36 Related solely to freight service 37 Related solely to passenger and allied services 38 Apportioned to freight service Maintenance of Equipment Related solely to freight service Related solely to passenger and allied services 39 Apportioned to passenger and allied services Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total ·· Apportioned to passenger and allied services Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total Traffic Transportation--Rail Linè Related solely to freight service .. Related solely to passenger and allied services Apportioned to freight service • 45 Apportioned to passenger and allied services Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total Transportation--Water Line 48 Related solely to freight service 49 Related solely to passenger and allied services O 50 Apportioned to freight service 51 Apportioned to passenger and allied services 52 | Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 53 Total Miscellaneous Operations 54 Related solely to freight service • 55 Related solely to passenger and allied services Apportioned to freight service .. 57 Apportioned to passenger and allied services • • • • • 58 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 59 Total ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Total, all districts $41,123,533 7,050,234 1,534,552 693,243 3,213,202 2,090,627 55,705,391 d 20,735, 282 93,287,122 7,186,577 17,794,231 181,651 2,585,206 22,344, 626 5,110,745 8,501,976 8,710,564 2,208,308 455.574 188,190, 714 15,683,771 4,427,995,036 72.45 $82,989,884 22,139,082 531,894,549 200,419,113 463,119 837,905,747 720,042,339 218,839,539 169,794, 766 57,410,237 855,039 1,166,941,920 67,594,464 43,165,520 8,264,890 5,982,965 28 125,007,867 1,173,619,724 413,787,219 359,547,583 114,254,381 67.944 2,061,140,963 6,899,584 203,463 1,380,459 266,891 35,808 8,786, 205 3,160,434 45,972,248 1,283,068 893,711 4,395,930 55,705, 391 Eastern district $19,084,932 1,893,179 1,428,458 20,477 3,085,394 521,087 26,033,527 8,759,857 40,197,875 3,137,580 6,528,813 104,697 1,344,989 11,914, 724 2,108,921 3,198,532 3,377,945 823,337 146,461 81, 350, 809 2,894,544 2,004,156,766 73.35 $49,105,416 14,459,314 199,111,560 82,906,044 238,034 345,820,368 346,877,642 111,200,183 63,195,807 21,686,353 597,400 543,557,385 28,490,256 15,052,938 2,181,384 831,576 46,556,154 587,389,417 202,011,113 127,590,368 45,438,223 97.697 962,331,424 628,096 157,889 418,501 197,157 1,401,643 1,761,754 21,908,970 374,372 235,803 1,752,628 26,033,527 Southern district $5,995,458 586,148 27,215 9,510 53,925 43,773 6,716,029 3,336,674 16,520,715 1,204,627 4,067,292 25,283 213,029 2,721,731 951,117 1,439,714 1,620,764 286,731 61,115 32,326,562 1,474,831 749,058,018 72.51 $13,218,714 2,351,609 96,852,893 33,465,012 145,888,228 139,503,592 36,541,837 25,160,828 5,267,141 207,473,398 15,759,495 ,633,803 1,351,429 493,938 24,238,665 187,921,100 61,658,455 65,293,392 19,017,020 333,889,967 60,386 6,477,834 136,863 36,572 4,374 6,716,029 Western district $16,043,143 4,570,907 78,879 663,256 73,883 1,525,767 22,955,835 8,638,751 36,568,532 2,844,370 7,198,126 51,671 1,027,188 7,708,171 2,050,707 3,863,730 3,711,855 1,098, 240 247,998 74,513,343 11,314,396 1,674,780,252 71.38 $20,665,754 5,328,159 235,930,096 84,048,057 225,085 346,197,151 233,661,105 71,097,519 81,438,131 29,456,743 257,639 415,911,137 23,344,713 21,478,779 4,732,077 4,657,451 28 54,213,048 398,309,207 150,117,651 166,663,823 49,799,138 29,753 764,919,572 6,271,488 45,574 961,958 69,734 35,808 7,384,562 1,338,294 17,585,444 771,833 621,336 2,638,928 22,955,835 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. H&M in 6 1 Related solely to freight service • 2 Related solely to passenger and allied services Apportioned to freight service ·· Apportioned to passenger and allied services • · 5 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total 19 20 8 9 Apportioned to freight service 10 Apportioned to passenger and allied services 11 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services.. 12 Total wwww 26 | Miles of road 27 28 33 34 13 Related solely to freight service 14 Related solely to passenger and allied services 15 Apportioned to freight service 16 Apportioned to passenger and allied services ·· 17 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services.. 18 Total Miles of road Kiles of second main track 21 Miles of third main track 22 Miles of fourth main track 23 Miles of all other main tracks 24 Miles of yard track and sidings 25 Total, all tracks 35 36 Mongo 37 38 42 £ 555555 SUMMARY NO. 1– RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Miles of second main track Miles of third main track Miles of fourth main track 30 Miles of all other main tracks 31 Miles of yard track and sidings 32 Total, all tracks 42 43 SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES--Concluded General 48 VISIVISŲ LOU MOE Related solely to freight service Related solely to passenger and allied services 56 Transportation for Investment--Q1. Stock cars Goal cars Tank cars Total Operating Expenses • MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1928 Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars Steam locomotives: Fumber at close of year Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year Number retired during year Electric locomotive units: Fumber at close of year Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year Number retired during year Number at close of year: Box cars Flat cars Item • · MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1928 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total Aggregate capacity (tons): Box 0818 Flat oars ·· Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total • Freight-carrying Cars • • • ·· • Includes 21,486.98 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 7,690.62 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 4,355.89 miles of industrial tracks, Includes 9,440.47 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 23,679.08 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 8,688.00 miles operated under trackage rights. 1/ 5/ Total, all districts 9/ $49,571,058 11,420,023 93,384,102 33,364,948 450,583 188,190,714 15,283,051 292,195 90,134 18,391 2,088,594,436 755,234,899 1,165,459,283 412,573,855 6,132,563 4,427,995,036 15,683,771 240,779.01 36,499.58 3,159.75 2,215.32 380.68 120,481.61 176,306.36 21,870.72 2,091.68 1,541.07 209.39 83,099.93 285,119.15 58,839 2,579,795,850 942 3,036 552 26,966,200 1,056,836 100,110 59,478.54 18,587.69 2,712.35 1,971.84 82.41 2/ 46,187.74 403,515.95 6/ 129,020.57 83,963 926,928 9,960 42,295 77,585 2,297,677 42,937,497 4,277,758 3,099.214 49,210,065 Eastern district 440,640 1,382,735 3,979,495 105,327,404 $25,096,113 6,321,699 36,572,855 12,912,974 447,168 81,350,809 2,745,353 119,909 21,783 7,499 2,894,544 1,036,603,342 370,992,197 429,423,064 164,200,631 2,937,533 2,004,156,766 33,250.95 9,199.71 1,719.12 1,347.16 78.83 10/ 26,089.45 71,685.22 25,511 1,159, 300, 440 406 1,469 396 18,751,000 59 13 450,286 21,098 14,728 544, 442 205 4,747 21,248 1,056,754 18,900,453 938,916 596,905 29,388,018 4,103 155,755 1,108,192 51,092,342 Southern district $8,973,103 1,515,982 16,489,042 5,348,435 32,326,562 1,438,223 7,214 22,209 7,185 1,474,831 363,998,167 115,172,306 205,262,238 64,620,933 4,374 749,058,018 35,181.16 4,034.10 120.06 44.29 109.87 11/ 15,883.22 55,372.70 11,054 485,715,020 186 327 3,217,000 168,466 22,551 7,797 208,698 5,431 7,763 22 420,728 Western district 6,223,778 938,326 292,280 11,396,832 980 165,880 370,888 19,388,964 11 $15,501,842 3,582,342 40,322,205 15,103,539 3,415 74,513,343 455 45,760.30 5,670.18 125.80 48.41 135,540.17 13533 12, 241.71 321.60 195.07 20.69 4/ 53,054.94 277.58 3/ 21,238.93 Z/ 73,121.20/201,374.18 11,099,475 165,072 46,142 3,707 11,314,396 687,992,928 269,070,396 530,773,981 183,752, 291 3,190,656 1,674,780,252 Includes 3,787.23 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 11,203.85 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 14,563.91 miles of industrial tracks. 10 Includes 4,097.64 miles of industrial tracks. 11 Includes 3,268.97 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 7,197.30 miles of industrial tracks. 107,874.25 8,636.91 252.50 149.62 20.69 12/ 41,127.26 158,061.23 22,274 934,780, 390 350 1,240 122 4,998, 200 6 438,084 56,461 61,438 173,788 9,733 32,117 48,574 820,195 17,813,266 2,400,516 2,210,029 8,425,215 435,557 1,061,100 2,500, 415 34,846,098 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 12 No. 1234567 10 11 12 OR 13 14 15 16 CHA 789 22223 20 21 ~ 222 223 24 3+5 ww 26 27 28 29 30 32 MMMM 33 34 35 17 18 19 Number retired during year 36 37 £555 ESE FEW W 39 40 41 42 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) FRANMA A EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded Number installed during year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars 55 O Number of units at close of year Number of units installed during year 25 Number of units retired during year • • • Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total Number retired during year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars... Coal cars Tank cars Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total All Classes of Passenger-train Cars Number at close of year Number installed during year • 38 Average number Compensation-- Item All Classes of Company Service Equipment Number at close of year Number installed during year Number retired during year In replacement: In replacement: • .. ·· Number of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges • Floating Equipment • In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties .... Total charges Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges TIES LAID DURING YEAR ·· In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks Miles of yard track and sidings Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges RAILS LAID DURING YEAR Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total Service hours-- Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total Service day8-- In passenger service In mixed-train service .. Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total • • EMPLOYEES ·· 48 Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service .. • .. ·· In special service In yard-switching service In work service Grand total, all services A Does not include data for 279 linear feet of steel ties. Does not include data for 171 linear feet of steel ties. Total, all districts 25,157 4,931 3,635 24,878 224 830 1,842 61,497 34,846 5,119 3,302 38,670 557 2,760 3,741 88,995 53,097 2,524 3,252 108,445 9.335 10,302 2,408 동구 ​77,390,941 269,062,440 $118,074,069 7,210,117 44,819,863 $11,394,401 3,804,749 $138,695,712 751.48 1,906.92 369,928 $11,663,112 1,656,686 $2,547,929,871 $144,390,520 $2,827,590, 471 3,659,876,340 169,600,727 3,995,134,406 38,862,211 254,763 39,804, 203 $2,630,912,415 77,067,413 27,190,106 1,929,953 47,268 20,867,992 2,641,809 129,744,541 Eastern district ปี 를 ​10,230 120 292 7,571 35 240 414 18,902 15,228 836 422 18,942 138 367 1,453 37,386 26,285 1,440 1,732 35,186 2,941 4,094 5 2,087 50 20,218,038 98,121,325 $42,212, 230 1,950,426 16,058,139 $4,123,403 1,657,509 $58,192,780 164.31 572.36 112,659 $3,643,645 714,188 $1,158,672,991 $64,307,280 $1,284,236,049 1,556,769,048 73,591,925 1,705,578,915 18,846,244 128,829 19,327,206 $1,196,375,509 31,685, 612 11,621,131 368, 394 13,457 10,310, 620 1,208,912 55,208,126 Southern district 3,893 881 208 10,390 400 15,772 4,489 1,133 572 11,676 799 87 18,756 8,282 201 330 18,934 1,153 1,340 516 115 16,887,570 63,233,097 $23,290,942 749,749 5,911,037 $1,056,298 663,559 $23,946,061 67.95 234.71 37,076 $1,082,510 314,030 $442,325,31 $23,456,95 $485,924,574 691,068,512 28,267,861 744,375,123 6,268,900 34,217 6,389,037 $457,041,960 15,535,870 984,830 376,627 10,030 3,479,191 420,610 24,807,158 Western district 11,034 3,930 3,135 917 189 590 1,028 26,823 15,129 3,150 2,308 8,052 419 1,594 2,201 32,853 18,530 883 1,190 241 868 206 6 40,285,333 107,708,018 $52,570,897 4,509,942 22,850,687 $6,214, 700 1,483,681 $56,556,871 519.22 1,099.85 220,193 $6,936,957 628,468 $946,931,569 $56,626,286 $1,057,429,848 1,412,038,780 67,740,941 1,545,180,368 13,747,067 91,717 14,087,960 $977,494,946 29,845,931 10,584,145 1,184,932 23,781 7,078,181 1,012,287 49,729,257 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) REVENUE FREIGHT TONNAGE BY GROUPS. OF COMMODITIES Revenue Freight Originated Products of agriculture: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Products of mines: Animals and products: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car ... Item Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Products of forests: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) · Average load per car Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Merchandise - All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Products of agriculture: Number of carloads Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Products of mines: Animals and products: Number of carloade Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Total Revenue Freight Carried • Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage - • Products of forests: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage ... Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage ·· Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage • .. .. · ... • · • • • Merchandise All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage • Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage • Total, all districts 4,805,375 118,021,911 24.56 2,162,553 25,633,848 11.85 13,527,774 696,583,097 51.49 3,408,066 96,736,937 28.38 11,833,638 312,013,252 26.37 35,737,406 1,248,989,045 34.95 36,953,931 1,285,942,976 10,207,458 225,550,147 9.55 3,724,463 45,723,698 24,105,343 1,234,485,378 52.27 6,908,757 187,347,241 7.93 24,178,346 605,255,923 25.63 69,124,367 2,298,362,387 97.32 63,260,249 2.68 2,361,622,636 100.00 Eastern district 962,497 21,450,920 22.29 454,867 6,024,545 13.24 5,818,271 300,507,476 51.65 443,181 11,150,935 25.16 7,120,725 188,643,463 26.49 14,799,541 527,777,339 35.66 18,191,048 545,968,387 3,255, 721 68,913,104 5.56 1,377,636 18,118,922 1.46 13,599,785 710,562,010 57.37 1,944,457 48,929,125 3.95 14,348,430 359,154,962 29.00 34,526,029 1,205,678,123 97.34 32,929,075 .66 1,238,607,198 100.00 Southern district 868,273 14,288,160 16.46 171,680 1,984,692 11.56 3,818,131 203,635,510 53.33 1,156,371 29,778,330 25.75 1,447,886 37,205,594 25.70 7,462,341 286,892, 286 38.45 7,280,576 294,172,862 1,944,464 32,695,163 7.66 327,519 4,100,660 .96 4,826,581 252,477,132 59.12 1,939,084 49,671,738 11.63 3,103,099 75,182,037 17.61 12,140,747 414,126,730 96.98 12,900,037 3.62 427,026,767 100.00 Western district 13 2,974,605 82, 2822832 27. 1,536,006 17,624,611 11.47 3,891,372 192,440,111 49.45 1,808,514 55,807,672 30.86 3,265,027 86,164,195 26.39 13,475,524 434,319,420 32.23 11,482,307 445,801,727 5,007,273 123,941,880 17.81 2,019,308 23,504,116 3.38 5,678,977 271,446,236 39.00 3,025,216 88,746,378 12.75 6,726,817 170,918,924 24.56 22,457,591 678,557,534 97.50 17,431,137 695,988, 671 100.00 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 14 No. 1 | Average mileage of road operated 5 6 2 Freight--ordinary Freight--light 7 8 Work service 22 9 Total freight train 10 Total passenger train Total mixed train Mt56 11 12 Total special 13 Train switching 14 Yard switching--freight 15 Yard switching--passenger 25 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928-Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) w w w w 16 Total transportation service 17 | Work service 18 Freight train--loaded 19 Freight train--empty 20 Freight train--caboose 21 36 444444 37 Passenger Mixed Special 38 40 41 STATISTICS OF RAIL-LINE OPERATIONS 23 Passenger train--passenger 42 ·· CUM Total transportation service ·· 47 48 • ·· 28 Mixed train--freight--loaded 29 Mixed train--freight--empty 30 Mixed train--caboose 39 Work service Passenger train--sleeping, parlor, and observation Passenger train--dining 26 Passenger train--other 27 • 53 DIÒLDIN 106 • 31 Mixed train--exclusive work equipment 32 Mixed train--passenger 33 Mixed train--sleeping, parlor, and observation 34 Mixed train--dining 35 Mixed train--other passenger train Total mixed train Total passenger train Freight train--exclusive work equipment Total freight train Total special train Locomotive-Kiles '0 Train-Miles ... ·· Car-Miles • .. Total transportation service It em Tons--revenue freight Tons--nonrevenue freight Ton-miles--revenue freight Ton-miles--nonrevenue freight 44 Passengers carried--revenue... 45 Passengers-miles--revenue 46 · Miscellaneous Miles hauled--revenue freight 52 Miles carried--revenue passengers 49 Passenger-miles--revenue--per train-mile 50 Passenger-miles--revenue--per car-mile 51 Ton-miles--revenue freight--per mile of road Ton-miles--revenue freight--per train-mile Ton-miles--revenue and nonrevenue freight--per loaded car-mile ·· Revenue per ton of freight Revenue per ton-mile of freight Revenue per passenger Revenue per passenger-mile • • • • • Total, all districts 240,150.53 573,794,089 6,015,292 561,599,590 27,492,208 540,816 1,169,441,995 33,236,462 657,719,344 539,159,308 28,238,627 627,486 59,745,579 292,713,255 23,960,855 1,602,164,454 42,025,273 17,663,239,975 10,423,987,620 590,292,054 40,789,362 28,718, 309, 011 1,215,552, 223 1,201,337,242 158,776,183 1,223,067,683 3,798,733,331 71232 155,445,024 88,955,242 2,437,286 1,289,148 30,645,398 713,271 4,384 16,805,482 296,295,235 8,839,716 32,822,177,293 172,763,012 2,361,622,636 261,112,851 432,915,184,526 40,858,582,800 790,327,447 31,601,341,798 1,802,683 718.29 26.59 55.81 12.91 183.31 39.99 $1.98176 $0.01081 $1.13945 $0.02850 Eastern district 59,365.18 214,598,536 3,232, 448 234,584,994 5,167,339 186,480 457,769,797 15,134,067 261,508,019 224,787,477 5,283,677 198,420 30,325,523 147,946,886 13,297,465 683,347,467 19,992,801 ,072,007,972 ,170,944,309 221,639,320 5,919,296 11,470,510,897 582,496,631 473,863,113 54,294,244 523,856,083 1,634,510,071 24,312,796 12,782,589 953,353 135,558 5,464,514 62,963 195 6,355,681 50,067,649 2,379,675 13,157,468,292 49,955,262 1,238,607,198 100,641,346 183,517,857,811 13,264,760,471 571,801, 183 17,386,359,618 3,091,338 827.52 27.73 73.73 16.37 148.16 30.41 $1.62363 $0.01096 $0.83013 $0.02730 Southern district 45,717.38 119,906,532 1,072,319 97,390,928 5,087,628 113,841 223,571,248 5,713,397 129,561, 201 94,807,170 5,187,344 119,921 9,221,853 46,444,647 3,365,563 288,707,699 6,622,762 3,296,244,634 2,105,551,261 122,345,097 6,903,028 5,531,044, 020 203,435,282 191,634,314 26,046,404 196,574,668 617,690,668 23,909,473 12,517,263 432,989 153,614 6,953,930 80,724 1,260 3,056,377 47,105,630 1,766,917 6,197,607,235 25,689,839 427,026,767 51,351,005 91,957,726,895 7,803,436, 60g 79,005,131 4,033,588,458 2,011,439 735.82 30.05 40.96 10.03 215.34 51.05 1.95298 80.00907 $1.63995 $0.03212 Western district 135,067.97 239,289,021 1,710,525 229,623,668 17,237,241 240,495 488,100,950 12,388,998 266,650,124 219,564,661 17,767,606 309,145 20,198,203 98,321,722 7,297,827 630,109,288 15,409,710 7,294,987,369 4,147,492,050 246,307,637 27,967,038 11,716,754,094 429,620,310 535,839,815 78,435,535 502,636,932 1,546,532,592 107,222,755 63,655,390 1,050,944 999,976 18,226,954 569,584 2,929 7,393,424 199,121,956 4,693,124 13,467,101,766 97,117,911 695,988, 671 109,120,500 157,439,599,820 19,790,385, 721 139,521,133 10,131,393,722 1,165,632 615.10 23.94 43.90 10.34 226.21 72.97 $2.63677 $0.01166 $2.12372 $0.02910 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Total number of stockholders ametin678 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investments Investment in road and equipment 2 Improvements on leased railway property 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 222 22 23 24 15 16 | Material and supplies 17 Other current assets 18 19 Deferred assets 31 32 33 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 (Does not include lessor companies) 20 Discount on capital stock Discount on funded debt Other unadjusted debits 21 #4 Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies Other investments • ୭ ୫ Total investments 49 AMA Cash Demand loans and deposits Time drafts and deposits Special deposits ·· Loans and bills receivable Miscellaneous accounts receivable Total current assets 25 Capital stock 26 Stock liability for conversion Premium on capital stock 27 28 Total stock 29 Grants in aid of construction 40 Operating reserves 41 42 43 52 55 56 57 58 • Total unadjusted debits Grand total 30 Funded debt unmatured Receiver's certificates Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies Total long-term debt .. Premium on funded debt 34 Loans and bills payable 35 Miscellaneous accounts payable 36 Other current liabilities 37 38 Deferred liabilities • • • Accrued depreciation Other unadjusted credits • 50 Profit and loss--balance 51 Unadjusted Debits • Item Current Assets ·· Total current liabilities Current Liabilities Long-Term Debt · Corporate Surplus Additions, to property through income and surplus 45 Funded debt retired through income and surplus 46 8inking fund reserves Total unadjusted credits Miscellaneous fund reserves 48 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested • Stook Unadjusted Oredits · Total appropriated surplus Total corporate surplus Expenditures for new lines and extensions 53 Expenditures for additions and betterments 54 Oredits for property retired Adjustments ·· • INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT ·· Net charges during year Stocks actually issued during year--par value Funded debt actually issued during year--par value ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. • Total, all districts 386 $181,614,391 12,525,299 211,542 1,432,438 5,101,237 15,882,737 5,718,880 222,486,524 12,124,878 1,405,275 4,435,230 2,900, 737 18,170 5,530,882 3,950,901 4,361,486 34,727,559 5,128,766 3,087,800 1,405,946 2,415,830 6,909,576 269,252,425 43,684,400 43,684,400 311,285 113,247,600 9,714,267 122,961,867 1,257,502 12,028,082 13,285,584 108,856 1,237 14,700,389 12,379,557 27,081,183 d 9,626,978 2,195,000 751,543 18,337 514,468 13,106,326 48,712,924 61,819,250 2,472 5,768,188 1,673,639 133,683 3,963,338 2,600,000 289,000 Eastern district 132 $117,004,928 3,003,045 315 1,241,188 3,244,967 4,082,079 128,576,522 6,343,672 900,000 4,260,230 6,885 6,474 3,178,338 2,698,404 3,076,642 20,470,645 504,437 558, 602 1,243,922 1,802,524 151,354,128 34,620,000 ::: 34,620,000 57,318,000 2,572,862 59,890,862 d 343,147 8,933,474 9,276,621 70,904 1,237 8,946,145 5,262,589 14,209,971 6,903,846 18,337 490,734 7,412,917 25,872,853 33,285,770 2,472 3,187,458 1,104,320 128,949 1,956,661 2,600,000 259,000 Southern district 7 $13,391,016 1,432,123 114,686 14,937,825 140,327 281,340 256,987 44,664 41,037 764,355 18 47,ii9 47,119 15,749,317 2,000,000 d 2,000,000 311, 285 14,000,000 14,000,000 1,934 602,099 604,033 24,607 53,270 726 95,996 4,621 4,621 d 1,291,225 d 1,286,604 57 230 60,531 1,057 2,244 Western district 15 247 $51,218,447 9,522,254 211,542 3,745,363 12,637,770 1,636,801 78,972,177 5,640,879 505,275 175,000 2,612,512 11,696 2,095,557 1,207,833 1,243,807 13,492,559 4,624,311 3,087,800 847,344 1,124,789 5,059,933 102,148,980 7,064,400 7,064,400 41,929,600 7,141,405 49,071,005 912, 421 2,492,509 3,404,930 13,345 5,700,974 7,074,242 12,775,216 2,718,511 2,195,000 751,543 23,734 5,688, 788 24,131,296 29,820,084 2,523,500 508,788 5.791 2,008,921 30,000 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 16 No. 12 MET LOND78 ING 9 od 22 # in 12 13 14 15 23 24 10 Revenues from miscellaneous operations. 11 Expenses of miscellaneous operations. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Miscellaneous operating income. Total operating income. 16 Net railway operating income. 43 44 17 Hire of freight cars-credit balance. 18 Rent from locomotives. SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) FAMILY & BOLEZN INCOME ACCOUNT 67 Railway operating revenues. Railway operating expenses. Net revenue from railway operations. Railway tax accruals: United States Government taxes. Other than United States Government taxes. Total railway tax accruals.. Uncollectible railway revenues... Railway operating income. 19 Rent from passenger-train cars 20 Rent from floating equipment. 21 Rent from work equipment. 22 Joint facility rent income. Income from lease of road.. Miscellaneous rent income.. Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property Separately operated properties--profit. Dividend income.. Income from funded securities. Income from unfunded securities and accounts. Income from sinking and other reserve funds. Release of premiums on funded debt... Contributions from other companies. Miscellaneous income.. Total nonoperating income. Gross income. 68 69 70 71 ·· 38 Rent for passenger-train cars 39 Rent for floating equipment. 40 Rent for work equipment. 41 Joint facility rents.. 42 Rent for leased roads. Miscellaneous rents... 02 021 22 27 35 36 Hire of freight cars--debit balance. 37 Rent for locomotives.. • 78 • ·· 79 Net revenue from miscellaneous operations. Taxes on miscellaneous operating property. 80 Item 81 ·· Miscellaneous tax accruals. 82 83 84 85 • 45 Separately operated properties--1088. 46 Interest on funded debt.. Interest on unfunded debt... • ·· 77 Miscellaneous debits..... • • 48 Amortization of discount on funded debt. 49 Maintenance of investment organization. 50 Income transferred to other companies.. Miscellaneous income charges.. 51 52 Total deductions from gross income. 53 Net income.... .. • 61 63 64 65 62 Profit on road and equipment sold. Delayed income credits.. Unrefundable overcharges. Donations. Miscellaneous credits.... 66 • ·· ·· ·· 75 Loss on retired road and equipment. Delayed income debits.... 76 • • 55 • 56 Income appropriated for investment in physical property. 57 Stock discount extinguished through income. 58 | Miscellaneous appropriations of income. 59 Total appropriations of income.. 60 Income balance transferred to profit and loss. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT ·· Credit balance transferred from income. ·· Total debits during year.. Net increase during year.. Balance at beginning of year. • .. • ·· Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income.. ... • Total credits during year. Debit balance transferred from income. Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of surplus... • Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property. 72 Stock discount extinguished through surplus. 73 Debt discount extinguished through surplus. 74 Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus. • • ·· • • .. • • · .. ·· • Balance at end of year. Dividends declared during year... Par value on which declared--common.... Par value on which declared--preferred. Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent. d Deficit or other reverse item. • • ... ·· • Total, all districts $73,438,605 50,010,646 23,427,959 1,579,519 4,260,37 5,839,890 9,532 17,578,537 117,889 103,122 14,767 2,615 12,152 d d 17,590,689 21,660,637 1,780,384 338,632 63 960 3,890 4,375,401 472,481 485,654 128,650 184,275 590,098 208,679 2,300 22,539 d 45.700 1,111,656 5,730,509 1,482,183 78,290 8,594,006 26,184,695, 934,784 416,479 11 5,015,801 25, 212 54,924 658,231 30,301 15,492, 681 10,692,014 82,595 1,271,062 114,334 1,467,991 9,224,023 9,224,023 101,376 16,249 23,760 621,584 9,986,992 60 1,501 ,501,000 20,734 12,610 618,330 240,659 66,223 150,882 1,373,718 8,613,274 40,099,650 48,712,924 2,772,062 23,196,600 11.95 Eastern district $47,932,667 33,525,561 14,407,106 1,142,123 2,314,752 3,456,875 8,725 10,941,506 117,889 103,122 d 14,767 2,615 12,152 10,953,658 12,726,523 1,365,431 152,093 960 24,314 1,826,910 463,373 197,030 28,017 123,787 299,039 7,301 2,300 21,074 4,463,001 15,416,659 565,253 233,303 11 46,083 783,579 2,630,115 381,691 21,478 2,602,228 3,371 22,786 658,231 12,588 7,868,551 7,548,108 12,949 1,037,200 24,816 1,074,965 6,473,143 6,473,143 98,478 3,432 13,195 578,366 7,166,614 60 1,450,000 13,195 12,610 d 663,330 88,624 66,223 123,938 1,091,200 6,075,414 19,797,439 25,872,853 2,487,200 19,220,000 12.94 Southern district $1,634,033 918,737 715,296 128,354 128,354 1 586,941 586,941 481,102 22,772 •M 238 88,577 35,291 55,716 26. 202,620 789,561 183,482 31,887 281 1,776 5,738 ·· 560,000 1,664 3,017 787,845 1,716 1,716 1,716 19 1,735 48,357 14,150 62,507 d 60,772 d 1,230,453 d 1.291,225 Western district $23,871,905 15,566,348 8,305,557 437,396 1.817.265 2,254,661 806 6,050,090 6,050,090 8,453,012 414,953 163,767 63 27,966 2,459,914 9,108 288,624 65,342 60,488 235,343 201,378 1,439 3,928,385 9,978,475 186,049 151,289 102 326,301 3,100,394 1,100,492 51,074 1,853,573 20,177 32,138 14,696 6,836,285 3,142,190 69,646 233,862 89,518 393,026 2,749,164 2,749,164 2,898 12,817 10,565 43,199 2,818,643 51,000 7,539 45,000 103,678 12,794 220,011 2,598,632 21,532,664 24,131,296 284,862 3,976,600 7.16 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 | Freight 2 7 8 Excess baggage 4 81eeping car Passenger 9 Milk. ·· Parlor and chair car Mail Express Other passenger-train • 40 17 18 Freight 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Dining and buffet 28 AN .. 10 Switching 11 Special service train 12 Other freight-train 13 Water transfers--freight 14 Water transfers--passenger ... 15 Water transfers--vehicles and live stock 16 Water transfers--other Total rail-line transportation revenue Passenger 43 44 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 33 Demurrage 37❘ Power 38 39 • .. • Excess baggage Other passenger service Mail Express Special service Other 35 Grain elevator 36 Stockyard 73 74 Hotel and restaurant .. • RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES • ·· 29 | Station, train, and boat privileges 30 Parcel room 31 | 8torage--freight 32 | Storage--baggage .. Telegraph and telephone Total water-line transportation revenue 41 Joint facility--Cr. O • ·· 42 Joint facility--Dr. • .. Rents of buildings and other property Miscellaneous Total incidental operating revenue ……… ·· ·· • Ties--yard 67 Ties--other 68 Ties--depreciation--yard Ties--depreciation--other 69 Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures • 45 Superintendence 46 Roadway maintenance--yard 47 Roadway maintenance--other 48 Roadway--depreciation--yard 49 Roadway--depreciation--other 50 Underground power tubes--yard 51 Underground power tubes--other Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard Underground power tubes--depreciation--other Tunnels and subways--yard Tunnels and subways--other 56 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard 70 Rails--yard 71 | Rails--other 72 Rails--depreciation--yard Rails--depreciation--other .. 57 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard ·· ·· .. 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other 62 Elevated structures--yard .. Item 63 Elevated structures--other 64 Elevated structures--depreciation--yard 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other 66 ·· ·· • ·· .. • .. ·· ... Other track material--yard 75 Other track material--other 76 Other track material--depreciation--yard 77 Other track material--depreciation--other 78 | Ballast--yard 79 Ballast--other 80 Ballast--depreciation--yard 81 Ballast--depreciation--other 82 83 84 Right-of-way fences--yard 85 | Right-of-way fences--other Track laying and surfacing--yard Track laying and surfacing--other • ·· • d Deficit or other reverse item. • • ·· • ● • · .. • Total, all districts $2,766,794 20,916 37 2,025 66,670,942 44,912 1,950 69,507,670 56,983 174, 79,365 41,045 15,122 554,768 d 634,681 152,793 5,113 424,369 2,150,542 4,289,433 9,197 367,695 d 358,498 73,438,605 614,478 889,514 19,744 7.213 7,873 22,699 288,413 18,978 282,920 46,589 35,250 1,108,887 53,437 687 566,867 23,116 108 809,326 25,769 1.028 92,227 175 2,194,178 48,014 2,644 315 Eastern district $2,446,897 44,305,361 44,912 411 • 46,797,581 • d d ·· 56,983 7,892 13,563 28,798 152,793 5,113 -72,295 438,250 1,139,660 2,323 361,650 9,197 13,771 4.574 47,932,667 399,775 495,333 7.213 3,787 151,202 15,023 167 726,014 687 387,634 108 503,457 1,028 61,950 54 1,344,271 1,390 Southern district • $1,570,578 1,570,578 3,480 9,414 508 6,817 27,801 14,991 63,011 d 444 444 1,634,033 8,839 11,462 14,909 249 7,990 23,22 30,528 9,072 15,443 9,965 11,570 •A 23,527 18,174 224 Testern district $319,897 20,916 37 2, 20,795,003 1,539 21,139,511 163,280 65,802 2,833 12,291 186,301 634,681 324,273 1,697,301 3,086,762 354,368 ₫ 354,368 23,871,905 205,864 382,719 4,835 4,086 22,699 136,962 10,988 267,897 46,422 35,250 3593; 359,650 22,909 170,161 7,673 295,904 14,199 30,271 826,380 29,840 1,254 91 17 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 18 No. 1234LOND 180 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures-Concluded 1 Right-of-way fences--depreciation-yard. 2 Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds-other Snow and sand fences and snowsheds-depreciation--yard.. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation-other. Crossings and signs-yard. 8 Crossings and signs--other. 10 Crossings and signs--depreciation-yard. Crossings and signs--depreciation--other Station and office buildings. 11 ... 12 Station and office buildings--depreciati 13 Roadway buildings... 14 Roadway buildings--depreciation. 15 Water stations... 16 Water stations--depreciation. 17 Fuel stations.... 18 Fuel stations--depreciation. 29 30 19 Shops and enginehouses.. 20❘ Shops and enginehouses--depreciation.. 21 Grain elevators.... 22 Grain elevators-depreciation. 23 Storage warehouses.... 24 Storage warehouses-depreciation. 25 Wharves and docks.... 26 Wharves and docks--depreciation. 27 Coal and ore wharves..... 28 | Coal and ore wharves-depreciation.. Iter ... ··· Gas producing plants. Gas producing plants-depreciation. • 42 43 Power distribution systems. 38 Power plant buildings-depreciation. 39 Power substation buildings. 40 41 51 | Paving…………. 52 Paving--depreciation. Power transmission systems--depreciation ·· 31 | Telegraph and telephone lines.... 32 Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation. 33 8ignals and interlockers.. 34 Signals and interlockers-depreciation. 35 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines.. Power substation buildings--depreciation. Power transmission systems. Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation. 37 Power plant buildings.. Miscellaneous structures--depreciation. • 53 Roadway machines.. 54 Roadway machines--depreciation. 57 58 Injuries to persons...... 55 Small tools and supplies.... 56 Removing snow, ice, and sand. Insurance.. Stationery and printing Other expenses..... .. 44 Power distribution systems--depreciation 45 Power line poles and fixtures.. 46 Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation 47 Underground conduits.. 48 Underground conduits--depreciation. 49 Miscellaneous structures.. 50 • Assessments for public improvements · 67 Superintendence. 68 Shop machinery. 69 Shop machinery--depreciation. 70 Power plant machinery.. 71 ... .. • Power plant machinery-depreciation. Power substation apparatus. 75 Steam locomotives--depreciation. 76 Steam locomotives--retirements.. Other locomotives--repairs. 77 78 Other locomotives--depreciation. 79 Other locomotives-retirements.. 80 Freight-train cars-repairs... 81 Freight-train cars--depreciation d Deficit or other reverse item. ·· 72 73 Power substation apparatus--depreciation. 74 Steam locomotives--repairs... · .. 59 60 61 62 Total, above accounts. 63 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr 64 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities-Cr.. 65 Equalization-way and structures...... 66 Total maintenance of way and structures. Maintenance of Equipment • O ... • Total, all districts $3 167,549 11,296 21,594 361,920 137,816 55,292 4,340 73,203 4,836 66,852 10,081 272,868 43,260 14,539 31,647 17,420 32,658 243,205 69,853 19,083 14,573 71,891 384,1 14,442 115215315 11,258 4,601 325 167 7,713 23,332 3,227 2,306 477 8,451 11,531 25,178 1,427 112,855 116,983 2,817 138,408 89,904 11,294 10,624 9,869,869 867,791 2,259,289 8,478,371 487,057 158,417 34,644 55,517 27,326 551 292 4,444,770 639,442 99,573 2,027,528 464,453 Eastern district $3 116,793 315 144,422 19,807 30,960 87 44,117 1,376 33,219 1,653 136,920 7,606 3,914 1,236 29,963 11,271 16,897 14,573 59,442 185,489 154 3,323 2,683 2,305 1,936 1,672 1,726 18,738 178 61,039 79,538 2,639 110,087 34,075 7,124 6,987 5,275,196 828,580 1,414,289 4,689,487 343,704 100,471 6,183 8,841 55i 3,218,047 396, 685 67,787 1,770,994 421,902 Southern district $1,458 8,298 27,505 3,877 825 2,298 11,818 57,541 2,186 1,803 1,033 163 187 733 2,233 220 3,133 50 46 310, 209 1,844 47,258 264,795 15,624 2,530 2,082 88,874 2,504 3,432 d 5.084 Western district $49,298 2,998 21,279 189,993 118,009 20,455 4,253 28,261 3,460 31,335 8,428 124,130 35,654 35 14,539 31,647 13,506 31,422 155, 701 58,582 10,646 601 197 14,596 772 1,601 325 167 5,030 21,027 1,291 477 6,912 11,531 5,707 1,249 49,583 37,445 178 28,101 52,696 4,120 3.591 4,284,464 37,367 797,742 3,524,089 127,729 55,416 28,461 44,594 27,326 292 1,137,849 240, 253 28,354 261,618 42,551 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Freight-train cars--retirements. 2 Passenger-train cars--repairs. 25 29 30 32 3 Passenger-train cars--depreciation. Passenger-train cars--retirements... 5 Motor equipment of cars--repairs. Motor equipment of cars--depreciation. Motor equipment of cars--retirements. Floating equipment--repairs.... 8 9 Floating equipment--depreciation. 10 Floating equipment--retirements. 11 12 13 14 Miscellaneous equipment--repairs. 15 Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation. 16 Miscellaneous equipment--retirements. 17 18 32 33 35 19 20 21 22 Maintaining joint equipment-Dr. 23 Maintaining joint equipment--Cr. Equalization--equipment.. SUMMARY NO. 2–RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31. 1928 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 39 40 41 26 Superintendence. 27 Outside agencies. 28 Advertising... RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded Work equipment-repairs... Work equipment-depreciation. Work equipment--retirements.. Injuries to persons. Insurance... Stationery and printing. Other expenses.. 56 57 58 Total. 36 Superintendence. 37 38 -~~-~ 75 Traffic associations. Fast freight lines.. 76 77 Total traffic. Item Station supplies and expenses. Yardmasters and yard clerks.. 43 Yard conductors and brakemen. ·· Total maintenance of equipment. Traffic ... .. • Industrial and immigration bureaus. Insurance.. Stationery and printing. Other expenses. 44 Yard switch and signal tenders. 45 Yard enginemen. 46 Yard motormen... 47 Fuel for yard locomotives. 48 Yard switching power produced. 49 Yard switching power purchased. .. Yard supplies and expenses.. Train enginemen.. Train motormen. Fuel for train locomotives. • • Dispatching trains... Station employees. Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus Coal and ore wharves. • Enginehouse expenses--train. Trainmen..... Transportation--Rail Line • • · Express service... Stationery and printing. Other expenses. Insurance. | Clearing wrecks.. • Water for yard locomotives.. Lubricants for yard locomotives. 52 Other supplies for yard locomotives. Enginehouse expenses--yard. • 78 79 Loss and damage--freight.. Loss and damage-baggage. • • ·· • Lubricants for train locomotives. 65 Train supplies and expenses. 66 Operating sleeping cars... 67 Signal and interlocker operation. 68 Orossing protection. 69 Drawbridge operation. 70 71 • • · Train power produced.. 59 Train power purchased. 60 Water for train locomotives.. 61 62 Other supplies for train locomotives. 63 64 • ❤ • • • Telegraph and telephone operation. Operating floating equipment. • • Damage to property. Damage to live stook on right of way • • ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. d Total, all districts $18,264 14,215 1,352 • 57,725 35,403 618 155,719 48,782 13/; 3,327 13,695 7,479 337 62,611 82,974 24,315 1,645 8,931,503 141,034 309,102 8,763,435 140,503 80,001 34,898 15,944 2,119 118 25,535 233 299,351 1,344,069 288,655 5,014,754 38,658 46,878 418,912 2,680,926 8,353,835 755,041 5,833,649 5,077,992 370,476 90,988 103,204 1,267,185 259,628 181,405 119,716 791 4.486 6,452 24, 203 196,266 73,388 359,601 395,022 37,483 67,345 170,797 239,316 192,181 70,212 107,500 86,760 184 283,150 251 d Eastern district $11,721 811 258 • 57,725 35,403 618 96,367 24,993 4,876 4,921 4,281 369 42,637 65,299 16,779 1,244 6,680,025 140,884 126,405 6,694,504 92,600 38,070 7,166 4,518 2,119 117 18,966 179 163,735 903,376 154,344 2,003,432 27,097 42,128 182,061 512,083 5,410,766 374,120 3,932,014 3,706,570 258,470 62,282 71,462 935,656 132,353 163,112 103,138 7,212 4,132 6,318 18,573 171,735 59,629 243,163 237,491 23,323 46,915 170,797 130,489 163,281 52,142 58,015 50,047 100 222,712 Southern district $12 607 • • • • 782 274 879 183 596 29 ~~ 113,325 . 17,029 • 96,296 • 16,583 6,763 317,856 11,090 4,750 20,796 86,585 135,142 3.524 86,828 109,228 3,599 895 2,856 35,810 4,153 50 2,548 70 5568 2.213 6,543 2,295 32,407 11,834 10,097 5,363 27 194 892 1,797 14 920 d d 19 Western district $6.555 12,797 1,094 58,570 23,515 8,7 3,198 32 ,095 17,492 940 372 2,138,153 150 165,668 1,972,635 47,903 41,931 27,732 11,426 1 6,569 54 135,616 424,110 127,548 2,693,466 472 216,055 1,082, 258 2,807,927 377,397 1,814,807 1,262,194 108,407 27,811 28,886 295,719 123,122 18,293 16,628 2,127 424 702 24,531 7,216 114,143 125,124 2,326 10,331 103,464 28,873 17,876 48,593 34,916 70 59,518 251 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 20 No. 12345 1ooo Injuries to persons.. Operating joint yards and terminals--Dr. Operating joint yards and terminals--Cr. Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr. 5 Operating joint tracks and facilities-Cr. 6 Total transportation--rail line.. 8 ୨ 10 7 Operation of vessels... Operation of terminals. Incidental. 11 12 TOU MET LOVO 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 £2 23 24 25 26 ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ NNNNN 27 28 29 MMM 30 32 36 37 38 39 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 4567 55 56 ·· 57 58 59 60 61 Grain elevators. 62 63 65 66 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Concluded Transportation--Rail Line--Concluded 67 68 69 Dining and buffet service. Hotels and restaurants. • Total transportation--water line.... Total general expenses... 31 Transportation for investment--Cr... 40 Miles of road. 41 • 47 Miles of road. 48 Stockyards... Producing power sold.. Other miscellaneous operations. . • Total miscellaneous operations. Insurance... .. Relief department expenses. • Pensions.. Stationery and printing.... Valuation expenses.. Other expenses. General joint facilities--Dr. General joint facilities--Or. Transportation--Water Line • • Miles of second main track. 42 Miles of third main track.. 33 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent). Separation Between Services Miscellaneous Operations • Salaries and expenses of general officers. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. General office supplies and expenses. Law expenses.... Total.. Total railway operating expenses... 34 Related solely to freight service. 35 Related solely to passenger and allied services. Related in common to both freight and passenger and allied services: Apportioned to freight service. Apportioned to passenger and allied services. • • Not related to either freight service or to passenger and allied services.. Total. 43 Miles of fourth main track. 44 Mies of all other main tracks. 45 Miles of yar track and sidings. 46 Total, all tracks.. ... ·· Item ► • Miles of second main track. Miles of third main track. 50 Miles of fourth main track.. 51 Miles of all other main tracka.. 52 Miles of yard track and sidings. 53 Total, all tracks.... Number at close of year: Box cars.. Flat cars. Stock cars. Coal cars... Tank cars….. • • • • • • · · · General · • • • • MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1928 Steam locomotives: Number at close of year. Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year. Number retired during year.. Electric locomotive units: ... Number at close of year.. Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year. Number retired during year.. O • Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying cars. • MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1928 · ·· • • • • • • • • • • EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE • • · • • • · · • • D Freight-carrying Cars • • • ·· Deficit or other reverse item. Includes 489.87 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 427.93 miles operated under trackage rights. • D ·· .. 1 Total, all districts $685,398 649,410 5,424,182 228,074 513,159 30,192,898 48,696 154,199 154,396 5,992 65,038 428,321 461,444 843,753 107,266 212,795 2,112 2,237 73,541 63,945 200,367 129,532 17,655 195,521 1,919,126 70,856 50,010,646 68.10 $48,329,676 87,752 1,475,798 85,778 31,642 50,010,646 541.75 350.03 9.09 2.64 2,126.62 1/3,030.13 281.40 156.84 1.99 1.15 982.67 1,424.05 918 38,089,570 18 35 1,867 102 5 5,549 1,139 8,666 S Eastern district $420,203 618,656 1,836,235 219,566 482,731 20,579,997 48,696 154,396 5,992 25,650 234,734 247,966 68,497 92,324 1,418 2,237 38,162 39,042 122,754 3.227 14,429 77,322 1,217,068 53,964 33,525,561 69.94 $33,211,537 48,696 233,686 31,642 33,525,561 405.23 276.74 9.09 2.64 1,416.85 2/ 2,110.55 232.24 135.31 1.99 1.15 709.63 1,080.32 616 26,389,170 16 22 1,025 92 5,454 1,139 7,714 d Southern district $2,008 3,194 363,404 120 17,847 537,463 4,469 10,553 914 2,570 22 1,001 62 1,953 82 1,443 20,183 918,737 56.23 $580,970 27.850 348,470 17,147 918,737 20.40 7.68 51.00 3/ 79.08 18.41 7.68 ::: 50.06 76.15 15 411,500 "i Western district $263,187 27,560 3,224,543 8,388 12,581 9,075,438 ·· 154,199 39,388 193,587 209,009 218,866 37,855 117,901 672 35,379 23,902 77,551 74,352 3,144 116,756 681,875 16,892 15,566,348 65.21 $14,537,169 66,906 $93.642 68,631 15,566,348 116.12 65.61 .. 658.77 4/ 840.50 Includes 2.93 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 59.01 miles operated under trackage rights. 30.75 13.85 222.98 267.58 287 11,288,900 2 12 842 10 5 95 952 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. H&M467 8 IAAAAd quant 90723#IN 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7022286 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 MMM 34 35 36 لالالالالالالالالا 37 39 40 41 42 44 45 * F** Am Kunn 456 48 50 51 57 58 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928-Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) a doggy 60 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE-Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded 61 62 Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars. Flat cars. Stock cars. Coal cars. Tank cars. Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying cars. 63 Total.. ·· Total.. 25 Number at close of year. 26 Number installed during year. 27 Number retired during year. Number installed during year: Box cars. Flat cars. Stock cars. Coal cars.. Tank cars.. • • • • ❤ • • Number at close of year.. 28 29 Number installed during year. 30 Number retired during year. · • • • • • Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying cars. ... 31 Number of units at close of year... 32 Number of units installed during year. 33 Number of units retired during year. • • • Number retired during year: Box cars. Flat cars.. Stock cars. Coal cars. Tank cars. Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. Total. • · · · • • 46 Average number. Compensation: 47 • • ❤ • All Classes of Passenger-train Cars In replacement: Item All Classes of Company Service Equipment In replacement: • • Number of cross ties.. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties. Total charges.. • Floating Equipment • In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties.. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties. Total charges. Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges. • • TIES LAID DURING YEAR · • RAILS LAID DURING YEAR In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks.. ·· Miles of yard track and sidings. Number of tons (2,240 lbs.). Total charges. Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for... Total. Service hours: • · Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for. Total. Service days: • EMPLOYEES • • • Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service. In passenger service.. In mixed-train service. In special service.... In yard-switching service. In work service.. Grand total, all services.. Straight time actually worked.. Overtime paid for... Total... Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses. CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES • • · • • • • • • VYA Does not include data for 165 linear feet of steel ties. Does not include data for 484 linear feet of steel ties. od Total, all districts 773 71,565 4,220 150 306,565 200 60,670 443,370 "i *14 ཝ: "i 16 784 11 2 698 1 1,496 215 705 527 16 35 13 یرید 1 586,744 5,320,910 $1,304,908 90,187 662,117 $177,873 35,495 $1,382,585 7.77 30.09 4,755 $158,599 23,967 $40,665,973 $1,971,203 $43,386,077 53,422,796 2,169,804 56,635,093 647,530 9,283 670,205 $39,360,662 36,949 3,659 1,571,465 21,050 1,633,123 Nul Eastern district 37,925 3,910 302, 565 60,670 405,270 "i 14 *:: "i 16 320 8 561 1 890 # 323 11 30 13 1 1 330,577 2,641,590 $787,766 46,448 259,990 $96,116 22,797 $865,473 7293 7.17 12.77 2,429 $85,387 13,698 $24,448,192 $1,385,151 $26,144,827 30,864,817 1,540, 424 32,935,719 369,647 798 376,411 $24,900,030 32,868 1,114,219 6,439 1,153,526 Southern district 5 35,868 244,702 $53,062 1,140 $38,821 927 $1,106,756 $73,065 $1,207,404 1,766,738 103,253 1,905,866 28,675 121 28,998 $1,177,109 23,479 759 24,238 21 Western district 33,640 310 150 4,000 38,100 464 3 2 137 606 21 199 5 220,299 2,434, 618 $464,080 43,739 402,127 $81,757 11,558 $478,291 .60 17.32 2,326 $73,212 9,342 $15,111,025 $512,987 $16,033,846 20,791, 241 526,127 21,793,508 249,208 264,796 $13,283,523 4,081 3,659 433,767 13,852 455,359 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 22 Kind of mileage: Steam road.. Electric line. Steamboat line. Stage line... Airplane.. Total mileage. State or Territory: Alabama. Arizona.. Arkansas. California. Colorado.. Connecticut. Georgia. Idaho. • Illinois. Indiana. Iowa.. Kansas.. Kentucky Louisiana. Maine.. ·· Delaware. District of Columbia. Florida. • · Montana. Nebraska. Nevada. I. II. Maryland... Massachusetts. Michigan. Minnesota. Mississippi Missouri. ·· · · • ... • • • • .. · New Hampshire. New Jersey. New Mexico. New York.. Tennessee. Texas. Utah.. Vermont. Virginia. Washington. • North Carolina. North Dakota. • • Ohio.... Oklahoma. Oregon. Pennsylvania. Rhode Island. South Carolina. South Dakota. • • • • .. ... • West Virginia. • • • SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 • • • O • Wisconsin. Wyoming. Alaska. Hawaii. Canada: Mexico. Mileage not assignable 1/. .. • • ·· ·· • • Land.. Buildings. III. Equipment: Cars. Horses. Automobiles. Item .. - • • Item Wagons and sleighs. Harness and equipment Office furniture and equipment. Office safes. Trucks... Stable equipment. Garage equipment. Line equipment.. Shop equipment. Miscellaneous ´equipment. Total equipment.. Total real property and equipment... • MILEAGE COVERED BY OPERATIONS Total 232,747.95 2,929.57 24,289.87 1,360.34 7,748.00 269,075.73 4,780.98 2,351.60 4,449.66 10,362.62 4,779.64 986.53 296.30 49.85 5,281.73 6,658.47 2,755.98 11,942.12 6,909.72 10,700.49 9,519.28 3,522.37 4,299.96 2,049.27 2,723.47 1,965.26 7,424.20 8,186.03 4,026.40 945.91 4,726.79 6,670.16 2,675.54 1,159.38 2,137.01 2,758.23 8,077.28 4,558.68 5,245.09 8,543.19 6,780.09 3,921.82 9,355.62 200.90 3.597.75 4,147.49 3,593.57 16,167.84 3527373 2,509.01 948.42 5,088.25 6,273.99 3,186.47 7,097.35 2,392.38 11,124.30 351.30 4,003.49 96.50 7,720.00 OOST OF REAL PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Total $4,663,862 12,223,071 949,351 996,683 19,781,641 1,329,871 210,573 3,086,633 520,441 2,558,056 20,152 577,514 545,971 233,949 51,114 • 30,861,949 47,748,882 American Railway Express Co. 222,769.60 2,891.85 24,021.87 1,334.34 7,748.00 258,765.66 3,178.63 2,351.60 4,449.66 10,362.62 4,779.64 986.53 296.30 42.30 5,016.98 5,359.37 2,755.98 11,623.26 6,673.69 10,700.49 9,519.28 3,140.06 4,259.38 2,049.27 2,544.60 1,965.26 7,424.20 8,186.03 3,230.89 7.943.91 4,726.79 6,670.16 2,675.54 1,159.38 2,137.01 2,758.23 8,077.28 3,087.11 5,245.09 8,542.11 6,780.09 3,921.82 9,319.92 1/ Covers miscellaneous unassigned mileage, such as transoceanic, coastwise, river, and lake not within the boundaries of any State or Territory. 200.90 2,355.24 4,147.49 2,293.15 16,167.84 2,509.01 948.42 3,957.37 6,273.99 3,186.47 7,097.35 2,392.38 11,124.30 351.30 4,003.49 96.50 7,720.00 American Railway Express Co. $4,652,780 12,044,006 949,351 988,799 18,989,088 1,296,717 206,513 2,994,546 495,252 2,489,060 20,093 574,800 529,170 233,949 51,068 Southeastern Express Co. 29,818,406 46,515,192 9,978.35 37.72 268.00 26.00 10,310.07 1,602.35 7.55 264.75 1,299.16 318.86 236.03 382.31 40.58 178.87 795.51 2.00 1,471:57 1.08 35.70 1,242.51 1,300.42 1,130.88 • Southeastern Express Co. $11,082 179,065 7,884 792,553 33,154 4,060 92,087 25,189 68,996 59 2,714 16,801 *48 1,043,543 1,233,690 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Cars: Humber. Inventory value: Horses: Total equipment, inventory value.. Number.... Inventory value. Automobiles: Gasoline- Electric- Number. Inventory value. Wagons and sleighs: Wagons, double- Number.. Inventory value. Buggies- Wagons, single- SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928-Continued • Office safes: Number. Inventory value.. • Number... Inventory value.. Sleighs- Number.. Inventory value. Trucks: Number. Inventory value. · • Number.. Inventory value. I. • • II. Number. Inventory value. Stable equipment: Inventory value. Garage equipment: Inventory value. Line equipment: Safes, car- Number.. Inventory value. Harness equipment: Inventory value. Office furniture and equipment: Inventory value. Safes, messenger- Shop equipment: • • • Number.. Inventory value. Trunks, packing- Number... Inventory value. Other line equipment- Inventory value.. • Transportation: • Inventory value.. Miscellaneous equipment: Inventory value.. Includes $391,047, inventory value of 387 automobile trailers. Includes $1,132,030, inventory value of 1,887 automobile batteries. Includes $62,068, inventory value of 446 truck batteries. Item Express, domestic. Express, foreign... Miscellaneous..... Total transportation. Contract payments: Express privileges--Dr. Account Revenue from transportation... III. Operations other than transportation: Customs brokerage fees.. Order and commission..... Rents of buildings and other property. Money orders..... 0.0.D. checks.. Travelers' cheques. Telegraph and cable transfers. Letters of credit.. Foreign postal remittances. Profit on exchange and other financial revenue. Miscellaneous. • .. Total other than transportation.. Total operating revenues.. INVENTORY VALUE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED ... Total 1/ $13,000,086 250 $332,072 5,025 $289,745 6,230 $5,737,264 1,667 2/ $2,630,016 2,454 $372,248 2,025 $59,223 1,083 $16, 686 8 $113 $46,385 $1,277,898 18,180 $235,068 65,714 3/ $882,714 $9,261 $339,533 2,604 $107,217 8,100 $25,376 9,946 $49,834 $43,524 $105,853 $49,009 ANALYSIS OF OPERATING REVENUES Total $289,397,358 17,015 289,414,373 145,026,198 144,388,175 228,151 4,881 150,739 11,471 2,567,550 207 793,476 3,756,475 148,144,650 American Rail- way Express Co. 1/ $12,651,845 250 $332,072 4,985 $288,981 5,991 $5,486, 406 1,667 2/ $2,630,016 2,432 $370,224 1,945 $53,277 1,083 $16,686 8 $113 $44,057 $1,238,618 17,703 $216,593 63,820 3/ $862,776 $9,243 $337,654 2,469 $102,505 7,788 #24 $24,665 9,333 $48,564 $43,524 $105,853 $48,971 American Rail- way Express Co. $281,533,883 10,758 281,544,641 141,288,099 140,256,542 228,084 4,877 147,813 2,454,802 207 784,339 3,620,122 143,876,664 ; Southeastern Express Co. $348,241 40 $764 239 $250,858 22 $2,024 80 $5,946 $2,328 $39,280 477 $18,475 1,894 $19,938 $18 $1,879 135 $4,712 312 $711 613 $1,276 $38 Southeastern Express Co. $7,863,475 6,257 7,869,732 3,738,099 4,131,633 67 2,926 11,471 112,748 9,137 136,353 4,267,986 23 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS ご ​24 Operating income: SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928-Continued Charges for transportation. Express privileges--Dr... Revenue from transportation. Revenue from operations other than transportation. Total operating revenues. Operating expenses.... Net operating revenue.. Uncollectible revenue from transportation. Express taxes. Operating income. Item Other income: Rent from real property and equipment used jointly. Miscellaneous rent income.... Net income from miscellaneous physical property. Separately operated properties--profit. Dividend income. ... Income from funded securities. Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds.. Release of premiums on funded debt..: Contributions from other companies. Miscellaneous income... Total other income. Gross income..... Deductions from gross income: Rent for real property and equipment used jointly. Miscellaneous rents.... Miscellaneous taxes. Net loss on miscellaneous physical property. Separately operated properties-1088. Interest on funded debt.. Interest on unfunded debt. .. Amortization of discount on funded debt. Income transferred to other companies. Miscellaneous income debits. ·· d Deficit or other reverse item. • ·· Item Total appropriations.. Balance transferred to profit and loss.. •• • Credit balance at beginning of year. Credit balance transferred from income.. Profit on real property and equipment sold. Delayed income credits.. Unrefundable overcharges. Miscellaneous credits. Total credits..... • • • Total deductions from gross income... Net income.... Disposition of net income: Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income.. Income appropriations for investment in physical property. Stock discount extinguished through income.. Miscellaneous appropriations of income.. Debit balance at beginning of year. Debit balance transferred from income... ·· • ... • Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of surplus. Surplus set aside for investment in physical property. Stock discount extinguished through surplus.. Debt discount extinguished through surplus. Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus. Loss on land sold. Delayed income debits. Miscellaneous debits. Total debits... Balance carried forward to credit of balance sheet. .. • INCOME ACCOUNT ... Total $289,414,373 145,026,198 144,388,175 3,756,475 148,144,650 144,801,448 3,343,202 19,167 2,138,008 1,186,027 122 278,160 366,50€ 601,015 1,245,803 2,431,830 875 14,275 25,779 40,929 2,390,901 2,148,520 2,148,520 242,381 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Total $3,460,973 242,520 26,701 2,862 14,792 3,747,848 139 • 735 19,433 20,307 3,727,541 American Rail- way Express Co. $281,544,641 141,288,099 140,256,542 3,620;122 143,876,664 140,675,006 3,201,658 17,821 2,038,008 1,145,829 122 278,160 366,506 571,352 1,216,140 2,361,969 875 14,275 25,779 40,929 2,321,040 2,078,520 2,078,520 242,520 American Rail- way Express do. $3,333,349 242,520 26,701 2,723 14,792 3,620,085 735 19,433 20,168 3,599,917 Southeastern Express Co. $7,869,732 3,738,099 4,131,631 136,353 4,267,986 4,126,442 141,544 1,346 100,000 40,198 d 29,663 29,663 69,861 69,861 70,000 70,000 139 Boutheastern Express Co. $127,624 139 127,763 139 139 127,624 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS I. III. IV. Total operating expenses. Maintenance: 1. 3. 4. Superintendence-maintenance. 2. Buildings and appurtenances--repairs. Buildings and appurtenances-depreciation. Buildings and appurtenances--retirements. Cars--repairs.. Cars--depreciation. Cars-retirements. Horses--depreciation. Horses--retirements.. Automobiles--repairs. Automobiles--depreciation. Automobiles-retirements. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. II. Traffic: 33. 34. 35. 36. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. General: 53. 54. 55. 56. SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928-Continued Transportation: 37. 38. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 2. Total.... • • ❤ 27. Line equipment--depreciation and retirements.. 28. Shop equipment--repairs.. 29. Shop equipment--depreciation and retirements Miscellaneous equipment--repairs.. 30. Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation and retirements. 32. Other expenses.. 31. Total. • • Superintendence--traffic. ... Advertising. Stationery and printing Other expenses... • Wagons and sleighs--repairs Wagons and sleighs--depreciation. Wagons and sleighs--retirements.. Harness equipment--repairs.... Harness equipment--depreciation and retirements. Office furniture and equipment--repairs. Total... Stationery and printing. Loss and damage... Damage to property. Injuries to persons. Other expenses. ·· Account Office furniture and equipment--depreciation and retirements. Office safes--repairs.. Office safes--depreciation and retirements. Total. Trucks--repairs.. Trucks--depreciation and retirements. Stable and garage equipment--repairs. Stable and garage equipment--depreciation and retirements. Line equipment--repairs. ·· · • Train employees. Train supplies and expenses. .. Superintendence--transportation. Office employees...... Commissions.. Office supplies and expenses. Rent of local offices. • Insurance... Fidelity bond premiums Pensions... Stationery and printing. Valuation expenses. Other expenses. • • · ·· • ·· Vehicle employees.. Stable and garage employees. • • • Stable and garage supplies and expenses. Drayage... • • • ► · ... • ... O • • • .. • ANALYSIS OF OPERATING EXPENSES • • Salaries and expenses of general officers.. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. General office supplies and expenses. Law expenses. • • • • • • .. • Total $144,801,448 330,968 272,694 377,797 17,233 198,003 71,054 56,989 24,828 3,171,158 2,208,206 107,755 370,306 93,520 91,926 85,076 8, 681 132, 944 210,812 8,806 26,117 545, 641 175,077 13,832 45,615 32,230 41,056 11,305 16,046 251 268 158 8,746,352 238,321 32,189 66,190 2 336,702 6,230,744 50,828,744 9,797,454 2,771,477 4,715,850 25,351,511 2,065,731 4,969,089 1,782,962 10,963,967 1,161,885 1,992,454 4,321,260 141,373 892,452 67,300 128,054,253 422,072 4,899,407 448,473 330,348 413,408 36,434 924,601 108,760 80,638 7,664,141 American Rail- way Express Co. $140,675,006 330,968 269,388 363,732 17,076 198,003 72,054 56,989 24,702 3,090,470 2,145,386 106,172 368,875 85,223 90,190 84,683 8,243 130,276 197,560 8,405 25,110 532,128 168,188 13,827 45,364 31,551 39,392 11,305 16,046 251 260 158 8,530,975 175,048 26,977 55,717 257,744 6,092,151 49,649,645 9,345,232 2,708,721 4,559,746 24,913,409 2,035,002 4,834,278 1,622,373 10,417,893 1,148,242 1,892,694 4,198,580 141,191 876,900 66,187 124,502, 244 388,150 4,756,579 436,379 303,278 377,448 19,085 924,601 98,889 79,634 7,384,043 25 Southeastern Express Co. $4,126,442 3,306 14,065 157 126 80,688 62,820 1,583 1,431 8,297 1,736 393 438 2,668 13,252 401 1,007 13,513 889 5 22 25 679 1,664 215,377 63,273 5,212 10,473 78,958 138,593 1,179,099 452,222 62,756 156,104 438,102 30,729 134,811 160,589 546,074 13,643 99,760 122,680 182 15,552 1,113 3,552,009 33,922 142,828 12,094 27,070 35.960 17,349 9,871 1,004 280,098 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 26 Investment: Real property and equipment. Sinking fund... SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Concluded Current assets: Cash... Special deposits.. Loans and notes receivable. Miscellaneous physical property.. Investments in affiliated companies. Other investments... Total investment. Deferred assets... Unadjusted debits: Total current assets. Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Material and supplies.. Other current assets. Discount on capital stock. Discount on funded debt... Other unadjusted debits... Stock: Total unadjusted debits.. Grand total.. Capital stock... Premium on capital stock. Total stock liabilities. .. Total current liabilities. Profit and loss balance.... Class of employees Funded debt unmatured.. Current liabilities: Loans and notes payable. Audited accounts and wages unpaid. Miscellaneous accounts payable.. Express privilege liabilities. Other current liabilities.. Superintendence--Maintenance. Superintendence--Traffic. • .. ... Total corporate surplus.. Advertising. Superintendence--Transportation. Agents, clerks and solicitors. Platform and house men. .. •• Deferred liabilities. Unadjusted credits: Premium on funded debt.. Operating and insurance reserves. Accrued depreciation... Other unadjusted credits. Total unadjusted credits. • • Item ASSETS LIABILITIES Vehicle employees.. Stable and garage employees. Train employees... Claim agents, special agents, and clerks General officers... ... Corporate surplus; Additions to property through income and surplus. Reserves from income and surplus. Total appropriated surplus.. General office clerks and attendants. Law department officers and clerks. Shop employees........ Other employees. · • • • · • · • • Number on Dec. 31 106 63 Number of days worked 1,184 6,666 300 38 2,712 44 1,061 2,082 650,964 15,226 16,805 14,439 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT 4,669,695 4,553,187 4,525,365 382,686 2,501,697 95,486 11,607 861,833 13,234 336,333 Total 32,747 $292,879 19,590 181,219 Yearly compensation 622,617 399,887 4,813,894 170,047 2,124,487 Total Total (including general officers)... 60,726 18,654,424 104,884,472 Total (excluding general officers)... 60,688 18,642,817 104,484,585 $47,748,882 7,119,670 54,868,552 5.62 5.60 22,384,142 6,383 3,301,153 804,522 1,199,123 8,462,293 36,157,616 183,159 1,707,397 1,707,397 92,916,724 EMPLOYEES, SERVICE, AND COMPENSATION 35,642,000 35,642,000 5,573,899 2,889,382 16,249,143 1,881,767 26,594,191 658,085 4,877,662 21,324,770 92,475 26,294,907 3,727,541 3,727,541 American Rail- way Express Co. $46,515,192 7,119,670 53,634,862 20,980,673 6,217 3,301,153 770,055 1,188,021 8,361,777 34,607,896 183,159 1,662,2i8 1,662,216 90,088,133 34,642,000 34,642,000 5,362,242 2,675,583 15,896,443 1,811,118 25,745,386 658,085 4,802,500 20,556,916 83,329 25,442,745 3,599,917 3,599,917 5,322,046 13,382,997 8.18 26,774,101 5.73 23,296,350 5.12 25,321,401 5.60 2,182,547 5.70 1,166 377,247 2,151,818 5.35 6,386 2,397,021 12,836, 923 6.52 286 91,910 602,234 34.45 35 10,685 367,887 5.59 2,612 833.550 4,671,066 12.85 41 12,030 143,490 6.32 1,061 336,333 2,124,487 American Railway Express Co. Average daily Number compen- on sation $8.94 9.25 Number of days worked 32,747 Dec. 31 106 $292,879 $8.94 44 13,604 137,879 10.14 640,527 5,221,116 14,768 4,544,385 26,110, 649 16,215 4,405,631 22,780,703 14,125 4,439,744 24,883, 299 2,048 58,893 18,135,414 102,324,430 58,858 18,124,729 101,956,543 8.15 5.75 5.17 5.60 5.70 5.36 6. 34.43 5.60 11.93 6.32 Southeastern Express Co. 5.64 5.63 $1,233,690 1,233,690 1,403,469 166 34,467 11,102 100,516 1,549,720 Southeastern Express Co. Average Number Yearly daily Number of compensation compen- days sation Deo.31 worked on 45,181 45,181 2,828,591 1,000,000 1,000,000 211,657 213,799 352,700 70,649 848,805 75.i62 767,854 9,146 852,162 127,624 127,624 19 5,986 34 10,437 458 125,310 590 147,556 314 85,621 18 5,439 280 104,676 14 3,576 922 100 28,283 3 1,204 1,833 519,010 1,830 518,088 Average Yearly daily compensation compen- sation $43,340 $7.24 100,9 9.67 663,452 5.29 515,647 3.49 438,102 5.12 30,729 5.65 546,074 5.22 20,383 5.70 32,000 34. 34.71 142,828 5.05 26,557 22.06 2,560,042 4.93 2,528,042 4.88 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 4-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 Average mileage (single track) over which operations were conducted (miles). GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investment in sleeping car property. Miscellaneous physical property. Other investments. Cash. • Material and supplies.. Other current assets. Deferred assets. Unadjusted debits. Total. Net balance receivable from receiving cashiers and ticket agents. Miscellaneous accounts receivable…. DO • Capital stock. Premium on capital stock. Wages payable.. • • · · Miscellaneous accounts payable. Dividends matured unpaid.. Unmatured dividends declared. Other current liabilities. Deferred liabilities. Operating reserves. Accrued depreciation.. • Other unadjusted credits. Miscellaneous fund reserves.. Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. Profit and loss--balance. Total corporate surplus.. Operating income. • • Sleeping car operating revenues. Revenues from auxiliary operations. Total revenues.. • • Sleeping car operating expenses. Expenses of auxiliary operations. Total operating expenses. Net revenues.. Sleeping car tax accruals.. Auxiliary operations--Tax accruals. Total taxes. Total nonoperating income. Gross income.. .. • D Rent from cars. Dividends received. Income from funded securities. Income from unfunded securities and accounts. Income from sinking and other reserve funds. Miscellaneous income... • • • • • • Total debits during year. Net increase during year. Balance at beginning of year. Balance at end of year. Rent for cars.. Miscellaneous tax accruals. Interest on unfunded debt. Miscellaneous income charges.. Total deductions from gross income. Net income. • + • • · • • · ·· • • · Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income... Miscellaneous appropriations of income. Total appropriations... Income balance transferred to profit and loss. Credit balance transferred from income. Unrefundable overcharges. Miscellaneous credits. Total credits during year. Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of surplus. Loss on retired equipment... Uncollectible sleeping car revenues.. Miscellaneous debits... • · d Deficit or other reverse item. • • • • • • .. ·· INCOME ACCOUNT • • PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT • • 27 $233,505,866 7,270 44,167,841 6,405,137 1,487,986 128,753.00 3,537,400 5,023,856 604,876 5,321,370 39,285,546 339,347,148 135,000,000 29,511 1,350,000 1,251,217 4,001,938 60,000 108,802, 632 52,550,312 966,598 6,000,000 25,075,737 32,042,335 9,398 1,471,885 2,777,920 đ 800;3 80,846,044 1,403,083 82,249,127 66,655,530 1,225,741 d 67,881,271 14,367,856 3,399,091 30,706 3,429,797 10,938,059 2,270,588 13,208,647 123,861 76,284 1,560, 790 310,964 198,689 4,165 401 15,907 19,671 13,188,976 196,312 8,100,000 8,296,312 4,892,664 4,892,664 18,526 9.207 4,920,397 44,982 2,522 58,806 16.346 4,904,051 20,171,686 25,075,737 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 28 SUMMARY NO. 4—ABSTRACT OF THE, REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 Berth revenue. Seat revenue. • • Charter of cars.. • • · Miscellaneous revenue. Car mileage revenue.. Association and contract revenue--Dr. Total operating revenues. • Maintenance. Conducting car operations. General expenses. • • Total operating expenses. Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent). Porters and maids. Train stenographers. Car cleaners……. Laundry employees. General expenses: • • General officers. Clerks and attendants....... Auxiliary operations: • Maintenance: Mechanics, electricians, seamstresses, repairmen, carpenters, shop employees, Conducting car operations: General officers and staff (superintendence). District superintendents, agents, and staff Conductors.. .. .. Standard sleeping cars. Tourist sleeping cars. Parlor cars..... Dining cars. Composite cars. Private cars.... Miscellaneous cars. Total. Commissary (superintendence) Agents and staff, conductors, waiters, cooks, etc. Total (including general officers). • ·· • Total number of revenue passengers--berth. Total number of revenue passengers--seat. Average revenue per passenger--berth. Average revenue per passenger--seat... Total number of car-miles.. Total number of car-days.. Average number of revenue passengers per car per day. Operating revenues per car-mile (cents). Operating revenues per car-day... Operating expenses per car-mile (cents) Operating expenses per car-day. Net operating revenue per car-mile (cents) Net operating revenue per car-day.. Average number of car-miles per car-day. ·· .. · Class ·· · .. • ·· .. OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES 1/ Does not include 20 cars leased or otherwise acquired. .. EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES OPERATING STATISTICS eto.. EQUIPMENT. IN SERVICE ON DEC. 31, 1928 Number on Dec. 31 5,123 233 1,524 2,524 10,861 18 4,960 426 43 956 36 111 26,815 • $76,352,088 9,930,764 1,972,249 169,882 1,024,978 8,603,917 80,846,044 28,738,016 34,935,422 2,982,092 66,655,530 82.45 Average daily compen- sation $4.60 6.22 4.24 6.09 2.70 5.74 3.41 2.79 28.85 4.18 5.16 3.14 3.76 21,310,891 12,613,029 $3.58 $0.79 1,153,889,647 3,159,048 11 7.00€ $25.59190 5.777 $21.09988 1.229 $4.49202 365.26 7,451 303 1,123 18 274 21 7 1/ 9,197 + .: -1 . ތ 1 HE 2708 2% はり ​INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION BUREAU OF STATISTICS A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1927 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON t 1928 ! THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION JOHNSTON B. CAMPBELL, Chairman BALTHASAR H. MEYER CLYDE B. AITCHISON JOSEPH B. EASTMAN ERNEST I. LEWIS FRANK MCMANAMY THOMAS F. WOODLOCK RICHARD V. TAYLOR EZRA BRAINERD, Jr. CLAUDE R. PORTER PATRICK J. FARRELL GEORGE B. McGINTY, Secretary • Gift Interstate 6/9/30 Com ommission CONTENT S. Introductory statement. Summary No. 1--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I steam railways (not including switching and terminal companies) for the year ended December 31, 1927. Summary No. 2--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I switching and terminal companies for the year ended December 31, 1927.. Summary No. 3--Abstract of reports rendered by express compa- nies for the year ended December 31, 1927... Summary No. 4-Abstract of report rendered by The Pullman Com- pany for the year ended December 31, 1927. 3 Page 4 5 15 22 27 +1 · A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 This preliminary abstract for the calendar year 1927 is compiled from the annual reports of the classes of carriers designated. It differs from the Preliminary Statement of Capitalization and Income for the same year in that the latter is confined to a small number of items compiled for individual carriers, and in summary form, from a special report returned by them in advance of their annual report. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT. The present abstract contains summaries by districts and is intended primarily to make available as promptly as possible certain totals not obtainable from the monthly or special reports of carriers. The totals are subject to change after corrections in the annual reports have been authorized. The final totals will appear in the Statistics of Railways for 1927. It may be noted that only steam railways, express companies, and The Pullman Company are covered in this abstract. Separate mimeographed statements are issued annually for pipe line companies, telegraph and cable companies, carriers by water, tele- phone companies, and electric railways. Because a separate annual publication of freight commodity statistics for the year 1927 has been issued in full detail for the 70 classes of commodities, only group totals of commodities carried are shown in this preliminary abstract. It should be expecially observed that the balance sheet items relate to operating companies only and do not cover the balance sheets of lessor companies the property of which is operated by Class I steam railways, that is, railways having annual operating revenues above $1,000,000. The following table shows the investment in road and equipment of the operating, lessor and proprietary companies at the end of the year 1927: Investment in Road and Equipment of Steam Railways, as of December 31, 1927 (Accounts 701 and 702) Class I.... Lessors to Class I. Proprietary Companies. Total.. Class II.... WASHINGTON, June 12, 1928. Lessors to Class II.. Proprietary Companies Total.. Class III.………. • • • • • • • Lessors to Class III. Proprietary Companies.. 99,104,428 5,296, 809 95, 618 104,496,855 Total.. Grand total... 24,463,367,010 increase of $592,242,290 over the This total of $24,463,367,010 represents an corresponding total for 1926. Before computing this increase, the investment of the Toledo, Peoria & Western Ry. Co. was eliminated from the 1926 total as that railway could not be included in the present abstract on account of delay in filing its annual report because of reorganization proceedings. • • • · • • · • • $18,990,686,638 3,904,816,691 902, 765,693 23,798,269,022 • 544,665,717 13,608,555 2,326,861 560,601,133 4 A A : F 1- . ! : STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Total number of stockholders 234567 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 not to a 16 17 18 19 22222 20 21 23 24 ww www..com 31 33 لالالا 37 38 25 Capital stock.. 26 27 28 29 F FEEW 43 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 (Does not include lessor companies) #ment of A 444 49 51 Total investments.. A • • • Investment in road and equipment. Improvements on leased railway property Sinking funds... Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold. Miscellaneous physical property. Investments in affiliated companies. Other investments... you you you • Cash.. Demand loans and deposits Time drafts and deposits. Special deposits.... Deferred assets.. 56 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Total current assets. • [ 39 Premium on funded debt. 40 Operating reserves... Accrued depreciation.. 42 42 • Loans and bills receivable, Miscellaneous accounts receivable Material and supplies... Other current assets.. Discount on capital stock. Discount on funded debt.. Other unadjusted debits.. 30 ·Funded debt unmatured.. Receiver's certificates. Wonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies Total long-term debt. Investments Current Assets Total unadjusted debits. Grand total. • 34 Loans and bills payable. 35 Miscellaneous accounts payable. Other current liabilities.. Deferred liabilities... ... Item Unadjusted Debits 8took liability for conversion. Premium on capital stock. Total stock..... Grants in aid of construction... • 55 | Adjustments.. • • • • • Long-Term Debt ... ... Ourrent Liabilities • Total current liabilities.. Other unadjusted credits.. Stock 50 | Profit and loss-balanos. Unadjusted Credits Corporate Burplus Additions to property through income and surplus. 45 Funded debt retired through income and surplus 46 8inking fund reserves.. 47 Total unadjusted credits………. • Total corporate surplus. • Total appropriated surplus. ··· Miscellaneous fund reserves. Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. · · · Wet charges during year.... INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT 52. | Expenditures for new lines and extensions. Expenditures for additions and betterments. Credits for property retired.. • ·· .. 57 Stocks actually issued during year-par value.. •• 58 Funded debt actually issued during year-par value. ••• Total, all districts 756,960 $18,536,645,951 454,040,687 2,523,911 12,267,641 159,094,455 4,694,731,438 890,991,325 24,750,295,408 495,733,707 92,214,675 43,401,401 95,011,857 47,634,293 213,131,097 523,520, 208 204,779,904 1,715,427,142 194,997,162 15,540,078 81,424,342 209,128,146 305,092,566 26,966,812,278 7,831,276,828 1,510,276 48,093,812 7,880,880,916 7,138,864 10,512,385.373 425,937,382 10,942,702,265 62,676,812 110,570,895 1,135,266,940 1,308,514,647 123,278,130 1,182,835 67,662 1,753,894,491 688,142,821 2,443,287,809 €59,192,285 82,611,715 40,030,103 55,463,102 60,103,769 1,097,400,974 3,163,608,673 4,261,009,647 65,271,246 693,700,344 191,251,951 42,922,379 610,642,018 299,095,718 572,996, 212 Eastern district 340,534 $6,670,696,985 369,348,672 1,169,417 4,034,377 77,511,710 1,857,387,651 483,209,173 9,463,357,985 218,620,964 22,842,988 3,513,787 17,200,751 9,066,821 74,273,952 207,902,768 94,317,594 647,739,625 101,199,535 462,795 25,172,791 76,679,470 102,315,056 10,314,612, 201 3,004,862,113 370,336 36,631,586 3,041,864,035 1,196,503 3,869,569,187 869, 1,658,510 115,849,827 3,987,077,524 21,192,885 27,863,777 447,488,992 496,545,654 68,411,349 226,071 67,662 787,951,730 297,294,123 1,085,539,586 479,141,285 14,659,288 29,324,909 49,198,847 512,528 572,836,857 1,061,140,693 1,633,977,550 45,114,323 305,986,955 91,439,394 d 3.709.535 255,952,349 207,185,617 156,760,275 Southern district par value are outstanding for which no book value is reported. Includes $145,503,225, consideration received for 1,221,520 shares of stock without par value. Includes $8,416, 270, consideration received for 250,000 shares of stock without par value. Includes $5,110,036, consideration received for 50,000 shares of stock without par value. 79,033 $3,442,162,226 58,854,140 866,065 1,043,260 22,246,705 575,481,200 90,169,002 4,190,822,598 89,195,822 4,916,876 21,742,683 21,909,890 24,700,452 35,242,423 96,607,802 37,106,403 331,422,351 33,835,250 38,100 15,927,315 30,187,211 46,152,626 4,602,232,825 1/1,192,602,164 4,998,340 1,197,600,504 1,580,511 1,942,499,928 11,859,422 1,954,359,350 1,491,457 14,672,054 147,832,177 163,995,688 28,733,352 102,525 322,727,054 91,908,931 414,738,510 120,473,910 1,026,258 4,436,478 2,250,159 1,510,024 129,696,829 711,528,081 841,224,910 3,803,078 123,818,796 27,343,957 ₫ 1.498.635 98,779,282 3/ 50,386,070 77,507,000 Western district 5 337,393 $8,423,786,740 25,837,875 488,429 7,190,004 59,336,040 2,261,862,587 317,613,150 11,096,114,825 187,916,921 64,454,811 18,144,931 55,901,216 13,867,020 103,614,772 219,009,8 73,355,907 736,265,166 59,962,377 15,039,183 40,324,236 102, 261,465 157,624,884 12,049,967,252 2/3,633,812,551 1,139,940 6,463,886 3,641,416,377 4,361,850 4,700,326,258 2,711,000 298,228,133 5,001,265,391 39,992,470 68,035,064 539,945,771 647,973,305 26,133,429 854,239 643,215,707 298,939,767 943,009,713 259,577,090 65,926,169 6, 268, 716 4,014,096 58,081, 217 394,867,288 1,390,939,899 1,785,807,187 Deficit or other reverse item. I/ Includes $8,416, 270, consideration received for 250,000 shares of stock without par value; in addition 60,000 shares of stock without 16,353,845 263,894,593 72,468,600 48,130,549 255,910,387 4/41,524,031 338,728,937 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 6 No. Mat LOXO 78 9 10 11 1 Railway operating revenues. Railway operating expenses. 2 Net revenue from railway operations. Railway tax accruals: United States Government taxes.. Other than United States Government taxes Total railway tax accruals... Uncollectible railway revenues. Railway operating ´Income. 12 13 14 15 16 25 26 27 28 32 السلام ہی ہے میاں Miscellaneous operating income.. Total operating income... Net railway operating income.. 17 Hire of freight cars-credit balance. 18 Rent from locomotives... 34 35 678 19 Rent from passenger-train cars. 20 Rent from floating equipment. 21 Rent from work equipment. 22 Joint facility rent income, Income from lease of road.. Miscellaneous rent income. 23 24 Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property Separately operated properties--profit. Dividend income... Income from funded securities.. 29 Income from unfunded securities and accounts. 30 Income from sinking and other reserve funds. 31 Release of premiums on funded debt.. 37 33 Miscellaneous income..... 38 42 43 FOR 8 M ALONG A 52 53 54 55 56 36 Hire of freight cars--debit balance. Rent for locomotives….. 57 58 39 Rent for floating equipment 40 Rent for work equipment. 41 59 60 COMING A BOR~Minor to do 50 1 SUMMARY NO. 1—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 67 Interest on funded debt. 47 Interest on unfunded debt.. 48 INCOME ACCOUNT 73 74 76 Revenues from miscellaneous operations. Expenses of miscellaneous operations. 77 78 79 Net revenue from miscellaneous operations. Taxes on miscellaneous operating property.. 44 45 Separately operated properties--loss. 46 80 ·· • 81 • Item Contributions from other companies. • Amortization of discount on funded debt. 49 Maintenance of investment organization. 50 Income transferred to other companies. Miscellaneous income charges.... Total deductions from gross income. Net income. • ► ... • Total nonoperating income.. Gross income.. • Rent for passenger-train cars.. Joint facility rents.. Rent for leased roads. Miscellaneous rents... Miscellaneous tax accruals. * Unrefundable overcharges. Donations.... 62 Profit on road and equipment sold. 63 Delayed income credits. 64 65 66 Miscellaneous credits. · · • · .. • 61 Credit balance transferred from income. · 68 Debit balance transferred from income. • • ... Total debits during year. Net increase during year. Balance at beginning of year.. Balance at end of year... Total credits during year..... • ·· Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income.. Income appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income. Miscellaneous appropriations of income... ·· ·· • Total appropriations of income. Income balance transferred to profit and loss. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT • 69 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend; appropriations of surplus.. 70 71 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property 72 Stock discount extinguished through surplus. Debt discount extinguished through surplus. Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus. Loss on retired road and equipment. Delayed income debits... Miscellaneous debits..... .. • ·· • • • • • • • ❤ • 82 Dividends declared during year.. 83 Par value on which declared--common. 84 Par value on which declared--preferred. 85 | Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent • • ·· · • • • · • • Total, all districts $6,134,537,524 4,572,632,285 1,561,905,239 84,592,969 291,497,281 376,090, 250 1,491,544 1,184,323,445 3,188,934 2,948, 244 240,690 166,032 74,658 1,184,398,103 1,067,915,340 21,499,752 13,359,896 15,865,007 369,060 3,429,526 44,315,839 5,360,579 22,551,181 4,132,499 4,183,217 156,612,853 74,882,240 34,586,233 4,219,966 94,356 2,408, 206 2,020,322 409,890, 732 1,594,288,835 108,218,992 11,746, 241 18,546,594 2,394,804 1,835,275 72,505,279 170,233,956 6,438,518 3,888,802 1,119,733 496,406,755 15,254,806 3,917,730 15.2 21,112 4,973,834 3,831,222 921,333,653 672,955,182 8,753,318 240, 282, 406 4,993,553 1,562,095 255,591,372 417,363,810 447,496,702 8,549,467 3,423,151 1,465,349 2,517,984 84,571,906 548,024,559 30,132,892 627,569 257,651,335 4,717,280 19,317,400 23,475,494 1,066,732 28,313,484 13,909,182 51,078,372 430,289,740 117,734,819 3,079,877,546 3,197,612,365 497,933,741 4,339,000,325 1,272,862,300 8.87 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $2,758,469,344 2,096,757,099 661,712,245 36,580,352 115,809,752 152,390,104 575,269 508,746,872 1,263,003 1,069,610 193,393 78,263 115,130 508,862,002 450,275,835 9,658,481 4,464,749 5,845,396 275,516 1,072,642 23,386,528 2,504,828 12,920,968 1,893,314 2,629,315 74,455,610 27,027,678 17,171,539 3,625,869 33,670 2,408, 206 1,218,694 190,593,003 699,455,005 51,29804 7,527,690 2,241,767 845,881 36,562,745 99,360,652 4,446,352 2,567,862 778,943 188,599,789 7,470,789 1,393,998 13,917 4,912, 791 2,090,349 414,809,791 284,645, 214 6,709,172 111,109,635 3,900,680 1,563,178 123,282,665 161,362,549 166,667,557 6,780,751 543,346 163,104 73,878,703 248,033,461 5,305,008 37,857 139,747,685 972,228 19,317,400 6,335,867 64,889 13,499,749 12,840,025 30,462,020 228,582,728 19,450,733 1,041,689,960 1,061,140,693 250,857,320 1,778,872,419 379,250,450 11.62 Southern district $1,090,867,304 798,113,043 292,754,261 19,038,884 53,423,922 72,462,806 307,790 219,983,665 1,877,841 1,863,801 14,040 14,040 219,983,665 217,771,276 8,819,059 2,357,568 3,495,920 6,537 837,474 5,995,808 479,041 2,121,153 718,177 1,500,000 14,129,722 10,856,076 6,443,404 274,587 113,198 58,147,724 278,131,389 9,246,895 1,761,316 3,950,411 110,953 350,522 8,304,658 15,989,913 646,464 141,957 59,415 91,089,348 740,236 951: 951,137 4,666 532,633 133,880,524 144,250,865 d 642,253 10,533,112 742,624 1.083 11,916,906 132,333,959 135,681, 790 308,964 3,145,523 494,289 841,367 1,817,781 142,289,714 3,347,831 581,388 67,934,552 864,278 7,499,717 2,866,348 108,921 1,687,678 84,890, 713 57,399,001 654,129,080 711,528,081 78,467,664 825,004,900 175, 281, 250 7.84 Western district $2,285,200,876- 1,677,762,143 607,438,733 28,973,733 122,263,607 151,237,340 608,485 455,592,908 d 48,090 14,833 33,257 73,729 40,472 455,552,436 399,868, 229 3,022,212 6,537,579 523,691 87,007 1,519,410 14,933,503 2,376,710 7,509,060 1,521,008 53,902 68,027,521 36,998,486 10,971,290 319,510 60,686 688,430 161,150,005 616,702,441 47,674,635 5,286, 121 7,068,493 42,084 638,872 27,637,876 54,883,391 1,345,702 1,178,983 281,375 216,717,618 7,043,781 1,572,595 2,529 61,043 1,208, 240 372,643,338 244,059,103 1,401,893 118,639,659 350,249 120,391,801 123,667,302 145,147,355 1,459,752 277,628 427,714 1,513,513 8,875,422 157,701,384 21,480,053 8,324 49,969,098 2,880, 774 9,639,910 1,001,843 11,947,387 960,236 18,928,674 116,816,299 40,885,085 1,384,058,506 1,424,943,591 168,608,757 -1,735,123,006 718,330,600 6.87 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 123456 Mat 27 28 7 8 9 10 11 12 Other freight-train. 29 30 MMMMMMMMM HORTON 800 HNM 31 17 18 Freight. 19 20 21 22 Mail.. Express. 24 Special service. 23 25 Other.. 26 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 13 Water transfers-freight 14 Water transfers--passenger. 15 Water transfers--vehicles and live stock. 16 Water transfers--other... Total rail-line transportation revenue. 41 42 43 44 SUMMARY NO. 1–RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 50 5555555555 Freight. Passenger. RANN ·· Excess baggage. 8leeping car ·· Parlor and chair car. Mail... Express... 57 58 Other passenger-train. Milk... Switching. C • Special service train. Passenger. 73 74 • • • • • Excess baggage. Other passenger service. Storage--freight. Stockyard. Power... · Storage--baggage. ... • Dining and buffet... Hotel and restaurant. | Grain elevator.. · • RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES - 45 Superintendence... 46 · • • • Total water-line transportation revenue. • Ties--yard.. Ties--other.. Demurrage.. Telegraph and telephone. ·· Station, train, and boat privileges. Parcel room... ► Joint facility--Cr... Joint facility--Dr.. • • Rails--yard... Rails--other.. • • • • • Roadway maintenance--yard. 47 Roadway maintenance--other. 48 Ballast--yard. Ballast-other. • • • • · • Rents of buildings and other property. Miscellaneous. Total incidental operating revenue. Total joint facility operating revenue. Total railway operating revenues. Roadway--depreciation--yard. 49 Roadway--depreciation--other. Underground power tubes--yard. Underground power tubes-other.. Underground power tubes--depreciation-yard. Underground power tubes--depreciation--other. Tunnels and subways-yard. 67 68 Ties--depreciation-yard. 69 Ties--depreciation-other. 70 71 72 • RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures • • Rails--depreciation--yard. Rails--depreciation--other • Tunnels and subways-other. Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard. Tunnels and subways-depreciation--other.. Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard. 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other. 60 Item • · · ··· .... 63 Elevated structures-other. 64 Elevated structures--depreciation-yard. 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other. 66 • • • • • • • Bridges, trestles; and culverts-depreciation--yard. 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation-other. 62 Elevated structures--yard.. •• • • ·· • • .. 79 80 | Ballast--depreciation--yard. 81 Ballast depreciation--other. 82 Track laying and surfacing-yard. 83 Track laying and surfacing--other. 84 | Right-of-way fences--yard. 85 Right-of-way fences--other.. • Other track material--yard. 75 Other track material--other. 76 Other track material-depreciation--yard. • · .. • • • 77 Other track material--depreciation--other. 78 • .. D • • • Right-of-way fences--depreciation-yard. 87 Right-of-way fences-depreciation-other. • • • • • · ·· O • D · ·· • • · · Total, all districts $4,630,713,035 974,893,366 6, 506, 582 1,532,122 1,227,842 95,930,909 143,340,922 16,491,499 36,966,863 63,598,798 2,190,839 427,481 1,209,162 2,349,198 7,093,847 1,384,549 5,985,857,014 11,195,846 1,226,773 2,794 19,552 12,917 21,011 1,215,176 620,339 14,314,408 33,804,372 7,776,651 7.325,451 1,413,759 4,079,627 678,529 18,454,112 2,572,254 1,190,819 710,915 7,225,542 8,572,903 30,971,681 124,776,615 14,078,204 4,488,717 9,589,487 6,134,537,524 57,673,838 8,974,168 80,598,677 18,756 59,718 ... 40,157 2,424,655 3.990 1,380 1,666,227 39,909,583 29,257 1,364,664 173,513 52,478 14,016, 730 102,787,683 281,301 2,345,171 3,670,94 46,091,415 81,282 1,142,769 8,524,266 42,020,022 197,644 952,893 573,971 19,450,847 3,010 411,435 24,457,798 193,533,759 74,618 5,018,793 451 12,005 Eastern district $2,008,136,078 502,364,539 2,479,837 293,949 473,982 67,137,39 585,796 26,411,342 28,750, 731 802,774 228,425 884,890 1,717,503 5,064,855 1,120,062 2,688,452,153 1,487,799 685,427 1,011 4,971 12,636 17,305 8,323 1,117 2,218,589 15,293,535 2,377,827 4,806,007 1,050,269 2,096,198 324,418 10,497,955 559,105 1,106,112 12,259 6,851,179 5,923,990 12,986, 200 63,885,054 5,552,888 1,639,340 3,913,548 2,758,469,344 22,658,404 4,512,327 29,239,048 264 540 • 39,113 841,922 3,990 145 874,020 13,168,246 22,144 693,145 172,495 51,137 6,726,179 35,912,099 3,632 23,422 1,991,422 19,299,245 3,089 48,618 4,535,670 19,330,183 2,790 24,431 226,344 7,010,833 572 11,887 12,196,599 77,384,864 30,297 1,485,161 40 5,313 Southern district 387273747 $871,910,286 147,282,145 1,029,067 15,897 156,104 16,624,272 21,633,261 1,915,802 1,436,334 8,282,797 511,019 14,695 53,028 56,896 13,332 218,742 1,071,153,677 5,292,520 691,388 714,985 110,326 913,267 69,023 3,115,467 105,550 2,301 4,889 188,861 821,360 6,074,037 18,103,974 2,048,709 439,056 1,609,653 1,090,867,304 10,677,844 1,279,101 16,781,943 804,534 127, 9,542,449 1,610 531,252 2,275,261 19,718,615 260,816 2,247,279 489,799 9,272,912 57,825 964,190 1,038,743 5,906,348 179,393 890,906 59,051 5,706,016 1.937 393.374 333,467 33,044,729 3,661 658,623 Western district 7 $1,750,666, 671 325,246,682 2,997,678 1,516,225 777,78 42,832,655 54,570,271 7,989,901 9,119,187 26,565,270 877,046 184,361 271,244 574,799 2,015,660 45,745 2,226, 251, 184 9,708,047 541,346 1,783 14,581 281 3,706 1,206,853 619,222 12,095,819 13,218,317 4,707,436 1,804,459 253,164 1,070,162 285,088 4,840,690 1,907,599 82,406 693,767 185.502 1,827,553 11,911,444 42,787,587 6,476,607 2,410,32i 4,066,286 2,285,200,876 24,337,590 3,182,740 34,577,686 18,492 59,178 1,044 778,199 664 664,489 17,198,888 5,503 140,267 1,018 1,341 5,015,290 47,156,969 16,853 74,470 1,189,722 47,519,258 20,368 129,961 2,949,853 16,783,491 15,461 37.556 288,576 6,733,998 501 6,174 8,927,732 83,104,166 40,660 2,875,009 411 6,692 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS TO 8 No. 1234 IMO 780 SUMMARY NO. 1–RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 21 22 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds-other. 15 Fuel stations... 16 Fuel stations--depreciation Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--other. Crossings and signs-yard……… Crossings and signs-other.. .. Crossings and signs-depreciation-yard. Crossings and signs--depreciation--other. 9 Station and office buildings..... 10 Station and office buildings--depreciation. 11 Roadway buildings………. 12 Roadway buildings--depreciation. 13 Water stations.. 14 Water stations-depreciation. 23 Wharves and docks... 24 25 Coal and ore wharves.... 26 17 Shops and enginehouses. ... 18 Shops and enginehouses--depreciation 19 Grain elevators.. 20 27 Gas producing plants…….. 28 ·· Grain elevators--depreciation. Btorage warehouses. .. Storage warehouses--depreciation. Wharves and docks--depreciation. • • 83 84 ··· .. Paving--depreciation. • Coal and ore wharves--depreciation. Gas producing plants--depreciation. Telegraph and telephone lines... 29 30 Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation. · · •• 65 Superintendence. 66 Shop machinery.. 67 Item 31 Signals and interlockers... 32 8ignals and interlockers--depreciation.. Stationery and printing. • ... Power plant buildings. 36 Power plant buildings--depreciation. • • • Power plant dame, canals, and pipe lines. 34 Power plant dame, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation 37 Power substation buildings. 38 Power substation buildings--depreciation. Shop machinery-depreciation. Power plant machinery... • 39 Power transmission systems... 40 41 42 43 Power line poles and fixtures. 44 Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation. Underground conduits... 46 Underground conduits--depreciation. 47 Miscellaneous structures. ... 48 Miscellaneous structures--depreciation. 49 Paving.. 50 51 Roadway machines. 52 Power transmission systems--depreciation. Power distribution systems.. Power distribution systems--depreciation. *** • ·· • Roadway machines--depreciation. Small tools and supplies. Removing snow, ice, and sand. ·· ……… Assessments for public improvements. • • · • 74 75 Other locomotives--repairs.. 76 Other locomotives-depreciation. 77 Other locomotives--retirements. • • 78 Freight-train cars--repairs... 79 Freight-train cars--depreciation 80 Freight-train cars-retirements. 68 69 Power plant machinery--depreciation 70 Power substation apparatus.... ●● · • • • • 56 Injuries to persons... 57 Insurance….. 58 59 Other expenses. 60 Total, above accounts.. 61 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 62 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr. 63 Equalization--way and structures. 64 Total maintenance of way and structures. Maintenance of Equipment 71 Power substation apparatus--depreciation. 72 Steam locomotives--repairs. 73 Steam locomotives--depreciation. Steam locomotives--retirements.. • • • • • • 81 Passenger-train cars-repairs... Passenger-train cars--depreciation.. Passenger-train cars-retirements. 82 • · • ► • O • • Motor equipment of cars--repairs.. 85 Motor equipment of cars--depreciation. 86 Motor equipment of cars--retirements. 87 Floating equipment--repairs..... 88 Floating equipment--depreciation 89 Floating equipment--retirements.. • • • • • • • • • · • • •· • • · · D • • [ • • • D • · • • • • • · • Total, all districts $3,913 513,045 73 336 1,169,891 11,698,503 2,329 72,096 33,445,860 2,206,440 5,202,676 112,433 10,409,596 133,650 4,593,011 68,918 24,872,541 473,724 216,400 15,468 89,440 5,970,930 561,037 3,126,168 1,017,659 47,615 12 11,979, 103 39,997 32,846,405 230,722 134 816, 211 138,814 68,894 21,471 407,244 70,490 3,390,380 329,097 576,749 91,055 32,080 7,642 396,370 3,214 573,682 45 7,100,887 10,917 11,558,255 8,868,495 537,867 6,429,535 3,853,553 1,356,099 694,723 857,093,761 38,292,896 27,196,398 868,190,259 45,850,169 26,394, 238 741,045 5,203,242 672,748 448,509 91,865 435,430,529 56,181,546 4,621,010 3,783,031 1,187,499 6.484 340,628,364 114,120,957 17,392,484 81,210,223 18,177,343 1,605,763 3,087,229 1,064,674 45,556 11,390,486 3,389,923 71,614 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $653 62,3194 75 1456,294 6,320,601 2,089 68,460 16,657.979 1,626,959 1,469,915 52,045 3,614,443 59,086 1,920,990 36,291 12,041,315 292,450 110,291 1,689 38,325 4,022,738 490,108 1,831,259 212,684 23,403 5,549,664 27,231 20,232,129 201,587 587,966 108,133 57,857 19,253 317,983 63,473 2,536,315 316,081 300, 300 82,145 28,827 7,504 207,579 239,689 2,371,131 2,703 4,467,011 5,168,745 189,558 2,933,631 1,801,649 519,532 450,495 358,730,766 16,877,407 12,174,620 363,433,553 20,775,239 13,881,689 434,879 3,521,284 604,782 371,874 69,630 200,573,980 25,787,038 2,339,663 2,726,661 752,129 .160,531,009 49,527,950 8,729,582 38,845,891 8,989,488 869,478 1,947,793 704,484 20,383 8,852,764 2,027,298 144,121 Southern district $146 124,679 1,701,622 1,044 5,512,008 267,540 1,266,444 23,144 1,944,705 64,932 857,185 24,077 3,132,565 128,064 22,408 2,400 46,855 1,031,811 69,872 475,168 137,968 1,970,176 io, 254 4,755.238 22,449 54, 14,640 2,473 330 58,565 6,919 331,023 11,176 115,427 8,175 382 24,213 13 59,202 1,309,379 2,639 2,169,307 303,799 51,683 1,085,858 685,188 231,117 51,810 156,419,827 6,831,517 5,292,586 157,958,758 7,912,852 3,841, 720 285,493 565,790 26,027 23,585 4,032 82,363, 201 9,999,819 676,446 538,730 196,719 65,934,372 23,184,266 2,137,252 12,349,591 2,876,652 65,255 288,986 166,230 1,582 246,866 58,958 13,982 Western district $3,260 450,580 69 261 588,418 3,676,280 240 2,592 11,275,873 311,941 2,466,317 37,244 4,850,448 9,632 1,814,836 8,550 9,698,661 53,210 83,701 11,379 4,260 17: 916,381 1,057 819,741 667,007 24,212 12 4,459,263 2,512 7,859,038 6,686 134 173,892 16,041 8,564 1,882 30,696 98 523,042 1,840 161,022 735 2,871 138 164,578 3,201 274,791 45 3,420,377 5,575 4,921,937 3,395,951 296,626 2,410,046 1,366,716 605,450 192,418 341,943,168 14,583,972 9,729,192 346,797,948 17,162,078 8,670,829 20,673 1,116,168 41,939 53,050 18,203 152,493,348 20,394,689 1,604,901 517,640 238,651 45,316 114,162,983 6,525,650 30,014,741 6,311, 203 671,030 850,450 193,960 23,591 2,290,856 1,303,667 86,489 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. HAMIINION 8000 m nm 1 Work equipment-repairs. 2 Work equipment--depreciation Work equipment--retirements.. 11 19 20 21 Miscellaneous equipment--repairs. Miscellaneous equipment-depreciation. Miscellaneous equipment-retirements. Injuries to persons. Insurance.. 9 Stationery and printing. Other expenses. 10 Total.. 22 23 24 25 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 16 Superintendence. 17 Outside agencies.. Advertising.. 18 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES-Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded 12 Maintaining joint equipment--Dr. 13 Maintaining joint equipment--Cr. 14 Equalization--equipment.. 15 234 26 Superintendence.. 27 28 INQUEFFEE 56 • • • Total traffic. 49 • • Total maintenance of equipment. · 45 Train enginemen.. 46 Train motormen. • Traffic associations.. · • • Fast freight lines. Industrial and immigration bureaus Insurance.. Stationery and printing. Other expenses. Station supplies and expenses Yardmasters and yard clerks. Yard conductors and brakemen.. Yard switch and signal tenders. 35 Yard enginemen. 36 Yard motormen. • • 42 43 Enginehouse expenses--yard.. 44 • ·· • • • • • • 37 Fuel for yard locomotives. D · 38 Yard switching power produced. • Yard supplies and expenses. Dispatching trains. Station employees.. • 29 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus. 30 | Coal and ore wharves.. 31 32 • • • • • ... 39 Yard switching power purchased. 40 Water for yard locomotives.... 41 Lubricants for yard locomotives.. Other supplies for yard locomotives. 77 Operation of vessels.. 78 Operation of terminals. 79 Incidental.... 80 • • • • • • Item Transportation--Rail Line ·· • ❤ · • • • · 47 Fuel for train locomotives. 48 Train power produced.. Train power purchased. Water for train locomotives. Lubricants for train locomotives. Other supplies for train locomotives. Enginehouse expenses--train.. Trainmen... → • · • • • • Traffic • • • • • · • Train supplies and expenses Operating sleeping cars. 57 58 8ignal and interlocker operation. Crossing protection.. Drawbridge operation. 59 60 Telegraph and telephone operation. 61 Operating floating equipment. 62 Express service. 63 Stationery and printing. 64 65 66 Clearing wrecks. Other expenses. Insurance. ·· 67 Damage to property. 68 Damage to live stock on right of way 69 Loss and damage--freight. 70 Loss and damage--baggage. Injuries to persona... 71 72 Operating joint yards and terminals--Dr. 73 Operating joint yards and terminals--Cr 74 Operating joint tracks and facilities--DI. 75 Operating joint tracks and facilities--CI 76 Total transportation--Rail line.. [ • • • • • • · • • • Total transportation--Water line. • •• ► • Transportation--Water Line • • • • · O Total, all districts $19,114,960 5,163,835 1,717,267 425,604 376,273 82,305 5,692,881 6,134,463 2,004,178 1,527,952 1,215,023,281 8,216,442 4,422,269 1,218,817,454 37,531,623 49,363,785 16,823, 228 3,146,724 49,121 2,880,238 58,228 10, 229, 611 168,085 120,250,643 69,000, 588 34,197,978 304,748,804 5,774,498 8,271,578 21,362,106 63,123,847 154,362,250 12,969,724 90,005,177 1,057,569 64,213,939 177,503 503,472 4,472,787 1,283,097 1,427,178 30,056,815 3,845,201 224,505,945 4,983,436 321,307,122 2,696,391 7,293,749 21,547,816 7.369,569 6,043,921 79,898,209 264,882,540 83,597,295 750,887 26,147,718 21,316,640 2,050,688 10,864,607 29,511,191 13,051,821 6,274,762 3,228,013 7,680,620 4,628,923 2,719,461 33,967,786 333,984 32,846, 232 69,319,332 35,067,187 16,264,135 14,095,288 2,126,774,429 4,678,359 4,391,551 411,334 9,481, 244 Eastern district $8,289,130 2,046,067 684,290 221,418 183,594 46,850 2,961,242 3,014,934 1,006,137 902,028 572,332,979 3,735,062 2,254,965 573,813,076 17,041,789 16,199,926 5,403,047 1,174,521 49,121 567,397 33,145 4,118,327 103,145 44,690,418 34,943,444 16,504, 216 144,084, 960 1,197,360 5,536,031 11,129,702 33,007,974 81,519,553 8,598,583 47,060,166 968,772 30,301,899 171,167 459,270 2,127,442 677,063 705,949 14,656,054 2,226,543 98,513,097 2,993,789 125,900, 411 1,689,538 5,139,595 8,696,545 3,004,357 2,555,909 37,085,338 115,969,345 39,518,473 17,034,432 14,627,380 1,083,318 4,920,236 24,873,215 6,285,638 4,313,001 1,363,945 4,139,686 2,227,387 243.976 14,176,507 231,567 15,532,048 29,169,853 15,005,085 8,077,848 6,863,844 1,003,473,653 1,369,797 176,582 39,606 1,585,985 Southern district $2,982,311 1,018,016 230,684 44,648 49,570 9,183 777,859 703.559 340,546 294,690 220,209,472 1,378,391 978,089 220,609, 774 7,645,124 10,274,021 2,264,984 687,475 847, 716 2,460,136 15,141 24,200,675 12,230,304 7,396,819 54,452,226 1,386, 204 1,232,911 3,028,273 11,645,383 25,679,573 1,466,476 14,522,983 1,459 8,872,022 673,133 210,388 284,487 5,515,827 780,984 41,469,305 556,687 50,254,104 602,331 711,921 3,736,363 1,479,911 1,182,172 14,479,113 49,623,126 13,946,458 7,562 2,535,148 1,802,822 376,152 1,359,509 532,646 2,373,385 595,986 695,501 1,419,512 1,104,987 998,639 6,310,736 40,485 6,101,703 14,977,209 10,171,829 1,836,840 1,870,469 358,447,467 ::: Western district $7,843,519 2,099,752 802,293 159,538 143,109 26,272 1,953,780 2,415,970 657,495 331,234 422,480,830 3,102,989 1,189,215 424,394,604 12,844, 710 22,889,838 9,155,197 1,284,728 ... 1,465,125 19,005 3,651,148 49,799 51,359,550 21,826,840 10,296,943 106,211,618 3,190,934 1,502,636 7,204,131 18,470,490 47,163,124 2,904, 665 28,422,028 87,338 25,040,018 6,336 44,202 1,672,212 395,646 436,742 9,884,934 837,674 84,523,543 1,432,960 145,152,607 404,522 1,442,233 9,114,908 2,885,301 2,205,840 28,333,758 99,290,069 30,132,364 743.325 6,578,138 4,886,438 591, 218 4,584,862 4,105,330 4,392,798 1,365,775 1,168,567 2,121,422 1,296,549 1,476,846 13,480,543 9 61,932 11, 212, 481 25,172,270 9,890,273 6,349,447 5,360,975 764,853,309 3,308,562 4,214,969 371,728 7,895,259 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 10 No. 1234 inc 6 7 g 9 10 HHHHAAA 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 27 28 29 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 36 O Dining and buffet service. Hotels and restaurants. Grain elevators. 17 Other expenses... 37 38 39 40 41 ………. 50 51 52 53 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES-- Concluded Miscellaneous Operations ·· Stockyards... Producing power sold. Other miscellaneous operations.. Insurance.. .. • Relief department expenses Pensions.. Stationery and printing. Valuation expenses.. Total miscellaneous operations. D Salaries and expenses of general officers... Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. General office supplies and expenses. Law expenses.. • • • • D General joint facilities--Dr. General joint facilities--Cr. · • • Total general expenses.. 21 Transportation for investment--Cr.. 22 Total railway operating expenses. 23 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent). SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES Maintenance of Way and Structures 24 Related solely to freight service.. • Related solely to passenger and allied services. • Item • • • 25 26 Apportioned to freight service.. • Apportioned to passenger and allied services. Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total.. • General • • 30 Related solely to freight service. ► 31 Related solely to passenger and allied services 32 Apportioned to freight service... 33 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. • 34 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 35 Total... Maintenance of Equipment ► · Traffic Transportation--Rail Line 42 Related solely to freight service.. 43 Related solely to passenger and allied services. 44 • Related solely to freight service.. Related solely to passenger and allied services. Apportioned to freight service... Apportioned to passenger and allied services. ● • • [ • • Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total. Transportation--Water Line 48 Related solely to freight service.. 49 Related solely to passenger and allied services. • Miscellaneous Operations • • Apportioned to freight service. ... 45 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. • • Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 47 Total.. 54 Related solely to freight service.. 55 Related solely to passenger and allied services. 56 Apportioned to freight service... • • • C Apportioned to freight service... Apportioned to passenger and allied services. Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total. C • • • • ·· • • ·· , 57 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. • • 58 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 59 Total.. Total, all districts $41,365,319 7,432,294 1,227,594 589,261 3,299,726 1,852,772 55,766,966 19,696,625 93,492,502 7,288, 240 17,188,258 190,543 2,576, 691 24,634,506 5,389,578 8,678,876 10,085,918 2,181,928 412,319 190,991,346 17,640,056 4,572,632,285 74.54 $85,702,271 22,522,938 550,553,790 208,852,280 558,980 868,190,259 755,460,619 226,981,938 175,462,379 59,913,824 998,694 1,218,817,454 63,967,461 42,178,619 8, 201,569 5,902,994 120,250,643 1,210,327,683 428,988,112 370,974,958 116,455,829 27,847 2,126,774,429 7,509,176 189,788 1,478,165 271,720 32,395 9,481,244 2,799,834 46,675,568 1,243,846 843,312 4,204,406 55,766,966 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $18,890,821 2,259,874 1,144,394 20,732 3,164,718 444,919 25,925,458 8,393,494 40,757,790 3,321,449 6,550,801 102,988 1,386,504 15,434,939 2,196,287 3,634,363 4,435,624 842,168 147,170 86,909,237 3,074,281 2,096,757,099 76.01 $52,547,862 14,756,996 208,694,022 87,099,869 334,804 363,433,553 368,633,996 116,219,675 65,572,762 22,591,228 795,415 573,813,076 26,820,398 14,974,153 2,142,852 753,015 44,690,418 611,955,463 210,357,150 134,448,511 46,714,172 d 1.643 1,003,473,653 752,350 144,546 470,402 218,687 1,585,985 1,479,289 21,988,953 405, 242 214,768 1,837,206 25,925,458 Southern district $6,226,447 647,579 16,149 8.905 56,337 90,990 7,046,407 3,239,725 16,606,961 1,245,598 3,935,680 20,492 222,300 2,390,546 1,078,178 1,454,661 1,583,589 287,077 52,470 32,012,337 2,162,375 798,113,043 73.16 $13,175,517 2,500,889 106,016,050 36, 266, 302 157,958,758 150,067,060 38,086,820 25,925,188 6,530,706 220,609,774 15,316,443 6,995,144 1,350,444 538,644 24,200,675 202,583,615 65,130,733 70,870,620 19,862,499 358,447,467 97,017 6,764,258 140,728 41,729 2,675 7,046,407 Western district $16,248,051 4,524,841 67,051 559,624 78,671 1,316,863 22,795,101 8,063,406 36,127,751 2,721,193 6,701,777 67,063 967,887 6,809,021 2,115,113 3,589,852 4,066, 705 1,052,683 212,679 72,069,772 12,403,400 1,677,762,143 73.42 $19,978,892 5,265,053 235,843,718 85,486,109 224,176 346,797,948 53557535 236,759,563 72,675,443 83,964,429 30,791,890 203, 279 424,394,604 21,830, 620 20, 209, 322 4,708,273 4,611,335 51,359,550 395,788,605 153,500,229 165,655,827 49,879,158 29,490 764,853,309 6,756,826 45,242 1,007,763 53,033 32,395 7,895,259 1,223,528 17,922,357 697,876 586,815 2,364,525 22,795,101 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 12345 6 7800014 11 12 7 Related solely to freight service. • 8 Related solely to passenger and allied services Apportioned to freight service.. 9 • • Apportioned to passenger and allied services. Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services.. Total. 27 28 MMMM 3456 35 15 Apportioned to freight service.. 16 17 18 36 13 Related solely to freight service.. 14 Related solely to passenger and allied services 26 Miles of road.. www. 37 38 39 40 19 Miles of road... 20 Miles of second main track……. 21 Miles of third main track. 22 Miles of fourth main track.. 23 Miles of all other main tracks. 24 Miles of yard track and sidings. 25 Total, all tracks.. FOMEDOR DO 41 42 SUMMARY NO. 1–RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 46 47 Miles of second main track. Miles of third main track.. 29 Miles of fourth main track... 30 Miles of all other main tracks. Hiles of yard track and sidings. 31 32 Total, all tracks.. 48 SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES--Concluded General 49 Related solely to freight service….. Related solely to passenger and allied services. Apportioned to freight service. Apportioned to passenger and allied services. Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services.. Total. 50 51 • Kinshin 55 56 • • J Transportation for Investment--Cr. • · Apportioned to passenger and allied services. • Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services.. Total.. • • • Total Operating Expenses • ► · Total... MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1927 Number at close of year: Box cars. Flat cars. Stock cara Coal cars.. Tank cars.. • • • Item Steam locomotives: ... Number at close of year. Total tractive power (pounds). Number installed during year. Number retired during year. Electric locomotives: • • Number at close of year.. Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year. Number retired during year.. • • • Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying cars Total.. Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars... Flat cars. Stock cars. Coal cars. Tank cars. • MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1927 • Refrigerator cars. Other: freight-carrying cars • · EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE ·· • ❤ • • • • ·· Freight-carrying Cars • • ·· ·· •· • • • D • • · • · Total, all districts $49,016,306 11,549,659 96,055,499 33,871,059 498,823 190,991,346 17,057,870 292,684 243,275 46,227 17,640,056 2,157,725,480 778,793,938 1,203,726,931 426,064, 791 6,321,145 4,572,632,285 238,394.12 36,228.87 3,128.78 2,192.19 376.07 1/ 118,602.07 5/ 398,922.10 174,530.67 21,637.37 2,085.59 1,544.74 194.58 9/ 81,522.79 281,515.74 60,868 2,605,346,530 1,494 2,962 449 24,557,800 444 14 1,065,907 99,951 83,573 940,313 10,284 44,217 79,856 2,324,101 42,890,076 4,206,403 3,067,460 49,707,324 450, 201 1,436,132 061,177 105,818, 773 Eastern district $24,996,034 6,340,616 41,154,217 13,922,507 495,863 86,909,237 2,889, 241 102, 280 61,039 21, 721 3,074,281 1,084,296, 151 384,679,809 452,826,969 171,492,525 3,461,645 2,096,757,099 59,135.37 18,523.95 2,699.16 1,959.45 81.19 2/ 45,868.81 6/128,267.93 33,472.44 9,174.69 1,721.05 1,353.18 63.04 10/ 25,934.71 71,719.11 26,576 1,181,946,590 873 1,570 343 16,992,600 37 455,301 21,826 14,858 555,805 308 4,874 22,287 1,075,259 18,895,932 964,737 601,575 29,810,156 5,130 160,775 1,158,793 51,597,098 Includes 21,392.98 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 7,671.45 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 4,321.29 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 9,400.24 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 23,121.42 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 8,683.35 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 3,545.62 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 10,892.45 miles operated under trackage rights, Includes 14,527.04 miles of industrial tracks. 10/ Includes 4,101.82 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 3,303.77 miles of industrial tracks. 12/ Includes 7,121.45 miles of industrial tracks. Southern district $8,908,992 1,649,603 16, 255, 740 5,198,002 32,012,337 2,033,836 18,568 86,394 23,577 2,162,375 388,114,808 121,108,879 220,472,376 68,414,305 2,675 798,113,043 455 45,415.58 5,627.03 125.80 48.41 274.19 3/ 20,813.78 Z/ 72,304.79 35,202.20 +,012.39 120.06 44.29 110.85 11/ 15,704.21 55,194.00 11,195 483,123,800 181 372 34 3,217,000 1 169,062 22,803 8,161 209,984 22 6,230 7,450 423,712 6,211,983 938,136 305,870 11,424,332 980 192,030 350,503 19,423,834 Western district 11 15,111,280 3,559,440 38,645,542 14,750,550 2,960 72,069,772 12,134,793 171,836 95,842 929 12,403,400 685,314,521 273,005, 250 530,427,586 186,157,961 2,856,825 1,677,762,143 133,843.17 12,077.89 303.82 184.33 20.69 4/51,919.48 8/198,349.38 105,856.03 8,450.29 244.48 147.27 20.69 12/ 39,883.87 154,602.63 23,097 940, 276, 140 440 1,020 72 4 4,348, 200 441,544 55,322 60,554 174,524 9,954 33,113 50,119 825,130 17,782,161 2,303,530 2,160,015 8,472,836 444,091 1,083,327 2,551,881 34,797,841 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 12 No. H2M4 LOCOM 9 10 1 GEGREB 30 13 14 15 16 8 222 20 21 2MM 26 27 لالا 678 28 29 30 31 23 32 33 MMMM 4567 34 4444 35 36 37 42 43 44 45 46 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 47 17 Number at close of year.. 18 Number installed during year 19 Number retired during year.. 48 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded 49 Number installed during year: Box cars. Flat cars. Stock cars Coal cars. Tank cars. 55 Number at close of year. ... Numper installed during year. 22 Number retired during year. • • • Total.. ... • • • · .... · • • Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars · Total... Number retired during year: Box cars.. Flat carS Stock cars Coal cars. Tank cars. ❤ • 23 Number of units at close of year. 24 Number of units installed during year 25 Number of units retired during year. • • • Refrigerator cars [.. Other freight-carrying cars 38 Average number. Compensation-- 39 40 41 · • • In replacement: In replacement: ·· Item 糖 ​• Service hours-- All Classes of Passenger-train Cars • • • All Classes of Company Service Equipment • ... • • • · • ► • Floating Equipment Number of tons (2,240 lbs.). Total charges... • Number of cross ties.. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties. Total charges... • ... TIES LAID DURING YEAR • In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties.. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties. Total charges... RAILS LAID DURING YEAR · Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for.. Total... • Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for.. Total... Service days-- • Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for. Total. In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks.. Miles of yard track and sidings. Number of tons (2,240 lbs.).. Total charges.. D • • Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service... In passenger service.. In mixed-train service. In special service.. In yard-switching service. In work service.... Grand total, all services. • EMPLOYEES • • • • · • • · • • • • • • •⇓ • # Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses. CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES • • • • • • Total, all districts 34,184 3,664 3,573 27,079 349 1,743 1,818 72,410 44,007 5,697 4,912 35,460 504 2,347 2,826 95,753 53,804 2,646 3,606 109,263 11,920 12,260 2,435 380 80 632 83 82 78,274,222 258,366,784 $117,758,189 7,902,872 51,893,579 $12,947,789 3,813,994 $138,769,740 798.28 2,151.01 415,686 $13,221,114 1,734,470 $2,617,319,703 $163,850,785 $2,909,217,453 3,835,070,060 200,667,101 4,194,919,839 39,391,635 279,082 40,346,769 $2,689,571,856 78,245,223 28, 254, 724 1,837,651 52,041 21,774,789 2,897,429 133,061,857 Eastern district Y 16,620 348 505 13,264 162 1,318 32,217 19,485 1,268 724 19,798 48 1,101 644 43,068 26,620 1,368 1,722 36,29 423 4,670 15 2,104 69 71 21,010,791 94,421,865 $42,999,920 2,097,199 17,162,157 $4,321,592 1,662,100 $57,351,372 187.16 659.32 124, 249 $4,090,081 752,553 $1,200,615,297 $75,504,171 $1,336,437,779 1,641,711,934 88,467,031 1,805,205,019 19,246,930 142, 764 19,743,823 $1,243,441,898 32,597,565 12,223,005 355,939 15,286 10,890,868 1,348,416 57,431,079 1/ Does not include data for 2,203 linear feet of steel ties. Southern district 3,248 1,054 23 6,929 N 11,256 6,194 1,249 232 5,318 52 161 13,212 8,411 261 507 19,121 1,127 1,844 120 17,405,290 60,153,970 $23,870,043 1,297,968 11,671,436 $1,966,318 752,080 $28,000,142 107.41 381.34 75, 706 $2,261,963 339,364 $470,158,871 $28,890, 240 $518,207,639 750,221,404 39,515,538 810,393,429 6,443,186 38,115 6,565,863 $480,790,762 16,509,215 5,245,195 355,630 12,944 3,800,566 488,153 26,411,703 Western district 14,316 2,262 3,045 6,886 349 1.581 498 28,937 18,328 3,180 3,956 10,344 450 1,194 2,021 39,473 18,773 1,017 1,377 53,847 370 5,746 211 11 7 39,858,141 103,790,949 $50,888,226 4,507,705 23,059,986 $6,659,879 1,399,814 $53,418,226 503.71 1,110.35 215, 731 $6,869,070 642,553 $946,545,535 $59,456,374 $1,054,572,035 1,443,136,722 72,684,532 1,579,321,391 13,701,519 98,203 14,037,083 $965,339,196 29,138,443 10,786,524 1,126,082 23,811 7,083,355 1,060,860 49,219,075 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS } SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) REVENUE FREIGHT TONNAGE BY GROUPS OF COMMODITIES Products of agriculture: Number of carloads... Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car.. Products of mines: Revenue Freight Originated Animals and products: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car.. Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car.. Products of forests: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car. < Item ·· Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car... Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Average load per car. •• Products of agriculture: Products of mines: • Products of forests: · ·· • • Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. ·· Animals and products: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. Merchandise All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). •••• Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. • Total Revenue Freight Carried · • · • • • • • • ·· * ... • Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. • •• Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage. • • · ... Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. ·· .. • • - · • *• Merchandise - All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage. O ··· .. Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage.. • • Total, all districts 4,716,185 113,152,242 23.99 2,171,894 25,982,970 11.96 13,913,095 713,178,506 51.26 3,507,447 99,327,537 28.32 11,064,068 290,998,474 26.30 35,372,689 1,242,639,729 35.13 38,425,225 1,281,064,954 10,215,233 221,020,288 9.36 3,773,011 46,665,921 1.98 24,901,375 1,271,700,465 53.84 7,089,392 192,653,408 8.16 22,539,940 564,111,121 23.88 68,518,951 2,296,151,203 97.22 65,790,216 2.78 2,361,941,419 100.00 Eastern district 1,027,875 23,167,845 22.54 448,498 5,842,684 13.03 5,934,676 307,135,326 51.75 425,695 10,751,133 25.26 6,631,324 175,774,391 26.51 14,468,068 522,671,379 36.13 18,403,300 541,074,679 3,406,720 72,361,395 5.85 1,378,083 18,020,457 1.45 13,936,540 729,554,856 58.95 1,978,002 50,216,154 4.06 13,341,688 334,034,035 26.99 34,041,033 1,204,186,897 97.30 33,481,579 2.70 1,237,668,476 100.00 Southern district 904,635 14,593,285 16.13 176,931 2,064,085 11.67 4,024,087 213,872,783 53.15 1,249,893 32,248,256 25.80 1,460,566 37,894,298 25.94 7,816,112 300, 672, 707 38.47 8, 220, 741 308,893,448 2,029,469 33,154,999 7.37 349,240 4,414,041 .98 5,133,797 267,927, 59.57 2,089,178 53,709,042 11.94 3,094,941 76,290,572 16.97 12,696,625 435,496,430 96.83 14,256,643 3.17 449,753,073 100.00 13 Western district 2,783,675 75,391,112 27.08 1,546,465 18,076, 201 11.69 3,954,332 192,170,397 48.60 1,831,859 56,328,148 30.75 2,972,178 77,329,785 26.02 13,088,509 419,295,643 32.04 11,801,184 431,096,827 4,779,044 115,503,894 17.12 2,045,688 24,231,423 3.59 5,831 038 274,217,83 40.65 3,022,212 88,728,212 13.16 6,103,311 153,786,514 22.80 21,781,293 656,467,876 97.32 18,051,994 2.68 674,519,870 100.00 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS " 14 No. 234mo 1 Average mileage of road operated. 780 3 Freight--light. 444 9 Total freight train. 10 Total passenger train. 11 Total mixed train.. 40 41 42 12 Total special.. 13 Train switching. 14 Yard switching--freight. 15 Yard switching-passenger.. 43 44 567 +++++INIDIDINIOVINTOV HUNTOLD 45 46 47 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) 48 Freight--ordinary. Passenger. Mixed. Special.. 16 Total transportation service. 17 Work service... 49 • 50 22 23 Passenger train--passenger. 24 51 STATISTICS OF RAIL-LINE OPERATIONS •• 52 18 Freight train--loaded.. 19 Freight train--empty. 20 Freight train--caboose. 21 Freight train--exclusive work equipment. Total freight train... 53 • 54 ·· 55 Total transportation service. Work service... • ·· Passenger train--sleeping, parlor, and observation. 25 Passenger train--dining. 26 Passenger train--other 27 28 Mixed train--freight--loaded. Mixed train--freight--empty. · 29 30 Mixed train--caboose.. 31 Mixed train--exclusive work equipment O 32 Mixed train--passenger..... 33 Mixed train--sleeping, parlor, and observation. 34 Mixed train--dining.. 35 Mixed train--other passenger train. 36 Total mixed train. 37 Total special train.. 38 39 Work service... .. • • · • Total passenger train.. • Locomotive-Miles Train-Miles • · Revenue per passenger.. 56 Revenue per passenger-mile. Total transportation service Tons--revenue freight. Tons--nonrevenue freight.. Ton-miles--revenue freight.. Ton-miles--nonrevenue freight Passengers-miles--revenue.. • Passengers carried--revenue.. Item ·· · • • • • Car-Miles • • Miscellaneous ► • • • • ·· • · • • Ton-miles--revenue freight--per mile of road. Tor-miles--revenue freight--per train-mile.. Ton-miles--revenue and nonrevenue freight--per loaded car-mile. Passenger-miles--revenue--per train-mile.. Passenger-miles--revenue--per car-mile. Miles hauled--revenue freight... Miles carried--revenue passengers. Revenue per ton of freight.. Revenue per ton-mile of freight • • · • • · . • • • · • • • • • • • .. • • Total, all districts 237,758.54 581,334,179 6,608,636 568,539,193 26,903,035 603,363 1,183,988,406 36,524,208 665,945,165 557,614,264 27,502,724 693,584 58,909,226 299,660,253 24,233,299 1,634,558,515 45,740,737 17,287,843,199 10,231,004,341 598,213,171 42,669,100 28,159,729,811 1,259,734,937 1,191,798,945 157,275,548 1,221,748,145 3,830,557,575 140,094,407 78,179,253 2,354,056 1,267,439 30,848,847 756,377 2,458 15,894,020 269,396,857 9,878,496 32,269,562,739 185,466,127 2,361,941,419 279,954,472 428,621,433,915 43,053,731,518 829,845,522 33,648,087,283 1,802,759 702.69 27.06 58.68 13.55 181.47 40.55 $1.96044 $0.01080 $1.17427 $0.02896 Eastern district 58,967.83 223,214, 709 3,488,937 236,209,300 5,445,981 204,723 468,563,650 16,107,875 270,261,383 233,058, 742 5,526,343 223,423 30,151,274 152,234,114 13,540,971 704,996,250 21,257,906 6,952,880,786 4,141,499,393 230,553,276 5,973,874 11,330,907,329 598,952,049 462,657,759 53,025,690 526,321,931 1,640,957,429 23,215,685 11,467,418 887,339 107,349 6,008,411 26,417 404 6,194,942 47,907,965 2,797,258 13,022,569,981 51,524,155 1,237,668,476 111,399,172 183,739,337,951 14,734,368,685 591,509,763 18,165,433,147 3,115,925 796.25 28.45 76.45 17.01 148.46 30.71 $1.62233 $0.01093 80.84899 $0.02765 Southern district 45,251.31 126,079,555 1,306,622 100,869,700 4,627,344 160,405 233,043,626 6,831,384 136,926,285 99,358,249 4,730,505 167,277 9,648,266 49,950,920 3,403,499 304,185,001 7,876,063 3,409, 143, 287 2,176,294,895 128,932,125 7,553,597 5,721,923,904 216,335,757 200,461,777 26,476,239 198,893,655 642,167,428 20,791,737 11,041,967 310,531 165,034 6,642,424 95,310 18 2,441,746 41,488,767 2,378,685 6,407,958,784 32,942,187 449,753,073 57,385,494 96,338,368, 210 8,881,093,732 85,608, 705 4,507,622,513 2,128,963 735.49 30.68 44.24 10.64 214.20 52.65 $1.93864 $0.00905 1.72041 $0.03267 Western district 133,539.40 232,039,915 1,813,077 231,460,193 16,829,710 238,235 482,381,130 13,584,949 258,757,497 225,197,273 17,245,876 302,884 19,109,686 97,475,219 7,288,829 625,377,264 16,606,768 2;377; 6,925,819, 126 3,913,210,053 238,727,770 29,141,629 11,106,898,578 444,447,131 528,679,409 77,773,619 496,532,559 1,547,432,718 96,086,985 55,669,868 1,156,186 995,056 18,198,012 634,650 2,036 7,257,332 180,000,125 4,702,553 12,839,033,974 100,999,785 674,519,870 111,169,806 148,543,727,754 19,438, 269, 101 152,727,054 10,975,031,623 1,112,359 598.41 23.92 46.92 11.06 220.22 71.87 $2.59538 $0.01179 $2.12793 $0.02961 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Total number of stocknolders.. 3277FWN 10 11 12 13 14 9 15 16 17 18 19 222 22 21 222 23 24 17 25 26 27 28 29 w www. 30 31 wwww 20 Discount on capital stock. Discount on funded debt... Other unadjusted debits. 33 456 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 (Does not include lessor companies) 35 Investment in road and equipment... Improvements on leased railway property. Sinking funds.... Deposite in lieu of mortgaged property sold. Miscellaneous physical property. Investments in affiliated companies. Other investments.... Total investments.. ·· Cash. Demand loans and deposits Time drafts and deposits. Special deposits... Loans and bills receivable….. Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Materiál and supplies... Other current assets.. Deferred assets.... GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investments Total current assets. • Funded debt unmatured.. Receiver's certificates. 37 38 Deferred liabilities. • • Premium on funded debt. Total unadjusted debits. Grand total.. • · • • • • Capital stock. 8tock liability for conversion. Premium on capital stock. Total stock.... Grants in aid of construction... 39 40 Operating reserves.. 41 Accrued depreciation. • • 42 Other unadjusted credits. 43 · Current Assets • ·· • • • Item Loans and bills payable.. Miscellaneous accounts payable. Other current liabilities.. • • • · • • 32 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies. Total long-term debt. Unadjusted Debits Total current liabilities. • • Current Liabilities Long-Term Debt · Stock • • Unadjusted Credits Total unadjusted credits... • • • ··· Net charges during year.. • • 49 Total appropriated surplus. 50 Profit and loss-balance. 51 Total corporate surplus..... ·· • • Corporate Surplus 44 Additions to property through income and surplus. 45 Funded debt retired through income and surplus. 46 Sinking fund reserves... 47 Miscellaneous fund reserves.. 48 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. • 52 Expenditures for new lines and extensions. Expenditures for additions and betterments. 54 Credits for property retired. 55 Adjustments.. 56 INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT • • • • • · 57 Stocks actually issued during year-par value.. 58 Funded debt actually issued during year-par value.. • • • • .. • 1 Total, all districts 389 $178,081,137 12,095,217 111,897 1,538,131 4,127,782 15,990,061 5,112,049 217,056,274 10,461,826 274,000 3,588,424 1,973,977 828 5,215,341 4,470,580 3,858,362 29,843,338 4,918,839 3,087,800 1,459,715 3,015,622 7,563,137 259,381,588 41,084,400 41,084,400 311,285 113,946,800 12,432,507 126,379,307 1,226,298 11,026,062 12,252,360 482,509 3,537 13,758,084 11,590,750 25,352,371 9,491,880 2,150,000 681,897 18,337 1,077,671 13,419,785 40,099,571 53,519,356 111,116 9,462,552 1,965,077 41,362 7,649,953 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district 133 $115,135,459 2,915,852 57,954 1,162,053 3,244,966 3,921,736 126,438,020 4,240,583 100,000 3,444,424 6,195 728 2,807,581 2,910,697 2,442,015 15,952,223 489,290 581,695 1,562,879 2,144,574 145,024,107 32,020,000 32,020,000 57,974,400 5,738,275 63,712,675 363,695 7,668,346 8,032,041 441,120 3,537 8,539,018 4,540,169 13,082,724 6,865,835 18,337 1,053,937 7,938,109 19,797,438 27,735,547 111,116 5,197,736 1,111,990 d 93.498 4,103,364 Southern district 7 $13,393,261 d d 1,480,177 125,086 14,998,524 149,518 281,420 236,715 53,344 12,761 733,758 309,732 309,732 16,042,014 2,000,000 2,000,000 311,285 14,000,000 14,000,000 1,711 532,931 534,642 19,344 57,299 345,276 402,575 4,621 4,621 d 1,230,453 ₫ 1,225,832 22,243 159,225 69.756 206,738 ::: Western district 249 $49,552,417 9,179,365 111,897 2,840,643 12,745,095 1,190,313 75,619, 730 6,071,725 174,000 144,000 1,686,362 100 2,171,045 1,506,539 1,403,586 13,157,357 4,429,549 3,087,800 878,020 1,143,011 5,108,831 98,315,467 7,064,400 7,064,400 41,972,400 6,694,232 48,666,632 15 860,892 2,824,785 3,685,677 22,045 5,161,767 11,867,072 2,621,424 2,150,000 681,897 23,734 5,477,055 21,532,586 27,009,641 4,242,573 693,862 204,616 3,753,327 ::: STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 16 No. Matima.78 1 Railway operating revenues Railway operating expenses... 2 Net revenue from railway operations. Railway tax accruals: United Statest Government taxes. Other than United States Government taxes. Total railway tax accruals.. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 8 Uncollectible railway revenues.. 9 Railway operating income.. 25 26 27 28 10 Revenues from miscellaneous operations.,. Expenses of miscellaneous operations.. 11 w w www.LOORVO 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 23 24 22 Joint facility rent income. Income from lease of road. Miscellaneous rent income.. Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property. Separately operated properties--profit. Dividend income. 49 CAR & M INLON BO 55555 53 559 60 61 62 63 64 200 g ma 65 66 67 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 68 69 mor xo ao 50 INCOME ACCOUNT Miscellaneous tax accruals. 45 Separately operated properties--1088. 46 Interest on funded debt. 47 Interest on unfunded debt.. 48 77 78 79 • Amortization of discount on funded debt. Maintenance of investment organization. 50 Income transferred to other companies. Miscellaneous income charges. 51 52 80 Net revenue from miscellaneous operations. Taxes on miscellaneous operating property. 81 Item Miscellaneous operating income. Total operating income.... Net railway operating income. Hire of freight cars--credit balance. Rent from locomotives.. Contributions Miscellaneous Rent from passenger-train cars. Rent from floating equipment. Rent from work equipment.. • • Rent for work equipment. Joint facility rents.. Rent for leased roads. Miscellaneous rents. · •• Total nonoperating income.. Gross income... Income from funded securities. Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds. Release of premiums on funded debt... from other companies. income... [ ·· Hire of freight cars--debit balance. Rent for locomotives... Rent for passenger-train cars. Rent for floating equipment Unrefundable overcharges Donations……. Miscellaneous credits. • Income appropriated for investment in physical property. 57 Stock discount extinguished through income.. Miscellaneous appropriations of income. 58 • • • .. Total deductions from gross income. Net income.... • Credit balance transferred from income. Profit on road and equipment sold.. Delayed income credits. • Total debits during year ·· • Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds... Dividend appropriations of income.. ·· 72 Stock discount extinguished through surplus. 73 Debt discount extinguished through surplus. Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus. 74 75 Loss on retired road and equipment. Delayed income debits... Miscellaneous debits.. 76 Net increase during year. Balance at beginning of year. Balance at end of year... Total credits during year. Debit balance transferred from income. Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. 70 | Dividend appropriations of surplus.. 71 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property ·· • • .. Total appropriations of income.. Income balance transferred to profit and loss... PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT • ... • • .. .. • • · ·· ... • • 82 Dividends declared during year... 83 Par value on which declared--common. 84 Par value on which declared--preferred.. 85 Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, er cent. • • • ·· · Total, all districts $69,937,603 51,953,160 17,984,443 1,024,591 4,126,104 5,150,695 15,709 12,818,039 155,807 136,164 19,643 2,439 17,204 12,835,243 16,741,302 1,685,899 303,205 11 79,362 4,202,793 509,284 507,446 114,512 202,797 497,034 199,674 1,050 554,160 8,857,227 21,692,470 952,786 357,111 94 12,884 1,025,132 5,668,006 1,372,190 60,166 5,075,598 16,326 55,506 439,247 27,112 15,062,158 6,630,312 122,300 484,796 223,722 830,818 5,799,494 5,924,851 187,853 21,852 57,783 1,867,196 8,059,535 125,357 64 1,251,000 57,783 45,000 392,725 105,747 1,977,676 6,081,859 34,017,712 40,099,571 1,735,796 15,596,600 11.i3 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $44,126,330 34,559,869 9,566,461 637,710 2,189,525 2,827,235 2,871 6,736,355 155,807 136,164 19,643 2,439 17,204 6,753,559 8,278,305 1,153,945 141,329 55,534 1,548,151 500,114 221,251 24,620 124,212 284,426 7,043 1,050 553,915 4,615,590 11,369,149 506,586 196,857 94 12,635 640,837 2,569,796 304,827 14,814 2,651, ONL 23,37 439,247 7,822 7,373,112 3,996,037 7,043 277,200 57.733 341,976 3,654,061 3,779,418 33,889 11,750 56,634 470,017 4,351,708 125,357 64 1,200,000 56,634 151,636 11,441 1,545,132 2,806,576 16,990,862 19,797,438 1,477,200 11,620,000 12.71 • Southern district $1,917,743 1,133,880 783,863 ď 130,099 130,099 653,764 ::: ::: 653,764 490,213 21,659 246 91,956 29,384 53,817 11 197,073 850,837 238,815 34,926 3,665 2,622 560,000 681 3,166 843,881 6,956 6,956 6,956 101 2.380 4,677 ioi 113,107 33,962 147,170 d 142,493 d 1,087,960 d 1,230,453 Western district $23,893,530 16, 259,411 7,634,119 386,881 1,806, 480 2,193,361 12,838 5,427,920 ::: 5,427,920 7,972,784 531,954 140,217 11 23,582 2,562,686 9,170 286,195 60,508 • • 78,585 158,791 192,631 234 4,044,564 9,472,484 207,385 125,328 244 380,629 098,210 067,363 42,730 1,864,009 11,010 32,133 16,124 6,845,165 2,627,319 115,257 207,596 165,989 488,842 2,138,477 2,138,477 153,964 10,102 1,048 1,399,559 3,703,150 51,000 1,048 45,000 127,982 60,344 285,374 3,417,776 18,114,810 21,532,586 258,596 3,976,600 6.50 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. HUMILOV 78 1 2 4 7 6 Mail... 9 10 13 14 15 16 27 28 29 30 31 32 37 38 39 40 41 42 Other passenger-train. Milk... Switching. 11 Special service train. 12 Other freight-train.. 43 44 Freight. Passenger. Excess baggage. Sleeping car. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Express. 24 Special service. 25 Other.. 26 67 68 69 70 Express.. SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Parlor and chair car 73 74 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 • Freight. Passenger · • • • Water transfers-freight. Water transfers-passenger. Water transfers--vehicles and live stock Water transfers-other. O • ·· • • Excess baggage. Other passenger service. Mail.. • • • Dining and buffet.. Hotel and restaurant. · [ • .. • Total rail-line transportation revenue. 45 Superintendence. 46 • • • • RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES Joint facility--Cr. Joint facility--Dr. Ties--yard. Ties-other. Rails--yard... 71 Rails--other.. 72 • • • • Station, train, and boat privileges Parcel room.. Storage--freight Storage--baggage Demurrage.. Telegraph and telephone. ... Grain elevator. • Total water-line transportation revenue. • · • • • Roadway maintenance--yard.. 47 Roadway maintenance--other. 48 49 50 51 52 • · Stockyard. Power. . • Rents of buildings and other property Miscellaneous. Total incidental operating revenue. · Ballast--yard. Ballast--other.. • • • • • • Total joint facility operating revenue. Total railway operating revenues. • • • Ties--depreciation-yard. Ties--depreciation--other. • • Roadway--depreciation--yard. Roadway--depreciation--other. Underground power tubes--yard. Underground power tubes--other. Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard. Underground power tubes--depreciation--other. Rails--depreciation-yard. Rails-depreciation--other. RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures • • • • Tunnels and subways--yard.. Tunnels and subways--other. Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard. Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other. 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard. 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts-other. 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard. 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other. 62 Elevated structures--yard.. 63 Elevated structures--other. 64 Elevated structures--depreciation--yard. 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other. 66 ·· • Item Other track material--yard. Other track material--other.. • • • · · • • 85 Right-of-way fences--other. 4 • • • • • · • • • · Ballast-depreciation--yard. Ballast-depreciation-other. Track laying and surfacing-yard.. Trach laying and surfacing-other. Right-of-way fences--yard. • • · Other track material--depreciation--yard.. Other track material--depreciation-other. • • •• • · • • • • ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Total, all districts $2,643,562 27,593 92 1,968 101 63,611,581 52,032 2,699 66,339,628 56,760 187,873 86,663 54,533 18,655 561,855 317,121 118,312 4,917 348,983 2,240, 521 3,996,193 270 398,488 d 398.218 69,937,603 594,473 913,851 21,405 5 Jame 7,841 22,699 690,793 31,352 299,824 53, izi 35,250 1,147,374 42,158 81 582, 25 • ONTO MY LOVEV 29, 2,037 1,000,813 6,210 154 95,604 407 50 2,422,045 43,82 5,520 259 Eastern district $2,331, 239 40,664,045 52,032 533 43,047,849 56,760 7,624 14,663 34,868 2,548 320,292 d 118,312 4,917 67,178 453.598 1,080, 760 270 2,549 2.279 44,126,330 387,630 472,147 "5 4,042 503,219 15,024 782,044 81 318,962 2,037 565,741 154 57,724 *50 1,566,209 3,194 Southern district $26,433 1,828,585 1,855,018 :: 3,547 17,920 568 8,777 27,019 14,774 72,605 9,880 d 9.880 1,917,743 8,693 10,139 13,522 246 5,870 36,951 23,459 1,760 19,610 9,176 4,024 • 2 • 28,254 20,702 204 Western district $285,890 27,593 92 1,968 101 21,118,951 2,168 21,436,761 176,702 72,000 1,745 15,539 232,786 317,121 254,786 1,772,149 2,842,828 386,059 ₫ 386,059 23,893,530 198,150 431,565 7,883 3,799 22,699 187,328 25,482 284,800 53,131 35,250 328,379 18,699 261,573 10,073 425,896 2,186 37,878 82] $27,582 2,326 55 17 4 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 18 No. 1 2 3 4 7 Crossings and signs--yard. 8 Crossings and signs--other... 9 Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard. Crossings and signs--depreciation--other. 10 Station and office buildings. SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 17 Fuel stations.... 18 Fuel stations-depreciation. 19 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES—Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard.. Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--other. 27 28 11 12 Station and office buildings--depreciation. 13 Roadway buildings... 14 Roadway buildings--depreciation. 15 Water stations.. 16 25 Wharves and docks... 26 Water stations--depreciation. Shops and enginehouses.... 20Shops and enginehouses--depreciation. 21 Grain elevators..... 22 Grain elevators--depreciation. 23 24 42 43 44 Item 50 51 52 .. Storage warehouses. Storage warehouses--depreciation. Wharves and docks--depreciation • Paving--depreciation. 53 Roadway machines.... 54 Coal and ore wharves... Coal and ore wharves--depreciation 29 Gas producing plants.. 30 31 Gas producing plants--depreciation. Telegraph and telephone lines.. 32 Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation. • • 33 Signals and interlockers... 34 Signals and interlockers--depreciation. 35 79 80 81 ... • 67 Superintendence. 68 Shop machinery. Roadway machines--depreciation. 55 Small tools and supplies... 56 Removing snow, ice, and sand.. 57 ·· ·· Power plant buildings--depreciation. 39 Power substation buildings. 40 Power substation buildings-depreciation. 41 Power transmission systems. · • • .... • • · Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines. 36 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation. 37 Power plant buildings. 38 Power distribution systems--depreciation. 45 Power line poles and fixtures.. 46 Assessments for public improvements Injuries to persons. Insurance……. Stationery and printing Other expenses. Power transmission systems--depreciation. Power distribution systems. •••• 69 Shop machinery--depreciation. 70 Power plant machinery..... 77 Other locomotives--repairs. 78 Power line poles and fixtures-depreciation. 47 Underground conduits.... 48 Underground conduits--depreciation. 49 Miscellaneous structures.. Miscellaneous structures--depreciation. Paving..... 75 Steam locomotives-depreciation 76 Steam locomotives--retirements.. .. • • 71 Power plant machinery--depreciation. 72 Power substation apparatus.. • • ► • • 73 Power substation apparatus--depreciation 74 Steam locomotives--repairs... • • Other locomotives--depreciation. Other locomotives--retirements. Freight-train cars-repairs. Freight-train cars--depreciation. • • • • ❤ • + 58 59 60 61 62 Total, above accounts.. 63 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 64 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--CT 65 Equalization--way and structures.. 66 Total maintenance of way and structures. • • • • • • · • • Maintenance of Equipment • • · ·· • • • • ·· • • • • • • · • • • • · · • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • O • • · • • · • • • • Total, all districts $83 • • .. 159,832 15,209 19,702 400,435 123,793 51,632 4,272 70,270 24,902 62,538 9,921 309,443 42,764 37,401 31,579 21,527 30,728 313,812 62,261 29, 205 16,672 ... 78,557 ··· 479,013 14,568 16,925 632 2,658 168 20,225 32,602 8,797 4,318 382 21,062 11,531 28,417 1,390 112,202 140,095 10,423 88,840 89,134 13,191 7,265 11,053,206 1,139,518 2,391,613 9,801,111 d Deficit or other reverse item. 491,572 185,654 33,081 94,641 24,457 999 289 4,805,888 781,224 56,860 2,506,869 465,634 Eastern district $83 117,492 i43 161,145 19,046 27,712 110 47,128 1,384 36,501 1,493 170,211 7,655 4,287 3,297 56,991 8,019 20,974 16,672 64,876 280, 126 6,616 7,187 2,912 3,071 4,365 2,998 21,315 178 60,178 92,490 4,975 49,121 31,460 8,716 2,650 6,021,532 1,062,211 1,370,438 5,713,305 348,011 118,611 6,271 -22,382 999 3,365,872 542,891 27,469 2,083,696 399,788 Southern district $116 11,892 20,883 1,140 750 1,221 6,190 55,315 8,231 849 870 349 1,0ig 2,079 810 7,801 119 155 302,308 1,688 36,448 267,548 5,270 1,960 3,268 # 97,887 2,719 3,329 2,674 Western district $42,224 3,317 19,559 218,407 104,747 22,780 4,162 22,392 3.518 24,816 8,428 133,042 35,109 37,401 31,579 17,240 27,431 201,506 54, 242 13,618 198,038 14,568 439 632 2,658 168 13,038 29,690 5,726 382 17,715 11,531 6,084 1,212 49,945 47,60 5, 448 38,909 49,873 4,356 4,615 4,729,366 75,619 984,727 3,820,258 128, 291 65,083 26,810 68,991 24,457 289 1,342,129 235,614 26,062 420,499 65,846 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 2 1 Freight-train care-retirements. Passenger-train cars-repairs.. Passenger-train cars-depreciation. Passenger-train cars-retirements. Motor equipment of cars--repairs. Motor equipment of cars--depreciation. 7 Motor equipment of care-retirements. 8 6 Floating equipment--repairs... 9 Floating equipment--depreciation. 10 Floating equipment--retirements 11 122 Work equipment--repairs.. 12 Work equipment--depreciation.. 13 Work equipment--retirements.. 14 18 19 20 2 2m LO 21 22 25 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Miscellaneous equipment--repairs. 15 Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation. 16 Miscellaneous equipment--retirements. 17 Injuries to persons. w wwwww 32 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES-Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded 35 Maintaining joint equipment--Dr. Maintaining joint equipment--Or. 24 Equalization--equipment. 23 26 Superintendence. 27 Outside agencies 28 Insurance.... Stationery and printing. Other expenses.. Total.. D 42 43 44 Advertising.. Traffic associations. 29 30 Fast freight lines.. 31 33 34 Other expenses. VLOVLOV LOV LO own • 36 Superintendence. 37 Dispatching trains. 38 Station employees.. · • 45 Yard enginemen. 46 Yard motormen. Total traffic. • • ... Total maintenance of equipment. Traffic • • Industrial and immigration bureaus Insurance... Stationery and printing. • .. • * • 47 Fuel for yard locomotives. 48 • • · Crossing protection. 69 Drawbridge operation. 74 Other expenses. 75 Insurance.. 76 Clearing wrecks.. • • • • 1. ... • •• Item • 63 Enginehouse expenses--train. 64 Trainmen. Train supplies and expenses. Operating sleeping cars.... • • • • Stationery and printing. ·· • 39 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus. 40 Coal and ore wharves.. 41 Station supplies and expenses. Yardmasters and yard clerks. Yard conductors and brakemen. Yard switch and signal tenders • • · Yard switching power produced. Yard switching power purchased. 50 Water for yard locomotives………. 51 Lubricants for yard locomotives. 52 Other supplies for yard locomotives. Enginehouse expenses--yard. Yard supplies and expenses. Train enginemen.. Train motormen. 57 Fuel for train locomotives. 58 Train power produced.. Train power purchased. Water for train locomotives. 78 79 Loss and damage--freight.. 80 Loss and damage--baggage. • • • · • • • • · · 60 61 Lubricantą for train locomotives. 62 • • • • • Transportation--Rail Line • • • 65 66 67 Signal and interlocker operation. 68 • • • • · • • • • • · • • • Other supplies for train locomotives. 70 Telegraph and telephone operation. 71 Operating floating equipment. 72 Express service... · • • • * • • • • • • • • • Damage to property. Damage to live stock on right of way • • • • • • • • • • • • · · • • • • • • • • • • • D • • • • D • A • ► • • · • • • • • • ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Total, all districts $45,502 22,044 1,572 10,110 56,514 31,711 7,153 165,484 61,902 12,885 10,771 9,442 466 74,088 75,128 27.331 1,534 10,060,805 131,130 364,410 9,827,525 132,840 51,218 21,367 8,379 2,374 111 25,605 232 242,126 1,329,905 278,943 5,026,128 39,748 47,617 379,074 2,662,914 8,124,826 791,346 5,526,374 5,255,091 352,407 95,621 111,479 1,298,177 329,744 173,643 143,167 10,396 4,408 5,323 94,821 188,252 124,260 352,692 381,059 39,368 66,548 177,388 245,258 176,720 76,315 118,287 86,271 130 243,265 848 Eastern district $48,482 8,391 254 4,116 56,514 31,711 7,153 108,938 39,682 12,469 3,627 5,318 98 54,191 61,464 18,701 551 7,377,650 130,986 142,818 7,365,818 90,466 35,638 7,129 4,397 2,365 111 20,162 182 160,450 892,447 148,182 1,932,576 27,157 39,989 135,072 1,509,606 5,187,611 414,945 3,679,705 3,739,699 244,926 62,726 79,060 949,543 199,937 151,009 120,528 10,341 3,995 5,340 88,496 159,152 103,995 239,492 225,825 24,216 46,048 177,388 125,253 146,692 54,713 62,362 49,177 164,807 Southern district d Otoloto) $756 123 2,997 • 811 112 H 999999995 464 506 586 133,239 17,056 116,183 16,409 6,596 331,984 12,115 7,628 20, 711 88,381 138,965 3,438 85,501 105,806 3,301 923 3,351 34,830 3,675 286 2.259 176 683 2.459 11,262 2,237 30,707 11,371 10,065 7,144 390 245 110 56 705 62 16 19 Western district d $2.980 12,897 1,195 2,997 55,735 22,332 416 143 4,124 368 19,433 13,158 8,044 983 2,549,916 144 204,536 2,345,524 42,374 15,580 14,238 3,982 5,443 50 81,676 421,049 124,165 2,761,568 476 223,291 1,064,927 2,798,250 372,963 1,761,168 1,409,586 104, 180 31,972 29,068 313,804 126,132 22,634 22,353 2,314 589 666 8,784 29,100 9,003 110,963 124,527 3,781 10,435 112,861 29,638 21,357 55,815 36,389 68 78,442 848 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 20 No. 1 Injuries to persons.... 2 Operating joint yards and terminals--Dr. 3 Operating joint yards and terminals--Cr. Operating joint tracks and facilities-Dr. 5 Operating joint tracks and facilities--CI 6 Total transportation-rail line.. 13 14 7 Operation of vessels. 8 Operation of terminals. Incidental... 9 10 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING and TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 11 Dining and buffet service. 12 Hotels and restaurants.. Grain elevators. Stockyards. ·· 15 Producing power sold. 16 17 MMM 678 39 5555 4567 57 • Total transportation-water line.. 61 18 19 20 21 22 Insurance.. 23 Relief department expenses 24 Pensions.. 25 Stationery and printing. 26 Valuation expenses. 62 63 66 67 68 69 ·· RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Concluded Transportation--Rail Line--Concluded Other miscellaneous operations. Total miscellaneous operations. • 27 Other expenses... 28 29 30 Total general expenses.. 31 Transportation for investment--Cr.. • • Transportation--Water Line · General joint facilities-Dr. General joint facilities--Cr. Salaries and expenses of general officers. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. General office supplies and expenses. Law expenses.. Total. Total, all tracks... • 40 Miles of road.. 41 Miles of second main track. 42 Miles of third main track.. 43 Miles of fourth main track. O • 44 Miles of all other main tracks. 45 Miles of yard track and sidings. 46 • Miscellaneous Operations ► · 32 Total railway pperating expenses... 33 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent).. Separation Between Services Total, all tracks... • · 34 Related solely to freight service. 35 Related solely to passenger and allied services • Related in common to both freight and passenger and allied services: Apportioned to freight service.. 36 37 Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. 38 Not related to either freight service or to passenger and allied services.. Total. • Number at close of year: Box cars. Flat carS. Stock cars Coal cars. Tank cars. • 47 Miles of road. 48 Miles of second main track 49 Miles of third main track.. 50 Miles of fourth main track. 51 52 Miles of yard track and sidings. 53 · • · • · · Item • * Miles of all other main tracks. • • • • · • • • • • Steam locomotives: ··· Number at close of year. Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year. Number retired during year.. Electric locomotives: • Number at close of year. Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year. Number retired during year.. • · General MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1927 · Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. • • D • • ❤ MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1927 • · • • • • • • • • • ... • • D • 7. EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE • • Padang Freight-carrying Cars · • · • • ·· d Deficit or other reverse item. Includes 477.86 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 419.34 miles operated under trackage rights. Total, all districts $605,934 589,582 5,503,624 207,930 399,651 29,857,984 :: 48,930 168,183 119,423 6,264 65,704 408,504 428,459 835,073 99,097 195,915 1,946 2,962 83,121 59,515 179,906 141,633 10,435 194, 785 1,843,277 27,367 51,953,160 74.29 $50,296,381 113,255 1,420,127 91,297 32,100 51,953,160 530.54 322.08 1.99 1.04 2,126.50 1/ 2,982.15 280.99 149.80 1.99 1.04 976.25 1,410.07 925 38,700,500 32 2,651 112 7 6,233 1,138 10,146 Eastern district $416,999 556,964 2,003,858 195,253 369,094 19,998,274 ... 48,930 119,423 6,264 25,836 200,453 231,282 597,561 62,029 98,371 1,299 2,962 35,761 33,085 125,716 28,962 6,634 77,678 1,145,984 24,415 34,559,869 78.32 $34,243,384 48,930 235,455 32,100 34,559,869 394.51 252.91 1.99 1.04 1,420.39 2/ 2,070.84 231.60 128.04 1.99 1.04 706.00 1,068.67 622 26,817,600 25 31 1,345 99 6,001 5 1,138 8,588 Southern district d $2,293 4,174 197,938 218 13,469 727,915 350 350 4,568 11,056 969 2,565 17 .. 539 949 1,855 634 21,884 1,133,880 59.13 $799,842 29.588 345,714 17,912 1,133,880 20.40 7.68 50.88 3/ 78.96 18.41 7.68 50.05 76.14 6 434,800 **2 Western district $186,642 28.444 3,301,828 12,459 17,088 9,131,795 167,833 39,868 207,701 192,609 226,456 36,099 94,979 530 47,360 25,891 53,241 110,816 3,801 116,473 675,409 2,952 16,259,411 68.05 $15,253,155 93.913 838,958 73,385 16,259,411 115.63 61.49 655.23 4/832.35 30.98 14.08 220.20 265.26 297 11,448,100 7 12 1,306 13 7 232 1,558 Includes 2.82 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 55.70 miles operated under trackage rights. STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. HUNTIN 1 2 80 2 GEGREE 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 222 KOKO 7 27 29 30 MMM 123 31 MMM 4530 MMM 789 37 38 39 40 GEWE FE 41 4444 42 43 44 45 4. FOR ANA 47 26 25 Number at close of year... Number installed during year, Number retired during year. 48 49 50 51 28 Number at close of year. 52 2525252 not invo Manong M 57 58 Floating Equipment Number of units at close of year.. Number of units installed during year. 33 Number of units retired during year. 32 59 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) 60 61 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE-Concluded Freight-carrying Cars-Concluded 62 Aggregate capacity (tone): Box cars. Flat cars. Stock cars Coal cars... Tank cars. Refrigerator cars... Other freight-carrying oars. Total. 