````(:|(````:( ( )|| ( N ( .│ │ │ DETROIT DUBLIC J & H a rul. KTNC Igſ) *Nirſt nº GLOSS ARY OF THE CORNISH DIAL ECT, &c. BUILDING use oNLY DOLLY PEN T REATH Mousehole. - - | | | º - - ~ - - -- - º Lºt ºf PE N T R E. A. 'S HOUS E. O U S E HOLE, ºo M A sketch BY Miss M \, N E J A G 3 as 2. * * 4-2 7. *... THE ANCIENT LANGUAGE, AND THE DIALECT OF CORNWALL, WITH AN ENLARGED GLOss ARY = - CORNISH PROVINCIAL WORDS - ALSO AN º º º A P P E N D I X, CONTAINING A LIST OF WRITERS ON CORNISH DIALECT, AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT D O L L Y PEN T R E AT H, THE LAST KNOWN PERSON WHO SPOKE THE ANCIENT CORNISH AS HER MOTHER TONGUE. BY FRED. W. P. JAGO, M.B. LOND. - TRURO : NETHERTON & WORTH, LEMON STREET, 1882. l 12& |33 | NETHERTON AND WORTH, PRINTERS, TRURO. D E D I CATION. LOVING HIS NATIVE COUNTY, ITS WORDS, AND ITS WAYS, THE WRITER, WITH GREAT RESPECT, DEDICATES THIS LITTLE BOOK TO NN ſ §gNEANúñº 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. C O N T E N T S. Frontispiece—Portrait of Dolly Pentreath, and sketch of her Cottage at Mousehole, The Decline of the Ancient Cornish Language - - The Remains of the Ancient Cornish Language - The Preface to Williams's Cornish Dictionary - - Specimens of the Ancient Cornish Language - - The Provincial Dialect of Cornwall - - - - Specimens of the Cornish Provincial Dialect - - Words in the Cornish Dialect compared with those found in the writings of Chaucer - - - - - Common English words in the Cornish Dialect, with Tables of them - - - - - - On the Glossary of Cornish Provincial Words - - The Glossary of Cornish Provincial Words - - Addenda to Glossary - - - - - - - Curious Spelling of the Names of Drugs, &c. - Explanation of the References in the Glossary Appendia;-Dolly Pentreath - - - Names of Writers on Cornish Dialect, &c. - Page. 17 29 34 45 65 73 94 101 102 317 P. R. E. F. A. C. E. - Long-descended from Cornishmen, the writer, like others of his countrymen, has a clannish fondness for Cornish words and phrases. From May 1879 to October 1880, the compiler of this book wrote lists of Cornish Provincial Words, which, through the courtesy of the Editor of the “Cornishman,” (published at Penzance), were then allowed to appear in that paper. - These letters appeared to interest a good many per- sons, and lists of provincial words were often asked for, but compliance was impossible without printing, and so, a glossary in the form here given was then decided on. But there were questions which required to be an- swered. How should a glossary of Cornish provincial words be arranged . Since there is so much difference between the eastern and the western dialect, should there be a glossary for East, and another for West Cornwall! This seemed a plausible method, but another difficulty arose. What was to be done with that very large class of words common to the whole of Cornwall | Such words could not be included in an eastern and a western glossary without a very useless repetition. To do this would be calling the same words, eastern dialect in one glossary, and western dialect in the other. viii Then again, words, if one may use the expression, are constantly travelling about, and dropping here and there as the people move, and so, to keep an eastern and a western glossary correct according to their titles, would be an impossible, or endless task. Again, it may be asked, where is the boundary be. tween the east and the west dialect In reality there is no actual limit, although, as stated in the following pages, there is a shadowy boundary, a sort of neutral ground. In fact, the Cornish dialect changes by interrupted, or irregular degrees, all the way from one end of the county to the other. Reflecting on these difficulties, the writer concluded that one glossary for the whole county would be simpler, and practically the better. - The other plan to be correct would require, 1st—A glossary for West Cornwall, 2nd—A glossary for East Cornwall, and 3rd—A separate glossary of Words common to all Cornwall. In reality three glossaries for one county Nevertheless, the English Dialect Society, in 1880, issued a glossary for East, and another for West Cornwall, but none for those words common to the whole county. That for West Cornwall is by Miss M. A. Courtney, who has evidently worked hard in compiling a valuable glossary to which the present writer is much indebted. The glossary for East Cornwall is not so extensive as the former, but very good. It was compiled by Mr. Thos. Q. Couch, to whom the writer owes many thanks. Good as these glossaries are, their division into Eastern and Western, is, the writer thinks, confusing, and the - IX. cause of a needless, but under such a plan, an unavoidable repetition of words in each division. In writing on the provincial words, so many of which are ancient Cornish, a notice of the decline, and of the remains of that language is required, and as standard Cornish Histories are rather scarce and expensive, a sketch, as nearly as possible in the authentic words of Cornish historians, is given. The writer has collected a number of words as spoken in Cornwall at this very time, and he has compared them with similar ones used by Chaucer 500 years ago. The resemblance is an interesting peculiarity of the Cornish dialect; and for illustration, quotations from Chaucer are given for each word used provincially. - A great many apparently barbarous, unmeaning, and uncouth words are evidently derived from the ancient Cornish language. By making comparisons between such words, and those formerly used by the old Cornish people, the writer has tried to make such obscure terms more clearly understood. No doubt there are many faults in spite of every care in compiling this glossary of about 3700 words. Many words have been purposely omitted because they seemed too common in other districts outside Corn- wall, and probably, many which should have been excluded, are left in the glossary. However this may be, and to whatever extent this book may be considered by the critic as meagre, and im- perfect; yet it is hoped that such a volume as this may be of some use, or interest to those who desire to possess a * memento of the Cornish dialect as spoken about, or a little before the beginning of this century, and still in use to a very great extent, but becoming more and more disused as time goes on. Some words quoted from Carew, &c., are of course of an older date, but the writer could not very well omit them, as many are still in use. In conclusion it may by said, that even now the Cornish people are speaking a large number of Celtic, or Ancient Cornish words, without being very much aware of it. The Cornish dialect may be called the shadow, or penumbra of the ancient language; the link between the old and the new tongue; between Celtic and English, FRED. W. P. JAGO. 21, Lockyer Street, Plymouth, A.D. 1882. ‘Uht Ancient £anguage amb the £robincial 3dialect of Giornimall. THE DECLINE OF THE ANCIENT CORNISH LANGUAGE, BEFORE saying anything about the provincial dialect of the Cornish people, it may be of use to give a sketch of the decline of the old Cornish language, and also notice what has been attempted in the preservation of its remains. It appears necessary to do this, because, as the old language decayed the English took its place, and a long time was occupied in the process. Indeed, this transitional period may be called an interregnum, during which the provincial dialect of Cornwall became gradually formed. In thus reviewing the decline of the old Cornish language, we are passing on to the dialect which took its place. Like its predecessor the Ancient Cornish, it is in its turn doomed, and rapidly changing into ordinary English. Many reliable authorities have given a great deal of information about the old Celtic language of Cornwall, A. 2 among whom are such writers as Carew, Lhuyd, Pryce, Borlase, Polwhele, Hals, Tonkin, &c., and scattered ac- counts may be found in various publications. The particulars, as given in the History of Cornwall compiled by Hitchins, and edited by Samuel Drew, in 1824, are very simple and clear, and Drew's account may be quoted with advantage. He says:— “The language which was once spoken in this county by our British ancestors, awakens our solicitude from motives of local attachment, and becomes particularly in- teresting from the singular circumstance of its being now no more. At present we behold its mighty shadow in the pages of our history, and even this is gradually disap- pearing. The only scattered remnants which have survived its oral existence, may be found in those provincial phrases, and local names, for which Cornwall is so peculiarly re- markable. “The Cornish tongue is generally admitted to be a dialect of that language, which, till the Saxons came in, was common to all the western parts of Britain, and more anciently to Ireland and Gaul. “When the Romans came and subdued this country, the changes which they introduced, affected the language as well as the manners of the inhabitants. It does not however appear, that the Romans had any fixed design to extirpate the British language; yet its gradual decline. followed as a necessary consequence of their solicitude to diffuse and establish their own. Hence in those parts where they had more fully established their power, the language of the people suffered most from the general 3 innovation; so that its purity seemed to retire from the Roman presence, and to seek an asylum in those moun- tainous or retired regions to which the invaders could not Without much difficulty have access. “In these western territories, the original language of the natives had less to fear than that of most others, if we make an exception in favour of Wales; and perhaps from this Roman invasion it suffered least. “Hence, throughout the Cornu-British language we have, comparatively speaking, very few Latin idioms, and very few Latin words. “But it was not from the influence of the Roman language, that the Cornish tongue was doomed to perish. It survived the shock which it had sustained, and secured its independence by retiring to the Cambrian mountains; to the retreats which Danmonium afforded it; and by emigrating to the continent, and there starting up as a new dialect on the shores of Armorica. (Brittany). “When the Romans abandoned their conquests in this island, and the Saxons succeeded them, the inhabitants of Britain retiring before their victorious arms, sought a refuge in Wales, Cornwall, and Brittany, carrying with them once more that language which was originally com- mon to them all. This language, in process of time for want of a more frequent intercourse between the inhabi. tants, became differently pronounced and written, and in various degrees mixed with different languages. “It does not appear that anything was ever printed in the Cornish language till the year 1707, when the learned Mr. Lhuyd published his Cornish grammar. - 4. “A few years before this, Mr. Lhuyd visited this County, in order to make himself acquainted with its natural history and monuments, but more particularly so with the language of Cornwall which was rapidly on the decline. “But although nothing in the Cornish language was ever printed till the days of Mr. Lhuyd, several Cornish manuscripts have been preserved; but excepting one, none of any considerable age. This one according to Bishop Gibson, was written in 1036 in an old court hand on vellum. (This was ‘The History of the Passion of our Saviour.”) “The Cornish language, it appears, was current in a part of the South Hams in the time of Edward 1st (1272 to 1307). Long after this it was common on the banks of the Tamar, and in Cornwall it was universally spoken. “But it was not till towards the conclusion of the reign of Henry 8th (1509 to 1547) that the English language had found its way into any of the Cornish churches. Before this time the Cornish language was the established vehicle of communication. “Dr. Moreman, a native of Southill, but vicar of Menheniot, was the first who taught the inhabitants of his parish the Lord's prayer, the Creed, and the Ten commandments in the English tongue; and this was not done till just about the time that Henry 8th closed his reign. From this fact one inference is obvious; which is, that if the inhabitants of Menheniot knew nothing more of the English than what was thus learnt from the vicar of the parish, the Cornish must have prevailed among 5 them at that time'. ... ‘and as the English language in its progress travelled from East to West; we may reasonably conclude, that about this time it had not penetrated far into the County, as Menheniot lies towards its eastern quarter. “From the time the liturgy was established in the Cornish churches in the English language, the Cornish tongue rapidly declined. “Hence Mr. Carew, who published his ‘Survey of Cornwall’ in 1602, notices the almost total extirpation of the language in his days. He says, “the principal love and knowledge of this language, liveth in Dr. Kennall the civilian, and with him lyeth buried; for the English speech doth still encroach upon it and hath driven the same into the uttermost skirts of the shire. Most of the inhabitants can speak no word of Cornish ; but few are ignorant of the English ; and yet some so affect their own, as to a stranger they will not speak it ; for if meeting them by chance, you inquire the way, or any such matter, your answer shall be, ‘Meed naujdua couzasaw?neck; ' I can speak no Saxonage.’ “Carew’s ‘Survey’ was soon followed by that of Norden, by whom we are informed that the Cornish language was chiefly confined to the western hundreds of the county, particularly to Penwith, and Kirrier, and yet; “(which is to be marveyled) though the husband and wife, parents and children, master and servants, do natur- ally communicate in their native language; yet there is none of them in a manner, but is able to converse with a stranger in the English tongue, unless it be some obscure 6 people who seldom confer with the better sort. But it seemeth however, that in a few years the Cornish will be by little and little abandoned.” Such was the state of the Cornish language, according to Norden, about 1610, the year in which it is probable his history was written. The parish of Menheniot was the first in which the inhabitants were taught the Creed, the Lord's prayer, and the Ten Commandments, in English ; (about A.D. 1540). The parish of Feock was nearly the last in which Ancient Cornish was used in the church service. The Cornish was so well spoken in the parish of Feock by the old inhabitants till about the year 1640, “that Mr. William Jackman, the then vicar, and chaplain also of Pendennis Castle at the siege thereof by the parliament army, was forced for divers years to administer the sacrament to the Communicants in the Cornish tongue, because the aged people did not well understand the English, as he himself often told me.” (Hals). “Although, says Drew, the Cornish language appears to have been excluded from all our Cornish churches except those of Fe0ck, and Landewednack, as early as the year 1640, yet it was not driven from common conver- sation until a much later period. “So late as 1650, the Cornish language was currently spoken in the parishes of Paul, and St. Just; the fish- women, and market-women in the former, and the tinners in the latter, for the most part conversing in their old vernacular tongue.” 7 Mr. Scawen, in his manuscript, says, that in 1678, the Rev. F. Robinson, rector of Landewednack, “preached a sermon to his parishioners, in the Cornish language only.” “From this period, continues Drew, the Cornish language appears to have been driven from the Cornish churches entirely; or if not wholly banished, we have no further record of its being retained or used on any occasion in the service of public worship. “And so rapid was its declension throughout the County from this period (1678) in all the ordinary con- cerns of life, that Mr. Lhuyd, in a letter to Mr. Rowland, dated March 10, 1701, observes, that the Cornish language was then only retained in five or six villages towards the Land's End. “In every stage through which we pursue the Cornish language, we thus perceive that its limits become more and more circumscribed. From five or six villages towards the Land's End, in which the Cornish tongue was spoken in 1701, we must now descend to individuals, and from them trace it to its grave.” Drew relates how that in 1746, Captain Barrington took a seaman from Mount's Bay, who understood Cornish so well as to be able to converse with some sailors of Brittany, and it is very matural to suppose that many others knew the Cornish language at the above date, but Dr. Borlase thought, in 1758, that it had “altogether ceased so as not to be spoken anywhere in conversation.” But, says Drew, “this opinion appears to be rather premature. It might be true, that the language was no longer spoken in common conversation from choice, but that several persons 8 were then alive who could hold a conversation in Cornish on common topics, is plain from accounts of a subsequent date, to which we shall refer.” In the year 1768, the Hon. Daines Barrington, brother of Captain, afterwards Admiral Barrington, went into Cornwall to ascertain whether the Cornish language had entirely ceased or not, and in a letter written to John Lloyd, Esq., F.S.A., a few years after, viz. on March 31, 1773, he gives the following as the result of his journey, and as it refers to old Dolly Pentreath, a name so well known not only in, but out of Cornwall, it is well worth quoting. Says Mr. Barrington, “I set out from Penzance how- ever with the landlord of the principal inn for my guide, towards Sennen, or the most western point; and when I approached the village, I said that there must probably be some remains of the language in those parts, if anywhere, as the village was in the road to no place whatever; and the only alehouse announced itself to be the last in England. My guide however told me that I should be disap- pointed; but that if I would ride about ten miles about in my return to Penzance he would conduct me to a village called Mousehole, on the western side of Mount's Bay, where there was an old woman called Dolly Pentreath, who could speak Cornish fluently. While we were trav- elling together towards Mousehole, I enquired how he knew that this woman spoke Cornish ; when he informed me, that he frequently went from Penzance to Mousehole to buy fish, which were sold by her; and that when he did 9 not offer her a price that was satisfactory, she grumbled to some other old women in an unknown tongue, which he concluded therefore to be Cornish. When we reached Mousehole, I desired to be intro- duced as a person who had laid a wager that there was not one who could converse in Cornish ; upon which Dolly Pentreath spoke in an angry tone for two or three minutes, and in a language which sounded very like Welsh. The hut in which she lived was in a very narrow lane, opposite to two rather better houses, at the doors of which two other women stood, who were advanced in years, and who I observed were laughing at what Dolly said to me. Upon this I asked them whether she had not been abusing me; to which they answered, “Very heartily’ and because I had supposed she could not speak Cornish. I then said, that they must be able to talk the language; to which they answered that they could not speak it readily, but that they understood it, being only ten or twelve years younger than Dolly Pentreath. I continued nine or ten days in Cornwall after this, but found that my friends whom I had left to the eastward continued as incredulous almost as they were before, about these last remains of the Cornish language; because, among other reasons, Dr. Borlase had supposed in his Natural History of the County, that it had entirely ceased to be spoken. It was also urged, that as he lived within four or five miles of the old woman at Mousehole, he consequently must have heard of so singular a thing as her continuing to use the vernacular tongue. 10 I had scarcely said or thought anything more about this matter, till last summer, (1772) having mentioned it to some Cornish people, I found that they could not credit that any person had existed within these few years, who could speak their native language; and therefore, though I imagined there was but a small chance of Dolly Pentreath continuing to live, yet I wrote to the president then in Devonshire, to desire that he would make some inquiry with regard to her ; and he was so obliging as to procure me information from a gentleman whose house was within three miles of Mousehole, a considerable part of whose letter I shall subjoin. ‘l)olly Pentreath is short of stature, and bends very much with old age, being in her eighty-seventh year; so lusty however as to walk hither, to Castle Horneck, about three miles, in bad weather, in the morning and back again. She is somewhat deaf, but her intellects seemingly not impaired ; has a memory so good, that she remembers perfectly well, that about four or five years ago, at Mousehole, where she lives, she was sent for by a gentleman, who being a stranger, had a curiosity to hear the Cornish language, which she was famed for retaining and speaking fluently ; and that the inkeeper where the gentleman came from, attended him. (This gentleman, says Daines Barrington, “was my- self; however I did not presume to send for her, but waited upon her.”) She does indeed talk Cornish as readily as others do English, being bred up from a child to know no other language; nor could she (if we may believe her) talk a 11 word of English before she was past twenty years of age; as, her father being a fisherman, she was sent with fish to Penzance at twelve years old, and sold them in the Cornish language, which the inhabitants in general, even the gentry, did then well understand. She is positive however, that there is neither in Mousehole, nor in any other part of the county, any other person who knows anything of it, or at least can converse in it. She is poor, and maintained partly by the parish, and partly by fortune-telling and gabbling Cornish.’ I have thus, continued Mr. Barrington, “thought it right to lay before the Society (the Society of Anti- quaries) this account of the last sparks of the Cornish tongue; and cannot but think that a linguist who under- stands Welsh, might still pick up a more complete vocabulary of the Cornish than we are yet possessed of; especially as the two neighbours of this old woman (Dolly Pentreath) whom I have had occasion to mention, are not now above seventy-seven or seventy-eight years Óf age, and were healthy when I saw them ; so that the whole does not depend on the life of this Cornish sybil, as she is willing to insinuate.” Daines Barrington. It appears, says Drew, from this letter of Daines Barrington “that in the year 1773, Dolly Pentreath was in 22 her eighty-seventh year; and it appears from an epitaph on her grave, that she died at the advanced age of 102; so that she must have lived fifteen years after Mr. Barrington's letter was dated and consequently must have died in 1788. “She was buried in the churchyard of the parish of 12 Paul, in which parish, Mousehole, the place of her residence is situated. Her epitaph is both in Cornish and English, in both of which languages as it is a literary curiosity, it is here inserted.” CORNISH. * Coth Doll Pentreath cans ha Deau ; Marow ha kledyzed Paul plea – Na ed an Egloz, gan pobel brås, Bes ed Egloz-hay coth Dolly es. ENGLISH. * Old Doll Pentreath, one hundred ag’d and two ; Deceas'd, and buried in Paul parish too :— Not in the church, with people great and high, But in the church-yard doth old Dolly lie It is evident from there being an epitaph on Dolly Pentreath, that the Cornish language in A.D. 1788 was known, and could still be written. Polwhele says, “the author of these verses, of which I have given a literal translation, is a Mr. Tomson a native of Truro, and by profession an engineer.” The epitaph was translated by a Mr. Collins, who gave it to Mr. Polwhele. In July, 1776, “Mr. Barrington upon more minute enquiry,” presented a letter to the Society of Antiquaries written both in Cornish, and English, by William Bodener, a fisherman of Mousehole. This fisherman asserted that there were still four or five persons in Mousehole who could talk Cornish. * Although this epitaph was written as described there is no present proof that any inscribed stone was ever placed on Dolly's grave. The present monument is modern. For Jeffery, Dorothy, see Appendix. 13 In 1777 Mr. Barrington found another Cornishman called John Nancarrow, of Marazion, aged 45 years, and able to speak Cornish. John Nancarrow said, that “in his youth he had learnt the language from the country people, and could then hold a conversation in it; and that another, a native of Truro, was at that time also acquainted with the Cornish language, and like himself was able to converse in it.” This last, is supposed to be the Mr. Tomson to whom, says Drew, “the world is indebted for Dolly Pentreath's epitaph.” It appears from additional testimony, that even up to the preceding dates the Cornish language had not entirely died out, and Dr. Pryce intimated that the language was known in Mousehole “so late as 1790.” From the foregoing narrative it is clear that the Cornish language did not die with Dolly Pentreath, but lingered on, gradually becoming more and more forgotten. A language dies hard, and the gradual decay of the venerable language of the old people of Cornwall, resisted for centuries the ever advancing English tongue, the old Cornish receding from it towards the west, until, even in the extreme western end of Cornwall, it ceased to be a spoken language. It has been supposed that the bible was once written in Cornish, but this is very doubtful, if we may form an opinion from the following remarks by the learned author of the “Ancient Cathedral of Cornwall.” In this work Mr. Whitaker, with his usual and emphatic manner, says (Vol. 2. p. 37, in a note) “the English too was not desirea 14 by the Cornish, as vulgar history says, and as Dr. Borlase avers; but, as the case shows itself plainly to be, forced upon the Cornish by the tyranny of England, at a time when the English language was yet unknown in Cornwall. This act of tyranny was at once gross barbarity to the Cornish people, and a death-blow to the Cornish language.” Mr. Whitaker alludes to the first use of the English liturgy in Menheniot church, and says, “that had the liturgy been translated into Cornish as it was in Welsh, the Cornish language would have been preserved to the present moment.” Had there ever been any translation of the scriptures into Cornish, it would surely have been noticed by so learned an antiquarian. If what Borlase asserts be true, then the Cornish people themselves are to be blamed for having used very potent means for the destruction of their own original language. Although Whitaker asserts that the English language was “forced” upon the Cornish by the tyranny of England, yet, Borlase is just as positive to the contrary. In Borlase's Natural History of Cornwall, at page 315, it is said that “when the liturgy at the reformation was appointed by authority to take place of the mass, the Cornish desired (Seawen p. 49) that it should be in the English language, being apprehensive that it might be injoined them in their mother tongue, as it was with regard to the Welsh. By this means and the gentry mixing gradually with the English, the Cornish language lost ground in proportion as it lay nearer to Devon.” When two such writers differ in this manner, it may 15 be fairly presumed that the truth lies in the middle. The English language had become familiar to, and perhaps fashionable with the gentry, while the lower orders of the people pertinaciously clung to, and retained the use of their mother tongue. The latter appeared to view with Suspicion, and dislike those who spoke to them in English, which to them, in those days, was a foreign language. When spoken to in English, although understanding it to a great extent, the reply was in Cornish—“Meea nauidua cawzas sawzneck,” I can speak no Saxonage as has been already mentioned. But now, even a tradition of a Cornish instead of an English language having been formerly spoken seems to have died out, except among educated people, in the eastern part of Cornwall. In 1878, the writer being at Menheniot and con- versing with a native there, enquired whether the people in that district had any tradition of the use of a former and different language, and also of the first introduction of English in their church service. No, at least he had never heard of it. He thought they had always spoken English there ! In the “Cornishman" (a newspaper published at Penzance) there were in 1879, glossaries of old Cornish words, one by Mr. B. Victor, and another by Mr. Pen- treath. Each list contained about 140, or, 150 words. These last remains are very interesting as affording evidence that even now, there are many words of the old tongue still known by men now living, and which they have learnt apart from any books. ON THE REMAINS OF THE ANCIENT CORNISH LANGUAGE. Pryce, referring to Lhuyd's unfinished Archæologia Britannica, considered that Lhuyd's death rendered the recovery of the ancient Cornish tongue very hopeless, for had he lived to finish his work, “not only the recovery of the dialect would have been effected, but, it would have been adorned with every elegancy and improvement from the unceasing labours of such a consummate philologist.” The ancient Cornish has for ever ceased to be spoken, yet that such an old language may be preserved and even understood, just like Latin and Greek, there seems good reason for believing. The materials have largely accumulated, and are becoming more available for students. The labours of many writers, viz., from Lhuyd to Williams, and of others since, have been hastening on the time when the ancient Cornish tongue will be fixed and rendered permanent as a dead language. This would be attained by a perfected Cornish grammar, an English- Cornish in addition to the Cornish-English Dictionary of Williams, and the collecting together of all other remains, whether in the form of histories, phrases, or even single words. B 18 We are indeed much indebted to the eminent author of the Archæologia Britannica, Lhuyd, whose work printed in 1707, will always remain a memorial of learning and industry. Some idea may be formed of this author's labours, by reading the following list of the contents of his book. 1.—A comparative etymology, or remarks on the alteration of languages. 2.—A Latin-Celtic dictionary, or, a vocabulary of the original languages of Britain and Ireland. 3.—An Armoric grammar. 4.—An Armoric-English vocabulary. 5.—Some Welsh words omitted in Dr. Davies's dictionary, 6.—A Cornish grammar. 7.—A catalogue of British manuscripts. 8.—An essay towards a British etymologicon. 9.—A brief introduction to the Irish or ancient Scottish language. 10,—An Irish-English dictionary. Borlase, also, in his “Antiquities,” has given much labour to, and rendered good help for, the restoration of the old Cornish language, by collecting such remains as were existing in manuscript and in print. His Cornish-English vocabulary contains about four thousand words, perhaps more, and formed “chiefly” as he says, from the Archæo- logia of Lhuyd. - In 1790, Dr. William Pryce of Redruth, Cornwall, published the “Archæologia Cornu-Britannica, or an Essay to preserve the ancient Cornish language—containing the rudiments of that dialect in a Cornish grammar and Cornish-English vocabulary compiled from a variety of 19 materials which have been inaccessible to all other authors, wherein the British original of some thousand English words in common use is demonstrated, together with that of the proper names of most towns, parishes, villages, mines, and gentlemen's seats and families, in Wales, Corn- wall, Devonshire, and other parts of England.” - In his dedication of the above book, he says, that it is “a work intended to rescue from oblivion the original language of a County.” It may be useful to give a brief account of what Pryce says respecting the ancient Cornish language. Speaking of the high antiquity of the British lan- guage, “of which the Cornish is most indisputably a very pure dialect" he remarks in the Preface, that “it must be acknowledged, that a local inquiry and disquisition into the antiquity of our Cornish-British language has not been so particularly attended to as it deserves.” Polwhele, in his History of Cornwall, &c., has also helped the work of restoration, and his writings contain many of the old Cornish words with observations thereon. In Polwhele’s “Historical Views of Devonshire” (p. 187) are remarks on the language of the ancient Britons, and in comparing it with the Phenician the author says, “that its affinity with the Irish is proved beyond all controversy by Wallancey.” - It will be interesting to compare the Phenician with a language allied to old Cornish, viz: the Irish. In the Prmulus of Plautus, there are certain sentences known to be Punic, and on comparing them with Irish, 20 there is found a remarkable likeness, as may be seen in the following extract. Punic.—Chim lach chunyth mum ys tyal mycthi barii im Schi. Irish.--Chimi lach chuinigh muini is toil miocht beiridh iar mo Scith. English.-A support of weak captives; be thy will to instruct me to obtain my children. Punic.—Lypho can ethyth by mithii ad Cedan binuthii. Irish.--Liomhtha can ati bi mitche ad eadan beannaithe. Euglish.-Let it come to pass that my earnest prayers be blessed before thee. Punic.—Byr nar ob syllo homal o nim ubymis isyrthoho. Irish.-Bior nar ob siladh umhal; o nimh! ibhim a frotha. English.-A fountain denied not to drop to the humble; O Deity that I may drink of its streams.” (From Polwhele’s Historical Views of Devonshire p. 187.) Pryce says, that “the dialect of Cornwall must cer- tainly have obtained that purity, for which it is celebrated, from its immediate introduction by the Phenician naviga- tors, especially as the character and orthography are so greatly softened, and the language is divested of that rough gutteral pronunciation, which is retained to this time by the Cambro-Britons. In fact, the Cornish, and the Armoric dialects are the most nearly allied in char- acter, orthography, and sound, of any two of the British dialects. The Welsh, Irish, and Erse differ from each other greatly; and the two latter differ from the Cornish and Gaulish (Armoric) very much. Indeed the Welsh is closely related to us. “Hence we may easily account for the similarity existing between the Cornish and Armoric ; for the coasts of Bretagne (Brittany) are opposite to the shores of Cornwall, 21 “This is evidenced by the colloquial resemblance to this day (1790) subsisting betwixt the Cormish on the south-western margin of the County, and their opposite neighbours at Morlaix, and other parts of Bas Bretagne, where the low French and the Cornish seem almost one and the same dialect.” Pryce remarks, that if he had not been otherwise well apprised of this fact, his opinion would have been confirmed by what he had heard from a very old man now (1790) living at Mousehole near Penzance, who as Pryce believed, was at that time, the only person capable of holding half an hour's conversation on common subjects in the Cornish tongue. The old man told Pryce “that about three score years ago (in 1730) being at Morlaix on board a smuggling cutter, and the only time he was ever there, he was ordered on shore with another young man to buy some greens, and not knowing a word of French as he thought, he was much surprised to find that he understood a great part of the conversation of some boys at play in the street; and upon further inquiry, he found that he could make known all his wants in Cornish, and be better understood than he could be at home, when he used that dialect.” - Pryce, referring to a correspondence between Lhuyd and Tonkin, says that “Mr. Lhuyd had gone great lengths towards the formation of a Cornish-British vocabulary, and he stated at the end of his Cornish grammar (Archæologia p. 253) that looking over the sheets of his grammar he must recall the promise made in his preface (p. 222) of a Cornish-English vocabulary, there being no room for it in 22 that volume of glossography, and therefore must defer it till the next.” Lhuyd died about the year 1709, two years after his great work was printed, which death, says Pryce, “must have been the greatest loss to this pursuit that it ever had, or ever will meet with, on account of his profound learning and singular attachment to the recovery of our primitive language.” Hals, about 1715, took uncommon pains to heap to- gether a mass of words which he entitled “Lhadymer ay Kernow, or the Cornish Interpreter.” Mr. Tremayne lent this manuscript of Hals to Dr. Pryce, who says of it that “it is a most strange hodge-podge of Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and British words,” but as it contained some words worth notice he selected them for his vocabulary. About the year 1709, Messrs. Tonkin, Keigwin, and Gwavas, with other associates, kept up a correspondence in their native tongue, as well as they could, by collecting all the mottoes, proverbs and idioms, on which they could lay their hands, and Dr. Pryce availed himself of their manu- scripts. The grammar of the ancient Cornish by Pryce con- tains in the first part, “the marrow of Mr. Lhuyd's gram- mar, with some additions.” The second part contains a Cornish vocabulary of about four thousand words, collected and arranged from the materials already mentioned. The third and last part consists of many Cornish names of places, “with their distinctions of the old and the modern Cornish.” - As ancient English differs from modern, so does old 23 Cornish differ from modern, and this may be illustrated by a very short example, thus:–the phrase “Many thanks to God” expressed in old Cornish was, “Maur gras tha Deu,” in modern Cornish it was “Meor 'ras tha Dew,” which is contracted into one word “Merastadu” and mean- ing the same, Although Dr. Pryce has been praised for the Cornish grammar and vocabulary bearing his name, yet it should be noticed that the greater credit is due to Tonkin and Gwavas. Besides the writers of Cornish History, &c. already named, Davies Gilbert, Whitley Stokes, and Williams, have done a great deal in preserving the remains of the old Cornish language. To Whitley Stokes we are much indebted, as may be seen stated in the Preface to Williams's Cornish l)ictionary, of which further notice will be taken. From what precedes, and follows, it will be seen that the remains of the ancient Cornish language are much more extensive than is generally supposed. In the “Western Morning News” of August 2, 1871, there was published a list of the Gwavas manuscripts, which is very suitable for insertion in this place, and so useful, that it cannot fail to be of interest to any one who feels any liking for the subject. At the end of the list are a few remarks about Gwavas, &c. THE GWAVAS MANUSCRIPTS. The Gwavas manuscripts were formerly in the pos- session of the Rev. William Veale, of Trevaylor. After his decease they passed to the Rev. William Wriothesley 24 Wingfield, the vicar of Gulval, by whom they were pre- sented to the British Museum. They are in a bound volume, lettered Gwavas MSS. and are known as “British Museum. Additional MSS., 28,554.” Letter from Davies Gilbert, dated East Bourne, 22nd July, 1836, to Rev. W. Weale; p. 1. Three letters from John Boson, dated Newlyn, 1709, 1711, 1720, to W. Gwavas, Brick Court, Middle Temple, London; pp. 2, 10, 12. Letter from W. Gwavas, dated 1711, to Oliver Pendar, merchant, Newlyn; p. 3. Letter from O. Pendar, dated Newlyn, 1711, to W. Gwavas, London; p. 4. Letter from W. Gwavas, dated Middle Temple, 1711, to J. Boson, Newlyn; pp. 8-9. Letter from W. Gwavas to etate 55; p. 11. Three letters from Thomas Tonkin, dated Polgorran, 1735, to W. Gwavas, Penzance; pp. 14, 18, 22. Three letters from W. Gwavas, dated Penzance, 1735- 36, to T. Tonkin; pp. 16, 20, 23. Copy of “The Creation, finished by J. Keygwin, gent, in yº year 1693,”; pp. 24-49. Copy of “Mount Calvary,” amended and corrected by W. H., 1679-80; pp. 51-58. The Lord's Prayer in Cornish; p. 50. Cornish glossary—A to Cl.; pp. 59-78. Cornish vocabulary— A to W; pp. 80-89. Cornish verses, &c.; pp. 91-97. The ten commandments in Cornish; pp. 97-99; By T. Boson, 1710; pp. 107-108; pp. 110-114. , dated March, 1731, 25 The third chapter of Genesis in Cornish; pp. 100-101. The fourth and seventh chapters of St. Matthew in Cornish; pp. 102-106. The creed in Cornish, by T. Boson, 1710; p. 106; by W. Gwavas; p. 143. Sundry Cornish writings, pp. 115-25. Story of a Man and Woman in St. Levan, “in a place called the house of a Ramm” (unfinished); pp. 128-29. Letter from Jane Manly to W. Gwavas; pp. 130-32. The First Chapter of Genesis in Cornish; pp. 126-27. Cornish song to the tune of “The modest maid of Kent; p. 131. - Copy of “Carmen Britannicum Dialecto Cornubiensi” (6th cent.), by Edwd. Lhuyd, from the original, with Mr. Jenkin, of Alverton; pp. 132, 34. Song, “Fair Maid,” Cornish and English, for Edwd. Chirgwin; p. 135. Song by Mr. Jenkins, of Alverton; p. 136. Inscription in Cornish for “My Ball,” by Thos. Boson; p. 137. On death of Mr. J. Keigwin, 20th April, 1716, by J. Boson; p. 142. Song; p. 138. Letter from J. Keigwin, dated 1693, to W. Gwavas; pp. 139-40. Cornish Derivations, by W. Gwavas, dated Penzance, 1735; pp. 144-46. Tenants' names versified in Cornish, by Mr. Collins, parson of Breage, dated 1723; p. 147. Pilot's motto on a ring, dated 1734; p. 148. On fishing, &c.; pp. 154-55. - 26 Sundry Cornish writings, by W. Gwavas, dated 1731; pp. 156-65, 167-68. Monumental inscription to be put on my tomb, dated 16th September, 1719; Wm. Gwavas, parish of Sithney, son and heir of Will Gwavas; p. 166. Mr. William Gwavas was the son of William Gwavas, and was born in 1676. He became a barrister of the Middle Temple, where he for some time resided in Brick- court. He was impropriator or lay vicar of Paul, and in that capacity had various disputes with the fishermen of that parish respecting the tything of fish. A printed document referring to this matter, a copy of which is now in the possession of Mr. Henry Williams, of the Mount's Bay Bank, Penzance, bears the following title, “Private case between William Gwavas and William Kelynack, and 116 parishioners and fishermen, relating to the right of tything fish. An appeal before the House of Lords, 1730, fol. Privately printed.” Some time ago there was pub- lished “Some observations on the Rev. R. Williams's preface to his Lexicon, by Prince L. L. Bonaparte [London, May, 1865, s.sh., 4to.” This work contains “A copy of a letter from the Rev. (sic) W. Gwavas to T. Tonkin,” dated Penzance, 25th Jan., 1732, and is, as far as we know, the only other document referring to Mr. Gwavas besides those already mentioned. Some of Mr. Gwavas's Cornish writings have been printed by Borlase, Pryce, and Pol- whele. Mr. Gwavas died in 1741, and was buried at Paul, on the 9th Jan, in that year.” In 1865, was published the Lexicon Cornu-Britannicum by the Rev. Robt. Williams, M.A. This dictionary of the 27 Cornish language is a work of great labour and learning, and has supplied to a very great extent the want so much lamented by Pryce; viz., in Lhuyd having died before a second volume of his great work the “Archæologia Brit- annica was printed. Whether any manuscript of Lhuyd's intended second volume still remain, it seems hopeless to inquire, perhaps a copy may be lying hid somewhere even now. However this may be, the Cornish Dictionary by Williams is indeed a great advance towards the preservation of the ancient tongue. So instructive is the preface to Williams's Lexicon Cornu-Britannicum that it seems very necessary to include it in this little book, for after the list of the Gwavas Manuscripts, just given, Williams's remarks appear to be all that are required to complete this division of the subject. The object of the Editor of the Lexicon Cornu- Britannicum “was to collect and explain all the remains of the ancient British language of Cornwall.” The book contains about 9000 Cornish words, with an immense number of quotations to render the meanings clearer, also the first chapter of Genesis, the Ten Commandments, the Creed, the Lord's prayer, &c. in the Orthography of the Cornish dramas. It is published in quarto, and contains 400 pages. Perhaps an enthusiastic student by the help of Williams's Dictionary, a Cornish grammar, and the trans- lations of old Cornish into English now in print, might actually learn the language, and even get at the pronun- ciation, by observing how Cornish words are still spoken. 