ALLANTNA FOR NÝ S manfaya nangy Chữ Con 5 atta PA མ་- PREZENTA A qe nga JUDA A méhẩm qurig sang và an ninh nhân FIFTH AVENUE HOTEL. N.Y. RORAIM 100 PROAP KOHEN THE ST 111 24 JE TEHN Ľ Keeps continually on hand the largest and best variety, in this country, of FASHIONABLE UNION ADAMS, HOSIER, GLOVER, AND SHIRT MAKER, No. 637 BROADWAY, New York City, FURNISHING GOODS, FOR Adapted to the Seasons, SPRING, SUMMER, FALL, AND WINTER. LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND CHILDREN, F 211 NTI UNION ADAMS, A65 1866 Importing and manufacturing largely, we CAN and WILL offer superior induce- ments to every patron. No. 637 BROADWAY, New York City, a HOME Jusurance Company of New York, OFFICE, NO. 135 BROADWAY. CASH CAPITAL,. ASSETS, 1st January, 1866, LIABILITIES,… GEO. C. COLLINS . DA NFORD N. BARNEY LUCIUS HOPKINS THOMAS MESSENGER. WILLIAM H. MELLEN. HOMER MORGAN. LEVI P. STONE. JAMES HUMPHREY GEO. PEARCE… WARD A. WORK JAMES LOW…. ISAAC H. FROTHINGHAM. CHARLES A. BULKLEY. The HOME INSURANCE COMPANY continues to Insure against LOSS or DAMAGE by FIRE and the DANGERS of INLAND NAVIGATION and TRANSPORTATION, on terms as favorable as the nature of the risks and the real security of the Insured and of the Company will warrant. LOSSES EQUITABLY ADJUSTED AND PROMPTLY PAID. DIRECTORS: · • • ………. GEO. D. MORGAN.. OLIVER E. WOOD.. ALFRED S. BARNES. GEORGE BLISS.. ROE LOCKWOOD. LEVI P. MORTON. CURTIS NOBLE. J. B. HUTCHINSON. CHARLES P. BALDWIN. AMOS T. DWIGHT…….. HENRY A. HURLBUT JESSE HOYT. WILLIAM STURGIS. JOHN R. FORD……… GEORGE T. STEDMAN SIDNEY MASON…. DAVID I. BOYD. CHARLES J. MARTIN.. ARTHUR F. WILLMARTH. F. H. COSSITT.. WILLIAM R. FOSDICK. LEWIS ROBERTS……. 8. B. CALDWELL. A. J. WILLS…… WM. H. TOWNSEND. P. C. VAN SCHAICK THOMAS T. BUCKLEY. JAMES S. STURGES OLIVER S. CARTER.. HENRY M. TABER.. ... · ·· • ………. · • ·· • • • .. • • • ..of Geo. C. Collins & Co. Pres. of Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express. ..of Hopkins, Dwight & Trowbridge. of T. & H. Messenger. late Claflin, Mellen & Co. • ..late Stone, Starr & Co. late Barney, IIumphrey & Butler. of Geo. Pearce & Co. *** .of Bulkley & Co. .late of E. D. Morgan & Co. ..of O. E. Wood & Co. • $2,000,000 00 3,598,674 14 153,746 24 • • of Ward A. Work & Son. .of Low, Harriman & Durfee. .President Union Trust Company. .of L. P. Morton & Co. ..of Noble & Douglass. .of J. C. Howe & Co., Boston. ..of Baldwin, Starr & Co. .of Jesse Hoyt & Co. ..late Sturgis, Shaw & Co. ..late Ford Rubber Co. • of Stedman, Carlisle & Shaw, Cincinnati. • .late Mason & Thompson of Boyd, Brothers & Co., Albany. .. President. JOHN MCGEE, Secretary. J. H. WASHBURN, Ass't-Secretary. of A. S. Barnes & Co. .of George Bliss & Co. .late R. Lockwood & Son. .of Hopkins, Dwight & Trowbridge. late Swift, Hurlbut & Co. Vice-President. • ..of Cossit, Hill & Co., Memphis. .President of St. Nicholas National Bank. .of L. Roberts & Co. of Caldwell & Morris. .of Thomson & Wills. of Henrys, Smith & Townsend. .of Van Schaick & Edwards. • of Buckley, Sheldon & Co. of Sturges & Co. ..of Carter & Hawley. . of C. C. & II. M. Taber. CHAS. J. MARTIN, President. A. F. WILLMARTH, Vice-President. b NORTH AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, INCORPORATED 1823. CASH CAPITAL, $500,000. GLAM GE C NORTH AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY NYLIFE 114 1142 REXSTILLSAMME OLDEW2 111 OPOLITAN BANK RICHARDSON.SC Cash Capital Surplus Jan. 1, 1866, $751,653.57. Fire Insurance Exclusively. Insures Property against loss and damage by Fire at usual rates. The assured par- ticipate in the profits of business without incurring any liability. R. W. BLEECKER, Secretary. JAMES W. OTIS, President. J. GRISWOLD, General Agent. Main Office, No. 114 Broadway, New York. Branch Office, No. 10 Cooper Institute. C DUNCAN, SHERMAN & CE CO., BANKERS, Cor. of Pine and Nassau Sts., New York, CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT AND CIRCULAR NOTES AVAILABLE IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE WORLD. ISSUE FOR TRAVELLERS, MERCANTILE CREDITS For Europe, South America, India, China, &c., on Messrs. FINLAY, HODGSON & Co., of London. Sydney, New Castle, DRAFTS AND CREDITS FOR AUSTRALIA, ON THE BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES, OF LONDON. NEW SOUTH WALES. Ipswich, Windsor, ALSO, Branches and Agencies at Maitland, Brisbane, Bathurst, &c., &c. VICTORIA BRANCHES. Melbourne, Kyneton, Ballaarat, &c., &c. Geelong, Castlemain, Sandhurst, &c., &c. ALSO, DRAFTS ON SAN FRANCISCO. d H. H. CASEY, BY TEX (Late J. & C. BERRIAN,) IMPORTER AND DEALER IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF HOUSE FURNISHING WARE ROOMS. House Furnishing Hardware, 601 BROADWAY. NEW YORK BELTING AND PACKING CO., MANUFACTURERS OF VULCANIZED RUBBER FABRICS, ADAPTED TO MECHANICAL PURPOSES. Patent Smooth Belting (Patented Nov. 22, 1859), vulcanized between layers of a patent metallic alloy, by which the stretch is entirely taken out, the surface made perfectly smooth, and the substance thoroughly and evenly vulcanized. This is the only process that will make reliable Rubber Belting. Hose never needs oiling, and is warranted to stand any required pressure. Steam Packing in every variety, and warranted to stand 300° of heat. SOLID EMERY VULCANITE. Wheels made of this are solid, and resemble stone or iron; will wear out hun- dreds of the ordinary wheels. Directions, Prices, &c., can be obtained by Mail, or otherwise. JOHN H. CHEEVER, Treasurer. Warehouse, 37 and 38 Park Row, New York. e THE STANDARD AMERICAN BILLIARD TABLES, Approved and Adopted by the Billiard Congress of 1863. BEST PHELANS ATENT THE ONLY RELIABLE BILLIARD TABLES MANUFACTURED. The most eminent players and most compe- tent judges have given their unqualified approv- al to these tables, and have publicly acknowl- edged their unequalled merit. We have seven separate Patents for our COMBINATION CUSHIONS from the U. S. Patent Office. The French Government have lately granted a patent for the same admirable inven- tion. ww AND THE We devote our whole time and attention to the perfection and improvement of the machin- ery of Billiards, and no other house can so readily and perfectly fill orders for all articles in the Billiard line. There is no other house where the machinery of Billiards is so fully un- derstood. We have always on hand an extensive as- sortment of tables, made of the finest material, thoroughly seasoned. The workmanship is of the most scientific and accurate description, no labor or expense being spared to sustain the reputation already achieved by Phelan's Tables. Orders by mail carefully and promptly ex- ecuted. Illustrated catalogues and price lists sent by mail. The BILLIARD CUE, a monthly journal, published in the interest of Billiards, and containing details of all novelties, a copi- ous monthly record of Billiard news, and every thing of interest to the amateurs of Billiards, sent free on application. PHELAN & COLLENDER, 63, 65, 67 & 69 CROSBY STREET, NEW YORK. f L. T. BROWNELL, (Late BROWNELL & MARVIN,) MANUFACTURER OF FINE CLOTHING, READY-MADE AND TO ORDER, EXPRESSLY FOR THE RETAIL TRADE, FOR MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. Gentlemen can find at all times on hand an extensive stock of TRAVELLING SUITS. A complete and varied stock of Men's Furnishing Goods & Under Wear. OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT IS AT ALL TIMES FULL OF FOREIGN SPECIALTIES. Our PRICES at all times moderate. ST. NICHOLAS BLOCK, 503 BROADWAY. · 9 FOR SAVANNAH, Savannah. AVP DODDERS AM.SS.CO CEORGIA, THE ELEGANT SIDE-WHEEL STEAMSHIPS SAN SALVADOR, 1,500 Tons Burthen, ATKINS, Commander, and SAN JACINTO, 1,500 Tons Burthen, LOVELAND, Commander, Have been placed permanently on this route, and are offered to the travelling public as more com- modious and comfortable in their appointments than any other vessels in the trade. SAIL EVERY SATURDAY at 3 o'clock, P. M., Landing Passengers in SAVANNAH invariably on Tuesday following. Returning, Leave SAVANNAH every SATURDAY, arriving in New York Tuesdays. Passengers for Northern Alabama, Florida, and points South, on the coast, and those to whom time is an object, will consult their interests and promote their comfort by taking this route. These vessels, although of large carrying capacity, are enabled, by their light draught of water, to insure no detention in the Savannah River. For passage or Freight apply to BHT GARRISON & ALLEN, Agents, No. 5 Bowling Green, New York City. Goods for the interior of Georgia and Florida forwarded by B. H. HARDEE, Agent at NEW ORLEANS: 104 COMMON STREET. FOR NEW ORLEANS DIRECT. ATLANTIC AND MISSISSIPPI S. S. LINE.-FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIPS AND SUPE- RIOR ACCOMMODATIONS FOR PASSENGERS. $40 FIRST CABIN PASSAGE. SAILING EVERY WEDNESDAY. Running in connection with the Atlantic and Mississippi S. S. Co., of St. Louis, to all points on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. Through Bills of Lading given for Freight. One of the elegant steamers of this new Line will sail every week from New York and New Orleans, carrying passengers at the low rate of $40 currency. GARRISON & ALLEN, Agents, h 5 BOWLING GREEN, NEW YORK. THE UNITED STATES AND BRAZIL A.M.SS.CO. DODDOU MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY, UNDER CONTRACT With the Governments of the United States and Brazil, Will despatch one of their new, first-class steamships, each over 2,000 tons burthen, on the 29th of every month, from the Port of New York for the following named Ports, and the following rates of passage, payable in coin, or its equivalent in United States currency: NEW YORK TO . $80 BAHIA..... . $180 $ 150 RIO DE JANEIRO.......... 200 .170 ST. THOMAS. PARA......... PERNAMBUCO.... Steerage at half these rates; meals and bedding included. An experienced Surgeon attached to each vessel. All letters must pass through the Post-Office. Postage 10 cents. For further information, Freight or Passage, apply to GARRISON & ALLEN, Agents, No. 5 BOWLING GREEN, N. Y. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE TO HAVANA. The elegant, new Steamships MORRO CASTLE, EAGLE, and COLUMBIA, Built expressly for the trade, and having most superior accommodations, will con- tinue to run regularly to HAVANA, sailing from Pier 4 North River, every WED- NESDAY, at 3 o'clock P. M. Returning, leave Havana every SATURDAY. For further information, Freight or Passage, apply to GARRISON & ALLEN, Agents, No. 5 BOWLING GREEN, NEW YORK. i D. RUSSELL, MERCHANT TAILOR, 835 BROADWAY, (CORNER 13TH STREET.) ** I receive during the season, direct, the latest London styles of Goods, selected from the best West End houses. IMPORTANT TO TRAVELLERS. MAKS NEW YORK. BINOCULAR LANDSCAPE GLASSES. Invaluable to Sportsmen, Officers, Travellers, etc. Compact, Portable, Efficient, Combining extraordinary defining power and wide field of observation. Spectacles, Eye-Glasses, Railway Protectors, etc., to strengthen and improve the sight of old and young, without the distressing results of frequent changes, in endless variety, by the manufacturer and inventor. SEMMONS, Oculist-Optician, 669¹½ Broadway, Under Lafarge House. MINERAL SPRING WATERS, Dispensed by the glass, as well as sold in bottle, at 808 BROADWAY, Opposite Eleventh Street. Kissingen, preferred to Congress; Vichy, Antacid; Pyrmont, Chalyb eate, and every other for which there is adequate demand. HANBURY SMITH, M. D. j D. APPLETON & COMPANY'S PUBLICATIONS FOR Tourists and and Commercial Travellers APPLETONS' HAND-BOOK OF AMERICAN TRAVEL, being a Guide, by Railway, Steamboat, and Stage, to the Cities, Towns, Battle-fields, Waterfalls, Mountains, Rivers, Lakes, Hunting and Fish- ing Grounds, Watering Places, Summer Resorts, and all Scenes and Objects of Importance and Interest in the United States and British Provinces. Edited by EDWARD H. HALL. Accompanied by Maps of all Parts of the Country, and the principal Rivers. " The SOUTHERN TOUR is now ready; NORTHERN and EASTERN TOUR in press. The two volumes, bound in one, will be published May 1st, 1867. OFFICIAL OFFICIAL APPLETONS' ILLUSTRATED RAILWAY GUIDE, containing the Time-Tables of the Railways of the United States and Canadas; also, One Hundred Railway Maps, representing the principal Railways of the Country; their Stations, Distances, and Con- nections. Important Instructions to Railway Travellers in reference to Time- Tables, Checking Baggage, and Purchasing Tickets; together with monthly account of Railways and their Progress, etc., etc. Compiled by G. F. THOMAS. Published semi-monthly, under the supervision of the Railway Companies. 1 vol., 360 pages. THE GREAT WEST: Railway, Steamboat, and Stage Guide and Hand-Book, for Travellers, Miners, and Emigrants to the Western, Northwestern, and Pacific States and Territories. With a Map of the best Routes to the Gold and Silver Mines. By EDWARD H. HALL. One volume, 12mo. Paper covers, price 50 cents; cloth, price $1.00. For Sale by all Booksellers. k THE TRAVELLER'S ALMANAC 1866. JULY. AUG. SEPT. Ост. Nov. DEC. FOR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1866-1867. 1 2 3 4 567891011 12131415161718 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 |23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 78910111213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11121314151617 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415 16171819202122 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1867. JAN. FEB. MAR. APRIL. MAY. JUNE. 2345 6 7 8 9101112 13141516171819 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • T • • • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 • 1 2 3 4 5 6 78910111213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 • • 1234 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415 16171819202122 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 • • • 1 THE TRAVELLER'S MEMORANDUM. * * *The traveller is respectfully solicited to note all errors and omissions which he may discover in this work, and any new facts of interest, and to send such memoranda to the Editor, care of the Publishers. Such communications must be accom- panied by the name and address of the writer. * 2 THE TRAVELLER'S MEMORANDUM. THE TRAVELLER'S MEMORANDUM. 3 4 THE TRAVELLER'S MEMORANDUM. THE TRAVELLER'S MEMORANDUM. 10 5 6 THE TRAVELLER'S MEMORANDUM. THE TRAVELLER'S MEMORANDUM. 7 8 THE TRAVELLER'S MEMORANDUM. 1 T K THE TRAVELLER'S MEMORANDUM. 1 9 1 10 1 THE TRAVELLER'S MEMORANDUM. I • THE TRAVELLER'S MEMORANDUM. 11 12 THE TRAVELLER'S MEMORANDUM. ፡ APPLETONS' HAND-BOOK OF AMERICAN TRAVEL. THE SOUTHERN TOUR; BEING A GUIDE THROUGH 69183 MARYLAND, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, VIRGINIA, NORTH CAROLINA, SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA, FLORIDA, ALABAMA, MISSISSIPPI, LOUISIANA, TEXAS, ARKANSAS, TENNESSEE, AND KENTUCKY. WITH DESCRIPTIVE SKETCHES OF THE CITIES, TOWNS, WATERFALLS, BATTLE-FIELDS, MOUNTAINS, RIVERS, LAKES, HUNI- ING AND FISHING GROUNDS, WATERING PLACES, SUMMER RESORTS, AND ALL SCENES AND OBJECTS OF IMPORTANCE AND INTEREST. WITH MAPS OF THE LEADING ROUTES OF TRAVEL AND OF THE PRINCIPAL CITIES. BY EDWARD H. HALL. "When thou haply seest Some rare, noteworthy object in thy travels, Make me partaker of thy happiness."-Shakspeare NEW YORK: D. APPLETON & CO., 443 & 445 BROADWAY. LONDON: TRÜBNER & CO. 1866. NOTICE. No expense or labor will be spared to make the Hand-Book of American Travel attractive, comprehensive, concise, and every way reliable. The next Annual Edition will be published in June, 1867, and any information in regard to errors and omissions, which those who use this portion of the work may detect, or any facts of interest and value-particularly in respect to new routes and accommodations-will be gratefully received and considered. Such communications should be addressed to the Editor, care of the Publishers. The Population of Cities and Towns mentioned in this work are those given in the last National Census-1860-except when otherwise stated. Advertisers wishing to change or discontinue their advertisements, will please to inform the Editor to such effect, on or before April 1st of each year, that the necessary alterations may be made in time for the new edition. The Editor of "Appletons' Hand-book" is alone responsible for the information contained in its pages. No other person is authorized to procure advertisements, or receive money or other favors from Hotel-keepers or Tradesmen on account of the Hand-book, as recommendations in this work are not to be purchased; they are the result of personal experience or disinterested information only, and when houses here represented fail to fulfil their obligations to the public, they will be stricken from its pages. ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1866, by D. APPLETON & CO., In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. 08-1-28 3/ reel 8-1-2F BF CONTENTS. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS, Some Parting Words to the Traveller, of Explanation and Advice, Plan of the Book, Money, Travelling Expenses, Baggage, Hotels, Waiters, etc., Tickets, Outfits, Costumes, Steamship Lines, Fine Arts, etc., Where to Go, Skeleton Tours, etc., Obligations, The Traveller's Almanac, Memoranda, etc., THE SOUTHERN TOUR. MARYLAND. Historical Sketch; Baltimore; Map; Vicinity; Chesapeake Bay; Baltimore and Ohio Railway; Places and Objects of Interest, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Washington City; Map; Vicinity; Alexan- dria; Mount Vernon; Defences, VIRGINIA. Historical Sketch; Railways; Richmond; Norfolk; Williams- burg; Fredericksburg; Lynchburg; Lexington; Charlottesville; Mon- ticello; Winchester; Wheeling; the Springs; Natural Bridge, NORTH CAROLINA. Raleigh, Wilmington, and other Cities; Mountain Region; Objects of Interest, iii PAGE Þ Þ V vi vi vi vii vii viii ix X X xi xiii 1-20 21-34 35-53 54-58 ! CONTENTS. SOUTH CAROLINA. Historical Sketch; Railways; Charleston and Vi- cinity; Map; Beaufort and the Lowlands; Mountain Villages and Scenery; Yorkville and Vicinity, GEORGIA. Historical Sketch; the Savannah, Oconee, and other Rivers; Railways; Savannah and Vicinity; Augusta; Atlanta; Macon; Mil- ledgeville, and other Cities; the Mountain Region; Toccoa and Tal- lulah; the Springs, FLORIDA. Historical Sketch; St. John's and St. Mary's Rivers; St. Au- gustine and Vicinity; Jacksonville; Pilatka; Tallahassee; Appala- chicola, etc.; Routes, etc., ALABAMA. The Alabama, Tombigbee, and other Rivers; Railways; Mobile and Vicinity; Montgomery; Tuscaloosa; Huntsville, and other Cities; the Hill region, MISSISSIPPI. Its Rivers and Railways; Jackson; Vicksburg; Natchez; Holly Springs, etc., LOUISIANA. Historical Sketch; New Orleans and Vicinity; Map; the Creoles; the Carnival; Railways and Routes; Baton Rouge, TEXAS. Its Rivers; Railway Routes; Galveston; Austin; Houston; San Antonio, ARKANSAS. Little Rock; Fort Smith; Camden, TENNESSEE. Rivers; Railways; Nashville and Vicinity; Memphis; Chattanooga, and Lookout Mountain, etc., • KENTUCKY. Historical Sketch; the Cumberland and Kentucky Rivers; Railways; Louisville and Vicinity; Frankfort; Covington; Lexing- ton, and other Towns; "Ashland" and "Woodburn," THE OHIO RIVER. From Pittsburg to Cairo; Map; Table of Distances; Cincinnati and Vicinity, THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. From Cairo to New Orleans; Map; St. Louis and Vicinity; Places and Objects of Interest, iv PAGE 59-72 73-84 85-90 91-95 96-98 99-111 112-116 117-118 119-123 124-133 134-137 138-142 INTRODUCTION. THE PLAN OF THE BOOK. In preparing the ninth year's issue of "Appleton's Hand-book," the editor has thought it best to continue the original plan of the work, and follow the familiar geographical order of the several States, as that best adapted to the special tastes and convenience of travellers wishing to visit the respective points and objects of interest. Thus, in making the "Southern Tour," the traveller starting from New York finds his true "point of departure" at Bal- timore, in the chapter on Maryland. Continuing his route thence by steamer or rail, the Guide accompanies him through Virginia and the Carolinas to the Gulf coast, and up the valley of the Lower Mississippi, till he finally reaches Louisville, Cincinnati, or St. Louis, on his return northward. Instead of selecting a particular route, and seeing all it offers of attraction, we have, with few exceptions, jumped at once to our especial destination, and then intimated the way by which it is reached. Thus, if the traveller happens to be in New York and desires to go to New Orleans, he will, by turning to New Orleans, in the chapter on Louisiana, find the routes thither. The chief cities are taken as starting-points for all other and lesser places in their neighborhood. Thus Richmond is made the point of radiation for Virginia; Charleston and Columbia for South Carolina; Nashville for Tennessee, and so on. It has not, of course, been possible to mention every village or town in the South, in the narrow limits of a pocket-volume like this. Sketches of many places which, owing to their difficulty of access in the present dis- rupted condition of the railroads, are unavoidably left out, will, it is hoped, appear in future editions of the work. MONEY. United States Treasury notes (greenbacks) are everywhere current through- out the South, the assertions of the "reliable" gentlemen who have testified V } ! I INTRODUCTION. before the Reconstruction Committee at Washington City to the contrary notwithstanding. Gold and silver readily pass, but as they command a pre- mium in the North, and are, moreover, less portable than paper, they are less desirable for the traveller's use. The notes of Northern banks should, on no account, be taken, as they may sometimes subject the holder to annoyance. The safest and most convenient shape in which to put your money for current expenses on your trip is that of letters of credit or circular notes the former are preferable. These are issued by the leading banking-houses in New York and elsewhere in the United States. The well-known banking firm of Duncan Sherman & Company issue such letters, payable in all the principal Southern cities. Their announcement will be found in our advertising columns. A reasonable supply of fractional currency ("stamps ") will save the traveller frequent inconvenience in making change at railway stations, omnibus stands, etc. TRAVELLING EXPENSES. This is a sufficiently important feature of the trip to merit a separate con- sideration. The cost of living and travelling through the South has materi- ally increased since the war. Six to seven dollars a day will be found a fair estimate. (For hotel expenses, see Hotels.) BAGGAGE. "As little baggage as possible" is always a good rule, though a liberal supply is permitted on the railways, and almost any quantity on the steam- boats. On the stages the prescribed limit of sixty or eighty pounds cannot be exceeded without extra charge. The "check" system, so universally practised throughout the North, has been pretty generally adopted on the Southern lines of railway. Many of the omnibus lines in the Southern cities are reaping an ill-gotten harvest by imposing on the ignorance and credulity of strangers in this regard. As a general rule, the traveller will best consult his own convenience and interest by retaining his check until he arrives at his destination, and then proceeding to his hotel in a carriage with his baggage. If you purchase an omnibus ticket you have, in most instances, to pay separately for your baggage, either to the agent in the cars or in set- tling your bill at the hotel. In travelling in a stage, or in making short trips from the leading centres to the interior, a carpet-bag or small valise will be found the most convenient form of baggage, as in many instances it will be requisite for the traveller to play the part of porter. HOTELS. With few exceptions, the hotels of the principal cities South will compare favorably with those of other sections of the country, and perforce with vi INTRODUCTION. those of any other part of the world. Barnum's, in Baltimore, the Metro- politan and Ebbett, in Washington, the Exchange and Ballard's, in Rich- mond, the Mills House, in Charleston, the Pulaski and the Marshall House, in Savannah, the St. Louis and St. Charles, in New Orleans, Louisville, in Louis- ville, and the Southern and Lindell Hotels, in St. Louis, are all strictly first- class establishments. The charges at these houses range from $3.50 to $5.00 per day, which includes every thing except private parlors, wines, and extra attendance. Four dollars per day, or $28.00 a week, will be found a safe average. Other houses of good repute, having the best hotel accommodation the several cities afford, will be found throughout the work. In New York, the Fifth Avenue Hotel and the Hoffman House, on Madison Square at the in- tersection of Broadway and Fifth Avenue, and the Everett House, occupying a conspicuous and delightful locale at the north end of Union Square, are the most desirable houses in the metropolis. From the observatory of the Fifth Avenue Hotel a fine view of the city and the neighboring bay is to be had. The house is fitted with a passenger-elevator, or vertical railway, for the use of guests. Those fond of the quiet and retirement of private life, combined with the luxuries of hotel cuisine, will find the Everett a desirable stopping-place. The Hoffman House has been recently (1865) opened, and the furniture is new and of the best quality. The Hoffman is conducted on the European plan. The cuisine and attendance are excellent. For those who decide to make a stay in Philadelphia on their way South, the Continental is the most desirable hotel. The well-known reputation of this fine house is well sustained by its present management, Messrs. Kingsley & Co. Newly-married couples will find this a most inviting resting-place on their winter tour South. WAITERS OR SERVANTS. It is not the custom in America, as in Europe, to fee waiters at the hotels, though it may very properly be done for especial personal service. It is often done by those who prefer hot dinners to cold when they happen to come late,” or who may have a fancy for some rare dish when it unluckily happens to be "all out." Waiters, especially the "unprofessionals," who largely outnumber the "regular hands," are frequently guilty of impertinences in large popular hotels. A word to the steward or head-waiter, a function- ary always at hand in every well-regulated hotel, will speedily put matters right. On the other hand, let gentlemen remember that it is impossible for a waiter, however proficient, to wait on more than one at a time and do it well. By due attention to these matters, much needless annoyance will be saved. TICKETS. Tickets on the railways should be purchased at the railway office before starting, otherwise a small additional charge will be made. If a long journey vii INTRODUCTION. over various roads is intended, it is cheaper and more convenient to buy a through ticket to the end of the route, or for as long a distance as possible. What are called "lay-over" or accommodation tickets, affording opportunities to the traveller to visit points of interest on his line of route, can always be ob- tained on the leading through-lines. On the steamboats the tickets for pas- sage, for meals, and berths, can be purchased at leisure, after starting, at the "captain's office." OUTFITS, COSTUMES, ETC. 1 At the Virginia Springs and at the watering-places of the South gener- ally, the same resources of toilet will be found necessary as in the city salon or the most fashionable resorts of the North--that is for the ladies. The gentlemen will best consult their own tastes and circumstances as regards their wardrobe and outfit generally. Let me advise my reader, however, whatever else he may omit to take, not to fail to supply himself with a trav- elling suit equal to the wear and tear of rough mountain life. If the color be a gray or a brown, so much the better in the dust of railway and stage routes. Get a felt hat-it does not crush itself on your head in car or carriage, or blow overboard on steamboats. Storm, 178 Broadway, under the Howard Hotel, has a fine assortment. Leave thin boots (this especially to the ladies) at home, and go well and comfortably shod in stout calfskin. It is a pity to be kept in-doors by the fear of spoiling one's gaiters or wetting one's feet, when the meadows and hills and brooks are inviting you abroad. In moun- tain tramps, a generous-sized flask may be swung over the shoulder with very picturesque effect. If filled with generous "cognac," beware of too pictu- resque an effect, especially if you be in the company of a certain party. In the way of clothing, the traveller cannot do better than call on Mr. D. Russell, No. 835 Broadway, corner of Thirteenth Street. All the gar- ments made by this long-established and well-known house are adapted to the wants of gentlemen of taste who appreciate style and quality in clothing. Brownell (late Brownell & Marvin), at No. 503 Broadway, in the St. Nicholas block, keeps a fine assortment of ready-made clothing. A good trunk is an indispensable article of outfit for either lady or gen- tleman. Messrs. J. T. Smith & Co., at 344 Broadway, have the most exten- sive assortment in the city, embracing every kind of travelling package from the largest-sized "Saratoga" down to the smallest valise, carpet-sack, and haversack. Their goods are of the best quality and make. Edwin A. Brooks' boot and shoe store is at 575 Broadway, convenient to the principal hotels. His stock of ready-made custom-work is large, and his fits are warranted. By leaving their measure, parties going into the interior can be supplied at any given point. Mr. Union Adams, at No. 637 Broadway, offers opportunities of making viii INTRODUCTION. selections in gentlemen's furnishing goods unequalled elsewhere in New York. His stock is large and rich, embracing every thing in that line re- quired by the most fastidious. His assortment of shawls, travelling-bags, negligé shirts, scarfs, ties, etc., is especially complete. Berrian's house-furnishing store, on Broadway, is an excellent place to purchase goods. INSURANCE. Having laid in your necessary supplies, it only remains for you to insure yourself against accidents by sea or land, and the editor of the "Hand-book " having had recent experience in that line, would advise you not to omit to in- sure. The "Accide Insurance Company " of New York is a reliable company. This office issues policies against death, and compensation in case of disabling injury, as well as against death only. Policies are issued good for one year, one month, or one day. Mr. Edward Greene, 141 Broadway, is the secre- tary of the company. STEAMSHIP LINES. The several lines of passenger steamships running between New York and Baltimore and the Southern ports afford, except during inclement weather, the most pleasant means of reaching Richmond, Wilmington, Charles- ton, Savannah, Mobile, New Orleans, or Galveston. The leading and best- conducted lines of steamers now in operation from New York to Southern domestic ports are the following: For Norfolk, City Point, and Richmond.-The steamers of the Old Line (New York and Virginia Company) sail every Wednesday and Saturday at 3 P. M. for Norfolk and all points on the James River. The boats are com- modious and well-officered. G. Heineken & Palmore, 115 Broadway, agents. The boats of the Atlantic Coast Mail Company leave same days at noon. Livingston, Fox & Co., 88 Liberty Street, agents. From Baltimore, Leary & Co.'s "New Line" of steamers offer every in- ducement to travellers. 27 For Charleston.-The Messrs. Leary despatch one of their fine steamers from Pier No. 14, E. R., every Saturday at 3 o'clock. The "Quaker City' has first-class accommodations for cabin passengers. For Savannah.-Messrs. Garrison & Allen, 5 Bowling Green, and Living- ston, Fox & Co., despatch regular steamers weekly for Savannah, where im- mediate connection is made with the boats leaving that port for St. Augus- tine, Pilatka, and other points in Florida. The favorite sidewheel steamship "San Jacinto" belongs to the former, and the "Hermann Livingston" to the latter line. Invalids bound for the Florida water-cures have ample choice between the boats comprising either of these fine lines. For New Orleans.-Cromwell's line of first-class steamships, one of which I ix INTRODUCTION. leaves Pier No. 9, N. R., every Saturday at 3 P. M., has the confidence of the public. The Coastwise Company also despatch a steamer every Wednesday from Pier No. 29, foot of Warren Street. Mr. D. N. Carrington, at 177 West Street, is the agent. For California.-The best line for San Francisco and all points on the South Pacific and Central American ports is unquestionably that of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company. It is a through line, connecting at Panama with the company's line of steamers on the Pacific. Three departures each month, viz., on the 1st, 11th, and 21st. The boats of this line are appointed, equipped, and officered equal to the best European steamships. The passage to San Francisco is made by the steamers of the Pacific Mail Company in twenty-two days. The general office of the line is over the new banking- house of Messrs. Brown Brothers, in Wall Street, below William. Shipping and ticket office Pier No. 42, foot of Canal Street. FINE ARTS, ETC. The fine-arts galleries of the Bendann Brothers (branch of the well- known Baltimore establishment) have just been located on Fifth Avenue, corner of Seventeenth Street. Their pictures are executed in the highest style of photographic art. Brady's pictures are too well known to need more than a passing mention here. His galleries, at 785 Broadway, opposite Stewart's, contain the finest collection of war views, in the shape of photo- graphic pictures, to be found in New York. Semmons, at 6691 Broadway, under the Lafarge Hotel, has the best as- sortment of field, marine, and opera glasses to be found in New York. To the citizens of New York, not less than to those visiting it during the spring and early summer months, mineral waters and baths have become a necessity. Dr. Hanbury Smith's famous mineral-water establishment, "The Spa," is pleasantly and centrally located at No. 808 Broadway, near its intersection with Eleventh Street. Its health-giving waters, agrecable shade, and proximity to other objects of interest, combine to make it one of the pleasantest lounging-places of the metropolis. The best baths in the city are those conducted by Dr. Gutmann, at 25 East Fourth Street. OBLIGATIONS, ETC. Those only who have had frequent occasion to use Guides and Hand- books of travel have any adequate idea of the labor necessary to produce them. How far the ordinary duties of the editor have been increased by the changes incident to the late war, can only be known to himself. That they have been very largely augmented will readily be believed. While the following pages are mainly the result of personal observation, much of the matter has been gleaned from the experience of others. For the attainment X INTRODUCTION. of an object, apparently so hopeless, as the preparation, at this time, of a re- liable Hand-book of Travel to the South, the author has found it necessary to use every available source and means of information. Without such timely aids it would, of course, have been impossible to prepare and publish such a work. Our obligations are due to the entire Southern press for their unceas- ing endeavors to keep us informed of the rapid changes going on in their several communities, and for their numerous contributions to local and State history, descriptive sketches, etc., etc. We are also indebted to Mr. Eugene Piffet, of New Orleans, Mr. Sancier, of Mobile, Mr. Linn, of Chattanooga, and other photographic artists of the South, who kindly furnished us with views of prominent objects of interest in their several localities. We regret that lack of space has compelled us to exclude their contributions from our pages. It is decided to make future issues of the Hand-book uniform in style and appearance with the present work. For much valuable information contained in the following pages we are indebted to the recently-published Directories of New Orleans, Baltimore, Mobile, Cincinnati, and Memphis. Much of the historical matter relative to the battle-fields met with in our tour South, is gleaned from the pages of the "Military and Naval History of the Rebellion," edited by W. J. Tenney. Thankful to one and all for their valuable assistance, we shall endeavor to merit a continuance of their favors. SKELETON TOURS, Etc. For the benefit of foreigners visiting this country, desirous of spending the winter at the South, the following six weeks' tour through the frequented portions of Georgia and Florida is inserted: A Winter Tour of Six Weeks, visiting the Invalid Resorts of Florida, Sa- vannah and Augusta, Ga., Charleston and Columbia, S. C., Richmond, Va., and Washington City. FIRST WEEK.-Saturday.-Leave New York by the steamer Saturday afternoon, and arrive in Savannah Tuesday morning. Spend the rest of the week in Savannah, at the Pulaski House or Marshall House. (See page 74.) SECOND WEEK.-Saturday.-Leave Savannah in the steamer for Jackson- ville, Pilatka, and other places on the St. John's River (pages 85 to 89). Spend the week thereabouts. THIRD WEEK.-At St. Augustine, on the coast, below the mouth of the St. John's (page 87). St. Augustine, or the “Ancient City," as it is some- times called, from its venerable age, which exceeds that of any other place in the Union, will tempt the visitor to a long sojourn with the social attrac- tions which its fame as an invalid resort has secured. The peculiar natural xi • INTRODUCTION. features of the city and the neighborhood will also win his particular interest. FOURTH WEEK.-At St. Augustine. FIFTH WEEK.-Return to Savannah and take the Georgia Central Rail- way to Augusta (page 77), thence by steamer to Charleston (page 60). SIXTH WEEK.-Monday.-By South Carolina Railway from Charleston to Columbia. Tuesday. At Columbia (pàge 64), resuming journey in the afternoon. Wednesday.-En route. Thursday.-At Richmond, Va. (page 38). Friday.-Arrive at Washington City (page 21). Saturday.-To Baltimore same evening. Sunday.-At Baltimore (page 2). Monday.-To New York. If time permit, numerous other pleasant tours can be made from Charles- ton or Savannah southwest. xii APPLETON'S HAND-BOOK OF AMERICAN TRAVEL. MARYLAND. THE Country which now forms the State of Maryland, was granted to Lord Balti- more by Charles I., and was named in honor of Henrietta Maria, Queen of that monarch. Maryland is one of the most northern of the late slaveholding States, and the most southern of the group dis- tinguished as the Middle States. It is one of the original thirteen. 1 The first permanent settlement in Mary- land was made at St. Mary's, by Leonard Calvert, brother of Lord Baltimore, 1634. It was one of the earliest of the colonies to grant entire freedom of relig- ious faith-virtually, though not, as is often written and said, by formal legal enactments. The emigrants in their own annals still bear the title of "Pilgrims of St. Mary's." The State is naturally divided into three distinct geographical sections. The first section comprises that portion lying east of the Susquehanna River and Chesa- peake Bay, known as the "Eastern Shore," and which contains the counties of Wor- incester, Somerset, Dorchester, Talbot, Car- oline, Queen Anne, Kent, and Cecil. The second section, comprising what is usu- ally called the "Western Shore," consists of another peninsula, lying inland, be- tween the Potomac River and Chesapeake Bay, and up to the line of the river falls, and comprises the counties of St. Mary's, Calvert, Charles, Prince George, Anne Arundel, Howard, and parts of Montgom- ery, Baltimore and Harford, an area of about 3,698 square miles. A ledge of primitive rocks, which constitute the lead- ing geographical feature of this section, forms the natural boundary between the alluvial region and the mountainous dis- trict of Maryland, which latter consti- tutes the third section of the State. Em- braced in this section are Carroll, Freder- ick, Washington, and Alleghany Counties, which cover an area of 2,590 square miles, and afford some of the most pictur 1 Maryland was not the theatre of any of the great battles of the Revolution; but some important scenes of the war of 1812 took place within her borders. The limits of the State were at that period twice invaded by the British troops. They were bravely met and repulsed at the battle of North Point, in the Chesa- peake, September 13, 1814. During the Rebellion of 1861-65, repeated invasions of the State were made by Confederate troops, resulting in great destruction of property, especially on the line of the Baltimore and Ohio Railway. The area of the State is 10,210 square miles, a portion of which is covered by the waters of the Chesapeake Bay, which extends within its jurisdiction 120 miles northward. , BALTIMORE.] esque scenery to be found in the State. The country upon both the eastern and western shores of the bay is generally level and sandy. The long narrow strip which extends westward is a lofty region, crossed by several ridges of the Allegha- nies. These ranges, with their interven- ing valleys, afford charming landscape passages to the traveller, on the route of the Baltimore and Ohio Railway, and make that highway one of the most at- tractive of the many leading from the Eastern cities to the great West. The hill-region of Maryland abounds in rich mineral deposits. The coal lands, though not very extensive, are extremely pro- ductive. Copper mines are worked in Frederick and Carroll Counties. Besides the culture of all the grains, fruits, vegetables, and other products of the Northern States, Maryland grows large quantities of tobacco. The State ranks, in the production of this staple, as third in the Union, and, measuring by population, as second. BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. 98 miles from Philadelphia, 186 from New York, via Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Havre de Grace. HOTELS.—Barnum's (City), on Monu- ment Square, corner Fayette and Calvert Streets, is a long-established and deserv- edly popular house. Rooms large and well ventilated. The main apartment dining-room has just been refitted and furnished, at an expense of ten thousand dollars. Has accommodation for 400 guests. The Eutaw House, corner W. Baltimore and Eutaw Streets, in the west end of the city, is pleasantly situated for families. Its management entitles it to rank among the best hotels in the coun- try. The Fountain, in Light Street, the Maltby, in Pratt Street, and Gilmour's, in Baltimore Street, are conveniently located, and among the best of their class in the city. Restaurants are numerous, and generally well kept. The oysters of the The oysters of the Chesapeake and its tributaries have long been famous. [BALTIMORE. | 000, is imposingly situated upon the north side of the Patapsco River, 12 miles from its entrance into the Chesapeake Bay, and about 200 miles, by these waters, from the sea. Built, as it is, upon hill-slopes and terraces, its appearance is at once imposing and picturesque. Striking, in- deed, to the stranger, is the unlooked-for scene, as he gazes from the water upward, through the climbing streets, capped at their tops by soaring spire and dome, in whose midst, and above all, soars the proud crest of the famous monument to Washington; and hardly less attractive is the picture as the eye looks downward from these elevated points upon the busy city and its surrounding lands and waters. The present site of Baltimore was chosen in 1729, and its name was be- stowed upon it, in 1745, in honor of Lord Baltimore. In 1780 it became a port of entry, with the accompaniments of cus- tom-house, naval officers, etc. In 1782 the first pavements were laid on Balti- more Street, the chief avenue of the city at that period, as at the present time. In the same year the first regular communi- cation with Philadelphia was established, through a line of stage-coaches. The charter of the city bears date as late as 1797. The population, which at this date was 26,000, had increased by the year 1854 to nearly 200,000. In 1860 it was 212,418. The next census will undoubt- edly show a still greater ratio of increase; and so, each succeeding enumeration- for the natural advantages of the city promise it ever-increasing progress. As laid out, it includes an area of four miles square, and extends nearly round the bay. The harbor is capacious and safe, and consists of an inner basin, into which vessels of considerable burden can enter, and an outer harbor at what is known as Fell's Point, accessible to the largest merchant ships. The entrance is defended by Fort McHenry, which figured conspicuously in the war of 1812. The harbor is seldom obstructed by ice, a fact which adds to the commerce of the port during the winter months. Jones' Falls, a small stream from the north, spanned by several wooden bridges, di- vides the city into two nearly equal parts, which are known which are known locally as East and West Baltimore. From these falls and Baltimore, one of the four great East- ern cities, with a population of over 240,- 2 REFERENCE. 1Washington Monut 2Battle Monument 3 Exchange 4 Do Place 5 Gustom House 7Post Office. 8 City Prison 9Maryland Peniten 10 SusquehannaR.R.Dep 12 Front St Theatre 13 Holliday St Thea. 14Bal.Liby&AssembR 16 Merchants Shot Tow. 17 Catholic Cathedral 18 Baltimore Col. 19 StMary's College 20 Eutaw House 21.B.&0.Phil &Wash.and JIAS OGE Jame N Pratt ПРИПЕ FRIES B.& R. Dep. Fred&GumberR.R.Dep 22 City Hotel 23.Balt.Mus&Gal.FineArt Pierce 240dd Fellow's Hall 25 Masonic Hall Washington Gunpowder Bavard Wils on 1M: Mechen Mosher Townsend 88005000 anticoke a 1112!! EIK Clare Per Carroll Y Fayette Stockholm Bus & Sassafrak Pennsylvania Av Chatswo Cross Wicomic yopster Severn LOHIO R.R McHe 19 Walsh Baltimore R Columbia m BALT. & OHIO FR.R Mulber Saratoga Division 1פררה gton Ridgely St Peter anvale Russell A Madison McCulloch ROSS DEL 2000 Jan German Lombard Haw Bolton Pearl Greene 102 Osten Grandy Hoffma chard SEMary 108 Paca Preston Pa ca Cowpen TCIO Sust- quehan na RR Dept Barre Lee BRANCH OF PATAPSCO R. Bidale Howard Susa R.R. Dep BA E & WASHN R R Richmon 10006 00 Madison 1060 Clay Franklin E QUEHANN Decker Henrietta Hamburg amaen 4 Balt.& Ohi R.Denots Cross ΕΓΓ Charles Eager MVer no BELGI Stockholm. Hamilton atch Al Malcan 10 12 Place emine Barne Read Charles Ham SH HAR 25 B Saratoga UNCLER Lig Warren 17 70 500 1000 52 116 Water IGCD Montgomery Entrance Thepot ΕΓΓΕ York Hon orange Cr 4 ALE Johnson! William Truxton 18 24 13 Belvidere Addison Second GHughes S Spear GREEN MOUNT CEMETERY ALUSH French Hiller Baltimore Gay Biddle Covingtoni Glass Works BALTIMORE. Scale of Feet. 2000 3000 McKim Entered, according to Act of Congress, in they ear 1848, by W.Williams, in the Clerks Office, of the District Court, of the Southern Instrict of New Iorc 0076 ΠΠΓΕ E 180 Jone High Front Valley Harford alls att East Low ttler Ensor Stirling Mott bard Douglass 6 100 Granby Salisbury TEL Exeter Moliver Short Forest Patterso Fort ΕΓ Sules Tish Joh Belle Philadelphia Vilmington Bal.R.. Hoffm Canal Despeau Linspection ir Roe Eden! 1000000 effers CITY DOCK Coll Caroline S Harford Hun * FRANCH Gough Fratt 3 Dock Block Philpot T D Chases THE Broadway Ra Baltimore 100 www LIZ I ZI ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ Madis Monumen umen Pad bd B T Hampstead PHILA & BALTIMORE RR 2Rice Anna 00 easter Orleans Beason Lomba Ca Fayette Kerr Jacksons Sheppard's Ponant Mexick Wilkes Bank|||||||| Thames Eager do CHOF PATAPSCO Fell Nicholson ΓΈΓΕΓΕΙ Marriot MSElle Andre 11 Free Baron Waters mells REL P = BALTIMORE.] Swann Lake, six miles beyond, the city has a never-failing supply of fine water. The streets are regular and well paved, and the houses built mainly of brick, with marble or granite facings. The city is divided into twenty wards, and has an effective, well-regulated fire department. During the early days of the late rebel- lion, the city was the scene of considera- ble rioting. On the 19th April, 1861, on the passage of Massachusetts troops (6th regiment infantry) through the city, crowds collected at the depot and along the line of route, and stoned the cars and soldiers: nine citizens were killed during the course of the riot and many more were wounded. Twenty-five of the wounded soldiers were sent to the Washington Hospital. The rioting was mainly on Pratt Street, be- tween South and Howard. MARYLAND. Baltimore has been called "The Monu- mental City," and not inappropriately, for its monuments are its greatest ornaments. Constituting as they do not only a source of much pride to its citizens, but the leading objects of interest to strangers, they command our first attention. [BALTIMORE. | | the pedestal or column rests rises 20 feet from the ground, with an Egyptian door on each front, on which are appropriate inscriptions and representations, in basso- rilievo, of some of the incidents of the battle. The column rises 18 feet above the base. This, which is of marble, in the form of a Roman fasces, is encircled by bands, on which are inscribed, in sculptured letters, the names of those whose patriotic achievements it serves to commemorate. It is surmounted by a female figure in marble, emblematic of the City of Baltimore, the work of an Italian artist named Capellano. The whole height of the monument is 52 feet. The Washington Monument is chief among the structures of this kind. It is a very graceful work, standing upon a terrace 100 feet above tide-water, in Mt. Vernon Place, at the intersection of Charles and Monument Streets. Its base is 50 feet square and 20 feet high, supporting a Doric shaft 176 feet in height, which is surmounted by a colossal statue of Wash- ington, 16 feet high. "The Father of his Country" is represented in the crowning act of his military life, the resignation of his commission as commander-in-chief at Annapolis, Dec. 17, 1783. The total ele- vation is thus 312 feet above the level of the river. It is built with brick, cased with white marble, and cost $200,000. From the balcony of the monument the finest view of the city, harbor, river, and surrounding country is obtained. Access is by a circular stairway within. Applica- tion for admission should be made to the keeper, who will furnish the necessary light. | Battle Monument, erected to the mem- ory of those who fell defending the city in September, 1814, is at the corner of Calvert and Fayette Streets,near Barnum's Hotel. The square sub-base on which Armistead Monument, near the City Spring, is merely a tablet, sunken in a subterranean niche. It was erected to the memory of Col. George Armistead, the commander at Fort McHenry, in 1814, through whose intrepidity a British fleet of sixteen sail was repulsed, after having bombarded the fort for twenty-four hours. This stone is sometimes spoken of abroad as among the monumental wonders of Baltimore-to which glory, however, it has no kind of claim. Baltimoreans themselves seldom speak of it. PUBLIC BUILDINGS.-The Exchange, in Gay Street, is a large and elegant struc- ture, with a façade of 240 feet. The building has colonnades of six Ionic col- umns on its east and west sides, the shafts of which are single blocks of fine Italian marble, of admirable workmanship. The whole is surmounted by an immense dome, the apex of which is 115 feet above the street. The Custom House occupies the first story of the south wing of the Exchange, fronting on Lombard Street. In the northeast part of the building is the Merchants' Bank, while the Rotun- da is used for the City Post-Office. The Reading-Room is a fine apartment, 50 feet square. Original cost of the whole struc- ture $600,000. Subsequent improvements have increased this to nearly one million dollars. The Maryland Institute, on Baltimore Street, near the bridge, is an imposing edifice 355 feet long by 60 feet wide. The first story of this immense building is occupied as a place of public vendue, and known as the "Centre Market." The 3 BALTIMORE.] [BALTIMORE. three-story edifice fronting on Baltimore | Roman Catholic. The Presbyterians have Strect, contains the library and offices. 15 places of worship, the Baptists 9, and The main hall, 260 feet by 60, is devoted the Jews 6. to the Annual Exhibitions of American In- dustry, Fairs, and other similar purposes. It will accommodate five thousand per- sons. The cost of the structure was about $100,000. The New City Hall, on Holiday Street, is a plain, substantial building of three stories, with a massive-looking portico. The most imposing church edifice is the Catholic Cathedral, corner of Cathe- dral and Mulberry Streets. It is built of granite, in the form of a cross, and is 190 feet long, 177 broad at the arms of the cross, and 127 feet high, from the floor to the top of the cross which surmounts the dome. The building is well lighted by windows in the dome, which are concealed from the view of persons below. At the west end rise two tall towers, crowned with Saracenic cupolas, resembling the minarets of a Mohammedan mosque. This church is said to have the largest organ in the United States, having 6,000 pipes and 36 stops. The interior is orna- The Court House, corner of Monument Square and Lexington Street, is a commo- dious and commanding building, 145 feet by 65, two stories in height, constructed of marble and brick, appropriated to the purposes of the City and County Courts. It is ornamented with white marble pilas- ters, in the modern Ionic style, and sur- mounted by a cupola of imposing appear-mented with two excellent paintings: ance. Its interior appointments are ex- one, "The Descent from the Cross," pre- cellent. sented by Louis XVI.; the other, "St. Louis burying his Officers and Soldiers slain before Tunis," the gift of Charles X., of France. This edifice though infe- rior in architectural proportions and cost- ly ornamentation to many other of the Roman Catholic cathedrals and churches in the Union, in the solidity of its con- struction and massive appearance is ex- celled by none. | The First Presbyterian Church, situated at the corner of Madison and Park Streets, is much admired for its simplicity and elegance of architectural finish. It is constructed of free stone from the "Albert Quarries" of New Brunswick, in the "Lancet Gothic" style of architecture, and is one of the most elaborate speci- mens of that order in the country. It was commenced in 1855, under the su- perintendence of Mr. N. G. Starkweather, and finished the following year. The building is 131 feet in depth, exclusive of transept, and 87 feet wide. The tower is 268 feet-the highest in the city; the interior is beautifully and appropriately ornamented. MARYLAND. The new U. S. Court House, corner of North and Fayette Streets, is a massive granite structure, not yet quite completed. The City Prisons and State Penitentiary, fronting on Madison Street, east of the Falls, are worthy a visit. The former building, more popularly known as the "Jail," was built in 1857-'60, from de- signs by the Messrs. Dixon, at a cost of $250,000. The building is 404 feet long, and comprises a centre building and two wings. The exterior walls of the build- ing are of rubble masonry, the stone be- ing from the adjacent quarries on Jones' Falls. It is a substantial and well-ar- ranged prison. | The Penitentiary consists of three large buildings, occupying nearly four acres, laid out in gardens and shrubbery, and surrounded by a stone wall 20 feet high. The convicts are principally employed in the mechanic arts. The County Prison, near the latter institution, is a neat edifice, with castellated towers and surmounted by a cupola. The Corn and Flour Exchange, on South Street, corner of Wood Street, is a substantial structure. CHURCHES.-There are upward of one hundred and sixty churches, chapels, and religious meeting-houses in Baltimore, with accommodation for upward of 100,- 000 persons. Of these, 44 are Methodist, 20 are Episcopal, and the same number The Unitarian Church (First Independ- ent), at the intersection of North Charles and Franklin Streets, ranks next to the above in architectural beauty. This edi- fice is 108 feet long and 78 wide. In front is a colonnade, consisting of four Tuscan columns and two pilasters, which form the arcades. Above, extending 4 BALTIMORE.] around the pediment, is a cornice, decora- ted with emblematic figures and inscrip- tions. From the portico the entrance is by bronze doors, in imitation of the Vati- can at Rome-three conducting to the body of the building, and two to the gal- leries. MARYLAND. [BALTIMORE. The Church Home, formerly the old Washington College, is situated on Broad- way, near Baltimore Street. It belongs to the Protestant Episcopal Church of the city, is superintended by a committee of ladies from the several Episcopal churches, and is endowed for the relief of the destitute, afflicted, and orphans. The elevated situation of this structure, in a healthy neighborhood, overlooking the city and bay, especially fits it for such a Home. The Catholics, who are a numerous and wealthy part of the community, have in addition to the Cathedral various elegant church edifices, among which may be mentioned that of St. Alphonsus, at the corner of Saratoga and Park Streets, which has a spire of 200 feet; and that of St. Vincent de Paul, in N. Front Street. Grace Church (Episcopal), corner of Monument and Park Streets, is a fine specimen of the Gothic, in red sandstone. Close by is another Episcopal church, also Gothic, built of gray sandstone. St. Paul's Church, at the corner of Charles and Saratoga Streets, is a pleasing exam- ple of the Norman style; $142,000 were expended in its construction. CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS, ETC.-The city is well provided with institutions of benevolence and charity. The Maryland Hospital for the Insane occupies an eminence on East Monument Street, in the eastern part of the city. It is a large brick building, with three cupo- las. Mount Hope Hospital, conducted by the Sisters of Charity, is in Madison Street, near the northwestern limits of the city. Near the University, in Lom- bard Street, is the Baltimore Infirmary. It is controlled by the Regents of the University. In the western part of the city is the Aged Widows' Home, a new and elegant edifice; near it a similar build- ing has been erected for aged men. The Blind Asylum (Maryland Institu- tion for the Instruction of the Blind), on West Saratoga Street, is a flourishing charity, well worthy a visit. It was or- ganized in 1853, previous to which date the children were maintained at the Penn- sylvania Asylum, located in Philadelphia, under an annual appropriation from the Maryland Legislature. The cost of the building was about $27,000, and the num- ber of inmates is limited to twenty. The extent of the accommodation afforded by this institution is quite inadequate to the number and needs of these poor sufferers throughout the city and State. The Orphan Asylums of St. Anthony (de Padna) and of St. Vincent de Paul, the former on Canal, near Madison Street, and the latter No. 23 N. Front Street, are flourishing Roman Catholic institutions, with free schools attached. The House of Refuge and the city Almshouse are ad- mirably situated amidst attractive scenery near the Frederick turnpike, about two miles from the city. In addition to these, Baltimore contains numerous institutions for the relief and support of the poor, afflicted, and friendless. LITERARY INSTITUTIONS, ETC.-The Uni- versity of Maryland is at the intersection of Green and Lombard Streets. The Medical Department of the University was founded in the year 1807; the Col- lege of Loyola is at the corner of Madison and Calvert Streets. The Athenæum, which is at the corner of Saratoga and St. Paul Streets, is occupied conjointly by the Mercantile Library Association, the Baltimore Library, and the Maryland Hist. Society. The Library of the Mer- cantile Association numbers nearly 20,000 volumes; the Baltimore Library 15,000, and the collection of the Historical Soci- ety upward of 1,000. It is in the gal- lery of the Historical Society that the an- nual exhibitions of pictures are held. Admission to these libraries from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. The Peabody Institute, corner of Charles and Monument Streets, founded by George Peabody, the eminent London banker, is a massive structure of white marble, re- cently completed. It is designed for lit- erary and scientific purposes, and will when fully endowed contain a library and fine arts gallery. The Lecture-Room is ad- mirably constructed, and has sittings for 700 persons. The St. Mary's College, a Roman Cath- 5 MARYLAND. BALTIMORE.] | olic theological institution, founded 1799, is at the corner of Franklin and Greene Streets. McKim's Free School, on East Baltimore Street, was founded by the lib- erality of the late Isaac McKim The Maryland College of Pharmacy, No. 47 N. Calvert Street. Lectures on Pharmacy, Chemistry, and Materia Med- ica during the winter months. THEATRES, ETC.-Holiday Street Theatre, in Holiday Street, two squares from Bar- num's Hotel, is the well-known and popu- lar resort of theatre-goers in Baltimore. It is worthy of remembrance that it is the oldest temple of the Drama in the United States. The first theatrical enter- tainments given in Baltimore were con- ducted in a frame building, erected about the year 1780. The present structure was opened May 10, 1814, under the management of Messrs. Wood & Warren. It was enlarged and remodelled in 1854 at an expense of $50,000. It is under the management of Mr. J. T. Ford, and has accommodations for 1,500 persons. Front Street (American) Theatre, in Front Street near Gay. [BALTIMORE. bracing an area of between two and three acres, at the head of West Lombard Street. It was laid out in 1851; a spring of most delicious water flows from the centre of the square. Franklin Square, corner of Fayette and Carey Streets, and Jackson Square on Hampstead Street, east of Broadway. Patterson Park, on East Baltimore Street, contains 36 acres, and embraces the earthworks thrown up for defence of the city in the war of 1812. The City Spring, on North Calvert Street, near Saratoga, enclosed by an iron railing, and surrounded by umbrageous elm-trees, is an inviting retreat for the thirsty pedes- trian during the heats of summer. Near this spring is the Armistead monument, before referred to. The Concordia (German), on S. Eutaw, is a well-conducted establishment. Buf- fet, lunch, and billiard rooms attached. Admission to the latter through a mem- ber of the society. The Museum is on the corner of Baltimore and Calvert Streets. Like "Barnum's" in New York, it serves to gratify the juvenile dramatic taste. The New Casino (Melodeon) is on Bal- timore Street (comic songs and minstrel- sy). The New Assembly Rooms, the fash- ionable lecture and concert rooms of the city, are at the intersection of Hanover and Lombard Streets. Federal Hill.-From the Signal House on this eminence a fine, perhaps the best, view of the city and surroundings is to be had. CEMETERIES.-Green Mountain Ceme- tery is a charming rural spot, about a mile and a half from Battle Monument, The stone gateway, forming the entrance, at the junction of Belvidere Street and York Avenue, and the chapel, are much admired. It was incorporated in 1837. The cost of grounds and improvements exceeds a quarter of a million dollars. City office, No. 1 Courtland Street. Carroll Hall, at the corner of Balti- more and Calvert Streets, also contains spacious lecture and exhibition rooms. Loudon Park Cemetery, on the Freder- erick road, about two miles from the city, is another charming City of the Dead. The grounds, which embrace 100 acres of land, are of diversified character, and admirably adapted for the purposes of sepulture. The gateway is an im- posing structure 72 feet wide. City office, 56 W. Fayette. Mount Olivet, on the Frederick pike, is a pretty rural burying- ground. An enclosure similar in extent to that of Loudon Park, known as the Baltimore Cemetery, is reached by taking North Gay Street to the limits. There are other burial-grounds in and near Baltimore, two of which are known as Mount Carmel and the Western, but they will hardly repay a visit after you have seen Green Mount and Loudon Park. The Halls of the fraternities of Masons and Odd Fellows, the former in the Gothic, the latter in the Grecian style of architecture, are conspicuous buildings. | PARKS, SQUARES, ETC.-Druid Hill Park is a noble pleasance of 550 acres, pleas- antly situated in the northern suburbs of the city. It was opened in October, 1861, and abounds in venerable trees and beau- tiful shrubbery. It is easily reached from Baltimore Street by Madison Avenue cars. Union Square is a pleasant resort, em- DRIVES, WALKS, ETC.-North Point, at the mouth of the Patapsco, was the scene of a memorable battle, September 12, 1814, between the Americans, un- 6 BALTIMORE.] | der General Stryker, and the British, un- der General Ross, in which the former were defeated, and the latter lost three commanders. On the following day, September 13th, Fort McHenry was bom- barded for twenty-four hours, by sixteen ships and a land force of 1,200 men. The assailants were repulsed, and the for- tress left in the possession of its defend- ers. MARYLAND. | This engagement at North Point and Fort McHenry is duly celebrated in Balti- more on each recurring anniversary, and the Battle Monument, already described, was erected in commemoration thereof. Govanstown, four miles from the city, on the York road, has a well-kept hotel. The Cold Spring House is passed on the way. A line of street cars extends to Towsontown, three miles beyond. Four miles on the Philadelphia road is the village of Kingsville and the Herring Run, a favorite spot for gudgeon fishing. Fort McHenry, at the entrance to the harbor, and distant about three miles from the centre of the city, ought not to be forgotten by the visitor to Baltimore. It is built on the extremity of a peninsu- la formed on one side by the harbor and on the other by the Patapsco River. It successfully resisted the bombardment of the British fleet in 1814. Franklin, five miles from Baltimore, over a well-shaded, well-laid turnpike and attractive landscape. A road leading south-west from Franklin brings the visitor into the old Frederick turnpike. On this road are Mount de Sales, the Convent of the Visitation, and St. Timothy's Hall. Re- turning cityward, a number of beautiful country seats are passed. By crossing the Patapsco River at the foot of Light Street, the stranger will be afforded an opportunity of visiting the embryo city of Brooklyn, in the adjoin- ing county of Anne Arundel. Among the promenades and rambles of the city, Baltimore Street, west of Jones Falls, is perhaps the most attractive. In it are located the principal retail stores, and thither repair those of both sexes who make "shopping" the great business of week-day life. [BALTIMORE. large and highly ornamented structure. The "Sun" newspaper is issued daily and weekly from this building. The exten- sive news and periodical depot of Henry Taylor & Co. adjoins the Sun office on the east. The office of the "American," the leading Republican journal of the State, is on the opposite side of Baltimore Street, west of South Street. Bendann Brothers, the eminent photographers, oc- cupy commodious rooms at No. 207. . Gallery open from 10 to 5. Well-executed pictures and views of the public build- ings can be procured at this establish- ment. The largest and richest assort- ment of watches, jewelry, and silver ware, is to be found at the establishment of Messrs. Canfield, Brother & Co., No. 229 Baltimore Street. The "Sun" Building, on the corner of Baltimore and South Streets, has the first iron front erected in the city. It is a North Charles Street and Avenue are also pleasant promenades. In Mount Ver- non Place, and the vicinity of the Monu- ment, are some handsome residences. This constitutes the Belgravia of Balti- more, the favorite resort of the city's "best society." East Baltimore Street and Broadway, in the other end of the city, afford pleasant promenades. Crossing Jones Falls at the foot of Baltimore Street, the Church of St. Vincent de Paul and the cupola of the Front Street Theatre are seen north of the bridge. Proceeding eastward, the visitor will pass the Second Presbyterian Church, a fine Gothic structure, corner of Baltimore and Lloyd Streets, and many handsome residences, until he reaches Broadway, the boulevard of the East End. Turning southward, down Broadway, he can visit the Methodist, Presbyterian, and St. Patrick's Churches; and further on the Fell's Point market house. The passen- ger depot building, and offices of the Balti- more & Ohio R. R. in Camden Street, be- tween Eutaw and Howard Streets, present an imposing appearance. The main front on Camden Street is upward of 300 feet long, and is one of the finest structures of the kind on the continent. The passen- ger depots of the Northern Central Rail- way, in Calvert Street, and of the Phil., Wil. & Balt. Railway in President Street, are large and costly structures. | The Shot Tower, on the corner of Front and Fayette Streets, is a prominent ob- ject, and one which always elicits the • 7 BALTIMORE.] attention of the stranger. It is 246 feet high, and contains over one million bricks. CAR AND STAGE ROUTES, FERRIES, ETC.— Car and stage routes are laid in all the principal streets and avenues, and almost every object of interest mentioned in the foregoing pages is readily reached by this means. MARYLAND. The following are the main lines of the City Passenger Railway: South Baltimore, from Baltimore at the intersection of Gay Street, to Light Street terminus, every ten minutes. North Baltimore, from Baltimore cor- ner North Street, to end of Charles Street, every ten minutes. Franklin Square, from Baltimore Street West End, to Baltimore Cemetery, every five minutes. Madison Avenue, from Thames Street, East Baltimore to city limits, every five minutes. Canton line connects at Thames Street and runs to East City boundary at Canton. Pennsylvania Avenue, from city limits to Gay Street, every ten minutes. Running time, Summer 6 A. M., Winter 6 A. M. till midnight. General office corner Baltimore and Eutaw Streets. York Road, from corner Baltimore and North Streets every hour, from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M. excepting 12 M., connecting at North Avenue; returning, leave Towson- town same hours. Time to Towsontown, 7 miles, 1 h. 15 min. Catonsville and Ellicott's Mills, hourly from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M., terminus City Pas- senger Railway; time to Catonsville, 6 miles, one hour. For such as prefer their own mode of conveyance, the livery stables and hack- men of the city afford ample accommo- dation at reasonable rates. Stages run daily to Long Greene, Franklintown, and Pikesville, and tri- weekly to Bel-air and Kellville (see Wood's City Directory, for points and time of de- parture). The rates of hack and coach fare in Baltimore are regulated by law, and pen- alties for over-charging are rigidly en- forced. [VICINITY. EXPRESSES.-Adams' (freight and pack- age).—164 W. Baltimore. McClintock's (baggage).-South End B. & O. R. R. Depot. Renshaw's.-Northern Central Depot. Donaldson's.-President Street Depot. TELEGRAPH OFFICES.-People's line, 23 South Street. U. S. line, 21 South Street. American, corner North and Baltimore, with branches at the principal hotels. Federal Hill Ferry, from City Block, foot of West Falls Avenue. Locust Point Ferry, from foot of Broad- way. VICINITY. The river and shore scenery in the neighborhood of Baltimore offers great attractions to tourists and sportsmen. The Patapsco River flows, 70 miles, from Carroll County, in the northern part of the State, to the Chesapeake Bay, which it enters 15 miles below the city of Balti- more. It is navigable as far as Baltimore for large merchant ships. It is a rapid stream, and is much utilized as a water- power. The Baltimore and Ohio Rail- way is built along the whole extent of the western branch of the river. The Susquehanna River enters the northeast corner of the State, not far from its débouche into the Chesapeake Bay at Havre de Grace. It is formed by the union of two branches, known as the east and west branches, which unite at Northumberland, 60 miles above Harris- burg, Pa. The main stream is 150 miles in length, and is adorned by numerous beautiful islands and rocky rapids. The Potomac River forms the boundary line between Maryland and Virginia. Along its passage of 350 miles, from the mountains to the Chesapeake Bay, there is much beautiful and varied scenery. The landscape at its confluence with the Shen- andoah, near Harper's Ferry, Virginia, has long been famous among the chief picturesque wonders of America. The Falls of the Potomac, about 14 miles above Georgetown, D. C., will repay a visit. The principal cascade is between 30 and 40 feet perpendicular pitch, and the rocky cliffs on the Virginia side of the river have a very impressive aspect. This river is navigable for ships of the line 200 miles to the Washington Navy Yard. At Alexandria, Va., 9 miles below the Capital, the river is more than a mile wide, and nearly 8 miles wide at its conflu- 8 BALTIMORE.] [VICINITY. ence with the Chesapeake. Independent | The retinues of hereditary dependants, of its many and varied natural attractions, however, are gone, with the abolition of this noble river is invested with an interest the slave system; they and many of the which will forever render it attractive, customs and usages of society in this lo- not only to every student of history, but cality have disappeared. The Eastern also to every lover of his country. The Shore, both in its material and social as- Chesapeake and Ohio Canal is construct-pect, ed along the north branch of this river, between Georgetown, D. C., and Cumber- land, Maryland. MARYLAND. | The Chesapeake Bay is the great high- way from Baltimore to the Atlantic, which it enters between Capes Charles and Hen- ry, in Virginia. It is the largest bay in the United States, its length being about 200 miles, with a breadth varying from four to forty miles. Its depth permits the passage of the largest ships nearly to the mouth of the Susquehanna, at its upper extremity. Its shores are profusely in- dented with arms or estuaries of the odd- est shapes, and with the mouths of tribu- tary rivers and creeks, which abound in fish. The region drained by the Chesa- peake and its tributaries embraces an area of 70,000 square miles. Among the prin- cipal of these tributaries are the Susque- hanna, Patapsco, and Potomac, already mentioned; the James, and Rappahan- nock, the Elk, Choptank, Chester, Nanti- coke, and Pocomoke, smaller rivers, are all more or less navigable. The waters of the Chesapeake cut off a large portion of Maryland, and further down the coast a little slice of Virginia on the east. This severed portion of the mainland is known as the Eastern Shore of Maryland and of Virginia. These dis- tricts, in the aside position which they thus occupy out of the great current of the national life, invite the traveller by their unique specialties of social habit and char- acter. Railway enterprises, city lot ma- nias, and other "general orders" of the day, by which the thought and manner of the country are dragooned into univer- sal uniform, and hurried along at forced march, have not yet entered these by- places. Indeed, there may still be found in them, intact, much of the feeling, opin- ion, and life of the "Old Dominion" of a century ago; genuine "first families," with awful pedigrees, hung up in the weather- stained halls of antediluvian homes; ma- norial homesteads, with big doors ever open, and surrounded with lordly acres. is much changed since "the good old times" the early settlers were wont to boast of before the war, but not altogeth- er for the worse. Here is yet preserved the old, exploded idea, that the present hour, as well as the future, is worth the caring for, and life is considered a thing to be enjoyed, not in anticipation alone, but as it passes, day by day. Let the business man, care-worn and wearied, slip down from New York, Phila- delphia, or Baltimore by one of the way steamers on the Chesapeake; let him land lazily at ancient Accomac, or thereabouts, and forget for a little while the wrinkling perplexities of cabinets and commerce, in the quiet pleasures of simple domes- tic life within doors, and the genial recre- ations to which he will be bidden without. These waters, with their tributary streams, are among the most famous re- sorts in the United States for every spe- cies of aquatic game. Birds of all feath- ers are drawn hither in marvellous num- bers by the abundance of food found on the great flats or shoals along the shores and upon the river inlets. (6 Above, around, in numerous flocks are seen Long lines of ducks o'er this their fav'rite scene." "There is," says Dr. Lewis, in his Amer- ican Sportsman, "no place in our wide extent of country, where wild-fowl shoot- ing is followed with so much ardor as on the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries, not only by those who make a comfort- able living from the business, but also by gentlemen who resort to these waters from all parts of the adjoining States to participate in the enjoyments of this far- famed ducking ground. All species of wild-fowl come here in numbers beyond credence, and it is really necessary for a stranger to visit the region, if he wishes to form a just idea of the wonderful mul- titudes and numberless varieties of ducks that darken these waters, and hover in interminable flocks over these famed feed- ing-grounds. It is not, however, the va 9 CHESAPEAKE BAY.] riety or extraordinary numbers of ducks on the Chesapeake that particularly at- tract the steps of so many shooters to these parts, as there are other rivers and streams equally accessible where wild- fowl also abound. But the great magnet that makes these shores the centre of at- traction, is the presence of the far-famed CANVASS-BACK, that here alone acquires its peculiar delicacy of flavor, while feeding upon the shores and flats of these waters." MARYLAND. "The canvass-backs," says Dr. Sharp- less, of Philadelphia, in a paper contribu- ted to Audubon's Birds of America, "pass up and down the bay, from river to river, in their morning and evening flights, giv- ing, at certain localities, great opportuni- ties for destruction. They pursue, even in their short passages, very much the order of their migratory movements, fly- ing in a line of baseless triangle: and when the wind blows on the points which may lie in their course, the sportsman has great chance of success. These points or courses of the ducks are materially af- fected by the winds; for they avoid, if possible, an approach to the shore; but when a strong breeze sets them on to these projections of the land, they are compelled to pass within shot, and often over the land itself. "In the Susquehanna and Elk Rivers there are few of these points for shoot- ing, and there success depends on ap- proaching them while on their feeding- grounds. After leaving the eastern point at the mouth of the Susquehanna and Turkey Point, the western side of the Elk River, which are both moderately good for flying shooting, the first place of much celebrity is the Narrows, between Spesu- tic Island and the western shore. These Narrows are about three miles in length, and from three to five hundred yards in breadth. "By the middle of November, the can- vass-backs, in particular, begin to feed in this passage, and the entrance and outlet, as well as many intermediate spots, be- come very successful stations. A few miles down the western shore is Taylor's Island, which is situated at the mouth of the Rumney and Abbey Island at the mouth of Bush River, which are both celebrated for ducks, as well as for swans and geese. These are the most northerly points where » [CHESAPEAKE BAY. | large fowl are met with, and projecting out between deep coves, where immense numbers of these birds feed, they possess great advantages. The south point of Bush River, Legoe's Point, and Robbins' and Pickett's Points, near Gunpowder River, are famous localities. Immediate- ly at the mouth of this river is situated Carroll's Island, which has long been known as a great shooting-ground. Max- well's Point, as well as some others up other rivers, and even further down the bay, are good places, but less celebrated than those mentioned. Most of these places are let out as shooting-grounds for companies and individuals, and are es- teemed so valuable that intruders are se- verely treated." Norfolk, Virginia, on the Elizabeth River, at the lower extremity of the bay, is the depot for the receipt and sale of the game taken in the Chesapeake, and there the best purchases can be made. The sport, as all who have joined in it full well know, is not without its difficulties and its dangers. Says the learned Doctor from whom we have already quoted: "Notwithstanding the apparent facil- ities that are offered of success, the amusement of duck-shooting is probably one of the most exposing to cold and wet; and those who undertake its enjoyment without a courage 'screwed to the stick- ing-point,' will soon discover that 'to one good a thousand ills oppose.' It is, in- deed, no parlor sport; for, after creeping through mud and mire, often for hundreds of yards, to be at last disappointed, and stand exposed on points to the 'pelting rain or more than freezing cold,' for hours, without even the promise of a shot-would try the patience of even Franklin's 'glorious nibbler.' It is, how- ever, replete with excitement and charm. To one who can enter on the pleasure with a system formed for polar cold, and a spirit to endure the weary toil of many a stormy day, it will yield a harvest of health and delight that the roamer of the woods can rarely enjoy." The voyage down the Chesapeake from Baltimore to Norfolk, provided it be made in pleasant weather, is a delightful trip. The steamers of the Old (Bay) and New Lines make trips daily, running through in twelve hours. 