63 • • • • Number installed during year: Box cars.. Flat cars. Stock cars Coal cars Tank car8. • - Total.. • • .. .. • Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. Total. • • Number retired during year: Box cars.. Flat carB.. Stock cars Coal cars.. Tank care.. .. • .. 46 Average number.. • • . Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. • • All Classes of Passenger-train Cars Item • All Classes of Company Service Equipment In replacement: Number installed during year. Number retired during year.. In replacement: Service hours: Number of cross ties. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties.... Total charges. ... In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties. Total charges.. • TIES LAID DURING YEAR Number of tons (2,240 lbs.). Total charges... RAILS LAID DURING YEAR In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks.. Miles of yard track and sidings. Number of tons (2,240 lbs.)... Total charges.. • Compensation: Straight time actually worked.. Overtime paid for.... Total.... ……… • • EMPLOYEES Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service... In passenger service. In mixed-train service. In special service.. In yard-switching service. In work service…. Grand total, all services. Straight time actually worked.. Overtime paid for.. Total... Service days: Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for.. Total. Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses. CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES .. • ·· Total, all districts 102,765 4,560 210 339,215 250 60,600 507,600 "i 710 :2:0 彭 ​1957 711 197 1 388 593 25 •80 546 27 44 13 "i 581,265 4,329,052 1,272,419 111,534 957,457 $249,837 36,294 $1,425,991 6.16 33.91 5,506 $181,019 25,224 $40,775,392 $2,107,471 $43,530,592 3229292925 53,675,32€ 2,194,006 57,789,988 647,831 9,198 669,899 $37,285,523 37.348 ,766 427 1,523,427 26,309 1,592,271 Eastern district ¥ 50,775 4,150 329,735 250 60,600 445,510 710 710 UI OR 5 305 318 4 **4 342 21 37 13 ܐܝܟ 351,342 2,421,952 $823,351 81,434 650,937 $189,311 21,968 $821,647 4.27 26.74 3,867 $124,461 14,473 $24,156,199 $1,492,349 $25,880,179 30,991,603 1,528,400 32,933,877 367,284 720 373,881 $24,737,069 32,711 1,052,275 10,353 1,095,339 1/ Does not include data for 1,327 linear feet of steel ties. Southern district .~ 511 37,123 226,564 $60,912 30 13,770 $762 830 $31,604 06 6 $174 925 $1,106,831 $74,578 $1,208,140 1,775,798 105,492 1,917,902 28,405 122 28,649 $1,194,571 24,836 785 25,621 Western district 51,990 410 210 9,480 62,090 "i 1 1 189 2 1 83 275 21 "2 199 192,800 1,680,536 $388,156 30,070 292,750 $59,764 13,496 $572, 740 1.89 7.11 1,633 $56,384 9,826 $15,512,362 $540,544 $16,442,273 20,907,925 560,114 22,938, 209 252,142 8,356 267,369 $11,353,883 4,631 4,766 427 446,316 15,171 471,311 21 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 22 Kind of mileage: Steam road.. Electric line. Steamboat line. Stage line.. Airplane... Georgia Idaho.. Total mileage. State or Territory: Alabama. Arizona. Arkansas. California. Colorado.. Connecticut. Delaware... • · • • • • • . Illinois. Indiana. • I. II. III. .. • • District of Columbia. Florida. Iowa.. Kansas. Kentucky Louisiana. Maine.. Maryland. Massachusetts, • • • • • Michigan. Minnesota. Mississippi. Missouri. Montana.. Nebraska. Nevada.. • ↓ • • ·· • • • ·· • · • - ·· • · • • • • • • • • • • .. • • ► New Hampshire. New Jersey. New Mexico. New York.. North Carolina. North Dakota. Ohio. Oklahoma. Oregon. Pennsylvania. Rhode Island. South Carolina. South Dakota, Tennessee. Texas.. Utah... Vermont. Virginia. Washington. • • • • • • · • • ❤ • • West Virginia. SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 • • • • • • • • • · · D • ... • * · • • Wisconsin. Wyoming. Alaska. Hawaii. Canada. Mexico.. P · Mileage not assignable 1. · Land... Buildings. Equipment: Cars.. Horses. Automobiles • [ O • • • • • • ·· · · • • • • • · • Wagons and sleighs Harness and equipment. Office furniture and equipment Office safes.. Trucks... Stable equipment. Garage equipment. Line equipment. Shop equipment. Miscellaneous equipment. Total equipment... Total real property and equipment.. • Item • • • Item • • • U • • • • · • • .. • • MILEAGE COVERED BY OPERATIONS • [ • · • ► • Total 232,401.13 3,001.43 24,351.87 668.82 4,508.00 264,931.25 ► 4,369.75 2.351.60 ,438.65 211.14 645.41 997.75 296.30 49.85 5,271.13 6,640.81 2,755.98 11,514.65 6,676.72 10,594.26 9,519.28 3,522.37 ,281.28 2,049.27 2,723.47 1,965.26 7,409.67 8,123.93 4,036.84 7,890.91 +,726.79 6,622.16 2,676.37 1,159.38 2,162.01 2,826.31 8,069.83 4,558.68 5,245.09 8,514.99 6,706.09 3,356.32 9.377.72 200.90 3,591.23 4,147.49 3,592.78 COST OF REAL PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT 15,890.25 2,526.51 943.42 5,005.63 6,107.99 3,168.14 6,848.55 2,274.75 11,124.30 351.30 4,003.49 96.50 7,720.00 1/ Covers miscellaneous unassigned mileage, such as transoceanic, coastwise, river, and lake not within the boundaries of any State or Territory. Total $4,652,344 12,222,619 931,144 1,447,605 18,022,299 1,746,369 295,154 3,108,926 525,875 2,484,064 22,851 539,112 566,865 234,947 50,572 American Railway Express Co. 29,975,783 46,850,746 222,422.78 2,963.71 24,018.87 668.82 4,508.00 254,582.18 2,767.40 2,351.60 4,438.65 9,211.14 4,645.41 997.75 296.30 42.30 4,912.38 5.341.71 2,755.98 11,195.79 6,440.69 10,594.26 9,519.28 3,140.06 4,240.70 2,049.27 2,544.60 1,965.26 7,409.67 8,123.93 3.241.33 7,888.91 4,726.79 6,622.16 2,676.37 1,159.38 2,162.01 2,826.31 8,069.83 3,087.11 5,245.09 8,513.91 6,706.09 3,356.32 9,342.02 200.90 2,348.72 4,147.49 2,292.36 15,890.25 2,526.51 943.42 3.929.75 6,107.99 3,168.14 6,848.55 2,274.75 11,124.30 351.30 4,003.49 96.50 7.720.00 American Railway Express Co. $4,641,262 12,052,025 931,144 1,434,508 17,242,670 1,705,697 290,358 3,020,498 500, 686 2,415,537 Southeastern Express Co. 22,792 536,972 551,833 234,947 50,572 28,938, 214 45,631,501 9,978.35 37.72 333.00 10,349.07 1,602.35 7.55 358.75 1,299.10 318.86 236.03 382.31 40.58 178.87 795.51 2.00 1,471.57 1.08 35.70 1,242.51 1,300.42 1,075.88 Southeastern Express Co. $11,082 170,594 13,097 779,629 40,672 4,796 88,428 25,189 68,527 59 2,140 15,032 1,037,569 1,219,245 ~ STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS • Cars: Number.. Inventory value. Horses: Number.... Inventory value.. Automobiles: Gasoline- Total equipment, inventory value.. Sleigha- Electric- Number Inventory value. Wagons and sleighs: Wagons, double- Number... Inventory value. Wagons, single- Number. Inventory value. Number... Inventory value. Number... Inventory value. Buggies- Number. Inventory value. Office safes: SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 —Continued INVENTORY VALUE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED Harness equipment: • Trucks: •• Inventory value. I. .. Number... Inventory value.. II. Inventory value... Office furniture and equipment: • • III. • Shop equipment: Number.. Inventory value. Stable equipment: Inventory value. Garage equipment: Inventory value. Line equipment: Safes, car- Number... Inventory value. Safes, messenger- Number... Inventory value Trunks, packing- Number.. Inventory value. Other line equipment- Inventory value. • • • • Inventory value. Miscellaneous equipment: Inventory value.. Transportation: · • • • • Express, domestic.. Express, foreign. Item ·· Miscellaneous.... Includes $395,631, inventory value of 357 automobile trailers. Includes $993,483, inventory value of 1,906 automobile batteries. Includes $53,294, inventory value of 425 truck batteries. Account Total transportation.. Contract payments: Express privileges-Dr.. Revenue from transportation. Operations other than transportation: Customs brokerage fees.. Order and commission. Rents of buildings and other property Honey orders. 0.0.D. checks.. ·· • Travelers' cheques.. Telegraph and cable transfers.. Letters of credit... Foreign postal remittances. Profit on exchange and other financial revenue. Miscellaneous... • · Total other than transportation.. Total operating revenues.. ·· Total 1/ $12,920,986 250 $384,943 7,455 $440, 183 5,191 $4,963,949 1,680 2/ $2,696,338 3,382 $524,671 320892925 3,300 $113,662 1,433 $23,949 22 $348 $69,379 $1,347,117 18,204 $260,580 66,049 3/ $924,905 $9,539 $338,116 2,572 $116,391 8,808 $31,359 11,367 $67,486 $49,330 $114,470 $48,640 ANALYSIS OF OPERATING REVENUES Total $292,673,002 16,055 292,689,057 143,464,524 149,224,533 209,808 4,939 146,388 11,530 2,580,503 247 893,382 3,846,797 153,071,330 American Rail- way Express Co. 1/ $12,519,400 250 $384,943 7,387 $439,143 4.964 $4,688,689 1,676 2/ $2,694,897 3.355 $517,240 3,183 $100,911 1,433 $23,949 22 $348 $66,406 $1,300,427 17,727 $241,098 64,162 3/ $898,547 $9,515 $336,566 2,462 $112,892 8,497 $30,507 10,754 $65,932 $48,649 $114,470 $48,640 American Rail- way Express Co. $284,502,315 10,386 .. 284,512, 701 139,493,535 145,019,166 209,737 4,939 141,109 2,470,018 247 884,230 3,710,280 148,729,446 Southeastern Express Co. $401,586 68 $1,040 227 $275,260 4 $1,441 27 $7,431 117 $12,751 ::: $2,973 $46,690 477 $19,482 1,887 $26,358 $24 $1,550 110 $3,499 311 $852 613 $1,554 $681 Southeastern Express Co. $8,170,687 5,669 8,176,356 3,970,989 4,205,367 71 5,279 11,530 110,485 9,152 136,517 4,341,884 23 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 24 Operating income: SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 Continued Charges for transportation... Express privileges--Dr... Revenue from transportation. Revenue from operations other than transportation. Total operating revenues. Operating expenses.. Net operating revenue. ••• ·· Operating income. ... ·· Uncollectible revenue from transportation. Express taxes.. Item · • • • Other income: Rent from real property and equipment used jointly. Miscellaneous rent income.. Net income from miscellaneous physical property Separately operated properties--profit.. Dividend income. Income from funded securities. Income from unfunded securities and accounts.. Income from sinking and other reserve funds Release of premiums on funded debt. Contributions from other companies. Miscellaneous income. Total other income. Gross income. Deductions from gross income: Rent for real property and equipment used jointly. Miscellaneous rents.. Miscellaneous taxes. Net loss on miscellaneous physical property. Separately operated properties--1088. Interest on funded debt.... Interest on unfunded debt.. • • · Total appropriations... Balance transferred to profit and loss. Item Amortization of discount on funded debt. Income transferred to other companies. Miscellaneous income debits.... Total deductions from gross income. Net income... Disposition of net income: Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income... Income appropriations for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income. Miscellaneous appropriations of income.. · Credit balance at beginning of year.. Credit balance transferred from income.. Profit on real property and equipment sold. Delayed income credits. Unrefundable overcharges. Miscellaneous credits,. Total credits... Debit balance at beginning of year.. Debit balance transferred from income, · ... d Deficit or other reverse item. • ·· •• · • • • Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of surplus….. Surplus set aside for investment in physical property. Stock discount extinguished through surplus.. Debt discount extinguished through surplus. Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus. Loss on land sold.. Delayed income debits. Miscellaneous debits... Total debits... Balance carried forward to credit of balance sheet. ·· ... • • • ·· • • • INCOME ACCOUNT ·· • • ·· Total 11 $292,689,057 143,464,524 149,224,533 3,846,797 153,071,330 149,655, 231 3,416,099 19,298 2,284,842 1,111,959 123 272,084 395,000 564,422 1,231,629 2,343,588 1,066 20,066 26,028 47,160 2,296,428 .. 2,148,520 2,148,520 147,908 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Total $3,322,582 147,908 ₫ 15.264 2,547 19,925 3,477,698 16,725 16,725 3,460,973 American Rail- way Express Co. $284,512,701 139,493,535 145,019,166 3,710,280 148,729,446 145,466,762 3,262,684 16,146 2,196,842 1,049,696 123 272,084 395,000 536,940 1,204,147 2,253,843 1,066 20,068 26,028 47,160 2,206,683 2,078,520 2,078,520 128,163 American Rail- way Express Co. $3,214,870 128,163 d 15.264 2,380 19,925 3,350,074 16,725 16,725 3,333,349 Southeastern Express Co. $8,176,356 3,970,989 4,205,367 136,517 4,341,884 4,188,469 153,415 3,152 88,000 62,263 27,482 27,482 89,745 89,745 70,000 70,000 19,745 Southeastern Express Co. $107,712 19,745 167 127,624 127,624 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS I. II. IV. Total operating expenses.. Maintenance: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 17. 18. 30. 31. 32. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Wagons and sleighs-repairs. 14. Wagons and sleighs-depreciation. 15. Wagons and sleighs--retirements. 16. Traffic: 33. 34. 35. 36. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. General: 53. 54. 55. 56. Superintendence--maintenance. Buildings and appurtenances-repairs. Buildings and appurtenances--depreciation. Buildings and appurtenances-retirements. Cars--repairs... Care-depreciation. Cars-retirements. Horses-depreciation. Horses--retirements.. Automobiles-repairs. Automobiles--depreciation. Automobiles--retirements. 57. 58. III. Transportation: 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 59. 60. 61. 62. Other expenses.. Total... 19. Office furniture and equipment-depreciation and retirements. 20. Office safes--repairs. 21. Office safes--depreciation and retirements. 22. 23. 24. Total. · • Stable and garage equipment--repairs. • 25. Stable and garage equipment--depreciation and retirements 26. Line equipment-repairs.. 27. Line equipment-depreciation and retirements 28. Shop equipment-repairs... 29. Shop equipment--depreciation and retirements. Miscellaneous equipment--repairs. Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation and retirements. • • Trucks-repairs... Trucks--depreciation and retirements Superintendence--traffic.. Advertising... Stationery and printing. Other expenses. Harness equipment-repairs.... Harness equipment-depreciation and retirements Office furniture and equipment--repairs. • • ... Total.. • •• Total.. • ·· • O • • ·· • Superintendence-transportation. Stationery and printing. Loss and damage.. Damage to property. Injuries to persons Other expenses. Office employees. Commissions... Office supplies and expenses. Rent of local offices. Account Train employees. Train supplies and expenses. • ... .. ... Insurance.. Fidelity bond premiums Pensions.. Stationery and printing Valuation expenses. Other expenses. • • • Vehicle employees. Stable and garage employees.. Stable and garage supplies and expenses. Drayage……….. • • • • • • • • • • · • • ·· • • Salaries and expenses of general officers.. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. General office supplies and expenses.. Law expenses. • ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. ANALYSIS OF OPERATING EXPENSES • • • • • D • · • · • • • • • • O Total $149,655, 231 325,563 275.558 371,827 9.740 149,542 63,607 13,874 34,295 3,590,015 1,660,783 ₫ 77.383 482,955 107,530 38,266 119,098 9,944 143,167 194,836 10,224 26,032 580,913 166,237 22,862 43,258 35,870 44,685 11,500 16,098 708 347 31 8,531,982 243,911 27,026 69,792 98 340,827 6,318,637 52, 644,082 10,282,784 2,881,470 4,667,011 26,020,773 2,183,018 5,262,408 1,891,719 11,519,900 1,131,209 2,143,955 4,832,939 143,323 743,036 58,861 132,725,125 428,154 5,281,320 480,881 395,294 413,588 37,010 815,337 132,462 73,251 8,057,297 American Rail- way Express Co. $145,466, 762 325,563 265,120 359,282 9,740 149,542 63,607 71,359 34,139 3,515,210 1,578,313 ₫ 77.563 480,102 104,371 31,022 118,385 9,441 140,607 181,074 9,910 25,026 565,906 159,393 22,862 43,062 35,174 43,184 11,500 16,098 708 347 31 8,292,515 183,317 22,735 57,648 63 263,763 6,186,764 51,463,397 9,801,786 2,822,066 4,522,861 25,575,724 2,150,774 5,120,966 1,742,865 10,953,603 1,117,339 2,043,113 4,700,628 142,661 727,800 58,196 129,130,543 394,782 5,136,976 470,952 374,170 369,058 24,222 815,337 121,888 72,556 7,779,941 25 Southeastern Express Co. $4,188,469 10,438 12,545 2,515 156 74,805 82,470 180 2,853 3,159 7,244 713 503 2,560 13,762 314 1,006 15,007 6,844 196 696 1,501 239,467 60,594 4,291 12,144 35 77,064 131,873 1,180,685 480,998 59,404 144,150 445,049 32,244 141,442 148,854 566,297 13,870 100,842 132,311 662 15,236 665 3,594,582 33,372 144,344 9,929 21,124 44,530 12,788 10,574 695 277,356 GA STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 26 Investment: Real property and equipment. Sinking fund……. Miscellaneous physical property. Investments in affiliated companies. Other investments. Total investment. Current assets: Cash... Special deposits... Loans and notes receivable. Deferred assets.. Unadjusted debits: SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Concluded GENERAL BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT * Discount on capital stock. Discount on funded debt... Other unadjusted debits. Stock: • • Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Material and supplies.. Other current assets.... Total current assets.. Total unadjusted debits.. Grand total. Funded debt unmatured.. Current liabilities: Capital stock... Premium on capital stock. Total stock liabilities.. • Total current liabilities.. Loans and notes payable.. Audited accounts and wages unpaid. Miscellaneous accounts payable. Express privilege liabilities. Other current liabilities. Class of employee's ... Superintendence--Maintenance. Superintendence--Traffic. · Profit and loss balance..... Total corporate surplus. · • J • • Advertising. Superintendence--Transportation. Agents, clerks and solicitors. Platform and house men.. • Deferred liabilities. Unadjusted credits: Premium on funded debt.. Operating and insurance reserves Accrued depreciation... Other unadjusted credits.. Total unadjusted credits... Total appropriated surplus.. • ·· • ● • C 4. • ► Corporate surplus: Additions to property through income and surplus. Reserves from income and surplus. ASSETS LIABILITIES • • Item General office clerks and attendants. Law department officers and clerks. Shop employees... Other employees. • Vehicle employees... Stable and garage; employees. Train employees.. Claim agents, special agents, and clerks General officers.. ·· • · .. ● • • Number on Dec.31 108 63 Number of days worked Total 32,847 20,173 ... 2,153 669,620 15,690 4,862,999 16,531 4,735,920 15,039 4,746,732 1,287 7,023 332 41 2,959 423,903 2,657,048 109,208 12,546 930,343 13,133 343,705 1,092 Total (including general officers)...62,361 19,558,177 Total (excluding general officers)...62,320 19,545,631 Yearly compensation Average daily compen- sation $291,104 $8.86 183,276 9.09 109,003,412 108,598,062 Total $46,850,746 5.57 5.56 9,475,777 56,326,523 20,332,726 13,405 2,002,265 873,811 1,198,920 8,126,414 32,547,541 356,830 1,956,360 1,956,360 91,187,254 EMPLOYEES, SERVICE, AND COMPENSATION 35,642,000 35,642,000 5,394,936 2,146,605 16,630,039 2,025,953 26,197,533 838,129 4,782,140 20,253,608 12,871 25,048,619 3,460,973 3,460,973 Number on Dec.31 108 43 5,431,326 2,120 27,762,712 5.71 15,22 735,949 24,152,777 5.10 15,941 8.11 658,892 4,582,554 25,994,309 5.48 14,719 4,657,728 2,372,757 5.60 1,267 417,833 14,174,488 5.33 6,727 2,548,515 702,349 6.4 318 105,803 32.3 38 11,628 5.59 2,860 901,641 40 12.79 12,215 6.31 1,092 343,705 405,350 5,197,059 167,965 2,167,940 32, 847 14, ,053 American Rail- way Express Co. $45,631,501 9,475,777 55,107,278 18,873,927 13,223 2,002,265 836,517 1,183,894 8,042,749 30,952,575 356,830 1,901, 748 1,901,748 88,318,431 34,642,000 34,642,000 5,158,892 1,935,434 16,174,932 1,943,655 25,212,913 838,129 4,728,455 19,559,058 4,527 24,292,040 American Railway Express Co. Number Average of Yearly daily days compensation compen- worked sation ::: 3.333,349 3,333,349 $291,104 $8.86 141,547 10.07 5.73 5.16 5.49 5,334,589 8.10 27,104, 23,630,151 25,549,259 2,340,513 13,608,191 682,477 374,450 5,052,739 148,507 2,167,940 OLDEN LOKO LEOME 5. 6.45 32.20 5.60 12.16 6.31 Southeastern Express Co. Number on Dec.31 $1,219,245 1,219,245 1,458,799 182 37,294 15,026 83,665 1,594,966 54,612 54,612 2,868,823 1,000,000 1,000,000 236,044 211,171 455,107 82,298 984,620 685 53, 694,550 8,344 756,579 127,624 127,624 Southeastern Express 00. Number of days worked – ·· 33 10.728 465 127,050 590 153,366 320 89,004 20 6,070 296 108,533 14 3,405 3 918 99 28,702 918 20 6,120 $41,729 $6.32 60,498 19,023,363 106,426,121 5.59 1,863 534,814 60,460 19,011,735 106,051,671 5.58 1,860 533,896 Average Yearly daily compensation | compen- dation 96,737 9.02 658,058 5.18 3.41 522,626 445,050 5.00 5.31 32,244 566,297 5.22 19,872 5.84 30,900 33.66 144,320 5.03 19,458 21.20 2,577,291 4.82 2,546,391 4.77 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Average mileage (single track) over which operations were conducted (miles). GENERAL BALANCE SHEET SUMMARY NO. 4-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 Investment in sleeping car property Miscellaneous physical property. Other investments... Cash... • Net balance receivable from receiving cashiers and ticket agents. Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Material and supplies.. Other current assets.. Deferred assets... Unadjusted debits. Total... Capital stock.. Premium on capital stock.. Wages payable..... • • • Miscellaneous accounts payable. Dividends matured unpaid. Unmatured dividends declared.. Other current liabilities. Deferred liabilities.. Operating reserves.. Accrued depreciation. Other unadjusted credits. Profit and loss-balance. Total corporate surplus. Operating income. • • • · • Miscellaneous fund reserves,. Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. • 0 ……… Sleeping car operating revenues. Revenues from auxiliary operations Total revenues.. Sleeping car operating expenses. Expenses of auxiliary operations.. Total operating expenses. Net revenues.. Sleeping car tax accruals. Auxiliary operations--Tax accruals. Total taxes....... ·· • fotal nonoperating income... Gross income.. ·· + • · • ... Rent from cars. Dividends received.. Income from funded securities. Income from unfunded securities and accounts. Income from sinking and other reserve funds. Miscellaneous income... Total debits during year. Net increase during year. Balance at beginning of year. Balance at end of year. · • • Rent for cars. Miscellaneous tax accruals Interest on unfunded debt. Miscellaneous income charges. Total deductions from gross income. Net income. ·· ·· • .. • • • • · • Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income.... Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total appropriations. Income balance transferred to profit and loss. Credit balance transferred from income.. Unrefundable overcharges.... Miscellaneous credits.. Total credits during year. Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of surplus.. Loss on retired equipment.. Uncollectible sleeping car revenues. Miscellaneous debits.. • • .. • " • • • · · · • INCOME ACCOUNT PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT d Deficit or other reverse item. • • • · [ · • 27 $226,230,212 7,270 38,816,099 5,678,924 1,718,071 4,243,706 4,568,437 d 123,334.25 515,318 4,586,878 39,322,406 325,687,321 135,000,000 9.398 1,480,742 2,797,890 31,010 1,350,000 1,208,525 3,853,376 ď 60,000 98,948,505 54,029,333 746,856 6,000,000 20,171,686 26,918,542 80,952,208 1,298,732 82,250,940 66,502,582 1,138,084 67,640,666 14,610,274 4,214,989 35,188 4,250,177 10,360,097 196 20,360,556 1,174,903. 292,309 174,349 22,001,921 32,362,018 2,151 112,022 71,472 900 186,545 32,175,473 172,139 9,682,115 500,000 10,354,254 21,821,219 21,821,219 19,318 442,014 22, 282,551 36,777,658 168,302 3.794 59,606 36,672,756 d 14, 390205 34,561,891 20,171,686 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 28 Berth revenue. Seat revenue. .. Charter of cars.. Miscellaneous revenue. Car mileage revenue.. Association and contract revenue--Dr. Total operating revenues... SUMMARY NO. 4-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 Maintenance.. Conducting car operations. General expenses... • Total operating expenses. Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent). Porters and maids. Train stenographers. Car cleaners... Laundry employees. General expenses: Auxiliary operations: General officers.. Clerks and attendante.. • • .. Total... Maintenance: Mechanics, electricians, seamstresses, repairmen, carpenters, shop employees, etc... Conducting car operations: General officers and staff (superintendence) District superintendents, agents, and staff. Conductors... + • Standard sleeping cars. Tourist sleeping cars. Parlor cars. Dining cars.. Composite cara Private cars. Miscellaneous cars. • • • · • • • Commissary (superintendence). Agents and staff, conductors, waiters, cooks, etc. Total (including general officers). • D Total number of revenue passengers--berth.. Total number of revenue passengers--seat. Average revenue per passenger-berth.. Average revenue per passenger-seat. Total number of car-miles. Total number of car-days.. Average number of revenue passengers per car per day. Operating revenues per car-mile (cents) ·· Operating revenues per car-day...... Operating expenses per car-mile (cents). Operating expenses per car-day. Net operating revenue per car-mile (cents) Net operating revenue per car-day. Average number of car-miles per car-day. • • • .. .. ·· ·· Class .. .. • · OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES ·· • EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES Does not include 22 cars leased or otherwise acquired. OPERATING STATISTICS EQUIPMENT IN SERVICE ON DEC. 31, 1927 • · Number on Dec. 31 5,426 230 1,564 2,670 10,794 18 5, 151 355 41 949 32 129 27,359 $76,782,999 10, 206, 218 1,680,873 158,114 1,030,448 8,906,444 80,952, 208 28,433,978 34,847,722 3,220,882 66,502,582 82.15 Average daily compen- sation $4.63 6.26 4.24 5.88 2.69 5.76 3.41 2 29.20 4.22 4.92 3.19 3.73 22,042,093 13,155,085 $3.48 $0.78 1,140,476,049 3,171,330 11 7.098 $25.52626 5.831 $20.96993 1.267 $4.55633 359.62 7,276 306 1,121 19 265 23 1/ 9,017 + . ▾ . 4 10 1 ì : i 7 : '' . HE 2708 ・エワ ​INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION BUREAU OF STATISTICS A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1927 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON T', 1928 THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION JOHNSTON B. CAMPBELL, Chairman BALTHASAR H. MEYER CLYDE B. AITCHISON JOSEPH B. EASTMAN ERNEST I. LEWIS FRANK MCMANAMY THOMAS F. WOODLOCK RICHARD V. TAYLOR EZRA BRAINERD, Jr. CLAUDE R. PORTER PATRICK J. FARRELL GEORGE B. McGINTY, Secretary U.S. Govt. дут 7-30 -30-1928 CONTENTS. Introductory statement. Summary No. 1--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I steam railways (not including switching and terminal companies) for the year ended December 31, 1927. Summary No. 2-Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I switching and terminal companies for the year ended December 31, 1927. Summary No. 3--Abstract of reports rendered by express compa- nies for the year ended December 31, 1927.... Summary No. 4--Abstract of report rendered by The Pullman Com- pany for the year ended December 31, 1927.. Page 4 5 15 22 27 3 } L : * も ​A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 This preliminary abstract for the calendar year 1927 is compiled from the annual reports of the classes of carriers designated. It differs from the Preliminary Statement of Capitalization and Income for the same year in that the latter is confined to a small number of items compiled for individual carriers, and in summary form, from a special report returned by them in advance of their annual report. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT. The present abstract contains summaries by districts and is intended primarily to make available as promptly as possible certain totals not obtainable from the monthly or special reports of carriers. The totals are subject to change after corrections in the annual reports have been authorized. The final totals will appear in the Statistics of Railways for 1927. It may be noted that only steam railways, express companies, and The Pullman Company are covered in this abstract. Separate mimeographed statements are issued annually for pipe line companies, telegraph and cable companies, carriers by water, tele- phone companies, and electric railways. Because a separate annual publication of freight commodity statistics for the year 1927 has been issued in full detail for the 70 classes of commodities, only group totals of commodities carried are shown in this preliminary abstract. It should be expecially observed that the balance sheet items relate to operating companies only and do not cover the balance sheets of lessor companies the property of which is operated by Class I steam railways, that is, railways having annual operating revenues above $1,000,000. The following table shows the investment in road and equipment of the operating, lessor and proprietary companies at the end of the year 1927: Investment in Road and Equipment of Steam Railways, as of December 31, 1927 (Accounts 701 and 702) Class I.... Lessors to Class I. Proprietary Companies Total. Class II... WASHINGTON, June 12, 1928. Lessors to Class II. Proprietary Companies. Total.. Class III….. 99,104, 428 5,296,809 95,618 104,496,855 24,463,367,010 This total of $24,463,367,010 represents an increase of $592, 242, 290 over the corresponding total for 1926. Before computing this increase, the investment of the Toledo, Peoria & Western Ry. Co. was eliminated from the 1926 total as that railway could not be included in the present abstract on account of delay in filing its annual report because of reorganization proceedings. Lessors to Class III. Proprietary Companies. Total... Grand total.. • · • · * • $18,990,686,638 3,904,816,691 902,765,693 23,798,269,022 • 544,665,717 13,608,555 2,326,861 560,601,133 4 1. :- * ·· L STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 10 11 12 13 14 222 22 • • • 2 Investment in road and equipment. Improvements on leased railway property 48inking funds. 6 5 Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold. Miscellaneous physical property……. Investments in affiliated companies Other investments. 8 9 23 24 mon 20 2 15 16 | Material and supplies. 17 | Other current assets.. 18 19 Deferred assets.... 27 28 29 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 (Does not include lessor companies) Total number of stockholders #imo o m 25 | Capital stock. 26 20 Discount on capital stock. 21 Discount on funded debt. Other unadjusted debits. 37 •• Total investments.. GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Cash.. Demand loans and deposits Time drafts and deposits.. NMAN & KR • 56 Special deposits... . . . Loans and bills receivable. Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Total current assets. · Investments Current Assets 38 Deferred liabilities.. • .. Total unadjusted debits. Grand total. • · Item .. Unadjusted Debits Stock liability for conversion. Premium on capital stock... Total stock..... Grants in aid of construction.. • • 30 | Funded debt unmatured.. 31 Receiver's certificates. 32 | Monnegotiable debt to affiliated companies • • • 33 Total long-term debt.... 39 40 Premium on funded debt. Operating reserves.. 41 Accrued depreciation. 42 Other unadjusted credits.. 43 • • 34 Loans and bills payable.. Miscellaneous accounts payable. Other current liabilities.. 35 • • Stock Total current liabilities. Long-Term Debt T • • 49 50 | Profit and loss-balance.. 51 .. Ourrent Liabilities • Unadjusted Credits • Total unadjusted credits.... Total corporate surplus. • ·· Corporate Surplus Additions to property through income and surplus. 45 Funded debt retired through income and surplus 468inking fund reserves. ·· Miscellaneous fund reserves.. 48 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested.. Total appropriated surplus. ··· · ·· INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT 52. Expenditures for new lines and extensions.. 53 Expenditures for additions and betterments 54 Credits for property retired. 55 Adjustments………. Het charges during year. 57 Stocks actually issued during year-par value. 58 Funded debt actually issued during year-par value. • • ... Total, all districts 756,960 $18,536,645,951 454,040,687 2,523,911 12,267,641 159,094,455 4,694,731,438 890,991,325 24,750,295,408 495,733,707 92,214,675 43,401,401 95,011,857 47,634,293 213,131,097 523,520, 208 204,779,904 1,715,427,142 194,997,162 15,540,078 81,424,342 209,128,146 306,092,566 26,966,812,278 7,831,276,828 1,510,276 48,093,812 7,880,880,916 7,138,864 10,512,369,510 395,373 425,937,382 10,942,702,265 62,676,812 110,570,895 1,135,266,940 1,308,514,647 123,278,130 882323523 1,182,835 67,662 1,753,894,491 688,142,821 2,443,287,809 859,192,285 82,611,715 40,030,103 55,463,102 60,103,769 1,097,400,974 3,163,608,673 4,261,009,647 65,271,246 693,700, 344 191,251,951 42,922,379 610,642,018 299,095,718 572,996, 212 Eastern district 340,534 $6,670,696,985 369,348,672 1,169,417 4,034,377 77,511, 710 1,857,387,651 483,209,173 9,463,357,985 218,620,964 22,842,988 3,513,787 17,200,751 9,066,821 74,273,952 207,902,768 94,317,594 647,739,625 101,199,535 462,795 25,172,791 76,679,470 102,315,056 10,314,612, 201 3,004,862,113 370,336 36,631,586 3,041,864,035 1,196,503 3,869,569,187 1,658,510 115,849,827 3,987,077,524 21,192,885 27,863,777 447,488,992 496,545,654 68,411,349 226,071 67,662 787,951,730 297,294,123 1,085,539,586 479,141,285 14,659,288 29,324,909 49,198,847 512,528 572,836,857 1,061,140,693 1,633,977,550 45,114,323 305,986,955 91,439,394 d 3.709.535 255,952,349 207,185,617 156,760,275 Southern district 79,033 $3,442,162,226 58,854,140 866,065 1,043,260 22,246,705 575,481, 200 90,169,002 4,190,822,598 89,195,822 4,916,876 21,742,683 21,909,890 24,700,452 35,242,423 96,607,802 37,106,403 331,422,351 33,835,250 38,100 15,927,315 30,187,211 46,152,626 4,602,232,825 1/ 1,192,602,164 4,998,340 1,197,600,504 1,580,511 1,942,499,928 11,859,422 1,954,359,350 1,491,457 14,672,054 147,832,177 163,995,688 28,733,352 102,525 322,727,054 91,908,931 414,738,510 120,473,910 1,026,258 4,436,478 2,250,159 1,510,024 129,696,829 711,528, 081 841,224,910 3,803,078 123,818,796 27,343,957 ₫ 1,498,635 98,779,282 3/50,386,070 77,507,000 Western district 5 337,393 $8,423,786,740 25,837,875 488,429 7,190,004 59,336,040 2,261,862, 587 317,613,150 11,096,114,825 187,916,921 64,454,811 18,144,931 55,901,216 13,867,020 103,614,702 219,009,6-8 73,355,907 736,265,166 59,962,377 15,039,183 40,324,236 102,261,465 157,624,884 12,049,967,252 2/3,633,812,551 1,139,940 6,463,886 3,641,416,377 4,361,850 4,700,326,258 2,711,000 298,228,133 5,001,265,391 39,992,470 68,035,064 539,945,771 647,973,305 26,133,429 854,239 643,215,707 298,939,767 943,009,713 259,577,090 66,926,169 6,268,716 4,014,096 58,081,217 394,867,288 1,390,939,899 1,785,807,187 16,353,845 263,894,593 72,468,600 48,130,549 255,910,387 4/41,524,031 338,728,937 Deficit or other reverse item. Includes $8,416,270, consideration received for 250,000 shares of stock without par value; in addition 60,000 shares of stock without par value are outstanding for which no book value is reported. Includes $145,503, 225, consideration received for 1,221,520 shares of stock without par valus. Includes $8,416,270, consideration received for 250,000 shares of stook without par valus. Includes $5,110,036, consideration received for 50,000 shares of stock without par value. STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 6 1 2 MY LOW 78 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 222 21 22 23 24 32 wa w w wwww 33 34 35 19 Rent from passenger-train cars. 20 Rent from floating equipment. Rent from work equipment. Joint facility rent income. Income from lease of road... Miscellaneous rent income. Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property 42 25 26 Separately operated properties-profit. 27 Dividend income... 28 Income from funded securities 43 FFFFFF8K & M ALONG A O 55555 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 52 53 Railway operating revenues. Railway operating expenses. Net revenue from railway operations. Railway tax accruals: United States Government taxes. Other than United States Government taxes. Total railway tax accruals. Uncollectible railway revenues. Railway operating income. 29 Income from unfunded securities and accounts 30 Income from sinking and other reserve funds. 31 Release of premiums on funded debt. Contributions from other companies. Miscellaneous income.... Total nonoperating income. Gross income. 59 60 61 62 63 64 INCOME ACCOUNT Revenues from miscellaneous operations. Expenses of miscellaneous operations.. 37 Rent for locomotives.... 38 Rent for passenger-train cars. Item Net revenue from miscellaneous operations Taxes on miscellaneous operating property.. Miscellaneous operating income. Total operating income Net railway operating income. Hire of freight cars--credit balance. Rent from locomotives.. • • .. 36 Hire of freight cars--debit balance •• 39 Rent for floating equipment. 40 Rent for work equipment.. 41 44 ·· · Joint facility rents.. Rent for leased roads. Miscellaneous rents... Miscellaneous tax accruals. 45 Separately operated properties--loss. Interest on funded debt... Interest on unfunded debt... Amortization of discount on funded debt. Maintenance of investment organization. Income transferred to other companies.. 51 Miscellaneous income charges... 46 47 48 49 50 Total deductions from gross income. Net income... 65 Donations. 66 ·· • .. • Miscellaneous credits. .. .. • · • • • · · Total appropriations of income. Profit on road and equipment sold.. Delayed income credits... Unrefundable overcharges.. Total debits during year. Net increase during year. Balance at beginning of year.. Balance at end of year. · · • .. • Credit balance transferred from income. · · • · • • Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income.. ·· • Income appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income. 58 Miscellaneous appropriations of income.. • • • ... Income balance transferred to profit and loss.... PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT • • • .. O • • · · • • • • 75 Loss on retired road and equipment. 76 Delayed income debits... Miscellaneous debits.... 77 78 79 80 81 82 Dividends declared during year... 83 Par value on which declared--common. 84 Par value on which declared--preferred. 85 Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent. 67 Total credits during year. 68 Debit balance transferred from income. 69 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds.. 70 Dividend, appropriations of surplus.. ·· 71 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property 72 Stock discount extinguished through surplus. 73 Debt discount extinguished through surplus. 74 Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus. • • • • • • ·· ·· • Total, all districts $6,134,537,524 4,572,632,285 1,561,905,239 84,592,969 291,497,281 376,090,250 1,491,544 1,184,323,445 3,188,934 2,948, 244 240,690 166,032 74,658 1,184,398,103 1,067,915,340 21,499,752 13,359,896 15,865,007 369,060 3,429,526 44,315,839 5,360,579 22,551,181 4,132,499 4,183,217 156,612,853 74,882, 240 34,586,233 4,219,966 94,356 2,408, 206 2,020,322 409,890, 732 1,594,288,835 108,218,992 11,746,241 18,546,594 2,394,804 1,835,275 72,505,279 170,233,956 6,438,518 3,888,802 1,119,733 496,406,755 15,254,806 3,917,730 21,112 4,973,834 3,831,222 921,333,653 672,955, 182 8,753,318 240,282,406 4,993,553 1,562,095 447,496,702 8,549,467 3,423,151 1,465,349 2,517,984 84,571,906 548,024,559 30,132,892 627,569 257,651,335 4,717,280 19,317,400 23,475,494 1,066,732 28,313,484 13,909,182 51,078,372 430,289,740 117,734,819 3,079,877,546 3,197,612,365 497,933,741 4,339,000,325 1,272,862,300 8.87 d Deficit or other reverse item. 255,591,372 417,363,810 Eastern district $2,758,469,344 2,096,757,099 661,712,245 36,580,352 115,809,752 152,390,104 575,269 508,746,872 1,263,003 1,069,610 193,393 78,263 115,130 508,862,002 450,275,835 9,658,481 ·,464,749 5,845,396 275,516 1,072,642 23,386,528 2,504,828 12,920,968 1,893,314 2,629,315 74,455,610 27,027,678 17,171,539 3,625,869 33,670 2,408, 206 1,218,694 190,593,003 699,455,005 51,297,462 7,527,690 2,241,767 845,881 36,562, 745 99,360,652 4,446,352 2,567,862 778,943 188,599,789 7,470,789 1,393,998 13,917 4,912, 791 2,090,349 414,809,791 284,645,214 6,709,172 111,109,635 3,900,680 1,563,178 123,282,665 161,362,549 166,667,557 6,780,751 543,346 163,104 73,878,703 248,033,461 5,305,008 37,857 139,747,685 972,228 19,317,400 6,335,867 64,889 13,499,749 12,840,025 30,462,020 228,582,728 19,450,733 1,041,689,960 1,061,140,693 250,857,320 1,778,872,419 379,250, 450 11.62 Southern district $1,090,867,304 798,113,043 292,754, 261 19,038,884 53,423,922 72,462,806 307,790 219,983,665 1,877,841 1,863,801 14,040 14,040 219,983,665 217,771,276 8,819,059 2,357,568 3,495,920 6,537 837,474 5,995,808 479,041 d 2,121,153 718,177 1,500,000 14,129,722 10,856,076 6,443,404 274,587 113,198 58,147,724 278,131,389 9,246,895 1,761,316 3,950,411 110,953 350,522 8,304,658 15,989,913 646,464 141,957 59,415 91,089,348 740,236 951 951,137 4,666 532,633 133,880,524 144,250,865 642,253 10,533,112 742,624 1.083 11,916,906 132,333,959 135,681, 790 308,964 3,145,523 494,289 841,367 1,817,781 142,289,714 3,347,831 581,388 67,934,552 864,278 7,499,717 2,866,348 108,921 1,687,678 84,890, 713 57,399,001 654,129,080 711,528,081 78,467,664 825,004,900 175,281,250 7.84 Western district $2,285,200,876- 1,677,762,143 607,438,733 28,973,733 122,263,607 151,237,340 608,485 455,592,908 48,090 14,833 d 33,257 73,729 40,472 455,552,436 399,868,229 3,022,212 6.537,579 6,523,691 87,007 1,519,410 14,933,503 2,376,710 7,509,060 1,521,008 53.902 68,027,521 36,998,486 10,971,290 319,510 60,686 688,430 161,150,005 616,702,441 47,674,635 5,286,121 7,068,493 42,084 638,872 27,637,876 54,883,391 1,345,702 1,178,983 281,375 216,717,618 7,043,781 1,572,595 2,529 61,043 1,208, 240 372,643,338 244,059,103 1,401,893 118,639,659 350,249 120,391,801 123,667,302 145,147,355 145 1,459,752 277,628 427,714 1,513,513 8,875,422 157,701,384 21,480,053 8,324 49,969,098 2,880,774 9,639,910 1,001,843 11,947,387 960,236 18,928,674 116,816,299 40,885,085 1,384,058,506 1,424,943,591 168,608,757 1,735,123,006 718,330,600 6.87 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1234 N 6 no 1 200 17 19 8 Other passenger-train. 9 10 Milk.. Switching. Special service train. • * 11 12 Other freight-train.. 13 Water transfers-freight 14 Water transfers--passenger. 27 28 18 | Freight. 31 32 33 Freight. Passenger. SUMMARY NO. 1—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Excess baggage. Sleeping car Parlor and chair car. Mail.. Express. ·· 22 ·· 43 44 15 Water transfers--vehicles and live stock. 16 Water transfers--other... 20 21 22 23 Express. 24 Special service. 25 Other... 26 1234invo • 52 Passenger • 29 30 Parcel room.. • 35 Grain elevator... 36 37 38 39 40 · • • Excess baggage.. Other passenger service. Mail.. 82 83 Total rail-line transportation revenue. Storage--freight Storage--baggage. Stockyard.. Power..... • • • • Dining and buffet... Hotel and restaurant.. Demurrage. 34 Telegraph and telephone. 41 Joint facility--Cr. 42 Joint facility--Dr. • • RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES • Total water-line transportation revenue. • Station, train, and boat privileges · 67 | Ties--other. 68 69 • • · · ·· • • Superintendence.... • • • · ··· • • · • Ballast--yard.. 79 | Ballast--other. 80 81 · 45 46 Roadway maintenance--yard. 47 Roadway maintenance--other. 48 Roadway--depreciation--yard. 49 Roadway--depreciation--other. ► Rents of buildings and other property. Miscellaneous, Total incidental operating revenue. ·· . · Total joint facility operating revenue. Total railway operating revenues. . Ties--depreciation-yard.. Ties-depreciation-other RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures • • 50 Underground power tubes--yard. 51 Underground power tubes-other.. Underground power tubes--depreciation-yard.. Underground power tubes--depreciation--other. Tunnels and subways--yard... Tunnels and subways-other.. 56 Tunnels and subways-depreciation--yard. 57 Tunnels and subways-depreciation--other 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverts-yard. 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other.. • 70 Rails--yard. 71 Rails--other.. 72 73 74 Other track material-yard. Item 63 Elevated structures--other. 64 Elevated structures--depreciation-yard. • · .. Rails--depreciation-yard. Rails--depreciation--other. · 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other. 66 Ties--yard.. • • 60 Bridges, trestles; and culverts-depreciation--yard. 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other. 62 Elevated structures--yard... · · • • • • • • Q • • 75 Other track material--other….. 76 Other track material--depreciation-yard. R • • ··· • 77 Other track material--depreciation--other. 78 • • • Ballast--depreciation-yard. Ballast depreciation-other.. Track laying and surfacing-yard. Track laying and surfacing--other,. Right-of-way fences--yard.. Right-of-way fences--other. • 86 Right-of-way fences--depreciation-yard. 87 Right-of-way fences--depreciation-other. • • • • ❤ • • ❤ • • . • • • • Total, all districts $4,630,713,035 974,893,366 6, 506, 582 1,532,122 1,227,842 95,930,909 143,340,922 16,491,499 36,966,863 63,598,798 2,190,839 427,481 1,209,162 2,349,198 7,093,847 1,384,549 5,985,857,014 11,195,846 1,226,773 2,794 19,552 12,917 21,011 1,215,176 620,339 14,314,408 33,804,372 ,776,651 7.325,451 1,413,759 4,079,627 678,529 18,454, 112 2,572, 254 1,190,819 710,915 7,225,542 8,572,903 30,971, 681 124,776,615 14,078, 204 4,488,717 9,589,487 6,134,537,524 57,673,838 8,974,168 80,598,677 18,756 59,718 40,157 2,424,655 3,990 1,380 1,666,227 39,909,583 29,257 1,364,664 173,51 52,478 14,016,730 102,787,683 281,301 2,345,171 3,670,943 46,091,415 81,282 1,142,769 8,524, 266 42,020,022 197,64 952,893 573,971 19,450,847 3,010 411,435 24,457,798 193,533, 759 74, 618 5,018,793 451 12,005 Eastern district $2,008,136,078 502,364,539 2,479,837 293,949 473,982 57,137,390 6,585,796 26,411,342 28,750, 731 802,774 228,425 884,890 1,717,503 5,064,855 1,120,062 2,688,452,153 1,487,799 685,427 1,011 4,971 12,636 17,305 8,323 1,117 2,218,589 15,293,535 2,377,827 4,806,007 1,050, 269 2,096,198 324,418 10,497,955 559,105 1,106,112 12,259 6,851,179 5,923,990 12,986, 200 63,885,054 5,552,888 1,639,340 3,913,548 2,758,469,344 22,658,404 4,512,327 29,239,048 264 540 39,113 841,922 3,990 145 874,020 13,168,246 22,144 693,145 172,495 51,137 6,726,179 35,912,099 3,632 23,422 1,991,422 19,299,245 3,089 48,618 4,535,670 19,330,183 2,790 24,431 226,344 7,010,833 572 11,887 12,196,599 77,384,864 30,297 1,485,161 5,313 40 Southern district $871,910, 286 147,282,145 1,029,067 15,897 156,104 16,624,272 21,633,261 1,915,802 1,436,334 8,282,797 511,019 14,695 53,028 56,896 13,332 218,742 1,071,153,677 5,292, 520 691,388 714,985 110,326 913,267 69,023 3,115,467 105,550 2,301 4,889 188,861 821,360 6,074,037 18,103,974 2,048,709 439,056 1,609,653 1,090,867,304 10,677,844 1,279,101 16,781,943 804,534 9, 111, 118 127 1,610 531,252 2,275,261 19,718,615 260,816 2,247,279 489,799 9,272,912 57,825 964,190 1,038,743 5,906,348 179,393 890,906 59,051 5,706,016 1,937 393,374 3,333,467 33,044,729 3,661 658,623 Western district 7 $1,750, 666, 671 325,246,682 2,997,678 1,516,225 777,789 42,832,655 54,570,271 7,989,901 9,119,187 26,565,270 877,046 184,361 271,244 574,799 2,015,660 45,745 2,226,251,184 9,708,047 541,346 1,783 14,581 281 3.706 1,206,853 619,222 12,095,819 13, 218, 317 4,707,436 1,804,459 253,164 1,070,162 285,088 4,840,690 1,907,599 82,406 693,767 185,502 1,827,553 11,911,444 42,787,587 6,476,607 2,410,32i 4,066,286 2,285,200,876 24,337,590 3,182,740 34,577,686 18,492 59,178 1,044 778,199 1,235 664,489 17,198,888 5,503 140,267 1,018 1,341 5,015,290 47,156,969 16,853 74,470 1,189,722 17,519,258 20,368 129,961 2,949,853 16,783,491 15,461 37,556 288,576 6,733,998 501 6,174 8,927,732 83,104,166 40,660 2,875,009 411 6,692 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Lad ΤΟ No. A23 5 780 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures-Concluded Snow and sand fences and snowsheds-yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds-depreciation-yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation—other Crossings and signa-yard.. Crossings and signs-other.. 7 Crossings and signs-depreciation--yard. 8 Crossings and signs-depreciation-other. Station and office buildings.. 9 1 12 13 14 15 Fuel stations. • 16 Fuel stations--depreciation. 25 26 27 28 ... 10 Station and office buildings--depreciation. 11 Roadway buildings. .. • Roadway buildings--depreciation 17 Shops and enginehouses... ... 18 shops and enginehouses--depreciation 19 Grain elevators.... 20 Grain elevators--depreciation. 21 8torage warehouses..... 22 Storage warehouses--depreciation. 23 Wharves and docks... 24 40 41 SUMMARY NO. 1–RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 50 HANTOM OF O HNM + Water stations. Water stations--depreciation. 52 57 • Coal and ore wharves. Coal and ore wharves--depreciation. Gas producing plants.. 29 Gas producing plants-depreciation. Telegraph and telephone lines... 30 Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation 31 Signals and interlockers.. 32 33 7 48 49 Paving... 58 59 60 61 Wharves and docks--depreciation. 37 Power substation buildings..... 38 Power substation buildings--depreciation. 39 Power transmission systems.. Power transmission systems--depreciation. Power distribution systems.. 42 Power distribution systems--depreciation 43 44 64 51 Roadway machines... 8ignals and interlockers--depreciation. • Power plant buildings--depreciation. Paving--depreciation. Item Underground conduits--depreciation.... Roadway machines--depreciation. Small tools and supplies.. Removing snow, ice, and sand. ·· • • Power line poles and fixtures.. Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation.. 45 Underground conduits..... 46 Injuries to persons.. Power plant dame, canals, and pipe lines. Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation. 35 Power plant buildings. Miscellaneous structures.. Miscellaneous structures--depreciation. Insurance... Stationery and printing Other expenses. • 65 Superintendence. 66 Shop machinery. · • D Assessments for public improvements. • • · • • • 67 Shop machinery--depreciation. 68 Power plant machinery.. • • * 77 Other locomotives--retirements. 78 75 Other locomotives--repair8.... 76 Other locomotives--depreciation. • · • • Power plant machinery-depreciation. • • Freight-train cars--repairs... 79 Freight-train care--depreciation. 80 Freight-train cars--retirements. 81 Passenger-train cars-repairs.. 82 83 69 70 Power substation apparatus... ... 71 Power substation apparatus--depreciation. 72 Steam locomotives--repairs. 73 Steam locomotives--depreciation. Steam locomotives--retirements. • • • • • • Passenger-train cars--depreciation.. Passenger-train care-retirements.. 87 Floating equipment--repairs... 88 Floating equipment--depreciation.. 89 Floating equipment--retirements... • ... • · • • 84 Motor equipment of cars--repairs. 85 Motor equipment of cars--depreciation. 86 Motor equipment of cars--retirements. • • • • • • • • • ► • Total, above accounts. Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 62 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr. 63 Equalization--way and structures. Total maintenance of way and structures. Maintenance of Equipment · • · ► • • · • ● · • • • • • · • · • • • • • • • • C • U • • • • • • · • ·· Total, all districts $3,913 513,045 73 336 1,169,891 11,698,503 2,329 72,096 33,445,860 2,206,440 5,202,676 112,433 10,409,596 133,650 4,593,011 68,918 24,872,541 473,724 216,400 15,468 89,440 5,970,930 12 561,037 3,126,168 1,017,659 47,615 11,979,103 39,997 32,846,405 230, 722 134 816, 211 138,814 68,894 21,471 407,244 70,490 3,390,380 329,097 576,749 91,055 32,080 7,642 396,370 3.214 573,682 45 7,100,887 10,917 11,558,255 8,868,495 537,867 6,429,535 3,853,553 1,356,099 694,723 857,093,761 38,292,896 27,196,398 868,190,259 45,850,169 26,394,238 741,045 5,203,242 672,748 448,509 91,865 435,430,529 56,181,546 4,621,010 3,783,031 1,187,499 6.484 340,628, 364 114,120,957 17,392,484 81, 210, 223 18,177,343 1,605,763 3,087,229 1,064,674 45,556 11,390,486 3,389,923 71,614 d Deficit or other reverse item, Eastern district $653 62,319 312 4 75 456,794 6,320, 601 2,089 68,460 16,657,979 1,626,959 1,469,915 52,045 3,614,443 59,086 1,920,990 36,291 12,041,315 292,450 110,291 1,689 38,325 4,022,738 490, 108 1,831,259 212,684 23,403 5,549,664 27,231 20,232,129 201,587 587,966 108,133 57,857 19,253 317,983 63,473 2,536,315 316,081 300, 300 82,145 28,827 7,504 207,579 239,689 2,371,izi 2,703 4,467,011 5,168,745 189,558 2,933,631 1,801,649 519,532 450,495 358,730,766 16,877,407 12,174,620 363,433,553 20,775,239 13,881,689 434,879 3,521,284 604, 782 371,874 69,630 200,573,980 25,787,038 2,339,663 2,726,661 752,129 51,800 160,531,009 49,527,950 8,729,582 38,845,891 8,989,488 869,478 1,947,793 704,484 20,383 8,852,764 2,027,298 144,121 Southern district $146 124,679 1,701,622 1,044 5,512,008 267,540 1,266,444 23,144 1,944,705 64,932 857,185 24,077 3,132,565 128,064 22,408 2,400 46,855 1,031,811 69,872 475,168 137.968 1,970,176 10,254 4,755, 238 22,449 14, •M. 40= MO 2,47 336 58,565 6,919. 331,023 11,176 115,427 8,175 382 24,213 13 59,202 1,309,379 2,639 2,169,307 303,799 51,683 1,085,858 685,188 231,117 51,810 156,419,827 6,831,517 5,292,586 157,958,758 7,912,852 3,841,720 285,493 565,790 26,027 23,585 4,032 82,363, 201 9,999,819 676,446 538,730 196,719 65,934.372 23,184,266 2,137,252 12,349,591 2,876,652 65,255 288,986 166,230 1,582 246,866 58,958 13,982 Western district $3,260 450,580 69 261 588, 418 3,676,280 240 2,592 11,275,873 311,941 2,466,317 37,244 4,850,448 9,632 1,814,836 8,550 9,698,661 53,210 83,701 11,379 4.260 916,381 1,057 819,741 667,007 24,212 12 4,459,263 2,512 7,859,038 6,686 134 173,892 16,041 8,564 1,882 30,696 98 523,042 1,840 161,022 735 2,871 138 164,578 3,201 274,791 45 3,420,377 5,575 4,921,937 3,395,951 296,626 2,410,046 1,366,716 605,450 192,418 341,943,168 14,583,972 9,729,192 346,797,948 17,162,078 8,670,829 20,673 1,116,168 d 41,939 53,050 18,203 152,493,348 20,394,689 1,604,901 517,640 238,651 45,316 114,162,983 41,408,741 6,525,650 30,014,741 6,311,203 671,030 850,450 193,960 23.591 2,290,856 1,303,667 86,489 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. HUMAN CONTOoo I am 1 2 6 8 9 10 7 Injuries to persons. 11 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 22 23 24 25 Work equipment-repairs. Work equipment--depreciation. Work equipment--retirements.. Insurance.. ... Stationery and printing Miscellaneous equipment--repairs. Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation. Miscellaneous equipment--retirements. Other expenses.. Total. 42 43 44 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded • ·· 69 70 • 12 Maintaining joint equipment--Dr. 13 Maintaining joint equipment--Cr. 14 Equalization--equipment.. 15 • .. .. 26 Superintendence.. 27 Dispatching trains. 28 19 16 Superintendence. 17 Outside agencies. 18 Advertising... Traffic associations.. Fast freight lines.. Industrial and immigration bureaus. Insurance.. 8tationery and printing. 20 • • 4 • • 21 Other expenses. Total traffic. Total maintenance of equipment. · • 45 Train enginemen.. 46 Train motormen. ·· • • Station supplies and expenses Yardmasters and yard clerks.. Yard conductors and brakemen. .. - • Yard switch and signal tenders. 35 Yard enginemen. 36 Yard motormen.. 37 Fuel for yard locomotives • • · • 38 Yard switching power produced. Yard supplies and expenses. 47 Fuel for train locomotives 48 49 50 • • • • • • Station employees. 29 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus 30 Coal and ore wharves... 31 32 33 34 • • · ... • • L 39 Yard switching power purchased. 40 Water for yard locomotives.... 41 Lubricants for yard locomotives.. Other supplies for yard locomotives. Enginehouse expenses--yard.. Enginehouse expenses-train. Trainmen.. ... C Transportation--Rail Line • 77 Operation of vessels. 78 Operation of terminals. 79 Incidental. 80 • 60 61 Operating floating equipment. 62 Express service... 63 Stationery and printing 64 65 66 Clearing wrecks. Other expenses. Insurance. ... 67 Damage to property. 68 Loss and damage--freight.. Loss and damage--baggage. Item • • • · * ... · • [} Train power produced.. Train power purchased.. • • Water for train locomotives. Lubricants for train locomotives. Other supplies for train locomotives. · · • Train supplies and expenses.. Operating sleeping cars.. Signal and interlocker operation. Crossing protection.. Drawbridge operation. Telegraph and telephone operation. · • • • Traffic • D • • • • • ❤ • * • • • • • Damage to live stock on right of way. • • • • • • . • Injuries to persons.. Operating joint yards and terminals--Dr. 71 72 73 Operating joint yards and terminals--Cr 74 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr. 75 Operating joint tracks and facilities--CI. 76 Total transportation--Rail line. • • • • Total transportation--Water line. Transportation-Water Line · • • • ► • • • • • O Total, all districts $19,114,960 5,163,835 1,717,267 425,604 376,273 82,305 692,881 134,463 2,004,178 1,527,952 1,215,023, 281 8,216,442 4,422,269 1,218,817,454 37,531,623 49,363,785 16,823,228 3,146,724 49,121 2,880,238 58,228 10, 229, 611 168,085 120,250,643 69,000,588 34,197,978 304,748,804 5,774,498 8,271,578 21,362,106 63,123,847 154,362, 250 12,969, 724 90,005,177 1,057,569 64,213,939 177,503 503.472 4,472,787 1,283,097 1,427,178 30,056,815 3,845, 201 224,505,945 4,983,436 321,307,122 2,696,391 7,293,749 21,547,816 7.369,569 6,043,921 79,898,209 264,882,540 83,597,295 750,887 26,147,718 21,316,640 2,050,688 10,864,607 29,511,191 13,051,821 6,274,762 3,228,013 7,680, 620 628,923 2,719,461 33,967,786 333,984 32,846, 232 69,319,332 35,067,187 16,264,135 14,095, 288 2,126,774,429 4,678,359 4,391,551 411,334 9,481,244 Eastern district $8,289,130 2,046,067 684,290 221,418 183,594 46,850 2,961,242 3,014,934 1,006,137 902,028 572,332,979 3,735,062 2,254,965 573,813,076 17,041,789 16,199,926 5,403,047 1,174,521 49,121 567.397 33,145 4,118,327 103,145 44,690,418 34,943,444 16,504,216 144,084,960 1,197,360 5,536,031 11,129,702 33,007,974 81,519,553 8,598,583 47,060,166 968,772 30,301,899 171,167 459,270 2,127,442 677,063 705,949 14,656,054 2,226,543 98,513,097 2,993,789 125,900, 411 1,689,538 5,139,595 8,696,545 3,004,357 2,555,909 37,085,338 115,969,345 39,518,473 17,034,432 14,627,380 1,083,318 4,920,236 24,873,215 6,285,638 4,313,001 1,363,945 4,139,686 2,227,387 243,976 14,176,507 231,567 15,532,048 29,169,853 15,005,085 8,077,848 6,863,844 1,003,473,653 1,369,797 176,582 39,606 1,585,985 Southern district $2,982,311 1,018,016 230,684 44,648 49,570 9,183 777,859 703,559 340,546 294,690 220,209,472 1,378,391 978,089 220,609, 774 7,645,124 10,274,021 2,264,984 687,475 847,716 84?? 6,078 2,460,136 15,141 24,200,675 12,230,304 7,396,819 54,452,226 1,386, 204 1,232,911 3,028,273 11,645,383 25,679,573 1,466,476 14,522,983 1,459 8,872,022 673,133 210.388 284,487 5,515,827 780,984 41,469,305 556,687 50,254,104 602,331 711,921 3,736,363 1,479,911 1,182,172 14,479,113 49,623,126 13,946,458 7,562 2,535,148 1,802,822 376,152 1,359,509 532,646 2,373,385 595,986 695,501 1,419,512 1,104,987 998,639 6,310,736 40,485 6,101,703 14,977,209 10,171,829 1,836,840 1,870,469 358,447,467 Western district $7,843,519 2,099,752 802, 293 159,538 143,109 26,272 1,953,780 2,415,970 657,495 331, 234 422,480,830 3,102,989 1,189,215 424,394,604 12,844,710 22,889,838 9,155,197 1,284,728 1,465,125 19,005 3,651,148 49,799 51,359,550 21,826,840 10,296,943 106, 211, 618 3,190,934 1,502,636 7,204,131 18,470,490 47,163,124 2,904,665 28,422,028 87,338 25,040,018 9 6,336 44,202 1,672,212 395,646 436,742 9,884,934 837,674 84,523,543 1,432,960 145,152,607 404,522 1,442,233 9,114,908 2,885,301 2,205,840 28,333,758 99,290,069 30,132,364 743,325 6,578,138 4,886,438 591,218 4,584,862 4,105,330 4,392,798 1,365,775 1,168,567 2,121,422 1,296,549 1,476,846 13,480,543 61,932 11, 212, 481 25,172,270 9,890,273 6,349,447 5,360,975 764,853,309 3,308,562 4,214,969 371,728 7,895,259 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 10 No. 123+ LOV 동 ​7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 4 Stockyards, 15 16 17 18 21 24 25 26 30 31 SUMMARY NO. 1–RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Dining and buffet service. Hotels and restaurants. Grain elevators. 44 LALO A 47 53 Other expenses. General joint facilities--Dr. 19 General joint facilities--Cr. 20 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES-- Concluded Miscellaneous Operations ... • Producing power sold.. Other miscellaneous operations. 56 57 58 59 • · • • Total miscellaneous operations.. Insurance. .. Relief department expenses. Pensions.. Stationerv and printing. Valuation expenses. • • • Salaries and expenses of general officers. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. General office supplies and expenses. Law expenses. ❤ · • D · · Item • • Total general expenses. Transportation for investment-Cr... · 22 Total railway operating expenses... 23 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent).... SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES Maintenance of Way and Structures General Related solely to freight service.. Related solely to passenger and allied services. Apportioned to freight service.. 27 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. • • · · · * 1 28 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 29 Total. • ·· • Traffic Maintenance of Equipment Related solely to freight service. ·· Related solely to passenger and allied services Apportioned to freight service... 32 33 Apportioned to passenger and allied services D • • • • 34 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 35 Total. • . • • Transportation--Rail Line Transportation--Water Line O D 36 Related solely to freight service.. 37 Related solely to passenger and allied services. 38 Apportioned to freight service. 39 Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. 40 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 41 Total. • Miscellaneous Operations • • • 42 Related solely to freight service….. 43 Related solely to passenger and allied services. Apportioned to freight service... 45 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. ·· • · 46 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total.. · • • · • • • 48 Related solely to freight service.. • 49 Related solely to passenger and allied services.. 50 Apportioned to freight service..... 51 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total. .. ·· 礳 ​54 Related solely to freight service. Related solely to passenger and allied services. Apportioned to freight service..... Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total.. ·· Total, all districts $41,365,319 7,432,294 1,227,594 589,261 3,299,726 1,852,772 55,766,966 19,696,625 93,492,502 7,288, 240 17,188,258 190,543 2,576,691 24,634,506 5.389,578 8,678,876 10,085,918 2,181,928 412,319 190,991,346 17,640,056 4,572,632,285 74.54 $85,702,271 22,522,938 550,553,790 208,852, 280 558,980 868,190,259 755,460,619 226,981,938 175,462,379 59,913,824 998,694 1,218,817,454 63,967,461 42,178,619 8,201,569 5,902,994 120,250,643 1,210,327,683 428,988,112 370,974,958 116,455,829 27,847 2,126,774,429 7,509,176 189,788 1,478,165 271,720 32,395 9,481,244 2,799,834 46,675,568 1,243,846 843,312 4,204,406 55,766,966 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $18,890,821 2,259,874 1,144,394 20,732 3,164,718 444,919 25,925,458 8,393,494 40,757,790 3,321,449 6,550,801 102,988 1,386,504 15,434,939 2,196, 287 3,634,363 4,435,624 842,168 147,170 86,909,237 3,074,281 2,096,757,099 76.01 $52,547,862 14,756,996 208,694,022 87,099,869 334,804 363,433,553 368,633,996 116,219,675 65,572,762 22,591,228 795,415 573,813,076 26,820,398 14,974,153 2,142,852 753,015 44,690,418 611,955,463 210,357,150 134,448,511 46,714,172 1,643 1,003,473,653 d 752,350 144,546 470,402 218,687 1,585,985 1,479,289 21,988,953 405,242 214,768 1,837,206 25,925,458 Southern district $6,226,447 647.579 16,149 8,905 56,337 90,990 7,046,407 3,239,725 16,606,961 1,245,598 3,935,680 20,492 222,300 2,390,546 1,078,178 1,454,661 1,583,589 287,077 52,470 32,012,337 2,162,375 798,113,043 73.16 $13,175,517 2,500,889 106,016,050 36, 266, 302 157,958,758 150,067,060 38,086,820 25,925, 188 6,530, 706 220,609,774 15,316,443 6,995,144 1,350,444 538,644 24,200,675 202,583,615 65,130,733 70,870,620 19,862,499 358,447,467 97,017 6,764,258 140,728 41,729 2,675 7,046,407 Western district $16,248,051 4,524,841 67,051 559,624 78,671 1,316,863 22,795,101 8,063,406 36,127,751 2,721,193 6,701,777 67,063 967,887 6,809,021 2,115,113 3,589,852 4,066,705 1,052,683 212,679 72,069,772 12,403,400 1,677,762,143 73.42 $19,978,892 5,265,053 235,843,718 85,486,109 224,176 346,797,948 236,759,563 72,675,443 83,964,429 30,791,890 203,279 424,394,604 21,830,620 20, 209, 322 4,708,273 4,611,335 51,359,550 395,788,605 153,500, 229 165,655,827 49,879,158 29,490 764,853,309 6,756,826 45,242 1,007,763 53,033 32,395 7,895,259 1,223,528 17.922,357 697,876 586,815 2,364,525 22,795,101 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 9 10 11 1 Related solely to freight service. 2 Related solely to passenger and allied services. Apportioned to freight service... 3 4 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. 5 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 6 Total.. 12 7 Related solely to freight service. 8 Related solely to passenger and allied services. Apportioned to freight service... Apportioned to passenger and allied services. ► • • • • Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total.. 19 Miles of road.. 20 www www. 32 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) wwww wwww 7690 Miles of second main track. 21 Miles of third main track. 40 SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES--Concluded General 41 42 ✓ 46 26 Miles of road.. 27 Miles of second main track. 28 Miles of third main track.. 47 • 22 Miles of fourth main track. 23 Miles of all other main tracks. 24 Miles of yard track and sidings. 25 Total, all tracks.. 48 13 Related solely to freight service. 14 Related solely to passenger and allied services. 15 Apportioned to freight service... 16 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. • • • 17 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 18 Total.. DRAKMAK 56 29 • Miles of fourth main track. 30 Miles of all other main tracks. 31 iles of yard track and sidings. Total, all tracks. • Steam locomotives: ·· Electric locomotives: Transportation for Investment--Cr. • • Total... • • Total Operating Expenses • • •• • • MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1927 · Number at close of year. Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year. Number retired during year.. Number at close of year: Box cars. Flat cars. Stock cars, Coal cars. Tank cars. Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total. • Number at close of year. Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year. Number retired during year... · Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars... Flat cars. Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars. • • • [ · • • • • • • • • Item U MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1927 O • ·· • Refrigerator cars. Other: freight-carrying cars. • • • • • · EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE • • • a • • Freight-carrying Cars • • • • . • • * .. · • • • • • • • ↓ • • Total, all districts $49,016,306 11,549,659 96,055,499 33,871,059 498,823 190,991,346 17,057,870 292,684 243,275 46,227 17,640,056 2,157,725,480 778,793,938 1,203,726,931 426,064,791 6,321,145 4,572,632,285 238,394.12 36,228.87 3,128.78 2,192.19 376.07 1/ 118,602.07 5/ 398,922.10 174,530.67 21,637.37 2,085.59 1,544.74 194.58 9/ 81,522.79 281,515.74 60,868 2,605,346,530 1,494 2,962 24,557,800 449 44 14 1,065,907 99,951 83,573 940,313 10,284 44,217 79,856 2,324,101 42,890,076 4,206,403 3,067,460 49,707,324 450,201 1,436,132 4,061,177 105,818, 773 Eastern district Includes 3,303.77 miles of industrial tracks. 12/ Includes 7,121.45 miles of industrial tracks. $24,996,034 6,340,616 41,154,217 13,922,507 495,863 86,909,237 2,889,241 102, 280 61,039 21,721 3,074,281 1,084,296,151 384,679,809 452,826,969 171,492,525 3,461,645 2,096,757,099 59,135.37 18,523.95 2,699.16 1,959.45 81.19 2/ 45,868.81 6/128,267.93 33,472.44 9,174.69 1,721.05 1,353.18 63.04 10/ 25,934.71 71,719.11 26,576 1,181,946,590 873 1,570 343 16,992,600 37 455,301 21,826 14,858 555,805 308 4,874 22,287 1,075,259 18,895,932 964,737 601,575 29,810,156 5,130 160,775 1,158,793 51,597,098 Includes 21,392.98 miles of industrial tracks, Includes 7,671.45 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 4,321.29 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 9,400.24 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 23,121.42 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 8,683.35 miles operated under trackage rights, Includes 3,545.62 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 10,892.45 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 14,527.04 miles of industrial tracks. 10 Includes 4,101.82 miles of industrial tracks. Southern district $8,908,992 1,649,603 16, 255, 740 5,198,002 32,012,337 2,033,836 18,568 86,394 23,577 2,162,375 388,114,808 121,108,879 220,472,376 68,414,305 2,675 412 798,113,043 45,415.58 5,627.03 125.80 48.41 274.19 3/ 20,813.78 7/ 72,304.79 3522 35,202.20 4,012.39 120.06 44.29 110.85 11/ 15,704.21 55,194.00 11,195 483,123,800 181 372 34 3,217,000 MH 169,062 22,803 8,161 209,984 22 6,230 7,450 423,712 6,211,983 938,136 305,870 11,424,332 980 192,030 350,503 19,423,834 Western district 11 15,111,280 3,559,440 38,645,542 14,750,550 2,960 72,069,772 12,134,793 171,836 95,842 929 12,403,400 685,314,521 273,005,250 530,427,586 186,157,961 2,856,825 1,677,762,143 232323; 133,843.17 12,077.89 303.82 184.33 20.69 4/ 51,919.48 8/198,349.38 105, 105,856.03 8,450.29 244.48 147.27 20.69 12/ 39,883.87 154,602.63 23,097 940,276,140 440 1,020 72 4,348, 200 441,544 55,322 60,554 174,524 9,954 33,113 50,119 825,130 17,782,161 2,303,530 2,160,015 8,472,836 444,091 1,083,327 2,551,881 34,797,841 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 12 No. H&M 57 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 02 ललल 789 17 18 2223 20 21 26 27 28 ww 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 لالالالا EFFEFE FEW W 38 39 40 41 42 47 44 45 46 47 48 OLOLOLO H&M SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 55 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE-Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded Number at close of year.. .. Number installed during year 19 Number retired during year.. Number installed during year: Box cars. Flat cars. Stock care Coal cars. Tank cars. Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars.. Total. .. • • ·· • • • • * • • Number retired during year: Box cars. Flat cars. Stock cars • • • • Coal cars. Tank cars.. • 23 Number of units at close of year.. 24 Number of units installed during year 25 Number of units retired during year. .. • Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. Total. C • In replacement: Item All Classes of Passenger-train Cars • • In replacement: All Classes of Company Service Equipment Number at close of year.. Numper installed during year... Number retired during year. Average number. Compensation-- Service hours-- • : • • Floating Equipment Number of cross ties.. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties. Total charges.... Number of tons (2,240 lbs.). Total charges.. In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties.. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties.. Total charges.. • TIES LAID DURING YEAR • RAILS LAID DURING YEAR In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks.. Miles of yard track and sidings. Number of tons (2,240 lbs.). Total charges.. ·· • Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for.. Total... • · Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for.. Total.. Service days-- • • · • • EMPLOYEES • Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service.. In passenger service.. In mixed-train service. In special service.. In yard-switching service. In work service.. ... Grand total, all services. · • • • • Straight time actually worked.. Overtime paid for.. Total.. Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses. CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES • • * • Total, all districts 34,184 3,664 3,573 27,079 349 1,743 1,818 72,410 44,007 5,697 4,912 35,460 504 2,347 2,826 95,753 53,804 2,646 3,606 109,263 11,920 12,260 2,435 1010 10 632 83 82 78,274,222 258,366,784 $117,758,189 7,902,872 51,893,579 $12,947,789 3,813,994 $138,769,740 798.28 2,151.01 415,686 $13,221,114 1,734,470 $2,617,319,703 $163,850,785 $2,909,217,453 3,835,070,060 200,667,101 4,194,919,839 39,391,635 279,082 40,346,769 $2,689,571,856 78,245,223 28,254,724 1,837,651 52,041 21,774,789 2,897,429 133,061,857 Eastern district 16,620 348 505 13,264 ¥ 162 1,318 32,217 19,485 1,268 724 19,798 48 1,101 644 43,068 26,620 1,368 1,722 36,295 2,104 69 71 21,010,791 94,421,865 $42,999,920 2,097,199 17,162,157 $4,321,592 1,662,100 $57,351,372 187.16 659.32 124,249 $4,090,081 752,553 $1,200, 615,297 $75,504,171 $1,336,437,779 1,641,711,934 88,467,031 1,805,205,019 19,246,930 142,764 19,743,823 $1,243,441,898 32,597,565 12,223,005 355,939 15,286 10,890,868 1,348,416 57,431,079 1/ Does not include data for 2,203 linear feet of steel ties. Southern district 3,248 1,054 23 6,929 •Cu· 11,256 6,194 1,249 232 5,318 6 52 161 13,212 8,411 261 507 19,121 1,127 1,844 120 Fw 17,405,290 60,153,970 $23,870,043 1,297,968 11,671,436 $1,966,318 752,080 $28,000,142 107.4 381.34 75,706 $2,261,963 339,364 $470,158,871 $28,890, 240 $518,207,639 750,221,404 39,515,538 810,393,429 6,443,186 38,115 6,565,863 $480,790,762 16,509,215 5,245,195 355,630 12,944 3,800,566 488,153 26,411,703 Western district 14,316 2,262 3,045 6,886 349 498 1,581 28,937 18,328 3,180 3,956 10,344 450 1,194 2,021 39,473 18,773 1,017 1,377 53,847 6,370 5,746 211 11 7 39,858,141 103,790,949 $50,888,226 4,507,705 23.059,986 $6,659,879 1,399,814 $53,418,226 503.71 1,110.35 215,731 $6,869,070 642,553 $946,545,535 $59,456,374 $1,054,572,035 1,443,136,722 72,684,532 1,579,321,391 13,701,519 98,203 14,037,083 $965,339,196 29,138,443 10,786,524 1,126,082 23,811 7,083,355 1,060,860 49,219,075 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) REVENUE FREIGHT TONNAGE BY GROUPS OF COMMODITIES Revenue Freight Originated Products of agriculture: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car. Animals and products: Products of mines: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car. Products of forests: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car.... Item ·· • Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car. Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car... • Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads... Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Average load per car... Products of mines: Products of agriculture: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. Merchandise All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Animals and products: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. · • Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) • Total Revenue Freight Carried ·· Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. • · • • ·· Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage. • • • ·· Products of forests: Number of carloads • Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage. • .. • • • • • Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. • • • ** • · • • • ·· • · • Merchandise - All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage.. • • Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight! Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage. • • • • Total, all districts 4,716,185 113,152,242 23.99 2,171,894 25,982,970 11.96 13,913,095 713,178,506 51.26 3,507,447 99,327,537 28.32 11,064,068 290,998,474 26.30 35,372,689 231232, 233 1,242,639,729 35.13 38,425,225 1,281,064,954 10,215,233 221,020,288 9.36 3,773,011 46,665,921 1.98 24,901,375 1,271,700,465 53.84 7,089,392 192,653,408 8.16 22,539,940 564,111,121 23.88 68,518,951 2,296,151, 203 97.22 65,790,216 2.78 2,361,941,419 100.00 Eastern district 1,027,875 23,167,845 22.54 448,498 5,842,684 13.03 5.934,676 307,135,326 51.75 425,695 10,751,133 25.26 6,631,324 175,774,391 26.51 14,468,068 522,671,379 36.13 18,403,300 541,074,679 3,406,720 72,361,395 5.85 1,378,083 18,020,457 1.45 13,936,540 729,554,856 58.95 1,978,002 50,216,154 4.06 13,341,688 334,034,035 26.99 34,041,033 1,204,186,897 97.30 33,481,579 2.70 1,237,668,476 100.00 Southern district 904,635 14,593,285 16.13 176,931 2,064,085 11.67 4,024,087 213,872,783 53.15 1,249,893 32,248,256 25.80 1,460,566 37,894,298 25.94 7,816,112 300,672,707 38.47 8, 220, 741 308,893,448 2,029,469 33,154,999 7.37 349,240 4,414,041 .98 5,133,797 267,927,776 59.57 2,089,178 53,709,042 11.94 3,094,941 76,290,572 16.97 12,696,625 435,496,430 96.83 14,256,643 3.17 449,753,073 100.00 13 Western district 2,783,675 75,391,112 27.08 1,546,465 18,076, 201 11.69 3,954,332 192,170,397 48.60 1,831,859 56,328,148 30.75 2,972,178 77,329,785 26.02 13,088,509 419,295,643 32.04 11,801, 184 431,096,827 4,779,044 115,503,894 17.12 2,045,688 24,231,423 3.59 5,831,038 274,217,85 40.65 3,022,212 88,728,212 13.16. 6,103,311 153,786,514 22.80 21,781,293 656,467,876 97.32 18,051,994 2.68 674,519,870 100.00 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 14 No. 1 OME LOO 2 Freight--ordinary. Freight--light. Passenger. Panama Om 12 13 14 7 Total transportation service.. 8 Work service... 9 Total freight train. 10 Total passenger train. 11 Total mixed train. 16 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) Mixed. Special. Average mileage of road operated.. 17 Work service. STATISTICS OF RAIL-LINE OPERATIONS 43 44 47 48 · • 15 Yard switching-passenger. 5555555 123456 • • Total special. Train switching. Yard switching--freight. · 50 18 Freight train--loaded. 19 Freight train--empty... • • 體 ​• 51 53 O 40 Tons--revenue freight. 41 42 Total transportation service.. • 20 Freight train--caboose. 21 Freight train--exclusive work equipment 22 Total freight train.. 27 Total passenger train. 28 Mixed train--freight--loaded. 29 Mixed train--freight--empty. • • • · ………… Locomotive-Miles Total special train.... 23 Passenger train--passenger. 24 Passenger train--sleeping, parlor, and observation. 25 Passenger train--dining. 26 Passenger train--other.. ... ……….. 45 Passengers-miles--revenue. 46 Train-Miles 30 Mixed train--caboose... 31 Mixed train--exclusive work equipment 32 Mixed train--passenger... • 33 Mixed train--sleeping, parlor, and observation 34 Mixed train--dining. 35 Mixed train--other passenger train. 36 Total mixed train... 37 38 39 Work service.. • Passengers carried--revenue. • ·· • Tons--nonrevenue freight. Ton-miles--revenue freight. Ton-miles--nonrevenue freight. Car-Miles • Total transportation service.. C • Item • • Revenue per passenger.... Revenue per passenger-mile.. • • • * • • Miscellaneous Miles hauled--revenue freight. 52 Miles carried--revenue passengers. · .. Revenue per ton of freight. Revenue per ton-mile of freight. 49 Passenger-miles--revenue--per train-mile. Passenger-miles--revenue--per car-mile.. • • + • • ·· • • • • • • • • • • • Ton-miles--revenue freight--per mile of road. Ton-miles--revenue freight--per train-mile.. Ton-miles--revenue and nonrevenue freight--per loaded car-mile. C • · • • • D • • • • • · · • • • D • • • • • • • • • • • Total, all districts 237,758.54 581,334,179 6,608,636 568,539,193 26,903,035 603,363 1,183,988, 406 36,524,208 665,945,165 557,614,264 27,502,724 693,584 58,909,226 299,660,253 24,233,299 1,634,558,515 45,740,737 17,287,843,199 10, 231,004,341 598,213,171 42,669,100 28,159,729,811 1,259,734,937 1,191,798,945 157,275,548 1,221,748,145 3,830,557,575 140,094,407 78,179,253 2,354,056 1,267,439 30,848,847 756,377 2,458 15,894,020 269,396,857 9,878,496 32,269,562,739 185,466,127 2,361,941,419 279,954,472 428,621,433,915 43,053,731,518 829,845,522 33,648,087,283 1,802,759 702.69 27.06 58.68 13.55 181.47 40.55 1.96044 $0.01080 $1.17427 $0.02896 Eastern district 58,967.83 223, 214, 709 3,488,937 236,209,300 5,445,981 204,723 468,563,650 16,107,875 270,261,383 233,058, 742 5,526,343 223,423 30,151,274 152,234,114 13,540,971 704,996,250 21,257,906 6,952,880,786 4,141,499,393 230,553,276 5,973,874 11,330,907,329 598,952,049 462,657,759 53,025,690 526,321,931 1,640,957,429 23,215,685 11,467,418 887.339 107,349 6,008,411 26,417 404 6,194,942 47,907,965 2,797,258 13,022,569,981 51,524,155 1,237,668,476 111,399,172 183,739,337,951 14,734,368, 685 591,509,763 18,165,433,147 3,115,925 796.25 28.45 76.45 17.01 148.46 30.71 $1.62233 $0.01093 $0.84899 $0.02765 Southern district 45,251.31 126,079,555 1,306,622 100,869,700 4,627,344 160,405 233,043,626 23종​: 6,831,384 136,926,285 99,358, 249 4,730,505 167,277 9,648,266 49,950,920 3,403,499 304,185,001 7,876,063 3,409,143,287 2,176,294,895 128,932,125 7,553,597 5,721,923, 904 216,335,757 200,461,777 26,476,239 198,893,655 642,167,428 20,791,737 11,041,967 310,531 165,034 6,642,424 95,310 18 2,441,746 41,488,767 2,378,685 6,407,958,784 32,942,187 449,753,073 57,385,494 96,338,368, 210 8,881,093,732 85,608, 705 4,507,622,513 2,128,963 735.49 30.68 44.24 10.64 214.20 52.65 .93864 30.00905 $1.72041 $0.03267 Western district 133,539.40 232,039,915 1,813,077 231,460,193 16,829,710 238,235 482,381,130 13,584,949 258,757,497 225,197,273 17,245,876 302,884 19,109,686 97,475,219 7,288,829 625,377,264 16,606,768 6,925,819,126 3,913,210,053 238,727,770 29,141,629 림 ​11,106,898,578 444,447,131 528,679,409 77,773,619 496,532,559 1,547,432,718 96,086,985 55,669,868 1,156,186 995,056 18,198,012 634,650 2,036 7,257,332 180,000,125 4,702,553 12,839,033,974 100,999,785 674,519,870 111,169,806 148,543,727,754 19,438, 269, 101 152,727,054 10,975,031,623 1,112,359 598.41 23.92 46.92 11.06 220.22 71.87 $2.59538 $0.01179 $2.12793 $0.02961 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 ~3+5WO 780 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 23 24 222 LOLO 7 25 Deposite in lieu of mortgaged property sold. 6 Miscellaneous physical property.. Investments in affiliated companies Other investments.. 26 15 16 17 18 19 Deferred assets.. 27 28 29 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 (Does not include lessor companies) Total number of stocknolders.. Sinking funds... Investment in road and equipment. Improvements on leased railway property., 43 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investments Total investments.. 20 Discount on capital stock. Discount on funded debt. 21 22 Other unadjusted debits. LOVTOVLOVI • you Cash. Demand loans and deposits. Time drafts and deposits. Special deposits... Loans and bills receivable Miscellaneous accounts receivable Materiál and supplies. Other current assets... • Total current assets. 37 38 Deferred liabilities.. .. Total unadjusted debits. Grand total.... Item 39 Premium on funded debt. 40 Operating reserves... Accrued depreciation. Other unadjusted credits. 41 L 42 + · • • Current Assets Capital stock.. Stock liability for conversion. Premium on capital stock. Total stock.... Grants in aid of construction... 34 Loans and bills payable. Miscellaneous accounts payable. 36 Other current liabilities. • 49 50 Profit and loss--balance. 51 Total current liabilities. 4 • • Unadjusted Debits 30 Funded debt unmatured. 31 Receiver's certificates. 32 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies. 33 Total long-term debt • • • Total unadjusted credits.. · • Long-Term Debt Current Liabilities • • Stock · • • • • Unadjusted Credits Total appropriated surplus.. • Total corporate surplus..... Corporate Surplus 44 Additions to property through income and surplus. Funded debt retired through income and surplus. 46 Sinking fund reserves.. 45 47 Miscellaneous fund reserves.. 48 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. · • • • • • • 52 Expenditures for new lines and extensions. Expenditures for additions and betterments. Credits for property retired.... Adjustments.. 56 Net charges during year. 57 Stocks actually issued during year-par value.. Funded debt actually issued during year--par value.. INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT ► • ► •• • Total, all districts 389 $178,081,137 12,095,217 111,897 1,538,131 4,127,782 15,990,061 5,112,049 217,056,274 10,461,826 274,000 3,588,424 1,973,977 828 5,215,341 4,470,580 3,858,362 29,843,338 4,918,839 3,087,800 1,459,715 3,015,622 7,563,137 259,381,588 41,084,400 41,084,400 311,285 113,946,800 12,432,507 126,379,307 1,226,298 11,026,062 12,252,360 482,509 3,537 13,758,084 11,590, 750 25,352,371 9,491,880 2,150,000 681,897 18,337 1,077,671 13,419,785 40,099,571 53,519,356 111,116 9,462,552 1,965,077 41,362 7,649,953 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district 133 $115,135,459 2,915,852 57,954 1,162,053 3,244,966 3,921,736 126,438,020 4,240,583 100,000 3,444,424 6,195 728 2,807,581 2,910,697 2,442,015 15,952, 223 489,290 581,695 1,562,879 2,144,574 145,024,107 32,020,000 32,020,000 57,974,400 5,738,275 63,712,675 363,695 7,668,346 8,032,041 441,120 3,537 .. 8,539,018 4,540,169 13,082,724 6,865,835 18,337 1,053,937 7,938,109 19,797,438 27,735,547 111, 116 5,197,736 1,111,990 93,498 4,103,364 Southern district 7 $13,393,261 1,480,177 125,086 14,998,524 149,518 ·· 281,420 236,715 53,344 12,761 733,758 309,732 309,732 16,042,014 2,000,000 2,000,000 311,285 14,000,000 14,000,000 1,71i 532,931 534,642 19,344 ·· 57,299 345,276 402,575 4,621 4,621 d 1,230,453 ₫ 1,225,832 22,243 159,225 69,756 d d 206,738 ::: Western district 15 249 $49,552,417 9,179,365 111,897 2,840,643 12,745,095 1,190,313 75,619,730 6,071,725 174,000 144,000 1,686,362 100 2,171,045 1,506,539 1,403,586 13,157,357 4,429,549 3,087,800 878,020 1,143,011 5,108,831 98,315,467 7,064,400 7,064,400 41,972,400 6,694,232 48,666,632 860,892 2,824,785 3,685,677 22,045 5,161,767 6,705,305 11,867,072 2,621,424 2,150,000 681,897 23,734 5,477,055 21,532,586 27,009,641 4,242,573 693,862 204,616 3,753,327 · STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 16. No. Motima.78 1 Railway operating revenues. 2 Railway operating expenses. Net revenue from railway operations. Railway tax accruals: United Statest Government taxes.. Other than United States Government taxes. Total railway tax accruals... Uncollectible railway revenues. Railway operating income. 2 # in Lo 12 9 10 Revenues from miscellaneous operations. 11 Expenses of miscellaneous operations.. 14 15 Net revenue from miscellaneous operations. 13 Taxes on miscellaneous operating property. 19 20 Miscellaneous operating income. Total operating income.. 16 Net railway operating income. 17 | Hire of freight cars-credit balance. 18 Rent from locomotives... 27 21 22 | Joint facility rent income. 23 Income from lease of road. Miscellaneous rent income.. 24 ~~~ MM MM in 33 34 35 43 44 48 25 Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property 26 Separately operated properties--profit. Dividend income..... 28 Income from funded securities. 49 FOR A A A A 52 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING and TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 53 29 Income from unfunded securities and accounts. 30 Income from sinking and other reserve funds. 31 Release of premiums on funded debt... Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income. 32 Total nonoperating income Gross income. 54 36 Hire of freight cars--debit balance. 37 Rent for locomotives... 38 Rent for passenger-train cars.. 39 Rent for floating equipment. 40 41 Rent for work equipment. Joint facility rents.. 42 Rent for leased roads. INCOME ACCOUNT 58 59 60 HANTLY A 60 66 • 45 Separately operated properties-1088.. 46 Interest on funded debt.. Interest on unfunded debt.. 63 64 Rent from passenger-train cars. Rent from floating equipment. Rent from work equipment. Amortization of discount on funded debt Maintenance of investment organization. 50 Income transferred to other companies. 51 Miscellaneous income charges. Total deductions from gross income. Net income.. • 67 68 Item ·· 69 ·· 70 65 Donations…………. 66 Miscellaneous credits. 71 ·· ... Miscellaneous rents…….. Miscellaneous tax accruals. • 62 Profit on road and equipment sold. Delayed income credits.. Unrefundable overcharges. 61 Credit balance transferred from income. · .. . .. • 55 56 Income appropriated for investment in physical property. 57 • • ·· • · · • • •• · Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds.. | Dividend appropriations of income... Par value on which declared--common. Stock discount extinguished through income. Miscellaneous appropriations of income. Total appropriations of income..... Income balance transferred to profit and loss.. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT · • · • .. 72 Stock discount extinguished through surplus. 73 Debt discount extinguished through surplus. 74 Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus. 75 Loss on retired road and equipment. 76 Delayed income debits.. 77 Miscellaneous debits. 78 Total debits during year. 79 Net increase during year. 80 Balance at beginning of year. 81 Balance at end of year.. • • • ·· Total credits during year. Debit balance transferred from income. Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of surplus... Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property ·· • ·· • • 82 | Dividends declared during year. 83 84 Par value on which declared--preferred.. 85 Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, r cent. • • ·· TO Total, all districts $69,937,603 51,953,160 17,984,443 1,024,591 4,126,104 5,150, 695 15,709 12,818,039 155,807 136,164 19,643 2,439 17,204 12,835,243 16,741,302 1,685,899 303,205 11 79,362 4,202,793 509,284 507,446 114,512 202,797 497,034 199,674 1,050 554,i68 8,857,227 21,692,470 952,786 357,111 94 12,884 1,025,132 5,668,006 1,372,190 60,166 5,075,598 16,326 55,506 439,247 27,112 15,062,158 6,630,312 122,300 484,796 223,722 830,818 5,799,494 5,924,851 187,853 21,852 57,783 1,867,196 8,059,535 125,357 64 1,251,000 57,783 45,000 392,725 105,747 1,977,676 6,081,859 34,017,712 40,099,571 1,735,796 15,596,600 11.ij d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $44,126,330 34,559,869 9,566,461 637,710 2,189,525 2,827,235 2,871 6,736,355 155,807 136,164 19,643 2,439 17,204 6,753,559 8,278,305 1,153,945 141,329 55.534 1,548,151 500,114 221,251 24,620 124,212 284,426 7,043 1,050 553,915 4,615,590 11,369,149 506,586 196,857 94 12,635 640,837 • LON 2,569,796 304,827 14,814 2,651, 4,635 23,373 439,247 7,822 7,373,112 3,996,037 7,043 277,200 57.733 341,976 3,654,061 3,779,418 33,889 11,750 56,634 470,017 4,351,708 125,357 1,200,000 56,634 151,636 11,441 1,545,132 2,806,576 16,990,862 19,797,438 1,477,200 11,620,000 12.71 Southern district $1,917,743 1,133,880 783,863 130,099 130,099 653,764 653,764 490,213 21,659 246 91,956 29,384 53,817 11 197,073 850,837 238,815 34,926 3,666 2,622 560,000 681 3,166 843,881 6,956 6,956 6,956 101 2,380 4,677 .. 101 113,107 33,962 147,170 d 142.493 1,087.960 d 1,230,453 • Western district $23,893,530 16, 259,411 7,634,119 386,881 1,806, 480 2,193,361 12,838 5,427,920 .. 5,427,920 7,972,784 531,954 140,217 11 23,582 2,562,686 9,170 286,195 60,508 78,585 158,791 192,631 234 4,044,564 9,472,484 207,385 125,328 244 380,629 3,098, 210 067.363 42,730 1,864,009 11,010 32,133 16,124 6,845,165 2,627,319 115,257 207,596 165,989 488,842 2,138,477 2,138,477 153,964 10,102 1,048 1,399,559 3,703,150 51,000 1,048 45,000 127,982 60,344 285,374 3,417,776 18,114,810 21,532,586 258,596 3,976,600 6.50 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS • No. Hamtio 18OHN MAR Itine 1 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 29 30 MMMMMMMMM ANMII 789 31 32 36 37 38 25 Other.. 26 39 40 41 42 43 44 ZUNDUFFFFF 49 50 51 Freight. 57 58 Passenger. SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) ·▼ 77 78 79 80 Excess baggage. Sleeping car. ·· Parlor and chair car. Mail... Express. 27 Dining and buffet. 28 81 $2 Freight. Passenger. • • * • • • Other passenger-train. Milk.. • • • Express. Special service. Switching Special service train. Other freight-train. Water transfers-freight. • Water transfers-passenger. Water transfers--vehicles and live stock. Water transfers-other... Total rail-line transportation revenue. • • • • • D Excess baggage. • • • · Other passenger service. Mail.. Grain elevator. RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES • • Hotel and restaurant. • • Ties--yard.... Ties-other.. Rails--yard……. 71 Rails--other. 72 Superintendence.. • • Joint facility--Cr. Joint facility--Dr. ... • Demurrage.. Telegraph and telephone ••• • • • • • · Total water-line transportation revenue. · • • Station, train, and boat privileges. Parcel room.. Storage--freight.. Storage--baggage. · • D · • • • • • Stockyard.. Power... Rents of buildings and other property Miscellaneous. Total incidental operating revenue. • • • • Ties--depreciation--yard. Ties-depreciation--other. Total joint facility operating revenue. Total railway operating revenues. 45 …… 46 48 Roadway maintenance--yard.. 47 Roadway maintenance--other. Roadway--depreciation--yard. Roadway--depreciation--other. Underground power tubes--yard. Underground power tubes--other. * • Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard.. Underground power tubes--depreciation--other. Tunnels and subways--yard... Tunnels and subways--other. Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard.. Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other. Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other. 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard. ·· .. Item • • • Rails-depreciation-yard. Rails--depreciation--other. • • · • • RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures .. Other track material--yard. Other track material--other. 63 Elevated structures--other. 64 Elevated structures--depreciation--yard. 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other. 66 67 68 69 70 • • ·· D • 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other. 62 Elevated structures--yard………. · • • Ballast-depreciation--yard. Ballast--depreciation--other. Track laying and surfacing-yard. · • ... .. 4 • 75 76 Other track material--depreciation--yard. 83 Trach laying and surfacing--other. 84 Right-of-way fences--yard. 85 Right-of-way fences--other. • • • • · • O * · Other track material--depreciation-other. | Ballast--yard………. Ballast--other.. • • • • • ·· ·· 10 • • • ·· • • • ► • ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Total, all districts $2,643,562 27,593 92 1,968 101 63,611,581 52,032 2,699 66,339,628 56,760 187,873 86,663 54,533 18,655 561,855 317,121 118,312 4,917 348,983 2,240, 521 3,996,193 270 398,488 d 398.218 69,937,603 d 594,473 913,851 21,405 7,841 22,699 690,793 31,352 299,824 53,131 35,250 1,147,374 42,158 31 582, 29,68 2,037 1,000,813 6,210 154 95,604 407 50 2,422,045 43,824 5,520 259 Eastern district $2,331,239 40,664,045 52,032 533 43,047,849 56,760 7,624 14,663 34,868 2,548 320,292 118,312 4,917 67,178 453,598 1,080, 760 270 2,549 d 2.279 44,126,330 387,630 472,147 ** 5 4,042 503,219 15,024 782,044 81 318,962 2,037 565,741 154 57,724 50 1,566,209 3,194 Southern district $26,433 1,828,585 1,855,018 :: 3,547 17,920 568 8,777 019 14,774 27. 72,605 9,880 ₫ 9.880 1,917,743 8,693 10,139 13,522 246 5,870 36,951 23,459 น 760 19,610 9,176 4,024 N 28, 254 20,702 204 Western district $285,890 27,593 92 1,968 101 21,118,951 2,166 21,436,761 176,702 72,000 1,745 15,539 232,786 317,121 254,786 1,772,149 2,842,828 386,059 ₫ 386.059 23,893,530 198,150 431,565 7,883 3.799 22,699 187,328 25,482 284,800 53,131 35,250 328,379 18,699 261,57 10,073 425,896 2,186 37,878 407 827, 27,582 23,122 2,326 55 17 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS ! 18 No. Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard. Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard.. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--other Crossings and signs--yard. Crossings and signs--other. • • 10 9 Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard. Crossings and signs--depreciation--other Station and office buildings. 11 ... 12 Station and office buildings--depreciation. 13 Roadway buildings. ... 14 Roadway buildings--depreciation. 15 Water stations. 16 H23+506 780 1 ~~~~~~~ 17 18 Fuel stations--depreciation 26 29 30 19 Shops and enginehouses. 20 Shops and enginehouses--depreciation. 21 Grain elevators.. 22 Grain elevators--depreciation. 31 OHNMILO N8 ⱭOHN 27 Coal and ore wharves. 28 32 33 الالالالا 34 23 Storage warehouses... 24 Storage warehouses--depreciation. 25 Wharves and docks. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 55555555556 47 48 49 50 51 52 56 57 58 59 70 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 71 INMADOR 20 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded 72 73 75 Water stations--depreciation. Fuel stations.. 76 77 .. 78 67 Superintendence. 68 79 80 35 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines. Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation. Power plant buildings. 81 • Wharves and docks--depreciation. Item Power transmission systems.... • .... ••• • • Power plant buildings--depreciation. Power substation buildings. ↓ Insurance... Stationery and printing Other expenses.. • .. • • Power distribution systems--depreciation. 45 Power line poles and fixtures.. 46 Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation. Underground conduits.. Underground conduits--depreciation. Miscellaneous structures..... Miscellaneous structures--depreciation. Paving.... • D • • Coal and ore wharves--depreciation. Gas producing plants.. Gas producing plants-depreciation. Telegraph and telephone lines.. Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation. Signals and interlockers.... Signals and interlockers--depreciation. Paving--depreciation. Roadway machines.. Roadway machines-depreciation. Small tools and supplies..... Removing snow, ice, and sand... Assessments for public improvements. Injuries to persons.. .. Power substation buildings-depreciation. • Power transmission systems--depreciation. Power distribution systems. • • • • • • • Shop machinery... 69 Shop machinery--depreciation. Power plant machinery.. Power plant machinery--depreciation. Power substation apparatus.. Power substation apparatus--depreciation. 748team locomotives--repairs.. Steam locomotives-depreciation. Steam locomotives--retirements. Other locomotives--repairs.. Other locomotives-depreciation Other locomotives--retirements. Freight-train cars-repairs. Freight-train cars--depreciation • • • • • • • • · • • • • ❤ • • • • • • ► • • • • • O · • · • • U • • • C • • 60 61 62 Total, above accounts. 63 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 64 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr. 65 Equalization--way and structures. 66 Total maintenance of way and structures.. Maintenance of Equipment • • • · · • • • · • · • · • • • · • • • • • • • • • Q • U · • ... • ❤ • • • Total, all districts ::::: $83 159,832 15, 209 19,702 400,435 123,793 51,632 4,272 70,270 4,902 62,538 9,921 309,443 42,764 37,401 31,579 21,527 30,728 313,812 62,261 29,205 16,672 78,557 479,013 14,568 16,925 4,632 2,658 168 20,225 32,802 8,797 4,318 382 21,062 11,531 28,417 1,390 112,202 140,095 10,423 88,840 89,134 13,191 7,265 11,053,206 1,139,518 2,391,613 9,801,111 491,572 185,654 d Deficit or other reverse item. 33,081 94,641 24,457 999 289 4,805,888 781,224 56,860 2,506,869 465,634 Eastern district $83 117,492 i43 161,145 19,046 27,712 110 47,128 1,384 36,501 1,493 170,211 7,655 4,287 3,297 56,991 8,019 20,974 16,672 64,876 280,126 6,616 7,187 2,912 3,071 4,365 2,998 21,315 178 60,178 92,490 4,975 49,121 31,460 8,716 2,650 6,021,532 1,062,211 1,370,438 5,713,305 348,011 118,611 6,271 -22,382 999 3,365,872 542,891 27,469 2,083,696 399,788 Southern district $116 11,892 20,883 1,140 750 1,221 6,190 55,315 8,231 63 849 ። 870 349 1,018 2,079 810 7,801 119 302,308 1.688 36,448 267,548 15,270 1,960 3,268 97,887 2,719 3,329 2,674 Western district $42,224 3,317 19,559 218,407 104,747 22,780 4,162 22,392 3,518 24,816 8,428 133,042 35,109 37,401 31,579 17,240 27,431 201,506 54, 242 13,618 198,038 14,568 9,439 4,632 2,658 168 13,038 29,690 5,726 d 47 382 17,715 11,531 6,084 1,212 49,945 47,605 5,448 38,909 49,873 4,356 4,615 4,729,366 75,619 984,727 3,820,258 128,291 65,083 26,810 68,991 24,457 289 1,342,129 235,614 26,062 420,499 65,846 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 123456 Freight-train cars-retirements... 2 Passenger-train cars--repairs.. Passenger-train care-depreciation. Passenger-train cars-retirements.. Motor equipment of cars--repairs. Motor equipment of cars--depreciation. 7 Motor equipment of care--retirements. 8 Floating equipment--repairs.... 9 Floating equipment--depreciation. 10 Floating equipment--retirements. 11 12 13 14 19 20 21 29 30 31 32 33 لالیا nation in SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Work equipment--repairs... Work equipment--depreciation. 15 Work equipment--retirements.. Miscellaneous equipment--repairs. Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation. Miscellaneous equipment--retirements. 17 Injuries to persons.. 16 18 35 Total. RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded 42 43 44 Insurance.... Stationery and printing. Other expenses. •• 26 Superintendence.. 27 Outside agencies. 28 Advertising…….. Traffic associations. Fast freight lines... 22 Maintaining joint equipment--Dr. 23 Maintaining joint equipment--Ox. 24 Equalization--equipment. 25 ... 71 72 73 74 .. • ·· 36 8uperintendence. 37 Dispatching trains. 38 45 Yard enginemen. 46 Yard motormen. Total traffic. • •• Total maintenance of equipment. Traffic · • • • .. * • • • Industrial and immigration bureaus. Insurance.. Stationery and printing. Other expenses. Other expenses. • • .. 47 Fuel for yard locomotives. 48 • • Station supplies and expenses. Yardmasters and yard clerks. Yard conductors and brakemen. Yard switch and signal tenders. Item • Yard switching power produced. 49 Yard switching power purchased. 50 Water for yard locomotives.... 51 Lubricants for yard locomotives. Yard supplies and expenses. Train enginemen.. Train motormen.. 57 Fuel for train locomotives. 58 Train power produced.... 59 Train power purchased.. 60 Water for train locomotives, 61 • • • 65 Train supplies and expenses. 66 Station employees. 39 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus 40 Coal and ore wharves. 41 Express service.. Stationery and printing. • • • • • Lubricants for train locomotives 52 Other supplies for yard locomotives. 53 Enginehouse expenses--yard. ... • Transportation--Rail Line S • · • • ·· • • Operating sleeping cars. 67 Signal and interlocker operation. 68 Crossing protection... 69 Drawbridge operation. 70 • • • • • • • 62 Other supplies for train locomotives. 63 Enginehouse expenses-train.. 64 Trainmen.. Telegraph and telephone operation. Operating floating equipment. ·· • • • • • ·· 75 Insurance. ·· · 76 Clearing wrecks. 77 Damage to property. • • • • 78 Damage to live stock on right of way 79 Loss and damage--freight.. $0 Loss and damage--baggage. • • • • · ·· • • • • • ·· • • · · • • · • ▸ d Deficit or other reverse item. Total, all districts $45,502 22,044 1,572 10,110 56,514 31,711 7.153 165,484 61,902 12,885 10,771 9,442 466 74,088 75,128 27,331 1,534 10,060,805. 131,130 364,410 9,827,525 132,840 51,218 21,367 8,379 2,374 111 25,605 232 242,126 1,329,905 278,943 5,026,128 39,748 47,617 379,074 2,662,914 8,124,826 791,346 5,526,374 5,255,091 352,407 95,621 111,479 1,298,177 329,744 173,643 143,167 10,396 4,408 5,323 94,821 188,252 124,260 352,692 381,059 39.368 66,548 177,388 245,258 176,720 76,315 118,287 86,271 130 243,265 848 Eastern district $48,482 8,391 254 4,116 56,514 31,711 7,153 108,938 39,682 12,469 3,627 5,318 98 54,191 61 464 18,701 551 7,377,650 130,986 142,818 7,365,818 90,466 35,638 7,129 4,397 2,365 111 20,162 182 160,450 892,447 148, 182 1,932,576 27,157 39,989 135,072 1,509, 606 5,187,611 414,945 3,679,705 3,739,699 244,926 62, 726 79,060 949,543 199,937 151,009 120,528 10,341 3.995 5.340 88,496 159,152 103,995 239,492 225,825 24, 216 46,048 177,388 125,253 146,692 54,713 62,362 49,177 164,807 d d Southern district $756 123 2,997 • 811 112 1 484 506 586 133,239 17,056 116,183 16,409 6,596 331,984 12,115 7,628 20,711 88,381 138,965 3,438 85,501 105,806 3,301 923 3,351 34,830 3,675 286 2,259 176 683 2.459 11,262 2,237 30,707 11,371 10,065 7,144 390 245 110 705 62 16 19 Western district d $2.980 12,897 1,195 2,997 • 55,735 7 22,332 416 143 4,124 368 19,431 13,15 8,044 983 2,549,916 144 204,536 2,345,524 42,374 15,580 14,238 3,982 9 5,443 50 81,676 421,049 124,165 2,761,568 476 223,291 1,064,927 2,798,250 372,963 1,761,168 1,409,586 104,180 31,972 29,068 313,804 126,132 22,634 22,353 ... 2,314 589 666 8,784 29,100 9,003 110,963 124,527 3,781 10,435 112,861 29,638 21,357 55,815 36,389 68 78,442 848 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 20 No. 1 Injuries to persons. 2 Operating joint yards and terminals--Dr. 3 Operating joint yards and terminals--Cr. Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr. 5 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Cr. 6 Total transportation-rail line. મનન 7 Operation of vessels.. 8 Operation of terminals.. Incidental... 9 10 13 Grain elevators. 14 Stockyards.. 15 16 17 11 Dining and buffet service. 12 Hotels and restaurants. www ww 34 35 36 37 39 27 Other expenses.. 28 29 SUMMARY NO. 2—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 18 19 20 21 22 Insurance. · 23 Relief department expenses 24 555 56 Pensions.. 25 Stationery and printing. 26 Valuation expenses. 57 AS 61 62 63 64 Total transportation-water line.. 66 996 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Concluded Transportation--Rail Line-Concluded 68 69 • Producing power sold. Other miscellaneous operations. ·· ... • D Transportation--Water Line Total miscellaneous operations. 40 Miles of road.. 41 Miles of second main track 42 Miles of third main track. • Salaries and expenses of general officers. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. General office supplies and expenses. Law expenses. Miscellaneous Operations • • 30 Total general expenses.. 31 Transportation for investment--Or. 32 Total railway pperating expenses.. 33 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent).. Separation Between Services • General joint facilities-Dr. General joint facilities--Cr. Stock cars Coal cars. Tank cars. Miles of fourth main track.. 44 Miles of all other main tracks.. 45 Miles of yard track and sidings. 46 Total, all tracks... Total.. • • • 47 Miles of road.. 48 Miles of second main track. 49 Miles of third main track. 50 Miles of fourth main track.. 51 Miles of all other main tracks.. 52 Miles of yard track and sidings. 53 • Item Total, all tracks... • • • Number at close of year: Box cars... Flat carS. • • • • Related solely to freight service.. | Related solely to passenger and allied services. • · Related in common to both freight and passenger and allied services: Apportioned to freight service.. Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. Not related to either freight service or to passenger and allied services.. Total. General • • • • · MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1927 • Steam locomotives: • Number at close of year.. Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year. Number retired during year.. Electric locomotives: Number at close of year.. Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year. Number retired during year.. Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars • .. · MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1927 • • • • • • • • • • • EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE ·· ····· .. • · • • Freight-carrying Cars · • • • • d Deficit or other reverse item. 4123 • • • • Includes 477.86 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 419.34 miles operated under trackage rights. .. • • • ……… ·· , D • • Total, all districts $605,934 589,582 5,503,624 207,930 399,651 29,857,984 ·· 48,930 168,183 119,423 6,264 65,704 408,504 428,459 835,073 99,097 195,915 1,946 2,962 83,121 59,515 179,906 141,633 10,435 194,785 1,843,277 27,367 51,953,160 74.29 $50,296,381 113,255 1,420,127 91,297 32,100 51,953,160 530.54 322.08 1.99 1.04 2,126.50 1/ 2,982.15 280.99 149.80 1.99 1.04 976.25 1,410.07 38,700,500 925 32 45 2,651 112 7 6,233 1,138 10,146 Eastern district $416,999 556,964 2,003,858 195,253 369,094 19,998,274 48,930 119,423 6,264 25,836 200,453 231,282 597,561 62,029 98,371 1,299 2,962 35,761 33,085 125,716 28,962 6,634 77,678 1,145,984 24,415 34,559,869 78.32 $34,243,384 48,930 235,455 32,100 34,559,869 394.51 252.91 1.99 1.04 1,420.39 2/ 2,070.84 231.60 128.04 1.99 1.04 706.00 1,068.67 622 26,817,600 25 1,345 99 6,001 5 1,138 8,588 Southern district d $2,293 4,174 197,938 218 13,469 727,915 350 350 4,568 11,056 969 2,565 17 \o\n' 539 949 1,855 634 21,884 1,133,880 59.13 $799,842 29.588 345,714 17,912 1,133,880 20.40 7.68 50.88 3/ 78.96 18.41 7.68 50.05 76.14 6 434,800 **2 Western district $186,642 28,444 3,301,828 12,459 17,088 9,131,795 167,833 39,868 207,701 192,609 226,456 36,099 94.979 630 47,360 25,891 53,241 110,816 3,801 116,473 675,409 2,952 16,259,411 68.05 $15,253,155 93,913 838,958 73,385 16,259,411 115.63 61.49 655.23 4/ 832.35 30.98 14.08 220.20 265.26 297 11,448,100 7 12 1,306 13 7 232 1,558 2/ Includes 2.82 miles operated under trackage rights, Includes 55.70 miles operated under trackage rights. STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1234 UKON 9 10 AAA 7 11 12 13 14 15 16 222 OR 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 586 MMM 31 32 333 789 37 38 39 40 47 42 2345 43 44 45 + ១ ន ផ ទ មាន Mt UNLÈVENIN 49 LOVE SUMMARY NO. 2—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) 57 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE—Concluded Freight-carrying Care-Concluded 61 62 63 Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars. Flat óars.. Stock cars.. Coal cars.. Tank cars. Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying cars Total.. Total. •· 27 Number retired during year.... • · Total. Number at close of year. 28 29 Number installed during year. 30 Number retired during year. • Number installed during year: Box cars... Flat cars. Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars. Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying cars. • Stock cars. Coal cars. Tank cars. · • • • Number retired during year: Box cars... Flat cars. • Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. .. Item All Classes of Passenger-train Cars Number at close of year. Number installed during year. In replacement: All Classes of Company Service Equipment ·· •• Floating Equipment Number of units at close of year.. Number of units installed during year.. Number of units retired during year... • TIES LAID DURING YEAR Number of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties. Total charges…………. ·· In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties. Total charges.. 46 Average number.. Compensation: 47 Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for.. 48 Total. Service hours: RAILS LAID DURING YEAR In replacement: Number of tons (2,240 lbs.)... Total charges... In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks... Miles of yard track and sidings Number of tons (2,240 lbs.). Total charges.. · EMPLOYEES Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for.. Total.. Service days: Straight time actually worked... Overtime paid for.. Total.. ·· Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service..... In passenger service. In mixed-train service... ... In special service... In yard-switching service. In work service.. Grand total, all services. . Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses. CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES ... •• Total, all districts / 102,765 4,560 210 339,215 250 60,600 507,600 : : "i 710 711 197 7 1 388 593 25 • 80 546 27 44 13 "i 581,265 4,329,052 1,272,419 111,534 957,457 $249,837 36,294 $1,425,991 6.16 33.91 5,506 $181,019 25,224 $40,775,392 $2,107,471 $43,530,592 53,675,32€ 2,194,006 57,789,988 647,831 9,198 669,899 $37,285,523 37.3483 427 1,523,427 26,309 1,592,271 Eastern district 50 35 50,775 4,150 329,735 250 ... 60,600 445,510 710 710 BO LON • ! 8 5 305 318 **** 342 21 37 13 ´´i 351,342 2,421,952 $823,351 81,434 650,937 $189,311 21,968 $821,647 4.27 26.74 3,867 $124,461 14,473 $24,156,199 $1,492,349 $25,880,179 30,991,603 1,528,400 32,933,877 367,284 720 373,881 $24,737,069 32,711 1,052,275 10,353 1,095,339 1/ Does not include data for 1,327 linear feet of steel ties. Southern district 2 511 37,123 226,564 $60,912 30 13,770 $762 830 $31,604 *06 $174 6 925 $1,106,831 $74,578 $1,208,140 1,775,798 105,492 1,917,902 28,405 122 28,649 $1,194,571 24,836 785 25,621 Western district 51,990 410 210 9,480 62,090 "i 1 1 189 2 1 83 275 21 2 199 192,800 1,680,536 $388,156 30,070 292,750 $59,764 13,496 $572,740 1.89 7.11 1,633 $56,384 9,826 $15,512,362 $540,544 $16,442,273 20,907,925 560,114 22,938, 209 252,142 8,356 267,369 $11,353,883 631 4,766 427 446,316 15,171 471,311 21 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 22 Kind of mileage: Steam road. Electric line. Steamboat line. Stage line. Airplane.. Total mileage Arizona. Arkansas. California Colorado... Connecticut. Delaware... State or Territory: Alabama... · • • Illinois. Indiana. Iowa... Kansas. .. ·· • • • • • • * ▼ · • • Missouri. Montana.. Nebraska. Nevada... • I. II. III. 16 · • District of Columbia. Florida.. Georgia. Idaho • • . Oklahoma. Oregon. Kentucky Louisiana. Maine.. Maryland... Massachusetts. Michigan. Minnesota. Mississippi. • • • · • • • • U •• ••• • • • • New Hampshire. New Jersey. New Mexico. New York.. • • • · Tennessee.. Texas.. Utah.. • · · Vermont. Virginia. Washington. ·· Pennsylvania. North Carolina. North Dakota. Ohio... • • [ · • • · • • • • • · · SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 Rhode Island. South Carolina. South Dakota. • • West Virginia. • • • Land... Buildings. Equipment: Cars.. Horses • • C ● ✔ • · • • • · • • • • • • Wisconsin. Wyoming. Alaska. Hawaii. Canada. Mexico.. • · • Mileage not assignable 1 • • • • Automobiles. • 醣 ​Line equipment. Shop equipment.. • Trucks.. Stable equipment. Garage equipment. ► D • * Wagons and sleighs Harness and equipment. O • ► • • ·· • · • • • • • • Item · • • · • • Office furniture and equipment Office safes. · Item • • • • • · MILEAGE COVERED BY OPERATIONS Miscellaneous equipment. Total equipment. Total real property and equipment.. Total 232,401.13 3,001.43 24,351.87 668.82 4,508.00 264,931.25 4,369.75 2,351.60 4,438.65 9,211.14 4,645.41 997.75 296.30 49.85 5,271.13 6,640.81 2,755.98 11,514.65 6,676.72 10,594.26 9,519.28 3.522.37 4,281.28 2,049.27 2,723.47 1,965.26 7,409.67 8,123.93 4,036.84 7,890.91 4,726.79 6,622.16 2,676.37 1,159.38 2,162.01 2,826.31 8,069.83 4,558.68 5,245.09 8,514.99 6,706.09 3,356.32 9,377.72 200.90 3.591.23 4,147.49 3,592.78 15,890.25 2,526.51 943.42 5,005.63 6,107.99 3,168.14 6,848.55 2,274.75 11,124.30 351.30 4,003.49 96.50 7,720.00 COST OF REAL PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Total $4,652,344 12,222,619 931,144 1,447,605 18,022,299 1,746,369 295,154 3,108,926 525,875 2,484,064 1/ Covers miscellaneous unassigned mileage, such as transoceanic, coastwise, river, and lake not within the boundaries of any State or Territory. 22,851 539,112 566,865 234,947 50,572 American Railway Express Co. 29,975,783 46,850, 746 222,422.78 2,963.71 24,018.87 668.82 4,508.00 254,582.18 2,767.40 2,351.60 4,438.65 9,211.14 4,645.41 997.75 296.30 42.30 4,912.38 5,341.71 2,755.98 11,195.79 6,440.69 10,594.26 9,519.28 3,140.06 4,240.70 2,049.27 2,544.60 1,965.26 7,409.67 8,123.93 3.241.33 888.91 4,726.79 6,622.16 2,676.37 1,159.38 2,162.01 2,826.31 8,069.83 3,087.11 5,245.09 8,513.91 6,706.09 3.356.32 9,342.02 200.90 2,348.72 4,147.49 2,292.36 15,890.25 2,526.51 943.42 3,929.75 6,107.99 3.168.14 6,848.55 2,274.75 11,124.30 351.30 4,003.49 96.50 7.720.00 American Railway Express Co. $4,641,262 12,052,025 931,144 1,434,508 17,242,670 1,705,697 290,358 3,020,498 500,686 2,415,537 Southeastern Express Co. 22,792 536,972 551,833 234,947 50,572 28,938, 214 45,631,501 9,978.35 37.72 333.00 10,349.07 1,602.35 7.55 358.75 1,299.10 318.86 236.03 382.31 40.58 178.87 795.51 2.00 1,471.57 1.08 35.70 1,242.51 1,300.42 1,075.88 Southeastern Express Co. $11,082 170,594 13,097 779,629 40,672 4.796 88,428 25,189 68,527 59 2,140 15,032 1,037,569 1,219,245 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Cars: Number.. Inventory value. Horses: Total equipment, inventory value.. Number. Inventory value. Automobiles: Gasoline- Number. Inventory value. Electric- Number.. Inventory value. Sleighs- • Wagons and sleighs: Wagons, double- Number... Inventory value. Wagons, single- Number. Inventory value. ... SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued INVENTORY VALUE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED Number.. Inventory value. Buggies- Number. Inventory value Trucks: Harness equipment: Office safes: ·· •• • Inventory value.. Office furniture and equipment: Inventory value.. Number... Inventory value.. Stable equipment: Garage equipment: I. Number.... Inventory value. Inventory value.. Inventory value.. Line equipment: Safes, car- Number... Inventory value. II. Safes, messenger- III. Trunks, packing- Number.... Inventory value. Other line equipment- Inventory value. Shop equipment: • Number... Inventory value. Inventory value.. Miscellaneous equipment: Inventory value. • Transportation: • Express, domestic. Express, foreign. Miscellaneous. Includes $395,631, inventory value of 357 automobile trailers. Includes $993,483, inventory value of 1,906 automobile batteries. Includes $53,294, inventory value of 425 truck batteries. ·· • .. Item • • • Account Total transportation. Contract payments: Express privileges-Dr.. Revenue from transportation. Operations other than transportation: Customs brokerage fees.. Order and commission. Rents of buildings and other property. Money orders.. 0.0.D. checks. .. Travelers' cheques. Telegraph and cable transfers. Letters of credit.. Foreign postal remittances. Profit on exchange and other financial revenue. Miscellaneous. • • .. Total other than transportation. Total operating revenues. Total 1/ $12,920,986 250 $384,943 7,455 $440,183 5,191 $4,963,949 1,680 2/ $2,696,338 52371,1375979323 $524 3,300 $113,662 1,433 $23,949 22 $348 $69,379 $1,347,117 18,204 $260,580 66,049 3/ $924,905 $9,539 $338,116 2,572 $116,391 8,808 $31,359 11,367 $67,486 $49,330 $114,470 $48,640 ANALYSIS OF OPERATING REVENUES Total $292,673,002 16,055 292,689,057 143,464,524 149,224,533 209,808 4,939 146,388 11,530 2,580,503 247 893,382 3,846,797 153,071,330 American Rail- way Express Co. 1/ $12,519,400 250 $384,943 7,387 $439,143 4,964 $4,688, 689 1,676 2/ $2,694,897 3,355 $517,240 3.183 $100,911 1,433 $23,949 22 $348 $66,406 $1,300,427 17,727 $241,098 64,162 3/ $898,547 $9,515 $336,566 2,462 $112,892 8,497 $30,507 10,754 $65,932 $48,649 $114,470 $48,640 American Rail- way Express Co. $284,502,315 10,386 284, 512, 701 139,493,535 145,019, 166 209,737 4,939 141,109 2,470,018 247 884,230 3,710,280 148,729,446 Southeastern Express Co. $401,586 68 $1,040 227 $275,260 4 $1,441 27 $7,431 117 $12,751 ::: $2,973 $46,690 477 $19,482 1,887 $26,358 $24 $1,550 110 $3,499 311 $852 613 $1,554 $681 0:0 Southeastern Express Co. $8,170,687 5,669 8,176,356 3,970,989 4,205,367 71 5,279 11,530 110,485 ·· 9,152 136,517 4,341,884 23 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 24 Operating income: SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued Charges for transportation. Express privileges--Dr... Total operating revenues. Operating expenses... Net operating revenue. Revenue from transportation. Revenue from operations other than transportation Operating income. Uncollectible revenue from transportation. Express taxes.. · ·· · • ·· Item • ·· Other income: Rent from real property and equipment used jointly. Miscellaneous rent income. Net income from miscellaneous physical property. Separately operated properties--profit. Dividend income. Income from funded securities. Income from unfunded securities and accounts. Income from sinking and other reserve funds. Release of premiums on funded debt. • Contributions from other companies. Miscellaneous income.. Total other income. Gross income.. Deductions from gross income: Rent for real property and equipment used jointly. Miscellaneous rents.. Miscellaneous taxes. Net loss on miscellaneous physical property Separately operated properties--1088 Interest on funded debt... Interest on unfunded debt... Amortization of discount on funded debt. Income transferred to other companies. Miscellaneous income debits.. · ·· • Total deductions from gross income. Net income. Disposition of net income: Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income.. Item Credit balance at beginning of year.. Credit balance transferred from income. • .. • Total appropriations. Balance transferred to profit and loss.... Profit on real property and equipment sold. Delayed income credits. Unrefundable overcharges. Miscellaneous credits. Total credits.... Debit balance at beginning of year.. Debit balance transferred from income. d Deficit or other reverse item, .. • Income appropriations for investment in physical property. Stock discount extinguished through income. Miscellaneous appropriations of income.. .. • · .. • ·· · Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of surplus.... Surplus set aside for investment in physical property. Stock discount extinguished through surplus. Debt discount extinguished through surplus. Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus. Loss on land sold.. Delayed income debits.... Miscellaneous debits. · Total debits.. Balance carried forward to credit of balance sheet. ... INCOME ACCOUNT • • Total • $292,689,057 143,464,524 149, 2829 149,224,533 3,846,797 153,071,330 149,655,231 3,416,099 19,298 2,284,842 1,111,959 123 272,084 395,000 564,422 1,231,629 2,343,588 1,066 20,066 26,028 47,160 2,296,428 2,148,520 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 2,148,520 147,908 Total $3,322,582 147,908 ₫ 15.264 2,547 19,925 3,477,698 16,725 16,725 3,460,973 American Rail- way Express Co. $284,512,701 139,493,535 145,019,166 3,710,280 148,729,446 145,466,762 3,262,684 16,146 2,196,842 1,049,696 123 272,084 395,000 536,940 1,204,147 2,253,843 1,066 20,066 26,028 47,160 2,206,683 2,078,520 2,078,520 128,163 American Rail- way Express Co. $3,214,870 128,163 ₫ 15,264 2,380 19,925 3,350,074 16,725 16,725 3,333,349 Southeastern Express Co. $8,176,356 3,970,989 4,205,367 136,517 4,341,884 4,188,469 153,415 3,152 88,000 62,263 27,482 27,482 89,745 89,745 70,000 70,000 19,745 Southeastern Express Co. $107,712 19,745 167 127,624 127,624 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS I. II. III. IV. Total operating expenses.. Maintenance: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Traffic: 33. 34. 35. 36. 41. SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued 42. 43. Superintendence--maintenance. Buildings and appurtenances-repairs.. Buildings and appurtenances--depreciation. Buildings and appurtenances-retirements. Cars--repairs.. Cars-depreciation. Cars-retirements... Horses-depreciation Horses-retirements. Automobiles--repairs. Automobiles--depreciation. Automobiles--retirements. General: 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. Other expenses.. Transportation: 37. 38. 39. 40. Total. Wagons and sleighs--repairs. Wagons and sleighs-depreciation. Wagons and sleighs--retirements. Harness equipment-repairs. Harness equipment-depreciation and retirements • Office furniture and equipment-repairs.. 19. Office furniture and equipment-depreciation and retirements. 20. Office safes--repairs. 21. Office safes--depreciation and retirements. 22. 23. 24. • * • Total.. • • • • • • • Total.. • Trucks--repairs... Trucks--depreciation and retirements. • • Superintendence--traffic.. ... Advertising.. Stationery and printing. Other expenses.. ·· • Total.. · 25. Line equipment-repairs.... 26. 27. Line equipment--depreciation and retirements. 28. Shop equipment-repairs... 29. Shop equipment--depreciation and retirements 30. 31. 32. · ·· ·· Account • 44. 45. 46. Train employees. • 47. Train supplies and expenses 48. Stationery and printing. 49. Loss and damage. 50. 51. Damage to property. Injuries to persons. Other expenses.. 52. ·· Superintendence--transportation. Office employees. Commissions.... Office supplies and expenses. Rent of local offices. • • Stable and garage equipment--repairs. Stable and garage equipment--depreciation and retirements. ... Insurance. Fidelity bond premiums Pensions.. Stationery and printing. Valuation expenses. Other expenses, • ·· • • Miscellaneous equipment--repairs... Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation and retirements. • • Vehicle employees.. Stable and garage employees. • · Stable and garage supplies and expenses Drayage.... • ·· • • • • • • ❤ • · ·· • • ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. ANALYSIS OF OPERATING EXPENSES .. • · · • · • · .. Salaries and expenses of general officers.. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. General office supplies and expenses.. Law expenses. •• • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • Total $149,655, 231 325,563 275,558 371,827 9,740 149,542 63,607 874 34,295 3,590,015 1,660,783 ₫ 77.383 482,955 107,530 38,266 119,098 9,944 143,167 194,836 10,224 26,032 580,913 166,237 22,862 43,258 35,870 44,685 11,500 16,098 708 347 31 8,531,982 243,911 27,026 69,792 98 340,827 6,318,637 52,644,082 10,282,784 2,881,470 4,667,011 26,020,773 2,183,018 5,262,408 1,891,719 11,519,900 1,131,209 143,955 +,832,939 143.323 743,036 58,861 132,725,125 428,154 5,281,320 480,881 395,294 413,588 37,010 815,337 132,462 73,251 8,057,297 American Rail- way Express Co. $145,466, 762 325,563 265,120 359,282 9,740 149,542 63,607 71,359 34,139 3,515,210 1,578,313 d 77.563 480,102 104,371 31,022 118,385 9,441 140,607 181,074 9,910 25,026 565,906 159,393 22,862 43,062 35,174 43,184 11,500 16,098 708 347 31 8,292,515 183,317 22,735 57,648 63 263,763 6,186,764 51,463,397 9,801,786 2,822,066 4,522,861 25,575,724 2,150,774 5,120,966 1,742,865 10,953,603 1,117,339 2,043,113 4,700,628 142,661 727,800 58,196 129,130,543 394,782 5,136,976 470,952 374,170 369,058 24,222 815,337 121,888 72,556 7,779,941 25 Southeastern Express Co. $4,188,469 10,438 12,545 2,515 156 74,805 82,470 180 2,853 3,159 7,244 713 503 2,560 13,762 314 1,006 15,007 6,844 156 196 696 1,501 239,467 60,594 4,291 12,144 35 77,064 131,873 1,180,685 480,998 59,404 144,150 445,049 32,244 141,442 148,854 566,297 13,870 100,842 132,311 662 15,236 665 3,594,582 33,372 144,344 9.929 21,124 44,530 12,788 10,574 695 277,356 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 26 Investment: Real property and equipment. Sinking fund... Deferred assets.... Unadjusted debits: SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 Concluded Total current assets.. • • Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies Other investments.. Total investment.. Stock: .. Discount on capital stock.. Discount on funded debt... Other unadjusted debits.. Current assets: • · Cash... Special deposits.. Loans and notes receivable. Miscellaneous accounts receivable Material and supplies.. Other current assets. Total unadjusted debits. Grand total.. Capital stock... Premium on capital stock.. Total stock liabilities. Advertising….. Class of employee's • Superintendence--Maintenance. Superintendence--Traffic. ··· • · Vehicle employees. Stable and garage; employees. Train employees. Superintendence--Transportation. Agents, clerks and solicitors. Platform and house men.... Funded debt unmatured.. Current liabilities: Loans and notes payable. Audited accounts and wages unpaid Miscellaneous accounts payable. Express privilege liabilities.. Other current liabilities. • • Total current liabilities. Deferred liabilities. Unadjusted credits: Premium on funded debt... Operating and insurance reserves Accrued depreciation... Other unadjusted credits.. Total unadjusted credits... • · · • ASSETS • · ... ·· · Item • • LIABILITIES Corporate surplus: Additions to property through income and surplus. Reserves from income and surplus. Total appropriated surplus. Profit and loss balance. Total corporate surplus. General office clerks and attendants. Law department officers and clerks. Shop employees. Other employees.......... .. • → • Claim agents, special agents, and clerks General officers..... · ·· • • • • • • • C ... Number on Dec.31 • 108 63 Number of days worked 2,153 32,847 20,173 669,620 15,690 4,862,999 16,531 | 4,735,920 15,039 4,746, 732 1,287 423,903 7,023 2,657,048 332 109,208 41 12,546 2,959 930,343 43 13,133 1,092 343,705 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT Total Yearly compensation O ·· O Total (including general officers)...62,361 19,558,177 109,003,412 Total (excluding general officers)...62,320 19,545,631 108,598,062 • Average daily compen- sation $291,104 $8.86 183,276 9.09 Total $46,850,746 5.57 5.56 9,475,777 56,326,523 20,332,726 13,405 2,002,265 873,811 1,198,920 8,126,414 32,547,541 356,830 1,956,360 1,956,360 91,187,254 EMPLOYEES, SERVICE, AND COMPENSATION 35,642,000 35,642,000 5,394,936 2,146,605 16,630,039 2,025,953 26,197,533 838,129 4,782,140 20,253,608 12,871 25,048, 619 3,460,973 3,460,973 108 32,847 43 14,053 5,431,326 8.11 2,120 658,892 27,762,712 5.71 15,225 4,735,949 24,152,777 5.10 15,941 4,582, 582,554 25,994,309 5. 5.48 14,719 4,657,728 2,372,757 5.60 1,267 417,833 14,174,488 5.33 6,727 2,548,515 702,349 6.43 318 105,803 405,350 38 11,628 5,197,059 2,860 901,641 167,965 40 12,215 2,167,940 1,092 343,705 32.31 5.59 12.79 6.31 Number on Dec.31 American Rail- way Express Co. $45,631,501 9,475,777 55,107,278 18,873,927 13,223 2,002,265 836,517 1,183,894 8,042,749 30,952,575 356,830 1,901, 748 1,901,748 88,318,431 34,642,000 34,642,000 5,158,892 1,935,4 16,174,932 1,943,655 25,212,913 838,129 4,728,455 19,559,058 4,527 24,292,040 American Railway Express Co. Number of days worked 3,333,349 3,333,349 Average Yearly daily compensation | compen- sation $291,104 $8.86 141,547 10.07 ... 8.10 5,334,589 27,104,654 5.73 23,630,151 5.16 25,549,259 5.49 2,340,513 5.60 13,608,191 5.34 682,477 6.45 374,450 32.20 5,052,739 148,507 2,167,940 5.60 12.16 6.31 60,498 19,023,363 106,426,121 60,460 19,011,735 106,051,671 5.59 5.58 Southeastern Express Co. $1,219,245 1,219,245 1,458,799 182 37,294 15,026 83,665 1,594,966 54,612 54,612 2,868,823 1,000,000 1,000,000 236,044 211,171 455,107 82,298 984,620 53,685 694,550 8,344 756,579 127,624 127,624 Number on Southeastern Express Co. Number of Yearly days compensation Dec.31 worked P .. 33 10,728 465 127,050 590 153,366 320 89,004 20 6,070 296 108,533 14 3,405 3 918 99 28,702 918 20 6,120 $41,729 $6.82 1,863 534,814 1,860 533,896 Average daily compen- dation 96,737 658,058 522,626 445,050 9.02 5.18 3.41 5.00 32,244 5.31 566,297 5.22 19,872 5.84 30,900 33.66 144,320 5.03 19,458 21.20 2,577,291 4.82 2,546,391 4.77 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 4—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 Average mileage (single track) over which operations were conducted (miles).. GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investment in sleeping car property. Miscellaneous physical property. Other investments... Cash... Net balance receivable from receiving cashiers and ticket agents. Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Material and supplies. Other current assets.. Deferred assets.. Unadjusted debits. Total... • Capital stock….. Premium on capital stock.. Wages payable... ·· • Miscellaneous accounts payable. Dividends matured unpaid. Unmatured dividends declared. Other current liabilities. Deferred liabilities.. Operating reserves... Accrued depreciation. • • • Other unadjusted credits Miscellaneous fund reserves.. • O • Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. Profit and loss-balance. Total corporate surplus. • • Operating income. • • • • • • • ·· ·· ... Fotal nonoperating income. Gross income.. Sleeping car operating revenues.... Revenues from auxiliary operations. Total revenues. 8leeping car operating expenses. Expenses of auxiliary operations. Total operating expenses. Net revenues. 8leeping car tax accruals.. Auxiliary operations--Tax accruals. Total taxes....... • ·· • • • • • • • Rent from cars.. Dividends received. Income from funded securities. Income from unfunded securities and accounts. Income from sinking and other reserve funds. Miscellaneous income.. ... [ Total debits during year.. Net increase during year.. Balance at beginning of year. Balance at end of year. Rent for cars. Miscellaneous tax accruals. Interest on unfunded debt. Miscellaneous income charges. Total deductions from gross income. Net income. • • # • • • .. • • • Credit balance transferred from income. Unrefundable overcharges. Miscellaneous credits. • · Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income.. Miscellaneous appropriations of income. Total appropriations............. Income balance transferred to profit and loss... ... • · O • • • Total credits during year. Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of surplus. Loss on retired equipment.. Uncollectible sleeping car revenues, Miscellaneous debits... · • • • • • • · • • • • • • • · • • INCOME ACCOUNT · PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT d Deficit or other reverse item. • • • 27 123,334.25 $226,230,212 7,270 38,816,099 5,678,924 1,718,071 4,243,706 4,568,437 515,318 4,586,878 39,322,406 325,687,321 135,000,000 9.398 1,480,742 2,797,890 d 31,010 1,350,000 1,208,525 3,853,376 60,000 98,948,505 54,029,333 746,856 6,000,000 20,171,686 26,918,542 80,952,208 1,298,732 82,250,940 66,502,582 1,138,084 67,640,666 14,610,274 4,214,989 35,188 4,250,177 10,360,097 196 20,360,556 1,174,903 292,309 174,349 22,001,921 32,362,018 2,151 112,022 71,472 900 186,545 32,175,473 172,139 9,682,115 500,000 10,354,254 21,821,219 21,821,219 19,318 442,014 22, 282,551 36,777,658 168,302 3.794 59.606 36,672,756 d 14,390, 205 34,561,891 20,171,686 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 28 SUMMARY NO. 4—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 Berth revenue. Seat revenue. ·· Charter of cars. • Miscellaneous revenue. Car mileage revenue. Association and contract revenue--Dr. Total operating revenues. Maintenance. Conducting car operations General expenses.. ... • Total operating expenses. Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent). Porters and maids. Train stenographers Car cleaners.... Laundry employees General expenses: • • General officers and staff (superintendence). District superintendents, agents, and staff. Conductors. Auxiliary operations: ·· Maintenance: Mechanics, electricians, seamstresses, repairmen, carpenters, shop employees, etc. Conducting car operations: • • General officers. • Olerks and attendante. • • Parlor cars.. • · Dining cars. Composite cars.. Private cars.... Miscellaneous cars. Total.. D Commissary (superintendence). Agents and staff, conductors, waiters, cooks, etc. Total (including general officers). Standard sleeping cars. Tourist sleeping cars... Total number of revenue passengers--berth. Total number of revenue passengers--seat. Average revenue per passenger--berth. Average revenue per passenger--seat. Total number of car-miles. Total number of car-days.. • .. Average number of revenue passengers per car per day Operating revenues per car-mile (cents). Operating revenues per car-day. Operating expenses per car-mile (cents). Operating expenses per car-day.. Net operating revenue per car-mile (cents) Net operating revenue per car-day.. Average number of car-miles per car-day • .. ·· Class • ·· ·· ·· ... OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES OPERATING STATISTICS EQUIPMENT IN SERVICE ON DEC. 31, 1927 1/ Does not include 22 cars leased or otherwise acquired.. O Number on Dec. 31 5,426 230 1,564 2,670 10,794 18 5,151 355 41 949 32 129 27,359 $76,782,999 10,206, 218 1,680,873 158,114 1,030,448 8,906,444 80,952, 208 28,433,978 34,847,722 3,220,882 66,502,582 82.15 Average daily compen- sation $4.63 6.26 4.24 5.88 2.69 5.76 3.41 2.74 29.20 4.22 4.92 3.19 3.73 22,042,093 13,155,085 $3.48 $0.78 1,140,476,049 3,171,330 11 7.098 $25.52626 5.831 $20.96993 1.267 $4.55633 359.62 7,276 306 1,121 19 265 23 1/ 9,017 ار . " .. · HE 2768 Iz INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION BUREAU OF STATISTICS A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1927 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1928 THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION JOHNSTON B. CAMPBELL, Chairman BALTHASAR H. MEYER CLYDE B. AITCHISON JOSEPH B. EASTMAN ERNEST I. LEWIS FRANK MCMANAMY THOMAS F. WOODLOCK RICHARD V. TAYLOR EZRA BRAINERD, Jr. CLAUDE R. PORTER PATRICK J. FARRELL } GEORGE B. McGINTY, Secretary • t Gift 3. Interstate Commerce Commission 8-8-1930 CONTENT S. Introductory statement...... Summary No. 1--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I steam railways (not including switching and terminal companies) for the year ended December 31, 1927. Summary No. 2--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I switching and terminal companies for the year ended December 31, 1927.. Summary No. 3--Abstract of reports rendered by express compa- nies for the year ended December 31, 1927... Summary No. 4--Abstract of report rendered by The Pullman Com- pany for the year ended December 31, 1927.. Page 4 5 542 22 15 27 3 E : : ! + ་་ A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 This preliminary abstract for the calendar year 1927 is compiled from the annual reports of the classes of carriers designated. It differs from the Preliminary Statement of Capitalization and Income for the same year in that the latter is confined to a small number of items compiled for individual carriers, and in summary form, from a special report returned by them in advance of their annual report. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT. The present abstract contains summaries by districts and is intended primarily to make available as promptly as possible certain totals not obtainable from the monthly or special reports of carriers. The totals are subject to change after corrections in the annual reports have been authorized. The final totals will appear in the Statistics of Railways for 1927. It may be noted that only steam railways, express companies, and The Pullman Company are covered in this abstract. Separate mimeographed statements are issued annually for pipe line companies, telegraph and cable companies, carriers by water, tele- phone companies, and electric railways. Because a separate annual publication of freight commodity statistics for the year 1927 has been issued in full detail for the 70 classes of commodities, only group totals of commodities carried are shown in this preliminary abstract. It should be expecially observed that the balance sheet items relate to operating companies only and do not cover the balance sheets of lessor companies the property of which is operated by Class I steam railways, that is, railways having annual operating revenues above $1,000,000. The following table shows the investment in road and equipment of the operating, lessor and proprietary companies at the end of the year 1927: Investment in Road and Equipment of Steam Railways, as of December 31, 1927 (Accounts 701 and 702) Class I.... Lessors to Class I. Proprietary Companies. Total... Class II.... WASHINGTON, June 12, 1928. Lessors to Class II. Proprietary Companies Total.. Class III……. Lessors to Class III. Proprietary Companies. Total.. Grand total... • · $18,990,686,638 3,904,816, 691 902, 765,693 23,798, 269,022 544,665,717 13,608,555 2,326,861 560,601,133 corresponding total for $24, 46 This total of $24,463,367,010 represents an increase of $592,242,290 over the corresponding total for 1926. Before computing this increase, the investment of the Toledo, Peoria & Western Ry. Co. was eliminated from the 1926 total as that railway could not be included in the present abstract on account of delay in filing its annual report because of reorganization proceedings. 99,104,428 5, 296,809 95,618 104,496,855 24,463,367,010 * 4 4 D No. 1 2345678 9 222 22 Investment in road and equipment. Improvements on leased railway property. 48inking funds.. .. Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold. 6 Miscellaneous physical property.... Investments in affiliated companies. Other investments... 23 24 10 | Cash.. 11 Demand loans and deposits 12 Time drafts and deposits. 13 14 15 16 Material and supplies. 17 Other current assets.. 18 19 Deferred assets.. STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 (Does not include lessor companies) Total number of stockholders ☺ YE EFFE .. 49 Total investments.. 51 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET NMAA A K 56 20 Discount on capital stock.. Discount on funded debt.. Other unadjusted debits... 21 58 Special deposits...... Loans and bills receivable.. ·· • ... Total current assets. • Miscellaneous accounts receivable Investments Current Assets 39 Premium on funded debt. 40 | Operating reserves. 41 | Accrued depreciation... 42 43 • Total unadjusted debits. Grand total. • 25 | Capital stock. 26 8tock liability for conversion. 27 Premium on capital stock. 28 Total stock. 29 Grants in aid of construction.. • • .. Item Unadjusted Debits 30 Funded debt unmatured.. 31 Receiver's certificates. 32 Tonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies 33 Total long-term debt...... .. 34 Loans and bills payable. 35 Miscellaneous accounts payable Other current liabilities.. 36 37 38 | Deferred liabilities.. ► • • • • * • £ Other unadjusted credits.. • • Long-Term Debt Current Liabilities Total current liabilities. Stock Profit and loss-balance.. · • • • Unadjusted Credits Total unadjusted credits... Corporate Surplus 44 | Additions to property through income and surplus. Funded debt retired through income and surplus 46 Binking fund reserves.. Total corporate surplus. Miscellaneous fund reserves... 48 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. • ► Total appropriated surplus. • INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT 52. Expenditures for new lines and extensions.. 53 Expenditures for additions and betterments. Credits for property retired.. 55 Adjustments... Net charges during year..... • · • • 57 Stocks actually issued during year-par value………… Funded debt actually issued during year--par value. D Total, all districts 756,960 $18,536,645,951 454,040,687 2,523,911 12,267,641 159,094,455 4,694,731,438 890,991,325 24,750,295,408 495,733,707 92,214,675 43,401,401 95,011,857 47,634,293 213,131,097 523,520, 208 204,779,904 1,715,427,142 194,997,162 15,540,078 81,424,342 209,128,146 306,092,566 26,966,812,278 7,831,276,828 1,510,276 48,093,812 7,880,880,916 7,138,864 10,512,369,510 395,373 425,937,382 10,942,702, 265 62,676,812 110,570,895 1,135,266,940 1,308,514,647 123,278,130 1,182,835 67,662 1,753,894,491 688,142,821 2,443,287,809 859,192,285 82,611,715 40,030,103 55,463,102 60,103,769 1,097,400,974 3,163,608,673 4,261,009,647 65,271,246 693,700, 344 191,251,951 42,922,379 610,642,018 299,095,718 572,996,212 Eastern district 340,534 $6,670,696,985 369,348,672 1,169,417 4,034,377 77,511, 710 1,857,387,651 483,209,173 9,463,357,985 218,620,964 22,842,988 3,513,787 17,200,751 9,066,821 74,273,952 207,902,768 94,317,594 647,739,625 101,199,535 462,795 25,172,791 76,679,470 102,315,056 10,314,612, 201 3,004,862,113 370,336 36,631,586 3,041,864,035 1,196,503 3,869,569,187 1,658,510 115,849,827 3,987,077,524 21,192,885 27,863,777 447,488,992 496,545,654 68,411,349 226,071 67,662 787,951,730 297,294,123 1,085,539,586 479,141, 285 14,659,288 29,324,909 49,198,847 512,528 572,836,857 1,061,140,693 1,633,977,550 45,114,323 305,986,955 91,439,394 d 3.709.535 255,952,349 207,185,617 156,760, 275 Southern district 79,033 $3,442,162,226 58,854,140 866,065 1,043,260 22,246,705 575,481, 200 90,169,002 4,190,822,598 89,195,822 4,916,876 21,742,683 21,909,890 24,700,452 35,242,423 96,607,802 37,106,403 331,422,351 33,835,250 38,100 15,927,315 30,187,211 46,152,626 4,602,232,825 1/ 1,192,602,164 4,998,340 1,197,600,504 1,580,511 1,942,499,928 11,859,422 1,954,359,350 1,491,457 14,672,054 147,832,177 163,995,688 28,733,352 102,525 322,727,054 91,908,931 414,738,510 120,473,910 1,026,258 4,436,478 2,250,159 1,510,024 129,696,829 711,528,081 841,224,910 3,803,078 123,818,796 27,343,957 d 1.498,635 98,779,282 3/50,386,070 77,507,000 Western district 55 337,393 $8,423,786,740 25,837,875 488,429 7,190,004 59,336,040 2,261,862,587 317,613,150 11,096,114,825 187,916,921 64,454,811 18,144,931 55,901,216 13,867,020 103,614,722 219,009,648 73,355,907 736,265,166 59,962,377 15,039,183 40,324,236 102,261,465 157,624,884 12,049,967,252 2/3,633,812,551 1,139,940 6,463,886 3,641,416,377 4,361,850 4,700,326,258 2,711,000 298,228,133 5,001,265,391 39,992,470 68,035,064 539,945,771 647,973,305 26,133,429 854,239 643,215,707 298,939,767 943,009,713 259,577,090 66,926,169 6,268,716 4,014,096 58,081,217 394,867,288 1,390,939,899 1,785,807,187 16,353,845 263,894,593 72,468,600 48,130,549 255,910,387 4/41,524,031 338,728,937 Deficit or other reverse item. Includes $8,416, 270, consideration received for 250,000 shares of stock without par value; in addition 60,000 shares of stock without par value are outstanding for which no book value is reported. Includes $145,503,225, consideration received for 1,221,520 shares of stock without par valus. Includes $8,416,270, consideration received for 250,000 shares of stock without par value. Includes $5,110,036, consideration received for 50,000 shares of stock without par value. STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. M4 LOLO 780 동 ​1 Railway operating revenues. 2 Railway operating expenses. Net revenue from railway operations Railway tax accruals: United States Government taxes... Other than United States Government taxes. Total railway tax accruals... Uncollectible railway revenues. Railway operating Income.... a od 2m 160 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Domnum immi 35 Miscellaneous operating income. Total operating income... 16 Net railway operating income. 17 Hire of freight cars--credit balance. 18 Rent from locomotives. yerofon 2 M ALON 19 Rent from passenger-train cars.. 20 Rent from floating equipment.. 21 Rent from work equipment. 22 23 Joint facility rent income. Income from lease of road.. Miscellaneous rent income.. 24 25 Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property 26 Separately operated properties-profit 27 | Dividend income... 28 52 53 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Income from funded securities. 31 29 Income from unfunded securities and accounts. 30 Income from sinking and other reserve funds. Release of premiums on funded debt... Contributions from other companies. 33 Miscellaneous income.... 34 Total nonoperating income. Gross income.. I 200000 37 Rent for locomotives... 38 Rent for passenger-train cars. 39 Rent for floating equipment. 40 Rent for work equipment. Joint facility rents... 41 42 43 44 62 63 64 36 Hire of freight cars--debit balance.. 65 66 INCOME ACCOUNT 67 Revenues from miscellaneous operations.. Expenses of miscellaneous operations....... 68 69 70 Net revenue from miscellaneous operations Taxes on miscellaneous operating property.. 71 72 ·· OD 2 DOG. · • · 45 Separately operated properties--loss.. 46 Interest on funded debt. 47 Interest on unfunded debt.. 48 • 77 78 79 ·· Item Rent for leased roads.. Miscellaneous rents.... Miscellaneous tax accruals • • Amortization of discount on funded debt. Maintenance of investment organization.. 50 Income transferred to other companies. 51 Miscellaneous income charges. Total deductions from gross income. Net income. • • •• .. • • • 61 Credit balance transferred from income. Profit on road and equipment sold. Delayed income credits. Unrefundable overcharges Donations. Miscellaneous credits.. • • ·· ••• Income appropriated for investment in physical property 57 Stock discount extinguished through income. 58 | Miscellaneous appropriations of income. 59 60 • • • • ... • .. Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income.. Total debits during year. Net increase during year. Balance at beginning of year.. Balance at end of year. • Total appropriations of income.. Income balance transferred to profit and loss.. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT ·· ·· • • • • Total credits during year. Debit balance transferred from income.. Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend; appropriations of surplus.. Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property. 73 Stock discount extinguished through surplus. Debt discount extinguished through surplus. 74 Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus. Loss on retired road and equipment. 725 76 | Delayed income debits. Miscellaneous debits... ·· • ·· · • · ·· • • 80 81 82 Dividends declared during year.. 83 Par value on which declared--common. 84 Par value on which declared--preferred. 85 Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent • .. · • • • · • • • • • Total, all districts $6,134,537,524 4,572,632,285 1,561,905,239 84,592,969 291,497,281 376,090,250 1,491,544 1,184,323,445 3,188,934 2,948, 244 240,690 166,032 74,658 1,184,398,103 1,067,915,340 21,499,752 13,359,896 15,865,007 369,060 3,429,526 44,315,839 5,360,579 22,551,181 4,132,499 4,183,217 156,612,853 74,882,240 34,586,233 4,219,966 94,356 2,408, 206 2,020,322 409,890,732 1,594,288,835 108,218,992 11, 746, 241 18,546,594 2,394,804 1,835,275 72,505,279 170,233,956 6,438,518 3,888,802 1,119,733 496,406,755 15,254,806 3,917,730 21,112 4,973,834 3,831,222 921,333,653 672,955, 182 8,753,318 240,282,406 4,993,553 1,562,095 255,591,372 417,363,810 447,496,702 8,549,467 3,423,151 1,465,349 2,517,984 84,571,906 548,024,559 30,132,892 627,569 257,651,335 4,717,280 19,317,400 23,475,494 1,066,732 28,313,484 13,909,182 51,078,372 430,289,740 117,734,819 3,079,877,546 3,197,612,365 497,933,741 4,339,000,325 1,272,862,300 8.87 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $2,758,469,344 2,096,757,099 661,712, 245 36,580,352 115,809,752 152,390,104 575,269 508,746,872 1,263,003 1,069,610 193,393 78,263 115,130 508,862,002 450,275,835 9,658,481 464,749 5,845,396 275,516 ❤ 1,072,642 23,386,528 2,504,828 12,920,968 1,893,314 2,629,315 74,455,610 27,027,678 17,171,539 3,625,869 33,670 2,408, 206 1,218,694 190,593,003 699,455,005 51,297,462 4,698,804 7,527,690 2,241,767 845,881 36,562,745 99,360,652 4,446,352 2,567,862 778,943 188,599,789 7,470,789 1,393,998 13,917 4,912, 791 2,090, 349 414,809,791 284,645, 214 6,709,172 111,109,635 3,900,680 1,563,178 123,282,665 161,362,549 166,667,557 6,780,751 543,346 163,104 73,878,703 248,033,461 5,305,008 37,857 139,747,685 972,228 19,317,400 6,335,867 64,889 13,499,749 12,840,025 30,462,020 228,582,728 19,450,733 1,041,689,960 1,061,140,693 250,857,320 1,778,872,419 379,250,450 11.62 Southern district $1,090,867,304 798,113,043 292,754, 261 19,038,884 53,423,922 72,462,806 307,790 219,983,665 1,877,841 1,863,801 14,040 14,040 219,983,665 217,771,276 8,819,059 2,357,568 3,495,920 6,537 837,474 5,995,808 479,041 2,121,153 d 718,177 1,500,000 14,129,722 10,856,076 6,443,404 274,587 113,198 58,147,724 278,131,389 9,246,895 1,761,316 3,950,411 110,953 350,522 8,304,658 15,989,913 646,464 141,957 59,415 91,089,348 740,236 951,137 951 4,666 532,633 133,880,524 144,250,865 642,253 10,533,112 742,624 1.083 11,916,906 132,333,959 135,681, 790 308,964 3,145,523 494,289 841,367 1,817,781 142,289,714 3,347,831 581,388 67,934,552 864,278 7,499,717 2,866,348 108,921 1,687,678 84,890, 713 57,399,001 654,129,080 711,528,081 78,467,664 825,004,900 175,281,250 7.84 Western district $2,285,200,876- 1,677,762,143 607,438,733 28,973,733. 122,263,607 151,237,340 608,485 455,592,908 48,090 14,833 33,257 73,729 d 40.472 455,552,436 399,868,229 3,022,212 6,537,579 6,523,691 87,007 1,519,410 14,933,503 2,376,710 7,509,060 1,521,008 53,902 68,027,521 36,998,486 10,971, 290 319,510 60,686 688,430 161,150,005 616,702,441 47,674,635 5,286,121 7,068,493 42,084 638,872 27,637,876 54,883,391 1,345,702 1,178,983 281,375 216,717,618 7,043,781 1,572,595 2,529 61,043 1,208, 240 372,643,338 244,059,103 1,401,893 118,639,659 350,249 120,391,801 123,667,302 145,147,355 1,459,752 277,628 427,714 1,513,513 8,875,422 157,701,384 21,480,053 8,324 49,969,098 2,880,774 9,639,910 1,001,843 11,947,387 960,236 18,928,674 116,816,299 40,885,085 1,384,058,506 1,424,943,591 168,608,757 1,735,123,006 718,330,600 6.87 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. HUMAINONTON A 1 Freight. 2 6 7 10 11 5 Parlor and chair car 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 Milk.. 27 28 31 32 Passenger. • Excess baggage. Sleeping car.. 37 38 39 40 Mail... 18 Freight. 19 20 21 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Express.. ... RANDAL Other passenger-train. · Switching. Special service train. Other freight-train.. Water transfers-freight. Water transfers--passenger. 22 23 Express. 24 Special service. 25 Other.. 26 72 73 74 • Passenger. ... • Water transfers--vehicles and live stock. Water transfers-other..... 79 80 81 82 Total rail-line transportation revenue. 29 30 Parcel room.. • • • • D · • Excess baggage. Other passenger service. Mail... 35 Grain elevator.. 36 • • Dining and buffet.. Hotel and restaurant. Stockyard. Power... Total water-line transportation revenue. ▼ • C Storage--freight Storage--baggage. · • • RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES • 33 Demurrage.. 34 Telegraph and telephone. • • • Station, train, and boat privileges • • 41 Joint facility--Cr.. 42 Joint facility--Dr... 43 44 • • • • ·· • 45 Superintendence.. ❤ 46 Roadway maintenance--yard. ••• • • · 個 ​47 Roadway maintenance--other.. 48 Rents of buildings and other property Miscellaneous. Total incidental operating revenue. Roadway--depreciation--yard. 49 Roadway--depreciation--other. Item 50 Underground power tubes--yard. • • • 51 Underground power tubes-other. Total joint facility operating revenue.. Total railway operating revenues... RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures • 52 Underground power tubes--depreciation-yard. Underground power tubes--depreciation--other Tunnels and subways-yard. 55 Tunnels and subways-other ·· 56 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard. 57 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other. 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverts-yard. 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other. 60 .. • . • • 4. • Rails--depreciation--yard. Rails--depreciation--other. 63 Elevated structures--other.. 64 Elevated structures--depreciation-yard. 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other 66 Ties--yard.. 67 Ties-other... 68 | Ties--depreciation--yard. 69 Ties-depreciation--other. 70 | Rails-yard. 71 Rails--other. • • · • Other track material--yard….. Other track material--other. Bridges, trestles; and culverts-depreciation--yard. 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts-depreciation-other. 62 Elevated structures--yard... • • Ballast--depreciation--yard.. Ballast-depreciation-other.. Track laying and surfacing-yard. Track laying and surfacing--other. • · ·· · • • • • 75 76 Other track material-depreciation--yard. 77 Other track material--depreciation--other. 78 Ballast--yard………. Ballast--other.. • • • • • • • 83 84 | Right-of-way fences--yard.. Right-of-way fences--other. 