28 Is not the ancient tongue worth preserving just as, but not perhaps to the same extent as Greek and Latin P We have only to consider the labours of those who have contributed to the accumulation of the remains, and we shall be led to answer this question in the affirmative. The language, as we have seen, was once spoken by a numerous people, over a large extent of land, and remained a vernacular speech for many centuries, indeed from a time lost in the obscurity of ancient history. The history of the Cornish branch of the Celtic tongue extends so far back into the dim past, that even on such grounds the Archaeologist and the Philologist may easily be induced to befriend its preservation. The language, which was spoken when the Phenicians voyaged to the coasts of Cornwall, must, from its anti- quity alone, demand affection and respect, especially from Cornishmen. THE PREFACE TO THE CORNISH DICTIONARY BY WILLIAMS. - The following is the Preface already referred to as written for the Lexicon Cornu-Britannicum, by the Revd. Robert Williams, M.A., and dated 1865. “The object of the Editor in the compilation of this work was to collect and explain all the remains of the ancient British language of Cornwall, and by comparing the words with the synonyms in the cognate dialects to supply an acknowledged want in Celtic literature. The sources for the supply of material are very few, and may be briefly enumerated. The learned philologist Edward Lhuyd, in his Arch- aeologia Britannica, (fol. Oxford, 1707;) first published a grammar of the Cornish language, as spoken in his time, being then in a state of corruption and decay. He also gave a promise of a Cornish vocabulary, which he did not live to accomplish. In 1769, (the present writer's copy is dated 1754, with a vocabulary) Dr. Borlase published a Cornish-English vocabulary, in his Antiquities of Cornwall, which is chiefly derived from Lhuyd. The next work published was the vocabulary of Dr. Pryce, in 1790, 4to. This is so full of errors that the Editor soon felt satisfied that Pryce was 30 entirely ignorant of the Cornish language, and had no acquaintance whatever with the Welsh. The discovery of the original manuscript, now in the possession of Prince Louis Lucien Bonaparte, shews the work to have been compiled in 1730, by Tonkin or Gwavas, and disingenously published by Pryce as his own. These printed works relate to late Cornish, but more important documents existed, which would furnish examples of the language, when spoken in a state of purity, and which it was desirable should be properly elucidated. The earliest is a vocabulary of Latin words with Cornish explanations, preserved in the Cottonian Library, in the British Museum, and there entitled ‘Vocabularium Wallicum,’ (Bibl. Cot. Vespas. A. 14). This was first noticed by Lhuyd in the Cornish Preface to the Archae- ologia, (p. 222,) and proved by him to be not Welsh but Cornish. It has been printed in the same order as it is written, and elucidated by Zeuss, in his Grammatica Celtica (2 vols. 8vo., Leipsic, 1853.) It has since been printed alphabeti- cally by Mr. Norris in his ‘Cornish Drama,’ with additional illustrations from the cognate dialects. This vocabulary is of great philological importance. The manu- script was written in the thirteenth century, and may have been a copy of an older original, even of the ninth century, as it closely agrees with the Welsh of that age, and it contains important proofs that the Welsh then more closely approximated to the Cornish than in later ages. The next important document is a poem, entitled Mount Calvary; a manuscript of the fifteenth century; it contains 31 259 stanzas of 8 lines each in heptasyllabic metre with alternate rhymes. The subject of this Poem is the Trial and Crucifixion of Christ. There are four copies of this manuscript, the oldest being in the British Museum, and the other three appear to be copies taken from it. Two of them are in the Bodleian Library, and in these a translation by John Keigwin is written on the opposite page. This poem was published by Mr. Davies Gilbert, in 1826. The typographical errors are so numerous, that Zeuss observes that it does not seem to have been corrected after leaving the hands of the compositor, and eight errors in every stanza are below the average. The Editor had carefully collated the manuscript in the British Museum, with the intention of adding a corrected copy as an appendix to the Dictionary, but the necessity no longer remains, as an excellent edition has lately been printed for the Philological Society under the care of a most able Celtic scholar, Mr. Whitley Stokes, of Lincoln's Inn, (8vo., 1862). The text now given is very accurate, and the numer- ous errors in the translation have been rectified. The only other work accessible was a Drama, called ‘The Creation of the World with Noah's Flood, which was written, as stated upon the manuscript containing it, on the 12th of August, 1611, by William Jordan. Of this Drama the oldest manuscript is in the Bodleian Library, and there is another in the British Museum, with a translation by John Keigwin, in 1693. This was also printed by Mr. Davies Gilbert, in 1827, and is equally remarkable for its typographical errors. A new and corrected edition, by Mr. Whitley Stokes, was printed for the Philological Society in 1864. 32 This Drama, being of much later date, shews the Cornish language to have become greatly corrupted, and it is full of English words. The above mentioned works com- prised all the accessible material for the Dictionary when the Editor drew out the plan some thirty years ago. Lhuyd had mentioned that there were three Dramas preserved in the Bodleian Library, of which he gave the first lines, and the Editor, finding that his Dictionary would be a meagre performance without obtaining a copy of them, in vain endeavoured to meet with a transcriber to supply him. Several commenced, but after a short attempt they gave up the task in despair. This circum- stance has delayed the Dictionary for many years, and it would never have been completed but for the publication of these Dramas in 1859. They turn out to be of much greater importance than could have been supposed; they are of greater amount than all the other remains of the Cornish language taken together, and are most invalu- able specimens of it when spoken in great purity. The three are of the same antiquity as the Poem of Mount Calvary. The series represents scriptural subjects from the Creation to the Death of Pilate, the first being entitled Ordinale de Origine Mundi. 2, Passio Domini Nostri Ihesu Christi. 3, Ordinale de Resurrectione Domini; and they are of the same kind as the old Mysteries, or Miracle-plays, so common in the middle ages. They were published by the University of Oxford, in 2 vols. 8vo., being most ably edited by Mr. Edwin Norris, who has added a literal translation on the opposite page. 33 He has also added a Sketch of Cornish Grammar, and the early Cornish Vocabulary, with a valuable appendix. By the appearance of these volumes the editor's difficulties were overcome, and he hastened to complete his cherished work. The whole of the Dramas, and other documents are now incorporated in the Dictionary, and copious examples are given for the illustration of the words. To complete the subject the editor intends publishing in due form a copious Grammar of the Cornish, compared with the cognate dialects, and an essay on the characteris- tics of the six Celtic languages, together with alphabetical tables of words, common to two or more of them. A list of words will also be given of words borrowed from Latin by the Welsh during the stay of the Romans in Britain, which will be found much more extensive than is generally imagined. The whole, it is presumed, will be found of service in arriving at the history of the population of the British Isles.” - 34 A FEW SBECIMIENS OF THE ANCIENT CORNISH LANGUAGE. Norden, writing of the Cornish people and language, about the year 1580, says: “The Cornishe people for the most part are descended of the Britishe stocke, though muche entermixed since with the Saxon and Norman bloude; but untill of late yeares retayned the Britishe speache corrupted as theirs is of Wales; for the South Wales man understandeth not perfectlye the North Wales man, and the North Wales man little of the Cornishe, the South muche. “The pronunciation of the tounge differs in all, but the Cornish tounge is farr the easieste to be pronounced; for they strayne not ther wordes so tediouslye throwgh the throate, and so harshlye throwgh and from the roofe of the mouth ; as in pronouncing Rhin, they fetch it with Rh. Rhin, and LL with a kinde of reflecting the tounge. “But of late the Cornishe men have muche conformed themselves to the use of the Englishe tounge, and ther Englishe is equall to the beste, espetially in the easterne partes; even from Truro eastwarde it is in a manner wholy Englishe. In the Weste parte of the Countrye, as in the hundreds of Penwith and Kerrier the Cornishe tounge is most in use amongste the inhabitants.” - 35 Carew, writing about the same time, and whose “Survey of Cornwall” was published in 1602, gives us more information about the ancient Cornish language. Norden is said to have been a native of Wiltshire, and naturally would not take the same interest in the old language as Carew, a Cornishman, and a member of an ancient and honoured Cornish family. We shall not be disappointed on enquiring what Carew has told us. Of Cornish names he says, most of them begin with Tre, Pol, or Pen, which signify a town, a top, and a head. “By Tre, Pol, and Pen You shall know the Cornishmen.” but Camden im his “Remains” (p. 114) has a much more expressive rhyme, viz: “By Tre, Ros, Pol, Lan, Caer, and Pen You may know the most Cornishmen.” Carew, like others, says the “Cornish is more easy to be pronounced” and softer in its sound than the Welsh. To the Englishman, the following examples must appear very uncouth and uninviting, yet doubtless his opinion would be changed, could he hear the old Cornish Spoken in its original purity, but this is now impossible of COurSe. Carew names a friend of his, “one Master Thomas Williams,” who judged that the Cornish was derived from, or resembled the Greek, and Polwhele, in his Cornish History, compared a number of Greek and Cornish words; but this is a question for the experienced philologist, and 36 is only alluded to here to explain the introduction of a list of words given by Carew. Greek. Cornish. English. Teino Tedna Draw Mamma Mamm Mother Episcopus Escoppe Bishop Klyo Klowo Here Didaskein Dathisky To teach Kyon Kye Dog Kentron Kentron Spur Methyo Methow I)rink Scaphe Schapth Boat Ronchos Ronchie Snorting Carew's Survey published by Lord de Dunstanville in 1811, (at p. 150) contains a note respecting the above words, as follows: “Whoever will read Mr. Lhuyds' Archæol. Brit. p. 267, will not wonder that several of the Cornish words should agree with the Greek, since he there says, that both the Greek and Latin are but of one common origin, viz., the old Gaulish or Celtic; and that several of the greatest philologists of England and France have maintained that the tongues spoken in Cornwall, Wales, and Bas-Bretagne, are the chief remains (if not the whole) of the Celtic lan- guage.” - Latham, in his “Elements of comparative philology,” (and as other writers inform us,) says that the Celtic lan- guages are divided into two branches: 1st the British ; as known by the Welsh, the Cornish, and the ancient language 37 of Brittany: and “that it is almost certain that the old British, and the ancient language of Gaul, belonged to this branch.” 2nd ; The Gaelic or Erse; as represented by the present Irish Gaelic, the Gaelic of the Highlands of Scot- land, and the Manks of the Isle of Man. The following table of numbers will give the reader some idea of the resemblances between English, Welsh, Cornish, and Breton, as given by Latham. English. Welsh. Cormish. Breton. One UIIl Olla, Il UII1811 Two dau deu daou Three tri try tri Four pedwar pes War peVar Five pump pymp pemp Six chwech whe chuech Seven Saith seyth seiz Eight wyth eath eiz Nine Ina, W. Ina W I18,O Ten deg dek dec Twenty ugain ugens ugent Hundred Cant Cant cant That quaint old writer Andrew Borde, who died in 1539, gives the numerals in Cornish thus:–1, Onyn; 2, dow; 3, tray; 4, peswar; 5, pimp; 6, whe; 7, syth; 8, eth; 9, naw; 10, dec; 11, unec; 12, dower; 13, tredeec; 14, peswardeec; 15, pympdeec; 16, whedeec; 17, sythdeec; 18, ethdeec; 19, nawdeee; 20, igons; 21, onyn war igons; 22, dow war igons; 23, tray war igons; 24, peswarygons; and so on up to thirty. 38 Borde says “no Cornyshe man dothe number above XXX, and this is named, Deec Warnegons. And whan they have told thyrty, they do begyn agayn.” For a hundred they said “kans,” and for a thousand “myle.” Carew gives for 40, Deaw Eigganz; for 100, cant; 1000, mille; 10,000, molla. He also quotes the following simple phrases, viz.:- Durdatha why.—Good morrow to you. Ternestatha.-Good night. Fatlaghan a why?—How do you do? Da durdalatha why.—Well I thank you. Betha why lawanneck.-Be you merry. Benetugana. –Farewell. The following are examples of old Cornish from the Lexicon Cornu-Britannicum by Williams. 1.—Ru’m fay, lemmyn a'n caffen, er an ascal y’n toulsen yn creys an tän. By my faith, now if I could catch him, I would cast him in the midst of the fire. 2.—My ny won pyw e cammen. I know not who he is at all. 3.—My a'd cár mür. I love thee much. 4.—Y welas ef ny gara na bós yn y gowethas. He loved not to see him, nor be in his company. 5.—Cariah an stuff stena an stumpes. Carry the tin stuff to the stamping mill. 39 6.—Mi rig gwelas an carnow idzha an idhen mór kily ge neitho. - I saw the rocks where the sea-birds make their nests. 7.—Ni allaf cavos powes. I cannot find rest. 8.—Mar menta gwelas an ost an chy ki da'n gegen, ha enna ti a'n cav. - If thou wishest to see the host of the house, go into the kitchen, and there thou shalt find him. 9.—Stean San Agnes an gwella stean en Kernow. The tin of St. Agnes (is) the best tin in Cornwall. 10–Ysedheuch yn kesoleth, råk scon why a fºdh Servys. - Sit down in quietness, for you shall soon be served. 11.-Sens dhe clap, na fydh bysy, rāk ny fynnaf dhys crygy. Hold thy prating, be not busy, for I will not believe thee. 12.-Out warnas harlot, pen cok, Scon yn mes a'm golok. Out upon the rogue, blockhead, immediately out of my sight. 13.−Rag cola worth un venen, gulan ef re gollas an plas. For listening to a woman, he has quite lost his place. 14.—Kyn pen vis. Before the end of a month. 15.-Eva, kyns del vy serrys, my a wra oll del Vynny. Eva, rather than thou shalt be angry, I will do all that thou wishest. 40 THE FIRST CHAPTER OF GENESIS IN OLD CORNISH. (As given by Williams in his Lewicon Cornu-Britannicum, in the orthography of the Cornish dramas). AN CENSA CABYDUL A'N LYWYR AN GENESIS. 1.—Yn dalleth Dew a wrūg néf ha'n nôr. 2.—Hag ydh esé an nôr heb composter ha gwāg; ha tew- olgow esé war enep an downder, ha Spyry's 1)ew rāg gwaya war enep an dowrow. 3.—Ha Dew a leverys, bydhens golow, hag ydh esé golow. 4.—Ha Dew a welas an golow may fe da: ha Dew a dhyberthas an golow dheworth an tewolgow. 5.—Ha Dew a henwys an golow dydh, ha'n tewolgow ef a henwys nós : ha'n gorthuer ha'n myttyn o an censa dydh. 6.—Ha Dew a leverys, bydhens ebren yn creys an dow- row, ha gwréns e dhybarthy an dowrow dheworth an dowrow. 7.—Ha Dew a wrūg an ebren, ha dhyberthas an dowrow : esé yn dan an ebren dheworth an dowrow ese a uch an ebren: hag yn delna ydh 0. 8–Ha Dew a henwys an ebren néf: ha'n gorthuer ha'n myttyn o an nessa dydh. 41 9.—Ha Dew a leverys, bydhens an dowrow yn dan an nēf cuntullys warbarth dhe un tyller, ha bydhens an tyr sych dyscudhys: hag yn delna ydh o. 10,-Ha Dew a henwys an tyr sych an nôr, ha cuntellyans warbarth an dowrow ef a henwys mór ha Dew a welas may feda. 11–Ha Dew a leverys, gwréns an nôr dry rāg gwels, ha losow ow ton hås, ha'n gwydh ow ton avalow warlerch aga echen, néb usy aga hås ynné aga honan, War an uðr : hag yn delna ydh o. 12–Ha'n nôr a dhrós rāg gwels, an losow ow ton hås warlerch aga echen, ha'n gwydh ow ton avalow, néb usy aga hås ynné aga honan warlerch aga echen : ha Dew a welas may fe da. 13.−Ha'n gorthuer ha'n myttyn o an tressa dydh. 14.—Ha Dew a leverys, bydhens golowys yn ebren néf dhe dhybarthy an dydh dheworth an nôs, ha bydhens y rāg tavasow, ha rāg termynyow, ha rāg dydhyow, ha rāg bledhynnow. 15.-Ha bydhens y rāg golowys yn ebren nēf dhe rey golow war an nôr: hag yn delna ydh 0. 16.-Ha Dew a wrūg dew golow brås: an brassa golow dhe rewlyé an dydh, ha'n behanna golow dhe rewlyé an nós : ha'n stér ef a's gwrūgyn wédh. 17. –Ha Dew a's goras yn ebren néf, dhe rey golow War an nór. 18.-Ha dhe rewlyé an dydh ha'n nôs, ha dhe dhybarthy an golow dheworth an tewolgow, ha Dew a welas may fe da. 42 19.—Ha'n gorthuer ha'n myttyn o an pesweré d'ºdh. 20.-Ha Dew a leverys, gwréns an dowrow dry rāg púr vér an taclow is ow gwaya gans bewnans, hag edhyn dhe nygé dres an nôr a lés yn ebren néf. 21.—Ha Dew a wrág an morvilow brås, ha ceniver tra bew fis ow gwaya, néb a rāg an dowrow dry rāg púr vér, warlerch aga echen, ha ceniver edhen gans ascal warlerch hy echen ; ha Dew a welas may feda. 22.—Ha Dew a wrūg aga benygé y, ha leverys, bydhouch luen a hås, ha drouch rāg pår vér, ha lenouch an dowrow yn mør, hagwréns an edhyn dry rāg pår vér yn nôr. 23.—Ha'n gorthuer ha'n myttyn o an pempes dydh. 24.—Ha Dew a leverys, gwréns an nôr dry rāg an taclow bew warlerch aga echen, an lodnow, ha'n taclow cramyas, ha bestes an nôr warlerch aga echen; hag yn delna ydh o. 25.—Ha Dew a wrāg bestes an nór warlerch aga echen, ha'n lodnow warlerch aga echen, ha ceniver tra às ow cramyas war an nôr, Warlerch aga echen : ha Dew a welas may feda. 26.-Ha Dew a leverys, gWrén dén yn agan del ny, war- lerch agan havalder; ha gwréns y cemeres gallos dres an pusces an mór, ha dres an edhen an ebren, ha dres an milyow, ha dres ol an nôr, ha dres ceniver tra cramyas ās ow cramyas war an nôr. 27.-Yn delna Dew a wrūg dén yn havalder y honan, yn havalder Dew ef a'n gwrūg; gorrow ha benow ef a's gwrūg. 43 28.-Ha Dew a wrūg aga benygé, ha Dew a leverys dhedhé, bydhouch luen a hås, ha drouch rāg púr vér, ha lenouch an nôr, ha bydhouch dresto; ha cemerouch gallos dres pusces an mór, ha dres an edhyn yn ebren, ha dres ceniver tra vew (is ow gwaya war an nôr. 29.—Ha Dew a leverys, mirouch, yma reys genef vy dheuch ceniver losow ow ton hås, néb Ös war ol an nör, ha ceniver gwedhen, às an avalow an gwedhen ynny ow ton hås, dheuch y fºdh rāg boys. 30.—Ha dhe oll an bestes an nôr, ha dhe geniver edhen an ebren, ha dhe geniver tra às ow cramyas war an nôr, is bewnans ynné, yma reys genef ceniver lusuan glās rāg boys, hag yn delna ydh o. 31.-Ha Dew a welas ceniver tra esé gwreys ganso, ha mirouch, ydh o ve pār dha; ha'n gorthuer ha'n myttyn o an wheffes dydh. THE PROVINCIAL DIALECT OF CORNWALL. In the preceding account we have seen how the old Cornish language had been driven from the East to the extreme West of the County by the onward and un- ceasing progress of the English tongue. A little more than three hundrcd years ago, the ancient Cornish was understood, and spoken, from one end of Cornwall to the other. About the year 1700, we find its use confined to the Land's End district, about St. Paul, and St. Just, and there used only by fishermen, market people, and tinners. By the end of the last century it had become all but utterly extinct, and now, (1881) as an oral language, scattered words are all that are left; and so ends the use of a fine old language which dates back to almost unknown time. . - We must, however, except the names of persons, towns, farms, villages, hills, valleys, &c., and also the technical names used by miners, farmers, fishermen, &c., a great proportion of such words being actual remains of the old Cornish language. During the long period that the old tongue was being superseded by the encroaching English language, the people of Cornwall had gradually become accustomed to the use of the new language, and the remote, almost 46 island-like position of Cornwall, is no doubt the cause of the retention in the Cornish dialect of so many old English words in use to this very day. We have in the provincial dialect a singular mixture of old Cornish and old English words, which gives so strong an individuality to the Cornish speech. As, in speaking English, a Frenchman, or a German uses more or less of the accent peculiar to each, so it is very probable that the accent with which the Cornish speak, is one transferred from their ancient Cornish lan- guage. The “sing-song,” as “strangers” call it, in the Cornish speech is not so evident to Cornishmen, when they listen to their own Dialect. It has been observed, that when Tregellas, in any place out of the County, gave one of his inimitable lectures on the Cornish patois, it was not appreciated as it deserved, yet Cornish audiences richly enjoyed it ; but then the latter were more Celtic, and those in distant places more Saxon. The cerebral, and subtle difference, between the Celt and the Saxon, may be the reason why the former per- ceived the wit and fun, and the latter little, if at all. Truly of this may it be said that appreciation is one of the talents. As the old Cornish gave place to English, a provincial dialect composed of both being the result, so the last in its turn, as we are witnessing in our day, is rapidly passing away, and there threatens to be at no distant time a similarity of speech everywhere. As this general levelling 47 proceeds, a large number of forcible and quaint words, and phrases, will be lost unless they be recorded. It may be thought that to preserve such dialectic words will be neither useful nor ornamental to English speech, on the contrary, that it would be better for such barbarous, vulgar, and uncouth modes of speech, to be thrust aside. But are they barbarous, vulgar, and uncouth? What if the charges were reversed Suppose modern English con- demned as vulgar, and an order given that the Cornish dialect should be used instead. In a short time the dialect which had become fashionable, would be found to be of high polish, elegant, and expressive. Somebody said that “grammar was made for language and not language for grammar,” and as to words being vulgar, it depends on the manner in which they are used, and from whose mouths they fall. The words are not so much in fault, for we have often heard sentences full of grossness and vulgarity, expressed in very elegant lan- guage. It would be startling and amusing, if, in an English drawing-room, an elegant lady were to turn to a friend and make a request, thus, “Woll’ee ax en plais”? instead of saying “Will you ask him if you please” yet all that could be said of it would be, that the former expression was spoken in a dialectic form, and the latter simply in current English. Now as to the word “Ax’ (for ask), we are told by * Toone in his “Dictionary of obsolete and uncommon Words,” that Aa, though now considered as vulgar and 48 ungrammatical, was in use centuries before the modern word ‘ask,’ to signify the same thing; in truth the latter word is corrupted from the Saxon. “Aace not why, for tho’ thou awe me I wol not tellen God's privitie. Chaucer, “ Miller's Tale.” In this quotation two of the words in the lady's request, aſ for ask and wol for will, have very good authority for their use, and we find them still retained in the Cornish dialect. - Words like them, therefore, are not vulgar, they are simply disused by the educated of modern days. As to a dialect being vulgar and ungrammatical, there may be found in Latham's Elements of Comparative Philology some instructive remarks on this very subject. He says “ of that particular form of his mother tongue which any individual uses, the speaker is thoroughly, and in every sense, the master. He uses it as an instrument of his own. He uses it as he uses his arms and legs: to a great extent unconsciously, but almost always instinctively. He cannot err in this, so long as he is at one and the salme time, unconscious, spontaneous, and intelligible. If he thinks about grammar, and, by so doing, modify its spontaneity, it is pro tanto, a language influenced aliunde. “As long as he speaks it simply from his instincts it is in good grammar; being simply what he makes it. What is called bad grammar is a detail in which he differs from some one else who calls his form of speech good grammar. 49 “It does not follow however, from this that there is no such thing as bad grammar. The term has two meanings, if signifies the actual representation of a language and the formal scheme of a language. “Language as a fact, must be taken as it is, and repre- Sented as it best may be. “If language at all times and in all places, stands in the same relation to its ideas as an exponent it is equally good as a language.” - But, whatever difference of opinion may exist as to the elegance or the rudeness of a language or dialect, one thing seems very certain, that at no distant time, that arch-enemy of all dialects, the modern school-board, will rapidly bring about a great change in Cornish speech. Already, to a large proportion of Cornish people, especially the young, the Cornish dialect is become almost a dead language, and many of the words are to them as unintelligible as Sanscrit. - The greater intercommunication during the past fifty years has made a great change, and this has been much accelerated since the opening of the Cornwall railway in 1859. Formerly, instead of one Cornish dialect there were many, which differed more or less from each other, indeed, even in adjoining parishes there were different modes of speaking. Still, taken as a whole, there was, and is, a marked distinction between the dialect of Cornwall and the other parts of the kingdom. Rude as the patois of Cornwall may appear to stran- gers, yet no Cornishman familiar with it, listens to it other - D 50 than with fondness. Whether at home, or in the distant colonies, the sound of the homely Cornish dialect falls pleasantly on the ear, and revives a host of kindly thoughts - - and feelings. As a dialect, it may be asserted, that it is one of the most quaint, expressive, and friendly-sounding of any in the kingdom, and its characteristics seem to be the reflex of the civil, manly, and independent character of the inhabitants themselves; terms of eulogy given to them so long ago by Diodorus Siculus. The shadow of the dead Cornish language still hangs over the dialect, and gives it a character not easily described; due probably to the intermixture of words, and the constant use of names of places, persons, &c., such names being of ancient Cornish origin. The dialect is very capable of expressing odd ideas with fun and wit, and the “sayings” whether imported or native, are frequently very amusing, and characteristic of the Cornish people, thus: “Laughing like a piskey,” is curious as referring to the traditionary merriment of the fairies. Again — “Like Collins's cow,” (i.e. worried in mind). Then again, the fun and Superstition combined in the following proverb, which however is spoken out of Corn- wall also : “A whistling woman, and a crowing hen, Are two of the unluckiest things under the sun,” 51 also, the quaint adaptation of the name of a place of bad repute, to anything expressive of dirt and disorder, as “The place is like Lanson jail,” meaning, what old Lanson jail was formerly, viz., dirty and disorderly. Then the fun and the fear in the following rhyme: “Jack o'the lantern! Joan the wad Who tickled the maid and made her bad Light me home the weather is bad.” Couch’s “Polperro,” The terse proverb used of a good catch of pilchards is very Cornish like, “Meat, money, and light, All in one night.” Ibid. and satirical sayings like the following, have the peculiar Vein of Cornish fun and wit, and when uttered in the Cornish dialect sound droll enough. “He is like the Mayor of Calenick who walked two miles, to ride one.” * “Like Nanny Painter's hens, very high upon the legs” (said of a tall thin person). “He is like the Mayor of Falmouth, who thanked God when the town jail was enlarged.” R. Hunt’s “Romances of the West of England.” But such “sayings” fall flat on paper, they have only to be heard spoken by a Cornishman in his native dialect, to be appreciated. If the reader desire more real and characteristic examples of the dialect, he should read the 52 “Tales” by Tregellas, Forfar, Daniel &c. (See the Ap- pendix.) Tregellas was “thorough,” and it may well be asked, where shall we find his like again ' Who again will so amuse with droll Cornish stories as they were told by William Hicks, of Bodmin. What tales and with such a hearty relish too in relating them The stories of Tregellas, really amusing and faithfully illustrative as they are, fall far below what they seemed when told by the living man himself. His perfect assump- tion of character and Cornish accent, his expression, action and fun, were irresistible provokers of mirth, and his listeners were sure to have aching sides after hearing him. The writer has heard him lecture again and again, more than forty years ago. It was something to listen to Tregellas, the very master of the Cornish dialect, and the King of Cornish fun. The dialect of Cornwall is a compound one, as already stated, and its name should be “motley” for it is found to be composed of, 1st, The remains of the old Cornish language; 2nd, Many old English words; 3rd, English words used in a provincial manner; 4th, Many words which apparently are mere slang. The origin of the last there seems no method of accounting for, probably, like “Topsy” in “Uncle Tom's Cabin,” they “growed”; and 5th, Purely English words spoken in the usual manner. About forty or fifty years ago, there were just as many shades of the dialect as there are towns in the County, and as at that time there was comparatively but little inter-communication, the people of different districts were easily known by certain peculiarities of speech. 53 Tregellas used to notice this in his lectures, and give illustrations, so that his listeners could at once perceive the difference even between two mining districts. Although there were, and still are, many minor shades of Cornish speech, yet speaking generally it may be said for the sake of making a convenient distinction, that there are two dialects in the County, one which may be called that of the husbandman, the other that of the miner. Where they border on each other they intermingle, where districts are more widely separated, in each the dialect is more distinct and characteristic. This is observed in the towns also, although as may be supposed the difference is not so marked. During the past half century the peculiarities of speech in the towns, and indeed in the rural districts also, have very much altered, and have been tending to greater uniformity. Formerly it was very easy to distinguish between a man of Bodmin, and one from either Launceston, Liskeard, Withiel, St. Columb, and more especially from St. Agnes, Redruth, or St. Just. In the west of the County we find a considerable number of old Cornish words still in use, but they become much fewer as we go eastwards. In distant parts of the County, the words are often the same, although spoken with different accents. Indeed, the provincial words are so inextricably mixed up, that it is hard to say as regards a large proportion of them, which are of the eastern and which of the western dialect. The accent of the husband- 54 man is intensified towards the east, that of the miner towards the west, but with various interminglings of each. It is hard to point out a line of demarcation, so insensibly do the branches of the dialect overlap each other, and become gradually shaded away. The writer considers that somewhere between Bodmin and St. Austell, a line drawn north and south from sea to sea across the County, would indicate the locality where the dialect of the miner and that of the husbandman merge into each other. Mr. T. Q. Couch, in the introduc- tory remarks to his glossary of East Cornwall, considers that such a line should be further west, viz.: “from Crantock Bay, on the St. George's Channel, to Veryan Bay, on the English Channel.” This question is not very easy to decide. The story (given further on) of Richard and Betty at St. Austell is intended by the Writer as a specimen of the dialect of that part of the County. It will be found to be, not exactly a miners' dialect, or very much that of the husbandman, and yet there is in the tale a mixture of both. The miner holds to his peculiar form of speech, apparently with more tenacity than the husbandman. It requires close attention to discover any provincial accent among the educated classes. It is however notice- able more or less among them as we travel westwards, and especially near the mining districts. This is perceptible in travelling the short journey from Bodmin to St. Austell. 55 There is a difference between Launceston and Liskeard, but in both the English accent among the educated is very good, so also in Bodmin; in St. Austell there is more of the miners' accent, but it is not very perceptible without close attention. In Truro the English accent has been noticed even by the old writers to be remarkably pure, and so it conti- nues to this day. This is rather surprising when we remember how short a distance separates Truro from the mining popu- lation. The Cornish idiom can be understood by a stranger to the County by reading such tales as those by Tregellas, Forfar, &c., &c., but of course to understand the accent it must be heard; perhaps it is only a genuine Cornishman who, in in what looks like simple fun, can discover, or appreciate the very spirit and humour of the tale. The Cornish sometimes attend their funerals in great crowds, and it is a custom to sing hymns as the coffin is being borne along. When all are silent, and walking slowly along, the aspect of the crowd is, of course, sad, or, as we say in Cornwall, “wisht.” - As some, in deepest grief, break out into laughter as if defying sorrow, so this trait in human nature is seized upon, for some other occasion, * by Tregellas, who, in two simple but humorous lines gives the signal for cheer- ing up with singular felicity, “To shaw our sperrits lev us petch The laast new berrin-tume.” * See “The St. Agnes Bear Hunt,” by Tregellas. 