10 CHESAPEAKE BAY.] [BALT. & OHIO Railway. | The points of chief interest seen in the | for the auspicious event, and on the 30th passage of the bay, are the embouchure of August, 1830, the first section was open- of the Patapsco River and the battle-ed by steam-power, 14 miles, from Balti- ground of North Point, near Baltimore, more to Ellicott's Mills. The trial of the and referred to in our mention of that first engine was made on the 25th of city: the Bodkin, three miles distant; the August of that year. On the 1st of June, harbor of Annapolis, 15 miles still below; 1853, the entire route, of nearly 400 and, in the distance, the dome of the ven- miles, was completed, and on the 10th of erable Capitol in which "Washington, the January a formal opening of the road great and good, set the seal to his sincer- was made by a through excursion, with ity, and finished the edifice of his glory, great public fêtes and rejoicings. by voluntarily surrendering his conquer- ing sword to the civil authority of his country." At the lower end of the bay are the famous fortifications of Fort Mon- roe and the Rip Raps, protecting the en- trance to Hampton Roads and James River. It is a charming route, also, to Richmond, turning at or near Norfolk, into the mouth of the James River, and following the many devious miles of those winding and picturesque waters. (See chapter on Virginia, for James River.) It suffered severely during the late war from the destruction of its track, bridges, and rolling-stock. On the 16th of May, 1861, several bridges were destroyed and portions of the track torn up. June 14th, the costly bridge at Harper's Ferry was wholly destroyed; and on the 23d of the same month no less than 46 locomotive engines and upwards of 300 cars, val- ued at nearly half a million dollars, were burned by order of the Confederate Gen- eral, Joseph E. Johnston. With the en- terprise which has always characterized the management of this road, these dam- ages have all been made good, and the road is now in the best order possible. For variety of picturesque landscape scenery, combined with the scarcely less important considerations and attractions of memorable historic association and convenience of travel, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad affords a route which no one making the Southern tour should fail to take. To see it, and the numerous points and objects of interest tributary to it, the traveller should be prepared to spend at least three days between Baltimore and Wheeling; a fortnight might be profitably and pleasantly passed in making the en- tire distance and returning. MARYLAND. In extent, commercial importance, and pictorial attraction, this great route is one of the most important and interesting in America. It unites the city of Balti- more with the waters and valley of the Ohio, at Wheeling, 379 miles away, mak- ing one of the pleasantest and speediest of the great highways from the Atlantic to the Mississippi States. Its whole course is through a region of the highest picturesque variety and beauty, and it is itself a work of the highest artistic achievement in the continual and extra- ordinary display of skill which the singu- lar difficulties of the way have called forth. It claims, too, especial considera- tion, and reflects the greatest honor upon the State of Maryland and its beautiful metropolis of Baltimore-as the first rail- way in America which was built by an incorporated company, and without the assistance of the public purse. The corner-stone of the road was laid at a very early period in the history of rail- ways. July 4, 1828, was the day chosen Leaving the city, we cross the Carrollton Viaduct, a fine bridge of dressed granite, with an arch of 80 feet span, over Gwynn's Falls, after which the road soon reaches the long and deep ex- cavation under the Washington Turnpike, which is carried over the railroad by the Jackson Bridge. Less than a mile fnrther the "deep cut" is encountered, famous for its difficulties in the early history of the road. It is 76 feet in extreme depth, and nearly half a mile in length. Beyond this the road crosses the deep ravine of Robert's Run, and, skirting the ore banks of the old Baltimore Iron Company, now covered by a dense forest of cedar-trees, comes to the long and deep embankment over the valley of Gadsby's Run, and the heavy cut through Vinegar Hill im- mediately following it. The Relay House, eight miles from the inner station, is next reached, where, as 11 ? RELAY HOUSE.] the name imports, there was a change of horses during the period in which those animals furnished the motive power of the road. Here diverges the branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to Wash- ington City, which we shall have occasion to speak of in our journey southward from Baltimore. MARYLAND. At this point the open country of sand and clay ends, and the region of rock begins at the entrance to the gorge of the Patapsco River. In entering this defile, you have a fine view of the Thomas Viaduct (named after the first Presi- dent of the Company), a noble granite structure of eight elliptic arches, each of about 60 chord, spanning the stream at a height of 66 feet above the bed, and of a total length of some 700 feet. The pretty village of Elkridge Landing is in sight, and upon the surrounding heights are seen a number of pleasant country seats. The road now pursues its devious course up the river, passing the Avalon Iron Works, a mile beyond the Relay House, and coming, in a couple of miles further, to the Patterson Viaduct, a fine granite bridge of four arches, two of 55 and two of 20 feet span. This bridge crosses the river at the Ilchester Mills, sit- uated at a very rugged part of the ravine. The Thistle Cotton Factory appears im- mediately beyond, and soon after Gray's Cotton Factory. Proceeding westward, we reach Elli- cott's Mills, 14 miles from Baltimore, an exceedingly picturesque little town, in a bold, rocky passage of the Patapsco. It contains a newspaper-office, bank, several churches, and a population of 1,500. The Frederick Turnpike road passes through the town here, and is crossed by the railroad upon the Oliver Viaduct, a hand- some stone bridge of three arches, each of 20 feet span. Just beyond this bridge is the Tarpeian Rock, a bold, insulated mass of granite, between which and the body of the cliff the railroad edges its way. [FREDERICK. windings of the stream to the Forks, 25 miles from Baltimore. Passing the Marriottsville limestone quarries near the station of that name, the road crosses the Patapsco by an iron bridge 50 feet span, and dashes through a sharp spur of the hill by a tunnel 400 feet long in mica slate rock. After passing one or two rocky hills at Hood's Mill, it leaves the granite region and enters upon the gentle slopes of the slate hills, among which the river meanders until we reach the foot of Parr's Ridge, which divides the waters of the Patapsco from those of the Potomac. The road soon after comes in sight of the Elysville Factory buildings, where it crosses the river upon a new viaduct of three iron spans, each of 110 feet, and almost immediately upon another of sim- ilar length. Thence it follows the various From the summit of the ridge at the Mount Airy Station, 44 miles from Balti- more, is a noble view westward across the Fredericktown Valley, and as far as the Catoctin Mountain, some 15 miles dis- tant. The road thence descends the val- ley of Bush Creek, a stream of moderate curves and gentle slopes, with a few ex- ceptions, where it breaks through some ranges of trap rocks, which interpose themselves among the softer shales. The Monrovia and Ijamsville Stations are passed at Bush Creek. The slates ter- minate at the Monocacy River, and the limestone of the Fredericktown Valley commences. That river is crossed by a wooden bridge of three spans, 110 feet each, and elevated about 40 feet above its bed. The Valley of the Monocacy is equally remarkable for its beauties of position, its rich agricultural resources, and its mineral wealth. At Monocacy, the traveller will pass the battle-ground where, on the 9th of July, 1864, Gen. Lew. Wallace and the Federal forces were defeated by a superi- or Confederate force, and compelled to retreat to Baltimore. Subsequent devel- opments have rendered it probable that the gallant stand made at the Monocacy Bridge on that day by Gen. Wallace, and the heavy loss that he inflicted on the enemy, saved Washington from capture on the 12th. From Monocacy a branch road extends three miles north to Frederick, the coun- ty seat of Frederick County and the cen- tre of one of the most fertile, populous, and wealthy sections of the State. It is the third city of Maryland in population, 12 POINT OF ROCKS.] wealth, and trade. Besides a handsome | court-house, it contains numerouse hurch edifices, two newspaper offices, and sever- al large factories. Some popular Catholic educational establishments, among them St. John's College, are located here. MARYLAND. From the Monocacy to the Point of Rocks, the road, having escaped from the narrow, winding valleys to which it has thus far been confined, bounds away over the beautiful champaign country lying be- tween that river and the Catoctin Moun- tains. This range of mountains, a continua- tion of the Blue Ridge, runs west of Fred- erick, due south, to the Point of Rocks. Between this range and the South Moun- tain, which slopes to the Potomac at Knoxville, nestles Maryland's loveliest val- ley, the valley of Catoctin, of which Mid- dletown, 10 miles from Frederick, is the centre. A conspicuous elevation at the termination of the Catoctin range is known as the Sugarloaf Mountain. The Point of Rocks is formed by the bold profile of the Catoctin Mountain, against the base of which the Potomac River runs on the Maryland side, the mountain towering up on the opposite (Virginia) shore forming the other bar- rier of the pass. The railroad turns the promontory by an abrupt curve, and is partly cut out of the rocky precipice on the right, and partly supported on the in- ner side of the canal on the left by a stone wall of considerable length. Two miles further another cliff occurs, accom- panied by more excavation and walling. Beyond, the ground becomes compara- tively smooth, and the railroad, leaving the immediate margin of the river to the canal, runs along the base of the gently sloping hills, passing the villages of Ber- lin and Knoxville, and reaching the We- verton Factories, in the pass to the South Mountain. [HARPER'S FERRY. federate right was made, is two miles from the base of the mountain. Crampton's Gap, through which passes the road from Jefferson to Roberville, is six miles south. From South Mountain to Harper's Fer- ry, the road lies along the foot of a pre- cipice for the greater part of the distance of three miles, the last of which is immedi- ately under the rocky cliffs of Elk Moun- tain, forming the north side of this noted pass. The Shenandoah River enters the Potomac immediately below the bridge over the latter, and their united currents rush rapidly over the broad ledges of rock which stretch across their bed. The length of the bridge is about 900 feet, and at its western end it divides into two, the left-hand branch connecting with the Winchester and Potomac Railroad, which passes directly up the Shenandoah, and the right-hand carrying the main road, by a strong curve in that direction, up the Potomac. The bridge consists of six arches of 130 and one arch of about 75 feet span over the river, and an arch of about 100 feet span over the canal; all of which are of timber and iron, and cov- ered in, except the western arch connect- ed with the Winchester and Potomac Railroad, which is entirely of iron, ex- cepting the floor. This viaduct is not so remarkable for its length as for its pecu- liar structure, the two ends of it being curved in opposite directions, and bifur- cated at the western extremity. The Battle of South Mountain really commenced at a bridge over Catoctin Creek, half a mile west of Middletown, where Confederate artillery had been posted to dispute the passage. After most desperate fighting, the crest of the hill was gained by the Federal troops and the enemy driven into the valley on the west side of the mountain. Turner's Gap, where the last desperate stand of the Con- | Harper's Ferry and all its fine points of scenery are too well known to need elaborate description here. The precipi- tous mountains which rise from the water's edge leave little level ground on the river margin, and all of that is occupied by the United States Armory buildings. Hence the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad has been obliged to build itself a road in the river bed for upwards of half a mile, along the outer boundary of the Government works, upon a trestle-work, resting on the side next the river upon an insulated wall of masonry, and upon the other side support- ed by strong iron columns placed upon the retaining wall of the Armory grounds. The town is delightfully situated at the confluence of the Potomac and Shenan- doah Rivers, in Jefferson County, Va., 160 miles north of Richmond and 53 miles northwest of Washington. It is com- 13 HARPER'S FERRY.] [ANTIETAM pactly though irregularly built around | ted by the dam, the railroad leaves the the base of a hill. Potomac and passes up the ravine of Elk Branch, which presents itself at this point in a favorable direction. This ravine, at first narrow and serpentine, becomes wider and more direct, until it almost loses itself in the rolling table land which characterizes the " Valley of Virginia.” The head of Elk Branch is reached in about nine miles, and thence the line de- scends gradually over an undulating champaign country, to the crossing of the "Opequa" Creek, which it passes by a stone and timber viaduct of 150 feet span and 40 feet above the water surface. Beyond the crossing the road enters the open valley of Tuscarora Creek, which it crosses twice and pursues to the town of Martinsburg, 18 miles from Harper's Ferry. MARYLAND. | Besides the Armory, a National Arse- nal was located here. Both buildings, with nearly 15,000 stand of arms, were destroy- ed by fire, April 18th, 1861, on the ap- proach of the Virginia State troops. Southern troops soon occupied the town and adjacent heights, and by May 20th, the number of Confederate soldiers on the spot was estimated at 8,000. On the 14th the point was evacuated. Previous to the war it was a prosperous trading- place, and was known in the early days of Virginia as Shenandoah Falls. It was once "the garden spot of Virginia ;" but war, though it has rendered it more inter- esting to the traveller, has, for the present at least, robbed it of its claim to the former distinction. It was the scene of the exploits which in October, 1859, ren- dered the name of John Brown, of Ossa- wattomie-Kansas notoriety, still more no- torious. Charlestown, the county seat, where Brown and his followers were tried and executed, is seven miles distant, on the road to Winchester. Visitors to Har- per's Ferry should not fail to see the Mary- land Heights, Bolivar Heights, Loudon Heights, and the fortifications which have been erected on them. This was the the- atre of one of Stonewall Jackson's most famous exploits, when Harper's Ferry was captured by the Confederates in Septem- ber, 1862. Kearneysville, 11 miles west of Har- per's Ferry, was the scene of many caval- ry fights between Generals Pleasanton, Averill, Custer, and Merritt, on the one side, and Fitz Lee and Stuart on the other. This part of the road, and indeed the whole region around Martinsburg, including that town itself, was occupied alternately at least fifteen times during the war, first by the Federal and then by the rebel soldiers, and battles were almost continually taking place in its vicinity. After passing the uppermost of the Ar- mory buildings, the road runs along the outer bank of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, which brings the water of the river to the works, and soon crosses this canal by a stone and timber bridge 150 feet span. Thence the road passes up the riv- er on the inner side of the canal, and op- posite the dam at its head, about one and three-quarters of a mile from the mouth of the Shenandoah, and pierces a-projecting rock by a tunnel or gallery of 80 feet in length. Antietam, seven miles from Kearneys- ville, is reached over the turnpike road to Sharpsburg. Tourists will find good con- veyance to the battle-field, where was closed one of the most memorable cam- paigns of the war. The battle was fought on the 17th September, 1862, between General McClellan and General Lee, and re- sulted in the withdrawal of the forces of the latter across the Potomac on the fol- lowing day, and the virtual abandonment of further contest on the soil of Maryland. Eight miles westward the train reaches Martinsburg, the end of the first division of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and (which is of vastly greater importance to the hungry traveller) the Dinner Station. | Martinsburg, the capital of Berkeley County, West Virginia, and a place of con- siderable trade, is pleasantly situated 100 miles west of Baltimore, on Tuscarora Creek, a rapid stream, which affords fine manufacturing privileges. Here the trav- eller will find the scene of the most de- The view down the river through this perforation is singulary picturesque, pre- senting the pass through the mountain at the confluence of the rivers in one of its most remarkable aspects. A short dis- tance above the tunnel, where the river sweeps gradually round to the eastward in the broad smooth sheet of water crea- 14 SHARPSBURG.] structive labors of the Confederate troops. It was here, and near here, on the 23d June, 1861, that 87 locomotives and 400 freight cars, belonging to the railroad com- pany, were collected by the rebel troops under Jackson's personal direction, and burned or destroyed; little even of the wreck of this terrible destruction is now to be seen. MARYLAND. At Martinsburg the Tuscarora is bridge- ed twice, and the crossing east of the town being made upon a viaduct of 10 spans of 44 feet each of timber and iron, support- ed by two abutments and 18 stone columns in the Doric style. The architectural effect of this structure is good. [DOE GULLY. | is magnificent as you approach the bridge, and extends as far as the distant moun- tain range of Sideling Hill, 25 miles to the west. The immediate margin of the river is reached at a point opposite the ruins of Fort Frederick, on the Maryland side, an ancient stronghold, erected more than a hundred years ago. From this point, thirty miles from Harper's Ferry, the route follows the Virginia shore of the river upon bottom lands, interrupted only by the rocky bluffs opposite Licking Creek, for ten miles to Hancock. The only considerable stream crossed in this distance is Sleepy Creek, which is compassed by a viaduct of two spans of 110 feet each. Sharpsburg, situate not far distant from the west bank of Antietam Creek, 14 miles south of Hagerstown, owes its in- terest mainly to the great battle fought in its vicinity. The town still bears many marks of the fight, the houses being per- forated by shells, and defaced by Minié balls. The Lutheran and Episcopal Churches suffered so severely that they have had to be pulled down. The princi- pal object of interest, next to the battle- field itself, a fine view of which it com- mands, is the National Cemetery. The plan originated with Governor Bradford, was approved by the General Assembly of 1865, and the grounds located on the site they now occupy upon the summit of the most prominent hill of the range selected by Lee for his line of battle. The view is at once commanding and beautiful. Westward from Martinsburg the route for seven miles is continued over the open country, alternately ascending and de- scending, until it strikes the foot of the North Mountain, crossing this by a long excavation, 63 feet deep, in slate rock, through a depression therein, passing out of the valley, having traversed its entire breadth upon a line 26 miles in length. On leaving these rich and well-tilled lands, we enter a poor and thinly-settled district, covered chiefly with a forest in which stunted pine prevails. The route encounters a heavy excavation and em- bankment for four or five miles from the North Mountain, and crosses Back Creek upon a stone viaduct of a single arch of 80 feet span and 54 feet above the stream. The view of the Potomac Valley | Six miles west of Hancock, the trav- eller reaches Sir John's Run, the scene of much warlike preparation and activity during the early days of the rebellion, and the point of departure for the Berke- ley Springs. These famous springs are situated at the eastern base of the Warm Spring Ridge, two miles distant from the railway-station, and are the resort of much travel. The hotel is elegantly fitted up, lighted by gas, and is well kept dur- ing the season. Coaches await the ar- rival of the trains. Leaving Sir John's Run, the track sweeps around the termination of the Cacapon Mountain, opposite the remark- able and insulated eminence called the "Round Top." Thence on to the cross- ing of the Great Cacapon River, nine and a half miles above Hancock, which is crossed by a bridge about 300 feet in length. Within the next mile it passes dam No. 6 of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, and soon after it enters the gap of Sideling Hill. The next point of interest reached is the Tunnel at Doe Gully. The approaches to this formidable work are very imposing, as for several miles above and below the tunnel they cause the road to occupy a high level on the slopes of the river hills, and thus afford an extensive view of the grand mountain scenery around. The Paw Paw Ridge Tunnel is next reached, 30 miles from Hancock, and 25 miles below Cumberland. This tunnel is through a soft slate rock, and is curved horizontally with a radius of 750 feet. 15 • PATTERSON'S CREEK.] [CUMBERLAND. | The viaduct over Little Cacapon Creek is 143 feet long. About five and a half miles further on, the south branch of the Potomac is crossed on a bridge 400 feet long. River. It contains a court-house, county prison, banks, and other public buildings, several handsome church edifices, three newspaper establishments, and a good hotel-the Revere House. MARYLAND. Some two miles above is a fine straight line over the widely-expanded flats oppo site the ancient settlement of Old Town, in Maryland. These are the finest bottom lands on the Potomac, and from the upper end of them is obtained the first view of the Knobly Mountain, that re- markable range which lies in a line with the town of Cumberlend, and is so singu- larly diversified by a profile which makes it appear like a succession of artificial mounds. Dan's Mountain towers over it, forming a fine background to the view. Soon after, the route passes the high cliffs known by the name of Kelly's Rocks, where there has been a very heavy excava- tion. Patterson's Creek, 70 miles west of Martinsburg, and eight miles east of Cumberland, is next reached. Imme- diately below this stream is a lofty mural precipice of limestone and sandstone rock, singularly perforated in some of the ledges by openings which look like Gothic loopholes. The valley of this creek is very straight and bordered by beautiful flats. The viaduct over the stream is 150 feet long. Less than two miles above, and six miles from Cumber- land, the north branch of the Potomac is crossed by a viaduct 700 feet long, and rising in a succession of steps-embracing also a crossing of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. This extensive bridge car- ries us out of Virginia, and lands us once more in Maryland, which we left at Harper's Ferry. The route thence to Cumberland is across two bends of the river, between which the stream of Evett's Creek is crossed by a viaduct of 100 feet span. Cumberland, on the Potomac River, the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, and the line of the Baltimore and Ohio Railway, is 179 miles west of Baltimore. It is in the mountain region of the nar- row strip which forms the western part of the State, and in point of population and trade is its second city. It is the eastern terminus of the Great National Road leading to the Mississippi The entrance to the town is beautiful, and displays the noble amphitheatre in which it lies to great advantage, the gap of Will's Mountain, westward of the town, being a justly prominent feature of the view. The brick and stone viaduct over Will's Creek is entitled to particular notice. It consists of 14 elliptical arches of 50 feet span and 13 feet rise, and is a well-built and handsome structure. Visitors for Bedford Springs, Virginia, leave the main line at Cumberland. From Cumberland to l'iedmont, 28 miles, the scenery is remarkably pictur- esque, perhaps more so than upon any other section of the road of similar length. For the first 22 miles, to the mouth of New Creek, the Knobly Mountain bounds the valley of the North Branch of the Potomac on the left, and Will's and Dan's Mountains on the right; thence to Piedmont, the river lies in the gap which it has cut through the latter mountain. Chimney-Hole Rock, at the termination of Fort Hill, is a singular crag, through the base of which the Railroad Company have driven a tunnel under the road to answer the purpose of a bridge for several streams entering the river at that point. The cliffs which occur at intervals during the first 10 miles after leaving Cumberland; the wide bottom lands extending for the next four miles; the high rocky bluffs along Fort Hill, and the grand mural precipice opposite to them, on the Virginia shore, immediately below the "Black Oak Bottom," a celebrated farm embracing 500 acres in a single plain, between mountains of great height, are worthy the attention of the tourist. The crossing of the Potomac, from the Maryland to the Virginia shore, is 21 miles from Cumberland, where the railroad, after passing through a long and deep excavation, spans the river by a bridge of timber and iron, on stone abutments and a pier. The view at this point, both up and down the river, is very fine. The Bull's Head Rock, a mile beyond this bridge, is a prominent object. 16 CHIMNEY-HOLE ROCK.] At Piedmont, 206 miles west of Balti- more, the traveller reaches, as the name implies, the foot of the Alleghany Moun- tains. This is the end of the second divi- sion of the road, and here are located a hotel and extensive machine-shops. The village stands at the mouth of George Creek, and opposite is the ancient village of Westenport. We now commence the ascent of the Alleghanies. Passing up the valley of Savage River, through the Everett Tunnel, past the mouth of Crabtree Creek, where, in military parlance, the road turns the flank of the Great Backbone Mountain, we reach Altamont, in Alleghany County. Herc, 160 miles east of Parkersburg, the traveller finds himself at the surprising altitude of 2,700 feet above the city of Baltimore, and upon the extreme summit of the Alleghanies. It is here that the mountain streams divide, flowing in one direction towards the Ohio River, the Mis- sissippi, and the Gulf of Mexico, and in the other towards the Potomac River, the Chesapeake Bay, and the Atlantic Ocean. From Altamont westward, for a dis- tance of nearly twenty miles, are beautiful natural meadows lying along the upper waters of the Youghiogheny (Yoh-ho-ga- nee) River, and its numerous tributaries, divided by ridges generally of moderate elevation and gentle slope, with fine ranges of mountains in the background. These meadows are known as the "Glades." MARYLAND. At Oakland, nine miles beyond Alta- mont, is the Glades Hotel, which some poet, doubtless to the manor born, has honored in the following Shakespearian paraphrase: "This hotel hath a pleasant seat, the air Nimbly and sweetly recommends itself Unto our gentle senses." MACBETHL The Great and Little Youghiogheny, close by, are famous trouting streams; and the glades and oak-clad hills in the neigh- borhood abound with game. The crossing of the Great Youghio- gheny River is by a viaduct of timber and iron-a single arch of 180 feet span resting on stone abutments. The site of this fine structure is wild, the river run- ning here in a woody gorge. A few miles beyond Oakland, the boun- dary line between Maryland and Virginia is crossed. 1 [CHEAT RIVER. From Cranberry Summit, "the top- most round" of the Alleghanies, magnifi- cent views to the west are to be had. The descent of 11 miles to Cheat River pre- sents a rapid succession of very heavy ex- cavations and embankments. At one point the road, after skirting a beautiful glade, enters a savage-looking pass through a deep forest of hemlocks and laurel thick- ets, the stream dashing over large rocks and washing the side of the road but a few feet below its level These are known as the Falls of Snowy Creek. There are also two tunnels, viz., the McGuire Tun- nel of 500, and the Rodemer Tunnel of 400 feet in length, secured by the most durable arches of stone and brick. There is also a stone and iron viaduct over Salt Lick Creek 50 feet span and 50 feet high. The creek passes through a dense forest of fir-trees in its approach to the river. | Cheat River is a dark, rapid mountain stream, whose waters are of a curious cof- fee-colored hue, owing, it is said, to its ris- ing in forests of laurel and black spruce on the highest mountain levels of that country. This stream is crossed by a via- duct consisting of two arches, 180 and 130 feet span, of timber and iron, on stone abutments and pier. The ascent to the Cheat River Hill comes next. This is decidedly the most imposing section of the whole line-the difficulties encountered in the four miles west of the crossing of the river being quite appalling. The road, winding up the slope of Laurel Hill and its spurs, with the river on the right hand, first crosses the ravine of Kyer's Run 76 feet deep, by a solid embankment; then, after bold cut- ting, along a steep, rocky hill-side, it reaches Buckeye Hollow, the depth of which is 108 feet below the road level, and 400 feet across at that level; some more side cutting in rock ensues, and the passage of two or three coves in the hill- side, when we come to Tray Run, and cross it 150 feet above its original bed by an iron trestle-work of light and graceful construction, 600 feet long at the road level. For several miles on this part of the line, the road runs along the steep moun- tain side, presenting a succession of the most delightful landscapes. In favorable weather, day trains stop ten minutes to 17 GRAFTON.] [FETTERMAN. afford travellers an opportunity to view | here crossed by a handsome iron bridge. the viaduct and scenery of this part of the line. Here terminates the third or mountain di- vision of the line. The Northwestern Virginia Railway to Parkersburg, 104 miles, intersects the main line at this point. It has a good hotel and dining saloon. MARYLAND. | After passing these two tremendous clefts in the mountain side, the road winds along a precipitous slope with heavy cutting, filling, and walling, to Buckhorn Branch, a wide and deep cove on the western flank of the mountain. This is crossed by a solid embankment and retaining wall 90 feet high at its most elevated point. Some half mile further, after more heavy cuts and fills, the road at length leaves the declivity of the river, which, where we see it for the last time, lies 500 feet below us, and turns westward through a low gap, which admits it by a moderate cutting, followed soon, however, by a deep and long one through Cassidy's Summit Ridge to the table land of the country bordering Cheat River on the west. Here, 80 miles from Cumberland, we enter the great western coal-field, having passed out of the Cum- berland field 35 miles from that place. Descending from Cassidy's Ridge, and passing by a high embankment over the Bushy Fork of Pringle's Run, the line soon reaches the Kingwood Tunnel, the longest finished tunnel in America. This fine structure, the work of Benjamin H. Latrobe, is 4,100 feet long, took five years to build, and cost one million dollars. Leaving Kingwood Tunnel, the line for five miles descends along a steep hillside to the flats of Raccoon Creek, at Newburg. In this distance it lies high above the val- ley, and crosses a branch of it with an embankment 100 feet in elevation. There are two other heavy fills further on. Two miles west of Kingwood Tunnel is Mur- ray's Tunnel, 250 feet long, a regular and beautiful semicircular arch cut out of a fine solid sandstone rock, overlaying a vein of coal six feet thick, which is seen on the floor of the tunnel. | From Newburg, westward, the route pursues the valleys of Raccoon and Three Forks Creeks, which present no features of difficulty to the Grafton Station. Graf- ton is nearly equidistant from Cumber- land and Wheeling, being 100 miles west of the first, and about 100 east of the last-named place. It is pleasantly situa- ted on the Tygart's Valley River, which is Fetterman, a promising looking village, two miles further on, is next reached. Here the turnpike to Parkersburg and Marietta crosses the river. The route from Fetterman to Fairmont has but one very striking feature: the Tygart's Valley Riv- er, whose margin it follows, is a beau- tiful and winding stream, of gentle cur- rent, except at the Falls, where the river descends, principally by three or four per- pendicular pitches, some 70 feet in about a mile. The view in fine weather is charming. A mile and a half above Fair- mont the Tygart's Valley River and the West Fork River unite to form the Mo- nongahela, the first being the larger of the two confluents. A quarter of a mile below their junc- tion, the railroad crosses the Mononga- hela, upon a viaduct 650 feet long and 39 feet above low-water surface. The lofty and massive abutments of this bridge sup- port an iron superstructure of three arches of 200 feet span each, which form the largest iron bridge in America. It was five times destroyed and as often rebuilt during the war. At Fairmont, 77 miles from Wheeling, the Monongahela is again spanned by a beautiful suspension bridge 1,000 feet in length. The road, a mile and a half below Fair- mont, leaves the valley of the beautiful Monongahela, and ascends the winding and picturesque ravine of Buffalo Creek, a stream some 25 miles in length. The creek is first crossed five miles west of Fairmont, and again at two points a short distance apart, and about nine miles fur- ther west. About nine miles beyond Fairmont we pass the small hamlet of Farmington, and seven miles further is the thriving village of "Mannington," at the mouth of P'iles' Fork of Buffalo. There is a beautiful flat here on both sides of the stream, affording room for a town of some size, and sur- rounded by hills of a most agreeable as- pect. Thence to the head of Piles' Fork, the road traverses at first a narrow and 18 LITTLETON STATION.] [HAGERSTOWN. There are also several deep cuts through sharp ridges in the bends of the creek, and one tunnel 400 feet long at Sheppard's, 19 miles from Wheeling. | serpentine gorge, with five bridges at dif- | ed eight times. ferent points, after which it courses with more gentle curvatures along a wider and moderately winding valley, with meadow land of one or two hundred yards broad on one or other margin. Numurous tribu- taries open out pretty vistas on either hand. This part of the valley, in its sum- mer dress, is singularly beautiful. After reaching its head at Glover's Gap, 23 miles beyond Fairmont, the road passes the ridge by deep cuts, and a tunnel of 350 feet long, of curious shape, forming a sort of Moorish arch in its roof. From this summit (which divides the waters of the Monongahela from those of the Ohio) the line descends by Church's Fork of Fish Creek-a valley of the same general features with the one just passed on the eastern side of the ridge. The approach to the bank of the Ohio River at the village of Moundsville, 12 miles from Wheeling, is miles from Wheeling, is very beautiful. The line, emerging from the defile of Grave Creek, passes Grave Creek, passes straight over the "flats" which border the river, and form- ing a vast rolling plain, in the middle of which looms up the "great Indian mound," 80 feet high and 200 feet broad at its base. The history of this singular mound is still involved in mystery. There is also the separate village of Elizabethtown, half a mile from the river bank, the mound standing between two towns and looking down upon them both. The | The road now becomes winding, and in the next four miles we cross the creek eight times. We also pass Cole's Tunnel, 112 feet, Eaton's Tunnel, 170 feet, and Marten's Tunnel, 180 feet long. flats" embrace an area of some 4,000 acres, about three-fourths of which lies on the Virginia, and the remaining fourth on the Ohio side of the river. The soil is fertile and well cultivated, and the spot possesses great interest, whether for its agricultural richness, its historical monu- ments of past ages, or the beauty of its shape and position as the site for a large city. The Littleton Station is reached just be- yond, and Board Tree Tunnel is soon at hand. This tunnel, 40 miles east of Wheel- ing, passes under a great hill, which was originally crossed by the railroad on a zigzag track with seven angles represent- ing seven V's. Leaving Board Tree Tunnel, the line descends along the hill-side of the North Fork of Fish Creek, crossing ravines and spurs by deep fillings and cuttings and reaching the level of the flats bordering the Creek at Bell's Mill; soon after which it crosses the creek and ascends Hart's Run and Four Mile Run to the Welling Tunnel, 50 miles west of Fairmont, and 28 from Wheeling. This tunnel is 1,250 feet long, and pierces the ridge between Fish Creek and Grave Creek. It is through slate rock, like the Board Tree Tunnel, and is substantially arched with brick and stone. | MARYLAND. From the Welling Tunnel the line pur- sues the valley of Grave Creek, 17 miles to its mouth at the Flats of Grave Creek on the Ohio River, 11 miles below Wheel- ing. The first five miles of the ravine of Grave Creek are of gentle curvature and open aspect, like the others already men- tioned. Afterwards it becomes very sin- uous, and the stream requires to be bridg- (( About three miles up the river from Moundsville, the "flats" terminate, and the road passes for a mile along rocky narrows washed by the river, after which it runs over wide, rich, and beautiful bot- tom lands, all the way to Wheeling. Hagerstown, capital of Washing- ton County, with a population of about 4,000,is a prosperous place, 26 miles north- west of Frederick, from which it may be easily reached by stage. It is pleasantly sit- uated on the west bank of Antietam Creek, nine miles from the Potomac River. It is the southern terminus of the Cumberland Valley Railroad, which runs through Chambersburg to Harrisburg 74 miles. It is well located in the midst of a fine agricultural district, is well built, and con- tains several substantial edifices. The Washington is the principal hotel. Of the numerous routes from the At- lantic seaboard, southward, that by rail, via Baltimore and Washington, is the most expeditious, and, all things consid- ered, the most popular. We will suppose the traveller to have made the tour of 19 ANNAPOLIS.] the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and to | have returned to Baltimore, for unless his ultimate destination be New Orleans, or some other point on the Mississippi, he will find it to his advantage, not only as regards time and money, but also as re- gards opportunities for sight-seeing, to continue his journey by the route here indicated. MARYLAND. [BLADENSBURG. Academy, established in 1845. It has since been removed to Newport, Rhode Island. The city contains a market, thea- tre building, and about 500 private dwellings. Many important events occurred in An- napolis during the period of the Revolu- tion; and here, at the close of the conflict, occurred the memorable scene of Washing- Crossing the Thomas Viaduct, a splen- ton's resignation of his commission. Ă did structure, which spans the valley of fine picture of this incident, by Edwin the Patuxent a short distance south of White, has been recently placed in the the Relay House, mentioned in the com- chamber where it occurred. It was a nim- mencement of our chapter, on the Balti-portant rendezvous for troops, and depot more and Ohio Railroad, as connecting the for the receipt and shipment of supplies branch with the main line, we reach An- during the late rebellion. Near Annap- napolis Junction, 18 miles from Balti- olis Junction the remains of a large mili- more. Here a branch road connects with tary camp are still seen. Leaving the Junction and pursuing our way southward past Savage, Laurel, and Beltsville Stations, we reach Bladens- burg, a pretty little surburban village lying on both sides of the road, and on the east side of the Eastern Branch of the Poto- mac, which it enters immediately below Washington City. It is conspicuous as the spot where the national arms sus- tained a defeat in attempting to arrest the British in their movement on the capital, August 24, 1814. It was also a famous duelling-ground in the early days of Congressional wrangling. It abounds in gardens, has a fine mineral spring, and is much visited by Washingtonians dur- ing the summer months. Soon after leav- ing Bladensburg, the lofty dome of the Capitol rises in view, forming the centre of an extended landscape, and soon after the train stops at the foot of Capitol Hill. | Annapolis, 21 miles from Annapo- lis Junction, and 39 from Baltimore. An- napolis, the capital of Maryland, county seat and port of entry of Anne Arundel County, is a place of considerable interest, from its antiquity and its many historical associations. It is situated on the west side of the River Severn, two and a half miles from Chesapeake Bay. Founded in 1649, it was first called Providence, next Anne Arundel Town, and lastly, when it received a city charter in 1708, Annapolis, in honor of Queen Anne. It became the seat of the State Government in 1689, on its remo- val from St. Mary's, the old capital. The State House is an interesting edi- fice. Here is the seat of St. John's Col- lege, founded in 1784, by an endowment from the State and by the munificence of individual citizens. At Annapolis, also, was located the United States Naval 20 040 O HS GST 50 Alexander's 10 ND D M STN. Sr STN. HIID FAX R.R BAL masa TOMA an Island MS 16 VAST 12 AD15TH STW. W. ST NO U. ST T. ST 8. ST 122 ST O $1 ST E NO NO NO NO N. N. D ΙΠΠΔΕ 106 E MLS Canal Ꭱ 21 NO PO ST W 7TH ST W 口​口 ​100 20 inue 10 םיבשו ST MISSOURLAY ST MST WASHINGTON Arsenal S. GU DD D STS. N ST YOR 19 N K SM ST S HOLE AAB C FOD 0000 0 00 NO 100 00 ST ST 6TH ST NO Navy Yard R Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1866 by LAppleton & Co in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. 13 SO ME AS PAR ם E 12TH ST EVA MET 1000 Do 147 ORG 71 1 OD 1 Capitol 2 Executive Mansion 3 State Department 4 Treasury 5 War Public Buildings 33 11 6. Navy 7 Winder's Building 8.Interior Department &Patent Office 9 General & City Post Office 10 National Observatory 11 Washington Equestrian Statue 12 Jackson 〃 13 City Hall 14 City Hospital 15 Rail Road Depot 16 US.Coast Survey 17 Marine Barracks 18 Congressional Cemetery 19 U.S. Conservatory 20 Armory 21 Smithsonian Institution 22 Washington Monument 23 National Hotel 24 Metropolitan Hotel 25 Seaton House 26 Willards Hotel 27 Ebbitt House 17TH Uniontown SCALE 880 18TH SE 18 20 Poor House Mile 17601rda ܕ WASHINGTON CITY.] DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. THE District of Columbia is a sui generis tract, neither State nor Territory, but set apart as the seat of the Federal Govern- ment. It was ceded to the United States for this purpose by Maryland. It occu- pies an area of 60 square miles. Origi- nally its measure was one hundred square miles, the additional forty coming from Virginia. This part of the cession, how- ever, was retroceded in 1846. The pres- ent cities of the District are Washington, the national capital, and Georgetown, close by. Maryland lies upon all sides, except the southwest, where it is sepa- rated from Virginia by the Potomac River. The District of Columbia is governed directly by the Congress of the United States, under act of Congress (Feb. 27, 1801), and its inhabitants have no repre- sentation, and no voice in the Federal elections. Its population, which in 1860 was 78,300, has increased to nearly double that number; an increase attributable rather to the demands of the Government during the military operations of which Washington was the great centre, than to the legitimate increase of local trade and traffic. Its principal water-course is the Poto- mac River, which, taking its rise in the Alleghany Mountains, receives the waters of several important streams, and after a winding course of nearly 400 miles, dis- charges into Chesapeake Bay. Its prin- cipal tributaries are the Shenandoah, the Monocacy, the Conococheague, and the Anacostia or Eastern branch, which forms the eastern boundary, and Rock Creek, the western boundary of the capital. WASHINGTON CITY, 40 miles from Baltimore, 138 from Philadelphia, 226 from New York. HOTELS.-Metropolitan (Brown's), Wil- lard's, Ebbett House, spacious first-class establishments. [WASHINGTON CITY. Washington City, the political capital of the United States, is situated in the Dis- trict of Columbia, on the north bank of the Potomac River, 122 miles north of Richmond, Virginia. After much discussion and not a little ill feeling amongst members of Congress, and leading men in Pennsylvania, Vir- ginia, and Maryland, the site for the Fed- eral capital was decided on, and the necessary grants of lands made. The site, if not chosen by Washington himself, seems to have been selected through his agency, and it was he who laid the corner-stone of the Capitol. This was on the 18th of September, 1793, seven years before the seat of government was removed thither from Philadelphia. Under Washington's direction the city was planned and laid out by Andrew Ellicott. The first public communication on record in regard to laying out the city is from the pen of General Washington, and bears date 11th March, 1791. In a subsequent letter-20th April, 1791-he called it the "Federal City." It was first known as "the City of Washington," September 9th of the same year. Its ancient name was Conococheague, derived from a rapid stream of that name which ran near the city, and which, in the Indian tongue, means the Roaring Brook. The city was incorporated May 3, 1802, and is therefore in its sixty-fifth year. Its limits embrace an area equal to four and a half miles long by two and a half broad. It is idle to speculate upon the action of legislative bodies, and especially of those which those which convene at the national capital; but should the original plan of Washington ever be realized in its full growth to the proportions it was designed to reach as may yet happen-it will be in its own right, and without the aid of its official position, one of the great cities of the Union. Indeed, it would be diffi- cult to invent a more magnificent scheme than that of the founder of Washington, or to find a location more eligible for its successful execution. Its easy access 21 WASHINGTON CITY.] [WASHINGTON City. | from the sea gives it every facility for the President's House, and other public commercial greatness, and its varied to- | works. Portraits of Louis the XVIth pography almost compels picturesque and Marie Antoinette, King and Queen of effect and beauty. France, which were in the Senate Cham- ber of the Capitol at the time of the capture, were also burned or stolen. In 1818 it was entirely repaired, and in 1851 (July 4), President Fillmore laid the corner-stone of the new buildings, which make the edifice now more than twice its original size. Its whole length is 751 feet, and the area covered, exclusive of the court-yards, 153,112 square feet, or rather more than three and a half acres. The surrounding grounds, which are beau- tifully cultivated and embellished by foun- tains and statuary, embrace from 25 to 30 acres, and are known as the East and West Grounds. The Senate Chamber and the Hall of Representatives of the Con- gress of the United States, are in the wings, or, as they are more familiarly known, the "Extension" of the Capitol, on either side of the central building. The grand Rotunda contains eight large pictures, illustrating scenes in American history, painted for the Government by native artists. Entering the Rotunda immediately under the dome at the main doorway on the east front, the visitor will find the pictures ranged in the following order: DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. The scene from the lofty dome of the Capitol, or from the high terrace upon which this magnificent edifice stands, is one of unrivalled beauty, and gives the visitor at once and thoroughly a clear idea of the natural advantages of the location, and of the character, extent, and possibilities of the city. Looking east- ward, for the space of a mile or more, over a level plain, now thickly dotted with small dwellings, the eye falls upon the broad and beautiful waters of the Potomac, flowing by Alexandria and the classic groves of Mount Vernon, to the sea. Turning westward, it overlooks the city as it at present exists, upon the great highway of Pennsylvania Avenue, to the edifices of the State and Treasury De- partments and the President's House, the avenue dropping toward its centre, as a hammock might swing between the two elevated points. Around, on other rising grounds, the various public edifices are seen with fine effect; and, turning again to the left, the view takes in the broad acres of the new Park, over which may be seen the towers of the Smithsonian Institute, and the half-finished shaft of the Washington Monument; whilst off in the distance, across Rock Creek, lies the quaint but picturesque little city of Georgetown, embosomed in an amphithe- atre of hills. 1. Discovery of the Mississippi by De Soto. May, 1541. 2. Baptism of Pocahontas, Jamestown. May, 1613. 3. Declaration of Independence. Phila delphia, July 4, 1776. 4. Those who do not care, or who have not time to visit the several public build- ings and objects of interest in and around Washington, should not fail to make the ascent of the dome, and enjoy this view. 5. 6. The visitor will of course turn his first attention to the public or Government buildings, which form the especial attrac- tion of the city. 7. 21 (O. S.), 1620. The Capitol, not less on account of its strictly national character than its extent and magnificence, is entitled to the first consideration. 8. Landing of Columbus. Oct., 1492. The third and three following pictures of the series, were painted by Colonel John Trumbull, for the Government, at a total cost of $32,000. It was the picture of the Declaration that provoked John Randolph's ungracious and unjust criti- cism. He called it the shin piece, and a host of would-be connoisseurs have been denouncing it ever since. It is really The corner-stone of this imposing struc- ture, as we have already stated, was laid by Washington himself, September 18, 1793. In August, 1814, it was burned by the British, under Admiral Cockburn, together with the Library of Congress, Surrender of General Burgoyne. Sar- atoga, Oct. 17, 1777. Surrender of Lord Cornwallis, York- town, Oct. 19, 1781. General Washington resigning his Com- mission. Annapolis, Dec. 23, 1783. Embarkation of the Pilgrims. July 22 WASHINGTON CITY.] [WASHINGTON CITY. one of the best, if not the best painting, | visitors should not fail to make the ascent in the Rotunda. Over the main entrance of the Dome. A spiral stairway, travers- is a fine picture by representing ing the whole superstructure between the the murder of the Innocents. A full-length outer and inner shells, affords easy access, portrait of the late President Lincoln, oc- and gives the visitor a favorable opportu- cupies a similar position over the door- nity for inspecting, from different points way leading to the Senate Chamber. of view, the fresco painting on the canopy Over the western entrance is a half portrait overhead. This is the work of Constan- of the late Joshua R. Giddings. These tine Brumidi, whose altar-piece of the pictures have little intrinsic merit, and Crucifixion, recently placed in the Cathe- are valuable and interesting mainly on ac- dral of St. Peter and St. Paul, in Phila- count of the portraits they contain. The delphia, has been so much admired. It connoisseur will best decide for himself covers a space of 6,000 square feet, and their relative merits as works of art. was commenced and completed within Heads of Columbus, Sir Walter Raleigh, the space of ten months. Cabot, and La Salle appropriately oc- cupy alternate panels over the pictures. In the panels over the four entrances to the Rotunda are alto-rilievos in stone, representing Penn's Treaty with the In- dians, the Landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, the Conflict of Daniel Boone with the Indians, and the Rescue of Captain John Smith by Pocahontas. The floor of the Rotunda, 96 feet in di- ameter, is of freestone, supported by arches of brick, resting upon two con- centric peristyles of Doric columns in the crypt below. The height of the Rotunda is 96 feet. On the floor of this Rotunda were encamped the soldiers of the New York Seventh Regiment, when they ar- rived in Washington in April, 1861. The canopy at its base is 54 feet in diameter and 250 feet in circumference; 63 figures are contained in the picture, many of them, in order to produce the effect necessary for life-size when seen from the floor beneath, being colos- sal in their dimensions, and varying from twelve to seventeen feet in height. The centre figure will be readily recognized. It consists of a portrait of Washington, in a sitting posture. To his right is seated the Goddess of Liberty, and on the left a female figure representing Victory and Fame proclaiming Freedom. | In a semi- circle is a group of females, representiug the original sister colonies, bearing aloft a banner on which is inscribed the na- tional motto. Surrounding this under- circle, near the base of the design, are six artistic groups, representing War, Agriculture, Mechanics, Commerce, the Navy, and Science. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. The Dome, which rises over the Ro- tunda in the centre of the structure, is the most imposing feature of the vast pile. The old dome was constructed of brick, stone, and wood, and sheathed with cop- per, and rose to the height of 145 feet from the ground. This was removed in 1856, and the present structure of iron erected, from designs by Walter, the ar- chitect of the Extension. The castings composing the Dome, are from the man- ufactory of Janes, Beebe & Co., New York. The weight of iron used in its construction amounts to ten million lbs. The interior of the Dome measures 96 feet in diameter, and 220 feet from the floor to the ceiling. | Externally, it rises 241 feet above the roof of the main building, 300 feet above the eastern, and 396 feet above the west-mounted by the tholus, or ball, and this ern front. The view of the Dome from in turn by Crawford's statue of Liberty, the gateway to the Western Grounds, par- 16 feet high, cast in bronze by Clark tially broken by the intervening forest Mills. trees, is very fine. As before remarked, | In the group representing the Arts and Sciences the figures of Franklin, Walter, and Fulton occupy prominent places. Mr. J. P. Gulick has immediate charge of this portion of the Dome. From the gallery immediately under- neath the fresco gallery, another spiral stairway leads to the lantern, 17 feet in diameter and 52 feet high. This is sur- The overthrow of treason is strongly typified in the discomfited yet malignant aspect of the figures which shrink from view under the feet of the incensed figure of Liberty and Union. Leaving the Rotunda by the southern 23 WASHINGTON CITY.] [WASHINGTON CITY. | servedly admired. The unsightly galler- ies and other unpleasing (but for their original purpose necessary) features of the hall have been removed, and the main corridor now traverses the hall to the door of the new hall. An ornamental railing has recently been erected, within which will be placed the statuary and paintings which, from time to time, come into possession of the Government. doorway, the visitor to the Capitol finds himself in the south wing of the centre building, in the Old Hall of Representa tives. Most persons who visit the Capi- tol for the first time have their attention so much absorbed in the new extension, and the debates which during the session are carried on there, that they overlook the objects of interest in the central edi- fice; yet, as a late writer has justly re- marked, there is no room in the new buildings comparable in beauty to the old Representatives' Hall. This fine chamber really forms one of the most interesting relics of the history of Congress. It is, moreover, replete with historical associa- tions of the deepest interest. The ruined towers and fretted aisles of the Old World, moss-clad and ivy-wreathed, may delight the eye and please the sense of the Euro- pean tourist, dillettanti, and scholar more than these sombre and unromantic walls, bare and whitewashed as they are; but surely to the American-born citizen they must ever be replete with an interest well- nigh sacred. On the floor of this hall all the great men of the first half century of the republic figured. Here Clay presid- ed, here Webster spoke, here Adams died; but the reader's knowledge of Amer- ican history is, doubtless, better than the author's; besides, the limits of a guide- book forbid any attempt at historical picture-painting. The apartment is semi- circular in form, 95 feet in length and 60 feet high to the apex of the ceiling. The columns which support the entablature are 24 in number, and constructed of va- riegated green brecchia,or pudding-stone, from the Potomac Valley, and cost over $8,000 apiece. There is nothing like them nor so fine elsewhere in Washington. The ceiling is painted in panel, to imitate that of the Pantheon at Rome. Light is admitted through a cupola in the centre of the ceiling. In the tympanum of the arch stands a statue of Liberty, executed in plaster by Causici. A full-length por- trait of Lafayette, presented to Congresssion on the occasion of his visit in 1825, oc- cupies a place on the western wall; op- posite is a portrait of Washington by Vanderlyn. The statue by Franzoni, rep- resenting History standing in a winged car, the wheel of which, by an ingenious device, forms the dial of a clock, is de- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. The plaster model of Crawford's statue of Freedom which crowns the dome of the building, and busts of Secretary Stanton and Crawford the sculptor, occupy the left of the entrance to the main corridor. On the right are statues of Washington and Kosciusko, and busts of Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The Bronze Door, which opens out of the old hall upon the corridor leading to the new hall, is a work of considerable merit, though seen to poor advantage in its present position. It is composed en- tirely of bronze, and weighs 20,000 pounds. It was designed by Randolph Rogers, an American artist, and modelled by him in Rome in 1858. The cast was executed by F. Von Müller, at Munich, in 1861. The work is in alto-rilievo, and commemorates the history of Columbus and the discovery of America. It is 17 feet high, 9 feet wide, and cost $30,000. The door has eight panels, each contain- ing a distinct scene in the life of the great discoverer, the last the death scene, in which Columbus is represented surround- ed by his friends and attendants, with his eyes fixed upon the crucifix, feebly mut- tering his last words, "In manus tuas Domine commendo spiritum meum," is a beautifully executed and impressive pic- ture. The statuettes, sixteen in number, between the panels and on the sides of the door, represent the eminent contempo- raries of Columbus. Advancing southward along the corri- dor, a few steps bring us to the new hall of the House of Representatives. Admis- to the floor of the House is only granted before the morning session, or during a recess of the House. The cham- her itself is 139 feet long, 93 feet wide, and 30 feet high. The lowness of the ceiling, which is supported by trusses from the roof beyond, and panelled with stain- ed glass, gives this otherwise fine apart- 24 WASHINGTON CITY.] The ment a gloomy and cramped appearance, | which the gaudy, garish character of the decoration serves rather to heighten. The Strangers' Gallery, to which ready ascent is afforded by means of two grand marble stairways, extends entirely round the hall, and affords seats for 1,200 per- sons; sections of the gallery are railed off for the use of the diplomatic corps and the reporters for the press. space not specially appropriated to their use is open to visitors. The Speaker's Room, immediately in the rear of his chair, is a highly decorated apartment. From the southern lobby of the House two stairways descend to the basement, where are located the Refectory and vari- ous committee-rooms. The room of the Committee on Agriculture will repay a visit; the walls and ceiling are painted in fresco by Brumidi. To those who visit the Capitol during the spring or summer months, a walk through the basement will be appreciated as not the least en- joyable feature of the visit. The corridor, which is 24 feet wide, contains 30 mono- lithic fluted columns of white marble, with foliated capitals, and, from the thick- ness of the surrounding walls and exclu- sion from the sun's rays is a refreshingly cool place for a promenade. Traversing the basement to the north end, we reach the floor above by a stair- way similar to that leading from the Hall of Representatives. The Senate Chamber presents few feat- ures worthy special notice, after visiting the Hall of Representatives. It is some- what smaller than the other, being 112 feet long by 82 feet in width, and is open to the same objection on account of the lowness of the ceiling. Being ornament- ed and fitted with better taste, however, it has a more pleasing general appear- ance. The galleries are reached by mar- ble stairways similar to those in the south wing. These staircases really constitute the most striking architectural displays in the recent extension of the Capitol. Those who have the necessary time at their disposal, will be repaid by visit- ing the President's and Vice-President's Rooms, the Senators' Retiring-Room, the Reception-Room, and Senate Post-Office. In the President's room, which adjoins the retiring-chamber on the west, are [WASHINGTON CITY. frescoes typical of the history of the country; also portraits of the first Pres- ident and his Cabinet, by Brumidi. The room of the Vice-President contains a portrait of Washington by Rembrandt Peale. Admission to the galleries of both Senate and House can always be obtain- ed on application to the Door-keeper or any of his assistants. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. ! The Supreme Court Room, a semicir- cular apartment 75 feet long and 45 feet high, situated upon the eastern side of the north wing of the centre building, is interesting. Busts of the former Chief Justices Jay, Rutledge, Ellsworth, and Marshall, adorn the walls. Underneath the Supreme Court room is the apartment formerly occupied by the Court, and de- voted to the Law Library. The corn-stalk columns which ornament the entrance to this apartment, and the tobacco-leaf cap- itals of the circular colonnade, between the old Senate Chamber and the Rotunda, are worthy of notice. This library, which is separated from the main library of Con- gress for the convenience of the Court, contains upwards of 16,000 volumes, and is rich in works upon civil, maritime, and commercial law;`a catalogue was pub- lished in 1860. The principal architec- tural feature of this room are the arches which spring from the massive arched ribs of stone resting on Doric columns. The Library of Congress occupies a suitable apartment, which, when fully completed, will embrace the entire west- ern projection of the centre building. The main room is 91 feet long and 34 feet wide, ceiled with iron, and fitted up with fire-proof cases. It has been found that in this particular too much caution cannot be exercised. The collection of books was commenced under act of Con- gress, April 24, 1800, at the suggestion of President Jefferson; the collection, amounting, to 3,000 volumes, was destroy- ed when the Capitol was burnt by the British in 1814. In December, 1851, the library numbered 55,000; a second fire, which occurred on the 24th of that month, swept away all but 20,000 vol- umes; among those saved were fortunately a large portion of the Jefferson collection. The present library-room was completed July, 1853, at a cost of nearly $73,000. The annual appropriations for the pur- 2 25 WASHINGTON CITY.] chase of books amount to $7,000. The collection now numbers 70,000, exclu- sive of documents, which number nearly as many more; a catalogue of the books has just been published. The library is open to all throughout the sessions of Congress, and on stated days during the recess. Since the erection of the bronzed gates to guard the alcoves containing the books, this famous library has lost many of its attractions for the literary lounger; neither is it so attractive to the ladies who, during the pendency of dull debates, whilome found these alcoves such pleasant places for quiet flirtation. The Document Library is reached by a flight of stairs at the left of the entrance to the old Hall of Representatives. On the eastern portico, and in the grounds surrounding the Capitol, are several works of art, conspicuous among which are Persico's statues of Columbus, of Peace, and of War, and the group of statuary representing Civilization, by Greenough; the statue of Washington, ex- ecuted by the same artist, representing the Father of his Country seated on a pedes- tal of granite 12 feet high, in imitation of the antique statue of Jupiter Tonans, can- not be regarded as a very truthful or ar- tistic effort. The whole cost of the Cap- itol buildings, as they exist at this time, (1866), has been nearly $12,000,000; work upon it has never been entirely sus- pended since the commencement of the war. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. [WASHINGTON CITY. | feet high. The surrounding grounds, which embrace an area of about 20 acres, slope gradually to the Potomac on the south. A circular colonnade of six Doric pillars adorns this front, from which is a pictur- esque view of the river and Virginia shore. On the north front, overlooking Pennsyl- vania Avenue, is a portico with four Ionic columns, under which carriages pass. In the lawn, immediately in front of this drive, is a bronze statue of Jefferson. On the grounds south of the White House a band of music performs Wed- nesday and Saturday afternoons, during the summer months, when there is usually a large attendance of ladies from the city. It is proposed to build a new Presidential Mansion, in which case the Department of State will occupy the present White House. The President receives calls every week- day, except Cabinet days and special ap- pointment days, from 10 to 1 o'clock. A grand levée is held at the White House on New-Year's Day; this is regarded as the opening levée, after which, of late years, it has been the custom to con- sider fortnightly evening levées as in order. The President's Lady, in compa- ny with the President, also gives a recep- tion weekly, during the session of Con- gress, usually on Saturday mornings. The announcements of the daily press furnish the best guide in this particular. Lafayette Square, on the north side of Pennsylvania Avenue, in the immediate vicinity of the President's Mansion, affords a pleasant ramble. In the centre of the square is Clark Mills's well-known eques- trian statue of Jackson, erected January, 1853. The pose of the rider and the poise of the horse may be regarded as miracles of art. The Executive Mansion, or White House, as it is popularly called, is 11 miles west of the Capitol, upon a high terrace, at the opposite extremity of Pennsylvania Avenue, surrounded by the Treasury, State, War, and Navy Depart- ments. The corner-stone of the building was laid with appropriate ceremonies on the 13th October, 1792. It was built from designs by James Hoban, and was modelled after the palace of the Duke of Leinster; it was much injured during the occupation of the city by the British, and extensive repairs were found necessary, which were made in 1815, under the su- pervision of the same architect. It is two stories high, 170 feet long, and 86 feet deep, built of freestone, and painted white. The "East Room" is a fine apart- ment, 80 feet long, 40 feet wide, and 20 | The Treasury Department.-The rav- ages of fire, and the constantly increasing business of the Government, has required repeated and extensive additions to and ex- tensions of the public buildings of Wash- ington. Perhaps the most noteworthy instance of this rapid growth and ad- vancement in the material wealth of the nation is furnished in the present extent of the United States Treasury building. The act establishing the Treasury De- partment was approved September 2, 1789. The first edifice erected for the purpose 26 WASHINGTON CITY.] [WASHINGTON City. mass of copper-ore from Ontonagon, Lake Superior. It is said to have been origi- nally used as a sacrificial rock by the In- dians, who regarded it with peculiar awe and veneration. It cost the United States $5,640. of a United States Treasury, was destroyed | by the British in 1814. The second was also burned down in the spring of 1833. The east front of the present building, on Fifth Street, with its un- broken Ionic colonnade of 300 feet, occu- pies the site of the old Treasury building. This colonnade was modelled after that of the Temple of Minerva at Athens. It was commenced in the summer of 1836. The extension, now nearly com- pleted, was begun in 1855, from designs by Walter, the architect of the Capitol extension. The plan of the extension flanks the old building at each end with massive fronts. The old building is com- posed of brown sandstone, painted- the recent extension is of solid granite from Dix Island, on the coast of Maine. When completed, and it only lacks the northern front, it will be 514 feet long, by 275 feet in width. The interior arrangement of the building is admirable. | The State Department.-The Depart- ment of State, at present, occupies an un- pretending two-story brick building on the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and Fifteenth Street. This will probably be removed in a short time, to make way for the northern front of the Treasury build- ing, already referred to. The organization of this Department embraces the following bureaus, under the immediate jurisdiction of their respective officers, viz.: the Dip- lomatic Branch, the Consular Branch, the Disbursing Agent, Translator, Ap- pointments and Commissions, Rolls and Archives, Territorial business, Pardons and Passports, and Statistics. The Li- brary contains books, maps, and charts, to the number of 16,000, and is worthy of examination. | The printing of the public paper moneys, popularly known during and ever since the war as "greenbacks," is carried on in the basement and upper floors of this building. A permit from the Secretary of the Treasury is necessary for admis- sion to this part of the building. The grounds on the south, or Potomac front, are used by the various cricket and base- ball clubs of the city. The War and Navy Departments, fac- ing each other on Pennsylvania Avenue and Seventeenth Street, west of the west of the White House, are plain brick buildings, with nothing but their size and past im- portance to invite attention. They were enlarged in 1864-'65, in order to meet the greatly increased demands of the Gov- ernment growing out of the war. → A large stone building on the west side of Seventeenth Street, and nearly opposite the Navy Department, known as Winder's Building, is attached to the War Depart- ment, for clerical purposes. A collection of flags and other trophies captured during the rebellion, will be found in both these Departments. The visitor's card, accompanied by a request, will in- sure permission from the Secretary to see them. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. In the open space between the War and Navy Departments, those curious in such matters will do well to examine a The Patent-Office, sometimes but errone- ously called the Department of the Interior, is centrally located on F Street, between Seventh and Ninth Streets. It occupies the entire block, having a frontage of 410 feet on F Street, and extending back 275 feet to G Street. It was built after designs by Wm. P. Elliott, and extended recently by Edward Clark. It is admired, not less for the simplicity of its style than for its extent and the massive grandeur of its proportions. The style of architecture is Doric. There are porticoes on the east, west, and south fronts. The north front is not yet quite complete. The interior of this building is admirably designed and handsomely finished. The basement is occupied by the Bureau of Agriculture and the Indian office. In the second or main floor are located the office of the Secretary of the Interior, the General Land-Office, the Pension and Census Bu- reaus, and the office of the Commissioner of Patents. The principal feature of the whole building is the Model-Room of the Patent-Office, which occupies the entire upper floor of the edifice, forming four large halls or chambers, unequalled for extent and beauty on the continent. The total length of this floor is 1,350 feet, or rather more than a quarter of a mlle. 27 WASHINGTON CITY.] [WASHINGTON CITY. The East Hall is devoted to mechanical | two fountains. The main entrance to the models, the north to models of agricul- building is from F Street. tural implements, and the West Hall to rejected models. The entire collection numbers over 50,000 articles; an enu- meration of them here might weary the reader, and is therefore omitted. The fresco painting on the roof of the south room is much admired for its freshness and elaborate detail. In this room are cascs containing a collection of Revolu- tionary curiosities and relics, among which are the printing-press of Ben Franklin, and the wardrobe, and many of the other personal effects of Washington, worn by him when he resigned his com- mission as Commander-in-Chief. Near these are cases for the preservation of medals and treaties of the United States with foreign powers. Among the latter are treaties with Louis Philippe (1831), Louis XVI. of France (1778), and Louis XVIII. of France (1822). A fine collection of sabres, presented by Bey Ali Pacha to Captain Perrie of the United States ship Concord," at Alexandria, 1832, adorns the upper end of this case. Cases adjoining these to the west, and numbered four and five, contain a collection of Goodyear's patent rubber goods. On the left of the main stairway are four cases containing robes presented by the Government of Japan to United States Consul-General Harris, June 16, 1859. The rich color- ing and fantastic patterns of these vest- ments are much admired. The gifts of the Tycoon to President Lincoln arc worthy close inspection. The General Post-Office, opposite the south front of the Patent-Office, is an imposing edifice of white marble in the modified Corinthian style. The building rests on a rustic basement, scarcely dis- cernible since the raising of the street grade. It is 300 feet long, 204 feet deep, and three stories high. It was com- menced in 1839, extended in 1855, under the direction of Mr. Walter, and finished in 1865. Monoliths of Italian marble form the columns of the extension. The City Post-Office occupies a portion of the north or F Street front. The whole upper portion is appropriated to the use of the General or United States Post- Office. Papers left by Ben Franklin, when Postmaster General, are preserved here. | DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Powers's fine statue of Washington, taken by General Butler from the Louis- iana State House at Baton Rouge, is also in this room, near the head of the stairway. The Model-Room throughout forms one of the most interesting sights at the national capital. The whole building, except the north front, which is of brown sandstone, painted to correspond with the rest of the building, is of crystallized marble. The broad platform of the southern portico is reached by a flight of granite steps, 28 in number, and has a double row of fluted Doric columns, each 18 feet in circumference. The inner quadrangle of the structure meas- ures 265 feet by 135 feet, and contains The Smithsonian Institute occupies the area of the New Park, west of the Capitol, and south of Pennsylvania Avenue, known as the Mall. The easiest approach from Pennsylvania Avenue is by the Seventh Street bridge. This noble institution was endowed by James Smithson, Esq., of England, "for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men. The edifice, which is constructed of red sandstone, in the Norman or Romanesque style, was commenced in 1847, and completed soon after. Its length is 450 feet, its breadth 140, and it has nine towers, ranging from 75 to 150 feet high. It contains a lecture- room, with sittings for 1,200 auditors; a museum of natural history, 200 feet in length; a superb laboratory; a library- room capable of holding 100,000 volumes; and a gallery for pictures and statuary, 120 feet in length. The grounds attached to the Institute, embracing about 50 acres, were laid out by the late A. J. Downing, whose name, so long connected with rural art, and whose melancholy death, will long be remembered. A monument erected to his memory by the American Pomological Society, stands near the Institute. The Washington Monument.