86 | Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard. 87 | Right-of-way fences--depreciation-other. · • • • • • · • • • • • Total, all districts $4,630,713,035 974,893,366 6, 506, 582 1,532,122 1,227,842 95,930,909 143,340,922 16,491,499 36,966,863 63,598,798 2,190,839 427,481 1,209,162 2,349,198 7,093,847 1,384,549 5,985,857,014 11,195,846 1,226, 773 2,794 19,552 12,917 21,011 1,215,176 620,339 14,314,408 33,804,372 7,776,651 7.325,451 1,413,759 4,079,627 678,529 18,454,112 2,572,254 1,190,819 710,915 7,225,542 8,572,903 30,971,681 124,776,615 14,078, 204 4,488,717 9,589,487 6,134,537,524 57,673,838 8,974,168 80,598,677 18,756 59,718 40,157 2,424,655 3,990 1,380 1,666,227 39,909,583 29,257 1,364,664 173,513 52,478 14,016, 730 102,787,683 281,301 2,345,171 3,670,943 46,091,415 81,282 1,142,769 8,524,266 42,020,022 197,644 952,893 573,971 19,450,847 3,010 411,435 24,457,798 193,533, 759 74,618 5,018,793 451 12,005 Eastern district $2,008,136,078 502,364,539 2,479,837 293,949 473,982 67,137,390 6,585,796 26,411,342 28,750, 731 802,774 228,425 884,890 1,717,503 5,064,855 1,120,062 2,688,452,153 1,487,799 685,427 1,011 4,971 12,636 17,305 8,323 1,117 2,218,589 15,293,535 2,377,827 4,806,007 1,050,269 2,096,198 324,418 10,497,955 559,105 1,106,112 12,259 6,851,179 5,923,990 12,986,200 63,885,054 5,552,888 1,639,340 3,913,548 2,758,469,344 22,658,404 4,512,327 29,239,048 264 540 39,113 841,922 3,990 145 874,020 13,168,246 22,144 693,145 172,495 51,137 6,726,179 35,912,099 3.632 23,422 1,991,422 19,299, 245 3,089 48,618 4,535,670 19,330,183 2,790 24,431 226,344 7,010,833 572 11,887 12,196,599 77,384,864 30,297 1,485,161 40 5,313 Southern district $871,910,286 147,282,145 1,029,067 15,897 156,104 16,624,272 21,633,261 1,915,802 1,436,334 8,282,797 511,019 14,695 53,028 56,896 13,332 218,742 1,071,153,677 5,292,520 691,388 714,985 110,326 913,267 69,023 3,115,467 105,550 2,301 4,889 188,861 821,360 6,074,037 18,103,974 2,048,709 439,056 1,609,653 1,090,867,304 10,677,844 1,279,101 16,781,943 804,534 127 9,542,449 1,610 531,252 2,275,261 19,718,615 260,816 2,247,279 489,799 9,272,912 57,825 964,190 1,038,743 5,906,348 179,393 890,906 59,051 5,706,016 1,937 393.3 3,333, 33,044,729 3,661 658,623 Western district 7 $1,750,666,671 325,246,682 2,997,678 1,516,225 777,789 42,832,655 54,570,271 7,989,901 9,119,187 26,565,270 877,046 184,361 271,244 574,799 2,015,660 45.745 2,226,251, 184 9,708,047 541,346 1,783 14,581 281 3,706 1,206,853 619,222 12,095,819 13, 218, 317 4,707,436 1,804,459 253,164 1,070,162 285,088 4,840,690 1,907,599 82,406 693,767 185,502 1,827,553 11,911,444 42,787,587 6,476,607 2,410,321 4,066,286 2,285,200,876 24,337,590 3,182, 740 34,577,686 18,492 59,178 1,044 778,199 1,23 664,489 17,198,888 5,503 140,267 1,018 1,341 5,015,290 47,156,969 16,853 74,470 1,189,722 17,519,258 20,368 129,961 2,949,853 16,783,491 15,461 37,556 288,576 6,733,998 501 6,174 8,927,732 83,104,166 40,660 2,875,009 411 6,692 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 10 No. 8 AAAAA ANMID 180 1 2 3 10 4 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds-depreciation--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--other. Crossings and signs--yard.. Crossings and signs-other. 7 Crossings and signs-depreciation-yard. Crossings and signs--depreciation--other. 98tation and office buildings.. Station and office buildings--depreciation. 11 Roadway buildings... ญ ญ ญ 17 15 12 13 Water stations. 14 Water stations-depreciation. 19 20 15 Fuel stations.. 16 26 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures-Concluded Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds-other.... Roadway buildings--depreciation Grain elevators-depreciation. 218torage warehouses.. 42 43 44 22 Storage warehouses--depreciation 23 Wharves and docks……. 24 Wharves and docks--depreciation 25 Coal and ore wharves.... Coal and ore wharves--depreciation.. 27 Gas producing plants... 28 29 Gas producing plants--depreciation. Telegraph and telephone lines.... 30 Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation. 50 51 Fuel stations--depreciation. Shops and enginehouses.. Shops and enginehouses--depreciation. Grain elevators.. 52 53 ..... · 48 49 Paving.... • 81 82 83 31 Signals and interlockers... 32 8ignals and interlockers--depreciation.. 33 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines. 34 • 37 Power substation buildings..... 38 Power substation buildings--depreciation 39 Power transmission systems.. 40 Power transmission systems--depreciation 41 Power distribution systems.. • Item Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation. Power plant buildings.. 35 36 Power plant buildings--depreciation. 65 Superintendence. 66 Shop machinery. ••• ... 45 Underground conduits... 46 Underground conduits--depreciation. 47 Insurance... Stationery and printing Paving--depreciation. Roadway machines.. Roadway machines--depreciation. Small tools and supplies. Removing snow, ice, and sand. ……. · • ❤ • ··· 67 Shop machinery--depreciation 68 Power plant machinery..... Miscellaneous structures.. Miscellaneous structures--depreciation. • Power distribution systems--depreciation Power line poles and fixtures.. Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation. • • Assessments for public improvements • • [ • ❤ 69 Power plant machinery-depreciation 70 Power substation apparatus.. 71 • • • • ● • • · 56 Injuries to persons. 57 58 59 Other expenses. 60 Total, above accounts.. 61 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 62 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr.. 63 Equalization--way and structures... 64 Total maintenance of way and structures. Maintenance of Equipment · Power substation apparatus--depreciation. 72 Steam locomotives--repairs.. 73 Steam locomotives--depreciation. 748team locomotives--retirements. 75 Other locomotives--repairs.... 76 Other locomotives--depreciation 77 78 Other locomotives--retirements.. Freight-train cars--repairs.. 79 Freight-train cars--depreciation. 80 Freight-train cars-retirements. • • C • • .. .. • • Passenger-train cars-repairs. Passenger-train care--depreciation.. Passenger-train cars-retirements.. Motor equipment of cars--repairs. 85 Motor equipment of cars-depreciation. 86 Motor equipment of cars--retirements. 87 Floating equipment--repairs. 88 Floating equipment--depreciation. 89 Floating equipment--retirements. · • • O ► • • · · • • ... . • • • • .. Total, all districts 3,913 513,045 73 336 1,169,891 11,698,503 2,329 72,096 33,445,860 2,206,440 5,202,676 112,433 10,409,596 133,650 4,593,011 68,918 24,872,541 473,724 216,400 15,468 89,440 5,970,930 561,037 3,126,168 017,659 47,615 12 11,979,103 39.997 32,846,405 230, 722 134 816, 211 138,814 68,894 21,471 407,244 70,490 3,390,380 329,097 576,749 91,055 32,080 7,642 396,370 3,214 573,682 45 7,100,887 10,917 11,558,255 8,868,495 537,867 6,429,535 3,853,553 1,356,099 694,723 857,093,761 38,292,896 27,196,398 868,190,259 45,850,169 26,394, 238 741,045 5,203,242 672,748 448,509 91,865 435,430,529 56,181,546 4,621,010 3,783,031 1,187,499 340, 620, 364 628,364 114,120,957 17,392,484 81,210,223 18,177,343 1,605,763 3,087,229 1,064,674 45,556 11,390,486 3.389,923 71,614 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $653 62,319 75 456,794 6,320,601 2,089 68,460 16,657,979 1,626,959 1,469,915 52,045 3,614,443 59,086 1,920,990 36,291 12,041,315 292,450 110,291 1,689 38,325 4,022,738 490,108 1,831,259 212.684 23,403 5,549,664 27,231 20,232,129 201,587 587,966 108,133 57,857 19,253 317,983 63,473 2,536,315 316,081 300,300 82,145 28,827 7,504 207,579 239,689 2,371,131 2,703 4,467,011 5,168,745 189,558 2,933,631 1,801,649 519,532 450,495 358,730,766 16,877,407 12,174,620 363,433,553 20,775,239 13,881,689 434,879 3,521,284 604, 782 371,874 69,630 200,573,980 25,787,038 2,339,663 2,726,661 752,129 51,800 $160, 60,531,009 49,527,950 8,729,582 38,845,891 8,989,488 869,478 1,947,793 704, 484 20,383 8,852,764 2,027,298 144,121 Southern district $146 124,679 1,701,622 1,044 5,512,008 267,540 1,266,444 23,144 1,944,705 64,932 857,185 24,077 3,132,565 128,064 22,408 2,40 46,855 1,031,811 69,872 475,168 137,968 1,970,176 10,254 4,755, 238 22,449 • • 14,640 2,473 336 58,565 6,919 331,023 11,176 115,427 8,175 382 24,213 13 59,202 1,309,379 2,639 2,169,307 303,799 51,683 1,085,858 685,188 231,117 51,810 156,419,827 6,831,517 5,292,586 157,958,758 7,912,852 3,841,720 285,493 565,790 26,027 23,585 4,032 82,363, 201 9,999,819 676,446 538,730 196,719 65,934,372 23,184,266 2,137,252 12,349,591 2,876,652 65,255 288,986 166,230 1,582 246,866 58,958 13,982 Western district $3,260 450,580 69 261 588,418 3,676,280 240 2,592 11,275,873 311,941 2,466,317 37,244 4,850,448 9,632 1,814,836 8,550 9,698,661 53,210 83,701 11,379 4,260 916,381 1,057 819,741 667,007 24,212 12 4,459,263 2,512 7,859,038 859, 6,686 134 173,892 16,041 8,564 1,882 30,696 98 523,042 1,840 161,022 735 2,871 138 164,578 3,201 274,791 45 3,420,377 5,575 4,921,937 3,395,951 296,626 2,410,046 1,366,716 605,450 192,418 341,943,168 14,583,972 9,729,192 346,797,948 17,162,078 8,670,829 20,673 1,116,168 41,939 53,050 18,203 152,493,348 20,394,689 1,604,901 517,640 238,651 45,316 114,162,983 41,408,741 6,525,650 30,014,741 311,203 671,030 850,450 193,960 23,591 2,290,856 1,303,667 d 86,489 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. HAMIINION 009 1 Work equipment-repairs. 2Work equipment--depreciation. Work equipment--retirements.. 8 10 7 Injuries to persons. 11 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 SUMMARY NO. 1–RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 29 30 31 32 33 34 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded Insurance….. Stationery and printing. Other expenses. Total. 12 Maintaining joint equipment--Dr.. 13 Maintaining joint equipment--Cr. 14 Equalization-equipment.. 15 Motio Miscellaneous equipment--repairs. Miscellaneous equipment-depreciation. Miscellaneous equipment-retirements. 65 66 Superintendence. Outside agencies. Advertising. Traffic associations.. Fast freight lines.. • Total traffic... * Total maintenance of equipment. .. ► ... • • Industrial and immigration bureaus Insurance.... Stationery and printing. Other expenses. • • * • ••• ·· • • Station supplies and expenses. Yardmasters and yard clerks.. Yard conductors and brakemen.. Yard switch and signal tenders. 35Yard enginemen.. Yard motormen.. ·· 26 Superintendence. 27 Dispatching trains. 28 Station employees. Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus Coal and ore wharves. • • 36 37 Fuel for yard locomotives. 38 Yard switching power produced. 39 Yard switching power purchased. Yard supplies and expenses. Train enginemen. Train motormen. • • ... • • • Item Stationery and printing. Other expenses. Enginehouse expenses--train.. Trainmen.. 77 Operation of vessels. 78 Operation of terminals. Incidental 79 80 • D • • Transportation--Rail Line 40 Water for yard locomotives... 41 Lubricants for yard locomotives. 42 Other supplies for yard locomotives Enginehouse expenses--yard……. · • Traffic 44 45 46 47 Fuel for train locomotives. 48 Train power produced.. 49 Train power purchased. 50 51 52 Other supplies for train locomotives •• ... • • • Water for train locomotives. Lubricants for train locomotives. • · • • · • .. • •• • Train supplies and expenses.. Operating sleeping cars. 57 8ignal and interlocker operation. 58 Crossing protection.. 59 Drawbridge operation. 60 Telegraph and telephone operation 61 Operating floating equipment. 62 Express service... 63 • · · 1 • · • • • • • ❤ • • • •• • • • • O Insurance..... Clearing wrecks. 67 Damage to property. • 68 Damage to live stock on right of way. 69 Loss and damage--freight. 70 Loss and damage--baggage. 71 Injuries to persons. 72 Operating joint yards and terminals--Dr. 73 Operating joint yards and terminals--Cr. 74 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr. 75 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Or. 76 Total transportation-Rail line..... • 40 • • ❤ ▼ ❤ • • • • Total transportation--Water line. • * • • • Transportation--Water Line • • • ·· Total, all districts $19,114,960 5,163,835 1,717,267 425,604 376,273 82,305 ,692,881 6,1,4,463 2,004,178 1,527,952 1,215,023,281 8,216,442 4,422,269 1,218,817,454 37,531,623 49,363,785 16,823,228 3,146,724 49,121 2,880, 238 58,228 10,229,611 168,085 120,250,643 69,000,588 34,197,978 304,748,804 5,774,498 8,271,578 21,362,106 63,123,847 154,362,250 12,969, 724 90,005,177 1,057,569 64,213,939 177,503 503,472 4,472,787 1,283,097 1,427,178 30,056,815 3,845, 201 224,505,945 4,983,436 321,307,122 2,696,391 7,293,749 21,547,816 7,369,569 6,043,921 79,898,209 264,882,540 83,597,295 750,887 26,147,718 21,316,640 2,050, 688 10,864,607 29,511,191 13,051,821 6,274,762 3,228,013 7,680, 620 4,628,923 2,719,461 33,967,786 333,984 32,846,232 69,319,332 35,067,187 16,264,135 14,095,288 2,126,774,429 4,678,359 4,391,551 411,334 9,481,244 Eastern district $8,289,130 2,046,067 684,290 221,418 183,594 46,850 2,961,242 3,014,934 1,006,137 902,028 572,332,979 3,735,062 2,254,965 573,813,076 17,041,789 16,199,926 5,403,047 1,174,521 49,121 567,397 33,145 4,118,327 103,145 44,690,418 34,943,444 16,504,216 144,084,960 1,197,360 5,536,031 11,129,702 33,007,974 81,519,553 8,598,583 47,060,166 968,772 30,301,899 171,167 459,270 2,127,442 677,063 705,949 14,656,054 2,226,543 98,513,097 2,993,789 125,900, 411 1,689,538 5,139,599 8,696,545 3,004,357 2,555,909 37,085,338 115,969,345 39,518,473 17,034,432 14,627,380 1,083,318 4,920,236 24,873,215 6,285,638 4,313,001 1,363,945 4,139,686 2,227,387 243,976 14,176,507 231,567 15,532,048 29,169,853 15,005,085 8,077,848 6,863,844 1,003,473,653 1,369,797 176,582 39,606 1,585,985 Southern district $2,982,311 1,018,016 230,684 44,648 49,570 9,183 777,859 703,559 340,546 294,690 220,209,472 1,378,391 978,089 220,609, 774 7,645,124 10,274,021 2,264,984 687,475 847,716 6,078 2,460,136 15,141 24,200,675 12,230,304 7,396,819 54,452, 226 1,386, 204 1,232,911 3,028,273 11,645,383 25,679,573 1,466,476 14,522,983 1,459 8,872,022 ... 673,133 210,388 284,487 5,515,827 780,984 41,469,305 556,687 50,254,104 602,331 711,921 3,736,363 1,479,911 1,182,172 14,479,113 49,623,126 13,946,458 7,562 2,535,148 1,802,822 376,152 1,359,509 532,646 2,373,385 595,986 695,501 1,419,512 1,104,987 998,639 6,310,736 40,485 6,101,703 14,977,209 10,171,829 1,836,840 1,870,469 358,447,467 Western district 9 $7,843,519 2,099,752 802,293 159,538 143,109 26,272 1,953,780 2,415,970 657,495 331, 234 422,480,830 3,102,989 1,189,215 424,394,604 12,844,710 22,889,838 9,155,197 1,284,728 1,465,125 19,005 3,651,148 49,799 51,359,550 21,826,840 10,296,943 106,211,618 3,190,934 1,502,636 7,204,131 18,470,490 47,163,124 2,904,665 28,422,028 87,338 25,040,018 6,336 44,202 1,672,212 395,646 436,742 9,884,934 837,674 84,523,543 1,432,960 145,152,607 404,522 1,442,233 9,114,908 2,885,301 2,205,840 28,333,758 99,290,069 30,132,364 743,325 6,578,138 4,886,438 591, 218 4,584,862 4,105,330 4,392,798 1,365,775 1,168,567 2,121,422 1,296,549 1,476,846 13,480,543 61,932 11,212,481 25,172,270 9,890,273 6,349,447 5,360,975 B277 764,853,309 3,308,562 4,214,969 371,728 7,895,259 • STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 10 No. 123456 7 8 4 Stockyards.... 10 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Dining and buffet service.. Hotels and restaurants. Grain elevators. 47 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES-- Concluded Miscellaneous Operations ·· .... Producing power sold. Other miscellaneous operations. 50 51 52 53 Total miscellaneous operations.. • • • Salaries and expenses of general officers. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. General office supplies and expenses.. Law expenses... Insurance.... Relief department expenses. Pensions. Stationerv and printing. Valuation expenses.. • ·· • • • • • • ❤ Other expenses.. General joint facilities--Dr. General joint facilities--Cr. O O • Item • Total general expenses. Transportation for investment--Cr. General ... 22 Total railway operating expenses. 23 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES Maintenance of Way and Structures 24 Related solely to freight service. 25 Related solely to passenger and allied services. 26 Apportioned to freight service.. 27 Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. 28 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 29 Total.. Maintenance of Equipment Traffic 30 Related solely to freight service... 31 Related solely to passenger and allied services. Apportioned to freight service... 32 33 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. • 34 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 35 Total. 36 Related solely to freight service.. .. 37 Related solely to passenger and allied services. 38 39 • • Transportation--Rail Line • Related solely to freight service. ... Related solely to passenger and allied services. Transportation--Water Line • Apportioned to freight service... Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. 40 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 41 Total.. • 42 43 44 Apportioned to freight service.. 45 Apportioned to passenger and allied services 46 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total... Miscellaneous Operations • • ... · .. • 48 Related solely to freight service... 49 Related solely to passenger and allied services. Apportioned to freight service... Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. ... Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total. U 54 Related solely to freight service.. ·· 55 Related solely to passenger and allied services. 56 Apportioned to freight service.. 57 Apportioned to passenger and allied services • 58 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 59 Total. • D Total, all districts $41,365,319 7,432,294 1,227,594 589,261 3,299,726 1,852,772 55,766,966 19,696,625 93,492,502 7,288, 240 17,188, 258 190,543 2,576,691 24,634,506 5.389,578 8,678,876 10,085,918 2,181,928 412,319 190,991,346 17,640,056 4,572,632,285 74.54 $85,702,271 22,522,938 550,553,790 208,852,280 558,980 868,190,259 755,460,619 226,981,938 175,462,379 59,913,824 998,694 1,218,817,454 63,967,461 42,178,619 8,201,569 5,902,994 120,250,643 1,210,327,683 428,988,112 370,974,958 116,455,829 27,847 2,126,774,429 7,509,176 189,788 1,478,165 271,720 32,395 9,481,244 2,799,834 46,675,568 1,243,846 843,312 4,204,406 55,766,966 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $18,890,821 2,259,874 1,144,394 20,732 3,164,718 444,919 25,925,458 8,393,494 40,757,790 3,321,449 6,550,801 102,988 1,386,504 15,434,939 2,196,287 3,634,363 4,435,624 842,168 147,170 86,909,237 3,074,281 2,096,757,099 76.01 $52,547,862 14,756,996 208,694,022 87,099,869 334,804 363,433,553 368,633,996 116,219,675 65,572,762 22,591,228 795,415 573,813,076 26,820,398 14,974,153 2,142,852 753,015 44,690,418 611,955,463 210,357,150 134,448,511 46,714,172 1.643 1,003,473,653 752,350 144,546 470,402 218,687 1,585,985 1,479,289 21,988,953 405, 242 214,768 1,837,206 25,925,458 Southern district $6,226,447 647,579 16,149 8,905 56,337 90,990 7,046,407 3.239,725 16,606,961 1,245,598 3,935,680 20,492 222,300 2,390,546 1,078,178 1,454,661 1,583,589 287,077 52,470 32,012,337 2,162,375 798,113,043 73.16 $13,175,517 2,500,889 106,016,050 36, 266, 302 157,958,758 150,067,060 38,086,820 25,925,188 6,530,706 220,609,774 15,316,443 995,144 1,350,444 538,644 24,200,675 202,583,615 65,130,733 70,870,620 19,862,499 358,447,467 97,017 6,764,258 140,728 41,729 2,675 7,046,407 Western district $16,248,051 4,524,841 67,051 559,624 78,671 1,316,863 22,795,101 8,063,406 36,127,751 2,721,193 6,701,777 67,063 967,887 6,809,021 2,115,113 3,589,852 4,066, 705 1,052,683 212,679 72,069,772 12,403,400 1,677,762,143 73.42 $19,978,892 5,265,053 235,843,718 85,486,109 224,176 346,797,948 236,759, 72,675,44 83,964,429 30,791,890 203, 279 424,394,604 21,830,620 20,209,322 4,708,273 4,611,335 51,359,550 395,788,605 153,500,229 165,655,827 49,879,158 29,490 764,853,309 6,756,826 45,242 1,007,763 53,033 32,395 7,895,259 1,223,528 17,922,357 697,876 586,815 2,364,525 22,795,101 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1234in 5 6 780 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 222222 19 20 21 3333 34+ in 33 34 35 36 MMM+ Miles of road. Miles of second main track. Miles of third main track. Miles of fourth main track. • 23 Miles of all other main tracks.. 24 Miles of yard track and sidings. 25 Total, all tracks. 37 38 26 Miles of road.. 27 Miles of second main track 28 Miles of third main track. 39 40 41 42 43 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 48 Finoman SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES--Concluded General 56 Related solely to freight service…… Related solely to passenger and allied services. Apportioned to freight service..... Apportioned to passenger and allied services. • D • Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services Total.. 29 Miles of fourth main track.. 30 Miles of all other main tracks. 31 Miles of yard track and sidings. 32 Total, all tracks.. • Related solely to freight service. Related solely to passenger and allied services. Apportioned to freight service. Apportioned to passenger and allied services. Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services.. Total... • • Steam locomotives: Related solely to freight service.. Related solely to passenger and allied services. Apportioned to freight service.. Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total. • Transportation for Investment--Cr. Number at close of year: Box cars. Flat cars. Stock cars Coal cars. Tank cars.. • • · • Total Operating Expenses MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1927 • · • Flat cars. Stock cars Coal care. Tank cars.. Total... Number at close of year.. Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year. Number retired during year. Electric locomotives: Number at close of year.. Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year. Number retired during year.. • • • Item Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars. • ·· • • • Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. Total. • • • • • MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1927 • Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying cars • · • • ► • EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE [ Freight-carrying Cars • • .. • • • · • · • ( • PowaNavt • • • C • • • ·· Total, all districts $49,016,306 11,549,659 96,055,499 33,871,059 498,823 190,991,346 17,057,870 292,684 243,275 46,227 17,640,056 2,157,725,480 778,793,938 1,203,726,931 426,064,791 6,321,145 4,572,632,285 238,394.12 36,228.87 3,128.78 2,192.19 376.07 1/ 118,602.07 5/ 398,922.10 174,530.67 21,637.37 2,085.59 1,544.74 194.58 9/81,522.79 281,515.74 60,868 2,605,346, 530 1,494 2,962 449 24,557,800 44 14 1,065,907 99,951 83,573 940, 313 10,284 44,217 79,856 2,324,101 42,890,076 4,206,403 3,067,460 49,707,324 450, 201 1,436,132 4,061,177 105,818, 773 Eastern district $24,996,034 6,340,616 41,154,217 13,922,507 495,863 86,909,237 2,889,241 102, 280 61,039 21,721 3,074,281 1,084,296,151 384,679,809 452,826,969 171,492,525 3,461,645 173 2,096,757,099 59,135.37 18,523.95 2,699.16 1,959.45 81.19 2/ 45,868.81 6/128,267.93 33,472.44 9,174.69 1,721.05 1,353.18 63.04 10/ 25,934.71 71,719.11 26,576 1,181,946,590 873 1,570 343 16,992,600 37 455,301 21,826 14,858 555,805 308 4,874 22,287 1,075, 259 18,895,932 964, 737 601,575 29,810,156 5,130 160,775 1,158,793 51,597,098 Includes 21,392.98 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 7,671.45 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 4,321.29 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 9,400.24 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 23,121.42 miles operated under trackage rights, Includes 8,683.35 miles operated under trackage rights, Includes 3,545.62 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 10,892.45 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 14,527.04 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 4,101.82 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 3,303.77 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 7,121.45 miles of industrial tracks. Southern district $8,908,992 1,649,603 16, 255, 740 5,198,002 32,012,337 2,033,836 18,568 86,394 23,577 2,162,375 388,114,808 121,108,879 220,472,376 68,414,305 2,675 798,113,043 45,415.58 5,627.03 125.80 48.41 274.19 3/ 20,813.78 1/ 72,304.79 35,202.20 4,012.39 120.06 44.29 110.85 11/ 15,704.21 55,194.00 11,195 483,123,800 181 372 34 3,217,000 3 169,062 22,803 8,161 209,984 22 6,230 7,450 423,712 6,211,983 938,136 305,870 11,424,332 980 192,030 350,503 19,423,834 Western district 11 $15,111,280 3,559,440 38,645,542 14,750,550 2,960 72,069,772 12,134,793 171,836 95,842 929 12,403,400 685,314,521 273,005,250 530,427,586 186,157,961 2,856,825 1,677,762,143 133,843.17 12,077.89 303.82 184.33 20.69 4/ 51,919.48 8/198,349.38 105,856.03 8,450.29 244.48 147.27 20.69 12/ 39,883.87 154,602.63 23,097 940, 276, 140 440 1,020 72 4,348, 200 V044 441,544 55,322 60,554 174,524 9,954 33,113 50,119 825,130 17,782,161 2,303,530 2,160,015 8,472,836 444,091 1,083,327 2,551,881 34,797,841 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 12 No. ANMI LOWON 1 2 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 80 26 27 28 လလလ 29 30 31 33 32 ~M 33 MMMM 4567 34 35 36 37 FFFF £55 17 Number at close of year. 18 42 43 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 44 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded 45 46 Number installed during year: Box cars... Flat cars. Stock cars. Number installed during year. 19 Number retired during year. GRANMA in Coal cars. Tank car8. Refrigerator cars.. 55 • • Number at close of year.. 20 21 22 Number retired during year. Numoer installed during year. • • Total.. D • Other freight-carrying cars Total.. Number retired during year: Box cars.... Flat cars. Stock cars Coal cars. Tank cars. Refrigerator cars... ❤ • • • • • 23 Number of units at close of year.. 24 Number of units installed during year. 25 Number of units retired during year. Other freight-carrying cars. In replacement: Item A In replacement: ·· • • • Service hours-- All Classes of Passenger-train Cars All Classes of Company Service Equipment .. ·· • • · · • · In special service.. 38 Average number. Compensation-- 39 40 Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for... 41 Total... ► Number of tons (2,240 lbs.).. Total charges... » Number of cross ties.. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges... Floating Equipment In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties. Total charges.. + • • TIES LAID DURING YEAR • • In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks.. Miles of yard track and sidings. Number of tons (2,240 lbs.). Total charges.. Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for.. Total... Service days-- · RAILS LAID DURING YEAR Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for.. Total. • • • · • • • · In yard-switching service. In work service... Grand total, all services.. • EMPLOYEES C 47 48 | Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses. CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES • Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service.. In passenger service... In mixed-train service. • • • • • • • • + • • • • * • • ► ← • + • • • • • Total, all districts 34,184 3,664 3,573 27,079 349 1,743 1,818 72,410 44,007 5,697 4,912 35,460 504 2,347 2,826 95,753 53,804 2,646 3,606 109,263 11,920 12,260 2,435 83 82 532 78,274,222 258,366,784 $117,758,189 7,902,872 51,893,579 $12,947,789 3,813,994 $138,769,740 798.28 2,151.01 415,686 $13,221,114 1,734,470 $2,617,319,703 $163,850,785 $2,909,217,453 3,835,070,060 200,667,101 4,194,919,839 39,391,635 279,082 40,346,769 $2,689,571,856 78,245,223 28, 254, 724 1,837,651 52,041 21,774,789 2,897,429 133,061,857 Eastern district 16,620 348 505 13,264 162 1,318 32,217 19,485 1,268 724 19,798 48 1,101 644 43,068 26,620 1,368 1,722 36, 246 530 227 95 4,670 O 2,104 69 21,010,791 94,421,865 $42,999,920 2,097,199 17,162,157 $4,321,592 1,662,100 $57,351,372 187.16 659.32 124,249 $4,090,081 752,553 $1,200,615,297 $75,504,171 $1,336,437,779 1,641,711,934 88,467,031 1,805,205,019 19,246,930 142,764 19,743,823 $1,243,441,898 32,597,565 12,223,005 355,939 15,286 10,890,868 1,348,416 57,431,079 1/ Does not include data for 2,203 linear feet of steel ties. Southern district 3,248 1,054 23 6,929 2 11,256 6,194 1,249 232 5,318 6 52 161 13,212 8,411 261 507 19,121 1,127 1,844 120 17,405,290 60,153,970 $23,870,043 1,297,968 11,671,436 $1,966,318 752,080 $28,000, 142 107.41 381.34 75,706 $2,261,963 339,364 $470,158,871 $28,890, 240 $518,207,639 750,221,404 39,515,538 810,393,429 6,443,186 38,115 6,565,863 $480,790,762 16,509,215 5,245,195 355,630 12,944 3,800,566 488,153 26,411,703 Western district 14,316 2,262 3,045 6,886 349 1,581 498 28,937 18,328 3,180 3.956 10,344 450 1,194 2,021 39,473 18,773 1,017 1,377 533: 53,847 6,370 5,746 211 11 7 39,858,141 103,790,949 $50,888,226 4,507,705 23,059,986 $6,659,879 1,399,814 $53,418, 226 503.71 1,110.35 215,731 $6,869,070 642,553 $946,545,535 $59,456,374 $1,054,572,035 1,443,136,722 72,684,532 1,579,321,391 13,701,519 98,203 14,037,083 $965,339,196 29,138,443 10,786,524 1,126,082 23,811 7,083.355 1,060,860 49,219,075 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) REVENUE FREIGHT TONNAGE BY GROUPS OF COMMODITIES Revenue Freight Originated Products of agriculture: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs. Average load per car. Animals and products: Number of carloads... Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car.. Products of mines: Products of forests: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs. Average load per car. Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Average load per car. K • ... • •••• Item Products of mines: • Products of forests: } Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs. Average load per car.. ••• Products of agriculture: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. ... Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Average load per car.. • Animals and products: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. • Number of carloads... Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. Merchandise All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.).. • · • • Number of carloads... Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. • Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.).. Total Revenue Freight Carried • • Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage.. • .. * • + • ··· ... • Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads……. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage.. .. .. .. · • • • • · • Merchandise - All L. C. L. freight: Numoer of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage.. • D • • Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. • • D • • * · • • · Total, all districts 4,716,185 113,152,242 23.99 2,171,894 25,982,970 11.96 13,913,095 713,178,506 51.26 3,507,447 99,327,537 28.32 11,064,068 290,998,474 26.30 35,372,689 1,242,639,729 35.13 2, 중국 ​38,425,225 1,281,064,954 10,215,233 221,020,288 9.36 3,773,011 46,665,921 1.98 24,901,375 1,271,700,465 53.84 7,089,392 192,653,408 8.16 22,539,940 564,111,121 23.88 68,518,951 2,296,151, 203 97.22 65,790,216 2.78 2,361,941,419 100.00 Eastern district 1,027,875 23,167,845 22.54 448,498 5,842,684 13.03 5,934,676 307,135,326 51.75 425,695 10,751,133 25.26 6,631,324 175,774,391 26.51 14,468,068 522,671,379 36.13 18,403,300 541,074,679 3,406,720 72,361,395 5.85 1,378,083 18,020,457 1.45 13,936,540 729,554,856 58.95 1,978,002 50,216,154 4.06 13,341,688 334,034,035 26.99 34,041,033 1,204,186,897 97.30 33,481,579 2.70 1,237,668,476 100.00 Southern district 904,635 14,593,285 16.13 176,931 2,064,085 11.67 4,024,087 213,872,783 53.15 1,249,893 32, 248, 256 25.80 1,460,566 37,894,298 25.94 7,816,112 300,672,707 38.47 8,220,741 308,893,448 2,029,469 33,154,999 7.37 349,240 4,414,041 .98 5,133,797 267.927,776 59.57 2,089,178 53,709,042 11.94 3,094,941 76,290,572 16.97 12,696,625 435,496,430 96.83 14,256,643 3.17 449,753,073 100.00 13 Western district 2,783,675 75,391,112 27.08 1,546,465 18,076, 201 11.69 3,954,332 192,170,397 48.60 1,831.859 56,328,148 30.75 2,972,178 77.329.785 26.02 13,088,509 419,295,643 32.04 11,801,184 431,096,827 4,779,044 115,503,894 17.12 2,045,688 24,231,423 3.59 5,831,038 274,217,833 40.65 3,022,212 88,728,212 13.16 6,103,311 153,786,514 22.80 657.876 21,781,293 97.32 18,051,994 2.68 674,519,870 100.00 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 14 No. 23+ io 1 Average mileage of road operated... 2 Freight--ordinary. Freight--light. 78 Mamamia m 12 14 22 16 17 9 Total freight train. 10 Total passenger train. 11 Total mixed train. Total special….. 13 Train switching. 21 Yard switching--freight.. 15 Yard switching-passenger. 27 28 8000HQ 30 31 18 Freight train--loaded. 32 33 w w w w Passenger. Mixed. Special. 36 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) • 38 • 40 41 •• 19 Freight train--empty. 20 Freight train--caboose. • • • Freight train-exclusive work equipment Total freight train. 25 Passenger train--dining. 26 Passenger train--other.. 46 47 48 49 ·· 50 STATISTICS OF RAIL-LINE OPERATIONS 555555 OME LOXO .. 51 Total transportation service. Work service.. 53 39 Work service.. 54 • Total transportation service. Work service.. • 22 23 Passenger train-passenger. 24 Passenger train--sleeping, parlor, and observation. Total passenger train.. Mixed train--freight--loaded.. 29 Mixed train--freight--empty. Mixed train--caboose.. Mixed train--exclusive work equipment Mixed train--passenger. • • • • · Locomotive-Miles ... Train-Miles ... 34 35 Mixed train--other passenger train. Total mixed train.. 37 Total special train..... 42 43 44 Passengers carried--revenue. • • Item Car-Miles Total transportation service Passengers-miles--revenue... Tons--revenue freight... Tons--nonrevenue freight. Ton-miles--revenue freight. Ton-miles--nonrevenue freight. • • • • Mixed train--sleeping, parlor, and observation. Mixed train--dining..... • • Miles hauled-revenue freight. 52 Miles carried--revenue passengers Revenue per ton of freight... Revenue per ton-mile of freight. Revenue per passenger... Revenue per passenger-mile. • Miscellaneous .. · • • • · • • •. Passenger-miles--revenue--per train-mile. Passenger-miles--revenue--per car-mile.. • • • Ton-miles--revenue freight--per mile of road.. Ton-miles--revenue freight--per train-mile.. Ton-miles--revenue and nonrevenue freight--per loaded car-mile • • • • • • • · • • • • ·· • • Total, all districts 237,758.54 581,334,179 6,608,636 568,539,193 26,903,035 603,363 1,183,988, 406 36,524,208 665,945,165 557,614,264 27,502,724 693,584 58,909,226 299,660,253 24,233,299 1,634,558,515 45,740,737 33 17,287,843,199 10,231,004,341 598,213,171 42,669,100 28,159,729,811 1,259,734,937 1,191,798,945 157,275,548 1,221,748,145 3,830,557,575 140,094,407 78,179,253 2,354,056 1,267,439 30,848,847 756,377 2,458 15,894,020 269,396,857 9,878,496 32,269,562,739 185,466,127 2,361,941,419 279,954,472 428,621,433,915 43,053,731,518 829,845,522 33,648,087,283 1,802,759 702.69 27.06 58.68 13.55 181.47 40.55 $1.96044 $0.01080 $1.17427 $0.02896 Eastern district 58,967.83 223,214,709 3,488,937 236,209,300 5,445,981 204,723 468,563,650 16,107,875 270,261,383 233,058,742 5,526,343 223,423 30,151, 274 152,234,114 13,540,971 704,996,250 21,257,906 6,952,880,786 4,141,499,393 230,553,276 5,973,874 11,330,907,329 598,952,049 462,657,759 53,025,690 526,321,931 1,640,957,429 23,215,685 11,467,418 887,339 107,349 6,008,411 26,417 404 6,194,942 47,907,965 2,797,258 13,022,569,981 51,524,155 1,237,668,476 111,399,172 183,739,337,951 14,734,368,685 591,509,763 18,165,433,147 3,115,925 796.25 28.45 76.45 17.01 148.46 30.71 $1.62233 $0.01093 30.84899 $0.02765 Southern district 45,251.31 126,079,555 1,306,622 100,869,700 4,627,344 160,405 233,043,626 136,926,285 99,358,249 4,730,505 167,277 9,648,266 49,950,920 3,403,499 304,185,001 7,876,063 3,409,143,287 2,176,294,895 128,932,125 7,553,597 5,721,923,904 216,335,757 200,461,777 26,476,239 198,893,655 642,167,428 20,791,737 11,041,967 310,531 165,034 6,642,424 95,310 18 2,441,746 41,488,767 2,378,685 6,407,958,784 32,942,187 449,753,073 57,385,494 96,338,368, 210 8,881,093,732 85,608, 705 4,507,622,513 2,128,963 735.49 30.68 44.24 10.64 214.20 52.65 $1.93864 $0.00905 $1.72041 $0.03267 Western district 133,539.40 232,039,915 1,813,077 231,460,193 16,829,710 238,235 482,381,130 13,584,949 258,757,497 225,197,273 17,245,876 302,884 19,109,686 97,475,219 7,288,829 625,377,264 16,606,768 6,925,819, 126 3,913,210,053 238,727,770 29,141,629 11,106,898,578 444,447,131 528,679,409 77,773,619 496,532,559 1,547,432,718 96,086,985 55,669,868 1,156,186 995,056 18,198,012 634,650 2,036 7,257,332 180,000, 125 4,702,553 12,839,033,974 100,999,785 674,519,870 111,169,806 148,543,727,754 19,438, 269, 101 152,727,054 10,975,031,623 1,112,359 598.41 23.92 46.92 11.06 220.22 71.87 $2.59538 $0.01179 $2.12793 $0.02961 # STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 NMKO 780 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 222 MMM 456 36 43 SUMMARY NO. 2—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 (Does not include lessor companies) Total number of stocknolders. ¥ 855 49 50 51 Investment in road and equipment. Improvements on leased railway property., Sinking funds.. Deposite in lieu of mortgaged property sold. Miscellaneous physical property.. Investments in affiliated companies. Other investments.. Total investments.. you a Guru 56 Deferred assets.. GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investments Cash.. Demand loans and deposits. Time drafts and deposits. Special deposits... . . . . Loans and bills receivable. Miscellaneous accounts receivable Material and supplies.. Other current assets. 30 | Funded debt unmatured.. Receiver's certificates. Total current assets. • · • • • • 37 38 Deferred liabilities.. Discount on capital stock. Discount on funded debt. Other unadjusted debits.. • · • • Total unadjusted debits.. Grand total.. Current Assets C • · Capital stock. Stock liability for conversion. Premium on capital stock... Total stock. Grants in aid of construction. 35 34 Loans and bills payable.. Miscellaneous accounts payable. Other current liabilities.. Item 39 Premium on funded debt.. 40 Operating reserves... Accrued depreciation. Other unadjusted credits.. 41 42 • • 31 • • 32 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies. 33 Total long-term debt.... Unadjusted Debits Total current liabilities. Long-Term Debt Total unadjusted credits. • • • • • • • • • • Current Liabilities ·· • Stock • • • Unadjusted Credits • Corporate Surplus 44 Additions to property through income and surplus. 45 Funded debt retired through income and surplus. 46 Sinking fund reserves.. 48 Total appropriated surplus.. Profit and loss--balance. Total corporate surplus..... • • .. Miscellaneous fund reserves. Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. • • • · • · • • INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT Expenditures for new lines and extensions. Expenditures for additions and betterments. Credits for property retired.... Adjustments.. • · • • Net charges during year. 57 Stocks actually issued during year-par value……. 58 | Funded debt actually issued during year--par value. • • • • Total, all districts 389 $178,081,137 12,095,217 111,897 1,538,131 4,127,782 15,990,061 5,112,049 217,056,274 10,461,826 274,000 3,588,424 1,973,977 828 5,215,341 4,470,580 3,858,362 29,843,338 4,918,839 3,087,800 1,459,715 3,015,622 7,563,137 259,381,588 41,084,400 41,084,400 311,285 113,946,800 12,432,507 126,379,307 1,226,298 11,026,062 12,252,360 482,509 3,537 13,758,084 11,590,750 25,352,371 9,491,880 2,150,000 681,897 18,337 1,077,671 13,419,785 40,099,571 53,519,356 111,116 9,462,552 1,965,077 41,362 7,649,953 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district 133 $115,135,459 2,915,852 57,954 1,162,053 3,244,966 3,921,736 126,438,020 4,240,583 100,000 3,444,424 6,195 728 2,807,581 2,910,697 2,442,015 15,952,223 489,290 581,695 1,562,879 2,144,574 145,024,107 32,020,000 32,020,000 57,974,400 5,738,275 63,712,675 d 363,695 7,668,346 8,032,041 441,120 3,537 8,539,018 540,169 13,082,724 6,865,835 18,337 1,053,937 7,938,109 19,797,438 27,735,547 111,116 5,197,736 1,111,990 93,498 4,103,364 Southern district 7 $13,393,261 1,480,177 125,086 ... 14,998,524 149,518 d d 281,420 236,715 53,344 12,761 733,758 309,732 309,732 16,042,014 2,000,000 2,000,000 311,285 14,000,000 14,000,000 1,7ii 532,931 534,642 19,344 ·· 57,299 345,276 402,575 4,621 4,621 d 1.230,453 ₫ 1,225,832 22,243 159,225 69.756 206.738 Western district 15 249 $49,552,417 9,179,365 111,897 2,840,643 12,745,095 1,190,313 75,619,730 6,071,725 174,000 144,000 1,686,362 100 2,171,045 1,506,539 1,403,586 13,157,357 4,429,549 3,087,800 878,020 1,143,011 5,108,831 98,315,467 7,064,400 7,064,400 41,972,400 6,694,232 48,666,632 860,892 2,824,785 3,685,677 22,045 5,161,767 5,705,305 11,867,072 2,621,424 2,150,000 681,897 23,734 5,477,055 21,532,586 27,009,641 4,242,573 693,862 204, 616 3,753,327 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 16 No. 2 MT WA780 9 1 Railway operating revenues. Railway operating expenses. Net revenue from railway operations. Railway tax accruals: United Statest Government taxes.. Other than United States Government taxes. Total railway tax accruals.. Uncollectible railway revenues. Railway operating income. On 27 in Lo Ma 12 14 15 10 Revenues from miscellaneous operations.,. 11 Expenses of miscellaneous operations. 17 18 Net revenue from miscellaneous operations. 13 Taxes on miscellaneous operating property.. 19 Miscellaneous operating income. Total operating income. 16 Net railway operating income. 20 21 22 23 24 I~~~~MMMM 25 26 27 30 31 ال لا اساس است است ہے ہاں سلام 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 47 48 49 28 Income from funded securities. CAR & M ANLON BO 52 53 54 55 56 29 Income from unfunded securities and accounts 57 58 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 59 60 65 66 73 74 75 76 77 INCOME ACCOUNT .. 222 22 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Hire of freight cars--credit balance.. Rent from locomotives. Rent for passenger-train cars. Rent for floating equipment. Rent for work equipment. 41 Joint facility rents... 42 43 Rent for leased roads. Miscellaneous rents.... 44 Miscellaneous tax accruals.. · 45 Separately operated properties-los8. 46 Interest on funded debt..... Interest on unfunded debt.. Amortization of discount on funded debt. Maintenance of investment organization. Income transferred to other companies. 51 Miscellaneous income charges. 50 Total deductions from gross income. Net income. Item Rent from passenger-train cars. Rent from floating equipment. Rent from work equipment.. Joint facility rent income... Income from lease of road.. Miscellaneous rent income. Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property • [ ·· ·· • Separately operated properties--profit. Dividend income.... • • • • Hire of freight cars--debit balance Rent for locomotives.. • • Donations... Miscellaneous credits. • .. • • Income from sinking and other reserve funds. Release of premiums on funded debt. Contributions from other companies. Miscellaneous income...... Total nonoperating income. Gross income.. 61 62 Profit on road and equipment sold. 63 Delayed income credits. 64 Unrefundable overcharges • • • • · • • ·· · ·· • • Oredit balance transferred from income. .. ·· •• ·· • • ❤ • ❤ · • Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income.. • • ·· Income appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income. Miscellaneous appropriations of income. Stock discount extinguished through surplus. Debt discount extinguished through surplus. Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus. Loss on retired road and equipment. Delayed income debits... Miscellaneous debits..... Total debits during year. Net increase during year. Balance at beginning of year. Balance at end of year. • • Dividends declared during year. Par value on which declared--common.. Par value on which declared--preferred. Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, Total appropriations of income.... Income balance transferred to profit and loss... PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT • • • · • * • ·· • 67 Total credits during year 68 Debit balance transferred from income. • • 69 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of surplus.. 70 ... ·· 71 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property, 72 ·· • • • • • er cent. • • • • • • • • • ·· L Total, all districts $69,937,603 51,953,160 17,984,443 1,024,591 4,126,104 5,150,695 15,709 12,818,039 155,807 136,164 19,643 2,439 17,204 12,835,243 16,741,302 1,685,899 303,205 11 79,362 4,202,793 509,284 507,446 114,512 202,797 497,034 199,674 1,050 554,160 8,857,227 21,692,470 952,786 357,111 94 12,884 1,025,132 5,668,006 1,372,190 60,166 5,075,598 16,326 55,506 439,247 27,112 15,062,158 6,630,312 122,300 484,796 223,722 830,818 5,799,494 5,924,851 187,853 21,852 57,783 1,867,196 8,059,535 125,357 1,251,000 57,783 45,000 392,725 105,747 1,977,676 6,081,859 34,017,712 40,099,571 1,735,796 15,596,600 11.i3 d Deficit or other reverse item“. Eastern district $44,126,330 34,559,869 9,566,461 637,710 2,189,525 2,827,235 2,871 6,736,355 155,807 136,164 19,643 2,439 17,204 6,753,559 8,278,305 1,153,945 141,329 55,534 1,548,151 500,114 221,251 24,620 124,212 284,426 7,043 1,050 553,915 4,615,590 11,369,149 506,586 196,857 94 12,635 640,837 2,569,796 304,827 14,814 2,651, 589 4,635 23,373 439,247 7,822 7,373,112 3,996,037 7,043 277,200 57,733 341,976 3,654,061 3,779,418 33,889 11,750 56,634 470,017 4,351,708 125,354 1,200,000 56,634 151,636 11,441 1,545,132 2,806,576 16,990,862 19,797,438 1,477,200 11,620,000 12.71 Southern district $1,917,743 1,133,880 783,863 d 130,099 130,099 653,764 653,764 490,213 21,659 246 91,956 29,384 53,817 11 197,073 850,837 238,815 34,926 3,666 2,622 560,000 681 3,166 843,881 6,956 6,956 6,956 101 2.380 4,677 •• 101 113,107 33,962 147,170 d 142,493 ₫ 1,087,960 ₫ 1,230,453 Western district $23,893,530 16, 259,411 7,634,119 386,881 1,806,480 2,193,361 12,838 5,427,920 5,427,920 7,972,784 531,954 140,217 11 23,582 2,562,686 9,170 286,195 60,508 78,585 158,791 192,631 234 4,044,564 9,472,484 207,385 125,328 244 380,629 3,098,210 1,067,363 42,730 1,864,009 11,010 32,133 16,124 6,845,165 2,627,319 115,257 207,596 165,989 488,842 2,138,477 2,138,477 153,964 10,102 1,048 1,399,559 3,703,150 51,000 1,048 45,000 127,982 60,344 285,374 3,417,776 18,114,810 21,532,586 258,596 3,976,600 6.50 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. A234 LOXO 700 1 लल 456 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 1+10 8 Other passenger-train. 9 Milk.. Switching. 10 11 Special service train. 12 Other freight-train.. 13 Water transfers-freight. Water transfers-passenger. 26 27 28 CONTO O IN 25 Other... 39 40 Express.. 24 Special service. 43 4.4 F • D Excess baggage. 21 Other passenger service. Mail.. 46 VIDLOLOLO Freight.. Passenger. Excess baggage. Sleeping car. 56 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) •• • 29 30 31 Storage--freight. 32 Storage--baggage 33 34 36 35 Grain elevator. 37 HOME CON Parlor and chair car. Mail... Express. 63 • + 64 Freight.. Passenger. 66 67 * • 73 74 75 76 Power. 77 78 79 80 81 • • Water transfers--vehicles and live stock Water transfers-other.. Total rail-line transportation revenue. Stockyard. • • •• • Dining and buffet.. Hotel and restaurant. • • 41 Joint facility--Or. 45 Superintendence. 42 Joint facility--Dr. • • • • Total water-line transportation revenue. 1 • • Station, train, and boat privileges Parcel room.. RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES · • · ❤ ► Demurrage.. • Telegraph and telephone. • • Ties--yard.. Ties--other. • • • · • · • 38 Rents of buildings and other property Miscellaneous.. • C Ballast--yard. Ballast--other. • • · ❤ • • • • Roadway maintenance--yard. 47 Roadway maintenance--other • • • • • · • . • • • • 48 Roadway--depreciation--yard. 49 Roadway--depreciation--other. 50 Underground power tubes--yard. 51 Underground power tubes--other. • Total incidental operating revenue. • · • • • Ties--depreciation-yard. Ties--depreciation--other. 68 69 70 Rails--yard.. 71 | Rails--other • • • • 72 Rails--depreciation-yard. Rails--depreciation--other. • • Total joint facility operating revenue. Total railway operating revenues. · • • • • RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures • • Tunnels and subways--yard. Tunnels and subways--other. Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard. 57 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other. · • " • 52 Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard. 53 Underground power tubes--depreciation-other. · Item · · · · Other track material--yard. Other track material--other. • • * • • • • · ·· • • • · • · Ballast-depreciation--yard. Ballast-depreciation-other. $2 83 84 Right-of-way fences--yard. 85 Right-of-way fences--other.. • • · • • · Elevated structures--depreciation--yard. 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other • • • • • • · · • • 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard.. 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other. 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard. 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other. 62 Elevated structures--yard. Elevated structures--other. · • • • • · • • • + • Track laying and surfacing--yard. Track laying and surfacing--other • • • • • · · • · • • ▸ • • • • • · • • 谶 ​• * · • • • • ▼ * Other track material--depreciation--yard. Other track material--depreciation-other. • • • • • · • • • • • · • • • • • + • ► · · • • ·· • · • • • • • • • • • • • · • ■ • • • • • • • • • • · • • • • • · · O • • • • • • · • • • • • • · • • • · d Deficit or other reverse item. Total, all districts $2,643,562 27,593 92 1,968 101 63,611,581 52,032 2,699 66,339,628 56,760 187,873 86,663 54,533 18,655 561,855 317,121 118,312 4,917 348,983 2,240, 521 3,996,193 270 398,488 ₫ 398,218 69,937,603 594,473 913,851 21,405 7,841 22,699 690,793 31,352 299,824 53, izi 35,250 1,147,37 42,158 81 582, 29,6 2,037 1,000,813 6,210 154 189985 95,604 50 2,422,045 43, 5,520 259 Eastern district $2,331,239 40,664,045 52,032 533 43,047,849 56,760 7,624 14,663 34,868 2,548 320,292 118,312 4,917 67,178 453,598 1,080,760 270 2,549 d 2.279 44,126,330 387,630 472,147 **5 4,042 503,219 15,024 782,044 81 318,962 2,037 565,741 154 57,724 50 1,566,209 3,194 Bouthern district $26,433 1,828,585 1,855,018 3,547 ... 17,920 568 8,777 27,019 14,774 72,605 9,880 d 9,880 1,917,743 8,693 10,139 13,522 246 5,870 36,951 23,459 1,760 19,610 176 4,024 N 28 20,702 204 Western district $285,890 27,593 92 1,968 101 21,118,951 2,168 21,436,761 176,702 72,000 1,745 15,539 232,786 ·· 317,121 254,786 1,772,149 2,842,828 ... 386,059 ₫ 386.059 23,893,530 198,150 431,565 7,883 .. 3.799 22,699 187,328 25,482 284,800 53,izi ... 35,250 ... 328,379 18,699 261,573 10,073 ·· 425,896 2,186 37,878 407 827,582 23,122 2,326 55 17 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 18 No. 1234+ LOGO 780 4 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 17 Fuel stations.... 18 5 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--yard. 6 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--other. Crossings and signs--yard... 8 Crossings and signs--other.. 10 9 Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard. Crossings and signs--depreciation--other. Station and office buildings..... 11 12 Station and office buildings--depreciation. Roadway buildings.... 13 14 Roadway buildings--depreciation. 15 Water stations.... 16 Water stations--depreciation. RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES—Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded P Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard. Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other. 47 48 49 Fuel stations-depreciation. 50 51 52 53 19 Shops and enginehouses..... 20 21 22 23 Storage warehouses.. 24 Storage warehouses--depreciation. 25 Wharves and docks.... 26 Wharves and docks--depreciation 27 Coal and ore wharves.. .. 28 Coal and ore wharves--depreciation 33 Signals and interlockers... 34 Item Shops and enginehouses--depreciation. Grain elevators.. ·· Grain elevators--depreciation. 75 76 · • • Gas producing plants... Gas producing plants--depreciation. ………. 29 30 31 Telegraph and telephone lines.... 32 Telegraph and telephone lines-depreciation. 67 Superintendence.. 68 Shop machinery. • Paving--depreciation.. Roadway machines. Roadway machines-depreciation. 55 Small tools and supplies... 56 Removing snow, ice, and sand. Insurance…. ·· Stationery and printing Other expenses.. ... ... • Signals and interlockers--depreciation.. • · • • • • 39 Power substation buildings. 40 41 42 Power transmission systems--depreciation.. 43 Power distribution systems.. 44 35 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines. 36 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation. 37 Power plant buildings. 38 Power plant buildings--depreciation. • 57 Assessments for public improvements 58 Injuries to persons. 69 Shop machinery--depreciation. 70 Power plant machinery.... Power substation buildings-depreciation. Power transmission systems.. Power distribution systems--depreciation. 45 Power line poles and fixtures. 46 Power line poles and fixtures-depreciation. Underground conduits...... Underground conduits--depreciation. Miscellaneous structures.. Miscellaneous structures--depreciation. Paving…………. Steam locomotives-depreciation Steam locomotives-retirements. • · • • • • 77 Other locomotives--repairs... 78 Other locomotives--depreciation. • • • D 79 Other locomotives--retirements.. 80 Freight-train cars-repairs. 81 • • • • • • • • • · Freight-train cars--depreciation. · 71 Power plant machinery--depreciation. 72 Power substation apparatus... 73 Power substation apparatus--depreciation 74 Steam locomotives-repairs... * • • • 59 60 61 62 Total, above accounts.. 63 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr 64 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr. Equalization--way and structures... 65 66 Total maintenance of way and structures. • · ● • • • · • ... • • • • Maintenance of Equipment • • • · • • • .. • • · · • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · • • • • O • • KI Total, all districts $83 159,832 15,209 19,702 400,435 123,793 51,632 4,272 70,270 4,902 62,538 9,921 309,443 42,764 37,401 31,579 21,527 30,728 313,812 62,261 29, 205 16,672 ·· 78,557 479,013 14,568 16,925 632 2,658 168 20,225 32,602 8,797 4,318 382 21,062 11.531 28,417 1,390 112,202 140,095 10,423 88,840 89,134 13,191 7,265 11,053,206 1,139,518 2,391,613 9,801,111 491,572 185,654 33,081 94,641 24,457 999 289 4,805,888 781,224 56,860 2,506,869 465,634 d Deficit or other reverse item, Eastern district $83 117,492 143 161,145 19,046 27,712 110 47,128 1,384 36,501 1,493 170,211 7,655 4,287 3,297 56,991 8,019 20,974 16,672 64,876 280,126 ·· 6,616 ·· 7,187 2,912 3,87i 4,365 2,998 21,315 178 60,178 92,490 4,975 49,121 31,460 92 8,716 2,650 6,021,532 1,062,211 1,370,438 5,713,305 348,011 118,611 6,271 22,382 999 3,365,872 542,891 27,469 2,083,696 399,788 Southern district $116 11,892 20,883 1,140 750 1,221 6,190 55,315 8,231 63 849 870 349 1,018 2,079 810 7,801 119 302,308 1,688 36,448 267,548 15,270 1,960 3,268 97,887 2,719 3,329 2,674 Western district $42,224 3,317 19,559 218,407 104,747 22,780 4,162 22,392 3,518 24,816 8,428 133,042 35,109 37.401 31,579 17,240 27,431 201,506 54, 242 13,618 198,038 14,568 d +39 2, 168 13,038 29,690 5,726 382 17,715 11,531 6,084 1,212 49.945 47.605 5,448 38,909 49,873 4,356 4,615 4,729,366 75,619 984,727 3,820,258 128,291 65,083 26,810 68,991 24,457 289 1,342,129 235,614 26,062 420,499 65,846 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS " No. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 Freight-train cars-retirementь..... Passenger-train cars--repairs. Passenger-train cars-depreciation. 2 4 Passenger-train cars--retirements.. 900 2 20th 21 17 Injuries to persons. 18 19 20 Other expenses. Total... 29 30 wwwww| SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) H2M+ 31 32 33 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded 26 Superintendence. 27 Outside agencies. Advertising.... 28 Traffic associations Fast freight lines. 34 35 Motor equipment of cars-repairs. Motor equipment of cars--depreciation. Motor equipment of cars--retirements Floating equipment--repairs.. Floating equipment--depreciation Floating equipment--retirements. Work equipment--repairs. Work equipment--depreciation Work equipment--retirements. Miscellaneous equipment--repairs. 15 Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation. 16 Miscellaneous equipment--retirements. Insurance... Stationery and printing • 22 23 Maintaining joint equipment--Dr.. Maintaining joint equipment--Cr. 24 Equalization--equipment. 25 • 36 Superintendence. 37 38 Total traffic. • • • • • Total maintenance of equipment. Traffic • • • • Industrial and immigration bureaus Insurance.. Stationery and printing. Other expenses.. • · · • • • • · • · • • • • 75 Insurance..... 76 ** • 72 Express service... 73 74 Other expenses. Coal and ore wharves….. Station supplies and expenses. 42 Yardmasters and yard clerks. 43 Yard conductors and brakemen. 44 • • · • Yard supplies and expenses. Train enginemen. Train motormen. 55 56 57 Fuel for train locomotives. 68 69 Drawbridge operation. Dispatching trains. Station employees. 39 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus 40 41 Yard switch and signal tenders 45 Yard enginemen.. 46 Yard motormen. 65 66 Operating sleeping cars.. 67 Clearing wrecks.. 77 Damage to property. 78 79 $0 Item 58 Train power produced... 59 Train power purchased.. 60 Water for train locomotives. 61 •• • • 47 Fuel for yard locomotives. 48 Yard switching power produced. 49 Yard switching power purchased. 50 Water for yard locomotives... 62 63 Enginehouse expenses--train. 64 Trainmen.... Train supplies and expenses. Stationery and printing. • Transportation--Rail Line • • • 51 Lubricants for yard locomotives. 52 Other supplies for yard locomotives 53 Enginehouse expenses--yard. 54 • • • • • * • • · ·· • • • • • Lubricants for train locomotives. Other supplies for train locomotives • Signal and interlocker operation Crossing protection.. · • • · • • • · 70 Telegraph and telephone operation. 71 Operating floating equipment. ▼ • · • • • * .. • • • · • · •· .. Damage to live stock on right of way Loss and damage--freight.. Loss and damage--baggage. 10 • • • • • • • d Deficit or other reverse item. Total, all districts $45,502 22,044 1,572 10,110 56,51 31,711 7. 165,484 61,902 12,885 10,771 9,442 466 74,088 75,128 27.331 1,534 10,060,805 131,130 364,410 9,827,525 132,840 51,218 21,367 8,379 2,374 111 25,605 232 242,126 1,329,905 278,943 5,026,128 39,748 47,617 379,074 2,662,914 8,124,826 791,346 5,526,374 5,255,091 352,407 95,621 111,479 1,298,177 329,744 173,643 143,167 10,396 4,408 5,323 94,821 188,252 124,260 352,692 381,059 39,368 66,548 177,388 245,256 176,720 76,315 118,287 86,271 130 243,265 848 Eastern district $48,482 8,391 254 4,116 56,514 31,711 7,153 108,938 39,682 12,469 3,627 5,318 98 191 464 18,701 551 7,377,650 130,986 142,818 7,365,818 90,466 35,638 7,129 4,397 2,365 111 20,162 182 160,450 892,447 148,182 1,932,576 27,157 39,989 135,072 1,509,606 5,187,611 414,945 3,679,705 3,739, 699 244,926 62,726 79,060 949, 543 199,937 151,009 120,528 10,341 3.995 5.340 88,496 159,152 103,995 239,492 225,825 24,216 46.048 177,388 125, 146,692 54,713 62,362 49,177 164,807 Southern district d $756 123 2,997 811 112 :ܝ : 484 506 586 133,239 17,056 116,183 16,409 6,596 331,984 12,115 7,628 20, 711 88,381 138,965 3,438 85,501 105,806 3,301 923 3,351 34,830 3,675 286 2.259 176 683 2.459 11,262 2,237 30,707 11,371 10,065 7,144 390 245 96 20526 110 705 62 16 : 19 Western district ₫ $2,980 12,897 1,195 2,997 55,735 22,332 416 .143 ,124 368 19,433 13,158 044 983 2,549,916 144 204,536 2,345,524 42,374 15,580 14,238 3,982 9 5,443 50 81,676 421,049 124,165 2,761,568 476 223,291 1,064,927 2,798,250 372,963 1,761,168 1,409,586 104,180 31,972 29,068 313,804 126,132 22,634 22,353 2,314 589 666 8,784 29,100 9,003 110,963 124,527 3,781 10,435 112,861 29,638 21,357 55,815 36,389 68 78,442 848 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 20 No. 1 2 739 Injuries to persons... Operating joint yards and terminals--Dr Operating joint yards and terminals--Cr. 4 Operating joint tracks and facilities-Dr. 5 Operating joint tracks and facilities-Or. 6 Total transportation-rail line. 10 Operation of vessels. 8 Operation of terminals.. Incidental……. 13 14 15 16 17 24 LOONROOM Å A 26 27 28 11 12 Hotels and restaurants. Grain elevators. Stockyards.. Producing power sold. Other miscellaneous operations. 29 30 www ww SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 18 19 20 21 22 Insurance. 23 Relief department expenses. 39 Pensions... 25 Stationery and printing. 44.24 45 46 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Concluded Transportation--Rail Line--Concluded 49 5555 56 59 60 61 62 63 64 Dining and buffet service.. 65 66 Total transportation--water line... 67 68 • 69 47 Miles of road.. 48 Valuation expenses. • • Total miscellaneous operations. Transportation--Water Line + Total general expenses. 31 Transportation for investment--Cr. ► · • • · Salaries and expenses of general officers. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. General office supplies and expenses. Law expenses.. 34 Related solely to freight service. • Other expenses. General joint facilities-Dr. General joint facilities--Cr. Total. Miscellaneous Operations • • 40 Miles of road.. 41 Miles of second main track. 42 Miles of third main track.. 43 Miles of fourth main track... Miles of all other main tracks. Miles of yard track and sidings. Total, all tracks... • ▸ • 32 Total railway pperating expenses. 33 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent)... Separation Between Services • • • • ❤ • Total, all tracks.. Item ·· + Miles of second main track. Miles of third main track. Miles of fourth main track. Number at close of year: Box cars... Flat cars. Stock cars. Coal cars. Tank¯ cars. • 50 • • 4 51 Miles of all other main tracks. 52 Miles of yard track and sidings. 53 • • 35 Related solely to passenger and allied services. · • Related in common to both freight and passenger and allied services: Apportioned to freight service. Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. • Not related to either freight service or to passenger and allied services... Total.. • • • · • • General • • MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1927 Steam locomotives: Number at close of year.. Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year. Number retired during year. Electric locomotives: Number at close of year.. Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year. Number retired during year. Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars • • MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1927 • • • • • • • • . • • D • EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE .. • • ·· • • Freight-carrying Cars • • • · 1 • • • Deficit or other reverse item. Includes 477.86 miles operated under trackage rights, Includes 419.34 miles operated under trackage rights. • • • • • • • .. Total, all districts $605,934 589,582 5,503,624 207,930 399,651 29,857,984 48,930 168,183 119,423 6,264 65,704 408,504 428,459 835,073 99,097 195,915 1,946 2,962 83,121 59,515 179,906 141,633 10,435 194,785 1,843,277 27,367 51,953,160 74.29 $50,296,381 113,255 1,420,127 91,297 32,100 51,953,160 * 530.54 322.08 1.99 1.04 2,126.50 1/ 2,982.15 280.99 149.80 1.99 1.04 976.25 1,410.07 925 38,700,500 32 45 2,651 112 7 6, 23, 1,138 10,146 Eastern district $416,999 556,964 2,003,858 195,253 369,094 19,998,274 :: ·· 48,930 119,423 6,264 25,836 200,453 231,282 597,561 62,029 98,371 1,299 2,962 35,761 33,085 125,716 28,962 6,634 77,678 1,145,984 24,415 34,559,869 78.32 $34,243,384 48,930 235,455 32,100 34,559,869 394.52 252.91 1.99 1.04 1,420.39 2/ 2,070.84 231.60 128.04 1.99 1.04 706.00 1,068.67 622 26,817,600 25 31 1,345 99 6,001 5 1,138 8,588 Southern district d $2,293 4,174 197,938 218 13,469 727,915 350 350 4,568 11,056 969 2,565 17 .. 539 949 1,855 634 21,884 1,133,880 59.13 $799,842 29.588 345,714 17,912 1,133,880 20.40 7.68 50.88 3/ 78.96 18.41 7.68 50.05 76.14 6 434,800 "2 Western district $186,642 28,444 3,301,828 12,459 17,088 9,131,795 .. 167,833 39,868 207,701 192,609 226,456 36,099 94,979 630 47,360 25,891 53,241 110,816 3,801 116,473 675,409 2,952 16,259,411 68.05 $15,253,155 93.913 838,958 73,385 16,259,411 115.63 61.49 655.23 4/ 832.35 30.98 14.08 220.20 265.26 297 11,448,100 7 12 1,306 13 7 232 1,558 7/ Includes 2.82 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 55.70 miles operated under trackage rights. STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. HUMA LOWO I 1 2 7 10 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 222 5867 MMM 123 32 33 MMM 450 37 38 MMM 789 39 40 41 4444 42 43 44 45 I 47 48 49 50 51 52 Mot UNION LIVIN NOVI VIVI SUMMARY NO. 2—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING and TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) 57 25 Number at close of year..... Number installed during year..... 27 Number retired during year... 26 58 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded 100. Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars.. Flat cars. Stock cars.. Coal cars. Tank cars. Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars Total. 60 61 62 63 Number at close of year... 28 29 Number installed during year. 30 Number retired during year. Total. · 31 Number of units at close of year. Number of units installed during year. Number of units retired during year.. • ·· ·· Total... Number installed during year: Box cars.... Flat cars.. Stock cars.. Coal cars. Tank cars. • • ... Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars. ·· • Number retired during year: Box cars. Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars. Tank cars. ► • ... • • • • • Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. 46 Average number.. Compensation: • • All Classes of Passenger-train Cars Item In replacement: All Classes of Company Service Equipment In replacement: Floating Equipment Number of cross ties. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties. Total charges... ·· TIES LAID DURING YEAR .. In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties.. Total charges. Number of tons (2,240 lbs.). Total charges.. RAILS LAID DURING YEAR ·· In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks.. Miles of yard track and sidings. Number of tons (2,240 lbs.). Total charges.. Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for.... Total.. Service hours: Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for.. Total. Service days: ·· • EMPLOYEES · ··· Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service. In passenger service. In mixed-train service. In special service..... In yard-switching servic In work service.. Grand total, all services.... ·· • Straight time actually worked.. Overtime paid for.. Total... Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses. CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY STEAM LOCOMOTIVES ... Total, all districts ¥ 102,765 4,560 210 339,215 250 60,600 507,600 "i 1 710 711 197 7 1 388 593 19:00 25 546 27 44 13 "i 581,265 4,329,052 $1,272,419 111,534 957,457 25 $249,837 36,294 $1,425,991 6.16 33.91 5,506 $181,019 25,224 $40,775,392 $2,107,471 $43,530,592 53,675,32€ 2,194,006 57,789,988 647,831 9,198 669,899 $37,285,523 37; 37,34 ,766 427 1,523,427 26,309 1,592,271 Eastern district 50,775 4,150 329,735 250 60,600 445,510 710 710 VI OR 5 305 318 4 **4 342 21 37 13 "i 351,342 2,421,952 $823,351 81,434 650,937 $189,311 21,968 $821,647 4.27 26.74 3,867 $124,461 14,473 $24,156,199 $1,492,349 $25,880,179 30,991,603 1,528,400 32,933,877 367,284 720 373,881 $24,737,069 32,711 1,052,275 10,353 1,095,339 1/Does not include data for 1,327 linear feet of steel ties. Southern district N. 2 5241 1 37,123 226,564 $60,912 30 13,770 $762 830 $31,604 :06 6 $174 925 $1,106,831 $74,578 $1,208,140 1,775,798 105,492 1,917,902 28,405 122 28,649 $1,194,571 24,836 785 25,621 Western district 51,990 410 210 9,480 62,090 1 189 མ 1 83 275 21 **2 199 192,800 1,680,536 $388,156 30,070 292,750 $59,764 13,496 $572, 740 1.89 7.11 1,633 $56,384 9,826 $15.512,362 $540,544 $16,442,273 20,907,925 560,114 22,938, 209 252,142 8,356 267,369 $11,353,883 21 4,631 4,766 427 446,316 15,171 471,311 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 22 Kind of mileage: · • Steam road. Electric line. Steamboat line. Stage line.. Airplane.... Total mileage. State or Territory: Alabama.. Arizona.. Arkansas. California. Colorado. Georgia. Idaho... Illinois. Indiana. ·· • • · ·· Connecticut. Delaware.. District of Columbia Florida. • • Iowa.. Kansas. Kentucky Louisiana. • • Maine.. Maryland. • ► D Montana. Nebraska. Nevada... I. II. III. Hawaii. Canada. • • · • • ហ Massachusetts. Michigan.. Minnesota. Mississippi Missouri.. • • ▸ • • • * • • · • • • • · · • • • • Tennessee.. Texas.. Utah. Vermont.. Virginia.. Washington. Wisconsin. Wyoming. Alaska. • • · New Hampshire. New Jersey. New Mexico. New York.. • • • • ► • • • · North Carolina. North Dakota.. Ohio... Oklahoma. Oregon. Pennsylvania. • Rhode Island.. South Carolina. South Dakota. · • • • West Virginia. SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 • • ❤ · • • Land.. Buildings. • • • · • • • • • • • · · Mexico. • • • • S Mileage not assignable 1/. · • • • • • • • • Line equipment... Shop equipment.. Equipment: Cars... Horses. Automobiles. Wagons and sleighs. Harness and equipment. • • • • • Item • Item • • • Office furniture and equipment. Office safes... Trucks.... Stable equipment. Garage equipment. • • ❤ • • • • • • • • · • • • • • • • • • • Miscellaneous equipment Total equipment... Total real property and equipment.. • • • • MILEAGE COVERED BY OPERATIONS Total 232,401.13 3,001.43 24,351.87 668.82 4,508.00 264,931.25 4,369.75 2,351.60 4,438.65 9,211.14 645.41 997.75 296.30 49.85 5,271.13 6,640.81 2,755.98 11,514.65 6,676.72 10,594.26 9,519.28 3.522.37 4,281.28 2,049.27 2,723.47 1,965.26 7,409.67 8,123.93 4,036.84 7,890.91 4,726.79 6,622.16 2,676.37 1,159.38 2,162.01 2,826.31 8,069.83 4,558.68 5,245.09 8,514.99 6,706.09 3,356.32 9.377.72 200.90 3,591.23 4,147.49 3,592.78 15,890.25 2,526.51 943.42 5,005.63 6,107.99 3,168.14 6,848.55 2,274.75 11,124.30 351.30 4,003.49 96.50 7,720.00 COST OF REAL PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Total $4,652,344 12,222,619 931,144 1,447,605 18,022,299 1,746,369 295,154 3,108,926 525,875 2,484,064 22,851 539,112 566,865 234,947 50,572 American Railway Express Co. 1/ Covers miscellaneous unassigned mileage, such as transoceanic, coastwise, river, and lake not within the boundaries of any State or Territory. 29,975,783 46,850,746 222,422.78 2,963.71 24,018.87 668.82 4,508.00 254,582.18 2,767.40 2,351.60 4,438.65 2,211.14 645.41 997.75 296.30 42.30 4,912.38 5,341.71 2,755.98 11,195.79 6,440.69 10,594.26 9,519.28 3,140.06 4,240.70 2,049.27 2,544.60 1,965.26 7,409.67 8,123.93 3,241.33 7,888.91 4,726.79 6,622.16 2,676.37 1,159.38 2,162.01 2,826.31 8,069.83 3,087.11 5,245.09 8,513.91 6,706.09 3,356.32 9,342.02 200.90 2,348.72 4,147.49 2,292.36 15,890.25 2,526.51 943.42 3,929.75 6,107.99 3,168.14 6,848.55 2,274.75 11,124.30 351.30 4,003.49 96.50 7.720.00 American Railway Express Co. $4,641,262 12,052,025 931,144 1,434,508 17,242,670 1,705,697 290,358 3,020,498 500, 686 2,415,537 Southeastern Express Co. 22,792 536,972 551,833 234,947 50,572 28,938, 214 45,631,501 9,978.35 37.72 333.00 10,349.07 1,602.35 ·· 7.55 358.75 1,299.10 318.86 236.03 382.31 40.58 178.87 795.51 2.00 1,471.57 1.08 35.70 1,242.51 1,300.42 1,075.88 Southeastern Express Co. $11,082 170,594 13,097 779,629 40,672 4,796 88,428 25,189 68,527 59 2,140 15,032 1,037,569 1,219,245 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Cars: Number.. Inventory value. Horses: Total equipment, inventory value.. Number.. Inventory value. Automobiles: Gasoline- Electric- Number... Inventory value. Number. Inventory value. Wagons and sleighs: Wagons, double- SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued INVENTORY VALUE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED Number. Inventory value. Wagons, single- Number.. Inventory value. Sleighs- Number. Inventory value Buggies- Number. Inventory value. Harness equipment: .. Inventory value.. Office furniture and equipment: Inventory value.. Trucks: Office safes: Number.... Inventory value. Number.. Inventory value Stable equipment: Garage equipment: • Line equipment: Safes, car- Inventory value.. Inventory value. • II. • Shop equipment: Number.. Inventory value. Safes, messenger- Number.. Inventory value. Trunks, packing- Number... Inventory value. Other line equipment- Inventory value. Inventory value.. Miscellaneous equipment: Inventory value. • 1. Transportation: Express, domestic.. Express, foreign. 123242 Includes $395,631, inventory value of 357 automobile trailers. Includes $993,483, inventory value of 1,906 automobile batteries. Includes $53,294, inventory value of 425 truck batteries. Miscellaneous.. Item ·· Account Total transportation... Contract payments: Express privileges--Dr... Revenue from transportation.. III. Operations other than transportation: Customs brokerage fees. Order and commission... Rents of buildings and other property. Money orders. 0.0.D. checks.. • • Travelers' cheques. Telegraph and cable transfers. Letters of credit.. ·· Foreign postal remittances. Profit on exchange and other financial revenue Miscellaneous. • .. • Total other than transportation.. Total operating revenues.. • · •• • Total 1/ $12,920,986 250 $384,943 7,455 $440,183 5,191 $4,963,949 1,680 2/ $2,696,338 3,382 $524,671 3,300 $113,662 1,433 $23,949 22 $348 $69,379 $1,347,117 18,204 $260,580 66,049 3/ $924,905 $9,539 $338,116 2,572 $116,391 8,808 $31,359 ANALYSIS OF OPERATING REVENUES 11,367 $67,486 $49,330 $114,470 $48,640 Total $292,673,002 16,055 292,689,057 143,464,524 149,224,533 209,808 4,939 146,388 11,530 2,580,503 247 893,382 3,846,797 153,071,330 American Rail- way Express Co. 1/ $12,519,400 250 $384,943 7,387 $439,143 4,964 $4,688,689 1,676 2/ $2,694,897 3.355 $517,240 3,183 $100,911 1,433 $23,949 22 $348 $66,406 $1,300,427 17,727 $241,098 64,162 3/ $898,547 $9,515 $336,566 2,462 $112,892 8,497 $30,507 10,754 $65,932 $48,649 $114,470 $48,640 American Rail- way Express Co. $284,502,315 10,386 284,512,701 139,493,535 145,019,166 209, 209,737 4,939 141,109 2,470,018 247 884,230 3,710,280 148,729,446 • Southeastern Express Co. $401,586 68 $1,040 227 $275,260 4 $1,441 27 $7,431 117 $12,751 $2,973 $46,690 477 $19,482 1,887 $26,358 $24 $1,550 110 $3,499 311 $852 613 $1,554 $681 ·· Southeastern Express Co. $8,170,687 5,669 8,176,356 3,970,989 4,205,367 71 5,279 11.530 110,485 9,152 136,517 4,341,884 23 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 24 Operating income: SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 —Continued Charges for transportation. Express privileges--Dr.... Total operating revenues. Operating expenses.. Net operating revenue. Revenue from transportation. Revenue from operations other than transportation. Operating income. • • Uncollectible revenue from transportation.. Express taxes.. ... • Item Other income: Rent from real property and equipment used jointly Miscellaneous rent income. Net income from miscellaneous physical property Separately operated properties--profit. Dividend income... • · • ... Income from funded securities. Income from unfunded securities and accounts. Income from sinking and other reserve funds. Release of premiums on funded debt.. • Contributions from other companies. Miscellaneous income. Total other income. Gross income. Deductions from gross income: Rent for real property and equipment used jointly. Miscellaneous rents... Miscellaneous taxes. Net loss on miscellaneous physical property. Separately operated properties--1088. Interest on funded debt.. Interest on unfunded debt. • .. Total appropriations.. Balance transferred to profit and loss.. Amortization of discount on funded debt. Income transferred to other companies. Miscellaneous income debits... Total deductions from gross income. Net income..... Disposition of net income: Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds.. Dividend appropriations of income.... • Item Credit balance at beginning of year... Credit balance transferred from income... Profit on real property and equipment sold. Delayed income credits... Unrefundable overcharges. Miscellaneous credits.. Total credits.... Debit balance at beginning of year. Debit balance transferred from income. Income appropriations for investment in physical property. Stock discount extinguished through income. Miscellaneous appropriations of income. ·· • ... d Deficit or other reverse item. • Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of surplus... ► • • • ·· Surplus set aside for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through surplus. Debt discount extinguished through surplus. Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus. Loss on land sold.. Delayed income debits Miscellaneous debits. Total debits.... Balance carried forward to credit of balance sheet. ·· INCOME ACCOUNT •• I •• Total $292,689,057 143,464,524 149; 149,224, 533 846,797 153,071,330 149,655,231 3,416,099 19,298 2,284,842 1,111,959 123 272,084 395,000 564,422 1,231,629 2,343,588 1,066 20,066 26,028 47,160 2,296,428 2,148,520 2,148,520 147,908 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Total $3,322,582 $3,3 147,908 d 15,264 2,547 19,925 3,477,698 · 16,725 16,725 3,460,973 American Rail- way Express Co. $284,512,701 139,493,535 145,019,166 3,710,280 148,729,446 145,466,762 3,262,684 16,146 2,196,842 1,049,696 123 272,084 395,000 536,940 1,204,147 2,253,843 1,066 20,06€ 26,028 47,160 2,206,683 2,078,520 2,078,520 128,163 American Rail- way Express Co. $3,214,870 128,163 d 15,264 2,380 19,925 3,350,074 16,725 16,725 3,333,349 Southeastern Express Co. $8,176,356 3,970,989 4,205,367 136,517 4,341,884 4,188,469 153,415 3,152 88,000 62,263 27,482 27,482 89,745 89,745 70,000 70,000 19,745 Southeastern Express Co. $107,712 19.745 167 127,624 127,624 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS I. II. III. IV. Total operating expenses.. Maintenance: 1. 2. 3. It. LOLOMBO 2: 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 25. 26. 456 45. 46. 555 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 -Continued 55. Superintendence-maintenance. Buildings and appurtenances-repairs. Buildings and appurtenances--depreciation. Buildings and appurtenances-retirements. Cars--repairs.. Cars-depreciation. Cars--retirements. 56. 57. 58. Horses depreciation. 59. 60. 61. 62. Transportation: 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. Horses-retirements. Automobiles-repairs. Automobiles--depreciation.. Automobiles-retirements.. 12. 13. Wagons and sleighs-repairs 14. Wagons and sleighs-depreciation. Wagons and sleighs--retirements. Harness equipment-repairs.. Harness equipment--depreciation and retirements Office furniture and equipment-repairs. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Office furniture and equipment--depreciation and retirements 20. Office safes--repairs.. • • • 21. 22. Office safes-depreciation and retirements 23. 24. Other expenses.. Total.. Traffic: 33. 34. ·· Advertising. Stationery and printing. 36. Other expenses.. 35. ... • • • · • Total.. → [] 。 • Trucks--repairs... Trucks--depreciation and retirements. Total... • 28. Shop equipment--repairs... 29. Shop equipment--depreciation and retirements 30. 31. 32. → • • Superintendence--traffic. • · Total.. • • · ·· .. • • ·· · Account • Line equipment-repairs. Line equipment--depreciation and retirements. Stationery and printing. Loss and damage. Damage to property Injuries to persons Other expenses.. Stable and garage equipment--repairs.. Stable and garage equipment-depreciation and retirements. • Superintendence--transportation. • Miscellaneous equipment--repairs... Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation and retiremente Train employees. • • Train supplies and expenses. • ... • Office employees. Commissions.... Office supplies and expenses. Rent of local offices.. Vehicle employees... Stable and garage employees. • • Stable and garage supplies and expenses. Drayage.. • • • • Insurance. Fidelity bond premiums. Pensions.. Stationery and printing. Valuation expenses.. Other expenses. .. • • • • • • • · • • • • ·· • D · • U ·· ·· • • ANALYSIS OF OPERATING EXPENSES · d Deficit or other reverse item. · General: 54. 53. Salaries and expenses of general officers.. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. General office supplies and expenses. Law expenses. D • .. · . • • • • • · • • • Total $149,655, 231 325,563 275,558 371,827 9,740 149,542 63,607 874 73, 34,295 3,590,015 1,660,783 ₫ 77.383 482,955 107.530 38,266 119,098 9,944 143,167 194,836 10,224 26,032 580,913 166,237 22,862 43,258 35,870 44,685 11,500 16,098 708 347 31 8,531,982 243,911 27,026 69,792 98 340,827 6,318,637 52,644,082 10,282,784 2,881,470 4,667,011 26,020,773 2,183,018 5,262,408 1,891,719 11,519,900 1,131,209 2,143,955 +,832,939 143,323 743,036 58,861 132,725,125 428,154 5,281,320 480,881 395,294 413,588 37,010 815,337 132,462 73,251 8,057,297 American Rail- way Express Co. $145,466, 762 325,563 265,120 359,282 9,740 149,542 63,607 71,359 34,139 3,515,210 1,578,313 d 77.563 480,102 104,371 31,022 118,385 9,441 140,607 181,074 9,910 25,026 565,906 159,393 22,862 43,062 35,174 43,184 11,500 16,098 708 347 31 8,292,515 183,317 22,735 57,648 63 263,763 6,186,764 51,463,397 9,801,786 2,822,066 4,522,861 25,575,724 2,150,774 5,120,966 1,742,865 10,953,603 1,117,339 2,043,113 4,700,628 142,661 727,800 58,196 129,130,543 394,782 5,136,976 470,952 374,170 369,058 24,222 815,337 121,888 72,556 7,779,941 Southeastern Express Co. $4,188,469 10,438 12,545 25 2,515 156 74,805 82,470 180 2,853 3,159 7,244 713 314 503 2,560 13,762 1,006 15,007 844 196 696 그동​; 1,501 239,467 60,594 4,291 12,144 35 77,064 131,873 1,180,685 480,998 59,404 144,150 445,049 32,244 141,442 148,854 566,297 13,870 100,842 132,311 662 15,236 665 3,594,582 372 23: 144.34 344 9,929 21,124 44,530 12,788 10,574 695 277,356 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 26 Investment: Real property and equipment. Sinking fund.. Miscellaneous physical property. Investments in affiliated companies. Other investments.. Total investment.. Deferred assets... Unadjusted debits: SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927-Concluded Current assets: Cash... Special deposits. Loans and notes receivable. Stock: • Discount on capital stock.. Discount on funded debt.. Other unadjusted debits.. • Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Material and supplies... Other current assets... Total current assets.. Total unadjusted debits. Grand total.. Capital stock... Premium on capital stock.. Total stock liabilities. · Total current liabilities. Profit and loss balance.. Advertising….. .. Funded debt unmatured... Current liabilities: Loans and notes payable. Audited accounts and wages unpaid. Miscellaneous accounts payable.. Express privilege liabilities. Other current liabilities.. Class of employee's • Superintendence--Maintenance. Superintendence--Traffic. Total corporate surplus. Deferred liabilities. Unadjusted credits: Premium on funded debt. Operating and insurance reserves Accrued depreciation..... Other unadjusted credits.. Total unadjusted credits..... · • • • ·· •• • • Item • Corporate surplus: Additions to property through income and surplus. Reserves from income and surplus. Total appropriated surplus.. ASSETS • · LIABILITIES • • • · • • ··· • Number on Dec.31 Number of days worked ... GENERAL BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT Total 108 32,847 63 20,173 2,153 669,620 15,690 4,862,999 16,531 4,735,920 .15,039 4,746,732 1,287 423,903 7,023 2,657,048 332 109,208 41 12,546 2,959 930,343 43 1,092 13,133 343,705 Superintendence--Transportation Agents, clerks and solicitors.. Platform and house men. Vehicle employees. Stable and garage; employees. Train employees. Claim agents, special agents, and clerks General officers.... General office clerks and attendants.. Law department officers and clerks.. Shop employees...... Other employees. Total (including general officers)...62,361 |19,558,177 109,003,412 Total (excluding general officers)...62,320 19,545,631 108,598,062 • • Average Yearly daily compensation | compen- sation $291,104 $8.86 183,276 9.09 Total $46,850, 746 5.57 5.56 9,475,777 56,326,523 20,332,726 13,405 2,002,265 873,811 1,198,920 8,126,414 32,547,541 356,830 1,956,360 1,956,360 91,187,254 35,642,000 35,642,000 EMPLOYEES, SERVICE, AND COMPENSATION 5,394,936 2,146,605 16,630,039 2,025,953 26,197,533 838,129 4,782,140 20,253,608 12,871 25,048,619 3,460,973 3,460,973 108 32,847 43 14,053 5,431,326 8.11 2,120 658,892 27,762,712 5.71 15,225 735.949 24,152,777 5.10 15,941 582,554 25,994,309 5.48 14,719 4,657,728 2,372,757 5.60 1,267 417,833 14,174,488 702,349 405,350 5,197,059 167,965 2,167,940 5.33 6.43 32.31 6,727 318 38 2,860 40 1,092 2,548,515 105,803 11,628 901,641 5.59 12.79 6.31 Number on Dec.31 American Rail- way Express Co. 12,215 343,705 $45,631,501 9,475,777 55,107,278 18,873,927 13,223 2,002,265 836,517 1,183,894 8,042,749 30,952,575 356,830 1,901, 748 1,901,748 88,318,431 34,642,000 34,642,000 5,158,892 1,935, 16,174,932 1,943,655 25,212,913 838,129 American Railway Express Co. Number of days worked 4,728,455 19,559,058 4,527 24,292,040 3,333,349 3,333,349 Average Yearly daily compensation | compen- sation $291,104 $8.86 141,547 10.07 5,334,589 8.10 27,104,654 5.72 23,630,151 5.16 25,549,259 5.49 2,340,513 5.60 13,608,191 5.34 682,477 6.45 374,450 32.20 5,052,739 5.60 148,507 12.16 2,167,940 6.31 60,498 19,023,363 106,426,121 5.59 60,460 19,011,735 106,051,671 5.58 Southeastern Express Co. Number on Dec.31 $1,219,245 1,219,245 1,458,799 182 37,294 15,026 83,665 1,594,966 54,612 54,612 2,868,823 1,000,000 1,000,000 236,044 211,171 455,107 82,298 984,620 53, 694,550 8,344 756,579 127,624 127,624 Southeastern Express Co. Number Average of Yearly daily day's compensation compen- worked dation 20 6,120 33 10,728 465 127,050 590 153.366 320 89,004 20 6,070 296 108,533 14 3,405 3 918 99 28,702 918 1,863 534,814 1,860 533,896 $41,729 $6.32 9.02 5.18 96,737 658,058 522,626 3.41 445,050 5.00 32,244 5.31 566,297 5.22 19,872 5.84 30,900 33.66 144,320 5.03 19,458 21.20 2,577,291 4.82 2,546,391 4.77 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Average mileage (single track) over which operations were conducted (miles). GENERAL BALANCE SHEET SUMMARY NO. 4-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 Investment in sleeping car property. Miscellaneous physical property. Other investments... Cash... Capital stock. Premium on capital stock. Wages payable... Net balance receivable from receiving cashiers and ticket agents. Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Material and supplies... Other current assets. Deferred assets….. Unadjusted debits... Total... Profit and loss—balance. Total corporate surplus. Miscellaneous accounts payable. Dividends matured unpaid. Unmatured dividends declared. Other current liabilities. Deferred liabilities.. Operating reserves.. Accrued depreciation.. • Other unadjusted credits. Miscellaneous fund reserves. Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. •• • • Operating income. • · • • • • · • Sleeping car operating revenues. Revenues from auxiliary operations.. Total revenues. Sleeping car operating expenses. Expenses of auxiliary operations.. Total operating expenses.. Net revenues • • Fotal nonoperating income. Gross income. Sleeping car tax accruals... Auxiliary operations--Tax accruals. Total taxes... • · ... • • ·· • ·· Rent from cars. Dividends received.. Income from funded securities. Inoome from unfunded securities and accounts. Income from sinking and other reserve funds. Miscellaneous income... Total debits during year. Net increase during year. Balance at beginning of year. Balance at end of year. D • ·· Rent for cars. Miscellaneous tax accruals. Interest on unfunded debt.. Miscellaneous income charges. Total deductions from gross income. Net income. • • ·· • · • • • 40 Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income.. Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total appropriations......... Income balance transferred to profit and l088. Credit balance transferred from income. Unrefundable overcharges. Miscellaneous credits. • Total credits during year • G • • Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of surplus. Loss on retired equipment. Uncollectible sleeping car revenues Miscellaneous debits.. • · • • → • • • • • · · • · D • ••• INCOME ACCOUNT PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT d Deficit or other reverse item. · • • • * 27 123,334.25 $226, 230, 212 7,270 38,816,099 5,678,924 1,718,071 4,243,706 4,568,437 515,318 4,586,878 39,322,406 325,687,321 d 135,000,000 9,398 1,480,742 2,797,890 31,010 1,350,000 1,208,525 3.853.376 60,000 98,948,505 54,029,333 746,856 6,000,000 20,171,686 26,918,542 80,952,208 1,298,732 82,250,940 66,502,582 1,138,084 67,640,666 14,610,274 4,214,989 35,188 4,250,177 10,360,097 196 20,360,556 1,174,903 292,309 174,349 22,001,921 32,362,018 2,151 112,022 71,472 900 186,545 32,175,473 172,139 9,682,115 500,000 10,354,254 21,821, 219 21,821,219 19,318 442,014 22,282,551 36,777,658 168.302 3.794 59,606 36,672,756 d 14,390, 205 34,561,891 20,171,686 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 28 SUMMARY NO. 4-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 Berth revenue. Seat revenue. • Charter of cars.. • Miscellaneous revenue. Car mileage revenue. Association and contract revenue--Dr. Total operating revenues. • Maintenance. Conducting car operations General expenses. · Porters and maids.. Train stenographers. Car cleaners.. Laundry employees. General expenses: General officers. Clerks and attendants ·· • Auxiliary operations: Total operating expenses. Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent). · • • ·· · • Maintenance: Mechanics, electricians, seamstresses, repairmen, carpenters, shop employees, etc.. Conducting car operations: General officers and staff (superintendence) District superintendents, agents, and staff Conductors.. Standard sleeping cars. Tourist sleeping cars.. Parlor cars. • Dining cars. Composite cars. Private cars. Miscellaneous cars. Total. • . ·· ·· • • Commissary (superintendence)... Agents and staff, conductors, waiters, cooks, etc. Total (including general officers). Total number of revenue passengers--berth. Total number of revenue passengers--seat. Average revenue per passenger--berth. Average revenue per passenger--seat. Total number of car-miles. Total number of car-days. • · • • · · • Average number of revenue passengers per car per day. Operating revenues per car-mile (cents). Operating revenues per car-day... Operating expenses per car-mile (cents) Operating expenses per car-day... Net operating revenue per car-mile (cents) Net operating revenue per car-day. Average number of car-miles per car-day. ... ... .. • • • Clase · • OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES 1/ Does not include 22 cars leased or otherwise acquired. OPERATING STATISTICS EQUIPMENT IN SERVICE ON DEO. 31, 1927 • • • • Number on Dec. 31 5,426 230 1,564 2,670 10,794 18 5,151 355 41 949 32 129 27,359 ► + $76,782,999 10, 206, 218 1,680,873 158,114 1,030,448 8,906,444 80,952,208 28,433,978 34,847,722 3,220,882 66,502,582 82.15 Average daily compen- sation $4.63 6.26 4.24 5.88 2.59 5.76 3.41 2.74 29.20 4.22 4.92 3.19 3.73 22,042,093 13,155,085 $3.48 $0.78 1,140,476,049 3,171,330 11 7.098 $25.52626 5.831 $20.96993 1.267 $4.55633 359.62 7,276 306 2162 1,121 19537 19 265 23 1/ 9,017 1 J + + : . : : : JE 2708 57 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION BUREAU OF STATISTICS A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1926 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON 1927 : THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION JOHN J. ESCH, Chairman BALTHASAR H. MEYER HENRY C. HALL CLYDE B. AITCHISON JOSEPH B. EASTMAN JOHNSTON B. CAMPBELL ERNEST I. LEWIS FRANK MCMANAMY THOMAS F. WOODLOCK RICHARD V. TAYLOR EZRA BRAINERD, Jr. GEORGE B. McGINTY, Secretary ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. 15 CENTS PER COPY fcmpe terstate 130 commission CONTENTS. Introductory statement.. Summary No. 1--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual, reports of Class I steam railways (not including switching and terminal companies) for the year ended December 31, 1926 Summary No. 2--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I switching and terminal companies for the year ended December 31, 1926.... Summary No. 3--Abstract of reports rendered by express compa- nies for the year ended December 31, 1926... Summary No. 4--Abstract of report rendered by The Pullman Com- pany for the year ended December 31, 1926.... Page 4 5 15 22 27 3 ? : ; A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 This preliminary abstract for the calendar year 1926 is compiled from the annual reports of the classes of carriers designated. It differs from the Preliminary Statement of Capitalization and Income for the same year in that the latter is confined to a small number of items compiled for individual carriers, and in summary form, from a special report returned by them in advance of their annual report. The present abstract contains summaries by districts and is intended primarily to make available as promptly as possible certain totals not obtainable from the monthly or special reports of carriers. The totals are subject to change after corrections in the annual reports have been authorized. The final totals will appear in the Statistics of Railways for 1926. It may be noted that only steam railways, express companies, and The Pullman Company are covered in this abstract. Separate mimeographed statements are issued annually for pipe line companies, telegraph and cable companies, carriers by water, telephone companies, and electric railways. Because a separate annual publication of freight commodity statistics for the year 1926 has been issued in full detail for the 70 classes of commodities, only group totals of commodities carried are shown in this preliminary abstract. It should be especially observed that the balance sheet items relate to operating companies only and do not cover the balance sheets of lessor companies the property of which is operated by Class I steam railways, that is, railways having annual operating revenues above $1,000,000. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT. The following table shows the investment in road and equipment of the operat- ing, lessor and proprietary companies at the end of the year 1926: Investment in Road and Equipment of Steam Railways, as of December 31, 1926 (Accounts 701 and 702) Class 1... 4 Class II.... Lessors to Class I. Proprietary Companies. Total.. Class III..... ❤ Lessors to Class II. Proprietary Companies Total.. • • • * • · • • • · • $18,662,437,917 3,712,184,679 828,289,617 23,202,912,213 Lessors to Class III. Proprietary Companies. Total.. Grand total... The corresponding tables for 1925 and preceding years do not contain returns for proprietary companies, which are those that do not file separate reports, the information concerning them being taken from the reports of other companies. Revised figures for 1925, on the basis of the table shown above, cover a grand total investment in road and equipment of $23,217,208,918. As compared with this, the grand total for 1926 shows an increase of $661,112,667. 556,729,150 10,092,636 2,612,294 569,434,080 100,722,300 5,157,374 95,618 105,975,292 23,878,321,585 Investment in proprietary companies in 1926 amounted to $830,997,529 as compared with $480,215,864 for 1925, an increase of $350,781,665. This increase is largely explained by the reclassification as "proprietary" of certain companies which formerly filed "lessor" reports. The consequent decrease in the investment for lessor companies is partly offset by the normal increase in the investment of lessor companies whose classification was not changed, as well as by the transfer of two operating companies to the lessor class. The reason for now including proprietary companies in the statement of investment in road and equipment is that figures relating to such investment are now covered by a definite schedule in annual report forms, and the amount so reported is of considerable importance. WASHINGTON, July 26, 1927. t . : ។ 2. STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. TH 1 Total number of stockholders ~M+iO 780 2 6 Investment in.road and equipment Improvements on leased railway property 4 Sinking funds ·· Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies 9 16 KYO M 17 18 19 222 012 20 10 Cash 11 12 13 Demand loans and deposits Time drafts and deposits Special deposits ... 15 14 Loans and bills receivable Miscellaneous accounts receivable Material and supplies Other current assets 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 (Does not include lessor companies) w www.m 31 Other investments 33 ... Total investments Deferred assets GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Total current assets ·· • Discount on capital stock Discount on funded debt Other unadjusted debits 30 Funded debt unmatured Receiver's certificates Current Assets 37 38 Deferred liabilities Investments Unadjusted Debits • Total unadjusted debits Grand total .. .. ·· Item Capital stock Stock liability for conversion Premium on capital stock Total stock Grants in aid of construction • D · 39 Premium on funded debt 40 Operating reserves 41 Accrued depreciation 42 Other unadjusted credits 43 34 Loans and bills payable 35 Miscellaneous accounts payable 36. Other current liabilities Stock Long-Term Debt · 32 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies Total long-term debt ·· Total current liabilities 49 50 | Profit and loss--balance 51 Current Liabilities • Total unadjusted credits medjusted Credits Total corporate surplus • • • Total appropriated surplus • ·· • Corporate Surplus 44 Additions to property through income and surplus 45 Funded debt retired through income and surplus 46 Sinking fund reserves 47 Miscellaneous fund reserves 48 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested · • INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT 52 Expenditures for new lines and extensions Expenditures for additions and betterments 54 Credits for property retired 55 Adjustments 56 • • · • • ·· · Net charges during year 57 | 8tocks actually issued during year--par value 58 Funded debt actually issued during year--par value · • · Total, all districts 768,315 $18,237,035,117 425,402,800 13,577,529 14,295,815 159,652,215 4,624,114,651 897,848,528 24,371,926,655 535,589, 781 68,214,215 49,526,238 131, 141, 245 32,267,580 216,777,958 551,694, 794 226,536,915 1,811,748,726 178,166,715 15,857,487 84,650,940 208,965, 709 309,474,136 26,671,316,232 7,685,013,727 1,772,445 46,973,492 7,733,759,664 6,474,592 10,627,015,848 7,068, 400 395,942,676 627, 11,030,026,924 59,206,687 117,849,547 1,119, 750, 265 1,296,806,499 105,804, 540 1,164,445 367,014 1,631,158,629 679,022,815 2,311,712, 903 d 877,868,884 -90,322,013 50,660,345 52,423,771 59,629,439 1,130,904, 452 3,055,826,658 4,186,731,110 14,810,639 749,357,701 189,261,951 5.241.757 569,664,632 91,586,162 404,979,173 Eastern district 349,288 $6,476,644,799 347,777,145 1,455,193 4,175,185 76,837,964 1,843,177,019 477,555,125 9,227,622,430 222,756,407 25,359,590 23,499,158 34,135,250 8,507,612 80,812,453 220,991, 292 110,695,073 726,756,835 89,589,774 .462,795 22,937,490 83,484,540 106,884,825 10,150,853,864 2,818,369,362 389: 367,652 35,518,813 2,854,255,827 215,464 3,983,819,217 1,803,900 92,531,123 4,078,154,240 26,241,768 32,625,819 434,277,504 493,145,091 52,621,556 214,308 ... 723,759,072 316,409,533 1,040,382,913 500,372,627 13,564,247 27,535,647 ,679,423 335,045 588,486,989 1,043,591,784 1,632,078,773 518,578 310,235,062 85,612,806 d 3,064,083 222,076,751 15,970,888 171,647,241 Southern district 79,727 $3,397,122,930 54,256,322 914,726 2,233,750 22,986,864 552,118,495 102,755,934 4,132,389,021 90,811,960 11,803,981 13,863,803 19,172,374 16,704,126 38,760,633 102,433,250 42,714,610 336,264,737 31,391,405 d 1,952,610,938 2,314,500 10,336,437 1,965,261,875 25,765 22,387,405 29,699,864 15,368,927 39,326,045 95,781,305 52,113,034 150,476,277 4,552,158,197 11,968,304,171 1,928,924 18,457,298 175,185,879 1/1,193,581,134 2/ 3,673,063,231 1,404,793 4,990,793 6,463,886 1,198,571,927 3,680,931, 910 1,477,112 4,782,016 195,572,101 29,492,090 101,395 298,048,142 95,579,739 393,729,276 118,898, 480 881,007 4,185,805 1,941, 302 1,514,869 127,421,463 640,632,353 768,053,816 3,552,007 211, 762,830 30,647,771 1.083,616 Western district 183,583,450 1/48,575,211 109,504,900 339,300 d Deficit or other reverse item. Ho 60,000 shares of common stock without par value issued during the year, no book value reported. Includes $156,125,539, consideration received for 1,362,400 shares of stock without par value. $8,363,267,388 23,369,333 11, 207, 610 7,886,880 59,827,387 2,228,819,137 317,537,469 11,011,915,204 222,021,414 31,050, 644 12,163,277 77,833,621 7,055,842 97,204,872 228,270,252 73,127,232 748,727,154 57,185,536 4,690,585,693 2,950,000 293,075,116 4,986,610,809 31,035,995 66,766,430 510,286,882 608,089,307 23,590,894 848,742 367,014 609,351,415 267,033,543 877,600,714 258,597,777 75,876,759 18,938,893 3,803,046 57,779,525 414,996,000 1,371,602,521 1,786,598, 521 10,740,054 227,359,809 73,001,374 d 1,094,058 164,004,431 27,040,063 123,827,032 5 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 6 No! 12 1 Railway operating revenues Railway operating expenses 3 Net revenue from railway operations 4 Railway tax accruals 5 Uncollectible railway revenues 6 Railway opereting income 17860 9 10 2 11 12 12A 13 14 M4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 222222 LOO 780⋅ O 25 26 27 28 29 ~ A 30 31 للرالرالرالرالرالراليا 35 36 37 38 to a CFNM 48 49 50 51 52 Rent for work equipment Joint facility rents Rent for leased roads Miscellaneous rents. 39 40 Miscellaneous tax accruals 41 55 56 ԱՌԱՐ MODOMA M ZOONORAR Z mo = ROO 32 Hire of freight cars--debit balance ༢༣ Rent for locomotives 57 58 42 Interest on funded debt 43 44 Interest on unfunded debt 59 60 61 62 63 70 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 71 72 74 • ·· 75 76 Revenues from miscellaneous operations Expenses of miscellaneous operations 77 •• ► Amortization of discount on funded debt 45 Maintenance of investment organization 46 Income transferred to other companies 47 Miscellaneous income charges 78 Miscellaneous operating income Total operating income Net railway operating income Hire of freight cars--credit balance Rent from locomotives Net revenue from miscellaneous operations Taxes on miscellaneous operating property INCOME ACCOUNT ·· • Rent for passenger-train cars Rent for floating equipment Item Rent from passenger-train cars Rent from floating equipment Rent from work equipment Joint facility rent income Income from lease of road Miscellaneous rent income Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property Separately operated properties--profit Dividend income 73 Miscellaneous debits • • ... Income from funded securities Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds Release of premiums on funded debt Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income Total nonoperating income Gross income • • ·· • • • Separately operated properties--1088 ·· · Total deductions from gross income Net income · • · ·· Total debits during year Credit balance transferred from income Profit on road and equipment sold Delayed income credits Unrefundable overcharges Donations Miscellaneous credits ·· 69 Debt discount extinguished through surplus Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus Loss on retired road and equirment Delayed income debits ·· • Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income · • Total credits during year 64 Debit balance transferred from income ... 65 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of surplus . 66 ... 67 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property 68 Stock discount extinguished through surplus Income appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total appropriations of income Income balance transferred to profit and loss PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT · • • • • · Net increase during year Balance at beginning of year Balance at end of year Dividends declared during year 79 Par value on which declared--common • • 80 Par value on which declared--preferred 81 Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent ·· U • • • • · • • • • • • Total, all districts $6,382,939,546 4,669,336,736 1,713,602, 810 388,922,856 1,851,594 1,322,828, 360 2,989,377 2,814,363 175,014 122,285 52,729 1,322,881,089 1,213,089,966 24,180,174 13,974,415 16,656,874 392,150 3,450,621 43,874,592 4,854,993 21,113,894 6,646,795 2,922,957 147,263,347 74,094, 014 30,741,672 4,605,415 107,507 1,854,146 3,868,866 400,602,432 1,723,483,521 105,528,654 12,021,437 19,239,881 3,005,959 1,746,996 70,724,293 166,453,515 6,379,064 4,780,298 814,058 496,454,508 12,102, 289 4,338,773 26,810 6,476,216 4,128,501 914,221,252 809,262,269 10,186,286 224,423,545 7,782,452 1,401,809 243,794,092 565,468,177 586,398,145 4,298,435 718,337 1,471,577 3,940,544 26,248,927 623,075,965 20,929, 968 999,420 180, 800, 418 30,808,631 1,544,071 9,928,183 1,075,849 25,597,829 5,101,996 24,902,952 301,689,317 321,386, 648 2,734,865,636 3,056, 252, 284 405,223,963 4,178,660,015 1,217,293,400 7.51 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $2,898,986,223 2,167,706,304 731,279,919 159,240,030 997,588 571,042,301 1,205,594 1,088,791 116,803 59,130 57,673 571,099,974 514,945,061 10,668,887 5,318,633 6,013,900 318,913 1,103,788 22,896,679 2,081,929 12,152,680 4,052, 224 2,748,489 64,313,504 25,680, 849 14,290,953 3,663,746 54,974 1,703,503 2,468,230 179,531,881 750,631,855 50,879,276 5,185,909 7,627,171 2,862,842 823,561 35,039,281 100,071,049 4,398,234 3,503,979 650,492 189,781,427 5,158,981 1,410,720 22, 210 4,976,216 1,996,194 414,387,542 336,244,313 7,060,478 106,805,397 5,681,835 1,388,430 120,936,140 215,308,173 d 218,534,460 2,150,637 576,786 1,230,849 7,906,024 230,398,756 3,226,287 142.379 46,800,487 25,623,016 ... 7,329,977 63,481 10,542,339 3,259,150 10,739,775 107,442,133 122,956,623 920,635,161 1,043,591,784 153,605, 884 1,683,929,409 335,704,950 7.61 Southern district $1,165,527,504 830,125,436 335,402,068 75,720,327 254,912 259,426,829 1,745,613 1,721,874 23,739 9,898 13,841 259,440,670 253,499,238 9,768,851 2,550,463 3,529,797 6,115 881,150 5,830,866 421,071 2,083,726 860,923 107,661 14,631,398 11,437,236 6,550,636 195,130 182,865 59,037,888 318,478,558 13,326,463 1,913,478 4,367,655 98,039 383,629 8,405,569 13,978,508 634,943 143,391 15,908 90,263,112 1,041,433 1,344,329 1,709 1,500,000 552,957 137,971,123 180,507,435 557,609 11,671,993 1,974, 281 *iž,379 14,217,262 166,290,173 168,550,607 551,115 11,541 538,669 1,284,197 3,246,345 174,182,474 2,260,434 513,840 76,458,095 1,969,087 1,539,611 407.955 14,290 3,056,858 113,625 3,336,102 89,669,897 84,512,577 558,108,186 642,620,763 88,130,088 838,058,500 168,986,150 8.75 Western district $2,318,425,819 1,671,504,996 + 646,920,823 153,962,499 599,094 492,359,230 38,170 3,698 d 34,472 53,257 18,785 492,340,445 444,645,667 ,742,436 105,319 7,113,177 67,122 1,465,683 15,147,047 2,351,993 6,877,488 1,733,648 66,807 68,318,445 36,975,929 9,900,083 746,539 52,533 150, 643 1,217,771 162,032,663 654,373,108 41,322,915 4,922,050 7,245,055 45,078 539,806 27,279,443 52,403,958 1,345,887 1,132,928 147,658 216,409,969 5,901,875 1,582, 891 1,579,350 361,862,587 292,510,521 2,568,199 105,946,155 126,336 108,640,690 183,869,831 199,313,078 1,596,683 706,796 356,122 1,425,498 15,096,558 218,494,735 15,443,247 627,959 57,541,836 3,216,528 4,460 2,190,251 998,078 11,998,632 1,729,221 10,827,075 104,577,287 113,917,448 1,256,122,289 1,370,039,737 163,487,991 1,656,672,106 712,602,300 6.90 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No 1 Freight 2 3 Excess baggage 4 81eeping car .. Parlor and chair car Mail 9 10 7 Express 8 Other passenger-train Milk .. Switching 11 Special service train 12 Other freight-train •• Passenger SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 13 Water transfers--freight 14 Water transfers--passenger 17 18 Freight 19 • 20 Excess baggage 21 22 Mail 15 Water transfers--vehicles and live stock 16 Water transfers--other · ·· Passenger ·· 23 Expres8 24 Special service 25 Other 26 • Total rail-line transportation revenue 66 67 68 27 Dining and buffet 28 Hotel and restaurant 25 Grain elevator 36 Stockyard RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES 71 72 Other passenger service 73 74 • • • 75 76 29 Station, train, and boat privileges 30 Parcel room 31 8torage-freight 32 Storage--baggage 33 Demurrage .. 34 Telegraph and telephone 41 Joint facility--Cr. 42 Joint facility-Dr. 43 44 ·· Total water-line transportation revenue [ 37 Power ·· 38 Rents of buildings and other property 39 Miscellaneous 40 Total incidental operating revenue 45 Superintendence ·· 46 Roadway maintenance--yard • 47 Roadway maintenance--other 48 • • .. Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues Roadway-depreciation--yard 49 Roadway--depreciation--other 50 Underground power tubes--yard RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and 8tructures 51 Underground power tubes--other 52 Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard 53 Underground power tubes--depreciation--other Ballast--yard Ballast--other 56 57 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other Ties--depreciation--yard 69 Ties--depreciation--other 70 Rails--yard Rails--other • Item Tunnels and subways--yard Tunnels and subways--other Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard • 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other 62 Elevated structures--yard ..... 63 Elevated structures--other 64 Elevated structures--depreciation--yard 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other Ties--yard Ties--other Rails--depreciation--yard Rails--depreciation--other • .. Other track material--yard Other track material--other • 79 80 Ballast--depreciation--yard 81 Ballast--depreciation--other • · Other track material--depreciation--yard 77 Other track material--depreciation--other 78 • 82 Track laying and surfacing--yard Track laying and surfacing--other 83 84 Right-of-way fences--yard 85 Right-of-way fences--other 86 Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard 87 Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other ... ·· • ·· ·· • ·· • • Total, all districts $4,797,780,122 1,041,816,167 7,055,488 1,921,650 1,230,801 96,156,677 149,049,263 17,111,346 36,423,009 64,852,808 2,219,050 825,435 1,232,339 2,319,216 7,109,659 1,472,377 6,228,575,407 11,860,676 1,254,479 3,230 19,467 8,815 22,436 975,161 649,234 14,793,498 34,642,687 ,858,693 7,337,808 1,500,330 4,300,271 742,692 21,903,157 2,608,058 1,201,758 834,903 6,632,009 8,165,727 32,924,095 130,652,188 13,439,323 4,520,870 8,918,453 6,382,939,546 56,090,305 8,314,695 74,603,426 22,648 121,197 ·· 263,844 2,456,414 34 3,038 1,408,663 42,777,028 30,113 1,273,482 68,794 68,298 13,696,161 101,950,000 256,315 2,352,607 3,323,302 45,511,686 76,215 1,081,148 8,633,737 42,707,948 204,749 877.512 604,911 19,540,779 7,702 385,693 24,334,519 194,125,898 70,630 5.377.746 725 11,319 Eastern district $2,120,300,955 523,474,791 2,627,887 299,724 36,577,069 70,591,158 6,450,541 25,921,389 30,325,075 835,884 446,053 867,755 1,690,066 5,251,955 1,154,460 2,826,814,762 1,465,286 710,736 1,066 4,629 8,576 19,005 26,421 148 2,235,867 15,379,065 2,538,115 4,743,773 1,098,714 2,094,410 352,858 11,998,862 588,463 1,168,529 13,829 6,430,934 5,452,720 14,327,576 66,187,848 5,377,121 1,629,375 3,747,746 2,898,986,223 22,096,670 3,995,343 27,632,606 40,908 258,067 1,120,655 1,691 758,835 14,300,346 22,055 598,515 62,040 67,467 6,559,398 38,081,328 469 3,367 1,687,245 18,907,904 247 8,398 4,398,007 19,222,380 256 5.979 276,439 7,497,823 3,366 11,900,921 77,676,920 29,196 1,629,264 31 11 Southern district $913,966,077 173,755,511 1,222,200 12,217 162,222 16,789,098 22,953,315 2,615,345 1,571,818 8,901,157 530,968 64,547 53,875 69,456 17,768 262,574 1,142,948,148 6,266,584 640,256 746,551 130,132 1,101,723 77,125 4,000,397 95,734 15,404 5,240 134,367 866,549 7,061,488 21,141,550 1,878,826 441,020 1,437,806 1,165,527,504 10,580,905 1,238,639 16,625,381 4,147 480,458 103,441 10,105,424 1,547 512,766 2,236,737 19,666,788 245,301 2,249,899 13,093 10,467,164 65,932 903,962 1,119,800 6,978,294 196,565 840,970 61,714 5,449,635 7,084 373.534 3,622,628 37,310,333 1,963 814,280 Western district $1,763,513,090 344,585,865 3,205,401 1,909,433 768,855 42,790,510 55,504,790 8,045,460 8,929,802 25,626,576 $52,198 314,835 310,709 559,694 1,839,936 55,343 2,258,812,497 10,395,390 543. 2,164 14,838 239 3.431 948,740 649,086 12,557,631 12,997,038 4,680,322 1,847,484 271,484 1,104,138 312,709 5,903,898 1,923,861 17,825 815,834 66,708 1,846,458 11,535,031 43,322,790 6,183,376 2,450,475 3,732,901 2,318,425,819 23,412,730 3,080,713 30,345,439 22,648 80,289 1,630 855, 301 1,347 546,387 18,371,258 6,511 162,201 6,754 831 4,900,026 44,201,884 10,545 99,341 1,192,964 16,136,618 10,036 168,788 3,115,930 16,507,274 7,928 30,563 266,758 6,593,321 618 8,793 8,810,970 79,138,645 39,471 2,934,202 694 11,308 7 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 02 No. H234 O 180 ON 1 9 10 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation-other Crossings and signs--yard Crossings and signs--other 7 Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard Crossings and signs--depreciation--other 8tation and office buildings Station and office buildings--depreciation 11 Roadway buildings 12 Roadway buildings--depreciation 13 14 32 33 15 Fuel stations ·· 16 Fuel stations--depreciation SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other 17 Shops and enginehouses 18 Shops and enginehouses--depreciation 19 Grain elevators 20 Grain elevators--depreciation HUNTINOMBO O O MOM I 21 Storage warehouses .. 22 Storage warehouses--depreciation 23 Tharves and docks 24 Wharves and docks--depreciation 25 Coal and ore wharves 26 Coal and ore wharves--depreciation 27 Gas producing plants .. 28 Gas producing plants--depreciation 29 Telegraph and telephone lines 30 Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation 31 Signals and interlockers .. Signals and interlockers--depreciation Water stations Water stations--depreciation 57 50 Paving--depreciation 58 ·· 37 Power substation buildings 38 Power substation buildings--depreciation 39 Power transmission systems 40 Power transmission systems--depreciation 41 Power distribution systems Power distribution systems--depreciation 51 Roadway machines 60 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation 35 Power plant buildings ·· 36 Power plant buildings--depreciation • 63 Underground conduits 46 Underground conduits--depreciation 47 Miscellaneous structures 48 Miscellaneous structures--depreciation 49 Paving 53 Small tools and supplies .. 54 Removing snow, ice, and sand 64 Item 42 43 Power line poles and fixtures 44 Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation ... 52 Roadway machines--depreciation 59 Other expenses • 72 73 ·· · 65 Superintendence 66 Shop machinery .... 67 Shop machinery--depreciation 68 Power plant machinery • ... Assessments for public improvements Injuries to persons Insurance Stationery and printing • ··· 69 Power plant machinery--depreciation 70 Power substation apparatus ..... 75 Other locomotives--repairs .. 76 Other locomotives--depreciation 77 Other locomotives--retirements 78 Freight-train cars--repairs 79 Freight-train cars--depreciation 80 Freight-train cars--retirements 81 ... 71 Power substation apparatus--depreciation Steam locomotives--repairs Steam locomotives--depreciation Steam locomotives--retirements · Total, above accounts Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Or. Equalization--way and structures Total maintenance of way and structures Maintenance of Equipment ·· • Passenger-train cars--repairs 82 Passenger-train cars--depreciation 83 Passenger-train cars--retirements 84 • • Motor equipment of cars--repairs Motor equipment of cars--depreciation 86 Motor equipment of cars--retirements 87 Floating equipment--repairs 88 Floating equipment--depreciation 89 Floating equipment--retirements ··· • .. • ... • ·· O • • • • Total, all districts $4,863 604,247 18 188 1,230,299 11,837,943 2,614 37,986 34,705,562 1,080,761 5,489,734 61,670 10,892, 284 123,431 4,984,708 60,096 25,833,442 534,458 185,857 5,102 91,220 5,745,350 137,516 3,016,995 952,010 76,677 12,152,821 8,927 31,208,948 210,410 3,521 874,685 136,076 63,491 21,423 279,547 14,299 3,059,232 260,207 604,901 30,097 28,114 4.516 511,425 3,318 721,284 38 6,947,613 9,203 11,876,012 13,179,037 516,404 6,034,543 3,933,545 1,355,676 696,291 855,064,905 d 38,457,086 26,697,665 866,824,326 45,767,586 28,299,466 705,412 6,049,461 603,089 358,263 38,379 460,544,091 53,150,073 5,816,113 3,242,864 913,921 ·· 377,702,528 111,273,766 19,562, 201 85,286,429 16,373,461 1,352,163 2,643,923 724,047 21,175 11,899,465 3,166,470 247,809 Eastern district $623 72,875 120 497,025 6,669,809 2,036 33,682 16,521,467 538,074 1,671,923 2,189 3,889,788 44,893 2,281,428 25,428 12,981,271 343,912 161,671 2,702 36,565 3,732,435 67,650 1,865,260 173,992 36,048 5,860,961 504 19,354,081 188,804 d Deficit or other reverse item. *** 627,339 107,096 53,116 19,205 225,000 66,554 2,321,240 308,071 333,581 81,975 24,102 7,504 292,604 403,363 2,251,577 251 4,524,105 9,626,720 177,827 2,865,146 1,845,312 507,941 487,054 363,058,080 16,633,780 11,349,864 368,341,996 21,059,576 15,351,038 412,953 4,019,227 539,145 304,274 16,144 216,891,345 24,774,858 4,026,531 2,372,732 518,790 183,248,406 49,262,210 11,375,599 40,500, 101 8,122,358 1,008,417 1,734,509 505,257 9.972 9,378,304 1,997,453 192,218 Southern district 137,617 1,706,826 $12 370 1,044 6,350,778 234,264 1,511,819 24,064 2,117,277 64,775 995,824 24,130 3,887,825 128,774 8,069 2,400 56,567 1,153,919 ↓ 69,866 328,088 137,968 2,130,562 5,247 4,964,993 16,690 69,092 14,641 1,945 336 32,408 6,918 321,798 11,176 124,629 8,174 275 • 42,139 d 2.059 72,071 1,420,392 2,995 2,435,776 408,028 55,041 885,688 701,202 258,660 77,868 165,717,345 d 7,350,340 5,670,523 167,397,162 7,761,570 4,113,251 265,784 664,480 25,775 21,262 4,032 86,607,011 9,391,040 525,993 395,395 198,017 68,550,215 22,413,298 2,678,207 14,065,133 2,525,483 32,752 163,299 59,611 293,737 56,211 11,578 Western district 18 68 595,657 3,461,308 578 3,260 11,833,317 308,423 2,305,992 35,417 4,885,219 13,763 1,707,456 10,538 8,964,346 61,772 16,117 d $4,228 531,002 1,912 858,996 823,647 640,050. 40,629 21 4,161,298 3,176 6,889,874 4,916 3,521 178,254 14,339 8,430 1,882 22,139 d 59.173 416,194 d 59,040 d a 146,691 60.052 3,737 12.020 176,682 5,377 245,850 38 3,275,644 5,957 4,916,131 3,144,289 283,536 2,283,709 1,337,031 589,075 131,369 326,289,480 14,472,966 9,677,278 331,085,168 16,946,440 8,830,177 26,675 1,365,754 38,169 32,727 18,203 157,045,735 18,984,175 1,263,589 474,737 197,114 125,903,907 39,598,258 5,508,395 30,721,195 5,725,620 376,498 746,115 159,179 11, 203 2,227,424 1,112,806 44,013 K STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. HNI+MONT90 I am 1 Work equipment--repairs 2 Work equipment--depreciation Tork equipment--retirements 10 9 Stationery and printing 11 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Miscellaneous equipment--repairs Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation Miscellaneous equipment-retirements 7 Injuries to persons 8 Insurance RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded Other expenses Total 16 Superintendence 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 12 Maintaining joint equipment--Dr. 13 Maintaining joint equipment--CI. Equalization-equipment 14 15 Outside agencies Advertising Total maintenance of equipment Traffic associations Fast freight lines 26 Superintendence 27 Dispatching trains 28 Station employees 65 66 Total traffic Yard enginemen 36 Yard motormen Z ZZZZZI 76 Industrial and immigration bureaua Insurance Stationery and printing Other expenses ·· ·· 45 Train enginemen 46 Train motormen 29 30 31 Station supplies and expenses ...... 32 Yardmasters and yard clerks 33 Yard conductors and brakemen .. 34 Yard switch and signal tenders 37 Fuel for yard locomotives 38 Yard switching power produced 39 Yard Bwitching power purchased 40 .. Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus Coal and ore wharves Water for yard locomotives 41 Lubricants for yard locomotives 42 43 Enginehouse expenses--yard ·· 47 Fuel for train locomotives 48 Train power produced 49 Train power purchased 50 Water for train locomotives Yard supplies and expenses ·· Transportation-Rail Line • Other supplies for yard locomotives •• Item .. Traffic 57 Signal and interlocker operation 58 Crossing protection 59 51 52 Other supplies for train locomotives 53 Enginehouse expenses--train 54 Trainmen 55 Train supplies and expenses 56 Operating sleeping cars Lubricants for train locomotives Loss and damage--freight Loss and damage-baggage Drawbridge operation 60 Telegraph and telephone operation 61 Operating floating equipment 62 Express service 63 Stationery and printing 64 Other expenses Insurance Clearing wrecks 67 Damage to property 68 77 Operation of vessels Operation of terminals Incidental 79 80 • • ·· • • •• • ·· • 69 70 71 Injuries to persons 72 Operating joint yards and terminals-Dr. 73 Operating joint yards and terminals--Cr. Operating joint tracks and facilities-Dr. 75 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Or. Total transportation--Rail line Damage to live stock on right of way Transportation-Water Line Total transportation-- Water line Total, all districts $19,576,360 4,741,926 2,030,651 456,118 258,983 127,764 6,321,129 6,218,857 2,268,249 1,724,843 1,279,467,035 8,033,028 4,413,725 1,283,086,338 35,965,200 46,252,440 16,760,869 2,817,360 44,429 2,471,529 45,165 10,151, 721 181,800 114,690,513 68,739,735 34,691,737 309,087,318 5,669,272 10,278,877 21,398,293 63,017,871 152,640,554 12,646,041 92,513,493 885,107 68,322,379 149,449 356,130 4,590,887 1,390,060 1,526,998 31,006,059 3,882,181 230,905,056 4,414,466 339,109,550 2,589,372 6,653,794 21,968,898 7,818,398 6,641,863 82,863,227 267,585,065 82,369,148 839,588 26,251,705 21,243,344 2,026,270 10,610,360 29,563,410 14,043,822 6,350,279 3,384,924 8,487,299 5,247,258 2,854,234 34,267,628 390,525 34,185,050 71,705,627 37,274,119 16,311,807 14,295,935 2,171,904,354 4,669,609 4,640,350 302,765 9,612,724 Eastern district $9,074,497 1,939,106 949,464 234,234 125,757 98,335 3,652,600 2,949,715 1,192,952 1,211,842 619,049,919 3,595,146 2,005,216 620,639,849 16,226,615 15,185,419 4,879,406 1,008,279 44,429 556,421 21,283 4,037,145 86,896 42,045,893 35,186,087 16,708,459 146,862,289 1,190,776 6,538,259 11,221,967 33.124,707 81,717,071 8,360,594 48,634,183 837,203 32,437,302 144,948 328,230 2,216,347 753,208 785,508 15,147,471 2,301,988 101,604,137 2,726,091 134,126,369 1,538,643 5,070,760 8,970,887 3,354,535 3,077,366 38,314,859 116,815,913 38,847,080 7,426,393 14,479,842 1,049,340 4,881,355 25,275,900 6,730,530 3,851,088 1,446,322 4,487,855 2,105,291 240,579 14,858,438 246,996 16,688,962 29,132,095 15,120,404 548,775 6,709,487 1,027,563,107 1,358,916 171,181 26,919 1,557,016 Southern district $3,334,724 952,997 211,717 41,652 41,192 9,949 786,143 786,678 378,441 170,675 227,476,798 1,420,825 1,035,776 227,861,847 7,437,277 9,729,317 2,563,063 597,301 749,377 5,632 2,457,765 457, 6,017 23,545,749 12,192,047 7,730,786 55,697,475 1,337,758 1,948,555 3,181,738 11,801,856 25,885,435 1,416,925 15,203,311 1,941 10,036,039 725,257 224,613 306,387 5,779,077 766,026 44,119,562 422,361 56,328,074 622,807 310,706 3,984,728 1,535,394 1,335,953 15,512,917 51,191,410 14,224,406 5,432 2,363,497 1,787,087 374,289 1,345,195 570,635 2,621,209 926,931 720,358 1,923,514 1,360,521 1,122,203 6,111,982 77,866 6,765,292 15,659,011 10,361,697 1,783,231 1,851,905 377,128,195 Western district $7,167,139 1,849,823 869,470 180,232 92,034 19,480 1,882,386 2,482,464 696,856 342,326 432,940,318 3,017,057 1,372,733 434,584,642 12,301,308 21,337,704 9,318,400 1,211,780 1,165,731 18,250 3,656,811 88,887 49,098,871 21,361,601 10,252,492 106,527,554 3,140,738 1,792,063 6,994,588 18,091,308 45,038,048 2,868,522 28,675,999 45.963 25,849,038 4,501 27,900 1,649,283 412,239 435,103 10,079,511 814,167 85,181,357 1,266,014 148,655,107 427,922 1,272,328 9,013,283 2,928,469 2,228,544 29,035,451 99,577,742 29,297,662 834,156 6,461,815 976,415 602,641 4,383,810 3,716,875 4,692,083 1,572,260 1,218,244 2,075,930 1,781,446 1,491,452 13,297,208 65,663 10,730,796 26,914,521 11,792,018 6,979,801 5,734,543 767,213,052 3,310,693 469,169 275,846 8,055, 708 6 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 10 No. 1234 LO 1 Dining and buffet service 7 2 Hotels and restaurants Grain elevators Stockyards Producing power sold Other miscellaneous operations 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 8 Salaries and expenses of general officers Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants General office supplies and expenses Law expenses 17 Other expenses 18 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Miscellaneous Operations Total miscellaneous operations Insurance .... Relief department expenses Pensions General joint facilities-Dr. 19 General joint facilities--Or. 20 8tationery and printing Valuation expenses 47 Item 53 Total general expenses 21 Transportation for investment--Cr. 22 Total railway operating expenses 23 Ratio of ererating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES Maintenance of Way and Structures 24 Related solely to freight service ... 25 Related solely to passenger and allied services 26 Apportioned to freight service 27 Apportioned to passenger and allied services 28 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 29 Total General ·· 59 30 Related solely to freight service · 31 Related solely to passenger and allied services 32 Apportioned to freight service 33 Apportioned to passenger and allied services 34 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 35. Total Maintenance of Equipment 36 Related solely to freight service 37 Related solely to passenger and allied services 38 Apportioned to freight service •• 39 Apportioned to passenger and allied services 40 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 41 Total ·· Traffic 42 Related solely to freight service ..... 43 Related solely to passenger and allied services 44 Apportioned to freight service ·· Apportioned to passenger and allied services Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total ·· Transportation--Rail Line 48 Related solely to freight service • 49 Related solely to passenger and allied services 50 Apportioned to freight service .. 51 Apportioned to passenger and allied services ·· Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total Transportation--Water Line Miscellaneous Operations 54 Related solely to freight service • Related solely to passenger and allied services 56 Apportioned to freight service Apportioned to passenger and allied services Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total Total, all districts $41,419,368 7,519,500 1,298,513 684,063 3,290,479 1,851,945 56,063,868 19,381,691 91,754,757 7,432,490 17,220,073 166,071 2,325,155 22,372,016 5,402,920 8,008,819 8,685,131 1,969,369 328,586 184,389,906 17,235,293 4,669,336,736 73.15 $85,712,802 24,491,229 550,426,073 205,360,108 834,114 866,824,326 810,233,251 231,614,857 179,025,574 61,378,771 833,885 1,283,086,338 60,450,539 40,880,442 7.727,955 5,631,577 114,690,513 1,248,469,940 429,877,385 376,910,071 116,629,416 17,542 2,171,904,354 7,621,561 177,364 1,496,198 288,938 28,663 9,612,724 2,987,392 46,645,637 1,333,074 923,001 4,174,764 56,063,868 Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $18,815,517 2,396,701 1,261,334 21,998 3,191,122 490,459 26,177,131 7,756,999 40,470,072 3,530,831 6,726,234 87,550 1,161,505 14,585,646 2,168,315 3,550,458 ,399,453 782,413 115,679 84,103,797 2,722,485 2,167,706,304 74.77 $53,140,212 16,169,543 212,775,536 86,006,525 250,180 368,341,996 409,964,251 119,197,006 67,347,448 23,491,562 639,582 620,639,849 25,073,520 14,025,914 2,172,051 774,408 42,045,893 633,882,296 207,945,113 138,915,817 46,831,858 d 11.977 1,027,563,107 733,161 135,534 454,218 234,103 1,557,016 1,664,871 21,965,328 399,564 223,874 1,923,494 26,177,131 Southern district $6,881,932 579,322 18,179 10,820 44,757 112,012 7,647,022 3,157,218 15,989,347 1,195,624 3,760,822 24,958 214,702 1,908,378 1,082,672 1,181,493 1,496,282 261,422 45,441 30,227,477 3,682,016 830,125,436 71.22 $13,437,830 2,927,810 113,539,809 37,491,713 167,397,162 153,091,844 39,127,674 28,245,040 7,397,289 227,861,847 14,600,261 7,083,119 1,298,197 564,172 23,545,749 214,834,425 68,261,089 74,046,551 19,986,130 377,128,195 121,834 7,323,708 154,723 42,192 4,565 7,647,022 Western district 5,721,919 4,543,477 19,000 651,245 54,600 1,249,474 22,239,715 8,467,474 35,295,338 2,706,035 6,733,017 53,563 948,948 5,877,992 2,151,933 3,276,868 3.789,396 925,534 167,466 70,058,632 10,830,792 1,671,504,996 72.10 $19,134,760 5,393,876 224,110,728 81,861,870 583,934 331,085,168 247,177,156 73,290,177 83,433,086 30,489,920 194,303 434,584,642 20,776,758 19,771,409 +,297,707 4,292,997 49,098,871 399,753,219 153,671,183 163,947,703 49,811,428 29,519 767,213,052 6,888,400 41,830 1,041,980 54,835 28,663 8,055,708 1,200,687 17,356,601 778,787 656,935 2,246,705 22,239,715 : STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 7 8 1 1 Related solely to freight service. 2 Related solely to passenger and allied services. 3 Apportioned to freight service.. 4 Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. 5 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 6 Total.... 9 Apportioned to freight service.... 10 Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. 11 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 12 Total.. 34 LOND لالالالا MMM4 ao 13 Related solely to freight service... 14 Related solely to passenger and allied services.. 15 Apportioned to freight service... 16 Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. · 17 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 18 Total.. 19 Miles of road... 20 Miles of second main track. 21 Miles of third main track. 22 Miles of fourth main track. 23 Miles of all other main tracks.. 24 Miles of yard track and sidings. 25 Total, all tracks.... 37 38 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) HOME WON 4444 26 Miles of road. 27 Miles of second main track. Miles of third main track.. 28 47 SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES--Continued General 42 43 48 PRANMAN Y 35 Related solely to freight service... Related solely to passenger and allied services. 56 29 Miles of fourth main track.. 30 Miles of all other main tracks. 31 Miles of yard track and sidings. 32 Transportation for Investment--Cr. Total Operating Expenses Total, all tracks.... Box cars. Flat cars. Stook cars. Coal cars. Tank cars. • MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1926 Number at close of year: • ·· Item Total.... MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1926 • • Steam locomotives: Number at close of year. Total tractive power (pounds). Number installed during year. Number retired during year.. Electric locomotives: • • Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars. Flat cars. Stock cars. Coal cars. Tank carB... • Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. Total. • • Number at close of year….. Total tractive power (pounds). Number installed during year.... Number retired during year. • ... Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying cars. · EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE • · · ... ... Freight-carrying Cars · · •• ~ PODRNOVE Total, all districts II/ Includes $48,359,811 11,512,953 91,890,187 32,145,680 481,275 184,389,906 16,557,877 344,692 262,991 69,733 17,235,293 2,247,277,419 784,855,175 1,208,546,141 422,287,758 6,370,243 4,669,336,736 237,054.30 35,866.68 3,158.21 2,168.92 343.34 1/ 116,353.37 5/ 394,944.82 177,183.94 21,386.38 2,064.53 1,525.22 141.51 9/81,420.24 283,721.82 62,342 2,611,295,824 1,825 3,105 418 22,485,700 56 1,076,197 102,009 84,971 948,489 10,441 44,828 81,248 2,348,183 43,008,699 4,243,094 3,083,041 49,596,327 453,785 1,455,221 4,083,372 105,923,539 Eastern district $24,783,272 5,960,740 39,457,962 13,423,499 478,324 84,103,797 2,470,407 83,155 132,633 36,290 2,722,485 1,146,771,176 385,316,023 461,389,963 170,949,539 3,279,603 2,167,706,304 59,113.90 18,420.14 2,721.54 1,931.32 83.52 2/ 45,435.42 6/127,705.84 33,845.99 9,085.08 1,704.68 1,333.76 45.04 10/ 25,801.55 71,816.10 27,268 1,190,510,295 739 1,626 314 15,216,200 50 458,031 22,746 15,077 561,995 356 5,813 21,613 1,085,631 Includes 21,164.35 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 7,672.39 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 4,276.55 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 9,215.41 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 22,343.41 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 8,582.16 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 3,753.28 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 10,007.97 miles operated under trackage rights. 9/ Includes 14,717.29 miles of industrial tracks. 10/ Includes 4,151.44 miles of industrial tracks. 3,285.03 miles of industrial tracks. 12/ Includes 7,280.82 miles of industrial tracks. 18,915,375 995,958 604,250 29,864,342 5,774 185,775 1,095,078 51,666,552 - Southern district $8,738,083 1,673,254 15,028,264 4,787,876 30,227,477 3,522,353 19,291 111,324 29,048 3,682,016 401,301,924 126,377,363 232,201,260 70,240,324 4,565 830,125,436 44,727.61 5,572.44 125.61 48.27 239.13 3/ 20,399.34 Z/ 71,112.40 35,172.68 3.958.59 119.87 44.15 75.78 11/ 15,385.89 54,756.96 11,386 484,487,440 634 418 32 3,21 3,217,000 172,008 23,019 8,380 208,373 28 6,282 7,635 425,725 6,302,715 932,420 312,370 11,259,475 1,220 194,050 357,209 19,359,459 Western district $14,838,456 3,878,959 37,403,961 13,934,305 2,951 70,058,632 10,565,117 242,246 19,034 4,395 10,830,792 699,204,319 273,161,789 514,954,918 181,097,895 3,086,075 1,671,504,996 133,212.79 11,874.10 311.06 189.33 20.69 4/ 50,518.61 / 196,126.58 108,165.27 8,342.71 239.98 147.31 20.69 12/ 40,232.80 157,148.76 23,688 936,298,089 452 1,061 72 2 4,052,500 446,158 56,244 61,514 178,121 10,057 32,733 52,000 836,827 17,790,609 2,314,716 2,166,421 8,472,510 446,791 1,075,396 2,631,085 34,897,528 11 4 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 12 No. 1234LOX7 10 8 9 10 11 12 AAAA 235 13 14 15 16 222 3t5 24 26 27 28 222 678 29 30 31 MM 23 32 33 MMMM 457 34 17 Number at close of year 18 Number installed during year 19 Number retired during year 35 36 20 Number at close of year 21 Number installed during year 22 Number retired during year 37 NO ES FEW W Number of units at close of year Number of units installed during year 25 Number of units retired during year .......... TIES LAID DURING YEAR 41 444 42 43 404 4444 46 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Forum 5 49 50 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded 51 Number installed during year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total • 52 ·· 55 ·· 38 | Average number Compensation-- Number retired during year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank oars Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total ·· .. • ... .. All Classes of Passenger-train Cars Item ·· All Classes of Company Service Equipment In replacement and betterments: Number of crossties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges TO ❤ In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of crossties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges Floating Equipment .. Service days-- ... In replacement and betterments: Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks Miles of yard track and sidings Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges • RAILS LAID DURING YEAR Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total Service, hours-- Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total 47 48 Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY LOCOMOTIVES Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total EMPLOYEES • Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service In passenger service In mixed-train service In special service .. In yard-switching service In work service Grand total, all services Total, all districts 432; 231 183 rust 2,872 34,004 149 2,088 5,959 91,786 45.042 4,804 4,836 38,423 446 5,971 2,475 101,997 54,773 3,453 3,307 109,608 12,596 11,921 2,434 73 94 80,745,509 275,973,880 $117,509,956 9,530,926 57,051, 205 $15,563, 234 3,818, 244 $139,952,617 1,146.24 2,341.50 475,418 $15,515,359 1,779,281 $2,640,492,534 $182,911, 183 $2,946, 118, 103 3,962,836,957 224,390,074 4,347,495,632 39,537,450 306, 262 40,530,703 $2,717,652, 538 82,944,112 29,398,931 1,881,293 51,368 23,279,470 3,035,145 140,590,319 Eastern district 17,365 756 535 14,869 N 915 1,341 35,781 16,043 697 941 17,902 24 1,658 1,054 38,319 26,974 1,762 1,710 36,543 4,510 4,589 2,106 57 83 22,870,813 104,319,012 $44,620,830 2,165,115 16,228,971 $4,638,174 1,674,394 $57,997,767 244.86 601.63 129,038 $4,195,128 773,393 $1,208,603,469 $87,170,962 $1,354,783,899 1,706,484, 541 105,029,321 1,889, 210, 146 19,451,639 162,061 19,994,207 $1,254,038,462 35,294,059 12,793, 580 363,211 16,961 11,811,909 1,438,747 61,718,467 Southern district 8,389 1,463 281 11,151 13 2,584 23,882 7,654 1,603 342 9,397 86 216 19,298 Zd Does not include data for. 450 linear feet of steel ties. Does not include data for 1,468 linear feet of steel ties. 8,657 738 337 19,847 2,357 1,453 121 17,870,373 65,677,595 23,821,312 3,064,422 16,798,957 $4,664,861 848,316 $32,317,168 386.30 649.56 146,792 $4,794, 285 359,054 $486,925,174 $36,221,673 $541,563,338 797,485,363 46,387,567 867,909,805 6,456,399 43,328 6,578,979 $495,625,026 18,029,029 5,654,841 352,713 10,981 4,139,862 616,255 28,803,681 Western district 11.264 2,056 7,984 136 1,172 2,034 32,123 21,345 2,504 3,553 11,124 422 4,227 1,205 44,380 19,142 953 1,260 53,218 5,729 5,879 207 40,004,323 105,977,273 $49,067,814 4,301,389 24,023,277 $6,260,199 1,295,534 $49,637,682 515.08 1,090.31 199,588 $6,525,946 646,834 $944,963,891 $59,518,548 $1,049,770,866 1,458,867,053 72,973,186 1,590,375,681 13,629,412 100,873 13,957,517 $967,989,050 29,621,024 10,950,510 1,165,369 23,426 7,327,699 980,143 50,068,171 • STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS ! SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) REVENUE FREIGHT TONNAGE BY GROUPS OF COMMODITIES Revenue Freight Originated Products of agriculture: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Animals and products: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Products of mines: .. Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Products of forests: Number of carloade Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car ·· Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads · Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car .. Animals and products: Products of agriculture: Number of carloads Products of mines: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Merchandise - All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Total Revenue Freight Carried • Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Item Products of forests: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage .. • • ... Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage • • •• · • • ·· • • • Merchandise - All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Grand total, cerload and L. C. L. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage freight: Total, all districts 4,751,043 111,787,387 23.53 2,196,677 26,243,489 11.95 14,932,082 757,703,138 50.74 3,708,252 104,850,837 28.28 11,344, 714 296,066,483 26.10 36,932,768 1,296,651, 334 35.11 39,490,989 1,336,142,323 10,430,034 223,923,885 9.08 3,800, 79 797 47,022,643 1.91 26,535,730 1,341,577,242 54.42 7,548,525 204,790, 308 8.30 23,239,500 579,829,682 23.52 71,554,586 2,397,143, 760 97.23 68,224,846 2.77 2,465,368, 606 100.00 Eastern district 1,061,013 23,950,129 22.57 445,422 5,777,115 12.97 6,614,323 336,899,877 50.93 456,081 11,496,799 25.21 6,914,488 183,282,163 26.51 15,491,327 561,406,083 36.24 18,794, 144 580, 200, 227 3,479,179 73,473,788 5.61 1,386,801 18,082, 846 1.38 15,165,873 782,627,744 59.78 2,110,401 53,455,576 4.08 13,797,250 346,585,535 26.47 35,939,504 1,274,225,489 97.32 35,016,132 2.68 1,309, 241, 621 100.00 Southern district 921,463 15,156,955 16.45 165,505 1,935,968 11.70 4,083,563 215,579,085 52.79 1,267,834 32,752,130 25.83 1,471,005 36,693,482 24.94 7,909,370 302,117,620 38.20 8,460,826 310,578,446 2,114,651 34,950,828 7.58 341,898 4,337,303 .94 5,269,066 272,596,789 59.10 2,171,461 56,026,771 12.15 3,252,999 78,861,271 17.09 13,150,075 446,772,962 96.86 14,490,428 3.14 461,263,390 100.00 Western district 2,768,567 72,680,303 26.25 1,585,750 18,530, 406 11.69 4,234,196 205,224,176 48.47 1,984,337 60, 601, 908 30.54 2,959,221 76,090,838 25.71 13,532,071 433,127,631 32.01 12,236,019 445,363,650 4,836,204 115,499,269 16.62 2,072,098 24,602, 494 3.54 6,100,791 286,352,709 41.21 3,266,663 95,307,961 13.72 6,189,251 154,382,876 22.22 22,465,007 676,145,309 97.31 18,718, 286 2.69 694,863,595 100.00 13 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 1 14 No. OR~~ * 1 Average mileage of road operated SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) 2 | Freight--ordinary 3 Freight--light 4 ING Passenger ..... Mixed Special Work service STATISTICS OF RAIL-LINE OPERATIONS Total transportation service 9 Total freight train .. 10 Total passenger train 11 Total mixed train .. 12 Total special 13 Train switching..... 14 Yard switching--freight 15 Yard switching--passenger 40 41 16 Total transportation service 17 Work service 25 Passenger train--dining 26 Passenger train--other 27 18 Freight train--loaded 19 Freight train-empty 20 Freight train-caboose 21 Freight train--exclusive work equipment 22 Total freight train • 37 38 39 Work service IL5 23 Passenger train--passenger 24 Passenger train--sleeping, parlor, and observation Total passenger train 28 | Mixed train--freight--loaded 29 Mixed train-freight--empty Locomotive-Miles Total special train Train-Miles 30 | Mixed train--caboose 31 Mixed train--exclusive work equipment • 32 Mixed train--passenger 33 34 Mixed train--dining Mixed train-sleeping, parlor, and observation 35 Mixed train--other passenger train 36 Total mixed train Tons--revenue freight Tons--nonrevenue freight 42 Ton-miles--revenue freight 43 Item • Car-Miles Total transportation service • • Ton-miles--nonrevenue freight Revenue per passenger Revenue per passenger-mile Miscellaneous 44 Passengers carried--revenue 45 Passenger-miles--revenue 46 Ton-miles--revenue freight--per mile of road 47 Ton-miles--revenue freight--per train-mile 48 Ton-miles--revenue and nonrevenue freight--per loaded car-mile 53 Revenue per ton of freight .. 54 Revenue per ton-mile of freight 49 Passenger-miles--revenue--per train-mile 50 Passenger-miles--revenue--per car-mile 51 Miles hauled--revenue freight 52 Miles carried--revenue passengers ...... 13 Total, all districts 236,631.40 603 + 4+67 603,513,070 7.467,046 573,626,649 26,440,325 570,345 1.211,617,435 37,241,627 691,623,951 570,055,081 27,039,497 650,286 60,495,789 315,491,063 24,166,138 1,689,521,805 47,125,596 17,640,883,455 10,077,357,075 619,475,243 40,867,935 28,378,583,708 1,282,720,517 1,170,363,403 152,510,369 1,231,193,553 3,836,787,842 137,671,840 75,061,557 2,730,666 1,275,326 31,439,101 745,897 10,296 14,344,565 263,279,248 9,802,192 32,488,452,990 177,589,667 2,465,368,606 277,249,248 443,746,487,348 42,518,942,792 862,361,333 35,477,524,581 1,875,265 701.46 27.35 61.33 14.28 179.99 41.13 $1.94595 $0.01081 $1.20773 $0.02936 Eastern district 58,987.31 235,712,498 ,110,003 238,328,792 5,386,532 219,727 483,757,552 16,544,776 237; 12345 285,032,946 237,725,511 5,474,425 241,855 31,111,878 163,255,897 13,385,023 736,227,535 22,057,913 7,185,666,923 4,079,957,254 242,931,492 5,237,251 11,513,792,920 603,667,315 447,738,361 51,021,024 531,665,321 1,634,092,021 22,302,029 11,074,713 761,204 112,254 6,255,783 37,089 9,074 5,650,092 46,202,238 3,670,029 13,197,757,208 50,180,847 1,309,241,621 113,863,864 193,717,411,254 14,080,578,941 608,364,585 18,761,992,561 3,284,052 794.54 28.83 78.26 17.74 147.96 30.84 $1.61928 $0.01094 $0.86015 $0.02789 Southern district 44,449.99 134,324,660 1,591,609 103,399,134 4,537,205 123,210 243,975,818 8,486,333 146,338,123 104,614,166 4,623,966 129,416 10,000,121 53,728,113 3,499,088 322,932,993 10,084,111 3,540,988,256 2,203,299,563 137,356,145 7,964,069 5,889,608,033 224,034,344 213,459,729 27,474,489 202,411,455 667,380,017 20,385,416 10,435,781 338,645 139,441 6,725,710 72,223 2,137,993 40,235,209 1,829,519 6,599,052,778 38,577,379 461,263,390 60,210,662 101,426,273,438 9,266,367,931 88,671,570 5,186,528,341 2,281,806 727.37 31.08 49.67 11.67 219.89 58.49 $1.98144 $0.00901 $1.95954 $0.03350 Western district 133,194.10 233,475,912 1,765,434 231,898,723 16,516,588 227,408 483,884,065 12,210,518 260,252,882 227,715,404 16,941,106 279,015 19,383,790 98,507,053 7,282,027 630,361,277 14,983,572 6,914,228,276 3,794,100,258 239,187,606 27,666,615 10,975,182,755 455,018,858 509,165,313 74,014,856 497,116,777 1,535,315,804 94,984,395 53,551,063 1,630,817 1,023,631 18,457,608 636,585 1,222 6,556,480 176,841,801 4,302,644 12,691,643,004 88,831,441 694,863,595 103,174,722 148,602,802,656 19,171,995,920 165,325,178 11,529,003,679 1,115,586 595.97 23.94 49.20 11.73 213.86 69.74 $2.53790 $0.01187 $2.08353 $0.02988 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Total number of stockholders OM LOWO 110 7 10 11 8 Other investments 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ساسات الاسلام الله 31 33 لالالا OW F 35 36 37 38 Y DIE EFFE 46 49 50 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 (Does not include lessor companies) 30 Funded debt unmatured Receiver's certificates 51 inis omatin in thin 780 Investment in road and equipment Improvements on leased railway property Sinking funds Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies 56 Total investments ... 25 Capital stock 26 Stock liability for conversion 27 Premium on capital stock 28 Total stock 29 Grants in aid of construction 57 58 .. Cash Demand loans and deposits Time drafts and deposits Special deposits .... Loans and bills receivable Deferred assets GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investments Total current assets Miscellaneous accounts receivable Material and supplies Other current assets • • Discount on capital stock Discount on funded debt Other unadjusted debits 32 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies Total long-term debt 39 40 Operating reserves 41 Accrued depreciation 42 Other unadjusted credits 43 • Total unadjusted debite Grand total Deferred liabilities •• Premium on funded debt ·· Unadjusted Debits Item Current Assets • Loans and bills payable Miscellaneous accounts payable Other current liabilities Stook Long-Term Debt ·· Total current liabilities Corporate Surplus 44 Additions to property through income and surplus 45 Funded debt retired through income and surplus Sinking fund reserves 47 Miscellaneous fund reserves 48 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested Current Liabilities Total unadjusted oredits • • Unadjusted Credits Total corporate surplus Total appropriated surplus Profit and loss--balance • ·· .. ·· INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT Expenditures for new lines and extensions Expenditures for additions and betterments Credits for property retired Adjustments Net charges during year Stocks actually issued during year--par value Funded debt actually issued during year--par value 1 Total, all districts 377 $146,241,752 11,868, 560 1,640 57,954 3,909, 148 16,332,613 5,659,539 184,071,206 • 7,946,645 174,000 4,856,990 1,707,323 8,820 5,331,572 417,345 4,013,624 29,456,319 4,777,054 3,087,800 1,510,888 2,972,396 7,571,084 225,875,663 34,734,400 34,734,400 95,466,000 12,479,030 107,945,030 1,313,676 10,872,097 12,185,773 694,449 4,587 12,188,289 11,390,489 23,583,365 8,979,132 2,105,000 566,640 989,738 12,640,510 34,092,136 46,732,646 703,496 8, 232, 162 2,076,330 589,370 7,445,698 6,391,000 Eastern district 103 $100,317,820 2,814,037 57,954 1,061,212 3,244,966 3,748,366 111,244,355 3,904,698 4,725,990 2,205 820 2,636,064 3,500,016 2,605,962 17,375,755 519,730 601,493 1,784, 764 2,386,257 131,526,097 27,520,000 27,520,000 53,133,700 6,184,646 59,318,346 436,620 7,793,728 8,230,348 666,338 4,587 7,327,132 4,793,260 12,124,979 6,722,756 966,004 7,688,760 15,977,326 23,666,086 703,496 4,647,191 1,141,113 425,390 4,634,964 5,000,000 Bouthern district Western district 274 $45,923,932 9,054,523 1,640 2,847,936 13,087,647 1,911,173 72,826,851 4,041,947 174,000 131,000 1,705,118 8,000 2,695,508 1,917,329 1,407,662 12,080,564 4,257,324 3,087,800 909,395 1,187,632 5,184,827 94,349,566 7,214,400 7,214,400 42,332,300 6,294,384 48,626,684 877,056 3,078,369 3,955,425 28,111 4,861,157 6,597,229 11,458,386 2,256,376 2,105,000 566,640 23,734 4,951,750 18,114,810 23,066,560 3,584,971 935,217 160,980 2,810,734 1,391,000 15 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS · 16 No. 1 Railway operating revenues 2 Railway operating expenses ག ཌ ལཱ 11 Net revenue from railway operations 4 Railway tax accruals 5 Uncollectible railway revenues 6 Railway operating income 13 14 Motion 7 Revenues from miscellaneous operations 8 Expenses of miscellaneous operations 9 Net revenue from miscellaneous operations 10 Taxes on miscellaneous operating property 12A Net railway operating income SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 37 38 39 40 ···· INCOME ACCOUNT 15 Rent from passenger-train cars 16 Rent from floating equipment 17 Rent from work equipment 18 19 Joint facility rent income Income from lease of road Miscellaneous rent income 20 21 Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property 22 23 24 50 51 52 55 34 Rent for passenger-train cars 35 Rent for floating equipment 36 Rent for work equipment 56 • Miscellaneous operating income Total operating income D Hire of freight cars--credit balance Rent from locomotives 25 Income from unfunded securities and accounts 26 Income from sinking and other reserve funds 27 Release of premiums on funded debt 28 29 .30 31 1 32 Hire of freight cars--debit balance 33 Rent for locomotives 81 Item Separately operated properties--profit Dividend income.... Income from funded securities Joint facility rents Rent, for leased roads Miscellaneous rents .. Miscellaneous tax accruals 47 Miscellaneous income charges 48 49 Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income Total nonoperating income Gross income • • 41 Separately operated properties--1088 42 Interest on funded debt 43 Interest on unfunded deb 44 Amortization of discount on funded debt 45 Maintenance of investment organization 46 • · .. Income transferred to other companies Miscellaneous credits 72 73 Miscellaneous debits 74 Total deductions from gross income Net income • Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income Credit balance transferred from income 75 Net increase during year 76 Balance at beginning of year 77 Balance at end of year 78 79 80 Income appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total debits during year 70 Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus 71 Loss on retired road and equipment Delayed income debits Total appropriations of income Income balance transferred to profit and loss PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT · • 58 Profit on road and equipment sold 59 Delayed income credits 60 Unrefundable overcharges 61 Donations 62 63 Total credits during year 64 Debit balance transferred from income 65 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds 66 Dividend appropriations of surplus 67 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property 68 Stock discount extinguished through surplus 69 Debt discount extinguished through surplus • • • • • Dividends declared during year Par value on which declared--common Par value on which declared--preferred Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent Total, all districts $68,478,617 43,813,285 19,665,332 5,299,052 16,497 14,349,783 232,688 201,664 31,024 2,525 28,499 14,378,282 17,938,593 1,420,494 376,351 33 9,805 93,014 3,917,341 511,394 534,786 89,972 176,338 416,459 192,899 1,050 19,545 7,759,481 22,137,763 945,238 308,417 11 5 8,572 965,985 5,673,034 1,262,418 60,674 4,259,850 11,104 45,591 515,216 17,222 14,073,337 8,064,426 127,385 454,796 406,979 **9,576 998, 736 7,065,690 7,066,796 84,939 24,700 58,164 915,647 8,150,246 1,106 1,257,667 300,260 a 91,362 1.003 255,505 *46,197 1,768,370 6,381,876 27,710,260 34,092,136 1,712,463 15,746,600 10.88 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $44,223,988 32,900,449 11,323,539 2,885,249 6,223 8,432,067 232,688 201,664 31,024 2,525 28,499 8,460,566 9,276,669 849,682 222,232 9,805 54,128 1,318,536 474,689 183,307 24,963 103,365 242,229 6,465 1,050 *17,055 3,507,506 11,968,072 817,464 180,810 11 8,572 602,924 2,568,989 188,995 19,961 2,417,073 7,904 14,232 515,216 2,307 7,344,458 4,623,614 6,465 247, 200 69,743 9,576 332,984 4,290,630 4,291,736 83,767 19,022 54,348 325,341 4,774,214 1,106 1,200,000 56,087 d 46,003 81,853 *28,351 1,321,394 3,452,820 12,524,506 15,977,326 1,447,200 11,620,000 12.45 Southern district ::: ::: ::: :1: ::: Western district $24,254,629 15,912,835 8,341,793 2,413,803 10,274 5,917,716 5,917,716 8,661,924 570,812 154,119 33 38,886 2,598,805 36,705 351,479 65,009 72,973 174,230 186,434 2,490 4,251,975 10,169,691 127,774 127,607 5 363,061 3,104,045 1,073,423 40,713 1,842,777 3,200 31,359 *14,915 6,728,879 3,440,812 120,920 207,596 337,236 665,752 2,775,060 2,775,060 1,172 5,678 3,816 590,306 3,376,032 ··· 57,667 244,173 d 91,362 45,000 173,652 17,846 446,976 2,929,056 15,185,754 18,114,810 265,263 4,126,600 6.43 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Freight 2 3 Passenger • Excess baggage 481eeping car Parlor and chair car 6 Mail 7 Express 8 Other passenger-train SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 9 Kilk 10 Switching ..... Special service train 11 12 Other freight-train 13 Water transfers--freight 14 17 18 Freight 19 20 Water transfers--passenger ... 15 Water transfers--vehicles and live stock 16 Water transfers--other Passenger 43 4444 Excess baggage 21 Other passenger service 22 Mail .. 23 Express 24 Special service 25 Other 26 Total rail-line transportation revenue • 27 Dining and buffet 28 Hotel and restaurant Storage--freight Storage--baggage • Total water-line transportation revenue 29 Station, train, and boat privileges 30 Parcel room 31 32 33 Demurrage Telegraph and telephone Grain elevator Stockyard ... RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES 36 37 Power • 38 Rents of buildings and other property 39 Miscellaneous 40 41 Joint facility--Cr 42Joint facility--Dr • Total incidental operating revenue • Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues 45 Superintendence 46 Roadway maintenance--yard 47 Roadway maintenance--other RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures 48 Roadway--depreciation--yard 49 Roadway--depreciation--other • 67 68 Ties--depreciation--yard 69 Ties--depreciation--other 70 Rails--yard Rails--other ·· Item • 50 Underground power tubes-yard 51 Underground power tubes--other Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard Underground power tubes--depreciation--other Tunnels and subways--yard Tunnels and subways--other Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard 57 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other 71 • 72 Rails--depreciation--yard 73 Rails--depreciation--other 74 Other track material--yard •• 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other 60 63 Elevated structures--other 64 Elevated structures--depreciation-yard 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other 66 Ties--yard Ties--other • Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other 62 Elevated structures--yard ·· · 82 83 84 Right-of-way fences--yard 85 Right-of-way fences--other • · 75 Other track material--other 76 Other track material-depreciation--yard 77 Other track material-depreciation--other 78 Ballast--yard 79 Ballast--other 80 81 .. · Ballast--depreciation--yard Ballast--depreciation--other Track laying and surfacing--yard Track laying and surfacing--other ·· • Total, all districts $1,723,563 31,157 122 1,774 82 62,785,627 52,360 3,954 64,598,639 57,251 187,461 90,961 46,200 20,457 872,432 ... 335,779 123,657 4,649 267,547 2,282,040 4,288,434 288 408,744 a 408,456 68,478,617. 504,821 752,388 8,202 1,656 7,781 22,699 377,832 5,751 286,839 32,341 35,250 1,057,583 18,004 1,009 652,167 567 2,570 1,019,400 1,755 585 ii3,498 35 47 2,264,783 16,568 3,311 34 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $1,438,680 ·· 41,265,607 50,000 1,020 42,755,307 57,251 7,141 15,429 43,898 3,009 648,315 123,657 4,649 76,796 491,284 1,471,429 288 3,036 d 2,748 44,223,988 313,084 395,154 **i,656 3.763 221,502 649,023 **1,009 371,701 **2,570 585,555 585 93,737 47 1,474,715 **i,264 Southern district Western district $284,883 31,157 122 ´i,774 82 21,520,020 2,360 2,934 21,843,332 180,320 75,532 2,302 17,448 224,117 335,779 190, 751 1,790,756 2,817,005 405,708 d 405.708 24,254,629 191,737 357,234 8, 202 **4,018 *22,699 156,330 5,751 286,839 32,341 *35,250 408,560 18,004 280,466 567 433,845 1,755 19,761 35 790,068 16,568 2,047 34 17 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 18 No. 1 Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other 2 3 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard 4 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation-yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--other 7 Crossings and signs--yard 8 Crossings and signs--other SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 --Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 9 Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard 10 Crossings and signs--depreciation--other 11 Station and office buildings 12 Station and office buildings--depreciation 13 Roadway buildings 14 Roadway buildings--depreciation 15 Water stations 16 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded 17 Fuel stations 18 Fuel stations--depreciation 19 Shops and enginehouses 20 Shops and enginehouses--depreciation Water stations--depreciation 21 Grain elevators .. 