56 The following speech said to have been made at a farmer's dinner not far from Wadebridge will serve as an illustration. Whether it referred to landlords, or to tenants, is not certain, perhaps to both. “Eff yiew wur te dew, as yiew oft te dew, yiew wud dew a guddel bettur then yiew dew dew.” Compare this with the miners' dialect as in this sentence: “That's awnly paart uv et, 'tes my belief thee doan't knaw whan thee'rt wale awf.” In the Cornish dialect we find ordinary English words, a large number of old English words, many of which seem spoken as in the time of Chaucer, and as before noticed a great number of names of places, persons, &c., derived from the old Celtic language of Cornwall. The following is a specimen of the dialect in a form which is fast becoming disused:— “A es pinnikin, palchy, an totelin, a es clicky, an cloppy, an a kiddles, an quaddles oal daa, Tes Wisht.” which, turned into the ordinary English, means, “He is little, weakly, and imbecile, he is left-handed and lame, and he fidgets idly about all the day long. Tis sad.” It is not the object of the Writer to explain to any great extent, the origin of such words, such a task is very wil- lingly left to the practical philologist, who certainly has a wide field for his exertions in dealing with the dialect of Cornwall. That there are many common words, and even 57 Cornish forms of expression, and thought, to be found in the writings of Chaucer, seems evident from the compari- Sons and quotations from that poet, as given further on. It is difficult to say what was the exact pronunciation of English 500 years ago when Chaucer wrote, but it is startling to find so many words common to him, and to the Cornish dialect of the present day, and judging by the rhyme, after making due allowance for the poet's license, pronomnced in the same manner. In the Cornish pronunciation we commonly find that i is pronounced like e, as selver for silver; the 6 like ai, as Taide for read; the a like aa, as traade for trade; the 0 like aw, as awnly for only; the s like 2, as zaid for said; the u like 00, as oogly for ugly; the f like v, as vaather for father, and the g is almost always dropped at the end of a word, as writin for writing, settin for sitting. There are other differences also; the miner may be said to speak more broadly than the husbandman, and to more fre- quently use aw for 0, and v for f. There is a frequent use of the word do; instead of saying, I know, it is, I do know, or, as in the western dialect, I de knaw; the Cornishman in saying, “I do know,” does not use the word do with emphasis, as in ordinary English ; and also for I think the western man will say, I de theenk, which in the eastern dialect is expressed by “semmee to me.” In such words as thick, thing, and thin, the th is pronounced not like d, or like th, but in a manner half- way between the two. The vowel is doubled, or prolonged, 58 and the words become theek, theeng, and theen. This is apparently a transmitted peculiarity from the old Cornish language. Williams in his Cornish Dictionary (Celtic) has no word beginning with th in the ancient language, and he says of the letter d, that in the Cornish, “when radical it changes its construction into dh which has the sound of th in the English words this, than.” In some parts of Brittany, they pronounce dh as 2 to this very day. It is well known how hard it is for foreigners, to pronounce th and the writer well remembers how great were the attempts of a Frenchman to say “They think that they are thoroughiy thrashed.” after many efforts his despairing cry was “mais c'est impossible” and so it was to him; but we know that it is not so with all foreigners. Four or five hundred years ago when the Cornish began to lose their ancient lan- guage, they may have had the same difficulty with th, and there is a trace of this in their manner of saying theeng for thing. Now, as a race the Cornish have no difficulty, perhaps time has overcome it, as it might in a race of Frenchmen after speaking English for centuries. There is another very common phrase, viz.: “How be’ee 7" for, How are you ! this is only, “How be ye?” making the y an i which in the Cornish dialect is pro- nounced like e. This is more common in the west after passing St. Austell. As we advance eastwards we find that the word yiew (you) is a very representative expression and increasingly so as we travel towards the Tamar where 59 there is no obvious difference between the dialects of Devon and Cornwall. The Devon dialect drives back the Cornish from the east of the County. Near the Tamar we hear the people saying “How are yiew "" or “How be yiew” the word yiew being spoken with a curious twist of the mouth ; also the expressions referred to already, viz.: “Semmee” or “Semmee to me.” for “I think.” There also, we hear people saying her for she as “Ther her gothe.” In all shades of the Cornish dialect it is very common to use he for it but the miner generally says et for it as in this expression “He’eve a dun et” for “He has done it.” and a for he, thus: “Iss a ded” i.e. “Yes he did.” It is rare, if ever, that in the dialect the adjective is used after the noun. There is a favourite expression in the west, and one of endearment when speaking to a little child. It is “cheel-vean or cheeld-vean,” meaning “child little.” It is singular that the Cornish do not often place the adjective after the noun; in speaking their ancient lan- guage they commonly did so. - In order to form some idea of the pronunciation, the following examples are given, and, making due allow- ance for differences in the Cornish dialect, may do suffi- ciently well. - 60 THE ALPHABET As SPOKEN IN ORDINARY ENGLISH, AND IN THE CORNISH DIALECT. - English. ai bee See dee ee ef jee aitch i or eye jay kay el em. €Il O pee Cue ar €SS & C. tee u Or you Wee double u eks Wy zed et cetera Cornish. a.a. bee Zee dey ai aaf jee aatch i or eye jaa kaa ael 8.1016 a,Ile O pey koo or kiew ar eSS tay 00 or yiew Vey double yew ex whye zad ampassy, also passy 61 The numerals are pronounced just as follows: 1, Wawn; 2, Tew or dew ; 3, Dree ; 4, Fower, or vower; 5, Wyve; 6, Zix; 7, Zebb'n; 8, Ite; 9, Nyne; 10, Tane; 11, Levv'n, or Lebb'n; 12, Twaelve; &c. CONJUGATION OF THE AUXILIARY AND NEUTER WERB TO BE, IN THE CORNISH DIALECT. INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Singular. Plural. 1.—I be. 1.—We be. 2.—Thee airt, or thee'rt. 2.-Yew be. 3.—A es, she es, et es. 3.—Thay be. IMPERFECT TENSE. Singular. Plural. 1.—I waz. 1.—We waZ. 2.—Thee, or Yew waz. 2.—Yew waz. 3.—A waz. 3.—Thay waz. PERFECT TENSE. Singular. Plural. 1.—I haave a ben. 1.—We haave, or wee’ve a ben. 2.—Thee'st a ben. 2.—Yew haave, or you've a ben. 3.—A haave a ben. 3. —Thay haave, or thay've a ben. 62 PLUPERFECT TENSE. Singular. Plural. 1.—I haad a ben. 1.—We haad a ben. 2.—Thee haad, or theed a 2.—Yew haad a ben. ben. 3.—A haad a ben. - 3.—Thay haad a ben. - FIRST FUTURE TENSE. º Singular. Plural. 1.—Ishaal, or shul be. i-Wººl shul, or wol €. 2.—Thee shust, Wust, or 2.—Yew shaal, shul, or wol be. wol be. 3.—A shaal, or Wol be. 3.—Thay shaal, shul, or Wol be. SECOND FUTURE TENSE. Singular. Plural. 1.—Ishaal, or shul a ben. 1.—We shul a ben. 2.—Theelt a ben. 2.—Yew wol a ben. 3.—A wol a ben. 3.—Thay wol a ben. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. 1. –Lemmé, or laiv ma be. 1.—Laiv us be. 2.—Be tha. 2.—Be yew, or be’ee. 3.—Lett'n, or laiv'n be. 3.—Lett’m, or laiv'm be. POTENTIAL MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Singular. Plural. 1. —I may, or caan be. 1.—We may, or caan be. 2.—Thee maySt, Wust or 2.—Yew may, or caan be. cust be. 3.—A may, or caan be. 3.—Thay may, or caan be. IMPERFECT TENSE. Singular. 1.—I might, cud, wud, or shud be. 2.—Thee mights, cudst, wudst, or shudst be. 3.—A might, cud, wud, or shud be. Plural. 1.—We might, cud, Wud, or shud be. . 2.—Yew might, cud, wud, or shud be. 3. –Thay might, cud, wud, or shud be. PERFECT TENSE. Singular. 1.—I may, or caan a ben. 2.—Thee mayst, wust or cust a ben. 3.—A may, or caan a ben. Plural. 1.—We may, or caan aben. 2. –Yew may, or caan a ben. 3.—Thay may, or caan a ben. PLUPERFECT TENSE. Singular. 1.—I might, cud, wud, or shud a ben. 2.—Thee mights, cudst, Wudst, or shudst, a ben. 3.—A might, cud, wud, or shud a ben. Plural. 1.—We might, cud, Wud, or shud a ben. 2.—Yew might, cud, Wud, or shud a ben. 3.—Thay might, cud, Wud, or shud a ben. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Singular. 1. – Ef I be. 2.—Ef thee be, or airt, or thee'rt. 3.—Ef a be, or a es. Plural. 1. – Ef we be. 2.—Ef yew be. 3.—Ef thay be. 64 IMPERFECT TENSE. Singular. Plural. 1.—Ef I waz. 1.—Ef we waz. 2.—Ef tha, or thee waz. 2.—Ef yew waz. 3.—Ef a waz. 3.—Ef thay waz. The remaining Tenses are in accordance with similar ones in the previous moods. INFINITIVE MOOD. Present Tense. To be. Perfect Tense. To haave a ben. PARTICIPLES. Present, Bein. Perfect, Ben. Compound Perfect, Haavin, or hevvin a ben. 65 SHORT SPECIMENS OF THE CORNISH DIALECT. It is beyond the scope of this book to make long extracts from Cornish writers of tales, and not very neces- sary, because the reader can so easily obtain original books full of the dialect. What is here quoted will only be just sufficient to give some idea of what the Cornish dialect is like. The reader should remember how the letters are pronounced in reading the following from Tregellas's story, called “Cali- fornia.” “And so Isaac, you have been fortunate in California, have you ! Iss, why how fortinate | I have had putty good speed theere, and a good many good little Sturts. Well, as you may say, I have done well-a-fine. But 'twas coose work theere I 'suree. My brother Tom was out theere weth me, and we lived like pigs almost, we ded a'most, both of us; that es to say, for the time you knaw. Aw, my dear ! sich sour maggoty bread, and sich ratten stinkin biskies, and sich sour belly-vengeance beer, when we could git any. And then the soort of a house we lived in wasn't better then a cow-house, what we righted up weth trees and sich like; and as for our bed, Aw, my dear ! 'twas nothin' but strawy traade and leaves, and like that ; and E 66 all the waster we had to drink was the Saame as we washed the gowld dowst in, and ’twas always puddled. Aw, loar ! the owld gipsies what do live 'pon hedgyboors and that soort of mait, was more betterer off then we wor as regaard to livin'. Why we'd awnly waun laarge soort of saucepan to booil everything in, and baake too, and we had no spoons but two, what Tom and I maade out of two sticks.” In the following example the words are spelt more in accordance with sound. It is from the story called, “Visit to Lunnun” by “Uncle Jan Treenoodle.” “Dost thee knaw, Soas, I've ben op te Lunnun Church town A vine passel uv things I Zeed theere te put down, Wer I sliced into slivers Ze theen as a straw, I cudd'n tell tha haaf tha braave theengs as I Zaw. Whay, now, what do'ee theenk? thaive got temberin rooads, Which es vitty at times, but for quilkins an tooads; Puor spoort for tom-toddies, or a padgité pooe; An whan et do cum, cheel, but a bit uv a skew, Why tha rain et do maake em so slippy, and slottery, "Tes no wawnder thay hosses, do git stogged, or trot awry. Then tha ‘Cabs' as they caals 'em, keeps pootin about, Like a Angleditch twisten etselve en an out, An thay 'Busses uv which then plaise sure theere's a mort, Skeyes about like tha bilers uv ingines en spooart. Wale cheel, as fur tha shops, I wer quite in a maze, "Fath. I ne'er Zeed sich booties en oal ma boorn daays. 67 Theere es sum weth out-wenders as laarge as tha housen Oal prink'd op se pridy, weth theere picters, an cloasen. An then, ef I ever ! sich vine tummals uv cloam, Thay maakes a scat-marchant uv thay spaars op te hom. Furtha maaids thee mayst Zee too, sich nackins an gownds, An sich aperns an coats; I'd as lieve as tew pounds, That ma wive baan't slocked en thicky noshuns te Zee, Fur ma vangings wud look scoy an wisht ef so be. She've jist caal'd ma a cropeing timdoodle i'facks 'Caas uv cuyn I ded gev her less than she ded axe. Then plaise sure, theere's no caase te be creenin or dreulin, Be bedoled weth tha rhoomatiz, roadlin or pulin. Fur theere's doctirs as pomstirs oal soarts uv desaises, Theer’t palcht op quite braave-like whenever thee plaises. What's tha odds, ef theer’t scat oal abroad 1 'tes a pity, But en few hours' vallee, theer’t flam-new an vitty.” THE INVITATION. (A Parody.) AZ wance down Lemon Street I strayed, A leetle while agoan, I mit a putty lukkin maaid, A waalkin oal aloan. My dear ! Naow woll'ee haa a chaht'ſ Tha aivnin essa vine, Ses she, I caa'nt agree to thaht, Becaase, 'tes haaf paste nyne, Aw haaf paste nyne; my dear, yew'm Wrong, Plais shore, yew caan't be right, Be thikky clock I cum along, 'Twas awnly haaf paste ite. 68 Cum weth ma, soas Naow do'ee cum, We'el waalk abaout tha plaace; She sweeng'd her aarm, an lukkin glum, She scat ma in tha faace. BILLY TELLING THE NEWS TO YOUNG FARMER KESSELL. (A Parody.) Kessell.—Hullaw. Billy How be’ee How es oal hom? Billy.—Bad, shore nuff. Thowl magpie es dade. Kessell.—Aw ! Ee's dade, es a ? How cum that te be Billy.—A ovver-ait hesselve, a ded. Kessell.—Ded a % What Waz et a ait Billy.—Hoss-flesh, tell a cudd’n clunk no moar. Kessell.—How cum a te git that soort uv mait Billy.—Maister's hosses. Kessell.—Thay baen't dade be'um ? Billy.—Iss, oal awin te haard wurk. Kessell.—What haard wurk do'ee main Billy.—Thay putt'em te draa waater. Kessell.—What vur ! Billy.—Te put tha vire out weth. Kessell.—Wire what vire 2 Billy.—Doant’ee knaw; Way Maister's houz es oal a burn down Kessell.—Waather's houz a burn down How waz et 7 Billy.—Thay gashly owld lanturns ded et, I de theenk. Kessell.—Lanturns! what be’ee taalkin abaout! whane waz et 1 - Billy.—That theere time whane we was berrin yewer poar mawther. 69 Kessell.—Mawther Es she dade Billy.—Iss, and nevvur spok no moar aafter thaht. Kessell.—Aafter what Billy.—Aafter ower owld maister dide. Kessell.–Es vaather dade too ! Billy.—Iss, a tuk to es bade direkly a was towld Kessell.—Towld what waz a towld Billy.—Desmal newas, plais shore. Kessell.—Aw loar ! what wisht newas waz et'ſ Billy.—Wale ef yew must knaw. I’le tell'ee, Tha Bank's a brok’. Kessell.—Aw, dear ! Aw, dear ! Thickky es tha wishtest theeng uv oal. We shul oal be scat, evvery Wawn Ulv us. In the following story the writer has endeavoured to show that the Cornish Dialect is as capable of pathos as of fun. The dialect put into the mouths of Richard and Betty is a specimen of what may be heard near St. Austell. RICHARD AND BETTY AT ST. AlJSTELL FEAST. (A Parody.) Wawn day laast week I caaled inta owld Spletfigs fur te buy a bit a bacon, whane who shud I mit but my owld Swithart Betty Polglaze; she stopp'd oal to waunce an Zaid, “Way Rechard es that yew, " " an I Zaid “Iss, 'tes me shore nuff,” an she Zaid “Rechard be’ee cummin te St. Austell Faist temorra?” an I Zaid “No-I ded'n knaw, 70 I might praps,” an Betty laffed; an thane IZaid “I wud,” an zo I maade op me mind te go te St. Austell Faist. Nex mornin I got out a bade, an put on me clain things an a noo pair uv lace-ops what I boft in te town laast maarket day. Thay waz Cordivan letther, an thay draad me vit zo that I cud haardly cloppy along. HowSumevvur whane I cum inte town I Zeed Betty in her faether's doar-way, an tew chaps hangin awn, wawn wawn zide, an that'other tha other, an I ded feel oal ovver in a putty way. Aw Massy I'de a nation good mind te give aich uvv'um a good clout onder tha ear, fur Betty she ded’n take no notice, zo I glaazed at her, but she ded'n mind, an thane I gived her a bit of a titch in tha aelbaw, an thane she zaid “Way Rechard es that yew l’ an I Zaid “Iss 'tes shore nuff.” an she zaid, “Rechard woll’ee cum in an set down a bit 7" and I Zaid “Iss I wud" an Zo I ded, an I waalked in; an whane I cum in I found a fine passel uv people inside, lots uv'um, an Betty Zaid, “Rechard, woll’ee haave a liddl drap a sumthin!” an I Zaid, “Iss thenk'ee,” an I ded, an a nice liddl drap et waZ, an I laffed, an waz feelin cum- furtable like, very cumfurtable; an Betty Zaid, “Rechard woll'ee zing a bit uv a Zong" and I Zaid “Iss I wud way oal me hart,” an Zo I ded. Aw I caal te mind very Wale that thikky waz tha fust zong I Zing'd te Betty, an she Zaid, “Yew'l zing wawn moar, wantee?” an I Zaid, “Iss, that I wud,” an zo I ded, an turn'd to an Zing'd wance moar. Aw, dear ! Thikky Waz tha laast Zong evvur I ded zing te poar Betty. 71 Et waz gittin laate an zo I Zaid, “Betty, 'tes time fur me te go hom,” an she Zaid, “whanever yew de wish Rechard,” an I Zaid, “Woll’ee cum an ze ma paart uv tha way hom, Betty!” an she Zaid she wud, an Zo she ded, an y cum along way me oal tha way down te tha bottom uv tha town; an thane I lukked at Betty an I Zaid “Betty give us a kess, now woll’ee " " an she Zaid “Iss she wud,” an she ded too, an she gived me a kess. “Wale, Betty, thee'st lemm’ee cum an Ze'ee te-morra night !” an she zaid “’tes jist as yew de wish Rechard” an zoon aefter I staerted fur hom, an got inte bade. Tha aivnin aefter that, I went te mit Betty. Ite a'clock! an Betty wadd’n cum—Nyne a'clock an no Betty —tane a'clock, an no Betty—lebb'n, twaelve a'clock, an no Betty; zo I Zaid to meselv, 'tes Sa well te go hom as stay heer, an zo I ded, an nex mornin I heerd that poar Betty waz tuk very bad, very bad shore nuff, an that she sent word fur me te cum ; zo I went, an Zeed poar Betty, an she Zaid, “Rechard, ef so be that I waz te die, yew'l go te me berrin want’ee P” an I Zaid, “I dedn't knaw what te Zay”—“praps”—an thane I Zaid, “I wud,” an I ded, an I waalked behind tha coffin Zingin hymns oal tha way, fur poar Betty dide—Iss she ded—an I de nevvur go inside St. Austell berrin-groun wethout I de drap a tear in mind uv poar Betty Polglaze. WORDS IN THE CORNISH DIALECT Compared with several which are found in the writing of Chaucer. (Chaucer was born A.D. 1328, and died A.D. 1400.) The following are some common words as spoken in Cornwall. Without asserting that all are correctly com- pared, yet taken as a whole, they seem very familiar to a Cornishman, as he meets with them in the quaint old English verse of Chaucer. It is not contended that similar words are never used elsewhere; only that they are not now so pronounced by the educated classes in Cornwall, and that while found in Chaucer's writings, such words also form a portion of the Cornish dialect. As is well known, many old words in Spenser, and in Shakspere, are still used in Cornwall, but they are few compared with those to be found in Chaucer. The form of English which first reached Cornwall when the ancient language was passing away, was appar- ently that of Chaucer, which, after his death, at last passed the banks of the Tamar, and spread gradually towards the West. As the language changed, influenced as it must have been by such writers as Spenser, Shakspere, &c., so in succession, wave after wave of English passed from the 74 east into Cornwall, each wave modifying the dialect spoken by the Cornish during the long period of the decay of the ancient Celtic tongue of the County. As a Cornishman, one often feels “at home” in reading some parts of Chaucer, especially the “Coke's Tale of Gamelyn,” thus, the following verse, when read in Cornish fashion, does not seem to have been written 500 years ago:- “As they were eting and drinking Of the best wele and fine, Then said the t'on to the t'other This is yonge Gamelyn.” In the following comparisons, the ordinary English word is first given in black letter (“Advise”), then the Cornish form of it in ITALICS, and for each some quotations by way of illustration. Thus the reader will be enabled to judge for himself. The spelling in the extracts from Chaucer, is that given in “The Complete Edition of the Poets of Great Britain” published by John and Arthur Arch, of London, and Bell, Bradfute and Mundell of Edinburgh. The following is the LIST OF WORDS COMPARED WITH SOME IN CHAUCER, VIZ:- Advise. A VISE. “Now be well avysed ageyne to-morowe day, Then shalt thou have thy jugement, ther is no more to say.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) “And so much the more that thou art nat wise, And cans’t mat me of no maner avise.” (Ibid.) 75 Afraid. AFERED. “Was in a bush, that no man might him se, For sore afered of his deth was he.” (Canterbury Tales.) Alas ! ALAAS / (so pronounced.) “Thus herte mine ! for Antenor alas ! But how shull ye doen in this wofull caas.” (Troilus & Creseide.) “What shall I doon, my Pandarus Alas! Sens that there is no remedy in this caas.” (Ibid.) Are. AAR. (so pronounced.) “That it n'ill as the moeble fare, Of whiche thei first delivered are.” - (Romaunt of the Rose.) Ask. AX. “You lovers aſce I now this question, Who hath the werse, Arcite or Palamon?” (The Knight's Tale.) “Under the mone that may wane and waxe, And for my werk right nothing Wol I aace.” (The Doctour's Tale.) Asked. AXED. “If that he aaced after Nicholas.” (The Miller's Tale.) “And gan to bord ageyn and aſced him in game, Sith thou art our fadir who is then our dame 2 ” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) Asking. AXING, “I you forgeve this trespas every del, And they him sware his awing fayr and wel.” (The Canterbury Tales.) 76 Bailiffs. RAILIVES. “These joly knights and bailives These nonnis and these burgeis wives.” (Romaunt of the Rose.) Bark. BERK. (also pronounced baark.) “And to berk as doith an hound and sey Baw baw.” (Merchant's Second Tale.) Beasts. BAISTIS. “Of faire wethir and tempestis, Of qualme, of folke, and of bestis.” (The House of Fame.) Before. A FORE. “Thou must pass through the hall, but tary nat I rede, For thou Shult fynd a dur up right afore thyn hede.” (Merchant's Second Tale.) “For as the seven sages had afore declarid.” - (Ibid) “What should Mercie do but Trespas go afore, But Trespas, Mercie woll be litill store.” (Chaucer's Ballads.) Between. BET'ſ/IX. “Every man to other will seyne, That betwya, you is somme synne.” (Romance of the Lufe of Ipomydon.) “This was the forward pleinly for tendite, Betwiacen Theseus and him Arcite.” (Ibid). Black. BLAKE.. (pronounced blaak.) “Of lambe skynnys hevy and blake, It was full olde I undertake.” (Romaunt of the Rose.) “As soon as poverté ginneth take, With mantil and with wedis blake.” (Ibid.) “An hat upon his hed with frenges blake, Sire, quod the Sumpnour, haile and wel atake.” (The Frere's Tale.) 77 “Have here a light and loke on all these blake, But oftingan the hert to glad, and quake.” (Troilus and Creseide.) Brass. BRAZ. “I found that on the wall there was Thus written on a table of bras.” (The House of Fame.) “Toke out his blacke trompe of bras, That foulir then the devill was.” (Ibid.) Bull. BULL. (The u pronounced as in dull, the same also in the word bullocks.) “For of the Pope I have the bull, I ne hold not my wittis dull.” Busy. BESY. “The besy larke the messenger of day, Salewith in hire song the morwe gray.” (Canterbury Tales.) “And while he besy was this fendly wretch, This false chanon, the foule fend him fetch.” (The Chanone's Yeomannes Tale.) Busily. BESILY. “Gar; I beholdin beşily, And I wol tel you redily.” (Romaunt of the Rose.) Carry. CARY. “And said twise by Saint Mary, Thou art a noyous thinge to cary.” Case. CAA.S. “IBut if it be in certaine cags.” (The House of Fame.) (Romaunt of the Rose.) * “But thei would hatin you parcads, If that ye fillin in ther laas.” (Ibid.) “That 'till a lover longith in this caas.” (Troilus and CreSeide.) “That ben his frendis in such manir caas.” (Ibid.) (Legend of Dido.) “I tuck’d up, with arowes in ther caas.” Chest. OHIST. “And eke of brotherhed, if that thee list, I have gold and silver lying in my chist.” (The Frere's Tale.) Cóntrary. CONTRARY, “Away fro truth it doth so varie, That to gode love it is contrárie.” (Romaunt of the Rose.) Crisp. CRIPS. “As writeth th'on in the Apocalyps, Her here that was owndie and crips.” (House of Fame.) Danger. DAUNGER. (also pronounced daanger.) “Wythout more daunger.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) Dark. DERK. (also pronounced daark.) “N’iste wher she was for it was derk, But faire and wel she crept in by the clerk.” (The Reve's Tale.) “The shadowe makith her bemes merke, And her hornis to shewin derke.” (Romaunt of the Rose.) Darkness. DERKNESS. “For thre dayis incessantly the derkness among them was.” (The Merchant's Tale.) “For fere of night so hatith the derknesse.” - (The Legend of Good Women.) Deaf. DEFE. (deef.) “For that 1 rent out of his book a lefe, That of the stroke myn ere wez all defe.” (The Wif of Bathe's prologue.) “Why that I rent out of his book a lefe, - For which he smote me so that I was defe.” (Ibid.) 79 Drove. - DROP 07: DROFF. “And droffe all his brother's men, Right some on an hepe.” (The Coke's Tale of Gamelyn.) Dwale. DWALE. “Ther n’as no more ; nedeth hem no dwale, This miller hath so wisly bibbed ale.” (The Reve's Tale.) Ease. AISE. (ese.) “And said, I love the both and preise, Sens that thine answere doth me ese.” Else. ELS Or ELLES. “Have we natels now for to think oppon.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) “For she desirid nothinge elles, In certain, as the boke us telles.” (The House of Fame.) Far. FER. (or Fur, also Ver). “As fer as that the day beginneth dawe.” (The Monke's Tale.) “As ferre as I have remembraunce.” (The Romaunt of the Rose.) Fast. FASTE or FAASTE. “Then now in our tyme; for all thing doith waste, Saff vile and cursid lyving, that growith all to faste.” Four. FOWER. (also Wower.) “With other fower I dare well Saie, That nevir woll be toke awaie.” (Romaunt of the Rose.) Fringes. FRENGES. “An hat upon his hed with frenges blake, Sire, quod the Sumpnour, haile and wel atake,” (The Frere's Tale.) 80 Full. FULL. (the u as in dull.) “Now is the mone yong and of light dulle, Ere he come home it will be at the fulle.” (The Remedie of Love.) Full time. ALL TIME. “Lo Grenwich, there many a shrew is inne, It were al time thy tale to begin.” (The Reve's Prologue.) Further. FORTHER FORE. (or Worthervore.) “Forther for they wer aftir sent, and was their charge.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) Gave. GOV or GOFF, also GA V. “He toke to the one staff, And beginning to worke wele, And gode strokes he gaff.” (Coke's Tale of Gamelyn.) Glad. GLADE or GLAAD. “But God that alle made, That I shold sittin here fasting, And othir men make glade.” (Coke's Tale of Gamelyn.) “So shortly to conclude, the marriage was made, Betwene hir and Beryn, many a man to glade.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) Goes. GOATH OF GOTH. “Ther stomblem Stedes strong and down goth all, He rolleth under foot as doth a ball.” (The Knight's Tale.) Gown. GOJWND. “When Machyn wept sore and brought his fadir's gownd, And gaf hym the same knyff oppon the see strond.” - (The Merchant's Second Tale.) 81 . Had. HADE. (pronounced hadd.) “She of her love graunt to him made, Sir Mirthe her by the fingir hade.” - (Romaunt of the Rose.) “Upon the woundis that he hade, Thorough the eye, in my herte made.” (Romaunt of the Rose.) Haul. HALE. “And cast over a perch, and hale along my throte.” (Merchant's Second Tale.) Have. HAA VE. “And yet I had levir, as God my soule save, Se thes wondir pleys then all the good I have.” (Merchant’s Second Tale.) “And if that wickid Deth him have, I woll go with him in his grave.” (Romaunt of the Rose.) Home. HOM. “If that I walke or play unto his hous, Thou comest hom, as dronken as a mous.” (Wife of Bathe's Prologue.) If it happen so. IF S0 B.E. (pro. Ef so be.) “And if so be that thou my lady win, And sle me in this wode, ther I am in.” (Canterbury Tales.) “If so be that thou.ne mayst not, Thin Owen conseil hide.” (The Tale of Melibeus.) “Be queinte or torned in another place, If so be thou wolt not do me grace.” (The Knighte's Tale.) Is. JBE. “I trowe his habitation be there.” (The Pardoner's Tale.) F 82 Fey. IS FEY. (By my fey.) “For he shal tell a tale by my fey, Although it be not worth a botel hey.” (The Manciple's Prologue.) Kep-kep-kep. (The call for a horse to come of his own accord, as used in Cornwall, and supposed to be not now used in any other County.) “With Kepe-kepe; stand, stand, jossa warderere, Or whistle thou, and I shal kepe him here.” (The Reve's Tale.) Keys. KAYS. “Adam toke the kaies and lat Gamelyn out anon.” (The Coke's Tale of Gamelyn.) “The opened and shet, and went hir wey, And forth with hem, they caried the kay.” (The Chanone's Yemanne's Tale.) “And if that bokis were awaie, I lorné were of all remembraumce the kaie.” (The Legend of good women.) Kiss. KESSE. “For would she of her gentilnesse, Withoutin more me onis kesse.” (The Romaunt of the Rose.) Laugh. L0FF. (Lawgh.) “The burgeyses gon to lawgh.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) Tuend. LEN OF LENE. “I n'ere but lost; and therefore I you prey, Lene me this summe, or elles mote I dey.” (The Shipmanne's Tale.) 83 “Beseching him to lene a certain Of gold and he wold quite it him again.” - (The Chanone's Yemanne's Tale.) “Lene me a marke, quod he, but dayes three, And at my day I wol it quiten thee.” (Ibid.) Mad. MAZED. “Thyn help, quod Beryn; lewde fole, Thow art more then masid, Dres the to the shippis ward with thy crown yrasid.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) Master. MAISTER. “Sire Knight (quod he] my maister and my lord, Now draweth cutte for that is min accord.” - (The Canterbury Tales.) “But at the last his maister him bethought, Upon a day whan he his paper sought.” (The Coke's Tale.) “And afterward he said unto the Frere, Tel forth your tale min owen maister dere.” (The Frere's Prologue.) Merchant. MARCHANT. “Yit methirles yf thy hert be so inly set, For to be a Marchaunt, for nothing woll I let.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) “Though he be chapman or marchaunt, And have of golde many beSaunt.” (The Romaunt of the Rose.) Merchandise. MARCHANDISE. “Of my marchandise, such as he to-fore had Seyn.” (Z'he Merchant's Second Zale.) “Or that he wold bergeyn eny marchandise, And right doith these marchandis in the same wise.” (Ibid.) 84 Myself. MYSELVE. “It passeth not ten days or twelve, But it was tolde right to myselve.” (The Romaunt of the Rose.) Nature. NATUR. “Geffrey was right myghty, and wele his age did bere, For natur was more substantiall when tho dayis wer.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) Needle. NIDILL. “And gan this midill threde anone.” - (The Romaunt of the Rose.) Near to. N’ISTE. “And m'iste wher she was, for it was derk.” - (The Reve's Tale.) Neither. NETHIR. “For comfort methir counsaill of my men have I noon.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) Nonce. NONES. “Adam seidé yong Gamelyn, Y blissid be thy bones, That is a righté gode counsaile, Y givin for the mones.” (The Coke's Tale of Gamelyn.) None. NOAN. “All was for naught, for still as stone, He lay; and word ne spoke he none.” (Chaucer's Dream.) Not. NAT. “ Geffry was so nigh com that Beryn myght mat fle.” (Zhe Merchant's Second Tale.) “Naie, certainly, it shall mat be.” - (The Romaunt of the Rose.) 85 Number. NOMBER, “Of my diseses there is no momber, Daungir and shame me encomber.” (The Romaunt of the Rose.) Own. OWEN. (Oan). “And Sayd, this is a short conclusion, Your owen mouth by your confession.” (The Canterbury Tales.) “Nespaireth not min owen maister dere.” (The Frere's Tale.) Pass. PAAS. “Wherefore er Iwoll ferthir gone or paas, Yet efte I the beseche and fully saie, That privité go with us in this caas.” (Troilus and Creseide.) Place. PLASE. (plaas.) “And rid so forth talkying a soft esy pase, Homward to his plase ther that Rame was.” Pour. POWER. (poure.) “The selfe daie or that Verry houre, That I on hem began to poure.” (The House of Fame.) Round. ROUN. “Wherefore they gon roune.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) Run. RENNE 07, REN. “Which that I herde renne faste by.” - (The Romaunt of the Rose.) “And doen his lose so widé renne, That all quicke we shouldin him brenne.” (Ibid.) “For pitee renneth some in gentil herte, And though he first for ire quoke and sterte.” (The Knighte's Tale,) 86 “And many a yere as it passed henne, Sin that my tappe of lif beganne to renne.” (The Reve's Prologue.) “The wif came leping inward at a renne, She sayd Alas! youre hors goth to the fenne.” (The Reve's Tale.) Scatter. SCATER. “And som are scatered all the shore aboute, Som lepen into the roof withouten doute.” (The Chanone's Yemanne's Tale.) Self. SELVE. “It passith not ten daies or twelve, But it was tolde right to my selve.” (The Romaunt of the Rose.) Shall. SHUL. “And ye shul both anon unto me swere, That never mo ye shul my contree dere.” - (The Knighte's Tale.) “Ne never Shul have, terme of all hir lives.” (The Frere's Tale.) “Bring eke with you a boile or elles a panne Ful of water, and ye shul wel see thanne.” (Ibid.) Should. SHUDDE. (shud.) “He knew not Caton, for his wit was rude, That bade a man shudde wedde his similitude.” (The Miller's Tale.) Shut. SHETTE. (shet.) “This Nicholas his dore faste §hette, And doun the carpenter by him he sette.” (The Miller's Tale.) “Woideth your man, and let him be thereout, And ghet the dore, while we ben about.” (The Chanone's Yemanne's Tale.) 87 “Of man ne woman forth right plaine, But shette her one eye for disdaine.” (The Romaunt of the Rose.) “Tho were the gates Shette, and cried was loude, Do now your devoir, yonge knightes proude.” (The Knighte's Tale.) “And on the Monday whan it drew to night, He Shette his dore, withouten candell light.” (The Miller's Tale.) Small. SMALE. (Smaal.) “And smale foules maken melodie.” (The Canterbury Tales.) “This goddesse on an hart ful heye sete, With Smale houndes all about hire fete,” (Ibid.) “ - - - - - - Wol ye here the Tale? Owide, amonges other thinges Smale.” (The Wif of Bath's Tale.) “Leteth your othes bothe gret and Smale, But, Sires, now Wol I tell you forth my tale.” (The Pardomere's Tale.) “How Sire Thopas with sides Smale, Priking over hill and dale.” (The Rime of Sire Thopas.) “The mavis and the nightingale, And othir joly birdis Smale.” - (The Romaunt of the Rose.) “Turn over the leef, and chese another tale, For he shal find ynow bothe grete and Smale.” (The Pardomere's Tale.) Smart. SMERT. “For many a man so hard is of his herte, He may not wepe although him sore Smerte.” (Canterbury Tales.) 88 Some. SOM. “And som man wold out of his prison fayn, - That in his house is of his meynie slain.” (Canterbury Tales.) “That by som aventure or som tretee.” (Ibid.) “Som in his bed, som, in the depe see, Som in the large feld, as ye may see.” (The Knighte’s Tale.) Soul. SOUL.E. (Sowl.) “As God my soule save.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) Sound. SOUN. “This man complinin with a pitous soun, For even like Without addicioun.” (The Complainte of the Blacke Knighte.) “Of 'hem that makin blodie soun, In trumpe, beme, and clarioun.” (The House of Fame.) Standeth. STONDETH. “And is so grow in yeris that LX yeer ago, He sawe mat for age; and yit it stondith so.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) Step. STA P. “And cried, out-and-harrowel and mere hym gan to stap.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) “And would fayn have voidit and outward gan to Stapp, But Machaigne arose, and Sesid by the lapp.” (Ibid.) Sudden. SODEN. (soaden.) “But feir and soft Wythese homward they her led, For her 800en sekenes ful sore they were adred.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) 89 Suddenly. SODENLY. “O ! word, for pure anguysh that he toke Sodenly.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) “And songen all the roundel lustily, Into a studie he fell Sodenly.” (The Knighte's Tale.) Swift. SWIFF. “Beryn made a swyff pase; ther myght no man him let.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) Swoon. SWOIJN. “Or of aught elles, fledde were out of tourne, Adoune he fell all Sodainly in Swoume.” (Troilus and Crescide.) Tackling. TAKELING, “They made their takelyng redy, and wend the sail acros.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) Than. THEN. “Se the wondir pleys then all the good I have.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) The other. THE TOTHER. “The t'other sette on erth, and fast began to fle.” (Coke's Tale of Gamelyn.) “Should do the tºodir's bidding.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) There. THEER and THER, “And aspyed reddy yf ye fynd me there (theer), In the meen while I wollabyde here.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) “And so them thought betir and leve their good ther, Then abyde ther oppon and have more fere.” (Ibid.) 90 Throat. THROTT. “And yknet fast with a riding knot, And cast over a perch, and hale along my throte.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) Torment. TOURMENT, TURMENT. “And eke with peine that love me yeweth also, That doubleth all my tourment and my wo.” (The Canterbury Tales.) “For she is so grete turment.” (The Romaunt of the Rose.) “For turment that he had, so wery he was and fente, And to God above thus he made his pleynt.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) Treason. TRAISON. “He that purchasid the traison, Of Roulande and of Olivere.” (The Dreme of Chaucer.) Truly. TRE WELY. A quod this sumpnour, benedicite, what say ye? I wend ye were a yeman trewely.” (The Frere's Tale.) “Bur trewely, min owen maister dere.” (The Pardoner's Tale.) Twice. TWISE. “Now (quod Pandare) er houris twise twelve, He shal the ese unwist of it himselve.” (Troilus & CreSeide.) “I have herd saie eke times twise twelve, He is a fole that Woll foryete him selve.” (Ibid.) Upon. OPPON. “When he saw the pangis of deth comyng so fast, Oppon his wife Agea almost his hert to brast.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) 91 “Fawnus oppon a dey, when Beryn cam at eve, Was set oppon a purpose to make his son leve.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) Was. WAAS. (also waz.) “And rid so forth talkyng; a soft esy pase, Homward to his plase ther that Rame was.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) “Thus they talkid to eche othirtyl they com into the plase, And wer yentrid in the hall, ther the steward was.” (Ibid.) We. U.S. “Wherefore us ought as wel.” (The Tale of Melibeus.) Weary. WERRY. “We enviroun bothe londe and se, With all the worlde werryin we.” (The Romaunt of the Rose.) “ Wery and wet, as bestis in the rain, Cometh sely John, and with him cometh Alein.” (The Reve's Tale.) When. WHAN. “Withouten any lenger tarying, A morwe whan the day began to spring.” “Doth to the ladies whan the from him wente, But shortly for to telle is min entente.” (The Canterbury Tales.) * Wham that the time shall be.” (The Coke's Tale of Gamelyn.) Where. WHER. “Wher as this lady romed to and fro, And with that sight hire beautie hurt him so.” (The Knighte's Tale.) 92 While. WHILES. “ Whils that I here stond.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) Will. WOL. (or wul.) “And after wol I tell of our viage, And all the remenant of our pilgrimage.” (The Canterbury Tales.) “And thus he thoughte wel that every man, Wol helpe himself in love, if that he can.” (Ibid.) ‘‘Till we be fast, and than we wol hem shewe, Wel may that be a proverbe of a shrewe.” (The Wif of Bathe's Prologue.) Wonder. WAUNDER. “Of whom thou hast grete fere and wonder, And dwellinge with the god of thonder.” (The House of Fame.) Wore. WERED. “Of fustian he wered a gipon, Alle besmotred with his habergeon.” (The Canterbury Tales.) “Upon his hede he wered of laurer grene, A gerlond freSShe and lusty for to sene.” (The Knighte’s Tale.) Wouldest. WUST. “Where me be woo mightie God! thou woSte.” WOUnd. WOUNDE. (wownde.) “But cruil day, so welaway the stounde, For whiche hem thought theifelin deth'is wounde.” (Troilus and Creseide.) “And how Hipomédon in a litil stounde, Was dreint, and dedde, Parthenope of wound.” (Ibid.) 93 “That to my foe that gave my herte a wounde, And namily there were none may be founde.” (The Complaint of the Blacke Knighte.) Wrestling. WRASTLING. “Wrastlen by veray force and veray might, With any yong man, were he never so wight.” (The Monke's Tale.) “That was so doughti a champion, In wrastling and in fight.” (The Coke's Tale of Gamelyn.) “Y cryid a wrastling.” (Ibid.) Yet. YIT. “And met nevir man yit, that me coud tell with mowth.” (The Merchant's Second Tale.) Yock. YOXETH. (Yuck, to try and swallow when the mouth is empty, to hiccough.) “He yoaceth, and he speketh thurgh the nose, As he were on the quakke, or on the pose.” (The Reve's Tale.) You. YEW. “A' Sir be yew that man? of yew I have y herd, Gentill Sir, doutith nat, ne be nothing aferd.” (The Merchant's Second Zale.) 94 COMMON ENGLISH WORDS IN THE CORNISH DIALECT. Many ordinary English words, although not exactly dialectic, are much changed, and differently pronounced in the Cornish dialect, and as we meet with them in reading Cornish tales, such words, being in situ, often arrest the attention by their peculiar quaintness, and force. Hundreds of English words are so “handled” by the Cornish, that it is difficult to say whether such words should, or should not, be included in a Glossary. It may not be amiss to make a list of some of them, and although the catalogue could be much lengthened, the following may suffice. To extend it would be of no great use, and certainly tedious for perusal. The selection of words in the following list will illustrate to some extent the peculiarities of the dialect. CORNISH. ENGLISH. CORNISH, ENGLISH. Aant or Un... Aunt Apern ... Apron Abroad ... Wide open Apernt ... Apron Afore ... Before Apsen ... Aspen Aise ... Ease Arg - - - Anatomy ... Skeleton Argy | . Argue Anend ... On end Argyfy Antic ... Fool Arteror Aafter After 95 CORNISH. ENGLISH. Athurt . Athwart Atween ... Between Atwixt, ... Betwict Avore ... Before Awnly ... Only Ax . Ask Baan’t ... Am Tºol Bait ... Beat Bakester ... Baker Bankrout ... Bankrupt Beel ... Bill Peel ... Beak Belk ... Belch Belve . Bellow Berrin ... Funeral Bestest . Best Betterfit . More suitable Bettermost ... Best Billees ... Bellows |Bilt ... Belt Bind ... Band Bine . Bind B'law ... Believe Blawed ... Blowed Boalin ... Boiling BOft ... Bought Bould , Bold CORNISH. Brether Brik Broft, Brudge Buts Bye Caalin Caan't Capp'n Cause Cause Chacks Chainy Chait Cheeld Chelder Cheldern Cheen Chimbly Chimley Ching Choorin Chow Chuck Ch'town Clain Claps ENGLISH. - ... Brother ... Break ... Brought ... Bridge . Bois ... Lonely . Calling . Cannot . Captain ... Because ... Case . Cheeks ... China. ... Cheqā ... Child . Children ... Children ... Chine . Chimney ... Chimney ... Chin ... Charing ... Chew . Choke ... Churchfown ... Clean . Clasp 96 CORNISH. / Clath Clem Coin Coose Coose Crabbit, Crack Craw Crepple Crids Criddle Critch Croom Crougin Cruds Cruddle Cruel fine Crully Cud Cussn’t Dafter Dail Datch Derk Deef Dishclout Drane EN GLISH. - ... Cloth . Climb . Corner . Coarse ... Course ... Crabbed . Blow ... Crop ... Cripple ... Curds ... Curdle . Crutch ... Crumb ... Crouching ... Curds ... Curdle ... Very fine ... Curly . Quid ... Cannot ... Daughter ... Deal ... Thałch ... Dark ... Deaf . Dishcloth, . Drome CORNISH. - T)rule Dryth Dung Dung Eerth Emperent Ent, Enties Faather Faist Fetterlock ... ... Fulness ... Provide ... Very ... Proper ... Flannel . Fling ... Fasi driven ... Far ... For . Further Filth Find Fine and Fitty Flannin Flick Full drive Fur Fur Furder Furrin Fust Gashly Girts ENGLISH. - . Drive! . Dryness ... Manſure ... Mud . Earth ... Impudent ... Empty ... Empties ... Father . Feast Fetlock ... Foreign ... Firs? ... Ghastly ... Grodås Go abroad ... Gone poor ... Dissolve Taffnied 9 rºw CORNIS H. ENGLISH. Gone poor ... Sour do. Decayed Goodness . Fat Gov ... Gave Gwain . Going Gress . Grease Gripe . Ditch Gurt . Great Haaf . Half Hack . Dig Haps . Hasp Harve . Harrow Heed . Hide Hollin . Shouling Holt . Grasp Holm . Holly Hom or hum Home Homly . Homely Homward ... Homeward Honey-sweet Sweet as honey Hong ... Hang Howsumever However HowSumdever However Housen ... Houses Hunk ... Hunch Hungry ... Greedy Innerd ... Inward CORNISH. Innerds Insye Janders Joice Kail Keem Kit Kivver Knack Knawed Knitster Lafs Lank Lappy Laurer Liard Lick Licks Lights LOff Lookin Maa. Mash ENGLISH. ... Intestines . Inside . Jaundice ... Juice ... Keel ... Comb (v.) Kep or kip ... Cap . Kim ... Cover , Knock ... Knew ... Kniffer ... Laths . Flank ... Lap (v.) Lash down ... Throw down . Laurel . Liar ... Smear (v.) ... Leeks ... Lungs . Laugh ... Eaſpecting ... Maw Maake hum... Make hom ... . Marsh Shuff Shui G 98 CORNISH. ENGLISH. Maun ... Maund Mawther ... Mother Maxims ... Whims Moyle ... Mule Mait ... Meat Mait ... Flesh Maity ... Fleshy Maunge . Munch Meddick . Emetic Moral ... Likeness Munge . Munch Musicianer ... Musician Naet ... Night Nawl ... Awl Nawse . Nose Nevvy ... Nephew Niddle ... Weedle Noaise ... Noise Norra ... Neither Nuther ... Neither Oddit, ... Adit Oft, ... Ought Ool ... Wool Ood ... Wood, Oogly ... Ugly Oppon ... Upon Orry . Either CORNISH. Outlander OVVer Ovvergone ... Pame Pankin Passel Passel Passel Pass'n. Peart Peart 'Pere Peasen Peeth Peethy Pella Pennerd Petch Piecen Pilcher Pin Pitched Poam Poor Poss Pots ENGLISH. - . Foreigner . Over Eachausted . Palm ... Pamling ... Many ... Much . A lot ... Parson ... Brisk ... Porff . Appear ... Peas ... Pith ... Witty . Pillow ... Pennyworth ... Pitch ... Patch (v.) ... Pilchard . Hip . Taken roof ... Pumme! ... Tainted . Pos; Portmantle ... Portmanteau . Bowels 99 CORNISH. Powdered Prentis Progue Proper Pult Put hom Putcher Putty Rabbin Remlet Rish Rossuin Rowl Rub Rud Rugg Ruggy Ruttlin Sample Sample Say Scrunch Skerd Shale Sharps Shanks Shellard ENGLISH. . Corned Apprentice . Probe ... Handsome ... Pulse ... Shut ... Pitcher ... Pretty . Robin ... Remnant ... Rush ... Rosin ... Roll ... Rob ... Red ... Rugged ... Rubbly ... Rattling ... Supple ... Soft . Sea. ... Crunch ... Abraded ... Scale ... Shafts ... Sp0kes ... Shillings- worth - CORNISH. Sherd Shoul Skivver Slat Slish Sliver Slone Smert Sodger Soils Sond Sonny Soun Sound Soundin Spare Sperrits Sperrits Spore Squinny Splat Staarch Stap Stirrage Stuffle Sturch Sturt ENGLISH. - ... Shard ... Shovel ... Skewer ... Slate ... Slice ... Slice . Sloe . Smart ... Soldier ... Seals ... Sand ... Son . Sound ... Swoon. ... Fainting ... Slow . Spirits ... Courage ... Spur ... Squint (v.) ... Spot ... Starch ... Step ... Hubbub ... Stifle ... Starch . Star; 100 CORNISH. ENGLISH. Survey . Auction Swoun . Suroon Swound ... Swoon Swoundin ... Fainting Sye or Zye ... Scythe Taw ... Tow Teel ... Plant (0.) Tell ... Count (v.) Tend ... Attend (v.) Thikky ... Thai Thoft, . Thought (v.) Trikle ... Treacle Trist, ... Trust (v.) Truckle ... Trundle Turmets ... Turnips Twiggle . Wriggle TJ bb'n ... Oven Vaather ... Father Weet or Vit ... Feet Witty . Proper : º:: 3. : ^2.