—All guide and hand-books to Washington, and their name is legion, reserve a conspicuous place for the Washington Monument, contrasting its prospective proportions with the great Pyramid of Cheops in "" 28 WASHINGTON CITY.] | Egypt, the Tower of Malines in Belgium, and other celebrated monuments, and in- dulging all sorts of speculative fancies re- garding its future extent and magnificence. The truth is, that the monument as it now exists is a very small and insignificant affair, and, in the out-of-the-way position it occupies, scarcely worth the trouble of visiting it. The design contemplated a shaft 600 feet in height, with an orna- mented base modelled after the Pantheon at Rome, estimated alone to cost over half a million dollars. Within the base or "Temple" it is contemplated to place statues of Revolutionary heroes and relics of Washington. It is to be surrounded by a colonnade of thirty Doric pillars, with suitable entablature and balustrade. Each State contributes a block of native stone or other material, which is to be placed in the interior walls. Many of these blocks are beautiful specimens, worthy of inspection. They are contained in a shed near the structure. The mon- ument, in its present state of progress, is 170 feet high, and has cost $230,000. | Work on it has been suspended for some time. The Arsenal, located on Greenleaf's Point, near the confluence of the Eastern Branch with the Potomac, is worthy a visit. visit. The buildings were commenced in 1814, under the superintendence of Colo- nel Bomford. The Model-Room, and the famous batteries of Bragg and Duncan, will interest the student of military sci- ence. Many old pieces of ordnance, cap- tured during the war of '76, are preserved here. A frightful explosion occurred here December 18, 1865. The Military Asylum, or "Soldiers' Home," as it is more familiarly known, should not be omitted among the "places worth seeing" in Washington. It occu- pies a high plateau three miles north of the city. The drive thither is among the most pleasant the District affords. The site was selected by General Scott. The main building is 600 feet long, built of Eastchester marble, in the Norman style of architecture. It has been the custom of the Presidents, since Mr. Pierce's ad- ministration, to occupy one of the small- er buildings of the Home as a summer resort, and here the late lamented Lin- coln passed some of the last hours of his eventful term. The Congressional Cemetery is about a mile east of the Capitol, near the East- ern Branch. Its situation is high, and commands fine pictures of the surrounding country. The original name of this cem- etery was the "Washington Parish Burial- Ground." It contains several monuments of interest, among which are those to George Clinton, Elbridge Gerry, and Wil- liam Wirt. There are upward of 150 cenotaphs erected to the memory of mem- bers of Congress, who have died during their terms of office. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. [WASHINGTON CITY. ated in the southeastern section of a plot of 70 acres, on the Eastern Branch. The Armory, appropriated, as the name implies, to the preservation of the ordnance and arms of the United States required for the use of the District mili- tia and similar purposes, is an unpretend- ing ing three-story brick building, on the Mall east of the Smithsonian Institute. The National Observatory is well loca- ted on rising ground near the Potomac, between the Navy Department and George- town, commanding a fine view of the riv- er and the two cities. This site was for- merly known as Camp Hill, and is said to have been the precise spot on which Gener- al Washington encamped with Braddock's forces. It was founded in 1842, and was originally designed and used for a hydro- graphical office. The transit instrument, in the west wing, and the prime vertical transit in the south wing of the building, are fine instruments. A library of astro- nomical works, and a normal clock by Kessels, of Altona, are in the Superintend- ent's room. Open for visitors daily, from 9 to 3 o'clock. The Navy Yard, on the Eastern Branch, about three fourths of a mile southeast of the Capitol, has an area of 27 acres, enclosed by a substantial brick wall. Within this enclosure, besides houses for the officers, are shops and warehouses, two large ship-houses, and an armory, which, like the rest of the establishment, is kept in the finest order. The Navy Magazine is a large brick structure, situ- 1 Glenwood, another city of the dead, pos- sessing greater beauty if less interest, is situated about a mile north of the Capitol. The principal public buildings of the city (not strictly national) are the City 29 WASHINGTON CITY.] [WASHINGTON CITY. Hall in North D Street, between Fourth | may be mentioned that belonging to the and Fifth Streets; and the Columbia Col- | Indian Bureau, in the Patent-Office build- lege, on Fourteenth Street, near the north- ing, and that in the Smithsonian Insti- ern limits of the city. tute, both consisting mainly of portraits of Indian chiefs who, at different times, have visited the capital. The first-nam- ed collection was painted by King, the lat- ter by Stanley. The private collections in the city, however, far excel in number and value those in the possession of the Government. That of Mr. W. W. Corco- ran, the banker, has some very fine pic- tures and statuary, prominent among which are Powers's Greek Slave, and the Attack of the Huguenots, by W. D. Washington. Mr. J. C. Maguire, Mr. Janvier, and other well-known collectors, have also opened their galleries to artists and lovers of art. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. The Insane Asylum occupies a promi- nent location on the east bank of the Poto- mac. It is 711 feet long, and is surround- ed by pretty grounds. Among the church edifices of Wash- ington, the most noteworthy are Trin- ity, corner of Third and North C Streets, Church of the Epiphany (Dr. Hall's), on G near Thirteenth Street, St. John's, on Lafayette Square, opposite the Exec- utive Mansion, all belonging to the Epis- copalians; St. Aloysius (R. C.), north of the Capitol; First Presbyterian, on Four and a half Street, near Louisiana Ave- nue; and Foundry Church (M. E.), re- cently reconstructed, corner of Four- teenth and G Streets. | The places of public amusement in Washington are few and insignificant. Grover's Theatre, on E Street, east of Willard's Hotel, is the best worthy of patronage. The old Washington Theatre, on Eleventh Street, south of Pennsylvania Avenue, is occasionally open during the winter months. Ford's New Theatre, once a popular and well-conducted establish- ment, is now an object of melancholy in- terest, from having been the scene of the assassination of President Lincoln. This event occurred on Friday, April 14, 1865, The door by which the assassin Booth es- caped is in the rear of the stage, at the back of the theatre. The building is closed by order of the War Department. The room in which the murdered Presi- dent breathed his last is a back, or exten- sion chamber in the house No. 453 Tenth street, opposite the entrance to the theatre. Among the banking houses of the city, that recently erected for Messrs. Jay Cooke & Co., and the First National Bank, on Fifteenth Street, opposite the eastern entrance to the United States Treasury, are the most prominent and most costly. The banking house of the well-known firm of Messrs. Riggs & Co. occupies a prominent site at the northern intersec- tion of Pennsylvania Avenue and Fif- teenth Street. Among the fine-arts collections in Washington, aside from that already re- ferred to in the Rotunda of the Capitol, • The rooms of the Washington Library Association, on Eleventh Street, are wor- thy a visit. The association was incorpo- rated in 1814. The collection numbers 15,- 000 volumes. The Patent-Office Library is rich in scientific and mechanical works. Here may be found a complete set of the reports of the British and French Patent Commissioners. The largest and most valuable private collection of books to be found in Washington is that of Mr. Peter Force; it numbers upward of 50,000, and is specially rich in works on American history. Its loss would be a national calamity. The British Embassy is at present loca- ted in the residence lately occupied by Dr. Maynard, on Pennsylvania Avenue, between the Circle and Georgetown. It is customary, but by no means obligatory, for British visitors to register there. | Visitors to Washington will be spared a great deal of needless expense, delay, and inconvenience, by bearing in mind that all public buildings, including the Capitol and the several Departments, are open to the public from 10 A. M. to 3 p. M. (Sundays excepted), and closed at all other times. No fees are asked or ex- pected for showing them. With few ex- ceptions, all objects of interest in and around the city can be readily reached by street-cars. If you prefer other modes of conveyance, order your own livery, deal only with principals, and observe the regulations duly provided in such cases. By all means avoid the noisy hackmen, | 30 P VICINITY.] [GEORGETOWN. who infest street corners and hotel-bars. | from them the relative distance and di- Avoid second and third-class hotels. If rection of other points and localities can you are likely to stay a week, or longer, be readily obtained. The Aqueduct, by secure only lodgings, of which there are which the waters of the Chesapeake and a great number, and board at a restau- Ohio Canal are carried over the Potomac, rant. Gautier's, 252 Pennsylvania Avenue, will repay inspection. It is 1,446 feet ther east, are the best; French and Ger- man spoken; wines and cigars excellent. Avoid barber-shops and bath-rooms; or, if it is warm weather, and total immer- sion is necessary to your comfort, go bathe in the Potomac, for the baths of the Capitol, unlike those of Siloam, never wash clean. or the Restaurant Beuhler, two blocks fur-long and 36 feet high. The conduit has a nine-foot vent, and discharges 68,000,- 000 gallons in twenty-four hours. The piers, nine in number, are built of granite, embedded 17 feet in the river bottom. It was constructed under the direction of Major Turnbull, U. S. Topographical En- gineers, and cost $2,000,000. The canal extends 184 miles to Cumberland, Mary- land, and cost $12,000,000. Georgetown College, at the west end of the city, is an old institution of learning. The first edifice was commenced in 1788, and completed in 1795. In 1799 it became "The College of Georgetown." In May, 1815, it was incorporated a university. The Medical Department was added in 1851. The buildings are spacious, and contain a well-selected library of 25,000 volumes, an observatory, and a Museum of Natural History. It is under the di- rection of the Jesuits. In the rear of the college is a pretty rural serpentine walk, commanding a still prettier view. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. VICINITY OF WASHINGTON. Proceeding westward along Pennsylva- nia Avenue, half a mile beyond the War Department, we pass a small, open ground enclosed within an ornamental railing, and known as "The Circle." In the centre of the enclosure is an equestrian statue of Washington, by Clark Mills, finished in 1860. Beyond the Circle, on the right, are seen several private residences, con- spicuous among which is the headquar- ters of the British Legation, already men- tioned. In crossing the iron bridge, which spans Rock Creek at the foot of the Ave- nue, a fine view is had of the Heights of Georgetown on one side, and the high bank of the Potomac on the opposite or Virginia shore. Georgetown. HOTELS. Lang's, The Union. Distant little more than two miles from Capitol Hill, and divided only by Rock Creek from Washington City, Georgetown may be almost regarded as forming a suburb of the national capital. Since the introduction of street-cars, the tide of travel between the two cities is very great. The city is beautifully loca- ted on a range of hills, which command a view unsurpassed for extent and beauty in the Potomac Valley. It was laid out by act of the colonial government of Maryland, June 8, 1751, and was incor- porated December 25, 1789. It is a port of entry, and carries on a considerable coasting trade; a line of steamships plies between New York and this port. The city presents many points of attraction, The Heights should first be visited, as The Convent of the Visitation, founded in 1799, is on Fayette Street. The building appropriated for the Ladies' Academy is of brick, about 250 feet in length; the in- terior is a combination of neatness and elegance. Visitors are admitted between the hours of 11 and 2 o'clock. The resi- dence of the archbishop of the diocese is near by. On the heights north of the convent is an Asylum for Destitute Color- ed Women and Children. Oak Hill Ceme- tery, on the northeastern declivity of the heights, is a romantic burying-ground. It was laid out in 1849, by its donor, Mr. Corcoran, whose vault of white marble occupies a prominent place in the ceme- tery. The granite monument to M. Bo- disco, the late Russian minister, is wor- thy of notice; it was sent from St. Pe- tersburg by the Russian Government. An elegant Gothic chapel with stained- glass windows, planned by Renwick, and now overgrown with ivy, is an attractive feature of this really pretty spot. Georgetown contains several churches, a flourishing academy, and other educa- 31 VICINITY.] DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. [ARLINGTON, | Population about | mer-houses, rusty canteens, and all the discarded remains of camp life-these are the features of a landscape that was once a summer resort for gayety and mirth- the Sans Souci gardens of Washington. The road to Arlington is a climb nearly all the way, and for the first half mile we rode in the rear of an army of several thousand, and consequently in a cloud of dust that was not relieved by bumping in and out of the ruts made by heavy ambulances. At last our way turned and became smooth and less desolate; the trees were green, so were the fields be- neath them, and every thing, though neg- lected, was uninjured. Then we saw what appeared to me two very good imi- tations of the castle of Giant Despair. They were the houses of two declared en- emies of the Government who had never been convicted of any active treason, but were considered sufficiently worthy of at- tention to be interdicted from leaving their own grounds on any pretence whatever And here they both abide within a few furlongs of each other, yet apart; with liberty to range at will in the narrow cir- cuit of their desolate gardens, yet in re- ality close prisoners and under strict watch. They had not taken kindly to their captivity, if the utterly ruinous aspect of their surroundings could speak for them, and the sluggish gloom that rested on every thing must have been a reflection to their own hearts. tional institutions. 9,000. The Potomac in the vicinity of George- town abounds in fish; shad and herring are taken in great abundance, large quan- tities being exported monthly through the season. A dish of baked shad con- stitutes one of the dinner-table attrac- tions of the District. Arlington House, once the mansion of George Washington Parke Custis, the last but one survivor of the Washington fam- ily, occupies a commanding position on the Virginia side of the river, nearly oppo- site Georgetown. It stands more than 200 feet above the river, and the view from the portico of the building is among the best this part of the Potomac affords. The collection of pictures and other rel- ies, among them the Mount Vernon plate and the bed and bedstead of Washing- ton, have passed into other hands. Be- fore the war, Arlington formed part of the estate of Robert E. Lee, afterwards known as the Commander-in-chief of the Confederate army. The ravages of war have laid waste this once lovely spot. The beautiful heights, upon which the house and grounds stood, were occupied by Union troops May 2, 1861; they are now occupied by the Freedmen's Vil- lage. Fort Albany is near by. A recent visit to Arlington Heights and the set- tlement surrounding them is thus de- scribed: | "Being provided with passports, a good carriage, willing horses, and a shrewd dri- ver, we started gayly through the wide streets of Washington, and were soon on that longest of Long Bridges, that spans the Potomac. As we were obliged to walk the horses, the drive over being a mile, gives us ample time to prepare our minds for entering on that sacred soil of the F. F. V.'s, that the irreverent Yan- kees are said to describe as 'Poor, old, worn-out, God-forsaken Virginia.' It is the first glimpse a Northerner can catch of the iron hoof of war, and as you roll over the dusty, broken road, it rises around you on every side and forms a desolate picture. Broken fences, clayey fields, felled trees, and deserted houses, the charred remains of camps, fires light- ed in the midst of pleasure-grounds, and fed with the broken lattice-work of sum- · "About three-quarters of a mile before you reach Arlington House, you come upon the village (Freedmen's), which is built terrace-fashion, circling the brow of the heights. It contained at that time about 1,800 inhabitants, and consisted of two and a half storied white frame houses, built in small rows along aven- ues, designated by the names of Garrison, Lovejoy, Fremont, etc. Leaving our con- veyance, we climbed up the hilly path to the superintendent's house, which is comfortably large and airy, but bare and unimproved like all the rest." The number of freedmen here congre- gated is about 2,000, and a chapel has been erected for religious service. Near the river, at the foot of an umbrageous oak, is the famous Arlington Spring. The Little Falls of the Potomac, three miles above Georgetown, are a succession 32 ALEXANDRIA.] of romantic cascades at the head of tide- water. The scenery is wild and pic- turesque, and the waters abound in fish; striped bass is the most common. These waters were a favorite angling-haunt of Daniel Webster, and no spot within easy reach of the visitor to the capital pre- sents more varied attractions. Great Falls, 12 miles beyond, present a scene of unusual, picturesque, and grand effect. The road thither affords a pleasant car- riage drive. [MOUNT VERNON. | | during the late rebellion; upwards of half a million troops are estimated to have crossed upon it. Mount Vernon, sacred as the home and tomb of Washington, is upon the west bank of the Potomac, 15 miles be- low the capital, and eight miles from Alexandria. Mount Vernon, then known as the Hunting Creek estate, was be- | queathed by Augustine Washington, who died in 1743, to Lawrence Washington, who received a captain's commission in one of the four regiments raised in the colonies, to aid the mother country in her struggle against France and Spain. It was named after Admiral Vernon, un- der whom Lawrence Washington had served, and for whom he cherished a strong affection. The central part of the mansion, which is of wood, was erected by Lawrence, and the wings by George Washington. It contains many valu- able historical relics, among which are the key of the Bastile, presented by La- fayette, portions of the military and per- sonal furniture of Washington, the pitch- er, portrait, etc. The tomb of Washington, which is now fast going to decay, occupies a more pic- turesque situation than the present one, being upon an elevation in full view of the river. The new tomb, into which the remains were removed in 1837, and sub- sequently placed within a marble sarcoph- agus, stands in a more retired situation, a short distance from the house. It con- sists of a plain but solid structure of brick, with an iron gate at its entrance. Above the arch of this vault are inscribed the following lines: | DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Alexandria, Va., is situated up- on the south bank of the Potomac, seven miles below the capital. It was once within the District of Columbia, but was retroceded to Virginia in 1846, with all the territory of that State which had be- fore been a portion of the national ground. Its foundation dates from 1748. General Braddock's disastrous expedition to the West was fitted out here. The town is intimately connected with the life and name of Washington. In Christ Church, the pew in which he sat is an object of much interest. Many mementoes of him are carefully preserved. The Musuem, Court House, Odd-Fellows' Hall, and Theo- logical Seminary, are among the prominent buildings. The town, like all others in Virginia, suffered much during the war from the hands of soldiery. The city was occupied by Ellsworth's Zouave regiment and a Michigan regiment on the morning of the 24th May, 1861, and continued in the possession of the Federal troops. In the entrance to the Marshall House Colo- nel Ellsworth was shot by Jackson, the proprieter of the house, for tearing down the secession flag. Jackson was in turn shot by F. E. Brownell, one of Ellsworth's command. Of the merchants accustomed to do business in Alexandria, but few re- mained through the war. It had a popu- lation of 12,500 in 1860, contains one hotel (Newton's), and is connected within the possession of his descendents, was Washington by steamboat, railway, and purchased a few years ago for the sum turnpike. The daily steamer down the of $200,000, raised by subscription, un- Potomac to Aquia Creek and Fortress der the auspices of a society of ladies Monroe, calls here. It also has rail- known as the "Ladies' Mount Vernon way communication with Leesburg, 38 Union Association." It is therefore, and miles; also with Gordonsville, Char- will continue to be, the property of the lottesville, and Lynchburg, by the Orange nation. In this noble movement the late and Alexandria Railway. The Long Hon. Edward Everett took a distinguish- Bridge, which spans the Potomac at ed and active part. Washington, played an important part The Mount Vernon domain, which has remained since the death of Washington To reach Mount Vernon from Wash- 66 Within this enclosure rest the remains of GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON.” 33 VICINITY.] [DEFENCES. ington, take the ferry to Alexandria, and | Seventh Street, was the only one attack- thence by road. Six miles south of Alex-ed during the war. The events of the andria, old Fort Washington, known dur- memorable "four days'" siege of the city ing the war of 1812 as Fort Warburton, are still fresh in the recollection of its is passed. citizens. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. The important position of Washington during the late war led to careful prep- arations for its defence, and the modern fortifications of the place will long remain among its main objects of interest. They are 56 in number, embracing a circuit of nearly 40 miles around the city and Alex- andria. These works are built of earth, and are bomb-proof. Of the whole num- ber, Fort Stevens, at the northern end of 34 1 The Army Hospitals of Washington and vicinity numbered 23 during the war, with accommodation for 12,000 pa- tients. Many of these have been remov- ed. Among those remaining, worthy a visit, are Armory Square Hospital, east of the Smithsonian grounds; Emory and Lincoln Hospitals, and Judiciary Square Hospital, in the rear of the City Hall. VIRGINIA.] VIRGINIA. VIRGINIA. | VIRGINIA, the oldest of the original | thirteen States of the North American Confederacy, and, on that account, often referred to as the "Old Dominion," is bounded on the north by Ohio, Pennsyl- vania, and Maryland; east, by Maryland and the Atlantic Ocean; south, by North Carolina and Tennessee; and west, by Kentucky and Ohio. Jamestown, on the James River, is the oldest permanent set- tlement made by the English on this con- tinent, the redoubtable Captain John Smith and his followers having landed and located there in 1607. In its early career it encountered great difficulties in the shape of famine, disease, and the hos- tilities of the natives. Bacon's rebellion, the most serious of these disturbances, broke out in 1676. In 1677 Virginia obtained a new charter, depriving her of some of her former privileges, as a pun- ishment for this rebellion. In 1752 Washington, then a young man, was sent by Governor Dinwiddie as an envoy to the French commander at Fort Du Quesne (Pittsburg), and two years after defeated the French at the Great Meadows, but was obliged finally to capitulate. Virginia took an active part in the events leading to and in the conduct of the Revolution- ary war, as she also did in the rebellion of 1861-'65. | Among the proudest boasts of the State is the extraordinary number of great men which she has given to the nation. Dur- ing half the lifetime of the Republic, its highest office has been conferred upon her sons. Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Tyler, and Harrison, all Presi- dents, were born in Virginia. Not only has she been the mother of Presidents, but she has raised leaders for our armies and navies, lawgivers for our Senates, judges for our tribunals, apostles for our pulpits, poets for our closets, and paint- ers and sculptors for our highest and most enduring delight. Scanning the map of middle Virginia, the eye is continually ar- rested by hallowed shrines-the birth- places, the homes, and the graves of those whom the world has most delighted to honor. Here we pause within the classic groves of Monticello, and _look_abroad upon the scenes amidst which Jefferson so profoundly studied and taught the world. There, in the little village of Hanover, the burning words of Patrick Henry first awakened the glowing fire of liberty in the bosoms of his countrymen; and here, too, the great Clay was nurtured in that lofty spirit of patriotism, from which sprang his high and devoted public services. Not far off we may again bend, reverently, over the ashes of Madison and Monroe, of Lee, and Wirt, and Marshall. Prominent among the events of the Rev- olution was the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown, October, 1781, which vir- tually terminated the war. Washington died December 14, 1799. Alexandria capitulated to the British, August 27, 1814. Nat Turner's negro insurrection occurred in 1831. A State Constitution was formed in 1776, which was remod- elled in 1830, and again in 1851. The events of the last five years have added materially to the historical and scenical attractions of Virginia. The "ordinance of secession " was passed April 17, 1861, and the accession of Virginia (Eastern) to the Southern Con- federacy announced by Governor Letcher on the 25th of the same month. In Western Virginia, on the 23d of April, at a public meeting held at Clarksburg, Harrison County, delegates were appoint- ed to a convention to be held at Wheel- ing, May 13th, to determine what course | [VIRGINIA. K } 35 VIRGINIA.] should be pursued. This movement re- sulted in the separation of Western from Eastern Virginia. Great activity was soon observed in Eastern and Southwest-trict, ern Virginia, in the organization and equipment of troops, and by the 5th of June it was estimated that there were fifty thousand Confederate troops in ac- tive service in the State. All between the ages of eighteen and forty-five were quired to enlist, and not such only as a draft would call into the field. From that time to the capture of Richmond and the virtual close of the rebellion, Virginia was the principal theatre of war, and is fairly entitled, in addition to her former appellation of "the Old Dominion," to be known as the Battle-Field of the Union. For the information especially of those desirous of visiting the battle-fields throughout the State, we give, at the close of the chapter, a list of the battles and principal skirmishes, the points at which they were fought, and the best routes by which to reach them. In regard to internal improvements and the means of communication, Virginia, though behind many of her younger and less wealthy sister States, is yet far in ad- vance of States lying to the south and west of her. Her noble rivers and main lines of railway afford easy access to almost every section of her wide domain. According to the census of 1860, the railroad system of the State embraced 1,771 miles of track, the construction and equipment of which cost sixty-five millions of dollars. Geographically, Virginia occupies a central position on the seaboard of the Union. It lies between 36° 30′ and 40° 38′ north latitude, and between 75° 10′ and 83° 30′ west longitude, and is very irregular in its outline. It is about 425 miles in its greatest length from east to west, and 210 in breadth, embracing an area of about 61,352 square miles, or 39,- 265,280 acres, of which only 11,437,821 were improved in 1860. VIRGINIA. [VIRGINIA. and Chesapeake Bay, is generally level. 2. West of this is a more elevated re- gion, sometimes called the Piedmont Dis- containing thirty-two counties. 3. The Valley District, containing nineteen counties, is entered by ascending the Blue Ridge, which passes from Maryland into Virginia, near Harper's Ferry. 4. The Trans-Alleghany District, containing for- re-ty-nine counties, lying west of the moun- tains. This portion is for the most part hilly and broken, or occupied with outly- ing spurs. No State in the Union presents a greater variety of surface than Virginia, from the mountain ranges and rugged hills of the interior to the rich alluvions of the rivers and the sandy flats of the seacoast. It is usually divided into four sections. 1. The Tidewater District, containing thirty- seven counties, bordering on the Atlantic With such a topography, Virginia, as will readily be believed, abounds in grand and picturesque scenery, and in objects of interest to tourists. It is especially rich in mountain scenery, though the mountains do not attain so great an ele- vation as in New Hampshire and North Carolina. White Top, in Grayson Coun- ty, the highest land in the State, is 6,000 feet above the sea level. feet above the sea level. Next to White Top, the highest known summits are the peaks of Otter, between Bedford and Botetourt Counties, which are 4,300 feet above the level of the sea. The moun- tains extend across the middle of the State in a southwest and northeast direction, and occupy a belt of from 80 to 100 miles in width. way, Next to her mountain scenery, the springs of the Old Dominion present the greatest attractions to travellers. Some of the most valuable medici- nal waters on the continent are found within her borders. Among the most cel- ebrated are the Berkeley Springs, in Mor- gan County (see Baltimore and Ohio Rail- in our chapter on Maryland); White Sulphur in Fauquier, White Sul- phur and Blue Sulphur in Greenbrier, the Alum and Hot Springs in Bath, the Salt and Red Sulphur in Monroe, and the White Sulphur in Grayson County. The most celebrated of these, the White Sul- phur Spring in Greenbrier County, is strongly impregnated with carbonic and nitrogen gases, with sulphates of lime and magnesia, and carbonate of lime. The far-famed passage of the Potomac through the Blue Ridge at Harper's Ferry is al- ready familiar to most travellers, as is also the Natural Bridge in Rockbridge County; Weyer's (Weir's) Cave, Madison's Cave, and the Chimneys in Augusta Cour- | 36 [VIRGINIA. | C. H., 62; Orange C. H., 79; Gordons- ville, 88; Lynchburg, 170. The Ma- nassas nassas Gap Railway, from Manassas (Orange and Alexandria Road), 85 miles to Mt. Jackson, The Alexandria, Loudon, and Hampshire Railway, from Alexandria, through Arlington, Fall's Church, Guildford, 38 miles to Lees- burg. The Richmond, Fredericksburg, and Potomac Railway, from Aquia Creek, on the Potomac, to Fredericksburg, 15 miles; to Richmond, 75. Between Aquia Creek and Washington City communica- tion is by steamboat. The Scaboard and Roanoke Railway, from Portsmouth and Norfolk, 80 miles to Weldon, N. C. Winchester and Potomac River Railway, .32 miles from Winchester to Harper's Ferry (Baltimore and Ohio Railroad). The Baltimore and Ohio Railway, 397 miles from Baltimore to Wheeling, is partly in Maryland and partly in Virginia. (See Maryland for further account of this road.) The Northwestern Railway, from Grafton, on the line of the Baltimore and Ohio Road, 104 miles to Parkersburg, on the Ohio River. The Virginia Central Railway, from Richmond westward 95 miles, to Jackson's River, through Han- over, Louisa, Gordonsville, Charlottes- ville, Staunton, Millboro, and other places. Route to the Virginia Springs, Natural Bridge, Weir's Cave, etc. The Richmond and Danville Railway, from Richmond, 141 miles southwest to Danville, on the North Carolina boundary. Richmond and Petersburg Railway, from Richmond, 21 miles to Petersburg. The Petersburg and Lynchburg (Southside) Railway, from Pe- tersburg, 123 miles to Lynchburg. From Petersburg it is extended 10 miles to City Point, on James River. Point, on James River. It intersects the Richmond and Danville Road about mid- way, at Burkesville. The Virginia and Tennessee Railway, from Lynchburg, 204 miles to Bristol, thence to Knoxville, Ten- nessee. The Roanoke Valley Railway, 22 miles from Clarksville to Ridgeway, on the Raleigh and Gaston Railway, N. C. Parties desirous of visiting Fairfax Court- House, Manassas, and other points of in- terest in the neighborhood of Washington and Alexandria, should take the Orange and Alexandria Railway, while those wish- to RAILWAYS.-The Orange and Alex- andria Railway, from Alexandria Lynchburg, 170 miles, via Springfield, 9 miles; Burke's, 14; Fairfax, 17; Union Mills, 23; Manassas, 27 (junction of Ma- nassas Gap Road); Bristoe, 31; Weavers- ville, 38; Warrenton Junction, 41 (Branching to go direct to Richmond first, and nine miles to Warrenton); Culpepper select their routes from that point, can VIRGINIA.] ty, the Buffalo Knob in Floyd County, the Natural Tunnel in Scott County, and the Hawk's Nest, on New River, in Fay- ette County, are all noteworthy objects much frequented by tourists. The political and natural divisions of the State have been briefly stated. Its internal organization embraces 148 counties, 46 of which are now included in West Virginia. Richmond is the capital, and largest city in the State. Petersburg, Norfolk, Wheeling, and Alexandria, take rank next the capital in size and importance. The white pop- ulation of Virginia is mainly of British origin, and until a recent period was but slightly affected by admixture from other sources. The native Virginians have al- ways prided themselves on the purity of their descent, and "one of the F. F. V.s,” or first families of Virginia, has passed into a proverb. The population in 1860 amounted to 1,596,318, of which number nearly one-third were slaves. The popu- lation has decreased during the war, and does not now probably number more than one million and a half white and black. Political and social differences and distinc- tions are fast passing away, and a healthy immigration is setting in from the North- ern States and from Europe. As the Southern-bound traveller is now about to enter a section of the Union the means of communication throughout which have been seriously broken and otherwise injured by the war, the author of the Hand-book has thought it advisable to give only such routes as have either not been interfered with or have been so far restored as to invite travel. For in- formation in regard to the condition and facilities of roads not mentioned here, the traveller is referred to "Appletons' Monthly Guide," and the proprietors of the several leading hotels represented in these pages, whose means of obtaining the latest intelligence in regard to local travel are unquestionably the best. VIRGINIA. road.) The popu- 37 [RICHMOND. | orders, it is affirmed, from General Early, then commanding the Confederate troops quartered in Richmond, and soon a great portion of the business section of the city was a mass of blackened ruins. The upper part of Main Street, the principal avenue of fashion and business, from the Spottswood House down for several blocks, was entirely demolished, and only por- tions of it have yet been rebuilt. Up- wards of 1,000 buildings, and property es- timated at eight millions of dollars, were RICHMOND, 130 miles by rail from Washington, 356 | destroyed. The Capitol, as before stated, from New York. stands on the brow of Shockoe Hill, overlooking what was once the city proper, but now the burnt district. From its size and elevated location, it is by far the most conspicuous object in the city. It is a Græco-composite building, adorned with a portico of Ionic columns. There are windows on all sides, and doors on the two longer sides, which are reached by high and unsightly double flights of steps placed sidewise, under which are other doors leading to the basement. The view from the portico is extensive and beauti- ful, taking in the James River, with its windings and numerous islands. It stands in the centre of a public square of about eight acres. Entering by one of the up- per doors, an entry leads to a square hall in the centre of the building, surmounted by a dome which transmits light from above. The hall is about forty feet square, and about twenty-five above the floor. In one of the niches in the wall is a marble bust of Lafayette. In the centre of the square hall above described there is a marble statue of George Washington, on which is the following inscription: "Fait par Houdon, Citoyen Français, 1788." The statue is mounted on a rectangular pedestal, four and a half feet high, on one of the larger sides of which is the fol- lowing honest and affectionate inscrip- tion: VIRGINIA. RICHMOND.] | take boat either at Washington or Alex- andria to Aquia Creek, and thence by rail via Fredericksburg, or continuing on to Fortress Monroe or Norfolk reach Rich- mond by steamboat up the James River. The former of these routes is the quicker and least expensive, the latter the most pleasant and most interesting. HOTELS.-The Ballard House. This well-known and deservedly popular house has been thoroughly refurnished, and has every convenience for guests. The Ex- change, immediately facing this, has large private parlors, and spacious ball- room. A well-shaded court-yard, a jet d'eau, and observatory commanding an extended view of the city and vicinity, are among the attractions of this hotel. Cuisine excellent. The Spotswood and St. Charles are also good houses. | Richmond, the capital of the "Old Dominion," as Virginia is familiarly called, and the seat of government during the Confederate rule in the State, is beau- tifully situated on the left or northeast bank of the James River, at what are called the Lower Falls. The city was founded by act of Assembly in May, 1742, and became the State capital in 1779. Richmond, as first seen on approaching by the river, has the imposing aspect of a large and populous capital. It owes this in a great degree to the elevated po- sition of its Capitol, which stands on Shockhoe Hill, and afar off has a hand- some and classical appearance; when, however, you approach within criticising distance, it loses some of that enchant- ment which distance ever lends the view. The situation of the city and the scenery of the environs are much admired. It is regularly laid out in rectangular blocks. Always a city of considerable political and commercial importance, it gained still greater prominence as the capital of the Southern Confederacy. Upon the sur- render of the city to the Federal forces, April 2, 1865, fire was set to the tobacco and other warehouses of the city, under "The General Assembly of the Com- monwealth of Virginia have caused this statue to be erected, as a monument of affection and gratitude to GEORGE WASHINGTON, who, uniting to the endowments of the Hero the virtues of the Patriot, and ex- erting both in establishing the Liberties of his Country, has rendered his name dear to his Fellow-Citizens, and given the 38 RICHMOND.] [RICHMOND. World an immortal example of true Glory. | umental Church (Episcopal) stands where Done in the year of CHRIST One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eigh- ty-Eight, and in the year of the Common- wealth the Twelfth." VIRGINIA. | The simplicity, dignity, and truth of that inscription are worthy of the great original commemorated, and of the young and chivalric State whose ready gratitude so early erected this lasting monument, and overflowed in language so beautiful and appropriate. The statue is decently clad in the uniform worn by an American General during the Revolution, and not half covered by the semi-barbarous and pagan toga, with throat uncovered and naked arm, as if prepared for the barber and the bleeder, which is the case with the statue of Washington, by Greenough, at the National Capitol. It is of the size of life, and stands resting on the right foot, having the left somewhat advanced, with the knee bent. The left hand rests on a bundle of fasces, on which hang a military cloak and a small sword, and against which leans a plough. The atti- tude is natural and easy, and the likeness to the great original is strong. A fine statue of Henry Clay stands near the western corner of the square. Besides the Capitol, the most noteworthy edifices are the City Hall, the Penitentiary, and the Custom House. The City Hall is an elegant structure, at the northwest angle of the Capitol Square. The Penitentiary, near the river, in the western part of the city, is a spacious edifice, with a façade of near 300 feet long. The Custom House is a substantial structure, fronting on Main Street. It has been recently com- pleted, and cost upwards of half a million of dollars. The lower story is used for the purposes of the City Post-Office. Above this are the headquarters of the military commandant of the district. Richmond College was founded by the Baptists, in 1832. St. Vincent's College is under the direction of the Catholics. The medical department of Hampden and Sydney College, established in 1838, occu- pies an attractive building, of Egyptian architecture. | once stood the Theatre, so disastrously burned in 1811, at the sad sacrifice of the life of the Governor of the State, and more than sixty others of the ill- fated audience in the building at the time. St. John's, on Church Hill, corner Broad and Twenty-fourth Streets, is interesting from its historical associations. Holywood Cemetery is a pretty, re- tired spot, adorned with some handsome monuments. It is at the north end of Main Street. The Libby Prison and Castle Thunder are always pointed out to strangers. The former and better known of the two takes its name from its owner, a Mr. Libby, who long occupied it as a tobacco warehouse. During the war it was used as a place of confinement for Union prisoners. It has little, either in its past history, present condition, or fu- ture prospects, to invite a closer acquaint- ance than this brief description affords. Richmond is the great depot for the to- bacco product of Virginia, and the ware- houses where this famous "weed" was stored, the number of which exceeded forty, were before the war among the (C sights" of the city. The wheat grown in the neighborhood of Richmond, and in- deed throughout Virginia, has long been esteemed for its excellence. The flouring mills are numerous, and many of them ex- tensive. The "City," "Gallego," and "Haxall" are the largest concerns of this kind. The city also contains a Court- House, a Jail, an Armory, a Theatre, two Market-Houses, an Orphan Asylum, and a Masonic Hall. Three bridges across the river connect the city with Manchester and Spring Hill. The Rapids, or Falls of James River, which extend six miles above the city, and have a descent of 80 feet, afford valuable water power. The navigation of the river is opened above the city by the assistance of a canal which overcomes the rapids. The city is sup- plied with water from the river by means of forcing-pumps, which furnish three res- ervoirs, of 1,000,000 of gallons each. The James River and Kanawha Canal, commenced in 1834, extends westward upwards of 200 miles. Richmond, like Washington, though in a much greater degree, has been the centre of absorbing interest during the war, and no one ought | Among the churches of Richmond, over thirty in number, are some of archi- tectural skill worth observing. The Mon- 蠱 ​39 I NORFOLK.] to leave it without visiting the line of for- tifications which constituted the defences of the city, and which were so long deemed impregnable. VIRGINIA. [VICINITY. | nearly one thousand men. Two days af terwards it was destroyed by fire, together with the frigate Merrimac, the Pennsylva- nia and other ships-of-war. Property val- ued at several millions was destroyed, and the roar of the conflagration was heard for miles. It will take years to rebuild, if in- deed it is ever rebuilt. The U. S. Naval Hospital, on the south bank of the Eliza- beth River, is an imposing-looking build- ing of brick, stuccoed. The Seaboard and Roanoke Railway comes in at Portsmouth from Weldon, N. C. Gosport lies just below. The United States Dry Dock at this suburb is a work of great extent and interest. Communication between Ports- mouth and Norfolk is kept up by ferry. Fort Calhoun and Craney Island are at the entrance to the harbor. Tri-weekly steamers ply between Norfolk, City Point, Newbern, Mattapony River, and Cherry- stone. The oysters obtained in these waters are esteemed for their size and flavor. The "Virginia" and "Commer- cial" club-houses, in Bank Street, Nor- folk, are popular chop and oyster houses. Old Point Comfort and Fortress Monroe, 14 miles north of Norfolk, are much fre- quented by travellers, the former for its fine bathing-ground, the latter for its formidable military defences. They are pleasantly situated at the entrarce to Hampton Roads. Fortress Monroe is the largest military work, and, strictly speak- ing, the only fortress in the United State. The area embraced within its outer works is 65 acres. Within is a parade ground 25 acres in extent, with numerous fine shade trees. It is a bas- tioned work, the walls built of granite, and 35 feet high. A moat 75 to 150 feet wide, and 8 to 15 feet deep, sur- rounds the work. The embrasures of the water battery on the sea face of the fort are 42 in number. The whole arma- ment of the fortress is 371 guns, many of which are the largest-sized colum- biads. It has always remained in the possession of the United States. The village of Hampton, three miles from Fortress Monroe, is largely occupied by freedmen. Horse-cars run there through- out the day. The restaurant "Hygea,' at the "Old Point" steamboat landing, is a well-regulated establishment. The trip up the James affords the trav- ROUTE I. Norfolk, 300 miles from New York by sea, 190 from Washington, 180 from Baltimore, 140 from Richmond. From Baltimore daily, by steamboat down Ches- apeake Bay. From Richmond the route is by steamer down James River. Sev-| eral fine boats ply between the two cities, and in favorable weather the trip is a most delightful and interesting one. HOTELS.-Atlantic and National, both on Main Street, are well-ordered houses. The former has reading and billiard rooms attached. | Norfolk is pleasantly situated upon the Elizabeth River, eight miles from Hamp- ton Roads, and 32 miles from the ocean. It was named Norfolk after one of the counties of England, by Colonel Thoro- good, who was one of the first settlers in what was then known as Elizabeth City County. It contains 20,000 inhabitants, and is, after Richmond, the most populous city in Virginia. A canal comes in here through the Dismal Swamp, which opens communication between Chesapeake Bay and Albemarle Sound. The city was laid out in 1705, and incorporated as a borough in 1736. In 1776 it was burnt by the British. In 1855 it was visited by the yellow fever, which carried off several hundreds of its inhabitants. The harbor is large, safe, and easily accessible, de- fended at its entrance by Forts Monroe and Calhoun. It is a great market for wild fowl, oysters, poultry, and vegetables. The Custom House and Post-Office, on Main Street, is a handsome edifice, recently erected at a cost of $228,505. The City Hall has a granite front, a cupola 110 feet high, and a handsome portico. The Baptist Church, on Freemason Street, has a fine steeple. Portsmouth, directly opposite Norfolk, is a naval depot of the United States. At the time of the secession of Virginia (April 18, 1861), the marines and others employed at the Navy Yard numbered "" 40 PETERSBURG.] | eller some charming river scenery and views of many places full of historic in- terest. Thirty-two miles above its mouth are passed the ruins of Jamestown. The history of this spot is a romantic one, full of the varied story of early colonial adventure and suffering, of the gallantry of Captain John Smith, and the devotion of the gentle Pocahontas. The first Eng- lish settlement in the United States was made here in 1607. Its Revolutionary history was eventful. Nothing now re- mains of the town save a few ruins. VIRGINIA. Ascending the river, we next reach City Point, at the mouth of the Appomattox River, 10 miles east-northeast of Peters- burg, with which place it has direct com- munication by railway. City Point ac- quired very considerable prominence in the annals of the war as a military camp and depot for supplies of the Army of the Potomac. The brick building on the ex- treme point of land overlooking the Ap- pomattox was occupied during the closing years of the war as General Grant's head- quarters. The view from this point, in- dependent of its memorable associations, will always render it attractive. Many of the lines of Government storehouses and depots are still standing. The defences of City Point are among the most note- worthy objects of interest in the vicinity. There are no hotels worth mentioning, the attractions of the place not being at all in that line. On the left bank of the James, imme- diately above the mouth of the Ap- pomattox, we pass Bermuda Hundred, and further on other points interest- ing through their association with the movements of the respective armies dur- ing the war. A short distance above Varina Landing, at a bend in the river, the Dutch Gap Canal is passed, in sight of the signal-tower, and shortly after the Howlett House Batteries and Drury's Bluff (Fort Darling). Three miles fur- ther up, the roof and portico of the Capitol on Shockoe Hill in Richmond rises in view. [WILLIAMSBURG. terribly, and it must be many years be- fore it regains its former position. It is on the great route from New York to Charleston and New Orleans. The South- side Railway from Lynchburg, 133 miles distant, terminates here. The ro- mantic ruins of the old church of Bland- ford are within the limits of this borough. The falls of the river just above the city furnish extensive water power. A canal round these falls affords passage for boats 100 miles above the city. It fell into the hands of the Union forces April 3, 1865. Marks of the fierce attacks to which it was subjected are seen everywhere in and around the city. A visit to the fortifica- tions will well repay the stranger. Fort Steadman, "the last ditch" of the rebel- lion; the Crater, the scene of the ex- plosion and bloody struggle in August, 1864; Fort Hell, to the left of Steadman, where the Union and Rebel lines almost touch, and near by Fort Damnation, are among the places and scenes of interest around Petersburg. Jarratt's is the lead- ing hotel. Petersburg, 21 miles from Rich- mond, 10 from City Point, is pleasantly situated on the south bank of the Appo- mattox. It was the third city of the State previous to the war, containing a popula- tion of nearly 16,000, but it has suffered | ROUTE II. Williamsburg, 60 miles east of Richmond, and 68 miles west of Norfolk, the oldest incorporated town in Virginia, and a place of extreme interest in its his- torical associations, is built upon a plain, between the York and James Rivers, six miles from each. This was the seat of the colonial Government anterior to the Revolution, and the capital of the State until 1779. It was first settled in 1632. William and Mary College, founded 1692, is the oldest educational establishment in the United States, after Harvard Univer- sity. Previous to the war it had a fine library. The losses sustained by this in- stitution during the war are estimated at $80,000. An appeal for its relief is being urged abroad. In the centre of the lawn, fronting the College, is a mutilated statue of Lord Botetourt, one of the most popu- lar of the old colonial Governors. This statue was placed in its present position in 1797. Palace of Lord Dunmore. -The remains of this ancient building, the home of the last of the royal Governors of Vir- ginia, is at the head of a pleasant broad → 41 WILLIAMSBURG.] | " court, extending from the main street in front of the City Hall. It was built of brick. The centre edifice was accident- ally destroyed by fire while occupied by the French soldiers, just after the surren- der of Cornwallis at Yorktown. Here the stately old Governor lived, or attempted to live, in royal splendor. All that now remains of his pomp are the two little outbuildings or wings of his palace, yet to be seen by the visitor at Williamsburg. The Old Capitol stood on the site of the present Court-House, on the square, oppo- site the Magazine. It was destroyed by fire in 1832. A few of the old arches lie yet around, half buried in the greensward. It was in the "Old Capitol " that the Bur- gesses of Virginia were assembled when Patrick Henry, the youngest member of that body, presented the series of bold resolutions which led to his famous speech: "Cæsar had his Brutus, Charles the First his Cromwell, and George the Third"-concluded by those master-words of raillery, when the excited assembly in- terrupted him with the cry of "Treason! treason!" may profit by their exam- ple. If this be treason, make the most of it!" The Apollo Room of the Raleigh Tavern is an apartment in another time- honored old building of Williamsburg, in which the House of Burgesses assembled to consider the revolutionary movements which were then passing in Massachu- setts. This assembly had just been dis- solved by the Governor, in consequence of its passage of acts in opposition to those of the Lords and Commons of Eng- land just before received. The Queen's Rangers, commanded by Lieut.-Colonel Simcoe, entered Williamsburg, driving out the Virginia militia, on the stormy night of April 19, 1781. The thoughtful traveller will delight himself by recalling other incidents in the history of the lo- calities here presented, and in following the course of the great train of events which resulted from or were connected with them. Brenton Church, a venerable edifice of the early part of the last cen- tury, stands on the public square, near Palace Street or Court. It is a cruciform building, surmounted by a steeple. Near Brenton Church is an octagonal edifice, built during the administration of Gov- ernor Spottswood, known as the Old Mag- - [FREDERICKSBUrg. azine. The Eastern Lunatic Asylum of Virginia is also located at this place. Yorktown, upon the York River, 11 miles from its entrance into Chesa- peake Bay, 70 miles east-southeast of Richmond, and about 12 miles from Wil- liamsburg, is memorable as the scene of that closing event in the American Revo- lution, the surrender of the British army under Lord Cornwallis, October 19, 1781. This event is commemorated in one of Colonel Trumbull's pictures in the rotunda of the Capitol at Washington. The pre- cise spot at Yorktown where the scene of the surrender of the British arms and standards took place will be pointed out to the inquiring visitor. At the time of the surrender the place contained about sixty houses. In 1814 it was desolated by fire. Remains of the intrenchments cast up by the British on the south and east sides of the town are yet to be seen. These mounds vary from 12 to 16 feet in height, and extend in broken lines from the river bank to the sloping grounds back of the village. Cornwallis' Cave is an excavation in the bluff upon which the village stands, reputed to have been made and used by Lord Corn- wallis as a council chamber during the siege. It is exhibited with this char- acter for a small fee. A quarter of a mile below this cave there is another, which there is good reason to believe really was thus occupied by the English commander. The region of country round Williamsburg and Yorktown bears abun- dant evidences of the operations conduct- ed there during the recent rebellion. VIRGINIA. ROUTE III. Fredericksburg, 60 miles north of Richmond, and 70 miles south of Washington, is situated on the right bank of the Rappahannock River, at the head of tide-water. On the route hither, 16 miles from Richmond, the traveller passes Ashland, the scene of many a cavalry raid during the war. During the battle of Chancellorsville, Stoneman's cavalry made a dash on this station, and later, Generals Kilpatrick and Sheridan. At the junc- tion, seven miles beyond Ashland, a fight took place between Grant and Lee, in the 42 FREDERICKSBURG.] VIRGINIA. campaign from the Rappahannock to Cold Harbor. From Hamilton's Crossing to Fredericksburg, a distance of four miles, the line is laid through the scene of Burn- side's attack. That portion of Stafford County lying between the Rappahannock and the Potomac Rivers, the scene of many a bivouac, march, and fight, is now a desolate waste. Aquia Creek, the northern terminus of the road, is mainly known as the base of supplies for Burn- side during the operations against Freder- icksburg. The great fight took place De- cember 13, 1862. It The Birthplace of Washington. was in the vicinity of Fredericksburg that Washington was born, and here he passed his early years; and here, too, repose the remains of his hon- ored mother. The birthplace of the Father of his Country is about half a mile from the junction of Pope's Creek with the Potomac, in Westmoreland County. It is upon the "Wakefield es- tate," now in the possession of John E. Wilson, Esq. The house in which the great patriot was born was destroyed be- fore the Revolution. It was a plain Vir- ginia farm-house of the better class, with four rooms, and an enormous chimney on the outside at each end. The spot where The spot where it stood is now marked by a slab of free- stone, which was deposited by George W. P. Custis, Esq., in the presence of other gentlemen, in June, 1815. On the tablet On the tablet is this simple inscription: "HERE, THE 11TH OF FEBRUARY (0. S.), 1732, GEORGE WASHINGTON WAS BORN." The remains of the mother of Washing- ton repose in the immediate vicinage of Fredericksburg, on the spot which she herself, years before her death, selected for her grave, and to which she was wont to retire for private and devotional thought. It is marked by an unfinished, yet imposing monument. The corner- stone of this structure was laid by An- drew Jackson, President of the United States at the time, on the 7th of May, 1833, in the presence of a large concourse of people, and with solemn ceremonials. After the lapse of almost a quarter of a century the monument remains still unfin- ished. The mother of Washington re- sided, during the latter part of her life, in Fredericksburg, near the spot where [LYNCHBURG. she now lies buried. In a house recently occupied by Mr. Richard Sterling, at the corner of Charles and Lewis Streets, her last but memorable interview with her il- lustrious son took place when she was bowed down with age and disease. The principal hotel in the town, and indeed almost the only one left open for travel- lers, is the Planters' House. ROUTE IV. RICHMOND TO BURKESVILLE, LYNCHBURG, LEXINGTON, and BRISTOL, by Richmond and Danville Railway. Burkesville (54 miles), in Prince Edward County, is situated at the junc- tion of the Richmond and Danville Rail- way with the Southside Railway. The surrender of the shattered Army of Vir- ginia was made near here, April, 1865. Lynchburg (120 miles) is finely situated on the north bank of the James River. The town was founded in 1786, and incorporated in 1805. The James River and Kanawha Canal, the greatest public work in Virginia, following the course of the river from Richmond, passes Lynchburg on its way to Buchanan and Covington. Distant from Richmond, by canal, 147 miles. The connecting roads with the South and Southwest are the Virginia and Tennessee Railway to Bristol, the East Tennessee and Virginia Railway to Knoxville, and the East Ten- nessee and Georgia Railway to Chatta- nooga. Distance to Chattanooga, 446 miles. Lynchburg is on the route to and in the immediate vicinity of the Spring region. The Natural Bridge and the Peaks of Otter are here easily accessible. (See descriptive sketches.) Danville (141 miles), the terminus of the Richmond and Danville Railway, is pleasantly situated at the head of naviga- tion on the Dan River, five miles from the boundary line of North Carolina. Popu- lation 4,000. The Piedmont Railway, running 48 miles to Greensboro', N. C., terminates here. Lexington (155 miles) is charm- ingly situated on the North River, amidst the mountain and spring region of West- ern Virginia, 35 miles northwest of Lynchburg, from which point it is reach- | 43 L . HANOVER COURT House.] ed by stage. Washington College was founded in 1798, and was endowed by General Washington. The Virginia Mil- itary Institute was established by the State Legislature in 1838-39. In July, 1856, a copy in bronze of Hondon's statue of Washington, in the Capitol at Rich- mond, was erected here. The town was laid out in 1778. Population about 2,000. The Natural Bridge and Peaks of Otter are within easy stage-ride. VIRGINIA. ROUTE V. VILLE, RICHMOND TO HANOVER C. H., GORDONS- CHARLOTTESVILLE, MONTICELLO, STAUNTON, AND MILLBORO, by Virginia Central Railway. [CHARLOTTESVILLE. at Newcastle, once a prosperous village, but now a ruin, with a single house only on its site. | Gordonsville (76 miles), in Or- ange County, is situated at the intersec- tion of the Orange and Alexandria Rail- way, to Lynchburg. Charlottesville (97 miles), fa- mous as the seat of the University of Virginia, and for its vicinage to Monticel- lo, the home and tomb of Thomas Jeffer- erson, is situated on the Rivanna River, in the east-central part of the State, 119 miles from Washington City by the Orange and Alexandria and the Virginia Central Railways. The University of Virginia, one of the most distinguished of the colleges of the United States, is situated about a mile west of the village of Charlottesville. It is built on moder- atly elevated ground, and forms a striking feature in a beautiful landscape. On the southwest it is shut in by mountains, be- yond which, a few miles distant, rise the broken, and occasionally steep and rug- ged, but not elevated ridges, the charac- teristic feature of which is expressed by the name of Ragged Mountains. To the northwest the Blue Ridge, some 20 miles off, presents its deep-colored outline, stretching to the northeast and looking down upon the mountain-like hills that here and there rise from the plain without its western base. To the east, the eye rests upon the low mountain range that bounds the view as far as the vision can extend northeastward and southwest- ward along its slopes, except where it is interrupted directly to the east by a hilly but fertile plain, through which the Ri- vanna, with its discolored stream, flows by the base of Monticello. To the south, the view reaches far the view reaches far away until the hori- zon meets the plain, embracing a region lying between the mountains on either hand, and covered with forests inter- spersed with spots of cultivated land. The University of Virginia was founded in 1819, by Thomas Jefferson, and so great was his interest in its success, and his es- timate of its importance, that in his epi- taph, found among his papers, he ranks his share in its foundation third among the achievements and honors of his life- the authorship of the Declaration of In- dependence being the first, and of the Hanover Court-House (18 miles) is memorable as the scene of Patrick Henry's early oratorical triumphs, and as the birthplace of Henry Clay. It is pleasantly situated near the Pamunky River. Three miles from the Court- House, on the right of the turnpike road leading to Richmond, stands, or did when the author last visited it before the war, the house in which Clay was born. The building is a " one-story frame," with dormer windows, and a large outside chimney (after the universal fashion of Southern country-houses) at each gable. In this humble tenement the Senator who "would rather be right than be Presi- ident," was born, in 1777. The flat, piny region, in which it is situated, is called the Slashes of Hanover; hence the popu- lar sobriquet familiarly applied to the great statesman, of the "Millboy of the Slashes." Hanover awakens pleasant memories of Patrick Henry assembling his volunteers and marching to Williams- burg to demand the restoration of the powder which Lord Dunmore had remov-| ed from the public magazine, or payment therefor, a daring demand, which he however succeeded in enforcing, as the Governor, alarmed at the strength of his cortége, which grew as he went along to 150 in number, sent out the Receiver- General with authority to compromise the matter. The young leader required and obtained the value of the powder, 330 pounds, and sent it to the treasury at Williamsburg. This incident happened 44 F MONTICELLO.] [WHEELING. Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom | lands, when travelling in this country, the second. The University is endowed while Mr. Jefferson lived. His writings and controlled by the State. made him favorably known as a scholar, and his public position made him honor- ed by the nations. The remains of Mr. Jefferson lie in a small family cemetery by the side of the winding road leading to Monticello." Over them is a granite obelisk 8 feet high, which bears the fol- lowing inscription: 66 HERE LIES BURIED THOMAS JEFFERSON, Author of the Declaration of Independence; of the Statute of Virginia for Religions Freedom; And Father of the University of Virginia." VIRGINIA. Monticello, once the beautiful home, and now the tomb of Jefferson, is about four miles west of Charlottesville. "This venerated mansion," says Mr. Los- sing, in his "Field Book of the Revolu- tion," "is yet standing, though somewhat dilapidated and deprived of its former beauty by neglect. The furniture of its distinguished owner is nearly all gone, except a few pictures and mirrors; other- wise the interior of the house is the same as when Jefferson died. It is upon an eminence, with many aspen-trees around it, and commands a view of the Blue Ridge for 150 miles on one side, and on the other one of the most beautiful and extensive landscapes in the world. Wirt, writing of the interior arrangements of the house during Mr. Jefferson's lifetime, records that, in the spacious and lofty hall which opens to the visitor on enter- ing, 'he marks no tawdry and unmean- ing ornaments; but before, on the right, on the left, all around, the eye is struck and gratified by objects of science and taste, so classed and arranged as to pro- duce their finest effect. On one side specimens of sculpture, set out in such order as to exhibit at a coup d'œil the historic progress of that art, from the first rude attempts of the aborigines of our country, up to that exquisite and finished bust of the great patriot himself, from the master-hand of Cerracchi. On the other side, the visitor sees displayed a vast collection of the specimens of the Indian art, their paintings, weapons, or- naments, and manufactures; on another, an array of fossil productions of our country, mineral and animal; the petri- fied remains of those colossal monsters which once trod our forests, and are no more; and a variegated display of the branching honors of those monarchs of the waste that still people the wilds of the American Continent! In a large sa- loon were exquisite productions of the painter's art, and from its windows open- ed a view of the surrounding country such as no painter could imitate. There were, too, medallions and engravings in great profusion.' Monticello was a point of great attraction to the learned of all | Staunton (136 miles) is pleasantly located in Augusta County, upon a small branch of the Shenandoah River. It is a pretty and prosperous village, with a pop- ulation of between 2,000 and 3,000. The Western Lunatic Asylum and the State Institution for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind, are among its principal objects of interest. It is the main point of rendez- vous for tourists to the spring region, hard by. Weyer's and Madison's caves (18 miles) are reached by stage. ROUTE VI. Harper's Ferry (160 miles north of Richmond). See MARYLAND, for Baltimore and Ohio Railway. Winchester (30 miles from Har- per's Ferry), by Winchester and Potomac Railway, is in the midst of a pleasant and picturesque country in the northwestern part of the State 20 miles west of the Blue Ridge, and within the limits of the great Valley of Virginia. Ice Mountain, in Hampshire County, 26 miles north- west from Winchester, is a natural curi- osity. Blocks of ice are found here at all seasons of the year. On the west side of the North Mountain in this coun- ty, are the famous Capon Springs, Caudy Castle, the Tea Table, and the Hanging Rocks, are notable curiosities in this re- gion. Wheeling, the capital of West Virginia, and the terminus of the Balti- more and Ohio Railway, is situated on the east bank of the Ohio River, and on both sides of Wheeling Creek, 379 miles west of Baltimore, 95 miles below Pittsburg, 45 WELLSBURG.] [THE SPRINGS. | | and 365 miles above Cincinnati. It has railroad communication with the cities of Cleveland and Pittsburg, and is also the terminus of the Hempfield Rail- road. The site of the city is an alluvial tract extending along the river bank a distance of three miles of varying width, shut in by hills. It has important man- It has important man- ufactories of iron, glass, and paper. The first settlement was made in 1769. The suspension bridge across the Ohio River has a span of 1,010 feet. is built of wire, and cost $210,000. The tops of the towers are 153 feet from low-water mark. The city contains a handsome court-house, a custom house, and twenty church edifices. Extensive vineyards are in the neighborhood. Popu- lation 22,000 It stage and the Richmond and Danville and Southside Railways to Lynchburg, and thence via Lexington, Ky., afford the easiest routes. From Baltimore and Washington the Baltimore and Ohio Rail- way to Harper's Ferry and Winchester and thence by stage or the ferry to Alexan- dria, and thenco by Orange and Alexan- dria and Virginia Central Railways as be- fore. The latter is the more expeditious, though not so interesting. Approaching from the south, travellers should diverge from Richmond. From the west, passen- gers should leave the Ohio River route at Guyandotte, and thence by stage. For minute details, consult the recent news- paper announcements and the hotel-keep- ers. The best time to visit these springs and drink the waters is from 1st July to September. A few words of advice to those who visit them, as most do, for the benefit of their health, contributed by one who is qualified to give advice in such matters, are inserted here: "When the patient, under proper advice, has se- lected and arrived at the Spring where he expects relief, there are some obser- vances so essential to his success, that in a work professing in some degree to serve as his guide, it would be improper to omit calling attention to them. If he has di- rections from his family physician, the first question that suggests itself is, Is he in the precise condition in which that physician saw him? If he be not, what change has taken place, and what new symptoms have occurred? It will readi- ly be understood, that if the journey has been tedious and laborious, as in visits from the distant States must be the case, the invalid may have suffered from a change of water, he may be in a state of over-excitement, or exhaustion, from want of sleep, fatigue, or want of accus- tomed comforts. He may, from expos- ure, have taken cold and be in the incipi- ent stage of catarrhal fever. His liver may have been deranged by the journey. His arterial and nervous system may be abnormally excited. He may have head- ache, furred tongue, or he may be con- stipated, or in other respects out of sorts,' and so on ad nauseam.” In all such cases, and they are of course numer- ous, the only relief to be hoped for is by sending the patient to the water adapted VIRGINIA. Wellsburg, on the Ohio River, 16 miles above Wheeling, was laid out in 1789, and named after Alexander Wells, who built the first flouring-mills on the Ohio. It was originally called Charles- town. Among the early settlers was Joseph Doddridge, author of the "Indian Wars of Northwestern Virginia." Rich coal mines are in the vicinity. Bethany, eight miles distant, is the seat of a col- lege, founded in 1841, by Rev. Alexander Campbell. | Parkersburg, the second city of Western Virginia, and the county seat of Wood County, is pleasantly situated on the Ohio at the mouth of the Little Ka- nawha River. It was laid out in 1817, incorporated in 1820, and chartered in 1860. It has had a rapid growth since the formation of the State; the streets are well laid out. Oil wells abound in the vicinity. Good turnpike roads lead to Winchester and Staunton. Popula- tion 6,000. THE SPRINGS. As the springs of Virginia furnish an important characteristic feature of the State, and annually attract a large con- course of visitors, I have thought it best to devote a considerable portion of this chapter wholly to them. First, as to the best means of reaching them. From Richmond, the Virginia Central via Staun- ton, Goshen to Millboro', and thence by 46 THE SPRINGS.] [THE SPRINGS. | to his disease. "Whether he employs a physician or not, let me say to the inva- lid: 'Be in slow haste.' Survey the whole ground according to the sugges- tions I have laid before you. Do not gulp down large quantities of water to expedite a cure. It would be about as wise as the conduct of a man who eats to repletion, in order to get the worth of his money, or as that of the old negro who swallowed down all the physic left by his master, lest it should go to waste. Be moderate in all things. Take the water so as to insure its gradual diffusion through your system, that you may ob- tain that invisible and silent alterative ac- tion which is eventually to eradicate your disease. Go to work coolly, calmly, and systematically, and you will own the ben- efit of the advice." "Follow as near as circumstances will permit the following course of treatment: If the weather and other circumstances admit, rise about 6, throw your cloak on your shoulders, visit the Spring, take a small-sized tumbler of water, move about in a brisk walk; drink again at 6, continuing moderate exer- cise-again at 7; breakfast about 8, but let it be moderate and of suitable quality. In most cases, a nice tender mutton-chop, or a fresh soft-boiled egg, or venison, or beef-steak is admissible. Eat stale bread, or corn mush, or hominy-the latter a delightful article to be found at some of the Springs-a cup of black tea, not strong, or a glass of unskimmed milk. If you value your health less than the grati- fication of your palate and stomach, you can indulge in buckwheat cakes, floating in butter, omelets of stale eggs, strong coffee, half-baked pastry, rich patés, hot bread, and such like, and take the conse- quences. After breakfast, walk, ride, or drive till near noon. Eat no luncheon at noon, but take a glass of water, and walk in the shade. Drink again at 12—again at 1. Dine about 2. Eat for Eat for nourishment, and not for luxury. Avoid bad potatoes, cabbage, beets, turnips, onions, salt meat of every description, pastry, fruits, either cooked or in their natural state. Though innocent else- where, they are not usually so at mineral waters. Amuse yourself in social inter- course or gentle exercise until 6, take a glass of water-walk or ride until sup-hunting-ground of the Shawnees, a tradi- per-take a cup of black tea or a glass of milk and a cracker." Avoid as much as possible all excitements and late hours. The White Sulphur Springs. Not knowing which of the several routes our traveller may desire to follow, we shall, instead of journeying in any prescribed line from Spring to Spring, jump at once to that central and most famous point, the White Sulphur. This favorite Spa is on Howard's Creek, in Greenbrier County, directly on the edge of the Great Western Valley, and near the base of the Alleghany range of mountains, which rise at all points in picturesque and winning beauty. Kate's Mountain, which recalls some heroic exploits of an Indian maiden of long ago, is one fine point in the scene, southward; while the Greenbrier Hills lie two miles away, toward the west, and the lofty Alleghany towers up ma- jestically on the north and east. The Hot Spring is 38 miles distant, on the north; the Sweet Spring, 17 miles to the eastward; the Salt and the Red Springs, 24 and 41 miles, respectively, on the south; and the Blue Spring, 22 miles away, on the west. The vicinage of the White Sulphur is as grateful in natural attraction as the waters are admirable in medicinal value. Its locale is a charming valley, environed, like that of Rasselas, by soaring hills, and the summer home in its midst has all the conveniences and luxuries of a veritable Castle of Indo- lence. Fifty acres, perhaps, are occupied with lawns and walks, and the cabins and cottages of the guests, built in rows around the public apartments, the dining- room, the ball-room, etc., give the place quite a merry, happy village air. There is Alabama Row, Louisiana, Paradise, Baltimore, and Virginia Rows, Georgia, Wolf, and Bachelor's Rows, Broadway, the Colonnade, Virginia Lawn, the Spring, and other specialties. The cot- tages are built of wood, brick, and of logs, one story high; and, altogether, the social arrangement and spirit here, as at all the surrounding Springs, has a pleas- ant, quiet, home sentiment, very much more desirable than the metropolitan temper of more accessible and more thronged resorts. It is said that the site of these Springs was once the favorite | VIRGINIA. M 47 THE SPRINGS.] tion supported by the remains found in various parts of the valley, in the shape of implements of the chase and ancient graves. It is not known precisely at what period the Spring was discovered. Though the Indians undoubtedly knew its virtues, there is no record of its being used by the whites until 1778. Log- cabins were first erected on the spot in 1784-'86, and the place began to assume something of its present aspect about 1820. Since then it has been yearly im- proved, until it is capable of pleasantly housing some 1,500 guests. The spring bubbles up from the earth in the lowest part of the valley, and is covered by a pavilion, formed of twelve Ionic columns, supporting a dome, crowned by a statue of Hygeia. The Spring is at an elevation of 2,000 feet above tide-water. Its tem- perature is 62° Fahrenheit, and is uniform through all seasons. Its average yield is about thirty gallons per minute, and the supply is neither diminished in dry weath- er, nor increased by the longest rains. The Salt Sulphur Springs, three in num- ber, are about twenty-four miles from the White Sulphur, near Union, the capital of Monroe County. Like the White Sul- phur, they are beautifully nestled in the lap of mountain ranges. The Springs are near the eastern base of Swope's Mountain. On the north, the Alleghany rises, while Peter's Mountain extends on the south and east. The Salt Sulphur was discovered in 1805, by Mr. Irwin Benson, while boring for salt water, which he was led to hope for by the fact that the spot had formerly been a favor- ite "lick" for deer and buffalo. The hotels and cottages at the Salt Sulphur have accommodation for four hundred guests. VIRGINIA. The Blue Sulphur Spring, in Green- brier County, is another sweet valley nook, 22 miles west of the White Sul- phur, 32 north by east from the Red Sulphur, and 13 from Lewisburg. It is upon the turnpike road to Guyandotte, on the Ohio. Its geographical position is within the magic hill-circle of the great group of the Westerne Springs, en- joying all the healthful climates of that most salubrious of regions. A fine hotel 180 feet in length, built of brick, with piazzas extending its entire length, affords [THE SPRINGS. good accommodation during the season. The Red Sulphur Springs, in the south- ern portion of Monroe County, are 42 miles below the White Sulphur, 17 from the Salt, 32 from the Blue, and 39 from the Sweet. The approach to these Springs is beautifully romantic and picturesque. Wending his way around a high moun- tain, the weary traveller is for a moment charmed out of his fatigue by the sudden view of his resting-place, some hundreds of feet immediately beneath him. Con- tinuing the circuitous descent, he at length reaches a ravine, which conducts him, after a few rugged steps, to the en- trance of a verdant glen, surrounded on all sides by lofty mountains. The south end of this enchanting vale, which is the widest portion of it, is about two hundred feet in width. Its course is nearly north for about one hundred and fifty yards, when it begins gradually to contract, and changes its direction to the northwest and west, until it terminates in a narrow point. This beautifully secluded Tempe is the chosen site of the village. The northwest portion is occupied by stables, carriage-houses, and shops of various sorts; the southern portion, just at the base of the east and west mountains, is that upon which stand the various edi- fices for the accommodation of visitors. These buildings are spacious and con- veniently arranged, while the prome- nades, which are neatly enclosed by a white railing, are beautifully embellished, and shaded from the mid-day sun by large, umbrageous sugar-maples. The Spring is situated at the southwest point of the valley, and the water is collected into two white marble fountains, over which is thrown a substantial cover. These Springs have been known and dis- tinguished as a watering-place for nearly sixty years. The improvements at the place are extensive and well-designed, combining elegance with comfort, and are sufficient for the accommodation of 350 persons. The water of the spring is clear and cool, its temperature being 54° Fahrenheit. The Sweet Springs are in the eastern part of Monroe County, 17 miles southeast of the White Sulphur and 22 from the Salt Sulphur. They have been known longer than any other mineral waters in Virginia, having been 48 THE SPRINGS.] So long analyzed discovered as early as 1764. ago as 1774 these waters were by Bishop Madison, then the President of William and Mary College. They lie in a lovely valley, five miles in length, and between a mile and half a mile broad. The Alleghany Mountain bounds them on the north, and the Sweet Spring Mountain | rises on the south. The hotel here is of noble extent, 250 feet long, with a dining- hall of 160 feet. The Red Sweet Springs are a mile only from the Sweet Springs just mentioned, on the way to the White Sulphur. This water is chalybeate, and a powerful agent in cases requiring a tonic treatment. The landscape here is most agreeable. A mile and a half from the Sweet Springs are the Beaver-dam The Fauquier White Sulphur, in Fau- quier County, are 40 miles from Fred- ericksburg and 132 miles from Rich- mond. They are quickly reached by rail from either point. | Jordan's White Sulphur. These Springs are in Frederick County, five miles from Winchester, and one mile and a half from Stephenson Depot, on the Winches- ter and Potomac Railway. Distance from Harper's Ferry 28 miles. Falls. The Capon Springs are 23 miles south- west of Winchester, at the base of the North Mountain. Take the Baltimore and Ohio Railway, from Baltimore to Harper's Ferry, 82 miles; thence the Potomac and Winchester, 32 miles, to Winchester; thence by stage; or take the Orange and Alexandria road from Alexandria, 27 miles, to Manassas Station and the Manassas Gap Railway, 61 miles more, to Strasburg. The Shannondale Springs are in Jef- ferson County, five miles and a half from Charleston, a point on the railway from Harper's Ferry to Winchester. Distance to Charleston from Harper's Ferry, 10 miles; from Baltimore, 92 miles. The Berkeley Springs, Morgan County, are two miles and a half from Sir John's Run, a point on the Baltimore and Ohio Railway 130 miles west of Baltimore. This is a very ancient and distinguished resort, esteemed and frequented by Wash- ington before the Revolution. Commo- dious hotels. THERMAL WATERS. VIRGINIA. [THE SPRINGS. | The Rockbridge Alum Springs are in Rockbridge County, on the main road from Lexington to the Warm Springs, 17 miles from the first and 22 from the sec- ond point. The valley in which they are found lies below the North Mountain on the east and the Mill Mountain on the west. | The Warm Springs are in Bath Coun- ty, about 170 miles, nearly west, on the great Spring route from Staunton. They are situated in a delightful valley, between lofty hill ranges. Fine views are opened all about on the Warm Spring Mountain. From the " Gap," where the road crosses, and from "the Rock, 2,700 feet above tide-water, the display is deservedly famous. "} The Bath Alum Springs are at the eastern base of the Warm Spring Moun- tain, five miles east of the Warm Springs, 47 miles east of the White Sulphur, and 45 west of Staunton. The valley of the Bath Alum is a cosy glen of 1,000 acres, shut in, upon the east, by Mc- Clung's Ridge; on the southeast by Shayer's Mountain; on the west by the Piney Ridge; and on the southwest by Little Piney. Hot Springs.