22 Grain elevators--depreciation 23 Storage warehouses 24 Storage warehouses--depreciation 25 Wharves and docks 26 Wharves and docks--depreciation 27 Coal and ore wharves 28 29 Gas producing plants 30 58 59 60 61 62 66 1. Item 77 78 ... Coal and ore wharves--depreciation 79 80 81 Gas producing plants--depreciation 31 Telegraph and telephone lines 32 Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation 33 Signals and interlockers . ·· 38 Power plant buildings--depreciation 39 Power substation buildings 40 Power substation buildings--depreciation 41 Power transmission systems 42 Power transmission systems--depreciation 43 Power distribution systems 44 • Signals and interlockers--depreciation 35 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines 36 Power plant dama, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation 37 Power plant buildings • • Paving Paving--depreciation Roadway machines Roadway machines--depreciation Small tools and supplies 67 Superintendence 68 Shop machinery • Power distribution systems--depreciation 45 Power line poles and fixtures 46 Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation 47 Underground conduits .. 48 Underground conduits--depreciation 49 Miscellaneous structures 50 51 52 54 56 Removing snow, ice, and sand 57 0 Injuries to persons Insurance Stationery and printing Other expenses Miscellaneous structures--depreciation ·· • ·· Assessments for public improvements 70 71 72 Power substation apparatus Total, above accounts Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--DI. 64 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr. Equalization--way and structures Total maintenance of, way and structures Shop machinery--depreciation Power plant machinery Power plant machinery--depreciation Steam locomotives-depreciation Steam locomotives--retirements Other locomotives--repairs Other locomotives--depreciation Other locomotives--retirements Freight-train cars--repairs Freight-train cars--depreciation ... • Maintenance of Equipment 73 Power substation apparatus--depreciation 74 Steam locomotives--repairs 75 76 ·· • • • .. • • • • • Total, all districts 182,357 2,141 18,553 $188 317,463 113,244 44,606 3,699 76,024 4,881 77,018 8,599 256,263 39,439 12,948 31,579 14,705 23,175 170,936 61,261 33,512 16,583 *68,972 368,853 15,072 • • 16,159 5,513 367 169 5,927 23,863 2,506 4,557 391 13,031 11,531 20,174 969 115,532 161,621 912 66,671 74,714 13,674 4,684 9,692,512 779,959 1,942,988 8,529,483 452,231 193,704 30,844 73,986 22,820 640 295 4,679,343 697,899 35,470 1,455 2,343,990 458,040 Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $188 102,919 497 135,875 8,320 26,594 a 54,511 1;105 29,744 171 138,918 5,670 2,644 3,320 20,366 8,366 33,512 16,583 61,124 158,883 31 **4,671 1,867 **3,536 **i,188 ·· 3,488 308 *14,319 60,552 114,261 832 27,565 28,795 8,556 416 5,195,060 742,247 1,084,447 4,852,860 323,568 122,888 6,436 14,292 640 3,377,693 453,894 4,894 455 1,873,928 382,157 Southern district Western district ... $79,438 2,141 18,056 1 181,588 104, 924 18,012 3,699 21,513 3,776 47,274 8,428 117,345 33,769 12,948 31,579 12,061 19,855 150,570 52,895 7,848 209,970 15,041 11,488 5,513 367 169 4,060 20,327 **1,318 ·· 1,069 391 12,723 11,531 5,855 969 54,980 47,360 80 39,106 45,919 5.118 4,268 4,497,452 37.712 858,541 3,676,623 128,663 70,816 24,408 59,694 22,820 ·· 295 ,301,650 244,005 40,564 470,062 75,883 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 10 11 Work equipment--repairs 1 Freight-train cars--retirements 2 Passenger-train cars--repairs Passenger-train care--depreciation Passenger-train cars--retirements Motor equipment of cars--repairs Motor equipment of cars--depreciation 7 Motor equipment of cars-retirements 8 Floating equipment--repairs 9 Floating equipment--depreciation Floating equipment--retirements SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 17 Injuries to persons 18 12 Work equipment--depreciation 13 Work equipment--retirements 14 Miscellaneous equipment--repairs 32 33 35 15 Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation 16 Miscellaneous equipment--retirements RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded Total Insurance Stationery and printing ·· 26 Superintendence 27 Outside agencies 28 Advertising 29 Traffic associations 30 Fast freight lines 31 19 20 Other expenses 21. 22 Maintaining joint equipment--Dr. 23 Maintaining joint equipment--Or. 24 Equalization--equipment 25 51 55555555 ·· • Total traffic Total maintenance of equipment Traffic -- Industrial and immigration bureaus Insurance Stationery and printing Other expenses .. .. ... ·· 36 Superintendence 37 Dispatching trains 38 Station employees 39 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus 40 Coal and ore wharves 41 42 43 44 Station supplies and expenses Yardmasters and yard clerks Yard conductors and brakemen Yard switch and signal tenders 45 Yard enginemen 46 Yard motormen 47 Fuel for yard locomotives 48 Yard switching power produced 49 Yard switching power purchased 50 Water for yard locomotives ·· Item • • 74 Other expenses 75 Insurance .... 76 62 63 Enginehouse expenses--train 64 Trainmen... Clearing wrecks Stationery and printing Transportation--Rail Line Lubricants for yard locomotives 52 Other supplies for yard locomotives Enginehouse expenses--yard Yard supplies and expenses Train enginemen Train motormen Fuel for train locomotives 58 Train power produced 59 Train power purchased 60 Water for train locomotives 61 ... • 71 Operating floating equipment 72 Express service 77 Damage to property 78 ·· ·· Lubricants for train locomotives Other supplies for train locomotives Train supplies and expenses 66 Operating sleeping cars ..... 67 Signal and interlocker operation 68 Crossing protection 69 Drawbridge operation 70 79 Loss and damage--freight 30 Loss and damage--baggage • Telegraph and telephone operation • • • • • Damage to live stock on right of way Total, all districts $350,103 14,772 1,500 65 d ..: 67,536 36,611 9,721 167,126 53,661 5,152 11,899 6,670 2,366 57,662 71,456 27,312 1,323 9,875,522 101,625 368,131 9,609,016 102,842 47,478 16,795 7.333 2,997 109 20,412 50 198,016 1,191,092 246, 208 4,829,571 27,183 52,031 425,488 2,361,755 7,816,167 733,752 5,570,361 4,459 5,292,064 535 340,164 94,004 114,021 1,277,948 325.537 21,468 26,939 6,318 619 421 95,984 27,604 46,681 316,161 350,491 20,679 64,066 179,415 242,073 231,865 72,453 123,580 60,560 650 310, 721 666 Eastern district $352,330 1,504 261 65 ¿ 67,536 36,611 9,721 117,458 31,741 3,855 3,658 3,094 1,087 36,743 58,152 18,850 526 7,295,119 101,587 156,683 7,240,023 d Deficit or other reverse item. 67,151 36,035 6,145 3,679 2,837 109 16,774 132,730 782,124 121,835 1,905,664 26,697 52,031 207,485 1,449,225 5,160, 287 373,624 3,757,518 4,459 3,859,922 535 237,690 65,144 79,906 937,395 209,925 6,554 **4,346 *87,065 *41,211 206,234 231,026 16,740 40,514 179,415 125,137 205,475 50,561 65,285 33,220 650 217,053 Southern district d Western distriot $2,227 13,268 1,239 49,668 21,920 1,297 8,241 3,576 1,279 20,919 13,304 8,462 797 2,580,403 38 211,448 ·· 2,368,993 35,691 11,443 10,650 3,654 160 3,638 50 65,286 408,968 124,373 2,923,907 486 218,003 912,530 2,655,880 360,128 1,812,843 1,432,142 102,474 28,860 34,115 340,553 115,612 21,468 *20,385 1,972 619 421 8,919 27.604 5,470 109,927 119,465 3.939 23,552 ii6,936 26,390 21,892 58,295 27,340 93,668 666 19 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 20 No. 1 Injuries to persons 2 Operating joint yards and terminals--Dr. 3 Operating joint yards and terminals--Cr. Operating joint tracks and facilities-Dr. 5 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Cr. 6 Total transportation--rail line 7 Operation of vessels 8 Operation of terminals 9 Incidental 10 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 11 12 13 Grain elevators 14 25 26 27 28 Stockyards.. 15 Producing power sold.. 16 17 36 www 678 39 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 5555 4567 56 57 KÖLNÖK 59 60 Total transportation--water line 40 Miles of road 41 42 43 44 61 Dining and buffet service. Hotels and restaurants AMYLON 8 47 Miles of road 48 49 66 67 68 69 • • RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Concluded Transportation--Rail Line--Concluded Other expenses .... General joint facilities--Dr. 29 General joint facilities--Cr. 30 Total general expenses ..... 31 Transportation for investment--Cr. 32 Total railway operating expenses 33 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) Separation Between Services Other miscellaneous operations 34 Related solely to freight service... 35 Related solely to passenger and allied services ·· Related in common to both freight and passenger and allied services: Apportioned to freight service 37 Apportioned to passenger and allied services ·· 38 Not related to either freight service or to passenger and allied services... Total Total miscellaneous operations Insurance .. Relief department expenses Pensions Stationery and printing Valuation expenses ·· Miles of second main track Miles of third main track. Miles of fourth main track • Miles of all other main tracks 45 Miles of yard track and sidings 46 Total, all tracks Transportation--Water Line ·· Salaries and expenses of general officers Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants General office supplies and expenses Law expenses Miscellaneous Operations .. 50 Miles of fourth main track 51 Miles of all other main tracks 52 Miles of yard track and sidings 53 Total, all tracks Item Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars ❤ • ·· Miles of second main track Miles of third main track • • • .. Number at close of year: General MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1926 • Steam locomotives: Number at close of year. Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year.. Number retired during year Electric locomotives: MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1926 • ·· Number at close of year Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year Number retired during year ..... • • " EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE ·· Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total ··· Freight-carrying Cars • • • Total, all districts $568,432 468,315 5,147,306 206,509 370,378 28,627,326 *48,382 167,020 **6,841 66,649 288,892 385,377 734,947 99,953 184,856 1,400 6,059 98,175 58,923 136,928 102,238 9,111 216,820 1,601,147 40,595 48,813,285 71.28 $47,484,931 146,439 1,085,077 66,177 30,661 48,813,285 431.58 267.06 2.22 1.01 1,981.80 2,683.67 212.37 122.54 2.22 1.01 *846.47 1,184.61 876 35,928,000 23 32 2,848 101 8 6,922 5 127 10,011 Eastern district $429,615 442,161 1,810,130 195,315 354,320 19,644,593 48,382 **6,841 23,820 79,043 196,846 515,579 63,763 94,331 818 6,059 39,040 34,780 92,377 33,627 5.393 94,426 988,187 36,987 32,900,449 74.40 $32,487,234 54,390 328,164 30,661 32,900,449 317.06 207.59 2.22 1.01 1,326.95 1,854.83 181.38 109.33 2.22 1.01 *625.73 919.67 24,303,900 • 574 17 11 ** HA 1,353 6,607 127 8,179 Southern district :: ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Western district $138,817 26,154 3,337,176 11,194 16,058 8,982,733 167,020 42,829 209,849 188,531 219,368 36,190 90,525 582 59,135 24,143 44,551 68, 611 3,718 122,394 612,960 3,608 15,912,836 65.61 $14,997,697 92,049 756,913 66,177 15,912,836 114.52 59.47 *654.85 828.84 30.99 13.21 220.74 264.94 302 11,624,100 6 21 1,495 8 315 1,832 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1234567 10 funt for 10 11 12 13 9 HHH 14 not in 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 223 MMM + MMM 789 37 38 39 40 42 #### 234 42 43 44 ·· 25 Number at close of year 26 Number installed during year ...... 27 Number retired during year 45 28 Number at close of year 29 Number installed during year 30 Number retired during year 48 1º CAN MA 50 Floating Equipment ... 31 Number of units at close of year 32 Number of units installed during year 33 Number of units retired during year TIES LAID DURING YEAR 51 52 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) LOLOLON LONO EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars Flat cars 57 Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars 61 62 63 Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total • Number installed during year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total ⇓⇓ Number retired during year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars ·· Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total 46 Average number 47 [.. All Classes of Passenger-train Cars Item All Classes of Company Service Equipment In replacement and betterments: Compensation: Number of oross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges .. In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: • Numbe of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges Total Service hours: Total Service days: In replacement and betterments: Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges ·· ·· …………. In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks .... Miles of yard track and sidings Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges RAILS LAID DURING YEAR • Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for ·· • EMPLOYEES Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total ·· Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY LOCOMOTIVES Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service In passenger service In mixed-train service In special service ... In yard-switching service ... In work service Grand total, all services ·· Total, all districts 110,805 3,640 240 361,236 150 **8,350 482,421 1,000 40 231 1,271 P: 9 16 659 1 685 31 4 1 50 51 14 3 521,107 4,188,958 $1,131,469 146,049 1,367,873 $322,541 34,685 $1,369,522 .09 55.27 8,499 $265,730 23,361 $38,369,690 $2,512,769 $41,544,091 53,040,667 2,906,807 56,717,595 593,567 9,294 613,850 $34,540, 341 4,649 4,768 Eastern district 51,135 3,200 348,436 150 387 1,601,171 25,450 1,636,425 1/ Does not include data for 595 linear feet of steel ties. **6,350 409,271 1,000 40 220 1,260 9:0 : 4 14 603 621 30H 4 1 307 17 16 14 3 322,586 2,261,215 $717,382 117,792 950,237 $258,300 21,811 $816,044 .09 45.49 6,667 $198,791 13,351 $23,084,097 $1,823,303 $25,191,848 30,756,239 2,126,888 33,183,331 340,856 933 346,365 $23,387,789 1,138,645 9,093 1,147,738 Southern district : ::: : Testern district 59,670 440 240 12,800 73,150 11 11 52 56 1 64 23 200 34 12 198,521 1,927,743 $414,087 28,257 417,636 $64, 241 12,874 $553,478 9.78 1,832 $66,939 10,010 $15,285,593 $689,466 $16,352,243 22,284,428 779,919 23,534,264 252,711 8,361 267,485 $11,152,552 4,649 4,768 387 462,526 16,357 488,687 21 1 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 22 Kind of mileage: Steam road Electric line Steamboat line Stage line Miscellaneous lines Total mileage State or Territory: Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware .. District of Columbia Florida Georgia ...... Idaho •• Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi • ·· Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada.. New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota I. II. III. • ··· Tennessee Техав Utah Vermont Virginia Washington .... • ·· O West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Alaska Hawaii Canada Mexico ·· ·· ·· • Land Buildings Equipment: O O [ Mileage not assignable 1 SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 MILEAGE COVERED BY OPERATIONS ·· Cars.. Horses Automobiles • • Item • Item Wagons and sleighs .. Harness and equipment Office furniture and equipment Office safes • Trucks Stable equipment Garage equipment Line equipment Shop equipment Miscellaneous equipment Total equipment Total real property and equipment U · ·· ·· Total ·· 231,960.16 2,928.17 24,806.87 573.78 260,268.98 4,369.75 2,305.40 4,425.40 8,835.71 ·· 560.03 878.25 308.80 49.85 5,000.23 6,665.37 2,755.98 11,248.35 6,561.51 10,199.16 9,303.42 3,490.47 330.82 2,049.27 2,723.47 1,940.09 7,371.02 8,089.93 3,964.80 7,719.09 4,726.79 6,183.16 2,161.87 1,159.38 2,092.41 2,826.31 8,062.83 COST OF REAL PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT 572.88 5,245.09 ,296.99 6,444.16 3,369.82 9,111.28 200.90 3,591.23 ,166.09 3,595.08 15,537.90 2,116.01 943.42 5,062.62 5.878.43 3,168.14 6,841.95 1,879.75 9,830.30 351.30 3,503.49 94.23 10,109.00 Total $4,695,918 11,648,981 925,939 1,686,384 16,552,864 1,907,494 322,635 3,081,829 523,565 2,346,144 21,203 454,579 551,806 231.503 48,861 American Railway Express Co. 28,654,806 44,999,705 221,979.51 2,890.45 24,418.87 573.78 249,862.61 1/ Covers miscellaneous unassigned mileage, such as transoceanic, coastwise, river, and lake not within the boundaries of any State or Territory. 2,767.40 2,305.40 4,425.40 8,835.71 4,560.03 878.25 308.80 42.30 4,641.48 5,366.27 2,755.98 10,929.49 6,325.48 10,199.16 9.303.42 3,108.16 4,290.24 2,049.27 2,544.60 1,940.09 7,371.02 8,089.93 3,169.29 7,717.09 4,726.79 183.16 2,161.87 1,159.38 2,092.41 2,826.31 8,062.83 3,101.31 5,245.09 8,295.91 6,444.16 3,369.82 9,075.58 200.90 2,348.72 4,166.09 2,292.36 15,537.90 2,116.01 943.42 3.931.74 5.878.43 3,168.14 6.841.95 1,879.75 9,830.30 351.30 3,503.49 94.23 10,109.00 American Railway Express Co. $4,684,837 11,424,159 925,939 1,664,527 15,789,871 1,851,214 317,299 2,999,843 498,376 2,277,837 21,144 453,067 537,069 231,503 48,861 Southeastern Express Co. 27,616,550 43,725,546 9,980.65 37.72 388.00 10,406.37 1,602.35 7.55 358.75 1,299.10 ... 318.86 236.03 382.31 40.58 178.87 795.51 2.00 1,471.57 **i.08 35.70 1,242.51 1,302.72 1,130.88 Southeastern Express Co. $11,081 224,822 21,857 762,993 56,280 5,336 81,986 25,189 68,307 59 1,512 14,737 1,038,256 1,274,159 དྷ STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Cars: Number Inventory value Нотвев: Number Inventory value Total equipment, inventory value Automobiles: Gasoline- Number Electric- Number Wagons and sleighs: Wagons, double- Sleighs- Inventory value ... Number Inventory value Wagons, single- Number Inventory value Inventory value Number Inventory value Buggies- Number Inventory value Office safes: Inventory value Trucks: ·· Number Inventory value I. ·· Harness equipment: Inventory value Office furniture and equipment: II. III. SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued INVENTORY VALUE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED Number Inventory value Stable equipment: Inventory value Garage equipment: Inventory value Line equipment: Safes, car- · ··· ·· Shop equipment: Number Inventory value Safes, messenger- Number Inventory value Trunks, packing- Number Inventory value Other line equipment- Inventory value ... • Inventory value Miscellaneous equipment: Inventory value • Transportation: Express, domestic Express, foreign Miscellaneous Total transportation Contract payments: Express privileges--Dr. • Item Account Revenue from transportation Operations other than transportation: Customs brokerage fees Order and commission Rents of buildings and other property Money orders C.O.D. checks Travelers' cheques Telegraph and cable transfers Letters of credit Foreign postal remittances Profit on exchange and other financial revenue Miscellaneous •• Total other than transportation Total operating revenues • Total 1/ $13,245,253 3/ 250 $443,345 8,764 $532,634 4,710 $4,842,067 1,623 2/ $2,794,243 3,873 $630,698 3,796 $155,810 1,634 $31,175 36 $514 $80,913 $1,390,582 17,793 $284,432 65,716 $935,196 $7,862 $294,400 2,548 $129,499 9,634 $39,142 10,004 $56,831 $54,243 $121,691 $47,285 Total $302,764, 242 *ii,522 302,775,764 151,833,378 150,942,386 Includes $372,691, inventory value of 319 automobile trailers. 3/ Includes $41,113, inventory value of 376 truck batteries. Includes $1,047,408, inventory value of 1,879 automobile batteries. ANALYSIS OF OPERATING REVENUES 209,359 4,584 139,550 11,121 2,595,441 .. American Rail- way Express Co. 1/ $12,754,859 255 550,758 3,511,068 154,453,454 250 $443,345 3/ 8,653 $527,804 4,499 $4,506,026 1,618 2/ $2,790,652 3,846 $621,956 3,614 $132, 780 1,634 $31,175 36 $514 $77,276 $1,342,458 17,316 $263,944 63,832 $902,220 $7,832 $293,288 2,443 $125,358 9,323 $38,134 9,391 $54,992 $53,438 $121,691 $47,285 American Rail- way Express Co. $294,512, 403 **6,611 294,519,014 147,812,159 146,706,855 209,296 4,580 135, 710 2,492,444 255 547,962 3,390,247 150,097,102 Southeastern Express Co. $490,394 111 $4,830 211 $336,041 5 $3,591 27 $8,742 182 $23,030 $3,637 $48,124 477 $20,488 1,884 $32,976 $30 $1,112 105 $4,141 311 $1,008 613 $1,839 $805 Southeastern Express Co. $8,251,839 4,911 8,256,750 4,021,219 4,235,531 63 3,840 11,121 102,997 2,796 120,821 4,356,352 23 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 24 Operating income: SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued INCOME ACCOUNT Charges for transportation Express privileges-Dr. Revenue from transportation Revenue from operations other than transportation Total operating revenues Operating expenses Net operating revenue ·· Operating income Item Uncollectible revenue from transportation Express taxes Other income: Rent from real property and equipment used jointly Miscellaneous rent income Net income from miscellaneous physical property ... Separately operated properties--profit Dividend income Income from funded securities Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds Release of premiums on funded debt Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income Total other income Gross income Deductions from gross income: Rent for real property and equipment used jointly Miscellaneous rents Miscellaneous taxes Net loss on miscellaneous physical property Separately operated properties--l088 Interest on funded debt Interest on unfunded debt Amortization of discount on funded debt Income transferred to other companies Miscellaneous income debits ·· Total deductions from gross income Net income Disposition of net income: Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income ·· Total appropriations Balance transferred to profit and loss Income appropriations for investment in physical property Stook discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of income Item ... Credit balance at beginning of year Credit balance transferred from income Profit on real property and equipment sold Delayed income credits Unrefundable overcharges Miscellaneous credits Total credits Debit balance at beginning of year Debit balance transferred from income ... ·· • • Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of surplus Surplus set aside for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through surplus Debt discount extinguished through surplus Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus Loss on land sold Delayed income debits Miscellaneous debits Total debits Balance carried forward to credit of balance sheet • Total $302,775,764 151,833,378 150,942,386 3,511,068 154,453,454 151,020,526 3,432,928 20,589 2,225,891 1,186,448 148 305,896 395,264 559,175 1,260,483 2,446,931 1,361 2,052 *25,524 28,937 2,417,994 2,148,520 2,148, 520 269,474 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Total $2,929,692 269,474 105, 248 **3,427 26,932 3,334,773 12,192 12,192 3,322,581 American Rail- way Express Co. $294,519,014 147,812,159 146,706,855 3,390,247 150,097,102 146,824,844 3,272,258 18,663 2,143,391 1,110,204 148 305,896 ·· 395,264 535,772 1,237,080 2,347,284 1,361 2,052 25,524 28,937 2,318,347 2,078,520 2,078,520 239,827 American Rail- way Express Co. $2,852,513 239,827 104,974 2,816 26,932 3,227,062 12,192 12,192 3,214,870 Boutheastern Express Co. $8,256,750 4,021,219 4,235,531 120,821 32323235 4,356,352 4,195,682 160,670 1,926 82,500 76,244 23,403 23,403 99,647 99,647 *70,000 70,000 29,647 Southeastern Express Co. $77,179 29,647 274 611 107,711 107,711 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS I. II. III. IV. Total operating expenses Maintenance: 1. Superintendence--maintenance 2. Buildings and appurtenances-repairs 3. Buildings and appurtenances--depreciation Buildings and appurtenances--retirements Cars--repairs 5 7. 8. Horses--depreciation 10. 9. Horses--retirements Automobiles-repairs Automobiles--depreciation Automobiles--retirements 11. 12. 13. 14. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Traffic: 33. 34. 35. 36 15. Wagons and sleighs--retirements 16. Harness equipment--repairs 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. *trt SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued ANALYSIS OF OPERATING EXPENSES 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. Cars-depreciation Cars-retirements 55. 56. 57. 58. 25. 26. 27. 28. Shop equipment--repairs 29. Shop equipment--depreciation and retirements 30. Miscellaneous equipment--repairs 31. Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation and retirements Other expenses 32. 59. 60. 61. 62. Wagons and sleighs--repairs Wagons and sleighs--depreciation Transportation: 37. 38. Harness equipment--depreciation and retirements Office furniture and equipment--repairs Office furniture and equipment--depreciation and retirements Office safes--repairs Office safee--depreciation and retirements Total ·· Trucks--repairs Trucks--depreciation and retirements Stable and garage equipment-repairs Stable and garage equipment--depreciation and retirements Line equipment--repairs Line equipment--depreciation and retirements Superintendence--traffic Total Advertising .. Stationery and printing Other expenses • D Office employees Commissions ... • Account Superintendence--transportation ... Stationery and printing Loss and damage Damage to property Injuries to persons Other expenses Total Total Office supplies and expenses Rent of local offices Vehicle employees Stable and garage employees Stable and garage supplies and expenses Drayage Train employees Train supplies and expenses ... • General: 53. Salaries and expenses of general officers 54. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants General office supplies and expenses.. Law expenses Insurance ·· Fidelity bond premiums Pensions Stationery and printing Valuation expenses Other expenses ... ·· . ... • · ·· Total $151,020,526 288,643 303,897 644,296 d 33,275 216,946 61,576 d 3.333 68,912 ₫ 10,770 1,835,392 3,084,019 163,325 569,437 121,733 d 8.382 138,275 12,149 146,216 150,133 7,833 24,938 487,625 254,376 15,195 35,080 37,776 42,892 10,114 12,068 466 175 121 8,677,848 227,516 18,438 97,304 61 343,319 5,874,816 52,272,815 10,714,624 2,941,734 4,556,492 27,019,406 2,249,597 5,622,861 1,870,104 11,233,656 1,057,600 2,204,280 5,549,082 154,809 820,190 a 146,866 133,995, 200 403,870 5,430,598 546,146 319,613 396,373 29,699 667,459 130,370 75,031 8,004,159 d Deficit or other reverse entry. American Rail- way Express Co. $146,824,844 288,643 300,271 631,672 d 33.984 216,946 61,576 d 3.333 64,900 d 11,211 1,738,165 2,963,545 160,998 564,286 118,203 d 8,382 137,258 11,423 143,095 139,363 7,500 23,916 471,926 247,493 15,117 34,963 37,073 41,421 10,114 12,068 466 175 121 8,385,787 181,164 15,121 84,974 23 281,282 5,746,393 51,135,816 10,219,820 2,878,767 4,402, 284 26,577,182 2,203,796 5,454,000 1,763,143 10,685,794 1,045,712 2,107,795 5,391,074 153,870 805,000 d 147.325 130,423,121 374,718 5,286,009 535,727 298.480 356,315 21,935 667,459 119,537 *74,474 7,734,654 Southeastern Express Co. $4,195,682 3,626 12,624 709 4,012 441 97,227 120,474 2,327 5,151 3.530 1,017 726 3,121 10,770 333 1,022 15,699 6,883 78 117 703 1,471 292,061 46,352 3.317 12,330 38 62,037 128,423 1,136,999 494,804 62,967 ,208 2,224 45.801 168,861 106,961 547,862 11,888 96,485 158,008 939 15,190 459 3,572,079 34,152 144,589 10,419 21,133 40,058 7,764 ´iò,833 557 269,505 25 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 26 Investment: Real property and equipment Sinking fund SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Concluded GENERAL BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies Other investments Total investment Deferred assets Unadjusted debits: Stock: Current assets: Cash Special deposits Loans and notes receivable • Miscellaneous accounts receivable Material and supplies Other current assets Total current assets • Discount on capital stock Discount on funded debt Other unadjusted debits Funded debt unmatured Current liabilities: ··· Total unadjusted debits Grand total Capital stock Premium on capital stock Total stock liabilities Deferred liabilities Unadjusted credits: · Total current liabilities Loans and notes payable Audited accounts and wages unpaid Miscellaneous accounts payable Express privilege liabilities Other current liabilities Profit and loss balance Class of employees ·· • ... .. Premium on funded debt Operating and insurance reserves Accrued depreciation Other unadjusted credits Total unadjusted credits Total corporate surplus Superintendence--Maintenance Superintendence--Traffic Advertising .... Superintendence--Transportation Agents, clerks and solicitors Platform and house men ASSETS Item .. LIABILITIES Corporate surplus: Additions to property through income and surplus Reserves from income and surplus Total appropriated surplus Vehicle employees Stable and garage employees Train employees Claim agents, special agents, and clerks General officers • .. .. ... .. • Number on Dec.31 General office clerks and attendants.. 3,21 Law department officers and clerks Shop employees Other employees 103 66 23,868 20,920 2,207 628,240 16,379 4,898,724 18,199 5,030,976 15,621 5,070,068 1,396 401,895 7,524 2,775,443 387 149,636 41 12,420 1,000,852 45 13,967 1,117 386,923 Number of days worked ·· Total Yearly compensation $221,704 $9.29 183,779 8.78 Total Total (including general officers)..66,300 20,413,932 108,860,712 Total (excluding general officers)..66,259 20,401,512 108,474,540 $44,999,705 9,507,355 54,507,060 5.33 5.32 22,801, 761 14,371 2,004,685 779,648 1,961,660 8,387,704 35,949,829 431,987 1,982,991 1,982,991 92,871,867 35,642,000 35,642,000 5,381,681 2,866,469 18,640,074 2,291,871 29,180,095 1,529,729 EMPLOYEES, SERVICE, AND COMPENSATION 4,856,569 18,308, 217 32,676 23,197,462 ::: 3,322,581 3,322,581 Average daily compen- Dec.31 Number on sation 103 23,868 46 15,865 4,945,584 7.87 2,172 617,530 26,806,828 5.47 15,907 4,771,133 24,735,173 4.92 17,602 4,877,804 26,984,941 5.32 15,292 4,977,715 392,786 2,663,632 146,270 2,136,928 5.32 13,666,000 4.92 923,803 6.17 386,172 31.09 5,353,663 5.35 168,932 12.10 2,347,205 6.07 1,379 7,218 376 38 3,111 42 1,117 11,502 970, 748 13,049 386,923 64,403 19,868,825 64,365 19,857,323 American Rail- way Express Co. $43,725,546 9,507,355 53,232,901 21,484,930 14,209 2,004,685 735,807 1,948,698 8,275,579 34,463,908 ·431,987 ·· 1,958,555 1,958,555 90,087,351 34,642,000 34,642,000 5,134,848 2,662,478 18,140,183 2,228,596 28,166,105 1,529,729 4,803,958 17,706, 707 23,982 22,534,647 American Railway Express Co. Number of days worked 3,214,870 3,214,870 Yearly compensation Average daily Number on compen- Dec. 31 sation • 106,346,036 5.35 105,990,889 5.34 Southeastern Express Co. 10 $1,274,159 3 104 1,274,159 1,316,831 162 *43,841 12,962 112,125 1,485,921 *24,436 24,436 2,784,516 1,000,000 1,000,000 $221,704 $9.29 9.55 151,538 20 5,055 4,849,771 7.85 35 10,710 26,158,915 5.48 472 127,591 24,246,087 4.97 597 153,172- 26,542,717 5.33 329 92,353 2,091,127 5.32 17 9,109 13,118,138 4.92 306 111,811 905,341 6.19 355,147 30.88 5,209,086 5.37 149,260 11.44 2,347,205 6.07 11 3,366 918 30,104 918 —————————- 246,833 203,991 499,891 63,275 1,013,990 Southeastern Express Co. Number of days worked 52,611 601, 510 8,694 662,815 ·· 107,711 107,711 1,897 545,107 1,894 544,189 Yearly compensation Average daily compen- sation $6.38 $32,241 95,813 8.95 647,913 5.08 489,086 3.19 442,224 4.79 45,801 5.03 547,862 4.90 18,462 5.48 31,025 33.80 144,577 4.80 19,672 21.43 2,514,676 4.61 2,483,651 4.56 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 4 ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 Average mileage (single track) over which operations were conducted (miles) GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investment in sleeping car property Miscellaneous physical property Other investments Cash .. .. Net balance receivable from receiving cashiers and ticket agents Miscellaneous accounts receivable Material and supplies Other current assets Deferred assets . Unadjusted debits Total .. Capital stock Premium on capital stock Wages payable Miscellaneous accounts payable Dividends matured unpaid Unmatured dividends declared Other current liabilities Deferred liabilities Operating reserves Accrued depreciation Other unadjusted credits • Miscellaneous fund reserves Appropriated surplus not specifically invested Profit and loss--balance Total corporate surplus Operating income Sleeping car operating revenues Revenues from auxiliary operations Total revenues Sleeping car operating expenses Expenses of auxiliary operations Total operating expenses Net revenues • · Sleeping car tax accruals Auxiliary operations--Tax accruals Total taxes.. Rent from cars Dividends received Income from funded securities Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds Miscellaneous income Total nonoperating income Gross income ·· Rent for cars Miscellaneous tax accruals Interest on unfunded debt Miscellaneous income charges Total deductions from gross income Net income • • Total debits during year Net increase during year Balance at beginning of year Balance at end of year Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total appropriations Income balance transferred to profit and loss Credit balance transferred from income Unrefundable overcharges Miscellaneous credits Total credits during year ..... Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of surplus Loss on retired equipment Uncollectible sleeping car revenues Miscellaneous debits ·· INCOME ACCOUNT PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT ₫ Deficit or other reverse item, 126,907.00 $218,387,668 7,270 61,317,364 3,575,367 1,701,593 2,641,603 4,385,375 460,237 4,409,371 39,178,187 336,064,035 135,000,000 9.398 1,450,305 8,569,221 29,564 1,792, 263 1,278,167 3,225,198 80,000 91,055,755 52,615,225 397,048 6,000,000 34,561,891 40,958,939 81,834,317 1,356,770 83,191,087 68, 204, 247 1,198,060 69,402,307 13,788,780 4,185,249 38,695 4,223,944 9,564,836 65,022 3,068,860 1,021,765 227,657 159,736 4,543,040 14,107,876 352 ₫ 77,449 48,159 12,080 # d 16,858 14,124,734 157,525 10,755,994 2,000,000 12,913,519 1,211,215 1,211,215 16,424 263.946 1.491.585 42,381 d 419,462 3,652 76.906 d 296.523 1,788, 108 32.773.783 34,561,891 27 STATISTICS OF.COMMON CARRIERS 28 SUMMARY NO. 4—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 Berth revenue Seat revenue • Charter of cars • Miscellaneous revenue Car mileage revenue Association and contract revenue--Dr. Total operating revenues Maintenance Conducting car operations General expenses • Total operating expenses Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) General officers Clerks and attendants Auxiliary operations: Maintenance: Mechanics, electricians, seamstresses, repairmen, carpenters, shop employees, etc. Conducting car operations: General officers and staff (superintendence) District superintendents, agents, and staff Conductors Porters and maids Train stenographers Car cleaners Laundry employees General expenses: Commissary (superintendence) Agents and staff, conductors, waiters, cooks, etc. Total (including general officers) Total number of revenue passengers--berth Total number of revenue passengers--seat Average revenue per passenger--berth Average revenue per passenger--seat Total number of car-miles Total number of car-days • · Average number of revenue passengers per car per day Operating revenues per car-mile (cents) Operating revenues per car-day Operating expenses per car-mile (cents) Operating expenses per car-day Standard sleeping cars Tourist sleeping cars Parlor care Dining cars Composite cars Private cars Miscellaneous cars Total ... • Net operating revenue per oar-mile (cents) Net operating revenue per car-day Average number of car-miles per car-day • Class ·· OPERATING REVENUES • OPERATING EXPENSES EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES OPERATING STATISTICS EQUIPMENT IN SERVICE ON DEC. 31, 1926 1/ Does not include 23 cars leased or otherwise accuired. Number on Dec. 31 3,410 209 1,630 2,794 10,991 19 5,601 373 43 950 30 135 26,185 $78,391,000 10,391,414 1,622,888 145,401 746,657 9,463,043 81,834,317 30,214,700 35,008,765 2,980,782 68, 204, 247 83.34 Average daily compen- sation $4.60 6.34 4.20 5.75 2.66 5.79 3.35 2.58 30.45 4.19 4.74 3.11 3.70 22,658,191 13,415,020 $3.46 $0.77 1,112,967,022 3,153,181 11 7.353 $25.95294 6.128 $21.63030 1.225 $4.32264 352.97 7,169 339 1,099 23 230 18 7 1/ 8,885 M081 1 1 1 1 4 į. + HE 2708 It U.S. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION BUREAU OF STATISTICS A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1926 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON و' - .. 1927 3 S THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION JOHN J. ESCH, Chairman BALTHASAR H. MEYER HENRY C. HALL CLYDE B. AITCHISON JOSEPH B. EASTMAN JOHNSTON B. CAMPBELL ERNEST I. LEWIS FRANK MCMANAMY THOMAS F. WOODLOCK RICHARD V. TAYLOR EZRA BRAINERD, Jr. GEORGE B. McGINTY, Secretary ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 15 CENTS PER COPY U.S. Goot. gizt 9-22-1927 CONTENT S. Introductory statement Summary No. 1--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I steam railways (not including switching and terminal companies) for the year ended December 31, 1926 Summary No. 2--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I switching and terminal companies for the year ended December 31, 1926... Summary No. 3--Abstract of reports rendered by express compa- nies for the year ended December 31, 1926.... Summary No. 4--Abstract of report rendered by The Pullman Com- pany for the year ended December 31, 1926.. > Page 4 5 572 223 15 27 3 - } 1 . : ; L ļ 1 A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 This preliminary abstract for the calendar year 1926 is compiled from the annual reports of the classes of carriers designated. It differs from the Preliminary Statement of Capitalization and Income for the same year in that the latter is confined to a small number of items compiled for individual carriers, and in summary form, from a special report returned by them in advance of their annual report. The present abstract contains summaries by districts and is intended primarily to make available as promptly as possible certain totals not obtainable from the monthly or special reports of carriers. The totals are subject to change after corrections in the annual reports have been authorized. The final totals will appear in the Statistics of Railways for 1926. It may be noted that only steam railways, express companies, and The Pullman Company are covered in this abstract. Separate mimeographed statements are issued annually for pipe line companies, telegraph and cable companies, carriers by water, telephone companies, and electric railways. Because a separate annual publication of freight commodity statistics for the year 1926 has been issued in full detail for the 70 classes of commodities, only group totals of commodities carried are shown in this preliminary abstract. It should be especially observed that the balance sheet items relate to operating companies only and do not cover the balance sheets of lessor companies the property of which is operated by Class I steam railways, that is, railways having annual operating revenues above $1,000,000. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT. The following table shows the investment in road and equipment of the operat- ing, lessor and proprietary companies at the end of the year 1926: Investment in Road and Equipment of Steam Railways, as of December 31, 1926 (Accounts 701 and 702) Class 1... Lessors to Class I. Proprietary Companies. Total.. Class II..... Lessors to Class II.. Proprietary Companies. Total.. Class III.. • WASHINGTON, July 26, 1927. ་ • • • • • • Lessors to Class III. Proprietary Companies. Total.. 100,722,300 5,157,374 95,618 105,975,292 Grand total... 23,878,321,585 The corresponding tables for 1925 and preceding years do not contain returns for proprietary companies, which are those that do not file separate reports, the information concerning them being taken from the reports of other companies. Revised figures for 1925, on the basis of the table shown above, cover a grand total investment in road and equipment of $23,217,208,918. As compared with this, the grand total for 1926 shows an increase of $661,112,667. $18,662,437,917 3,712,184,679 828,289,617 23,202,912,213 556,729,150 10,092,636 2,612,294 569,434,080 Investment in proprietary companies in 1926 amounted to $830,997,529 as compared with $480,215,864 for 1925, an increase of $350,781,665. This increase is largely explained by the reclassification as "proprietary" of certain companies which formerly filed "lessor" reports. The consequent decrease in the investment for lessor companies is partly offset by the normal increase in the investment of lessor companies whose classification was not changed, as well as by the transfer of two operating companies to the lessor class. The reason for now including proprietary companies in the statement of investment in road and equipment is that figures relating to such investment are now covered by a definite schedule in annual report forms, and the amount so reported is of considerable importance. 4 ร ',· STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Total number of stockholders ~Mimo 780 2 222 3 4 6 7 10 11 9 222 20 OH 2 21 Cash Demand loans and deposits 12 | Time drafts and deposits Special deposits ... 14 Loans and bills receivable 13 15 16 17 Other current assets 18 19 Deferred assets 22 23 24 107 27 28 29 SUMMARY NO. 1–RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 (Does not include lessor companies) 39 40 25 Capital stock Total investments · 49 50 51 ... Investment in road and equipment Improvements on leased railway property Sinking funds .. Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies Other investments AMA Y MO 52 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET 53 56 Total current assets 37 38 Deferred liabilities ··· · Miscellaneous accounts receivable Material and supplies .. Discount on capital stock Discount on funded debt Other unadjusted debits Investments Current Assets Premium on funded debt Operating reserves 41 Accrued depreciation • 42 Other unadjusted credits 43 Total unadjusted debits Grand total • ·· · Unadjusted Debits ·· Item • Stock liability for conversion Premium on capital stock Total stock Grants in aid of construction 34 Loans and bills payable Miscellaneous accounts payable other current liabilities 36 30 | Funded debt unmatured 31 Receiver's certificates 32 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies 33 Total long-term debt .. · • ❤ ... • Long-Term Debt Total current liabilities Stock Current Liabilities ... • Total unadjusted credits ·· Unadjusted Credits Corporate Surplus 44 Additions to property through income and surplus 45 Funded debt retired through income and surplus 46 Sinking fund reserves ·· 47 Miscellaneous fund reserves 48 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested Total appropriated surplus Profit and loss--balance Total corporate surplus • • • ·· • ·· O • • • INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT • • Expenditures for new lines and extensions Expenditures for additions and betterments Credits for property retired 55 Adjustments Net charges during year ... 57 Stocks actually issued during year--par value 58 Funded debt actually issued during year--par value • • · • • ·· • L Total, all districts 768,315 $18,237,035,117 425,402,800 13,577,529 14,295,815 159,652,215 4,624,114,651 897,848,528 24,371,926,655 535,589,781 68,214,215 49,526,238 131,141,245 32,267,580 216,777,958 551,694, 794 226,536,915 1,811, 748,726 178,166,715 15,857,487 84,650, 940 208,965, 709 309,474,136 26,671,316,232 7,685,013,727 1,772,445 46,973,492 7,733,759,664 6,474,592 10,627,015,848 7,068,400 395,942,676 11,030,026,924 59,206,687 117,849,547 1,119,750,265 1,296,806,499 105,804,540 1,164,445 367,014 1,631,158,629 679,022,815 2,311,712,903 d 877,868,884 -90,322,013 50,660,345 52,423,771 59,629,439 1,130,904,452 3,055,826,658 4,186,731,110 14,810,639 749,357,701 189,261,951 5.241.757 569,664,632 91, 586, 162 404,979,173 Eastern district . 349,288 $6,476,644,799 347,777,145 1,455,193 4,175,185 76,837,964 1,843,177,019 477,555,125 9,227,622,430 222,756,407 25,359,590 23,499,158 34,135,250 8,507,612 80,812,453 220,991,292 110,695,073 726,756,835 89,589,774 .462,795 22,937,490 83,484,540 106,884,825 10,150,853,864 2,818,369,362 367,652 35,518,813 2,854,255,827 215,464 3,983,819,217 1,803,900 92,531,123 4,078,154,240 26,241,768 32,625,819 434,277,504 493,145,091 52,621,556 214,308 723,759,072 316,409,533 1,040,382,913 500,372,627 13,564,247 27,535,647 46,679,423 335,045 588,486,989 1,043,591,784 1,632,078,773 518,578 310,235,062 85,612,806 d 3,064,083 222,076,751 15,970,888 171,647,241 Southern district 79,727 $3,397,122,930 54,256,322 914, 726 2,233,750 22,986,864 552,118,495 102,755,934 4,132,389,021 90,811,960 11,803,981 13,863,803 19,172,374 16,704,126 38,760,633 102,433,250 42,714, 610 336,264,737 31,391,405 25,765 22,387,405 29,699,864 52,113,034 4,552,158,197 d 1/1,193,581,134 4,990,793 1,198,571,927 1,477,112 1,952,610,938 2,314,500 10,336,437 1,965,261,875 1,928,924 18,457,298 175,185,879 195,572,101 29,492,090 101,395 298,048,142 95,579,739 393, 729,276 118,898, 480 881,007 4,185,805 1,941, 302 1,514,869 127,421,463 640,632,353 768,053,816 3,552,007 211, 762,830 30,647,771 1,083,616 183,583,450 1/ 48,575,211 109,504,900 12 J d Deficit or other reverse item. 60,000 shares of common stock without par value issued during the year, no book value reported. Includes $156,125,539, consideration received for 1,362,400 shares of stock without par value. Western district 339,300 $8,363,267,388 23,369,333 11,207,610 7,886,880 59,827,387 2,228,819,137 317,537,469 11,011,915,204 222,021,414 31,050, 644 12,163,277 77,833,621 7,055,842 97,204,872 228,270,252 73,127,232 748,727,154 57,185,536 15,368,927 39,326,045 95,781,305 150,476,277 11,968, 304, 171 2/3,673,063,231 1,404,793 6,463,886 3,680,931, 910 4,782,016 d 4,690,585,693 2,950,000 293,075,116 4,986,610,809 31,035,995 66,766,430 510,286,882 608,089,307 23,690,894 848,742 367,014 609,351,415 267,033,543 877,600, 714 258,597,777 75,876,759 18,938,893 3,803,046 57,779,525 414,996,000 1,371,602,521 1,786,598, 521 10,740,054 227,359,809 73,001,374 1.094.058 164,004,431 27,040,063 123,827,032 5 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 6 No 12 7-80 11 12 12A Net revenue from railway operations 4 Railway tax accruals 5 Uncollectible railway revenues 6 Railway operating income 13 14 NOUT FUN ~ ~ ~~~~~~ 22 23 24 29 9 Net revenue from miscellaneous operations 10 Taxes on miscellaneous operating property 35 15 Rent from passenger-train cars 16 Rent from floating equipment 36 LOLO 39 40 34 Rent for passenger-train cars Rent for floating equipment Rent for work equipment 52 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 17 Rent from work equipment 18 19 Joint facility rent income Income from lease of road Miscellaneous rent income 20 21 Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property Separately operated properties--profit Dividend income ... Income from funded securities 25 Income from unfunded securities and accounts 26 Income from sinking and other reserve funds 27 Release of premiums on funded debt 28 37 Joint facility rents 38 Rent for leased roads Miscellaneous rents. ·· Miscellaneous tax accruals 55 Railway operating revenues Railway operating expenses 30 31 32 Hire of freight cars--debit balance 33 Rent for locomotives 56 ••• Cena z imenom a Revenues from miscellaneous operations Expenses of miscellaneous operations 71 72 Miscellaneous operating income Total operating income Net railway operating income Hire of freight cars--credit balance Rent from locomotives .. ... 73 74 INCOME ACCOUNT 72353 Item 57 58 59 60 61 62 Miscelleneous credits 77 Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income Total nonoperating income Gross income • 41 42 • 43 44 Amortization of discount on funded debt 45 Maintenance of investment organization 46 Income transferred to other companies 47 Miscellaneous income charges 48 Total deductions from gross income Net income · • · ·· .. • • • Separately operated properties--loss Interest on funded debt Interest on unfunded debt • · · 63 Total credits during year 64 Debit balance transferred from income 65 66 • · 49 50 Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income 51 • ... • Credit balance transferred from income Profit on road and equipment sold Delayed income credits Unrefundable overcharges Donations • • • • • • •• • ... Income appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of income • Total appropriations of income Income balance transferred to profit and loss PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT ... Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of surplus 67 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property 68 Stock discount extinguished through surplus 69 Debt discount extinguished through surplus 70 Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus Loss on retired road and equipment Delayed income debits Miscellaneous debits Total debits during year Net increase during year Balance at beginning of year Balance at end of year · • · • • • • • • • • 78 Dividends declared during year 79 Par value on which declared--common 80 Par value on which declared--preferred 81 Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent • · • • • • Total, el1 districts $6,382,939,546 4,669,336,736 1,713, 602, 810 388,922,856 1,851,594 1,322,828,360 2,989, 377 2,814,363 175,014 122,285 52,729 1,322,881,089 1,213,089,966 24,180,174 13,974,415 16,656,874 392,150 3,450,621 43,874,592 4,854,993 21,113,894 6,646,795 2,922,957 147,263,347 74,094,014 30,741,672 4,605,415 107,507 1,854,146 3,868,866 400,602,432 1,723,483,521 105,528,654 12,021,437 19,239,881 3,005,959 1,746,996 70,724,293 166,453,515 6.379,064 4,780,298 814,058 496,454,508 12,102,289 4,338,773 26,810 6,476,216 4,128,501 914,221,252 809,262,269 10,186,286 224,423,545 7,782,452 1,401,809 243,794,092 565,468,177 586,398,145 4,298,435 718,337 1,471,577 3,940,544 26,248,927 623,075,965 20,929, 968 999,420 180,800,418 30,808,631 1,544,071 9,928,183 1,075,849 25,597,829 5,101,996 24,902,952 301,689,317 321,386, 648 2,734,865,636 3,056, 252, 284 405,223,963 4,178,660,015 1,217,293,400 7.51 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $2,898,986,223 2,167,706,304 731,279,919 159,240,030 997,588 571,042,301 1,205,594 1,088, 791 116,803 59,130 57,673 571,099,974 514,945,061 10,668,887 5,318,633 6,013,900 318,913 1,103,788 22,896,679 2,081,929 12,152,680 4,052,224 2,748,489 64,313,504 25,680, 849 14,290, 953 3,663,746 54,974 1,703,503 2,468,230 179,531,881 750,631,855 50,879,276 5,185,909 7,627,171 2,862,842 823,561 35,039, 281 100,071,049 4,398,234 3,503,979 650,492 189,781,427 5,158,981 1,410,720 22, 210 4,976,216 1,996,194 414,387,542 336,244,313 7,060,478 106,805,397 5,681,835 1,388,430 120,936,140 215,308,173 218,534,460 2,150,637 576,786 1,230,849 7,906, 024 230,398, 756 3,226,287 142.379 46,800,487 25,623,016 d 7,329,977 63,481 10,542,339 3,259,150 10,739,775 107,442,133 122,956, 623 920,635,161 1,043,591,784 153,605, 884 1,683,929, 409 335,704,950 7.61 Southern district $1,165,527,504 830,125,436 335,402,068 75,720,327 254,912 259,426,829 1,745,613 1,721,874 23,739 9,898 13,841 259,440,670 253,499,238 9,768,851 2,550,46 3,529,797 6,115 881,150 5,830,866 421,071 2,083,726 860,923 107,661 14,631,398 11,437,236 6,550,636 195,130 182,865 59,037,888 318,478,558 13,326,463 1,913,478 4,367,655 98,039 383,629 8,405,569 13,978,508 634,943 143,391 15,908 90,263,112 1,041,433 1,344,329 1,709 1,500,000 552,957 137,971,123 180,507,435 557,609 11,671,993 1,974, 281 i3,379 14,217,262 166,290,173 168,550, 607 551,115 11,541 538,669 1,284,197 3,246, 345 174,182,474 2,260,434 513,840 76,458,095 1,969,087 1,539,611 407,955 14,290 3,056,858 113,625 3,336,102 89,669,897 84,512,577 558,108,186 642, 620, 763 88,130,088 838,058,500 168,986,150 8.75 Western district $2,318,425,819 1,671,504,996 646,920,823 153,962,499 599,094 492,359,230 38,170 3,698 34,472 53,257 d 18,785 492,340,445 444,645,667 3,742,436 6,105,319 7,113,177 67,122 1,465,683 15,147,047 2,351,993 6,877,488 1,733,648 66,807 68,318,445 36,975,929 9,900,083 746,539 52,533 150, 643 1,217,771 162,032,663 654,373,108 41,322,915 4,922,050 7,245,055 45,078 539,806 27,279,443 52,403,958 1,345,887 1,132,928 147,658 216,409, 969 5,901,875 1,583,724 2,891 1,579,350 361,862,587 292,510,521 2,568,199 105,946,155 126,336 108,640, 690 183,869, 831 199,313,078 1,596,683 706,796 356,122 1,425,498 15,096,558 218,494,735 15,443,247 627,959 57,541,836 3,216,528 4,460 2,190,251 998,078 11,998,632 1,729,221 10,827,075 104,577,287 113,917,448 1,256,122,289 1,370,039,737 163,487,991 1,656,672,106 712,602,300 6.90 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No 1 Freight 2 3 4 8leeping car 5 6 Passenger 7 Express Other passenger-train 9 Milk 8 10 Switching SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Excess baggage 21 22 23 24 25 Other 26 17 18 Freight 19 Passenger •• 20 Excess baggage .. 11 Special service train 12 Other freight-train 13 Water transfers--freight 14 Water transfers--passenger .. 15 Water transfers--vehicles and live stock 16 Water transfers--other ·· Parlor and chair car Mail 66 67 27 Dining and buffet 28 Hotel and restaurant 31 Storage--freight 32 Storage--baggage 33 71 72 Express .... 8pecial service 73 74 Total rail-line transportation revenue Other passenger service Mail 75 76 RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES 77 78 79 80 81 29 Station, train, and boat privileges 30 Parcel room Total water-line transportation revenue • 35 36 Stockyard 37 Power 38 Rents of buildings and other property Miscellaneous 39 40 Total incidental operating revenue 41 Joint facility--Cr. 42 Joint facility-Dr. 43 44 • • • Demurrage Telegraph and telephone Grain elevator 45 Superintendence 46 Roadway maintenance--yard 47 Roadway maintenance--other 48 Roadway--depreciation--yard 49 Roadway--depreciation--other 50 Underground power tubes--yard • Ties--yard Ties--other Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures 68 Ties--depreciation--yard 69 Ties--dep.eciation--other 70 Rails--yard Rails--other 51 Underground power tubes--other • • • 52 Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard Underground power tubes--depreciation-other Tunnels and subways--yard Tunnels and subways--other Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard 57 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation-yard 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other 62 Elevated structures--yard • •• 63 Elevated structures--other 64 Elevated structures--depreciation--yard 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other • • Rails--depreciation--yard Rails--depreciation--other Item • • • • · • • • Ballast--depreciation--yard Ballast--depreciation--other · Other track material--yard Other track material--other Other track material--depreciation-yard Other track material--depreciation--other Ballast--yard Ballast--other ... • • 82 Track laying and surfacing-yard 83 Track laying and surfacing--other 84 Right-of-way fences--yard 85 Right-of-way fences--other 86 Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard 87 Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other ·· · Total, all districts $4,797,780,122 1,041,816,167 7,055,488 1,921,650 1,230,801 96,156,677 149,049,263 17,111,346 36,423,009 64,852,808 2,219,050 825,435 1,232,339 2,319,216 7,109,659 1,472,377 6,228,575,407 11,860,676 1,254,479 3,230 19,467 8,815 22,436 975,161 649,234 14,793,498 34,642,687 7,858,693 7,337,808 1,500,330 4,300,271 742,692 21,903,157 2,608,058 1,201,758 834,903 6,632,009 8,165,727 32,924,095 130,652,188 13,439,323 4,520,870 8,918,453 6,382,939,546 56,090,305 8,314,695 74,603,426 22,648 121,197 263,844 2,456,414 34 3,038 1,408,663 42,777,028 30,113 1,273,482 68,794 68,298 13,696,161 101,950,000 256,315 2,352,607 3,323,302 45,511,686 76,215 1,081,148 8,633,737 42,707,948 204,749 877.512 604,911 19,540,779 7,702 385,693 24,334,519 194,125,898 70,630 5,377,746 725 11,319 Eastern district $2,120,300,955 523,474,791 2,627,887 ... 299,724 36,577,069 70,591,158 6,450,541 25,921,389 30,325,075 835,884 446,053 867.755 1,690,066 5,251,955 1,154,460 2,826,814,762 1,465,286 710,736 1,066 4,629 8,576 19,005 26,421 148 2,235,867 15,379,065 2,538,115 4,743,773 1,098,714 2,094,410 352,858 11,998,862 588,463 1,168,529 13,829 6,430,934 5,452,720 14,327,576 66,287,848 5,377,121 1,629,375 3,747,746 2,898,986,223 22,096,670 3.995,343 27,632,606 40,908 258,067 1,120,655 1,691 758,835 14,300,346 22,055 598,515 62,040 67,467 ... 6,559,398 38,081,328 469 3.367 1,687,245 18,907,904 247 8,398 4. ,398,007 19,222,380 256 5.979 276,439 7,497,823 3,366 11,900,921 77,676,920 29,196 1,629,264 31 11 Southern district $913,966,077 173.755,511 1,222,200 12,217 162,222 16,789,098 22,953,315 2,615,345 1,571,818 8,901,157 530,968 64,547 53.875 69,456 17,768 262,574 1,142,948,148 6,266,584 640,256 746,551 130,132 1,101,723 77,125 4,000,397 95,734 15,404 5.240 134,367 866,549 7,061,488 21,141,550 1,878,826 441,020 1,437,806 1,165,527,504 10,580,905 1,238,639 16,625,381 4,147 480,458 103,441 10,105,424 1,547 512,766 •✰ 2,236,737 19,666,788 245,301 2,249,899 43,093 10,467,164 65,932 903,962 1,119,800 6,978,294 196,565 840,970 61,714 5,449,635 7,084 373,534 3,622,628 37,310,333 1,963 814,280 ... Western district $1,763,513,090 344,585,865 3,205,401 1,909,433 768,855 42,790,510 55,504,790 8,045,460 8,929,802 25,626,576 852,198 314,835 310,709 559,694 1,839,936 55,343 2,258,812,497 10,395,390 543,743 2,164 14,838 239 3.431 948,740 649,086 12,557,631 12,997,038 4,680,322 1,847,484 271,484 1,104,138 312,709 5,903,898 1,923,861 17,825 815,834 66,708 1,846,458 11,535,031 43,322,790 6,183,376 2,450,475 3,732,901 2,318,425,819 23,412,730 3,080,713 30,345,439 22,648 80,289 1,630 855,301 1,347 546,387 18,371,258 6,511 162,201 6,754 831 4,900,026 44,201,88 10,545 99,341 1,192,964 16,136,618 10,036 168,788 3,115,930 16,507,274 7,928 30,563 266,758 6,593,321 618 8,793 8,810,970 79,138,645 39,471 2,934,202 694 11,308 7 + STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 110 No. H&M LOLO 180 1 2 3 4 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 --Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 12 13 14 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other 7 Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard Crossings and signs--depreciation--other 8 9 Station and office buildings 10 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation-yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--other Crossings and signs--yard Crossings and signs--other Station and office buildings--depreciation 11 Roadway buildings Roadway buildings--depreciation Water stations Water stations--depreciation ·· 15 Fuel stations 16 Fuel stations--depreciation 17 Shops and enginehouses ... 18 Shops and enginehouses--depreciation 19 Grain elevators • 23 Wharves and docks 24 • 20 Grain elevators--depreciation 21 Storage warehouses 22 8torage warehouses--depreciation 57 58 59 60 ·· 25 Coal and ore wharves 26 Wharves and docks--depreciation Item Coal and ore wharves--depreciation 39 Power transmission systems 40 27 Gas producing plants .. 28 Gas producing plants--depreciation 29 Telegraph and telephone lines 30 Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation 31 Signals and interlockers 32 Signals and interlockers--depreciation Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines 34 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation 35 Power plant buildings 36 Power plant buildings--depreciation • ... 37 Power substation buildings .... 38 Power substation buildings--depreciation ·· 65 Superintendence 66 Shop machinery Injuries to persons Insurance Stationery and printing Other expenses ... Power transmission systems--depreciation 41 Power distribution systems • • • •• 42 Power distribution systems--depreciation 43 Power line poles and fixtures 44 Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation 45 Underground conduits .. 46 Underground conduits--depreciation 47 Miscellaneous structures •• 48 Miscellaneous structures--depreciation 49 Paving 50 Paving--depreciation 51 Roadway machines 52 .. Roadway machines--depreciation .. Small tools and supplies Removing snow, ice, and sand • Assessments for public improvements • 67 Shop machinery--depreciation 68 Power plant machinery 69 Power plant machinery--depreciation 70 Power substation apparatus .. 73 Steam locomotives--depreciation 74 Steam locomotives--retirements 81 Passenger-train cars--repairs 82 • 75 Other locomotives--repairs .. 76 Other locomotives--depreciation 77 Other locomotives--retirements • 71 Power substation apparatus--depreciation 72 Steam locomotives--repairs ... 78 Freight-train cars--repairs 79 Freight-train cars--depreciation 80 Freight-train cars--retirements Total, above accounts 1 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 62 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr. 63 Equalization--way and structures 64 Total maintenance of way and structures Maintenance of Equipment • • 87 Floating equipment--repairs 88 Floating equipment--depreciation 89 Floating equipment--retirements ... O • • Passenger-train cars--depreciation 83 Passenger-train cars--retirements 84 Motor equipment of cars--repairs 85 Motor equipment of cars--depreciation 86 Motor equipment of cars--retirements ·· ·· • • • · • • d Total, all districts $4,863 604,247 18 188 1, ,230,299 11,837,943 2,614 37,986 34,705, 562 1,080,761 5,489, 734 61,670 10,892,284 123,431 4,984,708 60,096 25,833,442 534,458 185,857 5,102 91,220 5,745,350 137,516 3,016,995 952,010 76,677 21 12,152,821 8,927 31,208,948 210,410 3,521 874,685 136,076 63,491 21,423 279.547 14,299 3,059,232 260,207 604,901 30,097 28.114 4,516 511,425 > 3,318 721,284 38 6,947,613 9,203 11,876,012 13,179,037 516,404 6,034,543 3,933,545 1,355,676 696,291 d 855,064,905 38,457,086 26,697,665 866,824,326 dad d 45,767,586 28,299,466 705,412 6,049,461 603,089 358,263 38,379 460,544,091 53,150,073 5,816,113 3,242,864 913,921 ... 377,702,528 111,273,766 19,562, 201 85,286,429 16,373,461 1,352,163 2,643,923 724,047 21,175 11,899,465 3,166,470 247,809 Eastern district $623 72,875 120 497,025 6,669,809 2,036 33,682 16,521,467 538,074 1,671,923 2,189 3,889,788 44,893 2,281,428 25,428 12,981,271 343,912 161,671 2,702 36,565 3,732,435 67,650 1,865,260 173,992 36,048 5,860,961 504 19,354,081 188,804 627,339 107,096 53,116 19,205 Deficit or other reverse item. 225,000 66,554 2,321,240 308,071 333,581 81,975 24,102 7,504 292,604 403,363 2,251,577 251 4,524,105 9,626,720 177,827 2,865,146 1,845,312 507,941 487,054 363,058,080 16,633,780 11,349,864 368,341,996 21,059,576 15,351,038 412,953 4,019,227 539,145 304,274 16,144 215,891, 345 24,774,858 4,026,531 2,372,732 518,790 183,248,406 49,262,210 11,375,599 40,500,101 8.122.358 1,008,417 1,734,509 505,257 9,972 9,378,304 1,997,453 192,218 Southern district 137,617 1,706,826 1,044 6,350,778 234,264 1,511,819 24,064 2,117,277 64,775 995,824 24,130 3,887,825 128,774 .8,069 2,400 56,567 $12 370 1,153,919 69,866 328,088 137,968 2,130,562 5,247 4,964,993 16,690 d 69,092 14,641 32,408 6,918 321,798 11,176 124,629 8,174 275 *42,139 2,059 72,071 1,420,392 2,995 2,435,776 408,028 55,041 885,688 d 1,945 336 701,202 258,660 77,868 165,717,345 7,350,340 5,670,523 .. 167,397,162 7,761,570 4,113,251 265,784 664,480 25,775 21,262 4,032 86,607,011 9,391,040 525,993 395,395 198,017 68,550,215 22,413,298 2,678,207 14,065,133 2,525,483 32,752 163,299 59,611 293,737 56,211 11,578 Western district $4,228 531,002 18 68 595,657 3,461,308 578 3,260 11,833,317 308,423 2,305,992 35,417 4,885,219 13,763 1,707,456 10,538 8,964,346 61,772 16,117 **1,912 858,996 823,647 640,050. 40,629 21 4,161,298 3,176 6,889,874 4,916 3,521 178,254 14,339 8,430 1,882 22,139 d 59.173 416,194 a 59,040 146,691 60.052 3,737 12.020 176,682 5,377 245,850 38 3,275,644 5,957 4,916,131 3,144,289 283,536 2,283,709 1,337,031 589,075 131,369 326,289,480 14,472,966 9,677,278 331,085,168 16,946,440 8,830,177 26,675 1,365,754 38,169 32,727 18,203 157,045,735 18,984,175 1,263,589 474,737 197,114 ... 125,903,907 39,598,258 5,508,395 30,721,195 5,725,620 376,498 746,115 159,179 11,203 2,227,424 1,112,806 44,013 I STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. HAMTONIO I Am ☹ Work equipment--repairs 2 Work equipment--depreciation Work equipment-retirements Miscellaneous equipment--repairs Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation Miscellaneous equipment-retirements 7 Injuries to persons 8 Insurance 10 11 9 Stationery and printing 15 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 12 Maintaining joint equipment--Dr. 13 Maintaining joint equipment--Cr. 14 Equalization-equipment 16 Superintendence 17 Outside agencies 18 Advertising 19 20 21 22 23 24 Other expenses 25 KO 780 ·· 46 Total 47 Other expenses 48 49 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded 50 555555555 123+ LOWD 7–80 σN 26 Superintendence 27 Dispatching trains ..... 28 8tation employees 51 57 Total maintenance of equipment .. Traffic associations Fast freight lines .. 31 Station supplies and expenses 32 Yardmasters and yard clerks 45 Train enginemen Train motormen • Total traffic 29 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus 30 Coal and ore wharves Industrial and immigration bureaus Insurance Stationery and printing 33 Yard conductors and brakemen. 34 Yard switch and signal tenders 35 Yard enginemen 36 Yard motormen .. 37 Fuel for yard locomotives 38 Yard switching power produced 39Yard switching power purchased 40 Water for yard locomotives 41 Lubricants for yard locomotives 42 Other supplies for yard locomotives 43 Enginehouse expenses--yard 44 Yard supplies and expenses .. • ·· Item · Transportation-Rail Line Enginehouse expenses--train Trainmen 78 Incidental 80 • Train supplies and expenses Fuel for train locomotives Train power produced Train power purchased Water for train locomotives Lubricants for train locomotives Other supplies for train locomotives 63 Stationery and printing 64 Other expenses.. Traffic • • 77 Operation of vessels Operation of terminals • • Operating sleeping cars 8ignal and interlocker operation Crossing protection 59 Drawbridge operation 60 Telegraph and telephone operation 61 Operating floating equipment 62 Express service ... • 65 Insurance 66 Clearing wrecks 67 Damage to property .. 68 Damage to live stock on right of way 69 Loss and damage--freight 70 Loss and damage--baggage 71 Injuries to persons 72 | Operating joint yards and terminals-Dr. 73 Operating joint yards and terminals--Cr. 74 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr. 75 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Or. 76 Total transportation--Rail line ·· Transportation-Water Line Total transportation-- Water line Total, all districts $19,576,360 4,741,926 2,030,651 456,118 258,983 127,764 6,321,129 6,218,857 2,268,249 1,724,843 1,279,467,035 8,033,028 4,413,725 1,283,086,338 35,965, 200 46,252,440 16,760,869 2,817,360 44,429 2,471,529 45,165 10,151,721 181,800 114,690,513 68,739,735 34,691,737 309,087,318 5,669,272 10,278,877 21,398,293 63,017,871 152,640,554 12,646,041 92,513,493 885,107 68,322,379 149,449 356,130 4,590,887 1,390,060 1,526,998 31,006,059 3,882,181 230,905,056 4,414,466 339,109,550 2,589,372 6,653,794 21,968,898 7,818,398 6,641,863 82,863,227 267,585,065 82,369,148 839,588 26,251,705 21,243,344 2,026,270 10,610,360 29,563,410 14,043,822 6,350,279 3,384,924 8,487,299 5,247,258 2,854,234 34,267,628 390,525 34,185,050 71,705,627 37,274,119 16,311,807 14,295,935 2,171,904,354 4,669,609 4,640, 350 302,765 9,612,724 Eastern district $9,074,497 1,939,106 949,464 234,234 125,757 98,335 3,652,600 2,949,715 1,192,952 1,211,842 619,049,919 3,595,146 2,005,216 620,639,849 16,226,615 15,185,419 4,879,406 1,008,279 44,429 556,421 21,283 4,037,145 86,896 42,045,893 35,186,087 16,708,459 146,862, 289 1,190,776 6,538,259 11,221,967 33.124,707 81,717,071 8,360,594 48,634,183 837,203 32,437,302 144,948 328,230 2,216,347 753,208 785,508 15,147,471 2,301,988 101,604,137 2,726,091 134,126,369 1,538,643 5,070,760 8,970,887 3,354,535 3,077,366 38,314,859 116,815,913 38,847,080 17,426,393 14,479,842 1,049,340 4,881,355 25,275,900 ... 6,730,530 3,851,088 1,446,322 4,487,855 2,105,291 240,579 14,858,438 246,996 16,688,962 29,132,095 15,120,404 ,548,775 6,709,487 1,027,563,107 1,358,916 171,181 26,919 1,557,016 Southern district $3,334,724 952,997 211,717 41,652 41,192 9,949 786,143 786,678 378,441 170,675 227,476,798 1,420,825 1,035,776 227,861,847 7,437,277 9,729,317 2,563,063 597,301 749,377 5,632 2,457,765 6,017 23,545,749 12,192,047 7,730,786 55,697,475 1,337,758 1,948,555 3,181,738 11,801,856 25,885,435 1,416,925 15,203,311 1,941 10,036,039 ... 725,257 224,613 306,387 5,779,077 766,026 44,119,562 422,361 56,328,074 622,807 310,706 3,984,728 1,535,394 1,335,953 15,512,917 51,191,410 14,224,406 5,432 2,363,497 1,787,087 374,289 1,345,195 570,635 2,621,209 926,931 720,358 1,923,514 1,360,521 1,122,203 6,111,982 77,866 6,765,292 15,659;011 10,361,697 1,783,231 1,851,905 377,128,195 Western district $7,167,139 1,849,823 869,470 180,232 92,034 19,480 1,882,386 2,482,464 696,856 342,326 432,940,318 3,017,057 1,372,733 434,584,642 12,301,308 21,337,704 9,318,400 1,211,780 1,165,731 18,250 3,656,811 88,887 49,098,871 21,361,601 10,252,492 106,527,554 3,140,738 1,792,063 6,994,588 18,091,308 45,038,048 2,868,522 28,675,999 45,963 25,849,038 4,501 27,900 1,649,283 412,239 435,103 10,079,511 814,167 5,181,357 266,014 148,655,107 427,922 1,272,328 9,013,283 2,928,469 2,228,544 29,035,451 99,577,742 29,297,662 834,156 6,461,815 976,415 602,641 4,383,810 3,716,875 4,692,083 1,572,260 1,218,244 2,075,930 1,781,446 1,491,452 13,297,208 65,663 10,730, 796 26,914,521 11,792,018 6,979,801 5,734,543 767,213,052 310,693 4,469,169 275,846 8,055,708 9 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 10 No. 1234 IMO 1 Dining and buffet service 7 2 Hotels and restaurants Grain elevators Stockyards Producing power sold Other miscellaneous operations 15 16 22223 17 Other expenses 18 19 20 88alaries and expenses of general officers 98alaries and expenses of clerks and attendants 10 General office supplies and expenses 11 12 Law expenses.... Insurance ... 13 Relief department expenses 14 |Pensions SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 32 33 35 41 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Miscellaneous Operations Total general expenses 21 | Transportation for investment--Cr. 22 Total railway operating expenses 23 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES Maintenance of Way and Structures Total miscellaneous operations gyfe Stationery and printing Valuation expenses 24 Related solely to freight service 25 Related solely to passenger and allied services 26 Apportioned to freight service 27 Apportioned to passenger and allied services 28 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 29 Total ... 53 .. General joint facilities--Dr. General joint facilities--Cr. ·· 30 Related solely to freight service 31 Related solely to passenger and allied services mom Item 59 General 36 Related solely to freight service ·· 37 Related solely to passenger and allied services 38 Apportioned to freight service 39 Apportioned to passenger and allied services Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total Maintenance of Equipment Apportioned to freight service Apportioned to passenger and allied services Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total 42 Related solely to freight service 43 Related solely to passenger and allied services 4年 ​Apportioned to freight service 45 Apportioned to passenger and allied services 46 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 47 Total ·· 50 Apportioned to freight service Traffic Transportation--Rail Line 48 Related solely to freight service • • Related solely to passenger and allied services Transportation--Water Line Apportioned to passenger and allied services Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total Miscellaneous Operations Related solely to freight service Related solely to passenger and allied services Apportioned to freight service... Apportioned to passenger and allied services Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total Total, all districts $41,419,368 7,519,500 1,298,513 684,063 3,290,479 1,851,945 56,063,868 19,381,691 91,754,757 7,432,490 17,220,073 166,071 2,325,155 22,372,016 5,402,920 8,008,819 8,685,131 1,969,369 328,586 184,389,906 17,235,293 4,669,336,736 73.15 $85,712,802 24,491,229 550,426,073 205,360,108 834,114 866,824,326 810,233,251 231,614,857 179,025,574 61,378,771 833,885 1,283,086,338 60,450,539 40,880,442 7,727,955 5,631,577 114,690,513 1,248,469,940 429,877,385 376,910,071 116,629,416 17,542 2,171,904,354 7,621,561 177,364 1,496,198 288,938 28,663 9,612,724 2,987,392 46,645,637 1,333,074 923,001 4,174,764 56,063,868 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $18,815,517 2,396,701 1,261,334 21,998 3,191,122 490,459 26,177,131 7,756,999 40,470,072 3,530,831 6,726,234 87,550 1,161,505 14,585,646 2,168,315 3,550,458 3.399,453 782,413 115,679 84,103,797 2,722,485 2,167,706,304 74.77 $53,140,212 16,169,543 212,775,536 86,006,525 250,180 368,341,996 409,964,251 119,197,006 67,347,448 23,491,562 639,582 620,639,849 25,073,520 14,025,914 2,172,051 774,408 42,045,893 633,882,296 207,945,113 138,915,817 46,831,858 d 11,977 1,027,563,107 733,161 135,534 454,218 234,103 1,557,016 1,664,871 21,965,328 399,564 223,874 1,923,494 26,177,131 Southern district $6,881,932 579,322 18,179 10,820 44,757 112,012 7,647,022 3,157,218 15,989,347 1,195,624 3,760,822 24,958 214,702 1,908,378 1,082,672 1,181,493 1,496,282 261,422 45,441 30,227,477 3,682,016 830,125,436 71.22 $13,437,830 2,927,810 113,539,809 37,491,713 167,397,162 153,091,844 39,127,674 28,245,040 7,397,289 227,861,847 14,600,261 7,083,119 1,298,197 564,172 23,545,749 214,834,425 68,261,089 74,046,551 19,986,130 377,128,195 121,834 7,323,708 154,723 42,192 4,565 7,647,022 Western district 721,919 4,543,477 19,000 651,245 54,600 1,249,474 22,239,715 8,467,474 35,295,338 2,706,035 6,733,017 53,563 948,948 5,877,992 2,151,933 3,276,868 3,789,396 925,534 167,466 70,058,632 10,830,792 1,671,504,996 72.10 $19,134,760 5,393,876 224,110,728 81,861,870 583,934 331,085,168 247,177,156 73,290,177 83,433,086 30,489,920 194,303 434,584,642 A p 20,776,758 19,771,409 4,257,707 4,292,997 49,098,871 399,753,219 153,671,183 163,947,703 49,811,428 29,519 767,213,052 6,888,400 41,830 1,041,980 54,835 28,663 8,055,708 1,200,687 17,356,601 778,787 656,935 2,246,705 22,239,715 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Related solely to freight service. 2 Related solely to passenger and allied services. 12 3 Apportioned to freight service.. Apportioned to passenger and allied services. C • 5 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 6 Total.. 7 Related solely to freight service... 8 Related solely to passenger and allied services 9 Apportioned to freight service.. ·· • 10 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. 11 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total.. 19 Miles of road.. 20 13 Related solely to freight service... 14 Related solely to passenger and allied services. It mo wwww 15 Apportioned to freight service.. 16 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. 17 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 18 Total... 33 SUMMARY NO. 1—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) mmon goo Miles of second main track. 21 Miles of third main track.. 22 Miles of fourth main track.. 23 Miles of all other main tracks. 24 Miles of yard track and sidings. 25 37 SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES--Continued General 41 42 ##: HOBET KOKO 47 48 FRANKIA Y 52 56 26 Miles of road. 27 Miles of second main track.. 28 Miles of third main track. 29 Miles of fourth main track. 30 Miles of all other main tracks.. 31 Miles of yard track and sidings. 32 Total, all tracks.... Total, all tracks.. Transportation for Investment--Cr. • Steam locomotives: Total.. Total Operating Expenses ·· • MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1926 Number at close of year: Box cars. Flat cars. Stock cars. Coal cars... Tank car8... ·· • • Total.... ... Item • • Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying cars • · • Number at close of year. Total tractive power (pounds). Number installed during year.. Number retired during year... Electric locomotives: • • • • • MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1926 • • Number at close of year... Total tractive power (pounds). Number installed during year.. Number retired during year..... Aggregate capacity (tons): Box care.. Flat cars. Stock cars. Coal cars. Tank cars………. Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying cars. • • • • • • EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE • • ·· .. • Freight-carrying Cars ……. • • • .. • O गलेकोनेवाले Total, all districts $48,359,811 11,512,953 91,890,187 32,145,680 481,275 184,389,906 16,557,877 344,692 262,991 69,733 17,235,293 2,247,277,419 784,855,17! 1,208,546,141 422,287,758 6,370,243 4,669,336,736 237,054.30 35,866.68 3,158.21 2,168.92 343.34 1/ 116,353.37 5/ 394,944.82 177,183.94 21,386.38 2,064.53 1,525.22 141.51 2/ 81,420.24 283,721.82 62,342 2,611,295,824 1,825 3,105 418 22,485,700 56 1,076,197 102,009 84,971 948,489 10,441 44,828 81,248 2,348,183 43,008,699 4,243,094 3,083,041 49,596,327 453,785 1,455,221 4,083,372 105,923,539 Eastern district $24,783,272 5,960,740 39,457,962 13,423,499 478,324 84,103,797 2,470,407 83,155 132,633 36,290 2,722,485 1,146,771,176 385,316,023 461,389,963 170,949,539 3,279,603 2,167,706,304 59,113.90 18,420.14 2,721.54 1,931.32 83.52 2/ 45,435.42 6/ 127,705.84 33,845.99 9,085.08 1,704.68 1,333.76 45.04 10/ 25,801.55 71,816.10 27,268 1,190,510,295 739 1,626 314 15,216,200 50 458,031 22,746 15,077 561,995 356 5,813 21,613 1,085,631 18,915,375 995,958 604,250 29,864,342 5,774 185,775 1,095,078 51,666,552 Includes 21,164.35 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 7,672.39 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 4,276.55 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 9,215.41 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 22,343.41 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 8,582.16 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 3,753.28 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 10,007.97 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 14,717.29 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 4,151.44 miles of industrial tracks. 11 Includes 3,285.03 miles of industrial tracks. 12/ Includes 7,280.82 miles of industrial tracks. Southern district $8,738,083 1,673,254 15,028,264 4,787,876 30,227,477 3,522,353 19,291 111,324 29,048 3,682,016 401,301,924 126,377,363 232,201,260 70,240,324 4,565 830,125,436 44,727.61 5,572.44 125.61 48.27 239.13 3/ 20,399.34 Z/ 71,112.40 35,172.68 3,958.59 119.87 44.15 75.78 11/ 15,385.89 54,756.96 11,386 484,487,440 634 418 32 3,217,000 172,008 23,019 8,380 208,373 28 6,282 7,635 425,725 6,302,715 932.420 312,370 11,259,475 1,220 194,050 357,209 19,359,459 Western district $14,838,456 3,878,959 37,403,961 13,934,305 2,951 70,058,632 10,565,117 242,246 19,034 4,395 10,830,792 699,204,319 273,161,789 514,954,918 181,097,895 3,086,075 1,671,504,996 133,212.79 11,874.10 311.06 189.33 20.69 4/ 50,518.61 / 196,126.58 108,165.27 8,342.71 239.98 147.31 20.69 12/ 40,232.80 157,148.76 23,688 936,298,089 452 1,061 72 2 4,052,500 446,158 56,244 61,514 178,121 10,057 32,733 52,000 836,827 17245 17,790,609 2,314,716 2,166,421 8,472,510 446,791 1,075,396 2,631,085 34,897,528 11 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 12 No. 1234LOKO 7 10 Gommino 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 26 27 28 222 www.yo 29 30 31 ww 32 33 17 Number at close of year 18 Number installed during year 19 Number retired during year MMMM ·· 20 Number at close of year 21 Number installed during year 22 Number retired during year 2555 £55 FEW W 40 41 23 Number of units at close of year Number of units installed during year 25 Number of units retired during year 42 4444 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 48 49 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded 8 234 Number installed during year: Box cars Flat care Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars 55 Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total Number retired during year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars 38 Average number Compensation-- ... Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total Item All Classes of Passenger-train Cars All Classes of Company Service Equipment Floating Equipment In replacement and betterments: Number of crossties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges • ¿ Service, hours-- K ·· In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of oroasties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges ·· Service days-- TIES LAID DURING YEAR In replacement and betterments: Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges • • ·· In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks ... Miles of yard track and sidings Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges • RAILS LAID DURING YEAR Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total EMPLOYEES In special service In yard-switching service In work service Grand total, all services ·· Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY LOCOMOTIVES Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service In passenger service In mixed-train service Total, all districts Fount 102w 231 +83 34,004 149 2.088 5,959 91,786 45,042 4,804 4,836 38,423 446 5,971 2,475 101,997 54,773 3,453 3,307 109,608 12,596 11,921 2,434 73 94 yo muna ang 80,745,509 275,973,880 $117,509,956 9,530,926 57,051,205 $15,563, 234 3,818, 244 $139,952, 617 1,146.24 2,341.50 475,418 $15,515,359 1,779,281 $2,640,492,534 $182,911,183 $2,946, 118, 103 3,962,836,957 224,390,074 4,347,495, 632 39,537,450 306,262 40,530,703 $2,717,652, 538 82,944,112 29,398,931 1,881,293 51,368 23,279,470 3,035,145 140,590,319 Eastern district 2/ 17,365 535 14,869 ❤ 915 1,341 35,781 16,043 697 941 17,902 24 1,658 1,054 38,319 26,974 1,762 1,710 36,543 510 4,589 0 2,106 57 83 22,870,813 104,319,012 $44,620,830 2,165,115 16, 228, 971 $4,638,174 1,674,394 $57,997,767 244.86 601.63 129,038 $4,195,128 773,393 $1,208,603,469 $87,170,962 $1,354,783,899 1,706,484, 541 105,029,321 1,889, 210, 146 19,451,639 162,061 19,994,207 $1,254,038,462 35,294,059 12,793,580 363,211 16,961 11,811,909 1,438,747 61,718,467 + Southern district 8,389 1,463 281 11,151 13 2,584 23,882 7,654 1,603 342 9,397 12/ Does not include data for. 450 linear feet of steel ties. Does not include data for 1,468 linear feet of steel ties. 86 216 19,298 8,657 738 337 19,847 2,357 1,453 121 9 17,870,373 65,677,595 ❤23,821,312 3,064,422 16,798,957 $4,664,861 848,316 $32,317,168 386.30 649.56 146,792 $4,794,285 359,054 $486,925,174 $36,221,673 $541,563,338 797,485,363 46,387,567 867,909,805 6,456,399 43,328 6,578,979 $495,625,026 18,029,029 5,654,841 352,713 10,981 4,139,862 616,255 28,803,681 Western district 11.264 477 2,056 7,984 136 1,172 2,034 32,123 21,345 2,504 3,553 11,124 422 4,227 1,205 44,380 19,142 953 1,260 53,218 5,729 5,879 207 40,004,323 105,977,273 $49,067,814 4,301,389 24,023,277 $6,260,199 1,295,534 $49,637,682 515.08 1,090.31 199,588 $6,525,946 646,834 $944,963,891 $59,518,548 $1,049,770,866 1,458,867,053 72,973,186 1,590,375,681 13,629,412 100,873 13,957,517 $967,989,050 29,621,024 10,950,510 1,165,369 23,426 7,327,699 980,143 50,068,171 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS } ! SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 --Continued (Does not include lessor companies) REVENUE FREIGHT TONNAGE BY GROUPS OF COMMODITIES Revenue Freight Originated Products of agriculture: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Animals and products: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Products of mines: Products of forests: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Number of carloade Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car *** • Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads • • Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car · ... Animals and products: • ·· Products of agriculture: Number of carloads Products of mines: Merchandise - All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) - Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage • Item Total Revenue Freight Carried Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Products of forests: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage • Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage ❤ • • • • • • • Merchandise All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lòs.) Per cent of total tonnage • • Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage .. Total, all districts 4,751,043 111,787,387 23.53 2,196,677 26,243,489 11.95 14,932,082 757,703,138 50.74 3,708,252 104,850,837 28.28 11,344,714 296,066,483 26.10 36,932,768 1,296,651, 334 35.11 39,490,989 1,336,142,323 10,430,034 223,923,885 9.08 3,800,797 47,022,643 1.91 26,535,730 1,341,577,242 54.42 7,548,525 204,790, 308 8.30 23,239,500 579,829,682 23.52 71,554,586 2,397, 143, 760 97.23 68,224,846 2.77 2,465,368, 606 100.00 Eastern district 1,061,013 23,950,129 22.57 445,422 5,777,115 12.97 6,614,323 336,899,877 50.93 456,081 11,496,799 25.21 6,914,488 183,282,163 26.51 15,491,327 561,406,083 36.24 18,794,144 580, 200, 227 3,479,179 73,473,788 5.61 1,386,801 18,082,846 1.38 15,165,873 782,627,744 59.78 2,110,401 53,455,576 4.08 13,797,250 346,585,535 26.47 35,939,504 1,274,225,489 97.32 35,016,132 2.68 1,309, 241, 621 100.00 Southern district 921,463 15,156,955 16.4 165,505 1,935,968 11.70 4,083,563 215,579,085 52.79 1,267,834 32,752,130 25.83 1,471,005 36,693,482 24.94 7.909,370 302,117,620 38.20 8,460,826 310,578,446 2,114,651 34,950,828 7.58 341,898 4,337,303 .94 5,269,066 272,596, 789 59.10 2,171,461 56,026,771 12.15 3,252,999 78,861,271 17.09 13,150,075 446,772,962 96.86 14,490,428 3.14 461,263,390 100.00 Western district 2,768,567 72,680,303 26.25 1,585,750 18,530,406 11.69 4,234,196 205,224,176 48.47 1,984,337 60,601,908 30.54 2,959,221 76,090,838 25.71 13,532,071 433,127,631 32.01 12,236,019 445,363,650 4,836, 204 115,499,269 16.62 2,072,098 24,602,494 3.54 6,100,791 286,352,709 41.21 3,266,663 95,307,961 13.72 6,189,251 154,382,876 22.22 22,465,007 676,145,309 97.31 18,718, 286 2.69 694,863,595 100.00 13 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 14 No. 1 Average mileage of road operated 7 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) 2 Freight--ordinary 3 Freight--light 180 Passenger Mixed Special STATISTICS OF RAIL-LINE OPERATIONS Total transportation service Work service ... 9 Total freight train Total passenger train 10 11 Total mixed train 12 Total special 13 Train switching 14 Yard switching--freight 15 Yard switching--passenger •·· 16 Total transportation service 17 Work service .. 37 Total special train 38 39 Work service Locomotive-Kiles ... ... 18 Freight train-loaded 19 Freight train-empty 20 Freight train-caboose 21 Freight train--exclusive work equipment 22 Total freight train 23 Passenger train--passenger 24 Passenger train--sleeping, parlor, and observation Passenger train--dining 26 Passenger train--other ..... 27 Total passenger train 28 Mixed train--freight--loaded 29 Mixed train--freight--empty 30 Mixed train--caboose Train-Miles 31 Mixed train-exclusive work equipment 32 Mixed train--passenger 33 Mixed train-sleeping, parlor, and observation 34 Mixed train-dining 35 Mixed train--other passenger train 36 Total mixed train 40 41 Tons--revenue freight Tons--nonrevenue freight 42 Ton-miles--revenue freight 43 Item Total transportation service 44 Passengers carried--revenue 45 Passenger-miles--revenue 46 · Ton-miles--nonrevenue freight Car-Miles • ·· Revenue per passenger Revenue per passenger-mile Miscellaneous .... 50 51 Miles hauled--revenue freight 52 Miles carried--revenue passengers Revenue per ton of freight Revenue per ton-mile of freight 49 Passenger-miles--revenue--per train-mile Passenger-miles--revenue--per car-mile Ton-miles--revenue freight--per mile of road 47 Ton-miles--revenue freight--per train-mile 48 Ton-miles--revenue and nonrevenue freight--per loaded car-mile ·· • ·· •• • Total, all districts 236,631.40 602,5 603,513,070 7.467,046 573,626,649 26,440,325 570,345 1.211,617,435 37,241,627 691,623,951 570,055,081 27,039,497 650,286 60,495,789 315,491,063 24,166,138 1,689,521,805 47,125,596 17,640,883,455 10,077,357,075 619,475,243 40,867,935 28,378,583,708 1,282,720,517 1,170,363,403 152,510,369 1,231,193,553 3,836,787,842 137 ,671,840 75,061,557 2,730,666 1,275,326 31,439,101 745,897 10,296 14,344,565 263,279,248 9,802,192 32,488,452,990 177,589,667 2,465,368,606 277,249,248 443,746,487,348 42,518,942,792 862,361,333 35,477,524,581 1,875,265 701.46 27.35 61.33 14.28 179.99 41.13 1.94595 $0.01081 $1.20773 $0.02936 Eastern district 58,987.31 235:1 235,712,498 4,110,003 238,328,792 5,386,532 219,727 483,757,552 16,544,776 285,032,946 237,725,511 5,474,425 241,855 31,111,878 163,255,897 13,385,023 736,227,535 22,057,913 7,185,666,923 4,079,957,254 242,931,492 5,237,251 11,513,792,920 603,667,315 447,738,361 51,021,024 531,665,321 1,634,092,021 22,302,029 11,074,713 761,204 112,254 6,255,783 37,089 9,074 5,650,092 46,202,238 3,670,029 13,197,757,208 50,180,847 1,309,241,621 113,863,864 193,717,411,254 14,080,578,941 608,364,585 18,761,992,561 3,284,052 794.54 28.83 78.26 17.74 147.96 30.84 $1.61928 $0.01094 $0.86015 $0.02789 Southern district 44,449.99 134,324,660 1,591,609 103,399,134 4,537,205 123,210 243,975,818 8,486,333 146,338,123 104,614,166 4,623,966 129,416 10,000,121 53,728,113 3,499,088 53; 14 322,932,993 10,084,111 3,540,988,256 2,203,299,563 137,356,145 7,964,069 5,889,608,033 224,034,344 213,459,729 27,474,489 202,411,455 667,380,017 20,385,416 10,435,781 338,645 139,441 6,725,710 72,223 2,137,993 40,235,209 1,829,519 6,599,052,778 38,577,379 461,263,390 60,210,662 101,426,273,438 9,266,367,931 88,671,570 5,186,528,341 2,281,806 727.37 31.08 49.67 11.67 219.89 58.49 $1.98144 $0.00901 $1.95954 $0.03350 Western district 133,194.10 233,475,912 1, 231,898,723 16,516,588 227,408 483,884,065 12,210,518 260,252,882 227,715,404 16,941,106 279,015 19,383,790 98,507,053 7,282,027 630,361,277 14,983,572 6,914,228,276 3,794,100,258 239,187,606 27,666,615 10,975,182,755 455,018,858 509,165,313 74,014,856 497,116,777 1,535,315,804 94,984,395 53,551,063 1,630,817 1,023,631 18,457,608 636,585 1,222 6,556,480 176,841,801 4,302,644 12,691,643,004 88,831,441 694,863,595 103,174,722 148,602,802,656 19,171,995,920 165,325,178 11,529,003,679 1,115,686 595.97 23.94 49.20 11.73 213.86 69.74 $2.53790 $0.01187 $2.08353 $0.02988 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS **** No. 1 2M+iLO 1–10 7 10 11 8 Other investments 9 12 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 24 Cash Demand loans and deposits Time drafts and deposits Special deposits Loans and bills receivable Miscellaneous accounts receivable Material and supplies 17 Other current assets 18 19 w www. 33 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 (Does not include lessor companies) Total number of stockholders 44 Y YE EFERE Investment in road and equipment Improvements on leased railway property Sinking funds Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies 49 ... Total investments 51 30 Funded debt unmatured LOLOLDIO ·5 4 Deferred assets ·· UU GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investments Total current assets ·· • 25 Capital stock 26 Stock liability for conversion 27 Premium on capital stock 28 Total stock 29 Grants in aid of construction Discount on capital stock Discount on funded debt Other unadjusted debits 39 Premium on funded debt 40 41 42 43 Total unadjusted debits Grand total 31 Receiver's certificates O 32 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies Total long-term debt Unadjusted Debits · • ·· Current Assets 34 Loans and bills payable 35 Miscellaneous accounts payable 36 Other current liabilities 37 38 Deferred liabilities Operating reserves. Accrued depreciation Other unadjusted credits Item · • • • 50 Profit and 1088--balance Long-Term Debt Current Liabilities Total current liabilities Stock • Total unadjusted credits Corporate Surplus Additions to property through income and surplus Funded debt retired through income and surplus 46 Sinking fund reserves .. 47 Miscellaneous fund reserves 48 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested Unadjusted Credits Total corporate surplus Total appropriated surplus • INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT Expenditures for new lines and extensions Expenditures for additions and betterments Credits for property retired Adjustments • • 56 Net charges during year 57 Stocks actually issued during year--par value • 58 Funded debt actually issued during year--par value Total, all districts 377 $146,241,752 11,868,560 1,640 57,954 3,909,148 16,332,613 5,659,539 184,071,206 7,946,645 174,000 4,856,990 1,707,323 8,820 5,331,572 5,417,345 4,013,624 29,456,319 4,777,054 3,087,800 1,510,888 2,972,396 7,571,084 225,875,663 34,734,400 34,734,400 95,466,000 12,479,030 107,945,030 1,313,676 10,872,097 12,185, 773 694,449 4,587 12,188,289 11,390,489 23,583,365 8,979,132 2,105,000 566,640 ... 989,738 12,640,510 34,092,136 46,732,646 703,496 8,232,162 2,076,330 589,370 7,445,698 ... 6,391,000 Eastern district 103 $100,317,820 2,814,037 57,954 1,061,212 3,244,966 3,748,366 111,244,355 3,904,698 725 4,725,990 2,205 820 2,636,064 3,500,016 2,605,962 17,375,755 519,730 601,493 1,784, 764 2,386,257 131,526,097 27,520,000 27,520,000 53,133,700 6,184,646 59,318,346 436,620 7,793,728 8,230,348 666,338 4,587 7,327,132 ,793,260 12,124,979 6,722, 756 966,004 7,688,760 15,977,326 23,666,086 703,496 4,647,191 1,141,113 425,390 4,634,964 5,000,000 Southern district ::: Teatern district 274 $45,923,932 9,054,523 1,640 2,847,936 13,087,647 1,911,173 72,826,851 4,041,947 174,000 131,000 1,705,118 8,000 2,695,508 1,917,329 1,407,662 12,080,564 4,257,324 3,087,800 909,395 1,187,632 5,184,827 94,349,566 7,214,400 ::: 7,214,400 42,332,300 6,294,384 48,626,684 877,056 3,078,369 3,955,425 28,111 4,861,157 6,597,229 11,458,386 2,256,376 2,105,000 566,640 23,734 4,951,750 18,114,810 23,066,560 3,584,971 935,217 160,980 2,810,734 1,391,000 15 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 16 No. 1 Railway operating revenues 2 Railway operating expenses Net revenue from railway operations 4 Railway tax accruals Uncollectible railway revenues 5 6 Railway operating income 12 Revenues from miscellaneous operations 8 Expenses of miscellaneous operations 19 20 9 Net revenue from miscellaneous operations 10 Taxes on miscellaneous operating property 11 Miscellaneous operating income Total operating income 12A Net railway operating income 13 | Hire of freight cars--credit balance 14 Rent from locomotives 222 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 39 40 16 15 Rent from passenger-train care Rent from floating equipment 17 Rent from work equipment 18 Joint facility rent income Income from lease of road Miscellaneous rent income 21 Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property 22 Separately operated properties--profit 23 Dividend income 24 Income from funded securities * DANN in y 48 35 Rent for floating equipment 36 Rent for work equipment 49 50 ..... 25 Income from unfunded securities and accounts 26 Income from sinking and other reserve funde 27 Release of premiums on funded debt . .. 28 Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income 29 30 Total nonoperating income 31 Gross income ì 32 Hire of freight cars--debit balance 33 Rent for locomotives 34 Rent for passenger-train cars INCOME ACCOUNT 55 56 37 Joint facility rents 38 Rent, for leased roads Miscellaneous rents Miscellaneous tax accruals 41 Separately operated properties--loss 42 Interest on funded debt 43 Interest on unfunded debt • 44 Amortization of discount on funded debt 45 Maintenance of investment organization Income transferred to other companies Miscellaneous income charges 46 Total deductions from gross income Net income ·· Item 72 73 74 1 .. ·· ·· · Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds 51 | Dividend appropriations of income .. Credit balance transferred from income • • • 71 Loss on retired road and equipment Delayed income debits Miscellaneous debits • • · Income appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total appropriations of income Income balance transferred to profit and loss PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 58 Profit on road and equipment sold 59 Delayed income credits 60 Unrefundable overcharges 61 Donations 62 Miscellaneous oredits 63 Total credits during year 64 Debit balance transferred from income 65 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds 66 Dividend appropriations of surplus Total debite during year Net increase during year Balance at beginning of year Balance at end of year • • ... 67 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property 68 8tock discount extinguished through surplus 69 Debt discount extinguished through surplus 70 Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus • ·· • 75 76 77 78 Dividends declared during year 79 Par value on which declared--common 80 Par value on which declared--preferred 81 Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent • • Total, all districts $68,478,617 43,813,285 19,665,332 5,299,052 16,497 14,349,783 232,688 201,664 31,024 2,525 28,499 14,378,282 17,938,593 1,420,494 376,351 33 9,805 93,014 3,917,341 511,394 534,786 89,972 176,338 416,459 192,899 1,050 19,545 7,759,481 22,137,763 945,238 308,417 11 5 8,572 965,985 5,673,034 1,262,418 60,674 4,259,850 11,104 45,591 515,216 17,222 14,073,337 8,064,426 127,385 454,796 406,979 9,576 998, 736 7,065,690 7,066,796 84,939 24,700 58,164 915,647 8,150,246 1,106 1,257,667 300,260 d 91,362 d 1,003 255,505 *46,197 1,768,370 6,381,876 27,710,260 34,092,136 1,712,463 15,746,600 10.88 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $44,223,988 32,900,449 11,323,539 2,885,249 6,223 8,432,067 232,688 201,664 31,024 2,525 28,499 8,460,566 9,276,669 849,682 222,232 9,805 54,128 1,318,536 474,689 183,307 24,963 • 103,365 242,229 6,465 1,050 17,055 3,507,506 11,968,072 817,464 180,810 11 8,572 602,924 2,568,989 188,995 19,961 2,417,073 7,904 14,232 515,216 2,307 7,344,458 4,623,614 6,465 247, 200 69,743 **9,576 332,984 4,290,630 4,291,736 83,767 19,022 54,348 325,341 4,774,214 1,106 1,200,000 56,087 d 46.003 81,853 28,351 1,321,394 3,452,820 12,524,506 15,977,326 1,447,200 11,620,000 "i2.45 Southern district .. .. ::: ::: • :: Western district $24,254,629 15,912,835 8,341,793 2,413,803 10,274 5,917,716 ::: ::: 5,917,716 8,661,924 570,812 154,119 33 38,886 2,598,805 36,705 351,479 65,009 72,973 174,230 186,434 2,490 4,251,975 10,169,691 127,774 127,607 ... 5 363,061 3,104, 1,073,423 40,713 1,842,777 3,200 31,359 14,915 6,728,879 3,440,812 120,920 207,596 337,236 665,752 2,775,060 2,775,060 1,172 5,678 3,816 590,306 3,376,032 57,667 244,173 d 91,362 45,000 173,652 `17,846 446,976 2,929,056 15,185,754 18,114,810 265,263 4,126,600 6.43 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1234 LOKO 180 1 2 Excess baggage 4 Sleeping car Freight Passenger 7 Express 10 9 Kilk 15 16 .. Parlor and chair car Mail SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Other passenger-train Switching ·· Special service train 11 12 Other freight-train 13 Water transfers--freight 14 Water transfers--passenger Water transfers--vehicles and live stock Water transfers--other 17 18 Freight 19 Passenger • 20 Excess baggage 21 22 23 Express 24 Special service 25 Other 26 43 44 ·· Total rail-line transportation revenue Other passenger service Mail .. ·· 27 Dining and buffet 28 29 30 Parcel room Hotel and restaurant • 31 8torage--freight 32 Storage--baggage Total water-line transportation revenue ·· . • Station, train, and boat privileges 33 Demurrage 34 Telegraph and telephone Grain elevator • 41 Joint facility-Cr 42 Joint facility--Dr RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES 36 8tockyard 37 Power 38 Rents of buildings and other property 39 Miscellaneous 40 • Total incidental operating revenue Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues 45 Superintendence 46 Roadway maintenance--yard 47 Roadway maintenance--other 48 Roadway--depreciation--yard 49 Roadway--depreciation--other RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures 50 Underground power tubes-yard 51 Underground power tubes--other • 52 Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard Underground power tubes--depreciation--other Item Tunnels and subways--yard Tunnels and subways--other 56 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard 57 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other Ballast--other ... 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverta--other 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other 62 Elevated structures--yard 63 Elevated structures--other 67 Ties--other 68 Ties--depreciation--yard 69 Ties--depreciation--other 70 Rails--yard 71 Rails--other 64 Elevated structures--depreciation-yard 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other 66 Ties--yard Raile--depreciation--yard Rails--depreciation--other 72 73 74 Other track material--yard 75 Other track material--other • • 76 Other track material--depreciation-yard 77 Other track material--depreciation--other 78 Ballast--yard 79 80 Ballast--depreciation--yard Ballast--depreciation--other 83 84 Right-of-way fences--yard 85 Right-of-way fences--other D • 81 82 Track laying and surfacing--yard Track laying and surfacing--other • • ·· • • Total, all districts $1,723,563 31,157 122 1,774 82 62,785,627 52,360 3,954 ·· 64,598,639 ·· 57,251 187,461 90,961 46,200 20,457 872,432 335,779 123,657 4,649 267,547 2,282,040 4,288,434 288 408,744 d 408,456 68,478,617. 504,821 752,388 8,202 1,656 7,781 *22,699 377,832 5,751 286,839 32,341 35,250 1,057,583 18,004 1,009 652,167 567 2,570 1,019,400 1,755 585 113,498 35 2,264,783 16,568 3,311 34 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $1,438,680 41,265,607 50,000 1,020 42,755,307 57,251 7,141 15,429 43,898 d 3,009 648,315 123,657 4,649 76,796 491,284 1,471,429 288 3,036 2,748 44,223,988 313,084 395,154 ´´i,656 3,763 221,502 649,023 **1,009 371,701 2,570 585,555 585 *93,737 47 8 1,474,715 **i.264 Southern district Western district $284,883 31,157 122 **i,774 82 21,520,020 2,360 2,934 21,843,332 180,320 75,532 2,302 17,448 224,117 335,779 190,751 1,790, 756 2,817,005 405,708 d 405,708 24,254,629 191,737 357,234 8, 202 **4,018 *22,699 i56,330 5,751 286,839 32,341 35,250 408,560 18,004 ... 280,466 567 433,845 1,755 19,761 35 ... 790,068 16,568 2,047 34 17 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 18 No. 1234 ISKO 780 ~~~~~~~~~M Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard 2 Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--other Crossings and signs--yard Crossings and signs--other 10 9 Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard Crossings and signs--depreciation--other. Station and office buildings 11 12 Station and office buildings--depreciation 13 Roadway buildings .. 14 Roadway buildings--depreciation 15 Water stations 16 Water stations--depreciation 17 Fuel stations .. 18 Fuel stations--depreciation Met LOW 780 25 26 19 Shops and enginehouses 20 Shops and enginehouses--depreciation 21 22 27 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 --Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 28 Grain elevators Grain elevators--depreciation Storage warehouses 23 24 8torage warehouses--depreciation Wharves and docks .. Wharves and docks--depreciation Coal and ore wharves 29 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded .. 30 31 Telegraph and telephone lines 32 37 Power plant buildings 38 50 51 52 53 ... Coal and ore wharves--depreciation Gas producing plants . Gas producing plants--depreciation • Item Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation Signals and interlockers 33 34 Signals and interlockers--depreciation Power plant buildings--depreciation · • 39 Power substation buildings • 40 Power substation buildings--depreciation 41 35 Power plant dame, canals, and pipe lines 36 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation ·· • • Superintendence 68 Shop machinery 69 Shop machinery--depreciation 70 Power plant machinery · • Power transmission systems 42 Power transmission systems--depreciation 43 Power distribution systems 44 Power distribution systems--depreciation 45 Power line poles and fixtures 46 Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation 47 Underground conduits 48 Underground conduits--depreciation 49 Miscellaneous structures O .. .. Miscellaneous structures--depreciation Paving ... Paving--depreciation Roadway machines Roadway machines--depreciation Small tools and supplies 56 Removing snow, ice, and sand 57 Assessments for public improvements 58 Injuries to persons 59 Insurance 60 Stationery and printing 61 Other expenses 62 Total, above accounts 63 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 64 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr. 65 Equalization--way and structures 66 Total maintenance of way and structures 71 Power plant machinery--depreciation 72 Power substation apparatus • 75 Steam locomotives--depreciation Steam locomotives--retirements Other locomotives--repairs Other locomotives--depreciation Other locomotives--retirements • Power substation apparatus--depreciation 74 Steam locomotives--repairs ·· • 78 79 80 Freight-train cars--repairs 81 Freight-train cars--depreciation · · Maintenance of Equipment ·· • • • ·· · .. • Total, all districts $188 ::: 182,357 2,141 18,553 317,463 113,244 44,606 3,699 76,024 4.881 77,018 8,599 256,263 39,439 12,948 31,579 14,705 23,175 170,936 61,261 33,512 16,583 * 68,972 368,853 15,072 i6,159 5,513 367 169 5,927 *23,863 **2,506 4,557 391 13,031 11,531 20,174 969 115,532 161,621 912 66,671 74,714 13,674 4.684 9,692,512 779,959 1,942,988 8,529,483 452,231 193,704 30,844 73,986 22,820 640 295 4,679,343 697,899 35,470 1,455 2,343,990 458,040 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $188 102,919 497 135,875 8,320 26,594 d 54,511 1;105 29,744 171 138,918 5,670 2,644 3,320 20,366 8,366 33,512 16,583 61,124 158,883 31 **4,671 **i,867 **3,536 1,188 **3,488 308 *14,319 *60,552 114,261 832 27,565 28,795 8,556 416 5,195,060 742,247 1,084,447 4,852,860 323,568 122,888 6,436 14,292 640 3,377,693 453,894 4,894 1,455 1,873,928 382,157 Southern district Western district • $79,438 2,141 18,056 181,588 104,924 18,012 3,699 21,513 3.776 47,274 8,428 117,345 33,759 12,948 31,579 12,061 19,855 150,570 52,895 7,848 209,970 15,041 ... ·· 11,488 5,513 367 169 4,060 *20,327 1,318 **1,069 391 12,723 11,531 5,855 969 54,980 47,360 80 39,106 45,919 5,118 4,268 4,497,452 37,712 858,541 3,676,623 128,663 70,816 24,408 59,694 22,820 295 1,301,650 244,005 40,364 470,062 75,883 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1234 UWO 780 1 Freight-train cars--retirements 2 Passenger-train cars--repairs Passenger-train cars--depreciation Passenger-train cars--retirements Motor equipment of cars-repairs Motor equipment of cars--depreciation Motor equipment of cars--retirements Floating equipment--repairs ..... 9 Floating equipment--depreciation 10 Floating equipment--retirements 11 19 20 Work equipment-repairs 12 Work equipment--depreciation 13 Work equipment--retirements 14 Miscellaneous equipment--repairs SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 35 21 22 Maintaining joint equipment--Dr. 23 Maintaining joint equipment--CI. 24 Equalization--equipment 25 Total RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded 15 Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation 16 Miscellaneous equipment--retirements 17 Injuries to persons 18 Insurance Stationery and printing Other expenses 26 Superintendence 27 Outside agencies 28 Advertising ... 29 Traffic associations 30 Fast freight lines 31 32 ·· 55555555 CU MEST LOO 78 52 36 Superintendence 37 Dispatching trains 38 58 Total traffic • Total maintenance of equipment Traffic 67 68 Industrial and immigration bureaus ·· Insurance . Stationery and printing Other expenses .. 41 Station supplies and expenses 42 Yardmasters and yard clerks 43 Yard conductors and brakemen 44 ·· Yard switch and signal tenders 45 Yard enginemen 46 Yard motormen ·· Train motormen Train enginemen •• · 47 Fuel for yard locomotives 48 Yard switching power produced 49 Yard switching power purchased 50 Water for yard locomotives .. 51 Lubricants for yard locomotives Station employees 39 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus 40 Coal and ore wharves ·· 54 Yard supplies and expenses Item • 57 Fuel for train locomotives Train power produced 59 Train power purchased ·· 60 Water for train locomotives 61 ... 75 Insurance 76 Clearing wrecks 77 Damage to property • • Other supplies for yard locomotives Enginehouse expenses--yard ·· 72 Express service 73 Stationery and printing 74 Other expenses • Lubricants for train locomotives .. Enginehouse expenses--train Trainmen ... Train supplies and expenses Operating sleeping cars ... Signal and interlocker operation Crossing protection • • Transportation-Rail Line ·· • • • ·· 62 Other supplies for train locomotives 63 64 65 69 Drawbridge operation 70 Telegraph and telephone operation 71 Operating floating equipment • · · ·· • • • ·· • 78 Damage to live stock on right of way 79 Loss and damage--freight 30 Loss and damage—-baggage • • • • • Total, all districts $350,103 14,772 1,500 65 d 67,536 36,611 9,721 167,126 53,661 5,152 11,899 6,670 2,366 57,662 71,456 27,312 1,323 9,875,522 101,625 368,131 9,609,016 102,842 47,478 16,795 7,333 **2,997 109 20,412 50 198,016 1,191,092 246, 208 4,829,571 27,183 52,031 425,488 2,361,755 7,816,167 733,752 5,570,361 4,459 5,292,064 535 340, 164 94,004 114,021 1,277,948 325,537 21,468 *26,939 6,318 619 421 95,984 27,604 46,681 316,161 350,491 20,679 64,066 179,415 242,073 231,865 72,453 123,580 60,560 650 310, 721 666 Eastern district $352,330 1,504 261 65 d ... 67.536 36,611 9,721 117,458 31,741 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. 3,855 3,658 3,094 1,087 36,743 58,152 18,850 526 7,295,119 101,587 156,683 7,240,023 67,151 36,035 6,145 3,679 **2,837 109 16,774 132,730 782,124 121,835 1,905,664 26,697 52,031 207,485 1,449,225 5,160,287 373,624 3,757,518 4,459 3,859,922 535 237,690 65,144 79,906 937,395 209,925 **6,554 **4,346 87,065 *41,211 206, 234 231,026 16,740 40,514 179,415 125,137 205,475 50,561 65,285 33,220 650 217,053 Bouthern district d Western district $2,227 13,268 1,239 *49,668 21,920 1,297 8, 241 3,576 1,279 20,919 13,304 8,462 797 2,580,403 211,448 38 2,368,993 35,691 11,443 10,650 3,654 160 **3,638 50 65,286 408,968 124,373 2,923,907 486 218,003 912,530 2,655,880 360,128 1,812,843 1,432,142 102,474 28,860 34.115 340,553 115,612 21,468 20,385 1,972 619 421 8,919 27,604 5,470 109,927 119,465 3.939 23,552 • 116,936 26,390 21,892 58,295 27,340 93,668 666 19 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 20 No. ~800 10 1 Injuries to persons 2 Operating joint yards and terminals--Dr. Operating joint yards and terminals--Cr. 4 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr. 5 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Cr. 6 Total transportation--rail line Operation of vessels 8 Operation of terminals Incidental 9 13 Grain elevators 14 Stockyards..... 2222 VELKOM 24 25 26 11 Dining and buffet service. 12 Hotels and restaurants 15 Producing power sold. 16 17 27 28 www.g 37 39 19 18 Salaries and expenses of general officers Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants General office supplies and expenses 20 21 22 Law expenses. Insurance .. 23 Relief department expenses Pensions Stationery and printing Valuation expenses Other expenses ... • General joint facilities--Dr. 29 General joint facilities--Cr. SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 50500 5555 4567 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Concluded Transportation-Rail Line--Concluded 58 · 59 60 61 Transportation--Water Line 62 Total transportation--water line * AJAMEW ... 66 68 • • 30 Total general expenses 31 Transportation for investment--Cr. 32 Total railway operating expenses 33 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) Separation Between Services 69 Miles of road 40 41 Miles of second main track 42 Miles of third main track 34 Related solely to freight service... 35 Related solely to passenger and allied services Related in common to both freight and passenger and allied services: Apportioned to freight service • Apportioned to passenger and allied services ... Not related to either freight service or to passenger and allied services... Total Miscellaneous Operations Other miscellaneous operations .... Total miscellaneous operations 43 Miles of fourth main track 44 Miles of all other main tracks 45 Miles of yard track and sidings 46 Total, all tracks 47 Miles of road 48 Miles of second main track 49 Miles of third main track 50 Miles of fourth main track 51 52 53 • Item . • • MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1926 • MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1926 Miles of all other main tracks Miles of yard track and sidings Total, all tracks • General Number at close of year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars. Tank cars EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE Steam locomotives: Number at close of year. Total tractive power (pounds). Number installed during year. Number retired during year Electric locomotives: ·· · Number at close of year Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year Number retired during year Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total • • • ··· Freight-carrying Cars • • • • ·· Total, all districts $568,432 468,315 5,147,306 206,509 370,378 28,627,326 *48,382 167,020 **8,841 66,649 288,892 385,377 734,947 99.953 184,856 1,400 6,059 98,175 58,923 136,928 102,238 9,111 216,820 1,601,147 40,595 48,813,285 71.28 $47,484,931 146,439 1,085,077 66,177 30,661 48,813,285 431.58 267.06 2.22 1.01 1,981.80 2,683.67 212.37 122.54 2.22 1.01 846.47 1,184.61 35,928,000 876 23 32 2,848 101 8 6,922 5 127 10,011 _____ Eastern district $429,615 442,161 1,810,130 195,315 354,320 19,644,593 *48,382 **6,841 23,820 79,043 196,846 515,579 63,763 94,331 818 6,059 39,040 34,780 92,377 33,627 5,393 94,426 988,187 36,987 32,900,449 74.40 $32,487,234 54,390 328,164 30,661 32,900,449 317.06 207.59 2.22 1.01 1,326.95 1,854.83 181.38 109.33 2.22 1.01 625.73 919.67 574 24,303,900 17 11 1,353 87 ** 6,607 5 127 8,179 Southern district Western district $138,817 26,154 3,337,176 11,194 16,058 8,982,733 167,020 *42,829 209,849 188,531 219,368 36,190 90,525 582 59,135 24,14 44,551 68,611 3,718 122,394 612,960 3,608 15,912,836 65.61 $14,997,697 92,049 756,913 66,177 15,912,836 114.52 59.47 *654.85 828.84 30.99 13.21 220.74 264.94 302 11,624,100 6 21 1,495 14 g 315 1,832 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS ¦ 1 No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1234LOXO 7 20223 2 80 21 24 222 25 26 57 MMM #LOND MMM 789 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 +4 3445 44 45 པ་པn་ O 50 Number at close of year ... Number installed during year 27 Number retired during year 5555 555 51 12 52 28 Number at close of year SUMMARY NO. 2—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING and TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) 29 Number installed during year 30 Number retired during year 57 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded Aggregate capacity (tons): Box care 58 59 ·· Flat cars Stock care Coal care Tank cars 31 Number of units at close of year 32 Number of units installed during year ...... 33 Number of units retired during year TIES LAID DURING YEAR 61 62 63 • Total · ·· • Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total Number installed during year: Box cars Flat cars Stock carS Coal cars Tank carB 46 Average number Compensation: 47 48 49 • • .. Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars • Number retired during year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total ... All Classes of Passenger-train Cara All Classes of Company Service Equipment Floating Equipment Item ·· In replacement and betterments: Number of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges... In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Numbe of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges In replacement and betterments: Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges ·· RAILS LAID DURING YEAR In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks ·· Miles of yard track and sidings Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total Service hours: ·· • 8traight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total Service days: ... .. • EMPLOYEES In special service In yard-switching service In work service Grand total, all services .. Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY LOCOMOTIVES Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service In passenger service In mixed-train service • • ·· 1/ Total, all districts 110,805 3,640 240 361,236 150 **8,350 482,421 1,000 40 231 1,271 : 9 16 659 1 685 31 4 1 507 51 14 3 521,107 4,188,958 $1,131,469 146,049 1,367,873 1/ $322,541 34,685 $1,369,522 .09 55.27 8,499 $265,730 23,361 $38,369,690 $2,512,769 $41,544,091 53,040,667 2,906,807 56,717,595 593,567 9,294 613,850 $34,540,341 4,649 4,768 387 1,601,171 25,450 1,636,425 // Eastern district 51,135 3,200 348,436 150 Does not include data for 595 linear feet of steel ties. **6,350 409,271 1,00 440 220 1,260 4 14 603 621 8041 307 17 16 14 3 322,586 2,261,215 $717,382 117,792 950,237 $258,300 21,811 $816,044 .09 45.49 6,667 $198,791 13,351 $23,084,097 $1,823,303 $25,191,848 30,756,239 2,126,888 33,183,331 ·340,856 933 346,365 $23,387,789 1,138,645 9,093 1,147,738 Southern district :: Western district 59,670 440 240 12,800 73,150 :: :: 11 11 2 56 1 52 64 23 200 34 12 198,521 1,927,743 $414,087 28,257 417,636 $64,241 12,874 $553,478 9.78 1,832 $66,939 10,010 $15,285,593 $689,466 $16,352,243 22,284,428 779,919 23,534,264 252,711 8,361 267,485 $11,152,552 4,649 4,768 387 462,526 16,357 488,687 21 1 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 22 Kind of mileage: Steam road Electric line Steamboat line Stage line Miscellaneous lines Total mileage State or Territory: Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado ... • Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia .... Idaho.... ·· Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi ·· Missouri ··· Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota ... Ohio I. II. Tennessee Техав Utah Vermont Virginia Washington • ... ·· ·· • Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island .. South Carolina South Dakota • • • • • SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 MILEAGE COVERED BY OPERATIONS Land Buildings West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Alaska Hawaii Canada Mexico [ Mileage not assignable 1/ ·· 會 ​U • Item III. Equipment: Cars. Horses Automobiles Wagons and sleighs Harness and equipment Office furniture and equipment Office safes Trucks.. Stable equipment Garage equipment Item • • Line equipment Shop equipment Miscellaneous equipment Total equipment Total real property and equipment • * Total • 231,960.16 2,928.17 24,806.87 573.78 · 260,268.98 4,369.75 2,305.40 4,425.40 8,835.71 560.03 878.25 308.80 49.85 5,000.23 6,665.37 2,755.98 11,248.35 6,561.51 10,199.16 9,303.42 3,490.47 ,330.82 2,049.27 2,723.47 1,940.09 7,371.02 8,089.93 3,964.80 7,719.09 4,726.79 6,183.16 2,161.87 1,159.38 2,092.41 2,826.31 8,062.83 4,572.88 5,245.09 8,296.99 6,444.16 COST OF REAL PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT 3,369.82 9,111.28 200.90 3,591.23 4,166.09 3,595.08 15,537.90 2,116.01 943.42 5,062.62 5,878.43 3,168.14 6,841.95 1,879.75 9,830.30 351.30 3,503.49 94.23 10,109.00 Total $4,695,918 11,648,981 925,939 1,686,384 16,552,864 1,907,494 322,635 3,081,829 523,565 2,346,144 21,203 454,579 551,806 231,503 48,861 American Railway Express Co. 28,654,806 44,999,705 221,979.51 2,890.45 24,418.87 573.78 249,862.61 2,767.40 2,305.40 4,425.40 8,835.71 4,560.03 878.25 308.80 42.30 4,641.48 5,366.27 2,755.98 10,929.49 6,325.48 10,199.16 9.303.42 ,108.16 4,290.24 2,049.27 2,544.60 1,940.09 7,371.02 8,089.93 3,169.29 7,717.09 4,726.79 6,183.16 2,161.87 1,159.38 2,092.41 2,826.31 8,062.83 3,101.31 5,245.09 1/ Covers miscellaneous unassigned mileage, such as transoceanic, coastwise, river, and lake not within the boundaries of any State or Territory. 8,295.91 6.444.16 3.369.82 9,075.58 200.90 2,348.72 4,166.09 2,292.36 15,537.90 2,116.01 943.42 3.931.74 5.878.43 3,168.14 6,841.95 1,879.75 9,830.30 351.30 3,503.49 94.23 10,109.00 American Railway Express Co. $4,684,837 11,424,159 925,939 1,664,527 15,789,871 1,851,214 317,299 2,999,843 498,376 2,277,837 21,144 453,067 537,069 231,503 48,861 Southeastern Express Co. 27,616,550 43,725,546 9,980.65 37.72 388.00 10,406.37 1,602.35 7.55 358.75 1,299.10 318.86 236.03 382.31 40.58 178.87 795.51 2.00 1,471.57 *i.08 ... 35.70 1,242.51 1,302.72 1,130.88 Southeastern Express Co. $11,081 224,822 21,857 762,993 56,280 5,336 81,986 25,189 68,307 59 1,512 14,737 1,038,256 1,274,159 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Cars: Number Inventory value Total equipment, inventory value Horses: Number Inventory value Automobiles: Gasoline- ... Electric- Number .. Number Inventory value Wagons and sleighs: Wagons, double- Number Sleighs- Inventory value Inventory value Wagons, single- Number Inventory value Buggles- I. .. Trucks: II. • Number Inventory value SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued INVENTORY VALUE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED ·· Harness equipment: Inventory value Office furniture and equipment: Inventory value Office safes: Number Inventory value .. Number Inventory value ... • Number Inventory value Stable equipment: Inventory value Garage equipment: Inventory value Line equipment: Safes, car- Number Inventory value Safes, messenger- Number Inventory value Trunks, packing- Number Inventory value Other line equipment- Inventory value Shop equipment: Inventory value Miscellaneous equipment: Inventory value • Transportation: Includes $372,691, inventory value of 319 automobile trailers. Includes $1,047,408, inventory value of 1,879 automobile batteries. Express, domestic Express, foreign Miscellaneous • Total transportation Contract payments: Express privileges--Dr. ... Item Revenue from transportation III. Operations other than transportation: Customs brokerage fees Order and commission Rents of buildings and other property Money orders C.O.D. checks • Account • Travelers' cheques Telegraph and cable transfers Letters of credit Foreign postal remittances Profit on exchange and other financial revenue Miscellaneous Total other than transportation Total operating revenues O 1/ $13,245,253 Total 3/ 250 $443,345 ANALYSIS OF OPERATING REVENUES 8,764 $532,634 1,623 2/ $2,794,243 4,710 $4,842,067 3,873 $630,698 3,796 $155,810 1,634 $31,175 36 $514 $80,913 $1,390,582 17,793 $284,432 65,716 $935,196 $7,862 $294,400 2,548 $129,499 9,634 $39,142 Total $302,764,242 *ii,522 302,775,764 151,833,378 150,942,386 209, 359 4,584 139,550 1393 11.121 2,595,441 255 550,758 3,511,068 154,453,454 American Rail- way Express Co. 1/ $12,754,859 3/ 250 $443,345 8,653 $527,804 4,499 $4,506,026 1,618 2/ $2,790,652 3,846 $621,956 3,614 $132,780 1,634 $31,175 36 $514 $77,276 $1,342,458 17,316 $263,944 9,391 10,004 $56,831 $54,992 $54,243 $53,438 $121,691 $121,691 $47,285 $47,285 3/ Includes $41,113, inventory value of 376 truck batteries. 63,832 $902,220 $7,832 $293,288 2,443 $125,358 9,323 $38,134 American Rail- way Express Co. $294,512,403 6,611 294,519,014 147,812,159 146,706,855 209,296 135,710 2,492,444 Southeastern Express Co. $490,394 255 547,962 3,390,247 150,097,102 ::: 111 $4,830 211 $336,041 $3,591 5 27 $8,742 182 $23,030 ::: $3,637 $48,124 477 $20,488 1,884 $32,976 $30 $1,112 105 $4,141 311 $1,008 613 $1,839 $805 Southeastern Express Co. $8,251,839 4,911 8,256,750 4,021,219 4,235,531 6353 3,840 11,121 102,997 2,796 120,821 4,356,352 23 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 2424 Operating income: SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued INCOME ACCOUNT Charges for transportation Express privileges-Dr. Revenue from transportation Revenue from operations other than transportation Total operating revenues Operating expenses Net operating revenue Operating income Uncollectible revenue from transportation Express taxes Other income: Rent from real property and equipment used jointly Miscellaneous rent income Net income from miscellaneous physical property Separately operated properties--profit Dividend income .... Item • Income from funded securities Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds Release of premiums on funded debt Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income Total other income Gross income Deductions from gross income: Rent for real property and equipment used jointly Miscellaneous rents Miscellaneous taxes Net loss on miscellaneous physical property Separately operated properties--1088 Interest on funded debt Interest on unfunded debt Amortization of discount on funded debt Income transferred to other companies Miscellaneous income debits Total deductions from gross income Net income Disposition of net income: Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income ·· Income appropriations for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of income U ·· • Total appropriations Balance transferred to profit and loss Total credits Debit balance at beginning of year Debit balance transferred from income • • ·· Credit balance at beginning of year Credit balance transferred from income Profit on real property and equipment sold Delayed income credits Unrefundable overcharges Miscellaneous credits • Item ·· .. • ·· Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of surplus Surplus set aside for investment in physical property Stook discount extinguished through surplus Debt discount extinguished through surplus Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus Loss on land sold Delayed income debits Miscellaneous debita Total debits Balance carried forward to credit of balance sheet ·· · .. Total $302,775,764 151,833,378 150,942,386 3,511,068 154,453,454 151,020,526 3,432,928 20,589 2,225,891 1,186,448 148 305,896 ... 395,264 559,175 1,260,483 2,446,931 1,361 **2,052 25,524 28,937 2,417,994 2,148,520 2,148,520 269,474 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Total $2,929,692 269,474 105, 248 **3,427 26,932 3,334,773 12,192 12,192 3,322,581 American Rail- way Express Co. $294,519,014 147,812,159 146,706,855 3,390,247 150,097,102 146,824,844 3,272,258 18,663 2,143,391 1,110,204 148 305,896 395,264 535,772 1,237,080 2,347,284 1,361 2,052 25,524 28,937 2,318,347 2,078,520 2,078,520 239,827 American Rail- way Express Co. $2,852,513 239,827 104,974 * 2,816 26,932 3,227,062 12,192 12,192 3,214,870 Southeastern Express Co. $8,256,750 4,021,219 4,235,531 120,821 4,356,352 4,195,682 160,670 1,926 82,500 76,244 23,403 23,403 99,647 99,647 *70,000 70,000 29,647 Southeastern Express Co. $77,179 29,647 274 611 107,711 107,711 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS I. II. III. IV. 3. Total operating expenses Maintenance: 1. Superintendence--maintenance 2. Buildings and appurtenances--repairs Buildings and appurtenances--depreciation Buildings and appurtenances--retirements Cars--repairs 4. 5 6. 7. 8. 17. 18. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Wagons and sleighs--repairs 14. Wagons and sleighs--depreciation Wagons and sleighs-retirements Harness equipment--repairs 15. 16. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued ANALYSIS OF OPERATING EXPENSES Traffic: 33. 34. 35. 36. Cars-depreciation Cars--retirements Horses--depreciation Horses--retirements Automobiles-repairs Automobiles-depreciation Automobiles--retirements 19. Office furniture and equipment--depreciation and retirements 20. Office safes--repairs 39. 40. 41. 21. Office safes--depreciation and retirements 22. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 55. 56. Harness equipment--depreciation and retirements Office furniture and equipment--repairs ... Total Transportation: 37. 38. Trucks--repairs...... Trucks--depreciation and retirements Total .. • Stable and garage equipment--repairs Stable and garage equipment--depreciation and retirements Line equipment--repairs Line equipment--depreciation and retirements Shop equipment--repairs Shop equipment--depreciation and retirements Miscellaneous equipment--repaire Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation and retirements Other expenses Superintendence--traffic Advertising · Stationery and printing Other expenses • Total Superintendence--transportation Office employees Commissions Office supplies and expenses Rent of local offices 42. Vehicle employees 43. Stable and garage employees 44. Stable and garage supplies and expenses 45. Drayage .. 46. Train employees 57. 58. 59. Pensions 60. 61. 62. Train supplies and expenses Stationery and printing Loss and damage Damage to property Injuries to persons Other expenses • ·· Account ► Total ·· .. ·· • Insurance ... Fidelity bond premiums General: 53. Salaries and expenses of general officers Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendante General office supplies and expenses 54. Law expenses Stationery and printing Valuation expenses Other expenses • • → • • • ·· Total $151,020,526 288,643 303,897 644,296 ₫ 33.275 216,946 61,576 d 3.333 68,912 d 10,770 1,835,392 3,084,019 d 163,325 569,437 121, 733 8.382 138,275 12,149 146,216 150,133 7.833 24,938 487,625 254,376 15,195 35,080 37,776 42,892 10,114 12,068 466 175 121 8,677,848 227,516 18,438 97,304 61 343,319 5,874,816 52,272,815 10,714,624 2,941,734 4,556,492 27,019,406 2,249,597 5,622,861 1,870, 104 11,233,656 1,057,600 2,204,280 5,549,082 154,809 $20,190 d 146,866 133,995, 200 408,870 5,430,598 546,146 319,613 396,373 29,699 667,459 130,370 *75,031 8,004,159 d Deficit or other reverse entry. American Rail- way Express Co. $146,824,844 288,643 300,271 631,672 d 33,984 216,946 61,576 d 3.333 64,900 d 11,211 1,738,165 2,963,545 d 160,998 564,286 118,203 8.382 137,258 11,423 143,095 139,363 7,500 23,916 471,926 247,493 15,117 34,963 37.073 41,421 10,114 12,068 466 175 121 8,385,787 181,164 15,121 84,974 23 281,282 5,746,393 51,135,816 10,219,820 2,878,767 4,402,284 26,577,182 2,203,796 5,454,000 1,763,143 10,685,794 1,045,712 2,107,795 5,391,074 153,870 805,000 d 147.325 130,423,121 374,718 5,286,009 535.727 298,480 356,315 21,935 667,459 119,537 74,474 7,734,654 Boutheastern Express Co. $4,195,682 **3,626 12,624 709 4,012 441 97,227 120,474 2,327 5,151 3,530 **1,017 726 3,121 10,770 333 1,022 15,699 6,883 78 117 703 1,471 292,061 46,352 3.317 12,330 38 62,037 128,423 1,136,999 494,804 62,967 154, 208 442,224 45,801 168,861 106,961 547,862 11,888 96,485 158,008 939 15,190 459 3,572,079 34,152 144,589 10,419 21,133 40,058 7,764 ∙iò,833 557 269,505 25 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 26 Investment: Real property and equipment Sinking fund Current assets: Cash ·· Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies Other investments Total investment SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Concluded GENERAL BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT Deferred assets Unadjusted debits: Stock: Special deposits Loans and notes receivable Miscellaneous accounts receivable Material and supplies Other current assets Total current assets ·· Discount on capital stock Discount on funded debt Other unadjusted debits Funded debt unmatured Current liabilities: ·· Total unadjusted debits Grand total Capital stock Premium on capital stock Total stock liabilities Deferred liabilities Unadjusted credits: .. Total current liabilities Loans and notes payable Audited accounts and wages unpaid Miscellaneous accounts payable Express privilege liabilities Other current liabilities Profit and loss balance ·· Class of employees Total corporate surplus Superintendence--Maintenance Superintendence-Traffic • ·· Advertising Superintendence--Transportation Agents, clerks and solicitors Platform and house men ... Premium on funded debt Operating and insurance reserves Accrued depreciation Other unadjusted credits Total unadjusted credits Corporate surplus: Additions to property through income and surplus Reserves from income and surplus Total appropriated surplus Item ASSETS • • LIABILITIES Vehicle employees Stable and garage employees Train employees .... Claim agents, special agents, and clerks General officers .. General office clerks and attendants. Law department officers and clerks Shop employees Other employees .. • • • • Number on Dec.31 103 66 Number of 18,199 15,621 1.396 7,524 387 41 3,215 45 1,117 days worked Total 23,868 20,920 2,207 628,240 16,379 4,898,724 5,030,976 5,070,068 401,895 2,775,443 149,636 12,420 1,000,852 13,967 386,923 Yearly compensation Average daily compen- sation $221,704 $9.29 183,779 8.78 7.87 5.47 4,945,584 26,806,828 4.92 24,735,173 26,984, 941 5.32 2,136,928 5.32 13,666,000 4.92 923,803 6.17 386,172 31.09 5,353,663 5.35 168,932 12.10 2,347,205 6.07 Total (including general officers)..66,300 20,413,932 108,860,712 Total (excluding general officers)..66,259 20,401,512 108,474,540 Total 5.33 5.32 $44,999,705 9,507,355 54,507,060 22,801, 761 14,371 2,004,685 779,648 1,961,660 8,387,704 35,949,829 431,987 EMPLOYEES, SERVICE, AND COMPENSATION 1,982,991 1,982,991 92,871,867 35,642,000 35,642,000 5,381,681 2,866,469 18,640,074 2,291,871 29,180,095 1,529,729 4,856,569 18,308,217 32,676 23,197,462 3,322,581 3,322,581 Number on Dec.31 23,868 15,865 2,172 617,530 15,907 4,771,133 17,602 4,877,804 15,292 4,977,715 1,379 392,786 7,218 2,663,632 376 146,270 38 11,502 3,111 970, 748 42 13,049 1,117 386,923 103 46 American Rail- way Express 00. 64,403 19,868,825 64,365 19,857,323 $43,725,546 9,507,355 53,232,901 21,484,930 14,209 2,004,685 735,807 1,948,698 8,275,579 34,463,908 ·431,987 1,958,555 1,958,555 90,087,351 34,642,000 34,642,000 American Railway Express Co. Number of days worked 5,134,848 2,662,478 18,140,183 2,228,596 28, 166, 105 1,529,729 4,803,958 17,706, 707 23,982 22,534,647 3,214,870 3,214,870 Average Number Yearly daily compensation compen- sation $221,704 $9.29 151,538 9.55 4,849,771 7.85 26,158,915 5.48 24,246,087 4.97 26,542,717 5.33 2,091,127 5.32 13,118,138 4.92 •905,341 6.19 355,147 30.88 5,209,086 5.37 149,260 11.44 2,347,205 6.07 106,346,036 5.35 105,990,889 5.34 on Dec.31 2:20 •20 • Southeastern Express Co. 3 104 $1,274,159 M 1,274,159 1,316,831 162 *43,841 12,962 112,125 1,485,921 *24,436 24,436 2,784,516 Southeastern Express Co. Number of 1,000,000 1,000,000 246,833 203,991 499,891 63,275 1,013,990 52,611 601,510 8,694 662,815 ::: 107,711 107,711 Average Yearly daily days compensation compen- worked sation 35 10,710 472 127,591 597 153,172 329 92,353 17 9,109 306 111,811 11 3,366 918 30,104 918 5,055 $32,241 $6.38 95,813 8.95 647,913 5.08 489,086 3.19 442,224 4.79 45,801 5.03 547,862 4.90 18,462 5.48 31,025 33.80 144,577 4.80 19,672 21.43 1,897 545,107 2,514,676 4.61 1,894544,189 2,483,651 4.56 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 4-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 Average mileage (single track) over which operations were conducted (miles) GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investment in sleeping car property Miscellaneous physical property Other investments Cash ... Net balance receivable from receiving cashiers and ticket agents Miscellaneous accounts receivable Material and supplies Other current assets Deferred assets Unadjusted debits Total • Capital stock Premium on capital stock Wages payable Miscellaneous accounts payable Dividends matured unpaid Unmatured dividends declared Other current liabilities Deferred liabilities Operating reserves . Accrued depreciation Other unadjusted credits Miscellaneous fund reserves Appropriated surplus not specifically invested Profit and loss--balance Total corporate surplus Sleeping car operating revenues Revenues from auxiliary operations Total revenues Sleeping car operating expenses Expenses of auxiliary operations Total Operating expenses Net revenues Sleeping car tax accruals Auxiliary operations--Tax accruals Total taxes Operating income · Rent from cars Dividends received Income from funded securities Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds Miscellaneous income Total nonoperating income Gross income Rent for cars Miscellaneous tax accruals ...... Interest on unfunded debt Wiscellaneous income charges Total deductions from gross income Net income • Total debits during year Net increase during year Balance at beginning of year Balance at end of year • Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income ...... Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total appropriations Income balance transferred to profit and loss ·· Credit balance transferred from income Unrefundable overcharges Miscellaneous credits .. Total credits during year Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of surplus Loss on retired equipment Uncollectible sleeping car revenues Kiscellaneous debits • • • INCOME ACCOUNT .. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT d Deficit or other reverse item. 126,907.00 $218,387,668 7,270 61,317,364 3,575,367 1,701,593 2,641, 603 4,385,375 460,237 4,409,371 39,178,187 336,064,035 135,000,000 9,398 1,450,305 8,569,221 29,564 1,792,263 1,278,167 3,225,198 80,000 91,055,755 52,615,225 397,048 6,000,000 34,561,891 40,958,939 81,834,317 1,356,770 83,191,087 68, 204, 247 1,198,060 69,402,307 13,788,780 4,185,249 38,695 4,223,944 9,564,836 65,022 3,068,860 1,021,765 227,657 159,736 4,543,040 14,107,876 352 d 77.449 48,159 12,080 d 16,858 14,124,734 157,525 10,755,994 2,000,000 12,913,519 1,211,215 1,211,215 16,424 263,946 1.491.585. 42,381 a 419.462 3,652 76.906 ₫ 296,523 1,788, 108 32.773.783 34,561,891 27 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 28 SUMMARY NO. 4—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 Berth revenue Seat revenue • Charter of cars · • Miscellaneous revenue Car mileage revenue ·· Association and contract revenue--Dr. Total operating revenues Maintenance Conducting car operations General expenses Total operating expenses Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) ....... General officers Clerks and attendants ... Auxiliary operations: • Maintenance: Mechanics, electricians, seamstresses, repairmen, carpenters, shop employees, etc. Conducting car operations: General officers and staff (superintendence) District superintendents, agents, and staff Conductors Porters and maids Train stenographers Car cleaners Laundry employees General expenses: ·· Commissary (superintendence) Agents and staff, conductors, waiters, cooks, etc. Total (including general officers) Total number of revenue passengers--berth Total number of revenue passengers--seat Average revenue per passenger--berth Average revenue per passenger--seat Total number of car-miles Total number of car-days Standard sleeping cars Tourist sleeping cars Parlor cars Dining cars Composite cars Private cars Miscellaneous cars Total ... Average number of revenue passengers per car per day Operating revenues per car-mile (cents) Operating revenues per car-day Operating expenses per car-mile (cents) Operating expenses per car-day Net operating revenue per oar-mile (cents) Net operating revenue per car-day Average number of car-miles per car-day ... Class ·· • • OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES • EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES OPERATING STATISTICS EQUIPMENT IN SERVICE ON DEC. 31, 1926 1/ Does not include 23 cars leased or otherwise accuired. Number on Dec. 31 3,410 209 1,630 2,794 10,991 19 5,601 373 43 950 30 135 26,185 $78,391,000 10,391,414 1,622,888 145,401 746,657 9,463,043 81,834,317 30,214,700 35,008,765 2,980,782 68, 204, 247 83.34 Average daily compen- sation $4.60 6.34 4.20 5.75 2.66 5.79 3.35 2.58 30.45 4.19 4.74 3.11 3.70 22,658,191 13,415,020 $3.46 $0.77 1,112,967,022 3,153,181 11 7.353 $25.95294 6.128 $21.63030 1.225 $4.32264 352.97 7,169 339 1,099 23 230 18 7 1/ 8,885 1 ་ ** ? C Te siy HE 3758 27 ! INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION BUREAU OF STATISTICS A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1926 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON ; 1927 : THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION JOHN J. ESCH, Chairman BALTHASAR H. MEYER HENRY C. HALL CLYDE B. AITCHISON JOSEPH B. EASTMAN JOHNSTON B. CAMPBELL ERNEST I. LEWIS FRANK MCMANAMY THOMAS F. WOODLOCK RICHARD V. TAYLOR EZRA BRAINERD, Jr. GEORGE B. McGINTY, Secretary ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 15 CENTS PER COPY Gipt N.'s. Interstate Commerce Commissio 8-8-1920 CONTENTS. Introductory statement.. Summary No. 1--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I steam railways (not including switching and terminal companies) for the year ended December 31, 1926 Summary No. 2--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I switching and terminal companies for the year ended December 31, 1926.... Summary No. 3--Abstract of reports rendered by express compa- nies for the year ended December 31, 1926.... Summary No. 4--Abstract of report rendered by The Pullman Com- pany for the year ended December 31, 1926.... Page 4 5 15 22 27 3 A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 This preliminary abstract for the calendar year 1926 is compiled from the annual reports of the classes of carriers designated. It differs from the Preliminary Statement of Capitalization and Income for the same year in that the latter is confined to a small number of items compiled for individual carriers, and in summary form, from a special report returned by them in advance of their annual report. The present abstract contains summaries by districts and is intended primarily to make available as promptly as possible certain totals not obtainable from the monthly or special reports of carriers. The totals are subject to change after corrections in the annual reports have been authorized. The final totals will appear in the Statistics of Railways for 1926. It may be noted that only steam railways, express companies, and The Pullman Company are covered in this abstract. Separate mimeographed statements are issued annually for pipe line companies, telegraph and cable companies, carriers by water, telephone companies, and electric railways. Because a separate annual publication of freight commodity statistics for the year 1926 has been issued in full detail for the 70 classes of commodities, only group totals of commodities carried are shown in this preliminary abstract. It should be especially observed that the balance sheet items relate to operating companies only and do not cover the balance sheets of lessor companies the property of which is operated by Class I steam railways, that is, railways having annual operating revenues above $1,000,000. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT. The following table shows the investment in road and equipment of the operat- ing, lessor and proprietary companies at the end of the year 1926: Investment in Road and Equipment of Steam Railways, as of December 31, 1926 (Accounts 701 and 702) Class 1.. Lessors to Class I. Proprietary Companies. Total... Class II.... Class III.. Lessors to Class II. Proprietary Companies.. Total.. · · WASHINGTON, July 26, 1927. • • • • • • • · $18,662,437,917 3.712,184,679 828,289,617 23,202,912,213 556,729,150 10,092,636 2,612,294 569,434,080 Lessors to Class III. Proprietary Companies. Total.. Grand total... The corresponding tables for 1925 and preceding years do not contain returns for proprietary companies, which are those that do not file separate reports, the Revised information concerning them being taken from the reports of other companies. figures for 1925, on the basis of the table shown above, cover a grand total investment in road and equipment of $23,217,208,918. As compared with this, the grand total for 1926 shows an increase of $661,112,667. 100,722,300 5,157,374 95,618 105,975,292 23,878,321,585 Investment in proprietary companies in 1926 amounted to $830,997,529 as compared with $480,215,864 for 1925, an increase of $350,781,665. This increase is largely explained by the reclassification as "proprietary" of certain companies which formerly filed "lessor" reports. The consequent decrease in the investment for lessor companies is partly offset by the normal increase in the investment of lessor companies whose classification was not changed, as well as by the transfer of two operating companies to the lessor class. The reason for now including proprietary companies in the statement of investment in road and equipment is that figures relating to such investment are now covered by a definite schedule in annual report forms, and the amount so reported is of considerable importance. 4 ► t : · 1 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Total number of stockholders 23timo 180 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7 Investments in affiliated companies 25 26 27 28 29 w www. 31 32 SUMMARY NO. 1-BECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928 (Does not include lessor companies) 33 17 Other current assets 18 19 Deferred assets wwww Other investments Investment in road and equipment Improvements on leased railway property Sinking funds .. • Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold Miscellaneous physical property ·· ... Total investments 49 50 51 ·· 20 Discount on capital stock Discount on funded debt Other unadjusted debits 21 22 23 24 Cash Demand loans and deposits Time drafts and deposits Special deposits • Loans and bills receivable Miscellaneous accounts receivable Material and supplies ·· GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Total current assets ·· .. 37 38 Deferred liabilities Current Assets Investments Premium on funded debt • Total unadjusted debits Grand total • ·· ·· C • Item • Unadjusted Debits Capital stock Stock liability for conversion Premium on capital stock Total stock Grants in aid of construction 30 Funded debt unmatured Receiver's certificates Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies Total long-term debt 39 40 Operating reserves 41 Accrued depreciation • • O . 42 Other unadjusted credits 43 • 34 Loans and bills payable 35 Miscellaneous accounts payable 36 Other current liabilities ••• • Total current liabilities • • Stock Long-Term Debt Current Liabilities • Total unadjusted credits • Unadjusted Credits ·· · • Total appropriated surplus Profit and loss--balance Total corporate surplus • • .. • 44 45 46 ……. 47 Miscellaneous fund reserves 48 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested · • Corporate Surplus Additions to property through income and surplus Funded debt retired through income and surplus Sinking fund reserves • • • • • • • • O 1 INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT .. • • 52 Expenditures for new lines and extensions Expenditures for additions and betterments 54 Credits for property retired 55 Adjustments 56 Net charges during year 57 8tocks actually issued during year--par value 58 Funded debt actually issued during year--par value J .. Total, all districts 768,315 $18,237,035,117 425,402, 800 13,577,529 14,295,815 159,652, 215 4,624,114,651 897,848,528 24,371,926,655 535, 589, 781 68,214,215 49,526,238 131, 141, 245 32,267,580 216,777,958 551,694, 794 226, 536,915 1,811, 748,726 178,166,715 15,857,487 84,650,940 208,965, 709 309,474,136 26,671,316,232 7,685,013,727 1,772,445 46,973,492 7,733,759,664 6,474,592 10,627,015,848 7,068,400 395,942,676 11,030,026,924 59,206,687 117,849,547 1,119,750, 265 1,296,806,499 105,804,540 1,164,445 367,014 1,631,158,629 679,022,815 2,311, 712, 903 d 877,868,884 -90,322,013 50,660, 345 52,423,771 59,629,439 1,130,904, 452 3,055,826,658 4,186,731,110 14,810,639 749,357,701 189,261,951 5.241.757 569,664,632 91,586, 162 404,979,173 Eastern district 349,288 $6,476,644,799 347,777,145 1,455,193 4,175,185 76,837,964 1,843,177,019 477,555,125 9,227,622,430 222,756,407 25,359,590 23,499,158 34,135,250 8,507,612 80,812,453 220,991, 292 110,695,073 726,756,835 89,589,774 462,795 22,937,490 83,484,540 106,884,825 10,150,853,864 2,818,369,362 367,652 35,518,813 2,854,255,827 215,464 3,983,819,217 1,803,900 92,531,123 4,078,154,240 d 26,241,768 32,625,819 434,277,504 493,145,091 52,621,556 214,308 723,759,072 316,409,533 1,040,382,913 500,372,627 13,564,247 27,535,647 46,679,423 335,045 588,486,989 1,043,591,784 1,632,078, 773 518,578 310,235,062 85,612,806 3.064.083 222,076,751 15,970, 888 171,647,241 Southern district 79,727 $3,397,122,930 54,256,322 914,726 2,233,750 22,986,864 552,118,495 102,755,934 4,132,389,021 90,811,960 11,803,981 13,863,803 19,172,374 16,704,126 d 38,760,633 102,433,250 42,714,610 336,264,737 31,391,405 25,765 22,387,405 29,699,864 52,113,034 4,552,158,197 1,952,610,938 2,314,500 10,336,437 1,965,261,875 1,928,924 18,457,298 175,185,879 195,572,101 29,492,090 101,395 298,048,142 95,579,739 393,729,276 118,898, 480 881,007 4,185,805 1,941, 302 1,514,869 1/1,193,581,134 2/ 3,673,063,231 1,404,793 4,990,793 6,463,886 1,198,571,927 1,477,112 3,680, 931, 910 4,782,016 127,421,463 640, 632,353 768,053,816 3,552,007 211,762,830 30,647,771 1.083,616 183,583,450 1/ 48,575,211 109,504,900 Headla d Deficit or other reverse item. 60,000 shares of common stock without par value issued during the year, no book value reported. Includes $156,125,539, consideration received for 1,362,400 shares of stock without par value. Western district 339,300 $8,363,267,388 23,369,333 11,207,610 7,886,880 59,827,387 2,228,819,137 317,537,469 11,011,915,204 222,021,414 31,050,644 12,163,277 77,833,621 7,055,842 97,204,872 228,270,252 73,127,232 748,727,154 57,185,536 15,368,927 39,326,045 95,781,305 150,476,277 11,968, 304,171 d 4,690,585,693 2,950,000 293,075,116 4,986,610,809 31,035,995 66,766,430 510,286,882 608,089,307 23,690,894 848,742 367,014 609,351,415 267,033,543 877,600, 714 258,597,777 75,876,759 18,938,893 3,803,046 57,779,525 414,996,000 1,371,602, 521 1,786,598, 521 10,740,054 227,359,809 73,001,374 1,094,058 164,004,431 27,040,063 123,827,032 5 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 6 No 12 Met in Railway operating revenues Railway operating expenses Net revenue from railway operations Railway tax accruals 5 Uncollectible railway revenues 6 Railway operating income N4 9 10 11 12 124 HHH 345と ​13 14 15 16 NNNNNNNN www.www. i * NONUMEN Hire of freight cars--credit balance Rent from locomotives ... Rent from passenger-train cars Rent from floating equipment 17 Rent from work equipment 18 Joint facility rent income 19 Income from lease of road 20 21 26 30 31 22 23 24 Income from funded securities 32 35 36 29 Miscellaneous income 94 99 ANAM KO SUMMARY NO. 1—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 46 47 48 49 25 Income from unfunded securities and accounts Revenues from miscellaneous operations Expenses of miscellaneous operations Income from sinking and other reserve funds 27 Release of premiums on funded debt 28 34 Rent for passenger-train cars Rent for floating equipment Rent for work equipment 37 Joint facility rents 38 Rent for leased roads Net revenue from miscellaneous operations Taxes on miscellaneous operating property Miscellaneous operating income Total operating income Net railway operating income 39 Miscellaneous rents. .. 40 Miscellaneous tax accruals 41 42 43 44 55 INCOME ACCOUNT 56 ·· 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Item • Miscellaneous rent income Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property Separately operated properties--profit Dividend income • Contributions from other companies Total nonoperating income Gross income • · Hire of freight cars--debit balance Rent for locomotives • ·· ·· • .. • Separately operated properties--loss Interest on funded debt Interest on unfunded debt ·· • • • • Amortization of discount on funded debt Maintenance of investment organization Income transferred to other companies Miscellaneous income charges Total deductions from gross income Net income • 54 Miscellaneous appropriations of income • ► • • 57 Credit balance transferred from income 58 Profit on road and equipment sold 59 60 Unrefundable overcharges 61 Donations Delayed income credits 62 Miscelleneous credits • 50 Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income 53 Stock discount extinguished through income • 51 52 Income appropriated for investment in physical property • D .. D • • • • Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus Loss on retired road and equipment Delayed income debits Miscellaneous debits Total debits during year Net increase during year Balance at beginning of year Balance at end of year • • • Total appropriations of income Income balance transferred to profit and loss PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT • • ·· 63 Total credits during year 64 Debit balance transferred from income 65 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds 66 Dividend appropriations of surplus 67 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property 68 Stock discount extinguished through surplus 69 Debt discount extinguished through surplus 70 • A • • • · .. • Dividends declared during year Par value on which declared--common Par value on which declared--preferred Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent • • • • • Total, ell districts $6,382,939,546 4,669,336, 736 1,713,602, 810 388,922,856 1,851,594 1,322,828,360 2,989,377 2, 363 989; 175,014 122,285 52,729 1,322,881,089 1,213,089,966 24,180,174 13,974,415 16,656,874 392,150 3,450,621 43,874,592 4,854,993 21,113,894 6,646,795 2,922,957 147,263,347 74,094, 014 30,741,672 4,605,415 107,507 1,854,146 3,868,866 400,602,432 1,723,483,521 105,528,654 12,021,437 19,239,881 3,005,959 1,746,996 70,724,293 166,453,515 6,379,064 4,780,298 814,058 496,454,508 12,102,289 4,338,773 26,810 6,476,216 4,128, 501 914,221,252 809,262,269 10,186,286 224,423,545 7,782,452 1,40i, 809 243,794,092 565,468,177 586,398,145 4,298,435 718,337 1,471,577 3,940,544 26,248,927 623,075,965 20,929, 968 999,420 180, 800, 418 30,808,631 1,544,071 9,928, 183 1,075,849 25,597,829 5,101,996 24,902,952 301,689,317 321,386,648 2,734,865,636 3,056, 252, 284 405,223,963 4,178,660,015 1,217,293,400 7.51 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $2,898,986,223 2,167,706,304 731,279,919 159,240,030 997,588 571,042,301 1,205,594 1,088, 791 116,803 59,130 57,673 571,099,974 514,945,061 10,668,887 5,318,633 6,013,900 318,913 1,103,788 22,896,679 2,081,929 12,152,680 4,052,224 2,748,489 64,313,504 25,680,849 14,290,953 3,663, 746 54,974 1,703,503 2,468,230 179,531,881 750,631,855 50,879,276 5,185,909 7,627,171 2,862,842 823,561 35,039,281 100,071,049 4,398,234 3,503,979 650,492 189,781,427 5,158,981 1,410,720 22,210 4,976,216 1,996,194 414,387,542 336,244,313 7,060,478 106,805,397 5,681,835 1,388,430 120,936,140 215,308,173 d 218,534,460 2,150,637 576,786 1,230,849 7,906,024 230,398, 756 3,226,287 142.379 46,800,487 25,623,016 ... 