* : CORNISH. FNGLISHI. Wut ... Foot Walvin ... Wallowing Waps . Wasp Way . The reason (why) Wered ... Wore Whap ... Whop Whichy . Which, Widdy ... Widow Widdy-man ... Widower Widdy-woman Widow Winder . Window Wust, ', . Will you ? Wust, . Worst Wuth ... Worth Yaller . Yellow Yowlin . Howling Zad ... Sad Zad . Zed (Z) 101 ON THE GLOSSARY OF CORNISH PROVINCIAL WORDS. Although some of the words contained in the follow- ing glossary are in use in other parts beyond Cornwall, yet, taken as a whole, they may be said to represent the provincialisms peculiar to the County. No doubt there are many omissions, and some words may be thought to scarcely deserve a place in the list. To know with certainty what to admit, or what to exclude, requires a knowledge of most of the dialects of the Kingdom, but the simple rule, which has been followed here, is to include such words as are not generally spoken by the educated classes in Cornwall, and so are considered as fairly belonging to the provincial dialect of the County. The following is an example of words common to another district besides Cornwall, notwithstanding this, such words are also claimed as belonging to the Cornish dialect.” Latham, in his book on the English Language, (3rd Ed. p. 561) alludes to English dialects not in conformity with the mother tongue, and says, “that among the most remarkable is what may be called “Little England beyond Wales.” “In Pembrokeshire and Glamorganshire the language is English rather than Welsh.” 10 9 - In the following list are words collected by the Revd. J. Collins, and included in the “Transactions” of the Philological Society, No. 93. (see Latham.) The following is a selection compared with Cornish provincial words. PEMBROKE. CORNWALL. Angletouch... Angleditch, or ... AngletWitch. Brandis . Brandis Cloam ... Cloam or Clome... Clit . Clib Dreshel . IDrashel Eddish . Arrish Evil . Evil, Eval or Heeval Foust . Foust Hamrach ... Hames Nesseltrip ... Nessel-bird Ovice . Ovvice Peert . Peert Quat . Quat Reremouse... Airymouse Suant . Suant Want , Want Weest ... Wisht . To tumble. . Straw horse-collar. ... The Smallest pig in a lit- ... Eaves of a building. . Lively, brisk. ... To press down, to flatten. . The bat. . Regular, in order. ... A mole. . Lonely, desolate. Earthworm. . Iron stand for a pot or kettle. Earthenware. ... To stick together. ... A flail. ... Corn stubble. . A three-pronged dungfork. ter; in Cornwall, the youngest in a family. 103 These resemblances between words in South West Wales, and Cornwall, point to the inter-communication by sea, because, in journeying by land, the traveller passes through districts in which such words are not used. The writer, being a native of central Cornwall, will be found to have spelt many words which are not exactly so pronounced in other parts of the County; it has been explained how the Cornish dialect varies between the Tamar and the Land's End, yet it is hoped that the spelling and the meanings are not very different from what we find in other districts. There are various ways of spelling provincial words, and as each writer is guided by his hearing the spelling of a great many of them must be phonetic. - Young Cornish people appear to be unaware how rapidly their language is altering because of so much more travelling and intercourse, therefore it may be of some interest, if not use to collect all the provincial words which the writer can remember, or glean from other scources; without so doing it would be impossible that a glossary could ever be completed or rendered useful. Like two colours, the Miner's dialect and that of the Husbandman shade off into each other; this shading is more or less intensified in different places, and the dia- lectic words are being continually scattered, or intermingled by the constant movements of the Cornish population. Western people coming eastwards, and Eastern people going westwards, must therefore keep up a continual interchange of Western and Eastern dialect. 104 For the sake of simplicity and uniformity, the writer has made this attempt to compile one glossary for the whole County. He is convinced that such a method, if it can be perfected, will be found to be more useful and practical, notwithstanding the wide difference in dialect between the extreme ends of the County. - The names and authorities, so far as they can be ascertained, are given in the reference table at the end of the glossary. Wherever words are quoted they are signified by initials or names to each of them. The rest of the glossary not so initialed consists of words known to the writer. A large number of Rabelaisque words could be added but for obvious reasons they are entirely omitted. G L O S S A R Y OF CORNISH PROVINCIAL WORDS. Abear. To bear. (In Spenser.) Always used nega- tively in the Cornish dialect as, “I caan't abear te do et.” Abroad. Wide open, as, “the door is abroad,” also, mistaken, as, “he's all abroad there.” Addle-pool. A cess-pool. In Celtic Cornish it is atal, refuse, waste; and pol, a pond, a pool, stagnant water, a miry place, mire, mud, slime ; a well, a pit. Adventurer. A shareholder. As in a mine, &c. Afered. Afraid. “Of his visage children were sore afered.” Chaucer. “Were thou afered of her eye?” Gower. Afty or Aafty, Arter or Aarter. Various forms of the name Arthur. Agar. Ugly. This is a Celtic Cornish word and spelt hager, meaning ugly, deformed, rough, foul, evil, naughty, fierce, cruel. Agāte. “All agáte,” i.e., full of expectation, all eye and ear, on the qui vive. 106 Agist, Aginst, or Agin. Against. (Ageins. Chaucer.) Aglets. The berries of the hawthorn (haws); also called aglen and awglen. Crataegus Oſcyacantha. Agnail. A whitlow; from Ange-mail, i.e., pain-nail. Ailer, or Heller. See Hailer. Airy-mouse. The bat. The boys call to it thus, “Airymouse ! Airymouse ! fly over my head, And you shall have a crust of bread, And when I brew, and when I bake, You shall have a piece of my wedding cake.” (Couch’s History of Polperro.) Aitch-piece. The catch or tongue of a buckle. M.A.C. Ake. A groove in a stone for a rope or iron band, secured so as to be used as an anchor. W.N. Aketha, Forsooth ! TJ. J.T. Alley. The allis shad. Alosa vulgaris. C. Alleys. Boys best marbles of white stone, or of china. Used mostly as taws. Allsanders. Called skit or Skeet by boys who made Squirts of the stems. Smyrnium olusatrum. C. Amenuts. Almonds. TJ. J.T. Ampassy, also Passy. Terms meaning et cætera, (&c.) Anan P or Nan P. What? What do you say? Nam is also used in Kent. 107 - Anatomy. A skeleton. See 'Natomy. Ancell. A steelyard. The Cornishman. Amék. “ Crying anék.” This crying of anék is a harvest ceremony, probably of very great antiquity. The a is pronounced like a in mate; the accent is very strong on nek. There are some variations in “crying anék.” This is how the writer remembers it : The reaper, with his reaping hook, (it was thought a shame to cut wheat with any other tool) having cut a last handful of wheat, held and waved it high over his head, as with a loud and joyful voice he cried, “I have et, I have et, I have et,” on which the other harvesters standing around shouted, “What have'e?, What have'e?, What have'e? and then arose the triumphant cry, Anék, Amék, Anék.—Hooraal Lhuyd (Archoeologia) says, Anaic (Irish) means “save (thou) me.” It would seem that when a Cornishman cries Anék, anék, anék—Hooraal" its equivalent in English is Saved, saved, saved—Hurrah A full account of this ceremony is given in R. Hunt's “Romances of the West of England.” Angallish. Gallows-like, Vicious. Angleditch. Earthworm. Also called Angle-twitch, and Angle-touch. Carew calls it Tag-worm. In Devonshire it is Angle-dog, and Angle-twitch. (Angéliwecca. Ang. Saxon.) 108 Anker. A small cask or keg of about four gallons, used for brandy. The ankers which contained smuggled brandy used to be cut in two, and so, many of the Cornish provided themselves with tubs. “Free-traders ”* imported their “moonshine” in such ankers when the nights were dark. See Moonshine. Anointed. Used thus, “you anointed vellan,” i.e., “you confounded rascal.” Antic. A good humoured fool. “Such an antic.” Anyst, or Anist. Close by, near to. Appledrane. A Wasp. Callington. Apple-bird. A chaffinch. Polwhele. Appurtenances. See Purtens. Apsen. The aspen tree. Apty-cock. A sharp little fellow. W. Britom. Ardar. A plough. This is a Celtic Cornish word, in which language we have Dén ardar, a ploughman. Arear ! Oh, strange | Wonderful from the Celtic Cornish Red, meaning the same. Arg, or Agyfy. To argue, to dispute. Arrant. An errand. (Arande. Chaucer.) Arrant boy. An errand boy. - Arrish. Stubble land after the corn has been 3u Errish in Devon, Ersh in Sussex. Arrish-geese. Stubble fed geese. - * Smugglers. 109 Arrish-mow. A round pile of corn sheaves, about ten feet high ending with a cone, crowned by a single sheaf. Raised in the fields for fear of rain before the corn is carried. Arry. Any. Arry wavn. i.e., any-one. A-sam. Partly open, as of a door. “The door's a-Sam.” Ascrode. Astride. C. Ass. This animal has several names in Cornwall, viz: Ass, Donkey, Jackass, Neddy, Negger, Dicky; Moguz and Peter Moguz, in Callington; King, in Redruth. Asen and Rounsan are Celtic Cornish for ass. ASS-neger. A silly fellow, a fool. TJ. J.T. Brewer, in his “Dicty. of Phrase and Fable,” spells it assinego, and calls it a Portuguese word. “Thou hast no more brain than I have in mine elbows; an assinego may tutor thee.” Troilus and Cressida, Atal. (Pronounced attle.) Mine rubbish, refuse, or waste. A Celtic Cornish word. It has even been said that this is a Phoenician word. Atal Sarazin. The offcasts of the Saracens, old works supposed to have been worked by them. Keigwin, quoted by Pryce in his Cornish English Vocabulary. Atween. Between. “Right atween the two.” “Her loose long yellow locks, like golden wire, Sprinkled with perl, and perling flowr’s at ween.” Spenser. 110 Audit. An adit. Carew. Aunt or Un. These words are often used instead of Mrs.- in speaking of an aged Cornishwoman, even though not related to the speaker. See Uncle. Avise. Advise. “I caan't avise et.” The same word is in Chaucer. “Of Warre and of battaile he was full avise.” P. Langloft's Chron. Awl Oh! Awl Jimmery ! Oh! Gemini Awner's 'Count. At the expense of the “adven- turers.” Ax. Ask. “Axen,” i.e., Ask him. Axed out. Having had the banns called in church. IJ. J.T. Aye facks! Yes faith yes indeed! See, I'facks, &c. Azue. When a cow is dry, that is, ceases to yield milk, she is said to be “azue,” or “gone to Zue.” The Celtic Cornish for dry, is 26h. Bace. Prisoner's bace (or base.) A game so called. It is an ancient pastime mentioned in the records of Edward 3rd. (1327 to 1377.) Toone. “So ran they all as they had been at bace, They being chased, that did others chase.” Spenser's Fairy Queen. “The country base.” Shakspere in Cymbeline. Babby-rags. Small bits. C.F. 111 Back-jouster. An itinerant fish-dealer who carries the fish in a cawal, or basket, on the back. See Cowal and Jowder. Mousehole. Backlet, or Backside. The yard, or court behind a house. Backsyfore, or Backsyforsy. The hind part before. Bagganet. Bayonet. Bal. A mine. Celtic Cornish balas, to dig, to delve, and bal, a pick, a mattock, a shovel. Bal. Loud talking or chattering, “Hould tha bâl, dew,” “Hould yer bal,” i.e., Do cease talking, hold your tongue. º Bal. To thump or thrash any one, “Gibb'n a good balin,” “Bal'én well.” Balin. (Pronounced bah-lin.) A thrashing. Also, crying or blubbering, “What be’ee balin about 2 ” Beal, bealo, Saxon, meaning, misery, misfortune, and in Celtic Cornish, bal, a plague, or pestilence. “The one side must have bale.” - Shakspere in Coriolanus. Also poison, as “For light she hated as the deadly bale.” Spenser's Fairy Queen. - Bal-maid, Bal-girl, Bal-maiden. A girl who works on the surface at a mine. Balch. A stout bit of cord, a rope. Bal-dag. To bespatter with mine slime. M.A.C. 112 Balk. Timber squared as imported. Balscat. A cross patch, a termagant. Balshag. A very shaggy flannel used in mines. Ball-eyed. Wall-eyed. Ballymuck. An ill constructed thing, as a “bally- muck of a dock.” The Cornishman. Bally-rag. Violent or coarse abuse. Bandeleer. A wooden toy like a thin flat reel, moved by a string to wind and unwind. M.A.C. Banes. Beans. Banger, or Banging. Big, very large. Banister. The baluster of a staircase. Bankers. Seat cushions. Bannel. The plant known as broom. In Celtic Cornish it is banal and banathel. Cytisus Scoparius. Bare-ridged. “Riding bare-ridged,” i.e., riding with- out a saddle. Bargain. A contract for certain work in a mine, claywork, &c. Barker. A whetstone. C. Barker's knee. Hunt, in his “Romances of the west of England,” says that the fairies called buccas, or knockers, once left all thelr tools on Barker's knee. The knee was so injured that it continued stiff ever after. “As stiff as Barker's knee” became a proverb. Who Barker was is not stated. 113 Barm or Burm. Yeast. It is burm in Celtic Cornish, and berme in Chaucer. “And sometimes makes the drink to bear no barm,” Shakspere in the Midsummer Night's Dream. Barragon, or Barracan. Fustian. H.R.C. Barrow. A sepulchral mound. Barwell, or Barvil. A fisherman's leathern apron. W.P. by W. N. In Celtic Cornish, barvas, means a cod-fish. Basting. A beating or thrashing. “Thee'lt git a putty bāsting.” Baston (Spanish) a stick. Basting. A kind of light or loose sewing, or stitching. “In the Swete Seson that lefe is, With a thred bästing my slevis.” y Chaucer's Romaunt of the Rose. Bawk. A shy, as of a horse; clumsiness, as “he made a bawk (muddle) of it”; a jeer, as “he made a bawk at me”; hindrance, objection, as “he's sure to make a bawk about it.” Bazzom. Blue, purple. Bazzomy. Bluish, purplish. Mostly used of the skin, face, and especially the lips. Beagle, or Bagle. A troublesome person. “Beagle it’ſ or “Ad beagle it” i.e., “bother it.” M.A.C. Beam or Bine. A band, a binder, as of a rope of straw, hay, &c. Bean. A withy band. C. 114 Bee-butt. A bee-hive. Butt, a beehive, is a Celtic Cornish word. Bee-skip. A bee-hive. M.A.C. Bee-skib 2 Skiber is Celtic Cornish for, a large room. Beat, or Bete. Turf cut and dried, for burning at home, or in the fields. Beat burrows. Heaps of dry turf collected for burning on the open ground. Also used of the burrows when burnt. Beat-burning. The firing of dried turf for the sake of the ashes as manure. Bete (Saxon) to make fires. “To bete fires.” Chaucer. Beauty. Used as a term of contempt, thus, “that beauty 1 ° or thus, “you'm a putty beauty l’ Becker. A species of bream. C. - Bed-ale. Christening or lying in ale. Polwhele. Bedman. A sexton. C. Bedh is Celtic Cornish for, a grave. Bedoled. Overdone by grief or pain—see Dowlin. Bed-tye. A feather bed—see Tye. Bedwaddled, or Betwattled. Bewildered, con- fused. W.T.A.P. - Beety. To mend fishing nets. Beheemed. Sickly. M.A.C. Bell-metal. A brass pot or Crock used for boiling fruits for preserves or jams. 115 Belly-tember. Good and solid food. Belvin. Blubbering, weeping aloud; also, howling, as, “Belvin (or howling) like Tregagle.” Bender. A big thing, as, “What a bender 1" also a great lie, as, “that's a bender,” i.e., that's a “thun- dering” lie. Berrin. A funeral. “How was it you wasn't to Betsey's berrin Ž It was a bootiful corps, one solid scab all ovver. We had a pleasant arternoon, and a fine rig in the evenin.” Near Bodmin. W. Hicks. Besom. A broom; also, heath, viz., that used for making brooms. See Griglan or Grig. Beth. Beye, or, “be’ee"; are you, or, “arre'e”; Beth in Chaucer also. Bettermost. The best of anything. The upper hand, or advantage gained over another, as, “I got the bettermost of him.” Betwattled. See Bedwaddled. Beverage. A weak drink, as that of the weak cider made from the apple cake of the cider press by adding water. See Pimpey. Bevering, or Bivvering. Quivering, trembling, or shaking with cold. Also the peculiar quivering of an infant's under jaw when yawning. Bezibd. “It is not allotted me.” R.H. “'Tis not bezib'd,” i.e., fortuned. Carew, Bib. A small fish; a blind, M.A.C. 116 Biddix. A double digging tool, one end pointed, the other flattened. Bilders. Heraclium sphOndilium. Cut as fodder for pigs. Couch ſHist. of Polperro) thinks that this name, in other parts of Cornwall, is applied to the poisonous hemlock, water-drop-wort. Ænanthe. Billis, Billez, Billees. Bellows; (belous, Chaucer.) Bishop. The fish Cottus Scorpius. C. Biscan. A finger glove of leather, used by the harvest women, particularly in support of a wounded finger. Polwhele. This is a Celtic Cornish word, and is also written besgan and veskin. (Bis, a finger, and Bisgan, a thimble. Pryce.) See Weskin. Biskey, Biskeys. Biscuit, biscuits. Bits. Scraps of beef, liver, &c., sold by the lump as “bits” for a “false roast,” or a fry. This name is also given to a green tender herb resembling spinach and used for pies, or, as “greens.” - Bitter-weed. An unruly, mischievous person; “She’s a bitter weed.” Blaad, Vlaad, or Flaad. See Blawed. Blackhead. A boil. Furunculus. Black-jack. Sulhuret of Zinc, Blende. - Black-strap. Gin and treacle; Bad wine for p00r and lowly guests. J.W. 117 Black tin. Tin ore fit for the smelting or blowing house. Black-wine toddy. Port wine negus. Black-worm. The black beetle of the kitchen, &c. Blamed, or Blame. “Well, I'm blamed ef I knaw.” “Blame me ef I doan't.” (The word blowed is also used thus.) It seems a mild form of swearing. Blast. A sudden inflammation of an eye. “A blast in the eye.” Blawed. Quite out of breath. Blawed. Also, Blaad, Vlaad, and Flaad. Terms used of cows which have eaten too largely of grass, causing meteorism. Blinch. To catch a glimpse of C. Blind-buck-a-davy. Blind-man's buff. C. Blind-nettle. A stingless nettle. Galeopsis. Blink. A small light or flame. “There isn't a blink of fire. Blobber, or Blob. A large bubble. A vesication as from a blister; “all in great blobbers.” Bloody sea-dock. The Lapathum marinum Sangui- 70000710. Borlase. Bloody-warriors. Wall flowers. (The red crane's bill. M.A.C.) Blood-sucker. The sea anemone. M.A.C. 118 Blooth. Blossom, (Carew); Blath, Gaelic; Blodon, Celtic Cornish ; Bluthe, German. Blowing-house. A place for melting tin. So called from a fire or blast perpetually kept by a large bellows turned by a water wheel. Blowing tin. Melting tin ore in the blowing-house. Blowser. One employed in a Seine boat, in the pilchard fishery. Blubber. A large jelly-fish. Sting-blubber. Blue-poll. A kind of salmon. C. Board-em. An old fashioned round game of cards. The players may be from two to eight persons. M.A.C. Bob. The great beam of a mine pumping engine. Bobbery. A fuss, a row, an uproar. Bobble. A pebble. C. A ground swell of the sea. M.A.C. Bobble. To bob up and down. Boilin, or Boailin. “The whole boilin,” i.e., the whole lot of them. The whole “crew.” Bock. See Bawk. Boist, or Busthious. See Boostis. Bolt. A stone-built drain, M.A.C. Bon-Crab. The female of the edible crab. Platy- carcinus pagurus. C. 119 Boo, or Booey. A louse. “Oh! another great booey!” In Celtic Cornish boauhoe. Pryce. Boobish. Lubberly, Carew. In Celtic Cornish, boba, a blockhead, a booby. Boobus, Booba, or Boobun. A wick for a small lamp. Newlyn. Booley, or Bulley. A boy's very large marble. Boosterin. Hard and hot work. “'Tes boosterin work,” i.e., “a sweating job.” In Celtic Cornish, boys means heavy, weighty. Boostis, or Boistous. Fat, corpulent. In Celtic Cornish boys means meat, food. “He is getting quite boostis.” Boozy. Intoxicated. “Always boozy.” Boos, Celtic Cornish, to drink to excess. Boryer. A borer, an iron bar with a wedged shaped end, for boring holes in rocks for the powder in blasting. Boss. The master or manager. Callington. Boots and Shoes. The columbine. C. The flowers of monkshood. Aconium napellus. Botany bay. The Hydrangea. Botham. A wheal, or lump caused by a blow. Polwhele. Botherm. Fever-few. The herb so called. Bottom-pie. Potatoes and pork baked on a thick layer of dough. W.N. 120 Bottoms. Walleys, old stream works, stents. Boulter. A long fishing line, with short branches and many hooks. Carew. Bounds. Tin bounds are parcels of land marked out by small pits, about a foot deep and wide, at the angles of the ground. Straight lines from pit to pit fix the boundary. Bounders. The holders of tin bounds. Bowerly. Good-looking, handsome. “Eve’s a fine, bowerly maid.” Mrs. Parr’s Adam & Eve. Bowgie or Bougie. A sheep's house, or shed for cattle, M.A.C. The Celtic Cornish word is boudi, and Lhuyd gives boudzi deves, a sheep-fold. Boudi was anciently bouti from the old word bou, a cow, and ti or iy a house. Bowings. The large joints, especially the knees. “I’ve got such pains in my bowings.” Bowjouler. A place in a fishing boat for hauling the footline through. W.F.P. Bowldacious. Brazen, impudent, “you bowldacious hussy.” Boxing Harry. A commercial room phrase, used of one who shirked the cost of dining with his fellows at the inn. Doing so was “boxing Harry.” A term also used elsewhere. Boys' love. The herb Southernwood, also called by the very proper name “Maidens' delight.” 121 : Braave. First rate, very well, capital. This is a very representative word in the Cornish dialect. “He’s gittin on braave,” i.e., very well. How be’ee “Braave thenk'ee,” and so on. Spenser used the word brave for what is not only valiant and good, but fine and spruce. - Braa set-up. A row, a fuss. Brace. The mouth of a shaft. W.N. Braggashans. Bragging. U.J.T. Braggety. Mottled. Often used of the skin of a baby's limbs, “See what braggety legs he's got.” Braging. Raging, M.A.C. A corruption of raging, or perhaps, from bridzhan or bredion, Celtic Cornish, to boil. Brandis. An iron triangular stand with three short legs for resting the crock, kettle, &c., on, over the fire. Brash. An eruption on the skin. Breach. Coarse, furzy, and heathy ground on which the turf has been cut and burnt. Tomkin. Breachy. Brackish, Saltish. Breedy. To make a fishing net. Breeming, or Briming. A phosphorescent shining, or sparkling of the sea at night, when agitated by steam-paddles, &c. Briming, Couch. Briny, Carew. Breez, or Browse. Small-coal, broken wood-fuel, and such-like. In Celtic Cornish browsian, means crumbs, fragments; and brosy to destroy. Breal, or Breel. A mackerel. B.V. 122 N-- Bren, or Brend. To frown, to wrinkle the brow. Brik, or Brek. A break, a rent. Brike, Chaucer. Brink. The gill of a fish. W. Noye. Briny. See Breeming. Brit. Small fish, about half the length of a sprat. Brithil, or Breithal. A mackerel. Also a name for a trout. It is a Celtic Cornish word. From brith, mottled. Brilli, mackerel. Broil. The back of a lode. “The lode has its top covered over with a parcel of loose (more or less mineral) stones and earth . . . . . this in Cornwall we call the broil of the lode.” Borlase's Nail. Hist. Brood. Impurities mixed with ore. M.A.C. Broom-swike. A twig of heath broom. Brose of het. Very hot, perspiring copiously. “I’m in a brose of het.” See Bulderin. Broth, or Brath. The Cornish say, “I’ll have a few broth.” Browse, or Bruss. A thicket. See Breez. Brown-wort. Fig-wort. Scrophularia nodosa. Browthy. A term for light and spongy bread. M.A.C. Brythall. A trout. H.R.C. See Brithil. Bubble and squeak. Cold potatoes and cabbage, - mixed, chopped, and fried. Elsewhere the same phrase is used for cold boiled meat and greens fried. The meat bubbled in the boiler, and Squeaked in the frying pan. . Brewer. 123 Buck. A kind of minute fungus' infesting ill-kept dairies. It is called “the buck” and the dairy con- tents become spoilt by it. Buchar is Celtic Cornish for, bucked milk, sour milk. Pryce. Also a name given to the spittle fly. M.A.C. Bucking. Breaking up the ore into small pieces. º Buckle to. To set about anything in earnest. Buckle up to. To defy or “show fight,” also, to Court. - Bucha, or Bucca, and Bucha-boo. A ghost, hob- goblin, or Scare-crow. Bucca is a Celtic Cornish word for ghost. Buck-horn. Whiting salted and dried. C. (Buck- * thorn. M.A.C.) | Bucky-how. A boy's game resembling “touch tim- ber.” M.A.C. Buddle. A mining term. It is “a pit seven feet long,” three wide, and two deep, for Washing the ore in. Borlase. In Celtic Cornish buddal, to buddle, to drown. Pryce. Buddle. A bubble. Buddling. Washing ore. Bud-picker. A bullfinch. Polwhele. Buffielhead. A thickhead, a fool. “Yew gashly bufflehead.” Bulderin. Hot and perspiring. (Boldering, lowering weather. Polwhele.) 124 Bulgranack. The pool, or bull toad in sea rock pools. H.R.C. Bulk-headed fool. Said of one “who is always running his head against a wall.” H.R.C. Bulgranade. Stickleback. M.A.C. Bullhorn. A snail. This is a Celtic Cornish word. Bulk. See Bunch. Bulk or Belk. To belch ; (Bulk, to toss as by the horns of a cow.) M.A.C. Also see Bulking. Bulking. Piling up pilchards in regular order against the walls of a cellar; with salt between each layer. Bulley. See Booley. Bullum. The fruit of the bullace shrub. (Bolas tree. Chaucer.) Prunus insititia. Bultys. See Boulter. Bum. A blow. This is a Celtic Cornish word. To bum. “I bummed my head right against the door. Bumfoozle. To humbug, to mystify. Bunch. A mass of ore in a lode. Bunch. To butt at, or toss with the horns, as with a ram, or a cow. Children playing and running “head on,” cry out, “I’ll bunch'ee, I’ll bunch’ee.” Bunchy. A lode is so called when the ore is irregularly distributed in it. Bunken, or Bumpkin. A piece of iron projecting from the bow of a boat, to which the jib is fastened. W. N. 125 Bunker headed. “Bunker headed fools.” Gwinear. T. C. Bunt. The concavity of a sail, or of a fishing net. Bunting. Sifting flour. Burm. The Celtic Cornish word for, barm, or yeast. Burn. “A burn of hake.” 21 hakes. Mousehole. Also, a pile of furze, a rick of hay. Burranet. The shell-drake. M.A.C. Burrow. See Barrow. Bush. An apparatus formed of two hoops at right angles, covered with white calico; used for signalling the position of a school of pilchards. Bushing corn. Beating out corn into a barrel by threshing bunches of it against the side of the barrel. No flail is used. Busken or Busk. The “breast bone” of an old- fashioned stays. Formerly of wood, or whalebone, about two feet long, and two inches wide Busker. An “out and out” fisherman who dares all weathers. - Busthious. See Boostis. Buss. A yearling calf still sucking. C. Bussa, calf. A calf which in time weans itself. Pol- whele. Bussa-head, or Buzza-head. A thick-head, an empty fool. From the Celtic Cornish Buzza a pan. A poor brain-pan. 126 Busy. What demands all ones time, or energy. Thus, It will busy all the time, i.e., take all the time. “It will busy all he can rise to pay it.” “It will busy all he can do to finish it in time.” Bysy is a Celtic Cornish word and means, diligent; and besy, needful. But. Buttock of beef. But. To sprain, or put out of joint. But-gap. A hedge of pitched turf. Polwhele. Butt. A two-wheeled cart. This is a Celtic Cornish word still used in Devon and Cornwall. Butter and Eggs. The double yellow daffodils. Butter-dock. Burdock. Arctium lappa. Butty. A comrade, a “chum.” W.T.A.P. Buzza, or Bussa. A coarse earthenware pan, or jar. Buzzy, or Bussy milk. First milk after the cow has calved. - Caaled. Called or cryed by the town cryer. Cab. A mess, anything wet, sticky, or dirty. Cab-a-rouse. This is in Seamen's language, to pull together at a cable shouting and singing. (A gall or callous. H.R.C.) See Caperhouse. Cabby. Wet, or sticky and dirty. Cabbed, Cabbed up, Cabbled, or Cabagled. Terms used of anything which has been messed or dirtied by handling, &c. º 127 Cabobble. To mystify, to deceive. “T'ull niver do for’ee to try to cabobble Uncle Zibedee.” Mrs. Parr's Adam & Eve. Caboolen stones. (W.F.P. and B.V.) See Min- nies. Caddle. To do household work in an untidy and irregular manner. Caddler. One who “ caddles about the house,” i.e., working but messing. Cader. A small frame of wood on which a fisherman keeps his line. Polwhele. (Cantor, Penzance, M.A.C.) Caff. Refuse of any kind, rubbishy stuff. Cage. A set, as “a cage of teeth.” Cagged. Annoyed, vexed. Cag Mag. Tough old geese; food which none can relish. (Gaelic and Welsh, cag magu. Brewer.) In Celtic Cornish Cagal means rubbish, dirt. Borlase. Cake. A fool, a poor thing. “A regular cake.” Brewer derives it from the Greek word kakos, bad. Cal. Tungstate of Iron. Calcar. The lesser weaver, or sting fish. The lance fish. Sommem. H.R.C. Call-out. To have the banns called in Church. U.J.T. Calve's snout. The snap-dragon. Antirrhinum minus. - Borlase. 128 Cam or Cand. Flour spar. Camels. Chamomile flowers. Canker. The Celtic Cornish name for a crab-fish. It also means the rust in corn. (Kankar. Borlase.) Cannis. To toss about carelessly. C. Cant. A fall. Polwhele. “A cant of a way,” i.e., a long way. W.N. Capel or Cockle. Shorl. Caper-longer. The razor shell fish. Tonkin. The shell fish pinna ingens. C. Cappen, or Capp'n. Captain, or head man of a mine, claywork, &c. Grass-capp'n is the term used for one who is manager “at grass,” i.e., on the surface. Caperhouse, or Caprouse. Uproar, row, con- fusion; a “kick up,” a “jolly row.” Carbona, or Carbonas. An accumulation of rich ore in a mine, a “house” of ore. Care. The mountain ash. Pyrus aucuparia. C. Carn or Cairn. A heap of stones. A sepulchral mound of stones. A rock. Carm is Celtic Cornish. Carney. To wheedle, to keep caressing, and calling another cara, (dear). Brewer. Carrots. Nickname for a person with red hair. Casabully. Winter cress. Polwhole. Casling. Prematurely born, a castling. Cat-lap. Derisive term for insipid fluid drink. 129 Catch up. To lighten up, as of a fire; to dry up, as of clothes, &c. Also thus, “catching” (changeable) weather. Cat-in-the-pan. “He turned cat in the pan,” i.e., he proved himself a traitor. Also a play of head over heels round a bar while still holding on. Cats and dogs. The catkins of the willow. Cauch. A mess. This is a Celtic Cornish word for ordure, manure, dung. Cauchy. Messy, dirty, sloppy. Caudle. A mess, a muddle. Caudler. One who messes and muddles. An impro- vident person; a foolish spendthrift. Caulk. A “drop” of liquor. “I’ve had a bit of a caulk but not a drop more.” Mrs. Parr's Adam & Eve. Caunter. A cross-handed blow. Cawed. A sheep affected with the rot. C. Chackin, or Chackt. Very thirsty, very dry in the throat.” “I’m chackin with thirst.” Chacks. The cheeks, “I’ll scat your chacks, that I will, you gashly great bufflehead.” Chad. A small fish like a bream. Chad. “To put a chad,” i.e., a turn of a rope in the horse's mouth. J. H. Nankivell. I 130 Chakky cheese. The fruit of the common mallow. C. See Cheeses. Chall. A cowhouse. Champion lode. Principal or leading lode. Chamy. (Pronounced Chah-me). The profile of a toothless person, when it falls in at the mouth, gives the appearance called chamy. Chape. The catch of anything, as of a buckle, or the hook of a scabbard. The tip of a scabbard. Chaunt or Chaunty. To scold, to mutter, to prate. M. A.C. - Cheel or Cheeld. Child. Cheldern. Children. Cheel-vean. Little child. Often used as a term of endearment. Wean, Celtic Cornish for little. Cheeldin. In labour with child, also pregnant. “The childing autumn,” i.e., the pregnant autumn. Shakspere in the Midsummer Night's Dream. (Chylded. Brought forth.) Spenser. Cheens or Cheins. The loins, the Small of the back; cheim is Celtic Cornish for back. Cheening. Sprouting in the dark, as of potatoes in a dark cellar. Cherk or Chark. A cinder, a piece of charcoal. Chirk, Callington. Cheeses. Seed vessels of the mallow. Chuck-cheeses. (Chukky-cheeses. F.C.) 131 Cheese et. Stop it, i.e., Dont go on quarrelling so. Callington. Chet. A newly born cat. This is a Celtic Cornish word. Kittens born in May used to be drowned, that month being thought unhealthy and unlucky. “May chets bad luck begets.” Cheevy. Thin, miserable looking, M.A.C. Chewidden day. “(Jell-whydn, Cornish.) White Thursday. That is one clear week before Christmas day, it being the day on which black tin or ore was first turned into white tin, or metal.” U.J.T. Chick. To crouch down. To “chicky down.” (The sitting abstrum in hens. C.) Chicker. The wheatear. Polwhele. Also chick-chack. (Chick-chacker. M.A.C.) Chiffchaff. The white-throat. Sylvia hippolais. Ogilvie. Childermas day. Innocents' day. Chill. A small earthenware lamp. Anciently in use. Chimbley. A chimney. Shimbla in Celtic Cornish. Chipper. The cross-bill. M.A.C. Chitter. Thin. Chitter-face. The face thin and furrowed. C. Chitterlings. The shirt frills of former days. M.A.C. Chives. A kind of small onions, called also, chive garlic. Ogilvie. Used cut up to flavour broth. Allium Shaenoprasum. 132 Chivvels. Another name for chives. Q.V. See Cives. Chivvy. A row, an uproar, a fuss. Chod. A stew. A “stodge.” Q.V. Choog, or Choogy. A pig, Choogy-pig. A little pig. Choog-choog-choog. A cry inviting the pigs to meals. (Chee-ah. Bottrell.) Choust. A cheat. To choust, to cheat. Chorus. A carouse, a feast. Chorusing. Feasting. “A grand chorusing.” Crowsi is Celtic Cornish, for luncheon. Chores. Household jobs. “A few chores.” Chowter. Fish dealer. See Jowder. Chuck. The fat beneath the chin, the “double chin,” so called. “He is very big about the chuck.” Chuck. The throat or swallow. Chuck-children. The allis shad. C. (Choke- children.) So called because the fish is full of bones. Chuck-sheep. A term of offence, and contempt. “Ah you old chuck-sheep.” Chucklehead. A booby, Church-ale. “A feast in commemoration of the dedication of a church.” 133 Church-town. (Pronounced ch'town.) A hamlet, a village, or a town near the church; even a city, thus, “Lunnun ch'town.” Cider-pound. Cider-press. Cives. A species of very small leek, growing in tufts, used like chives for flavouring broth. Clabby. Wet and sticky. See Cabby. Clack. Much noise, a great deal of talking. “Hould your clack, do.” See Clap. Clacker. A woman's tongue, a rattle, a pump valve. “The clacker of a mill,” i.e., the noise and rattle of it. “Your tongue goes like the clacker of a mill.” See Clap. Clain, or Clain-off. Very well, perfectly, quite. “A ait et clain-awf,” i.e., he ait the whole of it. “A ded that clain-awf,” i.e., he did that perfectly. “Let’s hew his limbs 'till they be clean consumed.” Shakspere in Titus Andronicus. Clam. A tree, or plank used as a bridge across a stream. Polwhele. The star fish Asterias glacialis. C. Clammed. Out of health. Polwhele. Half-starved, as, “Better clam than go to the Union.” Brewer. Clamdere is Celtic Cornish for to faint away, to swoon. Clap. Prating. “Hould yer clap.” It is a Celtic Cornish word. Clappin. Throbbing, as in pain. See Loppin. Church-hay. The churchyard, or close. 134 Clavel. The impost on a square headed window, door, or chimney. C. Clay dues. The holder of a china clay sett pays from 3/- to 3/6 per ton on clay sent or sold out of the works, as dues to the land-owner. - Clay maidens. Girls employed in china-clay works, generally as “scrapers.” They remove the outside sand, &c., from the dried clay. See Clay pans. Clay pans. Shallow places from 50 to 80 feet square and about 18 inches deep. The floors being covered with sand, the semi-fluid clay from the “clay pit” is poured or pumped into them, so as to filter off and evaporate the water, until the clay is firm enough to be cut out in square blocks, to be further dried in the sun. The process is now generally superseded by the Dry. Q.V. Clay pit. A large water-tight pit, about 8 feet deep and from 40 to 80 feet square. The china clay held suspended in water is allowed to deposit in such a pit, the clear water running away. See Clay Oah S. Clay sett. A portion of land containing a bed of “clay,” (i.e., granite in a decomposed soft form) marked out for raising, Washing, or preparing china or porcelain clay. Clay stopes. The place, or pit where the decomposed granite is dug up and “washed” so as to separate the sand and mica from the pure porcelain or china clay. 135 Clays, or Clayers. Boys marbles made of brown clay fired. Clecky. See Cloppy. Clem, or Clember. To climb, or mount up, “clem 27 op,” i.e., climb up. Clem, or Clemmin. Very thirsty. See Chackin. Clems. Fish and potatoes fried together. M.A.C. Clemmed. Simply adhering, as plate glass to plate glass, or as do the leaves of a new book. Were anything like gum, &c., put between, then things would be said to be cligged, or clibbed together. See Clibby and Cliggy. “ Clemmed” is a term also used of a period in the destrum of dogs. Clever. Very well, doing very well, in good health. “How are you?” “Clever thank’ee.” “How are you getting on P” “Clever shore nuff.” Clibby, or Cliggy. Anything wet, sticky or adhesive, as entrails, wet untanned skins, gum, tar, treacle, birdlime, &c. “My fingers are clibbed (or cligged together.” Clybye is a Celtic Cornish word and means, to wet, or moisten. Glybye, or glibbie, is also Celtic Cornish, and means the same as clybye. Click. A sharp quick blow. See Clip. Click-handed, or Clicky-handed. Left-handed. From the Celtic Cornish word cledhec, left-handed. Clickpaw or Clicky-paw. Left-handed. Cliders. See Clyders. 