-Five miles removed from the Warm Springs, at the intersec- tion of two narrow valleys, are the Hot Springs. The scenery here, though very agreeable, as is that of all the region round, is not especially striking. Heal- ing Springs, Bath County.-These ther- mal waters lie in a pleasant valley of eight or ten miles' extent, between the Warm Spring Mountain on the east and the Valley Mountain on the west. In the neighborhood is a fine cascade. 3 Dibrell's Spring is on the main road from Lynchburg to the White Sulphur, 19 miles west, by a direct road from the Natural Bridge. It is in the extreme northwestern part of Botetourt County, 30 miles east of the Alleghanies, and at the base of Gordon Mountain. The Alleghany Springs are in Mont- gomery County, on the south fork of the Roanoke River, 10 miles east of Chris- tiansburg, on the Virginia and Tennessee Railway. From Richmond to Christians- 49 THE NATURAL Bridge.] burg, 210 miles west; from Lynchburg, 86 miles. New London Alum is in the County of Campbell, 10 miles southwest of Lynch- burg. VIRGINIA. Grayson's Sulphur are west of the Blue Ridge, in Carroll County, 20 miles south of Wytheville, on the New River -a region of remarkable natural beauty. Pulaski Alum Spring, in Pulaski Coun- ty, on Little Water Creek, 10 miles from Newbern, and seven miles, in a direct line, from the Virginia and Tennessee Railway. The Huguenot Springs is a watering- place in Powhatan County, 17 miles from Richmond. Take the Richmond and Danville Railway to the Springs sta- tion, about 10 miles, thence by good omnibuses or stages. A pleasant excur- sion from Richmond. There are many other mineral fountains in Virginia, dis- covered and undiscovered. We have mentioned only those of much resort. [THE NATURAL BRIDGE. tion of the beholder is one of double astonishment: first, at the absolute sub- limity of the scene; next, at the total in- adequacy of the descriptions he has read, and the pictures he has seen, to produce in his mind the faintest idea of the re- ality. The great height gives the arch an air of grace and lightness that must be seen to be felt, and the power of speech is for a moment lost in contem- plating the immense dimensions of the surrounding objects. The middle of the arch is forty-five feet in perpendicular thickness, which increases to sixty at its juncture with the vast abutments. Its top, which is covered with soil supporting shrubs of various sizes, is two hundred and ten feet high. It is sixty feet wide, and its span is almost ninety feet. Across the top passes a public road, and being in the same plane with the neigh- boring country, you may cross it in a coach without being aware of the inter- esting pass. There are several forest trees of large dimensions growing near the edge of the creek directly under the arch, which do not nearly reach its low- est part. The most imposing view is from about sixty yards below the bridge, close to the edge of the creek; from that position the arch appears thinner, lighter, and loftier. From the edge of the creek, at some distance above the bridge, you look at the thicker side of the arch, which from this point of view approaches somewhat to the Gothic. A little above the bridge, on the western side of the creek, the wall of rock is broken into buttress-like masses, which rise almost perpendicularly to a height of nearly two hundred and fifty feet, terminating in separate pinnacles which overlook the bridge. When you are exactly under the arch, and cast your glance upward, the space appears immense; and the symme- try of the ellipsoidal concave formed by the arch and the gigantic walls from which it springs, is wonderfully pleasing. From this position the views in both directions are sublime and striking from the im- mense height of the rocky walls, stretch- ing away in various curves, covered in some places by the drapery of the forest, green and graceful, and in others without a bramble or a bush, bare and blue. The Peaks of Otter.-These famous The Natural Bridge is in Rockbridge County, in Western Virginia, 63 miles from the White Sulphur Springs. From Washington, the traveller hither may take the Orange and Alexandria Railway to Gordonsville, on the Virginia Central and the Central to Millboro', and thence by stage. From Richmond or other points by railway to Lynchburg, and thence by canal packet thirty-five miles to the bridge. From Lexington the distance is 14 miles, six of which are over a heavy road. It is situated at the bottom of the deep chasm in which flows the little stream called Cedar Creek, and across the top of which, from brink to brink, there still ex- tends an enormous rocky stratum, that time and gravity have moulded into a graceful arch. The bed of Cedar Creek is more than two hundred feet below the surface of the plain, and the sides of the enormous chasm, at the bottom of which the water flows, are composed of solid rock, maintaining a position almost per- pendicular. These adamantine walls do not seem to be water-worn, but suggest the idea of an enormous cavern, that in remote ages may have been covered for miles by the continuation of that stratum of which all that now remains is the arch of the Natural Bridge. The first sensa- 50 THE PEAKS OF OTTER.] [THE PEAKS OF OTTER, (6 mountain heights are in the same region as the Natural Bridge. They lie in the county of Bedford, 10 miles from the village of Liberty, and 35 miles from Lynchburg. The summits of the Peaks of Otter are about two miles apart. The northern mountain rises 4,200 feet above the plain and 5,307 above the sea. It is the south- ern or conical peak which is most of ten ascended. "After riding about a quarter of a mile," says a visitor to these peaks, we came to the point beyond which horses cannot be taken, and dis- mounting from our steeds, commenced ascending on foot; the way was very steep, and the day so warm that we had to halt often to take breath. As we ap- proached the summit, the trees were all of a dwarfish growth, and twisted and gnarled by the storms of that high re- gion. There were also a few blackberry bushes, bearing their fruit long after the season had passed below. A few minutes longer brought us to where the trees ceased to grow; but a huge mass of rocks, piled wildly on top of each other, finished the termination of the peak. Our path lay for some distance around the base of it, and under the overhang- ing battlements, and rather descending for a while, until it led to a part of the pile which could with some effort be scaled. There was no ladder, nor any ar- tificial steps, and the only means of as- cent was by climbing over the successive rocks. We soon stood upon the wild platform of one of Nature's most magnifi- cent observatories, isolated and appar- ently above all things else terrestrial, and looking down upon and over a beautiful, variegated, and at the same time grand, wild, wonderful, and almost boundless panorama. Indeed, it was literally boundless, for there was a considerable haze resting upon some parts of the 'world below,' so that, in the distant ho- rizon, the earth and sky seemed insensi- bly to mingle with each other. I had been there before. I remember, when a boy of little more than ten years old, to have been taken to that spot, and how my unpractised nerves forsook me at the sublimity of the scene. On this day it was as new as ever; as wild, wonderful, and sublime as if I had never before looked from those isolated rocks, or stood on that awful summit. On one side, tow- ard Eastern Virginia, lay a compara- tively level country in the distance, bear- ing strong resemblance to the ocean; on the other hand were ranges of high mountains, interspersed with cultivated spots, and then terminating in piles of mountains, following in successive ranges, until they were lost also in the haze. Above and below, the Blue Ridge and Alleghanies ran off in long lines; sometimes relieved by knolls and peaks, and in one place above us making a grace- ful curve, and then again running off in a different line of direction. North of us, and on the other side of the Valley of Virginia, were the mountains near Lex- ington, just as seen from that beautiful village the Jump, North, and House Mountains succeeding each other. They were familiar with a thousand associa- tions of our childhood, seeming mysteri- ously, when away from the spot, to bring my early home before me-not in imagi- nation such as had often haunted me when I first left to find another in the world, but in substantial reality. Fur- ther on down the valley, and at a great distance, was the top of a large moun- tain, which was thought to be the Great North Mountain, away down in Shenan- doah County. I am afraid to say how far off. Intermediate between these mountains, and extending opposite and far above us, was the Valley of Virginia, with its numerous and highly cultivated farms. Across this valley, and in the distance, lay the remote ranges of the Alleghany, and mountains about, and, I suppose beyond, the White Sulphur Springs. Nearer us, and separating East- ern and Western Virginia, was the Blue Ridge, more than ever showing the pro- priety of its cognomen of the 'back bone,' and on which we could distinctly see two zigzag turnpikes, the one leading to Fincastle, and the other to Buchanan, and over which latter we had travelled a few days before. With the spy-glass we could distinguish the houses in the village of Fincastle, some twenty-five or thirty miles off, and the road leading to the town. Turning toward the direction of our morning's ride, we had beneath us Bedford County, with its smaller moun- tains, farms, and farm-houses, the beauti- | VIRGINIA. 1 51 MADISON'S CAVE.] ful village of Liberty, the county roads, and occasionally a mill-pond, reflecting the sun like a sheet of polished silver. The houses on the hill at Lynchburg, twenty-five or thirty miles distant, are distinctly visible on a clear day, and also Willis' Mountain, away down in Bucking- ham County. The tourist may take a carriage from Liberty or at Buchanan, to the Peaks. A fine, well-graded turnpike leads thence, and a good hotel is at the base of the mountain." Weyer's Cave. This wonderful place, scarcely inferior in its mysterious grandeur to the celebrated Mammoth Cave of Kentucky, is in the northeastern corner of Augusta County, 77 miles from Staunton (on the Central Railway), 16 miles from Waynesboro', and 32 from Charlottesville. This cave was named after Bernard Weyer, who dis- covered it in 1804, while in chase of a wild animal who fled thither for escape. Many of the countless apartments in this grand subterranean castle are of exquisite beauty-others, again, are magnificent in their grand extent. Washington Hall, the largest chamber, is upwards of 250 feet in length. Following its various avenues, the visitor may traverse this cave upwards of half a mile. To see it in all its beauty, lights should be used. VIRGINIA. [BLOWING CAVE. they do not rise and fall in correspond- ence with that in times of flood, or of drought, and because the water is always cool. It is probably one of the many reservoirs with which the interior parts of the earth are supposed to abound. The vault of this cave is of solid lime- stone, from 20 to 40 or 50 feet high, through which water is continually perco- lating. This, trickling down the sides of the cave, has incrusted them over in the form of elegant drapery; and dripping from the top of the vault generates on that, and on the base below, stalactites of a conical form, some of which have met and formed massive columns." The Blowing Cave is on the stage road be- tween the Rockbridge and the Bath Alum Springs, one mile west of the vil- lage of Millboro'. When the internal and external atmosphere is the same, there is no perceptible current issuing from it. In intense hot weather, the air comes out with so much force as to prostrate the weeds at the entrance. In intense cold weather, the air draws in. There is a Flowing and Ebbing Spring on the same stream with the Blowing Cave. The Hawk's Nest, sometimes called Mar- shall's Pillar, is on New River, in Fayette County, a few rods only from the road lead- ing from Guyandotte, on the Ohio, to the White Sulphur Springs-96 miles from Guyandotte, and 64 miles from the Springs. It is an immense pillar of rock, with a vertical height of 1,000 feet above the bed of the river. "You leave the road by a little by-path, and after pursuing it for a short distance, the whole scene suddenly breaks upon you. But how shall we describe it? great charm of the whole is connected with the point of sight, which is the finest imaginable. You come suddenly to a spot which is called the Hawk's Nest. It projects on the scene, and is so small as to give standing only to some half dozen persons. It has on its head an old picturesque pine; and it breaks away at your feet abruptly and in perpendicu- lar lines, to a depth of more than 1,000 feet. Standing on this ledge, which, by its elevated and detached character, affects you with dizziness, the forest rises above and around you. Beneath and be- fore you is spread a lovely valley. A The "" Madison's Cave, within a few hundred yards of Weyer's, is thus described by Mr. Jefferson, in his "Notes on Virginia: "It is on the north side of the Blue Ridge, near the intersection of the Rock- ingham and Augusta line with the south fork of the southern river Shenandoah. It is in a hill of about 200 feet perpen- dicular height, the ascent of which on one side is so steep, that you may pitch a biscuit from its summit into the river which washes its base. The entrance of the cave is in this side, about two-thirds of the way up. It extends into the earth about 300 feet, branching into subordi- nate caverns, sometimes ascending a lit- tle, but more generally descending, and at length terminates in two different places at basins of water of unknown ex- tent, and which I should judge to be nearly on a level with the water of the river; however, I do not think they are formed by refluent water from that, be- cause they are never turbid; because CRY 52 THE ICE MOUNTAIN.] peaceful river glides down it, reflecting, | like a mirror, all the lights of heaven, washes the foot of the rocks on which you are standing, and then winds away into another valley at your right. The trees of the wood, in all their variety, stand out on the verdant bottoms, with their heads in the sun, and casting their shadows at your feet, but so diminished as to look more like the pictures of the things than the things themselves. The green hills rise on either hand and all around, and give completeness and beauty to the scene. Beyond these appears the gray outline of the more dis- tant mountains, bestowing grandeur to what was supremely beautiful. It is ex- quisite. It conveys to you the idea of per- fect solitude." The Ice Mountain is a re- markable natural curiosity, in the county of Hampshire. It is upon the North River (eastern bank), 26 miles northwest of Winchester (see Baltimore and Ohio Rail- way). The Salt Pond is a charming lake, on the summit of Salt Pond Mountain, one of the highest peaks of the Alleghanies. It is in Giles County, 10 miles east of Parisburg and five miles from the Hy- VIRGINIA. [THE HANGING ROCKS. geian Springs. It abounds in fresh trout and other fish. Caudy's Castle was so named from having been the retreat of an early settler, when pursued by the Indians. It is the fragment of a mountain, in the shape of a half cone, with a very narrow base, which rises from the banks of the Ca- pon to the height of about 500 feet, and presents a sublime and majestic appear- ance. Caudy's Castle, as also the Tea-Ta- ble, and the Hanging Rocks, mentioned be- low, may all be visited from the Capon Springs. The Tea-Table is about 10 miles from Caudy's Castle, in a deep, rugged glen three or four miles east of the Capon. It is about four feet in height, and the same in diameter. From the top issues a clear stream of water, which flows over the brim on all sides, and forms a fountain of exquisite beauty. The Hanging Rocks are about four miles north of Romney. There the Wappatomka River has cut its way through the mountain of about 500 feet in height. The boldness of the rocks and the wildness of the scene surprise the beholder. Tradition makes it the scene of a bloody battle between the Delaware and Catawba Indians. | 53 | I 1 I 1 NORTH CAROLINA.] NORTH CAROLINA. NORTH CAROLINA. IMMEDIATELY south of Virginia, and easily accessible either by land or water, lies NORTH CAROLINA, also one of the original Thirteen States of the American Confederacy. It lies between 33° 53' and 36° 33′ N. latitude, and between 75° 25' and 84° 30′ W. longitude, and in- cludes an area of 50,704 square miles, or 32,450,560 acres. It is bounded on the east and southeast by the Atlantic; on the south by South Carolina and Geor- gia; and northwest by Tennessee, from which it is separated by the Appalachian Mountains. The history of the region does not pre- sent many very brilliant points, although attempts to colonize it were made at a very early day-as long ago as 1585-'89, by Sir Walter Raleigh-and though the people were engaged like their neigh- bors, in bloody struggles with the Indian tribes. The first permanent settlement was made in 1653. Yet the State did memorable service in the Revolution, and especially in being the first publicly and solemnly to renounce allegiance to the British crown, which she did in the famous Mecklenburg Declaration of Inde-❘ pendence, May 20, 1775-more than a year before the similar formal assertion of the other States. On the 20th of May, 1861, the 86th anniversary of the Meck- lenburg Declaration of Independence, the Ordinance of Secession was passed. Mili- tary operations were immediately com- menced; Federal forts, mint, and arsenal seized, and by June 15th a force of 20,- 000 volunteers had been raised for the service of the Confederacy. During the memorable campaigns toward the close of the rebellion, this State was the scene of many a bloody battle. The naval bombardment and final capture of Fort Fisher, followed as it was by the occupa- [NORTH CAROLINA. tion of Wilmington, Petersburg, and Richmond, formed one of the most bril- liant as well as decisive events of the whole war. In picturesque attraction the State is popularly considered to be wholly desti- tute an impression which results from an erroneous estimate of her topography, which travellers in the course of years have made, from the uninteresting forest travel in the eastern portion, traversed by the great railway thoroughfares from the Northern to the Southern States; the only highway until within very late years, and to this day the only one very much in use. The eastern part of North Caro- lina, stretching sixty miles inland, is a vast plain, sandy, and overrun with interminable forests of pine. Yet this wilderness is not without points and im- pressions of interest to the tourist, more particularly when it is broken, as it often is, by great stretches of dank marsh, sometimes opening into mystical-looking lakes, as on the Little Dismal Swamp, lying between Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds, and on the Great Dismal Swamp, which the State shares with Virginia. The staple productions of the "piney woods country," as it is called, are tar, pitch, and turpentine. The coast, too, of North Carolina, is one of the most celebrated on the western borders of the Atlantic-the one most watched and feared by mariners and all voyagers, that upon which the dreaded Capes Hatteras, Lookout, and Fear are found. While the innumerable bays, shoals, and islands are thus cautious- ly avoided by the passing mariner, they are as eagerly sought by the fisherman and the sportsman. Immense quantities of shad, and herring, and other fish, are taken here, and the estuaries of the rivers and the bays are among the favorite re- 54 NORTH CAROLINA.] sorts of wild fowl of every species, mak- ing this coast scarcely less attractive to the sportsman than is the Chesapeake Bay and the shores of Long Island. NORTH CAROLINA. The level region extends about 60 miles from the coast, and is succeeded by the hilly country in the centre, which in turn gives place to the mountainous re- gion of the west. This section, when it comes to be better known, as the railways now approaching it from all sides promise that it soon will be, will place the State in public estimation among the most strikingly picturesque portions of the Union. The two great ridges of the Al- leghanies traverse this region, some of their peaks rising to the noblest heights, and one of them (Mount Mitchell) reach- ing a greater altitude than any summit east of the Rocky Mountains. brooks innumerable and of the richest beauty, water-falls, and lovely valleys, are found in this yet almost unknown land. Wild [RALEIGH. | the State, to the Atlantic. A few small streams empty into the Tennessee. The Roanoke and the Chowan extend from Virginia to Albemarle Sound. The Cape Fear River traverses the State and enters the sea near the southern extremity of the State. Travellers by the old steam- boat route from Wilmington to Charles- ton will remember the passage of this river from the former place, 20 miles to its mouth at Smithville. The Neuse and the famous Tar River come from the north to Pamlico Sound. The Yad- kin and the Catawba enter South Caroli- na, and are there called, one the Great Pedee, and the other the Wateree. These and the other rivers of this State are so greatly obstructed at their mouths by sand-banks, and above by rapids and falls, that their waters are not navigable for any great distance, or by any other than small craft. than small craft. Vessels drawing ten or twelve feet of water ascend the Cape Fear River as far as Wilmington, and light- draught steamboats go to Fayetteville. Steamboats sail up the Neuse 120 miles to Waynesboro, up the Tar 100 miles to Tarborough, up the Roanoke 120 miles to Halifax, and up the Chowan 75 miles. The State is divided into 86 counties, and contained in 1860 a population of nearly one million. Raleigh, near the Neuse River, is the capital of the State; and Wilmington, 20 miles from the mouth of the Cape Fear River, is its chief commer- cial city. | Mineral products of great variety and value are found in North Carolina, as in the neighboring mountain districts of South Carolina and Georgia. Until the discovery of the auriferous lands of Cali- fornia, this was the most abundant gold tract in the United States. The mines here of this monarch of metals have been profitably worked for many years. At the branch mint in Charlotte, in the min- ing region, gold was coined, between and including the years 1838 and 1853, to the value of no less than $3,790,033; the highest annual product being $396,734, in the year 1852. "The copper lands of the State," says Professor Jackson, "are unparalleled in richness. Coal, too, both bituminous and anthracite, is found here in great abundance and of the finest quality. Iron ore also exists throughout the mountain districts. Limestone and freestone may be had in inexhaustible supply. Marl is abundant in all the counties on the coast, and silver, lead, manganese, salt, and gypsum, have been discovered.' The rivers of North Carolina have no very marked picturesque character, ex- cept the mountain streams in the west, which are almost inaccessible. The greater number of the rivers run from 200 to 400 miles, in a southeast direction, through Raleigh, HOTEL, Yarborough, 286 miles from Washington, is reached from Richmond, Va., via Weldon, and thence by the Raleigh and Gaston Railway, 97 miles. It is the capital of the State, and is beautifully situated four miles west of the Neuse River, a little northeast of the centre of the State. The seat of Government was located here in 1788, and named after Sir Walter Raleigh. Union Square is an open area of ten acres, occupying a centre, on the sides of which are the principal streets. The State House, which is on this square, is one of the most imposing capitols of the United States. It is built of gran- ite, after the model of the Parthenon, with massive columns and a grand dome, and cost half a million dollars, equal at the present time to nearly twice that sum. 55 [CHARLOTTE. chief commercial city of North Carolina, is in the southeastern extremity of the State, upon the Cape Fear River, 20 miles from the sea, 135 miles southeast of Raleigh, and 162 from Weldon. It was originally called Newton, and was named Wilmington after the English nobleman of that name, to whose patronage Governor Johnston was indebted for his office. It offers, however, no very great attractions to the traveller in quest of the pictur- Weldon, HOTEL, Gouch's, is situ- ated on the Roanoke River, at the head of steamboat navigation, 95 miles north-esque, though it played a part in the drama of the Revolution. Major Craig took possession of the town in January, 1781, and occupied it until the surrender of Cornwallis. It fell into the possession of the combined military and naval Union forces, February 22, 1865. It has been twice visited by fire, first in 1819, and last upon the evacuation of the rebel troops in 1865. It has several fine pub- lic buildings, a theatre, three newspapers, but no good hotel. Population 10,000. Steamships ply weekly to New York; daily communication by rail with Rich- mond and Charleston, S. C. Forts Fish- er and Caswell, and the village of Smith- ville, at the mouth of the Cape Fear River, will interest the visitor. The first- named work withstood the most terrific bombardment of the war through two attacks, but was finally captured with the aid of the land forces under General Terry, Feburary 15th, 1865, after a most gallant defence. Fayetteville is at the head of navigation on Cape Fear River, 60 miles south of Raleigh, and 100 miles above Wilmington. Reached at present on plank roads from Raleigh, and from the Wilmington and Weldon Railway. Pre- vious to the war it was a thriving city of 8,000 inhabitants. Here General Sher- man halted his army from the 12th to the 15th of March, 1865, previous to cross- ing the river to Goldsboro'. The arsenal and other important buildings were de stroyed. WILMINGTON.] A The former State House was destroyed by fire in 1831, and with it the celebrated statue of Washington by Canova. destructive fire on the 7th of January, 1831, laid a great partion of the city in ashes. The State Lunatic Asylum, and the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, are both located here. Popula- tion 5,000. NORTH CAROLINA. east of Raleigh. It is an important rail- read centre, and a place of considerable trade. Goldsboro', in Wayne County, is situated near the Neuse River, at the point where it is crossed by the Wilming- ton and Weldon Railway, 50 miles south- east of Raleigh. The Neuse is navigable to this point three-fourths of the year. The city has immediate railroad connec- tion with roads north and south. It was occupied by the Federal forces in March, 1865. It has had a very rapid growth. The first house was erected in 1841, the present population exceeds 3,500. The Granger House has good accommodation for travellers. Newbern, a pleasant old town of about 5,000 inhabitants, is at the conflu- ence of the Neuse and the Trent Rivers, midway on the Atlantic line of the State, 50 miles above Pamlico Sound. It is on the line of the Atlantic and North Caro- lina Railway, which extends from Golds- boro' to Morehead City, opposite Beau- fort. Distance from Goldsboro', 59 miles; from Morehead City, 36 miles. This place was attacked and captured during the late war by the forces under General Burnside, March 14, 1861, after a sharp engagement of four hours. Beaufort is at the mouth of New- port River, 168 miles east-southeast of Raleigh, and 11 miles northwest of Cape Lookout. The harbor, the best in the State, was much frequented by the several naval expeditions fitted out against Fort Fisher, Wilmington, and other points on the coast. Fort Macon, at the entrance to the harbor, is worthy a visit. The beach in the vicinity affords fine bathing. Wilmington, the largest and the } Charlotte.-IIOTEL, Mansion House. This is a thriving town on Sugar Creek, 158 miles west-southwest of Raleigh. Distant from Charleston, 237 miles; from Columbia, S. C., 109 miles. A plank road runs 120 miles to Fayetteville, on Cape Fear River. The town lies in the midst of 56 The THE MOUNTAIN REGION.] the gold region of the State, and is the seat | of a United States branch mint. Some interesting historical memories are awak- ened at Charlotte. It was here that the patriots of Mecklenburg County assem- bled in convention, in 1775, and boldly passed a series of resolutions, declaring themselves independent of the British Crown, thus anticipating by a year the immortal Declaration of "76. The British troops occupied the town in 1780, and for a little while it was the headquarters of the American forces. Here General Greene took command of the Southern army from General Gates, fifty days after the departure of Cornwallis. Battle of Guilford Court House.—The scene of this interesting event in the history of the American Revolution is in the County of Guilford, in the northwestern part of the State. NORTH CAROLINA. [THE MOUNTAIN REGION. bold peak, almost isolated in the midst of a comparatively level region. In the olden time it was the landmark of the Indians in their forest wanderings; hence its present name. The Hawk's Bill, in Burke County, is a stupendous projecting cliff, looking down 1,500 feet upon the waters of a rushing river. The Table Rock, a few miles below the Hawk's Bill, rises cone-shaped, 2,500 feet above the valley of the Catawba River. The Ginger Cake Rock, also in Burke County, is a singular pile, upon the summit of the Ginger Cake Mountain. It is a natural stone structure, in the form of an invert- ed pyramid, 29 feet in height. It is crowned with a slab, 32 feet long and two feet thick, which projects half its length beyond the edge of the pyramid upon which it is so strangely poised. Though seeming just ready to fall, noth- ing could be more secure. A fine view down the dark ravine below is command- ed at this point. The French Broad River, in its wild mountain course of 40 miles or more, from Asheville to the Tennessee line, abounds in admirable scenes. It is a rapid stream, and in all its course lies deep down in mountain gorges-now foaming over its rocky path- way, and now sleeping, sullen and dark, at the base of huge precipitous cliffs. A fine highway follows its banks, and often trespasses upon its waters, as it is crowd- by the overhanging cliffs. Near the Tennessee boundary, and close by the Warm Springs, this road lies in the shadow of the bold mountain precipices THE MOUNTAIN REGION. To reach the mountain region of North Carolina from the north, follow the great southern route from Washington, via the Orange and Alexandria, Virginia and Ten- nessee, and the East Tennessee and Vir- ginia Railway, via Lynchburg to Bristol. From Charleston, S. C., take the South Carolina Railway to Spartanburg, and thence by stage to Asheville; or railway lines through from Charleston, via Colum- bia, S. C., and Charlotte, N. C., to Salis-ed bury, on the North Carolina Central route, and thence to Catawba, Morganton, and Asheville. The Swannonoa Gap is a magnificent mountain pass, between Ashe-known as the Painted Rocks and the ville and Morganton. The Falls of the Chimneys. The Painted Rocks have a Catawba are hard by. The Hickory Nut perpendicular elevation of between 200 Gap is another grand cleft in the giant and 300 feet. Their name is derived hills, rich in wonderful pictures of preci- from the Indian pictures yet to be seen pices and cascades. Black Mountain, 20 upon them. The Chimneys are lofty miles northeast of Asheville, is a semi- cliffs, broken at their summits into detach- circular mass of land, about 20 miles in ed piles of rock, bearing much the like- length, deriving its name from the dark- ness of colossal chimneys, a fancy great- green foliage of the balsam fir-trees ly improved by the fire-place looking re- which line its top and sides. Clingman's cesses at their base, and which serve as and Mitchell's Peaks, the former 6,941, turnouts in the narrow causeway. The and the latter 6,732 feet high, are the picture embracing the angle in the river, most elevated points east of the Rocky beyond the Chimney Rocks, is especially Mountain ranges. The scene from either fine. The Indian name of the French summit is one of surpassing grandeur. Broad is Tselica. Under this title Mr. W. Pilot Mountain, in Burke County, is a Gilmore Simms has woven into beautiful 57 THE MOUNTAIN REGION.] verse a charming legend of the river. | "The tradition of the Cherokees," he says, "asserts the existence of a siren in the French Broad, who implores the hunter to the stream, and strangles him in her embrace, or so infects him with some mortal disease, that he invariably 58 | NORTH CAROLINA. [THE MOUNTAIN Region. perishes." The Warm Springs, across the river from the vicinage of the Painted Rocks, is a very pleasant and popular summer resort. The excellent hotel here occupies a fine plateau, very grateful to the sight, in its contrast with the rugged character of the wild landscape around. SOUTH CAROLINA.] SOUTH CAROLINA. SOUTH CAROLINA. | SOUTH CAROLINA is one of the most in- teresting States in the Union, in its legen- dary and historical story, in its social characteristics, and in its physical aspect. Upon its settlement by the English, in 1670, John Locke, the famous philoso- pher, framed a constitution for the young colony, after the pattern of that of Plato's Model Republic. The first settlement was at Port Royal. Later (1690), the na- tive poetic humor of the people received a new stimulus from the influx of French Huguenots, driven from their own land by the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. South Carolina remained a proprietary government until 1719, when it became a royal colony. The chivalric spirit of the people was fostered by the wars which they shared with the Georgians, under Oglethorpe, against the Spaniards in Flor- ida, and by the gallant struggles in which they were perpetually involved with the Yemassee and other Indian tribes. Next came the long and painful trial of the Revolution, in which these resolute peo- ple were among the first and most ardent to take up arms in the cause of right the most persistent and self-sacrificing in the prosecution of the contest, under every rebuff, and the last to leave the bloody and devastating fight. The colony took an active part in exciting and carrying on the revolt of the colonies, and furnished upwards of 6,000 troops to the Federal forces. Among the conspicuous fights which took place within the limits of the State, were those at Fort Moultrie, Charleston, Camden, King's Mountain, Eutaw Springs, and Cowpens. The State was occupied by the British during the greater part of 1780-'81. South Carolina has gone further than any other State in asserting the rights and powers of the sovereign States in op- [SOUTH CAROLINA. position to the Federal Government, and was the first to rise in rebellion after the election of Mr. Lincoln to the Presidency, in 1860. The Ordinance of Secession was passed December 20, 1860, and February 18, 1865, the city of Charleston was occupied by the United States sol- diers, and the national flag again floated over the city and Fort Sumter. on The natural aspect of the Palmetto State is exceedingly varied. is exceedingly varied. On the seaboard and the south broad savannas, and deep, dank lagunes, covered with teeming fields of rice, and fruitful in a thousand changes of tropical vegetation; in the middle dis- tricts great undulating meadows, over- spread with the luxuriant maize, or white with snowy carpetings of cotton; and, again, to the northward, bold mountain ranges, valleys, and waterfalls. The poet has thus recorded its attractions: "The sunny land, the sunny land, where Nature has displayed Her fairest works, with lavish hand, in hill, in vale, and glade; Her streams flow on in melody, through fair and And, from the mountains to the sea, with beauty fruitful plains; plenty reigns." Among the rivers of South Carolina, the Savannah, Great Pedee, the Santee and its affluents, the Congaree and Wat- eree, Saluda and Broad Rivers, Edisto and Combahee, together affording an in- land navigation of 2,400 miles, are the most important. Formerly the most popular resorts for tourists through the State, were Table Mountain and Table Rock, Cæsar's Head, and Glenn's Spring. Owing to the inter- ruption to travel, caused by the war, and the lack of accommodation, the number of visitors to these points has greatly diminished. South Carolina is divided into 59 SOUTH CAROLINA.] [CHARLESTON. 30 Districts, and contained a white pop- | Anderson Branch (Greenville and Colum- ulation, in 1860, of 291,300. bia Road) deflects at Belton, 10 miles to Anderson. From this point, and from Spartanburg, other roads are in progress to connect with the railway routes of North Carolina and Tennessee. The Charleston and Savannah Railway, which was the main highway of travel between these cities previous to the war, has not yet been repaired. Communication is made by steamer daily. SOUTH CAROLINA. RAILWAYS.-The South Carolina Rail- way traverses the lower portion of the State, 137 miles from Charleston to Au- gusta, Georgia. This road was partially destroyed by General Sherman's forces, and has not yet been reopened to travel. The Columbia Branch extends 66 miles from Branchville, midway on the South Carolina Railway to Columbia, the capi- tal of the State. The Northeastern Rail- way from Charleston, 102 miles to Flor- ence, where it connects with the Cheraw and Darlington Railway, 40 miles to Cheraw. The Charlotte and South Caro- lina Railway extends northward, through the mountain region, 105 miles, from Co- lumbia to Charlotte, N. C. The principal places passed are Winchester and Chester. At Chester a railroad diverges for York- ville. The Wilmington and Manchester ex- tends 172 miles from Kingsville, Columbia Branch of South Carolina road. Stations: Kingsville to Wateree Junction, 9 miles (Camden Branch road diverges here); Manchester, 15; Sumterville, 25; Mays- ville, 34; Lynchburg, 43; Timmonsville, 52; Florence, 64 (Northeastern road for Charleston, and the Cheraw and Darling- ton, for Cheraw, diverge here); Mar's Bluffs, 70; Pedee, 76; Marion, 85; Mullen's, 72; Nichol's, 99; Pine Bluff, 108; Grist's, 118; Whitesville, 127; Flemington, 137; 137; Maxwell's, 144; Brinkley's, 154; Wilmington, 171. The Camden Branch extends 37 miles from Kingsville-Stations: Kingsville to Clarkson's, 4 miles Manchester Junction, 9; Middleton, 11; Claremont, 18; Hopkins, 28; Camden, 37 miles. The Greenville and Columbia Railway ex- tends northwest, via Newberry C. H., 143 miles from Columbia to Greenville, with branches and connecting lines to Spartan- burg, Laurensville, Abbeville, and Ander- son. The Spartanburg and Union Rail- | Route from New York, Etc. From New York daily, by railway, to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Fredericksburg, and Richmond, Va., Weldon and Wilmington, N. C.; thence by Wilmington and Manchester Railway to Kingsville, on the Columbia Branch of the South Carolina Road; or more di- rectly by the newer route-via North- eastern Railway, which deflects from the Wilmington and Manchester road at Florence. The pleasantest mode of trav- el, however, from New York to Charleston or Savannah, is at present by Arthur Leary's fine line of steamships, which make the voyage in some 60 hours twice a week, leaving New York every Wednesday and Saturday. Office, 73 William Street. The Peoples' Line also despatch a steamship (Pier No. 37, North River) every Thursday at 3 o'clock P. M.: Livingston, Fox & Co., 141 Broad- way, Agents. The cabin passage on both lines the same. From New Orleans to Charleston.-Steamers daily to Mobile and to Montgomery, Alabama; thence by railway to Atlanta Atlanta; thence, by Georgia Road, to Augusta; thence, by South Carolina Road, to Charleston. From Savannah to Charleston.-Steamers daily, 6 P. M. CHARLESTON, nah. 580 miles from Baltimore, 540 from way deflects at Alston, from the Greenville | Washington City, and 118 from Savan- and Columbia Railway, 55 miles north- west of Columbia. The Laurens road extends 32 miles from Newberry C. H. (Greenville and Columbia Railway) to Laurensville. The Abbeville Branch (Greenville and Columbia Road) deflects at Cokesbury, 19 miles to Abbeville. The HOTELS.-The hotels of Charleston are among the most conspicuous edifices of the city, and are generally well kept. The best known and best ordered are the Mills House and the Charleston Hotel, on 60 Grove M WASHINGTON RACE COURSE Moultrie Huger Congress Cemetery Bennetts Mills PUBLIC CEMETERY West Ro REFERENCES. 1 Old Theatre 2 Ursuline Convent 3 St Andrew's Hall 4 Hebrew Orphan Ho. 5 Court House 6 Main Guard House 7 S. Carolina So. Hall 8 City Hall 9 Charleston Liby So. 10 State Bank Gadsden Pinckney President King St Road Line E Boigard MILL POND Shepherd B Bee Thomas AN SOUTH CAROLINA U.States Arsenal NNONS 0 R Cannon Lucas L Elliot BOROUGH Doughty 18 Union B 19 Lib. Prot Epis. Ch 20 CatholicOrp Ho. 21 Poor House 22 Med. College of S. C. 23 Marine Hospital 24 Jail Pinckney Hutson Boundary 25 Apprentices Lib. So. 26 New Theatre 27 Charleston Hotel Coming! James Ch MILL PON Gadsd Meeting Road R SPhilip RAIL Tho Chisholms Will Bull Morris H Spring ROAD Lynch King Fire Wells Line Rutland Square Columbus Public Marion Fire Comp Ch Nassa Smith Bethel WE Montague P Epis 33 V Rei Wofolee Blake Pitt Coming R Radcliffe Warren RADCLIFFES Hudson anderhorst uncan BOROUGH Bull S Drake Bay Ann College Hannover Tradd E Reid R Wentworth MALL WRAGGS B. Amherst John America 24 Fas Green 30 23 W Orphan's Cha 31 Boundary Counc King Glere South 25 Meeting 32 Beaufain West Magazine 22 Savage 4 Liberty Short Broad Judith 111 Burns Lane George 1 M Shirras Dispensary New hill Green 28 HebSynagogue Cathet Peters Ch 20 Logan Elizabeth MA ZY Charlottel Finbars Tniversalist S&Ste hens Ch hdale R St Mary's Ch. Market 3rt Prest Baptist Ch Friend Chapel Gibbes Payors McElemore I R Legare Dougher CHARLESTON. S BOROUGH Orange Wall Lamboll der Ac Queen Society 29 261 Washington Mech Pro Ch Laurens 127 Rerus ht English W K East Middle 6 Presbyte Franch Morelands Beet King Evang Ch Ger Hasell Trinity Ch. Pinckney Guignard MARKE Cumberland S SPhillips Ch Bap Prices Altist Ch Smiths L. Bay SMichaels 17 Concord Marsh Meeting Inspection Vernon SD South Battery 11 Bank of S. Carolina 12 Rail Road Bank 13 Bank of Charleston 14 Insurance & Trust Co. 15 S. Carolina Bk 16 Exchange 17 Planters & MechBk 28 Masonic Hall 29 High School 30 Charleston College 31 Piquet Guard Ho. 32 Citadel 33 Rail Road Depot 34 2nd Presbyterian Ch. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1849 by W.Williams in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 19 Chalmers 18 10 11 13 20 Broad 14 Veg Fruit Fish Church Bathing Hous anal Wharf math's Wharf Water 1 Wharf Church Frane Pritchards 12 Elliot Tradd White Point East Bay Longitude Stolls adsden's Wharf Wh East Battery Mariners Th Und dan Atlantic 0 en due Range OR Boat Wf. netts Nth Wf PE nett's Ons WT. WT Marsh's we FORW Moms WE nding mons.W simon's S.W tral Wr www.m We WY an Wh sw.w woods.sw Change ᎳᏂ change ce & Cos N.W ENDT&CONW Hatton & Co Vanderhorsts Commer R CommercialW muthern Wh E . CHARLESTON.] Meeting Street. The Pavilion, just opened, is also a good house. These are particularly good specimens of Charles- ton architecture. Charges, $4.00 per day. [CHARLESTON. | Charleston, the metropolis of South Carolina, seven miles from the ocean, is picturesquely situated at the con- fluence of the Ashley and Cooper Riv- ers, which combine to form its harbor. This harbor is spacious, and sufficiently deep to admit vessels drawing 17 feet. The coup d'œil is imposing and high- ly picturesque. Though the grounds are low, hardly more than 12 feet above high water, the effect is fine; and the city, like Venice, seems, at a little dis- tance, to be absolutely rising out of the sea. The bay is almost completely land- locked, making the harborage and road- stead as secure as they are ample. The adjuncts contribute to form a tout ensem- ble of much beauty. Directly at the en- trance of the city stands Castle Pinckney, a fortress which covers an ancient shoal. A little south of Pinckney is Fort Rip- ley, a small square work, built of Pal- metto logs, and filled with paving stones, built in 1862. On the sea-line rises Fort Moultrie, famous, as Fort Sulli- van, in beating off, and nearly destroy- ing, the British fleet, under Sir Peter Parker, in 1776. On the eastern ex- tremity of the same island (Sullivan's), on which Fort Moultrie stands, may yet be traced the outline of the fortress which, under Colonel Thompson, with 700 Carolina rifles, defeated Sir Henry Clinton at the very moment when Moultrie drove Parker away from the South. Within the harbor the most conspicuous object, and the one also of commanding interest, are the ruined walls of Sumter. This fort, with that of Moultrie, once constituted the chief defences of Charleston. The events and operations of which these massive ruins have formed the chief cen- tre and culminating point, are too fresh in the public recollection to require more than a brief retrospect in these pages. The fort, which is an octagonal work of solid masonry, stands in the middle of the harbor. The armament consisted, at the time of the attack, of 140 guns. It was occupied by Major Anderson on the night of Dec. 26, 1860, and at noon of the 27th the Union flag was hoisted over it. On the 11th January following, Gov- ernor Pickens demanded a surrender of the fort, which being refused, prepara- tions were commenced to attack it. Fire was opened under direction of General G. T. Beauregard at 4.30 o'clock a. M., April 11th, 1861, from the batteries on James Island. After a defence of thirty-two hours the garrison surrendered, and were transported to New York in the steamer Baltic. The present condition of the work sufficiently attests the warmth of the second attack, August, 1863. On James Island are seen the ruins of old Fort Johnson. On the opposite headlands of the Haddrill you may trace the old lines which helped in the defence of the city eighty years ago, but which are now mostly covered by the smart vil- lage of Mount Pleasant. These points, north, east, and south, with the city lying west of them, bound the harbor, leaving an ample circuit of bay-coursing over which, from south to north, the eye pur- sues the long stretch of Cooper River, the Etiwando of the red men, along the banks of which, for many miles, the sight is refreshed by noble rice-fields, and in many places by the mansions and home- steads of the former planters. Steamers ply up this river, and return the same day, affording a good bird's-eye view of the settlements, along a very picturesque shore line on either hand. It was up this river that Mr. Webster distinguished himself by shooting an alligator, or rather shooting at him-the alligator diving at the shot, and leaving the matter suffi- ciently doubtful to enable an old lawyer and politician to make a plausible case of it. Standing on James Island, or on the battlements of Fort Sumter, the eye notes the broad stream of the Ashley, winding from west of the city, round its southernmost point, to mingle with the waters of the Cooper. The Ashley was anciently a region of great wealth and mag- nificence. It is still a river of imposing as- pect-broad, capacious, with grassy, well- wooded banks, beyond which you may still behold some antique and noble edi- fices. Within the harbor, Within the harbor, if you can ap- propriate a couple of days, you may find them agreeably employed, especially in the summer months, by a trip to Fort SOUTH CAROLINA. 61 CHARLESTON.] | Sumter, to James Island, to Mount Pleas- ant, and Sullivan's Island. The two lat- ter places are favorite and healthy re- treats for the citizens of Charleston in midsummer. The "Mount Pleasant Hotel," once an ample, cool, and well- kept house, with the usual adjuncts of bowling and billiard-saloons, has not yet quite recovered from the effects of its oc- cupancy as a military hospital. The for- ests in the immediate neighborhood afford find drives and picturesque rambles. The boat_passes in twenty minutes from Mount Pleasant to Sullivan's Island. The Moultrie House, before the war one of the finest watering-places in the Southern country, is now, like Sumter, a mass of ruins. The beach in the vicinity affords fine bathing and a pleasant drive for nearly three miles, to the eastern end end of the island, where the sea, angrily struggling with shoals to press into the estuaries behind Sullivan and Long Islands, keeps up a perpetual and not unpleasant roar. Other objects of interest, and points for recreation and healthful enjoyment, pre- sent themselves in the tour of the harbor, which no one visiting this now memorable city ought to omit seeing. Charleston was originally founded about 1670. It was subsequently laid out on a plan fur- nished from England, which was then considered of a very magnificent scale; but the streets were narrow, though regularly laid out, and no provision was made for public squares. In this respect the city is still very deficient. But the general style of building, which gives to each pri- vate dwelling a large court of its own, with trees and verandahs, renders the want of public squares less sensibly felt. Originally built of wood, and ravaged by frequent fires, Charleston has become in a large degree a city of brick. Its pub- lic buildings are some of them antique as well as noble edifices. St. Michael's Church, on the southeast corner of Broad|fices. and Meeting Streets, built in 1752-'56, the State House (now employed for the courts of Justice), and the Old Custom House, are all solid and imposing structures, raised during the colonial period. St. Michael's Tower is held in great admiration among the Charlestonians. It is from designs by a pupil of Sir Christopher Wren. The SOUTH CAROLINA. [CHARLESTON. Custom House has a traditional character, having been used by the British in the Revolution as the prison-house of the pa- triots. It was in this building that Hayne, the martyr, was kept in bonds; and thence he was led out to execution. The New Custom House, of marble and granite, is an imposing edifice, not yet quite complete. The several churches of St. Philip (Episcopal), St. Finsbar (Cath- olic), Citadel Square (Baptist), Central (Presbyterian), are all fine edifices. St. Finsbar was destroyed during the great fire. The ruins are among the most striking objects of the city. Among oth- er objects of interest is the Orphan Asy- lum, corner Calhoun and St. Philip Sts., a magnificent structure of great capacity. It generally contains from 150 to 250 orphans, the numbers of both sexes being nearly equal. It has a fine museum and library. A statue of William Pitt, some- what defaced by recent acts of violence, stands in front of this edifice. The City Hall, Court House, and Police Court, facing each other at the intersec- tion of Broad and Meeting Streets, are among the most prominent of the strictly municipal buildings left in that part of the city. The Military Academy (citadel) is a State institution. One-half of its members are beneficiary. The plan of education is borrowed, in part, from the system at West Point, and in part from the Polytechnique in Paris. Its graduates are among the most distinguished and successful, perhaps, of all our colleges. To examine these two institutions, will afford the stranger pleasant employment for a day. The Charleston College, founded in 1788. The present structure, fronting on George and Greene Streets, was erected in 1826. The wings were added in 1850. The Public Schools, on St. Philip Street, in the immediate neighborhood of the college building, are also imposing edi- The Jail and Workhouse, on Maga- zine Street, lately occupied as United States barracks for colored troops, are large, castellated structures; as are also the depots of the South Carolina, and Savannah and Charleston Railroads. The old Custom House, on Bay Street, foot of Broad, is interesting, as having been built during the British occupation of the 62 CHARLESTON.] [CHARLESTON. | | | city. The environs of the city afford a | Charleston into the country, was pro- variety of very pleasant drives. The nounced by Archdale, one of the Lords Battery, which is the Charleston Prado, Proprietors, such an avenue as no prince or Plaza, is a place of great resort, and of Europe could boast. This was due to on pleasant afternoons is thronged with the noble oaks and magnolias, the myr- carriages and pedestrians. This is the tles and the jessamines, which lined it on fashionable quarter of the city, and many either hand, making it a covered way, of the private residences are models of embowered in shade, grateful in green, elegance and neatness. The mansion of venerable with moss, and giving out a Mr. Holmes is admired especially. The perpetual fragrance from a world of sum- houses are mostly constructed of brick or mer flowers. This fine avenue has been wood, neatly painted, and embowered dismantled of much of its beauty during during the summer season amid a profu- the war. Few of the fine trees are left sion of foliage and flowers. The gardens standing. are adorned with every variety of flowers and shrubbery. There is no more de- lightful drive or promenade in the South than the Battery. But if you would see Charleston's greatest attraction, drive to Magnolia Cemetery, the beautiful "City of the Silent." This is indeed a lovely re- treat; a scene of tangled woods and silvery waters, looking out upon the broad surface of the Cooper River, whose waters find their way into its pretty lake- lets, over which the majestic live-oaks hang their Druid mosses. This cemetery | was laid out A. D. 1850. Among the monuments contained in it most visited, are those to the memory of William Washington, a Colonel of Cavalry in the Army of the Revolution," which stands in the centre of the ground; an elaborately carved shaft, to Hugh Swin- ton Legaré, formerly United States At- torney-General, moved from Mount Au- burn Cemetery, near Boston; and an- other, near by, to Elbert R. Jones, are also much admired. On the further edge of the ground, overlooking the harbor, stands the vault of the Vanderhorst family, within which, enveloped in the Union flag, repose the remains of Com- modore Vanderhorst. Bethany Cemetery may be reached from Magnolia, by a short detour from the main road. Thence, if time will permit, extend your drive across the Ashley River, here a mile in width, and find yourself at once in the country, among cotton plantations and lovely farmsteads. If you have time, continue your drive a few miles further, to the "Old Parish Church of St. An- drew," one of the most antique churches built by the early settlers, under the Anglican régime. The great avenue from (6 | | SOUTH CAROLINA. Entering the city at the north end of King or Meeting Street, a good opportu- nity is afforded of visiting the Citadel, Orphan Asylum, and other institutions and buildings already mentioned. Charleston is especially rich in her public charities -the South Carolina, Fellowship, Hiber- nian, Hebrew, German, and other Socie- ties, all of which have large endowments and fine buildings. She has a Literary and Philosophical Society, and a Medical College in prosperous condition. The Col- lege Library contains some 10,000 vol- umes: the Charleston Library, some 30,000; the Apprentices', 12,000. The College Museum is second to none in the United States. We have indicated Fort Moultrie as a spot distinguished by one of the greatest battles of the Revolution; but the chronicles of Charleston show, besides, a long series of gallant struggles with powerful enemies. She has been threatened by the red men, who, in for- midable alliance, brought down their numerous tribes to her very gates. She has been assailed by fleets of the Spaniards and the French. Her colonial existence was one long struggle with the Spaniards and the savages. In the Revolutionary contest she took a first and most distin- guished part against the Crown; was thrice assailed by the British, and only succumbed finally to their arms, after a leaguer of two months, and when half the city was in ruins, and the people were suffering from famine. She has con- tributed some of the most able and patri- otic men to the Republic, in arts, arms, statesmanship, science, and literature. She is the birthplace of Christopher Gadsden, William Moultrie, Charles Cotes- worth and Thomas Pinckney, Henry Mid- 63 COLUMBIA.] dleton, Arthur Middleton, Thomas Lynch, John and Edward Rutledge, William Lowndes, Joel R. Poinsett, Stephen Elliott, Hugh S. Legaré, Holbrook R. Y. Haynes, and scores besides, who have left honorable memorials, national as well as sectional, of which she may be justly proud, and to which the Confederacy itself is happy to do honor. The descend- ants of these great men still survive, and serve to give character to society, and to add to the attractions of the city. Let the traveller, if he can, give a week to Charleston, and he will find its scenery, its society, its characteristics, quite suf- ficient to gratify his curiosity and thoughts during that period; but if he can appropriate two days only, we have shown him how these may be profitably spent. The city is regularly laid out, and extends about two miles in length, and nearly the same in breadth. The streets, which run parallel to each other from river to river, are generally broad, and lined with beautiful shade-trees. But, wherever the visitor may go, whichever way he may turn, he notes the devastat- ing hand of war. The charred and black- ened ruins of many of the proud city's most noted buildings confront the trav- eller at every step. Scarce a tower or steeple in the city that is not riddled with shot or shell, and falling walls and toppling roofs everywhere warn the pe- destrian from . attempting to gratify a natural appetite for exploration. Despite the terrible blow which the city has re- ceived, nothing can stay the generous impulses nor lessen the hospitality of its citizens; and there are few places, not withstanding its altered circumstances, which the educated and unprejudiced | traveller will feel greater regret at leav- ing, than the City of the Sea. SOUTH CAROLINA. In walking through South Bay Street, near the office of the Courier, the visitor will observe a fine palmetto-tree, the only one observed during a week's stay in Charleston. Near the Charleston Hotel are the offices of the "Daily News" and the "South Carolinian;" the former conducted by Mr. George R. Cathcart, the latter by the well-known novelist and historical writer, W. Gilmore Simms. Columbia, HOTEL, Nickerson's. Columbia, the capital of South Carolina, [CAMDEN. is 130 miles from Charleston, by the South Carolina Railway and the Columbia Branch. It is connected by railway with the great route from New York to New Orleans, with Augusta, Georgia, and with Camden, Cheraw, and most of the in- terior and mountain villages of the State. It is a beautiful city, situated on the bluffs of the Congaree, a few miles below the charming falls of that river, near the confluence of the Saluda and Broad Riv- ers, famous for its delightfully shaded streets, its wonderful flower gardens, and the model plantations in its vicinity. Nothing can be more inviting than the walks and drives in the neighborhood. The Capitol, 170 feet long and 60 wide, built of marble, is one of the handsomest buildings in the United States. It cost nearly three millions of dollars, and was fortunately spared during the burning of the city on its occupation by General Sherman's forces. The fire was set by the soldiers of General Wade Hampton's command. The South Carolina College, founded in 1804, is a prosperous institution, with from 150 to 200 students. It had a library of 17,000 volumes previous to the war. The Insane Asylum is an object of great inter- est. Here also is the theological college of the Presbyterian Church, and a Roman Catholic establishment. The city was occupied by General Sherman's forces February 17, 1865. Camden, 33 miles from Columbia, the capital, and 142 miles from Charles- ton. This city is situated on the Wa- teree River, navigable to this point by steamboats. Camden is a place of great historic interest. A battle was fought near by, August, 1780, between the Amer- cans, under General Gates, and the Brit- ish, under Lord Cornwallis; and another in April, 1781, between General Greene and Lord Rawdon. The scene of the lat- ter struggle is the southeastern slope of Hobkirk's Hill, now called Kirkwood, a beautiful summer suburb of the old town. Upon the green, in front of the Presbyterian Church, on De Kalb Street, there is a monument over the grave of Baron De Kalb, who fell in the battle of August, 1780, at Camden. The corner- stone was laid in 1825, by Lafayette. The headquarters of Cornwallis, to be seen here, was a fine old building now in ruins. 64 ORANGEBURG.] On the Market House there is a well-exe- cuted metallic effigy, 10 feet high, of King Haiglar, a most famous chieftain of the Catawbas. Mr. Simms has made this In- dian king the theme of one of his fine le- gends. It contains an arsenal, academy, factory, bank, and four churches. Popu- lation 1,600. | SOUTH CAROLINA. [BEAUFORT. lowlands without ill results. In the winter, however, life may easily be made enjoyable in the villages here, under the balmiest and most healthful of tempera- tures, and in the midst of genial and re- fined society. Beaufort, in a district of the same name, is pleasantly situated on Port Royal River, 16 miles from the sea, and about 50 miles west-southwest of Charles- 44 ton. It affords a delightful summer | residence, and has daily communication by steamer with the cities of Charleston and Savannah. It contains an arsenal, a seminary, bank, and several churches. The journey on the South Carolina Rail- way will give the traveller some inkling of the lowland features of the Southern landscape, though not in its strongest or most interesting character-since much of the way is through extensive pine forests, which makes the rhyming sneer bestowed upon this part of the country not altogether inapt: Orangeburg is on the line of the South Carolina (Columbia branch) Rail- way, 97 miles from Charleston, 44 from Columbia, and 17 from Branchville. It is a spot of historic interest, near the banks of the Edisto River. It formed a link in the chain of military posts estab- lished by the British after the fall of Charleston. Among the old relics here, are some remains of the works erected by Rawdon, near the Edisto, and the old Court-House, which bears traces, in the shape of bullet marks, of the assault made by Sumter, in 1781. General Sher- man's forces occupied the town, February 12, 1865, preparatory to their march on Columbia. Eutaw Springs, interesting as the scene of the famous battle of Eutaw, is about 40 miles below Orangeburg, and 60 miles northwest of Charleston. Fort Motte, a relic of the Revolution, stands upon high terrace ground, near the Bull's Head Neck, on the Congaree, just above its meeting with the Wateree, six miles from Kingsville, on the Columbia Branch of the North Carolina Railway. Cheraw, near the northern line of the State, is pleasantly situated on the Great Pedee River, at the head of steam navigation, 162 miles from Charleston and 93 miles from Columbia. The Seaboard and Lowland towns, vil- lages, and plantations of South Carolina may be reached by the steamboats which ply between Charleston and Savannah, or by stage or carriage from the line of rail- way. The traveller will not see them in their own peculiar beauty, because the climate in summer time, when the won- derful tropical vegetation covers the rank earth, is not to be braved by the unac- climated. The planters themselves, in- deed, remove with their families, at this season, either to the uplands or to the little sandy pine-covered elevations with which the country is dotted. The negroes alone can bear the summer heats of the "Where to the north, pine-trees in prospect rise; Where to the east, pine-trees assail the skies; Where to the west, pine-trees obstruct the Where to the south, pine-trees forever grew!" view; But a second glimpse will reveal, amidst all these "pinc-trees," the tower- ing cypress, with its foliage of fringe and its garlands of moss-the waxen bay-leaf, the rank laurel, and the clustering ivy; and, if you are watchful, you may catch, in the rapid transit of the cars through the swamps, glimpses of almost intermin- able cathedral aisles of cypress and vine, sweeping through the deeper parts of the boundless lagoons. But a railroad glimpse, and especially at the speed with which you travel here, is quite insufficient for reasonable observation. At Woodlands, a mile only south of Midway, the centre of the road, lived before the war the poet and novelist Simms. Yonder, in that wide and spreading lawn, stood our author's mansion-an old-fashioned brick structure, with massive and strange por- tico. The ranks of orange and live-oak trees which sentinel his castle, are the ob- jects of his tenderest care-true and ardent lover of Nature as he is. Mr. Simms has a particular fondness for the fragrant grape-vine, depending in such 65 SOUTH CAROLINA. [LOWLAND. | and bayous of the stream. Go where you may, you must not fail to peep into the dark and solemn swamps. You may traverse their waters on wild bridges of decayed and fallen trees; you may dream of knight and troubadour, as your eye wanders through the Gothic passages of cypress, interlacing their branches, and bearing the ever-dependent moss, which hangs mournfully, as if weeping over the desolation and death which brood within the fatal precincts. If you fear not to startle the wild-fowl, to disturb the ser- pent, or to encounter the alligator, you may enter your skiff, and, sailing through the openings in the base of the cypress, you may penetrate at pleasure, amidst bush and brake, into the mystic cham- bers of these poisonous halls. Mr. Simms has beautifully described these solemn scenes in his 'Southern Passages and Pictures: ' LOWLAND.] fantastic and numberless festoons from the limbs of yon venerable tree. It is strong-limbed as a giant, and, but for the grace with which it clings to the old forest-king, would seem to be rather to be rather struggling with him for his sceptre, than loyally and lovingly suing for his protec- tion. The vine drops its festoons, one beneath the other, in such a manner that half a dozen persons may find a cozy seat, each over his fellow, for a merry swing. On a dreamy summer eve, you may va- cillate, in these rustic couches, to your heart's content; one arm thrown round the vine will secure you in your seat, while the hand may hold the favorite book, and the other pluck the delicious clusters of grapes, which, as you swing, encircle your head like the wreath upon the brow of Bacchus. If the rays of the setting sun be hot, then the rich and im- penetrable canopy of foliage above you will not prove ungrateful. (C As affording a most marked and not altogether pleasing contrast to the pic- ture which farm and domestic life at the South now presents to the stran- ger, we insert the following charac- teristic sketch, by a well-known trav- eller, of a visit to South Carolina, before secession times. A stroll over Mr. Simms' plantation will give you a pleasant inkling of almost every feat- ure of the Southern lowlands, in nat- ural scenery, social life, and the char- acter and position of the slave popu- lation. You may sleep sweetly and soundly within his hospitable walls, se- cure of a happy day on the morrow, whether the rain holds you prisoner within doors, or the glad sunshine drags you abroad. He will give you a true Southern breakfast, at a very comforta ble hour, and then furnish you abundant sources of amusement in his well-stocked library, or suffer you to seek it elsewhere, as your fancy listeth. At dinner, you shall not lack good cheer, for either the physical or the intellectual man, and then you may take a pleasant stroll to the quiet banks of the Edisto-watch the raft-men floating lazily down the stream, and interpret as you will the windings and echoes of their boat-horns-or you may muse in the shaded bowers of Tur- tle Cove, or any of the many other inlets "Tis a wild spot, and bath a gloomy look; The bird sings never merrily in the trees, And the young leaves seem blighted. Á rank growth Spreads poisonously round, with power to taint, With blistering dews, the thoughtless hand that dares To penetrate the covert. Cypresses Crowd on the dank, wet earth; and stretched at length, The cayman-a fit dweller in such home- Slumbers, half buried in the sedgy grass, Beside the green ooze where he shelters him. A whooping crane erects his skeleton form, And shricks in flight. Two summer-ducks aroused To apprehension, as they hear his cry, Following his guidance. Dash up from the lagoon, with marvellous haste, Meetly taught by these, And startled by our rapid, near approach, Crawls slowly to his slimy, green abode, The steel-jawed monster, from his grassy bed, Which straight receives him. You behold him now, His ridgy back uprising as he speeds, In silence, to the centre of the stream, Whence his head peers alone.' * Rambling, once upon a time, through the negro quarters of Mr. Simms' planta- tion, we amused ourself in studying the varied characters of the slaves, as shown in the style of their cabins, the order in which they kept them, the taste displayed in their gardens, etc.; for every man has all the material and time at his command to make himself and his family as com- fortable as he pleases. The huts of some | * (( * 66 2. LOWLAND.] bore as happy an air as one might desire; neat palings enclosed them; the gardens were full of flowers, and blooming vines clambered over the doors and windows. Others, again, had been suffered by the idle occupants to fall into sad decay; no evidence of taste or industry was to be seen in their hingeless doors, their fallen fences, or their weed-grown gardens. These lazy fellows were accustomed even to cut down the shade-trees which had been kindly planted before their homes, rather than walk a few yards further for other and even better fuel. The more industrious of the negroes here, as else- where, employ their leisure hours, which are abundant, in the culture of vegetables and in raising fowls, which they sell to their masters, and thus supply themselves with the means to purchase many little luxuries of life. For necessaries they have no concern, since they are amply and generously provided with all that they can require. Others, who will not thus work for their pin-money, are de- pendent upon the kindness of their mas- ters, or more frequently upon their inge- nuity at thieving. Many of them sell to their master in the morning the produce they have stolen from him the previous night. At least, they all manage to keep their purses filled; and we were assured that not one, had he occasion or desire to visit Charleston or Augusta, but could readily produce the means to defray his expenses. One old woman was pointed out to us, who had several times left the plantation, with permission to remain away as long as she pleased; yet, although her absences were some- times of long continuance, she was too wise not to return to a certain and good home. Wander how and wither she would, in due time her heart would join the burden of the song: SOUTH CAROLINA. 