7,329,977 63,481 10,542,339 3,259,150 10,739,775 107,442,133 122,956, 623 920,635,161 1,043,591, 784 153,605,884 1,683,929, 409 335,704,950 7.61 Southern district $1,165,527,504 830,125,436 335,402,068 75,720,327 254,912 259,426,829 1,745,613 1,721,874 23,739 9,898 13,841 259,440,670 253,499,238 9,768,851 2,550,463 3,529,797 6,115 881,150 5,830,866 421,071 2,083,726 860,923 107,661 14,631,398 11,437,236 6,550,636 195,130 182,865 59,037,888 318,478,558 13,326,463 1,913,478 4,367,655 98,039 383,629 8,405,569 13,978,508 634,943 143,391 15,908 90,263,112 1,041,433 1,344,329 1,709 1,500,000 552,957 137,971,123 180,507,435 557,609 11,671,993 1,974, 281 13,379 14,217,262 166,290,173 168,550, 607 551,115 11,541 538,669 1,284,197 3,246,345 174,182,474 2,260,434 513,840 76,458,095 1,969,087 1,539,611 407,955 14,290 3,056,858 113,625 3,336,102 89,669,897 84,512,577 558,108, 186 642,620,763 88,130,088 838,058,500 168,986,150 8.75 Western district $2,318,425,819 1,671,504,996 646,920,823 153,962,499 599,094 492,359,230 38,170 3,698 34,472 53,257 d 18,785 492,340,445 444,645,667 3,742,436 6,105,319 7,113,177 67,122 1,465,683 15,147,047 2,351,993 6,877,488 1,733,648 66,807 68,318,445 36,975,929 9,900,083 746,539 52,533 150, 643 1,217,771 162,032,663 654,373,108 41,322,915 4,922,050 7,245,055 45,078 539,806 27,279,443 52,403,958 1,345,887 1,132,928 147,658 216,409,969 5,901,875 1,583,724 2,891 1,579,350 361,862,587 292,510,521 2,568,199 105,946,155 126,336 108,640,690 183,869,831 199,313,078 1,596,683 706,796 356,122 1,425,498 15,096,558 218,494,735 15,443,247 627,959 57,541,836 3,216,528 4,460 2,190,251 998,078 11,998,632 1,729,221 10,827,075 104,577,287 113,917,448 1,256,122,289 1,370,039,737 163,487,991 1,656,672,106 712,602,300 6.90 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS ▸ No. 1 Freight 2 Passenger • SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Excess baggage 4 8leeping car 5 .. Parlor and chair car Mail .. 7 Express g Other passenger-train 9 Milk 10 11 17 18 Freight 19 Passenger 20 Excess baggage Switching .. Special service train 12 Other freight-train 13 14 Water transfers--passenger Water transfers--freight • • • 15 Water transfers--vehicles and live stook 16 Water transfers--other 23 Express 24 Special service 25 Other 26 • Total rail-line transportation revenue 21 Other passenger service 22 Mail 27 Dining and buffet 28 29 30 Parcel room RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES Total water-line transportation revenue Hotel and restaurant 31 8torage--freight 32 Storage--baggage 33 35 Grain elevator 36 Stockyard Station, train, and boat privileges • ·· 77 78 79 80 81 Demurrage .. Telegraph and telephone 41 Joint facility--Cr. 42 Joint facility--Dr. 43 44 37 Power 38 Rents of buildings and other property 39 Miscellaneous 40 Total incidental operating revenue 45 Superintendence 46 Roadway maintenance--yard 47 Roadway maintenance--other 48 Roadway-depreciation--yard 49 Roadway--depreciation--other Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues 70 Rails--yard .. Rails--other Item RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures 50 Underground power tubes--yard 51 Underground power tubes--other • 52 Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard 53 Underground power tubes--depreciation--other 71 72 Rails--depreciation--yard Tunnels and subways--yard Tunnels and subways--other Tunnels and subways-depreciation--yard 73 Rails--depreciation--other 74 Ballast--yard Ballast--other • 57 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other 62 Elevated structures--yard 63 Elevated structures--other 64 Elevated structures--depreciation--yard • ... 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other 66 Ties--yard 67 Ties--other 68 Ties--depreciation--yard 69 Ties--depreciation--other • • • · ·· • Other track material--yard 75 Other track material--other 76 Other track material--depreciation--yard Other track material--depreciation--other Ballast--depreciation--yard Ballast--depreciation--other 82 Track laying and surfacing-yard 83 Track laying and surfacing--other ·· • .. · • O · 34 Right-of-way fences--yard 85 Right-of-way fences--other 86 Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard 87 Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other • · · Total, all districts $4,797,780,122 1,041,816,167 7,055,488 1,921,650 1,230,801 96,156,677 149,049,263 17,111,346 36,423,009 64,852,808 2,219,050 825,435 1,232,339 2,319,216 7,109,659 1,472,377 6,228,575,407 11,860,676 1,254,479 3,230 19,467 8,815 22,436 975,161 649,234 14,793,498 34,642,687 7,858,693 7,337,808 1,500,330 4,300,271 742,692 21,903,157 2,608,058 1,201,758 834,903 6,632,009 8,165,727 32,924,095 130,652,188 13,439,323 4,520,870 8,918,453 6,382,939,546 56,090,305 8,314,695 74,603,426 22,648 121,197 263,844 2,456,414 34 3,038 1,408,663 42,777,028 30,113 1,273,482 68,794 68,298 13,696,161 101,950,000 256,315 2,352,607 3,323,302 45,511,686 76,215 1,081,148 8,633,737 42,707,948 204,749 877.512 604,911 19,540,779 7,702 385,693 24,334,519 194,125,898 70,630 5,377.746 725 11,319 Eastern district $2,120,300,955 523,474,791 2,627,887 299,724 36,577,069 70,591,158 6,450,541 25,921,389 30,325,075 835,884 446,053 867,755 1,690,066 5,251,955 1,154,460 2,826,814,762 1,465,286 710,736 1,066 4,629 8,576 19,005 26,421 148 2,235,867 15,379,065 2,538,115 4,743,773 1,098,714 2,094,410 352,858 11,998,862 588,463 1,168,529 13,829 6,430,934 5,452,720 14,327,576 66,187,848 5,377,121 1,629,375 3,747,746 2,898,986,223 22,096,670 3,995,343 27,632,606 40,908 258,067 1,120,655 34 1,691 758,835 14,300,346 22,055 598,515 62,040 67,467 6,559,398 38,081,328 469 3,367 1,687,245 18,907,904 247 8,398 4,398,007 19,222,380 256 5,979 276,439 7,497,823 3,366 11,900,921 77,676,920 29,196 1,629,264 31 11 Southern district $913,966,077 173,755,511 1,222,200 12,217 162,222 16,789,098 22,953,315 2,615,345 1,571,818 8,901,157 530,968 64,547 53,875 69,456 17,768 262,574 1,142,948,148 6,266,584 640,256 746,551 130,132 1,101,723 77,125 4,000,397 95,734 15,404 5,240 134,367 866,549 7,061,488 21,141,550 1,878,826 441,020 1,437,806 1,165,527,504 10,580,905 1,238,639 16,625,381 4,147 480,458 103,441 10,105,424 1,547 512,766 2,236,737 19,666,788 245,301 2,249,899 4'13,093 10,467,164 65,932 903,962 1,119,800 6,978,294 196,565 840,970 61,714 5,449,635 7,084 373,534 3,622,628 37,310,333 1,963 814,280 Western district $1,763,513,090 344,585,865 3,205,401 1,909,433 768,855 42,790,510 55,504,790 8,045,460 8,929,802 25,626,576 852,198 314,835 310,709 559,694 1,839,936 55,343 2,258,812,497 10,395,390 543,743 2,164 14,838 239 3.431 948,740 649,086 12,557,631 12,997,038 4,680,322 1,847,484 271,484 1,104,138 312,709 5,903,898 1,923,861 17,825 815,834 66,708 1,846,458 11,535,031 43,322,790 6,183,376 2,450,475 3,732,901 2,318,425,819 2ă; 23,412,730 3,080,713 30,345,439 22,648 80,289 1,630 855,301 1,347 546,387 18,371,258 6,511 162,201 6,754 831 4,900,026 44,201,884 10,545 99,341 1,192,964 16,136,618 10,036 168,788 3,115,930 16,507,274 7 7,928 30,563 266,758 6,593,321 618 8,793 8,810,970 79,138,645 39,471 2,934,202 694 11,308 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 30 No. HAUMA INOM TOROMA 1 2 8 Crossings and signs--depreciation--other 9 Station and office buildings Station and office buildings--depreciation 11 Roadway buildings 10 12 Roadway buildings--depreciation 13 Water stations 14 Water stations--depreciation 15 Fuel stations 16 Fuel stations--depreciation 17 Shops and enginehouses 18 26 6789 19 Grain elevators 27 28 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 --Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 29 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other 20 Grain elevators--depreciation 21 Storage warehouses 22 Storage warehouses--depreciation 23 harves and docks 24 25 Coal and ore wharves DOMILW FILOLOLOLOLOLOLO IDIÓLO Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation-yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation-other Crossings and signs--yard Crossings and signs--other Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard 52 57 58 Shops and enginehouses--depreciation Coal and ore wharves--depreciation Gas producing plants Gas producing plants--depreciation Telegraph and telephone lines .. 30 Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation 31 Signals and interlockers 32 60 O • …………. harves and docks--depreciation 37 Power substation buildings .. Power substation buildings--depreciation Power transmission systems 40 Power transmission systems--depreciation 41 Power distribution systems 42 47 Miscellaneous structures .... 48 49 50 Item Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation Power plant buildings ... 36 Power plant buildings--depreciation .. 51 Roadway machines Signals and interlockers--depreciation 45 Underground conduits, • 46 Underground conduits--depreciation • 43 Power distribution systems--depreciation Power line poles and fixtures 44 Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation Paving--depreciation 59 Other expenses • Miscellaneous structures--depreciation Paving Injuries to persons Insurance Stationery and printing • • Roadway machines--depreciation Small tools and supplies • 65 Superintendence 66 Shop machinery 67 Shop machinery--depreciation 68 Power plant machinery 69 75 Other locomotives--repairs 76 Removing snow, ice, and sand Assessments for public improvements • • Power plant machinery--depreciation 73 Steam locomotives--depreciation 74 Steam locomotives--retirements 70 Power substation apparatus ·.. 71 Power substation apparatus--depreciation 72 Steam locomotives--repairs Other locomotives--depreciation Other locomotives--retirements Total, above accounts 61 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 62 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr. 63 Equalization--way and structures 64 Total maintenance of way and structures Maintenance of Equipment • 77 78 Freight-train cars--repairs 79 Freight-train cars--depreciation · • 80 Freight-train cars--retirements 81 Passenger-train cars--repairs 82 Passenger-train cats--depreciation 83 Passenger-train cars--retirements Motor equipment of cars--repairs 85 Motor equipment of cars--depreciation 86 Motor equipment of cars-retirements 87 Floating equipment--repairs... 88 Floating equipment--depreciation 89 Floating equipment--retirements • • • ·· • • Total, all districts $4,863 604,247 18 188 1,230,299 11,837,943 2,614 37,986 34,705,562 1,080, 761 5,489,734 61,670 10,892,284 123,431 4,984,708 60,096 25,833,442 534,458 185,857 5,102 91,220 5,745,350 137,516 3,016,995 952,010 76,677 21 12,152,821 8,927 31,208,948 210,410 3,521 874,685 136,076 63,491 21,423 279,547 14,299 3,059,232 260,207 604,901 30,097 28,114 4.516 511,425 3,318 721,284 38 6,947,613 9,203 11,875,012 13,179,037 516,404 6,034,543 3,933,545 1,355,676 696,291 855,064,905 38,457,086 26,697,665 866,824,326 45,767,586 28,299,466 705,412 6,049,461 603,089 358,263 38,379 460,544,091 53,150,073 5,816,113 3,242,864 913,921 377,702,528 111,273,766 19,562, 201 85,286,429 16,373,461 1,352,163 2,643,923 724,047 21,175 11,899,465 3,166,470 247,809 Eastern district $623 72,875 120 497,025 6,669,809 2,036 33,682 16,521,467 538,074 1,671,923 ·· 2,189 3,889,788 44,893 2,281,428 25,428 12,981, 271 343,912 161,671 2,702 36,565 3,732,435 67,650 1,865,260 173,992 36,048 5,860,961 504 19,354,081 188,804 d Deficit or other reverse item. 627,339 107,096 53,116 19,205 225,000 66,554 2,321,240 308,071 333,581 81,975 24,102 7,504 292,604 403,363 2,251,577 251 4,524, 105 9,626, 720 177,827 2,865,146 1,845,312 507,941 487,054 363,058,080 16,633,780 11,349,864 368,341,996 21,059,576 15,351,038 412,953 4,019,227 539,145 304,274 16,144 216,891, 345 24,774,858 4,026,531 2,372,732 518,790 183,248,406 49,262,210 11,375,599 40,500,101 8,122,358 1,008,417 1,734,509 505,257 9,972 9,378,304 1,997,453 192,218 Southern district $12 370 137,617 1,706,826 1,044 6,350,778 234,264 1,511,819 24,064 2,117,277 64,775 995,824 24,130 3,887,825 128,774 8,069 2,400 *56,567 • d ··· 1,153,919 69,866 328,088 137,968 2,130,562 5,247 4,964,993 16,690 69,092 14,641 1,945 336 32,408 6,918 321,798 11,176 124,629 8,174 275 *42,139 2.059 72,071 1,420,392 2,995 2,435,776 408,028 55,041 885,688 701,202 258,660 77,868 165,717,345 7,350,340 5,670,523 167,397,162 7,761,570 ,113,251 265,784 664,480 25,775 21,262 4,032 86,607,011 9,391,040 525,993 395,395 198,017 68,550,215 22,413,298 2,678,207 14,065,133 2,525,483 32,752 163,299 59,611 293,737 56,211 11,578 Western district $4,228 531,002 18 68 595,657 3,461,308 578 3,260 11,833,317 308,423 2,305,992 35,417 4,885,219 13,763 1,707,456 10,538 8,964,346 61,772 16,117 d 1,912 858,996 823,647 640,050. 40,629 21 4,161,298 3,176 6,889,874 4,916 3,521 178,254 14,339 8,430 1,882 d ¿ d d 22,139 59.173 416,194 59,040 146,691 60.052 3,737 12,020 176,682 5,377 245,850 38 3,275,644 5,957 4,916,131 3,144,289 283,536 2,283,709 1,337,031 589,075 131,369 326,289,480 14,472,966 9,677,278 331,085,168 16,946,440 8,830,177 26,675 1,365,754 38,169 32,727 18,203 157,045,735 18,984,175 1,263,589 474,737 197,114 .. 125,903,907 39,598,258 5,508,395 30,721,195 5,725,620 376,498 746,115 159,179 11, 203 2,227,424 1,112,806 44,013 1 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 12 Mimo! 1 Work equipment--repairs 동 ​2 Work equipment--depreciation 8 no H nm i 7 Injuries to persons Insurance 11 15 9 Stationery and printing 10 Other expenses 22 J22 23 24 25 Total 12 Maintaining joint equipment--Dr. 13 Maintaining joint equipment--Cr. Equalization-equipment 2222MMMMMMMMM \OHNMI LEKO M80 ON 16 Superintendence 17 Outside agencies 18 Advertising 19 20 21 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 --Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 30 31 32 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded 33 34 35 36 Work equipment--retirements · 26 Superintendence Miscellaneous equipment--repairs Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation Miscellaneous equipment-retirements 27 Dispatching trains 28 8tation employees 40 50 51 52 Traffic associations Fast freight lines VOKÖLLÖLDIDIDIÕI NMUNO M30 0 Total maintenance of equipment 29 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus Coal and ore wharves 58 Total traffic 71 72 Industrial and immigration bureaus Insurance ... Stationery and printing Other expenses ·· ·· 37 Fuel for yard locomotives • 38 Yard switching power produced Station supplies and expenses ..... Yardmasters and yard clerks 45 Train enginemen 46 Train motormen Yard conductors and brakemen. 39 Yard switching power purchased Yard switch and signal tenders Yard enginemen Yard motormen 41 42 43 Enginehouse expenses--yard 44 Yard supplies and expenses Transportation-Rail Line • ·· Item • Water for yard locomotives Lubricants for yard locomotives Other supplies for yard locomotives Traffic 78 Incidental 80 47 Fuel for train locomotives 48 Train power produced 49 Train power purchased • Water for train locomotives Lubricants for train locomotives Other supplies for train locomotives Enginehouse expenses--train Trainmen ·· Train supplies and expenses Operating sleeping cars Signal and interlocker operation Crossing protection 59 Drawbridge operation 60 61 Operating floating equipment 62 Express service ... 63 Stationery and printing 64 Other expenses 77 Operation of vessels Operation of terminals • C • • Telegraph and telephone operation •* .. 65 Insurance 66 Clearing wrecks 67 Damage to property 68 Damage to live stock on right of way 69 Loss and damage--freight 70 Loss and damage--baggage Injuries to persons Operating joint yards and terminals-Dr. 73 Operating joint yards and terminals-Cr. • 74 Operating joint tracks and facilities--DI. 75 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Cr. 76 Total transportation--Rail line Transportation--Water Line Total transportation-- Water line Total, all districts $19,576,360 4,741,926 2,030,651 456,118 258,983 127,764 6,321,129 6,218,857 2,268,249 1,724,843 1,279,467,035 8,033,028 13,725 1,283,086,338 35,965,200 46,252,440 16,760,869 2,817,360 44,429 2,471,529 45,165 10,151,721 181,800 114,690,513 68,739,735 34,691,737 309,087,318 5,669,272 10,278,877 21,398,293 63,017,871 152,640,554 12,646,041 92,513,493 885,107 68,322,379 149,449 356,130 4,590,887 1,390,060 1,526,998 31,006,059 3,882,181 230,905,056 4,414,466 339,109,550 2,589,372 6,653,794 21,968,898 7,818,398 6,641,863 82,863,227 267,585,065 82,369,148 839,588 26,251,705 21,243,344 2,026,270 10,610,360 29,563,410 14,043,822 6,350,279 3,384,924 8,487,299 5,247,258 2,854,234 34,267,628 390,525 34,185,050 71,705,627 37,274,119 16,311,807 14,295,935 2,171,904,354 4,669,609 4,640,350 302,765 9,612,724 Eastern district $9,074,497 1,939,106 949,464 234,234 125,757 98,335 3,652,600 2,949,715 1,192,952 1,211,842 619,049,919 3,595,146 2,005,216 620,639,849 16,226,615 15,185,419 4,879,406 1,008,279 44,429 556,421 21,283 4,037,145 86,896 42,045,893 35,186,087 16,708,459 146,862,289 1,190,776 6,538,259 11,221,967 33.124,707 81,717,071 8,360,594 48,634,183 837,203 32,437,302 144,948 328,230 2,216,347 753,208 785,508 15,147,471 2,301,988 101,604,137 2,726,091 134,126,369 1,538,643 5,070,760 8,970,887 3,354,535 3,077,366 38,314,859 116,815,913 38,847,080 17,426,393 14,479,842 1,049,340 4,881,355 25,275,900 6,730,530 3,851,088 1,446,322 4,487,855 2,105,291 240,579 14,858,438 246,996 16,688,962 29,132,095 15,120,404 7,548,775 6,709,487 1,027,563,107 1,358,916 171,181 26,919 1,557,016 Southern district $3,334,724 952,997 211,717 41,652 41,192 9,949 786,143 786,678 378,441 170,675 227,476,798 1,420,825 1,035,776 227,861,847 ,437,277 9,729,317 2,563,063 597,301 749,377 5,632 2,457,765 6,017 23,545,749 12,192,047 7,730,786 55,697,475 1,337,758 1,948,555 3,181,738 11,801,856 25,885,435 1,416,925 15,203,311 1,941 10,036,039 725,257 224,613 306,387 5,779,077 766,026 44,119,562 422,361 56,328,074 622,807 310,706 ,984,728 1,535,394 1,335,953 15,512,917 51,191,410 14,224,406 5,432 2,363,497 1,787,087 374,289 1,345,195 570,635 2,621,209 926,931 720,358 1,923,514 1,360,521 1,122,203 6,111,982 77,866 6,765,292 15,659;011 10,361,697 1,783,231 1,851,905 377,128,195 Testern district $7,167,139 1,849,823 869,470 180,232 92,034 19,480 1,882,386 2,482,464 696,856 342,326 432,940,318 3,017,057 1,372,733 434,584,642 12,301,308 21,337,704 9,318,400 1,211,780 1,165,731 18,250 3,656,811 88,887 49,098,871 21,361,601 10,252,492 106,527,554 3,140,738 1,792,063 6,994,588 18,091,308 45,038,048 2,868,522 28,675,999 45,963 25,849,038 4,501 27,900 1,649,283 412,239 435,103 10,079,511 814,167 85,181,357 1,266,014 148,655,107 427,922 1,272,328 9,013,283 2,928,469 2,228,544 29,035,451 99,577,742 29,297,662 834,156 461,815 976,415 602,641 4,383,810 3,716,875 4,692,083 1,572,260 1,218,244 2,075,930 1,781,446 1,491,452 13,297,208 65, 663 10,730,796 26,914,521 11,792,018 6,979,801 5,734,543 767,213,052 469,169 275,846 8,055,708 ୨ STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 10 No. 1234LOWO Dining and buffet service 2 Hotels and restaurants Grain elevators Stockyards Producing power sold Other miscellaneous operations 7 15 16 22 20 20 23 8 Salaries and expenses of general officers 9 Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants 10 General office supplies and expenses 11 Law expenses 12 13 14 w wwwwwww. 17 Other expenses 18 General joint facilities-Dr 19 General joint facilities--Cr. 35. SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) IONUNIDID5 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Miscellaneous Operations 37 HOW ORVO .. 38 39 40 Total miscellaneous operations Total general expenses 21 Transportation for investment--Cr. 22 Total railway operating expenseB Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES Maintenance of Way and Structures 41 Insurance Relief department expenses Pensions 8tationery and printing Valuation expenses • 24 Related solely to freight service ·· 25 Related solely to passenger and allied services 26 Apportioned to freight service 27 Apportioned to passenger and allied services 28 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 29 Total Item …………. • 30 Related solely to freight service Related solely to passenger and allied services Apportioned to freight service Apportioned to passenger and allied services Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total • General 36 Related solely to freight service Related solely to passenger and allied services Apportioned to freight service Apportioned to passenger and allied services Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total Maintenance of Equipment Traffic Transportation--Rail Line 42 Related solely to freight service 43 Related solely to passenger and allied services Apportioned to freight service 45 Apportioned to passenger and allied services 46 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 47 Total Transportation--Water Line 48 Related solely to freight service • 49 Related solely to passenger and allied services 50 Apportioned to freight service 51 Apportioned to passenger and allied services 52 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 53 Total Miscellaneous Operations Related solely to freight service Related solely to passenger and allied services Apportioned to freight service ·· Apportioned to passenger and allied services 58 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 59 Total d Total, all districts $41,419,368 7,519,500 1,298,513 684,063 3,290,479 1,851,945 56,063,868 19,381,691 91,754,757 7,432,490 17,220,073 166,071 2,325,155 22,372,016 5,402,920 8,008,819 8,685,131 1,969,369 328,586 184,389,906 17,235,293 4,669,336,736 73.15 $85,712,802 24,491,229 550,426,073 205,360,108 834,114 866,824,326 810,233,251 231,614,857 179,025,574 61,378,771 833,885 1,283,086,338 60,450,539 40,880,442 7.727,955 5,631,577 114,690,513 1,248,469,940 429,877,385 376,910,071 116,629,416 17,542 2,171,904,354 7,621,561 177,364 1,496,198 288.938 28,663 9,612,724 2,987,392 46,645,637 1,333,074 923,001 4,174,764 56,063,868 Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $18,815,517 2,396,701 1,261,334 21,998 3,191,122 490,459 26,177,131 7,756,999 40,470,072 3,530,831 6,726,234 87,550 1,161,505 14,585,646 2,168,315 3,550,458 3,399,453 782,413 115,679 84,103,797 2,722,485 2,167,706,304 74.77 $53,140,212 16,169,543 212,775,536 86,006,525 250,180 368,341,996 409,964,251 119,197,006 67,347,448 23,491,562 639,582 620,639,849 25,073,520 14,025,914 2,172,051 774,408 42,045,893 633,882,296 207,945,113 138,915,817 46,831,858 ₫ 11,977 1,027,563,107 733,161 135,534 454,218 234,103 1,557,016 1,664,871 21,965,328 399,564 223,874 1,923,494 26,177,131 Southern district $6,881,932 579,322 18,179 10,820 44,757 112,012 7,647,022 3,157,218 15,989,347 1,195,624 3,760,822 24,958 214,702 1,908,378 1,082,672 1,181,493 1,496,282 261,422 45,441 30,227,477 3,682,016 830,125,436 71.22 $13,437,830 2,927,810 113,539,809 37,491,713 167,397,162 153,091,844 39,127,674 28,245,040 7,397,289 227,861,847 14,600,261 7,083,119 1,298,197 564,172 23,545,749 214,834,425 68,261,089 74,046,551 19,986,130 377,128,195 121,834 7,323,708 154,723 42,192 4,565 7,647,022 Western district $15; $15,721,919 4,543,477 19,000 651,245 54,600 1,249,474 22,239,715 8,467,474 35,295,338 2,706,035 6,733,017 53,563 948,948 5,877,992 2,151,933 3,276,868 3,789,396 925,534 167,466 70,058,632 10,830,792 1,671,504,996 72.10 $19,134,760 5,393,876 224,110,728 81,861,870 583,934 331,085,168 247,177,156 73,290,177 83,433,086 30,489,920 194,303 434,584,642 20,776,758 19,771,409 4,257,707 4,292,997 49,098,871 399,753,219 153,671,183 163,947,703 49,811,428 29,519 767,213,052 6,888,400 41,830 1,041,980 54,835 28,663 8,055,708 1,200,687 17,356,601 778,787 656,935 2,246,705 22,239,715 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Related solely to freight service.. 2 Related solely to passenger and allied services 3 Apportioned to freight service.. 4 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. • 5 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 6 Total. 7 Related solely to freight service.. • 8 Related solely to passenger and allied services. 9 Apportioned to freight service. ... 10 Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. 11 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 12 Total.. 33MM mtimo momento 13 Related solely to freight service.. 14 Related solely to passenger and allied services. 37 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 19 Miles of road.. 20 Miles of second main track. 21 Miles of third main track. 22 Miles of fourth main track. 38 39 40 SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES--Continued General Apportioned to freight service... 16 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. • 17 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 18 Total.. 41 !! 46 47 • 23 Miles of all other main tracks.. 24 Miles of yard track and sidings. 25 26 Miles of road.. 27 Miles of second main track. 28 Miles of third main track.. 48 • 50 51 ALOLOLOLO 35 52 29 Miles of fourth main track. 30 Miles of all other main tracks.. 31 Miles of yard track and sidings. 32 Total, all tracks.... 55 56 Total, all tracks.. Transportation for Investment--Cr. Total Operating Expenses MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1926 Stook cars. Coal car8.. Tank cars.. Steam locomotives: D Item • Number at close of year: Box cars.. Flat cars. Stock carS, Coal cars. Tank cars……… • ● • · • Number at close of year. Total tractive power (pounds). Number installed during year. Number retired during year. Electrio locomotives: Total..... • Number at close of year... Total tractive power (pounds). Number installed during year.. Number retired during year.. Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars. flat cars. MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31. 1926 Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. Total. • • EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE · • • • .. Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. • • • • Freight-carrying Cars • ·· • • Total, all districts $48,359,811 11,512,953 91,890,187 32,145,680 481,275 184,389,906 16,557,877 344,692 262,991 69,733 17,235,293 2,247,277,419 784,855,175 1,208,546,141 422,287,758 6,370,243 4,669,336,736 237,054.30 35,866.68 3,158.21 2,168.92 343.34 1/ 116,353.37 5/ 394,944.82 177,183.94 21,386.38 2,064.53 1,525.22 141.51 9/ 81,420.24 283,721.82 62,342 2,611,295,824 1,825 3,105 418 22,485,700 56 1,076,197 102,009 84,971 948,489 10,441 44,828 81,248 2,348,183 43,008,699 4,243,094 3,083,041 49,596,327 453,785 1,455,221 4,083,372 105,923,539 Eastern district $24,783,272 5,960,740 39,457,962 13,423,499 478,324 84,103,797 2,470,407 83,155 132,633 36,290 2,722,485 1,146,771,176 385,316,023 461,389,963 170,949,539 3,279,603 2,167,706,304 59,113.90 18,420.14 2,721.54 1,931.32 83.52 2/ 45,435.42 6/127,705.84 33,845.99 9,085.08 1,704.68 1,333.76 45.04 10/ 25,801.55 71,816.10 27,268 1,190,510,295 739 1,626 314 15,216,200 50 458,031 22,746 15,077 561,995 356 5,813 21,613 1,085,631 18,915,375 995,958 604,250 29,864,342 5,774 185,775 1,095,078 51,666,552 Includes 21,164.35 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 7,672.39 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 4,276.55 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 9,215.41 miles of industrial tracks. 5/ Includes 22,343.41 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 8,582.16 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 3,753.28 miles operated under trackage rights. 8 Includes 10,007.97 miles operated under trackage rights. Includes 14,717.29 miles of industrial tracks. 10/ Includes 4,151.44 miles of industrial tracks. 11/ Includes 3,285.03 miles of industrial tracks. 12/ Includes 7,280.82 miles of industrial tracks. Southern district $8,738,083 1,673,254 15,028,264 4,787,876 30,227,477 3,522,353 19,291 111,324 29,048 3,682,016 401,301,924 126,377,363 232,201,260 70,240,324 4,565 830,125,436 44,727.61 5,572.44 125.61 48.27 239.13 3/ 20,399.34 Z/ 71,112.40 35,172.68 3,958.59 119.87 44.15 75.78 11/ 15,385.89 54,756.96 11,386 484,487,440 634 418 32 3,217,000 172,008 23,019 8,380 208,373 28 6.282 7,635 425,725 6,302,715 932,420 312,370 11,259,475 1,220 194,050 357,209 19,359,459 Western district $14,838,456 3,878,959 37,403,961 13,934,305 2,951 70,058,632 11 10,565,117 242,246 19,034 4,395 10,830,792 699,204,319 273,161,789 514,954,918 181,097,895 3,086,075 1,671,504,996 133,212.79 11,874.10 311.06 189.33 20.69 4/ 50,518.61 8/196,126.58 108,165.27 8,342.71 239.98 147.31 20.69 12/ 40,232.80 157,148.76 23,688 936,298,089 452 1,061 4,052,500 72 2 446,158 56,244 61,514 178,121 10,057 32,733 52,000 836,827 17,790,609 2,314,716 2,166,421 8,472,510 446,791 1,075,396 2,631,085 34,897,528 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 12 No. 12347 ༣ 8 160 AAAA 9012 MELN 10 11 12 13 14 222 Moti 23 Refrigerator cars 15 Other freight-carrying cars 16 Total 26 27 28 29 30 31 17 Number at close of year 18 Number installed during year.. 19 Number retired during year 32 لالها الالات کیا کیا کیا بیا 33 20 Number at close of year 21 Number installed during year 22 Number retired during year 407 Floating Equipment Number of units at close of year Number of units installed during year 25 Number of units retired during year ... 37 FEE £55 FEW 40 42 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) KOME 48 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded FRANKA I Number installed during year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank carS 49 Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total 55 Number retired during year: Box cars Flat cars Stook cars Coal cars Tank cars Item ·· 38 Average number 39 All Classes of Passenger-train Cars • All Classes of Company Service Equipment Compensation-- In replacement and betterments: Number of crossties .. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges TIES LAID DURING YEAR In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of orossties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges • In replacement and betterments: Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges .. In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks Miles of yard track and sidings Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges RAILS LAID DURING YEAR Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total Service, hours-- Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total Service days-- EMPLOYEES In special service ... In yard-switching service In work service Grand total, all services ❤ Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY LOCOMOTIVES ·· Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service In passenger service In mixed-train service Total, all districts 43: out 80 483 2,872 34,004 149 2,088 5,959 91,786 45,042 4,804 4,836 38,423 446 5,971 2,475 101,997 24 54,773 3,453 3,307 109,608 12,596 11,921 2,434 73 94 80,745,509 275,973,880 $117,509,956 9,530,926 57,051,205 $15,563, 234 3,818,244 $139,952,617 1,146.24 2,341.50 475,418 $15,515,359 1,779,281 $2,640,492, 534 $182,911,183 $2,946, 118, 103 3,962,836,957 224,390,074 4,347,495,632 39,537,450 306,262 40,530,703 $2,717,652,538 82,944,112 29,398,931 1,881,293 51,368 23,279,470 3,035,145 140,590,319 Eastern district 17,365 756 535 14,869 915 1,341 35,781 16,043 697 941 17,902 24 1,658 1,054 38,319 26,974 1,762 1,710 36,543 4,510 4,589 2,106 57 83 22,870,813 104,319,012 $44,620,830 2,165,115 16,228, 971 $4,638,174 1,674,394 $57,997,767 244.86 601.63 129,038 $4,195,128 773,393 $1,208, 603,469 $87,170,962 $1,354,783,899 1,706,484, 541 105,029,321 1,889, 210, 146 19,451,639 162,061 19,994,207 $1,254,038, 462 35,294,059 12,793,580 363,211 16,961 11,811,909 1,438,747 61,718,467 Southern district 8,389 1,463 281 11,151 13 2,584 23,882 7,654 1,603 342 9,397 86 216 19,298 Does not include data for. 450 linear feet of steel ties. Does not include data for 1,468 linear feet of steel ties. 8,657 738 337 19,847 2,357 1,453 121 NO 17,870,373 65,677,595 ❤23,821,312 3,064,422 16,798,957 $4,664, 861 848,316 $32,317,168 386.30 649.56 146,792 $4,794, 285 359,054 $486,925,174 $36,221,673 $541,563,338 797,485,363 46,387,567 867,909,805 6,456,399 43,328 6,578,979 $495,625,026 18,029,029 5,654,841 352,713 10,981 4,139,862 616,255 28,803,681 Western district 17, 1477 264 2,056 7,984 136 1,172 2,034 32,123 21,345 2,504 3.553 11.124 422 4,227 1,205 44,380 19,142 953 1,260 53,218 5,729 5,879 207 ོནཱ 40,004,323 105,977,273 $49,067,814 4,301,389 24,023,277 $6,260,199 1,295,534 $49,637,682 515.08 1,090.31 199,588 $6,525,946 646,834 • $944,963,891 $59,518,548 $1,049,770,866 1,458,867,053 72,973,186 1,590,375,681 13,629,412 100,873 13,957,517 $967,989,050 29,621,024 10,950,510 1,165,369 23,426 7,327,699 980,143 50,068,171 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS { SUMMARY NO. 1–RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) REVENUE FREIGHT TONNAGE BY GROUFS OF COMMODITIES Products of agriculture: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Animals and products: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Products of mines: Revenue Freight Originated Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Products of forests: Number of carloade Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Ada Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car .. ... Animals and products: ……….. Products of mines: Products of agriculture: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Merchandise All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Products of forests: • Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) ... Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Total Revenue Freight Carried Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage ... Item Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage ... • .. • ... Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage • Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage • · .. ·· • • .. Merchandise - All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage • Grand total, cerload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage ·· Total, all1 districts 4,751,043 111,787,387 23.53 2,196,677 26,243,489 11.95 14,932,082 757,703,138 50.74 3,708,252 104,850,837 28.28 11,344, 714 296,066, 483 26.10 36,932,768 1,296,651,334 35.11 39,490,989 1,336,142,323 10,430,034 223,923,885 9.08 3,800,797 47,022,643 1.91 26,535,730 1,341,577,242 54.42 7,548,525 204,790, 308 8.30 23,239,500 579,829,682 23.52 71,554,586 2,397,143, 760 97.23 68,224,846 2.77 2,465,368,606 100.00 Eastern district 1,061,013 23,950,129 22.57 445,422 5,777,115 12.97 6,614,323 336,899,877 50.93 456,081 11,496,799 25.21 6,914,488 183,282,163 26.51 15,491,327 561,406,083 36.24 18,794,144 580, 200, 227 3,479,179 73,473,788 5.61 1,386,801 18,082,846 1.38 15,165,873 782,627,744 59.78 2,110,401 53,455, 576 4.08 13,797,250 346,585,535 26.47 35,939,504 1,274,225,489 97.32 35,016,132 2.68 1,309, 241, 621 100.00 Southern district 921,463 15,156,955 16.45 165,505 1,935,968 11.70 4,083,563 215,579,085 52.79 1,267,834 32,752,130 25.83 1,471,005 36,693,482 24.94 7,909,370 302,117,620 38.20 8,460,826 310,578,446 2,114,651 34,950, 828 7.58 341,898 4,337,303 94 5,269,066 272,596, 789 59.10 2,171,461 56,026,771 12.15 3,252,999 78,861,271 17.09 13,150,075 446,772,962 96.86 14,490,428 3.14 461,263,390 100.00 Western district 2,768,567 72,680,303 26.25 1,585,750 18,530, 406 11.69 4,234,196 205,224,176 48.47 1,984,337 60,601,908 30.54 2,959,221 76,090,838 25.71 13,532,071 433,127,631 32.01 12,236,019 445,363,650 4,836,204 115,499,269 16.62 2,072,098 24,602,494 3.54 6,100,791 286,352,709 41.21 3,266,663 95,307,961 13.72 6,189,251 154,382,876 22.22 22,465,007 676,145,309 97.31 18,718, 286 2.69 694,863,595 100.00 13 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 14 No. 1 Average mileage of road operated ~M+io 2 | Freight--ordinary Freight--light Passenger Mixed Special NO 8 Work service SUMMARY NO. 1–RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) 9 Total freight train 10 Total passenger train 11 Total mixed train ~~~~ ~ ~~MMMMM to STATISTICS OF RAIL-LINE OPERATIONS 12 Total special 13 Train switching 14 Yard switching--freight 15 Yard switching--passenger 26 Total transportation service 27 16 Total transportation service 17 Work service • 36 18 Freight train--loaded 19 Freight train-empty 20 Freight train-caboose 21 Freight train--exclusive work equipment 22 Total freight train บางก 23 Passenger train--passenger 24 Passenger train--sleeping, parlor, and observation Passenger train--dining Passenger train--other 28 Mixed train-freight-loaded 29 Mixed train--freight--empty 30 Mixed train--caboose 37 Total special train 38 39 Work service ·· Total passenger train LOLO Locomotive-Miles ·· • • 40 Tons--revenue freight 41 42 Train-Miles Mixed train-sleeping, parlor, and observation 34 Mixed train-dining 35 Mixed train--other passenger train Total mixed train Mixed train-exclusive work equipment Mixed train-passenger .. 43 44 Passengers carried--revenue 45 Car-Miles Total transportation service Item Tons--nonrevenue freight Ton-miles--revenue freight Ton-miles--nonrevenue freight .. Miscellaneous Passenger-miles--revenue • 46 Ton-miles--revenue freight--per mile of road 47 Ton-miles--revenue freight--per train-mile 48 Ton-miles--revenue and nonrevenue freight--per loaded car-mile • 49 Passenger-miles--revenue--per train-mile Passenger-miles--revenue--per car-mile 50 51 Miles hauled--revenue freight 52 Miles carried--revenue passengers • Revenue per ton of freight Revenue per ton-mile of freight Revenue per passenger Revenue per passenger-mile Total, all districts 236,631.40 603% 603,513,070 7.467,046 573,626,649 26,440,325 570,345 1.211,617,435 37,241,627 691,623,951 570,055,081 27,039,497 650,286 60,495,789 315,491,063 24,166,138 1,689,521,805 47,125,596 17,640,883,455 10,077,357,075 619,475,243 40,867,935 28,378,583,708 1,282,720,517 1,170,363,403 152,510,369 1,231,193,553 3,836,787,842 137,671,840 75,061,557 2,730,666 1,275,326 31,439,101 745,897 10,296 14,344,565 263,279,248 9,802,192 32,488,452,990 177,589,667 2,465,368,606 277,249,248 443,746,487,348 42,518,942,792 862,361,333 35,477,524,581 1,875,265 701.46 27.35 61.33 14.28 179.99 41.13 $1.94595 $0.01081 $1.20773 $0.02936 Eastern district 58,987.31 235,712,498 4,110,003 238,328,792 5,386,532 219,727 483,757,552 16,544,776 285,032,946 237,725,511 5,474,425 241,855 31,111,878 163,255,897 13,385,023 736,227,535 22,057,913 7,185,666,923 4,079,957,254 242,931,492 5,237,251 11,513,792,920 603,667,315 447,738,361 51,021,024 531,665,321 1,634,092,021 22,302,029 11,074,713 761,204 112,254 6,255,783 37,089 9,074 5,650,092 46,202,238 3,670,029 13,197,757,208 50,180,847 1,309,241,621 113,863,864 193,717,411,254 14,080,578,941 608,364,585 18,761,992,561 3,284,052 794.54 28.83 78.26 17.74 147.96 30.84 $1.61928 $0.01094 $0.86015 $0.02789 Southern district 44,449.99 134,324,660 1,591,609 103,399,134 4,537,205 123,210 243,975,818 8,486,333 146,338,123 104,614,166 4,623,966 129,416 10,000,121 53,728,113 3,499,088 322,932,993 10,084,111 3,540,988,256 2,203,299,563 137,356,145 7,964,069 5,889,608,033 224,034,344 213,459,729 27,474,489 202,411,455 667,380,017 20,385,416 10,435,781 338,645 139,441 6,725,710 72,223 2,137,993 40,235,209 1,829,519 6,599,052,778 38,577,379 461,263,390 60,210,662 101,426,273,438 9,266,367,931 88,671,570 5,186,528,341 2,281,806 727.37 31.08 49.67 11.67 219.89 58.49 $1.98144 $0.00901 $1.95954 $0.03350 Western district 133,194.10 233,475,912 1,765,434 231,898,723 16,516,588 227,408 483,884,065 12,210,518 260,252,882 227,715,404 16,941,106 279,015 19,383,790 98,507,053 7,282,027 630,361,277 14,983,572 6,914,228,276 3,794,100,258 239,187,606 27,666,615 10,975,182,755 455,018,858 509,165,313 74,014,856 497,116,777 1,535,315,804 94,984,395 53,551,063 1,630,817 1,023,631 18,457,608 636,585 1,222 6,556,480 176,841,801 4,302,644 12,691,643,004 88,831,441 694,863,595 103,174,722 148,602,802,656 19,171,995,920 165,325,178 11,529,003,679 1,115,686 595.97 23.94 49.20 11.73 213.86 69.74 $2.53790 $0.01187 $2.08353 $0.02988 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 antino 780 10 11 12 4. 2 Investment in road and equipment Improvements on leased railway property 3 8 Other investments 9 4 Sinking funds ..... Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies Cash Demand loans and deposits Time drafts and deposits Special deposits 13 14 Loans and bills receivable 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 15 16 | Material and supplies 17 Other current assets 18 19 Deferred assets SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 (Does not include lessor companies) www Total number of stockholders #50 20 Discount on capital stock Discount on funded debt 21 22 Other unadjusted debits Total investments 49 8 50 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investments 30 Funded debt unmatured Receiver's certificates 51 Miscellaneous accounts receivable Total current assets Nitin • • ... 37 38 Deferred liabilities Total unadjusted debita Grand total 39 Premium on funded debt 40 Operating reserves 41 Accrued depreciation 42 Other unadjusted credits 43 • Current Assets Unadjusted Debits 31 32 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies 33 Total long-term debt Capital stock Stock liability for conversion Premium on capital stock Total stock Grants in aid of construction 34 Loans and bills payable Miscellaneous accounts payable Other current liabilities Item • • • • Total current liabilities Profit and loss--balance Long-Term Debt Current Liabilities Total unadjusted credits Stook Corporate Surplus 44 Additions to property through income and surplus 45 Funded debt retired through income and surplus 46 Sinking fund reserves 47 Miscellaneous fund reserves 48 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested • Total corporate surplus • Total appropriated surplus Unadjusted Credits •• ·· • INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT 52 | Expenditures for new lines and extensions Expenditures for additions and betterments Credits for property retired 55 Adjustments 56 Net charges during year 57 Stocks actually issued during year--par value ·· 58 Funded debt actually issued during year--par value Total, all districts 377 $146,241,752 11,868,560 1,640 57,954 3,909, 148 16,332,613 5,659,539 184,071,206 7,946,645 174,000 4,856,990 1,707,323 8,820 331,572 5,417,345 4,013,624 29,456,319 4,777,054 3,087,800 1,510,888 2,972,396 7,571,084 225,875,663 34,734,400 34,734,400 95,466,000 12,479,030 107,945,030 ··· 1,313,676 10,872,097 12,185,773 694,449 4,587 12,188,289 11,390,489 23,583,365 8,979,132 2,105,000 566,640 ... 989,738 12,640,510 34,092,136 46,732,646 703,496 8,232,162 2,076,330 586,370 7,445,698 6,391,000 Eastern district 103 $100,317,820 2,814,037 57,954 1,061,212 3,244,966 3,748,366 111,244,355 3,904,698 4,725,990 2,205 820 2,636,064 3,500,016 2,605,962 17,375,755 519,730 601,493 1,784,764 2,386,257 131,526,097 27,520,000 27,520,000 53,133,700 6,184,646 59,318,346 436,620 7,793,728 8,230,348 666,338 4,587 7,327,132 4,793,260 12,124,979 6,722,756 986,004 7,688,760 15,977,326 23,666,086 703,496 4,647,191 1,141,113 425,390 4,634,964 5,000,000 Southern district ·· ::: Western district 274 $45,923,932 9,054,523 1,640 2,847,936 13,087,647 1,911,173 72,826,851 4,041,947 174,000 131,000 1,705,118 8,000 2,695,508 1,917,329 1,407,662 12,080,564 4,257,324 3,087,800 909,395 1,187,632 5,184,827 94,349,566 7,214,400 7,214,400 42,332,300 6,294,384 48,626,684 ... 877,056 3,078,369 3,955,425 28,111 4,861,157 6,597,229 11,458,386 2,256,376 2,105,000 566, 640 23,734 4,951,750 18, 114, 810 23,066,560 3,584,971 935,217 160,980 2,810,734 1,391,000 15 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 16 No. 9 10 1 Railway operating revenues 2 | Railway operating expenses Net revenue from railway operations Railway tax accruals 5 Uncollectible railway revenues 6 Railway operating income 11 7 Revenues from miscellaneous operations Expenses of miscellaneous operations 8 12 HAH 3456 Miscellaneous operating income Total operating income 12A Net railway operating income 13 Hire of freight cars--credit balance 14 Rent from locomotives 15 16 17 18 19 20 Rent from passenger-train care Rent from floating equipment Rent from work equipment Joint facility rent income Income from lease of road Miscellaneous rent income 21 Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property 22 Separately operated properties--profit 23 Dividend income 24 Income from funded securities 26 ~~~ A NATION 28 29 30 31 25 Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds 27 Release of premiums on funded debt 35 33 Rent for locomotives 36 43 4年 ​SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 32 Hire of freight cars--debit balance 34 Rent for passenger-train cars Rent for work equipment 37 Joint facility rents 38 Rent for leased roads 39 Miscellaneous rents ... 40 Miscellaneous tax accruals 41 42 48 * O DANN in INCOME ACCOUNT 49 50 Net revenue from miscellaneous operations Taxes on miscellaneous operating property 51 52 • 47 Miscellaneous income charges 55 Item 56 57 58 ... Amortization of discount on funded debt 45 Maintenance of investment organization 46 Income transferred to other companies Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income Total nonoperating income Gross income Rent for floating equipment ·· Separately operated properties--los8 Interest on funded debt Interest on unfunded deb: 59 Delayed income credits 60 Unrefundable overcharges 61 Donations 62 Miscellaneous credits • Total deductions from gross income Net income Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income Credit balance transferred from income Profit on road and equipment sold ·· Income appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total appropriations of income Income balance transferred to profit and loss PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT • 63 Total credits during year 64 Debit balance transferred from income 65 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds 66 Dividend appropriations of surplus • ·· 70 Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus 71 Loss on retired road and equipment 72 Delayed income debits 73 Miscellaneous debits 74 • 67 8urplus appropriated for investment in physical property 68 Stock discount extinguished through surplus 69 Debt discount extinguished through surplus .. ·· Total debits during year Net increase during year 77235 76 Balance at beginning of year 77 Balance at end of year 78 Dividends declared during year 79 Par value on which declared--common 80 Par value on which declared--preferred 81 Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent Total, all districts $68,478,617 43,813,285 19,665,332 5,299,052 16,497 14,349,783 232,688 201,664 31,024 2,525 23,499 14,378,282 17,938,593 1,420,494 376,351 33 9,805 93,014 3,917,341 511,394 534, 786 89,972 176,338 416,459 192,899 1,050 19,545 7,759,481 22,137,763 945,238 308,417 11 5 8,572 965,985 5,673,034 1,262,418 60,674 4,259,850 11,104 45,591 515,216 17,222 14,073,337 8,064,426 127,385 454,796 406,979 9,576 998, 736 7,065,690 7,066,796 84,939 24,700 58,164 915,647 8,150,246 1,106 1,257,667 300,260 d 91,362 d 1,003 255,505 *46,197 1,768,370 6,381,876 27,710,260 34,092,136 1,712,463 15,746,600 10.88 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $44,223,988 32,900,449 11,323,539 2,885,249 6,223 8,432,067 232,688 201,664 31,024 2,525 28,499 8,460,566 9,276,669 849,682 222,232 9,805 54,128 1,318,536 474,689 183,307 24,963 103,365 242,229 6,465 1,050 17,055 3,507,506 11,968,072 817,464 180,810 11 8,572 602,924 2,568,989 188,995 19,961 2,417,073 7,904 14,232 ·· 515,216 2,307 7,344,458 4,623,614 6,465 247, 200 69,743 9,576 332,984 4,290,630 4,291,736 83,767 19,022 54,348 325,341 4,774,214 1,106 1,200,000 56,087 ... d 46,003 81,853 28,351 1,321,394 3,452,820 12,524,506 15,977,326 1,447,200 11,620,000 i2.45 Southern district ::: ::: ::: Western district $24,254,629 15,912,833 8,341,793 2,413,803 10,274 5,917,716 ::: 5,917,716 8,661,924 570,812 154,119 33 38,886 2,598,805 36,705 351,479 65,009 72,973 174,230 186,434 2,490 4,251,975 10,169,691 127,774 127,607 5 363,061 3,104,045 1,073,423 40,713 1,842,777 3,200 31,359 *14,915 6,728,879 3,440,812 120,920 207,596 337,236 665,752 2,775,060 2,775,060 1,172 5,678 3,816 590,306 3,376,032 57,667 244,173 d 91,362 45,000 173,652 17,846 446,976 2,929,056 15,185,754 18,114,810 265,263 4,126,600 **6.43 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 |Freight 2 Passenger 7 Express 9 10 17 18 19 20 Excess baggage Sleeping car Parlor and chair car Mail .. ❤ Switching 11 Special service train 12 Other freight-train 13 Water transfers--freight .... 14 Water transfers--passenger ·· • 15 Water transfers--vehicles and live stock 16 Water transfers--other Total rail-line transportation revenue Other passenger-train Milk 23 Express 24 Special service 25 Other 26 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Freight Passenger Excess baggage 21 Other passenger service 22 Mail. ·· 27 Dining and buffet 28 Hotel and restaurant 29 30 Parcel room 31 32 33 Demurrage Storage--freight Storage--baggage 79 80 · 81 82 OR OR OFF Total water-line transportation revenue .. 41 Joint facility--Cr 42 Joint facility--Dr 43 44 83 · ... Station, train, and boat privileges Telegraph and telephone Grain elevator • · 36 Stockyard 37 Power • ... 38 Rents of buildings and other property 39 Miscellaneous 40 Total incidental operating revenue Ties-yard 67 Ties--other 68 ... 70 Rails--yard 71 Rails--other • RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES ·· 45 Superintendence ·· 46 Roadway maintenance--yard 47 Roadway maintenance--other 48 Roadway--depreciation--yard 49 Roadway--depreciation--other · · Ballast--yard Ballast--other Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues · • Ties--depreciation--yard 69 Ties--depreciation--other 50 Underground power tubes-yard 51 Underground power tubes--other 52 Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard Underground power tubes--depreciation--other Tunnels and subways--yard Tunnels and subways--other 56 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard 57 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures 72 73 74 Other track material--yard 75 Other track material--other 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other 62 Elevated structures--yard 63 Elevated structures-other Item • Elevated structures--depreciation--yard 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other 66 Rails--depreciation--yard Rails--depreciation--other • • • O ·· Right-of-way fences--yard 85 Right-of-way fences--other • ·· 76 Other track material--depreciation-yard 77 Other track material--depreciation--other 78 • [ Ballast--depreciation-yard Ballast--depreciation--other Track laying and surfacing--yard Track laying and surfacing--other • • • ·· Total, all districts $1,723,563 31,157 122 82 ´i,774 62,785,627 52,360 3,954 64,598,639 57,251 187,461 90,961 46,200 20,457 872,432 3232323235 335,779 123,657 4,649 267,547 2,282,040 4,288,434 288 408,744 a 408,456 68,478,617. 504,821 752,388 8,202 1,656 7,781 *22,699 377,832 5,751 286,839 32,341 35,250 1,057,583 18,004 1,009 652,167 567 2,570 1,019,400 1,755 585 ii3,498 35 47 2,264,783 16,568 3,311 34 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $1,438,680 41,265,607 50,000 1,020 42,755,307 ... 57,251 7,141 15,429 43,898 3,009 648,315 123,657 4,649 76,796 491,284 1,471,429 d 288 3,036 2,748 44,223,988 313,084 395,154 **i.656 3,763 ••• 221,502 649,023 **1,009 371,701 **2,570 585,555 585 *93,737 47 1,474,715 **i,264 Southern district Western district $284,883 31,157 122 1,774 82 21,520,020 2,360 2,934 21,843,332 180,320 75,532 2,302 17,448 224,117 335,779 ... 190,751 1,790,756 2,817,005 405,708 d 405,708 24,254,629 191,737 357,234 8, 202 **4,018 *22,699 156,330 5.751 286,839 32,341 35,250 408,560 18,004 280,466 567 433,845 433, 1,755 19,761 35 not 790,068 16,568 2,047 34 17 • STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 18 No. SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 --Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 09— OWSI FAN NH RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded 1 |Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard 2 |Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--other Crossings and signs--yard 8 Crossings and signs--other 9 Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard 10 Crossings and signs--depreciation--other 11 Station and office buildings 12 Station and office buildings--depreciation 13 Roadway buildings .. 14 Roadway buildings--depreciation 15 Water stations 16 Water stations--depreciation • Item 17 Fuel stations 18 Fuel stations--depreciation ... 19 Shops and enginehouses 20Shops and enginehouses--depreciation 21 Grain elevators ... 22 Grain elevators--depreciation 23 Storage warehouses 24 8torage warehouses--depreciation 25 Wharves and dooks 26 Wharves and docks--depreciation • 27 Coal and ore wharves 28 29 30 31 Telegraph and telephone lines 32 Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation 33 Signals and interlockers 34 8ignals and interlockers--depreciation Coal and ore wharves--depreciation .. Gas producing plants Gas producing plants--depreciation Stationery and printing · 35 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines 36 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation 37 Power plant buildings 38 Power plant buildings--depreciation 39 Power substation buildings .. 40 41 Power substation buildings--depreciation Power transmission systems ··· 57 Assessments for public improvements 58 Injuries to persons 42 Power transmission systems--depreciation 43 Power distribution systems ... 44 Power distribution systems--depreciation 45 Power line poles and fixtures 46 Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation 67 Superintendence 68 Shop machinery 69 Shop machinery--depreciation 70 Power plant machinery • 47 Underground conduits 48 Underground conduits--depreciation 49 Miscellaneous structures Miscellaneous structures--depreciation 51 Paving 50 52 Paving--depreciation Roadway machines Roadway machines--depreciation Small tools and supplies Removing snow, ice, and sand • 59 Insurance 60 61 Other expenses 62 Total, above accounts 63 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 64 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr. 65 Equalization--way and structures 66 Total maintenance of, way and structures ·· 71 Power plant machinery--depreciation 72 Power substation apparatus • • Maintenance of Equipment 75 Steam locomotives--depreciation 76 Steam locomotives--retirements 73 Power substation apparatus--depreciation 74 Steam locomotives--repairs • 77 Other locomotives--repairs 78 Other locomotives--depreciation 79 Other locomotives--retirements 80 Freight-train cars--repairs 81 Freight-train cars--depreciation .... .. • • .. • • ·· • KAN Total, all districts $188 182,357 2,141 18,553 317,463 113,244 44.606 3,699 76,024 4,881 77,018 8,599 256,263 39,439 12,948 31,579 14,705 23,175 170,936 61,261 33,512 16,583 *68,972 368,853 15,072 16,159 5.513 367 169 5,927 23,863 2,506 4,557 391 13,031 11,531 20,174 969 115,532 161,621 912 66,671 74,714 13,674 4.684 9,692,512 779,959 1,942,988 8,529,483 452,231 193,704 30,844 73,986 22,820 640 295 4,679,343 697,899 35,470 1,455 2,343,990 458,040 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $188 102,919 497 135,875 8,320 26,594 d 54,511 1;105 29,744 171 138,918 5,670 2,644 3,320 20,366 8,366 33,512 16,583 *61,124 158,883 31 **4,671 **i,867 **3,536 1,188 **3,488 308 14,319 60,552 114,261 832 27,565 28,795 8,556 416 5,195,060 742,247 1,084,447 4,852,860 323,568 122,888 6,436 14,292 640 3,377,693 +53,894 4,894 1,455 1,873,928 382,157 Southern district Western district $79,438 2,141 18,056 181,588 104,924 18,012 3,699 21,513 3,776 47,274 8,428 117,345 33,759 12,948 31,579 12,061 19,855 150,570 52,895 7,848 209,970 15,041 11,488 5,513 367 169 4,060 *20,327 1,318 1,069 391 12,723 11,531 5,855 969 54,980 47,360 80 39,106 45,919 5,118 ,268 4,497,452 37.712 $58,541 3,676,623 128,663 70,816 24,408 59,694 22,820 295 1,301,650 244,005 40,564 470,062 75,883 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Freight-train cars--retirements 2 Passenger-train cars--repairs 3 Passenger-train cars--depreciation 4 Passenger-train cars--retirements SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 9 Floating equipment--depreciation 10 Floating equipment--retirements 11 Work equipment--repairs 12 Motor equipment of cars--repairs Motor equipment of cars--depreciation 7 Motor equipment of care-retirements 8 Floating equipment--repairs 21 Work equipment--depreciation 13 Work equipment--retirements 14 Miscellaneous equipment--repairs 19 20 Other expenses RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded Total ·· 35 15 Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation 16 Miscellaneous equipment--retirements 17 Injuries to persons 18 Insurance Stationery and printing 22 Maintaining joint equipment--Dr. 23 Maintaining joint equipment--Cr. 24 Equalization-equipment 25 26 Superintendence 27 Outside agencies 28 Advertising .. Traffic associations Fast freight lines ·· 56 57 58 ·· Total maintenance of equipment Traffic 29 30 31 Industrial and immigration bureaus 32 33 Insurance Stationery and printing Other expenses ···· Total traffic •• 41 Station supplies and expenses 42 ► ·· Yardmasters and yard clerks 43 Yard conductors and brakemen 44 Item Train enginemen Train motormen .. ………. Yard switch and signal tenders 45 Yard enginemen 46 Yard motormen 36 Superintendence 37 Dispatching trains 38 Station employees 39 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus 40 Coal and ore wharves 47 Fuel for yard locomotives 48 Yard switching power produced 49 Yard switching power purchased 50 Water for yard locomotives .. 53 Enginehouse expenses--yard 54 Yard supplies and expenses · Transportation-Rail Line ……… ·· 51 Lubricants for yard locomotives 52 Other supplies for yard locomotives ·· ... 73 Stationery and printing 74 Other expenses Lubricants for train locomotives 1 • Operating sleeping cars Signal and interlocker operation Crossing protection • ·· Fuel for train locomotives Train power produced 59 Train power purchased 60 Water for train locomotives 61 62 Other supplies for train locomotives 63 Enginehouse expenses--train 64 Trainmen 65 Train supplies and expenses 66 67 68 69 Drawbridge operation 70 Telegraph and telephone operation 71 Operating floating equipment 72 Express service.... .. • • • • · • • • 75 Insurance 76 Clearing wrecks 77 Damage to property .. 78 Damage to live stock on right of way 79 Loss and damage--freight 30 Loss and damage—baggage • · • • • Total, all districts $350,103 14,772 1,500 65 67,536 36,611 9,721 167,126 53,661 5,152 11,899 6,670 2,366 57,662 71,456 27,312 1,323 9,875,522 101,625 368,131 9,609,016 102,842 47,478 16,795 7333 2,997 109 20,412 50 198,016 1,191,092 246, 208 4,829,571 27,183 52,031 425,488 2,361, 755 7,816,167 733,752 5,570,361 4,459 5,292,064 535 340.164 94,004 114,021 1,277,948 325,537 21,468 *26,939 6,318 619 421 95,984 27,604 46,681 316,161 350,491 20,679 64,066 179,415 ... 242,073 231,865 72,453 123,580 60,560 650 310, 721 666 Eastern district $352,330 1,504 261 65 d 67,536 36,611 9,721 117,458 31,741 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. 3,855 3,658 3,094 1,087 36,743 58,152 18,850 526 7,295,119 101,587 156,683 7,240,023 67,151 36,035 6,145 3,679 **2,837 109 16,774 ·· 132,730 782,124 121,835 1,905,664 26,697 52,031 207,485 1,449,225 5,160, 287 373,624 3,757,518 3,757, 4,459 3,859,922 535 237,690 65,144 79,906 937,395 209,925 **6,554 **4,346 87,065 *41, 211 206,234 231,026 16,740 40,514 179,415 ... 125,137 205,475 50,561 65,285 33,220 650 217,053 Bouthern district Western district d $2,227 1,239 49,668 21,920 1,297 8, 241 3,576 1,279 20,919 13,304 8,462 797 2,580,403 211,448 38 2,368,993 ———————— 35,691 11,443 10,650 3,654 160 **3,638 50 65,286 408,968 124,373 2,923,907 486 218,003 912,530 2,655, 880 360,128 1,812, 843 1,432,142 102,474 28,860 34,115 340,553 115,612 21,468 *20,385 1,972 619 421 8,919 27,604 5,470 109,927 119,465 3.939 23,552 ii6,936 26,390 21,892 58,295 27,340 *93,668 666 19 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 20 No. 1234LOV 10 လလလလလလ 1 Injuries to persons 789 13 14 Operating joint yards and terminals--Dr. Operating joint yards and terminals--Cr. Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr. 5 Operating joint tracks and facilities-Cr. 6 Total transportation--rail line 22 23 24 25 26 MMM 11 Dining and buffet service.. 12 Hotels and restaurants Grain elevators Stockyards.. · 15 Producing power sold. • 16 Other miscellaneous operations 17 36 678 37 27 Other expenses 38 18 Salaries and expenses of general officers 19 Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants 20 General office supplies and expenses 21 Law expenses... 39 5555 SUMMARY NO. 2—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 56 57 BOO • 40 Miles of road 41 60 61 Operation of vessels Operation of terminals Incidental NATION O 63 66 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Concluded Transportation--Rail Line--Concluded 67 Total transportation--water line 68 69 28 General joint facilities--Dr. 29 General joint facilities--Cr. 30 Total general expenses 31 Transportation for investment--Cr. 32 Total railway operating expenses 33 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) Separation Between Services Transportation--Water Line 34 Related solely to freight service. 35 Related solely to passenger and allied services Related in common to both freight and passenger and allied services: Apportioned to freight service Apportioned to passenger and allied services • Total miscellaneous operations Insurance ... Relief department expenses Pensions Stationery and printing Valuation expenses Miles of second main track 42 Miles of third main track 43 [ 47 Miles of road 48 Miles of second main track 49 Miles of third main track 50 Miles of fourth main track 51 52 53 ·· Miscellaneous Operations Miles of fourth main track 44 Miles of all other main tracks 45 Miles of yard track and sidings 46 Total, all tracks ·· Steam locomotives: • Item ··· • ·· • • Not related to either freight service or to passenger and allied services.. Total • Miles of all other main tracks Miles of yard track and sidings Total, all tracks • MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1926 • General • • Number at close of year. Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year. Number retired during year Electric locomotives: Number at close of year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1926 Number at close of year Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year Number retired during year ... ·· .. EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE ·· • • • •• ·· Freight-carrying Cars • · Total, all districts $568,432 468,315 5,147,306 206,509 370,378 28,627,326 48,382 167,020 6,841 66,649 288,892 385,377 734,947 99,953 184,856 1,400 6,059 98,175 58,923 136,928 102,238 9,111 216,820 1,601,147 40,595 48,813,285 71.28 $47,484,931 146,439 1,085,077 66,177 30,661 48,813,285 431.58 267.06 2.22 1.01 1,981.80 2,683.67 212.37 122.54 2.22 1.01 846.47 1,184.61 876 23 35,928,000 23 32 32 2,848 101 8 6,922 5 127 10,011 Eastern district $429,615 442,161 1,810,130 195,315 354,320 19,644,593 *48,382 6,841 23,820 79,043 196,846 515.579 63.763 94,331 818 6,059 39,040 34,780 92,377 33,627 5.393 94,426 988,187 36,987 32,900,449 74.40 $32,487,234 54,390 328,164 30,661 32,900,449 317.06 207.59 2.22 1.01 1,326.95 1,854.83 181.38 109.33 2.22 1.01 *625.73 919.67 574 24,303,900 17 11 1,353 87 **6,607 5 127 8,179 Southern district :::: ·· Western district $138,817 26,154 3,337,176 11,194 16,058 8,982,733 167,020 42,829 209,849 188,531 219,368 36,190 90,525 582 59,135 24,143 44,551 68,611 3,718 122,394 612,960 3,608 15,912,836 65.61 $14,997,697 92,049 756,913 66,177 15,912,836 114.52 59.47 654.85 828.84 30.99 13.21 ... 220.74 264.94 302 11,624,100 6 21 1,495 g 315 1,832 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS ¿ No. Panama Lo pl pt pl 1234567 10 80 11 12 13 14 15 g 16 9 17 ~~~ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 لالالا 25 26 لالالا 57 44. 35 450 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 I NDO OMN 47 48 49 27 Number retired during year 50 51 28 Number at close of year 29 Number installed during year 30 Number retired during year M 5555 57 58 Floating Equipment 31 Number of units at close of year 32 Number of units installed during year 33 Number of units retired during year TIES LAID DURING YEAR ☺ goomu SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) 60 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars Flat cars Stock car8 Coal cars Tank cars 61 62 63 ·· Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total Number installed during year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank carB • Total ·· Refrigerator cars • Other freight-carrying cars Total Number retired during year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank carS 46 Average number • • ·· Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Number at close of year Number installed during year All Classes of Passenger-train Cars Item Total .. Service days: All Classes of Company Service Equipment In replacement and bettermenta: Number of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges ... In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Numbe. of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges ......... In replacement and betterments: Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges RAILS LAID DURING YEAR In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Kiles of main tracks Miles of yard track and sidings Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges Compensation: Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total Service hours: • Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for .. EMPLOYEES • In special service In yard-switching service In work service Grand total, all services Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY LOCOMOTIVES ¿ Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service In passenger service In mixed-train service •• ·· Total, all districts 110,805 3,640 240 361,236 150 **6,350 482,421 1,000 40 231 1,271 5 659 1 685 31 4 1 507 51 28 14 3 521,107 4,188,958 $1,131,469 1/ 146,049 1/ 1,367,873 1/ $322,541 34,685 $1,369,522 .09 55.27 8,499 $265,730 23,361 $38,369,690 $2,512,769 $41,544,091 53,040,667 2,906,807 56,717,595 593,567 9,294 613,850 $34,540,341 4,649 4,768 Eastern district 51,135 3,200 348,436 150 **6,350 409,271 1,000 40 220 387 1,601,171 25,450 1,636,425 1/ Does not include data for 595 linear feet of steel ties. 1,260 9: 4 14 603 621 +Fa 1 307 17 16 14 3 322,586 2,261,215 $717,382 117,792 950,237 1/ $258,300 21,811 $816,044 .09 45.49 6,667 $198,791 13,351 $23,084,097 $1,823,303 $25,191,848 30,756,239 2,126,888 33,183,331 340,856 933 346,365 $23,387,789 1,138,645 9,093 1,147,738 Bouthern district :: Western district 59,670 440 240 12,800 73,150 11 11 ܚܚ 56 1 64 23 200 34 12 198,521 1,927,743 $414,087 +123237 28,257 417,636 $64, 241 12,874 $553,478 9.78 1,832 $66,939 10,010 $15,285,593 $689,466 $16,352,243 22,284,428 779,919 23,534,264 252,711 8,361 267,485 $11,152,552 4,649 4,768 387 462,526 16,357 488,687 21 ww STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 22 Kind of mileage: Steam road • Electric line Steamboat line Stage line Miscellaneous lines Total mileage State or Territory: Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado •• Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia.... Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana ·· Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada .. Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi · · I. II. III. • New Hampshire New Jersey ……… New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon ... Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee .. Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington • O • ► • ·· • • ·· West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Alaska Hawaii Canada Mexico Mileage not assignable 1/ SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 MILEAGE COVERED BY OPERATIONS .. ... ··· • Land Buildings Equipment: Cars. Horses Automobiles Wagons and sleighs Harness and equipment Office furniture and equipment Office safes • Item • Item Trucks.. Stable equipment Garage equipment Line equipment Shop equipment Miscellaneous equipment Total equipment Total real property and equipment Total 231,960.16 2,928.17 24,806.87 573.78 260,268.98 4,369.75 2,305.40 4,425.40 8,835.71 4,560.03 878.25 308.80 49.85 5,000.23 6,665.37 2,755.98 11,248.35 6,561.51 10,199.16 9.303.42 3,490.47 4,330.82 2,049.27 2,723.47 1,940.09 7.371.02 8,089.93 3,964.80 7,719.09 4,726.79 6,183.16 2,161.87 1,159.38 2,092.41 2,826.31 8,062.83 4,572.88 5,245.09 8,296.99 6,444.16 3,369.82 9,111.28 200.90 3,591.23 4,166.09 3,595.08 15,537.90 2,116.01 943.42 5,062.62 5.878.43 3,168.14 6,841.95 1,879.75 9,830.30 351.30 3,503.49 94.23 10,109.00 COST OF REAL PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Total $4,695,918 11,648,981 925,939 1,686,384 16,552,864 1,907,494 322,635 3,081,829 523,565 2,346,144 21,203 454,579 551,806 231,503 48,861 American Railway Express Co. 28,654,806 44,999,705 221,979.51 2,890.45 24,418.87 573.78 249,862.61 2,767.40 2,305.40 4,425.40 8,835.71 4,560.03 878.25 308.80 42.30 4,641.48 5,366.27 2,755.98 10,929.49 6,325.48 10,199.16 9.303.42 3,108.16 4,290.24 2,049.27 2,544.60 1,940.09 7,371.02 8,089.93 3,169.29 7,717.09 4,726.79 6,183.16 2,161.87 1,159.38 2,092.41 2,826.31 8,062.83 3,101.31 5,245.09 8,295.91 6,444.16 3,369.82 9,075.58 200.90 2,348.72 4,166.09 2,292.36 15,537.90 2,116.01 943.42 3.931.74 5,878.43 3,168.14 6,841.95 1,879.75 9,830.30 351.30 3,503.49 94.23 10,109.00 1/ Covers miscellaneous unassigned mileage, such as transoceanic, coastwise, river, and lake not within the boundaries of any State or Territory. American Railway Express Co. $4,684,837 11,424,159 925,939 1,664,527 15,789,871 1,851,214 317,299 2,999,843 498,376 2,277,837 21,144 453,067 537,069 231,503 48,861 Southeastern Express Co. 27,616,550 43,725,546 9,980.65 37.72 388.00 10,406.37 1,602.35 7.55 358.75 1,299.10 318.86 236.03 382.31 40.58 178.87 • • 795.51 2.00 1,47i.57 i.08 35.70 1,242.51 1,302.72 1,130.88 Southeastern Express Co. $11,081 224,822 21,857 762,993 56,280 5,336 81,986 25,189 68,307 59 1,512 14,737 1,038, 256 1,274,159 مد INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION BUREAU OF STATISTICS A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1925 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1926 THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION JOSEPH B. EASTMAN, Chairman BALTHASAR H. MEYER HENRY C. HALL CLYDE B. AITCHISON JOHN J. ESCH JOHNSTON B. CAMPBELL ERNEST I. LEWIS FREDERICK I. COX FRANK McMANAMY THOMAS F. WOODLOCK RICHARD V. TAYLOR GEORGE B. McGINTY, Secretary ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 15 CENTS PER COPY ▼ Gift Interstate 6/9/30 Comme D C. C ** CONTENTS. Introductory statement. Summary No. 1--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I steam railways (not including switching and terminal companies) for the year ended December 31, 1925 Summary No. 2--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I switching and terminal companies for the year ended December 31, 1925.. Summary No. 3--Abstract of reports rendered by express compa- nies for the year ended December 31, 1925.. Summary No. 4--Abstract of report rendered by The Pullman Com- pany for the year ended December 31, 1925... Page 4 5 15 22 27 3 ? 2 -1 L i- A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 This preliminary abstract for the calendar year 1925 is compiled from the annual reports of the classes of carriers designated. It differs from the Preliminary Statement of Capitalization and Income for the same year in that the latter is confined to a small number of items compiled for individual carriers, and in summary form, from a special report returned by them in advance of their annual report. The present abstract contains summaries by districts and is intended primarily to make available as promptly as possible certain totals not obtainable from the monthly or special reports of carriers. The totals are subject to change after corrections in the annual re- ports have been authorized. The final totals will appear in the Sta- tistics of Railways for 1925. It may be noted that only steam rail- ways, express companies, and The Pullman Company are covered in this abstract. Separate mimeographed statements are issued annually for pipe line companies, telegraph and cable companies, carriers by water, telephone companies, and electric railways. Because a separate annual publication of freight commodity statistics for the year 1925 has been issued in full detail for the 70 classes of commodities, only group totals concerning commodities carried are shown in this preliminary abstract. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT. It should be especially observed that the balance sheet items relate to operating companies only and do not cover the balance sheets of lessor companies the property of which is operated by Class I steam railways, that is, railways having annual operating revenues above $1,000,000. The following table shows the investment in road and equip- ment of the operating and lessor companies at the end of the year 1925: Investment in Road and Equipment of Steam Railways, as of December 31, 1925 (Accounts 701 and 702) Class I.. Lessors to Class I Total.. Class II. Lessors to Class II Total.. Class III Lessors to Class III Total.... Grand total.. WASHINGTON, July 29, 1926. · • $18,112,791,628 3,912,487,934 22,025,279,562 563,070,883 11,878,358 574,949,241 104,097,213 4,942,822 109,040,035 22,709,268,838 4 : : : STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Total number of stockholders ~345678 2 9 Investment in road and equipment Improvements on leased railway property Sinking funds • Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold 6 Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies Other investments ...... 13 14 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 (Does not include lessor companies) 222 22 10 Cash .. 11 Demand loans and deposits 12 | Time drafts and deposits 23 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Total investments Special deposits Loans and bills receivable Miscellaneous accounts receivable 15 16 Material and supplies 17 Other current assets ....... 18 Total current assets 19 Deferred assets 24 20 Discount on capital stock 21 Discount on funded debt 22 Other unadjusted debits Item 46 47 Investments Current Assets Unadjusted Debits Total unadjusted debits Grand total 25 Capital stock 26 Stock liability for conversion Premium on capital stock 27 28 Total stook 29 | Granta in aid of « nstruction .. 30 Funded debt unmatured 31 Receiver's certificates 32 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies 33 Total long-term debt Premium on funded debt 39 40 Operating reserves Accrued depreciation Other unadjusted credits 41 42 43 Stock Long-Term Debt 34 Loans and bills payable Miscellaneous accounts payable .... Other current liabilities ....... 35 36 37 38 | Deferred liabilities ·· • Current Liabilities Total current liabilities Unadjusted Credits • Total unadjusted credits Corporate Surplug 44 Additions to property through income and surplus 45 Funded debt retired through income and surplus Sinking fund reserves • Miscellaneous fund reserves 48 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested 49 Total appropriated surplus 50 Profit and loss--balance .... 51 Total corporate surplus • INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT • 52 Expenditures for new lines and extensions 53 Expenditures for additions and betterments Credits for property retired 55 Adjustments 56 Net charges during year ...... 57 Stooks actually issued during year--par value 58 Funded debt actually issued during year--par value Total, all districts 755,252 $17,709,659,151 403,132,477 12,797,233 11,299,135 155,881,509 4,574,224,906 849,855,413 23,716,849,824 560,163,699 15,621,493 95,783.339 145,621,829 29,745,651 206,690,234 525,853,107 241,809,670 1,821,289,022 178,896,676 19,184,340 83,071,433 198,053,983 300,309,756 26,017,345,278 7,633,455,455 2,095,686 46,596,578 7,682,147,719 5,470,326 10,519,379,431 7,128,400 447,317,666 10,973,825,497 67,303,051 94,181,660 1,063,388,354 1,224,873,065 102,408,940 1,263,750 4,610,329 1,505,747,450 696,245,562 2,207,867,091 839,374,943 89,123,098 48,514,300 47,209,945 61,349,198 1,085,771,484 2,734,981,156 3,820,752,640 17,157,457 682,195,579 200,001,353 635,558 499,987,241 138,921,417 324,939,396 33235785 Eastern district 328,165 $6,267,148,663 330,817,499 1,028,828 3,881,424 70,652, 205 1,780,695,861 458,560,924 8,912,785,404 218,146,020 2,234,202 41,260,963 31,464,051 16,297,499 79,538,671 215,444,233 105,290,394 709,676,033 90,681,685 462,795 24,663,453 79,946,019 105,072,267 9,818,215,389 2,802,424,125 426,815 35,205,292 2,838,056,232 385,749 3,936,440,286 1,803,900 85,803,085 4,024,047,271 35,033,504 40,432,293 402,976,000 478,441,797 50,666,143 249,229 3,525,677 665,376,865 283,817,892 952,969,663 470,255,843 12,750,600 25,785,549 43,934,295 271,564 552,997,851 920,650,683 1,473,648,534 2,207,666 240,846,909 88,935,063 1,753,240 152,366,272 80,997,300 107,889,450 Deficit or other reverse item. Includes $156,125,539, consideration received for 1,362,400 shares of stock without par value. Southern district 81,382 $3,225,678,962 50,363,768 1,024,111 3,109,174 24,583,940 503,182,500 87,699,515 3,895,641,970 112,607,045 10,000 17,795,766 47,762,785 8,547,872 34,861,877 96,700,581 48,251,901 366,537,827 33,305,329 3,013,100 18,804,654 24,413,941 46,231,695 4,341,716,821 1,166,619,822 4,927,400 1,171,547,222 1,591,779 1,896,444,164 2,164,500 9,924,991 1,908,533,655 3,031,114 11,269,838 172,866,748 187,167,700 29,016,258 101,395 1,077,159 273,012,847 86,133,152 360,324,553 115,049,055 1,100,422 5,304,477 50,675 3,922,839 125,427,468 558,108,186 683,535,654 3,282,269 189,188,656 36,040,124 468,732 156,899,533 44,094,556 89,093,748 5 Western district 345,705 $8,216,831,526 21,951,210 10,744,294 4,308,537 60,645,364 2,290,346,545 303,594,974 10,908,422,450 229,410,634 13,377,291 36,726,610 66,394,993 4,900,280 92,289,686 213,708,293 88,267,375 745,075,162 54,909,662 15,708,445 39,603,326 93,694,023 149,005, 794 11,857,413,068 1/ 3,664,411,508 1,668,871 6,463,886 3,672,544,265 3,492,798 4,686,494,981 3,160,000 351,589,590 5,041,244,571 29,238,433 42,479,529 487,545,606 559,263,568 22,726,539 913,126 7,493 567,357,738 326,294,518 894,572,875 254,270,045 75,272,076 17,424,274 3,224,975 57,154,795 407,346,165 1,256,222,287 1,663,568,452 11,667,522 252,160,014 75,026,166 1,920,066 190, 721,436 13,829,561 127,956,198 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 145 1 Railway operating revenues 2 Railway operating expenses 60 9 10 Net revenue from railway operations Railway tax accruals ....... 5 Uncollectible railway revenue a 6 Railway operating income 8 11 12 12A 13 14 7 Revenues from miscellaneous operations Expenses of miscellaneous operations 25 26 iiniinin in 39 40 41 42 43 44 yover yo 15 Rent from passenger-train care 16 Rent from floating equipment 17 Rent from work equipment 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 46 47 6 48 49 50 SUMMARY NO. 1–KECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 51 27 28 29 30 31 32 | Hire of freight cars--debit balance 33 Rent for locomotives 34 Rent for passenger-train cars 35 Rent for floating equipment 36 Rent for work equipment 52 37 Joint facility rents 38 Rent for leased roads Miscellaneous renta Miscellaneous tax accruals 53 80 81 55 56 INCOME ACCOUNT Net revenue from miscellaneous operations Taxes on miscellaneous operating property Item Miscellaneous operating income Total operating income Net railway operating income Hire of freight cars--credit balance Rent from locomotives Joint facility rent income Income from lease of road Miscellaneous rent income ·· Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property Separately operated properties--profit Dividend income Income from funded securities ..... Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds Release of premiums on funded debt Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income .. Total nonoperating income Gross income • .. • • Separately operated properties--loss Interest on funded debt ED Interest on unfunded debt Amortization of discount on funded debt Maintenance of investment organization Income transferred to other companies Miscellaneous income charges Total deductions from gross income Net income 71 72 | Delayed income debits 73 Miscellaneous debits 74 75 Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income ·· Stock discount extinguished through surplus 69 Debt discount extinguished through surplus 70 Total debits during year Net increase during year Balance at beginning of year Balance at end of year • ·· Income appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total appropriations of income Income balance transferred to profit and loss PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 57 Credit balance transferred from income 58 59 Profit on road and equipment sold Delayed income credits ·· 60 Unrefundable overcharges 61 Donations Miscellaneous credits ..... 62 63 Total credits during year 64 Debit balance transferred from income Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funda 66 Dividend appropriations of surplus · 67 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property 68 Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus Loss on retired road and equipment • • • • • 77 78 Dividends declared during year 79 Par value on which declared--common Par value on which declared--preferred Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent • Total, all districts $6,122,509,856 4,536,880,291 1,585,629,565 358,516,046 1,924,382 1,225,189,137 3,221,103 3,062,527 158,576 156,128 2,448 1,225,191,585 1,121,080,632 22,689,570 12,181,831 15,835,617 348,590 2,817,521 43,718,595 4,773,720 20,495,551 5,917,005 3,297,962 127,545,939 65,256,963 31,627,995 4,176,255 104,924 2,348,924 2,661,371 365,798,333 1,590,989,918 100,866,898 10,800,415 17,845,835 17: 2,426,589 1,327,470 68,433,022 156,390,946 6,193,630 4,417,591 2,568,962 492,564,739 11,448,271 4,288,510 58,012 4,148,606 6,312,827 890,092,323 700,897,595 11,479,437 202,453,923 7,482,057 G C G JA 3,139,098 224,554,515 476,343,080 499,755,685 5,545,409 1,634,437 1,621,875 3,456,462 58,199,535 570,213,403 23,412,605 1,914,048 141,666,962 13,360,700 2,297,556 8,871,492 1,509,435 26,532,399 925,097 67.,474,519 281,964,813 288,248,590 2,433,958,740 Eastern district $2,754,442,552 2,084,325,325 2,722,207,330 344,120,885 4,033,318,804 1,172,290,031 92323233 6.61 Deficit or other reverse item. 670,117,227 143,332,708 898,810 525,885, 709 1,393,614 1,188,840- 204,774 75,165 129,609 526,015,318 474,906,322 10,382,186 4,721,809 5,389,617 291,888 820,528 23,778,789 2,042,136 11,914,666 3,507,986 220,891 54,420,494 17,561,348 17,854,133 3,372,754 45,186 2,318,344 2,567,541 164,210,296 690,225, 614 48,096,435 4,833,371 6,660,281 2,325,016 533,420 33,915,681 96,781,324 4,191,785 3,154,131 2,278,065 185,465,277 4,807,175 1,484,839 36,846 4,148,606 3,160,079 401,872,331 288,353, 283 7,298,405 91,250,710 6,451,984 3,020,387 108,021,486 180,331,797 183 183, 249, 203 3,615,901 1,404,869 654,085 433.395 44,183,730 233,541,183 2,917,406 130,077 37,948,236 8,929,315 5,447,230 52,652 12,305, 681 3,488,873 47,190,514 118,410,684 115,130,499 805,520,184 920,650,683 129,198,946 1,587,958,898 282,717,481 6.91 $1,106,737,711 793,329,057 Southern district 313,408,654 68,409,934 324,389 d 244,674,331 1,730,073 1,857,282 à 127,209 17,128 144,337 244,529,994 238,830,674 9,019,999 1,997,679 3,420,589 7,860 749,341 5,337,367 408,198 2,031,749 1,017,197 11,374,034 12,079,243 5,456,466 102,973 402,674 53,405,369 297,935,363 12,937,299 1,338,013 4,159,957 53,200 220,151 7,667,872 12,669,031 660,141 127,508 51,975 89,355,405 1,070,893 1,238,135 5,366 769,395 132,324,341 165,611,022 659,983 10,266, 720 880,073 118,711 11,925,487 153,685,535 154,730,029 794,265 105,051 341,287 1,178,763 1,366,818 158,516,213 1,044,494 1,719,555 54,504,782 1,404,927 2,297,556 139,491 62,375 3,893,665 2,416,135 67,482,980 91,033,233 467,074,953 558,108, 186 64,771,502 792,168,400 179,915,050 6.66 Western district $2,261,329,593 1,659,225,909 602,103,684 146,773,404 701,183 454,629,097 97,416 16,405 81,011 63,835 17,176 454,646,273 407,343,636 3.287,385 5,462,343 7,025,411 48,842 1,247,652 14,602,439 2,323,386 6,549,136 1,391,822 77,071 61,751,411 35,616,372 8,317,396 700,528 59,738 30,580 308,844 148,182,668 602,828,941 39,833,164 4,629,031 7,025,597 48,373 573.899 26,849,469 46,940,591 1,341,704 1,135,952 238,922 217,744,057 5,570,203 1,565,536 15,800 2,383,353 355,895,651 246,933,290 3,521,049 100,936,493 150,000 BAD AND QU 104,607,542 142,325,748 161,776,453 1,135,243 124,517 626,503 1,844,304 12,648,987 178,156,007 19,450,705 64,416 49,213,944 3,026,458 3,284, 4,071 1,394,408 10,333.053 a 2 563.776 11,867,870 96,071,149 82,084,858 1,161,363,603 1,243,448,461 150,150,437 1,653,191,506 709,657,500 6.35 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Freight 2 9 10 7 Express 8 Passenger MOONOMIE O NO • 26 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Excess baggage Sleeping car Parlor and chair car Mail Switching 11 Special service train 12 Other freight-train 13 Water transfers--freight 14 Fater transfers--passenger | 27 17 18 Freight 19 20 Excess baggage 21 22 23 24 Other passenger-train Milk • 15 Water transfers--vehicles and live stock 16 Water transfers--other Total rail-line transportation revenue • Passenger RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES • Other passenger service Mail Express .... Special service Other Dining and buffet 28 Hotel and restaurant Total water-line transportation revenue ·· Station, train, and boat privileges Storage--freight 3torage-baggage 29 30 Parcel room 31 32 33 Demurrage 34 Telegraph and telephone 35 Grain elevator Stockyard · ·· 36 37 Power 38 Rents of buildings and other property Miscellaneous 39 40 Total incidental operating revenue 41 Joint facility--Cr. 42 Joint facility--Dr. 43 44 Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues..... RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures 45 Superintendence 46 Roadway maintenance--yard Item 47 Roadway maintenance--other 48 Roadway--depreciation--yard Roadway--depreciation--other 50 Underground power tubes--yard ..... 51 Underground power tubes--other 52 Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard 53 Underground power tubes--depreciation--other Tunnels and subways--yard Tunnels and subway a--other ..... 56 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard 57 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other ... 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other 62 Elevated structures--yard D 63 Elevated structures--other ..... 64 Elevated structures--depreciation--yard 68 Ties-depreciation--yard 69 Ties-depreciation--other 70 | Rails--yard Rails-other 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other 66 Ties--yard 67 Ties--other 71 72 | Rails--depreciation--yard • 73 | Rails--depreciation--other 74 Other track material--yard 75 Other track material--other 76 • Other track material--depreciation--yard 77 Other track material--dépreciation--other 78 | Ballast--yard Ballast--other 79 80 | Ballast--depreciation--yard 81 | Ballast--depreciation--other 82 | Track laying and surfacing--yard Track laying and surfacing--other 83 84 | Right-of-way fences--yard 85 Right-of-way fences--other ..………. Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard 87 | Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other Total, all districts $4,541,646,040 1,056,395, 753 7,603,676 1,969,164 1,306,740 97,097,318 145,354,688 14,925,623 35,774,647 62,956,004 2,398,915 285,461 1,184,996 2,253,803 6,300,049 1,434,912 5,978,887,789 11,109,977 1,308,928 2,761 17,820 8,757 22,741 783,516 547,469 13,801,969 33,857,386 8,500,554 6,807,905 1,477,028 4,140,380 782,542 20,391,640 2,548,666 1,830,955 747,492 6,262,247 7,320,481 26,789,620 121,456,896 11,097,473 2,734,271 8,363,202 6,122,509,856 54,158,391 7,999,671 69,254,331 555 148, KEYWO 61,583 2,932,783 34 24,802 2,333,219 41,437,076 248,393 1,126,535 72,739 109,168 15,046,050 103,452,954 247,003 2,235,115 3,448,121 40,715,340 53,875 795,979 8,901,883 38,730,714 177,028 792,097 616,826 15,718,948 1,647 340,396 23,925,759 176,910,832 86,282 5,417,724 61,903 3.387 5,417, Eastern district $1,987,804,252 520,011,019 2,723,763 376,784 37,041,654 70,341,124 5,685,747 25,988,429 29,200,159 871,302 142,792 834,852 1,672,049 4,827,311 1,160,134 2,688,681,371 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. 1,373,507 790,766 1,073 4,677 8,612 19,496 25,330 144 2,223,605 14,352,803 3,062,668 4,430,884 1,062,092 2,122,621 356,086 11,062,285 575,081 1,780,300 10,316 6,039,326 4,960,990 10,211,210 60,026,662 4,465,094 954,180 3,510,914 2,754,442,552 21,475,746 3,780,144 25,277,190 40,570 111 58,016 921,343 1,690 928,815 14,600,375 22,497 525,341 64,758 99,718 I 7,601,684 39,528,586 53 3.527 1,976,791 17,156,350 188 7.779 4,738,160 17,768,996 35 4,423 314,354 6,265,869 69 3,266 12,100,685 69,804,721 25,404 1,657,035 657 1,462 11 Southern district $851,637,550 180,735,461 1,330,833 40,071 190,701 16,445,368 22,516,967 1,942,080 1,567,612 8,454,737 547,310 23,005 51,105 78,107 20,440 220,855 1,086,102,202 6,577,438 589,806 764,295 133,294 952,311 84,144 3,419,526 89,598 14,905 5.336 114,083 760,877 5,697,638 19,203,251 1,876,782 444,524 1,432,258 1,106,737,711 9,851,745 1,164,347 14,838,651 59,172 2.773 1,136,666 11,372 711,469 9,222,788 213,541 487,356 2,453,027 19,995,043 243,022 2,216,519 496,349 9,806,624 53,818 770,442 1,161,322 6,154,410 173,958 780,424 69.776 4,394,068 1,276 334,405 3,349,612 34,112,546 8,839 681,114 59,771 Western district 7 $1,702,204,238 355,649,273 3,549,080 1,929,093 739,255 43,610,296 52,196,597 7,297,796 8,218,606 25,301,108 980,303 119,664 299,039 503,647 1,452,298 53,923 2,204,104,216 9,736,470 518,162 1,688 13,143 145 3,245 758,186 547,325 11,578,364 12,927,145 4,848,080 1,612,726 281,642 1,065,448 342,312 5,909,829 1,883,987 35,750 731,840 108,838 1,598,614 10,880,772 42,226,983 4,755,597 1,335,567 3,420,030 2,261,329,593 22,830,900 3,055,180 29,138,490 d 20,555 48,000 794 874,774 11,740 692,935 17,613,913 12,355 113,838 7,981 9,450 11 4,991,339 43,929,325 3,928 15,069 974,981 13,752,366 131 17.758 3,002, 401 14,807,308 3,035 7,250 232,696 5,059,011 302 2,725 8,475,462 72,993,565 52,039 3,079,575 670 3.376 A I STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 180 No. ANKAnot 2 1 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 25 26 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 30 31 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheda--depreciation--other Crossings and signs--yard Crossings and signs--other Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard Crossings and signs--depreciation--other Station and office buildings Station and office buildings--depreciation Roadway buildings Roadway buildings--depreciation Water stations Water atations--depreciation Fuel stations 17 18 19 Grain elevators .... 20 Grain elevators--depreciation 21 Storage warehouses 22 Storage warehouses--depreciation 23 Wharves and docks 24 ... Fuel stations--depreciation ..…………. Shops and enginehouses 3hops and enginehouses--depreciation 27 Gas producing plants 28 29 Telegraph and telephone lines .. Item Wharves and docks--depreciation Coal and ore wharves Coal and ore wharves--depreciation Gas producing planta--depreciation Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation Signals and interlockers • Signals and interlockers--depreciation 49 Paving 50 51 32 33 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines 34 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lineg--depreciation 35 Power plant buildings .. 36 Power plant buildings--depreciation 37 Power substation buildings ... 38 Power substation buildings--depreciation • 45 Underground conduits • 46 Underground conduits--depreciation 47 Miscellaneous structures 48 Paving--depreciation Roadway machines 52 | Roadway machines--depreciation 53 Small tools and supplies 39 Power transmission systems 40 Power transmission systems--depreciation 41 Power distribution systems 42 Power distribution systems--depreciation 43 Power line poles and fixtures 44 Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation Miscellaneous structures--depreciation ·· • 54 Removing snow, ice, and sand 55 56 | Injuries to persone 57 Insurance 58 Stationery and printing 59 Other expenses 60 65 Superintendence 66 Shop machinery Assessments for public improvements 72 Steam locomotives--repairs 73 74 67 Shop machinery--depreciation 68 Power plant machinery 69 Power plant machinery--depreciation 70 Power substation apparatus 71 Power substation apparatus--depreciation ·· Total, above accounts 61 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 62 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr. 63 Equalization--way and structures 64 Total maintenance of way and structures Maintenance of Equipment Steam locomotives--depreciation ...... Steam locomotives--retirements ........ 75 Other locomotives--repairs 76 Other locomotives--depreciation 77 Other locomotives--retirements ....... 78 Freight-train cars--repairs · 79 Freight-train cars--depreciation 80 Freight-train cars--retirements 81 Passenger-train cars--repairs. 82 | Passenger-train cars--depreciation 53 Passenger-train cars--retirements Motor equipment of cars--repairs 85 Motor equipment of cars--depreciation 86 Motor equipment of cars--retirements 87 Floating equipment--repairs ...... 88 Floating equipment--depreciation 89 Floating equipment--retirements .. • • • • • Total, all districts $5,747 950,568 21 91 1,396,465 11,190,198 25,748 31,016 31,017,211 955,256 4,730,132 81, 717 10,796,667 137,315 4,432,807 63,687 25,265,175 488,666 214,511 4,089 69,987 2,374 5,242,956 127,294 3,322,659 835,910 76,218 11,456,577 30,047,621 135,724 16,871 782,963 127,600 52,394 21,345 312,447 77,852 2,666,975 323,529 489,575 96,667 27,582 9,056 423,369 423 6,270 693,919 68 6,216,123 7,226 10,768,819 9,650,695 558,438 5,553,122 3,989,653 1,275,903 693,615 805,561,360 36,365,283 25,483,438 816,443,205 44,831,788 27,589,845 654,572 5,497,787 492,076 277,911 96,053 456,532,571 51,690,489 5,594,645 2,736,111 692,739 3,117 373,314,353 107,363,743 20,091,468 83,835,319 15,344,541 1,625,768 2,018,353 584,033 25,323 10,722,779 3,014,235 372,221 Eastern district $2,566 72,729 81 577,923 6,238,699 1,968 28,669 14,791, 942 383,853 1,435,040 1,856 3,965,013 29,510 1,993,148 22,427 12,795,400 276,416 208,823 1,689 19,661 3,399,180 52,441 1,988,170 124,060 35,075 5,417,178 412 18,616,745 115,827 477,512 97,824 42,434 19,127 255,466 64,445 2,172,941 303,550 322,263 81,127 23,912 7,504 227,588 421,977 1,965,292 294 4,025,587 7,105,074 201,583 2,516,077 1,825,673 481,465 515,655 1789101 342,506,556 15,716,891 10,809,062 347,414,385 20,569,507 15,452,607 368,236 3,733,876 434,680 226,987 75,252 214,161,060 24,376,230 3,789,302 2,056,557 434,011 860 178,842,116 47,437,100 9,780,664 38,849,517 7,464,465 1,031,543 1,375,667 443,419 12,523 8,405,116 1.815,107 183,117 d Deficit or other reverse item. 1 1970 Southern district 1 $543 132,345 1,647,022 1,044 5,703,253 236,114 1,266,271 22,638 2,101,978 65,124 894,076 23,367 3,506,812 130,661 1,976 2,400 48,732 2,374 974, 201 74,853 367,718 84,496 620 1,953,521 9,597 4,332,682 16,718 194 73,108 14,645 948 336 27,772 6,919 143,531 11,171 40,128 8,174 || 21,034 98 52,106 1,216,824 2,809 2,133,502 245,644 95,360 811,930 653,182 233,484 54,578 154,464,662 6,553,843 5,300,807 155,717,698 7,446,015 3,765,619 273,265 547,235 31,528 11,295 2,544 82,746,468 8,671,993 674,431 214,353 67,156 67,394,189 21,597,330 4,053,616 13,725,562 2,267,935 203,460 36,346 9,989 9.504 253,595 661 N Western district $3,181 877,296 21 10 686,197 3,304,477 23,780 1,303 10,522,016 335,289 2,028,821 57,223 4,729,676 42,681 1,545,583 17,893 8,962,963 81,589 3,712 1,594 869,575 966,771 627,354 40,523 4,085,878 3,539 7,098,194 3,179 10,677 232,343 15,131 9,012 1,882 29,209 6,488 350,503 8,808 127,184 7:366 3,670 1,552 174,747 6,368 219,836 68 3,034,007 4,123 4,609,730 2,299,977 261,495 2,225,115 1,510,798 560,954 123,382 308,590,142 14,094,549 9,373,569 313,311,122 16,816,266 8,371,619 13,071 1,216,676 25,868 39,629 18,257 159,625,043 18,642,266 1,130,912 465, 201 191,572 2,257 127,078,048 38,329,313 6,257,188 31,260,240 5,612,141 390,765 606,340 130,625 3.296 2,064,068 1,146,467 174,562 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. Humtiorano in nimi in 1 Work equipment--repairs 2 8 9 10 11 7 Injuries to persons 12 15 I~m 100 22 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 25 Maintaining joint equipment Dr ·· Maintaining joint equipment --Cr 14 | Equalization--equipment 13 ... 16 Superintendence 17 Outside agencies ..... 18 | Advertising 19 20 21 Work equipment-depreciation ....... Work equipment-retirements QVISIVUIVISISISIVISI RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded Miscellaneous equipment--repaire Miscellaneous equipment-depreciation Miscellaneous equipment--retirements Insurance Stationery and printing Other expenses Total 39 40 23 24 Other expenses 26 Superintendence 27 Dispatching trains 28 52 51 Total maintenance of equipment 32 33 34 35 Yard enginemen 36 Yard motormen Total traffic 65 66 ... Traffic associations ...... Fast freight lines ......... Industrial and immigration bureaus Insurance Stationery and printing • Station employees 29 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus 30 Coal and ore wharves 31 37 Fuel for yard locomotives 38 •• Train power produced 49 Train power purchased 50 51 Item Station supplies and expenses Yardmasters and yard clerks Yard conductors and brakemen .... 47 Fuel for train locomotives 48 Yard switch and signal tendera Transportation--Rail Line Yard switching power produced Yard switching power purchased 41 Water for yard locomotives Lubricants for yard locomotives 42 Other supplies for yard locomotives 43 Enginehouse expenses--yard 44 Yard supplies and expenses ………. 45 Train enginemen Train motormen Traffic Enginehouse expenses--train Trainmen ……….. Train supplies and expenses · •• 77 Operation of vessels 78 Operation of terminals 79 Incidental 80 • Water for train locomotives Lubricants for train locomotives Other supplies for train locomotives 56 Operating sleeping cara 57 Signal and interlocker operation 58 Crossing protection 59 Drawbridge operation 60 Telegraph and telephone operation Operating floating equipment 61 62 63 Express service Stationery and printing 64 • Other expenses Insurance Clearing wrecks 67 Damage to property 68 Damage to live stock on right of way 69 Loss and damage--freight 70 Loss and damage--baggage 71 • • Injuries to persons 72 Operating joint yards and terminals--Dr. 73 Operating joint yards and terminals--0. 74 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr. 75 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Cr. 76 Total transportation--Rail line Transportation--Water Line • Total transportation--Water line Total, all districts $17,917,453 4,399,134 2,003,943 373,896 229,053 64,838 6,245,578 5,933,210 2,226,903 1,982,484 1,256,378,332 7,198,361 3,732,282 9.135 1,259,835,276 34,491,374 42,873,135 13,644,355 2,596,531 66,038 2,209,044 32,618 10,015,643 124,158 106,052,896 67,052,231 34,352,216 306,474,898 5,451,601 8,066,801 20,930,535 60,780,808 144,491,126 12,366,273 88,152,837 780,411 66,760,458 198,036 276,005 4,404,398 1,352,898 1,459,378 30,524,826 3,602,974 225,682,017 3,720,738 340,502,586 2,528,411 5,641,450 21,736,561 537,496 6,368,242 83,142,164 262,032,814 77,598,245 837,800 26,181,209 21,499,719 2,066,781 10,522,926 27,953,023 13,837,656 5,668,221 3,495,678 8,361,223 5,016,139 2,869,469 36,915,439 374,055 33,141,812 67,191,439 32,974,113 15,331,307 13,787,999 2,128,471,218 652,769 4,875,855 310,199 9,838,823 Lastern district $8,735,824 1,813,147 896,237 218,554 121,324 52,314 3,637,243 2,547,025 1,149,239 1,328,100 601,818,526 3,314,655 1,776,834 603,356,347 15,613,989 13,847,728 3,815,330 977,881 49,292 523,740 11,969 4,281,847 73,196 39,194,972 34,308,882 16,778,465 145,501,264 1,153,341 4,999,842 10,751,991 32,019,744 76,006,212 8,206,999 45,640,717 742,901 30,602,734 193,338 253,541 2,127,627 736,309 733,587 14,762,417 2,167,847 96,438,794 2,345,620 129,850,646 1,678,460 4,266,309 8,707,578 3,208,716 2,888,212 37,578,450 111,755,398 35,820,773 17,346,774 14,703,076 1,082,393 4,803,220 23.763,834 6,652,770 3,671,280 1,427,662 4,332,045 2,454,948 250,194 16,732,438 253,312 16,968,049 26,497,483 12,356,984 7,248,211 6,545,047 991,512,372 1,319,679 170,526 22,491 33782 1,512,696 Deficit or other reverse item. Southern district $2,988,467 907,958 252,341 27,208 25,192 2,320 710,231 719,491 360,457 360,083 220,424,379 1,181,090 819,058 d 2.963 220,783,448 6,992,287 9,037,486 2,176,226 523,165 720,702 4,992 2,377,092 10,241 21,842,191 11,403,357 7,248,021 54,141,559 1,247,320 1,363,777 3,085,161 10,906,088 24,559,531 1,244,336 14,393,997 1,944 9,607,546 648,238 220,344 300,045 5,398,290 648,485 43,558,715 205,083 55,643,896 356,063 35,402 3,819,825 1,466,607 1,234,862 14,979,226 50,570,795 13,064,898 13,886 2,289,482 1,704,243 365,521 1,243,020 514,549 2,454,725 694,175 700,162 1,927,107 1,056,380 106,437 215,236 48,398 5,758,574 14,533,672 9,656,936 1,687,475 1,770,699 362,238,818 Western district $6,193,162 1,678,029 855.365 128,134 82,537 10,204 1,898,104 2,666,694 717,207 294,301 434,135,427 2,702,616 1,136,390 d 6,172 435,695,481 11,885,098 19,987,921 7,652,799 1,095,485 16,746 964,602 15,657 3,356,704 40,721 45,015,733 21,339,992 10,325,730 106,832,075 3,050,940 1,703,182 7,093,383 17,854,976 43,925,383 2,914,938 28,118,123 35,566 26,550,178 4,698 22,464 1,628,533 396,245 425,746 10,364,119 786,642 85,684,508 1,170,035 155,008,044 493,888 1,339,739 9,209,158 2,862,173 2,245,168 30,584,488 99,706,621 28,712,574 823,914 6,544,953 5,092,400 618,867 4,476,686 3,674,640 4,730,161 1,302,766 1,367,854 2,102,071 1,504, 504,811 1,512,838 13,967,765 72,345 10,415,189 26,160,284 10,960,193 6,395,621 5,472,253 774,720,028 2:3339 3,090 5.329 287.708 8,326,127 9 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 123Iuno 7 BOHAMAAAada 12 10 13 14 9 10 11 Law expenses.... Insurance...... 15 16 6a9ow 8 Salaries and expenses of general officers………. 17 18 w wwwww 31 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 32 35 Dining and buffet service... Hotels and restaurants. Grain elevators..... Stockyards. Producing power sold. Other miscellaneous operations RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Miscellaneous Operations * Total miscellaneous operations, 19 20 Total general expenses.... 21 Transportation for investment-Cr... 22 23 5555 Item Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants.. General office supplies and expenses..... Relief department expenses Pensions... Stationery and printing. Valuation expenses. 24 25 26 Apportioned to freight service.. 27 Apportioned to passenger and allied services... 28 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 29 Total. Other expenses.. General joint facilities--Dr. General joint facilities-Cr. 59 General 30 Related solely to freight service. Related solely to passenger and allied services... Apportioned to freight service..... 33 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. ··· • Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total... Total railway operating expenses... Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent). SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES Maintenance of Way and Structures Related solely to freight service. Related solely to passenger and allied services. .. 36 | Related solely to freight service... 37 Related solely to passenger and allied services...... Maintenance of Equipment • Apportioned to freight service.. ·· 39 Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. 40 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 41 Total. Traffic 42 Related solely to freight service... Related solely to passenger and allied services Transportation--Rail Line 44 Apportioned to freight service.. 45 Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. 46 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 47 Total. 48 Related solely to freight service. 49 Related solely to passenger and allied services...... Transportation--Water Line 50 Apportioned to freight service.... Apportioned to passenger and allied services. ... 52 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services, 53 Total. • Miscellaneous Operations Related solely to freight service. Related solely to passenger and allied services. Apportioned to freight service.. Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total. Total, all districts $38,854,620 8,078,060 1,362,062 606,888 3,012,114 2,031,076 53,944,820 18,471,193 90,668,329 7,222,517 16,461,357 159,396 2,210,038 18,528,633 5,335,731 7,319,871 7,618,963 1,826,892 294,404 175,528,516 13,234,463 4,536,880,291 74.10 $82,561,048 23,024,347 513,104, 703 196,988,261 764,846 816,443,205 789,426,145 228,324,107 175,870,295 63,721,009 2,493, 720 1,259,835,276 56,677,493 36,945,690 7,219,143 5,210,570 106,052,896 1,205,131,064 427,376,333 375,560,103 120,389,884 13,834 2,128,471,218 7,798,584 198,894 1,523,196 283,782 34,367 9,838,823 3,132,876 44,874,133 1,170,418 855,320 3,912,073 53,944,820 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $16,676,858 2,893,409 1,319,306 21,537 2,935,782 735,757 24,582,649 7,432,923 40,063,688 3,326,907 6,192,779 79.392 1,052,610 11,657,483 2,150,381 3,135,642 3,108,031 733,108 107,100 78,825,844 2,073,940 2,084,325,325 75.67 51,292,515 14,629,606 197,954,023 83,369,658 168,583 347,414,385 391,285,426 116,562,622 68,988,845 26,038,332 481,122 603,356,347 d 23,864,038 12,511,530 2,058,365 761,039 39,194,972 600,987,244 204,005,657 137,534,326 49,000,910 15,765 991,512,372 660,098 154,828 461,994 235,776 1,512,696 1,959,009 20,379,206 387,132 202,817 1,654,485 24,582,649 Southern district $6,931,221 567,716 17,799 10,702 44,763 70,462 7,642,663 3,130,778 15,102,967 1,104,530 3,669,784 22,44.7 205,392 1,529,641 984,994 930,116 1,266,824 228,670 36,654 28,139,495 3,035,256 793,329,057 71.68 $12,430,875 2,827,611 105,087,601 35,371,611 155,717,698 149,666,382 37,120,327 26,749,943 7,246,796 220,783,448 13,540,998 6,539,923 1,245,619 515,651 21,842,191 206,632,455 66,344,390 69,779,416 19,482,557 362,238,818 GEORGE- 80,348 7,459,268 27,005 7,898 68,144 7,642,663 Western district $15, $15,246,541 4,616,935 24,957 574,649 31,569 1,224,857 21,719,508 7,907,492 35,501,674 2,791,074 6,598,794 57,557 952,036 5,341,509 2,200,356 3,254,113 3,244,108 865,114 150,650 68,563,177 8,125,267 1,659,225,909 73.37 $18,837,658 5,567,130 210,063,079 78,246,992 596,263 313,311,122 248,474,337 74,641,158 80,131,507 30,435,881 2,012,598 435,695,481 19,272,457 17,894,237 3,915,159 3,933,880 45,015,733 397,511,365 157,026,286 168,246,361 51,906,417 29,599 774,720,028 7,138,486 44,066 1,061,202 48,006 34,367 8,326,127 1,093,519 17,035,659 756,281 644,605 2,189,444 21,719,508 • STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 8 9 10 11 12 1 Related solely to freight service. 2 Related solely to passenger and allied services 3 Apportioned to freight service.. Apportioned to passenger and allied services. 5 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services.. 6 Total. 150 13 Related solely to freight service. 14 Related solely to passenger and allied services MMMM 3+50 33 15 Apportioned to freight service.. 16 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. ·.· 17 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services.. 18 Total 26 | Miles of road.. MMM3 7690 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31. 1925 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 19 Miles of road.. 20❘ Miles of second main track. 21 Miles of third main track. 22 Miles of fourth main track. 37 34 ·· 23 Miles of all other main tracks. 24 Miles of yard track and sidinge. 25 Total, all tracks.. 41 SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES--Continued General ·444444 HOME LOKON 42 55555 48 Related solely to freight service. Related solely to passenger and allied services. Apportioned to freight service. Apportioned to passenger and allied services. ·· Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services.. Total. 27 28 29 30 | Miles of all other main tracks. Miles of yard track and sidings. 31 32 Total, all tracks..... གླུ .. 56 Transportation for Investment--Cr. Miles of second main track. Miles of third main track... Miles of fourth main track. Total Operating Expenses Item MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1925 •••• · · 8team locomotives: Number at close of year..... Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year Number retired during year. Electric locomotives: Number at close of year: Box cars, U Flat carB…………. Stock cars Coal cars. Tank cars.. Total...... Total... Number at close of year Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year.... Number retired during year.... • MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1925 तोलोलेको ... Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying cars. EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE • Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars.. Flat care 8took carS Coal cars, Tank cars.. Refrigerator cars..... Other freight-carrying cars.. ·· ·· Freight-carrying Cars • Total, all districts $47,140,995 11,298,882 86,067,764 30,580, 239 440,636 175,528,516 12,762,410 257,301 143,126 66,947 4,679 13,234,463 2,179,105,795 771,785,085 1,160,372,496 417,962,118 7,654,797 4,536,880,291 236,846.17 35,200.45 3,110.90 2,157.09 348.54 1/ 113,869.63 391,532.78 177,301.85 20,955.81 2,051.25 1,499.22 138.34 5/ 79,859.92 281,806.39 63,612 2,586,821,720 1,585 2,884 363 18,168,100 11 1,078,004 103,319 86,936 951,666 10.737 48,711 77,853 2,357,226 42,525,506 4,252,873 3,140,511 49,723,012 466,036 1,583,926 3,877,522 105,569,386 d Deficit or other reverse item. Includes 20,406.43 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 7,519.56 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 3,811.79 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 9,075.08 miles of industrial tracks. Eastern district $24,078,350 5,949,126 35,837,221 12,523,336 437,811 78,825,844 1,763,510 71,587 164,609 74,234 2,073,940 1,092,363,170 374,120,988 443,057,297 172,057,634 2,726,236 2,084,325,325 59,248.99 18,193.65 2,671.57 1,926.02 90.37 2/ 45,051.71 127,182.31 33,626.18 9,017.81 1,687.38 1,314.29 44.21 6/ 25,567.88 71,257.75 28,145 1,193,545,194 611 1,550 264 11,662,000 1 .456,705 22,684 15,483 563.789 380 6,556 21,338 1,086,935 18,612,532 985,916 630,540 29,959,229 6,089 206,745 1,047,274 51,448,320 Southern district $8,165,707 1,609,884 13,935,253 4,428,651 28,139,495 2,972,326 48,472 9,938 4,520 3,035,256 387,544,439 121,852,931 216,814,899 67,048,644 68,144 793,329,057 44,240.87 5,289.55 132.37 47.85 237.48 3/ 19,199.60 69,147.72 35,272.02 3,688.74 127.99 43.73 73.44 Z/ 14,598.78 53,804.70 11,130 457,578,701 410 338 2,579,000 29 10 170,566 23,047 8,441 206,494 15 6,367 5,344 420,274 6,177,820 912,430 311,520 11,121,922 620 196,900 246,768 18,967,980 5/ Includes 14,207.95 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 4,141.35 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 2,889.23 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 7,177.37 miles of industrial tracks. 11 Western district $14,896,938 3,739,872 36,295,290 13,628,252 2,825 68,563,177 8,026,574 137,242 31,421 11,807 4,679 8,125,267 699,198,186 275,811,166 500,500,300 178,855,840 4,860,417 1,659,225,909 133,356.31 11,717.25 306.96 183.22 20.69 4/ 49,618.32 195,202.75 108,403.65 8,249.26. 235.88 141.20 20.69 8/39,693.26 156,743.94 24,337 935,697,825 564 996 70 3,927,100 450,733 57,588 63,012 181,383 10,342 35,788 51,171 850,017 17,735,154 2,354,527 2,198,451 8,641,861 459,327 1,180,286 2,583,480 35,153,086 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No 12 HaMinor 1 2 7 10 10 11 222 ao 12 13 14 15 16 9 ww 22222223 20 wwww 3+5 26 27 28 17 Number at close of year .... 18 Number installed during year 19 Number retired during year ....... 29 30 31 32 Number at close of year 21 Number installed during year Number retired during year 2M 33 4567 23 Number of units at close of year. 24 Number of units installed during year 25 Number of units retired during year 34 35 36 37 to 5555 55 42 43 44 48 49 9012MI 50 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 51 52 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded 53 Number installed during year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal carS Tank cars 38 Average number Compensation-- 39 40 41 55 Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total Number retired during year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal care Tank cars Item Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total All Classes of Passenger-train Cars All Classes of Company Service Equipment • In replacement and betterments: Number of crossties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges • Floating Equipment In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of crossties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges - TIES LAID DURING YEAR In replacement and betterments: Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges .. In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions Miles of main tracks Miles of yard track and sidings..... Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges • RAILS LAID DURING YEAR Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total Service hours-- EMPLOYEES Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total Service days-- Straight time actually worked. Overtime paid for Total Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY LOCOMOTIVES Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service In passenger service In mixed-train service In special service In yard-switching service In work service Grand total, all services • ·· Total, all districts 66,508 5,468 5,512 46,297 333 4,378 4,047 132,543 56,492 5,977 4.081 44,667 223 7,204 3,708 122,352 54,622 3,214. 3.563 108,945 11,576 12,410 2,468 102 99 82,719,680 282,541,435 $120,653,734 8,563,836 49,919,778 $13,847,933 3,484,426 $126,498,034 1,119.71 2,087.47 425,617 $14,049,012 661323 1,747,207 $2,571,780,682 $168,557,392 $2,860,607,183 3,877,048,794 206,657,796 4,210,605,583 39,128,621 304,297 40,083,086 $2,645,842,686 79,367,898 29,328,275 1,840,343 58,272 22,174,755 2,641,618 135,411,161 Eastern district 22,819 1,467 1,187 14,180 1,789 1,281 42,723 19.646 1,008 542 22,415 20 3,750 1,009 48,390 26,917 1,779 2,187 36,620 4,209 5,438 2,144 90 88 23,805,995 1/ 104,779,430 $46,942,609 1,828,134 를 ​15,480,147 $3,883,476 1,529,462 $53,416,947 165.29 512.46 101,817 $3,192,182 761,188 $1,176,679,174 $75,860,744 $1,309,000,453 1,671,862,158 91,402,676 1,824,517,635 19,416,016 149,266 19,935,129 $1,212,076,517 32,949,912 12,582,749 339,569 18,682 11,079,420 1,264,904 58,235,236 Southern district 11,648 950 628 20,665 1,210 35,101 1232 23 11,871 2,816 448 12,610 243 197 28,190 8,216 659 394 18,897 2,690 1,470 118 Z Does not include data for 1,435 linear feet of steel ties. Does not include data for 1,448 linear feet of steel ties. LOVE 19,003,413 66,921,382 $24,470,123 3,232,623 15,991,506 $4,728,320 811.020 $30,494,566 570.54 632.07 152,536 $5,402,180 343,525 $462,854,768 $34,600, 243 $516,177,297 765,514,639 45,576,316 828,206,669 6,200,414 44,003 6,314,292 $470,655,718 27; 7 17,169,451 5,609,943 342,634 12,239 3,852,267 550,120 27,536,654 Western district 32,041 3,051 3,697 11,452 333 2,589 1,556 54,719 24,975 2,153 3,091 9,642 198 3,211 2,502 45.772 19,489 982 776 428 52,677 5,502 206 39,910,272 110,840,623 $49,241,002 3,503,079 18,448,125 $5,236,137 1,143,944 $42,586,521 383.88 942.94 172,264 $5,454,650 642,494 $932,246,740 $58,096,405 $1,035,429,433 1,439,671,997 69,678,804 1,557,881,279 13,512,191 111,028 13,833,665 $963,110,451 29,248;535 11,135,583 1,158,140 27.351 7,243,068 826,594 49,639,271 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 1–RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) REVENUE FREIGHT TONNAGE BY GROUPS OF COMMODITIES Revenue Freight Originated Products of agriculture: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Average load per car. Products of mines: Animals and products: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Average load per car Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per oar.. Products of forests: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Average load per car.…………. Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs Average load per car.... Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Average load per car..... Item Products of agriculture: • .. • Merchandise All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.).. Animals and products: Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.)..... Total Revenue Freight Carried Products of mines: .. Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage.. Products of forests: Number of carloads..... Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage.... ... Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs. Per cent of total tonnage. ... Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads..... Number of tons (2,000 lbs.).. Per cent of total tonnage.... Merchandise - All L. 0. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage..... Grand total, carload and L. 0. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage Total, all districts 4,678,085 109,313,068 23.37 2,215,155 26,324,004 11.88 13,476,434 678,336,561 50.34 3,832,116 107,390,916 28.02 10,946,047 285,291,690 26.06 35,147,837 1,206,656,239 34.33 40,586,944 1,247,243,183 10,031,829 215,294,193 9.33 3,771,468 46,389,566 24,211,553 1,212,972,985 52.58 7,811,230 210,274,044 9.11 22,157,026 553,623,817 24.00 67,983,106 2,238,554,605 97.03 68,422,101 2.97 Eastern district 1,061,446 23,480,705 22.12 451,304 5,843,921 12.95 5,807,312 294,705,046 50.75 478,466 11,941,235 24.96 6,642,580 175,861,557 26.47 14,441,108 511,832,464 34.44 19,477,483 531,309,947 3,371,723 72,231,820 5.96 1,371,785 17,862,863 1.4 13,582,151 697,732,448 57.62 2,228,676 55,828,322 4.61 13,160,802 332,027,689 27.42 33,715,137 1,175,683,142 97.08 35,314,578 2.92 2,306,976,706 1,210,997,720 100.00 100.00 Southern district 895,454 14,666,482 16.38 167,506 1,957,129 11.68 3,592,448 188,267,539 52.41 1,305,497 33,342,295 25.54 1,414,835 34,889,717 24.66 7,375,740 273,123,162 37.03 8,592,202 281,715,364 2,061,566 33,983,761 8.02 334,480 4,237,761 1.00 4,707,319 240,149,485 56.67 2,246,501 57,457,283 13.56 3,103,140 73,703,652 17.39 12,453,006 409,531,942 96.64 14,236,979 2363 3.36 423,768,921 100.00 Western district 13 2,721,185 71,165,881 26.15 1,596,345 18,522,954 11.60 4,076,674 195,363,976 47.92 2,048,153 62,107,386 30.32 2,888,632 74,540,416 25.80 13,330,989 421,700,613 31.63 12,517,259 434,217,872 4,598,540 109,078,612 16.23 2,065,203 24,288,942 3.61 5,922,083 275,091,052 40.92 3,336,053 96,988,439 14.43 5,893,084 147,892,476 22.00 21,814,963 653,339,521 97.19 18,870, 544 2.81 672,210,065 100.00 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 2M+iWo 1 Average mileage of road operated..... 78 2 Freight--ordinary.. Freight--light. Passenger. Mixed.. 6 Special. 14 HAMIA CON 15 16 17 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 --Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) 9 Total freight train. 10 Total passenger train.. 11 Total mixed train...... 12 Total special.. 13 Train switching....... 14 | Yard switching-freight. Yard switching-passenger. STATISTICS OF RAIL-LINE OPERATIONS #4 Work service.... Total transportation service. 18 Freight train--loaded...... 19 Freight train--empty. 20 ·· FIDLOLDINININOVİDY H&M4 LOND 52 53 Train-Miles Locomotive-Miles Freight train--caboose…….. 21 Freight train--exclusive work equipment. 22 Total freight train... Item Total transportation service... Work service..... 23 Passenger train--passenger. 24 Passenger train--sleeping, parlor, and observation. 25 Passenger train--dining.. 26 Passenger train--other………………. 40 Tons-revenue freight.. 41 27 Total passenger train. 28 Mixed train-freight-loaded,, 29 Mixed train-freight--empty 30 Mixed train--caboose... 31 Mixed train--exclusive work equipment. 32 Mixed train--passenger.. 33 Mixed train--sleeping, parlor, and observation. 34 Mixed train-dining.. 35 Mixed train-other passenger train... 36 Total mixed train. 37 Total special train...... 38 39 Work service.. Car-Miles ... 42 43 44 Passengers carried--revenue..... 45 Passenger-miles--revenue...... 46 Total transportation service.. Miscellaneous Tons--nonrevenue freight. Ton-miles--revenue freight. Ton-miles--nonrevenue freight. ·· Ton-miles--revenue freight--per mile of road.. 47 Ton-miles--revenue freight--per trai-mile. 4g Ton-mil98--revenue and nonrevenue freight-per loaded car-mile. 49 Passenger-miles--revenue-per train-mile. 50 Passenger-miles-revenue--per car-mile..... 51 Miles hauled--revenue freight. Miles carried--revenue passengers. Revenue per ton of freight.. Revenue per ton-mile of freight. Revenue per passenger... Revenue per passenger-mile.. Total, all districts 236,578.95 584,347,015 7,337,962 569,349,789 25,759,717 625,239 1,187,419,722 33,114,358 667,778,773 571,775,599 26,416,245 720,976 56,589,400 300,631,982 23,575,834 1,647,488,809 42,303,428 16,719,144,616 9,242,772,314 600,285,448 47,636,461 26,609,838,839 1,297,980,178 1,098,269,402 143,642,367 1,204,629,262 3,744,521,209 134,114,735 72,764,880 2,738,581 1,512,560 31,676,407 884,291 7,647 13,291,423 256,990,524 9,668,307 30,621,018,879 157,651,012 2,306,976,706 254,585,489 413,823,173,485 39,004,420,359 888,389,515 35,950,393,918 1,749,197 675.35 26.37 62.53 14.50 179.38 40.47 $1.96853 $0.01097 $1.18883 $0.02938 Eastern distriot 59,101.74 223,960,749 3,811,325 233,600, 741 970,955 218,778 466,562,548 14,761,460 269,748, 684 236,162,062 5,094,429 238,750 28,639,976 153,310,155 12,852,499 706,046,555 19,904,866 6,750,772,706 3,730,759,832 231,874,951 4,860,242 10,718,267, 731 604,607,631 407,570,013 46,337,498 518,413,450 1,576,928,592 23,418,357 12,349,712 710,705 90,758 5,874,262 163,413 5,014 4,714,817 47,327,038 2,860,561 12,345,383,922 49,134,039 1,210,997,720 103,882,158 179,498,293,250 12,655,014,422 616,313,402 18,583,979,322 3,037,107 775.00 28.37 79.17 18.25 148.22 30.15 $1.64123 $0.01107 $0.84341 $0.02797 Southern district 44,062.10 102 130,105,033 1,515,589 102,553,948 625,990 137,198 238,937,758 7,862,279 141,772,403 104,763,882 4.714,559 13-3-3 143,781 9,521,324 51,134,255 3,389,215 315,439,419 9,382,001 3,349,665,741 1,984,751,621 132,847,606 10,666,726 5,477,931,694 226,199,610 203,294,682 25,676,610 197,292,621 652,463,523 20,154,638 10,089,174 219,325 166,009 7,147,738 62,957 124 2,120,008 39,959,973 1,979,378 6,172,334,568 34,067,067 423,768,921 53,473,238 91,928,285,609 8, 218, 204,449 94,785,225 5,412,801,027 2,086,335 680.14 29.72 52.23 12.39 216.93 57.11 $2.00967 $0.00926 $1.90679 $0.03339 Western district 133,415.11 2332 230,281,233 2,011,048 233,195,100 16,162,772 269,263 481,919,416 10,490, 619 256,257,686 230,849,655 16,607,257 338,445 18,428,100 96,187,572 7,334,120 626,002,835 13,016,561 6,618,706,169 3,527,260,861 235,562,891 32,109,493 10,413,639,414 467,172,937 487,404,707 71,628,259 488,923,191 1,515,129,094 90,541,740 50,325,994 1,808,551 1,255,793 18,654,407 657,921 2,509 6,456,598 169,703,513 4,828,368 12,103,300,389 74,449,906 672,210,065 97,230,093 142,396,594,626 18,131,201,488 177,290,888 11,953,613,569 1,067,320 578.89 23.93 50.72 12.27 211.83 67.42 $2.53222 $0.01195 $2.00576 $0.02975 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Total number of stockholders ~ MALVO 760 8 ··☛ 2 Investment in road and equipment Improvements on leased railway property Sinking funds .... Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies Other investments 9 10 | Cash 11 12 13 14 21 22 23 24 huchu 17 Demand loans and deposita Time drafts and deposits Special deposits ·· Loans and bills receivable Miscellaneous accounts receivable 15 16 Material and supplies 17 Other current assets 18 19 Deferred assets 25 26 SUMMARY NO. 2—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 (Does not include lessor companies) 20 Discount on capital stock Discount on funded debt Other unadjusted debits w www.m 30 31 Total investments 33 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investments · .. Total current assets • Capital stock Stock liability for conversion Premium on capital stock 27 28 Total stock 29 Grants in aid of construction 49 50 51 Total unadjusted debits Grand total Funded debt unpatured Receiver's certificates Item Current Assets Unadjusted Debits 39 | Premium on funded debt 40 | Operating reserves 41 Accrued depreciation 42 Cther unadjusted credits 43 · 32 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies Total long-term debt 34 Loans and bills payable 35 Miscellanecus accounts payable 36 Other current liabilities 37 Total current liabilities 38 Deferred liabilities Total unadjusted credits Stock Long-Term Debt Current Liabilities Profit and loss--balance • • Unadjusted Credits Total appropriated surplus Total corporate surplus ·· •• Corporate Surplus Additions to property through income and surplus Funded debt retired through income and surplus Sinking fund reserves 44 45 46 ** 47 Miscellaneous fund reserves 48 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested •· INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT Expenditures for new lines and extensions 53 Expenditures for additions and betterments 5 Credits for property retired 55 | Adjustments 56 Net charges during year 57 Stocks actually issued during year--par value .. 58 Funded debt actually issued during year--par value Total, all districts 402 $149,944,997 13,337,203 4,720 80,866 3,330,054 15,899,829 5,987,341 188,585,010 7,277,631 174,000 31,000 1,272,753 4,455,737 8,997,451 4,722,940 4,725,009 31,656,521 4,595,696 3,087,800 1,099,581 3,085,723 7,273,104 232,110,331 37,893,900 d 37,893,900 98,365,400 6,478,913 104,844,313 7,939,405 1,686,439 10,656,925 20,282,769 701,276 5,638 118,545 12,928,983 10,851,289 23,904,455 8,288,271 1,060,000 1,445,720 384, 266 1,033,072 12,211,329 32,272,289 44,483,618 41,425 6,370,851 2,008,144 141,023 4,263,109 Eastern district $97,095,190 2,115,166 › G 110 80,866 649,457 3,247,967 3,420,465 106,609,111 4,845,065 1,840 3,241,221 6,423,206 2,852,380 3,284,498 20,648,210 521,145 332,627 2,041,831 2,374,458 130,152,924 27,540,000 27,540,000 51,072,400 6,478,913 57,551,313 1,210,476 836,282 7,704,386 9,751,144 665,722 5,638 105,321 6,910,476 4,950,503 11,971,938 6,596,558 1,009,338 7,605,896 15,066,911 22,672,807 41,425 3,264,446 1,362,610 d 103,385 1,834,876 Deficit or other reverse item. Southern district !!! 111 1111 Western district 292 $52,849,807 11,22720 2,680,597 12,651,862 2,566,876 81,975,899 2,432,566 174,000 31,000 1,270,913 1,214,516 2,574,245 1,870,560 1,440,511 11,008,311 4,074,551 3,087,800 766,954 1,043,892 4,898,646 101,957,407 10,353,900 10,353,900 47,293,000 47,293,000 6,728,929 850,157 2,952,539 10,531,625 35,554 13,224 6,018,507 5,900,786 11,932,517 1,691,713 1,060,000 1,445,720 384,266 23.734 4,605,433 17,205,378 21,810,811 15 3,106,405 645.534 32,638 2,428,233 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. - 80 1 Railway operating revenues 2 Railway operating expenses .... 11 3 4 Railway tax accruals 5 Uncollectible railway revenues ..... 6 Railway operating income ..... 7 Revenues from.miscellaneous operations .... Expenses of miscellaneous operations 15 16 9 Net revenue from miscellaneous operations 10 Taxes on miscellaneous operating property 19 20 21 Miscellaneous operating income 12 Total operating income 12A Net railway operating income 13 12 22 23 24 NO NM+ 34 16 17 Rent from work equipment 18 Joint facility rent income Income from lease of road Miscellaneous rent income Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property Separately operated properties--profit Dividend income .... 39 40 41 42 43 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 – Continued (Does not include lessor companies) imon to a OHNE Income from funded securities 25 Income from unfunded securities and accounts 26 Income from sinking and other reserve funds 27 Release of premiums on funded debt 28 29 30. 31 32 Hire of freight cars--debit balance Rent for locomotives 33 Net revenue from railway operations Rent for passenger-train cars 35 Rent for floating equipment 36 Rent for work equipment 37 38 48 49 INCOME ACCOUNT Item 50 Hire of freight cars--credit balance Rent from locomotives Rent from passenger-train oars Rent from floating equipment 52 53 Joint facility rents Rent for leased roads Miscellaneous rents • • Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income Total nonoperating income Gross income ... • ► 44 Amortization of discount on funded debt 45 Maintenance of investment organization 46 Income transferred to other companies... • 47 Miscellaneous income charges ... Miscellaneous tax accruals Separately operated properties--1068 Interest on funded debt Interest on unfunded debt Total deductions from gross income Het income Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds 51 | Dividend appropriations of income .. Income appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income 54 Miscellaneous appropriations of income 55 Total appropriations of income 56 Income balance transferred to profit and loss PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Credit balance transferred from income 57 58 Profit on road and equipment sold • · ·· • Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus 71 | Loss on retired road and equipment 72 73 Delayed income debits Miscellaneous debits .... 74 69 Debt discount extinguished through surplus 70 59 Delayed income credita 50 Unrefundable overcharges 61 Donations 62 | Miscellaneous credit 63 Total credits during year 64 Debit balance transferred from income ...... 65 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds ...... 66 Dividend appropriations of surplus ...... 67 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property 68 Stock discount extinguished through surplus ·· Total debits during year 75 Net increase during year 76 Balance at beginning of year 77 Balance at end of year .. 78 | Dividends declared during year 79 Par value on which declared--common ........ 80 Par value on which declared--preferred 81 Average rate on dividend-yielding stook, per oent Total, all districts $66,229,168 47,485,075 18,744,093 4,948, 615 11,672 13,783,806 241,897 216,738 25,159 2,515 22,644 13,806,450 16,608,236 1,508,195 496,407 6,400 76,356 4,397,138 489,866 679,426 83,121 218,484 291,921 197,739 1,050 405,016 8,851,119 22,657,569 1,271,595 466,077 ਨਹੀਂ, d 21,895 944,289 5,325,823 1,420,116 32,683 4,626,145 11,480 40,742 411,791 19,080 15,547,926 7,109,643 253,312 456,403 365,937 99,719 1,175,371 5,934,272 6,091,216 29,943 75,065 65,730 817,845 7,079,802 156,944 52 952,127 62,975 £ 92.1 * 135,947 50,558 1,266,658 5,813,144 26,459,145 32,272,289 1,408,530 14,746,600 9.55 Eastern district $45,029,895 32,563,360 12,466,535 2,758,168 8,437 9,699,930 241,897 216,738 25,159 2,515 22,644 9,722,574 9,697,647 928,062 198,486 6,400 52,389 966, 904 479,866 209,384 21,953 118,713 221,268 6,376 1,050 400,061 3,610,912 13,333,486 1,172,698 208,501 ₫ 21.986 795,311 2,504,778 754,284 17,129 2,443,836 10,767 15,048 CD Vol 411,791 3,135 8,315,292 5,018,194 6,375 277,200 57,219 99,719 440,513 4,577,681 4,577,681 23.773 773 70,852 44,883 요​; 317,508 5,034,700 52 950,000 42,128 400 d 137.241 36,358 31,969 923,562 4,111,138 10,955,773 15,066,911 1,227,200 11,620,000 10.56 d Deficit or other reverse item. Southern district 11 |||| C ||| ! 101 |||||||| Western distriot $21,199,273 14,921,715 6,277,558 2,190,447 3,235 4,083,876 4,083,876 6,910,589 580,133 297,921 23,967 3,430,234 10,000 470,042 61,168 99, 70,653 191,363 4,955 5,240,207 9,324,083 98,897 257,576 91 1,148,978 2,821,045 665,832 15,554 2,182,309 713 25,694 15,945 7,232,634 2,091,449 246,937 179,203 308,718 734,858 1,356,591 1,513,535 3,535 4,213 20,847 500,337 2,045,102 156,944 2,127 20,847 45,000 99,589 18,589 343,096 1,702,006 15,503,372 17,205,378 181,330 3,126,600 5.80 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 | Freight 2 MMGOM~umt in a 200 4 Sleeping car 7❘ 6 Mail 8 10 12 12 13 15 Express .... Other passenger-train 9 Milk 16 17 18 Switching Special service train Other freight-train Water transfers--freight 14 Water transfers--passenger • Water transfers--vehicles and live stock Water transfers--other Total rail-line transportation revenue 19 الالا 91 33 • 20 Excess baggage 21 timorsom o 42 + 22 23 Express 24 Special service 25 Other 26 35 36 37 Passenger 27 Dining and buffet 28 38 ... Excess baggage 39 40 29 30 31 Storage--freight 32 Storage--baggage 41 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Parlor and chair car ... 43 44 Lover Freight Passenger 45 34 Telegraph and telephone · Other passenger service Mail. Hotel and restaurant Demurrage ... Total water-line transportation revenue ·· • Station, train, and boat privileges Parcel room • Joint facility--Cr Joint facility--Dr RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES Grain elevator Stockyard Power Rents of buildings and other property Miscellaneous Total incidental operating revenue • Superintendence Roadway maintenance--yard Roadway maintenance--other 48 Roadway--depreciation--yard 49 Roadway--depreciation--other 50 Underground power tubes-yard • Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues Ballast--yard 79 | Ballast-other 80 81 Item RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures • Ties--yard 67 Ties--other 68 Ties--depreciation--yard 69 Ties--depreciation--other 70 | Rails--yard 71 | Rails--other 72 | Rails-depreciation--yard Tunnels and subways--yard Tunnels and subways--other 56 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard 57 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other 51 Underground power tubes--other 52 Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard 53 Underground power tubes--depreciation--other 5 • • 73 Rails-depreciation--other 74 Other track material--yard Other track material--other ... • 63 Elevated structures--other 64 Elevated structures--depreciation--yard 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other 66 · 58 | Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard 59 Bridges, trestlos, and culverts--other 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other 62 Elevated structures--yard Ballast--depreciation--yard Ballast--depreciation--other Track laying and surfacing--yard 83 Track laying and surfacing--other 84 | Right-of-way fences--yard 85 | Right-of-way fences--other • • • • Other track material--depreciation--yard 77 Other track material--depreciation--other 78 *** • • · .. ❤ • * + • ❤ · む ​• • → • Total, all districts $1,671,019 34,578 171 1,67 2,373 60,738,170 51,943 3,895 62,502,149 53,870 175,108 88,799 46,723 22,559 1,093,265 202,983 134,268 5,448 209,521 2,065,366 4,097,910 295 371,186 d 370,891 66,229,168 512,990 696,178 7,407 1,558 7,287 22,699 409,221 5,020 310,995 43,078 35,250 1,238,354 19,696 675 541,980 252 2,719 1,037,716 1,002 32,998 1,031, Girl 95,442 548 56 2,161,670 14,925 7,919 Eastern district $1,377,282 42,010,044 51,943 788 43,440,057 53,870 5종​, ,032 14,788. 42,255 3,346 826,340 134,268 5,448 47,897 458,645 1,592,889 295 3,346 d 3.051 45,029,895 319,470 398,658 1,558 2,728 305,922 695 1111121 740,029 675 307,092 2,719 534,802 32,998 56,197 56 1,327,885 6,875 d Deficit or other reverse item. Southern district 111 1111 …………… |||| 11111 Western district $293,737 34,578 171 2,373 18,728,126 3,107 19,062,092 169,076 74,011 4,468 19,213 266,925 - C 202,983 H 161,624 1,606,721 2,505,021 367,840 ₫ 367,840 21,199,273 193,520 297,520 297 7,407 4,559 22,699 103,299 5,020 310,300 43,078 35,250 498,325 19,696 234,888 252 502,914 1,002 39,245 832323; 92 17 5 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. H&M Leno 2 1 | Right-of-way fences-depreciation--yard. Right-of-way fences-depreciation--other...... Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other 15 16 17 18 7 Crossings and signs-yard. 19 20 21 22 23 24 222 8 Crossings and signs--other. 9 10 Crossings and signs-depreciation--yard, Crossings and signs--depreciation--other. Station and office buildings. 11 12 13 14 25 26 18 37 38 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES—Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--other. གླG。g77T27ཁྲུ==# 27 Coal and ore wharves. 28 59 Station and office buildings--depreciation. Roadway buildings. Roadway buildings--depreciation.. Water stations. Water stations--depreciation.... Fuel stations.. Item Fuel stations--depreciation Shops and enginehouse8... Shops and enginehouses--depreciation. Grain elevators... Grain elevators--depreciation.... Storage warehouses.... Storage warehouses--depreciation, Wharves and docks.. Wharves and docks--depreciation....... 29 Gas producing plants. Gas producing plants--depreciation…………………. Telegraph and telephone lines...... Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation. 30 31 32 33 Signals and interlockers......... 34 Signals and interlockers--depreciation......... 35 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines………………. 36 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation. Power plant buildings ·· 77 78 39 40 41 42 43 Power distribution systems.. 444 79 80 81 Coal and ore wharves--depreciation. .. 45 Power line poles and fixtures, 45 Power plant buildings--depreciation. Power substation buildings.... Power substation buildings--depreciation.. Power transmission systema.. Power transmission systems--depreciation. Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation. 47 Underground conduits...... 48 Underground conduits-depreciation. 49 Miscellaneous structures. 50 Miscellaneous structures--depreciation. 67 Superintendence.. 68 Power distribution systems--depreciation. 51 Paving... 52 Paving--depreciation...... 53 Roadway machines... 54 Roadway machines-depreciation. Small tools and supplies.......... Removing snow, ice, and sand. 57 Assessments for public improvements Injuries to persons... Insurance... Stationery and printing. Other expenses.. •• 62 Total, above accounts.... 63 Kaintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 64 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Or. 65 Equalization--way and structures.. 66 Total maintenance of way and structures. + Shop machinery.. 69 Shop machinery-depreciation. 70 Maintenance of Equipment .. 71 72 73 Power substation apparatus-depreciation. Steam locomotives-repairs... Power plant machinery.. Power plant machinery--depreciation. Power substation apparatus....... 74 75 8team locomotives--depreciation... 76 Steam locomotives-retirements... Other locomotives--repairs....... Other locomotives--depreciation. Other locomotives--retirements..... Freight-train cars--repairs.. Freight-train cars--depreciation. ·· Total, all districts 11 11 155,088 955 13,262 $17 356,887 124,773 44,616 3,741 71,378 5,226 69,370 8,627 256,117 38,019 8,607 31,579 3,811 17,158 184,592 87,763 34,344 16,320 DE MED AS 73,175 465,617 13,340 OPEN CENA O 14,780 4,650 260 169 4,315 18,937 2,632 4,765 390 5,548 20,406 928 101,321 115,670 22,818 85,715 93,236 12,093 5.733 9,806,396 859,469 2,048,563 8,617,302 438,905 177,108 30,071 89,278 21,312 711 292 4,400,316 667,991 32,375 748 2,192,606 427,435 Eastern district C (-20) 84,514 329 121,871 12,013 28,574 142 48,938 1,308 34,102 929 115,527 7.323 G 2,301 2,977 24,380 8,812 34,344 16,320 | AGO $17 62,627 10-mga 248,259 23523235 31 ADA, KEPAD 5,070 114 1,803 1,887 SO HE CANN • Lllly 4,538 165 ►ODO VER 14,420 56,243 83,680 184 44,030 26,366 6,843 809 26, 5,140,149 710,205 1,016,457 4,833,897 305,820 125,074 7,604 19,219 711 3,170,332 438,218 9,673 748 L 1,784,885 359,984 Southern district 11 1 11 Western district $70,574 955 12,933 235,016 112,760 16,042 3,599 22,440 3,918 35,268 7,698 140,590 30,696 8,607 31,579 1,510 14,181 160,212 78,951 10,548 217,358 13,309 FOOD 9, 650 260 169 4,201 17,134 745 ||| 227 390 5,383 5,986 928 45,078 31,990 22,634 41,685 66,870 250 4,924 4,666,247 149,264 1,032,106 3,783,405 133,085 52,034 22,467 70,059 21,312 1 292 1,229,984 229,773 22,702 407, 451 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Freight-train cars--retirements ..... 2 Passenger-train cars--repairs Passenger-train cars--depreciation Passenger-train cars--retirements Motor equipment of cars--repairs 6 Motor equipment of cara--depreciation 7 Motor equipment of cars--retirements 8 Floating equipment--repairs ... 10 9 Floating equipment--depreciation Floating equipment--retirements Work equipment--repairs 11 12 Work equipment--depreciation 13 14 Work equipment-retirements Miscellaneous equipment--repairs 15 | Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation 16 | Miscellaneous equipment--retirements 17 18 19 20 SUMMARY NO. 2—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 32❘ Insurance Injuries to persons Insurance .... Stationery and printing Other expenses Total 21 22 Maintaining joint equipment --Dr 23 Maintaining joint equipment--OT 24 Equalization--equipment 25 26 Superintendence 27 28 ·· Outside agencies Advertising 29 | Traffic associations Fast freight lines 30 31 33 34 Other expenses 35 51 55555555 iNmtiota 36 Superintendence 37 55 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 .. Stationery and printing Total maintenance of equipment Traffic Total traffic · Industrial and immigration bureaus • 47 Fuel for yard locomotives 48 Yard switching power produced 56 Train motormen Train enginemen • 49 Yard switching power purchased 50 Water for yard locomotives Dispatching trains 38 Station employees 39 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus 40 Coal and ore wharves 41 Station supplies and expenses 42 | Yardmasters and yard olerks 43 Yard conductors and brakemen 44 Yard switch and signal tenders 45 Yard enginemen Yard motormen 4 Yard supplies and expenses ·· 71 72 Express service ·· 73 74 Other expensee Lubricants for yard locomotives Fuel for train locomotives 52 Other supplies for yard locomotives Enginehouse expenses--yard Item . Train supplies and expense 75 Insurance 76 | Clearing wrecks 77 Damage to property 78 • Transportation--Rail Line Stationery and printing .. • ... | Train power produced Train power purchased Water for train locomotives Lubricants for train locomotives Other supplies for train locomotives Enginehouse expenses--train Trainmen 65 66 Operating sleeping cars 67 Signal and interlocker operation 68 Crossing protection 69 Drawbridge operation 70 Telegraph and telephone pperation Operating floating equipment 79 Loss and damage-freight 80 Loss and damage--baggage ·· • • • • .. • • • • · Damage to live stock on right of way · • • · Total, all districts $378,212 15,400 1,515 11 68 1,772 53,365 36,488 1,036 134,384 49,719 13,023 14,737 7,988 53 ... 495 78,226 74,151 30,765 624 9,371,116 34,472 332,669 9,072,919 103,843 42,566 16, 343 6,442 122 2,650 13 19,435 1,599 2122; 193,013 1,188,832 241,191 4,818,009 26,631 54,314 419,195 2,262,753 7,610,260 711,674 5,413,092 5,227,518 512 327,040 92,928 113,259 1,307,163 281,459 24,485 1 29,984 7,437 665 464 80,167 189 64,777 287,242 343,869 21,905 84,751 157,651 247,610 241,457 74,062 121,791 39,190 161 321,817 351 Eastern district $377,518 856 276 11 68 1,772 53.365 36,488 1,036 97,081 31,569 5,871 4,379 2,624 495 56,690 60,418 21,491 212 W3 6,974,477 34,464 117,805 6,891,136 66,745 36,760 7,825 3,384 122 2,539 13 15,551 1,539 134,478 809.796 120,603 1,893,158 26,126 54,314 212,678 1,501,877 5,235,835 361,651 3,762,915 3,916,578 512 229,583 65,152 80,859 973,243 191,030 6,942 4,437 69,554 58,245 اما 175,527 226,069 18,485 42,279 157,651 132 215,5 53. 65, 12,513 $36,8 10 802 150 d Deficit or other reverse item. Southern district 1111 Western district $694 14,544 1,239 37,303 18,150 7,152 10,358 5,364 21,536 13.733 9,274 412 2,396,639 8 214,864 2,181,783 37,098 5,806 8,518 3,058 111 3,884 60 58,535 379,036 120,588 2,924,851 505 206,517 760,876 2,374,425 350,023 1,650,177 1,310,940 97,457 27,776 32,400 333,920 90,429 24,485 23,042 I 3,000 665 464 10,613 32,189 6,532 111,715 117,800 3,420 42,472 114,867 25.913 20,924 55,810 26,677 171 $5,015 501 19 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 20 1 Injuries to persons..... 2 Operating joint yards and terminals-Dr.. Day 3 Operating joint yards and terminals--Cr....... 4 Operating joint tracks and facilities-Dr..... 5 Operating joint tracks and facilities-Cr.... 6 Total transportation--rail line.... 10 7 Operation of vessels. Operation of terminals... Incidental.. 13 14 NN 11 Dining and buffet service... 12 Hotels and restaurants....... Grain elevators......……………………… Stockyards.. 15 Producing power sold. 16 17 27 28 ༢ ༢ སྐུ ༢ 30 18 Salaries and expenses of general officers...... 19 Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. General office supplies and expenses.. 20 Law expenses...... 21 22 Insurance....... 23 Relief department expenses 24 Pensions... 25 Stationery and printing.. 26 Valuation expenses. 32 www ww Other expenses.. General joint facilities-Dr 29 | General joint facilities--Or. SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING and TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 35 Total general expenses...... 31 Transportation for investment--CI.. 36 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES-Concluded Transportation--Rail Line-Concluded 37 39 Total railway operating expenses.... 33 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent). Separation Between Services * JUNFEF Transportation-Water Line Total transportation--water line.. Item 34 Related solely to freight service... 53 5555 #UKO M 61 Miscellaneous Operations Other miscellaneous operations...... NATION Total miscellaneous operations.... General 69 40 41 42 Miles of third main track………. 43 Miles of fourth main track………. 44 Miles of all other main tracks. 45 Miles of yard track and sidings. 46 Total, all tracks... Related solely to passenger and allied services. ... Related in common to both freight and passenger and allied services: Apportioned to freight service... Apportioned to passenger and allied services……. Not related to either freight service services.. Total. 47 Miles of road.... 48 Miles of second main track.. Miles of third main track………. 50 Miles of fourth main track. 51 Miles of all other main tracks.. 52 Miles of yard track and sidings. ... Total, all tracks...... Miles of road. Miles of second main track...... MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1925 ·· Total...... ·· MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1925 Steam locomotives: Number at close of year. Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year.... Number retired during year... Electric locomotives: Number at close of year: Box cars.. Flat cars. ... • Number at close of year... Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year...... Number retired during year... EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE Stock cars.... Coal cars Tank cars. ·· Refrigerator cars... Other freight-carrying cars. • or to passenger and allied Freight carrying Cars • ·· Total, all districts $639,205 267,777 4,940,302 280,903 515,952 28,009,486 47,528 65,883 7,255 46,245 166,911 343 373,716 649,657 96,963 172,713 1,279 3,171 2/ 38,976 56,534 103,406 75,768 22,457 165,977 1,428,663 3,219 47,485,075 71.70 $46,563,408 94,896 741,488 66,741 18,542 47,485,075 439.51 267.86 2.22 1.01 1/ 1,931.37 2,641.97 220.71 129.15 2.22 1.01 860.77 1,213.86 885 34,803,500 327 |||| Eastern district $396,375 248,198 1,692,088 208,329 355,291 19,717,183 47,528 HIND 255 4,735 59,518 2/ 197,028 466,153 64,034 94,498 1,024 3,171 16,875 35,542 32: 72,572 32,222 7,860 60,612 930,367 3,219 32,563,360 72.31 $32,563,360 32,563,360 332.06 211.96 2.22 1.01 1/1,305.65 1,852.90 183.55 109.94 2.22 1.01 613.97 910.69 582 24,298,700 1111 1,857 77 8 7,350 1 127 127 9,425 7,540 필리 ​Includes 33.13 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 29.77 miles of industrial tracks. 357 6,990 Southern district Mga Gand chan My b 111 All de a a 1111 111 Western district $242,830 19.579 3,248,214 72,574 160,661 8,292,303 65,883 41,510 107,393 176,688 183,504 32,929 78,215 255 22,101 20,992 30,834 43,546 14,597 105,365 498,296 14,921,715 70.39 $14,000,048 94,896 741,488 66,741 18,542 14,921,715 107.45 55.90 625.72 789.07 37.16 19.21 246.80 303.17 303 10,504,800 18 13 1111 1,500 16 & 360 food 1 1,885 1 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. IN MINN 1 2 band ford fond funct 2 GEEREO. 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 * 24 لالالا MMM 35 456 7-89 38 39 SESE £8 40 555 I FOG OMG Min 50 51 25 Number at close of year 26 Number installed during year 27 Number retired during year 52 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) g83m; EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars 57 Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total 28 Number at close of year 29 Number installed during year 30 Number retired during year 62 63 Number installed during year: Box care Flat care Stock cars Coal care Tank cars •• Total • Floating Equipment 31 Number of units at close of year 32 Number of units installed during year 33 Number of units retired during year • Refrigerator cara Other freight-carrying cars Total • • Number retired during year: Box cara Flat cars 3took cars Coal cars Tank cars Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying oars 46 Average number Compensation: 47 • Total Service hours: ·· Total Service days: All Classes of Passenger-train Cars • All Classes of Company Service Equipment Item • • In replacement and betterments: Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges TIES LAID DURING YEAR In replacement and betterments: Number of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges ... In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: • Number of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges ...... RAILS LAID DURING YEAR • • In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks • Miles of yard track and sidings Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for ·· Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for • • Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total EMPLOYEES • · • ❤ Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service In passenger service In mixed-train service In special service In yard-switching service In work service Grand total, all services • • Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY LOCOMOTIVES ... • HKU · • Total, all districts 71,135 2,560 240 374,740 150 30 6,350 455,205 2 11 1 MAD VETE 11 180 603 20 632 21 38 701 234 994 28 511 75 558,409 5,223,902 /$1,334,882 IN 17 1 89,821 766,286 $200,378 31,349 $1,218,337 8.00 26.59 4,882 $172,409 22,604 $37,049,832 $2,056,118 $39,733,887 51,241,773 2,251,560 54,271,081 579,052 9,139 598,399 $35,558,396 362 924 V dul Eastern district 11,285 2,040 360,140 150 6,350 379,965 | 11 11 180 503 20 532 = 30 546 234 814 5 316 48 17 1 329,793 2,892,354 $801,238 77.867 586,690 $170,229 16,562 $627,384 8.00 22.18 4,062 $142,678 13,096 $22,551,690 $1,526,496 $24,358,771 30,059,595 1,687,470 32,096,498 338,553 1,191 343,817 $23,040,41 1,454,615 16,481 1,029,838 3,311 1,033,149 1,479,382 Does not include data for 6,409 linear feet of steel ties. Does not include data for 3,098 linear feet of steel ties. Southern district 111 111 ||| 111 111 111 11 1111 | || || 1111 Western district 59,850 520 240 14,600 30 75,240 11 111 11 111 三 ​100 100 17 155 180 23 578 195 228,616 2,331,548 $533,644 11,954 179,596 $30,149 14,787 $590,953 4.41 820 $29,731 9,508 $14,498,142 $529,622 $15,375,116 21,182,178 564,090 22,174,583 240,499 7,948 254,582 $12,517,985 5.362 2,924 21 424,777 13,170 446,233 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 22 Kind of mileage: Steam road Electric line Steamboat line Stage line Miscellaneous lines Total mileage State or Territory: Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware .. District of Columbia Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois .………. Indiana .... Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Haine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri · ··· Montaną……………. Nebraska Nevada ..... New Hampshire New Jersey .... New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma .... Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont ... Virginia Washington I. II. • ·· • • Land Buildings III. Equipment: Cars Horsea West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Alaska Hawaii Canada Mexico Mileage not assignable 1 SUMMARY NO 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 MILEAGE COVERED BY OPERATIONS • D Item Item Automobiles Wagons and sleighs Harness and equipment Office furniture and equipment Office safes Trucks Stable equipment Garage equipment Total Line equipment Shop equipment Miscellaneous equipment Total equipment Total real property and equipment 232,013.08 3,103.08 26,756.87 454.28 6.00 262,333.31 4,369.75 2,178.90 4,425.40 8,835.79 4,579.31 903.35 308.80 49.85 4,829.63 6,673.67 2,734.88 11,248.33 6,758.57 10,233.14 9,305.42 3,493.36 321.29 2,053.29 2,720.47 1,957.97 7.503.13 8,089.72 3,954.80 7,736.09 4,726.79 6,183.16 2,088.14 1,177.90 2,085.41 2,826.31 8,079.05 4,584.68 5,245.09 339.49 6,405.73 3,265.42 9,114.88 Ufan. 204.17 3.585.48 4,166.09 3,602.75 15,540.10 2.099.79 15 949.79 5,062.62 5.922.47 3,138.04 6,841.95 1,847.07 9,680.30 351.30 3,651.20 94.23 12,209.00 Total $4,618,223 11,538,129 928,400 1,800,913 15,446,412 2,000,051 344,965 3,052,587 469,337 2,240,130 American Railway Express Co. COST OF REAL PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT 20,810 431,377 608,501 224,012 447,974 222,042.43 2,948.90 26,368.87 454.28 28,015,469 44,171,821 251,814.48 2,767.40 2,178.90 4,425.40 8,835.79 4,579.31 903.35 308.80 42.30 4,470.88 5,368.57 2,734.88 10,929.47 6,407.97 10,233.14 9.305.42 3,109.16 4,280.71 2,053.29 2,541.60 1,957.97 7,503.13 8,089.72 3.159.29 7,734.09 4,726.79 6,183.16 2,088.14 1,177.90 2,085.41 2,826.31 8,079.05 3,113.11 5,245.09 8,338.41 6,405.73 3,265.42 9,079.18 204.17 2.342.97 4,166.09 2,310.03 15,540.10 2,099.79 949.79 3,931.74 5.922.47 ,138.04 6,841.95 1,847.07 9,680.30 351.30 3,651.20 94.23 12,209.00 American Railway Express Co. $4,607,142 5973 11,314,427 928,400 1,773 773,331 14,661,323 1,942,814 339,095 2,971,676 444,129 2,171,947 20,751 430,699 593,803 224,012 447,974 Southeastern Express Co. 26,949,954 42,871,523 9,970.65 154.18 388.00 6.00 10,518.83 1/ Covers miscellaneous unassigned mileage, such as transoceanio, coastwise, river, and lake not within the boundaries of any State or Territory. 1,602.35 7.55 358.75 1,305.10 318.86 350.60 384.20 40.58 ន \\ \ \ 178.87 522 795.51 48 2.00 1,471.57 1.08 35.70 1,242.51 1,292.72 1,130.88 11 Southeastern Express Co. $11,081 223.702 27,582 785,089 57,237 5,870 80,911 25,208 68,183 59 678 14,698 1,065,515 1,300,298 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Cara: Number Inventory value Horses: Number Inventory value Automobiles: Gasoline- Total equipment, inventory value Number Inventory value Electric- Number Inventory value Wagons and sleighe: Wagons, double- Trucks: Number Inventory value Wagons, single- Number Inventory value Sleighs- Number Inventory value Buggies-- Number Inventory value • Number Inventory value Stable equipment: Inventory value Garage equipment: Inventory value Line equipment: Safes, car- ·· Harness equipment: Inventory valuc Office furniture and equipment: Inventory value Office safes: Number .. Inventory value I. II. SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 --Continued INVENTORY VALUE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED Shop equipment: Number Inventory value Safes, messenger- Number Inventory value Trunks, packing- Number Inventory value bther line equipment- Inventory value DO K • • Inventory value Kiacellaneous equipment: Inventory value * • Transportation: • Includes $293,489, inventory value of 229 automobile trailers. Includes $1,092,483, inventory value of 1,854 automobile batteries. Express, domestic Express, foreign Miscellaneous D Total transportation Contract payments: Express privileges--Dr. ·· Item Revenue from transportation III. Operations other than transportation Customs brokerage fees Order and commission Rents of buildings and other property Money ordere C.O.D. checks .. ·· • Account Travelers' cheques Telegraph and cable transfers Letters of credit ..... Foreign postal remittances Profit on exchange and other financial revenue Miscellaneous Total other than transportation Total operating revenues ❤ • · 1/ $14,493,231 Total 3/ ANALYSIS OF OPERATING REVENUES 252 $504,049 9,437 $550, 105 1,646 2/ $3,134,518 4,355 $4,956,652 4,184 $732,397 4,185 $196,534 1,856 $39,159 50 $835 $96,298 $1,466,058 12.334 $284,637 64,754 $1,010,606 $8,098 $307,454 2,610 $144,959 15,302 $71,067 10,474 $62,773 $59,847 $127,230 $446,466 Total $298,337,673 6,227 298,343,900 147,744,101 150,599,799 203,315 141,410 9.307 2,378,032 American Rail- way Express Co. 1/ $13,937,842 619,364 3,356,017 153,955,816 252 $504,049 3/ 9,293 $539,800 4,171 $4,628,685 1,615 2/ $3,084,977 4,156 $722,704 3,992 $170,202 1,856 $39,159 50 $835 $92,072 $1,409,487 11,856 $263,128 62,874 $971,010 $8,063 $307,065 2,505 $140,189 14,991 $69,835 9.861 $60, 704 $58,693 $127,230 $446,466 American Rail- way Express Co. $290,300,070 2,972 290,303,042 143,831,906 146,471,136 203,274 4,509 138,172 2,278,777 76 619,094 3,243,902 149,715,038 Southeastern Express Co. $555,389 144 $19,305 184 $327,967 3/ Includes $42,207, inventory value of 387 truck batteries. 