136 Clidgy. Same as Clibby or Cliggy. Sticky. Clidgy. Sugar stick. Toffy. Clink. A town or parish blackhole for tramps and rogues. The word clink is old and known outside Cornwall. The writer when a boy knew no other name for a blackhole. Clink is giving place to the term “the lock up.” The derivation is obscure. Dr. Johnson says “clink is perhaps softened from clank, or corrup- ted from click.” Clicket (in old French cliquet) means a key, or instru- ment to open a door. “Save he himself for the Smale wicket He bare alway of a silver clicket.” Chaucer's Merchant's Tale. Compare clink with the Latin clingo, to encompass. (In Festus, Minshew.) Clip or Click. A fillip, or light quick blow. “I’ll giv’ee a clip in the ear.” Also, a short, Snappish way of speaking, as, “She's very clip.” Clip. To turn the earth for a crop. Clisty. See Clusty. Clitter. A clatter, a confused noise, a fuss. Cloam, or Clome. Earthenware. This word is also used in Pembrokeshire, &c. Cloamin. Made of “cloam.” Q.V. A stupid person is called “a cloamin fellow.” 137 Cloamers. Boys' clay marbles. See Clays. Clob. A lump of earth, or clay. Also Cob. Q.V. ; Coarse clay and straw mixed, for building a cob wall. Clobbed. Begrimed. Dirty clothes, or utensils are said to be “clobbed with dirt.” Clobbed up. Choked, as thus of a man's pipe stem, “it is clobbed up.” Clock. The crop, or maw. Clodgy. Sticky like pitch, or birdlime. Clop, or Cloppy. To walk lame, to limp along. Cloppy. Lame. In Celtic Cornish cloppec and clof mean, lame, crippled. (Kloppek. Borlase.) Clopper. One who halts, or limps in walking. “A blinker and a clopper were never caught in a good trick.” A hard old saying. Clopping. Walking lame. “Clopping along.” Close. Reticent, reserved. “He is always very close.” Clouching. Without character, not to be believed. St. Buryan. Clout. A blow, a slap, “I’ll giv'ee a clout under the ear.” This is a Celtic Cornish word. Cluck, Clucky, Clucky down. To lower the body to a very stooping posture; sitting on the heels and bending the neck very much, is a posture comparable to that of a barn door fowl, “clucking,” i.e., sitting flat down with the head lowered. Lhuyd gives 138 Keliock as Celtic Cornish for a cock, a name probably originating from the sound cluk which the bird makes. (Clutty. W.F.P.) Clubbish. Rough and brutal in manner. Clum. Benumbed with cold. “My hands are clum with the cold.” Clump. An extra sole to a boot, or shoe. Clunk. To swallow. This is a Celtic Cornish word. (Klunk. Borlase.) Clunker. The “swallow,” or fauces. The uvula. Clushy in. To draw nearer together, as in sitting on a form. To nestle closer together. (Clouch, gathered together. Spenser.) Clusty, or Clisty. Close grained, or “heavy,” as “clusty potatoes.” Cluit. A hurdle of rods wattled together. Polwhele. A crate, a wattled gate. Williams. It is Celtic Cornish. Clut. “A gap in a hedge. To fall with a clut, i.e., to fall in a heap.” M.A.C. (Clut in Celtic Cornish, a clout.) Clutchy. Sticky. The same as Clodgy. Q. v. Clyders, or Clythers. The rough bed-straw. Galium aparine. C. In Celtic Cornish Gledh means chick- weed. (Clivers, cleavers, goose-grass. H.R.C. Clyne. A sea bird's feast. M. Dunn, Mevagissey. 139 Co. This curious word has opposite meanings according to its use, as “Go at once, co.” “Come at once, co.” Co is a Celtic Cornish word and means the memory, remembrance; also cof, and k0. Coady. Sheep with diseased livers are coady. Stration. Coanse, Cawnse, or Scoames. The stones, or pavement. U.J.T. . Coanse-way. A paved path-Way. Cob. A thump, a blow. Also the top locks of a horse's mane. (Welsh cob or cop, a tuft.) Cob. A mixture of coarse brown clayey earth, and straw, for building a cob wall. Cobba. A simpleton. M.A.C. Cobbe. A bungler. R.H. (A cobbler. Dryden.) Cobber. A bruiser of tin. Cobbing. Breaking up the ore into small pieces with a “cobbing hammer.” Also, a thrashing, as “He deserves a good cobbing.” In Celtic Cornish dho cob, to break, or bruise. Cob-nuts. Hazel nuts. Also, a game so called played with nuts. (Cock-haw. Polwhele.) Cobshans. Money or savings. U.J.T. Cockle. Capel or Caple. Schorl. - Cockle up. To buckle, or curl up. Cockle up to. To confront in a defiant manner. 140 Cockle-bells, or Cockle-buttons. The burrs of the Burdock. Arctium lappa. Icicles are called Cockle-bells. Cock-a-hoop. Full of hope and intent. “All cock-a- hoop.” Cock haw. A boy's game with hazel nuts. Cock-hedge. A thorn hedge trimmed. M.A.C. Cockly-bread. “To make cockly-bread,” i.e., to turn head over heels in bed. M.A.C. Cocky. Pert and conceited. Codgers' end. Shoemakers' wax ends. (Coajer's. end, cobler's-wax. U.J.T. Codgy wax. Cobler's wax. Codnor. “Cognomen for stewing.” T.W.S. Coffins. Old surface mining excavations, often opened into by mining up from below. E.N. (Koffen. “The hollow of an open mine.” Whitaker.) In Celtic Cornish cofor means a chest, a coffer; Welch, cóf, a hollow trunk; Armoric, cuſer; Irish cofra. Williams. Coining tin. “The large blocks of tin being brought - to a coinage town, the officers appointed by the Duke of Cornwall, assayed it by taking off a piece of one of the under corners of the block of about a pound weight, partly by cutting, and partly by breaking; 141 and if well purified, stamped the face of the block with the impression of the seal of the Duchy.” This was “coining” the tin, after which it became “mer- chandable,” and not before. Borlase. Cold roste. This expression has been used by one of our earliest writers in this way. “A beggarie little town of cold roste.” Is this last the sense in which it is used in connection with the sean pilchard fishery The Cornishman, 1881. Colp. A thump, a cuff. (A short rope used for carry- ing sheaves. M.A.C.) Colpas. A prop to a lever, M.A.C.) Collaring or Collar. The top boarding of a mine shaft. Colloping. A good thrashing or beating. Collybran. Summer lightning. The Smut in corn. Uredo Segetum, a blight in corn. In Celtic Cornish Colbran, lightning. Collywobbles. Rumbling and flatulence inside the body. Borborygmi. Come-by-chance. Anything obtained fortuituously. Come-upping. A flogging, M.A.C. Comfortable. Agreeable, obliging. “A very “com. fortable man.” Comical-tempered. Cross, ill-tempered. Condiddle. To diddle, cheat, or impose upon. 142 Condudles. Childish, stupid notions. Conger-douce. Conger split, and dried without salt. Tonkin. Confloption. A great flurry. Conkerbell, Cockabell, or Cockerbell. An icicle. Continny. To continue. “Yew was always a booti- ful buoy (boy) my dear, and so yew still continnies. Near Bodmin. Cooche-handed. Left-handed. Stration. Cooler or Cool. A large Salting tub. Coom (or Coomb.) A valley. Borlase's Celtic Cornish Vocabulary. Copperfinch. The chaffinch. Cop. The tuft on a fowl's head. In Welsh cob or cop, a tuft. Coppies. Fowls with a tuft of feathers on each of their heads are so named. Core, or Coor. Eight hours work. Three cores in the twenty four hours. Coose. “In coose,” i.e., of course, provided that. Coot. A thump. A Celtic Cornish word. Cootin. A thrashing. Coranting. Frisking, jumping about, gambolling. Corn-crake. The land-rail. 143 Cornish diamonds. Crystals of quartz, “of a fine clear water but some are yellow, brown, cloudy, opake, white, green, purple, black. The black is very rare, and called by Linnaeus nitrum quartzosum nigrum, or “Morion.” Borlase's Natural History. Cornish organ. The bellows. Cornish pies. These are various, toothsome, and wholesome. Some are peculiar. It is a moot question which is the better, a Cornish pie or a Cornish pasty. Here is a list of a few pies — ” 1. Squab pie. 9. Nattlin pie. 2. Fishy pie. 10. Muggety pie. 3. Star-gazing pie. 11. Likkey pie. 4. Conger pie. 12. Tetty pie. 5. Parsley pie. 13. Giblet pie. 6. Herby pie. 14. Taddago pie. 7. Lamb-y pie. 15. Bottom pie. 8. Piggy pie. 16. Sour-sab pie, &c. They say that the Devil would not venture into Cornwall, fearing that the Cornish might put him into a pie. They use pepper instead. Cornish. “To Cornish together,” i.e., several persons to use only one glass like “a loving cup.” Cornish hair. The rough wool of ancient Cornish sheep. Carew. * The composition of these pies is given, for the most part, in this Glossary. 144 Cornish hug. A powerful wrestling grip, very effec. tual if it can be made. Corrat. “Pert, impudent, sharp in rejoinder.” “As corrat as Crocker's mare.” East Cornwall Provb. C. Corrosy. An old family feud. Polwhele. (Coreesy, Corrizee. M.A.C.) - Corve. A floating crab box. Captn. H. Richards, Prussia Cove. Corwich. The crab Maia Squinado. C. Cos'sened. Hammered into shape and newly steeled. H.R.C. - Costan. A basket for straw and brambles. M.A.C. Cothan. A stratum of Sandy earth and Small stones, so called by tinners “wherein the sand-tin is usually found about a foot and a half above the karn.” JBorlase. Country. The ground itself, especially used of that about or near an excavation. Countryman's treacle. Garlic. The Hundred of Stratton in Queen Elizabeth's time was remarkable for its plenty of garlic, “the Countryman's treacle, says Carew, which they vent not only in Cornwall but in many other places.” Cousin-jacky. A local term of contempt. Cover-slut. Any clothing “slipped on ” to hide untidiness beneath. 145 Cow. A windlass with a cowl shaped top to supply air in a mine. M.A.C. Cowal. A fish-basket used by fish-jowders, and carried on the back. This is from the Celtic Cornish Cawal, cauwal, or cowal, a hamper, a basket. Cow-flops. Wild parsnips. Cowl. A fish bladder. B.V. Cowshern. Cow-dung. Cowshermy. A term descriptive of the colour of the sea when it looks olive-green, or turbid as if coloured with cow-dung. C. Cowsy, or Coosy. To chat. This is from the Celtic Cornish cows or caws, to speak, or talk. Causen, (SpenSer), to argue or debate. Coxy. See Cocky. Crake, or Craak. To croak, to quaver in speaking, or singing. Crake and crakel are Chaucer's words. Craake. A croaker, a querulous, fretting person. “She's a regular craake.” Craakin. Always fretting and complaining, also con- tinual and melancholy chatter. “Te's wisht to hear her craakin hour by hour.” Craaky. Hoarse, and shaky. Used of the voice. Cracky. Half mad. “Flighty.” Crame. To creep. “To crame down.” In Celtic Cornish Cramia means to creep, and cramyas, creeping. K 146 Cram. A “white” lie. “That's a cram,” i.e., that's a likely story. Also, to crumple, as “Don’t cram it.” Crammer. A big lie. “What a crammer 1" Cran. “A cran of herrings,” i.e., 800 herrings. Cravel. “A wood cravel in a chimney.” (!) Crawn. A dried sheep's skin. Davy, Zennor. Crease. The ridge tiles of a roof. Creem or Crim. A creeping, trembling, shuddering feeling, as from fear. Also a shiver, as from cold. Creem. To squeeze, crush, or press. Creeming. Shivering with cold, shaking with fear. “I’m creeming all over.” Creener. A fretful complaining person. Creening. Complaining, fretting, as if “bad all over.” “She's always creening,”, i.e., always talking about her ailments. Crellas. British hut circles. “An excavation in a bank, roofed over to serve for an outhouse.” Boiirall. Cresser. A small fish resembling a bream, but more red. H.A.C. Creeved. Underdone. M.A.C. In Celtic Cornish criv means crude, raw. - Pryce. Crib. A small meal, or lunch. “I’ve just had a crib.” A crust of bread. Cribs. Fragments of food. Cribber. A pilferer; a small eater. “He’s but a cribber.” º 147 Cribbage face. A thin wrinkled face. Cricks. Dry hedgewood. Polwhele. Cricket. A low three legged stool. Crickly. Frail, rickety. Cricklin. Breaking down from overweight, also, stoop- ing in walking. “Cricklin along.” Cripse. To craze, or injure the edges of anything brittle, as of glass or china. Crim. A crumb. A little bit of anything. Crissy-crossy. Criss-cross. Crock. A three legged iron pot used in cooking. Crogen. A shell. It is a Celtic Cornish word. (Crog- gans limpet shells. M.A.C.) Cromlech. (pro. krom.'lek.) A term applied to ancient Celtic constructions consisting of a large flat stone supported on three or more other stones set on end. Once supposed to be altars but now judged to be ancient British tombs. This is a Celtic word derived from lek, a flat stone, and krum, crooked, and according to Borlase, Cromlech means literally, a crook- ed flat rock, or stone. Crooks. Great wooden hooks used saddle fashion on horses, donkeys, and mules, for carrying goods. Also called pannier-crooks. Croom. A small bit, a short time. “Give us a croom.” “Wait a croom.” 148 Croony. Foolish, imbecile. Cropin, or Cropeing. Stingy, miserly, like “an old hunks.” Crouging. Crouching, shuffling. “Crouging along.” Crow, or Crou. A hut, a hovel, a sty. This is a Celtic Cornish word. Crowd. “A wooden hoop covered with sheep skin used for taking up corn.” Davy, Zennor. Crowd. A fiddle. Crowder. A fiddler. Crowdy. To play the fiddle. Crowd and Crowder are Celtic Cornish words. Crow'st or Crouse. A luncheon, a feed. This is a Celtic Cornish word. (Croust. Pryce). Crowning. An inquest. Crow-sheaf. The crown or topmost sheaf of an arrish mow. Cruddy, Crudded, or Cruddled. Curdled. Cruel shaape. “In a cruel shaape,” i.e., in a terrible mess. Crulley-head. Curley head. (Crull, curled, Chaucer.) Krylliaz, curled, in Celtic Cornish. Crum. Crooked, bent, curved. This is a Celtic Cornish word. It also means chilled, or cramped, as “my hands are crum, with the cold.” Crum-a-grackle. Perplexity, bother, “Here's a pretty crum-a-grackle.” St. Just. T.C. 149 Crummet. A very little bit. A crumb. Crumpling. A wrinkled apple. Crunk. To croak like a raven. F.C. Cuckhold dock. The Burdock. Arctium majus. (Cuckle dock. C.) Cuckoo, or Guckoo spit. A frothy little mass like spittle, seen on bushes, as on furze, rosemary, &c. Caused by an insect to be found in the middle of it. (The Cicadia spumaria. C.) Cud. A quid of Tobacco. Cuckoo, or Guckoo flowers. Wild hyacinths. Cudgelling. A game at fencing with stout sticks, or cudgels. The man who first “brought blood” was declared the victor. Cue. An ox-shoe. An iron heel for a boot, or shoe. Culch. Oyster spat. C. Culiack. A good-for-nothing person. Davy, Zennor. Culver-hound. The lesser spotted dog-fish. C. Cunner pots. See Weelys. Cuny. Mildewed, M.A.C. Curl. A carol, as sung at Christmas. In Celtic Cornish Karol, a choir, a song. . Curls. Glands. “The curls (i.e. glands) of the neck.” Custis. A battle-door or nearly circular shaped flat piece of hard wood, with a handle about ten inches 150 long, used at school to slap the boys hands, &c. The punishment itself was also called “the custis,” or “having the custis.” Cuttit. Sharp in reply. Pert, impudent. C. Cyphers. See Sives, or Chives. (Cipeolon). Daark, or Derk. Blind. “Th’ould man es daark an 'most totelin” i.e., the old man is blind and nearly - imbecile. Dab. A thump, a blow, as “Gibb'n a dab”; also a thrust, as “he dabbed it right in my eye”; also a lump of anything, as “a dab of butter”; also a clever, or skilful person, as “he's quite a dab at it.” Dabbety fay! An exclamation meaning, “Give us faith. H.R.C. Daffer. Crockery ware, as the tea things, &c. Polwhele. Dag. An axe used by miners. (A hatchet. Callington). Daggens. Sprinkled heavily, showing a good crop; something plentiful. T.W.S. Also, Daggins, lots. Daggin. Longing to do a thing, ready for it; as, “He’s daggin for it.” Also draggling; weighted down (i.e. daggin) with fruit. Daggin. Draggling, “Daggin in the mud.” Dame-ku. A jack snipe. R.H.B. Dandy-go-russet. Term used of faded clothing; also, an ancient wig which has done good service. Dane. “Red headed Dane” a Sneering term. M.A.C. See Carrots. 151 Daps or Dops. Likeness, or image of “The very daps.” Dash-an-darras. The dram, or “stirrup cup” for the parting guest. Polwhele, Datch. Thatch. Datcher. A thatcher. “This is the weather for ducks and datchers.” Davvered. Faded, looking old and worn. Day-berry. Wild gooseberry, M.A.C. Deads. Rubble or loose rubbish and broken stones in a mine, and containing no metal. Borlase. Dealsey, or Delseed. A fir cone, M.A.C. Deaf, or Defe nettle. See Blind-nettle. Deef, Defe, or Deve. Hollow, decayed, as a “deef.” nut. It is also used thus in the North of England. There is a term also, “defe as a haddock,” meaning, very deaf. Delbord. The nurse hound. Squalus canicula. N.E.C. Denneck, or Redan.neck. Piper, or Ellick, names applied to a species of tub fish. W.F.P. Derry. “A putty derry.” “Kicking up a putty derry.” In Celtic Cornish deray means a deed, an exploit. Devil. An eval. q.v. Devil's bit, or Devil's button. Blue scabious. M.A.C. - 152 Dew-Snail. A slug. Limaſº agreştis. Dido. A row a fuss. “Kicking up a putty dido.” Callington. Dicky. One of the names for an ass. Used also in Yorkshire. See Ass. Also, a sham bosom, or “false-front" to a shirt. A half shirt. Dijey. A small farm, or homestead. Boffrall. Dig. To scratch, as when itching, “Don’t dig your head like that.” Also, a blow, or poke, as with the elbow. “A dig in the ribs.” Dinky. Tiny, very small, a mere mite. Dinged. Reiterated. “He dinged it into my ears from morning to night.” Dilly-dally. To do anything in a slow, lazy manner. Dinyan. A little corner. M.A.C. Dippa. A small pit. A mining term. A Celtic Cornish word. Dippers. In the catching of pilchards the boats which attend for the purpose of conveying the fish from the tuck-net to the shore are termed dippers. Dr. Paris, Dish. A gallon of black tin. Carew. Also, the land- . lord’s share in the produce of a mine. Dishwasher. The wagtail. Disle, or Dicel. The thistle, especially the “Milky dicel” (so called by boys) for feeding rabbits. (Sonchus oleraceus, C.) 153 Doat figs. Broad-figs. U.J.T. Dob, or Dab. To throw, or fling. As, “he dobbed a great stone at me.” Dobbet. A short, stumpy little person. Dock. The crupper of a saddle. Also used in Devon- shire. Docy. Pretty, charming, or neat in person. “A docy little maid.” “She is very docy.” Dogga. The dog-fish. Acanthius vulgaris. C. Doggetin along. Plodding along in walking. A “dog trot ” pace. Dogg along. To drag along. Doggle. To totter in walking, as does a child, “dogglin along.” Dole. Mine dues. A lot of ore. Doldrums. In low spirits, “In the doldrums.” Dollop. A lump of anything, thus, “a dollop of fat.” Dollymop. A vulgar flirt. Dollymoppin. Flirting with the girls. Dooda. A stupid person. M.A.C. Doodle. To diddle, to cheat. Dormant. Melancholly, sad, gloomy. “A dormant house,” i.e., a gloomy house. “Feeling dormant,” i.e., melancholly or sad. Used in the same sense as wisht, q.v. Dorymouse. The dormouse, 154 Dossity. Spirit, activity. C. (A corruption of Auda- city). 'Dacity. Dot-and-go-one. A term used of a lame person. Skittering, sliddering, stapping, straking; stumping, stanking, and fooching along; Craming, and clopping, like a clouching ould tâtle, goes thickky-there poor ould “dot-and-go-one.” Douse. To throw a thing down violently. To lower, as, “douse the sail.” To thrash, or beat, as, “give him a good dousing.” To pay, as, “ come douse out your money.” To throw water over anyone, “to give him a dousing.” Douse, or Doust. A blow, or thump. Dousse, or Doust. The husks of winnowed corn. Poor people used it to stuff their pillows and bed-ties. Doust. To pelt. As in throwing stones at one. Douster. A fall, “a regler douster.” Doustin. A thrashing. Dover. An uproar, a row, a great fuss. “There's dover,” or, “There's dover to pay.” Dow. A cross old woman. Gwineur. T.C. Dowl, Dool, or Dolley. To toll a large bell. Dowlin pain. A dull, persistent pain. Down-danted. Depressed in Spirits. Discouraged, “ down in the mouth.” 155 Down souce. A sudden fall of anything, as, “down it came souce.” Also, as in speaking very plainly, “I told him down souce.” Dowser. One who uses the dowsing rod. Dowsing rod. A forked branch of hazel used for discovering a mineral lode. Now laughed at as useless, and dowsing considered as silly and super- stitious. Divining rod. - Drabbit, I Drat it ! “Aw Drabbit the ole scrubbin.” Mrs. Parr’s Adam & Eve. Draft, or Draft. Brewers' grains. Used as food for pigs. Chaucer uses the word draf, meaning “things thrown away as unfit for man's food.” Dram. A swathe of cut corn. Bottrall. Drang. A narrow place, passage, trench, gutter, or drain. Dranged up. See Dringed up. Drash. To thrash as of corn, to thump or beat. To dash a thing violently down. Also, to shut or open violently. “He drashed open the door.” Drashel. A flail. Drasher. A thrasher of corn. (In Celtic Cornish it is drushier; or drusher. Borlase.) Drashin. Thrashing corn. Also beating, or flogging. - Draw-bucket. A bucket with a rope to draw water up a well. 156 Draxel, or Drexel. The threshold. (Dreckstool. Polwhele.) Drazac, or Drazackin. Slow, stupid, dull. Dredge corn. A mixed crop of barley, oats and wheat. C. - Dredge wheat. A bearded wheat, used to be sown in coarse land. Tomkin. Dredgy ore. Inferior mineral. Borlase. Dreshel. See Drashel. Dressel, or Dresshel. See Draxel. Dribbs, or Driffs. Small quantities of anything. Drift. A trench cut in the ground resembling a channel dug to convey water to a mill-wheel. Drilsy. A low, murmuring, and monotonous sound, or hum. Dring. A crush of people, “a regular dring.” Also, a narrow place. See Drang. Dringed up. Crowded up together. Generally used of people in a crowded room, or vehicle. Soiled, as with dirt at the bottom of a dress. Dripshan. Mother's milk. Spirits, M.A.C. Driving nets. Nets drawn after the boats, fastened only at one end, in the meshes of which fish are caught as they try to pass through. Droke. A wrinkle, a furrow, a passage, M.A.C. 157 Droll-teller. An itinerant story-teller, news-monger, and fiddler, who travelled from town to town, and village to village. There were two such in Cornwall as late as 1829. H. Droolin. Drivelling, as with an infant, or an idiot. Droozenhead. A stupid, dull person. Droozlin. Stupid, dull, mournful. (In Celtic Cornish dreuesy means mournful, lamentable. Pryce.) Drover. A fishing boat used in taking fish with a driving net. Usually called driving boat. DruckShar. A small solid wheel. M.A.C. Drug. To drag, as “ drug the wheel.” The word drugge is used by Chaucer for drag. - Druggister. A druggist. Now elegantly called “A pharmaceutical chemist.” Drule, or Drool. Drivel. Drumblin. Stupid, obtuse. Drum. To flog, Drumming. Flogging. “Gibb'n a good drumming.” - Drusy. In most veins (lodes) there is a central line or fissure . . . . . formed by the close apposition and occasional union of two crystallized or as they may be called, drusy surfaces. Dr. Paris. Dry. The name given to a long, low building, (from 100 to 150 feet long), with a tall chimney at one end and a coal-burning furnace at the other. There are 158 flues beneath the tiled floor. On the hot floor the semi-liquid china clay is dried and rendered fit for shipment. This mode of drying Clay has been used about 20 or 30 years. Dryer. A dram or “nip” of spirit after drinking beer. “We had fower pints of beer, and haaf a noggin of rum for a dryer.” J. T. Tregellas. Duffan. “An egotistical hypocrite.” “A regular duffan.” Duffed. Struck. E.N. Duffy. An outspoken person. Boffrall. Dug. A push, a thrust, a poke. A “dig.” Duggle. See Doggle. Dule. Comfort. - Carew. Dull of hearing. “Hard of hearing.” Dum-dolly. A mishapen marble, M.A.C. Dummets, or Dimmets. Twilight. “Between the two lights.” - Dumbledory, Dumbledore, Dumbledrone, Drumbledrain, and Dumbledrane. Differ. ent names for a drone. (In Celtic Cornish drane means “a thorne, a bryer, a bramble.” Pryce.) Dungin'. Manuring, Dunged. Manured. Messed or dirtied. “I’ll have ivy graw oal roun’ the tower,” says the passon. “And so you shall, my dear,” says - º - * & º - 159 the churchwarden; and when the passon was gone he beginned to put some in ; a Trura man looked in and seed un, and thoft he was dungin' the tower to maake un graw.” J. T. Tregellas. Durgy or Dourgy. A short, stout person, M.A.C. It is a Celtic Cornish word and also means a small turf hedge. Pryce. Durk, or Dark. Blind. Durn. The door post. The side post of a door or gate. Dorn, Celtic Cornish, the door post. Duty. The estimated work done by a mine steam- engine. The amount of duty is registered and issued on “duty papers.” Dwalder. To speak tediously and confusedly. C. Dwaling. A dreamy, sleepy manner of muttering. It is often said of a sick person that he has been “dwaling all night.” Angl. Sax. dwelian. (Dwale, a sleeping draught. Chaucer.) Ear-bosoms or Ear-busses. The glands of the throat. When swollen it is said, “My ear-bosoms are down.” The orifices behind the gills of a conger. Ear-buzz, or Ear-buzzer. The spinning, or brown Cock-chafer. The Oakwebb. Boys make the insect spin or “buzz” by putting a pin in its tail. Ear-wig. A millipede kind of insect. It is an old belief in Cornwall, that if an earwig crept into the ear, deafness would be caused. Easement. Relief. (Esement, Chaucer.) 160 Easy. Feeble minded. Silly. Eaving. See Heaving. Edge on. To egg on, to incite. Eggy-hot, or Egg-hot. Hot beer with eggs, and sugar beaten up. Sometimes flavoured with rum. Ekky-mowl. The titmouse. Elbow-crookin. Tippling. Elbow grease. Work or labour in doing a thing well. “Give it more elbow grease.” Elecompanie. A tomtit. Polwhele. Element. The atmosphere, the sky. Elleck. The gurnard. Trigla Cuculus. C. See Illek. Emmut. In the eye of the wind, i.e., in the emmut (or brunt) of it. Polwheſe. Empidenter. More impudent. “He’s moar empi- denter then I caan suffer.” Ena, mena, out. A row of children stood facing another child, and the latter, pointing to each in succession, said these words in an ordinary voice, except the word “out,” which was shouted. “Ena, mena, mona, mite, Bascalora, bora, bite, Hugga, bucca, bau; Eggs, butter, cheese, bread, Stick, stock, stone dead, Out.” * 161 The moment “out" was said, the one on whom this word fell had to quit the row ; and so seriatim, repeating the above words each time. In West Cornwall according to M.A.C. the following are the words used : — “Ena, mena, mona, mi, Pasca, lara, bona, (or bora,) bi, Elke, belke, boh, Eggs, butter, cheese, bread, Stick, stack, stone dead.” In the game of Blindman's Buff. “Among the many evidences that furnish the philologist with the proof that a once powerful people existed in our midst are those “wandering words” that flit through the atmosphere of our every-day lives. At first their indistinctness adds nothing to their beauty; but, after a careful scrutiny, their roughness Wears away, and amidst an accumulation of what is seemingly unreal and unsatisfactory, we begin to discover something that eventually will repay us for the labour we have bestowed upon them. There is—so to speak— nothing too common, nothing too mean, nothing so out of the everyday working of our lives, that will not lead us to a suc- cessful issue. A bit of bronze, a battered flint, a broken bussa, a single word or expression,-each carries us back to a period when manners, dress, domestic appliances, and the prevalence of a now forgotten tongue were scattered up and down our land; and which differ from the England and the English in every essential of the present day. For instance, who would surmise that the talismanic words uttered by our children in their innocent games have come down to us very nearly as perfect as when spoken by the Ancient Briton; but with an opposite and widely different meaning? The only degree of likeness that lies between them now is that where the child of the present day escapes a certain kind of juvenile punishment the retention of the word originally meant DEATH in a most cruel and barbarous way. L 162 The couplet, as near as I can bring it to orthographical stand- ing, will read thus: “Ena, mena, bora—mi– Kisca, lara, mora—di.” The force of habit is so strong in our modes of actions,— of seeing, hearing, and doing, that the endless repetition of those seemingly childish words has taken no further hold on us than the generality of such nursery twaddle would. In this instance the case ought to be widely different; for this is a veritable phrase of great antiquity—“the eaccommunication of a human being, preparatory to that victim's death.” The analysis of the two lines in question will show that a double meaning was clearly involved; the first line laying a ban on the then chief articles of food, or life-producing ele- ments, eggs, butter, bread; the second, or judicial, line foreshadowing death by beating, or, as the line clearly enough expresses it, “beaten to death by Sticks.” Mi and di are the old British ordinals, and stand for first and second ; therefore, the twofold principle would make it appear as if the criminal not only suffered the deprivation at home of home comforts * but that death followed with unerring severity.” T. W.S. in the “Cornishman’ on “Wandering words.” Engine-stack. The lofty chimney of a mine-engine house. Epiphany. A name applied in west Cornwall to the Cuscuta Epithymum, abundantly growing amongst the furze, “winding its spiral structure in all directions and producing from its reddish hue a beautful con- trast,” Dr. Paris. Epping-stock. See Hepping-stock. Erish, or Errish. See Arrish. Ettaw. A shackle used to fasten two chains, so as to make one. Mousehole. W.F.P. 163 Eval, Hevval, Yewal, Yewl, or Devil. A dung- fork with three prongs has these different names. Ever, or Aiver. See Heaver. Eving, or Eaving. See Heaving. Evet, Ebbet, or Emmet. A newt. Fackle, or Feckle. An acute inflamation in the foot. M.A.C. Fadé. (Faddy). To go. As at Helstone on Furry day. Fadé tune. The furry-song tune as played at Helstone on the 8th of May. The music of it is given in Dr. Paris's “Guide to Mount's Bay and Land's End,” p. 222; in “Specimens of Cornish Provincial Dialect,” by Uncle Jan Trenoodle, pp. 106-7-8, and also in other books on Cornwall. Fadging along. Walking along. Getting on, pros- pering. Fadge. To suit, or fit. “How will it fadge!” i.e., how will it suit, fit, or answer. Angl. Sax, fegan. “I’ll have thy advice and if it fadge thou shalt eat.” Mother Bombie, 1594. “You see how matters fadge.” The Merry Devil of Edmonton. Fadgy. “How do'ee fadgy?” i.e., how do you get on 4 Fagot. A Cornish wrestler who has bargained not to win, is said to have “sold his back,” and he is con- temptuously called a fagot. It is also a name of con- tempt and anger for an impudent girl, or “hussy.” “Ah you fagot l” 164 Fair-a-Mo. Pig fair in November at St. Ives. M.A.C. Fairmaid, fumade, or fermade. Names for a cured (formerly smoked) pilchard. Pilchards “when caught, used to be preserved by smoking,” . . . . . “therefore denominated fumadoes by the Italians to whom then, as now, we principally sold them, and which are still denominated fumadoes by the very populace of Cornwall, even when they are now pre- served by pressing.” Whitaker's ancient Cathedral of Cornwall, Vol. 2, pp, 248, 249. “Fumadoes were perhaps the gerres of Pliny.” Camden. “They carry them" into Spayne, Italie, Venice, and divers places within the straytes, where they are very vendible, and in those partes tooke name fumados for that they are dried in the Smoake.” (Norden, A.D. 1584). Fair play ! Fair play I Make a ring ! A favourite Cornish cry when there is a fight, or a strife for mastery. When Cornishmen fought, or cudgelled, or wrestled, they did so generously, and like men, and very often for the sake of prowess without a sign of rancour. They did not, two, three or four together, fall on a single man, or, kick or strike him when he was down, nor did they like cowards pull out their knives, or revolvers, but they used the weapons (and good ones too) with which nature had provided them. In their quarrels they were rough enough, but they were not typical of the modern “rough,” on the contrary, in their quiet moments there were no men more civil, and good natured. When the writer was a youth, it was common to see a fight in the street on a market day. The constable would be sometimes present, apparently to keep order. The men first shook hands, then set to, and again shook hands at the finish. 165 Then both parties adjourned to an inn, smoked a pipe, drank ale, settled about the next trial in fisticuffs, and finished by singing a song or two to the tune of “the old hundred.” A celebrated preacher once said that he did not see why the Devil should have the best tunes, and these men thought conversely. Yet they were very kindly, worked hard, lived hard, and stood by one another like bricks in a strong wall, veritably like “One and all.” Once when the writer had lost his way on a wild moor, late at night, one of such men rose from bed and guided him in safety away from the mine shafts. A reward for the trouble was evidently quite unlooked for, and it would have given of- fence to have pressed it. The writer merely records the facts as known to him. These Cornishmen gave hard blows, and what is harder, they learnt how to take them. With all their roughness they were better men than Pecksniff, or Mawworm; but times are changed, and we are changed with them. So much the better. But how much 2 Fairy. A weasel. C. Falky. A long-stemmed plant. Halliwell. Fal-the-ral. Nonsense. Fallows. Risers to a cart, to make it hold more. Fang, OI’ Vang. To get, to seize. (Fong, Sawon). Fangings, or Vangings. Earnings, winnings. Fantads. Rediculous notions. Fardle. A burthen, Fardel, Chaucer. It is fardel in Celtic Cornish. Fare nuts. Earth nuts. Ground nuts. Farthing of land. Thirty acres of land. Halliwell. Fawt, Fault. This is a Celtic Cornish word. - - º - Nº --- 166 Fay. Faith. Iss fay! Yes faith ! Fay in Chaucer. Fey and fay are Celtic Cornish words. Feather-bow. The plant fever-few. Feather-bog. A quagmire. M.A.C. Feather-tye. A feather bed. Feebs, or Feeps. Pitch and toss, M.A.C. Fellon. Alveolar abscess. A cattle disease. Fellon-herb. Chickweed. M.A.C. Felen is Celtic Cornish for wormwood. (The mouse-ear hawk weed. C.) Fer. Far. Fer, Chaucer. Fernig. See Furnig. Fern-webb. A small brown beetle used in fishing. (Fernicock. M.A.C.) Melorontha horticola. Fescue, or Wester. A pointer for teaching children to read. Polwhele, Wester is a Celtic Cornish word meaning master. Fetch. To reach to, arrive at, or get to ; as, “fetch it down,” “hard work to fetch hom.” Few. Some. Curiously used thus, “I’ll have a few broth.” Also used thus in Yorkshire. - Figs. Raisons are so called in Cornwall. In Celtic Cornish, figés ledan, broadfigs; figés an houl, raisins. Figgy-duff. Dough, suet, and raisins, mixed and baked --- in the shape of a pasty. Also called figgy-hobbin. Figgy pudden. Plum pudding. Fig pudding is more correct than plum pudding. In Celtic Cornish figés an houl means figs of the Sun, raisins. 167 Filth. “A filth,” i.e., a dirty slut. Also, a bellyfull. “I’ve had my filth.” Fingers. The depth of a hole for blasting rock is measured by a miner placing his fingers against the borer in the hole. “There's three more fingers to bore.” Fire-tail. The red-start, M.A.C. Firk. V. To tease roughly by hand. F.C. Fish-fag. Female fish-dealer. A fish-wife. Fish jousting. Hawking fish. Fitchered. Baulked. “Used by miners when some difficulty occurs in boring a hole for blasting.” Garland. Fitch, Fitcher, or Fichet. A polecat. Fitty, or Vitty. Suitable, proper, well adapted. Fish jowster, Fish-jowder, or Fish-chowter. Names for an itinerant fish dealer. One who carries a cowal of fish on the back is also called a back- jouster. Five-stones. A boy's game with five small stones, placed on the palm of the hand and then tossed up together a few inches high so as to be caught by a quick turn on the back of the same hand. He who thus catches the greatest number, after a series of such turns, wins the game. Flair. Pig's kidney fat, M.A.C. Flair in Celtic Cornish means a Smell, a stink. 168 Flaad. See Blawed. Flam. A flame. This is a Celtic Cornish word: flambe in Chaucer. Flam-new. Quite new. Flap. A flash, “a flap of lightning.” Flip. A fillip, or slight quick blow. Flaygerry. Frolicsome. Fleeting. Guttering of a candle. Flickets, or Vlickets. Flushes, blushes. Flink. A pert, or insolent kind of deportment. “She's in one of her flinks again.” Flip-jack. A rude fire place, M.A.C. Flisk. A large tooth comb. M.A.C. Flookan. “(An a flaw, a cut), it being a parcel of ground which calleth off one part of a lode from another.” Borlase. Flop. A slap. Flop-down. To sit, or drop suddenly down on a seat, or the floor. Flopper. An under petticoat. Polwhele. Flora-day. See Furry-day. Floor of tin. A stratum of tin ore as it lies in alluvial deposit. As in a stream work. Flosh. To flush, or well wash with water, as in wash- ing a courtlage. : 169 . *| º Flote ore. Seaweed. Carew. Floury milk. Hasty pudding. See Whitepot. Floury. Mealy, as a floury potatoe. Flox. To agitate, or shake up fluid, as in a barrel which is partly filled. " Flummox. To cheat, deceive, or impose upon. “Reg- ularly flummoxed l’’ Flush, or Flushed. Full fledged. Flushet. A stream dam. Fly-by-night. A silly, thoughtless, restive girl. Flying mare. A wrestling term. Foacer. There are two such, viz.: liquid, and solid. The solid one is a good lump of plain pudding before cutting the joint, so as to take off the edge of a sharp hunger. The liquid one is a large basin of broth before dinner, so as to damp, or rather, whet the appetite of young folks. Such domestic tricks have been done once too often. A boy, in desperation at the sight of so much broth, when asked to say “grace,” cried out, “Oh deliver us from this ocean of broth, and land us safely upon the little island of mutton " The following was often said, “Wollee haa a foacer, cheeld?” Foacin. Pushing, striving. “Doant’ee be so foacin.” Foathy, or Forethy. Forwards, intrusive. “She’s very foathy.” 170 Fogans, or Foogans. A kind of cake. U.J.T. Folyer. See Volyer. Foot of tin. Two gallons of tin ore. Carew. Footway shaft. The shaft by which miners go down to their work in a mine. Foo-ty. Mincing, affected, ridiculous in manner. “Such footy ways” Fooch. Upon occasion, as, “it will do upon a fooch;” a pretence, “it is a poor fooch;” also, a shove, “I gov’n a fooch.” Fooch. To poke in the way, as, “what arr'ee foochin about , ” Foochy. Maladroit, stupid, clumsy in method, or IſlanlleI’. Fooching along. Pushing along, getting on toler- ably well. Fore-right. See Wore-right. Forrel. The cover of a book. Forel is the name of a kind of parchment for the cover of books. Forth-and-back. Shuffling and vaccillating in man- Ile I’. Fouse. To handle carelessly, or crumple. Fouster. To work hard, to bustle about. Foxy. When china-clay contains much oxide of iron, there is produced a reddish tint when it is burnt. This spoils the pure white colour, and this reddish tint gives to the clay the term “foxy.” 171 Frape. To bind tightly. “Lor how she es fraped in about the waist,” i.e., tight laced. Frange. To spread out like a fan. M.A.C. Free-fish. Fish so called in contra-distinction to shell-fish. Carew. Freath. A gap in a wattled hedge. C. Frith. A wattled hedge or gate. Dr. Bannister. Frickets. See Flickets. Fringle. A kitchen grate. M.A.C. Fuggan. A pork pasty. See Hoggan. Full-drive. Fully driven. (Ful-drive, Chaucer). Fulling. That which well satisfies hunger. “And good fulling traade et was.” Fulsome. Food too fat, rich, or sweet. “It is as fat and fulSome.” Shakspere. Furnade. See Fairmaid. Furr. V. To pull the ears. “I’ll furr your ears, you rascal.” Fuzz. Furze, Gorse. Fuzz-chet. The stone-chatter. Fuzz-kite. The ring tailed kite. M.A.C. Fuzzy-pig. The hedge-hog. Furnig, Fernig, or Furniggy. To outwit, deceive, or cheat. 