'Oh! carry me back to old Virginny, To old Virginny's shore!' [LOWLAND. | ous, the young ladies of the household gayly busied themselves in kind prepara- tions for the event; in instructions to the bride, in the preparation of her white muslin robe, of her head-dress, and other portions of her toilet, in writing her notes of invitation to her sable friends-Mr. Sambo Smith or Miss Clara Brown, according to the baptismals of their re- spective masters, whose names the negroes of the South always assume. In our quality of artist, we had the pleasure to expend our water-colors in wreaths of roses, and pictures of cupids, hearts, and darts, and so on, upon the icings of the cakes which the young ladies had pre- pared for the bridal feast; and who knows but that our chef d'œuvres were consumed by ebony lips on that memora- ble night? The ceremony took place in the cabin of the bride, and in presence of the whites; and then followed revelry, feasting, and dancing upon the lawn, much to the delight of the happy pair and their dark friends, and scarcely less to the pleasure of the bride's kind mistress and of all of us who witnessed their sports from the parlor windows. By the way, when you journey in the South, line your pockets with tobacco, dispense it gener- ously to the darkeys, and they are your friends for life. Upon the seaboard, and its many lovely and luxuriant islands, you will find the beau ideal of Southern soil, climate, vegetation, architecture, and character. Here abound those lovely inlets and bays, which compensate for the absence of the lake scenery of the North. These bayous and lakelets are covered with the rankest tropical vegetation; they abound in every species of wild-fowl birds of the most gorgeous plumage, songsters of the sweetest notes-the mocking-bird and the nightingale, the robin, and a host of other equally cele- brated warblers. Here, the foliage is so dense and rich, in form and color, that a poor imagination will readily people the spot with elves and sprites; and there, again, so dark and solemn are the cav- erns, overshadowed by the impenetrable roofs of leaves, that you may readily in- terpret the screech of the owl, the groan of the bull-frog, and the hiss of the ser- pent, into the unearthly wail of damned spirits. These are fitting haunts for the "While once visiting some friends in Carolina, we had the pleasure of witness- ing the bridal festivities of one of the servants of the family, a girl of some eighteen years. The occasion was one of those pleasant things which long hold place in the memory. For days previ- 67 [LOWLAND. | sad and contemplative mind at the witch- ing hour of night. Here are the large rice plantations. The white population is thus necessarily thin yet opulent. The cabins of the negroes on these extensive domains, surrounding the mansion and its many outbuildings of the proprietor, give to every settlement the aspect of a large and thriving village. There is something peculiarly fascinating in this species of softened feudal life. The slaves are for the most part warmly attached to their masters, and they watch over their inter- ests as they would their own. Indeed, they consider themselves part and parcel of their master's family. They bear his name, they share his bounty; and their fortune depends wholly upon his. Through life they have every comfort; the family physician attends them when sick, and in their old age and imbecility they are well protected. They glory in their master's success and happiness; their pride is in exact proportion to the rank of the family they serve; and, whatever that may be, they still cherish a haughty and self-satis- fied contempt for 'poor white folks.' The planters themselves, descended from an old chevalier stock, and accustomed through many generations to the seclu- sion of country life, and that life under Southern skies, and surrounded with all the appliances of wealth and homage, have acquired an ease, a grace, a gener- osity, and largeness of character, incom- patible with the daily routine of the petty occupations, stratagems, and struggles of modern commercial and metropolitan life, be it in the South or the North. Where the swamps and bayous do not extend, the country, still flat, is mostly of a rich sandy soil, which deeply tinges the waters of all the rivers from the At- lantic to the Mississippi. This is charac- teristic of the southern portions of all the Gulf States. The rivers, as they extend toward the interior, are lined with high sandy bluffs, which, still further ward, give place, in their turn, to moun- tain ledges and granite walls. These streams, from the Mississippi to the Ala- bama, the Chattahoochee and the Savan- nah, to the smaller rivers of Carolina and Florida, are filled with sandy islands, ever changing their position and form. Frequently high freshets occur in them, SOUTH CAROLINA. [GEORGETOWN. completely altering their channels, and bearing away the produce of whole plan- tations, from the cotton bale to the family domicile, and the century-aged tree which shaded it. In crossing the smaller water- courses of the South, we have often ob- served marks of the extent of a freshet upon high trees, at an elevation of 50 or 60 feet above our head. We happened to be in Augusta years ago, during a great rise in the waters of the Savannah. In the course of some few hours, the river had extended its limits throughout the city, and over the plain for miles in every direction. It was a novel and beautiful sight to gaze from your balcony upon this unlooked-for Venice. Boats were sailing in every direction through the streets- even the ponderous crafts of the Savan- nah, capable of holding fifty or sixty men. We observed the pretty vessel of the Augusta Boat Club' dashing up Broad Street and under the hotel windows, with the crew in full dress, music sounding, and gay banners waving upon the air! A ferry was established to pick up pas- sengers at their doors or windows, and convey them to the base of the Sand-hills, a summer retreat, some three miles to the northward. The cross streets leading from the river were washed away to the depth of many feet, and for days after- ward passengers were transported across them in flats and bateaux. From these freshets, with the innumerable stagnant pools which they leave, together with the miasma arising from immense quantities of decaying vegetable matter, spring many of the local fevers and diseases of the South. In Augusta, the yellow fever followed the great freshet, and carried off, during the brief space of a few weeks, nearly three hundred of the inhabitants. This terrible scourge had not previously visited the city for eighteen years, and has not since returned. Georgetown, one of the oldest north-settlements in South Carolina, is about 15 miles from the sea, on Winyaw Bay, near the junction of the Pedee, Black, and Waccamaw Rivers. The district of Georgetown, next to that of Beaufort, produces more rice than any other section of the State. Some Revolutionary menu- ories are awakened here. In 1780 the vicinage was the scene of a skirmish be- 68 GREENVILLE.] tween American and British troops, and in 1781 it was taken from the enemy by General Marion, and the military works destroyed. [FALLS OF SLICKING. well deserving a visit. Across this valley is the Fall of Slicking, its long line of sparkling spray heightening the beauty of the scene. The Stool Mountain, which is prominent from the valley below, here dwindles to its proper height. The top of the rock, which is comparatively level, is of great extent. In many places the sur- face is stony, in others alluvial and cov- ered with noble trees. Near the centre, the remains of a hut exist; a building erected as a kitchen to a hotel, which it was once contemplated to erect on the rock. Though the enterprise was given up, it is not at all impracticable. The 50 or 60 acres of tillable land might fur- nish provisions, while for water there is a spring, of the most grateful purity and coolness, near the middle of the isolated and elevated demesne. SOUTH CAROLINA. MOUNTAIN VILLAGES AND SCENERY. | The northern districts of South Carolina form, with the neighboring hill-region of Georgia, and the western portion of North Carolina, one of the most interesting chap- ters in the great volume of American landscape. In mountain surprises, pic- turesque valley nooks, and romantic waterfalls, this region is nowhere sur- passed in all the Union. Beautiful and healthful villages, with high social attrac- tions, afford most agreeable homes and headquarters to admirers of the pictu- resque. These villages are rapidly becom- ing favorite summer resorts of the people of the lowlands of the State; and their elegant mansions and villas are every year more and more embellishing their vicinity. | The Falls of Slicking are in the moun- tain glens, on the opposite side of the valley, at the base of the Table Rock. Leaving the cabin at the base of the Saluda Mountain, the tourist, in his ascent, soon finds himself following the windings of the river. After the passage of about Greenville, 271 miles from Charles- ton, 128 from Columbia. HOTELS, Man-one-quarter of a mile, he reaches the sion House, Goodlett House. Greenville, "Trunk," so called from its being the in the northwest corner of the State, lies at point of junction of two different branches the threshold of the chief beauties of this of the river or creek; the distance be- region, and gives ready access to all the tween these streams, as you continue to rest. The village is beautifully situated on ascend, gradually increases, and when Reedy River, near its source, and at the near the summit, they are widely separat- foot of the Saluda Mountain. It is one of ed; they bear one name, and abound, the most popular summer resorts in the each, in cascades. The right-hand branch up-country of Carolina, being in the imme- is the more picturesque, and is the one diate vicinity of the Table Mountain, the by which the visitor is usually conducted. White Water, and the Slicking Falls, the Jocasse, and Saluda Valleys, the Keowee River, Paris Mountain, Cæsar's Head, and numerous other bold peaks of the Blue Ridge. The Table Mountain, 20 miles above the village of Greenville, is one of the most remarkable of the natural won- ders of the State, rising as it does 4,300 feet above the sea, with a long extent on one side of perpendicular cliffs, 1,000 feet in height. The view of these grand and lofty rocky ledges is exceedingly fine from the quiet glens of the valley of the cove below, and not less imposing is the splen- did amphitheatre of hill-tops seen from its crown. Among the sights to be seen from Table Mountain is Caesar's Head. It is the highest point in the vicinity, and From the "Trunk," the gem of all this locality, and the Table Rock, is a charm- ing view of the neighboring mountains of Cæsar's Head, Bald Mountain, the Pin- nacle Rock, and other spurs. At the "Trunk," the two streams fall perpen- dicularly some seventy feet, mingling in one in the basin below. This basin is easily accessible, and nowhere is there a more secluded or more wildly picturesque spot. Save when in his meridian, the sun's rays seldom violate its solitude. On one side are the two cascades leaping in snowy masses from rock to rock, and on others are mighty bulwarks of venerable stone, here and there studded with the adventurous shrub, or overhung with rich foliage. 69 SOUTH CAROLINA. KEOWEE.] | Pendleton is an agreeable little village, on Eighteen Mile Creek, Anderson Dis- trict, in the mountain region. It is easily reached from Greenville, at Anderson Court House. Fort Hill, once the residence of the statesman John C. Calhoun, is a few miles only from the village of Pendleton. It is a plain but comfortable building of wood, with piazzas and other fittings and arrangements, after the usual fashion of Southern country houses. Walhalla, a flourishing German settlement, is in this region. Pickens Court House is a few hours' ride north of Pendleton and west of Greenville. It is within excursion dis- tance of the Keowee River, the Valley of Jocasse, the Cataract of the White Water, and other interesting scenes. The Keowee is a beautiful mountain stream, in Pickens District, which, with the Tugaloo River, forms the Savannah. The road to the Valley of Jocasse lies along its banks. "I have been where the tides roll by, Of mighty rivers deep and wide, On every wave and argosy- And cities builded on each side; Where the low din of commerce fills The ear with strife that never stills. "Yet not to me have scenes like these, Such charms as thine, oh peerless stream! Not cities proud my eye can please- Not argosies so rich I decni- As thy cloud-vested hills that rise- And forests looming to the skies!" The Keowee region is full of romantic memories of the Cherokee wars. The Jocasse Valley, near the northern line of the State, is one of the most charmingly secluded little nooks in the State, environed as it is on every side, except that through which the Keowee steals out, by grand mountain ridges. The chief charm of Jocasse is, that it is small enough to be felt and enjoyed all at once, as its entire area is not too much for one comfortable picture. It is such a valley as painters delight in. [SPARTANBURG, universal admiration, for their extent alone, even were the accessory scenes far less beautiful than they are. The num- ber of visitors here is increasing year by year, and the time is approaching when this and the thousand other marvels of Nature in the Southern States, will win tourists from the North, as the White Mountains and the Catskills, and Trenton and Lake George, now attract pilgrims from the South. The White Water Cataracts are an hour's brisk walk north of Jocasse. Their chief beauty is in their picturesque lines, and in the variety and boldness of the mountain landscape all around: though they would still maintain their claims to Adjoining this most attractive region of South Carolina, and easily accessible therefrom, are the many beautiful scenes of the western portion of North Carolina, of which we have already spoken, and of Tallulah, and Toccoa, and Yonah, and Nacoochee, and numerous other lovely spots in the hill-region of Georgia, which yet remain undescribed. Spartanburg, 223 miles from Charleston, 93 miles from Columbia, by the Greenville and Columbia, and Spartanburg and Union Railways, is in the midst of a mineral region, famous for its gold and iron. Here, too, are some celebrated limestone springs. The place is the seat of a University, endowed by Benjamin Wofford, and controlled by the Method- ists; also of a prosperous Female College. An Asylum for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind is located here. Within the limits of this district is the memorable Revolu- tionary battle-field of the Cowpens, locat- ed on the hill-range called the Thickety Mountain. The battle was fought Janua- ry 17, 1781, and resulted in the defeat of the British under Tarleton. In the olden time, the cattle were suffered to graze upon the scene of the contest-whence its name. Yorkville is situated midway on the upper boundary of South Car- olina, upon an elevated plain which forms the dividing ridge between the Catawba and the Broad Rivers. In the vicinity there are some valuable sulphur and magnesia waters, to add to the at- tractions of winning scenery and roman- tic story which the region so abundantly offers to the tourist. It is right in the heart of the mountain scenery of the State. From Charleston the route is by the South Carolina Railway, and Colum- bia branch to Columbia, thence by the Charlotte road to Chester, and thence, 22 70 YORKVILLE.] miles, by King's Mountain Railway. The route from the North is by Weldon. Twelve miles northeast of Yorkville, and little more than a mile south of the North Carolina line, is the battle-field of King's Mountain. The King's Mountain range extends about sixteen miles southward, sending out lateral spurs in various di- rections. The scene of the battle is six miles from the summit of the hill. A simple monument to the memory of Fer- guson and others marks the spot, and on the right there is a large tulip-tree, upon which it is said ten tories were hanged. SOUTH CAROLINA. [YORKVILLE | | It was a hotly-contested fight, the British loss being 1,105 killed, wounded, and prisoners. It was fought October 7, 1780. Crowder's Knob, the highest peak of King's Mountain, is about 3,000 feet above the level of the sea. The Mountain Gap, near the Cherokee Ford, the Great Falls of the Catawba, and Rocky Mount, the scene of another of the partisan struggles, A struggles, and Hanging Rock, where Sumter fought a desperate fight, are also interesting scenes and localities of this hill-region of South Carolina. 71 GEORGIA.J GEORGIA. "( [GEORGIA. GEORGIA. extending about eighty miles, is very similar in character to that of the Caroli- nas, being lined with fertile islands cut off from the main land by narrow lagoons or sounds. The famous sea-island cotton is grown here; and wild-fowl are abun- dant in all varieties. Upon the main, rice plantations flourish, with all the semi-tropical vegetation and fruit which we have seen in the occan districts of South Carolina. Passing northward to the central regions of the State, the cot- ton-fields greet our eyes at every step, until the surface of the country becomes more and more broken and hilly, and, at last, verges upon the great hill-region traversed by the Appalachian or Alle- ghany Mountains. These great ranges oc- sent to the charmed eye of the tourist scenes of beauty and sublimity not sur- passed in any section of the Union. THIS great State, long regarded as the "Empire State" of the South, possesses unrivalled sources of prosperity and wealth; and though they are as yet only in the dawn of development, the traveller will not hesitate to predict for her a glo- rious future, when he notes the spirit of activity, enterprise, and progress which so markedly distinguishes her from other portions of the South. While Nature is here everywhere most prodigal in means, man is earnest in improving them. Georgia was settled the latest of the "Original" Thirteen States of the Union. She derived her name with her charter from George II., June 1732. Her first colony was planted by General Ogle- thorpe, on the spot where the city of Savannah now stands, in 1773, sixty-cupy all the northern counties, and pre- three years after the settlement of South Carolina, and a century behind most of the original colonies. Three years after the arrival of Oglethorpe, Ebenezer was planted by the Germans, 25 miles up the Savannah River. Darien, on the sea, was commenced about the same time by a party of Scotch Highlanders. Among the early troubles of the colony was a war with the Spaniards in Florida, each party in turn invading the territory of the other. The people of Georgia took a vigorous part in the Revolution, and the State was in possession of the British a portion of that time. The city of Savan- nah was taken by them, December 29, 1778. A bold attempt was made by the combined American and French forces to recapture it, but failed, with the loss to the allies of 1,100 men. The great Cherokee Country, in the upper part of the State, came into the full possession of the whites in 1838, when the Indians were removed to new homes beyond the Mississippi. The sea-coast of Georgia, RIVERS.-There are many fine rivers in Georgia; but, as with the water-courses of the South generally, they are often muddy, and their only beauty is in the rank vegetation of their shores, with here and there a bold sandy bluff. As the railroad system of the State has not yet been restored, and many travellers will have occasionally to avail themselves of steamboats as means of reaching points of sojourn in the interior, we propose to give a brief description a brief description of the principal of these rivers. The Savannah, which di- vides the States of Georgia and South Carolina through half their length, has a course, exclusive of its branches, of about 450 miles. The cities of Augusta and Sa- vannah are upon its banks, and it enters the Atlantic 18 miles below the latter place. From June to November it is navigable for large vessels as far as Savannah, and 72 GEORGIA.] for steamboats up to Augusta, a distance to Augusta, a distance of 230 miles from its mouth. The river voyage between these points is a very pleasant one, presenting to the eye of stranger many picturesque novelties in the cotton-fields which lie along the banks through the upper part of the pas- sage, and in the rich rice plantations be- low. Approaching Savannah, the tourist will be particularly delighted with the mystic glens of the wild swamp reaches, and with the luxuriant groves of live-oak which shadow the ancient-looking manors of the planters. A few miles above the city of Savannah, he may visit the spot where Whitney invented and first used his wonderful cotton-gin. The alligator, in times before the war, was often seen sun- ning himself on the shores of the lower waters of the Savannah, being abundant in the contiguous swamps. "When our canoe," says Sir Charles Lyell, in his record of travels in this region, “had proceeded into brackish water, where the river banks consisted of marsh land, cov- ered with a tall, reed-like grass, we came close to an alligator, about nine feet long, basking in the sun. Had the day been warmer, he would not have allowed us to approach so near to him, for these rep- tiles are much shyer than formerly, since they have learned to dread the avenging rifle of the planter, whose stray hogs and sporting dogs they often devour. About ten years ago, Mr. Cooper tells us he saw two hundred of them together in St. Mary's River, extremely fearless." derful stories are told of these creatures, many of them much too wonderful for credence. They are now becoming rare, as one acquainted with their habits ob- served to me, being probably disturbed by the violent explosions of gunpowder at the time of the attack on Spanish Fort. They have been but seldom seen of late. Fort Pulaski (see Savannah and vicinity). The Oconee River rises in the gold lands of the mountain districts of Georgia, and traverses the State until it meets the Ogeechee, and with that river reaches the sea under the name of the Altamaha. Milledgeville, the capital, and Athens, one of the most beautiful places in the State, are on this river. The Ocmulgee is navigable for small steamboats to Macon. The Flint River, in the western part of Won- 4 GEORGIA. [GEORGIA. | the State, passes by Lanier, Oglethorpe, and Albany, and uniting with the Chatta- hoochee, at the southwest extremity of the State, forms the Appalachicola. The length of the Flint River is about 300 miles. Its navigable waters extend 250 miles, from the Gulf of Mexico to Albany. The Chattahoochee is one of the largest and most interesting rivers of Georgia. It pursues a devious way through the gold region westward from the mountains in the northeastern part of the State, and makes the lower half of the dividing line between Georgia and Alabama. At the point where it enters Florida it is joined by the Flint River, and the united waters are thenceforward called the Appalachi- cola. The Chattahoochee is navigable for large steamboats as far up as Columbus, 350 miles from the Gulf of Mexico. The principal towns on this river besides Co- lumbus, are Eufaula, West Point, and Fort Gaines. The Ogeechee rises in Green County, flows southeastward, and enters the Atlantic through Ossabaw Sound, 20 miles south of Savannah. Its whole length is estimated at 250 miles. It is navigable for sloops a distance of between 30 and 40 miles. Fort McAllis- ter, on Genesis Point, which commands the entrance to this river, is interesting from the part it played in the defense of the city by General Hardee. It success- fully resisted the attacks of the monitor fleet in January and March 1863, but was finally captured by General Hazen's division of the 15th Corps (Sherman's army), on the 13th December, 1864. RAILWAYS.-The railway system of Georgia, embracing upwards of 1,400 miles of railroad, is now so far advanced toward complete restoration, that we venture to give all the lines, with their branches. The Central Railway, from Sa- vannah, 190 miles to Macon. Stations- Savannah to Eden, 20 miles; Guyton, 30; Egypt, 40; Armenia, 46; Halcyondale, 50; Ogeechee, 62; Scarboro', 70; Millen, 79 (branch road 53 miles to Augusta); Cushingville, 83; Herndon, 90; Speir's, 111; Davisboro, 123; Tennille, 134; Oconee, 146; Emmett, 153; Kingston, 160; Gordon, 170 (branch to Milledge- ville and Eatonton); Griswold, 182; Ma- con, 190 miles. Milledgeville and Eaton- 1 73 RAILWAYS.] GEORGIA. [SAVANNAH. ton Branch. Stations-Gordon to Wol- | ley, 28 miles; to Marshallville, 7; Win- chester, 9; Oglethorpe, 21; Anderson, 30; Americus, 41; Sumter, 51; Albany, 76 miles (branch to Eufaula). The Sa vannah, Albany, and Gulf Road will con- nect Savannali and Tallahassee, Florida. It extends at present from Savannah, 189 miles, to Boston, from which point a line of stages runs to Tallahassee and other places in Florida. sey, 9 miles; Milledgeville, 18; Dennis, 29; Eatonton, 38 miles. Macon and Western Railway, from Macon, 103 miles to Atlanta, terminus of Georgia Railway. Stations-Macon Junction, Howard's, 8 miles; Crawford's, 13 miles; Smarr's, 19; Forsyth, 24; Collier's, 30; Goggin's, Barnesville, 40; Milner's, 47; Thornton's, Griffin, 58; Fayette, 65; Lovejoy's, Jonesboro', 79; Rough and Ready, 90; East Point, 95; Atlanta, 103 miles. The Georgia Railway, from Augusta, 171 miles to Atlanta, passing through Belair, Berzelia, Dearing, Thomson, Camak, Bar- nett, Crawfordsville, Union Point, Greens- boro', Oconee, Buckhead, Madison, Rut- ledge, Social Circle, Covington, Conyer's, Lithonia, Stone Mountain, and Decatur. A branch line, 10 miles long, extends from Camak to Warrenton, the capital of Warren County; another of 18 miles from Barnett to Washington, the capital of Wilkes County; another from Union Point to Athens, the capital of Clarke County. The road (the Georgia) connects at Augusta with the South Carolina road for Charleston and Savannah. The West- ern and Atlantic Road, from Atlanta, 136 miles, northward to Chattanooga, Tennes- Stations-Atlanta to Vining's, 8 miles; Marietta, 20; Acworth, 35; Alla- toona, 40; Cartersville, 47; Cass, 52; Kingston, 59; Adairsville, 69; Calhoun, 78; Resaca, 84; Tilton, 91; Dalton, 100; Tunnel Hill, 107; Ringgold, 115; Chick- amauga, 128; Boyce, 133; Chattanooga, 136 miles. The Rome Railway deflects from the Western and Atlantic at Kings- ton, and extends 20 miles to Rome. The Atlanta and West Point Railway extends from Atlanta, 87 miles to West Point, whence it is continued by the Montgomery and West Point Railway, 88 miles to Mont- gomery, Alabama. Stations-Atlanta to East Point, 6 miles; Fairburn, 18; Pal- metto, 25; Newnan, 40; Grantville, 52; Hogansville, 59; Lagrange, 72; Long Cane, 78; West Point, 87 miles. The Southwestern and Muscogee Railway, from Macon, terminus of Central road, 99 miles, to Columbus. Stations-Macon to Eche- connee, 12 miles; Powersville, 21; Fort Valley, 28; Everett's, 35; Reynolds', 41; Butler, 50; Columbus, 99 miles. The Southwestern, from Macon to Fort Val- see. SAVANNAH. From New York by steamer; 90 miles from Charleston. HOTELS. The principal hotels of Sa- vannah are—the Pulaski House, on Bryan Street, Johnson Square; the Marshall House, in Broughton Street, and the Scriven House. The last two have been lately refurnished. | Savannah, the largest city of Georgia, with a population of about 30,000, is upon the south bank of the Savannah River, 18 miles from the sea. Its site is a sandy terrace, some 40 feet above low- water mark. It is regularly built, with streets So wide and so unpaved, so densely shaded with trees, and so full of little parks, that, but for the extent and elegance of its public edifices, it might seem to be an overgrown village, or a score of villages consolidated in one. There are no less than twenty-four squares scat- tered through the city, and most of the streets are lined with the fragrant flower- ing China-tree, or the Pride of India, and the magnolia, while some of them, as Broad and Bay Streets, have cach four grand rows of trees, there being a double carriage-way, with broad walks on the outsides, and a promenade between. These numerous shady avenues have gained for it the title of the "Forest City" of the South. Savannah was founded by General James Oglethorpe, in 1732. It was occupied, in 1778, by the British, and came back into the posses- sion of the Americans in 1783. But few Revolutionary remains are now to be seen, the city having overgrown most of them. Batteries, ramparts, and redoubts have given place to the more pleasant sights of fragrant gardens and shady parks. 74 SAVANNAH.] It has suffered severely from the ravages of fire, first in 1796, again in 1820, and last in January 28, 1865. The aggregate amount of property destroyed at these times ex- ceeded $6,000,000. Jasper's Spring, the scene of a brave and famous exploit of the old war time, may yet be visited. It lies near the Augusta road, two miles and a half from the westward of Savannah. The spring is a foun- tain of purest water, in the midst of a marshy spot, covered with rank shrub- bery, at the edge of a forest of oak and pine trees. The interest of the place is in its association only. Sergeant New- ton Jasper, aided only by one companion, watched by this spring for the passage of a party of American prisoners under a British guard of eight men, whom they boldly and successfully assailed, restoring the captives to their country and friends. In memory of this action, Sergeant Jas- per's name has been given to one of the public parks of the city. Among the most attractive places of public resort is Forsyth Park, at the head of Bull Street. A fountain, the design of which is taken from the Crystal Palace fountain at Sy- denham, England, adorns the centre of this pretty ground. It is of elaborate workmanship, and cost $6,500. In John- son or Monument Square, opposite the Pulaski House, there is a fine Doric obe- lisk erected to the memories of Generals Greene and Pulaski, the corner-stone of which was laid by Lafayette during his visit in 1825. It is a marble shaft, 53 feet in height. The base of the pedestal is 10 feet 4 inches by 6 feet 8 inches, and its elevation is about 12 feet. The needle which surmounts the pedestal is 37 feet high. Another and very elegant structure has since been built (1853) in Chippewa Square to the memory of Pu- laski. This general fell gallantly during an attack upon the city, while it was oc- cupied by the British in the year 1779. The monument appropriately covers the spot where Pulaski fell. It is one of the most chaste and perfect specimens of monumental architecture in the United States. The shaft is of the purest marble and the steps are plinths of granite. It is 55 feet high, and surmounted by an ex- quisitely carved statue of Liberty holding the national banner. The arms of Georgia [SAVANNAH. and Poland are intertwined on the cor- nice of two sides of the monument. It was constructed by Launitz, of New York, at a cost of $22,000 in gold. Among the public buildings of note in Savannah are the new Custom House, corner of Bull and Bay Streets; the City Exchange, in front of which General Sherman reviewed his army, January 7, 1865; the Court House, Theatre, Armory, Arsenal, and Jail. St. Andrew's Hall and the Chatham Academy are conspicu- ous buildings. From the tower of the Exchange the best view of the city and neighborhood is to be had. Among the church edifices the Episco- pal Churches of St. John's and Christ's are the most striking. The lofty spire of the Independent Presbyterian Church is much and deservedly admired. This building is built of Quincy granite, and cost $80,- 000. Trinity Church stands on St. James' Square, near the spot where John Wesley delivered his famous sermons. The State Historical Society has a fine library. The principal charitable institutions are- the Orphan Asylum, the Union Society, originally established by Whitefield, the Hibernian and Seaman's Friend Socie- ties, the Georgia Infirmary, the Savannah Hospital, and the Savannah Free School. The building on the northeast corner of Bull and Broughton Streets, known as the Masonic Hall, is interesting to the visitor as the place where the Ordinance of Secession was passed, January 21, 1861. Four years after (December 28, 1864), a meeting of citizens was held in the same apartment to commemorate the triumph of the Union arms. The main apartment is now (1866) used as a bil- liard-room. Among the interesting rel- ics of the past history of Savannah are the building in which the colonial Legislature held its sessions, on South Broad Street, just east of Drayton; and the mansion of the Governor of Georgia during the occupation of the city by the British, which stands on Broughton Street. Savannah is one of the healthiest of the Southern cities, and its climate is constantly improving, owing, it is said, to the improved manner of cultivating the great rice lands in the neighborhood. No pleasanter winter home for invalids or others can be found; for, to the balmy GEORGIA. 75 VICINITY.] climate of the region, and every appli- ance of physical comfort, there are super- added extraordinary social attractions in the cultivated manners and the hospita- ble hearts of the people. It is well sup- plied with good water brought from the Savannah River, west of the Ogeechee. It was occupied by the Federal forces, under General Sherman, on the morning of De- cember 21, 1864. The fortifications, which constituted the so-called defences of the city, are six miles in extent, and are easily reached from the centre of the city. Five daily newspapers are published here. VICINITY. GEORGIA. The vicinage of Savannah, though flat, is exceedingly picturesque along the many pleasant drives, and by the banks of the river and its tributary brooks. Every where are noble avenues lined with live-oaks, the bay, the magnolia, the orange, and a hundred other beautiful evergreen trees, shrubs, and vines. The Cemetery of Bonaventurè, three miles distant, on the Warsaw River, is a wonderful place. It was originally a pri- vate estate, laid out in broad avenues, which cross each other. These avenues are now grand forest aisles, lined with live- oaks of immense size; their dense leafage mingling overhead, and the huge lateral branches trailing upon the ground with their own and the superadded weight of the heavy festoons of the pendent Span- ish moss. A more beautiful or more sol- emn home for the dead, than in the shades of these green forest aisles, cannot well be imagined. The endless cypress groves of the "silent cities" by the Bos- phorus are not more impressive than the intricate web of these still forest walks. Bonaventurè has thus been sketched by star-light: "Along a corridor I tread, High overarched by ancient trees, Where, like a tapestry o'erhead, The gray moss floats upon the breeze: A wavy breeze which kissed to-day Tallulah's falls of flashing foam, And sported in Toccoa's spray-- Brings music from its mountain home. "The clouds are floating o'er the sky, And cast at times a fitful gloom, As o'er our hearts dark memories fly, Cast deeper shades on Tatnall's tomb; [SAVANNAH. While glimmering onward to the sea, With scarce a rippling wave at play, A line of silver through the lea, The river stretches far away." 19 "Tatnall's tomb," a family vault of the former possessors of these grounds, stands near the centre of the cemetery. Fort Pulaski, on Cockspur Island, near Tybee Island, situate on the south side of the entrance to Savannah River, was the scene of a severe bombardment during the late naval operations on the coast. It was attacked from batteries erected on Tybee Island, and surrendered April 11, 1862. Fort McAllister, near King's Bridge, on the west bank of the Ogeechee, is well worthy a visit. It is reached by the Gulf Railway. Thunderbolt, four miles east of the city. According to local tradition, this place received its name from the fall of a thun- derbolt. A spring of water which issued from the spot upon that event, has con- tinued to flow ever since. Guristersigo Battle-field, eight miles dis- tant, was the scene of an engagement, in 1782, between General Wayne and a body of Indians under their chief Guris- tersigo. Routes from Savannah.-Georgia is famous, the Union over, for her railroad enterprise. In this respect, as in most others, she leads all the Southern States. Her lines of railway traverse her borders, and especially in the central and northern portions, in every direction, linking all districts to each other and with all the surrounding States. Nearly 1,500 miles of railroad-either finished or being built-now centre in Savannah, communicating thence, directly or indi- rectly, westward with Macon and Colum- bus, northward with Charleston and with Montgomery in Alabama, with Augusta, Atlanta, and onward to Tennessee, etc. The Atlantic and Gulf Railroad is com- pleted and in operation a distance of 189 miles to Boston, whence it will soon reach Pensacola and other points in Flor- ida. The Central Railroad extends from Savannah, 190 miles, to Macon, with branch deflecting from Millen to Augusta, and another from Gordon to Milledgeville and Eatonton. The Macon and Western links the Central road from Savannah with the Western and Atlantic at Atlanta. All 76 AUGUSTA.] these and other routes we shall duly fol- | low as we continue our journey through the south and southwest. Florida is reached at Pilatka, Jacksonville, St. Au- gustine, and other places, by regular tri- weekly steamers from Savannah. (See chapter on Florida.) Steamboats ply daily to Augusta and other points on the Sa- vannah River. Lines of steamships also furnish direct communication with New York, Philadelphia, and other Northern Atlantic ports. GEORGIA. [ATLANTA. States Arsenal, erected in 1827, and the long range of workshops built and used by the Confederates during the war. The latter extend upwards of 500 feet in length, are substantially built, and pre- sent an imposing aspect. Returning to the city by leaving the main road to the left, a short distance from the Arsenal the traveller can get a view of the Pow- der Mill and Cotton Factories immediately on the outskirts of the city. These latter are very extensive, and give constant em- ployment to 700 operatives. There are other pleasant drives along the banks of the Savannah, particularly below the city; and across the river at Hamburg there are some beautiful wooded and grassy terraces, known as Shultz's Hill, and much re- sorted to as a picnic-ground. Augusta has one or two fine public buildings. The City Hall, built at a cost of $100,000, the Medical College, the Richmond Academy, and the Masonic Hall, are every way creditable to the taste and liberality of the people. The monument, which stands in front of the City Hall, was erected to the memory of the signers of the Declara- tion of Independence from the State of Georgia. The churches are about fifteen in number. St. Patrick's, corner of Jack- son and Telfair Streets, constructed in 1863, at a cost of $42,000, is a fine edifice. The Market Houses are on Broad Street, and are three-fourths of a mile apart. The rapid development of the up-country of Georgia, within a few years, has brought down to Augusta, by her rail- ways, great prosperity; and the water power which has been secured by means of a canal, which brings the upper floods of the Savannah River to the city, at an elevation of some 40 feet, is enlarging and enriching it by extensive and profita- ble manufactures. This canal, 9 miles in length, was constructed in 1845. | | Augusta—HOTELS, the Planters', Augusta, and the Globe, centrally located on Broad Street, are all well-conducted establishments. Augusta, one of the most beautiful cities in Georgia, and the second in population and importance, is on the eastern boundary of the State, upon the banks of the Savannah River, 230 miles from its mouth, and at the head of its navigable waters, 120 miles north-north- west from Savannah, and 136 northwest from Charleston, with both of which cities it has long been connected by rail- road. Railway connection with the lat- ter city, which was broken during the war by the destruction of portions of the track, has not yet (May, 1866) been re- stored. The town was laid out in 1735, under royal charter. It was again char- tered January 31, 1798, and incorporated as a city December 19, 1817. The area embraced by the city is two miles in length and about one in width. Its pres- ent population is nearly 20,000, and is steadily increasing. Broad Street, the main thoroughfare of the city, is a noble avenue. This is the Broadway of the city, wherein all the shopping and promenad- ing are done, and where the banks, and hotels, and markets are to be found. Greene Street is also a broad, prettily shaded avenue. Of late years, Augusta has spread itself greatly over the level lands westward. A pleasant ride of between two and three miles from the heart of the town, brings the visitor to a lofty range of sand- hills, covered with charming summer residences. This high ground is in healthful atmospheres, even when epi- demics prevail-as they very rarely do, however in the city below. This sub- urban settlement is now known as Sum- merville. Here are located the United Athens, 92 miles from Augusta, 71 from Milledgeville. HOTEL, Lanier House. This is a flourishing town on the Oconee River, at the terminus of the Athens branch of the Georgia Railway. The situation is healthy, and the climate delightful. It is the seat of Franklin College. Atlanta-HOTEL, National. The city of Atlanta is the outgrowth 77 ATLANTA.] of the railroad system centreing there. It is emphatically a railroad town. The original charter of the Western and At- lantic Railway authorized its construction from Chattanooga, Tennessee, to the southeast bank of the Chattahoochee River. In 1837 an act was passed authorizing its extension eight miles in a southeasterly direction, the survey for which brought it to the site of the pres- ent city. In 1845 the Georgia Railroad was completed to Atlanta, and formed a junction with the Chattanooga and Atlanta or "State Road," as it is locally known. In 1848 the Macon and Western Railroad was completed, but little progress was made toward a permanent settlement until 1852. Even as late as 1853 the population of the place scarcely amounted to 1,500. GEORGIA. [DECATUR. | to all the stores and ammunition, and soon the heavens were lurid with the flames which rose from the doomed city. A reconnoitring column from General Slo- cum's command entered the city on the 2d, and received its formal surrender from Mayor Calhoun. It is estimated that up- wards of one thousand buildings, includ- ing the principal factories, mills, and workshops, were destroyed by this fire. The main buildings at present remain- ing, are the Medical College, the Presby- terian, Methodist, and Baptist Churches, the City Hall, and a few of the residences in the northern extremity of the city. The city is rising phoenix-like from its ashes; the greater portion of the burnt district has already been rebuilt, and soon but little trace of its downfall and de- struction will be left. The corporate lim- its embrace an area of four miles square, and the population, already 12,000, is rap idly increasing. | Apart from the memorable siege with which its name is inseparably connected, Atlanta possesses little to interest the traveller or tourist. Owing to its com- manding central position, in the very heart of the South, not less than on account of its railroad, manufacturing, and other important advantages, it be- came a point of the utmost importance early in the war. Indeed, in the opinion of those best qualified to judge, its im- portance was second only to that of Rich- mond. The series of active military operations of which Atlanta was the cen- tre, commenced July 9, 1864, by the retreat of General Johnston within the fortifications of Atlanta, which extended nearly five and a half miles along the river. By the 17th of July, the Federal forces, with the exception of one (Davis's) division of the 14th corps, were across the Chattahoochee, and on the 18th occu- pied the Georgia Railroad, from Stone Mountain on the northeast to Decatur and Peach Tree Creek, within five miles of Atlanta. On the 17th the command of the Confederate troops was transferred to General Hood. From that time up to the 1st of September, a vigorous siege of the city was kept up, when General Hood gave orders for the evacuation of the works, it having been discovered that the main body of the besieging army lay between the city and General Hardee. Fire was set to the rolling stock of the several railroads concentrating here, and Decatur, a station on the Georgia Railroad, six miles east of Atlanta, is a healthy and agreeable resort. Stone Mountain, 9 miles from Decatur, is also reached from Atlanta by the Georgia road. At this place is an isolated dome- shaped granite rock 2,200 feet above the sea level. On the summit of this rock is a tower 180 feet high, commanding a fine view of the surrounding country. The village has good hotel accommodations. (See Stone Mountain, in mountain scenery of Georgia.) Dalton, situated 100 miles north of Atlanta and 36 miles south of Chatta- nooga, at the intersection of the East Tennessee and Georgia with the Western and Atlantic Railway, is a growing place. The town (formerly Cross Plains) was laid out in 1846. Mountain scenery in the vicinity. Macon, 191 miles from Savannah, 100 from Atlanta. HOTELS, the Lanier House, Brown's Hotel. Macon, one of the most prosperous and popu- lous cities of Georgia, is prettily situated on the Ocmulgee River, at the western terminus of the Central Railway. Occu- pying so central and important a position, it is not a little surprising that it entirely escaped the ravages of war. Like most of the cities of the State, it is well laid out. The streets are generally 180 feet 78 MILLEDGEVILLE.] wide, and adorned with shade-trees. The soil being of a sandy, porous character, does not long retain moisture, and the locale is healthy and inviting. The Wes- leyan Female College, a flourishing insti- tution before the war, and even now, numbering over 100 students, is located here. The Academy for the Blind, built by the State, of brick, four stories high, is an imposing edifice. It has, also, a Botanico-Medical College, a Free Acade- my, and several schools for orphans. There are several iron foundries, flour mills, and machine shops. The Macon factory is prosperously engaged in the manufacture of coarse cotton goods. cotton goods. Rose Hill Cemetery, on the banks of the Ocmulgee, is a pretty rural retreat, within easy walking distance of the city. It is well improved, and contains some fine monuments. Lamar's Mound is a rising ground, covered with fine private resi- dences, a continuation of which brings the visitor to the pleasant suburban vil- lage of Vineville. The population of the city is upwards of 12,000, and increasing. Three daily and two weekly newspapers are published here. GEORGIA. [ALBANY. convenience for visitors. Columbus is a town of considerable trade, situated on the east bank of the Chattahoochee River, which forms the western boundary of the State. Across the river has been erected a fine bridge, connecting Columbus with the town of Girard, Ala. It was laid out in 1827, on what was then known as the Coweta Reserve, at the head of the Falls. These falls supply one of the finest water-powers to be found in the South, and the manufacturing interests of the city are already very extensive. It is the centre of a fine agricultural dis- trict, and large quantities of cotton are shipped hence to the seaboard, via the Chattahoochee (see Chattahoochee River). The principal buildings are the Court House, Presbyterian Church, Temperance IIull, Bank of Columbus, and two hotels. The streets are all wide and laid out at right angles. Of the three bridges which formerly crossed the river at this point, and which were destroyed during the war (April, 1865), but one has been re- built. The city has railway communica- tion with all important points in the State. Population 10,000. Just above Columbus there are some picturesque rapids in the Chattahoochee, overlooked by a fine rocky bluff, famous in story as the "Lover's Leap." The scene would Milledgeville. HOTELS, Mil- ledgeville Hotel, Mc Comb's Hotel. Mil- ledgeville, the capital of Georgia, a town of about 3,000 people, is upon the Oconee River, in the midst of a fine cotton-grow-be ing region. From Savannah, by the Central Railway, to Gordon, 171 miles, and thence by the Milledgeville and Eatonton, 18 miles. Total, 189 miles. From Augusta, 163 miles; from Colum- bus, 135 miles; and from Atlanta, 139 miles. The Capitol at Milledgeville is a large Gothic structure. The city also contains a State Arsenal, a Penitentiary, a Court House, and five church edifices. The Oglethorpe University is at Midway, a pretty village on the railway, 14 miles below Milledgeville. Eatonton, the county seat of Put- nam County, is pleasantly situated on a high ridge of land, at the terminus of the branch road from Gordon, on the Georgia Central. It has excellent schools and attractive scenery. Columbus, 99 miles from Macon, 139 miles from Atlanta. HOTELS, Hor- bach's (formerly Perry House), Cook's, both well-kept establishments, with every a gem in regions the most renowned for natural beauty. On the left, the river pursues its downward course to the city, in a straight line. Its flow is rapid and wild, broken by rocks, over which the water frets and foams in angry surges. The bed of the stream is that of a deep ravine, its walls lofty and irregular cliffs, covered to their verge with majestic forest growth. From this point the city of Columbus is but partially visible. The village of Girard and the surrounding hills on the Alabama side form a dis- tinct and beautiful background to the picture. Fort Valley, in Houston County, is on the Southwestern Railway, 72 miles east of Columbus, and 28 miles southwest of Macon. It contains two church edifices and a flourishing academy. Albany, 76 miles from Macon, by the Southwestern Railway, is on Flint River, at the mouth of Kinchafoonee Creek. Creek. Cotton to the amount of 15,000 79 1 CLARKSVILLE.] [TOCCOA FALLS. bales was shipped from this point previ- | Madison Springs, Mount Currahee, and ous to the war. The surrounding coun- Toccoa. try is among the richest in the State. Eufaula, Ala., a thriving town on the Chattahoochee River, is reached by a branch road from the Southwestern Rail- way at Smithville. The Mountain Region of Georgia.-Throughout all Northern Georgia, the traveller will find a continua- tion of the charming Blue Ridge land- scape, which we have already explored in the contiguous regions of Upper South Carolina, and North Carolina West. This picturesque district in the "Pine State" extends from Rabun County, in the north- eastern corner of the State, to Dade, in the extreme northwest, where the summit of the Lookout Mountain overlooks the valley of the Tennessee. Here are the famous gold lands, and in the midst of them the Dahlonega branch of the United States Mint. The most frequented, if not the finest scenes in this neighborhood are in the northeast, as the wonderful Falls of Tallulah and Toccoa, the valley of Na-ed cochee and Mount Yonah in Habersham County, the Cascades of Eastatoia and the great Rabun Gap in Rabun; all within a day's ride of the Table Mountain, Cæsar's Head, Jocasse, the Whitewater Falls, and other wonders of South Caro- lina. Further west are the Falls of Ami- calolah, the Cahutta Mountain, the Dog- wood Valley, and Mount Lookout. This was formerly the hunting-ground of the Cherokees; and, indeed, not many years have passed since the final removal of this tribe to new homes beyond the Mis- sissippi. GEORGIA, Clarksville, a pleasant village in Habersham County, is a favorite summer residence of the people of the "Low Country" of Georgia, and the point of rendezvous for the exploration of the landscape of the region-the point from whence to reach Tallulah, Toccoa, Nocoo- chee, etc. From Charleston or Columbia, or other places in South Carolina, follow the railways to Greenville or to Anderson, S. C., and proceed thence by stage, one to two days' ride, to Clarksville; or take the Georgia railways from Augusta to Athens, and thence by stage, one or two days' travel, to Clarksville, passing the 80 Toccoa Falls is in the County of Habersham, a few miles from the village of Clarksville. A narrow passage leads from the roadside to the foot of the fall. Before the spectator rises a perpendicular rock resembling a rugged stone wall, and over it "The brook comes babbling down the moun- tain's side." The height of the fall is now 180 feet. "Beautiful streamlet! onward glide, In thy destined course to the ocean's tide! So youth impetuous, longs to be- Tossed on the waves of manhood's sea: But weary soon of cloud and blast, Sighs for the haven its bark hath passed; And though thou rushest now with glee, By hill and plain to seek the sea- No lovelier spot again thou'lt find Than that thou leavest here behind; Where hill and rock 'rebound the call' Of clear Toccoa's waterfall!" There are picturesque legends connect- with this winsome spot; one of which narrates the story of an Indian chief and his followers, who, bent upon the exter- mination of the whites, and trusting to the guidance of a woman, were led by her over the precipice, and, of course, perished in their fall. The Cataracts of Tallulah are 12 miles from Clarksville (see route to Clarksville), by a road of very varied beauty. From Toc- coa to Tallulah the cut across is five or six miles only. There is a comfortable hotel near the edge of the gorges traversed by this wild mountain stream, and hard by its army of waterfalls. of waterfalls. The Tallulah or Terrora, as the Indians more appositely called it, is a small stream, which rushes through a chasm in the Blue Ridge, rend- ing it for several miles. The ravine is 1,000 feet in depth, and of a similar width. Its walls are gigantic cliffs of dark granite. The heavy masses piled upon each other in the wildest confusion, sometimes shoot out, overhanging the yawning gulf, and threatening to break from their seemingly frail tenure, and hurl themselves headlong into its dark depths. Along the rocky and uneven bed of this deep abyss, the infuriated Terrora frets and foams with ever-varying THE PULPIT.] course. Now, it flows in sullen majesty, through a deep and romantic glen, em- bowered in the foliage of the trees, which here and there spring from the rocky ledges of the chasm walls. Anon, it rushes with accelerated motion, breaking fretfully over protruding rocks, and utter- ing harsh murmurs, as it verges a preci- pice- GEORGIA, "Where, collected all, In one impetuous torrent, down the steep It thundering shoots, and shakes the country round: [MOUNT YONAH. | With or without such associations, it will be remembered with pleasure by all whose fortune it may be to see it. The valley-passages of the South are special- ties in the landscape, being often so small and so thoroughly and markedly shut in, that each forms a complete picture in it- self The little vale of Jocasse, in South Carolina, is such a scene, and that of Na- coochee is another, and yet finer example. Nacoochee, like Tallulah and Toccoa, is a pleasant day's excursion from Clarks- W ville. At first, an azure sheet, it rushes broad; Then whitening by degrees as prone it falls, And from the loud-resounding rocks below Dashed in a cloud of foam, it sends aloft A hoary mist, and forms a ceaseless shower." Mount Yonah looks down into the quiet heart of Nacoochee, lying at its base. If the tourist should stay over- night in the valley, as he will be apt to do, he ought to take a peep at the mountain panorama to be seen from the summit of old Yonah. The village of Clayton is an out-of-the-way little place, occupying the centre of a valley completely encircled by lofty mountain ranges. The Falls of the Eastatoia are some three or four miles from the village of Clayton, in Rabun, the extreme north- eastern county of Georgia. They lie off the road to the right, in the passage of the Rabun Gap, one of the mountain ways from Georgia into North Carolina. Clayton may be reached easily from Clarksville, the next town southward, or in a ride of 12 miles from the Falls of Tallulah. The Eastatoia, or the Rabun Falls, as they are otherwise called, would be a spot of crowded resort, were it in the midst of a more thickly peo- pled country. The scene is a succes- sion of cascades, noble in volume and character, down the ravined flanks of a rugged mountain height. From the top of one of the highest of the falls, a mag- nificent view is gained of the valley and waters of the Tennessee, north of the vil- lage of Clayton, and the hills which en- compass it. Before exploring further the mountain scenery of Georgia, we feel in duty bound to say a few words about accommodations, conveniences for travel, etc., and to remind the traveller, that when he leaves the frequented routes hereabouts, or anywhere among the Southern hills, he must voyage in his The most familiar point of observation is The Pulpit, an immense cliff which projects far into the chasm. From this position, the extent and depth of the fear- ful ravine, and three of the most roman- tic of the numerous cataracts, are observed. At various other localities fine glimpses down into the deep gorge are afforded, and numerous other paths lead to the bottom of the chasm. At the several cataracts—the Lodore, the Tempesta, the Oceana, the Serpentine, and others the picture is ever a new and striking one- which the most striking and beautiful, it would be very difficult to determine. The natural recess called the Trysting Rock, once the sequestered meeting- place of Indian lovers, is now a halting- spot for merry groups as they descend the chasm, just below the Lodore cascade. From this point, Lodore is upon the left, up the stream; a huge perpendicular wall of parti-colored rock towers up in front and below; to the right are seen the foaming waters of the Oceana cas- cade, and the dark glen into which they are surging their maddened way. Tem- pesta, the Serpentine, and other falls, lie yet below. The wild grandeur of this mountain gorge, and the variety, number, and magnificence of its cataracts, give it rank with the most imposing waterfall scenery in the Union. The Valley of Nacoochee, or the Even- ing Star, is said by tradition to have won its name from the story of the hap- less love of a beauteous Indian princess, | own conveyance, wagon or on horseback whose sceptre once ruled its solitudes. | (the latter the better), stop for the night 81 FALLS OF AMICALOLAH.] at any cabin near which the twilight may | find him, content himself with such fare as he can get (we won't discourage him by presenting the carte), and pay for it moderately when he resumes his journey in the morning. GEORGIA. [DAHLONEGA. bosom; and so tranquil and mirror-like is its surface, that one will fancy it to be a thing of life, conscious of its proximate fate, rallying all its energies for the start- ling leap; and he can scarcely forbear moralizing upon the oft-recurring and striking vicissitudes of human life, as illus- distin-trated in the brief career of this beautiful streamlet. Union County, lying upon the north- west line of Habersham, is guished for natural beauty, and for its objects of antiquarian interest. Among these is the Track Rock, bearing wonderful impressions of the feet of curi- ous animals now extinct. Pilot Mountain, also in Union, is a no- ble elevation of some 1,200 feet. | Hiawassee Falls, on the Hiawassee Riv- er, present a series of beautiful cascades, some of them from 50 to 100 feet in height. The Falls of Amicalolah are in Lump- kin County, southwest of Habersham. They lie some 17 miles west of the village of Dahlonega, near the State road leading to East Tennessee. The name is a com- pound of two Cherokee words" Ami," signifying water, and "Calolah," rolling or tumbling; strikingly expressive of the cataract, and affording us another instance of the simplicity and significant force of the names conferred by the untutored sons of the forest. The visitor should rein up at the nearest farm-house, and make his way thence, either up the Rat- tlesnake Hollow to the base of the Falls, or to the summit. The range of moun- tains to the south and west, as it strikes the eye from the top of the falls, is truly sublime; and the scene is scarcely sur- passed in grandeur by any other, even in this country of everlasting hills. The view from the foot embraces, as strictly regards the falls themselves, much more than the view from above, and is there- fore, perhaps, the better; both, however, should be obtained in order to form a just conception of the scene; for here we have a succession of cataracts and cas- cades, the greatest not exceeding 60 feet, but the torrent, in the distance of 400 yards, descending more than as many hundred feet. This creek has its source upon the Blue Ridge, several miles east of the falls; and it winds its way, fringed with wild flowers of the richest dyes, and kissed in autumn by the purple wild- grapes which cluster over its transparent Dahlonega, the thriving capital of Lumpkin County, is beautifully situated on a high hill commanding a magnificent view of the mountain scenery of this lovely region. region. The Indian name of the place was Tau-lau-ne-ca, "Yellow Money." The gold mines in the vicinity are still worked, and are the richest in Georgia. The United States branch mint cost $100,000. Travellers will find a well-kept hotel. Mount Currahee is on the upper edge of Franklin County, adjoining Habersham, where we have already visited the Falls of Tallulah and Toccoa, Nacoochee and Yonah, and on the stage route from Athens (see Clarksville) to those scenes. It is about 16 miles above the village of Cairnesville, and a few miles below the Toccoa cascade. The traveller fresh from the lowlands always finds this a scene of much interest. The Rock Mountain (Stone Mountain) is a place of great repute and resort in the western part of the State. It is in De Kalb County, 16 miles east of Atlanta, the western terminus of the Georgia Railway. It may thus be easily reached by the Georgia Road from Augusta, and all points thereon, and from places on the many different railways meeting at Atlanta. (See Atlanta.) The mountain stands alone in a comparatively level region. It covers 1,000 acres of surface. Its circumference is about six miles. Its height above the sea 2,230 feet, which is further increased by the addition of an observatory. The western view of the mountain, though perhaps the most beautiful, is not calcu- lated to give the beholder a just concep- tion of its magnitude. To obtain this, he must visit the north and south sides, both at the base and at the summit. Pursuing, for half a mile, a road which winds in an easterly direction along the base of the mountain, the traveller arrives directly opposite its northern front. There the 82 LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN.] GEORGIA. I view is exceedingly grand and imposing. This side of the mountain presents an almost uninterrupted surface of rock, rising about 900 feet at its greatest eleva- tion. It extends nearly a mile and a half, gradually declining toward the west, while the eastern termination is abrupt and precipitous. The side is not perpendicu- lar, but exhibits rather a convex face, deeply marked with furrows. During a shower of rain, a thousand waterfalls pour down these channels; and if, as sometimes happens, the sun breaks forth in his splendor, the mimic torrents flash and sparkle in his beams, like the coruscations of countless diamonds. Near the road is a spring, which, from the beauty of its location, and the delightful coolness of its waters, is an agreeable place of resort. It is in a shady dell, and its water gushes up from a deep bed of white and sparkling sand. A more exquisite beverage a pure taste could not desire. Among the curios- ities of the mountain, there are two which are especially deserving of notice. One is the "Cross Roads." There are two crevices or fissures in the rock, which cross each other nearly at right angles. They commence as mere cracks, increas- ing to the width and depth of five feet at their intersection. They are of different lengths, the longest extending probably 400 feet. These curious passages are covered at their junction by a flat rock, about 20 feet in diameter. Another is the ruins of a fortification, which once surrounded the crown of the mountain. It is said to have stood entire in 1788. When or by whom it was erected is un- known. The Indians say that it was there before the time of their fathers. • Lookout Mountain.-On the summit of this beautiful spur, the northwest corner of Georgia and the northeast ex- tremity of Alabama, meet the southern boundary of Tennessee. Almost in the shadow of the Lookout heights lies the busy town of Chattanooga, in Tennessee, on the great railway route from Charleston via the Georgia roads to Knoxville, and thence by the Virginia railways to the north; and on the other hand westward, through Nashville, to the Ohio and the Mississippi. (See Chattanooga, in the chapter on Tennessee.) The country around the "Lookout" is extremely pic- [SPRINGS. turesque; the views all about the moun- tain itself are admirable, and nothing can exceed in beauty the charming valley of the Tennessee and its waters, as seen from its lofty summit. It is, too, in the imme- diate vicinage of the Dogwood Valley, and the Nickajack Cave in Alabama. The Falls of the Towalaga would be beautiful anywhere, and they are therefore particularly so occurring as they do in a part of the State not remarkable for its picturesque character. They are easily reached from Forsyth or Griffin on the Macon and Western Railway. The river above the falls is about three hundred feet in width, flowing swiftly over a rocky shoal. At its first descent it is divided by a ledge of rock, and forms two precipitous falls for a distance of fifty feet. The falls are much broken by the uneven surface over which the water flows, and on reach- ing their rocky basin, are shivered into foam and spray. From the foot of this fall the stream foams rapidly down its declivitous channel for two hundred feet, and again bounds over a minor precipice in several distinct cascades, which com- mingle their waters at its base in a cloud of foam. SPRINGS. The Indian Springs are in Butts County, near the falls of the Towalaga. (See Macon and Western Railway.) The Madison Springs are on the stage route from Athens to the waterfall region of Habersham County, seven miles from Danielsville, the capital of Madison County. (See Athens branch, Georgia Railway.) The Warm Springs, in Merriweather County, are 36 miles N. E. by stage from Columbus. A nearer railway point is Lagrange, on the Atlanta and West Point Railway. These springs discharge 1,400 gallons of water per minute, of 90 degrees Fahrenheit. The Sulphur Springs are six miles north of Gainesville, Hall County, in the upper part of the State. (See Athens branch, Georgia Railway.) The Rowland Springs are about six miles from Cartersville, in Cass County. Cartersville is a station on the Western and Atlantic Railway, 47 miles north of 83 SPRINGS.] Atlanta and 89 miles south of Chatta- nooga. The Red Sulphur Springs, or "the Vale of Springs," are at the base of Taylor's Ridge, in Walker County, the northwest corner of the State. In the vicinage is the Lookout Mountain and other beautiful scenes. No less than twenty springs are found here in the space of half a mile,- chalybeate, sulphur, red, white and black, and magnesia. (See Chattanooga and vicinity.) 84 GEORGIA. [SPRINGS. The Thundering Springs are in Upson County. The nearest railway station is Forsyth. (See Macon and Western Rail- way.) The Powder Springs-sulphur and mag- nesia-are in Cobb County, 20 miles above Atlanta. (See Western and Atlantic Railway.) M Nickajack Cave is in the immediate vicinity of Chattanooga. (See chapter on Alabama.) FLORIDA.] FLORIDA. FLORIDA. FLORIDA is much visited from the north | during the winter months by those who love mild and balmy atmospheres, and especially by invalids in quest of health- restoring climates. The villages of St. Augustine, Jacksonville, Pilatka, and neighboring places, which are those most particularly sought, are near the Atlantic coast, in the extreme northeastern part of the State. They may be speedily and pleasantly reached by steamers from Charleston and Savannah, as we shall show, after a very hasty peep at the spe- cialties in the history and character of the region. Though so recently (1820) ad- mitted into the Confederacy of States, Florida is more fertile in materials of his- tory than many of her elder sister States. Hither came Ponce de Leon (1512), hoping to find the fabled fountain of perpetual youth and strength; and shortly after, Narvaez, who invaded the country from Cuba with 400 men, and penetrating the interior, was never again heard of. De Soto followed in 1539, with a not much happier reward, for though he subdued the savages and took possession of their land, it was only to leave it again and to pass on. Battle and strife have, with intervals of quiet, so characterized Florida, almost to the present day, that its name would seem but irony did it really refer, as is generally supposed, to the floral vegetation of the soil, instead of to the simple happening of the discovery of the country on Pascua Florida, or Palm Sunday. The earliest settlements in Florida were made by the French, but they were driven out by the Spaniards, who established themselves securely at St. Augustine in 1565, many years before any other settlement was made on the western shores of the Atlan- tic. Before the Revolution, Florida warred with the English colonies of Carolina and | [FLORIDA. Georgia, and passed into British posses- sion in 1763. It was reconquered by Spain in 1781, and from that period until within very late years, it has been the field of Indian occupation and warfare. The reconquest by Spain in 1781, was confirmed in 1783, and in 1821 that power ceded the country to the United States. Its territorial organization was made in 1822, and its admission into the Union as a State occurred March 3, 1845. A san- guinary war was waged from 1834 to 1842," between the troops of the United States and the Indian occupants, the Seminoles, led by their famous chief Osceola. Since that period the savages have been re- moved to other territory, excepting some few who are still in possession of the impenetrable swamps and jungles of the lower portions of the State. The ordinance of secession was pass- ed at Tallahassee, January 7, 1861. Florida is the grand peninsula forming the extreme southeastern part of the United Stats Its entire area eastward lies upon the Atlantic, and the Gulf of Mexico washes almost the whole of the western side. Georgia and Alabama are upon the north. The country is for the most part level, being nowhere more than 250 or 300 feet above the sea. The southern part of the peninsula is covered with a large sheet of water called the Everglades -an immense area, filled with islands, which it is supposed may be reclaimed by drainage. The central portion of the State is somewhat elevated, the highest point being about 171 feet above the ocean, and gradually declining toward the coast on either side. The country between the Suwanee and the Chatta- hoochee is elevated and hilly, and the western region is level. The lands of Florida are almost sui generis, very curi- 85 FLORIDA.] [HIBERNIA. | | ously distributed, and may be desig- | dina; other boats run between Savannah nated as high hummock, low hummock, and Pilatka, calling at Brunswick, St. swamp, savannas, and the different Marys, Fernandina, Jacksonville, and qualities of fine land. High hum- Picolata. The St. Johns River is the prin- mock is usually timbered with live and cipal point of attraction, and that to which other oaks, with magnolia, laurel, etc., we propose to direct the more particular and is considered the best description of attention of the tourist. It comes from land for general purposes. Low hum- a marshy tract in the central part of the mock, timbered with live and water oak, peninsula, flowing first northwest to the is subject to overflows, but when drained mouth of the Ochlawaha, and thence is preferred for sugar. Savannas, on the about northward to Jacksonville, and margins of streams and in detached bodies finally eastward to the Atlantic. It is are usually very rich and alluvious, yield- navigated by steamboats only to Pilatka, ing in dry seasons, but needing, at other though vessels drawing eight feet of times, ditching and diking. Marsh water may pass up 107 miles, to Lake savannas, on the borders of tide George. The entire length of the river streams, are very valuable, when re- is 200 miles. The country which it trav- claimed, for rice or sugar-cane. The erses is covered chiefly with dank cypress swampy, island-filled lake called the swamps and desolate pine barrens; the Everglades is covered with a dense jungle banks, which are from ten to twenty of vines and evergreens, pines, and pal- feet high, are overgrown with the trees for mettoes. It lies south of Okechobee, and which the State is so famous, amongst is 160 miles long and 60 broad. Its which are the pine, magnolia, live-oak, depth varies from one to six feet. A and palmetto. rank tall grass springs from the vegetable deposits at the bottom, and rising above the surface of the water, gives the lake the deceitful air of a beautiful verdant lawn. The soil is well adapted, it is thought, to the production of the plantain and the banana. In the interior of Flori- da there is a chain of lakes, of which the extreme southern link is Lake Okechobee, nearly 20 miles in length. Many of these waters are extremely picturesque in their own unique beauty of wild and rank tropi- cal vegetation. The rivers of the State are numerous, and, like the lakes, pre- sent everywhere to the eye of the stranger very novel attractions, in the abundance and variety of the trees and shrubs and vines which line all their shores and bayous. The largest of the many rivers is the Appalachicola, which crosses the western arm of the State to the Gulf of Mexico. The St. Mary's is the boundary on the extreme northern corner, Georgia being upon the opposite bank. Its waters flow into the Atlantic, as do those of the St. Johns River, in the same section of the State. All the main points of inter- est in Florida are easily reached from Savannah by steam-packets down the coast. The Dictator makes the round trip from Charleston to Jacksonville weekly, stopping at Savannah and Fernan- FLORIDA. | | Jacksonville, 25 miles from the mouth of the St. Johns, is the most impor- tant point on the river. It is a flourishing, busy town of about 2,000 inhabitants, has numerous saw-mills, and considerable commerce. Jacksonville has direct rail- way communication with Tallahassee and Cedar Keys. Hibernia, situated at the mouth of Black Creek, 47 miles up the St. Johns, is a quiet, pleasant, home-like place, of considerable resort. Middleburgh, 16 miles up Black Creek, report speaks favorably of. It consists of a few houses only. Magnolia (56 miles, on the west bank of the St. Johns) has a large hotel kept by Dr. Benedict, a Northern physi- cian, of established reputation. Good rooms and good entertainment may be expected here. Green Cove Springs (warm sulphur) are one and a half miles above Magnolia. There is good accommodation for visitors. Picolata, 10 miles beyond Magno- lia, and 66 miles from the mouth, has a good house for visitors. This is the point of departure for St. Augustine. Pilatka, on the west bank, 25 miles, or two hours, further south, is a new and thriving town, deriving consider 86 ENTERPRISE.] | able trade from the fertile back country. It is the capital of Putnam County. Here are two hotels. Passengers take stage here for Orange Springs and Ocala. FLORIDA. Wilaka is a comparatively recent settlement, on the east bank of the St. Johns, 110 miles from its mouth. | [ST. AUGUSTINE. Sebastian River and marsh, we enter a well-shaded avenue, flanked by gardens and orange-groves, which leads directly to the centre of the quaint old city. Here is the public square, a neat enclosure of some two acres, facing which, on either side, stand the Court House, the Market and wharf, the Protestant Episcopal Church-a plain building, in the pointed style, handsomely furnished-and, imme- diately opposite, the venerable Roman Catholic Church, a striking edifice of seemingly great antiquity, but built only about eighty years ago. It is of the periwig pattern, and in the worst possible taste. One of its bells bears date 1682. Con- nected with this church is a small convent and school. A minute's walk brings us to the sea-wall or breakwater, a broad line of massive masonry, built about 1840 by order of Government, at great cost, for the protection of the city, but whose chief use is that of affording to the inhabitants the pleasantest promenade in fine weather. This wall extends half a mile southward to the now deserted barracks and maga- zine, and as far northward as Fort Marion (formerly Castle of St. Mark), a pictu- resque and decayed fortress, which once commanded the whole harbor, looming up out of the flat landscape, grand as a Moorish castle, and forming the most conspicuous and interesting relic of the Spanish occupation. Parallel to this sea- wall, run north and south, with short in- tersections, the three principal streets or lanes, long, narrow, without pavement or sidewalk, irregularly built up with (6 • dumpy" but substantial houses, rather dingy and antediluvian, mostly of stone, or with the lower stories stone and the upper of wood. They have invariably the chimneys outside, and are ornamented with projecting balconies and latticed verandas, from which the gay paint has long since faded, being all toned and weather-stained into one sombre gray hue, which, in keeping with the surroundings, is the joint result of age, neglect, sun, and saline air. Every house is separated from its neighbor by more or less of garden plot, ill protected by broken fence and crum- bling wall, wherein they raise two or more crops of vegetables every year, figs in perfection, and roses in unmeasured abundance. St. Augustine is sometimes Enterprise (180 miles), also on the east bank, on Lake Monroe, boasts a new, large, commodious, and well-kept hotel. The hunting and fishing are good in the vicinity. Steamboat excursions on the St. Johns River are frequently made to Lake Harney, sixty miles above Enter- prise. Thirty miles east from Enterprise, on the sea-coast, and four miles from Mosquito Inlet, is New Smyrna, consist- ing of two houses. Reached by mail- wagon, once a week. Mr. Sheldon enter- tains company, and insures them capital sport. Mail boat leaves here for Indian River every second week. This is a fine, healthy location. A new hotel is to be put up the coming season. St. Augustine, 160 miles from Savannah, 200 from Tallahassee. St. Augustine is well furnished with ho- tels and boarding-houses, and there is unusually ample and comfortable accom- modation for all comers. The principal hotels are the Magnolia, a well-built, well-kept, and well-furnished resort, and the Planters'. First-class boarding- houses are also to be found. Visitors, unless more than ordinarily difficult and exacting, will find the tables satisfactorily furnished; admirably so, considering the isolation of the place, and its remoteness from markets and commercial cities. The winter fare consists of groceries and butter from the North; delicious fish and oysters, beef, game, poultry, venison, duck, wild turkey, and occasionally green turtle; green peas and salads are rarely lacking, even in midwinter; game birds are abundant, such as quail, snipe, etc. St. Augustine is built along the seaward side of a narrow ridge of land, situated be- tween a salt marsh and estuary half a mile from the beach, two miles from the ocean, in sight of the bar and lighthouse, and within hearing of the surf. The soil is sandy loam and decomposed shell, and is very productive. Approaching by a bridge and causeway crossing the St. 87 ST. AUGUSTINE.] styled the "Ancient City," and is, indeed, the oldest in the United States. Its ap- pearance is in strict keeping with its venerable age, seen in the unequivocal marks of decay or decrepitation. Perhaps the friable nature of the common building material contributes to this ruinous ap- pearance, all the older houses being con- structed of a stratified concrete of minute shell and sand called coquina," in blocks conveniently obtained, and easily worked, hardening by exposure, but abrading and crumbling in course of time. Coquina houses, however, are invariably dark, and always damp in winter, on which account frame dwellings, although not so cool for summer houses, are much preferred by the innovating Yankees. But the Minor- can, or sub-Spanish population, still adhere to their traditions, and refuse to be reformed. They build for the summer time-the longest season-and wisely build, when they do build, the same solid, squat, low-doored, narrow-windowed, dis- agreeably-dark and rheumatically-damp dwellings as ever. Visitors, however, in choosing winter quarters, will do well to prefer those hotels which are of frame, and have a cheerful sunny exposure. Northerners seeking in Florida a milder climate and permanent winter residence, have generally preferred St. Augustine. And with the best reason. The proximity of the Gulf Stream renders it warmer in winter and cooler in summer than the settlements on the St. Johns River. It is at present the most southern habitable place on the eastern coast; and it has peculiar advantages over all other towns in East Florida-in its churches, its com- pany, and its comforts. Good society may always be had there; the citizens are hospitable, and among the visitors are always some agreeable persons, cultivated and distinguished. Visitors begin to arrive about the holidays, and the first stranger" is looked for with as much anxiety as the first Connecticut shad. From the middle of March until the middle of April is the height of the season, and then the hotels are crowded. Deli- ciously fresh and mild is the atmosphere during the first spring heats. Then the soft south wind fills the senses with a voluptuous languor, and the evening land breeze comes laden with the fragrance of "C FLORIDA. [FERNANDINA. orange-blossoms and the breath of roses. A moonlight walk upon the sea-wall sug- gests the Mediterranean, and the illusion is heightened by the accents of a foreign tongue. The effect of these happy climat- ic and social conditions is very noticeable. The most morose tempers seem to lose their acerbity, and even the despairing invalid catches the contagion of cheerful- ness. Two-thirds of the population of St. Augustine (amounting to 1,300 whites) are of Spanish origin, and still speak the Spanish language. The women are pretty, modest, dark-eyed brunettes; dress neatly in gay colors, are skilful at needle-work, and good housewives. The men exhibit equally characteristic traits of race and nationality. The people are generally poor. There are no manufactures. The town produces little, and exports nothing -its chief support, since the loss of its orange-groves, being derived from Gov- ernment offices, and receipts from strang- ers. It has one saw-mill, rarely running. It has a bathing-house, three good physi- cians, and a dentist. Anastatia Island, opposite St. Augustine, is twenty miles in length, and affords picturesque views. Perhaps no city in the Union is healthier than St. Augustine. Thirty-six miles north of the St. Johns is the St. Mary's river. St. Mary's.