31 $49,541 28 $9,693 193 $26,332 $4,226 $56,571 478 $21,509 1,820 $39,596 $35 $389 105 $4,770 311 $1,232 613 $2,069 $1,154 } Southeastern Express Co. $8,037,603 3,255 8,040,858 3,912,195 4,128,663 41 4 23 3,238 9,307 99,255 270 112,115 4,240,778 3 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 24 Operating income: SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Continued INCOME ACCOUNT Charges for transportation... Express privileges--Dr..... Revenue from transportation... Revenue from operations other than transportation. Total operating revenues. Operating expenses. Net operating revenue……………… Uncollectible revenue from transportation. Express taxes. Operating income. Item • Other income: Rent from real property and equipment used jointly. Miscellaneous rent income.... Net income from miscellaneous physical property. Separately operated properties--profit. Dividend income..... Income from funded securities.. Income from unfunded securities and accounts. Income from sinking and other reserve funds. Release of premiums on funded dabt. Contributions from other companies.... Miscellaneous income. Total other income. Gross income...... Miscellaneous taxes.... Net loss on miscellaneous physical property Deductions from gross income: Rent for real property and equipment used jointly. Miscellaneous rents... Separately operated properties--loes.. Interest on funded debt. Interest on unfunded debt... Amortization of discount on funded debt. Income transferred to other companies. Miscellaneous income debits... Total appropriations.. Balance transferred to profit and loss.. • Total deductions from gross income. Net income... Disposition of net income: Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds.. Dividend appropriations of income. Item Credit balance at beginning of year... Credit balance transferred from income.. Profit on real property and equipment sold Delayed income credits.. Unrefundable overcharges. Miscellaneous credits. · Income appropriations for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income. Miscellaneous appropriations of income. Total credits... Debit balance at beginning of year...... Debit balance transferred from income. ❤ • • ·· • • Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of surplus. Surplus set aside for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through surplus. Debt discount extinguished through surplus.. Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus. Loss on land sold. Delayed income debits... Miscellaneous debits. Total debits.. Balance carried forward to oredit of balance sheet • · ... Total $298,343,900 147,744, 101 150,599,799 3,356,017 153,955,816 150,518,872 3,436,944 29,419 2,144,805 1,262,720 633 223,925 402,055 480,820 1,107,433 2,370,153 1,293 72,762 25,500 99,591 2,270,562 2,148,520 2,148,520 122,042 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Total $2,674,010 122,042 34,893 7,890,120 3,065 1,720, 611 12,444,741 9,515,049 9,515,049 2,929,692 American Rail- way Express Co. $290,303,042 143,831,906 146,471,136 3,243,902 149,715,038 146,432,894 3,282,144 27,875 2,058,805 1,195,464 633 223,925 402,055 461,154 1,087,767 2,283,231 1,293 72,762 25,500 99,591 2,183,640 GOOD 2,078,520 2,078,520 105,120 American Rail- way Express Co. $2,621,164 105,120 34,893 7,890,120 2,583 1,713,682 12,367,562 9,515,049 9,515,049 2,852,513 Southeastern Express Co. $8,040,858 3,912,195 4,128,663 112,115 4,240,778 4,085,978 154,800 1,544 86,000 67,256 19,666 19,666 86,922 MED GURGA GUNS GREA 86,922 BAO UNDERS 70,000 70,000 16,922 Southeastern Express Co. $523 $52,846 16,922 482 6,929 77,179 77,179 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS I. II. III. Total operating expenseg 5. 6. Maintenance: 1. Superintendence--maintenance 2. Buildings and appurtenances--repairs 3. Buildings and appurtenances--depreciation Buildings and appurtenances--retirements Cars--repairs 4. 7. Cars--depreciation Cars--retirements Horses--depreciation 8. • ·· 9. Horses--retirements . 20. 11. 12. 13. 14. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Traffic: 33. 34. 35. 36. 39. 10. SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 —Continued ANALYSIS OF OPERATING EXPENSES Wagons and sleighs--repairs Wagons and sleighs--depreciation 15. Wagons and sleighs--retirements 16. 47. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Automobiles--repairs Automobiles--depreciation Automobiles--retirements 47. Harness equipment--repairs 17. 18. Harness equipment--depreciation and retirements Office furniture and equipment--repairs 19. Office furniture and equipment--depreciation and retirements 20. Office safes--repairs 21. Office safes--depreciation and retirements 22. 23. 24. Transportation: 37. 38. 57. 58. ❤ IV. General: 53. 54. 55. 56. Trucks--repairs.... Trucks-depreciation and retirements Superintendence--traffic Advertising Stationery and printing Other expenses Total ❤ • 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. Other expenses Total ·· Account Stable and garage equipment--repairs Stable and garage equipment--depreciation and retirements Line equipment--repaira Line equipment--depreciation and retirements Shop equipment--repairs .. Shop equipment--depreciation and retirementa .. • Superintendence--transportation 59. Pensions 60. 61. 62. Miscellaneous equipment--repairs Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation and retirements Other expenses Total Office employees Commissions Office supplies and expenses Rent of local offices Stationery and printing Lose and damage Damage to property Injuries to persons ·· ·· • Train employees Train supplies and expenses • Insurance Fidelity bond premiums ·· Vehicle employees ...... Stable and garage employees • Stable and garage supplies and expenses Drayage Stationery and, printing Valuation expenses Other expenses Total .. • • • ❤ .. • • • • • • + ·· Salaries and expenses of general officers Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants General office supplies and expenses Law expenses ·· ► • Total $150,518,872 279,588 289,398 270,172 188 26,070 189,571 60,461 d 3.843 71,979 58,796 3,405,108 1,727,052 136,316 578,018 132,072 48.672 125,026 35,149 144,264 298,734 8,568 28,068 517,487 170,150 Deficit or other reverse item. 21,412 42,366 36,649 54,242 8,040 16,944 37 222 297 8,777,085 246,517 21,869 209,616 240 478,242 5,263,792 51,071,531 10,763,461 3,112,713 4,524,729 27,629,992 2,387,637 5,624,390 1,698,448 11,275,857 976,482 2,412,838 4,824,429 143.932 1,007,941 150,498 132,868,670 387.983 327 5,844,460 563,116 359,690 392,390 26,275 568,469 181,507 70,985 8,394,875 American Rail- way Exprees Co. $146,432,894 279,588 283,265 259,058 24,852 189,571 60,461 3.843 65,938 58,544 3,314,046 1,600,401 d 136,148 567,524 128,455 48,252 122,991 32,447 141,964 287,957 8,050 26,925 502,670 163,279 21,401 42,147 36,110 52,793 8,040 16,944 37 222 297 8,475,534 215,645 18,362 191,158 425,165 5,134,569 49,947,077 10,276,584 3,042,685 4,375,274 27,128,021 2,351,618 5,448,943 681,739 10,713,913 964,045 2,322,305 4,717,728 142,762 998,000 150,351 129,395,615 357,814 5,708,585 552,032 339,693 348,913 19.690 568,469 171,742 69,642 8,136,580 25 Southeastern Express Co. $4,085,978 6,133 11,114 1,218 الله 6,041 252 91,062 126,651 168 10,494 3,617 420 2,035 2,702 2,300 10,777 518 1,143 14,817 6,871 11 1,21.9 539 1,449 301,551 30,872 3,507 18,458 240 53,077 129,223 1,124,454 486,877 70,028 149,455 501,971 36,019 175,447 16,709 561,944 12,436 90,533 106,701 1,170 9.941 147 3,473,055 30,169 135,875 11,084 19,997 43,477 6,585 9.765 1,343 258,295 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 26 Investment: Real property and equipment Sinking fund Current assets: Cash Special deposits ... Loans and notes receivable SUMMARY NO. 3---ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Concluded GENERAL BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies Other investments Total investment Material and supplies Other current assets • .. Miscellaneous accounts receivable Deferred assets Unadjusted debits: Stock: Total current assets Discount on capital stook Discount on funded debt Other unadjusted debits Total unadjusted debits Grand total Capital stock Premium on capital stock Total stock liabilities Funded debt unmatured. Current liabilities: Total current liabilities Deferred liabilities Unadjusted credits: • Loans and notes payable Audited accounts and wages unpaid Miscellaneous accounts payable Express privilege liabilities ... Other current liabilities ... Profit and losa balance Premium on funded debt Operating and insurance reserves Accrued depreciation. Other unadjusted credits Total unadjusted credits Class of employees Total corporate surplus Superintendence--Maintenance Superintendence--Traffic .. Advertising Superintend ence--Transportation Agents, clerks and solicitors Platform and house men Vehicle employees Stable and garage employees Train employees .. Claim agents, special agents, and clerks General officers · .. Corporate surplus: Additions to property through income and surplus Reserves from income and surplus Total appropriated surplus · • · Item • General office clerks and attendants. Law department officers and clerka Shop employees Other employees ASSETS •• • • • LIABILITIES · Number on Dec. 31 36 ·· Number of days worked 25.687 25,632 allah alam digə 570,079 1,839 1/1/0 15,933,857,417 17,905 4,961,897 16,446 5,204,821, 1,126 369,142 7,526 2,781,549 549 168,214 41 12,546 3,433 1,073, 145 1 14,754 50 1,420 424,318 1 534 • Total Yearly compensation • $232,121 214,105 Average daily compen- sation $9.04 8.35 Total $44,171,821 Total (including general officers).. 66,40820,489,735| 108,745,272 5.31 Total (excluding general officers)., 66,367 20,477,189 108,381,942 5.29 9,510,000 53,681, 821 24,965,630 14,139 5.325 779,803 1,833,899 8,957,963 36,556,759 425,102 1,407,472 1,407,472 92,071,154 35,642,000 Go to EMPLOYEES, SERVICE, AND COMPENSATION 35,642,000 5,724,608 3,943,551 17,262,111 2,472,935 29,403,205 2,602,200 5,199,077 15,856,465 438,515 21,494,057 2,929,692 2,929,692 Number on Dec.31 MM · 25,687 23,203 Go to GEN 4,478,447 7.86 1,804 556,669 26,327,664 5.42 15,472 715,338 24,275,863 4.89 17,285 4,771,353 27,582,077 5.30 16,053 5,082,115 1,940,323 5.20 1,109 364,028 13,850,842 4. 7,222 2,673,077 1,051,366 6.25 535 163,930 363,330 28.96 37 11,322 5,706,910 5.32 3,325 1,042,330 168,013 11.39 13,836 6.01 2,550,568 424,318 3,643 6.82 534 64,436 19,867,740 64,399 19,856,418 47 1,420 1 American Rail- way Express Co. $42,871,523 đa đ 9,510,000 52,381,523 23,800,252 14,097 5,325 742,330 1,818,038 8,837,107 35,217,149 425,102 1,399,114 1,399,114 89,422,888 34,642,000 34,642,000 American Railway Express Co. Number of 5,491,272 3,721,130 16,797,883 2,422,076 28,432,361 2,602,200 5,160,689 15,304,976 428,149 20,893,814 2,852,513 2,852,513 Average Yearly daily days compensation compen- worked sation $232,121 $9.04 191,174 8.24 75780 MM Southeastern Express Co. اننا $1,300,298 1,300,298 1,165,378 42 37,473 15,861 120,856 1,339,610 8,358 8,358 2,648,266 1,000,000 1,000,000 233,336 222,421 464,228 50,859 970,844 38,388 551,489 10,366 600,243 77,179 77,179 Number on Southeastern Express Co. Number of days Dec.31 worked G G 2,429 4.98 5.33 4;382,532 7.87 25,699,931 23,779,142 27,080,106 1,904,303 5.23 13,288,898 1,032,102 5.30 334.913 29.58 4.97 35 13,410 461 142,079 620 190,544 393 122,706 17 5,114 304 108,472 14 4,284 1,224 5,571,062 5.34 108 30,815 151,713 10.97 3 6.01 2,550,568 3,643 6.82 106, 202, 208 5.35 1,972 621,995 105,867,295 5.33 1,968620,771 918 Chap 1 10 Yearly compensation 00 $22,931 95,915 627,733 496,721 501,971 36,020 561,944 19,264 28,417 135,848 16,300 2,543,064 2,514,647 V Average daily compen- sation $9.44 7.15 4.42 2.61 4.09 7.04 5.18 4.50 23.22 4.41 17.76 4.09 4.05 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 4-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 Average mileage (single track) over which operations were conducted (miles).. GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investment in sleeping car property. Miscellaneous physical property. Other investmente.. Cash. Material and supplies.. Other current assets... Deferred assets.. Unadjusted debits. Total.. • Net balance receivable from receiving cashiers and ticket agents Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Capital stook.. Premium on capital stock Wages payable.. Miscellaneous accounts payable. Dividends matured unpaid. Unnatured dividends declared. Other current liabilities.. Deferred liabilities.. Operating reserves...... Accrued depreciation…. Other unadjusted credits Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. Profit and loss--balance…. Total corporate surplus. Sleeping car operating revenues. Revenues from auxiliary operations Total revenues. Sleeping car operating expenses.. Expenses of auxiliary operations Total operating expenses. Net revenues. ·· • • ·· 8leeping car tax accruals.. Auxiliary operations--Tax accruals. Total taxes..... Operating income... Revenues from miscellaneous operations.... Expenses of miscellaneous operations...... Net revenue from miscellaneous operations.. Taxes on miscellaneous operating property.. Miscellaneous operating income.. Total operating income. Total nonoperating income. Gross income, Rent from cars... Dividends received, Income from funded securities... Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds, Miscellaneous income.... Rent for cars. Miscellaneous tax accruals. Interest on unfunded debt. Miscellaneous income charges...... Total deductions from gross income. Net income...... Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income………. Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total appropriations..... Income balance transferred to profit and loss. • Oredit balance transferred from income Unrefundable overcharges.... Miscellaneous credits.. Total credits during year.. Dividend appropriations of surplus. Loss on retired equipment. Uncollectible sleeping car revenues, Miscellaneous debits. Total debits during year.. Net increase during year.. Balance at beginning of year.. Balance at end of year... INCOME ACCOUNT PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT d Deficit or other reverse item. 27 126,839.50 $206,918,961 7,042 67,577,521 3,677,959 1,718,141 1,746,582 4,386,960 497,471 3,181,528 39,436,791 329,148,956 135,000,000 9.398 1,426,793 8,481,548 26,700 1,789,822 1,409,682 2,079,491 72,693 87,131,154 53,942,975 5,004,917 32,773,783 37,778,700 80,198,066 1,292,257 81,490,323 63,512,593 1,198,698 64,711,291 16,779,032 4,203,833 29,195 4,233,028 12,546,004 ening-dag ding ₫ 87,090 87,090 87,090 12,633,994 243,651 4,572,179 1,443,186 159,765 116,811 6,535,592 19,168,686 5,892 191,121 98,698 50,391 346,102 18,822,584 114,601 10,738,872 2,000,000 12,853,473 5,969,111 5,969,111 15.563 214.196 6.193.870 52144 462 ,490 58.856 #24 190,986 26,582,797 32,773,783 } STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 28 SUMMARY NO. 4-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 Berth revenue • · Seat revenue Charter of cars . Miscellaneous revenue Car mileage revenue Association and contract revenue--Dr. Total operating revenues .. Maintenance Conducting car operations General expenses Total operating expenses Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) .. Auxiliary operations: General officers Clerks and attendants Maintenance: Mechanics, electricians, seamstresses, repairmen, carpenters, ahop employees, etc. Conducting car operations: General officers and staff (superintendence) District superintendents, agents, and staff Conductors Porters and maids Train stenographers Car cleaners . Laundry employ ses General expenses: ·· •• A ·· ❤ Commissary (superintendence) Agents and staff, conductors, waiters, cooka, etc. Total (including general officers) Total number of revenue passengers--berth Total number of revenue passenger s--seat Average revenue per passenger--berth Average revenue per passenger--seat Total number of car-miles Total number of car-days Standard sleeping caIS Tourist sleeping cars Parlor cars Dining cars Composite care Private cars Miscellaneous cars Total • ·· Class • Average number of revenue passengers per car per day Operating revenues per car-mile (cents) Operating revenues per car-day Operating expenses per car-mile (cents) Operating expenses per car-day ..... Net operating revenue per car-mile (cents) Net operating revenue per car-day Average number of car-miles per cur-day ·· • ❤ ·· OPERATING REVENUES • OPERATING EXPENSES EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES • OPERATING STATISTICS • EQUIPMENT IN SERVICE ON DEC. 31, 1925 1/ Does not include 30 cars leased or otherwise acquired. Number on Dec. 31 4,475 218 1,473 2,725 10,865 5,278 424 42 951 22 126 26.619 $76,232,518 9,996,735 1,845,394 201,322 795,397 8,873,299 80,198,067 28,364,834 32,247,467 2,900,292 63,512,593 79.19 Average daily compen- sation $4.55 6.33 4.16 5.76 2.49 4 3.34 2.40 29:13 4.99 3.00 3.64 12 22,470,751 13,055,052 $3.39 $0.76 1,043,663,099 3,007,022 7.684 $26.67026 6.085 $21.12143 1.599 $5.54883 347.07 7,056 379 1,057 23 205 22 Ï/ 8,746 - • 2 - Navid ร す ​ļ . HE 2708 I- 17 } DEC 2 1926 U.S. \"}} INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION BUREAU OF STATISTICS A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1925 • WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1926 * CRA ། S A * ܛ * 21 2 ... "} THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION JOSEPH B. EASTMAN, Chairman BALTHASAR H. MEYER HENRY C. HALL CLYDE B. AITCHISON JOHN J. ESCH JOHNSTON B. CAMPBELL ERNEST I. LEWIS FREDERICK I. COX FRANK McMANAMY- THOMAS F. WOODLOCK RICHARD V. TAYLOR GEORGE B. McGINTY, Secretary B ܕܐ܀ 205/ ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT of DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 15 CENTS PER COPY ▼ I F .. 4.5. Yout. gist 10-30-1926 CONTENTS. Introductory statement. Summary No. 1--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I steam railways (not including switching and terminal companies) for the year ended December 31, 1925 Summary No. 2--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I switching and terminal companies for the year ended December 31, 1925... Summary No. 3--Abstract of reports rendered by express compa- nies for the year ended December 31, 1925... Summary No. 4--Abstract of report rendered by The Pullman Com- pany for the year ended December 31, 1925... Page 4 5 15 22 27 3 ܃ ܀ î ܘ ܠܝܥܠܡܐ · 4. A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 This preliminary abstract for the calendar year 1925 is compiled from the annual reports of the classes of carriers designated. It differs from the Preliminary Statement of Capitalization and Income for the same year in that the latter is confined to a small number of items compiled for individual carriers, and in summary form, from a special report returned by them in advance of their annual report. The present abstract contains summaries by districts and is intended primarily to make available as promptly as possible certain totals not obtainable from the monthly or special reports of carriers. The totals are subject to change after corrections in the annual re- ports have been authorized. The final totals will appear in the Sta- tistics of Railways for 1925. It may be noted that only steam rail- ways, express companies, and The Pullman Company are covered in this abstract. Separate mimeographed statements are issued annually for pipe line companies, telegraph and cable companies, carriers by water, telephone companies, and electric railways. Because a separate annual publication of freight commodity statistics for the year 1925 has been issued in full detail for the 70 classes of commodities, only group totals concerning commodities carried are shown in this preliminary abstract. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT. It should be especially observed that the balance sheet items relate to operating companies only and do not cover the balance sheets of lessor companies the property of which is operated by Class I steam railways, that is, railways having annual operating revenues above $1,000,000. The following table shows the investment in road and equip- ment of the operating and lessor companies at the end of the year 1925: Investment in Road and Equipment of Steam Railways, as of December 31, 1925 (Accounts 701 and 702) Class I.... Lessors to Class I. Total... Class II.. Lessors to Class II. Total.. Class III.. Lessors to Class III. Total.... Grand total WASHINGTON, July 29, 1926. O $18,112,791,628 3,912,487,934 22,025,279,562 563,070,883 11,878,358 574,949, 241 104,097,213 4,942,822 109,040,035 22,709,268,838 4 · 7. : 1 ; ܪ. 1 " STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Total number of stockholders antino75 $ 9 10 11 12 2 Investment in road and equipment Improvements on leased railway property Sinking funda Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies Other investments 13 14 15 16 222 20 21 22 23 24 25 56 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 (Does not include lessor companies) Cash Demand loans and deposits Time drafts and deposits Special deposits • Loana and bills receivable Miscellaneous accounts receivable Material and supplies 17 Other current assets .. 18 Total current assets 19 Deferred assets 26 · Total investments GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Capital stock Stock liability for conversion Premium on capital stock 27 28 Total stock 29 | Granta in aid of œ nstruction Discount on capital stock Discount on funded debt Other unadjusted debits ? Item 37 38 Deferred liabilities 51 Investmenta Total unadjusted debits Grand total 39 40 Operating reserves 41 Accrued depreciation 42 43 Current Assets Unadjusted Debits Premium on funded debt 30 | Funded debt unmatured 31 Receiver's certificates ..... 32 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies 33 Total long-term debt 34 Loans and bills payable 36 Other current liabilities.……………、 Total current liabilities Miscellaneous accounts payable • Other unadjusted credits .. Stock Long-Term Debt Current Liabilities Unadjusted Credits Total unadjusted credits Corporate Surplus 44 Additions to property through income and surplus 45 46 47 Miscellaneous fund reserves 48 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested Funded debt retired through income and surplus sinking fund reserves • 49 Total appropriated surplus 50 Profit and loss--balance .... Total corporate surplus • INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT • 52 | Expenditures for new lines and extensions Expenditures for additions and betterments 54 Credits for property retired 53 55 Adjustments 56 Net charges during year 57 Stocks actually issued during year--par value 58 | Funded debt` actually issued during year--par value Total, all districts 755,252 $17,709,659,151 403,132,477 12,797,233 11,299,135 155,881,509 4,574,224,906 849,855,413 23,716,849,824 560,163,699 15,621,493 95,783,339 145,621,829 29,745,651 206,690,234 525,853,107 241,809,670 1,821,289,022 178,896,676 19,184,340 83,071,433 198,053,983 300,309,756 26,017,345,278 7,633,455,455 46,596,578 7,682,147,719 5,470,326 10,519,379,431 10,519, 7,128,400 447,317,666 10,973,825,497 67,303,051 94,181,660 1,063,388,354 1,224,873,065 102,408,940 1,263,750 4,610,329 1.505,747,450 696,245,562 2,207,867,091 839,374,943 89,123,098 48,514,300 47,209,945 61,349,198 1,085,771,484 2,734,981,156 3,820,752,640 17,157,457 682,195,579 200,001,353 635,558 499,987,241 138,921,417 324,939,396 Eastern district 328,165 $6,267,148,663 330,817,499 1,028,828 3,881,424 70,652,205 1,780,695,861 458,560,924 8,912,785,404 218,146,020 2,234,202 41,260,963 31,464,051 16,297,499 79,538,671 215,444,233 105,290,394 709,676,033 90,681,685 462,795 24,663,453 79,946,019 105,072,267 9,818,215,389 2,802,424,125 426,815 35,205,292 2,838,056,232 385,749 3,936,440,286 1,803,900 85,803,085 4,024,047,271 35,033,504 35 40,432,293 402,976,000 478,441,797 50,666,143 249,229 3,525,677 665,376,865 283,817,892 952,969,663 470,255,843 12,750,600 25,785,549 43,934,295 271,564 552,997,851 920,650,683 1,473,648,534 2,207,666 240,846,909 88,935,063 d 1,753,240 152,366,272 80,997,300 107,889,450 Deficit or other reverse item. Includes $156,125,539, consideration received for 1,362,400 shares of stock without par value. Southern district 81,382 $3,225,678,962 50,363,768 1,024,111 3,109,174 24,583,940 503,182,500 87,699,515 3,895,641,970 112,607,045 10,000 17,795,766 47,762,785 8,547,872 34,861,877 96, 700,581 48,251,901 366,537,827 33,305,329 3,013,100 18,804,654 24,413,941 46,231,695 4,341,716,821 1,166,619,822 4,927,400 1,171,547,222 1,591,779 1,896,444,164 2,164,500 9,924,991 1,908,533,655 3,031,114 11,269,838 172,866,748 187,167,700 29,016,258 101,395 1,077,159 273,012,847 86,133,152 360,324,553 115,049,055 1,100,422 5,304,477 50,675 3,922,839 125,427,468 558,108,186 683,535,654 3,282,269 189,188,656 36,040,124 468,732 156,899,533 44,094,556 89,093,748 5 Western district 345,705 $8,216,831,526 21,951,210 10, 744,294 4,308,537 60,645,364 2,290,346,545 303,594,974 10,908,422,450 229,410,634 13,377,291 36,726,610 66,394,993 4,900,280 92,289,686 213,708,293 88,267,375 745,075,162 54,909,662 15,708,445 39,603,326 93,694,023 149,005, 794 11,857,413,068 1/3,664,411,508 1,668,871 6,463,886 3,672,544,265 3,492,798 4,686,494,981 3,160,000 351,589,590 5,041,244,571 29,238,433 42,479,529 487,545,606 559,263,568 22,726,539 913,126 7,493 567.357.738 326,294,518 894,572,875 254,270,045 75,272,076 17,424,274 3,224,975 57,154,795 407,346,165 1,256, 222, 287 1,663,568,452 11,667,522 252,160,014 75,026,166 1,920,066 190,721,436 13,829,561 127,956,198 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. M45 9 10 12 5 6 11 13 14 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Revenues from miscellaneous operations 8 | Expenses of miscellaneous operations Miscellaneous operating income 12 Total operating income 12A Net railway operating income 17 Rent from work equipment 18 15 Rent from passenger-train cars 16 Rent from floating equipment ininininin in L ON TO A ONNMT 49 6 52 53 55 SUMMARY NO. 1–RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 27 28 29 30 31 32 | Hire of freight cars--debit balance 33 | Rent for locomotives 34 Rent for passenger-train cars 35 36 | Rant for work equipment 56 Railway operating revenues Railway operating expenses 37 Joint facility rents 38 | Rent for leased roads NO CON M JHONBOREN Z mi 39 Miscellaneous rents 40 41 57 58 Net revenue from railway operations Railway tax accruals Uncollectible railway revenues Railway operating income 63 73 Net revenue from miscellaneous operations Taxes on miscellaneous operating property 72 75 INCOME ACCOUNT Hire of freight cars--credit balance Rent from locomotivea Joint facility rent income Income from lease of road 42 43 • 44 Amortization of discount on funded debt 45 46 47 74 Item • Miscellaneous rent income ...... Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property Separately operated properties--profit Dividend income .... Income from funded securities Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds Release of premiums on funded debt Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income .... Rent for floating equipment Maintenance of investment organization Income transferred to other companies Miscellaneous income charges Total deductions from gross income Net inco me 50 Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income ...... 51 Income appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total nonoperating income Gross income Miscellaneous tax accruals 59 Delayed income credits 60 61 62 Unrefundable overcharges Donations Miscellaneous credits • Separately operated properties--logs Interest on funded debt Interest on unfunded debt ·· • • Credit balance transferred from income Profit on road and equipment sold Total credits during year 64 Debit balance transferred from income 71 Loss on retired road and equipment Delayed income debits Miscellaneous debits Total appropriations of income Income balance transferred to profit and losa PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT • • 65 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve fund a Dividend appropriations of surplus 68 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through surplus 69 Debt discount extinguished through surplus 70 Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus • • Total debits during year Net increase during year Balance at beginning of year Balance at end of year Dividends declared during year Par value on which declared--common ·· 77 78 79 80 | Par value on which declared--preferred 81 | Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent Į . . Total, all districts $6,122,509,856 4,536,880,291 1,585,629,565 358,516,046 1,924,382 1,225,189,137 3,221,103 3,062,527 158,576 156,128 2,448 1,225,191,585 1,121,080,632 22,689,570 12,181,831 15,835,617 348,590 2,817,521 43,718,595 4,773,720 20,495,551 5,917,005 3,297,962 127,545,939 65,256,963 31,627,995 4,176,255 431,7 104,924 2,348,924 2,661,371 365,798,333 1,590,989,918 100,866,898 10,800,415 17,845,835 2,426,589 1,327,470 68,433,022 156,390,946 5,193,630 4,417,591 2,568,962 492,564,739 11,448,271 4,288, 510 58,012 4,148,606 6,312,827 890,092,323 700,897,595 11,479,437 202,453,923 7,482,057 3,139,098 224,554,515 476,343,080 499,755,685 545,409 634,437 1,621,875 3,456,462 58,199.535 570,213,403 23,412,605 1,914,048 141,666,962 13,360,700 2,297,556 8,871,492 1,509,435 26,532,399 925,097 62,474,519 281,964,813 288,248,590 2,433,958,740 Eastern district $2,754,442,552 2,084,325,325 2,722,207,330 344,120,885 4,033,318,804 1,178,290,031 6.61 d. Deficit or other reverse item. 670,117,227 143,332,708 898,810 525,885, 709 1,393,614 1,188,840 204,774 75,165 129,609 526,015,318 474,906,322 10,382,186 4,721,809 5,389,617 291,888 $20,528 23,778,789 2,042,136 11,914,666 23 3,507,986 3,220,891 54,420,494 17,561,348 17,854,133 3,372,754 45,186 2,318,344 2,567,541 164,210,296 690,225,614 48,096,435 4,833.371 6,660,281 2,325,016 533,420 33,915,681 96,781,324 4,191,785 3,154,131 2,278,065 185,465,277 4,807,175 1,484,839 36,846 4,148,606 3,160,079 401,872,331 288,353,283 7,298,405 91,250,710 6,451,984 CNS a 3,020,387 108,021,486 180,331,797 183,249,203 3,615,901 1,404,869 654,085 433.395 44,183,730 233,541,183 2,917,406 130,077 37,948,236 8,929,315 5,447,930 52,652 12,305,681 3,488,873 47,190,514 118,410,684 115,130,499 805,520,184 920,650,683 129,198,946 1,587,958,898 282,717,481 6.91 $1,106,737,711 793,329,057 Southern district 313,408,654 68,403,934 324,389 244,674,331 1,730,073 1,857,282 d d 127,209 17,128 144,337 244,529,994 238,830,674 9,019,999 1,997,579 3,420,589 7,860 749,341 5.337.367 408,198 2,031,749 1,017,197 11,374,034 12,079,243 5,456,466 102,973 402,674 53,405,369 297,935,363 12,937,299 338,013 4,159,957 53,200 220,151 7,667,872 12,669,031 660,141 127,508 51,975 89,355,405 1,070,893 1,238,135 5,366 769,395 132,324,341 165,611,022 659,983 10,266, 720 880,073 118,711 S 11,925,487 153,685,535 154,730,029 794,265 105,051 341,287 1,178,763 1,366,818 158,516,213 1,044,494 1,719,555 54,504, 782 1,404,927 2,297,556 139,491 62,375 3,893,665 2,416,135 67,482,980 033,233 487,8073045 953 558,108,186 64,771,502 792,168,400 179,915,050 6.66 Western district $2,261,329,593 1,659,225,909 d 602,103,684 146,773,404 701,183 454,629,097 97,416 16,405 81,011 63,835 17,176 454,646,273 407,343,636 3,287,385 5,462,343 7,025,411 48,842 1,247,652 14,602,439 2.323.386 6,549,136 1,391,822 77,071 61,751,411 35,616,372 8,317,396 700,528 59.738 30,580 308,844 148,182,668 602,828,941 39,833,164 4,629,031 7,025,597 48,373 573,899 26,849,469 46,940,591 1,341,704 1,135,952 238,922 217,744,057 5,570,203 1,565,536 15,800 2,383,353 355,895,651 246,933,290 3,521,049 100,936,493 150,000 104,607,542 142,325,748 161,776,453 1,135,243 1,24,517 626.503 1,844,304 12,648,987 178,156,007 19,450,705 64,416 49,213,944 3,026,458 3,284,071 1,394,408 10,333,053 a 2 563,776 11,867,870 96,071,149 82,084,858 1,161,363,603 1,243,448, 461 150,150,437 1,653,191,506 709,657,500 6.35 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No Houmtit 1 Freight 2 4 Sleeping car 6 Mail 9 10 11 12 7 Express 8 15 56 16 27 28 456789 35 Passenger Excess baggage 13 14 Water transfers--passenger Water transfers--vehicles and live stock Water transfers--other SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Parlor and chair car 17 18 | Freight 19 20 21 22 23 Express 24 Special service 25 Other 26 43 44 • 5555 • 59 60 Other passenger-train Milk | Switching Special service train ....... Other freight-train ... Water transfers--freight .... 37 Power Total rail-line transportation revenue Passenger 29 30 31 | Storage--freight Storage--baggage 32 33 Demurrage ..... 34 Telegraph and telephone Grain elevator 71 72 RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES • Excess baggage Other passenger service Mail 36 | Stockyard • Dining and buffet Hotel and restaurant Total water-line transportation revenue 39 Miscellaneous 40 42 Joint facility--Cr. 42 Joint facility--Dr. ·· Station, train, and boat privileges Parcel room Rents of buildings and other property Item Total incidental operating revenue 45 Superintendence ...... 46 Roadway maintenance--yard 47 Roadway maintenance--other Roadway--depreciation--yard 48 50 49 Roadway--depreciation--other Underground power tubes--yard Underground power tubes--other 51 52 | Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard 53 Underground power tubes--depreciation--other 54 Tunnels and subways--yard Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures 55 Tunnels and subway a--other- 56 Tunnels and subways-depreciation--yard 57 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard ……………………………. Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other 67 Ties--other .. 68 Ties-depreciation--yard 69 Ties--depreciation--other 70 Rails--yard Rails--Other ...... • O 63 Mevated structures--other 64 Elevated structures--depreciation--yard 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other 66 | Ties--yard Rails--depreciation--yard Rails--depreciation--other Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard 61 Bridges, treatles, and culverts--depreciation--other 62 Elevated structures--yard 73 74 Other track material--yard • • • Other track material--other ... 81 | Ballast--depreciation--other 82 Track laying and surfacing-yard 83 Track laying and surfacing--other 75 76 | Other track material--depreciation--yard 77 78 Other track material--depreciation--other Ballast-yard 79 | Ballast--other 80 | Ballast--depreciation--yard • 84 | Right-of-way fences--yard .....…………… 85 Right-of-way fences--other 86 Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard 87 | Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other • ** ·· Total, all district 8 $4,541,646,040 1,056,395,753 7,603,676 1,969,164 1,306,740 97,097,318 145,354,688 14,925,623 35,774,647 956,004 2,398,915 3235 285,461 1,184,996 2,253,803 6,300,049 1,434,912 5,978,887,789 11,109,977 1,308,928 2,761 17,820 8,757 22,741 783,516 547,469 13,801,969 33,857,386 8,500,554 807,905 1,477,028 ,140,380 782,542 20,391,640 2,548,666 1,830,955 747,492 6,262,247 7,320,481 26,789,620 121,456,896 11,097,473 2,734,271 8,363,202 6,122,509,856 54,158,391 7,999,671 69,254,331 20,555 148,186 61,583 2,932,783 ; 3232323; 24,802 2,333,219 41,437,076 248,393 1,126,535 72,739 109,168 15,046,050 103,452,954 247,003 235,115 3 448,121 40,715,340 53,875 795,979 8,901,883 38,730,714 177,028 792,097 616,826 15,718,948 1,647 340,396 23.925.759 176,910,832 $6,282 5,417,724 61,903 3,387 Eastern district $1,987,804,252 520,011,019 2,723,763 376,784 37,041,654 70,341,124 5,685,747 25,988,429 29,200,159 871,302 142,792 834,852 1,672,049 4,827,311 1,160,134 2,688,681,371 1,373,507 790,766 Deficit or other reverse item. 1,073 4,677 8,612 19,496 25,330 144 2,223,605 14,352,803 3,062,668 4,430,884 1,062,092 2,122,621 356,026 11,062,285 575,081 1,780,300 10,316 6,039,326 4,960,990 10,211,210 60,026,662 4,465,094 954,180 3,510,914 2,754,442,552 21,475,746 3,780,144 25,277,190 40,570 58,016 921,343 34 1,690 928,815 14,600,375 22,497 525,341 64,758 99,718 7,601,684 39,528,586 53 3,527 1,976,791 17,156,350 188 7,779 4,738,160 17,768,996 4,423 314,354 6,265,869 69 3,266 12,100,685 69,804,721 25,404 1,657,035 1,462 11 35 Southern district $851,637,550 180,735,461 1,330,833 40,071 190,701 16,445,368 22,316,967 1,942,080 1,567,612 8,454,737 547,310 23,005 51,105 78,107 20,440 220,855 1,086,102,202 ||| 6,577,438 589,806 764,295 133,294 952,311 84,144 3,419,526 89,598 14,905 5.336 114,083 760,877 5,697,638 19, 203, 251 1,876,782 4,524 1,432,258 1,106,737,711 9,851,745 1,164,347 14,838,651 59,172 2.77 1,136,666 11,372 711,469 9,222,788 213,541 487,356 2,453,027 19,995,043 243,022 2,216,519 496,349 9,806, 624 53,818 770,442 1,161,322 6,154,410 173,958 780,424 69.776 4,394,068 1,276 334,405 3,349,612 34,112,546 8,839 681,114 59,771 7 Western district $1,702, 204, 238 355,649,273 3,549,080 1,929,093 739,255 43,610,296 52,196,597 7,297,796 8,218,606 25,301,108 980,303 119,664 299,039 503,647 1,452,298 53,923 2,204,104, 216 9,736,470 518,162 1,688 13,143 145 3,245 758,186 547,325 11,578,364 12,927,145 4,848,080 1,612,726 281,642 1,065,448 342,312 5,909,829 1,883,987 35,750 731,840 108,838 1,598,614 10,880,772 42,226,983 4,755,597 1,335,567 3,420,030 2,261,329,593 22,830,900 3,055,180 29,138,490 d 20,555 48,444 794 874,774 11,740 692,935 17,613,913 12,355 113,838 7,981 9,450 4,991,339 43,929,325 3,928 15,069 974,981 13,752,366 131 17.758 002,401 14,807,308 3,035 7,250 232,696 5,059,011 302 2,725 8,475,462 72,993,565 52,039 3,079,575 670 3.376 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 10 No. ललला HUM LOW 780 1 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard 2 6 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--yard Snow and sand fences and snowshed a--depreciation--other Crossings and signs--yard Crossings and signs--other .......... Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard Crossings and signs--depreciation--other Station and office buildings 10 Station and office buildings--depreciation 11 Roadway buildings Roadway buildings--depreciation 9 HOM 12 13 14 15 Fuel stations ·· 16 Fuel stations--depreciation 17 Shops and enginehouses 18 25 26 27 28 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 19 | Grain elevators.. 20 21 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded Storage warehouses 22 Storage warehouses--depreciation 23 Wharves and docks .. 24 | Wharves and docka--depreciation Water stations Water stations--depreciation Shops and enginehouses--depreciation 49 Grain elevators--depreciation 30 31 | Signals and interlockers 32 HARTNOMA O HAM & 51 29 Telegraph end telephone lines Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation 52 Coal and ore wharves Coal and ore wharves--depreciation Gas producing plants Gas producing plants--depreciation 33 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines 34 37 Power substation buildings 38 Power substation buildings--depreciation 39 Power transmission systema 40 Power transmission systems--depreciation 41 Power distribution systems 42 Power distribution systems--depreciation 58 Item Signals and interlockers--depreciation Power plant dame, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation 35 Power plant buildings 36 Power plant buildings--depreciation 45 Underground conduits .... 46 Underground conduits--depreciation 47 48 50 | Paving--depreciation ·· 43 Power line poles and fixtures 44 Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation Roadway machines Miscellaneous structures Miscellaneous structures--depreciation Paving ... 53 Small tools and supplies • Roadway machines--depreciation ... 54 Removing snow, ice, and sand Insurance 55 Assessments for public improvements 56 | Injuries to persons Stationery and printing 59 Other expenses ...... Superintendence 66 Shop machinery 67 Shop machinery--depreciation 68 Power plant machinery 69 Power plant machinery--depreciation 70 Power substation apparatus 71 Power substation apparatus--depreciation 72 Steam locomotives--repairs 73 Steam locomotives--depreciation ..... 74 Steam locomotives--retirements 75 Other locomotives--repairs ... 76 Other locomotives--depreciation Total, above accounts Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 62 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr. 63 Equalization--way and structures Total maintenance of way and structures Maintenance of Equipment Other locomotives--retirements .... • 78 Freight-train cars--repairs.... 79 Freight-train cars--depreciation 80 | Freight-train cars--retirements 81 Passenger-train cars--repairs 82 Passenger-train care--depreciation • 83 53 Passenger-train cars--retirements 84 Motor equipment of cars--repairs 85 Motor equipment of cars--depreciation 86 Motor equipment of cars--retirements 87 Floating equipment--repairs 88 Floating equipment--depreciation 89 | Floating equipment--retirements • • • • • • Total, all districts $5,747 950,568 21 91 1,396,465 11,190,198 25,748 31,016 31,017, 211 955,256 4,730,132 81,717 10,796,667 137.315 4,432,807 63,687 25,265,175 488,666 214,511 4,089 69,987 2,374 5,242,956 127,294 3,322,659 835,910 76,218 11,455,348 156,577 30,047,621 135,724 10,871 782,963 127,600 52,394 21,345 312,447 77,852 2,666,975 323,529 489,575 96,667 27,582 9,056 423,369 6,270 693,919 68 6,216,123 7,226 10,768,819 9,650,695 558,438 5,553,122 3,989,653 1,275,903 693,615 805,561,360 36,365,283 25,483,438 816,443,205 44,831,788 27,589,845 654,572 5,497,787 492,076 277,911 96,053 456,532,571 51,690,489 5,594,645 2,736,111 692,739 3,117 373,314,353 107,363,743 20,091,468 83,835,319 15,344,541 1,625,768 2,018,353 584,033 25,323 10,722,779 3,014,235 372,221 Eastern district $2,566 72,729 81 577,923 6,238,699 1,968 28,669 14,791,942 383,853 1,435,046 1,856 3,965,013 29,510 1,993,148 22,427 12,795,400 276,416 208,823 1,689 19,661 3,399,180 52,441 1,988,170 124,060 35,075 5,417,178 412 18,616,745 115,827 477,512 97,824 42,434 19,127 255,466 64,445 2,172,941 303,550 322,263 81,127 23,912 7,504 227,588 421,977 1,965,292 294 4,025,587 7,105,074 201,583 2,516,077 1,825,673 481,465 515,655 ► Home 342,506,556 15,716,891 10,809,062 347,414,385 20,569,507 15,452,607 368,236 3,733,876 434,680 226,987 75,252 214,161,060 24,376,230 3,789,302 2,056,557 434,011 860 178,842,116 47,437,100 9,780,664 38,849,517 7,464,465 1,031,543 1,375,667 443,419 12,523 8,405,116 1.815,107 183,117 Deficit or other reverse item. Southern district 8543 132,345 1,647,022 1,044 5,703,253 236,114 1,266,271 22,638 2,101,978 65,124 894,076 23,367 3,506,812 130,661 1,976 2,400 48,732 2,374 974, 201 74,853 367,718 84,496 620 1,953,521 9,597 4,332,682 16,718 194 d 73,108 14,645 948 336 27,772 6,919 143,531 11,171 40,128 8,174 21,034 98 52,106 1,216,824 2,809 2,133,502 245,644 95,360 811,930 653,182 233,484 54,578 154,464,662 6,553,843 5,300,807 155,717,698 7,446,015 3,765,619 273,265 547,235 31,528 11,295 2,544 82,746,468 8,671,993 674,431 214,353 67,156 67,394,189 21,597,330 4,053,616 13,725,562 2,267,935 203,460 36,346 9,989 9,504 253,595 52,661 Western district $3,181 877,296 21 10 686,197 3,304,477 23,780 1,303 10,522,016 335,289 2,028,821 57,223 4,729,676 42,681 1,545,583 17,893 8,962,963 81,589 3,712 1,594 $69,575 966,771 627,354 40,523 4,085,878 3,539 7,098,194 3,179 10,677 232,343 15,131 9.012 1,882 29,209 6,488 29; 350,503 8,808 127,184 7,366 3,670 1,552 174 174,747 6,368 219,836 68 3,034,007 4,123 4,609,730 2,299,977 261,495 2,225,115 1,510,798 560,954 123,382 308,590,142 14,094,549 9,373,569 313,311,122 16,816,266 8,371,619 13,071 1,216,676 25,868 39,629 18,257 159,625,043 18,642,266 1,130,912 465, 201 191,572 2,257 127,078,048 38,329,313 6,257,188 31,260,240 5,612,141 390.765 606,340 130,625 3,296 2,064,068 1,146,467 174,562 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. HAMTION TO GO I am in 9 10 1 Work equipment-repairs ... 2 Work equipment-depreciation Work equipment--retirements ..... 11 15 SUMMARY NO. 1–RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 12 Maintaining joint equipment 13 Maintaining joint equipment Equalization--equipment 1 Miscellaneous equipment--repairs Miscellaneous equipment-depreciation Miscellaneous equipment--retirements Injuries to persons Insurance Stationery and printing | Other expenses RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded Total 16 Superintendence 17 Outside agencies 18 Advertising 19 | Traffic associations 20 Fast freight lines 21 22 | Insurance 47 48 23 24 Other expenses 25 Total maintenance of equipment 26 Superintendence 27 28 Stationery and printing 63 64 Industrial and immigration bureaus Total traffic 35 Yard enginemen 36 Yard motormen Dispatching trains Station employees 29 | Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus 30 Coal and ore wharves 31 32 33 34 Yard switch and signal tenders Station supplies and expenses Yardmasters and yard clerks Yard conductors and brakemen .. 42 43 44 Yard supplies and expenses 45 Train enginemen 46 Train motormen d • Fuel for train locomotives Train power produced 49 Train power purchased .... 50 | Water for train locomotives 51 S 37 Fuel for yard locomotives 38 Yard switching power produced 39 Yard switching power purchased 40 Water for yard locomotives Lubricants for yard locomotives 41 Other supplies for yard locomotives Enginehouse expenses--yard Transportation--Rail Line Item Cr 61 Operating floating equipment 62 Express service ..... Stationery and printing Other expenses Insurance Clearing wrecks 68 69 Loss and damage--freight 70 .. •• • Traffic Lubricants for train locomotiv68 52 Other supplies for train locomotives 53 Enginehouse expenses--train 54 Trainmen Train supplies and expenses ..... 56 Operating sleeping cars 57 Signal and interlocker operation • Operation of vessels 78 | Operation of terminals 79 | Incidental 80 58 Crossing protection 59 Drawbridge operation 60 Telegraph and telephone operation • • ·· 65 66 67 Damage to property Damage to live stock on right of way .... • Loss and damage--baggage ………………………. Injuries to persons 71 72 Operating joint yards and terminals-Dr. Operating joint yards and terminals--Or. 74 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr. 75 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Cr. 76 Total transportation--Rail line Transportation--Water Line Total transportation--Water line Total, all districts $17,917,453 4,399,134 2,003,943 373,896 229,053 64,838 6,245,578 5,933,210 2,226,903 1,982,484 1,256,378,332 7,198,361 3,732,282 9.135 d 1,259,835,276 34,491,374 42,873,135 13,644,355 2,596,531 66,038 2,209,044 32,618 10,015,643 124,158 106,052,896 67,052,231 34,352, 216 306,474,898 5,451,601 8,066,801 20,930,535 60,780,808 144,491,126 12,366,273 88,152,837 780,411 66,760,458 198,036 276,005 4,404,398 1,352,898 1,459,378 30,524,826 3,602,974 225,682,017 3,720,738 340,502,586 2,528,411 5,641,450 21,736,561 7.537,496 6,368,242 83,142,164 262,032,814 77,598,245 837,800 26,181,209 21,499,719 2,066,781 10,522,926 27,953,023 13,837,656 5,668,221 3,495,678 8,361,223 5,016,139 2,869,469 36,915,439 374,055 33,141,812 67,191,439 32,974,113 15,331,307 13,787,999 2,128,471,218 4,652,769 4,875,855 310,199 9,838,823 Eastern district $8,735,824 1,813,147 896,237 218,554 121,324 52,314 3,637,243 2,547,025 1,149,239 1,328,100 601,818,526 3,314,655 1,776,834 603,356,347 15,613,989 13,847,728 3,815,330 977,881 49,292 523,740 11,969 4,281,847 73,196 39,194,972 34,308,882 16,778,465 145,501,264 1,153,341 4,999,842 10,751,991 32,019,744 76,006,212 8,206,999 45,640,717 742,901 30,602,734 193.338 253,541 2,127,627 736,309 733,587 14,762,417 2,167,847 96,438,794 2,345,620 129,850, 646 1,678,460 4,266,309 8,707,578 3,208,716 2,888,212 37,578,450 111,755,398 35,820,773 17,346,774 14,703,076 1,082,393 4,803,220 23.763,834 6,652,770 3,671,280 1,427,662 4,332,045 2,454,948 250,194 16,732,438 253,312 16,968,049 26,497,483 12,356,984 7,248, 211 6,545,047 991,512,372 1,319,679 170,526 22,491 1,512,696 A Deficit or other reverse item. Southern district $2,988,467 907,958 252,341 27,208 25,192 2,320 710,231 719,491 360,457 360,083 220,424,379 1,181,090 819,058 d 2.963 220,783,448 6,992,287 9,037,486 2,176,226 523,165 720,702 4,992 2,377,092 10,241 21,842,191 11,403,357 7,248,021 54,141,559 1,247,320 1,363,777 3,085,161 10,906,088 24,559,531 1,244,336 14,393,997 1,944 9,607,546 648,238 220,344 300,045 5,398,290 648,485 43,558,715 205,083 55,643,896 356,063 35,402 3,819,825 1,466,607 1,234,862 14,979,226 50,570,795 13,064,898 13,886 2,289,482 1,704,243 365,521 1,243,020 514,549 2,454,725 694,175 700,162 1,927,107 1,056,380 1,106,437 6,215,236 48,398 5,758,574 14,533,672 9,656,936 1,687,475 1,770,699 362,238,818 Western district $6,193,162 1,678,029 855,365 128,134 82,537 10,204 1,898,104 2,666,694 717,207 294,301 434,135,427 2,702,616 1,136,390 d 6.172 435,695,481 11,885,098 19,987,921 7,652,799 1,095,485 16,746 964,602 15,657 3,356,704 40,721 45,015,733 21,339,992 10,325,730 106,832,075 3,050,940 1,703,182 7,093,383 17,854,976 43,925,383 2,914,938 28,118,123 35,566 26,550,178 4,698 22,464 1,628,533 396,245 425,746 10,364,119 786,642 85,684,508 1,170,035 155,008,044 493,888 1,339,739 9,209,158 2,862,173 2,245,168 30,584,488 99,706,621 28,712,574 823,914 6,544,953 5,092,400 618,867 4,476,686 3,674,640 4,730,161 1,302,766 1,367,854 2,102,071 1,504,811 1,512,838 13,967,765 72,345 10,415,189 26,160,284 10,960,193 6,395,621 5,472,253 774,720,028 3.333,090 705,329 287,708 8,326,127 9 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 10 No. 1234 ino Dining and buffet service. 2 Hotels and restaurante. Grain elevators... Stockyards. Producing power sold. Other miscellaneous operations, 7 8 9 10 Momo o 2 17 18 11 Law expenses..... 12 Insurance.: • 13 | Relief department expenees Pensions. 14 15 Stationery and printing. 16 20 21 22 30 31 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 32 33 General joint facilities--Dr 19 General joint facilities-Cr. 35 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Miscellaneous Operations Total general expenses.. Transportation for investment-07.... Total railway operating expenses.. 23 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent). SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES • Total miscellaneous operations.. Valuation expensés.. Salaries and expenses of general officers.... Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. General office supplies and expenses. Other expenses..... LOKO MEO Item 57 • 24 Related solely to freight service... 25 26 Related solely to passenger and allied services. Apportioned to freight service... 27 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. ·· • 28 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 29 Total. 59 General Maintenance of Way and Structures Maintenance of Equipment 36 Related solely to freight service.. 37 Related solely to passenger and allied services... 38 Apportioned to freight service. ... 39 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. 40 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 42 Total. Related solely to freight service. Related solely to passenger and allied services. Apportioned to freight service. • O Apportioned to passenger and allied services. ·· ·· Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total. Traffic 42 Related solely to freight service.. 43 Related solely to passenger and allied services..... 44 Apportioned to freight service.. 45 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. ... • 46 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 47 Total. Transportation-Rail Line ·· 48 Related solely to freight service. ·· 49 Related solely to passenger and allied services..... Transportation-Water Line 50 Apportioned to freight service.. 51 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. 52 Fot related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 53 Total. 54 Related solely to freight service.. Related solely to passenger and allied services. Miscellaneous Operations Apportioned to freight service.. Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total... Total, all districts $38,854,620 8,078,060 1,362,062 606,888 3,012,114 2,031,076 53,944, 820 18,471,193 90,668,329 7,222,517 16,461,357 159,396 2,210,038 18,528,633 5.335,731 7,319,871 7,618,963 1,826,892 294,404 175,528,516 13,234,463 4,536,880,291 74.10 $82,561,048 23,024,347 513,104, 703 196,988,261 764,846 816,443,205 789,426,145 228,324,107 175,870,295 63,721,009 2,493,720 1,259,835,276 56,677,493 36,945,690 7,219,143 5,210,570 106,052,896 1,205,131,064 427.376,333 375,560,103 120,389,884 13,834 2,128,471,218 7,793,584 198,594 1,523,136 283,782 34,367 9,838,823 3,132,876 44,874,133 1,170,418 855,320 3,912,073 53,9414,8.20 A Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $16,676,858 2,893,409 1,319,306 21,537 2,935,782 735,757 24,582,649 7,432,923 40,063,688 3,326,907 6,192,779 79,392 1,052,610 11,657,483 2,150,381 3,135, 642 3,108,031 733,108 107,100 78,825,844 2,073,940 2,084,325,325 75.67 $51.292,515 $51 14,629,606 197,954,023 83,369,658 168,583 347,414,385 391,285,426 116,562,622 68,988,845 26,038,332 481,122 603,356,347 23,864,038 12,511,530 2,058,365 761,039 39,194,972 600,987,244 204,005,657 137,534,326 49,000,910 ₫ 15.765 991,512,372 660,098 154,828 461,994 235,776 1,512,696 1,959,009 20,379, 206 387,132 202,817 1,654,485 24,582,649 Southern district $6,931,221 567,716 17,799 10,702 44,763 70,462 7,642,663 3,130,778 15,102,967 1,104,536 3,669,784 22,447 205,392 1,529,641 984,994 930,116 1,266,824 228,670 36,654 28,139,495 3.035,256 793,329,057 71.68 $12,430,875 2,827,611 105,087,601 35,371,611 155,717,698 149,666,382 37,120,327 26,749,943 7,246,796 220,783,448 13,540,998 6,539,923 1,245,619 515,651 21,842,191 206,632,455 66,344,390 69,779,416 19,482,557 362,238,818 80,348 7,459,268 27,005 7,898 68,144 7,642,663 Western district $15,246,541 4,616,935 24,957 574,649 31,569 1,224,857 21,719,508 7,907,492 35,501,674 2,791,074 6,598,794 57,557 952,036 5,341,509 ,200,356 3,254,113 3,244,108 865,114 150,650 68,563,177 8,125,267 1,659,225,909 73.37 $18,837,658 5,567,130 210,063,079 78,246,992 596,263 313,311,122 248,474,337 74,641,158 80,131,507 30,435,881 2,012,598 435,695,481 19,272,457 17,894,237 3,915,159 3,933,880 45,015,733 397,511,365 157,026,286 168,246,361 51,906,417 29,599 774,720,028 7,138,486 44,066 1,061,202 48,006 34,367 8,326,127 1,093,519 17,035,659 756,281 644,605 2,189,444 21,719,508 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS NO. 2 EBoar 1 Related solely to freight service. 2 Related solely to passenger and allied services.. 3 Apportioned to freight service.. Apportioned to passenger and allied services..... 5 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services.. 6 Total.. 12 Related solely to freight service. 8 Related solely to passenger and allied services. Apportioned to freight service.. 10 Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. 11 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services.. Total. 13 Related solely to freight service. 14 MMMM 345 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Related solely to passenger and allied services. Apportioned to freight service..... 15 16 Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. 17 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 13 Total. 19 Miles of road.. 20 | Miles of second main track. 21 Miles of third main track 37 Fwww DECORA 22 Miles of fourth main track. 23 Miles of all other main tracks. 24 Miles of yard track and sidings 25 Total, all tracks. SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES--Continued General 42 26 Miles of road... 27 | Miles of second main track. 28 HAMTIMON & 48 4555555 Transportation for Investment--Or. 49 Total Operating Expenses 29 30 31 Miles of yard track and sidings. 32 H&M in 56 MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1925 Item ... Miles of third main track..... Miles of fourth main track... Miles of all other main tracks. VILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1925 Total, all tracks... · Steam locomotives: Number at close of year. Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year. Number retired during year.. Electric locomotives: Number at close of year Total tractive power (pounds) Humber installed during year. Number retired during year... EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE Number at close of year: Box cars. Flat cara. Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars. Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying oars. Total. Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars Flat cars. Stock oars Coal care, Tank cars. Refrigerator oars.. Other freight-carrying cars. Total ·· ● .. · Freight-carrying Cars Total, all districts Includes 20,406.43 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 7,519.56 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 3,811.79 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 9,075.08 miles of industrial tracks. $47,140,995 11,298,882 86,067,764 30,580,239 440,636 175,528,516 12,762,410 257,301 143,126 66,947 4,679 13,234,463 2,179,105,795 771,785,085 1,160,372,496 417,962,118 7,654,797 4,536,880,291 236,846.17 35,200.45 3,110.90 2,157.09 348.54 1/ 113,869.63 391,532.78 177,301.85 20,955.81 2,051.25 1,499.22 138.34 5/ 79,859.92 281,806.39 63,612 2,586,821,720 1,585 2,884 363 18,168,100 11 1,078,004 103,319 86,936 951,666 10,737 48,711 77,853 2,357,226 42,525,506 4,252,873 3,140,511 49,723,012 466,036 1,583,926 3,877,522 105,569,386 Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $24,078,350 5,949,126 35,837,221 12,523,336 437,811 78,825,844 1,763,510 71,587 164,609 74,234 2,073,940 1,092,363,170 374,120,988 443,057,297 172,057,634 2,726,236 2,084,325,325 59,248.99 18,193.65 2,671.57 1,926.02 90.37 2/ 45,051.71 127,182.31 33,626.18 9,017.81 1,687.38 1,314.29 44.21 6/ 25,567.88 71,257.75 28,145 1,193,545,194 611 1,550 264 11,662,000 1 P 456,705 22,684 15,483 563,789 380 6,556 21,338 1,086,935 18,612,532 985,916 630,540 29,959,229 6,089 206,740 1,047,274 51,448,320 Southern district $8,165,707 1,609,884 13.935,253 4,428,651 28,139,495 2,972,326 48,472 9,938 4,520 3,035,256 387,544,439 121,852,931 216,814,899 67,048,644 68,144 793,329,057 '44,240.87 5,289.55 132.37 47.85 237.48 3/ 19,199.60 69,147.72 335353 35,272.02 3,688.74 127.99 43.73 73.44 7/ 14,598.78 53,804.70 11,130 457,578,701 410 338 2,579,000 29 10 170,566 23,047 8,441 206,494 15 6,367 5,344 420,274 6,177,820 912,430 311,520 11,121,922 620 196,900 246,768 18,967,980 Includes 14,207.95 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 4,141.35 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 2,889.23 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 7,177.37 miles of industrial tracks. 11 Western district $14,896,938 3,739,872 36,295,290 13,628,252 2,825 68,563,177 8,026,574 137,242 d 31,421 d 11,807 4,679 8,125,267 699,198,186 275,811,166 500,500,300 178,855,840 4,860,417 1,659,225,909 133,356.31 132323; 11,717.25 306.96 183.22 20.69 4/ 49,618.32 195,202.75 108,403.65 8,249.26 235.88 141.20 20.69 8/ 39,693.26 156,743.94 24,337 935,697,825 564 996 70 3,927,100 450,733 57,588 63,012 181,383 10,342 35,788 51,171 850,017 17,735,154 2,354,527 2,198,451 8,641,861 459,327 1,180,286 2,583,480 35,153,086 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 12 HNM+Or 1 2 GEENFOO 80 9 13 14 15 16 2222223 ww 222 678 26 27 wwww 28 29 30 31 32 ~M 33 4567 17 Number at close of year 18 19 34 35 36 20 Number at close of year 21 37 nom am incom 39 40 47 42 23 Number of units at close of year .... 24 Number of units installed during year 25 Number of units retired during year ... 46 47 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 49 DOHNMT EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded 50 Number installed during year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank carS 51 55 • • Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total Total Number retired during year: Box cara Flat cars Stock cara Coal cars Tank cars • ··· ·· Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars 38 Average number • ·· All Classes of Passenger-train Cars Number installed during year Number retired during year Item All Classes of Company Service Equipment Number installed during year Number retired during year Compensation-- In replacement and betterments: Number of crossties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and briâge ties Total charges In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of crossties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges • Floating Equipment Service hours-- In replacement and betterments: Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges Service days-- TIES LAID DURING YEAR In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks Miles of yard track and sidings Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges RAILS LAID DURING YEAR Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for ....... Total Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total 48 Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY LOCOMOTIVES ·· Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total • EMPLOYEES Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service In passenger service In mixed-train service In special service In yard-switching service In work service Grand total, all services • ·· .. Total, all districts 66,508 5,468 5,512 46,297 333 4,378 4,047 132,543 56,492 5.977 4,081 44,667 223 7,204 3,708 122,352 54,622 3,214. 3,563 108,945 11,576 12,410 2,468 102 99 82,719,680 282,541,435 $120,653,734 8,563,836 49,919,778 $13,847,933 3,484,426 $126,498,034 1,119.71 2,087.47 425,617 $14,049,012 1,747,207 $2,571,780,682 $168,557,392 $2,860,607,183 3,877,048,794 206,657,796 4,210,605,583 39,128,621 304,297 40,083,086 $2,645,842,686 79,367,898 29,328,275 1,840,343 58,272 22,174,755 2,641, 618 2233 135,411,161 1/ ru Eastern district 22,819 1,467 1,187 14,180 1,789 1,281 42,723 19.646 1,008 542 22,415 20 3,750 1,009 48,390 26,917 1,779 2,187 36,620 4,209 5,438 €88888 2,144 23,805,995 104,779,430 $46,942,609 1,828,134 15,480,147 $3,883,476 1,529,462 $53,416,947 165.29 512.46 101,817 $3,192,182 761,188 $1,176,679,174 $75,860,744 $1,309,000,453 1,671,862,158 91,402,676 1,824,517,635 19,416,016 149,266 19,935,129 $1,212,076,517 32,949,912 12,582, 749 339,569 18,682 11,079,420 1,264,904 58,235,236 Southern district 11,648 950 628 20,665 GO TO CO 1,210 35,101 11,871 2,816 448 12,610 5 243 197 28,190 8,216 659 394 18,897 2,690 1,470 852 118 19,003,413 66,921,382 $24,470,123 Todd Does not include data for 1,435 linear feet of steel ties. Does not include data for 1,448 linear feet of steel ties. +358 3,232,623 15,991,506 $4,728,320 811,020 $30,494,566 570.54 632.07 152,536 $5,402,180 343,525 $462,854,768 $34,600, 243 $516,177,297 765,514,639 45,576,316 828,206,669 6,200,414 44,003 6,314,292 $470,655,718 17,169,451 5,609,943 342,634 12,239 3,852,267 550,120 27,536,654 Western district 32,041 3,051 3,697 11,452 333 2,589 1,556 54,719 24,975 2,153 3,091 9,642 198 3,211 2,502 45,772 19,489 776 982 53,428 4,677 5,502 206 9 39,910,272 110,840,623 $49,241,002 3,503,079 18,448,125 $5,236,137 1,143,944 $42,586,521 383.88 942.94 $5,454,250 642,494 $932,246,740 $58,096,405 $1,035,429,433 1,439,671,997 69,678,804 1,557,881,279 13,512,191 111,028 13,833,665 $963,116,451 29,248;535 11,135,583 1,158,140 27,351 7,243,068 826,594 49,639,271 # STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 1–RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 --Continued (Does not include lessor companies) REVENUE FREIGHT TONNAGE BY GROUPS OF COMMODITIES Revenue Freight Originated Products of agriculture: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Average load per car. Animals and products: Number of carloads. ·· Number of tons (2,000 lbs. Average load per car... Products of mines: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.).... Average load per car. Products of forests: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car...... Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads...... Number of tons (2,000 lbs. Average load per car..... Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads..... Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car...... Merchandise All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.).. Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs. Total Revenue Freight Carried Products of agriculture: Item Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. Animals and products: Products of mines: ·· Number of carloads.... Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. Products of forests: ·· Number of carloads... Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage.... Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads... Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Per cent of total tonnage. Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads..... Number of tons (2,000 lbs.)..! Per cent of total tonnage. Merchandise - All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage....... Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage • Total, all districts 4,678,085 109,313,068 23.37 2,215,155 26,324,004 11.88 13,476,434 678,336,561 50.34 3,832,116 107,390,916 28.02 10,946,047 285,291,690 26.06 35,147,837 1,206,656,239 34.33 40,586,944 1,247,243,183 10,031,829 215,294,193 9.33 3,771,468 46,389,566 2.01 24,211,553 1,212,972,985 52.58 7,811,230 210,274,044 9.11 22,157,026 553,623,817 24.00 67,983,106 2,238,554,605 97.03 68,422,101 422 2.97 2,306,976,706 Eastern district 1,061,446 23,480,705 22.12 451,304 5,843,921 12.95 5,807,312 294,705,046 50.75 478,466 11,941,235 24.96 6,642,580 175,861,557 26.47 14,441,108 511,832,464 34.44 19,477,483 531,309,947 3,371,723 72,231,820 5.96 1,371,785 17,862,863 1.47 13,582,151 697,732,448 57.62 2,228,676 55,828,322 4.61 13,160,802 332,027,689 27.42 33,715,137 1,175,683,142 97.08 35,314,578 2.92 1,210,997,720 100.00 Southern district 895,454 14,666,482 16.38 167,506 1,957,129 11.68 3,592,448 188,267,539 52.41 1,305,497 33,342,295 25.54 1,414,835 34,889,717 24.66 7,375,740 273,123,162 37.03 8,592,202 281,715,364 2,061,566 33,983,761 8.02 334,480 4,237,761 1.00 4,707,319 240,149,485 56.67 2,246,501 57,457,283 13.56 3,103,140 73,703,652 17.39 12,453,006 409,531,942 96.64 14,2362979860 423,768,921 100.00 Western district 13 2,721,185 71,165,881 26.15 1,596,345 18,522,954 11.60 4,076,674 195,363,976 47.92 2,048,153 62,107,386 36.32 2,888,632 74,540,416 25.80 13,330,989 421,700,613 31.63 12,517,259 434,217,872 4,598,540 109,078,612 16.23 2,065,203 24,288,942 3.61 5,922,083 275,091,052 46.92 3,336,053 96,988,439 14.43 5,893,084 147,892,476 22.00 21,814,963 653,339,521 97.19 18,870,544 2.81 672,210,065 100.00 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS NO. grad 1 الالالالالا OU MIMO 7to 2 Freight--ordinary Freight--light. Passenger. Mixed.... Special.. 30 31 444444 12345 14 ·· 10 9 Total freight train. Total passenger train... Tatal mixed train... 11 12 Total special.. 13 Train switching.. 14 Yard switching freight. 15 Yard switching--passenger. SUMMARY NO. 1–RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) 42 43 STATISTICS OF RAIL-LINE OPERATIONS Average mileage of road operated..... 16 Total transportation service. 17 Work service.. Work service.. .. 18 Freight train--loaded, 19 Freight train-empty. 20 | Freight train--caboose. 21 Freight train--exclusive work equipment. 22 Total freight train.... 23 Passenger train-passenger. 24 Passenger train--sleeping, parlor, and observation. Passenger train--dining, 26 Passenger train--other........ 27 Total passenger train.. 28 Mixed train--freight-loaded... 29 Mixed train-freight--empty...……………. 555555 H&M LOND 52 Total transportation service. 53 54 • ... 32 Mixed train--passenger..... • O Item ·· Train-Miles Locomotive-Miles 33 Mixed train-sleeping, parlor, and observation. 34 Mixed train-dining....... 35 Mixed train-other passenger train. 36 Total mixed train.. 37 Total special train...... 38 Total transportation service.. 39 Work service... 41 40 Tons--revenue freight. Tons--nonrevenue freight Ton-miles--revenue freight. Ton-miles--nonrevenue freight. ·· .. Car-Miles .... Mixed train--caboose..……….. Mixed train--exclusive work equipment. Passengers carried-revenue.. 45 Passenger-miles--revenue.. 46 Ton-miles--revenue freight per mile of road. 47 Ton-miles--revenue freight-per train-mile...... 4.8 Ton-miles--revenue and nonrevenue freight--per loaded car-mile. 49 Passenger-miles--revenue-per train-mile...... 50 Passenger-miles--revenue--per car-mile. 51 Miscellaneous Miles hauled--revenue freight...... Miles carried--revenue passengers... Revenue per ton of freight... Revenue per ton-mile of freight. Revenue per passenger……. Revenue per passenger-mile. Total, all districts 236,578.95 584,347,015 7,337,962 569,349,789 25,759,717 625,239 1,187,419,722 33,114,358 667,778,773 571,775,599 26,415 26,416,245 720,976 56,589,400 300,631,982 23,575,834 1,647,488,809 42,303,428 16,719,144,616 9,242,772,314 600,285,448 47,636,461 26,609,838,839 1,297,980,178 1,098,269,402 143,642,367 1,204,629,262 3,744,521,209 134,114,735 72,764,880 2,738,581 1,512,560 31,676,407 884,291 7,647 13,291,423 256,990,524 9,668,307 30,621,018,879 157,651,012 2,306,976,706 254,585,489 413,823,173,485 39,004,420,359 888,389,515 35,950,393,918 1,749,197 675.35 26.37 62.63 14.80 179.38 40.47 $1.96853 $0.01097 $1.18883 $0.02938 Eastern district 59,101.74 223, 303 223,960,749 3,811,325 233,600, 741 4,970,955 218,778 466,562,548 5688 14,761,460 269,748,684 236,162,062 5,094,429 238,750 28,639,976 153,310,155 12,852,499 706,046, 555 6,750,772,706 3,730,759,832 231,874,951 4,860,242 10,718,267,731 604,607,631 407,570,013 46,337,498 518,413,450 1,576,928,592 23,418,357 12,349,712 710,705 90,758 5,874,262 163,413 5,014 4,714,817 47,327,038 2,860,561 12,345,383,922 49,134,039 27292 1,210,997,720 103,882,158 179,498,293,250 12,655,014,422 616,313,402 18,583,979,322 3,037,107 775.00 28.37 79.17 18.25 148.22 30.15 $1.64123 $0.01107 $0.84341 $0.02797 Southern district 44,062.10 130,105,033 1,515,589 102,553,948 625,990 137,198 102.3 238,937,758 7,862,279 141,772,403 104,763,882 4,714,559 143,781 9,521,324 51,134,255 3,389,215 315,439,419 9,382,001 3,349,665,741 1,984,751,621 132,847,606 10,666,726 5,477,931,694 226,199,610 203,294,682 25,676,610 197,292,621 652,463,523 20,154,638 10,089,174 219,325 166,009 7,147,738 62,957 124 2,120,008 39,959,973 1,979,378 6,172,334,568 34,067,067 423,768,921 53,473,238 91,928,285,609 8,218,204,449 94,785,225 5,412,801,027 2,086,335 680.14 29.72 52.23 12.39 216.93 57.11 $2.00967 $0.00926 $1.90679 $0.03339 • Western district 133,415.11 230,281,233 2,011,048 233,195,100 16,162,772 269,263 23323 481,919,416 10,490,619 256,257,686 230,849,655 16,607,257 338,445 18,428,100 96,187,572 7,334,120 626,002,835 13,016,561 6,618,706,169 3,527,260,861 235,562,891 32,109,493 10,413,639,414 467,172,937 487,404,707 71,628,259 488,923,191 1,515,129,094 90,541,740 50,325,994 1,808,551 1,255,793 18,654,407 657,921 2,509 6,456,598 169,703,513 4,828,368 12,103,300,389 74,449,906 672,210,065 97,230,093 142,396,594, 626 18,131,201,488 177,290,888 11,953,613,569 1,067,320 578.89 23.93 50.72 12.27 211.83 67.42 $2.53222 $0.01195 $2.00576 $0.02975 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 (AAA O ME LOO 780 2 9 222223 10 Cash 11 12 Demand loans and deposits Time drafts and deposits Special deposits 13 14 Loans and bills receivable 15 16 21 23 24 2224 17 Other current assets 18 19 Deferred assets 25 26 27 28 29 سیا سیا سیا سلام 30 31 20 Discount on capital stock Discount on funded debt Other unadjusted debita 33 www 37 SUMMARY NO, 2—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 (Does not include lessor companies) Total number of stockholders 10 གབྷྲམྦྷམྦྷ 42 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investments .... Investment in road and equipment Improvements on leased railway property Sinking funds .... Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies Other investments Total investments 1 43 44 45 ·· 46 47 Total current assets ·· Miscellaneous accounts receivable Material and supplies Funded debt unpatured Receiver's certificates • Total unadjusted debits Grand total 32 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies Total long-term debt Capital stock ... Stock liability for conversion Premium on capital stock Total stock Grants in aid of construction 34 Loans and bills payable Miscellaneous accounts payable 36 Other current liabilities.. 35 39 Premium on funded debt 40 Operating reserves Accrued depreciation Cther unadjusted credite 41 Total current liabilities 38 Deferred liabilities Unadjusted Debits Item Current Assets ·· 4 Long-Term Debt 49 50 | Profit and loss--balance 51 Current Liabilities Stock Total unadjusted credits • • Unadjusted Credits Total corporate surplus Total appropriated surplus ·· Corporate Surplus Additions to property through income and surplus Funded debt retired through income and surplus Sinking fund reserves .. Miscellaneous fund reserves 48 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested · · 52 | Expenditures for new lines and extensions 53 | Expenditures for additions and betterments 54 Credits for property retired 55 Adjustments ......…………. | 56 • INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT · • Net charges during year 57 Stcoks actually issued during year--par value ·· 58 | Funded debt actually issued during year--par value Total, all districts 402 $149,944,997 13,337,203 4,720 80,866 3,330,054 15,899,829 5,987,341 188,585,010 7,277,631 174,000 31,000 1,272,753 4,455,737 8,997,451 4,722,940 4,725,009 31,656,521 4,595,696 3,087,800 1,099,581 3,085,723 7,273,104 232,110,331 37,893,900 d 37,893,900 98,365,400 6,478,913 104,844,313 7.939.405 1,686,439 10,656,925 20,282,769 701,276 5,638 118,545 12,928,983 10,851,289 23,904,455 8,288,271 1,060,000 1,445,720 384,266 1,033,072 12,211,329 32,272,289 44,483,618 41,425 6,370,851 2,008,144 141,023 4,263,109 Eastern district 110 $97,095,190 2,115,166 80,866 649,457 3,247,967 3,420,465 106,609,111 4,845,065 1,840 3,241,221 6,423,206 2,852,380 3,284,498 20,648,210 521,145 332,627 2,041,831 2,374,458 130,152,924 27,540,000 27,540,000 51,072,400 cami-dama dala 6,478,913 57,551,313 1,210,476 836,282 7,704,386 9,751,144 665,722 5,638 105,321 6,910,476 4,950,503 11,971,938 6,596,558 1,009,338 7,605,896 15,066,911 22,672,807 41,425 3,264,446 1,362,610 d 108,385 1,834,876 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Southern district Ad = God 1 |||| Western district 292 $52,849,807 11,222,037 4,720 2,680,597 12,651,862 2,566,876 81,975,899 d 2,432,566 174,000 31,000 1,270,913 1,214,516 2,574,245 1,870,560 1,440,511 11,008,311 4,074,551 3,087,800 766,954 1,043,892 4,898,646 101,957,407 10,353,900 10,353,900 47,293,000 47,293,000 6,728,929 850,157 2,952,539 10,531,625 35,554 13,224 6,018,507 5,900,786 11,932,517 1,691,713 1,060,000 1,445,720 384,266 23.734 4,605,433 17,205,378 21,810,811 3,106,405 645,534 32,638 2,428,233 15 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. HA 9 10 11 12 12A 13 345 15 16 FOU OU OU 7 8 17 18 19 20 21 1 Railway operating revenues 2 Railway operating expenses Net revenue from railway operations Railway tax accruals 5 Uncollectible railway revenues 6 14 Rent from locomotives 24 26 22 23 | Dividend income 41 42 nmd for you 45 46 47 16 48 nini in Income from funded securities 25 Income from unfunded securities and accounts 49 SUMMARY NO. 2—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 | Rent for locomotives 34 Rent for passenger-train cars Rent for floating equipment 35 36 Rent for work equipment 52 53 37 Joint facility renta 38 | Rent for leased roads .... 39 | Miscellaneous rents ... 140 55 • 56 Railway operating income ...... Revenues from miscellaneous operations ... Expenses of miscellaneous operations 67 68 70 71 72 73 74 INCOME ACCOUNT Net revenue from miscellaneous operations Taxes on miscellaneous operating property ·· Separately operated properties--loss Interest on funded debt 43 Interest on unfunded debt 44 Miscellaneous operating income Total operating income Net railway operating income Hire of freight cars--credit balance 75 76 Item Rent from passenger-train oars Rent from floating equipment Rent from work equipment Joint facility rent income Income from lease of road Miscellaneous rent income Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property Separately operated properties--profit Income from sinking and other reserve funds Release of premiums on funded debt Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income Total nonoperating income Gross income 51 50 Income applied to sinking and other reserve funda Dividend appropriations of income ..... Income appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of income Hire of freight cars--debit balance Miscellaneous tax accruals Amortization of discount on funded debt Maintenance of investment organization Income transferred to other companies.. Miscellaneous income charges Total deductions from gross income Net income 57 Credit balance transferred from income 58 Profit on road and equipment sold 59 Delayed income credits 50 Unrefundable overcharges 61 Donations 62 Miscellaneous credits Total appropriations of income Income balance transferred to profit and loss PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 63 Total credits during year 64 Debit balance transferred from income 65 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of surplus Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through surplus Debt discount extinguished through surplus ... Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus ·· Loss on retired road and equipment Delayed income debits Miscellaneous debita • .. Total debits during year Net increase during year Balance at beginning of year .. 77 Balanoe at end of year 78 Dividends declared during year 79 Par value on which declared--common 80 | Par value on which declared--preferred 81 Average rate on dividend-yielding stook, per cent • • Total, all districts $66,229,168 47,485,075 18,744,093 4,948,615 11,672 13,783,806 241,897 216,738 25,159 2,515 22,644 13,806,450 16,608,236 1,508,195 496,407 6,400 76,356 4,397,138 489,866 679,426 83,121 218,484 291,921 197,739 1,050 405,016 8,851,119 22,657,569 1,271,595 466,077 d 21,895 1,944,289 5,325,823 420,116 32,683 4,626,145 11,480 40,742 411,791 19,080 15,547,926 7,109,643 d 253.312 456,403 365,937 99,719 1,175,371 5,934,272 6,091,216 29,943 75,065 65,730 817,845 7,079,802 156,944 52 952,127 62,975 400 ₫ 92.241 135,947 50,558 1,266,658 5,813,144 26,459,145 32,272,289 1,408,530 14,746,600 9.55 Eastern district S $45,029,895 32,563,360 12,466,535 2,758,168 8,437 9,699,930 241,897 216,738 25,159 2,515 22,644 9,722,574 9,697,647 928,062 198,486 6,400 52,389 966,904 479,866 209,384 21,953 118,713 221,268 6,376 1,050 400,061 3,610,912 13,333,486 1,172,698 208,501 ₫ 21,986 795,311 2,504,778 754,284 17,129 2,443,836 10,767 15,048 411,791 3,135 8,315,292 5,018,194 6,375 277,200 57,219 99,719 440,513 4,577,681 4,577,681 23, 773 70,852 44,883 317,508 5,034,700 950,000 42,128 400 ₫ 137.241 36,358 發 ​31,969 923,562 4,111,138 10,955,773 15,066,911 1,227,200 11,620,000 10.56 d Deficit or other reverse item. Southern district || 11 | || 1111 Western district $21,199,273 14,921,715 6,277,558 2,190,447 3,235 4,083,876 4,083,876 6,910,589 580,133 297,921 23,967 3,430,234 10,000 470,042 61,168 99,771 70,653 191,363 4,955 5,240,207 9,324,083 98,897 257,576 91 1,148,978 2,821,045 665,832 15,554 2,182,309 713 25,694 15,945 7,232,634 2,091,449 246,937 179,203 308,718 734,858 1,356,591 1,513,335 170 4,213 20,847 500,337 2,045,102 156,944 2,127 20,847 45,000 99,589 18,589 343,096 1,702,006 15,503,372 17,205,378 181,330 3,126,600 5.80 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. HAMTONO0Onamino a 100 56 1 Freight 2 6 Mail 9 10 7 Express 11 12 13 8 Other passenger-train 15 16 17 19 Passenger Excess baggage Sleeping car Parlor and chair car 18 Freight NOMBOR I 42 7 7 ... Milk 39 14 Water transfers--passenger Water transfers--vehicles and live stock Water transfers--other Total rail-line transportation revenue 40 • Switching 20 21 22 23 | Express 24 Special service 25 Other 26 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 43 44 27 Dining and buffet 28 Special service train Other freight-train Water transfers--freight • 29 30 Parcel room - Passenger Excess baggage Other passenger service Mail 31 Storage--freight 32 | Storage--baggage O 36 Stockyard 37 Power 38 75 76 Hotel and restaurant 33 Demurrage 34 Telegraph and telephone Grain elevator .. Total water-line transportation revenue · • Station, train, and boat privileges 41 Joint facility--Cr 42 Joint facility--Dr • • · ·· • Ties--yard 67 Ties--other Rents of buildings and other property Miscellaneous Total incidental operating revenue ... RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES • Superintendence Roadway maintenance--yard 47 Roadway maintenance--other Roadway--depreciation--yard 49 Roadway--depreciation--other 50 Underground power tubes--yard • Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues 51 | Underground power tubes--other • 52 Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard Underground power tubes--depreciation--other Tunnels and subways--yard 55 Tunnels and subways--other 56 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard 57 Tunnels and subways-depreciation--other 58 | Bridges, treatles, and culverts--yard Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other Ballast--yard .... • · 68 Ties--depreciation--yard 69 Ties--depreciation--other 70 Rails--yard 71 | Raile--other • Item RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures Elevated structures--depreciation--yard 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other 66 Rails--depreciation--yard Raila--depreciation~-other 59 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard 61 • 72 73 74 Other track material--yard Other track material--other • ·· Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other 62 Elevated structures--yard 63 Elevated structures--other • • • 83 84 Right-of-way fences--yard 85 Right-of-way fences--other · • • • Ballast--depreciation--yard Ballast--depreciation--other 81 82 Track laying and surfacing--yard Track laying and surfacing--other • Other track material--depreciation--yard 77 Other track material--depreciation--other 78 79 | Ballast--other 80 • ·· · • • · P • · • U • ·· • Total, all districts $1,671,019 34,578 171 2,373 60,738,170 51,943 3,895 62,502,149 ||| 53,870 175,108 88,799 46,723 22,559 1,093,265 202,983 134,268 5,448 209,521 2,065,366 4,097,910 295 371,186 d 370.891 66,229,168 512,990 696,178 7,407 1,558 7,287 22,699 (100 409,221 5,020 310,995 43,078 35,250 1,238,354 19,696 675 541,980 252 2,719 1,037,716 1,002 32,998 ཎྞ 95,442 548 56 Eastern district $1,377,282 42,010,044 51,943 788 43,440,05 } 53,870 6,032 14,788 42,255 3.346 826,340 134,268 5,448 47,897 458,645 1,592,889 d. 295 3,346 3.051 45,029,895 319,470 398,658 1,558 2,728 11121 305,922 695 740,029 675 307,092 2,719 534,802 32,998 56,197 56 1,327,885 6,875 2,161,670 14,925 7,919 13 d Deficit or other reverse item. Southern district 111 111 Western district $293,737 34,578 171 2,373 18,728,126 3,107 19,062,092 169,076 74,011 4,468 19,213 266,925 202,983 L-Glute LEGO QUE 161,624 1,606, 721 2,505,021 367,840 d 367,840 21,199,273 17 297,520 193,520 7,407 4,559 22,699 103,299 5,020 310,300 43,078 35,250 498,325 19,696 234,888 252 502,914 1,002 39,245 11 252 833,785 925 1 1 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1234 15KO 780 OV 10 2222~~ 9 17 18 21 22 23 24 Right-of-way fences-depreciation-yard. 2 Right-of-way fences--depreciation-other..... Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depregiation-other 7 Crossings and signs-yard. Crossings and signs--other............... Crossings and signs-depreciation--yard. Crossings and signs--depreciation-other...... 11 Station and office buildings, 12 Station and office buildings--depreciation....... 13 Roadway buildings. 14 Roadway buildings--depreciation.... 15 Water stations, 16 Water stations--depreciation. Fuel stations. Fuel stations--depreciation. 19 Shops and enginehouses... 20 25 26 K——WA 27 28 39 110 41 55555566 18 53 54 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 29 30 31 | Telegraph and telephone lines.. 32 | Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation. 33 34 57 35 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines.. 36 37 38 Power plant buildings-depreciation.... Power substation buildings. Power substation buildings-depreciation. 80 DON & MIy f RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES——Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded 58 59 60 666 ... Power transmission systems. 42 Power transmission syatame--depreciation. 43 Power distribution systems... 44 Power distribution systems--depreciation. 45 Shops and enginehouses--depreciation. Grain elevators..... Grain elevators--depreciation...... Power line poles and fixtures.. 46 Power line poles and fixtures--depreciati 47 Underground conduits………. 48 Underground conduite--depreciation.. 49 Miscellaneous structures..... 50 Miscellaneous structures-depreciation.. Paving. 51 52 | Paving--depreciation..... Roadway machines. Roadway machines-depreciation. Small tools and supplies.. Removing snow, ice, and sand. Assessments for public improvements 62 Item Storage warehouses. Storage warehouses--depreciation. Wharves and docks...... Wharves and docks--depreciation... Coal and ore wharves. Coal and ore wharves--depreciation Gas producing plants..... Gas producing plants--depreciation 66 Signals and interlockers..... Signals and interlockers--depreciation......... 61 Other expenses. Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines-depreciation. Power plant buildings. Injuries to persons... ·· Insurance.... Stationery and printing. 67 Superintendence..... 68 Shop machinery.... Total, above accounts.... 63 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 64 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Or 65 Equalization-way and structures. Total maintenance of way and structures. 69 Shop machinery--depreciation. ………. 70 Power plant machinery. 71 Power plant machinery-depreciation.. 72 Power substation apparatus...... Maintenance of Equipment @ 73 Power substation apparatus--depreciation. 74 Steam locomotives-repairs………. 75 8team locomotives--depreciation. Steam locomotives--retirements. 76 77 Other locomotives-repairs.... 78 | Other locomotives-depreciation. 79 Other locomotives--retirements...... 80 Freight-train cars--repairs.. 81 ·· ย Freight-train cars--depreciation.... + Total, all districts || 111 $17 155,088 955 13,262 356,887 124,773 44,616 3,741 71,378 5,226 69,370 8,627 256,117 38,019 8,607 31,579 3,811 17,158 184,592 87,763 34,344 16,320 73,175 465,617 13,340 14,780 4,650 260 169 4,315 18,937 2,632 4,765 390 5,548 20,406 928 101,321 115,670 22,818 85,715 93,236 12,093 5.733 9,806,396 859,469 2,048,563 8,617,302 438,905 177,108 30,071 89,278 21,312 711 292 4,400,316 667,991 32,375 748 2,192,606 427,435 Eastern district 11 84,514 329 P 121,871 12,013 28,574 142 $17 48,938 1,308 34,102 929 115,527 7.323 2,301 2.977 24,380 8.812 34,344 16,320 SD CAD 62,627 248,251 5,070 le cage quan 114 1,803 1,887 Ogre 6.99 4,538 165 14,420 56,243 83,680 184 44,030 26,366 6,843 809 5,140,149 710,205 1,016,457 4,833,897 305,820 125,074 125, 7,604 19,219 711 3,170,332 438,218 9,673 748 1,784,885 359,984 Southern district G G Western district $70,574 955 12,933 235,016 112,760 16,042 3,599 22,440 3,918 35,268 7,698 140,590 30,696 8,607 31,579 1,510 14,181 160,212 78,951 10,548 wish-anth July 217,358 13,309 2,650 710 260 169 4,201 17,134 745 !!! 227 390 5.383 újr 5,986 928 45,078 31,990 22,634 41,685 66,870 5,250 4,924 4,666,247 149,264 1,032,106 3,783,405 133,085 52,034 22,467 70,059 21,312 292 1,229,984 229,773 22,702 407, 7213 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. HUM-Int 1 2 Freight-train cars--retirements Passenger-train cars--repairs Passenger-train cars--depreciation Passenger-train cars--retirements Motor equipment of cars--repairs 6 Motor equipment of cars--depreciation Motor equipment of cars--retirements 8 | Floating equipment--repairs 9 Floating equipment--depreciation 10 | Floating equipment--retirements 11 Work equipment-repairs 12 | Work equipment--depreciation Work equipment--retirements Miscellaneous equipment--repairs 15 | Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation Miscellaneous equipment--retirements 13 14 16 17 18 ล SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING and TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 35 Injuries to persons .... Insurance RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continuad Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded Total 26 Superintendence 27 28 Outside agencies Advertising 29 | Traffic associations 30 Fast freight lines 31 32 33 19 | Stationery and printing 20 Other expenses 21 22 Maintaining joint equipment--Dr Maintaining joint equipment--Cr. 24 Equalization--equipment 23 25 Total traffic 36 Superintendence 37 Dispatching trains 38 Total maintenance of equipment Traffic · Industrial and immigration bureaus Insurance Stationery and printing Other expenses ·· .. .. • ❤ Station supplies and expenses Yardmasters and yard clerks Yard conductors and brakemen 44 Yard switch and signal tenders 45 Yard enginemen 46 Yard motormen • • 50 Water for yard locomotives 51 Station employees 39 | Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus 40 Coal and ore wharves 41 42 72 Express service 73 74 Other expenses 47 Fuel for yard locomotives .. 48 Yard switching power produced 49 Yard switching power purchased 55 Train enginemen 56 Train motormen 57 Fuel for train locomotives 58 Train power produced 59 Train power purchased 60 Water for train locomotives 61 .. • Insurance • 76 Clearing wrecks 77 Damage to property 78 Transportation--Rail Line P 62 63 Enginehouse expenses--train 64 Trainmen Train supplies and expenses Lubricants for yard locomotives Stationery and printing Item ·· 52 Other supplies for yard locomotives 53 Enginehouse expenses--yard 54 Yard supplies and expenses • Loss and damage-freight 80 Loss and damage--baggage • •• • .. Lubricants for train locomotives Other supplies for train locomotives · 65 66 Operating sleeping cars 67 Signal and interlocker operation 68 • • Crossing protection 69 Drawbridge operation ..... 70 | Telegraph and telephone operation 71 Operating floating equipment • • • .. + .. • Damage to live stock on right of way • Total, all districts $378,212 15,400 1,515 68 1,772 53,365 36,488 1,036 134,384 49,719 13,023 14,737 7,988 495 78,226 74,151 30, 765 624 9,371,116 34,472 332,669 9,072,919 103,843 42,566 16,34 6,442 122 2,650 13 19,435 1,599 193,013 1,188,832 241,191 4,818,009 26,631 54,314 419,195 2,262,753 7,610,260 711,674 5,413,092 5,227,518 512 327,040 92,928 113,259 1,307.163 281,459 24,485 29,984 mah - claim 7,437 665 464 80,167 32,189 64,777 287,242 343,869 21,905 84,751 157,651 247,610 241,457 74,062 121,791 39,190 161 321,817 351 Eastern district $377,518 856 276 11 68 1,772 53,365 36,488 1,036 97,081 31,569 5,871 4,379 2,624 4.95 56,690 60,418 21,491 212 6,974,477 34,464 117,805 6,891,136 66,745 36,760 7,825 384 122 2,539 13 15,551 1,539 134,478 LOVLO 809,796 120,603 1,893,158 26,126 54,314 212,678 1,501,877 5,235,835 361,651 3,762,915 3,916,578 512 229,583 65,152 80,859 973,243 191,030 6,942 4,437 118 119 1 69,554 58,245 175,527 226,069 18,485 42,279 157,651 132,747 215,544 53,138 65,981 12,513 10 $35, 8022 d 150 d Deficit or other reverse item. Southern district G D G 1111 Western district $694 14,544 1,239 37,303 18,150 7,152 10,358 5,364 21,536 13,733 9.274 412 2,396,639 214,864 g 2,181,783 37,098 5,806 8,518 3,058 111 3,884 60 58,535 379,036 120,588 2,924,851 505 206,517 760,876 2,374,425 350,023 1,650,177 1,310,940 97,457 27,776 32,400 333,920 90,429 24,485 23,042 3,000 665 464 10,613 32,189 6,532 111,715 117,800 3,420 42,472 114,867 25,913 20,924 55,810 26,677 171 85,015 501 19 * STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 2 789 20 8 Injuries to persons.... Operating joint yards and terminals-Dr.... Operating joint yards and terminals-Cr. 4 Operating joint tracks and facilities-Dr 5 Operating joint tracks and facilities-Cr. 6 Total transportation-rail line... 10 13 14 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 11 Dining and buffet service………. 12 Hotels and restaurants.. Grain elevators... Stockyards.. 15 Producing power sold. 16 17 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 39 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Concluded Transportation--Rail Line--Concluded Operation of vessels. Operation of terminals........ Incidental. Transportation--Water Line Total transportation--water line... AMAN RAS 25 Stationery and printing. 26 Valuation expenses.... NMTIHONY : Item Miscellaneous Operations Other miscellaneous operations. 62 Total miscellaneous operations. 27 Other expenses..... 28 General joint facilities-Dr. 29 General joint facilities-Or. 30 Total general expenses...... 31 Transportation for investment--Cr. 32 Total railway operating expenses..... 33 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent). Separation Between Services 69 Insurance. Relief department expenses. Pensions. 34 Related solely to freight service.. 35 Related solely to passenger and allied services. Related in common to both freight and passenger and allied services: Apportioned to freight service.. Apportioned to passenger and allied services. Salaries and expenses of general officers... Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants General office supplies and expenses. Law expenses. 36 37 38 Not related to either freight service services.... Total. 40 Miles of road. 41 Miles of second main track...... 42 Miles of third main track. 43 Miles of fourth main track. 44 Miles of all other main tracks.. 45 Miles of yard track and sidings 46 General Total, all tracks... MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1925 47 Miles of road. 48 Miles of second main track....... 49 Miles of third main track.... 50 Miles of fourth main track. Miles of all other main tracks.. 51 52 Miles of yard track and sidings. 53 Total, all tracks. Total. MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1925 Box cars. Flat cars..... .. Steam locomotives: Number at close of year... Total tractive power (pounds). Number installed during year..... Number retired during year.. Electric locomotives: Number at close of year: EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE Number at close of year. Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year...... Number retired during year........ • or to passenger and allied Stock cars ·· Coal cars.. Tank cars. Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying cars. Freight-carrying Cars Total, all districts $639,205 267,777 4,940,302 280,903 515,952 28,009,486 = Tota 47,528 65,883 7,255 46,245 166,911 2/ 373,716 649,657 96,963 172,713 1,279 3,171 38,976 56,534 103,406 75,768 22,457 165,977 1,428,663 3,219 47,485,075 71.70 $46,563,408 94,896 741,488 66,741 18,542 47,485,075 439. 267.86 2.22 1.01 1/ 1,931.37 2,641.97 220.71 129.15 2.22 1.01 860.77 1,213.86 885 34,803,500 37 21 1111 Eastern district $396,375 248,198 1,692,088 208,329 355,291 19,717,183 1| 1| 1 47,528 PROD 2/ 7,255 4,735 59,518 197,028 466,153 64,034 94,498 1,024 3,171 16,875 35,542 72,572 32,222 7,860 60,612 930,367 3,219 32,563,360 72.31 $32,563,360 32,563,360 332.06 211.96 2.22 1.01 1/ 1,305.65 ป 1,852.90 183.55 109.94 2.22 1.01 613.97 910.69 582 24,298,700 1111 19 8 1,857 77 8 7,350 1 127 9,425 127 7,540 Includes 33.13 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 29.77 miles of industrial tracks, 357 6,990 Southern district 11 ||| Western district $242,830 19,579 3,248,214 72,574 160,661 8,292,303 11111 65,883 41,510 107,393 176,688 183,504 32,929 78,215 255 22,101 20,992 30,834 43,546 14,597 105,365 498,296 14,921,715 70.39 $14,000,048 94,896 741,488 66,741 18,542 14,921,715 107.45 55.90 625.72 789.07 37.16 19.21 246.80 303.17 303 10,504,800 18 13 |||| 1,500 360 1 1,885 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. ROMANIA L HUMON 1 10 2 11 7 12 880 13 14 15 16 222 9 700227 2 17 18 19 21 24 www www KKM 2008 567 # 34 35 123 38 789 39 40 42 VISI 42 26 27 25 Number at close of year .... Number installed during year Number retired during year as mut 2009012 555 50 51 52 Number at close of year 29 Number installed during year 30 Number retired during year SONOVNION mat invo SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) 57 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars Flat cars Stock cars 58 Coal carS Tank cars Floating Equipment 32 31 Number of units at close of year Number of units installed during year 33 Number of units retired during year TIES LAID DURING YEAR 62 63 Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total Number installed during year: Box cars .. Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Box cars Flat cars 3took cars Coal care Tank cars · Total • Tank oar s Refrigerator cara Other freight-carrying cars Total Number retired during year: • · ·· • Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars 46 | Average number Compensation: All Classes of Passenger-train Cars All Classes of Company Service Equipment In replacement and betterments: Number of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges Item ·· In replacement and betterments: Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges Service hours: In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges ...... RAILS LAID DURING YEAR • In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks Miles of yard track and sidings Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total •• Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total Service days: ► EMPLOYEES Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service In passenger service In mixed-train service Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY LOCOMOTIVES In special service In yard-switching service In work service Grand total, all services • • • · Total, all districts 71,135 2,560 240 374,740 150 30 6,350 455,205 1 | || 180 603 20 632 21 38 701 234 ま ​+766 28 511 17 1 558,409 5,223,902 $1,334,882 89,821 766,286 $200,378 31,349 $1,218,337 8.00 26.59 4.882 $172,409 22,604 $37,049,832 $2,056,118 $39,733,887 $32, 51,241,773 2,251,560 54,271,081 579,052 9,139 598,399 $35,558,396 2,324 1,454,615 16,481 1,479,382 + Eastern district 2 11,285 2,040 360,140 150 6,350 379,965 11 1 11 1 OR |-- 503 20 532 30 546 234 814 5 316 58 48 17 1 329,793 2,892,354 $801,238 77,867 586,690 $170,229 16,562 $627,384 8.00 22.18 4,062 $142,678 13,096 $22,551,690 $1,526,496 $24,358,771 30,059,595 1,687,470 32,096,498 228585 338,553 1,191 343,817 $23,040,411 1,029,838 3,311 1,033,149 7760 Does not include data for 6,409 linear feet of steel ties. Does not include data for 3,098 linear feet of steel ties. Southern district 111 111 11 111 111 || |||| │⠀⠀ ⠀⠀│|| = Western district 59,850 520 240 14,600 30 75,240 111 111 111 1 11 111 100 100 17 780 g 155 1.80 23 522 5780 195 17 228,616 2,331,548 $533,644 11,954 179,596 $30,149 14,787 $590,953 4.41 820 $29,731 9,508 $14,498,142 $529,622 $15,375,116 21,182,178 564,090 22,174,583 240,499 7,948 254,582 $12,517,985 5,362 21 424,777 13,170 446,233 મ STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 22 Kind of mileage: Steam road Electric line Steamboat line Stage line Miscellaneous lines Total mileage State or Territory: Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana ·· ·· • Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine .... Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana ..... Nebraska .... Nevada • New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota .. Ohio I. II. Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah III. ·· Vermont Virginia Washington · West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Alaska Hawaii Canada Mexico Mileage not assignable 1. • SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 MILEAGE COVERED BY OPERATIONS • Land Buildings Equipment: Cars Нотаев ·· ·· Automobiles Wagons and sleighs Harness and equipment • Item Trucka • Stable equipment Garage equipment Line equipment Shop equipment Miscellaneous equipment ·· Office furniture and equipment Office safes Item .. Total equipment Total real property and equipment Total 232,013.08 3,103.08 26,756.87 454.28 6.00 262,333.31 4,369.75 2,178.90 4,425.40 8.835.79 4.579.31 903.35 308.80 49.85 4,829.63 6,673.67 2,734.88 11,248.33 6,758.57 10,233.14 9,305.42 3,493.36 4,321.29 2,053.29 2,720.47 1,957.97 7,503.13 8,089.72 3,954.80 7,736.09 4,726.79 6,183.16 2,088.14 1,177.90 2,085.41 2,826.31 8,079.05 4,584.68 5,245.09 8,339.49 6,405.73 3,265.42 9,114.88 204.17 3.585.48 4,166,09 3,602.75 15,540.10 2,099.79 949.79 5,062.62 5,922.47 3,138.04 841.95 1,847.07 9,650.30 351.30 3,651.20 94.23 12,209.00 Total $4,618,223 11,538,129 928,400 1,800,913 15,446,412 2,000,051 344,965 3,052,587 469,337 2,240,130 American Railway Express Co. COST OF REAL PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT 20,810 431,377 608,501 224,012 447,974 222,042.43 2,948.90 26,368.87 454.28 28,015,469 44,171,821 251,814.48 2,767.40 2,178.90 425.40 835.79 4,579.31 903.35 308.80 42.30 4,470.88 5.368.57 2,734.88 10,929.47 6,407.97 10,233.14 9.305.42 3,109.16 4,280.71 2,053.29 2,541.60 1,957.97 7.503.13 8,089.72 3,159.29 7.734.09 4,726.79 6,183.16 2,088.14 1,177.90 2,085.41 2,826.31 8,079.05 3,113.11 5,245.09 8,338.41 6,405.73 3,265.42 9,079.18 204.17 .342.97 4,166.09 2,310.03 15,540.10 2,099.79 949.79 3.931.74 5,922.47 3,138.04 6,841.95 1,847.07 9,680.30 351.30 3,651.20 94.23 12,209.00 1/ Covers miscellaneous unassigned mileage, such as transoceanic, coastwise, river, and lake not within the boundaries of any State or Territory. American Railway Express Co. $4,607, ,142 11,314,427 928,400 1,773,331 14,661,323 1,942,814 339,095 2,971,676 444,129 2,171,947 20,751 430,699 593,803 224,012 447,974 Southeastern Express Co. 26,949,954 42,871,523 9.970.65 154.18 388.00 6.00 10,518.83 1,602.35 7.55 358.75 1,305.10 318.86 350.60 384.20 40.58 178.87 1112 795.51 2.00 Ka 1,471.57 ► Ca 1.08 MA-AUTO UNIO 35.70 1,242.51 1,292.72 1,130.88 |||| Southeastern Exprese Co. $11,081 223,702 27,582 785,089 57,237 5,870 80,911 25,208 68,183 59 678 14,698 1,065,515 1,300, 298 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Cars: Number Inventory value Horses: Number Inventory value Automobiles: Gasoline- Total equipment, inventory value Electric- Number Inventory value Wagons and sleighs: Wagons, double- Buggies- Number Inventory value Number Inventory value Wagons, single- Number Inventory value Sleighs- Number Inventory value Harness equipment: Inventory valuc Office safes: • Inventory value •• Number Inventory value Office furniture and equipment: Number Inventory value I. II. • Trucks: Number Inventory value Stable equipment: Inventory value Garage equipment: Inventory value Line equipment: Safes, car- III. SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Continued INVENTORY VALUE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED ··· Number Inventory value Shop equipment: Safes, messenger- Number Inventory value Trunks, packing- Number Inventory value Other line equipment- Inventory value ·· • • • ·· Inventory value Miscellaneous equipment: Inventory valus Transportation: alte Includes $293,489, inventory value of 229 automobile trailers, Includes $1,092,483, inventory value of 1,854 automobile batteries. Express, domestic Express, foreign Miscellaneous ...... ·· Total transportation Contract payments: Express privileges--Dr. .. • Item Revenue from transportation Operations other than transportation Customs brokerage fees Order and commission Rents of buildings and other property Money orders C.O.D. checks • Travelers' cheques Telegraph and cable transfers Letters of credit Account • • Foreign postal remittances Profit on exchange and other financial revenue Miscellaneous Total other than transportation Total operating revenues Total 1/ $14,493,231 252 $504,049 9,437 $550,105 4.355 $4,956,652 1,646 2/ $3,134,518 ANALYSIS OF OPERATING REVENUES 4,184 $732,397 4,185 $196,534 1,856 $39,159 50 $835 $96,298 $1,466,058 12,334 $284,637 64,754 3/ $1,010,606 $8,098 $307,454 2,610 $144,959 15,302 $71,067 10,474 $62,773 $59,847 $127,230 $446,466 Total $298,337,673 6,227 298,343,900 147,744,101 150,599,799 203,315 4,513 141,410 9.307 2,378,032 American Rail- way Express Co. 1/ $13,937,842 619,366 3,356,017 153,955,816 252 $504,049 3/ 9,293 $539,800 4,171 $4,628,685 1,615 2/ $3,084,977 4,156 $722,704 3,992 $170, 202 1,856 $39,159 50 $835 $92,072 $1,409,487 11,856 $263,128 62,874 $971,0io $8,063 $307,065 2,505 $140,189 14,991 $69,835 9,861 $60,704 $58,693 American Rail- way Express Co. $290,300,070 2,972 290,303,042 143,831,906 146,471,136 203,274 4,509 138,172 2,278,777 76 619,094 3,243,902 149,715,038 Southeastern Express Co. $555,389 144 $10,305 184 $327,967 $127,230 $446,466 3/ Includes $42,207, inventory value of 387 truck batteries. 31 $49,541. 28 $9,693 193 $26,332 $4,226 $56,571 478 $21,509 1,880 $39,596 $35 $389 105 $4,770 311 $1,232 613 $2,069 $1,154 Southeastern Express Co. $8,037,603 3,255 8,040,858 3,912,195 4,128,663 23 3,238 9,307 99,255 270 112,115 4,240,778 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 24 Operating income: SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Continued INCOME ACCOUNT Charges for transportation……. Express privileges--Dr... Revenue from transportation. Revenue from operations other than transportation. Total operating revenues. Operating expenses... Net operating revenue... Uncollectible revenue from transportation. Express taxes.. • Item Operating income. ·· Other income: Rent from real property and equipment used jointly Miscallaneous rent income.. Net income from miscellaneous physical property. Separately operated properties--profit. Dividend income.. Income from funded securities.. Income from unfunded securities and accounts. Income from sinking and other reserve funds.. Release of premiums on funded debt. Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income. Total other income. Gross income...... ·· Separately operated properties--1088. Interest on funded debt.. Interest on unfunded debt.. Amortization of discount on funded debt. Income transferred to other companies. Miscellaneous income debits..... Total deductions from gross income. Net income..... Deductions from gross income: Rent for real property and equipment used jointly Miscellaneous rents... Miscellaneous taxes... Net loss on miscellaneous physical property. · Total appropriations.... Balance transferred to profit and ices... Item .. Disposition of net income: Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income..... Credit balance at beginning of year. Credit balance transferred from income.. Profit on. real property and equipment sold Delayed income credita.. Unrefundable overchargcs... Miscellaneous credits.. Total credits..... Debit balance at beginning of year. Debit balance transferred from income. • Income appropriations for investment in physical property. Stock discount extinguished through income. Miscellaneous appropriations of income... ·· Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of surplus.. .. Surplus set aside for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through surplus. Debt discount extinguished through surplus. Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus.. Loss on land sold.. Delayed income debits. Miscellaneous debits. Total debits.. Balance carried forward to credit of balance sheet ·· • • Total $298,343,900 147,744,101 150,599,799 3,356,017 13383 153,955,816 150,518,872 3,436,944 29,419 2,144,805 1,262,720 633 223,925 402,055 480,820 1,107,433 2,370,153 1,293 72,762 25,500 99,591 2,270,562 2,148,520 2,148,520 122,042 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Total $2,674,010 122,042 34,893 7,890,120 3,065 1,720, 611 12,444,741 9,515,049 9,515,049 2,929,692 American Rail- way Express Co. $290,303,042 143,831,906 146,471,136 3,243,902 149,715,038 146,432,894 3,282,144 27,875 2,058,805 1,195,464 633 223,925 402,055 461,154 1,087,767 2,283,231 1,297 72,762 25,500 99,591 2,183,640 2,078,520 2,078,520 105,120 American Rail- way Express Co. $2,621,164 105,120 34,893 7,890,120 2,583 1,713, 682 12,367,562 9,515,049 9,515,049 2,852,513 C Southeastern Express Co. $8,040,858 3,912,195 4,128,663 112,115 4,240,778 4,085,978 154,800 1,544 86,000 67,256 19,666 1111! 19,666 86,922 86,922 70,000 70,000 16,922 Southeastern Express Co. $52,846 16,922 482 6,929 77,179 77,179 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS I. II. III. IV. Total operating expenses time Maintenance: 1. 2. Superintendence--maintenance Buildings and appurtenances--repairs 3. Buildings and appurtenances--depreciation 14. Buildings and appurtenances--retirements 5. 6. 7. 8. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Wagons and sleighs--repairs 14. Wagons and sleighs--depreciation Wagons and sleigha--retirements 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Traffic: 33. 34. 35. 36. SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Continued ANALYSIS OF OPERATING EXPENSES 39. ko. 47. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Cars--repairs Cars--depreciation Cars--retirements Horses--depreciation Horses--retirements Automobiles--repairs ………. Automobiles--depreciation Automobiles--retirements 49. 50. 51. 52. 27. Line equipment--depreciation and retirements 28. Shop equipment--repairs Transportation: 37. 38. 55. 56. 29. Shop equipment--depreciation and retirements 30. Miscellaneous equipment--repairs 31. Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation and retirement 32. Other expenses Total 57. 58. • Harness equipment--repairs Harness equipment--depreciation and retirements Office furniture and equipment-repairs Office furniture and equipment--depreciation and retirements Office safes--repairs Office safes--depreciation and retirements Trucks--repairs Trucks--depreciation and retirements Stable and garage equipment--repairs Stable and garage equipment--depreciation and retirements Line equipment--repairs Superintendence--traffic Advertising ·· Stationery and printing Other expenses Total Account Superintendence--transportation Office employees Commissions office supplies and expenses Rent of local offices Vehicle employees Stable and garage employees Stable and garage supplies and expenses Drayage Train employees Train supplies and expenses Stationery and printing Lose and damage .... Damage to property Injuries to persons Other expenses Total General: 53. Salaries and expenses of general officers 54. ·· · Insurance Fidelity bond premiums 59. Pensions 60. 61. 62. · Stationery and printing Valuation expenses Other expenses Total .. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants General office supplies and expenses Law expenses · Total $150,518,872 279,588 289,398 270,172 26,070 189,571 60,461 d 3.843 74,972 58,796 3,405,108 1,727,052 136,316 578,018 132,072 48,672 125,026 35,149 144,264 298,734 8,568 28,068 517,487 170,150 21,412 42,366 36,649 54,242 8,040 16,944 37 222 297 8,777,085 246,517 21,869 209,616 240 478,242 5,263,792 51,071,531 10,763, 461 3,112,713 4,524,729 27,629,992 2,387,637 5,624,390 1,698,448 11,275,857 d Deficit or other reverse item. 976,482 2,412,838 4,824,429 143,932 1,007,941 150,498 132,868,670 弱 ​387,983 5,844,460 563,116 359,690 392,390 26,275 568,469 181,507 70,985 8,394,875 American Rail- way Express Co. $146,432,894 279,588 283,265 d 259,058 24,852 189,571 60,461 3.843 65,938 58,544 3,314,046 1,600,401 136,148 567,524 128,455 48,252 122,991 32,447 141,964 287,957 8,050 26,925 502,670 163,279 21,401 41,147 36,110 52,793 8,040 16,944 37 222 297 8,475,534 215,645 18,362 191,158 425,165 5,134,569 49,947,077 10,276,584 3,042,685 4,375,274 27,128,021 2,351,618 5,448,943 1,681,739 10,713,913 964,046 2,322,305 4,717,728 142,762 998,000 150,351 129,395,615 357,814 5,708,585 552,032 339,693 348,913 19,690 568,469 171,742 69,642 8,136,580 25 Southeastern Express Co. $4,085,978 6,133 11,114 1,218 6,041 252 91,062 126,651 168 10,494 3.617 420 2,035 2,702 2,300 10,777 518 1,143 14,817 6,871 11 1,27.9 539 1,449 301,551 30,872 3.507 18,458 240 53,077 129,223 1,124,454 486,877 70,028 149,455 501,971 36,019 175,447 16,709 561,944 12,436 90,533 106,701 1,170 9,941 147 3,473,055 33 30,169 135,875 11,084 19,997 43.477 ,585 9,765 1,343 258,295 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 26 Investment: Real property and equipment Sinking fund SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 –Concluded GENERAL BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies Other investments Total investment Current assets: Cash Special deposits Loana and notes receivable Material and supplies Other current assets • Miscellaneous accounts receivable Deferred assets Unadjusted debits: Stock: Total current assets Discount on capital atock Discount on funded debt Other unadjusted debits .. Total unadjusted debits Grand total Current liabilities: Capital stock • Premium on capital stock Total stock liabilities Funded debt unmatured....... Deferred liabilities Unadjusted credits: Total current liabilities Loans and notes payable Audited accounts and wages unpaid Miscellaneous accounts payable Express privilege liabilities Other current liabilities •• Profit and loss balance Total appropriated surplus Class of employees Premium on funded debt Operating and insurance reserves Accrued depreciation . Other unadjusted credits .. Total unadjusted credits Total corporate surplus Superintendence--aintenance Superintendence--Traffic ·· Advertising Superintendence--Transportation Agents, clerks and solicitors Platform and house men Corporate surplus: Additions to property through income and surplus Reserves from income and surplus Vehicle employees Stable and garage employees Train employees Item · ASSETS Claim agents, special agents, and clerks General officers LIABILITIES General office clerks and attendants. Law department officers and clerks Shop employees Other employees .. ••• • Number on Dec.31 • 8 Number of days worked 63 25,687 76 25,632 1,839 570,079 15,933 4,857,417 17,905 4,961,897 16,446 5,204,821 1,126 369,142 7,526 2,781,549 549 168,214 41 12,546 3,433 1,073,145 50 14,754 1,420 424,318 534 1 Total Yearly compensation $232,121 214,105 • Total (including general officers).. 66,408 20,489,735_108,745,272 Total (excluding general officers).. 66,367 20,477,189 108,381,942 • Average daily compen- sation $9.04 8.35 Gan Ga Total $44,171,821 9,510,000 53,681,821 24,965,630 14,139 5,325 779,803 1,833,899 8,957,963 36,556,759 425,102 1,407,472 1,407,472 92,071,154 EMPLOYEES, SERVICE, AND COMPENSATION 35,642,000 35,642,000 5,724,608 3,943,551 17,262,111 2,472,935 29,403,205 2,602,200 SUN CRISTO 5,199,077 15,856,465 438,515 21,494,057 2,929,692 2,929,692 Number оп Dec. 31 MM 4,478,447 7.86 1,804 556,669 26,327,664 5.42 15,472 4,715,338 24,275,863 4.89 17,285 4,771,353 27,582,077 5.30 16,053 5,082,115 1,940,323 5.26 1,109 364,028 13,850,842 4.98 1,051,366 6.25 363,330 5,706,910 168,013 2,550,568 3,643 7,222 2,673,077 535 163,930 28.96 37 11,322 5.32 3,325 1,042,330 11.39 47 13,836 6.01 1,420 424,318 6.82 534 5.31 64,436 19,867,740 5.29 64,399 19,856,418 1 25,687 23,203 American Rail- way Express Co. $42,871,523 9,510,000 52,381,523 23,800,252 14,097 5,325 742,330 1,818,038 8,837,107 35,217,149 425,102 1,399,114 1,399,114 89,422,888 34,642,000 34,642,000 American Railway Express Co. Number of days worked 5,491,272 3,721,130 16,797,883 2,422,076 28,432,361 2,602,200 5,160,689 15,304,976 428,149 20,893,814 2,852,513 2,852,513 Yearly compensation Average daily compen- sation $232,121 $9.04 191,174 8.24 7504 Southeastern Express Co. 4.98 $1,300,298 Number on Dec. 31 1,300,298 1,165,378 42 37.473 15,861 120,856 1,339,610 8,358 8,358 2,648,266 1,000,000 1,000,000 233,336 222,421 464,228 50,859 970,844 38,388 551,489 10,366 600,243 77,179 77,179 Southeastern Express Co. Number. of days worked Yearly compensation 13 2,429 VRƏ QAN QAD 35 13,410 461 142,079 620 190,544 393 122,706 5.33 4,382,532 25,699,931 23,779,142 27,080,106 1,904,303 5.23 17 5,114 13,288,898 4.97 304 108,472 1,032,102 6.30 334,913 29.58 5,571,062 5.34 151,713 10.97 2,550,568 6.01 3,643 6.82 106,202, 208 5.35 1,972 621,995 2,543,064 105,867,295 5.331,968 620,771 2,514,647 14 4 108 3 4.284 1,224 30,815 918 $22,931 95,915 627,733 496,721 501,971 36,020 561,944 19,264 28,417 135,848 16,300 Average daily compen- sation $9.44 7.15 4.42 2.61 4.09 7.04 5.18 4.50 23.22 4.41 17.76 4.09 4.05 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 4—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 Average mileage (single track) over which operations were conducted (miles)……….. GENERAL BALANCE SHIIT Investment in sleeping car property. Miscellaneous physical property. Other investments....... Cash. Net balance receivable from receiving cashiers and ticket agents Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Haterial and supplies... Other current asseta........ Deferred assets, Unadjusted debits. Total.. Capital stock. Premium on capital stock Wages payable. Miscellaneous accounts payable. Dividends matured unpaid. Unmatured dividends declared. Other current liabilities. Deferred liabilities…....... Operating reserves..... Accrued depreciation........ Other unadjusted credits Appropriated surplus not specifically invested.. Profit and loss--balance. Total corporate surplus. Sleeping car operating revenues. Revenues from auxiliary operations. Total revenues. Sleeping car operating expenses Expenses of auxiliary operations Total operating expenses……. Net revenues, Sleeping car tax accruals, Auxiliary operations--Tax accruals. Total taxes...... Operating income. Revenues from miscellaneous operations. Expenses of miscellaneous operations........ Net revenue from miscellaneous operations.. Taxes on miscellaneous operating property. Miscellaneous operating income. Total operating income. Rent from cars. Dividends received. Income from funded securities. Income from unfunded securities and accounts, Income from sinking and other reserve funds Miscellaneous income. Total nonoperating income.. Gross income. Rent for cars. Miscellaneous tax accruals, Interest on unfunded debt. Miscellaneous income charges. Total deductions from gross income. Net income....... Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income. Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total appropriations...... Income balance transferred to profit and loss. Oredit balance transferred from income Unrefundable overcharges..... Miscellaneous credits. Total credits during year... Dividend appropriations of surplus. Loss on retired equipment. Uncollectible sleeping car revenues. Miscellaneous debits. Total debits during year.... Net increase during year. Balance at beginning of year... Balance at end of year. INCOME ACCOUNT PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Deficit or other reverse item. 27 126,839.50 $206,918,961 7,042 67,577,521 3,677,959 1,718,141 1,746,582 4,386,960 497,471 3,181,528 39,436,791 329,148,956 135,000,000 9,398 1,426,793 8,481,548 26,700 1,789,822 1,409,682 2,079,491 72,693 87,131,154 53,942,975 5,004,917 32,773,783 37,778,700 80,198,066 1,292,257 81,490,323 63,512,593 1,198,698 64,711,291 16,779,032 4,203,833 29,195 4,233,028 12,546,004 manga qy ₫ 87,090 87,090 87,090 12,633,994 243,651 4,572,179 1,443,186 159,765 116,811 6,535,592 19, 168, 686 5,892 191,121 98,698 50,391 346,102 18,822,584 114,601 10,738,872 2,000,000 12,853,473 5,969,111 5,969,111 15,563 214.196 6.198.870 ₫ 52.462 1,490 58.856 7.884 6,190,986 26,582,797 32,773,783 [ STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 1 28 SUMMARY NO. 4-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 Berth revenue Seat revenue Charter of cars ·· · · Miscellaneous revenue Car mileage revenue Association and contract revenue--Dr. Total operating revenues Maintenance Conducting car operations General expenses ... • Total operating expenses ..... Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) Porters and maids Train stenographers Car cleaners . Laundry employ ses General expenses: · Auxiliary operations: General officers and staff (superintendence) District superintendents, agents, and staff ConductorS General officers Clerks and attendants ·· Maintenance: Mechanics, electricians, seamstresses, repairmen, carpenters, shop employees, etc. Conducting car operations: • ► · Commissary (superintendence) Agents and staff, conductors, waiters, cooks, etc. Total (including general officers) Total number of revenue passengers--berth Total number of revenue passengers-seat Average revenue per passenger--berth Average revenue per passenger--seat Total number of car-miles Total number of car-day a Standard sleeping cars Tourist sleeping cara Parlor cars Dining cars Composite car Private cars Miscellaneous cara Total Class Average number of revenue passengers per car per day Operating revenues per car-mile (centa) Operating revenues per car-day Operating expenses per car-mile (oents) Operating expenses per car-day ..... Net operating revenue per car-mile (cents) Nat operating revenue per car-day Average number of car-miles per car-day OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES OPERATING STATISTICS EQUIPMENT IN SERVICE ON DEC. 31, 1925 Does not include 30 cars leased or otherwise acquired. Number on Dec.31 4,475 218 1,473 2,725 10,865 5,278 424 42 951 22 126 26,619 : $76,232,518 9.996,735 1,845,394 201,322 795,397 8,873,299 80,198,067 28,364,834 32,247,467 2,900,292 1853865494 63,512,593 79.19 Average daily. compen- sation $4.55 6.33 4.16 5.76 2.49 4.60 3.34 2.40 29:13 73 4.99 3.00 3.64 22,470,751 13,055,052 $3.39 $0.76 1,043,663,099 1,043, 3,007,022 12 7.684 $26.67026 6.085 $21.12143 1,599 $5.54883 38323 347.07 7,056 379 1,057 SNON 524 20 22 1/ i/ 8,746 Au 1s AESAN * 3 ୮ ****** t 4 $"== with the th INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION BUREAU OF STATISTICS A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1925 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1926 I THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION JOSEPH B. EASTMAN, Chairman BALTHASAR H. MEYER HENRY C. HALL CLYDE B. AITCHISON JOHN J. ESCH JOHNSTON B. CAMPBELL ERNEST I. LEWIS FREDERICK I. COX FRANK McMANAMY THOMAS F. WOODLOCK RICHARD V. TAYLOR GEORGE B. McGINTY, Secretary ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 15 CENTS PER COPY ▼ hift U.S. Interstate Coms. Coms. 8-8-1930 CONTENTS. Introductory statement. Summary No. 1--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I steam railways (not including switching and terminal companies) for the year ended December 31, 1925 Summary No. 2--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I switching and terminal companies for the year ended December 31, 1925... Summary No. 3--Abstract of reports rendered by express compa- nies for the year ended December 31, 1925... Summary No. 4--Abstract of report rendered by The Pullman Com- pany for the year ended December 31, 1925.... Page 4 5 15 22 27 3 3 ܕ A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 This preliminary abstract for the calendar year 1925 is compiled from the annual reports of the classes of carriers designated. It differs from the Preliminary Statement of Capitalization and Income for the same year in that the latter is confined to a small number of items compiled for individual carriers, and in summary form, from a special report returned by them in advance of their annual report. The present abstract contains summaries by districts and is intended primarily to make available as promptly as possible certain totals not obtainable from the monthly or special reports of carriers. The totals are subject to change after corrections in the annual re- ports have been authorized. The final totals will appear in the Sta- tistics of Railways for 1925. It may be noted that only steam rail- ways, express companies, and The Pullman Company are covered in this abstract. Separate mimeographed statements are issued annually for pipe line companies, telegraph and cable companies, carriers by water, telephone companies, and electric railways. Because a separate annual publication of freight commodity statistics for the year 1925 has been issued in full detail for the 70 classes of commodities, only group totals concerning commodities carried are shown in this preliminary abstract. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT. It should be especially observed that the balance sheet items relate to operating companies only and do not cover the balance sheets of lessor companies the property of which is operated by Class I steam railways, that is, railways having annual operating revenues above $1,000,000. The following table shows the investment in road and equip- ment of the operating and lessor companies at the end of the year 1925: Investment in Road and Equipment of Steam Railways, as of December 31, 1925 (Accounts 701 and 702) Class I. Class II... Lessors to Class I Total. Class III.. · Lessors to Class II. Total.. WASHINGTON, July 29, 1926. Lessors to Class III Total... Grand total.. $18,112,791,628 3,912,487,934 22,025,279,562 563,070,883 11,878,358 574,949, 241 104,097,213 4,942,822 109,040,035 22,709,268,838 4 ! : ; : : ✔U STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 cntior 10 11 12 8 Other investments 9 13 14 2 Investment in road and equipment Improvements on leased railway property Sinking funds • Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold 6 Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies 15 16 20 21 22 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT 5 INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 (Does not include lessor companies) 23 24 Total number of stockholders 8888 28 • Total investments 17 Other current assets ....... 18 19 Deferred assets GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Total current assets ·· Cash Demand loans and deposits Time drafts and deposits Special deposits Loans and bills receivable Miscellaneous accounts receivable Material and supplies Investment s Item Current Assets Discount on capital stock Discount on funded debt Other unadjusted debits ..... Total unadjusted debits Grand total 25 Capital stock 26 Stock liability for conversion 27 Premium on capital stock Total stock 29 Grants in aid of a nstruction ·· • Unadjusted Debits .. Premium on funded debt 39 40 Operating reserves Accrued depreciation Other unadjusted credits 41 42 43 Stock • Total current liabilities Long-Term Debt 30 | Funded debt unmatured 31 Receiver's certificates 32 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies 33 Total long-term debt ..... 49 50 Profit and loss--balance 51 34 Loans and bills payable 35 Miscellaneous accounts payable ..... 36 Other current liabilities 37 38 Deferred liabilities Current Liabilities Total unadjusted credits ·· · Unadjusted Credita .. Total appropriated surplus Total corporate surplus Corporate Surplus 44 | Additions to property through income and surplus 45 Funded debt retired through income and surplus 46 Sinking fund reserves 47 Miscellaneous fund reserves 48 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested • • • INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT 52 Expenditures for new lines and extensions 53 Expenditures for additions and betterments 54 Credits for property retired 55 Adjustments ..... | 56 · Net charges during year 57 Stocks actually issued during year--par value 58 Funded debt actually issued during year--par value Total, all districts 755,252 $17,709,659,151 403,132,477 12,797,233 11,299,135 155,881,509 4,574,224,906 849,855,413 23,716,849,824 560,163,699 15,621,493 95,783,339 145,621,829 29,745,651 206,690, 234 525,853,107 241,809,670 1,821,289,022 178,896,676 19,184,340 83,071,433 198,053,983 300,309,756 26,017,345,278 7,633,455,455 2,095,686 46,596,578 7,682,147,719 5,470,326 10,519,379,431 7,128,400 447,317,666 10,973,825,497 67,303,051 94,181,660 1,063,388,354 1,224,873,065 102,408,940 1,263,750 4,610,329 1,505,747,450 696,245,562 2,207,867,091 839,974,943 89,123,098 48,514,300 47,209,945 61,349,198 1,085,771,484 2,734,981,156 3,820,752,640 17,157,457 682,195,579 200,001,353 635,558 499,987,241 138,921,417 324,939,396 Eastern district 328,165 $6,267,148,663 330,817,499 1,028,828 3,881,424 70,652, 205 1,780,695,861 458,560,924 8,912,785,404 218,146,020 2,234,202 41,260,963 31,464,051 16,297,499 79,538,671 215,444,233 105,290,394 709,676,033 90,681,685 462,795 24,663,453 79,946,019 105,072,267 9,818,215,389 2,802,424,125 426,815 35,205,292 2,838,056,232 385,749 a 3,936,440,286 1,803,900 85,803,085 4,024,047,271 35,033,504 40,432,293 402,976,000 478,441,797 50,666,143 249,229 3,525,677 665,376,865 283,817,892 952,969,663 470,255,843 12,750,605 25,785,549 43,934,295 271,564 552,997,851 920,650,683 1,473,648,534 2,207,666 240,846,909 88,935,063 1.753.240 152,366,272 80,997,300 107,889,450 Deficit or other reverse item. Includes $156,125,539, consideration received for 1,362,400 shares of stock without par value. Southern district 81,382 $3,225,678,962 50,363,768 1,024,111 3,109,174 24,583,940 503,182,500 87,699,515 3,895,641,970 112,607,045 10,000 17,795,766 47,762,785 8,547,872 34,861,877 96,700,581 48,251,901 366,537,827 33,305,329 3,013,100 18,804,654 24,413,941 46,231,695 4,341,716,821 1,166,619,822 4,927,400 1,171,547,222 1,591,779 1,896,444,164 2,164,500 9,924,991 1,908,533,655 3,031,114 11,269,838 172,866,748 187,167,700 29,016,258 101,395 1,077,159 273,012,847 86,133,152 360,324,553 115,049,055 1,100,422 5,304,477 50,675 3,922,839 125,427,468 558,108,186 683,535,654 3,282,269 189,188,656 36,040,124 468,732 156,899,533 44,094,556 89,093,748 Western district 345,705 $8,216,831,526 21,951, 210 10,744,294 4,308,537 60,645,364 2,290,346,545 303,594,974 10,908,422,450 229,410,634 13,377,291 36,726,610 66,394,993 4,900,280 92,289,686 213,708,293 88,267,375 745,075,162 54,909,662 15,708,445 39,603,326 93,694,023 149,005,794 11,857,413,068 1/3,664,411,508 1,668,871 6,463,886 3,672,544,265 3,492,798 4,686,494,981 3,160,000 351,589,590 5,041,244,571 29,238,433 42,479,529 487,545,606 559,263,568 22,726,539 913,126 913 7,493 567,357,738 326,294,518 894,572,875 254,270,045 75,272,076 17,424,274 3,224,975 57,154,795 407,346,165 1,256,222,287 1,663,568,452 11,667,522 252,160,014 75,026,166 1,920,066 190, 721,436 13,829,561 127,956,198 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 12 Min 5 6 78 10 11 12 12A 13 AAAA Mating 14 15 16 22 23 24 SUMMARY NO. 1–RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 39 40 41 42 43 Railway operating revenues Railway operating expenses 17 Rent from work equipment 18 19 20 21 48 Net revenue from railway operations Railway tax accruals .... Uncollectible railway revenues Railway operating income 49 Revenues from miscellaneous operations Expenses of miscellaneous operations Net revenue from miscellaneous operations Taxes on miscellaneous operating property INCOME ACCOUNT Miscellaneous operating income Total operating income Net railway operating income Hire of freight cars--credit balance Rent from locomotives ** Rent from passenger-train cars Rent from floating equipment 37 Joint facility rente 38 | Rent for leased roads Income from funded securities 25 Income from unfunded securities and accounts 26 Income from sinking and other reserve funds 27 | Release of premiums on funded debt 28 Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income .... 29 30 31 Item Joint facility rent income Income from lease of road Miscellaneous rent income Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property Separately operated properties--profit Dividend income 32 33 34 Rent for passenger-train care 35 Rent for floating equipment 36 Rant for work equipment • • Total nonoperating income Gross income. ·· • Hire of freight cara--debit balance Rent for locomotives Miscellaneous rents Miscellaneous tax accruals .... • Separately operated properties--logs Interest on funded debt Interest on unfunded debt • Amortization of discount on funded debt 45 Maintenance of investment organization Income transferred to other companies Miscellaneous income charges 46 47 Total deductions from gross income Net income Unrefundable overcharges .... Donatione 57 Credit balance transferred from incO ME 58 Profit on road and equipment gold 59 Delayed income credits 60 4 50 Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds 51 Dividend appropriations of income 52 Income appropriated for investment in physical property 53 Stock discount extinguished through income 54 Miscellaneous appropriations of inco ne 55 56 Total appropriations of income.……………….. Income balance transferred to profit and loss PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 70 71 Loss on retired road and equipment 72 Delayed income debits 73 | Miscellaneous debits ..... 74 Total debits during year Net increase during year 76 Balance at beginning of year Balance at end of year Stock discount extinguished through surplus 69 Debt discount extinguished through surplus .. Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus • • 61 62 | Miscellanecus credits 63 Total credits during year 64 Debit balance transferred from income 65 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve fund s 66 Dividend appropriations of surplus 67 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property 68 • · • 77 78 Dividends declared during year.. 79 Par value on which declared--common 80 Par value on which declared--preferred Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent 81 • + A. • Total, all districts $6,122,509,856 4,536,880,291 1,585,629,565 358,516,046 1,924,382 1,225,189,137 3,221,103 3,062,527 158,576 156,123 2,448 1,225,191,585 1,121,080,632 22,689,570 12,181,831 15,835,617 348,590 2,817,521 43,718,595 4,773,720 20,495,551 5,917,005 3,297,962 127,545,939 65,256,963 31,627,995 4,176,255 104,924 2,348,924 2,661,371 365,798,333 1,590, 989,918 100,866,898 10,800,415 17,845,835 2,426,589 1,327,470 68,433,022 156,390,946 6,193,630 4,417,591 2,568,962 492,564,739 11,448,271 4,288,510 58,012 4,148,606 6,312,827 890,092,323 700,897,595 11,479,437 202,453,923 7,482,057 3,139,098 224,554,515 476,343,080 Gary Gradua 499.755,585 5,545,409 1,634,437 1,621,875 3,456,462 58,199,535 570,213,403 23,412,605 1,914,048 141,666,962 13,360,700 2,297,556 8,871,492 1,509,435 26,532,399 925,097 61,474,519 281,964,813 238,248,590 2,433,958, 740 2,722,207,330 344,120,885 4,033,318,804 1,172,290,031 Eastern district $2,754,442,552 2,084,325,325 6.61 Deficit or other reverse item. 670,117,227 143,332,708 898,810 525,885,709 1,393,614 1,188,840 204,774 75,165 129,609 526,015,318 474,906,322 10,382,186 4,721,809 5,389,617 291,888 820,528 23,778,789 2,042,136 11,914,666 3,507,986 3,220,891 54,420,494 17,561,348 17,854,133 3.372,754 45,186 2,318,344 2,567,541 164,210,296 690,225,614 48,096,435 4,833.371 6,660,281 2,325,016 533,420 33,915,681 96,781,324 4,191,785 3,154,131 2,278,065 185,465,277 4,807,175 1,484,839 36,846 4,148,606 3,160,079 401,872,331 288,353,283 7,298,405 91,250, 710 6,451,984 3,020,387 103,021,486 180,331,797 183,249,203 3,615,901 1,404,869 654,085 433.395 44,183,730 233,541,183 2,917,406 130,077 37,948,236 8,929,315 5,447,230 52,652 12,305, 681 3,488,873 47,190,514 118,410,684 115,130,499 805,520,184 920,650,683 129,198,946 1,587,958,898 282,717,481 8.91 $1,106,737,711 793,329,057 Southern district 313,408,654 68,409,934 324,389 244,674,332 d d 1,730,073 1,857,282 127,209 17,128 144,337 244,529,994 238,830,674 9,019,999 1,997,679 420,589 7,860 749,341 5,337,367 408,193 2,031,749 1,017,197 11,374,034 12,079,243 5,456,466 102,973 402,674 53,405,369 297,935,363 12,937,299 1,338,013 4,159,957 53,200 220,151 7,667,872 12,669,031 660,141 127,508 51,975 89,355,405 1,070,893 1,238,135 5,366 769,395 132,324,341 165,611,022 659,983 10,266,720 880,073 118,711 11,925,487 153,685,535 154,730,029 794,265 105,051 341,287 1,178,763 1,366,818 158,516,213 1,044,494 1,719,555 54,504,782 1,404,927 2,297,556 139,491 62,375 3,893,665 2,416,135 67,482,980 91,033,233 467,074,953 558,108,186 64,771,502 792,168,400 179,915,050 6.66 5 328 3232 Western district $2,261,329,593 1,659,225,909 602,103,684 146,773,404 701,183 454,629,097 97,416 16,405 81,011 63,835 17,176 454,646,273 407,343,636 3.287,385 5,462,343 7,025,411 48,842 1,247,652 14,602,439 2,323,386 6,549,136 1,391,822 77,071 61,751,411 35,616,372 8,317,396 700,528 59,738 30,580 d 308.844 148,182,668 602,828,941 39,833,164 4,629,031 7,025,597 48,373 573,899 26,849,469 46,940,591 1,341,704 1,135,952 238,922 217,744,057 5,570,203 1,565,536 15,800 2,383,353 355,895,651 246,933,290 3,521,049 100,936,493 150,000 104,607,542 142,325,748 161,776,453 1,135,243 124,517 626,503 1,844,304 12,648,987 178,156,007 19,450,705 64.416 49,213,944 3,026,458 3,284,071 1,394,408 10,333,053 a 2 563,776 11,867,870 96,071,149 82,084,858 1,161,363,603 1,243,448,461 150,150,437 1,653,191,506 709,657,500 6.35 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. HUMUOMB 1 2 5 6 Excess baggage 8leeping car Parlor and chair car Mail Express 8 Other passenger-train 7 9 Milk 56 15 16 17 18 19 20 10 Switching 11 Special service train 12 Other freight-traiņ 13 Water transfers--freight 14 Water transfers--passenger • • Water transfers--vehicles and live stock Water transfers--other Total rail-line transportation revenue Freight Passenger 23 | Express 24 25 Other 26 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1985-Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 40 £ £ ££ 5 Freight Passenger .. Excess baggage 21 | Other passenger service 22 Mail. 41 27 | Dining and buffet 28 43 · Special service ·· 37 Power 38 39 424 35 Grain elevator 36 Stockyard 29 30 | Parcel room 31 32 33 Demurrage ... 34 Telegraph and telephone Hotel and restaurant • • RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES Total water-line transportation revenue Storage--freight Storage--baggage Station, train, and boat privileges * • · • Joint facility--Cr. 42 Joint facility--Dr. Rents of buildings and other property Miscellaneous Total incidental operating revenue Item Ballast-yard Ballast--other Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues 45 Superintendence 46 Roadway maintenance--yard 47 Roadway maintenance--other Roadway--depreciation--yard 49 Roadway--depreciation--other 50 Underground power tubes--yard RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures Ties--yard 67 Ties--other ..... 68 Ties-depreciation--yard 69 Ties-depreciation--other 70 | Rails--yard 71 Rails--other 72 73 74 75 76 · 51 Underground power tubes--other $2 Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard 53 Underground power tubes--depreciation--other Tunnels and subways--yard ...... 55 Tunnels and subway s--other- Tunnel and subways--depreciation--yard 57 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other ......... 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other 62 Elevated structures--yard Rails--depreciation--yard Rails--depreciation--other 63 Elevated structures--other ... 64 Elevated structures--depreciation--yard 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other 66 .. Other track material--yard Other track material--other Other track material--depreciation--yard 77 Other track material--dépreciation--other 78 79 80 | Ballast--depreciation--yard 81 | Ballast--depreciation--other 82 ·· Track laying and surfacing-yard 83 Track laying and surfacing--other 84 Right-of-way fences--yard Right-of-way fences--other 86 Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard 87 | Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other ·· • • Total, all districts $4,541,646,040 1,056,395,753 7,603,676 1,969,164 1,306,740 97,097,318 145,354,688 14,925,623 35,774,647 62,956,004 2,398,915 285,461 1,184,996 2,253,803 6,300,049 1,434,912 5,978,887,789 11,109,977 1,308,928 2,761 17,820 8,757 22,741 783,516 547,469 13,801,969 33,857,386 8,500,554 6,807,905 1,477,028 4,140,380 782,542 20,391,640 2,548,666 1,830,955 747,492 6,262,247 7,320,481 26,789,620 121,456,896 11,097,473 2,734,271 8,363,202 6,122,509,856 54,158,391 7.999,671 69,254,331 20,555 148,186 61,583 2,932,783 24,802 2,333,219 41,437,076 248,393 1,126,535 72,739 109,168 15,046,050 103,452,954 2728 247,003 2,235,115 3,448,121 40,715,340 53,875 795,979 8,901,883 38,730, 714 177,028 792,097 616,826 15,718,948 1,647 340,396 23,925,759 176,910,832 86,282 5,417,724 61,903 3,387 5,427 Eastern district $1,987,804,252 520,011,019 2,723,763 376,784 37,041,654 70,341,124 5,685,747 25,988,429 29, 200, 159 871,302 142,792 834,852 1,672,049 4,827,311 1,160,134 2,688,681,371 g Deficit or other reverse item. 1,373,507 790,766 5088 1,073 4,677 8.612 19,496 25,330 144 2,223,605 14,352,803 062,668 4,430,884 1,062,092 2,122,621 356,086 11,062,285 575,081 1,780,300 10,316 6,039,326 4,960,990 10,211,210 60,026,662 4,465,094 954,180 3,510,914 2,754,442,552 21,475,746 3,780,144 25,277,190 40,570 58,016 921,343 34 1,690 928,815 14,600,375 22,497 525,341 64,758 99,718 7,601,684 39,528,586 53 3.527 1,976,791 17,156,350 188 7,779 4,738,160 17,768,996 35 4,425 314,354 6,265,869 69 3,266 12,100,685 69,804,721 25,404 1,657,035 1,462 11 657 Southern district $851,637,550 180,735,461 1,330,833 40,071 190, 701 16,445,368 22,816,967 1,942,080 1,567,612 8,454,737 547,310 23,005 51,105 78,107 20,440 220,855 1,086,102,202 6,577,433 589,806 764,295 133,294 952,311 84,144 3,419,526 89,598 14,905 5.336 114,083 760,877 5,697,638 19,203,251 1,876,782 444,524 1,432,258 1,106,737,711 9,851,745 1,164,347 14,838,651 59,172 11 2 1,136,666 11,372 711,469 9,222,788 213,541 487,356 111 2,453,027 19,995,043 245,022 2,216,519 496,349 9,806,624 53,818 770,442 1,161,322 6,154,410 173.958 780,424 69,776 4,394,068 1,276 334,405 3,349,612 34,112,546 8,839 681,114 59,771 7 Western district $1,702,204,238 355,649,273 3,549,080 1,929,093 739,255 43,610,296 52,196,597 7,297,796 8,218,606 25,301,108 980,303 119,664 299,039 503,647 1,452,298 53,923 2,204,104,216 9,736,470 518,162 1,688 13,143 145 3,245 758,186 547,325 11,578,364 12,927,145 4,848,080 1,612,726 281,642 1,065,448 342,312 5,909,829 1,883,987 35,750 731,840 108,838 1,598,614 10,880,772 42,226,983 4,755,597 1,335,567 3,420,030 2,261,329,593 22,830,900 3,055,180 29,138,490 20,555 48.444 794 874,774 11,740 692,935 17,613,913 12,355 113,838 113 7,981 9,450 11 4,991,339 43,929,325 3,928 92?; 15,069 974,981 13,752,366 131 17,758 3,002,401 14,807,308 3,035 7,250 232,696 5,059,011 302 2,725 8,475,462 72,993,565 52,039 3,079,575 670 3.376 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 160 No. HUMTino 1 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard 11 12 13 14 SUMMARY NO. 1–RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 2 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other •• Snow and sand fences and snowshed s--depreciation--yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--other Crossings and signs--yard Crossings and signs--other .. 8 7 Crossings and signs-depreciation--yard Crossings and signs--depreciation--other Station and office buildings 9 .. 10 Station and office buildings--depreciation Roadway buildings Roadway buildings--depreciation RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded 15 Fuel stations 16 Fuel stations--depreciation 17 Shops and enginehouses ...... 18 SSISISISISISISIU Water stations Water stations--depreciation 19 20 Grain elevators--depreciation 21 ↓ Storage warehouses .. 22 Storage warehouses--depreciation 23 Tharves and docks .... 24 Wharves and docks--depreciation 25 26 27 Gas producing plants 28 55 56 57 Shops and enginehouses--depreciation Grain elevators Item 39 Power transmission systems 40 234 · Coal and ore wharves Coal and ore wharves--depreciation 29 Telegraph and telephone lines 30 Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation 31 Signals and interlockers 32 | Signals and interlockers--depreciation 33 34 73 Gas producing plants-depreciation Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation Power plant buildings 35 ... 36 Power plant buildings--depreciation 37 Power substation buildings 38 Power substation buildings--depreciation • 41 42 43 Power line poles and fixtures 44 Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation 45 Underground conduits ·· 46 Underground conduits--depreciation 47 Miscellaneous structures 48 Miscellaneous structures--depreciation Paving 49 50 Paving--depreciation 51 Roadway machines 52 Roadway machines--depreciation Small tools and supplies 53 Injuries to persons Insurance Stationery and printing Other expenses Power transmission systems--depreciation • Power distribution systems Power distribution systema--depreciation • Removing snow, ice, and sand Assessments for public improvements •• Superintendence 66 Shop machinery .... 67 Shop machinery--depreciation ..... 68 Power plant machinery Steam locomotives--depreciation Steam locomotives--retirements 75 Other locomotives--repairs ...... 76 Other locomotives--depreciation 77 Other locomotives--retirements • 78 Freight-train cars--repairs · 79 Freight-train cars--depreciation 80 | Freight-train cars--retirements 81 R 69 Power plant machinery--depreciation 70 Power substation apparatus 71 Power substation apparatus--depreciation 72 Steam locomotives--repairs Passenger-train cars--repairs .... 82 Passenger-train cars--depreciation $3 Passenger-train cars--retirements 84 Motor equipment of cars--repaire · • • ·· 4. • 58 59 60 Total, above accounts 61 | Maintaining joint tracks, yarda, and other facilities--Dr. 62 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr. 63 Equalization--way and structures 64 Total maintenance of way and structures Maintenance of Equipment 85 Motor equipment of cars--depreciation 86 Motor equipment of cars--retirements 87 Floating equipment--repairs 88 | Floating equipment--depreciation 89 Floating equipment--retirements ... ܀ • · ·· • ·· · Total, all districts $5,747 950,568 21 91 1,396,465 11,190,198 25,748 31,016 31,017, 211 955, 256 4,730,132 81,717 10,796,667 137,315 4,432,807 63,687 25,265,175 488,666 214,511 4,089 69,987 2,374 5,242,956 127,294 3,322,659 835,910 76,218 11,456,577 13,548 30,047,621 135,724 10,871 782,963 127,600 52,394 21,345 312,447 77,852 2,666,975 323,529 489,575 96,667 27,582 9,056 423,369 6,270 693,919 68 6,216,123 7,226 10,768,819 9,650,695 558,438 5,553,122 3,989,653 1,275,903 693,615 805,561,360 36,365,283 25,483,438 816,443,205 44,831,788 27,589,845 654,572 5,497,787 492,076 277,911 96,053 456,532,571 51,690,48 5,594,645 2,736,111 692,739 277; 3,117 373,314,353 107,363,743 20,091,468 83,835,319 15,344,541 1,625,768 2,018,353 584,033 25,323 10,722,779 3,014,235 372,221 Eastern district $2,566 72,729 81 577,923 6,238,699 1,968 28,669 14,791, 942 383,853 1,435,040 1,856 3,965,013 29,510 1,993,148 22,427 12,795,400 276,416 208,823 1,689 19,661 3,399,180 52,441 1,988,170 124,060 35,075 5,417,178 412 18,616,745 115,827 477,512 97,824 42,434 19,127 255,466 64,445 2,172,941 303,550 322,263 81,127 23,912 7,504 227,588 421,977 1,965,292 294 4,025,587 7,105,074 201,583 2,516,077 1,825,673 481,465 515,655 342,506,556 15,716,891 10,809,062 347,414,385 20,569,507 15,452,607 368,236 3,733,876 434,680 226,987 75,252 214,161,060 24,376,230 3,789,302 2,056,557 434,011 860 178,842,116 47,437,100 9,780,664 38,849,517 7,464,465 1,031,543 1,375,667 443,419 12,523 8,405,116 1,815,107 183,117 Deficit or other reverse item. Southern district 1 $543 132,345 1,647,022 1,044 5,703,253 236,114 1,266,271 22,638 2,101,978 65,124 894,076 23,367 3,506,812 130,661 1,976 2,400 48,732 2,374 974, 201 74,853 367,718 84,496 620 1,953,521 9,597 4,332,682 16,718 194 73,108 14,645 948 336 27,772 6,919 143,531 11,171 40.128 8,174 21,034 98 52,106 1,216,824 2,809 2,133,502 245,644 95,360 811,930 653,182 233,484 54,578 154,464,662 6,553,843 5,300,807 155,717,698 7,446,015 ,765,619 273,265 547,235 31,528 11,295 2,544 82,746,468 8,671,993 674,431 214,353 67,156 67,394,189 21,597,330 4,053,616 13,725,562 2,267,935 203,460 36,346 9,989 9,504 טן 595 661 542 Western district $3,181 877,296 21 10 686,197 3,304,477 23,780 1,303 10,522,016 335,289 2,028,821 57,223 4,729,676 42,681 1,545,583 17,893 $,962,963 81,589 3,712 1,594 869,575 966,771 627,354 40,523 4,085,878 3.539 7,098,194 3,179 10,677 232,343 15,131 9.012 1,882 29,209 6,488 350,503 8,808 127,184 7.366 3,670 1,552 174,747 6,368 219,836 68 3,034,007 4,123 4,609,730 2,299,977 261,495 2,225,115 1,510,798 560,954 123,382 308,590,142 14,094,549 9,373,569 313,311,122 16,816,266 8,371,619 13,071 1,216,676 25,868 39,629 18,257 159,625,043 18,642,266 1,130,912 465, 201 191,572 2,257 127,078,048 38,329,313 6,257,188 31,260,240 5,612,141 390,765 606,340 130,625 3,296 2,064,068 1,146,467 174,562 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. Humtimorano g 1 Work equipment--repairs 2 Work equipment--depreciation Work equipment--retirements . Miscellaneous equipment--repairs Miscellaneous equipment-depreciation Miscellaneous equipment--retirements 7 Injuries to persons 10 | Other expenses 11 9 | Stationery and printing CUMA + ญ ณ 22 23 12 Maintaining point equipment --Dr 13 Maintaining joint equipment --Cr. Equalization--equipment 14 15 16 Superintendence 17 18 | Advertising 19 | 20 21 25 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) Insurance RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded Total 24 Other expenses 49 「555555555 OHUM invo780 26 Superintendence 27 Dispatching trains 28 Station employees Outside agencies Total maintenance of equipment Z AZIZIISEJARA 35 Yard enginemen 36 Yard motormen 65 66 Traffic associations ......... Fast freight lines Total traffic 29 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus 30 | Coal and ore wharves 31 Station supplies and expenses 32 Yardmasters and yard olerks Yard conductors and brakemen 33 34 Industrial and immigration bureaus Insurance . Stationery and printing...... 43 Enginehouse expenses--yard 44 Yard supplies and expenses. 45Train enginemen 46 Train motormen 47 48 76 BR 37 Fuel for yard locomotives 38 Yard switching power produced 39 59 | Yard switching power purchased 40 Water for yard locomotives 41 Lubricanta for yard locomotives 42 Other supplies for yard locomotives • Yard switch and signal tenders Fuel for train locomotives Train power produced Train power purchased 50 Water for train locomotives Lubricants for train locomotives 51 52 53 54 62 Express service 63 64 Other expenses. Item Transportation--Rail Line 67 Damage to property 68 •·· 56 | Operating sleeping cars 57 Signal and interlöcker operation Insurance Clearing wrecks Traffic Stationery and printing 58 Crossing protection 59 | Drawbridge operation 60 Telegraph and telephone operation 61 Operating floating equipment 69 Loss and damage--freight 70 Loss and damage--baggage 71 ·· · • Other supplies for train locomotives Enginehouse expenses--train Trainmen Train supplies and expenges • 77 Operation of vessels 78 Operation of terminals 79 Incidental 80 • = • Damage to live stock on right of way • Injuries to persons 72 Operating joint yards and terminals-Dr. Operating joint yardae and terminala--Or. 74 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr. 75 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Cr. Total transportation--Rail line • Transportation--Water Line Total transportation--Water line Total, all districts $1} $17,917,453 4,399,134 2,003,943 373,896 229,053 64,838 6,245,578 5,933,210 2,226,903 1,982,484 1,256,378,332 7,198,361 3,732,282 9.135 d 1,259,835,276 34,491,374 42,873,135 13,644,355 2,596,531 66,038 2,209,044 32,618 10,015,643 124,158 106,052,896 67,052,231 34,352,216 306,474,898 5,451,601 8,066,801 20,930,535 60,780,808 144,491,126 12,366,273 88,152,837 780,411 66,760,458 198,036 276,005 4,404,398 1,352,898 1,459,378 30,524,826 3,602,974 225,682,017 3,720,738 340,502,586 2,528,411 5,641,450 21,736,561 7.537,496 6,368,242 83,142,164 262,032,814 77,598,245 837,800 26,181,209 21,499,719 2,066,781 10,522,926 27,953,023 13,837,656 5,668,221 3,495,678 8,361,223 5,016,139 2,869,469 36,915,439 374,055 33,141,812 67,191,439 32,974,113 15,331,307 13,787,999 2,128,471, 218 4,652,769 4,875,855 310,199 9,838,823 Eastern district $8,735,824 1,813,147 896,237 218,554 121,324 52,314 3,637,243 2,547,025 1,149,239 1,328,100 601,818,526 3,314,655 1,776,834 603,356,347 15,613,989 13,847,728 3,815,330 977,881 49,292 523,740 11,969 4,281,847 73,196 39,194,972 34,308,882 16,778,465 145,501,264 1,153,341 4,999,842 10,751,991 32,019,744 76,006, 212 8,206,999 45,640,717 742,901 30,602,734 193.338 253,541 2,127,627 736,309 733,587 14,762,417 2,167,847 96,438,794 2,345,620 129,850, 646 1,678,460 4,266,309 8,707,578 3,208,716 2,888,212 37,578,450 111,755,398 35,820,773 17,346,774 14,703,076 1,082,393 4,803,220 23,763,834 6,652,770 3,671,280 1,427,662 4,332,045 2,454,948 250,194 16,732,438 253,312 16,968,049 26,497,483 12,356,98 248,211 545,047 991,512,372 1,319,679 170,526 22,491 1,512,696 d Deficit or other reverse item. Southern district $2,988,467 907,958 252,341 27,208 25,192 2,320 710,231 719,491 360,457 360,083 220,424,379 1,181,090 819,058 d 2.963 220,783,448 6,992,287 9,037,486 2,176,226 523,165 720,702 4,992 2,377,092 10,241 21,842,191 11,403,357 7,248,021 54,141,559 1,247,320 1,363.777 3,085,161 10,906,088 24,559,531 1,244,336 14,393,997 1,944 9,607,546 648,238 220,344 300,045 5,398,290 648,485 43,558,715 205,083 55,643,896 356,063 35,402 3,819,825 1,466,607 1,234,862 14,979,226 50,570,795 13,064,898 13,886 2,289,482 1,704, 243 365,521 1,243,020 514,549 2,454,725 694,175 700,162 1,927,107 1,056,380 1,106,437 6,215,236 48,398 5,758,574 14,533,672 9,656,936 1,687,475 1,770,699 362,238,818 G C G Western district $6,193,162 1,678,029 855,365 128,134 82,537 10,204 1,898,104 2,666,694 717,207 294,301 434,135,427 2,702,616 1,136,390 4 6,172 435,695,481 11,885,098 19,987,921 7,652,799 1,095,485 16,746 964,602 15,657 3,356,704 40,721 45,015,733 21,339,992 10,325,730 106,832,075 3,050,940 1,703,182 7,093,383 17,854,976 43.925.383 2,914,938 28,118,123 35,566 26,550,178 4,698 22,464 1,628,533 396,245 425,746 10,364,119 786,642 85,684,508 1,170,035 155,008,044 493,888 1,339,739 9,209,158 2,862,173 2,245,168 30,584,488 99,706,621 28,712,574 823,914 6,544,953 5,092,400 618,867 4,476,686 3,674,640 4,730,161 1,302,766 1,367,854 2,102,071 1,504,811 1,512,838 13,967,765 72,345 10,415,189 26,160,284 10,960,193 6,395,621 5,472,253 774,720,028 ,333,090 705,329 287,708 8,326,127 ă; 9 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. H23+ mo 10 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 27 28 29 لیاس یا اس سے میں SUMMARY NO. 1–RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 —Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 17 Other expenses.. 18 Dining and buffet service... Hotels and restaurants.. Grain elevators. General joint facilities--Dr. 19 | General joint facilities-Cr. 20 32 35 Stockyards. Producing power sold. Other miscellaneous operations.. 4444 M+ RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued Miscellaneous Operations Total miscellaneous operations. Total general expenses.... 21 Transportation for investment--Cr Insurance.... Relief department expenses.. Pensions.... Stationery and printing. Valuation expenses. Salaries and expenses of general officers... Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. General office supplies and expenses.... Law expenses.... 22 Total railway operating expenses.. 23 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent). SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES Maintenance of Way and Structures 43 44 Item 24 Related solely to freight service.. 25 Related solely to passenger and allied services. 26 | Apportioned to freight service….. Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total. ·· • #57150 General 30 Related solely to freight service. 31 Related solely to passenger and allied services. Maintenance of Equipment 36 | Related solely to freight service.. 37 Related solely to passenger and allied services………………. 38 Apportioned to freight service.. • Traffic Apportioned to freight service... Apportioned to passenger and allied services. Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. Total.. • • 39 Apportioned to passenger and allied services... 40 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services, 41 Total. • Transportation-Rail Line • 42 Related solely to freight service.. Related solely to passenger and allied services…………………………………………… ·· Apportioned to freight service.. Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. 46 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 47 Total.. Transportation--Vater Line .. 48 Related solely to freight service. 49 Related solely to passenger and allied services…………………………. 50 Apportioned to freight service.. Apportioned to passenger and allied serviceB……. 52 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 53 Total. Miscellaneous Operations Related solely to freight service.. Related solely to passenger and allied services...... Apportioned to freight service.. Apportioned to passenger and allied services.... 