172 Furry-song. The song of the Furry-day, for which consult Cornish Histories. It is noticed here because of the words “with Halantow, Rumbelow !” which by Polwhele are written thus, “With Halantow, Jolly rumble O.” Sir John Stoddart in his learned treatise on “Grammar” in the Encyclopoedia Metro- politana, says, “But the old Scottish and English “Heve and How,” and “Rumbelow,” is singular enough to be cited:— “With hey and how ! rohumbelow ! . The young folk werfull bold.” Peblis to the Play. “They rowede hard, and sungge ther too, With Heuelow ! and rumbeloo.” Richard Coeur de Lion, “Your maryners shall synge arowe, Hey how ! and rumbylowe.” - Squyre of lowe degree. Furry day. A Cornish custom from time immemorial, is to hold a festival on the 8th of May at Helstone. Anciently at Penryn on the 3rd of May; at the Lizard, near the beginning of the century, on the 1st of May ; and also in the parish of Sithney. Drew's Hist, of Cornwall. It is generally supposed that this was an institution of pagan origin, designed to celebrate the return of spring. Polwhele says, that to suppose Furry to be a corrup- tion of Flora “is a vulgar error.” “Furry is derived from the old Cornish word Fer, a fair or jubilee.” It -- - N- 173 is not correct therefore to call it Flora day, it should be Furry day. It is sometimes called Faddy day, or as Whitaker spells it, Fadi day. Beal (Britain and the Gael) speaks of Davies as referring to old Briton rites, in the words of the Bards, and by a quota- tion from Greek poetry. “Ruddy was the sea beach, and the circular revolution was performed by the attendance of the white bands in graceful extravagance, wben the assembled train were dancing and singing in cadence with garlands, and ivy branches on the brow.” “On Ida's mountain with his mighty mother, Young Bacchus led the frantic train; And through the echoing woods the rattling timbrels sound. Then the Curetes clashed their sounding arms, And raised with joyful voice the song, While the shrill pipe resounded to the praise of Cybele, And the gay Satyrs tripped in jocund dance, &c,” Beal says, (p. 85), “In the month of May, a memorial of something like this, yet lingers in an ancient Cornish town.” Whitaker says in a letter to Polwhele, (Polwhele’s Biographical Sketches in Cornwall, vol. 3, p. 97), “When . . . . . you derive Furry from Fer (Cornish) a fair, and now suppose the Fair-o of the song to confirm your conjecture; I thoroughly concur with you. . . . . Only I never considered Fer (Cornish) as the word “whence (comes) the Latin Feria.” The Latin is the original term, and the Cornish only a derivative from it, Fer (Cornish) being the same with Foire (Irish) and so forming Fair-o or Furry in pronunciation. Gaby. A fool. Gad. A short, Wedge-like mining tool, used with a hammer in splitting rock, &c. Gedn and gad are Celtic Cornish for a wedge. Gaddle. To drink greedily with haste. “She gaddled it up in no time.” 174 Gaert, or Gurt. Great. “A gaert maur o'fuzz," i.e., a great root or stump of furze. Gait, or Gate. Manner, habit, or way. W.T.A.P. Gate, Chaucer. “What a gate you have of doing it!” Wadebridge. Gake, Gaake, or Geke. To stare about. “What be’ee gaakin about !” Gale. An ox. U.J.T. A childless man. Garland. An impotent bull. C. Galliganter. A hulking, big woman. “She is a regular galliganter.” This word, (galliganter) is from Galligantus, the name of “the giant who lived with Hocus-Pocus, the conjuror—Jack the Giant-killer blew the magic horn, and both the giant and conjuror were overthrown.” Nursery Tale of Jack the Giant-killer. Gallivanter. An incurable flirt. Gallivanting. “Running about with the girls.” Flirting. Gallus-row. “A gallow's row.” (A word perhaps from the hanging scenes at Newgate prison). A great fuss, or outcry. There is a singular resemblance between these words and the Celtic Cornish word galar, sorrow, grief, lamentation; galarow in the plural number. Also the verb galarow, to weep for, to bewail, to lament. Galarow reminds one of the 175 old word Harow an exclamation, (see Chaucer), or arowe, as in the old line, “Your maryners shall synge arowe.” Squyre of lowe degree. Gambers. “By gambers!” (An exclamation). Gambrel. A spreader for the feet of an animal recently killed. (The hock. C.) Gammuts. Frolic, fun, play. “You’re up to your gammuts again.” Gange, or Ginge. To gange a hook is to arm it and the snood with a fine brass or copper wire, twisted round to prevent its being bitten off by the fish. Garbage. The skimmings of salt, filth and congulated oil from pilchards, which are prepared to be put into, hogsheads. Gashly. Ghastly, horrible, ugly, disagreeable. “A gashly wound.” “A gashly looking thing.” “A gashly temper.” “You gashly bufflehead.” Gathorn. A mine spirit, or phantom. M.A.C. Gaully grounds. Ground full of springs of water. Carew. Gaupuses. Fools, idiots. “The gaupuses have sook- ed it all in,” i.e., The fools have believed it all. Mrs. Parr's Adam & Eve. Gaver. Crayfish. Polwhele. 176 Gawk, Gawky, Gawkum, or Geck. A stupid, clumsy fellow.” “The most notorious geck.” Shak- Spere. Goky and Gukky are Celtic Cornish words meaning foolish, silly, absurd. Gays. Child's playthings, M.A.C. Geagled. Draggled, dirtied. Geagle is Celtic Cornish for dirty, filthy. Geese or Geez. A saddle-girth. Geeze-dance. See Guise-dance. Gerrick. A whistler fish; Sea pike. (Garfish. C.) Giblets. Nickname for a thin, lanky, bony person. Gidge. “Oh my gidge.” An exclamation. M.A.C. Gifts. Term used for the white spots seen on the finger nails. “A gift on the thumb is sure to come, A gift on the finger is sure to linger.” Giglot. A giddy, flighty young girl, or woman. This is a Celtic Cornish word, and means, a foolish laugh- ter, a wanton girl. “Away with those giglots too.” “A giglot wench,” “a wanton giglot.” Shakspere. Gill. A pint of black tin. - Carew. Ging. A whip to make a top spin. C. Giss, or Geist. Hemp girdle, a saddlecloth, M.A.C. Gru-gis or Gri-gis is Celtic Cornish for a girdle, a belt. - 177 Giving. Thawing, bedeving. When stones become wet by change of temperature, they say “the stones are giving.” See Heaving. Giz-dance, or Geez-dance. See Guise-dance. Applied to the Christmas play. Gladdy. The yellow-hammer. C. Glán. “The bank of a river.” Polwhole. Glón is a Celtic Cornish word, meaning, the bank, the side, or the brink of a river. The side of anything, Glawer. The fish Morrhua minuta. N.E.C. Glaws. Dried cow-dung, formerly used for fuel. Tonkin. It should be spelt glose or gloas, which is the Celtic Cornish for “dried cow-dung, (used as fuel.”) (“Ha glose tha leskye.” And dry dung to burn. Pryce.) Glaze. To stare hard at anything, or person. “What be’ee glazin at . " - Glen-ader. The cast skin of an adder, sometimes worn as an amulet. H.R.C. Nader is Celtic Cornish for adder, viper, Snake. Glidder. Glaze, or varnish, like white of egg, gum, &c. Gliddery. Shiny, as the surface of a cake, or bunn when varnished with white of egg. Also, slippery. Glint. To glance at, to catch a sight of Glent, Chaucer. Glumps. Sulks. “He’s got the glumps.” “He’s in the glumps.” Glumpy. Sulky. (Glombe, Saxon, to look gloomy). M 178 Glumped up. Sitting apart in the “sulks.” Gluthening up. Gathering into rain. “A common expression in Meneg.” Polwhele. Gluth, Glut or Glit is Celtic Cornish for dew, a hoar frost, a rime. Goad. Half a square yard of land. Gob. A mass of expectorated phlegm. (Gobbel, a morsel, a bit, Chaucer). Go-a-gooding. Poor old women of Polperro “go-a- gooding,” travelling the parish over to collect mate- rials for the Christmas cake, and pudding, C. Goal. Slow, heavy pain. “A goalin pain.” In Celtic Cornish gelar or galar means anguish. Go-by-the-ground. A short little person. God’s cow. The lady-bird, (an insect). Callington. Goffans. See Coffins. Goggling for gapes. Looking foolishly amazed. Goil. Cuttle fish. (C.) Sepia officinalis. Golden chain. Bunches, or rather the natural rows of laburnum flowers. Golles. By Golles' An exclamation. Hercules was worshipped by the name of Golion or Goles; one of the gates of a city in Spain was dedicated to Goles. Hence we discover the meaning of the oath of the common people of Cornwall. Aye and of gentlemen, when they say “By Golles l’ i.e., “By Hercules.” Hogg's Fab. Hist, of Cornwall, note p. 444. Gommock. A fool. - - 179 Gone poor. Decayed, tainted, turned sour. Gone to lie. Said of corn, or grass beaten down by rough weather. Gone round land. Dead. Gone dead. Dead. Good carne. Good rocks for fishing near. Tonkin. Goodness. The richness, or fatness in food. Goodspoon. A young brat. A “ne'er do well." J.w. Lostwithiel. Goody. To prosper, to thrive. “Its sure to goody.” Goog. A cliff cavern. N.E.C. Gook. A bonnet shade like the peak of a boy's cap, generally blue. Also, a bend in the neck, from an awkward habit of leaning the head down, and thrust- ing the face forwards. “He’s got such a gook.” Goonhillies. A celebrated breed of small horses formerly bred on the Goonhilly downs in Cornwall. Norden, in his “Topographical and Historical des- cription of Cornwall,” and whose survey, says the Editor of the edition of 1728, was probably taken in 1584, states that, “There is a kinde of naggs bredd upon a mountanous and spatious peece of grounde, called Goon-hillye, lyinge betweene the sea coaste and Helston; which are the hardeste naggs and bestes of travaile for their bones within this kingdome, resem- bling in body for quantitie, and in goodnes of mettle, the Galloway naggs.” Goose-chick. A gosling. A symbol of exhaustion. “As weak as a goose-chick.” 180 Gorry, or Gurrie. A large wicker flasket with a long handle on each side, and carried like a sedan chair. Gorseddan. A place of elevation, whence it has been said, the Druids pronounced their decrees. Gorsedd is Celtic Cornish for a seat of judgment. Goss. A tall reed growing in marshy places, or in shallow ponds. The boys used to make arrows of the stems. Arundo phragmites. Goss. A fuss, a perplexity, M.A.C. Goss. Moor, or wood (COS). Dr. Bannister. Goss-moor. Great (mawr) moor (cors); or wood (CO3) moor. Dr. Bannister. Gossawk. A lubber, a blundering fellow. “For loke how that a goshauke tyreth (feeds).” Chaucer. Gothhomm, or Gosshomm. An expression of contempt, as if to say, “Go home,” “Get away,” “Get out, you fools.” In Celtic Cornish Gothoam (Pryce), means fools. The word is curiously similar to gothhomm. Gowk, or Gook. Somewhat like a Quaker's bonnet in shape, with a “curtain” behind. It is of large size. Worn by mine, clay-work, and country girls, OT WOIſleIl. Gozzan, or Gossan. This is Celtic Cornish for rust, the rusty ochre of Iron. Also, the course, bed, broil, or back of a lode. Hence, “keenly gozzan,” i.e., a promising lode. 181 Gozzan. An old, rusty, scratch wig. Grab. Very sour. Grafted. Coated, or loaded with dirt. “Your nails are grafted with dirt.” Grail. A three-pronged fish spear. M.A.C. Grainy. Sour-tempered, close-fisted, proud. “A grainy ould chap.” Grambler. A stony place. M.A.C. Grammer-sow. See Sow-pig. Gramfer, or Granfer. Grandfather. Grange. See Grunge. Grass. The surface at a mine, a miner's term. “Gone to grass,” i.e., come up out of the mine. Graving clouds. Clouds moving contrary to the wind below them. A sign of storm. Grebe. A handful, a small portion. Green sauce. The dock Sorrel. Ruméſ, acetosa. See Sour-sauce, Sour-sabs, and Sour-sops. Greet. Dry earth. Greet-board. The earth board of a plough. Greglan. See Griglan. Grend. A twist or kink in a chain. Mousehole. Grendin-Stone. Grinding stone. Grey. A badger. Polyphele, Grey-bird. The song thrush, 182 Gribble. The part of the tree for grafting on. C. Griddlin. Sitting “hanging over” the fire, and so warming nose and knees together. Griglan, or Grig. Heath, or ling. (At St. Agnes heath flowers are called “browth of the griglans.” H). Celtic Cornish words, Grig, heath; griglans, sticky heath. Borlase. Griggan. A grass-hopper. M.A.C. Gripe. The ditch along the foot of a hedge. Gripy. Greedy, stingy, miserly. Grishens. See Growshans. Grizzle. To grin. Grisla is a Celtic Cornish word, and means to grin like a dog, and a grisla, grinning. “What be’ee grizzlin at 1° “You Ould grizzla.” Grobman. A bream two thirds grown. Polwhele, Grock. To pull, to tweak; as to pull the hair up over the ears. H.R.C. Groot. The same as Greet. Q.V. Callington. Growan. Soft granite-like ground. Also, a name for granite. Celtic Cornish, grow, gravel or sand; or gream, gravel. Growder. A soft kind of decomposed granite used for scouring. Growts, grownds, grudgings, growshans, grooshans, or grishens. Terms used of coffee grounds, dregs or sediment in a cup of tea, &c. Probably derived from the Celtic Cornish word grow, sand. 183 Groyne. A seal. M.A.C. Grunge, or Grange. To grind the teeth, to make a grinding sound in chewing. Guag. Rubbish is so called by shoaders. Tonkin. A Celtic Cornish word. Pryce says “when the tinners hole into a piece of ground, which has been wrought before, though filled up again, they call it holing in guag.” Guff. See Caff. Guinea-pigs. Small white cowrie shells. Guis. “An old sow that hath had many pigs.” Polwhele. It is a Celtic Cornish word. Guise-dance. A kind of carnival or bal-masqué at Christmas. Polwhele calls it the guise or disguise dance, for so the Cornish pronounce guise (geez). “This dance answers to the ‘mummers’ of Devon, and the morrice dancers of Oxfordshire,” &c. In Celtic Cornish ges, means mockery, a jest. Gulge. To drink to excess. Gur. The shanny fish. C. Gurt. A gutter. Callington. Gurgo, or Gurgy. A low hedge, or rough fence. Gur in Celtic Cornish means an end, an extremity, and gé, a fence. 184 --> ------- Gurgoes. Long narrow lanes. W.F.P. In Celtic Cornish gur, end, extremity; and go, a particle used with words to denote a progress towards. Williams. Gurrie. A handbarrow for fish; a wicker basket with handles as in a sedan chair. Gut. A narrow gap, trench, or passage. Guts. A contemptuous term for a glutton. GWaith. “The breast hook of a boat.” M.A.C. Gweans. See Queens. Gwenders, or Wonders. A tingling or stinging of the extremities from cold. In Celtic Cornish gwan means a sting. Haaf saved. Half witted see Half baked. Hadgy-boor. See Hedgy-boar. Haestis, or Hastis. Hurriedly, hastily, impatiently. Haestis-go-thurra. The diarrhoea. Hag. A mist. Hager. Ugly, deformed, rough, foul, evil, fierce, cruel. This is a Celtic Cornish word. See Agar. Hailer. A thief's confederate. “The hailer is as bad as the stailer” (stealer). Hair-pitched. Bald. Newlyn, T.C. Haivery. Miserly, greedy of money, envious. From the Celtic Cornish awl, avey, or avy, spite, envy, discord. - 185 Hale. To haul, drag, or pull. “Hal'en op,” i.e., pull him up. “Hither hale the misbelieving Moor.” “I’ll hale the dauphin headlong from his throne.” Shakspere. Halish. (Pale. M.A.C.) Ailing, weak. Half-baked, or Haaf saved. Said of one who is silly, and stupid. Hallyhoe. The skipper fish. Hall Monday. The day before Shrove Tuesday. See Nicka-nan night. Halvan. Refuse of the ore after spalling. Tomkin. Halvaner. One who receives half the produce for his labour. E.N. Hall-nut. Hazel nut. Hallan-tide. All Saints' day. Haly-caly. To throw things to be scrambled for. M.A.C. Hame. A circle of straw rope. A straw horse-collar. (A hame is used to fasten the fore leg of a sheep to prevent him from breaking fence. C.) Hange. (Pronounced, hanjh). See Head and Hange. - Hanges, or Hange. The heart, liver, and lights of a sheep. Those with the head are called “Head and hange,” or “head and hinge,” (or hinges.) Hardah. Elvan rock, C. 186 Hard-head. The refuse of tin after smelting. The plantain. J.W. Hard-heads. Centaury. Centaurea nigra. Hare’s meat. The common wood sorrel. Ovalis acetoSella. Harve. To harrow. Harve. A harrow. Hatter-flitter. A jack-snipe. M.A.C. Hauen. Haven. Carew. Havage. Family origin, or stock. “He comes of a bad havage.” Hayned up. Land left to grow a crop of grass for hay. Haysing. Poaching. C. Haybands. About 50 or 60 years ago, countrymen in wet weather “wore haybands,” i.e., ropes of hay coiled closely round each leg to keep it dry. Mackintosh was not known then. (“Haybands up to his knees.” Tregellas). Head and Hange, or Head and Hinges. The head, lungs, liver, and heart of an animal. - Heaps. Thus said of an egotist, “He thinks heaps of himself.” Heaver, or Hayver. A grass seed. Lolium perenne. Heaving, Haiving, or Eaving. The stones (large slate stones) becoming wet from change of temper- ature, are heaving. Also said of ice beginning to thaw. See Un-eave and Giving. 187 Heavy. Close grained, as heavy bread, &c. Heel-tap. The leather heel of a boot, or shoe. Also, the metal shield, or “scute” of the heel of a boot, or shoe. Also, the last few drops of a glass of grog. TO heel-tap, to repair the heel of a shoe, or boot. Hedgy-boar, or Hadgy-boor. A hedgehog, Hellier, Heller, or Healer. A slater of roofs. Helling. A slated roof. Helling-stone. A slate stone used for roofs. Henderment, or Handerment. Obstruction, delay, hindrance. Hepping-stock, or Hipping-stock. An erection, - or stand of three or four steps, for more easily mounting a horse. In Lancashire it is called Horse- block, or Horse-stone. Herby-pie. A pie made of spinach, bits (a herb so called very much like spinach), parsley, mustard-cress, pepper-cress, young onions, and lettuce, with some slices of bacon, and a little milk. Seasoned with pepper and salt. Herring-bairn. A sprat. C. Hevah. See Hubba, and Hevah. Hevval, or Hewal. See Eval. Hez. A swarm of bees. (Also gle?). Polwhele, Hick-mal. See Ekky-mowl. Hiding. A thrashing. A “tanning.” 188 Higher-quarter people. People from the uplands near a town. St. Austell. Hile. The beard of corn. Hilla, or Hillah. The nightmare. Borlase. It is a Celtic Cornish word. Hippety-hop, or Hippety-hoppety, A jumping kind of walk or gait. Hoase. Forbear. Carew. Hobbies. A kind of hawk. Carew. Hobbin, or Hobban. Dough, raisins, and fat, baked in the form of a pasty; also called Figgy-duff, Q.V. Hobble. A band for the legs of animals to prevent their breaking fence or running away. Hobbler. An unlicensed pilot. Two or three men own a boat, so as to tow a vessel in with a rope. They share the hobbles, or profits between them. Hobbelers. This so spelt by Hals, is, he says, the name given to the men and horses posted on the Cornish beacons, to give notice on any alarm of the approach of an enemy. On the beacon was a pile of wood, or barrel of pitch elevated on a pole, and fired in the night ; or in daytime a smoke was raised from some combustible matter. Hoddy-mandoddy. A simpleton. U.J.T. (Hod. madod, N. of England). Hoggan, or Fuggan. A pork pasty. A tinner's pasty. Hogen, Celtic Cornish. Pryce. 189 Hogget. A two year old ewe. Hog lamb. A sheep under a year old. Holidays. Parts left untouched in dusting, “Don’t leave any holidays.” Hollibubber. One who earns his living out of the refuse of the slate quarries at Delabole. C. Holla-pot. See Tom-holla. Holm. The holly-tree. Holm-Scritch. The missel-thrush. . C. Holt, or Holster. A lurking place, a place of con- cealment. A place of rendezvous. (Hulstred, Saa.on, hidden). Honey-pin. A peculiar sweet apple. Boffrell. Hood, or Ood. Wood. Hoop. The bullfinch. C. Hopps. Small bits, as, “Hopps of gold.” Carew. Hooraa, " Wurraa, l or Wurraw I Hurrah or Huzza A word common to many nations. Jewish, hosanna ; Old French, huzzer, (to shout aloud); Dutch, huSSchen ; Russian, hoera and hoézée. Hurrar is a cor- ruption of Tur-aie (Thor aid), a battle cry of the Northmen. Wace, “Chronicle.” (Brewer's Dicty). Hootin. Blubbering, “Stop tha hootin', dew.” Hooze, or Hoozy. Hoarse. Hoz, Celtic Cornish. Hooze, or Hoost. A bronchial disease in cattle. Hoozle-pipe. See Oozle. 190 Hoppety bed. A game, hopscotch. In playing it, a figure like the diagram is marked out on the ground, on a space about 9 or 10 feet long, and about 4 feet wide. The figures are for explanation. 2 5 3. 6 A small stone being placed at No. 1, the player, standing on one foot, has to tip the stone, in hopping, from bed to bed, as numbered. If the stone go beyond the next space, or over the line, or, if the player cease to stand on one leg, he is “out.” (Pan bed. Truro). Horn-fish. The gar-fish. Borlase. Horny-wink. Plover, (in the east); slugs, (in the West). Dr. Bannister. Horny-winky. A toad. H. J. Royal Instit. of Corn- wall. Horny-winky. Desolate, outlandish, as of a place fit only for “horny-winks and lap-wings.” J.W. Hosen. Stockings. In Celtic Cornish, hosan, a stock- ing, Housey. Ennui from too much confinement in the house, “feeling housey.” Hoss in the lode. When a piece of “dead,” ground (matrix) is found in an expansive form in the lode, they say “the lode have taken hoss,” (horse). E.N. 191 Horse adder. The horse fly, the dragon fly. Housen. This old plural form for houses is nearly obsolete. Hov. Heave. In Spenser, Hove. Howsumever, or Howsomdever. Howsoever. Huccaner. A wood corner. M.A.C. Hucksen. The knuckles, or joints. “Muck up to the hucksen.” Hubba, l and Hevah “Great excitement prevailed here (St. Mawes). The cry of Hubba! rang through the town, and quantities of pilchards were reported to be passing through the stems. The seines were soon manned and pulled with all possible speed.” Cornishman, 0ct. 13, 1881. “The welcome sound of Hevah was heard at St. Ives yesterday, and the boats on the look-out for pilchards were instantly on the alert.” Western Morning News, Oct. 14, 1881. These words, Hubba and Hevah, require a little notice. Hubba is wrong, it should be Ubba as written in ancient manuscripts. It is a Celtic Cornish word, meaning, in this place, here. In Ubba we seem to have the sound of the word Hubbub. Anciently Ubba was written Ubma, and still more anciently it was omma, in which we have some of the sound of the word hum, a continued sound, or murmur. Hevah by the change of a letter would be heuah or hewah, just as we find Eval to be pronounced Yºul or Yowl and Yewal, words for a three-pronged dung-fork. 192 In houah we seem to have the sound of hue as in “Hue and cry.” Whether the origin of the word Hevah! can be traced to Evoel is not very clear, yet the following quotation by Beal (Britain and the Gael) may be interesting to the reader. “Strabo (born about A.D. 19), speaks of an island near Britain, where sacrifice was offered to Ceres and Proserpine, in the same manner as at Samothrace; and in the words of Dionysius Perieg, (lines 1225, 1228), or of his translator,” it is said, “As the Bistonians on Apsinthus banks Shout to the clamorous Eiraphiates; Or, as the Indians on dark-rolling Ganges, Hold revels to Dionysos the noisy, So do the British women shout EVOe l Finally, it may be observed that ubba is also written wppa (but pronounced 00pa) a word or outcry also meaning, in this place, here. See Uppa, Uppa, holye. Hud, or Hull. A shell, as of a nut, &c. In Celtic Cornish hudha, to cover, to hide. - Hud. The dry crust or scrab on a sore. Huel. A mine, a work. Huel, whéal, wheyl, whel, and whyl are Celtic Cornish for the same. Huer. A man stationed on some look-out place near the sea to give notice of the position of a shoal of pilchards. Dr. Paris, in describing the Pilchard fishery. (Guide to Mount's Bay and the Land's End, note, p. 150), says that Tunny-fish were caught by a similar process in the Archipelago. “Ascendebat 193 quidam (Anglice the Huer, Graece Thunoscopos) in ultum promontorium, unde Thunnorum gregem spec- uleretur, quo viso, signum piscatoribus dabat, qui ratibus totum gregem includebant.” Wide Blom- field's Notes on the Persæ of Eschylus, p. 148. The seine was as familiar to the Athenians, as the Pilchard fishery is to the inhabitants of Cornwall; and it is said that Eschylus took great delight in witnessing it,” and they had a “huer” who did exactly as in Cornwall. Hummock. A stout, unwieldy woman. M.A.C. Hurle. A filament. Ourlen, silk in Celtic Cornish. Hurling. A game of throwing or hurling a silvered or silver-gilt ball, played by two opposing parties, each striving to get the ball to a goal. An especial game at St. Columb. This is one of the manly and exciting games for which Cornwall is deservedly famous. Hurling-ball motto. The ball is a round piece of timber about three inches diameter, covered with plated silver, sometimes gilt. It had usually a motto in the Cornish tongue alluding to the pastime, as, “Guare wheag yu guare teag,” i.e., fair play is good play. A ball at Paul had this motto, “Paul Tuz, whek Gware Tek heb ate buz Henwis, 1704.” In English thus, “Paul men, fair play, without hatred, is sweet play.” Lake's Parochial Hist. of Cornwall. Hurrisome. Hasty. See Haestis. Hurts, or Herts. Whorts, whortleberries. See Whorts. N 194 HusCen. Scolded. T.W.S. Iles. Flukes. Distoma Hepatica. The cause of the rot in sheep. Also the name given to a plant, Rosa Solis, by eating which it was supposed the disease was caused. Tomkin. The plant is not injurious nntil it becomes infested with the ova of the “fluke.” Illek. The gurnard fish. Carew. See Elleck. Ill-Wished. Bewitched. Inchin. Encroaching inch by inch. Boys cried out at play, “No inchin, no inchin.” Ingrossers. Persons who bought wheat at eighteen gallons the bushel, and delivered the same at sixteen gallons the bushel. Carew. Ire. Iron. Ishan. The dust, (douse) or husks from winnowed corn. F.W.P. It is a Celtic Cornish word and spelt ision, or usion, meaning, chaff, or husks of corn. ISS. Yes. “ISs a es,” i.e., Yes he is. Issterday. Yesterday. I-facks! Yes faith !. In the north of England I-fakins! Iss fath! Iss fayl or Iss fey ! Yes sure Fay and Fey are Celtic Cornish words meaning, faith. “Whether Sayest thou this in earnest or in play Nay, quod Arcite, in earnest by my fay.” Chaucer. “By my ſay.” The London Prodigal. (Ru'm fay! or (Re-m) “Rum fey,” by my faith, is also Celtic Cornish). 195 Jack. Almost if not quite disused in Cornwall. The well known name of the machine for turning a spit in roasting; worked by a weight with pullies, by which the spit was turned round Jack Harry's lights. Phantom lights preceding a storm, superstitiously thought to take the form of the vessel doomed to be lost. Jack-O-lent. A dirty, slovenly fellow. C. Jack with the lantern. Will-o-the-wisp. Ignis fatnus. Jacky. Too much Black Jack or Blende in the ore, “For the ore was waik and jacky in the stoan. Tregellas. Jacky-ralph. A wrasse. M.A.C. Jaffle. A handful. See Yaffle. Jail, or Jaale. To Walk fast. “Jailing along.” Jaller, or Jallishy buff. Yellow. See Yaller. Jan-jansy. Two-faced. M.A.C. Janus-like. Jelly-flower. Gilly-flower, the stock. Gilofre, Chaucer. Jews' ears. Some kinds of fungi. C. Jews' fish. The halibut, hippoglossus vulgaris. Called the Jews' fish because of its being a favourite part of their diet. (At Plymouth in the first half of the century the brill was always called the halibut). (The Cornishman, 1882). Jews’ house. A very ancient smelting place for tin. Polwhele. 196 Y º ºs- Jews' pieces. Very ancient blocks of tin. Polwhele. Jews’ works. Very ancient stream-works “are now stiled, Jews’ works, and were used to be stiled in Cornwall “attal Sarazin,” or the leavings of the Saracens,” Q.V. Polwhele. Jick, or Juck; Yux, Yuck, or Yock, Yex, (Yoxe Saſcom, and in Chaucer). To hiccough. See Yock or Yuck. Jiggety-jig. A jog-trot style of travelling in a shaky vehicle, “gwain jiggety-jig.” Jigging. A process of sifting the ore from the refuse in a tub, or tank of water. Jimmery chryl An exclamation of surprise. Can it be believed In Celtic Cornish we have krysy, to believe, to have faith in. Jinny-ninny. A simpleton. Jinny-quick, or Jenny-quick. Italian irons. When a woman wants to “do” her caps and collars, she calls for the Jinny-quick. Joan the Wad. The name of one of the fairies. Wad, Celtic Cornish, a forefather. John-jaick. A snail. Callington. Jonnick. “That's jonnick,” i.e., that's jolly. Josing. Scolding, “Jawing.” Joustin. Shaking. “A good joustin.” Jowder, jowter, chowder, and jouster. An itinerant fish-dealer who carries the fish on the back in a cowal (Q.V.) Also called back jouster (Q.V.) In later years a donkey cart has been much used instead. 197 Jowds, or Jowders. Pieces, bits. “Tes scat oal to jowders,” i.e., It is broken all to pieces. Jowlin. A dull, gnawing pain is so called, as “I’ve a jowlin tooth ache.” Juck. See Jick, and Yock, or Yuck. J umpin. Thus used, “a jumpin little scamp.” A little humbugging fellow is a “jumpin” or a “rump- in” fellow. A term of contempt. J ling. Young. Jungk, Celtic Cornish, young. Junket. New (or raw) milk fresh from the cow, curdled by rennet. Clotted cream is laid on the top, and the whole flavoured with nutmeg and rum. Elsewhere junket means a cheese cake, a sweet-meat, properly made of curd. The word is the Italian giuncate (curd, or cream cheese), so called because carried on junk or bull rushes (giunco). Brewer. “You know there want no junkets at the feast.” Shakspere “Taming of the Shrew.” Just alive. Mining term, meaning a Small appearance of ore in the stone. Jyst. A joist or beam. Jºst and gyst are Celtic Cormish words for a beam. Kager, Keggas, or Kai-yer. Wild parsnip, wild carrot. H.R.C. The ancient Cornish called hemlock kegas. Kan Kayers. Two or three confederates who unite to undervalue, or make fictitious offers, and praise anything they wish to sell ; tricksters. Boffrell. Karn, or Carn. The solid, hard, or rocky ground. See Carn. Katty-ball. A child's ball for playing with. Keamy. Mould on a liquid surface. Kayer. A coarse sieve for winnowing corn. M.A.C. Keddened, (or Cabagged, B.V.) Covered over with mud or dust. W.F.P. Kaggled. H.R.C. (See Geagled.) Keels, or Kails. Skittles. Ninepins. Keel-alley, or Kail-alley. A place for playing at ninepins or skittles. - Keem. To comb, as of the hair. Keeming comb. A small-tooth comb. M.A.C. Keenly. Promising in appearance, as of a lode. “Keenly gozzan.” Also, clever, as, “he did that putty keenly.” Keenly-gozzan. See Keenly. Keggled. See Geagled. Keg-nail, or Kag-nail. An ill shaped toe or finger nail. A thickened toe-nail. Keeve, or Kieve. A great tub, or wat; also, a potatoe cave, i.e., a place where potatoes are heaped and buried with earth. Perhaps cave mispronounced, in this sense. Kelter. “In good kelter,” i.e., in good condition, as of cattle. 199 Kendle teening. Candle lighting time. To tine, or teen, is to light, as “teen the candle.” Kenack. A worm. (A weakly child. W.C.B.) kinak, Borlase. It is Celtic Cornish. Kennin. A white cloudy spot on the cornea, like a thin film. (Kennel. M.A.C.) Ken is a Celtic Cornish word meaning the peel, or skin of anything. Kennin herb. A plant, the decoction of which is used for the cure of a kennin. Polwhele says it is Crow-foot. Ranunculus, Keeping company. Phrase used of lovers after “popping the question.” - Keep on, keeping on, or keeping on keeping on. Idiomatic phrases used of a scold who won't cease talking. Also used of a bully. Kep-kep-kep. A call to make a horse come near one. (See back for this in “The words compared with Chaucer.”) Kern. To curdle. Kerned. Concreted. “He has also seen gold kerned about spar,” that is, fixed and concreted on the quartz. JBorlase. Kerning, Term used of corn as it ripens after the period of blossoming. Kert. A cart. It is a Celtic Cornish word. Also Câûri. Kib. V. To repair, as of a hedge, with thorns, &c. 200 Kibbed. Ground fenced off with bushes, furze, &c. Poluſhele. Kibble. An iron mine bucket, used up and down a mine shaft. (Kibbal, a bucket, a little tub). Borlase. A Celtic Cornish word. Kibby heels. Sore heels. Heels with chilblains on them. Kick and sprawl. The courage and power to resist. “If people tried to hand him over to any one, he would soon let them see that he had some kick and sprawl in him.” Kicker. A small mizen used by fishing boats. W.F.P. Kicklish. Ticklish. A dangerous state, or position. A delicate or difficult job, as, “a kicklish job,” “he is standing in a kicklish place.” Kicky. To stammer. Kiddaw. The guillem. A sea bird. M.A.C. Kiddliwink, Kidleywink, Kiddle-a-wink, and Tiddly-wink. These are names for a beer-house. The term Kiddle (kettle)-a-wink is perhaps the cor- rect term. At a conversazione at Laregan in 1881, Mr. F. Holman gave the origin of the word thus. “At the time the name arose the beershops were not all kept by honest dames, for they were then fond of keeping a little smuggled brandy which was put in the kettle, so as to deceive the officers of the law, and those who were in the secret, when they came into the room, and wanted some of the brandy, would wink at the kettle. Hence arose the term “Kettle and wink,” or Kidley-Wink.” Cornishman, Nov. 17, 1881. 201 Kiddle, Kiddly, or Kiddlin. To be engaged about Various little jobs. “Always kiddlin about.” Kidge. To stick, to unite, to “chum ” together. Kidney. To agree together, to be chums together, to confederate, as, “they kidney together very well.” (Kidge. M.A.C.) Kiggal. A spindle. Bottrell. This is a Celtic Cornish word, spelt Kygel or Kigel, and meaning a distaff. Killas. Clay slate, the “schist” of the geologists. Killeck. A stone used as an anchor for punts. W.F.P. |Killi-more. Earth-nuts. Halliwell. Grove-nuts, Pol- whele, Kelli or Killi is a Celtic Cornish word mean- ing a grove, and m0r berries. Moran, a berry. Kimbly. Couch, in his History of Polperro, says that “at weddings it was formerly the custom when the party set out for church, for one person to be sent before with a piece of bread or cake in his or her hand, (a woman was usually selected) and this was presented to the first person met in the procession. The gift was called the “kimbly,” and was also given at births to the person who brought the first news to those interested in the new arrival.” Kimbly was also given to the one who brought first news in the smuggling times. “If us catches sight of 'em (Smug- glers) comin in we'll rin down and tell the news, and you shall have kimbly for telling it.” Mrs. Parr's Adam & Eve, 202 Kings. The name used at Redruth for donkeys. Corn. Telegraph 1879. An ill applied name to so patient an animal. Kip. A small net used to hang vegatables in. W.C.B. Kipes. See Giblets. Kipper. A male salmon. C. Riskey. “A dried brittle stem.” “A withered kiskey of a man” M.A.C. IKist-vean. A Celtic stone built chest or burial place. It is Celtic Cornish and reads literally chest little. Kit. A smear. To kit. To dab, Halliwell. |Kit. Kith or kin “I’ll turn out the whole kit,” i.e., the whole lot of them. In Celtic Cornish keth, the com- mon people; also, chef, a companion, a fellow. Kitey. Flighty, hair-brained, impulsive. Kittens. The kidneys. Kittereen. A primitive omnibus. “The Kit-tereen was a car that ran between Penzance and Truro, set up by Christopher Treen,” (Kit Treen.) J.W. Kitting. Stealing ore. To kitt. To steal ore. Kitty-bags. Coarse cloths bound round the legs of labourers to keep them dry. They used also to wear straw or hay rope coiled round the legs as a protec- tion in rough weather. See Hay-bands. Kivver. A cover. Kevere, Chaucer. 203 Knacked. Stopped working, said of a mine; also to dissuade, as, “I’ve a knacked that out uv hes hade.” Knap. The top, or summit of a hill. Knick. To cheat. “Hes stoanin wights and temberin scaales, I'm sure they air but smaal, Beware of Moases Tonkyn, Or he will knick ee oal.” J. T. Tregellas. Knot cow. A cow without horns, having a little knot or knob on the head instead of them. Knuckle down. To submit, to yield, to “give in.” Ko. See Co. Koffen. See Coffins. Lace. A rood, or perch of land. M.A.C. Lace. This is a Celtic Cornish word meaning to lick or slap ; to throw about ; to cudgel; to lash. Pro- nounced lak in the old Cornish, as, “me ath lak,” I will lace thee. Laggen. V. To splash in the water. Mousehole. Lagging. Dragging in the mud, also Ligging. Q.v. Laister. The yellow water-iris, M.A.C. Lake. Used of a sea cove, as Gwavas lake. (A brook is so called at Lostwithiel. J.W.) Lambs' legs. The Snivel of a child's neglected nose. Lambs' tails. The blossoms of the crack willow. Salia, fragilis. - 204 -- --- - - Lamb-y or Lammy-pie. “Lammy pie isn't made of lamb”! as the name would imply. The following tale will explain. It is fully given in Warner's Tour through Cornwall in 1809. “A Cockney who had a mind to see the world, strayed down as far as St. Ives, where he entered an inn and called for supper. Have you any beef for a steak | No | Any veal for a cutlet'ſ No | Any mutton for a chop | No 1 What no meat No please your honour, except a nice lammy-pie, which was baked to day. The Cock- ney licked his lips at the prospect of a cold lamb-pie, and ordered it up. Hunger was his sauce; he ate heartily, and relished his meal exceedingly. He passed the night in horrors, but had no idea they arose from the indigestible quality of his supper, till the next morning, when he was about to mount his horse. ‘Well Sir,’ said the ostler, seeing he was a stranger, ‘how did you like missuses lammy-pie last night Excellent,’ replied he, “twas the best lamb I ever tasted. Lord love ye,’ returned John, “it was not that ; lammy-pie isn't made of lamb. Why what the devil was it then exclaimed the horrified travel- ler. “Why our poor kiddy, to be sure, returned the other, ‘who died yesterday,” This dainty dish is obsolete. Lamper. A lamprey. Lampered. Mottled, stained. “Lampered all over with dirt.” Lannard. A kind of hawk. Carew. 205 Lantern fish. The Soled lavis or Arnoglossus, so called because it is a very transparent sole. Lap, or Lop. To throb, as in pain. (Lap, to beat. Garland.) Lap, or Cat-lap. Tasteless, insipid fluid, or drink. Lappy. To lap. Lappior. A dancer. This is a Celtic Cornish word. Larrence. (St. Lawrence). “He is as lazy as Larrence.” Larrikins. Mischievious young fellows, larkers. “Mischievious larrikins who pull the young trees down.” The Cormishman. Lashin, or Lasher. A very large thing, a lot or plenty. Lash. To throw anything down violently, as “he lashed it down.” To pour, as of rain. Lash. Bait cut from the tail of a mackerel. C. Lasking. Keeping near the coast, a fisherman's term. B.V. Mousehole. Latteen, Lattin, or Lattice. Names for tin-plate. Lattice. The vegatable lettuce. Lattis. A milk-pail. Penwith, in the Antiquary. Probably from lait, which besides being the French for milk, is also a Celtic Cornish word, and it is “the old Orthography of leyth or lêth as written in the “ Ordinalia.” Williams's Cornish Dicty. 206 Launder, or Lander. A water shute of a building. Lauch. A sloppy mess, any ill combined liquid food. Beef tea and treacle, would be a lauch if mixed. Lawn, or Lawen. “A large open mine-work in the back of a lode left in a dangerous state.” Towednack. T.C. Leaping-stock. See Hepping-stock. Leary, OI’ Lairy. Faint and hungry, sinking from want of food. In use in Devon and Dorset. In Wilt- shire they say leer, (empty.) Leasing. Picking stones. Polwhele. Gleaning. C. Leat. An artificial channel for a stream, as of water for a mill. Leavers, or Lavers. Marsh Iris. Name probably from levar, Celtic Cornish, a book. Lemon plant. The verbena. Lent-lillies. Daffodils. Lerrick. To flap about, “lerriking about.” Lerrup, or Lerruper. A slut. “A regular lerrup.” A trollop. Lerrupin. Trolloping. Also, something very big. “a lerrupin great turnip.” Lerrups. Rags, tatters, “all to lerrups.” Lerrups, or Lirrups. See Bits. 207 Lester-cock. A floating contrivance with a small sail to carry a “boulter” seawards in fishing. Carew. In Celtic Cornish lester means a ship, and C00, a boat. Let. Hindrance, hesitation, delay. To let. to hinder, to stop or impede. This word was in use in Cornwall many centuries ago, although not Celtic ; being the old English let, as in the following, “Hep na, moy let,” i.e., without any further delay. Letterputch. A dirty untidy person; also a short hornpipe dance, but more with the heels than the toes. In Lancashire it is called Letherty-patch. An idle person stands on one's doorstep, hands in pockets, and every now and then kicks up his heels to this dance. Those within, annoyed at the sound cry out, “there goes letherty-patch again with his, rat-tat, rat- tat, ratty-tatty, rat-tat-tat. Also spelt letterp00ch, and lutterpouch. Leu, Lew, Leuth, or Lewth. (Synonymous). A sheltered place. It also means concealment, as “He’s lying lew" i.e., lying hid, or “out of the way.” Hlé0, Celtic Cornish, sheltered. LeuStre. To plan. M.A.C. Level. An adit. Libbety-lat. The name of a game for children. M.A.C. Libbings. “The webs of a waterfowl's feet.” M.A.C. Lick. A wipe of the face with a wet corner of a towel. “I’ve just given my face a lick.” 208 Lide. The month of March. C. Lidden. An oft told tale. “Harping on one string,” always telling the same old story, “that old lidden again.” Leden, Chaucer. Ledden, Spenser. In the North of England it means noise, din. Lie. “Gone to lie" is said of grass or corn beaten down by rough weather. Also “The wind is gone to lie,” i.e., it is become calm. Lifting clome. Tippling, guzzling, Lig, OT Liggan. A deposit, as of seaweed, a detritus of dead leaves. Ligge, to lie down. Chaucer. Lig or Liggen, to lie. Spenser. - Lig, or Liggan. A kind of sea weed. M.A.C. A manure formed of leaf deposit. C. Liggy. Muddy, mucky, damp. Ligging. Dragging along and smearing with mud; very wet, drizzly, as of the weather. Lights. The lungs. “Rising of the lights” a phrase used of a choking feeling in the throat. Likky pie. Pie of leeks, with bacon, and an egg or two broken over the hot contents. Lilly-bangers. The “cup and dice” were so called at Penzance, M.A.C. Lilly-banger stalls. “Until within the last 20 years it was the custom in Penzance on Easter Monday to bring out tables before the doors, on which were placed thick ginger-bread cakes with 209 raisins in them, cups and saucers, &c., to be raffled for with lilly-bangers,” and the stalls were thus named. M.A.C. Limb, or Lemb. There is a curious use of this word, thus, “My face is my best limb.” Also, a young brat, imp, hussy, or termagant. “She’s a regular lemb.” A she-devil. Lime-kill. Lime kiln. “Which is hateful to me as the reek of a lime-kill.” Shakspere in the Merry Wives of Windsor. Linsing, or Linching. A severe thrashing. Ling. Anything very tough is said to be “as tough as old ling.” Linhay. An outhouse, or shed, with a lean-to roof and an open front. Lintern. A lintel. Lipsy. A lisping. “He speaks all lipsy.” Listin. The selvedge of cloth. Woven and used for hearthrugs, mats, &c. In Celtic Cornish lystem, a towel, a napkin. Listing. Aching, throbbing with pain. Living stream. A course or stratum of stones im- pregnated with tin. Borlase. Loader. A double shaped apple. Lob. “A stone tied to the end of a fishing line, to keep it fast when thrown from the rock.” C. O 210 Lobba, Loaber, Lubba. An awkward fellow, a lubber. U.J.T. Locking bone. The hip joint. See Pin and Whirlbone. Locus. Sweet stuff, sugar stick. See Clidgy. Lodden or Plodden. A pool. M.A.C. Lodes. Mineral veins. Most lodes, says Pryce, (Min- eralogia Cornubiensis) are named from the minerals contained in them. He divides lodes into twelve different kinds as under. 