-St. Mary's may be in- cluded in this region, though it lies in the State of Georgia, yet still near the north- east line of Florida. east line of Florida. It is upon the St. Mary's River, nine miles from the sea. The village is a pleasant one, and the healthfulness of climate makes it a great resort for invalids. Fernandina, the county seat of Nassau County, is pleasantly situated on the north end of Amelia Island, a little south of the St. Mary's River. The island is fifteen miles long and nearly three in its greatest width. The land is well adapted to the growth of cotton. The town con- sists of about fifty houses, built of wood. The harbor is considered one of the best south of the Chesapeake. Tallahassee, 194 miles from Mo- bile, 130 from Pensacola. HOTEL, City Hotel. Tallahassee, the capital of Florida, is a pleasant city, of some 2,000 inhabi tants, in the centre of the northern and most populous part of the State, near the head of the Gulf of Mexico. It is con- 88 • TALLAHASSEE.] nected by railroad, 26 miles, with St. Marks, near the Gulf. It is regularly built upon a somewhat elevated site. Some of its public edifices are highly re- spectable, but do not call for any especial remark. Chief among the attractions of Tallahassee are the many beautiful springs found in the vicinity. Ten miles from the city is a famous fountain, called Wachulla. It is an immense limestone basin, as yet unfathomed in the centre, with waters as transparent as crystal. It contains the State House, Court House, and several churches. Here, on the 7th of January, 1861, the ordinance of seces- sion was passed. FLORIDA. ROUTES. From Pensacola to Tallahassee.-To La Grange (on Choctawhatchie Bay), by steamboat, 65 miles; by stage to Holmes Valley, 25; Oakey Hill, 42; Marianna, 66; Chattahoochee, 90; Quincy, 108; Salubrity, 117; Tallahassee, 130. From Jacksonville to Tallahassee.—To the White Sulphur Spring, 82 miles. This curious spring rises in a basin ten feet deep and thirty in diameter; it discharges a quan- tity of water, and after running a course of about 100 feet, enters the Suwanee River. The waters have been found very beneficial in cases of consumption, rheu- matism, and a variety of other complaints. A Southern poetess has thus graphically Visitors will find ample accommodation portrayed its beauties: here. From the mineral spring to Madi- son, 35 miles; Lipona, 73; Tallahassee, 98 or 180 miles from Jacksonville. "Wachulla, beauteous Spring! thy crystal waters Reflect the loveliness of Southern skies; And oft methinks the dark-haired Indian daughters Bend o'er thy silver depths with wondering From forest glade the swarthy chief emerg- eyes; ing, Delighted paused, thy matchless charms to view: Then to thy flower-gemmed border slowly verging, I see him o'er thy placid bosom urging His light canoe! With the bright crimson of the Maple twin- ing, The fragrant Bay its peerless chaplet weaves; And where Magnolias in their pride are shin- ing, The broad Palmetto spreads its fan-like leaves: Far down the forest aisles where sunbeams quiver, The fairest flowers their rainbow hues com- bine; And pendant o'er the swiftly flowing river, The shadows of the graceful Willow shiver, In glad sunshine! Bright-plumaged birds their gorgeous hues enwreathing, Their amorous tunes to listening flowers repeat; Which, in reply, their sweetest incense breathing, Pour on the silent air their perfume sweet: From tree to tree the golden jasmine creep- ing, Hangs its light bells on every slender spray; And in each fragrant chalice slying peeping, The Humming-Bird its odorous store is reaping, "" The livelong day!' [PENSACOLA. Appalachicola is at the entrance of the river of the same name into the Gulf of Mexico, through the Appalachicola Bay. It is easily accessible by the river and the gulf, and is a place of large cot- ton shipments. It is 135 miles south- west of Tallahassee. Population 2,000. Pensacola-HOTELS, Bedell House, Winter's House, St. Mary's Hall. Pensacola is upon the Pensacola Bay, in the extreme northwest corner of the State, 10 miles from the Gulf of Mexico and 64 east of Mo- bile. It was known as late as 1699 by its | Indian name of Auclusia. The harbor here is one of the safest on the Florida coast, which is not remarkable for safe harbors. It is well sheltered by St. Rosa Island, and is defended by Forts Pickens, McRea, and Barrancas. Forts McRae and Bar- rancas were occupied by rebel troops dur- ing the war of 1861-65. Pensacola is a United States naval station, and contains a Marine Hospital and Custom House. The population of Pensacola is about 3,000. Route from Pensacola to Mobile, Ala. -To Blakely, 50; Mobile, 64 miles. Tampa is on Tampa, formerly Es- piritu Santo Bay, which opens on the Gulf of Mexico, near the centre of the western coast of Florida. Key West City is upon the island of Key West, off the southern extremity of the peninsula, occupying the important post of key to the Gulf passage. 89 [KEY WEST CITY. | a steamer fortnightly from Pier 9, East River, N. Y., for Appalachicola and Key West (Bonner & Brown, 113 Wall Street, Agents). A railway now extends from Fernandina, on the Atlantic coast, south- westerly across the peninsula, to Cedar Keys on the Gulf of Mexico; stage lines di- verge to various points in the interior. The Pensacola and Georgia Railway will cross the upper part of the State from Jackson west to Tallahassee. This route is at present in operation 25 miles from Talla- hassee to Monticello. Other lines will soon connect Tallahassee with Pensacola, The and with Savannah, Macon, etc. best time to go to Florida (east coast), either for health or pleasure, is from the 1st of January to the 1st of April. FLORIDA. KEY WEST CITY.] It was first settled in 1822, and is now the most populous city of Florida, having a population of about 3,000. It is a mili- tary station of the United States. Some 30,000 bushels of salt are annually made at Key West, by solar evaporation. Great quantities of sponges, too, are found and exported; but the chief busi- ness of the island accrues from the sal- vages upon the wrecks cast upon the coast. Forty or fifty vessels are every year lost in the vicinity, by which the island profits to the amount of $200,000. The Marine Hospital here, 100 feet long, is a noteworthy building. Fort Taylor, a strong and costly post, defends the har- bor. The Charleston and Havana steam- ers touch at Key West once a week. The "Florida Steamship Line" despatch | 90 ALABAMA.] # ALABAMA. A | | THIS State, though hitherto little visited by tourists and pleasure-seekers, either from the North or South, forms never- theless an interesting field of adventure, as well as an important link of communi- cation in making the grand tour of the South. From the North it is most readily and expeditiously reached by way of Washington, Lynchburg, Knoxville, and Atlanta. The route by Savannah, Macon, Columbus, and Montgomery is, however, the most pleasant, as combining both sea and land travel. Travellers from New Orleans and Mobile can reach Montgom- ery, the State capital, either by boat up the Alabama River, or by railway from Mobile. The history of this State is in- volved in some obscurity. It is supposed that it was first visited by white men in 1541, when the troops of De Soto passed through it on their memorable exploring expedition to the great Mississippi. In 1702 a fort was erected in Mobile Bay by a Frenchman named Bienville, and nine years later the present site of the city of Mobile was occupied At the peace of 1763 this territory passed into the pos- session of the English, with all the French possessions (except New Orleans) east of the Mississippi. Until 1802 Alabama was included in the domain of Georgia, and after 1802 and up to 1817 it was a part of the Mississippi Territory. At that period it was formed into a distinct government, and was admitted in 1819 into the Union as an independent State. The natural beauties of Alabama, except- ing in the peculiar features of the south ern lowlands seen near the coast, are not of such marked interest to the tourist as the landscape of many other States. In the upper region are the extreme southern outposts of the great Appalachian hill ranges; but, as if wearied with all their | [ALABAMA. ALABAMA. | | long journey, they here droop their once bold heads and fall to sleep, willing, per- haps, to accept the poetical signification of the name of the new territory into which they now enter-Alabama, Here we rest. While the upper portion of the State is thus rude and hilly, the central falls into fertile prairie reaches. The ex- treme southern edge for fifty or sixty miles from the gulf is sometimes a sandy, sometimes a rich alluvial plain. The cli- mate, like that of most of the Southern States, varies from the characteristics of the tropics below, through all the inter- mediate degrees, to the salubrious and in- vigorating air of the mountain lands above. The chief agricultural product of Alabama is cotton, of which great sta- ple it yielded, before the war, more than any other State in the Union. Extensive canebrakes once existed, but they have been greatly cleared away. Sugar-cane grows on the southwest neck, between Mobile and the Mississippi. Many of the rich alluvial tracts yield rice abundantly. Tobacco, also, is produced. Indian corn, oats, sweet potatoes, buckwheat, barley, flax, and silk, are much cultivated, besides many other grains, fruits, and vegetables, and large supplies of live stock of all de- scriptions. Alabama is rich in minerals; deposits of coal, iron, variegated marbles, limestone, and other treasures, being ex- tensively found within her borders. Gold mines, too, have been found and worked. Salt, sulphur, and chalybeate springs abound. The State is divided into fifty-two counties, and contains a white population of nearly half a million. Montgomery, the capital, is a growing city; the principal commercial towns are Mobile, Tuscaloosa, Huntsville, and Selma. | RIVERS.-The Alabama is the principal 91 RAILWAYS.] river of the State. It is formed by the Coosa and Tallapoosa, which unite about ten miles north of Montgomery. About 45 miles above Mobile it is joined by the Tombigbee, and the united waters are thence known as the Mobile River. The Alabama is navigable for large steamers through its whole course of 460 miles, from the city of Mobile to Wetumpka. Between these points there are upwards of two hundred landings. It flows through a country of rich cotton-fields, broad savanna lands, and dense forest tracts. The trip down the Alabama, from Mont- gomery to Mobile, during the cotton- shipping season (December to March), forms one of the most interesting and exciting experiences of the Southern trav- eller. ALABAMA. The Tombigbee River flows 450 miles from the northeast corner of Mississippi, first to Demopolis, where it unites with the Black Warrior, and thence to the Alabama River, about 45 miles above Mobile. Its course is through fertile savanna lands, occupied by cotton plantations. Aber- deen, Columbus, Pickensville, Gainesville, and Demopolis, are upon its banks. Large steamboats ascend 416 miles to Columbus. The Black Warrior River unites at Demopolis with the Tombigbee (see Tom- bigbee, above). Tuscaloosa, the capital of the State, is upon its banks. To this point large steamboats regularly ascend, 413 miles from Mobile. The Indian name of this river was Tuscaloosa, and it is still thus sometimes called. The Chattahoochee forms a part of the eastern boundary of the State. (See Georgia.) The Tennessee flows for 130 miles of its course through northern Alabama (see Muscle Shoals). The remaining rivers worthy of mention are the Cahawba, Escambia, Blackwater, Yellowwater, and Choctawhatchee. RAILWAYS.-The Mobile and Ohio Rail- way to Corinth and Jackson, Miss., Co- lumbus, Kentucky, 472 miles, and thence by steamer to Cairo, Illinois, where it connects with the Illinois Central to Chi- cago, and all points North, East, and West. [MOBILE. and thence 50 miles to Pollard, where it connects with the Alabama and Forida Railway to Montgomery, etc. A branch is in course of construction to Pensacola, Florida. The Memphis and Charleston Railway from Memphis, Tenn., via Corinth (93 miles), Tuscumbia (145), Decatur (188), Huntsville (212), to Stevenson (272 miles), and thence by the Nashville and Chatta- nooga Railway to Chattanooga, and the East and Northeast. The Mobile and Great Northern Rail- way. Steam ferry, 22 miles, to Tensas, The Montgomery and West Point Rail- way from Montgomery, 88 miles to West Point, and thence 87 miles to Atlanta. The Alabama and Tennessee River Railway, 110 miles from Selma to Tal- ladega. Steamers from Selma to Mobile. Shelby Springs on this route. The Alabama and Mississippi River Railway from Selma 30 miles to Union- town, and thence by stage to Demopolis and Lauderdale Springs. The Pensacola and Georgia Railway is in operation between Lake City and Quincy. It will eventually extend between Pensacola and Tallahassee, Florida. The Mobile and Girard Railway will traverse the State from Columbus, Ga., to Mobile. Completed from Montgomery 47 miles to Chunnuggec. MOBILE. 165 miles from New Orleans; 197 from Montgomery. Mobile was founded by the French in 1699, and was ceded by that nation to Eng- land in 1763. To Lemoin D'Iberville, who has not inaptly been called the "father of Southern colonization," justly belongs the credit of founding the city. Historians, however, differ as to the precise date of the foundation. In 1780 England sur- rendered it to Spain, and that Government made it over to the United States in 1813. It was incorporated as a city in December 1819, the population numbering about 800 souls. It was one of the last points in the Confederacy occupied by Union forces during the late war. This event took place April 12th, 1865. An explosion, which took place in the north end of the city on the 25th May following the occu- pation, destroyed twelve entire squares } 92 MOBILE.] | of buildings, besides doing much damage in adjacent portions of the city. The city is pleasantly situated on a level, sandy plain which rises on the west bank of the Mobile River, immediately above its en- trance into the bay, and thirty miles from the Gulf of Mexico. The city extends along the river bank upwards of two miles east and west, and nearly three miles north and south, and is divided into seven wards. Population about 35,000. The plateau is elevated 15 feet above the highest tides, and commands a fine view of the river and bay, from which it receives refreshing breezes. The numerous ob- structions and shallowness of the channel at low water render navigation not only difficult but hazardous for vessels drawing more than seven feet of water. They cannot come directly up the bay to the city, but pass up Spanish River six miles round a marshy island into Mobile River, and down this a short distance to the wharves. As a cotton mart and place of export for this great staple, Mobile ranks next in importance to New Orleans. In 1850 the tonnage of the port was upwards of 25,000 tons; in 1860 it had increased to 37,000. The city is supplied with ex- cellent water, brought a distance of two miles, and thence distributed through the city. On Mobile Point is a lighthouse, the lantern of which is 55 feet above the sea level. Fort Morgan (formerly Fort Bower), and Fort James, opposite Dau- phin Island, mounting 69 guns at the time of the attack, command the entrance of the hrrbor. Spanish Fort, and Fort Blakely, and Batteries Gladden, Tracy, McIntosh, and Huger are passed on the way up the Tensas River from Mobile to Pollard and Montgomery. Large numbers of sailing vessels ply between Mobile and New Orleans, the ports on the Gulf of Mexico, and the Atlantic coast. A daily line of steamers run to New Orleans by way of Lakes Borgne and Pontchartrain; likewise up the Alabama River to Mont- gomery and other points. Mobile has many fine private residences, but few buildings of a public character which would interest the visitor. Cotton is still king in Alabama; and Mobile, as her chief city and commercial emporium, is mainly devoted to the receipt, storage, and shipment of this wonderful product. [MOBILE. Government Street is the finest avenue and favorite promenade of the city. Public Square, between Dauphin and St. Francis Streets, is also a place of much resort. Both are adorned with live oaks and other shade-trees. The lofty dome of the Academy building, and the spires of the several church edifices on Govern- ment Street, afford a pleasing relief to the eye accustomed to dwell upon the dark- green foliage of the oak-trees which shade its whole length. The building at the in- tersection of Government with Dearborn Street, the property of Mr. Emanuel, is at present occupied as the headquarters of the District Commandant. The Custom House, at the corner of Royal and St. Francis Streets, is the most costly public edifice in the city. It is built of marble, and cost $250,000. The Theatre, Municipal Buildings, and Mar- kets are on Royal Street. The Battle House, the largest hotel in the city, pre- sents an imposing façade of white marble, immediately facing the Custom House. The somewhat imposing ruin on the west side of Royal Street, nearly opposite the city market, marks the site of the Court House destroyed by fire during the war. Odd Fellows' Hall, on Royal Street, and Temperance Hall, corner of St. Michael and St. Joseph Streets, are conspicuous buildings. Among the religious and charitable insti- tutions of Mobile the most prominent are the Catholic Cathedral (Immaculate Con- ception), on Claiborne Street, between Dauphin and Conti Streets; Christ Church (Episcopal), northwest corner of Church and St. Emanuel Streets; First Presbyterian Church, northwest corner of Government and Jackson Streets; and the Catholic Male and Female and Prot- estant Orphan Asylums, all situated within a short distance of the business portion of the city. Mobile possesses fourteen public schools, and a large num- ber of benevolent and other societies. Mobile College, on Government near Ann Street, is a flourishing institution. M. Saucier, at No. 96 Dauphin Street, exe- cutes excellent photographic views. ALABAMA. Spring Hill is a pleasant suburb and re- treat six miles west of the city. The Roman Catholic College; commenced in 1832 un- der the direction of Bishop M. Portier, is 93 1 MONTGOMERY.] located here. The former building was 123 feet in length, surmounted by a tower. Two additions, each 126 feet in length, have since been added, making the entire length 375 feet. It contains a library of nearly 8,000 volumes, and a valuable col- lection of instruments, etc. A statue of the Virgin Mary, brought from Toulouse, France, stands in the rear of the building. The institution is under the management of the Jesuits, and has accommodation for upwards of 200 students. It is reached by the St. Francis Street cars. The Gulf Shell road affords a pleasant drive. The city possesses several good restaurants; that conducted by M. Ed. Denechaud, No. 17 Royal Street, immedi- ately west of the Custom House, is the best. The Battle House is the leading hotel, almost the only one worthy the name; a good hotel being among the many "wants" of the city. The City Baths are reached from Royal and Conti Streets. Trains leave Mobile daily over the Great Northern Railway for Mont- gomery, and over the Mobile and Ohio Railway for all points north and west. Daily steamers for New Orleans; also for Montgomery, Columbus, and Aberdeen, Mississippi. • ALABAMA. Montgomery.-197 miles, by rail, from Mobile; 839 from Washington. HOTELS. The Exchange is a well-kept house, centrally located for business travel. The Central has been enlarged and refurnished. Montgomery, the capital, and second city of Alabama in population and trade, is situated on the Alabama River, 400 miles by water northeast of Mobile. It was laid out in 1817, by Andrew Dexter, of Boston, and was formerly known as New Philadelphia. The State capital was moved here from Tuscaloosa, in 1847. It was named Montgomery after the la- mented General Richard Montgomery, who fell at Quebec. The original State House was destroyed by fire 14th Decem- ber, 1849, and the present structure erected in 1851, at a cost of about $75,- 000. It occupies an elevated position on Capitol Hill, at the head of Market Street, four squares east of the Court Square, and though of small size, is an imposing structure. From the gallery of the dome, which surmounts the roof, an extended [SELMA. view of the city and adjacent country is obtained. Considerable interest attaches to Montgomery as the capital of the Con- federate Government during four months, commencing 4th February, 1861, and ter- minating with its final removal to Rich- mond, in May of the same year. The city has suffered severely by fire; first, in December, 1838, and again on the oc- casion of the rebel evacuation of the town, 11th April, 1865, when the cotton warehouses, containing 80,000 bales of cotton, were destroyed. Seven days after- wards the arsenal, railway depots, and foundry were destroyed by Federal troops. Next the Capitol, the prominent buildings are the Episcopal, Baptist, and Presby- terian churches, Theatre building, Court House, and Exchange Hotel, besides sev- eral private residences. The city is lighted with gas, and supplied with good water from Artesian wells in the centre of the city. Population 10,000, and increasing. Two miles southeast of the city commen- ces what is known as the prairie region. Montgomery is connected directly by river and rail with Mobile and New Or- leans; also by rail with Atlanta, Colum- bus, and all points north and cast. The city is surrounded by a cordon of small earthworks, erected in 1864, and known as the defences of Montgomery. Selma, in Dallas County, is located on the Alabama River, 70 miles below Montgomery. The Alabama and Tennessee River and Alabama and Mississippi River Railways meet at this point. It is reached from Montgomery by boat on the Alaba- ma River, the road not being in operation east of Selma. Population 6,000. Opelika is in Russell County, at the intersection of the Montgomery and West Point and Columbus Branch Rail- ways. It is distant from Montgomery 65 miles, from Atlanta 109 miles, and from Columbus 28 miles; population 1,500. The Talladega Railway is graded 40 miles from this point. The Sledge House has accommodation for travellers. | Tuscaloosa. HOTEL, Mansion House. Tuscaloosa is upon the Black Warrior River, at the head of steamboat naviga- tion, 125 miles by plank road from Mont- gomery. It is one of the principal towns of Alabama, and was once the capital. ! 94 i FLORENCE. ALABAMA. It is the seat of the University of Alaba- | ma, established 1831. The University buildings are beautifully situated half a mile from the river; they are extensive, and cost $150,000. The State Lunatic Asylum and a United States Land Office are located here also. Population about 4,000. The route from Tuscaloosa to Tuscumbia is by stage. To New Lexing- ton, 24; Eldridge, 51; Thorn Hill, 73; Russelville, 103; Tuscumbia, 111 miles. Tuscumbia, on the Memphis and Charleston Railway, 145 miles east of Memphis, is a thriving town, one mile south of the Tennessee River. Steam- boats from Louisville and Cincinnati, on the Ohio, ascend the Tennessee River as far as Tuscumbia in good stages of water. Here is one of the largest and best springs of water in the State. Florence, five miles from Tuscum- bia, is reached by a branch railway. It is considered the head of navigation on the Tennessee River, although boats ply above the Muscle Shoals. The fine bridge across the river at this point, which cost $150,000, was destroyed during the late war. The Muscle Shoals are an extensive series of rapids. The descent of the water here is 100 feet in the course of 20 miles. The neighborhood is a famous resort of wild ducks and geese, which come in great flocks in search of the shell-fish, from which the rapids derive their name. Boats cannot pass this part of the Ten- nessee except at times of very high water. A canal was once built around the shoals, but it has been abandoned, and is falling into decay. | [THE HILL REGION. which are the Court House, U. S. Land Office, Female Seminary, and Bank. From Tuscaloosa the route thither is by stage. To McRath's, 32; Jonesboro', 44; Elyton, 56; Mount Pinson, 70; Blountsville, 96; Oleander, 120; Lacy Springs, 132; Whitesburg, 139; Huntsville, 149. The Hill Region.-The upper part of Alabama is picturesquely broken by the Alleghanies, which end their long journey hereabouts. In the northeast extremity of the State there are many fine land- scape passages. The Nickajack Cave en- ters the Raccoon Mountain a few miles above Chattanooga and the Lookout Mountain, Tennessee, and immediately finds its way into Georgia. A magnificent rocky arch of some eighty feet span forms the mouth of the cavern, high up in the mountain-side. This cave is said to have been the headquarters of the leader of a band of negroes. He was known by the name of "Nigger Jack," hence the name of the cave. The Natural Bridge, in Walker County, is thought by some travellers to be more curious than the celebrated scene of the same kind in Virginia. Mineral Springs abound in the upper part of Alabama. The Blount Springs, in Blount County, near the Black Warrior River, are much resorted to; so also are the Bladen Springs, in Choctaw County, in the western part of the State, near the line of the Mobile and Ohio Railway. In Franklin County (see Tuscumbia) is a spring which dis- charges 20,000 cubic feet of water per minute. It forms a considerable brook, which enters the Tennessee 24 miles be- low. There are valuable sulphur springs in Shelby and Talladega Counties. The route to the Shelby Springs is via Colum- biana, on the Alabama and Tennessee River Railway. 95 Huntsville is a beautiful moun- tain town on the Memphis and Charleston Railway, 212 miles east of Memphis, and 97 miles west of Chattanooga. It con- tains a few handsome buildings, among { MISSISSIPPI.] MISSISSIPPI. MISSISSIPPI. MISSISSIPPI, like Alabama, was first visited by Europeans at the time (1541) when the Spanish expedition bore the banner of De Soto through the great belt of forest swamps which lie upon the Mexican Gulf, from the palm-covered plains of Florida on the east, to the far- off floods of the mighty "Father of Wa- ters," on the west. The enmity of the Indians and other obstacles prevented any permanent occupation of the new country at this period. In 1682 La Salle descended the Mississippi River, and vis- ited the territory now embraced in this State. Two years after, he set out again for the region, with a resolute band of colonists, but the venture failed before it was fairly begun, various misfortunes pre- venting his ever reaching his destination. Iberville, a Frenchman, made the third attempt at a settlement, but with no bet- ter success than his predecessors met with. A beginning was, however, at length accomplished by Bienville and a party of Frenchmen. This expedition settled in 1716 at Fort Rosalie, now the city of Natchez. A dozen years later (1728), a terrible massacre of the new- comers was made by their jealous Indian neighbors, which checked, but yet did not stay, the " course of empire." Other sanguinary conflicts with the aborigines took place in 1736, '39, and '52, with the same final result-the defeat and devas- tation of the Indian tribes, and the tri- umph of the invading whites. The ter- ritory fell into the possession of the Brit- ish crown upon the conclusion of the peace of Paris, in 1763. The strength of the new colony was augmented about this period by portions of the dispersed Acadian communities of Nova Scotia; and soon after by colonists from the New England territories, by way of the Mis- [MISSISSIPPI. sissippi and Ohio Rivers. In 1798 the colony was organized as a Territory, Ala- bama forming a portion thereof. The history of Mississippi, as a State, began December 10, 1817. This State stands third in the order of seccssion from the United States. This event transpired January 9, 1861. Much of the area of Mississippi is occu- pied by swamp and marsh tracts. There is within her territory, between the mouth of the Yazoo River and Memphis, in Ten- nessee, a stretch of this description, cover- ing an area of nearly 7,000 square miles. It is sometimes a few miles broad, and sometimes not less than a hundred. These low portions of the State are subject to inundation at the time of freshets, and great is the cost and care necessary to protect them, as well as all the lands of a similar character lying along the Missis- sippi. Banks (levées) are built along the river shores to restrain the floods, but sometimes a breach (crevasse) occurs, re- sulting in great damage to property, and no little risk to life. Where the country is not thus occupied by swampy or marshy stretches, it sweeps away in broad table-lands, shaped into grand ter- races, or steps, descending from the east- ward to the waters of the river. The steps are formed by two ranges of bluffs, which sometimes extend to the river shores, and rise abruptly in precipices of fifty and even a hundred feet perpendicu- lar height. These bluffs are features of great and novel attraction to the voyager on the Mississippi River. The climate of Mississippi has the same general charac teristics as the other Southern States, passing from the temperatures of the torrid zone, southward, to more temper- ate airs above; unlike Alabama, however, and the Southeastern States of Georgia 96 RIVERS.] [JACKSON. and Carolina, it has no bold mountain | sippi. The Tallahatchee, the largest branch lands within its area. The winters here of the Yazoo, has a length almost as great and in the neighboring State of Louisiana as that river, 100 miles of which may have a temperature a few degrees lower be traversed by steamers. The Big Black than that of the same latitudes near River is some 200 miles long. Its course the Atlantic. The fig and the orange is much the same as that of the Yazoo, grow well in the lower part of the State, as also the character of the country which and the apple flourishes in the higher it traverses. The Pearl River pursues a hilly regions. Cotton is the great staple devious course from the northeast part of Mississippi, the State being the third of the State, 250 miles, to Lake Borgne, in the Union in this product. The soil is and thence to the Gulf of Mexico. Jack- well adapted to the growth of Indian corn, son, the capital of the State, is upon the tobacco, hemp, flax, silk, and all species Pearl River, southwest of the central re- of grains and grasses. Live stock is also gion. Small boats sometimes ascend the raised to a considerable extent. Missis-river as far as this place, though the nav- igation is almost destroyed by the ac- cumulation of sand-bars and drift-wood. | MISSISSIPPI | sippi has no very extensive mineral prod- ucts; or, if she has, they have not as yet been developed. Some gold has been found, but in no important quantity. Most of the water courses here are tribu- taries of the Mississippi. They run chiefly in a southwest direction, following the general slope of the country. Some lesser waters, in the eastern sections, find their way to the Gulf of Mexico, as tributaries of the Pearl River, in the centre of the State, and of the Tombigbee and Pasca- goula, in Eastern Mississippi and Western Alabama. The Yazoo and the Big Black Rivers drain the northwest portion of the State, and are the largest tributaries of the Mississippi from this State. Among the principal resorts for tourists are Coop- er's Wells, in Hinds County, 12 miles west of Jackson, and Lauderdale Springs, 18 miles north of Meridian, both of which have valuable medicinal properties. The State is divided into sixty counties. Vicksburg, Natchez, Columbus, and Jack-road son are the largest towns. The white population before the war amounted to 353,899. RIVERS.—The Yazoo River is formed by the Tallahatchee and Yallabusha Rivers, which unite at Leflore, in Carroll County. It is a deep and narrow stream, and slug- gish in its movements. It is nearly three hundred miles in length, exclusive of its branches, and is navigable for steamboats in all its course, and at all seasons, from its mouth to its sources. Its way leads through great alluvial plains of extreme fertility, covered everywhere by luxuriant cotton-fields. Vicksburg is twelve miles be- low the union of the Yazoo with the Missis- 5 RAILWAYS.-The Mobile and Ohio Rail way extends first along the western edge of Alabama, and afterwards near the eastern line of Mississippi, northward from the city of Mobile, Alabama, through Meridian, Okolona, Corinth, and Jackson, Tennessee, 472 miles to Columbus, Ken- tucky. The Southern Mississippi extends at present eastward from Jackson, the capital of the State, 96 miles to Meridian, and westward 44 miles to Vicksburg. The Mississippi and Tennessee extends southward from Memphis 99 miles to Granada, from whence it is continued by the Mississippi Central, and the New Or- leans, Jackson, and Great Northern road to New Orleans. The Mississippi Central Railway, from Jackson, Tennessee, 237 miles, south to Canton, Mississippi. At Jackson it meets the Mobile and Ohio north from Mobile, and at Canton it is continued southward by the New Or- leans and Great Northern Railway to New Orleans. The New Orleans, Jackson, and Great Northern Railway, from New Orleans 206 miles north to Canton, Mis- sissippi, and thence by the Mississippi Central and connections north and east. Grenada.-HOTEL, Shenkle House. This town is pleasantly situated at the head of steamboat navigation on the Yallabusha River. It is 100 miles south of Memphis. The Mississippi and Ten- nessee and the Mississippi Central Rail- ways unite here. ways unite here. Population, 2,000. Jackson.-HOTEL, Bowman House. Jackson, the capital of Mississippi, is upon the Pearl River, southwest of the 97 NATCHEZ.] | centre of the State. It is connected by railway, 44 miles, with Vicksburg, on the Mississippi River. The Southern Mississippi road extends 95 miles east of Jackson, to Meridian. The State Capitol, Executive Mansion, the Penitentiary, Lunatic Asylum, and a United States Land Office, are the most prominent buildings. Population, about 6,000. Cooper's Well, 12 miles west of Jackson, is noted for its mineral waters. MISSISSIPPI. Holly Springs, 188 miles north of Jackson, and 25 miles north of Grand Junction, is a beautiful village, distin- guished not less for the excellence of its schools than for the hospitality of its inhabitants. The Chalmers Institute and St. Thomas' Hall for boys, the Frank- Natchez.-HOTEL, Mansion House. lin Female College, and the Holly Springs Natchez, on the Mississippi River, 279 Female Institute, are among the most miles above New Orleans, is the most conspicuous institutions. Being on the populous and commercial city in the main through line of travel between New State. It is built upon a bluff, 200 feet Orleans and the North, and near the line above the water, overlooking the great of the Memphis and Charleston Railway cypress swamps of Louisiana. The lower (Grand Junction), it is a most advanta- part of the town, where the heavy ship-geous point for tourists to stay and make ping business is done, is called Natchez- up their routes. The vicinity abounds under-the-Hill. In Seltzertown, near Nat-- in attractive scenery and pleasant drives. chez, there is a remarkable group of It was the scene of active operations ancient mounds, one of which is 35 feet during the late war. The city was occu- high. Smaller remains of the kind are pied by Union troops from General Hal- found yet nearer the town. The broken leck's army, June 17, 1862. On the 20th and varied character of the country about December, the post, under the command Natchez is in most agreeable contrast of Colonel Murphy, surrendered to Gen- with the flat lands on the opposite side of eral Van Dorn, of the rebel army. The the river. The streets are wide and regu- Lauderdale Springs, sulphur and chalyb- lar, and, to a great extent, elegantly built. eate, are in Lauderdale County, near the The public edifices are well constructed, line of the Mobile and Ohio Railway, 18 and the private mansions are pleasant- miles north of Meridian. The State Or- ly surrounded with trees and gardens. phan Home, for the support and education The town is the centre of an extensive of the poor children of deceased Confed- trade, continually upon the increase. The erate soldiers, in course of erection, is Court House, Orphan Asylum, and Ma- situated on the Mobile and Ohio Railway, sonic Hall, are fine buildings. Steamers. 18 miles above Meridian. ply daily between this and all points on the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. Canton, 206 miles north of New Orleans, 187 south of Memphis, is a thriving place. It is the county seat of Madison County. Vicksburg. HOTEL, Prentiss ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [HOLLY SPRINGS. means of the Vicksburg, Shreveport, and Texas Railway. The city was captured from the rebels, after a protracted siege, by General Grant, July 4, 1863. House. Vicksburg is upon the Mississippi, 400 miles above New Orleans, and 444 miles from Jackson, the capital of the State. Population, about 4,000. The site is The site is elevated and commands a fine view of the Mississippi River. Next to Natchez, it is the most thriving commercial point be- tween New Orleans and Memphis. West- ward it has railroad communications by Columbus is on the left bank of the Tombigbee River, 60 miles south of Aberdeen, and 145 miles northeast of Jackson. Regular steamboat communi- cation with Mobile. Population 3,500. A branch railway extends southwest to Artesia, on the Mobile and Ohio Railway, 219 miles north of Mobile. Aberdeen, a town of some 4,000 inhabitants, is upon the Tombigbee River, 165 miles northeast of Jackson, 60 north of Columbus, and 470 from Mobile, by water. Steamboats ply regularly from Mobile. It is reached from the Mobile and Ohio Railway Junction via Gainesville, 8 miles distant. 98 LOUISIANA.] LOUISIANA. LOUISIANA. LOUISIANA is one of the most interest ing States in the Union, not only on ac- count of the romantic incidents of its early history, but for the peculiar features of its landscape, and its unique social character and life. The traveller, looking upon the face of the Great River, will recall the bright hopes of De Soto, when he, too, so gazed with delighted wonder; then he will muse upon that hapless destiny which gave the gallant explorer a grave beneath the very floods which he was the first to find and enter, with such exultant anticipations. Then he will remember the visit of La Salle to the mouth of the river, in 1691— next, the attempted settlement, in 1699, under the brave lead of Iberville; then comes the enterprise of Crozart, to whom the country was granted by Louis XIV., in 1712; next comes its history from 1717, while in possession of the famous French financier John Law, and his com- pany of rash speculators, with all the in- cidents of the story of the brilliant but fleeting "Mississippi Bubble; next the restoration of the territory to the French Crown, its transfer to Spain in 1762, its retrocession to France in 1800, and its final acquisition by the United States in 1803, when this Government purchased it for $11,500,000, and the further payment of certain claims of American citizens against the Government of France. Of the history of this State in its participa- tion in our national trials, and especially of the memarable event of the battle of New Orleans, and its still more recent oc- cupation by the Federal forces under Gen. Butler, we shall speak by and by Louisiana in no part of its territory reaches a greater elevation than 200 feet above the level of the Gulf of Mexico, while very much of the Southern region "" [LOUISIANA | is so low that it becomes inundated at high water. Marshes extend from the coast; next come the low prairie lands which approach the central parts of the State; above, the country west of the basin of the Mississippi grows broken and hilly. In the extreme northwest is a marshy tract of fifty miles in length and six in breadth, full of small lakes, made by the interlacings of the arms of Red River. It is estimated that an area of between eight and nine thousand square miles, lying respectively upon the Missis- sippi and Red Rivers, is subject to inun- dation annually. About three-fifths of the whole area of the State is alluvial and diluvial; the rest is occupied by the tertiary formation, and contains coal and iron, ochre, salt, gyp- sum, and marl. In the vicinity of Har- risonburg, near the northeastern line of· the State, and among the freestone hills which rise hereabouts precipitously to a height of eighty and one hundred feet, large quartz crystals have been found, and quantities of jasper, agates, corne- lians, sardonyx, onyx, feldspar, crystal- ized gypsum, alumine, chalcedony, lava, meteoric stones, and fossils. The exhalations from the marshes in the long, hot summers affect the atmos- phere, and make these districts not only unapproachable to strangers, but danger- ous to the acclimated, at the season when the especial features of the landscape may be seen in their greatest glory. Cotton and sugar-cane are the great products of this State. Of the latter sta- ple, it yielded in 1850 nine-tenths of the whole supply raised in the United States. The most productive district of the State is a belt of land called the "Coast," lying up and down the Mississippi in the neigh- borhood of New Orleans. It consists of 99 NEW ORLEANS.] that part of the bottom, or alluvion, of the Mississippi, which commences with the first cultivation above the Balize, about forty miles below the capital, and extends about one hundred and fifty miles above it. LOUISIANA. This belt on each side of the river is secured from overflow by an embankment called the "levee." We shall have occa- sion to speak of it in our explorations through the city. The bays and lakes, formed by expan- sions of the rivers in the marsh lands near the coast, make a marked feature in the landscape of Louisiana, as Lakes Pontchartrain, Borgne, Maurepas, etc. Some of these waters we shall recur to again when we reach New Orleans. Except the Mississippi and the Red Rivers, of which the reader will find ac- counts elsewhere in our volume, the streams in Louisiana do not offer very great attractions to the traveller. NEW ORLEANS. 1,653 miles from New York; 1,435 from Washington. New Orleans, the metropolis of the Southwest, is built within a great bend of the Mississippi River (whence its familiar name of the Crescent City), ninety-four miles from its debouchure into the Gulf of Mexico, in latitude 29°57′ north, longitude 90° 8' west. It was named in honor of the Duke of Orleans, Regent of France during the minority of Louis XV. It was the place selected for the seat of the mon- archy meditated in the treason of Aaron Burr. Great was the alarm of the citi- zens in January, 1804, at that prospective insurrection. It is built on land gently descending from the river toward a marshy ground in the rear, and from two to four feet be- low the level of the river at high-water mark. It is prevented from overflowing the city by an embankment of earth, termed the Levee, which is substantially constructed, for a great distance along the banks of the river. This levee is fif- teen feet wide and four feet high, and forms a delightful promenade during the fall and winter months. It is accessible [NEW ORLEANS. at all times by vessels of the largest de- scription coming from the ocean, and its advantages of communication with the upper country, and the whole valley of the Mississippi, are at once stupendous and unrivalled. The site was selected by Gov. Bienville in 1718, against much op- position, the site having previously been at Biloxi. It was abandoned in 1719, a rise in the Mississippi having inundated it. It was again selected by Delorme in 1722 as the principal post in the province. It then consisted of about one hundred cabins, and contained a population of nearly two hundred and fifty. Louisiana was ceded to the United States in 1803, after which date the population of New Orleans rapidly increased. In 1810 it amounted to 24,552, having trebled in seven years under the administration of its new government. We append a tabular statement, show- ing the growth of population since that time: 1815..... .32,947 | 1830. .49,826 1820... .41,350 1840. .102,191 1825.... .45,336 1850. ,160,000 1860.. ..187,000 .. •• • ...... ·· This levee has been frequently broken through by the river. In May, 1816, a crevasse occurred about nine miles above New Orleans, which destroyed several plantations and inundated the rear of the city to the depth of several feet: again in June, 1844, and last in 1855. The dyke or levee has been strengthened, and is now believed to be strong enough to resist further encroachment. This city is the chief cotton mart of the world. Not unfrequently from a thousand to fifteen hundred steamers and flatboats may be seen lying at the Levee, that have floated down the stream hun- dreds of miles with the rich produce of the interior country. Steamboats of the largest class may be observed arriving and departing almost hourly; and, except in the summer months, at its wharves may be seen hundreds of ships and other sailing craft from all quarters of the globe, landing the productions of other climes, and receiving cargoes of cotton, sugar, tobacco, lumber, provisions, etc. Indeed, nothing can present a more busy, bustling scene than exists here in the loading and unloading of vessels and 100 NEW ORLEANS. First Saraparu GO Scale of Half a Mile. 1/8 1/2 ckson Brainar ephine Cours Hebrew Cemet E Laurent Carroll Camp Maque Chestnut Jacobs Howard Clar Mammsel N.ORLEAN Y Market tane Andrew S&Mary Felicity Basin 00 S Market Coliseum Camp Magazine cha Po James chore chatoulas పార్టీ M Orang ace Melpomene Jacobs JOEE ades Roman Derbign Claiborn Martin Clara faunsel Cotton SJohn Bap ]] LTON ter Wes Market Place White ดอ Apollo Constance Pacaniers Howard Edward Basin Roffignac Religious Bacchus 000 SON >NTH R.R. Road Liberty Benton Prytancet Shell N.O.JA N.ORLEANS & APELOUSES R.R. Levee Estelle RAILROAD Anunci Melierte Suzette Ben ilion Cotton 11 Fres Bartholom Galennie Duplantier Louisa AINI Levee Washington MA Cypress Basi Triton alk ree Poydras பÅப Terillat Tivoli Circ Camp Dorgenois Rocherlave Bolivar Jane Perdido R 50 Mag Work St Mary eus Perry evee Jefferson St Mark Wor SMary Cas Ferret Gironde S&Peter S Baronne Adams Adeline dalen Phillipa Magazine Foucher Joseph Market 101 Madison S Caron, 20 P Mirol Copernicu Americas LiFume Tchapitoulas Commerce DOC THERE Common StPaul Charle ME Tonti Magalla John Circus Airmary Ho Amphithe Hospital Charity Catt! Bress Shepherd umbus Palmyra Jackson I Lawrence!! Ptolemy anal PO Fo P De Socrates LaPerouse Johns Custo 1911 Royal Armas Villere Marai Treme Franklin Basın Bier Newton Claiborne Decatur IEL Homer Jackson Rocherlaye Conti 00 00000000000 Levee Catholic Ceme Fasin Public 1 Court House 2 Cathedral 3 Old Jail 4 Orleans Theatre 5 StLouis Hotel Dor Dorgenois Bonis Powder Galves Butgrun CHIRG Peter MOC00 F 6 Orleans Hotel 7 Bank of Louisiana 8 Louisiana State Bank 9 Gustom House 10 Merchants Ex.&Post Of 11 Hebrew Synagogue Evelina octavial Derbigny Villere Marais Treme SClaude Square Rampart AL Dauphin Bourbon GEFREGLE aare Prieur Broad Robertson Hospital REFERENCES. DVD 03 R A-W Patterson Mar ket you Road Plan 7001 JO Ur ulines Ch Markets 000 Gosselin BELLE TRUTH Min onde Washingt Claiborne Kerlerec Columbus 12 Hos Maison de Santee 13 Clay Monument 14 15 Old City Bank 16 Mechan&Trads B 17 Old Verandah Hotel 18 St Charles Ex. Hotel 19 Gas Works & Office 20 Merchant's Ex.(New) 21 First National City Bank 22 LaFayette Sq. Chestnut VILLE Morales WOODE Love L Market AR PAR Market (ΠΠΩΠΙ ΠΕΠΟΠΠΠΠΠΩΠΠΠΓΓΙ Levee V Victory Morean E Caza Calve Levee R Onzaga Dabadie Course of the turrent H Giroa St John Baptist L 凹 ​quha BLGOE 100 Aubry Solidelle art Levee O'Reilly EstAnthony 000006 Thi C MEXICAN GULF RAILROAD L DOCOBOLL Warsa Havanna London Av Force Frenchuden PONTCHARTRAIN RAIL R.Elysian Fields Liberals Celestine Josephine Genius osper Virtue Annettel Marigly Mandeville Children 20 Washington Av Louisa Cotton Press Monte 13 Farette Desire Clouet Piety Coloress Independence ㅁㅁㅁ ​LY 10 Mazant French Tobacco Phil Drawn & Eng W Williams * !. NEW ORLEANS.] [NEW ORLEANS. steamers, with hundreds of drays trans-up-river merchants and steamboat men. porting the various and immense prod- The rates of fare at the St. Charles and ucts which come hither from the West. St. Louis are $5 per day; at the St. James and City $4. LOUISIANA. The receipts and exports of cotton from New Orleans exceeded in the years 1859-'60 two millions and a quarter of bales, the value of which exceeded one hundred millions of dollars. Besides cot- ton, a vast amount of other products, as sugar, tobacco, flour, pork, etc., are re- ceived at New Orleans, and thence sent abroad. The total value of these prod- ucts for the year ending Sept. 1, 1859, amounted to $172,952,664. Besides its exports, New Orleans has a large import trade of coffee, salt, sugar, iron, dry- goods, liquors, etc., the yearly value of which exceeds $17,000,000. The ordinance of secession was passed by the State Legislature Jan. 26, 1861. On April of the following year Forts Jackson and St. Philip were successfully passed by Rear-Admiral Farragut, who arrived before the city on the 29th of the same month. On the 1st of May, 1862, General B. F. Butler landed and took • possession of the city. HOTELS.—The St. Charles, bounded by St. Charles, Gravier, and Common Streets, is one of the institutions of New Orleans. Destroyed by fire in 1850, it was built by the close of 1852 at a cost of $600,000. Its predecessor, the old St. Charles, was long regarded as the pride of New Orleans. The present structure has accommodation for nearly 1,000 guests. O. E. Hall proprietor. The St. Louis, formerly known as the City Exchange, is located on St. Louis between Royal and Chartres, in the French quarter of the city. It was reopened January 10, 1866, with new furniture, after being closed nearly four years, and is now in the full tide of business again. It holds the same high rank as the St. Charles, and is under the same proprietor- ship. PLACES OF AMUSEMENT-THEATRES, ETC.-New Orleans is well supplied with public amusements, these being esteemed as among the first of human necessities. The Opera House, corner of Bourbon and Toulouse Streets, erected in 1859, is an imposing edifice. It has seats for two thousand, and is fitted up in the style of the Theatre Française, Paris. The St. Charles, on St. Charles be- tween Poydras and Perdido Streets, occupies the site of the former St. Charles, destroyed by fire in 1842. Ben. De Bar lessee. (6 Orleans Theatre, corner of Orleans and Bourbon Streets. This is the oldest Temple of the Drama" in the city, if not in the South. It was opened in No- vember, 1819. The performances are in the French language. It is frequently re-used, together with the adjoining build- ing, for balls, parties, etc. The St. James, Magazine Street be- tween Gravier and Natchez, occupies the site of the old "Banks' Arcade," a place of great public resort previous to 1858. It has been recently repainted and fur- nished, and has accommodation for 400 persons. The City Hotel, corner of Camp and Common Streets, is much frequented by Academy of Music, St. Charles be- tween Perdido and Commercial Streets, built in 1853. Performances day and night. Spalding & Bidwell proprietors. Varieties, Gravier between Carondolet and Baronne Streets. The American, burnt July 30, 1842 ; rebuilt and reopened December 5, 1843, and again destroyed by fire in 1854; has not been rebuilt. It occupied a central site on Poydras Street near Lafayette Square, now covered by an ornamental cast-iron building intended for business purposes. PUBLIC BUILDINGS.-The Custom House, Canal Street near the Levee. This noble structure is built of Quincy granite brought from the celebrated quarries of Massachusetts. Next to the National Capitol at Washington, it is the largest building in the United States. It covers an area of 87,333 superficial feet. Its main front, on Canal Street, is 334 feet that on Custom House Street, 252 fect; on the new Levee, 310 feet, and on the old Levee, 297 feet. Its height is 82 feet. The long-room, or chief business apartment, is 116 feet by 90 feet, and is lighted by 50 windows. Commenced in 1848, the erection of this immense struc- ; 101 LOUISIANA. NEW ORLEANS.] | ture was steadily prosecuted through four successive administrations until the out- break of the Rebellion, when work was necessarily suspended. The building, it The building, it is much to be regretted, has suffered se- verely from the weather and the various uses to which it has been put. A tem- porary roof has been lately added at a cost of $25,000; but far from affording adequate protection, it seems rather to have proved a source of injury than oth- erwise. The basement of this building is ap- propriated to the uses of the Post Office, but being both dark and damp it is ill- suited for such a purpose. The offices of the Postmaster and Special Agent and their deputies are on the right and left of the Canal Street entrance. The long corridors which surround the main apart- ment in the second story, afford access to the offices of the Collector and Surveyor of the Port, the Collector and Assessor of Internal Revenue, U. S. Marshal, and other Government officers. The United States courts are also located in this building. It is noteworthy rather for its immense size and the important interest it represents than for any attraction of its own. [NEW ORLEANS. Butler, June 7, 1862, is still pointed out. It is under the front portico of the main building, and will always be an object of interest. The City Hall, at the intersection of St. Charles and Lafayette (formerly He- via) Streets, fronting 90 feet on the former and 208 feet on the latter, is a handsome marble structure in the Grecian Ionic style of architecture. The municipal hall was formerly located on the upper side of the cathedral in Jackson Square, but that building being insufficient for the rapidly increasing business of the city, the present structure was erected and finished in 1850, since which time it has been occupied for city purposes. Here are located the Mayor's office, the bureaus of "Finance" and "Streets and Landings," the offices of the Treasurer, Comptroller, Street Commissioner, Regis- ter, etc. It also serves at present as the official beadquarters of the Governor and Secretary of State. Lyceum Hall, in the second story of this building, is a com- modious apartment, 61 by 84 feet, well adapted for the purpose intended. The State and city libraries occupy suitable rooms in the building. (See Libraries.) The grand entrance from St. Charles Street is by a flight of steps 18 in number, of Quincy granite, of which material the basement is constructed. Cost, $120,000. Odd Fellows' Hall, a solid square edi- fice on the corner of Camp and Lafayette Streets, and immediately facing the upper corner of the square. It is four stories high, built of brick, stuccoed and painted white, and cost $210,000. The base- ment is occupied by stores. On the sec- ond, or main, floor is the concert hall, the finest in the South. It is 132 by 56 feet and 35 feet high, and lighted by three large chandeliers. The upper sto- ries are used by the several lodges of Masons and Odd Fellows. The Mint (U. S. branch). The build- ing formerly used for coining the public moneys in New Orleans, and still known as the Mint, is situated on what was once called Jackson Square, near the former site of Fort St. Charles, now known as the corner of Esplanade and New Levee Streets. It is built of brick, stuccoed in imitation of brownstone, in the Ionic style of architecture, and being 282 feet in length, 108 feet deep, and three stories high, presents an im- posing appearance. It was begun in 1835 and finished in 1837, at a cost of $182,000. A visit to the coin room will repay the stranger. On the 25th Janua- ry, 1861, upwards of three quarters of a million dollars were taken from this room by a committee of citizens headed by Governor Roman. The Superintendent, M. F. Bonzano, succeeded in destroying the dies, and thus saved the Government and the country from the issue of spurious money. The window from which the flagstaff projected on which the rebel Mumford was hung by order of General | The Masonic Hall, on St. Charles Street, at its intersection with Perdido, is an imposing elifice, fronting 103 feet on the former and extending back 100 feet on the latter street. It was designed and built by Gallier, a local architect of considerable repute, in 1845, and cost, including the land, $90,000. The Merchants' Exchange, on Royal, south of Canal Street, was formerly a 102 NEW ORLEANS.] [NEW ORLEANS. place of great resort. Since the removal | tal, and afterwards by colored troops as of the Post Office to the Custom House a barracks. It was destroyed by fire building, its glory has departed, and it September 1st, 1865. exists now in little more than name. It was erected in 1835, from designs by Dakin, is composed of marble, and cost $100,000. Among the prominent charities of the city are, the Asylum of St. Elizabeth, cor- ner of Magazine and Josephine Streets, and the Maison de Santé, corner of Canal and Claiborne Streets. Lady visitors especially ought to see the interior of the former institution. It is a very model of neat- ness and good order. It was erected in 1853, and is under the charge of Supe- rior Angelica and fourteen sisters. LOUISIANA. CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS.-There is probably no city in the United States which contains so many benevolent in- stitutions, in proportion to its popula- tion, as New Orleans. Among the most prominent are the hospitals and male and female orphan asylums. The United States Marine Hospital, a commodious brick edifice, corner Com- mon and Broad Streets, in the rear of the city proper, and easily reached by street cars on Canal Street. The hospital building was formerly located in Mac- donough, opposite the city. It occupied a whole square, measuring 350 feet each way. It was three stories high, built in the Gothic style, from designs by Mondale and Reynolds. It was commenced in 1834, extended in 1844, and was used for hospital purposes up to the breaking out of the war, when, like many other Government buildings, it suffered at the hands of its enemies. It was used as a powder magazine by the Confederate authorities, and by them blown up. Among the objects of interest in New Orleans, especially worthy of notice, is- The Charity Hospital, on Common Street, between St. Mary's and Gironde. It is conspicuous, not more for its great size, than for the air of neatness and comfort which prevails in and around it. The first hospital for indigent persons es- tablished in the city appears to have stood on Rampart, near Toulouse Street. It was constructed of wood, and was blown down in 1779. Another, built of brick, and completed in 1786, at a cost of $114,000, was entirely consumed by fire in 1810. The present fine edifice was erected 1812-'14, at an expense of $150,000. The attendant medical fac- ulty are among the ablest in the city and State. It has accommodation for 450 patients. The ruins of the Town Alms House oc- cupy a prominent locale on the Levée, in the south end of the city. This building was occupied during the war as a hospi- The Female Orphan Asylum, at the intersection of Camp and Prytania Streets, has accommodation for 160 children. It was commenced in 1836, and finished in 1840, at a cost of $42,000, of which nearly one-half was the result of private subscription. The land was donated by Madame Foucher and her brother, Francis Soulet. The Poydras Female Orphan Asylum, on Julia Street, founded 1817, and the Male Orphan Asylum, in the adjoining parish of Lafayette, are both flourishing institutions. There are several other noble charities in the city. Admission by application to the Superior or Superin- tendent in charge. The Workhouses of the second and third municipalities are worthy a visit from those interested in moral and social reform, especially of youth. The former was built in 1841; the latter, which stands on Moreau Street, near Piety, the site of the old Washington Market, was erected years later. Many of these insti- tutions have been recently consolidated, and located at the foot of Girod Street. The City Prisons, which comprise a parish jail and a police jail, are on Or- leans and Ann Streets, opposite the market place, main entrance on Orleans Street. They are three stories in height, built of brick, and plastered to imitate granite. The building is surmounted by a belvi- dere, with an alarm bell. The Court-houses are on the right and left of the cathedral on Jackson Square. They were constructed toward the close of the last century, through the liberality of the founder of the cathedral, Don Andre Almonaster, and are conspicuous for their style of architecture, which is Tusco-Doric. 103 NEW ORLEANS.] CHURCHES.—The city contains many | large, but few elegant, church edifices. Among the religious denominations, as might be expected in a community so largely composed of French, the Roman Catholic largely predominates. There are upwards of fifty church édifices, about one-half of which are Roman Catholic. Of these, the Cathedral of St. Louis is the most noteworthy. It stands on Char- tres Street, on the east side of the Place d'Armes (Jackson Square), and arrests the attention of the stranger by its vener- able and antique appearance. It lays no claim to architectural display, though there are few church edifices in the Union at once so imposing and impressive. The foundation was laid in 1792, and the building completed in 1794, by Don Andre Almonaster, perpetual regidor, and Alva- rez Real, of the province. It was altered and enlarged, in 1850, from designs by De Louilly. This building is almost in- separably connected with the memory of the venerable Père Antonio De Sedella (Father Antonio), curate of the parish for nearly fifty years, who died in 1829, and whose remains are interred here. The paintings on the roof of the building are by Canova and Rossi, and are fine specimens of art. In the square in front of this cathedral General Jackson re- viewed his troops (December 18th, 1814), prior to his victory over the British. LOUISIANA. The Church of the Immaculate Con- ception (Jesuit), corner of Baronne and Common Streets, is a striking edifice, in the Moorish style of architecture. It was commenced in 1852, and opened for worship by Père Canbiaso in 1857. One hundred and seventy thousand dollars have been expended in its construction, and the towers are still wanting to com- plete it. High mass, both here and at the cathedral, at 10 o'clock every Sun- day. [NEW ORLEANS. famous minster at York, England, agree- ably to the designs of the Messrs. Dakin. The cost was about $100,000. Among the Episcopal church edifices, Christ's, corner of Canal and Rampart Streets, and Annunciation, overlooking Annunciation Square, are the most promi- nent. The Presbyterian Church, fronting on Lafayette Square, in the Greco-Doric style, is a fine edifice, much admired for its elegant steeple. It was built in 1835| at a cost of $55,000. It was enlarged in 1844, and has sittings for 1,000. St. Patrick's, on Camp Street, north of Lafayette Square, is a fine Gothic struc- ture, with a tower 190 feet high. The style is said to have been taken from the The Unitarian Church, corner of St. Charles and Julia, St. Alphonso, on Con- stance, and St. Mary's, on Josephine Street, are new and elegant buildings. The two last named are Roman Catholic. One of the most interesting relics of the early church history of New Orleans is the old Ursuline Convent and Chapel on Condé Street. This building, of a quaint style of architecture, was erected, according to a Spanish inscription on a marble tablet, in the middle of the façade in 1787, during the reign of Carlos III., by Don Andre Almonaster. It is now occupied and known as the Bishop's Palace. St. Antoine's Chapel, at the corner of Rampart and Conti Streets, was erected in 1826. It is generally known as the Mortuary Chapel, all funeral ceremonies of resident Catholics being performed here. COLLEGES, SCHOOLS, ETC.— -The Univer- sity of Louisiana is on Common Street, near Baronne, and occupies the whole front of the block. It has a prosperous law school and a medical school. This university was organized in 1849. The medical college, which stands in the centre of the block, has a façade of 100 feet. This department was established in 1835. It has a large anatomical museum, and extensive and valuable col- lections of many kinds. The State made an appropriation of $25,000 toward the purchase of apparatus, drawings, plates, etc., illustrative of the various branches of medical study. The college had, in the year 1859, no less than 400 students. There is also a school of medicine, num- bering 200 students. Built 1836. The public school system of New Orleans embraces four high schools and thirty-eight primary and intermediate district schools for the youth of both sexes, distributed in every part of the city. There are also eighteen schools for colored children, under charge of the Board of Education for Freedmen, established March 22, 1864. 104 NEW ORLEANS.] For location of schools, number of scholars, names of teachers, and other information respecting the school system of the city, the reader is referred to local directories and reports of the respective boards. LOUISIANA. One of the most attractive public places of literary resort, and the only one combining the essential features of a news reading-room and exchange, are the Merchants' Reading Rooms, conducted by Mr. E. E. Overall, corner of St. Charles and Commercial Alley. Files of the principal American and European jour- nals are kept. A chess-room is attached. No stranger in New Orleans should omit going to Overall's. PARKS, SQUARES, ETC.-Like most Southern cities, New Orleans is dotted over with numerous squares with shade trees and gravel walks, where the lounger or pedestrian, wearied with his journey- ings, may draw aside for retirement and rest. Since the introduction of street railroads, these public squares are less resorted to than in former years, when they formed the most attractive feature of the place. The New City Park, the largest of these enclosures, and the only one having any claims to be considered a "park," is near the northeasterly boundary of the city, in the neighborhood of Metarie Road and Monroe Avenue. It embraces 55 city squares, an area equal to about 150 acres, and is tastefully laid out. Access by the Canal Street and Ridge Road cars, from the Monument. Jackson Square, formerly known as the Place d'Armes, covers the centre of the river-front of the Old Town Plot, now the First District. It is a place of favor- ite resort. Its shell-strewn paths, its beautiful trees and shrubbery, afford an agreeable relief to the dust and din of the busy levée and markets. The imposing front of the cathedral and courts of justice are seen to great advantage from the river entrance of the square. The eques- trian statue of Gen. Jackson, by Mills, stands in the centre. A similar statue is placed in Lafayette Square, in the rear of the White House at Washington. [NEW ORLEANS. fine marble front of the City Hall, the tapering spire of the Presbyterian Church, and the massive-looking façade of the Odd Fellows' Hall, present a strik- ing appearance. Lafayette Square, in the Second Dis- trict, bounded by St. Charles and Camp Streets, is another handsome souare. The To the visitor and stroller in the west end, Annunciation Square and Tivoli Circle, at the head of St. Charles Street, are worthy a visit. The former has a few tastefully built private residences in its immediate neighborhood. Circus Place (Congo Square), on Ram- part Street, between St. Ann and St. Peter. Like other public grounds in the city, it is a delightful place to lounge away a summer evening. It was former- ly known as Congo Park, and is the place where the negroes, in the " good old times before the war," were accus- tomed to congregate and go through the double shuffle to the favorite air of “Old Virginia never tire." Being in the color- ed district, it is still much frequented by them, but the dancing has given place to other pleasures less harmless and at- tractive. Washington Square, in the neighbor- hood of the Elysian Fields in the Third District, is a pleasant promenade. These several resorts are easily reached by street cars from Canal Street. The Streets of New Orleans are, for the most part, wide, well paved, and regularly laid out, usually intersecting each other at right angles, and, since the war, kept passably clean. The broadest is Canal Street, with a width of 1904 feet, with a grass plot 25 feet wide, extending in the centre through its whole length. Esplan- ade, Rampart, and Basin Streets are sim- ilarly embellished. The houses are built chiefly of brick, and are usually four or five stories high. The Libraries of New Orleans are few and unimportant. The collection of books forming the State Library, occupy a room in the upper story of the City Hall until a suitable place is provided by act of Legislature. The City Library is on the first floor of the same building. It comprises about 19,000 volumes, prin- cipally miscellaneous works. Admission to the privileges of the Library, for non- residents, is by introduction. Armory Hall, on Camp Street, occupies the site, and part of the walls of the old 105 NEW ORLEANS.] Camp Street theatre, erected in 1822. It is a fine apartment 120 feet long, 60 feet wide, and 22 feet high. It was long used as the armory of the Washington Battalion. is now used as an auction mart. It LOUISIANA. The Cemeteries. Some of these homes of the dead in New Orleans are deserv- ing of particular notice, both from their unique arrangement and for the peculiar modes of interment. Each is enclosed with a brick wall of arched cavities (ovens, as they are called here), made just large enough to admit a single coffin, and raised, tier upon tier, to a height of about twelve feet, with a thickness of ten. The whole enclosure is divided into plots, with gravel paths intersecting each other at right angles, and is densely covered with tombs, built wholly above ground, and from one to three stories high. This method of sepulture is adopted from necessity, and burial under ground is never attempted, excepting in the Potter's Field, where the stranger without friends, and the poor without money, find an un- certain rest-the water with which the soil is always saturated, often lifting the coffin and its contents out of its narrow and shallow cell, to rot with no other covering than the arch of heaven. There are twelve public burial-grounds in the city, known respectively as Girod Street, Charity Hospital, Odd Fellows', Cypress Grove, Greenwood, St. Patrick's, St. Jo- seph, St. Vincent, Lafayette, St. Louis, Nos. 1 and 2 New St. Louis, and Hebrew Rest. Of these the Cypress Grove and Greenwood Cemetery, on the Metarie Ridge, at the north end of Canal Street, are the best worthy a visit. The tery of St. Louis No. 1, at the intersection of Basin and St. Louis Streets, contains some fine monuments. Among those most conspicuous for their size and beauty, are the vaults of the "Société Française de bienfaisance," "Orleans Battalion of Artillery," the "Portuguese Society," and "Italian Benevolent Society." The last is one of the most beautiful structures of its kind in the country. It is of white marble, and was built in 1837, by Pietro Gualdi. | St. Louis Cemetery No. 2 occupies four city squares on Esplanade Street, near Bayou St. John. Other cemeteries, principally Catholic, are situated in Lafayette and Algiers. Permits to visit the cemeteries [NEW ORLEANS. are granted at 10 Bank Place. The Monument Cemetery on the Battle- Field is wholly devoted to the interment of soldiers. It was opened May 2, 1864, and has already 9,000 interments. There are two other cemeteries for deceased soldiers on the Carrolton Shell Road. Monuments.-New Orleans has two mon- uments worthy of notice. The Clay Monu- ment on Canal Street, between St. Charles and Royal Streets, is built of granite; the figure bears a striking resemblance to the great statesman. The monument in course of erection to the Hero of New Orleans, on the Battle-Field, below the city, is seventy feet high. It was com- menced in 1856. When complete, it will be 140 feet in height. The equestrian statue of Jackson in the Place D'Armes, opposite the Cathedral, is too well known to need description here. It is the same met with so often in Washington and other cities. The Markets.