58 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 59 Total. Total, all districts $38,854,620 8,078,060 1,362,062 606,888 3,012,114 2,031,076 53,944,820 18,471,193 90,668,329 7,222,517 16,461,357 159,396 2,210,038 18,528,633 5,335,731 7,319,871 7,618,963 1,826,892 294,404 175,528,516 13,234,463 4,536,880,291 74.10 $82,561,048 23,024,347 513,104, 703 196,988,261 764,846 816,443,205 789,426,145 228,324,107 175,870,295 63,721,009 2,493,720 1,259,835,276 56,677,493 36,945,690 7,219,143 5,210,570 ·GRO 106,052,896 1,205,131,064 427,376,333 375,560,103 120,389,884 13,834 2,128,471,218 7,798,584 198,894 1,523,196 283,782 34,367 9,838,823 3,132,876 44,874,133 1,170,418 855,320 3,912,073 53,944,820 Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district $16,676,858 2,897,409 1,319,306 21,537 2,935,782 735,757 24,582,649 7,432,923 40,063,688 3,326,907 6,192,779 79,392 1,052,610 11,657,483 2,150,381 3,135,642 3,108,031 733,108 107,100 78,825,844 2,073,940 2,084,325,325 75.67 $51,292,515 14,629,606 197,954,023 83,369,658 168,583 347,414,385 391,285,426 116,562,622 68,988,845 26,038,332 481,122 603,356,347 23,864,038 12,511,530 2,058,365 761,039 39,194,972 600,987,244 204,005,657 137,534,326 49,000,910 d 15,765 991,512,372 660,098 154,828 461,994 235,776 1,512,696 1,959,009 20,379,206 387,132 202,817 1,654,485 24,582,649 Southern district $6,931,221 567,716 17,799 10,702 44,763 70,462 7,642,663 3,130,778 15,102,967 1,104,536 3,669,784 22,447 205,392 1,529,641 984,994 930,116 1,266,824 228,670 36,654 28,139,495 3,035,256 793,329,057 71.68 $12,430,875 2,827,611 105,087,601 35,371,611 155,717,698 149,666,382 37,120,327 26,749,943 7,246,796 220,783,448 13,540,993 6,539,923 1,245,619 515,651 21,842,191 206,632,455 66,344,390 69,779,416 19,482,557 Sony Ca 362,238,818 80,348 7,459,268 27,005 7,898 68,144 7,642,663 Western distriot $15, $15,246,541 4,616,935 24,957 574,649 31,569 1,224,857 21,719,508 7,907,492 35,501,674 2,791,074 6,598,794 57,557 952,036 5,341,509 2,200,356 3,254,113 3,244,108 865,114 150,650 68,563,177 8,125,267 1,659,225,909 73.37 $18,837,658 5,567,130 210,063,079 78,246,992 596,263 313,311,122 248,474,337 74,641,158 80,131,507 30,435,881 2,012,598 435,695,481 19,272,457 17,894,237 3,915,159 3,933,880 · 200 45,015,733 397.511,365 157,026,286 168,246,361 51,906,417 29,599 774,720,028 7,138,486 44,066 1,061,202 48,006 34,367 8,326,127 1,093,519 17,035,659 756,281 644,605 2,189,444 21,719,508 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. HOME LO 1 Related solely to freight service. 2 Related solely to passenger and allied services Apportioned to freight service.. Apportioned to passenger and allied services •• 5 Hot related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 6 Total. 9 Apportioned to freight service. .. 10 Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. 11 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services.. 12 Total. www 7 Related solely to freight service. 8 Related solely to passenger and allied services. 13 Related solely to freight service. 14 Related solely to passenger and allied services Im Mmmm 3+ io 19 Miles of road.. 20 Miles of second main track. 21 Miles of third main track. 22 Miles of fourth main track. 23 Miles of all other main tracks. 24 Miles of yard track and sidinge 25 15 | Apportioned to freight service.. 16 Apportioned to passenger and allied services. 17 Not related to either freight service or passenger and allied services. 18 Total. 41 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) INKTINOI 26 Miles of road. 27 Miles of second main track. 28 Miles of third main track. 42 SEPARATION OF OPERATING EXPENSES BETWEEN SERVICES--Continued General 46 #UNDINININ 47 29 Miles of fourth main track.. 30 Miles of all other main tracks.. 31 Miles of yard track and sidings. 32 48 49 56 Transportation for Investment--OI. Total Operating Expenses Total, all tracks... MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1925 Total, all tracks... Item .. Total. #1 • MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1925 • Steam locomotives: Number at close of year.. Total tractive power (pounds). Number installed during year. Number retired during year. Electric locomotives: Number at close of year: Box cars.. Flat cars... Stock cars Goal cars. Tank cars.. Refrigerator cars...... Other freight-carrying cars. Total. Number at close of year.... Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year. Fumber retired during year. Aggregate capacity (tona): Box cars.. Flat care... Stock oars Coal cars. Tank cars. Refrigerator oars... Other freight-carrying cars. .. ... EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE • Freight-carrying Cars • Total, all districts $47,140,995 11,293,832 86,067,764 30,580,239 440,636 175,528,516 12,762,410 257,301 143,126 66,947 4,679 13,234,463 2,179,105, 795 771,785,085 12303 1,160,372,496 417,962,118 7,654,797 4,536,880,291 236,846.17 35,200.45 3,110.90 2,157.09 348.54 1/ 113,869.63 391,532.78 177,301.85 20,955.81 2,051.25 1,499.22 138.34 5/ 79.859.92 281,806.39 63,612 2,586,821,720 1,585 2,884 363 18,168, 100 11 1,078,004 103,319 86,936 951,666 10,737 48,711 77,853 2,357,226 42,525,506 4,252,873 3,140,511 49,723,012 466,035 1,583,926 3,877,522 105,569,386 18 d Deficit or other reverse item. Includes 20,406.43 miles of industriaÏ tracks. Includes 7,519.56 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 3,811.79 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 9,075.08 miles of industrial tracks. Eastern district $24,078,350 5,949,126 35,837,221 12,523,336 437,811 · 78,825,844 1,763,510 71.587 164,609 74,234 2,073,940 1,092,363,170 374,120,988 443,057,297 172,057,634 2,726,236 2,084,325,325 59,248.99 18,193.65 2,671.57 1,925.02 90.37 2/ 45,051.7i 127,182.31 33,626.18 9,017.81 1,687.38 1,314.29 t.21 6/ 25,567.88 71,257.75 28,145 1,193,545,194 611 1,550 264 11,662,000 1 456,705 22,684 15,483 563,789 380 6,556 21,338 1,086,935 18,612,532 985,916 630,540 29,959,229 6,089 206,740 1,047,274 51,448,320 Southern district $8,165,707 1,609,884 13,935,253 4,428,651 28,139,495 2,972,326 48,472 9.938 4,520 3,035,256 387,544,439 121,852,931 216,814,899 67,048,644 68,144 793,329,057 44,240.87 5,289.55 132.37 47.85 237.48 3/ 19,199.60 69,147.72 35,272.02 3,688.74 127.99 43.73 73.44 1/ 14,598.78 53,804.70 11,130 457,578,701 410 338 2,579,000 29 10 170,566 23,047 8,441 206,494 15 6,367 5.344 420,274 6,177,820 912,430 311,520 11,121,922 620 196,900 246,768 18,967,980 5/ Includes 14,207.95 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 4,141.35 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 2,889.23 miles of industrial tracks, Includes 7,177.37 miles of industrial tracks. 11 Western district $14,896,938 3,739,872 36,295,290 13,628,252 2,825 68,563,177 8,026,574 137,242 31,421 d 11,807 4,679 8,125,267 699,198,186 275,811,166 500,500,300 178,855,840 4,860,417 1,659,225,909 133,356.31 11,717.25 306.96 183.22 20.69 4/49,618.32 195,202.75 108,403.65 8,249.26 235.88 141.20 20.69 8/ 39,693.26 156,743.94 24,337 935,697,825 564 996 70 3,927,100 450,733 57,588 63,012 181,383 10,342 35.788 51,171 850,017 17,735,154 2,354,527 2,198,451 8,641,861 459,327 1,180,286 2,583,480 35,153,086 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS ! No ~~~ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 caminoa 18 19 222 1 ww 80 7-80 23 24 2 25 7 Met in wwww 26 27 6780 28 12 29 30 31 Number at close of year 20 21 Number installed during year 22 Number retired during year 32 33 WN 34 4567 35 FLOLOLOLOLO 36 * We forg 37 40 42 41 46 45 47 51 53 50 55 49 SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded Number installed during year: Box cara Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total 38 Average number Compensation-- 39 Number retired during year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal cara Tank cars Item • Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars Total All Classes of Passenger-train Cars Number at close of year Number installed during year Number retired during year All Classes of Company Service Equipment Floating Equipment Number of units at close of year .... Number of units installed during year .... Number of units retired during year TIES LAID DURING YEAR • In replacement and betterments: Number of crossties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of crossties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges · In replacement and betterments: Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges - Service days-- In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks Miles of yard track and sidings ...... Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges RAILS LAID DURING YEAR Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for ....... Total Service hours-- 48 Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY LOCOMOTIVES Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total Straight time actually worked Overtime paid for Total EMPLOYEES • In special service ... In yard-switching service In work service Grand total, all services Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service In passenger service In mixed-train service P Total, all districts 66,508 5,468 5.512 46,297 333 4,378 4,047 132,543 56,492 5,977 4,081 44,667 223 7,204 3,708 122,352 54,622 3,214. 3,563 108,945 11,576 12,410 2,468 102 99 82,719,680 282,541,435 $120,653,734 1/ 8,563,836 49,919,778 $13,847,933 3,484,426 $126,498,034 1,119.71 777 2,087.47 425,617 $14,049,012 1,747,207 $2,571,780,682 $168,557,392 $2,860,607,183 3,877,048,794 206,657,796 4,210,605,583 39,128,621 304,297 40,083,086 $2,645,842,686 79,367,898 29,328,275 1,840,343 58,272 22,174,755 2,641,618 135,411,161 ININ Eastern district 22,819 1,467 1,187 14,180 1,789 1,281 42,723 19,646 1,008 542 22,415 20 3,750 1,009 48,390 26,917 1,779 2,187 36,620 4,209 5,438 0288€ 2,144 90 23,805,995 104,779,430 $46,942,609 1,828,134 15,480,147 $3,883,47 1,529,462 $53,416,947 165.29 512.46 101,817 $3,192,182 761,188 $1,176,679,174 $75,860,744 $1,309,000,453 1,671,862,158 91,402,676 1,824,517,635 19,416,016 149,266 19,935,129 $1,212,076,517 32,949,912 12,582,749 339,569 18,682 11,079,420 1,264,904 58,235,236 Southern district 11,648 950 628 20,665 1,210 35,101. 11,871 2,816 448 12,610 243 197 28,190 659 694 8,216 263 Z Does not include data for 1,435 linear feet of steel ties. Does not include data for 1,448 linear feet of steel ties. 659 394 18,897 2,690 1,470 Aס תטח 118 19,003,413 66,921,382 $24,470,123 3,232,623 15,991,506 $4,728,320 811,020 $30,494,566 570.54 632.07 152,536 $5,402,180 1453235 343,525 $462,854,768 $34,600, 243 $516,177,297 765,514,639 45,576,316 828,206,669 6,200,414 44,003 6,314,292 $470,655,718 17,169,451 5,609,943 342,634 12,239 3,852,267 550,120 27,536,654 Western district 32,041 3,051 3,697 11,452 333 2,589 1,556 54,719 24,975 2,153 3,091 9,642 198 3,211 2,502 45,772 19,489 776 982 53.428 532,677 5,502 70H 39,910,272 110,840,623 $49,241,002 3,503,079 18,448,125 $5,236,137 1,143,944 $42,586,521 383.88 942.94 171,264 $5,454,650 642,494 $932,246,740 $58,096,405 $1,035,429,433 1,439,671,997 69,678,804 1,557,881,279 13,512,191 111,028 13,833,665 $963,110,451 29,248;535 11,135,583 1,158,140 27.351 7,243,068 826,594 49,639,271 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 1-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 Continued (Does not include lessor companies) REVENUE FREIGHT TONNAGE BY GROUPS OF COMMODITIES Revenue Freight Originated Products of agriculture: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) Average load per car... Animals and products: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Average load per car.. Products of mines: Number of carloads. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Average load per car.. Products of forests: Number of carloads Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Average load per car... Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads... Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Average load per car...... Item Grand total, carload traffic: Number of carloads...... Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Average load per car.. - Merchandise All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.)... Products of agriculture: Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.).. .. Total Revenue Freight Carried Animals and products: · Number of carloads... Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage. Products of mines; Products of forests: Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage ... .. Number of carloads.. Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage. Number of carloads...... Number of tons (2,000 lbs. ). Per cent of total tonnage. Manufactures and miscellaneous: Number of carloads... Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage. Grand total, carload traffio: Number of carloads... Number of tons (2,000 lbs.)... Per cent of total tonnage........ Merchandise All L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.)……….. Per cent of total tonnage..... Grand total, carload and L. C. L. freight: Number of tons (2,000 lbs.). Per cent of total tonnage.... • Total, all districts 4,678,085 109,313,068 23.37 2,215,155 26,324,004 11.88 13,476,434 678,336,561 50.34 3,832,116 107,390,916 28.02 10,946,047 285,291,690 26.06 35,147,837 1,206,656,239 34.33 40,586,944 1,247,243,183 10,031,829 215,294,193 9.33 3,771,468 46,389,566 2.01 24, 211,553 1,212,972,985 52.58 7,811,230 210,274,044 9.11 22,157,026 553,623,817 24.00 67,983,106 2,238,554,605 97.03 68,422,101 2.97 2,306,976,706 Eastern district 1,061,446 23,480,705 22.12 451,304 5,843,921 12.95 5,807,312 294,705,046 50.75 478,466 11,941,235 24.96 6,642,580 175,861,557 26.47 14,441,108 511,832,464 34.44 19,477,483 531,309,947 3,371,723 72,231,820 32323133 5.96 1,371,785 17,862,863 13,582,151 697,732,448 57.62 2,228,676 55,828,322 4.61 13,160,802 332,027,689 27.42 33,715,137 1,175,683,142 97.08 35,314,578 2.92 1,210,700.00 Southern district 895,454 14,666,482 16.38 167,506 1,957,129 11.68 3,592,448 188,267,539 52.41 1,305,497 33,342,295 25.54 1,414,835 34,889,717 24.66 7,375,740 273,123,162 37.03 8,592,202 281,715,364 2,061,566 33,983,761 8.02 334,480 4,237,761 1.00 4,707,319 240,149,485 56.67 2,246,501 57,457,283 13.56 3,103,140 73,703,652 17.39 12,453,006 409,531,942 96.64 14,236,979 62978983 423,768,921 100.00 Western district 2,721,185 71,165,881 26.15 13 1,596,345 18,522,954 11.60 4,076,674 195,363,976 47.92 2,048,153 62,107,386 30.32 2,888,632 74,540,416 25.80 13,330,989 421,700,613 31.63 12,517,259 434,217,872 4,598,540 109,078,612 16.23 2,065,203 24,288,942 3.61 5,922,083 275,091,052 40.92 3,336,053 96,988,439 14.43 5,893,084 147,892,476 22.00 21,814,963 653,339,521 97.19 18,870,544 2.81 672,210,065 100.00 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. gandą 1 antino 2 3 700 Param com 14 16 SUMMARY NO. 1–RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) 9 Total freight train. STATISTICS OF RAIL-LINE OPERATIONS 10 Total passenger train... 11 12 13 Average mileage of road operated.. Freight--ordinary Freight-light. Passenger. Mixed.. Special. Total special. Train switching. 14 Yard switching-freight. .. Total transportation service. Work service. 15 Yard switching-passenger..... 17 Work service.... 42 43 Total mixed train..... 47 48 25 Passenger train-dining.. 26 05555 Not Low 53 18 Freight train--loaded. 19 Freight train--empty.... 20 Freight train--caboose. 21 Freight train--exolusive work equipment. 22 Total freight train.... Train-Miles Total transportation service... 23 Passenger train-passenger.... 24 Passenger train-sleeping, parlor, and observation.. Locomotive-Miles Item 27 Total passenger train.... 28 Mixed train--freight--loaded. 29 Mixed train--freight--empty...………… 40 Tong--revenue freight... 41 Car-Miles Passenger train--other…………………. 30 Mixed train--caboose. 31 Mixed train--exclusive work equipment 32 Mixed train--passenger.... Mixed train--sleeping, parlor, and observation. 34 Mixed train--dining... 35 | Mixed train-other passenger train.. 36 Total mixed train.... 37 Total special train.... 38 39 Work service.. ** Total transportation service……. 44 Passengers carried--revenue..... 45 Passenger-miles--revenue. 46 Miscellaneous Tong-nonrevenue freight.. Ton-miles--revenue freight, Ton-miles--nonrevenue freight. 56 Revenue per passenger-mile.. • 49 Passenger-miles--revenue--per train-mile.... 50 Passenger-miles-revenue--per car-mile.. 51 Miles hauled--revenue freight... 52 Miles carried--revenue passengers ••• Revenue per ton of freight.. Revenue per ton-mile of freight. Revenue per passenger..... Ton-miles--revenue freight--per mile of road. Ton-miles--revenue freight--per train-mile........ Ton-miles--revenue and nonrevenue freight--per loaded car-mile Total, all districts 236,578.95 584,347,015 .7.337,962 569,349,789 25,759,717 625,239 1,187,419,722 33,114,358 667,778,773 571,775,599 26,416, 245 720,976 56,589,400 300,631,982 23,575,834 1,647,488,809 42,303,428 16,719,144, 616 9,242,772,314 600,285,448 47,636,461 26,609,838,839 1,297,980,178 1,098,269,402 143,642,367 1,204,629,262 3,744,521,209 134,114,735 72,764,880 2,738,581 1,512,560 31,676,407 884,291 7,647 13,291,423 256,990,524 9,668,307 30,621,018,879 157,651,012 2,306,976,706 254,585,489 413,823,173,485 39,004,420,359 888,389,515 35,950,393,918 1,749,197 675.35 26.37 62.63 14.50 179.38 40.47 $1.96853 $0.01097 $1.18883 $0.02938 Eastern district 59,101.74 223,960,749 3,811,325 233,600, 741 4,970,955 218,778 233 23 466,562,548 14,761,460 269,748,684 236,162,062 5,094,429 238,750 28,639,976 153.310,155 12,852,499 706,046,555 19,904,8 6,750,772,706 3,730,759,832 231,874,951 4,860,242 10,718,267,731 604,607,631 407,570,013 46,337,498 518,413,450 1,576,928,592 23,418,357 12,349,712 710,705 90,758 5,874,262 163,413 5,014 4,714,817 47,327,038 2,860,561 12,345,383,922 49,134,039 1,210,997,720 103,882,158 179,498,293,250 12,655,014,422 616,313,402 18,583,979,322 3,037,107 775.00 28.37 79.17 18.25 148.22 30.15 $1.64123 $0.01107 $0.84341 $0.02797 Southern district 44,062.10 130,105,033 1,515,589 102,553,948 4,625,990 137,198 102.6 238,937,758 7,862,279 141,772,403 104,763,882 4,714,559 143,781 9,521,324 51,134,255 3,389,215 143 315,439,419 9,382,001 3,349,665,741 1,984,751,621 132,847,606 10,666,726 5,477,931,694 226,199,610 203,294,682 25,676,610 197,292,621 652,463,523 20,154,638 10,089,174 219,325 166,009 7,147,738 62,957 124 2,120,008 39,959,973 1,979,378 6,172,334,568 34,067,067 423,768,921 53,473,238 91,928,285,609 8,218,204,449 94,785,225 5,412,801,027 2,086,335 680.14 29.72 52.23 12.39 216.93 57.11 $2.00967 $0.00926 $1.90679 $0.03339 Western district 133,415.11 230,281,233 2,011,048 233,195,100 232 16,162,772 269,263 481,919,415 10,490,619 256,257,686 230,849,655 16,607,257 338,445 18,428,100 96,187,572 7,334,120 626,002,835 13,016,561 6,618,706,169 3,527,250,861 235,562,891 32,109,493 10,413,639,414 467,172,937 487,404,707 71,628,259 488,923,191 1,515,129,094 90,541,740 50,325,994 1,808,551 1,255,793 ·18,654,407 657,921 2,509 6,456,598 169,703,513 4,828,368 12,103,300,389 74,449,906 672,210,065 97,230,093 142,396,594,626 18,131,201,488 177,290,888 11,953,613,569 1,067,320 578.89 23.93 50.72 12.27 211.83 67.42 $2.53222 $0.01195 $2.00576 $0.02975 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 Tɔtal number of stockholders R¬OWLEWN 7 g Other investments ƠN ··· 2 Investment in road and equipment Improvements on leased railway property Sinking funds • Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold Miscellaneous physical property.. Investments in affiliated companies 10 11 12 13 14 222 22 21 15 16 17 18 19 Deferred assets 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 (Does not include lessor companies) 20 Discount on capital stock Discount on funded debt Other unadjusted debits Total investments • GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investments • 5555 52 Cash Demand loans and deposite Time drafts and deposita Special deposits ·· Loans and bills receivable Miscellaneous accounts receivable Material and supplies ..... Other current assets Total current assets 2345 53 • Current Assets • Total unadjusted debits Grand total 39 Premium on funded debt 40 Operating reserves 41 Accrued depreciation 42 | Cther unadjusted credits 1 43 Item Unadjusted Debits Capital stock Stock 1iability for conversion Fremium on capital stock Total stock Grants in aid of construction 30 Funded debt unmatured 31 Receiver's certificates 32 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies 33 Total long-term debt 34 Loans and bills payable 35 Miscellaneous accounts payable 36 Other current liabilities 37 38 Deferred liabilities 49 50 Profit and loss--balance 51 Long-Term Debt Total current liabilities Current Liabilities Total unadjusted credits Stock a Corporate Surplus 44 Additions to property through income and surplus 45 Funded debt retired through income and surplus 46 Sinking fund reserves .. Miscellaneous fund reserves Unadjusted Credits 47 48 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested ··· ·· Total appropriated surplus Total corporate surplus INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT Expenditures for new lines and extensiona Expenditures for additions and betterments Credits for property retired 55 Adjustments 56 Net charges during year 57 | Stocks actually issued during year--par value 58 Funded debt actually issued during year-par value · • Total, all districts 402 $149,944,997 13,337,203 80,866 3,330,054 15,899,829 5,987,341 188,585,010 7,277,631 174,000 31,000 1,272,753 4,455,737 8,997,451 4,722,940 4,725,009 31,656,521 4,595,696 3,087,800 1,099,581 3,085,723 7,273,104 232,110,331 37,893,900 d 37,893,900 98,365,400 6,478,913 104,844,313 7.939,405 1,686,439 10,656,925 20,282,769 701,276 5.638 118,545 12,928,983 10,851,289 23,904,455 8,288,271 1,060,000 1,445,720 384,266 1,033,072 12,211,329 32,272,289 44,483,618 41,425 6,370,851 2,008,144 141,023 4,263,109 Eastern district 110 $97,095,190 2,115,166 80,866 649,457 3,247,967 3,420,465 106,609,111 4,845,065 1,840 3,241,221 6,423,206 2,852,380 3,284,498 20,648,210 521,145 332,627 2,041,831 2,374,458 130,152,924 27,540,000 27,540,000 51,072,400 6,478,913 57,551,313 1,210,476 836,282 7,704,386 9,751,144 665,722 5,638 105,321 6,910,476 4,950,503 11,971,938 6,596,558 1,009,338 7,605,896 15,066,911 22,672,807 41,425 3,264,448 1,362,610 d 108.385 1,834,876 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Southern district | | | | | 101 !! Western district 292 $52,849,807 11,222,037 4,720 2,680,597 12,651,862 2,566,876 81,975,399 2,432,566 174,000 31,000 1,270,913 1,214,516 2,574,245 1,870,560 1,440,511 11,008,311 4,074,551 3,087,800 766,954 1,043,892 4,898,646 101,957,407 d 10,353,900 10,353,900 47,293,000 47,293,000 6,728,929 850,157 2,952,539 10,531,625 35,554 13,224 6,018,507 5,900,786 11,932,517 1,691,713 1,060,000 1,445,720 384,266 23,734 4,605,433 17,205,378 21,810,811 3,106,405 645.534 32,638 2,428,233 15 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. Main 780 1 | Railway operating revenues 2 Railway operating expenses Net revenue from railway operations Railway tax accruals 5 Uncollectible railway revenues 6 Railway operating income 9 10 11 12 21 22 23 24 Miscellaneous operating income Total operating income 12A Net railway operating income 13 Hire of freight cara--credit balance 14 Rent from locomotives 1000 mm mmmmmm 29 15 Rent from passenger-train cars 16 Rent from floating equipment 30 17 Rent from work equipment 18 19 Joint facility rent income Income from lease of road Miscellaneous rent income 20 Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property Separately operated properties--profit Dividend income 31 16 25 26 Income from sinking and other reserve funds 33 34 41 42 27 Release of premiums on funded debt 28 43 424 SUMMARY NO. 2—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 Continued (Does not include lessor companies) yer of a ONNET 49 32 Hire of freight cars--debit balance Rent for locomotives ...... Rent for passenger-train cars 35 Rent for floating equipment 36 Rent for work equipment 37 Joint facility renta 38 Rent for leased roads 39 Miscellaneous rents 40 Miscellaneous tax accruals 50 55 56 Item INCOME ACCOUNT Revenues from miscellaneous operations .. Expenses of miscellaneous operatións 780 • Net revenue from miscellaneous operations Taxes on miscellaneous operating property 57 58 Income from funded securities Income from unfunded securities and accounts 45 Amortization of discount on funded debt Maintenance of investment organization 46 Income transferred to other companies.. Miscellaneous income charges 47 48 Total deductions from gross income Net income Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income Total nonoperating income Gross income ·· • Separately operated properties--l1088 Interest on funded debt Interest on unfunded debt Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds 51 | Dividend appropriations of income 52 Income appropriated for investment in physical property 53 Stock discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of income 51 Total appropriations of income Income balance transferred to profit and loss PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 72 | Delayed income debits 73 | Miscellaneous debita 74 Credit balance transferred from income Profit on road and equipment sold .. • • 59 Delayed income credits 60 Unrefundable overcharges Donations 61 62 | Miscellaneous credits 63 Total credita during year.. 64 Debit balance transferred from income ..... 65 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds ... 66 Dividend appropriations of surplus 67 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property 68 Stock discount extinguished through surplus Debt discount extinguished through surplus 69 70 | Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus 71 Loss on retired road and equipment • ·· Total debits during year 75 Net increase during year 76 Balance at beginning of year 77 Balanoe at end of year 78 Dividends declared during year 79 Par value on which declared--common . 80 Par value on which declared--preferred 81 | Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent + • • • .. Total, all districts $66,229,168 47,485,075 18,744,093 4,948,615 11,672 13,783,806 241,897 216,738 25,159 2,515 22,644 13,806,450 16,608,236 1,508,195 496,407 6,400 76,356 4,397,138 489,866 679,426 83,121 218,484 291,921 197,739 1,050 405,016 8,851,119 22,657,569 1,271,595 466,077 d 21,895 1,944,289 5,325,823 1,420,116 32,683 4,626,145 11,480 40,742 411,791 19,080 15,547,926 7,109,643 253,312 456,403 365,937 99,719 1,175,371 5,934,272 6,091,216 29,943 75,065 65,730 817,845 7,079,802 156,944 52 952,127 62,975 400 4 92.241 135,947 Katy dla 50,558 1,266,658 5,813,144 26,459,145 32,272,289 1,408,530 14,746,600 9.55 Eastern district $45,029,895 32,563,360 Kuan 1111 Western district $50,913,548 10,730,063 1,554 302 2,366,218 12,552,066 3,218,797 79,782,246 2,113,379 150,000 100,000 1,267,441 296,286 2,512,022 1,964,868 1,490,446 9,894,442 4,039,289 3,087,800 622,615 1,282,255 4,992,670 98,708,547 10,353,900 10,353,900 48,285,700 48,285,700 5,170,284 902,458 3,350,692 9,423,434 19,028 5.385,454 5,552,827 10,957,309 1,563,148 1,015,000 1,340,554 242,496 23.734 4,184,932 15,503,372 19,688,304 3,025,387. 201,904 53.152 2,770,331 d ME MD MA 5,200,000 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. ao i da ni 1 Railway operating revenues •• 2 Railway operating expenses .... Net revenue from railway operations 4 Railway tax accruala Uncollectible railway revenues 5 6 Railway operating income 9 10 7 Revenues from miscellaneous operations Expenses of miscellaneous operations 8 11 12 wil Miscellaneous operating income Total operating income 12A Net railway operating income 13 Hire of freight cars--credit balance 14 Rent from locomotives 17 Rent from work equipment 18 15 Rent from passenger-train cara 16 Rent from floating equipment SUMMARY NO. 2-KECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1924 Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 43 44 Joint facility rent income 19 Income from lease of road 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Income from sinking and other reserve funds 46 ·· 37 Joint facility rents 38 Rent for leased roads 27 Release of premiums on funded debt 28 29 30 31 32 Hire of freight cars--debit balance 33 Rent for locomotives DANMA LO ŏ INCOME ACCOUNT 4 Rent for passenger-train care Rent for floating equipment Rent for work equipment 39 40 41 42 Interest on funded debt 55 Item Net revenue from miscellaneous operations Taxes on miscellaneous operating property 56 कुचन व वैजे है जैत 74 Miscellaneous rent income Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property Separately operated properties--profit Dividend income Income from funded securities ..... Income from unfunded securities and accounts 47 Miscellaneous income charges 48 49 동 ​Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income Total nonoperating income Gross income Amortization of discount on funded debt 45 Maintenance of investment organization 77 80 Miscellaneous rents ·· Miscellaneous tax accruals • • Interest on unfunded debt .... Separately operated properties--loss .. • 57 Credit balance transferred from income 58 | Profit on road and equipment sold 59 Delayed income credits .. 60 Unrefundable overcharges 61 Donations ....... Miscellaneous credits 62 Income transferred to other companies 50 Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds 51 Dividend appropriations of income 52 Income appropriated for investment in physical property 53 Stock discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total appropriations of income ...... Income balance transferred to profit and loss PROFIT AND LOSE ACCOUNT 71 72 73 Miscelleneous debits .......... Total deductions from gross income Net income 63 Total credits during year 64 Debit balance transferred from income 65 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of surplus 67 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property 68 Stock discount extinguished through surplus 69 Debt discount extinguished through surplus .………. 70 • Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus Loss on retired road and equipment Delayed income debits + • Total debits during year ....... • • Net increase during year Balance at beginning of year .... Balance at end of year 78 Dividends declared during year 79 Par value on which declared--common ..………………. Par value on which declared--preferred Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent · 2 • Total districts $63,864,404 49,738,015 all 14,126,389 4,020,132 21,158 10,085,099 270,21.9 242,703 27,516 374 27,142 10,112,241 12,773,052 1,431.781 470,301 648 13,360 97.424 4,857,940 477,541 530,244 70,092 195,239 306,253 165.074 1,050 281,137 54.567 8,953,651 19,075,592 1,666,384 716,186 51,287 1.759,640 5,366,383 361,237 50,452 GRE VE 4,650,482 4,176 32,597 19,134 15,677,962 3,397,930 226,231 295,720 331,875 84,635 938,461 2,459,469 3,087,716 5,179 15 25,394 145,537 375,642 3,639,483 628,247 25 772,810 149,260 365 169.623 82.592 48 15,291 그렇 ​1,479,015 2,160,468 24,298,677 26,459,145 1,068,530 13,246,600 5.07 Eastern district $42.790,287 34,455,125 8,335,162 2,158,527 10,134 6,166,501 270,219 242,703 27,142 6,193,643 6,173,027 27,516 374 953,900 151,572 Gang Gangbang 13,360 73.827 1,562,904 467,282 183,916 3,094 G 135,795 228,134 5,900 1,050 281,137 39,018 4,100,889 10,294,532 1,546,800 451,467 51,287 699,479 2,546,172 752,263 8,270 d Deficit or other reverse item. 2,483,828 1,797 15,160 3,449 8,559,976 1,734,556 6,501 187,200 233,755 84,635 512,091 1,222,465 1,560,078 4.860 15 5.853 76,189 36,052 1,683,047 337,613 700,000 84,098 365 d 238.357 33,330 48 d 17.878 899,219 783,828 10,171,945 10,955,773 887,200 10,120,000 8.77 Southern district mab at S ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ||| 11111 Western district $21,074,117 15,282,890 15 5,791,227 1,861,605 11,024 3,918,598 3,918,598 6,500,025 477,881 318,729 648 23,597 3,305,036 10,259 346,328 66,998 59,444 78,119 160,174 - 15.549 4,862,762 8,781,360 119,584 264,719 › "glad 1,060,161 2.820,211 608,974 42,182 › Cat 2,166,654 2,379 17,437 15,585 7,117,986 1,663,374 219,730 108,520 98,120 426,370 1,237,004 1,527,638 319 19,541 69,348 339,590 1,956,436 290,634 25 72,810 65,162 68,734 49,262 33,169 579,796 1,376,640 14,126,732 15,503,372 181,330 3,126,600 5.80 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 09 16 No. HOMASTONBOGOHuntin 1 Freight. 2 7 9 10 11 AAAADA A 2000 14 15 16 17 18 12 Other freight-train. 27 28 13 Water transfera-freight. SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1924 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 45678 39 40 Passenger. Excesa baggage. Sleeping car.. Parlor and chair car Mail... 41 42 Express.. 43 44 · Other passenger-train. Milk.... Switching. Special service train. .. 19 20 Excess baggage 50 SLOVOVLEVYLYLYL HUMIL 21 | Other passenger service 22 Mail.. 23 Express 24 Special service... 25 Other.... 26 56 57 58 Water transfers--passenger. Water transfers-other. Water transfers--vehicles and live stock.. Freight.. Passenger. Total rail-line transportation revenue. • 29 30 31 Storage-freight. 32 Storage--baggage. 33 Demurrage.. ** 36 | Stockyard.. Dining and buffet... Hotel and restaurant. • Total water-line transportation revenue. Power... Station, train, and boat privileges Parcel room... Telegraph and telephone Grain elevator... Rents of buildings and other property 39 Miscellaneous.... Total incidental operating revenue. RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES •• Joint facility--Or... Joint facility-Dr. ·· 45 Superintendence….. 46 Roadway maintenance--yard. 47 Roadway maintenance--other.. 48 Roadway-depreciation--yard.. 49 Roadway-depreciation--other. Ties--yard....... Ties--other.... Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues. RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures .. Underground power tubes--yard. 51 Underground power tubes--other... 52 Underground power tubes-depreciation-yard. Underground power tubes--depreciation-other. Tunnels and subwaye--yard..... Tunnels and subways--other.... Tunnels and subways-depreciation-yard. Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other... Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard……..... 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other..... 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard. 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts-depreciation--other- 62 Elevated structureɛ-yard. 63 Elevated structures--other... 64 Elevated structures--depreciation-yard. 65 Elevated structures--depreciation-other.. 66 68 Ties-depreciation--yard.. 69 Ties-depreciation--other. 70 Rails--yard... Rails-other.. Item .... ... ·· • · • • • .. ... ·· ... .. · 71 72 | Rails-depreciation--yard. 73 Rails--depreciation--other Other track material---yard.. 75 Other track material--other. 76 Other track material-depreciation-yard. 77 Other track material--depreciation-other 78 | Ballast--yard. 79 Ballast--other.. 80 81 Ballast--depreciation--yard. Ballast--depreciation--other..... 82 Track laying and surfacing-yard. 83 Track laying and surfacing-other. 84 Right-of-way fences-yard... 85 Right-of-way fences--other... .. • ก • .... ... · ·· • • • .... ... Total, all districts $1,615,011 35,316 143 2,100 Na qanda 58,426,151 33.280 6,639 60,118,724 84 58,605 181,092 86,723 33,828 25,048 916,465 304,918 128,379 5,601 214,322 2,174,401 4,129,382 275 383,977 d 383,702 63,864,404 501,436 777,701 5,309 473 34,199 22,699 442,467 1.316 164,014 Al Qadame 121 51,603 35,250 1,544,490 18,283 1,166 462,669 11,614 2,011 1,188,279 8,073 2,332 141,470 1,190 60 2,352,269 23,244 9.909 90 Eastern district $1,297,808 40,026,762 33,280 921 111 41,358,855 d 58,605 6.380 14,425 30,472 3.374 646,853 128,379 5,601 43,191 497,251 1,434,531 275 3.374 3.099 42,790,287 84 308,443 469,268 1,473 24,377 174,502 695 982,672 1,166 279,169 2,011 646,480 2,332 83,011 60 Ca ► quia clie - ( 1,510,709 7,879 J d Deficit or other reverse item. Southern district 11 shall a mot 1 Western district $317,203 35,315 143 2,100 18,399,389 5.718 18,759,869 ||| Pa 174,712 72,298 3.356 21,674 269,612 304,918 171,131 1,677,150 2,694,851 380,603 ₫ 380.603 21,074,117 192,993 308,433 5,309 9,822 22,699 267,965 1,316 163.319 51,603 35,250 561,818 18,283 183,500 11,614 541,799 8,073 58,459 1,190 841,560 23,244 2,030 90 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1 +234 (MWO 1-10 Go Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard 2 Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard Snow and send fences and snowsheds--other 11 21 22 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--yard Snow and sand fences and anowsheds--depreciation--other Crossings and signs--yard Crossings and signs--other 9 Crossings and eigns--depreciation--yard ........ 10 Crossings and signs--depreciation--other Station and office buildings .. 12 Station and office buildings--depreciation 13 Roadway building e 14 Roadway buildings--depreciation…………. Water stations 15 16 17 Fuel stations .... 18 Fuel stations-depreciation 19 Shops and enginehouses ..... 20 Shops and enginehouse--depreciation Grain elevators ..... Grain elevators--depreciation 23 Storage warehouses.…………. 24 Storage warehouses--depreciation 25 Wharves and docks Wharves and docke--depreciation Coal and ore wharves 12 42 43 ip4 555555555 51 27 28 Coal and ore wharves--depreciation 29 Gas producing plants .......... 30 31 Gas producing plants--depreciation Telegraph and telephone lines ....... Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation Signals and interlockers ..... Signale and interlockers--depreciation 52 37 38 Power plant buildings--depreciation 39 Power substation buildings ........ 40 41 55 56 a Ana a 45 46 47 Underground conduits .......... 48 Underground conduits--depreciation 49 50 66 SUMMARY NO. 2--RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1924 Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 53 Roadway machines FORENDZ Ke~285 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Contimed Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded 70 Item 54 Roadway machines-depreciation Small tools and supplies Removing snow, ice, and sand Assessments for public improvements 58 Injuries to persons 57 59 Insurance 60 Stationery and printing Other expenses 61 71 72 Water stations--depreciation 75 ·· 67 Superintendence 68 76 77 Power plant dans, canals, and pipe lines ...... Power plant dame, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation Power plant buildings ........ 78 Power substation buildinge--depreciation Power transmission systems ..... Total, above accounts 63 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 64 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr. 65 Equalization--way and structures Total maintenance of way and structures Maintenance of Equipment 61 Power transmission systems--depreciation Power distribution systems Shop machinery 69 Shop machinery--depreciation Power distribution systems--depreciation Power line poles and fixtures ·· Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation Miscellaneous structures Miscelleneous structures--depreciation Paving Paving--depreciation ......... Power plant machinery 73 Power substation apparatus-depreciation Steam locomotives--repairs Steam locomotives--depreciation Steam locomotives-retirements Other locomotives--repairs Other locomotives--depreciation 79 Other locomotives--retirements Freight-train cars--repairs Freight-train cars--depreciation • • Power plant machinery--depreciation Power substation apparatus • Total, all districts 126,591 710 13,674 $209 424,592 129,936 42,334 3,056 64,515 5,689 61,920 8,633 275,123 39,167 25,043 39,403 20,898 16,172 178,939 113.892 46,056 16,320 15-call +4 65,747 333,801 32323; 13,016 | 1 11,270 4:650 890 144 5,897 ~~787111 25,948 2,578 6.419 420 26,729 17.633 106,396 173,615 1,343 92,594 109,004 13.556 12,086 10,481,838 1,099,533 2,106,233 9,475,138 431,506 170,233 31,443 67,627 20,705 1,223 292 5,133,819 22,433 6,952 743 2,436,409 428,994 Eastern district $209 91,934 500 149,741 9.976 27,157 134 48,623 1,326 32,227 929 A Deficit or other reverse item. 147,818 7,380 5,408 3,091 25,531 9.281 46,056 16,320 die kl 59,159 143,795 31 2,79232 4,168 744 902 2,197 1,297 111° 6,289 869 12,003 57,787 118,937 275 50,684 27,104 8,454 6,052 5,618,125 975,758 1,138,195 5,455,688 308,224 123,519 5.740 16,570 1,223 3,908.403 415,648 7,067 -,743 2,111,862 367,234 Southern district - High (19 10 đ 11 17 Western district $34,657 710 13,174 274,851 119,960 15,177 2,922 15,892 29,697 7,704 127 305 31,787 25,043 39,403 339 3 15,490 13.081 153,408 104,611 6,588 190,006 12,985 7,102 4,650 146 144 4,995 23,751 1,281 130 420 25,860 5,630 614 48,609 54,678 1,558 41,930 81,900 5,102 6,034 4,863,713 123,775 968,038 4,019,450 123,282 46,714 25.703 51,057 20,705 292 1,225,416 206 324, 115 575 5765 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 18 No. HOMA STOTTOFONDI 0 ~ ~** 4 12 3 2 1 Freight-train cars-retirements.. Passenger-train cars-repairs. Passenger-train cars-depreciation. Passenger-train cars-retirements. Motor equipment of cars-repairs... Motor equipment of cars--depreciation.. Motor equipment of care-retirements.. Floating equipment--repairs.. 9 Floating equipment-depreciation.. Floating equipment--retirements.. 11 Work equipment-repairs. 8 10 Work equipment-depreciation.. 13 Work equipment-retirements.. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 25 ญญณ 27 28 29 30 31 32 26 Superintendence.. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 22 Maintaining joint equipment at terminals-Dr. 23 Maintaining joint equipment at terminals-CI. 24 Equalization-equipment.... 47 પહ 2555555555666 51 cmtotoGOHNMCOT0 52 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1924. ---Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 58 59 60 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES-Continued Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded 45 Yard enginemen.. 46 Yard motormen. 51 Insurance... Stationery and printing. Other expenses. Total..... 62 41 Station supplies and expenses.... 42 Yardmasters and yard clérks. 43 Yard conductors and brakemen...... 44 72 73 Miscellaneous equipment-repairs.. Miscellaneous equipment-depreciation. Miscellaneous equipment-retirements. Injuries to persons.... Outside agencies...... Advertising.. Traffic associations.. Fast freight lines. Item 79 80 • Total traffic. Fuel for yard locomotives Yard switching power produced. 49 Yard switching power purchased. 50 Total maintenance of equipment.. Traffic • .. ... Industrial and immigration bureaus. Insurance... Stationery and printing. Other expenses... Yard switch and signal tenders. ... • Superintendence. Dispatching trains. Station employees. Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus. Coal and ore wharbea. Transportation-Rail Line. Fuel for train locomotives.... Train power produced.. Train power purchased., Water for train locomotives.... Lubricants for train locomotives. Other supplies for train locomotives. Enginehouse expenses--train........ 64 Trainmen..... 63 65 ... Express service... Stationery and printing.. Other expenses.. • ·· 66 Operating sleeping cars.... 67 Signal and interlocker operation. 68 Crossing protection...... 69 Drawbridge operation. .. Water for yard locomotives. Lubricants for yard locomotives. Other supplies for yard locomotives Enginehouse expenses-yard……….. Yard supplies and expenses.. Train enginemen.......………………… Train motormen.. Train supplies and expenses........ 70 Telegraph and telephone operation. 71 Operating floating equipment.. • • • Insurance.. 75 Clearing wreoks..... Damage to property.. 78 Damage to live stock on right of way.. Loss and damage-freight... Loss and damage--baggage.. Total, all districts $337,101 14,225 2,325 1 55.769 40,511 8,961 162,702 50,770 877 10,438 6,889 164 597 67,045 77.185 26,583 2,952 10,216,717 31,097 309,922 9,937,892 103,187 34,422 13,279 6,505 5,109 12 1,369 183,427 22: 1,225,275 226,217 4,845,213 24,524 62,602 419,023 2,248.239 7,622,394 755,813 5,348,779 5,626,908 852 328,318 99.703 127,180 1,357,855 412,739 24,152 33.319 6,915 618 531 $2,387 2.723 611 VA 245,920 343,032 21,803 94,616 151,401 250,874 217,146 67.375 141,568 77,969 100 Eastern district $336,026 4.05 276 164 55.769 40,511 8,961 121,682 32,669 1,759 6,727 2,289 597 40,546 65,028 18,915 1,668 7,997,707 31,097 110,651 7,918,153 64,330 32,856 6,132 4,072 3,994 12 15,906 1,369 128,671 829,746 113,888 1,873,994 24,045 62,602 198,873 1,493,148 5,253,887 399.981 3,708,625 4,171,116 GHED C G C 852 234,551 70,918 93.970 1,009,631 320,139 8,303 4,305 71,707 27,464 | GOD 130,327 223,260 18,258 45.757 151,401 134,599 191,987 50,029 79.177 48,182 95 278,635 388,291 1,625 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Southern district ||| 1 - - G 11 Western district $1,075 13,820 2,049 41,020 18,101 882 3,711 600 26,497 12,157 7.668 1,284 2,213,010 199,271 2,019,739 38,857 1,566 147 P HUIS 32 433 1,115 3,638 54,756 uwo⇒t 395,529 112,329 2,971,219 479 220,150 755,091 2,368,507 355,832 1,640,154 1,455,792 93.767 28,785 33.210 348, 224 92,600 24,152 25,016 2,610 618 531 10,680 32.723 fontcom 11 4,147 115,593 119,772 3,545 48,859 116,275 25,159 17.346 62,391 29,787 109,656 1,625 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS No. 1234 un 1 Injuries to persons.... 6 moo 2 Operating joint yards and terminals-Dr.. Operating joint yards and terminals--Cr.. Operating joint tracks and facilities-Dr... Operating joint tracks and facilities-Cr. Total transportation--rail line...... 10 INMILONG 15 13 Grain elevators.. 14 Stock yards………. HAN~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ m 11 Dining and buffet service. 12 Hotels and restaurant 8... 30 32 33 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1924 -Continued (Does not include lessor companies) 37 38 Producing power sold. 16 Other niecellaneous operations. 17 39 ... Operation of vessels.. Operation of terminals.. Incidental.. General 18 19 Salaries and expenses of general officers.. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. 20 General office supplies and expenses. 21 Law expenses..... Insurance....... 22 23 Relief department expenses Pensions.... 24 | 25 Stationery and printing. 26 | Valuation expenses. Other expenses... General joint facilities--Dr. General joint facilities--Cr. 28 FYDRAN N RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Concluded Transportation-Rail Line-Concluded 53 40 Miles of road. 41 42 FOUNTAIN #uhot Total transportation--water line...... 55 62 63 6 Transportation-Fater Line 68 69 .. • ·· Total general expenses……………. 31 Transportation for investment-Cr..... Total railway operating expenses..... Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent). .. Miscellaneous Operations Total miscellaneous operations. · ·· 1323-535 Related solely to freight service.. Related solely to passerger and allied services. ... Related in common to both freight and passenger and allied services: 36 Apportioned to freight service..... Apportioned to passenger and allied services..... Not related to either freight service or to passenger and allied services.... Total. ... 43 Xiles of fourth main track... 44 Total. Item ·· Hiles of all other main tracks.. 45 Miles of yard track and sidings. 46 Total, all tracks……………. 47 Miles of road. 48 Miles of second main track.... 49 Miles of third main track.. 50 Miles of fourth main track.... ... Hiles of second main track... Miles of third main track... Separation Between Services MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1924 ... Miles of all other main tracks. Miles of yard track and sidings. Total, all tracks....... MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1924 ·· Steam locomotives: Number at close of year..... Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year.. Number retired during year.. Electric locomotives: S · EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE • - Number at close of year.. Total tractive power (pounds). Number installed during year..……… Number retired during year..... ... Number at close of year: Box cars. Flat cars. Stock carS Coal cars. Tank cars. Refrigerator. cars....………………….. Other freight-carrying cara.... Freight-carrying Wars. .. Total, all districts $65,182 243,153 5,067,126 247,567 491,734 28,542,652 52,376 118,925 8,224 45,430 224,955 377,510 638.142 ZZZ 96,858 179,201 2/ 1,917 20,180 27,605 62,915 73.987 74,194 18,815 171,657 1,399,667 25,716 49,738,015 77.88 $48,701,873 124,511 838,342 62,786 10,503 49,738,015 439.52 262.73 2.22 1.01 1/ 1,901.24 2,606.72 220.99 124.01 2.22 1.01 It may 839.85 1,188.08 870 33,985,490 39 10 |||| 1,877 106 · 7,448 5 1 341 9.786 Includes 31.49 miles of industrial tracks. Ineludes 28.13 miles of industrial tracks. Eastern district $479,409 223,529 1,872,514 192,289 350,209 19,995,956 111 52,376 8.224 4,100 64,700 203,114 447,895 53.733 100,958 2/ 946 20,180 14,396 37,278 48,019 22,525 7,039 48,416 917,673 25,716 34,455,125 80.52 $34,455,125 34,455,125 332.07 206.83 2.22 1.01 1/ 1,275.57 1,817.70 183.83 104.80 2.22 1.01 592.12 883.98 572 23,414,790 1111 360 82 7,033 5 341 7,821 Southern district TAN, GOOD 1111 1111 Western distriot 19 $185,773 19,624 3,194,612 55,278 141,525 8,546,696 118,925 41,330 160,255 174,396 190,247 33,125 78,243 971 | 13,209 25,637 25,968 51,669 11,776 123,247 481,994 15,282,890 72.52 $14,246,748 124,511 838,342 62,786 10,503 15,282,890 107.45 55.90 625.67 789.02 37.262 19.21 247.73 304.10 298 10,570,700 1111 LOVE 1,511 8 415 1 1.965 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 20 No. paul prod 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ANMAN 1 17 7 18 222 10 19 20 21 22 23 24 www 26 لرالرال 67 35 25e 37 38 40 SESE FE VOGSISISI 41 25 Number at close of year Number installed during year ..………………………… 27 Number retired during year 42 * **D ON M&img 50 51 28 Number at close of year 29 Number installed during year ........………………………… 30 Number retired during year ...... 57 Floating Equipment 31 Number of units at close of year Number of units installed during year ......... Number of units retired during year TIES LAID DURING YEAR 7699 SUMMARY NO. 2-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1924 -Concluded (Does not include lessor companies) EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars Flat care Stock cars Coal cars Tank cars 58 Refrigerator cars ...……… Other freight-carrying cars Total 59 60 61 62 63 Humber installed during year: Box cars Flat cars Stock cars Coal carS Tank carS Refrigerator cars .... Other freight-carrying cars Total Number retired during year: Box cara Flat carS Stock care Coal cars Tank cars .. Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars ....……………… Total Item ·· All Classes of Passenger-train Cars All Classes of Company Service Cars 46 Average number ..... Compensation: 47 Straight time actually worked. 45 49 Overtime paid for Total Service hours: In replacement and betterments: Number of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties ....... Total charges ..... In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges Total Service days: RAILS LAID DURING YEAR In replacement and betterments: Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges ...... In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks Miles of yard track and sidings.……………….. Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges EMPLOYEES 8traight time actually worked Overtime paid for • Straight time actually worked…………………. Overtime paid for Total Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses.. CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY LOCOMOTIVES Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service .......... In passenger service .………………. In mixed-train service In special service .... In yard-switching service ........……………………… In work service Grand total, all services Total districts all 71,790 3,435 240 373,300 142 30 17,050 465,987 11 530 6 614 65 1,215 5 25 647 314 991 28 495 LOND 26 20 18 2 729,439 6,703,923 $1,679,888 93,829 914,938 $212,109 31,727 $1,231,558 .69 30.77 4,988 $185,649 23,101 395,824 2,403,400 $40,343,987 $3323 52,771,063 2,570,580 56,213,327 575,371 9,086 594,917 $35,372,347 5,285 4,757 - 1,614,331 20,828 1,645,201 Eastern district 11,380 2,625 356,400 142 17,050 387,597 11 1 11 I 6 500 65 571 4 19 590 314 927 5 309 13 11 18 2 453,578 ,852,958 1,079,568 74,839 505,452 $159,005 16,965 $650,637 .69 22.04 3,799 $144,174 13,498 $22,825,630 $1,780,348 $24,789,238 31,192,381 1,856,965 33,460,279 330,024 1,263 334,992 $22,738,260 1,165,806 1,172,746 Southern district 1 I 111 111 111 111 111 1111 1 1111 111 11 Western district 60,410 810 240 16,900 30 78,390 11 111 111 1 || 111 530 114 644 13 57 64 23 186 13 39 9 275,861 2,850,965 $600,320 18,990 $53,104 409 486 14,762 $580,921 8.73 1,189 $41,475 9,603 $14,570,194 $623,052 $15,554,749 21,578,682 713,615 22,753,048 245,347 7,823 259,925 $12,634,087 5,285 4,757 448,525 13,888 472,455 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS ··· Kind of mileage: Steam road.. Electric line.. Steamboat line. Stage line.... Miscellaneous lines. Total mileage. State or Territory: Alabama. Arizona. Arkansas. California. Colorado.. Connecticut. Delaware... District of Columbia... ·· Florida..... Georgia....... SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1924 XILEAGE COVERED BY OPERATIONS Idaho... Illinois.... Indiana..... Iowa.... Kansas.... Kentucky Louisiana.... Maine.... Maryland. Massachusetts. Michigan.... Minnesota..... Mississippi Missouri... .... Montana....... Nebraska..…………… Nevada....………… New Hampshire. New Jersey....... New Mexico New York.………….. North Carolina.. North Dakota.... Ohio.. Oklahoma...... • Oregon. Pennsylvania. Rhode Island. South Carolina.... South Dakota.. Tennessee. Texas.. Utah.. Vermont I. II. III. • ·· Virginia.... Washington.. West Virginia. • ... Wisconsin.. Wyoming... Alaska.. Hawaii.... Canada. Mexico.... Mileage not assignable 1/. .. Land.. Buildinga Equipment: Cars.. Horses. ... Automobiles... ... Wagons and sleighs.... Harness and equipment. Office furniture and equipment.. Office safes..... Trucks...... Stable equipment. Garage equipment. Line equipment. Shop equipment. Miscellaneous equipment. ... Item ... · • Item Total Total equipment…… Total real property and equipment. 232,248.70 3,148.65 33.722.87 768.32 38.50 269.926.54 4.438.12 2,185.63 4.507.63 8,811.29 4,572.56 925.80 308.80 45.85 4,607.69 6,700.79 2,709.48 11,281.98 6,749.61 10,260.70 9.303.92 3.528.28 4,355.91 2,061.26 2,610.47 1,971.29 7,568.67 8,093.72 3.910.78 7.869.54 4.739.55 6.183.16 2,088.14 1,177.90 2.109.51 2,814.31 8.105.73 4,586.16 5,245.09 889.82 6,350.63 3,248.90 9,158.00 218.87 .555.14 4,166.09 3.556.42 15,414.30 122.83 949.79 5,143.28 5.914.57 680.24 6,855.15 1,847.07 10,085.30 351.30 3,718.09 94.23 19,177.00 Total $4,740,331 11,379,405 918,771 1,989,803 13,616,231 2,122,506 384,468 3.139,992 472,222 2,065,072 American Railway Express Co. 25,858 364.567 598,198 217,428 607.588 222,278.05 2,991.47 33.334.87 768.32 26,522,704 42,642,440 259,372.71 2,832.77 2,185.63 4.507.63 8,811.29 4.572.56 COST OF REAL PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT 925.80 308.80 38.30 4,216.94 5.395.69 2,709.43 10,963.12 6,399.01 10,260.70 9.303.92 3,144.68 +,315.33 2,061.26 2,431.60 1,971.29 7,568.67 8,093.72 3.115.27 7,867.64 4,739.55 6,183.16 2,088.14 1,177.90 2,109.51 2,814.31 8,105.73 3.114.59 5,245.09 8.888.74 6.350.63 3,248.90 9,122.30 212.87 2.312.63 4,166.09 2,263.70 15,414.30 2,122.53 949.79 4,012.40 5.914.57 2,680.24 6,855.15 1,847.07 10,085.30 1 Covers miscellaneous unassigned mileage, such as transoceanic, coastwise, river, and lake not within the boundaries of any State or Territory. 351.30 3,718.09 94.23 19,177.00 American Railway press Co. $4,729,250 11,154,529 918,771 1,952,271 12,850,686 2,064,579 374,029 3,057,442 446,837 1,998,782 24,522 363,868 584,628 217,428 607,588 Southeastern Express Co. 25,461,431 41,345,210 9.970.65 157.18 388.00 38.00 10,553.83 1,605.35 7.55 390.75 1,305.10 318.86 350.60 384.20 40.58 22111 178.87 795.51 2.00 1,471.57 1.08 35.70 1,242.51 1,292.72 S 1,130.38 Southeastern Express Co. $11,081 224,876 37.533 765.545 57,927 10,439 82,550 25,385 66,290 1.336 699 13,570 11 21 1,061,273 1,297,230 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 22 Cars: Total equipment, inventory value Number ... Inventory value Horses: Number Inventory value Automobiles: Gasoline- Number Inventory value Electric- Number Inventory value Wagons and aleighs: Wagons, double- S Number Inventory value Wagons, single- Number Inventory value 81eighs- Number .. Inventory value Buggies Number Inventory value SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1924 -Continued INVENTORY VALUE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED A Harness equipment: Inventory value Office furniture and equipment: Office safes: Inventory value Number Inventory value Trucks: Number ..... Inventory value Stable equipment: Inventory value Garage equipment: Inventory value Line equipment: Safes, car- Shop equipment: Number Inventory value Safes, messenger- Number Inventory value Trunks, packing- Number Inventory value Other line equipment- Inventory value · • Inventory value.... Miscellaneous equipment: Inventory value 1. Transportation: 1/ Includes $272,767, inventory value of 222 automobile trailers. Express, domestio Express, foreign Miscellaneous Item Total transportation II. Contract payments: Express privileges--Dr. Account Revenue from transportation III. Operations other than transportation: Customs brokerage fees ...... Order and commission...... Rents of buildings and other property Money orders ...... 0.0.D. checks Travelers' cheques Telegraph and cable transfers Letters of credit Foreign postal remittances... Profit on exchange and other financial revenue Miscellaneous Total other than transportation Total operating revenues Total 1/ $14,858,196 ANALYSIS OF OPERATING REVENUES 254 $548,097 10,570 $581,184 3,899 $4,932,410 1,584 $2,940,882 4,615 $837,184 5,005 $259,619 2,117 $44,729 59 $1,154 $132,089 $1,612,991 12,425 $312,355 63,841 $991,207 $12,282 $274,094 2,574 $159,035 15,607 $83,333 9,999 $61,166 $60,795 $135,005 $605,818 Total $295,182,052 9.754 295,191,806 143,752,116 151,439,690 AM 206,522 4.703 183,303 8,263 2,421,033 3.879 638,385 3,466,088 154,905,778 American Rail- way Express Co. 1/ $14,173,442 254 $548,097 10,397 $564,322 3.725 $4,532,932 1,553 $2,861,205 4,586 $826,491 4,814 $230,195 2,117 $44,729 59 $1,154 $125,159 $1,549,290 11,938 $289,703 61,995 $946,940 $11,100 $273,747 2,469 $153,734 15,302 $82,298 9.386 $58,867 $59,889 $135,005 $605,818 American Rail- way Express Co. $287,278,763 2,653 287,281,416 139,997,384 147,284,032 206,488 4,701 179,313 2,323,003 3.879 638,367 3,355,751 150,639,783 Southeastern Express Co. $684,754 173 $16,862 174 $399,478 $79,677 29 $10,693 191 $29,424 $6,930 $63,701 487 $22,652 1.846 $44,267 $1,182 $347 105 $5,301 305 $1,035 613 $2,299 $906 Southeastern Express Co. $7,903,289 7,101 7,910,390 3,754,732 4,155,658 34 2 3.990 8,263 98,030 18 110,337 4,265,995 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1924 —Continued INCOME ACCOUNT Operating income: Charges for transportation.: Express privileges--Dr…………….. Revenue from transportation. Revenue from operations other than transportation. Total operating revenues. Operating expenses...... Net operating revenue……………. Uncollectible revenue from transportation. Express taxes......... Operating income.... Item Other income: Rent from real property and equipment used jointly.. Miscellaneous rent income....... Net income from miscellaneous physical property. Separately operated properties--profit.. Dividend income..... Income from funded securities..... Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds.. Release of premiums on funded debt..... Contributions from other companies.... Miscellaneous income,... Total other income. Gross income...... Deductions from gross income: Rent for real property and equipment used jointly……. Miscellaneous rents....... Miscellaneous taxes…………….. Net loss on miscellaneous physical property. Separately operated properties-loss...... Interest on funded debt......... Interest on unfunded debt... Amortization of discount on funded debt. Income transferred to other companies....……………………. Miscellaneous income debits.. Total deductions from gross income.. Net income. Disposition of net income: Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of income..…………… Income appropriations for investment in physical property. Stock discount extinguished through income.. Miscellaneous appropriations of income...... Total appropriations.... Balance transferred to profit and loss..... • Item Credit balance at beginning of year....... Credit balance transferred from income……. Profit on real property and equipment sold.... Delayed income credits.... Unrefundable overcharges. Miscellaneous credits.. Total credits..... Debit balance at beginning of year………………… Debit balance transferred from income.... Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds………………. Dividend appropriations of surplus..... Surplus set aside for investment in physical property..……………………… Stock discount extinguished through surplus.. Debt discount extinguished through surplus.... Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus……………………………………………………………….. Loss on land sold... Delayed income debits Miscellaneous debits.. Total debits. Balance carried forward to credit of balance sheet...... Total $295,191,806 143,752,116 151,439,690 3,466,088 154,995,778 151,549,341 3.356,437 48.536 2,211,103 1,096,798 635 362,815 634,038 479.236 1,476,724 2,573.522 1,487 194,740 25,500 221,727 2,351,795 2,148,520 2,148,520 203,275 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Total $2,398,330 203,479 10,477 2,207 71,676 2,686,169 204 11,956 12,160 2,674,009 American Rail- way Express Co. $287,281,416 139,997.384 147,284,032 3.355.751 150.639.783 147,446,609 3,193,174 45,603 2,102,103 1,045,468 635 362,815 634,038 460,770 1,458,258 2,503,726 1,437 194,740 25.500 221,727 2,281,999 2,078,520 2,078,520 203,479 American Rail- way Express Co. ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. $2,345,484 203,479 10,470 2,010 72,676 2,633,119 11,956 11,956 2,621,163 23 Southeastern Express Co. $7,910,390 3,754,732 4,155,658 110,337 4,265,995 4,102,732 163,263 2,933 109,000 51,330 18,466 18,466 69.796 69.796 70,000 70,000 d 204 Southeastern Express Co. $52,846 7 197 53,050 204 204 52,846 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 24 Total operating expenges I. Maintenance: SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31. 1924 --Continued ANALYSIS OF OPERATING EXPENSES 1. Superintendence--maintenance 2. Buildings and appurtenances--repairs 3. Buildings and appurtenances--depreciation .....………………………………. 4. Buildings and appurtenances--retirements Cars--repairs 6. Cara--depreciation 7. Cars--retirements 8. Horses-depreciation 9. Horses--retirements 10. Automobiles-repairs 11. Automobiles--depreciation 12. Automobiles-retirements ..…………………………….. 13. Wagons and sleighe--repairs....…………………… 14. Wagons and sleighs-depreciation 15. Wagons and sleighs--retirements ………………………………. 16. Harness equipment--repairs 17. Harness equipment--depreciation and retirements .......... 18. Office furniture and equipment--repairs 19. Office furniture and equipment--depreciation and retirements 20. Office safes--repairs 21. Office safes-depreciation and retirements 22. Trucks--repairs...... 23. Trucks--depreciation and retirements ......…………………………………………. 24. Stable and garage equipment-repairs II. Traffic: 25. Stable and garage equipment-depreciation and retirements 26. Line equipment--repairs 27. Line equipment-depreciation and retirements .......... 28. Shop equipment-repairs 29. Shop equipment--depreciation and retirements ............... Miscellaneous equipment-repairs 31. Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation and retirements ....... 32. Other expenses Total Account 33. Superintendence-traffic 34. Advertising .... Stationery and printing 36. Other expenses .... Total III. Transportation: 37. Superintendence--transportation 38. Office employees 39. Commissions .... 40. Office supplies and expenses 41. Rent of local offices 42. Vehicle employees 43. Stable and garage employees ....... 4. Stable and garage supplies and expenses 45. Drayage 46. Train employees 47. Train supplies and expenses ....... 48. Stationery and printing 49. Loss and damage ..…………………… IV. General: 50. Damage to property 51. Injuries to persons ........ 52. Other expenses Total 53. Baleries and expenses of general officers .... Baleries and expenses of clerks and attendants 55. General office supplies and expenses ......... 56. Law expenscc ..... Insurance 58. Fidelity bond premiums 59. Pensions 60. Stationery and printing 61. Valuation expenses 62. Other expenses Total Total $151,549,341 272,365 266,840 424,457 27,133 201,851 59,807 149,198 73,706 2,615,278 1,613,914 137,465 635,202 165,539 81,112 138,502 52,218 142,573 285,162 8,946 21,979 469,344 185,074 13.494 46,342 36,248 63.704 7.438 14,970 3 40 9 8,209,913 239,222 21,492 69,993 202 330,909 5,544,789 52,113,654 11,122,154 3,181,250 ,520,786 27.765,342 2,521,185 5,813,773 1,559,845 11,637,095 927,188 2,603,112 3,869,512 140,934 688,605 4,702 134,013,926 390,689 6,526,994 583,957 361,189 360,512 26,455 527,719 153,539 63,539 8,994,593 American Rail- way Express Co. $147,446,609 272,365 258,967 413,276 26,302 201,851 59,807 142,955 73,495 2,539,170 1,501,141 137,465 623,035 161,996 81,112 136,160 51,387 139,358 272,680 8,495 20,973 452,810 178,478 13,454 46,182 35,084 ,370 7,438 14,970 3 40 9 7,932,828 223,446 16.358 58,649 17 298,470 5,409,915 50,991,314 10,625,417 3,116,598 373,157 27,256,967 2,496,229 5,635,178 1,546,877 11,070,404 914,017 2,490,433 3,729,283 140,355 678,000 1,393 130,475,537 352,245 6,383,620 572,726 341,276 339,171 20,892 527.719 140,460 61,665 8,739,774 • C Southeastern Express Co. $4,102,732 7,873 11,181 831 6,243 211 76,108 112,773 12,167 3.543 2,342 831 3,215 12,452 451 1, 16,534 6,596 40 160 1,164 1,334 277,085 15.776 5,134 11,344 185 32,439 134,874. 1,122,340 496,737 64.652 147,629 508,375 24,956 178,595 12.968 566,691 13,171 112,679 140,229 579 10,605 3,309 3,538,389 38,444 143,374 11,231 19,913 21,341 5,563 13,079 1,874 254,819 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Investment: SUMMARY NO. 3—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1924 -Concluded GENERAL BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT Real property and equipment. Sinking fund………. Current assets: Cash..... Miscellaneous physical property. Investments in affiliated companies. Other investments.... Total investment. Deferred assets.... Unadjusted debits: Stook: Discount on capital stock. Discount on funded debt..... Other unadjusted debits... Special deposits.. Loans and notes receivable.. Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Material and supplies... Other current assets....... Total current assets... ·· Total unadjusted debits... Grand total... Capital stock……. Premium on capital stock... Total stock liabilities.. Funded debt unmatured... Current liabilities: Deferred liabilities..... Unadjusted credits: Loans and notes payable... Audited accounts and wages unpaid.. Miscellaneous accounts payable.. Express privilege liabilities.... Other current liabilities........ Total current liabilities...... Profit and loss balance..... Total corporate surplus. Class of employees Superintendence-Maintenance. Superintendence-Traffic... Item Premium on funded debt.. Operating and insurance reserves.. Accrued depreciation.... Other unadjusted credits……………. Total unadjusted credits...... ASSETS Corporate surplus: Additions to property through income and surplus. Reserves from income and surplus.. Total appropriated surplus. Advertising. Superintendence--Transportation.. Agents, clerks and solicitors... Platform and house men.... Vehicle employees.. Stable and garage employees. • • • Train employees.. ·· Claim agents, special agents, and clerks General officers... General officer clerks and attendants.. Law department officers and clerks…………. Shop employees. Other employees. LIABILITIES Number of days worked 29,425 25,837 250 1,875 591,720 15,956 094,992 17,271 4,954,348 16,356 5,326,263 1,159 392,114 7,612 2,869,209 552 178,619 41 12,755 3,701 1,247,204 47 14,396 1,349 417,330 614 | Number on Dec.31 97 106 Total Total $42,642,440 Total (including general officers)... 65,124 21,155,086 109,425,283 Total (excluding general officers)... 66,083 21,142,321 109,059,552 11,282,161 53,924,601 5.17 5.16 21,569,391 13,853 5.312 4,048,402 1,936,347 9,433,622 37,006,927 502,259 2,003,532 2,003,532 93,437,319 35,642,000 35,642,000 2,300,000. 5,070,733 1,777,700 17,701,483 1,514,969 28,364,885 2,696,973 10,277,773 13,716,680 64.999 24,059,452 2,674,009 2,674,009 EMPLOYEES, SERVICE, AND COMPENSATION Average Fumber Yearly daily of compensation compen- days sation Dec.31 worked Number OF 2.182 $247,368 $.41 29,425 199,960 7.74 23.995 8.73 250 4,565,835 7.72 1,828 577.338 26,929,370 5.29 15.506 4,957,292 23,761,896 4.80 16,634 4,758,340 27,325,283 5.13 15,951 5,201,928 1,982,978 5.06 1,148 388,737 13,926,850 4.85 7,285 2,749,854 1,086,629 6.05 537 174,014 365,731 28.65 37 6,401,693 5.13 3,601 151,992 10.56 44 2,473,022 5.93 4,404 7.32 11 1,216, 13,475 1,349 417.330 614 2 American Rail- way Express Co. 97 100 $41,345,210 11,282,161 52,627,371 20,585,549 13,811 5.312 4,011,450 1,929,333 9.351,753 35,997,208 502,259 1,997,008 1,997,008 91,123,846 34,642,000 34,642,000 2,300,000 4,850,584 1,585,801 17,438,263 445,256 27,620,904 2,696,973 10,227,726 13,309,746 5,334 23,542,806 American Railway Express Co. 2,621,163 2,621,163 $247,366 25 Southeastern Express Co. 64,119 20,520,633 106,849,324 64,082 20,509,096 106,519,559 $1,297,230 1,297,230 883,842 42 36,952 7.014 81,869 1,009,719 6,524 6,524 2,313,473 1,000,000 1,000,000 220,149 191,899 263,220 68,713 743,981 Southeastern Express Co. Average Number Yearly daily Number of compensation compen- OR days sation Dec.31] worked 50,047 406,934 59,665 51.6,646 52,846 52,846 $8.41 186,996 7.79 6 1,842 2,182 8.73 4,430,961 7.67 47 14,382 26,322,075 5.31 450 137,700 23,246,851 4.89 196,008 26,816,908 5.16 405 124,335 1,958,022 5.04 13,360,159 4.36 1,070,468 6.15 329,765 28.58 11 3,377 327119,355 15 4,605 1,228 6,258,486 5.14 100 30,700 141,567 10.51 2,473.022 7: 5.93 4,494 7.32 3 921 5.21 2,005634,453 5.192,001633,225| Average Yearly daily compensation compen- sation $12,964 $7.04 134,874 9.38 607,295 4.41 525,045 2.63 50$,375 4.09 24,956 566,691 16,161 3.51 35.966 29.29 143,207 4.66 10,425 11.32 1.35 2.575,959 4.06 2,539,993 4.01 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 26 Average mileage (single track) over which operations were conducted (miles) GENERAL BALANCE SHEET SUMMARY NO. 4—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1924 Investment in sleeping car property Miscellaneous physical property Other investments Cash Net balance receivable from receiving cashiers and ticket agents Miscellaneous accounts receivable Haterial and supplies Other current assets ....... Deferred assets Unedjusted debits Total Capital stock ·· Premium on capital stock Wages payable Dividenda matured unpaid Unmatured dividends declared Other current liabilities Deferred liabilities.... Operating reserves Accrued depreciation ... Other unadjusted credits Appropriated surplus not specifically invested Profit and loss-balance Total corporate surplus · Sleeping car operating revenues Revenues from auxiliary operations Total revenues Sleeping car operating expenses Expenses of auxiliary operetions Total operating expenses Net revenues • Sleeping car tax accruals Auxiliary operations--Tax accruals Total taxes Operating income Revenues from miscellaneous operations Expenses of miscellaneous operations ..... Net revenue from miscellaneous operations Taxes on miscellaneous operating property Miscellaneous operating income Totel operating income Rent from cars Dividends received .. Income from funded securities Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds Miscellaneous income Total nonoperating income .. Gross income Rent for cars.. Miscellaneous tax accruals Interest on unfunded debt Miscellaneous income charges Total deductions from groas income Net income Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income ...……………. Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total appropriations Income balance transferred to profit and loss Credit balance transferred from income Unrefundable overcharges Miscellaneous credits Total credits during year Dividend appropriations of surplus Losa on retired equipment Uncollectible sleeping car levenues Miscellaneous debits Total debite during year Net increase during year ......... Balance at beginning of year Balance at end of year • INCOME ACCOUNT PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. 124,795.00 $178,855,247 5,021 78,285,879 3,344,373 1,423,269 1,499,357 4,429,461 497.720 1,852,801 39,306,054 309,499,182 135,000,000 9.398 1,304,507 25,588 1,789,823 543,557 1,011,241 84 444 78,889,339 54,253,571 4,004,917 26,582,797 30,587,714 72,757,836 1,142,772 73,900.608 61,609,196 1,075,913 62,685,109 11,215,499 3,430,350 29,781 3,460,131 7,755,368 18,529,463 16,853,938 1,675,525 596,490 1,079,035 8,834,403 139,152 57,988 1,725,176 305,764 53,304 2,281,384 11,115,787 7,547 160,361 538 243,153 411,599 10,704,188 d 51,093 8,653,095 2,000,000 10,704,188 25,420 53.511 78.931 2,085,836 326 812 2,902 67.966 1.829.892 d 1.750.961 28.333.758 26,582,797 Berth revenue. Seat revenue... Charter of cars. STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 4-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1924 Miscellaneous revenue.... Car mileage revenue. · · · · Association and contract revemie--Dr Total operating revenues... Maintenance.. Conducting car operations General expenses.. Total operating expenses.... Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent).... Porters and maids. Train stenographers.. Car cleaners....... Laundry employees. General expenses: General officers. Clerks and attendants. Auxiliary operations: Maintenance: Mechanics, electricians, seamstresses, repairmen, carpenters, shop employees, etc.... Conducting car operations: General officers and staff (superintendence). District superintendents, agents, and staff. Conductors.. ·· Commissary (superintendence). Agents and staff, conductors, waiters, cooks, eto.. Total (including general officers).. Total number of revenue passengers--berth.. Total number of revenue passengers--seat. Average revenue per passenger-berth. Average revenue per passenger-seat.. Total number of car-miles.. Standard sleeping cars.. Tourist sleeping cars..... Parlor cars...... Dining cars.. Total. Composite cars...... Private cars.. Miscellaneous cars.... • ·· Total number of car-days... Average number of revenue passengers per car per day. Operating revenues per car-mile (cents). Operating revenues per car-day... Operating expenses per car-mile (cents). Operating expenses per car-day... Net operating revenue per car-mile (centa). Net operating revenue per car-day. . . . . . . Average number of car-miles per car-day. • ... · Class ... O OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES ·· EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES OPERATING STATISTICS EQUIPMENT IN SERVICE ON DEC. 31, 1924 1/ Does not include 26 care leased or otherwise acquired. Number on Dec.31. 5,186 221 455 2 9,1 10 4,986 193 41 1,013 24 242 25,091 $70,440,299 9,610,518 944, 287 145,188 692,887 9,075,343 72,757,836 27 28,738,551 662 2,847,983 61,609,196 84.68 Average daily compen- sation $4.45 6.32 4.12 5.72 2.42 4. 3. ... AMM 2.3 28.06 4.06 5.00 2.95 3.64 21,419,639 12,666,117 $3 943,334,475 2,781,417 12 7.713 $26.15855 6.531 $22.15029 1.182 $4.00826 339.16 6,306 386 1,007 147 1/7,881 . : ? · * 1 : ; : * " 1. : : :- HE 2708 エク ​2.8, INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION BUREAU OF STATISTICS N A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1923 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE < • 1924 Additional copies of this publication may be procured from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., at 10 cents per copy. . THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION HENRY C. HALL, Chairman. CHARLES C. MCCHORD. BALTHASAR H. MEYER. CLYDE B. AITCHISON. JOSEPH B. EASTMAN. MARK W. POTTER. JOHN J. Escн. JOHNSTON B. CAMPBELL. ERNEST I. LEWIS. FREDERICK I. Cox. FRANK MCMANAMY. GEORGE B. MCGINTY, Secretary. ift Interstate 6/9/30 commerce commission CONTENTS. Introductory statement. Summary No. 1--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I steam railways (not including switching and terminal companies) for the year ended December 31, 1923 Summary No. 2--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I switching and terminal companies for the year ended December 31, 1923.. Summary No. 3--Abstract of reports rendered by express compa- nies for the year ended December 31, 1923.... Page. 4 5 15 22 Summary No. 4--Abstract of report rendered by the Pullman Com- pany for the year ended December 31, 1923... . 27 3 A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT. This preliminary abstract is compiled from the annual reports of the classes of carriers designated for the calendar year 1923. It is intended primarily to make available as promptly as possible certain totals not obtainable from the monthly reports of carriers. The totals are subject to change after corrections in the annual reports have been authorized. The final totals will appear in the Statistics of Railways for 1923. It should be noted that the tables relating to steam roads cover roads of Class I only, that is, generally speaking, roads with armual operating revenues above $1,000,000. The balance sheet figures do not include the returns of nonoperating lessor companies. WASHINGTON, August 7, 1924. 4 彝 ​No. 1 Total number of stockholders amtimo mo 2 a 10 Cash 11 12 13 14 ~22 23 23 24 ✓ N N N N 27 15 Miscellaneous accounts receivable 16 | Material and supplies 17 Other current assets 18 19 Deferred assets 28 20 Discount on capital stook 21 Discount on funded debt 22 Other unadjusted debits 29 25 Capital stock 26 w in www 37 D 85 5555E Total investments 49 Investment in road and equipment Improvements on leased railway property ..... Blaking funda Deposite in lieu of mortgaged property sold Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies Other investments 50 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET 71 Demand loans and deposits Time drafts and deposits Special deposits Loans and bills receivable 38 Deferred liabilities cumin a more non STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. SUMMARY No. 1.--RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923. (Does not include lessor companies.) Total current assets Investments Current Assets 56 Item 30 Funded debt unmatured 31 Receiver's certificates 32 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies 33 Total long-term debt 58 34 Loans and bills payable Miscellaneous accounts payable Other current liabilities Total unadjusted debits Grand total 39 Premium on funded debt 40 Operating reserves 41 Accrued depreciation 42 Other unadjusted credite 43 Unadjusted Debits Stock liability for conversion Premium on capital stock Total stock Grants in aid of construction Stock Long-Term Debt Corporate Surplus 44 | Additions to property through income and surplus Funded debt retired through income and surplus 46 Sinking fund reserves 47 Miscellaneous fund reserves 48 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested Current Liabilities Total current liabilities → Unadjusted Credits Total unadjusted credits •✰ Total appropriated surplus Profit and 1088--balance Total corporate surplus •* 53 Expenditures for new lines and extensions Expenditures for additions and betterments 54 Credits for property retired 55 Adjustments INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT Net charges during year ..... 57 Stocks actually issued during year--par value... Funded debt actually issueâ during year--par value Total, all districts 807,524 $16,600,237,071 382,415,505 11,972,039 26,885,450 138,191,141 4,374,517,189 s18,311,682 22,352,530,077 407,339,592 9,456,680 37,059,480 154,945,514 38,215,301 274,949,672 682,725,812 244,394,063 1,849,086,114 181,847,842 24,653,173 75,734,678 260,806,188 361,194,039 24,744,653,072 7,356,546,664 28,211,672 42,148,552 7,426,906,888 4,214,745 10,290,409,791 9,186,969 340,740,830 10,640,337,640 83,640,263 144,989,955 1,071,932,590 1,300,562,808 131,784,450 1,502,071 46,346,680 1,253,617,136 650,124,309 1,951,590,196 799,809,233 83,590,609 44,436,555 40,609,166 67,388,904 1,035,834,467 2,253,426,878 3,289,261,345 7,641,026 952,660,112 242,094,543 2,110,060 730,316,655 280, 525, 341 811,349,833 Eastern district 348,597 $5,743,049,706 317,365,616 1,030,120 1,938,646 58,015,502 1,737,448,375 378,621,289 8,237,469,254 143,805,362 1,719,332 4,033.397 69,108,186 19,346,220 114,182,486 299,029,306 125,594,158 776,818,447 91,942,898 2,252,795 22,497,741 117,394,737 142,155,273 9,248,385,872 2,601,898,544 722,059 30,811,127 2,633,431,730 213,999 3,865,409,711 60,059,589 3,925,469,300 39,072,053 71,556,659 454,397,131 565,025,843 56,502,914 314,146 22,957,917 525,546,336 281,514,380 830,332,779 449,867,896 8,972,113 23,683,152 38,979,066 194,851 521,697,078 715,712,229 1,237,409,307 471,056 363,614,378 96,706, 840 4,687,018 272,265,612 75,818,660 266,172,081 Southern district 81,296 $2,972,818,011 44,231,013 878,029 3,524,082 18,624,147 474,071,118 76,903,539 3,591,049,939 77,941,639 10,000 22,516,205 32.973.705 13,651,186 41,085,984 124,448,238 38,025,919 350,752,876 27,115,490 3,013,100 11,944,401 28,617,070 43,574,571 4,012,492,876 d 1,119,762,567 4,873,539 1,124,636,106 1,294,762 1,802,114,632 1,382,500 7,359,431 1,810,856,563 10,276,136 10,194,574 164,722,481 185,193,191 35,522,104 101,395 11,175,679 232,017,824 71,624,439 314,919,337 110,555,203 962,021 4,511,635 8,400 1,807,314 117,844,573 422,226,240 540,070,813 1,025,561 225,780,162 63,182,891 2,314,119 161,308, 713 79,907,825 133,823,435 Western district 377,631 $7,884,369,354 20,818,876 10,063,890 21,422,722 61,551,492 2,162,997,696 362,786,854 10,524,010,884 185,592,591 7,727,348 10,409,878 52,863,623 5,217,895 119,681,202 259,248,268 80,773,986 721,514,791 62,789,454 19,377,278 41,292,536 114,794,381 175,464,195 11,483,779,324 3,634,885,553 27 ,489,613 5,463,886 3,668,839,052 2,705,984 4,622,885,448 7,804,469 273,321,860 4,904,011,777 34,292,074 63,238,722 452,812,978 550,343,774 39,759,432 1,086,530. 12,213,084 496,052,976 296,985,490 806,338,080 239,386,134 73,656,475 16,241,768 1,621,700 65,386,739 396,292,816 1,115,488,409 1,511,781,225 6,144,409 373,265,572 82,204,812 d 462,839 296,742,330 1/ 124,798,856 411,354,317 d Deficit or other reverse item. I/ Includes book liability of $83,668,000 of 1,062,400 shares without par value, 5 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. 8 No. 1 Railway operating revenues. 2 Railway operating expenses. Matin 6 780 do 2 2 Mt 11 12 13 14 15 ୨ Net revenue from miscellaneous operations. 10 Taxes on miscellaneous operating property.. 21 22 23 24 25 ญ ญ ญ 26 27 28 Rent from passenger-train cars. 16 Rent from floating equipment. 17 Rent from work equipment. 18 | Joint facility rent income 19 Income from lease of road. Miscellaneous rent income. Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property Separately operated properties--profit.. Dividend income 20 am nimet into to mo 30 31 29 Miscellaneous income.... ངསངས་ 39 40 INCOME ACCOUNT ន 49 Item Het revenue from railway operations Railway tax accruals... Uncollectible railway revenues... Railway operating income. SUMMARY No. 1.-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1922-Continued. (Does not include lessor companies) Revenues from miscellaneous operations. Expenses of miscellaneous operations.. un • 55 56 Miscellaneous operating income... Total operating income. Hire of freight cars--credit balance. Rent from locomotives. 32 Bire of freight cars--debit balance. · Rent for locomotives. ❤❤ Total nonoperating income. Gross income....... Income from funded securities. Income from unfunded securities and accounts. Income from sinking and other reserve funda. Release of premiums on funded dṣbt. Contributions from other companies. • 41 Separately operated properties--l088, 42 Interest on funded debt. Interest on unfunded debt. 43 Rent for passanger-train cars. Rent for floating equipment. Rent for work equipment. Joint facility rents. Rent for leased roads Miscellaneous rents. Miscellaneous tax accruals. • .. | Amortization of discount on funded debt. 45 Maintenance of investment organization. Income transferred to other companies. Miscellaneous income charges.. 46 47 48 Total deductions from gross income Net income... 71 72 Delayed income debits….. 73 Miscellaneous debits. 74 ·· • .. 50 Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. 51 Dividend appropriations of income. 52 53 • Total debits during year.. Net increase during year. Balance at beginning of year. Balance at end of year.... → •••• Income appropriated for investment in physical property. Stock discount extinguished through income. Miscellaneous appropriations of income. Total appropriations of income. Income balance transferred to profit and los8... PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 57 Credit balance transferred from income. 58 Profit on road and equipment sold. 59 Delayed income credits. 60 Unrefundable overcharges. 61 Donations. 62 | Miscellaneous credits. 63 Total credits during year. 64 Debit balance transferred from income. 65 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds, 66 Dividend appropriations of surplus. 70 Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus. Loss on retired road and equipment. .. • · • 67 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property. 68 Stock discount extinguished through surplus. 69 Debt discount extinguished through surplus. • • 75 76 77 78 Dividends declared during year. 79 Par vaine on which declared--coinmon. 80 Far value on which declared--preferred. 81 Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent. • Total all districts $6,289,580,027 4,895,166,819 1,394,413,208 331,915,459 1,941,658 1,060,556,091 4,069,024 3,532,104 536,920 178,015 358,905 1,060,914,996 30,687,184 12,203,519 15,001,310 360,800 2,598,353 33.933,954 7,723,099 18,544,873 7,431,545 2,519,986 129,899,789 63,456,230 30,994,921 3,542,568 108,980 5,068,261 648,723 364,724,095 1,425,639,091 100,700,165 12,272,536 16,863,841 3,264,231 1,634,901 58,650,081 151,660,285 6,894,186 4,827,589 4,264,677 471,054,541 471 12 23 14,926,168 3,332,431 32,398 3,259,807 7.353.547 861,001,384 564,637,707 1955 14,082,250 195,029,636 8,684,258 3,058,679 220,854,823 343,782,884 378,110,556 4,097,142 435,225 1,967,940 4,773,394 97,304,113 486,689,470 34,327,772 1,723,121 151,514,812 8,813,576 527,249 13,209,552 80,223 19,898,204 4,689,975 53,049,209 287,673,247 199,016,223 2,042,754,796 2,241,771,019 346,544, 448 3,616,328,041 991,569,431 7.52 Eastern district $22,23 ,942,418,971 2,330,521,041 611,897,930 135,256,501 770,935 475,870,494 1,610,924 1,255,154 355.770 78,669 277,101 476,147,595 14,796,319 5,604,294 5.788,452 325.312 856,386 16,072,375 2,631,329 10,362,774 4,080,974 2,366,943 60,349,020 16.697,027 15,772,240 2,931,168 47.803 4,303,116 d 1.442 523 161,543,019 637,690,614 55,551,051 6,385,662 7,350,545 3,187,115 949,745 28,339,867 85,706,537 4,899,138 3,191,715 2,511,363 179,077,378 7,182.507 1,399,298 29,082 3,269,807 2,391,779 391,422,689 246,267,925 10,572,567 78,240,664 4,855,086 2,327,164 95,995,481 150,272,444 161,653,148 2,702, 281 851,560 2,228,839 61,141,331 228,577,159 11,380,704 868,731 29,659,305 2,611,568 4,494,729 160,851 9,753,915 22,976,845 81,906,648 146,670,511 569,041,718 715,712,229 107,899,969 1,441,837,835 149,471,081 6.78 Deficit or other reverse iten. I/ Includes stock dividend, $50,417,400. Southern district d $1,037, 866;618; 23232712 323 237,157,216 54,946,029 487,509 223 ,007 181,723,678 2,204,196 2,189,555 14,541 27.093 12.552 181,711,126 7,859,324 1,485,680 2,877,817 6,664 479,884 5.243.597 1,939,064 1,926,792 980,947 11,226,293 7,991,162 6,263,275 89,737 574,838 1.332.191 47,612,883 229,324,009 10,304,933 1,149,521 3,089,961 32,555 165,527 7.593,060 8,979,865 617,262 87,222 1,284,926 80,304,370 2,914.179 505,140 387 1,136,863 118,165,771 111,158,238 831,339 6,347,170 818,610 1i6,956 8,114,075 103,044,163 104,117,545 379,550 100,655 325,987 947,960 19,400,446 125,272,143 1,073,382 49,372 69,949,302 1,916,513 526,625 3,987,007 8,743 2,596,387 4,689,975 5,053,410 109,850,716 15,421,427 406,804,815 422,226,240 1/ 96,296,472 587.721,600 176,566,250 12.60 Western district $2,281, 323-923 383.833 545,358,062 54 15 141,712,929 683.214 402,961,919 253,904 87,295 166,609 72,253 94,356 403,056,275 $,031,541 5.113.545 6,335,031 28,324 1,262,083 12,617,982 3,152,706 6,255,307 2,369,624 153.043 58,324,476 38.768,041 8.959,406 521,663 61,177 190,307 3,423,437 3, 4 155,568,193 558,624,468 34,844,181 4,737.353 423.3 44,561 519,629 22,717,154 56,973,783 1,377,786 1,548,652 468,388 211,672,793 4,829,482 1,427.993 2,929 3,824,905 351,412,924 • 427 207,211,544 Velg daar redzes vigas 2,678,344 110,441,802 3,010,562 614,559 116,745,267 90,466,277 112,339,963 1,015,311 335,570 790,393 1,595,595 16,762,336 132,840,168 21,873,686 805,018 31,906,205 4,285,495 624 4,727,816 249.817 7,547,902 25,018,954 95,915,883 36,924,285 1,066,908,265 1,103,832,550 142,348,007 1,586,768,606 665,532,100 6.32 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. 30. 1 Freight 2 4 Sleeping car 10 Express 8 Other passenger-train Milk ...... 9 Milk Passenger Excess baggage Switching 11 Special service train 12 Other freight-train 13 Water transfere--freight 14 Parlor and chair car Kail 15 Water transfers-vahioles 16 | Water transfer a--other 17 18 Freight 19 Passenger 20 | Ex0682 baggage E 5 BE 5 ANGUF 40 21 | Other passenger sexvios 22 | Mail 23 | Express 24 Special´servicn Other RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES, 444 Live Water transfers--passenger ....... not invo 26 27 Dining and buffet.………………………… 28 | Hotel and restaurant 29 SUMMARY No. 1.—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS 1 STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) POR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1943-Continner. (Does not include lessor companies.) Item Total rail-line transportation revenus 41 Joint facility--Cr. 42 Joint facility--DF. ……………. and live stock ..... Demurrage Telegraph and telephone Grain elevator Stockyard 37 Power 36 Rents of buildings and other property ..………………… 39 Miscellaneous ...... Total water-line transportation revenue Station, train, and boat privileges Parcel room Storage-freight Storage--baggage Total incidental operating revenue ❤ Superintendence Roadway maintenance--yard Roadway maintenance--other Roadway--depreciation--yard ....... 49 Roadway--depreciation--other 50 Underground" power tubes--yard 51 Underground power tubes--other Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard 53 Underground power tubes--depreciation--other Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues ...... RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Maintenance of Way and Structures Tunnels and subways--yard Tunnels and subways--other ....... Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard 63 Elevated structures--other ....... 64 Elevated structures--depreciation--yard 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other 66 Ties--yard Tiee--other •⇓⇓ Ties--depreciation--yard 69 Ties--depreciation-other ........ 70 Rail-yard Rails--other • ... Tunnels and subways-depreciation--other Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard ………………………………………. 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other 60 Bridges, treaties, and culverts-depreciation--yard 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other 62 Elevated structurés--yard ……………. 71 72 Rails--depreciation--yard 73 Rails--depreciation--other ....…………………………. 74 Other track material--yard 75 Other track material--other ...... 76 Other track material-depreciation--yard . 77 Other track material--depreciation-other 78 Ballast--yard ...... | 79 | Ballast--other 80 | Ballast-depreciation-yard $1 Ballast-depreciation--other .......... $2 Track laying and surfacing--yard ..... 83 Track laying and surfacing--other 64 Right-of-way fences--yRIQ 85 Right-of-way fenoss-other 86 Right-of-way fences-depreciation-yard 87 Right-of-way fances--depreciation--other Total, all districts $4,606,719,288 1,145,698,579 8,690,500 2,623,415 1,354,470 92,896,555 152,685,162 13,637,536 34,109,221 62,277.590 2,384,443 883,149 1,104,803 2,262,963 5,818,737 1,329,656 32355 6,134,676,067 15,644,797 1,890,305 5,215 20,870 23,741 25.378 31.412 514,871 18,156,589 29,780,193 11,333,487 6,256,328 1,661,635 5.339,916 1,004,515 27,753,122 2,401,832 1,594,929 582,680 853,686 ,663,335 28,740,807 128,966,465 10,135,970 2,355,064 7,780,906 6,289,580,027 52,540,613 9,150,839 75,973,277 17,719 122,320 73,616 1,871,295 33 11,311 1,794,965 41,762,143 59,824 1,193,555 208,306 156,728 14,041,345 102,199,107 158,723 1,981,577 2,891,350 31,622,906 32,060 698,708 8,117,775 32,531,465 120,242 666,791 494,666 17,755,800 1,039 268,496 24,434,910 185,170,778 81,945 6,149,580 Eastern district $2,141,750,743 546,821,748 3,018,624 432,192 344, 453,473 69,709,195 5,008,704 25,010,855 30,065,908 1,062,985 226,928 798,312 1,691,986 4,420,234 1,115,595 2,855,587,482 2,870,476 1,131,658 j 1.222 4,625 21,863 21,329 31,412 291 4,082,876 13,282,337 5,061,174 ,047,722 1,207,907 2,788,842 440.002 16,029,344 546,295 1,563,419 20,929 5,647,067 4,484,643 14,409,344 69,529,025 4,622,119 1,402,531 3,219,588 2,942,418,971 21,190,669 4,400,546 28,327,299 38,352 42,567 596,089 33 2,527 753.375 13,173,648 26,310 421,802 206,723 156,092 7,481,763 38,868,610 1.476 16,309 1,638,908 14,339,457 324 6,246 4,296,318 15,214,517 81 1,893 241,848 7,232,717 153 2,951 12,218,822 75,812,291 27,612 1,951,015 458 2,475 d Deficit or other reverse item. pod pod 11 Southern district $783,287,866 183,751,006 1.373,657 152,094 207,972 15,456,820 22,093,396 1,615,310 1.581.740 7,976,763 544,571 28,687 57,586 94,363 13,841 167,207 1,019,002,878 4,584,452 735,807 759,230 125,660 1,064,416 86,284 4,178,985 88,405 6,559 7,708 101.611 685,693 5,062,590 17,487,391 1,710,807 423,853 1,286,954 1,037,777,223 8,865,435 1,217,117 14,488,184 54,502 2,260 352,685 165,595 8,761,700 1,636 690,492 2,090,120 20,426,790 157,380 1,955,886 354,031 6,045,160 28,583 661,716 1,118,675 5,292,330 117,852 661,611 41,536 4,616,751 663 264,677 3,154,713 31,227,509 4,286 844,632 Western district $1,681,680,679 415,125,825 4,298,219 2,471,321 714.307 42,986,262 60,482,571 7,013,522 7.516.626 24,234,919 776,887 627,534 248,905 476,614 1,384,662 46,854 2,250,085,707 12,774,321 758,647 3.993 16,245 1,878 4,049 514,580 14,073,713 11,913,404 5,536,506 1,449,376 328,068 1,486,658 478,229 7,544,793 1,767,132 24,960 554,043 105,008 1,492,999 9,268,873 41,950,049 3,803,044 528,680 3,274,364 2,309,383,833 22,484,509 3,533,176 33,157,794 17.719 29,466 28,789 922,521 8,784 875.995 19,826,795 31,878 81.261 1,583 836 4,469,462 42,903,707 2,819 9,382 898,411 11,238,289 3.153 30,746 2,702,782 12,024,518 2,309 3,287 211.282 5,906,332 223 868 9,061,375 78,130,978 50,047 3,353,933 427 2,464 7 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIEBS. 8 Xod HAMIKO MBO 1 Snow and sand fences end anowaheds-yard 2 Snow and sand fenoes and snowsheds--other Anow and sand fences and snowsheds-depreciation--yard Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation-ether ………………….. Crossings and signs--yard Crossings and signs--other .. 7 Crossings and signs-depreciation--yard 8 Crossings and signs-depreciation-other 9 Station and office buildings 10 Station and office buildings-depreciation 11 Roadway buildings ....... 12 Roadway buildings-depreciation ..... 13 Water stations 14 Water stations--depreciation .…………………. 15 Fuel stations.... 16 Fuel stations--depreciation ....…………………… 17 Shops and enginehouses ....……………………………. 18 Shops and enginehouses-depreciation Grain elevators..……………. 19 20 | 21 Grain elevatore-depreciation ... … … …. Storage warehouses........ 22 Storage warehouses-depreciation .... 25 Coal and ore wharves ..... 26 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSI§-Continuad. Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded, 23 Wharves and docks 24 Wharves and docks-depreciation ...... ISLO 27 Gas producing plants 28 Gas producing plants-depreciation 29 Telegraph and telephone lines ..…………… 30 Telegraph and telephone lines-depreciation 31 8ignals and interlockers 32 Signals and interlockers--depreciation 33 Power plant dame, canals, and pipe lines Power plant dans, canals, and pipe lines-depreciation Power plant buildings ....... DENUNINNOMINION. Item. SUMMARY No. 1.-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED BECEMBER 31, 1923—Continued. (Does not include leseor companies,) Coal and ore wharves-depreciation 37 Power substation buildings 38 Power substation buildings--depreciation 39 Power tranmission systems ...... 40 42 Power transmission systems--depreciation Power distribution systems ...... 442 Fower distribution systems--depreciation 43 Power line poles and fixtures 44 Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation Underground conduits 46 Underground couduits--depreciation 47 Miscellaneous structures Power plant buildinge--depreciation 48 Miscellaneous structï 68--depreciation 49 Paving ........ 51 Roadway machines *……….. IMO MOORE Paving--depreciation 59 Other expenses 50 72 Roadway mechines-depreciation Small tools and supplies Removing snow, ice, and sand Assessments for public improvements Injuries to persons ……………. Insurance Stationery and printing Total, above accounte ..... 61 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 62 Maintaining joint tracke, yards, and other facilities-Or, 63 Equalization--way and structures $4 Total maintenance of way and structures Maintenance of Equipment. 66 Shop machinery 67 Shop machinery-depreciation Superintendence .......………………. Fower plant machinery 69 Power plant machinery-depreciation 70 Power substation apparatus ..…………. 71 Power substation apparatus-depreciati on Steam locomotives-repairs • Steam locomotives--depreciation Steam locomotives-retirements Other locomotives--repairs . 79| Fraight-train çare--depreciation 80 Freight-train care--retirements 76 Other locomotives--depreciation 77 Other locomotives-retirements 78 Freight-train cara-repairs ..……………………………………………………………………………… 81 Passenger-train cars--repairs ..... 82 Passenger-train cars--depreciation 83 Passenger-train cars--retirements ...……. 84 Motor equipment of cars-repairs 85 Motor equipment of cars-depreciation $6 Motor equipment of cars-retirements 87 Floating equipment-repairs 88 Floating equipment-depreciation 89 Floating equipment-retirements ... ... ... Total, all districts. adfresh $7,006 747,214 603 211 1,522,333 11,011, 2,199 35,529 33,109,537 648,256 4,967,502 49.541 11,588,935 94.517 5,614,854 53,790 25,630,597 298,903 1,220,883 4,089 113.558 2,456 5,287,439 123,822 2,930,918 822,357 75,298 10,832,222 8,601 26,037,386 145,566 12,373 657,622 173.372 27.723 19,074 219.876 78,592 2,499,390 322,535 413,702 96.875 12.212 9,092 466,782 29,422 529,184 122 6,158,319 11,583 11,143,440 11,209,320 623,160 4,721,689 4,510,801 1,464,005 244,048 203.598,961 34,390,038 24,763,413 463,174 813,638,760 43,273,018 27.949.812 347.009 5.704.734 566,221 303.815 88.886 559,283,295 44,990,794 6,266,469 2,862,465 633.585 786 475,433,689 91,635,425 29,322,494 91.550, 550,882 12,561,693 951,381 1,846,513 458,950 14.188 13.975,965 2,536,591 471.359 Eastern district. $1,042 70,614 122 699,934 5,892,602 2,027 33,644 16,298,428 242,449 1,546,134 1,622 4.194.770 27.406 2,286,518 21,447 12,451,887 134,053 1,215,04% 1,689 35,505 3,114,827 32,052 1,976,196 121,931 40,236 4,900,781 404 16,495,285 106,118 1,482 4419,971 144,806 20.196 16,928 180.015 65,189 2,103,919 303.553 295.732 81,950 10,044 7,504 232,645 19.991 231,939 362. 1,85 837 4,165,807 7,153,379 180.200 1,762,696 2,241, 4:7 559.934 685,987 743,415,365 14,772,317 10,830,231 347.357,451 20,033,522 13.931,917 125.178 3,916,537 505,616 269,262 68,773 275,799,615 22,173.719 3,591,161 2,051,707 371,700 786 240,499,875 43.307,415 14,254,479 44,840,708 6,220,629 554,962 1,281,508 347,240 11,072 11,127,455 1,659.743 375,62 ₫ - Deficit or other reverse item. Southern district. ·· $43 124,872 1,606,373 1.044 6,001,538 241,772 1,323,077 25,285 1,893.677 31,457 1,269,755 ** 24,272 3,406,432 129,002 2 642 2.400 30,031 2,456 1,104,961 81,547 248,956 77,284 1.563 1,644,783 5.381 3,176,849 37,984 30,081 14,530 803 264 13.139 6,919 99,156 11,179 27.795 8,175 24,226 3,716 54,150 1,217,388 1,293 1.923.543 180,294 66,240 801,100 709,397 268,391 48,251 141,741,753 6,522,437 5,267,035 536,904 143,534,069 6,810,720 4,449 320 210,587 521,378 31.030 6,657 2,004 86.430,666 6,742,445 1,163,098 278,029 36,113 81,424,644 15.519,715 10,136,225 13.433,437 1,731.513 79,991 32,183 6,956 1.070 256,668 47.427 7.454 Western district. $5.964 676,557 603 333 697,527 3,512.459 172 841 10,809,571 164,035 2,098,291 22,634 5,500,488 5,654 2,058,581 8,071 .9,772,278 35.848 8,477 a 22 1,067,651 10,223 705,766 623,122 36,625 4,286,658 2.816 6.365,252 1.464 10,891 177,579 13.936 6,724 1,882 26,722 6.484 296,315 7,803 90,175 6,740 2,168 1,588 209,911 5,715 243,095 122 3,077,531 1073 3,453 5,053,990 3,875,147 376,720 2,157,893 1.559.957 635,680 109,510 318,442,533 13,095,284 8,666,147 73.730 322,797,240 16,428,476 9,568,575 11,144 1,266,319 26,575 27,886 18,109 197,053.014 16,074,630 1,512,210 532,729 225,772 153,509.170 32,817,295 4,931,790 33,276,737 32: 709,551 316.428 532,822 104,754 4,186 2,591,842 829,424 88,283 HAITIUMono andato 1 2 8 10 11 Miscellaneous equipment-repairs... Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation, Miscellaneous equipment-retirements. Injuries to persona... Insurance. 9 | Stationery and printing. Tork equipment--repairs. Work equipment--depreciation. Work equipment-retirements. Other expenses. Total.... 16 Superintendenos.. 17 Outside agencies.... 18 Advertising. BAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued. Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded. 12 | Maintaining joint equipment at terminals--DI. 13 Maintaining joint equipment at terminals--Or. 14 Equalization-equipment………………. 15 Total maintenance of equipment. 19 | Traffic associations. 20 Fast freight lines. 21 22 23 24 Other expenses..... 25 Total traffic. 26 Superintendence... 27 Dispatching trains. 28 Station employees.. 40 #BOLOVÁCKEVLENLEVLOVIČVIEW VO HNMUR LOKO MBAOAut ··· Industrial and immigration bureaus. Insurance Stationery and printing. • 4 29 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus, 30 Qoal and ore wharves………….. 31 Station supplies and expenses. Yardmasters and yard olerka. Yard conductors and brakamen,. Yard switch and signal tenders, Yard enginemen, Yard motormen,›,. 37 Fuel for yard locomotives.. Itea. 47 Fuel for train locomotives.. 48 Train power produced, STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. MHARY No. 1.--RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923-Continued. (Does not include lessor companies.) Transportation--Rail Line. 38| Yard switching power produced, 39 Yard switching power purchased. Water for yard locomotives...... Lubricants for yard locomotives.. 41 42 Other supplies for yard locomotives... 43 Enginehouse expenses--yard....... 44 Yard supplies and expenses, 45 Train enginemen………………………………………………… 46 Train motormen... 海​75 76 Traffic. 53 Enginehouse expenses--train. 54 Trainmen.. Train power purchased, Water for trala locomotives. Lubricants for train locomotives.... 50 51 52 Other supplies for train locomotives.......... .. 62 Express servios…….. 63 Stationery and printing. 64 Other expenses..……………… ·· Train supplies and expenses. Operating sleeping oars, 57 Signal and interlocker operation…………………. Crossing protection.. 59 Drawbridge operatione …………………… Telegraph and telephone operation...……………………………… 61 Operating floating equipment.. 65 Insurance. 66 Olearing wrecks, 67 Damage to property, 68 Damage to live stock on right of way.. 69 Loss and damage-freight. 70 Loss and damage--baggage, 71 Injuries to persone.., 77 Operation of vessels, 78 Operation of terminale. 79 | Incidental. 80 .... 72 Operating joint yards and terminals-Dr. 73 Operating joint yards and terminals--Or. 74 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr. Operating joint tracks and facilities-Cr. Total transportation--Rail line.... Transportation--Water Line. Total transportation-Water line.... ان Total, all distriots. $22,370,518 3,856,721 1,749,925 266,709 105,298 44,530 5,889, 458 975,494 2,700, 828 5,132,664 1,462,222,167 6,475,771 3.071,376 á 469.967 1,465,156,595 31,407,633 37,187,241 10,158,749 2,248,593 54,700 1,918,777 28,211 10,857,873 114,909 93,976,686 67,168,126 34,829,016 314,440,211 5,023,013 10,084,059 22,175,539 61,308,261 145,581,755 12,071,385 87,788,721 672,460 86,326,610 293,113 101,842 4,792,256 1,446,059 1,698,198 33.987,421 3,840,238 236,073,884 3,103,200 442,892,626 3,070,338 4,711,875 23,245,847 7.920,563 8,106,161 95,508,872 271,376,454 77.867,773 1,032,888 24,454,221 21,340,703 2,122,157 10,689, 702 27,789,711 15,923,060 4,004,343 13,461,697 11,419,872 5,662,988 3,544,459 36,265,465 472,173 ,924,030 63.942,839 32,833,280 15,712,668 13,826,806 2,309,608,766 Eastern district. 6,068,490 5.166,591 439,291 11,674,372 Deficit or other revarse item, $11,945,371 1,501,024 1,186,146 159,668 53,251 33,923 2,604,537 3,834,180 1,405,248 3,820,208 733,867,157 3,071,638 1,453,036 d 469.967 735,015,792 14.333,626 11,683,481 2,947,892 701,855 54,031 557,004 10,314 4,637.187 41,675 34,967,065 35,153,445 17.546,365 151,206,176 1,047,103 6,595,639 11,568,975 33,016,438 79,697.955 8,117,249 47,428,122 638,710 44,065,432 289,938 80,160 2,393,652 773,111 887,240 16,411,776 2,406,647 107,673,551 1,913,383 191 191,075,577 2,259,944 3,421,366 9.582,510 3,301,198 3.905.781 43,228,123 122,281,918 36,180,453 17,187,000 14,707,102 790 5,253,163 24,074,475 7,924,722 2,080,466 11,225,120 6,032,065 2,646,362 275,486 12,155,151 317,881 12,758,079 26,256,400 13,635,347 7,590,095 6,711,583 1,115,479,364 2,297,250 335,080 31,525 2,664,555 Southern district. $2,972,061 659,118 124,292 27,327 16,312 2,753 821,325 702, 626 433,114 255,130 235,362,358 1,100,354 735,051 235,727,661 6,486,715 7,583,475 1,507,461 473.595 669 643,944 3,569 2,598,801 4,117 19,302,346 10,572,431 6.727.499 53,656,15% 1,131,248 1,164,144 3,030,297 10,632,853 22,412,023 1,105,033 13,105,124 366 12,284,420 657.657 203,662 325,299 5.566,345 622,674 40,535.9 158,465 74,297,525 393,426 7,089 3,932,416 1,392,487 1,321,287 15,354,872 46,770,802 11,680,882 48,829 2,092,128 1,621,348 379,485 1,168,254 506,834 2,793,971 684,194 678,095 2,132,046 927,786 1,357,315 7,451,984 62,846 5.819,027 13,896,051 9.323.075 1,842,629 1,835,031 371,647,149 ⠀ Western district. $1,636,572 ,453,086 439,487 79,714 35,735 7,854 2,463,495 2,438,688 862,466 1,057,326 492,992,652 2,303,779 883,289 494,413,142 10,587,292 17.920,285 5,703,396 1,073,143 717,829 14,328 3,621,885 69,117 39,707,275 21,142,250 10,555,152 109.577.877 2,844,662 2,224,276 7,576,267 17,658,970 43,471,777 2,849,103 27,255,475 33,384 29.976,758 3,175 21,682 1,740,947 469,285 485,659 12,009,300 810,917 87,864,378 1,031,352 177.519.524 416,974 1,283,420 9.730,921 3,226,878 2,879,093 36,925,877 102.323,734 30,006,438 984,059 6,175,093 5,012,253 647, 882 4,268,285 3,208,402 5.204,367 1,239,683 1,558,482 3,255,761 2,088,840 1,911,558 16,658,330 91,15 11,346,924 23,799,388 9,874,858 6,279,944 5,280,192 822,482,253 3,770,540 4,831,511 407,766 9,009,817 2 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. 10 NO. OUI FW NH 1 Dining and buffet service... 2 Hotels and restaurants... 7 FODOR 10 197-80 11 Law expenses. 12 Insurance. 13 Relief department expenses. 14 15 16 17 18 29 Other expenses. General joint facilities-Dr 19 General joint facilities--Cr 20 o XE* FREE 44 Total general expenses...... 21 Transportation for investment--Cr...... 22 Total railway operating expenses……….. 23 Ratic of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cant)... Separation between services 47 48 49 50 VIVIVISSASIASASI 24 Related solely to freight service. 25 Related solely to passenger and allied services, Related in common to both freight and passenger and allied services: Apportioned to freight service..... Apportioned to passenger and allied services. Not related to either freight service or to passenger and allied services.. HUM 30 Miles of road, 31 Miles of second main track 32 33 Miles of third main track…...……. Miles of fourth main track. 34 Miles of all other main tracks.. 35 Miles of yard track and sidings.. 36 Total, all tracks.... 37 Miles of road. 58 Miles of second main track. RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Concluded Miscellaneous Operationa Miles of third main track, 40| Miles of fourth main track. 41 42 43 51 Grain elevators. Stock yards 52 56 57 58 a Gammon Producing power sold. Other miscellaneous operations, - Total miscellaneous operations.. General 65 Salaries and expenses of general officers………….. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants General office supplies and expenses. Pensions.. Stationery and printing. Valuation expenses..... 66 Total. 1 SUEDZABY KO. 1.—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL BEPOBYS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING EWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPAN183) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECKMBER 31, 1883 Contiened. (Does not include lessor companies.) Item MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31,1923 MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1923 Miles of all other main tracks. Miles of yard track and sidinga. Total, all tracks. Total.. e44 Steam locomotives: Number at close of year. Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year..... Number retired during year... Other locomotives: EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE Number at close of year.. Number installed during year.... Number retired during year...... Aggregate capacity (tons): Box carS... Flat carB.. Stock cars. Coal cars... Tank care.... → → Number at close of year: Box care. Flat care. Stock cars, Coal cars, Tank cars.... Refrigerator oars.... Other freight-carrying cars. Total. Freight-carrying Cars •*• Refrigerator Cars Other freight-carrying care.. ... • Includes 21,355.67 miles of industrial tracks Includes 8,302.30 miles of industrial tracks Includes 3,929.32 miles of industrial tracks Includes 9,123,55 miles of industrial tracka Total, all districts $33,415,107 10,531,934 1,398,452 446,185 277.053 1,578,359 50,647,090 17,120,405 87,860,354 6,821,807 16,009,066 156,475 1,455,032 11,815,702 5,770,274 7,118,719 6.599,030 1,630,794 300,634 162,057.024 11,642,474 4,895,166,819 77.83 2,443,011,173 792,537,8ií 1,223,242,288 430,285,248 6,090,299 4,895,166,819 235,562.81 33,124.50 029.97 2,087.92 325.99 1/ 111,681.19 385,812.38 178,724.39 19,806.79 1,989.95 1,472.40 134.07 5/ 78,560.76 280,628.36 64,946 2,543,975,984 3.732 386 10 1,048,231 98,143 81,155 949,791 10,359 50,924 79,001 2,317,609 40,191,841 3.972,399 2,835,722 48,527,213 Eastern district 438,042 1,597,208 3,819,583 101,382,013 $14,712,021 4,640,885 1,334,762 32,044 3,177,261 658,614 24,554,587 6,727,980 39,338,149 3,217.033 5,873,886 76,682 1,089,361 6,972,044 2,435,848 3,028,212 2,755,403 687,647 133,269 72,068,976 1,586,749 2,330,521,041 79.20 1,280,295,167 394,923,611 478,299,798 174,239,836 2,762,629 2,330,521,041 59,291.54 17,805.96 2,645.07 1,872.42 80.77 2/ 44,818.60 126,514.36 33.764.35 8,743.48 1,666.33 1,291.88 49.93 6/ 25,182.25 70,698.02 29,175 1,192,767,195 1.882 2,006 296 435,028 21,344 12,733 573,157 424 7,685 22,222 1,072,593 Southern district $4,792,849 697.276 36,300 13,703 67,643 8,026 5,693,797 2,927,905 14,490, 664 1,077,590 3,551,511 21,778 191,895 1,055,005 1,011,519 $30,066 955,851 225,908 32,951 26,306,741 1,591,756 800,620,007 77.15 409,516,622 117,644,621 209,639,583 63,436,348 382,833 800, 620, 007 43,893.57 4,330.48 97.80 36.06 224.53 3/ 18,187.22 66,769.66 35,551. 3,041.43 97.80 36.06 63.45 Z/ 14,151.75 52,942.28 10,884 429,164,223 690 459 17 168,411 22,633 8,784 195,596 15 6,689 3,982 406,110 17,088,545 916,853 483,895 29,853,545 6.955 236,440 1,046,805 49,633,069 5/ Includes 14,201.80 miles of industrial tracks Includes 4,131.20 miles of industrial tracks Includes 3,014.43 miles of industrial tracks Includee 7,055.17 miles of industrial tracks 5,980,296 883,576 317,040 10,255,667 650 207,460 173,187 17,817,876 Western district $13,910,237 5,193,773 27.390 401,438 32,149 833,719 20,398,706 7,464,520 34,031,541 2,527,184 6,583,669 58,015 173,776 3,788,653 2,322,907 3,260,441 2,887,776 717,239 134,414 63,681,307 8,463,969 1,764,025,771 76.39 753,199,384 279,969,579 535,302,907 192,609,064 2,944,837 1,764,025,771 132,377.70 10,988.06 267.10 179.44 20.69 4/ 48,675.37 192,528.36 109,408,45 8,021.88 225.82 144.46 20.69 £/ 39,226.76 157,048.06 24,887 922,044,566 1,578 1,267 73 1. 444,792 54,171 59,638 181,038 9,920 36,550 52,797 838,906 17,123,000 2,171,970 2,034,787 8,418,001 430,406 1,153,308 2,599,596 33,931,068 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. No. 1 (21) *** KOD 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 7 8 ២ ៩៩៩៩២ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 N 20 21 22 233 26 27 28 29 30 31 222 323 323 32 34 EN EN EN E 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 nhiên như nấ 234 44 45 46 47 48 49 ся сл ся ся ся в 50 1234 51 52 23 Number of units at close of year.... Fumber of units installed during year..………. 25 Number of units retired during year..ANTI 24 TIES LAID DURING YEAR. 53 54 55 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded. Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded. Fumber installed during year: Total. Box cars.、 Flat cars.. Stock cars. Coal cars. Tank cars. Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. • • • Total... ... • • • • • • Fumber retired during year: Box cars Flat cars .. • Stock cars Coal cars.. Tank cars Refrigerator cars.... Other freight-carrying cars. • SUMMARY No. 1.- RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1922—C'ontinued. (Does not include lessor companies.) & • Number at close of year...... Number installed during year.... Number retired during year.. Item. All Classes of Passenger-train Cars. Service days. Number at close of year..... Number installed during year. Number retired during year..... All Classes of Company Service Cars. Average number. Compensation-- 4 ·· • In replacement and betterments: .. • Number of cross ties. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties..... Total charges... Service hours-- In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of crossties...... Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges. Floating Equipment. J In replacement and betterments: Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges. Straight time paid for.. Overtime paid for...... Total... Miles of main tracks. Miles of yard track and sidings. Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges.... RAILS LAID DURING YEAR. In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Straight time paid for.. Overtime paid for..... Total..... Straight time paid for.... Overtime paid for...、 Total. ·· • EMPLOYEES. Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service... In passenger service..... In mixed-train service.... • ... Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses. CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY LOCOMOTIVES. In special service... In yard-switching service....... In work service... Grand total, all services. Total, all districts. 99,832 6.569 6,094 90,844 633 11.158 21, 707 221,837 81,945 529 68 36,554 46 23,862 5.045 210,667 54,719 534 2,360 108,825 16,571 13.970 2,511 199 194 84,442,200 278,810,078 $118,523,866 7,790,707 45,497,187 $12,198,952 3,140,606 $112,119,129 801,08 2,103.49 393,179 $12,325,977 1,855,260 $2,708,808,489 $249,164,739 $3,004,083,599 4,238,042,683 321,888,254 4,608,825,697 39,232,041 359,085 39,970,561 $2,785,250,533 88,208,030 31,582, 785 1,973,986 57,330 24,067,644 3,031,939 148,921,714 Eastern district. 7322 25,418 1,809 2,012 34,285 416 1,211 68,151 28,841 1,899 1,235 40,633 15 13.147 3,261 89,031 27,096 138 1,290 37.459 10,496 7.154 2,169 169 170 24,679,341 99,678,481 1/$46,476,875 1,899,981 14,649,962 $3,936,747 1,452,007 $51,372,896 136.24 573.93 101,733 $2,961,086 824,642 $1,260,557,270 $126,205,500 $1,406,661,453 1,865,606,767 160,810,373 2,049,555,020 19,852,335 185,043 20,235,737 $1,314,998,726 38,188,744 13,553,607 330,305 25,229 12,364,197 1,367,098 65,829,180 70 Does not include data for 26,099 linear feet of steel ties. Does not include data for 15,245 linear feet of steel ties. Southern district. 31,258 1,997 653 36,055 83 608 70,654 19,804 3,073 1,275 32,842 **1,599 59,257 7,824 541 401 16,232 1,749 1,088 120 11 18 20,288,475 72,991,543 $24,415,978 1,834,067 12,499,692 $2,356,145 641,012 $22,757,051 142.48 541.64 93,285 $2,562,790 339,643 $449,852,120 $41,443,601 $499,672,882 770,253,718 54,955,023 833,610, 381 5,782,593 44,125 5,877,547 $456,687,809 17,491,595 5,552,366 369,318 13,035 3,807,634 566,275 27,800,223 11 Western district. 43,156 2,763 3,429 20,504 83,032, 33.300 2.557 3,176 13,079 31 9,116 1,120 62,379 19,799 855 669 55,134 4,326 5,728 222 19 Ovo 6 39,474,384 106,140,049 $47,631,013 4,056,659 18,347.533 $5,906,060 1,047,587 $37,989,182 522.36 987.92 198,161 $6,802,101 690,975 $998,399,099 $81,515,638 $1,097,749, 264 1,602,182, 198 106,122,858 1,725,660, 296 13,597,113 129,917 13,857,277 $1,013,563,998 32,527,691 12,475,812 1,274,363 19,066 7,895,813 1,098,566 55,292,311 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. 12 No. HAMTONBOGOHNNY LONG 1 2 8 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 NNNNOU CU O ONNISKMM 20 21 22 27 ટટ્ટ 29 *1 32 33 34 ་མ་སངས་སངས 35 36 37 38 46 43 42 Etitute 47 48 49 AÖLDULOLOLOLOLOLOLO OHNMI LOKO ME 50 56 58 60 63 62 6999bbw ~MING 1-80 66 68 69 70 72 REVENUE FREIGHT TONNAGE BY CLASSES OF COMMODITIES Products of Agriculture Wheat Corn Oats Other grain . Flour and meal • Other will products Hay, straw, and alfalfa Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) origin ted: Tobacco Cotton Cotton seed and products, except oil Citrus fruits ... Other fresh fruits Potatoes Other fresh vegetables Dried fruits and vegetables • Other products of agriculture Total Total Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.) transported: Wheat Corn Oats Other grain ·· Flour and meel Other mill products ·· Hay, straw, and alfalfa Tobacco Cotton Cotton seed and products, except oil Citrus fruits Other fresh fruits .……………. Potetoes Other fresh vegetables Dried fruits and vegetables Other products of agriculture Eggs Butter and cheese • Animals and Products Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) originated: Horses and mules Cattle and calves SUMMARY No. 1.—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAT, COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923—Continued. (Does not include lessor companies.) ·· Sheep and goats Hogs Fresh meats Other pecking-house products Poultry Eg£8 Butter and cheese Wool Item • Wool .. Hides and leather Other animals and products Total • .. Total Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.) transported: Horses and mules .. Cattle and calves Sheep and goats Hogs Fresh meats Other packing-house products Poultry Total Hides and leather Other animals and products Salt Other products of mines Products of Mines Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) originated: Anthracite coal Bituminous coal Coke Iron ore Other ores and concentrates Base bullion and matte Clay, gravel, sand, and stone Crude petroleum Asphaltum .•* ·· > Total, all districts 23,091,018 15,150,511 8,332,071 4,739,019 10,517,832 10,002,128 5.965,015 1,099,023 2,887,286 3,574,051 1,542,14 5,248,389 4,698,036 2,472,765 1,135,02% 8,863,341 109,317,655 36,802,309 26,307.336 16,896,123 8,249,856 24,769,428 22,261,565 10,878,225 1,855,614 7,078,632 5,670,145 6.923,604 16,949,715 12,630,493 7,364,170 2,937,119 12,915,202 220,489,536 603,146 9,400,119 1,158,751 6,944, 424 3,023,284 2,396,494 366,370 596,862 570,894 290,624 1,089,819 1,813,659 28,254,446 998,184 13,326,083 1,909,703 9,091,553 6,919,724 5,350,412 1,220,381 564.650 1,475,94, 754,403 2,689,927 3,572,233 48,873,197 83,341,715 360,640,932 27,871,221 77,816,989 10,491,251 809,201 133,933,710 8,402,553 2,102,128 3.392,702 133: 4,932,422 713,734,824 Eastern district 3,171,303 7,179,195 1,522,925 437,921 2,384,336 3,216,093 2,398,174 160,618 150,906 46,792 46,970 1,276,948 1,823,565 874,889 317,488 2,143,969 23,212,143 10,315,484 8,662,636 5,922,522 2,179,510 11,095,732 10,501,152 4,913,136 486,578 1,495,627 426,025 1,791,235 495,708 049,269 2,732,939 850,53 4,174,617 77,094,706 79,834 1,223,079 181,895 1,268,396 1,019,321 990,211 85,693 157,612 148,622 197.384. 583,697 1,106,702 7,142,446 144,052 2,584,326 332,508 2.527.352 4,166,525 2,792,155 787,347 878,847 $29,256 572,378 1,912,472 2,276,820 19,804,038 81,335,539 182,899,924 22,859,749 4,145,568 1,618,700 51,056 63,216,325 207.593 1,027,515 1,772,265 767,750 359,901,984 Southern district $57, 2,136,555 1,178,710 124,652 972,338 1,318,638 496,751 885,266 941,034 1,551,745 558,149 846,575 331,509 600,170 43 125 479,838 17,422,917 2,355,321 3,806,154 2,570,687 538,915 3,218,534 3,580,953 1,881,311 1,283,793 2,390,565 2,331,597 1,915,337 2,471,350 1,269,942 1,701,344 222.200 961,744 32,499,748 135,706 652,991 65,14% 494,237 224,662 250,666 36,146 57,84 24,618 3.511 95,795 129,242 2,170,561 293,174 861,596 82,722 629,457 622,941 947,380 73.580 146.218 97,728 14,440 257,918 295,454 4,322,608 30,280 121,691,648 2,984,995 4,058,061 206,793 3,754 24,728,802 384,122 527,968 83.989 3,146,464 157,846,876 Western district 13,061,857 9,834,761 5,630,43 4,175,446 7,161,108 5,467,397 3,070,090 53,139 1.795,346 1.975,514 837,025 3,124,866 2,482,962 997,706 7714, 413 6,239,534 72,682,529 24,131,504 13,838,46 8.402,914 5,531,430 10,454,162 8,179,460 4,037,778 85,243 3,192,440 2,912,523 217,032 ,281,057 5,311,282 2,929,867 1,864.383 7,778,841 110,895,082 387,606 7,524,049 911,713 5,181,791 1,779,301 1,155,617 244,531 381,406 397,654 89,729 310,327 577.715 18,941,439 560,958 9,680,161 1,494,473 5,934,744 2,130,258 1,610,877 359,454 539,585 548,360 167,585 519,537 999,959 24,746,551 1,975,896 55,049,360 2,026,477 69,613,350 8,665,758 754,391 45,988,583 7,810,838 546,645 1,530,448 1,018,208 195,985,964 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. No. INITIATOROM N 8 9 10 11 12 HHAA pat Met LOON 13 14 15 16 17 18 1222 CU 19 20 21 22 23 24 ญ ญ ญ ญ LO 18 26 27 28 29 ☺ X☺ ☺ #8585£565 50 53 55555 #UWO 780 66 57 Boof~nt 69 Anthracite coal Bituminous coal REVENUE FREIGHT TONNAGE BY CLASSES OF COMMODITIES--Continued Products of Mines --Concluded Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.) transported: ·· SUMMARY No. 1.--RECAPITULATION OF Selected iteMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS. (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923–Continuet. (Does not include lessor companies.) Total, all districts Item Coke Iron ore Other ores and concentrates ... Base bullion and matte Clay, gravel, sand, and stone Crude petroleum ... Asphaltum Salt Other products of mines Total Products of Forests Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) originated: Logs, posts, poles, and cordwood Ties Pulp wood ... Lumber, timber, box shooks, staves, and headings Other products of forests Total Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.) transported: Logs, posts, poles, and cordwood Ties Pulp wood Lumber, timber, box shooks, staves, and headings Other products of forests Total Iron, pig and bloom Rails and fastenings Manufactures and Miscellaneous Number of tons. (2,000 lbs.) originated: Refined petroleum and its products Vegetable oils ...... Sugar, sirup, glucose, and molasses Boats and vessel supplies • • Brick and artificial stone Lize and plaster Sewer pipe and drain tile Bar and sheet. iron, structural iron, and iron pipe Other metals, pig, bar, and sheet Castings, machinery, and boilers .………………… Cement.. • Fertilizers (all kinds) Agricultural implements and vehicles other than autos Automobiles and autotrucks Household goods and secondhand furniture …………………. Furniture (new) Beverages Ice .. Iron, pig and bloom Rails and fastenings Paper, printed matter, and books .………………. Chemicals and explosives Textiles..... Janned goods (all canned food products} Other manufactures and miscellaneous Total Grand total, carload traffic ....... Merchandise--All L.C.L. freight Grand total, carload and L.C.L. traffic Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.) transported: Refined petroleum and its products Vegetable oils ...... Bugar, sirup, glucose, and molasses Boats and vessel supplies ·· Bar and sheet iron, structural iron, and iron pipe Other metals, pig, bar, and sheet Castings, machinery, and boilers ..……………………… Cement .... Brick and artificial stone ..…………. Lime and plaster ....... Sewer pipe and drain tile .... Agricultural implements and vehicles other than autos Automobiles and autotrucks Household goods and secondhand furniture Furniture (new) Beverages Ice Fertilizers (all kinds) Paper, printed matter, and books 138,381,617 694,046,911 45.975.523 128,212,638 20,093,404 2,369,899 182,366,388 14,578,989 5,155,442 8,645,206 10,419,241 1,250,245,258 177,536 681,22 5.367,019 53.540,057 2,852,155 115,617,993 54,319,569 12,049,615 9,886,317 140,887,315 5,418,721 222,561,537 36,640,892 969,022 4,890,512 25.375 14,960,059 3,192,189 30,141,260 5,330,110 5,935,900 21,117,931 18,797,657 5,895,497 2,219,839 2,603,070 6,611,544 684,900 882,432 683,859 ,069,857 ,638,928 2,913,205 9,029,591 958,199 3.435,412 77,138,508 267,766,748 1,234,691,666 44,338,556 1,279,030,222 76,204,640 2,479,585 11,914,512 76.0 45.303 24,686,413 6,331,088 59,557,471 11,252,713 12.537.455 42,056,686 30,393,311 11,954,891 3.949,262 5,129,617 16,473,933 1,275,525 2,211,845 1,286,500 5,711,246 11,179,575 8,737,525 Eastern district 134,923,317 447,399,826 37,876,601 51,377,072 3,893,308 359,920 91,578,415 670,332 2,281,608. 4,664,317 2,360,636 777,385,352 3,463,249 1,088,416 1,484,405 7,200,701 1,118,480 14,355,251 214,398 3.332,889 261,436 44,639,139 2,706,218 60,854,080 13,379,196 307,642 2,028,880 19,789 11,909,532 2,296,080 25,858,918 361,813 4,468,905 11,142,848 10,403,029 3,557,688 1,176,728 1,514,260 5,401,781 112,147 388,901 335,765 2,760,803 2,742, 720 2,367 761 5.941,756 513,288 1,634,248 56,477,552 171,105,031 575,716,855 22,175,000 597,891,855 28,547,578 926,852. 4,631,925 31.057 19,635.513 3,545,91€ 45,449,083 8,650,188 8,640,823 24,165,315 17,138,474 7,170,222 2,107,818 2,726,927 10,806,589 237.953 1,074,588 710, 380 294,005 ,485,964 6,915,206 Southern district 325,744 152,467,792 4,478,119 5,488,334 654,568 16,006 33,123.287 646,172 1,241,178 1,015,487 4,523,469 203,980,156 9,325,701 2,748,062 919,266 21,954,713 1,079,315 36,023,057 10,690,760 4,323,768 1,262,409 43.142,375 1,504,399 61,032,711 3,559,885 221,924 724,096 2.713 2,186,471 451 553 1,534,361 108,550 326,771 2,325,214 3,844,833 718,981 333,238 255.224 248,707 105,067 183,274 67,956 467,237 4,038,727 62,231 1,607,755 361,010 159,991 7,465,449 31,361,228 240,824,635 8,813,622 249,638,257 9,843,182 456,220 2,168,549 6,278 2,988,049 1,015,117 3,955,378 483 872 1,180,575 5,300,013 5,704,299 1,567,152 665 604 684 704 1,556,900 190,669 381,190 140,433 493.393 5,543,408 264,934 Western district 3,132,55€ 94,179,293 3,620,803 71,347,232 15.545,528 1,993,973 57,664,686 13,262,485 1,632,656 2,965,402 3,535,136 268,879,750 34,388,586 2,844,748 2.967 348 24,384 643 654,360 65,239,685 37,705,411 4,392,958 4,362,472 53 105,801 1,108,104 100,674,746 811 19,701 439,456 2,137,536 2 873- 864 056 444 556 2,747,981 859,747 1,140,223 7,649 869 4 549 795 1,619,828 709,873 833.586 961,056 467,686 310,257 277,138 1,841,817 857,481 183,213 1,480, 0-70 83.901 1,641,173 13,195,507 65,300, 489 418,150,176 13,349,934 431,500,110 37,813,$80 1,096,513 5,113,938 7.968 2,062,851 1,769,055 10,142,010 2,118,653 2,716,057 12,591,358 7,550,538 3,217,517 1,175,840 1,717,986 4,110,444 846,903 756,065 435,187 1,923,348 1,150,207 1,557,385 7.87 13 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 14 NO HOM+ 1 2. 4 55 h 7 ✡ a 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1112 789 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1978 17 Total freight train. ~~~~ A MAMA 27 19 Total mixed train.. 30 32 35 36 37 # # FREEWW 44 45 46 47 115 49 50 5555555556 oooooooooo REVENUE FREIGHT TONNAGE BY CLASSES OF COMMODITIES--Concluded. Manufactures and Miscellaneous-Concluded, Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.) transported--Continued, Chemicals and explosives.. Textiles.- 64 Canned goods (all canned food products) Other manufactures and miscellaneous. Total..... Grand total, carload traffic. Merchandise--All L. C. L. freight....... Grand total, carload and L.C.L. traffic. Average mileage of road operated.. Freight--ordinary, Freight--light. Passenger. Mixed. Special, 28 Freight train-caboose, STATISTICS OF RAIL-LINE OPERATIONS. Total transportation service. Work service... Total passenger train. Total special.. Train switching. Work service.. SUMMARY No. 1.--RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL, REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923- Concluded. (Does not include lessor companies.) Yard switching-freight. Yard switching-passenger………………. Freight train-louded. Freight train-empty. Total transportation service. • ·· Item. Train-Miles. Work service…….. Locomotive-Miles. ... Freight train-exclusive work equipment Total freight train. Mixed train-freight-loaded,, Hized train-freight--empty...... Mixed train-caboose, .. Passenger train-passenger. Passenger train-sleeping, parlor, and observation. Passenger train--dining,... Passenger train-other.. Total passenger train. Car-Miles, Mixed train-exclusive work equipment. Mixed train--passenger, Mixed train-eleeping, parlor, and observation. Mixed train--dining. Mixed train--other passenger train. Total mixed train.. Total special train...... Total transportation service….. • Passengers carried-revenue. Miscellaneous, Tons--revenue freight.. Tons--nonrevenue freight.. Ton-mLles-revenue freight... Ton-miles-nonrevenue freight. Passenger-miles--revenue... .. Ton-miles--revenue freight--per mile of road,. Ton-miles-revenue freight--per train-mile. Ton-miles--revenue freight--per loaded cer-mile. Passenger-miles-revenue-per. train-xile. Passenger-miles--revenue--per car-mile Miles hauled --revenue freight.. Miles carried--revenue passengers. Revenue per ton of freight...... Revenue per ton-mile of freight. Revenue per passenger... Revenue per passenger-mile.. Total, all districts. 17,838,877 205,325 7,914,637 144,517,871 517,845,804 2,260,015,332 73,585,432 323232323 2,333,600,764 235,185,43 609,960, 601 10,370,032 560,979.720 25,766,700 637,196 1,207,714,249 37,384,812 703,506,554 567.737,510 26,522,784 697,506 55.877.576 319,254,479 22,918,685 1,696,515,094 47,055,646 16,269,192,075 8,470,250,029 627,050,156 52,138,534 25,418,630,794 1,349,349,457 944,159,903 126,127,968 1,155,636,151 3,585,273,479 126,918,545 62,671,051 2,569,013 1,704,306 34,625,038 849,994 610 11,621,495 240,960,052 8,897,365 29,253,751,690 178,846,976 2,333,600,764 276,455,373 412,727,228,422 43,510,651,101 986,916,503 37.957,009,111 1,754,901 643.91 25.17 67.05 16.30 176.86 38.46. $1.97407 $0.01116 $1.16059 $0.03018 Eastern district. 11,366,437 1,245,185 3,889,001 103,376,426 320,770,925 1,255,909,101 39, 203,309 1,295,112,410 58,969,33 241,359,268 5,452,938 230,922,581 4,281,006 278,545 482,294,338 16,895,574 295,058,032 234,594,120 4,409,290 300,551 29,156,161 169,311,586 12,401,058 745,230,798 22,722,294 6,904,674,030 3,543,212,862 251,035,234 4,831,299 10,703,753,425 620,653,017 354,826,290 40,124,469 496,661,235 1,512,295,011 19,478,680 8,531,195 422,630 64,039 5,406,732 6,989 14 3,059,908 37,070,187 3,183,309 12,256,301,932 47,421,858 1,295,112,410 116,859,067 193,987,685,538 14,209,391,113 655,225,051 19,221,805,815 3,289,63 775.60 28.02 82.89 19.60 149.7? 29.34 $1.65358 $0.01104 $0.83410 $0.02343 Southern distriot. 3,250,074 690,531 616,906 15,825,972 64,984,502 366,819,725 14,556,150 381,375,875 43,872.60 124,972,664 1,544 846 96,142,433 4,597,189 527 143,182 227,400,314 7,295,313 136,906,261 98,186,988 4,706,693 148,547 9,013,589 50,015,415 3,178,311 302,155,804 8,845,956 3,034,189,505 1,625,610,125 127,360,287 9,532,643 4,796,692,560 225,206,171 148,155.799 19,612,054 186,334,095 579,308,079 19,185,566 8,811,682 170,161 148,593 7,633,628 59,197 112 2,090,746 38,099,685 1,685,616 5,415,985,940 33,143,240 381,375,875 52,120,030 81,705,349,643 8,270,014,325 114,929,647 5,449,949.941 1,862,332 628.84 26.76 56.00 14.30 214.24 47.42 $2.05384 $0.00959 31.59881 $0.03372 Western district. 3,222,366 269,609 3,408,730 25,315,473 132,090,377. 637,286,506 19,825,973 657,112,479 132,343.50 243,628,669 3,372,248 233.914,706 16;8:8,505 215.469 498,019,597 13.193.925 271,542,261 234,956,402 17,406,801 248,408 17,707,826 99,927,478 7.739.316 649,188,492 15,486,396 6,330,328,540 3,301,427,042 248,654,63, 37,774,592 9,918,184,809 503,460,269 441,177,854 66,391,445 482,640,821 1,493,670,389 88,254,299 45,228,174 1,976,222 1,491,674 21,584,678 783,808 484 5,470,841 165,790,180 3,828,440 11,581,473,818 98,281,878 132713, 657,112,479 107,476,276 137,034,193,241 21,031,245,663 216,751,805 13,285,253,355 1,035,443 525.19 21.35 56.08 13.74 208.54 61.29 $2.55944 $0.01227 $1.91514 $0.03125 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. No. 1 Total number of stockholders. 1 O 2 3 Investment in road and equipment... Improvements on leased railway property Sinking funds..... 4 5 Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold. 6 Kiscellaneous physical property. Investmente in affiliated companier 7 8 | Other investments. .. 23 24 Total investments.. GENERAL BALANCE SHEET. Investments. 10 Cash.. 11 12 Demand loans and deposits Time drafts and deposits 13 Special deposits.. 14 Loans and bills receivable. 15 Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Material and supplies. 16 17 Other current assets....... 18 19 Deferred assets.. ... · • 4 • Total current assets.. 21 20 Discount on capital stock. Discount on funded debt. Other unadjusted debils…... 22 Current Assets. 34 35 36 37 38 Deferred liabilities. SUMMARY No. 2.—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASE I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1523 (Does not include lessor companies.) ·· •• ... Item. Unadjusted Debits. • Total unadjusted debits. Grand total. ... 25 Capital stock...…… 26 Stock liability for conversion. 27 Premium on capital stock.. 28 Total stook………………. 29❘ Grants in aid of construction. Stock. 39 Premium on funded debt.... 40 Operating reserves....... Accrued depreciation. 41 42 Other unadjusted credits. 43 Long-Term Debt. 30 Funded debt unmatured....... 31| Receiver's certificates. • 0 1 • 32 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies.. 33 Total long-term debt....... Loans and bills payable.. Miscellaneous accounts payable Other current liabilities. ·· Current Liabilities .: Total current liabilities. Total unadjusted credits Unadjusted Credits. Corporate Surplus. 44 Additions to property through income and surplus. 45 | Funded debt retired through income and surplus. 46 Sinking fund reserves.......、、、 | 47 Miscellaneous fund reserves….. 48 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested 49 Total appropriated surplus. 50 Profit and loss--balance..... 51 Total corporate surplus………… 52 Expenditures for new lines and extensions, 53 | Expenditures for additions and betterments 54 Credits for property retirad. 55 | Adjustments. 56 Fat charges during year..... 1 .. ·· INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT. 2 57 Stocks actually issued during year--par value.... 58| Funded debt actually issued during year--par value. O • • • Total, all districts. 404 ,808,642 $137,808, 863,464 1,300 427,619 3,124,534 15,792,848 3,031,371 253 173,049,778 7.925,460 116,000 70,428 1,329,290 2,459,875 9,516,930 762,921 482,902 33,663,806 4,207,730 3,087,800 634,867 2,639,057 6,361,724 217,283,038 35,853,900 35,853,900 97,475,000 7,775,585 105,250,585 4,856,063 2,324,319 13,180,135 20,360,517 638,876 44 3 : 838 10,576,326 10,306,876 21,334,557 7,575,254 970,000 1,238,232 125,062 1,586,747 11,495,295 22,349,308 33,844,603 12,114 4,678,464 1,088,660 27.497 3,574,421 240,000 900,000 Eastern district. 99 $89,032, 1,767,493 1,272,580 378,897 3,240,782 2,828,167 98,519,252 A Deficit or other reverse item. 5,412,680 965 2,027,224 6.927.352 3,441 054 4,758,290 22,567,565 379,050 356,542 1,408,083 1,764,625 123,230,492 25,500,000 25,500,000 51,634,600 7,775,585 59,410,185 182,262 1,110,126 9,917,190 11,209.578 615,142 344: 731 5,909,233 4,249,115 10,510,876 6,175,390 1,586,747 7,762,137 8,222,574 15,984,711 12,114 3,220,484 578,876 2.703 2,551,019 240,000 900,000 Southern district. 201 15 Western district. 305 $48,777,309 10,095,971 1,300 155,039 2,745,637 12,552,066 203,204 74,530,526 2,512,780 116,000 70,428 1,328,325 432,651 2,589,578 2,321,867 1,724,612 11,096,241 3,828,680 3,087,800 278,325 1,230,974 4,597,099 94,052,546 10,353,900 10,353,900 45,840,400 45,840,400 4,673,801 1,214,193 3,262,945 9,150,939 23,734 98,827 4,667,093 6,057,761 10,823,681 1,399,864 970,000 1,238,232 125,062 3.733,158 14,126,734 17,859,892 1,457,980 509,784 24,794 923,402 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. 16 No. C 3 1 Railway operating revenues……………. 2 Railway operating expenses..、、、、、 (3) the C 4 5 6 • 10 2222222223223 11 12 7 Revenues from miscellaneous operations. 8 Expenses of miscellaneous operations... 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 32 33 30 31 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Rent from passenger-train cars.... Rent from floating equipment. • • Rent from work equipment. • Joint facility rent income.... Income from lease of road. Miscellaneous rent income.... Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property Separately operated properties--profit.. Dividend income..... Income from funded securities...... Income from unfunded securities and accounts………. 26 27 Income from sinking and other reserve funds. Release of premiums on funded debt..... Contributions from other companies... 28 29 | Miscellaneous income...... 50 51 52 53 54 55 $6 57 58 59 60 61 €2 63 32 33 34 35 Rent for floating equipment. 36 Rent for work equipment.... Joint facility rents....... Rent for leased roads. Miscellaneous rents..... Miscellaneous tax accruals..... €4 65 66 70 122 * 74 75 76 ww Net revenue from railway operations. Railway tax accruals...... Uncollectible railway revenues.... Railway operating income. 80 81 Net revenue from miscellaneous operations. Taxes on miscellaneous operating property. Miscellaneous operating income.... Total operating income... Hire of freight cars--credit balance. Rent from locomotives... SUMMARY No. 2.---RECA PITULATION OF SELECTEI: ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923-Continued. (Does not include lessor companies.) INCOME ACCOUNT. Item. • Total nonoperating income.. Gross income · • • ... Hire of freight cars--debit balance.... Rent for locomotives. Rent for passenger-train cara….. • Unrefundable overcharges Donations. ... Miscellaneous credite.. - • Separately operated properties--1088. Interest on funded debt...... Interest on unfunded debt... • Amortization of discount on funded debt.. Maintenance of investment organization... Income transferred to other companies... Miscellaneous income charges.. Total deductions from gross income. Net income..... Credit balance transferred from income Profit on road and equipment sold.. Delayed income credits……. Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income.... Total credits during year..... O Total debits during year.... $ Net increase during year. Balance at beginning of year. Balance at end of year.... • • ••• • • Income appropriated for investment in physical property. Stock discount extinguished through income. Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total appropriations of income...... Income balance transferred to profit and loss.. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. ? • Stock discount extinguished through surplus Debt discount extinguished through surplus Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus. Loss on retired road and equipment.... 71 72 | Delayed income debits........ Miscellaneous debits.... 73 • . • AA Debit balance transferred from income.... Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of surplus…... • • 67 | Surplus arpropriated for investment in physical property 68 69 • • · • • • .. .. • • • .78 Dividends declared during year.. 79 Par value on which declared--common....... Par value on which declared--preferred.. Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, rer cent. • .. C • • • ·· + ·· •. *** .. + • · # Total, all dietricts. $66,737,117 47,698,024 19,039,093 ,320,809 139,358 14,578,926 144,161 126, 701 17,460 396 17,064 14,595,990 1,340,598 686,127 231 12,500 96,564 4,797,703 545.333 593,171 58,603 d 109,311 320,944 120,487 1,050 100,739 21.408 8,762,053 23,358,043 2,325,515 761,956 220 *45,890 1,972,049 5.361,525 766,434 30,284 4,565,175 15,617 22,751 *299,874 15,897,290 7,460,753 212,691 376,179 134,989 230,830 954,689 6,506,064 6,510,051 23,859 16 157,327 67,293 173,178 6,931,724 3,987 1,890 1,000,000 104,287 53,125 214,973 479,518 1,857,780 5,073,944 17,275,364 22,349,308 1,376,179 11,246,600 12.24 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district. $45,055.367 32,996,123 12,059,244 2,351,856 811 d 9,708,199 144,161 126,701 17,460 396 17,064 9,725,263 1,208, 677 231,140 9 12,500 70,102 1,272,741 500 135.419 451 234 *94,006 231,539 4,353 1,050 100,739 å 37.572 3,827,907 13,553,170 2,172.606 489,470 47099 67 *45,886 730,502 2,500,012 336,208 8,104 2,452,084 2,420 12,943 *14,470 8,764,772 4,788,398 178232; 4,496 173,583 62,412 230,830 471,321 4,317,077 4,321,064 4,242 16 59,870 12,092 51,658 4,448,942 3.987 1,000,000 55.795 15,625 68,566 382,853 1,526,826 2,922,116 5,300,453 8,222,574 1,173,583 8,120,000 **14.45 Southern district. Western district. $21,681,750 14,701,901 6,979,849 1,968,953 140,169 4,870,727 *** *** 4,870,727 131,921 454,987 222 *26,562 3,524,962 44,580 457,752 56,152 15,305 89,405 116,134 *15,164 4,934,146 9,804,873 152,909 272,486 153 1,241,547 2,861,513 430,226 22,180 2,113,091 13,197 9,808 *15,404 7,132,518 2,672,355 208,195 202,596 72,577 483,368 2,188,987 2,188,987 19,617 97,457 55,201 121,520 2,482,782 "'i,890 *48,492 37,500 146,407 *96,665 330,954 2,151,828 11,974,906 .14,126,734 202,596 3,126,600 6.48 NC 1 Freight.. Passenger. 223 4 5 Parlor and chair car. 6 Mail.. 7 8 Other passenger-train 9 Xilk..... 10 | Switching 11 Special service train…….. ... Excess baggage. Sleeping car... • 17 18| Freight. 19 20 21 22| Mail.. 23 24 25 41 42 43 Express.... 12 Other freight-train. 13 Water transfers--freight. 14 Water transfers--passenger. • 15 Water transfers--vehicles and live stock. 16 Water transfers--other...... 44 48 49 .. Passenger. 69 70 ·· 26 27 Dining and buffet.... 28 Hotel and restaurant. Express. Special service………. Other. Total rail-line transportation revenue. Excess baggage. Other passenger service.. + • 29| Station, train, and boat privileges 30 Parcel room………. 31 32 RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES. • • Total water-line transportation revenue. Storage--freight........ Storage--baggage...... 33 34 35 Grain elevator 36| Stockyard...... 37| Power. 38 Rents of buildings and other property Miscellaneous. 39 40 Total incidental operating revenue.. Demurrage. Telegraph and telephone. Superintendence. Joint facility--Cr.... Joint facility--Dr. • • Ties--yard. Ties--other • • 45 46 Roadway maintenance--yard.. 47 Roadway maintenance--other、、 • .. STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. SUMMARY No. 2.--RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1925 Continueri. (Does not include lesser companies.) Rails--yard…....... Rails--other.. Total joint facility operating revenue... Total railway operating revenues.... Roadway--depreciation--yard Roadway--depreciation--other. RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES. Maintenance of Way and Structures. 77 78 Ballast--yard…...………. 50 Underground power tubes--yard……………………… 51 Underground power tubes--other. 52 53 Underground power tubes--depreciation--vard. Underground power tubes--depreciation--other. Tunnels and subways--yard…………………… 54 55 | Tunnels and subways--other. 56 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard. 57 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other... 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverte--yard…………………… 59 | Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other. ·· Ties--depreciation--yard.. Ties--depreciation--other. Item. • • • • .. €4 Elevated structures--depreciation--yard,. 55 Elevated structures--depreciation--other. 66 67 68 ·· 60 | Bridges, treatles, and culverts--depreciation--yard. Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other- 61 62 Elevated structures--yard. 63 Elevated structures--other. · .. • 71 72 | Rails--depreciation--yard. 73 Rails--depreciation--other……………. 74 Other track material--yard……………. .... ·· | 79 | Sallast--other. 80 | Ballast--depreciation--yard Ballast--depreciation--other. 81 82 Track laying and surfacing--yerd. Track laying and surfacing--other. ... 83 84 | Right-of-way fences--yard…………. 25 Right-of-way fences--other.... • • .. G 75 Other track material--other……. 76 Other track material--depreciation--yard. Other track material--depreciation--other... ·· ... ···· .. ·· Total, all districts. $1,678,824 31,700 153 3,672 60,821,742 27.305 6,991 27 889 62,571,276 8i,547 156,822 91,990 30,849 28,657 1,496,184 156,472 109, 4,104 185,143 2,184,356 4,505,550 372 340,081 ₫ 339.709 66,737,117 469,231 676,550 4,642 494 **9,231 22,784 429,612 922 396,979 *22,977 *35,250 1,153,494 151 14, 222 1,180 362,096 3,788 2,391 803, 189 941 2,280 85, 2,004,504 20,530 6,348 23 ₫ Defioit or other reverse item. Eastern district. $1,391,736 41,707,891 27,305 585 889 43,128,406 *&; 63,547 14,545 27,861 4.075 1,103,469 ₫ 109,426 4,104 37.770 561,186 1,930,664 372 4,075 3.703 45,055,367 277,999 402,951 **i,494 **3,694 i88,176 695 721,920 **i,180 248,445 2,391 473.572 **2,230 31,534 68 1,270,435 5,135 Southern district. 17 Western district. $287,088 31,700 153 3,672 19,113,851 *8,406 19,442,870 150,141 77.44.5 2 988 24.582 392,715 156,472 147,373 1,623,170 2,574,886 336,006 d 336.006 21,681,750 2 191,232 273.599 642 5.537 22,784 261,436 922 396,284 22,977 35² 50 • 42313413 431:574 14,222 113.650 3,788 329,617 53.581 786 734,069 20,530 1,213 23 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. 18 No. (9 km Cal D3 bat 1 Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard. Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other, Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other...... Snow and sand fences and anowsheds--depreciation--yard 6 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--other. 7 Crossings and signs--yard………、、、、、、、、…………………… 8 Crossings and signs--other. 9 2 3 4 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 332 9 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued. Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded. €5 SUMMARY No. 2.- -RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923--Continued. (Does not include lessor companies.) 56 Item. 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard. Crossings and signs--depreciation--other Station and office buildings Station and office buildings--depreciation. Roadway buildings..... Roadway buildings--depreciation.. Water stationa Water stations--depreciation... Fuel stations.....、、、 Fuel stations--depreciation...……… ... .. Shops and enginehouses.. Shops and enginehouses--depreciation Grain elevators...... Grain elevators--depreciation Storage warehouses. Storage warehouses--depreciation.... Wharves and docks... Wharves and docks--depreciation..... 49 50 51 32 53 54 55 56 57 Assessments for public improvements.. 58 Injuries to persons . . . . . . . . 59 60 61 Paving--depreciation. • Power plant buildings--depreciation........ Power substation buildings....、、、、 Power substation buildings--depreciation. 41 Power transmission systems. Insurance..... Stationery and printing Other expenses. Coal and ore wharves…. Coal and ore wharves--depreciation Gas producing plants....... Gas producing plants--depreciation………. Telegraph and telephone lines.、、、、、、、、、 Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation... Signals and interlockers.. Signals and interlockers--depreciation.. 42 Power transmission systems--depreciation 43 Power distribution systems.... 44 Power distribution systems--depreciation..... 45 Power line poles and fixtures..... 46 Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation.. 47 Underground conduits.. 48 Underground conduits--depreciation……………………. Miscellaneous structures. Kiscellaneous structures--depreciation. Paving...... Roadway machines.....……………… Poadway machines--depreciation • Small tools and supplies... Removing snow, ice, and sand.. Power plant dam, canals, and pipe lines.... Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation. Power plant buildings……. • • .. .. 75 Steam locomotives--depreciation 76 Steam locomotives--retirements. 77 78 Other locomotives--repairs……………… Other locomotives--depreciation.. Other locomotives--retirements.. 79 80 | Freight-train cars--repairs. 81 • Freight-train cars--depreciation. ·· • 62 Total, above accounts.. 63 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr. Equalization--way and structures…………. Total maintenance of way and structures.. Maintenance of Equipment. ❤❤ ·· Superintendence..... Shop machinery...... Shop machinery--depreciation Power plant machinery............ Power plant machinery--depreciation........ Power substation apparatus . . . . . . . Power substation apparatus--depreciation... Steam locomotives--repairs.. • 44 ·· ·· Total, all distrieta, • $185 106,929 446 13,891 317,772 113,216 36,586 3,981 67,383 5.599 47.725 8,608 247,273 36,723 17,249 31,354 6,128 16,294 123.733 94,115 62,832 16,320 45,674 292,633 12,879 13, 014 483 144 381 5,996 23,218 1,614 } 5,640 873 6,283 16,658 91,820 444,717 2,120 49,711 115,734 14,278 10,760 77313141 8,663,603 871,538 2,048,989 7,486,152 401,763 193,446 28,085 83,132 24,470 2,161 292 5,533.905 528,776 6,066 1,978 1,975,252 386,295 Eastern district. **$185 64,466 528 118.971 10,386 23,839 186 38,374 1,361 23,177 929 96,095 7.747 2,297 3,213 20,919 15,180 62,832 16,320 40,625 122,332 31 4,866 35 • 430 331 950 5,378 968 12,889 49,828 33,363 886 27.021 27,892 8,900 4,025 4,459,725 717,068 1,077,017 4,099,776 278,829 133.101 8,448 9,192 3종 ​2,161 4,138,391 327,882 18,152 1,978 1,824,298 376,411 d Deficit or other reverse item. Southern district. • # • • · • • • • • d Western district. • $42,463 446 13,363 198,801 102,830 12,747 3.795 29,009 4,238 24,548 7.679 151,178 28,976 17,249 31,354 3,831 13,081 102,814 78,935 5,049 170,301 12,848 8.148 4 483 109 381 5,566 22.88 ,887 664 262 1,873 5,315 3.769 41,992 11,354 1,234 22,690 82.842 5.378 6,735 4,203,878 154,470 971,972 3,386,376 122,934 60,345 19,637 73.940 24,470 292 1,395,514 200,894 12.086 150,954 9,884 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. No.l 1234 2-2 Freight-train cars--retiremente.. Passenger-train cars--repairs... Passenger-train cars--depreciation. Passenger-train cara--retirements..... Motor equipment of cars--repairs.. 6 | Motor equipment of cars--depreciation. • 7 Motor equipment of cars--retirements. Floating equipment--repairs..... 8 10 9 Floating equipment--depreciation.... Floating equipment--retirements.. Work equipment--repairs.. 11 12 Work equipment--depreciation....….. Work equipment--retirements 13 14 15 16 3 5 17 18 19 22 2 2 2 2 20 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 43 49 23 22 | Haintaining joint equipment at terminals--Dr. Maintaining joint equipment at terminals--Cr. Equalization--equipment. RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued. Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded. Miscellaneous equipment--repairs.. Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation.. Miscellaneous equipment--retirements. Injuries to persons 、、、、、、、. Insurance…………….. Stationery and printing Other expenses.. Total.... • Total traffic.. Total maintenance of equipment. · Yard enginemen.. Yard motormen.... • • Superintendence.. Outside agencies Advertising. Traffic associations ... • • Fast freight lines. Industrial and immigration bureaus. • ** Insurance.、 Stationery and printing Other expenses... • • • 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Fuel for yard locomotives. + • • • • ·· • 36 Superintendence. 37 Dispatching traing 38❘ Station employees. Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus Coal and ore wharves. • · Station supplies and expenses... Yardmasters and vard clerks.. SUMMARY No. 2 -RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1973 Continued. (Does not include lessor companies.) 50 51 52 53 54 55 Train enginemen...、、 Train motormen.... 56 57 Fuel for train locomotives 53 | Train power produced. Train power purchased. 59 50 51 62 63 64 $5 56 $7 $8 59 70 71 Yard conductors and brakemen. Yard switch and signal tenders. Enginehouse expenses--yard. Yard-supplies and expenses. ... ··· • Express service.. Stationery and printing. Other expenses... 12 73 74 75 Insurance..... 75 Clearing wrecks 77 Damage to property..... Item. Transportation--Rail Line. · 78 79 Loss and damage--freight.. 80 Loss and damage--baggage. · • ... Yard switching power produced. Yard switching power purchased Water for yard locomotives... Lubricants for yard locomotives Other supplies for yard locomotives. • • · ··· > Traffic. • • → .. .. • • • • • • ·· Water for train locomotives... Lubricants for train locomotives. Other supplies for train locomotives. Enginehouse expenses--train. Trainmen. . . . . Train supplies and expenses..... Operating sleeping cars... Signal and interlocker operation. Crossing protection....... Drawbridge operation. Telegraph and telephone operation. Operating floating equipment. • • • • • ● • • • Damage to live stock on right of way. • • • • • • . : • • • ·· · 2 ► ► Total, all districts. $23,197 13,807 2,447 2,054 164 51.665 34,719 28,603 175,284 48,628 5,245 8,432 W LON 508 399 90,187 81,682 28,554 2,001 9.777,803 26,772 318,236 9,486,338 100,996 30,172 11,715 6,291 7,876 13 19,128 1,772 177,962 1,179,798 216,950 4,770,534 22,503 82,297 418,628 2,142,640 7,660,010 723,196 5,396,336 6,169,178 1,074 305,316 91,683 142,413 1,347,179 267,828 21,611 30,901 5,896 511 489 73,655 28,863 116,611 236,766 315,756 19,590 104,963 176,374 254,680 265.779 1 72,567 177,305 78,898 73 373,053 3,257 d Deficit or other reverse item. d Eastern district. $39,099 732 285 2,467 164 1,555 34,739 28,603 124,427 31,793 570 2,744 1,707 514 64,455 65,860 20,272 2,085 7,592,864 26,771 124,565 7,495,070 64,361 30,171 5,652 792 4,607 13 14,835 1,702 125,133 789,475 112,275 1,803,890 22,228 82,297 202,038 1,404,668 5,320,011 383,232 3,750,538 4,674,993 .. 1,074 213,439 62,638 100,734 1,006,011 180,072 8,506 3,690 65,648 112,849 119,244 194,388 15,852 51,871 176,374 139,839 241,551 52,416 101.781 51,236 48 273,542 53 Southern district. .. Testern district. 19 $15.902 13,075 2,162 413 ENGISI ONO · 50,857 16,835 6,901 385 Boa 25,732 12.828 8,282 5,916 2,184,939 *** 193,671 1,991,268 36.635 5,923 639 3,269 4,293 70 52,829 390,323 104,675 2,965,644 275 216,590 737,972 2,339,999 339,964 1,645,798 1,494,185 91,877 29,045 41,679 341,168 87,756 21,611 22,395 2,206 511 489 8,007 28,863 3,762 117,522 121,378 3.738 53,092 114,841 24,228 20,151 75,524 27,662 25 99,511 3.310 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. 80 Nod 10 222229 2 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 11 | Dining and buffet service 12❘ Hotels and restaurants. 13 14 Grain elevators. Stock yards……… 7 Operation of vessels. 8 30 ☺ 1 Injuries to persons.. 2 Operating joint yards and terminals--Dr... 3 | Operating joint yards and terminals--Cr... 4 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr.. Operating joint tracks and facilities--Cr. 5 6 Total transportation--rail line………….. 33 25 26| Valuation expenses 27 Other expenses. 28 34 35 36 37 38 39 ся ся ся ся 46 53 General joint facilities--Dr... 29 General joint facilities--Cr. 54 4567 55 56 Total general expenses..... 31 Transportation for investment--Cr... 32 Total railway operating expenses.. Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) Separation Between Services. 888888 57 58 59 Operation of terminals.... Incidental. 60 40 Kiles of road.... 41 Miles of second main track. 42 Miles of third main track. 43 44 45 61 62 63 64 65 56 67 95 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Concluded. Transportation--Rail Line--Concluded. Total transportation--water line……….. Producing power sold……….. Other miscellaneous operations... Total miscellaneous operations.. Relief department expenses.. Pensions..... Stationery and printing…………. Hiles of road. 47 48 Miles of second main track. 49 | Miles of third main track. 50 51 52 Salaries and expenses of general officers. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. General office supplies and expenses.... Law expenses..... Insurance........ Transportation--Water Line. • BUMMARY No. 2.--RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923 Continged. (Does not include lessor companies.) Miscellaneous Operations. Coal cars.. Tank cars. Related solely to freight service. ... Related solely to passenger and allied services.. Related in common to both freight and passenger and allied services: Apportioned to freight service..... Apportioned to passenger and allied services.. Not related to either freight service or to passenger and allied services... Total. Item. Total. Miles of fourth main track... Miles of all other main tracks.... Miles of yard track and sidings. Total, all tracks.... • ·· Total, all tracks....... ·· .... Miles of fourth mair track……. Miles of all other main tracks.. Miles of yard track and sidings. MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1923. .. Number at close of year: Box cara- Flat cars.. Stock cars. General. Steam locomotives: Number at close of year... Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year.. Number retired during year.... Other locomotives: Fumber at close of year..... Number installed during year... Number retired during year....…… MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1923. • • ... Refrigerator cars Other freight-carrying cars. EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE. • Freight-carrying Cars. ... Z Total, all district3. $683,111 223,866 4,946 46.113 263 274 464,474 29,054,835 57,765 99,902 7,108 45,415 210,190 364,222 606,649 91,677 163,051 2,176 2,724 18.680 63,415 61,851 66,991 25,595 151,921 1,315,110 32,563 47,698,024 71.47 44. 5,430 2,677,430 656,853 48,311 47,698,024 415.66 253.78 2.22 1.01 1/1,804.59 2,477.26 202.52 114.08 2.22 1.01 2/ 766.16 1,085.99 1,352 125 હ 7,481 5 1 590 9,562 Eastern district. Includes 58.83 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 29.24 miles of industrial tracks. $476,729 204,940 1.868,299 $196,072 307,710 20,420,127 57.765 7,108 3,655 68,528 183,667 422,336 61,043 78,766 1,364 2,724 9,071 40,022 39.866 20,455 7,988 47,250 820,052 32,563 32,996,123 73.23 32,996,123 32,996,123 308.20 197.88 2.22 1.01 1/ 1,190.91 1,700.22 818 31,519,529 24,157,678 165.36 94.87 2.22 1.01 2/ 528.21 791.67 • 364 95 7,123 590 8,177 Southern district. • ⠀⠀⠀⠀ • · • • Western district. $206,382 18,926 3,077,814 67,202 156,764 8,634,708 p 99,902 41,760 141,662 padd 180,555 184,313 30,634 84,285 812 9,609 23,393 21,985 46.536 17,607 104,671 495,058 14,701,901 67.81 11.319.30 656,853 48,311 14,701,901 107.46 55.90 613.68 777.04 37.16 19.21 237.95 294.32 295 10,362,900 8 14 988 30 8 M. 358 1 1,385 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. No. 1234 IN KO 10 11 12 i 13 14 15 16 8 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 222 24 25 26 27 34 35 36 333 333 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 51 62 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded. Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded. 63 Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars. Flat cars.. Stock cars... Coal cars Tank cars.. Refrigerator cars... Other freight-carrying cars. • • Total.... • · Total. 28 Number at close of year..... 29 Number installed during year 30 Number retired during year... Fumber installed during year: Box cars. Flat cars.. Stock cars. Coal care Tank cars. Refrigerator cars.、、、 Other freight-carrying cars. Total.... Number retired during year: Box cars.. Flat cars → • ·· U 31 Number of units at close of year. 32 Number of units installed during year.... Number of units retired during year...... 33 TIES LAID DURING YEAR. Stock cars Coal cars.. Tank cars.. Refrigerator cars... Other freight-carrying cars. • • ... 46 Average number Compensation: 47 48 49 SUMMARY No. 2. — RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLAES I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923—4'oncluded. (Does not include lessor companies.) • All Classes of Passenger-train Cars. Item. Fumber at close of year..... Number installed during year..………… Number retired during year. All Classes of Company Service Cars. .. Service hours: • In replacement and bettermenta: Number of cross ties..... Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges... • • Floating Equipment. In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of cross ties... Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties Total charges. • In replacement and betterments: Number of tons (2,240 lbs.).. Total charges.. Straight time paid for. Overtime paid for... Total.... RAILS LAID DURING YEAR. Straight time paid for Overtime paid for.. Total..... Service days: In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks. Kiles of yard tracks and sidings. Number of tons (2,240 lbs.).. Total charges EXPLOYEES. • Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service... In passenger service.... In mixed-train service... In special service........ In yard-switching service In work service....... Grand total, all services.. • • • · Straight time paid for. Overtime paid for... Total.... Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses. CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY LOCOMOTIVES. • Total, all districts. 41,140 4,065 240 377,600 142 30 29,140 452,357 1,261 "4 39 1,305 19 WH && 32 375 109 538 28 477 42 YU 20 2 1 584,828 5,592,589 $1,225,676 94,284 726,795 $182,406 25,201 $949,645 .31 37.24 4.842 $166,258 22,097 $36,397,625 $2,543,001 $38,993,514 52,078,289 3,298,140 55,449,287 557 557,005 9,210 568,079 $34,736,900 ,038 2,092 1,685,243 1,708,602 ป lal Eastern district. 11,520 3,025 363,080 142 29,140 406,907 301 "i 39 345 ୨ 21 276 100 406 inom 5 295 10 20 2 1 357,039 3,253,849 $784,013 Z Dees not include data for 11,551 linear feet of steel ties. Does not include data for 6,351 linear feet of steel ties. 25252525252 66,654 453.532 $133,033 16,100 $589,023 .31 28.23 3,505 $119,728 12,664 $21,769,702 $ 1,837,065 $23,628,202 30,133,584 2,402,958 32,558,859 311,083 930 313.378 $22,321,189 1,236,063 3,782 1,239,845 Southern district. • :: • • 21 Western district. 29,620 1,040 240 14,520 30 45,450 960 960 10 11 99 9 132 23 182 42 16 227.789 2,338,740 $41,663 27,620 263,264 $ 49.373 9.101 $360,622 9.01 1,337 $46,530 9.433 $14,627,923 $705,936 $15,365,312 21,944,705 895,182 22,890,428 245,922 6.750 254,701 $12,415,711 5,038 2,092 449,180 12,647 458,957 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. 22 Kind of mileage: Steam road. Electric line. Steamboat line. Stage line.. Miscellaneous lines. Total mileage.. State or Territory: Alabama.. Arizona. Arkansas... California. Colorado. Connecticut.. Delaware.. District of Columbia. Florida.. Georgia.. Idaho..... Illinois... Indiana.. .Iowa.. Kanzas.. Kentucky Louisiana.. Maine...... Maryland.. Massachusetts. Nichigan Minnesota. .. Mississippi. Missouri.. Montana.. Nebraska..... Nevada.. New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico.... New York.. North Carolina North Dakota.. Ohic.... Oklahoma. Oregon... Pennsylvanis · Tennessee. Texas. Utah.. • Wisconsin. Wyoming. Alaska.. Hawaii.. Canada... ❤ • I. II. III. Rhode Island.. South Carolina. South Dakota... ··· • Vermont.... Virginia.. Washington.. West Virginia. • .. • Land.. Buildings Equipment: Cars.. Horses... Mexico.. Mileage not assignable 1/. .. • ·· Automobiles • • • • SUMMARY No. 3.—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923. Item Item Wagons and sleighs.. Harness and equipment. Office furniture and equipment Office safes.... Trucks..... Stable equipment Garage equipment. Line equipment Shop equipment Miscellaneous equipment Total equipment Total real property and equipment MILEAGE COVERED BY OPERATIONS. ·· Total 233,522.30 3,183.53 36,153.87 703.92 97.40 273,661.02 4.536.72 2,126.63 4,515.09 8.777.42 4.536.48 1,009.99 326.90 42.45 4.714.59 6.683.20 2,787.11 11,289.49 6,824.54 10,303.56 9,282.52 3.512.59 4,356.08 2,067.26 7,020.15 2,066.17 7.744.59 8,214.14 3.923.98 7,865.14 4,736.53 6,159.06 2,081.84 1,202.86 2,111.41 2,815.76 8,228.94 4,572.83 5,243.58 8,990.32 6,388.06 3.257.20 9,194.71 213.50 3.590.00 4,182.07 3,557.12 15,443.86 2,164.53 940.47 5,266.18 6,095.20 2,680.24 6,850.18 1,856.37 3,817.30 351.30 2,785.88 94.23 28,262.00 Total $4,729,809 10,870,323 916,521 2,340,583 12,103,190 2,273,331 425,837 3,164,548 451,280 2,095,467 American Railway Express Co. 25,327 307,633 609,385 207,875 725.363 25,646,340 41,246,472 223,552.88 3,025.61 35,645.87 703.92 262,928.28 2.931.37 2,126.63 4.515.09 8,777.42 4.536.48 1,009.99 290.90 38.30 4,404.44 5.384.10 2.787.11 10,970.63 6,473.31 10.303.56 9,282.52 128.28 4,315.50 2,067.26 2,779.28 2,066.17 7.744.59 8,214.14 3,126.49 7.863.14 4.736.53 6,159.06 2,081.84 1,202.86 2,111.41 2,815.76 8,228.94 3.075.26 5.243.58 8.989.24 6,388.06 3,257.90 9.137.01 213.50 2.327.30 4,182.07 2,264.40 15,443.86 2.164.53 940.47 4,035.30 6,095.20 2,680.24 6,850.18 1,856.37 3,817.30 351.30 2,785.88 94.23 28.262.00 1/ Covers miscellaneous unassigned mileage, such as transoceanic, coastwise, river, and lake not within the boundaries of any State or Territory. COST OF REAL PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT American Railway Express Cc. $4,718,727 10,646,582 916,521 2,304,526 11,421,838 2,219,109 413,221 3,081,186 426,733 2,028,769 25,157 300,000 596,233 207.875 725,363 Southeastern Express Co. 24,673,531 40,038,840 9.969.42 157.92 508.00 *97.40 10,732.74 1,605.35 36.00 4.15 310.15 1,299.10 318.86 351.23 *** 384.31 40.58 240.87 797.49 2.00 1,497.57 **1.08 57.70 1,262.70 ... 1,292.72 1,230.88 Southeastern Express Co. $11,082 223,741 36,057 681,352 54,222 12,616 83.362 24,547 66,698 170 633 13,152 972,609 1,207,632 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. Cars: Total equipment, inventory value. Fumber..... Inventory value.. Horses: Number... Inventory value.. Automobiles: Gasoline- Fumber... Inventory value.. Electric- Fumber...、 Inventory value... Wagons and sleighs: Wagens, double- Furber Inventory value Wagons, single- Fumber.... Inventory value. Sleighs- · Number •↑.. Inventory value.. Buggies- Fumber... Inventory value. Harness equipment: Office safes: Inventory value.... office furniture and equipment: Inventory value. Humber... Inventory value. Trucks: Kumber... Inventory value... Inventory value.. Inventory value, Safes, messenger- .. Stable equipment: Carage equipment: Line equipment: Safes, car- Humber... Inventory value. • 11 Humber.... Inventory value Trunks, packing- Number Inventory value..... Other line equipment- Inventory value.. Shop equipment: 1. Transportation: ·· Inventory value... Miscellaneous equipment: Inventory value. 1/ Includes $163,060, inventory value of 120 automobile trailers. Express, domestic. Express, foreign. Kiscellaneous....... • SUMMARY No. 3.—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED RY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923- Continued. INVESTORY VALUE OF EQUIPEEFT OVRED. ... Total transportation... II. Contract payments: Express privileges--Dr.. Item. Account. Revenue from transportation.. III. Operations other than transportation: Customs brokerage fees... Order and commission...... Rente of buildings and other property Money orders...... C.O.D. checks. Travelers' cheques Telegraph and cable transfers. Letters of credit..... Foreign postal remittancee. Profit on exchange and other financial revenue. Miscellaneous... ... Total other than transportation... Total operating revenues…. Total. 1/ $15,422,769 ANALYSIS OF OPERATING REVENUES. 254 $605,654 12,500 $797,118 3,518 $4,880,625 1,461 $2,773,966 4,789 $957,224 6,072 $350,722 2,387 $59,126 58 $1,566 $179,240 $1,737,210 15,072 $314,694 62,233 $1,115,846 $12,943 $242,048 2,490 $170,113 14,712 $91,907 21,553 $61,145 52525252525 $65,928 $141,323 $721,311 Total. $317,441,695 3.632 317,445,327 159,613,226 157,832,101 213.111 4,971 228,094 7,578 2.539,939 ... 5.943 708,954 3,708,590 161,540,631 American Rail- way Express Co. 1/ $14,731,594 254 $605,654 12,312 $775,893 3.367 $4,489,378 1,430 $2,681,318 4.763 $945,663 5.383 $321,328 2,387 $59,126 58 $1,566 $169,366 $1,666,005 14,576 $291,874 60,422 $1,064,575 $12,815 $241,703 2,385 $164,385 14,398 $90,739 20,940. $58.591 $64,921 $141,323 $721,311 American Rail- way Express Co. $309.575,844 3,630 309,579,474 155,736,204 153,843,270 22 213,061 4,965 225.500 2,442,065 5.943 708,954 3,600,491 157,443,751 Southeastern Express Co. $711,175 188 $21,225 151 $391,247 31 $92,643 25 $10,561 189 $29.394 $9.874 $71,205 496 $22,820 1,811 $51,271 $128 $345 105 $5.728 314 $1,168 613 $2,554 $1,007 : Southeastern Express Co. $7,865,851 7,865,853 3,877,022 3,988,831 ર ·· £,594 7.578 97,874 *** 50 3 23 103,099 4,096,930 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. 24 1928- SUMMARY No. 3.—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS KENDERED SY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, Continued. Operating income: Charges for transportation..... Express privileges--Dx. ·· Revenue from transportation.. Revenue from operations other than transportation. Total operating revenues...... Operating expenses.. Net operating reveme………. Item. Operating income.... Uncollectible reveme from transportation. Express taxes... Other income: Rent from real property and equipment used jointly. Miscellaneous rent income...... Net income from miscellaneous physical property. Separately operated properties--profit. Dividend income.... Income from funded securities... Income from unfunded securities and accounts..... Income from sinking and other reserve funds. Release of premiums on funded debt... Contributions from other companies……………………. Miscellaneous income.. Total other income.. Gross income.... Deductions from gross income: Rent for real property and equipment used jointly. Miscellaneous rents.......... Miscellaneous taxes . . . . . . . . . Net loss on miscellaneous physical property. Separately operated properties--loss.. Interest on funded debt.. Interest on unfunded debt... Amortization of discount on funded debt. Income transferred to other companies. Miscellaneous income debits... Total deductions from gross income. Net income.... Disposition of net income: Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds.. Dividend appropriations of income...... Item. ·· Income appropriations for investment in physical property. Stock discount extinguished through income..... Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total appropriations....... Balance transferred to profit and loss.. Credit balance at beginning of year. • Credit balance transferred from income.. Profit on real property and equipment sold. Delayed income credits..... Unrefundable overcharges..... Miscellaneous credits.. Total credits....... • Debit balance at beginning of year………………. Debit balance transferred from income. £urplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of surplus…. Surplus set aside for investment in physical property. Stock discount extinguished through surplus…... .. Debt discount extinguished through surplus.. Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus. Loss on land sold.. Delayed income debits..... Miscellaneous debits... Total debito. Balance carried forward to credit of balance sheet. • .. INCOME ACCOUNT, 3. Total. $317,445,327 159,613,226 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. 157,832, 101 3,708,590 161,540,691 158,354,421 3,186,270 26,537 2,226,560 933,173 847 459,595 861,780 552,591 1,874,813 2,807,986 1.371 11,581 187,940 24,500 225,392 2,582,594 2,148,520 2,148,520 434,074 Total. $1,742,528 434,074 225,174 1,172 22,131 2,425,079 .. • ♪ 26.748 26,748 2,398,331 American Rail- way Express Co. $309,579,474 155,756,204 153,843.270 153 3.600,491 157.443,761 154,446,244 2,997,517 25,284 2,138,362 833,871 847 459,595 861,780 529,068 1,851,290 2,685,161 1,371 11,581 187,940 24,500 225.392 2,459,769 ... 2,078,520 2,078,520 381,249 American Rail- way Express Co. $1,742,528 381,249 225,153 1,172 22,131 2,372,233 • •• • • 26.748 25;748 2,345,485 Southeastern Express Co. $7.865,853 3,877,022 3,988,831 108,099 4,096,930 3.908,177 188,753 1,253 88.198 99,302 ... 23,523 23,523 122,825 122,825 70,000 70,000 52,825 Southeastern Express Co. $52,825 21 52,846 ·· ... • › M 52,46 • STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. Total operating expenses.. I. Maintenance: : 1. Superintendence--maintenance. 2. Buildings and appurtenances--repairs. 6. Cars--depreciation....... 7. Cars--retirements....... 3. Buildings and appurtenances--depreciation. 4. Buildings and appurtenances--retirements. 5. Cars--repairs....…………………… 8. Horses--depreciation.... 9. Horses--retirements...... SUMMARY No. 8.—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923– Continued. 10. Automobiles--repairs... 11. Automobiles--depreciation. 12. Automobiles--ret iramento......... 13. Wagons and aleighs--repairs.. 14. Wagons and sleighs-- depreciation 15. Wagons and sleighs--retiremanta........ 16. Harness equipment--repair8........ 17. Harness equipment--depreciation and retirements.......... 18. Office furniture and equipment--repairs.. 19. Office furniture and equipment--depreciation and retirements. 20. Office safes--repairs.. 21. Office safes--depreciation and retirements. 22, Trucks--repairs.. II. Traffic: 23. Trucks--depreciation and retirements...... 24. Stable and garage equipment--repairs 25. Stable and garage equipment--depreciation and retirements 26. Line equipment--repairs... 27. Line equipment--depreciation and retirements 28. Shop equipment--repairs.....………………. Total. 33. Superintendence--traffic. 34. Advertising.. Account. 29. Shop equipment--depreciation and retirements........ 30. Miscellaneous equipment--repairs.. 35. 3tationery and printing. 36. Other expenses.. 31. Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation and retirements. 32. Other expenses.. Total... III. Transportation: • IV. General: 37. Superintendence--transportation. 38. office employees、.... 39. Commissions.. 40. Office supplies and expenses. 48. Stationery and printing. 49. Loss and damage... 50. Damage to property.. 51. Injuries to persons..... 52. Other expenses. Total. 41. Rent of local offices. 42. Vehicle employees. 43. Stable and garage amployees. 44. Stable and garage supplies and expenses. 45. Drayage. 46. Train employees • 47. Train supplies and expenses ·· • 58. Fidelity bond premiums.... 59. Pansions.. 50. Stationery and printing 61. Valuation expenses...、、 62. Other expenses.. Total.... · ... ♥· • • ANALYSIS OF OPERATING EXPENSES. 53. Salaries and expenses of general officers. 54. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants. 55. General office supplies and expenses. 56. Law expenses 57. Insurance..... • .. · 201 • Total. $158,354,421 266,102 364,485 439,041 14,654 192,245 59,516 d 1,111 220,802 82,777 2,537,199 1,179,146 121,327 739,234 191,913 81.937 174,312 64,556 164,181 309,159 11,137 44,649 463,093 182,739 16,192 30,532 29.463 35,422 7,698 12,261 57 1,847 159 8,036,824 192,077 31,253 106,548 40 329,918 5,513,939 55,382,816 12,008,418 3.354,352 4,583,450 28,514,151 2,621,785 6,225,207 1,857,276 11,553,860 d Deficit or other reverse item. 896,938 2.385,322 3.978,709 131,381 902,168 69,220 139,978,992 395,377 7,476,279 585,194 337,941 432,931 24,790 504,415 193,450 58,310 10,008,687 American Reil- way Express Co. $154,446,244 266,102 352,826 429,200 14,654 192,245 59,516 d 1.111 214,877 82,178 2,470,463 1,088,902 121,327 723,378 187,913 81,937 172,621 63.711 159.970 302.109 10,531 43.790 450,131 176,898 15,767 30,394 29.043 34,153 7,698 12,261 57 1,847 159 7,795,547 182,575 29,043 96,269 30 307,917 .5,377,108 54,289,165 11,468,300 3.291,048 4,451,443 28,044,093 2:1 2,606,842 6,061,090 1,850,182 11,011,503 885,115 2,280,668 3,870,909 130,648 891,000 68,566 136,577,680 363,347 7,351,164 574,661 318.992 397,181 15,862 504,415 182,030 57,448 9,765,100 .. Southeastern Express Co. $3,908,177 ´ii,659 9,841 5,925 599 66,736 90,244 15 15,856 1,000 i,691 945 4,211 7.050 606 859 12,962 5,841 425 138 420 1,269 241,277 9,502 2,210 10,279 10 22,001 136,831 1,093,651 540,115 63.304 132,007 470,058 14,943 164,117 7,094 542,357 11,823 104,554 107,800 733 11,168 654 3,401,312 25 32,030 125,115 10,533 18,949 35,750 8,928 ´ii, 420 862 243,587 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. 26 Investment: Real property and equipment.. Sinking funds... Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies. Other investments. Total investment... Current assets: Cash.. Special deposits Loans and notes receivable.. Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Material and supplies...... Other current aaseta... Total current assets.. Deferred assets... Unadjusted debits: • Stock: Discount on capital stock. Discount on funded debt.... Other unadjusted debits. Total unadjusted debita.. Grand total... Capital stock..... Premium on capital stock. Total stock liabilities. Funded debt unmatured.. Current liabilities: Deferred liabilities. Unadjusted credits: ·· SUMMARY No. 3.-AESTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS (OMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923– Concluded. • Loans and notes pavable. Audited accounts and wages unpaid. Miscellaneous accounts payable.. Express privilege liabilities. Other current liabilities... Total current liabilities Profit and loss balance.... ·· • Total corporate surplus.. • • Premium on funded debt.... Operating and insurance reserves.... Accrued depreciation............ Other unadjusted credits.. Total unadjusted credits. ASSETS. Item. LIABILITIES. Corporate surplus: Additions to property through income and surplus Reserves from income and surplus...... Total appropriated surplus. • D GENERAL BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT. Total. $41,246,472 16,947,305 58,193,777 16,710,718 13.729 2,805,977 4,435,825 1,749,870 9.719,431 35,435,610 1,665,644 1,665,644 95,295,031 35,642,000 35,642,000 5,548,331 1,886,907 19.325.537 1,147,147 27,907,922 2,437,537 14,329,606 12,241,485 338,150 26,909,241 2,398,331 2,398,331 American Rail- way Express Co. $40,038,840 16,947,305 56,986,145 15,741,989 13,754 2,805,977 4,366,718 1,732,131 9,637,837 34,298,406 tec 1,665,644 1,665,644 92,950,195 34,642,000 34,642,000 5,312,873 1,695,089 18,916,946 1,076,030 27,000,938 2,437,537 14,292,295 11,960, 616 271,324 26,524,235 2,345,485 2,345,485 Southeastern Express Co. $1,207,632 1,207,632 968,729 35 69.107 17.739 81,594 1,137,204 2,344,836 1,000,000 1,000,000 235.458 191,818 408,591 71,117 906,984 37,311 280,869 66,826 385,006 52,846 52,846 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. Average mileage (single track) over which operations were conducted (miles). GENERAL BALANCE SHEET. Investment in sleeping car property. Kiscellaneous physical property. Other investments.... Cash.. • · Net balance receivable from receiving cashiers and ticket agents. Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Katerial and supplies... Other current assets.... Deferred assets..... Unadjusted debits. Total.. · • • • t 4 $ Capital stock.. Premium on capital stock. Wages payable.... • • • • ·· P 1 • Dividends matured unpaid. Unnatured dividends declared Other current fiabilities. Deferred liabilities. . . . . . . Operating reserves. Accrued depreciation. • Other unadjusted credits.. Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. Profit and loss--balance... Total corporate surplus Total nonoperating income Gross income... • · • Sleeping car operating revenues...... Revenues from auxiliary operations. Total revenues..... Sleeping car operating expenses. Expenses of auxiliary operations. Total operating expenses. Net revenues. Sleeping car tax accruals. Auxiliary operations--Tax accruals.. Total taxes....... • • Total debits during year Net increase during year. Balance at beginning of year Balance at end of year. Miscellaneous operating income.. Total operating income. SUMMARY Xo. 4.—AESTRACT OF THE REPORT BENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1828. • • ... • • Operating income...... Revenues from miscellaneous operations. Expenses of miscellaneous operations.. Net revenue from miscellaneous operations. Taxes on miscellaneous operating property.. • • • • • · • ? Font from cars... Dividends received... Income from funded securities. Income from unfunded securities and accounts. Income from sinking and other reserve funds. Miscellaneous income... • • • ་ • - Credit balance transferred from income Unrefundable overcharges.. Miscellaneous credits.. Total credits during year Loss on retired equipment. Uncollectible sleeping car revenues Kiscellaneous debits.. Rent for cars..... Miscellaneous tax accruals Interest on unfunded debt. Miscellaneous income charges. Total daductions from gross income. Net income...... Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of incomɛ.... Miscellaneous appropriations of income.. Total appropriations..... Income balance transferred to profit and loss. + + • ·· • ·· • O • · • C • • • • • • 3 · • • • ་ • → • • • INCOME ACCOUNT, • . PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. · • * + • • ↓ • • • • · • • • • • • d Deficit or other reverse item. • + • • 4 • A ↑ • • • • • F • • • 124,793.75 $163,413.791 36,784,430 38,701,800 11,524,872 1,559,135 5.225.069 5,210,860 415,193 760,625 40,506,511 304,102, 286 135,000,000 9.398 1,193,234 24,498 1.789.828 5.913,774 616 70.000 74,563,071 54,199,192 3,004,917 28.333,758 31,338,675 72,576,235 1,107,092 73.683,327 55,885,100 1,033,511 56.918,611 16,764,716 4,447.340 27,968 4.475.308 12,289,408 71,030,234 65.492,821 5.537.413 1,503,930 4,033,483 16,322,891 Hjem se q vapedan 46,452 56,482 1.456,944 500,138 39,911 80 2,100,007 18,422,898 3,500 148,900 213 2.914,166 3,066,779 15,356,119 204,615 10.738,766 3,669,949 14,613,330 742,789 742.789 6.383 95,020 AULA 192 ₫ 323.917 1,813 188,010 d 134.094 978,286 27,355.472 25,333,758 27 Carta d STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. J 28 Berth revenue. • S.. Soat revenue. Charter of care.... Eiscellaneous revenue. • Car mileage revenue. . . . . . . Association and contract revenue--Dr Total operating revenues Maintenance.... Conducting car operations. General expenses. Porters and maids..... Train stenographers. Car cleaners....... Laundry employees..... General expenses: Total operating expenses.. Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) General officers..... Clerks and attendants. Auxiliary operations: BULMARY No. -ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923. ·· Standard sleeping cars. Tourist sleeping cars. Parlor cafs…. Composite cars..... Private cars.... Miscellaneous cars. Commissary (superintendent). Agents and staff, conductors, waiters, cooks, etc. Total (including general officers). Total..... · Haintenance: Mechanicè clectricians, seamstresses, repairmen, carpenters, shop employees, etc.. Conducting car operations: General officers and staff (superintendence) District superintendenta, agents, and staff. Conductors. 71 Total number of revenus passengers--berth. Total number of revenue passengers--seat. Average revenue per passenger--berth. Average revenue per passenger--seat....... Total number of car-miles.. Total number of car-days...... ·· • • ↓· • (cents) Average number of revenue passengers per car per day Operating revenues per car-mile Operating revenues per car-day... Operating expenses per car-mile (cents) Operating expenses per car-day... Net operating revenue per car-mile (cents) Net operating revenue per car-day.. Average number of car-miles per car-day. • ·· • • · • Class. • OPERATING DEVÈNUES. • OPERATING EXPENSES. · EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES. 03 · OPERATING STATISTICS, • • • • • • • • • ¿ + EQUIPMENT IN SERVICE ON DEC. 31, 1923. • • ¿ 1/ Does not include 25 curs leased or otherwise acquired, • 1 VOL · • • • Number on Dec.31. 5.416 190 1,375 2.409 8,454 8 4.384 152 48 901 24 218 23,579 $69,390,126 9,614,602 1,141,548 245,107 739,996 8.555.144 72,576,235 25,883,411 27.365,168 2,636,521 55,885,100 77.00 Average daily compen- sation. $4.43 6.42 4.08 5.46 2.20 4.01 3.37 2.58 25.22 3.92 5.03 2.78 3.50 3225 21,489,952 12.759,493 $3.23 $0.75 890,719,336 2,652,525 13 8.148 $27.36119 6.274 $21.06864 1.874 $6.29255 335.80 6,051 409 949 125 24 1/ 7,562 : : : . 1 رهه م هه - =' : ، یہ 1 i ! ? · : H 24 7 nh đi tham gia ngay t INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION BUREAU OF STATISTICS A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1923 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE T 1924 -: به · 3-** Additional copies of this publication may be procured from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., at 10 cents per copy. THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION HENRY C. HALL, Chairman. CHARLES C. MCCHORD. BALTHASAR H. MEYER. CLYDE B. AITCHISON. JOSEPH B. EASTMAN. MARK W. POTTER. JOHN J. ESCH. JOHNSTON B. CAMPBELL. ERNEST I. LEWIS. FREDERICK I. Cox. FRANK MCMANAMY. GEORGE B. McGINTY, Secretary. Hift U.3. Interstate Commerce Commission. 8-8-1930 Introductory statement. CONTENTS. Summary No. 1--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I steam railways (not including switching and terminal companies) for the year ended December 31, 1923 Summary No. 2--Recapitulation of selected items from the annual reports of Class I switching and terminal companies for the year ended December 31, 1923. Summary No. 3--Abstract of reports rendered by express compa- nies for the year ended December 31, 1923.... <200 Summary No. 4--Abstract of report rendered by the Pullman Com- pany for the year ended December 31, 1923... Page. 4 5 15 22 27 E ! " =6 3 A PRELIMINARY ABSTRACT OF STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923 INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT. This preliminary abstract is compiled from the annual reports of the classes of carriers designated for the calendar year 1923. It is intended primarily to make available as promptly as possible certain totals not obtainable from the monthly reports of carriers. The totals are subject to change after corrections in the annual reports have been authorized. The final totals will appear in the Statistics of Railways for 1923. It should be noted that the tables relating to steam roads cover roads of Class I only, that is, generally speaking, roads with amual operating revenues above $1,000,000. The balance sheet figures do not include the returns of nonoperating lessor companies. WASHINGTON, August 7, 1924. 4 :. 1 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. NO. fund 1 NON? 9 13 1:4 10 | Cash 11 12 222 22 21 23 15 16 17 18 19 Deferred assets 24 כין חות mom 25 26 27 28 www 20 Discount on capital stock Discount on funded debt a 35 #4 Total number of stockholdere Other investments A Capital stock Stock liability for conversion Premium on capital stock Total stock 29 Grants in aid of construction སྤངnངn1.n Investment in road and equipment Improvements on leased railway property Siaking funde Deposits in lieu of mortgaged property sold Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies Total investments in th 37 38 Deferred liabilities 56 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET 57 ON SUMMARY No. 1.—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS ( STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923. (Does not include lessor companies.) Total current assets 58 Demand loans and deposits Time drafts and deposits Special deposits...... Loane and bills receivable Miscellaneous accounts receivable Material and supplies Other current assets Current Assets 30 Funded debt unmatured 31 Receiver's certificates 32 Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies 33 Total long-term debt Item Investments 39 Premium on funded debt 40 Operating reserves 43 Accrued depreciation 42 Other unadjusted credits 43 Unadjusted Debits •• Other unadjusted debite ..... Total unadjusted debits Grand total 49 50 Profit and loss--balance Long-Term Debt Stock Current Liabilities Loans and bille payable Miscellaneous accounts payable Other current liabilities Additions to property through income and surplus 45 Funded debt retired through income and surplus 46 Sinking fund reserves 47 Miscellaneous fund reserves 48 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested Total current liabilities Unadjusted Credita Total unadjusted credits Corporate Surplus 52 | Expenditures for new lines and extensions Expenditures for additions and betterments Credits for property retired 55 Adjustments Net charges during year Stocks actually issued during year--par value Funded debt actually issued during year--par value Total appropriated surplus Total corporate surplus ·· INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT • 警 ​Total, all districts 807,524 $16,600,237,071 382,415,505 11,972,039 26,885,450 138,191,141 4,374,517,189 818,311,682 22,352,530,077 407,339.592 9,456,680 37,059,480 154,945,514 38,215,301 274,949.672 682,725,812 244,394,063 1,349.086,114 181,847,842 24,653.173 75,734,678 260,806, 188 361,194,039 24,744,658,072 7,356,546,664 28,211,672 42,148,552 7,426,906,888 4,214,745 10,290,409,791 9,186,969 340,740,880 pada alaga 10,640,337,640 $3,640,263 144,989,955 1,071,932,590 1,300,562,808 131,784,450 1,502,071 46,346,680 1,253,617,136 650,124, 309 1,951.590,196 799,809,233 85,590,609 44,436,555 40,609,166 67,368,904 1,035,834,467 2,253,426,878 3,289,261,345 7,641,026 962,660,112 242,094,543 2,110,060 730,316,655 280,525, 341 811,349,833 Eastern district 348,597 $5,743,049,706 317.365,616 1,030,120 1,938,646 58,015,502 1,737,448,375 378,621,289 8,237,469,254 143,805,362 1,719,332 4,033,397 69,108,186 19,346,220 114,182,486 299,029,306 125,594,158 776,818.447 91,942,898 2,262,795 22,497,741 117,394,737 142,155,273 9,248,385,872 2,501,898,544 722,059 30,811,127 2,633,431,730 213,999 3,865,409,711 60,059,589 3,925,469,300 39,072,053 71,556,659 454,397,131 565,025,843 56.502,914 314,146 22,957,917 525,546,336 281,514,380 830,332,779 449,867,896 8,972,113 23,683,152 38,979,066 194,851 521,697,078 715,712,229 1,237,409,307 471,056 363,614,378 96,706, 840 4,887,018 272,265,612 75,818,660 266,172,081 Southern district 81,296 $2,972,818,011 44,231,013 878,029 3,524,082 18,624,147 474,071,118 76,903,539 3,591,049,939 77,941,639 10,000 22,616,205 32,973,705 13,651,186 41,085,984 124,448,238 38,025,919 350,752,376 27,115,490 3,013,100 11,344,401 28,617,070 43,574,571 4,012,492,876 d 1,119,762,567 4,873,539 1,124,636,106 1,294,752 1,502,114,632 1,322,500 7,359,431 1,810,856,563 10,276,136 10,194,574 164,722, 481 185,193,191 35,522,104 101,395 11,175,679 232,017,824 71,624,439 314,919.337 110,555,203 962,021 4,511,635 8,400 1,807,314 117,844,573 422,226,240 540,070,813 1,025,561 225,780,162 63,182,891 2,314,119 161,308, 713 79,907,825 133,823,435 Testern district 377,631 $7,884,369,354 20,818,876 10,063,890 21,422,722 61,551,492 2,162,997,696 362,786,854 10,524,010,884 185,592,591 7,727,348 10,409,378 52,863,623 5,217,895 119,681, 202 259,248,268 80,773,986 721,514,791 62,789,454 19.377,278 41,292,536 114,794,381 175,464,195 Ma ma mb à p 11,483,779,324 3,634,885,553 27,489,613 5,463,886 3,668,839,052 2,705,984 4,622,885,448 7,804,469 273,321,860 4,904,011,777 34,292,074 63,238,722 452,812,978 550,343,774 39,759,432 1,086,530. 12,213,084 496,052,976 296,985,490 806, 338,080 239,386,134 73,656,475 16,241,758 1,621,700 65,386,739 396,292,816 1,115,488,409 1,511,781,225 5,144,409 373,265,572 82,204,812 462,839 296,742,330 1/ 124,798,856 411,354,317 d ċ Deficit or other reverse item. I/ Includes book liability of $83,668,000 of 1,062,400 shares without par value, 5 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. B No. 1 Railway operating revenues. 2 Railway operating expenses Matin 6 78 3 10 11 12 13 Mat LWO NW food food food foodH 14 15 16 لالالالالالالا QUU MAST LONO 1-80 32 40 45 44 Rent from passenger-train cara. Rent from floating equipment. 17 Rent from work equipment.. 18 19 Joint facility rent income Income from lease of road. 20 | Miscellaneous rent income. 21 Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property 22 Separately operated properties--profit. 23 Dividend income 24 Income from funded securities, Income from unfunded securities and accounts.. 26 Income from sinking and other reserve funds. 27 Release of premiums on funded debt. 28 Contributions from other companies. 29 Miscellanecus income....... | 30 31 45 46 G 52 53 54 55 56 INCOME ACCOUNT 57 58 Item •• Net revenue from railway operations. Railway tax accruals... Uncollectible railway revenues Railway operating income..... med d SUMMARY Xọ, 1.—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS 1 STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923—Continued. (Does not include lessor companies) • 7 Revenues from miscellaneous operations. Expenses of miscellaneous operations.. LWO Net revenue from miscellaneous operations. Taxes on miscellaneous operating property. Miscellaneous operating income.. Total operating income.. Hire of freight cars-credit balance. Rent from locomotives……. • • $ • Total nonoperating income Gross income. • 41 Separately operated properties--loss, 42 Interest on funded debt. Interest on unfunded debt. Rent for passenger-train cars. Rent for floating equipment. Rent for work equipment. Joint facility rents.. Rent for leased roads. Miscellaneous rents... Miscellaneous tax acoruals. · • Hire of freight cars--debit balance. Rent for locomotives…. Amortization of discount on funded debt. Maintenance of investment organization. Income transferred to other companies. 47 Miscellaneous income charges. 48 Total deductions from gross income. Net income.... 49 50 Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds.. Dividend appropriations of income.... • ... Credit balance transferred from income. Profit on road and equipment sold. 59 Delayed income credits. 60 Unrefundable overcharges 61 Donations. Miscellaneous credita.. 62 > · ... • Total debits during year. Net increase during year. Balance at beginning of year. Belance at end of year..... .. ·· Income appropriated for investment in physical property. Stock discount extinguished through income. Miscellaneous appropriations of income. Total appropriations of income.... Income balance transferred to profit and loss.. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Stock discount extinguished through surplus. 69 Debt discount extinguished through surplus. +3 63 Total oredits during year.. 64 Debit balance transferred from income. Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. 66 Dividend appropriations of surplus... 67 Surplus appropriated for investment in physical property, σε 70 Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus.. 71 Lose on retired road and equipment. 72 Delayed income debits. 73 Miscellaneous debits.... 74 • · • ·· • • 77 78 Dividends declared during year.. 79 Par veine on which declared--common. 80 Par value on which declared--preferred. 81 Average rate on dividend-yielding atock, per cent. Total all districts $6,289,580,027 4,895,166,819 1,394,413,208 331,915,459 1,941,658 1,060,556,091 4,069,024 3.532,104 : 536,920 178,015 358,905 1,060,914,996 30,687,184 12,203,519 15,001,310 ¿ 360,600 2,598,353 33.933.954 7.723,099 18,544,873 7,431,545 2,519,986 129,899,789 63,456,230 30,994,921 3,542,568 108,980 5,068,261 648,723 364,724,095 1,425,639,091 100,700,165 12,272,536 16,863,841 3,264,231 1,634,901 58,650,081 151,660,285 6,894,186 4,827,589 4,254,677 471,054,541 14,926,168 3,332,431 447741 32,398 3,269,807 7.353.547 861,001,384 564,637,707 14,082,250 195,029,636 8,684,258 3,058,679 220,854,823 343,782,884 378,110,656 4,097,142 435,225 1,967,940 4,773.394 97,304,113 486,689,470 34,327,772 1,723,121 151,514,812 8,813,576 527,249 13,209,552 80,223 19,898,204 689,975 53,049,209 287,573,247 199,016,223 2,042,754,796 2,241,771,019 346,544, 448 3,616,325,041 991,569,431 7.52 Eastern district $2: $2,942,418,971 2,330,521,641 3275 611,897,930 135,256,501 770,935 475,870,494 1,610,924 1,255,154 355,770 78,669 779 277,101 476,147,595 14,796,319 5,604,294 5,788,462 325,312 856,386 16,072,375 2,631,329 10,362,774 4,080,974 2,356,943 60,349,020 16,697,027 15,772,240 2,931,168 47,803 4,303,116 d 1.442 523 161,543,019 637,690,614 55,551,051 6,385,662 7,350,545 3,187,115 949,745 28,339,867 85,706,637 4,899,138 3,191,715 2,511,363 179,077,378 7,182,507 1,399,298 29,082 3,269,807 2,391,779 391,422,689 246,267,925 10,572,567 78,240,664 4,855,086 2,327,164 95,995,481 150,272,444 161,653,148 2,702,281 851,560 2,228,839 61,141,331 228,577,159 11,380,704 868,731 29,659,305 2,611,568 4,494,729 160,851 9,753,915 22,976,845 81,906,648 146,670,511 569,041,718 715,712,229 107,899,969 1,441,837,835 142,471,081 6.75 Deficit or other reverse item. 1/ Includes stock dividend, $50,417,400, 12/1 Southern district $1,037,727,833 237.9 237,157,216 54,946,029 487,509 181,723,678 2,204,196 2,189,655 14,541 27,093 12.552 181,711,126 7,859.324 1,485,680 2,877,817 6,664 479,884 5,243,597 1.939.064 1,926,792 980,947 11,226,293 7.991,162 6,263,275 89.737 574,838 d 1.332.191 47,612,883 229,324,009 10,304.933 1,149,521 3,089,961 32,555 165,527 7,593,060 8,979,865 617,262 87,222 1,284,926 80,304,370 2,914,179 505,140 387 1,136,863 118,165,771 111,158,238 831,339 6,347,170 818,610 116,956 8,114,075 103,044,163 104,117,545 379.550 100,655 325.987 947.960 19,400,446 125,272,143 1,073,382 43,372 49,949,302 1,916,513 526,625 3.987,007 8,743 2,595,387 4,689,975 5,053,410 109,850, 716 15,421,427 406,804,813 422,226,240 1/ 96,296,472 587,721,600 176,566,250 12.60 Western district $2,782,383,933 545,358,062 141,712,929 683,214 402,961,919 253,904 87,295 d 166,609 72,253 94,356 403,056,275 8,031,541 5, ,113,545 6,335,033 28,824 1,262,083 12,617,982 3,152,706 6,255,307 2,369,624 153,043 58,324,476 38,768,041 8,959,406 521,663 61,177 190,307 3,423,437 155,568,193 558,624,468 34,844,181 4,737,353 6,423,335 44,561 519,629 22,717,154 56,973,783 1,377.786 1,548,652 468,388 211,672,793 4,829,482 1,427,993 2,929 3,824,905 351,412,924 207,211,544 da da að v 2,678,344 110,441,802 3,010,562 614,559 116,745,267 90,466,277 112,339,963 1,015,311 335,570 790,393 1,596,595 16,762,336· 132,840,168 21,873,686 305,018 31.906,205 4,235,495 624 4,727,816 249,817 7,547,902 25,018,954 95,915,883 36,924,285 1,066,908,265 1,103,832,550 142,348,007 1,586,768,608 665,532,100 5.32 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. No. HOMHIROTEOROLOMIGO 1 Freight 2 | Passenger Excess bagg98* 4 Sleeping oar 9 10 | Switching 11/28 11 Special service train 17 18 Freight ....... | Passenger Parlor and chair car Kail Express 12 | Other freight-train 13 Water transfers--freight 14 Water transfera--passenger Water transfers--vehicles and live stock Water transfer s--other ……………………. Total rail-line transportation revenue 19 20 21 22 Mail Other passenger-train 111 ORI ON Express 24 Special service ………………………………… Other 143 44 26 27 Dining and buffet …………. 28 29 y RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES. 31 | Storage-freight 32 Storage--baggage 555555 ~~ (NJ) PN13 1 SUMMARY No. 1.—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING AWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1943-Continued. (Does not include lessor companies.) Excess baggage ..... Other passenger service ........ Demurrage Telegraph and telephone Grain elevator Stockyard 36 37 Power 38 Rents of buildings and other property 39 Miscellaneous ..... | 40 Total water-line transportation revenue ... Item Hotel and restaurant ...... 41 Joint facility--Cr. 42 Joint facility--Dr. ……………………………………. | Station, train, and boat privileges Parcel room 45 Superintendemos on on of Total incidental operating revenue Total joint facility operating revenue Total railway operating revenues .... RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES Haintenance of Way and Structures 47 Roadway maintenance--other ..... 48 Roadway--depreciation--yard 49 Roadway--depreciation--other 50 Underground power tubes--yard $1 Underground power tubes-other …………………………… Underground power tubes--depreciation--yard Underground power tubes--depreciation--other ……………. Tunnels and subways--yard ……………………………………………………………… Tunnels and subways--other Tunnels and subways--depregiation--yard Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other 58| Bridges, trestles, and oulverts-yard ………………………………… 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--other ......………. 60 Bridges, trestles, and culverts-depreciation-yard 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other 62 Elevated structures--yard,.…………………………. Roadway maintenance--yard ………………………… 70 Rail--yard 7 Rails--other .....………. 72 | Rails--depreciation-yard Rails--depreciation--other 63 Elevated structures--other ...... 64 Elevated structures--depreciation-yard 65 Elevated structures--depreciation--other 66 Ties--yard Ties--other ...... Ties--depreciation--yard Tie--depreciation--other Other track material-yard Other track material--other Other track material--depresiation--yard 77 Other track material--depreciation-other 78 Ballast--yard .... 79 Ballast other .....………………… | 80 Ballast--depreciation-yard 81 | Ballast-depreciation--other 82 Track laying and surfacing--yard 83 Track laying and surfacing--other 84 | Right-of-way fences--yard .....…………………………………………. → Right-of-way fences--other ...... Right-of-way fences--depreciation-yard Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other Total, all districts $4,606,719,28€ 1,145,698,579 8,690,500 2,623,415 1,354,470 92,896,555 152,885,162 13,637,536 34,109,221 62,277,590 2,384,443 883,149 1,104,803 2,262,963 5,818,737 1,329,656 6,134,676,067 15,644,797 1,890.305 5,215 20,870 23,741 25,378 31.412 514,871 18,156,589 29,780,193 11,333,487 6,256,328 1,661,635 5.339,916 1,004,515 27.753,122 2.401,832 1,594,929 582,680 5,853,686 6,663.335 28,740,807 128,966,465 10,135,970 2,355,064 7,780,906 6,289,580,027 52,540,613 9,150,839 75.973,277 17,719 122,320 73,616 1,871,295 33 11,311 1,794,965 41,762,143 59,824 1,193,555 208,306 156,728 Eastern district $2,141,750,743 546,821,748 3,018,624 432,192 34,453,473 69,709,195 5,008,704 25,010,855 30,065,908 1,062,985 226,928 798,312 1,591,986 4,420,234 1,115,595 2,865,587,482 2,870,475 1,131,658 1,222 4,625 21,863 21.329 31,412 291 4,082,876 13,282,337 5,061,174 4,047,722 1,207,907 2,788,842 440,002 16,029,344 546,295 1,563,419 20,929 5,647,067 484,643 14,409,344 69,529,025 4,622,119 1,402,531 3,219,588 2,942,418,971 21,190,669 4,400,548 28,327,299 38,352 42.567 596,089 33 2,527 753.375 13,173,648 26,310 421,302 206,723 156,092 14,041,345 102,199,107 158,723 1,981,577 ,2,891,350 31,622,906 32,060 698,708 8,117,775 32,531,465 120,242 666,791 494,666 17,795,800 735 1,039 268,495 24,434,910 185,170,778 81,945 6,149,580 458 2,475 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. 7,481,763 38,868,610 1.476 16,309 1,638,908 14,339,457 324 6,246 4,296,318 15,214,617 $1 1,893 241,845 7,232,717 153 2,951 12,218,822 75,812,291 27,612 1,951,015 ford food h 31 Southern district $783,287,866 183,751,006 1,373,657 152,094 207.971 15,456,820 22,693,396 1,615,310 1,581,740 7,976,763 57,586 94,363 13,841 167,207 1,019,002,875 • 544,571 28,687 • • • 4,584,452 735,807 759,230 125,660 1,064,416 86,284 4,178,985 88,405 6,550 7.708 101,611 685,693 5,062,590 17,487,391 1,710,807 423,853 1,286,954 1,037,777,223 8,865,435 1,217,117 14,488,184 54,502 2,260 352,685 165,595 8,761,700 1,636 690,492 • 2,090,120 20,426,790 157,380 1,955,886 354,031 6,045,160 28,583 661,716 1,118,675 5,292,330 117,852 661,611 41.536 4,616,751 663 264,677 3,154,713 31,227,509 4.286 844,632 Western district $1,681,689,679 415,125,825 4,298,219 2,471,321 714,307 42,986,262 60,482,571 7,013,522 7,516,626 24,234,919 776,887 627,534 248,905 476,614 1,384,662 46,854 2,250,085,707 12,774,321 758,647 3.993 16,245 1,878 4,049 514,580 14,073,713 11,913,404 5.536,506 1,449,376 328,068 1,486,658 478,229 7,544,793 1,767,132 1·501 24,960 554,043 105,008 1,492,999 9,268,873 41,950,049 3,803,044 528,680 3,274,364 2,309,383,833 22,484,509 3.533,176 33,157,794 17.719 29,466 28,789 922,521 8,784 875,995 19,826,795 31,878 81.261 1 836 4,469,462 42,903,707 2,819 9,382 898,411 11,238,289 3,153 30,746 2,702,782 12,024,518 2,309 3,287 211.282 5,906,332 223 863 9,061,375 78,130,978 50,047 3,353,933 427 2,454 7 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. 3. FOR Mamat KO 130 1 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--yard 2 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other Snow and sand fences and anowsheda--depreciation--yard Snow and sand fenoes and snowaheds--depreciation--other Crossings and signs-yard Crossings and sign-other Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard 8 Crossings and signs-depreciation--other Station and office buildings 10| Station and office buildings--depreciation 11 Roadway buildings 12 Roadway buildings-depreciation Tater stations 14 Water stations-depreciation Fuel stations..... 15 15 Fuel stations--depreciation ......………………… 17 Shops and enginehouses 18 Shops and enginehouses--depreciation 19 | Grain elevators 20 24 Storage warehouses ....... 22 Storage warehouses-depreciation 23 Wharves and dooks........ 24 Wharves and docks-depreciation 25 Coal and ore wharves 26 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPETSIS--Continued. Kaintenance of Way and Structures--Conoluded. 39 40 Item. MMARY No. 1.-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS 1. STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1829-Continued. (Does not include lessor companies.) 27 Gas producing plants 28 Gas producing plante depreciation ..………………………… 29 Telegraph and telephone lines Telegraph and telephone lines-depreciation Signals and interlockers Signala and interlockers--depreciation 52 Grain elevators--depreciation ……………….. 555555 VIKON-30 (T, Coal and ore wharves--depreciation 37 Power subɛtation buildings 38 | Power substation buildings--depreciation Power tranamission systems Fower transmission systems--depreciation 42 Power distribution systems .. 60 Power plant dame, canals, and pipe lines ...... Fower plant damɛ, canals, and pipe lines-depreciation Power plant buildings Power plant buildinge--depreciation 2 Power distribution systems--depreciation 43 Power line poles and fixtures ......... Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation 45 Underground conduits 46 Underground conduite--depreciation 47 Miscellaneous structures 49 Miscellaneous structur es--depreciation ... 49 Paving 50 Paving-depreciation Roadway machines Roadway machines-depreciation Small tools and supplies 58 Stationery and printing 59 Removing snow, ice, and sand Assessments for public improvementa Injuries to pereons ...... Insurance Other expenses..... & C 65 Superintendence 66 Shop machinery ***** Steam locomotives--depreciation Steam locomotives-retirements Total, above accounts Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 62 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilitiea--Or. 63 Equalization--way and structures #J 64 Total maintenance of way and structures Maintenance of Equipment, .: .. 67 Shop machinery-depreciation 68 Power plant machinery 69 Power plant machinery-depreciation 70 Power substation apparatus.. Th Power substation apparatus-depreciation Steam locomotives-repairs .. 75 Other locomotives--repairs ..... 76 Other locomotives--depreciation ...... 77 Other locomotives-retirements ……………………………………. 78 Freight-train care-repairs..... 79 Freight-train care--depreciation ......... 80 Freight-train cars-retirements ........ 81 Passenger-train cars-repairs …………………………… 82 Passenger-train cars--depreciation 83 Passenger-train cars-retirements 84 Motor equipment of cars--repairs ....... 85 Motor equipment of cars--depreciation 86 Motor equipment of cars--retirements 87 Floating equipment-repairs ....... 88 Floating equipment-depreciation 89 Floating equipment-retirements ** .... .... ....... •••、、 Total, all districts. C | Fatfor $7,00€ 747 214 603 211 1,522,333 11,011,434 2,199 35,529 33,109,537 648,256 4,967,502 49 541 11,588,935 94 517 5,614,854 53,790 25,630,597 298,903 1,220,883 4,089 113.558 113: 2,456 5,287,439 123,822 2,930,918 822,337 75,298 .. 10,832,222 8,601 26,037,386 145,566 12,373 657,622 173.372 27,723 19,074 219,876 78,592 2,499,390 322,535 413,702 96,875 12,212 9,092 466,782 29,422 529,184 122 6,158,319 11.533 11,143,440 11,209,320 623,160 4,721,689 4,510,801 1,464,005 844.048 803,598,961 34,390,038 24,763,413 463,174 813,688,760 43,273,018 27,949,812 347,009 5,704,734 566,221 303,815 88.886 559,283,295 44,990,794 6,266,469 2,862,465 633,585 786 475,433,689 91,635,425 29,322,494 91,550,882 12,661,693 953,381 1,846,513 458,950 14.188 13.975.965 2,536,594 471.359 Eastern district. $1,042 70,614 122 699.934 5,892,602 2,027 33.644 16,298,428 242,449 1,546,134 1.622 4.194.770 27,406 2,286,518 21.447 12.451,887 134,053 1,215,048 1,689 33,505 3,114,827 32,052 1,976,196 121,931 40,236 4,900,781 404 16,495,285 165,118 1.452 ? 449,97 144.806 20 196 16,928 180,015 65,189 2,103,919 303.553 295.732 31,960 10,044 7.504 232,645 19,991 231,939 1,363,400 6,837 4,165,807 7.153,879 180,200 1,762,696 2,241,447 559.934 685,987 343,415,365 14,772,317 10,830,231 347,357,451 20,033,822 13.931,917 125,178 3.916,537 508,616 269,262 68.773 275,799,615 22,173,729 3.591,161 2,051,707 371,700 786 240,499,875 43,307,415 14,254,479 41 840 708 6,220,629 554 962 1.281,508 347,240 11,072 11,127,455 1,659,743 375,622 11, 127 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. a Southern district. $43 124,872 1,606,373 1,044 6,001,538 241,772 1,323,077 25,285 1,893,677 61.457 1,269,755 24,272 3.406,432 129,002 2.642 2,400 80,031 2,456 1,104,961 81,547 248,956 77,284 1.563 1,644,783 5,381 3,176,849 37,984 30.081 14,630 803 264 13,139 6,919 99,156 11,179 27.795 8,175 24,226 3.716 54,150 1,217,388 1.293 1,923,643 180,294 66,240 801,100 709.397 268,391 48,251 141,741,753 6,522,437 5.267,035 536,904 143,534,069 6,810,720 4,449 320 210,587 521,378 31.030 6,667 2.004 86,430 666 6.742 445 1,163,098 278,029 36,113 81,424,644 15.510.715 10,136,225 13,433,437 1,731,513 79,991 32,183 6.956 1.07 256 568 47.427 454 Western district. $5,964 676,557 603 333 697.527 3.512,459 172 841 10.809,571 164,035 2,098,291 22,534 5,500,488 5.654 2,058,581 8,072 .9,772,278 35,848 8,477 • 22 1,067,651 10,223 705,766 623,122 36,625 4,286,658 2,816 6,365,252 6,365 1,464 10,891 177.570 13.936 1724 722 6.484 296,315 7,803 90,175 6.740 2,168 1,588 209,911 5,725 243,095 1.22 3,077,531 3.453 053,990 3,875,147 376,720 2,157,893 1,559.957 635.680 109,410 31.8,441,833 13,095,284 8,665,147 d 73.730 322,797,240 16,428,476 9,568,575 11.144 1,266,819 26,575 27,586 18,109 197,053,014 16,074,630 1,512,210 532,729 225,772 7232352325 153,509.170 32,817,295 4.931.790 33,276,737 4,709,551 316,428 532,822 104.754 4,186 2,591,842 829 424 88,283 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. No. HAMIINION no H n my 9 10 Other expenses.. Total..... 11 Work equipment--repairs. 2 Work equipment-depreciation. Work equipment-retirements. Miscellaneous equipment-repairs. Miscellaneous equipment-depreciation. Miscellaneous equipment--retirements. Injuries to persons.. Insurance,,,. Stationery and printing.. RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued. Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded. 12 Maintaining joint equipment at terminals--Dr. 13 Maintaining joint equipment at terminals--Cr. 14 Equalization--equipment.. 15 222 23 24 Other expenses.... 25 16 Superintendence. 17 Outside agencies..... Advertising. 18 19 Traffic associations.. 20 Fast freight lines. • • 21 | Industrial and immigration bureaus 22] Insurance. Total maintenance of equipment.. Traffic. Stationery and printing. 26 Superintendence... 27 Dispatching trains..... 28 OWN Total traffic………… SUMMARY No. 1.—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923—Continued. (Does not include lessor companies.) nana Item. Station employees.. 29 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus. 30 Goal and ore wharves, 31 Station supplies and expenses.……………. 32 Yardmasters and yard olerks, Fuel for yard locomotives. 38 Yard switching power produced. 39 Yard switching power purchased, 40 Water for yard locomotives, Yard conductors and brakemen....... Yard switch and signal tenders, Yard enginemen....... Yard motormen, Transportation--Rail Line. ... 41 Lubricants for yard locomotives... 42 Other supplies for yard locomotives. 43 Enginehouse expenses--yard. 44 Yard supplies and expenses………. 45 Train enginemen....……………… Train motormen……………. Fuel for train locomotives………. Train power produced...……………… Train power purchased, 50 Water for train locomotives…………………………. Lubricants for train locomotives……. 52 Other supplies for train locomotives………….. • 7 Enginehouse expenses--train….......…………… Trainmen. 56 Operating sleeping cars.. 57 Signal and interlõoker operation. 64 Other expenses…………… 65 Train supplies and expenses........ 58 Crossing protection.. 59 Drawbridge operation.. 60 Telegraph and telephone operation. 61| Operating floating equipment. 62 Express service………. Stationery and printing. Insurance..... 66 0learing wrecks, 67 Damage to property, 68 77 Operation of vessels. 78 Operation of terminals. 79 Incidental……. 80 Damage to live stook on right of way. 69 Loss and damage-freight.. 70| 71 Loss and damage--baggage.... Injuries to persons, 72 Operating joint yards and terminals-Dr. 73 Operating joint yards and terminals--Cr. 74 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr. 75 Operating joint tracks and facilities-Cr. 76 Total transportation--Rail line...... Transportation--Water Line. Total transportation--Water line.. Total, all districts. $22,370,518 3,856,721 1,749.925 266,709 105,298 44,530 5,889,458 6,975,494 2,700,828 5,132,664 1,462,222,167 6,475,771 3,071,376 d 469.967 1,465,156,595 31,407,533 37,187,241 10,158,749 2,248,593 54,700 1,918,777 28,211 10,857,873 114,909 93,976,686 67,168,126 34,829,016 314,440,211 5,023,013 10,084,059 22,175,539 61,308,261 145,581,755 12,071,385 87,788,721 672,460 86,326,610 293,113 101,842 4,792,256 1,446,059 1,698,198 33.987,421 3,840,238 236,073,884 3,103,200 442,892,626 3,070,338 4,711,875 23,245,847 7,920,563 8,106,161 95,508,872 271,376,454 77,867,773 1,032,888 24,454, 221 21,340,703 2,122,157 10,689, 702 27,789,711 253 15,923,060 4,004,343 13,461,697 11,419,872 5,662,988 3.544,459 36,265,465 472,173 29,924,030 63,942,839 32,833,280 15,712, 668 13,826,806 2,309,608,766 Eastern district. 6,068,490 5,166,591 439,291 11,674,372 d Deficit or other reverse item. $11,945,371 1,501,024 1,186,146 159,668 53,251 33,923 2,604,637 3,834,180 1,405,248 3,820,208 733,867,157 3,071,638 1,453,036 d 469.967 38333 735,015,792 14,333,626 11,683,481 2,947,892 701,855 54,031 557,004 10,314 4,637,187 41.675 34,967,065 35,153,445 17.546,365 151,206,176 1,047,103 6,695,639 11,568,975 33,016,438 79,697,955 8,117,249 47,428,122 638,710 44,065,432 289,938 80,160 2,393,652 773,111 887,240 16,411,776 2,406,647 107,673,551 1,913,383 191,075,577 2,259,944 3,421,366 9.582,510 3,301,198 3.905,781 43,228,123 122,281,918 36,180,453 17,187,000 14,707,102 1,094,790 5,253,163 24,074,475 7,924, 2,080,466 11,225,120 6,032,065 2,646,362 275,486 12,155,151 317,881 12,758,079 26,256,400 13,635,347 7,590,095 6,711,583 1,115,479,364 2,297,950 335,080 31,525 2,664,555 Southern district. $2,972,061 659,118 124,292 27,327 16,312 2,753 821,325 702,626 433,114 255,130 235,362,358 1,100,354 735,051 235,727,661 6,486,715 7,583,475 1,507,40 473,595 663 643,944 3,569 2,598,801 4,117 19,302,346 10,872,431 6.727,499 53,656,158 1,131,248 1,164,144 3,030,297 10,632,853 22,412,023 1,105,033 13,105,124 366 12,284,420 657,657 203,662 325,299 5.566,345 622,674 40,535,955 158.465 74,297,525 393,420 7,089 3,932,416 1,392,487 1,321,287 15,354,872 46,770,802 11,680, 882 48,829 2,092,128 1,621,348 379,485 1,168,254 506,834 2,793.971 684,194 678,095 2,132,046 927,786 1,357,315 7.451,984 62,846 5,819,027 13,896,051 9.323.075 1,842,629 1,835,031 371,647,149 Western district. 453,086 696,579 439,487 79,714 35,735 7,854 2,463,496 2,438,688 862,466 1,057,326 492,992,652 2,303,779 883,289 494,413, 142 10,587,292 17,920,285 5,703,396 1,073,143 717,829 14,328 3,621,855 69,117 39,707,275 21,142,250 10,555,152 109,577,877 2,844,662 2,224,276 7,576,267 17,658,970 43,471,777 2,849,103 27,255,475 33,384 29,976,758 3,175 21,682 1,740,947 469,286 485,659 12,009,300 810,917 87,864,378 1,031,352 177,519,524 416,974 1,283,420 9,730,921 3,226,878 2,879,093 36,925,877 102,323,734 30,006,438 984,059 6,175,093 5,012,253 647,882 4,268,285 3,208,402 5,204,357 1,239,683 1,558,482 3.255.761 2,088,840 1,911,558 16,658,350 91,445 11,346,924 23,790,388 2,874,858 6,279,944 5,280,192 822,482,253 3,770,540 4,831,511 407,766 9,009,817 9 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. 10 No. ANMLVO 2 1 Dining and buffet service...... Hotels and restaurants, Grain elevatorB.....…………………………. Stock yards 7 OR 8 12 13 14 Salaries and expenses of general officers. 9 Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants, 10 General office supplies and expenses 11 Law expenses.... Insurance...... 15 16 17 18 26 27 28 29 19 General joint facilities--Cr 20 ww wwwww..... Total general expenses…………….. 21 Transportation for investment--Cr. 22 36 Total railway operating expenses. 23 Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent)... Separation between services UFE EFFE 48 49 24 Related solely to freight service. 25 Related solely to passenger and allied services. Related in common to both freight and passenger and allied services: Apportioned to freight service……….. Apportioned to passenger and allied services. Not related to either freight service or to passenger and allied services... AAAAAAK R 51 52 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Concluded Miscellaneous Operations 30 Miles of road. Kiles of second main track. Miles of third main track.. Miles of fourth main track...... 34 Miles of all other main tracks, Miles of yard track and sidings. Total, all tracks.. 56 57 Producing power sold. Other miscellaneous operatione,…………………… Total miscellaneous operations. General Relief department expenses. Pensions, Stationery and printing. Valuation expenses. 58 **** 37 Miles of road, 38 | Miles of second main track, 39 40 Miles of fourth main track. 41 Miles of all other main tracks.. 42 Miles of yard track and sidings. 43 Total, all tracks. 59 60 cô 66 Other expenses. General joint facilities--Dr....... SUMMARY No. 1.-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES; FOR THE YEAR ENDED DÉCEMBER 31, 1993' Continued, (Does not include lensor companies.) Item Total. MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31,1923 Miles of third main track....... Coal cars. MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1923 Steam locomotives: Number at close of year..... Total tractive power (pounds). Number installed during year...... Number retired during year...... Other locomotives; EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE Number at close of year. Number installed during year....... Number retired during year………………. Number at close of year: Box cars. Flat care. Stock cars....... Total....... Total.. Aggregate capacity (tons): Box cars. Flat cars....... ·· Tank cars, Refrigerator cara........ Other freight-carrying cars. Freight-carrying Cars • Stock cars... Coal Cars... Tank care. Refrigerator care Other freight-carrying care, Includes 21,355.67 miles of industrial tracks Includes 8,302.80 miles of industrial tracks Includes 3,929.32 miles of industrial tracks Includes 9,123.55 miles of industrial tracks Total, all districts $33,415,107 10,531,934 1,398,452 446,185 3,277,053 1,578,359 50,647,090 17,120,405 87,860,354 6,821,807 16,009,066 156,475 1,455,032 11,815,702 5,779,274 7,118,719 6,599,030 1,630,794 300,634 162,057,024 11,642,474 4,895,166,819 77.83 2,443,011,173 792,537,811 1,223,242,288 430,285,248 6,090,299 4,895,166,819 235,562.81 33,124.50 3.029.97 2,087.92 325.99 1/ 111,681,19 385,812.38 178,724.39 19,806.79 1,989.95 1,472.40 134.07 5/ 78,560.76 280,688.36 64,946 2,543,975,984 4,150 3.732 386 10 1,048,231 98,148 81,155 949,791 10,359 50,924 79,001 2,317,609 40,191,841 3,972,399 2,835,722 48,527,213 438,042 1,597,208 3,819,588 101,382,013 Eastern district 11750! $14,712,021 4,640,885 1,334,762 31,044 3,177,261 658,614 24,554,587 6,727,980 39,338,149 3,217,033 5,873,886 76,682 1,089,361 6,972,044 2,435,848 3,028,212 2,755,403 687,647 133,269 72,068,976 1,586,749 2,330,521,041 79.20 1,280,295,167 394,923,611 478,299,798 174,239,836 2,762,629 2,330,521,041 59,291.54 17,805.96 2,645.07 1,872.42 80.7 2/ 44,818.60 :?? 126,514.36 33,764.15 8,743,48 1,666.33 1,291.88 49.93 6/ 25,182.25 70,698.02 29,175 1,192,767,195 1,882 2,006 296 9 435,028 21,344 12,733 573.157 424 7,685 22,222 1,072,593 Southern district $4,792,849 697,276 36,300 13,703 67.643 026 5,693,797 2.927,905 14,490,664 1,077,590 3,551,511 21,778 191,895 1,055,005 1,011,519 830,066 955,851 225,908 32,951 26,306,741 1,591,756 800,620,007 77.15 409,516,622 117,644,621 209,639,583 63,436,348 382,833 800,620,007 43,893.57 4,330.48 97.80 36.06 224.53 3/ 18,187,22 66,769.66 33:51:43 35.5 041. 97.80 36.06 63.45 1/ 14,151.75 52,942.28 10,884 429,164,223 690 459 17 64 17,088,545 916,853 483,895 29,853.545 6,986 236,440 1,046,805 49.633,069 5/ Includes 14,201,80 miles of industrial tracks Includes 4,131.20 miles of industrial tracks Includes 3,014.43 miles of industrial tracks Includes 7,056.17 miles of industrial tracks 168,411 22,633 8,784 195,596 15 6,689 3,982 406,110 5,980,296 883,576 317,040 10,255,667 650 207,460 173,187 17,817,876 -MDMA, AD Western district 5,1937 $13,910,237 5,193,773 27.390 401,438 32,149 833,719 20,398,706 7,464,520 34,031,541 2,527,184 6,583,669 58,015 173,776 3,788,653 2,322,907 3,260,441 2,887,776 717,239 134,414 63,681,307 8,463,969 1,764,025,771 76.39 753,199,384 279,969,579 535,302,907 192,609,064 2,944,837 1,764,025,771 132,377.70 10,988.06 287.10 179.44 20.69 4/ 48,675.37 192,528.36 109,408.45 8,021,88 225.82 144.46 20.69 g/ 39,226.76 157,048.06 24,887 922,044,566 1.578 1,267 73 1 444,792 54,171 59,638 181,038 9,920 36,550 52,797 838,906 17,123,000 2,171,970 2,034,787 8,418,001 430,406 1,153,308 2,599,596 33,931,068 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. No. 1 4966 W 23H 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 * ~KERE 14 15 16 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 30 31 322 323 3333 34 45 35 36 37 42 43 44 17 Number at close of year..... 18 Number installed during year · 19 Number ratired during year.. EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded. Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded. Fumber installed during year: Box cars. Flat cars. Stock cars. Coal cars.. Tank cars... 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 · • Total.. • Refrigerator cars... Other freight-carrying cars. Total..... Fumber retired during year: Box cars………. Flat cars... SUMMARY NG. 1.- RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL, COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1990—Continued. (Does not include lessor companies.) Stock cars.... Coal cars.. Tank cars. Refrigerator cars..... Other freight-carrying cars. 23 Number of units at close of year..... 24 Number of units installed during year..... 25 Fumber of units retired during year....、、、、 TIES LAID DURING YEAR. • • All Classes of Passenger-train Cars. 38 | Average number. Compensation-- 39 40 41 All Classes of Company Service Cars. Number at close of year.. Number installed during year Fumber retired during year..、、、、 Item. ·· ·· Floating Equipment. In replacement and betterments: Number of cross ties. Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties.. Total charges...... • E In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Number of crossties....... Fumber of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties.... Total charges..... RAILS LAID DURING YEAR. In replacement and betterments: Number of tons (2,240 lbs.). Total charges...... In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Straight time paid for. Overtime paid for... Total..... Service hours-- Straight time paid for Overtime paid for..... Total. Service days-- ... Miles of main tracks.. Kiles of yard track and sidings Number of tons (2,240 lbs.) Total charges. • · • · Straight time paid for.... Overtime paid for..... Total. ··· EMPLOYEES. 45 46 47 48 Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY LOCOMOTIVES. 4 → • · Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service...... In passenger service. In mixed-train service..... In special service.. In yard-switching service. In work service..... Grand total, all services. Total, all districta. 99,832 6,569 5,094 90,844 633 158 12, 727 221,837 81,945 7, 86,554 46 23,862 5,045 210,667 54, 234 2,360 108,825 16,571 13,970 2,511 199 194 84,442,200 278,810,078 $118,523,866 7,790,707 45,497,187 $12,198,952 3,140,606 $112, 119, 129 801.08 2,103.49 393,179 $12,325,977- 1,855,260 $2,708,808,489 $249,164,739 $3,004,083,599 4,238,042,683 321,888,254 4,608,825,697 39,232,041 359,085 39.970,551 $2,785,250,533 88,208,030 31,582, 785 1,973,986 57.330 24,067,644 3,031,939 148,921,714 Eastern district. 25,418 1,809 2,012 34,285 415 1,211 68,151 28,841 1,899 1,235 40,633 15 13,147 23: 3,261 89,031 27,096 1,138 1,290 37,459 10,496 7,154 2,169 169 170 +1/+228 24,679,341 99,678,481 [/$46,476,875 1,899,981 2/ 14,649,962 2/ $3,936,747 1,452,007 $51,372,896 136.24 573.93 101,733 $2,951,086 824,642 $1,260,557,270 $126,205,500 $1,406,661,453 1,865,606,767 160,810,373 2,049,555,020 19,852,335 185,043 20,235,737 $1,314,998,726 38,188,744 13,553,607 330,305 25,229 12,364,197 1,367,098 65,829,180 븳 ​Does not include data for 26,099 linear feet of steel ties. Does not include data for 15,245 linear feet of steel ties. Southern district. 31,258 1,997 553 36,055 83 608 70,654 19,804 3,073 1,275 32,842 1,599 tr99 59,257 7,824 541 401 16,232 1,749 1,088 120 11 18 20,288,475 72,991,548 $24,415,978 1,834,067 12,499,692 $2,356,145 641,012 $22,757,051 142.48 541.64 93,285 $2,562,790 339,643 $449,852,120 $41,443,601 $499,672,882 770,253,718 54,955,023 833,610,381 33323235 5,782,593 44,125 $458,877,547 687,809 17,491,587 552,366 369,318 13,035 3,807,634 566,275 27,800,223 11 Western district. 43,155 2,763 3,429 20,504 4:83 83,032 33,300 2,557 3,175 13,079 31 9,116 1,120 62,379 19,799 855 669 55.134 4,326 5,728 222 19 6 39,474,384 106,140,049 $47,631,013 4,056,659 18,347,533 $5,906,060 1,047,587 $37,989,182 522.36 987.92 198,161 $6,802, 101 690,975 $998,399,099 $81,515,638 $1,097,749, 264 1,602,182,198 106,122,858 1,725,660, 296 13,597,113 129,917 13,857,277 $1,013,563,998 32,527,691 12,475,812 1,274,363 19,066 7,895,813 1,098,566 55,292,311 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. ! 12 No. HamatiSKO 180 00H~MA LOKO got good prof pool good prod 1 10 11 12 13 14 1 17 WWW UN N N N N PORNBEH 31 32 33 34 35 36 الرالرال 37 38 39 5 555555 47 48 ཚ7#ངV235# vvvvVIVISIVISI 58 59 60 61 0966 HOME HOME 62 63 61 67 68 73 REVENUE FREIGHT TONNAGE BY CLASSES OF COMMODITIES Products of Agriculture Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) originated: Wheat Corn Oats Other grain · Flour and meal Other mill products Hay, straw, and alfalfa Other fresh fruits Tobacco Cotton Cotton seed and products, except oil Citrus fruits Potatoes Other fresh vegetables Dried fruits and vegetables .. Other products of agriculture ·· Total Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.) transported: Wheat Corn Oats Other grein Flour and meel Other mill products Hay, strew, and alfalfa Total Tobacco Cotton .... Cotton seed and products, except oil Citrus fruits • Other fresh fruits SUMMARY No. 1.--RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928-Continued. (Does not include lessor companies.) Potetoes Other fresh vegetables Dried fruits and vegetables Other products of agriculture Item Eggs Butter and cheese Animals and Productɛ Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) originated: Horses and mules Cattle and calves Sheep and goats Hogs Fresh meats • Other packing-house products Poultry Sheep and goats Hogs Fresh meats • Wool Hides and leather Other animals and products Eggs .... Butter and cheese Total Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.) trensported: Horses and mules .... Cattle and calves Other packing-house products Poultry Total · Wool Hides and leather Other animals and products Selt Other products of mines Totel Products of Mines Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) originated: Anthracite coal Bituminous coal Coke Iron ore Other ores and concentrates Base bullion and matte Clay, gravel, sand, and stone Crude petroleum Asphal tum • Total, all districts 23.091,018 15,150,511 8,332,071 4,739,019 10,517,832 10,002,128 5.965,015 1,099,023 2,887,286 3,574,051 1,542,14 5,249,389 4,698,036 2,472,765 1,135,026 8,863,341 109,317,655 36,802,309 26,307.336 16,896,123 8,249,856 24,769,428 22,261,565 10,878,225 1,855,614 7,078,632 5,670,145 6,923,604 16,949,715 12,630,493 7,364,170 2,937,119 12,915,202 220,489,536 603,146 9,400,119 1,158,751 6,944 424 3,023,284 2,396,494 366,370 596,862 570,894 290,624 1,089,819 1,813,659 28,254,44.6 998,184 13,326,083 1,909,703 9,091,553 6,919,724 5,350,412 1,220,381 1,564,650 1,475,944 754,403 2,589,927 3,572,233 48,873,197 83,341,715 360,640,932 27,871,221 77,816,989 10,491,251 809,201 133,933,710 8,402,553 2,102,128 3,392,702 4,932,422 713,734,824 Eastern district 3,171,303 3,179,195 1,522,925 437,921 2,384,386 3,216,093 2,398,174 160,618 150,906 46,792 46,970 1,276,948 1,883,565 874,889 317,488 2,143,969 23,212,143 10,315,484 8,662,636 5,922,522 2,179,510 11,096,732 10,501,152 4,913,136 486,578 1,495,527 426,025 1,791,235 5,496,708 ,049, 269 2,732,939 850,535 4,174,617 77,094,706 po la mort ag 79,834 1,223,079 181,895 1,268,396 1,019,321 990,211 85,693 157,612 148,622 197.384 583,697 1,106,702 7,142,446 144,052 2,584,326 332,508 2.527.352 4,166,525 2,792,155 787.347 878,847 829,256 572,378 1,912,472 2,276,820 19,804,038 81,335,539 182,899,924 22,859,749 4,145,568 1,618,700 51,056 63,216,325 207,593 1,027,515 1,772,265 767,750 359,901,984 Southern district 857,858 2,136,555 1,178,710 124,652 972,338 1,318,638 496,751 $85,266 941,034 1,551,745 658,149 846,575 331,509 600,170 43.125 479,838 13,422,913 355.321 3,500,154 2.570,687 538,916 3,218,574 3,580,953 1,881,311 1,283,793 2,390,565 2,331,597 1,915,337 2,471,350 1,269,942 1,701,344 222,200 961,744 32,499,748 135,706 652,991 65,147 494,237 224,662 250,666 36,146 57,844 24,618 3,511 95,795 129,242 2,170,561 293,174 861,596 82,722 629,457 622,941 947,380 73.580 146,218 97,728 14.440 257,918 295,454 4,322,608 30,280 121,691,648 2,984,995 4,058,061 206,793 3,754 24,728,802 384,122 527,968 83.989 3,146,464 157,846,876 Western district 19,061,557 9,834,751 5,630,435 4,176,446 7,161,108 5,467.397 3,070,090 53,139 1,795,346 1,975.514 $37,025 3,124,866 2,482,962 997.706 774,473 6,239,534 72,682,599 24,131,504 13,838,546 8,402,914 5.531,430 10,454,152 8,179,460 4,087,778 85,243 3,192,440 2,912,523 3,217,032 8,981,657 5,311,282 2,929,887 1,864,383 7,778,841 110,895,082 387.606 7,524,049 911,713 5,181,791 1,779,301 1,155,617 244,531 381,406 397,654 89,729 310,327 577.715 18,941,439 560,958 9,880,161 1,494,473 5,934,744 2,130,258 1,610,877 359,454 539,585 548,960 167,585 519,537 999,959 24,746,551 1,975,896 56,049,360 2,026,477 69,613,350 8,665.758 754,391 45,988,583 7,810,838 544,645 1,538,443 1,018,208 195,955,964 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. No. 10 11 12 HNMISKO 180 O HAHAH MAIN M 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 មិនសសស គឺ 21 22 23 24 2222 NOW 26 27 28 TOMTO MO NAMINYA & AN A 50 53 55555566 ZUZPJORDAN FUNG OW ON ONE 54 Coke REVENUE FREIGHT TONNAGE BY CLASSES OF COMMODITIES--Continued Products of Mines --Concluded Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.) transported: Anthracite coal Bituminous coal Base bullion and matte SUMMARY No. 1.—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM the annual REPORTS OF CLASS 1 STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923—Continued. (Does not include lessor companies.) Iron ore Other ores and concentrates Item Balt Other products of mines Total Clay, gravel, eand, and stone Crude petroleum Asphaltum Products of Forests Number of tons (2,000 lbs.) originated: Logs, posts, poles, and cordwood Ties Pulp wood Lumber, timber, box shooks, staves, and headings Other products of forests Total Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.) transported: Logs, posts, poles, and cordwood Ties Pulp wood Lumber, timber, box shooks, staves, and headings Other products of forests Total Manufactures and Miscellaneous Number of tons. (2,000 lbs.) originated: Refined petroleum and its products Vegetable oils .... Iron, pig and bloom Rails and fastenings Sugar, sirup, glucose, and molasses Boats and vessel supplies Bar and sheet. iron, structural iron, and iron pipe Other metals, pig, bar, and sheet Castings, machinery, and boilers ……………………….. Cement Brick and artificial stone Lime and plaster Sewer pipe and drain tile ..... Agricultural implements and vehioles other than autos Automobiles and autotrucks Household goods and secondhand furniture Furniture (new) Beverages Ice Fertilizers (all kinds) Paper, printed matter, and books ..... Chemicals and explosives Textiles Canned goods (all canned food.products) Other manufactures and miscellaneous Total Grand total, carload traffic Merchandise--All L.C.L. freight Grand total, carload and L.C.L. traffic Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.) transported: Refined petroleum and its products Vegetable oils ...... Sugar, sirup, glucose, and molasses...... Boats and vessel supplies ......... Iron, pig and bloom Rails and fastenings ...... Bar and sheet iron, structural iron, and iron pipe Other metals, pig, bar, and sheet Castings, machinery, and boilers.……………………. Cement Brick and artificial stone ..……………………. Lime and plaster Sewer pipe and drain tile Agricultural implements and vehicles other than autos Automobiles and auto trucks Household goods and secondhand furniture Furniture (new) Beverages …………………………… Ice Fertilizers (all kinds) Paper, printed matter, and books *** Total, all districts 138,381,617 694,046,911 45.975.523 128,212,638 20,093,404 2,369,899 182,366,388 14,578,989 5.155,442 8,645,206 10,419,241 1,250,245,258 47,177,53 6,681,226 5,367,019 53,540,057 2,852,155 115,617,993 54,319,569 12,049,615 9,886,317 140,887,315 5,418,721 222,561,537 36,640,892 969,022 4,890,512 25,375 14,960,059 3,192,189 30,141,260 5,330,110 5,935,900 21,117,931 18,797,657 5,896,497 2,219,839 2,603,070 6,611,544 684,900 882,432 683,859 5,069,857 7,638,928 ,913,205 9,029,591 958,199 3,435,412 77,138,508 267,766,748 1,234,691,666 44,338,556 1,279,030,222 76,204,640 2,479.585 11,914,512 45.303 24,686,413 6,331,088 59,557,471 11,252,713 12,537,455 42,056,686 30.393,311 11,954,891 3,949,262 5,129,617 16,473,933 ,275,525 211,843 1,286,500 5,711,246 11,179,575 8,737,525 Eastern district 134,923,317 447,399,826 37,876,601 51,377,072 3,893,308 359,920 91,578,415 $670,332. 2,281,608. 4,664,317 2,360,636 777,385,352 3,463,249 1,088 416 1,484,405 7,200,701 1,118,480 14,355,251 5,914,398 3,332,889 4,261,436 44,639,139 2,706,218 60,854,080 13,379,196 307,642 2,028,880 19,789 11,909,532 2,296,080 25,858,918 4361813 4,468,906 11,142,848 10,403,029 3.557,688 1,176,728 1,514,260 5,401,781 112,147 388,901 338,765 2,760,803 2,742,720 2.367.761 5,941,756 513,288 2233243 1,634,248 56,477,552 171,105,031 575,716,855 22,175,000 597,891,855 28,547,578 926,852 4,631,925 31,057 19,535,513 546,916 45,449,083 8,650,188 8,640,823 24,165,315 17,138,474 7,170,222 ntmo 2,107,818 2,726,927 10,806,589 237,953 1,074,588 710,580 294,005 435,964 6,915,206 Southern district 325,744 152,467,792 4,478,119 5,488,534 654 568 16,006 33,123,287 646,172 1,241,178 1,015,487 4,523,469 203,980,156 9,325,701 2,748,062 915,266 21,954,713 1,079,315 36,023,057 10,629,760 4.323,768 1,262,409 43,142,375 1,504,399 61,032,711 3.559,885 221,924 724,096 2,713 2,186,471 451,553 1,534,361 108,550 326,771 2,325,214 3.844,833 718,981 *333,238 255,224 248,707 105,067 183,274 67,956 467,237 4,038,727 62,231 1,607,765 361,010 159,991 7,465,449 31,361,228 240,824,635 8,813,622 249,638,257 9,843,182 456,220 2,168,649 6,278 2,988,049 1,015,117 3,965,378 483.872 1,180,575 5,300,013 5,704,299 1,567,152 665,664 684,704 1,556,900 190,669 381,190 140,433 493.393 5,543,408 264,934 Western district 3,132,55€ 94,179,293 3,620,803 71,347,232 15.545,528 1,993,973 57,664,686 13,262,485 1,632,656 2,965,402 3,535,136 268,879,750 24,388,586- 2,844,748 2,967,248 24 284 643 654,360 65,239,685 37,705,411 4,392,958 4,362,472 53 105,801 1,108,104 100,674,746 19,701,811 439,456 2,137,536 2.873- 864 056 444 556 2,747,981 859,747 1,140,223 649 869 4 549,795 1,619,828 709,873 833,586 961,056 467,686 310,257 277,138 1,341,817 857,481 1183,213 1,480,070 83,901 1,641,173 13,195,507 65:300,489 415,150,176 13,349,934 431,500,110 37,513,880 1,096,513 5,113,938 7,968 2,062,851 1,769,055 10,142,010 2,118,653 2,716,057 12,591,358 7,550,538 3,217,517 1,175,840 1.717,986 4,110, 44 $46,903 756,055 435,187 1,923,348 1,150,207 1,557,385 13 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. 14 No Hain+ 1 2, 5 เด 67 8 10 9 ON 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Jind Jod 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ☺ wwww w NOMINAN 35 36 37 MOHAN 10 10 7 17 Total freight train. Total passenger train. Total mixed train. 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5455555555556 60 61 62 63 64 REVENUE FREIGHT TONNAGE BY CLASSES OF COMMODITIES-Joncluded. Manufactures and Miscellaneous--Concluded. Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.) transported--Continued, Chemicals and explosives.. Textiles. Canned goods (all canned food products). Other manufactures and miscellaneous. Total.... Grand total, carload traffic......... Merchandise-All L. C. L. freight.. Grand total, carload and L.C.L. traffic.... STATISTICS OF RAIL-LINE OPERATIONS, Freight-ordinary, Freight-light. Average mileage of road operated.. . . . Train-Miles. Passenger, Mixed,. Special....…………… Total transportation service. Work service.. 40 Mixed train--passenger.. · Total special... Train switching. Yard switching-freight. Yard switching-passenger.... .. SUMMARY No. 1.--RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I STEAM RAILWAYS (NOT INCLUDING SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES; FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923--Concluded. (Does not include lessor companies.) ... Total transportation service. Work service... ♦• Item. Locomotive-Miles, Freight train--loaded. Freight train-empty. Freight train-caboose. Freight train--exclusive work equipment. Total freight train. Work service. Mixed train-freight-loaded.. Mixed train-freight--empty. Mixed train-cabocaе.... Total special train………. train--passengcr Passenger Passenger train--sleeping, parlor, and observation.. Passenger train--dining.. Passenger train-other. Total passenger train.. .. Car-diles. Mixed train-exclusive work equipment. • Total transportation service. Mixed train-eleeping, parlor, and observation. Mixed train-dining.... Mixed train--other passenger train...... Total mixed train.. Tons--revenue freight.. Tons--nonrevenue freight.. Ton-mes--revenue freight.. Ton-miles--nonrevenue freight. ·· Passengers carried--revenue.... ·· ·· Miscellaneous, .. Passenger-miles--revenue.. Ton-miles-revenue freight--per mile of road. Ton-miles—revenue freight--per train-mile. Ton-miles-revenue freight-per loaded car-mile. Passenger-miles--revenue-per. train-mile.. Passenger-miles--revenue-per car-mile…………. Miles hauled revenue freight. Miles carried-revenue passengers Revenue per ton of freight. Revenue per ton-mile of freight. Revenue per passenger... Revenue per passenger-mile.. Total, all distriots, 17,838,877 2,205,325 7,914,637 144,517,871 517,845,804 2,260,015,332 73,585,432 2,333,600, 764 235,185,43 609,960,601 10,370,032 560,979.720 25,766,700 637,196 1,207,714,249 37,384,812 703,506,554 567,737,510 26,522,784 697,506 55,877,576 319,254,479 22,918,685 1,696,515,094 47,055,646 16,269,192,075 8,470,250,029 627,050,156 52,138,534 25,418,630,794 1,349,349,457 944,159,903 126,127,968 1,165,636,151 3,585,273,479 126,918,545 62,671,051 2,569,013 1,704,306 34,625,038 849,994 610 11,621,495 240,960,052 8,897,365 29,253,761,690 178,846,976 1,754,901 643.91 25.17 67.05 16.30 176.86 38.46. Eastern district. $1.97407 $0.01116 $1.16059 $0.03018 11,366,437 1,245,185 3,889,001 103,376,426 320,770,925 1,255,909,101 39,203,309 1,295, 112, 410 58,969,33 241,359,268 5,452,938 230,922,581 4,281,006 278,545 482,294,338 16,895,574 295,058,032 234,594,120 409,290 300,551 29,156,161 169,311,586 12,401,058 745,230,798 22,722,294 6,904,674,030 3,543,212, 862 251,035,234 4,831,299 2,333,600,764 276,455,373 412,727,228,422 43,510,651,101 986,916,503 37,957,009,111 19,221,805,815 1,295,112,410 116,859,067 193,987,685,538 14,209,391,113 655,225,051 10,703,753,425 620,683,017 354,826,290 40,124,469 496,661,235 1,512,295,011 19,478,680 8,631,195 422,630 64,039 5,406,732 6,989 14 3,059,908 37,070,187 3,183,309 12,256,301,932 47,421,858 3,289,637 775.60 28.02 82.89 19.60 149.7? 29.34 $1.65358 30.01104 $0.83410 $0.02843 Southern district. 3,250,074 690,531 616,906 15,825,972 64,984,502 366,819,725 14,556,150 381,375,875 43,872.60 124,972,664 1,544,846 96,142,433 4,597,189 143,182 227,400,314 7,295,313 136,906,261 98,186,988 4,706,693 148,547 9,013,589 50,015,415 3,178,311. 302,155,804 8,846,956 3,034,189,505 1,625,610,125 127,360,287 9,532,643 4,796,692,560 225,206,771 148,155,799 19,612,054 186,334,095 579,308,079 19,185,566 8,811,682 170,161 148,593 7,633,628 59,197 112 2,090, 746 38,099,685 1,385,616 5,415,985,940 33,143,240 381,375,875 52,120,030 81,705,349,643 8,270,014,325 114,929,647 5,449,949,941 1,862,332 628.84 26.76 56.00 14.30 214.24 47.42 $2.05384 $0.00959 31.59881 $0.03372 Western district. 3,222,366 269,609 3,408,730 25,315,473 132,090,377 637,286,506 19,825,973 657,112,479 132,343.50 243,628,669 3,372,248 233,914,706 16; 838,505 215,469 498,019,597 13,193,925 271,542,261 234,956,402 17,406,801 248,408 17,707,825 99,927,478 7.739,316 649,128,492 15,486,396 6,330,328,540 3,301,427,042 248,654,635 37,774,592 9,918,184,809 503,460,269 441,177,854 66,391,445 482,640,821 1,493,670,389 88,254,299 45,228,174 1,976,222 1,491,674 21,584,678 783,808 484 6,470,841 165,790,180 3,828,440 11,581,473,818 98,281,878 657,112,479 107,476,276 137,034,193,241 21,031,245,663 216,761, 805 13,285,253,355 1,035,443 525.19 21.35 56.08 13.74 208.54 61.29 $2.55944 $0.01227 $1.91514 $0.03125 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. No. 1 pouf 10 ~ O MAGN ~ ~ NNN 4 2 Investment in road and equipment…………. Improvementa on leased railway property.. Sinking funds………. 3 6 5 Deposito in lieu of mortgaged property sold. Miscellare cua physical property...... Investments in affiliated companies. 7 B Other investments. 9 10 Cash.. 11 23 24 12 13 14 15 16 17| Other current assets 18 19 Deferred assets.. 28 49 50 31 Total number of stockholders...... 30 31 32 33 Le chiens ·· Total investments. 43 20 Discount on capital stock. 21 | Discount on funded debt.. 22 Other unadjusted debils. GENERAL BALANCE SHEET. Investments. Material and supplies.. .. Demand loans and deposits. Time drafts and deposits.... Special deposits. . . . . . . Loans and bills receivable. Miscellaneous accounts receivable. 11 52 53 54 55 | 56 27 Premium on capital stock. · Total current asseta.. Current Assets. ་ Total stock…….... 29❘ Grante in aid of construction. SUMMARY No. 2. --RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923 (Does not include lessor companies.) Total unadjusted debits.. Grand total. ❤ Unadjusted Debits. • Capital stock.. Stock liability for conversion.. ·· ·· D Item. 39 Premium on funded debt.... 40 Operating reserves.... Accrued depreciation. Other unadjusted credits. 41 • • 42 34 Loans and bills payable. 35 Miscellaneous accounts payable. Other current liabilities. 36 Long-Term Debt. Funded debt unsatured.. Receiver's certificates. Nonnegotiable debt to affiliated companies. Total long-term debt...... 37 Total current liabilities. 38| Deferred liabilities. Stock. • • • Current Liabilities. Total unadjusted credits .. Total corporate surplus. Unadjusted Credits Total appropriated surplus. Profit and loss--balance...... · • T Corporate Surplus. 44 Additions to property through income and surplus. 45 | Funded debt retired through income and surplus. 46| Sinking fund reserves...... 47| Miscellaneous fund reserves......... 48 Appropriated surplus not specifically invested. Expenditures for new lines and extensions, Expenditures for additions and betterments Credits for property retired... Adjustments…. . . . . . . . Net charges during ye&r………………… • • 1 · .. 2 • • ·· INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT. 57 Stocks actually issued during year--par value….. 58 Funded debt actually issued during year--par valus. • · < • Total, all districts. 404 $137,808,642 11,863,464 1,300 1,427,619 3,124,534 15,792,848 3,031,371 173,049,778 7,925,460 116,000 70,428 329,290 2,459,875 9.516,930 ,762,921 3,482,902 33,663,806 4,207,730 3,087,800 634,867 2,639,057 6,361,724 217,283,038 35,853,900 35,853,900 97,475,000 7.775,585 105,250,585 4,856,063 2,324,319 13,180,135 20,360,517 638,876 443-637 10,576,326 10,306,876 21,334,557 7.575,254 970,000 1,238,232 125,062 1,586,747 11,495,295 22,349,308 33,844,603 12, 114 4,678,464 1,088,660 27.497 3,574,421 240,000 900,000 Eastern district. Deficit or other reverse item. 99 $89,031,333 1,767,493 1,272,580 378,897 3,240,782 2,828,167 98,519,252 5,412,680 965 2,027,224 ,352 921,054 4,758,290 22,567,565 379,050 356,542 1,408,053 1,764,625 123,230,492 25,500,000 25,500,000 51,634,600 7,775,585 59,410,185 182,262 1,110,126 9,917,190 11,209,578 615,142 344,791 5,909,233 +,249,115 10,510,876 6,175,390 1,586,747 7,762,137 8,222,574 15,984,711 12, 114 3,220,484 578,876 ₫ 2.703 2,651,019 240,000 900,000 Southern district. :: 9:4 ... 15 Yestern district. 305 $48,777,309 10,095,971 1,300 155,039 2,745,637 12,552,066 203,204 74,530,526 2,512,780 115,000 70,428 1,328,325 432,651 2.589.578 2,321,867 1,724,612 11,096,241 3,823,680 3,087,800 278,325 1,230,974 4,597,099 94,052,546 10,353,900 10,353,900 45,840,400 45,840,400 4,673,301 1,214,193 3,262,945 9,150,979 23.734 98,827 4,667,093 6,057,761 10,823,681 1,399,864 970,000 1,238,232 125,062 3,733,158 14,126,734 17,859,892 1,457,980 509,784 24,794 923,402 ::: STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. 16 No. - Ca 1 Railway operating revenues………. 2 Railway operating expenses... * * * 3 4 6 7 00 -3 8 2 2 12 14 ܐ 15 16 17 18 19 9 Net revenue from miscellaneous operations. 10 Taxes on miscellaneous operating property... 11 Kiscellaneous operating income. Total operating income..... 13 Hire of freight cars--credit balance. Rent from locomotives.. 28 29 30 31 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 52 53 54 20 21 22 23 24 Income from funded securities. 25 Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds. 27 Release of premiums on funded debt.. 26 32 33 34 35 36 27 Joint facility renta. 30 | Rent for leased roads. 39 55 56 63 70 71 ༧N。 s Tet revenue from railway operations Railway tax accruals... Uncollectible railway revenues.... Railway operating income..... Revenues from miscellaneous operations Expenses of miscellaneous operations... 73 75 76 ** .78 79 60 81 Rent from passenger-train cars. Rent from floating equipment. Rent from work equipment.. Joint facility rent income Income from lease of road.. Miscellaneous rent income Miscellaneous nonoperating physical property Separately operated properties--profit. Dividend income... SUMMARY No. 2.---RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING, AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923-Continged. (Does not include lessor companies.) INCOME ACCOUNT. Item. • Contributions from other companies.... Miscellaneous income....... Total nonoperating income. Gross income...... ·· • Hire of freight cars--debit balance Rent for locomotives... Rent for passenger-train cars. Rent for floating equipment Rent for work equipment 4 ·· Ad · • Unrefundable overcharges. Donations. Miscellaneous credits 57 Credit balance transferred from income. 58 Profit on road and equipment scld..... 59 | Delayed income credits......... 60 €1 €2 • 72 Delayed income debita... Miscellaneous renta... Miscellaneous tax accruals..………………………… Separately operated properties--loss Interest on funded debt... Interest on unfunded debt... ··· • Amortization of discount on funded debt.. Maintenance of investment organization... Income transferred to other companies.. Miscellaneous income charges 、、、、、、、 Total deductions from gross income Net income Miscellaneous debits....... ·· Total appropriations of income... Income balance transferred to profit and loss. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. .. Income applied to sinking and other reserve funda……..4 Dividend appropriations of income.........、、、、 Income appropriated for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through income. Miscellaneous appropriations of income. Total debite during year. Net increase during year... Balance at beginning of year.. Balance at end of year... Total credits curing year.. €4 Debit balance transferred from income 65 Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funda €6 Dividend appropriations of surplus... 67 Surplus arpropriated for investment in physical property €8 Stock discount extinguished through surplus.. 69 Debt discount extinguished through surplus ••‹ Kiscellaneous appropriations of surplus.. Loss on retired road and equipment. • • 34. ·· · • Dividends declared during year、、、、、、 Par value on which declared--cormon. Par value on which declared--preferred.. Average rate on dividend-yielding stock, per cent. • • • • · ? U ·· ·· • • • Med drugih vậ Total, all districts. $66,737,117 47,698,024 19,039,093 4,320,809 139,358 14,578,326 144,161 126,701 17,460 396 17,064 14,595,990 1,340,598 686,127 231 12,500 96.664 4,797.703 545 593,17 58,603 d 109.311 320,944 120,487 1,050 100,739 21.408 8,762,053 23,358,043 2,325,515 761,956 322323523 220 *45,890 1,972,049 5.361,525 766,434 30,284 4,565,175 15 22,751 *29,874 15,897,290 7,460,753 212,691 376,179 134,989 230,830 954,689 6,506,064 6,510,051 23,859 16 157,327 67,293 173,178 6,931,724 3,987 1,890 1,000,000 104,287 53,125 214,973 479,518 1,857,780 5,073.944 27,275,364 22,349,308 1,376,179 11,245,600 **12.24 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district. $45,055,367 32,995,123 12,059,244 2,351,856 811 9,708, 199 ¿ 144,161 126,701 17,460 396 17,064 9,725,263 1,208,677 231,140 9 12,500 70,102 1,272,741 500, 73 135, 94,006 231,539 4,353 1.050 100,739 ₫ 37.572 3,827,907 13,553,170 2,172,606 489,470 67 *45,886 730,502 2,500,012 336,208 8,104 2,452,084 2,420 12,943 *14,470 8,764,772 4,788,398 4,496 173,583 62,412 230,830 471,321 4,317,077 4,321,064 4,242 16 59,870 12,092 51,658 4,448,942 3.987 1,000,000 55.795 15,625 68,566 382,853 1,526,826 2,322,116 5,300,458 8,222,574 1,173,583 8,120,000 **14.45 Southern district. Western district. $21,681,750 14,701,901 6,979,849 1,968,953 140,169 4,870,727 4,870,727 131,921 454,987 222 26,562 3,524,962 44, 580 457.752 56,152 15,305 69,405 116,134 *16,164 4,934,146 9,804,873 152,909 272,486 153 1,241,547 2,861,513 430,226 22,180 2,113,091 13.197 9,808 15,404 7,132,518 2,672,355 208,195 202,596 72.577 483,368 2,188,987 2,188,987 19,617 97,457 55, 201 121,520 2,432,782 **i, 890 *48,492 37,500 146,407 *98,665 330,954 2,151,828 11,974,906 14,126,734 202,596 3,126,600 6.48 Fod 1 Freight.... 2 | Passerger. 3 Excess baggage.... 4 5 6 7 Express... 8 Other passenger-train 18 19 Milk.... 10 | Switching 11 Special service train.. 20 21 12| Other freight-train. 13 Water transfers--freight 14 Vater transfers--passenger. 23 24 Sleeping car..... Parlor and chair car. Kail.. 1775 25 • • 15 Water transfers--vehicles and live stock. 16 Water transfers--other... 17 22 Mail.. 26 Freight..... Passenger.. 43 44 Excess baggage.. Other passenger service. • Total rail-line transportation revenue.. Express. Special service.. Other. 27 Dining and buffet... 28 Hotel and restaurant RAILWAY OPERATING REVENUES. D Total water-line transportation revenue Storage--freight.. Storage--baggage...………… • • 29| Station, train, and boat privilege 30| Parcel room...... 31 32 33 34 Demurrage..... Telegraph and telephone Grain elevator... · 40 41 Joint facility--Cr.... 42 Joint facility--Dr. ·· • Superintendence..... 25 36| Stockyard. 37 Power. 38 Rents of buildings and other property Miscellaneous...... 39 Total incidental operating revenue. Ties--yard........ Ties--other. • • • Rails--yard……. Rails--other Total joint facility operating revenue. Total railway operating revenues. •••• STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. SUMMARY No. 2.— RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923 Continued. (Does not include lessor companies.) 77 78 | Ballast--yard ?? | Ballast--other. 45 46 Roadway maintenance--yard……. 47| Roadway maintenance--other...... 48| Roadway--depreciation--yard. 49 | Roadway--depreciation--other Underground power tubes--yard 50 51 Underground power tubes--other……………… Underground power tubea--depreciation--yard. 52 53 Underground power tubes--depreciation--other. 54 ... RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES. Maintenance of Vay and Structures. ... Item. • D ++ Rails--depreciation--yard. Rails--depreciation--other. • Tunnels and subways--yard. 55 Tunnels and subways--other...……………………. 56 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--yard. 57 Tunnels and subways--depreciation--other. 58 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--yard. 59 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--cther, | 50 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--yard. 61 Bridges, trestles, and culverts--depreciation--other….. 62 Elevated structures--yard. 63 | Elevated structures--other....... 64 • ·· .... Elevated structures--depreciation--yard. 65 | Elevated structures--depreciation--other. 66 • • 67 • • • 68 | Ties--depreciation--yard. 69 | Ties--depreciation--other. 70 คา 72 73 74 75 | Other track material--other. 76 Other track material--depreciation--yard. Other track material--depreciation--other. Other track material--yard....... .... ... 80 | Ballast--depreciation--yard 81 | Ballast--depreciation--other 82 Track laying and surfacing--yard……. ·· • • ↓ 83 Track laying and surfacing--other. 84 Right-of-way fences--yard.. 85 | Right-of-way fences--other. ... • ·· • ... .. ·· ·· Total, all districts. $1,678,824 31,700 153 3,672 60,821,742 27.305 6,991 62,571,276 889 *31,547 156,822 91,990 30,849 28,65 1,496, 156,472 109,426 4,104 185.143 2,184,35 4.505.550 372 340,081 ₫ 339.709 66,737,117 469,231 676,550 4,642 679 1,494 9,231 22,784 429,612 922 396,979 *22,977 *35,250 1,153,494 å, 14,222 1,180 362,096 3.788 2.391 85, 1313233 2,004,504 20,530 6,348 23 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item, Eastern district. $1,391,736 41,707,891 27.305 585 889 43,128,406 "ૐ; 14,545 27,861 1,103,469 109,426 4,104 37,770 561,186 1,930,664 372 4,075 3.703 45,055,367 277,999 402.951 **1,494 ** 33,694 i68,176 695 721,920 ''i,180 248,446 **2,391 473,572 2,280 *3i,534 68 1,270,435 ** 5,235 Southern district. 17 Western district. $287,088 31,700 153 *3,672 19,113,851 *8406 19,442,870 150,141 77,445 2,988 24,582 392,715 156,472 147.373 1,623,170 2,574,836 335,006 ₫ 336,006 21,681,750 191,232 273.599 4,642 273 5,537 22,784 261,436 922 396,284 22,977 35° 50 431,574 14,222 1i3,650 3.788 329,617 53,581 786 734,069 20,530 1,213 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. ด 18 No. 23. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Crossings and signs--depreciation--yard. Crossings and aigna--depreciation--ether Station and office buildings ·· Station and office buildings--depreciation Roadway buildings...、、、、、、、 Roadway buildings--depreciation. Water stations....... 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Water stations--depreciation. 17 Fuel stations. 18 Fuel stations--depreciation...... 19 20 21 22 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued. Maintenance of Way and Structures--Concluded. 62 SUMMARY No. 2.---RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923—Continued. (Does not include lessor companies.} Item. Right-of-way fences--depreciation--yard. Right-of-way fences--depreciation--other Snow and sand fences and snowshede--yard. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--other………………… .. 73 74 Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--yard,. Snow and sand fences and snowsheds--depreciation--other Crossings and signs--yard………………. Crossings and signs--other………. 75 76 * Shops and enginehouses,... Shops and enginehouses--depreciation... Grain elevators....... Grain elevators--depreciation....... Storage warehouses, Storage warehouses--depreciation..... Wharves and docks.... Wharves and docks--depreciation... 38 Power plant buildings--depreciation…………. 39 Power substation buildings....... Coal and ore wharves. Coal and ore wharves--depreciation.. Gas producing plants........ Gas producing plants--depreciation.... Telegraph and telephone lines....... 31 32 | Telegraph and telephone lines--depreciation 33 34 35 • 4 •• ... Signals and interlockers.. Signals and interlockers--depreciation..... Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines... 36 Power plant dams, canals, and pipe lines--depreciation. 37 Power plant buildings... 40 Power substation buildings--depreciation.. 41 Power transmission systems...... 42 Power transmission system--depreciation 43 Power distribution systems....... 44 Power distribution systems--depreciation.. 45 Power line poles and fixtures.... 46 Power line poles and fixtures--depreciation. 47 Underground conduits....... 48 Underground conduits--depreciation..... 49 | Miscellaneous structures. 50 Kiscellaneous structures--depreciation. 51 ... Paving - Paving--depreciation. 52 53 Roadway machines..... . . .. 54 Roadway machines--depreciation.. Small tools and supplies....... $5 56 Removing snow, ice, and sand....... 57 Assessments for public improvements, 58 59 60 61 Injuries to persons. . . . . . . .. Insurance. Stationery and printing Other expenses... 67 68 69 7C 71 72 Power substation apparatus.... ·· · .. • • Superintendence.. Shop machinery Shop machinery--depreciation Power plant machinery........ Power plant machinery--depreciation. • ** A ·· ✰✰ .. Power substation apparatus--depreciation.. Steam locomotives--repairs. Steam locomotives--depreciation.. Steam locomotives--retirements. 77 Other locomotives--repairs....………… 78 79 80 | Freight-train cars--repairs....... 81 Freight-train cars--depreciation... Other locomotives--depreciation..... Other locomotives--retirements.. Total, above accounts. 63 Maintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Dr. 64 Kaintaining joint tracks, yards, and other facilities--Cr 65 Equalization--way and structures 66 Total maintenance of way and structures. Maintenance of Equipment. ·· • ... ... .. → · < Total, all districts. ** $185 106,929 446 13,891 317 ,772 113,216 36,586 3,981 67,383 5.599 47.725 8,608 247,273 36,723 17,249 31,354 6,128 16,294 123,733 94,115 62,832 16,320 45,674 292,633 12,879 13,014 4,483 144 381 5.996 23,218 1,614 1 5.640 1,873 ,283 16,658 91,820 44.717 2,120 49.717 110,734 14,278 10,760 8,663,603 871,538 2,048,989 7,486,152 401,763 193,446 28,085 83,132 24,470 2,161 292 5,533,905 528,776 6,066 1,978 1,975,252 386,295 Eastern district. ** $185 64,466 528 118,971 10,386 23,839 186 38.374 1,361 23,177 929 96,095 7,747 2,297 3,213 20.919 15,180 62,832 16,320 40,625 122,332 31 4,856 35 i 430 331 950 G 5.378 968 12,889 49,828 33.363 886 27,021 27,892 8,900 4,025 4,459,725 717,068 1,077,017 Ca 4,099,776 278,829 133,101 8. 448 9,192 2,161 4,138,391 327,882 18,152 1,978 1,824,298 376,411 ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. Southern district. ... + ↑ ¿ Western district. $42,463 446 13,363 198,801 102,830 12,747 3.795 29,009 4,238 24,548 7.679 151,178 28,976 17,249 31,354 3,831 13,081 102,814 78,935 5,049 170,301 12,848 © 8,148 4483 109 351 5,566 22,881 664 262 1,873 5,315 3.769 41.992 11,354 1,234 22,690 82.842 6,378 5,735 4,203,878 154,470 971,972 3,386,376 122,934 60,345 19,637 73.940 24,470 292 1,395,514 200,894 12.086 150,954 9,884 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. No. 12 3 4 5 6 7 Freight-train cars--retirements. Passenger-train cars--repairs. Passenger-train cars--depreciation Passenger-train cars--retirements.... Motor equipment of cars--repairs. Motor equipment of cars--depreciation. Motor equipment of cars--retirements.. Floating equipment--repairs......... Floating equipment--depreciation.... 10 | Floating equipment--retirements 11 Work equipment--repairs. 12 Work equipment--depreciation.…………. Work equipment--retirements..... 13 14 8 G 18 19 20 NN 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 45 46 RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Continued. Maintenance of Equipment--Concluded. Miscellaneous equipment--repairs... Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation.. 15 16 | Miscellaneous equipment--retirements 1.7 Injuries to persons………… Insurance.. Stationery and printing. Other expenses. Total.. 64 $5 Superintendence... Outside agencies. Advert is ing... Traffic associations. Fast freight lines..... • Total traffic. ·· 21 23 22 Maintaining joint equipment at terminals--Dr Maintaining joint equipment at terminals--Cr Equalization--equipment. 24 • • • • Total maintenance of equipment. Superintendence Dispatching trains...... SUMMARY No. 2.-RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923 Continued. (Does not include lessor companies.) • .. 44 Yard switch and signal tenders Yard enginemen. Yard motormen. Industrial and immigration bureaus. Insurance..... Stationery and printing. Other expenses.. Item. 75 Insurance.... 75 Clearing wrecks. 77 Damage to property. 78 • Stationery and printing Other expenses.. • Enginehouse expenses--train. Trainmen... - • F • .. · 36 37 33 | Station employees.. 39 Weighing, inspection, and demurrage bureaus Coal and ore wharves. 40 41 Station supplies and expenses 42 | Yardmasters and vard clerks.. 43 Yard conductors and brakemen. ··· ❤ 47 Fuel for yard locomotives. 48 Yard switching power produced 49 Yard switching power purchased. 50 Water for yard locomotives.... 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 53 59 SO 51. 62 | Other supplies for train locomotives 63 • • • • · Transportation--Rail Line. Train supplies and expenses. ... Operating sleeping cars......... 66 67 | Signal and interlocker operation 63 Crossing protection... 69 70 71 72 Expreз8 service.. 73 74 • R • • Lubricants for yard locomotives Other supplies for yard locomotives. Enginehouse expenses--yard. Yard-supplies and expenses... Train enginemen..... Train motormen.. Fuel for train locomotives. Train power produced…………. Train power purchased. Water for train locomotives.. Lubricants for train locomotives D Traffic. ·· • • Drawbridge operation.. Telegraph and telephone operation. Operating floating equipment. O .. → 43 • • ·· • Damage to live stock on right of way. 79 Loss and damage--freight.. 80 Loss and damage--baggage. • • • • • ✔ · • .. Total, all districts. $23,197 13,807 2,447 2,054 164 51,665 34,719 28,603 175,284 48,628 5.245 8,432 8,608 899 90,187 81,688 28,554 8,001 9,777,803 26,771 318,236 9,486,338 100,996 30,171 11,715 6,291 7,876 13 19,128 1,772 177,962 1,179,798 216,950 4,770,534 22,503 82,297 418,628 2,142,640 7,660,010 723,196 5,395,336 6,169,178 1,074 305,316 91,683 142,413 1,347,179 267,828 21.611 30,901 5,896 511 489 73,655 28,863 116,611 236,766 315,766 19,590 104,963 176,374 254,680 265,779 72,567 177,305 78,898 373,053 3.257 d Deficit or other reverse item. Eastern district. $39,099 732 285 2,467 164 • 51,665 34,719 28,603 124,427 31,793 570 2,744 1,707 514 64,455 68,850 20,272 2,085 7,592,864 26,77 124,565 7,495,070 64,361 30,171 5.792 3,652 4,607 13 14,835 1,702 125,133 789,475 112,275 1,803,890 22,228 82,297 202,038 1,404.668 5,320,011 383,232 3,750,538 4,674,993 1,074 213,439 62,638 100,734 1,006,011' 180,072 8,506 3,690 65,648 112,849 119,244 194,388 15,852 51,871 176,374 139,839 241,551 52,416 101,781 51,236 48 273,542 53 Southern district. • ¿ d 19 Western district. $15.902 13,075 2,162 413 50,857 16,835 5,815 5,588 5,901 385 25,732 12,828 8,282 5,916 2,184,939 193,671 1,991,265 36,635 5,923 2,639 3,269 4,293 70 52,829 V 390,323 104,575 2,966,644 275 216,590 737,972 2,339,999 333,964 1,645,798 1,494,185 91,877 29,045 41,679 341,168 87,756 21,611 22,395 2,206 511 489 8,007 28,863 3,762 117,522 121,378 3,738 53,092 114,841 24,228 20,151 75,524 27,662 25 99.511 3,310 1 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. 20 Ro 6 8 10 1 Injuries to persons. 2 Operating joint yards and terminals--Dr.... 3 Operating joint yards and terminals--Cr..... 4 Operating joint tracks and facilities--Dr. Operating joint tracks and facilities--Cr.. Total transportation--rail line……………. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ☺ 33 333 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 25 26 Other expenses.... 27 28 General joint facilities--Dr.. 29 General joint facilities--Cr. 30 53 54 55 56 57 Total general expenses...... 31 Transportation for investment--Cr.... 32 Total railway operating expenses. Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent).. Separation Between Services. 8888 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 56 87 Operation of vessels... Operation of terminals. Incidental...... 68 Total transportation--water line..... Dining and buffet service. Hotels and restaurants..... Grain elevators...... Stock yards. RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES--Concluded. Transportation--Rail Line--Concluded. Transportation--Water Line. Producing power sold. Other miscellaneous operations.... SUMMARY No. 8.—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923-Continued. (Does not include lessor companies.) Total miscellaneous operations. Relief department expenses. Pensions. Stationery and printing. Valuation expenses......... ·· General. Salaries and expenses of general officers. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants.. General office supplies and expenses........ Law expenses..... Insurance...... Xiscellaneous Operations. Item. 47 | Miles of road... 48 Miles of second main track..... 49 Miles of third main track..... 50 Miles of fourth mair track....... 51 Miles of all other main tracks.... 52 Miles of yard track and sidings Total, all tracks.... Related solely to freight service. Related solely to passenger and allied services. Related in common to both freight and passenger and allied services. Apportioned to freight service.... Apportioned to passenger and allied services ... Not related to either freight service or to passenger and allied services..、、 Total.... Miles of road.. Miles of second main track..... Miles of third main track.... Coal cars Tank cars. Miles of fourth main track. Miles of all other main tracks. Miles of yard track and sidings. Total, all tracks...... Total. • • • MILEAGE OPERATED ON DECEMBER 31, 1923. Number at close of year: Box cars. Flat cars.... Stock cars. Steam locomotives: Number at close of year.... Total tractive power (pounds) Number installed during year.. Number retired during year.... Other locomotives: MILEAGE OWNED ON DECEMBER 31, 1923. • Number at close of year...…………… Number installed during year... Number retired during year...... .. • Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars • EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE. ... ·· Freight-carrying Cars. • • ... 2/ Total, all districts. $683,111 223,866 946 6.113 $263,274 464,474 29,054,835 ** 57.765 99,902 7,108 45,415 210,190 364,222 606,649 91,677 163,051 2,176 2,724 18,680 63,415 61,851 66,991 25,595 151,921 1,315,110 32,563 47,698,024 71.47 44,315,430 2,677,430 656,853 48,311 2/ 47,698,024 415.66 253.78 2.22 1.01 1/1,804.59 2,477.26 202.52 114.08 2.22 1.01 766.16 1,085.99 818 31,519,930 1,352 125 8 7,481 1 590 9,562 Eastern district. Includes 58.83 miles of industrial tracks. Includes 29.24 miles of industrial tracks. $476,729 204 940 1,868,299 196,072 307,710 20,420,127 57,765 7,108 3,655 68,528 183,667 422,336 61,043 78.766 1,364 2,724 9,071 40,022 39,866 20,455 7,988 47,250 820,052 32,563 32,996,123 73.23 32,996,123 32,996,123 308.20 197.88 2.22 1.01 1/ 1,190.91 1,700.22 165.36 94.87 2.22 1.01 2/ 528.21 791.67 523 21,157,030 45 :: 364 95 อ 7,12323 5 590 8,177 Southern district. ::: Western district. $206,382 18,926 3,077,814 67,202 156,764 8,634,708 99,902 41,760 141,662 180,555 184,313 30,634 84,285 812 9,609 23,393 21,985 46,536 17,607 104,671 495,058 14,701,901 67.81 11.319,307 2,677,430 656,853 48,311 14,701,901 107.46 55.90 613.68 777.04 37.16 19.21 237.95 294.32 295 10,362,900 O 14 988 30 8 358 .. 1 1,385 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. No. 1234567 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 223 333 456 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 55 50 51 52 53 54 Aggregate capacity (tona): Box care.. Flat cars. Stock cars Coal carз... Tank cars.. 55 56 EQUIPMENT (OWNED OR LEASED) IN SERVICE--Concluded. Freight-carrying Cars--Concluded. 57 58 59 60 51 62 Total... 63 | 25 26 Number at close of year.... Number installed during year. 27 Number retired during year. Refrigerator caro.. Other freight-carrying cars. 28 Number at close of year....、 29 Number installed during year 30 Number retired during year. • •• Number installed during year: Box carg Flat cars. Stock cars.. Coal cars. Tank cars... Total. • • Total... Number retired during year: .. 31 Number of units at close of year... 32 Number of units installed during year…………. 33 Number of units retired during year. Refrigerator cars.. Other freight-carrying cars. • ·· .. Box cara Flat cars Stock cars Coal cars.. Tank cars……. Refrigerator cars. Other freight-carrying cars. ·· 16 Average number Compensation: 47 48 49 SUMMARY No. 2.—RECAPITULATION OF SELECTED ITEMS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CLASS I SWITCHING AND TERMINAL COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923-Concluded. (Does not include lessor companies.) ... • All Classes of Passenger-train Cars. Item. All Classes of Company Service Cars. Service hours: ·· Floating Equipment. In replacement and bettermenta: Number of cross ties.... Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties.. Total charges..... TIES LAID DURING YEAR. In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Fumber of cross ties... Number of feet (b.m.) switch and bridge ties. Total charges..... In replacement and betterments: Fumber of tons (2,240 lbs.).. Total charges. Straight time paid for. Overtime paid for..... Total.. RAILS LAID DURING YEAR. In additional tracks and in new lines and extensions: Miles of main tracks. Miles of yard tracks and sidings Number of tons (2,240 lbs.). ·· Total charges. Straight time paid for. Overtime paid for. Total.. Service days: ... EMPLOYEES. M Straight time paid for... Overtime paid for..... Total.. Amount of compensation chargeable to operating expenses.. CONSUMPTION OF FUEL BY LOCOMOTIVES. Total number of tons (2,000 lbs.): In freight service. In passenger service. In mixed-train service... In special service..……………. In yard-switching service. In work service..... Grand total, all services. 칡 ​Total, all districts. 41.140 4,065 240 377,600 142 30 29,140 452,357 1,261 1 **i '39 1,305 .M. •~• Whi 92 19 32 375 109 538 28 **3 477 26 22 20 H 584,828 5,592,589 $1,225,676 94,284 715,796 $182,406 25,201 $949,645 .31 37.24 4.842 $166,258 22,097 $36,397,625 $2,543,001 $38,993,514 52,078,289 3,298,140 55,449,287 557,005 9,210 568,079 $34,736,900 5,038 2,092 1,685,243 16,429 1,708,802 ปี હતો Eastern district. 11,520 3,025 363,080 142 29,140 406,907 301 1 **i $39 345 ୨ 21 276 100 406 mom 5 295 Does not include data for 11,551 linear feet of steel ties. Does not include data for 11,551 Does not include data for •10 357,039 3,253,849 $784,013 6,351 linear feet of steel ties. 20 2 1 66,664 453,532 $133,033 16,100 $589,023 31 28.23 3,505 $119,728 12,664 $21,769,702 $ 1,837,065 $23,628,202 30,133,584 2,402,958 32,558,859 311,083 930 313,378 $22,321,189 1,236,063 3,782 1,239,845 Southern district. 0:0 . • • Western district. 21 29,620 1,040 240 14,520 30 45,450 960 960 SKA M 10 11 99 132 23 41 226 52 182 42 16 227,789 2,338,740 $ 441,663 27,620 263,264 $ 49,373 $352. 9,101 $360,622 9.01 1,337 $46,530 9.433 $14,627,923 $705,936 $15,365,312 21,944,705 895,182 22,890,428 245,922 8.280 254,701 $12,415,711 802 5,038 2,092 449,180 12,647 468,957 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. 22 Kind of mileage: Steam road. Electric line... Steamboat line..... Stage line... Miscellaneous lines. Total mileage State or Territory: Alabama. Arizona. .. Arkansas.... California Colorado..... Connecticut. Delaware. • District of Columbia. Florida.. Georgia... Idaho. Illinois. Indiana. Iowa.. Kansas. Kentucky. Louisiana.. Maine.. Maryland. Massachusetts. • • ·· Michigan. Minnesota.. Mississippi. Missouri. Montana.... Nebraska. Nevada.... •• I. II. New Hampshire. How Jersey.. New Mexico.. New York. • North Carolina .. North Dakota. Ohio... Oklahoma. Oregon Pennsylvania. Rhode Island. South Carolina. South Dakota. Tennessee. Texas..... Utah.. .. → .. Vermont.... Virginia. Washington. West Virginia Wisconsin. Wyoming..... Alaska. Hawaii.. Canada. Mexico. Mileage not assignable 1. ... • * • Land.. Buildings. .. III. Equipment: • Cers.. Horses.. Automobiles. • Fagone and sleighs. Harness and squipment SUMMARY No. 3.—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923. Office furniture and equipment Office safes..... Item C Item Trucks.. Stable equipment. Garage equipment Line equipment. Shop equipment Miscellaneous squipment. Total equipment.. Total real property and equipment. MILEAGE COVERED BY OPERATIONS. Total 233,522.30 3.183.53 36,153.87 703.92 97.40 273,661.02 4,536.72 2,126.63 4,515.09 8.777.42 4,536.48 1,009.99 326.90 42.45 4,714.59 6,683.20 2,787.11 11,289.49 6,824.54 10,303.56 9,282.52 3.512.59 4,356.08 2,067.26 3,020.15 2,066.17 7,744.59 8,214.14 3.923.98 7.865.14 4.736.53 6,159.06 2,081.84 1,202.86 2,111.41 2,815.76 8,228.94 4,572.83 5,243.58 8,990.32 6,388.06 3.257.90 9,194.71 213.50 3.590.00 4,182.07 3.557.12 15,443.86 2,164.53 940.47 5,266.18 6,095.20 322323 2,680.24 6,850.18 1,856.37 3,817.30 351.30 2,785.88 94.23 28,262.00 Total $4,729,809 10,870,323 916,521 2,340,583 12,103,190 2,273,331 425,837 3,164,548 451,280 2,095,467 5,327 307.633 609,385 207.875 725.363 American Railway Express Co. 25,646,340 41,246,472 223,552.88 3,025.61 35,645.87 703.92 262,928.28 2,931.37 2.126.63 4,515.09 8,777.42 4,536.48 1,009.99 290.90 38.30 4,404.44 5.384.10 2,787.11 10,970.63 6,473.31 10.303.56 9.282.52 3.128.28 4,315.50 2,067.26 2,779.28 2,066.17 7.744.59 8,214.14 1/ Covers miscellaneous unassigned mileage, such as transoceanic, coastwise, river, and lake not within the boundaries of any State or Territory. COST OF REAL PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT 3,126.49 7,853.14 4,736.53 6,159.06 2,081.84 1,202.86 2,111,41 2,815.76 8,228.94 3.075.26 5.243.58 8,989.24 6,388.06 3.257.90 9,137.01 213.50 2,327.30 4,182.07 2,264.40 15,443.86 2,164.53 940.47 4,035.30 6,095.20 2,680.24 6,850.18 1,856.37 3.817.30 351.30 2,785.88 94.23 28.262.00 American Railway Express Co. $4,718,727 10,646,582 916,521 2,304,526 11,421,838 2,219,109 413,221 3,081,186 426,733 2,028,769 25,157 300,000 596,233 207,875 725.363 Southeastern Express Co. 24,673.531 40,038,840 9.969.42 157.92 508.00 97.40 10,732.74 1,605.35 36.00 4.15 310.15 1,299.10 318.86 351.23 ** 384.31 40.58 240.87 797.49 2.00 1,497.57 1.08 57.70 1,262.70 ... 1,292.72 1,230.88 Southeastern Express Co. $11,082 223,741 ·· 36,057 681,352 54,222 12,616 $3,362 24,547 66,698 170 633 13,152 972,809 1,207,632 A STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. Cars: Furber.. Inventory value. Total equipment, inventory value.... Horses: Number.... Inventory value Automobiles: Casoline- Number...、 Inventory value. Electric- Fumber. Inventory value. Wagons and sleighs: Wagons, double- Eleighs- Furber Inventory value.. Wagons, single- Number. Inventory value Buggies- ... << · Number... Inventory value.. • Number.... Inventory value Harness equipment: Trucks: Office safes: Inventory value......... office furniture and equipment: Inventory value.. Fumber Inventory value. • .. Number Inventory value...... Inventory value... Inventory value Stable equipment: Carage equipment: Line equipment: Safes, cer- Fumber... Inventory ralpe..... Safes, messenger- Shop equipment: Fumber.. Inventory value. Trunks, packing- Number..……. Inventory value. Other line equipment- Inventory value.. Inventory value. Miscellaneous equipment: Inventory value...... I. Transportation: Express, domestic... Express, foreign.... SUMMARY No. 3.—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANTES YOR THE YEAR ENDEU DECEMBER 31, 1923— Contiz und. INVERTORY VALUE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED. 1/ Includes $163,060, inventory value of 120 automobile trailers. Miscellaneous..... Total transportation... II. Contract payments: Express privileges--Dr • Item. Account. Revenue from transportation.... III. Operations other than transportation: Customs brokerage fees....、、 Order and commission. Rents of buildinga and other property Money orders....... C.0.D. checks. Travelers' cheques..... Telegraph and cable transfers. 2 • Letters of credit.. Foreign postal remittances……….. Profit on exchange and other financial revenue.. Kiscellaneous.....…………. Total other than transportation.. Total operating revenues……….. Total. 1/ $15,422,769 ANALYSIS OF OPERATING REVENUES. 254 $605,654 12,500 $797,118 3.518 $4,880,625 1,461 $2,773.966 4.789 $957,224 6.072 $350,722 2,387 $59,126 58 $1,566 $179,240 $1,737,210 15,072 $314,694 62,233 $1,115,846 $12,943 $242,048 2,490 $170,113 14,712 $91,907 #63; 123 $65,928 $141,323 $721,311 Total. $317,441,695 3.632 317,445,327 159,613,226 157,832,101 213,111 4,971 228,094 7.578 2.539.939 5,943 708,954 3,708,590 161,540,691 American Rail- way Express Co. 1/ $14,731,594 254 $605,654 12,312 $775,893 3.367 $4,489,378 1,430 $2,681,318 4,763 $946,663 5,883 $321,328 2,387 $59,126 58 $1,566 $169,366 $1,666,005 14,576 $291,874 60,422 $1,064,575 $12,815 $241, 703 2,385 $164,385 14,398 $90,739 20,940 $58,591 $64,921 #141,323 $721,311 American Rail- way Express Co. $309,575,844 3.630 309,579,474 155,736,204 153,843,270 213,061 4,968 225.500 2,442,065 5.943 708,954 3,600,491 157,443,761 Southeastern Express Co. $711,175 188 $21,225 151 $391,247 31 #92,64% 26 $10,561 189 $29.394 • ? U ... $9,874 $71,205 496 $22,820 1,811 $51,271 $128 $345 105 $5,728 314 $1,168 613 $2,554 $1,007 Southeastern Express Co. $7,865,851 7,865,853 3,877,022 3.988,831 59. 2.594 7.578 97.874 ... 23 198,099 4,096,930 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. 24 Operating income: Charges for transportation.... Express privileges--Dr. • SUMMARY No. 3.--ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923– Continued. Revenue from transportation. Revenue from operations other than transportation. Total operating revenues., Operating expenses....………… Net operating revenue...... Operating income.. Item. • Uncollectible reveme from transportation. Express taxes...... Other income: Rent from real property and equipment used jointly. Kiscellaneous rent income........ Net income from miscellaneous physical property. Separately operated properties--profit. Dividend income. ·· Income from funded securities.. Income from unfunded securities and accounts.. Income from sinking and other reserve funds Release of premiums on funded debt...... Contributions from other companies........ Miscellaneous income.. Total other income... Gross inc ome Deductions from gross income: Rent for real property and equipment used jointly. Kiscellaneous rents .. Miscellaneous taxes. . . ....... Net loss on miscellaneous physical property. Separately operated properties--1088. Interest on funded debt........ Interest on unfunded debt.... Amortization of discount on funded debt. Income transferred to other companies..... Miscellaneous income debita.. Total deductions from gross income Net income...... Total appropriations...……. Balance transferred to profit and loss Disposition of net income: Income applied to sinking and other reserve funde Dividend appropriations of income...... Income appropriations for investment in physical property. Stock discount extinguished through income.. Miscellaneous appropriations of income. Item. Credit balance at beginning of year... Credit balance transferred from income... Profit on real property and equipment sold Delayed income credits. Unrefundable overcharges..... Kiscellaneous credits.. Total credits. Debit balance at beginning of year Debit balance transferred from income.... • ·· ... Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds. Dividend appropriations of surplus.. • Surplus set aside for investment in physical property Stock discount extinguished through surplus Debt discount extinguished through surplus..... Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus... Loss on land sold.. Delayed income debits...... Miscellaneous debits.. · Total debits...... Balance carried forward to credit of balance sheet.. INCOME ACCOUNT. Total. $317.445,327 159,613,226 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. 157 157,832,101 3,708,590 161,540,691 158,354,421 3,186,270 26,537 2,226,560 933,173 847 459,595 861,780 552.591 1,874,813 2,807,986 1.371 11,581 187,940 24,500 225,392 2,582,594 2,148,520 ·· 2,148,520 434,074 Total. $1,742,528 434,074 225,174 1,172 22,131 2,425,079 ... ... ... ... 26,748 26,748 2,398,331 American Rail- way Express Co. $309,579,474 155.736,204 153,843,270 3,600,491 157,443,761 254,446.244 2.997.517 25,284 2,138,362 833,871 847 459.595 861,780 529,068 • ·· 1,851,290 2,685,161 1,371 11,581 T · 187,940 24,500 225,392 2,459,769 2,078,520 2,078,520 381,249 American Rail- way Express Co. $1.742,528 381,249 225,153 • 1,172 22,131 2,378,233 • 26,748 26,748 2,345,485 Southeastern Express Co. $7,865,853 3,877,022 3,988,831 108,099 4,096,930 3,908,177 188,753 1,253 88,198 99,302 * 23.523 ·· 23,523 122,825 *** • 122,825 70,000 70,000 52,825 Southeastern Express Co. $52,825 21 • ... 52,846 52,846 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. Total operating expenses I. Maintenance: 1. Superintendence--mintenance 2. Buildings and appurtenances--repairs. 3. Buildings and appurtenances--depreciation………. 4. Buildings and appurtenances--retirements……………. 5. Cars--repairs.. 6. Cars--depreciation. . . . . . . . . . 7. Cars--retiraments.......... 8. Horses--depreciation 9. Horses--retirements....... 10. Automobiles--repairs. 11. Automobiles--depreciation…,.. 12. Automobiles--ret irements.. SUMMARY No. 3.—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923– Continued. 15. Wagons and sleigha--repairs 14. Wagons and sleighs-- depreciation.....、、、、 15. Wagons and sleighs--retirements…...……………. 16. Harness equipment--repairs……………………………. 17. Harness equipment--depreciation and retirements. 13. office furniture and equipment--repairs. 19. Office furniture and equipment--depreciation and retirements. 20. office safes--repairs. 21. Office safes--depreciation and retirements. 22. Trucks--repairs... 23. Trucks--depreciation and retirements 24. Stable and garage equipment--repairs. 25. Stable and garage equipment--depreciation and retirements………. 25. Line equipment--repairs………………… II. Traffic: 27. Line equipment--depreciation and retirements. 28. Shop equipment--repairs......、、、、、、、、、、、、 Total.... 33. Superintendence--traffic.. 34. Advertising.... 35. Stationery and printing 36. Other expenses... Account. 29. Shop equipment--depreciation and retirements.... 30. Miscellaneous equipment--repairs..... Total... III. Transportation: 31. Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation and retirements. 32. Other expenses.. 37. Superintendence--transportation.. 38. office employees.. 39. Commissions..... IV. General: ·· 40. Office supplies and expense8 41. Rent of local offices. 48. Stationery and printing 49. Loss and damage…. 50. Damage to property.... 51. Injuries to persons.. 52. Other expenses. ... 46. Train employees.. 47. Train supplies and expenses. Total.. 42. Vehicle employees.. 43. Stable and garage employees 44. Stable and garage supplies and expenses. 45. Drayags..... 58. Fidelity bond premiums. 59. Pensions. Total.. • • 50. Stationery and printing. 61. Valuation expenses.... 62. Other expenses. ·· ATALYSIS OF OPERATING EXPENSES. ·· 53. Salaries and expenses of general officers 54. Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants 55. General office supplies and expenses... 56. Law expenses..... 57. Insurance. 1. ··· • • .. Total. + $158,354,421 266,102 364,485 439,041 14,654 192,245 59.516 d 1.111 220,802 82,777 2,537,199 1,179,146 121,327 739,234 191,913 81,937 174,312 64,556 164,181 309,159 11,137 44,649 463,093 182,739 16,192 30.532 29.463 35,422 7,698 12,261 57 1,847 159 8,036,824 192,077 31,253 106,548 40 329,918 5.513.939 55,382.816 12,008,418 3.354.352 4,583,450 28,514,151 2,621,785 6,225,207 1,857,276 11,553,860 896,938 2,385,322 3,978,709 131,381 902,168 69,220 139,978,992 395,377 7,476,279 585,194 337,941 432,931 d Deficit or other reverse item. 24,790 504,415 193,450 58,310 10,008,687 American Rail- way Express Co. $154,446,244 266,102 352,826 429,200 14,654 192,245 59.516 d 1.111 219,877 82,178 2,470,463 1,088,902 121,327 723,378 187,913 81,937 172,621 63,711 159,970 302,109 10,531 43,790 450,131 176,898 15,767 30,394 29,043 34.153 7,698 12,261 57 1,847 159 7,795,547 182,575 29.043 95,269 30 307,917 .5.377,108 54,289,165 11,468,300 3,291,048 4,451,443 28,044,093 2,606,842 6,061,090 1,850,182 11,011,503 885,115 2,280,668 3,870,909 130,648 891,000 68,566 136,577,680 363,347 7,351,164 574,561 318,992 397.181 15,862 504,415 182,030 57,448 9.765,100 .. Boutheastern Express Co. $3,908,177 11,659 9.841 5,925 599 66,736 90.244 15,856 4,000 25 i,691 945 4,211 7,050 606 859 12,962 5,841 425 138 420 1,269 241,277 9,502 2,210 10,279 10 22,001 136,831 1,093,651 540,118 63,304 132,007 470,058 14,943 164,117 7,094 542,357 11,823 104,554 107,800 733 11,168 654 3,401,312 32,030 125,115 10,533 18,949 35.750 8,928 'ii,420 862 243,587 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. 26 Investment: Real property and equipment. Sinking funds..... Current assets: • C Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies. Other investments..…………、 Total investment.. Cash... Special deposits Loans and notes receivable. • Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Material and supplies..... Other current assets... Total current asseta.. Deferred assets.. Unadjusted debita: • · Discount on capital stock. Discount on funded debt.... Other unadjusted debits.. Stock: Total unadjusted debits.. Grand total………... Capital stock. Premium on capital stock. Total stock liabilities.. Funded debt unmatured.... Current liabilities: SUMMARY No. 3.---ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923– Concluded. Deferred liabilities... Unadjusted credits: Loans and notes pavable.... Audited accounts and wages unpaid... Miscellaneous accounts payable. Express privilege liabilities. Other current liabilities.... Total current liabilities. Premium on funded debt... Operating and insurance reserves. Accrued depreciation.. Other unadjusted credits.... Total unadjusted credits. Total appropriated surplus. Profit and loss balance..... Total corporate surplus. .. ·· ASSETS. • • Item. Corporate surplus: Additions to property through income and surplus Reserves from income and surplus..... LIABILITIES. • GENERAL BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT. Total. $41,246,472 16,947,305 58,193,777 16,710, 718 13.789 2,805.977 4,435,825 1,749,870 9.719,431 35,435,610 1,665,644 1,665,644 95,295,031 35,642,000 35.642,000 5.548.331 1,886,907 19.325.537 1,147,147 27,907,922 2,437,537 14,329,606 12,241,485 338,150 26,909,241 ::: 2,398,331 2,398,331 American Rail- way Express Co. $40,038,840 16,947,305 56,986,145 15,741,989 13,754 2,805,977 4,366,718 1,732,131 9,637.837 34,298,406 1,665,644 1,665,644 92,950,195 34,642,000 34,642,000 5.312,873 1,695,089 18,916,946 1,076,030 27,000,938 2,437,537 14,292,295 11,960,616 271,324 26,524,235 ::: 2,345,485 2,345,485 Southeastern Express Co. $1,207,632 1,207.632 968.729 35 69,107 17.739 81,594 1,137,204 2,344,836 1,000,000 1,000,000 235.458 191,818 408,591 71,117 906,984 37,311 280,869 66,826 385,006 ::: 52.846 52.846 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. Average mileage (single track) over which operations were conducted (miles). GENERAL BALANCE SKEET. Investment in sleeping car property. Miscellaneous physical property.. Other investments.... Cash...... • P • 4 $ Wat balanca receivable from receiving cashiers and ticket agents. Miscellaneous accounts receivable. Faterial and supplies..... Other current assets. Deferred assets... Unadjusted debits. Total. ? ་ · Capital stock..... Premium on capital stock. Wages payable........ Dividends matured unpaid. Unnatured dividends declared. Other current fiabilities. Deferred liabilities... Operating reserves. Accrued depreciation. • • • ... .. O t · Other unadjusted credits.... Appropriated surplus not specifically invested Profit and loss--balance. Total corporate surplus. Sleeping car operating revenues...... Fevenues from auxiliary operations..... Total revenues...... Sleeping car operating expenses..... Expenses of auxiliary operations. Total operating expenses.. Net revenues Sleeping car tax accruals........ Auxiliary operations--Tax acorvals. Total taxes...... Total nonoperating income. Gross income.. Operating income... Revenues from miscellaneous operations. Expenses of miscellaneous operations. Fet revenue from miscellaneous operations, Taxes on miscellaneous operating property.. Miscellaneous operating income.. Total operating income SUMMARY No. 4.-—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT BENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 21, 1923. $ rent from cars. Dividends received. Income from funded securities. Income from unfunded securities and accounts. Income from sinking and other reserve funds. Wiscellaneous income...... : • • 4 Rent for cars... Kiscellaneous tax accruals. Interest on unfunded debt.. Miscellaneous income charges.. Total deductions from gross income. Net income... • Total debits during year Net increase during year. Balance at beginning of year. Balance at end of year • • F Credit balance transferred from income Unrefundable overcharges.. Miscellaneous credits.. Total credits during year Loos on retired equipment... Uncollectible sleeping car revenues Kiscellaneous debits... • .. · · 9 • Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income. Xiscellaneoua appropriations of income > · Total appropriations…. . . . . . Income balance transferred to profit and los8…….. ་་ C • • 14 • • • • • · INCOME ACCOUNT. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. ... S • N O D • · • • • G. ► • T d Deficit or other reverse item. • • · • · • ▸ • • • • • • • • • · • • • • • • + .. • • • + • • * 124;993.75 $163.413.791 35,784,430 36,701,800 11,524,872 1,559,135 5,225,069 5,210,860 425.193 760,625 40,506,511 304,102.286 135,000,000 9,398 1,193.234 24,498 1,789,828 5.913.774 616 70,000 74,563,071 54,199.192 3,004,917 28.333.758 31,338,675 72,576,235 1,107,092 73,683,327 55,885,100 1,033,511 56,918,611 16,764,716 4,447.340 27.968 4,475,308 12,289,408 71,030,234 5.492,821 5.537,413 1,503,930 4,033,483 16,322,891 46,452 56,482 1,456,944 500.138 39,911 80 2,100,007 18,422,898 3.500 148,900 213 2,914,166 3,066,779 15.356,119 204,615 10,738,766 3,669,949 14,613,330 742,789 742,789 6.383 95,020 344 192 323.917 1,813 188.010 d 134.094 978,286 27.355.472 28,333,758 d g 27 ARA, A STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS. 28 Berth revenue. Seat revenue. Charter of cars………………. Miscellaneous retenue … … … … … … Car mileage revenue.. $4 · e Association and contract revenus--Dr. Total operating revenués.. Maintenance.. Conducting car operations. General expenses.. Conductors....... Porters and maids.... Train stenographers.. Car cleaners....... Laundry employees.. General expenses: Total operating expenses. Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent)... General officers..... Clerks and attendants. Auxiliary operations: • 6 Total. Standard sleeping caga. Tourist sleeping cars. Parlor cars. Composite cars………………、 Private cars. Miscellaneous cars. SUMMARY No. 4.—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT KENVERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1923. ·· Commissary (superintendent). Agents and staff, conductors, waiters, cooks, etc. Total (including general officers)…………. Total number of revenue passengers--berth.. Total number of revenue passengers--seat. Average revenue per passonger--berth... Average revenue per passenger--seat..... Total number of car-miles.. Total number of car-days..………… •• ¿ •• Maintenance: Kachanics electricians, seamstresses, repairmen, carpenters, shop employees, etc.. Conducting car operations: General officers and staff (superintendence) District superintendents, agents, and staff ·· • • (cents) Average number of revenue passengers per car per day Operating revenues per car-mile Operating revenues per car-day…………… Operating expenses per car-mile (cents) Operating expenses fer car-day... Net operating revenue per car-mile (cents). Net operating revenue par car-day.. Average number of car-miles per car-day. ... K • ... ... • Class. · ક R • OPERATING DEVENUES. 5 • • OPEPATING EXPENSES. EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES. • OPERATING STATISTICS. EQUIPMENT IN SEVICE ON DEC. 31, 1923. • • • • O 1/ Does not include 25 cars leased or otherwise acquired. Number on Dec.31. • 5,416 190 1.375 2,409 8,454 4.384 152 48 901 24 218 23.579 $69,390,126 9,614,602 1,141,548 245,107 739,995 8.555,144 72,576,235 25,683,411 27.365,168 2,636,521 55,885,100 77.00 Average daily compen- sation. $4.43 6.42 4.05 5.46 2.20 4.01 3.37 2.58 25.22 3.92 5.03 2.78 3.50 21.489,952 12,759,493 $3.23 $0.75 890,719,336 2,652.525 13 8.148 $27.36119 6.274 $21.06864 1.874 $6.29255 335.80 6,051 409 949 #QQ 125 24 1/ 7,562 # IL { : ** STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS Care: Number Inventory value Нотвев: Total equipment, inventory value Number Inventory value Automobiles: Gasoline- Electric- Number Inventory value Wagons and sleighs: Tagons, double- Number Inventory value Number Inventory value Wagons, single- Number Inventory value Sleighs- Number Inventory value Buggies- Number Inventory value Harness equipment: Inventory value Office safes: .. Inventory value Trucks: ·· Office furniture and equipment: .. Number Inventory value ... I. Number Inventory value Stable equipment: Inventory value Garage equipment: Inventory value Line equipment: Safes, car- III. SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1928-Continued INVENTORY VALUE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED Number Inventory value Safes, messenger- Number Inventory value Trunks, packing- Number Inventory value Other line equipment- Inventory value ... ·· Shop equipment: ... • Inventory value Miscellaneous equipment: Inventory value Transportation: Express, domestic Express, foreign Miscellaneous Includes $372,691, inventory value of 319 automobile trailers. Includes $1,047,408, inventory value of 1,879 automobile batteries. Total transportation II. Contract payments: Express privileges--Dr. ·· .. Item Revenue from transportation Operations other than transportation: Customs brokerage fees Order and commission Rents of buildings and other property Money orders C.O.D. checks Travelers' cheques Telegraph and cable transfers • ... Account • Letters of credit ·· Foreign postal remittances Profit on exchange and other financial revenue Miscellaneous Total other than transportation Total operating revenues C 1/ $13,245,253 Total 3/ 250 $443,345 ANALYSIS OF OPERATING REVENUES 8,764 $532,634 1,623 2/ $2,794,243 4,710 $4,842,067 3,873 $630,698 3,796 $155,810 1,634 $31,175 36 $514 $80,913 $1,390,582 17,793 $284,432 65,716 $935,196 $7,862 $294,400 2,548 $129,499 9,634 $39,142 10,004 $56,831 $54,243 $121,691 $47,285 Total $302,764,242 *ii,522 302,775,764 151,833,378 150,942,386 209,359 4,584 139,550 11,121 2,595,441 American Rail- way Express Co. 1/ $12,754,859 255 550,758 3,511,068 154,453,454 · 250 $443,345 3/ 8,653 $527,804 4,499 $4,506,026 1,618 2/ $2,790,652 3,846 $621,956 3,614 $132,780 1,634 $31,175 36 $514 $77,276 $1,342,458 17,316 $263,944 9,391 $54,992 $53,438 $121,691 $47,285 3/ Includes $41,113, inventory value of 376 truck batteries. 63,832 $902, 220 $7,832 $293,288 2,443 $125,358 9,323 $38,134 American Rail- way Express Co. $294,512,403 **6,611 294,519,014 147,812,159 146,706,855 209,290 4,580 135,710 2,492,444 Southeastern Express Co. $490,394 255 547,962 3,390,247 150,097,102 111 $4,830 211 $336,041 5 $3,591 27 $8,742 182 $23,030 $3,637 $48,124 477 $20,488 1,884 $32,976 $30 $1,112 105 $4,141 311 $1,008 613 $1,839 $805 Southeastern Express Co. $8,251,839 *4,911 8,256,750 4,021,219 4,235,531 63 3,840 11,121 102,997 2,796 120,821 4,356,352 23 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 24 Operating income: SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Continued INCOME ACCOUNT Charges for transportation Express privileges-Dr. Total operating revenues Operating expenses..…………. Net operating revenue • Revenue from transportation Revenue from operations other than transportation Item Operating income • Uncollectible revenue from transportation Express taxes Other income: Rent from real property and equipment used jointly Miscellaneous rent income Net income from miscellaneous physical property Separately operated properties--profit Dividend income .... Income from funded securities Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds Release of premiums on funded debt Contributions from other companies Miscellaneous income Total other income Gross income Deductions from gross income: Rent for real property and equipment used jointly Miscellaneous rents Miscellaneous taxes Net loss on miscellaneous physical property Separately operated properties--l088 Interest on funded debt. Interest on unfunded debt Amortization of discount on funded debt Income transferred to other companies Miscellaneous income debits Total deductions from gross income Net income Disposition of net income: Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income Income appropriations for investment in physical property Stook discount extinguished through income Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total appropriations Balance transferred to profit and loss ·· Item ·· • Credit balance at beginning of year Credit balance transferred from income Profit on real property and equipment sold Delayed income credits Unrefundable overcharges Miscellaneous credits Total credits Debit balance at beginning of year Debit balance transferred from income • ·· · ·· ··· Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of surplus • Surplus set aside for investment in physical property Stook discount extinguished through surplus Debt discount extinguished through surplus Miscellaneous appropriations of surplus Loss on land sold Delayed income debits Miscellaneous debits Total debita Balance carried forward to credit of balance sheet • Total $302,775,764 151,833,378 150,942,386 3,511,068 154,453,454 151,020,526 3,432,928 20,589 2,225,891 1,186,448 148 305,896 395,264 559,175 1,260,483 2,446,931 1,361 2,052 *25,524 28,937 2,417,994 2,148,520 2,148,520 269,474 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Total $2,929,692 269,474 105, 248 **3,427 26,932 3,334,773 12,192 12,192 3,322,581 American Rail- way Express Co. $294,519,014 147,812,159 146,706,855 3,390,247 150,097,102 146,824,844 3,272,258 18,663 2,143,391 1,110,204 148 305,896 395,264 535,772 1,237,080 2,347,284 1,361 2,052 25,524 28,937 2,318,347 2,078,520 2,078,520 239,827 American Rail- way Express Co. $2,852,513 239,827 104,974 * 2,816 26,932 3,227,062 12,192 12,192 3,214,870 Southeastern Express Co. $8,256,750 4,021,219 4,235,531 120,821 3232323235 4,356,352 4,195,682 160,670 1,926 82,500 76,244 23,403 23,403 99,647 99,647 *70,000 70,000 29,647 Southeastern Express Co. $77,179 29,647 274 611 107,711 107,711 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS I. II. III. IV. Total operating expenses Maintenance: 1. Superintendence--maintenance 2. Buildings and appurtenances--repairs 3. Buildings and appurtenances--depreciation Buildings and appurtenances--retirements Cars--repairs... Cars--depreciation Cars--retirements Horses--depreciation 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Horses--retirements 10. 11. 12. Automobiles-repairs Automobiles-depreciation Automobiles--retirements 13. Wagons and sleighs--repairs 14. Wagons and sleighs--depreciation Wagons and sleighs--retirements Harness equipment--repairs.. 15. 16. Traffic: 33. 34 لالا 36. 39. 40. 41. 17. 18. Harness equipment--depreciation and retirements Office furniture and equipment--repairs .... Office safes--repairs...... 19. Office furniture and equipment--depreciation and retirementa 20. 21. 22. 23. Office safes-depreciation and retirements Trucks--repairs ..... Trucks--depreciation and retirements 24. Stable and garage equipment--repairs 25. Stable and gerage equipment--depreciation and retirements 26. Line equipment--repairs 42. 43. 444. SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 Continued ANALYSIS OF OPERATING EXPENSES 45. 46. 27. Line equipment--depreciation and retirements 28. Shop equipment--repairs 29. 30. Shop equipment--depreciation and retirements Miscellaneous equipment--repairs Miscellaneous equipment--depreciation and retiremente Other expenses 31. 32. 47. 48. 49. Transportation: 37. 38. 50. 51. 52. 55. 56. 57. 58. Total 61. 62. Superintendence--traffic Total ··· Advertising Stationery and printing Other expenses · · ... ·· Total Superintendence--transportation Office employees Commissions Office supplies and expenses Rent of local offices • Stationery and printing Loss and damage Damage to property Injuries to persons Other expenses · .. Vehicle employees . Stable and garage employees Stable and garage supplies and expenses Drayage Train employees Train supplies and expenses ·· Account …….. • · Stationery and printing Valuation expenses Other expenses Total ·· General: 53. Salaries and expenses of general officers Salaries and expenses of clerks and attendants General office supplies and expenses 54. Law expenses Insurance ... Fidelity bond premiums 59. Pensions 60. • • • • ·· • • Ol ·· · C · · O Total $151,020,526 288,643 303,897 644,296 d 33.275 216,946 61,576 d 3.333 68,912 d 10,770 1,835,392 3,084,019 163,325 569,437 121,733 d 8.382 138,275 12,149 146,216 150,133 7,833 24,938 487,625 254,376 15,195 35,080 37,776 42,892 10,114 12,068 466 175 121 8,677,848 227,516 18,438 97.304 61 343,319 5,874,816 52,272,815 10,714,624 2,941,734 4,556,492 27,019,406 2,249,597 5,622,861 1,870,104 11,233,656 1,057,600 2,204,280 5,549,082 154,809 820,190 d 146,866 133,995, 200 403,870 5,430,598 546,146 319,613 396,373 29,699 667,459 130,370 *75,031 8,004,159 Deficit or other reverse entry. American Rail- way Express Co. $146,824,844 288,643 300,271 631,672 d 33.984 216,946 61,576 d 3.333 64,900 d 11,211 1,738,165 2,963,545 160,998 564, 286 118,203 d 8,382 137,258 131; 11,423 143,095 139,363 7,500 23,916 471,926 247,493 15,117 34,963 37,073 41,421 10,114 12,068 466 175 121 8,385,787 181,164 15,121 84,974 23 281,282 5,746,393 51,135,816 10,219,820 2,878,767 4,402, 284 26,577,182 2,203,796 5,454,000 1,763,143 10,685,794 1,045,712 2,107,795 5,391,074 153,870 805,000 d 147.325 130,423,121 374,718 5,286,009 535,727 298,480 356,315 21,935 667,459 119,537 74,474 7,734,654 Southeastern Express Co. $4,195,682 3,626 12,624 709 ´´4,012 442 97,227 120,474 2,327 5,151 3,530 1,017 726 3,121 10,770 333 1,022 15,699 6,883 78 117 703 1,471 292,061 46,352 3,317 12,330 38 62,037 128,423 1,136,999 494,804 62,967 154, 208 442,224 45,801 168,861 106,961 547,862 11,888 96,485 158,008 939 15,190 459 3,572,079 34,152 144,589 10,419 21,133 40,058 7,764 *iò,833 557 269,505 25 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS 26 Investment: Real property and équipment Sinking fund Current assets: Cash ·· Miscellaneous physical property Investments in affiliated companies Other investments Total investment SUMMARY NO. 3-ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS RENDERED BY EXPRESS COMPANIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 -Concluded GENERAL BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT Special deposits Loans and notes receivable Deferred assets Unadjusted debits: Stock: Discount on capital stock Discount on funded debt Other unadjusted debits Miscellaneous accounts receivable Material and supplies Other current assets Total current assets ·· Total unadjusted debits Grand total Funded debt unmatured Current liabilities: ·· Capital stock Premium on capital stock Total stock liabilities Deferred liabilities Unadjusted credits: • Total current liabilities Loans and notes payable Audited accounts and wages unpaid Miscellaneous accounts payable Express privilege liabilities Other current liabilities Profit and loss balance Class of employees Total corporate surplus Superintendence--Maintenance Superintendence--Traffic ·· ·· Premium on funded debt Operating and insurance reserves Accrued depreciation Other unadjusted credits Total unadjusted credits ... Advertising Superintendence--Transportation Agents, clerks and solicitors Platform and house men Corporate surplus: Additions to property through income and surplus Reserves from income and surplus Total appropriated surplus · Item ASSETS ·· LIABILITIES ·· • • • ··· • 2,207 16,379 Vehicle employees Stable and garage employees Train employees 18,199 15,621 1,396 7,524 Claim agents, special agents, and clerks 387 General officers 41 General office clerks and attendants.. 3,215 Law department officers and clerks 45 Shop employees 1,117 Other employees Number on Dec.31 103 66 Number of days worked Total 23,868 20,920 628,240 4,898, 724 5,030,976 5,070,068 401,895 2,775,443 149,636 12,420 1,000,852 13,967 386,923 Yearly compensation • Average daily compen- sation Total (including general officers)..66,300 20,413,932 108,860,712 Total (excluding general officers)..66,259 20,401,512 108,474,540 $221,704 $9.29 183,779 8.78 Total $44,999,705 5.33 5.32 9,507,355 54,507,060 22,801, 761 14,371 2,004,685 779,648 1,961,660 8,387,704 35,949,829 431,987 ... 1,982,991 1,982,991 92,871,867 EMPLOYEES, SERVICE, AND COMPENSATION 35,642,000 35,642,000 ··· 5,381,681 2,866,469 18,640,074 2,291,871 29,180,095 1,529,729 4,856,569 18,308, 217 32,676 23,197,462 3,322,581 3,322,581 23,868 15,865 4,945,584 7.87 2,172 617,530 26,806,828 5.47 15,907 4,771,133 24,735,173 4.92 17,602 4,877,804 26,984,941 5.32 15,292 4, 977,715 2,136,928 5.32 1,379 392,786 13,666,000 4.92 7,218 2,663,632 923,803 6.17 376 146,270 386,172 31.09 38 11,502 5,353,663 3,111 970,748 168,932 42 13,049 2,347,205 1,117 386,923 5.35 12.10 6.07 Number on Dec.31 103 46 American Rail- way Express Co. 64,403 19,868,825 64,365 19,857,323 $43,725,546 9,507,355 53,232,901 21,484,930 14,209 2,004,685 735,807 1,948,698 8,275,579 34,463,908 431,987 1,958,555 1,958,555 90,087,351 34,642,000 34,642,000 5,134,848 2,662,478 18,140,183 2,228,596 28, 166, 105 1,529,729 American Railway Express Co. Number Average of Yearly daily days compensation compen- worked sation 4,803,958 17,706, 707 23,982 22,534,647 ::: 3,214,870 3,214,870 ·· 7.85 5.48 $221,704 $9.29 151,538 9.55 4,849,771 26,158,915 24,246,087 4.97 26,542, 717 5.33 2,091,127 5.32 13,118,138 4.92 6.19 905,341 355,147 30.88 5,209,086 5.37 149,260 11.44 2,347,205 6.07 106,346,036 105,990,889 Southeastern Express Co. Number on Dec.31 $1,274,159 1,274,159 1,316,831 162 *43,841 12,962 112,125 1,485,921 *24,436 24,436 2,784,516 1,000,000 1,000,000 246,833 203,991 499,891 63,275 1,013,990 52,611 601,510 8,694 662,815 Southeastern Express Co. Number of days worked 107,711 107,711 20 5,055 35 10,710 472 127,591 597 153,172- 329 92,353 17 9,109 306 111,811 3,366 918 30,104 918 11 3 104 3 5.35 1,897 545,107 5.34 1,894 544,189 Yearly compensation Average daily compen- sation ... $32,241 95,813 8.95 647,913 5.08 489,086 3.19 442,224 4.79 5.03 45,801 547,862 4.90 18,462 5.48 31,025 33.80 144,577 4.80 19,672 21.43 $6.38 2,514,676 4.61 2,483,651 4.56 STATISTICS OF COMMON CARRIERS SUMMARY NO. 4—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 Average mileage (single track) over which operations were conducted (miles) GENERAL BALANCE SHEET Investment in sleeping car property Miscellaneous physical property Other investments Cash • • Net balance receivable from receiving cashiers and ticket agents Miscellaneous accounts receivable Haterial and supplies Other current assets Deferred assets Unadjusted debits Total .. ·· Capital stock Premium on capital stock Wages payable Miscellaneous accounts payable Dividends matured unpaid Unnatured dividends declared Other current liabilities Deferred liabilities Operating reserves Accrued depreciation Other unadjusted credits Miscellaneous fund reserves Appropriated surplus not specifically invested Profit and loss--balance Total corporate surplus Sleeping car operating revenues Revenues from auxiliary operations Total revenues Sleeping car operating expenses Expenses of auxiliary operations Total operating expenses Net revenues Operating income Sleeping car tax accruals Auxiliary operations--Tax accruals Total taxes ... Total nonoperating income Gross income Rent from cars Dividends received Income from funded securities .... Income from unfunded securities and accounts Income from sinking and other reserve funds Miscellaneous income Rent for care Miscellaneous tax accruals Interest on unfunded debt Miscellaneous income charges .. Total deductions from gross income Net income ·· • Credit balance transferred from income Unrefundable overcharges Miscellaneous credits .. Income applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of income Miscellaneous appropriations of income Total appropriations Income balance transferred to profit and los8 Total debits during year Net increase during year Balance at beginning of year Balance at end of year ·· • · [ • • C Total credits during year Surplus applied to sinking and other reserve funds Dividend appropriations of surplus Loss on retired equipment Uncollectible sleeping car revenues Miscellaneous debite • • • ✔ INCOME ACCOUNT PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT ₫ Deficit or other reverse item. 126,907.00 $218,387,668 7,270 61,317,364 3,575,367 1,701,593 2,641,603 4,385,375 460,237 4,409,371 39,178,187 336,064,035 135,000,000 9.398 1,450,305 8,569,221 29,564 1,792,263 1,278,167 3,225,198 80,000 91,055,755 52,615,225 397,048 6,000,000 34,561,891 40,958,939 81,834,317 1,356,770 83,191,087 68, 204, 247 1,198,060 69,402,307 13,788,780 4,185,249 38,695 4,223,944 9,564,836 65,022 3,068,860 1,021, 765 227,657 159,736 4,543,040 14,107,876 352 d 77,449 48,159 12,080 d 16,858 14,124,734 157,525 10,755,994 2,000,000 12,913,519 1,211,215 1,211,215 16,424 263.94.6 1.491.585 42,381 a 419,462 3.652 76.906 d 296,523 1,788, 108 32.773.783 34,561,891 27 STATISTICS OF.COMMON CARRIERS 28 SUMMARY NO. 4—ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT RENDERED BY THE PULLMAN COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1926 Berth revenue Seat revenue Charter of cars ·· • Miscellaneous revenue Car mileage revenue Association and contract revenue--Dr. Total operating revenues Maintenance ... Conducting car operations General expenses Total operating expenses Ratio of operating expenses to operating revenues (per cent) General officers and staff (superintendence) District superintendents, agents, and staff Conductors .. Porters and maids Train stenographers Car cleaners .. Laundry employees General expenses: Auxiliary operations: General officers Clerks and attendants Maintenance: Mechanics, electricians, seamstresses, repairmen, carpenters, shop employees, etc. Conducting car operations: • • • • Total number of revenue passengers--berth Total number of revenue passengers--seat Average revenue per passenger--berth Average revenue per passenger--seat Total number of car-miles Total number of car-days Standard sleeping cars Tourist sleeping cars Parlor cars Dining cars Composite cars Private cars Miscellaneous cars Total • Commissary (superintendence) Agents and staff, conductors, waiters, cooks, etc. Total (including general officers) ... ... • .. Average number of revenue passengers per car per day Operating revenues per car-mile (cents) Operating revenues per car-day Operating expenses per car-mile (cents) Operating expenses per car-day Net operating revenue per oar-mile (cents) Net operating revenue per car-day Average number of car-miles per car-day • .. Class ... • ·· • • • OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES OPERATING STATISTICS EQUIPMENT IN SERVICE ON DEC. 31, 1926 1/ Does not include 23 cars leased or otherwise accuired. Number on Dec. 31 3,410 209 1,630 2,794 10,991 19 5,601 373 43 950 30 135 26,185 $78,391,000 10,391,414 1,622,888 145,401 746,657 9,463,043 81,834,317 30,214,700 35,008,765 2,980, 782 68, 204, 247 83.34 Average daily compen- sation $4.60 6.34 4.20 5.75 2.66 5.79 3.35 2.58 30.45 4.19 4.74 3.11 3.70 22,658,191 13,415,020 $3.46 $0.77 1,112,967,022 3,153,181 11 7.353 $25.95294 6.128 $21.63030 1.225 $4.32264 352.97 7,169 339 1,099 23 230 18 7 1/ 8,885 ! . 2 • ;