1.—Gossan lode. 7.—Crystal lode. 2.—Peach lode. 8.—Killas lode. 3.—Scovan lode. 9.—Mundick lode. 4.—Caple lode. 10.-Black-jack lode. 5.—Pryan lode. 11.-Flookan lode. 6.—Quartz lode. 12.-Grouan lode. To notice each separately would exceed the limits of this book. The following is characteristic. “What's a caunter lode, Uncle Henney "" “Why thee'rt old enuff and ugly enuff, Old Tom, to knaw what a caunter lode es as well as I do.” “Well, so I thoft I ded too,” says Old Tom, “till I heer'd our boy Jacky readin in the Mining Journal that a caunter lode ded run north and south.” “Then a couldn’t be a caunter,” says Uncle Henney, “but a cross-coose running right athurt, for a caunter is slanting, or caunting a east and west lode, and that is the meaning of a caunter lode, for suppose there is a east and west lode, and another lode running 211 north-east and south-west—slanting the east and west lode—the north-east and south-west lode is a caunter, and that's all that can be said about'n I reckon,” says Uncle Henney; “and I say so too,” says old Tom ; “and I say,” says Jan Tenby, “that lots of they larned men going about now a day don't know a caunter lode from a cross-coose, or a true tinker from Old Joe H–y's tinker.” From the “Cornishman.” Lode-plot. A lode that underlies very fast; or hori- zontal, and may be rather called a flat lode. Pryce. Lofty-tin. Rich, massive, rough tin ore, and not so weak or imperceptible in the stone, or in powder on the shovel. Pryce. Logan rock. A logging rock. A rock so nicely balanced as to rock easily. Hence the name of the celebrated Logan rock. In Celtic Cornish, logan, shaking. Loggers, or Lugs. The ears, M.A.C. Long-cripple. A lizard. M.A.C. “In Devonshire, a snake.” J.W. The slow worm or deaf adder of authors. Borlase. Long-nose. The sea pike, the garfish. Long oyster. The sea crayfish. Polwhele, Long-stone. A tall (granite) stone, either monu- mental, directing, or boundary. Many such, of great antiquity, are still standing. In Celtic Cornish maen heir, battle stone, or maen hir, long stone. Heir, battle; hir, long. > ~~ Nº-º-º: 212 Loobs. A Celtic Cornish mining term. The tin slime or sludge of the after leavings in washing tin. The slime “leavings.” Looby weather. Muggy weather. From the Celtic Cornish loob, slime, sludge. Looch, or Loach. See Lauch. Looch, filth, refuse. Hayle. T.C. Lootal. A tawdry gadabout. T.C. Loppard, or Lopper. A lame person. Loppety lop. A hopping, or lame-like movement, moving like a rabbit is to go “loppety lop.” Lopping. Throbbing with pain. “Its lopping very bad; ” also walking lame, “lopping along.” Lop-lolly, Lob-lolly, or Lobba. A fag, a ſac- totum ; a lazy fellow. Lords and Ladies. The common Arum or Cuckow pint. Arum maculatum. Lost-Slovan. From the Celtic Cornish lost, a tail, a rump. Commonly low-slovan. The beginning of an adit through the tail or end; that part which lies open like a trench before they drive underground. - Pryce. Louggy. Tired. G. E. in the “Cornishman.” Louning. Long, lank, thin. C. Louster, or Loustry. To work hard. can't scheme must louster.” “He Who 213 Loustering. “A loustering man,” i.e., a well-grown powerful man. “Loustering work,” very hard work. Love-entangle. The fennel flower. Polwhele. Lubber-cocks. Turkey cocks. (Lubber-leets. M.A.C.) Lucky-bone. The knuckle-bone of a leg of mutton. Lud. “Sent all of a lud,” struck all of a heap. W.N. Lugg. Undergrowth of weed, clover, &c., among corn. Lug-worm. A salt-water worm, used for bait in fishing. Beach worm. Lump. To resign oneself to what is inevitable. “If you don't like it you must lump it.” Lurk, or Lurgy. Laziness. “Fever lurk, neither play nor work.” Brewer. Lurker. The small boat which attends the other boats in pilchard seining. The boat in which the master Seiner goes. Mabyers. Chickens, young fowls. In Celtic Cornish mab (filius) a son. Maggots. Whims. “Such maggots " Maggoty pie. A mag-pie. Maggy-owler, or Maggy-owla. The goat moth. CoSSus ligniperda. Mahogany. Gin Sweetened with treacle. Maidens' delight. See Boys' love. 214 Maiden Elder. The elder of the wood, or in Celtic Cornish Scau-an-Cúz. The Sambucus humilis of Ray. Borlase. Mait. To feed, “go and mait the pigs.” Mair. Sheaves of corn put “longitudinally, about 18 feet in length by 12 feet deep,” because of very uncertain weather. St. Levan. H.R.C. Mait banes. Broad beans. Callington. Magpies. (Sayings about them.) “One for Sorrow; two for mirth, Three for a wedding; four for a birth.” Couch, Polperro. “One for anger; two for mirth, Three for a wedding; four for death.” St. Austell. Make-wise. A substitute, a pretence, a “make believe.” Making wise. Pretending to do a thing. Male. The fish shanny, Blennius pholis. C. Malkin. A rag mop for clearing the ashes from an oven. A dirty person. Manshun bread. Small bun shaped loaves, mau- chets. M.A.C. Man-engine. A machine used in deep mines, to bring the miners up or down the shaft, and to avoid the fatigue of using the ladders. Although differently constructed it serves as a “lift' for the men. Invent- ed about 40 or 50 years ago. 215 Marchant May's little summer. A fine autumn. Marinade. A term used of fish cured or cooked in a particular way in vinegar, with bayleaves and spice. “Marinaded pilchards.” Marlion. A kind of hawk. Carew. (Merlion, a merlin, a sort of hawk. Chaucer.) Mashes. Large quantities, lots, as, “Mashes of mait.” (meat.) Massy Aw! massy' Exclamations, just as Mercy or Grammercy (Mascie, by my faith. Chaucer.) Maunge. To chew noisily, to munch. (Monche, Chaucer.) Maur. See Mor or More. A root. Maw. “A sugary maw.” See Wad. May-bee. A cockchafer, M.A.C. May-bird. The whimbrel. C. Mayburn. A kind of bird. Marburan () is Celtic Cornish for a Raven. May-games. Frolics, tricks, practical jokes. May-gemmin. Frolicsome, silly, childish. “Such máygemmin ways.” Maazlin. Knocked foolish. T.W.S. Mazed. Greatly bewildered, downright mad. Maazedish, or Maazedy. Maddish. 216 Mazed antic. A wild, crazy, foolish person. Mazegary, Mazegerry, or Mazejerry. Crazy, half mad. Mazejerry pattick, or Mazegerry pattick. A mad simpleton. U.J.T. Meader. A mower. Polwhele. Meder is a Celtic Cornish word, and means a reaper, a mower. Meara-geeks. Noisy or obstinate people. Hals (A.D. 1736) says, “Camborne, signifies an arched burne, or well-pit of water . . . . to which young people, and some of the elder sort, make frequent visits . . . . in order to wash and besprinkle themselves, out of an opinion of its great virtue and sanctity, forsooth !” Those sprinkled “are called by the inhabitants mer- Tasicks. These again by others are called 'mearagaks, alias m0ragiks; that is to say, persons straying, rash, fond, obstinate.” In Celtic Cornish gycke or gye means noise; and méré, much. - Meas. “A meas of herrings,” i.e., 505 herrings. Meat-earth. The natural soil or surface of the land. “A load of good meat earth.” IMIeddick. An emetic. Medhec is a Celtic Cornish word, and means a physician. Also medhecnaid, physic. - Melliers. The axles of the frame used in washing OréS. 217 Mén-an-tol. A holed stone. (See Cornish History.) In Celtic Cornish, maen, stone, and toll, a hole, a perforation. Méneolas. A fisherman's original kind of wooden box stove, “filled with clay and stones” on which to cook. W.F.P. Měnolas. H.R.C. In Celtic Cornish, máen, stone; and olds, a hearth, i.e., hearthstone. A Men scryfa. An inscribed stone (See Cornish His- tory.) In Celtic Cornish, máen, stone; and Screfa, to Write. Merle. A chain link. M.A.C. Mermaid’s purses. Brown, purse-shaped cases often found on the sea beach. Merry-dancers. The Northern lights. Aurora bor- ealis. So called because of their undulatory motion. Merryman. The clown at a Circus or Theatre. Merry sole. The French sole-(fish.) Meryan. An ant. W.F.P. (Meryan is a plural noun and means, ants. Murrian is the true Celtic Cornish plural for ants; and murrianón or menwicnén, for an ant.) Metheglin. Mead, Honey and water boiled together and fermented and flavoured with spice. This is the name used in Cornwall; mead was almost an unknown word there. It is a Celtic Cornish word from medh, mead, or meith, whey, and whego! or huegol, all sweet. 218 As if to say, “the all sweet mead,” or whey. In Wales they call it me?/glen. In Sanscrit are the words madhu, mada, mad, to intoxicate, which compare with mead (or medh.) Mewed. “Scattered by fright.” T.C. Sennen. Mews. Moss. W.T.A.P. Mica. In the china clay works this is the name given to the coarser, or inferior clay, which is deposited in the mica pits. The finer clay, held in suspension in water, passes on into the large “clay pit.” It is the washing away of this “mica,” that makes the rivers look like milk. In reality “mica” contains a very large proportion of porcelain clay, and therefore is often saved, and sold at a lower price. Mica-pits. The clay in the slopes, (Q.V.), held in suspension by water, having deposited the sand, flows into shallow, narrow, but long pits; as the clay fluid passes slowly on, the mica deposits in these mica pits, and the pure clay passes as it leaves these pits into the clay-pit. (Q.V.) Michy. (Pro. Mit-chee.) See Minching, or Mich- ing. Also Minch or Mich. Midjans and jowds. Shreds and tatters. Midgets, or Midjans. Small pieces, or bits. Midgetty-morrows. The fidgets, M.A.C. Midgetty por, Miggal conpore, Migglecum- pore. Synonymous words for uproar. 219 Mimsey, or Minny. A minnow (fish). Menow, ninow, and minys are Celtic Cornish words, and mean little, Small. Minch, or Mich. To play the truant. In Glouces- tershire they say mooch. Mincher, or Micher. A truant. Minching, or Miching. Playing the truant. “Marry this is miching Mallecho.” Hamlet. Milky-dicels, or disles. Thistles used for rabbits' food. Milprev. The Druids' or serpents' egg, Lhuyd. The ovum anguinum of Pliny. From the Celtic Cornish mil, a thousand; and prév, a reptile. It was a common belief in Cornwall, about 1700, that the glass beads which are frequently found in Cornwall, and Wales, and called by the Welsh glain neidyr, were the work of Snakes; and it is a common belief now in Wales, that on a certain day of the year an immense number of Snakes come together and make these beads with the foam of their mouths. This agrees substantially with Pliny’s account, and has descended from the Druids. Williams' Cor. Dicty. Milsey, Milcy, or Milchy. Corn injured by damp undergoes a change, and becomes milsey. The bread made from it has a doughy consistence, and a pecu- liar taste, and is called milsey or ropy bread. 220 --- Minnies. Stones fastened to stout cords, or small ropes, are used to prevent pilchards from escaping, by plunging such stones (or minnies) constantly in the gap by which the fish may escape from the seine net. Miracle plays. Sacred dramas which were acted anciently in a “round” (Q.V.) In Celtic Cornish they were called Guaré meers or Great plays, and Guaré mirkl or Miracle plays. The place of acting was called plaen an guaré. (Gwaré. Williams). Missment. A mistake, an error. Mix-medley. A jumble, “all sorts together.” Miz-maze. Confusion, perplexity. “We are all in a miz-maze.” *IMIoast. Almost, nearly, well nigh. “Et's moast dun,” i.e., it's nearly done. Mock. The apple cheese (Q.V.) from the cider press. Polwhele. Mock, or Mott. A large block of wood, such as is used for a Christmas fire. Mocket. A bib to an apron to keep the dress clean. Mogust, or Moguz. The ass. Callington. Mole. The fish rock goby. C. Mollish's land. A game played by girls. One stood in the middle of the street, while the others rushing across had to be caught by her. 22} Mood. A mucous, or jelly-like matter formed in fluids. Linseed tea when too thick is a mood. (Vegetable sap. C.) Also a name for the Pancreas of an animal. A substance formed in vinegar is a mood (or Mother Q.V.) Moonshine. Smuggled brandy was so called. “Woll’ee haa a drop uv moonshine?” Moor-house. A hut belonging to a mine for the shelter of workmen, and keeping their implements. Borlase. Moorstone. Granite so called as being “scattered over our hills.” Borlase. The term is used now of granite from any source. Mop. In the game called Mop and hide away, (i.e., Hide and Seek) the Mop is the one who has to stand with the face covered by the hands, facing a wall, or in a corner, Waiting to seek those who have hidden away. Doing this as the mop, is called mopping. Mor, More, or Maur. The root, stump, or bole of a plant, or tree. - Mor. The guillemot. C. Moral. See Daps. The very image of. Likeness. Mord, or Mort. The fat of the pig from which lard is melted out. It is also used for lard. Morion. See Cornish Diamonds. 222 Mort. A lot, a large quantity as a “mort of money.” This word is used in Kent, &c. Moth. See Mews. F.C. Mother, or Mood. A soft jelly-like matter formed in a fluid, as in vinegar. Mott. See Mock. Generally used of a large root of a tree. Mousey-pasty. An article of diet, with which little children who wetted their beds were threatened, “There now, you bad child, I'll give you some mousey pasty.” Mowhay. The rick-yard. Muggets. Sheep's or calf's entrails. Muggety-pie. A pie of sheep's, sometimes calf's entrails, flavoured with parsley, pepper, and salt, and enriched with cream. Mugwort. A plant, artemisia vulgaris, often used to make tea for a bad cold, or taken as a tonic. Mule. To knead dough, to bespatter with mud. C. To work hard. Mumchance. By mere accident, “twas a mum- chance.” Mun. Decayed fish, used for manure. M.A.C. In mining, any fusible metal. Pryce. Mundic. Pyrites, Marcasite. Munger, or Mungar. A straw horse collar. Pol. whele. It is a Celtic Cornish word. 223 Mur. The guillemot. Murs. Mice. Polwhele. Mured. Squeezed, forced, or thrust against a wall. Mura wall (French). Mured enclosed. Spenser. Murely. Nearly, almost, well nigh. U.J.T. In Celtic Cornish. Imur, much. Murfles. Freckles. Murfled or Murfly. freckled. Murgy or Morgye. A dog fish. An ill looking wench. It is Celtic Cornish and spelt morgi by Pryce. Murrick. A sloven. R.J.C. Mute. The hybrid between an ass and a mare. C. Mutting. Moody. Silent and sulky. (Mute-ing") My Ivers' An exclamation of surprise. (My ver- nos | M.A.C.) Nacked. See Knacked. Nacker. The wheatear. Saſcicola apmanthe. C. Nackin, Nacken, or Nacker. Handkerchief. Nagging pain. A dull, persistent pain. Nag-ridden. Troubled with the nightmare. Nail-spring. The splitting of the skin at the root of a finger-nail, or a small splinter of the nail itself. Naked-jack. A crock-dumpling, Callington. 'Nan. See Anan. Nanny-wiper. A caterpillar. M.A.C. 224 Nash. Pale, weak, chilly. M.A.C. Natey. “ Streaky” meat or flesh. C. Nation. Very, very big, very good, as, “a nation big horse,” “a nation good job,” “’tis nation nice.” 'Natomy. A skeleton. Very slight and wasted in person, “a mere 'natomy.” Anatomy. Nattlin pie. A pie made of pigs' entrails. Nattlins. Pigs' entrails. Those not used for the skins of sausages are sometimes fried, “fried nattlins.” Neaps. Turnips. Neck. “Crying the neck.” See Anek. Neddy. See Ass. Neflin. Newfoundland cod. M.A.C. Nepperkin. Half a gill. U.J.T. Nessel. A snood of twisted twine fastened to the hook. C. Nessel-bird. The Smallest of a brood. A woman's youngest child. A petted child. It is messel-trip in Pembrokeshire, and nestling or messel-cock in the North of England. Nessel-taker. A fisherman's contrivance for making a nessel. C. Nettle. When one is stung by a nettle an old rhyme is thrice repeated, meanwhile rubbing the part stung with a dock leaf. This custom is very old, and was noticed by Chaucer 500 years ago. 225 “But canst thou play at racket to and fro? Nettle in, dock out; now this now that Pandure.' Chaucer. “Is this my in dock out nettle?” Dissembler's besides women, P. O. Moore. The following are the forms used, “Out nettle, in dock, Dock shall have a new smock,” also thus, “Out nettle, in dock, Nettle nettle stung me.” and simply thus, “In dock, out nettle.” New-fang or New-vang. Any new fancy, enter- prise, or operation. The term is generally applied satirically as “that's one of his new-fangs.” (Newe- fangel, desirous of new things. Chaucer.) Nibby-gibby. Narrowly escaped; nicely missed. C. Nice chance. Nearly, “a close shave,” all but, / - Nick. Knack, or skill in doing a thing. Nick. To overreach, to deceive, to cheat. Nicka-nan night. “The night preceding Shrove Tuesday is so called in Cornwall, because boys play impish tricks and practical jokes on the unwary.” / Borlase. Nickers, Nuggies, Knockers. See Piskey. Nickety-knock. Throbbing, palpitating, tapping, “my heart's gwain nickety-knock.” Niddil, or Neele. A needle. (Nidill, Chaucer.) P 226 Niffed. Tiffed, vexed, in a pet, “put out.” Niggur, or Neggur. See Ass. (Onager, Latin.) Night-crow. A species of owl, rare in Cornwall. “I take it to be the fern-owl of Shropshire, called churn-owl in Yorkshire, from the noise it makes when it flies. The goat-sucker, the Crapimulgus of Ray.” Borlase. Night-rere. A woman's nightcap. Night-riders. Piskey (Fairy) people who have been riding Tom (the name of a horse) again. H. Nipped. Vexed, “Her’s nipped about somethin.” Mrs. Parr’s Adam & Eve. Nimpingale. A Whitlow. Nog-head, Noggle-head, or Noggy. A young fool. Tir na nog, in Irish means, “the land of youths.” Noggy. A blockhead. Garland. Nones, or Noance. Nonce, for the present call, or occasion. Nones in Chaucer. Nool. To thump, or beat. Nooling, a thrashing. Nope. A bullfinch. Borlase. Nort. Nothing. “What's good for nort comes to no hort.” (Hurt or harm.) Nosey. Impertinent, intrusive. Nowle. Noddle. Used Satirically. Noule, the crown of the head. SpenSér. 227 Nub. A knob. “A nub of sugar.” Nuddick, or Niddick. The nape of the neck. Nuddic is a Celtic Cornish word. Null. A dry crust. M.A.C. Nurly. Sulky. T.C. Nuttall or Nut-hall. The hazel bush. Nyst. Near to, nearly, “all but.” Oak-mask, or Oak-mass. Acorns. Oal-the-wor. In the fashion. “Hoods be oal the wor, and bunnets be wered wai a dep.” (Heard said near Bodmin.) Off his chump. Insane. Callington. A Ogos. Cliff caves. Polwhele. Ogo is a Celtic Cornish word for a cave. See Vugg, 8, C8, WeI’Il. Oilet. A frying pan, a gridiron. It is a Celtic Cornish word. Okum-sniffey. A hot and nice little glass of grog, “Woll’ee haa a drap uv okum-sniffey " Old men. This term is applied to those who were mining in ancient days; perhaps centuries ago. In this way it does not mean aged men. Old men's backs. Old Workings in a mine. When old workings are explored or worked again, miners say, “they are scratching the old men's backs.” Old men's workings, or Learys. The remains of old mining, and stream works, done anciently by Cornish Miners, 22S `s -> º Ollick, or Hollick. House leek. “House leek, used to be grown on house roofs, from the notion that it warded off lightning.” Brewer's Dict, of Phrase and Fable. Oliphant. Elephant. It is a Celtic Cornish word. Oodel-doodel. Helter-skelter. “And runned off oodel-doodel.” Oost. See Hooze. Jern in the Cornishman. Oozle, or Oozle-pipe. The windpipe. Ore-dresser. One who superintends the dressing operations of a mine, and is called the captain of the “floors,” also “grass captain.” E.N. Ore-plot. The place for depositing the dressed ore. Oreweed Sea weed. See Flote-ore. Orrel. A raised wooden porch or balcony of a house above the cellar, and approached by outside steps. Organs, or Orgal. Penny royal. Mentha pulegium. much used for “organ tay,” (tea). Orts. Leavings, scraps, fragments, as of food, &c. This word is always plural. “The fractions of her faith, orts of her love” Shakspere. “Thou son of crumbs and orts.” B. Johnson. Outlander. A foreigner. Out of Core. Working “out of core,” i.e., employing the spare time after the regular period of work. Out-winder. A bow window. 229 Overgone. “Done up,” exhausted, fatigued. Overlooked. Bewitched, under the influence of the “evil eye.” “Thou wast o'erlooked.” Shakspere, in the Merry Wives of Windsor. Ovice, or Ovvice. The eaves of a house. Over nigh. Near to, close up to. “Ovver nigh by the doar.” Owners, or Awners. See Adventurers. Padal, or Padel. A dish, a pan. It is a Celtic Cornish word. Paddick, or Pattick. A small brown pitcher hold- ing one or two quarts. Paddle. A weeding tool with a long handle and a narrow blade. Padgy-paw, Pagety-paw, Paget-e-poo, or Padzher-pou. Names for a newt, eft, lizard. In Celtic Cornish padºar means four, and paw a foot. Literally, four-footed. Pair. A company of men working together on the same bargain, pitch, or take, in a mine. Palch, Palchy, Palched. Broken down in health, very frail and delicate in constitution. The writer has often heard it used thus, “He is very palchy.” “He is very much palched.” Palch is a Celtic Cornish word and means, weak, sickly, amending, poorly. Pallace. A cellar for the balking (bulking) of pil- chards. In Celtic Cornish, palas, means to dig or delve. The Word probably meant originally, a place * 230 dug out. (Pallace is by Phillips derived from pallicia, pales or paled fences. In Devonshire it means a storehouse; in Totness, “a landing place enclosed but not roofed in,” according to a Lease granted by the corporation of Totness in 1703. Brewer's Dicty.) Pan bed. See Hoppety bed. Panes. Parsnips. This is a Celtie Cornish word, panan, a parsnip, panes, or pane?, parsnips. Pannier-crooks. See Crooks. Pan-Crock. A large, brown, earthen pan. Panshion. A milk pan. M.A.C. Park. An enclosure, a field. Parc is a Celtic Cornish word for the same. Parrick. A little jug. T.W.S. Pasher. A clumsy workman. T.C. Patch-hook. A bill-hook. M.A.C. Pattic. A simpleton, a fool. Pawse. A cold that runs at the nose. Polwhele. From the Celtic Cornish paz or pas, a cough. Peach. Chlorite. A bluish green soft stone. A lode of this stone is called “a Peachy lode.” Peart. Brisk, lively. (Peark, Spenser.) Peas. The hard roe of fishes. Peson, or Paisen. Pease. This is the old plural form. In Celtic Cornish pes means pease, pulse. Peson. Chaucer. 231 Pedalincan. The great cuttle fish. H.R.C. Pedrian. Small pieces of turf. Davy, Zennor. Pedn-paley. The tom-tit. (Blue-tit, M.A.C.) This is a Celtic Cornish word, pedn, a head; paly, Satin, or velvet. Pedri-borbas. Cods' head. B.V. Celtic Cornish. (Pedn barvas. Pryce.) Peecher. A bait, an allurement. B.V. Peel. A pillow. Polwhele. Pilwe, Saxon. Pelf or Pilf, Pelfy or Pilfy. See Pluff, and Pluffy. Pelt. In a pet, passion, or hurry. “Back he comes in a reglar pelt.” Peendy, or Pindy. Tainted. Used of animal food going, or gone bad. Peeth. A well. M.A.C. (Wit; Peethy, witty). Prize. See Pize. Peise. Chaucer. Peizen, or Pizen. Weights. Peizer, a weigher. Pellar. A conjurer, a cunning man. Pellow-bere, or Pillow-bere. A pillow case. Pelve-bere. Chaucer. Pelch, or Pilch. A three cornered clout, or napkin used for infants. Brewer, (Dicty. of Phrases) calls it “The flannel napkin of an infant.” Saxon, pylche, a skin coat. Pilche, Chaucer. Penny-cake. The leaves of navel-wort. Children pluck and string them to resemble a pile of pennies. 232 Pezac. A pilchard with a broken back. W.C.B. In Celtic Cornish pesach means rotten. Piffed. Slightly affronted, or vexed. See Tiffed. Pigol, or Piggal. A pick-axe. A large hoe for cutting turf. Pigol is a Celtic Cornish word. Piggy-pie. See Taddago pie. Piggy-pie is not exactly pork-pie as generally made, and is now pro- bably an obsolete dainty, just as is Lamby, or Lammy-pie. Piggy-whidden. Piggy wiggy, or the smallest pig of the litter. The little white pig. In Celtic Cornish whidn, guiden, or guyn, white. Pig's-crow. A Pig-sty. Crow, is Celtic Cornish and means a hovel, hut, sty. Pile. A lot, a plenty, as “a pile of money.” Pilcher. Pilchard. The Cluped pilchardus of natur- alists. They call pilchards gipsy herrings in Scotland. As is well known pilchards are taken in immense quantities on the Cornish coast, large shoals some- times make their appearance on the Southern coast of Ireland, and about 90 years ago, a tolerably good fishery was there carried on. Pilchards are also taken off the French coasts but not in large quan- tities. These fish also frequent the coast of Spain, but not in great numbers as on the Cornish coast. “The merchantes that do deale in this commoditie of pilchards, as doe divers Londoners, vent them in sundrie places. In Fraunce they utter their pickled º 233 pilchardes, now not known but in domestic use, and suche as they pack in hogsheades and other caske, wher they are receyved as a verie welcome reliefe to the sea coaste of that kingdome, and from the coaste revented to their great profit in the inland townes. All this trade into France is now gone. The dryed ware they carrye into Spain, Italie, Venice, and divers places within the Straytes. “Norden, A.D 1584, quoted by Whitaker (Anc. Cath. of Cornw. Vol. 2, p. 249, note.”) (In Celtic Cornish, Herman and Llean, a pilchard; Herne, pilchards; and Allec, herrings, pil- chards. Borlase.) Piler. “A farm instrument used to pound or cut the beards from barley in winnowing.” B.V. Piliers. Tufts of long grass, rushes, &c. M.A.C. The name seems derived from the hillocky appearance of large tufts of grass or rushes. Pil in Celtic Cornish means a hillock. Pill. A pool, a creek. Pillas, Pillis, or Pellas. Naked oats, bald, bare, or naked oats without husks. Dr. Paris. Avena muda. Piles, or Pilez in Celtic Cornish means bare, bald. Also called Pill-corn. (Pilled, or piled, bald. Chaucer.) Polwhele, (A.D. 1803), says of it that “it is still used in several places,” and describes it as a “small yellow grain . . . and for fattening calves accounted superior to any other nourishment.” 234 Pillion. The tin which remains in the scoria or slags after it is first smelted, which must be separated and re-melted. Pryce. Pillum, Pillem, or Pilm. Dust. Pilm is a Celtic Cornish word, and means according to Pryce, “dust 2^ flying like flour.” . Pil-jack, or Piliack. A low, mean fellow. Davy, Zennor. Pimpey. A weak cider made by adding water to the apple “cheese.” Q.V. It is also called “beverage.” Q.V. Pin, or Pin-bone. The hip. The hip-joint. Pen- * clun is the Celtic Cornish word for the hip-joint. Pen the head, and clun, the hip, or haunch. Pinnick, or Punick. An undergrown weakly child. - Puny. Pinnickin. Very small and weakly. “What a poor - pinnickin child !” y^ Pinni-menny. This was, (and is now by a few) the name given to the little chapel-well near Trenance bridge, St. Austell. Young people wanting to know K. their fortune, dropped pins into the well and “wished.” \/ Menny, or Mynny, in Celtic Cornish means, to will, to wish. - Bernard Quaritch, in a review of Elton’s “Origins of English History,” says, “There is ample proof that the pin is not a mere offering to the spirit of the . well, such as a rag, a pebble, or a small coin might : be, but is flung in by way of curse, to injure the 235 person who is present in the mind at the time the pin is thrown in. It is a companion superstition to that of sticking pins into a wax image, an animal's heart, an orange, or an apple, which is prevalent over a great part of the world. A pin is, speaking myth- ologically, a deadly thing, perhaps because it is a spear or dagger in miniature; a prick from one is more dangerous than from a needle or a splinter of wood, because it gives the sufferer the “evil humours' of the person who has carried it on his person. In Iceland, if there is any fear that a dead person's spirit will walk, pins are driven into the soles of the corpse's feet. Pin-tail. A person who is very small and narrow in the hips. - Pip. A disease among chicken. Pipe, or Bunny of ore. A great collection of ore without any vein coming into, or going from it. Pryce. Piran. Intoxicated. “He was Piran last night.” This is a slander on St. Piran, who, is traditionally said to have died drunk, yet, says Carew, “if legend lye not he lived 200 years and died at Piran.” Piran broad-cloth. The rush mats made there. Tomkin. Pirl. To whirl, twirl, or twist around. Piskey. A fairy. The common clothes moth is also so called from some old superstition. In Robt. Hunt's delightful book, “The Romances of the West of 236 England,” are names of the various kinds of fairies, viz.: 1.-The small people. 2.-The Spriggans. 3.− The Piskies or Pigseys. 4.—The Buccas, Bockles, or Knockers. 5. —The Browneys. (Pisky is Celtic Cornish for Fairy. Borlase.). Piskey feet or Pixies' feet. See Pysgy pows. Piskey-led. Said of one bewildered, confused, or who has lost his way. “He’s like anybody piskey- led.” Piskey-stool. A mushroom. Pit-work. The part of the mine machinery which is placed in the shafts or levels. E.N. Pitch. A bargain of work in a mine. Pitch, pitch, butterfly l An invocation by which children hope to catch a butterfly, thus “Pitch, pitch, butterfly, down low, down low.” Pitch to. To set about a thing in real earnest. Pitch-haired, or Pitchy-haired. A rough staring coat, as of a horse in cold weather. Pitch up to. To make advances, as in “making love.” Pize, Pise, Peize, or Peise. To weigh. In Corn- wall it means generally, to estimate or guess the weight of a thing by holding it in the hand, as “I’ve a pized et,” i.e., I have handled it, or lifted it so as to judge the weight. Peise. Chaucer. (Peysen, peisen, weights, M.A.C.) 237 Planchin, or Planchen. A plank or wood floor. In “Arden of Feversham” is this expression “Whilst on the planchers.” In Celtic Cornish planken, or plynken, means a plank, a board. Plashet, or Ploshet A moist, watery place. A quagmire. Plat. A plot, or small piece of ground. (In Celtic Cornish, plat means flat, also in Chaucer.) Platted down. Flattened down, pressed down. Plat-footed. Flat-footed, splay-footed. Plat or platte. Chaucer. Plat is a Celtic Cornish word meaning flat, Splay. Plethan. To braid, or plait. Polwhele. (In Celtic Cornish it is plegye). Pliskin. An egg-shell. A Celtic Cornish word. Polwhele. Plod, or plad. Plaid, or check-pattern. Plosh. A puddle, a messy, dirty place. PloS is a Celtic Cornish word for dirt, filth, &c. Plosher. A half grown bream. M.A.C. Ploshy. Splashy, sloppy, wet and miry. In Celtic Cornish plošec, foul, filthy. Pluff, Pelf, or Pilf. Fine, or broken fragments of fur, feathers, &c. Also the fur or fine hairy coat of an animal, as of a hare, &c. In Celtic Cornish pluven means a feather, a pen, pliv or plºw, feathers, and pluſoc, a bolster. 238 Pluff, Pluffy, or Ploſſy. Soft and spongy like a dried up turnip. “Feeling pluffy" means poorly, “out of sorts.” Plum. Anything soft and springy, as a pillow, cushion, &c., also leavened, as “the dough is plum.” A Cornishman would not say mud was plum, yet if he fell on it he would say that “he fell plum,” To “fall plum ” is understood as contrary to “fall hard.” “To plum up,” is to swell up like leavened dough which is then said to be “plum” or “light.” “To plum up" also means the resumption of the former state after pressure is removed, as of a pillow which “plums up" again. The shaking up of a bed, or a pillow, is to “plum up,” the bed, or pillow, i.e., render them soft. The word plum meaning elsewhere 4,100,000, or a “nice plum,” was formerly spelt plumb, and refers to one who is, “pretty well off for tin.” Tin by the ancient Romans was called plumbum album. Pluman is the Celtic Cornish word for the fruit plum, and plom or plobm for lead. Plummin. The yeast mixed with the flour for leav- ening, is called so. Poam. To pummel, to thump, to beat, “poamén well,” (Paume, the palm of the hand. Chaucer.) w Poaming. A pummelling. Pock. A push, a shove. Poc, or Pock is Celtic Cornish. See Poof. Poddlin. Poking about, meddling. 239 Podar. Mundic, pyrites. In Celtic Cornish podar means rotten, corrupt ; mundic; ugly. Borlase's Corn. Vocab. “Upon the first discovery of Copper ore, says Dr. Paris, the miner to whom its nature was entirely unknown gave it the name of poder (podar); and it will hardly be credited in these times, when it is stated that he regarded it not only as useless, but upon its appearance was actually induced to abandon the mine, the common expression upon such an occasion was that the ore came in and spoilt the tin.” The writer when a boy used to hear aged men speak of copper ore (thought to be podar or mundic) having been used to mend the roads. “About the year 1735, says Dr. Paris, Mr. Coster, mineral- ogist of Bristol, observed this said podar among the heaps of rubbish, and seeing that the miners were wholly unacquainted with its value . . . . . . he entered into a contract to buy all he could get, and no doubt he found it a profitable transaction.” Podge. A short fat person, “quite a podge.” Podgy. Short, thick, and fat. Pókemen. Stupid, clumsy, “such pékemen ways,” (Podging. M.A.C.) Poldavy. A very coarsely woven linen cloth. Sail cloth was formerly called Powle-davies. Polled. Beheaded, used of fish. Polwhele. Pollet, or Polleck. A crooked stick, knobbed at one end. W.F.P. Polyn. A stick. B.V. Polrumptions. Uprorious, restive. Pomster. A quack. In Celtic Cornish it is spelt gonster, meaning quackery, giving improper medicines. 240 Poochin. Shoving, poking in the way. “What be’ee poochin like that vur !” (Potch. Shakspere.) Poochy, or Poochy-mouth. The lips very promi- nent and thick. Pooching. Making a mouth at any one. Pook. A heap of hay, or turf. It is a Celtic Cornish word. Pooled. Splitting granite “is effected by applying several wedges to holes cut, or pooled as it is termed, in the surface of the stone, at a distance of three or four inches from each other.” Dr. Paris. Poor. Tainted, turned sour, decayed, rotten. Poor as a coot. In great poverty. (Coot, the bird Fulica atra.) Poor tipple. Small beer and such like drink. Poot. To thump, to kick. This is a Celtic Cornish word, as also, pook and potik. - Pop and touse. A general row. All sorts of oaths. In Celtic Cornish pop, every ; and tos, to swear. Pop-docks, or Poppies. The fox-glove. Digitalis purpurea. (Corn-poppy is the name for the common Ted poppy.) Pope. A puffin. M.A.C. Popple, or Bobble. A pebble. Por, or Poar. Hurry, fuss, agitation. “What a poar you'm in l’ 241 Porbeagle. A small kind of shark. Borlase. Porf. A pool of stagnant water. M.A.C. Porvan. A rush wick for a lamp. M.A.C. Posh. Phlegm oppressing the breathing. Polwhele. Pose. Chaucer. In Celtic Cornish pos means heavy. Poss, poss up, or possed up. To stand up, to “stick up,” leaning against a wall or a post. “Theer a stonds possed op, lookin like a wool.” PoS. A post, is Celtic Cornish. Post groats. “In the time of Henry 8th there were two coinages (of tin) in a year, viz; at Midsummer and Michaelmas, but two more were added at Christ- mas and Ladyday for the conveniency of tinners, for which they paid as an acknowledgment four pence for every hundred of white tin then coined.” The duty to the Duke of Cornwall being four shillings for every hundred weight of tin coined. Borlase. See Coining tin. Powdered. Slightly sprinkled with Salt, corned. Pots. The bowels; wooden panniers for carrying - manure on an animal's back, dung pots. Pot-Crooks. The second form in learning to write, next to making strokes. Pot-hooks. Pot grouan. Soft granite-like ground in which it is easy to drive an adit. Pryce. Pot-ground. A miner's term for loose ground. 242 Pot-guidn. White pudding. Polwhele. It is Celtic Cornish. Pot, pudding; guidn, white. Power. A great deal, a great number, as “a power of good,” “a power of people.” POWer. The fish Gadus minutus. C. Preedy. On an even balance, as with a scales. C. Preedy. Easily, creditably. “Putty preedy.” Preventive men. Coast guard men. Preventive station. Coast guard station. Pride of the country. A miner's term. “When ore is found near the surface, at a level where it is rarely met with, and in great abundance and very rich; also when a bunch of ore is found out of a . lode like stones scattered in a quarry, they say, “It is the pride of the country.” Pryce. Pridy, or Preedy. Proud, handsome. Prid-prad, Priden-prall. See Pednpaley. Prill. V. To mix, to turn off sour, to get tipsy or half drunk. Prill. A Small bit, or quantity. Prilled, or Prill. Half drunk. “He’s prilled.” Prilling a sample. Giving a false sample of the ore. E.N. Prince-town college. A facetious name for Dart- moor prison, Prinked up, or Prinkt up. Dressed up in fine clothes. “Dressed to the nines.” Pranki, Spenser. Prinking along. Walking in an affected manner. Prong. A silver fork; a hay fork. Proper. Prim, handsome. “Being so proper.” Shakspere in King Lear. Proud flesh. Overgrowth of the flesh in a healing wound. Prophecy table. For casting the matrimonial horo- Scope. IN CORNWALL. ELSE WHERE. Tinker. Soldier. Tailor. Sailor. Soldier. Tinker. Sailor. Tailor. Rich man. Gentleman. Poor man. Apothecary. Apothecary. Ploughman. Thief. Thief. Pryan lode. A flookan lode, as a soft clayey vein of tin. In Celtic Cornish pryan or prian means, clayey ground. Pudlock. A short beam for supporting the planks of a scaffold. One end in the wall, the other tied to the scaffold pole. Pullan. This is a Celtic Cornish word, meaning a pit, a pond. (A Salt water pool. M.A.C.) 244 Pull-cronack. A small fish found in Salt water pools; bully-cods, the shanny. M.A.C. Pul, or pol, is Celtic Cornish for pond, &c., but cronec means a toad. See Bulgranack. Pul-rose. The wheel-pit. This is a Celtic Cornish word; pul or pol, a pit, &c., and ros, a wheel. Spelt Poul-ro2 by Pryce; and Pol-ro2 by Borlase. Punick. See Pinnick. Punnion-end, or Punkin-end. The gable end of a house. Pure, or Pür. Very, quite. This is a Celtic Cornish word. (Pure, mere, very. Chaucer.) “He’s pure and fat,” i.e., He's very fat. Purgy. Thick in stature, fat, as “a purgy little chap,” “a purgy pig.” Purl. Watch, “on the purl,” i.e., on the watch, Polwhele. Purser. The financial agent for a mine. Purt. A niff, a tiff. “He has taken a purt.” C. Purt’ns, Purtens, or Portens. The heart, liver, and lungs of an animal. Purvan. Shreds of cloth. W.F.P. Purvans. B.V. See Porvan. Put going. Murdered. Put hom, home or hum. Shut or close, as “put hom the door.” º f : 245 Pye. Blocks of tin when formerly adulterated by lumps or pieces of iron being enclosed in the centre, were called pye. Tonkin. They say that by the old Stannary laws a person convicted of this fraud was made to swallow three spoonfuls of melted tin. It was a certain cure. Pysgy-pows, or Pixies' feet. “Ridge-tiles are placed on houses in West Cornwall, having a round knob on them. The people say they are for the pixies to dance on ; and that if you omit to place one for their amusement they will turn the milk Sour.” W. C. Borlase, in the Western Antiquary. Quab. Sickly, infirm. Garland. (Quad or quade, bad, and also quappé to tremble, to quake, are in Chaucer.) Quaddlin. A semi-imbecile, stupid manner. Quaff. (Pron, quaif) To puff up, M.A.C. Quaiffed, or Quatted. Satisfied, full M.A.C. Quail. To wither. Quailed. Withered, as in speaking of flowers. Quailing. A sinking sensation in the stomach. Qualk. A heavy fall. “I came down with a qualk.” Quarantine. A bright red apple. Quarry, or Quarrel. A pane, or square of glass. Quat. To squat, to flop down, to flatten down. Quandary. Perplexity, uncertainly, in a wandering state of mind. In Celtic Cornish quandré means, to walk about, to wander; but this is borrowed from the English. 246 Quàrey. “When a lode or stratum breaks in large hard rocks, being jointed as it were, it is called a qudrey lode or stratum, from its joints or quáres.” Pryce. Queedy. Shrewd. M.A.C. Perhaps from the Celtic Cornish quehé, to work or labour at. Queens, or Gweans. Scallops. (Perriwinkles. Bottrell.) Queer. A mining term. “A queer of ground." A. square piece of ground. () St. Just. See Quarey. Quiddles. Foolish fancies. Quiddlin. Same as Quaddlin. Q.V. Quignogs. Rediculous fancies, or conceits. Quilkin, Quilkey, or Quilkduin. A frog. See Wilkin. In Celtic Cornish it is kwilken, guilkin, or cuilcen. Quillaway, or Quailaway. A stye, or small abscess on the eyelid. Hordeolum. Quillet. Three leaved grass, clover. Bothell. Quilter. Flutter, flurry, agitation of mind. “She was all in a quilter.” Quilting. A severe thrashing. Quinted. Animals over filled with food are quinted. Quishin. A cushion. This word is in Chaucer. Quoit. A broad thin stone or rock. It is a Celtic Cornish word. The Cromlech at Lanyon is called the “Giant's quoit.” The large table stone resembling a discus or quoit. 