-The stranger in New Orleans will be much interested by a visit to the markets. They are charac- teristic and numerous. The principal are the vegetable and meat (French) mar- kets on the Levée near Jackson Square and the French Cathedral. To be seen to the greatest advantage, they should be visited on Sunday morning, between the hours of 8 and 9 o'clock. At break of day the gathering commences--all colors, nations, and tongues, commingled in one heterogeneous mass. The music far from being unpleasant, however, is musical to the stranger's ear. A visit thither is thus described by a well-known writer: One ceme-morning we rose early to visit the market of the First Municipality, and found the air on the bank of the Mississippi filled with mist as dense as a London fog, but of a pure white instead of yellow color. Through this atmosphere the innumerable masts of the ships alongside the wharf were dimly seen. Among other fruits in the market we observed abundance of bananas, and good pine-apples, for twenty-five cents each, from the West Indies. There were stalls where hot coffee was selling, in white china cups, reminding us of Paris. Among other articles exposed for sale were brooms made of palmetto-leaves, and wagon- loads of the dried Spanish moss, or Til- 106 NEW ORLEANS.] | landsia. The quantity of this plant hang- ing from the trees in the swamps sur- rounding New Orleans, and everywhere on the Delta of the Mississippi, might suffice to stuff all the mattresses in the world. The Indians formerly used it for another purpose to give porosity or lightness to their building materials. When passing through the stalls, we were surrounded by a population of ne- groes, mulattoes, and quadroons, some talking French, others a patois of Spanish and French, others a mixture of French and English, or English translated from French, and with the French accent. They seemed very merry, especially those who were jet-black. Some of the creoles also, both of French and Spanish extrac- tion, like many natives of the south of Europe, were very dark. Amid this motley group, sprung from so many races, we encountered a young man and woman, arm-in-arm, of fair complexion, evidently Anglo-Saxon, and who looked as if they had recently come from the North. The Indians, Spaniards, and French standing round them, seemed as if placed there to remind us of the successive races whose power in Louisiana had passed away, while this fair couple were the represent- atives of a people whose dominion car- ries the imagination far into the future. However much the moralist may satirize the spirit of conquest, or the foreigner laugh at some of the vainglorious boast- ing about " destiny," none can doubt that from this stock is to spring the people who will supersede every other in the northern if not also in the southern continent of America. The buildings forming the market-place first describ- ed were built in 1830, at a cost of $55,000. The other markets are those in Poydras and Magazine Streets, St. Mary's on Thompson Street, Orleans near| the city prison, and that at the head of Elysian Fields. A visit to the first, how- ever, will save the stranger the trouble of making further explorations. Among the relics of the Spanish rule in New Orleans the most interesting are the Casa Blanca, at the corner of Bienville and Old Levée Streets. It was once the courtly residence of Bienville, the first Governor of Louisiana (1710). It remains as originally built, and in a good state of LOUISIANA. [NEW ORLEANS. (C repair. The first or street floor is now occupied as a grocery store; the upper portion as a boarding-house. The old Spanish building at the corner of Royal and Dumaine Streets should also be visited by those who would see what New Orleans was more than a hundred years ago." Jackson's Headquarters are in the upper part of the house No. 86 (old number, 104) Royal Street. General Jackson occupied these quarters during his stay in the city from December 2, 1814, to a few days before the battle. The Old Spanish Court House, where Jackson was arraigned for contempt of court and fined a thousand dollars, is still another object of interest connected with the history of this remark- able man. It is at 269 Royal Street. | Walking through the French quarter of the city, near the corner of Orleans and Dauphin Streets, not far north of the Cathedral, the stranger will observe a fine date palm, 30 feet high, growing in the open air. This tree is near one hundred years old, for Père Antoine, a Roman Catholic priest, who died (1829) at the age of eighty, recorded that he planted it himself when he was young. In his will he provided that they who succeeded to this lot of ground should forfeit it if they cut down the palm. The Levée, already briefly referred to in our sketch, affords to the visitor one of the most peculiar and characteristic sights of the Crescent City. For extent and activity the scene has no equal on the continent. The best point from which to obtain a view of the city and its environs is the roof of the St. Charles Hotel, or the tower of St. Patrick's Church. If the traveller, says Sir Charles Lyell, has expected, on first obtaining an extensive view of the city, to see an unsightly swamp, with scarcely any objects to relieve the mo- notony of the flat plain, save the wind- ing river and a few lakes, he will be agrec- ably disappointed. He will admire many a villa and garden in the suburbs; and in the uncultivated space beyond, the effect of uneven and undulating ground is pro- duced by the magnificent growth of cypress and other swamp timber, which have converted what would otherwise have formed the lowest points in the landscape into the appearance of wooded eminences. The French began their settle- 107 NEW ORLEANS.] ments on Lake Pontchartrain, because they found there an easy communication with the Gulf of Mexico. But they fixed the site of their town on that part of the great river which was nearest to the lagoon, so as to command by this means the navigation of the interior country. The private dwellings in the suburbs are many of them very charming places, buried in the grateful shadow of tropical leaves —the magnolia, lemon, myrtle, and orange tree. Visitors wishing to bring away with them a few pictures of the prominent buildings and objects of interest in New Orleans should not fail to visit the gallery of Mr. Eugene A. Piffet, at 93 Camp Street. His collection affords every latitude of choice, and his facilities for executing orders are not excelled by any other es- tablishment in the city. The Restaurants of New Orleans have long been famous for the excellence of their cuisine. Victor's, 185 Canal Street; the Maison Dorée, 144 Canal, and the Restaurant Moreau, have no superiors in the South. Galpin's, 32 Royal Street (steaks and chops); Pino's, 23 St. Charles, and Rivas (oysters), 156 Dryades Street, are among the best of their class in the city. The City Railroad system of New Orleans embraces eight main lines-trav- ersing the following streets: Magazine, from Canal to 8th; Prytania, from Canal to Limits; ; Canal, from Monument to Ridge Cemeteries; Esplanade, from Monu- ment to Bayou Bridge; Dauphin, from Monument to U. S. Barracks; Levée, from Custom House to U. S. Barracks; Baronne Street, throughout. The aggregate length of track laid in the city is 40 miles. Fares range from 5 cents to 7 cents. Good car- riages and hacks can be found at the stands in front of the St. Charles and principal hotels. Fare, $2.00 an hour; $5.00 for the forenoon or afternoon. Livery charges are somewhat higher. The best plan for strangers, especially if accompanied by ladies, is to hire a suitable conveyance by the hour, and discharge at the end of each trip. | LOUISIANA. The city is supplied with water from the river, raised by steam to an elevated re- servoir, and thence distributed through the streets. Some six millions of gallons are used daily. Gas was introduced in 1834-water the same year. [NEW ORLEANS. The holiday season, which includes Christmas and the New Year's, is the best time to visit New Orleans. No city on the broad continent presents such numerous and varied attractions at this festive sea- son, and stolid, indeed, must be the stranger who is not impressed with his experiences. The distinguished author from whom we have so largely quoted, thus writes of the Carnival and the cere- monies of Mardi Gras: "It was quite a novel and refreshing sight to see whole population giving up their minds for a short season to amusement. There was a grand procession parading the streets, almost every one dressed in the most grotesque attire, troops of them on horse- back, some in open carriages, with bands of music, and in a variety of costumes- some as Indians, with feathers on their heads, and one, a jolly fat man, as Mardi Gras himself. All wore masks, and here and there in the crowd, or stationed in a balcony above, we saw persons armed with bags of flour, which they showered down copiously on any one who seemed particularly proud of his attire. The strangeness of the scene was not a little heightened by the blending of negroes, quadroons, and mulattoes in the crowd; and we were amused by observing the ludicrous surprise, mixed with contempt, of several unmasked, stiff, grave Anglo- Americans from the North, who were witnessing for the first time what seemed to them so much mummery and tom- foolery. One wagoner, coming out of a cross street in his working dress, drove his team of horses and vehicle, heavily laden with cotton-bales, right through the pro- cession, causing a long interruption. The crowd seemed determined to allow nothing to disturb their good humor; but although many of the wealthy Protestant citizens take part in the ceremony, this rude intru- sion struck me as a kind of foreshadowing of coming events, emblematic of the vio- lent shock which the invasion of the Anglo-Americans is about to give to the old régime of Louisiana. A gentleman told me that, being last year in Rome, he had not seen so many masks at the Carni- val there; and, in spite of the increase of Protestants, he thought there had been quite as much 'flour and fun' this year as usual. The proportion, however, of • 108 NEW ORLEANS.] strict Romanists is not so great as for- merly, and to-morrow, they say, when Lent begins, there will be an end of the trade in masks; yet the butchers will sell nearly as much meat as ever. During the Car- nival the greater part of the French popu- lation keep open houses, especially in the country.' The Creoles.-Those who would form a just estimate of the social character and appearance of the creole population of the city, should visit the opera in the height of the season. The French creole ladies, many of them descended from Norman ancestors, and of pure, unmixed blood, are very handsome. They are usually attired in Parisian fashion, not over-dressed, nor so thinly clad as are the generality of American women-their luxuriant hair, tastefully arranged, fasten- ed with ornamental pins, and adorned with a colored ribbon or a single flower. The word "creole" is used in Louisiana to express a native-born American, whether black or white, descended from old-world parents, for they would not call the abo- riginal Indians creoles. It never means persons of mixed breed; and the French or Spanish creoles in New Orleans would shrink as much as a New Englander from intermarriage with one tainted, in the slightest degree, with African blood. The frequent alliances of the creoles, or Louis- ianians, of French extraction, with lawyers and merchants from the Northern States, help to cement the ties which are every day binding more firmly together the distant parts of the Union. Both races may be improved by such connection, for the manners of the creole ladies are, for the most part, more refined; and many a Louisianian might justly have felt indig- nant if he could have overheard a con- ceited young bachelor from the North telling me "how much they were prefer- red by the fair sex to the hard-drinking, gambling, horse-racing, cock-fighting, and tobacco-chewing Southerners." If the creoles have less depth of character, and are less striving and ambitious than the New Englanders, it must be no slight source of happiness to the former to be so content with present advantages. They seem to feel, far more than the Anglo- Saxons, that if riches be worth the win- ning, they are also worth enjoying. The [VICINITY. quadroons, or the offspring of the whites and muluttoes, sit in an upper tier of boxes appropriated to them. When they are rich, they hold a peculiar and very equivocal position in society. As children they have often been sent to Paris for their education, and, being as capable of improvement as any whites, return with refined manners, and not unfrequently with more cultivated minds than the ma- jority of those from whose society they are shut out. "By the tyranny of caste they are driven, therefore, to form among themselves a select and exclusive set. Among other stories illustrating their social relation to the whites, we are told that a young man of the dominant race fell in love with a beautiful quadroon girl, who was so light-colored as to be scarcely distinguishable from one of pure breed. He found that, in order to render the mar- riage legal, he was required to swear that he himself had negro blood in his veins; and, that he might conscientiously take the oath, he let some of the blood of his betrothed into his veins with a lancet. The romance of this doubtful tale was greatly diminished, although I fear that my inclination to believe in its truth was equally enhanced, when the additional circumstance was related, that the young lady was rich." The lady was rich." The foregoing sketch of society and social life in New Orleans, I need hardly remind my reader, was penned long before the late rebellion had so changed the aspect of every thing through- out the South. The visitor will, however, be surprised as well as delighted at the extent to which the manners and customs of "the old régime," are still perpetuated among the descendants of the early settlers in the Crescent City. LOUISIANA. RAILWAYS.-The New Orleans, Jackson, and Great Northern Railway. Stations, Magnolia (98 m.), Jackson (183 m.), Can- ton (206 m.), where it connects with the Mississippi Central to Jackson, and all points north, east, and west. Mexican Gulf Railway from New Or- leans 28 miles to Proctorsville, connect- ing with Mobile steamers. New Orleans, Opelousas, and Great Western Railway from Algiers, opposite New Orleans, via St. Charles (18), La- fourche (52), Terrabonne (55), Bayou 109 NEW ORLEANS.] Bœuf (73), to Brashear (80 miles), where trains connect with Southern Steamship Company's packets for Galveston and In- dianola, Texas. LOUISIANA. STEAMBOATS.-Steamer to New York twice a week. To St. Louis, and all points on the Upper Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, every evening. For Red, Oua- chita, and Yazoo Rivers, regular semi- weekly packets. VICINITY. It The Battle-Field, formerly known as the Plains of Chalmette, is an object of much interest to all American visitors, and is generally first visited. It lies four miles and a half south of Canal Street, and may be reached either by carriage along the levée, or by the street cars. is washed by the waters of the Mississip- pi, and surrounded by cypress-swamps and cane-brakes. The action took place January 8, 1815, between the British troops, under General Pakenham, and the Americans under Jackson, the former suffering a signal defeat. Pakenham was approaching the city by the way of Lakes Borgne and Pontchartrain, at the time of this terrible repulse. His loss in killed and wounded was nearly 3,000, while the Americans had but 7 men killed and 6 wounded. A marble monument, 70 feet high, and yet unfinished, occupies a suit- able site overlooking the ground, and serves to commemorate the victory. [VICINITY. | was fired by the shells from Admiral Far- ragut's fleet on their way up to the city (April 25, 1862). The garrison is now composed of the 1st Regular Infantry. The Ursuline Convent is passed a short distance north of the Barracks. It has an imposing front of near 200 feet, and commands a fine view of the river. It was founded in 1826. A nunnery and chapel are attached to the convent. The former has accommodation for forty sisters of the Ursuline Order. Admission to the convent is granted only during vacation. | Lake Pontchartrain, five miles north of the city, is famous for its fish and game. It communicates with Lake Maurepas on the west, and through the Rigolets, with Lake Borgne and the Gulf of Mexico on the east. By this latter route the daily steamers leave New Orleans for Mobile. The lake is 40 miles in length and 24 miles in with. It is from 16 to 20 feet deep, and abounds in fish. It is reached by the Lake Railway every hour through the day. The swamps which lay between the city and the lake, and are traversed by the railway, are covered with a thick growth of cypress and other trees peculiar to this locality. At the railway terminus is is a hotel (the Washington) for the accommodation of visitors. Those par- ticular about their sleeping accommoda- tion and their associations, would do well to return to the city by the last train, which usually leaves at 7 o'clock. The Shell Road affords an agreeable drive to Lake Pontchartrain for those who prefer that kind of locomotion. This road lies along the margin of the canal, and was once the finest and smoothest road in the country. During the military occupation of the city, a railroad track was laid through it, which has greatly marred its beauty and excellence. A movement is on foot to restore it. Half way between the city and the lake is the celebrated Metarie race track. Buffet and restaurant adjoining. The Monumental Cemetery or Sol- diers' Burying-Ground, occupies the south- west corner of the field. In return ing to the city a good opportunity is afforded for visiting the United States Barracks, which front the river about three and a half miles below the city. The purchase of the property, which embraces two acres front and forty acres in depth, was made through Adju- tant G. M. Dreme, in 1830. The works were begun in February, 1834, and com- pleted December, 1835, at a cost of $182,- 000. The quarters of the commandant occupy the centre of the front, those of the staff and company being on either flank. The hospital storehouse, corps de garde, and post magazine, are in the rear of the parade-ground. One of the build-utes by car from Canal Street. ings on the right of the parade-ground Lafayette, until 1852 under a distinct government, now forms the 4th district of New Orleans. Jefferson City is a pleasant suburb of New Orleans, lying immediately west of the city. It is reached in thirty min Carrolton, in Jefferson Parish, six miles 110 BATON ROUGE.] from Canal Street, has many fine public gardens and private residences. The route beyond the city of New Orleans is through cultivated fields, gardens, and well-shaded pastures. It has a good race-course. Railway communication with New Orleans every hour. Greenville is at the western terminus of the city car route. The United States Hospital buildings located here are worthy a visit. LOUISIANA. Algiers, opposite to New Orleans, has extensive dry docks and ship-yards. Com- munication by ferry. Macdonough, on the same side, was once conspicuous for its fine U. S. Hospital, one of the largest structures in the State. It was destroyed during the late war. Gretna, two miles above Macdonough and nearly opposite Lafayette, is a pretty rural spot, abound- ing in pleasant, shady walks. Forts St. Philip and Jackson, seventy- five miles below the city and twenty-five miles from the "passes," or mouths of the river, are interesting to the Northern traveller as the scene of the bombard- ment by the naval fleet under Admiral (then Captain) Farragut, April 18, 1862. Fort St. Philip is on the north and Fort Jackson on the south bank of the river. The bombardment continued six days. The Chalmette Batteries, six miles below the city, manned for a short time by the rebels as Farragut's fleet passed up the river, are seen near the edge of the old Chalmette battle-field. At 10 o'clock P. M. [BATON ROUGE of the 25th April, 1862, the fleet anchored off the Custom House. Baton Rouge.-HOTEL, Harney House. This city, the former capital of Louisiana, is upon the Mississippi, 129 miles above New Orleans. It is built upon the first of the famous bluffs of the Great River seen in ascending its waters, and is thought to be one of the most healthy places in this part of the country. The city contains a College and a United States Arsenal and Barracks. The name of Baton Rouge is said to have been thus derived: when the place was first settled, there was growing on the spot a cypress (a tree of a reddish bark) of immense size and great height, denuded of branches. One of the settlers playfully remarked that it would make a handsome cane. From this small jest grew Baton Rouge (red cane). The Deaf and Dumb Asylum, and Penitentiary are conspicuous build- ings. Baton Rouge is interesting as hav- ing been the home of Zachary Taylor. As the usual route to the States of Texas and Arkansas, adjoining Louisiana, west of the Mississippi River, is by steamer from New Orleans, I shall devote the two following chapters to a brief descrip- tion of the main points and features of interest in those States, reserving more minute particulars in regard to the river routes from New Orleans northward to Memphis, St. Louis, and Cincinnati, to the close of my volume. 111 TEXAS. TEXAS. TEXAS. TEXAS is one of the youngest of the great family of Southern United States, and on account of its remoteness from the ordinary thoroughfares of travel, is but little visited by Northern tourists. In the year 1821 the inducements held out to setters in this region by the Govern- ment of Mexico, to whom the territory at that period belonged, caused an immense rush of emigration thither from the United States. This new and hardier population had grown so numerous by the year 1832, as to quite absorb and destroy the original feeble spirit of the land under Mexican rule, and to embolden the exotic population to seek the freedom and independence there, to which they had been accustomed at home. With both the will and power to accomplish their purpose, they first demanded admis- sion for their State as an independent member of the Mexican Confederacy; and that being refused, they declared themselves wholly free of all allegiance whatsoever to that government. This as- sumption resulted in a war with Mexico, which, after various fortunes, was deter- termined in favor of the Texans, by the total defeat and capture of the Mexican President, Santa Anna, at the memorable battle of San Jacinto, April 21, 1836. The little village of San Jacinto is in Harris County, on Luffalo Bayou, near its entrance into Galveston Bay, 17 miles east of the present city of Houston. Texas con- tinued to be an independent nation after the battle of San Jacinto, until her ad- mission in 1845 as a member of the great North American Confederacy. This fresh turn in events, and the disputes which fol- lowed in respect to boundary lines, be- tween the new State and the territory of Mexico, were soon followed by the war between that country and the United [TEXAS. | States. Two of the famous fights in this war, under the lead of General Taylor, occurred within the limits of the present State. The battle-field of Palo Alto is near the southern extremity of Texas, be- tween Point Isabel and Matamoras, nine miles northeast of the latter town. The battle took place on the 8th of May, 1846. The American troops, numbering 2,111, led by General Taylor, had 32 killed and 47 wounded; while the Mexicans, under General Arista, amounting to 6,000 men, had 252 killed. The American loss un- happily included the gallant Major Ring- gold. The battle-field of Resaca de la Palma lies in the southeastern extremity of the State, near the entrance of the Rio Grande into the Gulf of Mexico. It is in close vicinage with the field of Palo Alto, four miles north of Matamoras, on the route to Point Isabel. This gallant engagement occurred on the 9th of May, 1846, the day following the victory of Palo Alto. The Mexicans, to the number of 6,000, under General Arista, were totally defeated by about 2,000 Ameri- cans, commanded by General Taylor. The loss of the former was about 500 killed and wounded, besides all their ar- tillery and furniture; that of the latter was 39 killed and 82 wounded. Though Texas has since these days of trial gone on prospering and to prosper, she is not yet entirely at peace in all her borders. On the northwest plains of the State the people are still exposed to the murderous incursions of their Indian neighbors, the fierce and warlike Camanches, Apaches, and other tribes. Texas was the seventh of the Southern States to join the ill-fated Confederacy, the ordinance of secession having been passed at the city of Austin, February 5, 1861. The United States troops in the : 112 TEXAS.] [TEXAS. State at that time numbered 2,500, divid- | found in many parts of the State; and ed into 37 companies. copperas, agates, lime, alum, chalcedony, jasper, and red and white sandstone. There are, too, salt-lakes and salt-springs. In a pitch lake, 20 miles from Beaumont, there are deposits of sulphur, nitre, and fire-clay. An immense gypsum-bed, the largest yet discovered on the continent, traverses the northwest portion of the State. Mineral springs (see Springs) exist in different parts of the country. The soil of Texas is as varied as its sur- face and climate, and, for the most part, extremely fertile. The great staple is cotton, which thrives all over the State, and is of very superior quality in the Gulf districts. Sugar may be profitably culti- vated in the level regions. Tobacco is raised with ease, and with scarcely less success than on the island of Cuba. All the grains and grasses of the North are found here, with every variety of tropical and other fruits and vegetation. The live oak, in many varieties, abounds in the forests, beside the palmetto, cedar, pine, hickory, walnut, ash, pecan, mulberry, elm, sycamore, and cypress. Sportsmen will find a congenial abiding-place in Texas. On the prairies almost every kind of wild animal abounds. In the northwest are the wild horse, or mustang, and the fierce buffalo. The deer and the antelope, the moose and the mountain goat, are plentiful-not to mention the jaguars, the pumas, wild-cats, black bears, ocelots, wolves, and foxes, and such smaller game as peccaries, opossums, raccoons, hares, rabbits, and squirrels. A special feature of the wild life here is the prairie dog, or marmot, dwelling in holes burrow- ed in the ground. Their numbers are so great that the traveller may sometimes journey for days together without losing sight of them. The feathered tribe are also abundant, including birds of prey and birds of sport. There is the bald- headed eagle and the Mexican eagle, vul- tures, owls, hawks, wild turkeys, wild geese, prairie hens, canvass-back and other ducks, teal, brandt, pheasants, quails, grouse, woodcocks, pigeons, partridges, snipes, plovers, red-birds, and turtle-doves. By the waters are found, also, the crane, the swan, the pelican, the water turkey, and the king-fisher. The smaller birds are numerous, and among them many of TEXAS. | The landscape of Texas is varied, and in many sections of the State highly picturesque. Along the coast, on the southeast, there is a flat reach of from 30 to 60 miles in breadth; next comes a belt of undulating prairie country, extending from 150 to 200 miles wide, and this again is succeeded in the west and north- west by a region of bold hills and table lands. The plateau of Texas, including some portions of New Mexico, extends about 250 miles from north to south, and 300 miles from the Rio Grande east. The upper part, known as the Llano Estacado, or "Staked Plain," is 2,500 feet above the sea. This immense district, except- ing, sometimes, the immediate edge of the streams, is almost wholly destitute of vegetation. Even the stunted grasses, which follow the rains, soon wither and die. The Colorado, the Brazos, and the Red Rivers find their sources here. The extreme northern part of the State, ex- tending, perhaps, 60 miles or more, is oc- cupied by a portion of the great Ameri- can desert. The high lands of the west and northwest are yet a wilderness, visit- ed only by a few bold hunters in quest of the buffalo and other wild animals which abound there. The region, however, is said to have an inviting aspect, and to be well watered and fertile. The Colorado Hills extend in a north and south direction, east of the Colorado River. Between the Colorado and the Rio Grande, and north of the sources of the San Antonio and Nueces Rivers, are broken and irregular chains of hills, probably outposts of the great Rocky Mountain ranges. Some of these hills, as the Organ, the Hueco, and the Guadalupe Mountains, have an ele- vation of 3,000 feet above the Rio Grande; and the Guadalupe group rises to that height above the adjacent plains. Texas abounds in mineral wealth, as might be supposed from her proximity to the rich mining districts of Mexico. Gold and silver lie buried, no doubt, in large quantities in her soil. Indeed, the latter metal has been already found at San Saba and upon the Bidas River. Coal is sup- posed to exist about 200 miles from the coast, in a belt extending southwest from Trinity River to the Rio Grande. Iron is 113 TEXAS. [GALVESTON, | ington; and steamboats may ascend 40 miles, to Columbia, at all seasons. Much of its course is through alluvial plains, occupied with sugar and cotton planta- tions, fields of Indian corn, and forests of red cedar and of live oak. Richmond and Waco are also small towns on this river. RIVERS.] the most brilliant plumage, as the oriole, the paroquet, the cardinal, the whippoor- will, and the sweet-toned mocking-bird. Blackbirds abound, and woodpeckers, blue-jays, starlings, red-birds, swallows, martens, and wrens. In the rivers and bays there are all the varieties of water life, from alligators to perch, pike, trout, turtles, and oysters. Snakes and reptiles of all sorts are at home in Texas; rattle- snakes, moccasins, copperheads, coach- whips, and garden snakes, horned frogs and lizards, the ugly centipedes and the poisonous tarantula. The coast of Texas, like that of the borders of the Southern States, on the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico, is lined with a chain of islands, separated from the main land by bays and lagoons. There are the bays of Galveston, Matagorda, Espiritu Santo, Aranzas, Cor- pus Christi, and Laguna del Madre. These bays are some 30 and some nearly 100 miles in length. | RIVERS.—The Rio Grande, or Rio Bravo del Norte, the largest river in Texas, of which it forms the southern boundary, is 1,800 miles in length. It flows from the Rocky Mountains to the Gulf of Mexico. It is a shallow stream, much broken by rapids and sand-bars, though small steam- boats ascend its waters 450 miles from the sea, to Kingsbury Rapids. Brownsville, 40 miles from its mouth, is its principal town. The "Great Indian Crossing" is about 900 miles from its mouth. At this place is the famous ford of the Apaches and the Camanches, when they make their predatory visits into Mexico. The Colorado River runs from the table-lands in the northwest part of the State 900 miles to Matagorda Bay. Austin City, Bastrop, La Grange, Columbus, and Matagorda are upon its banks. Austin, the capital of the State, at the head of steamboat navigation, is 300 miles from the sea. The scenery of many portions of this river is extremely picturesque. The Brazos is one of the largest of the Texan rivers. It runs from the table- lands of the west to the Gulf of Mexico, 40 miles below Galveston; the direct distance from its source to its mouth is 500 miles, and by the windings of its channel 900 miles. At high water the Brazos is navi- gable 300 miles from its mouth, to Wash- The Nueces, like most of the rivers of Texas, rises in the table and hill districts of the west, and flows through the State into the Gulf of Mexico. This river follows a very eccentric course of 350 miles to Nueces Bay. It may be ascended by steamers 100 miles. The San Antonio, the Guadalupe, the Trinity, the Neches, and the Sabine, other chief rivers of Texas, are, in general character, course, and extent, much like those of which we have already spoken. RAILWAYS.-The Houston and Texas Central Railway from Houston 80 miles to Millican. Connects at Houston with steamers for Galveston and New Orleans; at Hempstead, with the Washington County Railway for Brenham; and at Navasota, with stages to Shreveport. The Galveston, Houston, and Henderson Railway from Galveston 50 miles to Houston. Connects at Harrisburg with the Buffalo Bayou, Brazos, and Colorado Railway; at Austin with Texas Central Railway. The Buffalo Bayou, Brazos, and Colo- rado Railway from Galveston (steamboat) 65 miles to Harrisburg; to Richmond (railroad), 32 miles; and thence by stage, via Columbus (145) and Bastrop (210), to Austin, 240 miles. The Houston Tap and Brazoria Rail- way, from Houston to Columbia, 50 miles. There are numerous other routes pro- jected and partially completed. Promi- nent among these are the Galveston and Fulton, Arkansas, route; the Texas and New Orleans route; and Southern Pacific route. GALVESTON. 450 miles from New Orleans; 230 from Austin. HOTELS, Island City House. Galves ton is the largest city and the commercial 114 HOUSTON.] It metropolis of Texas. It is built on an island at the mouth of Galveston Bay. The island of Galveston is about 30 miles in length and 3 miles broad-dividing the harbor from the Gulf of Mexico. is a thriving place, and its advantages as the best harbor on the coast will, no doubt, rapidly increase its importance. The city was first settled in 1837. The Roman Catholic University of St. Mary's, the Cathedral, and the Episcopal Church are large, noticeable structures of brick, in the Gothic style. There is in the city also a convent of Ursuline nuns. It has also a fine Town Hall and Market House. The island of Galveston was for a number of years the rendezvous and headquarters of the famous pirate of the Gulf, Lafitte, until his settlement was broken up in 1821 by Lieutenant Kearney, commanding the United States brig Enterprise. The bay extends northward from the city to the mouth of Trinity River, a distance of 35 miles, and has an average breadth of 15 miles. The city has two good hotels, and several newspapers. Railroads and steam- ers are bringing Galveston within speedy reach of the great country around it. Passengers may now leave the city on the Buffalo Bayou, Brazos, and Colorado Railway (see Railways), and reach Austin in 60 hours, including 18 hours' rest. Stages go from Columbus, on this route, to Hallettsville, Gonsales, Seguin, and San Antonio; and from Austin to all points of Western and Northwestern Texas. Gal- veston is connected with Houston by the Galveston, Houston, and Henderson Rail- way, 50 miles in length. Daily steamers to New Orleans. Population 12,000. Route from New York.-One of the United States mail line packets (Williams & Guion, 71 Wall Street, agents) leaves Pier No. 37, E. R., every fortnight. Cabin fare, $75.00. TEXAS. [AUSTIN. with fine pasturage. This is a great cn- trepot for the cotton, sugar, and other products of the adjacent country. Hous- ton was settled in 1836, and was once. the capital of Texas. The other hotels here are excellent. Its schools and edu- cational institutions are among the best in the State. Cars leave Houston by the Houston and Texas Central Railway, con- necting at Hempstead (50 miles) with daily stage lines for San Antonio and va- rious other towns in the interior. Austin, the capital of Texas, is beautifully situated on the north bank of the Colorado River, 200 miles by land from its mouth, and 230 miles west-north- west of Galveston. The seat of Govern- ment was established in 1844. The land- scape of the vicinage is strikingly pic- turesque. The Asylums for the Blind and Deaf and Dumb and the Lunatic Asylum are commodious and well-con- ducted institutions. A fine view is ob- tained from the Governor's house. The Springs in the vicinity of the city are much frequented by travellers. The present population of 5,000 is steadily in- creasing, and in due time the city will, no doubt, become a large and prosperous business mart. business mart. From New Orleans the route is by steamer to Galveston. For routes thence, see Galveston. Stringer's Hotel is a well-kept house. San Antonio, 80 miles northwest of Austin, is a thriving city, with a popu- lation of nearly 9,000. It is in Bexar Coun- ty, on the San Antonio River. Sawyer & Co.'s stages connect it with Austin. It is the centre of a prosperous trade with Mexico. The United States Arsenal is one of the principal objects of interest. Fort Alamo, in the immediate neighbor- hood, is worthy a visit. Here (March 6, 1836) a garrison of Texans, attacked by an overwhelming Mexican force, perished to a man rather than yield; on which account it is sometimes spoken of as the Thermopyla of Texas. Many of the private residences are elegant. Missions San José, San Juan, and Conception, built by the Spaniards, are among the most interest- ing objects of the place. The main Plaza is still used by the Roman Cath- olic inhabitants as a place of assem- bly and worship. A daily line of stages leave for Victoria, where connection is Houston.—HOTELS, State Capitol Hotel, Fannin House. Houston, the second of the Texan cities in commercial import- ance, is reached from Galveston by river, 82 miles; or by the Galveston and Houston Railway, 50 miles. Its popula- tion is about 10,000. It is situated on the low lands of the coast stretch, upon Buffalo Bayou, 200 miles east-southeast of Austin City. Much of the surrounding country is a treeless savanna, covered Shak 115 BROWNSVILLE.] | made with the San Antonio and Mexican Gulf Railway for Zorrillo, Lavaca, and In- dianola. The leading hotels of San An- tonio are the Plaza and the Menger House. TEXAS. Brownsville, formerly Fort Brown, is in Cameron County, opposite Matamoras, on the Rio Grande, 40 miles from its mouth. It is 300 south of Austin. Brownsville is one of the chief towns of the State, and has a popu- lation of about 2,000. It has a Cus- tom House and a thriving trade. was named in honor of Major Brown, who commanded the garrison at the period of the Mexican war. He was mortally wounded by a shell from the 116 It [Matagorda. enemy's batteries (May 6, 1846) while General Taylor was occupied in opening a communication with Point Isabel. Mata- moras, on the opposite side of the Rio Grande, is a populous Mexican town, with an important trade. The American army under Taylor entered this place without opposition, after the victories of l'alo Alto and Resaca de la Palma. Bastrop, on the Colorado River, 35 miles east by south from Austin, is a trading point of some pretension. It is accessible by steamboat from Matagorda. Matagorda, at the mouth of the Colorado, is a delightful summer resort. Population 1,500. ARKANSAS.] ARKANSAS. [ARKANSAS. ARKANSAS. | (6 ucts exist here. Gold, too, it is said, has been found. "There is," says a writer, manganese enough in Arkansas to sup- ply the world; in zinc it exceeds every State except New Jersey, and has more gypsum than all the other States except Texas put together; while it is equally well supplied with marble and salt." "Wild Animals range the forests and swamps in Arkansas as in Texas; and quails, wild turkeys, geese, and other birds abound. Trout and other fish are plentiful in the rivers and streams. The ordinance of secession, which took (nominally) Arkan- sas out of the Union, was passed against strenuous and long-continued opposition, 6th May, 1861. Arkansas is most easily and expeditiously reached from New Or- leans by steam packets, which leave daily for the Red and Ouichita, the Arkansas, and White Rivers. The same general direc- tion will serve the traveller from Memphis and other points on the Mississippi River between that city and New Orleans. The Arkansas River, rising in the Rocky Mountains, flows from the Indian Territory on the west, and traverses the middle of the State for 500 miles, gathering up in its long course the waters of many tribu- tary streams, and bearing them to the great floods of the Mississippi. The entire length of this river is 2,000 miles. It is navigable for steamers 800 miles. Next to the Missouri the Arkansas is the largest tributary of the Mississippi. The White River is 800 miles in length. It is navi- gable from the Mississippi-into which it debouches, not far from the mouth of the Arkansas-350 miles to the mouth of the Black River, and at some periods of the year 30 miles yet higher up, to Batesville. As along the other rivers of Arkansas, the cypress cov- ers the swamps of the Mississippi vicinage, ARKANSAS, which adjoins Texas on the north, is also one of the younger States, having been admitted into the Union as late as 1836. It was settled by the French at Arkansas Post, about 1685, and until 1803 formed part of the Territory of Louisiana. Its history has no very marked points, beyond rude frontier contests with the Indian tribes. It is a wild, des- olate region of swamps, marshes, and lagoons, for a hundred miles back from the Mississippi River. This great plain is broken at intervals by elevations some- times thirty miles in circuit. At flood periods, when the land is inundated, these points become temporary islands. Exten- sive levées have been constructed along the banks of the river, by which means much of this vast tract will eventually be converted into valuable land, with a soil of the richest nature. The Ozark Moun- tains bisect the State unequally. The mid- dle regions, and the district north of the Ozark ranges, have a broken and varied surface. The climate, soil, vegetation, and products of the lower portion of Ar- kansas, are all similar to those of the other Southwestern States; while the hilly regions above have, in all these respects, the more Northern characteristics. The southern section is unhealthy, while the uplands are as salubrious as any part of the Union. The rich, black alluvion of the river yields Indian corn in great luxuriance. This product, with cotton, to- bacco, rice, many varieties of grain, wool, hops, hemp, flax, and silk, constitute its staple products. The Forest Trees include cotton-wood, gum, ash, and cypress in the bottom lands, and the usual vegetation of the North in the uplands. The sugar- maple, yielding large supplies of sap, is found here. Coal, iron, zinc, lead, gypsum, manganese, salt, and other mineral prod- | 117 1 LITTLE ROCK.] [CAMDEN. and gives place to the pine and other vege- | west-northwest of Little Rock, within five tation higher up. This stream has numer- miles of the Indian Territory. It is ous large affluents, among them the Big pleasantly situated on the Arkansas North Fork, Bryant's Fork, the Little River. North Fork, and Buffalo Fork. The St. Francis, the Red River, the Ouichita, and other waters, bear the same general characteristics as the streams already mentioned. There are no lakes in this State of especial extent or interest. Railways have not thus far been much needed in Arkansas, with her great facili- ities of water communication and her thin population. A route is now in prog- ress from Memphis to Little Rock. This line is completed at this time between the former city and Madison. ARKANSAS. Arkansas Post is upon the Ar- kansas River, some 50 miles from its mouth. It is an ancient settlement, having been occupied by the French as early as 1685. It was, for many years, the chief depot of the peltries of the country far around. Fort Hindman, a regular square bastioned work mounting 12 guns and garrisoned by 5,000 troops under General Churchill, surrendered to the Federal LITTLE ROCK. 300 miles from Napoleon; 155 from forces under Admiral Porter and General Memphis. Sherman, January 11, 1863. Napoleon, 125 miles southeast of Little Rock, is upon the Mississippi River, at the mouth of the Arkansas. It is a busy and thriving place. The United States Marine Hospital here is a conspic- uous building. Boats running on the Mississippi and Arkansas Rivers, call here. Passengers will find the best ac- commodation the place affords on the wharf boat. HOTEL, Anthony House. Little Rock, the capital of the State, with a population of 5,000, is picturesquely situated on the top of a rocky bluff-the first of these characteristic precipices which is seen in the ascent of the Arkansas River, 300 miles up. The State House is a handsome, rough-cast brick edifice. The Penitentiary is located here, and also a United States Arsenal. This was seized by the State troops early in the war of 1861-'65. Big Rock, two miles above, on the north bank of the river, is 200 feet high. The vicinity affords many pleasant drives and rides. Hot Springs is the name of a small village 55 miles west of Little Rock. These Springs were much resorted to be- fore the war. They are possessed of valuable medicinal qualities, and are es- pecially beneficial in rheumatic and syph- ilitic cases. They are upwards of thirty in number, and have an average tempera- ture of 145°. The hotels have baths and every convenience for visitors. Daily stage to Little Rock. Fort Smith is a thriving village on the Arkansas River, 163 miles west-north- west, by land, of Little Rock, and a few miles by the river above Van Buren. It is a military post, and has an extensive Indian trade. Fort Gibson is on the Neosho River, 23 miles above Fort Smith. ROUTES FROM LITTLE ROCK. Van Buren, the principal com- mercial point in Arkansas, is 100 miles 118 Camden is on the Ouichita River, a tributary of the Red River, by which it is reached by steamboat from New Orleans. It is distant 110 miles by stage from Lit- tle Rock. It was a place of large cotton export and trade before the war. Popu- lation 3,500. Batesville, with a population of about 2,000, is upon the White River, 400 miles from its mouth. Small steamers ascend at nearly all seasons. Batesville is distant from Little Rock by stage 90 miles; from Memphis, Tenn., 115 miles. Alabaster Mountain.-In Pike County, on the Little Missouri River, there is a mountain of alabaster, of fine quality, and white as new-fallen snow. Natural Bridge. In the neighborhood of the Ala- baster Mountain there is a remarkable natural bridge formation. TENNESSEE.] TENNESSEE. TENNESSEE. THE territory, which now forms the State of Tennessee, was settled before any other of the lands west of the Alle- ghanies, Fort Loudon having been built by adventurers from North Carolina as early as 1757. The early history of the country is, like that of the neighboring State of Kentucky, full of the records of bloody struggles with the Indian occu- pants of the soil. The little band of pioneers at Fort Loudon were not, of course, suffered to rest peacefully in their new home: on the contrary, they were all either butchered or driven away. In a few years, the axe of the white man again rang through the wild forests, and cabins dotted the land, gradually cluster- ing into villages and towns. Tennessee was admitted, in 1796, as the sixteenth member of the American Union. She played a distinguished part in the war of 1812. The landscape of Tennessee is varied and picturesque, though none of the great natural wonders of the Repub- lic lie within her borders. Her mountain, valley, and river scenery is exceedingly beautiful, and will become famous as it becomes better known. The Cumberland Hills, and other ranges of the Appalachian chain, pass through her western area, separating her from North Carolina, and shutting in the valleys of the Holston and other rivers. The height of the moun- tain ridges and summits here is va- riously estimated at from 1,500 to 2,000 feet. They are most of them covered with a rich forest growth to the top, where the axe and the plough have not changed their native character. The cen- tral portion of the State, stretching from the mountains to the Tennessee River, has a broken surface, while beyond, toward the Mississippi, which makes the western boundary, the country is com- [TENNESSEE. paratively level. Many valuable mineral products are found here-coal and iron in great abundance, and rich deposits of copper. Gold, too, has been detected, and silver, lead, zinc, manganese, mag- netic-iron ore, gypsum of superior quality, and a great variety of beautiful marbles, slate, nitre, burrstones, and limestone. Salt and mineral springs, the latter of a very valuable character, abound. The climate here, excepting in the river low- lands, is most agreeable and healthful; exempt alike from the winter severities of the North, and from the summer heats of the South. Immense quantities of live- stock are raised in Tennessee; more, in- deed, than in any other part of the Union. It is, too, a vast tobacco, cotton, and corn-growing region. The culture of hemp, buckwheat, rye, oats, barley, ma- ple sugar, and many other agricultural products occupy the industry and contrib- ute to the wealth of the people. RIVERS.-The Tennessee River enters the State at its southeast extremity, from North Carolina, and forms the chief affluent of the Ohio. Its sources are among the Alleghanies, in Virginia, flow- ing under the names of the Clinch and the Holston Rivers, until they unite at Kingston, in Tennessee. The first course of the main stream is southwest to Chat- tanooga, near the point where the States of Tennessee, Georgia, and Alabama meet. From Chattanooga it turns tow- ard the northwest, until the obstruc- tion of the Cumberland Mountains bends its current southward again, and sends it off on a détour of 300 miles into Upper Alabama and the northeast corner of Mississippi. It gets back to Tennessee at this point, and, for the second time, traverses the entire breadth of the State, 119 1 ( TENNESSEE. RAILWAYS.] [NASHVILLE. crosses Kentucky, and reaches the end | Cave. The Tennessee and Alabama Rail- of its journey at Paducah, 48 miles from way, in operation southward to Colum- the mouth of the Ohio. The length of bia; to be extended and connected the Tennessee proper is about 800 miles; with routes from Mobile, Alabama, and including its longest branch, the Holston, from New Orleans. East Tennessee and its waters extend 1,100 miles. The only Georgia Railway, from Knoxville south- important obstruction in the navigation west 112 miles to Chattanooga, con- of the Tennessee is the 20 miles stretch necting with the railways of that State. of rapids in Alabama known as the Mus- Now extended northeast, by the East Ten- cle Shoals. (See Alabama.) Steamboats nessee and Virginia, to the railways of ascend the river nearly 300 miles, to the Virginia; and west, from Knoxville to foot of these rapids, and above, to Knox- Nashville. The Memphis and Charleston ville, on the Holston, nearly 500 miles. Railway, 310 miles from Memphis to A railway supplies the missing link in the Chattanooga, partly on the southern bor- passage of the river, caused by the inter- ders of extreme Western Tennessee, vention of the rapids. Knoxville and through the upper part of Mississippi Chattanooga are the principal places on and Alabama, into East Tennessee. The the Tenneessee. In Alabama, Tuscumbia Mississippi and Tennessee Railway, from and Florence, and in Kentucky, Padu- Memphis south 99 miles to Grenada, cah, are on its banks. The upper waters Miss., where it connects with the Missis- of the Tennessee, and all that portion of sippi Central Railway to Jackson and the river in the eastern and middle parts New Orleans. The Nashville and North- of the State, are extremely beautiful, western Railway, from Nashville 78 miles varied as the landscape is by wild moun- to Johnsonville, where it connects with tain scenes and fertile pastoral lands. steamboats on the river. The Nashville In the neighborhood of Chattanooga, and Deatur Railway, from Nashville 122 where the Lookout Mountain lifts its miles south to Decatur, connecting with bold crest, the scenery is especially trains on the Memphis and Charleston attractive. It would be difficult to find Railway. The Nashville and Clarksville a more charming picture than that from Railway, from Nashville 29 miles to the summit of the Lookout Mountain, Springfield, where it makes connection over the smiling valley of the Tennes- with roads to Clarksville and Memphis. see, and the capricious windings of the river. The chief tributaries of the Ten- nessee besides the two branches from which it is formed-the Holston and the Clinch-are the Hiawassee, from Georgia, the Hatchee, and the Duck River. All the waters of the State are ultimately absorbed by the Mississippi, its western boundary. The Cumber- land makes an extensive circuit of 250 miles through Middle Tennessee. It is navigable for large boats to Nashville in good stages of water. RAILWAYS.-The Nashville and Chatta- nooga Railway, 151 miles from Nashville, in the north central part of the State, to Chattanooga, near the Georgia and Ala- bama lines, connecting with the Georgia and South Carolina Railway system. The Louisville and Nashville Railway, from Nashville north 185 miles to Louisville, Ky., via Bowling Green and Cave City, the point of departure for the Mammoth NASHVILLE. 684 miles from Washington, 185 from Louisville. HOTELS. Stacey House and St. Cloud, both centrally located on Church Street. The former opened in January, 1866, is newly furnished. Charges at both these houses, $3.50 per day. | Nashville, the capital of Tennessee, and the most important city in the Commonwealth, is most agreeably sit- uated on the south side of Cumberland River, at the head of steamboat naviga- tion. The principal portion of the city is constructed upon a ridge, the highest point of which is about 108 feet above low-water mark. The first settlement was made in 1779-'80 by a party of North Carolina emigrants, and the town estab- lished by act of the Assembly of that B 120 NASHVILLE.] [VICINITY. mer. | State, May, 1784. Owing to its healthy | foundation of solid stone, and contains location, it is the resort of numbers from four niches in the basement and eight in the lower country during the heat of sum- the principal story, with spacious halls Both the public and private build-leading to the right and left. The Library ings of Nashville are creditable to the numbers upwards of 12,000 volumes. All taste and liberality of its citizens. The the materials used in the construction of Capitol may justly be considered one of the Capitol were furnished within the the finest edifices on the continent. It is State. Its cost was nearly one million an elegant and imposing structure, and dollars. Judged by the present standard covers an eminence which rises to the of prices, it may be considered one of the height of 197 feet above the river. The cheapest as well as finest public buildings corner-stone was laid July 4, 1845. It in the United States. is built of fine fossilated limestone, much like marble, which was quarried on the spot. Many of the blocks weigh ten tons each. Its dimensions are 270 by 140 feet. Its architecture is Grecian, consist- ing of a Doric basement, and supporting on its four fronts Ionic porticoes, modelled after those of the Erectheum at Athens. In the centre of the building is a tower 80 feet high. The basement or crypt of the building is used as a depository of arms. The principal story is approached by a double flight of stairs, which lead to the chambers of the Senate and House of Representatives, the Library, etc. The Senate Chamber is a handsome apart- ment, 35 by 70 feet, with a gallery, the columns supporting which, and the desks, are of the beautiful East Tennessee mar- ble. The Hall of Representatives con- tains sixteen fluted columns of the Ro- man Ionic order, two feet eight inches in diameter, and twenty-one feet ten inches in height, from the level of the galleries over the committee-rooms. The shafts of these columns are all in one piece. The dimensions of this room are 100 feet by 70-height of ceiling from floor, 40 feet. The beauty and convenience in the design of the principal story, so much superior to the plan of the Capitol at Washington, is, that the committee-rooms are on the same plan with, and surrounding the Hall of Representatives. In the display of native marbles in this hall, consists the greatest attraction of this magnificent structure. Flanking the public hall private stairways are constructed, leading from the crypt to the various stories, and to the roof. A geometrical stairway leads from the level of the roof to the top of the tower, where you land upon an arched platform, which is intended for an Obser- vatory. The tower is built from the 6 TENNESSEE. The seat of Government has been al- ternately ternately located at Columbia, Mur- freesboro', and Nashville. The Lunatic Asylum, built in 1833, and the Peniten- tiary, are large, imposing buildings. The latter has a front of 300 feet, and con- tains 200 cells. The City Hall occupies a prominent location on Market Square. The University of Nashville, founded in 1806, is worthy a visit. Its Medical De- partment, opened in 1851, has nearly one hundred students. The mineral cabinet of the late Dr. Troost, is the richest pri- vate collection in the United States. Ap- plication to inspect it should be made to John B. Lindsey, Chancellor of the Uni- versity. The fine wire suspension bridge which formerly spanned the Cumberland River opposite the city, and which cost $100,000, was destroyed by the Confeder- ate authorities, February, 1862. Nashville has two theatres; one on Cherry, near Cedar, and the other known as the "New" Theatre, corner of Union and Summer Sts. The former, under the management of Messrs. Duffield & Flynn, is a well-con- ducted establishment. The city has in- creased in population rapidly since the war, and now claims 45,000 inhabitants. No less than eight daily newspapers are published here. The social attractions of Nashville are not excelled by those of any city in the South. Nashville has im- mediate connection by rail with all the principal cities north and south, east and west. Boats to St. Louis and Cincinnati semi-weekly. Edgefield is a pleasant village opposite Nashville. Laid out in 1849. The Hermitage.-The traveller while in this vicinage will not fail to make a pilgrimage to the sopt sacred as the hearthstone of General and President Andrew Jackson. 121 MEMPHIS.] TENNESSEE. [CHATTANOOGA. Memphis, 420 miles from St. | stay. Stone River, where the battle was Louis, 209 from Nashville. HOTELS, fought, 31st December, 1862, is one mile Gayoso, Worsham, and Commercial. from the town. It is yet called Murfrees- Memphis is finely situated upon the boro' by the people in the vicinity. At Third Chickasaw Bluff of the Mississippi, Fisterville, 13 miles south of Murfrees- at the mouth of the Wolf River. It boro', are the remains of a fort. Bridge- is in the southwest corner of the State, port is a strongly fortified point at the upon the site of old Fort Pickering. crossing of Tennessee River. The city presents a striking appearance as seen from the water, with its es- planade several hundred feet in width sweeping along the bluff and covered with large warehouses. It is the chief town on the Mississippi between New Orleans and St. Louis. Railways unite it at all points with the neighboring country and with the most distant towns, north, east, south, and west. The hotel accom- modations are ample, though by no means excellent. The Theatre, corner of Jeffer- son and Third Streets, is one of the best in the South. It has seats for upwards of 800. A city railroad company is now organized, and it is expected that cars will soon be in operation on Main Street and the leading thoroughfares. It has steamboat connections daily with New Orleans, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Louisville, and all points on the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. The Memphis Library Associa- tion has its rooms in the Post-Office build- ing, corner Third and Jefferson Streets. The collection of books numbers nearly 2,000. The city is divided into eight wards. It contains twenty churches and twenty-four public schools, built mostly of brick. The State Female College is located at Greenwood, two miles south- east of the city. The Memphis Female College and St. Agnes Female Academy are flourishing institutions. The popula- tion has more than quadrupled since 1850 in spite of the war, and now numbers nearly 30,000. It fell into the possession of the United States forces, June, 1862, after a brief period of rebellion. Murfreesboro', 32 miles below Nashville, is passed on the railway route to Chattanooga and Atlanta. The town is built in a beautiful and pic- turesque valley. It is the seat of the Union University (Baptist), established in 1841. Murfreesboro' was the capital of Tennessee from 1817 to 1827, when the State House was burnt. It is a pleasant point at which to make a short | Chattanooga is upon the Ten- nessee River, in the southern part of the State, where its boundary is touched by Alabama and Georgia. It is 250 miles from Knoxville by water, and 150 miles southeast of Nashville. It is a great railway centre, being the ter- minus of the Nashville and Chattanooga and Western and Atlantic Railways, which tap the Georgia routes, reaching to Knox- ville, and thence through Viriginia; and upon the great line from Charleston, S. C., to the Mississippi at Memphis. The Ten- nessee River is navigable two-thirds of the year, and at all times for small boats, from the Muscle Shoals to Chattanooga. Population about 7,000. (See Lookout Mountain, in the chapter upon Georgia, for the beautiful landscape surroundings of Chattanooga). The Crutchfield House is a well-kept hotel near the railroad depot. Chickamauga Battle-Field is distant from the city 7 miles southeast. The road thither is good for horses only. The Lookout Mountain is within easy riding distance of Chattanooga. On the sum- mit of this beautiful spur the northwest corner of Georgia and the northeast ex- tremity of Alabama meet on the southern boundary of Tennessee. Almost in the shadow of the Lookout heights lies the busy town of Chattanooga. The country around the "Lookout" is extremely picturesque; the views all about the mountain itself are admirable, and noth- ing can exceed in beauty the charming valley of the Tennessee and its waters, as seen from its lofty summit. It is, too, in the immediate vicinage of other remarka- ble localities, the Dogwood Valley, hard by, and the Nickajack Cave in Alabama. The scenes on Lookout, best worth visit- ing, are Lake Seclusion, Lulah Falls, the Battle-Field, and Rock City. Guides are in attendance throughout the visiting W. R. M. Lunn, photographic artist, supplies excellent pictures of these several views. His gallery is on the ex- season. 122 COLUMBIA.] treme point of the mountain. The fol- lowing brief outline of the operations at Lookout, gleaned from the official report of General Grant, will interest the reader: The Battle of Lookout Mountain was fought on the 23d November, 1863, be- tween the forces under Hooker, consist- ing of Geary's division (12th corps) and 2d brigade of Stanley's division (4th corps) of Thomas's army, and Osterhaus's division (15th corps) of Sherman's army. Hooker scaled the western slope of the mountain, drove the enemy from his rifle- pits on the northern extremity and slope of the mountain. The fight lasted from ten to four P. M., when the rebels gradually withdrew, leaving their artillery, etc. This battle has been greatly magnified. It was really nothing more than an extended skirmish. On the night of the 24th the Union forces maintained an unbroken line with open communications from the north end of Lookout Mountain through Chat- tanooga valley, to the north end of Mis- sion Ridge. TENNESSEE. The Nickajack Cave.-The mouth of this wonderful cavern, which has only to be known in order to be famous, is in Alabama, although otherwise it traverses Georgia territory. (See chapter on Ala- bama.) [KNOXVILLE. ference College. The Capitol of the State was once located here. There are some other mountain and waterfall pictures in Georgia besides those in the upper tier of counties, a few isolated scenes lower down standing as outposts to the hill-region, as Mount Cur- rahee, the Rock Mountain, and the Falls of Towalaga. Knoxville is upon the Holston Riv- er, four miles from its junction with the French Broad, 185 miles east of Nash- ville, and 204 miles southeast of Lexing- ton, Kentucky. It is connected by the East Tennessee and Georgia Railway with all the great routes of Georgia to the Atlantic, and with the highway to New Orleans, via Montgomery and Mobile, in Alabama; also by the East Tennessee and Virginia Railway, with Richmond, Vir- ginia, and all the great thoroughfares of the country. The great route from Boston to New Orleans now passes through Knox- ville. The city is delightfully situated, and affords a pleasant place of resort. It was laid out in 1794, in which year it be- came the capital of the State, and so con- tinued until 1817. The University of East Tennessee, founded 1807, is a fine building. The State Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb is also a prominent edifice. Population 10,000. The place is famous for its manufacture of window-glass. Caves and Mounds in Tennessee.- While in Eastern Tennessee the traveller should not fail to see some of the numer- ous caves in the Cumberland Mountains. Upon the Enchanted Rock, here, are some singular impressions of the feet of men and animals. In Coffee County, not far from Manchester, there is an ancient stone fort, enclosed by a wall, upon which trees are growing, whose age is supposed to ex- ceed 500 years. This mysterious fortifi- cation is situated between two rivers, and Con-occupies an area of 47 acres. 123 Columbia is upon the Duck River, 46 miles south of Nashville, upon the Nashville and Decatur Railway. Jackson College is located here. The educational institutions of the town are important. The most prominent are the Female Athenæum, Female Institute, and Jackson is upon the Forked Deer River, 180 miles below Nashville by stage. The Mobile and Ohio Railway passes here. Lebanon, the seat of the Cumber- land University, is 30 miles east of Nash- ville by stage. KENTUCKY.] KENTUCKY. [KENTUCKY. KENTUCKY. | "THE highest phase of Western char- | colonists were routed, with a loss of sixty acter," says Mr. Tuckerman, "is doubt- men, among them a son of the gallant less to be found in Kentucky, and in one Boone. In 1778 Du Quesne, with his view best illustrates the American in dis- Canadian and Indian army, was bravely tinction from European civilization. In repulsed at Boonesborough. Kentucky the North this is essentially modified by came into the Union in 1792, being the the cosmopolite influence of the seaboard, second State admitted after the Revolu- and in the South by a climate which tion. During the rebellion of 1861–265 assimilates her people with those of the Kentucky, from her geographical situ- same latitudes elsewhere; but in the West, ation on the border, occupied a difficult and especially in Kentucky, we find the and delicate position. For a long time foundations of social existence laid by the she refused to side either with the North hunter-whose love of the woods, equality or the South. On the 4th May, 1861, an of condition, habits of sport and agricul- election for delegates to the Border State ture, and distance from conventionalities, Convention was held, at which the vote combine to nourish independence, strength was overwhelmingly in favor of the Union. of mind, candor, and a fresh and genial The Convention met at Frankfort on the spirit. The ease and freedom of social 27th of May. Volunteers from Kentucky intercourse, the abeyance of the passion entered both the Union and Confederate for gain, and the scope given to the play service. On the 4th of July the Louisville of character, accordingly developed a race and Nashville Railway, the main thorough- of noble aptitudes; and we can scarcely fare of the State, was seized by the Con- imagine a more appropriate figure in the federate soldiers, and shortly afterwards foreground of the picture than Daniel closed. The towns of Hickman and Co- Boone, who embodies the honesty, intel- lumbus were occupied by Confederate ligence, and chivalric spirit of the State." troops under the command of General The first visit of Boone to the wilderness Polk. On the 18th September a skirmish of Kentucky was about the year 1769, at between Zollicoffer's troops and the Home which period he and his hardy companions Guards took place near Barboursville. made the earliest settlement at Boones- By 1st December the number of Federal borough. In 1774 Harrodsburg was troops in the State amounted to 70,000. begun, and Lexington a year or two after- The forces of the enemy, under General wards. The pioneers in their western Buckner, were estimated at 30,000. Early forests met with all the adventure their in 1862 active military operations were hearts could desire-more, indeed; for so commenced, and continued throughout great was their exposure and suffering, the year, when the campaign in Kentucky for many long years, from the cruel enmity was virtually abandoned by the rebels. of the savage populations, that the country The physical aspect of Kentucky is one came to be known as 'the dark and of changing and wonderful beauty, as the bloody ground.” A memorable battle traveller will see in visiting some of her was fought near the Blue Lick Springs, marvellous natural scenes. The Cumber- August 19, 1782, between the Ken- land Mountains traverse the eastern coun- tuckians and the Indians-an unequal ties, and a line of hills follows the course and disastrous conflict, in which the of the Ohio River, with meadow stretches 124 RIVERS.] between, sometimes ten and even twenty miles in width. The State is well supplied with coal, iron, and other minerals. Salt and mineral springs of great repute abound. The chief agricultural staples of this region are hemp, flax, tobacco, and Indian corn. Of the first two of these products a greater quantity is raised here than in any other State. In the produc- tion of tobacco Kentucky is second only to Virginia, and in the product of Indian corn she stands third in the list. KENTUCKY. | RIVERS.-The Ohio River forms the en- tire northern boundary of Kentucky, and the Mississippi washes all her western shore; thus giving her, with the aid of the many streams which come from the in- terior of the State into these great high- ways, the greatest possible facilities for travel, and for the transportation of her staples to all markets. The Kentucky River, like most of the streams of the State, is remarkable for picturesque beauty. Its passage, in a course of 200 miles northwest to the Ohio, is often through bold limestone ledges, ranged on either side of the narrow, dark channel in grand perpen- dicular cliffs. (( 'Deepen Trenton Falls," says Mr. Willis, "for one or two hundred feet, smoothe its cascades into a river, and extend it for thirty miles between perpendicular precipices, from three to five hundred feet high, and only a biscuit- toss across at the top-and you have a river of whose remarkable beauty the world is strangely ignorant." The Cumberland River is one of the largest of the tributaries of the Ohio. It has its source in the Cumberland Moun- tains, in the southeast corner of the State, and flows 600 miles, making a bend into Tennessee, and then traversing western Kentucky. It is navigable for steamers 200 miles to Nashville, and sometimes to Carthage, while small craft may ascend 300 miles yet higher. About 14 miles from Williamsburg there is a fine perpen- dicular fall of 60 feet. The Licking River flows from the Cumberland Mountains, 200 miles, into the Ohio, opposite Cincinnati. Steamboats may ascend 50 miles to Falmouth. This river varies in width from 50 to 100 yards. Its banks are often lofty and precipitous, [LOUISVILLE: covered with huge forest trees. The South Licking and the North Fork are among its tributaries. The Green River is about 300 miles in length. It rises in the eastern section of the State, and flows westward for some 150 miles, through the limestone regions and by the Mammoth Cave, finally enter- ing the Ohio nine miles above Evansville, Indiana. It is navigable in high water, and by the aid of locks and dams, for steamboats, 200 miles to Greensburg. The Salt River, named in token of the Salt Springs which abound in its vicinity, enters the Ohio 22 miles below Louisville. This is the fabled retreat of defeated poli- ticians and other unhappy adventurers. The Tennessee River rises among the Cumberland Mountains of Eastern Ken- tucky, and flows 70 miles within the limits of this State. (See Tennessec.) RAILWAYS.-The Louisville and Nash- ville Railway from Louisville, via Shep- herdsville (18 miles), Lebanon Junction (30), Elizabethtown (42), Munfordsville (73), Cave City (85), Bowling Green (114), to Nashville (185). Immediate connec- tion at Louisville and Nashville with roads North and South. | Lebanon Branch (L. and N. R. R.) from Lebanon Junction (30), Lebanon (66), Danville (95), to Stanford, 105 miles. The Kentucky Central (Covington and Lexington) Railway from Covington (op- posite Cincinnati), via Falmouth (39), Cynthiana (66), Paris (80), to Lexington (99 miles), where it connects with the Lexington and Southern Kentucky Rail- way to Nicholasville (112 miles). The Louisville and Frankfort and Lex- ington and Frankfort Railway, 94 miles from Louisville to Lexington, via Frank- fort. LOUISVILLE. 133 miles from Cincinnati by river, 94 from Lexington. To reach Louisville from Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and intermediate places, see Cincinnati and routes to that city. From Cincinnati, take the steamer down the Ohio River, 133 miles to Louis- ville; or the Ohio and Mississippi Rail- way 87 miles to Seymour, and thence by 125 [VICINITY. | This They are, for the most part, wide, well paved, and shaded with trees. The fol- lowing are among the most prominent buildings: the City Hall, the Court House, on Jefferson Street; the Louisville Uni- versity Medical College, corner Ninth and Chestnut Streets; the Blind Asylum, Male and Female High Schools, the Cus- tom House, and Post-Office, corner Greene and Third Streets; Masonic Temple, cor- ner Fourth and Greene. Among the church edifices of the city the most note- the Jeffersonville Railway 59 miles to Jeffersonville, opposite Louisville. is the shortest land route. Total distance to Louisville from Cincinnati, 146 miles. Louisville may also be reached less di- rectly but more pleasantly from Cincinnati by the Kentucky Central Railway (Cov- ington and Lexington), 99 miles to Lex- ington, and thence by the Louisville and Lexington Railway via Frankfort, 94 miles. The distance from Cincinnati to Louisville, by this route, is 193 miles. Louisville may be reached from Pitts-worthy are: the Cathedral, on Walnut burg, the western terminus of the Penn- Street, corner of Fifth; St. Paul's Epis- sylvania Central Railway, from Philadel- copal, at the intersection of Walnut and phia or from Wheeling, the western ter- Sixth; and the First Presbyterian Church, minus of the Baltimore and Ohio Railway, opposite. The First Baptist Church is by steamboat down the Ohio. From St. also an imposing structure. The Mercan- Louis there is railway communication by tile Library contains upwards of 7,000 the Ohio and Mississippi to Mitchell (213 volumes. The collection of the Histori- miles), and thence by the Louisville, New cal Society contains many rare and val- Albany and Chicago Railway, 61 miles. uable works relative to the early settle- From Indianapolis the route is by the ment of the State. The "Journal" (still Jeffersonville Railway, 108 miles. conducted by the veteran poet and politi cian Prentice) and the "Democrat " are the leading newspapers published in the city. The Louisville Theatre, another of the "institutions" of the city, is at the southeast corner of Fourth and Greene Streets. "Wood's" Theatre, also a pop- ular place of resort, is at the intersection of Jefferson with Fourth Streets. Tem- perance Hall, in Market Street, is used for lectures, fairs, etc. The chief exports of the city are tobacco, pork, hemp, and flour. A visit to the tobacco warehouses, which are large and numerous, will repay the stranger who finds himself with the necessary leisure. HOTELS.