247 Quoits. A game played with roundish but flat stones, thrown at a mark or place. Once very common. (Quoit or Koetem, in Celtic Cornish, means a broad thin stone, or rock. Borlase.) Rab. Granite rubble. Rabban. Miner's term for a “yellowish dry stone resembling gossan.” Pryce. Rabbet et l or Od Rabbet et ! An exclamation, as if to say, “Confound it.” Rabble. An iron rake for stirring and skimming off copper ore in calcination and melting. Pryce. Rabblerash. A dirty, noisy mob. “The great un- washed.” Rubbishy stuff. Rabble-fish. Inferior fishes. Race. To place things in a row. Also, to string things together, as “a race of onions.” Race. A go cart. M.A.C. Radgell. An excavated tunnel. The W. Briſon, Rafe or Raffe. To tear or rend. Raff, or Raffle. Poor stuff, anything scrappy and inferior. Raffain. Raff. Raffain ore. Poo, ore of no value. Pryce. Ram-Cat. A “Tom’ cat. Rames. The skeleton, as, “the rames of a goose.” J.W. - L0Siwithiel. 248 Rag. A large, irregular, slate roofing stone. Rag-pump. A chain pump. Ramper. Playful. - Callington. Ramping. In great pain, as a “ramping tooth ache”; also raging. “A ramping lion rushed suddenly.” - Spenser's Faery Queene. Ramping and roving. In a state of almost unbear- able pain. Randigall. A long, rambling story. Randivooze. A resort; also, an uproar, “a putty randivooze up there.” (Rendezvous. French.) Ranter's jace. A “wild goose” errand. A ramb. ling hunt, or search, or chase. Ranter go round. An old fashioned game of cards so called. M.A.C. Rany. A ridge of rocks which is bare at half-tide. C. Ranny. A Wren. “Those who kill a robin, or a wren, Will never prosper, boy or man.” Rap and rind. “By hook or crook.” F.C. Rare. Flesh, meat, underdone. Half raw ; any eat- able thing early in the season is rare. See Rear. Rash. Brittle, as applied to wood; or crisp, as of vegetables. Raunin, or Raunish. Hungry, ravenous. He's got a raunin appetite.” (Spenser used the word Toyne, to bite or gnaw.) 249 Raw-milk. The milk as it comes from the cow. Raw-ream, or Raw-cream. The cream of milk not scalded. Reamer. A flat, perforated, shovel like skimmer, for removing clotted cream from “scalded” milk. Rear. Early. (So used also by Milton and Shakspere. Polwhele.) - Red-knot wheat. So called from the colour of the joints and husks. Tomkin. Red-rabb. Red killas. Pryce. Reed. The unbruised stalks of corn, so called in the Iſla SS. Reeming. Stretching and yawning together. Reen. A steep hill side. M.A.C. Reese, or Reeze. Overripe, ripe corn shedding the grains is said to reese, M.A.C. Reeving. Sifting so as to separate various sized grains from each other. Ridar. A sieve, a riddle. (Ridar a kažher.) A sieve is still called a casier. Pryce. Riders, or “The riders.” Circus equestrians. Rig, or Rigs. Fun, frolic, uproar, fuss. . Riggle, or Riddle. To poke up, or to stir up the fire, also to rattle out, as, “Riggle up the fire,” “Riggle out the fire.” Ringle. To ring, to tinkle. 250 Rise in the back. To work upwards towards the surface in mining. Rising of the lights. An hysterical or choking feeling in the throat. A ball in the throat. Globus hystericus. Roaring. Blubbering. Crying aloud with tears. Robin's alight. A game of forfeits played before the fire, by whirling a burning stick around. It is so moved and passed from one to another. The one who last holds it as the fire in the stick goes out, pays the forfeit. Rock basins. Round, or oval cavities of various sizes on the surface of granite rocks. Most rock basins are on a level, some on a sloping, and a very few on a perpendicular face of the rock. These basins are formed by the gradual action of water long resting on the rock in little pools, causing disintegration in the form of a more or less shallow basin. Some basins are so artificial in appearance, that antiquaries have thought them wrought out so as to be pools of lustration. Some of these basins may have been altered, but they are almost entirely of natural for- mation, whatever their Druidical uses may have been. “Quid magis est Saxo durum,_Quid mollius unda, Dura tamen moli saxa cavantur aqua.” Ovid. Rode. Gumption, sense, nouse. Rodeling, Roodling, or Rodeless. Hesitating and uncertain in manner, vaccillating, maundering 251 and stupid. A dull stupid way of speaking, “Such roodling ways l’” In the Armoric language rodella means, to turn or wind about. Rod-shaft. The engine-shaft in a mine, in which are the rods of the pumping gear. Roper's news. News not new, being stale. East Cornwall saying. C. Ropy. A term applied to bread made with milsey flour. See Milsey. Rouan. The name of a good cider apple grown in the Lizard district. Rouan is Celtic for Roman. Rory-tory. Anything vulgar in design, or colour. Tawdry. Round or Roundago. An ancient circle of stones or earth. “It is said the priests (Druids) danced within an enclosure of stones, moving sideways in imitation of the dragon, or serpent. This means they danced within a “round” of which there are remains in Cornwall.” Hogg's Fab. Hist. of Cornwall. Polwhele describes it thus—“Roundago, a circle of stones standing erect or piled in a wall-like form without mortar. Stone circles, originally pagan, were probably used by the Christian Cornish, for their miracle plays and dances.” Polwhele (Hist, of Corn- wall, vol. 2. p. 84.) also says that the rounds were “probably places of meeting of the general stannary assemblies,” (in the same manner Crockern Torr in Dartmoor was the seat of assembly for the tinners 252 of Devon; and the place of general assembly for the tinners both of Devon and Cornwall was Hengston Hill.”) Rounders. A game of bat and ball, somewhat like cricket, but with only one batting place, from which there are three stations to run round by, before reaching the batting place again. Round robin. The angler fish. C. Roup. To drink, or gulp down fluid in a noisy manner. Rouse-about. See Stiracoose. Routing out. Turning out the holes and corners, cleaning up. Roving. In great pain. “A roving toothacke.” Also used thus, “roving mad.” Row. Rough. “He loked wel rowe.” Chaucer, Row. Refuse from the ore stamping mills. E.N. Row-hound. The fish Squalus canicula. C. Row-tin. The large grained rough tin. Borlase. Rud. Red. In Celtic Cornish rudh. Rudge. A partridge. Polwhele. Rouser. Something big, or resounding. Ruddock. A robin red-breast. Called also Rabbin, and Rabbin-redbreast. (Ruddock. Chaucer.) In Celtic Cornish it is Ruddoc. Rydhic, means reddish, in this tongue. Ruinate, Ruined, overthrown. Spenser used this word. 253 - - - --~~~ - º -- - - Rumbustious. Noisy, cantankerous. Rummage. Rubbish, odds and ends, a rubbishy lot of things. Confusion or disorder. Rummet. Dandriff. See Scruff. “The child's head is full of rummet.” Rumped up. Feeling cold and miserable, “rumped up with the cold.” See Scrumped up. Rumpy. Anything coarse and uneven, as of cotton &c. Rumpin. The same as Jumpin. Q.V. Run. A mining term meaning a fall of loose ground after an excavation. Runner. A round towel on a roller. Runky. Hoarse, wheezy breathing. In Celtic Cornish Tenkia means, to Snore, to Snort. Running ground. Loose, Sandy, or soft ground, which falls in just as fast as it is excavated Runnin. (Rennet. M.A.C.) Melted fat. Running-wound. A wound discharging matter. Rush, or Rish. “Beginning a new rush,” i.e., turning over a new leaf, commencing a fresh score. Russell's wagon. “As big as Russell's wagon.” A saying. This was a huge wagon for the conveyance of goods and passengers, drawn by 6, 8, even 10 great horses, with tinkling bells. It took nearly a fortnight, (50 years ago) to go from Cornwall to 254 London. Passengers sometimes slept in it on their own bedding, and made their wills before starting. The writer's own father has made wills for such travellers. Rustring comb. Dressing comb. A flinking comb. Ruttlin. The sound of phlegm rattling in the bron- chial tubes. Ruxler, or Wroxler. A restless fidgety person, one continually shifting about, as on a seat. Sabby. Soft and wet. Saim, or Seym. Train oil, fat, grease. Celtic Cor- nish words. Sam, or Zam. Half-heated. A Sam oven, is one half-hot after bread has been baked in it. “Tell the baker to bake the biskeys (biscuits) in the sam oven.” Sammy-Dawkin. A thickhead. A Padstow illus- tration of incapacity. “A regular Sammy Dawkin.” Sampling. Testing the Worth of the ores of a mine. Sample. Soft, pliant. Sampler. A small square of canvas on which girls stitched letters and figures; one who tests the value of mineral ores. Sampson. A drink of cider, brandy, and a little water, with sugar. M.A.C. Sam-Sawdered, or Sam-Sodden. Anything ill cooked, and insipid, especially if tepid, or “half hot.” Sang, or Zang. A small sheaf such as that of a gleaner. C. Sape, or Sapey. See Zape. Saracens. “The Jews therefore denominated them- selves, and were denominated by the Britons of Corn- wall Saracens, as the genuine progeny of Sarah.” Origin of Arianism, pp. 329. . 325, quoted by Polwhele. Save-all. A large apron to cover and protect a child's dress. Sawen. See Zawn. Say-fencibles. Sea-fencibles. The old coast-guard. Scabby-gullion, (B.V.) or Scabby-gulyun. (W.F.P.) A stew of cut up meat and potatoes. Scald. The horse mackerel. The shad. Borlase. . Scal, or Scale. See Schale. Scald cream. Clotted or clouted cream. Scald milk. Milk which has been heated and de- prived of the clotted cream. Scalpions. Dry salt fish, as salt whiting. H. Scaly. Grumpy, ill-tempered, miserly. Scammed. See Trowled. Scamp. To do work badly, or with inferior, or Scanty materials. - Scarf. A joint. Scarfe. To join. They are Celtic Cornish words, “My an Scarf yn ta wharé.” I will soon join it well. 256 Scarlet runners. Kidney-bean plants. Scat. A slap. “I’ll giv'ee a scat in the faace;” a sharp frost, as, “a scat of frost ;” diarrhoea; anything burst or broken open. Scat is a Celtic Cornish word and means a buffet, a box, a blow. Scat. V. To slap, to break, to smash, to be bankrupt. Scat-marchant. One who has failed in business. It was formerly a term of great contempt, and the boys even mobbed a scat-marchant. Now he is “white-washed ” not mobbed. Scat abroad. Burst open, Smashed, “Tes oal scat abroad.” A scat to, a “set to,” or quarrel. Scaval-an-gow. Chattering, confused talking. Scaval- an-gow (Cornish) the bench of lies. U.J.T. Scavel is Celtic Cornish for, a bench, a stool, and gow, a falsehood, a lie. Scavarnoeck, Skavarnak, or Scovarnog. Celtic Cornish names for a hare. Scovarnog is the oldest form of the word. (Long eared, still used in Cornwall. Polwhele.) Scaw. Elder or Scaw trees. Scawen. An elder tree. Scaw and Scawen are Celtic Cornish words. Scawsy-buds. Elder flowers. Schale. A scale, as a “schale of earth,” or earth slide in an excavation. Sclum, Sclow, or Scrow. To sclaw, to scratch, as “the cat will sclum you,” also used thus, “Ah you old sclum-cat.” i.e., you old spite. - 257 Scoad, or Scud. To spill, to shed, to pour, to scatter. Scoce. To exchange, to barter. C. Scoames. The pavement, the stones. See Coanse. TJ.J. T. Scollucks. Refuse of a slate quarry. Delabole. C. Scollops. The remains of pig's “mord.” Q.V. from which the fat has been melted out. Also called scollop fat, and “Scrolls.” Scouring-geard. A soft china-stone granite used as sand for scouring, or for whitening floors. M.A.C. Scovan lode. A tin lode. Only in contra-distinction to all other lodes. Pryce. Scove. Tin stuff so rich and pure, that it needs but little cleansing. Pryce. Scovy. Looking smeared and blotchy, as a badly or unevenly painted surface. Scoy. Thin, poor, as applied to silks or stuffs; small, insignificant, “for my wages would look scoy.” U.J.T. Perhaps from the Celtic Cornish Skez, a shade, a shadow. In Manx, Scaa. - Scrabble. To scramble. Scragged. Strangled. Scranny. To scramble, to contend, to strive. In Celtic Cornish it is scornye. Scranching, Scrunching. Crushing a hard sub- stance between the teeth. - R 258 Screech. A short sudden blaze. “Some tam fuzz for a screech.” Screech like a whit-neck. To make a great out- Cry. Screed. A scrip, or very small bit. Also a very thin person. “Looking like a screed.” Screedle. To cower over the fire. U.J.T. See Gridddle. Screw. The shrew or field mouse. C. Scriff-scraff. Rummage, a lot of trumpery things. Scrimp, or Scrimpy. Scant, scanty, Scrinkt. Screwed. U.J.T. Scrinking, or Scrinked up. Peeping about with (screwed up) half-closed eyes, and puckered mouth. In Celtic Cornish, Seryncye, means to snarl, to grin. Scrip. To escape. Carew. “He will never scrip it.” Scritch. A crutch. Scroached, Scrawed, or Scrowled. Scorched or broiled, as “scroached pilchards.” Before being scroached, they are split, half dried, peppered, and salted. Scrolls. See Scollops. Scrolled. Same as Scroached. Q.V. Scrow. See Sclum. 259 Scrowl. “When a lode is interrupted and cut off by a cross-gossan, it may sometimes be found again by the tendency of some loose stones of the true lode in the body of the gossan, i.e., a Scrowl.” Pryce. Scrowling. Scratching. Scrouge, Scrudge, or Scrooge. To Squeeze, as in a crowd, to crowd together. (Scruze, squeeze out, press out. Spenser.) “We cud haardly scrouge room for to stond in the fair.” Scruff. Dandriff. See Rummet. Scruff. The nape of the neck. The Scrag, Sruff. V. To scuffle, to struggle. “We Scruffed to- gether.” Scruffy. Rough and scaly. Scruffy-head. A head full of dandriff. A term also of contempt, “old scruffy-head.” Scrumped, or Scrumped up. The same as shrumped, and rumped. Q.V. In Celtic Cornish we have the word Scruth meaning, a shiver. Scry. The report of the approach of a body of fish, as pilchards. Leland. C. In Celtic Cornish we have Scrymba, an outcry. Scub-maw. A “mess” of food,” anything not cooked in an Orthodox manner. Scraps, pieces, Orts. Q.V. Scud. To spill, see Scoad ; to crust over as does a sore. To Scud over. To scab over. Scud. The dry crust or scab of a sore. 260 Scudder. See Skitter. Scuffler. An agricultural implement for breaking up the clods after ploughing. Callington. Scule, Scool, or School. A shoal or large body of fish swimming together. Scullions. Onions. T.W.S. Scute. The metal shield (scutum, Latin) of the heel or toe of a boot or shoe. Sea-adder. The pipe-fish. Seam or Zeam. A cart or wagon-load of hay, manure, &c. Seam of tin. A horse load, viz: two small sacks of black tin. Pryce. Searge. A sieve. Pryce. - Seech, or Sych. Seech, “the rush of sea waves inundating the streets at high tides.” Bond's Hist. of Looe. Sych, “the edge or foaming border of a wave as it runs up a harbour, or on the land.” Couch. Lhuyd says that in the Armoric language gulab a Sych means, wet and dry. Sech or Sych, dry, in Celtic Cornish. Seed-lup, or Seed-lip. A Sower's box or basket for holding the seed while sowing. Seine, or Sean. A pilchard net many hundreds of feet long. See Stop net. 261 Seine boats. In seining for pilchards three boats are employed, viz: two large ones and a small one ; each large boat containing seven men, and in the Small one are the master-Seiner, another man, and two boys. The “Seine-boat," and the “Follower” are the names by which the two large boats are distinguished, and the small one is called the “Lurker.” Semmee. It seems to me. This and the expression, “I seem,” for, I think, is common along both banks of the Tamar, &c. Sett. Ground within the bounds of which a mine, or a clay-work &c., may be worked. Seven-sleeper, or Sound-sleeper. A speckled moth (Ermine moth,) is so called in Cornwall. Seym. Grease, train oil. This is a Celtic Cornish word. (Saim. Borlase.) Shacky. Shacky-fish. A small fish found in salt water pools, also called Goby and Shoky fish. Shag. The cormorant or sea raven. “ As wet as a shag.” Shagga. Polwhele. Shale-stone, or Shellstone. Slate stone. Shallal. A serenade of kettles and pans. Shámedy. Confused and ashamed. Shammel. “A stage of boards used in old ‘coffins' before shafts were in common use. So they now call any stage of boards for shovelling of ore or ‘deads’ (rubble) upon, a shammel.” Pryce. See Coffins, 262 Shammels. Stopes. A mining term. Shammel-whim. An engine for drawing the ore up over an inclined plane. Shammel-working. “A method of working by an open mine where . . . . they followed the lode as far and to as great a depth as they were able to pur- sue it.” Polwhéle. Shammick. A low, mean, shuffling fellow. Shammick. To cheat, to act with low cunning. Shanny. The fish Blennius pholis. C. Shape, or Shaape. A bad state or condition. “Here's a putty shaape!” i.e., Here's a mess! “What a shaape you'm in l’ i.e., What a mess! Shenagrum. Rum, Sugar, and lemon with hot beer. M. A. C. Sheevo. “Such a sheevo..” A form of the word chivy meaning a fuss or row. Shell-apple. The cross-bill. Tonkin. Shell-stone. A slate stone. In Devon, shindle-stone. Shift. A form of displacement in a lode in which it has become disjointed. E.N. Shigged. Cheated. T.C. & 4 Shigged out.” Shiner. A Sweet-heart. W.T.A.P. Shivver. One of the bars of a gate. 263 Shodes, or Shoads. Scattered or dispersed parts from the “broil” (Q.V.) of a neighbouring mineral lode. (Perhaps from Shutten, to pour forth. Borlase.) Shoaders. Miners engaged in shoading. Shoading. Sinking pits and trying for the lode. Shoading heaps. Heaps from pits in the search for lodes. E.N. Shoading pits. Pits dug in the search for a lode. Shogg. To make a sifting movement, as in washing ore in water. Carew. Shong. A broken mesh. B.V. Short bob. A short, black or well seasoned clay pipe. Shot. A fish closely resembling a trout. Carew. Shrimmed. Chilled. U.J.T. Shrumped, or Shrumped up. Shivering with cold. Shuffer. Full, stout, well. T.C. Shune. Strange. Carew. Shute. A channel of Wood or iron for conveying a small stream of water. Also, the watering place where the women fill their pitchers from the “shute.” Also, a small stream of water running from a shute or channel. - Shut-hom. To close, as “shut-hom the door.” Shutting or Shooting ground. Hard ground or rock requiring powder for blasting it. 264 Sich. Such. It was also used by Spenser. Sigger, OI’ Sigure. To leak. H.R.C. In Celtic Cor- nish Siger means hollow, full of holes. Sight. A large number or quantity, as “a sight of people,” “a sight of money.” “Where is so huge a syght of mony.” Acolastus 1540. Simmee, and I sim. See Semmee. Sissling. Moving uneasily in sleep. Garland. Sives. See Cives. Skainer. One who runs fast is said “to run like a skainer.” Skal. Calling out. “You great skal.” A term of abuse. Newlyn. T.C. Skatereens. Shivereens, all in pieces. Skawd. See Scud. Spilt, scattered. Callington. Sky-blue. Milk and water mixed. Skedgwith, or Skerrish. Privet, M.A.C. Skeer. See Skitter. To skim a stone on the water. Skeer. To skitter or skutter. Q.V. Skeerin. Fluttering, flying about. Skeese, Skeyze, Skeyce, or Scouse. To frisk about, to run fast. In Celtic Cornish skesy means, to get free, to escape. Skellet, or Skillet. A brass pot with three short legs and a flattish handle, all of one casting. 265 Skeeny. A sharp and gusty wind. C. Sker, or Skeer. To scrape or scramble down a place. “To come scraping down.” To rub against. To abrade, as “Ive skerred my hand.” Skerret, or Skivet. (C.) See Skibbet. Skerrish. Privet. C. See Skedgwith. Skerrimudge, It is not used of a Scaramouch, or buffoon, in Cornwall, but is the name of a toy of a grotesquely human shape, the limbs of which are moved by a string so as to make strange antics. Skerry-werry. A slight active person. “We seed little skerry-Werry cut by Rawe's door.” J. T. Tregellas. Skew. Thick drizzling rain. U.J.T. A driving mist. C. Probably from the Celtic Cornish word kudz, a shower of rain. (To skew, to shun. Carew.) Skibbet, Skivet, or Skerret. A small box fixed in one end of a larger one. “Look in the box and you’ll find it in the skibbet.” Skiddery. See Skittery. Skimp. To Scamp. Q.V. Skimpings. The lightest and poorest part of the tin ore in the dressing of it. Skipper, or Hopper. A kind of insect infesting hams. skirt, or Skeert. Short. Skirtings. The diaphragm of an animal. 266 Skit. A syringe, a squirt. Skit. The name given to a plant by boys who cut out portions of the hollow stems to make Skits. (Also called Alexanders, or AllSanders. Smyrnium olusatrum. C.) Skit. A mine pump used to raise water from a small depth. It is like a ship's pump. Pryce. Skit, or Skeet. To squirt. Also a mode or trick of expectorating by forcing out the saliva suddenly between the closed teeth at one of the corners of the mouth. Skitter. A track on ice or frozen Snow for sliding (not skating) on. Skitter. One who slides. To skitter, (or Skutter) a stone, is to make it hop and skim along the surface of water, to make “ducks and drakes.” Skittery. Slippery, like ice, &c. Skivet. See Skibbet. Skove. The tinners say of a rich lode “’tis all Skove, or scove; pure and clean. Celtic Cornish. Pryce. Skuat, or Skuit. A legacy, a windfall. “A skuat of money.” Slack. Impudent talking. “Jaw.” “Hold your slack.” Slack, or Slacket. Slight, thin. Sladdocks. A cleaving and splitting tool for slate. Slag. Misty rain, sleet, M.A.C. 267 Slam. To slap. (To trump, “I’ll slam that card.” - M.A.C.) Slams, Scrams. Scraps of meat. M.A.C. Slappin. Stalwart, big “A slappin fellow.” Slatter-cum-drash. Uproar, confusion. “Knocking every thing about.” Sleepy. A peculiar state of decay, as “sleepy wood.” with a kind of white dry rot. Also used of linen when mildewed, or spotted by being kept too long damp. Also, stupid. “A sleepy-headed fellow.” Sleuchin. Shambling, slouching, “A great sleuchin fellow.” - Slew, or Slewed. Twisted or canted round, or aside. Slewed. Intoxicated. “He’s slewed.” Sliddery. Slippery. (Slider, Chaucer.) Sligering, or Slaggering, (g, soft). A great row. T.C. Slim. Giving food too hot, “slims” the teeth. Polwhele. Sling. A dram. Slingers. Invited guests. Garland. - Slingers. Kettle broth made of boiling water, bread, salt, and pepper, with sometimes a little butter. Callington. Slintrim. An incline. M.A.C. In Celtic Cornish Slyniya means, to slide, to glide along. Slip. A young pig. Also, the outside cover of a pillow or a bolster. A pillow-slip, also, bolster case. 268 Slock. To entice, to tempt, to induce, as when one boy slocks another to steal apples, or as with an unwilling dog, “slocke'n along.” (To pilfer, to give privately. Polwhele.) Slocking bone. See Locking bone. Slocking stone. Pryce calls it (Mineralogia Cornu- biensis) “a tempting, inducing, or rich stone of ore.” Some miners produce good stones of ore, which induce those concerned to proceed, until they expend much money perhaps, and at last find the mine good for nothing, so, likewise there have been some in- stances of miners, who have deceived their employers by bringing them “slocking stones” from other mines pretending they were found in the mine they worked in, the meaning of which imposition is obvious.” Slocum. A lagging, stupid, lazy fellow. “Come along old slocum.” Slones. The fruit of the black thorn. Sloes. Slosh. To flush with, or splash water about. Sloshy. Wet and muddy. Slotter. A wet, dirty mess. To Slotter. To make a mess. Slottery. In Celtic Cornish it is spelt slotteree and means, rainy weather, foul and dirty, muddy; as “slottery weather,” “slottery roads.” Slow cripple. A blind-worm. A slow-worm. Slow-six-legged walkers. Lice. Carew. 269 Slummock. A dirty, slatternly woman. Slump. A careless workwoman, M.A.C. Slydom. Cunning. Small tin. Smaals, the miners call it. Finely pow- dered tin-stuff. See Floran (in the Addenda.) Smeech, or Smitch. A strong Suffocating smell, as of burnt bones, feathers, &c. Smicket. A smock, a chemise, a shift. A woman's under garment. Smulk. A drunken dirty woman. M.A.C. Snaggle. A snag, or large and ill-formed tooth, “Snag- gly teeth,” i.e., very irregular or ill-shaped teeth. Such are sometimes named “great Snaggles.” Snead. The handle of a scythe. C. Sneg. A small snail. C. Sneivy. Low, mean, sneaking, cunning. “He’s a sneivy fellow.” Sniffy. Supercilious. One who “cocks her (or his) nose” at anything. Snifting clack. A valve in the old Cornish steam- engine, so called because of the noise it made in working. Pryce. Snip, or Snippet. A little bit. - Snite. A snipe. C. Snit is the Celtic Cornish word. Snob. The nasal Secretion. Snoogly sot. Well fitted, as with clothes, Callington. 270 Snuff. “To be snuff,” affronted. Polwhele. See Sniffy. Soas. This curious word is often used, and in various ways. It appears to be a wheedling or coaxing expression, as “Woll'ee, soas 1” i.e., Now will you ? “Do'ee, Soas,” i.e., Come now, do ; and so on. It may be compared with the word Ko or Co. Q.V. (Neighbour, friend, companion. U.J.T.) (In Celtic Cornish mar SOSé, if thou art. (?) Pryce.) Soaked. Bread not baked enough is said to be not well soaked. Sodger. A red-herring, Soldier. Sog. A sleep. A nap, drowsiness, numbness. “I’ve just had a bit of a sog.” It is a Celtic Cornish word. Sog. To doze, to have a short sleep. Soggy. Quaggy, moist, marshy. In Celtic Cornish 80g means, moist, Wet. Soller, or Saller. (Pryce, Corn. vocab. Solarium vel Solium. From the Latin.) In Celtic Cornish it is Soler, meaning, a ground room, an entry, a gallery, a stage of boards in a mine; or Sel, a foundation, base, or groundwork. “A galler in a mine is a stage or gallery of boards for men to stand on and roll away broken stuff in wheel-barrows . . . . . . There is also another kind of Saller in an adit, being boards laid hollow on its bottom, by means of which air is conveyed under feet to the workmen . . . . . In a foot-way shaft the Saller is the floor for a ladder to rest upon.” Pryce. 271 So-long I Good bye Adieu ! (Heard in Looe and Wadebridge). W.T.A.P. Some-clip. Very nice and particular. Callington. “He’s some clip.” Soodling. Comforting, fondling, caressing, flattering. “Such soodling ways l’” In Celtic Cornish Soth means to flatter, but this is from the old English. Soons. Amulets, charms. M.A.C. In Celtic Cornish Sona means, to sanctify, to consecrate, to charm. Also, Somé. Sory. C. See Scry. Sound-sleeper. See Seven-sleeper. Sound. To swoon, to faint away. “Did your brother tell you says Rosalind how I counterfeited to Sound when he showed me your handkerchief ?” Shakspere in “As you like it.” Soundy away. See Zoundy away. Sour-sauce, Sour sabs, or Sour sops. The common sorrel. Rumex acelosa, also called Green- SallC62. Sour as a rig. Very ill-tempered. Callington. “Bless her when she is riggish.” Antony and Cleopatra. Rig anciently meant strumpet. Sour-sab pie. A pie made with the most juicy leaves, and tender stems of the “Common Sorrel,” Ruméa, acetosa. Eaten with sugar and cream. The writer once made an experimental pasty of the 272 Common Sorrel, and it was quite as good as some kinds of Rhubarb. Some mention is made of this plant in the Flora Medica, where it is said, “The leaves are refrigerent and diuretic, . . . . . and taken in large quantities as food will be found of consid- erable efficacy. In some parts of France it is culti- wated as an edible vegetable, and the natives of Wermeland, on the confines of Sweden, in seasons of great scarcity, form it into bread, and that it is not unsalutary.” Souse. To fall, sit, or bump suddenly down. “Down he came, souse.” Sow-pig, or Grammar-sow. The wood-louse. Sowdling. Burly, ungainly, M.A.C. A- Soyl. A seal. The sea calf. Carew. Spading. Cutting turf in large thin slices with a great cross-handled spade. Spal, Of Spale. A fine for lost time, or absence from work. Amercement. Forfeiture. It is spál in Celtic Cornish. Spaliard. A pickman; a working tinner. Pryce. Spalier, or Spalyer. Espalier. Spalled, or Spaaled. Fined for absence or lost time in working. Spalliers, or Spadiards. Miners so called from their spades. (Spalliers, Polwhele.) ſ - 273 Spalling. Breaking large stones of ore, &c. See Cobbing. Spalls. Small chips of metal or stone. Stonecutters often say, “I’ve got a spall in my eye.” Spanjar, or Span. A tether. M.A.C. Spanker. A large thing. Spankin. Big, very large. Spar. Quartz. “In Cornwall all the white, opake, common hard stone is called spar; erroneusly it must be owned for it is quartz.” Borlase's Natl. Histy. Sparables. Sprigs; very small, short, headless nails, used for the soles of boots and shoes. (Hob-nails. Dr. Bannisler.) Sparable pie. A quaint term meaning anything un- palateable, as thus to a boy, “I’ll give you some sparable pie.” Spare. Slow. “A very spare job.” Sparrow. A wooden rod or skewer, used by thatchers to secure the thatch. Spar stone. Quartz. Speed, Luck. “I had very poor speed.” Speedy. To hurry, to quicken. In Celtic Cornish it is spedye, to succeed, to hasten; ta spedye, to speed well. (See Borlase's Cornish Vocaby.) Speedy ground. See Teary ground. Spell. See Stem. 274 Spence. A store-room for wine, or victuals. “And hadden him into the spense.” Chaucer. In Celtic Cornish spens means a buttery. Spend. V. To break ground. Halliwell. Spiffy. Choice, neat, “natty,” “spicy.” - Spikkety, or Spekkety. Spotted, as a “spikkety hen.” In Celtic Cornish Spekkiar means, spotted, speckled. “A man in a spikkety jacket was theere.” Spiller. A long fishing line with many hooks, also a ground line. Spinning-drone. A brown cock-chafer, or oak-web. Spise. To ooze, or flow gently out. Splat, or Splot. A plot, or small piece of ground. A spot, or blot, as of ink. Splatty. Spotty, pimply, uneven in colour, covered with smears or blots. “All splatty.” Split and blout. To make a great fuss. Callington. Splitting along. Going very fast. Split-fig. A very stingy person. Nickname for a grocer who would cut a raisin in two, rather than give overweight. “Ould splet-fig.” Splot. See Splat. Spoom. Scum, froth. Spoum in Celtic Cornish. Spraggety. Mottled. Spraggling. A sprawling, ill-drawn design is “sprag- gling” or “loud.” - 275 Sprawl. A disease of young ducks. They lose their strength and seem as if “they could hardly sprawl.” See Sproil. Sprayed. Face, or hands roughened by cold. Spraying. An east wind is “a very spraying wind.” Spriggan. A fairy. See Piskey. Sprigly. Split, or split up, as of a wart when growing much cracked or split. “A sprigly wart.” Springle. A trap for snaring birds. A little wicker work, (made of a slight willow rod), about eight or ten inches long, and shaped like a battledoor, is pinned to the ground at the broad end. At the apex, a notch is cut for a button or catch. Across the apex an arched short rod, called the bridge, is stuck at both ends into the ground. A willow rod is stuck into the ground about three feet off, having at the top a line ending in a slip noose. The noose is passed under the bridge, and laid on the wicker, the rod being bent down and secured by a button near the noose, to the bridge and the wicker. Bait is placed on the wicker, a bird hopping on it releases the button, the rod flies back, and the bird is caught by the running noose. Sproil, or Sprawl. Energy, strength. ... “I haven't got a bit of sproil.” To sprawl, as, “I can hardly sprawl,” i.e., scarcely stand or move. Sproosen. An untidy, ungartered woman, M.A.C. Sprouncey. Cheerful, jolly, slightly intoxicated. 276 - º º Tº - º- Spry. Wide awake. “All alive.” Spruce. Spud. A young brat. Also, a garden tool used in cutting up weeds. Spudder. A fuss, a bother. “What a spudder!” Spuds. Small potatoes. W.T.A.P. - Spuke. An instrument spiked on to a pig's snout. The transverse bar, on which is a small roller, prevents the animal from grubbing. Spur. A short time at work. A “ nip” or small glass of spirit. “Something short.” Spurticles. Spectacles. “Where's my spurticles?” Squab, or Squadge. A shove, a squeeze. Squabbed. Pressed, or crushed. Squab pie. A pie of apples, mutton, and an onion or two, seasoned with sugar, pepper, and salt. Squadged. Squeezed, crushed, as of fruit, &c., injured by pressure. Squard. A rent or tear. Squerd in Celtic Cornish. Squarded. Torn, crushed in like a broken bandbox. In Celtic Cornish squardye means to tear, to rend, to break to pieces. - Squat. Pressed, flattened, burst. In Celtic Cornish squatiya means to pluck, to tear to pieces, to hew. Squat. A miner's term. “The squat of a lode,” a broad heap. Pryce. In Celtic Cornish squat, suddenly, as when a lode has suddenly enlarged. 277 Squeeze. An old frump. A cross old maid. “A regular old patch,” “an old Squeeze.” Squiddle. A squirt. Squiddling. Squirting. Squiddles. Diarrhoea. Squinge grub. A small shrivelled pippin. “She's a regular old squinge grub.” Newquay. Squinny. To squint. “Dost thou squinny at me!” Shakspere. Squinny-eyed. A person whose eyes are habitually half closed. A squinter. Squitch. A twitch, a jerk. In Celtic Cornish this word is spelt squyeh and means the same thing. Squitchems. The jumps, the jerks, “the fidgets.” From the Celtic Cornish Squych. See Squitch. Stacey-jar. A quart stone bottle. M.A.C. Stack. The term used of one chimney, especially of a lofty one, as the engine Stack of a mine engine-house. Stag. A young cock. Stagged, or Stogged. Stuck in the mud. In Celtic Cornish stagen, means a lake, a pool. St. Agnes totle. A stupid old fool. Stam-bang. Plump down. “Slap down". Stamps, Stompses. Stamping or ore crushing mills. Standard. A wrestling term. He who has thrown two men becomes a standard for the future contests in the ring. 278 Stand Sam. “To stand Sam,” i.e., to stand treat, to pay for all, to bear the charge. This phrase is not peculiar to Cornwall only. It is noticed here because in Celtic Cornish, Sam means a burden, a charge. Stank. A mess, a muddle, a scrape. “We’em in a putty stank now.” Stanc is Celtic Cornish for a pool, a pond. Stank. To walk along, to step, to tread upon. “He’s stankin’ along at a putty rate.” “What be’ee stankin' 'pon my toes vur you g’eat bufflehead ' ". Stannary Laws, Stannaries, and Stannary Courts. “Are laws, præcincts, customs and courts peculiar only to tinners and tin mines.” Pryce. Stare. A starling. Stares. Irregular spots or blotches. “It is full of stares.” Star-gazing, Staare-gaaze, Starry-gazy, or Staring pie. A pie made of leeks and pilchards. Sometimes without leeks. The noses or heads of the fish show through a hole in the crust. Hence the name. Starving, or Steeving. Suffering from the cold. In Celtic Cornish Stervys, or Stevys, to catch cold, to be very cold. Stash. “There now, Stash it there, i.e., Don't say another word. Mrs. Parr's Adam & Eve. Stave. To move quickly and noisily. To knock down. U.J.T. 279 Staver. A busybody. “A regular staver.” One who is always in a fuss. Steeve. To knock down. “I steeved down three to waunce;” “And a catched up a shoul for to steeve ma outright.” Steeved. Stowed, forced down, broken in. Stem. A period of work, or of time, a job. A day's work. A double stem is to work six hours extra. Stemming. Turn by turn, taking your turn. Spelt Stemmyn in Borlase's Vocabulary of Celtic Cornish words. “To work out his stemmyn,” i.e., to do his share of the work. Stempel. A slant beam used in a mine for supporting certain places. Pryce. Stent, or Stents. Rubble left by tin streamers in their workings. Such places are called stent bottoms. In Celtic Cornish stener, a tinner, Sloan, tin. 'Stent. The limit or boundary of a bargain or pitch or sett in mining, It is the word extent shortened. “That is the 'stent of it. Stew. Fuss, ill-temper, row. “What a stew you're in I’” Stewer. A raised dust. Warmth or closeness of the air of a room. “What a stewer you're making !” “Kicking up a dust.” In Celtic Cornish Steuys, warm. Steyne. A large brown salting pan or pot. Stén, a milk-pail, in Celtic Cornish. 280 Stickings. The last of a cow's milk. M.A.C. Stickler. One who is on watch in the wrestling ring to see fair play. Stiddle, or Stoodle. The pole to which an ox is tied in the stall. See Studdle. Stile. A flat iron. M.A.C. Sting-blubber. The sea nettle. See Blubber. Stingdum. The fish Cottus Scorpius. C. Stint. To impregnate. C. Stiracoose. A bustling, energetic woman. Stirrage. Commotion, fuss, movement. - Stock. A large block or log of wood. The “Christ- mas stock” of Cornwall is the “ yule-block” of the North of England. Stoc in Celtic Cornish. Stodge. Food when very “thick and slab,” is so called in contempt. “What stodgeſ” Stogged. See Stagged. Stoiting. The leaping of a shoal of fish. C. Stool-crab. The male edible crab. C. Stope. A step. “When a sumph (sump) or pit is sunk down in a lode, they break and work it away as it were in stairs or steps, one man following another, and breaking the ground which . . . . . . . is called stopeing; and that height or step which each man breaks, is called a stope. Likewise, hewing away the lode overhead, is ‘stopeing in the back.” Pryce. 281 Stopes. Mining term for a stull, winze, or rise. In the Clay-work district it means the face of the clay- pit. “A good stopes,” i.e., a good deep body of clay. Stope-a-back. A mining operation. E.N. See Stope. Stop net, or Stop seine. The great, or principal seine net used to enclose a shoal of pilchards. It is often 1600 feet long, and about 60 feet broad. One edge is supplied with corks to float it, the other with leaden weights to sink it. When “shot,” for a shoal of pilchards, it surrounds them circularly like a wall, and the “tuck-net " is used to remove the fish from it. See Tuck-net. Stound. A sudden and great pain. Strake, or Stréke. A small tye or gounce for washing the fine ore Stuff, as in streaming tin. Pryce. The term Strakes is used of the mica pits, (Q.V.) or long shallow places in a clay-work. The clay water runs slowly along them as it dsposits mica (Q.V.) In Celtic Cornish, Strék, a stream. Strake, or Strakey. To steal marbles, M.A.C. Straking along, Walking slowly, Sauntering. In Celtic Cornish Strechye means, to stop, to stay, to tarry. Stram. A falsehood. Stram. To slam, or shut anything violently. Stram-bang, or Slam-bang. All of a sudden, in a noisy manner. - 282 Strammer. A big lie, a large thing, a tall stout woman. “What a strammer!” Stramming. Telling “awful lies,” telling “thunder- ing” lies. Strange. Half mad, delirious, “talking quite strange.” Strap, or Strop. A bit of string. A small cord. (Strop, Armoric. Borlase.) Strat. To abort. “Strat veal.” C. Straw mot. A single straw. Stream of tin. Loose stones containing tin “when found together in great numbers making one continued course from one to ten feet deep, which we call a stream.” Borlase's Nat. Histy. Streams. Strains, as “streams of music.” Streamer. A tinner who works in a stream work, searching for, or washing tin ore. Streaming. Washing tin-ore in a stream work; also, dipping washed linen in the “blueing” water, or rinsing it in clean water. Stream-work. A place for the raising and washing of surface or alluvial tin ore. Stretcher. An exaggeration, a lie. “What a stret- chor l’ Strike. V. To anoint, to apply any unguent by smearing it on a diseased surface. Strike. Eight gallons measure, or Winchester bushel. 283 Strike, Streeck, or Strik. “To let a man down in the shaft by the windlass, and if he calls up to the men above ground to ‘Streeck,’ they let him go further down.” Pryce. From the Celtic Cornish word stric, active, nimble, swift. String. A thin vein or lode of ore is so called. String course. See String. Stringy. Term used of vegetables when too old and fibrous. - Stroil. Strength. Polwhele. See Sproil. Stroil. A weedy growth of coarse grass, sedge, &c. In Celtic Cornish, Strail elester, means, a mat of sedg or rushes. Strome. A streak. Stromy. Streaky. Strother, or Stroth. Hurry, fuss. “What's all the stroth about , ” Strove. To force or compel an unwilling belief. “He strove me down to a lie.” Strow, or Strawl. A litter; confusion, row, distur- bance, or turmoil. (Strove. U.J.T.) Strub. To steal. As, to strub an Orchard, i.e., steal the apples. Strunty. Misty, foggy, M.A.C. Stub. To grub or dig up the roots, as of furze, &c. “Stubbing furze.” Stubbard, or Stubbet. A kind of apple. 284 Studdle. A timber support of the “deads” in a mine. “As if a studdle had broke and the ‘deads’ were set a running.” Borlase's Celtic Cornish Vocaby. Stuffle. To stifle, to Suffocate, as with smoke. Stugg. A large brown earthenware vesssel. See Steyne. Stuggy, or Sturgy. Short and fat. Stull. A place to receive ore. E.N. This is a Celtic Cornish word and means in that language, a rafter or style. In a mine, timber placed in the backs of levels and covered with boards, or small poles to support rubbish, is called a stull. Astull, or astel in Celtic Cornish means “a stage of boards.” Stumpy. To walk, to hobble. “Stumping along.” Sturt. A run of good luck. A beginning of work, Suant, Zuant, or Suent. Going smoothly, regularly, or without much friction or obstruction. There is another meaning, thus, if a tobacco pipe were nearly chool= | – (75 © 2 L,Ļ > 2 )) LLI ~ ~ |- DATE DUE ºjº MAY 1 6 1996 Bºjaíº USE Grºſſ,’ DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARDS R ( R. R.|× №. ( №. ( №. R. º->~~~~ - |× : |( №.