-The Louisville Hotel, on Main Street, is a commodious and well-kept house. The National and United States Hotels are centrally located. | Louisville, with a population of about 80,000, is the chief city of Kentucky. It is located at the Falls of the Ohio, where Bear Grass Creek enters that river. The topography is most agreeable, affording fine views from many parts of the terrace elevation of 70 feet. The Falls, which The Falls, which are quite picturesque in appearance, may be seen from the town. In high stages of the water they almost entirely disap- pear, and steamboats pass over them; but when the water is low, the whole width of the river, which is scarcely less than a mile, has the appearance of a great many broken rivers of foam, making their way over the falls. The river is divided by a fine island, which adds to the beauty of the scene. To obviate the obstruction to the navigation caused by the falls, a canal two and a half miles in length has been cut round them, to a place called Ship- pingsport. It was a work of immense labor, being for the greater part of its course cut through the solid rock. The total cost of the work was little short of a million dollars. The extent of the city riverward is over two miles. The course of the leading streets is in this direction. LOUISVILLE.] KENTUCKY. VICINITY. Jeffersonville, on the Indiana shore, op- posite Louisville, is the terminus of the railway to Indianapolis, and a place of much trade. Portland, a village on the Ohio River, at the foot of the falls, three miles below Louisville. Silver Creek, four miles below the city, on the Indiana side, is a beautiful rocky stream, and a favorite fishing and picnic place of the Louisville ruralizers. There is a small but fair hotel here. It is reached by ferry from Portland. Harrod's Creek, eight miles up the 126 COVINGTON.] Ohio, affords a pleasant excursion. The Lexington and Bardstown turnpikes afford many pleasant drives through a pretty and well-cultivated country. The road along the borders of Bear Grass Creek, in the direction of Lexington, is very agreeable. The fine forest vegetation, the charming park-like groves, the hemp- fields and the blue-grass pastures, all help to furnish delight in the Louisville rides and rambles. KENTUCKY. Cave Hill Cemetery is much admired for its monuments. It is in the imme- diate suburb of the city eastward. (For excursion to the Mammoth Cave, see Louisville and Nashville Railway.) Covington, opposite Cincinnati, is one of the principal cities of Kentucky, with a population of about 17,000. It is upon the Ohio, immediately below its point of confluence with the Licking. Across the latter stream is the suburban town of Newport. Steam ferries unite Covington with Cincinnati, and the great suspension bridge will soon make a yet better means of communication thence. The city is built upon a broad and beau- tiful plain, very much after the topog- raphy of the great Ohio city opposite, to which, indeed, it may be regarded as sub- urban. This is the seat of the Western Theological College, a prosperous and richly-endowed institution. There are here large manufactories of hemp, silk, and tobacco, also several large rolling- mills. The business of packing pork and beef is also extensively carried on. It is the northern terminus of the Kentucky Central Railway. Newport, across the Licking River from Covington, has a population of about 14,000. Like the neighboring cit- ies of Covington and Cincinnati, to which it owes its prosperity, it is pleasantly and advantageously situated. It will prob- ably soon absorb the adjoining villages of Jamestown and Brooklyn. A suspen- sion bridge connects it with Covington. LEXINGTON. miles further, is the confluence of the Hueston and Stony Creeks, which are also crossed over a stone viaduct. Paris is the county seat of Bourbon County, the centre of one of the finest stock-raising districts of the State. Falmouth (39 miles), in Pendleton County, is prettily situated on a beautiful plain, watered by the Licking and the South Branch, which here unite their wa- The neighborhood abounds in fine ters. views. The Railway route to Lexington from Covington runs southerly to the thriv- ing towns of Falmouth, Cynthiana, and Paris, 99 miles to Lexington. At Fal- mouth the road crosses the south branch of the Licking River, along the banks of which stream the road mainly runs as far as Cynthiana. At Paris, 40 Cynthiana (66 miles), on the south fork of the Licking River, was incorpo- rated in 1802. It has accommodation for visitors. Fine fishing in the vicinity. Paris (80 miles), the county town of Bourbon County, is the centre of one of the finest farming districts of the State. The manufacture of the famous Bourbon whiskey is extensively carried on in sev- eral large distilleries. To lovers of that somewhat popular beverage, no stronger inducement to sojourn here is deemed necessary. The Blue Lick Springs are reached by stage from this point. | Lexington, 29 miles from Frank- fort; 94 from Louisville; 100 from Cin- cinnati. HOTEL, the Phonix House, an excellent house, newly arranged and refurnished. Lexington is one of the most opulent and beautiful of Kentucky's cities. Few in- land towns of the Union are more delight- fully situated, or afford greater attractions to the tourist or traveller. It is situated on the lower fork of the Elkhorn River, In population and trade it is the second city of the State. The streets are regular, broad, well paved, well built, and delight- fully shaded. Here is the seat of the Kentucky University, on the ruins of Transylvania University, the Law and Medical schools of which are held in high repute. This has been established in 1865. It has an endowment of $500,000. The students number 250. The University Library numbers over 25,000 volumes. The State Lunatic Asylum occupies a prominent locale. The city was founded in 1776, and incorporated in 1782. Its population exceeds 10,000. Lexington Cemetery, in the west end of the city, is a pretty, sequestered spot, much frequent- ed by visitors to Lexington. It contains 60 acres, mostly woodland. It was laid 127 ASHLAND.] KENTUCKY. | out in 1849, in what was known as Bos- well's woods, and dedicated June, 1850. About 4,000 interments have been made up to this time, 1866. The chief attraction of the place is the monument to Ken- tucky's illustrious statesman, HENRY CLAY. It stands on an eminence near the centre of the ground, and can be seen for miles around. The corner stone was laid July 4, 1857, and the structure completed in 1860, at a cost of $50,000-the State subscribing $20,000. [FRANKFORT. throng of pilgrims continually pouring thither, as though it were a wilderness. After the death of Mr. Clay, the estate of Ashland was sold at public auction, but was purchased by James B. Clay, the great statesman's eldest son, and so the honored and beloved little homestead remains yet, happily, in the family pos- session. Let it be sacredly and forever preserved." The visitor to Ashland now will find the scene much changed since Mr. Greeley's visit. It is stripped of much of its beauty. The old homestead has been replaced by a house of more pre- tentious style, but in other respects as much like the old one as it was possible to make it. It is occupied by the widow of the late Colonel Clay, who kindly al- lows it to be shown to visitors. It has recently been resold for a public purpose. Woodburn, the estate of Mr. R. A. Alexander, is in Woodford County. near Spring Station, on the Lexington and Frankfort Railway, nearly equidistant from these two points. It contains over 2,000 acres of land, and is one of the largest and most valuable farms in the State. The collection of thorough-bred stock at Woodburn is the finest in the United States. The famous thorough-bred stallion Lexington, purchased from his late owner, Mr. Tenbroeck, at a cost of $15,000, is among the many and varied attractions of Woodburn. It is an easy walk from the Spring Station to Mr. Alex- ander's mansion. (6 Ashland, the home of Clay, is in the immediate vicinity. The old Clay homestead stood about a mile and a half from Lexington, and the lo- cality is, of course, the chief object of in- terest in this neighborhood. "Walking slowly and thoughtful up," says Mr. Gree- ley, a noble avenue that leads easterly from Lexington, the traveller finds the road terminating abruptly in front of a modest, spacious, agreeable mansion, only two stories in height, and of no great ar- chitectural pretensions. Mr. Clay lived at Ashland between forty and fifty years. The place bore the name when he went to it, probably, as he said himself, on ac- count of the ash timber with which it abounds, and he made it one of the most delightful retreats in all the West. The estate is about 600 acres large, all under the highest cultivation, except some 200 acres of park which is entirely cleared of underbrush and small trees, and is, to use the words of Lord Morpeth, who stayed at Ashland nearly a week, the nearest ap- proach to an English park of any in this country. It serves for a noble pasture, and here Mr. Clay had some of the finest horses and cattle in America. The larger part of the farm is devoted to wheat, rye, hemp, etc., and the crops look most splen- did. Mr. Clay paid great attention to the ornamentation of the land with beautiful shade trees, shrubs, flowers, and fruit or- chards. From the road which passes the place on the northwest side, a carriage- way leads up to the house, lined with lo- cust, cypress, cedar, and other rare trees, and the rose, jasmine, and ivy clamber about them, and peep through the grass and the boughs like so many twinkling fairies. The mansion is nearly hiddened from the road by the surrounding trees; and is as quiet and secluded, save to the Frankfort, the capital of Ken- tucky, is situated on the east bank of the Kentucky River, 60 miles above its en- trance into the Ohio. The site of the town is a deep valley, surrounded by pre- cipitous hills. The river flows between deep limestone banks, the quarries of which yield a fine stone or marble, of which many of the houses are built. The heights on the northeast afford fine peeps at the beautiful scenery of the Kentucky waters. The ruins of the State Capitol occupy an eminence, midway between the river and the upper end of the valley. It was a fine structure, built of marble, quarried in the neighborhood. Here, too, is the State Penitentiary. The town is connect- with the village of South Frankfort, across the river, by a chain bridge. Pop- ulation some 8,000. During the late rebel- 128 PADUCAH.] [THE MAMMOTH CAVE. cavalry on the 6th September, 1862, but the damage to the capitol buildings was caused accidentally by fire in December, 1865. lion the city was occupied by Confederate | stone Creek, whose name it formerly bore. The position of the town is in the midst of a varied hill-landscape. It is, in busi- ness and population, the fourth city of Kentucky, and its greatest hemp mart. This is the entrepot for the merchandise and produce imported and exported by the northwest section of the State. Among the principal public buildings are the City Hall, a Hospital, Jail, and several churches. Population 6,000. (For towns in Kentucky on the Ohio River, see Ohio River.) | KENTUCKY. | Rossersville, near Richmond, 50 miles south of Frankfort, was the scene of a fight between General Kirby Smith's forces and a small Federal force, in which the latter were routed. Harrodsburg, a town of over 3,000 people, and the oldest settlement in Kentucky, is upon an eminence near Salt River, about 30 miles below Frankfort. The first cabin built in the State was erected here by Captain James Harrod, in 1774. It is the seat of Bacon College, founded in 1836, and of a Military Acad- emy. The greatest attraction, however, of Harrodsburg, is its celebrated mineral springs, which make it the most famous summer resort in the State. Good roads extend throughout the neighborhood. (See Harrodsburg Springs.) Munfordsville, on the right bank of Green River, 73 miles south of Louisville and 100 miles south of Frank- fort, is a place often visited by tourists through this section. Near the village is a remarkable spring, and six miles east other natural curiosities. (See Sink-Holes of Kentucky.) The neighborhood was the scene of numerous encounters be- tween Generals Buell and Bragg, in the campaign of 1862. The fine bridge over Green River, destroyed during the war, has been replaced. Twelve miles south of Munfordsville is Cave City Station, the point of departure for the Mammoth Cave. Paducah is upon the Ohio, just be- low the mouth of the Tennessee, 340 miles from Louisville, 473 miles from Cincin- nati. Paducah bears the name of an Indian chief who once lived in the neigh- borhood. On account of its favorable situation at the confluence of two great rivers, it was a point of much importance during the war, for the shipment of am- munition and supplies. Population 6,000. Maysville, founded in 1784, is upon the Ohio River, 60 miles above Cincinnati, and 60 miles northeast of Lexington. At Portsmouth, Ohio, some 50 miles above, on the Ohio River, railway lines come in from all parts of the country, north and east. Maysville is upon Lime- | (6 The Mammoth Cave.- Among the many resorts and objects of interest with which Kentucky abounds, the most noteworthy, as well as most frequented, is this famous cavern. The route thither is not difficult. Tourists from the Eastern cities will best reach it via Cincinnati and Louisville, thence by the Louisville and Nashville Railway to Cave City, 85 miles south of Louisville. This point is within 9 miles of the mouth of the cave. From the south and west, travellers will of course take the railway from Nashville for Cave City. Steamers ply on the Green River from Louisville to within the distance of a mile only of the cave. Parties arriving at Cave City by the night trains can lay over" (as the period of rest is technically known in this vicinity) at the hotel there, and proceed to the cave the following morning. A stage connects with each train during the season-fare, $1.00; carriages and horses for hire. The cave is believed to extend under the ground passed over in the route of nine miles from the railway sta- tion. Four miles from Cave City, the visitor will pass a small cave on the left of the road, known as the Indian Cave. It contains some of the most beautiful specimens of the stalactite and stalagmite formations to be found in the cave region. In size, however, it is a mere pigmy beside its gigantic neighbor, the Mammoth. The approaches have been sadly interfered with during the war. It is proposed to restore them and the cave to their original condition, and if possible to improve them. The proprietor, Sam. B. Young, resides at Cave City. The Cave Hotel, as before stated, is 9 miles from the railway station, and is reached with ease in two hours when the roads 129 + [THE MAMMOTH Cave. which is a spacious seat, grand enough for the gods. After passing numerous other stalactites and stalagmites, we look, in succession, at Napoleon's Breastwork, the Elephant's Head, and the Lover's Leap. This last scene is a large pointed rock, more than 90 feet above the floor, and projecting into a grand rotunda. Just below the Lover's Leap, a détour may be made to the lower branch of the Gothic Avenue, at the entrance of which we see an immense flat rock, called Gate- wood's Dining-Room; and to the right, a beautiful basin of water, named the Cooling-Tub. Beyond is Flint Pit. Still pursuing our détour, we pass, one after the other, Napoleon's Dome, the Cinder Banks, the Crystal Pool (Lake Purity), Salt Cave, and a wonderful place, still beyond, called Annetti's Dome, through a crevice of which is a waterfall. Reënter- the main or Grand Avenue, we arrive soon at the Ball-Room, where Nature has provided every necessary fitting of gallery and orchestra. Willie's Spring has its pleasant story, which will delight the wondering visitor until he is almost petri- fied with astonishment at the sight of the great rock, known as the Giant's Coffin. Here begin the incrustations, ever varied in form and character, which are so much the delight of all visitors. The Giant's Coffin passed, we sweep round the Great Bend. Opposite is the Sick- Room. The Star Chamber is a splendid hall, with perpendicular arches on each side, and a flat roof. In the main avenue the side rocks are of a light color, and are strongly relieved against the dark ceiling, which is covered with countless sparkling substances, resembling stars. By a judicious display of lamps and Ben- gal lights in this apartment, an almost magical effect is produced. It forms one of the most-to many, the most attrac- tive feature of the cave. Wright's Rotun- da (the Cross Room) has a ceiling of 400 feet span, and yet not a single pillar to uphold it. The Black Chambers contain ruins which remind us of old baronial castle walls and towers. Through the Big Chimneys we ascend into an upper room, about the size of the main cave. Here are heard the plaintive whispers of a distant waterfall; as we come nearer, the sound swells into a grand roar, and we | | THE MAMMOTH CAVE.] are in good order, which of late years has not been the case. Mr. Ouseley, the former proprietor, has disposed of the property to Messrs. Rogers and Proctor, who have made recent additions and im- provements. Visitors will now find it a pleasant stopping-place. A short walk from the hotel brings us to the mouth of the cave. The journey through these stupendous vaults and passages is often long and toilsome, despite the marvels which everywhere beguile the way. As it takes days to see these wonderful scenes, so it would require many pages to describe them, which fact compels us to be content with the briefest catalogue of the chief points of interest. Accompanied by a guide (it is not safe to attempt the passage without one), and aided by a lighted flambeau or oil-lamp, the visitor may now set out on his undergrounding journey. After exploring the narrows, ante-chambers, and the Audubon Avenue, which is a mile in length, 50 or 60 feet high, and as many wide, we return and pass through the vestibule for a second time, entering the main cave or Grand Gallery, a mighty tunnel of many miles extent. The Kentucky Cliffs passed, we descend some 20 fect to the Rotunda, and thence to another apartment immediate- ly underneath it, known as the Church. This is a grand apartment, 100 feet in diameter, with a roof formed of one solid seamless rock, suspended 63 feet overhead. Nature has supplied these solemn halls with a natural pulpit, and a recess where a mighty organ and a count- less choir could be placed. Religious services have been performed in the "dim religious light" of torches, under this mag- nificent roof. The Gothic Avenue is reached by a détour from the main cave, and a descent of some 30 feet. It is two miles in length, 40 feet wide, and 15 feet high. This place was once called the Haunted Chamber. Louisa's Bower, Vui- can's Stithy, and the new and old Register Rooms, are now passed in succession. The Gothic Chapel rivals all the marvels of the highest and nicest art, in the strength, beauty, and proportions of its grand columns, and its exquisite orna- mentation. The Devil's Arm Chair is a large stalagmite pillar, in the centre of KENTUCKY. 130 THE MAMMOTH CAVE.] are close to the cataract. To enter the I place called the Solitary Chamber, by the way of the Humble Chute, we have to crawl upon our hands and knees for 15 or 18 feet beneath a low arch. Here is the Fairy Grotto, the character of which admirably realizes the promise of its name. The Chief City (Temple) in the main cave (Grand Avenue) beyond the Rocky Pass, is 200 feet in diameter, and 40 feet high. The floors are piled with rock, which give it the appearance of a ruined city. Other localities, in the direct pas-plored, being but 500 yards long. Dia- mond (Richerson's) Cave lies on the road to Indian and Mammoth Caves, half a mile west of the railway. Its chief beauty are its stalactite formations. Harrodsburg Springs.-This is one of the most fashionable watering-places of Kentucky, and is, during the season, "the grand field of tournament for Western flirtation, and the gathering-point for politicians out of harness, and for such wealthy Westerners and Southerners as like to spend their money on the side of the Alleghanies that slopes toward home." The hotel here, with all its surroundings and appointments, is most admirable. Dr. Graham, the liberal proprietor, has already expended more than $300,000 upon the embellishment of the place; and so ex- | sage of the cave, as in some of the many détours, are appropriately named the Steeps of Time, the Covered Pit, the Side- Saddle, the Bottomless Pit, the Labyrinth, the Dead Sea, and the Bandit's Hall. The Long Route.-On entering upon the Long Route, the visitor leaves the main cave at the foot of the Giant's Coffin, and passes into the Deserted Chamber. The distance from the mouth of the cave to the Maelstrom, at the end of the Long Route, is 9 miles. Passing Wooden-Bowl Cave, Martha's Palace, Shelby's Dome, we cross the Bridge of Sighs, and enter another apartment, where those who fre- quent the cave, and are therefore supposed to know something of its mysteries, are in the habit of resting in a narrow, tor- tuous avenue, called and known as Rev-pended it, that it all sensibly contributes ellers' Hall. Fat Man's Misery appropri- to the comforts and enjoyments of his ately follows the Hall of Feasting and guests. (For route, see Harrodsburg, Revelling. Crossing the river Styx by a ante.) natural bridge, we reach Lake Lethe, which visitors, desiring to extend their ex- plorations further, cross in boats. From Lake Lethe the visitor is introduced to the Great Walk, at the termination of which he can take a boat on Echo River, which has a course of three quarters of a mile within the cave, and finally finds its outlet in Green River. Silliman's Avenue is still beyond. Parties visiting the cave in sufficient numbers, and accompanied by a band, frequently sojourn here and enjoy the festivities of the Ball-Room. Visitors, if they feel so disposed, may travel 200 miles in the different avenues and labyrinthine walks of this wonderful cave. Proper care will insure against all risk of danger. Colds, instead of being contracted, are more often cured by the visit. Nowhere is the air in the slightest degree impure. So free is the cave from [SPRINGS. reptiles of every kind, that St. Patrick might be supposed to have exerted his fabled annihilating power in its favor. Combustion is everywhere perfect. No decomposition is met with. The waters of the springs and rivers of the cave are habitually fresh and pure. The tempera- ture is equable at all seasons, at 59 de- grees Fahrenheit. White's Cave is situat- ed about half a mile from the Cave Hotel. It is remarkable for the beauty of its stalactite formations. It is easily ex- KENTUCKY. Knob Lick is an interesting spot within excursion distance (15 miles) of the Har- rodsburg Springs. The knobs or hillocks here are from 100 to 200 feet high, more or less conical; some of them insulated, others connected by crumbling isthmuses; the whole forming a group of barren conoidal eminences, which are finely con- trasted with the deep verdure of the sur- rounding plain. The Devil's Pulpit is a wonderful passage in the bold landscape of the Kentucky River. It is accessible from Harrodsburg in a twenty-mile excursion. The Blue Lick Springs is a watering- place of high repute, on the Licking River, in Nicholas County. These springs con- tain soda, magnesia, lime, sulphuretted hydrogen, and carbonic acid, in combina- tion with muriates and sulphates. A battle was fought here between the settlers 131 KENTUCKY. SPRINGS.] and Indians, August 19, 1782. (For route thither, see Paris, ante.) Drennon Springs (black and salt sul- phur) are upon the banks of the Ken- tucky, in Henry County. They may be reached by steamboat from Louisville. Poplar Mountain Springs are upon the Poplar Mountain top, in Clinton County, four miles from Albany. The scenery in this vicinage is remarkable for its beauty. Upon Indian Creek, not far from the springs, there is a perpendicular waterfall of 90 feet. [Natural BRIDGE. at a depth of 25 or 30 feet. Stones cast into this pit give no indication of touch- ing the bottom. There is yet another extraordinary sink in this neighborhood, on the top of an elevation, called French- man's Knob. It has been descended, by means of a rope, 275 feet, but without finding bottom. The Tar and Breckenridge White phur Springs are in Breckenridge County, four miles from Cloverport. They are readily accessible from the Ohio River. The Breckenridge coal is found in this vicinity. Natural Bridge.-There is an extra- ordinary natural bridge in the roman- tic County of Christian. It is 130 feet high, with a span of 70 feet. Dismal Rock is a frowning precipice, 160 fect The White Sulphur Springs are in high, in Edmonson County. Cumber- Grayson County, four miles from Litch-land Gap.-This passage of the Cum- field. They are very numerous, within a berland River through the mountains, small area. in Knox County, 150 miles south of Lex- Sul-ington, is an imposing scene. The waters make their way between huge cliffs, 1,300 feet in height. This famous gap gained considerable prominence during the re- cent campaign in Kentucky. It was sur- rendered to the Federal forces under General Shackleford, September 7, 1863. Waterfalls.—Besides the cascades of the Indian Creek, near Poplar Mountain, of which we have already made mention, there are numerous beautiful waterfalls among the hills of Kentucky. The Kentick Creek, in Cumberland County, presents some fine pictures of this kind. The traveller must not overlook, either, if his time serves for the exploration, the Rock House in Cumberland, the Indian Rock in Edmonson, Pilot Rock in Christian, and the Flat and the Anvil Rocks in Union County. The Tar and Sulphur Springs are upon Green River, in Davis County, near the "Old Vernon Settlements." There are other springs of reputation in this vicinity. The Esculapia Springs (chalybeate and white sulphur) are in a beautiful valley of Lewis County. The Fox and Phillips Springs are in the abundant spring region of Fleming County. The Lettonian Springs (sulphur) are upon the Bank Lick Road, near the Ohio River, and about four miles from Coving- ton. This is a pleasant excursion point from Cincinnati. The Parroquet Springs are near Shepherdsville, in Bullitt County. | The Mounds and Fortifications, which are numerous in Kentucky, afford em- ployment enough for the antiquarian tourist. In Allen County, 17 miles from Bowling Green, there is a wall of solid lime- stone 200 yards in length, 40 feet high; at its base 30 feet thick, and at its summit six feet. It crosses a neck formed of a curve in Drake's Creek, and shuts in a peninsula of about 200 acres, elevated 100 feet above the river. Upon the crown of this emi- nence, an area of three acres is sur- rounded by a wall and ditch, making the place a fortress of immense strength. Other strange ancient works may be found in Warren, Spencer, Boone, La Rue, Montgomery, Barren, and Bourbon Coun- ties. The Big Bone Licks of Boone County exhibit the great bones of the mastodon The Sink-Holes of Kentucky.—Of these curious cavities or depressions in the sur- face of the ground, known as sinks, re- markable examples are found in Ken- tucky. Sinking Creek, in Breckenridge County, suddenly disappears, and is not seen again within a distance of half a dozen miles. Near Munfordsville, in Hart County, there is a strange spring con- nected with a mill-pond, the waters of which overflow the dam every twenty-four hours, rising 12 or 15 inches, and reced- ing to their ordinary level with the preci- sion of the tides. Six miles east of the same town there is a hole, in form like an inverted cone, which is 70 feet in diameter at the surface, and but 10 or 12 feet across 132 MOUNDS.] and other extinct animals. Curious fossil remains are found in Bourbon County. Impressions of the feet of men and of animals may be seen in a rock near Mor- ganfield, in Union County. Both the antiquarian and the geolo- gist have a fine field within the domains of Kentucky, in which to gratify their taste and prosecute their studies. KENTUCKY. [ROUTES. | ly described in the foregoing pages. For the convenience of those making the Southern Tour by water from Cincinnati or St. Louis, the editor of the "Hand- book" deems it important to incorporate in this portion of the work brief sketches of these cities, and other points of inter- est on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. For more extended descriptions of these cities and vicinage, the reader is referred to the chapters on Ohio and Mississippi. 133 The usually travelled routes from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Wash- ington, southward, have been sufficient- THE OHIO RIVER. THE OHIO RIVER. [See accompanying map.] ONE of the most important points for the traveller to consider and determine upon before taking a trip down the Ohio, or indeed any river, is the choice of a boat. In vain are fine weather and pleas- ant company, if the craft you have select- ed be not seaworthy and comfortable; a leaky stateroom, a wheezy 'scape-pipe or two, a defective boiler, are things to be avoided at all times, but especially so when starting on a voyage of a thousand miles or more, extending over a period of several days. If the traveller have the If the traveller have the opportunity, and is "posted" in such mat- ters, it is always well to go aboard the day before starting, and examine for him- self. If not, let him consult his landlord, or still better, some friend whose judg- ment may be relied on, and be thus guided in his choice. The regular packet lines are the most reliable, and these usually have one boat daily. The fare from Cincinnati or St. Louis to New Orleans, is usually about the same, varying from $25 to $40, according to the season of the year, the stage of water, and the prob- able duration of the passage. The dis- tance from Cincinnati to Cairo, at the mouth of the river, is 500 miles, and the time usually occupied in making it, two days, though it is sometimes travelled by the regular packets in less. The traveller, as he descends this noble river in the spring of the year-when its banks are full, and the beautiful red-bud and Cornus Florida deck the declivities of the bluffs, which sometimes rise 300 feet in height, impend over the river, and cast their grand shadows into the transparent waters, and are seen at intervals in its luxuriant bottoms, while the towering sycamore throws its venerable and majes- tic arms, decked with rich foliage, over the other trees-will readily acknowledge | | the appropriateness of the title, of which the early French explorers gave it, "La Belle Rivière." The Ohio is formed by the junction of the Alleghany and Monongahela, the former being navigable for keel-boats as far as Olean, in the State of New York, a distance of about 250 miles; the latter is navigable for steam- boats to Brownsville, 60 miles, and by keel-boats upwards of 175 miles. These two streams unite at Pittsburg and form the Ohio, which after a course of one thousand miles unites its waters with those of the Mississippi. No other river of the same length has such a uniform, smooth, and placid current. Its average width is about 2,400 feet, and the descent, in its whole course, is about 400 feet. At Pittsburg it is elevated about 1,150 feet above the ocean. It has no fall, ex- cept a rocky rapid of twenty-two and a half feet descent at Louisville, around which is a canal two and a half miles long, with locks sufficiently capacious to admit large steamboats, though not of the largest class. (See Louisville.) Dur- ing half the year this river has a depth of water allowing of navigation by steam- boats of the first class through its whole course. It is, however, subject to ex- treme elevations and depressions. The average range between high and low wa- ter is probably 50 feet. It lowest stage is in September, and its highest in March. It has been known to rise 12 feet in a night. Various estimates have been made of the rapidity of its current, but owing to its continually varying, it would be difficult to assign any very exact esti- mate. Between Pittsburg and its mouth it is diversified by many considerable islands, some of which are of exquisite beauty; besides a number of tow-heads and sand-bars, which in low stages of the 134 Free- dom Ohto Lawrenc ville Alle gheny Beeronomy GegeT We Browns Steuben Warrenton Martinsburg Bridgeport Cadiz Liverpool West Fork of White R. A Can. EBURG Brownsville WMO Moron Sgahey ar Birmingham SYLVANIA Washington Newark Miami R. Middletown RAILROAD Wellsburg WADASH Mus Circle ville COLUMBUS London Springfield it. Miami Sairs ville Lan WHEELING Mayville Hamilto CINCINN CINCINNAT INDIANAPOLIS ellev VILLE Athens de River Lancaster Hamden Wheenge Susp" Br.. Elizabeth T. Martinsvill OHIO Aurora Rising Sun N.York Versailles Vevay N MADISON Handver ingum White E. Fork RIVER Barmer Belpre Parkersburg Blenerhassett's L N Hocking Murraysville Buffington's I Retartsville Letarts Gt Kanawha R Guyan Gayandotdotte Burlington BigSan Gatlettsbu dy Riv burg Greenups Belmont Nemport Covington North Bendarrison's Grave Lawrenceburg Duck R Duval PorRIETTA Evan Romero sherweld Lavaris Higginsport echanicsburg to sant OHIO RIVER Sciota Riv Ohio Canal Chillicothe PPlease Gallipolis Gedenworth Boring T. edoma Sistersville Grandview wport bbe New Albany Salem Terce Haute Newburgo Bethlehem CharlestonL. Rome Condor Aberdeen Rif Haring Rock Petersburg FRANKFORT Belleview Milton Shawnee T Warsaw Ghent Carroll- ton Dover Augusta Rock Spr. L Wheelersburg Manchester Lick ing R London CAVE IN ROCK Elizabeth Golconda RTSMOUTH Mockville C Vanceburg George. MAP OF THE OHIO R Massac America from. PITTSBURG. TO CAIRO. Trinit Westport LOUIS- VILLE Shippings Portland Anton Concordia FmtI Diamond I. Vernon Uniontown Chaleigh E WestPoint Maukport Branden mater dam Henderson Shelbyville Cumberland Home Stevensport NASH Trevo VILLE Maxville Lewispor Cloversport Hawesville C Rockport Enterprise Owensburg Hopkinsville 5 Hurr canel on LEXINGTON Caseyville Harrodsburg aledonia Cashl US CAIRO PER Riv. Boston O+ KENTU it. Kanawha Rive Clarksville Paducah Lebanon CUM Smithland TENNESSEE RIV Columbus Green Riv. ΔΙΗ water greatly impede the navigation. The passages between some of the islands and the sand-bars at their head are among the difficulties of the navigation of the Ohio. In the infancy of the country, every species of water craft was employed in navigating this river, some of which were of the most whimsical and amusing description. The barge, the keel-boat, the Kentucky-flat or family- boat, the pirogue, ferry-boats, gondolas, skiffs, dug-outs, and many others, formerly floated in great numbers down the cur- rents of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers to their points of destination, at distances sometimes of three thousand miles. Ow- ing to the difficulties of navigating the river between Pittsburg and Cincinnati, and the facilities of speedy communica- tion between these cities by rail, the amount of travel, except between way points on the river, is very small. To Middletown, Pa. Economy, Pa. Table of distances on the Ohio, from Pitts- burg to Cincinnati. • • Freedom, Pa Beaver, Pa. Georgetown, Pa. Liverpool, Ohio .. Wellsville, Ohio……… Steubenville, Ohio.. Wellsburg, Va • Warrenton, Ohio.. Martinsville, Ohio. Wheeling, Va. Bridgeport, Ohio Elizabethtown, Va. Big Grave Creek, Va. New Martinsville, Va... Sisterville, Va………… Newport, Ohio.. Marietta, Ohio Vienna, Va. Parkersburg, Va. Belpre, Ohio · · .. .. ● • • • Blennerhasset's Island.. Hockingsport, Ohio Bellville, Va Murraysville, Va.. Shade River, Ohio.. Ravenswood, Va Letartsville, Ohio Pomeroy Coalport, Sheffield, Ohio THE OHIO RIVER. Point Pleasant, Va. Gt. Kanawha River, Va. Gallipolis, Ohio………. Millersport, Ohio. Guyandotte, Va. Proctorsville, Ohio Burlington, Ohio. Big Sandy River. • ·· 4 4 19 7 8 1 → 13 44 49 52 85 93 94 107 10 117 29 146 12 158 18 177 6 182 CINCINNATI. 11 6 25 5 30 14 The "Queen City of the West," as Cincinnati has not inappropriately been 8 19 called, is pleasantly situated on the north bank of the Ohio, 500 miles from its mouth, and near the confluence of the Licking River, which enters from Ken- tucky just above Covington, on the op- posite side of the river. Its central po- sition, at the very heart of the railway and inland navigation system of the country, secures to the traveller easy and rapid ac- cess from every quarter of the Union. From New York the most direct route thither is by the Atlantic and Great Western Railway via Salamanca and Mans- field, distance 862 miles. The New York and Erie route, and the Hudson River or Harlem Railway to Albany, and thence by the Central to Buffalo or Dunkirk, and thence via Cleveland and Columbus, are not unfrequently taken. 6 188 2 190 11 201 4 205 5 210 1 211 11 222 22 244 14 258 1 259 } Hanging Rock, Ohio……. Greenupsburg, Ky Wheelersburg, Ohio. Portsmouth, Ohio Scioto River, Ohio Rockville, Ohio Rome, Ohio.. Concord, Ky Manchester, Ohio. Maysville, Ky. Aberdeen, Ohio Charleston, Ky Ripley, Ohio. Higginsport, Ohio. Augusta, Ky Mechanicsburg, Ky.. Neville, Ohio.. Moscow... 12 271 4 275 24 299 13 312 8 320 4 824 ·· .. ·· • • Pt. Pleasant, Ohio Belmont, Ky. New Richmond. Little Miami River, Ohio. Columbia }.. Jamestown, Ky. Cincinnati, Ohio Newport & Covington, Ky. Ky.}...... 13 337 6 343 8 351 12 363 16 379 10 389 6 395 7 404 12 414 7 421 2 423 7 430 4 434 7 441 3 414 4 448 4 452 5 457 14 471 1 472 5 477 From Philadelphia, by the Pennsylvania Central Railway via Pittsburg, Crestline, and Columbus, distance 722 miles. The scenery of the Pennsylvania Central is much admired. From Baltimore the route is by the Baltimore and Ohio Railway, via Wheel- ing or Parkersburg, distance 636 miles. Adding the distance from New York to Baltimore, 186 miles, the entire distance from New York to Cincinnati, by this ❤ 135 THE OHIO RIVER. route, is 822 miles. The beautiful scenery and other attractions of this fine road hold out strong inducements to tourists and pleasure travellers. As remarked in the chapter on Maryland, parties making Bal- timore their point of departure from the North Atlantic seaboard, have a choice of routes: they can either proceed directly south, by way of Washington and Rich- mond, or taking the route here laid down, they can pursue their journey from Cin- cinnati by steamer. The traveller's own taste, and the time and means at his com- mand, will decide as to the best choice to make. The Cincinnati hotels, though by no means what they should be either as regards style or comfort, are sufficient- ly attractive to make a short stay desir- able after the fatigues of a journey from the East, and the stranger can profitably and pleasantly spend a few days in view- ing the city and its pretty environs. The Burnel House is centrally and pleasantly located on Vine and Third Streets. It is conducted by Captain Silas F. Miller, for- merly of the "Galt House," Louisville. The Spencer House, on Broadway, near the steamboat landing, is an old and fa- vorite stopping-place. The Broadway Hotel, at the intersection of Broadway and Second Street, is also conveniently located for travellers by the river. The Walnut Street House and Merchants' Hotel are among the best of their class. Among the various restaurants of the city, the St. Nicholas, at the corner of Fourth and Race Streets, in the immediate neighbor- hood of the Burnet House, is the best worthy of patronage. Reading and bil- liard rooms attached. The city proper is compactly built upon two plateaus or terraces, ranging in alti- tude from 50 to 110 feet above low-water mark in the Ohio. The city occupies the river shore for more than three miles, and its area is rapidly extending. The streets are generally of good width, well paved and well lighted. The principal thorough- fares are Fourth, Broadway, Main, and Pearl Streets. The Levée, though by no means so extensive as that of New Orleans, forms a characteristic feature of the place. Fourth Street is the fashionable promenade. The markets and many of the retail establishments are located in Fifth Street, which is generally thronged at certain hours each day with a motley multitude of every class. Among the public buildings of the city worthy of no- tice are the Observatory on Mount Adams, in the eastern part of the city, the corner- stone of which was laid November 9, 1843, by John Quincy Adams. The tele- scope, by Mentz and Mahler of Munich, is a valuable instrument, and cost $10,000. The Masonic Temple, on the northeast corner of Walnut and Third, is an elegant structure. The Roman Catholic Cathedral of St. Peters, at the intersection of Plum and Eighth Streets, has a powerful organ and some fine paintings. The altar is of Carrara marble, by Chiappri, of Genoa. The Custom House, adjoining the Burnet House at the corner of Vine and Fourth Streets, is a fine structure, in the Corin- thian style. In it are also located the Post-Office and United States Courts. The City Hall is in Plum Street, between Eighth and Ninth. The Merchants' Ex- change, on Walnut Street, near Fourth, is a handsome edifice, with a front of 140 feet, in the Greco-Doric order. The rooms of the Mercantile Library Associa- tion are in this building. The collection of books numbers 23,000. Strangers introduced by members have access to the shelves and to the files of news- papers. The principal places of amusement are Wood's Theatre, on Vine Street corner of Sixth, and the National Theatre, in Sycamore Street, below Fourth. Pike's Opera House, recently destroyed by fire, was considered, next to that in Philadel- phia, the finest in the Union. The Sus- pension Bridge which spans the river be- low the foot of Vine Street will attract the stranger's attention. The towers are 1,006 feet apart and 230 fect high. It was commenced September 1, 1856, and is not yet quite complete. It is the work of John A. Roebling, the architect of the Niagara Suspension Bridge, and is a mag- nificent structure. nificent structure. Its entire cost will not fall short of one million dollars. The vicinity of Cincinnati abounds in beautiful drives; that to Spring Grove Cemetery is among the most attractive. This beauti- ful burying-ground is in the valley of Mill Creek, four miles northwest of the city. It embraces 220 acres, and is 136 adorned with many fine monuments. The Lunatic Asylum, a large brick build- ing, occupies a prominent locale on the opposite side of Mill Creek. Madison Road, and its continuation, Grandin Road, affords a pleasant drive. The residences of Mr. Joseph Long- worth, the famous wine-grower and manu- facturer, of Mr. Harrison, and of Captain P. W. Strader, all well-known citizens, are seen from this road. Extended views of the Ohio River are obtained from the bluff top in front of Mr. Harrison's mansion. A visit to Longworth's Wine-House is among the most noteworthy events of the appreciative traveller's visit to Cin- cinnati. The "Vaults" have capacity for upwards of a million bottles. Ap- plication for admission to the vaults should be made to Mr. William P. Ander- son, a nephew of Mr. Longworth's, who has sole management of the establish- ment. Formerly the neighborhood of Cincinnati abounded in vineyards, but of late years the grape crop has failed, and Mr. Longworth and other large growers have abandoned their cultivation entirely. It is now mainly conducted by the Ger- mans, whose experience and thrifty habits enable them to make it remunerative in spite of blight and early frost. Cincinnati has a world-wide reputation for the quan- tity and quality of the pork packed; the extent of the business is sufficiently ap- parent to the stranger who frequents that part of the city in which the slaughtering and packing is carried on. Some of the packing-houses are very large, and to the curious in such matters are worth visit- ing. Distances from Cincinnati to the mouth of the Ohio. To North Bend, O. ·· Great Miami River, O... Petersburg, Ky.. Belleview, Ky.. Rising Sun, Ind……. Big Bone Lick Creek, Hamilton, Ky. Warsaw, Ky Vevay, Ind Kentucky River Madison, Ind. ... ··· THE OHIO RIVER. • • • • 16 4589 2*8** 328% 20 25 33 3 36 12 48 12 60 10 70 10 80 12 92 Hanover Landing, Ind.. New London, Ind.. Westport, Ky Utica, Ind. Jeffersoville, Ky Louisville, Ky ·· and from Pittsburg. Shippingsport, Ky Portland, Ky. New Albany, Ind. Salt River, and West Point, Ky. Brandenburg, Ky.. Northampton, Ind. Amsterdam, Ind Leavensworth, Ind. Fredonia. Ind Alton, Ind Concordia, Ky.. Rome, Ind., and Stevensport, Ky. Cloversport, Ky Carmelton, Ind.. Troy, Ind.'. Lewisport, Ky. Rockport, Ind.. Owensburg, Ky Enterprise, Ind.. Newburg, Ind... Green River, Ky.. Evansville, Ind Hendersonville, Ky Mount Vernon, Ind.. Uniontown, Ky. Wabash River.. Raleigh, Ky. Shawneetown, Ill……. Caseyville, Ky Cave In Rock, Ill. Elizabeth, Ill.. Golconda, Ill. Cumberland River, and Smithland, Ky. Tennessee River, and Paducah, Ky Belgrade, Ill.. Fort Massac, Ill. Caledonia, Ill America, Ill. Trinity, Ill... Cairo, Ill., and · } { Mouth of the Ohio River, and from Pittsburg.. ... ··· ·· ·· .... · ·· ... • ·· ·· ... • ··· To St. Louis, Mo. Memphis, Tenn... Vicksburg Natchez... New Orleans... .. · • • From Cin 697 767 1153 1269 1548 610 ·· • · • .999 6 98 4 102 6 108 15 123 9 132 1 133 2 135 1 136 18 154 18 172 10 182 3 185 8 193 5 198 13 211 10 221 11 232 10 242 13 255 Distances from Pittsburg and Cincinnati by boat. 6 261 6 267 12 279 9 288 6 294 15 309 6 315 9 324 12 336 26 362 15 377 5 382 6 388 5 393 9 402 14 416 6 422 23 445 17 462 12 474 8 482 2 484 25 509 3 512 5 517 5 522 From P'b'g. 1174 1264 1630 1746 2025 [For descriptive sketches of places and ob- jects of interest in the above list, see chapters on Kentucky, etc.] 137 i THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. [See accompanying map.] | THE disappointment which the traveller feels in looking upon this famous river for the first time, is only exceeded by the counteracting impression which a journey down it leaves upon the mind. A more intimate acquaintance with the extent and resources of the country tributary to it, which repeated visits to points distributed along its entire course alone can give, only serve to heighten this impression, and "make this wonder greater grow." around the northern sources of the latter river to the headwaters of Red River, a branch of the Assiniboin; around the sources of the Mississippi proper, to the headwaters of the Wisconsin and Illi- nois Rivers; between the confluents of the lakes, and those of the Ohio, to the extreme source of the Alleghany River; along the dividing line between the sour- ces of streams flowing into the Ohio River, and those flowing toward the At- Discovered in 1672, its true source was lantic; between the confluents of the not fully determined until its exploration Tennessee, and those streams emptying by Schoolcraft, who, in 1832, ascertained into Mobile Bay; between the sources that it took its rise in a small lake situated discharged into the Mississippi, and those in 47° N. latitude and 94° 54′ W. longitude into the Tombigbee and Pearl Rivers; to from Greenwich. This lake, called by the mouth of the Mississippi, and from the French Lac la Biche - by recent its mouth to the outlet of the Atchafala- geographers Itasca (from Veritas Caput, ya—the whole presenting an outline of the true head), is a beautiful sheet of more than 6,000 miles, or an area of water, of an irregular shape, about eight | about 1,210,000 square about 1,210,000 square miles. The Mis- miles in length, situated among hills cov-sissippi River is navigable for steamboats ered with pine forests, and fed chiefly by with but partial interruption, as far north springs. It is elevated above 1,500 feet as the Falls of St. Anthony, a distance of above the ocean, and is at a distance of 2,037 miles; its course, however, is ex- more than 3,000 miles from the Gulf of tremely crooked, and not unfrequently a Mexico. The river drains an extent of bend occurs from twenty to thirty miles territory which, for fertility and vastness, round, while the distance across is not is unequalled upon the globe. This ter- more than a mile or two. In some in- ritory, termed the " Mississippi Valley," stances, however, these distances have extends from the sources of the Missis-been shortened by what are termed "cut- sippi in the north to the Gulf of Mexico offs," which are made by opening a narrow in the south, and from the Alleghany channel across the neck of a bend, when, Mountains on the east to the Rocky on admitting the water, the current, run- Mountains on the west. A more correct ning with such velocity, soon forces a estimate of its area may be formed thus: channel both wide and deep enough for Take a position on the Gulf of Mexico, the largest steamboats to go through. where it empties its accumulated waters, The navigation is frequently rendered and run a line northwestward to the dangerous, owing to the mighty volume Rocky Mountains, from whence issue the of water washing away from some pro- sources of the Arkansas, Platte, and other jecting point large masses of earth, with smaller streams; from this point, along its huge trees, which are carried down the the Rocky Mountains to the sources of stream. Others, again, are often imbed- the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers; ded in the mud, with their tops rising " 138 MAP OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIV. Washita R. from ST. LOUIS to the GULF OF MEXICO. Washita RED Bayou Teche RIVER falaya Lawrenceville New Gasgoney ARKANSAS Bartholomew R. Clarendon Boeuf R. RedRiv.I. &Cutoff Red R.hand Raccourci Bend Fairview K Napoleon Riv prus Bend NO 28 Columbia Grand Lake Vidalia NOIS White RIVN Bayou Tensaw MISSISSIPPIR Millikins Sparta Walnut Carthages No 118 No12 NO 7 R Pychoo Grand Lake LLand? 5 PCouplee Settlem Waterlo Ellis Cliffs Riv. inceton Bunches Bend W92 SL.Providence athala Tompkins V98 Campbells W2102 075 Plaquemine Tanica Bend Ne123 969 No 65 N66 Tice NATCHEZ L. Big Prairie Helena MISSISSIPPI RIVER Port Adams Raccourci Cut Off Hide Pouch Maramec R. 100 Charles Missouri Riv 3 OUTS ephs Bruinsburg Rodney Sun Woodville Her- culangan Selma Fairchilds Cr Potosi 968 Montgomery P Victoria Caledonia Bachelor's Bend Greenville Bayou Fra SFncisville Homo chitto R Greenville Fort Charters Bayou Could Cantrelts Church Doaldson Amite R. Lake Lead Fork Cut Of Delta Clinton West Prair West Shirt Tail Bend Worthington Brand Gulf Port Flower R. St Francis St Francis R. No Marion No Francisville No 46 or President 78 Norfol Sterling Pey- ton Bolivar Land? StGenevieve Blac Warren ton Bloomfield Prairie Jake Iron/M Tron Pot Knob evils Tea Table Hanging Dog L Frederick T Hamburg Yazoo No Falmyra. Raymond Pleasant N 放​:60 St Port Gibson Pt Hudson W.Baton Rouge BATON ROUGE Manag LS. QU Port Royal 0 NO3 Greenock Harrison Bridgewater Bridgewater Athens Platinel. A VICKS- BURG Bolton's Legare N Settlement Newton ville Bringers N Cophly Francis Pecan P Jefferson College Bayou la Church of St Gabriel Therville Oscegla Gallatine S Pearfield arse She Benyi Big Black ABS Cantong Castor R. Yazoo R. RockI Maurepas Bidody T for Barracks Bellville Cahokia NO36 Holmese. JACK sa W- Brookhaven Horse I C. St Cormes L Brownsville Lacourses Grand Tower Dev Bake Oven Muddy I. Com merce Yazoo City Pearl Riv Bainbridge Devils Is. C.Girardeau Rockl Power's Unity Commerce 2 Sister Dog Tool Siding Pt Pleasant Greensburg PART Lit Prae Randolp saw B Tchula Lexington Yalo Busha Sarratton Bonnet Quarre Ch New Maria Thibodeauville, Alton Water H MISSISSIPPI E ww O Fourche Kaskaskia Chester S Spring feld Lake E VA RIVER John Plumb P NO35 Breigh ATHENS 39 NO 40 Red Ch No 36 Arnauds poro cheyersburg DE Id&Cut Off Needhams Ashport Keelfoot NO 1st Chickasaw Buff 3rd Chickafaw Bluff Mary's R. Palestine OF No12 N10 Carrollton AIRO I. Pt Charleston Nº1 Baldwins ville I Colum Woths 1.ON'S No 6 Mills Pr Hickman 2nd Chickasaw Bluff LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN W Lafaye Frankfort Covington A NA • Madisonville Satem entratig Ft St Leon Obion N ЭС Wilkinson's Little Lake Barataria Bay OHTO NEW ORLEANS Muddy R. Pearl Fackson Hatchee Riv E Riv. R. CK PART OF MISSISSIPPI English Turn MISSISSIPPI Pearlington LAKE BORGNE Battle Ground Pctorsville Poverty t John ren's Fort Jackson Mississippi City RIVER S Timbalen Bay GULF OF W.BO S s.w.Pa Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1849, by W.Williams in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania: Stam Chand . MEXICO dissi ས THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. above the water, and not unusually caus- ing the destruction of many a fine craft. These are called, in river phraseology, (C snags" (6 " and sawyers." The whirls, or eddies, caused by the striking peculiar- ities of the river in the uniformity of its meanders, are termed "points" and "bends," which have the precision, in many instances, as though they had been struck by the sweep of a compass. These are so regular, that the flatboat-men fre- quently calculate distances by them; in- stead of the number of miles, they esti- mate their progress by the number of bends they have passed. A short dis- tance from its source, the Mississippi be- comes a tolerably-sized stream; below the Falls of St. Anthony it is half a mile wide, and below the Des Moines Rapids it assumes a medial width and character to the mouth of the Missouri. About 15 miles below the mouth of the St. Croix River, the Mississippi expands into a beautiful sheet of water, called Lake Pepin, which is 24 miles long, and from two to four miles broad. The islands, which are numerous, and many of them large, have, during the summer season, an as- pect of great beauty, possessing a gran- deur of vegetation, which contributes much to the magnificence of the river. The numerous sand-bars are the resort, during the season, of innumerable swans, geese, and water-fowl. The Upper Mississippi is a beautiful river, more so than the Ohio; its current is more gentle, its water clearer, and it is a third wider. In gen- eral it is a mile wide, yet, for some dis- tance before commingling its waters with the Missouri it has a much greater width. At the junction of the two streams, it is a mile and a half wide. The united stream, flowing from thence to the mouth of the Ohio, has an average width of little more than three-quarters of a mile. On its uniting with the Missouri it loses its dis- tinctive character. It is no longer the gentle, placid stream with smooth shores and clean sand-bars, but has a furious and boiling current, a turbid and danger- ous mass of waters, with jagged and di- lapidated shores. Its character of calm magnificence, that so delighted the eye above, is seen no more. St. Louis occupies relatively to the Mississippi the same commanding position that Cincinnati does to the Ohio. It is the great centering and converging point of travel and traffic, while the extent and magnificence of its hotels places it far in advance of its more populous and more wealthy rival. The traveller from the East or from the Upper Mississippi will consult his comfort by staying at least three days to recruit, before taking a boat down the river. The most desirable hotels for families are the Lindel and the Southern. Both have been recently con- structed, and furnished in a style equal to the best hotels on the continent. The Lindel occupies an entire square, fronting on Washington Avenue, and is easily reached from the railroad stations and steamboat landing. The Southern is built of Athens stone or marble, and presents a chaste and handsome appearance. Gentlemen unaccompanied by ladies will find the Planters', Olive Street House, and the Everett, pleasant stopping-places. The latter is convenient to the places of amusement. From Cincinnati and the East, St. Louis is reached directly by the Ohio and Mississippi Railway. Distance, 340 miles; time, 17 hours. From Chica- go the most direct route is by the Chica- go, Alton, and St. Louis Railway. Dis- tance, 280 miles; time, 13 hours. The present site of the city was chosen by Pierre Laclede, in 1764. Authorities differ as to the precise date. It was named in honor of Louis XV. of France. It was settled as a trading-station, and until recently it continued to be the headquar- ters and depot of the great American Fur Company, under the management of the late M. Pierre Choteau. The stranger cannot but be struck with its situation, and its commercial greatness, present and prospective. Standing as it does on the bank of the greatest river of the conti- nent, between its two most important tributaries, the Missouri and Ohio Rivers, its future cannot fail to be a marvel of progress. progress. The first steamboat arrived at the Levée in 1817. The population in 1830 was but 6,600; it now numbers nearly 200,000. Its principal buildings are the Court House, City Hall, and Cus- tom House. The first-named of these, since the completion of the dome, is one of the finest structures of the kind in the West. It cost $1,250,000. The 139 THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. Island No. 10, near Obionville, Tennes- sec, 51 miles below Columbus, was the scene of a terrific bombardment from the Mississippi River fleet, extending from March 16 to April 17, 1862. The canal which was cut to assist in the investment of the island, and the remains of some of the earthworks, can still be seen in passing the island. ،، Planters' House, a time-honored institu- | under General Polk (September 4, 1861), tion, famous before the war for its cuisine, and defended by from 80 to 100 guns. On stands immediately north of the Court the naval expedition down the river House on Fourth Street. The Cathedral, (March, 1862) it was found to have been on Walnut Street, is worth visiting. The evacuated shortly before. city is built mainly of brick. The streets parallel with and near the Levée are nar- now, but further back are some fine thoroughfares. Fourth Street, north of the Planters' House, is the fashionable promenade. Washington Avenue, Chest- nut, and Market Streets are also wide, handsome streets. The Levée, during the busy boating season, is one of the city sights." The vicinage, though perhaps less attractive than that of Cincinnati, affords many pleasant drives. The Cem- etery of Bellefontaine, five miles north of the Court House, embraces about 350 acres of land, beautifully shaded. It is reached by the Fourth Street and Broad- way cars. Jefferson Barracks, 10 miles below the city, affords a pleasant trip. It is reached by the Iron Mountain Rail- way. The Arsenal, in the southeast end of the city, and the Marine Hospital, are worthy the attention of strangers. If the visitor desires to prolong his stay in the neighborhood of St. Louis, he will find both profit and pleasure in a visit to the famous Iron Mountain, 81 miles south of the city. Pilot Knob is six miles beyond. A train leaves St. Louis daily at 6.15 A. M., running through in 7 hours. Between St. Louis and the mouth of the Ohio River, a distance of 175 miles, there is nothing of special interest to attract the traveller's attention-a fortunate circum- stance, as it is usually passed during the night when objects on shore, however in- teresting in themselves, would not be visible to the river tourist. Cairo, at the mouth of the Ohio River, is a place of considerable trade. The town was formerly below the level of the river at high stages of water, and was subjected to repeated inundations. It has been pro- tected of late years by artificial levées and otherwise improved. It is the south- ern terminus of the Illinois Central Rail- way to Chicago. Packets up and down the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers all call here. The St. Charles is the best hotel. Columbus, Kentucky, 18 miles below Cairo, is on the east bank of the river. It was occupied by Confederate troops New Madrid, Mo., the scene of the great earthquake in 1811. It was set- tled in 1780. A large shipping business is carried on here. The works constructed by the rebels for the defence of the town can be seen from the river. Point Pleasant, Missouri, 7 miles below, was occupied by General Pope prepara- tory to the attack on Island No. 10. Fort Pillow, situated on the first Chick- asaw Bluff, near Island 33 and Plum Point, was evacuated by the rebels June 4, 1862. It was afterwards the scene of a horrible butchery by the troops under the Confed- erate General Forrest (April 12, 1864), known in history as the Fort Pillow mas- sacre. Fort Randolph, on the second Chicka- saw Bluff, like Fort Pillow, is a rebel work. It was evacuated by them about the same time. The village of Randolph, which consisted of about forty dwellings, was burnt by General Sherman's orders. Memphis. (See chapter on Tennessee.) Helena, Arkansas, a thriving town be- fore the war, with a population of 4,000, was occupied by the troops of General Curtis on their return from the interior of the State (July, 1862). It is in Phillips County, 80 miles below Memphis. White River, which enters the Missis- sippi 161 miles below Memphis, and 80 miles below Helena, was the scene of ac- tive operations during a great part of the Duvall's Bluff, Des Arc, and Bates- ville, are on its banks. war. Napoleon, at the mouth of the Arkansas River, is next reached in the voyage down- stream. This is a place of considerable trade during the boating season in the Arkansas. It is about 125 miles by land southeast of Little Rock. The United 140 THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. States Marine Hospital, with all the sup- plies it contained, was seized by the Confederate authorities upon the secession of the State (May 6, 1861). (For points on the Arkansas River, see chapter on Arkansas.) Grand Lake, in Chicot County, is on the Arkansas side of the river. Steam- boats usually land here with supplies for the neighboring planters. There is fine gunning in the neighborhood. Vicksburg. (See chapter on Mississippi for description of the city and military operations.) Grand Gulf contains a Town Hall, market house, and numerous stores. Natchez. (See chapter on Mississippi.) Port Hudson, 25 miles above Baton Rouge, was the scene of an attack during the summer of 1863, by General Banks from New Orleans. It surrendered to the U. S. forces (July 9), after the news of the fall of Vicksburg. | is perhaps 30 miles wide, yet, finding its way through deep forests and swamps, that conceal all from the eye, no expanse of water is seen but the width that is curved out between the outline of woods on either bank, and it seldom exceeds, and oftener falls short of a mile. But when he sees, as he must, in descending its entire length, that it swallows up one river after another, with mouths as wide as itself, without affecting its width at all; when he notes the mighty Missouri, the broad Ohio, the St. Francis, White, Ar- kansas, and Red Rivers, all of them of great depth, length, and volume of water, swallowed in rapid succession; when he sees this mighty river absorbing them all, and retaining a volume apparently un- changed, he begins to estimate rightly the increasing depths of current, that must roll on in its deep channel to the sea. Steaming out at the Balize, homeward bound, and sailing with a good breeze for hours, the traveller sees nothing on any side but the turbid waters of the Missis- sippi, long after he is out of sight of land. But we anticipate-we have reached New Orleans, and our journey, for the present, is ended. Once comfortably domiciled at the St. Charles or the St. Louis, the trav- eller will have ample time to lay out his own plans for the future. After playing the part of Guide so long, we part company with our reader with no little regret. We leave him in the midst of a people conspicuous alike for their hospi- tality and their courteous attention to strangers, wishing him, however or wher- ever he may go, a bon voyage, and a safe return from his Southern Tour. Baton Rouge. (See chap. on Louisiana.) Plaquemine, in Iberville Parish, Lou- isiana, is the next landing of any im- portance. It is situated near the mouth of the Plaquemine Bayou, 23 miles south of Baton Rouge. Previous to the war large amounts of cotton were shipped to New Orleans from this point. Fifty miles south of Plaquemine the old Jefferson College rises in view on the left bank of the river, and, in a couple of hours more, the quaint old church of Bonnet Carré is passed. We are now rapidly approaching the end of our long journey. Thirty-five miles below Bonnet Carré the boat passes in sight of the pleasant village of Carroll- ton, beyond which, in a big bend of the river, lies the Crescent City of the South. As the boat steams to her landing on the spacious Levée, the traveller will have a fine opportunity afforded him of seeing not only the business portion of the city To Island No. 1 but the young town of Algiers and other neighboring points. He will also note a material change in the aspect of the river. No one who descends the Mississippi River for the first time, receives clear and adequate ideas of its grandeur, and the amount of water it carries. If it be in the spring of the year, when the river, be- low the mouth of the Ohio generally overflows its banks, although the sheet of water that is making its way to the Gulf Distances from the mouth of the Ohio River to New Orleans. Columbus, Ky.. Wolf's Island, or No. 5. Hickman, Ky Island No. 10.. New Madrid, Mo. Point Pleasant, Mo. Little Prairie, Mo Needham's Island, and Cut-off • · • ·· Ashport, Tenn Osceola, Ark.. Plum Point.. 1st Chickasaw Bluff.. Fulton, Tenn Fort Randolph, 2d Chickasaw Bluff # } • • •••• • ·· Dorm 6 12 18 1 19 18 37 32 69 10 79 7 86 27 113 25 138 8 146 12 158 3 161 5 166 2 168 10 178 7 141 : 3d Chickasaff Bluff…… Greenock, Ark.. Wolf River, Memphis, Tenn. Norfolk, Miss.. Commerce, Miss Peyton, Miss.. · • St. Francis River, and Sterling, Ark. Helena, Ark... }...... Yazoo Pass, or Bayou, and Delta, Miss. Horse-shoe Bend.. Montgomery's Pt., Ark Victoria, Miss. White River, Ark. Arkansas River, Napoleon, Ark. Bolivar Landing. Columbia, Ark.. Point Chicot... Greenville, Miss.. Grand Lake Landing, Ark. Princeton, Miss.. Lake Providence, La Tompkinsville, La. Campbellsville, La.. Millikinsville, La.. Yazoo River, Miss., and Sparta, La. ... 142 .. MuU THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. 17 195 20 225 20 245 10 255 17 272 31 303 13 316 10 326 10 336 8 344 58 402 4 406 16 422 13 435 53 488 4 492 4 496 536 5 541 19 570 15 585 16 601 10 641 8 619 • ·· 40 · Walnut Hille, Miss. Vicksburg, Miss. Warrenton, Miss.. Carthage Landing, La.. Point Pleasant, La... Big Black River.. Grand Gulf, Miss. St. Joseph's, La., and Bruinsburg, Miss. Rodney, Miss. Natchez, Miss. Ellis Cliff, Miss.. Homochitto River, Miss. Fort Adams. } Red River Island…. Raccourci Cut-off and Bend.. Bayou Sara, St. Francisville, and Pt. Coupée, La. Port Hudson, La... Baton Rouge, La... Plaquemine, La.. Bayou La Fourche, and Donaldsonville, La. Jefferson College. Bonnet Carré Church. Red Church, La... Carrollton, La. Lafayette, La.... New Orleans, La.. ·· .. ... • 10 629 2 691 10 641 19 660 10 670 14 634 2 686 10 696 10 706 41 747 18 765 26 791 10 801 11 812 10 822 }.... 80 852 11 863 25 888 23 911 34 945 16 961 24 985 16 1001 19 1020 4 1024 2 1026 STATIONERY. D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, IMPORT STATIONERS, 443 & 445 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. STATIONERY, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, In all its Branches. BLANK BOOKS, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, FROM STOCK OR MADE TO ORDER. FRENCH PAPERS, From the Celebrated D'Angouleme Mills. ALEX. PIRIE & SON'S EXTRA SUPERFINE NOTE PAPERS AND ENVELOPES. Initial Stamping Presses and Dies, For Colored and Plain Stamping. PARKER'S TREASURY BLOTTING, 60, 80, 100, and 120 pounds, both White and Colored. ARNOLD'S FLUID AND COPYING INK, GUYOT'S FRENCH VIOLET COPYING INK. Whatman's Drawing Papers. ENGLISH ROLL DRAWING PAPERS.-DITTO MOUNTED ON CLOTH. REYNOLDS & SONS' BRISTOL BOARDS. VISITING CARDS. WEDDING ENVELOPES. MONOGRAMS DESIGNED and ENGRAVED in the Best Style of the Art. MOURNING STATIONERY, Cards, Paper, and Envelopes, in any width of Border required. D. APPLETON & CO. 443 and 445 Broadway, NEW YORK, PUBLISHERS, STATIONERS, AND IMPORTERS. LIBRARIES FURNISHED, WHETHER FOR Public Institutions or for Private Use. Catalogues sent to any address on application. WE PUBLISH A LARGE VARIETY OF STANDARD SCHOOL BOOKS, AMONG WHICH ARE TO BE FOUND Webster's Speller, Quackenbos' Series of Books, Harkness' Latin Books, Perkins' Arithmetics. ALSO, TEXT-BOOKS In all the Modern Languages. 00 BARNUM'S CITY HOTEL, MONUMENT SQUARE, Thanks 38653 COLE CIFY HOTEL VIC LTH HOTELLEJA MATTE BUY HOST Boitam BALTIMORE. andone B 1 BARNUM'S HOTEL BARNUM & CO. Proprietors. BENDANN BROTHERS' GALLERIES OF PHOTOGRAPHY, NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE. NEW YORK, | Corner 5th Avenue and 17th St. BALTIMORE, 207 Baltimore Street. An interesting Collection of Pictures always on FREE EXHIBITION. Photography in all its Branches. 2 CANFIELD, BROTHER & CO., DEALERS IN Watches, Fine Jewelry, Silver Ware; SILVER PLATED GOODS OF BEST STYLES; RICH PARIS FANCY GOODS; Clocks, Bronzes, Vases, Fans, Opera Classes, &c. ALSO, MILITARY GOODS FOR ARMY AND NAVY, 229 Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE. COLEMAN'S EUTAW HOUSE, BALTIMORE, Md. R. B. COLEMAN. 3 Metropolitan Hotel, RAJY12 1838 70 Dad D FORMERLY [XXXXXXXXIIIIII 11111 My toe Cheng m 404804 WASHINGTON CITY. VATE PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, CHALIW D 10 BROWN'S,TI A 522S ULUGH TEREZAED This fine establishment, with accommodations for three hundred persons, has been newly fitted and furnished. Visitors will find it a most desirable Hotel to sojourn at. ЩО Л Я EBBITT HOUSE, IIIIIIIIIIIITI IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII Corner F and 14th Streets, WASHINGTON, D. C.x C. C. WILLARD, Many years Proprietor Hygeia Hotel, Old Point. Comfort, Va., PROPRIETOR. 5 EXCHANGE HOTEL, RICHMOND, VA., FORMERLY KEPT BY JOHN P. BALLARD. This Leading Fashionable Hotel Has been newly and elegantly furnished, and is now ready to extend "An Old Virginia Welcome " to its patrons. J. L. CARRINGTON, A. J. FORD, J. L. CARRINGTON & CO., Formerly of Bollingbrook Hotel, Petersburg, Va. Late of American Hotel, Richmond, Va. 6 MILLS HOUSE, Corner of Meeting and Queen Streets, CHARLESTON. S.C. Built in 1853 and furnished equal to any in the United States. Entirely Refurnished in 1866. JOSEPH PURCELL, Proprietor. 7 ESTABLISHED IN 1838. JOHN K. RANDALL, Bookseller and Stationer, Printer & Blank Book Manufacturer, No. 5 (old No. 44) NORTH WATER STREET, Mobile, Ala. T. S. BIDGOOD, Bookseller, Stationer, AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, Corner Water and St. Francis Streets, MOBILE. 8 TITCOMB'S BOOK STORE, Southeast Corner Dauphin and Royal Streets. The undersigned will keep constantly on hand and for sale, BOOKS AND STATIONERY, CONSISTING OF LAW, MEDICAL, THEOLOGICAL, SCHOOL, AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS OF THE LATEST EDITION. STATIONERY, Consisting of PAPER and ENVELOPES of every description, size, and color. Also, a full assortment of BLANK BOOKS. INKS-Black, Blue and Red. SEALING WAX-Red, Blue and Fancy. Fairchild's GOLD PENS. Lead PENCILS and Steel PENS, of various makes. WRAPPING PAPER and TWINE. Photographic ALBUMS from 50 cents to $50. Photographic PICTURE FRAMES, 25 cents to $1. School Books and Pocket Books. POCKET KNIVES. Gold and Silver PENCIL CASES. PORTFOLIOS, WRITING DESKS, &c. Together with a fine assortment of FANCY GOODS. ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. F. TITCOMB, Southeast corner Dauphin and Royal Streets, Mobile. PUTNAM & MALONE, 52 Dauphin Street, Mobile, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Books and Stationery, MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Publishers' Trade Lists Wanted. 9 DENECHAUD'S RESTAURANT AND AND SALOON, 17 NORTH ROYAL STREET, (OPPOSITE THE BATTLE HOUSE,) BRANCH HOUSE: MOBILE, CORNER GROVE AND WALNUT STS., VICKSBURG, MISS. Ed. DENECHAUD, Proprietor. Private Rooms for Private Parties in Both Houses. LUNCH AT ALL HOURS FOR TRAVELLERS. LANIER HOUSE Mulberry Street, Macon, Ga. GEO. M. LOGAN, Proprietor. Omnibus and Baggage Wagon at each Train to convey Passen- gers and Baggage to the House. FREE OMNIBUS TO AND FROM THE RAILROAD. 10 LITERARY EMPOR I U MY J. W. BURKE & CO., MACON, Ca., Have established in this City A FIRST-CLASS BOOK BOOK STORE, Where they keep on hand and sell as low as possible, FOR CASH ONLY, ALL KINDS OF SCHOOL, MISCELLANEOUS, RELIGIOUS, JUVENILE, AND SABBATH SCHOOL BOOKS. FOOLSCAP, LETTER, AND NOTE PAPERS; INKS, PENS, AND ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF PLAIN AND FANCY STATIONERY. Photograph Albums in great variety, Card Photographs of Generals, Works of Art, &c. SPECIAL AGENTS FOR SALE OF PUBLICATIONS OF .New York, SHELDON & CO., New York, IVISON, PHINNEY, BLAKEMAN & CO. 66 They also have an extensive D. APPLETON & CO., H. S. BARNES & CO., 66 Book and Job Printing House, Where all kinds of work can be done. BINDING in every style neatly executed. Give them a call. JOSEPH M. BOARDMAN, WASHINGTON MACON, CA. LAW, MEDICAL, SCHOOL, AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, Drawing Material. AND BLOCK, 11 12 Hr HI 10 Sure STAINE PAR AIR ST. CHARLES HOTEL, NEW ORLEANS. O. E. HALL, Proprietor. DILLD ΠΠ ΠΠΠΠ FOL RECE HIS WIRE BUTTON CLATE ΠΠΙ ST. LOUIS HOTEL, NEW ORLEANS. O. E. HALL, Proprietor. 13 PARIS, LONDON, AND NEW YORK FASHIONS. 14 W.LYONS & CO 777 CIG CLOTHING & FURNISHING GOODS. [!!! TEXDINETTE COT CLOTHING &FURNISHING GOODS WHOLESALER RETAIL 211718 THE AIBATC BOYS' CLOTHING EMPORIUM.TU02 SOUTHERN CLOTHING CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT. L. W. LYONS & CO., NEW ORLEANS, LA. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT, 131 and 133 COMMON STREET. RETAIL DEPARTMENT, 26, 28 and 30 St. Charles Street, corner Common. LATEST STYLES CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, Shirts, Trunks, Travelling Bags, Valises, UMBRELLAS, WATER-PROOF GOODS, &c., &c. MANUFACTORY OVER STORES. A large assortment of French, English, German, and Ameri- can Piece Goods. Latest styles, suitable to the seasons, always on hand. Clothing made to order in the most durable manner and approved styles, with despatch. L. W. LYONS & CO., New Orleans. 15 ST. JAMES HOTEL. Magazine, between Gravier and Natchez Sts., New Orleans, La. CHARLES E. SMEDES, Proprietor. It is newly furnished from the kitchen to the roof. Spring Beds, Hair Mat- tresses, Linen Sheeting, etc. The Furniture and Table Ware all new, of the latest style and most costly Material. The Table is furnished with every luxury the Market affords. The Bars with Liquors equal to any used in private families, and the com- forts and pleasures of a home, as far as possible, guaranteed to its Guests. The House itself may be said to be entirely new and fresh. The undersigned will spare neither labor nor expense to merit a continuance of the liberal support with which he has thus far been honored. CHARLES E. SMEDES. 16 HORBACH'S HOTEL Columbus, Ga. HORBACH & KERR, Proprietors. COOK'S HOTEL, Broad Street, Corner Crawford Street, COLUMBUS, GA., SHIVERS, WYNNE & CO, Proprietors. This House is centrally located, and the proprietors will spare no pains or ex- pense for the comfort of their guests. SHIVERS, WYNNE & CO. 17 OD LIOSTSTAD W 38 BURNET HOUSE, 9240 POLAT TAMALEFI AUTOT 22100 SILAS F. MILLER, Proprietor, (Late of GALT HOUSE, Louisville, Ky.) CORNER of THIRD and VINE STREETS, 00 CINCINNATI. 18 庄 ​R. W. CARROLL & CO., 117 West 4th Street, CINCINNATI, PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF BOOKS AND STATIONERY. OF EVERY IMAGINABLE KIND, TO BE FOUND IN ANY HOUSE IN THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. By the recent fire at Pike's Opera House Building we lost our entire stock, but have purchased an entirely new, fresh, and well-selected one, which we offer at REDUCED PRICES, and will always sell on as favorable terms as the market will permit, or as any other house can give. Among the great variety of articles sold by R. W. CARROLL & CO., ARE THE FOLLOWING : SCHOOL BOOKS OF EVERY KIND, USED IN THE WEST, Law Books, Medical Books, Scientific Books, Theological Books, Agricultural Books, and all Varieties of Miscellaneous Books, including Histories, Biographies, Travels, Novels, and Illustrated Works; Photograph Albums and Cards, Plain and Fancy Letter and Note Paper, Foreign and Domestic Stationery, Foolscap and Flatcap Paper, Gold Pens, Inkstands, Steel and Quill Pens, Lead Pencils, Chess Boards, Cribbage Boards, Paper Weights, Paper Cutters, Card Cases, Pocket Books, Portfolios, Writing Desks, Pocket Cutlery, Diaries, Memorandum, Scrap, and Blank Books. In fact, their stock includes every variety of Books and Stationery, which they invite Dealers to examine before purchasing, as they are confident they offer the greatest facilities, and can give satisfaction. R. W. CARROLL & CO., 117 West 4th Street, CINCINNATI. 19 0908 STYREND AT T SOUTHERN HOTEL, THEODORE LAVEILLE. GEO. W. FORD. St. Louis, Mo. 1030 TR MAKHT CHAS. P. WARNER. 20 31112 WALKER R. CARTER. LAVEILLE, WARNER & CO., PROPRIETORS.10 E. JACCARD & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WATCH MAKERS, JEWELLERS, AND SILVER WARE MANUFACTURERS. DEALERS IN FINE JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS, PLATED WARE AND CUTLERY. MILITARY GOODS. LINE OFFICERS, STAFF, MEDICAL, PAYMASTERS, & GENERAL OFFICERS United States Regulation SWORDS, BELTS, SABRES, ETC., ETC. GOLD TRIMMINGS, PASSANTS, WREATHS, BUGLES, BUTTONS, REGIMENTAL FLAGS, ETC., Of all qualities, constantly on hand. 75 Marble Building, Fourth Street, ST. LOUIS. 21 SHERMAN HOUSE, CHICAGO, This Hotel is located on the Corner of Clark and Randolph Streets, OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE SQUARE; Was first opened to the public in July, 1861; is the largest Hotel in Chicago, and one of the finest in the United States; and has all the modern improvements, including a Passenger Elevator. GAGE, WAITE & CO., Proprietors. } 22 A. H. MILLER, Southeast Corner of Randolph and Clark Streets, CHICAGO. WATCHES, 21 A large assortment OF Pure Coin SILVER-WARE, Constantly on hand AND MADE TO ORDER IN DIAMONDS, Any Style. Bronze Statuettes, Marble Clocks, FANS, &c. ローロー​ワール ​AIMILLER FINE GOLD JEWELRY, A fine Selection OF Musical Boxes, With Choice Church and Opera MUSIC, OR Made to Order; OPERA GLASSES, Writing Desks, CANES, &c. Western Agent for the Celebrated PATEK, PHILIPPE & CO. WATCH. These Watches are universally acknowledged to be the strongest and most dura- ble Fine Watches sent to America. They have all the latest improvements, such as Fifth Seconds, Independent or Double Time, Repeating, Stem-Winding, or plain move- ments. Fine Watches carefully repaired by the most competent Workmen. PRESENTATION JEWELRY, of the newest and richest patterns, made to order in my own Factory over the Store. 23 OUR GOODS ARE ALL FIRST-CLASS. EDWARD ELY, DRAPER, TAILOR, AND TAILOR, AND GENTS' FURNISHER, 111110 10000 ПІДЕГІ ДІЛІ ЛЕГІНІН 1000 COLLEGE Cg MIU ELY'S TAILORING AND FURNISHING HOUSE. STAINL HOUSE 98, 100, & 102 DEARBORN, cor. WASHINGTON STREET, Midway between Tremont and Sherman House and Post Office, CHICAGO. WE WARRANT EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED. 24 SHERMAN HOUSE, CHICAGO. -----CH AAAG AA เกา BAKER This Hotel is located on the corner of CLARK and RANDOLPH STREETS, oppofite Court House Square; was first opened to the public in July, 1861; is the largeſt Hotel in Chicago, and one of the fineft in the United States; and has all the modern improvements, including a Paffenger Elevator. GAGE, WAITE & CO., PROPRIETORS. 25 26 111177 11TTTT TTTT TTII II 7777 TTTTTT Ingge 11 IT A Fronting on Washington Ave., Sixth, Seventh, & Green Sts. THE MONTRE LINDELL HOTEL, ST. LOUIS, MO., EXPOLA KINNERSLEY-JOHNSON HATCH, WEAVER, FELT & CO., PROPRIETORS. îm Im mm ÂÂ ק שורש Fifth Avenue and Madison Square. TRX 19001 DOGTOT AN DODOMA DEODORA GALERY MG M TT III IT HOFFMAN HOUSE, 110- Mount 100 TAROT OHMSCH MITCHELL & READ. 27 NATIONAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, AL STE SHIPS. ENGLAND..... SCOTLAND. VIRGINIA HELVETIA. THE QUEEN ERIN.. NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL, Calling at Queenstown to Land Passengers. PENNSYLVANIA LOUISIANA. DENMARK... (LIMITED.) wwwwww FRANCE. GERMANY. TONS. ..3,450... ..3,698.. .3,310... 3,315. ..3,517... 3,310.... .2,872.... ... COMMANDERS. Grace. .Hall. ..2,166... 3,117.. ..3,200... .3,100.. Leaving Pier No. 47 North River every SATURDAY and Alternate WEDNESDAY. .Prowse. ...Ogilvie. .Grogan. ...Cutting. Lewis. Thompson. Thompson. ..(Building). (Building). AN These steamers were build under inspection, and are classed Lloyd's A1 for twenty-one years. The accommodations for Passengers are unsurpassed, and they are supplied with every comfort and luxury-with lower rates for passage than any other Line. The State Rooms open directly into the Saloon. Steerage Passage includes an unlimited supply of Fresh Provisions cooked and served up by the Company's Provisions cooked Stewards. An experienced Surgeon on each ship free of charge. Cabin Passage $100: Steerage, $30. Payable in Currency. Steerage Passage tickets to bring parties from Liverpool or Queenstown for $40, Currency Drafts for any amount issued on any Bank in Great Britian and Ireland, at the lowest rate. The owners of these vessels will not be accountable for specie or valuables, unless bills of lading, having their value expressed thereon, are signed therefor. Apply in Liverpool at the Office of the National Steam Navigation Company (Limited), W. B. Macalister, Manager, No 14, the Albany, Old Hall-street, and 57 and 58 Waterloo-road. For Freight or Cabin Passage apply at the Office of the Company, No. 57 Broad- way, and for Steerage Tickets at the Passage Office of the Company, No. 27 Broad- way, or No. 275 Pearl Street. F. W. J. HURST, Manager. 28 LA PIERRE HOUSE, JO con ELIF ΕΙΕΙΕΕΕΙ: LARSEN 80 Hath Taggmin BROAD AND CHESTNUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. WARL хаи 29 ONE OF THE BEST FIRST-CLASS HOTELS Of the Country. T GOB DRIV TEET Wing The undersigned, having leased the above favorite house, and having REFITTED AND REFURNISHED IT THROUGHOUT IN THE MOST ELEGANT MANNER, will spare no pains to maintain the character it has always enjoyed, as WW BAKER & FARLEY. MATE JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO., No. 822 CHESTNUT STREET, (Adjoining Continental Hotel), PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS, AND DEALERS IN DIAMONDS and PRECIOUS STONES, SUITES OF RICH JEWELRY, Fine Watches, Traveling Timepieces, MANTEL CLOCKS, REAL BRONZES, CANDELABRAS, STATUARY AND VASES, SILVER- WARES OF EXQUISITE DESIGNS, RARE NOVELTIES, FANCY ARTICLES, And every production of Induſtry and Art appertaining to the business of GOLDSMITHS AND SILVERSMITHS. FIXED PRICES IN PLAIN FIGURES. Strangers are cordially invited to visit this Establishment, whether their object be to purchase or otherwise. 30 231A Continental Hotel, COLLELY Ch PHILADELPHIA. IIIII AAACU WA ARE 2:00:00-0 ORAM 31 UNLVIN Goty OR TUD AMY J. E. KINGSLEY & CO., LICH Proprietors. CHARLESTON HOTEL, 1000 CHARLESTON, S. C. CANDLES HEDONATIO This popular and well-known Hotel, situated in MEETING STREET corner of HAYNE, has been newly furnished throughout, and cannot be excelled by any in the country. WM. WHITE, Proprietor. S. F. STORM, FASHIONABLE HATTER, HOWARD HOTEL, 178 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Latest Style of Gents' Hats and Caps always on hand, and Made to Order in the Best Manner. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FURS IN THEIR SEASON. 32 J 1. *** THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBRARY JUN 16 1973 DATE DUE į 4 A 4. ļ ¦ : THE ALPHEUS FELCH HISTORICAL LIBRARY AA BEQUEATHED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN BY THE HON. ALPHEUS FELCH. 1896. 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